REPORT OFTHE CHAPTER-GENERAL '[be <Branb {prIor\? of tl)c @rbcr of thc lbospitRI of $t. 30bn of 3cl"nsaIclll
JEnglflllb .
T -i"N TS.
l',\ H'l' 1. 1 ("1' . ~Ielllber,; of Coullcil and Cllaptel' nlHI l ~xccl\li\,ll Olliccl'
h lCOIIW al111
Repol't of the Ch a pter-Genera l, includin g I' li.
Hepol t of Promotiolls aIlll Atll1lissiolls Obit nary J oLicc. .d. IY<lnls 1'01 Aut:; of' Uilllal1tr)'
.\ \ '.
en'ice 1\1L'tlals
,relluUl Vote
or T hanks
1\1ercan ti Ie Ma 1'i Il e 'olll'l'l'ClIC'
RecioI' of 't. John':; qllllrch (Clcl'kclll\ell) Hepol L
]0 I ') 113 ,)
26 27 28 20 "I 32 :32
100o, to
Ex<tnti II i II~ , ~;).Il Fnrlll ol''i'rsta11lcntary Be'II\f'SL ,'nh:cripliflll Furl11 ...
_ I ' ll.
llpplemellial 'hartet' Eigh th I II lCl'Ilational Red Cros:
.\ 111.
EXI"'"flillll'l! Accoullt
A j> J> IW D LX 1\. ip(illll:; illl!l f),lImtioll ' tu JI l;tfl Udicc:, h011l OeLolJcl', HUl'Ll'llIlwl', 1D07 Life i\[ l'l1Ihcrs II 011 0 I'ar,)' I.i f'e :\l~ Illhc!':;
Gellem l IleporL TJ 01 1Olll'l> rot' , 'Pl'vices !'I'nsclI La I i OilS, , 11ll]l011allL Meetings 'ol1l l lr.Li I iOlls Pol ic:r, 1\1:lri II t' Hl'pol'L or lhe ComI1IlS'liOIl('r rol' :1pncial Services Ihig:Ld" Dp:lI'f' I C'J111pani!'s AlIxiliar'y H.oyal N,l\al Sick Borth ] ()HerV(: I ndia ( I [ Oil. Org'lllizil1g CUI11Tl1is:-;iol1C'I"s He}lorL) 111\'a,li(l Trallspol't Corjls DilllC:l1I ~ l el1lorial AllIhulance ,'talion 13 L. Pall!'s A III hllla lICC • La Lion bSlw of ('( rlificales Military 1I 01IIC IIospitals Hescl've
xi ' .
61 6 69 11 I 'PEt l l JlS II.
~()lIlillal }{nll
Lady , Yat on':; RI'lIOlL ..
uf ]\[t!lrul'olitan i)i,'Lricl, Pruvincial, Colollial all,l FOlrign 70
St. H elena',; Nursing liollle, ,I Cl'llSalelll
Hepol t. of the Librarian
II. ,'( Ilt'I1I011t
Adtlend um
1 1'.
Balance heet and I ncollie and I~xpc])flillln' AccOllnt til 30th eptelll her, Hl07
J . l'PE.TJ)IX C. \If !. 's n' of 'crlilicates, ;\1 '(I dliulll:i awl Labels to Centres, facing
L Icd 1\ I',I}'(:;(tf) '11 ll'lI[lulil.lIl DisLI iut (b) PI'OI'illl'ial (in alphilLetic,ll ordu) (c) Drit i"h DOl11illiolls Itcyo)1{1 lire, 'ca.
i.-Australi .• PA1-\ 1'
ii.-.. . rell' Zealand ... iii.-, 'outll Afrit·(1. iv.-Elllpire of IIHli<1 \' -,-'tl,tits "l'LLlelll\'lIl
Report of the Committee of t.he Bl"itis h Oph t.ha lm ic Hos p ita l, J erllsale m.
I'i. Clrillfl .• vii. --Gihral tal' \·iii.- <lnada ix.-Pari: .. .
PART III. Report of the Ambula nce Depar tm e nt of t.he Or d e r , viz:
The Central Executive Committee of the, l. JUhll Auilmlalll'e Ass(Jl:ialiou ...
The Chapter of the Oruer of 't. John (with IlalllC~ of ~lullhcn; of COlillcil and E xeculive Olli<:el's)
Current Pamphlet:; and Papers
AL 'PENIHX D. Report of L11e '!tief 'oll1mis ioner of lhe Sl. J oh11 Ambulance Bricrncle o 11l(lex to lli Lto. I . U.
Pall' 1., 11. , and III ., are illdepenc1el1tly paged.
75 17 1 G:]
171 179
190 1no Ull
un Hl~
(thc (13rnn() lprtor~ of the G'r{)er of nbc 'IT)ospttnl of 5 t. 50hn of 5erusnlem in lEnglanb.
~h e
The Ohapler eOllSiSIH of' Lilo l(lligilLH or ,JlIstice alld SlIb-Pl'clltLes, cle jtwej Ule Executive Omcers; Lhe HolecLcd Ment bel's of GOlll1cil; tho followi Ilg @ fUcinUng (1;Dnplrrin~, The Hey. Thp l1ev. Lhc811h-Denll or Lho GilA I'I<: I.H j{.OY ;\f.,
~l1urrd!J 1\ J1~cn b !I n'b ~~n lro\l of tile @rbn.
ll r:-; no\' \L
G.C. V. O.
r ~Eglr.
Un tlllT
Ek~ 'elIi': J)Uh,l~ OJ!' Co
J5nruliuc ® mrcr$. ,raec Lltc Al'ehhi~hop ofYonl{. Chwlallvl'-The Hight lIoll. Earl En;l: m, ' tHo'TATTON. Secrd((ry,Uc'lleml-l't1Inllll :--;il' Blum:I:]' ,11>:1'YLI., K.l'.1\l.U., H.E. BCC:l'Il·IJ· (ic II U'iI ! EI)\\ l~ 1"lt "HII 1"[1'; 1,]), E~q., LL. n. Alllwlllr-The He,'. (,);111\111 J)l 'KWOltTII, C.V.O., D. n. Rcgi (ml'-1\liljol'·Gelleral 1.01'11 CIlI·YI.J'X'IOI:E, '. \'.0. Ocllcalogil-Ril' .\1.1"1:1]) SCUll ~cnT1·G \'I I\", ',\'.0. (hldel). Dircdvl' of lli(' .A II1b1l/((11", 1), I'll dlllcnlThe Must lIoll. the .l\IAHQl'''SH Ill" !;I:J-.AJI,\I.J; \ . f" h.t.. Llbral'ian-Lil'l1t·Colollcl HI\'IIAltJ) 1l(lt.l;J(CIII~ . Scacial'l/-001ollel ,sir lIm:Bll:1' C, 1'1' It 1:(1 I I, Uarolle(, C.Il. Chail'iJ/an of the Bllfil>lt ()j,hOwlolle llusjlitul, J'l'lIsa/clIlThe Hight 11011. Knl Ij~(;I-I:lll l ()F T ,\I10.""'. Chi~f Scactlll'!J 0/ t1w.AlI/lullellll·' D'll((i'llllCllt Uoluut'l ,'il llJ';J:IU.1l 1' C.l'J:I:I:Ul"l, II!. , '.Il. Pl'cla{t)- ll l
~ ~$i~lnl\l Assi::;tallt
Dil'Ll'lvJ' 11./ (/tt) .Amlllllanc:r..
RIl' II.\J:['
,\C 'l'E:'II'I.I~, I:al UlJ
t, '.1.1...
.Assistant Secreta I'!J- LOllUI.\l: l' tl [OCK \\' lI,L I., ,E.-q. AC:C:Ollllt(Ult'- \YIl.1.LDl H. Ell\\'.\J:lJ,', Esq., A.l'.A. jJu"I'lirfl, Jl'!'/(S(fl,
Lieul.·()cr!tllJel.1. T. \r(IOf 1:) ( II l''''J:U\\. g. Assistant lion. Secrctal'!J (lo!' Scotland) uf lhe El'itilili Ojlhtlwll11u' III 'j/IIIIl, Ju ll~(1hlll J. IIon:-m 'TEYE.'.O,', E";ll. ( llieOlll rmsllinll1()
{[b c (!to ll ll el l. T he Council cOllsi.t., of the following :-
nb·Pnor, U' Pre irlcl1t
oj}ic I v, the EXe'(;lllin Ofliccl'.. aud the
Selected Members . Sir JOHN FUULEY, O.D. M ajor·General J. O. DALTO~, R.A . T he R ight Ron. Viscount RKUTSFOIlD, G. C,1\1.G. T he Right Ron. Lord Mos 1"1.':\. Oolonel O. W. BO\\,DLEj~ BOWDJ.ER,
O. D.
Sir J.AMES D ICK, K. O. B., R. N .
Colonel 11' Ull \ n LE,' 1\1. \Y .•1'''0, 1\. . 11. c:., '. D., It E. :'il DYUB DLCK\\OJ:nr, M.D., LL.D. 1\IaJ0I'-Celleral ir 0\\,1'.' T. Hun.'F., G.C.I.E., l\. '.,'.1. ,-'il' (~JwHta;
\'\.1 BI:
'unw, Dal'()lIet.
IlIspl'clor. (iclleml Ih.Lcl:An; rTl~.·IS, 1\I.D. H.N. Sll'lUllJ U:D DoV'(;r. \:-; PU\\'ELI., g,\l'Ollct, K. C. V. O. ,1'.1. D. 00101le1 '11' Or E)[ E. - I 1\I. ROYDH, G. n.
Lieut·Oolonel •'il'
Il'IU':HJlI'II':l.lJ, I~~rl.
JE~qttit£~, f:illrW")II-Oe'11rrnl, 'it' LLIA~I \Vll.f.J ,\M D . .J\\Jr-;s, Esq.
(!limce nnb'
Dt., U. I.E.
"T ,
~ir gDW\llIJ O'MALf.I<;\,.
Colollel K lL 1'1:ATT, Li!'lIL·Col(Jllol hOI: 1'1I1/,1I'I'H, D.8.0., M.P. ()olollC'1 eH \HJ.I ~S F. ,"1. CI..\II: AK!-;JltUTllEH ,
ill.V.n., lJ.H.O.
L ,\ 'I'JlO \1.
The following are the Knights of Ju stice : PriJlP(, Cfll:JsII' Ill· "l( III w·;\\/C: TI () I S II'; I , . , K . ( :., (:'('. I L II .M. King II \ \KIl III" TOI: \\'.\Y, I\.(i., l:.U, H" (U~. \'.0. lI. I r. 1'1 illl:(' A Lin: 1:1' () '" SI' II I.I'·S\\· I 1;lInloH'l'!'I-'; , C:.C.IL, CU'. \'.0. II.S.lf. Th(' ])nkl' III '1'1'.( I" (U',V.O. lI.~.Ir. ['rillee FI:,\.·( IS Ol' '1'1',( K. I(.C. \'.0., ]),,'.0. VH'p·Arllllll'lLl [I.;... . II. i>J'ill('e LOllI'l OF 1\.\'1'II.H..TJ.
I h '1:1-:1:(1, (~.C.IL,
K.G.r.I.!L, H.N.
TI.S.II. Prllll'l:AI I' '\'111':1: (I.e. \'.0., T) .... O.
(~IO:OI:(:Jo; lJfo' TEl K,
('(, '.'\I]Ofl'l·,
II'It/·.SIIFII'I!), E!il(.,
( firm (j)'{f 1',1/ (·oiIl1IWncle?'.)
II is Omrc Thl' ]Jllke o( FIFl~J 1\.'1'. Till' I:ight !lOll. Lonl BIL\,','Ji:Y, G.O.B. '('hI' l{i;,(hL H(JII. \TiHenllIJL 'l'IDIPLr;;TOw~. The KighL II()]]. !Lad A:'fIJEI::-;r. The night IllIil. \'i<:('()llllL K.UTSFOltD, (i.U.~l.<,.
(lfnllo/'(/I'Y BllilifT.) :M\eLI~.\,·,
AI: l'IWlt FI:.\.'UIS (il:I,HILUI LEVE. O~nOWIW, Ji.: 'q . Lil'lll. ·Uol. F. A. I[Jo;Y(;xl'/;: L.UlBRRT. ('(,1. ,'ir l 11.\1:1.1:,' \\TY.'IJII ,\)[ MtTllUA.Y, G.B. 'I'IH' I:igllt non. Lho Earl of R'\~FUnLY,
(!.(' ..
'1'1:1'\ 1';,'1:.'.1 \,\1
,"s ITO!
I \
'l'hi' Kigh t
l'.ll. (l/oI/PI'('1'111JII/1i{T.) 'l'h,~ Right lInll. Lord ~I'\ '\J()I:~:, (;.( .~l.(i. Sil '1'1I0\f \. 1'01:1'11 \)II 'K L\UIlI:I:, B:lJ'l1lH't. illajol ,'II AI:I' IIII:.\I.I' 1.\\11:, Baroll'1. ('0101H.:l ~lI'lIl,I:J:I':I:I' '. 1'1'1:1:0'1 I', IH., '.Il. Thr W:.:ht Ilnll. Earl I'Ll:IUW '. Colollel ,'ir.J ,\\110'." (; 11.111':.\, . \ '. 0., ( '. Il. ][I":\I:\, .I(lil . LlIJoTl 'H, K'q. '0111]\1,1 1~1 ~l' ln:l , :\1.\1:1 I.' 1l\\\'I':H. The Rigll L I (011. LIlt.! 1\ :II II 1":s'I' u Jo' 11.\1'" 'I';\'. Cellera! SII' elf \1:1.1·.:-; \\'.\1:1:1-:.', i.C.Mol:.,
KJ'.n., 1:.1':. ilhjor,(:cllf'l'itl ,I \:'II~s GEI·II. D .\.T. l'o .', ItA. 'OI11lll1 1\'\1 .\11": (;lllTLn llu:-;-rEl:-\\TEsl'O.', D ".0., I' .K The RH.;l t IInll, l~:lrl Er:1-.lao:{ OF TATTO~. Uolol!el The l'igli L lIoll. Lonl \\'ILI.fAM CR('lL, fit. V.O.
Lord,' \ ",nllU I:H1', G. O. S. I. ,
u. U. I. E.
~ir .1ulI ,' FIII:LI':\"
Alisistcwl IIt;Ct i I'! 1'-1<: I )\\ 1:-;- 11. FlU.SIIl·II' I Il. ESll., ~l. A. .dssistaill Librul'iall-()YI:1 I. D .\\ b.' 1'01:'1', E.'II'
Hail. Seactal'Y vi tlu JJJ'ltis/t Ojl/taw/mic
I~J)\I'IN [1 .\="Ho ,
Th ·
Liellt.'Uulollel bll
1)1 \()\;, ll~s'l' Till' Hight 1[011. tit!' IGarl or I'I.Y"OI III. The H,igltL Iloll. Ille II;arl of" \' \ IlBOI:OI e:J(. J\!ajor.({eIH'ral L. V. SWAI\I':, U.IL, ('.i\U:' 1 ~J).\11T"1) O\\'lm, Il:sq., LL.ll., II'.ILU.!-I. 'fIll' J{lglil 11011. Lore! ('I. \lJll II .U III.I·O ,·,
1(,(:., (i.('.
\V. \rOOD.
\ , ' I)
l1fS ECpt:cfSCltlilliuc
~1r (o r.
U.V.O., D.]).
.'il' lIe.'I:,\, , \]U'IJrJ: ]\r, .\KF., G.O.1\l.,
TIll' l{ight TInll. the' E.u·l . \, 1~J))1l'. '1) Fl: \~[,I"
ur ME.\TH,
TIU' Hight lIOll. Lrllcl ~I()~T\,~. Th e illo ~t I11Ill. the ilI.U:QUESS OF IIJ:g,\I)\LIL\ ,'E,
Ilis Urare the DUKE uF POltTLASD, R.G"
U.U.\'.O. Ii il'I(H\Iar~hnl the Right lIoll. the K\ItL ItoDI';l:rH, 1\.(.., K.?, r.le., &c. l:lll,J':l:r IIla'DE.'I·;I.T, CAn. [Ert, E'q., F.RO. Til] \1.\.' H.\Y FOI:I:EH, ESll., F.R.C .. (EJin.) Cnl,mel Jnll:-;- ALEX L-DER UA~ TlTA.RT, ',n., '.M.G.
Coiollol O. W. Thc
Hall. the )Ial'ljuess of LTXLITHGOW, G.l.~l.G.,
Licut,-Colonel A.
G. . \'.0.
'. Y
The followi n g are the Su b-Prelates : The Lord m.-ltoj1 or,' \IISI 1 I,Y. The Bishop in .lI':I:L,' \1 Dr The Bi 'hop uf UIUTISII IIt) In'IlAS.
R.r .
E SIl'
The Bishop of Gum \.LTA-It. The Bislwp o( lJU'l!..llI'\, (Prilll1tte of New %ealand).
The following Memorandum as to payments is issued for general information and
I'd r , an 1 PosL Orders whaLc\yer shoull b eros cl "Lor no \V E 2.
rIlHl~ 111 i LLan
, ror
the Almon r's Department, and ror Lh g neral runds of the Order should be mad pay abl Lo Lhc" Jrand Priory of the Order of Lhe I IospiLal of Jerusalem in England," cr ss,cl a abov . 3. R emi lLances for Lhc
should be made I ayable Lo Lh
John of
I'partm nL
"Sl. John r\mllilan
J rusal m I Iospital should Lhe "British
Hospita l, J erusalem," cro sed as above. Bankers' Orders forward d all application. (By order), EDWlr
'11.\ PTEll-GLXRfL\L OF
.. I'E. IlI'IELD,
Rea/ZIt r- Gt 111'1'(71.
8'1' . .)OIL ' ()F .h~I{lT :-L\LEi\1 IX K ' OLA . . TD has the plrastlr t() report Lhe 1'0110" ing promotions in and admissions to thc Order dllring the pnst yenr:A8 1Iu//(I/'!/"Y 1Cili[lltt (If JII .·{irr. 1Lh.11. Prince ~ilel Frieflridl ()f P1'11S in ( +mnd :Mastel' of the ,J nhiinniL r rdell). OF
As 1(1/ if/Itt
Association," crossed as above. 4. RemiLLances for th
30hn of 3crllsalcll1 in JEngIanb.
l ))
OblaLions, and r
h ques, P sLal
CSranb lPrior\? of the @rbcr of the
'lI)ospltaI of
guidance :I.
JlI .·{ ir'f'.
Liclil.-C'()l(l1wl Ar111111' C,ullpl) .11 Yate Cfl'()])) KnlO'ht of hnce ). 1. . L(frly (/ Ju .·tire. Th ' Lad) ~\.llilt r~ of ITa k11 y (frolll La<ly )1' h<lCe). A,' J(Jliyltl8 of (r"'(f r,e . I r.E. 'I'll' Big'h1 lI()nl)l . The Enrl ofMinLn , U.M .• '.I., tnI.I.E., G.( ' ::\I.U. (ric 'I'D. r ur Illclin,). .J (JIm 11 111',)" Tn1'll r. L](lll t - '(J11ln 1 GO()l'~' Fr ckrid~ Me; ,ViI li n1l1 " M.D., (from ll()ll()l'< ry A t;s{Jcia t ). Colnn'l IIarry jl olyn 'l1X 'arter, '.h \Villialll Allan .Jallli ,,'Iln (fl'nll1 EStluire). TIll' Hight HUll])l '. ~ir ,'ayil Brinton 'ro ' ley, Bt., P.G,
l\I.Y.O. '!n.1Hle Btl'" . PallllCl'. Sir' illin.lll Tholllns Lewis, Baronet, K.C.V.O. H.E. +on'1'al the l ig-bL HOlll)le. Yiscol1nt I~itchene1'. :r.GB., O.M. , U. 1.l\I.U., l;' ' . ( 'ullllllnnc1 r-in-Chief, India).
Orde?' of St. JOh?l of
Obit n((/Y'!I
B1'io'n,cle- Ul'O'O n-LienL.- olonol Edwin .J ohn ITun Lor, o L.n .. P~E. (fl'orn TlonOl'n,l'Y A 0 in.Lo). u tl 101'1.Hll1, 1\"'l - . 1). . , 1'1'01'1 1lono1'ary 1\L~or 11m'1o~ J amos l""lU A .. 0 in,to). J
As Iloll(lI'u1'Y JCni,qltt (~f' G'mer'. 011 lllHlllcLln CHnbcl'L IIll ~ s noL (lc S A. socintc). A Lud ie,<'!' of G}'({('('.
ng s (Crom IIonorn,ry
Her (hnc the Dn bes POl'tlnnll. Tho Mn,l' 'hilme . s of LinIiLhgol\. 1\11' . Hngh ~uLl j Ciouo·b. The Vi. connLe . F<tlklam1. Snsan, onnte s of Mallll ,' lmry. 1\[1' . Aylmor Guull 1Iunter-\V esLon.
As E'qni,'c'. Lient.- Inn I 1eOl'gc Alg l'llOl1 Dmtr n. Tholl1.1 OliYe1' FrLl er. \\Tillitllll H nry ~ t. John Hop.
HOllOl'(lI'Y} Cl'vi rng Em/lu' l·s.
J allles NLnart Brook , Ii .H.C I.N.T., L.K .Q.C P.l. Henry Ell ward Iellor. AlLert HinchlI1fe. hade Thornes. hade Jmne, \Villiam .nll. Peter Rn. sell airn,', L.R. j.P. Oeoro'e Thomas ooper. \\ illiam .Jewell. Alfred Francis ~ tre t, LD. As Honorary Suuillg 'i ·leT '. Nurse Sarah 1'0'. 1\1iss Henrietta InO'all. .11iss l\Iartha Parnham. 1\1rs. Ann Chn,rd. Iiss Annie Jane Douglas. As Hono?'(~?'Y A. societies. Colonel Joseph Alexandor alnpbell. 1\1iss Ada 1\1 aria Yirby. George Locke, 1\1.D. Hugh Lewis Hughes, L.R.C.~~. Thomas Freclerick Pearse, M.D.
Henry V\7 nelon, .J.E. MisH 1m'jon Thnrlnll'lI. Miss 1\1 atilcln, VilJ ie]'s. .J olin 110]'(1., Y ollalld, tH.. I.~'. .Joseph John Jru:;kson , IJ.H. I.I>.E., TJ.H.C.S.T. Art1llll' l)ol)sol1, M. R. '.S., L. H. I.P. Va,vicl ])011 , I.A. rJiollul Li tcll fieM PI'cst on, M.D. LcrLral1l l\lit ronl TleroJl l\ogC'l'S, M.D., l\tH. '.~ '., L.R.C.P. Ant 11(11), TIll'nlmll H 'wl],y. Art 11 111' L('wis loch I'alle'. A1'th1l1' Evnns, ~r.P. I . ~ ' . , L.R. ;.P. \Villialll n 'I'ti ' ~b( · ki\.)', 11.lJ., l~(l. , l\I.H,(I.S. Ia.pta.ill 't'Ol'0'c ~ 'ylllC'l'S TIill, .Jl.lJ. lolonel Peter Bro()lll lilcs. Leona]'cl G]'C'enhaJlI Stnr lolloy, 1\1. \.. , l\I.D. Thc s 10uLioll a an HOllorary r nighL of JnsLico of R.n..H. Prill 0 Ei Loi Fl'io(hi ,11 of Prllssia look placo at a specialllleeting or tho jhapt Ir-Uoneral helcl on Lho 1.3th March, 1907, and the Insignia was PI' senL (1 tu I [is Hoy, 1 IIigbn 'S at 13 din on the '1Dth. UnTcb, 1D07 , 1»), a (lOpntaLi()u consisting of IL '.H. Prince Franuis 0[' T 'uk allel the ~el'l' tal'y-({ell nt.1, l10lllinateel lJY His Majesty tho King t() l)e pros 'llL at the Installation of Hi· Royal Highness as U mnel 7\LtsLer ()r the Jnhii.ll11iter nlen. The cere111011io ' in u()nll ctiOll \\ ith Lh ' Ill ,tnllatioll were cmried out with O"reaL olclllnity allcl grall<l 'l11' , <1J)(1 IIi, Imperial Majesty the Gorman EIllp 1'01' was r)l'aCiUll, ly pleased tu receive the deputation in amlicncc amI to accord it. a yory cunlial welcome. I
Tho O1'd l' has to b .lllont tho cleath ' of tho following Members and HOllorary A, soci at s : ie/liVid, 'l JU8liCf'. - 'olon 1 ~ 'il' Ihades I-hlO'hes-Hunter, Baronet, on 2nd February, 1907. ~ir Brool~ Kay, Baronet, on 16th 1\1arch, 1907. Francis Robert Davies, on 23rcl April, 1907. Lculie.' uf Justice-l\Irs. R. 1 eynolds Howe, on 23rd April, 1907. The Dowager Marchioness Conyngham, Oil 2 ' th November, 1907.
Gl'aef)' of St. Jolin of JCf)'usaZCfJ71.
1(n ig1tt8 (~r G }'({cc.-Licut ennnL-Culonel Gorge Fl' c1 rick l\fc\Villiflll1S, M.n., on '121.11 11' bl'llfl,l'Y, 1007. G n ral .TnllleR richnel, I.N.I., on 17th F h1'unry, 1907. rl'luHl1nH ,\Tn,kl)" F.H. 1.f-'., on 10th April, 1007. 8nl'g'col1-Gen 1':1,1 Sir .r (IS ph F<l)'l' r, Bfll'(1) L, K. 1f\.J., on 2 1sL 1\Tay, 1007. '111[11'1es 1)\ () 1) l' l J:l'l~l (,ell l' 1 n,l. ()l' 1\1 Lnt\ri<1(f on Hlth ,lUll, ID07. CharI. Fi(ch r l11P, F.e.A., on :i1st Oc(nb l', 1007. Ludic, of G,'uce.-The \mn( ss Indogan, un fH 11 F In'unl'Y, Hl07. The L:uly Agnes Bll1'11C, Ul1 7t h .r 11ly, ln07. 1\1rs. 'Y. n. Mn ph 1'SOl1, on 2 ~(1I Orlnl, 1', 1 D07. EsquiTe. -Captain 1 F. Cr()lIli , Oll 7lh Or(oh I' , 1007. HUi/(ll'ul'Y, (')'ving lJ,'lil!tc".- Thlllll:1S 1,;('n1',)', (Ill (jlh ~ln.r, 1n07. J1ui7o)'(lI'Y A.80r'i(ft(',",.-Th n Y. Inn()n \ViIlinlll 1Tnig Dl'o\\ n , L L.J)" oil 1 I til,) a1l11:11')" 1 !l07. U('ol'ge f;1tcph 1'<1 011 201h, 'op( . . 1111, 1', 1D07, The n \, 1[ugh .1. Furl :('11t', ~l.J\ , on7(h Octlll,cl', 1!lO7 ~
Colonel •'ir harles Hnghes-Hunter 11ncl nlwHy~ vin'o!l interost in all mn.tters conn ct ,d \\'i Ih (he I'd '1' illld i (s Departments, and had onconrage(l Lh exLunsion aml d " 'luplll 'llL of alllbubnce work ill and about Ang·lesey. Sir Brook I ay was one of tIlo seni\)1' Knigb Ls of .J ustice, an(l by his LesLmuentary bequesL Lo the Oreler of his shnl' 8 in ell St. John's Gale ( 1erkenwolJ) 1001lP::lJlY, Lill)iL 1(1, gay a pmeli 'n] proof of his inLeresL in iLs proceetlil1gs Lllll'illg a lllllll I)er uf ) eill'S,
lor mn.ny or which he wn.s n. regnbr n.LLenc1n.nL noL hapLer. He wnos a180 one of' Lh ol'igilHd prOllloLers of Lbe Choltenham CenLre of' Lhe • 'L. ,John .1\1I11)11]n11ce .1\8socirtLion. 1\fr. F. h.. Drtvies, a180 n. sellinr Knigh t of' ,Jn sLice, hrta for mn.l1'y y a1'8 nconrnge(l Lh (10\' ']oplllellt mId ext'11sion or tbe Ol'cl '1"8 Alll1m1ance 1)epnl'L1l1ont in Dnl)lin, of' which ienLre be wn.s I he 11 rgc'l ic an(1 zealous Pl'esi(l IlL. Mnjor Fl 'I.rh r Lllt'\\i(lgc, \\'ns the scrona sonior Knight of irnco, and 11 lei ollirc flS (,he IIonom1'Y. 'ecroLary of the Tunbridge '\Vells nIl' n[ the A1111m Jance J) partlllenL since Lhe year 1879, n.nd L11 Joss of' his ya1uflble S 1'"i<: s \"ill l)e greatly fell lJoth in Lbe SL .J (lhll A lldmlal1ce Af->. oeini ion flnc1 in Lhe Driga(le. Colon 1 U. F. Tc ,\Villiallls,- T11C Perth (\Y ('sLern AusLralia) \~llLl' 0[' Lh O]'(lor's Allllll1la.nce J) pnrtllJ nL hns sustainod a ()']'en,(, loss 1J\.I ' 1,11 ' d '[1111 of' (11 is 1\f cllll)(.!I', Lo whose 1111C n5111(1 caro, h L1'ouJ)le ::md en rg'.) i( ow s, in a gT 'flL l11enSIll'e, its prosent sntisf'aclnry position. lo]un --.1 1\Ie,\Yilliflllls' (lenLIl occnrred in AlhLmlia l)('fol'e (,]1 noLificaLion his proll1otion Lo Knight of Crnc(' e01ll!1 h C()llycyce1 lo hilll. 1\[1' T. ]-f , \Val·I y, w11i1 ' Iflking a grcflt. inl r st in the eten ral work of' I]) ' Onl r. \"ill 1le rCll1elllllerecl mOL especifllly Oll flrrOllllL ur llis eyel'-\\ illillg' J'0.acliness 1.0 a(hnllCe 111e intorests of Lho Orc! r',' British Opbthn1ll1ic ]Jospilnl at .Jerll. n1 1ll,10th by frequt!1lt at I('mbllCP nL its (l o1ll11l illec 111 oLing. nuc1 by bringing its m'UCll L needs h - . r()re tll e no Ii C' of the PllUliC throll uh the III (li11111 or LIl GO]l1l11I1S of' III Lm71 t, (lilec] l)y hi111. 'I'll ' na11] , or ~ir.J Ck 'ph Fa,) reI' win lnuc"ue beM in honoura11e l' 111 llllll'nllcc for 11is v:t1nnll]e rtuc1 gnlhmL sCl'yicos c1ul'in o' the Lrvil1(I' tilllCS or the 111(lin11 ilfll(ilW flS" 11 ns fnr 11i ' professional ,J J 1IIin '118 '. at ",i t h. lalH1ing lh many calls npoll his time ill ynrinns dil' c:Li()ll.', 1)(lCh nL th In<lia Ollice nnd elsewhere, he was al)l' lo orl n atl J1(1111 'li11gS of thc n1er am1 in many otlwr wnys 10 lllainLnill ils high lr<l(lilion .. ~Ir. Filch I\: 'll1p ha(l [or Y 1'.1' lllflny ycnr. l'ell!lerod yal11able nnd lllllCh-nppl' 'eiat (1 nssislnnc in nll(litill~' nnnunlly the accollnts of Lhe 8L. ,John's Unlo (el J'k l1W 11 ) '<Hllpnny, Lillli ted, in hi ' 'iLy n~ Honorary AmliLur. Ln.(1y Cill1ogn.n hael n1\\,fl,\ <.; tak n Lhe grea( st pmcticnl intere t in n.ll charitable Will'1\:. :11ll1 81 e ,jaIl,), ns Yic -Heine. in the
.. XlI.
Orde?' of St. Joh 11 of JalL '({ie'))/',
chn,ritio o[ 11' lann , inclmlinr: , ' Lho \V0111 on's l\I morial Lo Qn n "' ictoria. hc Iyns al '0 011 thc Conneil o[ Lho Quoon'~ 111'S08 Funel and rurthorotl in many WilyB tho intor fils or nnlll rons other philnnthropic h elies, Lady Agno Burno' lo,,-s lo (.11 Onl l' will bo gr n,L1y f'elL, not only on acconn(, of' her g n r inter . t in all thaL n.pp'rUtin tl to it woHm', ImL also Cor llCl' p l'sonnl and pra 1irn,l f1Upp01't of t.he Hospital ntnrtby Fund 1'1111'0 01' (h Nt. ,John Ambulanco .LL 'oc iat/ion. l\Ir, l\fa pho1' on hacl but b(cl) bccomo a l\1 mbor )1' tIl Orelor but, no\'e1'Lh01 s h'-HI already L) gun (n tak I1p tho gou(l work which ifi carried on hy tho L:Hlies 0(' t.h' Order ill tll Pari h of St.John, lerken\\ell, Nhe had onJy r C 11(,1) l' tur11 (1 from Japan, whore, during tho \\ hole p rio(l nr (ho HussoJ apane 0 war, . ho had holpetl the Ladi's Vulunt.ary Assncint.ion of the Japane DatI rOfiS ~oei ,t.Y, and had renl,d:l 11S f'nl branch of it n,m nU',L the fOl'oi!,!'n h(li '8 1'"'8i(1 'nt in Yokohnllln. o The Japanese anthorili s h1ghly nppro'iat (1 h l' \\ Ilrk, anel she was appoint 'cl n spocial III 1111) l' or tll .Japan 'so n )(1 CruS8 ~ 'ociety in rocognition of her f1el'yices, )11', Thomil Len.ry:-Fnr lll:lny .r ill'. , past t hlfi g nLlolMUl deyoted a great part or his tilllo Lo l)),()lllot ing' tho \\ ,li'al'c ()r III Barrow-ill-Furno. s Cont]' , w11 1'e his ,\,())'k ns lIol1u1:t1'Y ~' 1'1"(il1')' will long be rem embered :In(l It ,ld in apprecial,iol1, The Rev, anon Htlig' Brown :-For lllilny, aI's t JII ' r<1st r of Charto1'house had nllowecl (h' 1I lid) I'"~ nn(l . :\ '~(l('iaL 's III hold their nnual Uonoral A~selllLly aL Lllo 'ha)'t 'rlu)l1s " ilnd had gnmtecl tho uso of its f!rount18 to tho ~Idrop()lilan 'Ol'}J: of the 'to John Ambulance Brigct(le for c1C1tlUnst rat ions, par:Hl S, and assemLlie .. , Although the ere<..:Lioll uC th 11e\\ Chapter Hnll no longer neces itates the llligratiun ()f Lh l\tClllbors :lllcl Associates to the 'hal'tel'huu'o fur tho ,01 1)rat iun ()r (It An1lual Anniversary, still the Re\'el'ClHI 'anun's former bndn -,.', :ulll co-operation ,villlong Le held in gmtefl11 rOlllOlllLml1lc >. "J
The following are the n.wnnls grantocl llurin o' Lho y al' f(lr saving, or n,tLemptin(}' to life on land, and were present >(1 to the recipients by His Royal Highno8. the Princ.:e uf \rale ', Grand Prior, :It ~Iarlborongh IT 01lSe, un ~J onc1a.) , I) til .] ul.)', 1907.
nll~ YN()N
(Colliel'V U'Ilr/e'l'-Ma?u([Jr'I'j. l'il?Je,/' Jll erla,[ A'l.uw'rlr d. Fo)' gnJlant eOlJdlwt. and presenco of llIil1d elisplayed on tho evcning or Lho 5th In,}'ell , ID07 , at tho (tellWeJl 'olliery, CWJI1folin, ill leacliug (\, reS(;lle party (lawn the colliery shaft in orelor to reach SOlllO lllinel's who bad )Jec()Jr]e entOllllJecl owing to n.ll explusioll. BeYlloll, wi ell Ii ve ot her wen, went clown in the cn,O'e wi tll (,ho view to rOf;enillQ' COlll' llIon known to be in the pit. M The pn,rty hacl to contend wiLh af'tordrtllJp and n, good cleal of gaR, mn,king tho work very Im;.ml'dollS anel cliiIiellIL. Beynon Rllpel'intendod Lhe work of' ]'Cf;CllO, allel was at his post llnclol'grouucl for Lhe gron,lel' pOl'Lioll of' Lho (ime llllLil the bodies were recovered at 7 n.1I1. on Llle lllorniug or 1\1arch 7th. FHk~l\: P l\I('E , FnEJ>EI:Je'K \VIS[~(,L\X, nn(l D ~\VI1J PHILLIP, ' ( LU{)(Iu J'r' I'..,). 1lI'(J}/: r> J.l lr r/ul .A 11)(( )'(/erl. For bravery disp]n,yed on the 12Gh 0('t01)o1'. 1 ~)06 , wll()n It eli . astl'OllS acciclent occllrred n.t n. Rewer in (':tl'pentel"s i{oad, Hackney \Yick , anel n. . ewerman nalllCel ,J 01m IIn1'l'isllll was :-;\1 I'1'0 C:I ted 1)y Ghe fU1I1es of the foul (l'as n,nd l():-;t his lifo ill SlJiLc of tho '--JQalbllt efforLs made Ly h Paico, \ViSell1all, amI Plullips L() ~a\'e him. r1 he, e three lUen were 1IlosL highly '01l1l11c}lflud 1)y 1ho COl'Uller'S J 111')" the two first were in the 0111])10),111 'llL of L]tO BUl<>llgh C()ullcil amI Phillips was a worklllnn ill 'brllico',. Factory, He is a 'orpoml in the 'l. lark '~ Di\ i-i()n of (he ~I ,tl'Op()litall iorpf-i of the. 'to John Allllmlnlll;o Brigade ancl ,y:t. al)s nt [rolll hi .. work for several we k~, It:tyi ng to 1J enL lo U (' HOllle where the locLn}' ~tato(l tIla! lie 11t1(1 had n ycry nt1l'l'OW o.cnpe of hi life. LILY ~L\I)ELIXl : \V()()]) ( lfJ{{1 Ii). BI'{)J/:;' llIecl,d ..d'l.u(l1'Clecl. For cOllspi<":11011S )Jra\'e!',)' dispb}etl at .'alford on the 29th l\Iarch , 1U07. .L\ 1Jab) wa~ \\' amlerin o' on sonlO elec tric tram lines \\ hen a'ar <":[\1110 along; the drivor a1 plied hi. ' brakes, Lut the cal' 'ou l(l not have slopp 'c1 hefol' striking the child had not tb girl \Vao(l rll. hed fUl'wal'cl, n.t the ri k of her life, and natchecl Lho baby from the ['ront of tho car, which trayelled oroe distance furthor and brll, h n (1(rain. l the crid as be tepped back with the child in her ann·. In n.dclition to the ahovo tho ilyCl' Medal of the Order was also awanlcd Lo Lioll tenant. DE.\ 'CILDU> O. DUFF, 1 t Gurkha RiHef1, ['or gallant 'omlnct tlisplnycd on the lllh April, 1905, at tho time of the Dharm ~lla enrLhlluake, when twenty-two Officer) JOHN
of Sl. Julin
Non-COlllmi ioned Officers r1.llCl ~ l en 0[' Lhe 1sL anel 7Lh lll l' khn.s were n.wal'lled the l\l ellal, th ",wanl Ln Licnt nanL Dun' being made uuscqnentlyowing Lo Lhe ol1,issio11 of his ll~lllle in the orio'inalli L or recommendation' fOrWCl,l'clc(l from ll1Cllrl. b The 8ih' l' redal wa nh;o awnl'd el to Troop-Sel'ger1.11L-l\Ii\i nr GU LnnT li ~l TU, 30th Ln.n "l'S, Imlin.ll Arlll)', ree:O ll1111 '11(1 II I)y Lhe Depuly \.djntant-Gelleml nn beh;d r or (he 1()1l11~1n.1H I 'l'-in.- th.icf in I ndia , in rccoQ'nition of Lho horoi~;tl1, hnmnlllLy, :1J1(llId hLy u di plnycd by him nnder x \ ptionally Lrying i1' '11l11slnn 'OS, he h n.yilllr lll.1l':';cll three plagnc-::-;Ll'icken 111Cn bad-c Lll 11 \;1.1t11 at gr aL ri 'k of him ell conLnLeLing ttl discnse, at n. Lima w11 'n he war-; ~Lb . . enL on llnL)' soyeral htllHlrccl:::; 0[' mil,s frol1l P gil1l n,lal. H eadquarLer' and also from moeli 'al aitl. Evid 'nco III ballaH uf the meriL )),Oll servicos perforlll II by this 1 011- \mllll issinl1 e1 Officerwn fonnuelell by the Colun ] \)lllIlWIHling' nncllhl' ~ I edi 'al OUicer of hi rC O 'ill10nL, ancl Lho cn e \\ as strollgly l"(,OI1111lCIHl (1 by H .E. lencl'lll Yiscount KiLchonel', C >lll111anc1 'l'-ln- 'hl>{', nllcl the olllllllttee of the Imlian Brandl Lhe ~L ,J olm AllllJulan '0 Association. The Meclals n.warclecl ll) Li lltennni Dulf and l'ol'-})u[l'nclnl' SinO'h ,yere 1)1' sont c1 1J)' I-l.E. the Viceroy 0[' India to Lhe b ~ 1 recipients at n. Leyce at Simla on lho 24lh l\h', 190(, lw L,,'() recipienL: lJeing introc1uced to eh Throne HUUJll 1Jy Cap Lain H olden, Yiceroy's Dody GUflnl, nn Es<]uire of tlw Order aIHl on of one of lhe 'enior awl 11l()sL 1csl'e'LOti lw[>laius. The 11 ilit[Lry 'ecrelar), read out H slaLement of llle rcspce:Li ve a wal'd~ as set forLh in Indian Ann)' Onler 1 TO. 1U{, 1 n07, l he pr 'sollLaLiull being mac1e Ly th e Yicer y, the Enrl of l\linto, on J) half of H .B.H. the Prince of \Yales, Chaml 1 rim', .
H.R.H. the Prince of \ \Tales and Lhe 'hapler-C en !'HI hay alsu awarded the :JIec1al to Dr. ALBEItT Y(). LEt 'oQ ln l' ) 'ol)'l1iLion or great humanity hown by him in extremely 1ryil1 Cf ·ir(;Ulllstance. The Medal wa' trLlc1- in golc1, this being the fir. t Lime it h as been awarded in that Uletal. Dr. t\ lb 1't von Lecoq resides at Hnllensee, Berlin, anc1 wal:) till late]y ·hief of the Royal Archmological Expedition to Tlll'fan, Chillese Turk stan. The following is the official ace:ount of Dr. VOll LecueI" gallan try ;.T
"8i l' 1·'l'(Lll Cis Youllghuslmllcl, I C(·.T. I ~., Lhe Hc::;idel1l.i ill J(;.Lsli mi l' has ")'cpw·ted to his Ito,)'nl JJig l llJ(~S~ ,LIHl tl10 'IH1.pLcl·-(Jcllc'ml Lll~t ill '.l.llgllSl., J !~()(j, ,( >1.pL;1.i:l, ,J .. IJ. I-lllc'l'l'I', Jtoy,,,l ( lc1.l'J'i~()n AI'Lillf'l'Y, was " LmvdiJllg 111 (.lllllC'SU I Urld'~t;Lll H,lld IJ)<:L J)1'. \011 L('(;oCj ,Lt Ka:-;llo·c1.l' ,. when they ;'('(,d to LJ',L\ el b;Lc-!- Lo IlIdi;1. u/" L1H' J(;LndwJ'(LJl1 )'o~Le: "_l.fl(,l' visitiJlg i\.hO(;l,ll LllC'y ldt \ 'nl'l<ILllri for L,Ld(Lkll, ()Jl 1-:)('pL(,1111)('1' I f>Lh . "(cLkltlg Lllc route Ilia I( ukjl1. iLlld tllO Til'naf (1.IHI Ym'lmllel l'i von;. " D]'. VOIl Lc,('()q W;L!i 1!1.1)(){»)' 11(';Litll, ~llfru)'illg fl'Olll, cLLla(;ks of clysollLry ,. mld n lso frol1l cicblll Ly C'iLU:'Wc! by L\HI YP;Ll'H Iml'fl:-;hip nlld lJOO l' " llo11ris lullcnl du),ing 11is LJ';wcli'5 ill Tul'!n'<;l<Lll in UI 'C,n1l:iC of :-;cic'lILific "rcs('(1.1'uh. ()Jl Odoi>cl' ~l1d. (l;tpL;Lill I-:)J1('I'(,1' was l;dn'lI ill wiLh cnteric " fevcl and P1H'1l1l1011l;1., all I I, ,,,£L!'l' U'O"ii'5illg Lbe l' anLkeJl'(UIl Fass hc was "una,hIe to proceed ;LU.)' furthcl'. t)tl Oc;LoiJul' I:3Lh. V1'. \,0{1 LeCO(l "stcLrLed fu]' PiLlHLcuik wiLlI L11U 1',LJ'CLViLll Lo obLain its:-;isL;LIlC;C H,Del ., n,rri \ cd b;L('k al (';tpL;Lill ~1J('l' 'I,l~ tr'JI t 011 U10 2J st. with a doo]'y 20 " L'Mli1.khis, flJlrl S(JllW fn'sb pOll it's. To perfuI'l11 Lhi"i fc;tt hc was oh'ligccl " tu (rcwd fnull dawn till SUllSf't r!;l,ily ro)' lJille (;Oll,;c'cuti \' 0 clays, cros,'ing .. Lhe droadful :-)assa.r.1LlIrl ~ll1l'~lll j'<l:-;:-;('S twi(;o. Durillg this timo this " gallill1L gellLil'l11an lL\'('rl Oll Iiolli' 1m.1l~ rolled})} !lis 1\11jaulik scnant ., :L1ld (11('11 dipped ill 1l1l'IL<:rl gn'as(" as lIe left llleaL ,Lllel oibe:' "sLme:-; hchind Ililll, with (L cOl11plete' ciis],C',!.!;(1,l·d uf bill1s('lf ILJlrlltis own " \tPcLlLh, fc;tl'illg ('itpLaill ~ll\'l'('l' would I'llli short. UJl U(;Lobcl' 22ncl "lhcy l->(iLl'U'cl for PnlUL('uik iLlld Ull . '()\('l1l\)(')' 2lld. (lxl'iv('rl iLL Leh. I 'ii' .. I;')'ctncis Youllghus!mnd sLaL 'S Llml, 1'1'0111 llis 0\\'11 r.:q)cl'i 'U(; :-; upon the "s:Ul1C rouL', Ill' well kllow,> llmt (his :-;(:1'\'i<.;' lllu.-L ha\'u heen of a \. s]>c ·inlly anlnolls ,LIld l:il'\'('I'l! nalun.:. TllaL Vr. Y011 L '(;uq a mere ,. ruad ;Lr'q ll<ti Iltall('C oj' Cit pL:ti I I ,1J l'I'l'l"S ;ulIl ,L Juan of ;liffcrent \. n<lliollaliL,\, should (;1'0<;' the ;-)ilSSIlI' ;mrl ~Inl'ghi Passcs LIll'CO Limes in •. fourteen d;L,) s, til, tllinl lillIe ill iL bljlldill~" ,'lIuwslul'lt1, the fin;l.i.. niLl111·d }JiLSS l)('ill~ 1/,~ll) f('('L lli!!ll, awl Lhe :-;Ul11111it eOllsi::;tino- of . " 0 "SOIlIC l Il!'l'C l1ldcs of pUl'jH'Luai ~la 'if'l' apll 'al's etll ad of self"scLcl'ifkc, hlllll<LlliLy, ami du\ l)(iU11 wlliuh is <..le::;cl'ving of e.'cevtional , J'ccoglJi.Lioll.
\.rnul<' lllenLs will, iL i~ h(Jpotl, bo llla(le thr1.t lhis l\I ec1a.lmay he presenteci, ()n behaH' oj' Ilis Ho,Yal Highn , ' the Granel Prio!', 1»), II is H()yal 11 iglllless Prince Eitel Friedrich 01 Prllssia, Grand Mastel' vf lhe .J oh~inlli lel' Orclen. The: 'ervi '0 .J LoLlal awttnloLl ior conpicllons service' to the n1 l' allll i Lc.; lJepn.rtltlonLs, \\ as prc 'eil t d to the followillg by H ,R.I L Lh' hand l )rio1' aL l\larlLorol1gh Honse on the th July, 1907 :1st 'L.\ ~ SEIWEAX'l' H . .E. l'( )::--., ... TO. D St. J ohu' Gate D i i ion, 't. John Ambulance Brigac1e. 'UPElUX'lEN])E ''1' E. J. KI~I.I3EH, TO. 7 Toynbee Hall Division, 'l. ,J ohn A.lll bubnee Brigade. I'EH.IXTE~'l)E TT :D. \ V. 'ox O~I, R amsgate Ol'PS, t. J ohn A 1ll1>Lllnuce 13ri l";Hle, PmvATE \ V. H, FA ItLEY, Halllsgate Corps, f t , John Ambulance Brign.cle. f
Supplemental Charter.
En , EAITT , y' V. LAl\LBEItT, lla.msga.te 01'PS, t. John Amlmla.n e Brigrule. SERGEAI T ,V. II. NDEHDOW, Ham~ga.te 01'PS, t. John Am buln.nee ri o·ade. . 1 ~ T OFF! ER F. G. \\ r\ HWICK, B:1.t11 Ity lVll:;lOl1, 't. JO])11 Amlmbnce Brigade. 1ST CLA S EHGEr\NT F. ' \T. BmCE, ity 0[' Bri , tol orps, St. John Ambulance CHIEF UPERl:N'l'EN'nENT J . L. I 11Tn, rJeices(el' orpf', SL. John Am bulance Prig-acle. orp, "- t. ,J o11n SUPERINTENDENT Z. L.\NmLil\! Leice tel' Am bubnce Brio·ucle. HmWH..AH.Y E B.ETJ\H.Y .A In THEM';UHEll AUNEs A. POLL J\Hl>, Leice. tor orp, L. John AlIl bn]nnce Brignde. 2:ND JUH ... IN, 01"1"1 'En ELlZ.\JlE'I' 1l BIt ~lTl TG, O. 1 ursmg 1 ivi iOll, MeLropolitnn ol'P~. NUR ING SISTER AlIIELIA J\.EX.'ETT, No.1 NUl'.ing Divisioll, IetropoliLnn 01'11' UPERI~TEX})ENT OF 'TORES 1I. \ V. U O()]DLL , n. G ( 1,)'clist) D i yision, nIetropoli t nn CllrpFl 2ND n:[x: OFFI 'EH ELJZ\I\E'I'I[ UEX'!', TO 2 (I 't. ,John's ((ale) Tursing Divi ion, l\IeLropoliLnn imps. 1ST CL.A"~ EHGK\KT A. +. l\L\CKXESS, NorthnlllpLnn 'mp.', 't. John Ambulance Brio·ade. S PERIXTE~DEXT OF TonES C. N [C'lI()L.·OX, \r llillgLnrOllh'h Corp, St. John Amlmlnncc Bricrnae. 3RD OFFICER .LLTD INSPECTon OF 'TUHm; N. '\'OODlI()Um, Bacl1p Divi 'ion, t. John AmLullllH.:e Brig-neIe. CORPORAL J. H). RD fAX, Bn.cup Division, L. J olm A lllblllance Brigade. 1 T OFFICER H. L. J OXE. , No.7 (ToynLee Hall) Diyision, 1etropoli tn.n Corp ; S L. J ol1n Am Lubnce rig-acle. 1ST CLA SERGEANT J. LO~fA ', K O. 7 (Toynb e Ibll) J ivi ion, Metropolitan Corp, t.,J ohn Ambulance rio·ade. HO~ORARY SURGEON FREDERICK \VILLIX~1 OLLIN OX, M . . , Preston Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade.
f'inco Lhe pnl)licaLion of' Lhe last Annual eport a upplemonLn,] Charter has Le '11 gra.nLecl to the Order, on the petition Lo Ilis raje. I y Lh King 0(' I lis Boyul Highness the Grand Pl:iol' nn(l Lhe hnpLel'- fenel'a.1. Thi ' empower' His Royal HJ<l'l~n?ss to e, tn,!)li h Priori s in any part of His Iaje ty's cl0ll111l1011S where f'1l·11 a step muy be con idered conducive to the LeLler eXl ansi()l1 n.n(l (le\ Ioplllont of the work of the Order, and affords ueLLel' flwiliLies for this purposo than the ComllIn.lleIeries wl,ich were ]1l'O\'icl (1 for in the orig-inal 'harter of the Ambulance IncorporaLion. The great surce.'s of the work De}Ja.rtlllent in India. South Africa, Xc\\' Zea.laud, a.111 Australia has been (he I'uison d't/ ,'P of tho petition, too'ether with the wish that the hand Prior should he nau]ecl, if expedient, to revive the. riOl'y of Torphi ch 11, t be a.ncient Headquarters of the Order III coL1::mc.l, nnd Lhe Priory of Kilma.inha.m, its former chef-lie?& in Irebnc1.
The Special Vellum Vote of Thanks, conferred on its recipients as an ar,knowlec1gment of their conspi(5l1ou . el'vices to lhe Ambulance Department, ha' been awarclecl to :-
The Regubtions or Bye f General Application which were .issuecl durin~' the year uncleI' review contain the newlysanctlOned n.lLeratlOn in Lhe qualiHcn.tion [or promotion of
Ebenezer Walker Kemp (North Ea.stern Railwn.y Centre). Willia.m Perrin Drown (f 'oweJ'by Bridge Centre). \Villin.1l1 McKinley C]n.y (G OSPOl't, Alverstoke, and Fareham Centre. WilJiam Leek (Cmnbel']rmc1 fines Centre). Rev. E(l wn.]'(l Gl'eensil], M.A. (A cC),j ngton C n t,re). "ValLe]' 1I nl'y Bullock (A cc]'iJlgL())1 Centre). Ma.ry Elll111:1. Fletcher (A 'cringLon Centre). John Oliver \Tallghn,n (IlnJJ 'entre). \ Villi am Hen]'y \Vingate (HuH ('en If l'bert. Ln'k (Kettering (' Dtre). r['hmllnf' swnl<l J\f in ((' rent Enst 1'11 Rai]way entre ). John Tl' Vnl't.JlCn (Philnnlh]'opic Society's Farm School, Heclhlll. ) Hev. 1nnon l\Tnn;hnll feorge Vine (Philanthropic 'ociety's Fanll 'cbool, Rcclhil1). 1i011 t.-Colonel Georg EdwareI Twiss, R.A.l\1.U (f 'outhampton ntre ). LiellL -Oo]onel Pntrick fllrray (Ramsgate 'entre). f
01'de1' of St. John of J, 1'L~SCde1n.
KnighLs and Ladies o[ race and revised conc1iLi ns [01' Lbe conll11utn.Lion or annual obln,Lion . Report o[ Lhe D pal'Lmentftl ommitLee will be [und in the Appen<1ice , ftnd will, it is hopecl, be found grati [,ying to the Member and A so iftLcs. Att 11lion is cll'awn to the importance of the newly-i11stitute(1 « ~lilit[ll'y Hom H ,pitals I eserv ." Al'mno'ement, haye n \\. be n made with the ~larine Departm nt of the Boftrd of TracIe ['01' Lhe p nnanent in. trncLion in Fir t Aid ·w ork oC tbe Orti e 1'8 ft11Ll ll\en of' the 1\1 rcanLile Marine, a ~ 1'vice where, owing Lo the [regnent and great ditJicultie of btaining prompt 1)1 dical n, si tnnce, such a knO"\vlec1o'e cannoL fuil to b of th uLmo·t u. Lo a11 COIl erneL1. It "'will no,v be po ible to tUTang' [01' tll d]iv ry f th neces ary number of lectures on l)oanl ship, and for the examination ubsequent ly or ofncer an<1111 n who are cont inn. lly passing to and fro between the vftrious port. aL home and in Lhe I ino" 0111inion beyond seu . The Boanl o[ Tmd will , in fllture , require h po.'. e . ion of a fir t aid c 1'li/1 at ns a pl::t1iti ;It.ioll for lromotion to certain rank. in th l\lerchanL) 'el'vic . The Eighth InternaLional Red r ss onference took pb.ce from June lIth. to 15th. inclll 'ive, ftnd in connecti n Lhe)' with a.n exhibition of Red Cross appliances wa.' held n.t Prince's 11ull, Earl's ourt Exhibition. The Amlmlance DeparLlll 'nL of th Order sent exhibit con istinO"' of a )Iot I' Ambnlnn e \Vag-oll, < Military Alllbubnce, a ivilian Alllbubnce, Litt 1', nnel oLh l' material, and ,,'as awardecl a iplo111a of IJ onoul' COl' it::; cxhi lJit '. By COll1manel of Hi . Injesty the King, Ei III 1\L.l.l'shal Em'l Roberts, a Knight of Justice of Lhe Order, presicl c.l n,L the openin o"' ceremony on June 11th. The Hon rary Bailiff, ~ 'ir Juhn Furley, 1 (raLe Lo was nOlllinated hy H.R.H. Lhe Grand Prior a represent the Order, and he aud ir Frederick 1'1' Y ', a l"night of Grace, were elected Vice- re idents of the 1 0n ['ere11ce. The members of the Order will be grn,tifiec.1 Lo know thaL the Rector of St. J ohu's Church, a Chaplain of Lhe Or leI', taLes that during the past year the restoration of the ancient I'ypt, under t, John's Church, Clerkenwell, ha ' beeu mos 'ucce sfully
Resio?'ation oj A ncienl OrVZ)i.
OnZe?' of Ht. John (~/ Jcnl-salcm.
" con trudecl where one hall11[' "iom;ly exisled under the restor 1 easL "windo\\'. The thrce Inn<.;cL \\'inclO\\s on Lhe souLh side n,ft I' being , blockeel up fo1' many cent.urieR ,\ere opcll('d flul, which no\\ a,dmiL clay" lio,ht once mol' ill to t biR ;tlH.:icn Land b rtl1t.iful Ii We l'h,tPl'l. A tn,hlct , Ol~ the cast \\'all no\\' l'cconls the fnd th;tL 'lloly inmmul1ion w<ts " , celebrated in this Ch<tpcl of ;-)t. John .All11011(,1' on ~l. John Ihptisl e'Dity 190,), in the prescnc of l11ll11b('l's of Lhc Ol'dcr uf Nt . .Joh11, Llw , 'fin'lt oceasion sin<.;e thc dissolution of t.he P1'iu1'Y \, . 11. 1[) 10 ' Un t hc e \ e t \\'n,ll of the Chapel lhe H'stOl'n,Lion Commit Lc h;w(' pbee<1 a, "mnl'blc Rla,b with nn il1'<.!1'ipliol1 indi 'ntlng Ul e hUl'i;d plctcc or Lho ,e Grand Priors, and other (li, tingui-;]1l'd Knights of the Orde r, \\'ho we1'(' "interred in the Priory Ihun·h, .£ \ll llle \\ indo\\ s a,l'e fllll'd \\ith " Rt<tinecl gIn's, giyen hy members of t\H' Ol'der; thaL nL tIl' easL nn!! by "Dr. Jamieson, ,wd the Ih1'c In.ned \\ indo\\~ in the suuth \\all by:-)i1' " 'hal'le:-; and Lady ,YatHon, and "'1 iss 1hILon. A, '1'y ,-nhmhlc nlH 1 cc beautiful .Altar Frontal dating fl'ulll H);~O, h<ts hern PI' by th cc Yi8counte's ,.ab-ay. A llumbpl' of hrass 111 llloL'i,tls to 1'('~Clltl y cc de~ea. (1 mcm hers the OnlcL', (If \'arious grades, 11,re llln<.!ed on Llle cc north w<tIl of the Clmpcl, by pl'l'l1lissiull ()f till' Hedol', aL the e -p 'llS{' cc of the repn'sl'ubtt.i,-cs of Lhp de '(';tsl'{l. 'rhc twu ellallllwl's 011 IJC "north Hide of the Xay ha.'-e bl'Cll set a.parL t~' i1 sllla,]l 11111<;811111, \\ lwl' 'i11 " <tre collected many' n,ntl inkr 'sting oi>jc 'Ls COJllH'd('d \\ it It cc the old Priory 'Iml'ch. induding fmgmenL uf t11l' tomh ()f Ill'ior "Doc\\Ta, recenLly lliscoyerecl \\ hilsL l'Cpail'ing the south wall of Lll'
'hurch. , In addition to the £700 paid fUl' the co:t of relt1o\'lng tll<' hodips e, from the 'l'ypt, the actual restoratioll and filtings in\'ul\ '<1 nn cc expenditure uf £] 4.20. 1\1\\ tlnls this Sllm l h' E ,<.;It'si.tsli{'a.I l'Olll" mi. sionel's lllade [l. grant of £100, the L'cmaining £: J ,020 Wit!:; mis(,d hy " su b, cri ptions." cc
IL is a. sonrcc of sa.tisbction Lo Lhc ilmpl r-Ocn 1':.1.1 that Lbc Crypt olllmitLee has bccn a.blc to rcport not only that iL has succe sfully a.ccomplishcd thc work it uncle1'Lool~, bUL a.1so thaC the 111a.nne1' in which it ha.' ucen carried out ha' 111 t \\ ith tho approva.l of experts, membcrs of Lhc Ordcr, the pa.rishioncl's, ancl the genera.l puhlic, ",hi] t the lnrgc . nm n cc f..: 1'11)' xp ml cl ha.s a.ll been raised, thus lcaving thc resLored \ypt nLil'cl) [re from clelJt. The eh. pter- :ten ral is gratifictl that Lhis hapi Y result has heen one of Lhc ram"s Chaplains, to whom the Pa.rish owes so much, is RccLor 0[' 't. John ' . La.dy 'Va.t" on, who so kindly acL a.s Honornry ~ 'ecrclary of thc Fundlllaintained by Ladies of thc Ordcr [or thc ari. h Honsc, reports tha.t the a.ccounts show tha.t .£8G ha.s been collecLecl during the yea.r 190G-7 towa.rcls the sum 0(' a.bouL £,120. required a.nnually by the Rev. 'I. ,V. \Vood, r thc Order, a.nd Rector of St. John's, lerkeniycll, to dcfra.y thc expenses of 't, John's Parish House, inclndin o' rcnt of Nurse's rooms, Nurse Dashwood is still carryinO' on her work in St. John's Pm'ish as "Nurse, provid cl uy the rdcr [or thc
oj' (he Onler.
sick l~O~],. ~ lIJ'iJl? thc ~2 JlJ(~nths cnding ) 'to J o}Ill'S D~ly, 1907, she b,1.S a.ttom1ccl thc lo11owmg ca.scs, scvcral of thclll IJcillg of a serious naturc : l\l cd i <.;,Ll
Hi 8
Chronic OIJ~LdJ'ie
Thc ntllllUCl' of visits paid allLountccl Lo 1llorc Lhan 2,,5jG, ucing a., ol1sicleml)lc il~ C1'CaSc lIpon last )'car. From the Alllloncr s Dcpart 111 'llt 01 thc Ordcr of , 't,. J (JIm thc sick and conva.lcsceut pOOl' 1'cccil'o(l, as uSl1al, nourishing c1ieLs, \~hcn l'CU()lll1JJC']Hlod 1)), eh DocLor, the HecLor, and thc Tmse. ~ OlUC IJlonthi':> <l?'O thc L.u, I.'S llOW c1wcllillgs, IJuilt on the l~lJlcl nCHr l he Cll1ll'ch l IV rc opcncd and illllllcdia.Lely fillcd WIth .L nan!. ', : \ ural of' who111 havc alrcady availed thcm clyc.' of thc "CITlce~ (J r the . . Tllrsc ill cases of sickness. It is int rcslill[" Lo notc llwL LlI sc d\\'elhngs 11 a, c lJccn named " Manury Bnihlill'fS" aCt ' 1' a forlller {l'<1l1~1 Prior of thc Ordcr. Lady ~ nrlc)', ~li. s lJalton, l\Iro'. ~I acphersol1, :Miss Du l)1'e and Lady 'Vnl son, ;'isi G,. ('101l~ lilllC to LilllC, thc patienL attended by the N l1r8C. 1 hc lulluwlIlg' amounts lltl.YC b cn collcctcd smcc thc Jund was. 'larL cd in H10G:bL Yea!', 2Jlfl " 0('(l"
" "
1 n7-- " 1 !I - " L_DD- " 1UOO- " FIOl"
,J l'':''-E, L!l7, £40. ., 1 !I~. £12. " 1,"D!1. £70. " "
7th " til" ~th" 10th" ] ltil"
" "
" "
I f10~ ,, 1n03- "
1!10 1- "
1005- " 100G- ..
" "
" "
1DOO, £60,
1!l01, £73. .t 1. 1a03, £ , H I 0'1, fno. UIO~,
1DO,), £HO. !flOB, £93.
Hl07, £96.
The Hc 'ciycr-Gencral rep()rL' LIla thc Account' of the Order have been duly an liLcd 1)), .JIc ' T . Pricc, 'Yaterhol1 e and Co., iharterec1 ACco:1l1tanL '. 1he Incomc and Expenditure Account [Ol~ the year enchwT 30 Lh 'ep tem her la ,t will be found a Ltached to t~l~ report. The grateful thank of the Order arc lue to one of Its l\lember ,"Jlis "\Vren Ilo 'kyu , [01' a Leo· ..wv of £1000 less " . . d u t7, i\,h'lC11 h a.s 1a.p 'eel to Lhc Order on theJ expira.tion of hfe III tcres t '. Thc. Heceiver-Gencral again fccl. it compul 01')' to draw ~tLentlOn to the urgent neerl for subst ..lntial financial upport tor thc British Ophthalmic lIo pi tal at J cru alClll, cspecially a
. JaIl
he -he PI' :able: The
I IlI'nl y,
Ii 71 ,
t n
. ~ ...._ '-' Pari:h c :')
;). n -_laJ'. r
i ae Dp.:d Of
h(f IZe:; V.
rk .
,ne- au( T. Powell.
Yel 0' - H i 'o/'y OJ hJ l\~n 'gIL oJ _lara. :2 y .-.:, oli . (1 ;2 '" . T,~ Ifl;.';:: H i ory ~ the l{nigllL-.o ~ . _luh. 1 "5 2 . Ph Iai. er.
gr, ph:. Pre nte h.' ~Ir, H. \\~. Finch. n. ior ~T Ite ~lla _i Jlo I He ll. t
X "IV.
Onte'/' of St. John
The A{{c~1' F)'ontoZ yivcn Ii!) L<ldy Gatu.,'((!) to tile (("Ylli Clw]J('l. F?'ugnwnt' of Priol' DOCWI'(('· ?11011 U'lil ni dis('ovel'edin the Sou,th TVull of Yt. John' eli nn.:iz, Oil d'( H well. Hoc~)italle'l" House ut }{e1.l,x<Lstle, B)'iducml. From the reeiL:11 of Lhe [tboye partiuulnl'H iL will he ~"Il ChaL the Order fmd its Departments nro noL only flol1rishing 1ll! L al~o wiLh yio'our and Ull],OllliLL (1 cliliQ'en e their '11reel' [ h b v Pursuino. U dulne ,and that the w01'l~ is lloL resLri ' Lm1 by f>ell'-colltninecl consideraLion but ha b come one of naLional impo1'tnnce, uoLh at home and abron,d, under the nnspiee,' of its rev l' d overeign Hen,d and Patron, Hi Majesty Lhe J'"ing, and of lIis Ho)'al Hig-hne s the Prince of "\r nIcs, its :"frand rior. ADDJ£
\Vhile his repnt is in pres the rder has to Iltlll nt, t,Ile premature decense of iLs lub-Prior, the brqlle s or Linlithgnw. Although appoinLed to that high omce only so recently as ] DO() and prevented by the unforlunn,Le sLaLe of his heulLh Crow t nking a very active part in its affair, Lord Linlithrrow han itl ways lisplayed the warmest inLerest in Lhe pl'oceedin~)'f) of th Order, an(l it was hopeel that with his co-operation yery r:1,pill I rogTess would be made ,\'ith the long conLell1plated reyiyftl of Lhe Priory of Torphichen, which H.R.H. the rand Pri r is 1l0W empowered to carry into eHect by the grant (f the ~ 'upplelllenlal Char LeI'. The Order wa represented at the funeral by ) IiI' Mitchell Mitchell-Thomson and 111'. J. Horne 'Levenson; and SeVCl\ 1 Executive Officers and other memuer attended the Memorial Service which was held at the same time n,t the hnpel hoynl, St. James's. The Order has also to lament Lhe clecea. e of two other members well-known in their re pecLi\'e countrie. ' ancl in the ambulance world) His Excellency ( ~eheimrn,t,h PI' fe. sol' Dr.) Friedrich von Esmarch and lr. Reginn,ld HalTi on) F.Re.,. Professor von Esmarch WltS held in high e, teem in Germany where he had a long and distinguished cm'em', hn,ying been appointed as far back as 1 70) 'lugeon-General ti Zu ~Ll ite and Consulting Surgeon to the Army, n,nd wiLh other eollen,gues,
s0111e 0(' whom also were AssociaLes of the Order, taking a very active p:1rL in Lbe organizaLion of the Ierman Army Medical lL was ill recogniLion of his well known Depn,rLmenL. lummniLnl'iml sel'vices thltt Professor von Esmarch was enrolled I IOHora]'y AssociaLe of Lhe Order in ] 878. He took gren,t interest in the initittLion ltlld estn,Llishment of the St. John Ambulance Assouin,Lion. The well-known i]]ustrated triangular lJandage, which Waf; with his permission a.(loptef1 in iLs early (lays by the St. John A III blllance AssoeialiOl) has for many years formed pn,rt. 01 Lhe equiplllenL of every ttlllblllance pupil. In 1882 he fonneled nt ]~icl the DellLscher-~ 'runm'iLer-Vel'ein which has since sp1'ea(l over the \\hole of Uel'l11:l11y anel even inLo SOllle of the neighhollring SLaLes. J t is n,u inLerestin u fact that this Society olo, 'ely followed on the lines of the ~ 't. John Ambulance AssouiaLion) ane] Lhat ~ 'ir J olm Furley was invited Lo atten 1 the first meeLings (If' the provisional 'Oillll1iLtee and to explain all the cleLails 'ullllecLecl wi[,h the orrrani,'a.tion of the Ambulance 1 epnl'tlllCllt or the 1'(1 cr. T11 acknowledco'lllent of Lhis he was app()int ,(1 nIl Honorary MClllIJcr of the +erll1an ~ 'oeiety and receivecl an illuminated diplOlUlt, signed Ly Prince Henry of Pl'llS in , as Pr iclent.
Ir. H ginalcl llarrison wa.s a Knight of Grace of the Order n,n<l an acLiyc lllelllber uf the \mtral Execu ive Committee of (.he .A lllllldance Department. For many years he occupied a hicl'11 pl'n/'essi nitl pO 'ition in Liverpool, ,\'here he took a leading pa.rL in tll fOl1l1(laLion of it , admirable ambulance sy Lem, which hao bl'ell se \'eral ti m es referred to in the reports of the Ambulttnee J)epartment. n his removal to London he became the Presiclent, of Lhe "l\letropolitan ILreets Ambulance Association," ancl both hy his wriLing, and peeches 10 t no opportunity of advocating an ambulance ,'ervice for the :JIeLropoli. This has been initiated for the pre. ent on n, small scale in the City of London area where, on the 13th :Jla)" 1D07, one electrically driven motor ambulance vehicle, which i kept at a temporary uuilding adjoining St. Bartholomew' Ho pital, wa in tituted under the control of the City Police. 1\11'. Harri on took a leading pn,rt in this mov ment. Ilis death will long be lamented by his Conf1'e)'e8 and ltll tho e as ociated 'iyith hilll both on the Central Executive COll1mittee and n,t Liverpool and London.
IPrior\? of the
~rber of ~oBpitRl
of $t. 30hn of 3ernsRlell1 in JEnglanb.
:Wth SRPJ'RJ11JJ8n,
INC01ll1 ~ .
bXl'[!;1 Dl 'l'URK Central AdministrationSalal'lc Rcnt, l"LtC' amI laxc Prinling, 'lal ionelY and gellcml ex [lel1::,e::, Antlit fce Insigni,t awl di plolllas (10 s on is 'ue) ~ p ecia l granls Co c of 8u!lplclllcntal Oharler
563 7 52 10
70 7 35 10 102 15
Central Admin istrationMcmbers' oblaii(Jll~ FoundaLions " InLI 'l'c::,L nil illvcHLlncut!-l (;rollllli RcnL
1 J!) !3
11 111 11 10 0 .,t
2J30 10
191 13
Inva lid Tpansport Corps I"ecs for I'CIIWV,L1 "I' \II v;tlid~
2130 10
/ ,;'
2278 12
In valid Transport CorpsExpel/e' of reI110\'<l1 ofill\'al itls, including hOI t: , lra\'{~llillg, alld illeiden tals 1017 i 'alaries IH) 1 ~ Prin ting, :o.tationel'Y a1ll1 general cxpcnscs 12~ 10 !l Repair, II ' ]ll'eci,\ tion anll renewal or cal'l'iage~ and a P I,liances 137 HI 11
Ambulance D epartmentIn struction and sale of stores Gl'OS~ profit OIJ salc of stores Donations alld ,wlllIal ~lILse)'il'liowj H.eeeil't;; from l'elllrc~ allCl dcLaehctl dass's ill rcsped ofinl)trnclion 62~7
107 1-') I~
1 I'Xpt'II~1' 3~;J6 16 'alarie' 160li 1 J 3 Pnnting, stationery aUllgcueral 'xpellses 1019 7 1 Ct1lTiage and rreight 311 17 10
2, 0 12
741 12 1~8 10
3H5 10 ;3 7 15
£1054 10 0 356 0 0
- - - 8ti8
Ambulanc e D epal'tmentInstpLlction a nd sale of Stopes Lectlll'cr,,' HIIlI Examiner.' fL'l'~ :1.IId
St. John Ambulance Briga dePuulic du ty and main tellance of stations alaries Tra\relling expen 'e Prillting, sLationery and general ex pen. e~ Uniform' Compensation allll other exp l1'es ill cOllllectioll with H ampstead H cath accident
G 2
St. John Ambulance Brigade OOliLribnllOlls
191 13
1 -1 5
34.5 13 10
8 0
19 Special Comp etitions British Ophthalmic Hospital at JerusalemExpeu 'es at London Ottice, printing, liiationerj', ann general expenses Expen e' at Jeru alem, including 'alarie , ,,'ages, hOll ekeeping, drugs, repairs, maintenance of furniture and fittillg , and general expenses Almoner 's Dep artmentNurse's salary Diets Balance, being Surplus of I ncome over Expenditure
o 11
12 3
Bl'lilSh Ophthalmic Hospital at J erusalemDOllallOlls <1.1111 a1l11Ual suhscriptions Dividcllds <tIll] interest (011 spccial funds) I'a) 11Icnls by pati llts
5:27 8 19.,t 17 11 1 12 0
723 18
Almoner's Dep artme ntu bscri]l Lions orrel'to I'Y , L..J ohll's Day
0 0 26 13 5
101 13
£15 1 327 13 6
21 12
2 14 7 £15,327 13 6
Ztbe <Brnn() }prior\? of the
of 'o5pitRI of $t. 3ol)n of 3erusalcll1 in JEnglnnb.
llEE1' 430th SEPTEMBER, Hl07.
A.. 'ET,.
LIABILlrrIE To Sundry Creditors " Sp ecial FundsSt. John 's Gate, ad dition al Buildings Fund Bt'itish Ophthalmic HospltalIuYe ted u per coutra. .cIL7i1 Lcchmere Entlowmen t Fund 300 0 Dll Boi Endowmcll L Fund Proceed of EllLer\ ••inmenl at His :2-110 1 IHje:,ty's Theatre in 1(10~. Legacy left by lhc latc E:alharillc Lady Le -lIllIcre, le nuty :11h1 1773 11 expelle British Ophth almic Hospital Building Fund AmolwL Lran ferred [rom 'apilal Accoullt. being proceed 01 p cial Appeal in 1906
Less alllOUll t included in income o[ year to 30th epLem bel', 1906, now transferred Lo Endowment Fund of the British Ophthalmic Hospital as above
By CashAt BaukCurrcn t ACCOll 11 L • 111 hand IJollllo11 all(l .J ernsa1ell1
C1293 18
349 14 0 . _ - - £1643 12
0 G
" I nvestments (at Cost)On General Account. .c~13 128. flu. ~~ p. c. 'onsob 101.'; •'!tares CI0 each in t. .John'. ,aLe 'olllpany, Limited Loan Lo :-;1. .To1111's Gllte UOllll,ttnj', Limited £176lt3s. filL [uelia 3 p. c.' Lock £2077 13s. 8(1. Balik of EnglalHl SLoc·k, 'A'acconnL £1000 Leeds Uraclforu all(l IIalifax Railway () p. c. guarau teed, . tock £1200 Dil'keuhea(l Railway 'on olidaled 4 p. c. ,'toek F1'ee1101<1 Property
0 0
1 G~
H33 18 1191 1
6 0
~ .)
63 - 11 Hi 3 1013
0 2
1 :.U15 " Capita l A ccountA perla t accoun t .=urplm; of In come OYer EXpcllllitul'u lor year enLled 30th 'eptelllhel', 1907 a' pel' Incollle and E.·l'cl1tlilure Account
l-luOl 1
27090]3 -163GG
In respect of British Oph thalmic Hospital Endowment Funds£7 3 (1 ... Id. B~l.llk of Englalll1, 'tock, , lJ' accotln L 191 11)-;.2(1. IlHlia :~~ I'. e .. Ior-k £65 E:t.t 11Il1ia Ry. "11" AlIllllil -
21-l0 2225 1723
1 3 6
8 0
" Sundry de btorsAmhulunee Departmellt, less General Out. tanding.·
-129 17
ambulance stores horses, " Carriages, and appliances 011 hand, all(1 ill n e , Insignia, medals and dies ou hanll " Freehold Property at Jerusalem " Fixtures and fi ttingsIn Londoll At Jerusalem
£ 60 ,480
3260 6 37
9 10 9 9 4 10
" Buildings adjoining St. including cost of site
396 300
0 0
0 0 696
G ate,
£60,480 711
7 1)
H.aving exalllineLI Lhe aho\'e lhlallce • heet ami Iu eome and Expenditure Account wlth the b~ok and voucher;; of the Grand Priory of the Order of the Ho pital of St. John 01 .Jerusalem in Eucrlund and with the returns receiycd from J ernsalem \l'e hereby certify them to be co;rect. 3, Frederick's Plare, Old J owry, E. C. 11th filarch, 190
I) A l,z 1 Report
I I.
BELO 'G li'\G TO
(Branb iPrior\? of tfJc (Drber of tfJc
1bospital of $t. 30hn of 3crl1salc111 in JBnolanb.
IZ E I C) IZ T -til
J ANUAPY) 1907)
3L' T
ECE l 13-< R, 19 0 7.
J!.onbon: C HAI·.!I ES CUI J. A :\I) SO".
A'I> 15,
H(JULIII'U.' Slld:.. l:.T. SIH A l\O,
113ritieh @phtlnll1nic 1J)oepitnl, 3crusnlcll1, lll~1.0NU
U(1)c (l;rallb 1Prior~ of tbc ~rbcr of tbc 'Ibospital of 5t. 301)1\ of JcrusalclII ill JSlI{lfallb.
Wntron. 111
l\IAJE 1'Y\G ED,YAIU) YII. ( SorcTciyn IIcad and Patron of thc Order).
([0 Ilt Ilt i i tee.
113ritisb @phtlJnllllic 'U)ospitaI, 3crusale1l1,
TJlI;; RIGHT HaN. TJIl;; EAI:r, EmwToN ai" TATTON.
F icc- ([; f) Atrllln n. I{.
BIWIII·;~I';r.L CAllTRr.,
E,'Q., J!'.RC . . (lIon.
UI)c (l;rnnb ]prior},? of tl)c Or()cr of tbc 1bospitn[ of St. Jobn of Jerllsa[clll 11\ JSng(anb.
Q;: rrnsurcr. EllWI - :FHERllFII~I.]),
LL. D.
£t-lcllI brrs. Till;
RIGHT lTOL. V1. COUNT ]\NUT 'FOIl]), G. C. 1\J .G. LOltll CJI.\]tLES l\[ON'J'AGU. COLO~b:rJ lit Em"ALtD T. 'rUACKJCTUY, F.Qr. E. C.B., lit CUARLES I<:ELY, BAHT. COLOXJ;;r. '[It .Ar.FltED M. EGlon'ox, l\. '.1'.0. , '.B. COJ.ONEL II'. C. ~L WAr 'ON, E,C.i\l.G., C.Il., RE. COLOX ET. C. E. Y ATJI;, C. . 1. , U. .i\1. U. 'rIm H,lG IlT lION. LOItD r. LI~\-AK . 'YIl . J.IA~r BRZL\" 'l'J!IHtXE, E:-;Q., M.D. 'Ill AltTlIlJlt J. R. Tlu<:XJ)F.Lr., C.M.G. CHI!I'TOl'lll.:Jt CHILDS, E,'Q. , ilLD. 1R JaIl'! L. LAKG)IAN", BAIt'!'. ALFItED MOSELY, E~Q., C .~l.G. \\TI LJ.I ,Dr J A:I[ES, ESQ. FJ.R~rrNG M. AN"DWITIl, ESQ., M.n. LI1WT.-COLO~RL A. IIWIOIA , l\lonr.AN, D ... 0. HllAKK II. COOK, I£:Q. , C.I.I~. Ln:uT.-COLONEr. J. 1'. WOOLltYCH rEItOWNK. L'HGJW?\-GESERAT. Sm CllA \tl.E:> llc])O;\IIU(:J[ Cl'FFE, AJtTJ\UJ~ T. NOIlTOX, E:Q., C.B., F.R.U. '. L UlHVIG KIW~JA -N, E,'Q. llt ALFHED, F. R. C. . J. MARTIXlI,AU, E,Q.
Ex ~omrio
l\, '. B.,
i11cmbrrs of Ql:ontmiltcc.
lit HIr.ItJ3EltT JJ<:KYJ.J., 1\.C.~LO., R.~. (Secrelanj-Gcncml oflhc Ordcr) .
(Rcccive;'-Ge,!cml of the Onlcr).
(Director aJul C'haionan, Ambulance DC}Jco,t1llCllt of tlte Grele!). COLOXEI, Slit lIJ.:ltHI£ltT C. PJo:ltlWTT. lh., C.B. (Sec/'clarlj of lhe Orelcr) . ~onorarl:! L mU'l'.-COLOXEL
JL1onornrp W. H. ~ur!Jeoll
W, E.
.%mct!trl:!. WOOLln:Oll PEltOW~m.
J. T.
Esq., A.C.A. ~55i5tAnt ~urfi'ron.
to tbc J!1ospitnl at Jerllsalem. CANT,
.J. H.
ESQ., M.D.,
F .R. C.
ES(h IT.D.
~s5i5tant ~onornt!l ~rcrrtnrl:! for ~rotlnnb. "n;vEs::;oN, Escl., 9, Oxronl Terrace, Etlil111l11'gh,
Banners. T,o\llloll and Westll1il1~tel' Bank, Lilll itell, LoLlIlJllry,
HE 'oll1miLtee o[ MnnagelllOnL of the DriLish Ophthalmic lIospiLal have plensure ill presenting to the .1101111)ers ancl A .'ociates of the Orelar, nncl Lo their subscril)ers generally, their Twelltirth Annual Hepol't. '1 he sLaListics proye LhaC the amount of work done by the staff in J e1'118<11e111 has l)een ['nr in ex-cess of any previous record, the number o[ eOll.'dLatiolls in the OnL-PaLient Dephltment showing lm increa. e of' nearly :),000. Dr. Cant repOl'ls that it has, in con.'eq nence, become neccsnl'Y to propose a scheme for elllarrrillg the pm ellL nccolllllioclation for Out-patient at an estimated o.'t of from ;LOO LI) £70. ) 'ix year' ao'o a econd consnlLing room was built for tllo \1, e of the tant ) 'urgeon, with n. \\'aitinn--room to hold forty patients, while another forty coulcl 1)e packed into a pas. age leading to it The original wn.iLinrr-roollJ, builL ouL of funds collected Ly the late Sir Edmund Leclullere, can aCC0ll111lOclate ] 20, the total accommodation therefore available, uncler present conditions, is for 200 pn.Lient , and then only if they nre unduly crowded. It will give some idea. of Lhe existing un atisfactory tate of affairs if Dr. ant i.' quoted. « Our patient collect early in the Inorning " enough to fill up the accomlllodation when the doors open at " 7 o'clock. On days in the ,yeek our numbers often " :300, and our rooms become greatly overcro\yded. " The passages become blocked with standin o' people, seats tbat " can scarcely hold a dozen, become jalllbed ,,·ith IS or 20, and
BJ'itish Oplit1u~l?rl-ic l[o~pital.
" it i illlPO, ible to en ure order 01' quiet. ome of these , patient, entering the room n,t 7 o'clock, llo not escape from " their di com fort till 1 01' 1. 20 p. m., nnd it i to be remem bered "th nt the heat often is gTent. J hnye seen thew come into " the con ulting-room witl~ the perl iration pouring down th ir "face frOID the overcrOl\"(ling in the waiting-rooms." The COlllmittee de ire strono'ly to recom1l1end the extension suggested by Dr. Cant which ,yill ~'ive accommoc.1ation for about 300 patienls, th e limit in number the two Surgeon can denl with Letween th e hour of e,en nnd one o'clock, nnd it i a rule of the lIo pitnl that every patient i een by one 01' other of the Surgeons, and n ot delegated to nurse 01' di pen er. A sum of £24 hns been pent on rebuilding the wall some ] 20 .rd . in length, nlong that side of the property of the 01' leI' nearest the tation. This wns nece nry as the old wnll 0[' loo.'e stone h ad become diln.pidated, and a new nnd bu y h ad been opened along the bounchry lendinO' to some newlybuilt houses. A statement in the la t Report to the effect that exemption of taxation had been granted by the 'ublillle P orte to th remaining piece of ground belonging to the Order which \va ' not included in the former exemption Irac.1e, ba ' uni'ortunately proved premature. Taxes to the extent of some 12 . . pel' (I?LI'l lim, h ave been claimed and the mntter is receivin(f the con .. icloratioll of the Committee. It may here bo tnted that tho for sight which prompted the purcha 0 of this plot of ClToun<.l in 1903 hn ' Leon fully Justified, as hou es are LeinO' Lnilt on the other. ide of the boundary, and the Ho pi tal is thus eJloctua.lly prevented fro III the inconV'enience of being too clo e to nny dwelling-hull 'e. -an inconvenience generally a very real one in the nelo'hl)onrllOod of J erusalem, and especially so in the case of a lIospitnllil-e our. N otwithstanding the increase in numbers, :Yollr o1l.lJllitlee i. able to draw attention to the fact that the Hospital continues to be managed with strict economy-the m onthly expenditure sh owing an average of only £31 lOs. 2c1. For this sati .. factor)' con dition the thanks of the COlllmittee are largely clue to 1\1rs. Cant fo r her careful supervision of all the domestic details. The Committee also would expre8s their appreciation of the devoted and untiring efforts of the staff in dealing with the constantly increasing work which they are called upon to perfOI'lll.
In conclusion your C0I11111iLLeo would earnestly appeal to t~e Meln bers «nnd Associates of the Order a11(l to , then' friends to show their apprecial ion of the .nol)]e Hospltal.l er work bein o' done in J erllsn.lelll, llncler the ausplCes of the EnglIsh Langue otthe Order of 'to J obn , l)y, su~scribing. to the funds . Ly which alone thn.t wor] ~ can be lllmntamecl at Its present hIgh level of efficiency. It is unfortunately th.a fact t bat t~ol1gh ~he work clone, and therefore the good clone, IS constantly Increasmg there is no increase of snLscriptions, and the deficit during the last four years has averaged n early £6,50. . The 10mmittee feel conli 1 nt thn t 1£ once thIS staLe of affairs is properly reali .. ed by thnse who h aye the interests a~(l renown of the Oreler at hear t., tbere will be no need agam to call attention in the Annual R eport to the financial needs of the H ospital. F eul' Lul-t'lJ 12th, 1908,
In · Pati enL · adlllitted
Ollt·Paii cnts- ev,' Cases
'o n 'ulta tion '
Operation s AU(esthetics administered
~ )~
,1 ;. 7
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a:be ffirflllb
of tbe
of tbe 1T)ospitfll of St. John of 5ertlsalem in .lEnglanb.
Donations and AmlUal SuuscriptionsReceived in London Collected in Scotland, ]1er J. H. f:) Levensol1, EsC]. "
Jerusalem, per Dr. Cant
7 0
£25 17
Printing. Stationery, and General EX}1enses
845 -1
Payments by Patiellts .
1 12
] 75 12
Dividends :llH1 Interest.
19,1 17 11
21 16
Balance of Income :tll,l Expenditure (lleficit)
Drugs, Instruments, aml General Expenses
-4 19
:Jlaintenance of Furnitnre uIlll Fittings
S 9 I:.!S3
4 5
We have examined the auovo 111C01JlC and Expenditure A(~count for the yeur eucled 30th September, 1907, "ith the books and vourllers in LOlll1on, and with the returns received from Jerusalenl, ancl certify the sarno to be correct. This account forll1s part of the Gelleral Income am1 Expenditure Account of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England anu is incorporated therein_ 3, Frederick's Place, PIUOE, 'YATERIIOUSE & 00. Old Jowry, KO. 11th .J1Ct1·ch, 1908.
B1,iti h Ophthalmic
X~ .
&ubscrilJi ions.
AnMICll S1!/):cril't (Oil S.
JSritisb G'pbtbillmic '{f)OSpftlll, J eru sal em, mu,o ~b e
01 '0 TO
of tbe G'rller of tbe 'fbospitllI of 5t. J obn of J eru sIllel1l in JEngIll llll.
List of Subscl'iptions a nd Donations re ceived fr om 1st October, 1906, t o 30th September, 190 7.
Subscript iOlls
£ Amherst, '1.'he Earl Amher. t of Hackner, The Lord Anonymou , pel' Dr. Cotton Barry, ir F. Tre s, Bart. Bartholomew, C. W., E ' q. Berner, C. H., E q. Bemn, F. A., Esq. Bles, A. J. ., EsC]. Boulton, ir . B., Bart. . Brinton, John Esq. . Burna, ~Iaj.-Gen. irOl"enT., G.C.I.E. K.C . . 1. Burne, The Lady Agnes . Bustros, Matlame de Bythesea, 1\1rs. Campbell, Mrs. Herbert Capel, F . C., Esq. Carr-Dyer, Mrs. . Carrington & Co., Messrs. Carter, Col. H. I. . Caul feild, 1\Ii s S. F . A. Childs, C., Esq., M.D. Chubb, Lady Clark, Colonel Sir J . R. A., Bart., C.B. Cook, F. H . , Esq., O.I. E. Cotton, Chas., Esq., F .R.C.P., M.R.C.S . Coulcher, Miss Cuffe, Surg. Gen. Sir C., K. O. B. . Cull, C. J . W . Esq. Dalton, Major-General J . C., R.A. D al ton, Mrs. J . C.
d. 1 0
1 1 !)
5 :2 2 2 2 :.l 6 2
1 5 1 :2
DOllnl iOlls.
f.: s. d.
1 1
0 5 :2 :2 2 ~
0 0 0 0 5 0 2
0 0 0
0 0 0
n 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 2 2 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 10 10 1 1 1 1
0 0 0
Dalton, 1\liss ]\1. Drarrcn, 1\[rs. PitL DuckworLh, 'ir Dyce, M. D. Egerton of T,tttOll, The Earl Elliston, Col. G. S. Ellis. Miss A . 1\1. Fisher, W. B. Esq. Forbes, N. Hay, Escr., F.R.C.S. E(lin. Frascr, A. E., Esq. Furley, Sir John, '. D. Gal\\'ay, Visl:ountess Gray, lIon. ,r. McLaren Gree11, Miss E. Gregory, H . K, Estl· Gribble, Miss S. C. Hamilton, J . G. Esq., 1\1. V.O. llare, Irs. Marcus Harrison, Gcneral 'ir R., G. '. B. HebLlen Briuge Div. ,'.J.A.B. pcr G. Lawsoll Estl·, Heygate-Lambert, 'olonel F. A. Holbe(;he, Lic 11t. -Colonel R. Hooper, J. H. Esq. Hoyle, Dr. G., procecds of lecture at EIland Hughes, Captain 'V. Hunter-Westoll, Licut ·Colonel A. Jackson, E., Esq .. Jephson, LlLcly Je\\'i~h Colonial Trllst, pel' J. 'owon, Esq. Johnstoll, Ii's D. E. Jones, R., E q., I.D. King, Major Arthur F. W. Knutsford, The Viscounl, U.C.1\I. L Lechmare, . G. B., Esq. Lightfoot, Miss M. F. Limerick, The Dowager COUll Lcss of Lloyd, 1\1iss A. Lloy<1, Mrs. II. L utwiLlge, lajor C. R. Fletcher McAnslanLl, .Miss l\1acgregor, l\1i~s J. l\1. 1\1c \Vharrie, .r . M. E q., in 11Icmory of 1\[i . ~Iariol1 ~Iathersoll l\IeIYuurn, Miss :Milburn, C. H., Esq., nLH. 1\1onk, Miss J. l\1organ, Col. A. Hickman Mosely, A., Esq., C.M.G. Mostyn, The Lor<1 Mlll'ray, Colonel tlir C. Wymlhalll, C.B.
n() noli rHi s.
.£, :> . {I.
1 0 0 550 2 2 0
C s.
o .')
o o
1 1
3 :3 0 110 110
0 0 0
1 0
0 0
110 1 1 0 :J.
110 :2
o lOti J
o 11) :J
0 0 ti 0
550 1 1 0 :.l :2 0 110 :2 0 0 110 1 1 0
o 10 o ;:; o 10
0 0
0 0
5 ;:; ;3
0 :3 0
B eiti" h 0 pht /w.lnl ic Hospital.
/. t
Murray, ~Iis' J. F. .r ewton, Licut.-Coloncl J. 'V. Mar dill, R.A. N eyill, lIon. ~Irs. Ra,lph N ott-Bo\\'cr, Capt. J. W. Offertory at hurch Parade, Brighou c Corps, , .J ...\. B. Offertory No.3 Di l. Camp. .J .A.B., pCI' Rcv. W. Dorc Rudganl Ottley, Colonel ... ir J. W., E.C.I.E., RE. Pcnfoltl, :J1is Perowne, Lieut. -Colonel J. T. oolryoh Perrin. C. W. Dr 011, Rq. Perrott, Coloucl ir II. C., Dart., C. D. Philipp., Licut.-Colonel hor, D . . 0., 1. P. Powell, lUi. J. A. POIVell, ir R Dougla , Bart., K . V.O., J.D. Pre ton, Inspector-General T. J. Prie tley Ln.ny Rhode., ?lIr~. R. A. Rohin Oll, K L., Kq. Royd, Colouel . il C. ~I., C. B . Rnrlgard, 'Y. Dare . t. George, Captain D. J .. ale, :Jlr:. "eely, ir Charle, Bart. . haw, Miss ~'..lice . "ltore. Rev. Canon Teiglllllonth, M. A . i3inclair, The \'en. Alchueacoll, D.D. loan, R, Eq. wart, F. G., E 11. Smith, ~Il " . -' . P. 'quance, T. Coke, E-q. , nLD. Temple, Lieut.·Oulonel "ir R. C., BarL, C.l.E .. Th orne, )1rs. Thorne, Dr. Detly T opping, ~lis Twemlow, :;\11'':. Vaughan- ~lorgal1, Alllel'mau " Taldey, Thomas, Esq., F.R.C. W al tel's, nIiss A. . W alton, Major H. E. B .. \Yard, J. LangfielJ, Esq . . W arren, Gen. Sir Chas., G.C.:\[.<:., Ie '. n., R.E. \vatson, Colouel Sir C. U., IT. C.I3., 0.1\1. G. , 1:L E. \Vatson, L ady William., nIl's. Williams, J. R. , E~q., M.B. Yate, Lieut.-Colonel A. C.
.£ s. 1 1 1 1 ~
J ~ 10 10 2 2 1 1 0 5
1 0
ct .
J)o1lolin1!~ .
£ s. d.
0 0
o 10
1 10
1 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
G 0
1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 ;;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 'J _.1
:i ~
2 1
2 1 1
1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
£ s. cl
£ 1
0 0
£2G2 2
Grund Total as pel' Income and Expenditure Account
£17 G 1
A ssistan t Honorary Secretary (for Scotland.) From lsI. Odovcr, 1900, Lo 30th S('plelltvcl', 1907.
;,0 1 1
A 1I1LHitl S/LIISGfi,dio/ts
List of Subscriptions and Donations received by J, H . S te v enson,
1 o 10 () 1 1 0 o 10 Ii 1 0 ~ 2 0 3 0 0 :2 0 ~ 1
X1,U .
Yate, Mrs. A. C. Yate, Colollcl C. K, C. S. I., C. ill. G .
10 10
2 3
Anld, George, W ., EsfJ.. Aulll, l'tli::;s Anl!1, George W .. ESIl .. porAu 1c1, i.Il's. 1\IcClldden, E, G. J., Esc1. )hcandrew, 'Jli.-s A. J. ' . ~[aclie, Mrs., Ellild,tll'gh ,teel, l iss W a.bon, ~[is J. Aytonn, Ja11le:, Estl. BauingLoll, \Yillia111 , Eq. Beveridge, Henry, ES'l., of Pitre:wie 13rown, l'rofe,-sol .. \. Cru111, ilLD., D .. r. Dmoe, 1\[ 1'•• i\. L. Callender, Mrs. tanley, (for 1906 alltl 1(07) Cathcart, Joh1l F., E.-II. Collins, Miss :F. Darien Prcss, Ellin bUlgh D enllistol1ll-Bro\\n, ~li '8es Fcnton Wi ngate, W., ElI. Fergn '0 11, Prorc or J 01111, LL. D. Fleming, James A. 1\.C. Gordon, 1\[r~. W. K Guthlie- mith, ~1rs. Jamieson, W . AlI au, ESIl., M.D. Jamieson, i\[r ~. Allan Juhnston, Ohristopher N., E fl., E."'. Lilllith gow Th e )[al'()uess of, I). C., K.T., G.C.~I.G., G.C.Y.O. Lo\l', Geol'ge 1\[., Esq. Macfarlan e, Walter, ESIl. i\ enzie, ~liss
£ s. d. 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 2 6 0 2 ti 0 5 0 0 J 0 0 10 0 0 2 G 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 2 2 0 o 10 0 1 0 0 o 18 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 o 10 ti 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 o 10 0 o 10 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 o 10 0
XLV. ~IoYiti c,
British Ophthalmic
Robert, E~(l' Millar, Edward, E q., of Rossie Miller, Alec. W., E'q. Miller, :W s E. P. Momy, Right HOll. Anna, COllute.s of Newton, Irs. D. Gmy Pa~ol1, Mrs. '\. J. Pulla)', ir Rob ert, ~1. P. Rankine· imsoll, C. ., E q. Readlllall, James B., E q., D. 'c. Roberts, .Alexander F., Esq., (for 1906 awl 1907) Robert, T. J. S., Esq. Ro e·lune , Mrs. (EuilllJ11J'gh) alveson, Mrs. Oharles inelair, Mrs. A. G. F. mith, lIIajor.Gen eral E. Da\'icholl Smith, Mrs. (Edinb1l1'gh) tevensolJ, Miss .A. F. teveJlsolJ, H. J., E (1, Steren on, J. H., E q. Stevenson, R. O. E (1. Steyensoll, Rev. \r . 13., 1\1..A. tormollth.Darling, Lady Stuart, Oolonel J . .A. MaJl, O. n., C . .JL G. Stuart, Mr . Man . S"'intoll, 1\Ir . W. Belltinek Thomson, Joh1l, Esq., M.D., F.R.C. P.E. 'ronic, R. Janlie~oll, Esq . . Travers, Mrs. Turnbull, l'I1r . Urquhart, R. DOllio, E q. Usher, ir Houert, Bart . .
8n/)8(, J' i2)t iun t).
JIoLQJital. £\ 1
0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 ] 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 o 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 ]0 0 0 [) 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 ] 1 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 o 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 ~ ~ 0
0 0 2 0 1 10 0 0 ]0 ]0
Contributions receivod at Jerusalem. Year ending Michaelmas , 1907. Golond W. An[.('1'1 "('olt, 12, 'nl ford Go.rrlen'l -;\[1'8. Thcophilll'l Rll1ith, J.1.ffn, Mr. lIeilpcrn [\.11(1 ~I iss (k 110['0'1, J el'llsnlel1l ,\Ii ss Ashton MIs. ,Yay, .Terwmlelll A pn.ying Imlicnt. ~[r. Lemoine IIo;;pital ~l()ney·bux ?lliss ~r. Keighlley, .Jerllsalem 11 iss Kennerly • .r crllsalclll Offertories n.t .'. G org- .'~ CIl un·h. t. John's Thy (1000·7) per Bishop llJyth A patient
0 0 o 10 o 10 10 0 0 16 o 10 4 12 ~ 0 'J .J 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 16 o 16
2 0
£1G 13
5 5
5 0
0 0 0
For Special Purposes. :Mi s I!.'ahella Yeightley J\li· . .T uli[1. r eigh tlcy Rov. n . B. AHOl'cl
F.orm of Bequest. I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for the tillle bein' f the Institution known by the name of THE BRITT. II OPIITILlL)lIC' Ho PIT~-\'L, .JERU"'ALE;\I, belonging to the Grand I riory of'the Order of the Hospital of t. John of J erusalelll in Encrltlnel the b ' sum of .................................... . [free of duty] to be :LppliOtl towards accomplishing the hUl'itable de irrn , of the ,aiel . tI:nstitnti.on.
~ ~b~;t~;;E ~H~~~~~~yT~~~ 3 KATHARINE, LADY
~~7 , SHE DIED 15 AVGVST 19 04 1'1
N. B.-Land and U oney secur d on Land can now be given Lo charitable II e~ under the conditions en:J.cted b,' 'hari t:lhl" ~ 1 " ,,;, -J the" ~ ~ S J\c' ." 1 ('•• j, OJ Vic. c. 73."
Photograph of lhe Tablet erected in one of the ourls of the Hospital to the memory of Kalherine Lady Lecbmere.
PART III. Report of the Central Executive Comm ittee of the St. John Ambulance Association , being the Ambulance Department of the Order.
St. 3-ohn B111blllallCe Bssoctattoll BgJNG TilE AMllULA
. '-' ::: f
n:hc (Branb lPrton? of tJ)C @rbcr of tbc 1hospital of st. 301)11 of 3ct'usalclll In 18ngIanb. ~gatron.
HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G. Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order.)
prrslbrnt. HI S ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K. G. ( Grand Prior of the Order. )
y -
- -.
Low/oIL :
CllARLBS CULL t' SON. 15. lIo 1,1.;111011 Sfn:d. ,lld.,yelL. llllt! JJ . .llur.:tuH I rc'ct. S 13c:/!~I'<I'(!ia.
Page. The Central Executiye ommittee of the t. John Ambubnce AssocittLio n .... Th e r of the Ord0rof t. ,Tohn ("'iLh UtUllC of l emberl-; of otllwll n.nd Executiye ilicer,) urrent Pamphlets and Pn.pers Gen eral ReportH onours for en ices Pre entatiol1s Important :Mect.ings ompetitions Pollce larine R eport of the ComUli simler for
3 1\
7 9
10 13 19
n:be (l3rRnb IPriot')2 of the 0rber of tl)e 'lbospital of !!it. Jobn of Jerusalem 111 JEnglnnb. ~Ptttron.
(Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order ).
pecial "'cniccs Bearer ompnnics Auxiliary Royal Nn.ntl ick Berth H e,.;ene 1nditt (Hon. Organizing 'onllui,.;,.;ioner's R eport,) IU\·~·t1id Tmm;port Corp' DUDcan 1em Irial Aml.mlnnce ;::Itatioll t. Paul' Am bulunce ration .,. I 'sueof Certificate' MilItary llom e Ho. pilal::; Re erye
30hn tllnbuiRnCe tlaaOciRtion,
26 '27
(Grand Prior of the Order.)
29 31 32 32
Qtmtnd lErecuWJC Qtammfttee. Consisting cxclusivcly or i\lemhcl's anti A, soeiates of the Order.
rnircclor of the
Th(' MosL
Lieut.-Oolollcl Sir JOliN
Colonel C. IV.
~ ;~
'.13 .
lil f)]
APPEl. TDIX 13. Roll of l\f etl'opolitan Di:-;tl'i ct, Pw\'in cial, l:olull iLlI and Furl'i " J1 70
'entres APPE~DL-
Statement of I sue of
'ertificate:-; and ?'ledallmll.' to 'entres, fa('in l f
L ocal Reports(a) Metropolitan District (b) Pro\-1ll(:ial (in ,tlphalJ -tical orell']) .. , (c) Briti"h Dominions h:!yon(l tlit' ~~asi. - Au tralitt ii.-l.Tew Zealand .. , iii.-i-\outh Africa. iv.-Empire of India, ' . - 'traits Kettl ements vi.- 'hina vii .- Gibraltar \-1ii. -Canada iv.-Paris ...
75 7:'
77 lU;J
171 179 1 ;;
HlO 190 191 191 1\l~
it' nICIL\Iu> U. TE~[I'LF" Bt., C.LE.
C. B. (Lift' Memher of tht' Committee Hon01'is Causa.)
HO' 130" lJr.TW,
Lieut. · olollcl A. C. YA'IE. The Rev. T. W. 'Nooll.
IYrLLIAM (;0[,1 , [ r.1{IDr;r~, R'([., M.D. Oolonel it' J. W. OT,[,LI~Y, K. '.1. E., H,.E. InspecLor-Gen. B. NI:-;'NI", M.D., RN. . C. IV \ nIlELL, E,'r[. ,'ul'gcon- in.iOI' G. II. D .\rtWL-, M.D. GE01WE . ELLl:l'O),". E:-;q., M.1LC .• '. OIllUSTOl'llElt IIIILD~, [.''1', M.D.
'.~LG., IJ.R.C'. P. Geneml -'il' RrCJL\ Rll IlAHIU :U, T.
001. C. J.
G. '.B., (;.1\1.(:. . Colonel, il' l'1,InmxT 1\1. R oY])s, '. B. Oaptaill J. W. NOTI' BowEl:. ED~ruND OWE", Esq., LL.D. , F.R.' ... Atlmintl A[,FIilW ,)OII:-;' ClI_\TFIl!.1 D, C.B.
Rr.GIN .U.l) H\l :IW;O.-, E.'(l., F.R.O .•. Licll t.. 'OlOllCI E. ?I. W IT,:-;ON, O. B.,
C.i\I.G., D., .0., R.A.M.O. ,'nrgeon-(+cneral •'il' ALFltED KEOGH, K.O.13., K.H.P. 'olo11el G. HUNTE It O'ilL\LljEY. 'olonrl , ir LEEs !\::-;'OWLE", J3t. Lient. Colouel it J,UfES R A. 'LARK, Bt., C.B., F.R.C.,.E. ,'nrgcoll-Gellcl'al • i1' BE .J D!I." FI: L-Y;:LL', f\.C.I.E. .1011 '
193 4811
:'I.R. C ... ,'ur!!l~o ll-C'olonel
E. 'r-p.ETO:N l\I.D. L. O'MAL1.EY. ~lI\n D \WES, E"c[. :\ll'geoll·~In.iol' G. A. IIt;TTo_-. Dl')1.-fll.'[I . . Uen. ilI.Co _\n:. ,i\LD .,R. [f. R. l' .L ·~ TIlI, E q., M.D. .J. l\ SI'I.EY nLOX'\~!, E'fj., F.l.O.S. WII,I,L\,r F... ATDL,\'dl, E~:jth :i'.I.R.O. Oolonel T. II. lIE .'DLEY, C. L E. 'ir
'g])\\,.\ ItIl
The Right lIon. J. L. WlIAltTO.-, P.C.
Er-offido fflcmbcrs of (Committrr. Colon el Sir IIr.RuElu' JEKYlL, K.C'.M.G., R.E. (Secretary-General of the Otde1'') ~~nwT:-; Fltr'."lIlq"LD, Esq .. LL. D. (RI'('cicCi'-r;enCl'(11 of the Uder.) Th e Righ t HOll. Earl EG F.[{'III "01"'1'_.\1 fON( C'lw innc!I1, nr/ti, h OphtlwZmic H ospita1.)
([fJier Srmtar\l. COIOllE'1 Sir IIJ.:ltBTml' C. PrmROTI', Bt.,
o.-n. (Secretary oj the Order.)
~ccoll1\tnnt anli ~torrkecpcr. WII.I.TAM R. EowAlm" , EsCI., A.O.A. (Accollntant
of the Order.)
11J cn tr ® (fircs.
APPE1\'D IX D. R eport of the Chief OOl11l11i ",ioner of the Kt. .John A 111 bulance Brivllcll· Index to ditto
I!limtot an'tl D cpttt}J <!rIJilirtnan.
lu.j or.Genen1.1 .J. C. D ,\T:l'ON, R. A. . Hw FOI:uE:-4, Esq., F.R.C .. '. Edin.
H ead OHiee from Odobel', 1 !10li. to
eptember, Hl07 L ife :Member' H onorary L ife J\1embers Examining taff .. , Form of Te:-;tam entnry Bellue:-;t ubscription Form 1 T ominal
APPE1\'l IX .t\. . to
Ulrput!! rbairmnll.
Income and Expenditure Account ... ubscription . and D onation::;
DCjJartmrnt an'tl <1i:hainmm of <!rommitlee.
(,l1e Manplcss of
r. JOlIN'S GAfE; OLJ<:ltKEJ.' WELL, LONDON, E.C. ~ttn{tcrs.
Ube (i3ran~ 1Prtor~ of tl)e ~r~cr of 1tbe '1J)ospttal of St. 3-01)11 of 3-erusalem in JEll(jlall~.
- --
K.T. ,
G.C. M.G.,
of m£l'Tr.
I rIGI1.l'ESt> rr H E Du'17] '" ~
G.C. V. O.
\ucnrr, K.-l.
Prclate-His Grace the Archhi hop of Yom~. Chanccllor-The Right lIon. Earl EGlm'l'lY'\ OF T.u TO . Secrctary-Gencral-Colollel ir H1mmWT JEKYLL, K.U.1\l. L, 1'.K Rcccivcr-Gencral-EDWI FRERIIFlELn, Esq., LL. D. Almoncr-'l'he R ev. anon D u KWOlt'l'lI, C. V.O., D.D. Registra1'-Major-General Lord l'lJEYLEH?>lOnI~, . V. O. GC;lcctlogi t- ir ALFJ1ED COTT COTT- T.\TTY, U. V.O. (Garter). Dirccto1' of the Ambula1lce DCllai'llllcnt-
The 1\Iost IlOll. the 1\lAnQuRi':l~ OF DHF \11ALD_\ 'F, 1\. '. Librarian- Lient-Colonel RICJIAIlD HOLDEC'lIE. Secretary-Colonel ir lIEl1BEllT C. Plumorl', Baronet, C. B. Ohainl1an of the Briti h Ophthalm ie Huspital, JcrllsalemThe Hight lIoll. Et1.l'l ECmIlTOX OF TATION. '.Pgl!IWTT,Bt. •. '.13. · lI E~ I ~ BErT Chief SeCl'eta1'y of Ute A iIIblllal1cc Departmcnt- C0 1onel 11' , , ~%%i~tant
@(fircr~ .
Assistctnt Dircctor of the A mUlllaHce D('partmcllt-
Lieut. -Colonel 'il' RTl'HAIlD C.Ut - \ 'TB;\ll'LB, Durand, '. r. h. A ssistant Receivcl'-EDWI::-< H. FRESII}'IELD, E'(h M.A. Assistant Libl'arictn-OnuL DAYEXl'OltT, Estl· Assistant Secrclf11'y-LocKHAllT 'TOCK\YELL, E:;ll. A cc01mtant--IYILLIAlII H. EDWAlllJ', E q., A.C.A. Hon. Secl'etm'Y of the British Ophthalmic Hos/lilaZ, J e1'1lsalcmLicut. -Coloncl J. T. W OOLl~ Y(,II Pnltc)"wxE. Assistant H on. Secl'etm'Y (t01' Scotland) of the B1·itish Ophthalmic IIospital, Jcrllsalc?l1J. HOR~E STEVENSON, E q. (Uuicol'll Pursllivanl).
T he Ooun cil consists of the Sub-Prior, as Presirlent ex-officio, the Execntiyc 01llcers, and tIle following :-
Selected Members. Sir JOHN FURLEY, O,B. Major- General J. O. DALTON, R.A. Th e Right Han. Viscount KNUTSFORD, G.O.M.G. T he Right Han. Lord Mos'lYN. Oolonel O. W. BowDLER BOWDJ "ER, C. B. Sir JAMES DICK, R.O. B., R N.
Oolonel it' OIIAIlJ,ES}'l. WAT'O·, K.C.11. {,' O.B., RE. Sir DYeE DUCKWOl1TH, M.D., LL.D. Major-General, ir OWE T. Bum-m, G. . I.E. , R.C . . r. Sir GEORGE IIA YTEI. . OnuBE, Baronet. I nspector-Grlleral BELGRAYE L.TN lfI, 1I.D" RN. Sir HrcuAHD DOUGLAS PowELL,Baronet,IC C. V, 0. , l.D. Oolonel Sir CLE1IENT M. ROYDs, C. B. Lieut-Oolouel ,'il' RIOHAHD C. TEMPLE, Bt., C.I.E. T
The Ohapter consists of the Knights?f .Justice fl.l1~l ,'nb-PrehtLes, rle jlwe; Lhe Executive Officers; the selected Members of 00UllC11; the fOl1owlllg
.sobcrdgn ~rab rmh lPntron of tuc @r'lJcr.
m:te Qthapter. Qtbllprllin~,
'1'he Rev. the Snb-Dean of the OUAI'IW; ROYAT" O.V.O., D.D. AN]) WAYNMA DIXON, ES1l· The Right, lI on. Lhe Ect rl 0(' PI,vMOU [,ll. The Right Iloll . th c Earl of Y \IlI3011OU(~11. Major-General L. V. SWAINI';, I. g., '.1\1.(1. ]!;Oi\JUND OW1W, g'fh LL.D., F.R C.,'. Th e RighL lIOll. Lorel 'LAUD ILurrr:roN. EDWIN IlA so Flm. llFIl~LD, Escl. The Right lion, The Earl of LATHO'!'
The Rev. Tllo~rA~ W. \VOOD.
Slll'geoll-Gell()ntl Sir \VrLLIAM TAYLOR, K.O.B. "\V lI,f,IAM
,'it' li;()WAIUJ O ' l\lALI,~~Y. 'oloncl E. R. PIlATT. LiC'llt.- 'olonel I volt PlIILII'!)" , D.S.O., M.P. 'olonc1 C'U\l:LI,:-; F. ,'T. UI,Alr. ANSTIWTIlEll, 1\1. V.O., D" '.0.
The following are the Knights of Justice: ILKH. Prince Cll1tlW1'1 \N 01" '< IILT~:-;WW IIOLSTJ£IN, KG., .O.l\' 11.1\1. King l[ ,\AKU ' 111" NOIlW.\Y, K.G., G,c.n., "C.Y.O. H.H. 1 rince ALBEitI' OF ,'('HI,I'::-;WI(;HOU:i'L'J<:IX, G.C. n., O.C. \'.0. H. '.II. The Duke ol'TgcK, G.C,V.O. H.. II. Prince FI:.\~ '1:-; OF Tr.I'K, K.G. Y.O.,
D.. 0. Vice-Admiral II.S. II. Prince Lou!. ' IlF I\,\ 1m -IlEltG, U.C. D., K. '.M . T., It ~. II. '.H. Pritl(,c AI,I .' \ -In:l: l: EOla;r.; OF TEl K, G.C.V,O., D. '.0. 1I.R.H. Prim'e "\ I'IJIUIl OI<' (·O.-N.\l (:11 1', K.G" G.U. Y,O. Lieut.-Ool.'l'JtI';\] -Jo;X,1.DlgS IIol,f, \ .-n, '.n. Sir JOHN FUIlL}:\', C. B. (llulloJ'((}'!.I BailUf.) The Right Hall. Lon1 'I \."lOra:, C.l'. I\Lli. Sir THO)I.\:-; lTOltTll DII h.-L.\LTPI':ll, Ilarolll'l. Majer ir AIlC'IlIIl .\ LT> L DII3, lhrOllCt. Colouel Sir HEltllEln' '. l'hHltoll', nt., '. n. The Right lIon. Earl FEI:I:Ells. Colonel ii' JUII·.,· CiIL1)gL\, 0.1'.0., C.I;. HENRY JOlIN LOFI Vi, E'-I!. Colonel B[nm~L ~L\H'I'IN DAWES. The Right Il oll. LOld 11.;\111 (>'1l.''1' OF IIAoK.-gy. General ,'ir IL\IlI.Es \\'\IllmX, :.C . .lIl. :., K.C.B., ILK Major-Gencral J ·U tg · CgGIL DATlO ,', ItA. Colonel AYL:llEl: GOULD llllNnn·\VI'HIO.-, D .. 0., RE. Th e Right Hall. Earl Elml~I'O~ OF 'lATTO"'. Colonel The Right Hall. Lord WILLTA.?>f CECIL, 1\1. V. 0,
it'ltI!:SIIFIELf>, Esq., LL. D., (llono((II'Y (;01/l1lWllclC1· .) ITis nrace The Dllke of l!'IFJ~, K.T. The Hight Iloll. Lrll'll BltAS,'J';Y, G.C.B. Tltc Higllt HOll. Yi 'C'OtlllL T g~tPJ,ETowN. ['he High L HOIl. Earl Amma,T. The l~igltt lIolI. \'il::coIlllL K;SUTSFOItD, (:. G, ~L G. (/lQIL O)'(U'!J E(lili{f.) R 1\l.\r;LE.\N l\L\.cL8.V, Eo (1. Aill ItUll Fit \_-l IS GrmSlL\~[ LEVE 'ONEOWI
GOWEll, E~q.
Lieut. -Col. F, A. IJ EYGAT" LA~mrmT. ('01. ,'ir 'IL\llLI';S \YL -n IL\M MUIlItAV, U. B. 'l'llc Hight Iloll. the Earl of R\~FURLY, i. '.iltG. Tlt e l'igltt Hon. Lord ....L'DIIUn.,'T, G.O . . 1. , G.U.I.E. ~Ir HI~.-r.y lllt'l'JlL"lt BLAKE, G.C,M.G The Right Han. thc [':a1'1 of ME.\TlJ, K.r. .\ . Eu,[ ND Flt.\, EI~, E.-Il. Tit > Right 1I01l. Lord MO 'TYN. The MOtit lIon. the MAIlQtTES: OF DllEAlHLll.\~E, 1\.0.. II i,; Grace Lhe DUln: OF POllTLAND, K. G., G,U.Y.O. FielJ-Mar 'hal thc Right Han. the EARL ROBEI:T:;, K.G., K.P., 1J. r., &c. HonEIn' Bn.UDE_'ELL CAI:.t'El. . , E q., F.R.O. Nun)lA. HAY FOl1DE,', Eq., F.R.C.S. (ELlin .) Coloncl Jonx ALEX.L-DER :MAN STUART, C.D., O.~I.G. 00101101 O. \Y. BOWDLER BOWDLEI:., C.B, The illost H Oll. the Marquess of LINLITHGOW, K.T., G.O.1\I.G., G.O.V.O. Lieut.-Oolonel.1. . Y.\TE.
The following are the Sub-Prelates: The Lord Bishop of, ALI BUn:r. The Bi hop in J EltU::;ALE~[. The Bishop of BRITI'II IIONDl'llAS.
The Dishop of GIBlULTAR. The Bishop of lJUX.I!;DIX, (Primate of New Zealand).
Full information as to the work of Lhe St. John Ambulance Association, and its Branches. can be obtain d on application to the Chief Secretary, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C., by whom copies of printed papers will be supplied in reasonable numbers without charg'e, on Reference Numbers
Reference. Pc"\'l11 ph I t 57b.
-Formation of Ola '. es in conne.- ion with Formation of Detached Mode of help by County local authorities
ouncil and other Pa,mph.
Chelsea Infirmary, London, .\V., f r practical experience in Ho pital r ur in er , &c. Syllabu of In truction-J unior
aper 74.
Arm and other Badges . Invalid Tran, port Corp
g 1h. 6
las . e
Fir t Aill Home
0ur ' e
nrSlllO' iour,'e
Paper A. Paper 73a. Pap r 10. ape)' 5 . Pap
Hygiene Cour, e
Paper '.5.
Cottage Nursing iour e
Paper ~
Sanitation Oourse
aper os:;
Regulations for the conduct of Examinations
Medallion and Re-examination Regulations .
1 lfio7
Pocket Certificates
Paper ,-G.
General Regulations, St. John Ambulance Brigade .
Ref. Let. ~
Explanatory Instructions for Forming AmbuJance and Nursing Divi, ions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade . .
Origin and Development of the St. John Ambulance Assocjatjon .
Pamph. ~
The Police and First Aid
Pamph. ~
'e Notes on Military Sanitation"
Etll1blllance Elssociation.
follow being quoted.
Formation of
.Price Li" ts of all articles sold by the Stores Department, WIth particulars and estimate, for Ilol':se Ambulance Carriages, Litters, Stretchers, 7:C., can also be obtained.
Dir <5Lor an(l ihail'lllan an(l Lhe COJJllllittee of the 1\ llllmiance Departmen L have Lhe honour Lo su lnnit the following reporL of pl'Oerress during Lhe year 1907 for the informaLioll of His I oyalll ighness Lhe Prince of \Vales, Grand rrior o[ Lhe Oreler, and the 'hapLer-Ueneral. it is f·;aLisl'acLory Lo f>LaLe LhaL progress in every l)nmeh of the wort~ of Lhe \.mLmlance Depmtment has IJeen steady and conLmnOLlS. H r Inj ef>Ly Lhe (),lleen haf> b en graciously plcfl ed to make a cOlltribuLi II of five pounds Lo Lhe Ashford Division of the St. John AmLmlance Bri ·aele. The f'ollowin Cf di 'LincLionf> have been flanctioned by His Jlaje .. ty Lhe King, on Lhe rec l11memlation of lIi s Royal Highness the Prinue of \Vales and the hapLer-General, in recoernition of con 'picn LlS services to tIl Ambulance DeparLment:Selected a. l{night of Graee. J o11n H nry Turller. LienL.- '01 nel 'eo1'O'e Frederick 1\Ic ,Y-illialll" l.D. (from Honorary A , ociate). 'lfllH1e 13 wes Palmer. ~ 'ir \Villim n Thoma l.lewis, aronet, K.C'.Y.n. Bl'io'a(le- "'urgeon LieuL.- 'olonel Edwin John Hunter, L.R. .P.E. (holtl lIon rary . ·ociate). lc~j or 'h, rle James 'u Lherlrmd, l.D. (Crom H onorary A ociate).
As Ludie of GI'ace. Her race the uche s of ortland. The Y iscountess Falkland. I lelectecZ (I H on 01'CL?'Y f?'ving B r'othe1' . James 'tuart rooke, F.Re. '.r. (Indian Branch). lIenry Ed-w ard 1\Ie11 l' (1anca hire and York hire RI),.). Albert Hinchliffe (Hebclen Bridge entre) .
t. John Ambl.i-lamce .A sociation. Charle' Thornes (Heavy \Voollen Di trict entre). Petor Rus ell airn, L.H.C.P. (llebden Bridge entre). Georo'o Thomas ooper ( :trea.t N or Lhel'n Railway). \rilliall1 Jew II (Newton Abbot). Alfred Francis ~treet, I.D. (\Vestgate-on- en,). Selected CiS ]i07WJ'CL?'Y Se)'ving Sisle)·. Mrs. Ann hard (Reading ientre). Enrolled as H 0 JlO/'(i}'Y Associn{ olon 1 J 0 ph Ale allller amp bell (Perth, \V.A. lentre). Georo'e Locl-e, M.D. (Ha ting ' entre). Huo'h Lewi Hughe, L.R.C.s. (Dowlais). Thoma Frederick Pear e, l.D. (Indian Brn.n 11). Henry \Vellllen, C.I.E. (lnl1i,11 ranch). l\Iiss Marion Thurburn ( .,. or wood C:enLre). Ii Iablda Villier. (N orwootl'1entre). John Horatio Yolland, 1II.R. .H. (Bromley). Jo eph John Jack on, L.R .P.E., L.R . ' .1. (Ea L Ant Jey). Arthur Dob on, I.R.C. '., L.n. .r. ( ~ranby CenLre). David on (Dundee entre). Lionel Litchfield Preston, 1\1.D. (Isle of ""\Yight ienLl'e). Bertram Mitford H ron ROP'Ol'S, ilLD. (Bri ·tol entre). ""\Villialll Bertle Mackay, M.D. ( o1'th Eastern Hly. entre). aptain :reorge :rmers l\Iill, M.D. (0 ett). Colonel Peter Broome ile (North Buck entre). Leonard Greenhmn tal' 1\1011 y, ilI.D. (Bhwkpool).
Awal'Clecl VellLon Vote~ of 'P1Uinks. Ebenezer ,"Valker Kemp, ::'II.R.C.S. (J orth Eastorn Railway Centre). \Villiam Perrin Brown, M.R.C.S. (~'owerby Brido'e enLre). \Villiam l\l. Clay (Gosport, Alverstol~e and Fareham entre). \\ illiam Leck (Cumberland Mine, and Quarrios entre). Rev. Edward Greensill, M.A. (Accrington Centre). Miss Mary E. Fletcher " :ilJ r. \Valter Henry Bullock John Oliver Vaughan (Hull Centre)." John Henry ""\Vingate " Herbert Luck (Kettering lentre).
Se'1'vice lt1eclcds ..A wunlecl.
Tholllas lein (Gren.t Eastern Hn.ilway Centro). COIOll ,1 U. K Twisfl (I 'ollthmnpton 'entre). Hev. Canoll 1\1:11'sl)[111 ~eOl'ge Vine (Philant.hropic ~ 'ociety's Farlll 'chool, I ec1hill). J olm Trevn,l'tben (I hihmLhropic 'oeiety's Farm School, Ho(lhill). Colonol'ick MUlTn.y (Hamsgate lentre). I
The P(IJ'I'hnwnl Vule of rphcuzks has U(,e'11 u.w((j'dprl to : F. \ V. 'orneI] \ lallllock Oha,'e
Srl'vice llIeclClls .A11'(II·de(llo lhe/ullowing R"igr,rle Jl1ernufl.I' ..
2 \) NtlHSIXU OI"FTC'Elt MRS. nRUN~J J l.TG, No.1 Nursing Divi8ion, MetropnJ i tn.n lorps. Nuwn TU ~ ']S'I'l!:ll AMELU ] E TETT, O. 1 lusing Division, 1\IeLropoli Ln.n Imps. 'UPE(H .TTE.' IJE ''1' OF ~ 'T()lm~ IlE"\;HY \V. ~OODilL\N, TO. 6 ( 'yclist) Division, Metropolitan 1 0 1'pS. 1ST IJ,\SS ~'El(m\.'T HE\ltY FH\.'ER 0.', TO. £) ~'t. John's Gate Ui\ isioll, Met ropnli tall Ol'ps. , PEmXTE. l>E ."I' EDW!.' ,Joll ~T KDlIlEl1, Toyn1Jee Hall lY1b1On. UIITEto' SLTI'EIU -TI<..XJ>EXT ,J{)ljN LL 'E r -IKG, Leicester 'orps. , PEHlX'('E.' lJE~ " 1 %.\DOI\ Ll\XGlL\M , Leice~Ler Imps. IIoXOHAItY ~ '1: HE'L\'! Y ~\.' J) THEAB HER AG ~'E A.' XIE P LLA.RD, Leiee Ler lorp. '( PEHI"\;TE.' I>E ~ ''I' } HEDEHl 'h \ \T. I()XC'O.' 1, Ram gate lorp .. PRIYATE \\Tc\LTElt H . .F.\HLEY, l{tllllsgale lorps. 1ST 'LA~S ~'bHl:E\_'r \rILLI .\"I \T. LA\II1ERT, Rml1so'ate 10rp . 'ERGE.\XT \VrLLL\ \1 II. ~' J)EHJ)()Wl., Ham gate 'orps. 1. T OFF['ER FILLTI( G. \r \HWl K, BaLh it,)' 1V1S1On. 1. '1' IL1\.'S ~ 'EIWB.\.'T .E HEDEIULK \Y. BmcE, ri tol 'orp. UPEHI TE ~ 'DEXT OF 'TOItE, 'CTIIBERT ICIIOLOX, \Yellingborou nh \ l'ps. IbT LA 'S 'EHGE.\.XT AHTllCn +. i\L\ CK.'ESb, .... Torthmnpton Corp. 2XD 1 THS I~Tn OFF[(,ER Mit . BLRATII :rE. . TT, t. John's Gate ur ina' ivi ion, l\Ietropolitan orp. 1ST OFFI ER IIERBERT LA~ r ,LEY JO.' E , No.7 Diyi ion, l\Ietropolitan orps. 1ST LA, ' SEHGEA TT J OIl LO~IA, O. 7 Division) Ietropolitan orps.
St. John A'Inbnlance it ,ociail'ion.
3RD OFFICER A TD Ir PECT R OF STOllE::; NUTTALL Wo DH 'E, p D i vi Ion. ORPOH~\L J OllN HAHD~IA ,Bn.cnp Divl ·ion. PHIYATE ,\TALTEr ,YILKLT '0 J, 1\0n.(1 Division. A 'I TANT Ol\Il\Ir 'lONER L .\WHE E ,VUITTAKEH, n. 4 DiBLl'icL. PRIVATE FREDERICK J Ol:lN \\ ETll, Hochdn.le Corps. HONORARY S RcmON TUOl\L\s FOHT, l\LH . . ::;., Oldhmn Uorps. CHIEF 'HGEO .oHW ACTING ~ lJlEF SUPERI " 1'1£ TDE TT tJA lES BATE -- ,VILKIN, 'ON, 1.D., Oldhmn Corp. 1 T NUll ' IN' OFFlCER, AITD 111'1..DY 'E llETARY l\lRR. IL[ JDS, Ramsgn.Le N nr ing Diyi Ion. NuB. 'ING I'TEH FANXY J. LOr 1, Hn.lHsgaLe Nursing Divi 'ion . CHIEF S PERINTENDENT TllOl\l.d EnCu\R FOOHT, Uxi'onl Di ision. Dr TRICT UPERINTENDENT A JD 'E HET11HY JOll . PlllLLlPS, Bri Lol orp . As I 'TANT 10~rnIl lONER MAJOR GEOIWE B~\lt 'LA \', ew Zealn.nd Branch. Of
The follo\yino' Members and As ocin.Les have heen appointe 1 Superior Otlicers in the Brio'nde sillce the i fine of t,he lasL report ;Dr. Francis 10 tton, F.RC.P., a, Assi LanL-Coll1mi','ioner for No. II. District. olonel Lees Hall (bte R..A. I.c.), as DepuLy- \nmnissi ner for No. I. Di triet. The most illlporLant meeLin o ' of the year L whi·h the Ambulance DepartmenL was repre ented waf:> the Yl, 'iL of Hi ' Majesty the King to the Royal Agricultural Show at Lincoln. On this occasion the local Brio'ade unit was 011 lnty, and had the gratitication of performing fir L in seYen!.l ease of accident which occurred when Hi ' .Maje 'ty ,yas mn.kin<r a Lour of the Show Yard. Other Ineeting at which l\lembers of the Royal Family were present were the vi it of H.R.H. Prince s Christian, President of the Norwood entre, to Lhe I iLz Hotel for the distribution of about 270 certificates n.n 1 medallions to the pupils of the Centre, and the visit of H.R.H. rinces Henry of Battenberg to Gosport at a cOlllbined IneeLing of the icLoria N lUSing ociety and the Gosport, AlversLoke anc1 Farehalll l
CenLre. 'l'hisUenLru was fOl'llled twcn1Ly-iiveycm'sago in cOllnexion wlLh Lhn.L uL PorLsmouLh, nnder Lha l>l'esiciency of the late Field.Marshalll.S.lI. I rillce Eel ",n,rd of • 'u,xe- \Veimar, alld lJecallle an indepenclenL 1cnlre in l~D!) , under Lhe Presidency of. FieldIn.l'shn.lll.RlL Lhe Duke of 10nuallghL. lIer Hoyal HIghness disLrilmLed Lhc ce1'Liiicn.tes n.ncl llledallions) ~lllcl then wiLnessed a demonsLraLion of first aiel awl nUl'sing in Lhe J l'illllall. H.R.H. Princess Louise, Du chess of Argyll, alf:>o visiLed No. IX. (~leLro poliLan) DistricL, of whieh ll.H.ll. is r ~res~donL, and clis L.ri1Juted r n.wards ()'ained cluring Lhe lllLsL yon.r. 1111s mclucled the Klnghmn Cup, given for compeLiLioll among LealllS of Lhe lidland llailWfty uet ween 'L. 1'n.11e1'[l.8 n.lld lIendon. . OLher notewonhy evcnLs have u -en the annnalllleetm cr of the UreaL EasLcl'll H.ailway aL f 'Cr:\,Lford for presentation of awards by Laely ~lalHl HmuilLon, Lho wife of Lord 1l.aud H~llliiton, the ~hainllan of Lhe 10Iupany, and a lllCllluer 01 the ha}JLer, who was l-lupporLe(l uy Lhe ~iayor of \Vest lialu ; at DirllLingham.' a presenLation of cerLiticatef:> and 1lledallions Lo the lo.c~l polIce force I),)' Lhe Ln.ely i\lnyor -ss, the Lord Mn.yor also preslChng laLer on aL Lhe annualllleeLillg of Lhc e11 tre, of which ll .• '.R . J:>rince Alexander of Tecl~ haB l)Oco111e Lhe Pre ielcn L in the place of the laLe Lorel Leigh; aL :-)hrewsunry, ",hen a lecLure was deliy-ered n.ncl ccrLiliGaLes wore pro 'entecl lJY Uolonel A. 1. late, the H llornry Urganising 'CHllllli:-;si()ll l' of Lhe A (Jcin.tion for Illdia; n.L Lhe Gannun f 'Ll'ccL HoLel, or l1lClUUerS uf Lhe Suuth-Ea 'Lern and 1hn.Lhnlll Hail IV:' y \>lllpnny, for pre. entation' Ly Lhe Right 1I011oumi lIe A. Akel'b-l)ulll'las, '\1.1'.; at Hull, for the opening of a bazaar U) l ho 1\1 anllles:s or Broaclalballe, K.U., the Director ~nd ~hairlllall, ['or Lhe purpose of proviclin tf suiLaGle accomlllodatlOll in he f:>hape of n, Llrill hall for the local unit of the t. John .AmLuln.nce lJrigmle, Lhc bazaar i)ein o ' openeLl on the econd day by Lally Mmjorie \ \Tilon <lllLl on Lhe third aay by the Mayore. s; n.t the 110 pi ttl.! 'n.tunby Fund Anllual l\leetin(J' at the Ma? .lOn HOll 'e, Lhe Lord Mayor, 'ir \\,illiaJll Treloar, Baronet, pre Idlllg) the Lady Mnyore s pre entillo' n. large number of medallions and ; aL Hn.dclitlc, L[l.nca. hire, to rai e £1)000 fo r an Ambul:. nce Drill n.ll, the Bazan.r bein o' opened by Colonel J. C. Trimblc, C.M.U., Lhe DcpnLy C0ll1111i ioner of .1 Y. Di trict; at Cardill' CiLy Hall, for Lhe pnrpo'e of pre 'enting certificates to l
St. JOIL'l1 A?rI,btda'l1 Ce As oci fttion.
R();ilway and 0111 e1' OO'lnpet itrions.
the members of the n.rdiff Branch of Lbe N.U.T. by Mrs. Forre t; aL eahn.m Hn.l'bour, the presentaLions l'eing made by the l\In.rque of Londonderry, ,,,ho, in the C0111"e of' his relllnrks, spoke in the hin'he t terms or the vn.lne of ambulance work among collierie and miner, especially instan'ing' the t nible e:x:plo ion at Sen.hmn Colliery in 1u:0 ; at \VeI 'hpool, by the 1\1:1. '01" at th Town HaJl, Portsmonth, the 1\In,) or PI' sidin o', and the pre entations being malIe by the 1\ln.yoress in the pre ellce of n. large g·n.thering, which incIuc1ed the l\la,) or and I ayore sand 1\lr. Bald\\') n Fl ming, Ins] ecLor of' th Locnl Goverllment Bon.rd, who caned :1tt ntion to the <1(lllliral,le work being done a,t the Portsmouth In!1nnal'Y, the 'hn.irman, Dr. U. Knott, urging that it hould be made a sin e' qu(i 'l7rm thn.t all applicants for the po t of 1nL1r111<'lr)' Pnbaciollers shoul(l pOf-l~ , S the t. John certificate, in which he wn.s warml, ' support '(I 1ly the member of the Bon.l't1 of Guardians, i\Ir Bald \y)'ll FIelllill(>' observing thn.t the Portsmouth 1\)01' Ln \\' 1n01'l1lnr,)' p(), etl n. unique ill titutioll in the shal)e of its ~l1rsin()' Di\is;on of the b St. John Amllulance Brigade, an xample ",hi <.5 h 111igb t well l)e fonowed by other In6rmaries tIll ollghon t t,he count.ry , at.' L. Pclncras, at a concert when the PI' senlatioll was ])wcle U)T tl1C l\Iayor, who was supporte(1 uy Mr. A. T. Le , .;\1.1'. , AId ~'lllan H enne sey. and otber lllember of the \ )l'puration ' at Taunton, for the annual distrilmtion of certificates and llle(lalliOlL by 'ir Edward B~yle, Baronet, K. ', ; at Deyonporl, "\\'b n tho D 'puty Mayor pre Idecl at a meeting for t he formation of It new ' ntl'e for Devonport-distinct from the long-exi~ting Plymouth C 'lltre -the inauguration of an inclependellt Centre bei ng strull~r1y urged by 'olonel A. '. Yate' at B,l-th, for tbe prescntation of the Challenge Shield and badge ' ft"war(led in COlllle." inn \\ ith the Centre by the l\Iayores , the 1\layor in the chair: at DrilIi ,It1 Yorks, when there was a large gathering of me III be'r . conlle'lccl with the.X orth-~astern Railivn.y Centre, this railway beino' one of the pIOneers In railway ambulance work A statClllellt was made at this meeting giving the following gratifying number in ea?h of the six N.E.R. Ambulance Districts (incluclin o' llonl:aIlwaymen), who have since 1889-the year the movement was fir~t. started on the. Comp~ny's syst~m-succeeded in uaining cer tificates of profiCIency In first aIel :-York district 20:;>0' ,'" ,
Newcastle district, 1,9 H; Dn.rlington and Mic1dlesbrough districts, 1,882; Hull district, 87;); 1ee(1s, 602 ; total, 7,410. Anotber interesting meeting was held at Kentish Town for the presentation of certificates connected with the Midland Railway, on which systelll no fewer than 3,190 men have passed the first aid exn.mination, 1,580 the second , n.nc1 4,5] 3 the third, making a tottl1 of' 9,29+ duly qU:11ifiecl lIlen, or 13'01 per cent. of the whole stafr The importance of a kno\vlec1ge of first aid among railway e?7tl JZo yes, of whom 581 ,GG4 are employed in the United Kingdom, is exemplifie(l l)'y the general report to the Board of Trac1e 111 on t,he accidents wbich have OCCUlTed on the railways in the Unite!1 KingcIOl11 c1uring the yoar 1 DOG, and tbe fact of such knowle(lge is not less re-aSHlll'ing to the tray lEno- public. This report SLates that during that year 1,1 G9 persons were hllec1 .-mel 7,212 were injured by accic1ent ChlO lo the running of train,' or Lo the lll()yement of railwn.y vehicles. The average figures of the pl'eYiOlli'l tell years W 1'e 1,144 and G,681, bnt the year in qnestlUl1 was relllarkalJle for the number of deaths of pass ng ")rs in train accic1 nts, more l)eing killed than in any year since 1 'SD. Acci(lents cnus ·eI l)y 1ll0yement of trains and rail'way vehicles, exc1u, lye or tr, in accidents, accounted for the deathf-l of lOt) passenuers and 1,949 injured during the year 1906, the COITe, ponc1in o . n.Yel'nO'eS of the previous ten years being 119 anll ],G27 , tue numher f fatal and non-fatal accidents to railwaylllen showinCJ' an increas , the total number of railway eryants killed and injured lurillg 1906 1J ing re, pectively -!:3 and 4,365, 43,) ill n bein~f killed and 425 injured during huntina' operation , 13 bein(l' killed and 110 injur c.1 in aecidents to trains. I n the face of these fio'ures it is gralifying to record the continued intere L tak n amon u the Hailway Companies in the annual competiti n: for the 1: ailway 'hallenge hielc.1 awarded by the Order. Thi wa pI' ent c1 on l\Iay 9th, at the Portman ROOlllS, by II.R.II. Prince's Louise, Duche of Argyll. Among those pre ent wore the Duke of Argyll, the Duchess of Buckingham and 1hand.os, Vi count r llUl. ford olonel Sir Herbert and Lady errott, ir John and. Lady Furl y, 1010nel A. C. late, InspectorGen ral Belgrave inni, ~Ln., RX., Colonel R. Holbeche, Colonel McN alty, ,n., Lieut.-Colonel G, E. Twis, olonel E. 1\1. \Vilson,
St. John A lnbntance .A ' ocint'ion.
[tnd Sir Ed'w ard 0' ralley. The judgo wero r. John . GriUi.ths [tnd Dr. Reginald J. Roborts, and they docided tho or 1 l' of the eio·ht OllllJotin bo· team b)T th aWtlrd of marl' s as follows:t> Great Ea tern Railway, 218· Al xnnclm eN o'wporL and 'outh \ V[tle ) Dock and Raihmy 211<; ' orth tafl'onlshir Hailway, 211; N orth-Ea tern Railway, 205· Lnncflshir and Yol'kshire Rail way (Ia t yoar's hold 01' ) , 195; Furness Railway, 1 '8· heat , V tern Hailway, 1 )7· 1\IetropoJiLan Haihyay, 184. This is the fifth tim tho :Tr at East rn has won the trophy. In tho Brigade competition tho juc1g , Dr. \\T. h . Aucllnnd and Surgeon-Major R. J. 1\1. ollin, placod OWp01't ( I JIlllollth) orp fir L, anll they there fore Look the 1 wnr Sh ill , and tIl Headquarter Diyj ion 1. T orthnlllptoll Corps socond, fI 11 (1 (.11 Y on equelltly recciy'd th Symon. -1£co1 up. The annual competition in India for Lhe 'hi 'ld pI" S nl d Ly the Order took placo at J uLbulpore on tho 5th l\1ar<.;h. For tho Railway hiold four leam comp t d- tho Enst lnclinn Haihyay, the Great Indian Penin ub" the Owlh nnrl Rohilkhnnc1, and lhe Rajputana-ilIahva. T,ro t alll~ cowp t d for eh Ynhmt er hield-ono from the al uUa Pln·(. D,j' nee Yolunt· 1'1:> :111(1 Lhe other from the Telegraph I 'ucLion of Bomllay Yolllnt r HiH '. The examination for the two 1-;hi ,Ills was 11 'ld Sillllll! an 011 ..1r and by the same examiner, : Lho Jbihay teams all tlIllO on t ahead of the Volunteer. The cOl11petiLion this y :11' owns , ry keen, as i hown by tho [nct thaL thero were only l:3 lllarks between the first and In t teaIll. It wa ' a Iltn 11 JIll)]"' pl'<1ctieal competition than in PI' "ions ) ' :lJ"S, as, inst ad ()f ll,-;ing" t11 usual prepared 'I lints, each team bad to illlprm ise ~p1illts from rifles, pieces of wood , tc. Tho Hnihrny ~hie]cl wa ' Wall by the East Indian team with a lotal of 127 1Ilarl·s ollL 0[' a possible 14,0. The team was cOlllpo:ecl of men from tll' ·aniage and wagon works at Lillooah , anel had ue n llJOl->t ':n. flllly trained uy Dr. E. A. Hou.'emnn, the tOJllpany'.' llw(li 'al oHiC'1" ttt that station. The Great Inclian I eninsl1Ja Haih,tty lean) secured second place, only two lllark ' behind tho East Illdinn Railway team. 'Ihe 'hielcl bas now ueen won t\Vice by the East I ndian Railway and twice by the GreaL Inclian Peninsub teams. It illay be noted that [or tho first time on reconl fonr railway teams competed, and tho i oll1111 ittee hope that in [uLur
Omnpel il ions.
years othor railways will send teams. The Volunteer Shield was won by the talcnLLa Port Defence Volunteers' toam. In this connection it is satisfactory that the competition for this 'hield shows a ll1a,rkccl illJprovellJOnL on previous years. Colonel Lees Hall, H.A. 1. '., an old llleH) bel' of tho ledical 'taff, and now Dopnty Commissioner for No. 1 District, St. John Amlmlance Brigacle, acted as Modorator and Ueneral 'l1pervisor and was assisted uy Liout. - tolonel A. E. 1\1orris, ItA.M.C., LienL.- olono1 H. P. t. Elkington, RA.~I.C. , the author of the Association's ollicia] mm1llu,l on its cc ~ 'anitation " conrfle, Captain Thorpo, ILA.:l\1.('., anel Liou L. I'. Pallant, It.A.M. '. It must nl)t he forgo(.( en also thaL ~t c1 ep c1e1Jt of uratitude is dne to 11'. i Ol'(r e L1I11(1, tlw T-IoJlorary ~ 'ecretary of the Bombay Centre, ["( r tho vnJllnu]e assistanco givon l)y hi111 in connexion with th s comp titiolls, this 1JCing in accorclance wiLh his unfailing zenl fur the furthenmc of mn bnlance work in all parts of 111rlin,. AIllOllU oL11 r siliel(l.', 'lll)S, anel other trophio.' pr ·ented for b comp tiliOll at. 'ntl' s, lJranch fl, uncl 'la. s s sho11ld be included the [ollowillg :-Th halHl~(lllle f-ihiclcl pre, ('llLccl l)y the Right Honble. .J. L. ,Vlltll'lon, Chairman of the XorLh-En, tern Railway ('olllpany, C I1UP ted fur aL York in April L st and won by Lhe York t n1l1 , whic]1 rcc iy'cl it froUl Lhe han Is of the clonor: ell· 'hall 'n~re 'up h ·1(1 in onnexion with the l\lidland ::mel Ur at Northerll ,Joint Hailway entre, and ,yon this yenr by 'n\ll.1l L. llll: (.he " f 't.. John Allluulnnce shield," competed for n,(, the I llnd '("utro, anel \\un l)y the Dundee \Ve'L 'Lation Lo<.;o. t aliI ; t 11 shicl(l 11"esenlecl by Gellera] ~ 'il' 'harle , Van n, aB(l "VOll by the Haln . o·a! e Diyi ion of the St. John Allluulnnce Brig-ad " f'il" Charle .. \Varren's trophy I'01" oompetition in tho Hhull(l(tt Yalley 1) ing won uy Manly: the silyer hield presented Ly the Earl 'elLorne, Hiuh mmis .. ioner f01" • outh Africa, th fir t inter- 'olo11inl clllllpeLition labl1 u plnce thi year at 1310CI11 CO)) toin, the shiold Leino· won by Cape Colony; the H. L, Browll . . hicld, olllpeL (1 for at 'heHield ntre, and won by the 1 iver Don works o[ 1\le · ]' '. \' ickol\, f 'on, an 1 laxim; the beauLiful n p pre. ent d in lllClnory f Dr. Arthur Griffiths by hi' brothel', Dr. John S. GrilliLh' , the ])eputy Commi ioner for the No. II. Distriet of the 13ngacle, ancl won by a ~e\Yport (ilIon.)
t. John A 7nlndnnce Associcti'ion.
te:1m' the ch[\11en o'e shield presenLed by olonel iT . \Vyndh:1m Murray, C.B., at Bnth, won by 1 L Otiicer's 'Vn.rwiclr's L ml1' Lhe cha11en o'e hield n.,\'arded for compeLiLion nlHong the Bl' uniL of No. III. Di Lrict, won by Lhe ramer lomn, Lho hieW n.nd prize beino' pre entecl at Ip wich by Jr. Eclmunc1 Ow n, L1. ., the Medical Officer-in-Chief of Lhe 'L. John Ambulance hl'ign.<.le· the competition for a. shield competed for nlllong Len.lllS [rom Monmon til hir Somer etshire, and Glance Lershire, the pre enLn.tion beU10' bv Colonel ir T1701' HerberL, ar n L, M.P., " J Pre id nt of the outhern District ..Ambulnn e L nglle, the Judge being 01. E. Cureton, D puLy Olllll1lSSlOn l' of n. VII. Distri t, nud Dr. John . :ll'iilith, the D pnty ommis. ion l' of No. II. Di tricl, the hieh1 being won by n 1 ochin t am: tho DubJin chu11011<)'e cup, the gift of Lord IYeno'h, nnel pr~s nL cl by Hi Excellency tho Lord-Lieu (ennnt to Lhe winners, n. L am from Belfn t, thi cnp beino' n pm'liculnrly fine one, o[ olitl. 11" l' an 1 ' . PnJmer bowl, e ntined to the :1ncient hi h de ign; the olliery Divi ion of the Brignde in ol'tlmm b rlaml nnd 1)n1'11:1111 itnd the North and EasL Ritling.' of Torkshire, won Il)' the Hylton 10 11iery Divi ion Lhe bow [ an(1 prize.' Leino' lw.ncl c1 to the winners by I\Irs. F. \V. :ribbon, Lhe wiCe oC Licut.- 'oInll 1 F. \V. Gibbon, the D eputy Commi i ner of .l o. Y'J. DIstrict; (he Colche tel' ch:111enge cup, suh crille<.1 for uy Lhe inha1liumL of Colehe tel' for the purpo. e f encournging [ull oulance w rk, weighing 900zs., nnd at pre enL in the cu. totly or Lbe l\fn '01' f Colchester: the Glouce tel' challenge shield omp tItlOIl, won by the Grent ,Ve tern Railw:1Y Loco. Departlll nt team aL Gloucester' the Newport Ambubnce entre olllpeti lion cnp being won by the Great \VesLern Railw:1Y ()Jewpol'L) Lo o. Leam, the prizes being pre ented by Colonel ir ArLhur Mack-worth, Baronet, at a meeting in the Tredeo'it!' Hn11; nnd Lhe cnp presented by LQrd and Lndy Burton to the Burton-on ·Trent Centre; the sixth annual competition for a cha11enO'e hield pre ent d by the Directors of the Furness Railway, a meeting for the pre ntation of this shield being held n,t Furness Abbey nnd attended by the Assistant-Director and Deputy-Chainru\.ll, Colonel 'ir Richnrd Temple, Baronet, C.I.E., the judge being Surgeon-Mnjor t. H. Darwin, a member of the Centra.l Executive omllliLtee, the shield being won by a team from l\Iillom: the compeLiLions,
}'1i1U'8 Ci1U7
promoLml l)y Lhe Yorkshire Mines Inspect ion District Aml)ubnce Leng-Ile for n. challenge Mhielcl, for which 1:35 Len.lllS enLered, the hio-llCst number or marks l)cillQ' ul)taincd bv a team from Low u u .J 1\1001', w11ieh ('ollse(plenLly holds the sh ield presenlee1 by the lIon])1 . K ,VO()(}; t,he s11io1(1 pI' seaLeel by Mr. D. Davies, ~I.P., for compeli tion n.l1lOng l.he cbsses Lelongillg to the Ocean Collieries in the South \VlLles ConHi Ids ; Llln challenge shield presented by Iiss ,Vilson, or Ellan(l, for G()lllpetition aJ110ng the ursing Divisions (Halifax Corps) Llle Brigade, won by the Elland Division ; anel t.Ile Ritd .. Lock 10 ]] ieries Am]Julallce League shield, which i ' cnmpetecl for ill Lhe 'Oll tllCrn Mines In.3pertion District; the nlll1uHl competition for the Lhl' e cups called the cc Davies," cc 'quiros," nn(l cc N o\Tic s," COlllpeted for nmon Cf Lhe units of the Bri'Lol Corps of the Bl'ig:1(le, nn(l prese11 te(1 (u the \'.'inning Len.lllS hy Irs. l)<1ni 1, t.he wiCe of the High f 'hcriff. ",York continnes to be ('[ll'J'ie(1 on on it large scnle in the Collicrie. ' nn(1 Mining lJisll'icts. The necos. iL)' for ambulance in. tl'l1ctinn hns Leen nccentu:1tec1 in the Blue ook. contnining lllinllt s ()f the eV1(len e given by H.M. Tn pector of Mines before Lbe Hoyal 'oll1mi .. ion on Mill s, the appoinLment of which was ref IT'cl (() in the last annual report. Evidence has also Leen giv n hy l he A sisLnn L Dil' etor and Depn Ly- 1h:1irmnn Lieut.10 l on 1 Sir Hi hal'll T 1I1p1e, who hn.' fully explained to the ltlolllLers of LIt' 'nlll 111 is ,ion the operations of Lhe Association. The Allllm1ance Lea~)'l1es in the ~lining Di, tricts, t.he formntioll 0[' \\ 11i('h ha ' be n pr viou:l), lllentionetl, continue to make (food progl'e ,'. I n the vi(len' giyen before the Hoyal '0111mis. iun by Ilis Mnj ty's Insp ctors it ,,'as pointed ont that, whil in t.lw llicllnnd Distl'i eL over :-3,000 fllllunlnnce men were ivurking in the mint'S in 1 ~S!), the n111n hcrs 1ws now 1'1 en to u1 lOll (, (i,OOO , l he t'>(>1' aler l);ll'L or the official' hayin(f fir·t aid c l'Lili eates. It wns stnted that la t year in Durham . thnnk to the l() "\ llllmlnl1 e L ':1gu , f'1 ull1 77 to 78 cIn f,es ,yere held anll 1)';00 1110n \, l' Lraincd, Lhe 11111111)er of working mincrs in that disLlict \yith certilical 's 1) ling c . . timnt t1 at 3,500. In 111111 )(ldaml Lh 1'e is a In -a1 enLl' hiefly ofiicc]'cd by the :JIines' Insl)('dOl's , 'n·h 'oIE'1')' . C'ollLrihut in"o ' to the ost }I/'O nifu of its emlJ101'J/~ ,~ th' result Lcin') ;t lllllllller of cb. s during' the ,\Tear. J At :1 lue tin o' in cOllne~~i()l1 with Lhc Felling 1 ollier}' Division of
..... '
St. Joh?1 .r1?nbnlance A8S0ci(~tion.
Oonslaunl(wy and PoliN.
the St. John Am bulunce, Mr. John "Vilson, M.P., who presided, said thn.t H.M. Inspector of .Mines for. Durham hn.d told hi Ill, in c llne~~ion with the explo lOn aL ~Vmgn.te, Lhn.L he was confident Lhn.t there were six men whose lives would have been lost-lllen 'rho had been oyercome by a[ter-drllnp- bnt for the fact that the tirst rescn party were nearly n.ll ambnlance men. In the Presidential alldres Lo the South Yorks Mining Student s ociation, it wa strongly urged that very man connected 'w ith the workin o' of colli ries and mines should ba\'e a knowledooe of the nlOd: of I' ndering fir t aid to the injured, and mor~ than one attempt had been made by local E_' amination Boards with a view to making this a compulsory ubject of examination. If the sub.iect of first aid to the injur d is ta]~en up voluntarily, compulsion would be superfluous, lll~t ~wYil~g regoard to reports received or the slackne in some (hstncts 111 fo~ming ambulance classe , ancl the undoubted fact Lhat no movement is of greater imporlance on humanitarian grounds, it i hoped that some definite pronouncement may be macle by the Royal Comrni sion, as it is indisputable that prop r treatment before the arrival of medical aid ha. uo n on III an , occasions the clirect means of either saving liCe or or : ,oiding permanent di ablement. ncler th se circumstances the ycarlyincreasing number of cOll1petition am011 O' cerl ificnt cl pupils in the collieries and mining di tricts i, n. snbje't o[ congratl1latiun , though much still remains to he clone in thi <IiI' ction. A cognate subject which is now attracting a great deal of attention is that of Re cue "\Y ork in lines and a demonstration of He. cn parties arranged by Mr. C. B. Palmer, a Knight o[ Grace of the Order ancl District Superintendent of Storef', for T ). YI. District of the St. John Aml)ulance 1 rig-ade, hefore t 11 orth of England Institute of :Mining and l\Iechanical Engineel' attracted a great deal of attention in the autuIlln. Recent <lia l r. hay brought this subject prominently forward nnd it is . tl'onO'ly hoped that no men will be a.lloweel to be members of the~e r scue parties, which are likely \\'h n the final report of the Royal Commission is received to 1l0 arranged on an organi eel system, without having obtained at least one certificate for first aid to the injured. The advantage of the organization of sur h III n as units of the St. ,J ohn Amhulance Brigade wonl<1 appear incontestable.
Classes for the Metropolitan and City Police of London, and [or the County Constabuln.ry and Borough Police Forces continue to be held with their usnal success. Attention is drawn to the recently published report of the Police Ambulance system of the City o[ IJonelon which wn.s establishecl during the year uncleI' review by the Police Corn1.l'Jittee of the Corporation, with the co-opemLioll of the Uomwissioner of the City Police, Captain N ott Bower. The lJody of the {H'st ambulance vehicle was made to the desio-Jl of the Am buhnce Department of the Orcler, and the working of Lhe Hrst ~ity Police Ambulance wagon has so far Leen a complete success and reflects great creelit on all concerned with its estaulishment. In this Force, which numbers 1,OG7 men, n.s is well known, every member is requirecl to possess the certificate of the t. John Ambulance Association, [1n example which hn.s Leen well followecl throughout the country, and many meetings have been held clnl'in O' the year when certificates, medallions, anu boels been presented to the Police Force l)y the Lord layors n.nd 1\1ayo1'. , Chairmen of \Yatch Committees, and others in important towns throughout the country. At n. llleetin O' presi leel over 1y the Lord Mayor of Manchester, the "lhicf ~onstn.ble reported thn.t cluring the past year 3,303 persons meL with acciclents or were seizecl "'ith sudden illness in the streets of that ~ ity. In eyery case first n.icl was rendered by the Police awl in the majority of cases the n.ssistance thus given was all that was required. In this Force seyen years ago a very small proportion held the first aid certificate of the St. John Ambulance Association. At the present time, with very few exceptions, all the members of over twelve m onths service hold the certiiicn.te and over GOO gained the medallion. Similar det[1ils can Jle placed on recorcl by lllany other Police Forces thronghout the country.
A memher of the Central Executi,e Committee, "J[r. Reginalrl. Ilarrison, F,Re. '., Presiclent of the Metropolitan Streets AmbuIn.llce Associn.tion, has kindly furnished the followmg instructi,e stn.tellJont, wi th penni sion [or it to be qllotell : " 111 goi ng oycr the figures l'elati "e to the dista.nces injured and sick ( pel'son , bad to be com-eyed to in Lomlon in 190G, presented " to this otnmiLt by the Commis ioner of Police, Sir Edward Henry, « it is ~talcd CHeturn ~ T U. 3) that out of 8,002 accidents occurring in
St. John A mbnlumrc .A'sociatioll.
Dr. Greene yestt'rda,y, and he t01rl. 111 Lhn,L buL for the \' ry fliuicllL \Y<),y in ·which l'' Hail1~fonl bn,ncla.ged Lho \\ ouml, Bryne mighL " hn,Ye bled to death. "Dr. Greene put three. titchc in the wound, anrl. Bl·yne \\,1.S s nL to " Gorey FIlion Hospital, whero 1ifteen mol' stiLches Imd Lo 1 e puL in. "Thi illu tmtes the serious nat.ure of t he wound. " I beg to bring COllstable Ht1.illsfonl's 'ontlucL uncler noLi e for fa.your" able con ' ideratioll. L 11'1.\'e complied wilh Cod 8eeLioll 1,7G1. • 0 other " member of lhe Force is nlitled Lo participaL in th ro\\ard. "Constable Hainsfol'd ha Lhe 8L John Ambulallce AssociaLion certificate. "G. II. MERCER, " 1 Distn·ct Inspector." «
" ' \' c. -ford, ".
( 2 th .L\pril, Hl07.
, .
ubnlltled. Han .It noL 1).ee11 f~)t·.lhe l.eclmicaJ l~no\\ledgc po~scsscd by the c(:mstaJ~le 0\\ lllg 1.0 In LnuI1ll1g at thc uepoL, i1.n<l Lhe . kilful , manner III ,dnch he c1.ppeal' to ha\ 0 applircl it, eh wounded n1:1.n "would probably h(1.\-o bled to 1 consider Lhe acLion of tbe " Con table is descrYing of fayoumblo recognition. "
~. POWER, « COllntll ill$/) cc {()I".
, To the In pector-General « Royal hi h Consta.'bulary. "
The Chief Constable of the County Dorough of outIl fhields sends the following return showing the cases ·where first aid t:'eatment has been administered by the Police c1urin rr the I C1St SiX years : Simple Fracture ·· Compound Fracture eyere Bleeding ... Drowning ... roisolllllg "\Vounds Burns .. .
F~ts (Al~oplectic, El'ilcpti~: ctc. )
DlslocatlOns .. . Minor injuries ...
. ..
Persons affected - Males F emal es Strength of Force Holders of Certificates Holders of lIIedalliollS
1902. 1903. H101. 190£). 1 nOti. - - - - - - -1- - · - I 2 13 2 ·1 ;:; 2 1 1 ~ 16 9 7 1 1 3 1 1 16 16 1 1D :2 ~ 1 ~ -., U ~l 17 "J.7
3 4
- - - -- - - -
--- - - -- ,
1 I
3 1 13 1
17 1 fi
- " 1
(i I
The members of the Council and .Magistracy h(l,ve presented five silver cups to this Force for competition. l'imilar returns, too voluminous to quote at length, are renderecl half-yearly by the Chief Constable of Lancaster , proving to demonstration tbe good work done by the Officers in that as in so many other Police Forces. The Hon. Sydney IIolland, a Knight of Grace of the Order and hairman of the London Hospital, reports the following case to which his attent.ion has ueen called Ly the Secretary of the London and India Docks Company. [ 'ol'v·l "On lhc 20th ,TmltHtry, iLt I iAG p.Il1., a the OI'W .erian steamer .J/ad " wa.s procecding ill charge: of the pilot;, hom th' \\' 'si India Docks into "Lb Bi1.i) way l>()uk , Paul Ped I'SOll, one of the erew, waf:; ordered to (( hold on to lllc port how c}lcek, \\ hieh was a wire rOllf', ~1.ncl in cloing so " h ' ~ll'p[>cd ill Lo Lh' uoil of th rope, and the rOI)O l)ocoming taut, drew « Ped'l' on on Lo th e bollnnl, eut ofl' hi s leg abo\"o tIl knee. One of "th uOlllpnllY's )uek1l1cJl, Uoorge ~aYille, wllO holds a 1'1.. John Ambu, lance cCI'ti1ieaLL, hoarded Lll' YU::;::; -I at once and rrnderecl fir t aid, ., lhC'l' hy s(t\'ing lh e iuju!" 'd mall frll111 Llc('cling Lo death. Pederson , was laken on t.he ·OlllP<l.lly'S 1tlllhulance to tIle Puplar Hospital, where " he rL'lllaincd unlil tl1e 11th ~I<l.l'eh, on which date he was plaeed on , board it \ t'ssel fOI J.. ~ orway. Til I ' urgcoll at th 1)op1ar Hospital has fUl'Ilisllcd r-)[lvil1e with Lhe following certificate', viz. :4
.(' l'opln.r Hospital for Accidents, '" EasL Inelia Road, l'opln.l', K , 31 s t January, ID07. " I he n: II,)' c rlify that Ucol'ge ) 'ayille rcnd'red thoroughly l'fliUl nt th·.,;t. aid to Paul Pederson on the occasion when he had " , hi ' h-g (,llmpl t ']y seY reu. lle was brought with all speed to , thl' iHl,' pitai, and all h:t'lllorrhagc had been completely stopped , , \\ h en I saw hilll. I cou::;id r that the patient owes his life to the , , prnl1l}lt aid ronder d him. ,(' (. 'igned) .\. PERCIVAL DAY, M.RU. '., L.R. . P. '" Anuther yery inter'sting case has been reported by :JIr. G . Lund, the Honorar) ecrelary or the Bombay ientre, ·w hen ubInspe ~ Lor 1! illan, of the A. Diyi iOll of the n lllbay Police, was 'allecl to an accident, at a 1 rinting press in the Fort; on arrival he found that a ma chine man had his forcarm 1Jl'oken in two places aud the llluin artery severed. He promptly ex.temporised ~ tourniquet and splints out of ne,,;spapers, ubsequently removing the patient to the Gokulc1as Tejpal Hospital. It WC1S added that the man, undouutedly, owe his life to the prompt measures taken by :Mr. Finan.
St. John .il?nlmlwllcc .A8soci((twn.
An exa1llplc of the fntnl result. n . . ning Crom In. .]knowledge i shown in the report t)(' an illqne~t held II)' lh l \ roner for the Liberty of TIipon, ill Seplember, "hen .;1, ,'omaH who had fallen from ..t ltL<lder, "\yhilu S'ath rin o ' ph11l1Fl, 1l:aeLl.1red hoI' ]efe leg, in i tecl on bing takon homo ill n, wag-oDeLL a dis(nnc of two miles, amI died from gn,ngrene follo" inn' n, C.OJ)l pOlln<l Crac( u re of the leg:, the 'urgeon attemling stelLing to th Cor III r Lllflt prompt appli ~ltion of any support. (0 (he lind) \\ould lw,\ b n of great aclyantage and lULYe p1' yented nnn 'el-\:-;ar) p:l in had only the spectators kno,,-u "hn,t to clo. The ::Secretary of the Aucklnllll Centr in reporting (be 1'01'111aLion of a branch nt. one of the Gohl Fic1(h; Ten'l1:-; f>la( e1 l hn( a miner met \yith an acci(lent. and had to be tal- n lo t 11 Tha1ll S Ho pital, n, distance of 2 mile' 1ly Lrain, nl one knm\ illg ho" Lo top h, ·morrhage. 11e died from 10 . 's or blood L fore]' a 'hing that in tilution. This sad example had one (I'ood re~1l1t in lhe fact that a numb l' of hi comrad s at once (I'a\e in Lhei1' nallles and two cla e' ,,-ere formell iUlmediately. The Order was "\\"ell represented at the Eighth InternaLional Red ero s Conference h ld in London in J unc, Loth in jJC7'''';U?1 11 e7 and nwteriel, F.M. Enrl Roberts, Knight of Jt1stic of til, Onlor, pre ided at the oponing ceremony on the lIth June, a]1(l the Honorary Bailiff :::;ir John Furley, C.Il. "was nOlllinal 'cl lly 11.H.H. the Prince of ,Yak, Gmncllrior, as a dele8'ato to reI l' 'sent the Order. He and 'ir Frederick Treyof, , a Kn;o'ht of ;mce, ,yere elected Yice-Presidents of the Confenmce. 'Olumanc1anL Ilu llert Hussenot de Senonges, Honomry r nio'ht of Grace of tbe Order, was also present as the Deleuate representing the French Government, and other member of tho Order aI, 0 (oak part in the proceedings. The Am bulance Departmcnt sen t nn xhibit consisting of a motor am bulanco wagon which \\'as descri bed in the public pre 's as magnificent," anc1 "\ya specially made for the Conference, a lllliitary and ciyjlinn aUl1Juln,nce litter anu other articles. The International Jury nwanled a Diplollla of llonour to the St. John l.mbulance As 'ociation in recocrnition of work performed by it during a nm11ber of years for the benefit of suftering humanity. In this conllexion it is desired to call atteution to the exce]Jent letter from Lady Furley which appeared in .C
The T'imes o[ J [tl1wtry 2Gth, 'L 907,11 8,(le(l " Th(J. Rer! 01'088 Society ({ml Women'", W(JI-k." This leLt 1', which is J)ascd on Ln.(ly Furloy's personn.l exp('riellc during the. 'ollth AfricHll \Vn.r at \1,pe Town [t11(1 ebo,\ here, gives tl'llly va]uu.IJle illful'lJHltioll 8,bollt Lhe Jllust el'lc<;Li ve me[tllS of helpillg the si(;l- and WOlllld 'eL, an(l 1'5110111(1 1.11is be engaged in hostilities, thc S01111(l amI pnwticn,l [t(lviee as tu the arti 'J 's which arc lllost [lppreciatecl amI of 11l0St llf) , "recially the (1 ·scription of the kitB \rIlic}l ,\ere d ,'igllntec.l "the (rifts or the Uoo(l Hop' Dritisll It·ct Cross • 'ol·iety," may" 11 Le. borne in II lind for aduptioll. Thoso who hHye b:H1 Xl> ri n'o or 1h '('olloction of Jllat rial, as seyeral of the Ex '(;uti"\' of the 01'<ler haye had aL • 'L ,John's Catc; know "well whaL n,el ss articles al' ofL n sent with tho lJcsL illt lltions, artic1 s whidl aro 1 ractically worl111e. s, and which are not wortll the cu .. t or 1'1' ighL It giy s tIl 'OJlllllitt \, sat isl'[tf'1 ion to call att 'ntioll to this letLer II)' JJacly Furl y who, 1ik 11 l' 111lslJallcl, has r)l' so lllillly J ear, dC'\ otc(1 so 11lU ·h caro and thol1~,b t in aid of ~'i\liT'ring 1l1l11l( niL)'. A y ry illlportant and illt 'resting lecture by Lieut.-Colonel "'IV. G . .Jlacph 'r~on, C.}I.f:., IL\.?lU'., }) puty-Assi~tant Dir ctorleneral, Arllly i\lcclicnl .' nice, \\'a· also deliy 'J' c1 the following monlh in Lhe Theatre of th hoyal nilecl. 'eryic:e Institntion, on ce The I ule of the H c1 'rof-,S, 'ociuties in Peace ancl in \\ aI'," tIl 'hioC • 'erretar,)' presitling in the unavoicb.Lle ahsence of Lorcl 'hoy1 more. The I, cturer g:LYe an account of what is clone hy the It (1 'ros, 'oci tie o[ the Yariou') European countries ancl 1)), ,J apall, ancl the lnfol'lllation giYen 11)' hi111 is calcu1at (l to be or the (rreale.' , .... istance to the lOt:n.l Lranche of the J3riti, h Red 'ross. 'uciety nmv bein()' fOl'llled in YariOLlf) parts of the country. A11lOnO' nth l' interc ·till!)' lit rar)' procluctions of the year shoulcl be included the cc RCJlLiJli.'cellr'e'" of urg-eon-:;\Injor G . .A. HuLtoll, fur lllany years a leading melllber of the Examining 'tafr anel latterly Organizing \nnmi .. ioner of the A ociation. The useful record annnally fUl'ni hed by hill1 for a long period for chi .. report will be \\' 11 relllolllbererl and hi· rotirement, for hO[tILh rea ons, fr m acti -0 work was much regretted by the Committee.
St, John Ant,bn{u,?1ce Association, "the ncw IY-:1.L>poinLed Assisl"1,llt Commissioner, I.JL,
The o1l1111issionel' for 'pecia,l 'el'vices, Colonel Bowcller, ',n" for wards Lhe f'ollmving repor~ on the units of the ~L, J obn Ambulance Brig-tI,de under his :ulministration:-
" J'
Parrott, V,D.,
"p ,t d ill Lbc mines, " TO uniL of the Bl'ig:1.clc }HtS yC'l heen formed in . Tnt:1.1. "Tho I'itl'::;<:<: ;1,11(1 .Jowish j )iyi kinm; in BOlJlbay continuo to make " progress, :wel L11C'il' efTieiC'I1('Y I'eneds great 'J'oelit on LlIC ('bief f)uper" in Lcnden L of the Bond my Curps, ~ I nj Ol' G, LUlJd, V,D" to \\ bose "unti l'ing el1f' I'gy lhe Driga,d, is illfle1)Lf'd fot' the only units as yet " fO l' lYlod in I neli:1., " TO U11iL ] 1(\,8 b en formed in 'ann.di1" hut there is reason Lo hope that " a Vi vision "ill shortly be ol'g~1,ni7o d in Toronto,
Colonial Branches of the St. J ohn An1bulance Brigade. "The pl'ogrosfl of the Nt, .T, A. J1l' in t.ho Colonies during III pnt>t , . .rear has been on lhe \\ hole '"Cl',\' ~(ttisfneLol'Y, fut' althoug]1 110 great , increase of llt.llllbcl's i, reported, c. 'cept in 1 C\\ Zl'c1,land, Lhe \\ ol'k h.1,s , eYerywhel'e be 11 steadily pen,evered in and the porlll<tllone' of tho " organiz<1,tion secured, "In X ~\\" Zl'al!md the l!rogl' ss has heen l'el1H1,rkable, l~lOl'e ~hilll,<t dOZ.~ll " new Ulllts hanng been ftH'll1cd and the totalmClllhcl'slllP r:us d front G;d , in IDOG to 1,0:)0 at tbe end of l!)07, The .\.s.'istanL 'oll1lllis inn 1', " .J[a.ior (i. l1al'cla.,r, \ ' ,P" to WhlL'l' Ul1( iring (.!llul'ts this llotable> ,in '1' ase "of the Brigade is mainl,\' due, has lXCll Pl'()Il10l d to lhe l'<Lnkof J) 'puty " COlllll1i 'siOllcr and t,lIC J)i~tl'iet. h:1,s lWC'1l diyided illLo L\\u sub dis(l'icts, "each unlel' the ch:1.rge of :1. Jh, trid Supl'l'intendcnt, ., In ~\.ustl'alia the \\'lIl'k of the llJ'ig:uk is "l'll llmill(n.illl'd llllCl ' l' the ., local control uf thc COlllmissiollel', ~l<t.i(ll' (L L, 1'IlulJin s, ,'II,Il" ,\, ,\, _\1. " ; "one ne,,- unit ha. hl'l' ll fO},lUcd, Uy tIle d(':1,t,11 of U, l'olollel l:, F. ,. ?\Ic\\'illinlll'i, "'ILn" . \ssi s tant 'Ol1ll1lissi()JI<' l' of Lhe W ,' t. .\nstralin,ll , Ditl'icL the l~1'igade has lost all ollicel' \\ Ito l ook Illuch illtel'(~S L in • Ambulance matters and \ya ill a positio1l to flll'tllC'I' tit, \\ ul'k (If the 'Brigade, A .. tIler€' is olll~' one I )i\"i,.ioll ill the ])i ,( rid, iL is !l0-t; pl'O" posed to l'eyi\'e the po 'ition of l\ss istallt 'oJllllli s, iOlll' ]', .. In the Cape Colony Vistriet on new uniL has bL'1'1l fUl'/lled. Tho " "'ork is being abl,\" l:a.l'1'ied on by the Assistant COlllllli ssiolll'l ', Ma.jol ' ,J. ., .d, Liebmann, ,md fm'thor ,g rowth of Lh' Hl'igndt, 1l1ay be c()llfid 'nlly , looke(l for, The olll~" t.wit in t.1tc 'ololl,\' uutsid' 1apl' 'I'O\\'ll i ' Lit , di ta.nt hn ' t Lrm<loll Hailway lJi\' ision, fonncd eal'ly ill I~)()I, :Lud "maintained in n ,· tate of gl'l',Ll eti1cieucy througIt tIt, ell ' ]"r,)' of til"' " Hon, Surg 'on and SllpP1'int. 'lldC'])t, Dr, W. D, ~killlll't', " The Omnge Hi"el' l'olony hn.H sufJc]'ed a I'cal1oss ill (lte ll'all. f'I' 011 "duty to the eha,nnel lslnnd s of the lat ' ~\ssistalll l'()llIllli ssionel', ., Ua,pt:1,in U, H, Goddard, n,A,"'Il,( ' , thl' l'l:s uIL of whuse al)l ' :ul!lliui .. tl'H." tion during the infancy of the BI'igado will long IJ() fclt ill the '01011,'" ,: He ha.s been suceeecl 'd by Ca.pta,in C, T, L' l'llUllHl't, l:' .\,M,I ', (VoJ.), \\'IJO "from the inception of the in the lJistrict ha :thlY !,; L1 pp()rt d " him in the,city of Di ' trict Chief :-)llpcl'intelldelll. ,\llolli 'I' Se\"NO " blow to the 131'igac1e \\'a,' the loss of 'Ill', Uugh , 11:1,w, I)i tric\; "UUt, " ,'ecretary, :1.n oilieer of rf'markablo zeal who wa' absulutely dl'\'ut ,d (0 " the interest of the Brigade, ~r 1'. , Imw met with hi ' d aUI U\\ ill" to "an accident \\'}liIe nctnal1~' engaged in Drigad (' \\'ul'l -, Captain rquhn,rt 1m,' been succC'eded by Li n Land (J llH l'Lt-1' -"lnst (I' 11. " Spackman, R, .LM,(" an olJicel' to ",hOIiI Lho Ilrig:ul ' i::; dll'pl,\' inc! ,bLed "for the -enicC's he has rendered to it dUl'ing:1. c()ll s irlPI'ai)lp pt'riod, "Briga.c1e work has been take1l H}) ,,,itll gJ'l'at enlllll,'iaslIl in llll' u,n. " " Corps of the Central South African Hailways, \\ hieh is ff)I'Ll1l1a(e ill " ha,ing the va.}ua.hlc support of i\flo. T, H, l'ric(', ( ' ,~I.(:" tho UCJ}( !l'<Ll " .\Ianagel' of the u'S.A, Haib-a.ys, while .'Ila.jor .], W, A, Huse, C,S.A ,ll, \ ' ., :: shows,his practical sympathy with the ,york by huldillg tho IJusit.ion of ChIef Superintendent of the Uorps, " The Brigad e h as gained a good footing in the Trau, yaaI D istrict, " where the C,S,A. nail ways (TmusnLal) Corps has four Di \isioll " a.nd
portH (,hn,L gl'{',LL d velopmcll t of Ilrig:1.cie \vork lI1ay ~hol'Lly be ex-
Bearer Companies (St. John Ambulance Brigade). "Tb eigh L13eM r 1ompn,ni s (f)t.,.T olm Am bulitnce Brigarle), the ol'gani" 7o:1.Liol1 of which c/a.LCS from the ~' eal' l!JO I , continue to JlHLiulain tllOi\' , sL,1,blish'l1c IILs and to kecJ) up the )'oputn.tiol1 Lh 'Y Imvc gained at Ute "milita r y 11uspita,1s ,tt \\'hicb th,,)' have pCl'fo1'JlICd tlteil'cull1ual t)'aininO'f} , ill Lll ' }'uuLilll' duLi 'S of Lite se\ eraJ I':lJlks, 1'1'a'lical /I11I '. il1'r and field 'wo)'k, The }It'J'cl'lllage of 1/1011 ",110 aUclld lltof}e SOH')I cl:ty,1 c()ul'ses uf " instl'uctiu ll IS as ,L l'uJ ' \ f'}'y sat isfa 'lory, awl it ('ould Ilal'~ll.\" bp hoped , llw,L lJlOrc 11Iel1 would be al)le tu arnmO'o to kavc til c'ir respective "cllIplo) ltlCllts al a gi\Oll date ill Lillle uf }Jcn~e , 111 I!HJi the J)1a.ximUlll !HI/lib 'I' U III 'n (Ltt 'uciing a training \\':ts f)] (U JJearc1' 'Ol11pany 'L d::;)' th' 1JlillilllU1I1 was l!J, 'I'lll' attcndallc s at tJle 1\nnua1 In~ , t>p etiol1s, \\ llj 'b :11" conducted by 01' undcr llw orders of tho Principal " .Jl <lieal ()l1il' '1' of th' III ilitiLl'Y 'ull1l11and ill \\'ltjch the cOll1vallies (' }l(tppell to IJl', lla\' also be It " 'r.)' snLisia 'lol'~', Tho nUlllbc1' uf medical "oflic I'S uf tit llrigadc ol1l'oll0.d as ulli 'el'S "elect ;' ill Lh cOlllpanie is " 11, of Wl1011l l :Lttl'llcled all1lual lmilling wiLh tbcir units dUJ'inO' .::> the " y ',t1', I )()u htles.' llw eomplClllC1lt of ollic 1'8 l'f'quirecl (:3 pel' 'COllllJ:1,ll'y l wuuld b' e!ll1ll'ld' if it \\' l'C practicable tu grant them " \llililar~' raJI1\: Dr honumr,\' I'ank \\ hil' ill camp at a. military ho:spital, Co but iI, is IIlU·h lo b l'e."Telt 'C! that tllc1'c appral'S to be some in, snp 'l'(Ll)I( ~ clilli 'ulty ill lll:lkillg thi, cunce ' 'iOll, and tho rleci:siontill , l' 'll1aillS ill fUl'ce tlutL oIlly Oil a 'lual llIohilizatioIl can tll oilicel' elect , of LlI' I ~earl'l' 'ulllpalli, ' Ill' i!ntllted Lho l1lilital'Y titles and ranks " \\ hieh WUtl ld /IJ.'() ./(lctu b' '(Jllfe\'l'ed on them 011 r~r)Ortillg thorn ehes " fu l' l' 'l'vic ' \\ iLlt their compani ',' Oil lllubili7oaticlll. "AL Lhc Jll' 'se1lt lime, Wh'11 such mumontout> dmnge arc being made ,. in till! organizatiun of the force ' for homo cl fence, iL is interesting to , r ,for to Lb ' facL that th' oHieces anI I lllen of uur Bearer Companies, " lik' III 'il' cUl1mui . of th Jt,~,.U-;.l~, He eno, arc Yolunteers in the , ,trictcst . ( ' 11,'(' of tIle LCrlll. 1"'io1' to l11obilization they sen"e so " to ,"p 'al- Oil th ir hOllour, de 'lal'ing on enrolment that they ,,-ill , 'ngll'r'o r Clllislinlh Hoyal.\l'Il1.r.illodicall'orpsforholllosenicea' , lIIl'l1ll) 'l'S of thl'ir I'espeetiy, cOlllpanies wIlene, l' 1l101)ilization shall be " ol'd ' I ' ,d, awl uudcl'laking Lo gi \ e \lul,icp at once shuuld they at any " tilllP filld (lIl'nlsoh 'S unabk to continue thoir engagement. " For l lll' Illailll 'nnllce (If it 'h cOlllpnny the UoyerlllUenl a110"-8 an " a.llllual grill) Lot J;;3U, \\"il h th is modest. SUln the \\hole of the admin is" lrat iy ox-pens t> of tho ompa.lly arc defrayed, induding printing and , tat-io1lery, po,Lage and t ,1 'grams, tl'aYelling, a. da.y's pay at RA,.Jl, C " ratos tu ca.c l1 1'\. '.0, nml man for the da.yof annual in 'pectioD, amI cc p r oyision of n rm a.ud collar ba 1ges for \\-ear in time of pea.ce and on u
St John Am,bulance A
'mobiliZeltWll. '1'11e bal'1.11cl'H'1.\pd out of Lhe~e nJIO\\1'Lnccs at. th nd of " the , econd yectl' w~.t..' prc~l'ntcd to the Corps and ])i\ i8io11s whi ')1 c, furni ' hed the compn,nies, as an indemnity for "Ca.l' '1.nd te,~I ' of ll1ll , form; but Rince the institution of anmml tminings in tamp, all S,1,\ ings , hayo been duyoted to <1, fund for the pro\ iRion of lilld S('I'\ itT unifOl'l11 " \yhith has no\y h(1,ppi1y boen paid fo1' 'md issued to the cOlllpmlies for " \Y al' luring training and ,LL nOatl'r l'om pally drills. " For the clefra,ying ~of a,ll c;>;.pcn:-;es conllected "ith tlH' (~I1JlUnJ traill , iugs at ,1, milibtl'y hospit11,l, t111' ~jn\L'1'uJllrnL grnnlom,1,(/c to Lhe Orcl l' , of 8t . .1 ohn is lL- d at Lhe mto of ;31 shillings for e\ cry oflicrl' :"Lml111:"Ln ., who """Lti. factol'i1y completes tho full lL'rl11 ~)f :-;enm c'ollsocuLLn' de1,Ys' 'training. This . um Ims to coycr tn~\ cllin~ to :"Lnd ft'u1l1 thc hospital ,c (irre;' pecti\-e of Llisb1,nte), cost of mtiollS 1""Lnd groccl'ips, camp allowanccs , " pro,-if;ion of unifot'lllS, clerkage, pIlSl1Lgl' awl tl kgrams. n,\r clint of " cal'efn! :"Lcl.iustment of c"-pens ' ;;, it. has IXWll possibl e to nmkp both {lJlds "meet, and at the bRt ollicinl audit of the Bcarer l'Ol11]li~ll~r n, 'COllllts " (:30th ~eptc1l1 bel', 180/) t het e \\ a, a halancc to t 11 ' good of &;;20 12. . ;3d. .. It, will thus be 'een that in tIle lleal'oL' iompalli's the Ordl'1' of Nt. , .T ohn proyides th country" it11 eight units fol' llOllll' S('I '\ icc, thc cost of " ee1,ch of ,,-hich, assuming 1.1,n ('"\'\-erage attclldante of [....) olli('('l's awl mCll Itt "tmining which is optional, is abllut £11011, YC1l,l' , J\s to tlw l' a1 \a1u ' "of the ' c unit in case of Inohilization, the inspel'ling ollk rs and , officers in clmrge of ho 'pita]!'> h1t\,c c;>;.prcsscd theil' opiniolls in lID , uncertaiulllanner. Tot Olll~r do the com panics I'Cpl'l'S 'ut 1L I'cliabl< 'a set in thc military forces "llic11 cu 'ts the country it Illel't' tl'if1( "in time of peace, but they a1;;0 cOll-.tit,ut(' a \('1,\ important li11k between the R~~ ..JL Corps tUHl thos J Ol1nger memh{'l's of tho ~l. ,J .~\. " Brigade, who, a . during th ,'out h ~\'frican ,,-aI', \\'ill al" a ys be rcad \' to ,c \T~lunteer for .a~tiye senit~, ~ut ar r un:\"ill~ng 01' um~hle to 'Oll;ply WIth the comhhons of "Cl'\'lce 11l Lhe TcrnLonal Al'lll\ III addition to perfol'ming their duties as onlill<Ll'Y mem het';; of t hc' I:I'i g;Lcle. I t is c therefore to be hoped th,""Lt thc tompallics will h rct:"Lilled a's companies c in posse of the R.A , ~I. Corps, of their conncction with whi ,11 Lhey <Ll'(' ee rightly Yerr proud."
Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve. cc rr: he TIoyal S aval .d..uxi1iul'Y , 'ick Berth He eryc, til(' forlllation ()f wlllch was l.lgge, ted to the ~leclical Departlllent of the Honll (l \ \' ill " 1 99, was established undcr authorit,y of an ol'c1 l' in l '()lllH'il (l( the' ee 19th ~o"ember, 1902, and enrolment''':"L'' throw]1 opell to llw fll'icr;ul cc by Brigade Order of the 20th February, 190:3 when tll H(,o'ulations ;c for the Re er~e \\' ere is~ued. From the very first this ,' n 'icc 11HS b n most popular III the Bngade, and the number of lllell llrollccl up to :: the end of September, 1~07, \Va no Ie: ' than '. ;3. Of this ee nUI?ber 114 haye for yanou.' reasons reSign el, I 11,nng a pre, ent actn'e strength of 668. The ne~ulations for tIl HcsclTe w 1'e :: drawn :UP on line, pm:allel to tho, e of tI1C. Jlearer Company cc llegulatlOns, so that th~ mcluCclllent ' tu ellt l' elther scn ice migh "be as n~arly a ,. pos, lble equal. Thc .(\.dmim1ty pl'Ovi<1' free c. clas~ es of ll~~truct~on at th.: he.adquar~crs of '~)l'llS and I)i\'iiolls ill c. Ach ~nced .F Irst .luel and }\ Ul'''l11g, aSSIst 1'eScl'Vl.'ts to a.ttelHl ordinary cc nurslD~ cl~, ses of th~ 8t . .J o!m ~mbula~lce As!'>ocic~tioll, and oifer a cc seven days course of .lDstnwtlOn.m practIcal work on honn! ship.' of cc war or ~t na\Tal hOSl)lt~l. , ac~ordlllg. as the re, en-ists have "ohm te reel cc for serVlCe on board ShIP or III ho pItals, Of these clas .. cs and COUl'SC'> the fullest adyantage has been taken by the men. For thc fir -t few .I.
ee yeal's ]'csrrvir-;ts wel'C allowed Lo 1~tLenrl further COUl'SCS on hoard ship " or in hospiL,Ll s, and Ullful'Lu1liLk1y the idea gained ground that pel'"missioll would bc gl'imtcci 1LIlJ1U<Llly. A i'ecellt clc<.:ision tlJat only ee one !;Oll 1':',0 nt S(',L 01' i 11 llOs pi tal C1LJ1 be at-te ndpd Ims c:au scrl cOliee sidel'lL!>l(' Ji S1 ~Pl>()illtl\l(,11(. I t('!'>( ~ I'\' ists 1111\,(' to <Ltlcnd all a,nJlu~d " ins]lcdioll by til( In s p('('t Lng J\l(!riir'al Offi('cl' of tlle H 'SCI've, ill case ee he is 1Lbl{' to eLl nlJlgC' to (x1tlllillC thelll, ,mel tlH'Y l' ('cive }my fo1' tIle ee d1LY of ill SpC'('Liull. I t is 11111('11 to lw j'cgl'ctLurl tlt,Lt owing to the ee l'c!'>C'n'ists bcillg so S(;1LtLr-n,rl Lltl'Oughout tbc tountl'Y it is impossible "fol' hilll Lo ills pccL ;~1l tIl(' 11]('11 c~1U1l1ally. Whcn attending ship or " llOspiLal COll I'Sl'!'>, they tmv(,l 011 Ad lllil'CLl ty wan'alll) and are rationerl ee and paie! fo)' tllC st'\ '11 day!,>' training hy tIte ~cwal authOl'itics. "During 111f' P,LSt .v('c~l· alT;LIlW'l11ents, involving much anxiety ancl "dct:i('al work,. 1111,\"e lwGll llJadl' at Ch.u rC<jues t of tlw \dmil:alty, lJY " \\'Ill 'h (l, cntalll 111.11111><:l' ()f tllc l'('Sel 'n s ts m'e cons tantly held m reacli"ue'ss to Pl'u(,('l'el \\'itliln <1 (oj' OG) hour::; to thc naval depots for " ill1lllodiatf' sun'icc in s hips 01' Ilos pituls. ~ick Berth Hcscl'yists serve c Ull cUlldiLl()l1 S similar to those' laid down for the olliccl's and men of "JkILl'('l' iUlll}mnics; 011 11l'olillelJ t in the Hes I've tIH'Y dedare tnat " \\ 11 l'l 1('\' ('1' they l' <.:ci\'c blIp llwhilimLion ordcr they' \\'ill join His " .\lnjl'sl,r'.' HO,)<Ll ::\1L\',\' as,~ n. l .I. \. .• '.B . .l.1.ttelH1ant ' and Cwill sign the " I'('q u i j'{,d form uf 11 t I'Y as 1~ !lOll tOll tin uons SCl' "ice man' for 'ix , IJll)1lt Its 01' fur the period of 1IIObilization." T
the foregoiu(), outline of the Branches of Briaade ,york for which the omlllissioller for ~ 'pecial 'el'vices is responsible, it llmy be gaLhered that a com,idel'aLle amonnt of administraLive WOl'J ~ is necessary in order t(1 e11S111'e thol'ol1O'h control and Ilieiellcy allcl to avoi(l tll '" I ossil)i1ity of fl'ietiun in dea1iuO' with the i U\'l; rlllllCll L (lepa r t III ell t.s c011cel'ned. The iOlllllli SiOllel', who has hitherL() hlulllupceial taft' 01' clerical a ' i,tance, has now 1) 'en relioy ' d of tho gTc'ltel' pnrt of hi office clntie ', Mr, \V. 1r. .Jlurn:tn A ,i , tant CUlllllli . ionor uf TO, 1 Di ,tl'ict, who has for SOllle ,Y ars becll goud enol1 rr h to coudnct [\, great deal of Lh ' runt in' utliee work on Uoluucl ]3o\n11e1''s behalf, havino' ree 'nLly 1) "!l i'(ll'lllally nppoillt t1 by H.E.H. the Prince of 'Yale, A 'si, tnn 10111111i '. inn l' for, 'peri.ll Sm'vic s. ] 1'0111
Culoncl .l\..
Ol'fJ'aui iug
Yat , r porLs
[1. .
lommissioner for India, Lieut.Collow':-
"'I'll, J'l'1>!ll'l , Pllt ill h~r th' lIon , . 'lClTetary of the Central iommittee (, ill India is so \ ('1':,' hrief, anel gives su lit t1 3 detail that it afford' me c. lit Lk S('I)]>l' TI)I' ('01l1111L'llL \Yhl'lI :-;i.l' ~~l'thllt' L1,\\'lcy Sllccl'ecled Lord " . \1llpt1Iill a s (lo\'enlOl ' of :\l;ulms, 1 sug-a .' led that the ne" Uo\'el'nol' , sh()llld hl' ill\ikd to 1'<,\i\'o t11(' \Iadra" 't'ntr' c-.;tnblihed in 1901. " That sugu ~st iUJl has be lJl a ·te( lon, but 1 h1.1,\"' ju-.;t l'ccciyed a letter
Tn vu{ irl TI'UYl8(!Orl Orn']18.
St. John A rno'Li-l((,?1ce As ociation.
, dated Ja.nuary 21st 190 ,from ir . Lawley's Surgeon to say that IIiR , Excellency r grets that he ca,nnot t11ke <wLive measul' s to r organi~ 'the outh Indian Centre aL .JIn.dras. At the R;t1lll time Sir George "Clarke ",a invited to <.:ontinue the good \York don' in Bomlmy by " Loru ~ orthcote and Lord Lamington, <.l.ll i1l\'iLatioll ,\ hl<.:h 111 t ,\ ith " a cordial 1'e pOllse. The succ St'l of the Bomba,), l \:'Jltl'e unci 'I' Lhr , succe" 'i"e GO\'CrnOl" might rCi1d i1lcsson to all the Provinces of 1nciia,. " ...1.8 regards f(H'luillg <1, ~ orLhel'l1 Bengal Cen tl'e, 1 myself vislL d "Darjeeling in :JIa,l'ch, 1901; in teniewed the hen,([s of rail WH,YS in , North l'Jl Bengal and corr spondcu with the Com miH 'ioner of tIl " Dooal's regarding the establi hmcnt of a Centre in t11a,1, district. I am " glad to hea,r that our work is lik ly Lo be taken up ther in earn st. " ErLrl Egerton was so good as to speak personally in .T uly b ' 1, to " H.ll, the .JIttharaja of 13ika,llir about the ac1Yantag'l:) of ,tmbulance " in trut.:Lion to Xatiye 'tn,tes, and also to addre s YiscounL Kikh n l' on the same subjeet. At the ame time 1 met Mr. i"ian Ga,briel '.v.o., " I.e .s., and had se,'eral cOIl"ersations with him r ga.rding first aid " in ' tructioll a.llll ambulance organisation in ~ at iy Nta.te. As Mr. " Gabriel expre ' scd his willingness to rle,~ote hims J£ on his return to " India. specinlly to this f.; etion of our work the Indian Central Conl"mittee 'nt.' communicated with and Mr. Gabriel has since been " appointed a member of that Committee. , Colonel 1'. H. Hendle)' C.LE. (bte of the Indian ~Iecli 'al .eI'Yic ), " has been instrumental, through hi: brother Lt. -Colon 1 il. It ntIley, , M.D., LM .. , and the He". Dr. ~[acalister, of Jaipur, in g tLin}' Trdu amI " Panjabi translations of our Fir t .l.icl :Jlan ual prepared. I communi" cated with Lt.-Colonel.'.... E. 1'<tte on thi subject 't)Jue month ' ago, " but have received no reply. A furth er <':ol11muuic("ttioll has now been " made to ~la,jor K. ~r. \1.1neron, R.\..:\I.C. who in D cemb r lasL uc"ceeded Lt.-Colonel Tate as Honorary • ecretary to the 1en tral " Committee of the Indian Branch. "Thank "ery largely to Colonel Lees Hall, R.A.M.C., and to :J11'. Georg "Lund of Bombay, the Pailway and Volunteer -'hullenge •'hieltl "competitions in India were successfully carried out in 1D07. Five " railway teams competed (one more than'in 1906), and two Yolunt r " (the same as in 1906). The standanl of efficiencv maintain d by all was " Yery good. The judge in these contests, all Ufficers of til 1{A.~r. ., "were pecially thanked bv the Central Executi,'e CotnmiLt e for the " sen'ice ' so kindly and cordially rendered by them on thi o<.:casion, as " on the previous ones. " ~ 0 ~ tatement of Accounts for 1906-7 has been sent in by tb Indian " Central Oommittee. " Though Lt. -Colonel Tate says in his report ' <tch Cen tr has be n " , asked to report direct to • t. John's Gate,' the only r port received is " that of the Bombay Centre, of which :J1r. George Lund is Honorary " • ecretary. That report is most satisfactory. " It is w~rthy of note that arrangements have been made in pursuance " of orders Issued by the Board of Trade, between the Bombay entre " and the Port Officer, Bombay, for the grant of Fir t. 1\id certilkates to "Officers of the ~lercantile ~Iarine. The Bengal •'ind :J1adra and "" B urma, Cen t res s110Uld make SImIlar . . ~" arrangements ~tt Calcutta, ~farach.l, .JIadras and R.angoon re.spectively. I deSIre to draw specIal attentIOn to the valuable ser vices rendered " by ~Ir. George Lund both to the Bombay Presidency entre and to the " work of the Association in India in general since 19tH." L
Continned sntisfn;etory progress is reportC(l from lentres and Bnmches in His M nj csty's dorninions lJeyoncl the • 'cas. The Mnlta entre, Ol·jginnlly fontled in 1 8 ~2 , has Deen re-organisec1 uucler the l)resic1ency of 1I. itI I. tllC Duke of 10ullal1ght anel with the nssistnnce of the I [ono1'a1'Y 8 ecrctary, an oHicel' in the Hoynl Mn.lta, Artillery 0,11(1 n lllember of n wel1-kllown Maltese fn,mi1y, will , it is hoped, continlle to be worked on a satisf(l,c tory basi.'. Allstralia supplies very illleresting local reports to be found in the Appendix. The sallle may 1)e said of the DOlllinion of ew Zenln.llcl , wherc one 1elltr , that or \Vellington, sets an example 'w hich l11ight w ell be followeel el sewhere in its financial arrangelllent and dev lop11lents, l' f<.' 1'1'eel to in its local report. In SOlltll Aeric[\' the lfigll Commissioner has taken a yery oTeaL interest, as eyiden' '(1 1)), Ilis Exc l1 CllCy'S gift of the "~ e1horn c 1hallenge • 'hi lcl ," th flrst competi( iOll for 'w hich tool' pla ... in . . prjl at Bloe1llfontein, the 'winners 1)ejng the team from Capo 1 0 1011Y. The C ()11J11l1 tee cannot refrain from expre 's i]]g its l'('gret at tIl ) le IS to lh . .\. SS ( eiation in •'outh Africa by t.1t) lllltimely (l "'ath or 11'. lIugh . ' haw, the Honorary • 'eel' La!'y and O)'uanis "'r ()f [,11'" elas es III the Orange River 1010n '. In • '()IIt.h Afri ea : ..... ]1 l'illl ,)', especially at the Cape Colony 1 'n(re , lluJiJlll nnc \ W01+ i. w 11 to th front anL1 fl ourishinO'. < Prc)ll'l' . s i rc:pc lrtc(l fI'O!] 1 ll lH ny oth er places ahl'oacl, a. Hong KOl1'" allrl [h StraiLs ~ 'et t lelll cnt s (refcrred to c.:l ·where). It i , how ' \' r , till a SO llr' (If y '1')" groat rcgr t that .'(1 liLLl is clone in l'Lll1;ldn" in spit, of lit e visits of Coluncl BowcUer, Lieut.t'lll m·1 A. C. Yat " awl otll ul'., n.lHl hat the Dominion, which OIlg'Jt L L() b '" a s trongh old lu bUlh he A 'suciation nncl Brigade, till ], "\Jll:lilL' () far in tIl e ba '}-!'rOllllcl cOJ1l11flrcc1 with its ister " eololli s in m;tmlia and. TOW Zeabncl, 11lll·h bO'ooel work ,\'a, done a tone Th e Paris til11 , is ]l()\\' hein o ' l'C-()l'g·ani.-ed. T
1 ?\? \LIJJ TH.L ' '''POllT COltI'S .llring lh P_lst t\\-elYe month 1 550 n~ lllC)VuL inclndilH.!.' :)0 rUllm to rOOlll rClllola1 , haye Leen cnlTiell Ollt. Amongs t the Jllore iI1lporumt llh1J be mentioned fUlll' 1on tinental, viz., Lunc1un GO alai. , . .\.ix.-b- 'hapelle to London, > 't. Haphael to Lonc1on, und > ' t. J can-cle-Luz to Foll~ e tone; and, ,
St. John i1mlml(('ncc As,'ociution. H.H.R.
n,g-o was presented to the Order by the liberrrlity of Dr. osgrn,ve and in which, owing to the lrtp e of time, 0111e chrrno'es are needed to brin o· it up to da te is uncleI' revl ion by n, Medicn,l b ' Sub-Committee, n,nd <1 new edition will, it i hop d, be issued before next session. R eference W<1S lll<1de in the report or the Order Inst y :1.1', but ,vas not referred to in th<1t of the Am buln.nce Dcpnrtlllent, to the formation of the (( l\IILI1'.,\HY HO)IE Ho PITA L RESERVE." An applic<1tion was received from the ,Val' Office asking jf the Order would undertake the n,dmini tr<1tion of the [ilitary Home H o pitn,l in time of war, thu enabliDo' the Officer n,nd men of the ROY<11 I'm)' l\Iedicnl Corps to procee(l a ( once on active or foreio'n elTlCe on the outbrenk or ho"tilities. ,Yith the s<1nction of H.R.H. the Prince of ,Y ale on the recommendation of the hapter-Geneml, n, ommiLLee wm; formed under the cbninnanship of the DirecLor and ihairlll::Ul of the Ambulance Department, and <1 cireular, :1. copy of which i n,tt:1.ched: ha been put widely in circulation. Although the formation of till re er\'e i n, laro'e undertaking, it is hoped that with the assi tanee of the pel'sunnel of the Rt. John Allllmlance Brigade, the members of ,yhich so eilieiently proyed during the South African and Chinese wars their de ire to undertake any patriotic duty when called upon, the Oreler 'will iJe n,ule to cn,rry to n, succe £ul i sue an undertaking ,,,hich i,' worthy of' its high e t traditions. In conclu ion the Director :1.11<.1 Chairll1<111 and the lommittee desire to oft'er their wannest anelmo t cordial <1cknmdec1 cr ments to their fellow workers 0 f eyer)' degree :1.nd of every cln s in life; to their valued collen,gues, the members of the Medical Profession, both Lecturers and Exallliner ; to the Executiye and Committees of Centres <1nc1 Branches; and Lo the lJe'I'sunnel of all ranks in the St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.
Reference 1907.
,[bc (Branb lPrior\? of tbc ~rber of tbe 1bo6pitnl of St. 30hn of 3crUBalclll in JEnglanb. AMBULANCE
Departmental Committee nominated by the ChapterGeneral and sanctioned by H. R.H. The Prince of Wales, Grand Prior of the Order, for the institution and development of a
( e. r TIm
i\IosT II()~. (Director
t.he Alllunlance Department). VICE CHAI RMAN :
(e~G (~tJu; io.) LIEl'T.- 'OL<J~EL .' m h[C'llAHD
B .\uT.,
Vu;.,].,(ant 1111' elm uf tbe AlllUl1]n.nce Depal'tlllen ). MEMBERS.
• 'm. .J Oll~ 'OL()'XEL
.' r n
• 'ueretary
'. D.
the \.lllblllance ESQ.,
epartlllGnt). (Receiyer- 1'enera1 of the
'()LO~EL ~r It ~ijL\HLE:::' -:\[OOHE ,Y.\TSO . T,
i. M. x.,
C;.B .
JI.D. , JJL.D. l xsl'E ',(,Oll- +E~EHAL DEUEL\ YE I~~IS, ~I.D. , R.N. (Chief C0l1ll11i '. 'ionel' or (he St. John Ambulance Brigade). En)I ~\) O\\,E~, E, ·(J. , LL.D. F.R. '... ( l\Iedicnl Officer in Chi 1', • It. .John \.llllmlancc Brio'ad ).
• 'lIt
DY 'E ])
lVTili ((( )'y
St. JOh1L L1 mbnlance Association.
8m ALFHEn rEOGlr , K.C.B., K.ll.P., LL.D. (Director-General, Arm)' Medi\3nl ~ 1'vice). UnGEO~-GEKEluL Sm ,VILLLUI T .\YLOH , K.(1,n., r.ll.p. ( Late Director-General, "A rmy l\ICllicnl Snic ).
--'UlU1E()~-GE~EIU" L
'1'.\ YLOH,
1.11., K.I r P.
\\ ith the sanction of H.H.ll. the Prince of' \\Tal es , tIl 'hapL 1'General of the Order of St. John uf Jerusalem has 1)(, ' 11 ill cOllllllunicat.ion \\ i th the ,y nr Ofii 'e ns l' gfll'(ls t11 f'Ol'lllat ion of an org.mi ed body to be termed ,. The l\lili ta],) 11 OIlle 11 ospi tab Re erye," which will Lc recruited, ns far as Lb lctIi ,.11 'lnir is concerned, from Lhe Sl. John Ambul<l.nce Asso ·intioll nnd from the t. J obn AIII Lubace Brigade , .mel, as l' g,ll'ds other ran ],8, from the St. John Ambulance Brigfl<.le. l'cl'tiH tl pupib of the St. J o11n Ambulance A. oGiati(lll \"hu lllny pu~. "8, or acquire, the nece 'SalT qualificn lions, a ((/) '0111 pound rs, (6) Clerk, and (c) ooks, who are \\'i11in()" ;-, to yolunt er , \\ ill be enrolled to fill tho e rntinb"s. Th III lllb 1'8 of (hi Reserve V\ ill not be expccLed to proceed on for )ign . on'i (; bll L the Otlicers will be required tu und rtake the aclministration , and tbe other ranks dnties in yarions cnpacili s, uf Lh ) lIum ' .;\Iilitarr Hospital in tillle of national mergen', r, thus l'llaldillg t~e Otlicers and men of Lhe Buyal Army 1\1 'elicnl Cllr!>s, \\'ho ill tll11e of peace are on cluty at these e 'taLli, hlllcnls, to proc e(l at once to the field of operations. Enrollllent for this ,e1'vi 'e will not ~n~ail any ex tra drill or duty of any kind in t i1l1e of pcn , but It IS expected that all enrollecllllelllLer~ \\ ill take uciYn.n ta('e of any special opportunity whiuh lllay LIe nlforclccl Lh ]11 fur in truction in hospital work ~ 'pccinl caUl', es u C illSll'll dioll will be arranged for the Otliccrs to obtain infol'lllation ill aclll1illi:trat~ve dutie~ , and for other mnks in sllch sul)jc ·to' as lI1ilit:ny hyglene, and III special subjects such a5 the du tics of CUlllp()111111crs, cooks for Hospital purposes, &c. Enrolled men of t11e f-:)l. .J (lIm Ambulance Brigacle who are in pos, ession of the ordinary nursing certificate of the St. John Am Lulunce Asso(;iation \\'iil be able to special free Gourses of ills tnwLiun, uut only those who WIsh to ue rated as l:)eniol' Attenuants neeclllcces. ltrily attencl these courses. I
J[o.<:;pi (((Jc:;
] rO?!1P
A memLel' of the liJitnxy Home Hospitals Reserve will be considel'e(l l1, Volnntcer in l,he strictest sense of the wonl He will receive JlO pay in (.he shape of [l. eapi tation Cl'rant in time of pencr, will noL be lialJle to nny ] gal penally for not making 11imself' flicienL, and even wheJl caBe(1 ont on Jl101Jihzation in Lilli£) of' national emergency el1,nnoL Le compe]led to serve, unless he then volllntarily nli sts in lhe Royal Arllly reclical 10rps Cor the (l11ralion of' the campaign, or for snch shorLer periocl as may 110 al'l'ange<l , whell he "will 11 cessa1'il)' lJe sn1Jjeet Lo mihtary law. Tllis will Le in accordance "w ith the p1'eC'e(lent set during the 'onLh African \\Tar, when Lhe lllCllll)el's of the Brigade who proceeel d em <lGLivc sel'yice \ver telllpornrily enllstec1 in that Corps. A lllelll\Jer of the HOJ1le Huspita]s Heserve who enrols hilUs H for Ihe pnrpos S Dam c1 p] ·dues his word that it i8 his honesl. inl nLinn to s rye in ca 'e of llational Clllorgency. A man who y()lllnteers for this ,'en'ice withouL conscientiously Lelieving hat h e wi]] l)e aLle 10 berye at any mom nt if call cl npon, or if, having nl '1' d, r 1l1ains in Ll e He' rye after 11 finds that in time of' war 'il'C1.1111btmlc . w111 not allow hiD! to 1 aye his emploYlllent, is llllLrll 10 lliltls 'If and " in patrioti, m. It is, Lh l' ,fore, 11 "ce . it)'), lhat lllCll in l'egn1n.l' employment should 'ommlt Llleil' mploy )l's l)eful'c undertaking thi , important nalional duty . 11 lllO IJilizat iOll I he c()ndi tion, as regards pay generally, separati()ll allowancc , nllollllellts tu re1n.tiy ' muI others, pension fur i11.illl'ic.' on ,en'ic , wi(lo\\' ' und chil(lren' ponsion, will be th sallle a ' /'01' tlle Hnyal Al'lI1) 1\lec1ical Corps. A "l)e('ial An1l Ihclu" , sllUwin12: that the wearer 1 elon l""o', to the rililn1')' 110lll " ] lospilltls H se1'ye will Le is, II d. No gl' 'at an upportlllii t.l is hereby afforded to those who are conn d ·<1 wi th Lh All tl mlan . , Depnrt 111 II t of Lhe Order of SL .. J()hn , l)eluugill" to the ,'t, John AmI ubnc:c Brio'ad , to YUl11nt u r for thi ' patl'iotie c1uLy , that it i ' anticipated and 'oll/ill ~nt 1y belie\ eel t hnL \\'hen the t 1'111, of eryice are fully ll11clersLooll no clilli '111t~, \\ III Le ex-peri en 'eel in oLtaining the HlllllL 'r or men reCjl1i1'l'll lJY the ~lililary Allthorities, and who are anxious from a sense of patriotic duty to come forwlll'll in Lhe scryic' of 'oye1'eign <"md Country, and render ,'uch as~isLance as ulay b' in their powel'hul1ltl Lhi. coullLry again Le engaged in n. W.U' on f\,·e 'ale. I
( , l . l
St. John A 1nuulance Association. K.C.B., K.H. P., LL.D. (Director-Genern'!, Army Medicn.l Service).
( Ln.te Director-General, Army i\I ed ical Sel'Yice). H ONO RARY
K.C.H., K.l£
,Vith the sanction of H.R.H. the Prince of ,Vales, the CbapLerGenern.l of the Order of St, J obn of J eru 'al81n Lns lHJ n in communication \\"ith the ,Yar Oftice as regards the fOl'lm tion of an organised body to be terlll ed .c The l\lilitary HOllie Bo. piLnls Reserve," which will be recruited, as fnl' a ' Lhe Icc1ical Stafl' is concerned, from the Sl. John Am bulance A ociation nllll frOlll the , ' t. John All) bulance Brigade, and, as regards oth(.;1' 1'ank , from the St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade. Certified pupils of the St. John Ambulance Association who lllay pos, e S , or acquire, the necessary qualifi cations, a ' (u) COlli pounders) (6) Clerks, and ( c ) Cooks, who are willing Lo volunteer, will . be enrolled to fill those ratings. The lllembers of this Reserve will not be expected Lo proceed on fOl'eign sel'yi (; Lm t the Officers will be required to undertake tbe administratioll , and the other mnks duties in various capacities, of th Home l\Iilitar? Hospitals in time of national emergency, tIm nalding the Officers and men of the Royal Army Medical Curps, who in time of peace fire on duty at these establishments, to proceed aL once to the field of operations. Elll'ohuellL for Lhi:-; seryice will not ~n~ail any extra drill or duty of allY kind in tillle of 11 ace, b~[t It IS exp~cted thaL all enrollccllllCUllJers \\'ill take £tdv£m Lage of any speClal opportunity which lilay be aft'onlcc1 lbe])] fur instruction in hospit,n.l work. Special courses of' instnlCLioll "ill be arranged for the Officers to obtain informaLion in ac1111illistrat~ve du tie~ , and .for ot~er ranks in sllch su bjects as 111iJi Lary hyglene, and m .special subjects such as the duties of cOlllpounclers, cooks for Hospltal purposes, &c. Enrolled mell of tIle f::)t. .J olm Am~ulance .B rigade who are in possession of the ordinary nursmg certIficate of the St. John Ambulance AssociaLion wi ll be able to ~bLain special free courses of instrucLion, bu L only those who wlSh to ue rated as Senior AttendanLs neeclllecessarily attend these courses. I
A member of Lhe IiliLary Home Reserve will be consider c1 n, YolunLeer in (he sLrictest sense of the word. He willl'eceiYe no pn.y ill Lhe shape of n. cn.pi Lation O'l'an t in time of peaco, ,rill not be liable to any logal pen a] t y for not making hi01S 11' flicient, and yen ,r11 n called ont on JllObiJization in tilll0 or naLional em l'gency cn.nnoL 1)e compelled Lo serve, llnless he L11Cll yolllntarily en 1i.. ts in the Hoyal Army Mec1ical orps Cort11 cluraLion or the call1paign , 01' for snch shorter period as may l,e [llTang d, wh 11 he "ill ]lec ssarily br sllb.iecL to military law. Tllis will be in acconlan 'e with (he precedent set during the ) 'ouLh . .Uri an \\Tar, when the IllenIiJel's ol"the Brio'ade who PI' ceed (Ion a 'LiYe ,'en,ice \\' r t Jlllporarily enlist (1 in thaL imps. A 11IC111lle1' ()( the II()l1lC ] Iuspita1s Reserye who enrols hilllseH I'or tIle P11],PO , S l1ilm c1 pI 'clges Lis ,yord LIla it i~ his honest illt ntinn (0 sC'l'Ye in ea.. or national elllel'g ncy. A man \rho y()llllll r, fur this , oni(' , "itho11t. cons ~ ielltiousl,.1 ' believjl)(J' thn.t h will j, a1l1 ' (0 ~ n nt any mom nL if [111(.; ([ lIpan. or if. haying 'nt 'l'ell , r '111aillf; in t L P . cry art el' h linch Lhat in time or \\ ar -il' 111\L [aJle ill noL [tl1o,Y hilll tu 1 flY hi emplO,Ylll ' nt, i~ IlntrllO to hill1s ,]f an(l "anting ill patrioti, m. It. is, t h '}' '('or , HOC sary that 111 ' ll in r gular eJl1plllymenL iShoulc1 cnmmlr. th i1' 'Jl11)luy . 1'8 JJ l'ol'O llnderlnkin ~o ' this iml)ortanL national dill \'. On lllolJilizat ion [h '()]HliLinlls n l' h(ranls 1) a)' bo'enera]l .... . ." separaLion a]JllWnl1 'C' , alloLDl n(s (0 r,bt i\ l' t1lHl olh ]'S , p n ion for ill,jul'io:-, OIl " 'ryic " widows' aml children's pension, will he the Sllllle as for Lhe Ho,\ al Ann ' M eli 'nl 'o1'p8. A 8}) '('ial Anll Bilrl!.!.'O s1lu\\ im.!· Illat t110 We, l l' '1' L lonu's to th t' Tilital'Y llUllll' Jlo pi(als H 'S'l'Y' will b· issllell, So OTenl an 0ppOl'tlllliL) is 11 reby nll'twd c1 lo tho who are connect ,t! \\iLll th .AllJ11ulmlce D 'p:lrlll1CllL or the Order or ) iL, .John, belullgil1g to the, 't. ,John .Aml ·ubn· Brigtlc1e, t) volunt eer C()]' this pall'iotie duty, Lhnl it is nntieipatecl illHl conlic1 ntly bclie\'ed (haL w11 n the tel'1l!, of' en'ie nrc fully 11l1clersto()(l no clillieull) \\ tIl be e::-.p ricn 'cd in ou(aining: ell 1l11111bel' or 1l1en reCJuin,d bJ tIl ~ l ilitn.ry Authoritics, nIH 1 who HI' allxiolls hOlll It S ns' oC pntrioLi duly to com fOl'w:ll'!l ill l,ho s 1'vic oJ', 'ov '1' ign :\11(1 l fount ry, amI 1'01H.101' such n,ssislance as 111n.y Ll' in (heir pr)\\er sholll!l Lhis COUl1Ll')' again be eng,tg-etl in n, Wtll' Oll n. Inl'g scnle. ~
\ ,
~be ~ranb 1Prtor~
of the ~rber of the AMBULANCE
Income and Expendit'l.t1·e Account fO?'
tbo5pitnI of $t. Jobn of 3erusnlell1 in J8nglanb. D EPA R T MEN T. the Yea?' ended 30th September, 1907. II
Instruction and Sale of Stores-
Instruction and Sale of Stores-
£3256 16
Salaries .
1606 l4
Printing, stationery and general expenses
Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses
Oarriage an(1 freight
Gro. s profit on alc of sLorcs
'lasses In
0 £9671
314 17 10 [6~27
2430 10
194 13
Invalid Tpan port CoPp s.
Ftcs rnl'
7 4
Printing, stationery and general expenses
122 10
R epairs, (leprcciatioll an(1 renewal of carriage. and appliances
137 19 11
!J 11
111 11 10
Receipts frol11 'clllres nuu DeLaclH'd l'l' SIH'ct of instrnction
Invalid Transport Corps-
Donat iUlls all(1 al1lll1al n\)scripliom;
7 4
Expenses of removal of invalids, inclu(lillg horses, travelling and incidentals
of ill\"a lHls
2430 10
St. John Ambulance BrigadeSt. John Ambulance Brigade
Publi c duty and maintenance of stations
395 10
3 7 15
Trav clling expenses
Printillg, stationery alld general expenses
Oompensation and other expenses in connection with Hampstead H eath accident .
31fi 13 10
UOlllriblllJOIIS Lowards
Special Competitions Balance , bcing sur plus of I ncome over Expenditure
01 • lalion '
191 13
0 12 1
19 S 11
180 11
£12 ,296 8
We have examineu the books anu vouchers of thc Ambul ance Department of th e Grand Priory In coJ~le and Expellditnrc Account for the ycar enelecl 3 OLh Septem bel', 1907, is correct. This AccOUllt therel11. 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.O. 11th March, 1908.
8 0
of the Order of Lbe JIospilal of L. John of Jerusalem ill Engluud, and cerlify Lhat the abovc forms part of the Goncral In come and Expenditure Account of the Order, and i incorpolltted PRICE, WATERHOU E AND Co.
SZi.JU C?'iplio178 and Donations.
St. 3-ol1n
Elllt btl Ia tlee
1906 - 1907.
(Receivcd at Central Ollicc only, nnclnot including those received by Local HOlIOl'al'y ,-'ct'l'eial'i !l 0(' Centre.·). A DUNation uf Fice P01lnds ClllclllPlI'Ul'ds constitlltes (( Li}c ..l}cmbc?'. An Annual • 'lIb.w:t'ipllUlI of Fu'c I hi/lillgs ClIlr171jJlI'ards cunstitlllfS ((1/ Annual Afembe?'. All Aleri.k (it) signille' an Annual
s. d. 110
uu 'criucl'.
£ Arll1slrong College
£ s. d
* Uaig-Brown, Mr' .
o G 0 *
.. Bukcl', nil'. U.
I Iumiltoll, Mr, J. G., ~r.v.O. * Homer, Rev . II.
* Bath,
The [nrc:biollCS:; Do\\ agel' * Bene('ke, nii;;s A. 11[. Bonil Lld. * BlUer, .Jli ~ * Capel, 11'. Frank ' • Ceely, Miss 'Iagnc, 11iss 1\[, L. * Coates, Deputy Illspeetor, C: 'ncral Malthew, Il.~. Collings, li's 1\1. B. .. Davil's, [iss Dixon, Mis.' \Y. A.
o 10 0 110 o
0 0 6
o 10
o fi o 10 o
0 0
G 0
* 110 le, 1\11'. G. H. Lairu, :W . Alice 1\1. "LI1\'elo. 5, Dr. \\'. K. ".Me a It)', Lt. -Col. George, iI
U.B.,l: .. \.-,r.c.
* McClintock, Dr. L. T.
* Tbackeray, 01. it E. T., K.C.B., 'D. r., R.E. Touche, 1\11'. J. K .
• Walter.,
0 0
.Mis' A. M.
* Evclegh, .Miss FI'allk, Dr. Phi lip.
o 10
* Greenhol'ne, Miss
Dawes, Mr. E. ~ Draffell, Mrs. W. Pitt ~ Fowler, Mrs. • Fmser. M I'. EJmullJ • H atclt al'CI, 1\1l's.
G G 0
110 :l ~ 0 ~
* Torth, it
0 0
050 o 10 0 110
7 0
U . . ,l'.B.,M.Y.O. £5 2 Priestley, Lady ~ tilwell, tlfr·. '01.
050 050 050
lIle\\'bul'Jl, Ii E. Mitchell, Mi s O' [alley, Mr. W. I imp all, Mr .. J . * Terry, Major-Gelleral Atley
o G 0
* laude, lis Emily
Dycr, Mrs. Carr
Du Pre, Miss
110 220 056 o 10 0 o 5 0 110
0 2 0
0 0 0
£20 10
Life .111embers.
St. John .il1nbulance i1ssociatio'l'l. DONATIONS PER OE TRES.
£1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 0 - 10 10 0 10 0 0
Bognor Manchester Nelson (N e\v Zealand) Norwood Queensland
Wellington ( ew Zealaud) .
£37 17
Bll1btllal1ce Bssociation. LIFE lEMBER.
i\TOTE. - TIt(' Life Jllcmbers attached to Ccntres HER MAJE'TY TIlE QUEE HER ROYAL III
DONATIONS PER BRA JCHE". Bewdley Cambridge East Hetton Oolliery Hove Pontnewynydd Romiley
0 0 0 2 0 0 o 10 6 0 5 0
7 9
o 10
6 3 0 4 8 10 0 o 10 6 J 10 6 1 6 0
25 11 o 10 o 10 0 7 1 1 10 0 6 5 68
£0 1 3 6 1 17
OONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD Auto Oycling Olub . Oook's Annual Sports Deptford Fund Fete Dorling, H. M. Ea.rly Olosing Association E ldorado Oycling Club Essex Motor Olub Franco· Bri tish Exhibition, (proportion attributable to the year) Gainsford Athlp.tic Club German Oycling Club Hairdressers' Club H ignell, IIII'. A. E. Hospital Saturday Fund International Horse Show London Exhibitions, Ltd., (proportion a ttri bn table to the year)
Shalllley Green trensham Taft's Well
3 o 10 0 5
0 6 6 6 0 0 6 0
4. 0 0
17 10
London and India Docks £50 0 Lorraine, . A. ~ 12 Mackenzie, F. D. 0 5 Ninnis, Dr. 1 17 Palestine ill London 4. 14 Reid, R. 0 4 Shoe anu Leather Trades 3 0 Southern Oonnties C"Clillg Olub o 10 Southern Oounties Cycling Union 0 10 Stanford, A. E. (Tobacco Trades) o 10 'Wilkinson, Dr. R. . ~ 2
£194 13
7 4.
0 ()
6 0 6
0 0
A.H. A{tair,
not inclwletlin this List. WEDEN.
II. 111. IIlH.:lollY, the Lonl Argyll, The \' PI Y Re\". th De(l.lI or BalloD, 1111' . Al fl'ed 13artoll, Mrs. Hope Baker, Mr.. F. n. UeddiJlgtoll, ~lrs. ncdford, IIcr Chace the Duches ui' 13c\'ulI, ~Ir. T. "\\'. 13e\'ille, ~\l r. F. W. Bol1lJ, Mr. i., '. E. Bokko\\', Mr. C. F. II. Bl'I1k 'pear, Mr. II. HapI'lL"! 13ransloll, Mrs . .J. (L Brecttlall'llllc, the '\lal'!ltH's of', K.{., Bn.!lhlalbanc, the Marl,;hiulll ~s ur Britten, 'uptain R. F . , It-X. Brucc, Mi~' 'itl'islina.:.\1. A. Bu tro.', 1I1atlame {!e Byron, nIl'. J. L. Campbell, !{ev. 'laud Campbell, Irs. IIugh Capel, Mr. Franl' C. CaLtell, Dr. G. Trew Chichester, Lhe Ht. Hon, the Earl of Clarke, Licut.·Col. A" M.D., lL\."I. C. Coates, Deputy Inspector-General M., It. Collings, 1\1is M. B. Cotton, Mr. Charles, F.R.C.l'. Cresswell, Col. Pearson R. Crompton Co-operative Provident oc. Ld. Crookshank Pasha, H. E . Harry M., AllIher~l 0('
Darwin nIl'. Oeo. II. , ?II. n., F. R. 0.1'. Dawson, Lieut.-Col. DalLon, Major-General J. C., R.A.
Da\\ e , Mr. B. M. de rellloll, Capt. Di.oll, Lady Dixon, Mr. WaYllman Drall'ell, '\lrs. 'Y. PiLL Dn Pre, ~Ii s EI 'wick "\Yorb Accic1ell L anti Compen· sation li'llllcl Fen-abo 'chi, Mr '. Figgins, :,\11'. Jame' Fi UIICIllOle, IIOll. 1111'. J II lice
Fir. t Fruit: (per J. A. 11.) Fra.nk, Dr. Philip Fl'lwl-, , ~lr. has. W. Freshlielll, iih'. Ed \\'ill , LIJ. D., F.S.A. Farley, Mr. F. W. Gooch, Mr. C. F. C~ohls\\ol'thy, illajor-Uencral 'I., M.l'. GonIon, ilIl. A. A. .regol'), :.\lr. Herbert ~. Hare, 1II r. . II. IIeuri 'Oll, Dr. C. llatchanl, Mrs. Frank Ileap, ?Ill'. Ralph Heap, 1\11'. Ralph, jUlll'. Ililh;-Johne , Geueral ir J., Zl. ~-., G.C.B. Ilu 'pital , atnnlay Fund llughe ·Hunter, Lady, of PIa' Coch. Javal, MI'. P. Oremien J crvoise, Mr. . Clarke J crvoise, Miss . G. Clarke Kcmball, General ir Arnold B., R.C.B.,
R.O . . I.
Loney, Mi s Long taif, .Mr. Ll. W. Lully, .Mrs.
Lucas, Mr. F. L.
Ro berts, Field Marshal th e Earl, K. G. ,19". Q[. McCausland, Miss A. O. Rorlgett, Mrs. Richard B. McOlure, Lady Ross, General Sir J., G. C. B . McCorquodale & 00 " L td., Messrs, S.D.R.S.D. Mackintyre, Dr. ancton, Mr. Philip McKellar, Mr. 0 , D. Sharp, Mr. 'William MacLean, Mr. Robert MacLean Singleton, Thlr . E. })Ic Vicker, Mr. C. G. Skel'l'itt, Mi s O. E. Madan, Rev. Canon Steet, Mr. G. Oarrick, F.R.C.·. Malden, Dr . F. J. Stirling, Mr . John Martin, Miss F. II' ee tillg, Mis E. Maxwell, Mr. J. W, Taylor, Slll'geon-Major, M. D. May, 001. W . Allan Tomkin, 11'. Alfred Savill Mitchell, Mr. A . O. Tufnell, Lient -Col. E. Mitchell, Mr. John Vacher, Mr. Franci , E.R.C. '. Molyneux, :Miss Waddy, Mr. H. Ed\\'anl, M.R.C.H. Morgan, Mrs. A . Hickman Walker, Mrs. N eve, Mrs. Everard S. Weston, Mr . Gould HunterN ewton, Major J. W . M. ,Yhitaker, Mrs. Ma tel' Ninnis, I nspector-General B., R. N. North, Col. B. N . , c. B. Whithard, MI'. B. M. N ugen t, :Mrs. Arthur Wight\\'ick, :Mrs. Ogilvie, lIIajor 0, M. Williams, Colonel R. Orde, :Miss E. lU. \Yilman, ~lr. Challes P errott, Mr. E. E. Woollcombe, Dr. RoberL Lloyd, 1.1,. Il. PlCkersgill, Mr. E. P., M.R.C.S . , L.R.C.P. F.r. ln st., F. . s., Dr.K.I.A. Phillips, Mr. A. Wynuham, Major G. O. Plumb, Mr. R. Yarrow, .Mrs. Poppe1well, Major H. F. Webb YaLe, Lieut. -Col. A. C. Priestley, Lady Yate, Mrs. A. C. R p,yher, Dr. Oarl (St. Petersburg) Yate, Cul. C. E., c., .1., C.M.G . Ri vington, nIl'. O. R. Yate, Mrs. O. E.
llollu)' lJ'y Life JJIe1n(Jers.
St. John A l1Lbv.,la/nce Association,
HO OP AitY LIFE MEMBEHS ( Elvrtd i,~ I'ccvljnition oj' c1diilljllilj/wrl ljC(oicc\ LI~Jn,.theriILU the ubJr;ClS of
the A 1j80C; ill l io fL. AblJott,
L. H. C. l'. I.
Aumhalll, Mr. A. A., .. ·.1. A<lam, .Mr. Ba'il J., ::11. H., & '.:'11. (Victoria). Adams, .Mr. II., Llt.C.l'., L.I".l'.H., lila:;. Adam:;, ~11'. ,J., ~LJl., c.:'Il., Edil!., I.. S . •\. AuullJolJ, J\ll'. .Tame', \1.11. Adams, ;)11'. 1I1atthcw A., F.l!.C.S. Ailchi::;ou, ~11. HoLlenck, ~1.D. & CII.1J., Mel h. Aitken, 1111. C, 'ntll'lonl, ,\1.11. Aitkeu, ;'[1. J. Il., )l. ll. , t'.'\1., Edill. ~1r. L.ll . . I'.C.
Arlllstrong, Mr. Joseph F., ::I1.D., Brux. Annsoll, .Mr. T. \\' , ::II. B., ell. B. Amuld, ~11 . .K Charles, ::11.11., lJlllh., L.b.'C.,L-.lLt.:-i.,M.R.U.l'. :.'>1.])., Glafj., c.~l., D.1 ' .II., CUlllb. Arlhur, .Mr. Gcorg', )1.11., ell,B.
AlLllUl', .Mr. Du.yid,
Mr. J. 1"., M.ll.<':.S., L.R.C.P., Loud. .\.tkill Oll, ;'1r. .8., :'11. l:.<.:.S., L . . . A. Atkin 'on, Mr. 1" . .8., L.U.G.l'., Lonu. :'11. H. L . ··.
Alkul OlJ, ;'J1'. ,I. 1Ilitrunl, )1. B. AlkillSOlJ, 1111'. Hobert, :'II.ll.G.S., L.~.A. Alkll1sUll, ~l1'. TholilitS H., :.'>1.11. , M.H.L.S., L.i".A.
AtHlland, ~11. W . .8., .S., 1,.1:.('.1'., Loud. Alnalldt'J', ~lr. ~. R, '\l.lJ. All>;ll:ll, ;,It·. A. \\'., L.l:. ·.P. & L.S.,\., Allan, ;'lr. '. ~l., :'11. .\., Abel'. ~I.]I., Edin. Loud. Allull, ~lr. Il e\-lol' , '\LB., ;\1.';. All~tlll, iiiI'. Juhn A., '\1.1)., Abel'. .Allan, ;'lr. Will .. ,\J.B., l',,\J., (:111:-.. All"lin, ;'11'. JOIlll .1., ;\1.\)., ,\1.( .lI., R.r.I. Allall: ~lr. \\ Jllwlll '1'. Do,) I", .'I.B' 1 H.I Jl. An:l'ill, ~11'. Cbarlcs, )I.IJ.,lJmh.,'\1.1l., BoO . .Allell, ~lJ'. A I., \1. B, Jlage, £,11'. Cha.'., ;\1.11., ~iel]'., :'11. D., D.:;. All "011 , K \\ Illthy, 1,.1(,( ' .1'., 1•. lt.I '.S., (\'ictona). I.. ~l., Edill. I~agllell, ~lr. W. H., 1..1:.('.1'.1-:., .l£dill.,L.,\l. Alltlll'.l.lJ, ':\lr. ' . A., ;\I.D.,"I1.H., \1.1:.( .:-i., \)aildulI, ~lJ'. 1'. J., ;\1.1 , ., '.:'11., Euin. Eng., LIt.<':.S., Edill. Baillie, ~JI. l'ltl!', ;\J.)I. Amhler, ..\11'. J. H.ieharcl.lJll, ;\1.1:.l'.!"., HUlll, ~Il'. \\' llliam, :'11.))., Vlll'h. L.IL '.1'., Loud. Buldllill, ~ll. F. B. J.,)l.u.o.s, j •• S.A. All(ll'rSOll, ~Ir. '. ~l., !\I.ll. llald\\'ill, .I\Ir. T. A., II.A., lJnu., )I.J)., Allllcl'SUIl, 1IJI. (:eorge, ;11.11. "\1.1., 1.. I:.C.:-i. I. AlHlel'solJ, ~11. t. K l'., ..\1.))., LUlId., :'ILl:', Balloul', ~lr. LU\lis ,I., )I.B., CH.n., :\lelb. n.H. ( 'ape TuwlI , . Ball, MI. ,]uhll .\., '\1. B., Jl1.H. ·.S. And'r.oll, il". Jalll!.!,', ~1..\., Edill" ;\1.11., l;alleJJee Bllcllllra E.l'.ari, l..)u;.,l'alculta. Aldridge, 1Ill'. T Elliott, ·. S ., EIllll.
Andet"oll, MI'. ,1. W.,
Ibuk', 1>11'.
:'II. 11. ~1.1:. '.S., 1•. lt. ' .1 '.,
.:1[ ..\.,
1\11'. R. \Y., Loml. ( CI\' Zeal<llld). Audcr'ou, 1r. " 'Ill. 'tillillg, Alldel'SOll
L.H.loL'.E., L.U.loS.
~lr. '\'Ill. L.I:.().~., .l£dill.
Ibrcla), 1>11'. W. 1\1., L.lLl' .I'., L.H . . , Ulas., Barlo\\', 1111'. Arthur.E., ;l1.B., (.:.'>1.
Harlow, Mr. Tho,.;, \\'. Na) lor, )1.H.C'.::l., I,.H.C'.I'., Loud., }).1' .ll., Uamb. Harm', Ml. Eruc~t, :'II.H. & 1.,.\1., AUf.r. Barro\\,Mr.G.A., :'Il.lL( .", L.H.U.P., LOll ll. Bartel', Mr. "'., M.ll., BX.I., :'II.ClI.hl.A.O. C.::I1. Bates, nIr. J. Cnrling, ::I1.H.C. '., L.R.C . r., Annersley, Mr. H., :"I1.D., &c. Lond. Anson, Mr. GcorgeE., :"I1.D., H. C., Uaml,. Dutes, .MJ'. ,,'i1li.llll R., L.U.('l'., L . R.C. '.1. Applebe, II'. E. A . , L.It,C.p., Ellill., BUUl;hop, iII!'. W. F., 1..1t.C.S. & 1'.]0'. L.F.P. & s., G., L.M. UeurJmore, lr. O. Rn 'sell, L.R.C.p., Apthorp, Mr. F. W ., ]\1.I:.C. S., Loud., ]\Ll:'C.:>. L.n.C.I'. Beasley, 1111'. James G., L.R.C.I'., Edill., Arlidge, Mr. John F., L.R. '.S . , L.H. '.P.E . L.F.l'.H., ,las. Armstrollg, 1111'. John Hiuhal'ufjOll,13caLh, .MI'. Da,vid L.,, Eng., M.n., C.M., Etlil1. L.R. ~ .P., Lond. I.B.,
'. \1.
Anllrew, Mr. F. ,V., \'.S., L.n.l·.l'. Andrew', ~lr. '., "\1.1LU.H. Andrews, 11. " 'illilllll, )I.I>. Angu, 11'. Henry, M.D., Abel'., :lJ.n.,
St. John A 1nbulance Association.
Beaton, 111'. Frank, ~I.B . , B.S. Boyce, Ur. J . G., L.R.C .. , Edill. Beattie, MI'. Charles J., M.B. B.CH., B.A.O. BraclbUl'Y, Mr. Johu, M.ll.C.S. Beattie, Ml'. Henry, jul1\'. j\1.R.C.S., I3radbUl'y, 1111'. J. ~., L.S.A. L.n.C.p., Lond. Bradley, Mr. DavId, M.D., It.U.I., 1I1eh. Beattie, Mr. Robert, M.D., M.lLC.S. Brayton, Thh. J. G., L.n.C.I'.E., L.R.C.S. BeaulUont, Mr. Edgar, M.R.U.S., L.R.C.l:'. Brayton, Mr. Thos., L.ILC.l'. Ed., L.R.C.S .. Beckel', Mr. J. E. A. G., M.B., C.)1., Edin., Edin. L.R.C.P., Lond. Brice, Mr. El'llest, L.U.C.P., L.H.C.i'i., &c. Beddoes, Mr. T. Pugh, B.A.,Camb., M.B., Bristow, Mr. ·W. 1\1., M.R.U.S., Calltab. L.U.C.l'., Edin. Behrendt, Mr. l'lIaximiliall R. J., L. I{. C. P., 13ristowe, 1111'. Hel'berL C., )1. D., Lond., L.R.C.S., Edin. M.R.C.S. Belcher, Mr. C., M. B. Brittin, Mr. F. G. U ., M. D. Bell, i'lIr C. W. J., M.RC.S. Brogden,.ulr. J.E., L.ll.C.l'., L.ll.C.s.,E\[in. Bell, Mr. J. \V., B.)1., M.S. Brook, nIl'. H. Darville,, Bell, 1111'. ,\Till ., j\I.R.C.S., L.S.A. ll.P.B. Bennett,hlr.R.G. HellLl er, 'LB., C .~1., Edill. Brook', Ur. F. A., M.D., )LH.C.,.,'. Bennett, MI'. \\"m. E., L.R.C.P.,L.R.C .. ,E. Broomheau, Mr. Oha:;.; )1.11., Alwr., M.B., Benson, Mr. A. H ., M. d., F.R.C.S.I. C.)1. Beresford, 1111'. R, .\I.R.C.S., L.S.A. Brongllton, ;\11'. II. '1'., :11.1:.c ..·. Beresford, Surg. Lt. -001., R de la Poer, Bro\\'u, ~lr. A. Tenll,) on, j\1. B., c. ~l., Abel'. M.D . . Bro\yn, ~lr. F. Gonlon, M.I~.C.~., L.)1. Bernays, Mr. H. L., M.P,.C.s., L.S.A. Drown; Mr. G. A., M.ll. '.s., L.1>.A. Berry, Mr. H. Martin, M.B.CH.B. (Vict.) Brow11, Mr. J., )I.D. Bertrand, MI'. E. de Lantour, )I.R.C.H. Brown, Mr. J., L.n.l'.~.r., L.n.('.I'.l. Bevan, Mr. 'l'om W., M.R.C.S., 131'0\\,11, nil'. J. ~l., l".ll.C.S. L.R.C.P., Lrmd. Browu, Mr. J. Percival, )I.ll., CB.B. B~bbings, Mr. !- R, M.B., C.)I. Brown, 1111'. R C., L.n.C.p., L.IU·.s.,Edill. Blgg, Mr. G. K. Sherman, )1.R.C.s. I3ro\,"n, lIIr. W. P.,'., Edin., F.R.C.S., Edin. L.1t.c.s., Edin. B~ng~am, .urI'. John J., ~1.D.; St. And. BrowLe, ;\lr. G.H.,L.ll.C.l'.,Edin.,L.~r. B~nme, 1\11'. Alex. B., )I.B. & CH.B., Melb. Browne, MI'. AndreII', L.ILC.l'., Ii:clill.,L.:-.I. Bll'd, 1\11'. Henry, M.lLC.S., L.R.C.P., Browue, .ulr. II. Langley,, Ediu., . Lond . L.H.C.P., Edin. B~rd, 1111'. ,V., M.B. , C.lII. Browne, nIl'. Robert, )1.])., Dul)., F.n.C .. . 1. Bu,t, Mr. Geo., M.B., Lond., M.n.c.::;. BrO\\'utield, .l\ Ir. H. ~L, )1.H.C.i:i., Beades, Mr. T .. Pal'kYIl, L.R.C.P. L.R.C.l'., ELlin. Bla~khaill, Major Robert J., R.A.M.C. Bruce, Mr. Hobert, )LILC.~., H.P.B. Blair, nIl'. Hobert, )I.D., Edin., )1.n., <";.;\1. Druson, Mr. Prideaux .'., :ll.ll C. '., Eng., Blakeney, Mr. J. H., L.R.C.P. L.R.C.P., Lond. Bruntin, }Ir. Jallle D., )I.D., C.)1., Eclill. Blomfield, Mr. Edward E., M.D. Brunton, ~Ir. John, )1.B., ClI.B., Ula.:. Bloomfield, 1111'. G., L.R.C.P. Bloxam, nIl'. J, Astley, F.R.C.S. . Bryson, ~Ir. Leonard, ~f.l)., Eclin., Blumer, nIl'. V\. P., F.R.C.S., Edlll. ~Llt.C ..·., L.R.C.P. Blythman, Mr. C. S., M.ll.C.S., Buchanan, M1'. Peter, )1.B., C.M., Glas. ALB., ,-~.~I. Buchanan, Mr. Walter, lIl.B..C.S., I,.1>.A. Bol~er, :Mr. P. T., L.R.c.s.,Irel., L.K.Q.C.I'. BUGk, Mr. eLas. Wm.,;. Rcllmgton,llIr.J Budd, Mr. . ,Villiam, H •)1 . I''. C "" S EllU R L.D.,L.R.C.S.,L.ILC.P.E. b" B oIton, lIr_ .ll.LL'. • ., L. R. C. P. E., L.ll. C. S. L. R. C. P., Lond. Bond, Mr. F. Fiehling" 1II.D. ; Edin., 13uist, Mr. R. C., M.A., ,'t. And., B.A., D.P.H., Lond. Call tab. , ~l. D., Edil1. M.,' j\1.B., c.~l., Ec1in. Bull, Mr. William H., .. ·., Edin., Bone, Mr. Bonner, Mr. 1. Irvll1e, ill.A., C.M., ;}I.B. L.R.C.P., Lond. Boodle, MI'. George A.; ~LR.C.S., Buncle, Mr. A., ~r.B., C.M., Edin. L.S.A., Lond. Bnrges, Mr. R E., M.D., :-'LCH., B.A., Boor, Mr., M.D. R.U.I. Bow~r,:Mr.YV. G. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Burgess, Mr.Wm.11.,, L.b.A. BOWIe, Mr. John Macaulay, M.D . , F.R.C.S., Burnett, Mr. E. J ., F.R.C.S. E., &c. Burridge, Mr. B. E., M.B., C.M. Bowman, nIl'. R, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S., Erlin. Blll-ton, 1\11'. S. II., F. H. C. b., 111. B. Box, Mr. John, M.n., CH.n. 8uss, Mr. H. D., C.8., L.k.A,
11 O'lW1'CWY Life
jI,J e1T/.,be'l's.
Butler, 1\1]'. J. Kerr, !If. D. Clarke, 111'. IV., M.D. Honorary Buxton, 1\11'. E(iW!1l'11, ~I.D., St. Anel.,Olarke, 1\11'. ,Yo .J., )Ln.c.,'., L." .A. Life :'1.11.C.1'., Eclill. 'lay, 1'.lr. A., M.lLl.k. M emb ers. l3yme, Mr. P. Jas., L.n. '.1'., L.H.C.f'., Olay, :'11'. Thomas ,V., L.H.C.P., L.ll'('.S., Eclln. Eelll!., L.1'.I'.S., Ula.. Cable, MI'. John, 1,.I"C.l'. Ellin., L.)1., Clayton, ~JI'. A. J., L.R.C.l'., Ediu., L.F.I'.i'4., Ulas. L.n . C S., Erlin . Cafl'yn, till'. S. M., )f.n.l'.:'l. Clayton, Mr. J. ., )LD., Edill. Cairlls, :Th1r. P. I:., 1..!~.C.l'. & k., Eliill., 'Iaytoll, ~lr. William K., M.D., Brux. L. F. P. o. Gluy ton, ..\Ll'. ·W illiam Mayne, L. R. C.. ·., Irel. Cairns, MI'. W. ~lllrlay, \1. B., U.\L, E(lil!. Clegg, ..\11'. Ricl1l1rd, i'lI.B., U.)L, L.R.C.P. Clelllcllt.', .ull'. It .,'.l'., Edin. l'alder, ~lr . .T. I\.illll·lll'll, L.ILC.l'. Cal\\'eU, ilIt. \\,illtalll,:o.L I.H.U.T., )LT>. ('lclllCnL, iIlr. ,'alllllci D., B.A., L.n.C.f.;., 1..1:.C.l'., Loud. CamplJell ..\11' . .Tuhll, :11.1). CftlllpllCll, ~lr . ..'Il:tLthc\\', ;11. Il. , c lr.n. (.l ~.Z .. 'Iosc, Mr. J., )I.B. Calltli', ..\[1' . .1., ;11.'\., Al ,er., F.ILL'.S. Uloss, ~Il'. J. 0. , ~r.u., Ediu., )LB., C.~1. l'arcic\\', ,,\11'. Ucorgc A., \I.I~.( '.S.I':., L .. · .• I. CoakeJ', "\Ir. F. W, J., F.Il.G .. '., Eng., OarletOll, ..\11' . .Tohn SIHl\\', 1..1:.('.,'.1., I..R.C'.P., Lom!. I,. ILt'. 1'.1. 'olcl.trculll, ..\1". A. R., :o.r.n., Edin., )Ln., Cal'lles .ull. \\'illialll, ;11.1: . ••• . , Eng., ('.~!., F.I:.( .s .. Ellill. L.Il.(·.I'., Lonel. Colclllan, ..\ll. \\'. \\' ., ,r.n.c.". Can II, Mr. ,]o,'cph, ;lI.B., (' . .\t., !l.P.1I. Collie, i-Ir. H.. J., M.D., Abcr., ;lI.B., '.:\l. Oal'l'llLhcI'S, MI' . .T. '. Lhxtcl', ".Il., ('.)1. 'ullinctte, .urI'. Frank de Beauchamp, Oarse, ..\Lt'. Di\\'icl D., )I.D. ;l1.1:.l·.S.E., L H.('.I'. Cartel', ..\11'. F. 11., ;\1.11., F.It.C . .'. CollillS, nIl. ,John Tolton, ~I.D. Cartpl'. ~Lr.ltoll nhl.:\I.)I.,\I.I:.r·.s .,Ell g.elc . 'ollill on, ..\11'. F. 'Y., :lLn., C.~r., ()al'\'cll, ~Ir . .Tnllll..\lach'illi. \I.I:.('.S.. ~LIt.C.~. L.S. I., LOlll!. · '\llli, ..\11'. E\lgar, 11..1.:o.r.n., B.eH. Oxon. Ca,'sall, ~lr. '1'h ccl( lo]"c, \1. I:.C.". 'UllIlO!', ..\[1'. 'alllllel, ;If D., ]{. r 1., ~J.D. nUlltc'l', iiII'. H . L, :'11.11., Ihnx. II.B., Mdl>. Ohad\\'ick. ~ll'. U. ;\1., :'1[ •. \., OXOll, :lJ.Il. Cook, .ull'. Pcrci,'nl R, :.'IJ.n., B.:-;. Cll:ltl'CI'S, ..'Ill'. E(l\\(l" F. IL('. '. CU()lllU , 1If1. Carcy, ;\1.11., Lond . Cllullillol', .\[1'. S. ;\ldlillan , ;l1.1t.C.S., Coopcr, ~11'. ILlIl')' G., )f.B., Cumb., ;ILl{. , '., ElIg., &c. ElIg., 1•. 1[,( '.1'., LOllcl. huplllall, .\11' . .r. M., .\J.D. 'oO]lel', ~lt· . II. ' pellce!', )l.lL ,S'IL.H.C.!:'. Chapplc, .\11'. \\' .•\., :o.LI)., \ n.B. (N.Z. , Lond. )l.ll.('.~., 11.1' II. (1.). 'noper. ...\11. PCl'l,)' H., Jr.])., Lond., Charlcswol'th, .\11'. II., ) '.S. F.B.C.s. Ellg., &c. Oha\\,lIcl',}II'.Alrl'cll,)['I~.l·.~ .. l .. lu'.I'.Lowl '01'1 e,)' , ~ll'. 't mil',), F.Il C.,' , Ellg., Ohee.·l'\\'l'ighl, ..\LI'. J. F., )!.u. '.S. V.P.ll. Ct\llt:lh. OClI'P, .ul1'. harIl's J., ~r.D., ('.:.'If. Chl'clhalll, .\11'. lInIH'd, :.'ILn., (II I). Chestllutt, ~11'. Juhn, ll. .\., f.. 1:.('." . (Toronto). I.. It.r'. 1'., I~dill. Co I'll \\'ull, MI'. W.O., B ..\., Dub., L.R.C.P., Eclin. Childc', Mr. '. 1'., F.I:.c'.H. Childs, Mr. 'lll'istol'hl'l', \I. \., ;\['1l. 'orl'igan, Mr. ,Y o,T., l'.n.c.s. Chill, ~ll'. l~(l\\'il\ A, :\{,u., ('. ,1., ELlin., Ou.·gru.Ye, .ulr. E. McDowel, A.D., M.D., I·' . I:. (:,i'4., Eng. Dub. Chl'isLinll,1\lr. L. M. Fnlllk, :.r.n., ('.11., CClll!'tncy, ]',11'. G. D., M.A. ·amb., ~l.D., Eclill. D.l' . !1. Clark, MI'. AlH!re\\', F.Il. "H. ('linUs, ilLI' .• \lbn, \f.n., C.~I. Clark, MI'. A. F. '., :\I.n., ('.:.'11.,'. Cnutts, ~lr. J. A., :ll.u., Ahel'., ~I.D., C.;I! . Clark,J\1r.Geo.,1\l.u.,c.\f. '()\\,clltl', MI'. E. Rolalld, L.n.C.l'., Clark, :ThII'. l\t. H., L.ll. '.1'., Ellin. L.ll.('.H. Olal'k, MI'. Ralph Tutc, l. .n.l'.H , Edin., 'ox, :MI'. 11., 'J.B. f..ltC.l'., I~=clin. (~ox\\'ell, 1\11'. Charle. F. M.ll., C11l11h. Clal'ke, MI'. Alhel't K, :'J.H.C.S., 'mig, ~Il'. .TUR., :.!.n.c ... , M.B., L"~J. L.s. \., 1\f, n., LOll(!. ('mig. MI'. \V., ,Ln., ()!!.ll. Clllrke, 1\11'. K "'camc, II.S<:., Edin., ('raLl, II'. Icxan(lpr, LB., c.i\I., Abel'. M.D., ~!.H., ('.1\1. Crall, MI'. (icorgl', \I.n., Abel'., \1. B., C.~[. Clarke, .!\II'. Tholllas ~'., \1. n.c.s., 'ntu, II' . .Tame , ~!. H., C.M. L.S.A., LOlld.
St. J ohn A n~bul(~nce AssociCl.tion .
Oran, IIII'. Robert D., M R.C.S., L.R.C.I'. Dennison, Mr. T. S., M.ll.C. . , L. R.C. P., Oraster, Mr. K E., L.R.C.p.,, Lon.d. , De Relllll, 11'. A. 0 ., M. U . C, '., L.:-; . A. Ediu Ora.\Yford,·~IajorGilbertStelYart, J~.A.:'Ir.C., Dc\'ane, Mr. T. F., L.R..C.P. & s., I!;din. L.R.C .... & P., Edill., D.p.ll. D'El'c~YIl, nIl'. A. 1I1cNelll, B. ,\.,Dnb.,M.D. OraIYshaw, :lllr . ., . , ~1. B., UIT. B . , ~r. It. C.~ . Deyelll 'h-~leare, Mr. A. L., ~!. It. c.~., Orea e, :lIIr. J. Robertsoll, F.R.C.S. , l~clin. .L.H.U.l'., L?lll1. Crespi, Mr. Alfred J. H., ~r.H.CP.1. D~l'ls,Ml',L. It" .P., :'I1.R.l:!.C. DlCkcnsoll, .Mr. A . ewton, M. D. Oressy, 1111'. G. J ., L. JU'.l'., ~r.Jl.C. :-; . D!ckenson, 1111'. J . J., Orew', Mt'. J no., 1'1. Lt. C. S., L. n. C. P . , LOIl(l. DlCkey, Mr.A. A. G., ~I. D., n. u. ~". L. IU . i" . 1. Orit\!hley, ~Ir. Harry G., :.( D., Edin. D~ekson, lilt'. G. \iecIl, ~I.l~.,. 1:.\[111. Orock!'r, ~Ir. J., ~1.n.('.s . , L.S.A. D~eksoll, 1111'. G.II .,M.A.,}i.chll.; M.ll . , ('.:11. Crocker, Mr. James, :'Ir.n.c.i"., L.Il.L·.P., DlCkson, :;'Ill'. John Dunbar, ~t.n., ]t. LT. f., Lond. :'1[, C I:I. Oroeker, lIlr. J. 1I1eadllloi'e, :If.n.u. '., Dilloll, Mr. L. Gcraltl, :\I.D., I~.l . r., M. '11 . , L.R.C.P., Lond. L.~1. Oropley, Mr. Henry, F. n. c. i;., D. p.ll. D~ltoJl, .Jlr. T. J., 1".1:. C. s. Ire1. L. It. c. 1'. hel. Oross, .JIr. A. J., ~1.B., C.:l1., Elill. Dunllloek, Mr. A. F., )r.n.,Durll., )I.n. Orossfield, 1\Ir. A. K, L.n.C.p., L.n.. C.s., Dislill, i'llr.IIowtlnl, )I.B.,;\1.Jt.G.,·.,L.J~.C.l'. Edin. Di\'ine. MI'. Jolin, :lI.U., c.~(" Uhl~. Orossland, Mr. ,Yo H. Dix, ,\11'. William R., ~f.J)., D.S. Orowther, MI'. Ernest E., L. IL.C.p. Dixoll, Mr. J . F., ?l1.1LC.~ . L. n.c.s., Edin. Duhie. Ml'. II. 'olllcnille, 1,.lt.(;.I'. & H.R. Ommp, UI'. T. G., B.A ., (Oamb.) L.n.C.p., Dobie, i'llI'. J. N ., )f..\., :-l.ll. :-1.B., B.C. Dobson, Mr. A., M.ll.e.s. , L.I~.G.l'., Ouffe, Surgeon-General O. McDonogh, c. B. Lond. Culhane . Ur. F. J. F., ~1.n.c.s. Dodrl, Lieut.-Ool.,J.R., Jt A.)!,U.,~L]).,&:C. Cunliffe, lilt'. Tl10111as Y., JtR.O.P. Lond., Dodel, iiII'. P. \C ernoll , )l.A., :'II.D., ~r.I:. ' .... :lI.P..C.S, Eng., &c. L.ll.C.p., Lond. OUl'eton, MI'. Ell., :'ILll., &c. Domville, .011' K J., L.R.C.l'. , LOllll., Ouscarien, MI'. George, L.ILU.:>.,Ed.,&c. )LIt.C.H. Da lachallji, ~II'. Kal'asji Eclalji, L.)!.&:::;. Dougla.,.!\II'. Alexander, )f..\., M. H., 1.'.)1., Dancit'kar, Ur. Denanath D. Naik, L.:'II. Eelin. & s., Bombay. Donglas, Mr. Oltas. E., )l.ll.,F.Il.C.K.E.,&C. Darling, ~Ir. Stevellsoll, :'If.n. Douglas, Ml'. Olaude, F.Il.C.H., (,.It.C. I'. Davidson, ~Ir . A., :'I!.D., F.Il.C.P. Douglas, ~lt. J. J., )I.D., Edill . Davidson, illr. Thomas A., L. [l.C.P.,L.l:.L'.S. Doye, 1\11'. Augustus 0., :'II.D., Dtll'lI., :-1. n., Davies, ~II' . Ohal'les D., )LILC.H., L.... A. B.S. Davies, ~lr. Davi(l L1., :'II.B., Gins., Dowues, 111'. 'W., M.D., n.CH., B.A.O.l: .t:.I. L.p•. C.P., Edill. Drage, ~lr. Lo\'eU, :-1..\., Oxon., :'Il.ll., Davies, 1111'. K, ~r.J). ~I.ll., B.crr. Da.vies, MI'. Hugh Eo, I,.11.C.P., Lontl., Drillkwater, ~Ir . H., :'II. D., Edill., III.n., )LP'.C'.S. u.:'Il., ~Llt.C . s. Davies, 1\11'. R .. K, f,.n.c.p., L011(1. Dryden, 1\11'. Jas. IInntcl', I..ICC.P. Da \'ies, i'llt-. Sidney,I3.A ., t)xon.,NLT). L.(U'.s., Edill. D.tVics, iIII'. T, L. Kenrick, :'II.B.(·.M., Uuugeoll, .!\Ir. J. IIepbnrn, l'., Etlin. L.lLC.R. , Edin. Davip,s, Mr. vVm ., :\1.R.C.S. ])ndley, J\ll'. Bel'llard .I., )I.R.C.S., Eng., &c. Davies, Mr. 'William H., ~Ln . , crr.n. Dutrlls, :;'Ill'. Jas., ~T.J3 . Davis, 1\Ir. ArthurR., 1\Ul.C.H., J, :->.A. Duggan, ~Ir . ill othcr\\'cll, M. Il.C.S., Davy, 111' John, F.R.C.fl. .P., Edill. Dawson, 111'. 0., L.R.C.P., '\1.n.c.s. Duke, urgeon-1\lajor \\T. A. Dawson, Mr F . ,V. K, J". H.C.P., Edin., DUllcall, .Jl)'. William, L.JU'.P., Edill., )1. R . C. S . L. It. c.~., Eelin. Deamer, :;'Il l'. G. E., L.ll.C.p., L. R.C.S. Etlin Dunkley, Mr. ,V. ,V., F. l{.C.l'., Edill ., Deane, ~lr . John II., r.. R.C.H., Edin. .f>. Denne, Mr. Francis V., :lr.n., Brnx., Dunlop, Mr. Sbuldam H. , \1. D., ]I'LC II ., JlJ. R.C.S., Eng. It.U.1. De nne, 1\1]... T. V. de, L.R.C.P. , Eelin., Dunn, Mr. D. S., M.n. M.Ll.C.S. Dumo, Mr. John, 1\I.D.
H ono?'ary Life Me?nbers.
D urno , Mr. Leslie, M . n . Far!Ucr, Mr. E. J., '1 D B S D I UnlV ' . u). D nrrant,J\ 1r. T.A.,M. H.c. , . , L.ll.C.I'., Lond. Farmer, Mr. ,., M.It.C.... , L.ll.C.l'., Edin ., Honorary Life Dyer, Ir. H enry G., M.D . , Dnrh . , D..P.H. Members.,C.l'., ~d~n., l\ '. Farquharson, Mr. D. P.Maclaren, M.B.,C.M. Dyson, I I'. " llbam, M.ll. . Farrar, Mr. B. Anstruthol',M.A.,Oxon.,lI1.D. Eades, I ,· . . 0., L.It.C.P., . .'., EUlD. Farrer, Mr. (leo. Albert, ?lLIt.C .. ·., Eagar, Mr. R., M.D. L., .A. Earne, 11'. Ohas. ' Y., :1I.1l., C.~r., Fawsitt, Mr. Tho ., ~LR.C.l:!., L.U.C.P. L.U. C.P . Featherstone, 1\11'. 1.3., M.D. Eccle', 1\11'. A. ,)'l11ons, M.B., C.lIf., Aber., Fenn, Mr. A. Gersholll, M.n., C.lIf., Edin. )f. ll. 0." , Fenoulhet, Mr. E. 0 ., L.R.C.P., L.R .C.S., Ecclcs, Mr. IY. oltau, 1\1.n.c .. , L.S.A. Edin., L.:If. Eddowcs, mg.-Capt. A., M.D., Edin., Fentem, M,. Thomas, M.D., ;\1.S., B.SC., M.D., C.M. EUin., LL.D. Etlen, 11'. H., )f.n. Fenteru, 1\11'. P. heldon, M.D., Edin. l~tl\\'anl, fr . B. E. J., M.B., E,lin., o. M. Fenton, 1111'. lark Anthony, M.D. Etl\\'ul'Il." Mr. John 0., L.ll.C.I'. ",' '., Fenwick, Ir. Percival 0., 1\1.13., Ecllll., L.F.l'. & .'. )!'H.C.S. Fergu 011, MI'. J. M" L.R.C.p., Edin. E,l\\'urd', 11'. It. '1'., )!.H.C.S., Eng., , L.IUJ P., Lonu. 1,.ll.(.<;., Ellul. Egcrlon, II' . .T. Jalllc', ?If.l~.C.''., L.ll.C.r. FieldillCl ~ll' Frederick :\[ D Eell'n • Ell r • " , " , .,., , (er, .J lr. \\., ],.1l.(' . 1'. & ,'., Edlll., L.:\L Finlay, Lt.- '01., L. 11.G.1'. I., C.M.,R.A.)f.C. Ellertull, Mr. JOhll, )!.D., 'to And., Fisher, Mr. Theodol'c, )Ln., 1\1.13. L.ll.L'.I'. Lond. ~Llt.C.S. Fi. h r, Mr. Tho ... , :ILl:. '.s., L.s.A. Ellertoll, Mr. J. F. II., M.D., Emx., Fishcr, Mr. \\Telby E., ~l.n.G."" Eng., &c.'.,1,.,\1. FitzgerulJ, Mr. '. Egerton, :lLD. ~ll~ott, ~lr. J.,~and. ~.B., ClI.B., Euin. ~!tzgcrald. :\Ir. Jamc., .Ln., ().~r., Edin. ElllOLt, )11':.\\. m. Ilullllllon, ~1.J). htzhco1'Y, 11'. George IL, M.n.C., ., EIb.', II'. \\ 1lIWlll Mcl)Ol1ourrlI,,)[.n.,Drux. I..S.A., Lond. EIb.OIl, :;'Ill'. Artbnl', :'Ir.J~.u.s., Eng., FluYcll, Rey. Tholllus , .1,.][,('.1'., Lond. .Fleetwoocl, Mr. T. F., F.R.C ... , Irel. hIlI on, ~lr. E. II., )I.A., amb., '., Fl-llling, MI'. A. J., M.D., n.u.!., )['CH. . L.n.G.l'.,.L .... ,\., ".D. Fleming, Mr. H. II., M.B., Dub. Elh. ton, Bng.- 'l1rg. Lt.-Ool. G. ., Fletcher, Ficel- 'mgeon W. BainbriClO'e , :'If. It. '.:->., r..H .. \. ll.'_, M.J:.l'.i"., EJin. 00) J.;~lllbl?toll, ~!r. D.O., )1.1l., Durh., :'II. It.C.'i. Forbcs, :;'1[1'. <1 01 III , 1\1.A., R.SC., ~I.B., C.~r. Elllbllllg, lllc 111111. W. H., r..1t.C.I'. Forbes, ~lr . N. Hay, F.It.C s., Eelin., LOlli 1. , I.. F.l'."., Glu·. L.l~.t.:.l'.L. Ell.'or, :\11. .J. \\r , L.ll.C.I'. Forsyth, Mr. l:oht., M.D., (ilas., M.B., C.~r. Elt1('s, :\11'. W. J. :;'IlcL'ulloch, ~l.j)., AIm'., Fort, M1. Tho'., )1.11.(. •. , L l:.C.P., :'11.13., '.:'11. Edin. Em11 , )11'. A. II., ::'11.]1.(.,., L.... A. Fothergill, Mr. J. R., )f.n., t. And., Enl.ll", Mr. '. J.,, 1•. :11. 1.. H.C.S., Etlin. ~\'all , Mr. E., M.A., \1.])., n.()., D. l'.I1. Fox, Mr. .Jno. I aymond, M.B., Melb. ~valls, MI'. K B., )I.IL '.".,'.,Edin . Fox, Mr. 1\1. S., T•. n.t.:.I'., L.n.c.s., Edin. ~valls, 11'. ,Juhn, M.D . Frunki-h, Mr. J . D., M.D., 'to And., I~nt1ls, Mr. O. . P., Ln., Dll1'h., D.S. 1\f.ll.C .. Evans, Ir. , Villiam, F.H .C.S., Eug. Fnlukish, Mr. Thoma. :'I1.D., C. r., B.'3C. Evans, Mr. " : . ~., F.It.C.S ., L.R.C.p. Frank, ,ir Ke1llIa1, C.Ho, A.n., Durh., M.D. E\'ans, Mr. " llham Owell, T".n.C . . , Ed., Fra'cl', 11'. J. J., 1\LIt.C ..l:l. L.RC.P., Ed. Fru. er, Mr. John T., 1\f.U . . s., Edin. Evershccl, Mr. Arthur R. Fi~hl, M.ll.C.S., Fraser, M1'. ,I'm. Duncau, M.B., c.~r., IdL C.l'., L011el. ambo Ewart, Mr. C. Theodor', ~l.D ., Aber., Freebol'll, II'. John C. R. , M.A., L.R .C.P., M.B., C. [. Lond. Ewa l'~' .Mr. David, 1\f.B., D.S., l!'.n.c.1:;. , Freer, llrgeon-Mnjor K Luke Eclll1 . Fryer, Mr. John, 1\Lll.C.S., L.S.A . E \~art, MI'. J. , M.D. Fryer, Mr. ' Vll t. F., L.ll.C.p., Edia. , Fa~rballk, Mr. ,V., 1\f.n.c.s., L.l:!,A. L. R. C.S., Edin. FaIrclough, Mr.~ . Butler, L.R.C.I'., Edi n. , Fuller, Mr. Alfrcd L., l\Lll.C. '., Eng., &c. L.n.c.s., Ecil n. F ulle r, [ 1'. E(l wllrd B., M. B. , Edin., F alkner, Mr. II. G., ]\f.R.C.S., L.ll.C.l'.I. F.R.C, ., ELlin . E J1 •
• ,
•• ' . ,
St. J ohn .l..1m bulance As ociation.
Fullerton, Mr. F. ,V., M.D., Durh., M.n., Goodman, Mr. J'110111[1 H .,II1.H.C.,'·.!L.S.A. B. . Gordon, 1111'. " . A., M.B., C.;l1., Edlll. F ulton, 1111'. G. 0 . H ., C.;l1., Glas. Goudie, .Mr. H., 1II,1.l., C.;l1., Euin . Fulton, lir. Robert , ., M.D. Gould, ,Mr. T. Bal'l1all1. .C.l'. Furber, 1111'. George H ., M. B.C.S. Goulder, M1'. F . ., M.ll.L'.S., L.U.C.l'., Furley, Sir John, c.n. Lond. Fytfe, llr.'Ym. K., M.D., B. C. ,:u.A.,Oantab. Graham, 1111'. Arthur E ., 1I1 .A., C.;l1., Gabb, Mr. 0 . Baker, M.B.C.S. , L.R.C.l'., Oamb., M.B. Edin. Graham, .Mr. G. R. M., L. ILC.P.I., L. M. Gabb, Mr. J . E., IILU . C.S., L.n. C.p., Edin. Graham, Mr. G. " T., . C.S., L.ILC.l'. Gramshall', 1\11'. F . ., M.D. , t. And .. Gaffney, Mr. 0 . Burke, F.ILC .. . , Ire1. Gandy, .Mr. ,1'., M.P•. C.s., L.S.A. Granger, 1\11'. R. F., L.It.C.l'. ~ ~., Edlll . Gane, 1111'. Edward P . S., M.R. C.S., GraDt, Mr. Dundas. M.A., Edlll., M.D., L.R.C.P., Lond. 111. n. Gardner, Mr. H . N .. ;lLn., C.M. (Glas) . Grant, 1111'. G., M.D., C.;lI. Gardner, Mr. H . Willoughby, M.D . Grant, 1111. Lar.hla~l, :11.D., M.B. . Gardner, Surgeon R. H . , ;l1.B., A.1LD. Grant, Mr. N . McKay, lI. D.11. 1';., (Outano). Garland, Mr. Albert 1. , L.RC.P., E llin., Gra:r, Mr. Alex., lI1.B., C.:lI., Glas. M.B.C .. , Eng. Gray, 1\11. Thoma, 11.B., 15 . . , c'C. .Garrard, Mr. , V. A., nI.ll. c. . Grea \'es, 1111'. 1:1 emy, M.n c. s., Eng'l Garrett, Mr. 0 . Dudley, 11.11. C. l'. L.B.C .P., Lond. , &e. ,Garson, ML J. Hill Ross, M.n., C.~l., Greeu, :Mr. 11. M., :l1.D. D.p.H.,Oamb, Green, Mr. " Tilliam T., 1I1.1LC.<;. Gars tang, TIll'. E. i'l1., M.D., St. And., Greenhalgh, Mr. A., :lLH. C: .. ,'., 111. B., Cll. u. L.ll. C. P. , Edill. Gascoigne, Mr. ,V. E., L.R.C.S. GreeDhongh, Mr. Y. J., B.A., aml.J.,ll.ll., Gaunt, Mr. William H., lILB. &, C.M. C.lI1. GaTIn, 1111'. lIIcOalllUl1, lI1.B., CH.B. Greenwood, Mr. A., Gentles, Mr. T . L., L.B.C.l'., Lond., Greellwood, Mr. A. Young, 11.D., M.Cll., L.F.P .. ·., GlaS. Ediu. Gettings, 1111'. John S., L.B.C.S., Edin.,L.:lI. Greell\\'ood, Mr. C. D., M.ll.C.S. Gibb, Mr. W ., L.n. c.I'.E., L.n.C. . . Greell\\'ood, 1111'. C. . , 1.1LC.S. GiLL, 1111'. \IT . Scott, :U.D. Grens, :'11'. E. H., 1Il.D., Ediu., M.B., C.lf. Gibbon, Mr. F. W., L.R.C.l'., Edin. Griffin, Mr. J., lIl.D. L.lI1., L.ll.C.S. Grifnn, Mr. 1.,, L. .'.A. Gibbs, Mr. A. N. Godby,,·., Griffiths, Ml'. A. Y., 1Il.l:.C .. . , L.".A. Lond. Grifliths, 1111'. Francis, ~l.B., C.1I. Gibbs-Smith, Mr. E. Gibbs, L.l'.. C.P.I., Grittiths, 1111'. H . Hathl.Jol1e, B.A., )1.ll., D.P.H., &c. B.C-H., B.A.D., M.D. Gibsou, Mr. 0. P., L.ll.C.p., Edin. Griffiths, Ml'. John ., M.ll.C .. . , L.U.C.l'., -Gibson, Mr. J. H., M.ll.C.S. Lond. Gilbertson, Mr. Jame . Henry, ~Ll'•. C.S., Griffiths, 1\1r. P. Rhys, M.B., D.. . , Lonu. L.R-C.P., Lond. Griml.Jly, Mr. R. H., 1I1.]l.C.~., L.... A. Gildea, Colouel James, C.Y . O., C.D. Gripper, 1I1r. \\Tall er , lI1.A., Cauta.l.J., Giles, Mr. P. Broomc, F.It.C.S., Edin., M.ll.C.S., Edill., 1I1.U., ]).1'.rl. L.R.C.l'., Rdin. Grogollo, nlr. 'Y. ,A., 1II.ILC.S., L.IL C.1'., Gill, Mr.J . 'V., 111. D. ,D.P.H. ,Lond. ,1[. n. c. S., E(1in. L.R.C.P., Lond. Groyc, Mr. '\T.R., U . •\., Cam1)., M.B ., B.C., Gillon, Mr. G. Gore, M.D., Glas., M.B., 11.1l.C.S. C. M., ]'.1'.. C.8., Edin. GUilllllOU, Mr. James F., L.n.G.p. GiDllette, Mr.J .D .,M .lt.C.S.,L.H.C.p.,Lonu. Guthrie, Mr. J., nl.D., Glas., lII.B., ' . 111. Girdler, 1111'. G. T ., L.R .C.P., L.n.c.s .,Euin. Gutteridge, Mr.,Yilkills (Tasmania), M.n., Gleu, Mr. John, 1Il.D. C.:l1., Edin . Goddard, Mr. 0 . E., ;l1.D . Gwynn, Ml'. C. H ., 1Il.D., Rdin., 1ILB.,C'.:lL Goddard, Capt. G. H ., IlI.}t.C.S., L.1LC.1'., liadwen, Mr. ,I'. R, 1II.D., St. And., lI1.1t.C.S. R.A.IlI.C. Godfrey, Mr. A. E., lI1.B..C.S. Hale, 1I1ajor 0. H., RA.M.C. Godson, Mr. JohnE., IlI.B., B.CIL, 11.1',.C.8., Hall, Lt.·Ool. Lees, It.A.lII.C., M.ll.C.S. L.R.e.p. Hall, Mr. T. Gibson 11. , L.ILC.S., Godwin, Surgeon·Major 0 . R. Y . hel., L. U.C.l'., Irel. (New Zealand). Gokhale, Mr. Kashinath Narajen, L. M. Hall, Mr. Wm., M.D., Bl'ux .,, Ed . & S. , (I ndia).
II U?/(J,'(( "!) Life J.lle'inuu8. lIall~rlay, :\11'. F., IIl.H.c.S., l..U.C'.l·. lIalJ~dHY, :\11'. ,1. ,\T., llall~l\'ell .l\lr. 'I' H. 0 1 ., 1I.J:.c','., L.H .•\. Hall 11 , M JL\\'e ,1 r. . ales, 11.11. C.~., 1..1'-<;.1'., ond. JJalJ~\\'!;, .1\11'.11. PJllllington, )l.])., ELlin Hamilton, Culoncl HlLlI~ B. II. ~ JI 1tllllllcr LOll, 1111. J., M.l>.
e1111l~l~~~;I~· 0.,
(' II.B.,
Euill . L.ll.
II cI' LlIlIJ, Mr. \\T. A., 11. D., 't. AuLl. Life nrembers. F. :F. 1' .. ,' ., Glas. 1I dlc,}', ilIr. 11 ell 1',)', :11.1)., ~I.D., :'I1.J:.s.(., Bdin. ll c\\'ut, Mr. Davill BCJ}llic . . ' n ' E 'lin. ' A.C., IIaIll1ll 0]HI, .illr. ""Ill. ;)<.: . .'., L.1:.<.: .1'. , llclI'aL, 111'. JoIJll , 1I.D., c.:lI., Buill. Edill., 1,.:11. 11 wat M ill 1Itllnptoll, Mr. A. G., ~l.lJ. C" r.l., M.D., <':.~1. (Cape Town. Hancock, 1\1,1'. II. Ruskin, 1I.!,'." ..S. He\let Oll, )lr. Johu '1'., )J.lJ., 1'.H.C.i::i. I " l 1 ( ; \ \ c t Oll, :\It. Hil'llO.lll, ~l. H. c .. .' . II anll, .MI'. II. F., L.n.C.]· , Bllin ., )l.I!.('.:-. 11 M C HalJnah , .1\11'. W. '1'., ~1.n., (' . .\1 .. V.l'.ll. ey, l' I. E. Milne ', 1LA., Cumb. HanllC, :\11'. R ~1.B., ' . ) l . ' ~1.1:.C.~ ., L. 1:.L'.l' . , Loud. lIc\'gate, 2\11'. f. ~[1' C" L S ' lll·'>··~., l'l1 ' A .tl ., - . ,...,., ... ". II un I lng, 1ill 1'. \\T., 11.n. II lr"le'!\'" :\1 ' t' I 1. lilli, :l1.D., r'.~1. .. ' ,",.', ,c.,. I.' Tl\ll_~I1l, },.-: . .\., Luud. lJiddcy, 1111'. A. i\1 J • lLlI"lc,t\(;", :\11 . .1\1. Kll'lllLX ' ;lJ .D. , Gla~•. , L 1-' (' I' Luull. 1 UC{(;IlZIe, ;)I.U.C . :'I [ D . ,.•. , ' " ~l' \\" All HICk , )Ir R ~l 1'" c ' . .' . . ... ,.v ..~. JI armcr . "I" I' Ill. ill ), l..s.A., LonLl. 1llggUl', :\11'. Cllude::; II :II D 11' " .,' . . 11 <1l'1']S, 11 1. J 13 )lD lIani.·, Mr. '\'. ~~ I (l~o ,t IggW'Oll, )~.r. G., 13..\., Ca!1ll.J., L. '.A., ~liz~heth .. . , .. ,." .. , " .'... I llill,~VT:·~t: lIarll ·· LI:,lull, .l\lr. LI \\,ell\'11 :II l' G s HilJdl;' ~i'll: 'J' 1..],.0.1., LOllLl., ;\I.1:. ~ . ... !. It C'l' L"[J(l ' , - ...... , . 1 1. umcs, L.U.G.I'., E elin. • • • ., v • L l' <. B l' ' Hanis oll, .:\11'. \ \\T ' , . ' ., . ,.. '., Ill. ~ • , . .':, ., ;\[.1)., bltl . . , llll.'<t, Mr. Albcrt, :l1.D. ,1'.l:.C .l'. s Hirt ' .1\11' . U . . 'I' ·t 11.11' 1',.r.I,.c. 1 '011 :\1., J..l,.l.). v (' 1 Jll,:'I1. n. C'Elll·U. ~I ' .. ,. 1' • .6., '\1 ..\., I.Allll 1., :'I [ n. lli. lull Ml. \r '1 D :'II ' : ' - ., :\1. 8 11 . ' " ... " .1,.C . . 11 ll't'l--on '. , ,1. ,. OpL' , 1..1:.l:.1'., Hudges. 1111. \\T ~il'L's LI'C1 .:'II. Jt.("..;. LOllLl. ., .. ,.. '., . , .. . , -40
'i" - i. /..
tll'· .,.
lI L1d~ill ', Ml'. ,\"altel' \\'. , ~[,D., D.'. :M J 1\1 0 mall, I' . . 1 ., 11. U., C.;l1. ( . Africa) IIugg, .1\11'. A. L. I: l' l ' J l' C ' E d i l l . ' · .. , . , .. ,., Ilngg :\11'. R II., 11.]] .. :'<':.s. JIll J1 C' 11 ' ' 0 l Cll, ... r. 'Cll. • K, :l1.A., Carub., .:'11.1) • II II t) (worth, !Ill'. A. T., ~r.Il . Holman , ?Ill' . R .,...... :II l ' t:" - . ,. J' . 111)11l1(;!;, MI'. David !II II lI.llh L'l'le,}', .\ll'. S. Oldall, \,·. Ilolme" :\11'. \\' Rei(l ':\1' l.L· Hatton, Mr. G. ,'toke.', 11.11., Dlll'h., ~I.U., C.'\1. . , • . D.,.I. Cl., :l1.D.,
HarJ'ison, ,:\11. T. II. 11. , .:'II. 1:. l' .'., 1..1:. '.1'., L 'lI}(1. Hunisoll, MI'. \\T. A. , 11. I). 'I 1'. A. n., 11.11., \1.~., .\C. 11'ar,ll l IJartl ey, CuI. E. Bal'oll, T.le., ;\1.1:. '"., 1".1:.('.1' .. L'lIa!. Hll'tle,}', .:\11'. H. .• T., ;11. D., .\1.I:.C.". ]1 .II'I'l''>'' .'11 1'. \..:'11. U.. 11.It.('.s ll.ltb erlj', )l l'. 11 1 . ' • {., .:'IJ.It.(' .. ·.,'.)·., \1 J' ( r ( 11 1 )
11 11
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IIoH, :\11'. R. '. L 1: C l' Edil} "1' C ' 1.'1' , . ... , ., .r. ' • • 8., C,l ) 11 IlI'lLholl '~ i'llr '1' L ' C·· ,., llultolll, :\'tt ~I.I~.L':~~' 11.h.L .. . IIOllma.n .1\[1' A :'II l' • ' ll o pC,....::'11'[' .•T'I 'L"', •. l.S. 0111 . 1L, :'Il.l:.l·.S., Eug. &c. llopklllS. :\11'. Tho '., ~l.ll., ClI.n., lJ.A.' Ho}'Jl c, :\[1'. Cco., M.D., ' II.Il. ( rictoJ'ia). lInrut', :\11'. t;l'DrLre \[ 1) li'lll'l} ,~, ..,.c. ., c 'C • lIl'MI~, ~l·1'. l~.·'L(: i~:;ll~:·~;.'ll. t~l'~lh !I~ Fh:tehcr, "'r. Aud. ll e'lthcolc .1\1- B 1. ". (JIm, ~I11. ., ~1.11. JIcilllldh\;'uil:" i ..l. 'r ~r.J:.,. (.:;\~., Aller. lI'lsaill. )11'. 1I.<tnietl :\1. n1., L.n.c.l'., ' 1. 1 ., \I.I,.(,~. I ) ' l' '" )1'(1111 " ..M' "'.,' I Icrllcy , .l\11' . J 0 1Ill, i\J .1). Hoi" ,.11. .. ' ,io'.It.'.S, I reI. ]leU"!; .1\11' RI\' lllO 1M , S (;I, 1. , /")~,.~~.(,.~,., I~OIl/( 1 ., ;\I.H.C. '., .Eng .. l1 o~l~il.}?, l\ll.'. Al'l':lcr, ;\1. n., l·~I.:1., Etl ill . Hellicr 1\1t. J 13 ]lo>;s,\cl" illl. J. 1' ., F. It.l·.S., ELlm. IIp-my '.1\11' D~~1.1I1.D., 11.1l., )I.I:.I·.~. llol\'arLl, )11'. IIeaton C.,lI.1LC .... ,'a II t a). l' . • SOli, ~l.lJ., D.'., ".A . lIo\\'anl ' l\IJ'.1 . , , 11'()('I' " "" . . l IIoward, :\11'. Jas. F., ,1.D. DI' i:i.
I)' ., .''1) . •.' l""(' • 'I ,I • 1av, ?III'. \\'iJli 'llll, \[, I. ., :'II. I! , e. \t. lla}'~.,J' ~.l~. l~ .. W. ~l(;t·lllll.\' \1.]:.<':.1'., ~. ,. "" Lclill., c\:c. Haynes, :\11'. ,'tallIe,)' L ., .\1 .U. , Edill. )1 l' L' '; llt:al~l' ~il:. G. 11 ~r [. . . Heal'll' 1\11'. '1' C:., I' ~t , .•l.,o.;.!,. "'I' 'l' ,_. "1 " " 1 . t'<. I s.,1 0 ( Ill. L , l' t\!. ~ ( ' . \ •
JII alIt
" I'
ii01:1I :, 2[1>
IIo1w?"ary L ife Jlle1nbe?'s.
St. J ohn A m,bulance Association.
111 I D C1 I D Jolm ton, Mr. Dayid Gibb, III.B., a.]\[. H o \\' d en, 1.\ r. . . ar C,.lU. • H owell, Mr. R. E., 1\1.n., C.M., Elliu. Ediu. I' S Johuston, Mr. John, :'ILn., ELlill. c.. 1 · F .•. H owe, 1 tt I 1'. E (WlIl, H oyland,)I,11'. S. Stenton M.D. Johnstone, Mr. T., 1\LB., C.l\l. "1 G Jones, Mr. A. Llo"d, D.l'.II., Cuntab J H oy 1e, 1.\ r. eorge, ~LD . Hudson, )1,[1'., M.D. :l1.1t.C .. E. "1 H E s Jones, Ml'. BenJ'amin, lI[.D., Dl1l'h. H u d son, l.l r. . ., 1\LIt.C.. Hughes, Mr. D. Arthur, l\I.R.C.S., Jones, Mr. D., M.B:, 1I1.S., lIl.ll.L· ... L.R.C.P., Lond. Jone , Mr. D. DavIe, 1\1.D. Hughes, Mr. H. G., L.ll.C.P., EGin. Joues, 1\lr. D. lI!-, M. D., Eclill . Hughes, Ml'. H. L., F.Il.C.P., Edill. Jones, ~Ir. DaYIU T. ROCyll, M.D .• , H ughes, Mr.H. Lewis, L.R.C.,:. , L.Il.C.P., Edw., D.P.H ..' Oxon. Edin., L.l\L Jones, [1'. FranCIS G., ~LD., C.J\!. H ughes, M1'. H. llL, M.B., JOlJes, Mr. G. C., M.D. Hughes, Mr. ,V. H., M.B., C.M., B.SC. Jones, Mr. Herbert, D.l'.II., Cam., L.ILC. '., Hunt,Mr. Robert, M.R.C.S. ,L.It.C.p.,Lollll. Irel. . Hu nter, Mr. K, L.n.c.p.E., L.1\1. Jones, Mr. H. D., L.n.C.p., L.ll.C.s.,Edm. Hunter, lIfr. 'Y. L. , M.D., D.P.H. Jone~, Mr. Hugh, ~I.B., C.M., Glas., U.I'.ll. Husband, Mr. J. C., M.D., l\I.R.C.S., Jones, :Mr. H. Gladstone, L. ' ..\., ~oJld .. L.R.C.P., Edin. Jones, Mr. Joseph, M.D., ·H.ll., Yldona, Hutchinson, Mr. F. Blade, 1\1.r..C.S., L.S.A. Edin., L.ll.C.P., Jones, Mr. J . Arnallt, M.D. Hutchison, Mr. }i'. S. '1'., M.B., B.CH., D.A. Jones, Mr. Rees Rowland, l\l.ll.C.::i., levers, 1111'. Eyre, M.D., Dub. L.R.C.P . .& L.M., Edin. Illingworth, Mr. C. R., M.R.C.S. Jones, 11'. RlChard, L.n.C.l'., M.ILC.:;. I nglis, 1\11'. David. Wood, M.D., Glas. Jones, 1111'. Robert L., lII.R.C.::;. I nglis, 1\11'. H. )l,l.,M.B.,M.S. (New Zealand). Jones, 1111'. Rowland, lILR.C .... , L.U.C.l'. In gram, 1111'. J., L.R.C.S., & L.ll.C.l'.E., &c. Jones, 1111'. 11. "chou, 1\Lll. '.::;., ' .1'. Ireland, 1\1r. Charles J., M.R.C.S., L.A.", Lond. . I rvin, Mr. J. H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., IreI. Jones, Mr. '1. Regmald, M.ll.C .. . Jones, Mr. Richard, ~I.D . I rving, M1'. J., M.D . Irving, Mr. 'William, lILIt.C.S.E., &c. Jones, 1111'. V,T. lIfakClg, M.D., Durh · I saac, Mr. Richard J., L.R.C.p. & .E. Jones, )',[1'. West Jaekson, Mr. E., M.R.C.S. Josepll, Mr. Alan, L.n.C.S., L.I1.C.l'.,Ellill. Jackson, )',[1'. E. S., M.B., C.lIL, Edin. Joynson, )1,11'. Geo. T.,L.F.l'.s.,Glas.,L .. · .A. J ackson, 1111'. H. E. Atheling, L.H..C.P., Jukes, M1'. Andrew, LY·C:::;., Edin. Lond., M.R,C.S., Eng., F.R.C.S., Rdin. Jumeaux, Mr. BeuJannn, M.R.C.H., Jackson, Mr. Joseph J., L.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.l'., Edin. L.M., L.R.C.S.I. Keith, 1111'. Alexander Ewing, lI1.B. J ackson, 7111'. J. J., L.H.C.P. Keith, Mr. J. R., M.D . , C.M. Jackson, Depnty-Surgeon-General Sir Kelly, Lieut.-Colouel R. YaudeleUl', ·.B., Robert W. ~ C. B. F.ILU.S . , Edin.,,P., Edin. ."..." J ames,)I,[1'. Alfred, J., M.D. Kennedy, Mr. J. W. (New 'onth Wal es ). James, )',[1'. F. P. R., L.R,C.P., Edin. Kennedy, 1\11'. W., F.Il. C.S., Irel. J ames, Mr. P., Ker, Mr. H., F.Il.C .... Jameson, Mr. Joseph S., M.D. , i)LB., &c. Kerans, )l,lr.T. G., L.n.c.s.I.,M.R.C.l'.,IrcI. Jannie, Mr. R. ,V. , M. A ., lILB., C.lIL, Edin. Ken, )1,[1'. James, M.D., M.A., CUlltub. Jarvis, Mr. J. H. E., M.R.C.S., L.P•. C.P. Kerr, Mr. 'Vm. J., M.D., ·1I.D . (New Zealand.) Key, M1'. D. T., Jay , Mr. Frederick Fitzherbert, M.D. Keys, Mr. C. IV. Moore, M.D., A.lIr.D. Jeffcoat, Mr. F. H ., B.A., M.D. (New Zeal), KidsoD , 1\11'. Herbert, M.D., C.M., B."C. Jenkins, Mr. J. J., L.P•. C. S.,,Edin. Kilcanolie, Mr., M.Jl.C.S.E. J ennings, Mr. E., lILIt.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P. KilgarJ'iff, Mr. 111. J., F.R.C.S., I re1. (New Zealand). KilleeJly, Lieut.-Colonel, M.D., H.A.lILC. J ermaine-Lulham, Mr. F. S ; M.R.C.S., King, Mr. F. Truby, M.n., C.1\1., Edin. Eng., L.B.C.P., Lond. King, Ml'.R.T. L.r..C.S. ,L.I:.s.c. ,Irel.,L.M. Johnson, Mr. John, 1II.D. (Victoria). Killgcombe, Mr. A. P., M.H.O.S., L.Il.A. J ohnson, Mr. Samuel, M.D. Kiugsbury, Mr. Edward, M.D., D.A., Dllb. Johnson, Mr. Thomas, M.ILC.S., L.R. C.P. Kingsbury, Mr. G., M.D. Johnston, Mr. A. Hammersley, lILR.C.S., Kingston, MI'. Pcrcy J., L.n.c.r., Lond. Eng., L.R .C.P., Lond. M.B.C.S .. Eng. H
Honorary Life Members.
Kinllear, Mr. ,V., M.D., C.:lL, E(liu. Lilley, 1\11'. F .. L.R.C.S. & P., l!:din., Honorary Kinsey-Morgan, Mr. A., ~1.IJ., Dnrh. L.I<'.P. & s., GIas. Life Kirkpatrick, Mr. 'William, D. A., :ll.D. Lillies, Mr. Herbert, ~r. !t.C .. Members. KIH1[l p, Ntaff Nl1rgeon lllon tagne n., n. ~. Li tel', )Ir. Thomas D., iIl.D., Loml. Kllealc, 1111'. J. C., L.Jt.('.1'., Edill. Little, MI'. J., :lLD., Edin. LiLLlewoorl, lr. Harry, F.ILC ..'. Knight, ~lr. A. 0., M.ll.C.!4., L .... A. Lloyd, Mr. E. J., iII.D., Abel'. Knight, ~lr. Olen AllJlll'tl, :'I1.1l .. llIrlb. Lloyd, Mr. JOl'!lan, :11.1>., F.R.C". Knight, illr. W. II., L.ll. '.1'. &'H., Edin. Lloyd, MI'. John D., :I[']['C.8., Eng., ](lligllt, ?iiI'. W. J. R., :'I1.)l./, It.U.1. IdLe.]'., Edin. Knott, Snrgcon- 'olond 'ha1'lcs, :ll.n. '.P., Lloyd, Mr. F . .'eymollr, ~I.j)., Lond. l~dill. , :I!.It.c.S. Lo<.;\{, Mr. John G., :lI.A., Camb., I..H.C.P., Knott, ill 1'. WI11., :11.1>., Ellin. ~1.]t.C.8. Knowles, ~rl'. II. , ;ll.0., Dl1l'h. Lodge, MI'. P.O., J,,:lL, L. ... A. Kny\'elt, ~lr. II. Ferrer.', I..H. '.1'., Edill., Louwidge, Mr. Wm. C., ?>I.]~.c.s., L. :II. 1'., Lond. Koch, :.\[1'. 'IV. Y. :\Iillcl', 1.1l ...'U'U. Loo, :Mr. J. ," ., ;lr.U.C.S., L.~ .A. L:1Ct'Y, :\11'. Allan R, 1..1:.1'.1' .. LOIl(1. Long, Mr. W. J., ;lr.n. Lachlall, i-ll·.l:cu. F., :11.11.,11.1'. Lonl,ilIr .• \ulll.T.,T,.Jt.G.I'.,Lond.,:lLlt.c.s, Laillg, i\lr. ,hnH; ~T., :'11. IS., e.:I!., Ellin. Loyc, ilil'. Hcnry, B.A., :ll.D., Durh. Lail'd, i-[I'. Allc1rcl\' .T .• :11.1>., l"~I., 11.1'.11. Loyely, iiII'. ' . .l ewLon, :\LD., Dnrh. LaIHl), 1111'. W. II., ~1.n.(·.s., \1.1:. Lo\\', :\11'. A. Bruce, :ll.D., Euin. Laud,ert. l\1t. F. ,., :l1.Il.l'."., I..H. '.1'., Lowe, ::'11'. 'IV. G., J.P., ;\l.l>. Lond. Lo\n;Il'Y, 'apt. M. :i'.l., n.A. \1.(,.,, Lau.'dowll, :\11'. U. G. Poole, ;l1.1l., Dnrh. Eng .. L.Il.(·.P., Loud. Lautol1l', :'Ill'. n. A. dc, ;\1.t:.C.~. Low on, MI'. G., :'II.D., C.:I!., Gla. Lapraik, lilt. George, .\!.Il., 1";\1., Cia". Loxton, MI'. William H., F.B.C.S., ELliu. Latham. ;\11. lIclll'.". :'I1.l!., c. 'I., Luce, ;'11'. Richard Hannun, J~. n.c.s., :I['D., ~~(l i 11. an tab. Latlll er ;\[1'. II. A .. :'ol.ll., Dutil. Luckmun, i'llI'. E. L., ~1.1t.C.::;., L.R.C.P. L:1lllic, ~II'. 'a:,;pal' R, :'01.1)., l3l1lr,do, Lynam, iiII'. 1 . G., :II. H.C . .'., :11._\., :lI.D. .\I.J:.c.s., L.I: .. 1' .• 1. ..... \. Mc.\uall1, 1\11'. Robt., :lI.D. Lamie, lItr. H.. ;\1. ]). Ellill. McAda.Ill, J\11. Robert LCl1i' (Yictoria, Lan!I'Y, Mr. ,1. ' A., L. ~. u. J'., Edill. lcAhlowic, ~Il'. Alex. :1r., ;\I.D. La\'ies, 1\11'. lIa.]'r)" :ll.ll.l'.I'i. McAlister lIe\\'lings, MI. 'I" F., M.n., Law ::\11'. .Jo·L'l'h, '1.ILe .S., Eng. , 1..1\.('.1'., .:'11. (£ .Z.). Lond. Ic 'alldli 'h, lItl. John T., L.I:.C.l'.,ELlill., La WrllnCl', )lr. lIcll ry Cri [IPS, ;\1. fl., Dnrh. L. n. G. H., Was. Lawson, ~1;·. :. Clu:lg. :'Il.II., n.( IL.Il.]'.]]., McCarthy, 1111'. Juslin:Jl!;C., :lI.D. 1..:11. MacurtJley, :J[r. R., I,.H.C.P., Rdin. Leal'}" illr. Rtlward G., :\Lll. McClclland, ~hl·. n. A. :'Il.l:'C.>'., Eng.,ke. Lca.'h, 1111'. J. T., '\l.H. Iacaulay, Mr. D. J., 'l.n., Ernx., Le Croniel', 1\11'. JTanl"il:k, r.. H.C.]'., L. n. '.';., E(lin., L.n.C.I' .. Eclin. LOlld., :11.1:.1'.:-;. McCullagh. :Mr. Joh11, L.n.C ... , Irel. Lee, fro B. J., L.S ..\., L011(1. lcDonaltl, 11'. Oco. Brnce, :lLn. Lec, MI'. Edwin, ;II. H.C.H. Macdonald, MI'. James, M.B., l'.:lr., Lee~, 1\11'. 'Y ., :l1.1L ·.S. L.S ..\. Ellin. Legat, 1111'. An(hew, :ll.1>., Etlill. McDollllcll. :Mr. Deui , L.ll.C. '.1., LA.H., Leigh, 1\11' .. John Dil:killson, :11.])., J\I.Jl., Duh., 1,.:11. :'11.;; .• 1).1'.11. McDo'lg,dl. Mr. li'illlay, F. n. '.~.E., Lcitch, 1\11'. \\T. C., L.F.P ... . , Clas. I,.H.C. P.I~. Lell1a1'ch~tnd, 11'. A. 'Y., M.ILG.S., Etlin., .l\leDol1gall. Mr Neil, ~I.n. & CIT.n., Gla~. [,.lU'.I'., LOllcl. McDowell, Mr. ,Yillialll '. 'Y. , :lLn., ;\1.:. Le11II1'11111, 1\11'. Joll1l D., \I.lI., \I.ll., e .)I ., Me lac-hen, 1\11'. F. 'Y. D., L.H.,\., T"F.r.:-;., ,1,1 . AbcI'. Lellilox . 11'. David M.D. R(lin McGee. 1\11' ,1. n., J\I.B. et C11.11., :'II.J) .. L()~li, 1\11'. H.. 'Vh):Locle, ;I.LJ., I·LU.l. )).]'.ll., Cam1,. L ewis, 1\11'. T. n., l\I.H.C.H. Macgrogor, Mr. G o. Rob!.., ill.]). Lewys-L n)'(l , 1111'. IGvau, M.II.!'.:-;.,En<f.,&c.l\lcGrego)', 1\11' . .T., ~I.H.C.H., L.n.C.l'. Lilley, 1111' . .T.n., M.n. b 1IleJan't, 1111'. F.lIl., 1\l.n.,c.;lI., GIn ~lcJ\.cnzi(', Dr. A., ;II. 11.
St. J ohn Ani,bulance Association.
I1ono1·Ct1'v Life folemueTs.
Mackenzie, Mr. Duncan J ., :M. D. MarLin, Mr. J. " r., ;If.D. Mackenzie, Ml'. Ernest, M. D. Martin, Mr. . E., ;If. D. Macken zie,Mr. F .Wallace,M.B.,c.)I.,Edin.Masscl', Mr. H. C. P., L.ll.C.P.E., )!.H.C .. . Mackenzie, 1111'. Henry D., )I.D. Mackenzie, 1\11'. Ja ., )I.D. Matthews, MI'. C. E., M.D., Oxon. Matthews, Mr. J. C., B . A . , )[.n., n.l·. Mackenzie, 1\11'. John, L.p-.C.r., Edin. 1I1ackenzie, Mr. R. F., :II.D. Matth ews, Mr. Yalentinc, )r.n.c .. . , L .. ·. .\.. Mackenzie, 1111'. "r. ., Jdl. C.l'., L. R. C.S., May, Mr. Thomas F . Maynard, 1111'. J. Clark on, )1.11.C .. . Edin. MacFadden, illr. C. J . R, M.D. (Hon), Mears, Mr. F. C., M.D., Dl1l'h . 1\I.B., C.:lII., ELlin . :ilIehta, Dr. Dhanjibhai Mackie, Mr. John, M.D. Melville, Mr. ., l\['D. Mackinlay, Mr. James R, ;If.P-. C.S. 1IIehin, Mr. James, ;\I.B., & C.::.r. McInto~h, Mr. Alexandcl' M., M.B., Mercer, Mr. 'Y., )Ll>. F.R.C .. E. Merrp"eathcr, .illr. Jamcs, M.n.c.s., 1,.".A. l\lclntosh, 1\11'. John, L.n.C.S., L.R.C.P., Metcalfe, 1\11'. 'Yillialll, L.~.A. Eclin . Mickle, 1\11'. Allam F. G., ::.r.D., Aber., 1\lcKisack, 1\11'. H. J., l\f.D. n.::'!., ::.r.s. 1\1acKnight, Mr. Chas. C.,l\I.B.,CIJ.)r.Glas. iIlidcllcmis., 1111'. G., ::'I.D., Dlllh. McLaren, 1\11'. J. T., l\1.B., L.ll. C.P. Milburn, 1111'. C. H ., M.n., M.S., Dud\' McLean, nIl'. C. J . Russell, M.D., Ellin. Mill, MI'. Geo. '., ::'I.D., Edin. Maclean, 1\lr. E. J ., M.n., Edin. Miller, Mr. Jrrmcs, M.n., c.::.!., Ediu. Maclin, 1\11'. Thomas T., l\LD., Glas . l\Jilligan,l'lIr.RA.,r,.R.c.r. ,;ll.n.G .. . 1I1cLannahan, 1\11'. J. Gnnn, L.R ,C"-oI., &c. 1I1ills, Mr. R J., l\I.D., C.::'f., Aher. MacLeod, 1111'. R A., )I.D. (Se\\' Zealand). 111 ill. , Mr. 'W ilton, L.It.C. r., L. n.c .. , Ellin. 1\1c launs, 1111'. L. trong, ::'f.D. Mi ll-Rohclts, ~lr . E. A., ::'f. n., )!.". l'lJilllC, ~[r. Alex. C., L.Il.lJ.". &. 1'., Edill. nIcillullen, 1\11'. John, :lLB., :lLS.RX.r. 11ilner, 1111'. Jamcs, :'I1.l:.C.r-:. Enrr.,L.l:.C.l'., McNab, 1\11'. A. A., :I!.B., c.:I!., Glas. Lond . ' 'J McNulty, Lt. ·Col. Geo. W., c.n., ;\I.D., _ t. Ann., n .A..;\l. c. Moberley, 1111'.'. C. H., )r.n.C:.:-;. l\ld\aught, 1111'. Grace, M.D. MoJlin, 1111'. 1. Gih.-Oll, ;lL]). McNeal, M1'. Jamcs, ;\Ln.c.8., L.n.c.p. Molloy, "J1r. Leollard, ;1[..\., Du l )., ;\1. H. l\Iacneilage, l\Ir. D., L.n.C.p., Eclin., )l.n., n.CH., &c. L.F.P.S., Glas. Molteno, MI'. V. G., n.A., )I.u., 1:.('., MacNidder, 111'. James, 1\1.13., C.:'> I., Eflin. (Cape Town.) McWilliams, Mr. G. F., 1\Ln., )r. . . lIolyncl1x, Mr. H., )1.n.c.s. l\laclde"\'"er, 1\Ir. John 0., M.D. Moncktoll, 1111'. Dayi(l Hem)" .. ~.r::. Maggs, 1\11'. O. H. A., L.S.A.., Lond. Montaguc, Mr. A. J. H., ;\l.D. Mains, :Jlr. John H., L.n.C.p. , Lond. Montgo11lery, JIl'. E(l\\'in C., :'IU:.C.S., l\Ialcolm, nIl'. Chas., L.n.c.p., L.P-.c.s., L.R.C.P. Edin. 1Il00ney, Mr. Alex. P., B..\. (Hons.), :'If.D, l\Ialpas, :;\Ir. J., :lLn.c.s., L.n.c.p. Lond . (HOlL.) H."L'".f. l\Ianley, nIl'. H., :lLA.., Camb., c.~r., n.c. Moore, "iHr. C. A. , ;If. I). 1\1ann, Mr. Oha . F. Grant, B.M., )1.S. Moorc, M1'. H. Cccil, ::'LU.C.I-:. Mann, Mr. J . Bentley, :lLR.C.8., Eng. ~Ioore,Mr.IIel1l'jO.,:'If.n.,Dnl,lill(Yidoria) Mann~rs, ~lr. Will . Hy., )r.n., C.)L, Glas. MOOIC, llIgcon Lt.- Col. 'alHlford, ::'f.n. l\Ianmng, :Mr. Leslie S., ::'[,13., C.lIL, AbcI'. Moorhousc, 1111'. n. nL, ::.r.D., ('.:'11., Edin. Man~le, 1\11'. Alfred, lII.D., Dnrh. ~Iolisol1, 1\11'. W. 11., Phy:icinll antI l\Iarr~ott, Mr. C. W., M.D., St. AnJ. Surgcon. Marnott, Mr. O. D., lIr.T l ., Glas. Moni, ~fr, F. H., )f. D. Marsh, :;\Ir. F., F.P-.C.... 1\101'1'i '011, :JIl'. J. '1'. J., F. It.e.i-;. Marsh, l\lr. J. Hedley, )1.1:.C.S., L.n.C.l'., Morrison, :JIl'. William, )f. D. (Yir'loria). TJoml. Mortlock. Mr. R. II .. :If. n., C.M. , E(lill. Marsh, nIl'. J. J., L.n.c.p., L.n.c.s.,Edin.l.lorton, 'Jlr. C. A., F.J:.C.S., 1,.1:.C.1'. , Marshall, II'. G., L.n.c.p. Lond. Marshall, Surgcon-Major J. J. de Zouche, Mos., iIlr. W. J. A., )I.D. ~ . P-. c . s ., Ire1., L.A.II., Dub., L.lII. Moxham, 1\Jl'. M. C., ::' Mart~n , Mr. Albert, :lLD. l\IuglistoJl, Mr. G. T. W., l\r.n., A!)cr. Mart~n, 1\Il'. C. 11., M.D. l\I nglis ton , Mr. T . C., :\r.n.c.s. l\1art~n, Mr. J., "Ln., ' t. Al1l1.. Munro, 1\[1'. F., M.n., C.lIL , Olas. 1\Iartm, ~Il'. J. 111. H., M.D., VlOt, Mnl'llociJ, ~II'. Ja<;., L.ll . CO.P., Eclill. j
l\Iurphy, 1\11'.Chrrrles E.,T..n.c.l'.r. ,T,.;\I.&(,. O'Hielly, Mr, Geo. J., L.n.C.S.I., ::'!.R.C.l', I. Honorary Murphy, Ml'. 'V., ;lr.n., r.i\f., E(lin. O'Riordan, 1\11'. F., "U) . L ife Murray, ~lr. '.l!'. K., M.D. Or1l1rocl,1I1r.Fray,1,.ll.C.l'.,ELlin.,1,.1:.C .... , Members. Murray, 1111'. J amcs A. J., n.)I., )1. .. : Eel in. Eclin . Murray,?I[r. John :uwlcr,L.l(.('.l'.,I..ll.l'.S . Orton, Mr. E. ,1'., L.R.C.P., Etlin., L. M. Edin. Orton, Mr. John. ){'It.C.~ . MIl1'l'ay-.Aynsl ey, Mr. J. II ., ;lI.l1.C .. , O!-;horn, Mr .•. , F.R.C.S. O:;hnrne, MI'. C. A. P., L.n.c.p., EJin., L. n.c.l'. (J.·c\\, Zcalal1!l). Mycl's, )[1'. ,I'. \\'., ::.r.n., r. \1., (:lns. F.R.C.S., Erlin . aim, Mr. D. JI. , f,. n. '. P., Edin., L. n.c.:-<., Oycndcll, :JIl'. ,Yo II., ;lLD. Edin. OIl(,lJ, Mr. E. LIoy!l, )1.1l. ~[ast., I1l'g.,E(l. Jairll, .\11', n. \\T. ;'If.n. & r.)[., GI<1<;. O\\'('n, Ml' . .T. H., 1,.R.C.!'., Edin. ana \'atty,)[I'. UyJ'al11ji IJolllln ,ji, F H.(·."., OWC11, Mr. R F., )1.1'. E!lin. Oztlnne, ~[1'. F. I . , ;'I[.R.C .... , L.n.C.l', N all kinJl "\11'. HClhcrL, ~L n. Lond. Jason, )[1'. E. Socl, n.\., (':ullh.,)r.n.,,·c. Page, ~fI'. Davitl, )r.n. C,l\'C' , ~II'. Er1\\,(\I'I1 F. ~l., )1. 11. 1'a li 1l, ~Il'. II. Y c1lal)Jc., )1. n., c. ~f., Ed in. eethling, )fr.J. II., )r.n., ('.~r. (.'.'\fl'ica). Palnlcr, ~fl'. . ' pcnccl', L.n.c.l'., Lond . )r.n. ·.S . Nel.on, :J[r. '1'., :l1.n. .r"e\'in, ;\[1'. HoI crt, )r.n. 1\I1111C1', ~fr. F. Cl'ntldock, )r.n., Drux. "CVill", 11[1. ~\rthtll' h., F. T:. '.~., Erlin. PalInpl', ~[r. Jas. C., ::.[.n., L.ILC ... , Edin. N e\\b)', ~II' . Clin,'. 11., L.n.c.l'., L nd.,P<lrk,1Ifl'.J.R. .,L.H. C: .\'., L.l:.C.r., ElliJ1. F.I:.r ..'. Parker, 1\[1'. (~., )f. \., )['D. Parkc.', ~Ir. L. '., ::'I.D., Loml. clleJl, jlr. J .• \ .. ~I.n., X.Z. Tc\\"mun, jlr. \\'il1inlll, ::'f.lJ Palkc.', ~Ir. ,V. IL, )I.n., lIf.,., Edin. c,,:hullI. "\11'. Fm nci:;, )f. n. ('.... Parkinson, Mr. ha,. J os., ;If. D., 1.011(1., Nicholl", .\h. (i'ln1ol1 )I.Tl. )f.R.C.S. YieL). Xicholh )11'. H., ,r.1I., )1.1:. '.:-< . Parkinson, MI'. \\'. J., ,\I.n.c.~., "Eng. Nicholson, nrigatle-Slll'rrl'Oll Lr. '01. E, Prrn1C11, )11'. G. C., )f. n.c.s., T., .. ,\.. ,\.)I.~. P'm,c\, ~II'. E. ,1'., :'II.Tl. Kicholson. ;\fl' . .T. \\'il1i!1I11s, ~I.I:.( ' .". Pal'so11s,~rr.FmnC'i Hcnry,)I.D.,C'.::'(.,Gin s . Kic:ksOll, )11' . •\ ngnstns, n,,\., :'I1.1l. 1'1\1' 'OIlS, .\11'. IInrry '., )f.n.c ..'., I .. n.C.I·., Ni col, ~[r . .JnllH'S , \I.n. Lond. :righlillgall', jlr.. Joltll, :lr.n., ('.)1., E,lin. P;nsOlls. l\fl'. "\,rulteI'D., :'>I.n.c .. . , r..n .('.l'. Nixon, ~11'. T ..-' ., )l.1U·.:-;. Partridge, :;\[1'. T .. )I.T). ohlc, )11' . .';UIII. CI,nkl', )1.1:.('. '., En u ., Pater on ?III. '. E., )1.1). 1.... \. I'atrilk, 1[1'., . A., )I.I:.C.I'>. Noc:ko1tls, ~rr.:-;tcl'hcn, I..1:.(' .P.F.,T.T'.C' .. ·. Patter'on, :Jfr. '. IT.: )f.n.c . .'., I..n.C.I'., Jorman, :Jlr . . \. ", ::'f.I:'('.~., r .1:.( .1'., L011ll. Lond. Prrtteron, Mr. G. llc Joncourt, IL\., Duh., ,Torman, .-·llrgeoll Durron1 ::'f.n., ,r.n.f'.~. '01 man, Jl! . .T. I~., )1.])., )I.I:.C.~. Panl, ~fr. F. T., F. n.c.~., L n.('.r., 1.OI1 (l. Norman, .\[1' ..T. "\\'., :lUI. PaYlle, Mr. H e11ry, )I.n., Et1in. Jeni.', :\lr. \\'111. l'cnill, :'11.11., ·(I.n., Peac:h Mr. C. ,I' .. :'Il.n., ~I.S., Etlill. :Jlcih. Peaeh-Hn.\', 1fl'. William, :If.B., C.:'IT. NorLheotf', ~fl'. A. D., :'If. n., Edin. Peake, Mi·. A. ,1'. , ,I. H.C.~., 1.. n.L'. P. NuLlall, ~rr. T. 1<: ., )I.n., ('.:If., Etlin. Peake, 1\[1'. Fl'c(lC'rick E., ;ll.n.('.S., 1,. n .C.I'. O'Coll11 ell, • mgC'oll n. V., )1.1l. Pcarcey, )[1' . .T. J. ,Yalllllcs" L n.r .... Od c11, ilIr. W., F.It.C' ... , '\1 \. , I.S. ,\. L.n.C.p., Belin. 0' [)ollO\·n.n, "\11'. T .T. T H.(',1'. & s.,Etlin. Pearcy, :;\[1'. P . •\ ., )f.n., C.M . , Etlin. O 'DO~·II.C\', .\11' . •\l1 g11stiIIP, 1. H.<'.I'. ,,\: ~< Peal'. c, iIlr. T. F., )I.n., 13n1:'.-., hthn., , P. 1o'.I1.C."., '\f. n.('.l'., Lon(1. Ogi lvi c, Mr . .T. II., T,.I:.(· .... , E(lin. Pern. 011, ~ll'. Th oma, :lI.R.C.S .. En~" Ok ell, .\[1'. GcorgC', \1. r:.('.~., L.~. ,\. L.R.0.1'., Lond . Oltlhnm , )11'. Ilugh F., :11. , \ .. 1)ull., :'If. 11. 1'l'lllcy, Mr. T. F. ;If.n., TIl'llx. Oliphnnt, )11'. Bl'llCe, )I.Tl., I,:dill. Peirce, 1\11'. Fr:lnci<;, ,r.n., Dul>. Oliver, Mr. Chns. Pye, )1.1l., L011 11. l'C'll11ian. Mr. ~litchcll, '\L1:. C.s., 'f.n. OlivC'r, Mr. F. H ., L.ll ('.1'., Lond. PcrciYaI, MI'. Gco. IT., M.n. Lond., Oliver, MI'. William, :11.11., O.~I., Edit). ;\!.lUU·. P cn'am, Mr. Chrrrlr' II., ~r.n., Loml., ~'l·. O'lIIoorp, ?If 1'. HPll1'\', ~1. n., Dllll. Onl, Mr. Frc(lclic 'YIIl. , f..n.c.l'., 11'('1. T
11 onul'u/I'Jj Life Membe1' .
St. J ohn Ambulance Association.
Perry, ~ll'. W. D., ~I.u.c.s.,Eng.,I..H . c . r., RaL1ford, 1I1r. ,Ym ., .. . , L.R.C.I'., Lo::td. Lond. Pestell, 1111'. Jas. H., L.R.C .. , Erun. Ramsden, IIII'. Herbert, ~I.D., Lond. Peter ,Mr. James, L. R.C .P. , Edin.,L.Jt.c ... , Hangoon, Rt. Rev. the Bishop of, lILD. Edin. Rattray, iIII'. J. ~I., ~I.n. Petter, 1\11'. ,Yalter, M.ll., C.lII., EL1in. Raw, Mr. ·W. E. 't. i\l., L.ll.C.1'.,:'I1.11.C.S. .Phelps, ~Ir. Philip, :'I1.P•. c.s . , L.ILC.I'.,Ed. Rawlings, 1\11'. ~ames, lIJ.ll.C.H., L.S.A. Phillips, 1\11'. C. H., M.D., Dnrh. Rawl1s]ey, :JlaJor G. T., 1:. A.M. ' ., Phillips, nIl'. G. A., lI1.]:.C.S. , L.. A. c .... Philp, :Mr. ,Vm. , :'II.B., C.M., EL1in . Rayncr, :J11'. Edwin, n.A., Loud., lI!.D. Pier, 1\11'. C. E., lILD. Redmun, l\lr. ,V. K, lILn.C.N., L.::;.A., Pike, Mr. Jo eph B., L.n.C.p., Edin., Lond. lII.R.C.S., Eng. Rees, l\le. Edward D., lIr.n.c.· . L.It-C.!'., Lond. Pike, 1111'. ,V. Royston, lII.n.c.. . Pilcher, lIll'. ,Yo J., F.R.C.S., Ediu. Heid,1I1r. D. Bos"'ell, :'II.ILC.S. Reid, ~ll' . Duncan J., :'II.ll. Pilgrim, 1111'. E. G., :'II.D., Eelin. Pim, ~Ir. F. E. de Beeho, L . }t. C. S., Irel. Reid, :JIr. T. Whitehead, :'11. D., .'t. And. Pinek, :BIr. C. H., :'II. B. C. 111. , Glas. Renton, 1111'. G., :'II. D. Pinkerton, :JIr. Jallle.', :'I1.D., R'"c". I. Rhode, MI'. Thoma', lII.ll. Pinnock, 1111'. R. D. , lII.D., Glas. llhys, 1111'. ,V. L., L.R.C'.l'., LonL1' J Pitl1ie Mr. A. Drimmie, L.I:'. C. fJ ., Eelin. :.\1. n. c. S . Plant,'l\I1'., M.D. Rice, ~Ir. ,V. R., B.A., Dull ., M.n. Plant, :'I1r. Harry C., )l.B, Lond., ~.R.C.S .. Rich, IIII'. A. C., \I.lLC.S. Ena. Richard .. , :JIr. J o11n, :'II. H. C... Eng., &c. e ,Yo H., L.R.C.P. vl'lI1.,:'Ir.B.,C.:'If. Platt nIl'. Richards, 1111'. J. T., n.,T.,.c,r Plomley, Mr. John F., lII.D., Brux. Richard on, :JIr. Frederick E., L.u.c.r. Pochin 1111'. F. L., :'II.B., C.)1., Eelin. & .. , Edin ., &c. Pole, :Jlr. Alexandcr, :'II. D., t. And. RIchardson, 1\11'. J . .,. o\\'ell, :'II. D. Pollard, 1111'. Geo. H., :'ILD., Bdin. Hlduell, ?Ill'. J . •. cott, If.V.O., )l.A., A.ber., PolleD, 1\Ir. Henry, )LD., Dull. :'Il.13.,C.)L Poole, :JIr. A. H., L.H..C.P., L.n.C.S. , Edill. Ridley, :JIr. J. ,1'., L.U.C.P. Rigby, Mr. F. W., )I.B . , C.)I., Euin. T' Poole, nIl'. 8. 'Y., ",LD., Abel'. P ooley, 1.11'. E. Burclett, L. R. c ... ) I re1., Rigby, 1\11'. Walter C., :'ILB., C II. n., , !Ct. L. R.C.P., Edin. Rigden, :Mr. Brian, t:. 1>. , L.S.A. Pope, 1\11'. Clta'>., L.R.C., .E. Rillgwoocl, 1111'. John, L.H.C.s.I., L.H.C.P.L Pope, 1\11'. Frank iII., B.A., Camb., )1.B.,RolJb, Mr. J. B. K., :'ILA., Abel'. , M.D . M.R.C.P. Roberts, :JIr. Arthur, F.1LC .. ·. Roberts, ~Ir. E. E., :'ILn., )LS. Pope. ~lajor W. \Y., R.A.)I.C. Potter, :JIr. HarrY,:l,l.R.C. ·.,L.R. c.F.,Edin . Roberts, ~Ir. Hugh Joncs, M.ll.C.S. , Potter, ~Ir. H. Percy, :'ILD., Dnrh., L. •.. A. F.R.C... Roberts, J. Lloyd, :'ILB. & c.)1., Eclin., P owen, ~Ir. L L., )LR.C... , L.R.C.P, Edin. D.P.H., Eng. Pratt, 1\11'. J . Dallas, :'Il.A., Dnu. , :'II.D. Roberts, JIr. R. La,,-toll, M.ll., Lom!. Pratt, 1\11'. Regin ald, M.D., Lond. Rouerts, Mr. Reg. J., M.A., "'Ln., B.C. Prendergast,Mr. IV. Dowling, "'Ln., )1.A.O. Robertoll, :JII'. E., :'Il.D. Prentice, 1\11'. Zechariall, :'II. Jt.C.S. Rohcrtson, Mr. Robt., ]I[.Il . C . ... Price, :1\11'. David, ::-L}{'C.N., L.n.C.p. Robinson, Mr. A. H., M.D. Price, Mr. E. 0., lILD, Eelin. Rollinson, ?Ill'. A. Hepworth, lILn. , C.M., Edin. Price, Mr. A. E., L.S.A . , L.:'I1.n.c.p., lre1. Prichard, :JIr. R. A., lILR.C.S. Robinson, 1\Ir. Eme t L., M.R.C.S ., Pritchard, ?Ill'. J. J . G., :'ILR.C.S. L.It.c.r., Lond. Pritchett, Mr. H enry, )I.P•. C.S. RolJinsOl1, iIII'. G., :'ILH..C.S., L.S.A . HolJinson, Mr. II. '., :'ILH..C'.S. Prosser, Mr. Philip B. Proudlove, Mr. Edwel., M.n., C.:'I1. Robinson, urgeon-l\1ajol' Mark Prout, Mr. ,Villiam T., n.)!., ::'LS. Ro1)inson, Mr. M. J., nI.D., &c., n.u .I. Pullon, Mr. G. S., M. D., Eelin. RouinsOll, Mr. R. D., M.D. Plll'chas, Mr. A. C., M.lLC.S., M.n., C.M. Roelle, Mr. T. F . , L.n.c.l'. , Eelin.,, Purdy, Mr. James n., M.n., C.:'I1., Abe.r. Edin. Rocll ey, Mr. John, ?lLlt.(',~. Pll1'\'is, Mr. J. P . , )fort.C.S., L.S.A. Quick, Mr. Frank, M.R.C.S Rogers, 1\11'. DertmlJlllI., B.A ., Oxon., lIJ. D.
'RopCI', Mr. H erbertJ., lILn.o ..'.,L.e.. c.l'., hive, ~Ir. John, M.D., AbcI'. Honorary LOllel . 'hone, 'tll'geon-1\1ajor W. J., :'II.H.G.S. Life Rorie, 1\11'. D., M.n., '.:'1 1., Ellill. Shone, ~lr. Willialll V., LIt.C.I'., Lonu. Members. Ros , MI'. ~l. W., :'II. D., ClI. n., . Z., ,'huttleworth, ~lr. G. E., B. A . , Lond.,:'IL D. :'Il.ll.O.I>., Ellg., J,. ICC.I'. LOlld. iudall, Mr. J. B. M.D., .Aller. RoubLoll, i\lr. Wi lliallJ , )l.v., :'II.CI!. ,'Illebothalll, Mr. Geo. 'Y., :lLlLC ... , L.S.A . 'iIllOU, Mr. J\l, F., ",UJ., ,·t. Alirl . :-1..\.O.,ll.U.I. ROlllllI, i\lr. Johu C., ;l1.Il.l:.,·., L.I:.L'. I' . , ,'il1lP,,01l, Mr. Alexanclel , :lLn., JUl., Loud. Gl us., F . H.C. :->., J'l' Y 111 . ROlI'e, Mr. Joseph IL, '1.1)" 1'.'1. Aher. 'imp"oll, iIlr. H eury, B.A., ;n.n., B.C., Rowe, MI'. Thollla ' .'ll1itlt, .\1.1)., Edin. CanL,tb., ;, Ellg., L.U.C.F., Lond. H.Q\\'lands, Mr. Da\itl 1:. ,:11.1). RlHldoek, MI'. W. J., :I!.ll., :I!.lt.L'.!". "UllPSOll, Mr. J,111108 H., )I.D. .'ilnpsoll, Mr. \\' . '., :'ILILC ..:., :'I['1:.C.1'., Huel, :'Ill'. 1'., L.ll. '.1'., ,\1.1:. (·.S . J~!liJl. Rugg. ;'11'. (;. L., ;lI.J:.l' .... , &e. HUlIlbull, .\[1'. C. .1<'. , :'11.1)., Dllrh. .1111., Mr. Geo. ,'., )['lJ., Durham, &I~. Rumball, :JIr. "ydlley, 1..1l.C.l'.,'.S . ."lllClair, Mr. J\. ;,lacUrcgor, ;ll.B., Aller. Ru. k, jll'. John, :'ILB., ll.Cll. ,'llJeluil', ~[r. John, :If.I>.,:'II.I:.C.l'.,:'II.Il.C.i:l. RllS.·e11, :J[r. Jolll1. ,\1._\., :If.ll., 1.:l1. ,'kao, Mr . .Frunei' D. A., :'I!.D. Ruth 'rlonl, MI'. U. L., :ll.IJ.~ .'kelding, illr. 11em)" lIl.B., B.C., Il.A. Rutlk, j11'. Rn1) crt, 1•. :11., I,.s. ,kinller, Mr. D., :'IJ.D., LlI.:'IL, Aber. Hytlll, } ! r. W. J1. , -'L It.t:. I'., Irel. (Victoria). t. C,eorgr, :J11'. (; eo1'I;', :'Il.n. ~"illller, :'Ill'. W. B., :o.1.13., C.:l1. t. L,~tl(fl'I', Mr. H.. A., -'I. B., 1'.:11., Etlill. ,kil',,"ol'lh, ~ll'.lIol'berl, L. n.(;.l'.,L.:lI.,&e. t. Leger, .\11'. •'.. ltI_hull\' York. 11 • .\.,' lomall, ~lr. H., L.Il.G.l'., LOll,]" :l1.1:.C . . C,llltah., I. s . A . · 'lolllan, .Jlr. '. G., jUllr., L.ll.C.p. Lond., all, :'Ill'. B. W. n., _'1.1:' '.". :ILl:. ' ... 'almoll, i\lr. lInn,)' H., :lLII., {'lI.n., lI!c1b. "mclton, Mr. C. ,1'., ~r.1l.C.S., L.R. ' .1'. 'u))(1 'rs, ~ll'. ·lla.· .. :'I:.I:.l'.: ., :1l.1:. , lI11th, )11'. A. 'alllpbrll, :ll.n. 'aUdl'l", MI'. EIl\\'anl .L, .'ILlt.('.". 'll11th, ~Ir. Ellwin U. )l., .'I!.l\ c.: . au.olllc, :J1r. 1'. J., .\1. H.C. '. "mith, .\l!'. U. Jack:;o)) L.Il.G .. ·.L, N;tlt!]e, i\1r. E(ll1'ill, :lLB., l'1I.ll. L.ll.C.l'., Ire!. ' Sctllltlcb ury, ;'11'. <ieo. J., L. EI'. L. -'liD., 'Illith, Mr. H. Hamillond, :'Ir.n.c ...·., ILl'.!'., (\ idoria). L. n. '.1'., Lond. "lllitll, 11'. lIcllry, T..ll.C'.r. carr! ~11" G(;()rge, :-1.]). eathrl, l\lr. P.•\1., :lr.I:.C.:-.. Sllli It, :Jlr. ,To'. \\1., ~Lll.L'.s., Eug., L.~r. c:tllr,~·ty, Mr. \\Tillialll, lI[. \., .\.11('1' .. ;\1.11., 'lllitll, 'Ill'. ~I. Lomax, :'I1.n.(; ..·., L.n.C.I'. dtleslllgl'I', ::'IIr., :ILl:' (.S . \"ll turia.). (X cW Zealallll). cholclieltl, :J11'. :. E., -'I.n., Elin. 'Illith, .\11'. H.. Bradshaw, L.l!.C S., Ire!. Schul'll, ~lr. A. ()rful'Il, \l.B., C.:I!., Edill. L.I:.L'. 1'. , Edill. cott, MI'. A. '1\T., _f.Il. '.S. ,'mith, 1\11'. ll. inclair, F.n.c.I'.E., SeoU, MI'. U. \\'., :.r. J:. , 1 ..'1., Edin. L.l~ . C.S., Etlin. 'cott, Mr. '1\TIlliillll C:. '\1.1', lJl1ril." lilith, :J11'., ml.Parso11 ,L.l:.C.l'.,L.l: .C.. r. -'t. H. .'mitlt, ~lr . SLralJ'onl, :'II. D . , coLL, MI'. \\T. Toeher, )1..\., :-1.1)., 1'.:lI. 'Illitll, :J1r. T. Hallsoll, :lI.D., Dlll'h. Seecolllbe, Mr. C. \\T., :\1 ,I[.( ·.S. , I..H.t'.l'., ~lJlith, Mr. 'Y. ,1., I..It-c.r., L.n.C. '., Ellin . Lond. • 'n1\ th, 111'. R. Miluer,F.l:.l'.s.I.,L.H. C.P.I., clby, 1111'. Ellnlllllll ,V., :-r. 11. • L.-'1. ellers, iiII'. H.. Bnl'llett , :lU:.C.S. ,'outll, )11'. F. ,Yo n., :'ILl!.C.s. ellers, MI'. \\T. II. 1., :II. n., '.:11., Edill. ,'otltht'Y, Mis' Eleanor, -'l.B. &: (lI.n., N".Z. Sergeant, MI'. Elll1'(I,rll, :''.S., 1..1:.('.1'., . outh"'ell, :Jlr. L'. E ., Id~.L'.l'., L. H.C .. , Loud. Etlill. Sh,tl'p, Mr. _\.I tlnu· .T., :l1.J)., n.s .. LotHl. • panton, 111'. \Y. DUlllletL, F.I~.C ..·. Sh<LI·nHtll,ThiI·. E. \\'. ,L. ll.I '.l'., I"l:.I ·.s.,Ecli n. Sl'ence, 1\11'. '\'m. J et'., L. n.c.l'., Eelin ., haw, MI'. J,t;.., :'ILB., I'.M., Eelin., Edin. SlHLIV! MI'. T. ,., lILn ., C.M. , Ellill. " pink, MI'. E. ,V. , M.n., D.R., LontI. Spong, Mr. H uny, B. A. (Oxon ) L.S . \. Shea.l, MI'. C. A. hl'llcst, 1I1.1LC. J'., I~clill. Shearer, MI'. T. Pitcai l'll, L. n. U. l'., I, n.l'. R., S prl1g11c, II'. Francis JI. , 111. H. C s., Eng'.• Etlill. r•. lt.o.p., LontI. Shelly, MI'. C. Eo, M.n., C!tlllh. priggs, 11'. E. Ivens, lIr.n., LontI. . hcpherll, Mr. 'rhoR. W., L. It. C. s., E(lin. 'prout, 1\11'. J; n. , :'II. n., M.ll. C. ' .
St. J ohn A mb'l./,lamce Association.
11onoTa?'v L ifl! IVlem,be?' ,
Sproulle, Mr, A, E,. M.P., C.S. T empleman, Mr. Chas., M. D., Bllin. Sprolll1e, nil'. 'f. W., L.R.C.S.I., L.K.C.Q.P. Thomas Mr. Daniel Rres , ~r.D. & c lf.n. Sqllance, Mr. T. Coke, M.D., Dunelm . Thomas, 1111'. Geo., M.R.C. R. Squire, Mr. J . E., ~LD., Lond. Th0mas, Mr. John, M.R.C.S . , Stack, Mr. E. C., L. R . C. P. I., L. ~1., F. R. C. s., Thomas, lUI'. John C., ~1. D. et M.'\. O. R. U. 1. , Irel. &e. , Stalker, Mr. A. M. , :-1.,.\., Edin., ~r.D. Thoma, Mr. B. D., L. R.C.P.E., F.I:.C.R.E., Stamford, Mr. ,I'm. Aekrill, M.n.C.::'. L.F.P.S.O. Steel, Mr. ,V. Dyne, M. D., C.:\I., D.l'. H. Thoma, Mr. ,V., M.D. ().. 1 T1l1 omn, on , Mr. J. H., L.n.c.p. LX, L.~r., 1 "I . . " T.R. ,M.R.C.S . ,L.R.C. P. L onl. S teee, Steet, Mr. George Carrick, F.R.C.S. h e1., L.R.C.,., Edin.. . Stelfox , Mr. J. B., M.R.C, . , Ellg., L.S.A. Thomson, Mr. Barclay, (Vletona). Stenhom:e , Mr, Alexander, ~I.B., B.CH., TholUsol1, MissE. C. , l\1.B., C.~I., Edin.: ~1.A . ,
L.n.c .. , L.n.c.p.
Stenhouse,Mr, ,V. iII.,~r.D.(XewZealal1d)Thol11'on, 1\11'. G., :1I.n., C.M., Bdlll. Stephen, Mr. ,I'. A., ~r.A" ;\I.D., C.;\1. Thom 011; Mr. James, ~I.D: Stewart, 11'. F. MeU., L. R, C. R. ThomSOll, 1111>. J. ~. J\Ienzlc , ;\1. D., Cii. B., Stewart, Mr. \V Ill., M. D. llleib. (, letona). Stirling, Mr. D. H., ~r.D., Edin. Thom. on, J\~r, ~Ln., El', CII.~[ Sterling, 1111'. James, :\I.B., ('.,)1. Thom on, llha111, C n" :\!.lJ. (late Stirling, Mr. Robert, ~I. D. P. R. C.. Irel.) ) Stockel', lug.Oapt. E. Gayed, Y.~f.R.,Thornton, ~lr. Bertram, ~r.R.C" .,T,.R. C.l, lII.R.C.S., Eng., cS.c. Lond . ~ Stockwell, Mr. :F" ~r. I'. Thlll'sfield, nIl'. T, 'I,. , Ill. D. Stoker, ~Ir. G" M.D. Tilbtone, Mr. H. Roger , ~r.D. Stoncy, Mr. Percy B., ~1.R.C.S., L. It.C.P., TOlllory, ;'11'. Dlwi<l ,\r., )L'B., (,11.~I .. Abcr. Edin. Topping, ~"Ir. J. P., ;\l.D., Gla. StOlT, Mr. F. Arnott, L,S.A., D.P,II. To\\'n end, ~Ir. F. E., :-I.D., :11.< II .. J:.U,T, Stothard,Mr,Jame,,:lLR.c.,.,L.,.A. Trimble, Col. C. J., C.;\\.G., 1).1'.11., Stretton, Mr. J. Lionel, :lU{, C.~., L. It, C.l'., L.IL C. P. E . Lond. Trott, l\Ir. Dudley C., ~I.n., F.I'.('."'. Strdton, 1\11'. amuel, ~r.R.C".. Trotter, MI'. Le lie B., :I\, T)., Edill. Strong, :DIr. R. G., L.R.C.P., L,R.C.S" Trotter, :Mr, Rohert 11 a:\.\\'c11 , :>I.!l. Edin ., L.l\f. Trotter, Mr. ,r. 0., :.r.n. '.k . Stroyan, Mr. F., M.R.C.~;., L.n,c,p., Troup, MI'. Gcorge A., ~I.B., C.:lI., 1). & Il. Lond. Tunstall, J\lr. A. C., \1. D , Edill., \1. B., C. M. S luart, Mr. J. A,Erskine, L.n,c.l'.,L.ll.C.S. Tmncr, 1\11'. A. nr., ~I.r..C . S. (,'ydllcy) Edin. Turn er, ~II'. A, ,colt. L.l:.C'.I'., :I!.l:.C.R. Stuart, Mr. T., ]\f. D., :.r. B., C. ~r. Turner, ' taff· lll'gcon Ema ta Summers, Mr. John B., LoR.C.S.. , EJin., TU1'ller, nIl'. H. Guntoll, ~r.n.( ."., T.. :-:.A . Turn er, Dep.-Illspcc. Gcneral H.ul'ctt, R.N. L.R.C.P. Sutherland, Mr, Chas. J., M.D. Turner, Mr. TllOmas, F.R.C.S. Sutherland, Mr. J. A., ~Ll'., c.~r., Belin., Turner, Mr. ,Yilliam, ,\l.D. Sutton, :Mr. II. G., ~I.D. Twigg, :MI'. F. G., F.H.C.S.E .. 1I1.1!.C.,. Swann, ~lr. A., "l.D. L.S.A. Swaync, Mr. F. G" :,r.n., B.C., M.A" Twi ss,Lt.-Col. G. E., F.T!.C.".T., n ..\.M •• Cantab. Tyric, Mr, C. C. Baxter, ~f.n., :-\.('. Swete, Mr , Horace, M,D.,St.Anc1.,:\!.It,(,.S. T yrrcll, Mr. ,Yalter, ~r.H.C.S. Symes, nrg.-lIIaj. E. ,Yest, ~r.D., Erlin. Tyson, Mr, ,Yilliam Jo. Cl,ll, 1'11. n., DUll!. Tait, :'Ir. Archibald, :I[ B. Ull111CY, Mr. ,1'., ;\1.1>., Lond . Talbot, Jr. Alfred G., ~I.T:., c,:-r. Underhill, Mr. F. T., F.H.C,f;.I'., Lll.C.P., Tamplin, Mr. Chas. II., ~r.ll.C.S. Ellin. Tate, Mr. Samuel, ~r.D. Underhill, 1\Ir. J. E., :-1.1). Taylor,1"llr. James, ~LD. U1,ham, MI'. C. IIasliit, M.n.(·.:·., &f'. Taylor, Mr. Ja.mes, ~l.n., B.Cll. Uppleby, Ml'. J.O"T,.l:.c.p.,Erllll.,T..n.c.s, T aylor, Mr . Jas., F. R.U.R.E. (Port Elizabeth). Taylor, Mr. S. Hamilton, M.D. Urquhart, C. Thistlf't011 Dyer, JI!.Tl., C.Jlr., Taylor, Mr. Thom as, M.R.C.S.E. M.D. Taylor, :Mr. Tom R., M,D. Usher, Mr. \Villiam , l\!.D., R.U.T., n.r]:. Tearc, Mr. John, :lLB., CH .n, V alentinc, Mr. William, L.ll.t',!,., Edlll., T emple, Mr. G, H., ;\Ln., C.~r. L.ILC.R.
n'"nF: l?,
Vance, Mr. 'V.J., I,. H.C. 1"1 Edill ., L.I~.U.". Ire,I. Vassal II, iiII'. JerOlllc ,' ., L.n .c.l'., L.JU'. S., .Edin. . Vernon, ::\11'. :~. Urygate, F.n.c.R., L, It. C. 1'., Lond. Ycrnoll , MI'. W., :-r. llor.s., L.I~ . C.l'., Eelill. "ineent, ..\II'. H. H., :-l.ll.O.S. Virct, Mr. D. P., .\LB., L(1I1(1.,,C,l'. ~ ,~Ol1tl., . '0I,ll1, 1\11', Erll('~t O. DIShol', .\I.I:.C.H.,
'Watson , MI'. A. A., i\Ln.C.R. Watson, Mr. G. ,'., :'1.11., i!.:llin., M.n., C.M. Honorary Life Watson, 1\11'. J , G., r-LlJ . Members . Watsoll, Mr. \\'111.,'." . \\'at.oll, ~1r. W. J., .... , :l1.B., Loud. \Yll.tthew, ~Ir. H erbert, M.D., Edin. M.n., C.:>1. '\"att., ~1r. James A., )r.n., M.ll.C .... Waugh, Mr. Alexr., :lLJl., ('.i'lI., Ulas. Way, Mr. ,I. 11. F.,~I.It. ·'.H.,T•. Il.U.l'., L011d. T ~I.H.(',I'. Wayland, Mr. A., :'Ir.n. ,orcs, ,\11'. l~l't hl1l', :'If. [l.C.S. ,,"eaver , ~\lr . W . (J .,.....".,;\[ I' C" I .. Il.C.I'., "'" I ., I ac ICI', AI'. Ymllk, :'Ir.I:.L'.s" L.:-:. \, Loud., L." ..\. " :Il.ChCl, .:\ll'. ,'., F.H.( .S., L.l:.1·.1'. ,,'cl)h, Mr. lly, L., :-LIUi.S. ,\acldy, ~\ll'. II. 8., L.I: . ('.P ., _\1.1(.1',,";. \\'ebu, ..\II'. J. 1:a11l,'ay, :-1. B., ClI.n ., MelL. "adc, .\11·. .:L I:rc'doll, \1.1).,1'.:-1., I£dill., "'CliO, "\h, Tho .. L., :lLlt.C.I5., L.Il.L.P., ;\l. It. C,.·" L. s. \. LOIlll. ,rnkl'}n!ll, ,\11'. Elgar, L.n.I',!,., L,I:.I'.s., Webl), ~lr. ,rill., ~[.n., F.n.C .. ·. 1£dlll. Wchucl', ~ll', 11. \V., .\I.s., :-1.])., Lond. , \\Taldo, ':\[1', FI'L'cl.J .. :-1. D., 'alllh" :-1. n. &c. Walc, .\fr. Ul'O. !I.I',H, (L'alltl,.), :-f.Jt.e'.s. ,reIdel', :JII'.Ri!llt'yilI., )l.R.t'.S.,L.l:'C.I'., r .I!.I.', I'., Ll)llrl. .Edin., L.1),>l. ,Valk,I', Mr .•L \\r .. :-1. \" :'II.ll., r'.:'If. \rc,ll1lol'c, ':\lr. It.:., :--1. n.o.s. " Tall- cr , .\l:'. .\. W. H., .\L!l., UnIX., '\'Ll'ke:', ,:\11'. FI,lI\l'is H., },n.c,,,. T 1.,1:.1'.1' .. LOlld. \\'!'llh.), ,\Lr . ."tallll·Y, :'I1.1l.,OXOII., ;\!.r:.I'.". "alkl'l', .:\11'. B"III I'd, 'L r!.l'.";., r,.S ..\. \\ ".t jil'. J. \\ eil', :'11.11., B.I ll., ll .• \.O., &1:. ,Valkt'I', ;\11'. 'yril 11., n. \., Cam},. \\'c:-.l,Jll·.LiulIel F,;~LI:.G .... ,L.It.!'.I'. ,LOlI(l F.I:.!'.". ,rl'st, .\1I . H. .\1.. :'I1.1t.!'.:-;.,'., L lIe1. ,,,ralk! , .:\LI. II 'my: r,. 1'.1'. c\: E. l~lOIl, .\i1'.. '. T. lJill'hy, )1.I~. '". Walkl'l' .•\il'. 11. .\" 'I.Jt.! ."., EIW., L.S ..\., "hel'! 'I', ,\11'. William lrl'iand, ~Lll. Lrllld. \\·/titeoJlllw, .:\11'. I~, B .. )LI!.U.S. "~alk 'I', MI' . .r. Pi.' 11,:'11. l:.!', '., f..I!.('.I'., WhitL', .\11'. G. l:il·hardsoll,'., LOIH!. L . I:.!'"o.;., guill. ,Yalb I, .\[}" .fohll \\T., :-['I:.I'.S., L. H.I'.I'., "'hitr, .\11'. g. A., :'I.I>., "\ll cl'. LIJlld. \\. h I tl', .\LI'. .1;1111 ':; H., )1. Il . "'alh,I', J\11. Sl.lJ 11 1, :\1.1:.r'.,.;., L.:-r. \\'hltt', .:\11'. Xlllillll F., :-l.l:.I'.S., L.I:.! .1'. Wall, .:\[1'. [l. L. ,LB., I II. I!. ,\'hm', .\11'. H. K, \1.1:.G.I'. WallacC'. ~11'. H. ;-." I.. F.I',s., Glns., L. ' .•\. White, \\ ., L.n, '.1'. Wallact', ,\LI' . .]"111, :'11.1: .. I·.:-L, I:.SI'., White, .\11'. Willialll, :-l.D. (Pnlllie ITt·alth) I':dlll. Whit!" ~Lr. W. 11., )1.11. "'allis, ,:\11'. Frl'ri,\l., .\f.IL!'.:-;., L.S ..\. ,nlilClwud, MI' . •\., 'LB" u.:'Ir., AUl'l'. ,\'alpull'-, 1111111111", .\11', K, :-1.11 .. IJl1l'h. \\"hitehollse, .\lr. W. H. , )1.11. "~aJ.'h, :Jll'. 1>.1\ I!. :'II. n., EdilJ. . Whillmlll, ,:\11'. Itoitl'l't, ,I. U. Abcl" WaIC1, .:\11', \. ])1.1ckl'·00.J, :-1. B., n,('., Whitley, Ml'. J!'. U. 11., Wlut\\' '1I,.\Lr.L\.l1. r,.I:'<'.:-:., L, H.C. P. EclilJ. 'nnlh. Ward, .\ll'. F!',llICis, 'f.II., l~dill. Whyte, MI' . .I. ~Ln(;kic )[, \., 1£di11., M,D. "TnI'd, :'Ill'..1. l'.S.,'!.I~.<'.~.,L.t:,I'.l'.,Lnlltl. \\\~.;gins, MI'. 13., L.ILU.l'., L It C.:-:., Edlll" "Tard, .:\ll. _\ 1. "\. , F.I:.I'.S., Irl'l. J. F.P.S., (;Ia,.;. "~1L1'I1, J\ lr . J1al'tillllnlt" \1.1).,0 . :-1., .\ hcl'. \\TighLlllilll, .\11'. Gecil F , F.I~,L'.fi., Eng. "Tard, JIr. \\'. Fi~It~\', 1,.I:.e'.I'., 1,nlld., ,\,ilkillo;OII, ,:\11'. .~nhlllll, :lI.D., Du~ll., '\1. n. I '. 'i., l:II". :--1. n., D. s. Wa1'l'cll,.\11'. \\'111., [,.r·:I'.r,.)[irl.,K,e1.l~.l', "TilklllSOIl, MI' . •\, .:\ll,j\cn:ic, )r.n,(\'i~.) he!. \\Tilkill~o1J, Mr. ,I Hili Co; H., ~L n., E,llll. 'Y!Lr\\'iC'k, ~ll', C. Stt'ch" :-r.I). \\,ilI-in,'oll, .nIL'. ,J. '.,:-1. n.c'.s., L.l:.L'.l'., 'Vn.rwick, ..\[1'. F. ,I., 'If. n , Call tah . LOIlI1. WatC'I's, iiII'. lhl'\'j' U., L.ll.U.I'., Lond., ,Yill, Ml'. \rill . .T., ~I.n., I.U!. M.ll.I'."';., Eng., Willinllls, ~[r. K, L.I:.I',p., LOll., ;\1. n.,\. ,I'. 'Voter.'l, 1\11'. Johll IL, :-1.11 ., Was., :-1.11. , \\,il liallls, MI'. ,Iosepll H., J!.II., C.'1. ('. :-1. I ~d i II. ,Yaterl'l, ..\rl' . .T. L., \[, n., l'.;\L, Edill. Willi!\lIls, 1\[1'. Te\ ille, :'Il .\., Calltah,;\L n.
St. John A mb Id an ce A ssocia ti017 .
Williams, :Mr. R Morris, lL B., C.:\1. William, 111'. IV. R., L.R.C.P .. L.R.C.S., vd'111., L.F.P.S., G1 a . L.lL. -", 'William ou, :Hr. J. D., :\J.D. 'Wilks, Mr. Geo., lI.B., M.C., :\1.R.C. 'Willis :Hr. G. Owen, L.R. C.P . Willol~ghby, Mr. \Y. G., :l1.D., LOl1l1., D.P.II., Camb. \Vil baw, ~Ir. \V. Grosvenor. l1.D., B.A. \Vilson, :M1'. A. C., M.D., Edin., :\I.B., C.lI. Wilson 1\11'. Arthur E., :lI.B., L. . A.,
\\ oodcock, :Mr. H. de Carle M.Il. C. s. L.Il-C.P., EJin., L.F.P ... , Glas. \Yoodboll e, :Hr. E. R, M.B., B.. . , D\11'h. Wood, nIl'. J. F., lI.D. \Vooels, ~lr. John H., L.n.C.l'., L.n .. " \Yood ,In pector-Genera] H. C., C.B., 0.1'.0 . , M.D., R.N. . Woolley, Mr. Ta1b?t, M.R.C:. \Yorger, IIII'. Richard b., :\I.r•. c ... , L.R.C.P. \Vray, :Hr. G. Bury, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. L o~cl . \'hench, Ir. E. M., F.R.C . Wilson ~I1'. A. Marius, M.D., Dnrh., :lI.B., Wright, Ir. J. C., M.A., M.B., B.C., B' Cantab. . Wilso~,·hlr. J. C., L.R.C.P., L.R.C .. . , Edill. Wykesmith, Mr: \V., F.R.C .. . , Ellm., 'Wilson, :Mr. J. cott, :II.D., Gla ., :lLB., ~ L.R.C.P., Edm. . C.:II., D.V.H. , Camb. Iolland, nIl'. J. H., lI.R.C .. . , L.S.A., \,ilton :n1r. J. P., )I.R.C .. , L.~.A. Lond. Wimbe~'ley ~Ir. COlll'ad C., :II.D. Young, Mr. A .. F.R.C.S. \VingravejIr.V.H.\Yyatt, :lLR.C .. ,L .. . A. Young, ~11'. A. J., L.R.C.P.E., L.l:.C.-;.E., Withers, ~Ir. Percy, :lI.B., B.S.,:lI.R.C... L.F.P. & "G., L.lL, Wolfenelale, ~Ir. Geo. A" L.R.C.p.,L.n.c .. , IOllng, 111'. C., lL? < • Edin. Young, Mr. Meredith, lLD., Edlll., M.B., \Vo1vel'son :Mr. FreLlnick, :11.13., :11.<:;. C. :l1. , D.P.H. . \Yood, John , :lLD. Young. JIr. William :lLD., C.:lL, Edl1l. \Vood, ~r. J. C., L.R.C.P, Yule, ~Ir. R. ~I., )1.1)., Aber., )1.B., C.:l1. Wood, :Mr. \Y. A., :lLD., B.". Woodcock. 1111'. A. E., L.R.C.P" L.R.C .• . , Edin., L.F.P.<;., Glas.
Examin ers .
Abbott, ~rr. C. K, l'tf.n.c ..'. Abraham', ~lr. A. fl.., L. U. c. s. Aitk en, Mr. '. J. II., ~r.1>. Alexandcr, fill'. G. Paton, M.ll. Allard, Mr. J. 11., M.D. AlleleI'. on, 11'. J., )[. n. Alldor 'Oll, II'. J. \\'allacc, M.D. AlleloI"oJl, 1111'. Robert, )1.]). Appl be, :\11'. E. A., L.l: . . 1'. , Etlin., L. :'1.
Appleby, :\11'. F. H., )I. n. c. H. Applehy, :\11'. G. n. Y., 'LJJ. Archer, :\11'. E. D., :11.1). (Adelaitl ). Armstrong, ) [1. J. H., ~L D. Amison, :\11. \\T. D., :l1.D. A 'h, .J11'. J'erc • R .. )1. !l.C . .'. A 'h, ~11'. T. Linnillgtoll, L.ll.C.l·., Etlin. ,
Boyce, nIl'. J. G., L.R.C. ,· . Braelley, :Mr. Da "ill, :lL D. Braithwaite, :Mr. Harrison, )LD. Branch, '011'. \\". J., M.D. (\\Test Indies). Brand, 1\11'. A. T., )Ln. Branthwaite, 11'. Harrison, F.R.C.fl. Blcl11ner, 1\[1'. A. ?ll., L.R.C.P., Edin. Bl'il'o, II'. E., L.R.C.P., L.n.C ... Brook, Mr. II. Danil1e:, LoR.C.P., Lond. 'L It.
. :.
Brook , ~[I'. F. A. , :1[, I:. CoO. Bloomfield, Mr. , :lLD. Bronghton, :Mr .. :I!.H. C.~ . 13l'ow11, .J\ r. A. TellllY ·on. )[. D. 13r0\\'n, 11'. F. GonIon, )l. n.G.~. Brow11, lr. J., L.n.c.l'., I,. R.C.S.1. Brvm.l, ~lr . , H.. B., L.n.C.l'., L.R.C.,'. .'[ H.C.~. Brown, Mr . . l\lewhllrn, :If.D. Atkln!;oJl, ,11'. J. I>., )f.Il.( ' . . , L.1t. '.P. Browlle, Mr. Rohert. :lLD. AmllaJltl, iiII'. W. E., :l1.1l.u.~., E(\in., 13l'ml'1llicl rl, 1\11'. H . .J1., :-L H.C.S. L.l:.l. 1'. nrl1ce, ~rl. Robert , :lr.u.C.~. Amlry :\11'. \\'. R., :lI.D., DUl'h., \1.1:. (' .... Bl'lIce, ~lr. \rillialll, )I.D. Baigent, :\11'. Wlllialll, )Lll. Bnlll1l1litt, :\[1'. P., :11. P. (Adelaide). Baill, :'Ill'. I . Ii., ~l.ll Buist, 1\11'. R. .,)1. n. c.. Bl11d\\'i 1, )lr. F. B. Juclge, \!.Il.(' ... , L.::i.A. Hull, nrgcon·:lI1a.iol 'IV. H .. L.l:.C.P. Ball, ~ll' . . D., :'1l.D. Burll1an, Mr. F. J., :.[.n.l'.:-:. lhnl-?"Y, ~[r. Richal'<l, )[,1> . Burnett, Mr. E .T . :1[.1)., :ll,[CC.I'. Barllllg, :\11. ., :ll.IU'.i'i. Bnrnett, 11'. J. R., :lLlI. Barnard, '\11'. J, H., :'LD. (Paris) B\l1't011, :\11'. . II., Hame, .J 1'. I<:dgar, :.c n. nilS, :\11'. II. D., ::If. r.. .s. Burt 1', :\II. "'., :If.n. nutter ::\11. J. Y., '1.0. nntl<;l~op, )fl. James, ~r.n., ('.:11. Bylc." Mr. J. 13., :lLll. (',,·. , L.n.C.p., Be ,~ttJ', :\11. R., :lI.Il. LOllll. 1 eat 'Oil, I'il Gcorge, '. B., ~l. D. Byrne, ~[l'. L., F.Il. C.S. I. Be tit, :\11'. D. L., :II H. "s. 'ahle, :Jrl'. John, L.R.l'.I'. Bcdlloes ~{I'. '1. P., ) L u . ' n h i l l , Mr, ,T .. 'Ln., F.ll . . S. Hellllctt, MI'. \Y. II., L.U.l.l'., Irel. 'aho,,", :\(1'. Thoma ', :lLlLC.S. Bennett, :\{r. '. II. \\'., L.U.C. l'., 'alverler, ~Ir. E. ,T, G., C.:>LG., :lLD. :lLll.l.s. 'ahrelJ, MI'. \Vm. , )Ln. BClIllelt, :\11'. ., ~r. D. 'amel'on, ~Ir. C. J., L. R.( ·.~ . Bensoll, MI'. A. II., ~I. D. l1.'llphell, MI'. P., :II. H. BCllson, .:\11'. n. T., L. It.C.P. !l1ltlic, 1111'. .Tame ', F.n.L'.S. BcnthuJll, ;'{r. A. 0., ~I.)LC.8. al'cy, 11'. Basil, :lLP Berkeley, Mr., ::ILn. 'aI")" 1\[1'. F. E., ,r.ll. ( .nem ey) Berry, fl'. \V., 'arleton. 1\11'. J . . L.n .. ~.I. B?van, :.'tIr. R, L.n. ·.P.r., D.I'.lf. ames, ~Ir. \V. , M.Il.C.S .. I..R.C.P. Blgg, fr. G. 'herman, M.ll.C. '., F.Il. alT, .i\Ir. Thoma, :II. D. Blackburn, MI'. E. 'V., M. n.C.H., L.Il-C.l'., Crtrvell, Mr. J. M., )1.11.( ~. D.l'.II. a all, [r.T., LIt.C.S. Blackham, :\Iajor R. J., 1: . .\.,[,0. ('a si(li, MI'. F. R., :ll..\. .. ;\Ln. Blaxlanu, MI'. 'V., M. R.C.S., L.IL '.1'. (tttell, MI'. G. Trew, M.D. B1oxam, 11'. J. Astley, 1<'.I:'C.S. hadwick, Mr. A. M.n. Bond, )1,[1'. F. F., M.D. 'ha(lwick, ~Ir . . M., M.A., lILD. Bone, Mr. Douglas halm 1'8, (1'. ,corge, M. n. Bool',l\II'. Leonartl, M.n.o.R., ( ewZen.1.).CluLpman, Mr., l\I.D. (NewZenland) Bowhay, Mr. A., M.n., n.p.II. hnrles\\"orth, Lieut.-Col. II., R.A. Le.
St. J ohn A17lou.ZculCc A ssociation.
Childs, 1\11'. Christol)her, ~1.D . Douie, 1\1iss M. B., M.B. Christian, 1'111'. L. ::\1., lI.B. Domles, .Mr. E., M.D. Clark, ll'. Andrew, F.I:. C. . Drage, Mr. Loyell, M. A., !II. D. Drillkwater, Mr. H., 1\1. D. Clark, Ml'. A. F. C., Ill. B., C.)1. Clark, Mr. F. ,r. , ~r.n.c .. , L.ILC.l'. Dryden, M1'. J. Htlllter, )1.D. Clark, Mr. G., lI1.B. , C.M. Dudding, Lieut. T .•. , It.A.~1.C. Clarke, Mr. E. \ V., M.D. Dllff, 1\11'. J., )1.D. ClarkEl, MI', , Yo Bruce, F.Il, C.S. Duke, Col. A. \",.., It-A.M.C. Clegg, Mr. R. M.n .C.S. Duubar, Mr. Eliza ,1'., M.D. Coates, Mr. J . 1'11., M.D. Duncan, Mr. A. Jame , )l.ll. Coates, Deputy Inspector-Genera1 M., DUllcan, Mr. 11. B., )1.D. M.D., F.R .C.f3., n.x. DUllcan, 1'.11'. ,yilliam, L.n.C.l'., L.n C.,. Colcntt, MI'. A. 1'11., )1.B. Edill. Collie, Mr. Robert J . , )1. D. Duncan, Mr. 'Y., lIf. B. Collingridge, l'll1'. W . , )LD. Dunkley, Mr. W. '\~.,'., Edin. Collings, n11'. C. d'A., ~1.B. (Guernsey) Dunll, Mr. . S. Colquhoun, Mr. D., )1.D. (Ke\y Zealand) Dul'l1o, Mr. J., M.D. Connor, Mr., 1\1.D. Dutch, Mr. Helll'Y, :-1.D. Connor, Mr. 'Y. G., L.n c.p., Irel. Duthie, Mr. E., )1.B., D.I'.li. Cook, Mr. Alexander, III.B. Dyson, Mr. 'Y., lI1.n. Cooper, 1'111'. G. White, 1I1.1:.C.1'. Eades, Mr. Samuel OliYer, L.n.C.l'., Edin. Cooper, Mr. H . S., lI1.n.C.s.,L.R.C.P. Eakins, 1\11'. J . \Y., II1.D. COP}), Mr. C. J ,, L.R.C.P. Eavims, Mr. J . ,V., M.D. Corbin, Mr. T. W.,lI1.D. ( outh Australia) EaginLon, Mr. R. \Y., lI1.D. Cosgra,'e, 1'lIr. E. ~IcDo\\'el, lI1.D. Edlin, .Mr. E. Holberton, r.n.c.s., Belin. Coutts; Mr. J. A., )1.D. Edwards, Mr. R. J., 1l.ll.C .•. Cran, Mr. George, III. D. Elder, Mr. M., lII.B. Crawford, Major G. S., L.n.c.p .. V.p.R., Ellaby, Mi's C. (Paris), lI1.D. n.A.M.C. Ellerton, Mr. J. F. H., I1LD. Crease, .'Ill'. J. Robertson, F.R.C.S. Ellerton, Mr. John, M.D. Crespi, Mr. A. J. H., lILH.C.P., hel., Elliott, llIr. B. G., L.n.c.p., L.l~.C.·., hel. M.n.c.S. Elliston, Colonel G. ., !l1.Il.C.S. Cressey, Mr. G. H., 1l.R.C. , ., L.R.C.p. E\'ans, 1'.11'. A., M.A., IILll., B.CH. Oressy, Mr. G. J., L.R.C.P., Irel. El'ans, M1'. Alfred, M.n., liLA. Cromie, Mr. John, L.n.c.p. & '. Evalls, Mr. D. G., :.'II.D. CromieI', Mr. M. Le, ;)1.R.C.::i. Enll', M1'. E., )f.D. Crookshank Pasha, His Excellency, EYallS, nIl'. Ed,yunl Beynoll, III. D. (Egypt) EYans, :JIr. F. \Y., )f.D. Cruickshank, Mr. B., M.D. E\'ans, Mr. 0.: L.U.C.I'. Cuffe, Surgeon-General Sir C. .:'lIe. D.; K. C. B. E\'att, Surgeon-Major-Gcneral G. J. H. Cureton, Colonel E., M.D. EYe, Mr. F. S., F.r: C.S. Cuthbert, Mr. "T. ,Yood, 1I.1'..C.8. Fairbank, Mr. ,1'., lII.n.c.s. Daniel, lHr. A. D., lILB., F.]LC. . . Fairclough, Mr., M.D. Darwin, Mr. G. H ., 111. D. Farrar, Mr. R. A, ;)1.D., liLA. (Oxon.) Davies, 1'111'. D. Ll. M.B., L.Il.C.S. Fell, Mr. R., U. H.C.S. Dayy, Mr. R., :F.R.C.p. Felloulhet, Mr. E. 0 ., L.l~.C.I'., Edin., Daw:lon, 1'111'. T . Moore, L.n.c.p., l\f.n.c .. ·. L.n.c.S. Demetriadi, Mr. L., F.R.C.S. Fielden, 11r. Saml., 111.1). Dent, Mr. H. H. C., F.R.C.S. Fishel', Mr. D. L ., u.n. De Nyssen, Mr. P . J., L.n.c.p. Fishel', Mr. ,I'. H., I11.n.c.s. Dewar, Mr. T. F . Fitzsimons, Mr. J. B., liLT!. Dickey, Mr. A. A. G., M.D. Fleming, Mr. A. J ., lI1.D. Dickin, Mr. E. P., L.R.C.P. Footner, Mr . .T. B., F.ILC.S. Dickson, nIl'. Cecil, 11. B. Forbes, Mr. J ., 111. n. Dingwall, Mr. A., lII.B. Forbes, Mr. N . Hay, F. R.C.S., Edill. Dobson, Mr. A., lILn.c.s., L.U.C.P. Forsyth, M1'. R., lIf.D. Dodd, Mr. P. V., li.D. Frankish, Mr., I1I.D. ( Jel\' Zealand) Domville, Mr. E . J., L.n.C.p Franks, Mr. K., I1I.D. (.'. Africa) Donaldson, Sm·g.-M.ajor (Bermuda) Franks, Ml'. R., M.D. Doolan, Mr. J. A. C, . M.B. Fraser, Mr. J . II. P., M.B. Douglas, Lt . -Col. C. M ., F. Qt., p•. A. Freeman, 111'. \\T. '1'., M.D.: F.n.c.S.
Hannah, :Jlr. W. '1'., lI1.D., C.lII. Exa.miners. Freer Mr. E. L., Fryer, Mr. Jolll1, ;)I.Jt . c.~ . Hargrca\'c8, J\ll, Jl. Eo, lI1.D. Fumell, 'mgeon-Gellcral E. tCulIncs) llarkllcs ', ~1J. IV. '1'., lI1.ll. Gallard, Mr. J. H.., L S._\. Harley, :J1r. H. \\r., F.I:.C.l'. Galletly, :nIl'. \\'. G., 111 D. l1al'per, :JIl'. II. C., )1.D. Galpin, Mr. HidH1.l'LI, 111. It.C.l:i. , L .... A. Hal'l,el', Mr. J. ,r., ;)1.H.C.l:i. Garrett, Ml. U. D., :.'I1.1:.C.8. lIani, illr. C. J. J., :.'I1.D. Gar::;o11, ~lr. J. G., II1.D. lIarris, ~lajor F. W., l: . .\..lI1.C. Garton, Mr. \\T., lIl.D. lItiTi il1r S. G. V., lIl.D. liallte.1tlIlle, Ml'. P., lI1.1J. lIan·i· ?Ill'. '. G. 1'., L.n.c.p. , l>.p.ll. Gaytu11, Mr. F. G., 1I1 .D. Hurris, :J11. JUllll, ~I.l). ( i\CIY 'ulltil Wales) Ge~'Llc::;, :J11'. T. L., L.It.C.I'. llanis, :JII'. '.0., lIl.1). Gild), ~11'. \\Tillialll, L.ILC.l'., E{lllJ. Ilani::;oll, lI11'. D., F.I:.C.S. Gluboll, Go!. .F. W., L.H.U.s.&1..1:.(:.1'.,Ell.llal'lisOll, Mr. H . Leeds, B.A. (CalUU.), l.iuus- 'llliLh, Mr. E- U., L.l:.l.I'.l. 1I1.11. C.b. Glbs011, Mr. E. Y., lI1.D. BalTey, :J1r. Alfrel1, lI!.D., :.'11.1\. <;.S. Gilbertsoll, nIl'. J. H., L.ILC.I'., :'l.I:.U.;-;. Han'ey, :Hr. Eltloll (l3ennllda) (hIes, 13l'ig;ule· llrgeolll'. ll., ~1.I:.l' .. · llalTey, ~lr. ,J. 0;, :II.R.C. ' .. L. U.c .r. l;ill, :Jll. J. \\T. )1.1:.C .... , L.l, .C.l'., J). I'.ll. JIllS\I't::ll. ?Ill'. ,J. :E., 111.]). l:ill'0Y, II' Eo W., ~l.U. lla\'ell, 1.11'. C. G., :.'Il.n.c.s. Uillllette, illl' Tho .. 11., ~LlJ. lI.mke, Mr.:. Coghill, L H.C.1'. , )I.H.C.S. GIYllll, Mr. H. :J1c:JIaltoll, 1,.1:.\ .i'i. lIaylc, Mr. '1'. H., )l.D . GO-lIllard, 'Hl'Laill l:. II., l~. ,,\. 'I.l'. lIelUl, 1111'. R. Dl111tlas, lI1.D. Goddinrr, ';\lr. J., )I.JLC.s., L.I:.l·.I'. 11 'l1e:hley, ill!'. ~\.. H., M.V. Goode,111. A., lI1.1:.<; ..·. llclltlel' on, :JIr. J. H., lI1.D. (.1.delaille) UOl} ll11Il111, ~ll'. ;Ollrl'ey, 1..]:.('.1'. H ey, ~11'. :JIilue,', lI!._~., M.It.L.~., L.U.C.I'. COO.1Jlllll, :Jlr. T. H., lI1.1:.C.. ll 'y\\'uud, :J1r. T. Woo ~l.R.C.l:i. GOl'halJl, Mr. J a Illes J ohu, lIl.ll. lIillaby, :Jl1'. A., L. n. C.l'. Gray, Mr. A., 1I1.ll. IIilJllell, :Jh. J ... , ll ..\., Camb., ~LD. 01(1\',1\11'. \\T. lIl.13., '.)1. Hirsch, )11'. C. T. \V., )1.H.C. '., L.RC.P. Gre:ttheall, IIII'. J. H., lI1.13., c.lIl.,~l.n.c .. ·. llodges, Mr. \\Tilliam, M.n.C. ·. lIolllIHlll, ~lr. A. II., L.n.C.l'.E. ('onLIt Africa.) GreCll\\ ood, II'. Alfret1, )l.D. IIogg, :J11'. \\~alter D., ~I.D. (Pari) GI'(;(;U\I'outl , Mr. _t. Y., M.l). Holden, Mr. G. II. H., )l.H.C. ·. Gl'cclllI'oml, ilII·. T. P., ~r.l:.C.i'i. Holdell, Mr. J .• '., ~l.l>. Greig, :JLtjur F. J., Jl ..\.~LC ·. Holt, :JIl'. II. :J1., ) C.::>. Gnmfell, 1111'. \\'. F., lILlLU.i'i. Hooel, :JIr., )1.11. Grey, Mr . .E. lL, lIJ.]J. llopkiu, :\11'. T., lIl.D. CriL'r, r.Lljol II, It..\.:\I.C. lIo::;cgoocl, :\1r.'. P., lIl.It.C.S.; L.U.C.l'. Ol'illill, :Jll. Inlle ', . (J.s., L.S. ,\. lIo\\'ard, ?Ill'. A. D., :.'ILD. Gl'illlth, Professor T. ,raahol', ~I.D. lIo\\'u1'l1, :J1r. IIeatoll C., lI1.1:.C.0.;. , L.n.c.p. Gl'i iii th " ;'11' . .John, lI1. n.t."., I.. H.C.I'. HO"'e, Mr. E. It., GrilliLh" MI'. P. Rhys, :.'II.I:.L'.s. Howell, f'mgeoll .Ual'tain, l: .. L:.'I1.C. Gl'ilJlbly, HI'. R II., ~['l:.t·... J!o\\'ie, 1\11'. Alexulltler, :.'ILl). Groom, :J11'. Hun'Y, '\1.1:.\"'.8. Hoyle, 'Jlr. George, ~l.D. Gl\'illilll, 1111'. It. D. H., L.ll.C.l'., :ll.l:.C.l:i. lInd '011, .lIlI'. II. E., )1.D . Gwynll, Mr. Charles, lI1.lI. Hughes, 1111'. D.Al'Lhul', lI1.1:.C .. , L.ILU.I'. Hall, Lt. -Col. Lee::;, H ..\. ~I. C. Hughes, :nIl'. Hugh Le\\i', L . ll. C.~. lIall, MI'. William. ~1.11. lIunt, ::'.11'. R., ;)I.1:. C.S. Halley, .'l1l'geoll.Gaptaiu 0., ~1.11. 1Iunter, ~ll'. E. J., L.n.c.1'., ELlill. IIalli\\'dl, ::'Ill'. T. 0 .. lIl.l: .I'.... , L.l: .<J.l'., Hurry, Mr. J. H., ~1.]). 1).1'.11. Hlltellin'oll, Ir. J., \1.l>. Hallows, Mr. II . P ., :'II.D. HuttOll, nrgcoll-lIla.ior G. A. lIamiltoll, .l\lr. A. A., lIl.l>. (Adelaill ") IU(rl'(ltll, MI'. 1:' E. 1'., 111.1>. Hamilton, Mr. J . A. G., )1.11. (Kal'nll<ltt, Innes, 'urgeoll-Gcneml ir John Ker, onth Australia) 1~.C.ll., Ir.n.c.s. (Florence, Italy) Hamilton, Mr. J. P., 111.11., (I\:apliutla) Irving, ?ILl'. , 'I.D. (T \\' Zealand) Hamilton, MI' . . , ]\I.D. Jack 011, MI'. 11.111111, 'LV. Hammond, Mr.\\' .. L. IL<·.l'.,Etlin.,lIJ.H.l"iS. Jack on, Mr. C., L.n.c.p., EtlilJ . lIunclficld-Jolles, Mr. '. H.., lII.Jll·.S., Ja.ckson, .MI'. E. ., ~1.13., C.lII. l."ILC.l'. Jackson, Mr. J, J., L.ll.C.S., L.ll.C.I'. Q,
t. John A'lnbu..lcmce A' ociation.
Jack on, ir R 'Y., C.B., F.R.C. . , h el. Exa.miners. Jalland, :Jlr. ,Yo Hamilton, F.rLC.S.
Long, 1111'. Fred, lILn.C.S. Lorraine, .illr. R B., ~LB., c.)r. James, Mr. G. I., )l.R.C. . Loveles , MI'. ,Yalter K., L.1\'l'.l'., Ediu. Jeukill , :Jlr. E. L., )l.B., M.ILC.S. Low, Mr. Oharles, )l.B. (?-lew Zealand) Jennings, :Jlr. 'Yro. ill., )LR.C. Lo,,"e, nIl'. G. J. R, ~l.ll . . s., L.U.r.I'. John ton, :JIr. A. H., M.R.C. . Lowe, Mr. G. M., :-'LD. John tone. ~Ir. J., )LD. Lowe, .Mr. '\'. G., :-'1.D. Jone ; ilIr. EYan, )LD. Lownd;;, :JIr. C. J., L.n.C.l'., L.H.C. Jones, ilIr. Herbert, L.l: . C. . , hel. Lowson, 1\11'. George, M.ll. Jones, :BIr. Hugh, )I.B. Lynch Mr. J., . Jones, Lient.·Colouel J. Al'll al It , )I.D. ::U acartney, 11'. R, L.l:.C.1'., Etlm. . Jones, Mr. J. O,Yen, L.R.C. ' ., & L.ll.C.p. :Jlacgilnay, 111'. "\Y. J. H., L.ll.C.l'., ElllU. Jone , ?Ill'. D. T. B., )1.11.C. ' . illackay, Mr. I. D. )Ln. Jone , 1\11'. John R, L.1:.C.P. :JlacKay, 1\11'. ,Yo M., )l.D. Jones, :Jlr. O. 0., )I.B., L.n.c.p. :JIackenzie, illr. Thomas, ~r.A., ~1.D. Jones, :JIr. T. 0., L.n.C.p., )I.R.C. :J1ackinlay, ilIr. J. E. H . )I.H.L.~., L.U.C.P. Jones, :Jlr. \\T. Black, M.D. :Jlacknes', l\Ir. G., )LD. Jones, :Hr. W. :JIakeig, M.D. :JlacLeod, :Mr. ill. D., L.J:.C. s ., Euin. Jordun , :JIr. F. 'Y., M.D. :Jlacphe.r on,.l\Ir. A., :\1.1). (Capc Toll'\]) Joseph, :Jlr. Alan, L.R.L'. '. illacroblll, Lleut.·Col. Reele, :JIr. J. Rn hworth, :-.r.n.c . .. ,L.R.C.l'. Mahon, :Jlr. G. A. D. :\1.D. Relly, Lieut.·Ool. R Yandeleur, C. D., :JIallin, :J1ajor, U . •I...)!.L. F.R.C . . ( ydney). :llIanley, illr. J. II. II., )f.A. (Culltau), K elly, Oaptain T. Gordon, R . .\..)1. c. ()[),)1. D. )1. B., )[. R. C. s. Keys Ul'aeon O. 'Y., )LD. Manll, :JIr. 'Y. ., )r.n . . ~. Kilk~lly, Lieut. ·Colonel O. R, C.)1. G. illanntl' , :JIr. \"\T. II., )1. n. R.A.)!. c. :JIarkhalll, Mr. 'Y., :\l. D. (Adelaide) King, nIl'. ,r. H., )['D. ~Iar h, :Jlr. J. H., )1. H.C.s., LU.C.I'. King bury. }Ir. E., M .D. :JIar h. :JIr. J. H. Kinnear, :Jlr. 'Ym., )LB. ~Iar 11, :J1r.JaJllcs J., r.. lLc.l'.,L.l1.C.S., Knagas, :Jlr. R Lawford, )1. D. Eelin. Knapp, tatt'. nrgeon ~L H., )r.R.C.S., ?tlar hall, mg.·Lt.· 01. J. J. ue Zour.hc, L.R.C.P., R.X. L .R. C.S., l1'e1., L .. \.n. Dub. Knowles, :JIr. F. J., ~1.r..C. ,· . ),Iat'Lin, Mr. K F., :-r.I). Knox, :JII'. C. F., ~L D. Martin, :Jlr. J. "\\ " :\1.1). Lairu, ~Il'. A. J., "I.D .. D.l'.H. :JIa sie, MI'. T., )f.B. Lambert, ~11'. F . . , )Llt-C.S., T.. ll.C.P. Matthews, MI' . . P .. )!.Il. ' .... , L.n. ·.P. Langridge. "Jlr. A. H., )I.ll.C.S. :Matthew , :MI'. T. G .. )1.1>. Lapage, )11'. C., )['lJ. :Jlatthew , :JIr. Yalelltill C. ;\[.n.c .. ·. Latimer, :Jlr. H. A., )LR.C ... , )I.D. :JIcOarthy, :Mr. Jl1smn ?llcCl1liulll, L aurie, :JIr. Caspar R, :lI.R.C. '., L. [LC.I'. )f.1:.C . . Lawrence, )Ir. J.,, L.R.C.P. :JIcDonald, Mr. J., )1. .\., )f.D. La"son, :Jlr. Geo., )['D. McDonald, Mr. J , ~!. \., :\l.13., C.M. Leahy, Mr. A., )[.P. c... :i\IcEwan, Ir. D., ~I.D. Ledial'd, Mr. H. A., ~1.D. McEwan, Mr. 'Y. C., )r.n. Lee, M)·. E., )1. R. C. s. McFarland, Brigaue· nrgeoll F. E. Lee, :i\Ir. J. )I.TLC.... McKellar, M1'. A. 0., :ll.lJ. Lees, :Mr. ,Villiam, ~I.R.C.S. McLannahan, }Ir. J. G., L.It . . 1'.1. Leigh, Mr. T. Dickinson, )LD. McNalty. Lieut.·Col. G., C.B., )['D.}Lennox, Lieut. ·Colonel David, )1. D. r.. A. ~1. c. Leslie, ~Ir. D. A., )LD. Mears, II'. F. 0., )1.D., )!.I!.C .•. Leslie, :;'11'. R. W., )LD. Melville, II' . . , )I.Il.I ..... , L.n.C.p. Letch er, :;,11'. H. R., M. B. :JIc ::;iter, ?tIr. ~I. A., )[. IL c.s. Lishman, Ir. R N., M.D. Metcalfe, 1\11'. R, JLl). Littlewood, iih-. H., F.R.C.S. Middlemiss, 111'. G., )['D. Littlewood, :JII'. J. 0., M.R.C.·. MillJUTl1, Mr. C. R., )!.D. Llewellyn, :;'11'. T. R, l\ Mill, Mr. G. , ., l\f.D Lloyd, ~Ir . E. J., M.D. Miller, Mr. J. W., M.D. Lloyd, Mr. Jordan, F.R.C.S. Iilligan, 1\11'. R A. , M.D. Lloyd, nIl'. J. D., 1II.D. Mitchcll, Mr. E., 1II.]). Lock e, Mr. George, L.R.C.P., Edin., ~1.R.C.". Milne, nfl'. Robert, ~r.B.
EXa?n inC/·8. Modlin, :JI\,. 1. t~ibson, :\1. n. L.S .. \. Mofl'.tt, Hc\'. Il\,., :'1.1>. lllll', ..\I\, ..1. II. :'[.[1. Mill 1'. MI". .f. l{., 'l.P. Molloy, ..\11'. l,. '.,)1. II. Iontagllf', ,,\1:. ~L J. n., ~1.D. Muon', j1\,. lI. G., )1.1:. ' .S. Mnnl'c, II ..\ll'. ..\ltlllcr, )1.1), 'I II OOl"L'. IlII. Ill'ig.lde'.'lllti 'llIl "lll IfolJ Morgall, ..\ir. E. W.. ;'1. u. X. '. Wales) 1I101';..:<\n, .\11'. 11. ..\1.. )!.ILL.S. .J\I ul'~alJ: :'II\'. Lle\lollYIJ, :'I1.1l ..\l n rg:t1I. HI'. \r. L., ·.\LA., :>1.1:.\'.... ..\lO\,:I,.., .\ir ::-'. (, , .\1.1> . :Jlorri,.., ..\[1'. 1. 11. , :>I.U. ..\inrri". LJ Ijlt. \\' . .1... ••'1.11 .. H..\..)I.C. :Jl\)~·till\l'\', "\Ir. T. lJ. L, )[.)1. ,,\11\\1', .\11'. I:. j) .. ~I.n. ~illrl'hy •.\l r . '. Eo 1.1:.(· .. ·. \ k ..\ I 'lj 01', r: ..\.:>1.\ . ... Ice, .\11'. I!. .. F.I:.I .. ·. ~'L\II, MI' .. 1. E...\1 I). ( '\Lelboul'll I ).,11o\l, .\LI. 11 .I., )1.11. .l. Ttl. Oll, ..\11 :--- llrle '. 'I. II. .l. LV hy . •\11' l·. II. .1. '. ~ I hoi on, I:ti~a! ~ 011 E. ~-)J on, .:'Ill' .•1... '1'.. , •.'. =vI Oil, ,\LI'. l . I~, !itt, .!. I:. B. s. ... \.'" ll . .\11'. I' .. 1. d '. 1I. D. O.Ih.'Cj', ..\11' .. )[.1'. 0' '(lJlll I' Mr. \r. .:'IIo\·IL. \l.[1 .• P.P.II. o lell. .\Ir. "'., l~. H.l'.~ .. \1. II. . 0'].'11\'1'<.'11 ••\LI'. h,ule, I•. I:.C.I·., I,.):'~.;-;.
lrd. O,!.{II\'i,' . ..\11'. J. Jf.. l.H.L.l'. Oldll \III ••\ll'. II. r .. \I.ll. Oli\"'I', .\ 11. C. l' 'l, .1.)1. Ort01l ~Il. ,I, I I . \1. P. OSUOl'l1 . .\ll'. ::-. 11 \leI, 10'.1: . '.". O\\LII. l\1t-. E., It. I"". OWL·II. "\11'. O. H. I' •• :\1.1'. l'a c.:kl'l' . ..\Ll·. W. 1[ .. JI.l). P'1g l , ..\1)'.11..\1.. :\[,11. Page, "\li'. 11. \\T.• F.l:.('.". P,I is]".,', .\ll'.. 1., \1. n. Palulel'.. . \11'. C. ~ .. :\1.l:.C.S. l'arl·er,\lr. Il.l: .. 1,.h .·.I·.,l·!·l ' • • .'. S. l~al'l.\, \it. L.•\., ~1. Il. ltlrSlIlls, .\11'. \\'. B., :'11.1'.''-' .~. Parll'id.~l', .\Ir. S., )[.1:' ., l'al'tl'id,!!c " . ,\11". '1'., :'I.ILL.s. P'lt'l'llO l1 .• .\I\., \£' D. l'nltcr~o\l, .\l\'. (:. do.I .. (.It.I' .!'., \1.H.L. PearL'l" Mr. (;. II .. l.l:.C.l' .. n.r.1l. Pearsoll, ~il'. L. Y. )1.1). Pendll'hu)',', 2111'. ,I. T., ,[.1 . '.~. .J Penllull, MI'. 11., :\1.1>. PelTUlll, MI'. '. 11., ~I.n., "I. It. '.~., 1•. l1. ·.P . PL'lT)', ill l'. U. )1., \1.1:. t.: ..'i., L.1I·. '.}'. Petel'~, ~11'. A. J ..A., L.H.C.I'., L.U.C.::;., ) l~dlll. ).. I hlp .. , ,\11'.1 hlltp,:'I!.H.C.:-l.,L.J:. '.J'.,E\lin. Phillil).', .i\ll'. C. 11., )I.H. '.S.
l'il:kerso"ill, MI'. 1;' 1) ., .1. '1 Il. C . ~., L. n. '.J'., ~. Examiners. EllilJ. Pilgrim, .J1\, . .E. U., )1.])., C.)1. l'illl, ..\11'. F. de Ueelto, r,.It.~.l'.I. l'i,;,mi, l'rofe::;::;o)' (Malta) Puchill, ~\i\'. F. L., )Lll. Poole,), '\il' . .E. B., l..ll.C .... 1'uull'.\', .\11'. H. C. ,,\1 a 011, J.l'., L.l~.L· .. ' .,
Porter, "\[1. ~L Eo, )l.ll., D.C. l'oLler ..\lr II 1\1'0\' .F I' C . PoLt.. \11'. ·W. ·.LL, ;'1.;) ..... 1'OU1tOIl, ..\11'. B., ~1. [I. (Adcbtide) l'o\Ydl, ..\11'. ll ..L, )Ln. 1'0\1 \lC, Ll)sli e, )f.l:.C.S. PI.tllec, Mr. l,. 11., )[. 1I. 1'1'. tt . ..\l\' . .E. 1'., )1.11. Pratt. Mr .. J. D.dl,t, .'1. 11. l'rL:--tOI1. Dl!p. In. p ct. l. '11. T.
Pri c, "\i\'. ~\l'thl\l', .\[. 1:. ·.S .• l'lioJ', :'IIt'.'/, :>I.H.L'.S" 1.. H.C'. 1'. l'rilclt·trd, '\Ll. J. J., :\i.I:.L· .... I..It.c.p. l'lIl'\'Us, ..\11'. ~I... ~ioLt, .'1.n. H.tl1sl'll. ~ll'. \r. E., )[ l:.l.' s. Hitl<.:lilt'.l:aylard, .\11' . .T., :\1.11. 1, \\I'll I v, ,\1 jol' U. 1 .. l: ..\.:>1.C. Hay ,,"ooci, .\11'. J. It. 1.. ')!.H.~.:--. L.n.C.I'. Heed . ..\11'. ,1 }I. ;'Ll). . , H,id, ~11'. I>ougln .. \. .. ~I. n. l{eid . :\L1'. D\\ll CaU ,J ., ~1.11. It ·it! ..\11'. Ed~,ll', :\1.1:,('.:'. 1..1LC.1'. H,ill, ..\11'. T. W. -'1.1>. He.igunl, :\lr .•1... Le. -'l.)I. It Yl\\llds, "\il'. It., .'1. I:. c.. Hlly", .:\ll'. "'. L.. ;'1.I:.~.;;. 1'1 ', "''L I I 'le, 1 r .\\r . 1" IClarl:--Oll. ~I.D. l'ieltll·d" .... il'. ,I., :\I.H.L'.S., L,R.C.P., ().i'.
l'idddl. .:\il'.,T. 'cott, ,)1..\., -'LB. Hi!.:hy, .Jll'. \\~ . . . ;'1.1)., ll.P.ll. rig IL·lI • ..\LI'. Uri 1\, :\1. H.C.S. Hilc\', '\il·. ,I. \\' .. 1.. 1:. '.1' . HLlbi" lilt· .. 1,tI1\ e,.; Il. 1\., -'LD.
Hoh ~l'ts, .\il' .•\.rth\1\'. 'I.ll. J', \l 1) l"'I t S. .''l 1.' l''.. ~ \. . .''1 ., .\ I. 11 . l' u 1Il'!' t s, .''L r. l"ll'l'11'(1 I lS J ., L. R.C.I'., ElII'll, 1'''1'I·t '1 1'. II . J (lU ':4, ~ [.1<.' ' •. v ' S , ., Rohcrt", :JLt. La" tOll, '\1.11. ]'u )b (. ') I s .•'l I LI L'Yl, 1 ~1. B. , D . I' .II. ' r. •. 1'01 It '1 }' .,.,)t.B. I \. )l":S,~'\" 1>\0 1IlU:Oll,~, 'l 1'. ' ~l.. 11 enl'y, )l.11. 1'01 . 'I I. ~. \. 11 L'p\l'OI' tl1,)1. H. C.'. , 111\:SUll,., Hollinson, "\Lr. L. L., :\I.ll. (UUCl'l'_ cy) 1'1' ~ .• "\1. n.c ..·. \0 Jl\\~()1\, 'L .1 1. II • ~ Huhill .OH. 'Ul'grllll .•\lajol' H.A.::-l.L'. l'o'lll' \. I I :Sl)l1 • •'1 , l'. \\. .,:'11. D. ]'\.oper, .11 'l )'. II . ,1. , '\1. n. C.~. 1"\oslgua,.1' I 'L r.". \. L c. :\1.11. l',,0 II1) (, I .l'1'. 1<1 J 11111 l ' orn'''"t II , ~ r"" . H • C• S . Howden, 11'.1. 1\. , l\I.H.
Ir. John. )l.ll. l{nlliL'd'tml. nIl'. llunn, ~1. n. ~t . L egl'r, l'~l 1'. I'\. 11.., \ . ~I.ll., t.:.) r.
St. J ohn Ambnlance Association .
Sayory, 1111'. H. , III.A. , lILB., B.C. uttOll, Mr. A. M . , :l1.D. Scales, nil'. 111., L. n . c. s. , I rel. Swann, Mr. A., III. It. c.' . wayne, 1\11'. F. G., ~r.D. Scatliff, Mr. P. M., III.n. c .s . Scholefield, Mr. G. E. ' winhoe, Mr. G. R., ~Llt.l·. '., L.ll.C.I'. Scofield, .:\11'. Harold, M. B. Symes, Mr. E. ,Yest, M, D. Scott, ,:\11'. A. W. , ~I.n.o.s . Tannahill, Mr. J . .F., ;)1.]). 'cott, ,:\11'. R. J. H., ~1.D. Taylor, 111'. F. H. P., :If.D., :lI.ll.C.~ Selhy, 1111'. E. 'Y., M.D. Taylor, 1111'. :'F . T., :lLn.L'.~. ellers, :'Mr. R Bmdett, M.H.C.S. Taylor, ~lr . L, A., :lI.H.C.H. Taylo1', lIlr. . Robinsoll, :ll.l)., F.Jt.C.~. Se,'c3tre, Mr. R, M.D . Sbaw, Mr. James, M.D. Taylor, Mr. Tom R, ~I.U. Shaw, 111'. R . A., :1l.R.C.S. Taylor, Surgeon-Lieut.-Col. ,Villialll, :lLD. Shelley, Ur . P. 'Y. G., :\1.D. Templeman, Mr. Charles, ~LD. Shelly, I'llI'. C. E., :lLD. '1'etley, Mr. F. Han'i 011, L.ll.C.l'., Ellin. Shives, Ur. J., ~LD. Thomas, Mr. A. Garrod, :lL1>. ~hone, llIr. 'Y. J., :lLH.C.S. Thomas, Mr., ;lLD. (]\c y ZealallJ) Shuttlew'orth, 1111'. G. E., M.D. Thomas, Ur. D . E., :\1.n. Siddall, 1111'. J . B., M.D. Thomas, 1111'. D. Ree" 1I1.B. Simpson, Mr. J. H ., M.D. Thomas, Mr. n.D., LIt. c.!'., L.IL c.l'., Edin Simpson, Mr. 'Y. S., M.n.c.s. Thomas, Mr. 'Y. E., L.n.C.l'., Eelin., Sinclair, Mr. Robert, ~LD. L.R.C.S. Skae, llIr. Francis, M.D. Thompson, Mr. E. C., :ILl!. Skinner, Mr. 'Y. B., M.B. Thompson, lIlr. J . Hemy, L.U.C.p., heL Skip,Yorth, Mr. H .,M.R.C.S . ,L.R.c.p. ,IreJ. Thompson, llIr. J . Hilton, 11[,13., M •• Sleman, Lieut.-Oolonel, R R, L.S.A. Thompson, Mr. 'Walter, . C.~. Smeddle, nIr . R W., M.B. Thomson, Miss Emily c., :l1.13.C.:lL, Edil1. mith, Mr. C., lILR.C.S. Thomson, ir 'Y., C.B. (late 1'. u . c.~. he!.) Smith, Mr. O. J., ~1.R.C.S. Thomson, nIl'. G., M. B. mith, 111'. G., ::-r.D. Thornhill, Brigade- mgcon 1:11. (Gucrnsey) Smith, Mr. H., M.D. Thur field, 1111'. '1'. \\T .. :l1.n. Smith, Mr. H., M.D. Tidcombe, IIII'. F. ., :l1.I~.C .... , L.ll.C.l' . Smith, Mr. H . Hammond, M.R.C. S. Tocld-,Yhite, 1\11. A. '1'., )I.n.c.s.,, Smith, Mr. J. \Y., :lLB. Toll, .:\11'. J. T., )Lll.C .... , L.n.c.p. Smith, Mr. IIIontgomery, M.D. Trimble, Oolonel C. J ., C.:lLG., L.l:.C.P. Smith, Professor W. R, M.D. Trittoll, IIII'. W. 1)., M.ll.C . S. ( :ratal) Soutar, Mr. O. H., lII. B. (Australia) . Trott, 1\11. Dudley, :1[, D. (Bermuda) Spencer, Mr. W . H enry, M.D. Tunstall, Major A. C., )1.1) . Sproulle, nlr. J . 'Y. , L.R. C.P. , I re1. , Turner, ':\Ir. A. I'., :l1.1:.('.S., L.n. ',1' . L.R.C .S., Eelin. Turner, Surgeon-:ilIajol' Squance, :il1r. T . Coke, M.D. Turner, D ep. Insl'r.-Gen. Hohert, n.x. Square, Mr. W. H . , L.n.c.p., Edin., Turner, Mr. IV., )I.D. (Gihraltar) L.R.C.S. , Edin. Tuxford, Mr. R, :lr.n.c. S ., L,H.C.l'. Squire, 1\11'. J . E., lI['D. Twiss, Lt. -Ool. G. E., F.l~.C;.i;.I. Stalker, Mr. A . M. , M.D. Tyrrell, 1lIr. ,Yalter, lILR.C.&. Stamford, 1\1r. W, A., M.R.C.S. Tyson, 1\11'. 'Y. J., M.I' . (Umzinto) Stanton, Mr. L.R.C.P . Veitch, Mr. W . G. , , Euin. Stedman, Mr. H., L.R.C.P. Vernon, Mr. A . Heygate, F . U.c'.S. Steel, Mr. W . D ., M.D. Vines, Mr. O. S., lILR .C.S., L.n.c.p. Steele, Major ,V. H. , R.A .M.C. Vores, Mr. Arthur, Steet,Mr. G. Carrick, F.R.C .S. Wade, Mr. A. B., M.D. Stevenson, Mr. J . , M.R. C.S. Waldo, Mr. F . J . , M.D. Stewart, Mr. Duncan, M. D . ,Valker, Mr. J ames, 111 . R. C. s. Stirling, lIJ r . D . H . , 1II . D . ,Vallace, Mr. T homas, :ILl). Stirling, Mr. J., M.B . Wallis, Mr. E . D. , M. D. Stoker, Mr. Georgc, C.lII. G. , 111. D. Walpole-Simmons, nlr. E . , )1. D. Stoker, Mr. ,V. T hornley, C.M,G.,'lI1.D . Ward, Mr. J . L. W . , M.D. Stothard, Mr . James, M.R.C.S. Ward, Mr. J . P. S. , M.n ,C.H. S urridge, Mr. P . F ., L.n .C. p. , E din . W ard, Mr. M. , M.D. W ard, Mr. M . C., M. D . St urrock, 1'111'. J. F., M . B. , C. M . Suth erland, Mr. C. J. , M,D. Wat er s, Mr. J. L . , M.B. Sutherland, Mr. J. A., M. B . ·Weaver, Mr. W. G. , M.R.C . S.
Examinr!I' '.
WclJb, .\ir. J. E., M,B. Webh, .\lajol' W . Wilfrcd Wilson, Mr. J., M.l) . \Vebhel', Ml'. 11. \ V., :1I.lJ: M.D., 1.M.I-;. Wil Oil, Mr. J . Scott, :11.1) . \\TcllIy 's, iIlr., :ll.l), ~~~Ilck\\'orth, Mr. ,\\T. 13., :lJ.H.C.... \\' cstcott Lt -Coluucl " l ' ~llslow, Mr. 1" . J!'orbcs, 11]' R. C. P. , ' " ,lilC au', c.:\I.(;.,\\'lllll!l's, Mr. Pl'rcy 'lIn l, .. \.:lr.c . \Y 1" ' .. \\r estllllleott ~Ir. ji' II ,'" rooe, .1.111'. A. T., ~1. D. Whithy, ~1i~., L., L:IL~:l'~'~'(Yi;~' ~~OOl}" ~1r. E. Stanley, :lLn.c.s. \rhite, )11'. '. II., :lr.l:.C.~.· rOoc ~o('k, Mr. II. rle C.: I,.It.C.p, White , MI'. 1Icll1'y , _''. l J) . \\ oorls, (' Y Inspcetor-Gcl1cral H. C. , G.B., Whitehcad nbiorH R 1:' . • 0., ~l.])., H.X. "\Vhilley 1\1:1'. '\\T T' ., , .11.C .. '.,H.A.:'Il.C.'Yoods, Mr. J. Ji'., :ILl). Wh~,te ~l J . ~I"1" .lC'k·:·lC)1.13. \\Toocl\l'al'rl, 'ur,£rCOll-Gcllcral G l' ~l '1 D J ,~I r. :'II lJ ~. . •. , -' . ., Wild ~Ir II " " -.' . F.l:'C.S. ( ytIncy) ,. '.-" ".,., \\TO i ·,tt nl' I' \\ llkJll.Oll, :.'Ill' .T 13 :\r 1) \,r o( ) '\1' I . ) , H., L.ll.a.,'., L.1:.0.1'. "\"1 . . . . ', . . . IOO(1 . 11 r J H ' I I lollsOll .J11. '. \1 l' r'S I J' , \\' 1 '. J. • • ., I..J •. c ... r. \rilJiall1.', '?Ill', \1.{:. >o( .1'. " yOO Ill'ulgc, )11. A·T'l'., :lLn.! .. , L.Re.I'. Willialll ' MI F R ' l\oollelt,MI. .".,:lLL T' ll' " , . :lI.h.G .. '., C.I:.!'.)'. \\'rirrht :'tIl' C F :It D \\ J WIllS, ,Ill'. ., -~r . l', .C'. ' ' . \\T.'" ,. . J . ., - I. . nIT} t ~l \\:~lliall1s, .'nrgl:Oll-:'I[ajor "ydllC~') Yol1~ 11' ":\11': J' 1'0. ey, M.l>. \\ Illol1"hhy ~lr '" l' J ,IlC • • 1. . H., :'Il.Jl. '.f;, ,. "'.' . . ,., ,r,ll. \OUllrr ;\11' .:\1 ' T 0' J • ~ . , :ILl). \ \ Il tOil , .Jll'.J. P " '1' r. ,,( .s. \ ulc, .:\11'. Rovcrt 1.,:1(,1:'.
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St. 50hlt Rll1blllallCC Bssociatiotl, L~
,II.;LL I\Lh l.JLl'Akr~ILI\T
(J;ranb jpl'lorn ot tr)C Orbel' of tbc 1bosJ)lta[ of St. JolJn of Jerusa[cm
nntron : HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G. (Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order ) ~!J reSt 11 en t : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., (Gran d Ppiol' of the Ol"del" ). Director of the Ambulance Department. and Chairman of Committee . Till' l\fll";] Ilo~. THJ\lUil.' I::-;S OF nl~E . \J).\r.n\"I, E.G Assistant Director and Deputy Chairman : Deputy Chairman : Lmel '"CO UI.:q'L SlI, RI! ILU\IJ TUlI'IE. Ill'. , C.LE. Sm JOIl~ Ft'TI J.EY, C.D .. (Lifc :;\lemhcI of thr Committee,
Chief Secretary: lIEltDEIU' O. Pmtl~OTT, EL,
lIonoris Causa).
Accountant and Storekeeper: 'YILLI \;\[ R. ED\L\UDS, E:-;Q., A.C.A .
. Annual Suus~ription
lose £
t Please state l
"?tIr. • " )Irs." or "Miss."
" " to tile St. John Anl-bulcmce Association" beLng
Usual Signatu?'e (t
'~l'l.LS .
fees (it' an/I)
udm,ission to classes
P e?'1nanent A cla?'ess N OTE.-Life Members and Annual Subscribers of One Guinea (and upwards) are entitled to receive (l)ost paid) a copy of the Annual Report of the St. John Ambubnce Association.
St. J ohn A?nbulance Association .
St. John Bnlbtllance Bssociatiol1. METROPOLITAN DISTRICTS AND COUNTRY CENTRES. following is a Nominal Roll of the Towns and Di tJ'icts where (( Oentres" have been formed since the St. John Ambulance Association wa established in 1877. The names and addre ses of t he Local Executive Officers can be obtained on application to t he Ohief Secretary, St. John's Gate, Olerkenwell, London, E.C. THE
1'.1etropolitan. Fanned No.1 District (Kensington, South Kensmgton, Brompton, &:t\ottll1g I-I111. &c.)] 78 N o. 2 District (Oity and Port of London, inclnding Bloomsbury, and East London) 1 N o. 3 District (St. James's, Whitehall, Mayfair, Hyde Park, S. 'Y. ) 1 No. 4 District (Belgravia and Ohelsea) 1 No.6 District (Hammersmith, Ohiswick and Fulham) No.7 District (North-East London, Olapton, etc., now included in K o. II.) No.8 District (Putney, Wandsworth and neighbourhood) No. 9 District (Kilbul'l1, and N orth- West London, etc.) No. 10 District (Brixton, Kennington, Balham, Streatham, Olapham and neigh bourhood) N o. 11 District (Southwark and neighbourhood) No. 12 District (Harlesden). Polytechnic (309, Regent Street) Hospital Saturday Fund (54, Gray's Inn Road). Willesden Green and Orieklewood Belfast Aberdare - Fannecl 1881 Belgra\rin Accrington 18 4 Aldershot Berwick-upon- Tweed 1 90 Aldershot Camp Bexhill 1 95 Alexandra Docks and Railway Bingley Oompany Birohwood (Colliery) 1907 Alfreton 1881 Birkbeck Ambleside (Westmoreland) Birkdale (Lancashire) 1880 Ashford (Kent) Birkenhead 1878 Ashton-under-Lyne 1894 Birmingham Atherstone Birmingham (Erdington Branch) 1885 Aylesbury 1883 Blaokburn Babbington Blaokheath 1878 Backworth Oolliery 1884 Blackpool Banbury 1893 Blackwell Colliery Bangor 1885 Blandford Barnsley 1879 Bognor Barrow -in -Furness 1882 Bolton and District Basingstoke 1882 Bournemouth Bath · 1900 Bradford Battle (Sussex) 1881 Bridport Bearpark Colliery 1880 Brierfield Bedford 1880 Brighouse Beighton 1881 Brighton and Hove T '
Bl'istol and Olifton Burnley ( Lallca~hire) Burtoll-oll-Tren t Buxton 'ambl'ian Railways Cannod: 'base 'oalfielcl (late Bl'ownhills) Oanterbury arcliIf Cardiff Railway Company 'arli:·,je 'a 1'::;11 al tOil 'astlu J~<lell 'hat'd
'har! tun 'hat ham and Di,tl'lct 'hel tenhalll Cheshil'u Line.' Committee 'he:-;ter 'hestertlelcl 'hisl 'hur:-;t 'lay 'l'os.' 'leatol' ])istl'ict leatul' ~lout' Uolc; h .::; tel' 'ulne Ourl. Uon.:ll try 'tn'en try B(;d \\'orth Branch) 'on~lltl" \\ry ke l1 Branch ) 'um u(;lhllcl .\lint.' . (mel tJulll'l'i L's , l'ill Ii 11'00 k
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.99 1 ,1 1, :2 1 . \) 1 . j 1 1 ] ,,0 H101 1 1
'l'oyc1c III
Dalton-in-Fume .. Ilarlastoll Darlingtull Dee.·ide Derhy Dun;r Duhlin Dudley Dukillii ·ld Dumfries X.B. Dundee
sO n~
1 1
1 1
E .lstlJOul'll • Klst Grinstead ]'~bbw
Ed ill ul1I'g-h E(l111ontun Etun College
] !to')
Isle of ::'Ian Isle of Purbeck Isle of Wight .Tarl'Ow .T t;l'sey J\ui!.jhl 'y K 'uual I~\..~wi(;k
Kt!tk rillg Kiddermiutoter Ki\-etOll I arl- 'olliery LanCaHhil'e and neigh boul'ing Uountie.]] cdlJl'atiol1 P.:-;.A. 'ocieties Lancttshire and York 'bin: Ritilway Lan<:,(ster Le,lll1ington (\Varwlokshil'e) L eedH Lei 'ester LewlJ.' Lit'htield LilleHhall 'ol1ierie l>onnil1!..\toll Branch (Lilhdwll 'ulliel'ie~)
Exdel' Flll'ulmm Fa,vpl'::lbam
Fustiniog ]'1 eeL lI'oml
P"lkeston Forest of Dean • Frollle
]'Ul'lleB!'l Hnilw:'\.y Glol1ocstl:l'
Gloucester hire Oounty Oounoil GOHport, Al ver~toke, and Fareham Granby Grave end Great Eastern Railway Great 'onthem and \Yestel'll Railway of Ireland Great IVe tel'll Railway Greenwich Grimsby Guernscy Halifax lIanclsworth lIa.rrouate Uartlepools Ila ·ting · and .'t. L eonard's IIu,\'allt lIawkeshead lIea \-y \\T oollen District IIelJden Bridge . Herefurd Hertford Hey'\"! od (Manclleter) H ulyhead 11 udder ,fi eld Hull Ilkestnn
Lmellln Liyerpnol Llallheris LlallducblO Lundoll Brigh ton and 'OLl th 'oa t Ihilwa,y London audIT orth lYe tern Ra,il \\'ley Lomlon :mcl outh IYestern Railway
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 7 L 0 IlJ 3 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1, 1 1 I" ' 1
1 1 1
1 1 ill
Id) > 1 !17 1& . 1
1 '1
1. ,, 1 L~)3
1':',0 1 ,,5 1,,&3
19013 1 [17
1 89
L oughborough L outh (L incolnshire) L ymington L ytham M aid tone l\l ah-ern l\Ianchester .l\largate l arlow l\Iarske-by-the- ea M elksbam M etropolitan Railway l\l ertbyr-Tydvi.l l\l exborough l\Iiddlesbrough and Cleyeland (including tockton Branch) l\Iidland and Great T orthern Railways Joint Committee l\Iillom Milton ~lonmouth
M ountain Ash Tel son Newark-on -Trent Tewcastle-upon-Tyne Te"lJort, Mon. North Bucks North hield orth Wales Collieries Ffrwd Colliery Branch, N. Wales, Colliery rorthampton North Brierley North Eastern Railway Jorthfleet Norwich Torwood and Sydenham Tottingham Tuneaton Oldham Oldhill Ormskirk Otley Oundle Oxford Oxford Military College Padiham Parkgate Penhryn Quarries Pershore Perth Peterborough Pilsley Plymouth Polesworth Polmont, N .B . Polytechnic Pontypool and District Portsmouth Portsmouth (Gosport, Forton and A lverstoke) 'Port T albot T
Oou.,ntl'Y Ce'J1t1·(,S.
St. J ohn A'inbLdnnce Association. Potteries (Now North taffordshire) Pre ton Ram gate Reading Reigate Richmond ( uney) Ridding::; Colliery Ripley Rochdale 1 9 Rotherham 190-1 Ho s (Hereford hire) 1 - :4 Royal ::\lilitary College ( andlllll"t) Rugeley 1 90 Rye t. ~\.nne's-on- ea 1 1 t. Helen' (Lancashire) t. ?Ilal'y Cray (Kent) 1900 •'acldleworth 1 andgate 1 8andwich 1 'e,~ton Carew 1 1 • 'evenoaks heern ss 1 Sheftield 1 'hetland 1906 .,hipley 1 9 1 · hoeburyne hrewsbury 1 .'ittingbourne and :Jlilton Skipton in-Crayen Slough , methwick • 'Oil:; of England Patriotic and Beneyolen t , oeiet)' (Nata.!, Transvaal, Orangia,Rhudesiu) , 'outhampton Southn,m South EU5tern al~cl Chatham Railway , 'outhpo1't South. 'hields Sowe1'1)y Bridge• tafford •'talybl'idge Staveley • tockport •'tom' bridge Stl'eatham Sunderland SUl'biton •'utton Coalfield Swansea Swinton Sydenham Tamworth Taunton TilJshelf Tonbridge TunlJl'idge Wells 1896 Twickenham 1891 Ulverston
1 91
\Vakefield \Vallham A1Jbcy \ V n,niut!ton
1 90 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ew Zealand, X ew Plymouth ., \Vellington -
\Va tel'funl \ Vath-npon- Denrne \Veclne"lJllry \V dli1l<dJOl'ouuh
Trinidad (Port of •'pn,in) Branch
\ Vl:st llal'tlepuul
Graham'" Towll
Cape rl'uwll East Loudon and Border,
1 1
. Vi tto. Queen '.- Town Branch ;,Iulllle>;bmy
1~ :2 lL ~Ili li~
l,, ~
1 iO ]
\I,bern "\Lttabell'land (Buluwayo) )[0,' 1.'11 Day -
1 ]
\\,i ns rill'< 1 \\T Ul'ks\\'Olt h \Yul \'erhallliltull \\"uhcrttln \YullllJ\\'l:ll \YI)' ,(Hunl \\'0('\ ",i C'1I
1 1
4 3
• -,I tal
range HiYel' 'nlony (Bloemfun tein) Heorgani.-ecl -
] 1
] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
\Yurc's Cl' \\TUklllgtOll \YCl)'thint! YOlk
1 94 1 91
KimlJt'rley \\Tilham" Town
\YJllmgtoll ~uny and \VnlbelHl \Y11111Jledon \VillllHn·lte
I "~
Bechuanaland (Vl'yburg)
\\Tdwyn \Ve. t Ul'oJl1wich \\T l:st!llt-. 'uu er -) tare \Yl,yhridge \Vhitehn'l:1t
\Y1;it<·lturl'h (.;llop)
I.; i'3
1 89 1 5
X a,sa,\1 (Bahn,ll1as) Brauch :-\t. Ki tt',' (Leeward I 'lands) Dralleh
Wcllill~lon U·Gllop)
1 <:2
1 -1 1 9-1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 9-1 1907
Paarl Port Eli2nbeth Hi ,'ersdnle Holll:l'hon t",lknll(lsch l'lilll-,\,aal (.Tohanne bur,,) -
IXDU,. BBI 'I hI! DU'I!. -10."
1 ,, 0 1 7
IDO;,) 1
1, :3 1 01 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 ..,3 18 3 1 8 1. 0 1 4: 1 .1
1 78 1 9 1879 1
BEYO~'W 'TilE ~g,\s.
D ' I'lJllHla
Dorller, (~t1ldnkn.n) Callntjiall
Nlm' ZEAT,,\ND . New Zealand. Auckland " Christchurch
1 91
'akuttn 't:lltl',ll Pro\Tj1)cC ' ] lyrlernlxt.c1 , I i~halplll'
Vic·torilt \Vest. ~\.u,trnliall
" "
1 5 1901 190-1
BlJl11hlY Bomhay and htroda Railway Dunn.l
Ce"I"n Gihntlt 11' lIalifa, ~·(),a. ('(tin , IIull' [TUll" ?\J ,dt~ :0 RingajlOl'e (:--tr,lit:; '-;l'ttlelllents) Torul1 tu Yal1('oU\'el' (DritlSh Culumbia) A t's'rHAT,,\sL\. ~\c1('laic1 . Houth \.l1stmlm (131 ;t1H·hel; PUl't _\.cILla ide, t+lenclg. )lount Dark ' 1'. G:L\\'l '1') Dri J.:me •'ydncy, .. T. R \Vale::\ Tasllla nia (La UIlC'cs ton)
D.llllchi,;lan JbnL,i11ol'e lbl'lIll t ,'tate Ul'll~ II
;, la,elms ]t-~10
"\ J\ol'e
The. 12i1111 's l'Ullj tlJ T
,t tit
~hil\()llg ( ~\.ssa1ll)
1 flO ,l 190.)
, Ih:hal'
1 ,,:3
1904 1901 1901 1903 1903 1903 1801 180-1 1901 190-1 Ig01 18013 1803 1
l"uitec1 PI'O\'incc' of Agrt\, and 0 ml h
1901 FOHEIG~ .
Duncdin J1l\'crcargill
Hi, iel'tt. (C'1unec;)
l'ill'j~ -
Number 01' !lieu allti WOlll()ll who have receIved
or .!Hell and
Women who have received
KallI O of Centro. a rOl1l'se
Fil·~t Aid. No.1 Dist. No.10Di t. Accringtoll Alexandra D.&R. Ashtoll-u-Lyne ... Babbington Ballgor ... 13arrow-ill-Ful'lleSR Bath Bedford ... Belfast .. . Bhckbul'll Bognor-ou-Sea Holton ami Dist. Birch \Yood 00 lly. Brierfield Bristol Bumley .. . Buxton .. . Cam brian Ry. Can terbury Cardiff Oardiff Ry. Cheshire Lin es Ooine ... CUlll berland"!. QI . Ohe~ter ... • Darlington Derby Dll bliu .. . Dueller .. . Dnndee .. . Eckington Edinburgh Farnham .. Faversham Fumes Ry. Glollcester Gospol'tS:Farehalll Gt. Eastern Ry .. Gt. Westel'll Ry .. Granby Grimsbr ... Guernsey .. Hastings & , ' . L eo. Hy. \\' oolleu Dist. Hebtlen Bridge.. .
1 78 1 82 IS8..!
] il:.
I ilollle
Fil'st Aid.
N lIndng. Hygiel1P.
'31 ;;;12
83 1 336
f)6H2 2'-,9;i
13 .13 366
2 87
3090 li95
2797 -187
U9 808
:d2ii 7!)
73iLi 24Li8 971
1576 fio6
1 119
109 310
li'i rsL
00 1;,0
131 12 73 2!l 12
93 32
:l0 21
21 21
10:d [i:3
(ilO 1!l6
109(J 1209
7 11;) 06\1
111li I] O:l
]i 102iti 7Ai 121 11'
2132 (in,
;35 15
1138 a400
1140 21{i
'>(,92 6W
SEi -
:lu;i fi :2l;
1 I 1:~ I
27 0
;-l~ ~fj
90. 2:30 :331
\ li:l
!i ti
[0 11 :~ :2!1
4:30 77r;.,
iCol 176 :l53
139 12i1
n ...... .J I ;)
~J i
21 21
!JiO 10
lIB 2!1
HI7 llfi:"
U U 17 :)5
:22 1-\1
200 11
1 116 11 0 !16:!,;
1l!J IiI
·1i 6
i70 13!10
249 112
D::i2 2 1
22 :'8i3 ]310
114 2[.38 410H
1711 ] 0 '8 2JO
10-11 739
:l31 2aO
2, 78 1193 376
1 II,
:,fiO 1115
!J3 20
76 9I ~ 157 ]:W
217f" '~06(j
148 4:H
1710 HIll
101 8 G07
17 ' 201
aiO 3% 3:10
'iin 7lf, 10. ]0 fill
316 12 308
3 ;'8
] I
32 36:J 7:,
1 ~(i
1:3 11
67 2fil1 ::03
1 I Ii
;31 11:3
75 I9 1 iJ
1118 !J2
!'i G
I ~(j
123 1223
, 331 19
!J]4 21 21 I 13 1 I.;
bl 18
I6 I
50 56{j
:l!J !3~33
\ltl I)
16 1l 1
21 16
5;' ;j6
3d -
5:J 1 2 -
53 -64 -
10 -
3 -
33 6 27 3 -
F.A. & H.N. together Figures in total latter half include fail meso
13i 46
Re-ol'ganized 1 8. Latter lin If ~illce Is [Oct.. 1905
1 ~ l'I'onn cd
.... 904
* FA. & H. ".
2 1
.J 0
Figurcs from 1905
[revi ,-a1.
9 6
12 1,
1 31
1ti 3 3
1st hnlrl031sll\lal'.,
1(JOI, 2nd hal t' since
18 H
Since 30tb Sept. 1896
rorgal11zation, 1900.
1st half since re-
Latter half since [April 190 6.
3 1
al.J Lie
[1st ,\ pl'il, 1906. lncluding Nmsing.
13 -.
1 :l2
fi .)
6 29 39
;3fi\ i
20 70
I I 68
1 I fi
13 3 7
Iii !l
2fiO 21
:hjS lHI
8 fit
:21 2fi
:3!l0 790
51 (j
fiS IS
12 16 2 :!3 13:; :H
31 8
i'2 137 5 93 6 102 10 70 30
1201' /i;i
I ~(j
:! ]1
Hi -
lt1i .n')
10:.1 28
1!1 73 37
106 11
H:1 3H8 21
-fd5 ]6
208 20
227 61S
2:3 ;,31 118 33
U2 :!:W
HIO :.121 J :15
1:!2 '18i 4fiJ 111
-_. -
j .
;,0 :ll
;-, I 21:.W
11 :3(J 186 If;6
] afi:~
23 131
:!iO ;/7, 2J7
10 132 22 2
120 10:11 2J
15 -
11 fi
:3 525 1:2 131
7J3 870 54
:11 I
21fi 558
1288 825
. 10:: lili 1/1i
19 71£1:3
11!l 7
3'2 ll4;,9"
326 2;;0 710
1 1:1" ] Ii.] 9
1 1Ij
l!iSH :lIj 1
I !)!l1
11 ~:l 11
] 25 196 :313 220 12:d
!3U 23
87H:l' 1J3:l 1920
Reorganized 1900.
4 78 1
94 2 1 23
Reorganizerl 189 2.
7 21 54 6 43 3
-- ..
,3 12 13
1 Ii
1881 3fi7R 11'90 1214(j* I ~H~ 15{JO
6.';2 90
AdelaIde Rew SOldl! Wai l'si \\' est"l'U Australia N.:0. AllCkhwd :N.:0. VUll edi lJ ... 1 • :0. New J)IYHI 'Lh O~ pe Oolouy . Trau"IVaal Natal .. \ ..
1!l flli
7~0 ] fjOi
18S!) 18\10
.. 1881
]879 1888
TJ (Jng KOll g 1'01'011 to ...
111 !I 111 100
]80 5 21
147 20
1878 187!}
:1 :l...,
liC I
Tibsllel f ... 'l'oulJl'idge TUII \)l'idW' W,·lls \V cll illghol'ough.. \\' cstoll-rml' 1I1am York
RangoOll , B tu' llIa
I j
:::] !106
1 :30 fi.II1 1 1:30
J1 10
6 43 12 23
8:3 72 1JIi
] 88:l ... 1891 ] 88:3
1 ~O HI 0;,
160 130 S,lO
3;;7 7\J
61 ]] ;3
:l08 UP1
22 S 8 73 40
57 :3
2 29 18 31 26 5
9 1ilO 13 9 23n
160 1:3 53
fi7 -
lO ·j 8
:);j 1 :20f)
U =-
I ~llJ'sillg. BOllle I IIYili~lle.
134 171
li olls.
f:ionth,ulIl'1.o11 . 1880 S.E.&Ohathlll. HI'. ]90fi ~ollUlport . 1887 SOll'cl'hy 1 ~l'irlge 1890
18 ·167 1185
18 ;, 332;; ;h!ti ... / 1£10] .. 1,',.')4 4:32 K ettcrill~ .• 1 83 I 200'1 Lan. & York. Hy. 1 1 f i :)~'3'3 Leeth ]~, 13013 Leicester 1 01 10_2i LiverJlool 1 '0 1406i Llamllldllo ] 883 370 L.B. & S.O.R. 1906 Lymington ] 84 li2fi Mallchester 1880 1·1.i27* lIIctropoli tan Ry. 1904 3;')3 Mi(ldle. uro' Olevl. L, 1 ,62:3 Min.& .G.J. . Jt.B. 1900 412 lIIillolll ... 1 693 Norwood 1 92 "elson ... 188P 930 Newark-on-Treut 1884 7tH 'N cllport (::IIoll.) 1906 Northamptoll ]886 55 4 NOIth Hllcks 1898 1143 Nt.-Eastel·lJ R\. 1595 fj92fi l\ t-Stall'ordshire 1 . .J. !\ottillgl!anl 1 81 G9fj] Oldhalll .. 11:18J :':101 Olley .. ]88 :300 Pelll'hy 11 Quarry 18 9 Peterborough ] :)0-1 ~17 Polytechnic 1 Df) ;iIi I () Portsmouth 1b ] ::ilH RallJsgatf' ] ] ] ~7G H.eading ] 93 U7!3 HiclilllolJd .. I ] 882 815 Rochdale 1886 3:3~0 Rotherhant 1884 122l Sheel'lletiS I 8~ fi~3 Shelliel,l . .. I ] Ili 10 Hi I hi piey ... 189fi ·10·1
Stock]Jol't Stom-!n'itlgc SUlIrielhllld
11 0mc
1I1·,ing. Uygicnc .
a eotlrsc of iJl~~rllC tlOlt.
Hospital a tUI day 1 "...,p Hllll&J3arn ·leyRy. 190i
South Shi(dds 8tl'cathall!
Ccrti licate".
Ill stl'tlCtiOll.
H107 ] 94
Ip"",iclt ... Iron bri.Jgc I 'le of 'W ight Jersey 1\e. wick
Hecollstl'ndl' ll 1906.
lOalltre. formation of
L oc((l Rep01·t8 j?'o?n Centres,
St. JOhll Bll1btllallce Bssociation. LOCAL REPORTS.
(Kensington, etc.) (; hn i
t · lIIllJl.
The Rey. Lonl \'lClol' 'eymour. TI·c n ..,lll· (' I'.
O. Ul'Iluhal't-Fisher, 3, Oleveland Terrace, \Y.
11 OJl O l'lI l'Y
~ cc r c tary .
:Jlrs. O. l'quhart-Fisher, 3, Cleveland Terrace, 'Y. I ,iCC :U CIII1, Cl'''.
Mis, 13mb)" Lally IIargl'cai'c' Brown, Miss Burnett, ~Ii s Craven. )Ir . B. L. Oohcn, ~[ajor-Gclleral J. O. Dalton, n.A.. ieneral ir E. G. Fan ltawe, G.c.n., Lady Fowler, ~li ',' .A.'t . .Johu Gray, Colollel ,'il' Jaml's Gildea, c.Y.o., c.n., The Rt. Rey. the Lord Bi 'hop of Pel l'l'l101'ongh, ~ll' '. F, "\\T. Burri', .\\Ii s Humphreys, llIr' _ LeaD, Lady ~Iolltngll, ~li,s Il. LOlli::;:'\. Parkcr, Mi." Mary L. Parker, Mrs. treatfeild, The Dowagcr Lady Trcluwny, Lall.\' 'l'l'c\'clynll, :1Iliss "\\'eld, Miss WilsOll, HOll. II elll'iettn Wind 'ot'-Oliyc ]'lrs . .d.llthony Willgficll1. :U('(li cal ·ja.r.
Dr. Oorthornc, F. Y. DCllnc, )Ln., \Y. Fox ~'yl110DS, M.D . , R. Oourtenay Gayer, 101.1>., Hegillalfl IIaye" !oLD., L. Lhmcllyn-Po" ell, )I.D., J. Rhode , ~I.D., Arthur , \'are, )l.D.
Al KUAL [REPORT. N otwithstanding the diJilcultie of mocting the wi hes of ali a.pplicant as regards daLos npOll "'llich clas (s can 10 l1eld to snit e\'crybody, there has been l't fnil amount of activity dnring the pa t year; notaLly clas. es ha \e been held of t he employees of Messrs. John Barker & Co., Mt's~t's . Hunt, of Kell ington, a1)(1 Me~sJ't'. Robertson's Electric L amp Co., from which gooll results haye been oLtailled . Also a llUl' ing clas under Dr. Denne has to be recorded.
Statement oj Receipts and Expenclitw'c JOI' the Receipts, 1906, T o Messrs Lyons & 00., fees for First Aid Olass " Mrs, P owcll, fees Nursing CIa s (Youn g , Vomen's Guiltl) 1907, "Dr. D enne's Nursing Class fees "Balancc by payments carried down
1 12
0 11
£16 13
encling Octobej' 31st, 1907. E:epcnditw'e.
1906 . By t. John Ambulance Astiociation for tores, Examiners' fces, I ncidcntal expcnses . £ 11 3 1907, 2 18 11 ditto " Ditto 5 3 5 ditto " Ditto
£ 16 13
Locat Repo?'ts from Oentres.
St. J ohn A mb'LiIlance Associc&tion.
H, R. II, Princess L ouisc, D L1chess of Argyll. Trc :t"l11'(' .' :ulll nOli. 8ccrelnJ'Y.
( 'hnil·mfill.
001. T, II, Hen(lley,
Miss Maude T, Thomas, 103, Grecncroft Gn,rdcns, \V est H ampstcad,
"I<'flita) 81an'.
Drs. IIttrclwickc, 'ullllingham, 'Winslow Hall, ,utherlanc1, Adam ,Vatson, Atkinson, Gil! on, Reyile Greeves, Jcssop, Alldcl':;on Pink, nIllllian, Ma.::ervy, Parry, Allcn, Glovcl', .MclTaugham JOlles, Rogel' "lilith, r orwooc1 Brown, Oook, Fleming, Hobert;;, Yekl, Olark, :Jlpggctt, :JlcFaddell, rranville, ]1'. II. Jcrvis, )['D., Jennings, )Lll" T. n, II. ,Vrcfonl, )r.H.C.~ .
Audited by us and found correct, VrcTon A. EY;\IOT:7R, Ohairman .
( Balllllrll
O. URQUllAI:T -FISHEI:, T,·eas1li'er. LILIAN UI:QUlIAI:l'-FIi:;HEU, Hon. Secrctcuy.
lJattCl'."ea, JJ, i.duII, 0/1 IplUIiJI , Kmnillgtoll, Lambeth, Tooting, llIul Uf' ighuull rhood.) i>J'('"icl('1I t. I\MOlJ t"~ YOll Pttwellbm1l1ingcn.
II. R.H. tho Prince.";; Frcllcnctl, J(ollo1'an'
(Oity ancZ Port of London). IJl'C,
.U('(Ii('al S I:lIT.
Field Marshal H.R.E. the Duke of Connal1ght and
aull '1'.·(' a" 111'(' .'.
~( '(· .·d:\I·Y
\\'illinlll lI. ~Iorrr,t1J, 3D, ~\..Idel'l!l'uok Road, Ihlll3,1ll Hill , Loudon, '. W.
J.. 1:. C.1'.,
tratheal'll, K.G.
Ferris, _'l. ll. , L .•. )Ic?llallu' , )LD., T. Pear'on, ',\Tonh, .'I.ll.
l.l:.l:."., "'.
1:. (., Heitl:
Sta'cmclIt of Rtccillt~ f//ul B,''jlcndilllt'1J (0/' the ycat' elHlil![J 30th ,'eptcmoci', 1907.
Lifc iU cmbcl':.
The Oorporatioll of the Oity of London, The Outlers' Oompany, T he Fi hmongers' Company, The Golusmiths' Oompany, The Grocers' Oompany, Thc Haberdashers' Oompany, The :Mercers' Oompany, Thc Merchant Taylors' Oompany, Th e "'kinners' Oompany, The Surrey Oommercial Docks 00111pany, Edward L. Barnard, 00nrac1 B ergman, 001. Sir Oharles ,Yyndham J\Inrl'ay, C.D., Coloncl ir Anho11e G. Fife, Maj or-General Bryan nIilman, c. B. , J. and n. illorley, J o11n ilIorlcy, Edwin Fresh field, LL.D. , F.S.A . , Emest L. Olive, Edward Howley Palmer, Pre cott and Co. (Bankers), Ex-Sheriff Waterlow, EdIvaI'd WchL (Bl'itih and Foreign \\Tharf), ::'Iis, Ford (Highgate).
nce ip{ . To BalaJlce from 1001) £31 1 " Ch. Fcc:; an 1 '11 of ,'torc,; . 17 1
toro~ ,EX(llllilJers' Fee:;,
ul1\l 0
I ncidental
Ex -
£13 16
o 11
3-1 1:2
" Po rages, and I'etty EX1'ell '0:;
" Dalance
(St. James's, Whitehall, lJlayfai?', IIyde Park) Pctddington, Bays~mter, lVotting Hill, Regent's Park, Regent I '(reet, OJjord Street, etc.)
R c I' E. Gl'cellsi 11,
II. II. Doltull.
1'1'('8 i .Lcnt.
'J'1·('a.,11l'c.· :lIuL li on.
H.R.H. Princess Beatricc, l>l'inccss Henry of Battcnberg.
l\f. A.
~ '('I'C lit!',}'.
J. Ogt1clI, Al111JlILtnce Drill Hall, Accl'ington.
Life :UcmOcl'. ..
The Marchioness of Bath, L ady E. Browllc, 'V. L. Burdett-Coutts P. L. Ohiosso Ooates, Sir Frederick F: L. Cook, Burt., COllntc . Cowpcr, 001: 'ir Anbone Flfc, The Oountess Granvllle, L . Vel'll~n llarcourt, Mrs. Quintin lI ogg, The Oountess of Ilchester, James Jackson, K h .clso, Col. E. II. Kenuard Miss Kin"smill T he Marchioness of Lan sdowne, Her Grace the Duchess of Lceds Mi~s Francis ~laltin' Miss A. Miles, Samuel Morley, 001. ,ir Oharles Wyndham'Murray, c, D., Lady Wyndham Murray, Th e L ord Heay, Miss A. de Rothschild, Mrs. Leopold ,'allllons, Alb el'~ S~ncleman, Fleetwood Sanrlemall, A. L. Savor)', The Oountcss of Sefton, H. J . rntton, Olarence Watson, Outhbcrt Wills.
( 'l1n it·Ulall.
I_if'(> 'h' JIllH'l·".
A. K Ihll, II. II. Boltoll, F. 1". harton, .Jirs. \\',tu wol'th, C. J. Whittaker, L. Whiltakcr, Mrs. Whittakel', ;\lis~ \\ hitlakel, :Jli~s Janie Whittaker. .U
('(li ('a 1
l'il:\ fl'.
,J, 8. ClltytoJl,:\l.ll., F.It . C.~., U:(1., H,. Clegg, ~Ll~.C'.~., L.r:.l:.l' .• M. J . FO~,L.l:.c:,y.,, '1'. ll'l'twkish, :\LU., ' .:11. , U,~l'., W. Gelltlic, ~l.ll., o.)I., J . . (3edl11e, 1I1.1l" A. Gl·'.lcJlll,tluh, :'I[.n., Oll.ll., A. t. GrecJl\\ood, M.ll., ',:'IL, T. E. Nuttall , M.D., L'.:ll., R HlItLlc, L.l:'O . S. , 14.1:,l:.l'.1., II. Worsley, :\1.£., L·.)L.
S t. J ohn A'm,uulance Association.
Local R epo?·ts frmn Gent'l'es.
ANNUAL REPORT. Steady progress is maintained. Nine. class.os l~ay~ been held dl1l'in~ ~he year. !he am blliance movement is "\yell supportedm ilns lhstnct. T"'ellty addItlonal surgIcal baversacs hayo been di tributed during the year at mills, etc .. making a total of 142 now so stationed . Con ten ts are maintained by the Acclington C01PS, . J. A. D. The drill hall and l)remises have been "ested in trustees, reprcsenting the Order of St. John, \"ho, of comse, will take charge of the strueturc. His Worship, the Mayor, di tributed certificates, medallions, and labels, to students of cla. ses held durillCt the ,,'inter season 011 ) t l\Iay, and trongly commended the work of the Ord~r to the areat aathering of people a sembled. The question of the provision of litters for the olrter p01:tions of the district is recei ':ing consideration, and it is in contemplation to prOVide one each for the to'YllShlPS of hurch aull Olayton-I e-Moors to begin ,,·ith. The award of the YeHum Yo~e of r~'hanks of the O nl~r to the Chairman, and two members of the Centre Comnnttee III Augu t last, IS much appreciated.
started at once. The e(luipmcnt of the Centro is af! follows: 10 ambulance station, 3 complete litters, 5 stretchers, 10 erluippcd haversacs, and a plentiful supply of r,tores. Ca. cs treated by members of this Centre arc as follows: First aid rendered and taken to hospital, 70 ; taken home, 50; resumed duty, 2()0. Total, 320 . Apecial case,.; \\'(;re life was saved were: George ~,:c~stcr, appa~'ently chew'ned on J anua!'y nth, 1907, in tllC Alcxandra D.ock; artlficHll reSpll'ailOl1 performed for t hirty millute.-, aftenvarc1:;. tak~n to hosplta1. John ?I~ar~l1S, app.arer:tly sufi'ocaterl Oll board f:' . Fullllina, IYlllg Ul Alexaurlra Dock; al tlficlal respll'ailon performerl for j;) minute", aftt'l'\ynn1.· taken to hospital
Statement of Receipt!; and Ea-'pendilll1'c for thc yC(()' lllding Sel,te1il~CI' 30th, 1907. Receipts. Expeilditui'c. To Amount brought forward from l ast account . £22 11 " Subscriptions & donations 212 fi " Stores sold and Class Fees 21 17 " Bank interest 0 4
£259 19
8 6~
tationel')", Printillg, und Adverti ing "tores and Cla'S Fees . " Grant to Corps " Ground rent " Collector's Commission ]leI' Mr. T. troyan, for ywr, 1906-7 " Ditto balance for year 1905-G . . " Allowance fOl Olerical assistance "Postage and ,uuLlr)' I ncidental Expenses. " Balance
4 5 -1 10
£10 ·1
100 o 0 17 10 0 10 12 3
5 4
o o o 13 o 5
24 10
£259 19
II01l01'Cl?'Y SccJ'Cta?'v and l'?'casu)'(i', E xamined and certified correct, and vouchers examined, OGDEN,
J A:'1Et:i DEA~,
lI(; Z Oi·S.
Passed at meeting of Oentre Committee, Noyember 2 lh, 1907. EOWAltD Gr.EE~SILL, Glwirman.
ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. "·hail·Ulan. Abraham Park. )I0ll0)':tr), l'lecl·ctfil'Y. 'I' )'(' a ","I'C I'. Dallid 11all, LYlnYood , • 'mallshaw, ,Illlln .1..1Illrell', (Jawline Btreet, Ash ton-under-Lyne. "I.. htou-ul1c1el'-Lyuc. I.ire :ll em'>er ... . H. llllOlc,dale . .\!.ll., D. 11. Che thallI. ~I.n .... CI<lIl':;l1aw, ~r.n . , Godson, 'Y. H. lInghe , .I.n., C. .\I., ,\"al Lr I ewtoll, Huny l'aYlle, .\1.lJ., L.n .c.p., .\r.R.C. S . JH' tli('al :-'latr. H. llle,l tlale, '\l.ll .. G. }', HOWlllal1, ~I.B., D. II. CheethalJ1. ;\r.B., J. 'Y. Corns, L.l:.C.I'., L.n ...... ' . Crawshaw, .\I.B., H. Hamel', ~1.13., _\. IIa!nilton, L.R.C P., L.n.I."'., ~\.. llilto1l, L.":.A., W. II. Hughes , .iUlI .• ~I.B., C. .\L , J. E. Judson, ~r.R.C.S., L.IU'.I'., F. 'Y. ::\Iann ~!.B., J . ~l. W . .JIOl'i:;Oll, ~I.B., C.~I., 0 . Pear e, L.R.C.P., L.H.C .. ·., H. Price,'.P" L.R.C.S., Ell., C .... 'pcllcer, L .....~., Lond" pencer, \1.1:.I.S., L.Tt.I·.l'., J. ' V. Talent, )1.])., ~I.R.C . ' ., P . •. Twomey, L.R.C.P . , L.R.C ..'-. Slllnl/l(1I'11 .1CCOllllt. OctOUCi' 151. 1906. to Norc1ll~fI' 30th, 1907. 1·I·C ... idclIt.
Hi· \r or"lll}J the }L1YOr.
Receipt '. 'fo lJauk H,dauc:e . Ca h ill hand " I ntcre t " Donation' " Cent re Cln. :'c . 1'01' 800k " illalelillI. ExamiuatiOl! Fl'e .. &c. .JlL:(lnlliun and Laue!" . " Clas. Fcc' .•I..llibulance ,. , 11(1 N' ur.,illg ,. C:olllliLlltiol1 1'1.' ..:·unlluhnL't: }lell and :;\'m"illg, 'ister' " }lo sley \;<.:tion 1'01' t\Yo AmlJUlance Locker:; .Iaterial and Oloth " iug, &c. ,. ,'tore " Grall t from Operatic ..' Ocl ·t,)' Concert Procee,l., frull! .\.t Home ,. a1H1 Concert " Donatioll ' re~1..1l1bu1auce Lockers
!J)O li 0
1I 13 11 0
0 li
J oIln Macaulay (General Manager).
Trcasurer. H. Flanden" 39, Stow Hill , Newport, Mon.
Honora 1')' Secr e t fir),. Arthur J. Green, 14, Raglan I'treet, Newport, Mon.
lUcdical Stalf.
L.R. C.P. & S.
L.R.C . P.,
E . Evans,
l\1.R . C.S.,
J. Hurley,
ANNUAL REPORT. T he work of the Centre is progressin g very sa tisfactorily. In Juno a (;lass wa s ex~miDe~ at PODtyp~ic1d ; nin eteen members passed success fully. A claBs of about thlrty WIll be exanJlmd on Oct. 6th, at N ewpOlt, and a nursing class is to 1e
6 15
0 1
23 0
3 ;)
. E.\pcl1dilw·e. By Po;;tage and 'tatiouery Account, "Book, Ola ses, all d Exam . Fee' . " Medallion. and Label~ . " Potage, 'tationery,&c., for Brigade . "Material re Nursing Re1lni itc" . " First ~Ialerial for Lockcr " Floor Carpet for Am bulance Practice "Locker Cabinets and First irl In es "Clothing Account 1'e On'l'coaL , &c. " Expen-'es re In 'pection, Reviews, and Couferellce ., Bank C0111mi sion " Dank Balance " Cash ill hand
Al1llited a1ld found correct, D ccember, 1907. ,VALTEU LI,gS
~5 16
1 10 G1 1
0 6
0 9
9 0 6 0
6 0 0
4 6 1
}A lIclit01'S.
AnTI,\1IAM PAlm, OJlCtil'1llan . ANDHEW, TrCaSlli'CI'. DA . 'TEL HALL, lIon. Secretary.
St. J ohn A 1nbulance A sociation.
ANNUAL REPORT . Six classes have been held unriJlO' the se sion, one of which was in connect.ion "iih a lal'o'e colliery when ome 23 of tllCir nU11l bel' satisfied the examiner; this should. pro,~ very useful in their .calling, us a's ?ccupation often results in cut and bruises. Everything conSIdered the Centre IS dOIng useful work.
Statement of Reecipts (lnd E'pnl,lil/l)"f'for the yea?' ending Septembc1' 30th, ]907. Rccripts. E,'·pf!nditm'c. •£"u 17 By "eeretary's Expenses T o B,dance at Ballk £0 f) " Fee~ " tores
0 17 1 19
Pl·cs idcnt. Oharles H. Seely.
'l 'l· c a"tUl'Cl·.
Geo. li'o\\'ler,
I.e. E.
F. E. edy, henyood LOllge, Jottingham.
6 6 6
£6 1l
6 6
1 16
1 10 0 0 0 1 0
" • tores " ]1 e ports " Badges " Athertising ,. Examiner's Fees and l nciclental Expenses Balance .
Tnos. n. L\.n. ·JTAI,L, Oltcfinn(lll. rrho)f\:-; "\YEDsTEn, Hon . Trcasurc?". l YOR DAYIES, Han. StCl'ctcO"!}.
Jlonol':ll'Y Sccr c tar:r.
J. T. Walters, Baubington Collielie, Jottinghalll. )[('(lic a l S ta ir.
J . O. D unn, L.R.C.P., Edin., D. 1\1. Forbes, F.n.C.i"., '\'. II . Hill, )I.D., and H. J . Neilson, M.D. AKNUAL
' .111.,
l')'csicl 1It. Ed"urd ,Y~dh1lll1, D.L .
Dl1l'ing the year two first aiel classes, ancl one nursing class havc 1 ccn held. 4:,2 cases of injury have been reported and attended. to by amuulance men, of which 08 ,yere conveyed. home or to the hospital in the ambulance nIlS.
Statement of Receipts ((nd ReCel]Jts. To Sale of Books £0 15 0 0 7 4: " Bandages " Medallions Donation from the Bab" hington Ooal Co.
14 11
£;/'.1)[ ild il1ufJ,
1906 ta 1907. E :rpcnditlf)"fJ.
By Books " Bandages. Medallions "" EXCCll ti "e ex pen.'c,_ Examiner's fees Lecturers' fee
0 5
0 U
n 0
GEO. FaWLEI., G,'Wil'f/!Uil.
F. E. J. T.
TI'ra IIrc r.
The Archlloneon of Fumes., .'t. George's Yie., Barrow. :U ccli at . lnfT.
JlUIIOI'lIl',r Scen·tan.
A br',ham Tholllll.'Ol1, l~g, KelJt 'lrcet, Barrow-ill·Fumes '.
Pro"rc~ of the Celltre i· well ll1arked. CuJ1l111cncing in 1 0 it ha crr[ldually gained ill puhlic estill1alion. The amhulance .:, l'lll ba. a "iue exttm,ion in Barrow. .Eslahlisllllll!l1t.· \\'ho.o \\'olk-p 01'1,' up to half-dczen 'car ago were in great Tl\\I1lUer.· inslrnct·ll ancl cOl'tific[ll (1 ouly lhrough the promibeuous eld e of the 'entre, hav lIOW become concenlrated 1'01' thc exigI neil' of their re peeti\'e busine ·"P.'. "\\'Ilhin the last yell!' the 'entre lias hurl to mo\\m the 10 of the energetic Hon. Rpcretary, who retained th' oJl"ke .incl' its forl1lali n in 1 O. T 1 e entre i: eallll'blly per c\'erillg in Ule work of fir::,l aill to thc injul't·J and hOll (;. nlll':;ing ill the tOWll.
Receipts and Expenditure jv?' 1906 (lwl 1907. Receipts.
£23 16 10 oncert . 1 1U 0 " 111 dl\lJioll and Lab 1 2J 13 3 " Balallce III han k. 2 4 6 " Bala nce in ee. 's ha nds •
BANGOR. TJ'c a '> u r eI'.
Col. Sir T homas H. Marshall, C.B . nOll . .
T. Websier, 2-11, High
ircet, Bungor.
CCl'c t:u,),.
Ivor Davies, 12[;, High, trr>tt, Bangor. ;n c (li c al StafT.
Richard.. Jones, L . R.C.P., J.\I.r...c.s., R. Huwland Jones, L.ll.C.p., L loyd, M.D . , Oorbet \Y. Owen, 1[.13., E. O. Price, M.D.
c . ;\[.
LELY, 'J.'t'C(f·IlJ'Cr. ,r.\.LTEI,:,;, 11on. Scc/·clul·!}.
Chair mau.
Allall Hutherfonl, )LB.,
H.oom, etc.
" Printing, etc. "Paid ill.;.:ers " P el ty Di:;bllr~elllellts " })os L;\ge aut! Deliveries " l ellall iOlls and L abel ~ " M r. Bowker " For Oflicc Expen e , BOyE, etc. " Bala.nce in han k " ill ec. · hands
E. J.
52 10 7
2 15 2 1
5 10
o 10 1 19 1 16 o 4 13
2-1 13 ~ 4
£ ;)2 10
Allll ited and foun d correct, R rCII AHD B RYAN .
ANI UAL REPOHT. We have only held.. one claes durillg the last twelve months, a. first aid fur po men andpolicemell . Twelve sat for the exalllillatiolJ, eleven being fo:uccefo:sfnl.
By Rent of Towll Hall, piano
tN o'vcmbc1' 27th, 1907.
}U H L ES JAC K SO r. E nNE'T OAlIU'BELL, C1winnall. G
Local RepoTts /1'0111 Cen,tres.
I,i 1'(' ;u cml)cl·s.
Th e Dllc]less of Bedford, Adeline, Duchess of Bedford, Sir Frederick Howard, ( 'hairlllan.
l'rc iclcnt.
ir A. H . T. til tLrtinllule,
O. 'Wyndham lIIurray, C. B.
Uoloncl H. F. Clllttel'bllCk, Old Bank, Bath.
F. pra\Ysoll, 5a, Britlge treet, Bath .
Lifc ;U c mb c l·. ..
E. A. Bagshawe, i'lLA., Ohas. Ooate', \\Tyndham lIlunay, c. n.
T. H. l\Iiller,
Oolonel . ir O.
;Uc clical StaIT.
D . L. Beath, JlLn.C.i'l., L. n.C.p., T. W. Je\ytonDuun, i'lI.D.,:JIi
:JIul'y:JIorris, i'll.D.
A ""U.A.L ImpORT. The Oommittee in pre euting their anl1ualrcport and tatement of accounts, take this opportunity of thanking all thoe who haye so kindly a' istetl in the work Juring the past year. They also lUuch regret to report the resignation of their Chairman, General ir John W. McQueen, G.C.B., mying to ill-health, and beg to tender him their best thanks for his invaluable ser\'ices. During the year 3 classes baye been helJ, 1 fir t aid and 1 nursing for women. and 1 fir t aid for men. Fiftythree pupils completed the course of instruction, anJ of these 41 candidates were successful in obtaining the certificate of the Association. The ambulance \\'agon has been largely ill demand this year, ha\'ing been u. etl 011 no Ie . than forty-t\\'o occasions, and the Oommittee offer their thanks to those members of the Oity Division who have rendered such ,'aluable aid in the tran pOI t \\'ork. The Oommittce feel they must draw attention to the fact that the IlI'esent ambulance wagon has been in use for more than fifteen year and will shortly haye to be replaced. As it is quite impossible for the local Centre to thld the anlOunt required, about £150, out of the funds at their disposal, an appeal to the gelleml public ,,·ill be neces ary, and it is hoped that this appeal may be liberally responded to, as the ambulance wagon is so geuerally u efnI throughout the city and neighbomhood.
Statement of BecciZJts and Receipts.
To Balance at Bank in hand " "" Subscriptions ,. Repayment part expenses of public meeting Fee8 from Olas es " 11edallions " Jl Stores sold
£1 4 3 19 6 3
4 2 0
1 1 0 6 15 0 0 4 0 2 10 10
By Hearl Office Account Printing, etc. " Medallion "" Expenses of CIa ses " Repairs to 'Wagoll " • undr,)' paymentspo tages, etc. Medal: for Oompetition . " Balance at Bank " in hand
£8 13
1 5 0 6 1 13 0 12
9 9 0 3 0
1 7 1 16 0 2 () 0
0 7 f.i
C. Perram,
A "NUAL REPORT. I Q presen ting the an1llMl rcport, the Committee nre arrai n pleased to record that a large amount of' good work h~l!; been accomplished during tIle year. First aiel classes \\'el'e attelHled hy oyer 30 lac1ws, couuty and borough police, by Midland Railway, and L. a.nd N.W.n. employees. Again \\'e were gl'aLifiec1 hy 19 laclies a.nd 101mcn, and police con tables gltining the medallion and label. These numbers with those of preceding years makes a grand total of 2,309 who have pa sed difl'erent examinations he1~1 ill the 'cntre. ~he Midland Rai1.\my Oompany havr greally helped the work of thcu' mcn by cOll\·crtlng nn arch way ll1to a larae am bu1anee room where cons tao t practices al'.e heltl. ~Ial1y cases of ya1uable fi r:;t aid ha \'e heen reportcd 'especially by the county 1'o11ce. The 'olllllliLtee olIel" it best thanks to Dr. Perralll, for hi gratuit Oll :-- ~ectllre to. the mcn. The Commit tee much regrets the re:ignation of Mr. ])owllllg Tl'e\'[l1l1011, wllo has left the town. }Ir. E. Dawe,' has l)een elected in hi, place. StalC'J.llclll vi l~c<'tijlts
' . l Lccelpt .
To " " " "
Ba1ancc . Huhs. and lJonatiOllS • 'pecial don,ttioll Fee from 'la 'cs :)111e of ,'tore., Dooks, Bandage.
E.l']lelulitlll'c JOI' tlu 'Ical' Clldi)!!! Sc,dem&er 30th , E.'penditlll'c. £0 li ;, 13 'I' Lecturer" Fees and two
3 3 1 10 3G 9
0 0 6
" :\Io(lalliOll '
·1 12
" Lahch; . " Du ' to Tl'cG.. mcl'
1 13 0 0
6 2
£57 17
£21 17
lIon. SeCi'e!(l1·Y.
BEDFORD. ]'J'CSiclcllt.
' Examination. . £12 12 "Exllllliller'!; Fees and Expen 'es . . 7 4 :, Incidental Expen ~es, • 'to John' Gate . 2 12 "Hire uf ROOlll ' and expell es of Glasse 13 1 "Boys a models for l;andaging 3 11 II Printing, Postage and tationery 3 ~ and " ,tore , Books Bandage 9 3 6 5 " Iel1allions ancl Label 0 3 " File In urance
£57 17
0 ti
0 4-
1 0 0
RxamiJlctl with
YOllCh l' and fonnel correct, ;EOFFREY HowAnD, ChainllCtIl. F. J. J OS~ELYN, Via,Presidellt.
ELr?A'\olt PAL 'E ,
Hon. S ccretary nnd
BELFAST. )'.·C"idcul.
( 'hni 1'J1I:111.
Charles E. Allan .
il' \y illialll Ewal't, Bal L. Tt'ca.,Ul'('I·.
1\11' '. Magowan, Provil1eial Balik Honse, Royal Avellue, Bclfat.
JlOllOl':ll'Y .~C Cl'ctnl·ic ' .
;\1 i S Black, Glen Ebol', trallt1tO\Yn, Bella t. H. 'Y. Le lie, M.D., • t. Helier, trandto'YD, Lift' ;UCllll,)Cl'S.
Her Grace the Duchess of Bedford .
Audited a11(l found (,Ol'l'Ptt, Nov. ~2nd, 1907. • YJlXEY J. ::'11. PI<: A JtCE, AccountClnt. ED)Itam A. BAGRITAWE, Deputy Chairman. HUGn F. CrxTTEnm;c;J\:, 11011. Tl'easw·(!1·.
cHcal St alT.
Harvcy Goldslllith, i'lI.ll.
fo), the yea)' ending 30th Seplembe?', 1907. E:>pend itw·e.
£:.!1 17
K. U .. . I.
Jlollorllr)" , ('c rct :u·,).
(;ha i I·Ulall.
Geoffl'ey Howard .
Jlollornry Secretary :utcl Trca Sllrc r. Mrs. Alfred Paine, ,Vharfeda1 e, Golclingtol1 Road , Bedford .
John G. Au tin, i'lr.n., ,Yillialll Ualwc1l, ~I.A., Jll.ll, teyell 011 Darling, M.B" hu1c1am Dunlop, :'II.D., T. A. Davisoll, L.l:.l.l'., L.ll.l' .:-:., A. D. If:" 1)'11, n.A., M.D., , V. Hamiltoll Elliot, n .A., 11.1)., A. Hampton Gray, M.D., W, T. R Knight, )1.11., H. L. 1\1. Kisack, M.n., RiclHtl'll , V. L eslie, M.D., .Tamc Lindsay, i'l1..\., i'lr.n., F.Il-C.I'., . E. Martin, M .•\., M.D., J. O. 1\Ial'tin, M.D., Gilbert Marshall, L.n.C.I'., L.Jt.C.R., ,eol'ge t. cOl'ge, ;\I.]U'.P., L.TI.C.S., John D. Iclntosh, L.lL '.i;., I, n.l'.l'., .101111 Rmk, n . .\., ;\1.11., .James Taylor, M.n., ,alHut'1 Tate, ;\['D., J. D. Williamson, )r.D.
t. John A muu.,lance A ociation .
L ocal Renort . /1'O?n Oeni?'es.
:ll('clic al Staff.
N orman Barnett, F . R.G.,., ,Yilliam Unlwell, ~['A., :'\[.n., R. 'Yo Le lie, M.n., F. illcFarland, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.!':., Hiram lIIoDypeny, ::ILD., ::Ir.n., n.ClT . , John D. :JlcIntosh. L.R.C.P., L.R.C ... , ,r. Henton], ::I['B., George t . Georg(,,~r.R.C.r., L.R.C .. , Robert 'Yat on, ::ILn., J. D. William .. oll. ~r.D. An-XUAL REPORT. During the year ending 1 t October. 1 ~07, 7 cIa es were held, of ''1h ich 5 wert} first aid for men and 2 were first aId cla se for wom en. The lectures were attended by 105 pnpiL, of whom ,:2 pre ented them eh'e for examination. 39 obtained fir t aid certificate, 10 received re ·examination YOllchers, 11 obtained medallions, and ~ labels. The fifth annual competition for the Belfast Challenge Cup, and the Lord :Jlayor' Cnp, were helel on Odoher 12th, when Colonel ~Ic Farland, Dr . CalY'ell. Le lie and t. George. kindly actetl asjmlge.. A ten.m fro111 t, Jame 's Gate, Dublin, hold the Belfa t Challenge Cup for thi year, and a team. from the Belfa t Fire Brigade, the Loni :JIayor', Cup. The latter team also won the Dublin _-i.mbulance Challenge Cnp in August.
Statement of Accollnts tOI' thc Rcceipts. To Donation £6 10 Fee from Team and " Entrance illoney 1 1 Balance on hand from " 1906 . 0 3 £7 14
jijtlz COII/pclition, 0 0
l'2tlz, 1907.
E.CpCIl cl illll·c. By :J[edals, Printing, &c. " Hire of room ., Balan ce .
:lI<' c1i(' al .· laIT.
o ·waltl
cllding &ptCiilUCi' 30th, 1907. Rcaipls. E'~'Pend itl! re. Tu [hluuce \ ept. 30th, 1906 . £11 16 11 By Book ', Dall(lage_, &c. £1 10 " . ',de of Book ' antI Bautlagcs 0 10 0 Examiuatioll Expcnses 5 3 " 'IU 'criptioll . fi o 0 " ·'(;hool cleaning . 0 5 ,. Relit of \ chool·ruolll o 10 I ., '~llbscl"il'tioll to the ~Iajor Hntton Testimonial Fund 3 0 6 17 Balance in hand S{({hmc.nt
Value of Stores in hand Ontstanding accounts
fi fi
9 0
12 14 1
6 7 3
Q 0 2 7 2~ L. ?L\.IiOWAX, Bon, Trcasu/,c1· . .J. D. 'YrLLTA.)[SO~, pro Ohairman. R. 'W. LE. LIE, Hon. SeC1·ctary .
Charles Bilton Seely, ~r.P. Chairman.
W. Powiss . Honorary Secretal'Y.
S. A. J . Hill , Birchwood Colliery, Alfreton.
Trc:t s ul'('r.
J. Merriman, Somercote , Alfretoll. I ,irc )Iem\)ers .
Sir Charles Seely, Bart. Stuart O. ' Vunlell.
1st, 1907.
BLACKBURN. l'r e"Icl (' ut.
( ·ltait·man.
Philip Prtb1,le,
Trea "ul'(')'. .101111 Dell, KUllb\!l ley 'l'L'l'lllCe, D1uL.khurn ..
~I E.,
lS Cl' t a r ;),.
JOIlll L0elllille;. 3, "udell Cro s, Blackburn.
Li ft, lJ e lll h ('l' ~.
:Jll11'(Pli~ (!
.'It'cl kal
II 11 R Itherforcl.
~ta ff.
:Jlnl'lllltdnke Ulllllli~tcl', ::ILH.C' ...... L.l:.C.I'., ;\I.I1., John n rtoIl, ~LH ..... Loll.G.P., ,,'. Hl'i"g., ::II. ll. , B.s. (L ond.), .\. F. 'rin.llf. 1..1:.L.1'., L.l:.C.~, (EEn.), L.F.P. ~ . (Glas.), Hiley Cllnlili'l', ~I.B., G. D. Elliott. L.r-.C.!' .• 1hon1"l::; Rig -on , ~l.R.C .. , L.JLC'.l'., Hobcrt HllJlt , ~LH. ' .s. 1, H.t.I'. (Lond.) . .T. \Y. Lax, L.I:.C . . , L.n.c,r., L.F. P.:s. (GIa .), A. ~\.. P. :'lotlatt. ~!.I:.C •. , 1..1!.C.1'., W. J. XutteI. )J.B., Philip I)rebblc, ~r.B" C.~1. ( E 1.), Jalll e..; T. T. Htm~ny, 1.11. '.1' .. L.Il,L.s. (Eel.) , lll./1J1Mnl
}'re1> i(l('nl.
'VrLLLU[ PUWI. . • , Chuirman. JOIlS :JIFHltDIA..', TI·.:asllrci·. .Dll'F.J A J. HILL, II'!I/. SeCt'ctcu·y.
uf R c '(/pt~ clIld Erpcllllitl1re/01' the
Bee' ipls. To Ca h in hand " ~1 c\ JaIl ions " EX'1.lllillation 'aJe of I 'torc~
0 6
5 5 :2 0 0 1 0
9 0
EX.lllliuccl nlHl iOUlld COI1'<:Ll,
'rho Hirrht R\!\. Hi. hop Thorl!toll,
U 11
9 1 1 0 030
.J. D. 'YILLLUI. os, pro. 011((inll(l)l. ~L'\RY BLA.CK lIICll Secl'etan·cs. R. W. LE~ LIE ' .
Slcttement of R ccripts and E'?11enditlll'c, 1906. Receipts. E;rpcncliI1l1·c. T o Class Fee ' £9 13 9 By tore: Account Stores 5 1 61 Examiners' Fee, etc. " Balance from 1906 " Incidental Expen es 0 4 5 " :lledallions " Printing 1 2 6 . " " Postage and C:ll'liage " :Jleu allions " Balance . I
of Rca/tils {(i/d E,Ijlclldilllrc llJ/' tltc
£(1 ] 0
£7 11
AXXGAL REPORT. Interc::;t ill this Centre is welllll'l1llLainerl. Both Incn' and women'::; classe were ]ldd I1l the autumn with gootl result.:. The examination: Wl're conducted by Dr. , tal1lfonl of Tib~helr.
RolJ~ou, M. A., :\1. B.,
·1 -1 oJ. 1-1 10 1~
£31 Hi
cIHlinV ...·cjileillbu 30th; 1907.
j;>pc'lcl h I·t. nnd G By Exal!linution It:e . charges R eati Ottic. 0 £12 2 9 (j ,. 'tvre .. 10 19 11 ,. ~Ie<lallioll· ti 4 4 0 096 " Po.tuge alltl tationcry ':1 0 4 " en.·h III hnnd
£31 16
Anc1ilctl [tllli [ouml correct,'\' -: A. ::::'~[lTlI. PIlILI!' l'HFBnLF, Chairlllllli.
.Tolls LEIDIL"(;.
H Oil .
St. John A ?nblda/JIce Associcdion.
LocCl;l Reports pto?n Ceni?'es.
ANNUAlJ REPORT. Th e Oommittee have much pleasure in repolling an increase in the number of pupils attending clas es during the session . eyen classe haye been held, and 24 men and 94 women obtained certificate. A plea ing feature is the deci ion of the Local Education Authority to sanction the holding ofambulallce cIa se in connection with the Evening Oontinuation Schools.
M.n., .~I., TIOl'ace J elJ'erie:, :.\r.B., ('.:;'1., J. John ston, ~r.D., J. Johnstone, M. B., C.M., Alfred. Kershaw, :;,r.n. c.. ·., R. D. Mothersole, :;'1.D., "\\Talter 1\1orris, L.R.C.P., F. R. Mallett, M.D., Oharles lIIacfie, M.D., IV. utaH, )I.ll., C.M., H. G. Parker, :.\ULC.S., T. 'V. Pattinson, L.ll-C.l'., Jal1le Ro1)inson, )1.D., J. Hilton Thompson, )1.D., Joseph Thomley , :;,r. D.
Statement of .Receipt:; and E::t']Jenditul'e fo), the year endecl Septembe1' 20th, 1907. E;~penc7itui'e . .Rca ipts.
To Examiners' Fee and. Travellillg Expeme. I nciuel1 tal EXp0JlSeS " ton's "" Mec1allioll3 awl La l,els
BOGNOR. I'rcsidcnt :uul ( ·bail·man.
, V. H. B. Fletcher. HOJlOl':U'Y Sccrctary ;111(1 Tl'ca urer.
A. Whitehouse dricklaDll, 21, High
6 :23 11 0
7 7
treet, Bognor-on- ea.
By Cash-Examiner'sF es,&c. £18 8 Incidenlal Expenses 6 7 23 11 •'to res 6 " " 8 0 ~leJallions & labels :3 " 6 "
8 7
:Uctlical Sl atr.
,V. OonwayOooke,M.ll.c.s. I..ll.c.p.,Ed., F.
Statement of Receipts and E.!pellditu)'e fo/' the Ret:eipts. By Balance at bank, 1906 " Subscriptions " Hire of Van " From Olass " D eficit
£0 11
5 2 9 14 1 19
£18 12
I hereby certify that the above for the year 1906-07, as audited. Bognor,
o 6 o o
£() 1 Li
0 11 0 12 :2 19 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1
o o (j
0 0 6 0
a true copy of the balance sheet of the CelJtre
W. H. B. FLETCHER, Ghrd"/lwn.
TrcHoL.o:>, President.
,V:;,r. KF.J{~H.\ II', JA:;'IE' Alt.'OX,
Odobe)' 31st, 1907.
} A ud il07·S.
BRIERFIELD. Thos. Yec\'ers, 'The ::.'.Ioullt, Brit] field. ( ' l1ai I'W;UI
;\lul Tl'ca ... u
JI01l0ral',) S Cl·Clm'y.
.L G.·mith, Quaket's Bridge, Bl'iertielu .
'\'. We:U ·ter, .'t,ltion House, Brierliehl.
Lif(' :11 ('lIlllcl'.
W. BmL :;,r.u. .Ut' clh·ai . laIT.
W. Dinl, :;,r.n., J. Hoyle', :;,r.I:.v.s., L.ll.C.l'., J. ' . ,Yi bon,
Al TITUAL REPORT. Th ere ha., bcell a COl1tilllwl iutel'l:;t in lir"t aiel howl1 dUliug the pa t year. One male and aile htllie:' first aiel cIa !-i, :11 '0 oue lnelic' lIUl . illg do' haye ueen helll, and it :iYS lIluch for the teachers. \\ hen it i llUlu1 tli<lt all lhe tmlellt.ecured cel'titicatcs. The hfth cOlllpetition for the 'TUll till ::.'.IulIuJial hallenge hield "as held ill. 'ept.vl111Ie], KV\\l:asLlc \,.'tnll··.), secl~ring the fh~t 11]i~e. lYe 1Iote ,:ith regret thc rCS1"llatlOlI of :\Ir. ,\ . J. luley as Plc~ldellt. DUllllg 1m; tLllll of oflice he has " orketl ~mrg(·tical1y wi tll 11 . nllt! gi I'cn much of hi -, vlllua ule time, besille's monetary aid for the carrying 011 0[' this work.
)'rc.,iclcu t
October 31st, 1907.
3 6
Audited and fonnd correct,
ending Odobe,' lst, 1907.
E,(jJcnil it II i'C. To Hire of Hor'e for Yau. " tep for Van "t. John Ambulall(;C tores " Examiner's Expenses " Incidental Expense " Annual Sub cription " Petty Cash for II011. ee:. " AdYertising
J.nIEti Bm~coE, Hon. Secretary.
Tidcombe,~r.n .c ... ,L.n.c.l·.,L. '.A.
Al NUAL REPORT. One men's class ,vas held at the I ll. titutc in i\o,'cmber, and no failure wcre chronicled. Dr. Tidcombe lectured gratuitously as uefore. The Ambulance Yan was on the ground at the Horse Show, but wa fortunately not u cd; it also para,ued the town on Hospital Saturday, 24th August. A class for women commence 15th November, Dr. TiJcombe again giving hi sen-ice' as lecturer.
Herbert Broadbent, l'IIanchester & Oounty Bank, Ld., Bank of Bolton Branch.
The Ycry Rey. the Dean of Dristol.
lIonor:l1'Y SCCl'ctal·Y.
James Briscoe, rrhe InfirlLlary, Bolton. lUc(lical Siaff.
W. ,Yindu .
SCCl'c lal'Y·
Oyril '. Lavingtoll, M.D., BS., 1, Burlinglon Road, Bristol.
R. Arnsworth, M.ll. C.S., B. , y, Beesley,
M.D., \"\Talter H. Brazil, M.D., Lewis Br.own, L.R.C.P., J. M. Ooates, M.ll.C.S., A. Cosgrave, M.R.C.S., Thomas Evans Fhtcroft, L.P•. C. P., Surgeon-Lieut.-Ool. E. 1\1. Garstang, Alexander Glen -Park,
JlOll ()l':tl'Y TI'CaSU1·CI'.
t. J 01111 Dlll'l'ough , 23, Bridgc
treet, Bristol.
St. John A mbutance A ociation.
L ocal R epo rts jl'O'In Oentres.
:U c llical !ii'afr. D. A . Alexauder, ;\r.B., C. 'IV. J . Brasher, ;\l.ll.C ... , L . R.C . l', J. Paul Bush, c. )1. G., M. n. c.. . , L. S..\., A. Fortescne 13ricktlale, ;\f. D., _'l. Coma)], c-1. D . , A. L. Flemming, M.R . C. S. , L.U.. C.P .• J. . Grillith· . :-LR.C.f;., L . ILC.l' . , . B. (;reen, M. B., T. Green, F.R C.S., O. Ilaymau. F.R.C.S., J . J. S. Lucas, B.A., lII.H.C.~., L. H.C.P, J. ,. Mather, ;\1.13., C.:-1., J. Mc~llll'ray, L.R.C.P .• L.R.C.S., F. K Peake, M.l:.C.S., L.n.c.p., A. W. Peake, ~I.n. c.i-i .,'., B. 1\1. n . Rogers, lILD . , B.C.H., R Rolfe, M.D., Frank H. Ro e, ;\f.R. C... , L.ILC.P., J. Odery }mes, M.D., :If.H.C.H., n.p.II., W. K. "Will:'l, ;\I, n., B.C, lIl.R.C . . , L.R.C . P ., J. lonng. ;\f.D., C.;lL, J. 'IV. Taylor , )LR. C. S., L.R.C.p., John Wallace, :II . I: . C... , L.l:. C.l' .. G. Tl'eufield, :11.R.C.,. . , L.R.C.P.
A NU AL REPORT. The Oommittee have much pleasure in again reporting that the illterc~t taken in ambulance work i still maintaineu, being specially. hmyn in the great in crease ill the number of classes held during seion. The HOIl. 'l'rea \1I't'I"1; report show a ati factory balance in hand, an(l the Oentre has been able to make grant to as·i t poorer districts. There have been 2 clas. es : First aid for lllp.n, 9 cla;;s('s, \lith 122 pa :'les; first aiJ for ,,"omen, 10 cia eS, \litb 117 pase'; JlUl' iug fot' meL, 2 clas es, \yith 42 pa::,ses ; nursing for \yomen, 7 cla .. e~, with 100 pas.. es. 'The anllual cOlllpetition for the Cup presented hy Mr. O. E. Bea,'is for certiHcalc holder', and by nIl's. SC), uire for medallion holders, and the.N ovice Cup presen ted by the Oell tre, was held at the Zoological Ganlens, Oil June 16th. Tille teams cOlllpclc<l. The Beayis and quire Oups were \YOll by team ' from the Midland Railway Goods Department. The 1. o\"ice Oup wa \YOll by a JIollylollge team. 1111'. Dani e l killdly pre ented the cups find medals. Drs. Bertram Hogers, illather, Bricktlalr, PeakE', tack, Green, Oape. Trezise, and '\Ir. Erskine, ncted a judges.
.\.\Itlitc(l an(1 fOHml
Allditn,. (lild Chrlh 1)1(111. A. L. (, .\it'\ETT, Iloll ora l'Y Scrrclai'!J (f1ul
2!3l'tl Odobcl', Hl07 .
Stcttement of J.:.eccipts and E.i:pend iluTc faT thc !JCCli' en ding 291 lz SCJitcmvcl', 1907. R eceipts. E.cpellditllre. To Balance from la t year . £56 17 ubseriptions & Donations 1 5 " Fees, First Aid Olasses 54 11 " Nursing Olasi:ies 12 12 " Books " and materials sold 16 7 " Entrance Fees, ,'tl'etcher " Oompetition 0 9
6 0 0 0 5 0
By Book & Materiallllll'cha.,ed £17 1 Printillg, tationcl'Y, " A( I\,t'lti 'ing, and POv tage :) 9 Lect mer::;' Fees . . 10 10 " Head.q uarters acc. for " Examinations 42 17 .\Ietlals 4 15 " lIIi 'cellaneo\ls 1 3 " Balallce in II and 00 6
1 11
P.·(',hl (' lIt.
J . O.
IIis ,racc tll(' ])11];:1' of De,"ol1'hire, K.n.
0 0 0 2
1 11
L. \\~llll,:2,
H, A. Hubher::,ty.
\\r. rr. 1 [alJ1l'lh. 1,.1:. (;.1'.,
' 1"llk :l 1 I" ' a fr.
lHul Trcasurc r. pring G'll'den., Duxton.
110 11 0 1':\ 1' ), ~('(' l· (' f :H ·.Y
( ' h :lil'lll:lll.
Auuitetl and fotlJlcl correct, 19th Odovei', 1907.
Ti'Ct'lSlO ·C,· .
Juhn Il),lltll\\'aitc,
F. H. , ilwt10Jl .. r. BoO
T. Buxton Flint,
)f.l:.C . . ,
011 g.
.\._~XLAL I'El'ORT. The COllllllithc liJ.\'(, plea .. un III l,n,., ll;ill~ their lepolt a11(1 halill1ce -heet for tl~e .yelr e1ll1illg 30th :-\lpt 'Illb 'r, 1n07. FUll!' elas.l'· ill lir raid all(1 two cia' es l.n hOllle ntH ing hal'P llLIl helll. all(l ha\" been altclHlc,ll)y a large lllllliber of candI· dllte·. l\[Ul'it guo I \lurk hn' beelJ dUlle ill Il1lllll'rou,.; ea:-;cs of accillcllt lly member 0 1' the Centre.
Statcmcnt of Bet'· iJ,ts find R."J,cIIClitll/'C (01' lltc yrru' endill!' ,)'cjlhllva 30th, 1907.
Bcc.:ipt ~ .
BURNLEY. PJ'csitl cnt.
The Rt. Hon . Lord Shuttleworth of Ga\\·tborpe, P . O. Cha irlll:tll.
Honorary SC('l'c t:ll'Y :uul 'l'l'c a .. nl'cr.
George Gill.
A. L. Garnett, 1, ReJ Lion, treet, BUl'l11ey.
To Bn.!:tllce hronght. 1'01'\\'[11'11 " Proceells of Classe.':Buxton Fai'rlit'l,l "'l'!tc Grallgl' " .'nbscril'tiolls
10 :1
10 10 HI
0 !l 0
~'?t,~gcs, & e. .. £~ 1 10 " ll'lntlll", AdYertIlllg. etc. D 1 10 "PaY11lentsto Head Ottice. 10 1~ 0 " Ex'allliners 10 10 0 "Clericl1 A~sislullCC 3 3 0 "lhys 11' l\lodeb 0 7 6
"" Balance ca1'l'ie(l forward
Jl c (li cal S. aff.
J . Burns, L . n . C.p., J. ,Yo Olegg, L. S.A . , F. E. Crossley, M. B., T. G. Ornmp, M.ll. C. S. ,1ILB., J . U . Ferguson, L. n . c.p. & s., J. Gard!1er, M. B. , A. E. Hodges, J..R:C.P . , J . Hodgson, I..Il-C.p. &. S. , T. Holt, )I.ll. , D.P.JI . , C. McKay, 1\1.11., F . 'IV. Marsden, L,R.C.p. & s,~.O . W~. l\Ioore, 1I1.H.. C.S., J. O. Pemberton, JJ.H.C.l' . & s., G . . Pullon, :-1..D . , A. M. ,ll1clau', ;\['B., J . H. Stel)hellS, 1If.B. , J. H. 'IVatson, F.R. C.f:l., R. 1\1:, WhItham , :\1.B., J. Whittaker, ;\r.B.
I By
6 3
AmliLecl aud corrcct corn~ct, A . ,'CIIOFIJ>:I n.
Octubel' 10th, 1907.
0 4
O\\'J.lC\" I 'II11TlL A. HUlllJlmi-iTY,
lJIon .•-/l£(lilo)'8,
JI. Clwil'lllwl. LOU]H '1\',\1.1" Iloll . Scr.;reia)'y.
0 5
St. John ATr/.,bL&la/lwe A ociation.
Honorary cCl'c'nl'Y. J. D. Andrew, Cambrian Railways, O::,\\,ehy.
The Rigbt Hon. the Earl of Powi .
Lifc Jlcmbcl' •
Brigade-Surgcon-Colonel R. de la PoeI' Bere:;ford, M.D. , L.l{. C. l'., R. J. Ed" alds, 1>I.R.O.S., L.n.C.p., LonlL R. D. Thoma, L. n C.P. & s ., Edin., ,Yo R. William ', L.R.C.P., L.R . C.S. , L.M., Ellin., L.F.p . :-;., Gla .
En" ipls. To Balance l.t Od., 1906 " Annual 'nkcriptiolJs Cla s Fcc'i'>
" "
Uetlical S.nff.
BriD'ade-Surcreon-Col. R. de la PoeI' Berei,forcl. )\I.D., L.n.c.l'., R. JOllC -E,al , M.R.C~ ., J. Pl~gh Jones, L.n.C.p., Lond., E. DaYie ReeEl, )\l.n.c.::>., L.l:.C.l'., 1..1'.,\., R. D. T bomaEl, L.R.r.p. & ~ . , Ed., ,I'. H. lL TllOma, 1\f.D., J.l:'C.l'., 1\1. J:.('. 1'. , L ond . , 0 car B. Tl'Umpel', 1\I.B., n.CH. ~Yi(;·.), F.R.C.S . , A. C. " 'atkin., 1\1.1:.0.1"., L.n.C.p., R. ,Yilliarus, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.,., Edill., L.F.r . ~., Gla~., L.M.
E;i'j)cnd it tt?'e. 11 (j 10 By Head Oflice0 tores 1 1 , Fee. 5 13 0 I :i\IeLlall ion s 2 15 6 () Post0 Olas EXllcllse , 1 " age, &c. " Prill ting . " Dalance in halld 30th ept., 1907
( 'lllt i I'Ill nu.
Tl'ea S tll·cr.
F. W. Furley, " 'unbury," Cautel'uUl'Y.
GlOl'f,e Collai'll.
lIo11or:ny i'lCtl'ct a 1'.) • :Mir,s Y. nr . .Jll1'l'ctt, <'Gul! ·tall," ,,\'hittable Road, Calltll·Lmy.
Li fc :U em l)cl's.
Z. Prentice, M.R.C.S., T. ,Yhitehead Sidney ,Yacher, F . R.C.S.
Read, )\I.D . , Brian Rigd(;)l,
ANNUAL REPORT. Thi s Centre continues to make satisfactory progress. Dl1l'ing the year [hoe cla!3ses have been beld, three for men aml two 1'01' ladies, all of wbich have ])cen well attended . The best thanks of the Committee ale 1uc to the lectmers, tllC lIOll. Secretary, th e Hon, Treasmer, and all t.hose ,,,ho have so kindly hdl'ecl ill the ambulance work ill the city.
7 H)
£25 19
1'1' ... iclCJlt.
Pat 1'011.
il ,Yilliam Tho1l1a ' Le\\is, Dt.,
The 1\10 t H01l1,lt. thG ;,hnl'li ofl)ute.
R.C. Y.I).
The Hlgl t II I. t Jll Lord :'layol' 01 l''lltlitl'. Dr. Tl!ol1)'·1.' Wallace, ~l1' WIlliam ". Cro-;::,lI1an. l't.) Ho",aI'll Lodgc, Xe\\port Rd., Calt1iff. J(OllllJ'fll''y
)o.(,('I'C(3" ' .
1l< 1111l't Luwi..;, til, Cat! ellral Roa,l, 'arclilr. oIlicc (If CUI t l'C-l'lllden tial Builclin «S, 'Hnlifr.
ol1,'((oj'(s (1)/(1 E,,) clldilll), /e,1' vall' [IHling 30th. '(j'(mla, 1907.
To Dalan 'e ill Dauk: ;)0. (l. Oti , 'Ia~s Fee: t(.)'e· 01(1 " tore" in hand ", :. DOllation,.; .. AIl! OH11[S out :;tuml illg, ton's ,. la .. lo\: s
'9 11 15 fI 13 1 3 fJ :3:, 11
E,i 1Jl::lldltlite. By Printlllg, AlI\'cl ti 'ing,
3 0
3 1 7
.. " "
1n ;3
tatiol1ery, Po tage , Tlh'g),<llll and EXllen e8£21 1 1 Exn III nCl .. fee' ami to)'e' 17 12 10 'tores. ~t. John" Gate. 22 It) 2 ' to)' '.. 1[(:0.;. r.. Hibbett 1 9 11 autl Co. 9 17 ;3 Balance ill ha 11t1 £90
,r. ;'.
iU c fHcal Staff.
J. Greasley, r.I.R.C.S., L.S.A., .Ii. R IJench1ey, ~r.D., Z. Prelltite, ;\1.1:.C.s., H. O. Preston, M.P..C.S., L.R.C.P., Brian Rigdcn, "I.Il.C.S., L.S.A., Loml., Jallies Reid, F.R.C.S., T. Whitehead R eid, ?>I.D., A. B. R. ,\Yorn. ~LR.C. '.,'.l'., Loml. , ",idney , Vacber, }"TI.C'.i'., Harold IYachel', M.B., Frank ,,'aeller, ~r.Il.('.S .. L ....\.\ M. T. Williams, M . B., n. s., Lond., F . Il.C. ' ., L.R.C.l'., Lond.
2 !) 0 18
Prc itlent.
9 9 0
FUHLF:Y, Hon. TI ·WSlli'Ci'. UF:OHGF COLLAhD, Chainll(ll1. Y . .M. MEHItETT, lIOll. Secretary.
Stall men!
15 10 1 6
F. 'Yo
It is regretted that the \York of tbis CelJtre during the last es:;ioll fell ofl' considerably, three classcs only proceeding to exaruina tiolJ a against eyen la~ t ~ cal'. Tbis disappointing result is not dne to any lack of interest in fir t aiLl, but to the fact that during the ",inter and early spling 111011ths there wa an abnormal prevalence of sickness througbout the district, which pre"ented the nledical stall' from lleYuting their usual kind attention to the instruction of the clas e', It i ,ho"'(:vcr, gmtiJ'~ illg to be able to add that the three cla se auoye refened to-\,iz., ,YPlslq,ool, M acbynlleth, and Abery twyth were most succe 'ful, there beillg ill thc ill' -t c:a~c not a ingle failure, and in the other byo only onc each, out of 17; 19, aud 36 members respectiYely. The competition for tIle Conlpany's CIlalllllge hidt! took place at WeI h]1001 tation on 1 tll..:\ ]tril, \\'hen tllc 0 ",c~try Traffic Team ",ou it with 261 out of a possible 210 mark, the "'ork generally disl'byinf, an achallce over previous years.
Audited alH1 fonJlcl conect,
The Marchione s Conyngham.
'laLemcni of Reetipis Ci?ld E"'Pcnd illl /'(' [rom 1st Octobr'?', 1906, 10 30lh S{ptemce?', 1907.
CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. l'rcsidcll t.
"1 \.',
Tum,. \\""\ 1 L \l.,E, IIE1:UEHT A~' ~U
Chair1l1all. '1'1',."((,<11],( r.
LEWIS, lIon. Sl'cl'ctarv·
Thc Cardiff centre \\a. n',iHtl in OttOl,Cl', 1908. alltl a ruhlic :'Ifeeting , conwlletl uy the Lonl Mayo!', at \lhich 'il' Hl'll~(,tt P ITntt, ]~art ... (;.D.: the C1llcf 'ecl'etol'Y. ,\lIS pref:'(')lt ,uld aclllrC't~c\l thc n cl't11lg. '] he n1tmll1l ot But? \\a UnanilJ101isl y cJ.ctccl t110 Jir:;t PatlOI1, :il W. T. Lt\Yis. Hnrt.. K.('.Y.O., Pl'eltlclIt, l'lllcl UIC Lord ~ I ayo!' of C:mlilr, 'hnirman of the C01!l1l1iltce. The Lord Lieutenant, the 'hairmnn alit! s nJ'ul 1l1Clllbl'ls of the C(tllldy ollnei!, the Gl'1H'lal Mnllag~l' and Agents ot' the .e\'e1'3 1 Rniha)' COJllpnlJies, Dock LUl11pl1l1ic~, ColliL·ry. COmp~111e and ,Y Olks ill the District ,nrc (,1edl'll Yice-} re;.iclcllts amlllllllJl (]IS ot CC'llInJ1ttce
fJ3 rc:.'pcclively, Tho l:cntrc clllIJ!'uccs the" holc 'o\l1!lyof Glltlllo]'ganshil", ilJ c:itl<lillg CardifI' and ,'",ullscll.. 011 July ] 3th, lI is Mlljl'sLy lllc Killg \'i!lilr,d 'ardilr, alJ(1 011 that occ:usiun ~;j0 lllClI ilJ Illlif('I'JII, fllliy uquipped, "ere plac('cl OIl the: lJlIC or rOlltc bv the C'OtlJ'tc'sy of' Colollel Clln'toll, LlIC Deputy ()Olllllli '!'iOll 'I' foJ' _TO, YlJ. Di.tric"t, alhl attended to ,cHl'al hllllcll'C'd (,Ilses. 1JJ rccogllitioll oftllc valtHd,lc (;J'\'icc'srclJdc'J'(<i IJY,'ll'\\'. 'I'. Lc\\'i, 11ul.,I".C'.V.o., dmilJ" thc last lift-ccll }('ar., His :Jln,if.:sty '111e l\ill~ JiltS hecll giaciulily pll'llseti it) co~fel' UpOIl hilll the jlOllOllJ' of CL J\ui.'.!llt of (:rnc0 cl!' the Gl'fllHl Priory of tllC UrduJ' of tJlC lJo"pital of ,'t. JOhll of .ferllsalclll ill j~lIg1alJ(1. 'l'hl~ ( OlJlllliL[c'c' !l.l'O ],lbillg fUlJrls to purchase a 1I10toJ A IId)\\laJj('!i foJ' lIi'e in thc; lJi:;ll'ict, lWei it i:; hopcd tllC Collicl'Y COJlljJ<tllies, tlic lIlHlIy Worb, awl \\'ol'klll(;JI'S Loclgci> will lind sltllieicllL JUlJd:; to jlollsC au(l to wo],k it.
A ~ N [J A L lUI; P() ItT. This C(,lIil!! ig ill lL J>osiLicJlI In rUI'(I!'L thaI, 1111' stall' al!: \I'c!ll Illflilltainillg Illc~jr jlllc'j'('flt ill IiI' I aid. TIlr: 11J('ITllmIH (olllilll1!: In do good \\'r)I'k. CIaSflr:H 1\I:rc' ['CJ!'Illl'cl in the ('ully ]>ilrt r,f tll C yl'ftl' III SCJllllll'IJlI Lcml ,'Ij'(('L ,'laLil)ll, 8lrJc'kl'Oll 'I ivilJt /):de, glllll wic'" n(,r)(ls .'l:dioll, ulHI Lil'(;rl'r,ol Cr:IILlal S alilJlI, alld thc 1,lt'SPS 1\!!le l!xr'l'lclilJgly food, Ilvc'ragillg!) IH'I' c'olil. 'J Ito (;11(0 hil(' l.ilJ(·!I. AlllIllal AlltlJlrlall('I! COlJlpclililJ1J lIas 1IIId'I'rlor') ()II 111(; lh F"bIIlIIIY, Ilh"ll IlllJr~ t,.alllS (Ollt('lr~d I'C']>II', 1:llll1liv(' I,r Lil'C'rl'o!)1 (J"lIlntl, ,'I!IC:kp('l't 'J il'i(JL Ulllr', [[ II kisson ff ydlllltlir;, U!tol'llnll,c'llll1.f IHrdy \\'fu'rill"loll ~I,)rr 'I, \\'l1ll'illotloll Stal irnl, ,\lallf']lr;stc'I' CI!IILlld, ' ' ' 1' ,., ildr)'( at 11118,11. playr'( I I. J1)"!)\lg IIC)IIL IJI Lhwi(;11 IIlId \\'arrillgtoll 1;llgiliC'II'S. \'('I'Y grr':IL (hI' c'olill' I' Illirl nfhl' 1111 C'Xh,IIIHlivl' I'x:tlllillldilJn t]\I' j'r,jllJllilig II III waR d(!(,IILn;d:1st, lfOl'lh:licll; ~lId, ,\Jallr:1H'slr'l' Cr.lIlr:tl; 31'ri, \Vnl'lillgl'!IJ ,I.JLioll; !lll, ClJorltr)II' ('11111· 1fal'dy.
I' J'(' .,id (' ul, 'Il
,\Villialll ThollJa,; Lc WI , Burl.,
( 'hai 1'111 au •
K, C'. V. o.
1'1,(, .,1111' 111,
11·(' a"Ul' e r·.
JalJlCS I!ul'IlIalJ.
K A. JJ!I t. JlOII ()I'H J'.)
, llUt. D<tyid Dhlles,
lJ I I' oj' W, III III
'1('(11/' 111
.J. r:iiJ'l'll, ,'lIti!JlI, r. 1:.
1-.1:, .... ,
,' 1'('1'('1:11',),
K 0, Lloyd, ,\Inlla~r'I'S' ikl)L., C]j(·!;ltirc LiJICH, C(, Ill.ral StutifJlj, 1.,1 Vf;I'P(JOl. .U('(Ij,·aJ
Ifal'll rill
.\1. lJ.
:', /\
• c'c','(·I:\I·Y. I,h( j' , lr!'!'t, ell, 11'1.
l:dJ'. I',
D. C"
A ....... I A L ItJo:I'OUT. ]11i1Jli ,' 1111' 'Iill" l! ,1.1 ill lh TIJ\III 11:111 w!th til. (JI~j('ct ~)r altpIIIJ' ill' to ill 111('(> lh" l'ul.Jil' IIJ I.d (' It 1111)] , it tl\'1' alld 11I11~I!Jg'lIt 1111:1 tIll 11I1IhllllllJ!" \\'01 k, '1'1", c;I'llil' 11'·t tal"'11 l,y ,'il II , Lloyd 1I1clll II.'C'llll'.l II:II.~ gl\"11 l~y ~II', (rlll'll r r,f l;uJ'1I1,.y. IrlJ 1"Iy !'nl!'jhly d"III'JlI Il'tf I III "ll'ltC IILllILy I,r tl!1 pltillllllilloj,if' \\'IJIk to tIll' C'J)IIIIIIIIIII~ ',111111 trllll"ly, 11111'1 ,·d ,\'( Iy to a(;'j1III' a l!tol(Jllttlt hlOWlllrlgl' of Iii, III',I,'c'l IIIIJlI' (' l,"cwll), 111)\1" a aecHlcllt 1111)1(' fl'l''1 111'11 tl)' O"('u\I'd ,nil l!tr, hi .. h 1'/)'11.1 .l~1 til 1"1111 '1'1 '. Th" I ·t;LI:rl'I',d {Jrl;I'C:(~IIII,t: ' Ih' Irl.fflllllltllli 01 Lhll Cit' 1'1 ])11111>1, cd 1.11' .\lIilJldrllJ('u (nrl'. !hl IIC till t will h' Ilc(,"IIIj,li h '(1 III 1111 I'll ly cl I,', , I \ '1 d 1'].1 ' W'},(· hl'ld dllllJl r lit, Y',ll', 011' 1111 hY(ti I" hy ])1'. 1)110' \\'11 W II IIl~"lld~c1 by lid I' ':111' took, a l'r'~1l 1111 1'1' t ill the: ull}' t. II hr: ,\ I('lIlb-!' (Il th 1.'11111' , III 1.11' ])1\ I 11111 !)I~t~IIUU tf) t Iko 1111 Ill'ti\' illtl'\'~ t ill Ih ·il' w(nl". 'I hI' 1I11111l1dy lllt"'1111 III III!: 1111'1 lilli, arc h(·lel (',II L111J last 1"ljrhy I,r I [('b IIIIIIILlI ill 111l: \". W.U.1\. I!JIIIII ,aL \l'LI'1! n .!I('CIIlI ll'ctlll" I giYl'1I Illlrl d'llIlI\1 tlalifJll ill thl' J\rl (II'" "\11 illg. \\'1
SlfllCII)f'.ot of
j",,·,.',iI/i ((/111
J. Adalfls, .\1.J) ., c'.-'f., l~, K Br)\V,I('II, .'lIrg(·(JJI-.\lajol' G. II, DUl'will, ;\f.fJ., ,J. A. J)()ulHl1I, M.n., .J. R. If. ]J llbcJllI'g. r..J~.('.I'.: L.I:.C ./;" A. Llc\\'dl}ll 1\1orguu, M.I)., r ILG,S., A. A ..\1 \Tilford, J>I.JJ., F, 11. \V(;SLuw(;(JLt, Jo'.J:.r;,8., 1,. n.1 .J'.
HI JIr./I( lilll/'l'
lltt; Yc(U' furlilllj 30lh Sfjltl'm&cr, 1 fiO/.
To B,d nil cc;
Lac! i p. Ill' jllg ,'(}r;ir;ty " Y.J\1.0. \ . " J\r.:htrJII :-)elir)oJ " IJllkc: ()f \V/stllliIlRtl'l' " 1)( a II lJarhy " RlIlI(lry tOI f'S
I ~Xlllllillr'rl Tn'llslIN'1" (ill
H,"JII;/I cl it II 1'1;.
1:; J 0 I 1 1 1
The memlJcr~ of this ('elltre rCl1c1c'l'(:c1 filst aJr! to f)5 1,C;I'SOlIS, a rl('CrC3fW of 2iJ nil th(; previolls year; fiG II'('I'C (:olJvf'yerllo th(~ ill/iJ'JllaI'Y, 17 to the ,'(~aIJl!'II' Jlo~l'iLal, 16 assisted to tjJ(;i1' JI'JIJIf'" 6 aftcl' l'c'(;eil'illg first ;,icl \\el'e alll!' to r.0111il1l1f· at theil \l'ol'le Fmcill1'cs,]fJ: s(;I'cre ('Ilis, ]7; I;(;alp \\"Ollllr! , 1~; sl'l'Nc:ly FlClllcl(·d, 2; fec'L and lJaIl(h cl'll.'hecl amI othf'1'\1 is(; s,'v(;rely ill,illl'(;rJ, z!J; disl()cali(JIj amI el'CI'O sjJ raill ', 11. Tile I'cmuillrjr;r \\'(:I'C .'(~V 'rc ill,illl'ies allll lJl'lli'i(''j to c]ifferC'Jlt ]llllt8 IJf 1II!: boely, w],ieh re rj1Ii I'cr1 iIiJlnr~rJiat('lil'st ui 1 ill llJ/' aJ'Jdi,'atiIJJJ ()f c'old \\'Hi!'1' pads alld hnllc1aw's. The am l)ulalJ(;c eflrJ'iage waf; hrOllgh till to 1'(;(1 II i~j ti()lI :30 tilll('s to C011 vcy u way tb ' ilJjnrerl . Tlte C(:lltrc talu's tlw 6aJII(; k 'C'11 jlllc'n's1 ill llir) work as w)J(JU thl! AIlJiJlllaJlce Briga(1c \l'a& fi I t ('sta III i"li r!rJ JII'I'(', a ;~d rcr'c;i\'(:s llic gll'a t()st ('II (;OI1l':tgr" In(·llt frolll t}IC PJ'!'.~icl(:lIt, ,'ir '\\'i1Jialli TItCJIII:lf; J,1'\I'jr:;, Bart., r.O.v,C)., awl tho ir;I'Prr',ic1el1t, ,JaltlCS 1I1I 1'1 11311 , E: 11., .),1'., itl () flCJlll tIle TIl(;J'('J1Ullt. at tlte clr)cka. Evcl'ytltilJg llccr.ssary ill thc l!latl'r of Illat ·rial IIll l l(,)" tlte care of I PI'gt. Charlr', ' I)licc, tJlC iIlSt),llCtOI, i.. kr'j)t H,t slJ(Jlt di talJ('es all()\lt Lh(~ clocks awl wOlks, so tJHIL first airl CUll be quickly J'endf'J'C:Cl. j'ra r'tir.:(' is JIf,Ir] (J!jC;C a fortllight dill illg jlw Willtr:1 1Il0l:tJl!i ill a d)'jl) shed IJl'{)vici(;c] f(J)' tire: ]J1lrjlf)!;;(;. 'fltc' C('lI1rc is !;c,lf'SIIj'I)())'tillg, nllc! ll\lTIIJJCI'.':! ] 50 1rJ(~lllhcJ's.
J' J,(,.,i eJ ('II j,
IIHIIHI'Il) ' ,)
,1. fJIII!',
'unlij[' H2.iJ\I'ay 'o.'s PoJice.
III AI,I'il h'l
( hah'IIIIlIl,
TIll' 1)( 'Ill IIf ( IIf' lc
U('di/' aJ , laIr, 'nJlJlJIHS
" 0 0 .J
1 ()
I!l r' . C)1),'c'l 1'1 I'," r lc. " 11 1':111 0f1icp ,'l. ,JUhll A.A. " C. k ]J. Bill-!,O jllg Co. " Bdnlll'l' a Llr'yd Ballk " Ltd, , (;h 'sl!'/' By I 1II'f'
l'! JI) III,
C!t(·~tfll' c:
1 0
0 !I
rOlilld C;{)I'J'('ut, /lIIO\I'llig a IlillllllCI: (If 0 . Jd. ill hUlJIb oj' Lloyrl's Balll-, to <;J'('c!it or sc p:J1'Illu HCr:OllltL). . " K lrCJI.r. If lJ.II'lfl~I'.Y, Chill'l<;H;rl A!;C;r>llllta.llt, 11011 . .Allrlll!),".
Uh( IIt('!', 13UL Norc7idJlT, 1007.
St. J ohn A mbula71c(' .A.s ociation.
95 Jlcclical Siaff.
COLNE. ( 'hah·JIl'Ul.
1'1'('. i(l ('1,t.
'1'. Tillotson.
Alderman H. Hewitt.
JlOJlOl'al' ~r
Tr· Cl'."Ul'CI'.
J. Pilkington.
011, 2~,
5\cCJ'c i :ll'r·
treet, Coln0.
Li [ c iU (,ll1bcr.<; .
I·, Bl'aith\\'aite, )t.H.U.S., }~. A. lJraitln\'aitc. ~l.B., \'T . 1311ggs, ~r.J)., 1I. \. Byers, 'I.n., ;\f.n .c.s., G. CalrlGl'\\oOlI, ;\1.])., G. H. \lllill, k. & 1'., E(lin., ],.1-'.1'. cr s., ,las., J . II. DIlc1gl'()Il, J..I:.C . l'., \\r lll . Eadie, ;\1.])., X . A. Etldlestonl', 'Ln., 13.~ . , ;\I.TI.l'.S., 1. Fletcher, ::Il.n., ('.::IL, I. ,T. .T. IIarri~, 1I1.n., ::II.R.C. '., . O. Y. Harris, 11.11 .. B.;';., ::I['H.r..:i., K J . IIaythornllmaite: M.B., J. 1. Lace }"H.('.r., ElL, II . Marley-Cu .... , :11.11., II. Mitchell, ::11.])., .T. PtllllY, n.kc., ::ILn. '
A. A . G. Dickey, 1II . D., A . Hey, M.B. , C. ;\I. A. A . 1I1.n. ,
' Y.
G. Dickey,
lU eclic:ll !'i t a IT.
Alec Grant, M.H., L . Lovett,L.R.C.P. &1'. 1I1.ll.
C.M . ,
A. Beys, lII.n., C.M.,
F. R. JOlllS,
AXKU_\ L ImpORT. Durin cr the past year h\'o cIa es in fir t aid were held,. al 0 a cIa s in home nur~illg for male"', at which 17 member or the Royal . ayal . lCk Berth Re eI:ve ohtal11c,1 thc nursino' certificate. A new ambulance hall1 now III cour'~ of erectIOn, and ~hc time 1 hei~g lookell fonrard to ",hen the work of the Centre '\'111 he conductcd wlth greater facilities, o\Yiug to its posse;; iug permanent head-quarter . 'iatement
of nec~ijJts ((nd Receipts.
To Cash to c,ommence " Cash in Bank Class Fee " 'ub criptions . . " Accident and Hemo,als :: . ale of paper Proceeds of Annual Tea " jl embers' nb criI1tions "" Hepayment of Loan to Buildiua Committee " Bank I n~rest . Discount on Acconnt~ "
66 12 5 18
5 10
6 0
0 3 0 0
9 5
I'! 0 18 0 3
£92 1 6
5 9
jor year end illY StpIG?Hv( I' 30th, 1907 . E:'l)wditlll'e.
I To" Horse Ke'" a t1er : " HIre 'jl
etc . . . . Amhulance
" Book all.d Matenal "Repair to Yan, etc. "Printin{f, 'talllp. and tatlOllE'ry "First aiel hoxe " I).. ellt~, 1)la t ,t ,ane1 T·,lxes' "Arcllltl:ct Expellses "Exa~llillation Expenes . " AccIdents and Rell10yal " Coal, Coke anll Gas "Caretakcr' ,'alary " Ilbscriptioll to Xo. IY . Di trict and K. E. Lanca shire Corps aUlI Division " Competition and Delegates Expense " ,'llndries. " Cah in hand do. Lank
£:2 1<1
3 ·1
2 10 0
6~ 1
6 10 10~
1 11
5 2 4 15
9 3
STEPllEXSON, H01I. SeC?·elaTY· PILK I NGTON, Hon. T1·eaS1b1't.?'. T . T ILLOTSON, Chail'7rla?t.
Tbl.! CClltre continues tu lllake satisfactory pl'ogrcs. Dming the past :session 12 dae were hdd, with an :\\'l'l'(lge attl'IHlalll'e of 31 members. The Annual Clla IJCllgC . 'h !elll Com peti lioll again eyoke!l grca t in tcrest Eigh teen teams entered, nnd the filial ,,',\.' Ill'hl in \ VhitehuH'1l before n. large awl representative al1oience, ~y}ll:ll Dr. Hill, of 'nrlislr, \\ho, Oil t1le appointment or the COllnty Council, acted as Judge throughout the 'OlllpClition .. , placed the 81e;lt 'lifton CollIery team fh.·t, an(] the team from \ \'lliteha\'cll Collicn, \ \rilJilllll Pit, . ecolH1. iolrl medal \rerc prescnter! to tlle lllcml'er' of tbc Willl;lll~ team and .. i1\·e1' medals to the secont!. The hiellllial appeal for flll1.L· to the millt' all(l (Iuany owners hns met with the arne J'ea.!y re'·l'ullse as on fonner oC('flsi01l', ,llld it i", a lllattcr for congratulation that tIle elllplo)'l'rs of labour C'ontilllte to c\'illcc ill 'uch a. practical ll1anncr their heartv 1l1'J1lLl\,l~1 uf t.lw 'entre's hClleficent work. The COllllllittee hayc regretfully to recor~l the reslgnatlGll of the lIon. "('crelar,)'. Jlr. Le,'k. who has ncted 1n that capacity .. illCt: the fOl'll1ation of thc Centre ill 1 C).i. It "'n " ill1me!lilltcly decided to promote ·t tl"stimonial to )[1'. Leck in recognitioll of his illyalnableeniees to the amhnlance mo\'cment in \ \Test 'lllllberIallcl, anLl tIll' glme!'ou:nl'port givelJ to the project by all cla .. c: ill thc tli. trir.t wllo nrc in (lilY way cOllnected with amhulance work i an indication 01 the high e ·teem in which he i., locally held. The omuJittee note with plc:tiurc that ~rr. Lcck's tweln' year of arduolls lahour ill the caue of ambulance ha' not (,PII o\'rrlookec1 hy the 'ntral Authoritie flt. t John's Gate who huve <,\Warrled hill1 a hand 01l1e nllum yotc of thanks. '
FiJtrllll:illl , til/em 'lit f(JI' the yem"
2 H)
1 14
5 3 21 ] 0
0 ro
5 2 2
\Ve have examined the books and voucllers for year ellding eptel1lhcl' 30th, H107, and hereby certify that the above is a correct statement com)1iletl therefrom .
J. J.
A 11("loI'8.
" "
"., "
)[llrel1 1 t, 190fi. Balallce JlJ Hank £5-1 15 Ballk Illterest 0 COllll ty Ed ncn tioll COllllllittc':Exanlillatioll ExpclJ e 30 ~ l l·dall ions tores 2\1 .) 1.; Ell trance It eos ,'uhst:rijltionsLorel LOll. didc (Pro. icIon t) 15 15 ~I inc a]J(1 Quarry Owners (pro mill) 112 7
By ::l f,
1 0 5 0
Th e R ight H on. the Earl of L onsdale. Tl'caslI r('J'.
G. Scoular, F leatham, St. B ees.
" '. " " " "
0 0
HlO:i Clllcl1906.
E.rjlt Itdillll·C. John Amhulance A' (lciatiollExamination EXpCll c £39 1 .Jl cLlallions 10 u.... , tore' 26 H 50 Medical Led mel'S Ii 1.; COlllpetitioll EXpt'll c 10 Prilltill~ und 'tationery A(lverti elllen t 2 7 2 13 Rellt~ Tt'le"ram' Po;..tu"e., n. ' Me. ·cngcl'. and a: l'lage 11 16 llllllric' paid hy Local ccrctarie 1 5 't.
Total expenditurc J larch 1 th, 1907 -Balance in Ihnk
1 12 10 5 -1 )
£92 16
lIou Ol'ary S('CJ'Ci a J·Y.
T hos. W. Atkill son, Colliery O ffice, , VhiteIHlven .
7 4
1 0 0 1 0
6 0
3 :1
£ -1 10
(:11:1 i ,·J1I:IU.
J . B. Atkinson,
'.l Q
t. J ohn A lil~tLlu nee·ocialion.
J .....-_ ..C'.\.L REPORT. DARLINGTON . H onOl'ary
Pr c .. j(lcn t .
J . R. F vtL~:giJ,
R. ?II. ,,-qkL .
)I. D.
crc(:lry :111<1 Tre:1 .. lIr cl'.
:\1a ktt Ill.
)L\ .. 1 . . : ..
allil g
:u ,H eal .. tatT. Lewi" Ea:::t\\'ood. L.r..C.1·., L.1.. L ' .. J. 1:. Fltl cTgill. )[:D .. J. La\\leI~ ,.I.D.: F . G. ~Iartill. )I.R.C.'- .. L.R.C.I .. ': • .,;. Lt.-Col. ?lHltllellm, )I.D .. Jalll!' :.\It 1ll0, L.R.C.P.: L.R.C.' .. H. C. Pear;-,oll, )I.B., .)[ .. '\\. letter: )f.Jl., ' .. 1. .T.
St ten,
IE 0/
I t i a pI 'a:-,l1re to report that tJ.(· lIn:-, ,\'tar J a;, been one of continued _atisfactory I rugt 'so ] 0 cla,,:;e:o haYing h en 11 ld, he llteruber of ~hich gaimd 155 certifica e , cOlllpri~illg 139 (Ul Ie) fir t aio, and 16 (fcmal~). fir:,t aid certificate. In addition, 7 males au' 1 temale pa-ecl t1 eir fiI::t re·examil a iOll, 5 male:, and 16 ftmalep.l :ed their second or med Hion re-examination. alld 20 male pa~sed their third rl!-examinntion. qualifying them for labels. Tl e Local Diyic;ion of tt.e ~t. Jol n Ambulallce Bri"ade coutiuue to }fl, ke sati::far OIy JJIO~le s, and at the annual in.-pection all :.!4th July, 1907, ,ra llighly commellded by t e In -pecting Officer, Depn ~-.\.,_i:, ant Comilli;.~iolll:r . 'Y. lalkin. Twellty-fi,'e n ale- ha'le p: ~5td in home hygiene.
Rec.. ipts and E,,'1 e'flditu(c to 31st Dccr-mber, 1 £lOG. E:J.1JCllIWurc.
6 B,- Cell Ie fee, store',
£7 13 4J 0
To Balallce iLl 1:. Lei: 1.1.1)6 Fee::: F.u,r ~ ~ ,e"
£51 13 10
caniage, etc. B;l ance in hand
Patro n.
Fi d.L r hal H.R.H. The Duke of COllnaught, ~51
]3 10
(b a irllJ Il D.
J. D
A. udi ted an 1 fou II 1 correct.
'TE"_HT. ~I. 'YILKE'"
Ih . .dI. dilcrl'. Ho I. S .tary
K.G., K.P.
Pr tt, ):.r ,
F. r..C ...
H O]l or :1r y .. c r e t ur y . a7
J. D, lIa, Pra- ,
T'·W .U10'.
F.:r..C ...
Lower FitzwIllIam ~treet, Dublin.
:lJ (' c1i ('a l .. .. tr.
L., )1c Wh cler
i(l HL
Lf_Y, Bat t.
"ir Fralh.i Tl'eu ~ ur er. :\1':05 :\L D rby.
Jl OJlorar ' ~ 'c r tan. ,a::::,idi, )1.1., TliI.l Y T(;lI'aee, D IUY,
r. .n
' (li Cai .. t:1lf.
W . Benthall. )I.B .. F. Ca __ iJi, )1.1., 'Y. G. Cope~tak". )1.1U>.. '. FIe cI"r: )I.R.C."'" R. Y( Gentle:;, .. F. L. A. (~rea"e" F.) .l ... , E. OllieI' ,I D, )I.R.C. '.; How"e. )LR.C . ..,., "t. .Johu, )I.It.C."., .J. '\-. Ei.lI~, ~I.B, R. L.uI'lL. )t.D. R. Luce, F.R.C.:;., Parry-Jones, ~I.D., Reid, ~I.I:.(,."., ~Il!.::, M.D., J. A ('utllt:1D, ~LR.C.::o.: ThorIltoD, )LB., ,Yraitb, .I.I:.
,S{(ttem(.ni of
and EXl'eitdil1n'c lor the
R,-~eipts ,
T o 'tore in halld, ept.1906 " Balance in band, 30tb -'ept. " l1bseription " Stores _0, (1 " Fees .. ~IedallioDs . . ;;Ballk l nterest)June30,'07
£6 0 6 32 10 5~ 6 16 6 10 19 0 2 13 0 13 9 0 0197
01, .n., F.R.C. " .1 'r'-. Hal t ll. F.R.C,: .. Boyce, I.D.. O~['TB\'e~ lllld~h, M.D. Lum,deu,M.D., Dall,:" Pr t~, M_D .. F.R.C.::o .. ~ eYenF.RC.'., 'Yl'iubt, M.D.
H. J c·
_L-~' .\.L REP 1'T. con inue·o e 11('" ~ tl Rov I I i h 'all" bu~an-. tbe S 1 th 01 L Imd Imperi I Yeom 11 • Jam s' . nte Brew I)'. 1he Hibermal' _'alil e , h )01, an 1 o.heL. The call I I 011 for the Yaill, L e Ch I enge up pr-;elltd by Y " onnt Iv gh, K.P., w s held ill the gtound a t1 e lli::h In elnBtional Exhibition, P rnbrok P 1'1;:, 8ntl 01 .he ele\-en team entet c1 he 13 1 a" File BIi~ade \\ II after a clo e con e~t.
Jf' s F.
n accol/n
'th The l?oyal Eank oj, Ltd. (Ratl.mines Branch).
Rcceipt . 190i'. Aug. 31. To B )
I . £37 16
end t, g Sept. 30th, 1907.
Expenditure. 1906. : t. 19. By B ' Dee Oa b 190i'. Feb. Hi.
.\'(hertisi~Ja, Plillting., Po t-
age, CalIco allLi Caretaker£ . . 13 9 '.' Examiner's Fee &. EXllc:n e' 24 6 ,,-tort?:; acc.,·t. Jollll' Gate 10 "Incidental Expen:e 6 3 ".tore:;inhand, ept.,1907 4il " Balallcp. a t Ban k . 32 2 1 17 " Cash in haud ,,~Iedallions
0 6 6 0 0 0
£37 16 H,
Octobu 7th, 1906.
0 0
£3i' 10
H tJ~T.
Fr..L·CI: L EY, Pl'esicient. l .AltGAltET D ARBY, lIon. Treasurei' . F. CAS IDI, ~I.D., H on. Secretary.
_JKE.:, ~I n gel', RathJllille ~ Brauch, Royal Bank of IrelaLd. Vd .
DUDLEY. )'r'(' .. III e nt.
The Right HOll. Tl.' E;nl of Dudley, Audited and fonnrl correct, FIn:D . ' Y.
11 0
[. 16 0 ') 11 14 0 5
15 11
£4 -I
( ' bai nuan.
J. F. HIgg", )r.n.c ....
TI' ' a-urcr. Ward, , Yoh·eIlHlll1ptl.ll "trt:et,
er e tHl"::r.
A. J . later, Grange Ro. I, Durer. H
St. J uhn .A mULda lie;(' ..L10, (I 'i(ll iun
;llt'llital )<ifalr.
) J . F . Hi N" ;11.1>', lIl.ll.C.~., L.Il • . 1'., Rtlin. A. E. Dando, :-'LH.C. ' ., L. IL (' .1., M. A. Mes iter, ilt. n.G.~., L.~ . .\., lI. "lilith, 1, .R.C.S., Ellin., l"s.A ., ,1. H. ,Vilkimon, Jll.ll. '~') L.H.C'.l' . ANN AL REPORT. . Vuriner thc ycnr one mal e fil'f.t aid cla has 1wc11 held,. tlurteell passed for the certif1cat~ or the As ociation alltl one pa,sed for the meclalholl. (YO"
tatclllcnt of Receipts alld E,I]lCllditllJ'C, 1906-7:
). . t ~ 1leCf'lp To Oash b,tlal1ce at Lll~;'d' f 1 £5 5 Bank brough~ or\\'an. . " Ola s Fees recel\'ed d Ul'lJlg theveardown tothisdate ] III ub ei'il'tion 3 13 "
£10 13
By All\'erti 'emellt,
lostnges, £0 10 0 &c. . hier OUi ce account 1 12 11 " ;3 3 0 "Ledur 1'" fees. . ,,~ln.teriHls purcbased rrom DUIlley Branch ~t . John nrigad e ' . . . 0 10 3 Balance staJHl1l1g to credIt " .1 of th e Cenlrc at Llo)'us B,lllk, Dudll')' ,1 17 7
3 0 U
£10 13
Tuol'. FHlm. Ilwul', Chairlllan. , ' . \\' .utn, Trcasu?'c,,, A. ,r. L.\.TEH, llon. Scacta)·y.
Janua1'Y 16th, 190".
l'elilarks, jll'oveelmost illLcl'csting ltlJd illstructive, alld wcre lI1uch appreciated. H e nls.o !'lLl'ollgly ad vorated the necessity o[ hn,villg a trained attendant Lo accompany Lhe dnver wheno\'er Lhe ambulanco wagon was use! l ill cases of accirlent nlhl sickness. In his stn,tislieal rcport fur Lite yen)' lllling 31st December, 1906, UapLain Dewar, Ohief Constaule, rcport· as follo\\'s :-" lJ lll'ing lhe ycar ihe Hllllmlance \a11S were called " on t Oll 3 1 occasions. Oertil1co.les iJy the 1..Joh n Am bnlll.IlCC Associalion have " been CLwardeel to 209 mellluers of the Force, who IHtve becn of siunal service almost " daily ill atlending to injlll'ed lKrsons." Thc IOllllllittee woulel ~gain point onL the grel~llleccsslty ~) f .e".'ryone haYing n knowl cc1g. of first aid. It invariably happens wh~lJ a perSOll IS ll1,)lIl'c(l 01' takcll SlIdllcllly III a cCllain time elapses b rore the llaLlCllt C[\,l1 be atLCJH lecl to by n lllctlie[\,l pl'acLilionel. It is ju t at this Limo as.istllllee l'cndl'rccl to the pat.iellt pro\'es invaluablc, nne} in lllCLlly cases death is av 'tl;d . ~hc DUlillee ~l'lllre has II ow been ill existence [or twenty·three yems, alld th e ( ,olll lJl1llee f'cl cOllhdent thnL to a la1"'o rxtent, and withollL cxpense to the l1a~ iOIl, t hc , l. Job 11 AllllJlllll nee A~socia tion has th roughon L tho Un itec1 Kingdol1l lHUIt up n l1ationalalllblllanee rcsenc able RIlCl willing 10 help Lho siek and wOllnded h~ lillle or \\'~r or llational Cllll'rgl'lIt' '. lTa\'illg rcgard to the 1111111],CI' of railway (ltsaslers \\'h 1('11 have l'l'cently taken place the COlllmittce woultl 'u(f(fe t the ad\'isaliilit 'of' l'ro\'idillg thl' gll<ll'd\ \',~ll 01 ~Hrj' pa ·. nger Lrnin with ~~bulance C~l]UiPIlll'lll, L'unsisti ll~ of' a ... lrlltchl'l' allel a supply of bamlllrtcs and splints, to be in readinl' 's in cas of 11C l1. The CUlllllliLle' ha\'e lllllCh Idea ~ll'C in r portina tlla.L the Oflicen; JllCllliollCd hclo\\' werc , rul' \'ttlllCLbl' en'iel's rcndered, cluly cl~l'olled llS Honorary AS:;lleiatc:-; of tllC Ol'lll'1' of lhe Hospital or ,'1. ,John of Jel'u 'alem in Ellgland, at u Ohapter 1l'lll'ml, held l.lst • rO Vl'lllUer, all(l thaL their ellrolment hall received lho nl'pJ'Oval or II i ... Po,}',,1 lIiglllle 's lhe 1'1'i1lce of ,Val s, ,ranll Prior, allll th e SllllCliolJ oj' His lajesty [11(' King. ,'oyelrign H caelnll(l Palron of lhe Order:Bril.!';llle.:'mgeoll Liel1tl'Jl :ll1t· olllll·1 Da\)(l Ll'11110X, :'.1.11.; llrgeon- 1aju1' Da.\·i<l ,reig, e .\1., F.Il.l'.:;., Edill . : lllg 011· 'aplaill ,corge H allcy. M.A. , M.D., F.H.C.f'. , Eclin. The t)lll lllit( e hn\'c \\,Ith dl'ep re"ret to record th <l atll of Dr. D. Beattie Baill anti Dr. ,Tames (: Iay, \\'ho \\'ere hoth membcrs of the 'ollllllittee, IllJel who took a ke~Jl illlel'l'c t ill <lmllllLtllCll \\'lwk. Dr. Bllin took an activc parl in the fOrll1atioll of tIt· Dnndec entrc in ]. ,J, nnt! \\,1\' one of its iiI' ,t lec tul'l:l's. The ninth eOlllp tilion 1'01' the 811n'1' ,'hiehl, open Lo all who hohl t116 IiI' 't nid certificate of the Assoeinlloll, anti \\'ho re>i1(le ill , coUaml, took place in the Drill Ihll, Dundee, on atnl'llay, 20th April. FomlL' n teams l~J1tcl'(,cl for the omprtitioll. Brigade11l'g 011 Licnt.· olonel Lellnox nlHl urgeou-l\lnjol' ,reig acted a' judges. The 0l11pditi\'l' work of' (',\ch Team \\1\ illuslrative or a per 'oll who had received n. cOI11j1ollud <li~locatioll or the right Imldc, with \\'ound Oil iuneride; and a simple fractlll'e of Lhe I,rt OlCCntllOll pro!? S!'l, and placing the palient on hetcher. Th e lilnXilllnm llUll\brr of points \\It · 100. ltlHl the re uit of Lhc ompeLiLion \\,11 a follows :-lsl, Teanl .1. TO. LII. 75 poillts-- il'.'er and Gold Btl!lge.'{; 2nd, Toam TO. !. , 7-1 pOilll:-;-'ilvcl' nl1rl~I": 3nl TO . • -1. , 73 poillts- Bronze Bange'l. Profe ' 01' l ('g"" II 1'1'( sidcd at thl' l're.' 'lIla t iOll CeremollY, anll I he result of' lhe ompclilioll haring been l1.llnOtlIlCl'd, :\ll's. Kirhl of ~<lrtlonstic, pr . ented the ",'hiehl and Badg Lo the \\illlling lenm . . Dr. J fal1ey cordially thankcd ~lri:1 . E:ic1cl for pre onting the prizes, awl ])I's. LCllllOX ancl C:r'ig [or lheir '('1 vices n' judge ' of th e competition . .A. yote of thank' was t11«n pas.' II to the hai1'1l1CLll for presiding, and the proeeedingR lel'milla tell. I
DUNDEE. )'atroue.
of 'Vom e u's
(' la~ .. C.
( 'l1a i 1'I1l1l11.
Colonel J. Hankin.
Downuer Oountes of traihmore. o Jlonorary ,\u(lifor.
E. T osh,
C. A.,
David Don,
11, Reform 'treet, Dundee. ~ecr(' fal' Y
C. A.,
lIUIl TrenSII1·cr.
9, Tally 'treet, Dundee.
Mec1ienl Stnff.
M.l~., A. F. 'llll:o~lll /l.rk, lor B e M. ,relg, C.lI!., F.H.C.f'., EllUl:, G'. I-Iailey, M.A., M.B. ~ C.':-'L, F.'n.c.s. , Eclin., " 'illiam Kinnellr, M',A.! ~l:J.l., DO\'ld 1 Gdll\ lily, JI!.ll., .n • nAP •, • • Low, M •B • , Pl'ofe 'sor D. ~InrE\\'o.n , M. ll., A. L ennox,. '[ F. It.S. E., 'V. . Malcolm, JlLB., c.'ll., George IV. Mil,l;r, B.f'c', )1.11., VIl.B., lcorg~e A. Pirie, M.D . , Profe:.sor talker, 111. \., M.D, hnl'le 1 C111 l'lel11o.n; ~I.]l., 1l.~C'., ,.~. W hy te, M. B., C.lII . , J. Mackie Whyte, M.A., M.D., M.ll.C .•. , J . . 1. Rogers, )1.13., .'l.
R. O. Buist,
:-'I.n., F . l1.C.I'., Edin., Alex. Oampbell, '\. E. FoglTie M. t\. lIt.B., (· .)L, D. 1.
AN UAL REPORT. The Oommittee beer lo report th lt L 15 classes have becn h eld ullder Lito l~Lllllleo Centre duriner the pa~t sc SiOD. The Lotal !lumher of pupils \r~1O have rec 1\'cd a complete cou~se of illslruction in first lo the injured anu . iek IS 32 (1 0 l11 Cl1 ~lld 148 women). III all 14.7 pupil. have received. nrsL aill cE.'l't.i.ficate?, and 23 Itaye r~ce~\ed the medallion of the AssociatlOn. The total number o[ pupds who. have lc~el\.ed ajuniol' course of in Lruetion in first ai~ is 0, of "bich 4? ha v ? l'C~Cl ... ~d. the Jll11101' certificate. The total number of pupIls who h~ ye reeel\:~d lllStl uchon Oll h.ome nursing and hygiene is 61, of which 3 have re?el\'ed certJ.hcates. The 001ll11~lltee have again to thank Lhe members of the medICal profc::~slOU who have so kllldly assisteu a lecturers and examiners dl1l'illg the ll:1st seRSlOn j alo those gentlemen who have acted ns Secretaries at thc various sectiolls under the Dllllde~ 'enLre. The Oommittee have pleasure in reporting thaL in December last they recel\ ed fr olll the Dundee Town Oouncil the sum of £25 sterling , being amouut voLed lJY I,hem to the Dundee Oentre out of the Local Taxation Grant, 1905·6, in aid. of o.lllbl~lallcc. work in the city . The Oommittee are indebted to Dr. Georg.e H alley for havmg given a l antern demon stration of first aid and ambulance work m March l~st . Th ere was ,a large audience, and the slides thrown on the screen, along wnh Lhc lecturer s
BaZClIlC,-, 'lied as lit '2'2.Jlcl A} I'il, ID07.
A sstls .
'torc' ,'uIH1)'y DeMon:! CashIn Dllllllcc Sa\'illgs I).tllk J .. 1 J 11 Brit ish Lim'lI Cu. Ballk. ,., 1G
no ( 15 12
103 H
6 G
Liabilities. rl'(litol's . £10 10 Lo c,.l Taxi.lion ,rallt, 180~1906 o Balance bcillg : Slll'pll1.' fit 2:l1'l1 April, lDOli .001 lt1 o LI."s D flcit at A]11'iI22,1907 7 11 10 ,~uIl!hy
o o
St. J ohn .A. ?nbulance Association.
Revcnue and Expcndit1l7'e Account
. £14 1 0 Examination Fee 0 26 1 Class Fee 36 10 0 Subscription 2 16 2 In terest Balance, being D eficit car711 10 ried to Balauce heet
£ i 17
pC7'iod to 2:2nd April, 1907. Expenditure. . £25 11 Examination Fat (01'
ecretary's Honorarium, 19051906 Printing, Adwrti:,ing, etc. Hpnt of Lecture R ooms ~Ii cellaneou
Dundee, '2Jth April, 190i.--Examilled and found correct,
21 0 0 17 1111 7 19 6 15 14 3
£ 7 17
( 'ha irman.
toven on. JJ('tli('nl
Trea nrcr and JI01l01':ll'Y Sec)·ctar;r.
R. Dumbl eton, Th e Hollies, Eckington.
G. H. ,Yo Jone., ;\I.R.C.:--. Balance ill hanrl ' of Hon. ,~le. alld Treasurer
AXXUJ"L HEPOHT. N o clases held during the year. .A. cla is uein Cf inaugurated for the cOHling winter se ion.
S tatement of Recf'ipts and EXliendilul'e fo]' the year ending 30th , eptc?ll~L7', 1007. Rcceipts. Expenditure. To BalancR "Subscription
£0 2
3 0
3 By D onation to H ead Ofiice 0 "Expeuses " Balance in band
£0 11 1 :2
9 9
"oJ 3
The right Rc'·. the LOl I Hi. hop of \\,illCh~ tcr.
9 11~
I·J·('~ jlll' Ht.
· 11 ·t·Il ~lIl' (· I'.
"'\\'. H. ,YOI'. am.
])o"lIilJ,.., ~tl"(Ct.
J10110J'l\l'~ 1>0 (' 1' (ary. A. WllIslalle, 115, Ea t 'treet
U('(li ca l "'(aIT. Hngh I~. Ealautl, 1..1:. 'oJ., l.J:.l.s., J. I'l'lIl'Ll lIall, :II. D., )I.D, D.<., Dmhalll, B. Hiue, I..H.O.P., L oud., :ILl: . ..... , J. lln 'sey, :l1.1J., :II. H.L'.,'., S. G. lomal!. L.J:.C.l'., Loud., :l1.1:.C.S.
W. Allan Jamieson, :lI.D. treet, Edinburgh.
Lifc U c mlJer'S. A. S. Cumming, M.D., W. A. Jamieson, M.D., ir J. Balfour Paul (L~'on I\:illg of Arms), The Earl of Rothes, J. H. Stevensou (Uuicorn Pursuivant) , Sir ~l. ~litl'hell· Thomson, Bart., L ady Mitchell·Thomso n. Jlledical StaO·.
A. 11.
M.D., F.R.C.P.E. , 1IIcInto h, M. n., F. R. C. Ii. E.
Honorary Secrelnl'Y aud Tl'eal'>ul'cl'.
R. Abernethy,
\\T. ALI. \ - J-\.\IT"E<;O .-, Ghflltli/(/Il. En":Kl.-F. ,J AGK .O.-, 11ulI. ~~C. ((nd T,·wslll'e,·.
G. Erskine Jackson , 66, Frederick
8 1l~
r.: :'·1
Audited and found corrcct. 30th November, 1907. , J~o. E. BOLTo~, Allditol'. R OBERT DU:lfBLETO_-, lIon. SrCi.::!(/I'l!.
PrCSi(lcllt. The Earl of Rothes.
E."j]c,ulil ~li'e.
.£22 13 4:, By Aclvcrtising aut! 'tatiollcry£l1 9 2 To Balance 25 2 6- "Hire of Lecture Room 10 16 o .. Fecs frolJl , tudcn ts - ale of ] [and Book and " Amlmlanl:e 'upplies pur7 12 3 eha 'cll Bandages. 5 1i 3 " Exam i 11 ers' Fecs, etc., .. ,alo or t ""0 Drollzr. paid to Head-quarter 12 12 0 ?lIeclallioll o o o " '. Model '" for Lecturer o " f->u hseri}lt ivn. al1l1 ExalilinutiollS 1 7 0 o i 10 r ut. 011 Depo<;it Receipt 040 " ?IT edalliolls 2 18 0 " Po. tage.· 2 8 10 " ~lis cc llancou'
ANNUAL REPORT. Dllring thc pn t year a COll :iclerahlc amoun.t of acti\'i.ty has ~een shown. ill this Ccntre. Fin? conrsc. of lecturcs haye he en pll'ell, four III fir·t a1(l, and one lU home mu ·iner. All the cIa. es were for wOlllcn. The nUll) bel'S who attended a complete cOllrse~ ancl who obtll.inccl certificatc,' are given in the ta.1mlatccl form. Two ladies hCC;llne clirrible for anll ohtaincd the A .... ociation's mcdallion. An efl'ort was made carly in tll~ ummel' to organi:e a clas' for mell, hnt thc re nlt was di ·appointing. It is hoped, howc\'er, to start a mCll's cIa. s thi winter. It is gratifying to record that lloth Dr. Bowie and Dr. ?I[cInto h, who ha\'c 0 cnthu. iastically supported the ,york of thr As ociatioll in thi "']ltre, 11(1I'e l)eCll clected H on. Life Members. StatCillent 0/ Ecccipts (Incl E/pr'le! iilucj'of' the yeco' oldi,lg 30th September, 1£107 .
c._\.., Hon. Allditor.
L ocal R epoTts jtO'tn Oent?'es.
J. M. Bowie, M.D. , M.R.C.P.E., .... E.,
A:NUAL 1 ErORT. Durillg tlte past s ,l'OJI three eonr'>e or lecture" Oll firt aill havc bcen giYell, yiz., thc u nal will tel' comt' in thc tOWII by Drs .. ·Iomall anel Ealallli ; at DucLhot Lea. by Dr. Hillc ; and at Frell halll, uy Dr. Spencu Hall, II'hell 33 call1iidate pre 'cuted thcll1sell'cs, and 31 "'l'rc .'ncch·rn1 ill pas. 1Jl~ the cxamiuatioll, Yiz .. 9 certificate, 11 vuucher:, 10 IIlcc1allioll:-;. amI 1 label. Thi~ lllake· a total vI' ·103 ccrtiticate allll 16~ llIcclallioll." i,;snecl to the Ccntre. Thc TowlI Corp: 11a had a rather lmici yeal thuu the lIn'vious OllC, 77 ca:es hl·ing rcc(ll'llcll a t1.~;lill·t 71. The amuulnucc "an was out Oll -1l occa.iolls, cvverillg OI'CI' ~ 0 miles, illl'lllding joul'llej" froll) Hillelh ead, 9 mile.'; Chmt to 'rollllo.ll, 10 mill'S; 5 to the ,surrcy Count' 110 pital, Uuildford, 10 to 15 miles; 1 to 't. BarthololllclI"" Ilo.'l'illll, L0l1l1011; 1 to Peckham; amI :W from thc llcighlJonrillg I'illag l' to thc ollagc H ospital. The anllual tli. tri1,ulioll of ccrtificatc' ill tlll' tOWIl tvok 1'lo.(:e at a Itilllll'], ]l1'l' ' idell 0' (;l' by thc Rcy. II. W . L. O'Rorkc. Rector of Flll'llhalli ; at 13adshot Len, in the school by Colonel DUlIlc; allcl at Frellshalll, at a dit'pla.\' ill the III ' lil~lte, by :;\1l'. Mortoll Latham.
St . Juhn A 1nbulance Association. Statement of Receipts and Expendit~t?'e fO?' the yea?' ending J une 30th, 1906. Receipts. E xpe?tditu?'e.
T o Contingency Fund . £34 16 3 By R emovals . . £21 10 11 " Balance in hand, June " Rent of Office and Quit 30th,1906 . 8 15 5 Rents . 10 4 6 " R eceipts for Removals . 26 8 0 Re-varnishing V ~n and " Subscriptions and DonaGeneral R epairs. 9 16 3 tions . 20 7 0 "Examination }fCCS and " E xamination Fees 'and Ex~ Expenses 5 15 3 penses, Branch Clas es 4 5 0 Stores 2 14 0 " Sale of Medall ions, Books, " Prilltillg, Statione~'y, &c. : 249 Bandages, &c. . 2 5 8 Medallions 1 11 6 " L ecture Fees, Towll Olass . o 19 o Postage, Oheques, ·e tc. . o 15 7 " I n,terest to Nov., 1906 o 14 9 Gas . . 071 " H Ire of Ohairs o 6 o I nsurance. . . 050 " L. & S. W. Ry . fo~' " R efunded to railway por ter 026 Porter's I nstruction Balance in bank! . 34 16 0 Books, Bandages, ctc. ' o 5 o Balance in hand 819
S. G. SLOl\IAN, Chainnan , VV. R. ,VORSAM T?'eaSw'e1' A. ,YrNsLADE, Hon. Sec?·eta;·y.
R eports /,J'u?n O(:/nt?'es. lUedical Staff.
R . O. Bowman, M.D., M.n.. C.S., L.R.C. P., H . S. Bycrs, M.B., D nrb., M.P..C.S. , , E . T. Hawksworth, L.R. C.P. &, s . , Ed., L.F.P. & . Glas., H . F . Warwick, M.B., cn .B., L.R.C.S.E., L.R.C.P. E., L.F.P.S .G., J . T. vVilliams, M.R. C.S.E., L.A.C.L. ANNUAL REPORT. D uring the 1907 session the classes at Barrow, Haverthwaite, 1llillom, Moor Row, (including the staff on the L. & N . W . and Furness Joint Line) and Ulv erston, have been regularly attenueu. The general meeting of the Furne.'s Railway Oentre was held in the Furness Abbey Grounds on Friday, 5th July, under the chairmanship of Sir John T . Hibbert, K. C.B., when the silver labels, medallions, and certificates were presented to the successful members by Mrs. ,V. Bnrnyeat, of , Vhitcbaven. The competition for the Directors' shield was also helll between teams representing the Barrow, Millom, Moor Row, and Ulvcrston classes, the result being Millom 1 89~ marks, Barrow 172~ marks. Surgeon-Major Darwin, iII.D., acted as judge, Sir John Hibbert presented silver-platcd tea services to the winners, and silverplated cake stands to the second team; also marble clocks to the members of the Furness R ailway Tcam, who secured the sixth position in the final of the railway competition at the Portman Rooms, London . L t. -Colonel Sir R. Temple was present at the meeting, and gave a very interesting address. During the afternoon Mr. Postlethwaite of Moor Row (on behalf of the members of the several classes) made the presentation of a beautiful clock to Mr. H . Curson, the late hon. secretary of the Centre.
Right Hon. Lord HalTis, G.C.S . I., G.C.I.E.
)(OllO]':lI'Y Sccl'ela l'Y.
John Rigden , OOlll't Street, Faversham .
S. R. Al exander, M.D., Gat efield House, Faver. ham.
Lifc U c m bcl'S .
T. ",V. Wilson, 33, Dean's Walk, Gloucester.
J . M. Oollett.
Oaptain O. F. H OOI er.
Tl'Ca S1l1'CJ'.
1I0nOl'a1'Y SCCI'ct a l'Y and Tl'c a 111'CI'.
Pl'csidc llt aJul Cha i l'man.
Pl'csitle n' •
Assi s tant Sccl'c t a r y .
1\1. G. Matty, 2, Hethersett Road, Gloucester.
Itlc tlic al S tair.
W . R. Hauwen, M.D., M.R.C. S. , W. R. Hodges, l\I.n . c .... L.n.C.p., Oantab., F, H . Sprague, M.n.C.S., L.R.C.P., L. 'Wilkin, I,.R.C.P., F.H.C.S.
D. P.IJ.,
S. R. Al exander, M.D., W. O. Stunt. lU c <lical S t a n '.
S. R. Alexander, M.D., l\LR.C. S. , O. J. Ev er>; M D M R C M.n.c.s ., P . Selby, M.P..C.S., L.R.C. P. (Green StI:~et)' L. R. C.P. (Boughton). ' . . .
R Ii 'If'
E G II \\r onnaco ' owttand, M.B., , M.R.C.:-:.,
ANNUA L REPORT. One class was held at Faversham ' 30 . '" t I tl gained the 1st certificate 8 O'ain d' ]ll e~er Cl lemselws for examination; 13 ehxamination was also held at Bou :hton1ew~~\~c t\~;:~e agna~n~d~l gainedhthe Idabel. . An t e label. 0 ' lC "I)UC er an 4 gal11ed
The Statement of Accounts show a balance of £ 3 4s. 8el.
ANNUAL REPORT. During the past year 3 classes have been held in the Centre, 1 each men and women first aid, and 1 nursing for women . Six men receiv ed first aid certificates, 4 have passed the re-examination for vouchers, 10 that for medallions, and 18 for labels. I n the women's classes, 7 gained first aiel, and 19 nursing certificates. Since the re -construction of the Centre in 1900, 846 men have completed a course of first aiu instrnction, 296 women have al so received instruction in first aid, and 326 in home ntH ing. Five teams competed for the challenge shield in December, the G.W. Railway Street Department being the winners for the) ear with a total of 151 points. Dr. McLananhan kindly acted as judge.
Stc6tement of R eceipts and Expenclit'1.l?·ej01· th e yea?' ending 30th Septembe?', 1907. Expendit~t1'e.
T o Balance, Sept. 30, 1906 £0 16 " Cash received, ~ubscriptiolls, competitions, &c. 9 12
His Grace the Duke of D evonshire, ()lIa il'm an.
Right Hon. Sir John T. Hibbert, K. C.B.
R.G .
H onOl':l I'Y SCCl'cta l'Y.
J oha Hope, Ger:eral Manager's Oft1ce, Barrow -ll1' Furness.
By Working Expenses, including printin g, postages £6 19 and sundries 3 8 " Balance in hand £10
9 6 3
J . M. COLLETT, C/zcti1'1nan.
T. W.
lIon . Sec. and T7·eas.
St. J ohn A 11~b1dance A ociation .
L ocal R epo?'is j1"0?11 Oentres.
'l.ll1rsing certiocate holdels; u. rlemol1.'~tration of ice acci~ents following. Badges were then prcsented to members of the Royal Naval • lCk Berth Reserve, and "Vellulll Votes of Than k8" for long and meritorious services to the following: 1\1r. Clay, lIoll . .'ecretary and Treasurer; :MI'. ,'utton, for many years HOD. 'eeretar)" :Fareha 111 Di vision; .Jlr. Ed ward , for Ulany yea~s a cl~ss lIon. , ~creta:y i MI'. 'alter, for work in connection with clas. es, and espeCIally III connecbon w~th relllovnl~ in thcamhnlance cu.l'1'iage. Thallk llaving l)cen accordea by acclamatIOn to ller Roya.! Highness [or so graciou Iy pr~se.nting. the certificates and badges; Her Hoyal Highn e:" eX]ll'es. c(l her \I'arl1l appl ccuthon 01 the work of the Centre and .all thnt SIlO had 'een aua heard. The proccedings \\'erc concluded hy the presentatIOn of a wu.tercoloul' sketch of Gosport, hy MI'. ::'Iartin •'llape, as a souvenir of what pruved a most sncce fnI and eventfulllleeting. The wannest thalJks are clue to the Hon. Med ic,tl 0 l1it:el", Hon .• 'ecretaries, Treasurers, and 'torekeepers, who have 0 ze.llously snpportecl the Centre, some for the pa,t tWl'nty-five y~ars w!lhout remuneration. 'Without their corelial as.isiallee it \yonld have heen 1Inposl0le to show such a record of Irork accollll'lihed befure and tiince the formation of the Centre.
I'resifleu' •
Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke ofConua.ught a.nd Stratheal'll,
Brigade-Surgeon Lieut.-Col. E. J. Hunter,
A.lILR., II.V.I.D.
J(ouol'ary Trcasurer :nul Storekeeper.
' Y. M. Clay, Anglcsey Lodge, Alverstoke. Houol'ary
I nspector-General H. C. ,Yooc1s, c.v.o., c.n., M.D., ,Yest Holt, Alvel' toke. iU ed ical S. a fT.
SLll'g.- Capt. H. Dal'Yille Brook M.n.C. S., H. ]1,1. Case, Lieut.-Col. E. J. Hunter, L. R.C.P . , Pearn, F. C. H. ~ltlggleton, M.D., lILR.C.~.: L.]~.C.l'., Ill,pcctorGeneral, H. C. ,Voods, c.v. o., C.B. , M.D., T. C. V. ,Vilkins, lILn.C.,., L.n.C.I'. GOSPORT A "D ALVER TOKE ECTION (with Forton and Lee-on-the-Solent). ChaiI·lllau.
Brign,de-Surgeoll Lieut.-Col. E. J. ilunter, UOllol'ary SeCl'etal'Y
Tre a . lireI'.
Sla[cmClll of Rec:eipts aJl(l E.,pcn(lilw·c foi' thc yC(/i' 1906-1907 .
To " " " ,
Reccipts. nh'cli l'tioll & (lonation £13 14 17 9 Cia s U ceip 2 0 AllllHllllllCC Depal'tment. 1 14 nIiscellalleons 39 1 Balance frOlll 1905-6
E;l'pcllditlll·c. 0 By Head-(Iuarter Charges G " Printing alJd tatiollery 'tor 0 3 I "" Amlmlance Department 0 " illiseellaneous
W, 111. Clay, Anglesey Lodge; Aherstoke.
Total payments Balance at clo e
FAREHAM ECTION. (\\'ith POl'chester, • hedfield, \, ickham, Titchfield, and, 'outhfield). Cbairman.
)(OUOl'al'Y Secr e tary.
Mrs. J . Ramsay,
lUI' . Lenox Napier, Cati fieJd Cottage, Fareham.
Ass i s taut UOll. Secre tary.
J, W. D odge, West Street, Farellam.
£73 I-
9 0 9 0
25 10
£73 1
9 En\\,I~
O.:tobc)' 23/'£7, 1907.
£7 14 5 7 8 6 1 4 2 17
J. Hr.-TEn, Clwil'lilan.
)1. CLI.Y, IIon. Treasur ei'.
II. O. W oons, lI(nt. SeCi'ct(O'V (.Llcting.)
lIouoI'ary Tl·e a . 111·el'.
Captain John Ram ay, n.E.
ANNUAL REPORT. The Oommittee ha ve much pleasure in reporting a uecessful year's ambulance 'Work; five classes have been held. Thc Committee have with much l'ecrret received the r esign~tion of Mr. W. M. Clay, as Hon. ecretary for the Centre, l~ will, however, contlllue to nct as Hon. Treasurer and Storekeeper. Illspector-Gelleral II. C. ,Voods has undertaken the dnt:r temporarily. Durillg the year a Tmsing Division of. t~l~ St. John Amhulance ~ngade lias been formed in the Gosport and Ah'erslolze DIVlslOn. The annual meetIng was held 011 21st August in the Thol'llCtate Hall Go~port, in conjunction with the Victorian Kursing ::lociety, Her Roya{'IIighnes~ P.rlllcess Henry ~f B:lttenberg, presiJing. A travelling escort of tbe Hunts Carabllleers aceompallled H. R. H. to the hall, where a guard of honour with band 3l'd Batt. (D.O.O.) Hants Regiment, gave tlie Rl)yal Salute. At the entrance Mr. Ungers, J.P., presenled an illuminated ad(1ress as chairman of the Ur11an District Council. On passing in to the hall, the Princess was received oy the Chairman Mr. Cooke, J. P., and stall' of the Victoria Nursing oeiety, and by . 'Ul'geon-Oolol1('l 'E. J. Hun~er, a.nd tl~e staff of the Centre, and 1'1'esGutations were made. After the nurslllg proeeedlllgs were conelulled, a bouquet was ]Jre:ented by the (laugh tel' of Colonel Evans, Commalldall t, R. Jr. L.1. Surgeon-Oolonel E. J. Hun tel' then pres.ented a report on the work of the Celltl'l', poilltillg out that it \l'as a jubilee anlllversa~'y, the first amb.ulance lec.tul'cS baving been given in AI\'er::ltolce in 18 2; and th~t III the area now i~cluded III the Centre, 121) classes had been held, and appr.oxuuatel.Y 3,000 pupils. passed through them. II(~l' Royal Highness then graclOnsly presented the certificates and uadfJesgailled dUl'illCl tlle year. AdjollrllinCt' to the" COllnaught" Drill Hall, the PJ'ince~s artel' tea pro~idea 1)y Mrs. Lellllo~ Rod~ey and 1111'S. Everett MnmlJ'y: carefully inspected examples of first aid and nursmg, prepared by teams of nl'lgade, Postal, Railway men, and first aid and
( 'hail'JllllJl •
E . !II.
Li f('
Arthur Dokoll,
,Jo!>eph lJcruel't. :3. ])lllnl.l'ley 'lreet, II kestoJI.
. penceI'. ~I
JJl}) 1'.
)I.H.C . . . J,.n.C.l'.
:U ccli('al i"tatr.
l\rtltnr Dohon.
7ILH.C.S., L.R,C.r.
Stalwtcn t of i:cceij,ls (t)uZ EJ'jJCIl(li[ III'C to 30th Scptcmbcr, 1807. Ea'j1~ lid it 1m:.
From Oandi(lilltb 1'01' lions For Burs Books and B,.lI(lage " eLc., torl'. · Examina lion To Balance
£3 11 0 5 3 4 0 5 1 1 0 1
G 0 6 0 G
To JIeall-quarter' [01' ~tore!>.'.Icdullioll . £3 14 0 5 11:1r' 3 5 Books, etc. 0 9 I ncillen tll ex ]len e 1 14 Exanlination eXpl'll~l'S
£9 JO~EI'H IIRI~DRHT, Iloll. CC/' AnTlIl'R DOD--o_ -, T"((f 1//'0' . GEO. l'E:-\U'l:, C/Wil'lllllll.
0 6 6
St. J ohn A rrnO'LdCl/l1ce As ocicdion.
Local Repo1'ls j?'O?'l1 Oentres.
ANNUAL REPORT . T he Coml1littee, in pre enting their annual report, regret thc apathy of some who joill our classes and attend two or three lectnres and then discontinue; 11 such cases occnnell in our last first aid class; 29 attended from fom to fifteen l ectures and praetices. "\Yorking " 'ith members of the Brignde 19 only attended the examination; ] 6 passed and 3 failed. I n our second three months course we held a class for sick nursing; 22 joined after the first two lectures; 2 fell out; 20 kept on attending about fifteen weekly meetings; Cll a show of hands being asked for only 7 voted for examination. The T echnical Committee make a. lik0.3 cOlllpla1nt. ,Ve are pleased to repurt that our T own Council have agreed that boxes of ambulance requisites llc plared in different parts of the Borough, to be availabe in case of street accidents; "'0 tru.t thi is only a commencement in the right direction.
JlonOl'a ry SCCl'ClaJ'Y.
T he Lord Clauu J . Hamilton.
T . O. Mein, Loco' Departlllent, G.E. Ry., Stratford, E. ltl c<U c n l S laif.
C. E. Adams, :tiLE., n. c., Lond., ;\l.l:.C.~., J. E. Becker, M.n., C.M., F. II. Beckett, B.A., ;)Ln., B.C., T. Belding, ~I.lLC.E'., L.U.C.P., A. Durton, :11.1)" ~I.A., J . N. Collills, :lLD.,. C. H. Conolly, ;\1.]:.C.8., L... A., G. F. Cro's, :l1.B., n.~., Dlllh., J . Dockray, M.D., Vlet., B. c., Lond., etc., . O. Eade ,L.I:.C.l'., L.H.C.~., Edin., S. Evans, L.ILC.P., ;)I.It.C ... , ElJg., H. J. Forster, L.R.C .•. , L.I:.C.l'.1., F. ,Y. Foster, ~Ln.c.s . , L.R.C.P., B. Goddard, ;)I.u.c.s., L.lI.C.P., F. D. Gray on, 1I1.1i.l.H., L . S. A., H. Groom, M.D., H. Gurney, L:IL('.l'., L.1:.C. '., Edil!., J. U. BalCOlll't, :"11.])., L ond . , D.P.H., Gamb., etc., J. . Hlllnell , M.D.: C. Jachon, L.1:.C.1'., F. F. '. Jagger, :lLB., CH.B., Edin., A. H . Langridge, L. H.C.p., :lI.It.C.:-:. C. W. Low, ;ll.ll., C. J. Mansell, ;lLD., R. J. ~Iills, M. n., J. E. 1\101 on, ;\l.n., A. II. 10XOII, lIr.n.C.l'., L.S . A., C. P. O'Connor, ;\LD., Durh;, '1'. Richardson, M.D., Brux., LIt.C.l'., :ll.n.('.~., J. Stevenson, 1IL~., D.SC . , J. H. K ykes, L.,·.z\., J. F. Taylor, M.ILC.s., L.~ . .-\., A . T. Todd-'\Vblte, l\f.ll,C.~., L.n.C.l'., Lond., L.S.A., Tyson, M.Il., 111. J:.('.:-;., L ·TR.C.P., F. Apthorpe "Teub, :lLn.C'. '., L.ll.C.P., G. R. Wiboll, :ll.B., n.c., W. "oollett, ;)l.R.C.S., L.S.A., A. ,\Tright, . . , L. ~· .A.
J l c di c al !!!t a IT.
J. D. C. Allen, . Andrews, C. R 130.11, C. R. Bishop, II. Du Boulay, J. L. O. Bro\\,ll, A. L. J. Branday, W. 1. Briscoo, H. T. Bruce, F. J. BuLt, A. J. Campbell, D. Ic.L. CampLe]), J. B. Carleton, II. '. Challenor, E. A. Chill, R. W. Clark, E. Cockoy, E. L. Collis, 'Y. Cooper, C. (;01he11, W. J. Corrigan, J. Kynaston Couch, N. Cullinan, J. ?I. Carvell, T. T. Clemson, W. E. Coleman, J . E. H. Davies, . Dal'i~, H. F. DeYis, T. ~I. Donovan, E. J. DOll1ville, R. Drinkwater, 'Y. R. Edmolld, W. Eclmoll.-ton, F. C. G. Ellertoll, O. C. P. EYans, R. D. Evans, Lloycl Evan, 'Y. Fairhallk, ~lal'k Farrallt, L. A. Francis, J. C. Freeborn, A. L. Fuller, A. Frecl', F. T. Gourlay, 1\. 1I. Graco, R. H. Gl'irl1uly, S. B. Green, 'Y. Hammond. A. H. IIarchn ck, R. W. Ha,,] ett , 'Y. R. Hllllwell, ,V. Hodges, II. L. IInghe ', (~. H ollies, Jacob, G. H. Johnson, J. T. Johnstone, R. White Jonos, J. Amallt Joncs, T. O. JOll', P. J. l\in g ton, W. Kirkpatrick, E. E. 11. Kelly, R. II. Kin,!, B. W. Lamb, H .•\. LatinlCl, ' . C. Legge, "\\'. W. Leigh, J. H. Lill 'J', O. E. D. Limrick, '. R. Lllllll, P. '1'. Lunn, J. Lytle, II. Lupton, C. E. Lonly , 1\. B. )l<lltin, II. ;\[a 011, W. J. }[asoll, G. :'lcDonalll, F. L . Mi liJUl'll , L. W. _ '. :JIil c.', - Jiac (~nel!ll, E. lL :'Iihl(;;r, Edwin :'lorton, J. 'Y. l\lnlligall, - :JiUl'l'ay. I\'. E. '. :Jlllrphy: G. F. :Jlurrl'll, - :'lcGalJ, Ja . l~oal, J. F. Toyillc, J . .Jl. U\\'C11 , F. E. Paloll, .J. Pcar",e, E. Y. Pl'gge, C. 1'ollard, H. L. Porteous, Jahua l'o"cll C. Pricc, J. Hatclille-Gaylfild, D. A. Reid, D. E. Richards, W. L. Rhy _. 1'. A. nOdCll, 1:' rice, D. '1'. Hic:hanl", ,I'. C. Rowlands, K W. S. RO\llalll1. - Hoi tlts, E. P. ,'atdlel!. G. C. 'earle, 11. C. 'harp, W. aliobnry,.·haqll', IT. F. ~t'~1Il0Ul'. E. Trnol' ~hollaJlc1, H. inigul', ,I'. A. omers, G. ,'Leclet. J. O. :-Inlli\all, T. D. ~ulliyall, D. C. "utton, G. R. "winhoe, \\T. ,potlignc, F. II. l'ragn~. G. ::-;tocktr, I\'. Taylol', L. A. Taylor, E. Thomas, H. H. 'l'hQllJaS. H. Til,hett., W. Yemon, P. ,\'alle, E. .:.. Walls, Noel C. ,Yard, E. JI.'\'al'll 1',11. ,y, W O],11('1', ~. T. V.lIby Westo1l, \\' . ~I. ,\'hitehouse, H. H. White, Eo Williall)s. E. R. \\'illi<llll!:i, R. H. \\'illiam , J. H. "\Yilkin on, '. "\Yilkin, 011, J. T. WiJlialll~, II. L. E. Wilks, W. P. ,Yinckwolth, L. E. G De ,Yoolfl'OIl, H. G. "'orgel'. - W fJo(lhon~c, R. E. B. Yelf. GRIMSB Y. 1'1' (' ~j« e IlC
The Right
lI Oll .
( ·bai l' lII a n .
E. Danniter.
the Earl of Yarhorongb.
T r e a~IIl·t' I·
:11\( [ II OJlO l'a r y :0; ('(' I'(' t :l1'Y .
J. ;,101'1ey D(;l111i:, £1:3, Welholme Road \lTe 't, Gl'imby. A
The wor~ of this Centre during the year has been acti\-ely canied on, sixteell classes havlDg be~n held for senant of the G.E. Raih\ay C0I1111a11)" thl'lC or which were beld at stabons,where. ~o ambulallc.e cIa ~es had 1Jl'eviou 'ly been condue;lc:d. The annual G.E.?l. Compehho,n was l\g~l11 a success, 2 teams, awl the Challenge Cnp, glyen by the D~rectors 01 the Corupany, wus \Yon by the March Lam, who represelJt~IJ t~e company 1I~ the j'~il\\'~y comp.etiLioll, and sucLeeded ill winllillg the hleld, thIS bell1g tL.e fifth tJ~lJe tIllS IlJghltJIl'lze(~ trophy has been caniell oJl l)y a G.E.R. teal?' TheChaIrlllan , Dnecto ls aJJ(I ClnefOfficers of tIle C0I11l'ally, conttnue to ~ccord th~lr hearty support to, and great intmest in, thc Centlc, and 1 y >0 doing aSSIst materIally the ouood work \\hich the Centre is dcincr b'
. ,I e lli ('a l S Caff.
John Dnll'l, ;\!.B., T. ,'. Dn.\\'bel', D.l'.U., A. \\'c"t1ukt·, ~r.J3., :"II.>'.
:II. Il.l.,'., L.ll.l'.r.,
Statl'1f/('llt nf Receipt' a,le! E.I'jJClld jlll),C f(JI' the yea I' out inO September 30th, 1907. E .)pcllditzcl'c.
iii ceipts. ToBalanc 'i ll hand awl Dunk Oll £15 cpt. 30th, 190!; COll tri bu tions, a 1lo\\'a nces, " etc., rcceiYCll timing tho :3 year :3 torc', etc. " Medallions. 0 " Examination Fe s, etc. 1
By , tores, etc. 1
3 5 0
" " " " "
. £2 15 0 1 11
Cost of Examination Con trilmtion to Bn:lar of 2 lInll COl'll, ..T.A . B. 'ullllry Expenes. . 0 Ou Depo it at Lincoln Ballk 10 In hal1Lls of lIou. ~ecl'o lary 6
5 0 6
:2 0 5 5 0 0 0 11
J~ l· es i(lcJlt .
H . R. H. tlle Princess Christian of SchleHwig-HolsLeitl. Secl'ctary.
Centre Secretary, GencralManager's Offic e, Paddington ' talioll.:
Examined, C0111p(1reJ with the vonchers, antI fouml correct. Rwmuy, Auditor. E . B,\X ISTlm, C'h a il'lII au. October 26th, 1907. J. [OltLF.Y DE~XIS, Hon. Secrctal'Y ('(nil Trcasurer.
~I e clie al
A NUAL REPORT. !'-- num~er of Great O.entral Railway.police, porters, etc., hav~ been instructed by ~1. Endet by, ~ld exammed Fl"her, of Oleethol'pes, wIth ypry satisfactory lesnlts. The vleethorpes DtVl 1011 of the t. John Ambulance Bricrade and the Gri.fils.bY D.ivi ~on .of the Great. O~ntral Railway AmlH~lance Oorp are dOoing excellent '\VOl k III tIllS dlstnct. The Gnmsby Amalgamated Fnendly and Trade. ocieties havc alsa en~o.uraged the study of ~r t aid, by offering a handsome Challenge hield for {lo.mpetItlOu. On the suggestIon of the ecretary, the sum of two guineas was contl'lbllted from the funds of this Oentre to the Bazaar heJd this year by the Hull Corps of Lhe St. John Ambulance Brigade, in appreciation of their sen'iees to this Oentre III 189 .
?y. Pl'.
S taff.
A. T. Field, H. S. Gabb, M.B., B.C., A. H. H. Huckl!>, M.R.C. S., L.R.C.P., G. Locke, M.n.C . .'., L.n.c. p.
Ar. NUAL REPORT. This se sion has hee11 a fairly satisfactory on('. Five classes have been held, all or which ha ve been well attendetl, with the exception of the men's first aid class held at the Drassey Institute. There is the same difficulty as in former years, in getting men to come to the classe , but those who do attend always show a great interest in tho work. This is borne out by th e fact that the twenty-eight men who were instructed during the session, were all successful in passing the examination.
Statem ent of Rcce ipts anll E.i·pciUlitllre, 190G-1907. E.?']Jenclitm·e. R ceipts.
JUe {li cal St nff. Francis E. Oarey, M.R.C.S., L.M., L . • . A., O. d'Auverane Oollings M D M D M.A., ]II. R.C. S., Ernest L. Robinson, L.R.C.P., Lond., M.n.~ • . , T. H. TI; on;hiil , 1>~.~:
Ob. eryer " ::\Iail alllt Times" " Ticehurst "., 'UllLl ries ,. Bnrnel(l and P enllclls Boy ~roL1cls " L ecturers " ACCOllutlLut " A11111\11allco Brigade " And)ulance 1 urses " Peligoe " T O\\,1l Hall " Par.·o ns, Ltd.
Statement of R eceipts (wd E"lJenditui'c, 1906-1907. Receipts. Expcnditlli't;. To Female Olass Fees £5 10 0 D.v Ad"erti emElnts .
" He-HI Ollice " Balauce at B~Jlk "
To Dalance -'ubscriptioll . " Fees " •'tore' " Grant from Education :! Committc\.!
P I·C. i(l c ut.
Major-Gen. B. B. D. Oampbell, C.Y.O., C.D., (L t.-Governor). ( 'hairDHlJl.
Dr. Ernest L. Robinson. R ev. J.
llollol'al'Y Secl'ctal'Y. Penfold, Keppel Place, Guernsey.
£:2 13 2 3 11 15
;; 15
t3 0 2 0
DOllorlU'Y T r cn. llrCI'. Miss M. B' Oollings, La "' erJme, Guernsey. T
" Male do . . . " Balance due to Treasurer
3 10 10 9 4 3
"Boys as :&fodels "Hirc of Rooms " P rin till g " Lccturers' Fees . " Medallion Exam. Fees " Examiners' Fees " In eiden tal Expenses: Po tage . : " Premium 011 £ 16. Gd. " Due Treasurer from last year
10th August, 1907.
PreS id en t,. T r e a s urer.
F. D. Hartling, London and Oounty Hank.
1 8
5 4 5
lIon. Sec1·ctaI'Y. B. COLLINGi-;. I!on . J.'rca Sli,·O'.
Ilon. At:rlito1'.
La «1 Y J·J·(,s ifl ClI C•
The Lady Iclina Brassey. Jl OJlOI'nl'Y •
·la.1I1 ps
£2 0 1 5 0 15 0 7 0 2 0 10 8 8 1 1 5 0 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 15 17 1 11 14
7 5
0 0 6 7
6 4
0 0 0 0 2 6 6 9
4 3
7 5
GEORGE L')CKF., Chairman.
F. D . II \'RDl 'G, T rca SIt rc i'. Ih: ,'ltl T.\()D, Secretary.
Examinerl and aPI,roved 1,' ' J.!,. LAURIE RODINSON, Chainll({ll. ~IAIlY SAu.·~rAREZ LE COCQ,
118 2 1 8 018 2 0
J onN
L ocal R epo1'ts from Centres.
St. J ohn Ambulance Association.
('c)·(· Ca l'Y.
Dr. II. S. GaLl, ] 3, Oorn wallis Gd.rdens, 'Hastings.
6 3
HEAVY WOOLLEN DISTRICT. (.'11 a i I'JII all. laj or Percy B. ·W alker.
" re ..,iclc nL 'Walter Critchley.
1I 0 1l 0 l'llry Se(~ r e hu· y .
·1'l'ca~ 1l1·c r.
H. U. \'icken;, Lall Ctl!:>hiro & YOl'bihire Bank, Ltll., De\\'!:ioury.
Duke Fox, Ctdtler Bank, Dewsbury. Sen'c Cary . R. Gadie, Field Hill, Batley.
Lifc U CJllbers .
~Iajor Chaley Fox, Robert ,allie, 1IIessr . G. anll J. HAigh, 11'. and Irs. Alfred Hill, E. T. Ingham, Major Parker, '. H. peLltlillg, Lancashiro and York hire Railway Co., 'harIes Wheatley, Bir:;tall Oo-operative 'ociety, Lttl., Heckmondwike Oo-operative ,'ociety, Ltt!., Batlcy Working Men's Club, J. ritchley & ons, B. Wilsoll, ~Icssr.'. \Vormaltls antI Walker, Ltc!., . J. Obadwick, DewsburyPioneer Industrial 'ocicty, Ltll., Mark Ol(lroyll, Duke Fox, Mttjor P . B . Walker, Geo. Lee, D. Bullouk, .Hes 'rs. Orawshaw and Wal'bl1l'ton, Ltd., Robert Swan Baltlen, O. B. Crawshaw, U,ltley Co,operative ociety, Ltl1. ,Yo J. R. Fox, Batley, ~r. 'he:ll'll & 'OIlS, DaLley, 1 . Broa.rley (tllLl 'OilS, Batley, J. Blackburn, Old ltll, Batley.
St. J ohn A mb~dc~1Ice A sociatio1? .
Loca[ R epo'l'ts j1'O?n Oentres.
lUcdicnl S.nff.
.Messrs. Am brose B~attie, Bennett, B~'o~ghton ( ~ eckmond \yike), Brough ton (Batley), Blown, O~ay, Eley, FItton, Forsyth, GIrhng, Hallmell, Hall, Hamm ertol1, Laird, Lee, L : J. l\1rlnc, Mason, Oldroyd- haw, PattersolJ, Pritchanl, Prior, Richanlson, RIchardson (Rayensthol pe), Sproullc, ellars, haw, Stewart, tuart, Smith, Stephensol1, Sutherland, Thompson, "Wood, 'Yoods. A
During the year 15 classes for first aid haye been held viz. 14 for men and 1 for women . Vouchers also being issued to 40 mcn j also medallidlls and labels to value £~ 2s. The c,hief item of interest in .this Oentre is the formation of the lYe t Yorks: ]',Jmes AmbUlance L cague j from tIllS League 170 men connected wiLh collieries in the gentre presented themselves for examination, most of whom were successful in passmg. 'l:'he finances of the Oentre are satisfactory. The thanks of the Oentre are due to medICal gentlemen and others, who have so freely giycn their sen-ices.
Statement oj Receipts and Ea:pendit1!?'e fOT thc YCCl?· cnding ScptcllllJCi' 30th, ] Q07, Receipts. E:cpcnrlit II rc. To " " "
Advertisements . . £4 Special Subscriptions 11 Bank I nterest. . 0 Sections for Stores, MedalliOllS, Labels, London and Local Expenses 68
0 6
0 0
8 4
By Balance due to Treaurer. £17 1S. 7 d., less Dews'bury and Batley £15 . £2 " Medallions . . 6 "Dawson, Printing and Stationery. . 7 " London, for tores. Exam. Fees, ann In cidental Expenses, 49 10 " . ecretctry's honorarium 3 " Petty O a s h . 78 Balance in hand £0 19 Dewsbury 5 0
1 7 2
6 2 0
7 10
0 1
2 0
£83 19
£83 19
Stores in band £3 14 s. 5d. Audited and found correct,
'.V. H.
H. U.
JUc (li c al Stnff. G. <t Lawson, M.ll., B.CH., ]).1'.]1., L.?1l.: S. P. Pollard, M.D., Oam., J. H. ThOlllpson, L.ll-C.I'. & L.1I1., Irel., ]..I:.<:.H., Etlin., ,Yo Thompson, L.R.C.P.
The OOlt1miLtee have again great pleasure in presenting the annual report of thc O(;nlre for 1906-7. Three classes have been h eld during the year, one in first aid (femal .. s), ouel two ill nursing (male and female). The nUlllber of females' passes in first aid elnriug Lhe year is H, nUl":;ing 9, merlallions 5. ~Iales' passes in first aid for the year arc nil, nursing 9, 1l1crln,llions 9. The Oommittee deeply deplore the 108 of their laLe PresiLleut, II'. D. J. C1'o&81e)" J.P., who had held that position since thc Oentre':; formation in 18 7. Thanks are due to Messrs. R. Orabtree & OllS, the honorary aunitors, the medical stair, and :Mr. Robertshaw Greenwood for splints su pplied gra ti!-l j also to Mr. "Wadsworlh for free use of meeting-room, and the Local E(lllClllion Oommittee for use of choolrooms. It is pleasing to report that 1\11'. A. llillchlifr~ alHl Dr. P. R. Oairns have ueen honoured for their faithful sen'ice to the Ccntre, each heingreco1ll1llended to H.M. the King by H.R.H. the Prince of "W ales and tllc Chapter-Gcneral for enrolment, as Honorary ervingBlother of Lhc Order of. t. John of Jerusalem. During the year efforts 11aye been madc Lo ohlain sufficient funds towanls }Iro\'iding a new ambulance carriage i it is (frnlirying to state that upward . of CHiO ha oeen raised by public subscription, and that this has ('uabled the Oommittee to purchase a splendid new carriage from Messrs. Wilson & tockall, Bury, which, it is hoped, will long t>rove a source of Iwnefit to the eli trict. The Oommittce especially rlesire to thank Messrs. Kershaw nnd Ash worlh, awl ?llessr . Waddington, for their kindness in keeping the su bscriptiOll list \\eek by week before the public and the subscribers to the fund. The number of jonrtley performed hy the ohl ambulance carriage during the year is eiC'hteen, and 1iYe 11y the new carriage. The Committee wish for better support fr~m th~ }luhlic in regard to the clas. es advertiseu, unn trust that all interested in the Oentre will strivo to makc the e classes a distinct success.
Statcmcnt oj Receipts 5 19
Receipts. To On·h in,Oct. 1st, 1906 £0 0 " Bank 0 16 "Oash fro 111 Nur 'iug 12 o In tiLution " ale of tores, Olas Fee, 3 1:l and examination Fees . " se of Ambulance Oarriage Hj 17 o -1 " Oash duc to Treasurer 1 " Bank
thc year cnding Scptcmbc1' 30th, 1907. E.cjicnclilw·e,
4 1By lIor ing Am lmlance Oar'ge £1 11 6 5 16 10 I ,I 'tore::; purcha ed 2 18 0 " Examiners' fees o "Printin cr , tationery, and 3 5 2 Ad Yel'tising 3 4 1 6 " tUlIljl., &e. o "Usc of chool and Oare0 7 6 9 hker 0 7 10 10 "Lo~s 011 00111 pe l i tion 0 7 0 " Loan of Blankets 0 1 2 " Bank Int erest 1 0 0 " Ohe(lue Book
l~l'es ideJlt.
E. J. Orossley. Chairmnn. A. Hinchliffe.
Trca Slircr. Geo. Habergham, 20! Market Street, H ebden Bnclge. UOllor:uy 8ecrc'nl·Y.
F . Rawson, 14, Oxford Street, H ebdel1 Bridge. Assi s tant . eCI'ctnry. D. F. Jackson, 12, Royal Square, Hebdcn Bridge. Life ltlelllbCl's .
P. R. Oairns, G. G. Lawson, J. H. Th ompson.
Ulothiltg Fund. Expenditw·e.
Reccipts. To Balance in Hank, 1906 , Profit on Dance. " 'nb cripLion from Nursing Division " Bank I nLerest
£0 5
0 5
2 0
By Olothing " BalU11ce in Bank
4 9 2 8 10
1 12 6
£6 1
0 10 6
£6 1
0t. John Ambulunce A "uciatiuH,
]1 3
J.Ycu; Gal'1'iage Fund. Reccipts. T o D onations " Bank I ntere t
E;:C1IMditw·e. £149 15 10 By Ne\l' Ambulance C,ll'l'iage £10il o 5 2 Less ullo\mnce for old one 30
"" £150
tum ps, Advertising, &c.
0 0
0 0
£73 3
0 Ii
0 4
....(t) " 11
Balance in BUll k .
, Ve have examinell the above accollnts \I ilh tllp books and ,"ouchers rclating t hereto, and hereby certify the same to be ill ncconlance thcrc\litll. RICHARD OllABTREE &
O?\, (Chartt'1'al
Accountants), II(?!. Alldit(]'s.
H ebden Bridge, Octobe1' 24th, 1907.
Thc fJl1ll1liLlcc deeply regret 10 n'cord LlIC (lcath of Lally ,\gncs BUr1lc who, wiLh hcr Illlslialld, i\[a.iol'-l:clleral HiI' 011'('11 Ulll'llC, n.( ' .I.E., ](.('" .. T., fol' sevcral ye:Jrt; pasLlIac1 lak'll agreatilltel'C~tlll Illc \\ork 01' Lhc Ocutl'('. ,'illtc la t l'epolt he classcs have hecl! held, viz., 1 lil'':lt ait! for \\'011len ancl 3 first aiJ and ] lIursillg for 1lll'11. ~lc(lHlIiolls wcre pn:'otderl l})" tho Lonl ~layor at iltc Mansion House on April !30th. Ambnlance alld ul1rsillg ccrlifieutes \\'cl'e 1'l'c'cntrd at the Oftiec' of the Oelllre OIl ,Tlmo Lith, hy Lady OOOI1!:1'; thc Hight 1I0ll. 'il 'avile Crossley, Hart., preil1l'd, SlIppol'ted lly ~1,\jor-Uellcl'U1 ,'il' (hen Bl'me, 'Wyatt ,'argcut, 'Y. F, Ohalklcy, A. J. Dcal', J. 1 cal, 1111(lothcrs. The lJlllltlJ(!1' of ca. es treatcd by fir,;t ainers ill charge or Hllilmb11c(' hoxc!) i~811CIl hy L1!(~ OOllin' sincc last rcport was 10,359, a11(1 6:3 ca '('S lI'ero I' .moved lo Ito~pital. The 'olllniittec recl greatly indebte<l to tIle Hall. Leetnr '1's aUll Lo Sir 0 rCll Bul'Ilc for hb contillllerl illtere t ill the work of the on tl'e.
HULL AND BAR NSLE Y RAILWAY. HOSPITAL SATURDAY FUND , Pl'es ideut. T he Right H on . the Lord :Mayor.
The Right Han. ,'ir avile P.C., :lLY. O., ,Yyatt
Tl'ea surer. H. N. Hamilton Hoare, 54, Gray's Inn Road, W. O.
II on o )'a)'y
)I.A., B ..
'1'0' 1(:)"
Receipts and E'J.'Pcnditw·e froy! Receipts, T o Ambulance Di"ision,£3 2 Balance from 1905 9 11) D onations Members' Subscriptions 5 1 I nstalments for Uniforms 2 10 " Nursing Divi ionBalance from 1905 1 12 Mem bel'S' Subscriptions . 1 13 " Part Payment for Removals by I nvalid Transport Corps 8 6 Ambulance OlassesMem bel'S' Fees 14 18 Sale of Text Books, &c. 2 6 18 " Sale of Ambuianco Boxes " Sale of Stores for Ambulance Boxes 1 3 " Special donations re Ambu· lance Box. o 5 " Grant from Hospital aturday Fund .llO 19
1',,(,., i 41 (' II.,
o o
2 10
£168 15
G 6 7 13 8 46 56 2 1
]6 0 10 10 17 0 1 fj 3
nrowll, f..n.C'.!"., T..1:.I'.I'., C. E. Lasll'tt, :'1(.])., J. D.
T.. F.!'. & :-i. to. , A. II. J( lin ton, :-Ll~.(·.S., ~I.H., D. P. l.loir, )LA., )f.n., B.eH.
At tIlo lillie of fornlUtioll of thIS CClJlre lll('Jc \\(:)c I:JP men in tllc mploy of the Hull 1I1Id BUIll,'! ~. Ibilwny 'olllpallY \l1I0 hel(l (·tltifieatrs :;1 owing tlll)' \\'ere capahlc nrJ"('lIderillg lirsL aiel. '1".loI,ll.·,,(, · 1I.I\'(' 11t'!ll lIcld lor inlluctioll at HO'Hlen, al1\[ at the l'rl·:;t'llt tilllC olle cl.l.'~ i .. Iil'illg ill tillch 1 at I\Ll'tUll :-:'tnet tation, one clUI;S at .'prillgllead, anel om (In's i· 111 101'lllatioll at ,\leXI111c1m Doel,. During the prc 'Pllt. car a t '<Illt 01 the. -( Itllllc .'tn'l'l llll'n compcted 1'01' Ihe hnllcllgc Trophy of the I hIll ('elltre, all(lSllI'CI'1I1('el ill \llnlling it a ~cc()ll(l tittlP, haying prc"iou 'ly WOll iL ill l~O(j, alld \1 Po ale 11()l'erlllllIl'~ will succeed in lI'illllillg it lIcxt Ylur, if they do it hecollles t1ll' il' OWll I'roperty. 1\1lll)l1l:111Cll \lork 011 illc Ilull alld Bunl ley Railway is ia it llllirC vigDlous couditioll no\\ than it c\'or Las llccIl, mill it i' hopcd Ihat the forntatioll or Lhe 'ClItre will llC thc IIlC w; of COllsi<lrrnh!y illc)'ca 'illg the llumLer of men takitl" up tllis goorl \\'u1'k.
4. 10 10
5 0
John Lardor, Gond' .'upermtt'l1dent. l\ l,tUIII Street, ration, Hull.
10 ];j 4. ] Ii 2 7
II HIlI/I'a)',) i'l I'C I'(' t a r ), .
,r .. fael,s,lIl, ,'upelllltcllelt'lIt, Alc.':alld1"l Dor.;l-.
H. Y. Yil'kt:r., :-'\ll't. of the Linp
Jl o II O!'ar'Y T r ('a .,I1'·(' ,',
~l.1U':: .I'.,
('hai l'lll :lll.
Erl\\"ard Watkin, Gl Ill'ral lIIanllgl'l'.
~C C l'('(ar y .
S laW.
c.)1., Reginaltl Ingram,
9 6 10
hail'lllnll amI Din'l'toJ's 01 II! lIull amI }j81'llley Haih"ay,
A. H. Ruudell, 54, Gray Inn Roao, ·W.O. ~I c di c al
John Forbe ,
.':1 tr·U lI., .
Chairlll CJt ,
j'I'l,.,itl<' Il' •
£168 15
We have examined this account with thc books, vouchel'~, and countol'i'oi!s, and find them to agree. (Signed) \Y . H. PANNELL & 00., Oha1·teJ'ed AccountCtllls, 25th Ma1'ch, 1907. 13, Bassingliall trecL, E.O. ' YYA1"1' ,'ARGENT, Ohai1'?IW?L A. W. DAVIS, J:)ec1·cla1·Y .
the MayoI'. II Oil (11':11') i!i c t , antI 1'1'C :I 1> lU' lT,
( ·haj)·luall.
Brigado-Surg,-Lt.-Col. EIlisLon, \. \1.8. Medi('al
Miss oulcllcl', Dccchhohlle, Ipswich. ~tI,tr.
Messrs. Ea(lc~, L.ILG.I'., r,.It.C.~., gain., mg.-Lt.-Col. J. Elliston, ~I.~. ~.S" Fryer, [,.n.c.l'., Gibb, M.n., H ethcrington, L.~,A., Hossack, ]<'.ll.C'.S., Etllll., H oyland, M.D., Durh., I aLerson, M.e., ,ranl, ~r.D., Young, ),S . , L.n.C . P. I
·tt. J ohn A munianee Lif{'
l.'i~ociatio?l .
.U {,lIIlH' I·);.
A N ~uAL
REPORT. T he Centre ha again had a bu y and u efnl year, and again it had the honoUl' of R oyal congratulations. Money ha come inplrllflidly. them are. ix \lew life members (donor of £5), and our oldet life member. ;\11'. F. T. Cohbold, :II. P., hac again given £5. Though painting and repair' had to be clolle co ting nearly £2:"). the capital debt has been reduI'etl f]'l)nl £110 to £ "0. and with the la.t £10 of th(> £ 0l'l'on:ised . Tbi wa largely due to the ,,"ork of two member:. nf the lOl1lmittec, ::'11'. Hos 'ack and :\11'. Keeblc. Six clas 'es lw.\'c been held and nearly two hundred certificates, voucher, medallion, and lal,el haye beeu gained. Tl'an port work has he en Yery bu y, it is managed lly 111<:n,1;el's of the ~ s~ociation and "'orked hy members of the Brigade, with perfect harmony and Sllcee . Fur country case,.; the carriage has travelled ahout 700 mile. and there ll<ln: betn ai. 0 some town (';lse.'. RemovaL haye been arranged to ,heffield, BOtlrllell10uth, IIa ting ... , etc., and or course much suITering ha been pared .
Statement of Receipts and E;cpenditure fen' fhe yeaI' cildillg Scptc,/Ilucr 30th, Receipts, E,r;pelldLI1U'e. T o Balance £1 i 11 3/ By Read-quarter, caretaker, . 13-! If) 0 etc. . . . £ 4 " D ons. and nbs. " R emo,'als. cl 3 0 "Reports,. tatiollery, etc. ~·1 " L ecture, Rev. G. Dohun ., Hor::;ing (Trail port), fares 61 Ooulcher. 7 1 6 "Rel,air', Rellewal~, etc. 3 1> Stores, Examination. etc" " ,'tore., Examination, etc. ::l8 alld R eturns 39 9 ~" To Oorps Come rctmlled) 10 " Capital del)t 30 " Balancr ~ £2 0
( 'hairlllnu . Colonel J . A. Anstice, C. B,
)·rClo,jd cn t . HOII. Lore! Forester. Tl'cn.,uI'CI'. A. ,\,r. BarUam , The T ontine Bank, Ironhrirlge.
UOllorary Secretnry. J. W. White, The Bauk, Ironbridge.
REPORT. 'rhe Oommittee ill lJreelltillg tho tllinl anllualroport alJll13alan('(' .'Leet take the (JpportuniLy of lhn,ukillg lhose IllellllJers of the Illeclical staff who gratuitously lect~ll'ed to tho classes (l\lriug tll.C year: . Tbe Hon. Tn'ns11l'cr, Mr . .T. C. T. Raspass, llanng left England, ~'cs'gned Ill. po'illIOll. 1\11'. A. W. Bttrtlalll, Ohief uperin tcnllent or the Ironlll'l,lge Corl's, t. .J.A. 13., has l)oelJ elected in hi' place.
Statcment of Rrcripts R(ccipts. To " ., ,
l3al,lIJce, 30lh I 'cpt. 1006 I'tore [tlll1 book- 0:;01(1 . Fto. 'llh'cril'tioll'
(11/(1 E.I'jIC!l(litll,·C to
30th Septcmuu, 1907. E,r'j1cndilll t'C,
£1 J 1 7 1:3 1 7 1 ]:2
1 7 0 li
By Hoad-llUal'tersExam. Expen e. toros 'Ias.-('s, rent accollnt " Bal:tllC ill lhll k .
£5 13 6 4 1 7 12 6 £~5
EXUlllillCc1 alld fOlllHI
6 4
0 4
()doIJl.:l, 1007, P. '. '1111 WELL, J/o//. Audita,·.
.1. W.
WH1TE, 1/011.
2 1
('I·t ,id l' lIl.
H.R. J J. Til ..
8 -1 10 11 11 6~ 2 3~
The Capital debt is reduced to £ O. I certify the above account to be corrcct . (,'ignec1) T. EDG,\ll ~IAYlJEw, A.O.l\., Hon. Awlit01·. Ipswich, Octobe,· 22nd, 1907, GEO. I • ELLr. '1'0.", C'lwirii/(!n. G. M. HETIIElU.-CHOS. W.\I. KEEBLF. :\JAltY O. COL"LCIlEl:, lIon. Secrclal'Y.
ThE' Hight
."tnO'. I. G. 1l0(JIle, L.l:.U .. ·., , V. Dyson, -'1.13., N . Fox EdIVanls, ~Ln., G. N. S, ll illyar, L.lL!;.]'. & s., '. Mackie, \1.13., ('.:'1, O. A. ReYllold.-, :\1. D., D. '\T. Whitfield, ill. ll.C.s . , L.n.1 .1'., n. C. , rolJdhou:<', ':\1.13. U('di c al
Messrs. Barclay & 00 . , Ld., Bartlet, Ln., ~I I' . Bartlet, Berner, nli· E. Bid(h·ll, :uri S Bond Bunnell Burton, "-. r . Burton, W ..J. Oatchpole, F . T . Oobbold, )1.1'., J . D . Oobbold . :uris Ooulcher, 'Y. . Oowell, Eade , ElIl. tOll, E. H. Fison, Joeldl Fison & 00 . , Ltd . , Footman, Pretty &, Co., Ltel ., ' Y. Fra~er & 00., Ltd., " . F. Fryer, Ford Goddard, ilLP . , Hos"ack, Hoyland, il1.D., Ipswich Malt1llg '0. , L td., G. F. Jos elYll illi s Leeder, .Jlis· :\lcIllllC , F. 1\ur e, R I) . Paul. W. F . Paul, R . . & W. F. Paul &: 00., Ltd., \Y. Pretty & lOllS, Ltd., E. G. PretYllIan, Rau ollles,'illl & Jefferies, Ltd .. liun omcs & Rapier, Ltd., E. P. Ridlcy, E. R. & F. Tn rn er, Ltd . , F . Turner, F. ,Yard, :'T.D., \\-. Orford 'Yhitl'.
JJOJl Ol' :l I',) TJ'(' a,"J·l'I-.
1I. Eo , trattoll, L, l'.lI'ICS Hoau,
JlIItIClI·:tI·,}' S ('(· I·(' tal ·l c ,.
Eo .\.
,·hill,· \,il'lI', ~\\Oll(l.l1e Hoad, XI "port. .\. \\'. lJ re 11', :\linlll'al', BOI1Ghlln:b. U t' lli(' al ... talr.
H. ~l. Barker, )l.lJ., L.U . C.P., H. CUllynghalll Brown, ilI.D . , n.s., Durh., G. G. E\'Ollie, F.J:.I· ... , L.T:.!'.I., J. oWl'el', :'!.ll., l'.)1. Edin., H. ' Yo Ewell, -'1. H.I'. ' ., L •..\., E. Gordo]), ,:\l.1l, Vict. ) ~1.1·.l'.:-o., J. A. D. IIammond, 'T.Il. Lond., ~r.1:.1'.:-; .. 1..1:.('.1'., W. H. JIarl'llll, L.ll. '.1'., )!'H.I'.~ ...\. Holli ', :.r.D., ('.~r., \f.1:.().s.,.\1. O.llulltcr, ;\J.1:.P .. ·., I,.l!.L'.l'., 'Y. J. Jollill'e, L.R.C . l'., ill.l!.C . :'., It C. JI. 1\.01111elly. 'I.n., ])nulin, .T. \\'. PI'idlllore, )T.1Ll·.S., LIt.C.l'., L. Pre tOll, )l.lJ., Jl.::'., II. F. K. ,'colt, )l.lJ., U.('ll., B._LO., D.A., C. J. 'l'bomp'on, iII.n.C ... , L.n.!'.I'., .r. II. rIll B ""nite, D. \., \T.P., DulJlin. Uco .•\,lkill:',
1.1[.1; ... ,
Y. ,I.
I.. It. lo l'. , .\1.1:.1"., A. Blllks, F.Il.C .. ·., J)lnkc, ~1.Il., ll ... , )1. It. '. ' ., L.n.c . 1'.,
\~-l-t; . \L
ltEPOW1'. The '()llllllittcc ore 1l11llble tll gl\'e a: ~00(1 a rellOl t a they lI'uuhl wi h of tlmbulance \\'ork ill the lHlaJl(I, Then' haH Jlot 1leen .0 mallY cIa e' a .. usual, the cau 0 of this heillg p:ntly that t],e '('utrc i" 11l1[1.ble to get any a .. i tunc" from the Educatiou COll11l1ittee toward.- the eX]lelbe of village G1as 'C", which call1lot bc helll without lllor!; llelp than thc fUlld of the Ceutrc' "'ill allow. There have heen 9 cIa ses dnriug the se"siull, oll1y ow' of tlwse Oil nur;,illg, heing /'01' \\,Olnen and the other 1'01' lllell, :i beiug on lir:;t ai(l, antI 1 011 llursing. Ollly;) of the cia se:;" cre examincd, as ill the other 1 there woro llot Elnollcrll mClllber eligible to it worth while to incur the ex-pell. e' of all oxamillution. or the 100 memhers who entored for e;aJlJil~uti()ll, 9~ were sl1Gcess/'ul: 12 of Lh number gaining their medallions. Tho COlllllllLlc' are glad to report that the service of Dr . Pre ton, of Rydc, a lect\ll'er to the As oeiaLiolJ Classes and in cOllnection with the Brigade, have been l'ccop;m ed by II .R. II. the Craml Prior, alltl the Ora.l1(l Priory of t.he 01'11 r of thc lIo pltal of
St. J ohm A?nu ulance Associati on.
11 6
St. John of Jernsalem in England, and that he has ueen made an H onorary Associate of the Order with the sanction of Ilis Majesty the King. The alllulllal.lce \\'~goll in charge of'the .r ewport Diyisioll of the Brigade .has 1Jec.n 0\1 L t I\'t~ ty elg!1 L. LImes during the year ending 30th .June, 1907, .cov~nng a, distance ,Of...;36.l lllllc~, ~:te following being SOllIe of the places to wInch It has lwen :-Caw;!Jtooke, CO\\(S, Niton .r oke Common Parkhurst, Rytle, Totland Bn)" and Ventnor. .The Comm.'ittee have aaaill n;uch l'leasure ill <riving their best lhallk~ to !til wIlt) have helpe(l on the WOI by holding, arranging, and f'xaminillg the clas (' .
Slatc!I!f'nt oj Receipts mill ltJpenclitw'e .
Receipts. . To Balance at Bank " From CIa. 'ses uhscriptiol1'l to Centre
21 l;l 6
It,"penel iture, 1 ~J06-1 !J07. E ,(pcnd it ure. £0 5 0 ·1 By Insurance 1] 1 7 Ilrad Office Storcs 6 " EXtlllliUitliOIl Fee: 7 !) G 0 ., " 1 2 0 » \ragoll Account , ationery anu. Postage.' 0 15 () » 0 10 G , l'nlltiug . nnw Ls to CIa. 'cs" IIuvPllstreet 3 0 v 1.1 10 9 Balallt'c ut l.unk
9 ]0
,V. ,'eptembet' 27th, 1907.
9 10
Aug . ht, 1907. 0 By Bulallcc frOllllasL Account £10 1 4 G» Clns'; Fees awl i\1r:lllbership 14 o o ~j » Medalliolls 4 1 6
\) R ·nud of H all » l\J odels allll A Ltcndan L
1 lOG 1 0 G
inLil!", arlvcl'ti!:lillg, aJ](1 posLtges " }i~xpCll.~I'.'; (J'c Baltic of
Stutemcnt oj R ecelpls
E .I'fJClul itll (c.
Aug. 3151" ID07 . To Exa1lliner's Fees " 1Jcdallions » 'lorcs PI
Flo\\·I · r~)
I~alan(;e to lJ!'xt
0 10
] 0 J4 10 ~
,·cpt. 80. 1907 .-By Bahlllee at LOlHlr)]J Ci Ly anrl ;'1 il llUllrl BankOlill, tn'IJt Bralldl ) . £10 14 10 Exallliner] :llill rOlilld (,OI'I'('ct, E. & O. E., Oet. ] t, HI07. A. F. (: Ill':I,I,1 EJ: 11011.. 'J',·c(J.l;;/uet'. P. LL ::\1.\:-;PIllI, I:, '1 l't. EI :.· I:.' )' 0 . 11. V(JI I., PresidCHt . 0 ('.1 t ~ II I,. ] ()O-(. II F .' I:y,J.,\LBgl:I:Y .I. 1/1 t ()( S.
,VHI '1'l1 '(,'ro - ('/t((i'·II/rltt. ELI))~I [)GE "'Ill \.'I TO ,', IIrn/. 1'I'casaJ'l'I'.
H. E. A. EV~LH;Jl,
ALFIlIW '\, .\1. 1) [U.W,
7 lIon. SeCl'ct(l1'/l's.
KESW I CK . l'I· P"ici(·lI t .
JERS E Y. Pl·C. j(l c nt 311(l tc h a il'lll:tll.
E. O. B. Voi!;in.
F. Grelliel, 3, Bond ,'treet. , t. Helien:, .J!'I ('y . .1I (' (li c al
( ' ha j J'U H l1l.
.Johll (JanlllJer.
II O Il O I'al'} " '(· I· (·t an.
'1'1' (' :1 "' 111' (' 1' .
Mr .. \r. BrrJlldey, lligll ]Jill,
]\1' .
Hol,t'l l.J. ('Ial k, 1:3, Jlnill 1\ f'S wic·l\:.
JlollOI'al'Y TI'caS IIl'(' " a u d Se.'I·(·flU·" , j.
,I. H.
"'.·d i.· al ~' :t fr. Hlll'lJl'tt, ;\I.D., ~I.B., c .. , 1.;\1..
L.J:.l'.P. ,
'W. Duret Au1Jill, ~L n., Col. Hol)cl't I~a.tlto, ;\f. IJ" P. 13 Bl'lJtiif,;\1. JU' .. ·. C, A. Bois, L.R.C.l'.: P. J. Brayn, L.;)r., J. C. P. ChaPl'llls, D. :\IET. ('., ~1. Ir· C)'()lJiIJI', ~r.R.C .. , A. Dunlop, :\f.JJ., E. le Geyt, ;\I.n. r: .... , A. C. Goclfray, :\I.n., A. K !lincl, F.R.C.S., E. )Jarett, L.J:'c·.P., A. Ie Rossigllol, :\UJ., E. n. C. ,ullivall, :11.1:.(· .... , E. O. B. '\'oisill, :\f.Jl.C.S. ANXUAL REPORT. The Committee, in IJl'eseuting thp, sixth alltJuall'eport, has th!' I'kUsllJ'e to stale th!1t this Centre contilllles to maintain satisfuctol'Y progress. Dnrillg the y('a.r a class in first aid for ladies and one for mell were held; and at the exallJinatioll in March, 14 fir.t yea.r certificates, 7 secollJ year, 6 meoalliolls, awl 4 labels \\el'O awarded. It is especially gratifying that the stalldard of excellellee was parlicularly h igh. Perhaps the most pleasing fcatllJ(' iu the year's work was tbe all ven t uf 10 members of the staff of the Great \Veslclll Railway Compa.ny to Ollr classes, alld your Committee hopcs tllat tllis initial movc OIl t]lC part of 011e 01 tit\} most influential cOJOpauies within tbis Oentrc, may lead to other iJodies rollowing ilJi.s example, and that, at lJO distant date, it Illay be alJle to promote cOl!Jpc;LiLioll!; for squads similar to tlJOse held in mallY l:trge Centres. Equippe(l slatiowl were ;~gaill provided at various gatherings, awl particularly at the Battle of Flowers, wh erc leu cases of fainting and one of shock came u;tder tl'eaL lJ lellt. The Oommitter', ill conclusion; desires to express its warmest thanks to all who Ilave in allY way contributl'd towards the success of the Oeutre.
J,'I'cci/JIS. To B Llance J' L;a~h frolll lal > Tn':l'iul't r. " ,·\lb<;<.;riptiollS. . II (:l'alJt frulll COll1!ly COlll1cil " F('(~S fot' I ell 'I::) Oln..,::!e' . , F(~es rOJ \\' Ol1JPIl's CIlls. ('5 ", Sale of Bouk:, ~ l !'( IT I . lOllS ., Storr.s ill italic!
E Iprlll{,1 {/ ,·c.
10 G (j 1 ~;, Ii 0 ~ 0 0 0 l OJ 0 () .J 0 1 (j 0 0 H 0
g. Pa.ltl to llile , 'cc f01 , tore !( lit! 1!..'.tlllin<l· tll)lJ gXpCJI,,('
Prill till" :till I ,'tatiUl1!;I'Y " '1'0 1It \~ai II' Pari:;b I{" OI I;,
£1 1 11 4 14 0
dc·. EXIlJll i lI,d ion
" ,'tOI'·.
"' ..
" 14
n i fOl'lll . I1l1tl Ell \Ii jlllIClIl 1'01 Blinnll .. " Cash ill llillHl Balallc' at; 1,;11)1-
,\1 pdallio1!:'.
L·t1)c l~
2 11
15 13 0 ~ 4 13 £3
7 11
.r(J II .'
0 7 1
I 11
I' T U A IIT, .' I /I If ItO!, . .JOIJ~ (L\WJ!. "EH, U!t(ll,'/I/("" ~,\ I t.\ If A. B ItO)1 LhY, llon. TrWSlll' I'. l{(JllI':m .J .DIES CL.\ HK. 11011. I 'ca£'lai'!"
L ocal l1epo?'ls j?'01n Oeni?·e8.
St. J ohm A 1nbulance A ssociation . A NNUA L REPORT.
T he rep ort for the year entliug 30th eptemb~l', 1907, shows that ~ati faetory proO'1'ess has been made d uriu c' the year. T,,·o senes of cIa se were held- O]lC fOl w o~eu on home nursinO' and ~ue for men on first aid. I n the former, 9 presented themsel ves for examiuatioll, and all of them pa ed, obtaining certificates. I n ~he latter, 18 were examined, and they al~o all passed -2 fir t year, 5 . econd, 2 thu'd (medallion), and 9 labels. In accordance with reo olntiolls p~ sed at ~he last annual meeting , an appeal fo r fun ds was recently made to the Imhltc, amI III response thc Sllm of £ 25 17s . was ~mbscribed. After the payment of severnl accoynts, the sum. of £ 15 13s. was given to the B rigadc for the plll'cba e of Romc new .uIll[orm [md ~lll1lP ment. Th e Centre is again indebted to Dr. I3\1l'llCtt, who has glvcn bolh ene of l ectures. Th e fi n ancial statement presented by the T reasllrer, ho,>\' a bulance lit h an d of £ 4 13s. 1d.
A NUAL REPORT. T hrougllOut the y(:ur energy anr1l'l'ogl'ess ba\'c been di~playec1, and itis extn-mely satisfactory to noh' that, llesjlit tl,e faillll'e of County Council gl'~nts, pcncvetillg and sllc'ce::;sflll efrort.· ba\'e ])I'C11 ma(le to develope tl>e movcment. Eight classes have 1lce11 heIr! ill the tOWIl aJHllocali ty. viz., four fi Ibt aiel clas cs for mell, and two first aid anli t\\'o lll1rsing clases for \\'omcn. 'I he amlmlanre l)oxes supplied to the factories nre in frcquPllt drlll[llHI ; aIHI ill rOlllll'l'tion \ritll the cost of}ll'oyidingand n:aintaining these 110;o.:p:; tllc COIll11littee thallk tllo~e nH1ll11fa r.t nrers and others \\ho generollsly ),l'.·pollc1ed to thc al'l,cal recentl.\· lllulle to thew to doulJle tllcir suhscriptions. I n this fador,\' to\\,lI ,lIltl Ilistriet, IiI'S\.. aiel to tIl(' sick and injurcc1 i., it l1et,cl haldly he said, ill cOllslant iUII:lnd. Thpl'C has h(·cu 110 dimillution ill the 11l111lliel' of cases dllliJlg tIle l'n.t ycnl'. aut! tlll'"r lla\'(' illyuJial1ly rpcei\'f'cll'l"Olllpt allli carefulatteution i'lom Hlld'nlallcc JI\(' II alld \rOllll'lI \\'ho ha\'c acquirerl tllcir kno\\"irdge ill clases orgaui . cII hy thi .' Cl'Jltrc.
Tl'cn lll·cr.
Pre. i(lent an(l Cllail·nUln. J obn Elworthy, D eene H ouse, Kettering.
T. T. Hall, Stamford, pulding, anll Boston Dank, Kettering.
Honora I':)
ll (' cli(' al Stall'.
lUc<licnl StalT. Harold Adcock, M.n . C.S . , John Allison, ;\l.Il., H. Burland, ;\r.Jl.C.:-., L lie W. Dry land, D . P . H., Henry Gibbons, M . D . , D. Lee, M.D., Geo . l.Iack, ;\1.1J. John Mor e, M.R.C.S., J . L. Price, M.R.CoO" J . P. Ronghton, M.IU.f..., AnlOld G. TollJUlt, M. R . C. S. , O. VanYestraut, L . P•. C. P .
Balance Sheet, 1906-7. To " " "
£ 52 13 9 By Balance forward (deficit) £H Annual Subscriptions 12 o 6 o "Ambulance supplies B ank I nterest 2 o 17 4 "Collector's Coml1lission D isconn t on Stores " Rent of Head· quarters for year17 N et amount realized by 3 " Printing ancl Stationery special effort to meet deficit, and part Camp " Storekeeper (1 year) 3 " Balanre Horse Hire Account 3 E xpenses of Kettering " Clark and Son (, 'trapR) 1 Corps, and pl'oYide " St. John's Gate-Hnvresacs R esel'Ye Fund after a 1111 supplies 5 deducting Camp expen ses-£17 10s.-and " Amhular.ce Supply Boxes Factories 1 P rinting-7s. 6d. 96 3 3 " t . John's Gate-lioorl and Apron for \\ heel Litter 2 " Postages and sundry . 1 " Balance to special "Rese~'ve" Account at the tam ford , palding ano. Boston Bttnk, Kettering 80
16 12 12 0 17 3 13 1 15 12 5 9
o o o 6 o o o o
G. A lttOIJ, ~I.IJ .. Y. HoltclIll, l.1t.l.!'., L.R.! .:-;. , -'.)1. Drown, ;\1.1)., F. Carter, L.n.l'.!'., .r. ~1. Coatt;", ~I.!l., U. n. DarwilJ, )l.lJ., F.n.C'.poO G. H . Deall , M . A., )!.n., \\T . .T. Flc P(\\'ood, )1.])., .T. ~r. Herllloll, )!.D., T. Howell, T . Hoyle, )LD., .T Johnston. ~!'(l .. n. _L '[aLball, ~I.~., D. :Jlac~Tcilage, l .. R.CP., C. V. ilIcCorllllrk. )1.1:.1· .... 1.ll.I.I' .. .T. n. Xuylol' lOon 1.1'., L.It.CoO', A. P. Percival, )I.D., .LT. '. Pik,', '!.B., P. ]'nlJl)le . )1.11., II. Robin. on, )l.Jt.(.'., LIt.C.l'., G. E. "cholL'held, ~r.II .. _\.. K .·dlH!'.", \1.1:.1 ..... , 1..1:.l·.1'., \V.'haw, L.n.c.p., L.n.C.:-., A. B. ,'tewanl, I..I,.I ·.l'., I..I •. ! .... , 11. ,\Tatel>, )I.n., F. II. \ Ve tamacott, F.R.C.S . .
AXXF.\ L REPORT. 'The \\,011' 0(' thb l'lltrf' 11;1S II( en l('(i\'l'l), canil'c1 011 liming the year, 39 clas ~ ha\j))ff liPcn h"ld. Thl' llllllllal L. and Y. Railway com}lrlition \la ' conductcd III '\larcl~ nlhl \\'as a "Ill I l',;s.:J tL·,t1IlS C'Ollll'ctlllg. The 'hllllcuge hielcl wa,. ,,:on by the trOlll I'l'jlr(,,,cl\till . ~ Xonh .\1'ISl'\· (,ood,.; ,:t·ltiol1. Liycrpool, and the Pd!-:ll1gton Challl'lIgl' ·up. \\ hielt is ht:lll hy tl! tL Ull u'JtailJing secollll place, was galllecl by the tc';llll n.'Il!·l·s(,lIti!l~ l';:nottin.~lpy ~tation. The Xorlh :Jlcl' cy tcam rcpre ented thc L. and Y. Ullll':1l1Y ill the illlcl'-mil\\'ay cOlllpetition, (jualifyiu p fOl: the final ill which they hvld tl](' firth l' 0~ition. DUl'ing the year .9~ ca. e' ot aCCIdent were reported, ill ;dlich lir,t aid \\',,:-; rendCll.!ll IJ)' th lIlCll trained ull~lcr the <?entre, mainly to compallY" sel'l',wb. III ;t!iditi~n to the men \~· ho. obtalll~d celtlficate,s lUlIi Illcrlal\ioll~, 1 7 III n hayo passcd til' hl'.·t year l'c·cxalllllla110Jl Llurlng the yeal, makill" a total at' 1.:3:33, . inc!! the formation of thc 'entl'e: 1<13 mon have abo lillalifi~d 1'01' the hhl i 'slIc!l by tho Associtllioll, making a LOtltl of 3U since the institution ot'thi ... f'ul·thcr IC-CX ltlnin,ltion.
( 'lIn h ·JUell.
T he Right IIolI. lI cl'heltJ . Glall ·tollc, £1 50
E xam ined and fou n d correct, 231'(1 October, 19 07, H ENRY R ABY. assed at Annual M eet ing, 29th October, 1907. J OlIN ELWORTHY, Chainnan.
~ e {,l' c t :II·.}' .
H. E. ,jIdlol', Chid Tl'aflic ,jrallagCl'" Office, i\Ianchester.
Honor:ll'Y Secret:H·.}'. Eustace R. L ane, George Street, Kettering.
1'1' ·.,jelent. ((jeneral ~ranagel' L. & Y.R.).
;\r.r.U.F., )LI.;\['E.
The Lord Thlnyor of Lreo. Prof. II . L itLlcwood, ~u;('., F.R . C.S.
IIOJlCII';al'r S('{'l'clllJ'Y.
, Yalter Rowlcy, HOIlOI' j\l'Y ~ (' (' I'(' j at'Y
} [ lS .
i\f. r.C.E., }i'.S.A.
t () '" II lilt' n· ... I)t' lI:ll·t 111('11 t au II ( ·Ia ... sc ... fOl' ,,'onlen.
'W aller Howley, Allier J [ill, MCltllWOod, Lee,l .
L ocal RepoTls f?'om Genl1'es.
St, John Ambulance Association. Ofli c ('s . s . Beckett and 00., Leeds.
20, Park Row, Leeds.
Li fc ) l c m JJ(' I· . • John Bal'l'an and ons, Rerkett and Co ., John Hepper, Joseph Juck~on , R. Ben on Jowett, ir Lionel 1\1. \\'innertoll-Pilkingtllll, Bart., Hl'Iggs Priestlcy, M.P., "Walter Rowley, :Jlrs. Walter Rowley, Geo. Anstin S\1ddick, Joshuu Tetler and ons.
and we often hear of the good work that lIas heen reLderecl. The thanks of the C·'nLre arc ag;tin clllC to Messrs. J. C. Kirk & ,' ;m, Chartered Accountants, who have kindly audile(l lhe accounts .
) 1C(li('al
Statement of Receipts and Payments, J.\'oL·embcr 1st, 1906, to OctobCt' 31st, 1907. Receipts. E:CPCllditllJ'C. 4
£267 14
By Bala,nce brough t fOr\\ard from latacc., 31st Oct., 1906. . ,£30 17 9 " tores purcllased 103 13 3 Examiller" Fees and 111 ciden tal Expeuscs paill to Head Oflicc 61 o "l'os~:tges, Tel egram, , Parcels, Travelling Ex]lell el:;, and unrll')' Oflice expelJses, to 30th June, 1907 21 vn 4 "Allowance 011 Account of A .'islallt 'ecretary 1st .July, 1906, to 30th June, 1907 50 o o
£267 11
Examinecl with the Youe;]lcrs and aCCOll11ts, ancI foullel cOlTect. (Signed) J . C. E:I1:K & , 0.-, LeedE:;
16th Jailuary, 1908.
1·I·c' 'j hl('1l1.
The Worshiprul the Mayor of Leicester.
H. J. Aitken, Edward Atkinson, R Hall Batchelor, Browll, J. 'Y. II. Brow11, C. 'V. Buck, J. Buck, William Came., J. Olough, O. H. Collillsoll, Arthur E llison, 11a il Ewing, Julius Friend, Robert Forsyth, . Grieshach, J. Gough T . ,Yardrop Grilfith, :l1.D., J . W. Haiues, F. W. Halliday. R. (~. IIan]], A . II. Hardcastle, COil. table Hayes, R. Grey 11eald, Geo. H. Heald, J. 13. Hellier. M . 1>., "W. L. Bunter, Josel)h J. Jackson, P. Jallles, E. Jollll. on, J. C. Kl'l.'>hu\\·, R. L . Knagas. H . Little,,-ood, W. S. )Iackeuzit', A . McRab, B. G. A. l\loyniha11, D. :Mann~ ' J. Kightillgale, John O'Neill, E . P . PlCkcrsgiJl, H. 1 . PriJl(;t', Ie. K. Rider, H. J . Roper, L. A. ROI\'den, G . H. Rowe, ydney Hllmholl, C. 13. ,11\'01')" M.D., Dougla 'eatoD, :'I['B., George:Bl. harpe, n. ,ill]S, RoLelt l1lniles, C. ' Y. Smeeton, H . A.rchboltl Smith. ,r. . Sprent, JO.C]Il! ~'tc\\art, Hugh .. tevenson, O. H . Sykes, John Taylor, R. Taylor, T. R. Taylor, :ll.D . , \Y. Thol1lp.on; H enry Towers, E. F. TI'Hell'an, D. ,Yailllnun, A. Weal', :'Il.V., L. F. 'Yc.'>i. '. II. Wood, H. de 0, Woodcock, McGregor Young .
To Annual Sllbscriptio1lS and Donations . £9 ,. Receipts from CIa es [01' Class Fees and tores 241 " Balance due to , ecretal'~', Leeds Centre, 31st Oct., 1907 17
G'lwrtc1·ccl,Acc07 /1ltants. H. LITTLEWOOD, C/t(lil'lllall. ,VALTEJt ]{OW1,KY, 11011. Secreta?'?} .
.ANNUAL REPORT. . Agai~l we have to record a furthcr increase in the lllllll bel' of classes; 48 first aiel, s howmg an 1l1.crease of 22 classes, and 1 nUl'siug class llavin,!{ lJo('n hl·ld. \\'e re11lal'keu in our prevlOus report that although there \Yere a great wany tram way em jlloyecs rmly a small percentage held ambulance certificfltes, hut "'e ale pleascd to notice that the tramway ufficials h~ve now taken up this work a]1I\ we llIay expcct sOllle very goot1 results In the !leal' future. The Evenillg Schools still contiuue to do crooll work and the sa~l1e can be said of the police. A gl'eat mall y of the worksbops ha\'~ 1101Y t al,cn u p first aId an~ we he~r of some very good results in tlie dilferent cOlUpetitio11s that a r c held from tunc to tIme between the val'ious firms . The colliery classcs still keep going
( ' hail'lllllll .
JlO)JOI':lI'Y ~ccJ· e lnl':r . }.l'. H. TUl'ller, 2, Granby, 'treet,
ROI' . Calion SaIl11<::rs, LL.])., ,'t. illal'tiJ)'.', Leicestcr.
Leicester. TI'(' :l .,111'(' \'.
'Yol'tll·Y ,'. LOI'ell, ":-'inylicleb,"
't. Petcr's Roau, Leicester.
I,Hc' .11 (' 111 11(' ''", ill iss Brough tOll, nIl' . Dnck, illrs. U. 11. Ellis, Mi ·s Emily Ellis, n1iss Fortescne, .J. W. Fuire, ~li ?II. J. Hodges, Lady King Hall, 'il' Ed"an1 ,rood, Mrs. W . Wright. U .' cli e lll
Allllel"oll, I..I:.I' .J'., L.I:.C '."'. (Eclill .. ,r. Astldt, :'I['!l.C'. '., L.IU.l'., A. E. BarIo,,', \1.Il., ",ILl'.S. (l<:c1ill.), ,T. nLlrridgf', L.JU'.I'.: O. D. grYllJl, ~I.l:.('.!'i., 1,.1:.('.1'., J. H. Blakesll'Y' F I:.C ;.. ·., W. Criek, ;\1.1:.l'.S., Astll'.)' Clttlkc, :'If.B., Cnllillgton,, J•• I:.('.I'. (Elill.), E R. ('UlI'chcl', 1..1:.l '.1'., 1..1:.(.' ... , H. D. Daries, :\f.n., .•. , C. DOl1(flas, I-'.I:.c.H., 1'. (j. (;:ull'lt. ~I.J:.c' .. ·., R. Gilroy, ;\[ n., C.~r., 111. GUDlliug, :>'1.1: . "s~, L. K. lIarl'lSOll, IJ..\., :'11.11 .. W. Hem)" ;\[,11., F. 'Y. lllcAlli ter-I-hwliug., ;\1. H., (UL, M. HoIJlIe', )!.I:.r'.S., J. HUllte)', :'ILl)., T. IIlltc:llillSOll, :11.1:.1'._., A. \Y. .Jellkills, ~I.I;., Ii.S. (Luud.), .Tol!JI.'lOIl, J,,1:.(,,::>, & 1'., .. mg.-Capt. 'l'. G, Kelly, :\J.D" F. Lc\\'ilt, :'Il.Il., )[.):.t.<;., A.)1. Little, .\I.B., c.)! .. A. L. )[acLeocl, :'If. A .. :'Ir.n., (J.;\L, ,nr~.-Ci1[ll·lilJ ~~. KutLall, PellllJl!rloll Peake, :'II. Jt.c.s., L.n.c.I'~, F. M . Pope, 'I.ll., 11. \.., (Cillltth. , :\!.l:. '.S., :'11.1:.( ' .1', .I. P,ly"e, :'I1.I:.('.S., \\. Plant, :'I!.l:.L'.~., T. l'. ~hc:are!', 1..1:.l.l'. & I'i. (1<:Ilill.), H. :-:'ki]l\\'orlh, )l.lLl.S., R. ('Ycstrc, ::IJ.D., 1.. 1:.< .1'., ".IL(' ..<;.,.T. ,. ,'loaill. ;\1.1:.1 '" .. ~l1rgeon-Col. J3radsila,,-, Illith, I: .. \..::I1.C., ,. F. ,'II11th. \1.1:.<.:.' .. T. ~. Tholll:IS, 1..1:.1'.1'., :\1.J!.C'.!'i .. H. ~t. \Ycst, :If.R.l'.H., 1,.1:.C'.I'., ,r. YOllllg, ~l.n.l'.s. A).'~-LAL
III PI' 'S8l1lillg lhe tll'enly-sol'llllh alllll1al repol't, the 'OlllJlliLto(' are 1,lelv('11 to state th.LL th· progrl'SS 01 tIll' 'cntrc is \l'dl llIainttlillCcl. The clus l'S held in thc town ha\'o Il('ell \\'cll altelHle,l, UIl(l the re.lllt. of the exuminaLion sati~ractory. 1t i 'lI1uch ~o be 1'1'~rcttLd that the Educalioll U<lIl1lllittee the County OOllllcil haye discOlltinued tJll' gl':llll to (;lnSSl'S hcld ill lhe COUllt), thi" has ~eriou '1)' iuterfered with the extell "iull 01 amlmlallce kllOwll'tlge, thc llt1l1lhur of cla so - li:.l\'illg cOllsiJeralJly fallen o fl'. YOUI' COlllllJitlee ('arlJc:Uy It()pe the grallt lIlay soon be l't'toled. 'I'IrclIty-six C'la st',; hay!.! bccn helcl dlll'ilig the past. C:i "ion, 13 mell's lil'st aid, 6 \\'lllllel,'s tirst aitl, 3 mcn'.'> lJul~illg, ulld 1 \I'olllelJ's llUl'::;illg. The lotal llumbcl 0[' pllpils who Ilan) rocoil'ell a C,()ltlplutt, cnl1l'.'c of ilJsll'llt:li()1l ill fil'"t aid and llursing is J~.). 310 prusullted t1lelllsl'l\'L'~ 1"11' e\:il111 ilt:tt lUll, '2 ;j 0[' \\'boll1 \\'ere snccl', fnl, and gal]le,l el!l'lilicale. Tit" I'Ll-exalllillulions \l'C!'U 1\"(,11 attendcd, 1~5 men and 20 \Yomen bllc"es~flllly l':\sillg. ~Il'lhlliollS gaillLlll l,y 4:3 lIlell alld ~9 Ilomen were i snell tllli'illg lhe )'l';U·. Ii i· a great'Ll to I'ccurd the grcat interLl't takeu by the ruilll'ily COlI'lliluies in tho wurk tho Association, f'ucee'·rul and \Yell aitentlell classe' hal'illg heell hclll, aJHl yom 'ulIIlllit co cOllgl'ntulalo the Dircdor' ill l.l~villg 011 their sLalr::;u large a llulllhur of Illell \l'dl clualilied to rcnder fil"t aid. Ad,htlOllal inlorest has bCl'l1 created lLlllOllgst railll'llY I\)ell by a generou.' gift to thc Centre by .1\11'. H.. n. ,'tttl key, hilllselr Illl 0111 ulIllllll,tII..:e IIlUIl alltl one who 1ll1' been from the Jjr~t associ Lll'tl wiLh tho \l'o!'k ur lhLl Leict,,;tor CClltn', of a 1Ia11(1.'0I11e Challenge Shield rol' ltl1ll11,.l cOl1lpotition amollg 1'l'lll'cscllLativo toams of the dilferent rnilll'ny cOlllpanies ill Lh(' lOWII llwl disLrict. Tlto lil'lSt cOl1lpetition look placc 011:2 th J\lny, aL Lhe Midla1ld H.ailll'll)' Slation. Six tC1UllS ('ntered, the l\'igstOll Loco. tcam oflhe Midla1ld H.ailwuy COillpallY \Iillllill" al'Ler a elosc contest. Deputy-Inspe:!tor Ut'lleml ,)1. UcHLLos, 111.1)., H.~., who e:~lJllueL'>ll thc cxulllillation, in congmlulating
t. J ohn A 1nbv-lance Ac ociation.
L ocal Rf.pol'l, fro?!t Cent1'e8.
the winning team, urged upon railway 111en generally the neces ity of making thcm· selles pl'oficientiu first aid, this being most important in the interests of the travelling public. The Oommittee heartily thank MI'. tarkey for hi pnblic piril. During the year, Ohief- llperintemlent King, uperilltenclent Langham, and Mi & Pollard, L ady eeretary of the Nursing Divi ion, haye received at the hands ot' H. R. H . the Prince of , Yales, Grand Prior of the Oreler, the ervice medal of th e Order of St. John granted tllem in recognition of long and faithful service. It i "'ith deep regret the Oommittee have to record th e death of the Hey. Huc,h J. :Fol'tescne, :\1.A., Rector ofHoniton, anJ. formerly of St. George's, Leices ter. ITe wa Chairman of Committee from its formation till 1 95 . l'llr. Forte~clle was a pionecr of ambulance work :n Leicester, being olle of the fir t to become connected with thO' 1ll0yement at its inception in 18 1, and he continued with ullabated zeal and generosity to snpport the canse here until his removal to HOlliton. In l ecogllition of his services hp ,..-as made an Honorary A ~ociate of the Order of' t. John of J el:u alem in England . It is again the dl1 ty of the Oommittee to tban k the Sll 11scnbers for their g p nerol1s assistance in the extension of the work of fir t aid in the town, to the employers of labour for the privilege allowed of taking the AllllU,Ll aturday Oollection at their respective works. and to the employe (If the ma1lY firms, who by their eontributi0ns h ::w e helped to upport and extelld the "ork. All may rest as ured that I1lOnies received for furtherance of ambulance work are care· fully and economically .. pent in the be t illtere ts of th e public . Tho Committce regret that the balance sheet shows a seriou~ deficit, there being a ualance due to 'I reasurer of £7 lOs., in addition to £54 6 . lId. owing to hea(lqnarter.. The work of tl~e Oentre has ontgro\YIl its income. The w(lrking amI maintenance of the wagon, so kmdly presented by ir Edward ,Yood, cntail' a heavy expenc1itur:), amI Llming the year a 10 s of £60 under this heael has been incmred. Your Oommittee are Ilw. t anxions, bO"'ever, that the wagon should till uc k ept r ead y night allli clay to meet any emergency. The lIpkeep of the h'eet Cabinet·, affixed in various po:ition in the town, is ~Iso au additiollal item. TIle COlllmittee confidently appeal to the g eneral publIc [01' [ll1'ther as i.'tauce to rcmove tbi. hindrance to their ,,,ode The treet Oabinets haye IJeen called into requi .'itio n 011 numerous occa~ions of accident· a~d sudden. illnes.', awl. their use. has been the m ea n . of lninil1li ing much pain a1ll1 chs~om[ort 111 mal:y aCCIdents wJnch haye tak en plac ' in thc street·. The 'ol1lmiUec agam express thcll' thanks to the medical . laff for their ulltirillU" efforts in illlpalliJlCl "aluable instruction to the students, and they also thank theOHolloraJ'Y Aurlitol~ CHessn;. 'Wykes & 00.) for their appreciated en-iccs. Statement oj Receipts aneZ E[t:pe nditll1'(J jo/' tltc YC((i' cnding ScptCU1.UCI' 'JUlll, 1907. , .. R eccipts. . EJ'lJCllditll1'e .
'I o SubscnptlOlls & DonatIons £62 1 10 " Stores. sol~. 17 14 " ExannnatlOn Fees 41 17 Ii " Medallions . . 11 9 6 ,,'Warehouse and Factory Collectiol1s£80 H ] 0 Lessexpenses13 1 0 67 13 10 " Transport Receipts . 55 18 0 " Oollections, Victoria Park and Belgra"e Pasture o 1 6 " D ne to Treas., cpt. 30th 7 10 0
Due to Treas nrer.
By Local Examination Fees
£n 11 11 2 4 4 i 17 6 1 11 6 11 9 6 4 2 8 4 6
"Hire of Roollls . ,,'torekceper' Gratnity " l'lIeualliol1s . " Postage and Carriage " Printing and Sta.tionery . "Transport Expenses, in· clmliug Mnintenance and , tOl'age of Wagon 115 12 "Competition Prizes an(l Expenses . . 5 9 " Brign(lc Workin£( Expenses 5~ 17 o 5 " Acl vel'tising . . K o " Collector's 00111111 ission . "Maintenance of Hand Litters . . 1 10 10 0 " Grant to Uniform Fund 20 0 " Secretary's Honorarium ,: Street Oabinets . 7 2 6 5 " Loss on Concert o 2 " Bank Ch.r'lrgcs
6 10
Brigade Uniforln Outfit Account. Receipts. B:rpenclil1tre. T o Balance in hand of 'freas. By Ulliforms £16 18 'cpt. 30th, 1906 £1 L(' ._~ repaymcnts 22 10 5 17 1 3 ----1 " Gran t from CClI tre Funcl 10 Ditto.
in Dank
NO'l:cmbcr. 1 !f07.
"1'(' ",1e1 lit.
6 10
( 'hail'Juau .
The Right lIon. the Earl of Derby, K.n.
Frauk Tobin.
1'1' :\"'UI'(,l' HUll II O BcII' a1'Y ~ CC I· ctaI' Y .
.T. C. Elli oll, ti, ,Ydlington Bnilding , - .. , ontl! Castle Street: Liverpool. ) , If(' \1 (' 11111 (' 1· ....
Th e Earl of Dt:l'hy. K.( •• , ,Ydlium .Arla,lII '011, James Liter. :U (' I1i (' al :-.taff.
I\'. }\[ul'I'ny 'aims, )r.1)', Tho.'. :'IL D.msoll, )LD .. Ll e,Ye llYll ~Io]'gan, :\I.D. , J. E. Yeyin', :\!.D. : G . • cott.·ugden, :\!.D., Tho.'. ~l. ,Yill, F.R.r.,·., Irel. ANNF.\L REPORT. The \\'ork of tho CClltrc cOIltinue ill a. sati~factory conclition. havo been held: twche male, ix felllale, uncl t\\'o nUl' ·in g . tat"lIlelll
q/ RI'c:dl'l
Twenty clas es
lId itu I'e (rolll l .l Odobel', 1906, to " phnbe )' 30th, 1907.
ToBalancelast n/(, l . CIa .. a/c. " ubsCl'iptillll.' " I nteret
{J51=3;, :!.7 17 10 13 0 0 II 7 7
55 14 o 17 36 6
mCllExpewc',Rcnt &c .. ,,'tores alc "Dalance
£92 1
.\ \Idit '<1 and fUHIllI conect, F. 'rODIX, Chcul' 1/(/,1. ,r. C. E[ LI~llX. iIOll. ·cc. aild Tl't.a '1m
21 st J(tJll/(lry, 190".
9 8
o o o o o
Au litcll all(l fOllnd cOl'I'ect, W Y1-: E.' & Co., GIl(! dei'ed .1 Ccowltants, Leice tel'.
£\12 l ' 10 1
4 ---£24 " Dalall ce in hand of Treas., ,'cpt. 30th, 1907 £4 0 :) " Ditto in Bank 0 1 3
( ' hail·JUHn.
Lonl Cottesloe.
Finlay F. "'cott. ( ' ('1I.1·e
SC Cl'c l :Il·Y .
J. King, Lonlloll Bridge Tcrminu,
5 9 10
St. J ohn ..A 1nbl1"lctnce Association.
Locul R epo l'is 11'01n Oent?'es.
AN?ifUAL REPORT. T he Dil'ectors' Ohallcnge Oup was again won by Brighton L oco. "A" team, and the second, third, and fourth prizes ,yere taken hy Ne w ross e, A," ' Villow ' Valk " A," and Brighton Goods" B" teams, rcspectiyel,r . Brighton Loco. represented the Oompauy in the I nter-Railway Oompetition . Willow' ' Valk Ie A ,I team al 0 won the Oshome Challenge "hield.
LLANDUDNO. PI·esi(lcnt .
T he R ight Hon . Lord Mo tyn . ( 'bairman.
Trca nrc}'.
Yen. Archdeacon Morgan .
J . Adey Wells, Bryn Mail', L lllllrho
L. J . COml1:LY, 11 0, l\Iostyu
treet, L landudno.
JlcdiC:11 S taff. Jas . Oraig, )I.B., T hos. Daltoll, :\I.D . , T , L. Kenrick-Davie, M.B., E. Gooddy, F . R.C . S. , T. V. Lockhart-Mure, JlI.B., c.)I., Ec1in., H. Bold " TilliIll1l., ~I.B . , C.M.,
Oamb., E. R. ' Yoodhouse,
;Ucciical Slatr.
R . Bruce, :lLn.c . R. , Ih' .A . , lJ . p.rr., K F. Cbinery, L.ll,(J . P., M.P-.C. ,· . , L.S.A. , F . P-.C . S. , F. ?,[n,tnrill, M.D . , D.r' ., :l1.1:.C.S., L.R.r.l'., A. D . Pithie, 1,. R.C.P . , L . lt . C. S., L . F.P . R. . II Statham, D.A., M.D. (('anta1l.), ;\1.1:,( ·.H ., 1•. 1;,(' .1'. ANNUAL ImpORT. First ,till cla .. scs wcrc hclll fot' n1l'n, and . . . ur .. ing cla.'se. for \yomcn ; 4 womcn and 12 mell iiaLislieri thc examincr ; :G women look lip lhe ll11rfiing cxamination, and 2 the firsL aid fhull ; :) men took up lir;;t cxamination ; 3 eXlIlllillcll for vouchers, and 4 for the fillal. The lccturcr was ]\11'. II. ,'tathanl, and the examincr, InspectorGClleral Woods, v. v.o., G.B., H.N .
S{((tGlIlI'lIl of Rf'ceipts and E"j1wclitlll'cjoJ' 190G. i'.;"jJcncl itlU'e. RCCl ipt~. To Balancc Oll 3ht Vec., 1905 :L ·1 1 By .\Ilvcrti~jll~, • tatiouery, J>riuliu r, ete. nbs. a1\li DOllal ions 1 16 1
" Frolll
1I0110ra1'Y S('crctal'Y.
)f.B . , ('.:If.
~. \ll'
ing Vi Vi,;lOIl " From Old Lymingtllll " 131'igad' Fees "" Frolll I)'COlllldl "Icmorial
ANNUAL REPORT. A. first aid class was formed in January and ,,,as attended by mcmbers of thc Police Force, employees of the Raih\'ay and Tramway Oompanic and also of the Urban D istrict Oouncil and others. The examinat ion took place 011 ' lay lllh, when sev~nteen candidates in all presented themselve. for examination, and six gained certificates, two passed the first re-examination, five obtained medallions, and thrce obtained labels. T he lectures "ere given uy Dr. Davies ill the Chmch Hou e.
Flom OllU,
S:dl' 0['
lIallts il
go ok~ .
·t()re .... ,\:ll.
3 3 1 ·1
'2 0
7 10
Stores sold , Ambulance T ablets , Medallions anu Labels sold Balance
o 17 7 o 8 o o 17 o
6 9 4
" " " " " "
a' at 1st Oct. , 190G Examination tores . Ambulance T ablet :Medallions anrllabel' . Advertising and Printing Poslages, etc. . .
£5 17
1 1
o 13
£ 1n
" E.'am. i't'e. to Head Office Leetul' 'lS' fees " " tore", llook .. , etc. " II ire of HOOlll . " Petty cxpeJl '(J<; of classcs " Badgcs ")1 Expcll 'es All II llal iI[cetillg 'lteli\Hl Book " Ilalnll cc .
1 11
'hccl;:cd wi th Youe!t r' awl Balik
JauwU'!J 5th, 1801.
o 7 o 17 o 5 o 3 £10
J. L.
1 11
The VelY Ru\, . til (ni~hnp
)'l'cSic1 11t.
K . c.
lIOIl. 8cCl'ct:1I'Y.
Col. F. Jcrrard, Parson's ~Iead, Beaulieu.
0 6 4
Percy O. H ayles, Managel', Oapital a n d Oounties Bank, L ym i ngton . Life lU embel'.
1111'S. J . P. H eseltine.
LO Ii 7
Captain A. 13lllYOll, Jl'aulleltl, BUWUOll, Cheshire.
( · haiI'JlI:!n •
G. H. Dnl \yin,
]1011 or:! I' ,! !'It' tl·c tary. L. le\\ hUlll HrO\\ll, )1..\., 17, Coopcr 'tnet, illanche leI'.
'INIi('aJ Slatr. r.ll.e.l'., ' \'. J. lJ eslol', F.l~.l.S., Edill., L.R . C.P., ' Yestm:lcolt, F.1t.C.S., B."C., Vict.
II, R. H . Princcss Louisr" Duchess of Argyll. Cbnil'lnall.
2 0
Book, awl fOllnd correct, A. F()I:llEs.
Dutll of i\[allchl"ler, D.l>. ' \'clldoll).
'I' I·(' a"lIl·t' I·.
ADEY WELL" T?·casw·c?·. J . OONWAY, Han, Secretary.
6 0 0
E. H. Pem bel',
1 9 3 4 1 9 0 1
}' . .TEltIL\l(Il, fl ail. Secretory. 1'1'; 1t<'Y I. H \ Yl,I',:-:, lIon . TrcasU?·rr. EIlWAltD II. l'E\Ifl[· H, ChaiJ'maH.
• ·I· (' .. iclcllt.
£3 10 3 3 ... 0 8 18'" 6
Po .. tagc lo Hlill .. 'cerdar)'
Statcment of Receipts and Expenditure jO?' yen!' ellclill g 30th Scptcmbu, 1907 . Receipts. Expendilllt·c. T o Olass F ees £ 1 10 o By Balanc:e bronght forward " " " "
II . Dar\\'in, ~r.D.,
F. H .
J\ T UAL HEPORT. D uring the yNtr 27 classcs 11a ye hcen hell l u uclel' the. aupices o.r this rn he (2~ 1I1ale awl 5 fellude); 11 wcre uncleI' the 1I1n.nagcmetlt o[ the T oe ll1~lCal an.d Oth~ l' schools o f tho district; <1 cOlllposed of llIenlllcl's of the Ma ncheslcr Olt~' P olIce. 4. 1ll connection with thc ManchesLer ancl ~alford 'Ol'pol'll.tion employ ee', 3 III as OClatlOn with cluhs foJ' lllutual illl p rOVclllcnL, 1 consisting of memb.e~·s of the Manche -ter aud alfol'd Oot'jls, and 4 not clttiisilicll. I n addition 358 certlflCated member "ere reo examined, 179 po. sin g for vouchers, 10 for medall ion, and 55 for l abels.
St. J olzn A rmunlance Association.
Local Reports /1'0171 Gentil'e '.
Statement of ReceiZJts aucl E xpenclitu?'e f 01' the yea?' ending Septem,b()1' 29th, 1907. Receipts. \ E xpencl7·tw·C. By Examiner s' fe es and Sept. 30th, 1906.
To Balan ce in Bank Sept. 29th, 1907. " Olass fees and material " I nterest and Di\'idends
12,1, 5 25 10
7 0
material . £90 13 2 Oarriage of good and 2 14 10 Postages 'Yol'kill g expenses, includ ing r ent of office, clerk's se rvices, printing, :111 vel'tising alld statiollcry 55 9 0 Don. to FUlllls of London Executive 10 0 0 Balance ill Bank 90 4 9
£ 24 9
Investments made by the CentreM anchester Corporation L oan, at 3§ pel' cent . £511 0 0 l\1ilnche ·ter Corporation £200, 3 p . C. Consolidated Stock, cost 201 15 11 £712 15 11 Examined and found correct, 29th N ovem bel', 1907, G. H . DARWIN, M.D. , Han. AuditoT. G. H. DAHWIN, M.D., Ohai?·man. ALFRED BINYON, T1·eaSU?·e1·. L. MEWBURN BROWN, H an. SeC?·eta1·Y.
Th e Chairman and Directors of the Company. I"l·esid ent. A. O. Elli ... Chairman.
H. S. Stewart.
1l0UOJ':U'Y Secrc tary. H. E. Percy. 32, Westbourne T errace, London,
lU eclica l Staff.
C. H. Au ty, :'II.H. C.S., L.R.C.I'., J. M. Carvell, lILR.C.S., L.S.A., A. B . Kingsford, :\l.n.c.s., L.R.C.P., E. S. Langworthy, l\I.R.C.s . , L.n. C.p., , V. G. Macice, ~I.B . , C.llI. ANNUA L REPORT. Interest has been revived in ambulance work on this raibyay by the presen tatiol1 of ~ <?hallenge Shield by the Directors and Offi cers of the Compnny for annual competr tIon by the st~ff. Th e competition has been made an inter- departmental one and the first meetmg too.k place at the Company's Neasden Works in April. Four teams entered, representmg the Traffic, Locomotive, Permanent ,Yay, and Carriage D epartments. The team sent up by the Carriaae Department won with an agarerrate of ] ~8 marks out of a possible 300, and the Shield \\'as hand~cl to the team by °th e Presldent to hold for one year . Silver medals given by the A ccountant of the Company were also presented to the members of the team . FiYe first aid classes and t~ree r e-examinati?n classes were held during the year, and the certificates, medalhons, and label galned were presented by th e Genel'alManagel' (who is the Presiclent of the Centre) on the 10th October. Two small silver cups which h ad been·off'ered t? members of the Traffic anLl Engin eering Departments for the most meritorious first aId r endered were also presented. A Committee composed of earnest first aid worl~er~ h as now been formed from the staff for managing the affairs of the Oentre ll:nd It ~s hoped that the members of the Uommittee who are distributed all over the ~llle, Wll~ b~ able to induce the staff generally to take up the work and ' maintain lllterest III It.
I"rcs id cnt. The Marquis o f Zetland,
(.'lta il'Juan.
Major 'W alter JOh11S011 .
lIonol':u'Y ISt'ercf al·ics . ,Yaynman Dixon and F. Herbert Marshall, Middlesbrollgh.
Trcasllrcr. O. W. Shepperd.
LU'c lUcmlH.' rs.
Anrlerston F oundry Co. , Ln. , A 'h11101'e, Benson, Pease & Co . , LeI., Bell Brothers, Ld., Blair & 00., Ltl., Bolckow, Vaughau & Co .. Ld., O. F. H. Bolckow, Oa1'go Fleet Iron 00 ., Lt!. , Carlton I ron Co ., Ld., Cochrane & 00 . , Ld., Craig, T aylor & 00., Durham Oounty Constabulary, Sir Raylton D ixon & 00 ., Ld., D orman, L ong & 00. , Ld. , Mayor and Oorporation of Middlesbl'ough, Mayor and Oorporation of Stockton Marquis of Lomlonderry, K.G., Morrison & 00. , NorthEastern Railway Co., :rorth-Eastel'llSteeICo., Ld., North Riding Constalmlary, Pease & Partners, L d ., Richardsons, ,Yestgarth & Co . , Ld. , Richardson, Duck & 00. , R opner & Son, ir B. Sa III nelson & Co., Ld . , Sadler & Co .• L d . , Skinningrove I ron Co., L d . , T ees COllservancy Commissioners, T ees-side Bridge & Ellgineering Works, L el. , ,V. H. A. ,Vhartoll; W . Whitwell & Co.; Wilsous, Pease & Co. , Ld., Marquis of Zetland, R.T . , Contributors to this year's classes: Cargy Fleet Iron Co., L d ., Cleveland & South Dlll'ham Electric Power Co., :rorm anby Iron W orks Co., Ld., North Riding Constabulary, Sir B. Samnelson & Co., L d ., Wilsons, Pease & Co., Ld. lU c clica l Sfa.f. Geo. H. Anderson, M.D. , Frank Benson; L.R.C.P.A ., B . ill. Bone, :\J.B., E. Bt1l'nett, 1\1.13., M. Caldwell, L.R.C.R. & P. , Pat. B. Considine, M.13., J. P. Clarke, ~f.B., J . ,V. E chmrds, M.B., John Ellerton, M.D., S. Farmer, M. ll. C.S. , J. F. Falconer, ~r.D., Miss Maud Fendick, L.,'.A. , G. C. H. Fulton, M.B. , John Glen, lILD., Jno. C. Glen , L. R. C. P. & s., E . \ V . Gilroy, :'Ir.n., John Hpdle)'; M.D., H. E. Howell, :'IloB., C. L, William Knott, M.D., H. Jackson, M.D.,J . B. L averiek, ~f.B., Mrs. H. M. L avick, M.D . • H. D. Levick, M.A. , M.D., F.n.c ... , G. F. L ongbotham, )('B., Jas.Mackinlay, M. R. C... . , ,Yo Mackinlay, M.B. , S . H. I1Icrry ,,'eath er, M.R.C.S., F. Munroe, M.B. , H. Messenger, L.R. C.P., E. T. Scorab, :'If.R. C.S. , W. hand, l\f.R. C.S. , And . Steele, L.R. C. P. & S., Jno. Steele, L . l~ . C . P . & s. , W. W. Stainthorpe, Jr., M.B ., H. Stonehouse, lILR.C.S., ,V. A . Stephen, M. A. , M.D . , Chas. Stuart, )r.B., .T. Thomey, L.n.C.p. , F. E. T o\yn se nd, M.D., W. Y. Veitl:h, L.n.C.p. , "'IV. J. 'Williams, M.D., F. Percy Wingfield, ~r.B., Saml. " Talker, M.R. C.S. , Harold \ Val k er, liLA., ~r.B., F.R.C.S., V'l. M. Yeoman, M.B. STOCKTOX BnA~cH-J. A. Blandford, M.R. C.S. , E. J. Co \'<;en , l\f.R.C .. , G. H. Douthwaitp, )I.R.C.. , H. Fawcett, M.D., George Hogg, M.D., Thomas Horn e, M.D., H. ill. Hll ghes, )I.TI . , E. H. Hunton, )f. D., T hos. ,Vatson, 1\1 . D.
State1J'wnt oj Accounts (01' th l' yeai' ending 30th) 'rptembe'i', 190'7. I ncome. Expenclit71l'e. To Subscriptions . £13 Cla6s Fees 65 14. 0 Less provided for in 1906 ace. 45 15 0 19 13 Class Fees Outstanding 2 Bank Interest
19 15 10
£50 11
0 0 0
By working expensesStamp, Stationery and Printing Carriage and 'rIavelling Expenses eITicesAssistant Secretary Examinati on Fees and I nciclentals StoresD epreciation amI Consnmed by Classes "Surgeon-Major Hutton T estimonial Fund " Smpllls c:llTied clown
£9 16 ~
7 19
7 16
0 1
£50 11
10 9
/J't. J ulm .A mbulance . ..1 Balance Sh ed, J Oth
L oc(d
LiabilIties. 0
Cash ill N<ltiol!al Proyil1cia l R :2 £11 Bank 2 3:' • tore' in tock 13 1:, 0 Dne for Cla~ ' .Fees :2 1 11 Cash in hall ,l" of lI oll. ee.
2 5
£169 13
£lG!) 1;1
J . J.
Dcccmb' l' 14th, 1907.
lfolJHI·al'.r 1"t'('I·(' lal·.l.
Pallller (:MeHolI
UOllstn.l11l'~ .
AXKU AL REPORT. atisfactory progress ha been made in connection with tlli ' Centre <lming pa 'l session, aml good and useful work ha'3 becn dOlle. The total llH'1lI0Crsltip of the Centre is 412. T his figure is not inclnsi\'e 01 many other tha1l Rllihl ay UOlllllliltee's sel"l"auts who ha \'e attended the examinations heltl by this Centrc ill cOIllJ('ctioll \\ ith Connty Council T echnical Edncation Committer. The annunl cOlllpetition for the Challenge Cup presented by the Ofiieers of the Joint Committee, nl '0 mOlley prize, was this year held at Norwich, when ]line teams fmterell, the. OUtll Lyllll toam obtaining first position. T he judge, Dr. A . Gibb, of I p wicll, spoke " ' ell the "oll' pel formecl by the various t eam. )ll1ell keenlles. is di;:,playecl by Llle lI1ell in connection with these competitions. The 'outh Lynn tcam (willllers (Jf tlle M. & G.X . Challenge Cup) were entered for the All Englaml Railway ChallclIgr 'llield C ompetition in L()lldon, but were very uufortunatc, obtaining cightcPllth ]Io. ition out of twenty . four teams entcring. All Corps ill cOllnection wi tlt 1IH' Cell tIe nrc well equipped in l'pgarcl to materi3.l. T he HOlloralY ,'ecretary Ita' heen the reeil'ieat of the Vellum Vote of T hanks awarded by H.R.H . The Princc or , Yales alJ(l the Ohapter .. General, a circnmstance for which the local Commiltee are gratefnl and which has also given great satisfaction.
.. J'(· ... id('llt,
(' hail'lIlan,
W. Bolton . lfollol':u'Y SCCl'ctIlI'Y.
C. T h01'lltOIl, :2. Leeds Road :
~elsoll .
£25 3 To Balance ill thuk , June 1st, By Hepair. to Carriage 72 9 190G ., • 'tore' anll Oarriage .£106 17 7 6 16 3 9 :2 " Prill ting antl Arlvertising " Da,!allec III hands of ec . 9 ] 'tamps o,nd'tationery 12 16 10 " 'tares a nil U,nri:lge 3 2 ,. DOll<l t iUIl . 21 IS 2~ "" Donatiolls 10 :3 111 3 " Ex(ulliuation.' " Ambulan ce Ilall 30 9 Billiards ~:3 12 5 " .Alll blllancc lIall :2 Billiards alld Work hop "" Mill 3 ·1 Co \leclinll . 63 ;:; 1~ "" K cwspaper aUll ()cin 1.' '1 ;:; 3 " I II ur" ncc Rates " Comp titi a n ' uu (1 Hedews 40 15 Taxes " 53 1 (Refulld ed by .l. TO . ·1 " Caretaker's wll~e.' " ( ' onipetit,ioJJ:iulld Re\'ie\ys 17 1 .\Y.D.) 5 0 G 9 2 0 " Cln. :~ FC Q ~ " " oci,lls 1;' -1 6 1 15 " Delegate ' Expenses " It ' fn:shm Cllt n ,ll' •' unllric 0 :2 1 " Tru, tee ' allel for 'heque " Buuk I llt c r~" nook, 60 6 1 9 t3 :2 1:2 nn<il'ie ' " Cash in hand ~ 13 " Rtlancc ill Bank 62 11
£l1ll 12
0 10 0 ~
6 6 10
31 5 0 3~
3 9
6 10
I Jtayc ex,lIl1iJlcrl the nhoyc . tatefllcnt of Receipls :11111 Expcnditure, and COI11p'\!' (1 the -',1111 0 with thc l1e ~ e ' 'ar)' Pap ' l'. o,lll1 Youcher, awl lind them to hc correct. ILu:TLKY \la~ETT, .A ' ist. B Oi'Ollgh T ruc ll r.. r. eu.\ ItLES Tltolt::\TIl .. ·, Treasurer. :rebOil,
OdobCl' 1st, 1007, H ALL
eptcmba 30th, 1907. 1I0JlOl':tl'Y 8(,(,1'('la1'Y.
' Y. T . L am'enc(}, Millom. )(cdical Stall'.
~I. II ney, ;\f, B., L,ll.C . p., I, .n.C.R., P . \Van\'ick, ]'J. B. , L,n . C. p., L.n.c . S.
Rel'Cipts (utd E.l..'pcnclitllr.:Jjro1n J nne 1st, 1906, to September 30th, 1907.
John Green, 20, Ura\\fol"..l Street, Kelsoll .
A . FilHllay, ~!.D., M . Flack, ~I.n., '\T. J,wksun, :If.D., P. lIEller, M.D., A . E . ormington, ..\LD., 'Y. O . Piper, ~LI)., J . B. 1(. Ruuu, :M. . \., :lLn.
Chait·luau. C. Vaughan.
Oen /? '(Js,
T . W. Will,inson .
~(ccli(' al
Auditcd and found cornet,
f l'om
.. f ssc{s.
Capital as at 31 t October, 190'::; . £1:20 R esen'e Account for re-exam. and for Olas_es at reduceel Fee A::; at 31 t Oc:toher, 190t3 "[0 Add- nrplns Cor 1907 urought dOlI n 9
W . :M arriott,
R f']JU}' /8
B. ,'toney, LIt. C.l' . , M. lt . C.R., II. F.
Classes a r c conducted under the auspices of t he Mill onl .Jr,int l' dlll aLioll Committee, an d th e receipts and expellc1itme are ill cln(l ecl in its accou n ts.
E:t'JlCIldit tire,
Receipts. To ntort":lgc on Building and Laud £750 0 2 11 " Blt1allec ill hand 80 0 ,. CClltrc (Joltllllittec ,V. " D lll1ec-)ll's, T. \\Ti I lei llSolt 20 0 0 9 " Bllnk I lItl' rest
£ 53
0 9 0 0 6 3
1 0 0 2
£0 3 heq ne Book ,> ll) ,,- ..... . lIlbulallCe Hall 67 10 " Loan I nterest " Balance ill hand . . 33 13 I Amount o \\ ing on Buildillg ' a n d L and . 750 0
£ 853 K
St. Joh 'n Ambulance Association .
L ocal R eport fro?n Oentre . .
Th e Committee of the Centre haye \'ery great pleasure in presenting their 19th report and Balance heet p.xtendillg oyer a period. of sixteen months, dating from 1 t .Jlme, 1906, to 30th eptember, 1907, and in doing so take thi. opportunity of thanking all who haye 0 gelleronsly helped them in thi noble ancl charitable work, especially the medical. taff ,,,ho so generou ly and willingly giye their en'ices; and the Nelson Police, the Nelon Tradesmen's As ociation, and the N el on Cricket aml F ootLall Olub Committees for their unfailing and splendid support. The Oommittee haTe thought it ad\'i"able that the financial year should clo e along with that of the h ead-quarters, a preYion IS, \vh en the Head·quarters rcport came out oms was four month late; al 0 as 1110 t of the \york i carried on during the Winter.e 'ion, and, therefore, the mem bel'S are more in touch with the Oentre, it \;-as thought that ,ye might get a better percentage of mem bel'S at the annual meeting than \\e can net during the summer months. Therefore, after due consideration at a Oentre Committee Meeting hel,l on ~Iay lOth, 1907, it was resoh-ed-" That the financial year close on 30th eptember, and that the annual meeting of members be held within fourteen days." Dlll'ing the pa t e ion 3 cIa es haye been held, namely, 1 ladic ' and 1 gentlemen' fir t aid course, and also 1 ladies' nursing conre. Fifty-four student sat at the examination, and out of these 37 wereucce ... ful in obtaining certificates; .'11 0 females and 6 males haye been successful in olJtailJing medallions during the ses iOIl, this makin~ a total of 134 since the formation of this Oentre. On 7th December, 1906, a grand !locial and dance wa giyen by 1111'S. T. 'Y. Wilkinson, of Forest Honse, in aid of the Tru t Fund, ,,-hen the band 'ome sum of £:20 was handed over to the tru lees. On 1 th Jan uary, 1907, the annual re·union was held.; when the certificate and medallions \\,ere pre ented to the . ucce' ful students by Mrs . T. ~Y. ,Yilkin on; also on this occasion our worthy Pre ident (~lr. T . ' V. II ilkinson) presented the Oentre with a hand orne solid s11 vel' Challenge ~ hieltl, in memory of hi father, the late Alderman J. Wilkinson, J.P., "'ho for many year. was President of the Nelson Centre. The , hield is to be competed for annually by the Corps and Division of the No. 4 Xortb·\Ye tel'll District. Thi yenr the competition will probably take place in Tovembel', but in future years it "ill either take place in the month of Mayor June. Til e ambulance carriaae coutinues to be much calledfo:', having attended 70 removals and 21 accidents dnringtheyear. Quite recently the carnage has been thoroughly overhauled at a cost of £25 3s., this with tbe cost of horsing tbe carriage has been a great drain on the finances of the Oentre. The annual mill and work hop collections were taken up in March, and 1'C· l1lted in the sum of £6? 5s. l!d . being col~ec~ed: which is an increase 011 last year of £15 . 2J., thus showmg that the appreClatlOn of ambulance work is growin Cf in tbis tli trict. ~hel:e is still a debt of £750 on the building, and though much b:s been done, there IS still much to do, and at the general meetin a some suaaestioll or other may be ~ade as to how this hea,? burden may be rem~\'ed; it wiYl' mean not only an incliVIdual effort on the part of each member, but the whole of the members must work willingly and hal'Jl1oniotdy together to attain this en,l.
)'I·e .. i(\cut.
( ·hnll'UlllJl.
Yisconnt Tre/l egal'. 11011.
Dr. ,'. H amilton .
SCCl'ct:'\1'~· .
1I0ll. Trcnsurcr.
A. G. Eo J. Fudge, "De' oraD," Cnerleull, (neal') Newport, illo11
\Y. G. Davy, National Provincial Bank of England, Newport.
I, irc ;UcmUcl'S.
F. L. Davies, 11(;ssl's. Ea tOll Gibh ancl • 'on, F. Phillips. ~IC4licnl ~taff.
IV. Ba sett, ;\1 n .. s., T. L. Davi e, \L.Jl.C.S., . Hamilton, B .A. , ;\r.B., J. IImley, ] .1I.C.1'., J. II. Jone., lII.D., J. Lalle, ;\l.D., T. G. Lewi s, ;\r.TI., J. F. N eville, L.n.c.l'., A. E. Tonk,, O. . Yine , ;\I.H.C.S., H. E. Williams, ~Ln.C.S. ~L~ NUAL REPORT. Ambulallce 1I'0rk i' }>rogres illg in the to\\11, alld the Alexandra Dock Railway Cl:lllre lIa!l been formed here ~illce la.t report. The 'entre ha llOW a Ohallenge Cn!" ynlue thirty gninea, tfJ he competCll for aUllually by teams from tbe county of !II 01l1l10U l hsllire. A \'cry succe fn 1 can tc t was held at the Bath and ,Vest of 'ElIglnncl • how here thi year.
Dr "
'ta{oJlIu'.nl of Rrccip{s alld Eypcnd itll rc, Octouei', 1907. R~ceipts. Erpenditurc . n h. cri ph;))) . . £24 3 G Payments to liead Ollice ale of ,'tore alHl Examill,ltioll Fce
Typcwri ting Circular Po tage, Receipt Prin tiJlg and tationery Cheque Book Pettie ' acconnt Balance ill hallll Accoun t llue tores in 11anLl
7 0 0
£5 6 0 8 1 9 1 18 0 1 0 8 20 13 0 ;) 0 15 £31
2 3 7 9 0 0
9 0 0 6
Clwionan . Treasurcr . l. E. J. FrnGE, HOlloi'{lt'lj SCCI'ctai'Y. .... DA\' Y,
NEWARK-ON-TRENT. Prc . i<lcut.
Th e Right Hon. Earl Manvel'S. Lifc
'frcn .. UI·
I' J'(' ,~ich' lI t.
II Oll. the .\l tll'll ni . of
' I'.
II. 'Y. 1\. ~lal'h.h ·llll. 1I01101':H'Y Sccrctar,}'.
E. Fairburn 1\Iilthorp, Larelldon H onse,
Mrs. J. G, BralJston.
~lo 'L
lUcdical Staff.
F . H. Apl'l0by,,C'.S., Ed .
110 nora t·" SN'I·ctary. G. C. ,\\Tells 1 Mercer" How, J orthumpioll . Lift' ·UClJIUCl';;.
The Dncltc of .mflon, The ~lal\llli of Kortltamptoll, Lally Robin 'on, ir lIell],Y Randall, O. E. Thorpe, T. l au1ling, O. C. Beeke, '1'. P. Dorman, Me r. :Frail 131'0'., The i Torlhall1ptoll Rugby Footllall Olub, W. BonHer, "TaIteI' O(1,ve, . D. Wilkinson, Th e Northampton AlllatCl1l' Operatic 'ocil ty, }'. H. Mardlin.
ANNU1\L REPORT. . We 11a\'e ~ad 110 class since .the l~st report, so everything remains exacLly the same. .A gleat many case~.o~ ill'st aId have Leen rendered, one of our lady l11emlJers no. doubt saved l:er own hIe when he1: dress took fire by the kno\\'leugc she had gamed, and haVl!lg the presence of 111l11d to throw herself on the ground and roll over and over untIl she had subdued the flames.
J ol'lhalllptOll.
~h' 41i(,1\1
J. ,V. Baird, iIl.n.,
'1'. Cail'll,
~tajr• IJ.H. l. .l'.,
L.n.C. ' ., II. Chamberlain, L.n.o.l'., L.R.C.S., H. Cropley, F.l:.C.S., O. J. EYl1l\, :1l.n.O.s., P . . Hichen, ;\I.D., E. Harries-Jone', lII.ll.C.S., G, II. L ewi<;, M. n., A . Linnell, ::\r.n.c .. , R A. Milligan, 111. D.: lI1.H.O . •·., ,V. P. Ri chardson, \l.B., (:.;\1., 'Y. 11. Hyan, ;\1. Q. C. 1'. r., D. tone, ;\1.D., ("?lL, J. TClTY, :\Ln.I.'.S., P . . ,Yhite, L.I:.0.1'., ;\r,n.c." B.eH.,
St. John A ?nb~dance Association.
Local Rep01'ts j?'o?n Centres.
Castle Ash by Section.
the Corps and visitors to tea. The In valid. Transport Service has been in constant demand throughout the year, two and sometimes three cases being on several occasions attended. in one day. Too much l)rai 'e canllot be given to the officers and men who voluntarily devote so much of their valuable time and care to this work. The need for am bulance work i further proved by the fact that during the past year 531 cases of first aid rendered and patients lllll'sed by members of tl:e Corps haye been reported, in addition to many unreported case. The fund which was startetl la 1. yeaI' for Lhe purpose of acq uiriJ1g Ilearl-cluarters has been further augmented by a kinl1 (lonation or £50 from the Executors of the late Rev. J. B. Wickes, and nowexceed £300. A much larger amount will, however, be required to enable the Committee to pnrcha e the present l.milding (for which they have an option) and l1Htke the nece 'sary alterations therein, and it is hopeLI that further donations for thai. pUI'Jlose \\'Ill be received durillg the coming year. The great increase in the \\ork of the Centre and Corps during the past 21 year. necessarily entails increased expenditnre, and the time 11a now come when fUl'ther co-operation on the part of the public will he necesary if ihe work i' to he efficiently carricO. on. The Committee, thcrefore. eamc ·tIy appeal fol' further suh cl'iptions. They feel confidellt tLat in a town and tlistrict with a population of nearly 100,000, there must be mallY l'eside. theil' prcsent subscriber who recognise the usefulnc of ambulance work, amI \\'oult1 be willing to sull crille a small SUJll each ycar towards calTying it on . The COllllllittee huye again t.o thank Illes l' . J. Hughe' &. Co. for kiudly proviclillg oJlice nCCOl1l1l1otlu.lioll and clerical a ' istallce, lhe GO\' mol'S of thc :r ol'thampton General lIo pilal for the use of the out-puticuts' building, atlll Captain W. Hughes for hi kitHI sen'ice as auditor.
The Marq ui of N orthumptoll.
and Hon. Secretary.
R G. Scriven.
Earl's Barton Section. Oha7·1'7nan. Rev. A. L. Armitage.
Hon. Secl'clm·y. F. B. Line.
Trcasw·cr. upt. W. G. Abbott.
Little Houghton Section. Ohairman. C. myth.
HOIl. SeC1'etaTY (lnd Tl·eaS!(rer. D. Deacon.
R oade Section. HOIl. Sec/·clary.
. 'Y.
To-w-cesler Section. Chairman. B. Wentworth Yernon.
TTcas lI?'C i'. J. Hanum)' Jephso11.
Hon. Sccretary.
ulJt. D. Nornlall.
The Committee ha ve the pleasure of presenting their report for tbe past year. The interest taken in ambulance work is still maiu tained. FoUl' clas es have IJeen held in the Borough, namely, 1 in first aid for men at the ho~pital ; 2 in fir t aid for wom en at the hospital and St. James' End; antI a nursing class for women at the hospital. These classes were attended by 95 pupil 68 of whom passed the examination and obtained certificates. Two classe in finit aid for jUlliors were also held under the auspices of tbe Nortbaml tonshire County Council, at the. chool of Domestic Economy, Dallir:gton, in which 60 pupils entered and pas 'eel the examination. The Committee regret that tbe County Council have been ullal)le to make any grants in aid of ambulance classes during the past year, the amount appropriated by them for that purpose having been exhau ted. Yet'y few clas es htl\'e, therefore, been held in tbe County. Classes in fil':;t aid were, however, held at ~IaidrlJrd, Flore, and Yardley Gobion, the expenses of which were met by local su1.Jscription. A total of 72 pupils attended these classes, of whom 53 passed the examination and gained certificates. The thanks of tbe Committee are tendered to thc ll1ember~ of the Medical Profession who gave the lectures to the above-mentioned classes, to the ladies and gentlemen who were illstrumental ill the formation and working of the.m, and to the members of the Corp, both men andllursing sisler, who so kindly ~.:;slst.ed the lecturers in the practical work. During the 21 years tbe Cen trc has been III e:nstence, 6,951 pupils have been instructed in first aid and nursing, of whom 5,088 have gained certificates, and 1,097 have gained medallions. The Committee gratefully acknowledge that this result is largely due to the va,luable financial as 'istance which has been rendered by the Town and County Councils. The Committee have much pleasure in reporting that ir Henry Randall, J.P., who was oue of the original founders of the N orthamptoll Centre, and has been a member of the Comm~ttee from the commencement, has kindly accepted the Chairmanship of the CommIttee. The Centre has sustained a great loss i3 the lamented death of Mr. James Hughes, J.P., a valued member of the Committee, who for many years past rendered the greatest assistance to the ambulanc('l cause in Northampton by generously provitIing office accommodation and clel'icu,l assistance, and to whom the success of this Centre is greatly due. The allnual inspection of the Corps was helel at Castle Ashby on July 6th, last. The Committee very much appreciate the kindness ~nd ho~pital.ity of the Marquis of N orthamptoD, the esteemed President of the Cen lre, III lendlllg h1S beautiful grounds fot' the occasion and entertaining the mem bel s of
Stato/!cJ!t o( .flcecipls
and E.I'j)Cllditlll'e (01' lhe ycai' ending Sc,ilemuei' 30th, 1907.
Rcccipts. T 0 Balance at Bank
E,('jlcnditul'e. £77 [) 0 By Collector' Commissioll, Do. ill lIon. 'ec. 's llallli . 0 5 ll~ Clerk, 'c. " Amlual 'ub 'criptiolls 33 10 () Printing, tatiollel'yand " DOllations 3 v" 0 " Po'tage (Centre) ," COUllty alltl Borough Ditto, ditto (Corps) oHllcil >rll.nts 9 0 "JJ tores for CIa sc , 'c. 3 'la ... Fcc 10 9 G JJ Leciurer. ' amI Examiner' "., CIa " amI other tore. 23 5 10 Fcc aud Expell es ·1 6 I . , ~lellallioll .. 11llchy Expen e (Centre) " ., :rursing Di,i .. ion ubs. 1 17 0 Do. Do. (Corp) " Brigatle tore 0 5 7 . J JJ MCllalholl ,5') 4 0 Trau 'port Fee :, Brigade lore " Material " Uuiform ' and Badge 6 JJ Uniforms JJ ': Bank Interest 1 4 6 and Badge " JJ EX]lCll es of Annual Inspectiotl, Competition' ami Prize Transport Expenses " Knr ing Diyi 'ion, Post" age anLl Expen es . " Deposit "l cconnt, Hencl(ttlflrter' Fund Balance at Bauk " Ca h in hand ~
£25·1 1
7 17 11 3 19 0 13 2 10
33 16 1 19 10 0 4 8 11 19
6 3
23 39
7 6
50 0 23 11 1 6
£..:54 1
EXltlllilled aud fOll11ti concet, W. lIl'ClIE
ftlh D(/xl/!uc)',
JIE.'IlY RAXTlAI L, C'hail'/I/ail, H. ,\Y. K. 1I1O\llKlIA)[, 1I0il. Treasurer. G. C. '\YELLs, floll. ScactclJ'Y.
0 1 7
t. J ohn Ambnlance Association.
L ocoJ R epoTts fTom Oent1'es.
iU c cli ca l .· (alT.
NORTH BUCKS CENTRE, ( 'hail'mall.
urgeon Colonel W, H. Bull, V.D. F.l!.C."
W. W, Carlilc.
Tl'CaSlll'CI' and 1I0JlOl'al'Y CCl'c tal·Y. M.n.C . ~., L. n.C.r., ,Yinslow.
S. O. H. Moberly,
Uc(Ucal Staff.
W. Bradbrook, M.n.C.S ., L.S.A., P. L. Benson, M.D., D.I' .I!., urg.Ool. ' V. H. Bull, Y.D., F.n .C.S., G. ,V. Buxton,, L.n.c.l'., Captaill C. L. Deyns, M.R.C.S., Surg. Col. P . B. Gile, F.H.f' . . , F, J. Gl'indoll, 1I1.1:.C.8., J. O. Harvey, lILlt.C.R., L.n.C.p., Lieut. Vincent HO'\\'ul'd, M.ll.C ... , L.n.c.l'., C. H, Miles, L.R.C.P., . O. H. Ioberly, lIf.n.C.R., L.R.C.r., E. icholsol1, lIr.n.C.~., L.R.C.P., W, G. Rutherford, L.n.C.p., L.R.C. " H. T. ,Yickhnm, M.D.
ANNUAL REPORT. Classes were held lIming the year at Fenny tratford, Bletchlcy, ,Yolverton, amI Winslow the three last in connection \"ith the L. and N. ,Yo C(;utre. The 'il '"C1' Challeng~ Cup Competition took place at 'henley Park, by kind invitation of Lieut.-Colonel ,Yo Duncan. Eight teams competc(1 and the Cup was "'on lJY the 'V 0 1verton tea m.
Statement of Receipts and Expenclitw'e f01' the yea?' ending September 30th, 1907. I Expenditurc, Rcceipts. £1 2 6 £S 13 5 By EX·1l11. EXpCll CS To Balance, " ubscriptions " Medallions " Examination Expenses " Stores and Incidell tals
9 14
o 14
0 126 1 16 11
1 Hi 11
" torc " L ocal I1cports . , iliellallion uudriel:>
o G o 11
£11 2 10 l'
6 4
" Babnce in hal1l1 ,
0 10
0 0 1
0 10
W. H, BULL, C/w innCtll. YD~El C. H. :JIoDERLY, Hon . Sl'c. and TrC((s.
A. A. Ahn~h[l.ll1s,, R. AllCl erf'on, ;\1.1), I,.l!.C.H., A. Auhl , ;\r.n., C .~T., ' V. D. AJ'lIlson, ;\[.])., L.n.C.r., L.IU'.s., P. It Ash, :lI.It.c.s., L.J!.C.P" G. H . Ashwin, )[.1)., )Llt.<· . ~., Ln.I.]'., 'Y. Baigcnt, ), ,Yo E . Dennett, L.ILC.:-;., L.R.C.P., L.F.P.S., ,V. J. Buchanan, ~I.n., c.~r., F. J. BUl'lnan L.ll.I.P. ;\r.Il,C· ..·., E. J. Burnett, )Lll., c.)I., ~r.l'.l·.I'., A. C. Burrows, L.ILC.~'" L.It.r·.~., L.F.P.S., 'V. 13 Bntlcr, ~Ll:.C.H., L.l!.f'.l'., ill. (:al<1\\'c11, L.I:.C.l'., l»J:.C.s., A. CaJlll,Lell, lIl.D., c.~[., II. U. Clnl'ksoll, r"ILc.l'., L.n.C.:;., II. Collinson, :\[.n., D.H., F . U.C.S., JJ.H.O.P., J. R. Urease,·.R., L.Il.C.l'., H. B. Davi 011. ~f.I'., )I.B., n . '., n.HY., V.P.lI., )l.n.c.H., I.. ILC·.P., 'V. Eardlcy, )I.]:'C'.H., L.n.G.l'., R. . El\'il1s, I..R.e.p. , L.1t.C. l:> ., T,.F.I'.:;., H. Ii'L'll, )I.I:.('.S., L.It.(' . l'., D. L. Fi hcr, ;\['Il., C,)r., A . l~ollm;t, lIl.ll., (' ..\1., n. ["rcnch, L.ll.I·.1'., L.n.I·.s., F. 'Y. (~i blJoll. L.I:.C ... , L.1:.C'.l'., L.S. A., H.lly.,ll.I'.Jf.,.T. C:illic.', L.I~.('.l'., r..1:.I' .... , E. 'Y. ~ilroy, ~I.]l., J. r:ray, )r.n., r.~r. , '\'. (,lilY, ;\1.11., \I.Il.,('.~I.. H. :JL Hnll , :\r.n., c.)!.. T. ITarkncs', )1.13., ('.)1., E. E , Ha 'lcU, ;\['D .. W. L. Hickey, ;\l.l!., )f.ll., A. H illaby, L.l:'c'.P., )Ll~.('. '., II. :JL Hult, 'I.l~.( .... , L.H .•\., ll.l'.ll., .T. Hol1illgS\\Olth, )1.11.I'.:., H. ,y, Jacbon, )I.D.: :\1.1: . . :\I.n.('.,: .. 1,.1:.1 ' .1'., n.I'.l!., \\~ ..Jacl[rCS, :\!.n., ,Yo D. Jener on, ~I.R.C :., L.IU'.P., \\~. jI. .rellllil1~s, ~!.[LI'.~.,.J. It. Keith, :\T.11., :\!.n., C.~r., A . I\'empc, )r.n., ~!.I!.('.:-;., .r. D. L 'igh, ;\1.1l., ('.;\1., 1..1:.('.1'., I.. H. '.~., H.I' . H., J. P. Lightfoot, )I.R.C.S., L. I:'C. 1'., 1. D . .:'IInd-n,)', ~!.r:., c.,r., W. B. Mackay, ,r.I,., ;\I.l!.('.s., J. E. H. )rackiuley, I.IU.I' .. ;\1.1!.C.s., .\.. D. ill. McIlltyre, )I.n.: C.~r., "-. H . .:'Irann!'I'" ~r.n., c.)1., A. "-. )[cteall'e, 'I.ll., ;\Ill., \T.l:.(' ..... , r..I:.O, I'., J. "':. :Jlilul'. ~f.n., G. B . .:Jlitchell, ~1.1l., e,\I .. f..ILC'.I'., T.1l.C'.S., J. :\[\1111'0 I,.n.L.l'., L.ll.I·"S., L.F.l'.S., 1,.)1., D. J. C. Olin;!'. )1.1: ., ('.'1. T. C. Oil tOll, F I~.C.S., L.Jt.C.I'., H. C. P(;al"On, )LB., C.~r., F.I:.c.s .. E. 1'. Pir>keI'.gill, I..I:.C.I'., '1.1:.('.s., .T. P. Philip )f.n., )r.n., ('.~r., D.l'.H., F. \\. Pog.'oll. 1..1:.('.1'., I..R.C.s., E. F. Pratt, :\[ D., l:.s., I..H.C'.P., L. A. RowdcJl, ~1.I1, C.\I., W. _\.. ~. Eusell. ~I.I: .. ('.\r., U. Y. ~l. Rohillon. )!'P".C'.s., L.ILC.P., n. HohillS(lIl. \I.n., (,\1 .. .T. P. 'c,\Jlllcl l , :\f.n., llI.ll., B .•\.O.H.l'.J., T. O. cotto ?l1 . •\., )!.B .• U ..... '\-. hand. \1.1: .• l'.)f., n. "-. lllcd(lle, ~I.B., c.:\1., Hy. mith, )l.D., :\1.11., I:.s., "-. Lee ~pillk. ;\!.1l., lrr.n. ,Yo ,Yo ,"tainthorpe, )l.n., D.~., A. P. ,'lC'l\'lll:Oll, :\1.11., "II., t'.~I., R. Ste'l, I,.P" .. 1' .. T.I~.C.S., D. tewart, L.It.C.l'., r.n.C.H., J. Stnthanl, \I.ll.'.";., I.';;. \., J. Thomey, L.R.C.l'. L.R.C.'., I..F.I'.S.: n. F. Tnclll, 1.1:.(,.1' .. T.. I:.l'.~., A. ,Yilson. \rn" B.s .. '\~ci(hler, )I.B., D. . , '. A. "-llkinsoJl, L.rt,C',I'" L.J:,G .... : L.F.I'.~., ,r. :JL Yeoman, )I.D., )r.P...O.<;., L.<;.A A.~ .~U.\.L
Dllring the ~(;-. i')JI .J i clases "l're fOll1lCll. the 111l11l1wl' \\'ho haY(' pa :ed the tirt rC'exalllinati!l1l \\':1' ID. Dnrin~ thc t\\'eln.: Jllontli' cnding Jl1l11" 1907, onr mell1' ller:-; l'l'l'nl'ted Il'l)(lcrillg fir. t aill ill ll,0:2t.i cnse,"" ll1akillg a total ~iJlcC .Janual)' 1d16, of %,!l:.. CUlllp'titi')Jl har\! agaill he ' ll lleld, 1'01' which the Director' offered .triO illl'I'iz ' '', Ulllt shielll' h,\\'c lll'ell proYillell ['or each of thc ix ditl'icts, \,,},il t the T'igllt H Oll • .T. Llnyll ,\YharLoll ( 'lwitJl1an or thc Compnny) lIa kinilly gi>en a hand Oll.l; ,'hielil 1'01' the linal ~(lJ1lpetition, "hil:h lia.' apl'l'opriatt:ly lll:ell named the " J. Lloyd ,,'harton Tto[l1iy. II
The Chairman and Directors of the N orih·Eastcrn Railway Company, Prcsi<lcnt.
A. Kaye Butterworth,
F . Penty.
Philip Burtt.
lIollol'ary (;cncl'al Sccrctary.
Geo, Jackson, P. Way Store.kecper, 15"orth·Ea tern Railway, lork. Dis tric t 8ccl'c( fll·ic>...
Darlington District-T. H. Curry, Darlington. Hull " W. H . H ealey, Hull. Leeds " C . II. HIll, Ripon. Middlesbrough " W. Haux\\' cll, West Hartl epool. " W. Hollings, Gatcshcad. N ewcastle York " G . W. Scott, York.
1·1' ('~icl('ll( .
IIis Gracl' the Duke of -'uthl'rlallll, Tl'CHSlIJ'(,l' :11141
( ·hai1'lIt:ll1.
The Rcv. 1. C. R. ,-'colt,
K , U, 1I01101':\I':r ~('(' l'(,(:IJ')" .
R.)llncy Malkin, F.e.I.>;., TIock Clilre, Cheadle, •'loke·on·Trent,
l .iI ('
:l1t'1II 11('1'".
His Grace' lhe Duke of llLllrrland, K.C:., H er Gracl' the Dnche~5 of ":utherland The N Ol'th talrol'clshirc Haih\'ay 'ompnllY,
St. J ohn A 1nbu lance A s ociatio1? Hon. Life
L ocal R epo ,'ts fr om T,l St01'CS .. Grant . , D:lLlJ1CC
0 ]0
carried down
£3 12 'torcs .J Printing :Firc an (1 Ligh t 1 Caretakers . 1 Examiners Fccs and Expcn. c~ . 12 " Postages and Parcels 2 " ::\I olle]s tllHl 'undries 0
" " " " "
jU c(licnl Staff.
)Iaguus ~-\.dle]', ;\1. n . c . s., L. R.C.P . , L ond. , A, Aitk ell, lIf.n., c . )1., . KiJlg Alcock, M. n . , L ond. , 'V. C. Allardice, " I. D . , C. :'I1., Glas., C. M . Allen. )I ..\., ;\1.11 . , C.:lf., J . Fred . Arlillge, L . ll . C.I' . , L.I: . C. . ·. , J. Aspinall, )r.n.c . • . , Eng., L.::;.A., E . A . Brunt, ) Ln . , CH . )L, Edin., A . T . Bury, :\LR. C.S. , L . n . C.I· Edin., P . J. Bnne, Lll.C . l'., L . n.C . • . , F. C. Olitford, )f.I1., '\T. J. COycy, )LIU·.!'., L. n.C . l' . , J~ . Oraig, )Ln., Elin., )I.ll.L' . s . , Cllas. F . Daly, ;\1.D. , rrhos. Dixon , )1. 11. r..s . , L.ll.C.T' . , Lond., Francis E. Fernie, 'I1.n . c.~., F . Il . C. l'., G. , f . .Fl,lIlci,,;. )f.n.,c.)l., Ghs., L. ~., Dublin, J. O. FUl'lless. L., .•\., L onll. , A. B. Gittcn, )[.n.c.s., L . R.C . P . , L ond., A . Hall, )Lll . C., . , J . T. Hall, I..n.c. p . , Lon 1., )1.1:.C.S., G. tokes -Hatton, )I.n . , )l . . , ) L n . C. . Ja . H illllle, L , lLC . P . , L . I:.C.:-;. Edin . , John Lay:, :ll. A. , :ll. D., G. H . Li t, :ll. D. , E . ~lackenzie , ::"1[, D. J. Paynl' ?llassingham, M . R.C . " A. M. ~I c.A.ldo\\'ie, )LD . , F.R.S . , Edin., T. II. P . ~IolTi ' , )I.ILC . ~., L .l!.C.P., L ond., H. Nicholl, ~LA. . , )I-D . (Oantab)., A. P'll'ke", )!.l!.C.S . , j\' . Partington, )l . B. , c . )f., O. H . Phillips, )LD., , y , Dowling Prcnllergn. t, )['D., )1. CI'{. )l. A..a., D . S. C., R. H . Read, )r.ll.C. ~ . , L . ll . C. P . Lond., Del'1l 'll"IIl:obiJl';on, M. ILC. S. , L . R . C. P . , L ond .. J. Russp,ll, )LA., )LB., E. omel'yill e, )1.1' .. F. H.C.~., Edin., J . Steele, L.n.C.l' . , L.R.C . . . , E ,lin . , J . Yel'l1on, )LB. , D.S., L oud., G. II. , Villiams, , L.ll . C. . , Erlin . , L.F.P.S. (GIas.)
£3:i 13
To Ba1.l1lcc urought forward .
La llc1. . nllliries . 'n h;c.:l'i I'tions
0 11 2 1 1 11 () 0 7 ·1
0 0 :3 G
" " ., "
" "
ACCOllilt .1'0. - S . S . TI) Tran.;feriIl N o. 2.AccOHlll £1:2 ~ 10 ~
1 11 5
5 0 8 1 5 3 6 0 9
£6 9 11 ]"lhe lore ' 17 13 ~ . tationery, Printing, anu 3 19 9 Atlnl'ti 'inc' :'lIeda 11 ion and Label 4 4 0 }'ire I n .'Ul'allCe 0 2 0 Rent '2 0 0 PO ·· Lage. , ':UJ'iage of 1'arcel' and "undries 2 3 11 0 17 7 Tranlling Expen 'e lerical ll.~. i tancc 9 2 Balance from X o. 1 Account 10 2~ ,. ITO. 8 _\..ccot1Dt 12 2 10 " in hand Balanc.:e 5 2 6 £ -1 .")-
-J 1'.1.
o 10~
2. -Gc ICI(( l Classcs. By Examiner:,' Fees ancl Ex-
A T}\U AL REPORT . T he Committee baye much pleasUle in presenting their twenty-third annual report. Ambulance work is well maintained in this di trict and the appreci :ltioll of it is increasing. I nstances where first aid has been succe 'fully rendererl lla \'e been too n umer ous to specify in full. A very curiou case occurred in • eptt:mbcr at :.-oldellhill. On looking through the window of a hou c, P. C. Allen, \\'ho lwlcb a fiI"t aid certificate, saW' a note of farewell inside which he \l'a aule to read. H ,> ])lll'st open the door and found a man lying up tair almost unconscious with a l)uttle near him labelled" Oxalic Acid." T he can ta,1.Jlfl applied an antirlote and the man reco\·en:d . When the man was tried for his attempted suicide, the 'tipendiary ri.:lllul'ki.!cl in Court t hat he hardly knew whether it did the Con table or the t. J uhn Amhnl a nce As'ociation the greater credit that the Constable had been a1)le to . :we this life. T he Certificate of the Royal H umane, ociety \,as lately presented by the ~la:rol' of 'tokeon- Trent to :nIl'. G. D avies, another of our tudents. A little bo)' had 1;t:en bravely ~'escued,from the canal by Mr. Elsmore, but the bo)' was apparently dearl, and his ImmerSlOn would undoubtedly ha\'e proved fatal, had it not been for M r. G. Davies who resorted to artificial respiration . It was not until after t"'ellty minutes hard work that the first silms of returninu consciou ne 's were noticed, and in ten , mlilutes mor~ the child wa out of danger. Both rescuer and restorer rt:cei\'cd RO,Y,ll H umane SOCIety's Certificates. l Ye mention these cases as intere ·tin ... one which illustrate the work being carried on and also the need for it. ' Ve are \\~ll aware that many other cases are being dealt with almo.·t daily by our students, and though the e ~'ema~n unknown to the public at large the benefit to the patients and their friend is mestlmable, Once more we offer our thanks to those medical men \\'ho, often at grcat personal inconvenience, kindly act as Han. L ecturers to our Centrc. Al,;o to the Class ecretaries upon whose careful work so much depends. 111'. F. Geen, a.A., receives our cordial thanks fo r his services as H on. Auditor. T he HUll. ~Iill u ting Olerk, :Mr. W . L, Copeland, and the H on. Storekeeper do valuable work for which we feel g rateful. I n spite of the many pressing duties of his position as Assistant Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Briga,de, :'11'. Sydney IV. Malkin contiuues to fill .the office of H an . Secretary in an admirable manne r which \\'~ all highly appreCIate.
£35 13
1 21
~/ CCOUilt ...Yo.
Fees Storc.'
Account No . ]. -COltlLt!J Council .A idecl Classes , £9 3 Gb Dy Balancc brought forward
~leUlbcl' s .
)1..\.., )1.D .. c. )1., J. ~red Arlid~e! L.n.c. p . , L. n.C . . ·., .P. J . Byl'l~c , L . ll . C. P . , L. n.C . . , Edin., James Craig, )['B., Edlll ., )Ln . C. ,., Fran ci' E. Fcrmc, ~1. R.C.S., F.n . C.l'., G. tokes-Hattoll, )l.D" )f..., Dill'. , F . lt.C ... E., )I.R.C.S . , I,.S .. \ ., L ond. Jame Hindle, L.n.C.l'., L . I:.C. S. , Edin., Erne t :JlacI,ellzic, 'ILD., A. )1. .l\lc"l.ldowie, )l.D., F.n. " E lin., H. Nicholls, )1..<\" M.D. (Cantal •. ). C. H. Phillip., lI1.D., 'Y. D. Prenderga t, )1. D., )1.L'H . )I.A.a., D . . . SC. , Jno . Rn:,ell. )1..\ . , AI.Jl., 'Y. D. pantoll F . I:'C.S . , Edin.
C. M. Allen,
CO l'jJ ~ r:cl1 ~ r(fl
I By Dalance brought forward
2 10
2 10
E tllllCC ,'heU, S'jlle lllOcr 30 t h, 1907 . ~ lssets.
Liaotl itu s.
To .'mJ(Ir" Creditors. 1:2 1 5 Gy Ont ·tallt1il1g J.~C(;OUllt and 13ahll~c-1.JeiJl~ Asset -- oye\' Yalnc of ' tockLilluilities ;}O 1... 10 .A jill' torckeepel" 13ook' .£3'2 15 ,'ccrctal'y's As p'r 2 LI·tlgcr OJ 5 2 " Ca~b in baml 1: [:] "'YDC\EY
L ocal
3 6 6
Seci'ctary and T reasllre}' ,
Rock Clill'c , Chcadle, taO" . 6th lYorclitoCl', 100 7. .~ llo l\' ccl an d f'igncLl at the Allllual ) lecting o,f the Committee, held at t0ke·on T ren t , this 26th clay of illal'ch, 190.; . I "GLIR C. H.. corl', Chairman . I h ereby ccrt ify tInt I han cxalllinctt the foregoing accounts, wit h the book s Hlll l voucher, an tI find them in oJ'(ler aul eoncct. \'ictoria ChamlJcrs, FI:gPEllICK GEE~ . Chartcred Accountant , tokc-oJl ·Tl cnt , :!.licl J wWCll'l', l PO .
L ocal R epO?'l.·
St, J ohn A ?nbnlan ce A ssociation,
~I. D ., Dur., Eastlllonde, ~r.R.C.S.,
R. Aldcrson,
J. F . D1tll'LO!1, M . R.C.,'., R. H. Corddeux, M. B., B.C., R. A. ~. T. Elder, lIf. R . C.~., A . Fulton, ;\f.B., B. ch ., R. 1\1. Hamilton, L. R,C.p.I., MaLd II ellwood, I •. !.;..I.., ,V , J . H. H epworth, L.S. A., J. E. Unt'k, . C,S., ,V, Scott, ;\Ln . ,
l'l'c icle lll.
H, R. H. Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein . (;lla il'lllll n.
Sir E rnest T ritton, Bart.
General Evans, C.B., 6, Yermont Road, Nonyood. llOJlOl':ll'Y Sccrel al'Y.
Mrs . Edward Colegrave, Bracebridge, Central Hill,
Lifc lUcmbcl's . M iss Aste, JUrs . Belli, C. S . Belli, Mrs . Rice Byrne, Lally Ml11'id Boyle, Lee Gardner, 1111's. H etley, Lady Manns, Lady "\Yefit, 1111's. \Yoodley fila on, :Mr. and Mrs, H ay W alker. llietlical SIalT.
Arnold, !lI.B . , Edgar Beaumont, L.n.c.r., J. T. Carrntherf', M.n.C.S., CUl'ling Bates, M.R.C., . , Douglas, ~r.D., Duncan, M.n., Annesley Ecclef;, !lI.ll., F rgl1. fOil, :l1.D . , Gandy, M.R.C.R., L.S.A. , Mehillc Orcell, ~I.D., Boward, !l1.11 . , LeaH alt, ~r.D ., L acy, ~I.D., MacLachlan, ~I.D., Macleod, :-.r.D." :l\licbael, !If .r. . Poole, !lI.D., R obinson, M.D., Swayne, M.n.C.S., 're\\' 'on Thoma, :If. 1) . , eott TllIncr, ;\I. R.C.S" Umney, M.D . , , Yelby, ~LD., Wilkinsun, "LD., Yolland, M,I1.".~ .
A RUAL REPORT It will be noticed that the report COHrs the last two years.
Besides those who passell fll'st examinations in tirt nil 1 flnu exanlinatiollS in llursing, 97 ha,'e snecv. sfully passed fir t re-examinatiolls, 78 han f}ualified for medallions, and 13 for labels.
Stcd('ment of Reel ipts allll E.)'peild it II ;'1' /J'om Octavcl' 1st, 190;'), to Sepll'iilve?' 30th, 1907. Bccci," '. ExpencWw·e. Di count on tores £1 6 " " 1 7 Received for E-:t\lllin atioll , ~i' 13 1906-7. " "Iii ~ Donation rom Pre illcllt of C£::nt18 , 1 1
Statement oj ReceilJts and E[/'}'c?lclit1l?'e, 1906-1907, E,~ penclitw·e. Receipts. T o Balance from last account £22 7 2 By Donation to Heau omce . £10 10 '> •J 1 undlie 36 7 0 " Class Fees U
" " "
" " "
" £74 10
Mellallioll~ Po~tage
Printing . Class expenses ho\\' expenses Examiner, ' Fees . Balance carrietl forward
0 1 11
Prcs irl Cll t. Sir Joseph Bright.
Honorlll'Y SCCl'CI:ll'Y.
Francis N. Ellis. Dehdale Hall, Mallsfield.
0 0 0
, E:pt. 30. £ 11)
Ihll\l1ec in haud
o 6
o o
£45 1
9 0
0 1
.T(JSP'!'!! DI:Tl,HT, FI'C'id'lIt. FH .\XCI-; ~ T. E LL[::;, lIon. S l'rretCl )'Y.
"1' (, 'Ilcl C11I •
0 0 0 .,
W e, the undersigned, have examined the above accotlntand fiml the .'al1leCOl'lcct, C. EltNEST TnITTox, Ohai1'?llcl?l. VIOLET COLECRA VE, llon . Secrclar!! . II. M . EVAJ.-S (Gcneral), lIon. TrCClSW'C1·.
3 l;j 13 0 6 0 12 7 11
71 10
1905. Oct. l. Balance brough t for£1 14 wanl 1906. .:ept.:2 . Pai(l to "'t. John's Gate for Examination Fees 27 aIHl Expell;;e::; 1907. 15 2 " ., , cpt. _9. o Prillting Reports, 1905-6 1 2 Po.tagc and "'btionery
1905-6 1906-7 , 1905-6.
ANN UA L REPORT. T he H on . Secretaries ill presenting the annual and 15th repOlt baye pleaslHl' in stating that good work has been uone by the Centre during the past year, which has been an ('venUul and bu y one. A succes ful function \\'a held at the Hitz H otel on 3rd June, "hen H. R.H. Princess Cln: ,tian presented medallion .' and C:l rtificates to successful candidates. Di tinction 1 ave been conferred lly II.R.II. the Grand Prior and the Chapter-General, ,.ith the l'anction of H.lII. tIle J\ing, on the following members of the Centre: II' . Ellen Gertrude Rice Drym, Mrs. IIaniet H ancock, Miss \'illiers, and ~l i s Thurburn . , Yith great regret the Iron. eerctaries have to place on record the death of the Rev . Rice-Bryne, their late cleputychairman . An account of the good ,york of the Nmsing DiYi~ioll will bc found ill the Brigade R eport.
14 16 1 0
iU edic al SInlT.
" Subscriptions " Stores
/ 1'01')1-
J ollll Dodd. JfOJlOl'al'},
Thos. ,', • eliofipld, L iHrpool Ullll Dl"trict Dank, Olrlhnm. ) il<'
~ e CI·ctll"Y •
J mes B. \\Tilkin 011, ;\r.n., 6, Edward ...:trcct, Ohlham. " (' 1II\) C I''',
haa<; f:, rullfortl, John Walker llague, Charle J, Jackoll. 'h'.lienl StalT,
James B;\uchop, ;\L 11., .T. 1). Bo) tI, ,I. n., C. n. Bucklc}" M . R.C . . , T . , :. Cunliffe , >,r.n., Tho. Fort, :l1.I:.L'.S . , 11. Grcaye" :\(,1:.('.:-;., Il . . Heap, M.B., " . lIeal'll, L.llol '.I'., R. G. IIcnder::;on, ;\1.1:., Joseph Law, ~l.n.l"S., John B. Lendl'ull1, ~l.]l., J. ,' . .JleGowun, ;\1 D., '\'111. UliHr, )('ll., F. Hadclille, ;\I.D., E. ,Yakelam, L. l: . c. 1'.
AXXlTAL REPORT. During thc past year ambnlance work in the to\\'1l, so far as COUl'se of in tructioll are conccrned, ha'> not becn vcr)' aetil'e. Dr. Hemler'on gtwc thc lecture for a yely sncce ful male cias.' anll Dr. Cunliffe to n. cbs comisting' of \\omen, both rendering Lheir scrvices gmtnitonsly. Dr. Fort instrn 'ted two cla ses con i ting of members of the police forco and as (l. 1'1: 'ult of the e lectl11'es eyery member ot the local police force, except fonr or nl'e recruits, i~ in po. 'essioll of n, certificate that he i competent to render flrst aid. Olle member of the forcc at lea t, ulldouuted~y sand a man's lifc hy thuprompt re11loyal of (l. piece of me t from his Lhroat, \\'hICh was cllo kin h 1111 • anll the oIHeers who (l.ceollll)any tho llolice am btl In nrc haso bean o , rl1 requ ired to render first aid in n[lll'nnls of one hundred l'n.~es riuring the year. 10 (f
St. J ohn A 111b'1.du,nce As ocintion .
L ocal R eports from Cent res .
Corporation has, d,ming the year, ~lso given i~ tructions that a~l th~. attendants ~_t tIle various pu bl ic oaths should be lUstrncted III the methods of I estollng the appal ently drowned . T his instruction has been given by D r. ~endrum . . The members of the Oldham Corps of the Brigade meet regularly for practIce and dl'll! .
AN N UAL REPORT . T he Oommittee have p~casul'e in presen ting their report and Balance Sheet fOl' the past year, and tender theIr thanks to all who have assisted; also to Dr. Bennett for lecLuring to .th.e nursing amI first aid classes, aud trllst that sllccessful pupils will not lose th~1l' m!erest now the cIa ses ~l'e over. 11'. A . ~o~\'ett's gift, of a folding beustead wIth WIre mattress allll bed, IS a very Hsefnl auultlOll to the stores which the members found very helpful in the ul1l'sing classes, also on the sho,,- ground.
Balance Sheet; 1905-6-7.
E;1;penditll)'(, .
Receipts. To Balance 1904 . . " Olass Fees , Books, and Bandages " Meuallions , . ubscription, J . Dodd,
£5 12
33 13 0 700
E~q .
220 033
" Bank interest
ubscription, Oldham Infirmary " Medallions " Sundry Olass Expense " Sec. (Postages, Stationery, &c.) . "Examiners' Fees and Expenses, Stores, &c. " Balance in hand .
£2 7 0
0 0 8
0 0 3
o 15
30 12
7 2
7H £-1
PENRHYN QUARRY. P,·csiclc u'.
Thc Bight Hon . LOld Penrhyn .
E. A. Young.
Tl'c n s IlI'C I'.
Jlonornf'Y Scer("ary .
Da vic1 D. Davie, Brynuer\\'en.
R. Morri , Brynllwyd. ;U ccUcal . tnff.
E. A. l\lills Robelt~, ~I.B.
Audited and found correct,
Novemb er 9th, 1907 .
AN (TAL REPORT. Th~ Committee lIe 'ire to pluce oll.reco!'(l t.heir sense of the great loss they have sustulllcd b tl~e death of the lute Right lIoll .. Lord P~nrhyn, who COl' many years acted us 1 J'e .. llleut 111111 alway' took great lIlterest 111 umuulance work. They are pleased to report, however, that his son the present liitrht Iloll. Lorl1 Penrhyn hn kindly consellt (1 to act ill the same capacity. DltI ~JCf the Far endeL1 31st O(;tobeJ', lD07, 3 cla.'e in first aiel 1'01' men have been held different part of the ncighbourhoo\l, Uelli. Huchul), and Bethesda, and they wele all 1"ell attended; 102 ,at 1'01' l·x~lInil1ation. al1(1100 pas et!. The 'ol11mittee feel grcatly inllebted to Dr. E. A. :'\li1l Hubel't,. 1'01' hi· ntlllahle sel'\'iee a HOll. Lechner and Lo all connected with the <Jenne, whose exertions are beyond praie.
JAMES B. \YILKINSON, Hail. Sccl'cta?·y.
Tl'c a urcl'. T heodor Harris, Leeds Road, Otley. Oolonel W . C. Dawson. Honornry Sc crc'nry . Geo. E . Birt\yhistle, 5, Park Row, Otley . Life U cmbel' . lUc (lical Senff. 001. , YoO. Dawson . W. E . Bennett, L.n.c.r., Ec1in. W. E. Bennett, L . R . C.P. , Eelin. Pre i(leut nud Chnit'uHln.
Balance Sheet fol' 1906-7. E~.:J.len d it 1l?·C.
Reccipts. To Balance in Bank £18 9 2 440 " "Mock Parliament" " Otley Friendly , ocieties' Association 300 " Payne & Sons' Moulders' uonation 066 1 0 0 " L oan of Tent " Otley Gas Co. donation 1 1 0 "Rev. R. Pattinson's Lecture 13 2 0 " Received for Transport 14 8 0 " Sale 0 [ Stores . o 5 11 " Nursing Class Fees 3 10 0 " First Aid Class ·Fees 2 0 6
To Tru,n port and lIor e Hire £19 13 0 " Reau-quarters for tores 3 4: 9 "IIead-qrs. Examiners' Fees 3 10 0 2 9 10 " R. .M. Pratt, ' to res o 9 10 " F. Fearnley, to res " ,Yo A. Bull, Repairs to Yan, etc. 1 1 4 1 15 6 " Rent of Room " Lecture expenses . 3 11 0 " En trance fees to Oom pctition o 5 ., H. Smith, Stationery o 7 o 7 " Washing Blankets, etc .. o 1 " Cll eq ne Book ., Rail wuy Fares ulld , llnUl'iefl o 1 ,. Cha.'. 'Walker, Printing and Ad ,'el tising 2 5 o 8 " Postage. . . ursillg Class Expenses o 6 "
Scptemb(!,1' 25th, 1907 .
Penl'lJyu Qnarry Denefit Clllb .'torc:. " PI'0('e(;(1' or Concert. ctc.,
£40 21
2 4
4 9
Aucliteu and founrl c01'1'cet, O. E. OJ~AVE~.
11 16
£19 10
;, Heacl-q uarter for Exami ners' Fee', etc., tores, r.ledaL. etc., Lahel " II ire of HOOlll ' . " Incidental expellee' " IIead-(lUartcr' 1'01' Label ., Balance in hand
9 11
o 16
5 1
£19 10
DA"Il) D. D .\YIE', Vice-Chairman and H.. :i'.IuH Il I,', lIon . '('crct!n'y,
TrCaSlll'C1· .
PETERBOROUGH. .·I'('"icl CII e a .. cl ( 'bn iI·lIl a n. Coun(;illor 'l.'. U. Lumplngh.
" Balance at Bank £61
Receipt:> ((fld E.l llcnditurc for the yeaI' elldillg Scplcmur)' 30th, 1907. R(.ccipls. E.t'jIC71clit llrc. To Balancc. 1900 . £6 '1 11 l3y PIinting, etc. . £0 16 5 " ,'u\).'(;l'iiltiull by thc " COil veyancc . . 1 5 o
'. P.
flulltlers, Lon(lon City" l\[icllanc1 Bank, Peterborough. ~h~ cli c al
~c el· C ':1l'Y .
13. W. Ilott, 73,
S tnO·.
Drive, PetcrbJI'ough,
Oollill., )f.D., II. penccr Oooper, ;\[ . n . C. 8., "~. C. Croxford, M.Il.C.S .. L.S.A., R. W. Jolley, M.H . C.::;., L.S.A., 11. Lathu,lll, ~LB . , c . )I., B. ·c., ELlin., W. Peach Huy, )I.D., c.~I., Jno . A. Robert ou, M.D . ; J.
Local RejJoTt'
St. J ohn A1nlnt,lance Association.
ANN"UAL ImpORT. . Three courses of lect lll'es ,yere delivered during the past h:elve llUOllOths, ~l~. (~ fi 'd nd 1 on home nursincr Twenty-two first [ml, am 1 l1UlSID o 2 .o?- ,rst al : ~ranted and 6 cat1didat~~ obtained the medallion, or label. Three Cteealmtlfisc:!~!r:de~~l~the al1~ual competitio n. FOlll'teen fortnightly pmcti~es werelltl~ld . .a. recru a lOll durin cr the winter m onths t IIe average a tt en d an ce bein . C'la 10' 3 • C'l • stretcher for the use of mel~bers and candidates, and ayallable for cases of aCClden t, has been added to the outfit of the Oentre. A : ery successful cOllce::t to m eet the of the com )etition and provide the pnzes was held on Aplll 2?th. ~Ve ~ffe~n~~~. cordial th1nks to Drs. Oollins and Latham, who again gave thcIr serVICCS as lecturers gratuitou ly.
Statement oj Account 1906-7. Receipts.
£5 ]9
T o Balance, Oct. 1, 1906 6 15 H onorary Subscriptions 4 4 " Active l embers'Subs, . 2 14 " Medallions sold " I ncidental E xpenses, Exam" iners' fees and expenses -1 received from classes. 4 17 Stores sold " D iscount on Stores OH " Gross alUount received " frolU Oompetition and 22 1 Ooncert
3 6 0 0 6 2 8
Expenditurc. By Printillg, ' tationery and £5 2 4 Postacre . Cost ~f Medallions and " LabE'ls . 6 0 In cidental Expenses . 2 2 0 " Examiner's fees and expcn cs 5 1 6 " Stores 5 7 5 " Hire of R ooms ·1 6 6 " Ad vertising 1 11 0 . , " Expenses of Oompetition " and Ooncert not other15 1 0 wise incluued Grant from Hunt s C,O. " repaid , 2 2 0 ' .. 2 15 2 " D eficit 1905 Oompetltlon 7 13 3 Balance in Ban k 4 16 11 " Oash with Secretary
7 7
( ' ha il'JlI:IlI.
,'mgp.olJ-Ooloncl Charles Knott , ~r.n.c .p. DCPllt~r·( ' hllit·lIIall all(l 'J'rca.,Ul·Cr. it' Gco. E. Oouzcns, "Glellthol'llc," Kingston Orcsccnt, Portsmouth .
JI OJlOl':lI·.l ' Secret ary. FJ'cd. J. Oo\\'anl, The \Y oorlla1ll1s, LalJllrnnm Grove, Portsmouth.
A~si. · tallt S<'Cl'Ct aJ'ic~.
i>liss B. Gic\'c. 5:3, Clarence Parade. )lis. K. "'angstcr, 1\' aterlooville, Hants. )'Iis N. , cott Fostel', 13raelllar, t. Helen's Parade, Southsea.
Life :u muc.'". Ficlu 1ILll'shal H,I{. n. the Duke of Oonnaught, K.G. The Hight Hou. Evelyn Ashley. A. O. H armsworth. , ir William aud Lady Dupree. , ir Gcorge alld L ady Oouzens. U<'41ieal • taff. L . n.c .p., L.~.,\., II. E. H ann, L.n.c.p., M,ll.C.S., Ohas. Knott, ),p" Aston Kcy, B.A" ~r.D., B.C., J. ~lalpas, L.n.C.p., M,R.C.S" J. McGregor, L.n.c.I'., F.R . C. S., U. McGregor, ) ,b .. L.n.C.I'. O. Iayhe ,v, L,lt.C.P., M.ll. ,s., C. F. Tewby, F.n . C' . .. , L.RC.!'" II. W. [orlcy, ~I.n.c.s" L.R.C.P, J, H. F, 'Nay, !If.It . c,,., MOlltagne \\Tay, )l.ll.C.:-:., I.. It.c.l'.
L, IL H ackman,
Statemellt o/Receipts ((lId E"·llfrlditlli'c Receipts. To Balance from last year to reS Accoun t ," Cla ' .Fecs
.E34 11 III 1 17 H)
D 2 2
thc yeai', 1st Od., 1906, to 30th Sept., 1907.
ny " "
Value of Stores on hand Sept, 30t1J, 1907, £~ 15 . 4d. . T, U. LA~[ PLLGH, Prcstdent ctncl Ohauman.
F. S. P. ,AuxDEn~, H on , T?·easurcr. B, ,Yo ILOrf, Hon, Sccretm'y.
E.tpclld itu rc. tores Accou 11 t £21 3 Cla' anel Incillclltal EXl'ell c· 12 12 Balance in bank, 30th .ept.,1907 35 13 I
1 3 9
Examined "ith "ouehers and I'a ' book amI found correct, C, LOUIS de WOLFF, llon. Audito)', The value of store. in hand i ' £10. ( wlleel)
1st (/ctobC!', 1907.
POLYTECHNIC, J'rc"lillent. His Grace the Duke of Fife,
ClI.,nLE~ K,\UTT,
Cltn irJll:tH.
J . E . K ,'tudd.
L. H. Harris, F.e.LS., Polytechnic, Regent Street, L ondon, IV.
J(onorary Sccret Hl'Y. Mitchell, rrIte Polytechnic, Regen t Street, L ondon, \V.
;Uc(lical Staff.
James Oantlie, F,It,C.H.
PORTSMOUTH. Pl'csitlcll' • Field Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Oonnaught and Strathearn, ICO. Lady Prcsident. H.R. H . Th e D uchess of Oonnaught and Straiheal'll .
Chairman .
E. O()UZI'; XS, Treasurcr, Fl:ED . .T. CUWAltD, 11011. Secretary.
(; 8( I.
AN IU AL REPORT. The Portsmouth Centre ha.' addcd £1 2;:;. to its balancc of .£;35 13 . 90. at the bank tlli. ycar j as it is cntirely self-sl1pportLcl, thi i ' au excrllent l'c"ult. Eight das es haye hell held, attended hy 173 pupn. 103 candidate han pa ' ed for cerliflcat . in first aid anll l1l1l'Sillg, 39 ctlnditlatl's haye passed for medallion . amI label. 'ince the formation of thc Oentre in 1 1 5,300 per on haye receind certificates in first aiel 8u(lmll':sing j06 ha\'e pas ed the thrce examination entitling them to receive l1letlallion!>, and 13 label han be n i sucd to holders of medallion. The Annual General Meeting waH held 011 Thursday, 10lh Octobcr, 1907, aml after the 1I1ayoress had presented the llledalJion' aml certificatcs thcre wa an exhibition or the l'elldering of first aid to th e illjured, FollolI'ing this, ,'ir H erbert O. Penott, Bart., C.B., the Ohief Secretary of the t. J oh n Ambulance Association, gavE' an addrcss, in the course of which he congratulated the recipients on their ucce sand described the demonstrations as most atlmirable. He con idcrccl that the record of the Portsmouth Oentre was one of which any Oentre might be proud. The speaker
L ocal R epO?'ts f?'orn Oeni?"es,
St. J ohn Amb'nlance Assoc'iCfJtion .
alluded \yith pride to the fact that no fewer than 2,000 of the St. John AmUt~IaIl?e BriCTade went out to the South African War, and renriClecl most valllab!e serVlCe_ll1 ass;ciation with the Royal Army Mellical Corps . .Mr ..Batdwy.n F.lem1J1g obsen cd that the Portsmouth Poor La\y Iufirmary had a nmque ll1stltUtIO~ III the shape 01 a N ursin CT BriCTade. The layor proposed a yote of thank to II' Herbert Pell'ott which ~as ~econded by illr. Coward, the lIon. ecrctalY of the Cenire, nud u nanimously carried.
RAMS GATE. General
J·reS itl e ur. ir Charles 'Warren, G . c.~I.G., K.C.D., It.E.
Chait'Juan autl T r ea surer.
Charles Cotton, F.R.C.P. pencer Square, Ramsgate.
)(Ollora 1')' e el' Ca)')'. Lt.-Col. P. Murray, Orove End, Orange Road, Ham ·gatc.
Life ;U e lll ber. Charles Cotton, Y.n.c.p. )I e dica 1 iS ta fT.
C . Cotton, F . Re.p., M.R.C.S., K Fisk, ~r.n., Meredilh Powell. 1I1.R., C.~r., R. Smyth, ~LD., C. H. Tamplin, L . R.C.P., ;\r.H.C.S., F. 'Yood., L.n.c . l'., ~r.l:'C.S. A ~NUAL REPORT. I n submitting tbe twenty-sixth annual report of this Centre the ConJIlli.ttee has great pleasure in stating that the past year hus been the mo t cYelltful "llIce ~hc Centre was founded in 1881. The usual clas es ha\'e been lleld under thc ~,ech1lJ~al School Committee on first aid and 111lr'ing by Dr. my~h, Cotton, amI 1 al11 1'1 1Il , members of the medical staff of the Centre. They "'ere fanly well attended, and Lhe average of passes was excellent. On 22nrl ~ 0\'e111 bel', HJ?6, :: yer)' good concert aml entertainment "as given at tbe GranTIlle Hall, unt1~r t~le ell! ectIOn 01 Lady" agel' ~I Ullt and friends, in aid of the Ambulance Corps and Dls.tnct N Ul'ses Fnnc~, 'rhe uuulencc "as a large and appreciative one, and the entertalllment resulled 111 a 11alance of £31 12s. half of which was hamled over to each Fund; the balance slleet cluly audited by Captain Vaile accompanies this Report. The 1irst competition alllollq~t the Divisions of Ramsgate Corps for the lIiehi generou '1)' presented Thy Gen ral II' C. ·Warren for annual competition was helJ. at the Dnll Room, 1 olk tr~e~,. on 13th February, 1907, Hon . nrgeon A. F. treet, of th~ :'.estgate-ol1-, e~ DrnsIOll, kindly acting as judge. The result was that the Town DlvlsIOn came on \\'lllners. \\'1th 393 points out of a possible 500. The layor (Alderman W . Coleman) very kllldly made the presentation on behalf of Sir Charles 'Warren, who ,,-as uuaule ~o be present. On 4th April the Chief Comm~ssiollcr of the t. J obn 1I..mbulanc~ B~'lgU(~e visited the town for the purpose of openlllg the new Central. Amuu1ancc tatlol} III York Street. The Chief Commissioner, who had preYiously lllspectccl the East h.ent Divisions in the grounds of Chatham House~ was leceived a~ the T own H all by the Deputy l\Iayor and members of the Co~'poratlOJl, together \nlh t~lC lllcmbers of the Committee of the Ramsgate Centre. '1 he company then proceede~1 to the am ~Hllance station, where the Chief Commissioner was requested uy the ChIef Sm:geon 111 command of the Corps to formally declare the station open. It was explall1ed f?r what purposes tho station would be used and the geuerous terms ullon . wInch the Corporation had leased the premises to the Ccntre for trhe us~ ~f. the 13nguc~e . 'The Supernumerary Officers and rank and file of the East hent DlVISIOlIS attellLhng were afterwards entertained to tea by General ir Charles Warren, the Deputy layor ~ery kindly receiving the rest of the company at tea at the Town I-~all , T he ] lrOceerllD~s passed off most satisfactorily, and a lctler was after\\:ard~ rece~ved from Oolonel Sn Herbert Perrott, at the reqnest of the Central Exccutlve Comml~tee o.f the Ambulance D epartment of the Order of St. John, expressing the gr~at satisfactIOn felt lJy that Committee at the foundation of the am tuJance statIOn and t he al'l'angements generally. O n 18th April the E ast Kent Ambulance Competiti on was held a t the.
Artille ry Dl'illlI.lLll. Five .Leanls ellt.ered, all~l the Challenge Cup .was \\'on hy the ~lshfonl tcam, WIth 201 POlllts ont 01 a IIH1X1l1lUlll of 300; ~lld., Dovcl' with 17 . 3rd., Ramsgate Police, with 171; Jth., \\'(·;;lgale-ol1-.' en, with 161; 5th'. Ramsgat~ Town, with 1uO. lIon. :-ll1l'geoll R H.ubcrt·, of the 11dropc,litull Corp~, acted as judge, ancl the winning team represl'nted East Kent at St. John's Gate lor the fiual for the district for the De\\ar • 'hicld Competition. On the same occasion the competition for ll\ll'SeS took l)luce for the Lady Decies Cup. This \"as won hy _'ursin£! Si ·tel' ?Ill's. Grmllmant with a totn.1 of 7[1 out of 05 points. The prpsentation of the prizes to the winllers was gracefully perforllled by .JIrs. llatfeild, and vo tes of thanks conlially ,"otod to the donors of the plizes . I"TEllD[ REl'OI~T FltO;\1 Dlf;TlacT KUI1sES CrDDllTTEE. The (lisll'ict l1llrses still cunliul1e their \\'o1'k alllollg.t the sick poor of the four encirclillg' 1',ll'i~llc' of thc tOWll. This year it was fOllnd imperative to erive ""llise Green acltlitionalllell', as tll(j \\'011- had glown hl'yolJcl tile powor.· of a .i~gle nlU;,e, ~o in Februtlry ~ "'-111'"e 'alford was nppoinlC'l1l...·si.tant Distriet ... -m<.e, and has giyen yaluable hell' dnring the eigllt month'), takiug ontire char<fe \\'hibt Xure Green was away fOI' her ho1illiiy. It has been found, how 'vor, that it is I)OCCs~ary to haye a flllly-tmiuell and cl'llilicatell nurse awl to di\'i(le the "'ork, .0 a~ to relieve Nurse Ureell of cnlire l'csl'oll.ibility of all fOllr l,arishe.) all(l 011 ~'l1l~[' .'afrord feeling that .he was not e'lwd to 'harl1lg th w(I]'k in this way the COllllllltler 1Ia\"0 s(:cureu the sen·ice.' 0[' ~ Tnrse L. Coekrall, who will take HI' bel' \\ork towanls the end of October. The 11l1mlJel' of \' i,its paill by the two lIurscs dlll'ilig th!' nino mouths ending 30th. ,'cptl'lllhcr a1ll0unt.' to ;.,40:2. The thnl1h of lhe COlllmittee arc dnr! to the many friend who hnn nssisterl in the carrying on of the \'(trions goo(l works engagerl in 1))" the elltn'; to tbe oflicrl's unc1m '1111><:rs of thc local Diyisiolls of the Brigade, illlcl to the 11I(IJlbeL' the l\Icdicnl ·ta lr, without whose aid, .0 eon tamly and ungrudiucrly gln·lI. lhe \\'Ork c011h1 llcnr lw.Y C bel'll cOlllill1J(·(l. Thi ' report cannot he e!osl·tl ",ilhunt a ]'l·rerellco h ing 11lade to thc euforced re::.ignatioll, tlnongbeyere illnc~. I of' utH· lllO.'t e:-.te 'lI1ed llon. ,'l}cruiary. Colonel P. Murray, wllO hlt actcd On the staff of the COl1tre for lIP'lrly S '\'en ycars. It i.' with the <lcejJe t regrct allu sYlllpathy th It the COlllll1ittee accept:; tIlt' Jo:~ of 'olullel .Jlunay's en'ice, and they feel sure that thi fL'elillg will bc sharoll and exprC'ssed 1,,)' all with whom the Coloncl ha. COIllO ill cOlltacl. His Hlliyer. a1 CUlll'les), :lllcl kilHlli;1C". of' !tHUlllcr willllot :;0011 1'0 forguttolJ, all I the 'UlIIIllittoo led llulL his 1'1aC'e \\ ill not e;,ily l)c ii.llerl.
lJall/Jlce She!'1 jo!' lhe ye(l/' 1906-7. J:cccip!s. 1.,'.;'/" il£1 ill! (c. To Ca",l g,lIallce frOlll In t .By T echllical • ehoal:; for [; ACcollll t C' Ii fl~ Poliec at ~ . uLl. 'Ia .. e all,] Exam'. at 'tore: for Police " l'ohee " Tl'chnieal LLholll., 10 0 0 fcc for COlp. " '01llI'etlllOn. " 'rhre0 CI1(l'1\.:; to llalllsPl'illtil!.~, &:c. gate CoJ'p~ Conq'cti" La ·t l~ c nt A IllUul!lllCe tion 0 7 li 1 11 " ,'llliscripliollS 1 5 " Police Cla s, 5 at fis. 0 2 .-' lores " Divi. ion. entry to " " " 0 2 CUi'll.' COlllpcti lion 1 fj G illiCIt for 1'1'izcs " 'Ia 'se . and Exalll ination . 13 " 1I01l. i,-'ee ., Pel ty ash, " , tOI es, .Jlec1allion . , &c. 1 11
G 0 0
6 0 li
0 0
:2 0
G 0
0 3
COllll't'ti liOlI. delidt to MI'. W. J. C. Dr<tsier " Prize. " HC(lIl-q nartcrs aceOllll t II OIl. ,tl'., Petty Cn~h, " ...' tllres, MedallIon .. , &c: " 1I..!herlisCllll'lltti Balance ill 1.auk " Cash ill hand
H 0
Amlilell anLl fOUllll conect this 15th day of Odubcl', 1907.
L . \\' . Y.u Ll', riel -l')'(sIlICllt. CUAllLE:-; CUT] OK, LIon. E. 'Y. GILllLHT (Col.)
6 0 0
1 12 0 1 1 0 11 6 0 0 10 10 1,
" £3 ' 11
£0 12 0 0
St. J ohn ..d nI"vulance ..dssociation .
Local R epoTls fTom OentTes.
Ooncut and Entcrtainment in .A ill of Distl'let KUJ'se ailcl .A IIlvlllancc Corps, Novembc1' 22nd, 1906 . Receipts.
StatclI!cnt o( Rccci2Jts (mel Receipts.
Eaj7C1tch'tIl1·e .
T o Sale of Tickets . £43 17 6 "Programmes 2 0 3 " " D onation from Herr B. Ranschen, Travelling Expenses retmned 0 0
£46 17
By Fee to the ~li es alter . £5 5 1 1 " Royalty on Play . 0 " Oaniage of Piano . 1 ]6 " Advertisements 2 13 "Printing . " * Herr Bela Ranschen's Tra,'elling expenses 1 0 2 2 " H ire of Hall . . "Oheque to District Nl1l'sC Fund 15 16 ., Obeque to Ambulanco Oorps. . . 15 16 " * More to Di trict N urso Fund lOs. . more to Am bulance Corps, 10s. 1 0
£46 17
0 0 0 0
To Bulance in hand 'ub 'cril'tiollS "" Class Fee. ,. tore. 'old hare of Printing Report " ( Tnr 'illg Div.)
(01' the yeal' eiuling September 30th, 1907.
Expcnclit1.wc. £1 11 1] 13 0 6 1111 0 7 11 9 4
0 0 0 0
By HeaLl-cluarters ao.Examination expenses, Stores, eto. £10 4. 3 " Lecturer's Foes 5 5 0 .) " Printing and Stationery " 12 3 1 12 2 " Po tage and Oarriage 1 5 6 " Hire of Rooms 0 1 0 " Oheque book 0 5 4 " Sundries " Engraving Shield on Oup (2 years) 014 0 11 0 2 " Balance in hand
£33 19
£33 19
+. II. R. IIoLIJEl', Chait'inan. T. P. OHAIn>, lIon. TreasllJ'C1·. A. G. ~IlrlI, lIon. Secrctary.
0 9
Autlited and found correct this 15th day of December, 1906,
'V. Decembe,' 15th, 1906.
Vicc-Presidcnt. and C'hainIlCli!.
T J' c a~lll ·C l'.
Ahdone, 63, iIlollnt Ararat Hoad, Richmond.
Llf(' ). IIIbn·.
•John \yilliam '011,
READING. l·['csi (l cnt. :LlIal'tin J. Sutton. Tl·ca. ·u rcr. T . P . Ohard, 30, St. 1\1ary's Butt. , Reading.
M."\.., )I.D.
II OUO l'ar y Secr ctar.}, . \V. Reynolds, 22, Upper Cro",n Reading.
:11 tli eal StatT.
M. 0 Gardiner, M . B . John Williamson, ~['D.
Sta{C1I1Cl!t of BCCCllJts a ad E.i'Pcnclit!lJ·c, 1906-1907. l:~ccij'l\ . E.i71cnclil!l1'e. 1'0 Halall cu ill ham1 . £13 9 3 "il.
G. H. R. Holl1en,
!o\ccJ'c taI'ic ·.
Mr. alH1 Mrs. A. Bridger,
Dyne\'ol ,ardcll', Itichlllontl.
., S\lb.;criptiollS treet,
;.l'.!l. lut 're:-t, 1£10li
0 6
14 15
5 I By Balancc in haml
£14 15
£11 15 L i fc ;UcmbCl·. ·.
D. F. Oooksey (representiug Messrs.
A. HHlll,lm, Han . Secretary.
. and E. Oollie!', Ltd.), G. H. R. Holden,
~r.A., M.D., The Right Hon. O. ,Yo Palmer, O. B.'teven .
ROIlT. \\'. i'l'_\.HKS,
Jlc tlica l S l a O·.
Miss Florence Armitage, M.D . (Bl'ux.), G. S. A1Jram, B.A., :lLD., M. \Y. Coleman, 1LD., N . B. Olowes, l\Lr:.C.S., L . lt.C. P., E. L. Cro]>p, l\ .. ·., L.U.C.P., ,Yo T . Freeman, M. D . , F.r: . C. S., W. J. Foster, F.r:.C.:-;., 1. M. Gl1ilding, ~I[.B., O. H. R. Holden, M . A . , M. D., J . B. Hurry, 1f.A., lIf . D., G. H. Murrcll, )l.B., F. Elliott Meade, }LR.C.S., L.R.C.P., E. Rowland, B.A . , ) . ... , G. 1\1. 'Yilcockson L . R.C.P . & s., Edin. '
Alderman J. R. Heape.
Hoyrls, \'. B., n. T.
Tl· ('II-'UI·('r a
u(l 11 OllOI'jU'y
J. D. Howarth, U, Ea·t
.L:i.KNUAL REPORT . Two first aid classes have been helt! duriu rl the sessio11 both lJeil1<1 for mcn. TIle annual competition for the .".G. W. Palmer ~ Challenge Cup was held ill lIIay. Five teams entered for competitIOn and the cup was WOIl by the .. E.R. (TruJHc Department), the G. W. R. being second . Dr. 'Yatson of N e\vbuJ'y kindly (JU\'e his . .] T here were not so many entries for "the w0111<:n's competition 0 serVIces ~s .Juc ge.. tllis y~ar,. WhICh ,\'as Jud~ed by Mr. F. Elliott lIIeade, )I. R. C. S. The :Jlayol'ess kindly dlstnbuted the Challenge Cup aDcl prizes to the winning members.
(' bn i )')U :\ l1 •
• >I'(', W c uf.
~('Cl'('t a
I'Y .
,~tl'eet. Hoehtlalo .
) . ('(li ('al Sf a fT.
Dr . . AlIllul'soll . J . A. Afohuroft, ,Yo II. Batemall, \\' . H. Cal' '0, W . P. Grant. 1'. J. IIani, A.' Jefrerson . W . J. Ke1'1', '. T . Lord, J. ROLlley, and R. Burdett
, elIeI' . . A JNUAL REPOR1'. During the past year six first aiel clas es base been held-~ iii :Y(~l'l~le: L Rochdale Evening chool; 1 aL the entre; 1 at Jordell; an<ll at" h:bIOlth, 57 1:1[1.~: ,mel 36 fcmales have been examined, of whom 54 amI 36 J'cspeetll'ely ll(tssetl, ~
Loced _R eports f r om Oentres.
S t. J ohn A rn b t~lance A ssociation.
males and 1 femal e have passed their first Ie-examination, and ] 3 males aDd 21 fe males bave passed their final examination-a total of 34 against tbe previous year's t otal of 24 . The abo,e returns sbow that, whil. t hyo fewer classe haye been held t han the prcvious year, about the same number of member haTe gone [o1\yanl with t heir re -examinations.
Statement oj R eceipts and Expenditw'e jol' To " " " "
R eceipts. Balance from Oct. 12th. 1906 . . £ 4 3 Sale of Stores . 7 0 6 :!'.Iedallions, &c. 5 17 7 E xamination Fees 13 10 0 Bank I nterest 0 4 7
th ~ yea?'
cnding Oclobu' 221ld, 1907.
Expelldilm·l·. By Examination Fee (Headquarter's account) £6 1 2 " tores . 10 11 " I lIciden tal expenses 330 "M edallion Account 5 16 7 " ecretarial Po tnges o 11 6 2 :2 0 " As"istant ' ecretary " Dalance ill hand 7 14 9
£34 16 11
£34 16 11
C. ;'1. ROYDii. J . D. II o\\'AlalI,
Prc i(lcnt.
Jlon . Sc cretal'Y.
John H . Bnl'rows, 18, Broadway, ·heerness.
Rev. Geo . Goodenough, :'LA . , R .. -.
Jlc(}ical Staff.
Dr. Geo . Aluridge, J,.:'f. s . L ond .. L . .. A., Lond., F. Jt.I. P. H . , Lond., Surgeon- Lieut.001. C. Arrol, )I.D., 1st Kcnt R. G. A. (Vols.) AN~UA L REPOR T. One cIa . wa held in connection with the Victoria Club and I nstitute; 68 mem hl:l.' put down their names to join, 38 attended the first lecture, and 22 attended tile ('x8.minatiol1, 19 being awanled certificates, 1 the mcdallion, and 1 the first year lull{: 1.
Statcment of Receipts ancl Expcnditw'e (01' the yeco' ending 1907. Rcccipts. ' E xpendilui'e. To Cash for Book. , etc. from V . G. Club
£2 11 2 4
G By Books and Bandages
P)'Psidu ll. HO Il .
"Examiner Fees, etc. " ~ledallion and LalJel " ~la ter-ial . " EXIlen es of Class, Exam., Postage, etc.
£2 1 6 1 16 o o 3 o
o o
8 9
£ 4. 16
S(,C1'etcIJ'Y. £4 16
J oux H.
G. GOODE.TOCGH, President. T,·cas. and H on. Sccrcta1'Y,
Octobc,' 24th, 1907.
I're sid cnt.
The Right Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam, Trc a , m·er.
John Gibbs, The Old Bank, H igh Street, Rotherham.
Prc .. iclcut. The Right HOll. the Earl of WharncliITe .
U onorary Sccreta)·,}'.
J. Simp on,
}f. B.,
The Elm ,
A . i taut Secretary.
UOnorlll':r Se cI' tary.
J ames H enderson, C.A. , 10, t. Jame' treet, heffield .
John W . :Martin.
Rotherllam. JICtlical Stn 0'.
Adam, Barr, F, C. Collinson, Kenny, ~I3s(}n, lilenzie ; Kaylor Riddle, , lac k eott. AXKUAL REPORT. I nterest in ambulance ,~ork has greatly increased during the pa t year and much good work ha~ been done 111 the Rotberham Centre. For thi::; we are mamly indt::hted to ~he formatIOn of th,e ". Yor~hire ;lline In pection District Ambulance Lea~ue." T his ~OveJ:~:len.t owes Its 111ceptIOll to Mr. ,V. , Valker, H.lli. Chief Inspt::ctur of Mines for thIS distnct. A meetmg of the whole di trict ,va held at L eeds on ~o:,emb~r 20th, 1 90~, when officers were appointed, rules drawn up, and the district divlded mto two selJtJ.oDS-one for. 'outh Yorkshire and one for , Vest Yorkshire. and these sections were s~~-?ivided into divisions, eight in each gection orixteen in all. T he ~otherbam Dn'lS~o.n ~ade ar~angements for cIa se:; to lJe held at places convem~nt to those desll'lng mstructlOn, and the district was mapped out so that every mmer could attend one or other of the cla;; 'es h eld in the neiuhbourhood of R otherham. T~n Centres were thus ananged :-Canklow, Eastwo~c1, Grea bro', H~ndsworth, Kimberworth, Parkgate, Si!\,envood, ,'tuhbin, Treeton, a,nd Woodhouse Hill.. At t h ese C~ntr~s 494 perso~~ received some instruction, 358, or 72 pel' cent., qual!-fied for examm~tIOn for certIficates and 3 5, or 5 per cent, of the number qual~fie.d were exammed. and 291, or 95 per cent., actually passed. A result highly gratifym g to the Commlttee of Management and significant as to the value of the L eague so r~cently formed. Classes were al 0 formed for the in. truction of the Bor ough P olice and of the County P olice. Both were well attenrlec1 and nearly all the members were s uccessful in passing.
Tl'Cll . nrcr.
Bernard A. F irth.
Jlc mbcl'".
Right Hon. the Earl of \\'hamcliffc, Mrs. T. ~I. Bingley, :John Br0wll & .Co. L td., Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltll., .T . Bradley FIrth, :Mark Fnth, J. R. Keelmg, )1.1>., L'ldy Hamilton 'mith; teel, Peech & Tozer L td., Yicker on and :\Iaxim, L td., E. :\1. E. Welby. )Icdical s;,taiT.
\\Tilliam Dyon, D .•\., )1.n., 'LIt. . , ., Richard Favell, }f.r-.C . . , .L . . A., Robert Gordon, )1.D., ell.Jr., R. J . ryc- mitlt, F.Jt.C . •. , L.R.C.P., Georgc Roblll on, )I.r-.C. S., L.~.A., f . H . cott,'., \1.1!.C . . . , imeon neil, F.Il-C .. . , :'1.1LC.8., L. R.C . P., G. K. T horpe, John W . 1.1altin, M.D. Al\XU AL R EPO RT, In pre. en ting the twenty-fifth t1~ll1ulll report tht:: C~mmi ttee ha\'e plea. ure in 'tatin(f thn,t much (food work h a"a1l1 been done by the heffield Centre durlllg the p~t y~ar; 2\) fir!./'aid and :2 llUJ'sin cIa '· . e ' ha\'e been.1lCld, t1ud,in ad.dition to these J the member:-; of:2 fir t aid and nursint:' clas es. held m conllectl~)D wlth the beffi~ld Education Oummi ttee, ha \'l! been examined by the Official Exanuner of. the A~. OClation. The tutal member 'hip of these cIa ' es wa ' 1.071, a,' compared With 2~ III the previous year. At the exalllinn.tiollS held on b half of th~ Ce,ntral Executly~, 514 student passed the first exumination, H9 the econd exummatlOn,. 22~ the t~ll'd or final examination; 55 pas:ell in home 11l1l'::;ing and there werE' 4.0 JUlllor certificates i. ued; in a,c1ditiol1 to the,e, 57 med illlion holder ' ,ha\'e ul? pas ed n. further re-exami nation entitling thcm to the label is ued b1 the .A SOCH~tIOn . T hese fi~urcs, added to those of pl'eyiOll years, make a total of 10; 29-1 pas es mc the form~tIOJ1 of the entre. Although the aboye is n. St\tisfactory rf'cord of work done dur:ng the past year, the OOlllmittee arc of opinion that th ' re i till room for It cOll'lderable extcnsion of :unbulancc work in "heffielcl, they would, ther forc, urge upon all f
ft. J ohn A munlance A . sociation.
employers of lalJour the grea,t cle::;iml)ility of gi\'in<>" c\'ery cmcourn~cment lo t1lllil workmen to form first aid classe'>. Thc rollo\\'il1~ medic:d men I1I\\"e 'killdly acted a lecturers under the Centre dunng the past year :-))t·. TewtO ll " ' ((~lclLClle::,:,), Mr. J. "IV. ,'tokcs, Dr. Barraclough (Chl~]lello\\'n), ])1. A. Al kl:1l 'lark, D r. an ick \Vilson, Dr. II. ,'ands (Chn.peltml'll), Dr . .T. If. Lll'()\\'tJ, Dr. J. i-liIM, Dr . .T. , or! 'j', Dr. "IV. Branson, Dr. Bennett, Dr. :-l. Rooth (J rcmficld), Dr. ,'cott, Dr. H. 'IV. Jnlle,,mitb, Dr. Godfrey Car~er, Dr. Clar:k.e Dinllillgtcm), Dr. H. G. ~elby, Mr. , idney F. Barber? Mr. J. R. IIIII. In adchtlOn to the ahOHJ VI'. ~lallc1 Cl~\'aIHtgh and !lIb Evelyn 1111e tone ha\'e acted as lecturers. DUl'lIlg' 1IlC' yUiLl' 01 l,olicc ofliccl':' hu \" vassed the tirt examina,tioll, 10 the second cxarnJnaticm , a nd 10] L11() filial p.-(ullill;) tIon. The knowledge of first aid aCCJuired 1)y tll!' police lra,., l'l'fJn:rl to 1m cJf till' g.reatest value. The Allllmlance Bl'igwle, [(m.ned . in ~lref~clcl SOllle yen I' :1'-:1), contlllU~S to do much good wvrk, unc111.e1l)!; tv lllU111llll11 lIH' Jllgh !;tlll1rllll'!l of C'flkiellr',}' att~med l)y many mnlmlancc men III ,'heffil:l(l. The COll1mittee desir' Lv C'xpn' thelr best thanks to the Ron. ,'ecretal'Y (Dr. Marlin), t!Ie lcr:tuJ' J'S. tile c-h ~e('I" taries, and all those who have by their kind as~istnncc helped [Olwllnl tbe '1'(llk (If the Centre.
Statement of Receipts and EffJpellditw'e jor the year eJldlrlg S('1't mua 30th, l(l07. Receipts. E ,J,,)Jf!lldit /I fl'. T o Balance in Bank . £'3 11 G By ExalJliuC'rs' Fcc!') !tIHI " " " "
Subscription s 18 1 Class Fees 128 7 ,tores . . , . 1 18 Special Donations to meet amount dne from late Assistan t Sec. £35 12 6 Div . from E state 1 10 9
37 L ess amount due from the Estate, .35
3 7
6 0 9
3 5 1 15 10
Exal1liIJaLion ExpelJ. es . . .
"l\[edal JiOllS. "IIire of 1< 001118 " ilfl \'el'tisiug.
AN. 'U AL H.Ef'OJtT. e1illill~ 30th ,-lI'IMlIlher, I()07, lhe: r01]owjJJgC(:llifi.~[Ltcs, eL?, hu~e ]'1'C:11 (fai~lc'l b)' [llIpil s atLf'llIlilig (·llt . c:s ultllc:lrr;11 to tllis Cr:IJtl'f!. J'lftC:Cll fll'l;t. nul tl'rtilie,lles by f"J1li1lbs, alld!J IiI' Laiel CI;rtlficaLes },)' 1I1ales; also rr"III,~les ~lave g;~IIIr:rl ('C'rtiliraLc: f()I' ItOlJlP 11III illg, 'llirl \\'1\ lil1ve had i pH S [,ho re-exltllJtllatlOll f?l tl.1O \' )Iwhl'r and 7 fIll' tire Il1pd ,dlio ll. AltlJ<Jl1glr thi" n'pol't i;; lIC)t so ('JlCOl1raijlllg III II IlJJ},rr~ iI. pn yeM, tIll; GOlllllliLtel' art.; flllly ~live to the far;t ull(l have a\:r:lJJ~eu fIJI' cia e.'; to I;OIIlIlI('III;I! al Olle', [[ Ilfl are tllJlg ovcry (mrlellvour to stllIlulate grc'lller illt"resl ill tlrn work. Tho G'rtilicntcs, ct.rJ., were prc5(;lltecllJY ~1rs. BurtOllat thc nllll ual IIIN ti JIg hdll 1. t N OVCIIl urI'.
1 1 (j
T o Ralall!'I) . " Cluss fl'(,~ " • ';du of, 'lo!'1' " Balik inl!'ll' t
" Cheques not pre:selJtell to Balik for 1'~yrnpl1t .]::;:;
'> .J
0 4
1 I :~ 1 100 010 fJ 11 6
l'riJl illg, 'Wei Post:lge " H.I'IJ l or H,O()11l " PH liell t " B.da nCfJ
£:20 1 i
.T')II,- A. Bn ~To .-, Ch(liollOll. JOII • 1. JJ .\ \'I~r) , 'J',·caslIru. FHLI'. 1 rgWgr,L, flo ,I Secret fl !'!!.
SOUTHAMPTON. ( 'hai,·man.
P" ('"icl ('111.
H. JLl l. tlrl' }'rillcc
LOl1i~, DlI c!te
'I,·(·n.,,) ;.(... .
.\injrJl A . .r. v. lJl1J(·IJ, (;ru\'c:sidc, \rool tOil.
Audited allu found correct, GEOItGE FHA_-Kr,Ix, C'!{(J;'!f!i'(!fl Acr;Ol'nt(fflf, , lit m(·JrI.
or .\.I'~J 11.
CololH,1 K B,wne,
D. L .
H()1I0I'a,',)' ('(Tetal'_ Ll.-( 1)1. n. E. TWISS. 1'. \.~I.G·1f , l. .JO]JlI' , ,'lalioll Itond, ' hulilJCI,
Uf(' "I(·'ul){·'·... . Th e Rarl 0[ lfal'l1wil+e A(lilliraJ. II J(dlll H...J. FlIlIl·doll, G.('.Y . O., G.H., C~ . H. A. H l'llllrl, (', B., £,ii.~ (;, F . . 11 1'~J1Y, '1) ]: \\'. JUhll .tOIl, /J.fl;, .. ,:\l ast '~. H. ,~lllrtlll, ~la tel' It. C. (,lllill, 1\1 I s I". A. T\I I s, Lt. - 01. G. .K '1" IS, DI . A. B, \\'ade, 'fir e lI ())) .•\11' . JWi(Jt \'oJl- '.
U('cll('al staff.
I" II . Ii. Fux, _I.J:,('.:-;., 1,.1:'<' .1'., C. H. ;\I.B" C.M., ',. ' . Jo II till', I.. It-I '. I'. I., L.ILl ' ... (., ]J . L;~\I" ')Il, .\[,1:,('.""., [.I:.l.1'., . Ii. X. Tebbs, ~I.II., H.G., (' .)1., \\'. I'. l 'Ilj'\'Js, lit I)" .\1. ' .,
J. II. 1'. FIll cr,
"rCil iclCJI f.
( ' l!all'ltl:lJl.
J ames l{oberts .
"IV. E.
Jolin A.linrtrJII.
l,j rc
17 10
J. 1. D avison, United Coullties Bank, L e1. ) SJlipley.
172 16 11
J anuwrv 8lh, 1908.
,5eldcmuet 30th, 1007. EJpcmlitufe. £3 1 11 By, 'torr's . 3 1~ 0 "EXIlIJlilJatio1J fl' S . 1116 " IlJ c·irll'nLlls Il(; Ill':lrl OffIce C;U1iCd
Oct. & ... ~O\'.,
£153 11
5 Iii
n 1I
I 4
SI alf.
UllIill lr lhe \'Par
1 13 '> .J
\\T. T. Aill!;worLIJ, .\LB., c.:.!., '1'. 1. BC)nJtel', M.A., C.M., ).r.n ., C. \V, Eames, M.II., .\'c'.J> . , ["H.r·.I'., \\'. If. 1':lIis, ~I.Jl.r;.,., L.S. ,\., J. Erll(;l'srJII, I..P.( .1'., L.ILG .... , \V, Fo:;t.el', :'11.1)., ;lr.,\., ;\1.1:'('. ' ., I,.::;. A., II . I'.H., F. j: lI eard, I, ..I'.r.I'., V' Mosln", ;lI ,Il" Clf_B., L. H.A., J. F. ,'elkll'k, M.n., Sharpe, I, r~ • I" • . , I, . 1'- . I' ., J,-. l" .S. . , J \\T )1. B., (ILB., .r. ,'hives, ;If.n., J:. 'f]IOrJJlrJ11, M.l:., B.A., J:.G, ;\I.I~ . r; S . , L. '.A ., . \\'Ul'I l -,'lJlilh, ) /.11., F.I:.r' . H., 1,.1'.1'.1'., .J. \\'alker, ;lr.H.G.S., ;\1.1:,('.1' .
Stolemcnt o{ R"I'dllls (Ilul E 'jJclulillO'C (Ol' th e !ferli'
£7G 9 16 ] j 1 1~
. , " Prilltillg aJlrl,'latiol1cry . " Po~tagC' " Assistallt, (!(·,'s.'aJal'j' " C0l11Tllis!CJ1I 011 ,'lIb:--. . " ?lliscellallcolb EX1,cllSr;s , " HalJkers' Cbarg(". . " BalaliCc in Ball k as pCI' Pass Book, ,'(1'l. 30th, 1907 . 117 12 " PaYlilCllts to Dk. jll
L ocal R epoff'ts /f'O?n Oeni't'es.
111.1 .. ,
. lJr)ll()/·:IJ·Y ,' ('(·J·('lary. 1~, ' ]lf~rwoocl Grove,
F .... (·wrll,
GF · M:, ~rl·B., (1)'T W , J~~liI.PS,. )T.n., '\f.n.o ... , L.It.C.l'., Hc!a·I'dI.LBnoncner'S~lh·~'l' , , •. . P", Ip ey nenu y anc rade Boor;tles, C(·v. 0 , Wand.
F. C.
J~ 11 a,r.lII, E '1 '.. \\1.",
C' '
M,I:.(; .I'.I., 1 . 1:.1'.,.1.
Al'lrUAL J:EPOltT. . '11 lll[! Y,'.1I' '2.7 c:1,IS. I'S Wf'j'(J Iip1d (19 lil'sL a.ill, alll1 ., hOlllP ~ll~r. ,llI g I~b wnc atl~lIdl'tl I)y I 1'\ll'il, of II lio)!1 :31 I O\JtIlIIiCI I ('rr~lhC'llc',;" 25 \ Ol1e 1.;/\1 ' "I) I '1'11" <..lrdl'!1Pl' d"IJo ls- •aL• \\ on1f 'lOll, (0), ' , , nil' 1'11 IIt 1IC I ~,. LIJ t·,I I 'J. IlI e[ 1u. II ICm . ' . II Urilfullc allll ll alllbll', Jwrp 1.1"'11 lrILIHII' 1 I)\'er to the ,'lJl1llr llilplull 1)\\ ISIOI1 0 Ie 0 • lJlll'ill lf
..,. CJIIIH' J •.,.
Hownrd, ;\f.l_ J ., , l ' '1 l
)i ."
St. J ohn A 1nbnlance A ssocicdion.
L ocal R epo1'ts frO?n Centres.
and £10 given to its uniform fuud . I n December, 1906, Mrs . Orisp gave an entertainment at Netley, which obtained £4 16s. 6t1 . for the Centre. Public pre entatiolls of certifiuates haye been made by Urs. R. Andre\\' (Un:voress of outhampton), Capt. A. J . Cor e cott, J.P., and R. Hoare, Esq. T he number of life members has risen from three to nine during the year.
Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet f01' yea?' ending Septembcr 30th, 1907 . Receipts. To Cash in hand, Oct. 1, 1906£12 " Subs.: D ons. and Oard Collections 25 " Life Member hip, and balances of . 26 " Class fee, sale of books, medallions 4" Entertainment, Proceeds of Mrs. Crisp'~ 4
£154 15
EX]Jenditw·e. By Head-quarters' bills, books, Examinations, material for clas1>es, etc. £60 " Prin ting, Ad verti ing, etc. 17 " I ncidentals anent cltlS es, including fnmishing cla room 13 " I ncirlentals anent prize~iving, with llJI'e of piano 2 "Postage, stationery an(1 sundries 1 " Donation to alan Di,'. 10 " Cash in bank 25 " Cash in hand 7
0 6
8 0 15 13
9 0 4
£151 15
£33 8 10 210 2 14 6 £3
SOUTHPORT. Chairman,
l~l'c"itl C ll t. The Earl of Lathom.
Rev. C. T . Porter, D.D., LL. D.
Jlon01'ary 8e c1' tary aud Trc a . lire)',
J. E. W illett, 3, Park Road,
Balance Sheet. Cash in hand B ooks in hand . D ue for Stores, etc., sold
The ambulance work on this railway continues to make most satisfactory progress. Demonstrations been held during the I,ast year at a number of plac~s thr?ughout the Company's system, anrl these have doubtless been the means of. IllduClllg a number of' men to take up th~ work. No less than ~5 teams co~pe~ed III t~e competitions for the cups, and pnzes presented by. t~l~, tIns beIll~ an . Illcrease of 25 teams over 1906, and there 1S every po~sllHhty of t~lS nun~ber belDg Ill~reased dlll'inrr Lhe coming winter. The annual meetIng was held m Apt'll last at the Cannon StreetIIotel, anrl was presic1eu oyer hy the Right Honourable A. Akers D oug1ll:s, M.!'., one of the Directors. The meeting was largely attended by all grades of ]'a1lwlty servants.
JlCt\lcal StafT.
Liabilities. Examiners for fees for Exams. 30th, eptember £6 Balance to credit 32
Certified correct, C. F. H . BEARDMORE, L t . -Col., Hon . J'reaSU?·e1·. E xamined and found correct, O. V. I SACKE, Capt., A. P.D .
F. J. Dailtlon, ;lLD., (,.;1[" • .\1. BrO\\ll, )[,l)., ~r.Il . C .. . , T. B. CalJard, L.R.C .. , A. E. Cox, M.n., C.M., . B. Fenn, L.l:.C.l"',.L.l~.C.'., L.F.I'.S.G., A. ". Hare',;lLB.,. lI.n., r. R. Penrose, M.D., F.n. ·.s.I., J. "11 haw, :'I.B., CH .B., D.P.lJ., J. Forre tel 'Yood, F.n.C .. ·., L.R.C.p.
Countersigned, GEO. E. TWIS., Lt.-Col., IIon. SecTetary. EDW ArlD BA -CE, Col., Chairman oj C07n1ll ittee.
A.T "'UAL REPORT. During the year seYel'al cbs e. i13.Ye Lec1l held, witl~ sat~ fac~ory. resul.t~. wOlk continues to he done hy ('hos", who have been LralUed 111 filst aId ;YOlk .
Statemcnt oj Receipts ((nd E.l'j) '1/(7iture to Septcm,ber 30th, 1907 . Receipt '. E.l'pcnditlli'e. To Ba1ance from la t account £0 17 3 By Head llice for stores, etc. £9 10 Fees for cIa e 10 ·1 0 "Examiner' , fees, etc. 7 2 " ale of stores, etc. 11 fi " Balance in hand 5 13
6 10
~<:> £ --
6 10
. T. PanTER, Chairman. J OIIX E. 'YILLETT, Hon . Sec. and Ti'ws .
SOUTH EASTERN AND CHATHAM RAILWAY. P l'csid cut. H. Oosmo Orme BonsaI'.
E. C. Cox. Uouoral'Y Sccrctary. .E .&O. H., London Bridge
E. A . Richards, Office of Supt. of Line,
rJ't, .,iil e Jl t.
~Ic(}i cal
Staff. S. R . Alexander, ;\oLD., M.B. , M.R.C . ... ,. L.S. A., lIf. Ooates, M.D., F.R.C.S., L... A., F. H. Coke, M.R.C.S., L. R.C.P., R. J . DlCk, I1LB., GH.B., Edin., E. C. Fenoulhe n, L.R.C. P., L.P"C. '., L.M., A. S. Greenway, M.D., M.B.C.!>!. , L.M., J. Hamilton, L.n.c.p., L.R. C.S., J . R. ~olmes, M.B., C.M., A. R. Henchley, L.R.C.P., Lll. C... , L.F. P. . , L.M., F . B. Jefi'el'lss, M. R.C.S., L.P•. C.P., W. "T.Linington,>., I1LR.C. S. , L.R.C. P. , J 'T T. McArthur, L.R.c.r., L.R. C.S.: L.F.P.S. , R. D. Muir, M.D., M. R.C.S. , L.R.C.P., ,~ : D . Murray, Jl1.B., C.I11., C. E. Murphy, L.R.C.P. r., L.;lI., L.R.C.S.I., J.J M., C. P Ohver , M.D, M.B., M. R.C.S ., L.R.C.P. L.S A. D.p.rr . J R R oberts 'I A I B' A T S . 1 '" " , B.C., . . lmt 1, III. D., III.B., C.M., G. T . Watson, liLA., M B., B.C .. B.A., F.R.C. S., M.P..C .. ·., L.R.C.P., H. J . Watts, M. R.C.S., L. R.C. P., P. 11,J . \\Tau ((1! 1II B crr B J. H. Yollancl, )LR.C.S., L.S.A. 0' •• , •• , ll
•• ,
•• ,
J,1 . Readhcll.Ll. nOll .
( ' hail'lnnn.
J. R. Crea c.
Tl'ea , l11'
F. Thirl\Yell, North Eatern Danking Co., Ltd . , -1, King treet, outIl hields . 1I()J101':ll'Y ii1o(' Cl'Cjal'Y·
Jumc' Page, Gi, Eillg Jle~1i('al
h ielc1 .
.J. R. Crease, F . R. C... , I,.n.C.p., Edin .., II. Cioutlie, ('.11[" ]If.D., ,Y o Gowans, M.n., J . l\bc lonahl , 0.)1., M.n., J . .i\I. l\lart1l1, C. )I., )f.D ., C. J.'utherland, M.D.
Local Rep01'ls /1'017& OeniTes.
St. John A 1nbl(;iance Association.
ANNUAL REPORT. I n presentinG the 23rd annual report we are pleased to state that the work of thi s Centre has bee~ carried on steadily and with good results. There has 1ef'11 un increase of classes also in the number of students. Thanks are due to the H onorary Medical Stall' aI' 0 to the Secretaries of the yarious cla. ses. The interest of the South Shield~ Corporation, Volunteer Life Briga~~, an.d. Borou~h rolice i m~ill tained Ninety-seven boys on the "Wellesley traullng Sl11p have Obtulllcd certificates during the yeur.
Statement of Receipts and E'J.'pend1·tw·e, 1906-1907. R f:ccipts . E'J..'pendittl1·e. T o Balance " Fees " Stores
£15 12 17 3 4 3
7 0 9
By Head Office£15 10 Fees 5 10 Stores 2 6 " Rent of Class RoomR o 10 " Advertising o 5 " uudries, Postages, etc. -1 -1 " ' torekeeper 13 " Balance .
£36 19
£36 19
o fi o o 9 o
both in the homes and in the various workshops of the town, ill attending to injuries varying in naLme, such as fracturcs and severe lJleeding cases and many injmies that rquire C:1re and attention. They have also assisted in the removal of accident cases and invalill:>. A llew feMme in our work has been the visiting of some of our students to the various mutual classes in the to\YJ1 and district, to Lling b'3fore their notice the great importance of persons knolVillg how to render first aid in time of need; and it is hoped great goo(l " 'ill result. DUling the year tbe Oentre has su[erecl the loss of Dr. "\V. Perrin 131'0\\"11, as HOll. "Ul'geoll and Instructor to the female classes. He has reJ)(1ered very valnalile assi!:ltance since the Centre was formed in September 1 DO, to July 1906. The Commitleeagaill lle,;ire to express their gratitude to Dr. Jhy, for his continurcl elevotion a.nd valnable services in instructing the students. Ah;o the OOlllnlittee exprcs:> their gratitulle to Dr. Adams, who has so willingly consented to fill the position 0[' lIon. 'urgeon to lhe female cIa. ses, in place of Dr. Brown. "\Vithont the assi ·tance ofthe!':e medical men certificates could not be ohtaineu. "\Ye are pleased lo say the mcmbers of the N"nrsing Corps and Ambulance Corps are ~howillg great intere. t ill the work they have tuken in hanu, giving both time and money for the en'ice of the pnblic, who are showing their appreciation of the work llone. In conclusion, the Committee Leg to tender their sim:cre thanks to all . ul,scribcrs :11111 friends who hU\'6 in any \Yay he1per1 on the work, and hope that the future clas:cs lllUY be as sncce. rul a: tho. e of the past.
Statement of Receipts and E.'·pl'.nditul'e, Session 1906-1907. Assets.
Liab ilit ies. 'To Surplus
£20 £20
7 7
By tores in tock . £11 11 " Balance in hand of Treas.
Examined and certifierl, Trro~rA. A. BI~K., Hon. Auditor. FRA~K THInLWELL. Hon. 1'J'C(1SlIrc1·. PAGE, lIon. Sce1'l:taJ'Y.
12th Deccmbe1', 1907.
SOWERBY BRIDGE. Pre. illclI t aTIII <:hairUlan. 'N. H. Gibson. Tl'eaSlu·er. W. Burnley, Halifax Joint Stock Banking Co., Sowerby Bridge.
£2] 12 To Cash in hank 0 " D'1l1 kIll tere. t 0 1 :"j " In . 'Cl'l"C ary's hand" .) 11 v " Annual. 'uu,'r'riptioll'> " Coun. J. "\Y. ,Yhi tdey, for )Iednlliolls 0 1 5 ·1 " Student' Fcc:; . " One tudent',; . 'ih'er Mcdall iOll, :;/6 ex tra, one 'ilw'r Lilbc:1, 1/6, n\'e Brollze Lahels 2 '. 6(1. 0 0 ~ 0 " Books aUIl Goocls sold 0 16 " Donalions
0 0 6 0 0 0 6 3 6 41
Auditcd and. found correct, nlarch 2nd, 1907, W ~I. GA'l:KllODGEr...
"\\')[. Bemo EY, Tl'cas11 l':Jr. "\'\. Ii. Grnsus, President .
lUedlcal Statl'.
J. A. Adams.
3 1 0 16 5 -± 0 15 0 5 5 0 0 3 2 1 17 4 1 19
U onoral'Y Secreta I'y. Frank "\Yilcoek, 25, Nicholl's Terrace, Tuel Lane, Sowerby Bridge.
£6 17
Dy, .J.A.A. fj Prill til1g " ~ " n. )Iallin on & 'on,; (j Hi re of 1:oom " Boys, a . patien ts 0 " Caretaker 0 " T. Tid ·wl'l1-0upboard. " Books ., eeretaJ'V " Balance 'i 11 Ba 11 k " In Secretury's hands 6 " 0 0 3
P. V. Fry.
ANNUAL REPORT. The Committee are again pleased to record that a large s.mOUl1t of good wOlk has been accomplished during the year. The work of the Centre l]as progl'cs,ed \'ely favourably, interest in the work has been \\ell maintained, and the outlook f01 next session is most promi ing. During the year 2 classes have been fOlmcd for instruction-I for females (in first aiel) conducted by Dr. Adams, and one for mal s (in first aid) conducted by Dr. Fry. The classes bave been very successful, for which great credit is dne to the instructors, and to the students themsebes for the interest they have taken in their studies. Eighteen females joined for the Drst year, 7 for the second year, 4 for the third year, and 6 for the fourth year. Total 35. Nill e males joined for the . first year, 9 for the second year, and 6 for the thirr1 year. Total 24. Twenty.nllle females, and 24 males presented themselves for examination. ~ll pas.s ed, with the c:cception of 3. 'Th e ambulance carriage has been used twcnty hmes Sluce 1st of Apnl, 1906. Students have rClldered very valuahle assistance
STOCKPORT. ( 'hai I'Ulan .
I'I'c silI CIl i.
A. K Fern.
The Righ t HOll. the E1rl Egertoll u[' Talton. Tl'('a'llll'CI'.
II. Bell,
)(01101':11') Iiiccl'dal'.r .
II ettthfield, -' lockport.
A. Drigg ,
n., 36, t. Peter's Gate, 'I
l.i fl' U(,llll)('l's.
'1'he Right H Oll . the Kul Egerton 0[' Talton, A. H. Sykes; D.L.
A. E. Fern,
L ocal R epo?'ts fr01n CentTes.
St. J ohn A ?nbulance Associc[,tion.
111 cel i ca 1 S t:l tr. "'iV. B. Bale, nLll . C. . , L.R.C.P., H . R. Bellamy, L.R. C. P, L.ll.a.S., Edin., L.M . , L. F . P . &S . , Glas., F. Cant, M.R.C . . , L.R.C.P. , Lond., J. B. Chadwick, L . B . C.P., L.P•. C. . , Edin., L. F.P.S., GJas., L. M. F. Chri han, M.B.C. 1., Edin., G. H. Dan," in , ~I.D., St. And., F . R . C. I'., Ediu., L.F.P.S., Glas., H. J. Dickey, 1II.B., B.S., J. J . Rent Fairclough, M. D . , M.S . , R.Q.C.P.I., M.n.C.R., E. A, Goulden, 1II . B., B.~., H. P . Ilderton, L.R.C.P., Edin., L. R.C.S., Ellin., F . "'iY. Jordan, M.D., Durh., L . R.C.P . , L ond., M. R.C.S., L . . A . , R. A. Murray, M.D., Edin., M.B., nI. ., E. Rayner, B. A. , hl.~ . , L ond., 11.B., F.R. C. S. , L . S. A., H. G. Smeeth, M . D., M.B B ... , T. Hanson nuth, M.D., D urh., L.R.C.P . , Edin., L.R . C.S. , EdiIJ., D.P.H. , Camb., J. "'iYorthington, L.R. C.P ., E din . , L.R .C.S., Edin., L.F.P.S., Glas., Meredith Young, 1II.D., D . P.H.
ANNUAL REPORT. The work of this Centre bas been well maintained during the past year. T here hav~ b~en 7 classes held, 6 in first aid, and 1 in nur~ing, and the results are very gl'atlfYlllg. More classes are ill course of formation to Le held during the comin u winter, and it is hoped that next year will he a recorLl one for the Centre. 0
selves for exa.mination and 13 passed. Dr. Arnold J. Thomson gave a course of lectures at 1\ ingswinforu. Eigh t presen Led themselves for exanlina tion and 6 passed. On Hh ..\larch, 1907, an acciuent happened at the Cross, Oldswinforc1, the wheel of a three-horse wagon passing over a man'5 two feet, amI crushing them "ery badly. Dr. H. II. R. Clarke reports that-thoroughly satisfactory first aid was rendered hy P. C. Devan. The Committee deeply regrets the death of ~Ir. A. W. ,Yorlhington, who for SOIlle year was lion. ,'ecl'etary to tlle Centre and up to his deatb wa' a llleJl1Ler of the Oomlllittee.
St((t,,' ,nenl of .Ace01l?lts fo), the ycm' ending 8cplembu 30th, 1907. Rcceipts. E~'1JCildit1i"C. To Balance hl'ought forward " nhscriptioll. " Fees for Ola~sesClent . King.willfonl 'tourlll'idge
6 10 0
~ 11
6 IS 4 16 3 15
6 0 0
Statement of Receipts and EJ.:penditul'c to 30th Septembe1', 1907. Receipts. Expendit1l1'e. T o Balance . , " Fees for Classes . :Medallions and L abels Material sold " Bank interest l)
£46 7 16 5 5 16 4 8 1 0
9 6 6 4 3
By Central Office-Examiner's fees and incidental expenses for year ending 30th Sept., 1906 . £10 17 ;, Medallions 6 18 " Letter Look 0 1 .. Cheque book. , 0 2 " Prill ting and Ad \'ertising, and hire of Furnilure for public distribution, 4 19 " Hire of Materials 0 3 " tationery. . 14 " Olerk's services . 2 0 :, Postages, Carriage, &e. 1 0 " Balance. . 47 2
£73 18
£73 18
9 6 0 6
0 15
6 '2 1 0 9 9 2 2 1 2 1 4 0 17
4 0 0 0 0 3 ti
0 0 0 0
DI.ccmol'!' '. !. nd, 1DO'.
To Balance £47 2s. Od. I have examined the above accounts with the vouchers relatin a thereto and have found the same correct. 0 , W. CUALONEP., Cha1'te,'ecl A ccoulltant. Stockport; 12th Octobe1', 1907 .
STO URBRIDG E. Prcshlcnt. T he Right H on. the Viscount Cobham .
By Expenses of ClnssesDispf'llSary and Caretaker . . Exalllination fE-es and Travelling Expenses tores . Hire of Hoolll-Clent Lectn re Fee::; Inc1idl'll tal::; ,. Han. 'eeretary' Expen es " Prill ting aml 't11tiollery . " All vertisiIlg ., Balauc in London City and ~lillla1ll1 Balik
Auditl!ll 111Hl found conect.
- ---
Honorary Trea '> llrcr. R. Lo\yndes, Enville Strcct, Stombridge.
HOllOl':ll'Y SCCl' c t:lJ'Y.
R. G. Farquhar, Burley Cottage, Stourbridge. ANNUAL REPORT. D uring the year two classes for men, and oue for women on first aid were helJ.. D r. L ockhart L owe gave a course of lectures in tho Clent Parish Room, Clent. T\:ent.~ ellte~:od, of whom 18 present'3ll thell1s'3lves .for examination and 16 passed. D l. ~{llkpatllck gave a course of ~ectures at the Dispensary, Stolubridge. Fifteen en teled, of whom 12 for a first bme and 1 for a second. Fifteen presenteu them -
LOll(lon City a11(1 ~Ii(llllllll13allk, 'Ltd. , tOurblidgl~ .
STREATHAM. (,ha i l'lII an :l lltl T t·c:\ .,nrc l' .
I' t'c ~ hl (' II t.
ILn..II. TI t' Dllche::; or Albany.
IU'>jl.-Geneml nt~lu;r,l\'o ifillni, )f.n. n.),'"., lligh Road, , tre'ltham, "". "'iY.
lI "U OI'a l ',)
~ ('
'1'(' .:\1'.1 .
~[lS. Emily Coate, Yaucol1\,er, illitcham Lane, Streatha11l,
S. 'Y.
Jl e d it al i'ltatl'.
1\1. Coatvi, I.D., F.n.c .. ·., L.i'.A., 1:.);., A. G. '. Pocock, L.S.j.. , L. E. 't,lmm, ::-Ln., ll ..L, l\.:'iO., :\l.u.c.s., L.n.l.p.
)Ln., L.l~.(' . r .. )I.l:.(.~.
ANNUAL RBPORT. ieee the ht of Octobel', 190G, the following clase have been held: (1) _..\. nmsing cIa,:; for women in aill of the fnllcls connected with the charities of -'t. Anslem's Church, 'treatham, ill ·trnctcll by Dr. Coates ; 1~ altendcd the com e, 10 attenlled for examillatioll by Dr. '\\'ayue, 10 pas .. eLl, nud 2 extl'll cauuiuates gained meclalliolts. (2'.J.\.. first aill cIa s for \\'OIllCll, by Dr. L. E. tamm, '27 atteudetl the comse, 15 entered for examination, 10 passing after cxamination Ly Dr. Robin'on. (3) A nUl' iug class for women hcld lly Dr. L. E. tltamm, 27 attended the com'e, 13 were examined by Dr. Robill,'Oll, l of whom pas ed, allll -1 qualified for the medallion. (4) A lIursing class for women, held by Dr. A. G. Pocoek, 11 attended the, 9 prosenti1JO' them elves for examination Ly Dr. ,'wayne, Gf \\'hom pa scd. The promised visit of the President of tho Centre, II.H.II. the Duche s of Albany, in Mayor June, 1908, who has graciously consonted to (hstrilmle certificate will, it is hopeu, pro\'o an incentive to intelldin~ cllIltlidates for intrnclion in this hnmallo work; the Ilcce sity for which is demaullecl by the increasing da.ngers of the streets and roads in the vicinity.
LocuJ Rep01'18 from Oentre '.
St. J ohn A ?nbnZCl/nce Associu,,tion.
Statement of Receipts and Expendilw'e f1'om 1st Oet. , '1906, to Sept. 30th, 1907. Expenditure. Receipts. By Head Office for ExTo Balance at Bankers, £11 19 10 aminer's Fec and Oct. 1st, 190i tores £19 15 5 " Class Fees and ale of 15 Ii 0 "HOIl. ecrelal'Y (petty Storcs o 15 0 cash) . 1 15 6 "Subscriptions . " Balance at bankers pel' l)ass book 7 0 11 £2
11 10
SUNDERLAND. Presid cn t.
Treasure r ,
H , S. Harrison, 7, The ,Yestlands, Sunderland. Beveridge,
M.B ..
lILB., C.lIf.,
lI o n Ol':t l'Y J"\CC l'cj :lJ'y. J. French, 1~, Dale Terrace,
Ful well,
Lifc JIc m\)cl's .
R. E. Wallace,
C II It irl11 a H.
I. G. :;\IodJin,
J. G. Addisrm,
untledand .
I. G. 1\loJlin,
TIBSHELF. 1·I· C.. id c llt.
'ir Charles, 'eely, Bart. Jlollorary Sccr c tary .
( ' hnil' luan ancl Tl'c n . llrCI'.
F. Jackson, 10, Victoria Terrace,
tnart C. Wanlell, Doe Hill Honse, Alfreton.
Tibshelf, Alfreton.
1.i I'C .U e m bcr ). .
... ir 'harles, eel)" Bart.
F. Maniott,
11 10
I certify the aboye to be a correct statement of the accounts as Yel'ified hy the bankers' pass book. E~IILY COATES, llon. Secl·cta,.y.
tuart C. 'Yarclell . ~ jalT.
L.S.A . ,
Lond., 'Y. A. Stamford,
Statement oj Receipts and E,I'pcntiitllJ'1? for !le(l)' ending 30th, eptembe1', 1907. El'penrl iluJ'e. Receipts. £5 2 6 13y Examiner's fees and To 'nb.·cril,tions "Book
o 12 o
S j:t{f.
J. Anderson , ~I.D., R. E. Beveridge, lII.B., F. \\-. Burn, )I.B., B.S., J. Chalmers, M.B., C.lII., W. Hay, ;lI.B., C.lII., J. Middlemass, )I.D., I. G. 1\Jodlin. )LD., II, K. \Yallace, M.D., J. B. 'Water , }I.D., Bertha1.1. Webb, )I.B. A JUAL REPORT.
£5 14 j
£2 10
" " " " "
II. h.
The Committee has pleasure in presenting the annuall'eport of its work during the past session. It is satisfactory that there is an increa e in the number of adult students, 215 presenting themsehes for examination as against 2211a.:t yea!. Of these 22i satisfipd the Examiner. Two new ela. se haye been formed. The \ Vcarmouth Coal Company, realising the value of ambulanc:e training among't the miller::-, has decided to form a Di\-ision of the Brigade at 1\lonkwearmouth Colliery and ha::; instituted a elass for their employees. A Di vision of the Brigade ha: already been formed at Hylton Colliery. Another new cIa s has ueen formed at the :::1ocial Centre and has done well this se'lson, and promises to do better next. Another interestm r feature of the session's work wa the inauguration of three Diyisions of the, t. John Ambulance Brigade. The Committee tru -t:" that this part of the ,,-ork will l'l.: cei\'e favourable consideration and adequa-te support. Duri.n~ the year IIi~ ~Iaje~ty the King on the recommendation of the Chapter of tht- Order of ,:t. .J llhn of .J ernsnlem in England has elected ::.Ilr . .J. G. Addison, J.P., an Hon. Assoc:iate of the Order. This is a fitting recosnition of Mr. Addison's valuable \york for so mallY years. lic was the first, ecretary of the originall\lonkwearmouth Centre, and Oll the iunalgama.tion of the ~Ionk\\'eal'lnouth and Bishop"'eal'mouth Centres to fonn the Sunderland Centre, he was elected President. a po:;ition he continues to hold. The Committee regrets to announce the resif,r l1ation of the lion. Secretary, lIIr. J. T\\'()edie, owing to ill-health, and \yishes to place on record it:; appreciation of his yalue:l servic:es for six years. The entries for the Addison Challenge Competition show an ill(;reaSe 011 last year, but not as great as was expected, one of the new da3ses (Social Centre) proviiling three of the teams. The final tie was held on \Vednesc1ay, !lIarc:h 6th. 1D07, in the Large RaIl of the Y.M. C. .A., kindly lent 1;y tlw Committee, and was witnes;:,ecl by a large number of spectators. A thorough practic:al e'amina.tioll \l'as gi"l'll lJY the judges, Drs. C. J. Sutherland (South Shields), and R. H. Anderson (Gateshead), with the following result: -(1) East Boldon; (2) Hylton Colliery; (3) So(;ial Centre A; (4) Social Centre B. The Committee congratulates the East Boldon Team on again winning the Bowl, and the Hylton Colliery Tea.m Oll advancing to second place, The Committee desires to tender its heartiest thanks to the 1\1 c1ieal Staff, who have conducted the (;lasses and the competition, to those who ba.\'e kindly lent rooms, to the subscribers, and to the loca.l Press for their ready assistn,l1(;e.
AN UA,L REPORT. During the year two classe ha \-r been he 10 ; one nursin~ for w~men, and oJ?e first aid [or men. The result of the examination was not qlllte so sat! factory as 1Il forlller years owing in part to the much more searching .form ?f the tests .. It is hoped that durin.~ the cnning senson ol!l members and mtendlilg new can(lJclates ",ill rally ron11(l, and with keener appliralion to the leeture~ show results more in keeping with the past l'eeoru' of this Centre.
;\I, D. ~I {'(li (' (ll
£5 14
L\llT C. 'Y_\RDELT. Chaii'1I 1cm JA ' 1\.50.', Han. SI·ci'elm·y.
110 o 12 0 033 o 1 5 1 6 10
Incidental expen es Book. t . .John' Gate Medallion, bandage, etc. Postages Balance in hand
ancZ Ti'casw·ei'.
icl ('11 (.
J. G. T:11bot, The Rev. Canoll Tancock,
T)'ca"'u l·('l'.
( ' ha i 1·llIa)l. D.
E. Plo\\'ri.~h t, GlelUtlOllll t. ol1thl'orough, Tn II hl'id ~~ "·,·1]';.
1I ())lo l'an'
~('cJ'c(aJ'Y .
C:eol'''o E,lwin . kinner, Ho e h'1llk Dr,) 'IlJll rark, TUllhriuge. 'll('cl ic'al
~ j :lfr.
'Y. Allan Hal'mel', L ... ..\., Eyre 10\'01''', ll .. \ .•
I~:l[le .l.~e\\ton, L.n.c. p.,
AI XL.: .\ L RErORT. Dl1I'ing thc P(1st year only one cIa' has been held ill this tlitl'ict, yiz., at RedlalH1.· A. yluJl1. 11' cdpts and E.I'}lel1clitlli·C, (01' yeal' cltt1inq /)(jlt 'mbcr 30th, 190i. ReeLI]lts. Ecpwditlll'e. To Balance frol1l ] 906 a.ccollut£ 'l 10 2~ l1y Heal} Ofnce for Exam. " RpdlalHl· CIIl's :t 1 n Expcn 'es £1 It) 6 " IIt'<l(l Office illetlallions . 0 J 0 "Posh~c allfl 1l ecei pt hmp.. 0 1 " Balance in haull ,1 9 O~ Slflteil/Cilt 0/
£6 11
£li 11
CII.\ ItLE:-;
'. T.\ :\(,O(,K, Chairman. EnWAllJ) PLC)"\\,ltWllT, T?'C((SllI'CI' .
OEont:E E. SKINNFll,
St. J ohn AmbnZclnce Association.
Loc(( l Repo )'i8
Receipts. Trcll .
T he .l\Iost Han. Th e Marquis Camden.
Tunbridge Wells. Lifc lH CJlI})Cl'.
l[OIlOl'tll'Y SCCl'Ctlll'Y·
E. 'Y eldon.
E. Weldon, Courtlands, Tunbridge W ells.
Postages. . . £ 1 10 ,,'arebker, TechnicaL 'chool 0 10 " Ban{lages. 0 7 "Rent anu Caretaker, 'atbedml. chool 1 5 1 19 "Postages, Carriage, &c. o 18 " tn.Lionery, etc. 1 6 " TVakrjiel£llfcral£l 1 4 " IV akejield E.l'}J1·ess " Ad vel'tising, and printing, etc. 1 8 " Head-q ut1.rters, examina45 7/ tion fe's and "tares 0 2 " Dalance at uank .
3 2
6 0
lUCflical S.afT.
£5.1 19
T o Balance from 1906 £H "Sale of Manuals and bandages. 3 " 15 Medallions at 2s. each 1 " Examiner 's fee (Speldhurst) 1 " " Incidental exps. 0
12 ]3 10 1 10
F. 'Y ADHA1\l
£21 l~LBl{ , Chai?'lHClIl and
lion. Secl'etw·y.
JlOllO)'lll'Y ,
R. L. Prince, 'Westfield Groye, 'Yakefield .
J . Pott, 29, Ring
treet, Wakefield.
1' . .E. IJllllc). T.
T. E. G !'In-ely, .'d \ l )( (III () I'a 1')
St., Wellingbor011gh.
l'I l't'J't'C an,
II illull, • DllllJn ilk \rl'lllll."horough. ~Ca.r.
'.j' t1i<':ll
Statcm ~1!t
of Reo ijlis (Ilul E .J'.ilcllditu rc lor yNt r cJJldiJlJ S ptt'lIlbcr 27th, 1907. It''c~i,lt
DOllatiou' £30 0 ti 'ounl)' CutllJ cil Crant ' 1l 9 0 " Urball Con.leil 1 ;; 0 0 " lti 0 11 » • ,tl e uf , ture' 1 15 0 In s Fct's " For Trail 1'1)]' t 20 7 0 " ate at IlJi'ip('ction 1 1 9 " ,Yo L '"in, 1'01' Tea j 0 0 " T. n. '\-oobroll, for Hayti 0 10 6 " • 'ayal Brigade Grant G 12 0
, lllb. (1.11(1
E" PUt {/lure .
By B:tlallCc une to Trea::,urer . £40 »
" " "
,"'lures awl Rllllc\\'aJs LeetHI'cr' , }\,t;S Exall1incl"s Fces Trans port l~xpcll:e Brigadc Ex pem;e ' Di\'i ion EXl'em;e Camp and 'olllpetition AnlJual Inspection Printing, ete. tllllhil''j, Po lage', etc. lUUnlllCe
Expell,'CS Tn ml CIa 'cs " Ua hlll CC C<l nicll forward
6 15 13 ')6 -( 10 0 24 7 5 14 6 ]3 3 -1 9 11 3 7 I 15 0 5 5 9 17 <>"
£UO lu
JUcfUcal Staff.
D, K. Clayton, ::'I.D., Brux., L.R.C.P. E . , L.lLe . s., G. G. 13. Hein, L.S.A., , V. Roulston, M.D" M.err., J. \Y. Thomson, lILB., C.M., Abel'" J. ' V. , Va1ker, C,S.,
R. T. Anlngh, -'1.1:.<'.1'. r.I:.r.1'., \\'. Eo Alltllund, ~l.n.(·.:-;., L.n. '.P., L and., H. ,'. Dukcr, .\1.IL< ,s,' L.1:.L'.l'., S. T.Baxtel', I..I:'C.l'., 1I. Dlltland, ~I.n.c . i-l., L.lI.G.l' . , LOlll1., W. \\T. 1.11'k, ::-'LJl., E<lill .. J. 'rew, -,1.1:.(;.:-; ., T......I.., II. Rolli , . ~l.D., Canlub., \\'., L.I:".1'., Elin., C. H. O"en, L.l:.t:.l'., Robb, )I.D., Gla '., \\1. r. \rat 011, ~I.ll., Lond.
]'l'e. i41cllt. T he Mayor of \YakefielJ.
0 11 3 6 6
Rr:w, '_-ELL, PI'csiil"llt. PilL 'VE, l'rcasnl'cr. W. nox~~, Loclll I1on.
1'!'('.,id('lIt allll ( · hail·lItall.
£1 15 " et of diagralll ' 0 12 7 ,,40 doz. p1ain banuage 1 3 0 "Examiner' fee ( peldhur,t) 1 1 0" " incitlental cXl's, 0 10 6 ,,15 lIIecIallions at 2s 1 10 " Po tages ou cerlificates 0 2 " 2 boys at examination at Is. each . 0 2 " Cham btl's, ,Ya 'hing bandages, etc. o 9 0 14 1 11~ " Balance
£55 19 9~
By 41 Cantlie's Mauual'
6 0
n. L.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure fOl' the yCCl/' cnding Sepleillbcr 30th, 1907. Receipts. E.qlcnditll),c.
I Uy
i:i 11
E. L. Adeney, M.D., ,V. C. Aylward, l\I.ll.C.S., ' Y.Bis hopp , l\J.D., F. Ili '"hopp, N.D., C. R. Crawford, M . H,C.S" C, Harol(l Dy er, ~r.D., D.PH., J. B. Footner, F.Re.S., J. Grace, "LD ., T. C. Guthrie, "LB., C. Lammiman, F.R . C. . , D. ~\V. H. Llewcllyn, P. L ow, N.D., F. Mansel', F. B. ]lanser, l\I.J)., G. F. Ol<lha111, 1\LH.C.i-l., G. Pardington, l\LD., J. Perkin::;. ::.r.D., P . Perkin? 1\LD., E. Ranking, M.D., n. Rix, T. C. Rix, ' V. tamford, M.D., E..A, tarllllg, ~LD . , 'Y. TOWllsellLl torr, C. Vise, ~!.D., G. Trnstram , "ratson, F.R. C.S . ANNUAL I~EPOnT. T he Centre sustained a severe loss hy the death of Major C. R. Fletcher Luhl itlge, J.P., D.L. , M. A" on the 19th June, 1907. Major LnbviLlge was a Knight of Grace of the Order and had been connected with the \\ork of the Tunbridge Well Centre for more than twenty-five years . Two first aiLl classes ror men were ]101d. Olle at Tunbl'ldge W ells, lecturer, the R eI' . Dr. Usher; eight ucccs ful canc1iLlat The other class was helu at peldhurst, lecturer, Dr. Oldham. Ele,'en ucce ~. [ul candidates ,
B"Zrrltcc Sheet, Df'cembc1', 1907. E.!.Jpenditu?·e.
To Balance at balIk, Oct., 1906 . . £10 " Examination fees, stores, o:c. ·if) , }\Irs. Frost (clan.) 0 " Bank in terc.;t 0
F. ,Yallham Eler , Manor Lodge,
II. A. T. II. P. E.
Auditor. lIoll. Secretary. DULL1W, G'hail'n!ctll. 'l'1lL!)l.\.' E. GIUYBLY, Hull. l'n:W:iUrCl' BELLAMY,
-1 7 0 0 5 & 9 0 0 6 0
a ti 1
St. J ohn A IJnbul<-~IJu.:e A "ocial ion.
ANSUA L R EPORT. T h e work of this Oentre ha been yery much checked el uring the past yeur t.hrough the Oounty Oouncil h::ning taken up the whole period in settling new regulatIOns for gran ts in aiel of ambulance and nursing classe only seyen cIa · es ha\'e l~een held during the year, the expense of which huye been met by th.e entre. It 1 hop~d, h owever, tba,t next year ,,,ill ee a greu,t reYi~'ul. of the ,,-?rk ~n the cOllnty: . Durll1g the year seyenteen men pas ed the quu,hfymg exu,mll1utIOll u,nd huye ]omed the Auxiliary Royal K usal ick Berth Re en-e.
British Dominions beyond the Seas.
Rev. Pl'ebemlary Dc
R ev . Prebendary Aldridge.
'I 'l'caslu'Cl' :nI(l )(OJlOl'arJ' S ccrc t :try.
iUCIllIH~ l· ~ .
George Temple, lILB., C.lII. John , \'allace, c-LD., C.lII., B. SC .
lUi s McAdam, 5, Raglan Oircns, , Yeston-snper-Mare.
iUc (lica 1 S taO'.
H. S. Ballance, lI['D., lII.R.C .. .. O. P . Orouch, )LD . , c-LR . C.I'. A. J. Oary, L. K . Q. C. P . I., L. n.c.>;.r., G. F. Rossiter, )LD . , lILIt . C.s., L . ;; .•L, R. Roxburcrh, lII.JJ . , F . R.C . S. E., G. Temple; lII.B . , C.lII. J . ,Yallace, lI1.B" c.:.1If., B .• ·C .
l· t·t · ~id c Jlt.
lli" Excelh'l.l:> ' il' GC!J,!"c Le IIulltL': 1';. (.:\r.(;.
Statemcnt of Receipts and E;cpenditlli'c, 1906-1907. Receipts. E;l'pcJlcl it /I i'C . £1
B y Sub criptions " Olasses and sale of Books, etc. . ,. P aid in for Medallions and L ahels " Balance in hand, ept. , 1906 .
9 16
2 13
(ha i l'Jll:l 1l alil l
To Head Office for Examiner' fee , book., and 5 postages £10 "Medallions, labels, and o 7 3 postage o 19 2 ., Boys for cIa ses 16 3 " tationel'Y, etc. o 6 3 " Two copies local report 1 1 5 " Balancc at hank . " Petty Oash in erl'etary's o 6 5 han(l .
Audited aud foulld correCL, 12th'epte11lber, 1907, Cn.\;;. ,Y o
.:I'O()kllillU'S Udg~.,
W. H. J alland,
) f cd i ('ul sta ff .
A . Evelyn, :.I.D. , :)I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hobert Fell, ?II. TI.('" .. , L. n.C. p., He1l1'Y Foster, :M . R.C .S., Noel L . Hooel, ~I.D . , A. Kempe, ' . Long, :.I.D., P. Macdonald )I.B., A. 'V. Metcalfe, ::ltD., :.I.R.C.S., L.R,C.P., A. B. Xorthcote, )I.D., H. 'Y. Reynolds, ::ILR. C.S. , L. TI.C.P .. J. P. ,Yightman, )I.R.C .. :., L.U.C.P. ANNUAL REPORT. D uring this year 3 classes baye been hcld. 2 for womcn amI 1 for mel! ill first aid . Of those who presented themselves for examination, 46 passed. In addition to this, 7 were awarded vouchers for passin Cf the first re-examinatiol!, w bilst ,1 ha "e recei ved medallions, aud 3 h!:l. \'e recei veJ la~els. Stctlement oj Receipts ctncl E.i.pen(liluTe, 1907.
To Balance in hank . £3 16 "Fees, Books, Bandages, &c. 16 8
£6 0 By IIeau Office, ' LOrE'S "" Exam . Fee and '> tJ 1 0 Travelling Exps. 1 11 " " I ncillen tal EX1'S . "Expense. in forming Olasses, tn tiollery, o 10 l)ostagcs, etc . 7 15 " Balance in bauk .
ll c l11hcn.
I c' d it· a 1
~ . :I1r.
I:. Ulullllnitt. )r.n.c.:-., L.:-; .•\., T. ,V. COlbill, :\r.n.c.!'<., L.,'.A., ...' . . DUlln, ;\I.n., C .:'11., R ~1l'11. (:1,)'1111, L.1:.l'.l' ,&. :-:. & J..)I., A. Goode, lI!.B., n.s., A. A. Hamilton, lI!.ll., '11.1:.,11.'\ .. J. ~\. G. IlnllliltulJ, )f.JJ., L.ll.C. '., R. Hamilton, L. & L.lI]" & Ie, nllll (!.'·.1'., 1,.H.c.S., J. 11. IhlJc1l'J'~lJu, ;\1. Jl . , llI.:'>l.; H. R. L tcher, lII.D., cH.n., ll. PoUltUlI, \1.1: . Cll . n., ;\I.H.I .. '., lII.D., II. A. Powcll, c-f.B., D.:-., O. I-J. outer, c-Ln., t'H.:'>I., J, R ~lt:H:ll'Oll, )1.11., llI.:\l. ,,>'{a{cllnlll
J. H. TUl'llcr, 17, High Ousegate, York.
~ccrct ar y .
l:klitlLy •'. 00111101', 'alJto Hdgs., \\ a}1l10uth t., ,ldelaidc.
'l'l:lJf'dl ~t., Ad,·laidl'. Llf
II OllO I'a r y i'iC{')'c tal':} Iu tel T t'C :\ , 111'('1'. D . L.
JlclJlo r a t·,)
lao Iloll. LUi'll llrasl'\', (;.C. T.. , Dr. L. 'Y. Biekll', D\,. T. ,Yo orlJill, Dr . Bell . l'oUltrlll, A. ~\l. ,'illlp:-UlI; Dr. ]{. •'t. )lal'k·D,lWC ·, E. \\T . .., all I 'eudcll .
YORK. )'l'cSi(lc u t.
T t·{' a~lIl ·(' t· .
W. B. \\'JlkiW>Ull,
(If B aLijll, awl E j)t)ulilll(cjv}' the Vat/' j.'c('cij,ll>.
To BalallL:c bruught f'on\,arrl frolll last ,)'(,.11' • AlllJllalD 11l"lIstl'atlOll" 1>011 <1 tiOll::; a II 1 ,'ale (If Tickets Ola,'~ Fees
11 0
11 1 ," ~lcclal1i()lIs 11 11 (j 10 , "alc ot' 'l'l'xt-I'Lluk~ , ,'<de or lJall(lagc . . 1 Hi , tle of' 1!:1IlCI'g 'J1(;), Books 1 ]0 alc of' Anll Ibdgcs 0 7 11 Ire of Di""IHlIIS 0 10 ., llank IJltLl~'jt . ·1 i ., Go\'crllllllml !)u hilly 50 0 I
0 11 0
31sl11Ian'h, 1907.
E)'pc ,u1it llrc.
Dy l\nllual Delllon trationDi~j,m: clllcnt' . £22 4 10 " AllYerti:ing :20 4 7 " Printing .. 12 5 ~ " Ledmcl' mill Exam. Fles 11 11 0 " Co't or Medilllioll' . 12 13 1 ;; Cost of Te.'t-hook 3 1 0 " UJIicc EXPt'IlSC~, illcluLling H ile of Room , PlJ. hge::i, Petties, and T ·1 'l,hullc H 7 11
0 0 0
]1,11Jk or Adelaic1e £13 11 -! ,"u "ing' 11k. Deposit 131 ~ 11 o 149 12 " ,1 ,11 in llaJJcl ,1 1
" Babll Cl s-
£275 19 10
.£275 19 10
,v. n.
WllIKI~'O." lIolI. TrCCtSllI'C)·. S. ('0,::\01:, 11011. Sccretary.
BF, 1'1 EY
IN. H . JALLAND, P?·esident.
J . H.
lIon. /::)ec. and T1·eaS1t?·e'l'· .
11th Apil, 1907.
Audited ,mc1 found correct, Tllus . P.\])lIf.l.,"",
Oulonial Repo1'ts. St. J ohn Amb1-dance Association.
AN TUAL REPOHT. In presenting the report of this Centre f?r the yeal: ended 31s~ Mar?h, 1907, the Committee have pleasure in stating that five first aId clas. ~, ll1clncllllg olle fro!ll members of the GalTi on Company A . A.M.C. were formed, WIth a tolal lllember ']Il,P of 93. It is with extreme regret the Committee haye to report the death of , 11' Samuel Davenport, 1('C.1>I.G., a Yica-President ince.1 7, who r."i.nce(l great interest in the Association's work. 'l'his Oentre has agam buen ·UbSldJ. e(l by the Government to the extent of £50. As the onteome of negotiations opened with the railway department, the Oommittee l~ope tha.t during the Ii~xt .t\yeh:e 1110,l1ths large clusses will be formed for the further lllstruehon of the staff Jll i1l"st ald. 'Il:e UlllllWI statement of receipts and expenditure (tluly audited) hows a balance ~f £li9 12s. 3~1. to credit. Followincy the success of last year, the UllnllaJ demonstratIOn \ra 11 ld III the Exhibition building on 19th October, the Go\-erno.r kindly ),rp5iding. A la~'ge and representative audience a sembled, and headlly apPl'ond of the vaned programme.
]>al1'ol1 .
His Excellency
ir Harry H. Rawson, C.C . B. l'l'C)'iclt'ul.
Th e Rt. HOll.
ir Fre(leriek Darley,
1'.C., G.C.11.(;.
Hon. TI·ea . 1I1·cr.
lIoJl. _lllcl ilOI'.
.. CC )'etal'J •
Chas. A. Maxwell.
Wilfrid Docker, F.C.A ..\..
Bole::; R. Haimdonl.
Life :UcmbCl·),.
The Riaht Hon. Lord Brassey, C.C. D.. The Rigl1t Hon. Earl
G.c.~LG.,oThe Hon. Sir Frederick Darley, P.C., G.C.:lLG., ~lajol'-Gelleral ,'il" EdIYn.rd T. H . Hutton, C. B., K.C.Jl1.G., A.D.C.; Yiscoullte s Hampden. '. R. Walsll, 1\1r ·. Reuter E. Roth, Alban Gee, Dr. '\'111. R TOR11in 011, Captain J. Mergell, (;. DOl1~bs Mitchie, Frank A. Boyce, Captain J. L. Fa\ykes, lllrs. J. C. Elli., Mrs. R. B. Trindall, Miss Edith ,\'alker, Frank D. Bell. Jlctiieal 51 a If.
H. 1\1. Anderson, JII.B., Geo. Armstrollg, ;)l.B., B.S., G. H. AblJot, :r.I.B.,
Irel., J. E. Foley, L.R.C.P., L.R.C ... , L.F .P.S., Edgar D. Fa,lkner, F.R.C.S.E., Reginald Fre hney, M.B., Flood, M.n., A. Maitland Gleddoll, :-'1.R.C.S., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.E., MacDonald Gill, 1>I.D., i\r.R.C.S., Fred. Goldsmith, M.B., cn.B., J. ,V. Gormley, L.R.C.S., Irel., Wilfred Giblin, ~I.D., James Gray, ;II. n., O. D. Halcomb, "-LB., J. C. Halliday, \I.B .. yd., F.H.C.S.E, D P.lI., A. Jarvie Hool, r-1.B., M.S., Glas., A. H. Horsfall, ;<'l.B., ClI.B., ,'yd., P. '.0., John Hanis, I,.R.C.P., L.n.c .. '., 11. O'Gorruan Hughes, \Ln., yJ., Fret1. W. Hall, \l.D., \I.R.C.';.; Keyille R. Howse, \1.R.c.s., F.Il.C.H .. v.c., E. Ul1thhert Hall , \1.13., c·H. \[', E. M. Humph ery, M.B., CR.1>L, T ..1. lI (,IlI'Y, L.ll.C.P., F.R.C.B., Edin., 1\. Ilel'uert Halle)}, M.D., H. L. H arris, ;<'LB., CIJ.B., II. Bmhl Hetherington, M.B., CR.M., G. '. Harper, :-'I.B., Melb., George Hurst, )l.B., M.S., Willin.1ll lioare, :-'I.D., IV. Creswell Howle, L.;;.A., R. A. Horne, M.n. Melb., 1;'. Cha . Higgins; M.B., ('11.\1., J. St. I suister, \I.B., CIT.B., P. 'yJney JOlle', M.B., CILM., ' yd., E. Tudor Jones, :'II.Il., CR.M., H. O. win ,Johnson, L.R.C.l'., M.n.c.;; .. 11. Vaudelenr Kelly, F.H.C.~., Edill., L.R.C.P.E., P. J. Kelly, :lLB., ,'yd., A. L. Kerr, .\!.n., Edill., }'.H.C" .E., T . . 'peil's Kirkland, \1.1)., tllart Kay, .5. KelT, M.B., CI1."I.. Hugh Kirkland, ~I.B., ClI \1., F. \Villiam Kane, L.RC.P., L.F.P.'>.) T"H.C .. ·.};., E. ,yelney Littlejohll. ~f.B., CII.\I., Frank Liddle, M.B., CII.:-'I., EJin., ,V. F. Litchfield, :-'I.B., yd., Lelie J. Lamrock, :I!.])., Etlin., H. anderson Lloyd, 'f.n., :l1.R. '.S., Cantab., O. \\T. A . Lynch, :I!.B., Donald Luker, :-'I.B., crr.\!., T. \V. Lip 'co lllb, :'-f.n., Clf.)I., "Y(1., Edll'ard Lurloll'ici, :'-!.B, CIl.\!., C. H. E 'sery Lawe , III. B., CJ[.:'-[ .. J o.·eI'IL ~larshall, ~!. B., UTI.l!. Dub., G. Laue ;'1ullins, ~I. IJ., Dub., n. R P. ~Ii.i1ler, :'11.13., CII.B., II. IIallliHon ;'1a1'"hall, L.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.;;.l~., J. Black, McIlroy, 1..I:.C.1' .. L.... \ .. ~I.H.C.S., \ '1. MacGillivray, "I.B., Cll.:-'l., \V. McClclland, M.I3., UH.:'-!., R. ~l cDouald, \LB., \!. '" R. F. ~1ichell, "I.B., M.S., ,V. lIIortoll, L.n.c.p.E., L.R.C .. ·.R., Guy D. ICllzies, :l1.B., CIf.\!., T. A. Machattie, ~I.B., :-'l: •. , II. C. McDouall, :-.r.n.c ... , L.R.C.P.E., 1).P.Il., ;\1cGowall, ~r.B., D.S. , E. IV. r.Ioncneff, LB., (,JJ.~J., John Macphel"oll, :l1.1l .. CII.~[', J. Gilbel t :'1eKay, \I.B., CH.B., A. H. ~Iecke, :'-1.))., L.n.c.p.h .. J. Dl"ouke Mool . L.R.C.S.E., Huney iekoll, L.R.C.l'., L.H.C'.~., Edin., A. \IT. allk I"\,i', ~LB., Cn.B ...J. Bracly 1\a h, ::'.l.R.C. '., :-'LB" .LD., W. J. O'Reilly, \LV., :-.r.Il.C.s., ;'lallhew Owens, ~1.j)., ~!..'., Cecil Pur er, ~Ln" CII.~1., .pl., A. Aubr y l',tlmer. L.n.C.~.E., I,.R.C P., \1.R.C.S .. .I, 1I .. Phipp ,:'LB., L.r:.C.I' .. ~l.H.C .. ·., Alfred E. Perkin.", \L.A., :-.r.n., 1).':>.0., \Y. F. (~llulfe, \I.B., :-'1. ., Gla.'., \\'dliitlll n. Read , \r.n., CTl.:-'r.. Il.P.lI .. Rcuter E. Roth, M.R.C .. , D. :0" Clarence He:td, .\ l.It.c.:)., L.H.C 1' .• A. Hamilton Rutherford, :-'1.11., CIf .M., 11. R. RICe, L.S .•i., :'II.I{.C.S .. I..lU'."., L. IV . l{obert , :'LD., CILll., :'LR.(). '., L.Il-C. P., 'has. ,V. Reid, \1.])., cu. \1., ,eOI'''e Read, L.R.C.S., Ire1., IV. G. mith, :lLB .. C.M .. Glas ., H. \Va]Loll 81llilh, L.1t.c.P., I..ILL. ·. , Etlill., F. ('. 'tevellson, LRC.S .. IreJ.. H. :T. H. i)cott. :'ILH.C S.) L.H.C.l'., P. J. \ :xton. L.R.C.l'., L.R.C.S., hel., G. P. tan)ey, r-I.D., ,'yd., 8tratronl,'behloll. :-'f.U., CH.:-'I., }"(l.. H. BillJen toney, ~f.B., CH.:lL, . Drnlrll .... tead, :'-r.n.c . .'., 1,.1U.1'., J. jlurray 'anele)' 011, L.. A. Lond., A htou II. L' hortel, :'II.B., cn.:-'L, I'. P. ,'ulllle·. :-'1.]) .• CII.\L. 'l.B., N .. ' kipton "tac)" M.n., CII. \1., )f.D., BLlwllnl. 'toke., \I.B., V.P.lf., \\TelLer. 'pencer, L. n, .P.E., L.s.A., . Arthur III it It. ~r.Il., (II.~I., ::-':,)'11., Hel'bert "'heldon. ;<'I.D., ,',)'<1., G . . amnel on, l\r.n., UIl.;I!., M.D., Ell. P ,'i11c1.ul'. :'II.B., (Il.;\I., :TregoI')' "prott, ;\I.V., ,I'm. eldon, !II.B., CH.M., IV. B. huldy, :'I!. B .• ('ILlI!., \1'111 . 8pJ'o~11e, :'-1.])., cu.,,!., ]? G. ~1acNeill Simp'oll, M.B., 011.:'11., Dal"i(l Thoma, ] .n.(.~., P. B. Trimlall, 1\! B . , yd, \Y. T omlins, i\!.n . . s., L.I:.C.l'., 130\\'(,11 G. Tholll,l, l\I.D., Phillip Thoruton, M.n.c.p., M.ll.C.S., II. Edgar Thane, "[.lJ .. :'II. It-C. ·.H.,, P. Thorton Thune, L.l1.C.P.E., 'L.;;.A ., \I.Jt.o."., P. Moore \V ood, \'.I:.C.1'., :'I1.1:.c.;;., F. Hamilton ,\Trigl y, L.ll-C .. , EJill.) , '. C. Watkins, lI1.H.C. '., .T. ]1. Wilson, L. H.C.P., L.U.C .. , R. B. \,"'a(le, :lI.B., )'11., Cha. E. \Yilli n.lll<;, ;'1.1>., Fretl \\Tatson, \I.B., Ull.M., C. Frank \I"'arrell, L.Jl.C.P., 1\1.1l.C .. ·., .. \ .. Phipp \\Tangl!. lIr.n., ~yd,!" ,Yood , "Ln., Cll.\L, M.Il., Francis \\Tiloll, L.I:.C.P.F .. r.H.C.:.E., Geo. \Yigall, :'Ir.B .. \r.n.C.~.R T
lIea cl Oilier:
Equitable Building, George
Univ., Syd., amuel A. Alcorn, M.B., CH.B., Dub., Richard Arthur . r-!.D., Edlll., R. G. Alcorn, L.R.C.S., Ire., L,lLC.P., Edill., George Allan, .u.B., ~r.s., A1Jer., Monis Asher, L.R.C.S., Ire1. , L.K.Q. C.P., HUlldcoek \V. A. Burkitt, ~LB., CILB., B.A. u., II. L. VV. Brennand, :r.eB., crr.M., Reginald Bowman, ;\I.B., 1>f.lLC.S., \V. 'igislliuncl Brow1l, M.R.C.S., J . L. Beeston, L.P•. C. . , Ire1., \\T. A. H. Bnrkitt, 1>1.B., ClI.J3., IIarolu Browne, ~1.R.C.S., L.n.c.p., ,Valter F. Burfitt, ~l.B., M.CR ., yd., J. Bootl), l,.B.C.p., L.R.C.S., L.F.P.S., Cedric V. Bowker, M.B., E. \Ternon Barling, ;1f.B., E. II. BmkiH, llLB., S. Bruce Burge, M.D .. Robert Beith, llLB., CH.;,)!., Hugh Dusby, ]\[ .D., Clur., O. Stansel' Bowker, L.n.C.p., Syd., 1>1.1LC.S., C. P. B. Cluube, L.n.C.p., :ll.H.C .. ' ., O. U . Carruthers, L.P,.C ... , Ire1., B . N. Oasement, M.R.C.S., F. G. COllllor, ~l.D., Edin. , 'Vm. T. Chenhal1. r-LB., CH.B., A. K Oox, III.B., l\I.s., Edin., Jc'. II. Cox, II1.B., Syd., Miss I za Coghlan, "LB., CIT.:'1., A T. Chellhall, \LB., ~Ielb., John 1. O. Cosh; M.B., M.CR ., Chas. C. Oorlis, ;<'1.D., B.. G. Cooksoll, L.ILC.P., Lond., Alfre(l Campbell, 1lI.H..c .s, L.R.C.t'.E., Noel A. \\T. Conolly, !Ir.n.c. " L.R.C.P.I~., A. Jo.el'h Crawley, M.B. , CH.M. , Arthur J. Ca.hill, M . B., CII.13., L eslie G. Davidsoll, I\1.B., l\1.CIJ., T. Storie Dixson, M.B., crr.M., Edin., J. Adam Dick, :r.I.D., F.RC.S., EJill., Norll1an Dowling, L.R.C.P.E., Jlr.I~ . C . S., N . J. Dunlop, M.B., Edin., J. L. B. Dixoll, M.])., D. P. H., T. A. Dowse, M.RC.S., L.RC.P., Frallk IV. Doak , L.R.C.P., L.H.C.S.K, Reginald Davies, F.R.C.S.E., William D ai'l1, M.D., C. A. Edwards, L.B.a.l'" L.>:. . .l., L.R.C.S., Edin., L'Estrange Eames, :-.r.n., ClI.B., Sinclair Finlay, L.R.C.P., F n.c.s.,
A~NUAL REPOn'!'. The COl1lll1i ltee. in placing before the mcm bel'S [llIother year' . record of work, llesires to express tleell satii:iractioll at the snCClS \I"ilic:h ha altendcll the efforts of th c New oulh , Vales Ocntrc in tleveloping the work anrl aim of the ",t. John Ambulall ce As ocialion. I111pOl'tallt phn.'e;; or lhe W01 k have presented them. elves to the COllllllittce Llnrincr the l)ast ,'car a 11(1 careful atlelltion 11ll' been tle\'otell to O J ' , • 1 them. Thongh the main object of 0\11' Ccntre is to encourage the ]1read of til' tau knowledge thronghout N ew outll ,Ynles, OI'Poltuuities ha\'e been a(fonletl the
St. J ohn A munla/nee A, oeiation.
Colonial Reports.
Oommi ttee t o assist in the plOmotion of cIa ses in the tates of Qnccnslnnd and T asmania owin O' to the absence of local centrcs. Official visits haye been ma(le by r el1reSent;tives :;f the Committee to some of the towns in N ew outh W alcs f~r the purpose of offering practical encourage~nent to ,11e\\"1): -for III cd branchc'S and ee.klllg to extend their u cfulnes. The forlllatlOll of first ard classes has been particularly notice:1ble in the direction of the Di trict T eachers' Association, :1n<1 thc fullest assistance possiblc has beell given by the COll1l11ittc.e in :riew of the fact th,lt the in fo rmation O'ained by the teachers at the lectures \Ylll be lmp:1rted to In.rgc numbers of children :tteudin Cf public schools. The Committee are still illipre'scd with :'he expediency of taking steps in the neal' future to organise work for thc ::;ystenlUtic collection of fnnds towards the erection of un ambulance hull in the city. [ u <1, p reliminary \yay, a Suo-Committee has approacbed the Chief ecretary to :ll>cerLain whether the Goyernment would assi t the movement by granting a site for the buildinO', but no official encouragement could be given in the ab 'e11(;e of a cOllll,lete scheme ~ho"ing the requirements of the Centre and mode of obtaining the neces ary f unds, 'When definite plans are made kno\\ n to Lhe public, the CommitLee feel convinced that many public-spirited citizens po ~e ed of mcans, " 'ho at thc present tillle are unacquainteu with the noble character of the aims of tbe t . John Ambulance Association, will come forward and give substantial a istance. The annual Public D emonstration of this Oentre, held in October last, was a grcat success, and as Ulany of our members were unfortnnately obliged to stund :1t tbe (1001'S during the eYclling i t is proposed to engage a larger hall tbis year. His Excellency ir II . II. Raw80n, G.C.B. , accompanied by Uias Rawson, graciously attended, and occullied the chair on the occasion. His addre s, which contained many expressions of enconrugemellt, was much appreciated by the audience. Thc extent of the year's \york is re\'ealed chieHy through the clas es, and it must be gratifyillg to the members to leal'll that no fewer than 65 classes haye been beld, and the !lUIJl bel' of mellll)er recei vi l1g a fnll course of in truction in connection "ith thesc clusse' cll1loullted to 1,201. When thi Dumber is added to the total up to eptoUlber 1906, we lHwe thell a grand tolal of 12,446 instructed since the e tablihment of the Ccntre. Of the ca]1(lidale' who attended the examinations, 950 oUtailler1 certilicates and re-cxamination youeller', and 48 gained the medallion of the Asociatio]], The revenue for thc ycar ha' hecl satisfactory, and the Committee desires to express its gmtefnl thank for spc(;i"lllelll r eceived. In view of the general expansion of the \I'ork and incrcasillg 1111111 her of applications from branchas, coal mines, allrl large institution!; for the ,11]1[>1), o[ stores, tbe Committee, after carefully considering the qlle~lioll, decitlcc1 to .l·ek larger offices, and in February la t madeatisfactory arrallg lllllllb \\'itlt MI:' . David Fell & Co. , the agents of the ECluitable Life A ' llrallce, uviet,)', for [1 (;(,UlIl11111(1ation. As the outcome of an appeal made by tlle COllllllittee to ~1;lyon; and ~Illnici[lal bodies in N ew 'outh 'W ales to encourage tirst aid \\"ork, cIa 'es 1l11xe OCL:][ beld ill tl number of important tOlVllS, anil in particuIn.l' SOlue leadillg ceutre on t]IC 'l,Te tern line co-operated in a mo t practical way. To sllOw their appreciation of thi', the COlllmittee arranged that Dr. T . torie Dixson t~lld ~Ir. B. R. Bailllonl, ,'ecrdar)" should visit the West assist as far as pOE-sihle to ll111ke \\'ork which hall already been done permanent. The reception giyen these rcpro, elltati\'e: wus exccedillgly gratify ing. A large public meeting, presidell ovcr l,y the }'Ia.yor, wus liPId aL the T own H all, Orange. CertiJicates \\"ere presented to suecessfn I II em bel'S or classes, aUlI D r . Dixson gave an address on the history of thc Association awl hoI\' tu apply its objects. A similar function was held at LuckllO\\,. On tlle returll jOlll"lley B athurst and Lithgow \yere visiteu, and ell'orts l11<ldc to promote lie\\, cla.·se '. Majur G. Lane Mullins visited tbe south coast ditriet and Goull;unl, alld ill atldition to inquiring into the working of the existillg branches. encleavomed to enlist Cuoperation in the direction of 11ew classes. Colonel R. E. Roth a1l1[ 1\11'. H.ainsf'ord paid a visit to Blackheath for tbe pl11pose of Slll'pol'Ling a movement to [rJl"ll1 a brallch of the Association in connection with the local ~chool 01 Arts. Culonel .l{uth 011 ttle occasion del ivered an interesting address Oll thc llistory of the Order, followed by an outline of the instructioll usually imparted to cla!'ses. Dr. '1'. Storie D ixson in MUlch Jast delivered an address at Cronulla Beach to a large audience Oll the sulJjcct of ille resuscitation of the apparently drowned , Every effort is made to 111cet the appliC'ations received during the year for admission to city classe', and this year a lalge women's first aid class has 1)een conducted by Dr. 1\1c~ eil Simpson, wllo il1Lelld~ giving a home nursing course also. Dr. Donald Luker has leclurcd to a class of men
amI Dr. C. A. Edwards is auont to instruct another class. A room is kindly placed at the di 'posal of the classes hy Lhe Final1ce Committee of the Civil Ambulance and T rn.nsport Corps. On an iuyi t~Lion issued to the ~ssociation for help,. many of our lllembers were privileged to asslst a.t the last IIo pltal Saturllay colle?t~o?, and the h andsome sum raised on that occnSlOll must have called for general reJolClDg among t the worker, Defore cloing this rcport, the Committee desire .to tbank tbe medi?al profession l~ml oincers of branches ~ncl detached classes for their hearty co.-operat:on in pushing forward the wod- and alms of the 't. John Ambulance AssoClatlOn dunng the past year.
BrGi(lllce Sheet, yew' cndifig 4th Septembu, 1907 . Ecpenclitw·e.
T o Cn hill ballk. :ept. -1, '06 £~3 10 1 " CIl·11 in hand" 1 6 " Donatiun. aud .-'llb:>cril" tiOllS 21 4 0 Cla's anll Examination " Fee ' 200 11 3 I 'ale of Book awl. 'tores 69 15 3 " Bandage' 29 1 6 :: :: • ulHlrir.s 51 6 0 I ntere. t, 'aving Bank, D ec. 31st, 1906 2 0 0
By Printillg, 'tationery, ,'lores, etc. . £1471110 " Hent, Telephone, etc. 68 fi 4"ecretary's alary 73 0 0 " Examination Fee 59 7 6 " Postage, Petty Cash, etc. 32 4 3 " Bank Fees . . . 0 10 0 " • t. John Ambula.nce Brigade 5 0 0 "Deposit aving Bank 30 0 0 " I ntere t . . . . 2 0 0 " Cash in Commercial Ban k , 4th ·'ept., 1907 13 6 £431
Ca h in avings Bank, £93 6s. Ol1. Examincu and found correct, ,'igned, y(lney, 12th ept., 1907 .. 'W ILFItIn L, DOCKEl:, F.C .• \., A. IlA_-m:RY )).'I."\"IE., Deputy GhGl1'1IlCOl. 11th .. cpL, 190i. 'nAS. A. ~l'\x\\"ELL, Hrn,L.Tr·easu)'CI', BOLES
ApllJ'oxiiNllr Statcmcill ... ISStts.
of .ls cIs
'a h in ol1l1n(,l'cial Bllllk . £1:} 6 Oash ill • 'a\ llIg , 13k, .LT • • W. 90 6 tock on IlalHl 30 0 Acconnt' for t"l'es Ontstandlllff 301ft Ius.: PeL:' Outstanding -12 0 £209
0 0
at 4th Seplcmbcl', 1907. Lirfbilitie .
dll1dl'Y Account' Owing . £37 nrplu , alter providing for liabilities . 172
7 0
0 0
VICTORIA . I~:\ t J'()11 ~.
Ilis Excellcncy ir Regillul{l Talbot, K.C.n., ~ate Governor. His Excellency ;)ir John iI [:t<hlell KC,)LG" LlCut.·GoYernor. 1·I'(, 'l icl c ut.
John HI th o ( 'hail'utall.
Dr. J. W .
prillgthol'pc. '(' CI·('tIlI'Y ·
,Yilliam H amilton, H eatl Oflice: 11, Selhol'llo Chambcr" Melbourne .
J. C. AmIer on . 1l01101':UY Au(lHOl'.
Robert , rallace, F .F . I.J.•
Life ;Ucmb er s .
Janet Lauy Clarlcp-, Lord Bra ey G.e.n., Captain ' Y. F . . .Manll, n.N'., ir Matthcw D avies, Dr. Henry Gyles Turner, The Marquess of Linlithgow, K.1'., G.C.lII.G., G. c . ,r. o . , Dr. Oliver Pellfold, His Excellency ir Juhn Madden, K.L'.)LG., eptimus Miller, T . J. M'Rride, J. 1. NialL Captain John Ogilvie, Thc Bon. Frank 'Luart, John ,YalTen wanson, Hugo Wertheim, 'William iddp ley, ,I'. T . Appleton, Tholllas Clark, Da\'id 1I1ills, H . Byron Moore. A N N UAL REPO RT. T he Council ot the Victoria Celltre of the t. John Ambulance Association has much pleasure in presenting the twenty-fourth annual report to the members and subscribers. It i with deep regret the Conncil has to recont the death of its late President, Dr. J . E. Neild, which took place on the 1 th Augn t, 1906, and to express its deep appreeiatic.n of his long, honolll'able, and usefnl en'icC' a member of Council since it;; illitiation, Chairman of Council, and for some year a Presidcnt of thi Centre of the A sociatioll. :2111'. Johu Blyth, \"ho has heen a member of Cowlcil since the opening of the Centre, was unanimOll ly eleeteel President. Dr. J. VV. pl'ingthorpe was elected Chairman of Council. The Amhulance erviee in charge of 1\11'. H. A. 0 gooJ, w Ito has a staff of men thorough 1y trained to render "first aiJ to the injnred," has done a la.rge amount of useful work during the past year; 2,894 calls were attended to, and first aid was renuered in 357 ea ~' prior to the removal of the injured to the hospital. The uistance trn\'elleu was about 21,500 miles. Tw~uty-three calL could not be attended to, as the carriage wcrc ont attending to other cases; this is not likely to oC'cur again, as the Cotr.:cil has had a fourth carriage IJUilt, fitted up \"ith every conyeuience to minimi e the sufferings of the injured. The uperintenLient reports a very large increase of work uuring the past twelve months, and since the purchase of a fourth carriage, nearly twice as many calls as during the previous t\\-elv-e month, a large proportion bcing charity cases, T he annual special examination this year was held, by permi sion of the Committee' in the Athenreum Hall, on Saturday, 23rd Marcb, 1907. Twenty-eight candidates presented themselves, and were examined by Dr. Horne and Dr. R. L. M'Adall1, on wbose report the Council awarded the first prize to Hanie Hummerston, North Fitzroy sub-centre; tbe second prize to ,Villiam F. Platt, Camber\l'ell sub -centre; and the third to 11innie O'Brien, of North Carlton sub-centre. During the year there have been held 14 men's and 6 wOl1lon's first aiel cla'ses and 3 nursing classes: 379 ]Jupils have been instructed, of whom 254 pa 'sed theil~ examinations for certificates and 19 completed their course for medallions. The total number of persons in tructed by this Centre now amount to 15,129; of these 8,763 have successfully passed their examinations. The Council tenders it crratcrnl acknowledgm.ent fo: the s.ubscriptions and donations recei,eu during the pa~t year. T he CounClI agalll deSIres to place on record its continued ind ebtedness to tbe medical gentlemen wbo have so geuel'ou"ly given their time and la.bour to the i nstruction of classes in Melbourne and suburbs, and throucrhout the I'tate . to the ladies and gentlemen who have so "~illingly undertaken the duties of Honorary Secretary, and to whom the success .of th~ sub-centres has heen mainly clue; and to the press, for the courteous manner In WblCh they have opened their columns \vhen requested to make public the philanthropic efforts and work of the A 'ociation auu to other numerous friends who have in wany ways helped to furth er the iutere 't of the Association. T he annual distribution of the medallions and certificates awarded to those who passed the necessary exa:nination during the past year took place ill the Melbourlle Town Hall, on the evenIng of?londay, 29th April, 1907. His Excellellcy 'irJohn Madden, ? c. M. G., LL. D., Lleu~enan t-Governor, made the l're:;ell Lations. The Army Medlcal Corps, under Major Home, 1II. D., formeu P. guard to receive Ilis Excellency. Mr. J . Blyth, President of Council, prer;ided. The collection was made by members of the Army Medical Corps, aud amounted to £13 38. 9u. First ai~ to the injured was il)ustrated by the pupils of the Association, anu tllO following pnzes were a w<t:rded, VIZ . .: -Men's com peti li on, first prize, £5 58.; second llrize, £212s. 6.d. Tne first pl'l~e was awarded to the Ballarat Railway I 'quad j the -second pnze to tlie North FItzrOy Squad . \ Vomen's competition: first prize, £2 2s.,
Colonial Reports.
St. John A'InuvJance A sociation.
wa,., aWJ.l'lled to the ~1i'l~es Annie. ell man and ::'linnie Grove • outh nIelbournesub':C' lltre' the secollll priz,,, £1 Is., tu the Jli~sc" Bertha Clark, anel :'Iinnie O'Brien, Carltol~ orth s\lh-centre. Til jndgc,.; of the competitions wele Drs. George Home, B dfonl', allll rrhomas. The anntl1l,1 statement of receillts and expenditure, duly anrliterl, show3 a lnhnce of £~31 11s. 11,1. to the credit of the Centre. Statement oj Rcccipts aneZ E.I·pcllrl it 111'e, 1906-1907. E:l'p cnditm·e.
By Printing and 'tationel'Y . £21 12 3 To DOl1<ltion 51 9 0 " Examiners' Fees 0 £97 0 uUscrt. be 1'8 100 0 0 ecretary . 75 0 0 'ity Council " 18 0 0 GO 0 0 " Rent Rail \\'(1, V 23 8 0 " Office Boy Ho 'pititl unclrty Com13 13 4 " Postages 50 0 0 III i ttee 6 1 9 2 " P etty Cash 154: . Fee ' " Cla. 38 12 0 'tores 3 6 tores sold "" Medallions 8 9 1 "" Badge sol(1 6 11 0 !) 0 pecial ExamilJation . 21 8 6 ., :Meclallion Fees . " 39 14 7 !) " AnllualDemoustration.1907 3 17 " Anllual Demon traLlOll " Amhulance" Am hulallcc , ervice697 18 4 COil tractor 973 19 3 TraUb port Fees 149 411 Repairs. &c. ·Oll Wil. E(1wal'd The 112 0 0 Fourth 'Wag~on . 25 0 0 E . t te Fund 0 0 100 :2IIanagemcnt 3 10 120 Balance forwarll " " DalanceColonial Bank £255 7 0 L ess un}lre ented .20 12 1 Checlue 234 1411 £163
.T. C.
A~DEll 'O - .
AtHlitcI1 allll fonnel ellnect, It W I.LLAt'E,
Ilon. 'l'rwsw·c,·.
Huil , Audito?'.
11th ;1!ay, 1907.
tI· Oll.
Hi · Excell ency .hlllliral tile
-'il' Fl'etll!rick Bedford,
1·1· ('~ i(\(' lIt.
IIi" Honour Chief Jl1sti('e . it' Etl\\-ard "'tonc. 1I 01l (\J':\I'Y ( ~ l' lI c r:l1
( ·h a il'lIIall.
C(' I' Cc:lI'Y .
Licllt.-C'ubllel.J. A. Campbell.
Dl'. W. Tretho\\ all.
11 (';\41 Olli c('.
~, B~allfort . treet, Perth , \Y .•\.. I, ift'
Ul·IIl~ C I'~ .
I')ir "\.t thnr Lawlcy, lU ' . 'J .n. Right Hcy. Bi'lhop Gibney. ,Atlli1iml -'i l' Fl'ctlcl'iek Hedl'onl, U.t'. n. 11 eel it'a I :o;t a
A . 'Y. COllnelly, CuYcntl'Y, II. lIoll'ud;:,>, H. T. Kel 'all, A. E. Handell, E. Page, Thurston, \\~. Tl'ctho\nlll.
St. J ohn A?1'Lbulance As ociation.
Colonial Repo7'ts.
Statement of Receipts and E.I.:pcnditure fa)' the yea?' ending Dccembc?' 31st, 1907. EJ.'1Jcnd itm·c. R eceipt8.
'ecrct~ry of .the ~oldfielc1's Conl.l:o, anel ~lessrs. II . W. Lill~y and,3. L . L apsle1' Class OllP -1'\ Ibon, III the lletl'Opolttan <1. rea.. The nJ1l1ualpubhc meetlllg was held III 'to George'::; Hall, Perth, on Tuesday, 9th April, 1907, nne1 proved a (rreatsuccess. The certificate::; gn.ined during tlIe precec1iI1'" year by pupils uf the nietropolitl~n district were tben presented \;y 11is Excellency tbe Go\·e1'nol'. On 3rcl , 'ept(;mber last the Goldfields Centre took ad\'fmtnge of the pl'e:-ence ill their Ji ·trict of Ilis Excellency The Goremoi' and Ln.ely Bedful'Il to gi \'f! a receptiun in their honour in the Oaledonian H all, on which UCC:llSioll His Excell ' llcy prescn teel the certificates trained by pupils of that . 'cn.tre up to that elate. The n:ccl'tiull wa::; a.tteuded by all tl~e leading people of the dI,;tnct and pased off veryur:c:e;;sfully. The general meeting of su\;scl'ibers nIH1 tuclents was hell1 Ull Thursday, .fttllUary 17th, 1907, when the report and balance sheet were adopted and the UOlllleil ful' 1 DO, ele(·ted. The Council acrain desire to place 011 rec:urd their conLinned inLlebteclnes::; to the Pn~ss for the courte~u::; manner in whieh they hn\,\} IIp.;lled their eol 111l1lls when requested to make pulJlic the w ork of the .1b"oci..ltioll; to the. laLlies and gentl'lllen who Itaye so willingly undertaken the dutles of lIun. ,_ecretane::i, and to w1lU1I1 the . 11 C(;eS'; uf thl 'ub-Centres has been mainly clue; am1 nl'-o tu thL.; ~letrup()lit:m Fire Brigltrte' Board fur their kindne s in 1,hU'il1!!,' th(;il' Bo, I'll r()Ulll at the di;:;po>;a l of the COl11wil fur their meetinO's . Good S ' l'\'ie ' 1m.' I L: 'n relll1u ed in amlJuLmc:e ,,'urk by the taff uf the }letropolitan FlI'c 13ri:';',u1u (11111 abo at the C;uldti ·hb Centr '. The total lllllllher uf pei·.ol1s intructed hy this \'ntr ' now amuunt.· tu 1,-.15; uf the:;' 1,02~ hn,\,e 'ucc':isfully passed their e.·aminatiulls.
T o Cash on hand " Government Grant "Clas FeE's. " to res ola " I nterest aYings Bank
,£25 50
80 39
By Honorarium-
ecretary . A . i tant ecretary " tores purchased " Printing, ta tionerr, etc. " Rent " Postages , , UllJries " Dallk charges " Expenses Annual Mceting " , Yreath (Dr. McWilliams) "Refund to Executor Dr. ,YiIliams . " Pre. ell ta tion D(:c. 31st, 1907. " C. h in hand£3 11 3 Petty Cash 30 5 11 '.Y. A. Bank
0 5 7 4 6 611
£5 0 5 0 72 1~ 29 7 9 18 9 2 5 1 6 17 7 6 o 5 o o 17 o
33 17 £195
P. J. MU_ T
2 2
- - - - - - -------'-==
TEn, F ... A.A.Y., Hall. Tl'rrlSll1'e1'.
Audited and foulld correct,
J anllCtTY 3Td, 190 .
l'l'c "iel l' lI' 0 1 .Il c \e' w Ze' ai:llIel ( ·t' utI'C " .
Il.E. The
It is with deep regret the Coul1(;il records that the death of it late Pl' 'sid en L t . -Colonel G . F . Mc,Yilliam, which took place on the 13th :Fehl'uary, 1gOi, and t~ express its deep apprecia.tion of hi, long, untiring, and u)1celti:-h ,en 'ice a.' a me~ber of the Oouncil of thi· Oentre since its founda.tion, and a its Pre:-iclent and Ohu,lrman for many years. In :r.Iarch last po ·th umou . honours \Yere cun[ern'cl upun our late President by Hi ~Iajebty the King, when he waR gazetted l~ Knight of ~race of the Order of St. John of Jel'ust\lem in Englanel. In prlsenting the sIxteenth annual report to the members of the , Yelltem AUl:>tmlian Centre of th' I::'t. John Ambulance A sociation, the Couucil ba \'e llluch pleasure in n :(;ol'clil1<>' tlwt marked progress in the te~ching of ,til t aid principles h<l taken 1I1n(;e d llriI7g the year throug~lOut an exten lye and WIdely scatt~.recl area. This increased acti, ity ha . been ~ue. III a lar~e. measure to the practIc:al and continuous efforts of many enthUSIastIc and \nllmg hell!er~ . 20 fir •. t aiel and l1Ul'::;in u clasbeb ha \ e been organised since last report, 14 lJeing for men and 6 for wO~len. At the [OlIller 329 .men wer~ il1~tructed a.nd 1~3 of these fiati.fieel the examiners that they were effiClent; ,yhIle 111 conne(;hon \YJth the latter 119 ,yomen rec:eiyecl instnwtion and 62 passed the examination::;. Altogether 44 men and "'omen were im,tructed and 225 haye been awalded certificat(;s anclmedallion:-. Amoll fT the c:nncliclates \\ h~ underwent instruction were 124 members of the police force, the Coullcil i . llluc:h please~ t? note the r~cognition of the importance of ambulance knowledge I;y the COml111S lOner of PolIce. The thanks of the Council is most heartily tendered to the me~bers of the Medical Profe~~ion. who have :-0 generously gi\'en their \a1uable sernces to promote the aims of the As ociation. T he Oouncil desires to pecially acknowledge the illyaluablc' sen ices rendered by L t . -Colonel ~. A . Camp!Jell, the lI on~l'Ury General ec) eta) j', under whu~e gUldan(;e the affmrs of the , \ e tem AustJalJan Oentre haye 1 een (;anied 011 \\i th accu.racy and SmO?thlle~s . The Cr~uncil ,vas gmtified on recei, ing n.J.1 intimallOn in Apl'11 last that HIS ::\IaJesty the I"'ll1g had sanctioned the enrolment of L t. -Culuuel O.ampbell .as an Honorary As ociatp of the Order, and the Insignia was presentcd to h111~ by ~lS ~xcellency the Goyernor, Admiral Sir Fredcrick Bedford, G.O.H., Ull H is M aJesty's B~rthday Parade . The Coun(;il al 0 desire to record its apprecia.tioll uf the valuable aSSIstance rendered to the Association lJY Mr. C. A. Bolton, IIonorary
Lurll PlLlIlku,
1'1' ,jel(' II' of .Il e .\lIddalld «(' 11'1'(' . ]lb \\ or Ill)' the nla) or of Anul-Iaml.
K.C.V.O .
JlOll()":!I' ), Tt·C :!..,lll· U·,
C. J. 'l'uuks.
II () II. All tJ it 4)1' ,
J ... B. Hllssdl,
K . l.~l.( ..
~ecl' c . :l1'Y .
1- .. ·.Z. \ ..\.
William Rattray, 7, ~Icl'culltilc Chambers, Auckhnc1, N.Z,
I i f (' '!t'lll ))(' I·....
The Earl of :Iu"rr()"" IIis Excvlh-llCY Lonl PlllllkLt, Right Re'.-. Dr. Neligan, HOl!. E. ;,litchel:,oll, Iloll. G }'U\\ !ds, ;'[rs. Haltray, Jallles Dunning, Colonial 'ngal' l:l'lillilJg '0 ., .\J'tllul ;'1. .Jlyt.'r:-, Plll1l ill. IL\ll 'e ll, ~\li .. Ual::;tow. .11 c tl ie'a I Il .. \., ~l.!l., ll .• , ~1.1:.l.S.
~r.ll., (,II.i:., P.I'.]I., .\... :-l. Bre\\is, ~I.l>., lJmh . : ~1.1: ,1 .:-.F., L.~,"\., II. C. P. Bennett, M.n., ~1.]:.1.:-.1., 1.1:.('.1'., E. A. I ~e\\'es: ~I.n .l' . '.E., L.I:.C.l'. Eleanor . Baker, 1II.1l., D.:">., ,lullli Craig, I..I:.C I:>.I.L.K., and Q . . 1'.1., ,I. L. l'arolan, . . E., Gcorgo Cole, L.ll.I.I'., II. Hilton Cheesman, ~LU . C.'.E.., J.. lt.c.l'., II ..A. H,
D. Alll,ill,
r., r .1:.C.1'., Uoland T. G. Aickin,
bridge, ~J.n., n.s., Durham, lJugh Dough.;, ~r.B., l.M., U. J. Dudley, B.A., 1I1.1:.C . •·.E., L.]LI.I'., E. J. Dl;'k, :'I!.ILl.";.E., 1..1:.e.1'., Lond., LT . Tou saint inllcr, L.:-.A., LOl1ll., 1..1:.( ,S., ~' . •\lchay Ul'ilnt, ~1.11., . ;\1., Ont., ,\\T. ill. ratton GlliJll1C"", ~l.j). Dnh., CH.ll .. J. "\. Going, )1.1: .C .ti.E., I.~,,\', Lond., Da\'id Gault, ~I.j)., F.i:.I'.S . , ThonHls l~. II. Jjull, T..ILl' .s., L.~I., & L.E:. & Q.C.l' .. L . Fra 'cr 11\11' ·t, ~I.J) .. Tracy }{. Iugli,;, ~1. n., lILll., .i\[elh., H. Owen Jonc', L , ll-C . I'., L.ILI.S., Fred . W. H. J. ]\Illg, ~l.JU' .~., L.H. '. J'., A. 0 borne Knight, I,. S. A . , Lund ., ~I , H.C.S.E., '1'. Ilo)'f Lewi:;, L.S .•\., Lond., III.ILC.::1., P . A, L intlsay, ~[.n, c . ~r., G. do 'Ii\'e Lo\yc, L.ll.C.I' . , L. n.c .s ., licol'go Lupraik, 1II.B. & ("~l., illts., W. O. IV. ~lc))o\\'elI, :ll.ll., ('. ;'It. Arthul Eme t illarsack L.ll.C. l'., I .. H.C.::>., Pelol' MOll', 'l.Il., ('H. D., Keil 'Jlt:])ongall, ;'Il.ll., B.~ . , J. Hardie N eil, ~r.1l., Cll.D., N . ~., 111.1:.('.:';., I..iLl'.r., A. (Jnmcron O\\C II, 1Ir.n., ' Y. II. Parkes, ~l.IJ . , <:.:11., F.R.C.R . , A. Clwl1illor l'lllchns, )1.11., L.;'II., "1.1l.(,.1"., Ii'. Iuuricc l mcha', ~I.D . , l ' .M., J. C. Paul, 111.11., ('.~I., Mclll .• ElIll'st Hohcrtoll, )1.11., .;lL, M. ll . C.l'>., E,l \Y anI EYan RoIJcrtt', "Ln., c. II], , \ How!t·y, .1.1:. ,R.E., r..n.C.l'.,
St. J ohn .A ?nbulance .A sociation.
Golonict;l R eport . .
, Yilliam George cott M.l)., Durh., M.l{.C . . , L.S . A., L ond . : Edward William harman , L.R . C. P . , L . n . c . s., G. B . Sweet, M. B., c . n . , ydney, Gilbert T . mit-h, lILR.C.S.E., L . . A . , Lond . , Howard later, lILll.C.S.E., L.ll C.P., Lond., O. H . chumacher, M. B., CH.B., N.Z., H . I. Tresidder, 1I1.H.C . .'., L.RC.I' .. Lond., Henry , Yalker, L. F.P. &, . GIas., J. B. Wilson, L. R.C.P . , L.Re ... , L.F.J'.", GIas .
assec1 the lirst re-examination, and 8 gained the m~dll:llion . ~he same gentleman p tl I t to thc Oentral Nursiu Cf Class COIH:;l~tlnCf of 13 men, all of whom ga\'e dIe Te,C, llUrCtSt'(lley lectured on first to'19 of Lhe tramway at the pa~se. .uI, f . t' .1 tOt' thee 13 llrescnted them~el ves or eXall1Illa lOll, anu \\'ere suc(;ess. D E psom epo. . ' ~. D ' C'lb t S 'th cave C1 th. e ful, and 1 l,a:,:;cll the first l'e-eXanllllatlOll. At 1 aeloa, I . . l.eI ~,ll first aid lecture:;; to 10 Illell, of whom 8 . att~ncled the exanllllaLlOn. 1\1'0 passed III fin;t aid, allli ti 1,assec1 the first l'e-e~alll.lOatioll. , The COJlllJlittee wou](l tender tllClr smcere thanks to tl~e above-mentIOned members 0[' the H Ollorary .JIedical 'tafT for their valuable SerVIces as lectLHers, ~lso to Drs. Aubin, Aickin, Ihkc1', Bcnnett,. Oheesman, ,Col~, Dudley, ~ra~t~ GLUnnes~, I nglis, JOIlCS, ~\loil', McDougall, NCII,. O\\:eo, l1'essu.1e1', an(l '" a,lkel: and .\11. Derrick for h;tyill" conducled the eXltllllnatIOl1S; and to Mesdames E, er hell amI \ '·ilsol1: }li.,' \;:; E(~nislOn, J (ou(;lten ami WhY,te, and, ~Iess1's. Daltly, Mann, and Mc Kay for their nlluell assi 'ta nce as Honorary I ecretanes., In concluding tIll'ir rcport, the COlt lllittee w?ultl. agam cxpre:;s the .ho~e that th,e friellli' of the A~socialioll all(llhr. gcneral publIC "'Ill ac~ortl ~hcm a 1,lbeIal SUppOlt in thcir cll,lmn our to 1,ro"ic1e an l'flicient. ambulance statIOn for the CIty.
ANNUAL REPORT. T he Committee in preenting the fifteenth anllual report of the Celttre have pleasure in conaratulatin Cf the mell1bers 011 auother satisfactory sea on's 'York. The lectures have b~en ,,,ell attended, and there has been a high percentage of passes . Om , Yaihi Branch has re umed work, and a branch has been forllled at Karanga hake . T he Committee are yery glad to know that the 1'e ident' of the goldfield towns are being afforded an opportunity, of which large numbers are amiling them sel ves, of attending lectures under tIle auspices of the Assoeiation. Since last annual meeting, three A hford litters have been receiyed. One has been placed at a station built at the reser,oir, Karangahape Road; one at the Kami Timber Company's Office, Ou tom • treet "W est; and one a.t :JIr. A. 'Y. Page's tore at Kingsland . The Committee tender the thallks of the member::; to Mr, Pagc, the Kauri Timber Co., and the City Council, for the accommodation pro\'ided. During the pa t year the Ashford litters ba,e been largely used ",ith beneficial result· . Foul' more Ashford litters haye been ordered-one for Ollehunga, one for \Yailti, .and one for the Harbour Doard for Callihope Dock, ,,'hile the de tination of the fourth is not yet decided . The Building Fund of the Centre has made some progress, the collection at the last ann ualmeeting baying been £11 19s. hI., lllellJ bel'S and fri ellli. ha\'i ng contributed £10 16s. 6d., and the nm of £20 having been tran ferred from the general account. The balance in the Auckland aYing Bank i now £75 3", 6(1. The Committee were much gratified to learn that the long-continnerl and ,aluable services rendered to the .As ociation and the Brigade by 1111'. C. J. Tnnk., our H onorary Treasurer, harl been suitably aekllo\dedgeJ by H.R.H. the Graud Prior and the Chapter-General, by hi selection as an Honorary cning Brothcr of the Order of t. John of Jerusalem in England, and by hi appointmcnt a Di trictOltief Superintendent of the t. John Antbulance Brigade for Auckland. It is with much regret that the Committee receiyed the re if,'lHttion of Dr. A Osborne Knight, of the po::;ition of Chairman of the Honorary Merlital tafl', whir'h he has filled so admirably for the pa t six years. The member. of thc Honorary Medical tltff elected Dr. A, Challinor PUl'chas as their Chairman, and the Committee are glad to know that they will have his assistance in theil' work. T he lectures have been well attended, the follo\\'ing being the de ails :-Dr. Eleanor Bakel' gave the first aid lectures at the office of the Centre to 31 laclie , of whom 16 passed in first aid; 2 passe,l the first re-examination, and", passel! tlte medallion examination. At the Ley I nstitute, Pon ouby, Dr. :1IIcDougalllectUl'l'll to?2 ladies, of whom 16 passed in first aid, and 2 gained the medallion, Dr. GUillness leetm'ed at DeyonporL to 20 ladies. 0 f these 10 passed ill firt airl, and 7 gai?ed the medallion . At Onehunga, Dr .• cotL gave the fir t aid lectures to 15 ladleS, of whom 2 passed in first aid, 1 passed the first re-examination, anll G passcd t h e medallion examination. Dr. Ouinness lectured at Takapuna to 14 ladies, of whom 7 presented themselves for examination anf!l were successful; 6 pa .. sell in first a i d" aml 1 passed the medallion examinalion . Dr. Lapraik lectured at Tllamcs to 8 ladles, of whom 6 attended the examination, and were successful, ~ passinu in first a~d, and 4 gaining the medallion. At Preroa, Dr . • mith ga\'e the lecture; to 22 ladles, of whom 16 passed in fir t aiel. Dr. Baker gave the llur.jng lectur;)s to the Oentral Olass, consisting of 15ladies. Of these 14 attended tlJ!! examination, and ;vere,suecessful. At the Leys Institute, Dr. N. 1\IcDollgallle(;tul'erl on nur ing to ID la~les, of who III 14 attenc1~d the exalllination, and passed. Dr. Bennett gave the nursUlg lectures to 10 Iarlles at Devenport, and to 8 at Takal'llna. Of the [ 9 passed, ~nd of the latter 5 passe(l. At Thal1les, Dr. Lapraik lecturel on nUl'smg to 16 ladles. Of these 7 attended the examination, and were snccessful. Dr. Sc~umacher gave the lectures to ladies at Gisbol'l1e, but, meeting with an aeeld~nt, .the course was lllter~'upted, the result lJeing tha.t ouly 6 a.ttended the examlllatlOn ; all were successfuL Dr. Holand Aickin lertured to the Male Ceutral first aid class, which was attendedlJ,)' 35 mell, of whom 17 passed ill first aid, 3
BrC('li{S ((nd E.''lJlJ1!ditlll'ejol' lite veal' c1!(liJl[j 2 t1~ Fcbl'll~l1'~' 1907, l~c<'Cllds. . .I~.)pendzt~tl e: To Dal.l1lCl ;n hUl1k .£lli9 7 5 By Arl\'f!l'tl~lJlg, Pnntll1g, . A1111nal,11'scl'ipliollS U 2 (3 PotagealHlPett.yCa.'h £36 2 8 " 'It, 1.'\., !Jl 1·1 G " Le ;:: tlll'e and EX,LJlullabon " LS :, E 25 3 0 ~le llallion' .01.1 1:3 11 0 'x pcllSe.' 12 17 11 ", , 1'0 1- . etC' " • ,1,1 30 2 10 " :JIednlliou<; bought ) U " , ' u 1t 10 16 2 l'o"tage'i, 1: ·IUll led ' 1 1 0 " lJo?k ', clc., ong I
19 10 o " Olli ce ,RcllL . 3 15 6 " Hallr lor Allnu~l itleetmg " ' . I ., Dltl(;kcll, Jor Lanteru 5 o o hc1e.. . " J. ) HeuJ~rsoll, Painting 9 l,lack 1"oanl 0 5 o " "'(;\' 'bL1'Y sl' al;1l'J13~ 'ld' . 30 o o ~ 0 Trau ·t'elTl'( to Ul IDg " , 20 o It null . 10 0 " r,ra."lls fOl: Ashfol'll LItters 6 16 6 G O " . £ ['elg Lt, &c. on '! " o 11·1 " 11l~l~l:al1Ce o n " " 4 12 9 (3 ,,~el'.:11 to "." -l 1 G O' , tatlUll. at Ht '('nOll' . PI 1 j 13 -l "Cal'll anel 'tCUCI~ ate . "Painlmg at ~ orthcote 011 'tation. ll~ 13 " 13ntllll.:e in Bank
" Fee from 'l'aurtll1!..::t l}r<lnch 2 2 " I'll' frOllt Pllero[l. Bmll(;h ~ 2 " Xur illg llhbioll, ;as, 'te. 1 1:2 " ,'.1\ 111'" 1~,lIlk Itlterest. 1 6 ":JTI''i. ljoult, A hfor.l " Litt,ll' 1 9 ~11' Lpo. :'1. :J1)'C'1':<, "
vlHl. WI
TIt 'lltles Fire Brigade , l> ol;rltilJu . 0 'ollcctell by :'11'. 'low. ;3 " 'j'at,rallgll HI llll'h. Freight ~ .r ab n l\1ll'1l . <' Cn., 'lrctcher 2 " L Ltt "I' 1.'e 1 l' ( S " ,';1.\ illr,~ D l l l ' lutl'l'csl. 2 " .,
0 0 0
£:3131 113
£36-1 16
~ bscts awl Liubiiltits on 2 tlL F(~i'lIul'!J, 1907.
Liabil it lCS.
Ca 11
!Jank. Litter Account £() 1 7
.. 11cllcral Account 1 ' Tell A"h fOJ'll Lit tel''; perla t ~tot:k-takillg 151 17 (3 'rhrce .\shfOl'll Litters (lIew) -19 10 0 .£201 Less l)pprcdatioll j llpr cent ou £I;il 17.; . tid . 7 SLock lJllllallrl
Ill3 1;)
25 1
St. J ohn A mln~la?lce A sociation .
Building FWld ACCollilt on 2 tIL Fcbl'llCl1'Y, 190 . Balance ill A uckland Sav ings Balance at Auckland a vin gs Bank . £~5 15 6 Bank . 1.75 1I1i s Barstow . . 5 0 0 Collection at A nnual llIeetin a 11 19 1 His Excellency Lord Plnnket 5 0 0 A ~1em bel' . 3 3 0
hl~s E dm~~n
0 2 0
A lII ell1 bel' . Dr. K n ig h t . . S a vings Ban k I nterest Mrs. O. P. Pi erce T ransferred from General Accoun t
0 10 1 12 1 0
6 5 0
C. J . Tc:.'\1>.;;, llull . Tt'ca,Ul'cr.
Examined anll cOllll)arecl with Cash Book, Dank Book and Youcher , anel found. correct,
A. ,'. RU~SELL,
.Auckland, N.Z., 8th April, 1907.
F . N.Z. A . A.,
lIoil. Auditor .
NEW ZEALAND. DUNEDIN. l'rc. id Cltt . His Honor .Jlr. Justice ' Yillium . lLA .• LL.)], { '11ft irlll:tu.
Tl' C:i SllJ'Cl' :lud )JOlt. l-I Ctl·(,!:U'y.
Dr. , Yo J. Will.
J. E. Done, For. tel'
Hon, ~1 r.
t., BeUe:kllow(;';;, DUlledin .
C. R. , mith,
Lifc Jlelllben.
)1.])", ~. R.C,P .• The H!ght Re,. The I3i::;hup uf DUlledin, ilis W . J . nT'll J. 11onOIh ~Ir . Ju::.tlCe WillIams, ' V, L . L n'll1!..!'ston, ~ \I 1 , ~J. 1). . O. )f, , 1: acp erson, M.B .. C . ~r., \ Y. EYan, )I.D .. r.R.C.S ...Jaf;. Beadle, JUl1r., ::\lr·. Ewell, Mr. Jas. Jeffs, Mrs, D . E. T heomin.
H D . ,Cohluhoun"
J I Ctli (' a l
, m. Allan, ~r.B.: C.~1 . , Edin., L,~. Barnett. F.R. a . s., L.RC.!'., LOll., )J.D .. CU1., Edl~',)W. H . Bor;le, ;II.~.: C.)f.. EelIn, , E. 1}1?ll1field, )LD .. C.B,; LOll., ;\1.'Ju' .. , ~· eaan R C. 1 ·, L Oll.. \Ii. J. Cclttan, )1. n., C.)1.. ]~chn., Rubt Church }!" 'n _'-,.,\~ ,- . \ v 1 d , J . 0 . 01 ass, M;D., c.:\1., Eclil1 .. G. ..c\.. Copland, ~r.])., New Zealand :M . R . C.,S ..'. _L.R . C.P., . D . ColtFlhoLln, M.V . , M.ILO. P., L on .. )I.H.C:.S., :J1argaret B , Cr lllcl ... Oibanks, ' Cc I L autou1' . A D ,urU'eon '" , B. E . de Lan , tOllI', '~l . R .C'.s. , II . .Li. M. R . C.S ., .. ouglas, )LA. , )f.n., C. :\! .. Edin., "\\'. Evans, ;lI.l>" F.r:.C.: . , L.R . V.l' , ; L on. , )1.1 ~1B "'[ Fralli'~ '\' B .rlCI\.. "D'tl tt )IB E'•. C,8._' A. H.. Falconer, .... ".~., CR.M., • elm., .J~'. Fitz;er~lel, IILB . , C.)1., Eclin., F,It.C ...... 'V. A. Fien-li'n~: M, B., C.~I" Eelrn., R. V . Fulton )1.13. C.)l Edin \. T G',11'1.,tIll" J\I l' C S Ed' " ., ...l, , • ., •. . ' ' \ L.R.C.P. , T 111;, C. H . GOl'don, )LB . , B.CH., Xe\\' Zealalld, H ISlop, A . B., C. n., 1\ ew Zealand, T, 11, Hocken )1 R C· F r ' G . ]I I ' 1II. 13 " C. )!. Eclin" R . H . H ( f " • " . • -'" .~ • • • , (:0, OC 6'C!', L R CP E'd" G O"b' )1.11.C. 8., L . Re.p., L Oll ., R. Gordon 1\Iacclonalcl . •. . ,' m., L.F.P. S. las T G 1I1c](ell·t, '[E 1'1' J 111 1 1I[ n C '1 E l' IT 111' ' d ., . . . ,I, ". ., C. )J.. "C In., . 1\ tlC']J ](;l'SOll • , . . , "'., (In., :~ . .I.\ (;4'"1.. arn ' •.. ~I B C . J',,' NT, Z"ea,1ane,1 ~LR a f:; I, 0 g'stOJl '[) ' , ew O'N '11 . - ., . . ,., ., Ab ere1een E uuen J , '" e os. 1: e1 , )1. B., Oil. B., T ew Z ealand F It c: is Edin lILR. O.S. , L. Re . p" L on., F . R . Riley, L. R. O.P L Oll FIt 'CS ' Ro?erts, )LR~. s . , .J .. B . Sale, 1II. 13. " C!i. 13., N"e,~' Zeal~;nd . · f:lc:~tt:' )f. Ed.m.,M M.R.C. S., F . N RS.E., \ V . 1\1. SmIth '>1 B \ SL en10u,.,e I )1 .1 Z ' - .. , 13 . CH ., C"lllb ,• . , .. • .. , . 13., B.CH . , .I. ew ealand, 'V. ::\1, ,'tenhouse, ;lI.D., C. "\r.. Gln~ . , ,V. E:
.l> . .
'tevclls, j\I. U. C. ' ., L.P.C. I'. , L Oll., In:-;. , lltherl<tncl, :\1 .13 . , C . ~r., Eclin . ,~ . G . Trotter, Etlin., .Jas. \ VhittOll, M.D., F . J~.C.S . , Edin . , ' V . ,f. ' Vill, )1.13 . , C.)1. , Edin ., E. II. ' Villittm , )l.RC.S., L. )t.C.I'., 1.011., D.PH . , Cam. , D . H. Y oung, )1.13., CIL\!., Ec1ill., ' Vm . ButemH,nt, M.n., IUjC. , M. lt . C. ' . , L. U. C. P., L on. , G . L icldell, .Jun. , lJ.B . , c.)!., Edin . , Clw,H. O. L illie, )I.D . , C. ~l. , !.'ew Zealand, ' Vm . Marshall :Macllonald, )1.13., O. )f., E<1in., ,\'111. Xe\\'lu.ncls, )1.13 . , C. D., F . Il. C. S., E din., Emily H. ::liec1ehcl'g, )I.B., L }LC.P. , I rel., . \.. r . Hitehie Crawford, ) r. D . , Charles B . Snow, B.A" D. ·C . , cw Zealallll, M. B. , CH.B ., Edin . , R obert D onald , M . A . , B.SC., Tew Zealand, M.H.C . R. , IdLC. P., L on . , I). I' ll. , Oxon. , McKibbin, duart :M ool'e, R ose Collier, lIay, F. B o rrie .
,... ,
ANNUA L REPORT . The 'ulllmitlee of the Dunedin 'eJ1Lre have to repurt that the past year's work has bCL:l1 OlH of IJl'of-,'l'es' jn eyer}' 'mUlch of the work . Fur 'ome years an Ambulance f\,Lllrday . 't)'(; -t Cullectiun was hci(l, and the work of the A~'ociation wa" helped con~id(;rahly by thi.· means; [or the la t two years we ha\'e joined forces ",ith the Hospital, \ltlll'Clay . \.sll(;intiun and have recei\'ecl it propOI'tion of the lJroceeds of the Halll '. tl'eet ('uUectioll : last 1'(;;11 (JUt' qUlJta Wl1::; £;J27, and thi,., year a similar amount will be seemed. The l)ist~'ict _ m'u has lJeen kept fully mployed, and there is a CUllstl,lll eall fur her s 'nices, sO 111lwli ' u that a' .-uon a possil)le further help will be aITaJ\lTerl in thi. (lirectiun. ,A1l11Jlllance transport ha,., l)een carried out to the full :;atu;faeti(Jl1 of tlw l'uhlic, am1 to the 1t1l1eliot't\,tiol1 of much unnecessary. uffering, Ambulance hall11'er:, kits and stretchers, h.we heen placed at many places in the outlying country tIi, trlct::; wh'l'e ll1l:(lical mcn are scattered at long distance . . Fifty first aicl and llursing cln~s'::; hare heen held , and a total of 625 tudent ha\'e taken til() full ('(JULe; llut all ha \'c 601lC up fur e.-aminatiul), lllany preferring to wai.t for another eourse uf lecture. hdorc ('oming up for examination. The medical report::; 011 the exalllin,ttiol1 shows a YCI' 'hi~h !'tandard uf excellence. ::\Iany of the cla<;ses nrc held ill !Ii. tri .. t when; the lecturer ha' to rille twenty miles to deDyer hi.:;, lecture', and the ,~tud(;l1h ('UlllC lUll!,;" (11 ·tltllC-e::; to tltke aOyanta ... e of the ill<.truction . On the ,,,hole, thc 'Olllluittee f -el that tIll' 1'a~t yeitl' ha~ heeJ1 one of undoubted pro",rres' '\Jld look forward to next year with hope::; of e\'en better re,.,ult· ,
Statcment (if Receipts Iliul E,"pcllIlilll1'C fiJi' thlJ !lca;' (Mling Scp1cmbCi' 30th, 1907. Bcc;l'ipts E,I'J.II IlclitllJ'C. To Ihlanr.c, Dank. Dec. 1 t , By Gel1l'ral E"PCll e' . {:27 7 6 o IDOli ,£1;) 0 5 "la.s" ,19 1 )) ilIelllhel', llip Ticket:, " .Jiainten:1ncc, viz. AmlmDlllH·\liu Gli 15 0 1.1l1Ce Hampers, Kit, " Bl'IllH:h and Cln' Dalallec:; ~1 3 " il l eLlalliolls aut! Dar:> ~3 13 li " Ilospitni ,.ntl11'llay OlJllltitlee.. 327 0 0 ",11k. Hllll Donations 31 (j (j " ll o~l'ilal TrusLce" Trn11spurl nl'COnllt 15 0 0 .. RefllllllFl'Lightn,lldDuty Alil1!lllfillCC ~ I alel'ial E.' Or:ni from LOll(loll 11 2 11
J. .ri',
' ,·V·' , vi'
• tretchers, Littel':-;, Drugs, 10;j
])l'(·" .. ill"S
2 10
~1 1
" l\ll:tla.llioll::; nnd
EXl'ell'e' Anllual ~1eetill!,;' and llllual Ueport . 13 i "Di·trid ~Tlll'SC, 'alary, Tram Fares and Relie\'illg 115 0 " 11e11t. Taxcs. "ecretnry 1:29 7 " Upkeep Ambulance \\'aggon and Free Tl'ansport 44 15 " B.llance in Bank Doc. 1 t, 190i 67 11
£5 7,1
6 7
o o o o 7
Depo'it in Dunedill t'a,ing:o; Dallk bearillg interest £50.
J. Eo no~m 1'1'(W1II'Ci'. I ha\'e exalllined the Dooks and Aecounts of the aboye Centrc, and certify thnt, ill my opinion, t he above is a COl'l'ect tatcment of the Receillts and Expenditure for the year cll(l illg Nov . 30th, 1007. D unetl in ,
Dcccmbc ;' 16th, 1007 .
R .... "\11
['IT, F.I. A"
~.Z .• Alldito,·.
Ouluniu.l Report'.
J. H . Kemp, )[.13 . , B.C'., ,V. A. LOgfW, L.nG.p., F.R.C.S., J. P. D. Leahy, )f.n., C.M, A. MarLill, ,,1. D., F. '\T. 1I1ackenzie, :'I1.11., Edin. , H. nlacancil'ew, ~r.B., n. D. MackellZir, M.D., J.]\1. ~LtSOJl, M.Il., L H.I'.P., Edill., J. A. 11acclollneII, )I.D., O.:lf., II. G. McAllum, )L.13., D. l\l{;Ua\'i ll, )1.1>., F.R.C.,., U. J. McLean, 3I.ll., P. H. :UuIt's, l\r .n, K J. O'Neill, :11.13., CIl.Il., N.2., 'llI·g.-Uapt. .Z. \'1. Uont., 1\. E. A. Palmer, \I.A., ]1],13., ClT.B., C. ~l. Peach, )f.n., H. D. Peny, :'!I.H. "f;., H. Pollen, M.n., Dub., K E. POl'l'itt, ':'LR., F.r:. '.s., J. R. Purr1y, :'Ir.n., c.)!., J. . Pnrrly, M.n., .)f., ,'nrg.- apt. .l.I.Z., VI. COllt., glizalJrth 1'Iatts-t.rill~, M.B., CIl.ll., ~r. 'V. Hoss, )1.B., :-I.It.('.~., \Y. ,'. Ross, l\I.B., CH.n., B.A.O., 1.\.. M. Saunders, )1.13., c.':'1., D . p.II., U. F. ""ott, )I.R., c.,r., \\'. M. ,'haud, ':'f.u., (·II.n.,, . ~kel'man, M.ll.a.H., L.... A., J. 'orl~y, )r.n., (.:11., Ec1ill., 'V. R. ,'towe, )I.H.C . . , L.R.C.P., J. C. To swill, 'Ln., (' \1., Erliu., 'Yo H. Tytheric1gr, :'I1.i'.f 'l., L.l:.C.r., L . .\f., T. 'V. A. ValeulilJc, )!.n., c.,!., g. F. D. Walker, :lr.n., F. Wetclll'U, .:.!.n., ,V. F. "\Villit;, M.H.C.S., L.n.l' .l'., O. "ribull, ll.3L, 1£11i11 , ' V. Young, )f.D., F.Il.C.·., C. .:.r., ELlin.
I're s ident.
Hi" ,Yorship the nJayor of New Plymouth. lIoll ( ral'Y
SeL'l'(' tal'~' .
Mrs . H . Gray, Caterham Lodge, Ne"- Plymouth. A~ ~UAL HEPOHT. T here is great need of active \\-orker for the Association, and the, ecretaly tru:-tthat in the futUl'e th~se may come fOl'\n1rtl. ' Yith 0 much hack country, \\ here doctors are almo t beyond reach, a knowledge of first aid llle,UlR often the possibility of saying many lives. Classe for laelie were held and well attended, both in first aid and nm"ing, and four laelies earned their medallions.
A.l. K AL l~EPORT. During the yl!lU twenty-eight 1l1''lt Did cIa .'C. and two llur,'ing clas es have been held- 24 men 1l.llc1 2] 0 \\'omclI attenLlc(1. and of the e 19 men and 137 women passed the exumillatioll. There are prosilcct· of a large illclea c ill the number of ,tuclentt; and a more general intel'e:;t in the "'ork of the A. ociation is e"idellt. pecial thanks arc clue t.o t.he ~IelliclI.l Profes"ion fur nluable a:-:it;tance. At the close of the year all "~\llJblJhIlCl' 'atnnl:lY" wa helel, when the pulJlie l'e~pollded most gcncron '1y, the procceds roJ' the clay heing £:330 ','. 2d. The As.ociation \\U fortullate also ill rccei\'ing a bcqllc .. t or .£:;;00 frol11 the late Mr. Thomas 'Jlatthew nlcl\[cllalll'll. This \\'a' abo re(;eivell ju.t after the clo c of the tillancil1l ycar.
Hi Excellency Lord Plullket, K.a.~r.G., 1\:.C. Y.O. (,'ltaiI'JII:lIl.
C. P. Po\r!e:o, F.I.A . , ?-ic'" ZealanJ. H Oll. '! 't'c a Iu·c r.
~ C('l' C t :lry.
J. D. AYer)" Dro\\n's Buildings, John:; tOll treet, ". cl1iugton.
W. B. Fisher, Thorndon, 'Yellillgton. Lifc
:u e m b e r ", .
W . Barton, E. D. Bell, Bene,olent Institution, ,". E. Detlllllle, ,,~ . '. Buchanan Mrs . J . Burne, BUl'llham, Williams &- Co., Chilton Hon e Branch of the MiJliteril1 '; Children's League, The Countes of Raufurly, Mrs . ,I'. B. Fi her, ,car Meat Co.'" Girls' High cllOOl Branch of the lIlini teriu Cf Children' Leacrue John E:il'kcalelic' Messrs. Le,in & Co., Mrs . S . A . Rhoeles, '1'. Macarthy l\l;lIa~\'atll Haih\,qy Co.' A . ~ . Miles, :r. Z. hipping Co., A . E. Pearce, H. H.' ee(1" 'haw, Sa "ill AlblOn Co., Messrs. J. Staples and Co., St. Jolm's Chlll'dl, ·'t. Petcr's 'hureh Relicf Gui1c.\ T~rrace Con,gregational. Chlll'cb, Tyser hipping Co., U llioll ..... Co. of N.Z., ,'ellmgton Clty Councll, ',elliucfton Harbour Board ,Ydlill<rton Hospital TTUst, Wellington Lr.dies' Christian .A~sociation ,YellilJCftoll 'ltlea t EXl'Cllt Co. , Wellington Racing Club, Wellingtoll \Y ol'king Men" Club. '"
'l'l'u ", t ec", : GC ll c ral
W. B. Fisher, C. P. Powles, amI H. H .
Bn'ClIll C (flul E1lICI/(li/Ul'f (VI' It t'I i}JI~.
To Halall(;c The ,t. John ~tlJllJulltJICC AssoriatioJl; Alllhnlal\l;etllld j)it;tl'ict; l·lll'sillg Gail![ DranC'hes£1513 " Th' ,t. John Alllhnl:lllcc Bl'igad," lTur,ilJg Di\'isioll Wellington 19 " Donations ~1 " ' ton'~ al)(l 'Jre,1nlliolJ.' Li(j " Class j"Cl'.' • 07 , HorSt! l\lllbulance Tmll·· port F(;c:; 3\3 "UollediolJ at Annual .Jlcetillg
'l'l'n s t ees : SI. John Am b ulance XUI' ju g J' lIud .
St. J ohn Ambulance A sociation .
10 9 15 7
!lC(/i' CllClilllJ
31st October, 1907. E.l'jll;!lrl tlf J't.
By alJlount paid to 'Jlrs.'. A. 1:ho.1c5, 'J[e:-sr. . .T. '. \Y. Aitkcn anel C. P. Powlc " 9 in Trust 1'01' in\'e:;tment on aceoullt of Fum1 1'01' N'ur.iug the. i<;\,: pOOl of 7 'Yellillgtoll . .£1106 14 o 0 "l\mount allocate,l t.o 9 cUl'rellt account of 9 Di:;tl'ict Nul'. in~ Guilt1 53 5 o ' Fuud ' G "Dr 1\ mOUlJ t refunded to the t. John ltmuul:111CO 5 Brig,tile (~TUI';;illg DiYi19 10 7 ion) . 91 6 " ,,'tOle and ~rl'(blliollS " JIor~e Ambulance Trail 10 3 .1 porL , CI \ iL'e . o 0 1 " Police Instrlldiull H 6 0 " Examiuatioll Fee~ 16 -ill .. PrilltiJJ~ 111111 1\chcrtiillg. 7 -ill " S ta t ioncr.\ , Po tagc, etc. . " DOllUtioll 't. John Alllhlll· 1 1 o l111ce brignlle . .l.~.Z. " ECllt, IIl~lIralJC(, nnd ltli'c:ellltlll'o\ls ExpcII 'ex l' 15 0 "Secreta!'., nlar.'" (9 month H 16 i " Balance in Hank ~1 19 10 " Ca h in IIand ~
. A. Rhodes, J . G. W. Aitken, amI C. P. Powles. ll c dical S taff.
H. Adams, M.P•. C. '. , L . n.C . p . , G. E. Anson, )LD . , D. O., CuntaIJ., M.1l.C.,., L . R . C. P., A . L. Anderson, :Jf.D., C. lIL, ' V. Anderson, lIr.]}., c.)!., , Yo DaxtcrGow, ~LD . , C. M. (1£elin.), J. F . Bennett, :lLB., ,I'. Bey, :If.S., G. II. DrO\Hl, M.ll., J. A . Cowie, ::U. B., P . R Cook, I;'S., R. A. Cameron, :lI.B . , oll.n., L.::> .. , V. A . Chapple, M.D., CH.J.1.; N . Z., M.ll . C.S., D.P.lI., 1. , M. Campbell, 1I1.D., CTI.D. N .Z. , W. H . Dawson, F'll:.a. s . , lII.D. ('.lI1., D.p.H., H. T. Dawson, 111.13., l.':'f. Ab~.rd., J . E wart, M.D., Edm., J . J. Edgar, :11.13. , C.M., L . R.C. l'. , L.ll. a.:-:., J. S. ElllOtt, ;)I.B., CH.B:, P. C. Fenwick, )Ut.C.S., 'Y.K. Fyfl'e, ':'1.A., Calltab. , M.D . , 1I.C. , M . ~ . C. P . , H. E. Gibbs, M.D., F.R.C.S., II. A. II . Gilmel', M.D., W . R . Graham, ~r.ll., E hzabeth C. Gunn, l\1.B., CH.B., EdilJ . , H . IIardillg, M.B., A. G. Darvey, M.ll., B. C., Cantab., H . R. H athedey, l\1.R.C.S., L.n.C.p, ~r.B., C. D . HclJI'Y, liLA., Can tab. , M. D., B.~., E. A . , V. He~ley , M.n., B.crr., B.A.O., D ub., ' Y. E. IIerbel't, M.:!?, F . R.C . S. , Edu)., YY . J . H . H iSJOr, M.B., F.R.C.S . , A . B osking, M. ll., ClI.M . , E dlll . , D. ViT o H unLer, M.B . , ClI . B., C. B. I Illles, !lLB., A. ' Y. I zard, lIl.A . , M. n . , B.C. M. R . C. S. , L . R . C.P . , D. J ohnston, L.R.C . p . , Ellill. , D. G. Johnston, M.B., C. lII . , Gla!'!. ,
,£17li3 1 tl 10
' V. D. Fr.
lIon. Trcctsw cr.
£1763 19 10
Atll1itec1 and fouIll1 corrcct, OH,\,';.
PO\\'LES, F.I._\..N.Z . ,
Audito)·. N
St. J ohn A 7nbnlance As oeiation.
Coluninl R eports.
DI::;'l'nICT N 1:1lS1NG GL'ILD D ErAl:T~1E::\T .
B a1allcc ,)'/i('''' at 31st OctOb(,1', 1907 . RCl'ulllC
alul E.t'Pc/~ditll1·(; fo?' thc
t,ldul 31st Odobcl', 1907 .
RCCL/i lts .
By alaries, &c., of District T o Proportion !l.llo~ated to .the Knr e . .£1 :2 Di trict N urSlDg Gmld, ,Yellincrton . . £63 5 0 " Com fort and N ccessaric 14 for Patients ,. t . J;llll A mbulance 9 " Medicn.l Requisites . Brirra,lc (N ur.,ing Diyi 59 siol~ Welljllgtoll) D epo it 19 1 G 7 " Rent I nsurance, 200 H o " All \'ertiing, " II bSCli ptions 2,1 COJl1mis 'jOll, ,,'c. . 17 6 6 " D onations . 8 92 15 " BaIance" I nterest Ca h in Bank "upplementary amount "t.J.A.A. District reali ed from .J. A. N urs. Guild 135 9 10 D istrict N nrsing Guild , t.J.A.B. Bazaar . . H H 0 ('" ellington " Proceeds I . "'weetL a vender" ~l1l's. Diy.) 19 10 7 11 o o Entertainment . "Polyphone Pennies from £1[;5 0 [j 6 3 3 M r. J . Godber Less ontstullding " Part of Special ubscripche1lues 22 3 tions collected bv "" urse 132 5 13 3 A . exton . " Collectioll at Dr. Mason's L ecture . 3 6 3 "Collection Box at N urse Cash in hand 13 Palmer's . 1 10 10 £435 19
,V. B.
Eljl(, lId illli·(' . amonnt paid to Mrs. ,'. A . Rhocle., Messrs. .f. C. I V. Aitken and C.P . Pow les in Tmst for I n vestme n t on Acconut of FUlJci for Nlll'sing the Sick POOl' of' Wellillgton . £3,106 16 "AllllJ11ni llcpositerl with
3 0 3 10 14 0
ancl I II\"esllllPlll Coy., Wellington . . " Cash ill Bank amI on Hanrl
200 0 126 11
\\'. II.
the EClllitablr Bnilc1ing
o o 0
Audited I1ml foun(} ('OI'l'CCt. CIfA .·. P. ]l1)\\' LES, F . I.A.X.Z., "luditoi·.
l"'caSIIi' I'.
ILK .... 11' , VaIleI' JI ely- H utchinsun r, . c.)I.C:., Go\'el'llol' uf the CIJlon)'.
Auclitl~d elIAS.
Rlccipts. To Sllildry CreditoJ's :C 7 9 ,. Balance to crerlit of D i.trict Nursing Guild Departmcnt 37" I 1!'1 :3
)',·(·.;Icl C'l1 t.
aIH1 founel correct,
:\ [ajul'·G en'ral K . 'mit h 131'001;:, c. B.,
POWLE.·, F.I.A.N . Z.,
,Yellington, 4th Dec., 1907.
'ommancling' II. fir. I' UI'Cl''', Cape Colony.
( ' lIail'lll:ll1.
Hl'\'. Falh
Ucl U(,CI',
IV. D. ])l)\\'i .. P Il".]'". Diyinl', Gates ll.:. Co. ), Lo\\ '1' , t.
Liauilities. 5
By amount Oll Dq,o~it ",ilh the \\' ellillgtoll 'l'l'w,;t ulJll Loan Co) ' . £300 o " 1 Horse AwlJl1lallCe carriage, ellington 100 o 100 o " \ Vangallui " Pall1lersioll Nth. " " ( 50 0 50 0 " 4 A ' 1I1'on1 Litters 3G 12 " ;)tOl'es " lIol'. e Aw bnlance cl'viec G5 16 " Ca 11 ill Ball k amI 011 halld G6 16
'Y . B. F JSllEH , 1Iun. T,·cctsw'Cl'.
£769 5
..:\.udited and founel correct, CUAS .
POWLES, F. I.A.X . Z. ,
;11 •. \.,1.1..]1 . , F.H.S.L., r.H.G .. ·.,
\ . .T,
,-'tn:et, Cape Town.
~I(I"sl's . • \.]l'x:ln<1·1'. L.H. '.!i.
I) . . nox 1113, Capc Town.
.U (' III l)(' I' ...
.:'Ifnju1' ,J. \. Lil'lt111ann, \\7, B. Powis, L. D. 'Ill lib. lI('cl j('/I 1
11011. ~ ('(· rel:\l'~.
:i\1ajor .r. \ . Li ·lnnaJlll,
Asset .
T o ,'undl'Y Creditors £5:2 11 " Balance of ASSE:ts o\'e1' L iabilities 71G 13
AIIJan O·Hiley.
11011. 'J'I'(':\>'II"(' I',
A;lIBULA::\,CE DEPAJ .. r)JE~T .
Balance Sheet at 31st
~ d atr.
Ii'll., 1, . 1:.(,,1' . , Ire!. l:. E. '. J.lHll;!l'SOIl, )1.D., 0. Andcrson, \I.Jl . C.S., L.lI.C.l' .• Arl'llho]rl, H. •\., )1.1l., ,(itt Khlats Exam, Gel'many, lk'lljnlllill, )1.1I.l'.:-;., 1,.H.l'.l'., nOSl'li1u'l'g', ;11.13., B.";., l<:llill.,Dutltl, ;If.H.l' . .. . , L.H . C.P., 131'iggs, ;II. B., 13,,'., Ec!ill., Dt'I)\I'II, )I.ILl'.s., 1,.H.('.I'., 'nne, ;l1.Il., Urll,., ;l1 . H. C.S . , L. H. C. J'., 'illi'r'), 1If.13 .• ,\I.s., Eclill., Clarke, LH.e.H .. Ird., 1•. 1:.().1'., Ir~l., Collins, ~f .Il., .!'II.R.C'.s . , I..H.C.l'., 'o]ll'lanti, \1.1I.('.H., T•. H.l'.P., Cu.", '\I.H.C'.";., L.R.C.P., ]) :lrll'y- ll:nt ]l'Y, liT. n. 1 )ur., ;II. H. '.S., '\1. H. C.l'., Elliutt. ;If. n., LOJlel .. ;II. H. C. '., L.H. C.P., Eyre, '\1. B., M .• ·., l·~clin., Fl'uIJoulet, ;\I.H.C'.S., I..1t.C.l' . , For"yth , )f.n., B"., E . H. l~ liller , .\I.B., F.1U'.S., Eclill ... \. . Fullcr. lIJ.H., :lr.H., Edlll., \I.IU'.S" I hl'l'i:,l, ;lr.R.C.~ . , L.II.C.I '., J•. s.,\ ., JI aycR, I..ILC'.I'., h el. . L.It.C'. K., h cl., D. B. lle\ntt, ;11.13 . , ;l1.~., ]edin., ,I. H CWltt, )f.L . •\ ., ':U.Il., '\1.1:-\., Edin., ~ l. L. Jl cwnt, ' I. D. , Edin., H offmall, ~ I .I1., ;\ I. H., Ell in. , De .Jag'!', ) r. B., :\,1. . , ~~cli n ., J,.H.C."'., L,ll.C . l' .. Edin., K idll, ;\1 . It.('.~., I,. R. . P., I>.I'. II ., Kohll'r, ~ f . l )" (13·r!1Il) ::.itnnts E.·Hm ., de Korte, ;l1.B. , LOlIl l. , )r.H.C'.~., L.n.a.l'., L C"tl' I', ) 1. 13 . , ) I. f'! . , Edi n., ~t. L gel', H. A., Cantnb., L.S. ,\..,
St. John A?71bnlance Associcdion.
Lalan, "LB., :U.S., Edin., Marshall, L.R.C.P., L.R.a.s., Edin., L.F.P.S., Glas., :Mearns, )I.D., AbeI'd., IcOlure, l\I.R.C.S., L.H.a.p., McGowan Kitching, 1II.D.,Lolld., McKenzie, l\I.B., ]\[ . s ., Edin., J. l\IcKenzi<" l\LB., CH.l\I. , Abercl., IcNally, M.B., B.H., Dub., 1\Iolteno, "LB., B.S., Cantab., C. F. K. :Murray, If.D., hel., F.R.C.S., Irel., 1\1. Sur., C. M. :Murray, ~I.B., B:"\.c. ur., Oantab., Mc.:~Il111en, I\1:B., B.S., McPherson, ~!.B., B.Sul'., Ire1., l\~itc.:hell, ~I.B., Bac . . UI'. Edm., Ncethlll1g, M.B., ]\[. 8., Edin., Oates, ilI.B., B.S., Edm., Otto, l\l.D. , Ec1m., ;'l.B. '.H., Ortl~pp, :U.R.C.S., J,.R.C.P., Lond., Pea.rson, M.D., Abel'. , Pater on, fil.B., ;ILl:). Glas., PICr', )LD. Abel'. )I.l~.C.S., L.R.C.P., Peter en, )I.B., :; U.S., Edin., Pomeroy, )f.R.C. '., L.l~,~.p"LOl~d., Roux, nI.B., ]\[.S., Edin., Rutherford, M.D., Eclin., '(;hahort, My., Staats Exam., Germany, 'chuller, ~LB.C.S., L.ll.C.I>., milh, :lI.B., C.:lI .. Edm., tewart, :ll.B., B. . , SteYens, ;ll.R O.S ., L.U.C.P., yfret, ;lLB., )1.1-;., Ca,nlah., ymonds, l\LD., lII.R.C.S . , L.R.C.P., Thomason, ;lLD., De Yilliers, l\1.1:.C.H., L.n.C.l'., 'Waldron, )I.D., )I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., A. III. ,Vilson, )l,])., Durh., )l.R.C.t'., ~.R.C.l'., R. A. ,Vil on, U.B.,U . Eclin.,'Veich, )LD., B,lsle, " traatsExam., ,Vell:,; ' llllPSOll, l\I. ,. . , B.H., Glas., F . R . C.S., A. ,'Vhyte, l\!.B., :ll.S" Edin., C ",,'byte, 1..1~.C.1'., L.R.C. S., Edin., ,Vicks, :lI.R.C.S., L.R. C.P .. ,Vilkin~on, l\I.n., ,Yulfe, Lie., 'Jled. & C11. L . ,.\., Lond. A~~ 'UAL
have been completed for holding Ol1e at the Diocesan College with the commencement of the coming ambulance year. The sections have again contributed to the Association's succe 'S , Kimbcrley and Port Elizabeth leadilJg the ,yay. Several classes have been hcld at De Beers, and the Loyal \VolOen's Guilo. have also formed two successful classes. At Port Elizabeth there have heen both fir t aid and nursing classes. Thc thanks of the OOUJlcil are the Generall\lanager and other heads of departments of the Oape Government RaIlways for the continued interest evin ced ill the ,:cl'k of the Associati.ol1. 'uccessful ;!assC's have been held in Cape Town, Salt Rn'cr, ,Yoodstock, Itenhage, and KImberley. The Conncil deplores the departure of ~he President, l\lajor.Oel1era.l E. . Brook. c.n., from the c.:olony, and trllst tha.t Ins succe 'sor may be pleascrl to accept ofTice on his arrival. General Brook llas ueen ever reacly "ith kind help and soum} advice, and not only this, bnt ?lle of hilS la, t acts prior to his depar~ure waS t!le promising of a prize for competition 1ll ambulance work at the forthcoll1mg gala III Cape Town. The Oouncil desires to conY~y its best thanks to. the pr~ss of the colony for. kind and continued support, and deslrc once more to relterate Ils deel' sense of oblIgation to the members of the medicnl profes iou for their freely rendered invaluaule co· operation, without "hich the wOl'k of the Association fol' t he benefit of suffering humanity could never haye been carried to a sUCl!eSsflll i SHe.
The Council has the honour to preseut herewith the ixteenth annnal repor~. The Oouncil has much pleasnre in reporting that during the past yea.r the DIploma of Honorary Membership of the Association has been conferred by the Cen iral Executive Oommittee in London upon Drs. Budd, Fuller, and t, Leger. The llu1l1.ber of pupils in tructed during the year amounts to 380, of whom :257 attenued u last aid course, 20 a nursing cOlUse, 11 u conr&c ill hygiene; 57 'Tere cxamined, 30 qualified for the medallion, and 5 obtained the label for 1907. Of these numbcrs, 51 ladies attended first lectl1l'es, 11 a course of hygiene, 20 a course on nur. iug, and 5 obtained the medallion. These num beri', though gratifying, show ,t ycry marked falling off when compareo. with tho e of twelve 1110ntbs ago 9.ud bear eloquent testimony to the continuance ot' the financial depression through which the colony i,.; passing. Since the foundation of the Oape Oentre, in 1891, :til r. E. J. Earp (i.le,'srs. l\Iaxwell and Earp) very kindly stored the local stock . The fir111 hayillg renlo,'ed to new premises, Mr. Earp requested the Association to make other arrangement for the storing of their property. 'fhe Oouncil has rented Ull office in Oape Town, whel'e the stock is now stored. The Oouncil desil e to tender Hleir \'ery hearty 1han ks to Mr. Earp for helping the Association for such a large number of years, especially during its infancy, when the expense entailed by reut woulo. have been aerious item for the young institution. In the annual report for lust year your Ooullcil made reference to the resolutions "hich had been passed Loth ill Parliament and by the British ?lIedical Asc;ociation (Western Branch), C(lpe Oolony, with regard to the teaching of hygiene in sc.:hools, and to the effort made by your ASEociatioll to cany these resolutions into effect. Deputations from the Oouncil have waited upon the Superintendent·General of Education and upon the :Minister for Education, anel yO\11' Council is pleased to be aLle to report that the Select ConJnlittee, which during the session of Parliament just ended sat on the q nestion of eclucaLion in this colony, has reported favourably upon the important subject of hygiene and sugge ts that it be taught in the public schools of the colony. Your Oouncil llOpec1 that the recommeno.ation of the Select Oommittee would have been cOllfirmed by Parliament, and that the Department of Education would have accepted the ofrer made by this ASFlociation, and that with the commencement of the new year we should see the subject of hygiene placed on the curricululD, and that this Association might have been the means of spreading this useful and necessary information tbroughou t the colony. The sudden dissolution of Palliament, however, prevented the cOllsitieration of the report of the elect Oommittee. It is most gratifying to be able to report that the first class in hygiene held in the colony was formed under ister M. J. Berchmans, at St. Agnes Oonvent, 'Woodstock, and that the young ladies acquitted themsel ves admirably. The Oorporation of the City of Cape Town has again defrayed the necessary expense for the instrnetion of the mem bel'S o/' thc Metropol i Lan Fire Brigade. Every man has been through the course of first aid, and Lhe lecturers have every reason to be proud of their pupils, for out of 43 men lectured to 39 passed. A class has again been held at the Soutb African Oollege, and arrangemellts.
RCrCJ111C and E.I 'pcn(litut't' Accounllo l:;lh Kut'clII bcl', 1907. R('I;CIUlr.
To Cash balance urougb t frolJl last ac(;ount . £11£) "ProccCtls frolll ,':lIe of tore and la~.· Fee' 217 " Grunb-C. G. Rai~",ay 100 Town ouncil l:i ":uuscrilJtiun' 3
0 l!i 12
E.1'jICJl(lit!( rc. Dy Ofticc expenses, Rent, and Clerical A""i tance . £123 " E, 'amillalioll Fees 21 1 " Rent and depo it, P. O. Box 1 o " PObtage, Tele!;rnms, etc .. 11 o ., Ch:ugc.' and Petty expenses G . ,'tatioll -1')\ Printing, and Achcl'tising 30 ., ~\.uc1itor·· Fec~ 2 ., Btorc 14.6 ., O/lice Furniture 13 :, Batit London 0 -ntrc, their share of Railway grant 25 " Thi. Celltl.. 's Rhare ex})'. l'C, 't.:lbounu- hicld Compo 2 " Dal.lIlce C:\1'riul forward to next account
5 0 o 5 o 11 6 2 4
4 1 2 12 6
0 7 0
o o 16
7 3
'Y. B.
1'OWI . IJOlt. 7'rCClSUi'C,·.
NATAL. )·)'c.,idclll.
(' hail'llluu.
it' Benjamin W. U I'CCnaCl'C.
l\ltti ck l\llll'i 'Oll, :'!1.D. 1I0)lor:1I·.r
}.Iajor IIenry Dux tOll- 131'o" 11C, 3r,0, Anglo African Ilou,'e, Dnrball .
Lift' lUcmltcl'
8i1 Bcnjalll ill \\'. G rCellaCl'e. ~IC4liCi\1
Arthur K. 8l.:utt. (i], FiclJ Durbau. Captain T.
\Y. E. BC\'llltrd,, T,.Il.C.I'., Lond., . O. C1l111p\Jcll, :1l.D, }o'.ll.C.S., Ediu., M.R.C .S., n.l'.n., D. 1. M. a.lllpLcll, )l.B., '. ople)' , F.n.C.~. , Eng. , L.Re.p., D.I'.ll., O. 1. Currie, ~1.n., ~l.n c.~., II. E. Fel'llt1uaL'z, )1,]>., n. K. Elli l\I.B . ,
St. J ohn Ambulance Association.
Oolonial Reports.
Oxon., Jas. Hyslop, }).S.O., M.B., C.M., P. lIlurison, nell. n. c .,, G. Pearsoll, F.n.C.S., B.~C .• )I.B., ilr.n.c.::>., L. ll.C.P., H . T. Platt, M.B., Mast. Surg., Lond., A. D. Prillgle lILB., H. lIlilne myth, F.l1 . C.S., Irel., L.R. C.P., Irel., F . Snow, L. n.c.p., & L.n.C.S., Edin., H. E. Wright, L.R.C.l'. & L. lII. , 1I1.R.('.,s. and L.S.A. ANNUAL REPORT. The Executive Oommittee begs to report briefly upon the working of the Oentre since its inception to 30th September, 1907. Preliminary meeting " 'cre h eld ill Dmban in November and December, 1906, and the Oentre W1S finally form eu lJl February, 1907. Eight first aid cIa' es and one n11l'sing class have heen held. A section has been established at Greytm\'n, ::Lnu detach ed classes have been hcld at Pietermaritzburg, Ladysmith, and Red Hill, in which places it is expecteu to form sections ere long. No particular cases of first aiu by pupils of the Oentre hav e oeon reported, but the Railway Ambulance Corps has treated :l,175 cases during the pa t year. The Centre is being fairly '\\e11 supported by the public, and its fillance5 ale in a satisfactory condition, CH.B . , )I.A.,
]H .
Statement oj R eceipts and E xpcnditurc jo)' the yea?' cnding 30th Septcmbcr, 1907. Receipts. E .lp enditu1·e. To " " " "
Subscril1tions Donations Life Members Olass Fees Stores Sold
. £23 13 29 1 10 0 16 ] 6 19 1
6 6 0 0 9
By )'
" " "
£98 12
tores purchaed . . £40 3 10 tationery. Printing, &c. 4 4 1 Advertising 1 14 3 00 ,t of Certificates and Medal! ions 6 14 0 , 0 7 0 Petty Ca"h Balance of R eceipts o\'cr Expenditlll'e 31 9 4
Audited, compared with Bank Pass Book and other Youdwl' , and certified correct. Durban, 21st October, 1907. Ouow,-.;- DAN IF, } TJ 1 d'
H. E. MATTINSON, .LLon . .r l! !lOTS. H. BuXTON BI{(n\'~E) lIon. T/" ·usurel'.
D urban, 17th October, 1907.
Trl1mper (Bloemfontein), 'W, H. Diekillsoh (Boshof), A. J. Tonkin (Rultfontein), J. K Hickman and O. Labt (Brallllfort), J. Hunter (Bethlc:hem), A. H. Jacob (Dewetsc1orp), E. R. Holmes (EIlelllJUJ'g), I '. Lavau~er (Fouriesburg), Gr~nt .Arnott and H. ,. Taylor ( Fid{sbl1l'g), J. J. Ross (Fauresllllth), F. G. Ralston , H ellbron), G. E. Bro\\'n (Hool'sbtd), II . '\'llit eh~at1 (Harrism~th), O. W. Sharp (Jacobsdal ~, T. Kennerly (JagersfollleLu), E. Dntllle anLl E. ymoncls (Kroonstacl), O. \\. Hunter (KoO'yl'onlein), J. AI. Key (Lallyhraml), T. B. Brodie and T. Heaps (Parys), J. J. Lyn ch (Redclrrhurg), .T. H?exter (~ollxville), R. .Leigh (R eitz), J. J. Dunn e (Springfield), G. '. Olarke (,'pllllgfuntelll), A. J. Baml (. lLlaldeel), G. Van del' ,Ynll ( e nekul ) A. W. Oart!'r (T ll eesl'rnit), G. Graham (Trompslmrg), T. M. Bentley (\'rede), A. M . l\lc W. (:rCl'll (Yrctlcfort, P. A. Gillespie (Winbnrg), D'Arcy ,\,illiallis (\\'olveh oek. II. A. B cker (Wcpeller), F. J. Brownfield -Bateman (Zastron). AN T"GAL REPORT. The followin'" report show prorrre.·s made from date of la t report up to 30th Cl,tember, H)07. 'LX Hr.t aiel ~llale cIa. ses and one first aill female cla s, and necessary examinatiolls to each. The lectnrers "cre :-Dr. D. ~I. TO~lOry, Dr. T. train, Dr. W. \\'. Hod gin, Dl. oillllU', awl Dr. T. Urquhart. Th e examIners were:Lieut. T . . Dudding, Il.A.)f.(., Lieu.t, J. A. An~ler on , n.A.)l.C., and Dr: 0., W. Hunter. The awards \\'1' 1'053 flrst aLd malc certIficate', 11 male re-exanunatIOI1S , ~ 111 ell all i on~, 10 female fi!·. t aiel certi lica tes, and 2 female re-examina tiOD , or a total ot 80 ueill" a untntl total of J54 . ince the formation of the Oentre. In May the HOIl. 'ocecrct1try, ilIr. Hugh • hall', who hall WOl'kCll hanl in the interests of the AssociaLion, met with an accirlent from which he dictl. Thi wa.· a severe los to the cntre. Th allk are lIne to tIll' io\'ernment of the O.R.O. for the continnation of a grant of £~,"j to Lhe funds of th} j,·sociation. The Oentre will almost clear its delJt to the A .. ociatiOll hy the cml or the cnnent year. :rh~ l!rogres ..of the \York m~y be con 'iclerell .-atisfactory hnt lIatUl"ll1y great progre. SIS dLfficult oWlIlg to the contlllued c1epl'e 'sion awl retrenchment III 'ollth Africa. It i' hopcd that more settl~d COlHlitinns will prcnlil ;tftl!l' tit 11'\\ Go\'cl'l1lllent has a 'ulIled office. Th e tores III hant1 aro yalne 1 at £1:;5 ;" ... , tho rl 'ht;.; llne to Oentre at:t:4 h.9<1. Ca h in hank on 30th :'eptcml1Cl', 190i', £~ O. 1tl. The allloullt dne> to the L O]]llo11 Head Officc, a~tcl' llcllnctillg £1;)0 remitt '(1 up to 30th ~eptl·ll\hcl'. "'(l. £7'2 10 . i'd. t,)IYal'lb rc rlucll1g \lhich <l tUl'thcrlllll of £~ ~) was l'l'lllittetl in Octoher, 1807.
ORANGE RIVER COLONY. Pre. i c1 en t . His Excellency Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, K.C.M.G., C.Il. Ch a i r m a n. His Worship the Mayor of Bloemfontein.
TRANSVAAL. l''''ro n" . Field ~r3.r<;h:l1 II.H.II. the Duk e of Conn:llJ!Yht, K.G. Hi~ Ex cellency the Enl at tlhol'lle, G.. :II.r~., High Oommissioner for outh Afnca. l ' .. (' ~ jc l ('11'.
Thc Chief Ju ticc, Transvaal, 'il' Jumes Ro.e-Illll(", K.C.~r.G.
lloJlor:u'Y T l' C:lS II rc I·S . T. K Bretherton and H . H. Greenwood, 131; Kellner Street, Bloelllfoutein. Honorary S('(;r e ' ary. W. E . Underwood, A.)J.I.C.E., P . O. Box 545, BloenJfOllteill. Life
~1C' Jll "be J·s.
°TaPDtain G. H. Goddard, j\[ R.C'. '., L.l~.C.l'., ll.A.:II.C'., ,Yo W. Horlgin s, ~LIJ., O. . . Urquhart, M.D., The South African Breweries, Ltd. , Bloemfolltein. MecHcal Staff•
.P. Targett Adam;':;, LieL~t. J . A. Anderson, JL\.M.C., A. M. Banmann, O. H. BIdwell; S . M. De I'>..ock, Lieut. T. ~ . Dudding, It.A.M. ' . , H. F. Flockelllallll, Major E . O. F. Garraway, B.A.C. , Oaptam G. H . Goddard, Jt.A.~f.C., '-tV. \Y. ] lodgins, W. Johnson, B. O. Kellner, H. O. Kellner, J. \V. Krause, O. KJause, V. Mannillg, A .. G. Mossop, A. U . Parkhurst, A. E. W. Ral1lsbottoll1, W . R. Scott, M. 'Ll'ollreiter, ~. M .. Tomory, O. T. Urquhart, Oaptain P. N. Ve11acott, S.A . C., A. B. Ward, Oaptam J. H . ,Vest, R.A.i\[.C., G. Pratt Yule, ;)I. O. II. , ;:i.A.C., ,V. A .
)(01101·a .. \,
'I'rC';1 .. 111· ('I' .
J. E. Fcrra!', iIlanager, {" utal Bank, Ltd., J o11an11(, hnrg. S('("'('j
a 1' ,\ •
O. F. \\' . HllIhury.
OlliCL::i-lfin, •'tock Exchange 1'. O. Bcn. '2%0.
DnilL1in CT
Johanne bl1l'g.
U allk .
The .I.-alal D:tllk, Ltll., Johannesblll'g. .. Ilnol':tJ·y ,\ Iltli' 01'.
J. 'Y. nnckl .Ulrl, Kation al 1\alll - Buildings, Slmlllo11cl.
tred, Johanneburg.
ll e cli ('al S t aff.
T. KCl'r-B "ll, )LD., II.P.II., F. R. l\lal'tin, :11.1\.0.:'., L.l:.c.r., )f.B., (Potchef-troollt), G. Michi e, 111. B., ~r.s, All('l'til'l'll, Archl'1' Brown, .TOhlltOllG Brown, ;'I.R., Gla s ., Alexander Fro\\' Dr. A. 1\1. n. Grant, I'lL M. Kl ein, "l.n., l'H.D., K F. X. Onn er, a\,! (Prcloril{), Oshornc (Pretoria), G. Adom ("Witbank), Ann: CI('a\'l~r, T: W. Gilcltl'i t, I:tynal'(l (Pretol'ia), 11 all , .T. ". ~IOltOll ( Ul)kshlll'g), 1\ol'lnun hendall, M.D., Montgolilery.
St. J ohn A?no'Lda1We AssociCltion.
Ernp il'e Of I ndia R eport . .
Statement of Receipts and EJ.~pelldil1/ /'c from ~ht Sept., 1906, to 30th Sept., ] 007,
state th at this Association does not lil11it its hbonrs to any distinction of race or creed, or political party, hut have fol' illeir olJject the application of that pre~ept which is the fund amental principle of the old Order of' •'t. John-Pro Utilitate IIoilli1mm, service in the cause of humanity. YOUI' Oommittf'e Dluch regret that . ince our last meeting \\'e hnye lost the very 'alnalile services of Dr. D. 'Y. Johnston, who die(l in Durban in Octoher of last year. Your Committee (lesil'e to return special thanks to the member:; of tIle ll1edieal profession for their valuable services both as lectlll'ers alld examiners alld in llluny other ways.
To Balance for\\'ard 20 .9.1906£131 6 7 "N l1 bscl'iptiOll and dons. 219 ~ 6 31 9 0 " Class Fees " Sale of Book, Banlla,ges, and hire of Diagrams 67 11 9
£l -Hl
9 10
£135 H 8 " Balance for,YaI'lI Examined ,,,ith YOll clle! and Banker's
8 9
9 10
"rc-. idcut. Pa~
II. E. thc Yiccroy .
Book amI founel correct.
J. W. B1.:CKLA~D, lion. A lldito)·. J. E. FEr.I~Ar., Hon . 'l'rraSlli'Cr. C. F. ,V. BCI1BCltY, Secretary.
J ohanne burg, ]~thOct.,
E,l.penditw'c, By, ec.'s alary, O[fice and Telephone l~eut, Printing General of Certificates, Printing amI ;:3tationery, Dftllk, Cable and Fl'eigh t charges en Allllmlallce , tures . £251 18 " Head Office, London, for Ambulance supplies 37 9 " Cape Colony Centre [01' 21 6 Ambulallce l1Jlplic heing Cash at :, Balancc, 135 1,1 Banker cal'l ied forward
A::\I'NUAL REPORT . In pre enting thi . report for the period 21 t, el'lem bel', 1906, to the 30th, el'telll bel', 1907, the Committee cannot but feel great ]llea me in recording the satisfactory progress made by the Centre. T11e Chairman and "' el'l'etaryhave \'isitedal111lllbcr of mineg during the year all,l explained to the ~lallagers and the men the ohjects of' first aid teaching anu the method of forming classe. The Ie uIt of the e yiits has tended to inerease the intere t in the worl\: amongst the \\'hite miners. Effort:; are COlltiullally being made to exwn.:l the work over the IlJinillg areas, and th~ management and mine surgeons are giving every possible help in this direction. A COlllllli~sioll has recently been appointed by the Go\'er1111Jent to inquire into the workiug of the mines, aud evidence is being taken bearing on the subject of ~afety measures adopted 011 the mines. The Chairman aud other members of the ExecutIve are giving ('\'illfllce before the Commission on the advantages of fil" t aid teaching among. t the white miners, and it will be strollgly urged tllat a proportion, at lea t, of the white millers ,"honltl have a knowledge of first aid. The (·lasses Oil the llJines so far ltu,'e ueen successful and the interest is increasing. A sub-Col1llllittee of Lbe Executive has recently been appointed to inquire as to whether it i: pos~ible to introdu(;e a sy Lelll of continuous lecturing to classes on the mines. The J ohHnne:1.JUJ'g Fire Brigaele have taken up the work in a yery earnest manuel', and it is expected that the Tramway Department will shortly comlllence first aid teaching. ,'illce the reCOlIstruction of the Centre on tlle 20th April, 1906, the Oentre bas gathered great way, ancl through its lecturers has given instruetion to 1lerso11S of both sexes, aud has issllell to the successful pupils 257 certificates. At present the CelltJ'e lIas no wlleeled ambulance or litter of any kind, but is trllsteel that with increased snpport these 1ll0t;t necessary "ehicles wi ll be pl1l'chasec1 at an early day. Your COlllllli l tee arc 1D uch im1ebted to the press for their Ull failin ~ courtesy rendered 11l the pll bl icatiOll of reports of meetings and other mattels ,,,hich has materially helped to cOJ1n), to the public an idea of the great usefulness of thi:; Association. The thanks of yOUl' Committee are also due to the mine O\\11(·rs alld ~lalla(fers' C , the General Manacrer b , C.S . A. R. ; the Manager, Moclderfontein Dynamite Factory' the ('hieC COJ1ltllissiomr of ~o~ice;. the Oflicer-in -.Charge, JohanlleslJurg Fire Brigade'; and to many others for a~%lstmg 111 the formatlOn of classes, also to the Education D eparLlllellt of 111e 'lran~van:l for the use of schoolrooms. Frolll the statelllE'nt of l ecei l! ts ancl expenditure lt Will be seen that the Ceutre has a credit l)alallC'(, of' £135 14s. 8d., liut J'tllJds are urgently needed, alld it is eamestly lJOped that the [ullds of tIle Centrc will ].e largely augmented. I n appealing for pecuniary assistullee thc Committee tIc'sire to
II. K The Couutc.
o[ til(' {"cHtral ( 'onuuiUee .
H. E. the Commander-in-Gll ief.
of Minto .
1I0110r:lI·". i'lC{'l'ctarl' ( 'cntrlll Comlllittee.
Lt.- '010]1('1 A. E. Tate, Lir~
H . A.~l.C.,
II. E. Yi"count E.itchc1lel', Li ·ut. -Colollel A. '. Yate, lll'geon-General il Thomas Gallwey ,nrrrlon- Tcncral G. Bomford, tbe HOll J. P . Hew ·tt, ir Harnam ,'ill"h,' 'Culoll~l William 'apI' 1'. C. K Hasting', the HOll. the Mararajah B.·tl~ld\ll' of lJal'lJhanga, the Hight Hey. the Bi '!lop of Lahore, and H, W. Orange.
.\l\.l..'UAL REPORT. Durin!:! th' year II.R.ll. th ' Prin('e of '\'ales, :frand Prior, ann the ChapterGeneral of the Order of the lIu"l'ital ()f t\t. ,Tubn of Jelu"alcm in England, 011 the reCOlllllll!IHla tillll uf 11 i::. Exc '!lelle)" the CUlllmander-in-Ohief a.nd the Cen tral Comwittee of the Indian Brl'llldl lIf the !'::' .•J.•\.. .•\.. conferl'l:c1 the ilver medal I.ny<trded by th' Unll'l' fur cli"tin'~llJ"ht'tl act~ uf !.;allantry in ~a\"illg life on bnd, at imminent 1 l':;o11al ri~k, 011 Lieuten 'mt H. U. D~ltf, bt Batta.liun, l ·t P.rince uf ' Yales'· Own Gurkha Hi fie .... for g"i1.111111t l'OIHluct lhspla, 'tel by 111m at the tune of the Dhannsala l'urthqu:\kp (,n the ·jth Aplil J 180;;. AI:o on Xu. 13.1£1 Kut-D,uifa~lar . unnukh iJ1~h, 30th Lanc '1'''. in rccnglli tion of t he hel'OJ~Jl1. ht11lHU~lty, anel ticleh ty dl.']Jln.,recl b)~ him lind '1' ext'l'l'tioJ1[llly tryitl'" cin.! \lIl1~tancl.''', ~le hn\'J~lg nUl'ced tbr~e plague ~ -' tl'lcken comrades l);wk to lll'nlth. at gn'al pel'"umd n,.,k of IUlllself c~ntrt1.ctlllg t~le dls,ea::;e at a time wben he wa~ !1h~ ellt Oil duty, se\"l~I"lllllllltll'l:tb of Jlllle~ from lUt; reglmelltal lIL,ttc1-ql1l1rllJ':; :lntl abo rr~J!n IlH:di :al aid. The aho\~ Jlwdt~l·. were Ly .the, direction of u.n. 11. the Gl'l1utl 1'1'101', l'llll[PI'J'L"tl on the J'1.'''l'cct!\,e reclplents by Ills Excelleney thl Yic:el'uy, Ull the occa"ion uf the LCYl:e, at the Yicl'l'egal Lodge, Simla, on the ~-1th .;\la),. IDOi'. The fullu\\'in rr di"tinction: were COli felTed by ILIL n. the Prince of , !lml th e Chapter-l;l'nel'nl, Ull the rtCUUlllleU(latiun lIf tlJ'~ Central Committee, Indian Branch, \"iz. :-Dr. T 1<'re<1 ·riel;: Pl·:U·"l:'. lIun. :-;cc)'dary Ualcuttn Centre, enroll d a' lLullorary _\ "slIciate uf tht UrclL'r. ~[I'. lIenry \\Y emlull. c. IE., late .tgent U. I. .1'. Railw.ny, enrulkc1 '\S HUllom!',)' ~\. , "~(Jl:iale uf the Order. Dr. J. ::)tUltl'L Brooke. CIllef :'Iethcal OflieeJ', E.I. ]lail\\"ay. "dl:'<.:tptl as an Ilunol'l1),) Sen'ing Brother uf the Order, Dr. ])inHllltth n. T. Dandckar, award 'e1 the Vellulll Yote of Th:mks. Pru\illcialltll(l Local CentJ'Ps. -By the dirL·ction of IT .R the G0Y€l'l10r of ~l.tdms Urtpl:t,in Elwes, 1. :1[,:->. hi:;. l11'g~U11, has illen ill ?Ol'l'espoJl~leJlce with the lIoll .... teretn,!'y. A~:t re. ult, ir Arthur Ln.wley has proJln~L'cl on In ret.ul'l? to .1Ilac1ras, to see ,,'h,Lt can l)(l done tuwnJ'<l!:l rel'i\'ing Lhe work of Lhe A"SOt:HttlUll 1Il ~hdr;,l.s. ~t jll'l'sent the iI[:ulms 'cuLl" is in abeyallce, finel ha~ b ' on '0 for ~e\ernl year'. It IS uu(ler con~itlel'nlion tu furlll n 'uJ'therll Centre, wh1(;h would embrace
Em,pire of I nclici Repo?'l8.
St. J ohn A ?rl-bnlamce As ocicition,
Darjeeling, Himalayan Railway Sta~ions, and their respective area.s, and the Dooa~'sa~d Purnea, and, if de ired, all places III Northern Bengal ge?graplllcall.y . . Each Centre has been asked to report direct to St. John's Gate. A lIst of ProYlnClal and other I ndian Centre is appended to thi, report. . . l\atiye States.-At the General :'Ieeting of the Central Comnlltte~ held at dmla, on the 15th October, 1907, ;\11'. V. Gabriel, c.v.o., I.c.~., of the For~lgll:O~partll1ent, \"as elected a member of the Committee, he ha\ ing profe"sec1 Ins wlllmgness. to push the work among the X n.ti\'e States, and ha\ iug special facilities for so clomg and for intel'coul'"e wi th the ruling chiefs. RaihnlYs and \ ·olunteers.-Report of the :'Ieeting' held at .Tnbbulpore on the. 5th March, 1907, in connection "i th the Y olun teer and Raih"ay Challenge ' lnelds Competitions. The competing teams, examiner" repre,en tatiyes of the Yolunteer Corps and railway companies assembled in the Collet;e I1aIl at 11.30 a.m. . The examination ,,-as carried ont by Lieut.-Colonels A. E. illorns and II. P. G. Elkington, Captain L. L. G. Thorpe. Lieut. 8. L. Pallant, all of the RA.:'r.C. L ieut. -Colonel Lee' IIall, R.:~.lf.C., acted as :'Ioderator. . The 1'e nIts of the examination haying he en comlllunicated to him lly ~lL!ut. Colonel Hall, :'Iajor Lund announced them, and awarded the ~hields anc1 Pnllcs as follows: . Railway .-East Indian Railway.-\Yinners of the Shield . Points 1:37. po;;sl~)le 140. Awarded Rs. 7 J in prize" and sib-er badges of merit. 'I'll Great IndIan Peninsular Hailway.-Points 125. .Awarded Rs. 50 in prize, and hronze lxtc1ge;; of merit. The Oudh and Rohilkhancl Rail wtty-Puin ts 12~ . Awarded bro11ze 1Ja~lges of merit. The Rlljpubma-~Ialwl1 Railway were a, good fourth lI'ith Ul pomts. The Bombay-Darod[\, and Central India and Bengal-Xagpur Railways also enlered teams but \\'ere unable to end them at the last moment. Volunteel".-Calcutta Port Defence Yolunteers.-\Yinner. of the Yolullteer hield. Points 1:20. Possible 140. .A\\'arelec1 R '. ,.) in prizes, anel ;;ihel' bael"c. of merit. Bombay Yolunteer Rifle .-Points 111. A\I-arded R ·. ;")0 ill prizes, and bronze bado'es of merit. '1 he teams were all well trained and the contest "ery close, '" di ,iding the highe t amI lowest. . 13 point · only . A meetin cl' of railway and \"olunteel' reprc;;entatn'es was held. at ,,-lllch the resolutionspas ed~t the conference held at Juubulpore on the 26th ~Iar(;h, 1906 were read and re-adopted for the competition for 190 , with modification ' a folIo\\" :-1. Th~t a copy of resolution Xo. 6 of 1906 Conference be forwarded to the .Agents of allrallways, who are al. 0 informed that the Chief Medical Oflicer E. I. Railway! had r.eport~d to the Conference that all employee of his railway (E.I.R.) who obtallled hrst md certificates were granted R . ~5 from the compl1ny's funds, and that ambulance ~las es are still being held . 2. \Vith reference to resolution of 190:; anel 1900, lt wa resolved that all cases of saving life or li.mb by holder::; of the A :>ociation certificates should be reported in detail to the Honorary eeretary of the Centre concenH.:cl, for transmis ion to the Honorary Secretary, Central Committee, imla. 3. Thn.t the 1 ~08 competition for both . hields be held at J uLbulpore in March 190 ) on the fir'St Monday of the month if po sible. 4. Tha,t chere be one set of Examiner ' for hoth competitions. 5. That for the 1908 competition the tec'lms competing be encamped as near the site of the Examination Hall as possible, and that the Di'Stl'ict OfTIcenl of the G. I. P. Railway be asked to make neees. aryal'l'angements, for which one month's previous notice shall be given. 6. That in the 190 competition as in 1907, a more practical examination ce held, thl1t is, in tead of furni. 'hing thc teams wi th bandages and splints that such ::trticlc as are mentioned on page 3':; of the Asuciatioll nlallun.l, 1904 edition, be upplied by the respectil-c teams competing. All such articles to be at the disposal of any team. Plain triangular bandages only to bc supplicd by the Association . 7. It wa' recommended that the official report of the Indian ]3ral1ch for the years 1906 and 1907 should be sent to all railways n.ncl volunteer corp' for general information, Collieries.-This year instruction in first was given to four clns'Scs of the employees of the Umaria Colliery, C.I., by Assistant Surgeon B. K . B,tnerjee, I,.M .. ·., in medical charge of the colliery. On the 18th October the cla.sses were examined by Assistant 'urgeon Anthony, I. ,' . U.D., from JulJbulpore, whose servicc'S were kindly spared by the P .M.O . Jublmlpore and J11ans1 Brigades. Of 101 Illell who had attended the lectures, 75 presented themselves for exa.mination, n.nd 30 ol)tailled
cel'tificatcfl. As the majority of thc cxrtminees wcrc illiterate, thiH was, perllap", as "'ood a result as could he expected, al1el it i' imtisfactol'Y to know that a start has been made with colliery employees. The expenses of Lhe examination were borne by the 'entral 'ommittee. At a Meeting of the Central Committ e, Indian Branch, helel at ,'imla, the 15th October, 1907 1\Iajor K. 1\I. UamCl'Oll, R ..\..)f. C., was cleded to succeed LIeut.ColonelA. E. Tat~, R.,\.~r.C., whoi,.;le:1Vin~Inclia, in the post of Hon .• 'ecret:uy, 'entral Committec, Indian Branch. IJis address will l)l' Army Heac1-Quartc::r:>, Calcutta, from Decemher to 1Ial'cll, n,wl Simla, frolll .A pril to November.
Bengal .. nIySOl'C ...
PUllj lb Balnclli ind 1 ~lli tell :rizalll's
.. tlln
Pl'ovinct'.' : Latc
lIoll. ,_ceretal,),.
Hon. Secretary's Address.
W. O. ;mdy, K Il. 'cll'l. n. F. Stnllllage, L;.\!.s, .. Capt. (;. E. l' .., 1.;.\[,;;, RLI-. .T. • IIn \I \\' .• -. Hih :m],;o ll, Kil' 0. \\'. D. C'lp~.!.{. E~ (l' Lt.- '01..T. If D. Gillllette,
3"" Theatre Road, Calcutta IIalplllere, Bangalore. Pt\lljah 'Iuh, Lahore. Th e :.rall 'C, (Juetta. fi, Del,ot Linc, , Karachi. 20, ennlling Road. Allahal)all. l' 'llrgeOl1, IIyderahad, Deccan. Jhn!.{oon. 8hillollg.
0.1. E., I.\l.s.
Bmma . . As. alll '" Maelrns ... BOlll hay Pre. idcncy
1'. A. Churcl\\l'lllll. E q. P. 1\ . to 1. G. 0[' Cil'il Hospitals III alll'yallce
Lt. - '01. PUYIHlel', J.;.\1. s. ,1. :'[1 (~ 'l\'ill- ,']l~llce, g"l' H. E. Holland, E-'1'
J ahal]'\\\' ililb
G. Ltlltd, Esq.
:'a.. ocm
III titute Building, Bom La Y. 'Kagpul', '~ntra1 PrOyillco,:,. Jahali'ul·. Foreign Olllce.
BOMBAY . Parr il li ... ,
II i ' Excelll'llcy Lord Laillingtoll, (:.0.:-1.('., ,.c.I.F.., ,OYClllOl' of Dombay and lId EXC'l!ll eller La(l), Lllmillgtoll. l'I·(' ..,i (l c ut. :01101:11 .'1I
Archil,ald IItlllter,
IA n .'
11.s.U., Commanding the Force, Bond uy. ~1 (' Jllll e l ·
L ord J. 'o)'lhr'otc, ,.C. I.E., Lady • otllicnte, ,-ir .T.Ul1setjee LTijiLhai, Bart., DUlllOdcl 'folenlhallllnss, }]OI1.BOlll()lIjl D. Petit, Licut.-Col. Harwood,lLA.;.\[,C., Gcorgl' LllJllI, 811' Co\\":\sji ,Jehnn:;'ir, :'I. ~? Goculdass,.1'''. 1. . , radia'r C.I.E ..'. Jehancrir n. Petit, Yujbhukhandas _\tlJl~ln11U, 'olonel \\ . II. Ibddell, h .. esha\·JI\l~ Nailor 'rJ'ilJholalH1as 'nlhnbhai, GOl'lll'Clhunclas G. Tejpal, The .Agellt, f. 1. p, I ail~\'ay, J. D. l"ul'bes, Dr. IIari;;elmnc1n1. B. ~ 'aik D.llldekar, ~L "'. Moo,.;, :llt'clielll l'C a 0 ',
A. M. Bellson, )t.D., Dc Monle, :-l.lJ., Dt1llachallji, L.)f. & s., Major L. Childc, I.~l."., Lieut.-CuI. 'riI\lJ\lin, Y.C., C.I.E, 1.)1. .. . , l.ieut . -Col. Quicke, D . A. Tmk:ul, )[.n., Chocksey, L.~!. c· 1'., Lieut.-Col. Dillllllock, r.:-l. .. , .Arthur Powcll, r.I.Jl., 1\ . II. Dcalll', ;ll.ll., K. T. Kapadi.ll, 1..;11. &s., ~Iaj?\' A: tl'cct, L)l.., Miss Meakin, M.D., il' Bhalehandra. H. T. £lanman, ;11.11., halYl?'anmala, I .;If.~' .f'.. (Ahmc(lahn.d), D. n. anu.I'atty, F. n.r.s. (.\'hllll'~aLntl), ~) n. '~lk DallllC'kar, Captain n . A L. Howell, 1:,.\.;I[.U., Lteut. Toum, n..\ .~f.c., 1\1<1,Jor Jennings, I.:lr.:;., Lieut. olone! ,1. ~\.llderSCll, J.)l,,,. (Alllnedauutl)! R. D. Gazdm', L.11. &. ~., L iput.- 'olou·1 Danol'llIan, I.~I.>;., C. H. i1L.tlTalt, )f.n., ~1I~:> .~I. M ehta, .JI,li·s A. M . .JI,lchLa, 1..,\1. & s., A. D. JilIn, r.~r. & s.
t. John Am.bwance A sociation , A::-:lITU~l.L
The work of the Centre for the year emling 30th el)t,el~lber, 19.07 il.ldie,ale ~eady and good progre ; 471 males completed a COUl se of IllStJ uchol~ ,111 first aid, of 'whom 375 obtallled certificate anLl 54 female of whom 3 'lnahhcd. III home nul' ina out of 33 males 20 qualified. In home hygiene ont of 37 mal~ 15 'lualifie~. 15 males qualified for medalliou·. Fir t aid instrnction has been 111 tl'o(.lu~ed III "ir J am3etJl J ij ibhai's Par i Beneyolellt Institution. Two clase~ consl~tl1lg of 6 students were ol'ganiseu by :')Iessl' . D. H. Marker and ~. F. ~ Llllt~~kl .. Hon. OIa s 'ecretarie , and conducted by Drs. Dandekar and KapadIa. 'Ihe. I ~·l1lclpal. of the Tutorial Hiah "chool has also kindly consented to iutroduce first aId Ulstrucbon in the hiaher cl~sses of his school. A movement has been made to illtrocluce first aid instl'~ction in ome of ihe mill whcre accidents are comlllon . Thc ecretary of ir D. 111. Petit's mills has shown his desire to organi e a cIa s for his mill elll pl?y~es . From the report circulated by the ecr~tary of th~ 13~mbay 1.lill,owner.' ~sSoClat~on it eem that the secretarie of many mIlls here \\'111 llltroduce ill'st aid 111 tructJon in their mills. First aid clas e ,,'ere held at the premi es of the Y."\Y.O . .A . and Y.n1.O . .A. early in January, 1907. il[e~sr. D . .,. . .Marker anu D: F . Pant~aki, Hon. Olass ecretaries, "ith the sanction of the Oentral ExecutH'e COlllllllltee, L ondon ha"e undertaken to make Guzerati hall lations of the follo\ying cal'll and rapers :~Dr. Darn-in's "Fir t Aill Oarel"; Snrgeon-illajor 11epherd' "Aide "nIemoire Oard" ; Dr. Hey' "Poison Card" ; Dr. Mackiulay's " Fire Card"; " pecimen Examination Paper";" III all Anatomical Diagram PapCl:-" Th.e al!llllUl competitions for the Ohallenge hields presented by H .R.II. the Pl'1nc.e.o[ \\ ales , Granel Prior of the Order, and the Ohapter-General for annual compehtlOll amollg volunteer corps and raihray employee in I ndia \\'a held at Jubblepore on the 5th ::\larch last. There \vere present :-:Jlajor G. Lund, Y.D., D.Y.H., representing Oolonel Tate, R. A.)1. c., 'ecretary Central ComJllittee for India; the examiner, Lt. -Colonels A . E. Morris and H. P. G. Elkington, Oapt . L. L. Thorpe, Lt. '. L Pa1lallt, with Lt. 001. Lees Hall as :Jloderator. The Yolunteer bielcl was won by the Calcutta Port Defence "olunteer and that for railways by employees of the Ea:.t Illclian Rail way by 127 and 120' points respecti \'Cly. 'I he annual cou1peti tion. for tbe Police Shield, presented by :J1l'. George Lund, Hon. ecretary, Bom uay Pre ldellcy Ceutre, for annual competition among t the Bombay. Oity Police, was l~eld. at the heau police office on the 13th ::\larch last. The exammers \\'ere: Lt. J. Falrball'Jl, H.A.)l.C . , and Dr. A. H . Deane, C.)1.G., B.B. & 0 .1. Railway. The hield was \\'on by the" L" Division team by 40 points. The following case of first aiu remlerec1 uy a police officer is worthy of record: I ub-In~pector Finan, of" A" Diviion, "'a (;all~d to an accident at a printillg press in the Fort. Ou alTi\'~l he found that a machine-man llad his forearm broken in b,o places and the mam artery severed. He promptly extemporised a tourniquet and splints out of new papers sub equently remo\'illg the patient to the nearest hospital ",h(;le he is now uoing well. The man undoubtedly owes his life to the prompt measmes taken by 1.11'. Finan. Qualiiied memuers of tho I't. John Aw bulance Association attended duty at the Agakhan Hockey TonnHllnellt, CyeliD cr and :llud I ports, and ~lotor Carnival. The cases treated numuered 17. Dnring the Agakhan Hockey Tournament lteld ill Bombay on the Marine Lines ~laiuan from the 8th to 25th 11ay, 1907, two sCIuads of the quu.lifiecl memuel's of tlte t. John Ambulance Association attended Juty daily "itll first aid appliancc and a "'heeled ambulance . ix cases were attended to out of which tlnee were somewhat serious. Dmillg the Rugby al1rl Rovers Footuall Tournanlent , held in BOllluay on the Oooperage ~Iaic1an from the 24th August to 26th Septelllucr, 1907, some linalified menlbers of the As 'ociation attended duty daily with first aid ('(luipll1C'llt. In all, ten cases were attended to . At the pl'cselltation of medallions alJd certificate of the St. John Ambulance Association, held on 7th July, 1907, at tlle premises of the Fort awl Proprietary High 'choob, Elphimtolle Oircle, Mr. George LUlld, Hon. Secretary of the Presidency Oentre, plesideu. Arter pre enting the medallions anu certificates, in addressing the gatherillg, he said :-" Frol11 the report just placeu " lJefore you by 1\11'. D. N . :J1arker, you will have seen the progress dOlle 1)), this "Oentre. I congratulate those memuers who have to-day received their medallions " anel certificates. This shows what interest ih e young people in amlll11allCe "work. The instruction they ha"e unuergone will Le uf great use ill their daily "lIfe. I hope those who have qualified for flrst aid certiJicates will perscvere in
189 theirstu(ly, go u p again for re-exall~illation in a year's ~ill1e, all(\~:·ell~.l~ally.qualify: for llledallions. It is very pleaslllg to note thaL 11' Jal~1se"JI JIJlbhal.' Parsl Benevolent Institution, and the Tntorial High. chool have Jntro~uced tIns very useful in:trnction, anrl I hope other ehools .mll also follo.w thcI~ ~xample. In conclusion I accord Illy best thank t~ Dr. pll1;tnflllt. Balknshna aile Da?-dekal', " L . :lI. & :;.J.l'., anu Dr. Fr'l,l1lroze ~a\\ToJl h . apaclla, .L.~r. & .. , who \ntl~ the "assistance uf 11e'sl' . D. N. ;'Iarker and D. F. PanthakI, HOll. Olass Orgamzers, " ha ve continueel to impart in"lruction in schools and general cIa. ses helrlnnder the "auspice.' of this Centre. ,. Dming t!lC year fil'&t aill cIa 'se' \l'er~ al: 0 helu at Poolla, Pachmarlti, ,.\jmer, l'anchgalll, Oorgau 111 , anel Dliarwal' distrIcts of the Bombay Pre .. idency. " " " " "
of ACCollnts RIJCI
1 t OdobCi', 1906, to 30tlt Septembci', 1907.
E ,''jiIJlldilZl(C.
U:. n. p.
Rs. a. p. By hillting . . 127 0 0 To B,llance at hegilllling of 512 3 10 " Postagl'all 1 Petty Charges 231 0 year . . Don '. aud u h Cl il,tillll 13% 15 ~ , , ~Ie(li cul , tores and Ex" pellse" ill eOllllccLion \\ itlJ TO\l\'l1alllcllt and "- 2 o . ·port. 4'JI 1113 9 o " Balall ee ill l,ank I
Total H .1909
(,EllUl.}; Ll ' . -lI. i lol!. :'LC:1'Ct(f I'Y 1l//(7 1','/ {(,<II/·lI·. H.::'1. ~llLl:_ - I.:ml.!J, Bri Nd. -(J ell., Trice -I'(e ~ iden l.
BURMA. )· I·C ..,ill(' u ' .
J'" t 1'OIl.
Tllc lIoll. :'"ir Tltilkcll Whitl', K.C.I.E. TI' ('a ",UI' ('1'
P. A.
JlOll Ol' :H',)
1'0 (' ('1'<'1 :l1 ·~.
'lillrchwal'll, lhllk of Haugooll.
Thl' Dight HI',' .•\. 1.1. Knight, D.D., Bi.'Ilol' or Rangoon. L i f (' Jlc llI \)cr. The llOll .• 11 H erb 1 t Thirl~~lL "\Yhite, K.
'.r. E.C.~.
..\X~Ll.L REPQl:T. lIn\'c becn hell nt the 'y.~1.0 .. \., .-'t. .Tolm's Colll'g', and the Dun'erill
SHILLO NG. )·I·(' ",illt' Ut.
Tlte III 'l'ector-(;ellel'all f 'inl IJo"llllais, Ktstellt 13(;llgal anll ~lajor
lin II OI':\1'~
D. It. Gl'e
1'.' .
:0. (' ('J'd a 11, )1.1)., 1.)1." .. Cnil
'Ul'geull, ..'hillollg.
~L'~ 'CAL REPO! T. During the ye~l.l' llJuler I'CPOlt :379 per::,o11' ill Ea'lent Bellgal, Illuiuly ll~' I nspectors allti COllslalde, of Pulice, atLundeLl the cia' Y> and :!Ij~ co~npletl.!tl thcl!' COlli' 'C of ill, trlll'tioll. of WhOill 1£)9 pa.ssell ihe rl'11Ulsitc exammat.loll ancl were gra.uLl;;d celtiliL'ates. The cOlll[lamti\"cly slllal~ llulll.lie!' \Yh~ P,a' 'eu I~ dne to meu beiu" trallsfclTell 01' elllplo 'ctl on lll'''ent lllltlCs belol' then IntrllctlOll was comp lel~l. In three of tile A ·s:tlll ,l(lricts 5' pel'solls attended the clas c held. L ectures were givell Ly tile .:'.it.:llieal Oilicl:l':; of the A.·salll Yalley allli til? nr~na Vallcy Light H orsl' a", Oppol'tuuitil!s occulTed, allli the melllbers were llpphed \nth bantlagcs, plil! ts, eLl'.
Oolonial H fpor t.'.
St. J ohn ATrdnilanc:e A sociution,
Straits Settlements,
it' John All'~erson,
His Excellency
I'I'C,.. itlcut .
]'l'c"iel cllt.
His Excellency Major General T. Penott,
C. D.,
Commanding Troops '.S .
Excellency thc Gorcmol', Gelleral
HOll. Secrctary mul Tl·cnSUl·Cl'.
Rev. P.
( ' Ita il·U1:I1I.
Hunter, Tanglin, Singapore, His
lJcelical Staff.
Lt.-Col. Johnson, )1.D., D . C., •. )1.0., C. B., H . .l.)1. C., Major ,Yillialll, Pilcher, and McCarthy, Calltain H. Hewets01J, Lieutellants J. D. HalTey and C. J. Wyatt, lLA.:M. C. , D. J. Gallo\\ay, )1.D., c.)1., )1.11.C.P., Edin., D. A. YOUllg, )I.D., 1l.1'.I1 . , illore, :M.D., F. B. Croucher, :U.D., G. W. Park, :M.D.,.J. -'tUal t Ros, )I.V., J. Kirk,
A"XKC"AL REPORT. During thd year fifteencoul' es of lecturei> haye been giYen, attelllietl by 215 calJdidates who completed the cour es; 163 certificate Itaye been obtailled, of which] "'ere for hygiene, and 25 for military sauitation; 6 haye ~ailIed llledallions, all~ 2 labels. The hououl of presenting the fir t Latch of candidates in Militar' anitation came to this Oentre. heen illterest is takcn in the AS::lociation ,,-ork by tile office bearers and the public as sho\\'n by the cl'ec1ital)le llUlll bl.'r of lectUl'es aml certificates earned for the year. I II reply to, \\T ar Office letter 75 holders of certificates ha,e pledg~d them elves to \York as auxiliaries to tile R.A.M.C. staff in the event of war in these parts. I
~('(' l'
ct. By Class fees, ale of Books, and Badges " Deuit balance .
To Text Dook alld FCl-s to Head Office aed I ncidental Expen e 246
ct. ;-0
'cllOole ..
TJ'clI IIl·Ct' .
H. A. L. Howcll, Il.A.)[' W. TUl'llcr, Coloninl Hospital.
C. li. Moore,
:Majur O. L. RolJin.:oll,
) I celicnl ~Ja.ior
Three cla 'ses hllYC been hcld this year; one by the killdnes of H. E. the GOI'Cl'llOr, lla.· heen heltl for la lics or the Garrison in till' ball-room of the Convcnt, and one for gentlemen in the lrrand Jury Room of the High COlll't of Justice. )lore clus e it i cOllf1tlcntly expected, "illl)e lie]ll next season. .' tI
men{ oj
B"l_, '.
E,ljiCndit I((e.
A. H. CJlAXCELL01L P. N. Ht'_-TEn, Hail. Sec. awl
Rey. A. 13. ,'a 'keLt, Epworth lIou.e, Gihl'1lltlll'.
tatement 0/ Receipts and E :J..PCilditw·t',
Il OIlO l
ir F. W. E. F. Forestiel Walker,
G. C.)[, G., K. c. D.
To ]hl:llICl', 1 [lOG. .,33 • nh ., Ladic Ola':" , ~!) Books, etc. " lllis(:riptioll' , ~li 'nL"'J ~rcl1dJ ers' Class
£2 "'i 8;j 2 10
3 0 9
0 5 5 10
0 6
and Expc,ulit I/J·e. Ex})cndillli·c.
B, "
liL'ad (Jual'ler , Ball (lage . aIHl Book:, J' C,ll'riage 011 auon "I)ostnrre )) Examiner' fee " Hood for Lit tel' " Balance Creclit C.
£6 16
002 330
Ti·CClSlll'C)· .
II. R. A. B.
PIPfL- •. CIloor E",
r cc-P,'esidmt.
lioll S..,UClCliY. '. Il. )luu1:£, )laj ol, JIo,. T,·casw·C)'. ",,\CK1LT,
llillz Ocl GlJC I' , 1807.
Sir Frederick J. lJ. Lugard,
I{'C . )I.G.
HOll. F . H. May,
Tl'ca<;Ul'cl' allel nOll. SCCl'(' fnl ·Y.
Rev. F. T. Johnson,
)l.A., '
t. Jo1m's Cathedral, lIong KOllg.
:Ucdlcal Stall',
Hon. J. M. Atkinson, :M.B., P.G.)I.o., F. W. Clark, )1.D., D.T. U., C. Forsyth, )l.B . , B.crr. , F . U . C. •·., Edin., ,Yo Y. ::'1. Roch, :)1.D., )I.Cll., F. O. Stedtllan, )I.D., B .•. ,
)1. R . C.S. , L. S. A.
A?\NUAL REPORT, .Four classes have been held during the yeal, viz., three for instruction ill fir. t aId (two for women and olle for mel~), and one for women in home llUl'sillg. TlliJ'tCCll men alld seven women have receIved first aid certificates and six womell 11a, e received medallions, By the departure of H.E. Sir lIlatt{lew Nathan the Ocntle has ~ost a ",.arm sUl'porter and friend, but we are glad to kllow that 1lis place as PresIdent of the H Ollg Kong Centre has been taken by our present Govel'lJol' H.E. Sir Frederick Lugard. '
TORONTO. • "l'e.,ieicilt.
Lt. ,Col. Jamc'
Houul'ary Tre;\ . IIl'CI' .
~la:;ol1 .
Cllark: A. lIollgett ·,
1I0UHl'a 1')'
Charles J. CO]lP,
i"ecl'et :Il'~
%, ,Yelle ley
l('elical :statr.
Oharlcs J. 001'1', )I.D., Ro\\'enn. co. D. Ilul11e, )I.D . , Frctlclick Fcntoll, ~I.D., 'V. {. Greig, 1l.D., II'rederick W. Mado\l',, E. Stanley l{ycr Oll, )l.D., E. pragge, ;U.D.
St. J ohn. A 1Y&b ulwll ce A sociatio1L
Receipts and Payment$ jo}' the year ending 30th Scptem bu, 190 7.
Receipts. Balance on hand, 1st October,
50 00
CIa s Fees, 7 classes . T oronto Police Department, three Clas es and tores. Stores . Medallions
30 80
Payments. Hend Ofticetores . £5 7 Exa 111 i nation Expen es 5 5 1 1 111 ed a lli 0 n s
$ 1
0 0
£11 13 1 Examill:1tion Fecs Postage anll COlllllli. sion on P . O. Order. . Balallce, 30th epte1ll1Jer, 1907
76 00
10 20
Audited and. f0l111'1 correct. II. D. Lonw.\.nT GOllDOX. F.e.A. ( 'an . ). TO?'onto, N ovcmbe1' 7th, 1907 .
l~ r c~ i (l<' lIt .
His Britannic
~Iajesty's Al1lha~ltdor
(;ha it·mall.
IV. Douglas Hogg,
n l' I)llj)
· C1Jail·m:Ht.
H Ollorary SC(,l'ctary .
Harol(l C. ~Iamlock, )[. ll. ~O, r:l1e Lesuer, Pari~ .
i\LA., LL . D.
] [ Nlical S t aff. ~LlJ., E. L. Gl'o;:;, )[.n., ·W. Douglas
e: J . Bull,C. G. Jarns, E. J?npuy, M.D·',E.POl!ty. H oog, C,. G. h.Lelllg, )r.~.,
:Jlarncheau de Uhanaud, ~l.lJ., H . C. M au:lock, )1.D . , A. J. fiIagnm, )f.D., J. A. ~Jr.rcier, ~r.D., I. Faure Miller, M.n., L. N. Robmson, M .D ., A. A. . , V:1nlen, )J.D., C. O. WhitnU1l1, )I.D. M . D.,
Geurge Ii'. ALlee.
M.D., F.e.S.
Trc a s ur c}'.
J . T. B. ewell,
Centre now Leillg re·orf!ani~f'd.
uperior Ollkers of the Brigade appointed hy II.R.H . the Granu Prior , . taff of the Districts
Chief Commi sioner's R eport
Deputy Oommissioners' Reports:No . I.
.. ,
TO. II. D istrict
o. III. District :ro o I V. District
O. V. Di. trict
No. VI. District;
N o. VI I. D i8trict
422 44.:1
Colonial Br anch es 0
St. J ohn .A muulc!J?lce B rigade.
SVpe?'IOT Officers.
of tbe lJ3rigabe
MR. VV. II. MORGAN. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. March ID03. ,Ipecial 'orvices, November, 1907. MR. L. WUITTAKER, HOJ1. Serving Brother of the 01'(1('1' of tllo Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem ill Ellgla.lHl. March, 1905.
:Bppotnteb b}] 1J).1R ..rr). tbe (Pranb ]prtor. Cbief <!Ollllllissioner.
PECTOR GE ERAL B. NINNIS, M.D., R. . Kni aM of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. '" May, 1903.
<!Ollllllissioner for SpeCial Sen,ices. OOLONEL O. \V. B. DOWDLER, C.B. Knight of Justice of the Order of the IIospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England.
i\lR. EDMUND O -W EI , LL.D., F.R.O.S., Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of, t . John of Jerusalem in England. May, 1905.
'erving Brother of tho Onler of the IIospital of St. Jolm of J erusalem in England. Novemuer, 1907. Mn. 11. I.- EWL', Donat of the Order of the Hospital of, 't. John of Jerusalem in England . February. 1908.
JDepu t}2 COllllll issioners.
COlllllllssloncr. Lane.
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalcm in England . .August, 1 9;;. .l\lR. • '. C. WAHDELL, Knight of Grace of the Order of the IIospital of , t. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1895. SURGEOX-COLONEL G. ,'. ELLISTON, V .D. , ]\1.R. 1 ••• Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of , t. John of Jernsalem in Englalld. August. 1896. ]\IR. J. ,'. GRIFFITHS, M.RO .. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of 't. John of Jerusalem in England. Decemher, 1903. SURGEON-LmUT.-COL. F. ",V. GIBBON, YD., L.R.O.P. Knight of Grace of the Oruer of the Hospital of St . John of Jerusalem in England. Dccember, 1904. SURGEOX-OOLONEL E. OURETON, V.D., l\l.D., J.P .• Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. J Ohll of J ernsalelll in England. February, 1906. OOLONEL LEES H"\LL, Knight of Grace of tLe Ord er of the Hospital of St. John of Jcrusalem ill England. July, 1907.
:Bssista n t <!Ollllll fssto ners. MR. J. O. DERHAM. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the IIospital of St. John of J el'usalem in En gland . A lJl'il , 1896. iR. T. H. \VO OLSTO . E squire of the Order of the H ospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Endland. N ovcmhcl', 1896. MR. F. D. MACKE ' zm. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusalem in England. Augnst, 1897. l\IR. S. MALKIN. Knight of Grace of the Order of the IIospital of St. John of J erusalem in England. April, 1898. SURGEON-MAJOR O. R. LAURIE, M.R.C.S. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusalem in E ngland. D eeemuer, 1899.
MR. J. \\T. \YIIITE, A.I.B., IIon.
.Mebica[ Glfftcer tn <!bier.
O.M.G., V.D., L.R.O.P., 5th R.G.A. (Vols.) J.P.
Kllight of Grace of tho Order of tbe H ospital of 'to John of Jerusalem in England. July, 1907.
May, 1903.
MAJOR O. L. ~ 1 LLI:-'S, ~l.A., M.D., A.A. 1.C. Knight of Crnec of lhe Orc1cr of the Hospital of ,'t. John of Jerusalem in EnglauII. April, 1901.
fJDctllca( Officer III Cbtcf.
~lAJon A. E. PLltI[:\" ~1. ., M.D., D., ',0. erving lirothel' of tho 01' I( I of the Ho-pital of t. John of Jerusalem in Ellglall'l. IT o\'clllhcr, HlO:2.
JDCPllt}? COl1lmiSSlOner.
~lH. T. ,'. DIXSO:~, 1\1. B. HOIl. ,'crving Brolher of the Order of tllC Hospital of, t. John of Jeru nlem in Englalld. No\'cllJber, IDO:2.
IDcpu t)? COIll111ISSI0ner.
~lAJ Olt
V.U ., N.Z.V.
IIon. Associate of the Order oj' the Hop_itill of ,'t . John of Jerusalem in England. N o\'olJllJer, 1907.
Orange River Colony District. ::tlssis tn n t Co III 111 issloncr. O. T. HQ Ii \ItT, M.D., H..A.M.
AI'TAIN 1. (Vo1.). Donat of the Ordcr of thl' Hospital of , t. John of Jeru,'alem in England. 1<\ lJlllaJ'Y, 180 .
Cape Colony District. :tlssistflnt C0111lllisslOner. IT OIl.
J UOH ,T. A. LIIm;\IANN. Serving Brother of the O]'(lu' of the lIosl'ital of ,'t. John of Jorusalem in Ellgln 11<1. Sel'lclIl UCI', 1905.
Transvaal District. EL T . •'. 1 AUROTT,
OOLO H on. Associate of thc Onlel' of' Llle H ospital of' 't. John of Jcrusalem in England . T OYCII ilJer, 1907.
St. J ohn A 1nbulctnce B1'igade.
Stall of Districts.
Staff of IDistricts & (toroniar :fJ3rancbes.
No. IV. District-Comprising the counties of Cheshire Cumberland L ancashire, \Vestmoreland, the Isle of Man, and Ireland. ' , .T.o~al: 10 Oorps (consisting of 30. Ambulance and 14 Nursing DlvlSlons), 65 ~mbL11ance and 34. Nursmg Divisions, 3117 Officers and Men, 882 N ursLDg Officers and Slsters.
B R I GADE DISTRI CTS OF ENGLAND AND VVALES. No. I. Dist rict . -Oomprising the Metropolitan Police area (parts of Essex, Kent, Middlesex, and 'urrey). Total: One Corps, with 40 Divisions and 11 Nursing Divisions. 1307 Officers and Men, 166 Nursing Officers and Sisters. Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Dist?·ict. COLONEL LEES HALL, 2, outhwell Gardens, outh Kensington, .'V. District Chief Surgeon MR. J. CANTLIE, F.RC.S. Assistant Commissione-r' MR. F. D. 1\1 ACKENZIE.
Assistant Commissione?' and District Chief Superintendent (Acting) Jv1R. ,"V. H. 1\IORGAN. District S~tpt. Secretary MR. 'V. J. H. Po TIN. District Superintendent of Stores MR. S. B. PIERS. Dist?'ict Superintendent T?'eclsurer MR. W. H. 'VINNY. No . II. Distri c t.-Compri ing the counties of Berks, Bucks, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucester, Hants, H er ts, Kent, part of M iddlesex, Oxford, Somerset, Surrer, Sussex, 'Vilt, the Channel I slands, and Isle of 'Yight. Total: 6 Corps (consisting of:64: Ambulance and 3 ~ ursing Diyisions), 43 Ambulance and 9 Nursing Divisions, :212 Officers and 1\1en 185 Nursing Officers and SistRrs. '
Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Dist?·ict. MR. J. S. GRIFFITHS, M.R.C . . , R ed land Park House, Bristol. SURGEO T_ f~JOR C. R. LA RIE,
A ssistant Commissioners -
1. R C. S.
{ MR. C. COTTO ,F.RC.P. MR. F. SPRAW.·O . MR. 'V. J. PUILLIPS. MR. E. STREET, F.f '.A., J.P.
Dist?'ict Chief Superintendent District Superintendent Sec?'etary District S~tperintendent of Stores No. III. Dist rict . -Comprising the counties of Bedford, Cambridge Essex, Huntingdon, Leicester, Norfolk, Northampton, Rutland Suffolk' vVarwick, and 'Vorcester. ' , . ~o.tal: 7 Corps (consisting of 56 Ambulance and 11 Nursing DIVISIons), and 20 Ambulance Divisions, 19~9 Officers and Men, 275 Nursing Officers and Sisters. Dep~dy
Commissioner in Cha?'ge of District. SURGEON-COL. G. S. ELLISTON, V.D., M.R.O.S., St. Edmund's, Felixstowe. District Chief SU?'geon MR. 'V. E. AUDLAND, M.R.C.S. Al5sistant Commissioner MR. T. H. WOOLSTON. District Chief 8~pe'i'intendent SURG.-CAPTAIN F. A. BROOKS, M.D. District Superintendent SeC?·etary SURG.-CAPTAIN W. A. GIBB, M.D., R.A.M.C., (Vol.) Superintendent Treasure?' CAPT AIN H UGRES.
Deputy Commissione'J' in Charge of Dist1·ict. COL. C. J. TRIMBLE, C.M.G., V.D., L.R.C.P., J.P. Bamber Bridge, near Preston. District Chief S~t?'geon OAPT. E. B. POOLEY, L.RC.P.
A ssistant Commissioners
District Chief SuperintencZent District Superintendent 'ecretary D~stl'~ct S~tper~llttlldCllt Treasurer Dlsinct I upe7'/lltendent of 'tores -
MR. \V .• '. \YOODCOCK. Ill. F. DE B.-PI I, L.R.C.P. IR. A. Y. DAVIE, 1\1.B. ( .10.07).
N<? V. D is~ri~t.-Comprising. the counties of Derbyshire, Lincoln, N ottlllgham, • tafIord. a.nd ~ Ol'~Shlre (West Riding). . .~otal: 11 Corps (consl Lll1g of 51 Ambulance and 12 "i{ursing DlvlslOns), 45 Ambulance and 9 1 ursing Divisions, 3008 Officers and len, 459 Nursing Officers and. 'isters. Dep1lty Commissioner in ChaJ1'ge of District. '. \\ ARDELL, Doe IIill House near Alfreton fljis/riel Chief U1'[Jeon • URGEO rlJon 'VEST- n~Es, l.D. ./. sisiant Commissioner IR. • '. \Y. IALKIl. District Chief IIjJalntendent 1\In. IT. '. ELSE. iJistrict SUjJerintendent 'ecrelary Ill. P. RA.TCLIFF. D~stJ'~ct S~lper~nte?lclent of 'tores 1\1R. F .• '. LAMBERT, 1\1 R.C.S. Dlsinei Supe),lIItendent Tl'eaw1'er In. C. 'Y. EA~lE', I.D. 1\lr. •.
No. VI.
D i~trict.. -
ompl'i ing the counties of Durham, Northumberland, and 1: o1'ksh1re (East and North RitlinO's). Total: 2 orps (consi ling of Ambulance ~)d 3 XursillO' Divisions) 21 Ambulance and 4 NursinO' Divisions 92 ' Officer~ and len', T • " , 181 urslllg Officers and Sisters.
Depllty Commissioner in Charge of DistJ'ict. 'URGEO T-LmuT.- t OL. F. \V. GmBO , V.D., L.RC.P., J.P. .. 12, 'ydenhulll Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne. D~stJ'l.ct C!L:ej S1Il'ge~n fR. J. R REA E, F.RC.S., Edin . D:stJ'~ct Owl S~lpei'llllenclellt In. A. H. JOHN TO T, 1\I.R. C. . Dlstnct I upenntellclent ecre/a)'y MAJOR C. J. • UTRERLAND,
V.D. ~f.D . Superi.ntendent of to res In. C. B. PALMER, J. P. Dzstnct Sltpenntendcnt Treasurer l\1R. J. G. i\lODLI , 1.D. No. VII. Dis trict. - ompri ing the counties of Brecknockshire D~stJ'~ct
Carnarvonshire, Den biO'hshil'CI, lamorgansbire, IIerefordshire, Mon~ mouthsh ire and Shropshire. Total: 10 Oorps (consi. t~n.g of 39 Ambulance and. 4 J ursing Divisions), and 14 Ambulance DIV ISlOl1S 144 Officers and 1\1en 55 NursinO' , b Officers and S i s t e r s . '
Deputy COln7ni::;::;ioner ,in Charge of District. SURGEON OOL. E. CURETO , V.D., M.D., Tl'eherne, • hrewsbury.
St, J ohn A ?n b'/,~lance B fl'igo.;de,
Assistant Com,missioner MR. J, ,V. ' VHITE. Acting Assdant Commissioner l\l R. H . LEWIS (Febr uary 1908). District Chief Slwgeon UIw .-LIEUT.-OOL, J . D. LLOYD, Acting Dist1'ict S~lrJ?t. T1'eaBUl'er MR. , y , J ESSEl\IAN. COLONIAL BRANCHES. Commissioner for Special Services, OOL. 0, , y , B. BOWDLER, O.B. Assistant Commissione1' for 'pecial Services. l\I R.
' Y.
Commonwealth of Australia. CommissioneT.-MAJOR G. L. MULLINS, l\I.A., l\I.D., A. A. 1\J.U. 183, L iverpool Street, Hyde Park, Sydney, N. '. ' Y.
Medical OtJicerin Chiej. - l\IAJOR A. E. PERKI s, M .A. , l\I.D ., D . '.0. New South Wales District. Deputy Commissioner in Clwrge of District. MR. T. S . DIXSON, M .B., 2 7, Elizabeth Street Sydney.
Dist1'ict Chief Supe1'intendent MAJOR F . 1\1. l\IARTI~, B. A" L . R C .P. Dist1'ict Superintendent Secreta1'y MR. B. R. RAIN",FORD. District Superintendent T1'easurer MR. H. D. ' YALSH. Dominion of New Zealand. Deputy Commissioner in Charge. l\IAJOR G . B ARCLAY, V .D., N.Z.V., 30 , Clifton Road, Ponsonby, Auckland, .Z. District Chief SU1'geon SUIw.-MAJOIt J. O. CLOSS. District Chief Supt. (Auckland) l\lR. O. J. TUI KS. District Chief Supt. (fJ7ellington) MR. H. H. 'EI!:D. District Chief Supt. (CIL1'istch~tr'ch) MR. A. S. L I DSAY. District Superintendent Secretary l\IR . J. E. BON E. District Superintendent of Sto1'es MR. H. THOMAS. District Superintendent Treasurer l\1R. H . HEP'YORTII.
South Africa. . Orange River Colony District. Ass~stant Commissioner in Charge of District. . CAPT. C. T. URQUHART, l\l.D., R.A. l\I .C. (Vol.), . .Pubh,c Healt~ O ffices , Government Buildings, Bloemfontein D~stnct Clnef Supenntendent L IEUT. AND QUARTER MASTER, '" H. SPACKMAN, RA.M.O . DLstnct Supertntendent Secretary MR. \V. E. U DEl~\VOOD.
. Cape Colony District. AssLstant Commissioner in charge of District.
, . M~JOR J. A. LIEBMANN, P .O. Box 1113, Cape TO'rVll. D~st't'~ct Ch~ef Sl£1'ge~n MR. O. F . K. MURRAY, M.D, D~st1'~ct Clmf ~1£penntendent MAJOR G. MEHRITT, H.A.M.C. D~stnct Supermtendent Sec1·etcwy MR. 'vV-. T, , VOOLLEY.
Transvaal District. Assistant Commissioner in Oha?'ge of District. LIEUT.-C OLONEL T . S. PARROTT, V.D., , , t ' 159, S tock Exchange B uildings, J ohannesbur g. DLstnct OhMj Su?'geon SIR KENDAL FRANKS M D Dist?'ict Chief Superintendent MR. vV. H. Hoy. ,.. District &£perintenden t Secretary 1\I H. C. F. \V. BURBURY .
Report of the Chief Commi88ioner of the St. donn Ambulance Brigade for the year 1906-1907. BRIGADE HEAD-QUARTER, ~ 'T. JOliN'S GATE,
'eptembe1', 1907.
TIlE ~\..llnual Report of the ~'L. ,John Amhl1lance Brigade covering the period bctween Uctober lst, 1906, and ~ 'cptemher 30, 1907, shows a fallil1g orr in the llUlllb r of recruit., hut the total number of enrolled mcmbel" gi,·c::; a neL illCl' >a 'e of 331 or r last year's retul'lL. The gro ' s incrcase, or in other worlh> the number of new members, is 1,0 7, lJut the wastage ha, heen vcr,)' large, much in exce:'::; of former years:1. From ,\'ant of work and eOllscfl'-lCllt lo:s of income. 2. ::'I[igl'atioll in carch of employment. (The ' c t,ro cau 'es 1i1,:>\\'i:e intelfere matel'ially ",ith recruiting). :3. \ \' astage from dcath, illncss, utHl retirement. 1. The eliminution of :neh Di risions as hall fur some time pa t been ill a mUrll 01' 1 :,s morihund C01Hlition. 'ome of the ' e may, however, when timc ' arc bettcr b> l'l!·u ' eitall1. Thc iolluwill(.! La l)lc sho\\- ' tIle lHllll l)er of nnits formed ill each Di -. trid dming the period indullell in this Hcpol't j the total number of unit': in th, Dl'iga(l> wi Lit th' llllluber of member' enrollell, comparing them 'ritIt tho:e of the pl'c\'ious P 'port j anlllikc,"i:-;e the percentage in all ca,. c -· uf inel' or (lccl'cu"C : Tol(/ l
1\" I/) Cnit'
funncd, YC(//'.
100li 190T 1901; 1907 180(j 190, 1901j H)OT 1£10& 1907 HIOG 1907 1906 1£)07 100li H)07
" II.
,. III. " IY.
" V. " -VI.
., YII.
UllitS in ubt!yCtnce 0/'
d i~b(tndcd.
Sl 51 T 70 9 .7 111 1-13 107 117 30 3li 51 57 ;-'17 570
13 · 0 HT3 23 :] 2:31:3 2409 220 ~ 4015
Decrease IncrCctst!. in in Membership. lIfembti1' 'hip. 93 (-lA6 p. c.) 70 (2'93 p,c,) 205 ( '50 p.c,) c!6 (1 '13 p,c.)
3990 :33':;0 3167
117 (3'-19 p.c.)
1109 12\):2 1::J03
15T17 1uOli
251 (29 ':25 p. c.) 211 (16'33 p.c.) Total increa e in 1£107 equals 351 (2':23 p.c,)
Two amps of In tl'ueLion w're helll, one at 'toneleigh Deer Purk, I~()rd Lcirrh kindly allowill(l' Lh members of X o. 3 Di trict to form n. amp th~'c, 5 j 7 oUicer::; a~d lllell attellllcll. In adL~it~on ~o the. u~ ~wl rouLitw of Camp life amlin .LrucLion, 1 cLur and trullllng III amtatlOll as applicll to Fon.!es ill Lhe It iehl were giyen. Like"'i e an up-to-date "\Yater Cart was hired by the Di·tl'ict from Alder'hot, ilml eyery
St. J ohn A ?nb'Ldance Brigade.
member in Camp hall the construction anu manner of working it. ~ully explained by a competent Instructo~' "\yho, ~Ull~er the . allle con~lItIO~lS, was detailed for that purpo e. In o. G DIstnct a Camp was hkew]se held. The Camp was pitched at H orden, anu about 200 lllelll hers were present. Camps of Instruction are a considera1le expense to tho e attendinO', otherwise they would be more frequently held. They arc most pOI~ular and the amount of instruction given and practical kllowledg gained by officers and men is consitlerablc. A request has been made by the \Yar Council for th formation of a :Military Home H ospitals H.esel'Ye from amongst members o~. the Brigade. Its duty ,yould be to take oyer the charge of tll(> )hlltal'J Hospitals in England, Ireland, and the Channel IslaJl(ls, wh.en thc Royal Army Medical Corps ha. been sent out of the country WIth the ~ triking Force. There is e\"ery pr01ability of this H.esen'e being forthcoming so soon as the details haye been settleu. The Chief Conllni·'sioner yisited ~ tockport, Bristol, Ham.'gate, au(l Dowlais ( 'outh ,Yales), in aU of which places Ill.peC'tions "\n're held. The Camp at ~ 'toneleigh Deer Park, near Kenilworth, was likewi. e in pected and the men auclre.. sed on the sulJject of the Military Home Hospitals Resel'Ye) details of which were fully explained. PI' 'SLOll '''as also yisited. Two Bazaars have been helll with the yiew of rai, 'ing mOllcy to huild or purchase buildings suita l)le for drilling amI for OUl '1' purposes in connection with the local units. In _ -0. ± Di -trict one \Ya ~ op(>l1eel hy the Deputy C0ll1111i··sioner, Coloncl C. J. Trimble, C.)I.U., in April la,.t, with a net ca .. h result of alJout £1,000. In:X o. G Distriet a1Juut £300 was raised by the same means, the )larrluess of 13rcac1allJallc lJeI'formillf; the opening ceremollY. IIis Royal Highness The Graud I)l'ior has sancLiollcll the fullo'Yillg appointment and promotion : Hon. ~ 'urgeon and Chief ~ 'upel"intClHlellt C. CottOll, E,n.C P., to l)e Assistant Commissioner ~T o. II. District. Datec1 Fc1Jruary 2GLh, 1907. Colonel Lees Hall, late R.A.1\l. C., to lJe lJ epuiy COllllUis..:ionel' . . . TO. I. District. To clate from July 30th, 1907. His Royal Highness the Granc1 Prior 1>rc8en ted the 'en ice )I ellal to the following members of the B1'igarle : -
quarters Division; Lady Secretary amI Treasurer Agnes .A.. Pollard (Leicester Corps) lll'sing Di vi ' iOIl. No. IV. District.-First Officc,~ and II~ s~e.ctor of I'tores N. ,:Vooub ouse, Racup Division; Corporal J. IIarull1an, Bacu!' Dlvlslon. The prescntation took place at ~rarllJOroug~l II o~se on July th,. 19.07,
No. I. District.-Superintendent of StoreR H. \V. Goodman, Metrop()litan Corps; Superintendent E. J. Kimber, No.7 (ToY1I1Jee Hall) ])ivision ; brst Officer H. L. Jones No.7 (Toynbce Hall) Di,ision; 1st Nursing Officer Elizal)eth GOllt TO. 2 ( '1.. John's Gate) Nursing Division; 2nd N"ur.-ing Officer Elizabeth Brullning NO.1 Kursing Division; 1st Class Sergeant J. Lomas N"o. 7 (ToylJbee lIall) Division; 1st Class Sergeallt H. F. Cox No. 9 (I't. John's Gate) Division; Nursiug ister Amelia Kennett, No.1 Nursing Division,
It will be seen from the HcporLs of the 1JlC'ers 111 C!iarge of Distncts that the amount of F111Jlic duty hoth in the streets and III enclosed. spaces has been cluite up to the average of former years, 011 each occaSIOn the al'rang ments made Wl'l' excell~nt, and the work done by am1mlance men a]J(ll1Ul':,;in~ sisters of the ]ughcL ordcr. . The iOlllllli:;sioll '1' for I' ppcial .' ervices * l'eports th~t the workmg uf the Colonial JhancllC>s of the Uriga'le conLillllCi:; to l)e satIsfactory. The most llot(1)le prugrc:'s La~ l)Cell made ill ~ ew Zcala~l<l, whe1'.e the llum1Jcr of ullits i,: st(·[tllily increasing, [t1111 the memlJf'l'Sl11l', accordmg to latc, t reports, has Ii 'ell from G5:Z in 100G, to 1,000 at the enu of 1907. III Au::;Lralia, Jrallge Hi \'c r 'oluny aUll Bombay, the numbers are maintaiuc(l, lJllt no cUll'ideralJlc> l'ru"l'CSS app 'aI'S tu ha:'e been made. A llew unit has he en fOl'lllcc1 ill 'ape 'olony and one III the ~ransyaal, where s'veral units arc repnrLed to be in formation. ~ ~ 0 Ulllt l:a~ ~ret 1JeCll r(!~i ..:L l'!~ ll ill 'allalla, l)nt iL i ' thouftht prolJa1Jle that a DIVISIon ,yill 1Jt.! frll'llH!(l in T rll'(lll to. The ci~llt n earer oll1l,auies haw l)een maintainecl at the full~tr~ngth of Lh ,ir ~ tal)lislllucnL. .\,,11 the! 'll111paui l~ uttelJ(lerl annual trallllll~ at cit]1 '1' th· 'mll1)I'i(lge JIo-.pital at ~\..ltler ·hot, the Hoyal Hei ~)ert IIo,::pl.tnl at \ \ 001\1' iell, 0]' th e .J [iii Lar,)' 1I osp ital a L York. . -'\ "\ ery fall' lJrOpol~tI?ll of th· lIlell (If aeh 'l)lUpany aLtclllle(l the t:·alJllll,.!;~). aml the o~cIal l' 'ports 011 tIle elJieiency of the lllell "\yere hIghly satIsfactory. Total ~Ll'l'llcrLll of lkal'Pl' Cumpanies, 1.) ()!liccl''' aIHl ·lGJ rank and file. . Th~ Ho\'al Xayal 'jck B(~l'Lh hco.;!!l'YC conLinnes to he as povular a ' \'P I' Uj(' ~lllllll)(!l''''' ill Englawl awl Irela\lll havin,r incr 'a:::cr1 ll~ll'lIlg the pac.;t'ye 'Hl' frolll 503 tu GG:J. Tlu.! wl'ek' traillil1~ 011 hoal'll a. sillp of war, 01' 11 t a lla ral lto:-'Ui t~ll is ll11lc;h a l'pr 'cia t u. 1),)' the Hc ern-.t~, <lud the l'CP01't: a' to tll'il' dlieiellcy are 1110 t .'ati~f:t ·tory . . TIt, "l'llcml cOllllitiull of the; JJri·rallc is .'atIsfactol'Y. ~o ~1l the (lfli(' )]""," 1allk allll1il" awl .::\lll';;iltg si:;t,1's tll· greaLe-;t C1' ,(lIt IS u.u~, til ill(li\'iduali:-,e i .. UIlt1l' , ·s~m.y \\ here all hayl..: worked hal'll fur.the credlL of the nl'igal1e, allfl the J'rillciple' it inculcaLes.. The lll~h~~ tl:~ l'{J~itirJl1 tit· h('ariel' tllt~ l' 'sl'0n-'ibility . 1mt Ull' l'c,.,pon:.'i:Jlhty IS lIIat('l'ially lcssel1prl 1ly th' l'l'Ully assIsLalll" l'llll'l"Cl1 11,) all tl) cal'J'y Oll't tll· work th,;t the JJri cr:tll, .lL~ay 1) ~ cnll'll.1.11'01l to perform, all<l to lIlailltain th· high ·talHlanlof elhelen()' It lla Illtherto helLl. T
DEUDL\..YE ~~LT_TI,', Chicf Com III issiollC1',
N o. n. District.-Superintendent F. ,V. C;oncolJi (Ralllsgate Corps) Town Division; 1st Officer F. G. Warwick, Bath City Division; 1st Class I 'cl'grant F. W. Brice (City of Bristol Oorps) A. Division; ht Class f:lergeant W. V. Lal1J1Jel't (Ramsgate Corps) Town Division; . ergeall 1. W. II. UJl(lerdowlI (Ramsgate Corps) Town Division; Private W. II. Farley (Ramsgate Corps) Town ])ivision. No, III. Division.-Chief Snperintendent J. L. Kll1g, Leicester Corps; Superintendent of Stores O. Nicholsoll, WeliinglJorollgh ('orps; I 'upcrilltellclenL Z. Langham Leicester Corps; ] st Class Sergeall t A. G. l\lackness (N" ortlJc11l111toll OOlllS) Heau~
'olone! Bowu]cr,
No. 1. Dist'l'ict.
St. J ohn A'lnbulance BI'igacZe.
No. I. District. Deputy Commissioner-Oolonel L EES 1L\LL, 2, outhwcll Gardens, I oulh Kensington, S. '\'. Distl'iet Chief Sw·geon-:'1r. J. OX~;TLIE, F.r:.C . . , 14.0, Harley Slreet, W. Assistant Commissione,·-j:,1r. F. D. il1ACKEXZIE, 99, AdLlison I oelLl, ,Y. Assistant Commissiolw' and District Chi l Supt. (.-lctiilg)-1.Ir. "'. II. IOnGAX, 39, Alderbrook Hoad, Balham, . ,I'. District Superintcndent Secrclctry-}.Jr . \\'. J. H. POXT1X, 33,. othehy Road: HighbUT)" N . District Superintcndent oj StoJ·es-1.1r. I • D. PIEl~b, 6~, Comhill, E.O. Dist7'ict SlLpel'intcndent Trcaiiw·C!'-;'Ir. \\'. H. \\rJX~Y, ~, Hi ham GUlden Highgate, N.
E.C. 1st OctuucJ', 1907.
SIR, In accordance with your instructions I 11a\'e the hOLour to telJOtt upon the state anJ condition of' Xo. I. District. The strength is well maiiltaineJ, thc total of all rank Ltillg al)out 100 in exr.ess of 1906. One new alllLulan('e secticJll in cOIlJl(:ctioll with ITO. :H (Bromley) Division , and onenew nursing Di"i~ion, Ko. 11 ("'altball1stmr), huve beeu fOllllell. No. 18 (Fulham) Division, has ceased to exist as a epaJate twit, lta\'iug amalcrumated with Ko. 44 (West London ), Divisioll, and is now knO\Hl as the Eulham section of unit. Th e attached duty report::;hows the various puhlic cllllies performerl in the di1>trid. The total is (Iuite up to the average, aud the readiness willt which all ranks I'CS1Jondcd. shoW's that tbis portion of the work continnes to strollgly appeallo the mcmber . On the 1st June, a roule march \\'as held, in conjunction with which it \\a" proposed by kind permission of the Principal, the R ev. A. W. Greenup, D.n., to hold a 0 willg, com uined drill ill the grounds belonging to I t. J obn's Hall, High bury. howeyer, to the very inclement weather (it rained heavily throughout the march) the latter lJart of the programme had to be alJallrlolletl. It speaks well for the entbusiasm of the members that out of a total parade of 360 of alll'auk., only about half-a-dozen men, who were not in good health, ftIl ont. The annual inspection ,"as again, by kind l'ernli.-sion of the COllsta 11e, allCl liie f Governor of the Tower of London , held ill the Tower )'Ioat 011 'atul'llay, June 21ud, 860 of all ranks, including nursing officers amI !>i::,ters, were 011 parade. The annual church parade was held at 't. J ohll 's Church, Clerke]} well, on , 'lllalay, June 23rd . The parade numbered 347 of all ranks, illC!lldillg nursing officers and sisters. The selmon was IJ1'eached by the Rev. T. W. ,Yoods, one 0[' the Ohaplains of the Order of St. John of J erusalelll. Six teams from the following units, Nos. 15, 37, 38, 40,45, awl 47 eutered for the District Preliminary Oompetition for the De,,'ar Shield, llCld A ]Jril 27th. That from No. 37 (G.W.R. Paddington) Division came out first, and lepresenledtlte District in the final competition, taking fifth place. For the Massey MaimYaring Cup Competition helr1 May lIth, teams representing
Divisions os. 4, 11, 15, 19, 37, and 40, were entered. The team from No.4 (Ley ton anu Leytonst.o~e) Division ueing ~uccessfu1. .Ten tean;ts, entered for tl~e Osborn hield CompetitIon held on May 20th. In tIns competltlOn all work IS carried out with improvised materials. The Divisions represented were TOS. 3, 4, 11 13 19 37 3 40, ,11 , and 47, the winners being the team from No. 47 (L~ndo~l, B;ighton a~d 'outIl Ooast Railwl1):" .":illow \ralk) Division,. , Teams representing :l\ os 4, 19, and 20 Dl VISIOns ente~'ed. for the EffiCIency quP Oompetiti on held on July 6th . The latter tealn, It IS regretted, was OWtng to thc enforced abSence of one of the memuers, unable to compete. The competition was won by No. 19 ( outh illetropolitan Gas Co.) Diyision, for the second time. The Disttict 'upcrintcncI(,llt of 'tores eMr . •'. B. Piers) reports that all stores and appliances are iu goou aIle! serviceaole .cOIJ(li~iOl1 .. A.s usual the arrangements for the is HC and return of stores 011 all occaSIOns ot l'uuhc Juty ha\'e 1een excellent, auJ special thanks nre due to ,~ll'. Piers, Supel'intcllder:t of 'tore', ),11' ..,. H. 'Y. GOOl~ man, and the tOl'emen, Corporal DCllllctt, awl P1'1 'late. carbrow, ~ o. 9 (. t. J ?hn " Gate, 1-0. :2 ) Diri~ioJl, who voluntarily giYe so much tlllle to the preparatIOn, Issue, and retl1l11 of tbe large flll'lntities of allluulance equipment re'luired for each special duty paralle. The work of tlH' secretarial department uuder District 'upeTintendent ecretary Pontillo :Ulcl .'upel'inteJ1(len t 'e(;rctary Yihell, assisted uy SuperintendentTreasurer Hallatr, ,'upcrilltcllllenL L. F. IIaYl1lall, and. 'ergeant P. G. Hayman (Cycli t ,), COll jnnes to ue most exactillg iu its nature and (lUa~tity . The demall(t lia S been ",dl [ll1rl cheel flilly mct throughout the year, WIth the result that the record" of the Di ·tl'iet continue to be Illost complete. I 'pecial thanks are due to earlL mellll) 'I' of thi' JCl'<ll·ttncIlL. By the <1e. til of tlle Rev. CUllon Haig-Browl1, late Ma~te~ of the Oha.rterhou~e, awl thenu.,(:' luellt rellloml of :Jlrs. llaig-Drowll, the Dl:;tnct bas lost two of Its wannest fl'ieml s, who::;c many kiudnes es \\'iIlloug be gratefully remembered. . . III cUllclu"iou. I d(:::;ire to express my iudel)lc Illes to all ranks fo~' the ~yel' wlll~ng and loyal mauner ill \\'hieh they ha\'c during the year uuder cOllsI~era~lO~, car~'leJ out tlwil' le.l1cctive (luties, and to whose CfJ'Ults tIle Sltcce s of the DlStnctls mamly Jue. I ba\ e the honour to be, ir Your obedien t'ervaut, \I'ILLLD[ H, MORG.lX, Hon. Serdil'l Bruther oj the Order oj the Hospital oj, ·t. John oj .fcrllsaZel/(. ASlllstanl ('OlHlldS iOller, ({nd Di triet Ohief Sup, }'intendent (acting. The Clud Commi:,sioner, , 't .• rohn _\.ml)ulauee Brigade, 't . .fuhn': G.ttb, Glerkeuwell E.l'.
No. I. Di8trict.
St. J ohn A mln&l(&?1ce Brigade.
AlIlBULANc.:E DIV!. IONS. No. Fonned. :r o. Fonned. 1. St. John's GaLe No.1 June, 1 7 24. DoulLoll . ,'cptembcl 30, 1896 2. Haggerston July, 1889 25. Tottellham HalllpsteaJ. 3. North London Railway April, 1890 JUllction Railway FdmlalY 8, 1897 4. L ey ton and Leytollstone ,T uly, 1890 27. Acton 1Ilay 16, 18fJ7 5. Ohildren's Hom e December,] 90 28. IIanow .J une 21, 1 98 6. Oyelist . March 7, 1891 29. Walthamstow. Jan. 5, 1899 7. 'l'oynhee Hall . April, 1891 30. East Lond OIl . " 12, 1899 9. St. John's Gale o. 2 Feb. 15, 1893 33.13eI'1ll01lc1sey&Holll rllilltc1l1ul'.10,1899 1arcll, 1893 36. Oauston . .J un . ~;j, 1900 10. St. Mark's. 11. Wombley aut! HarlesdcuMay 12,1 93 37. G. W.R. (Parlc1iu(flon) OcL. 18, 1900 12. Watcl'lo\\' . June, 1 93 3'"'. L.B.&S.C.R(Vicloria,Jall. 20, 1905 13. Ring's Cross (G. :r. R.) Oct. 4, 1 93 39., treathalll JaIl. 30, 1902 15. East H a m . April, I 95 40. houucts Work . Feb. 6, 1902 16. London, Brighton &, outh H. Itoyal Arcllal OcloLer 1, 190<l OoastRail\\'ay (.l:r ell· Oross) July, 1895 42. Barnet . August 2 , HI03 17. Mertoll & \Yimblet!on • ept. 14., 1 95 14. \rest LOlld on Di\'isioll Vec.13,HI03 19. South Metro. Gas Co. Dec. 5, 1!)5 45. NorLh CaJ1luel\rcll , ept. 2 ,lH05 20. Hampstead . January 31, 1 96 46. lIfOI'd Oct. 1, DO;:; 21. Bromley . l\1ay 1, 1896147. L 13.&,'.O.R. (Willo\\' 22. Hospital Satul'clay Fd. July27,1 96 "\Vil.Jk) ApI. ]2, 1906 23 . Norwoocl Toycl11hcr 21), 1806 48. Ealing .Inlll' <lv, 1rJOa \ 4D. Erilh ,'c'pt. 25, 1DOO
1. Ohildren's Hom e 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Dec. 2, St. Jolin's Gate J alluary 23, WemlJley May 21, Balking. Norwoou . June 11, Hospital Satnruay Fuml Snly,
1890 ] 89:3 18()3 1893 18% 1869
Wil111J1edoll 0.1](1 ?llel'lollJlllle 11, East II am 1ay 4, Belgravia l'OV. 2, BaliJaJ11 and ,'lrealhalll Feh. 0, Waltltatllf;Lo\\, Od. 10,
11 7
8 10
2 U 27
1 (HI 1 9 1859 1D09 1900
29 31 Apr.
Elephant allli Castle 'lheatrc-Childrell's EnlortainlJlCII t ~iIlO EllIls-Old Folh 0.11(1 Ohildrell' Teas Towll Ilall, Ea~t Halll - H.ntel'ayel'l;' As oeiaLion DUIIC(; .. Brontley, KellL , 'unth of lhe Thallles 'ross 'OUII try CllIlIll pionshi p Opelling of Parl i[1.11 Iell t Opellillg of "'PII', 'e. sioll. lIonse .. , t. Paul's C.tthcdrn.l-\\'elsh FestiY.1.1 ... ~orth LOJl(toll Institute - Ohildrcn's Parties Uryslal Palace -Fuotll1dl, Crystal Palace r. Evertoll ,'l. Pal1l' Catltcllral-Pa 'sioll l\Ill"ic Heill o Jlill ycleTraek -, outbel'll (Juulltics CycliJlg Ulliolt ~lcctillg .. , KCllsi.l.l Rise-llainll'! 's('rs', 'porls ,'l. Paul's 'atlICdrul- Easter ,'lll1r1ay ~roJ'llillg ,'crvit:e .. Ru~tcr MUJl{lay-Alcxandra Palace BatLersea Park " Black hl'at It " Bostnll Woods " Brockwell Park Bromley, Kenl ... ,." 'iJillgford, FOl'e.t Hot 1. .. " " "XupicrAnm;" " " "Rising 'Ull" " " " Rollin Hooel " " Olaphal\1 Common " 'rystal Palncc " Elding UOllllllOll " G rOVlJ II ill, Hunow " IIu.chley !.arshe!:l
3 3
1 152 115
7 33
taill1ll(;ut ...
Funned. 7. 8. D. 10.
Office Long Dislance Walk amI ports-IIoullslow. . . ... 17 , t. Paul's Oathedral-Guild of St. Lukc ... Nov.5-10 A((ricultural llall- LcaLh!l1' Fail' n , D ... .. 9 L ord :;,\IayOl' S ily 14 YisitofT.M. tlte Killg nlHi Qlleell of "o1"\l'ay Hi , t. l)aul's Cathedral-Lon dOll Ohurch Ohoir Festival Panl's Cathedral 'pecial Arl vellt Dec. <1 ,'crviee .. Palace-Football, England L·. 8 Oryslal Son th Africa 29 1iil111ll:Ly 'luh-Dilllll'J' to P00l' chilrlrclI ... 'Jlilrlreu's Enter1907 WC!)t ,'ontlt\\' rk Uluh
28 & 1al. 1
1906. Oct. 9
2 16 123
77 1
7 29 13 2
16 1
1G G
7 2
1 1
2-1 6
21 12 2
1 1
11 26 1 19
1 6
24 26
6 2
2 5
24 15
3 3 3 2
]3 11 9
:1 11
7 6 :3
No. 1.'ict.
St. J ohn A 1nbulc~nce B?'igade.
Members on duly.
:>.' ... en ",>=I
... 0 0"
Occa sion.
,::1:It: o~
... .1 ...,'"
'" ii3
to 0~ ':Q) ~ " u:;"'''''''' - 0
'oc ...
.-d ..., '" ...E-<'" rn .,'"
:Mar. 29 & Ap. 1 Mar. 29 & Ap. 1 18 20 May, 2 4 11
Easter Monday-Hampstead H eath, Upper " Ditto, Lower Station .. , ... Kew Bridge ... " :Mill Fields, Clapton .. " Peckham Rye ... " Regent's Park, Cart Horse " ... Parade ... h'eatham Common ... " .. , ,Vanstead Flats ... " Welsh Harp, Hendon " Wembley Park '" " ... W ormW'ood Scrub bs " Recreation GrouuJs-St. Mary's Paddington Hospital, Charity Football .Match ... Crystal Palace-Football Cup Final Roxeth Hill, Harrow-Opening of Harrow ... ... Hospital ... .. Kensal Rise-Charity Sports ... Herne Hill Track-Putney and Paddington ... Cycling Sports ... ... Alexandra Palace-Presentation of Prizes, .. ... R. .P.C.A. Whit-1l10nday- Alexandra Palace ... .. Barnet " Battersea Park " Blackheath ... ... " Bostall ,V oods ... " Brockwell Park ... " Ching ford , Forest Hotel " ":N apier Arms" " " " Rising Sun" " " "Robin Hood" " " Clapham Common " Crystal Palace .. " Ealing Common ... " Hackney Marshes " Hainault Forest ... " Hampstcad Upper Station " Lower Station " Kew "Bridge ... " Kings Oak, High Beech " (Cycling Ground) ... .Mill Fields, Clapton ... Peckham Ryc ... :", Regent's Park, Cart Horse " ... Stamford Bridge-Hotel " Employees Soc. Sports Streatbam Common ... " Wanstead Flats ... " Welsh Harp, Hendon " Wemb1ey Park, Finchley " Harriers Sports ... Wormwood Scrubbs ...
... ...
1 2 1 1 2
1 1
10 3
2 16
1 6
7 7 lo 13
1 2
]6 4
1 -
1 -
1 1
1 1 1
2 4
3 2 4
2 3 3 2
3 11 3 1
22 to July '2 Junc 26
13 3 9
5 3
5 5 11
2 2
3 3
15 12
4 4 -
1 12 26 1
1 3
2 I
2 18 5
3 3 2
1 3 6 3
5 12
1 3
3 16
29th to July 5 July 1 1 to 6 2
1 2
5 3
3 6
6 37 8 11 22 12 14 17 20
" 'rystal" 1\11ace-"'onth London Schools 'ports .. Thc Grange, Ea t Acton-Hammersmith Cotl .titntioll ·d Clnb Gardell Fete EI' om Race, ,' Ulll1l1er ?lIpetillg (Oaks) OIYlllpia-1llternationullIol'se ;'how ... Ea ·t, Ham-l3olc),11 Casllc 'ports Gronnds, 8porl... ... ... ... Crystal Palncc-Tohacco Trades Charity , ' \lOl'l~
10 1 2
.5~ .<0=
1907. May 21 Rigg's Retreat, Theyc10n Bois-Children's Outing 26 Oatholic Procession, Peckham .. June 4. Epsom DOWDS, 'UJlll1ler :lIIeeting 5 " " " (Derby Day)
] ·1
=. . .
j~f § en
<> "-+=I'
CJ$?P:; m;:;
..., Q)
"' w if
'cr. ;::
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i _ __
17 12 6
. .£
1 2
3 2
3 6 33
7 4 11
31 19
on dULy. -;::
1 1
-- -- --- -- --1907. April 1
9 and 10
1 1
2 2
8 9 12
1 1
2 2
8 32
4. 1
Ani \'[11 of T.:\1. the Killg [lull Queen of Delllllark ... ... ... . .. I of T. ill. the Eing and Queen of Denmark to City... ... ... . tamfonl Bridge Gl'OUlltl.- 1,0rts 'onthwark Park- 'outh LOlltlon Temperance De1l1011 . tration ... Cry. tal Palace-Printil1g and Allied Trades 'hnrity pOll ' ... ... .. . Agl'iculturallIall-Palestinc in Lon Jon .. . Richmond, ' 111'1'C),-, 'ports ... Griflin Park. 13rentfonl-:ports... . .. Cr)'s, Palal:c-Variety Artistcs Federation Fete . ... ... ... Tllfncll Pal'k-'ports .. . Plnlll. 'lcatl - port. · .. . TUlIllCI' 'Im]'y Pa]'k-Ccntml Lond on Rly. 110 1'ts Lec-Ravcnshollru e Club ports Central Park, East lIall1- 'ports Wi111ulec1on-AllEngland Tennis Championship '!\Ieeting .. ... . .. Opcning of the Union Jack Club by 11.111. thc King ... ... Mild may Clnb-CIl\'lli \'al Padtlington Recreation Gronnds- ports ... BlIte House, Brook Grccn, Hammer mith'ports.. .. .. .. Richmolld Athletic Grounds-Early Closing A. sociation ports ... Crystal Palace-Metropolitan and City Police Fete ... Round wood lIou e- ports Kensal Rise- ports ... Bellingham, Kcnt- ports Barley Lane, IlfoI'd- ports lIfOI'd Football Gronnds- ports Olaremont-Hoyal F~tc
1 1
71 3
39 2
5 I
8 18 14
1 1
10 30
2 12
1 1
5 4 11
3 3 2
9 1
11 2
11 6
3 2
5 (
St. J ohn A ?nbtdance
B?'igc~de . M~Jl1lJel's
No. 1. District.
on dULy.
209 Memuers on dnty.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - -
1907. July
9 11
Stanlforcl Bridge-Sports
. ..,
WandIe Park, Merton-Opelllng Ceremony
Kensal Rise-Sl)orts
17 18
Acton-Horticultural Fete
28 Aug. 1 5
Lloyd Park-Hospital Fete
... ...
Higbams Pal'k-~ports Fulham Palace Grounds-Fete.. .. 1 Walpole Park, Ealin&-Sport~ ... . ..... Vicarage Field, Barkmg-OlnlJren s TJ eat High Beech Oycling,Track- ports .' .. Seven Rings RecreatIoll Grountl.-Hol tlcultural Show ... ... ...St. John's Ohurch, North Woolwich1 Forester's Parade ... .. ... Grove Park, Ohiswick-Sports ... ...Auaust Bank Holiclay-Alexalld ra Palace... o Battersea Park ..._ " "Blackheath ... 1 "I I "" BostalL 'W oods .." Brockwell Park ... " " Bromley, Kent- ports 1 " " Oanning Town Mem- j " orial Grounds-Sports II Ohingford,ForestHotel " ,,"NapitlrArll1s"" " " l l " Rising SUll" II " " c : RoLin Hood" " II Olapham Oommon ... " " Crystal Palace ..." " Ealing Common ... " " Fulham Palace Fete " " HacklJey Marshes '" " " Hainault Forest ... " II Hampstead, Upper... 1 II II Do . Lower Station... 1 " " Kew Bridge ... " " Mill Fields, Olapton ..." Peckham Rye " " Raynefi Park-Fete... "I I " Sandown Park, Races 1 " Streatbam Oommon... " " Wan stead Flats ... 1
4 4
2 6 3 8
2 4
7 2 105 2
2 3 2
East Ham-1st Annual Carmval
1 6 5
Warlillgham-Haddon Hall Sunday I chool ...Treat ... ... ... Southfields-Ohildren's Horticultural Show Valentine's Park, Ilford ... ... 1 Bruce Oastle Park, Tottenham- 'ports ... Kensal Rise-Artiste's Sports ... .. . Isleworth Recreation Ground-Sports ... -
East Acton-Sports
1 1
Ilford-HospitalOarnival .... ... Battersea Park-Fire Brigade Hey!C\\, .. , Memorial Grounds, Oanning Towll-Spons
1 1
li 5
3 2 2
2 6 7
August Bank IIoli(lay-\Velslt IIarp,Hendon " ,,\\Tem bley Park . " " "\VilllLledon Oommon " ,,\VOrlllWoocl crubbs 6 Rigg's Retreat, Chingfol'cl-Excl1l'sioll 7 Goring 1'ark-, 'POI ts .. . 10 Herlle Hill-Fe Linl.l .. . Cry .. tal Palacc- ports 17 1'n.cldington Recreatio n Gl'Ollllds- ports ... 29 Bal'killg-, 'ports 31 Llo.pI Pn.rk- Fele Ilnl'kingsi,l .-Y.:\1. '.A. Uarclcn Party Plllnl~l ca(I-'J'ell1l' e\'i1 nce Dcmonstration ('l't. 11 Wi 1111 >Icclou-," pOl'ls 11 Ilfol'll-GarcIell Party Hl .'lltlldul'Il -' ports Grollnd port. 21 llcl'l1 C !lill-Sporls :W lIol'llscy 'nn'i "nl Bl·eIlHIil'tI-FooLlln.ll dllty dlll'ing ea 011 ... Claphalll Common I I " " Ktl i 11" " " " JIa.('k~ey :\l(l.rshcs " II
1 1 1
1 1
10 7 22 8
1 2
1 1 1
1 I
-1 1
18 10
4 2 3
13 15
10 13
5 6 3 2
14 5 9 2
7 10,..,
2 2 2
8 1 5 14 8 6
1 1
10 15 :2 4 5 5 5 5
O1\\'ood " II " "I }{cgl'lIl's I'a 1'k II " I \\' allstead Park II ., " 'lapha11l OOIl1. - 'I'ickel duly lIming scason lIacklley ?llarshcfi II " Mill Field ', 'l.tptOIl" " Regcnt's Palk " " . 'outhwurk Park II Yictoria Park "" II Oet. '06 to Ellrl'.· 'OUl't, Balkall 'ttttcs Exliiuitioll <,Pt.'071 Alexlll!(lra Palace JI11y Lo Frail co- Bl'l t i!-:h Exllihi Lion
12 3 2
3 14
3 5 :2
18 19'*
2 :2 .J 5 4. 2 :2 3 4 3
196 13 27 56 44
405 9
To (Ill
20 22
3. 5 4 1 4 9
10 15 15
5 3 3 2
.I. -
1 1 1
5 11
12 1 10 11 2
2 3
5 5 2 14
No. 1. District.
ursing Divisions.
AmlJUlance Divisions.
Kames of Corps and Divi ions.
13 3 ' 27 4. 3ii 2 ]~ 2 20 { 2-1 10 66
2 * (1) 1 1
1 1
1 -
1 1
1 2 1 2 1 3 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *(1)
3 4 5
1 1
3 4.
1 2 2
3 7
3 ~
1 *( 1)
3 3 3
1 *(1) 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 2 3
I 1
26 23 2-1 29 21 20 47 30 3:.! 20 {O :11
fi 6
23 30 77
31 {7 27 2
31 37 26
00 3n
11 :!.7
] . ~1.
27 54
35 32
No .
2 1
36 26
{G 32 16 -12
It ( l) t(l )
-1(2) - 'H l)
1 2 1 1 1
nU J
\"(1) 1(1)
1 -2 2
1 1 1
Honorary Secretary.
,'mg.. J. CollJus, ;)4, Lilldon Anllul]. l\l"II ~al Rise, N".\V.
2 (HAGGERSTON ) nrvrsrO r.
Honorary Surgeon
II. Birrl
7. 9,J
"27 & ~W, lL\GGEIl..;rO _" HO\1l, r .E. SUpt. and Hon . T,-easurer.
:' . . ~.
II. Ilelt, 75, HlCllllloncl Road, Dalston, 1st Office,'.
H. Wakely. Honorary Secretary.
Ollie!'r,,:I. :'I.'l'gl'<llit 1. Pri\'uics~ . Total ellccti\'c 17. D'rJeasc silll'p h L lejJort 1:3. Dlills llclel 41. Aycrage attendance 7. Ca e~ altcudt'd 1I0t 011 puhlic eluty liO. AlIIIllul illspcl"Lioll, ::!,07. Total on parade 9, Ahst'llt wilh J('u\'t' :3. \\'itho\1t 11.',1"1' G. ,\lllLlln] 1"1' c '1l11lIlntio ll,2.i.3.07 . •\[embers pa~setill. lJitlllllt ap]'l'Hr 7. ,\1 r/,tlIioll .· 17. ,'el"\'ic'c ltrlf]crC' 11. rtll"sing C'l'rlific',lt,,· ] 1. Regulatiull Illlif;lrlll worll. "" 'rIll' Di\"isioll ~ho\\' :l large cll'l'n'a. c ill 1II11llhrls. liS it \\"as fOllnel nece' ary to renlOn' thc lI ;llllC' sen'raJ 11Il' lld'CL~ \\"ho did lIot Itlll]!J ,hilb or make themsehes clliriClIl ill aceol'llallcl' \\"ilh Drigadc rcgulations. ~\.llltollgll ;;] II all , tlte Diyi .ioll i in a gllD,.1 ~ttltl', tJII' Itlt:~.l'lIi 11Il11lbl'l'S ntlelltling drill "dl. ull,1 tllmillg oul f')l" public ,lilly 111 good I'rol'ortll1!l. J luty lIas becn lllldcl'takell \\"helll'\'e1' ordcrcd by Hea,lcillurlerll.
Inspector of Stores. Ptc. F. i. Ealey.
.T. Uiclley Moore,
F.1:'( .1'.
Lidd l' ll, .. I:l'quill," ~Iu '\n ll AHlIl\I', "\lus\\,lIl1ill,
-'s (: \IE,
Supt. and Hon. Treas.
""'. n.
[Fonnell 6.37.
Honorary SUI'geons
.1. F. \\ nods, ." . Il.
19 19
trcet, 'ily Road, ~.
Inspector of Stores.
11 12 \l 10
Pte. F. Twitchelt, ] 1, lIall
1'2 ] 3 21 25 ]6 1
Oflicl:r: 3. ,'clgeant· 2. .orpornl.· 2. Pl'i'-alc.· :H. Total ctrecli,e 31. Dccrcn.·c .'illCC last rl:1'o1't 2. Drill .. held 33. Average nltendance 11. Oasc aLlellcleu Oil pul)lil' (illty 10. Hl.'lllo\als 7. Oa 'c' attcndl'tl not on puhlic dnty 43. Anllllal inspcctioll, '2"2llll.TIIllC. Tolal on l,ul'Ulle 21. ,\llsent with ]cn,e 2. 'Without lc~ve 7. l\nlllla.1 rc-cxillllillalioll, .illl .!\lllrch. MCllIhl'rs passe,l 24. Failcd 1. Did 110~ appeal' 5. .Medallions 11. 'en'icc ballgcs 15. Nnr.'ing certificate H. RO~lllatlOll ullil"ol"lll WOL'II. {att'rinl: 1 littcr, 3 ISll'ctcllol's, '2 hn\TeSnC" '2 fir t a.iel calHllcts unci l'c'tllisiles, "26 lI'ator boWos. TI~e ~)il'ision . ho\\'s a clecL'cnse or tlVO 111e111])el'8, olhcr\\"i, l' e\"crything is in a 1I011l'lslllllg eOlleli lion. D II ly has !tcen pOl'ronncu on all occasiolls when ordered by IIeacl -tlnatLcrs. Arl"al1gcllIcnLs arc bt'ing Illttdc to 1"01'111 11 ncw ela • which it i· earnestly hoped will brillg np lho slrellgth ot' the Divi-ioll to n still better stallLling.
9 12 19 21 23 26 fj
7 8 15 17
1 9 1471472
* Holds rank as Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.
I [E ,\IHgi,l.l!n.l:s
:2 1
4 1 4
14 31 41 15
I ~~:21
_- _- _- _ -=- -=-1_1 -
I1jl('rilltl'lHl£'llL or ~tores-H. 'Y. C:OOTnIA .- .
Hllpl'l'intrnc1ol1t Trpnsnrpl'-IT. J. IL\I,LA'I'T.
-, 29
27 2
3 14
IqH'rilltrllil ellt ,'rrrrtary-.'. II. Yn,VF.:-<.
7 District Staff .. . 3 Metropolitan Oorps .. . Acton Division .. . Barnet" .. . Dermondsey & RotherhitheDv Bromley Divi ion Oan tou' " Ohildren's H ome Division Oyclist Divison .. Doulton Division .. Ealiug " .. . East Ham " .. . East L ondon" .. . Erith " ... G. W.R. (Paddington) Diy. Haggerston Division Hampstead " .. , Harrow " ... Hospital Saturday Fund Div. Ilford " King's Oross (G.N.R.) " Ley ton & L eytonstone " L.B. &S.O.R.(NewOross) " L. B. & S.O. R. (Victoria) " L.B.&S. O.R. (Willow\Yalk)0 Merton & Wimbledon Divi. North Oamberwell " North London Railway " Norwood " Products Works " R oyal Arsenal " St. Johu'sGateNo. 1 " " " No.2" St. Mark's " South Metropolitan Gas 00. " Strell.tham " Tottenham& HampsteadJn.R " T oynbee Hall Walthamstow " W ater low " Wembley & Harlesden " West Londou Division Balham & Streatham " Barking Nursing Division Belgravia " Ohildren's Home :{urs. Div. East Ham " Hospital Sat. Fund " Norwood ,: St. John's Gate " Wembley " Wimbledon & Merton" Walthamstow Nursing Div.
The Honorary Surgeons shown in parenthesis are counted in the corresponding Ambulanoe Divisions.
lst Class 'll·gt. T. Atterbury.
1V o. I, District,
St, J ohn A ?nb'l)"la?1ce B1'iqaae, ,
[For m et1 1.4.90.]
Honorary S ec r etary.
In C harge.
1 L Class ergl. W . J. I-Iyrons.
Corp1. T. J. Warller, '27, JOl'riH Roarl, Bow, E. Honorary T,-easurel-.
Inspector of Stol-es.
ergt. D. Mml'ay.
P te. H. Coles.
Sergeants 3. Corporals 4. Privates 37 . T otal effective 44. In crease since l ast 1'epOl t 7. Drill. held 58 . Average attcndance 17. Cases attended on public duty 12. Cases attcnded not Oil J1ublic duly 3lii. Annual inspection,22.6.07. Total on parade 25. .All 'cnt "ith leave . With out lea" 12. Annual re-examination, 20.2.07. Memher pa ed 40. Failed 1. Did IIOt appeal' 3. lIIedalliom 30. Service badges ~3. Nmsing cel'Lifkates 3. Regulation nniform worn . Material: 4 litters, 7 stretchers, 35 boxe or material. Th e Di l'ision shows an increase of seyen 1l1CI1l UC1S for the past year, hut the a "erage attendance wa. below that of la t year. The efllcieney is well maintained, aml public duties " 'ere performed on all occa ion when ordered. lYe hO)le that r ecruiting will still he as brisk as in past years.
Ofli eer 1. ,'cl'gettilL 1. COl'l'oral1. Privales 20 . ToLal eO'ective 23. Ill cl'c<t!;e sincc la~t rcport D. Drill s held 41. Averagro attendallce 8. Cases 'ast'!; atlelJdccl 1101. all l'uulic duLy 200. Annual atleucIetl 011 pul,lit; duty lin. il1l';l'cctioll, :Z:l.6 . 07. 'l'olitl all p;trndl' ]~. Al;~el1t "'illl ka\'e c. WiLllOut leave 3. Anllual j'('-exHlliinaLion, 1 n.1.07. ~l 'nt1Jl'l" pa'lSerl It!. Dirlllot al'1'l a1' 6. Medallioll U. 'en'iee lJadges 10. ~'lll'sillg l·utilkate.' 11. RegulatirHl uniform \\orn. Material: :.! stl'etdlcrs, 2 hane. acs, waler !rottle, large box, etc. During thc past yl<.Lr the 1I11IIlC'rical !>tn'lIgth at' the Divi. iOIl has ueen ill creased by llille alld lllore Illelilher.· are l'ruilliscd. 'Iho elliciPl1cy has upen wI:IlI11aintained and all call.-; 1'01' IllILy huye bcen respondecl In. 'l'lIe jlrilleiL,al (luty is on Hal'kney r arsh('~ dllrillg Llw rootball allrlt.:1 il'kd.'l':t. OilS. ny lIle energy of olle of our lJIemuers p l l'. F. C. ,'orn:ll) '1I111e IIIOlle" ha.,; beell colll:l::tul awl a littl't' with first aiel applialJ('ts pnre!ra"cd, ;llId h)' kill;l pel III is, iOIl of tIll' tl'll. tees placcLl ill tbe yanl of )lare. 'tn'l't ( '!rapcl, \\ here :-'Oille 0 cn. cs (illclutling the lllOtor bus accident in Mare ,'treet in .Jlllle) have "cell atlf'llIlcll to Illll'illti the I:lst few 1II0uth ..
[Fonned 7.80·1
Yn,LA, 91, FAIllLOP Ro,\]l, LE) TON, "1'0 'K Hono rary Surgeon .
A. Todd-White,
ILl' .. '.
Superintendent and Honol'ary Treasurer,
J. J, Oil!'.)', .Acorn \ 'i11a, 91, Fairlop Rd., L(-ytOllsiollc. 2nd Officer.
1st Officer.
Charles J. Fitch.
J. T. Olley .
Inspector' of Stol-es.
Honorary Secretary.
1st Class Sel'gt. H. Marston, 5 , Sel1.Jy Road, Leytollstone.
Ple. A.. L. HI:'),llOltb.
Officers 4. el'geants 2. Corporals 3. Private 30. Tolal ell'ecLi\'e 39 . Reserve member 1. Decrease since last report G. Drills llC1(l 26. A"el'age attendance 16. Cases attenueu Oll public dnty 42. Reillovals 4. Ca.·es attended not on public duty 67. Annual inspection, 22.6.07. Total on pa.racle 2. .Absent with leave 9. Without leave 2. All1maL re -examination, :l3.2.07. 1\Ielllllel'!; passell 34. Did not appear 12. nIecLtlliolls 23. ,'ervice uadges 20. Nnr"iwf certificates 12. Regulation uniform \\'01'11. IJatcrial: littcr cOlllpleil!, ;.; str;?lebel's, 4 marquees, 4 lJlankets, 4 waterproof sheets, 2 folding bel1s1.eads, folclin l l chair 2 folding tables, 36 water bottles, 5 surgicalltavl'esacs. 0 ' Although the Division shows a clecrea'le of six, elliciency is well maintain d. The usual kind assistance was given by SuperintcJldent L. 1Iackenzie tlnd tl)(~ IIIClI nnrlel' his cbarge; also by the office],s and melllbcr or 1.11e Pol icc, in couneclion \ritli dilLy on ,Vall stead . Flats on Bal, k Holidays, amI the Ietropoli lan Bonnl kincI1 y had a stand Lllpe erecteli fOl the COllVcllicllce of the Di\'isio n. On eaeh oel'asiOIl O~rporal .A, ~. Alli90U'S 1Il0tor car was of lIl11ch assistallce ill cOIl\'cyillg srrC'ra.l cases to hospItal. The general cOllduct of tlle IllelltlJCI'S lIas hccli all 1.1Jat I~ollld he d esired, in fact, a credit to the Division allcllhe Brigacle.
II ollm,
[Fol'llled 7.:j.!l0.]
\lJ , L ONDO',
Honorary Surgeon .
Surg.-Majol' A . C. T11l18tall,
M.])., H.A.~I.() .
Honorary Secretary.
1st Class Sergt. R. J. H ayes, 12, Pellslllll'sL Boad, South lJat.: lmey, N. E.
[Fol'llled 7.3.9l.]
, 1. JplI':';'s (~_\.'l1';,
'cl'gt. 1'. (~. lla~
L. F. Ha) lila II ,
', Lullg
Honorary Surgeon.
I!. t '. ]fo\\,lrd,
Hon o l-a,'y S ecretary.
,LOI,g Lane, E.C .
Hon_ Treasurer ( Hon . Mem .). L.UIL',
E. '.
'cc . ,' . II. "il,en.
OIliLer~ '1. Stll-,l:1llt. '1. Cuq,ural:2. l'rinltes'11. Tot,Ll elfecti,-e 30 . T>Cl'rl':lSe ~il1c bst rcport :3. Drills lll'ld 37. A ,"cldge atlelHlance I:.!. Annual ill"l'cl'lioll, '1'1.0,07. ToLll 011 parn,lc :n. AI,. cut wilh \cavil 7. ~\lInnal re-examinulioll, 1'1.:l.07. ~[Illllhcr<; l"l.·sed '1;). Did lloL :11'peal' '1. Me,lallion' '10. cn-iee hurlgl's ali. .I.'lllsillg eertificaLI'. 15. Heglliatioll Huilonn \\'0111. Di\'iiolluPl'Olted II.)' its lIIellll'crs. 1 urill" lire p:1. t Yl'ar the sln.'llglh of' lh Di\·i ... ioll and the cOicieney oftbe mellllJer' Ita heell \\ 011 Illailllaillell. DI ills h:t\'e IH!en fairly weJl alltlllletl. Duty ha l,een l'erforllll'tl Illl all oC('tlsious \\'hell ordure,l by II :Ul-qll,lrtcr.... ~l'ecial attention lia' Irl'ell givell. as l,re\ioll ly, til (yclL mcc meelillgs, 1'01' tho LlIgc majority of which lhe Divisi oll hus fllruish '111ll-laclllllents for dut\,. The Division 11a continue,i to rlll'ni~h !lien lo a .bL in thc . 'e rct'lrial \York or" lhe Metropolitan Corp.
No. 7 TOYNBEE HALL DIVISION. ]f 1;,\ II '11 \I: I rt:,.,:
To\. n
II \ I r :2,
[hll'lllt.:t1 7.3.91.J
' I n n I, LO~DO_ -,
1st Officer.
2nd Officer .
E. J. I';: 1I1l leI', 0, 11:1 11't.:lldLiI Hd., \\"WStvlrl l'uk. E.
11. L. J ont.:~.
.T. A. K Coleman .
Inspectol- of Stores.
Honol-a r-y Secretary.
Pl . II. t:. l~illg, 7., ,'ulllllJ'llll Rllad, Ea~ t fIa III, E.
I,t .... 'cr 't. W. H. Beeton,
Hono rary T,'easul-er.
['te. F. 'ul'tis Ol1iccn; 3. ,ergc.tIIts 3. 'ol'J,ol'llh 1. Primte' 38. Total elrectire 46. Decrease ·i llce lit t report 11. Drills held -lb. Ca~L's attellded not on public lluL), ·10. Anllual ill 'lIlCLl(lll, '1~.U.OI. Total 011 plll'a(le 30. Absent with le<tye 1:2. Without lea\'e.J. .\lIJlllal re-exulllinalion, 20.'1.07. nlclIllwr ' 1'a sed 37. Did not appear 9. Regula lioll uni form worn. We h ·\\,c to rccord :l cll'crcn c in ,111r membel' 'hip allli al '0 a lower average attendan~e at drill at Toynbce J lall durillg the pa t year, accouuted for mainly by the re 'lgnaLioll of member' of 'Ollie years' tanding. The llumber of men, too, who voluuteel'ecl rill' puhlic duty i· also Ie. , due to the difficulty member experience in obtailling leave of absence from 1.Ju inc ' . Long en'ice medals htwc been awardetl to upel'inLellllent Kimhel', First Olliccl' .1(111(' , [lnd First las ' 'el'geal1t LomB. The concert helll at lhe People's Palace (ill COlljllllctioll \\ilh the St. Mark' Di"i iou) was l\ l1\ost sllccessfnl olle anc1l1Htlel'iully hl'lpl'll our fund. The ~lilllYall ection i , we al'C glad to say, iucrea 'ing in lllllnuen; and the altellli<lllee a\'erago is as good as ever.
St. John A ?nbulCl/l1 Ce Brigade.
TVcmblev S ection.
No . 9 (ST. JOHN'S GATE, No.2) DIVISION . [Formed 15.2.9 3. ] H EAD· QUARTERS :
Honorary Surgeon and Supt.
J . Bremner,
1I1.B. ,
26, Drury Lane, ' V.C.
[Formed 3.93.J
HoesE, SK Al'E 0 'TIlEET, BEne, A L : n EE;\.
Hono rary Su rge on . ~I.R.C.:>.
Supt. a nd Hon . Treasure r .
C. Statham, 61, Grafton JUile End, E.
Honorary Secreta ry
In s pecto r of Stores .
Pte. W . A. Gray, 58 , Rothbury Roall, Victoria Park, E.
Pte. T. Rayment.
[Formed 12. 5.93.]
Honorary Surgeons.
Honora r y Treasurer.
Honorary S e cre t a ry. It
Mr. Amos Beeson (H on. Mem .)
Pte. J. W . BaLsoll.
In s pector of Stores.
_ ergt. F .. 'mith . 'o1'po1'als 2. Privates 35. Total effeeti'\e 42. OJliccrs 3. . el'geal1ts ~ . Resc1'\" ll1Cll1 I 'C1 1. l 11c1'('(1:e sillce la .. t 1e1101 t 3. Drills held 52. Average aLll'lIdallcc ] 1. asc.' attended on public duty 16. Re1l10l'als 4. Cases attended llol 011 l'uhlie (luty :30 . .\ll1111al illsl,cctiOlJ, ~:2 . 6.07. Tolal 011 parade 25. Absent with learc l!. \\Tithou( Icrtyc ii. AlI1lUall'e-examinaiiolJ, L.~.07. ~l el11ber pa.secl :L. Did nol al'pcar 3. l\ll·dalliol1 . '2;). .'en·ice hurlge' 1. . Tur ing certificate 18. Rt'glllalioll u11itol'll! \\0111. ~l aterial: 1littcrs 7 strdehcrs, surgical havresae,', rngs, groullrl -;heel:-;, c.\:e. .\~lBU I •. \..·(,I·
lL llrlest! 'II, 11 :tlTo\\' J:narl: Lillel' . . trelcltLl', firsl aid Ill'plia11ce3. :-;l1llhl1l'y amI Wemllie}, _'talion Yard :-Litter, strctcher, tirt aiel appliances. The Lodge. Wl'I111Jley l'ark :-Litter, . tretdler, lir't aiel appliances. llano" l{oad, Sudbury :-Litlcl', . trclellel', fir·t aid appliance'. Tit > ~tr"n!;th and general C'flici(11CY of the Di,'i'ion Ita' been well maintaineu. As the re, ult ot !l'Ct111'L'S given 11'y lh. U(J(ldunl and Dr. ~lullcr (of Harle den) seYer'l.1 no\\' 1ll ' II1\'el':; wero ol,tained. Publw duty hus heen perfor1l1er1 on all o(;casioJ]' \\'hell orden-!! \),)' llcad·qn<ll'lcrs. The remo\':l.l of the litterhecl ut Harlestlell to a 11101'!? prOl1lin!?l1t 1'0. irion, Ita. l'eullell ill sc\'cralle(luisitiull ' being made to rcmoye patient. l'ru111 onc house tll allotl,cl'. Tit) best tballk' of lhe Divi 'ioll are due to Dr. YC11l011 ~ll111er "bll lIas dOlle very good "'ol'k in tl'iliniug the member, Dr. t.lucllol1ahl bei1lg u11ulJlc to attend through removal from the district.
Officer 2. ergeant 1. Corporal:, 2. PriYates 27 . Total efl'eetil'c 3~. I ncrease since last report 5. D rills heM i8. A vcrage attendance 15. Cu e attended on pulJlic duty O. Removals 2. Cases attcntleu not 011 l'uulic duty 3:W. Annual inspection, 22. 6.07 . Total on parade '27 . Absent with leave 1. , Yit.houL lea'\e 4. Annual re·examination, 9.1. 07 . l\J enl bel'S pa, 'sed 25 . H.egulation unifurll1 worn . Material : 4 stretchers, 2 havresac, 2 water bottles, 2 tents and acccssories, blankets, waterproof sheets, splints, etc , T he Division has responded ,,,,ell to every call foJ' public duty. " Te have atLeJl ded 80 cases in Victoria Park. some being of a "elY se1'iou: nature. T he ll1~mhers take gr~at interest in the work, drills are well attellde<l, and a nursing class i in full swmg. I am pleased to state that the L. C. C, has proviclell us with an excellen~,Ambl~la.u~e tation . The cases attended not on puulic duty exceed oiher years. 1he D IVISlon ",as represented at the motor·bus accident in Mare. treet H ackney, fi rst aid ueing quickly rendered . We hope that the steady progress t h~ Division has always made will still continue.
C. E. GoudaI'd, M.D. N . M acdonald, M. R . C. S.
llarLesclcn Section .
ergt. C. H . \Y righ L.
Officers 2. <ergeant~ 3. OOlporals 3. Pl'in'Ltes 27 . T otal en'cctive 3f). D ecrease ince last report 7. Dril1.3 held 1 . Average attendance 15. Cases attenJed all puulic duty 67. Cases attended not 011 public duLy 90. ,\ lllltwl illspce tion, 22.6 . 07. Total on parade 23 . Absent \"ith leave 6. Without lcu \'c 6. AlIllual re.examination, 19.]~.06 . Members pU"ed 24. Failed 2. Did noL appeal' 8. Medallions :>' 7. Service badges 24. NUl' ing certificates 20. Regulation llnifollll worn . T he Division has been represented aL all (luties ordered by IIeatl·CJ llartpJ';:. DUl'iJl~ the year uperintellllent Chilling\,"orth re. igneLl after 20 yeanj' seniee amI Dl. .James Bremner wa: appointed in his place. 0 'top. are being taken to fOlll1 a i\m:;ing Clas~ for the fe\\' memuers not helding this cerilt]eale, and allmell1henj "ill he !?1l(;oUl'llgetl to attend the lectu les which "'ill be givcl1 by Lhe lIon. ,urgeol1. Eight!?cn 1I1CUll)(?rs haye given in their na111es for the lIew Military [l ome Ho.pitals Heserve, alld il is hoped the remailldel' "ill follow suit, The melllhers illecrely regret lhe resigllation of First Nursing Officer Mrs. leath Gent, who 11u.' been all clnty "ith tl!(-lll 1'01' lltall)' years; also the loss lJY ueath of Private E. Flo\\enlay, all old and respeetcd mCllllJel' of the Division.
A. G. SOllthcombe,
Pte F. Claridge.
Honorary Treasurer.
Bennet t.
In s pector of Stores.
, trt'et,
Inspecto l' of Stores.
Mr. S. Gaubert (Hon. Mem.)
P te. W. D . Claridge.
1st Officel' and Hon. Sec retary.
J. Lowe, 40,
Honorary Treasurer.
Honorary Secretary.
Su pe r i nt e n den t .
A. Paull, l\yleeote, W Cl1lbl ey.
I. Dist?"i ct.
[Formed 6.93.]
HF \l)·QL\HH,hS : FL'SBUllY M.UlKKI',
In s pector of Sto res.
Pte. ' ILnpcL
Ho n o r a r y T reasurer (In Charge).
hL C1<l .. "ergt. C. Browll, (0, J!'insbury, E. O.
treet ,
'e rgellllt 1. PrivilLe' 15. Total effective 18. I ncrease .. ince la L report 1. Drill. helt! 41. 11" "crage attendance 5. Ca es atteudetl Oll publie Juty 15. HClllontb 10. Cn 'c utientlellnot 011 public duty 35 . AllIlUal inspcction, :2~.ti . 07. Tolal on puratle 11. Ab:;Cllt with leay 5. Anllual re-examination, 4.12.06. 1 111uer:; pase(l H. Did not appcar:2. l'Iledallion 10. o erviee badges 4. lSur:;lllg certilieates 11. Regulation ulliform worn. l aterial : litter, 3 stretchers, surgicalllavre ac , water bottle~, blanket , ground heets, camp stools, etc. T he D ivision is formed exclusively of the employees engaged in the various depar tmellt5 of Mess rs. \ VaterIow & OllS, Limited, but owing to the n ature of tlleir emploY lll ent it is n ot alway' possible for the member to t urn out for public du ty, 01 t o attend drill regulal'ly . T he D ivision i indebted to the E ducation Co mmittee of th e L ond on COUll ty Co uncil 1'01' granting the u e of the playgrounu of the Scrut toll Stroe t Schoob, Fill bury, KC . , 1'01' urill purpose', also to Dr. Braddon fo r first aid instruction, and to Dr. l{ordoll B rown for kiml1y acting as judge at onr annual eompelitioll fo r the W aterlo " D ep::llLUlc n lal Challengc hicld .
St. J ohn A ?nbldance B),igade.
No. 13 (KING 'S CROSS, G.N.R. ) DIVISION. [Fol'l1lec114 .10.93.] H EAD-QUARTER, : ROO;\1 llO, l'lLUN LINE TATro T , G.N. Ry., 1\:r TO'R Cnoss. R. Main,
Honorary Surgeons. J. Brunton, M.D.
Super-inllendent. G. T. Cooper, 20, ArloI\' Road Winchmol'O Hill. ' 2nd
IV. Mailer,
M . D.
1st Offi cer- and Hon . Treas. II. E. Hankin.
and Hon. Secretary.
Inspector of Stores. Cl'gL. A. Bn,elcock.
P. J. ebnght, 73, Whittington Rand, Bo\\'es Park.
Officers~. Sergrants 3. Corporals 1. Privates 47. Tolal cllecLivc 60. Decreasc SlUce la t rcport 3 Drills hl'ltl '.. . H I Cases attended uot on public' duty 'I 201 ~~l 1 ~'C1~ge ~. CllLance 17. Total 011 11arade 34 Ab t 'th I ,. Hla lllspecolOll, 22.6.07. _ " • .Ll. sen ,n ea,e 15. 'YitlJout leave 11. Anllual rce~amIll2abotls, 1:07. Members passed 41. Failetl1. Did not a1111ea1' 1 1I1e 1.1Ions 4. erVlCe bad CTes 21 N. " .t", . < . . ' .l\ l ,1 Material. stretcher1::! hb • .1lltSlIlgb Ctetl lficahs 24 . Regula lIOn Ulll f01'1ll ,,'om. . . , a\' I esacs, "a er 0 l es, etc. Dunng the past year lectures on first aid to the llIJ'tll'etl have u ., J • Brn n t on, ~1. D., ane1 011 nul' 'mCf . < een gl \ Cll b y Honorary • uraCOll 0 and hnriCllC 1.)' l' '\T K enc1a 11 Ej sq 1\1 1 I\I D '1'1 C c1 0 " co U 1. \ • of the GN v" C·'" " e up pre. ente for competition hy tllli oflicers :r. .1.1.. ompauy was won by 11 team c . t' f Sergeant Halls COl]lOrals Porter I P 1 OllSIS 1l1t{ a ergf'<.tllt Willgfiehl, annual concert 'he1cl Februar 14th ane ... a mel', and Private ~iehols. Tlte Holloway, resulted in a financi~l suc " 190 (, at the At~enreulll, Camden Haad, Saturday AUCTust 31st t WI tl cess · T1 hc allnnal OUtlllg of 1lIL'1II1Jers look l,l;li'e includind 1 20'1 tl . ,oh leal lamps t eal and vicinity. A total of 1],:W ca. c.' 0' 11 year) ave Jee11 trcated hy members r tl D'" . .' formation. The Division wishes to rccord it' cor li 1 tl '1,° · 1e l\~<;1011: ,Sl1lCe Its for the use of a room for drills &c 1i L a Ian ,s to the G. . . R. ollll,an), and aeneral sen'ices and to the H' ., ane l 0 the Hon. urgeollS fOI their Icclll1u; . ".: on. ecre <.trv (2 1 OUi . l' 1 ' . 1U connectIon with the concert. J III cel cJng It) luI' IllS work
l J I"' I D
Honorary Su rgeons F . J. McKettrick 111 D A' • , " '. Superintendent. A. A. Atkius, 41, First Avenue, Manor Park, E~sex.
No.1. Distl'icl.
fiA, %.]
' .. lllgEr,
t' 1 I'lt C, L. 1'. A.
Honorar-y Secretary. COlPI. F. C. UOSbUl'll, 129, Carlyle Ruad, Manor P<.t l'k , E sex.
Inspector of Stores. Pte. J. Brickell Honorary Treasurer. . Pte. T. IIunlf'll. Officers 3. Corporals 2 P " . t ' ')9 'r . . . Incr~ase siuce last re ort 3. .,' , llVU es._. oLal eflectlve 31. 111 speetlOn , 22.6.07. T~tal on )a~~~~s2~lelJ 42. A~·.eJ'age attellclll.1lC~ 15. AllllUal Annual re-examination 24 1 01 1\1 L' Absellt "lth leave 7. Wllhout leave 2 lions 22. Service badges 'N , ~U1 ers p.assed 24. Did not appeal' 3. Medal~ Material: litter, 4 stretChers,' 2 h~~:~ng ce~tlfiea~e~ , 16 .. Regulat!oll uniform WOL·U. marquee, 3 bell tents oil stove sacs, ox of fnst ald matenals, larae hamper . Th~ strength of th~ Division' i~~P;;'n~a~cel'j etc., blallkets, waterproof si;eets, etc.' is. satlsfactory. On Sunday, Octouer l~t~ll the aV~l'age. ,,~e~kly attendance at drill k111d invitation of their President (R p' ilg0~, tIllS D1Vlsion again accepted the St. Michael's Church. Ios.3 4 7 l~v. . . ayne) to ~t~e!lcl DivinE' el'vice at the total up to 145. ~'he No' ('E 2~ 29), 40 an? 46 Dlvlslons assisted, briJ1crinrr Superintendent Mrs N Hal:ro as. am ~u.l'Sll1g Division nnder their Lad'" Bo.rough Council continu~ their P~t:o~~~ne a~ted JO~l.ltly with us. The (East IIam) gallled many recruits) was well ittendeJ. ' ud then ambulance class (from which we
L. B. & ',U. Ry.,
[Formed 10.7.95.J
Cnoss, ,'.E.
Honorary Surgeon, Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer. ~[.A., M.ll., :316, (JllCClI'S Hond, Peckhal11, ,'.E.
.T .... Davics,
Inspector of Stores. Corpl. W. Rupley.
Hon . Secretary.
, E. CheJ'l'Y, 10, WrigglcsworLh ,'L., I ew Cross, t::l. E.
Orlicel'1. erg(,(UlLs 2. COl'Jlf)l'ab ,1. 1'ri\'(1L(,8 32. Tolal rI'ective 39. I ncroase siJlce last l'('port 1. Drills held ,13. 1'1.\ el'tlgr attendancc ~O. Cascs aLlclIlled llot 011 public duly 130. A1lllual i1lspeelioll, 22. (j . 07. Total 011 para,lc 16. AlJsent with leave 9. Withoullt'ave 11. Al111nalrc·cxHminalioll,3.3.07. 1ICIlIbzrs passed n . Dil111lJt appUl.r . Meclalliolls~ . .'ervice badge,' 10. HegnlaLioll uuifurm worn. )laterial: ha\'l'e,a.e, ~ slrekhcr..' , 1z lI'atcl' bottles. I
Super'intendent and Hon. Treasurer. '. Orchard, ~7, Erpinghalll I{,l., Putney, ,'.IV .
Honor-ur"y Surgeon. 11. K. 1IargrctlYC " :-1. D.
Inspector of Stores. 01 \,1. \\'. J. Uonl(l.
Honorary Secr"etar"y.
Pt('. E. .J. Ocklcfurrl, 1.1, Kings" OOll Ud. , \\'iJJJbledoll,
[Forme(l 14.£1,95.]
\\ .
Ofliccrs~. ~elgeallL.~. CUl'}llllab') Pl'i\atl's :.n. 'l'ul.t1 cfrcciin '27 . l)rills held U. .A.\'erage all"llLiallcl' 14. Cae:; altcllll 'd 011 pulllic duty 92. 'a 'c ' atlelHletlllotu11 pllLliL: dilly 156. AlJlltlal in"'pcdioJl, ~:U).07. Total 01l1'aralle~~. A1Jlml wiLh lcave 1. \\ ililOuL I 'a\'e 1. A11Jluall'e-cxamilliltio11, 11.1.07. ~lC1l11rcrs pa ':;cli 20. Dil11lut appelll' 1. .\ledalliolls ~3. 'en' icc badgcs It). TlU-;illg certificates Hi. H.cglliatioll ulJiful'lu worn. ~tatclial: ·1 :;lr -tchcrs, mgical bavresn.c, fielLl halll]lCr, ~ improvisecl havresac , "ulcl' hottle, sheets, pillo\\", blankets. 'rile \l'ork of the Di\'bion ha ', during the yellr ju:;t close(1, bLcll even morc succus flll thall in the l're\'iou<; ())Je, the lI111I1UCI' of public Llutie pcrformed, \"iz . , 74, sho\\ all increae of 21, :tIlLI th e lolal Ctl 's ~J J an increase at' lIt). The attendauce at cIa " as un cluty ha' again 1r('e11 good aud tbo ellicielJcy of the members wcll lllailltaiucd, as is . e[;u frol11 lhe examiner" report at' the allllual re-examilllltioll when lhe whole of the lllUll prescnt, wilhout exeeptioll, }lab 'ell. The tlllllUal competitiou for thc member' cup has a~aill created a keen contest allli thus help to promote e!lieiellcy ill the Di\ i 'ioll. Olll'puciul feature of the work is the: inauguration of street dutie ill l\'iUlblcdolJ ou ~Lltlll'Llay o\'ening and other 1m 'y times throughout the year. The cxeculi\'e arc (iesiron" or again placing all rccord their illdebtedllcs' to thc Preic1ellt (.~Il'. C. '1'),[')'e11 U iles, J. P.) for hi, y(tluable .. i 'tance in matters l'clatiYlJ La the Diyi ion j to tho HOIl. -' mgeoll (Dr. llargrcl1Yc ) for thc way ill which he hm; worked La iucrc!!·u the cfhciellcy 0[' the men, to thc patrons and subsenucrs, to Lhe urbing 'ibters for their help and co-operation, and to the mcmbers genem,Uy.
Honorary Sur·geon. A. A. Ward, !>LD. 1st Officer.
W. G. Butchcr.
IYOHKI:', OLD KE~"l Rll_\.J\, LO~·Do.-,
. E.
Superintendent. J. . Li llCS, 93, l\Te t End Lane, We;;f Hampstead, Hon. S eCl'etar"y. ·'cl'gt. A. C. Uric ' bach, 23, King's Hond, Peckham, S.E.
Inspectors of Stores.
No. 21 (BROMLEY) DIVISION. [Formecl1.5 .96.]
Hon , Treasurer.
Oorpl. P . Wickens. Pte. F. Foddering.
Pte. G. Grosse. H EAD -QUARTEllS :
Officer 3. Scrgeants 5. Oorporals fl. Privatcs 54. Total efTectivc 68. I ncrease sincc last report 8. Drills held 41. AYerage attendance 25. Oases attended on public duty 7. Hemovals 43. Cases atlended not on public duty 23 0. An nual inspection, 22.6.07. T otal on parade 53. Absent with leaye 13. , Yithoet leave 2. Annual re-examinatioll, 8.2.07. Members passed 53. Did not appeal' 7. Medallions 50. ervice badge 54. N ursing certificatcs 50. R egulation nniforl1l worn. lIIaterial : 2 ,,,ago us, 10 stretchers, litter, 8 ambulance boxcs, blankets, splints, etc. T he strength of the Division has increased by eight during the past year, and intere t in all matters connected with ambulance work is keenly maintai11eu. The hazardous Dature of the duties at the Divisional lIead-quartcr' fl'c(luently calls [or the practical a' istance of the first aidcrs, as eyidenceu uy the figl1l'e . recorded abo\'e, and special commcndation is still from time to LillIc recci\'clI frOIJl llH'dical mcn and hospital authorities UllOll thc intelligent a ·.·isLancc rcndered. Tllc ncIY alllhulalH:e " 'agons receutly provided by the Company han proyed a grcat ae'lui"itioll. The chairmi1n nnd director of the 001l11Jany cncourage in eycl'Y way the ;,;Lndy of tir.·t aid, and in addition to the splendid work of art representing the" Oood 8,UlI:ll'iLl1l1 " which is annually eOl1lpeted for by the first ,tid mcmbers at the 'eycral COil lres 0[' thc Uompany, still present silyer medallions to all who flua.lily [or thelll. TIIC loc'.! press recently referred in terms of praise Lo a dispby given by the 111l'lll1lerR at the Oauston Sports, when an (lxplo iOll in a coal mine was graphicalJy illu!;trated, the mpposed injured being rescued by improyi cd chairs of rope, t.he LO\\']lloor jacket and the fireman's lift, the rescuers using the smoke helmct which i. fn:rplCll t1y called into use at the works. A scaffolding was built in a few lllillUlc:s ill sight of' the spectators, and the supposed injured were 10\lcreu 11y the means a1Joyc referrcd lo, the whole beiug likened to a "military tournamellt" display. TIle Diyi. iCIll was again snccessful iu securing the" Efficiency" Cup, gaining its custody lor thc thircl time, and a further reason for pride is the fact that "ith four exceptioll. tile Royal Naval iek Berth Resel'Yists for the llletropolitan llistrict are clnt\\ 11 frum its ranks. The Division retlU'ns its sincerest thau kH Lo'ir George Livesey (the Cllainllan of thc Oompauy), to 1\11'. Oharles Oarpenter (thc Uhiei' Engineer), and to the Hoarl! of Directors for the many concessions extended to the Brigaue mem1ICrs dmiug lIle year, and for the general encouragement gi\'en to the Imtherance of first aid study at all the Oentres of the Oompany's works, and point wilh gratification to Lhe lllallY instances when this knowledge has been most usefully employed. The work oC the Oompany being of a continuous nature, a full llJeeting at drill or illspection is impossible, but all excellent average bas been maintained. Respon 'e has bceu made t o all the calls for duty received from Head·guarLers during the ycar.
E. Jessop, 111.1:. C . S. C. J . R. l\Iacfadden, 1Il.D.
J. T. H. HudsOD, Holly Bush HOllse, Holly .ilJ ollnl, Hampst.ead.
Honorary Secretary.
Honora ry S ecret ary.
Ins p ect or of Stores.
1st Class Sergeallt l:t'. Field, 55, on thltLllLb Roall, Brol1lley.
.'ergL. I'. BUt;b.
Ho n o rary T r eas u rer.
1\11'. W . Coolillg, (Holl. Mem.)
RD AY 'FUND DIVISIO N. [Forlllerl :.!7.7.fl6.] No . 22 (HOSPITA L S AT U lh.. \Tl-lil \I~n. l;
Honol-ary Surgeons.
,lollll FIIlI 'IS,
hlgralll, .\I . ll.
H. "\Y.
A. H. H llllllcll, ;) 1. 'JJarlulle :-il1'l1't, FitZl'lly,'llll,HI' \\'.
lJ l'lHltlll.
Inspeclol' of Stores.
Honorary Secretary. I
'f. \., ;\1. ]'.
1st Officel' and Hon. Treasu l·er.
S u p eri nte nd e nt .
'I'. LUKE'S I :-;sTITUTJ" BJtO~ILEY . OENTllAL H ALL, Lo:\])o:-; HOAD, Br.O~lLEY NonnI.
o nicers~ . , 'erg~aJ1ls 2. Corporals 2. Pri vaLI's 35. ToLa.1 elfecti ve .41. I . • I ncrcase sillce last report. 1·1. Drill. llehl 77. 1\..vemge attendance ~3. Oases bl' 1 t, 1') RClllorals 0 Cases aLtclldClI not on pu1JllC duty 66. I 1 a\tLen( ('lC' 011 Ptl~ lC ~~ Tol'll 0;1 Im;'lule :33. AlJsent with leavc 5. Annual 1 lll1na lllspec lOll, ~...' , '1 I D'l t . 2 1'IIech.l re-examillatiun, 31.1. 07. ~lllllher.· pas.e!l 35. 1! <t1 el 1. 1\ 110 .appear. . 1 <... ,'. b· (1"'. ~ 1. T \ll'Sill" ccrtificatL" 2·1. Hegulalloll lllllf0l111 wom. liolls 2(j. ,e1 \ lee ,1 0:>". " 1 ~ Tt ... ·t. tel e1' 1 llanei\Ialerial : ~ litters, 5 telesCo]llcLn lc.lwrs COllll' etr, .., J111 I <II) S lC I ,sac,; ~ Lellts :skeletlln, allll vanou.· ('lIeels. . . ,.. t II • 1"I~' ,\'eal' .\ ,'I"'Lioll has been fOl'IlH'!1 ,v1tl! IJeadquul tels a 1)"Ullll" tl'e I ,,'lJ , , , . P' t \\''·,ItlC Celltral 'hall, Lon(.loll rOllll, \litl.1 a tl!ta~ of,ll 1l.le111hel' ..... s n.\'a ~he ~~~111((~ r A ' • ·ti 11 11'l\'lJ\f']' )lIlel'elt lust a III Jll ul'l\,uds 01 1,000 c,t. e , at ,... t) 1 '\\', l c I) I: t ' .. .., '1" , I Ihil ",a" 11'1" heell llw recil,iPIl. t or a hauc1some marble 1 c( IfC 01,S, "I tClSl'H, ' . ,. l . , ", • II ' 1 ,If' 1 e1;cl' fro 11 I hi" eU-\lolkrr:s ill the ellgilll' ,uIII IloJler deV:ll t~lICll~. . ell as a. ~ra:1 .~r(, :c a Ol'rLilil'nte 01 l\It rit hy thc Lord J\ltt}Ol' 01 LOlllloll J lor Ill ... kll11111ellllcll])o fll~LllLI Lo Olle per .. oll II 110 was very I,allly 111l1ngled.
[Formed 31.1.96.]
Honorary S u r ge on s .
A. B.
Ho no rary Su rge o n (8. S ect io n). Honorary Surgeon and Su pt. J . II. Yolland, ~l.n.c . s., 53, Bromley OOllllllon, Keul. J . :JI<lt.hirsoll, )I.]} .
'crgt. ll . LYOll, '5, l'elhL'lltlll 1:oad, llighhlll) Xl II l'Mk, ~ .
.1 . BUllIty.
L'I i\'aleli ~o. Total etleelil'e ~,'. 0 1 :....J \11 }lora" '" 1 Drill ' held 11. AI l'l'age alll'lHlunce 1~ . asc,s Dccl'ea 'c })ince. la .. t l'l'pr~~L '1' .. 1 1 (j Ca'c at IClllled not on pH 1Illc duty o. attemlCll Oll pllhhG duLy ~li;J. "elllO\ ,\ " . " ' . ' I 1 . '10 'WithAnnnal in l'cclion ~:.!I)(I.J lIlle. Total 011 parade £1. 1\u:;cnl" It 1 le'll\_e ;"'1 1 1 ' .. 1 0-I. [elll1ICl" ltaSSel :.I. ouL le'l\,' IJ \ lllll1al rc- 'xallllllulloll, '-. l'fitalt el 1') . D id ll~t apl;ear ~10. Ictlalliolls :!o. 'cn'ice ballgcs U. Nlll'>-tl~1 fer.,l ~cnt~' Reuulatioll uniCornl wurn. n.latu·ial; littcr, 7 hal'!' ',IC' , I L I, lL~lc le:;"'hot wate;' a.l1~lllallcu :staLiolJ huxe .. , G I\aterpl'ooi' 'heet~, (j l'l1gs, 30 Wil e1' uO es, ~ bottles, large stock of I.nllllIages, lhugs, etc.
Ollicl'l's I.
No. I. District.
St. J ohn A 1nbulamce B?'igade.
,,( l'''c;1llIs 2.
L ••
Inspector of Stores.
P te. F. L . H umphrey, 30, Oak Village, Gospel Oak, N . W .
Ple. W. Larken.
Honorary T reasurer.
Pte. W. Warren . Officers 3. Sergeants 2. OO1'] )o1'als 3. Privates 20 . T otal efrcctive 37. I ncrease si nce last report 3 Drills held 46. Average attelldal1co 18. Anllual inspecti on, 22nd J une. T otal on parade 21. Absent with leave 8. Without leave 4. Ann ual re-exawination, 15.1. 07.
Hon . Surgeon and Sup er int e nd e nt.
F . G. Swa.yne, 1Il.A., )l.B , 140, Ohurch R oad, Upper Norwood.
[Furmed :26.11.96.]
L\'TlO~" , Om,"SlAL PALACE . Hon . Sec r et ary a nd Treasure r .
Pte. G. A. l)UW'011, 3, , tatioll Roall, Upper.J: or wood.
In s pe c to r of Sto res .
Corpl. F . L. Dawson .
lYO .
St. J ohn A?)1-buZonce B1'igade.
Ofllcer 1. 't~l'ge:lIlt1. nrporal' 2. Pri\'ale, Ii. Total etl'cl'lt\' :H. Illcrea e 'incc Ial';i rcport 3. Drill., heltI 50. ..'.-,"erage attendant; . elise: attended on I'll blic cl 11 ty 49. Remonl:] 3. On 'es a tten~letl not on public d 1I ty .i. Anuual iu'pection, :2~,Ii.O-. Total 011 parade 13. .A.hsE'nl "ith Ien\"e 7. ..\1l11\1aJ rc-examinatioll_ 2 .12.06. )Irltlhcrspa' 'cd H. Failell1. Dill not appear:!. ~1l(lal lion 17. cn'i 'e hadge ' 11. Xnr ing certificate 12. Ht'('ulation uniforlll \\ (1111. ~Iaterial: A 'hfonl litleI', large ,urgieal hal1lpcl', :3 snrcrical hancsacs, :3 stretch r', bell tent, cquipmcnt for same. \·iz., C' ~ll1cl llo\\'l, jng, pail ' . patent hea.ling ·ton', hble, flag and pole. The Diyi ion still continlle' to ilJlpro\'c, fOllr new memlkl" ha,:ing j,l'Ln emil]] ,11 sincc la, t report.. Public rl'1t\' has heen p' rformetl on 6 occaSlOllS. Thc Orystal Palace COlilpany hn' ag,lill kindly grillltcd IlS 11. rOOll1 for rll'il1 pnrp(lSl~, &c. The member:- are indebtcd to tllc :;;t,t1lll' Y Drnmatil' Cluh 1'01' it 1110, t .'\1eccssful perflll'll1' ance of "Hi, Excellellcy the Cionrnor, " held on Friday. )lay 31'l1, 1 !IOi, nt 't~IlI('y HaU, ,-,outh XOI'l\'ool1, ",hich . :L.'i~tant Commissl0ncr, )[1'. \\". n. ;\Iorgan. kindly attended. The proceed:; enahled the J1i,i:sion to purchasc a. larg' ambulance hamper, ~ nrgical hane ac', 1 "Furley ". trctcher. &r.
No . 25 (TOTTENHAM AND HAM:?STEAD J~NCTION RAILWAY) DIVISION. [Fllrmell ~.~. n,.] IT E.\11'Ql.',U: 1'1' Its:
• 1'.
1'\1.,1::-; Lilt
n. )1 111'1'a) ,
No . 24 (DOULTON ) DIVISION. [Fo1'lIlell 30.0. Pd.] TlIE
DorLTu:\, I);,TlHIF,
IJIl:JI ~lHl . I·:T, L\\Ir:LIJI.
I n charge of division (acting).
,ergt. J. H. I..orll. ,J, Jedburgh 'treet, Korth ide, Clapha1l1 COIlI11101L K. \\'.
Honorar'y Secretar-y
Luq,1 C I:. UILY, u-1, Hayter 1:11;111. Dn:dll11 lJill, •. \\",
I nspect or of S tores.
Honor'ary Tr'easur'er
CorpI. J. Carlc\.
L..J. I:. 1-1 O,llel' (11 'Ill. ~l L'III.) 'A
l'UII~I, Ll'I:I:OY. 'E RO,\l1, ILutJ!L-o,\Y.
lass .\·r"t. B. teYcn.', :t \\'Ul''l'st, l' i'd., 111gha;~1 llill. Waltham to\\". 1st
~1.1:.I · .S.
Inspector' of Stores.
H onorary Secre t ary.
H onorary TI'easurer.
['tl'. L. LC\'ll1.
l't '. F. llulltllg"\\ll1,th. I'll', l:. \\. ('h;\! t. arltoll 1',1 .. Higham II ill. \\':t 1111a 11 ,sto\\".
H o no rary Su r'geo n .
R. G. Ruill.
In charge).
H onol'ary S ur-geon.
I . Dist l' ict.
Section ,
(III dl'llgc of slc·tiull 'u·.:':'~ .. 1. ]1. Lonl. ·cr.:tiUlral HOll. , Cll'et,lr)-COl'l'l. ll . .E. Ed,I,.'. 'eetiullal I I1.!'CClol' of ,'tol e~-l'tc. ~. '\\'anclI, "B • Section.
(In cllarge 01 section -, crgt. F. Hillinan. ) 'edional HOll. , ecrdnry--Corl'l. ,J. (" II eHllel'. ect.ional In:S1JCctor oftores-Pte. II. \\'. Hihbel't. .. C ' Section.
(Iu charge of sectioll)- I'le. T. l'! C\\!i. ;")ectioual llon. Secretary-Corp!. J, F. ?lIagra. 'ectioual lu. pector 01 :::ltores-Pte. F. Dilrew. Officer 1. 'ergeants 4. Corporals 6. Pl'i\'ates tiO . Total eJl'cetiye 7i. l llcrease since last repC'l't 3~. Drill;; held 128. A nragc attcndalll'e 12. 'a 'e ' attended. Oil pu1-;,lic duty 84. Remoyab3:. ases alteuded IIOt all public duty 2~U. Annual mspectlOl1, 22.6,07. Total on l,urade H. ALscnt \ritll leave ] 2. WillJOut leave 1~. Anllualre-~xalllination,) 3. 2. 07. ?lie1l111e1S 1'a ' 'eel ~~3. Di,lllot appeal' 13. MedallIOns 27 .. SerVlce badges 14 . . t\ursing certificate' 10. Rl'gulatioll uuiform worn. Matenal: 2 stretchers, 4 surgicalllavreae,' 4 (luad water bottle Lalldacre' and splints for practice . ' '''' The Division has now been in existeuce eleven year", and it is gratifying to all concel'ned to ~now that the past. year has b.eell a reeord of lll'ogre.', ill all directions. Every. S~~tlOn, has ~dde~ c?nslderably to Its strength, and, after allowing for \nt ·tage, the DIVISIon finds Itself WIth the very satisfactory increase of 32 over last year's figure(' . The actuaillumbel: of cases trrateLl is slightly 1110re than last year, hut the numbl'r of r~m?vals to hosilltal, nan!ely, 3i.i as against] 1 last year ten,ls to sho\\" that the maJonty have been of a SCTlOUS nature; 217 cases wert' treated duril1" the year by members of the Division, havi1Jg Iirst aid boxes in usc 011 the firlll of l~ssrs. D oul to?- & ~o . Ouce. more we have to acknowledge our great iudeutetlllcss to D r. ReId, thIS year partlCularly for the financial assistance resulting from the high Iy
~e:l1lt 1. Pri \'al e '~,-l. Total l'tl~l'l i\'c ~i. " . ',) ]) 'l! ltl'hl 1)1 \.Y 'nl"t' attl'l\I\anre . ,1. e. 111er(';\ c. ~IIIC' !a,,\ n l'n~:, ... r 11"'1') ',\s' .;tt 'l1(I~lll1ot on I.uhlic dnty ;;3, nltrlHlll1 011 puhllC' , nty _ -. " \Cl 110\ ,J. _. 1 ]',; , '\1 "' llt \\ ith Ica\'~ . ,\Yitl.Ollt .)0) (l 0 lutl l_)_onJ pant! c u. " ", ~ll:l1tll'r:-; pa:;:,ell 13. }ill! , 'I I , " A 111111 ,\ I I11S1l'l tlOll, --.), , I. , 0- . 1 - 'i 0'I s lea\'(' G. .\.11111lil11 ,eX,Ulllll';\ltlt\)l1 ·, _"', :) I" 'l;~~"'~~I'.;ti~;l ~111ifonl1 \\'orn. ~lnttlrial: .' I)'I' l iIll. t 'llll""\I' I.J l l 1,)11. _. '.~' 1llO'('· ..!. , , 11 I I. , , " hrrrc \\"lll'I' 1lnlt 1· l' p I'111 t·s, l·lll' ' , ,.., • ·1 :trdl'hers, 111\\"1' " al('" 'J .' n.. \ \'111"1· ll r , till' l"l' • 't'\ ...1. ''''\1' UllLl hn" ~call'ie,1 out a ., . . . a :-;l11'gl~a I 1 tr J) , 'I hI' 1)1 n ... lt)1\ , 1<1'11"III \'~' ; ' . ,..,. I ' t't )1' 1 1 I" T'd'I11" lnln eOll:-,lt l'ln, tIl"el1,'tlure or the men' lnrlfe Ilmollllt IltIpn 1 I' ( 11 \. " \\' II a It l'l11 \ Cl 1, '['11'e l)i\'isioll io., till < crreatly n ! ·'11 -, 11·1","11L'l'n ' :>, " eillplll '111l'llt, t H' III s'.' ~" I" I' . 'I ,.1 1'01' thc rnc nsc or the 'hurch room lor in,h,btl'd I,) t hl' \ ll;W (It ~l illl lUll I (Jri1l, &e,
Ollh~ l'l' 1.
No , 27 ACTON DIVISION . llE ,\ll-l1l '.\lllhl
.AI I'll' :-;1 \IW·.
[F')lll11,,1 Hi. 5. P ]
N. &::-;. \\". ,1\'
'L' .
H onorary S ur-geon .
11. ,J. ThOl'lltOll, ,1. H.I',S. H o norary S ecr'e t ar y.
I nspector o f StOI'es.
I'tl'. l~. lJ ayhol'. ht OIlS,' ~lrgt. L. \\ . 'l'nlkr, ;\1) 1':\ 11 011;;(" ~;i, IT e\\'LOll .\ \'('11 11l', J\ 'lOll, \ V, , r 1 , I 'l': Ult 1 . II.' " l ,. I')_. 'l\ltal l' trel'liYc I.J. 11' 1 I ' 1') Ollil" 11\ ,\ lS 1 . .\. \:-\,Lla'" ,.., alil'll1 1nlll'l' 10 /, \ t t IHlcl l)l1 1'U) 1 • l n \ ~. ])I'ills 111'1,\ ;\. . vasl''', ' . n ,).) \501 11" lut \" ~l') \' l1ll11·11 l1l-:l'CCtlo -_ .. I. , " I l'l11o\'als L 'asl's nilI'll' 1"1 .Hot nll ]1:11 ~~'\I ' l'I~:l\" ; \. l1n lta l rC'l'X<lllliIHltioll, Tllttl (Ill ]l11',\l1t~ G. AI,sPllL With kl\"C:'>. I lUU l'~l'l 'Il" '1" R('nicl' h'u\trc. :21 ,) 07 \lll1\ltl'r,., 1';\SSI,d 1:3. nill llnt ap]I('ar 1. • L'(.l 1~)111Sl '~'\l 1 ;;trL'l;hl~'S .. .' n en; :. 'I 11..~. I .I1l'sillg el'i'llitl'atl's l. l'\,l'gll 1a l'I')~I I1111' fOl'lll \\'01'11 . 10 1\l1\1!1l11l1l'1' hoxl's, hllll]Il'I', 1I1lt11l1tle,n:d. 'L "l' 'f' 'l 1" 1I1'\1111l'l' thL' allelll\hncc 'rite Di\'isillll :still COllt itlll,·S III \\·M]..: 111 a. Illo? ,l IS :~lll 'i"i 1\\ ~\'i,:;h to eXpl'l' S a.t till' lectlll"'S ,uHllhill-: is Itt,jllg \\,pll lll:t1tllt\II\"11. I' It 'I 11\ ~")' 1'llll'I:L~l disl,la""ll .clll'liial , Lltlltlks tll 1) 1'". '1'1 l(lill ,t lIn ,\IH ' 1 \\T,,\, 111"n lll'll'IC, "ll It "meil'lle)' " , The J t hell' I _. II \l'lllh'l's 11]1 tll 1('11' ]In'sel, . . hy huth gl!llt Iellll!11 111 lrtllgllig IC I ~ ., .• ,. I. 1 ' ". I 'lo.; L'arllcd 1'I'ai':;l' rl'OIll lil'sL nitil'l'II,ll'l'c,1 by SC\'l'I':\II111'lllh~I'''' III sOllle \ CI,I III l,l es, I, Lhe 1l1~ll ic(\1 1I11'1l !ulller whilSt' ,'al'll the en ~s \\'l're brought. I
[F ormed 21.6.98.]
Honorar"y Sur"geon.
G. M. Edward, M.n. Sup erintendent.
Hon . S ecretary.
O. O. Deans, 11, Peterborough Roaa, H arrow .
'el'gt. \\T. F. H arlmann, Crown Street, H arrow.
Inspectol" of Stol"es.
Honorary Treasur"er".
Pte. JJ. ,Yo hepherd.
l\Ir . H. B. Henderson (11011 . Mem.).
Offi cers 2. ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Pri,'ate 21. T otal effective 26 . I ncrease since last r eport 6. D rills held 57 . A I'erage attendance 15. Oases att ended Oll public duty 13. Removals 10. Oases attenlleu not on public duty 58 . Annual inspection, 22.6.07 . T otal on parade 15. Ahsent with leave 9. ,Y ithol1t l eave 2. Annu:11 re"ex.amination, .2.07 . l\Iem bel'S passed 15. Dill not a ppcal 5. Medallion 12. Service hadge .r ur 'iug certificate. 6. Regulation uniforlll " -0 1'11. Material: li tter, 5 stretchers, 3 havre ac., and "F.A ." material at following stalion : 1. Victoria Hall, Greenhill; 2. Oouncil Depot, BessiJorough Road; 3. Pte. Bcntley's, Middl e R oad; 4. Pte. Jam es, Northolt Road. A I'ery good year's work has been done, although the numhcr of caes reported shows a slight decrea e. Attendances ha\'e becn good upon the whole aml thc Division has been represented at cvcry L ondon duty. Neverallocal athlelic m eetings have also been altended. At the beginning ol'the yearthe Di"isioll was 'll'cngt1lened by t he addition of eight new members, elJabling the prom 0 lion of Pril'ate \Vh itelllull to corporal, to be cOll1pleted. To the gre:1t regrct of the oml:en; alld men of the Divi ion, thp. lIon. Trea urer, )11'. Fillmore, has hen oldiged to re:<ign through illhealth after ten years of l1lost helpful sen'iee. :Jf r. Hend erson has beell lI'£"Ieomcd in the place of MI'. Fillmore and has sholl'1I great intere~t ill the WOI k of the Division. A collection haYillg been organized ill the I;pring, the Divi~ioll lws l'('ell able to aelcl a pernlanent litter slled to its other ambulallc~ tati01ls . The Hanow Fl'bnll Di _ tl'iet Oouncilwere kind enough to grant a 8iLe for thi., in a ('ellL1'al position at a merely nominal rent. In the autumu tIt e lllemher gu\'e a \'e1'Y suC<·I.'S,.;{ll1 di -play Lefore au audience or those intere. ted ill the lJi\'i ,ioll . A good nUI11],e1' of n'1I10\'11]..; in cases of illness have been caniecl out to the. n.tisfacLioll of the loeal doctors.
No . 29 (WALTHAMSTOW ) DIVISION. [Forlllee15.1.99 .] HEAD"QUAltTER':
Honorary S ecretary.
Sergt. F . TN. Stevens, 114 , High St., Walthamstow.
drill has been performed, and the attendances have be.ell gO?o .. Th e of ca~es trea.Lell show a slight decrease, but the number of pnhlH'. rlubes In. Ow rh;;tnct remams about the same. The nsnal Brigade calls ha\'e heen recelv~d, amI If l.'osslbl~ responded to. Thanks to 1st OOicer G. Jf. Pizey, of, ~he Oh,ll1gforc~. Plre Bl'lgar~e, who creneronsly provir1('d the prizes, the I!ivisl01~ E(JiClency COll1petItlOJ~ ,'as agam he~d ~l H l pro\'ell very successful. thc pnzcs ],elng won 11y lhe followlllg teallls :-:-lst. Oorpora.1 W eh.-ter, Privates Hoad, \\Tooclwarrl !Lllll. B~n~\orfl. 2nd. Pn.y~tes itchison, Taylor. Edgell and Brow11. In the ~)cst lJ1c1\Yl(l\l[\.1 man r:ompetltlOn, Corporal W chslN obt!Llnccl the flrs1 prize, closely /0110w('e1 by Corporal \ Vrave:'s, anrI the prize.' /'01' thc l'rst Pljuipl'crl l'01l c.11 .\~·cl'e cal'tulerl by 'orporal \V~lmter ~.nd Pri va (e \\Tooel want AlLog<' ( 11('1' Ow 1)1VlSlOn has cyery reason to he .satlsfied \\ Ilh the yeal";1 ,york !LIHl can look /'or"a]'(l \lilh c01 lfitle11CI' to the fortheomll1g year.
No . 30 (EAST LONDON ) DIVISION. rFnrlllrr112.1.99.] H E.\]) e!U\ItTI-;ltS: JIm I s lI \\'OI,KI. -C: lIlE, "S
'1.1ll, (;IU-;,\,),
\\'11 11' 1.;(' 1I .\1'I' T, K Sup erin t en d ent.
Honorary Surgeon .
M lllok,
1'. Hayman,
I.>;. \.
In spector of Stor es.
1st Offi ce r- and HOllor'ary Sccr'elary.
N . ,'. 11.11 11 hll rgl'1' , !LJ, :1'l:('11 Lall e~,
, LOllg Li1llr,
,'crgl. 1'; ,'llinger.
'T 3. '1'gC'<lnts:2. Oorporal 1. Pri\'ales 11. Total effeclive ~7. I1I r-rl'llse siu('c last rl'po1'l 1. Drills II ·Irl 3n. A\'('r~gc attcI~(lan('e 16 .. Ca 'es aLte1Hlecl 011 jlnlJlit; lluty 70 . Ca. cs attcnded J10t 01.1 jlu1,j]() (1uty 3/. Anllllallllspectio1l. z2.6.07. ToLd 011 p:l1'Il!1e :~J. Ab:ent 1I1th IC:ln J. \\ Ithont 1eaye ~. Alln\lal re·l'.'lllltinalillll, 1'2.1 ::!.O!i. :Jlelllhers 1'I1s'il'lI21i. Fail ed 1. Did )lot ap]lr'ar I. '\ I ell all i ,IllS 1!i. . \'1\ ice 1latl~ 's 11. RL'gula lion 1111 irOllll 11'01'11. {lIn h'ria 1: 6 . Lre t cher. J !I 111I'<1il;:11 hlt'l'l,.-;tt.::<, \\,iltl'l' hoUlt,s, sl,lillts, ],u1lllages. kc. . Thl' 'Ilici '11('), uf til!' lli"i:<iIJJl ba:; b "n \\'elllllaintainc(lllllcl the. \~. 'ek1y d1'1l]'; .mel lIoll. ~urgt'<ln's L eC'tures have 1>0011 '''ll1 attL'lIdctl. Th e l'Uml'ctltlUn for ,er~eant ~ clill(r 'I"~ Cnp \\"1-; won by Pll\at · :->p'wjer, the (;o1l11'etiti l )J1 \\'11-; "cry kmdly jllll~I';1 ],y i)1 :<trit'l :-)U[ll l'intl'l1tl 'Ilt Ret.: 1 'tary P ontiu n~H~ ~lUll . .'mg,'on ~l. l\1uk., A ' l ry S1I('('l-:<:<f1l1 CUllL' '1'[ ill ,Ild of lhe funds of lhe 1)1\·1:<10n. \\',lS held fit.~he Gl'l"lt Ea:<te1'll Trol 'l. Li, L'l'l'ool ~ll'l'd, in ;'.Iny last. and resllltNl 111 fi ne~t aochtlOl1 to ~he fund;; uf tIl'] i\·isioll of up" ll'lls of £7:'1, of which n. part h:.1-' been lllYl"ted to bnng ill £3 per annUlll. T'
Honorary Surgeon.
H. T.
No. 1. District.
St. J ohn .A r;nb'LIJlance Brigade.
1st Offi cer (in charge).
F. T. Taylor, E:scx HOllse, Staillforth H.oatl, \\'a1thamstow. Inspector of Stores .
Ite. F. O. Edgell.
Honorary Treasurer.
I[ 1': .\1 Hnr.\ In ,., h I.S
W. J. Cardo.
Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 26. Total efIective 32. Drills held 4.2. Average attendance 11. Oases I ncrease since last report 4. attended on p~blic d~lty 43. Remo;~ls 18. Cases attended not 011 pnhlic tIuty 330. AnnuallllspcctlOll, 22.6.07. lotal 011 parade Hi, Absent \\ith leave 12. Without leave 1. . Annual re-ex~minatioll, 3.3. 07. :1Iembe rs passell 25 . Did not appe'lr 6. MedallIOns 19. SerVIce badcres 15. ursilw certificatec; 2. Hecrulatioll un iform -W01'11. :JIatel'iaI: marq nee, 3 t~n ts, litter c01llpl~te, 6 stretchers, G lJlan kets, 2 grollllll sheets, 2 hn:l'ersacs, ambulance box, calllp bed, etc. . T~le past year has, 111 every way, proved successful. Early in Lhc season a concert III aId or the fUIl(ls wa'>, thanks to the e[['orts of friend .' ancl1l1embers, the mcans of realisin~ over £30, with which many llecessary :.L1Lcrations and additions worc 1l1l1dc to the ambulan ce. station, allil extra tents, a marquee, anel stakes and chains were added. t? .0ul'.eqll1pPlent. New members havc heen obtained to IillulJ vacancies awl the DIVISIOn IS now ai:l strong as ever. Thanks to the W althamstow OOllncil havin rr again placed at our disposal the playground adjoilling the station, lllllch vaIlIabl~
,\ . ,
Honorary Sur"geon.
A. ,"'tmltoll,
In spector' of Stor' es.
PLe. T. C. Stutt('r.
"etl·l)ll- I ~Jo:I:\ln.·llsEY • EIl'T,E\lE:":T,
D 'ceLion-A'(
HOI: M1S;;IO _'. Ol:TH,Y_\RK Sectioll- \YJ::\l 'U1''1' n.\LL. Kl·,:\''S' INGTOX.
Honorar' y Secretary.
Pte. T. Wilsllll, ~:l, Doyel' Building Ohl K 'Ilt Roa(l.
Hon . Treasurer' (in charge.)
l·t 'Ia~' .'crgt. T . "aundel". l'o\1lldl 't'hllol, 1'1" r kcnllington Lanl', ,-.R
Olliccr 1. :3ergc.lnLs z Corpoml 1. Privatcs '27. Tolal elfeetin:, 31. In crease since last rcport 1. Drill.' lll~ld 70. Average attendancl' 10. Oll (' aLtcndclloll pnhlic Lluty l1 :l . It('l1lova l" 12. Cal;c ... alll'lHied not on public l!l1ty 1~ 9 . AnJlnal in"pcdil1n, Z~.(j.07. ToL'-l.l un p:ll'llllc 1:\' Ah~ellt \\i~h Jc~I'C --1. With out leavc 3. AlIl1ll td ru"cx :llnination, 1.3.0 7. . ~l, · ntlle.r~ pas 'ec1 -:W.) DId ~IOt ~L P[l Cll.1' 1. Ie l,tllilll1s U. ~ l!r\' il: C hl, IL:l''l I). IIl'Slll,~ CCI'LttlCtl.te' 11 I.CgUlatlOll lllliCol'lll worl1. ;\I1. Lcl'i tl: lilteJ', 1 st.l'dcher-;, 3 slll·gie.d htlVrc ,\.l!~. 3 ground shects 2 blankeLs.
No. 1. Disll'ict.
St. J ohn A'inbulance B'i'igade.
The Diyi ' ion continue. to make satisfactory progress, the members taking a k~en interest in both drills and dnties, effOlts arc now bcing' made to start a new ectlOn at l~ellniJ1gton which we hope will add a , good number to Ollr ,Pl'eSellt strength. Feful work has again hcen done ill olltlnnuk Pnr~~ .cluri ng Lhe cl'lcket and foot hall seaSOllS; a. l:1rge number of ca es haying been d ealt 'nth .
Su perinte n den t .
~LD., n.K.
G. S. Ellistoll.
Hono,'a l'y S ecret ary.
I nspec t o r of Sto r'es.
Corp1. ,\Y. E. Fel'lis, 15, Derwent Gro\'e, East Dulwich, •. E.
Pte. E. I'ulld.
Honorary Treasurer.
'ergt. Gal ,,'orthy.
Officers 2. ergeant 1. Oorporal1. Primte ' 12. Total ell'ecti\'c 1G. Decl'ea e since last report 1. Drill helel 1. A "crage attendancc 14.. 'a cs attendcd on public duty 15. Oa es attclldeel not ?ll public~ c111t}:. 5. Annu.aL illspection, 22.6.07. Total on parade 9. Absent ,11th 1e:1"e J . .'1\ Ithont lea"e.2 . Annual re-examination, 23.4 . 07. :Jlem bel's pas. cel 16. Medalhcn . 10. erYlt'c b.1dgcs . Nursing certificates . Regulation unilorm worn. Material: strctcher, 2 lia,resacs, 10 first aid boxe ill ir Jo eph Oau ton.& ons rac~or:i, .h~l~ tcut. The past year has been an uneyentful one in the lm;tory of tIn' Dn'lsJOll, and the quantity and quality of the work done has fallon below the average. Extm pressnre of "ark in the fartories of ir Jo. eph Cauton & 'ons, Ltd .. has preyonted the older memher from attending as frequently a,.; usual, and no attempt has heen made tu recruit new memberb. Before the close of the ye,n, however, teps had lJCell taktll to trenuthen the Division and there is eyery promise of renewcd viguur in 190" . First aid has been rendered on many occasion at the work ', and rcgular du ty is dune in connection with the Dulwich l>laying :Fields. The annual (lispla~' wa a can· spicuous suece. , the outh London Division giying generous a.'Sl~ta,nce. The Diyi"iol1 is still without the valuable. eryic:es of Dr. J. Drown. R.x., who unfortunately remains on sick lea ye.
Inspec t o r' o f Sto res.
Pte. G. A. Brazeley.
Honorar'y Surgeon.
E. H.
'. IIallo\\('<;, n.,·\.,
'lATIO _,
S. 'IY.
W. G. Pape, .. Fairlight,"
Honor'ary Secretary.
2nd Officer and Hon. Sec.
TIJ.:.\P·(Jl II ILH. :
1\ I itA"
Hon Surgeons .
:\1. Coat ",
\1. P., I: . . ' .
Hon . Treasure r .
Officers 2. Oorporals 3 . Privatcs 23 . Total effective 2 . D ecrease since last report 3 . Drills 11e](l 4. AYerage attendancc 1. Cases attended on public duty 36. Remoyall. Cases attel1lled llOt 011 pulJlic: duty ·1·12. Anllual inspectioll, 22.6.07 . Total 011 parade H. AbsCllt with leave G. Wilhout leave 8. Anllual re·examination, 14.1. 07. MCIll hers pas:erl ~O. Did llOt al'pral . MedalliollS 21. enTice JJarlges 14. Ill'sing certificates 15. Heglliatioll uniform wom. Jl.Iaterial: wheel litter. The condition of this Division coutinues to l)e extremely satisfactory all rOllllc1, tht members responding on all occa"ions when their ser\'ices are n ;(luil'cd. Th, fimlllci'll po 'ition is also sound. The membersllip liaS been well maintained and the attenuanr'es at d!'ill are very good and regular. The Divisioll lms ]>c\fol'ml'(l duLy on all occasions when ordered JJy II ead-clual'tcrs. Thc fourth ann11al concert \\Il,S agai 11 l~ grea.t success, being well supportcd lJY LI10 II eacl-q uarLel''I starr, Lile Assistn.lI t Commissioner' presented the successful membol':; with the htl)pls, &c., gained by them during the year.
c. . .'1111 tho
Oflkcl's 2. ,ergcallt l. COl'po'aL' 2. Prinltes 20. Total effective 25. Detl'cnsc ill t:!' It L l'(' jlOlt l. Drill" lll·ld 31. A\'Cll'age attcndallce 11. Cases attcnrlr(l Oll public (luty :2 1. ';1. es f t t, lllhl Ilvt OJl puJ.lic (luty 90. Annual ill. pcctiulI, :2:L.o.07. Total (Ill 11:1lac1l' 4. l\lIS('lIt with leave 16. 'I\Tithont leave 4. Anllual l"'-,'x:llllinlltinll. 1.:).01. ~I llillCIS 11:1.," •. (120. Di(lllot .11'pear 3. ;'Iedalliolls 16. ' l'nic,' barlg,'s O. ~·tn,.,illg cel'tilicilt :.; ] 1. np~'ltlntioll lIlliforlll \\'0111. ilIatel'ial: litter litt(·r1 witb lil'~t ni,l bo', :! ~trdchl·l'.: :L ba\Te~al'.', :L 'H\ter hottle~: 2 blUllket , 3 C.'llIiP stools, Lowl, \I' It,']' call, set 0(' l1iagI'Clln',. spliJ~ ~ and l.a1lf1a"e!'. bell.tcnt. ,'illl'e the l:l",t I'el,ort we lJa \l' to n:c Jl'(l the re 19l1atlO11 of tl!e ~hen 1ll0't ~lllpOl'tant ml'1l1hu\' of the Diri .. lUll, ])1'. JIII]",.,h. who \\'a olle (If the lJl'llIl'll'al Ol'~Ulllzer-;. ancI ",110 l'l,ti rerl 'll tIlt'.. l)t:,rillllill(r flf lite J\·e,Il'. Tit ']0" wa kn:lll\' the mell1ber.' , ' 0 '? .... felt IJyall .... whu '" 'n~ ratlil!l' llllsctth'c1 I))" it. ] }I·. ~Ill1·sh. ho\\' '\'el', Pl'outi, cd tu find a ~uccessor and it W.IS (1\\ iJl~ LIJ hi,., ,'!f(lI t" thllL 1 >1'. lIallu\\'t:s IJecallle (Inl' ROll ;-';Ul'geoll .. On l\"u\"elll!>. ·\· 1.jth the J)i\ i. iUll ,pnl',' Il ffll'''I\(':I meeting to Dr. Mal' h. As Itant L'OIUllli~"iIJIlLI' :'110 '!.,!'l1n, ,\11'. (,~ Wright. tation ~lll'eril1t.;lJ(lent, Yic:toriu, Hall. ,':\Ul'gcOIl [)r. Ihl1IJI\'c", alld lIearly tllc whole ul the Illt!lllb I" \\'0re I'l'c:::ell and Dr. :.'Ifarsh \Va }ll'l' l:l1t0d \I ith a portahlc wlitin!! en e, :ub",cl'iberl for I),)" the ll1\!mbel... ail a 111:t1'1,: of their uI'l'l'ecinti .11. The] >i\'isioll.d wllrk w ,.; quite new tu Dr. lIallowes llnd gr\!at I!l'cdit i' dll to hilll, fill" nltholl!:!h it was IIi .. fil t yl!lU" his leetul't:' were lIIost l'1 al' Illlt] int.'n· ... lll~. and we are pIe l'l'd te, say that llot n. ill3'le failure ()c ulTed at tbl' Ulllltlll n' e 'flluill.ltioll. The }I)W ;l\eln~e ate ltelm\(' i. partially clue to the fact thnt th· ))i,·i"i.1I i:;('Ollll'lJ .<1 tlltil'ly ofra'!\\,ay lll'n, wh(he.duti.t" will ~lOt al\\'aY.'l'cl'Illitthun tOflLltnilh('(lrills, c'('., I b(ll'. hu\\,€\,pr, that 1ll,~l]t· oftln",.a ('un;.:id\!!·ahl l' illlPl'CJI'l,lntllt \I ill he> hOWII dlll'ill~ tIll' pre';(,llt .rell\·. A \\'111 be 't::en lU the j',tUI'll tilt' IIlem!>'I'.' h'll pnl'llde<1 fM tIlIty 1I':i fnl' a I'll "illl\! when orc1ert::d . The lllelllher' havc dOlle u()cl " '01'1;: a j,., !tuwn lJ\' tit llUltl I I' of l';1 ... e,., attendtd not Oll pulllie rlut -. anel T h.. li,'1 that!l ( n"id,·!·n.·hl lIulIll r of ca ... e~ llln-e hI" n d nIt wi tit, 1m 1I0t I"·pol'lllcl.
A. K EI'n lls, Audit Uf!ice(;. W. Ry., Parldingloll ,'lation, W. Pte. S.
I nspector of Stores.
Scrgt. \\'. U. PHckballl, :~:2, Pal'ksic1e ,'ll'cet, Battel'':ica, ' . W.
O .U:LTO, ' HALL, WE.·T130l:IL'E PAnKo
,V . H. Maunder, 7, ,'ulllerfield Road, Drayton Park, Highhlll'y,
Clal ellce Rond, Croydon.
Hon . S u r ge on .
1st Ola'
No . 38 (L.B. & S.C.R. VICTO RIA) DIVISIO N.
[Formed 2:1. 1. 1900.]
J . BrOIYl1,
Hon. Secrehu'y and Trensul·er·.
1'tc. A.
2\), Tllldt'y 1\,,;111, Jjalh .ll ll, ,'. \\' .
[Form 130.1.0:!.]
H .I IT"
.' 11:1:,\ 1'11 .\)1.
,\. \\". J>l\'i . . LiO, lle lix H.J;td, nl'ixtllll II ill. ~. \\'. I nspector of Sto/·e s .
B. Pllarn,.]1.
ollicel's 2. 'ul'l'uraL·:!. Pri 1"<1 Les '. Tutal cll'l'utivc 12. Decrcasl' sillce lu.'t l'l'I'!l1'l 3. Drills hel ll 31. AYLI';lgC at clldullCC I. Ca.€' altelldell all 11\llJlic dllt) ~H. 1:l'1I11l I';t!S :!. 'n:.;e..; aUl'lllled lIot UII JI\lhlic (luty 30. AllllU,d Illspl'ctiulI, :!:!.li.Oi. Total 011 I'al'a,h I. .\.hsent with It'an~,j. \\'ithoul leuxe 1. AllIllLtlre-('Xtllllimliioll , 1:3.1.07. i\lel\lllt'rs l'a.'.-,·11 ]0. D llll1tlt appear 1. ~Il:dalliolls ]0. 'enil'« badges 10. Kursillg ccrLifil'ates 5. Heguiatillll unilol'ln \Yom. Material: liller, :3 streb'ltel's, :3 hanl'sacs, marquec, 5 1,1:\]lk(·t , 1:2 \latcl' oottle:;, 1 lal'gl' n lltl 2 SIll all hat II II ']'SI pLI·. . •.• Althuugh a decreasc uf lllcmh 'rshil' has to he recurd '<1 tb' efli ·Iency. llf the ~:h\'1;;lOn has been wpll I1lttintaiu0d. Thirty-one meetings Wl!re held for Illstrllcllon and practice, ami pnlJlic duty was lllHlL'rtnk'1I on all (lenl. iuns "1~'1l ul'llL'rL'd Ileadquarters. As ill the pre\'ious)'L ,I', the Uilision had thl' c,ll'dlll L'U-ll!H:rntlOll of the
St. J ohn A?nbu lance Brigade.
lola. 1. District.
Balham and Stl'eatham Nursing Di\'ision, for which the members tender t.lleir l~ear ty thanks to the Lady uperintendent, :Miss L aura, J. L~'.v, and the ~urs1ng slsters. PriYate J . ,Moraan was succes ful in the annual competltIOn for the lIver hallen ge Oup, presentel'by the H on. Surgeon of the ~ivis~on to promote genera,} efficiency. The Di,ision has regretfully accepted the resIgnahon of 1111'. Arthur Cog. well, who has for the past five years filled the position of ~on. eCl'etary ,:nd Tl'~a urer, and tenders him their inc ere and hearty thanks for IllS e teemed ser\'lces. ] or the fifth year in succe ion, the Division has to express its cordial tl~ank to the Hev .. '. 1I ~ . Ransom, a,nd now to hi successor, the Rey. G. ,V. Tomkm , for nceomoda.tmg It "\\'ith the use of the St. A lban 's Parish Hall for its meeting:; for in. truction and practice. No . 40 (BECKTON PRODUCTS WORKS ) DIVISION. HEAD-QUARTERS: GASLIGHT AND
CO. '::;
Inspector of Stores
,Yo Garrett, 4, Willsor Terrace,
Ptc. J . Bristow.
Hecktoll. Hon . T rea s u rer.
T . Wilton, Esq"
F , e. .
(Hon. Mem.) .
ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Pri\"atcs 19. Total efl'cctive 2~. O fficers 2. Decrea e since lat report 5. Drills held 43. Average attendance .12. as~ attended on public duty 59. Remoyals 2. Ca es attended not on puhlIc rlUly 3/. A nnual illspection, 2:2.6 , 07. Total 011 parade 16, AIJ ent " 'ith lel1\:e 6. Without leave 2. Annual l'e-examination, 13.3.07. :Member::. pa ed 23. Did not appeal 1. Medallions 19. Service badges 11. Sursing certificates 9. Regulation unifol'llI ,,"om . Material: 4 stretchers, 6 blanket, 6 surgical lIane. aes, \Yater uottles, oxygell cylinder (with appliances), 10\\111001' jacket, flag, 110\\1.. Public duty has been performed on all occasions notified from Head-quarters, as well as at Motor Oycle Race Meetings at Canning To\\-n, East IIam Ho pi tal Oal'lli n1.l, Ba.rking i{ational chools Treat, a,nd Barking Philanthropic oeiety" 'arni,al. The third annual Cinderella Dance was held in Ea:;t Ham Town lIall, on December 1st, 1906, under the patronage of the Lady Sydney Ogihie-Gra.nt of Grant t~le Go\'ernol' of The Gas Light & Ooke Company (.\11'. Corbet Woodall), and tllt! DIrector' and General :.\Ianager. By the further munificence of the Lady Sydney Ogilvie-Grant and Dr, J. ,Vria bt-Hill, ' urgeon to the Dh'ision, a shield for tllll1ual eUllll'etitioll among member~ of the Diy] ion, and seyeral other prizes, of a u::;eful kind, \\'ere acquired and competed for, Dr. ::'IcKettrick, of East Ham, kindly deyoting twu evenings, until a late hour, to act as examiner and judge. A Church Parade \\'as held at Beckton on August 25th, 1906, ,,,hen the Beckton Militnry lIand 'lgain ga.Y~ their kind services, and surrounding lJi\isions ga\e the encuuragement o( their attendance.
No . 4 2 (BARN ET) DIV IS ION . [Formed zS.S.03.] l'llrn'.' :rUR.'ERY, NEW ROAD, BAP•• TET.
HE .\.D-QU .\!lL'IWs: fIlEsl: ,. OL
E. A. Perry, 30, Argyle Road, Ilrord, Essex.
M.B., C.1L
HOIl . S ecretary.
Pte. J.
T he D ivision con tinues to Illa,ke steady progress. Public duty has been undertaken, on ma,ny occasions, in the district, and the memlJers attended the ,Voolwich Arsenal l~ootiJ,dl Mn,tcheH during the sea:;Oll. The financial state of the Division is ill no very ::;atisfacLory conclitioll. A WUI'e! of praise is clue to some of the members, who, Oil the oc:ca"ion of tile l'(:c:ent explosion, in the OhClllic,d He. earch Department, tUl'lled uut in uniform anel repurled themsch'es at the Ar.'enal ga,te within half an hOUl of the e.plosioll, fineling their :service, were not rcquircd on the scene of the explusion. they pr()ceeded to the s reets in Lower Plum,-;tead , and went from door to door, to rellclr-l' what aSHistnllce might be re(lllircd, .I. Tine cases were treated and it was only foulld necessary to send one case tu l,ospi tal. .\ letter of thanks was recei\'ecl from lhe l'llly l'olilleil , throl1ijh tbe Ohief 'llpel'intendent of Ordnance Ftwtories.
[Formed 6,2.02.]
Supe ri nt e ndent.
Ho n. Su rge o n.
J . " i'right Hill,
[Formed 1.10,02).
Ho no rary S ecretary (in charge).
Sergt. R. H, Drummond, 48, .'utclifl'e Hoad, Plumsiead, S.E. Inspecto r of S t o res.
Ho n o rary Treas urer.
Pte. H. Wallis.
Pte. O. Halluck.
Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 19. Total effective 22. D rills held 49. Oases attended on puhlic duty 102. Anllual in.'pection, 22,6. 07. T otal on parade 15 . AbEent with l~ave 5. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 22 ,2.06. nIcmlJcrR prrssell 20. Diclnot aJllleal' 2. Mcdallions 7. Nursi ng certificate 1. Regnlf1l1(Jll uniform WOl'll. Material: Asllfonl litier, stretchers, surgical hay-resacs, bell tent, water bottles, and a good. stock of halldages, liIlt, etc.
HOIl. S urgeon.
U. F. II a I'llic ,
~!.n.c. ' ,
Hon. S ec, and Treas., and Member in charge.
Ptl'. K Lo\'ell- .\lall bridgc, 4, UUl'lIan'ml Hna<1, Ihl'llct.
Inspector of Sto res.
i'te. W. H , Outun h .
Ollicpr ]. Pl'intLes 1:3, Total ell'el'live H. Dl'erc,lsc sincc last report 1. Drills helel Hi. A\'cl'age attf'Jl(lance 5'7. Removals 11. The lJi\'i 'io ll \\'n ex('n· I (1 allllual insl wctioll. ~rCll1ll Ur pa'sed annual reCX;l1l1illal,inll 13. Mcdallioll 'li . .\[ntl'ri-tl lllllllu].lllll' ,' hl·d, litter,:3 strptchcr ,3 surgical ll:l nf!~;leS, 2 t (·n h. II t:.:. gl'OlllHlhl et, ldan ket, \\'a leI' hottle, 3 hammock chairs, Yf'stell ill the COlllllliltl-u of till' Vi\ i. ion. Di\'1;;l011 sllpported lly sulJscriptions amI <.I Oll:t t illll,'.
Dllty h 'h lteell IlIHlcrtakt'll IlL,'1. Paul'.- UJtlll'dl'ul, on nallk Holiday on Bamet ] I ill. a Lhe.' rw Bal'lIl' l TaWil Fell- Ull 1 ,'poI'Ls, unci foJ' tlll'ce full clays at Barnct Fail'. whl'll all all1hnhller> stlljol1 was 1'0l'lllP I. No. 44
[Forme(1 Fulbnm ,'cCtiOlI 13.1],95. Acton 'eelioll 18.12.03.
11 E \ n llU.\lt'mr:s: S'I. All FnT[\\I, ~.W,
L1l_'E' , IL,LL, LILLI/-, ROA}), '!'I,y.-:g llALL, ACTO ,", \Y .
Hon . Sur-geol1s.
E. W. Lewis,
C. J. Dcattil', ,J. \\'a lbce, )1.11. .\1.1:.( ,s.,
Hono r'ary Secretaries.
Supt. , and Hon. T reas . ;II. B.,
T. P. HolllH's, 7, E"mol1ll Garden, DeMunl Park. \1', Inspector of S tores.
10, Or at Pte, J. ::-cotr. \\'!'~te1'll I Dad, \\' csl hOlllllL P;lrl~, \\ . (FlIllltllll ,'ec.) Corp1. E. F. FlI\'e lt, [iJ, OrlJell "'t., Ditttersea, '.W, (Actoll ,'el·.) S(;rgt. . \. . ,\',
Ollicl'rs ·1. • cr~c:llIt 1. l'orjlolHls 2. Prirates 4,). Total efrectiYe 52 . ItlSel'VC JIlc'llIhcl' 1. 111I'rt'/lSo "illee last n ' port 28. Drills held 44. .Avera~e attenclnme 11. Uae attellded OJl public lInt)" 5 Lases atteull6Lll1?t on pubhc dmy 96. Anllual illl'edillll, 'fotal 011 l'luullo 16. Alt 'ent \nth le.[1.\'e 6. 'Withont leaye 6. AlIllual re cxallJilintioll, 11.1.07. .Mel11uers pa' cLl 19 , DId ~ot appeal' 10. MedalliOIiS 17. 8\ l'\'ice ltac1ges 11. r:rur,ing Ct rtifieutes 7. RegulatIon uniforlll WOI'll. Material: tellt, :3 slJ'et~hcr, 3 hl1.\"res:ll", :2 water bottles, blanket, waterproof shcets, tc . DUI'ing the year Lhe We .. t LOlldon Division antllhe Flllhnm Di"i~ion amalli?mateu, thus beillg able to do the dutit·" at Lhe "arion, football gl'oul1lls 111 lhe ~eIgh?our hoocll1l0l'e elficlently. ,\ First Aid Ins, was hdd aml a llnlllber of reCl'lul gall1ed. P ublic c1IlLy has been perfol'lIlcd on 1111 occasions WhCll called ul1on, anel [L nbstatiOIl to Krw 81'1<1crC has hl'C'1I fOll1ll'(l on Turllhalll GrceD, "Ii re duty is performed on Balik H olidays. °TIlP Di\,j"ioll desilc to thallk the ]ueal Cl'ntrc or th~ t, Jol~l1 A m bul!tIlce Association for assi~ting them 0 gCllerotl 'ly to pay the rent 01 the Dnll H all at Aclon.
St. J ohn A 'I1~b ula11Ce B1'igade.
No . 1. District.
[Formed 2 .9.05. )
Honol'ary S ecreta l' y (i n c ha rge.)
Sergt. G. Goodwin, 43, Reeton's Road, Bermondsey,
Ho n o rary T reas u rer.
Inspecto r of Stores.
Mr. C. Renter (Hon. Mem.)
Pte. H. Fribbens.
Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 14.. T otal effective 16. I ncr ease since last report 4. Drills hel(l 46 . Average attennance. 10. Cascs attended on public duty 90. Removals 6. Cases attended l~Ot on pubhc duty 120. Annual inspection, 22.6.07 . Total on parade 15. Ab e!ltwlthoutlea,:e 1. Annual re-examination, 1. 3. 07. ~Iem bel'S pa ·eo. 16. Medall101I.s 10.. crVlce badges '1. Nursing certificate 1. Regnlation uniform worn. M,ltenal: ltltcl', 2 'ireLehel's, ha ,Te acs, splints, etc. " . . Tbe Division on the whole continues to be in a satisfactory cOI1<tliloll, nlH1 ha.s done excellent \York during the ye:1]", the llUlllber o[ cases tre,:tell bcing much .l~r~el' than u ual. Durinrr the year the Di"isioll has co-operate(l \nth the o. 39 Dl\'l 1011 at Streathal1l and °Brocbvell P ,l rk on TImlk IIolidays \\'ith sati.'faeLory rc .. llHs. The members have turnc(l out well for all the dlltie on Dank JIolidays aud at outh~'ark Park c1urina the cricket amI football srllsons. The Divisional .trellglh has increased by four n~embel's a1J(l. we hope [or a fmther increase during tIle (,Dlllillg year. T he efficiency of the Division is well maiutained iu all oLlI('l' reslll'cts.
Hon. S Ul'geon and T reasurer.
E. King Houehin,
[Formed 1.10.05.]
L . ll . C.I'.
Honorary Secretary.
Corpl. ]\,1. G. Matthe\ys, 13, Bathurst Road, li fOI'd.
\\' . R. Magllu', 51, Str.llhope (,aniens, Crallhrook l\llk, Jlronl. Inspector of Stores.
Pte. A. ,\Y. Ho\\c.
Officers~. Sergeants 2. COl'poml1. Pl'ivatcs 16. Total cll'ectiyc ~1. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held ~1. A\'emge ::tltemlallce 11. 'n cs attended on puulic duty 51. Cases attended not on puhlie duty] \10. ..:\lll1u~tl inspection,22.6.07. Total on parade 15. Ab 'eut with lct1.\'c 0. ~\.l1l1uttlrc,(;xnll1i nation, 21.1.07. ~Iembers passed 17 . Did 110t appear 6. )Icc1alliUlls 15. ~{;J"li<.;e bad .~es 8. :i'\ursing certificates If>. Regulation uniform wurn . :'Iaterial: , \', ·ilforcl litter with first aid box, 4 stretchers, hu-ge fir. t aiel hn.mper, 3 han-csuc.:s, 2 llMrlj uee.-, 2 folding bedstead;:, blankets, waterproof sheets, wa.ter l)uttles, et<:. Public dnt.\' has been perforwed locally on Illilll)' oc.:clsiollS aml abo \\"ll!'ll onlercri by Head,quarters. Un Whit )'londay, lhe lirst Balik JIulillay duty was tlml 'ltukell at IIainault Forest, recelltly acquire!l amI illrowl1 oprll to the l'ul>1ic 11)' tIle L01l<loll County Council, and already the ncces. ity Cor an anll)111ance fitat iOIl has Lecll lll'ol'eel, as from the first we have heen able tOl'el'ort cases, aJthongh llot of a~(·ril~w;chantcleJ. The annual concert was held in tIle II 1'01'(1 To\\"n Hall Oll Octo her L t h, ] :JOG, and the Divisional funds ,\"ere consideral>1y b encfi Hc·d tbercuy. Tile Hon. ,'mucon delivered a conrse of lectures on first aiel early jll the year, alld tllC I'trrll cr th ot'Lhe Division was in<;reased by four as a resnlt. Dnrillg the year first ai({\ox,'s, of original design, have been obtained and is tu each lIlelJlbel' 0[" 1.11e Divisioll.
No. 47 (L. B. & S. C. R. WILLO W WALK) DIVISION.
Honorary Surgeon.
J . '1', Clarke)
M .B.
3r d Officer, Hon. S ec. an d T)'eas. (i n ch a rge
'\\[. II. Peters, Laurel Oottage, Willow Walk, Bel'lllOnclsey.
OffiCel'R 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Priv:ttes 10. Total cifectiYe H. l licrease sillcc last report 12. 1>ri11R held 21. A\eragp n.ltlll(1:11Ice ]:l. Oa es atlendeclnot on puiJlie duty ~ll. Anllual inspectioll, :l:Uj.07. Total 011 )Jarade ~6. Ab ent with lea\e 2. Annu[Ll re,examinatioll, 10.3.07. :Medallions 12. ernce badges. "'ursing certdimtes 3. Regulation uniform worn . :Material: litter, 4 stretchers, 2 amiJulancc boxes supplied hy L. n. & ~.('. Ry. Coy. The Division has COIlLil1IH·tl to make \"pry scLtisfactory proglc'>s timing the past year, and Olll" Iloll. :Surgeon expresses hi~ entire satisladioll. 1'ul11ic (luties have hecH well atlended laking into cOllsitleratioll that l1\;l1lY of Lhe Illembcrs are witbout uniforlll. A team cOllsislillg of PriYnLe.- H iggs, 1'110111a.S, Eme&t, and Jeffries compole!I for anel \\PTe sl1ecessl"ul in \\inning Lhe Ouorn Challcnge Shielrl.
No . 4 8 (EALING) DIVISION. II) ,,\J)'QI
[Formed 23.6.06.)
AJ11},J:s: EI.LCTldClTY 'YORKS, I'.
EALL 'f.,
Hon. Surgeon.
G. Arthur, :\r.n. Su perln lendent (acting) and TI'eas.
J. D. Knight, 5], Cnllllillgtoll Hoad,
Hon Secretary.
Pte. G.
. Watt., 12, ::lnlJdridge Tenace Little Baling, W.
OHi.cers 2. Primtc' 27. Total effecti\'c 29. Decrease since last report 3. J)rill ' lleld 26. A.\'eragc attendance 20. Cases alt!'llIlcll 011 pllhlic duly:2. Oa es attelltleliHot on public duty ·1 Anllual iuspeelion, ~~.6.07. Tolal Ill] parade 1. Ab. ellt \\"iLh lea\'\~ 2 ' . Aunual re-examination, 27. ;3. 07, 1\1 ell1l)cr~ pas:-,c<l :.!. .:\Io(lallioll 1. Re::;ula tion ullil vrlll \\ om . Material: stretcher. [irst aid cabillet, handag " , splint·, ctc. It i. a llIatter of great regrcL that the Division, a a whole, was unable to be prese!lt at the allnual i1l9peclioll, imt owing to a hreaktIo\\u at the ,\Yorks thi~ was ill1]1o ·sible. Til only oecll.ioll UPOll which \\e ha\"e becn Oll public duty was at the 'chool Sport· llclll in the Walpole Park, Enling, aut! I would like to take this opporLuuity or thankillg IIcatI-cluarler. [or so kiudly grallting theuse of all nece sary sLores, &c. The Illell ale llIO.t ellthusia:-;tic ill the work alld it is hoped that during the year um Illembership \\'illlJe iucreusell. The Division i~ greatly indebted to the llon. ,'urgeon (Dr. Arth ur) for arrangillg his lee:tnrc' at a tillle couyenient to all mcmber ; alo to the Education COlllllJittee of the Ealiug Town Council for allo\\"ing the u~e of the playground at the Little Ealing chool, [or drill.
[Formcd 25.9.06.)
Hon. S ecretary and Treasu r e r .
Ho n ora ry Su rge o n.
H.. \V. l\l aystoll,
~2, Church Road, Erith, Kent.
Pte. U. T. Colling',
~l. n.
Officer 1. I ri \"l\ tes 26. Total effccti \'e 27 . Drills held 46. Average attendance 16. Cases atteneled on pul>lic duty 10. Relllovais ~. Cn. es attended not all puulic <lnty 97 . AUlluall'e-cxamination, H.3 .0i. Members pa seel 12. Did IlOt appear H . i\leuallioll ' 10. Macerial : stretcller, h ll.vre aes, splints and bandage.
TIlE OlllLDlm~"
S urgeon-M aj or A.
[Formed 2. 12. 90.]
Hor-lE, Bo 'NEll ROAD ,
Honora ry Surgeon . . Tunstall, M. D., R. A.M.C. (Vols.)
Lady Superinte nd e nts.
M iss E. C. Goodin, The Children's H ome H ospila1.
l\lis Blye Bonrke,
a8, Victoria .Park Hoatl, N . E.
llo. 1.
St. J ohn A'inbulance Brigade.
1st N ursin g Officer and L ady S ecret ary.
Miss Edith Bourke, 38, Yictoria Park Road, N. E.
2n d Nu rsing Officer an d L ad y Treasu r er.
Lady Inspector o f S t ores.
No. 5 (NORWOOD ) NURSING DIVISIO N. HE \D-QU.\HTBlt.': H on o rary Su rgeon. wayne, M. H. C. S.
H onorary S urgeo n.
F. (L
1st N ursing O fficer and Lady Secretary.
L ady I nspector of St o res.
Mrs. J . Denchfield. Officers 3. Nursing sislers 23. Total eifective 26. Increase since last report 4. Practice~ helti 2. AYcrage attendancc L. AlJl1u~1 ins-pection, 22.6.07. Total on l>ara~e 23. A~s e nt mt~l le~\'e 2. All llnal,re-eXal!ll. nation, 20. 2.07. Members passed 2J. Medallions 24. ~Cl'VICe badge. 11. l,egnlatlOJ1 uniform worn . Material: 2 h<1Yl'esacs, u<1ndages, splints, etc. During the past year the Diyision has increased and show::; stt·"uly l,rogl'ess in efficiency. The members mnch regret to recoru the enl'oreell resignatJoll through removal from London, of 1st Officer and Hon . , ecretary, :.'Ill's. Gent, \\'110 liad Ul'en so long connected "ith the Division and Association, and "ho l'cceiYc(1 her IOllg service medal in June last. The 3nllual distribution of' clotlliug amI gift to lhe poor was held at Head-quarters in Decemucr last, and the officcrs anc1ll1111Iber~ ll1nch appreciated the privilege of using the Sho\\' Roolll for the l'urpo::;e; ('or \\ Itich they express their ,vannest thanks . They aho desire to tllauk all wliO kiIHll) assisted with donations and materials, ,vhich so greatly helped them to carry Oil the work . T h e D ivisio!1 has responded to all calls for public duty .
Mrs. M. J. Coles.
Nursing ODicer ]. ~lll'sillg .isters 9. Total effective 10. Decrease since last report 1. Practice:> 11(-1(1 :J~. Avcrage atlendance 7. Ca es aLlellclcd 011 Imblic duty 70 . Cascs atten(lec1l1ot on public lluty 130. Ca es privately Dursc(1 3. Annual inspcction, 22ud JUllC. Total on parade 5. Ahsent with leave 5. Annual re·examination, 29.1.07. MemlJcrs pa,'ser1 . Did not appear ~. Meclalliolls 8. Regulation nnif'Ol'lll worn. illaterial: ldank cts, dressings, wa crproof shecL, beel craelle , slippers, In'ollch itis kettles, ctc. Diyi ion supported hy members'suhscriptions. Thc attcndance timing the year has hcen yory sati.factOlY, and each nH:JJllJer has sho\\'n her eU anxions to bc eJlicienl. Pul)lic duty has beell ulldettaken whenever ordercd. MCIll bel'S con tillllC to render goou ~rvice locally with excellent re nIts.
Jom,'s GATE, CLERKE ' WELL, 1£.0.
Mrs. L . Barnes, 35, Crolllwell A\'en ue, IIigllgate,
L ady Treasurer.
Mrs. L. Clulley, Linton Ruad, Bal king.
[F01l1lell 23.1.93.J
A. Brown, M . B . (21.3 .08). Mrs. J. C. Lines, 93, West End Lane, N. W.
Mrs . A. ,'. Ourkl', 65, \restl ,u ry Road, Barking.
Officcrs 5. Nmsing si :n. Total eQ'ectiyc 26. . P ractices held 2. AveraO'e attendance 17. Oases attended not 011 puuhc duty 877. Cases privately nul' el'1243. Annual illspection, 22.6.07. Total Oil parade 22. Absent with leaye 4. Annual re-examination, 19.1.07. Melllh~J's l,as"ed 25. Medallions 26. ervice badges 19 . Regulation uniform wor~1. I'l l aterlHl: a CO?lplete ntH ing station equipment, a lendilJg liurary, [l]1~1 2 models J?r. ~alluage .practlcc. T herc has been no alteration in the memuersllJp of the Dn' lslo11 dl1J'lllg thc past year. Meetings have been beld regularly aDd the attendances ;1a.Ye becn good; 2nd Nursina Officer 1\1rs. BrunninO' and ::'11'. l\ellnett (Rl'g. o. 1) attended aL Marlboroual~House on July th, wh~n H.R.H. The Prillcc of 'Wales pn·seuten,.to them the °Service Medal awarded hy the Ordn of t. John. of J~nlsall:lll. FIve meID bel'S of this Di yision ha ye receind thc Sc:nice Medal. '1 hcre IS ~ yel y great increase in the number of cases rel'orteu, "hiC'h speaks wdl for the miere t anu en ergy of the members .
L a dy S u pt. an d Treas.
[Formeu 1893.]
1s t N ursing O fficer and L ady Secretary.
:Mrs. Brlllluing.
D~. , tl·id.
Cny 'TA L Pu A
[Formed 11. 6. !H),] '. E.
L ady Superintendent and
Inspector of Stores.
1111' . K Colegra \'e, Brae(;lJri,jge, Central Hill, K 01 WOOLl.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary. Ecde~boll1'lle, Park Road, West
:Mi. E. '. Dcntith,
O/iic '1's 3. .'nrsing si tel'. 19. Total elJ'ectin 22. Practices hcld 26. A\-ernge attenda1Jce H. ea e attcllded on ]lublic duty 203. Allllunl in pcction, 22.6.07. Total on parade 16. Ca e' privately nUl' ed 19. Ab. pnt with leave 1. Without lea\'(':I . •\nllnalre-l'Xallliuation, ~ .12.06. Memhers passed 17 . Did DOt nppear L :JIl'llalJioll ~O. .'cnice lli\llge 10. Regulation l1niform wom. Material: horse [l.tl1hulance, 2 litlen;, 2 strctchcr,.;, blanket, 'plillt , sterilizer, dre;;.iugs, 'lc. The depot is fully C(luipl'ed with every requisitc for fir::.t aiu anu nursing. The medical tnIT and matron oftlie Jorwood ottage ITo pital have expressed their gratitude for thc a sistaJ)ce reml c rell hy thc l1111Sillg. j;,tcrs of this Diri ion at the hospital, and havc agaiu written asking for tlieir s nice ..' thi year. The demand for the Dill' ing si h 'r~ ill the lleiO'hhoul'hood lia ' llluch increa ed, nllli oyer 1] ca. a haye been attelHlecl, thi ' has not howevur preycnte,1 them taking their hare ofpublic duty although the depot at thc Crystal Palac.:e dClllalllls almo·t dctilyattendance.
No. 6 (HOSPITAL SATURDAY FUND) NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 7.96. ] 54, GR_\Y'S I~x Ro \D, \r.C
H on o rary S urgeons.
[Formed 24.5.93. ]
R. I ngram,
J. Forbes,
Miss J . C. ManIl, 79, ,ore Ronrl, • ol.lth ll ackney.
Hono rary S urgeo n. C. E. Goddard,]\1. D.
1st Nursing S ister and L ady Sec. and T reas.
L a d y S u p eri ntendent.
illl '!:i E. 'Blann, 79, Gore Road, ....outh Hackney .
2nd Nursi n g O fficer a n d L ady Inspector of Stores. Lady Superi ntenden t .
:Mrs . A.. Paull, Kylecote, Wembley.
1st N urs. O fficer, L ady I nsp. of St o res a nd T reas .
Mrs. J. Duss.
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 5. Total effective 7. Reserve members 2. Decrease since last report 2. Practices hcld 18. Annual inspection,22.6.07 . Abselltwith leave 7. Annual re-examilJation, 18.2.07. Members passed 5. D id not appear 3. :Medallions 5. Regulatiolluniforlll worll. Material : N ursing basket for public duty, also stores for loan. Drills have been held regularly and duty has l)ec11 performed on all occasions whcn ordered by H ead-q ual'tel's .
liss E. Dan k . Ofncen; 5. NUl'.'ing si ·ters 9. 'l'otal effective 14. P ractices held 12. First aiLl cases attelltleLl 011 public duty 96. First aid cn es Total 011 parade 10. attended not on public duty 22. Annnal inspection, 2:2.6.07. Absent with leave 4. Annual re-examination, 27.1.07. 1\l embel" pa cLl 8. Failed l. D id noL appcar 3. Medallions 12. Regulation uniform ,Yorn. As Lhe number ofnm iug si tel'S is limited in this Division, a t~ ual, it h~s had anot~ler year of hard work. A very large number of private ('ases, 'nth fir t aid and nursmg, have been attend6d by the members.
N o. 1. District.
St. J ohn A 111.bula17ce B1·igade.
No. 7 (WIMBLEDON AND MERTON ) NURSING DIVISION . [ForUlell 10.6.9 . ] lIEAD-QUAllTERS : l\IA ONTO H .\'LL, ~lEllTON. Ho n ora ,-y Surgeon.
M . K. IIargrea" es,
]\[ . Il .
Lad y S ecretary.
Lad y Sup e l'i nte nd e nt.
1\11' . M. M. Timpson, Hope Cottage, Morden Road, Merlon.
Miss 1\[, H.eeder, H amilto11 Road, \ YimLlec1011. Lady T,-easurer
La d y In spe ctor of S t o res.
Miss L. S1n,ymaker.
Officers~. l\l11'sillg sisters 7. Tolal elfeeti\'e D. . Practices helu 28 . AYeracre attendance 5. Ca es atte1lL1cJ not 011 public llnty 98. 0 Oases pri-mtely nursed 0. Annual inspection, 2~. G. 07: T~lal, ?~~ para(~e. 9. Annual re-examination, 14.1. 07. Members pas ell . l\Iedalholl ti. Sel. \ H e baclol . 1. R eo-ulation uniform worn. l\Iaterial: b a nesac, ham PCI', bell and lJclltllllg, balldtlges. The Division, although th e me111oer"hip has not inc.reased, ha ·.certaill~y ext:nJed its usefu lness. I n addition to cheerflllresjlollse to all Bngade calls lor pllbhc dut), ~he nUl'siDO- sisters have performed an amount of local duties, uoth illlir Laid aud 11Ul'. ll1g amoDg~t the poor residcnts of ,\Yill lbledoll and :Mel'ton, "llicl,1 has IJle~l JlIuch appreciated by the patients and commended by th~ lloctors .. Tbe thalll~s of the D ivision are due to the kind patrons and sllpportcr. 111 Lbe ~eJgllboUlllOot1! and the value of tIle voluntary sen-ices of the HOll . Surgeon, Dr .. M. h. I Jargl'ea,:es, IS bey~l)ld estimate. Hi painstaking kindness, and zealo~l de."otIon to the causl', IS rcsl,onsllJle for the great enthusiasm displayed by the nnrslllg SI tel's.
[Formed 4.5.99.]
1'1:EET, EA. T II Ar-I .
Hono,' a r y Surgeons .
F. J.
~Icl{ettrick, IIl.ll., C.M.
p , R. Wallis, L .. ·.A .
Lady Sup e rintendent,
La dy S ecret a ry
1\1rs. N . Harrop, 75 Byron Avenue, East Ham.
Mi. s L. Suckling, treet North, East Hall !. Lady Tr ea su r e r .
Lady Inspector of Stores
Mrs . E. 111 . Eaton .
lilith .
Offieers 3 . Nursing sisters 16. T otal ell'ective H). D ecrease since last report 4. Practices held 43 . Average attelldance 12. Cases attended not on public duty 41. Cases privalely Illll'setl :!O. Alll1l1al illspeclion, 22.6 .07. T otal 011 parade 17. Abseutwitlt leave~ . AnJlual ru-exallliualion, ~4.G . 0 7 . M embers passed 17. Medallions 15. Service lJaclges 13. Regulation ulliform worn . Material: splints, bandages, feeding cups, kidney basin, ail' cushions, hot water bottles, ice IJag, etc. T he year has been a progressive one and the call [or public duty lIas always been responded to, and the practices have been well atlended . It is a great l Jleasure to be able to report that .I'\urSillg Sister E. Scott \\as ilJstrnnJelltal in saving the life of a boy who "'as taken frolll one of the ponds on \ranstoa(l Flats, al'tificialrcspiration had to be p erformed.
[Fol'tllC(1 5.7.09. ]
K. R. O. II allowes, B.A. , M.B. Lady Supe ri ntend e nt .
11iss E. H ankey, 43, Lexh am Gard ens, W.
La dy S ec retary.
Miss M . J . McCo ll nell, 16 9, Qu een's Gate, S. W.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
La dy T r eas u rer.
Mis!:! A. II. Smitl!.
Miss E. Rideout.
Officers 2. 1I1'sing sisters 12. '1'olal elI'ective H. I n crrase sinc' last repnrt 1. PI He tiees hdd 21. A "erage at,len(lancr 10. Cases atten r1 d 011 pnhl ic duty 5.3. Cases att ellClell not on public rlnty 22. Ca. rs n": . ately nursed 28. A1Illll<d im'lJ('clioll, 22. G.07. Tolal ()JI pamrl(, 11. AbseIJt wit,h lea \'e 3. A llll 1l<1 I re-exand nation, 21.1. 07 . }\] ClII ben; passed 10. Did lIot appclll1. Medallions 1:3 . ·L'lYicelmtIgcs10. RcgulatiollllJlil'olill WOJ'lJ. !lIaterial: ten l, sl retcller, 2 am lmlallcc Iw.l11lWl'S, allrl 2 Ooxe!:! of stores. Th e aLle ndance dUling the past year h as hcen \'ery satisfaclory :JIl(1 t,he members have shown an increasing (lcsire for efJieiency. The }) ivisioll has sllstaincrl a grea.t loss in the resignation of Dr. Marsh, out Dr ollis-Ilullmq·s has lJ10st kiIJdly volunteereQ lo take his place. Olle lim. ingisler has bcen througil the thrce month<:' COlll'se of lcctlll'es of the Rrd '1'0 s ~oeiety in :B !'ance, .. lIP. also wOlked (laily clmillg that timo in olle of Lhn.t -'OCil·ty'S lli:;I'clI . aric:. . Puulic duty has he en taken 011 all occasions \\'h£'n orr1ere<1, and SOllie of tll 1I11r;;ing si t<:r.- ·till wade in tllO out-patient. dcpartlllent, of olle of lhe LOlldon hospitals.
No. 10. (BALHAM AND STREATHAM) NURSING DIVISION. [Formcd 'J7. 1. 0.'1. J HEAlJ-QUAltI'EHS ~ 1 , H.\j,IJ.UI
~r:on: . n_\LHA~r.
' .\\~.
Honorary S urgeon.
~l. fl.,
• •
Lad y S u p erlll t endent. S ecretary an d Treasurer.
Miss L . J. Law,
Mum ille Road,
pper Tooting, S. W.
Officcrs 2. l1I' ing sisters 11. ToLal clrectiye 13. r racliccs helel 23 . Aycrnge nlleIlcItl11Ce c . Annual inspectioJl, 2~.6.07. Total on parade 13. .AnnllalI'C-CXlll11ination, ;n.l.07. Me1l1her l'as .. ed 11 . Did not al'peal 1. l edalliolls 12. • el'"iec badge 1. HegnlltLioll ulliform ,,·orn.
[FonnclI24.10.06 .]
ll E.\.D-QUARTEH ' : 1l~, HIGH STRE}O;T, " ~ALTIIA)lTO\\'.
Hono ra ry Su r geo n .
~ l iBS
K W. Muckemie,
1st Nursi ng Offi ce r and La dy S ec .
1\1 rs. A . W oodward, 66 • Furest ROHII, ' YaHhal11sto\\'.
Lad y In s p ect or of S t ore s a nd T reas.
1\11' , E. Cardo.
. Ollicers 2 . nr:;illg sisters Hi . Total crrcctiye 17. P racLIces helel. 22. Average altelHlauce 16.5. Case. alteutlell on public duty 6. qases atteI1llec1 n ot on l' uulie duly 24. Ca 'es prj"atcly 111l1'Sed 1. Annual in pectlOll , 22. 6.07. T otal Oll l'n.rarle·J. .Absent ,yith leaye 12. ",\. nllualre-examinatioll, 19. 3.0 7. M embers l,as:;cd 13 . Regulalion uniforlll worn. Matelial : splints, uanuages, alld me,lical and sUl'erical slore . T I:is Division.was f?rmetl inbOclobcr 19 06, allll although it has carcely completed ;~le fir~L 'y~ar of l tS eX lslence. IHls h ad many opportuuities of proYing it · u eflliness. 1he Dl Vl 1011 h as gon e Oil public du t,y wh en eyer ordered , an d lll uny local fetes auu sp ort s h~ve heen a Lten c1ed. Dll1'ing lu,t winter first aid and nl11'sing clas es were h cld , tllll'ty- tw o first aill and t wen ty -six uUlsi n u certificates beiJ1er (rained . '1'11e Divisioll fee ls that g reat cred it is tl ue t o D r . Rach a~l l ack enzie, the fecLurer, for the good r esults of t,h ese cl asses lh ere ueiller only t wo [uilure:; out of 60 \\ lto eulered for exa mination. ' 0
No. I. District.
St. John A 1nb Ldance Brigade.
Bermollclsey ettlemen t, Farncombe Street, Jamaica Road, S.E.
, t. Luke's In stitute, Bromley Oommon, Kent.
Paul's Oathedral
Ashford Litter,
Oentral Hall, Brondey, Kent.
Duncan 1IIemorial Amblllance Station, West India Docks
East Ham Borough (Joullcil's Fire tatiou, Manor Park Rail way tation , ~Inl1or Pk.
I 1
Ashford Litter,
'treLcher, H amper, et0.
A vailable during business hours.
General Post Office.
Litter, tretchers, Appliances.
Litler, tretcller, A Pl'l iances. A vailaLle at alJ Lom . .
This station is open from 9 a. Ill. to 6 p. m. 3.
--------------------and First Aid
A vailahlc at all hours.
A vailable at all hoUl's.
2./ St.
Stretcher and First Aid Appliances.
Available from 7 a.m, to 11 p.m .
Ambulance 'Wagons, Litters, etc.
t. J obu's Gate, Olerkenwell .
.1.\'0. /
Fir -t
Litter, etc.
- -Available at all
Box containing Stretcher and First Aid Appliances.
H arle -den, Harro\\' Road
' tIeh;her, &c.
A vailable at all hours.
Ludgate Hill Rail way Station
A \'aila.lJle at all hoUl's.
Box containing tl'etcher and Fir t Aid .A ppliances.
1 .
Ashford Litter, ' boetcher, etc .
The Victoria lIall, Harrol\' ,
A vailable at all bours.
__ as_s_e_ng __ 6. /_S_t_._p_a_n_c_l'a_s_p
A vailable at all hours
Bryanston IVorking Men's Olnb, LissOl1 Grove, W. O.
, Stretcher and small Hamper.
Borough of Hackney Haggerston
Ashford Litter, Appliances. 1
Hyde Park Oorner .
Toynbee Hall, Street, E.
l\\'ltilahle during tlH' day. ----------------------------~------
South MetropolitanGas Works, Oanal Bridge entrance, Old Kent Road, S. E.
Ashford Litter Appliances.
23 , -Wellington Road, Forest 1 . ____ . _ _G_a_t_e_ _ _
Litter, Stretchers, and First Aid Dressings, Antidotes, N ourishl1len ts, &c.
Avallable at all hOUlS.
lretcher and Fir t Aid Appliances.
tretcher and Fir -t Aid AI)nliance L
A vatl able d uri ng the d a,,---y~.___________________ First
Lt'eet, \Va1tham stow .
Available at all hours. The Ohildren's Home, Bonner Road, E.
Availablc (luring the lhy. 23
107, IUl'chisOll Road, Ley ton.
Stretchers and First Aid Arpliances.
Available from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Ashford Litter, etc.
Available at all hours.
Lrcicller awl First Aid Appliances.
tretcher alld First Aid
A vailable at all hours.
Available from 10 a.m. to 12.30 a.m.
Litter, trctcher , Applinnce
Available at all
668, Forest Road, Walthamslow
Fir t
lretcbt'l' and First Aid Appliance.
Ayailahle ~~to 11 p.m.
No.1 26.
No . II. Dish'ict.
St. J ohn A'Inb1&lance Brigade.
Litier, Stretcher, Appliances.
Harrow Road, Sudbury
No. II.-Southern and Western District.
Available at all hours. Litter, Stretchcr, Applianccs.
tation Yard,London & orthIVe tern Railway, IV embley
23 7
Available at all hours.
The Lodge, Wembley Park
Slretcher and First Aid Appliance ..
Available at a.ll hours.
Proyident Medical I hilburn 111 ti. tu te, 1, Greville Roftcl,
Ashford Litter, Stretcher, &c.
Kil1urn -
30 .
31.1 32.
Saxby and Farmer's Signal 'Yorks, Canterbury R oad, Kilburn
Ashford Litter, &c.
Queen's Park Station (L. and N. W.R.), Kilburn
Brondesbury tation, l\Ietropolitan RaIl way
West Hampstead Station, Metropolitan Railway
Swiss Cottage Station, l\Ietropolitan Railway
Hill 36 .
30th Sl.l'lCJll1Jcl·, 1907.
Shirland Road, Paddington, close to Welford's Dairy
Depnty COlllmissionc?·-Mr. J. ,' . OnrFFlllI!i, M.R.C.S., Rcdlall(l Park IIonse, Bristol. '. ()TI'()~, F.ILC.l' .. ,12 'pcllcer ,'quare, Ram gale. /lssislallt COlHmissioner-. 'urgeoll-illajor C. R. L .\VIllE, )I.I:.(·.S., H.etlruth, Conmall. District Chi~f SlIpctin!clull'l/{-illr. F. , 1'1: \''''sox, fia, BI ·i d.~c .'tree·t, Bath. District SlIjlf rilllelirlelll , 'I'errlto·it-ill!. ,Yo J. PlllLLIPs, 0:', IIt'lll"aze r:oael, Bristol. ])is/l'iel Stll'erill/ulllcllt (If ,)[urcs ~Ir. E .• I'HEET, F.~ A., J.P., , L Maltin'R Ifou .. e, Cllieheslcl'.
Assisl((/~t UUllll1lissiune,.-?llr.
The last eight stations were established and are kept up by tho No.9 District, Metropolitan Oentre of the St. John Ambulance Association, the Committee of which issue a very handy little map of the District shewing the stations .
III snlllllilling lily !'I'P01t ror Xo. II. Di~trid for the year ending 30th • 'eptl'lulwl', 1907, I lm\'l' plf'asure ill ,llltilJg that the District is ill a flourishing l:onditiol1, although the yeur rrolll a Brigade point of yiell' has llf'elJ omc\\'Jtat quiet awl UllCyelJ trill. N e\\' Di 1'1,;illl18 have heell forllled awl sallcliolled a'l folIo\\' .. 'l'OI'f[lHty Divi iOIl, J;:,Ylhollle !':lcction (Doycr Di"i::;inn ), \\' hytelcarc Dil'i iOIl, Railll'!t)' J )i"iioll (Uxlorc1 Corps), De\'011polt N'ur 'ing Di\'i~i(lll, awl GOI or t ullll Al\'l' rstok,· Xming Divisiflll. The folloll'illg ()tti.Clls and 11WII ill tlli. District were pre:cnted lIith the I-iCI'\ iel' ~lf'llal by H.ll. H. the (;nulII PlioI' at Marlborongh llou 'c: • 'lIperilltcllcl ' IIL F. 'V. 'llllCOlli; l ·· t Ollicer F. G. 'iYal'lIick; :2llll OfliL'c:r li'. Brice; lst 'In.s ~1'r'-iC:lIIl L:ullhert ; Sergeallt llllcnlml'll, alit! P]'iYate fi'ttrley. I de::;ire Lhi opportunity or thanking III)' .L\.ssislauL 'fllllll1isiollt'rs, Dr-;. Lamie and Gtl(lU, ro!' theil" alun,blt, help and co-operatioll; Dr. COllrleney in tlditioll for his kint] as .. i·bll1cu ill Lho alllltlttl l'olllpetition,; ; anel 111) District 'hier 'l1perinLundc:ul, ~Jr. 'prilll'slll1, for his "cry efiicient and valuable ]le'!'sunal a 'si ' t.IJlCt' at all Li1l1l'S. .\ly thitllk.., are tllte' also tn 'ololle! Twiss, btl! of 1 retl,,)' Ilo. pita1, for 11is cnergetic 1I()!'k ill SotlLltUlIll'tOll, whcre II. .trong (lIH] IICll-C'lllipp0d Diviioll is the result 0[' hi~ lalJOl1l's; to ill'.je,1' Blackham. of ihr illilitnl')' Fa",ilie~ Ilosl,ital, Dc\'on]1ol'l, fl'l' IIi.., tlssislalll'c ill organizillg ncll' Di\'i~ions ill hie. lleighl10nrhood; to Dr. Charles lll)'nl1111 1'01' his lll'llllOllS 1I'0l'k in Brislol; and also to Dr. . ,riml,ly, Lucke allll ILuv l'Y for (tssistancl' ill the 1I'0l'k of the distril't. The District starr llU~ lJ(!l!1l stn:nglhelled by the appointment of nIl'. Eugene treel. as Disl.l'Il'L, 'lJpl'l'illtf'lll]enl of' :-\Lon'~. III COllclusioJl, 1 alll grateful f'or the sp1rit of cunll'l\,lcship exhihirl'11 lly all J1l~' Ofli,·c·!'::;. It is uy their sj'llqnlhy, (hri!' ellieiellcy Ullll their 'c lf denying 0110rt· lhnt thc DisLrict lo u large extcuL hus becn urollgltt lo it::; present tate of eJliciellc), aud cohesioll. I ha,\'e the 110110111' to bc, "iI',
y 0\11' 0 bell iCll t
!-\Cl'l'U 1I t, HrFF1TIl~,
Kniyht oj Gmcc, O/'Ller of the IIuspital of 'to J uhn of JU'IlSIlZe1ll, Dcput y Co In III issiune?', No. 11. Dis/n·et. To the CiJief COllllllis::;iouel'.
No. II. District.
St. John A?nUt!.tlCl/l1ce BI>igacle.
Corps Date or Divisions. when formed. Ashford Town Div. April 1, 1 79 'Tunbridge Wells Div. . June 1, 1 0 Bath City Div. . Jan. 17, 1 9 Oxford Division . Jan. 5, 18 9 Newport (I. of IV. Corps) Div. . . Feb. 19, 1890 Guildford Divi. ion. . Mar. 3, 1890 Bristol (Oity of) Oorps . Feb. 20, 1891 Ram 'gate Town (Ramsgate Oorps) Didsion . AlJril ::lS, IS91 Faversham Di7isioll . May 6, 1 91 Portsmouth Corps Nov. 1, 1 92 Ohiche tel' Division Apri120, 1 "93 Redruth " Oct. 1 , 1 93 Reading " Dec. 13, 1893 Landport " . July 1, 1 8-1 Mill Bay (G. ,V. Ry.) Div. Feb. 1, 1895 Westgate-on- ea Div. . Mar. 29, 1 95 Ryde (1. oEW. Corps) Div. Uay S, 1895 Ventnor (1. of W. Oorps) Division " .May 24-, 1.,;9;,) N ewton Abbot Di"isiol1. Oct. 29, 1 95 Boughton-under-Bl ea n Div.May 4, 1 96 Oaterham Di"isioll . l\Iay IS, 1 96 Do\'er Di vision . . Oct. 12. 1 97 Ramsgate S.E. H. (Ramsgat~ Corps) Divi ~ ioll . ApI. 26, 1 9 Ramsgate Police (Ramsgate Corps) Di,oision ApI. 26, 1 Isle of Wight Oorps June 15, 1 Ramsgate Corps June lS, 1 East Cowes (1. of W. Corps) Division . July 7, 1899 Wroxall (1. of W. Oorps) Di\'ision Jan. 9,1900 Ash burton Di vi ion l\Iay 1, 1900 Eastbourue (L. B. & S. O. Railway DivislOn) May 17, 1900 St. J Oh11'S II. of"\V . Corp. ) Division . Nov. 10, 1900 Shanklin (I. of W. Corps) Division . Feb. 11,1901 Doddington Division Feb. 2 , 1901 Watfonl Division May 4, 1901 Exeter (City of)" Dec. 4, 1901 Alverstoke " Dec. IS, 1901 Greenstreet Division April 7, 1902
Oorps Date or Divisions. when formed. . t. I yes Di \7ision May 20, 1902 June 26,1902 ,Vare " .!3o\1rnemo\1 tll " Aug. 5, 1902 Aug. 13, 190:3 IIa tillg. " Oct. 1, 1902 Chatham " Sittingbotll'ne " ept. 9, 1903 Sandown (I. of "\V. Corps) Di vi iOIl Oct. 24., 1903 Alveston Division Nov. 16,1903 Canterbury" Feb., 1904. RaElemere" July 1, 1904 Wolverton" Aug. 12, 1904 Goclalming" Aug. 2:l, 1904 lOllehouse" ._e pt. 30, 1904 outhamptou" Oct. 2, 1904 l!'olkestone" Iar. 6, 1905 Oxford Corps April, 1905 -W oodstock Division ,April, 1905 Gloucester" Aug. 19, 1905 Port mouth and District Corps . . I cpt. 1, 190;) POl'tslIlontll Polire COl'}IS .'q,t. 1, 190fi Ole\'edoll Divisioll Oct. ~1, 1905 Marine Divi:oioll (City of Bristol COlI'S) , Jail. 15, 1908 Cam bOJ'Jle Diy sion Feb. 17, 1906 Barton Hill Di,' . (City of Bristol OorJl.) Mal'. 25,19,)6 Horfldd Div. (do. do.) Mal'. 2\ 1900 Imperial Diy. (do. do.) !lIar. 2;), 190G Five Ashes Di\'i 'iOll Apl. 21, 1900 WillcslJorongh Division, May 3, 1906 Clifton anel AVOlllllouth Div. (Oity of Bristol Corp.') .\l1g. 1, 190G Kingsteignton Diyi 'ioll (N"ewtonAhliotCorps) Aug. G, 1906 A bhl)tsk8rs,,"ell Division (. ~ e\\'ton AL1Jot Oor]Js) Aug. G, 1flOG Weslon Super Male Di\'. •'l!pt.:W, 11)0G TorC)uay Division JOY. 1 ,1906 Eythorne ection (Dovel' Division July 4, 1907 Whyteleafe Division Ang. 26, 1907 Oxford Railway Divisioll (Oxford Corps) Sept.20, 1907
NUI{SISG D1 V1s1O...,.'.
Ramsgate Div. (Ramsgate Corps) , . . Oct. 29, Portsmouth Di v. (Portsmouth Corps) Aug. 1, Ludgvan Division Feb. 2S, Rrading Division Mar. 6, ')Vatfol'll " MU\T. 4. Lymington " JUly 2S;
1S90 lS95 1899 lS99 1901 1902
Hastings Division , Aug. 2S, Bath " . ApI. 21, Westgate-on-Sea and Margate Division . Mal'. 20, Portsmouth Pari h Infirnl. Division .• ept. ], Devonport Division . Aug. 15, Gosport &AlverstokeDiv. Aug. 15,
1902 1904 1906 100[1
1907 1907
Berks-R 'ading Ambulance, Reading Nursing. Bucks-Wolverton. OOl'llwall-OaJllborne, Ludg\'an Devon-Ashhllrtoll, Devollport
t. hes.
nr ing, Rcclruth, J.: Ill'
illg, Exeter, Mill Bay,
'louce 'lc1'-..:'I.h e -ton, Bristol Corp.', nIOllce.ler,
e\\'toll AllJot OOIP .
·llOn e.
lIu,llts-Ah-el'·tokt" BOlllllelllollth, (;09]101't and Ah'er"lokc Nul' illg. L:l1lrl]lol't, LYllllllgtoll .lTnlsill''!, :'Oll hamptoll, ]'or! lllouth Polite, Ports1lI0uth -'-~lll'.·lll~, Porl-'lllonth IlIlil'lllUr) }; Ill', ing. Hert·- Warc, "TatrurLl, Watford .I. Tlu·sing. Kent-Ashford, Bonghto11, 'l111t,'rb\1l'y. 'hathalll, Dorlrlingtoll, D(n'el', F<l\,er,;!Jam, Fulk!' tOllC, (;l'eellStreel, Ralllsg'\ b' Tow11, Rn.lilgn.te PO~l<:e, }-hll1.·g:lte ~-11l' ing, ltanl.-;g;).tl' lhil\\'ny, .'lttillgbuIlllle, Tll!1hn,rlgc. \\Trll s, I\T es tgate ,oll. 't~' l, \Yestgatl' HIlll )largate f\ursll1~, \yilk-hol'Ol1gh. Oxfurd-Oxford
orps, Oxfu\'Il Ihilw,)',
!-\Ol11l'l'SCt-B,lth Al1liJl1lal1l'C, Bath
~ 'n!'"i11g,
'nney - '.lterhalJl, C+uc1allltil1g, U \\lIMunl, lluleIllcl'e, I\Thy telenfe. 'ns'ex -
'hichesicl', Ea. Lbolll'lle, Xurillg.
Isle of "\Yight-EuL CUWl!, Yen tuOI'.
Fi'e A 'hes,
Tcwpurl, RyJe,
Hastillg --'al1Llo\\'ll,
~\.. llllJUlallce,
Hilsting ' t.
John s,
St. J ohn Amb1.(,Zctnce
No. II. District.
I .!1
Name" or Corps :'lJU
-1-= ==
District Stafl 6 Alverstoke Division Alveston" AshLJUrton " Ashford Town " Bf1th" Boughton-l1nder- Blean D. *Boul'nemouth Division Bristol (Oity of) Oorps - A Division
2 1 1
1 1 1 1
I ]
Barton Hill Divi ~ion -1Olifton " Horfield " Imperial " - Marine (Totter,lown) D. Oambourne Division Canterbury " -Caterham " -,Jhatham " Ohichestet' " Oleverlon " Dodd ington ), Dover " Enborne Section Eastbol1rne Diyision Exeter Faversham "" *Five .Ashes " Folkes tone " Gloucester " "'Godalming " Greenstreet " 1-Guiltlford " *Haslemere " Hastings II I sle of Wight Oorps 1 *East Cowes Division Newport " *Ryde " St. J olm's " Sandown " Slu..nklin " :mll Bay (O.W. R.) Div. Newton AblJot Oorps 1 1 Abbotskerswell Div. Kingsteignton ., Newton Abbot " Oxford Oorps 1 1 Oxford Division " Rail way Di v. ,V oodstock Division Portsm outh Corps 1 ] "Portsmouth Police Ops. - 1 Laudport Div. Ramsgate Oorps Police Division - T own - - ,-
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
51 30 1 ]2 01. 35 3 30 5 I
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1 16 1 15 ... 13 2 24
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] 1
10 3 29
49 36
37 17 21
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]0 12 12 14 1 31 34 1 20 3 5 1 8'12 -
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11 11- 1624
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1 19 22 13 15 10 7 0
No report recci\-eel-1a·t year's ligures. tatement-l D eputy Oommissioner; 2 A l>istllllt Oumllli sio11el' ; 1 Di trict Ohief Snpcrilll'l[(lcnt; 1 Dislrict 'upCrilltcllllenL •,)'; 1 DI~lrI ct l'llperilltend ent of :1l,)l'es' 1 5 Ofli l'crs; 1 9 :1ergeanh ~tllcl 'orporals; 1,8:3:3 ['ri\'ates nud NUl'sing I is Ler::;. Totld (approximate) 2:313,
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St. JOh1~ Ambu lance BTigCicle.
No. 11. District. ASHFORD TOWN DIVISION (KENT). [Former1 ]S79.]
Honol'ary S UI·geon s.
E. J. JIunt(:'l', ~r.l~.('.~.
c. n.
1\lnggleton, M.n.
ergt. F. U. .altcl', ::l , .A sennc Roall, Go. port.
G. R. Ed\\,ilrds, :)1, Joseph Street, Gosport.
I 2 P ··vates 11 Total efl'cctivc 17 . 1 Officc1's 3. ,crgeant 1, OOl'II')ora s 1'0 10;e ' attenucll on public llniy 7. D "11' I eld 4;; A \'era (fe attc111 a n c e . · . . ] 6 " oIl S 1 v.;:o bl' 1 i 19 Annnalll1spccl1011, .~f. f. Ren: ovals 26. Oascs attenrled n~.t on pu I: l n y An;lual re-examinat.ion, 16.7.07. Total 011 parade 14 . ~bsent" Itlt,O~lt i1a~~1I~~ns 14, ,ervice baclAc 7. N11l" iu~ "Jfember pas eu 12. Dld .not appe~l " . el 1 serC'TCH.nt, 1 corporal, and 10 men. certificates 10. Re(fnlatlOn U]))f01111 Y\ 01 11 by : I I' t elc "esteel o t I :\.shfo]'(l litter surgIcal laylC. ac, Rp 111 ., ., • lIIateria.l: 'Iyagol1 , . t l'~..., C leI'S,. D" .' .' I')ortecl 1y mcmbers' subscriplions aull in Alverstoke Oentre i::i .•T.,A.A. IVI810n up L
concerts. . R X A B R t,,-o of whom had a week's We h11ve seyen members belongmg to ...... .. '." f th R N \. 8, B R took ., , 1 R ,T H .tal Ha lar The ll1SpectlOl1 0 e . .~. ~. . . trammg 111 t 1e .1, . OSpl, '1 t d with another tJ'etchcr hy place on 25th June. ,Ye Lha"'le. )et~r~ p,reRe~te the first presentation thftt thiR ,v. Olay, Esq., of Angle e~ ..oc ge, llS IS 11 O'entleman has made to the Dn'lRlO11. to L
[Formed 10.11.03·1
Honorary Surgeon.
E. B. Hartn ell, L. Jolly, Alveston IIO\l<;c, Alvestoll, Glos.
In specto r of S t ores.
COl'pl. W. J ol'dan. Ho n oral'y S ecretary.
Eo C. Flood,
;"\1 .. \.,
Hon . S ecretary an d T reasurer.
. Lambshead, Graml11ar, edlOol, .\ sit b1l1'ton.
\\'. Wenllalll.
IIl'lllpslctl ,'tl'l·cl.
Omcer.' 3. 'ergl'HnL l. Oorporals 2. Privates 31. Total effective 40. Increa.'e ince]a t l'Cl'Olt 1. Drills hold 31. Average attendance H. Removal" 1:3. Cascs attended nOL on pnhlic duLy 17. Annual inspcction, 23 5.07 . Total 011 parade Hi. Ahscnt wilh leavc 10. \Yithol1t J(;llYe 1:'i. AUlItlal re-examination, 26.9.06. 1\lomllo1" pnssl'<l 31. Did not appeal' . Medallions 21. ervice bndgrs 3. Nt1I'sing l'el'lilieatc.· 16. Heglllatioll tll1il'Ol'lll \\01'11 by ;2 Oflicers, 1 sergeant, :d corpornls, 111111 ~2 11Il'11. Material: ulnbulance wagon, Jitter, stretchers. hamper, 4 hn,ITl'SaC'S, calTyiug ",heet, 3 surgical Ilo\\'ls, IlalldHge shoot, hallllage', splints, water IlottleR, . quare tent, Jlag, \'c.teil ill Divi 'ionnl Oommittee and trustee'. Diyi 'ion o':ll1ppoltcll hy Ccntre, .J.A.A. aurl puhlie allllllJC1111er" contl'iiJlltiollS. Throug-h the l\Ssi lance of ~Ir. 'hn.·. Ig<rlesdell, the 1'I'opl'ietor of the K rnlish E.I'jI/·e.,s, the I>i\'isioll 'IiI ' enabled to mi.' > n}Jwurrl' of £100 for the purcha e of an ltmhulnncc c,11'I'inge. ,.:\. team WtllJ the East Kent ()hl111cn~e Bowl. also the ,'.E, & C. 1 aihmy , 'ports Cup. ~ I
BATH CITY DIVISION (S OMERSET). [Formccl 17.L 9. Re,for11lcd 11. 7.1 900.] 1I00L~,
Honor'ary S urgeon.
Honorary Treasurer.
~t. Allgll sti lle'); College',
G. II. Riddiforll, .Monica Yilla, Rnclgcway, Glo~.
Officers 2. Private. 17. Total effective 19. , D ,'Ils held 12. Avcraae attendance 9. Cases att~nued not 011 pubhc dnt! 4. Ann~~al inspection 2S.~.07. },.lembers 11as<;ecl17. DIU ll?t ap.jI~a.l' 1. ~let1al}~~~~'i 19. Material: 3 stretchers, bandages, ~pli.nts, etc., ;'e<;ted 111 DIY!.1onal COlllllll . Di vision supported by member:>' Sl] hRcnpt 1011.'.
Ho n. S urge o n.
Is t O ffi ce r .
K J. Bowles.
:'IL1t.(, . .
Honoral'V S ecretary.
S uperintendent.
F. Ooke, F.l:.C.S. G. 1\1. Mathcl', 33, IIal'ciingr. Roae!, Ash ford, l( ell t •
F. 000])1'1'.
Hon o rary S urgeon. Sup e r int e nd en t .
Honorarv Treasul'er,
Ho norary S ecret ary
S uperintendent.
[FormecllS.12.01. ]
rFn1'11INl 1. ri. 1$')00.1 1s t Officer.
\\'. 1'. Blltrllel't:, Banks-y-Brim, A:-;hh111'lol1.
D. L. 13"<llh,
:'II. ILl
Superintendent and Hon. Secretary.
A. I~. ~Iool'(~ , 9 \, YUlk ,'trecl, Bath. 1st Officer.
F. G. 'WHrllick. Oflicers 3. ~ergcallt 1. UOl'jlorals 2. Plil'atcs 3~. Total cfl'ectivc 3 . Increase since last. rellorL1. ]Jl'ills held 35. Alcrage ,tttelldauce 16. Oase altellded Oll pllhlic duty 30. HCllIo\'uls <J.~. Cases attellded llut 011 public duty 0. A1l11lUtl inspectiol1, 1-1.5.07. Total 011 parade ~ti. .Ab~c11t with leaye 10. 'Without lcave 6. Alllluul re-exullliuatioll, H.5.07. Membcrs pa:- 'cd 31. Did not appear 6. Medallions ~:::;. 'el'l'iec ba.dges 11. .I. ' lll'illg ecrtilil'nlc!) 12. Regulation uniform \lOl'1l by:2 /Heel's ' 1 'crUCUlIt l'Ol'll01'llb , alHl 12 IlItl1. ~latcl'ial: ambulauce b, ~ wagOll, 0 stn'khcrs, slIluli sllrgit:1t1 l!a\'J'l' 'ue, I'C 'lct! ill l3ttth Ccntre S.J.~\..A. Di\'isioll supportt'cl Ily 1I1ell!llCl'~' :,uhscl'iptions.
Ins p ecto r o f Sto res.
J. H. 'Yills.
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 15. Total effective IS. I ncrease sincr. last report 3. Drills hr\d 32. AVC1:age ai~enclance 9;, Rcmovals 7 Oases attended not Oil public duty 15. Allllual lll"PPCtlOl1, 27. 9.0f. Tot<1\ 011 • J ' 16 Absent with leavc 2. Annual re-examination, 25.9.07. 11ellllJCrs p ara ,. . badgcs 11. . \{egn I a t'lon UII I. r01 '1)I '1'0l'll. hy ]7 asserl 17.n e1\1ellalliolls 13, S~rvlcc. bfficer 1 Stll'Cfeant and 12 IIlen. Matenal: wheeled httrr, 2 stl'ell'h.el's, 1 PlIlC'!g,eJ.lcj easp, I:ug~, ' ~)lint~, balldage~, e~c., vesLefl in Di visiona I C0111 mltlcr'. J)J l'ISI011 supported by voluntary contnbutlOns.
BOUGHTON-UNDER-BLEAN DIVISION (KENT). [Fn1'1llCll Hon orary Su rge on.
W. 'I\'Ol1llacott, .". H.(',~"
Ac t in g S upe l' inte n de n l and Ho nor-ary S ec l·etary.
C. W. 'mill!. ~HOLkc'l"s II ill, Hough tOil, Ji',tYCrSlmlll. In s p ec tol' of S t or·es.
\\'. F. Miles.
HOllorar'y T I'eaSUI'cl·. II.~.
St. John A?nbulance B?·igade.
No. 11. Di8tl'i,t.
Offi cers 2. Oorllorall. Privates H. Total elTective 17. Decrease since la t r eport 3. Drills held 26 . A"erage attenuance 11. Romoyals 5. Oases attended not on public duty 23. Annua.l inspection, 4.4.07. Total 011 parade 10. Absent with leave. 7. Annunl re-ox~minati~I?, .4.07. ,Memb.el's passed 16. Medallions 3. erVlCe hadge 6. 111'Sl11O' .certliicalC!l 4. heg111al.101l uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 corporal, ~llld 10 JUen. Matenal: 4 tlotchers, 2 SUl'glCal havresacs, first aid box, bandages, splint, etc., water bottle and lnwre ac , vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division npported by public contribution and proceeds of entertainm ent.
Officers 2.
Honorary Secretary
Inspector of Stores.
~l'l'gt. lI. A. H. Pullin ~~, Oamerton Road ' I~a.'t\'ille, Bristol. '
cl'gL. A. T. Long.
OfliCCI' 1. crgeallts 5. CorJlorals 5 PrivaL ' . I'ensc sillcc last rrpol'L 1:'. Drill . 1 lll~ es 41. T otal elTp.ctlve 52. ins[,cdioll, 0.07 .. Total Oil ~ara(l(' 'It lC~bsc~;t ,~veragc aLLclJda~l?e 26. Annual All Il lIa l l'C 'PXll llllllatiOll ')1)' (I 0-, 1\1 el1l 1Jers l)nssed 11,11 lcavc 1. "\\ Ithout leavo 10. , ~ •• 1 . . 3 D'd I1pglllalinli lllJif'nJ'lll \I'OlJl by 1 Olli('e l' .- ,. I not appeal' 11. .\[ ost uf til, lIlC:'lIlbl'IS of' ),~ l' ,. . ,.' .1, sClgean s, 5 corporals, alJd 35 mell. \I e k. . J\.:,l[ \.:1 o1l1pany attonded camp at -tUc1ershot for a fil l
Supel-intendent and Inspectol- of Stores.
O. J. Austin, "\Volyerton Road, Boscombe.
F. O. Bottomley, n.,\.., )I.D. D. Gibson.
'. W. Jupe, 39, IIcnleaze AVOIIUC,
[Form ed 5 .. 02.J
Hon. Surgeon. 1st Officer.
IlEA)) ·QUAltT l£r.s: TE;'IPLE BAr' I{
W. T. Gale, Esq., Ll oyds Bank.
O. H. G. Au tin, Juur. \\' olverton Roall, Boscom be.
Sergeants 2.
Honorary Treasurer.
Honorary Secretary.
Oorporal 3. PriYates 21. [N 0 report received. J
AI: IE(, . : '1'1',.\11
LI'~- I»,\. l~s, J~ItJSTOL.
Total c(rectin~ ~ .
Is t 0 ffi cer.
A. Frunde, Raleigh Hd. Bl'dlllill sler.
n. 1'. Wiggall.
, .• Honora~y Secl-etary and Sergt. "
Inspector of Stores.
E. lJa\\klJls, ;'jti, ,'ollLllydl,· j'11Wl', Bedlllill ,te l'. (CITY O F) BRISTOL CORPS. LFormed 20.2.1 91 as a Division.] [Formed 11.4.1901 a a Oorps.] HEAD-Ql'AHTlms:
C hief Surgeon and Chief Supt.
O. A. Haym an, ~LD. Kingston V ilIa, Olifton, Bristol.
H oV'.
E, Bnlo'TOL.
W. 11. lLtYllCS.
()lIl ccr:~ . :-;cr "( alit·) OLlI'I' 1.11 1. Pri\'a tcs '.J1. sillc!.. last 1~11OJt .7.' J) '11 I 11 Tobl clfecti\'e 26. v n S Ie l 45. .\.\'('I"I~r. attendance If!. .'1111ual 111. I'CCtlO11, 2". !I.0f. Tulal 011 j 1 ~ •.\. I'C-l XlllllJllalioll, :.?U.n.Of. :\[ I para, e . All 'cut withont leaye 8. All11nnl l\ lII':;ll1g cCllilicate hi. " ,l'I:: JU·'.lla ·:,;cd..:20. Did lIot appear 0. lIledallioll he . .,llhtlOll tllllloJ'lIt \l'Orll IJ\· .) 0<11? . ~1 . J '" ,cer", ~ :,;erueant· 1 c'))'jJural, and ~1 III '11. 'ity J a~~I~(tl: li Hl'etdIO's, l'ugs andplillt , \'e °tptl il~ Fill<llll:e 'Ollllllillel' r )1 ' 1. tol 'OI·P:>· cOlltrihnliun '. ' lJ Di\'i:,;iol1 ~upported by l:ublic •
Supt. Secretary.
~1. Froud, 1, ' t. , tephen's Cha1l1bers, Uri ·lol.
Supt. of Stores and Officer in charge of Transport.
A. Ootton.
(Eight A1I1blllanceDirisions).-Officel's 20. ergeants 17. Corpora]:,; 22. Private ' 2;j~. Total efrecti\'e 311. The matel'inl of the Corp and its Divi ion is \'e ted in the Fin,mce 'ommittl'e. The Transport Department rendered as. istance to auout 8.000 0, se~ of illness and accidents during the yea,r. There is al 0 a hrauch TranslJort Depnrtlllentttt Heufield, but this is to be closed and central premises taken at U ui ty Stl'cd, ~t. Phi lips, \\ here a day and night ser\'ice is to he maintain Jd: ...t horses. c1 c,ll'JingL's, ltn<l ::l ,ll'i\'ers being kept for the purpose. (CITY OF BRISTOL CORPS)
"A" DIVISION . [Formed
20.~. Hl. J
HEAD.QUAP.TER::;: BllOAlJ PLAl~ H llu 'E, ,''I'. PlIILl p';;, BI~I;;j'I)L.
2nd Officer (in charge) and Inspector of Stores.
F. Brice, Broad Plain House, ,'t. Philips.
3rd Officer.
H. Trott.
Honorary Secretary.
S. Egerton, 62: Brigstocke Road, ,'t. raul's, Bristol. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 3. Privates 38. Totn,l efTccLivc H. Reserve member 1. In crease since last report 8. Drills held 44. A vernge attendance 17. Oases attended on public duty 108. 1,735. attended not on public duty 1,257. Tota.l on parade at :1.ullual in speclion, 35. Absent with ]p.ave 5. Wil.hout leave 4. AllnU;lll'e-examinatiol1, ~G.9.07. [cmbers passed 37. Did not appear 7. R egulation uniform worn hy 4 OfIicers, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 31 men. Division supported by public COlJtributiollS.
. \1.11:.1;. : Gll1'I"'[
L .\\\,ItE Hono/-al-y Surgeon .
.J. :-; . .\lalhu,
'Ill h( IT :-" -l' jo' JIll
[Formed 21....t.06.]
II()()( ,I·.OL1~1, I Ju<.:u; HUAD, J31:JSl'OL.
" Hon. Sec. and Sergt.
h. l'arh.:r, :3 I, Uelnll'ut Hllad, UI~hop. lUll, Bristul.
.\.. ilum , (21.-:1..0".) 3, t-\eneca rlace George, Bl'i't~l.
' t,
liJccr~~. ~el'(fe"11t~ . I"oJ. 1)]'I\:ttcs 10. Tob] II" t'. '., .' " ., '?_. Cu1'1 IOta· I lICI e,1. c S1llCe la~l 1' 01'OI.t 1 . 1 1'1'11 S' IIe 11 1 e ec 1\ e 4,. '1' ola 1 Oil l wll,+ l" \.111t1 1 . t'IOn ') 90-, l'lr"jn I" '1 t wlluutl 'tl J' Ja 11lSl)CC ' ' ' I e v. ".\.)~el1 "l· , "l ~ ' I " ,~ . . l\lcll1lil'r' [Ins ed ')' D'l l, \c oJ • ..(.\.Ulll1H l'C-eXUlllll1atlOn 240 Of ~ ,. . . . -. Il lIut appeal' 1. ~leclltllioll 'I') ' .. ' ,'., ., . . \l;g 111atlOll lIm[ol'm worn uv ') lti ' ., .) . .er -:~. 11l l11g eel tliIcate .1. 111 t . 1 J ~ Cl.:1~, ~ bel 'a nt 3 corl)or'll d 31 1.' a ena : ·1 . lreteher':i .) ~ct· sllil t t l ' an men. Corp::;. Di\,i .. iolJ Supl'~rlcd by pl:bl1ie '~~;~;r~~\1~~~l~ l~l<lllCe 'ommittcl', Oity of Bristol
, : .,
Honorary Slirgeon .
'1'. A. Green ;\l D 33a., Whitcla.dies 'R~'nd CliftolJ. '
, l{I llDlO:t-.D TERR_\C,J<::,
[Formed 1. .06. J
Sli pe ri ntenden t.
F. H olmes 81, Whitelaclie' Ron,d, 'lifton.
Acting Hon. Sec., T'-eas. and Inspector of Stores
. D. LCllllOX, 10, l\tnl
tlcet, 1St. Paul::;.
1st Officer.
P. E. Billing.
lola. 11. Disl?'ict.
St. John A1nb'l.l;lance Brigade.
Officer- 3. ergeallt 1. Corporals 3, Privates 31. ToLal cflecti, C 38. Reserve mom bel' 1. Increasc sincc last rcport 1. Drills held 48. A "erage attendance 21. Cases attended on ptt blie duty 120. Cascs attended not on public duty 224. Annual in pection, 29.9.07. Total on parade 21. A h ent with leave 10 . \ Vithout leaye 7. ledallions 3. ~el'Yice Badges 2. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniforlll '\'01 n by 3 Officers, 1 ergeant, 3 corporals and 2~ men . Material: G stretchers, splints, litter, 2 havl'esacs, Jarge caDYUS scrcen, vested in Finance Committee, City of Bristol Corps , Diyision supporled by public
. OBicers 2. , OJ'lUS held 50.
'ergeants 3. CUlpuntl 1. I' Average attenclalll'C ~'llat<;s :to. 'l'ul<~l effecti'e ~6 . Caties ,tttemled not 011 publie duty 10 10. ascs .attend~cl 011 puLlic duty 5:3. 13 L . ~\l111U<ll 111~l)etllOll .) 9 07 '1' t I pam(].Je ) :.;. ]" AutielJt with k1\e;3 A 1 . ' ...... • • IIIlIlII re -exaUllJlaLioll o~ "I0 a on pas1;c'l. :..:.... jailed 1. Di(l llot appear:t. ~I(;clall" . < T' .. I. . ~ emlJt'ls ..\la,Lcl'wl: .j sLretchor' ;3 scb 1ll'1llltS (j II" t 'l ttllOll~ 11. ~ lIJ'sJng ce1tlficates 1. roller balldages, tent a:ld 'LCl:CSSOI'l'(a, f'ol' 1 '\lJe1] J0 (;8, ;3 !Ja\l'o~ac~, triall<flliar lllll] C't fB . <., It 1 IC r1nty vest·cl· F' r,o 1y 0 l'lstol Corp. Division SlllJ1IOl'Lcd b" I\Ll" . e ol 1l1. {llIauce 00lJIl11ittee, J J tu 1C coull'! mtlOlJi:;.
contrib u tions.
[Formed 25.3.06 .J
1st Officer. , V, Pratt, 36 , Gloucester Rmtd, Bristol.
Ho n. S urge o n. Peake, M.H.C.S ,
Ho n. S ecretary. Corp!. F. Reed, , eymour Hottd, Bishopston, Bri tol.
Ins pector of Sto res. A, J. Britton.
Offioers 2. ergeallt 1. c.:orporetl · 3. PriYl.1.tes 26. Total eife<.:tiy· 32. Decreet e ~ince. last report 1. Drills held 29 . A "erage attencltmcc 0. 'ase: a.ttended on IJubllc duty 50. c.:ases attended not on puhlic duty 20. Annual inspectIon,5.10 . 07. Total ollparade 22. Ab ent with lca\"c 1. , Vithout let1.\c!.l. AlIllllal l'e-e~amination, 22.10.07. Members passed 17. Did not appear 14. Mcchdhull]. Serl"1ce badges 6. Nursing certificate 6. Hegllhtliun uniform \vUl'll IJY 1 Of lice!', 1 sergeant, 3 corporals a,nd 1 men. },Iaterial: 2 stl'etdwrs, "e tl'(l ill lhc FUHlllce Committee, City of Bristol Corp~. Division .upported by public contributiolls.
H . 0,
Officers 3. ergeants 2. c.:orporab 3. Private:; j,j. Total dfet:tiye 1J. Decrease since last report ~3. Drills held -:l0. A, eragu tlttenchwee ~3. (Ja:;,es atte~ded on pu?llC au.ty ;!Uti. Relllovals 1~0. Cases ,Lttellded not on pubhe only ll~o. AnnuallllspectlOll, 2 .9 . 07. Total Oil paradc :,w. Ausent WIth le,L\(') 15. \V\thout lea~e 8. Annual re-examiuoation, 8.~. 07 allLl ~j.l0. 07. ~lcl1lbers passed 11. ]a~ed 9. DId not appear 4. MedalllOns 34. TlU'sing certlfica.LetS:t1. .J:<.egllbtlUll ulllforll .worn by ;3 Officers, ~ sergeants, 3 corpurals, and 3;j mCll . MaterHLl: Ashford litter, 8 stretchers, havresac, splint::>, bandages, etc., \ested in and Din:;iull supported by Messrs. W. V . and H . O. ,Vills' bl'tLlIch uf the I mpel'itLl Tul.J<Let:o Company, L td.
Act in g 1st Offi ce r. L . R. Crew. Acting In spector of Stores. Sergt, A, W . L ewis.
Superintendent. 11, :\1uor Street, Call11J OltlP.
(JUIlJ tl'dl,
Inspector of Stores . Pte. ,'. J. Pengilly.
:\11' .•. J. Geaeh, The Bank.
~ \ulleull IllellllJeJ"s lInle IJt..:'1I 1'1'() \'ided
with II 111'f', <HilI. t I·' UIIlI,;' the yea1·.
/11'1 ,
Honorary SurgcollS. 11. .;.\1. '1'. \\'illitlillti, :,J.jJ.
A. lL ll< 'ueldl')',
of Sto,·cs.
'J 0 .-. 1. ]
I.' ',' 1I.\ •. (; J!..
Hon~l oilry
11[1''oJ:_ \ -
Secl-e tary.
, \\ . J'. , Dia( k , 11, 1w::,e Laue, "llltel·IJllr}'. Honorary Treasurer. ;'11'. 1". \\'. hil'lt) (lIUllo nlelII.).
b. \\. 1\ Olll'!'S.
1IICll"'~, • \:1'" l;,llil 1. '()l[,ur'd" 1)" t 1,, lIlCl e,I.t} !"illL:l III t 1'1 0l 1 ,.... 11\;( e . ' . 1ulal ctl'ccli\'·:!1. , cl UI . a. l'.~ <ltllU!!L: I Oil 1'lIldl' I I . 9 I' ".t'" alll'IJ([..{l IIU l UII 11111 ,]1 ' tlnt,- 10 .' . I . .J.; (11"~ • _ \.ell\o\·al 1. "1I 1, '1') \. I . ' nl1l1l1<l III jJCdl'lll 11 (j 0, Ttl .' <ll: e _~ "11l1n I 1'l;-l'XalililiatiolI tl.Oi ~l ' I, . ' '" ~ a 011 1 :)Cl'Ilce l"lllge,' . • ll)'.iIJ" eel'ldil'lIle '1'" / CI;I ':1. IJ'l~~ed H). MuhtlllOlI.' 1;;. alld 10 1I1l'11. MutLlltl"?t .,t.1 . .,'J. lo'l'gu atlllil llllllul'lll \I urn by 1 ::'l'r"l':tl1t .. ) S lC C lei::', <1 IIll'( IC,tI hal·ll: ... ·U:.... , .. l" 1 L I .0 , · IH' I l', "I' l lilts, IJilllda"l'K elc \' L:s lcll ill 1)' .' . , d 0' ... \1 <1 ClIO t l., (j Ilagl:>, by III elll bl'!';:" sub, ,:/1l1 ta!',)' 1) i vi ion 1I pporlcd
e l'il'Li~II.'
" ~)lull
~.~lll~~:;:~; tiu~:~I."llllee.
CATERHAM DIVISIO N SURREY). 1l1 'o \.lJ-(~LAltllHs: A .'I[JLIA~( t:: :-)l,\I'IO' , "
Surgeon .
\ \. .\1. DlIgh,
'1. IJ.
[FulJlled 1 .5.%.J C,\.I'gHlIA'l \',\LL1::1.
and Hon. Secretary.
.d, J. 1 lIey, 3, Cl'd:ll' l\oad, Cruydol1 .
-. l eo nv. . 'OWeel";2 . '''rUC'lIlt ° ' 1 , 1'1" 11,\ D l.:l·lca c ~llJCC lu~L repol t 'l. D ·'11 1 II 10
S, .. :,
[Forllled 15.1.0ti.J
Acting Hon . S ec. a n d T reas urer. Sergt, A. E. L ong, 57, Green Street, Totterdown,
OJlicerti 2. I 'ergcant ]. 'uI1Jur·t!,,·, 1' .' )~" IllelL'a::;c !Sillce la t Il'jlurt ii. J) '11,'1 ~i 1 ~n'Lte' :'0). 1IJbl dfl,;cti\e 30. nLl{'I11Il'{l.'lll l,ul~lie duly:!. I:l 'llIula\~ ~;; It..: t :\.\~ragt..: att'lldanee 17. CCloe:;, AUllual 1usIJecll<l1l ·)v, <) 0-, 'I' t'l . C, es .tltemled 110t U11 1mbhc duty 30 , ~ "" U ,l Ul1 Fll"lde "0 \.1 ' . len I , fl. l: ,gu!ation lIuifCJl'lJI \\'orll II\" .) 011'< .- L' ~ J.cnt With leave J. \ Vi.thout ,\i<tlel'ial: lill er ~tl'ddlel"K III ,/ 1 H'CI':"" 'U'''CillJt, ~ cOlpural:, aud 1~ !llelJ shl'ds, s]Jlil1t~, 1al"ia"l.:!" dl'~' I'II,~I "ll. It<lVl'e,'iH:, Ilal m' I~{,ttlt" Id,lIlkets, waterilloof "', ;:,. c· 11111 s 'te \'e b.:d 11 ]) '" 1 . l'l t" .," 1 IllsIUU<l L'OI1l11llttee . J) 1\ ISl<ll1 support 'd 11J\, \ ullllll'll'\-' ' J lUll 1'1 HI lUIlK.
\ V. 1. Gunn.
Leigh Wood::>, BristoL Ac t ing Inspector of Stores. Honorary Secret ary. S. J. Yealc. Corpl. K Lee, DUile~ill, 35, ~outh Street, BedmmtSter,
Honorary Su r g e o n. M . D., Wells Roatl, Knowle.
1st Offlcer.
Su perinte n dent.
A. B. Mitchell, Oakleigb,
J, J , S . L ucas,
Actlng Honorary Secretary. • ergt. K K ClwiIe ;,;'), l{o1;kear P uad, (JalJl b~t'lle.
[Formed 7,11.01.J
DE1J.m~S'lEll, BI:IS'ruL.
[Ful'mer1 17 <l 06 ]
GLlC"FY'~ L -\:\E - • - " C [[.\1']·;L ' . Tltlm1',
Honorary Surgeon. \\'. I 'lnckwood, ~1.11.
Honorary Su rgeon. F. E. Peake, M,B.C.::; ,
l lE.\Jl oQlJ ,HT1,1l:; :
rl' Otd 1 clll'd11'C 1') ~. 0
Ca!;cs altclJJcd lJot 011 puLJic ~lut~ 3~ lC ,t~'L;)'fi~l' atll'l~clHllee.J.. l{:l.l lUyab It]. by 1 Ollieer 1 sel'''eallt UI l 7 . el ~lcC <l.df,l'e . l'l'gnltttlOn llUllorm lI'o m CaLerllO.l1l V'll b . '.ll lllell. .. atl'lIa : woodell Ambulance tutiOll ~l .'. I) .a ey, IJl'Jek btult l'ulIullltuJt:e •'ttltiOll, 1:ppcl' Catel ham (1'h B l'~ ~ CillO] 1(.1. , ~ \\'heeled It UrI'::; L:olllplcle ;3'L' t.J ". .) l" '. e il ~s hlL\l'C!:!,L(;S, ~ regulation watL:1' bottles ()' ~ Ie et' Ifilng bo,lrd~, ;3 Morgull sheetll, station fUl'IIitlll' ,tllll.Ut ex I: Bleil s lIa. 01 .ott c::>, 1 ulankcts, 2 \\uterproof pla~tel', vc lCLI ill .EXl'~\~LiIC' C . l t\l~Il~JI'J~ Jot !:!pllllt s ,. l~a~dngc::>, dl'c' iug. , alld CUllll'il.mLiullS. Olllllli ce, t . . A. A. lJ1\'lS1011 supported by Jocal
iVo. I I. Disi?'ict.
St. John .A mbt(,Zance B?'igacle.
1st Officer-.
' Yo J. Woodman,
M. ll.C.,., (26 .10.07), 13, :rew Road, Rochester.
,V. A.
T. B. Brook, 4.9, Rochester Terrace, Ohatham.
R. J. Oooper.
[Formed 20 .4.93.J
H . G.
tates, 4.5, -'outh Ohichester.
H. Holtler.
11. L. La\\'l' , ,BiIII. Yah- Ruad, Du nl'.
.. Hon . Secl-e tary and Sergt. '
\Y. A. KllUll, :20, Alt'1elll{uad, Hlll;kluud, Du\'( 1'.
Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privatcs 15. Total effective 1 D. . Drills held 35. AYeracre attendance 10. Removals 15. Annual lllsp 'eLlOu, 1 .9.07 . Total on paradeo16, Absent with leave 2. \YiLhollt leave 1. Annual re-examination, 26.8.07 and 2.9 .07. Mellluers J1a sed Hi. Did not appear 1. l\lerlaJlions 11. .'enrice baLlge 11. K nrsing cerlificales . Regulation u11iflirlll worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, and I':; meu . :JIaterial: Ashfonllittcr, 3 stretchers, carrying sheet, \raterproof sheet and pillow, 2, litted havre ac, -1 water boltle.', blankets, bandages, splints, flags, and lanterns, yc:;ted in Diyisional COJllmittee. Di vision supported by fsubscl'iptions and donatiolls. Sewn members have been enrolled in the Military Home Ho 'pitals Hescrn).
Supt. and Inspector of Stores.
Hon. Surgeons.
1. 1>. C. lIu\\ dCll, )1.11. C. K ~lurl'hy, L.l:.V.I'.
Inspector of Stores.
[Fo1'l)1c I 112.10.97.J
IIL\J)-(~uAxrLH . : ROYAL \'1 lUHL\ llu,'I'J'l'.\L, Do, El~.
D. Ewart, M.D.
1st Officer, Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.
,'ergt. W. 11. Anderson .
Honorary Surgeons. l\I.R.C,S.
Insp e ctor of Stores.
Ollieers 3. ,ergeanls~. UUl'l'oral1. Privales 2D . ToLal eIrective 35. In crease sillce lasL reporL 13. Drill ' held 47. Average alteudanee 16. Oases atLellLled Oll public duty ~. l'l'lllU\ul1. 'uses aLLende,lnot 011 Illlulic duLy ~6. AUllual inspectioll, 4.1.07. TuUll 011 para(lc 8. Ahsellt wiLh leave 27. Annual I'e-exHllIination, ~5.(j.07. ~lelllll cr~ l'as~cu 29 . DillllOt appeal' 4. Medallions :20. o ervil e ba(iges. nr::;ing ccrLitica It:,' \I. Regula tiUll lilt it Ollll WOIll uy 3 0 llicers ~ ~el'gcHlIls, 1 corporal and 21 mell. laLcriul : 1 streLcher:;, :llJallJpers, 2 surgical havrcsacs, 7 wuter hulll >', mg, . lrdclter con~l', ;2 t:anying sheet, splints, ve::;teJ in Divi 'iollal 'Olllllliltec. Di\'i~ioll :,upportcll yolunt'H,}' COlllrilmlioll!'i. Fil't aiel eerlificates Were pr '~entL-tl \Iy Lurd lianis, who, III addressing the men expressed bis great surpri::-e at the wurk llolle, anll said tlHlt tbe t. J ubn ~\.mbulallee Brigade 111ust be a fine body uf wdl-drilled 111en.
F , Skaife,
T. Poils., Doddington, ,'iLtiugboume.
1st Officer.
11. U.
Total etfecLive 21. (30.9.07). Oflicer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 19. Drills held 16. AY era(fe aLLendanee 11. Oases aLLeDlled Oll pnlllic duLy 2 . Remo\'(ll1. Oases attellLl;d not on public Linly 39. Annual illspectioll, ~ .9:07. Total 011 parade 16. Absent witb leave 2. WithouL lC[n-e 3. Annual I' ',exa.nllnallon, :Z .8.07. Memher,; passed 16. Did not appear 5. Hegulation t;tniform worp hy a.ll. Material: wheeleLllitte r, 6 tretcbers, hospital tent and furmture, hOSl'llaJ .b?x, 6 medical hane acs, splints, etc., vc.c;ted in thc Oorporation of Ohatham . Dl\rllOll supported by \'ohm tary con tl'ibutions. . . . The Diyiion continues to progress s:1tlsfactonly. The funds ha,'e becn ch~e(\y rai ed through the kindne s and assistance of many 10c:11 friend, n,nd the Uorpura lions ha,\'e \~ery materially helped.
Superin t e nd e nt, Hon . Sec. & Treas.
Hon . Surgeon .
P. Se1hy,
Honorary Treasurer.
Inspector of Stor-es.
LForlllC'd 28.2.01.J
OHATllA1>l .
Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.
Honorary Secretary.
[Formed 30.9.0 2.J
Hon. Treasurer-. t.;1";1. U. l'lutcl.
Ollkers 3. ,\:.rgulill 1. ' Il!'pula!:, :3. l'l'i" ilLL' ;3li . Tutal elkctiyc J3. 111(;1ea::;e ::;im'e lcl::;L ll'I,l)ll lJrills hcld ·lV. A\'C l.tgl' aLlelllluut:e lli. Ca:,e aitellllecl 011 public llll!,Y 0. l\l'lIl11\'als, se\'erul. '<usc:, allL'u,lelllloL on pul.lit duty 13. AlJllUal il,slileliul', Tutal Ull l'illude ~!I. Al'~cllt "ithout leavc 11. AlIlillal rc-exalllllhltiull, 07. Melli bcr pa', cd 1 £1. Failt:<l·L Did not appear 1. ~leda Iliuns 20. 'Cl \' icc lJadgc' 7. I ~ nrillg Cl'l'tilica lc:-. H. Regulation uniform \yum llY 1 fli!:!'l, 1 ,-('rgeunt, ;J corpol,ll', ami 3~ lllell. Material: wheelL,1 Jitter, sLn leiters, spliltts, lJtluLiag's, 'te., \'e~t ed in Divii ullal COlllmittee. Diyi ion o ,'npl'orled by IIlcllIlIers ,ubscriptioll' aml puhlic contributiolls. H I!,\ 'W urship the Mayur (CuulJcillor Haggett) hn::; kindly "mnteel the u e of the '1'0\\11 linll once ,l month for llrill. 0
[Formcd 21.10.05.J
Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.
Smgeon-Cal,Jt. E. G. Stocker, v .;)I.s., Holmesdale, Oleyedon. Inspector of Stores.
E. H. Ooles.
Hon . Secretary.
T. Michell, The T riangle Post Office, Olevedon.
Acting Hon Surgeon .
Hon. Treasurer.
J. G mll!llll,
Officer 1. Oorporal1. Privates 18. Total effective 20. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 27. A verage attendance 7. Oases attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 30.9.07. T otal Oll parade 7. Absent with leave 6. Without leave 7. Anllualre-examination, 30.9.07. Members passed 6. Did Dot appeal' 13. Regulation uniform worn by 1 corporal and 5 men, Material: 3 stretchers, surgical havresac, 2 water bottles, splints, uandages, etc., vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supl,Jorted by members' subscriptiolls and public donations. During the year uniforms have been IJl'ovided [or six memhers of thc Di\ isioll. The Re\. R. V. S . Penfold, ;\l.A . , ha::; provided no stretcher stiltion on the pier.
[Formed 4. i.07.]
Act ing Hon . Secretary.
rossmith, ~ancl\\ich Hoael ) Eythol'l1e, DO\ C1'.
SuperIntendent {acting).
II. L. Ln,,,'e,.;, ,Elm,.; Yale H.oad, Doyel'. Hon . Treasurer. ~ll'.
S. t1. IIughe .
Oflicer 1. t\crgCltllt 1. Pri\<lLes n. Total eil'l.'cti\ e 11. Dl'iJJ ' helel 1. ..\., erage allL'llllance 6. 'ases alLellLleel llOt on public duty 7. MaLella} : stretcher, 10 llletiieltl haul'sacs, splints, \'\J, tell ill Di,isional ommittee. Di\ ision supported l)y momb '1' ' 'ubscl'iption and pubEt: contribution. '1' h o :::lccLiull has supplicLl itself " iLl! n. stretchcr, 10 hanes,lc ' , ~plillt" and arm badges.
In charge.
lForl1lcll 1.]:2.01.J POLICE CounT lIOl",'1::, 'WA.TE1:ln:Ell 'l1lE1::'1', EXI':Il::l\.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. A.. W. Pel'cim,
:11. lJ.
Corporal 1.
Superi ntendent.
1st Officer.
E. A. Do\\'dell, 10 PUlL Yiew Terl'ltuc, lIeuvitree, Excler.
<1. \\' n).
Hon . Secretary and TreasLll-er.
Inspector of Stores.
Sel'gt. F. Rivel's, 29, lliUll ·field Roau, Excter.
Cu)']!i. .Jl. P. Yuullg.
Officers 3. oergeants:2. Corporal::; 5. Pri\"ate::;;)1. 'loLul \..Jl din: 01. Iucrcae since la::.L repol t 10. Drills lwhl- ectiun A, :J7; ,'euiull 1) (Police) 35. Average attendalll:c-.A, :d; IJ (Police) Iv. Lacs attlmJed Oll public ~luty ~06. Remo\"al 1. Case::. attended llot Ull public duty 10. AunualmspectlOll, :W.9.01. Total Ull parade 56. Ab::;cllt "iLh leave v. All 11 llal 1~e-exal~illation:;-16. 9. 07, oectioll .A; ~0. 9. C7, ,'cUtiOll B (.Poliue). :JIClll1Jer:i pa. :it'd ;,),9 . Did not appeal' 1. Medallions .25 . t)cn"it:e uadge:; J. N llr.iug ccrtificatc 1. RegL1l~tlOn umforJU \\,~l'll by 2 Uflicers, ~ sergecLllts, j uOl'pulals, aile! :W lUC11. .\la.tenal: 2 wheeled litters, 6 stretdler:i, 1 HlJlblllallce hampeL, a waLer l)oltlc~, f'pllllts, uamlages, etc., Brigade flag, ve:it.ed ill Di\'i::.ional COJl1l1litlee aUll \\"atell Commi~tce cf C1Ly Ooullcil. Di\'itiioll sup[lol'teu uYllbsuriptioli:i. A cluld fell off pla,tfol:m at t..>,~eell 'tl~eet H,tLilwcl.,)' 'ttLtion in frunt of ,lU <lppl'oHl'hing tnllll, a.nd. \V"l : at" the rl1:ik of hili own hft;: rt;:::.cued 1Jy Pri Ytlte Ltmg. The member::; of the pol~ce SectIOn ha ve beld well together and ba\'c reudcred good aCl;ollut of thelll' selv~s dlll'lng the year.. The recOl'Li s~ow::; illCretl.'Sec1 cttiuieucy tLml tlt're ba' I) 't,;1\ a uontm~ed <l.n.d greLl.ter rntercst ttl-ken m the \Yurk. COllstLl1Jle llatlierley l'cticLwd il clrownmg child f1'ol11 a lllillieat in the City.
[Fol'lued U.5.91.]
H.c;,\IHlUAltl'Ell~: DHILL IL'l.LL.
Honorary Surgeon.
C. J . .l£vers,
Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer.
O. E. Ulillcb., 81, St. Anlls Road, Favershalll. Hon . Secretary.
E. Longley, Forbes Road, FaVel's!tallJ.
hivates 12.
Totcll effective 14.
0 report receiveu.]
E. Elphick.
Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Pri\'ates 22. 'l'olal eIJ'ceti \e 2 Drills helJ :n. Average attendance 18. HClllovals 3. 0<1 l'S atlended Jlol Oll public duty 20. Annual inspection, 2,t. 9. 07. Total 011 p<uaLle Hi. AhseuL \\'ilh lea\'e . 'Without leave 4. :JIedallions 10. Regulation uniforlll \\'Ol'll by 1 Ottit:cr, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 11 I1le11. Materiul: litter 2 stretcher', ha\'l'eac::., et~., :'e:;ted in Divisional Oommittee. Diyisioll supported lJ,)' yuluntal'Y COlltl'lbllbons.
Sergeant 1.
Eas t 1JO ~ll'llC.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
Acting Hon. Sec.
G. Ohatfield, Ashford quare, Ea tboul'llc.
[Formed 21.4.06.
B. F. Easl\yood, FCl'1II1ale, Fi \'e Ashes, Tuu bridge
E. lluJltll'\', :26, COlllll1crcial ROtul,
Hon. TI-eas . <In chal-ge).
Hono rary Surgeon.
H . Habgood, M.D.
No . 11. Di,ll'ict.
St. John .dmlwl((nt'e Bl'iyaar'.
lFol'ln erI6 .3.05.J
lLuL, GU.\CE HILL, ]TOL[{E~roNE.
Hono rary Surgeon.
P. Y. Dodd,
Insp. of Stores,
Hon . Secretary.
Supt. and Hon. Treas.
J. ,'truod (14.:3.0 ),
F. A. Adallls, 7, TOJlline I:)treel, FolkeslollC.
W. Baker (1-1.3,0 ).
3, I 'belloll 'tlCCl, FolkestolJc.
Corporals J. l)ri,'ales 35. Tolal eflccti\'c Y.l. Drill. hehl 51. Averagc uttcndunee lli. 'a (j~ at t 'Illiecl ()Jl puhlil' rlnt. · H. RellJtl\'uls 2. Cas('s ntLelHlell not on l,ublic tlnty 5:3. Allllltal illspc(;(ioll,J.1.07. Tolal !Ill parade 15. A1J.'l·lIl "itll lcayc 5. Wilbout lett\'. :n. Allllual l'c-cxallliwltioll, 7 . . 07. J\lclIliJer']ln '.ed 20. Did noL all!' n)' 20. J\Jpdalliull' 11. l\11l. illg ecrtific:,lic~. H!'gulutiull uuiform woml)y 1 OlticeJ'. 1 c01'1)or31', ami a1 llll'll . • lat!'li1l: 1\»ltfonl littcr, 5 tretchens, 4. hUYJ'esll\'s, first ai,l <ll'l,liam:e', \'C.lcd in Di\'i.iOllal COlllllJittee. DiviiollllpporLcll by the pnblic allll lllelllUer1:i' subscriptiuns. Inl'l' ca~c Iii nee lust. rcport D.
lFol'lllCc119 . . 05·1
H EAl! IlL'.\UTI·.l:.: Uti' TJ .\:\I\\.'Y l'1':);IHE, L'DL\ H.OAlJ.
Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent. ;\1. It. c .."., The L,t \\ 11, Dn1l1. \\ ick l{o~Lll,
F. li. ~l'laglle,
1st Officer
Hon . TreasLirer.
HOIl . Secl'elary
'1'. W. '\\'il 'on
:Jl. l~ .lIlIlLtj', ~, lletltert;clL H,Ollll, l: lllllCCtit(.!l·. Inspectol' of Stores.
J lam:;, (~.
3. 0 .)
Oltlcel::.:!. COl'['lJ1'a\::; J. l'rivate ' ;31 . Total ellcdl\e a6. lh LlL:.l:;e . illL'e JUl n'l'ol't ~ 1. Drill::. held ;)6. A "erage attendance :n. C(l~l'" attellllell 011 pllbli" duty :W. 'ilea IltleutleLI !lol 011 public duty i. _\.11 II llal illspcctioll, :!1.D.07. Tolal Oll P<lI'UL1i.l '27. Abscnl with leave,t. Willlollt Jl'<lIL' D. AlIllllill l'C-CXtlmlllaLiuJI, n.U.07 and 1.7.07. :Thicml,el's 31. Did llol appcar.J. ~lL:llalliolls '23. H egl11.1tillll lluifol'lJl \Yorn by 3 cOlporals and 13 lIICll. Malerial: H) stretchcrti, 11 lW\'l'cac, sl'liuls and bandage', ye -ted ill Di\'isiollill Divi::;ioll supportcLl by \'olulltalY contribution.
1st Officer.
A. 1'. 'It en\ OUli. Inspector of Stores.
G . Awo .
Officers 3. Dl:>rgeciut 1. Oorporal 1. .Priva.te::; 30. Tot,ll clIecLivc ;1;). Docl'ease sillce last report 9. Drills lleld 18. Ayeraup atte!lrlancc 17. C!l.~l'ti attende~ 011 l'l~blic. cl,uty ;1." Hell10vals a9 . Oases aLtcuJed llOt all public uuty 0. A!lllU~llll~[lectlOu, 6.0.07. Iotal OIl par,lue :30. AIJsen t with lea ve 5. .iHellalliolls 2D. Servwe Badges~. H.egulation uniforlll \\'um by :4 Olliccrs, 1 scrgea ll t, 1 C01'pouLl, and 18 well. lllatcnal: 9 stretchers l At;hforu litter 1 lJaskeLs 1 ha.vresac, veilteu iu Di vi~ional OOllJluitLee. Corps 'supported by p11 1Jli~ cOlllriuu tiO'llS ,
[Formed 1004.]
Honorary Surgeon.
Superintendent, Hon. Sec., Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treas.
P. Miuclliu, L.U.C.I'.
W. W. GiubollS, 22, 'l'o\\'ncnd "treet, Gotlalmiug.
Ufliccl's 2.
Privatcs 2:2.
Total ell'ective U.
(r 0 re.porL recei, ell.)
N o. II. Di8t1'ict.
St. J ohn A 1nb1.i-lu/nce B1·igade.
Officers 2. Sercrcan t 1. Corporals 2. Privates 24. Total effcctive 29. I ncrease since last ;eport 3. Drills held 50. Average aLtendance 12. Cases at teude(l 011 pll1>lic dnty ] O. llc111o"als c ]. 'af.;CS atlcudcrlllot on pulJlic duty 62. nnlln1 inspcction, 23.0.07. Total 01] pH1'Urle 1. Absellt with leave 4. \ViLhout leave 7. Anllnal rc-exa I11inatioll, \arions (Iates. ~lellllJ el's passed 13. Failed fl. Dirl not appear 11. Me<hlliol1s 14. 'en icc lm(lgc, 7. Nursing certificates 6. Recrulatioll tlllifllrm "orn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corjlorals, 311(124 mm]. Material: ho~"e amhulance, Ashford lilt-r, ;) slretchers, 1>('11 lcut, 2 carrying sheets, first co.billCt, co.binct of rcstorntiHs, 29 ha.\'re~a('s, 29 water hottles, 20 tin emcrgency co.scs, splints, llUl1Llttgcs, hot watcr bottlcs, 1,lanket ·, elc., vcsted in Divisional Comllli LLce. Division llPl'orted hy public contributions and a grant from T own Conncil.
[Forlllcll 7.1. 02.J
Inspecto r of Stot'es.
A c t i ng Hon . Trea sure r .
W. R ay, Mount I leasant, Greenstreet, T eynham, Kent.
F. Conrt.
A . Goodman .
Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. D ecrease since last report 2.
Total eIfeetive 1 .
Privates 16.
[Fouuell 3.3. £lO.J
HEAD-QrARlEH.' : L EA PALE L.\~E ROOlll,' , GUJL])FOIW. S uperint e n den t _
Hon . Su rge on .
F. R. Rus ell, J.r"
:'\I.D .
V. Blake,
J . , V. L ambert.
H" \I)-Ql
Hon . Su r g eon.
S u p e l'inten d ent.
C. P . Strong.
R. Phillips, 7, Foster Vi11a~, L ion L ane, Haslemere.
Sergeant 1.
Corporals 2.
Privates 13.
(N 0 report receivetl.)
TO" .T
IhLl., E.\
Priyutes 107 .
[Form ell 7.7 .99.J ''1' CUWE.'.
Superin t endent.
,T. A. Uatll»)' . Castle
treet, Yietoria HO:1.d. Ea t Cowe .
I:.l' .... Private ' 22.
Tni:1.ll'll'ecli\·c 21.
(No rcport 1'l'f'CiVCl1.)
(1. W.
CORPS NEWPORT DIVISION. III;: \J)-Ql .\I:ThltS: T()w~ 1L\1.1,
H onorary Surgeon
'. J. 'J'hOllll'.'Oll ,
[Ful'llI<.'l119. Q.90.]
,r. 1st Officer.
S uperintendent,
.s. J. \ Y. Uil,hs, Oli\ia, ('jarclIec 1'd. Tewpolt.l:;leofWight.
J. H. Rayle'.
I nspeclol' or Stol'es .
H on. Treasurer.
F. l'l'n.l'h.
F. Pillllock.
Olli~t.'rs 3. l'ri\',ltcs 2;i. Totall'lrecti\'c:? Silll:L' b !, report 6. Drill:; lH:hl 31. \. \L rage ,tlknL1ance 15. 'ases nLll'lldetl Ull pnl,11e tint). 'ast's It ttenc1ell nuL 011 puhlil: duty 19. RUll10\',d' ~ . AlIllLHtl im,pL'diun, ] 7.0.07. Tutal on pnraLlc Hi. i\ l):;unt without leave 13. Annu:ll !'u-C\allllllalioll, 30. f).07 . l\ll'mlll']':> passel1 ~l. Did not appear G. .i\lLllnlltulh]. Tur,.;ill" c- ·ttifl(·tttl's 1:3. lhlfuhtti(lll unif()rm worn by 2 tticers am! 11 llll'll. Material: ~ll\lllllanl'e wagon, litler, stretchel's. rugs, ctlrrying ella11', It ltlll l!l-I'S, ha\'le~ltc-:;, :;plints, de .. YetiL·t! ill Isle of \\ 19ht 'entre, '.J.~\. .A. Divisiun SupPLJl'tell by public cuntrihulions. 'I'he wagoll js uf th' g-re:lLest \ alllL: .
\ J)-QU \H'J'Ell8: TUWN
Ho n. S urg eon , Supt . and Hon . Treas .
G. Locke, M,R.C.S, 47, Wellillgton SCluare, U astings.
Hon . Secreta r y.
"Vm . R. Manley, 3, Upper Park R oad, St. L eon ards-on-Sea.
.G . 9~.J
Honorary Su r geons.
G. Locke, 1tf. R C. s. F. B . L ewis , L.R. C.P.
[Formed 13.8. 02J.
.\ III 1<.1:":
Total effective 18.
L. L. Pre 'tOll, ~r.ll., 'Wyndham House, illchille :'treet, Rycle, I ,Ie of Wight.
Hon. Surgeon
Officers 3, Corporal 1. Privates 15. Total effective 19. D ecrease since la treport 5. Cases attenued on public lluty 3. llellloy,ds 12':>. Case attended not on public tluty 2. Annual inpection, ~;j. U. 07. ToLal 011 paratle Absent with leave 6. ,Yithout leave 5. Regulation uniforl1l ,,"om by 2 Officer, 1 corporal, and 15 meD . Malerial: horse ambulance cOlll:li, lbhfo1C1 litter, Emeka boxe', havre acs, stretchers, plints, etc., vest ell in Diviional Committee. Division supported by public contribution'. The Division was formed in 1890. In 1900 n. horse ambulanee c::)<1(;h wa ' purchased. Since the purchase of the coach in 1000 oyer 00 }Jctticnts haye l)ucn ll1uyecl ill it to their homes, nur ing institutes and to the Royal ' urrey 'ounty lIo, pital at Uuildfol'c1, from a circle of about 1~ miles. Fully equipped "til's!' <tiel " (;abillet~ nre 110,," held by members residing in different parts of the town and the police pel'1ni15il411 to use them .
C hief S uperin t e n den t.
Hon . T reasurer.
B, Wells.
[Fonned I5.G.99.]
(Sii' Ambulul/ce nivisions)-Oflicers 17. I 'C1geullts iI. Tolal efl'ecli \'e 133.
C. V. Broughton, "Smedmore," Nighlingale Road GllilcUonl.
Inspector of Stores .
Officers 2.
C hief S ut'geon :'l.ll., "E1 'illOl'e,"
Isle of "'ig111.
Quarry II ill House, G uildfol d.
H on. Secre t ary.
1s t Offi c e r .
Inspector of Stores.
CorpI. H . French
Su pe r i n t e nd ent.
Hon , Su rgeo n . ];'. I t . l'.~ .
K V.
A. Ihl1k ,
Officers 4.
N('1'g(~llllls~, (
PriH1le ~3.
reporL receivell.)
l aLLhe\\'s.
Total elrl'etivc 29.
N (). II. District.
St. J ohn A mbulwnce B?'igClde.
[Formed 10,11.1900.]
Acting Hon . Secretary.
1st Officer.
". 'tockhalll, Elnlfield, Ryde.
Inspector of Stor'es.
G. J ames. Offi cers 2. ergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 12. Total effec ti,'e 16. D ecr ease since last report 4. Drills beld 26. Oases attended on public duty, num erous. Annual inspection, 17.9.07. T otal on paraele Ahscnt with out leave B. Annual re-examination, 16.9.07. :;\ lelllucrs passed . Did not appeal' 7. Medallions 11. Service badge 3. Nur~illg cert ifi cates 7. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 12 men. Material: stretchers, havresac , splints, bandages, \Yatel' bottles, etc. , \'e tell in Diyigional COll1mittee. D il'isioll supported by subscriptions and tlonation .
Offi cers 3 . ergeant 1. Oorpol'o.l1. P rivates 21. T otal effective 26. R esel've members~. In crC'ase since ~!tst rC'port 9. D rills held 15. Average attendance H. Cases at~ellcle' l on l~nIJh~ dnLy 5. Oases attended not on public du ty 40. Annualll1'pecllOll, 29.0.0f. 'Iotal on parade lB. Al)sentwith leave 6. 'IVith out leave 2. l\ll1mal re-l'xftll1inatio1J, 20.6.07. Melllbers rassed. 10. Did n ot appear 15. M{'dallions 6. R,cgnll1tiol1 uniforlll \Yom hy 2 Offi cers, 1 sergeant, MaLenal: ~ stl'etehel's, Ashforll litter, 2 havresaes. 1 corporal, a1111 6 men. 2 waleI' hn! ties, splillt~, eb· . , n!.'ll'rl ill the G. W. It DiyisiolJ snpported. fly mcm brrs' Sll bscl'l ption.'.
,·l' .\I.\IEI:I. ,\. -n
Hon . Treasurer. J. P; ew ber)'.
H. K ell-.
Officers 2. ergeant 1. Oorporals 1. Private 11. Total efrecw'e 15. D ecrease since last report 2. Drills held 15. Average attelldance R emoval1. Oases attended not on public duty 13. Annual inspec:tion, 17.9.07. T otal on parad e 5. Absent without leave 10. Aunual re-exnmillation, 30 . 9.0 7. Knrsing certificate 1. :Members passed 10. Did Dot appear 4. Meualliol1s 14. Material: 2 stretchers, hood and apron, 2 ha\TeSaUS, hampel', splints, eU·., vested in Divisional Oommittee. Di vision supported hy the public.
Chi ef Sup erinte ndent .
W. ,lr\\,1'11, 11, Linden Terrace, ~ ' ewton Abbot.
;\1.1:.( .S.
(Three A1Ilbulrtl/cc nil'l·siul/ s.) - Oflil·ll'S fi.
lForme,16 . . OG.] ~
\ 1'1 Il.' A L ,(,UOOL, AnBOTsKETlsWET L.
'. (\(' C. Pl'lliel',
B C.,
Acting Honora/'y Secretary.
] L T. ,'mit h
[ .. \.
Inspector of Sto res and Hon . Tr'eas .
R. H. Knight.
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 14. T otal errceli\'e 19. D ecrease since last report 2. Drills helrl 30 . A vel'age aLteudance U . Cascc: attencled 011 public duty 20 . Removals 11. Ou es attended not 011 publtc duty'. Annual re~examination, 30.9 .97. Mem hers passed 15. Di(l not appear:3. Medallions 13. ServlCe badges 3. Nur. ing certificates 8. Regulation ullifor!1\ \lOl'll 11)' 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 13 l1Ien. Material: 2 havresac.', 2 halllpers, 5 stTetchers, use.of \I ?~e~ed litter belonging to the town, splints, l'llg, ail' cl1shi on, bandarses, vesterlm Dl VlslOnal Oommittee. Di vi&ion supported. by cOll certs, cLc .
lIf. n.
Ollie'er 1. Rcrgf'ant 1. l'nrpoml 1. PriYate - n. 'rotal cfl'eC'ti"e 16. e sinc'c last report 1. 1>rills hel(l fiO . ~\ \ U'i\U:-O attendance 3-1. Cu e~ a.ttended on puuliC' duty 1. "\SeS attenc\t'd not on pllblil'~duty 12. ~-\nnual in'pcctWIl, 2 .0.07. Tubtl UII l';\l'llcll' 11. Ah-(!ut with ka\e~. Annual re-examination, (.:i.07. illl'mhel's pas~ell lu. Diilllut appeal' 1. :\letlnlliull'~. ~el'\'ice bnclg s 2. Tl1l'sin!.;· cel' 1. R 'g'ulnliun uniform \\'orn by 1 .-l·!'t.!; ',mt. 1 cOI'poral and 13 llll'l1. ~J !\l 'ri,\!: littpl', strekill'I', s!rl' 'l I'll\: (fullY-I',(uippl'd ). rllU;S. pillow, splints and hUlldat.!;es. vested in I"ocnl 'enll'e ,' .. J.A.~\. ])i\'ision supported hy voluntary con tri bu Lions.
II i'; .\ Il-Ql'.\ 1:TE1:s : r:\ \ 'l'1O
H . W. Wehber,
O. H. , nook, W est Hill, Shank lin, 1. IV.
Honorary Surgeon .
Private. 70.
Hono/'ary SUI'geol1. TIANKLL-.
Hon . Su rgeon. ~I.D.
3RlJ OLAs:;; WA 1'1'1 .\'0
'Oll'orals 0.
'_inec our 1.\·t report the three ])iyi"ions eompri. ing the Tewtoll Abbot Oorps, hase all clone good wOlk, whi('h will he shown 11)' the total numh r of en es (167) being atrl·mled to anll l() r 1110ml' 11 ' \\'a~()n a11(1 litter~, The s n;C'es of memhers lIe n n.:qui. itiollCll for pulllir- lint,' on sC\'(' ml occasions during the year. Two team competed at C.U)1hOlll ' for th · n'tHJJl and 'onn-mll up, anci came out L t and 2nd, wlllning tbl> ('up tIne ye.ns in . uN',' ssion, which no\\' her-ome.s the prop rty of the Newtun \ hlJOt Corps.
JIEAD-QL" \l~Tlms:
J. Cowper,
, '(l'gC:lIJl!i :) .
Total ell'lcti\'e 9 .
[Formed 11. 2.01.]
Supt. and Hon . Secretal'Y.
PL\lF, lY EWTO .- AnBOT.
Chi ef Surge on .
R. Pitt, N ortlt ,treet, 'andowll , 1. W.
Inspector of Stores.
'IV. H. Brown, elsey Oottage, George, treet, ando\\'n, 1. of \V.
_\ "DOWN.
Sup erinten d ent.
Honorar' y Surgeon . 111. D .
H. ]1,1. Barker, Hon. Secretar'y.
[Formed 5.02.]
[li'ol'lllc(l as a ni\isiOIl ~!1.10.!Hi ; a_ a Corps 20.2.0G.] nE\n-QL"\J:'I'I' I~S:
A cting Hon. Treasurer. F . ~ntton.
II. O. IIn gh{'s, 14., Essex, tl'C'eL, Plymonth,
G. P. ll nblin.
Superintendent and Hon . Sec.
Hon . Sur'geon (acting) and Treasur'e r L. L. Preston, )f. D.
[Form ell 1. 2. !:J5. J
l\llT,L BAY
.T. A. n ntt, 12, 8mcaton T errace, We"t H oe, Pl ymouth .
(, 1I 00T.,
1\ IXOsl'Frn~ ro
Acling Hon orary Secr'e ta/'y.
'n!'p!. T. J. J I. J'i\1'!ridgl', O.tHOl'd. ]\: ingstcigntoll , 8rl'gof,lIt 1. OOl'[H)I'1I11. Privates 17. 'l'.ILtI t lJ'cdi\'c 19. Tnl 'I'oi\SI' sil1('e last l't'Plll't 2. Dl'ilb held 10. , \ yor;t!.!'e atiL'l1l1nnce ~1. R.emo\ ;lIs ?. (In.,c,.; 'lttenrl ecl nut 01l pubhc tin t), 113. All11lHt1 i~lspl'etioll, :2 .9.07. Total on
St. J ohn
A?nb ulanc~
No. II. District.
parade 10. bsent with leave 6. 'Without lel1Ve 3. Annual re-examination, 7.3 .07. Members pn, sed Iii. Did not appear 1. M edallions 6. enrice br\'clg"~ 2. TUl'sing certifica.tes 2. Reo'ubtion uniform worn by 1 sergea.ll t, 1 corporal and 16 men. ~Iateri.1.l: litter, tretcher, street box (fully e(l'lipped), rug'S, pillowH, Hplmts and haudage, yestecl in Local Centre, .J.A. A. Division supported 1>y yolunttU'Y con tril)u tions .
S u perin t en dent.
Honorary Su rge o n.
"IV. 11. CI'O small, '19, ,Volborongh lrcct, Nc\\ton Allllot.
W. H. Scott, :lI.R.C.S.
Inspector of Stores .
Ho n o ra ry S ecr-et ary.
W. Jewcll.
el'gt. J _ Rice, 42, Hilton Road, eiVton Ahhot.
[Form erl 26.2.04].
II. l'aurI\\'ell,
S uperintendent
1'. F. Thorpe, Market 'tl'e~t, Woodstock.
" Hon. Sec. and Sergt.," and Treasurer.
Acting Inspector of Sto res.
T. Ashford, Jl cllsillgtO Il Tel'l'<l c(', Wootl .. Lock. (NEWTON ABBOT CORPS ) NEWTON ABBOT DIVISION. [Form d ~9.10. 95.]
H. Morgan.
OlIi ce rs~. SCl'geanL 1. COl'[~orall. Privates 18. Total eiIective 22. D ecrease siuct' l~ st report 7. Dnlls lwlll 4.2. Avcl'nge attcndanee 12. Cases nttelJlleel 011 pubh c duty 8. Cases a.tteu(led not Oil [lublic clllty 26 A 1 . t' "6"0'J'LI 1 . nDlla lAII~JlUC [lOll, - . ;)'. "t' () a ~Jl l';tntc c 10. Absent ,yitlt leayc 4.. Without leave 8. .l l11 .IHl I'l'-! ;o,:a.I.1111,[;1. ,tol?,. i\lelllb~l's pas.seellG. Di(l not appcar 5. Medalhom; n.. 1 III SlIlf,. celltltc,ltcs 2 . . R egllln.tlOll lIlllform WOl'l1 by 1 Olliccr 1 seraeant 1 cOl'polal, allll U ll1cll. :'Ilatcl"lal: A .. hfol·ll littcr stl'rtellnl Sl11' a l'C' 1 1 Eo , · t I· I t I' D' . . , , , ,. 0 a lavrpsuc, SjI I III . ', I,Ut( i lgL';;' (.' c., YC 'lee III 1n 'lUnul COlJlmittee. Di"isioll slllJllol'ted b COD{;Cl'L~ alld ~;n hSClllltlOllS. Y
Ho norary Tr easurer.
II. Knight. Officcrs 2. ergeallts 3. Corpomls 7. Pl'inu6s 4.0. Total efTecLi\c fJ2. Decrease since last report 17. Drills h eld .j 9. \xerngc nttencl:mce 2. RelllOyalfl 17. Cases attended not on public duty 13. Annual il1 'l'edion. 2 .9.07. 'fotalon pa.racle 42. .A bsent without lea,-e 10. Annu[\.ll'e-cxaQ1illntioll,). .1.07. ~[(;l1lhl!r::i passed 4.2. Did not appear Uec1nlliom; 31. Sen'ict: bacl"es 2~. KUI'~illg certificates 22. Regulation uniform worn by 2 lIleers 3 s 'l'~ea n ts, 7 C'oq)()l<ds ,1l1 d 33 men. 1In.terial: wagon, litter, stretchers, 8 ·tl'Cl't ~tations (fully (',!uipped). rugs, pillows, watcr bottles, han·e. acs, splints and bandage:;, ('tl'., \·<.:st('(lm Loefll Centre, .J.A.A. Di\'i iun. uppul'ted by \uluntal')' cOllLrilmtiou.'. OXFORD CORPS .
[Formed as a Division, 5.1. 89.
Chief Surgeon.
"lll'geon-Col. C. Knott, Y. D., 'LI:.r . ..,., Liz Ville, Elm Grove, Southsea. Chief Superintendent.
.1. :'>Inlpn )
r:.C' .... , 1, Fawcett Road, outhsea.
(7'u'o Amll/llw/{'/' Dil'isiolls.) - OOlccl'.' 10. Cl'aeallt 1. orporal. 2. PriYates 2-1 Gilt X/I (sill!! ])it'i~ifl1L )-0 Ilicol's 5. N ur, iug istel" -10. Total cllecti \'e 30G.
138, Hwn STmmT OXFOltll.
C hief Superin t endent.
J. C. R. Frecbo1"ll,
IIEAD ·Qt:AItTElt .. :
Honorary Surgeons.
Superintendent Secr-etary.
C hief S uperintendent.
T. E. Fool't, 17, Commcrcial •'tl'eet, Oxford.
II. F. {alpin, 1, Ut:()l'ge .'trcd, Oxfonl.
L. Hackman, 'l.ll.C.S. Chief Superintendent.
(Three Amlmlnnce Divisions).-Oll1een-; 8. I l'l'geanL<; 3. Total ('trcctivu 12G. (OXFORD CORPS ) OXFORD DIVIS ION.
[Re -formed 5.05.]
Private 113.
[Forlllcu 1.10.9
. Ridout, )LR.C.
2nd Officer.
. Clemin OD.
3rd Officer.
4th O ffi ce r.
'. Dorey.
II. Taylor.
Olli ecl's 7.
J JEAIJ-QuAr:J'Jt:ns: 13 , HIGH, THEE'!', OXFOHD.
1st Officer.
Privatcs :333. Total ctfecti ,'o 240. ( 0 report l'eceiYeLl.)
Hon. S urgeon and Superintendent .
C. A. Coventon, L.R.C.I'., 111, Woodstock UoarI, Oxfol'll (21.4.0 ). Inspector o f S tores.
Hon . S ecret ary.
J. Ch stermUll (30.3.0 ).
E. Bateman (30.3.08). Officers 2.
Sflrgcallts 2.
Privates 3.
Total etl'ecLive 88.
-:ol".\l Gll'l' DRILL HALL, LA 'DPORT.
Honorary S urgeon.
rFormcd 20.9.07 .. ]
n . F.
S uperin t enden t (Ac t ing).
J. [alp as,
-1, Fawcett Rond, 'outh ea.
1s t Offi ce r .
J. F. Warren, 138, lIigh Street, Oxfol'J (24.4.08). Officer 1.
Privates 12.
Total e!fectiye 13.
Acting Hon . Sec. and T r'easurer.
E. Chi\'eJ'fl, 1 "3, Fl·t1.ncis .\.\->llm'. 80uth"L'a.
Acting Inspector- of S tor-es.
J. Wtlight.
St. J olin A m))'u,lance B rigade.
N o. II. District.
Sergean t 1. Corporals 2. P ri\'a.tes 15. T otal eITcoti ve 20. 'b 1 D ill 1 ld 36 A \'orapo n,tt,enda noe 10, Case attended on R e erye mom er , r S 1e . . ' 1:>. 1 ' 9 O ~ T otl11 on p a.mdc ] 6 bro duty' R emovals 5. AnlllmlmspectlOn , 0 . . t. , 1 '3' r~s:nt le~ye 4. . Annual re-examina,tioll, 3,9, 07 , . l em h~~s pass<;,c 1 i~ IlC . ~ ~1 d 11io11s 9 etTice bac1ty e :3. Tursmg oertltiO[1,teH 'J. cg? an.ot app.efar D. ,J'. ,e 1 Oi11cer 1 serO'em~t 2 oorpomls and ] 6 mel~. ~~(\,~ .rml: bon lUll orm " 0111 1) , . 1:>' l' t t , t cl 111 Dl nSlOlln.1 tter 5 stretchers · I I 1 I W lee ell· , , 3 methoi\,1 ha"resacs, , 1 sp. III t' S, c., \ os e Committee. Division upportec1 by members sn )SC1'lp lon ,
Offioers 2
D' l
[Formed 1 . 6.99 . ]
CRNTJ:AL A~!Bt.:L.\ '.;('E
, I' \ TIO"i , YllT l,,,
'TI'l'RT , ',', ,
n \ \I S(: \.'1J~.
Ch ief SUI-geo n and Chi ef S uperi nt e nd e nt ( A c ting).
C. Cotton, F.H.C.l'., 11, '1'ellCe1', ', Rtl1!lsglltC .
(Three Ambulance Dll'i'iOIlS) . pmcC'r ". •'ercreant . Corporals :3 . Private Gg . "l1I'. i~g sikters 19. T otal effective 107 .. (01113 lVlli'siil[l DI n'SiOl1) . Ofhcel's 3. Corp snpportell I,,)' Runsgate Celltre ,·t..T.A.A., -Watch '0l11miLtcC', and puhlIc
sUTbsl'ori~~tDioll . ~"
lll) \"as won bv 1 ursi ncr Rister M r,;. Gr111l1mant for the fourt It ~i ~11e 1e CCte. ," J "'. D'" rTl Ie C' (' n l'l:'tIt! (III OIl'S f 1'01)1 anlong.~ttllel'dl'e .., ; , . of tile R'1111 , .~"'ateNUI'Slng. ~ 1\·ISlOll. tl1 ) : n01 Jlo II '''1' 10 c'I'l' Ch"l'le" 'ha11on'(o lnelcj took it 11 f or G enel" "0> ,{'IT'wren's \ \' , ,..., . . pln,ce . Tl tie t t .•1 , Ull "1 ] 3th Februar '. and wa, \\'on by RamR,rate 'l'O\YH DII ISlUl1. ,:~ p,l'l'::i~n. a I~~l . ~~" d b y tl e ~Iayor in the absence throucr!l hereavement of SIl (hiu ks \\ ,U Iell. ~~ e h' f 1, \ ~f tl~e year W~R' the opellil~~ of the new C'el~tral AIl11Jlll:1l~c . ,'tatiull b et~e leCI~i~~n Commissioner of the Brigade, Oll. lth Al'l'll. ,The OfliC' 'rs were hy the Deputy-1\Ia.yor, :mcl the 1l.1l:11. ret.Ired to tlw lI::l.! ' tltt')' were prO\ ic1ccl with (\, Hubstautin,l tl':1 on lh ' 1Il1'1tatiun of ~ll h,nks \ \ ,lII 11.
[Fol'lliPlI ~G. 1.P .]
Hon . Su rge o n.
T. \Voocl~, :1f.1:.('.>;., (transrcrrerl to Town 1 iy. 26.10.07;.
RA ISG.\Tl:. Su p e r- i nt en d e n t
\V. n. .T Olll'S, Police, '(ation, Uallisgale.
1st Offic e r .
Hon . S ec r e tary.
H . Creedy .
crgL H. H. Thol'l1tOIl, Police
[ 1~ol'll1e! 1 2
Hon . S u r-geo n s.
A. L . .Jack~Oll, AT. n. F . Woods, TJ. IU·.l'. (~G.IO.07). In spector of Sto res.
Oorp1. W . F . Olark.
\])-QUAnTI~lts: "\\'A~.·Jo:.\
H on o r'ary SUI-ge on .
F. E. lIIeaelp,
[Formed 13 .12.93.J
Superi nte nd e nt .
'r.l!.f .S.
Eo , alt, 23, Cavershal11 Road, Reading.
1st Offi ce r .
2 n d Offi ce r .
W. Hillianl.
T. P. Ch,ard.
H on. S ec. an d T r eas urer.
,'el'gt. A. Poflll)"
Insp ector o f S t o r es .
U, ,'hennrl.1l HO:J.d, Reading.
Omcer,.; ·1. rrgeant 5. Corporal. 5. Privates ,10. Total effective 54. DI'ills held 33. 'ases attendeel Oil public lInt)' 22. Removals 3. Cases attended llot 011 pnhlIc cluty 5:3. Annual inspection, 5.07 . Total on parade 36 . Absent with lel1"e 2. \\'ithonl leave 16. Annual )'('-examination, 20.6.07. ~Iombers pa sed en'ice badD'es H. Nmsing 26. Fallccl 2. Diel not appear 2G. nfL'dalli01l826. cCl'tificnte' 11. I'egulation lluilol'lll \Yum by ,1 Ollicer', 5 ergeallts, 5 corporal, awl 25 III ell. Matl'rial: litter, lIallrlagoil, 6 tretcher, 27 water bottle, ambulance wagon nt disposal, ye ted ill Di \'isiullal Committce. Diyision upl'ortccl by public COil tri bn lions.
tatiol1, Halll,'gate.
Officers 3. ,prcreants G. Privates 40. Total efI'ective 49. In('rea~e sil1ce last re]lnJ 2. DI'ills helel 215. Av~rage a~t ll!:anr~~ 1!). 'ases attendeel on puhlie tlnty 67. RelllOyals 50 . AnlJual ?mq~ei'Llnl1, ~O.] ~ . 06. , TOl~~ on parade 43. Ahent with leavC' 3. -0-111lUal re-exam~.l1a:l~1l',? 0.~2.?~ . l ClIlhels pas!'ed 43. Di(lllot a1'lwal' 3. Medalholl: ~~ . Mat 11al. 2 ~tl ('tel 11 ls, C'lllcrgency box, yes tee I III ,. D1V1SlOl1 sUl1l1ortecl 11). \ Va!ch OlllllliLLcr, · R amsga t e COI·lJOI',~tl·Oll. R all\sga te.
II R \ D-QUA 1t'l1':I:;;:
Office rs 2. Sel'geants 2. Corporals 3. P rivates 29 . T otal effective 36 . D rills held 14. . Average attC'Jl(lance 15. Removals 53. Oases attended not on public cl uty 30. Anllual inspection, '1.1.07. Tot~Lloll p:trado 23. Absent with leave 11.. Withon~ leave 2. Annual re-~Xa1l1illation, 15.5.07. :JIemhers passoel 31. Fallcd 2. D ill not appear 2. MedalhOlls 20. ,e1'vico l)aclcres 3. ursiner certificates 4. Rr~111alio~1 unifol'm \Yom by 1 Office~', 2 8el'geal~ts, 2 corporals~ and 22 mell. t.Tatel'lal: hUeI', 12 stretchers, 5 surgICal havre acs tent stationed at Central ,tation, au!l foUl' stretche1' depots in varions parts of the t~wn "ested ill Ramsgate Centre, ,t.J.A. A.. Divi'ioll snpported by subsC'riptions ~nd public llonations, removal rees, etc. 'l'he Ritmsglttc 'ol'poration havil1tr aC([llired a new £re station the use of the old one l'}vas g:'n.llltv~l at} an a 1l1111al ren t of one .shilling. These premises although too sma for tit'e )l'lgn.( c purpo.'es make an admIrable amhulance station heiner next door to police RtatiOll and oPl,osite our <It·ill hall, and with ample spac~ fat· '~'tmbulallce wagoll8, etc. 'l'he station \Va' opened by the Chief COlllllli ':sioner on 4th April and iH used by the Town and Police Divi:sions combined. '
, 'IItERT, R.\ ?\ISU \ 'I I~ .
Sup e rint e nd e nt a nd Hon . S ec.
F. \\T. C01ICOll i, 17, elso n Crescellt, Ral11sgate . Hon . Treasurer-.
E. Fisk ,
REDRUTH DIVISION (CORNWALL). II 1'; ,\ U-QLr \./!1 ElL: Honora l'Y Su rgeo n.
F. IIicllen,', 'r.n. Hon . S ec r e t ary.
'1.1 TON P ,\SH ,\OE,
[Forl11ClI 18.10.P3.] FonE
Superi n te nd ent.
R. J. Parson, 33, Fore tl'cet, Reelruth. I ns p ec to r of Sto res.
el'gL. E. Ie. IIatinlll, Act. ~et'gl. ,~'. Ban:coosc Terrace, J llogn:1 High \\'ay , R rcll'll! 11.
Hon Treasurer.
J . W ickett.
Omcel's 2. • e1'geant 1. 'o1'porals 2. Pri \'ate 1·1. T olal ef1ecti\'e 19. D ecren, esillce last reporl6. Drills held l~. AI'el· attcntltlllCl' 15. Helllov,tl 40. Cas '8 attellc [ccl llot 011 pllhlie duty GO. Annual in pection, 23.9.0i. Total Oll p 1 . J\ bsent wit h l(l[wC 1. Allllual l'e·examina.tion, 23. 0. 07. Memuers passed 1 . lIle<l alliOlls 7. R eUllln.lioll nniforlll worn by 1 OlHcc1', 1 ergeant, 2 cGr poral., a nd 111l1ell . l\Interi~l: wagon, J\ :shConl litte!' largo hamper, 2 llrgical h avl'esaes, 3 stretc hers, L O\\,1ll001' ja.cket, water bol lie, plin L., ballllage', etc., vested i ll D ivisional Committee. D ivision npportecl by public contribution .
St. J ohn A muulance Brrigc~de.
[Formed 20. 5.02 .]
St. l ves, OOl'11wall. ,. \ J 'I'1 lomas, " ~\TaJ'l'en,"
M. n.
In s p ecto r of Sto res.
Hon . S ec ret ary.
E. Couch .
S. Williams, Harnoon, t. I \·es.
Hon . Treas u rer.
tevens, junr.
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 16. ~otal effective 2t, rape . h r 1 DeCl· ince last report.f. Dnlis held 50.. C • '" ReseI\e mem \ e' attended on )Uhlic duty 1. Removals 6. Annual lJlhl.,ect~on, attenditnce 3. C, "1 1 AI]) ent with lease 3. AUllual re· ' XUllll11a,tlOl1 29 6 07 Total on parae e . .' 1 1 Offi . . ;.. M b' ed ')0 Iedallions 3. Re"ulu.tlOn Uluform \l'01'll 'Y eel, 21.1?Or· 2 ec~r~~:al~'t and -16 men. < j)Ia.terial: stretchers, shEard litter, Lo\\,t 1 , t 'es1ted in Diyi ionai Committee. Diyision supportcd by \olunt"ry moor J[\,c k'e , ' contributions. . . 1 tIle Lmvtl1ool' J'ltc1cet, pullmg n. T here hl1ve been several outdoor practJce~ Wlt 1 pl1tient up l1nd down a high perpenchcuhtr clIff. d'
[Formed 29.9.03·1
HALL, ' 'rTTlNGn0Ull~E.
Hon. S urgeon and S uperil1tendent.
J. G. McL<lllllahan,
The Mount, ,'Lollehouse, Glos. L.R. C.P.,
[Formerl30.9.04.] ROO)lS.
Hon . S ecretary.
F. Davi', Regent 'treet, 'tollchonsc, GIos.
Il1spector of S tores.
Hon. Treasurer.
J. PCll'Y.
Orri cer 1. Pri"ate~ 23. Tolal efrective 24. In creasc sill('c lasL report 6. Drills heltl 22. Aycrage attcndance 15. Cases a.LLcnd ~ Oil !)nbh ~ dllty. 'a~ ~ aLLclHlclluot on public duty 15. Annual ill pec[1011, 2/.H.01. 'Iotal 011 parad e 19. Abscllt "ith leaye 2. 'Without leaye 3. AIlllual. rc,pxllJl1il,Jali?l1, 27.0.07. M(,lIlbe~'s pa sed 21. Did not appear 2. MedallIons fl. , Cl'v\ce badge. 5. l\Iatenal : 6 stretehers,:2 Ul'uical hanesac se~ .o~· splints, 1 '\"ater bottles, Brigade Hag, vested in Di"isio~al Committee: DlVlSIOll supported hy yolulllary eonLl'iblltion .
S uperintendent.
Ho n. S urge o n.
( Y IlClllll ) .
F. Noble , L.R.C.P.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon . S ec. and T reasurer.
A. Arllold.
Sergt. L. R. D ence, 26, tation Street, Sittingbourne.
Hon. Surgeon.
Col. G. E. Twiss, F.R.C.P., t. John's, , tu.tion Road, holing, Rants.
Hon . T reas ure rs.
" Hon . Sec reta r y a nd Se r gt. "
W. T . Fulford, 2, Lower Cedar Road, Bevois Town, Southanlpton.
Acting Superintendent and Secretary.
J. H. Jones, 2, Edillburgh , Tilla ,
Torre, TOHILU1.Y. Ofliccl's~ . Prin1.[ '8 10. Total eIIectiye 1 . Drill ' h ·Id :3;,\. _h er<\~e nttcndalll' . 11. .\.nl1ual ill~pectioll, :2.10.07. Total all parade 1~. .Al)SLllt WIth ll;;ltye 1. Without lea\e 2. .\.l1l1ual n:-e.amillation, ]0.10.07. ~l eillhers pa:f;cclI6. Diu not appeal' 1. ::'Iec1alliou' 3. f\ur'il1r, certifi. cate 1. l'egl.datiuu uniform worn hy 1 Otticer. )I<1.teri11.1: .·tretcher, "'medical hall'esal', SjllIllts, lJanc1ages, clc., Ve ·tau in Divitiiollal Committee. Diyi:;ion ~Upl'ol'ted hy public contributions.
[Fonned 1905.]
Hon. Surgeon a nd S up t.
Hon . Surge on an d T reas .
[Formed 1. .11.06.J
T. D 1I111ol',
O fficers 2. ergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 8. Total en'ecLive H. D ecrease since last report 9. Drills held 16. Averagr alten(lallce 8. Cas~s ttended on 1mblic duty 4. Removals 25. Cases attencled, lIot on puhhc ~uty 10. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation unirOrlU"",?rn by 2 O.llicers,.? ~erg~~~I.ts, 2 corporals, and 6 men. Material: "Rea·Edward · htler, 4. tl~tchelti, 2 call)lncr sheets, ambulance hamper, havresac, .splints,. bal;tdages, vested 111 members of the Division. Division supported by pubhc COlltnbutlOl1s.
J . R . P. Fraser,
unirol'nl \YOl'l1 by ] Officer, 1 sergeant and 13 men . Material: 6 street stations viz. , litter all(l 5 ~treteher staLions, R ea Edwards' litter, 10 Furley stretchers, olei stl'~teher, .3 applIance boxes, 3 blan.kets, 5 su~gica.l .h.avre~acs, 2 water bottles, be 'ldes spllllts and bandages for practlCe, vested In DlvlslOnal Committee. Division snpported by volulltary contriblltiolls. Two Rergeants an? 12 privates have been lJut in complete uniform during the year. Thre~ stretcher sta.t~O~l~ (vYool~ton, Tetley and Hamble) have been handed over by the Oentre to the DIvlslon, whwh has also given £10 to its funds.
T. l VE .
S u p eri nte nd e nt.
Hon . SU I-geon .
J . M.
No . I I. District.
J . II. Fraser, M. B. and W . T. Fulford.
Inspecto r of Stores.
T. C. Blundell. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 19. T otal effective 22, D ecrease sillce l ast report 3. D rills h~lu 29 .. Ave;-age :ttcndanee 16 .. Cases attended not on public (luty 137. Anuua1111spectlOl1,10 . 9.0(. Total on palade 19 . Absent with leave 2. Without leave 1. AUllUall'c-examillaL.ioll,9.1.07. Me III b.el's p:lssed 15. Did not appea.r 5. Medallions 15. Nursing cerLlficates 11. ReglllatLOI1
Il\lL G_\lE, '1'l:~l.iRIDUE \rEII,· .
Hon. Surgeon, Superintendent, and Acting Hon. Secretary.
W. '1'. SLorr" 1st Officer.
J. Lesler.
)l.ll.U . . ,
11a11 (;ate, Tunltridge Wclk
Inspector' of Stores.
'ergt. \\'. F. Mullett.
Hon. Treasurer. . IT orton.
Olliccl's 2. Sergeant 1. PriyaLe 10. Total elrec.lil'e 13. Re:;erve lllem uel' 1. Decrease i nce last report 2. Dl'illti held 1 . Axe rage attendallce 11. Cases attended on publiC' duty 8. Removal ' 60. Co. e attended not Oll public duty, various. Annual inspection, 11.7.07. Tolal 011 parade 10. Absent wiLh leave 1. Without leave 2. AnllUu.lre·esnminatioll, 4. i.OJ. Members l>a~ticd 11. Dill not appea.r 1. Medallion H. Regulation ulliform wom by ] Olheer, 1 sergeant, and 10 mell. Material: ~ stretcher::!, wu.ter bottlcs, hancsac , and a.mbubnce chair, vested in Di \'i~ionttl Committee. Di yi 'ioll supported by volunLary contributions.
St. John AmbliJlance Jh igade.
LFormed 12. G. 02.]
Hono ra t' y Sect' etary.
H EAD-QUAnTEHS ; 1I11S IO!'. IIAI,L, A lWEI,], ENI), W Al1E. Acting Inspector of Sto res.
Sup et'intend ent and Hon . S ecretary.
J. Travcller.
O. J. D ewbury, South Yi cw, Francis HORd, ,Yare.
Offi ccr 1. orporal l. Privales 9. Tolal effeclive ] 1. Decrease since la L rcport 2. Drills hclLl ~6. Average attcn<lullee . Cas S attendeu Oil public duty 16. R eulol'al 1. Cases atlendcd llOt Oll public cluly 12. Annual J'e·cxalllinaLion, 30.9 . 07. 1I1cl11 bel'S pn cd G. Failecl1. Did lloL ."ppeal'1. Medallions 9. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Oaicer, 1 corporal, <llltl mon. Ma tel'ial; Ashford litter, 3 stretchcrs, 1 medical havresac, ambulance lHLl1lpel', splints, etc. , vesled in Divisional Committee. Division snpported by the llUblic . WATFORD DIVISION (HERTS ). IIEAD-QuA.HTEHS;
Honorary Surgeon .
O. H. Hall,
Hon . Secl-etary .
[Formed 4..5.01.]
,y ATFOHD. Hon . Treasurer.
~r.A., ~l.D .
2nd Offic er.
F. Stanley.
[l<'ol'J1wd ~6 . .
QlJ.'I.HTr,;L\:::;; 1I0jIELE.\, ,\Vm: 'IELE_H'E.
HOIl . SUt-geon.
Haydn Bruwn, fJicer 1.
L. ICt. 1',.
Pri\-ates ~O.
Tutal cffectil'e ~l.
Honorat-y Su rge on .
Acting Supt. and Hon. S ec.
, T!llJlIl',)'-}l'OX, M. J:, C....
,] . W. Ta)'lol, 1, Kiugsley Yillas, HerberL ltoatl, •' . \\' iUe borough. Hono rary Treasllrer.
M. J. Maplc.
1st Officer.
1. Yeni, 16, 'tatioll Hoall, estgate-oll-o 'ea.
J . Killlllont.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon Treasut·er.
OorpI. C. ,Yo Oasc.
U. PelIticI'.
ergcallts 2. Corporal1. Pril'ates 30. TuLal ejl'eclil'e 3/. Officers 4. D ecrease since last report 4. Drills hell1 :n . A "crage attendancc 1 G. Rcmonll s 7. Oases attended not OJ] puhlic duty 12. Anllual inspection, ,1. 4. 07. Tolal 011 parade 15, Absent with leave 13. Without leave 9. Medallions 1. cn'ice badges 14. Nursing certificates 17. Regnlatioll uniform \Yum 1,,)' 3 Oflicel", 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 27 men. lIlalerial: litter, stretchers, surgical bavrc 'ac, box first aid appliances, carrying chair, pinal carriage, 16 water uottle , etc., ve::;Led in Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contributioliS and members' subscriptions,
1l1·.. \'j)·Qlr.U:Tl:,H .' ; COuSlU, • 'ClIOOLs, \\ I LLr,;SBUl:Ul..'CII.
Inspec tor of Stores.
Super intend en t and Hon . Sec.
'aterltnlll \ 'alley.
[Formed 29,3.95.]
H EAD -QUARTERS; T11F GI:O' E, lYE 'TGA'I'l':-O_-- 'EA.. treet,
Sc)'gt. J. ,'. Cox .
. OfIicCl'f; 2. Scrgcant 1: l'ril'uLes 11. ToLal dredi\'c 17. ll1 t:rcasc Slllt:C last repurt 1. Dl'Ilis held 47 AI ('r'I"e aHel1 U 19 0 aLLellllell Ull public duLy ~. Rcmov,tb 1 l"~se:; 'ltLt'I;llell 'J ot 0 anc~l' 'J' I ases A 1. t' 23 9 0- 'I' ' . '. , , 1 II pUu 1C (nty 31 11I1U1t 111'3P(,(; lOll, . . t.. oeal 011 parud e 14. . \. hscllt with leavc 2. ,ntb ollL leave 1. Anllual l l'C-CXalllllu"llOll, ]".J. 1ill e( 1a 11'lOllS 10 . t:), . ,., I , <1 y 1 ' t' f' 16.0.07 . Memhcrs 1,a8serl ., Cl I ICC M be. lll'SlIlg Cel'l !CaLc l. RegulaLion uJliform WOI'll 1ly 1 Office]' 1 RCl'geauL ·<lllll11 Illen . Matcrial'. litter I Ja \' resacs wa tel'' , ·1 strctcllel'~", 2 Slll'('l'cal t> 1lOll J0, sp1Jilts,. balll1ages, toul'1li'lueLs 2 l'll"~ ':1.11<1 sto"1- of' 1I'es" I' d I' D' .. 1O' ., 0'" ." \ I " . j Jl us rLl'CIS & C I cs tCt III : I'lSlOna '0 III 1111 tLec.. Division supported hy t11C pnl,lic. 0 , ~. , ., . \. lWW llttcr alld two slIrCfl(;ul hu,l're:;ac:; 11"\' 0 l)c"ll "rlrl I t tl D'" ., , ..' •• " t>, . '" "" ec u lC 1\ L'SlOIl ,S Ullll,t1l1ellt.ulU111, ,t,tel the lJ ttel'. tnolJO'h 111 ttSl' only '1 I'Ci'\' [ . T I ' . . '" ' - I, \V l110n th·s L as. beCIl utJ l:;et 1 tlllWS alrcady. lllfol'lll has lwell ac10ptecllJy tbe Dil'i:;iul1. '
J . Wool 11l~1.I1.
A. II. Tull.
A. F.
Hono.'a. y Treas ure,-.
U. Lake.
Officers 2. ,el'gean L 1. Oorporal1. PriyaLes 13. Total eirecLi \'c 17. Drill:; held 27 . Average attcndance 9. Ou es atte11lIed 011 Illlltlic dnly 16. Removals 10. Case' attenlled not on )luulic uuly 12. Anllual J1l pedioll, ;30.9 . 07. Total on puraJe 1l. Ab. ent wiLh le3,\,e 4. , YithouL leale 2. AlllllUtl re-exalllillation, 17.5.07. Members passed 12. Did not appear.1. Medallion 9. fur'ing certificate 1. R egulation uniforll! \Yom IJ,}' 1 Ol1ieer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, anu l~ men. Mat eria.l: Ashforcllit.ter complete, "heeled litter, 3 stretcher:, 3 hane ;lCS, and \\'aLer bottles; each man has all cmergency havresac, abo :,ul'ply 01' Landagc', splint, etc., at Head-quarters, vcsted ill Pnulic LiLmry UOlllllliLLcc. Di\'i~ioll supported by memuers' and voluutary contribulions.
Hono rary Surgeon .
Inspector of Stores.
O. J. Painter, 7, Rmloll1h Tcrrace, Bu 'hey. Inspector of Stores.
W. G. Stanley, 59, St. Jamcs' Hoad, WaLford.
W . .r. Brcwcr 61, Palmer Street, ,\reston•' uper-Mare.
U . .:\la1'lo.
Oftiec]'s~. -'crgenllL l. 'ol'poral 1. PJi\"alcc' :H. Total dreetive 2 lJ\\:ll.!a·u ;-,ill(;U ]ll"~ report:i. DrilL helll 30. .I.. ycra:;e attcndance 11. Case:; atlccl1l1ed ~IOt Ull puh11c duty D". AUlluni ill~pediou. 1 .0.0/. Total on parade 20 . • \. bscnl II'lth lea Ie. Anllual rL.,cxllllllllatioJl, 1 .11.0/. :.\LeIllLer,; pa~scll 15. DId nol appear U. ~Ic ( lallioll ' ~O. Xlll'~illg eerlilit.;ate'~. ;3laterial; Asbfolu jitter (;~m.~pld~, ~ s.lreL(;h~r>.lLa\Te · ac, splillts, llallliagl.!·, cle., vesled ill \rille~borough 1 ,1Il~h OUllCl!. DJ \'bl0n '1lpportCll hy \'olulltal',)' cOlllriuution.'.
'lH:~CE A~D lu: l' I.\'snl'lJ IE, WOLYERIOX, BliCK'.
Hon. Surgeons.
J. 0, Harv y,,S.
Supet'inten dent .
G. L. Procter, i\LB.
J. H, Adkim;on, 7, Yictori·
[Formed 20.9.06.J
Hon . Surgeon and Superintend ent.
Hon . Surgeon .
G. H. Temple,
Major A. Oary, H.F. . , (Y . ), L.lI.C.I'., " l eme," Oharlton Road, W eslOll·, uJlel'-~lare.
1st Officer.
}\'. A. Oave.
Hon . Sec . and Treas.
'urgt. R. '. .Mall tIe, 105, Ohurch t" Wolvcl'tou.
Inspector of Stores .
CarpI. J'. mart.
OITicers .4. . eJ'gell.ut l. Oorporals 3. PriYates 42. Tolal dfecti\' 50. Decrease Slllce last rcport 4. Drills helll 35. A.\'erage ntlellliance 16, ~~ellJovu.1s1. Oasu,; a Uemleu HoL 011 pll Glie lill t) j~. AlIllll,d ill 'pedioll, 3.9,07. 1 0Lal 011 parade 24.. Absent wiLh lClLl'e 3. Without leaYe ~3. AUl1l:al re-cxamina-
St. John A ?no'liJlCLnce Brigade.
.N o. II. Dist?'ict.
tion, 24.9.07. :M embers passed 19 . Did not appeal' 29. Medallions 31. N nrsing certificates 5. R egulation uniform worn by 1 O(ficcr, 1 sergeant , 3 c~q~o.l'al s, anu 7 men. Material: 6 stretchers, 6 hn.vl'esacs, splints, etc., vested in DIVI SIOll~l Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions and voluntary contl'lbutions.
[Forme(1 21.4 . 01.J
HEAD-QUARTEl1,S : TECllNlCAL SUliOOLS. Hono rary Sur'geon. Miss M. Morris, 111. B.
Lady Superintendent and Secr'etary.
Miss E. D. ~1. Farwell, 11, Lam'a Place, BaLh.
Otlicers 2. Nursing sisters 10. To tal eJIective 12. Reserve me111 bel' 1. Decrease since last report 6. Practices held 20. Average attendance 4. Cases atteuc1ed not on public duLy 2. Annual inspection, 27.9.07. Total on parade 5. Absent with leave 1. '\Vithout leave 6. Annnal re-examination, IB.12.06. Mcm bel'S passed 5. Did not appeal' 6. l\Iedallions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 officer and 3 nursing sisters. Material: roller bandages, splint·, chair bedsteueI with blankets, vested in Bath Oentre S.J.A.A. Division supported by members' subscriptions.
Lady Superintendent.
Major R. J. Blackham, H.A.l't1.C., The Military Families Hospital, Devonport.
Mrs. A. Dawes, 10, Argau111 Villas, Devonport.
Lady Secretary.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
l\Iiss J. Proudfoot, Military Families' Hospital, Devonport.
Mrs. E. Hi 11.
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 12. Tota,l effective 14. Material: triangular banda.ges and SplilltS, stretcher c<),n be obtained when relluired, mackintosh sheeting , bronchitis kettle, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions.
Lady Superintendent.
1st Nursing Officer'.
Miss M. F. Marsh (29. 10.07. ), Brookfield House, St. Mark's Road, Alrerstoke, Gosport.
Miss Sansom (29 .10.07.)
Lady Sec. and Acting Lady Treasurer.
Miss A. Moore (28.10.07.) St. Mark 's Road, .Alverstoke, Gosport.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
M.iss Lewis (29.10.07.)
Officers 3. J ursing sisters 31. Total effective 34. Material: sheets, bed, splints, bandages, etc. Di vision snpported by members' subscriptions.
Miss I. Austen.
Acting Lady Treasurer.
Miss A. WanHcy, 32, Castle Street, Ha stings . Officers 2. Nursing sisLers lB. ToLal cfl'cctive 20. Decreasc since last report 4. Practices held 42. Cases aLtendeu not on public lluty 9. Cases privately nursed 4. AUllual inspection, 23.9.07. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 9. Annual re-examination, 2 .6. and 27.9.07. Members passed 14. Diel not appeal' 4. Meda11ions 10. Service badges 4. Regulation ulliform worn by 5 nursing sisters. Material : bavresac, l1l1l'sing rcquisites, splints, bandages, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by menllJers' subscriptions and grant from S .J.A.A.
Lady Superintendent.
T. Mudge, l\1.1L.C.S.
Miss H. M. Bakel', " Tredorwin," Toweclllack, Penzance.
Lady Secretar'y.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Miss A. '\\T. Bakel', " 'l'rec1onvin," 'l'owednack, Penzance.
Miss K L. Dudley.
Honor'ary Treasurer.
1\11'. W. K. Baker. Officers 2 .
Nursing sisters 3.
Total eJIective 5.
(No report received).
F. H. 1\latmill, :M.n. H. Statham, l\I.B.
Lady Superintendent.
Mrs. E. Chinery, "Highfield," H olme, Lymington.
1st Nursing Officer.
Lady Inspector' of Stores.
Miss M. A. Viner, 100, Braybrook Road, HasLing..,.
[Forl1led 15.B.07.J
E. J. Hunter, L.ll.C.P.
Lady Secretary.
Lady Secretary .
Mrs. A. Pack, The Gables, Lymin gton. Acting Inspector of Stores.
Miss E. Alder.
Miss L. Oovill, 11, Buckland T errace, Lymington. Acting Lady Treasurer.
Miss W. Sa nI.
Officeni -1. Nur:-;ing sisters B. Total effective 12. Decrease sinr~e last report 9. Practices helll 23. Average attendance 14. Cases attended not on public duty 4. O~lses privately nnrsed 3. AUllualre-examinaLion, ~9.B.07. Members passed 6. Dill not appeal' 4. 1\Ied111ions 2. Service bauges 4. Regulation uniform worn by 2 nUl'sing Oflicers and 8 nursing . isters. Material: ail' be~s, air cllshions, hot water bottles, sheets, mackintosh sheets, bandages, splmis, etc., vested in Di visional Oommittee. Division supported by memuel's' subscriptions and donations, entertainments, etc.
Honorary Surgeon.
Lady Superintendent.
A. H. Huckle, l'tI.R.C.S.
Miss Lucille L eslie, L.R. C.P., 23, Pevensey Rd., St. Leonards-on-Sea.
1\1. A. Key, B.A ., M.B.
Honorary Surgeon .
St. John A ?71)Ju"la?1ce Brigaile.
1st Nu rsing Officer and Lady Secretal' y,
Lady Superintend ent. l\li ~s
llo. 11. Dislr·icl.
E. K. Sangster,
Hunstanton, 'Waterlooville, llauts.
. Oflicel's 2. Nursing sisters 13. T otal eU'ective 15. Decreasc SlllCe report 2. h~ct.ices held 17 . Averuge attendance 10. Oases at~ellded on public duty 18., Case,s aUende!1 not 011 pU1Jlic duty 18. Oases Annual,llls~lecLlon, 29.9.07. Tolal on parade 7. Absent IJl:n·ately lIUl'sed 5. \11th leave.. AllJlual re-e~Unll11atlOn, 6. B.07 . Members passeu 9. DiclllOt aplJear 6. l\~edalh~].1s« 13:,. ,.'ervlce b,~dgcs ,3: RC!5ulation unifor~1 ,,'om by 1 Officer anti 3 lIUlSlll,b slstels! awl .J nUI,sIng SIsters parL umform, honnet, cloak, :tplon., 1\luLen~I,: ,n11J'Slllg hampel', wIUde!'s, hanflages, splints, ,'ested in Divisional 00Il1111~tLec. ~l V1SlOn snpportC'l by lllemlJcrs' suiJscl'il'tiolls anu small proportioll of a publIc COllcctlOll.
Miss E. E. iove, 53, Olara11ce ParalIc, ' 'ouLhscu.
Oflicers 3. ursing si 'lcl'S 2,1.. T otul eJrectivc '27. Pradices held 2·1. Average attendance H . Oa os atlonLletl 011 puhlic duty 2. Oases attelllled lloL on public duty 12. Uase privately llUl'sed 1. AJlllun.l inspectio ll, 16.9.07. Total on pamde 19. Absent wilh lcaye Annual re-examillatLOo, ] 2.7 .07. llIcmberspassed21. Dill noL appear 5. I eLlalliolls ~5 . ,'enrice badges 16. Regulatioll lluifol'lll worn by 2 Ollicers allLI 19 11nr illg sislers. lIIaterial: cupboard, splints, banuages, hlallket , ,heets, [ollling table, bl'olleiliLis kettles, flag, teu t, etc ., vesteu ill Di I·isional COlllmittce. Di vision s lll'portcll by members' subscriptious.
IlJ..AD-QUAllI'El\;;: PliBLIC
. II. lIall,
Lady Superintendent.
~I.It .
Miss A. Pitkin, 24, Aluellhal1l Road, New Bushey, lIe! t .
Honoral'y SLlI'geon ,
H. W. Morley, M. lt C.S., L.ll.C.l'.
Lady Sec retary.
Miss A. Rnll, 1,
Acting Lady SLlperin t endent and Secretary.
'ister F. Dickenson, Portslllouth l'alish luJilJ1lal')" l'ollslllOlith. Nnrsing sislers 16.
Tolal elredil-e Le.
2D.l 0.90.]
HE_I.D-QUAllTEHS: 'rEt ll~lCAL
R. Smyth,
l\lrs. A. CuLtulI, 4~, DllCllCel' lluare, Ram. gale.
:\1.D .
Mrs. F. \\'. Hinus, 57, lJueell DL., Ram gate. .Miss E. Uaswell.
Honorary SLlrgeon .
P. C. Burge " ,
Lady Treasu reI' .
.Miss L. .E.
[Fol'med 6.3.9U .]
Honora ry Surgeon .
Lady Secretary.
MissS. A. W ood, 33, Caversham Road, Reading.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
1\1rs. Taylor. Lady Treasurer.
1\1iss F. A. Cbandler.
Lady Secret ary. ~li
·s A. M. IIobb .. , Adrian Honse lYe tgate-oll- 'ea. '
01ticCl'::l '2. lll'.'ing' sister ' 7. Total effectiyc D. Decreasc since la·t report 9. Drill. hdc1 1. Praetices held 1. A \'erage attendance G. Alluual inspectioll, -1.1.07. Tola.l on parade 7. Ab ent with ~llllllal rC-t'x~Jtlilla.L~()lJ, '2 . P.07. illellluers pa sell·1. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions D. .Heglllnl1Ull ulllfol'Ul \\'Ol'll by 1 OUicc!' and 2 nursing 'i ·tel'. ::'laterial: nnrslllg ha\' l\~::;n(; uall\lagc', etc., \'c::;lutIm Lady 'Upel'illLenc1ellt. Di\'i::;ioD impportec1 by lllellllJcl'::;' :subscriptions.
Miss M. F. Armitage, L. 1\. C. P. Lady Superintendent.
Lady Superintendent.
Mrs. Ohard, 30, St. Mary'S Butts, Reauing.
L . '.A .
Mrs. 1\I. E. ( hurch Hm. iel' nlellheilll Ol if tOll yill '., .J [tl r""n ' ,., k.
Officers 3 ... 'ul'sing sister:; 19. Tutal ellcdi\'o 2:2. Iucrease since last report 1. l'ractiees Ildd '27. An~rage altcllllallce 1:3. Casc attemled not Oll public duty 1. Oases pliYately 11m 'ed 4. Alltlual ill.prctioll, 4.4.07 . Tolal 011 parade 19. AbscnL wiLh le,11'e 3. AUllual rc-exaUllllatioll, 9.5.07. Mellibers passe!1 19. Dill not appeal' 2. nieua,lliolls IV. 'enice badges 10. Regulation uuiform ,,'orn by 2 UlIicers amI 11 lllllSill" sisler ', illliool' ulliform by lemuincler. Maierial: waterproof sheeLs, hoi \\'al er l~oLtles, iJroll chi Lis kettl~s, inha!ers, etc. ; blanketd, sheets, pillow slip .. , lJath chair, Sl'illld conch, Cal'l'ylllg chall', leg rests, etc., vested in Local Centre, '.J.A.A. Division snppol'iULl by subscriptions.
Il K\.J l-Ql'J.ltTEIlS: A~lBUL.\'KOE ,T.\.TIQ);', ,\VE 'TGATE-ON - -'EA.
1st NUI' sing Offi cer and Lady Secretal'Y·
Acting L ady Inspector of Stores.
1\1iss E. 1\1. Oailes.
\ .llOOLS.
Lady Superintendent.
Hono rary Surgeon .
Lady Inspector of Stores,
t. Alban's Road, Waifon1.
Oilirers 2. lusi1lg sisters Total elJ'ective ] O. Prac.lices helll Hi. Averagl' ,"tt~lJdallCe 7. Cases aUeuded not on public duty 5. O~se jll'lmlely lIlll'.'ed 1. All~ltHtl, lllspediOJl, 30.9,07. Tolal on parade 6. A1Jsent ,nlh lean~. Alll111all'e-cX~nlll1atlOlI, 16, D. 07. Member. passell4. Did not appear 5.. J\Ie(la.lhnn~ ~O. J'liatenal: aJIIlllll<tll ce hnml'el', ve.-lell in the ,Yutforu Public LIbrary. DlnslUll Stlpportell hy member " suhcriptiolls.
[Formell 4 . 5.01.]
Honorary Surgeon.
O[licel's 2.
St. J ohn A ?nb1dchnce B?"igade.
No. 111. Dist1·ict.
No. IlL-Central and Eastern District.
Deputy COinmissioncl'- Surgeon-Colonel G. I'. El,LISTON,
V.D., .
t. Edmul1ll's,
District Ohiif SUl'gcon-Mr.
'Y. E. AUDLAND, lIr.n.G.f;., 5, Oxford ,'treet,
Assistant C01n1llis ioncl'-Mr. T. II. \\TUOL~l U~, E iug 'ley Park, District Chief Slljlcrintcnclcnt- urgeoll-Captain F. A. BIWUKt',
Oil hampton.
M. D.,
' to Felix,
Felix to we.
District Superintendcnt Sccl'ctary- 111'g.-CllPt. W. A..
dBD, ~LD., J: . .\.~I.t;.
Maj or H ouse, Ipswich .
Di,<trict Superintendcnt T1·caSttrcr-Capl.
1, Mercers Row, Tori hamplon.
--- --------
The annual eamp of instruetion for this District was held at Whitsuntide, by kind permission of Lorrl Leigh, in 'tol1eleigh Depr Park, near Kenilworth. Officers and men io ihe llllmher f 347 werc present, the various Corps and Divisions being encn.mpl~d as Jive Dearer 'ompanies. Camp sanitation formetl part of the instl'l1ciioll and was strictly praclise,!, a fir.lr1 (lpstrllctor lJeing constructe(l which su?cessfully th·alt with all the refuse from Lhe kitchens and camp lines. Oolonel "WllsOll, a.B., ]).S.o., visited the camp and deliverer1 a lecture on "Military, anitation," which was Illuch appreciate!l hy both Officers and men. Thp- feature of the camp was the illstrnctioll in water duties lo all ranks. The Wnr Office specially lent one of the la1('st ,'ervice ,Vatpr Carts, fittcd with tl!r 'lack 0.1111 Brownlow sterilising filters' and a Sf'rcrCl.wt of the H.A.l\1. '. was Rent from Al(lershot to actas instructor. The c;rt was L1w7-onghly te ·tell rlail)" with water tn.ken from the river Avon, wi~h the rp-slllt that watel' can be rapi(lly purille(l all(l suppliecl to troops in the field by It, at Lhe rale of o\'er ~OO gallons an hom. On Tucs(lay lhe 'hief OOlllllli8'"iiOlll'r illsperb>(l t1~e camp, and subseclne~tly c?n(lll!'ll.!IL a crclleml ill'weetion at the· conc:1l1.'ioll of wlnch he announced the lDtentlOll of' the Ar~IY Ouullcil to Corin a ~lililary Home Hospitals Reflerve from the. Bri~n~lp, for .. en·ice in en'o of lIalional elllergeney. The announcement was receiveu Wltlt chl'e1's. ~Il1ch of llll' .I\('C('SS of' lhis year's ciunp wa. (lue to the able manner in which. I waf; assi. ted by AS.'I,;tlllt 'olllrni.'sioller Wool 'to n, 'hi f, n1'geOl1 Audlanel, Cal'tam F. A. 13rllok". (JlU11'[t'r- :'I[asler Trenery, allcl hie£, 'uperintendent the R e\'. Dore RlHIg;t1'Ll, as well as Lhe Ol1ioe1" cOl1ll1laJlllillg unit, to all whom I tender Illy best thauk::! fol' their vahmble h lp and loyal support. I have the hOllour to be, iI', Your obedient en'l.\.llt, GEORGE . ELLISTO_T,
Knight of Gmce, O/'de;- of lhl; Hospital of St. John of Jer/ls((lem, DCjJutlj COlltlltissWnCl", No. Ill. District. REPORT OF THE DEPUTY
'T • .E1I)IUKDS,
FELL\'. TO\\,]-;,
"}'fJth Octobl r, 1DO 7.
Sm, I have the hOllour to submit the follo\\ill~ as Illy aJlnllal leporl. for TO. Ill. Di trict for the year ending 30th 'el'lember, 1907. It atl'orcls lIle HIllell plea 'me tl) place on record the continued progres:; allll Lhe .a.tisfadory il1C1(;use ill Lhe general efficiency of the Brigade, throl1ghol1 t the Di ,triet under 1I1y charge. The Vlll iOIl!; Corps amI Di\-isiollS are well up to their. Lrcllgth. and therc i Ill) rallillg oft lJl thc amount of interest tli::;played HI their work by all rank.' of the Bligade. ,'pccial attention has thi year 1een paid to the annual illspedions, amI with the encrgelic help of As::;istaut Commissioner " Tools ton, aud the other lllelllhers ot' tIIC Vi lricl staif, I may say that every unit ha' been inspected cluring LIte yell'. The Birmingham Corps annual in 'pection was this year carried ouL Oil a larg'r scale than usual. The Oorps witb its i\\'o Nursing DiyisiollS parade,L on ~9th .Julle, in the Botallical Gardens, to the llllillber of 180, and after the inspection uf llie runks and equipment, a few fidel movelllents \yere carrie!l out in the groyc at the foot 01 the lawn, where a number of imaginary " 'o llllded were concealed. As ·0011 as the injured had Leen attendeu to they 'were carefully conveyed to the hospital ten t erected neal' the terrace, where the work was exal1!inecl and critici8erl oy Lhe mellical staff. After an instructive afternoon's work, lhe mem bel'S of the Corp' were ell tertained to a substantial meal in a spacious mar(luee, aud ill the evening the certilicate and prize distribution took ]Jlaee at the 'Old Royal Hotel," under the pre idellcy of the Chief Constable of Birminghanl. The annual inspection of the 01 thampton Corps was this yel·.r held at Castle Ashby, by the killd invitation of the Marquis of orthamptoll, who not ollly threw open ~he beautiful grounds to the members of the Corp3, but hospitably entertaine(1 them 111 two large marquees. Successful inspeetiolls were carried out at E eLterillg by Chief Surgeon Auelland, and at Wellingborough by Assistant COllllllissioller Woolston. At the latter a keen lllll'sillg (;ompetition took place, thc prizes being presenteu by Lauy Superintendent ~liss TobIe of L eicester.
The 'Iller 'ommi' iOller, .'t. John Ambulanc' Brigu(le.
No. ITI. District.
St. J ohn A n~bnlance B1'igade.
Dltte ",hell formed.
Leicester Corps . . :N ov. 1,1, 1 2 Town Div. (Leicester Corps) No,". 14,1 :2 Northampton Corps . l\Iay -1, 1 6 Head-quarters Div. (Nor thampton Corps. . May 4, 1 6 Earl's Barton Div. (N 01'thump ton Corps) . . }Iar. 2-1, L 8 Roade Div. ( orLhampton Corp) . June 30, 1 ~ "\Vellingborongh Corps . ept. 1' Head-quarters Diy. (Wellingbol'ough Corp ) April 1 n Y .M . C.A. Diy. (Leil!ester Corps) . . . May 15, 1 90 Working 1\Ien's Colleae Di,'. (Leicester Corps/"'. Noy. 1, 1 90 Higham Ferrel'S Division ("\Yellingbol'oughCorps) Jan., 1 91 Dudley Division . . ept. 2 ,1 92 Moultoll Di\,. ( J"orthampton Corps). . . Oct. 2, 1 92 Paulerspnry Di v. (N ortha!11pton Corp) . lilaI'. ], 193 1st DIV. (Ip.wiehCorps). July ]3, 1 ~3 Market Harbol'ough Di\,. Oct. 17, 1 9:3 Kettering Corps . . Oct. 18, 1 93 Headq narters Oi vision (Kettering Corp) . Oct. 18, l L93 Tangye's Div. (Smetlmick Corps) . " 1 9;) Rushdeu Division (Wellingborongh Corps) . Jall. 30, 1 96 Ril1gstead Division (Wellingborongh Corps) . Mar. 20, 1 96 Wollaston Division (Wellingborough Corps) . April 2, 1896 Finedon Di vision CWellingborough Corps) . . May 5, 1 96 Police Division (I pswich Corps). . OctolJer, 1896 Bozeat Division (Wellingborough Corps) . . Dec. 3, 1896 Twywell Divi 'ion (Kettering Oorps) . . Dec. 18, 1 96 Blisworth Div. (Northampton Corps). . April 2, 1<.;9 7 hth1ingborough Division (Wellinghorongh Corps) 1\1ar., 1897 I rchester DivislOn (Wellingborough Corps). ] 89 7 Rushton Division (Kettering Corps) . . April 3, 1897 Nnneaton Town Division May 8,] 97
Corp. or Di"i ions.
DaLe when forl1leL1.
tokc Bl'llcl'lle Div. (K orLIt. May 29, 1897 all1}lton Corps). • t. John's Division ( I pswich Corps) . . July 29, 1 97 'Whcat ·llOaf Dil'isioll (Leice'tcr Corps) . "cpt., 97 Rothwell Dil'i. iOll (Kettering Corps) DeL'., 1 . OI1I](lIe Diviflion Feb. 2 , 1 Leighton Buzzard Div. Fcb. 2 , 1 0 Hallaton DiI'ision. . Fcb. 7,] 9 Or\\'cll Works Di I' ision (1]1 ",iell Corp:). . Oct. 13, 1 9 L. c' . W. R. Division (Leicester Corps) . . NOI'. 1, 1 98 Li l tie Hough tOil Div. (N orthampton Corps) 0\'. 26, 1 _98 ~[ edbollJ'11e Di I'isioll Mal'. 3, 1 99 Ha\'Crhill Dil-isioll. . ~l}lril 20, 1 9n D,\vPlliry Di\'ision ( 01'thall1l'tOl1 Corps). .Tulle 2, 1 99 Felixsto\\' Division . Od. :30, 1 99 Ochlfelll)lYs Div. (IpslYich 'Ol'ps) Dec. G, 1 99 11'5 lYiclt Corp' . . 1900 De ·borongh Division (Keltering OOl'ps) Fell. 0, 1 flOO Brixwol'th Div. (J: 01'Lltalllptoll Cor[1 ). . April fl, 1900 Ashhy-dc-ln-Zollch Div . . April 13, 1900 l(islillgbmy Diy. ( 01'lhall1plon Corp) . May ~9, 1900 "\Yigstun Magna Divi:ioll (Lcice.-tcl' Corp.) . . June 39, 1900 ;Tuneatoll(L. & N.W.R.) Division. Aug. 12, 1900 Cromer Division. Mar. 19,1901 Dnllchurch Di\'i.' ioll . April 20, 1901 Burton Latimer Dil-isioll (Kettering Corp. ) . .I\lay 2, 1901 Cm'en try Co-opera li ve Division . . . Aug. 26, 1901 Brong1tton Division (Kettering Corps) • Ppt. 2], 1901 OV. 3, 1901 O\rer:'eal Di risiOll BeclfoJ'(l Division _ . 01'. 2z, IflOl ett1efolll's Div. (. methwick Corps) . Dec. 1 fl, 1901 NarlJorongh Diy. (Leicester CO!'l's). . . Dpc. 12, ] 901 Snow Hill (G. W. R.) Div. l1il'J1Ii nghnlll Corps . .Tall. 14, ] 902
Corps or Division.' .
Corps or Divisions.
Dale whell form('11.
Ccnlral . L<tlion Div. (Birmin"lutlll '01']15) . . Jan. 1<1, 1D02 Nclso)~ Lrcct Diy. (Hil'mil1"halll Corps) . . .Jail. H)03 L'lll'leY. lrcct(M.R.)Div. (Bil'lllillgh1l11l 'orps) . 'Feb. 1902 Foleshill all(l Longford Division . Mal'. 25, 1£)02 'ranrord Dil'i iOll (Edlcring Cur!'s) . April 2~, HJ02 TO. 1 ,'ocin.l •'clllemenL Di\ ision (Ipswich Corps April26, 1 fl02 Bal'\\'cll ])i I'. (Leicester Corps) . It\y 2, 1 D02 WigstOll pI. I:' ) Division (Leicestcr Corps) . . l\Ia ' 2.1, 1 ~JO:2 Olney Diri"itlll . . ~1l\,\' 23, ] flO:2 :i\101lUlII !'lIt Ln.lIe (L. &. K _ W. n.) Di\,. ( Hirnlinghn.lll 'orps). Fl'h. 2:', H)()~ Dirl\linullalll '1Il'lIS. ,Tunc 1~ 1\10:2 • \IlL:th\~i('k CMpS. . AUI-(. H10:2 Hnu],,)' Di\'i . iOIl . . D cc. l~, 1 (10:2 l\lt'~sl's. K "l\oell'sDi". (Bil'1Jtillgh.111l (·0l'll.') . 1\ pril '27,1 !l03 RU'I • hiltllll Division (Leil!(;.'l<l' 'OI'P,-) . . ~lay 1:1!l03 Pj tehley Divisioll K( tlellllg Corps) .TUlle, 1003 Bnrlingtoll l1all Jli visiull (Birlllingham '01']1.·) . ,\1.11'.11 , 1801 \Irzon Sln·,.L ( L. &- r . W. R.) (Birminghal11 'Ol'ps) . . . April 11, 1 flO I Wedne.'bury])il-isiull . ,Jnly '2;~, H10l
Ll'ic'eslel' ll1'sillg 1)11'. (Leiee·tt·r Uorps) . Ipswich jTlIl'sing Divisi()l1 Ocl. (lllsl\'ich ( 'or ps) . Rlngsteatl Nnr-;ing Di\·. (\\' cllillghol'Ollgh CLl)'!,,') i\j .lI'. Ketterillg ITur'ill" Di\ . (E:l'llcrillg Corps) N ol'Lhamptoll (lwu1-fjullrte)'s) N tlI' ·i ng Di \-ision ( 01'1 ltll1l1ptoll 'Ol'ps) . Leighton Buzzard KUI,llll) siug Di I'isi(ln
2 (tcwal'ts ancl Lloj'cls) Div. (Birmingham Corps) . Ooa.hillc Divisioll. . '\Volvel'hamptoll Division Uippcswyk Division . Leamillgton Division . No. 1 (Hea(l Qr._) Div. (Birminghn.m Corps) . ITillCkl!'y Division (L£'i<:'ster Corps) . . Ko. 10 'General Electric) Diy. (Birmingham 'OlpS) . . . i\licl1t1.ll!1 Rly. Diy. (\Yellilwhol'ough 'OlV") .
271 Date when formed.
Mid~\1I11lUy.Div.(Kelf cr -
Aug. 30, 1904 Jan. 19, 1905 Mal'. 28,1905 Apri14, 1905 April 4, 1005 April 12, 190G Aug. 19, 190:) Aug. 28, 1905 Scpo ] 2. 1905
ill" 'Ol'lJ:i) . . Dec . 12, 1905 No.12 (Hockley G. 'tV R.) J)i\".(l1illilingham 'orps) Feb. 2 1906 Lpic.:cstl'l Col'! 101'11.ti Oll Tra.lIIway.DiY. (Lcicsll'.< 'o],}).') Mar. 17 1906 1'\ 0 10 (ITa h'soll'cn (;. W.IL) Oi,-. (Billllillglt:tIIlCOI'I'S) :\[ay 9, 190G \)\cn1l'), Ocntml ViI'. (~. E. Wanl'i ckhile '0I'P5) June 9, 1906 . 'trat f'onl-oll- l\ 1'011. Div . . JUlle2:> ,1906 .lTn. 13 plitchell t ' Butlcr) J>i\". (nirlllinglt:uIICOl'l's) Aug. ].J,1906 • 'tOll'lIltll kel Di\"i 'ion Oct. 30,1906 Park Vale Di,-isioll (Leiec ,tt'l' Corp:) Jall. 1, 1907 Florc Div. (if 01 thlllnpton 'orI's) :\lay2,1907
t 1\81:\<: Dl n. 10);'8.
] n,l ~O,
] 'flU
Trtltlillguorough Nursing Div. (Wellinghorough 'Ol ps) . . . . July 3, 1901 l{u'illtiel1 X \Il'sill" Divi. ioll (W ellingbolO\lgJt Corl'~) July 3, 1901 Dnrtoll Latim er 1'\nrsing Did iOll (KettL'ring i\lu'" .) 23, 1902 C 01']1. ) . Kylloch ... T \l1'si n!-( Vi I". "lU a . 11, 1906 (nil'illingh:lll1 L'nrp:s) Oratory rItIl' ing Dil'. (Bil'lllillglta\1l 'Ol'l's) Feb. 5, 1907 Nnllf.'atoll Nursing nil'. (l\. Eo Wnlll il'ksflircCol'ps) J une ~ ,1907
No. 111. Disl:rtict.
St. J ohn Am,b1.i-lance B?'igade.
.\UJsilJg ,<:; ...,
NnIlles of Cor!,s nll,l Di \ i~I(JIIS
<; eJ)
.3 rn
~ Cl!:NTlU.L DIWI'u]U'l'.
Buckingham hire-Di\·ision-Ollley. Leicestershire - Corps- Leiee tel'.
Di \· ii;inns-.~sh hy-de-Ia-Zonch, Coalville, lIa.lLt tOil, Mc,l hamnr, Markel Tl aruorollgh, 0\·er5ea1. N ol'thampton .. hire-Corps-Kettel'ing, N ol'thampton, Di\'isioll-Ol1udle.
,y cllinglmroll ,,11. '"
Warwickshire-Corps-Birmingham, .I. • E. ,Yar\\ ick hil'e. Di"i ions-Rugby, Rtratfol'll-on-A \'on.
Bedfordshire-Division-Bedford. Stafford hil'e-Di\'isiou- methwick, 'YolYerhnmpton.
Essex - Di vision -l\fauningtree. Norfolk-Division-Cromel'. Suffolk-Corps-Ipswicll. Divisions-Felix towe, Glppeswyk, Haverhill, ,'Lowlllnrket.
Dr. TnTCT.
Leicesters hire-Leicester.
N orthamptonshire-Irt.hlingborough, Kettming, N orLhfLlI1 pton, Ringstend, Rl1shden, Wellmgborough. Warwickshire-Nuneaton, Oratory (Birmingham).
6 1:2:2
Hales O\\'en .. Curzon treet lioekley Mitchell "" Butler " Oratory " CO'1.I\'illo Cro\llpr
2 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
]3 ;)
:.:ll .,11 :W 1 2:1 1:'
]0 15 :20 20 16
36 20
1 1 1
17 ::!O 11 16
3 :2 3 :3
1 1
1 1 r
3 r
2 2 2 2
:U. ~;j
'.!.7 ~O
1 1
1 1
Broughton Midland Hai Iway Pytch ley
20 1
1 1 1 :2 1 2
1 1 1 1
19 24 29 HI
10 I 14
17 .,12
Tw)'\\' ell
Leicester Corps Harwell
1 ..
Leicstr.'l'l'lllll\\·Y· .00l'pt 11.
L.&,[ . W. Ry. J"t1'k V nl .
Di \'i~ioll ,Vh entshraf WigHton 1\lngnn. WigstOll 1\1. H" \V orking 1\1 en's 'ollpge y.1\I. C. A. .., :'Ilnllllillglrec ... MarkeL Ill1rborongh l\1ed bOllrne TOWll
1 1 2 I 1 1
Earl 'hilton ...
Suffolk-Ipswich Nursing Division.
1 1 1
Felixsto\\'e :rippesw,)' k Ilallatoll Hayerhill Ip wieh Corp No.1 Divi. ion No.3, t. John'. .. :roo 4, ,"oc. ,'etLlemellt No.5, Orwell Wok. Ket tering Corp '
1 3 1 1
W oreestershire-Di vis iou- Dudley.
DistrieL ,'tuff ... Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Bedford Birmingham Corps Ilead -CJ.uurlcl's , tewart· & Llo,Y(ls Lawley.'treet ~cl'ol1 ,'trect llOW IIill Central, lalion
-I -I
3 1
1 1
:2 2
1 1 1
1 1
1 1
3 1
1 1 1
1 1
5 1 3 2
9 I 1~
Illi :2}l
12 45 2()
1 5
I 31~3 I 12 20 21
H) 27
37 1 ~\ 17 51
30 1
]9 1 ti
:W 1P
St. John A?nbulance Brigade.
No. 1II. District.
+' (/]
.,' ""<II
s s
.... '0
.- '" .,1=:
"-' oJ)
Co :l
N orthall1})toll Corps Head-q narters ,., BlislVortb Earls Barton ... Flore Ri 'lingbllry ... Roade ... Olney ... ... .. , Onndle Over, eal ... Rugby ... .. , Smethwick towmarket ... tratford-on-A. yon
Names of Corps and Divisions.
... ...
.. ,
.. ,
... '
.. ,
~Tarwickshire 1:
E. Corps Coventry Central ... Coventry Co-op. .. , Foleshill & Longford .. , Leamington ... ... NUlleaion Town .. , L, &~, ,Yo Ry, ... Wellinghorough Corps ... Head·quarters ... Bozeat .. , .. Finedon ... .. Higham Ferrel'S ... Irchester , .. ... Irthlingborongh ... Midland Rail,,-ay ... Ringstearl ... ... Rushden .. vVoll aston ... W 01 verham pton .. ,
1 1 1
2 1 1 2 3
1 1 1
~~ ·c g:o 00 p... .... ., c3
3 1 1
2 3 u
U. 29 16 17 20
2 2
3 3 2
·1 1 :2
2 1 1 1
J..1 17 1·1 25
15 1:'1 12 4
2 .j
14 6 33 19 22
1 1 1 ... 1 14 2 1 2 1 1 21 1 1 11 - 1 1 4 25 31 -- -- -- -- -- --- -6 6 6 80 78 196 1551 1923 6 20 25f, -
::: Same lIon .• urgeon ill Ambulance Vi ,-isioll.
Hon, Surgeon .
::l. W. Adam .', 43, Clarendon 'treet, Beclfonl.
1 1:;
n[,;.\n-QL~ .UlTEl:!o;: HOLY TllL'lI Y ;'( TIOOL
[Formed 22.11.01.]
Surgeon-Lieut. C. lI. Pel'l'am, :If.n.
Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corl'ol'nl 1. Private'! g, Total effective 14. Decrease since lat report 4.. Annual inspection, 31. .07. Total on parade 10. Ab ent with leave 4, .\nTlIl:t1 re.examination, 27,0,07. MClllhrrs l'assed 10. Did not appeal' 3, Rpgulatioll uniform "'01'11 lly 3 Officcrs, 1 S('1',!~~I~aJlt, 1 corporal, all 1 9 lllCII. Matcrial: litter, 1 stretchers, etc" \' csted ill Divisiollal Comwittee, Division SUl'l'Ol teet by ,"olunt:1r), cOlltribntions.
Honorary Secretary.
A. J, Baxter, New Bnrtoll Rd" Ash hy -de-la- Zouch,
29 3
C, E. Baxtcr, 19, Market 3treet, Ashby-rle-la-Zonch .
1st Offi cer.
T. lIeali elrl,
...... c E-<
..." " ~ '00
20 3-1. 1:'1 21 9
26 19
7 2 HI
.Q ..., to
A. O['clmrd,
.n ...,...'"
1 30 4417 33 2
11 25 21
32 3
1 2 1 1 1 1
to ~ '00
12 114 132 1
c:; ...,
.... 0 0'"
+' (/]
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 1
~ 00
"to 03
.... en
<II" .... 0 0'"
.,o . 1"2 · .n., .;g~ .-;'" -., >
>, .
Honorary Surgeon.
[Formed 13.4.1900.J
1st Officer and Hon, Secretary.
Omcer. 2. ,crgean t 1. Uorporals 2. Privates. Total effectiye 13. Decrl'a 'C sincc hst report :3, Drills hcht 26. A vcrage attendance 11. Annual in pectioll, 27.8. Oi. Tolal on paralIc II. All ent without leave 2, Annnal rc-e:\lllllin:ttioll, 2i.!l,0i'. :Jlcllll'er~ pas.ed 11. Did not appear1. ledal1ions 5. Rpgulu Lion ulliform lI'om by 1 scrgcan t, ~ corporals. Di vision SL1 pported by public contrilmliolt.· ,
- \llT!- 1:,':
Chief SUI'geon.
T. Ncl 'OIl,
-:2 L
§ Starr Officcr,
Statement.-l Depnty Commissioner, 1 Di strict Chief, urgeoll, 1 As, i.·lant on1nJissioner, 1 District Chief Superintclldcnt, 1 District upel'inlellclclll,TceretltI'Y, 1 District uperintelldellt Treasurer, 196 Officcrs, 196 ,'cl'gc:lltls allll Corporals, 1,806 Privates and tll'sing, isters. Total (approximate) ~,201.
'rUELT, BIn)rr~Glr.\:\l.
Chief Superintendent.
;\I.IJ., (,~1.
F. ,rlhert, 72, C:l111bridgr Street, Bil'mill~halll.
[Fol'l11eLl 11.5,02.]
Supt. Secretary.
Huwkins, 2, Ashtcd How, 13il',
Superintendent of Stores.
,Yo lIuttoll.
Superintendent TI-easurer.
J. II, H.ogcrs. (Tn'dreAllluu/({ltc. fJirisiulls). Olllcel's:3~. ,cl'gcantslL COl'pol'alsll. Pri\·ates2fi". ('1'n'o NUl'sill[J Dil' ',~illJ/,S), -Ollil'l'!'.' 3, Nursillg 'isters :36. 'l'otall'l]'ecti,·c '}57. Matt·ri ·t!: 10 wlll'dl!d liUl'I'S, 17 army ,'lrdcl;cr' cOlllpldl', In smgical hanc acq. ]7 "ill :111 watcr lll)ttlc.~ with s J':ll's, t.) \'alises. each cOllt:tillill.~ jl:lll' bbnket' allli gl~oUllll .-lIt'ct, U l'l11,ucl' tourniqllcts (i ll tln cases), It.) spalo sds splint., -1.00 tl'l!tllgnlar lltllll1itg"s, 1 lalltl'l'lls, 7U Hltldets. 2 Brig-Hie Il.tgs, ho'pital tont, slllHll'Y ~'ollcr IJ<ll)(bgcs allll handnge J'Olil'I', strL'tcher (,tlltOIl1'1tic head), -trctchcl' (tel 'cople ItHlldll's\ \'es ted in the stall'. 01p' ,'llpp0l'tcd by Local Ccntro, l:lI.J.A.A, <1,1)(1 suiJ:;l'l'il'lioll ' . .rl'!l? Binningh:tltl ()hallell~t' ,'hiL'ltl Was wnn h)' tlw No. 3 ( ~r. H. Lawle - Street) D1Yl:->101l, Fift~-.eight oflil'l'l''' and IlWll II'Cl't' l)Jl puhlie duty in the stl'l'L't,;, "'hen ~Jol'c1 !~olll'.l'ts \'1sitetlthc (,it)' on Jlh .\]ll' il, 1HOi, amI a milit.lI'Y tattuo lIas held, first altl belllg' l'endel'et1 in 1U (,;l!o;L'S. Dlll'illg' tlw few \\'L'l' ks pn'l'cding' (';llllp. Chief Surgeon '1', r e]S011, '1. D., del i I·el'l,tl (\, ('(!III'S' 'Or lL'ctLlJ'es on t, ~ LiIi t:ll'Y R:t nit:Hion" to
St. J ohn A ?7~b Ld Clmce B1'igade.
JVo. J J I. Di.r.;h'ict.
a number of selected members from each Divi ion of the Corps. The annual District Camp at toneleigb Deer Park, Kenihyorth, from 1 th t~ 23rd fay, Wt),S attended by Chief urgeon T . 1 el on, M.D. , Chlef upt. Fred . GIlbert, upt. e?ty. J . H. Hawkins, upts. "Williams, Lacon, and N utt, and 5 J. C. O:'s and pl'l.vat~s. In the competition for the Camp Cup tbe t~vo team_ repl'e .e~l bng the Bll'm;ngl~l1m Corps secured third l1nd fourth places, and 111 a new competltlOn for. a :fl~!\l'ds Slllelcl the Birmingham Ulen tied for first place with the orth .. East \ VarwlCkshlre Corp.
1st Officer a nd Act ing Ho n. Tr eas.
Ho n o ra l'Y S ur-ge o ns .
J . Gardner, Ill, Cook ey Hoad, ' mall Heath,
F. I T. Milwarll, F . l~.C.S. J . A. Henton White, ~r.D.
Birmingham. Ac t in g Ins pec t or o f St ores.
Acting Hon. S ecretary.
Sergt. T . Cheshircl, 69, Rosebery Birmingham.
Sup e r inte nd e nt a nd Hon . Treasure r
1st Officer
J. Dudley, 8, George Arthur Road, Sal tley, Birmingham.
F. Chalollel'.
Hon . S ec r e t ary.
I nspector of Stores.
SergL. J . Walker, Lawley I::ltreet ,'taLion, H irminghalll.
W. Jells.
Oflicen; 1. ~el'geallLs L~. Corporal') 2. Privates 41. Total effective 52. Increase since lasL report 1. Drills held 30. Average aLtendance 16. Cast.s ;Lttendecl Oll puhlic duty 30. Removals ·15. Cases atLelllltclllot on pU1Jlic duty 350. Annual illsl'ecLioll, 29 . 6.07. Total on para.ue 21. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 2:l. Allllual re-exanlinaLiolJ, ~!J.9.07. lIIemuel'S passed ~O. Did not appeal' 30. Medalliolls 29. Jur:;illg celtificaLe:; . Regulation uniform \l'om lJy 1 OJJicel', ~ :-el'geallt, 2 corporal', allCI 16 :llen. nlatel'ial: 2 ,rheeled litters and m;uul etlui pmen t, vesLed ill Midland Ry. Co. Division snpporte(l by mem lJer ' subscription ..
Uorpl. T. H. Garfield.
Officer 3. ,ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 14. Total efl'ecti \'e 20. Decrease since last report 2. Drills helll 2·1. A\Crage a.ttentlance 10. Ca,es attende(l on public duty 4. Hemovals 'a es attended not on public duly 66. Annual inspection, 29.6.07. Tolal on parade 14. Absent with leave 5_ \YilhouL leave 1. Annual re-examination, 7.4.07 ant! 1 . . 07. Member po sed 17. Did not appear 1. Medallions 13. Jlll'Sillg certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporal, and 11 men. Material: HeIHIquarters' stores used, vested ill Birmingham Corps. Division sllpporLeu by lllember' nb criptions.
(BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No.5 (NELSON STREET) DIVIS ION. [Fol'met! 7.12.01.J IlE.\O-(lUAIl'l'lj;HS:
Hon. S urgeon.
D. H. l{owlands,
'1. v.
Hon. Secretary.
T •
Hono rary S urge on .
A. D. McQueen, M.B. S uperintendent and Inspector of S t o res.
D. H. Williams, Beechwood, Beeches Road, Blockheath, Birmingham. Acting Hon. S ecretary.
Pte. O. D. Thomings, 1, tation Road, Old Hill, nr. Dudley.
Supt. and Hon . Treasurer.
Lacon, 2 , Broughton R oad, lIalldworth, taffs.
A. Webb.
Ofliecr·2. ,'ergeant 1. 'ol'pol'al 1. PriYate :'w. Tolal ellectiyc 24. In cJ'ea'c Sillee In..L report 1. Uri!!'i lwltl 40. Average attcntlallee 11. Case. ~tte.lJ(I.:(1 (Jl~ jluldi u dul} 5. Co.cs attl'nt1Cll.llot on 1,uLlie dut,)" 15. Allllual in::;pcctioll, 2U.(j.O/. lotall.1l jl(tmde U. ~\IJ::;t:llL \11th leaye 4. \\'ithout leaye 0. AlIllual 1~-eXallliJHllio1\ 2;).9.07. Mcmbers 1'<1 . 'pd lti. Did nol appeal' 7. Medallion::; 14. 1\ llI':;lllg l'erl lhcal~ ' -J. Reg\llati.olJ tluilurlll \101'11 b\ 1 Uflicer, ] :Llgeaur, 1 CO~' l)()nt!, amI 11 llll'~I.. _ ..\latcl' J. tlctehel'~, ·llrgical hane ac, ve'teo. iu the npel'llltelldcnl. DIn Ion 'nppol'le<l by the Rebon treet AdulL'cho ul.
H on. Treasurer.
Mr. C. A. Lloyd (lIon. Iember).
Officers 2. 'ergeants 2. Corpoml1. Privates 31. Total e(rective 36. Increase since lasL report 5. Drill 11el<1 3. Averngc tttteuciUllce 21. Oases attended Oll public duty 12. Removal 65. Ca 'es atten<1e(l lloL 011 public tlnLy 1,873. Annnal inspection, 29.6.07. Total on parade 32. Al>s'llt " 'ilh leave 1. \Vithout leave 3. Al111nall'C' .. exal1linatioll, 1-1.fI.07. ~lellllJers passell 3;;. JI,[etlallioll . 18. Nursing certi ficates 4. Regulation un ii'Ol'lll worn by 1 0 flil'er, ~ .'ergean ls, 1 corporal, and 31 men. Material: 1 horse allllmlallce van fully eqnipl'ed, 4 stretchers, central cupboard and 8 branch r upuoarcls, stocked with all lleCeSSitl'y bandages, splints, oils, plaster, cotton wool, &c., &c., 1 'urgical hayre._ac, 4 blank ,ts, vesteJ in Stewarts & Lloytls, Limite(l. Division snpporte(l hy ,'tewarts & Lloyds, Limited . All the men are now wearing the uniform, and our number. at e sten,dily increasing'
Inspector of Stores.
T. \Valli', 1, Hegent Place,
Hon . Su rge on s.
B. Gould, M.R.C.~., G. M. Mellor, r,r.f~.O.S.
Hon. S urgeon.
J. Neal,
-'1'.\ I'lOK.
S uperintendent and Hon. Sec.
:II. H. C. ' .
42, Booth 1s t O fficer.
Inspector of S tores.
U. II. Overbury. Officers 3.
ergeallt 1.
W. Rarri ', ~tree t, Hand worth.
J. H. Harris. Corl'oml 1.
Private:; 1.
'rotal effective 23.
1I1cI·!'f~.l' l>illccla'treport1. Drill · heltl49. A\'erageat tenllallce . Cu e attcnued ?ll l>ub~w duty 54. ltelllovab 51. Oa es altemleLi llot 011 public duty 50. J.llnual
lllspeetron,31.3.07. Total Oll llarac1e 13. Ahs('ut "'ith leaye 7. Without 1ea\'e 3. Anllual re-exalllinaLioll, 9.3.0i. JI,[ellllJcls pasetll3. Did nOL appeal' 9. Medallion 14. ~eguhttioll llllifol'lll worn by ~ Olliecl", 1 :lergeallt, 1 corporal, nnu 13 mell. MaLenal : ~ Ashford litters, 3 sLretchers, eanying chair, etc., "etell in the Great vVe:>tcl'll Railway '0. Division supported by members' subscriptions and Great Western Rail way o.
St. John A m})Ldc(;nce B?'igtule.
No. 111. Di ,t1'ict.
Hon . Su rgeon.
J. 1'. 1. Pctrie,
Acting Hon . S ecretar·y.
E. Marlin Dalc, 10, Clifton Placc, 'W ynn it'cet, Belvall .
Officcr 1. Scrgeant 1. Corporals 2. Private.' 23, Tolal elrcctiye 27. Decl't>ase since last report 2. Drills helli 29. Avcrage attelHlance 1~. ea ·os attended 'on public lluty 16. Remoyals 4. CllSf'S attendeel ~ot Oll puhlic dU~l :no. Annual in pection, 29.6.07. Total on parade] 6. Ahsellt wIth leave B. 1\ ~lhout lean 3. Annnal re-examination, 7.4.07 and 2.6 .07. 1I1elllherspa1:>sctl ~J. DId J.lOL appear 2. Medall ion 20. el'yice badges 7. U1'ing cCl'titica.te 6. Regl1l~ tlO~l uniform \Yorn hY.1 sergeant, 2 co.rpon:l~,. and 1 mep. Mate~·l~l.: Atihford hltel" 6 stretcher, plmt, etc., yested m Dn'l lOnal Comnuttee. DIYlSlOl1 tiUPPOJ ted b) the members.
[FornlCfl 11.5.06.J IIl",\D-QUAJlT[~ ll:;:
Hon . Surgeon.
J. D. Tho!l1.on,
1st Officer and Acting Hon. Sec.
F. IV. Parker , The Croft, Love L ane, I [aloso\\,el1 .
Acting Inspector of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
Oorpl. J. E. Chanceller.
,'ergt. J. G. Wyld.
OlJicers ~. ergC<tnt 1. Corporal1. Privates 1.'). Total ell'ectiye 19. In cl'ea. e sillce la t report 1. Drill ' hel(1 :N. Average attenrlallee 10. Ca 'es aLLellllctl on public dnLy fl. Renlo\'als 2. Cases attended nut 011 public unty 15. Annual inspection, ~6.6.07. Total on parade!. Ab 'eut \\'iLh leave 12. Without leave 3. Medallion 1. RegulaLion U11il'orm worn by 1 Officer,l ser"eant 1 corporal and 6 men. l\[a tel'ial: '3 tl'elclters, 2 blanket', splints, bandacres,o 2 waler bottle::;: vested in Di\isiunal COlJlmiLtee. Diviionnpportcll by cOlltrih~tions from members and the pl1 bl ic. Thc District COlll1cil bas granted the free u. e of a. la.rge and well-lighted IOOln adjoining the fin.! .latiull, ill wlli{:h tu h uld drill - a.ud ledurw.
[Formed :27.·:1.03.] HE_\D-QU _\lll'El!S: KYNO CII, LIMITED, WlTTOX, BIllll[J ~C:IL\lIr.
Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer-.
Hon . Surge on .
H. E. Jessop,
L. ' . _\..
. Nl1tl, 77, 'lintel'll Hoad, Peny Barr. lIuntl\\ortll.
Hon. Secretary and Inspector of Stores.
ergt. C. H. )lobley, 145, Gl'1l\'clly Lane, Erningtoll. Oificers 2. Sergeclllt.- 2. Corporal1. Pri\'aLe' 15. Tolal cllcctil'o ~O. Decrease since lasL report 7. Drills held 15. .A \ erage uttcllcl,lllce 11. ~usc. II tlcllllL:ll on public duty 3. R emoyals 34. Cases attewled not on Jlllblic lll1Ly :ll. Annual inspection,29.6.07. Tolal on pamdc lB. Ab 'cut wilhoulll!tt\' 2 .. Allnllalrc-exaplination, 25. B. 07. :l IIembers passed L'J. Did nol appear ·J. MedalllOlls 1.... N ur!Sll)g certiticates 6. HeaulaLion uniform ,,"om hy 1 01lil.!er, 2 .L:rge:lllts, 1 corporal, and 15 men. lIat~rial: ambulance \'au, :.l surgical huyrl'tilll:,;, splints, halHlages, etc., \'ested in Kynoch, LimiteLl. Di\'ision sllpporlcLl lly Kynot:h, LillJileLi, tluLl members' subscriptions.
(BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No. 9 (ASTON MANOR) DIVISION. (Formerly kuo\\,11 as BurliugLon H ,lll Dl\%lOU ). HEAD-QUAH'l'EW:; :
::\LB.U. ~I.
• IltEETl .\'1'IOX, BI1!;\I l. -GIL\. \r.
Hon . Surgeon and Acting Supt.
1st Offi cer and Hon . Secretary.
C. Belch! 1', 'l.D., D.1'H.,
F. G.
Dale End, Birllliughum.
90, Banke' Road, II enLh, Hirlllinginm.
• 111<111
Honorary Treasurer.
:\11. W. Thuma.' ( lIon. )1 mber).
o niccr,; 2. .' urgelln L l. Corporal 1. Pri v::tles :.l0. elr~cti \'0 24. De (:r'use 'i nee k·t report 11. Drill.- helll :23. ,th vrage attendance 10. Cases aLtclHied 011 pnblit: IlnLy 32. J' elllll\'al' l3~ . 'aseti attended not Ull l'ubliclluty 321. AnllUtllmspectioll, :2!.1.ti .07. olll'am/le 5. .\.bscnt with ll,;,nc H. 'W ithout lea\'e;i. Anuual rc-cxtllllillaLlOl1, D.6.0i' auLl :22.9.07. ~j el11her' pa~ 'cd 14. Dillnot appeal' fl. Medallion..: 13. ~tllsing ccrtilicnte l. Regulalion uuiful'lll worn by 1 olike!', 1 sc rgeant, 1 eorp01 aI, auel 10 nlCll. ~lateri,tl: litter, 3 ~tretchers, lore ehc t, slorc l!ul'\,o<lnl, '1unutity or."plints, ballllage,.;, ete., \"estell iuL. & N.IY.R.Co. Divi::,ioll tiul'pol't'd Ly L. & ~. W. Ry. 00. and mcmuel''';.
Supe rinte nd en t .
W. ,J. f'pentllove, 4, William ,'tre l, A ton MallOI'.
Honorary Secretary. Oorpl. F. A. Parker,
III:: \lH! U \lU Ens:
[Folllll'li 11.3.01.]
BURL! 'UTOR 1l_\LL, A~'l'o.'
Hon . Surgeon.
J. H. Onnond,
Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.
B. F. W il ·on.
ll EAlH~l,._\lll'j<;HS: IIuCKLI';Y
Hon . Surgeon .
A. L. Branday,
·;' \\T.R.,
Act in g Hon . Secretary.
". J. William, 52, Croekett's Road, Hand worth.
49, Archibald Road, Aston Manol'. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. CoqJoml 1. Private' 16. Total eflectiyc ~O Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 46. Averago attendallce 10. Cases attended on public duty 92. Removals 13. Cases attended not on publiL: duLy 363 . Anoual inspection, 29. 6.07. Total on parade 12. Ahsent with leave 1. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 9.7 . 07 . Melu bel'S passed 16. Did not appeal' 3. Medallions 13. Nursing certificates 5. Regulation uniform \\ OJ'll uy 1 0 lIicC'r, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 13 men . Matcrial: 2 stretchers, Lantlages, splints, etc., vested in Divisional OOlllmittee. Division supported by lllem bel'B.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
'orpl. II.
Acting Hon . Treasurer.
ergt. A. E. J . IVood\l'ard.
Ollicer 1. -'e rgeant 1. Corpoml 1. Private' 26. Total e()'eetive 29. Incrcase since lctsL report 5. Drills held 3:2. A veHl.go a tlenchmce 14. Remo\'als 12. Cases aiLendc(l 1J0t ou public duty 300. Anllllal inspection, 29.ti.07. Total 011 parade 20. Absent \l'ilh leavc ti. l\'i lhouL leave 3. Annual re-examination, 1 1.4.07. M embers IJasseLi 22. Ditl not appeo.r 6. Medallions ~4. Division supported by G. W.Ry.Oo.
St. John A 1nbulance B?'igade.
No. III. District.
16. B. 06. J
Honorary Surgeon .
Hon . Surgeon.
T. Whittome,
1st Officer and Acting Insp. of Stores.
O. Taylor, 163, Oape lIill,
J. 11. -Wilkinson,
2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.
1st Officer (in charge).
W. V.
Hon . Treasurer.
ergt. F. Allen, ,Yisbech Oottaae' Highfields Street, Ooalville. b ,
H. Mason.
A. Bur tOll ,
F. H. Barclay, The \Varren, Oromer.
Honorary Secretary.
R. L. Randall, Uount Street, Oromer.
Inspector of Stores.
J. Kettlc.
• Honorary Treasurer.
Mr. E. M. Han sell (II on. Momber.)
Officers 3. Sergean t 1. Corporal 1. Private 15. Total effective 20. Decrease since last report 2.. Drills held 42. Avcrage attendance 13. Removalb 9. Cases attended not on. publto duty 26. Allnual inspection, 15.6.07. 'l'otal 011 lB. Abse~t WIth leave 2. Anuual re-examination, L1. 6.07. Members pa.~se~ 19. MedallIons 1.5. Service badges 8. "ursillg certificates 18. R egulation umfOIm worn ~y 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, aud 15 1)) on. Material: 3 stretc~ers, carr~a~e.' havresac, splint box, 6 wall boxes, &c., vested in Divisiollal OommItt~e:. DIVISIon supported by memlJers' suhscriptions . . The DIvl~lOn again won the E. Anglian Ambulance 'hallenrre Cup (the fourth time), and took third place in the Distri(;t Competition fo1' the De~var 'bield.
A. \\?e.t lake.
Officers~. ,ergeallL 1. Corporals~. Privates Ii. Tolal eO'ective 22. Dccreasc l'i tiel' last repol L 3. Dnlls held -12. A \'erage attendance 9. Relllo\'als 2. 'n e~ attewletlllot 011 public duty 1~. Anllual in 'pection, 13.9,07. ToL,d Oil pantele 13. Ah ellt with letwe 2. Without lcave 7. Annual rc-examina.tion. l:3 . . 0. Mcmhers pa 'ell Ii. Did not appear 4. Medallion U. erncc uat1ue' ·lli. Turing celtificiLles 13. Hcgulation uniform worn by. 2 Ofhcen;, 1 crgcHnl,O 3 corpor,ll', aUll 11 .mell: . ~laterial : Fll.rlCY tre~c~lcr, plmt, J'olle~ allll triall"ular Inl1llla!,(t's, ve tellm Dn'l 10lUtl OOl1l11llttee. Dln.-IOn Ilpported by volnntll.ryOconlriblltiOll· awl melllhers' sub cr~ption . Durin~ Octuber three mClllu'rs, orpl. \\ . . Emery, Pte,' G. , ~. and W. J. lIIeaduw;, belong--ing to the R.l.?A. '.B.n., u!lclel'went n. week ' trmmng on board 11.M. '. "lhrf1uer at I ortsmouth; nnd 111 lay Pte. A. A. Haye, ~. \V. Hu:hbrook, alld E. . GOlham went through the cour'u on b.o~rd H.M. .e?oncl Gla " Urlliser "Vindictl \'c at Oha,thl1111. Two member' ha,\'e Jomed the ::\Iihtary Homc lIospitab Re en-e. II
Acting Inspector of Stores.
Hon. Secretary and Hon . Treasurer.
1st Officer.
F. J.
. L. Harlock, "Conway, Bath Roa(l, Felixstowe.
~L It.L'.:-:
COl pI. \\'. l;. Ellllll), 7\ King Sln:d. \\\tllon, • ulklk.
ClL • CHOOL, CIlO~rEn.
[Formcd 10.10.99.J
Honorary Surgeon .
J. H. Hart.
'1'. JOIl~'~ PAItI, '1l ROOM, FmIX:-;TOWE.
Officers 2. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 3. Privates 23. 'l'otal uO'ectin 36. Increase since .last report 7. Drill held 14. Average attendance 10. Case. attende~ on pu~hc duty ~ 4. Removal 1. Oases attended n?t on pu blic dl1 ty 11. Annual.ll1sp.ectIOn, 1. 9.0r. Total on parado ~3. Absent wIth l(>a\'o 13. Alillual re-exam~atlo~,. 29.9.07. Melllbers passed 11. Dill not appear 21. 1I1eelallioll ' 13. RegulatlOll I1mlorm wor~l uy 1 Officer 3 sergeallts, 3 COl Jlorals, anl122 men. Malerial: 4 ~~~·~tchers, 2 s~ts sphn~ ' of bandages allel fir t aiel dressillgs, vested in Dn lSIOUll:l OOmlllltteo. D.H'lIOll sllilporled oy Il)cmbers and the puhlic. A 'publIc ambulance statlOn has been erected, and titted up with thc II 'ual lirl aid appliances.
Honorary Surgeon.
Corll!. K Tiboetts .
cott, The Station lIOll ·c, Ooalville.
Hon. Secretary.
Hono rary Treasurer.
Corpurals 4. Privates 53 . Tolal eJl'ectivo 6l. Drills hold 43. Averago ~ttell(lallCe 36 . Cases Cases atteucled not. 011 publIc duty .100. Al1nual atlontIell Oll public duty Hi. insl'cetiou, 20.7.07, ToLal 011 paradc 33. ~\ l)sent wIth 20, \V Ithou t leave ~, AIll1u;\l re-examination, 12.6.07. Member ' l'ased 27. DlclllOt. apl'ea~' 3-!. Medallions 25. . en'icc batlge ' ~2. "nrsing certificate 21. R~gl1latIOu un.IforHl ,,'om by 1 Offieer, :3 sergeant, -1 corporal', alld ,10 JUell: :rt~a.t~nal: 6 sur~lCal hav~'e~ll:cs, ti slretcher', splints, cliagr:llll .-, bell, lc, \'~ste~ 111 DlvlHonal OommIttee. DIVIsIOn supported by lllemhers alJ(l voluntary COlllnuutlOl1s. A l:!..rge I1l1mb'r attended the c,tmp at .'tonoleigb.
lreel, Dudley.
Ofli~ers 2. 'urgeaub 3. Ine\'ea~e sinco ia t report
COALVILLE DIVISION (LEICESTERSHIRE). [Formed 19.1.05.J Honorary S urgeon.
Ho norary Secretary.
Corp1. J. H. Whorton, 21, Grange Hoall, Dudley.
In spector of Stores.
Officers 3. Privates 16. Total elI'ecti \'o 19. D em'ease since la -t report 2. Drills held 27 . Average attendance 12. Cases atteudeLl ~ot on public duty -HI. Annual inspection, 29.6.07. ToLal 01) paraLie 10. Absent WIth leave 9 . . Annual re-examination, 23.3.07. Members pa sed 17. Did not appeDr 1. Medalholls 1~. Material: first aill boxes, COil taillillg usual appliances, and stretcher and carnage, vested in lIlitchells & Butler", Limit ed . Di\'i iOll supported by Mitchells & Butler's, Limited.
R. W. Jamie,
W. K Hartland, \\Tol verhltl1lplon
G. E. Eiugsnorth, 76, Abbey Road, BearIVood.
l\f.lLC . :-;.
Hon . Surgeon .
E. J. R. Bart lett,
[Formed 4.4.05.J
(30.11. 07).
1st Officer and Hon. Treasurer.
A. II. W. Mollat (30.11.07).
F. H. Gooderham, 15, :\IaItin Road, Ip \\ieh. Hon. Secretary.
W. T. P. Bod 'wortb (30.11.07.) 2:1, necrory Road, Ipswich .
Inspector of Stores.
'ergl. A.
St. J ohn 11?nbtl-lCi/nce B'f'igCllde.
No. Ill. District.
Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Privatcs 20. Total effective 2-1 (30.9.07). Increasc since last rcport; 6. Drills held 49. Ayeri1ge aLLcndancc 8. Uases attcnded on public duty 2. CasE's attcnded lJOt on puhlic lluty :25. Anllual inspection, 26.9.07. 'Eotal on paradc 15. All ent with leave 9. Annual re-examination 9.5.07 and 17.9.07. l\1cmbcrs passed 16. Did not appcar Mcdallions 9. "enrice badge 1. Nnrsillg certificate 1. Rl'gulatioll uniform "'om by 1 O[licer, 1 scrgeant, 1 corporal, a:1ct j men. l\Iaterial: FUl']ey ~tretc~ler? 2 sets splints, medical havresac, bandage, emcrgeilCY UOX, &c., vesLed 111 DnrislOnal Committee. Divi ion supported by memucl's' subscriptions and public donations.
[Formel1 7. 2. 9 .]
T .
Corp1. B.. Urocoek, Hallaton, Uppinghalll.
W. T. H edley, ~r.D., The Cross, Ha,lla,ton, Ullpingham. Inspector of Stor·es.
Hon . Treasurer-.
G. T. Frisby.
R. J. Killillgl'ey.
OIficer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Private::; 11. Tolal C'lrectil'e 1.'i. Decrease since last rel>ol't:l.. Drills hclll25. AYerage attclldancc 0. ltemovub:!. Cases attcnded not on public duty 5. Annual illSpccLioll, :W.!1.07. Tota.l on parade 10. Au cnt with lca\'6 4. Wilh out leavc 1. AlJllual re-cxalllllllltiolJ 25 . 9.07 . Members pa' ed 10. Dill not appeal' 4. Meclallions 10. l'4elvic~ badge' 7. H,cglllation uniform Iyom II,)' 1 Ulliccr. 1 sergeant, 2 coqlorals, and 11 men . .lHatenal : 4 strclchers, hal'rcul', splint' aut! haml,l"c. ·1 watcr bottles vested ill Di viional Comlllittee. Division.n ppoltcd by 1III hli; cdn (!·iblllioll. . '
Hon . S ecretary and Hon . Treasurer
GorpJ. W. R. Loft1J, 1:2, Woodhouse
Ipswich .
OfIlcc\'1J 2. Sergeant 1. Gorporals 2. Privates 16. Total efl'ective :n. Decrcase Rincc last repOl t 9. Drills hel<! 66 . Avcrage attendance 9. Casc" ,tLtended Hot 011 puulic clu~'y ~O. Rcmoyals 4~. Anllual illspection, 7."9.07. Total on parade 15 . Absetlt \11th leavc·1. 'Without leave 2. Anllual rc-examination, ~7.5.07 all 11 :29.9.07. Members passecl1G. Failed:2. DiclllOt appeal' 2. M dallions 16. Nmsing ccrtihcatc' 10. H.egulatioll Ulli{'ol'lll worn by 2 Ofii cers, 1 sergeant, 2 corpomb, aJl(1 15 mCll. 1I1aLcrial: II'hcPlerl liUer, strctcher, havl'csa(', and box with first aid appliance:;, ,"csteu ill Lo cal Gentrc, S.J.A.A. Division 8upported by mcmbers' Sll bscrip tions and Cell Lrc.
(IPSWICH CORPS) No.3 (ST. JOHN 'S) DIVISION. [Forme(129.7.97.]
Hon S ecre ta ry.
Hon. Surgeon and Supe rin tende nt.
. 'l'llOOL Rocnf, IpSWICH. Superintendent.
Hono rary Surgeon .
A. C. Youug,
'LIt. (,,,'.
'V. W. Smithcr',
Acting Inspector of Stores.
Hon . Secretary and Hon . Treasurer.
'orpl. D. 1'.
[\1"011'11 ,
,.'t. ,John's Rd., Ipswich. Corpl. K W. Roberts.
U, Rlllgltam ltd. , Ip.lI'idl.
Oflit;rls ~. 'orporal.,~. PrivatI'::, 10. 'folal cffectiYe H. lJccrca 'c :;incc last rcport 5. Drills hclll 3·L Aycragc atl'llllancc 1. Cascs aLLclltl! II un pnl,jil: duly 12. H,f'lIlol'als 3. 'a!-,c uttcJl(lcd not on public duty 6. Anl1nal illspectioll. 7.9.0/. Tolal 011 parade 7. AI'';CIIL with leave 6. Without lean 1. .\lllluallc ,xalllillalion, 15.1.07. .MCJllu(~rs pH. 'clI 12. Did ]Jol appeal 1. IIle<1ltlliolls 10. ITul'"ill'" ccltilkale' 1. Hcgulatioll ullil'Ollll wom hy 1 Officer, ~ corporab, and 10 llICll. l\lalcrial: littcr. ~ strctclter~, ambulance case I splints, w"lcti ill Didsiollal ·Olllllliltu). Dil'i. iOIl supported by membcrs.
39, HIGH 'THEET, }Ln ElUlILL .
Honorar'y Surgeon and Superintendent.
Goodman, ~J.rr.c.:'i., 3!.l, High Street, Haverhill.
1st Officer, Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treas .
Acting Inspector of Stores.
R. Potter, 1:24, 'Yithersfielcl RoaJ. Haverhill.
Hono rary Surgeon.
" '. I·. Fryel,
L. I:.l. I'.
l:. W.
H .• ·ucklillg.
Officets:L. Sergeant 1. COl'poral1. l'ril'n(c" Iv. Tolal efl'ectil'c :20. Increase since l.ast l' port 5. Drills hel11 ;32. A \'cragc a Ltt:lldallcc 10. '.I::,es attenc1e~ on pu.uhc duty 10. Removals . Cases alteucled not Oil l'uhlw (luty 1 . AnnuallllspectlOn, ~1.9.07. Total Oil paralic l<!. .A b:;cnt with lcal'l' 1. Without leave 4: Annual re .exallliuatioll, 26. 9. ~7. MC.III hers passed 11. Did llot a ppcar ;). .lHedalholls 9. Sel'vlCebadges t. "UI'Slllg (:cl'bficn.tes 3. Regulation uuiform ,,"om by 2 Officers, 1 se)'gc~nt, 1 corporal, and 15 I1rC11. Malcrial: A shl'o n1 liLter .1 stretc~el's, 4 ~ln:v~'esacs, ambulance 1)ox, flag, splints, &c., "e~lctl ill Divisio~tal Com1mttee. DlvlslOn supported by memuers'subscriptiollsancl publi(; conlributions.
IPSWICH CORPS (S UFFOLK ). [Formed 1900.]
ell! tis,
IJ9. Hi. hop' . Hill , Fore Hamlet, lp_ wich.
Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.
i'-ll'gt. ~. J. Ihll ehl'l', lOn, Alan ROllII, 11' lI'ich. O!tic. ' r.~ . (. rgeilll t 1. 'orpor,lb~. Prt I'ates 17. ToL,ll cll'cctll e 2:2. l)ecrl':lse >.illLl list lqlort li. Dlil!. hehl ~:2. AI'cragc attclldanLl, .dnnual iuspeclioll, I. D.O!. Total Oll parall ~. \b.·cllt ,rill! lea\\.! 11. Anuual rc-examillatioll, 11embel::' pn ·sc(11:2. Fail '(1 1. Dillllot appcar \.). ~Icdalliolls 22. 'en'ice hUllgcs D. rU!';;ing cC'l'lificale::; 11. Hcgulation Ullifunll II'Ol"ll uy 2 Oflict:l' , 1 ::.crgcant, ~ corporals, !lll!l 11 mcn. Material: 2 .lrctchel"s, amhulance uO:\., and splints, etc., I'cstell ill lhc 'ocial Rl'ltlelllenL Exet:uti\e. Division supported by member,,' subscriptions.
Ch ief Surgeon.
[FOllll ·d 13.10.98.]
S. O. Eades, L.R.C.P., 47, St. Helen's Strcet, Ipswidl. (Fmw .Am~tlZanc~ p~visions).-Officers 10. I crgeauts 3. Corporals 8. Pliyates 5. (One Nu?'stng D~v~swn).-Officers 2. NUlsing si.:;ters ~5. Total efI'ccLive 133.
IIEAD-Q1.J_\.urblt · : A'IBULANl'E H.~LL, 8.~~lU}~L HOAD.
Honorary Surgeon.
G. M. H etheringtoll,
II'. wren
[Formed 13.7. 93.J
Honorary Surgeon.
F. 'Ward,
J. P!lw"ey, ti5, Lovingron Road, Il' "ieh. Actrng Hon . Secretary.
2nd Offi cer. (AlIlBULANCE
R. A. Elli .
A. g. Colo, , LCl'ingloll Roall, Ipswich.
1'. DamanL, Ohristchurch Pa.rk, Ipswich.
Inspector of Stores.
A. Cammcll.
Hon . Treasurer.
J. K. Clapllal1l.
No . III. District.
St. J ohn A ?nbnlCt/nce B rigade.
Office rs 3. ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 42 . T otal effective 4 I ncrease since last report 17. Drills held :22 . Average attendanGe . Cases attended on public duty 5. Removals 16. Ca cs attended not 011 public duLy 109. Annual inspcction, 7.9 .07. T otal on pararle 1 . Absent with lea:ve 1. 'Without leave 12 . Annual re-examination, 6.6.07. Members pa sed 2:2. Dld noL appear 2f . 1Iedallions 24. ervice badge 3. Nursing certilicates 26. Regulation uniform " -orn by :2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 26 men. l\Iater~al: 3 ~tretchers, first aid 1'tores in each department, al 0 Central Station for treatlllg ,'enOllS cases, vcsted in Messrs . Ransomes, ims, and J eli'erie ,LtLl . Division supported by samc.
report l'eeei yed].
HE.\D-(lUAJtn:ns: KETTEmNG.
Su perintenden t S ecret ary.
Ch ief Sup eri nte nd e nt.
H. L uck, ,Vestomille, Ketterillg.
[Formed 1 .10.93 .]
Ch ief Su rge o n
,V. Dl'yland,
[Formed 4.01.J
[No report receivedJ.
E. R. Lane, George t ., Kettering.
(Six Am,bulance Divisions)-Otficers 9. 'crgeauts 9. 'orporals 7. }1rivaLes 1. (One ,Nul'sing Division)-OtJicers 3. :T ursing :i tel'S 37 . Total dl'ective H6. Chief Supt. H . L uck, upt. G. Dixon and 40 r. C. O. a,nd men attend c1 the Di triet Ca,mp of In truetion a.t Kenilworth Pa,rk.
Acting 1st Officer.
Hon. Su rgeon (Acti ng).
L. 'Y. Drylaud,
'. ,V.
L.n.! ~., L.l:'C.l'.,
Kelt ring.
• tation, Ketterillg,
Acting Inspector of S tores.
Acting Hon. Secretary.
'Y .. alHler '.
A. \V. ,' . Bpt'LVCIl, '10, Oxford ._ tn'ct, Kettcring. Acting Hon. Treasurer.
[Fol'lllCtl ~5.10.v3.
Sup erintendent.
Hono rary Su r g e o n.
D. D. Lee,
T. Dixon, "Tillilllll • treeL, Kettering.
)I.D .
1s t Officer and Hon. S ec.
H. Raby,
Acting Inspector of Stores.
talllfurd Road, Kettering.
J. Li1lllori.ll.
Officers 3. ergeants 4. Corpo1':111. l'nyaLe 0~ . Total clreclivc 40. Decrease since last report 15. Drills held 30. AYl'ragp Rttendanr'e 1. AlllllH.l in~pection, 13. 7.07. Total on panl,<1e 40. Annual re-ex<llllilllltiol1, 2-i.U.07. ~IllllJlIl'rs passed 22. Did not uppear ] ';. :Medallions 1 ,1. Rcgulation unilorJ1l \r01ll hy 0 Officers, 4 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 30 mcn. Diyi~ion ~uPllorted 11)' voluntary su bscri ptions. T wo officers, 3 sergeants, 1 corporal, and alJout 30 men attellded the Urigllc1e (Jall1p. (KETTERING CORPS ) BROUGHTON DIVIS ION. HEAD-QUARTEllS:
TIlE. 'CllOULf;,
[Formed n.9.01.
Hono r a r y S urge on .
A . G. T olputt, In Charge.
Sergt. A. Meachem, Broughton, Kettering. Act ing Inspector of Sto r es.
H . D ,1llmore.'.H.
Act ing Hon . S ecretary.
W. H. Johnson, Little Crausley, Broughton, lll'. Kettering. Act in g Ho n o rary T reas u re r .
T. Chapman.
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporall. Privates 10. Total etfedivc 13. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 'J7. Average attenclance 15. Allnnal inspection, 21. 9. 07. T otal on pl-uade 10. Ab!>ent with leave 3. Annual re-examination, 28 . 9.07. MemlJers passed 10. Did not avpear 2. MeualllOlls ['. Sel'vice badges 5. N ursing cert~licates 5. Regulation UllifOl'lJl worn by 1 scrgeant, 1 corporal, and 8 men . 1'.1atenal: 2 stretchers, splints, lJamlafJes, havresacs waLer bottl~s, ~e. , vested. in Divisional Oommittee. Division supvortcd by voluntary contnbutlOns.
W. Hart. Ofli cer 1. 'cl'geants 2. Corporal1. Private 17. Total elI'ective 21. Decrease SillCC la't report 12. Drills helll 2:,). A,'erage attendance 12. Cases attcllclell not ou public dnt)' 5. AUllual in pection, 23.7.07. Total on parade 16. Absent ",ith I 'a ve 1. Without leaH' t. Anllual re·examination, 17.9.07. Member pas 'ell 13. Dilllll)t appeal' . M e(lallillll~ 13. M,lteriu1: 1 wheel litter, 7 stretchers, 7 uressillg ('asc.', and;3 d of plint, \'C, lell in Di\'i .. iollal Committee. DiTIsion Suppol'tell by 1I1icllullcl Railway Oompany.
H" , AD -QUA lt lEn~: ~'C1l00LltOO;)1.
In C harge.
Hon Surgeon (Acting).
• el'gt. A. P. Le\\i ', Pytehley, Kettering.
Acting Hon Secretary
OOIP1. 11. :'Ili(l11etoll, Pyt"hIPy, l\P[tl'lill~.
Insp. of St ores.
Hon. T reasurer.
Pte. II. Huek 1· '.
J . 13nck1l',)'.
Oflicer 1. Sergeant 1. 'ol']loml 1. Private 9. Total elTective 12. Drills IlClll n. Averarre attcndant: ' 1L Remonlll. Ca es attended not on pulllic duty :2(). Annnal illSpl'ction, 13.7.07. Total on par!tde 7. AlJ ent with leavc 1. Withonl Ipave 3. AllllUnl l'c,cx:l1uinatioll, :21. 9.07. Member pa 'ed 9. Di([llOl appear~. .ilIGdallion. 9. Regulatioll uniform worn by 1 ergeant, 1 corporal and 9 mell. .i\lalcrial: :2 Sll 'tellcr:;, mellical haYre ~,tc, plint', etc., "ested in Divisional COlllmittce. Divi .. ioll supported by pulJlic eOlltribntion~.
[Formed 12.97.J
l'1100T.!', HOTIIWEl.T,.
1st Office r .
IT. J.
!tapmlLll (30.3.0 , ), llockillgham Road Kdlerillg. [
report l'ccei \'cd. 1
2 6
St. J ohn
N o. 111.
Ho n ol'ary S urge o n.
II . Gibbons,
's I x,
Hon . S ecreta ry.
Hon . T reasure r .
A. Cooper.
Officcr 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Pl'i\'i.ltes 13. Tolal cffcctin 18. Decrease 'illce last rcport 2 . Drills held 33 . A \'cragc~ attclHlallcr n. Cast's attended not 011 public duty 24 . ,\nlllU.l rC-CX:ll11il1itliol1, 30.9.07. l\ fl'lIIlwl's pa eu 7. Di(l not appear 10. :;\[ellalliolls 1. Hl'gulillioll u1liforlll \\'1)111 1,.)' 1 Officcl', 1 sergeallt, 3 corpora1.·, and 7 IIIi'll. .:'IIatcria]: ",hel'] Ii Lte·r. 5 streichers, 2-1 splints, 2-1 hm(lage , 2 hWre ill", 1lll:c1ical hox. Divisi.)Il supported I),)' public"
[Formed 18.12.%.]
Acting Sup t. and Hon. S ecretary.
Rev . ,Yo ,v. Dellllctl • .\1. \., Twywell Hector,)', 'f'hraps[oll.
LEICESTER CORPS. rFormcd 14.11. 2.] HrAIJ-(ll; .\TlTEIlS:
:;\L\r.\ZL -Y.
C hief Surgeon.
F. :;\1. Pope,
LFIt Es'11:.I:.
C hief Supenntendent.
.T. L. King, '1.7, r: ,l l'fllrlOll ,'In:d, IIp],('1' Kent. 'trCt't, LI·icl "tPI·.
D .. \., )Ln.
Sup erin t endent S ecretary.
O. O.
Superintendent and Hon. Secret ary.
A. K I1 igelo]], II igh ,'tn:eL, Ihrwrl I, III'. LC!icester.
)1. J:.( .),;.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
Acting Hon. Treasurer.
K Orer'lI.
COI'}l1. A.
OIfi(·pl's~. "(:l'gr~tlIt 1. 'ol'l'fJrals 3. PI'ivaies 15. Tolul efrective 21. Dpcrrltsc f;illec ln s j, nq,,,rL a. Drill., hr·le! ~" AYcl'agr; uttell(lalIr:e G. Annual illspcctioll, 7.!1.07. T(,lal OIl parade· i\ll'ellt wilh Ir':t\·c 4. WitllOu leave 9. Allllual I'C -I'Xil IIlI1l11111J1 , .:J.07. iIl<'llIlt('rS P:lf;.'r-c[ 11. T)irl not appeal' 9. ;\ledullioll 'l :W. .. til' ill~ et'l'tificHtl's 1. n('glllalilJlI unif"orlll \10m II)' 1 Officer, 1 . (l'gr-UJlt, 3 col POI';tl '. and 7 IIH'II. ~r.d( 'I·i tl : lit tPI' cfJlIl]JI<'t<', :l havrc:'acs, 3 waleI' Itottle~', qlllllltity flf" s l'lillt , lJallclag.-s aile! fin;t aill hoxe' fitte(l eOllll'lde, vested ill Diri'iOlIil] (Ollllllitt£'I'. J)ivi 'ioll 1I1'1,(JJ't>cl by yollllltary cOlJtriblltiolls.
Twy\\ l.LL OUGllCH I . ·TITl" I'r:.
Hon . S urge o n.
W. T.
,'ergt. A. Bamfurd, Rush lOll, Kcttering.
CorlJ1. J . W. Essalll, Ru hton, UI'. Kcttering.
Hon. Surgeon.
In spector of S t ores (i n charge).
)L B.
j) islrict.
Superintendent of Stores .
NOl'wood Yillt." Aylestollc Road, Leicc:;trr ..
'1. II. Matlltc\\ .
S uperintendent Treasurer.
F. G. Bri
( T welve Ambulance DivisioilS)-Of1icC')'s 31. . bl'geallts 1G. COI'i'0m1.1:J. Pri\'atcs 239. (One NZln3ing Divisioll )-OlficPl's:.i. N ltI~illg si .. tel s 29. Total U(fl't;l i \'(' 333. Material at hpad-(lUarlers, ilTesl'eeti vc of Vi vi~ioll,;: larg., and \\'pll-Cfllli \,1 1('11
am'Lulance .tent, hr:rsc allllmlallC:c wagoll ('ollslltJ(~tl:rl to carry three sLl'dclil:I'., 4. wheel.ed lt~ters,.l ( stl'etc~lCl'S, 3 large [llelli('ul (~h('~ts, 9 IIlCllical IInn('sac.', (j first aId ca1.nuets flxellul the bnSIPst parts tIll.! taWil, ;tllllll largl' rlllalllity ()(' l,allllagc's, Sl'~illts, watcr bottles, an(ll'llgs. ". • The member" of the Corp!; who kl.(l yoluntcrol't:c1 fur till H., ' .. \.,'. B.n. haye, with one exception, takcn thr;il' \\,(Jpk', tmillill" 1)11 board JI. ~ I . 111 lI-of-WllI at. Davenport, und IHwe giycn a good :tU;Ollllt of thl'lIls'II' ._'. III ]'1' 1">11 fJ 1.1) the WIsh. expl:e:,se;l by the Army ('oullcil [01' \'(IIulItcm's [w· '!I'\'ir;1' ill th. lIIilitlll'y ho:;pltaJ 111 EIl~lanrl, Irclanel , aurl tb.. 'hannd f-;lan<1s ill tilJlf' o[ lIational cme~gency;. ei"ht mCIJll-;rm; ,'Jf the E:u'l :'hiltoll Di\'lsirlll In"" \'olllllle()\,(:d lIu;i l' s;rvlC~". I1~e Corps .:1l'C aga.1Il rlce])IJ: JlIr1ebtc(l trl t.lll' Ofli :(;l' C{Jll11/1alldil1~ 1st Yo!. Ll:ttallOn LClce~tel'.:IJlre H.t:!5l1nellt, LI(;lIt.- '0J. E. C. Atkill., ['JI' kindly Illar ill~ 1I1O (11'111 ball at tlwlr rhslJOSU.l for the (!(Jlnlmwcl ([rill.; ,~Il(l lmllllal ill p('e lioll. On Lit ,J lily Ol,ief Supt. J ..r~. I~i~~, ,'u]Jt. ~. Lall~hnl!l\ al\(l HOIl. L:u1), Ser' I'('li~I'Y, :\ II. 's .\ . A. Polhtrd (XUI':',lI1g DI\,I~](m) each thu ItOIJ()Ul' (If ]'('cei\' ill" tI,,· f)i"lill"lIl hr·d r "II" SErvice Me(bl fWIIl Lhe lutllrls of II.R H. lite Princr; r,f ",;7/.; ·, Ul'allc! 1'/'Illl' orJ lh~ Order, n-t Marll)orough liouse.
Honorary Surgeons.
In Charge. • '{ rut. W. B. fitrv( 11,'011, 60, Yiew •'treet,
(~. (JalTPU-, :>1. Jl.(' ...
\\'. York(',
Earl :IJiltuli. Ill'. Luiec b'l'.
Acting Hon, Secretary.
Inspeclor of Stol'es.
T. Killg, ~!., 11 illckll y HOM!. E 1I1.hiltlJlt, 111'. L ·jcL tel.
COl}' I. .J. II J fJ I
Hon. rreasurer.
1r. Woolman.
01 pond 2. Pl'ivat p;, 12. Tutul ('f1eetin! 17. Olli ec!' 2. . 'crgeallt I. Tl.'cr· , .. ilt t' 1.1 t report 1. ] )li l]'; h ld :!". ,\ YPI ag n t l1(]unc(' ". CU, CS attellded (III }Il1oliC' duty 13. HCIIl('I'ul 1. ('.1.('.,> all ·ude,l lIot 1111 puhlic duty 70. Annual ill )II' ·tioll, 7.!I.07. Tot 11 011 pal 1· 13. Ab 'IIt with I U\·p:t Witllol1L In\'l' 1 .\lIl1U II l" '('XUllliullti')II, HI.!I.07. ~ll'lIIhL'I" I'll' tl !I. I ~Hih'\l I. Dill not :1»I'I'II'~. i\[ ed.lllioll ~ 'Ill' ill(' r I'Wit'at· 1. Heguhtioll uuifol'lIt ,,"Olll by 1 .;elge,tIIt, ~ (;01 1'(>1' d , Illld I lIlell. ~[ll"l i d. :!3 t!'eLcIH'I", :1 IlIlIlif'1l1 h:l\'I"p:<a~-, splint, !J w. t 'I' I,otll" . I.ll"C c]1t.llltiiy tlhll~l1l[l1' and lollcl' Lllllda~e:, 1'> fir. t aHI hoxc. which hn.n h 'ell 1'1;le c1 ill tit r.lCtOli ~ \'C'stpd ill Divi .. ioll'd 'ollllllittee. J) inioll IlJlP0I'!<·d by til public Hwl III lIIlI r '.lIb rIiplioll .. mght III IId)cl' uf th 1>i, i 'ioll hn\"' \' ,11I1lte I' d f l' -(;1'\ i(,,' in tII ~Iilital')' IIull1l: U(l.pital He .]"\· '.
E. L. ,ICllkill',
)I.l:.( ' .~.
Acting Hon. Secretary.
L. BlIll eigh ,
'hnl ].>8. ·lrce t. Hillel 'll'Y, Ill'. L oil' tCI'. 2:!.
[Fonlled 19 .. 05.J
1I00!'s, HI ,'('K I E\".
1st Officer and Insp. of Stores. ,\.
I elJ\ ,Priory 'oUlgl. L i. \' 'tel' Rd., 11 illckll'Y, III. Ll'lC'C tpl'. Hon. Tr-cLlsurer.
C.• '
Ollie' r :!. Sl'l'g allt 1. C I'P0I'II] 1. 1£1. Tol tl cfli'rlin' :!:j. 1>, '1 '1St· sille' la L ll'pOI'I Urill., IIrld ~t.i. A\'l'ln,~e atl'l\dallc(~ Hi. (;'I,:l~ :t Ltl'lllil rl Oil pulllie rl111y 11. 1:,'IIIf) \',d:; 2. Gil" nltr 1It1 d Illll 1111 I'ultlk tlilly Hi. Allllual ill~pcdi'llI, 7.!I.Oi. 'rulnl 1)11 1';\1'11<1 17. Alhl'lIt wilh It':1\" G. :\lIl111al )'C"CXlllllilllltilJll, 1!1.:1.07. :\ll:lldtl'l''' pa .. ell :!l. j)ill lIot :,pp",u' 1. ~ll't]n.lh(\n~ U. Heglilnliflll llllif'u!'111 worll \'Y 1 111 :1.11. ilhtl'l'iltl::! :;tl'l·l<'ller~. :! IIll\TPS;lt'-;, :3 ,,-akl' lHlLt]I'''i, ,'pliIlL-; and htllrhgl's, a],'io wll cpl ,II Jilll'l" b III~ht by t1lcC·"I.lIleil 1'01' 0111' W;l', vl'sLp(1 in l>i\'i~i()11 tI COlllllliLll'I' (witll l'XCl'l'ti',1l of'litlLI·). J>tl'i sllJ n »lII'JI"I·tl·tl It ' IIIPltlhcl's' nlld VOllllll,lI,)' \:')lltl'ihllliuIIS.
St. J ohn A'I'nbulance B?'igade.
llo. Ill. Dist1·ict.
.001cCI' 2. Sel'geallt l. Corporal 1. PI'i vates 20. Total efrective 24. Oases at.tellclell not 011 llUblie duty 3 Al1l1l1all' t' Dl'llls helel 2·1. >- 9 O~ '1' 0,1 t· 1 on pal,lce " 1 10 . A1usell!. , . . . I . . I. \\lth leave 14 . :ThIateri·l l· ballel11. pec. 1011,d t l ' l\1 S' tl 1" '. I ages au. , · t s1' 1111 S, yes el 10 1 essrs. • Illl 1, jane & CO. Divi -ion Slll'lOt'tClI .. I llllt ' II, F ' and 00. ) -y lllem IJe1S SI1 I.l'CnptlOlls allC jano Tbroll"'h thc ge~l~r?sityof Mr. A. \V. Faire, J . P., we hayeohtained one of the fine t rooms that any D1V1SlOl1 pos esses.
DRl'uT, AnD~Y rAnK ROAD , LEJOE:-;TEIt. 1st Officer.
Hon . Surgeon .
F. W. Lewitt,
A. Palmer, 25, Hamilton t., L eicestcr.
2 9
Inspector o f Stor"es.
Acting Hon . Secretary.
F. J.
R. G. Lane, 31, Portman Street.
Aubrey .
(LEICESTER CORPS ) TOWN DIVISION. [Formed 14.11.82; re-forme(1 1900.]
Honol"ary TI"easure r".
Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 27. Total effect.iye 31. Drills held 26. Average a ttellllancc 12. Cn es Decrease since last report 1. attended on public duty 15. Cases attended not on public duty 26. Annual inspection, 7.9.07. Total on paralle 13. Absent with leaye 1. .t\nnua.l re-examination, 20.12.06. Lembers passcu 9. Did not appcar 21. M dalhol1s . Nursing certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 OfficeI', 1 s!'l'gcallt, ancl 11 men. Tram way uniform by the other, lIIaterial: stretcher, .6 'c1 of }llll~ tli, 6 doz. triangular bandages, 6 fir t aid caLinet , fixed at po\.\'er stat1l111 aytl c,~r depot, and one medical havresac (lent by the Corl)s), ve ted 111 orporaLlOn lranmays D epartment. Diyision supporteu. by Corporation 1'ram way DeparLmcnt and members' suLscriptions.
CJ:n:-;s • '(,1100L~, 1\EI\' \Y,l,.l.K, LEI(;]~-TER .
Mr. E. J. Riley (Hon. 1\1 em ber).
Honorary Surgeon . Jl.13., c.~[.
A. ill. Littl , Actrng Superintendent.
11. Johllion.
Hon . Sec. and Acting Insp. of Stores and Treasurer,
• Lrgt. II. \\' . .\lartin,30, GIl"Y Rd., L eice tel'.
Ollh:er::;~. . 'er!5'allt 1. Pri\'atc' 9. Total effeeti\'e U. lte~lel,\,c 11.lelll~:'r::; ;j. Dec'rc l1su sillce. LLst Icport Drill:, ht'hL:? A v'era cre n tUlI allce (j . uas~s alte:J(1e! l Oil Illlbhe duty 7. Cas '" attelJdeLl llOt Oll pul f d~.\ty :2. A III l\lU I lllspedlOlI, 7.9.07 . . 'l\,tal OIl prtraile 7. •;\IJCllt with leave) ~~ "Ithou_llean> 1. .Aullunl l'e-CXalJ1l11allulI. aO.t1.07. ~lt'llihers 1'<1. ~('Ll 0. Did not npl'e~~' J. lIiedaJlIOll.' . 1\ul'sing ucrtilicate:; '1. Hegulatiull ll1lil'onn worn by 1 .,,~I&crt1l1 ~lld ,1 lllell . . ,~l1.ten ;\I : btl' 'lchel', llluJ(1.1ge .. nl1l1 .plint, vested ill Dl\ 1::,10113.1 COIll1111ttcC. Dn'l::'lUll , u1'porte 1 by member' ·ub.criptIOU':,
[Forl1\ed 9.97,]
\.HrElts: \\1IL.\'1' , IlEAL, \'"OltI\.S, LEILI:sTEIL
Honorary Surgeon.
T. N. Thomas,
Honorar-y SlIr"geon.
!II.H.C. D.
,Yo ::-l. "I..:,lett,
A cting Hon . Secr"etary.
( in charge.)
II. B. Bell,
Sergt. C. Mycock, 65, .Moat Road, Leicester.
Acting Insp ector of Sto res.
aviol1l"s Road, Leiuc ·Ler. Acting Hon . Treasurer.
J. T. Porier.
A. Taytoll.
Officer 1. ergeaut.:;:2. Pl'i\-aLes 9. Total effective 12. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 45 . A "erage attendance 2l. Ca:c. attended on public duty 6. Cases attellllc!l not Oll public duty 7. Annual inspection, 7.9.07. Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 4. AlJllllal reexamination, 3] .1.07. :Members passecl 10. Did not appeal' 1. Meclalliolls 11. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer allLI 8 llriYatcs. .M aterial: lOllrlliclllets, baskets and stretcher, vested in L. & . W. Hy. Co. Division . llpportCll by members' subscriptions.
R. C. Gilroy,
[FOl'IllP(1 Hl.1.07].
Inspector of Stores .
• LI'..;t. W. Lullluall.
Honor-ary Secretary.
. \ rgt. L. Trou tt 1 o- , KUight! 11 l<ields noad. \\'. Leice tel'. Honorar'y Tr"easurer .
L . .Jlottt::!'"hcad.
Cllrl'orals 2. '., 20. T ot 1 dleeti\'e 37. Olliecr·:1. "~r~lal1t.:3. Illcrc,b~illr.;c .ll L rOI~ort. 1. Dl'ili. lid,}') _'u clagc attellllance 17. en'e
attellde(~ un l'uLlIc duty I. HellIO\-als 1. Ca.c." nttellllp([ lIot ou public duty Ou. Alll!llUl.lll'l~eetioll, 7.~),07. Total 011 l':1I'<1l1c 33. ALbl~ llt \lith lean -1. .lllllual l'e,ex:LlllluatlOll, 30.:J.07 and 10.4.07. ~lelnberi jlassed :!5. F,lilcu 3. Did 110t Ul'],~al' . .Jlcllalliolls ~O. 'l'1 \'iuo l':1lI~c,; C. Xnr'iing cel'tilit:atc - :!£). Rcgularioll ulIllorlll \Yum 1J)' ~ Olliecl'.-, 3 "erg-caut., ~ rorl'ol',lb, awl 11 1111'11. Material: 3 stl'e~<.:hers,. ~ r01'e (l . hect ·, ti alllbul:ll~l.: ',.caes, c~nel'g~llcy Cll e. ambulance CllpullaHl, sl'hnts, ball dages, ct<.:., \'c~tpd III \"'o-opemtl\'e \\ 11olc::ale ~u('ipt.r. Diyi. ion sUl'pol'tzd by tIll.; 'o<.:i(;ty. Three lllelll!)l.;l'::i hay\.: join()u the R.~ •. _\.. . . D.H.
L eeson, 69, Constance Roa!l, Pal'k Va.le, LeicesLer.
Acting Hon . Sec. and Insp ector of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
E. H. Wood, 78, Baggrave Street)
Mr. A. W. Faire (Holl. Mell1.)
1st Officer'.
J. (:. l'owe 11 (1. 2. 0':).
Super-in tenden t.
F . 'l'enCcr, :? 11, W II rOr! I Hoad, Leice tel'.
TJ{EET. Act ing 1st Offi cer.
)l. H.l:.S .
HOIl. SlIr'geon and Hon. Tr'easurer', B. lL 'u"<.:l!cr, L.ll.C.P. 1st Officer.
II. Elliot, -1 ,Fair/lelll treet, 'outh Wigstoll.
Hon . Secretary and Inspector' of Stores.
L. Fol\y I'll , tii. Chcrry >..:treet, ,Yig:;tOll
St. John A ??1bu,lance B?·igacle.
.1Yo. J I 1. D ish~ict.
Officers 2. ercrean t l. Privn.tes 16. T otal effective 19. I ncrease since la t report 3. D rill heM 19.. A ~erag~ attendance 13.. Ca:,es a ttended on public duty 12. Annual inspectlOll, ( . 9 .. 0 ('. T ot::,l on_ palade 1~ .. Absellt with leave 3. 'Without l eave 6. Annual re.ex.anlluatl.oll, 2(.9 Or' ~:e~ll~).el paed 13 Did not appear 5. Me!l allions 10. N urswg certlfica~e~ 2'2 RteO~ 10~1 uniform \~·oru by 2 Officer', 1 ergean t, and 8 men . Mate.rIa:... . re c ;er ~ ham I'er, 3 han-eac , 3 sets of plints, bandage,. etc., v~ste~l III D n 1 lOnal COlll mittee . Divi. ion ul'ported by members and l'ubllC contnbllLlOns.
Ofl1ccrs 2. ergeant 1. COl'poral l. Privates 26 . T otal effective 30. I ncrta e .'ince last report 1. Drills held 27 . Average attendance 10. Cases atte1ltlecl on puldic duty 16. CaRe'l attended not on pllu!ic duty 8. Annual inspl)ctioll, 7.9.07. Total on pamrle 17. AIJsent without leave 13. A.nnual re-e:\aminat ion, 20.9.~ 7. }Iemllers l'a. erl 16. Failed 1. D id not appear 12. Medallion.' 20. > erVlce batl!{e 1. ur ing certificates 6. R egulation uni form worn hy 2 <?fficers, 1 s€'l'Cfeant, 1 corporal, anrl 9 men , Material : stretcher, keleton, splmt, bandages, charts, etc., ve ted in the D ivision al Committee. Divi 'ion supported by members' ul). criptiong.
\\'. 13reacllllOre, Cherry treet, , VicrStOll MaCrlla near L eice::;ter. o 0
L.n . C.l'.
Inspector o f Stores.
Hon . S ecreta r y.
A. W .
Supe rint e nd e nt and Hon . T reasure r .
Hon . Surgeon .
J . Anc1er"on,
Corp1. J. H. L eesoll .
yh-e tel', 60, H ealey Street, outh ' YigStOIl .
IIF: \D-QL\R I'FR, : Dnru, lloo:\f, RED Lrox, MANXI 'GTREE .
Ho n . S urgeo n and S u p erinte ndent.
1s t Offi cer.
,'. 13re6, :\I.n., II igh 'trl'et. }Ia nningtrce .
J. V , Ward.
Ho n . S ec, a n d T reas.
Inspector of Stores.
E. J. LOYall,
Oilicers 2. ergeunt 1. Corporals 2. PriYates 12. Total effedi\'e 17. Decrea e ince last report 1. Drills held 20. Ayerage attellliance l~. C, ,es attended on public duty 30 , Ca'es attended not on llUblic duty 100 .. Anllu~l . pee t lOn ' , ~r, 90 Ab eut "ith leal'e OJ12.. MeLlalholl. t 10.,) m . -r . T otal on parade 4. 11.~ . '· ficate 1 Recrul ation uniform \\,oru by 1 hcer,1 1 1 ergeilll,_ .n UlSlllg . 0 r t corporals, and 10 men. Material : litter, ~ str~t~l~er, 2 '\'ateI'. Jo:t C:" 'l')~ , bandages, blanket, and havre ac, vesteLl III D n-] lOnal Comnnttec. Dn I lOll Ul'ported by public contributions.
[Formed 3.12.02.]
' V.
Corporal 1.
Privates 15.
HEAD-QLU:TElt::i : , fOHKI;-;G
1st Officer.
J. F. Tilliou.
Z. Laugltulll, 41, Cedar Haad, L eicc ter.
loaDe, F . ll.C.S,
S uperi nten d en t
Hon . Su r g eo n .
Ho n. S ecre t ary.
2nd Offtce r .
O. 1 lcli an.iso 11 , 25, ObUll 'tred, Leice. ter.
\\'. }lartlll,
tficers 4. 'el geuuts 2. Private:, 4;), Total elfecti \'e Sl. I ncrease 'ince last re}Jort D rills held 28 . Av?rage uttelltiallcc ~l. Allllll,ll l11spection: 7.9.0 7. T otal on parade :H . AbtlenL Wlth le~\'e 1,0: \\ Ithont.let1\'e 20 . AUllUall'e·examillation,16 . 5,07 , :Members l'.utised 2;). l!tlllc,l1. l?lcl ]Jot appear 24. Regulation uniform worn uy 1 OJ11ce1',. 1 s,e1'ge.allt, utl~l ~I, III '11. Material : 3 tretcher, splints, bandages, etc" vested III " o1'klllg Men s Colle"c. Division suplJorted by members' sub"crilJtiolls.
n:EET, }IARKET II.-\RDoRo"Ucm .
J. Jr. '1 1I!Jt II I'
S upe r in t ende nt.
t;. (;reen,
;i~, High>
Hon. S ecretary and T reas.
[Formed 15 ,5.90 .J
Hon . Surge on .
C, D . Bryan, :\ S.
Super intend e nt .
W . Catlin, 6, Fairfield
treet, L cicc1:;ter.
Hon . Secretary a nd Treasurer.
Insp e ctor of Store s .
'ergt, J. D. Moore, 14, D orset b'eet, L eicester,
F . D. R eeve.
t., Market Harborough.
Act ing Inspe c tor of Stores .
lot]'1. t. H. I\lIi~ht()n, Chnrh·" ~tl I I r. 'darkct IInrhorongh.
,'ergt. \Y, Tooth.
Oflicrrs~. :'rr,genll t. 3, orpornb 2. Private' 19. Total effective 26. I IICl'l'Il.SC sillCl ll ... t rt'l'ort 1. Drill' llClrl 34. .A ycrage nttenrlancr 1. Removal 40. Ca c: att('lIticcl IIOt (Ill pnhlie cluty L. Anllual ill pection, 17.9.07 . T otaloll pat'n rlfl J7. AhC'lIt with lel1\'6~. Without lea,e 7. Annual re-examination, !l.!"l:07, ill·lII],t'}'.· l'ns.NI 17. Dir! not nppear c. Medallion, 12. Regulation l~ll1form WOlll 1,,) 1 Olliec)', ~ sll)'grflnt., ~ corpol':lJ.·, and] 9 men. Material: \yagon, httpr. G stretcher;.., J l't:· ·l,lmt .. medical h.1\']'e"'lIe. Ye_ ted in Diyisional Committee. Di yj<;ion . ul'l'ort r1 II)" l'ulllif' flJl(lm 'lIlhl')'. 'ub s criptioll Twche IIll'IIlI,er" n tt ·ndec1 cnmjl at ~totJeleigh Park.
T otal effective 1 .
Hon S urgeon.
Ho n Surge on . ~l. n.c.
D. Duke,
[Formed 3.3 . 99 ,J
Hon . S ec. and T reas u rer (i n c harge).
Sergt. D. 1; her, 1IIedbourne. Ins p ect o r o f Sto r-es . C011'1.~. \\" Uartichl.
OfIlcel'1. 'ergeant l. Corporal 1. PriYate 16. Total effective 19 , Decrease ~il1ce In. t rl'l'~rt:l . Drills heW]", Annual inspection, :Z6. 8, 07. T otal 011 paradc'I;; . Absent \nthont lea"eJ. Annual re-cxamination, 20.3 .07. Member f)a ', eel 1. Rpg~llntioJl uuiform WOJ'll by 1 corporal and 9 men . M aterial: 2 :'~r:tcher" . nrglcal Jlanc ac, 'l'lints, balH1agt", \'c ted in Divi iOllal Committee. DIVl Ion supported by yo1nntn.ry l'ontribution .
No. III. Di sL)·7:cl.
St. John A?nbulance B1igade. o
Chief Sup erin t endent
Chi ef Sur"geon .
R. A. lHilligall,
[Formed 4.5.86.]
'IV. H. Hec\'c , penCeI' Paradc, N orthall1ptoll.
Superintend ent of Stores .
Supt . Sec retary.
l!. C. Gardner.
H. 'Wilkin 'on, 69, Billing Road, .r orthampton.
(Six Ambulance Divisions).-Ollicel's 17. Cl'gcallts 10. Corporals . Privales 1f12. (One NU1'sing D i1Iision) .-Ofliccl's 4. Nun;ing sistcrs 53. T olal e~r('cli\"e 2 4. Material: 2 wagon;.;, littcr, H treichel's,7 havrc 'ae!', 23 fi.~'~~ alll boxc , nl 0 16 stretchers in villacres where Divi iOll do noL cxist, yestl'rt III T01lhttlllplOll Centre Committce, .fA.A. COIP suppodcrl by public and 11ip;llllH'r' sllh~;cl'ipiion:;. ome cLo01s have been ta.ken in Kin g 'trect and con \ crtcd lUtO a hend- I l tHutu!'s. Another beque t toward the hea.d-qual'ter ' has bcen rec >iyo<1. ( L;iO) from the trllstee:; of the late R ev. 'IVickes, and a yery Sllcces. luI ball wa held 111 the Wllltl'l', wh ' 11 O\\!l' £30 profit wa made and given into tbe head -quarters funel. The Jh>;Hl-'1l1al'ter~ Diyision has again \Y~n the YlllOl1S-Ecclus up. Thc Yoluntnl',)' 111\"alid TI'.a nspmt en-ice has again been yery bu y, and. 11 marked f 'u tme of t!l~ .Corps dn.I·1I1!1: thc year. Fir t Class :'Iergt. lackllcss, 01 the lI eacl-llual'ter:; Dl\'J!mlll , obtalllcll lh' Senice Meda.l.
Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.
O. Yonllg,
Acting Insp ec tor of Stores.
C. Watton, Blis\\'orLu.
Ofliccr 1. fil'rgeanl L Privates 15. Total [rccLive 17. DI'Cl'casc sillcc Im:lt rCl'()J L l~. Drills Lc;l(l 27. Average attelltl(wcc 10. ()n es aU 1Il1ed lloL Oll publie dilly :Z2. 1: cl(lOvn11. An11ual inspection, 6.7.07. Totalon pal'<vle 13. Ab::wIlL lIith lel1.Yc 1. Allllll 'lI l'e-l'~all1illlLliolI, ~7.3.07. Members pa 'sed 16. )Il'clallioll'l13. :-\('I'\'ice badg('" 11. Tl1I'sing C l'lirieaLe 1. H.egnhLion uniform WOI'll II)' 1 Sl'l'gcallt all!l ] Z lllCll. Matl'rial: sLretcher 11.1111 eqnipment, vested in Northalilpton Centrc 'Ollllllittec, ~ . .r.A.A. Di\'ision sllpportcr1 lly pnIJlic COlltribulioll::>.
'pr elL ,'C1l00L~.
Honorary Surgeon .
\\'. .r. Super-intendent.
'\T. : ..\hUIIU, ~l \\. Bil!'b Ihrtoll.
l~al ·to l1,
1st Officer.
Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.
J. AbhoLt.
LlIie, Kil!g ,'trect, Earl ' B:u tUIl.
Inspector- of Stores .
,'crgt. W. Lonl. :'l'rgcllnt 1. 'orpnrab~ . Privates Jil. Totttl effective 21. la"L report~. DrillsllPhl ~3. A\'l'l'agca ttel1l1an c ltcliloyals5. Case' nlll·llll·<1 Ilut 011 puhliu rlnty ~O. Anllllal inspec tioll, 6.7.07. Total 011 pal'firl0 11, ~\b elll with Il'n \'c 1. Without IClwc \1. Allllunl Ic -exa mination, 21.3,07. :'Illlllbcl' l"ls",pd 11. UitluCJl ttl']'I'<tl' fl. )ll'cJallioli' 13. ,'cHicc had"c:. 4. iTUL in~c('rtincatc 1. Hegn latioll 11Ilifol'lll 'Ylll'nlly 2 OlIiecr:, 1 sl'rge:\lIt, 1 corporal, nn<l 9 111011. .l\lat'lia1: \\Il!,(('", litt"I'. :3 strctchl'l's. ' llr~i cIl 1 havrc':1e .. plint·, etc., Yl'"tcII ill ,,-ortll.lllll'tull \'IItrl' 'OllI1111ttl(', ,' . .T.A .•\. Di\'i:-ioll .n pportctl hy pu1Jlic cOlltrilJll tioll '. Oflien:, 3.
TIlF:ET, XOnl'IfA:'[T'rO~.
Honorary Surgeons.
O. J. Eva.ns, ?>r.n.c .. ·. H. Cropley, F.R.C., .
T. Cairns, L. n . . 1'. D. ,'tollr, 2\1.1). 'LILC.:;. (1.1~.07). Honorary Secretary and Ser"gl. 1st Officer.
W. A.. Henshaw, Superintendent.
A. II. Ricc, E . F. AdniLt. 21, Billing Road, N ol'thampton.
A. E. 'nx, .5, Pnr::;er Hoad, N ort lin 111 ptOIl.
Inspector of Sto r"es.
I It-.. \TH:
Corporal E. C. Allen. Officers 6. Sergeants 7. Corp01a1s fl. Pl'i\'ates 11·1. Totalen~rti,'c J!32 (30.fl.0 1). Reserve member]. In crcase since la, L report J. Cases attell(le.] Oll ]'ubli c duty . Removal. ' 110. Cases aticuricdllot Oll pl1ldic duty l!!fl. "\'111111111 ill.']l 'c tillll , 6.7:07 C:'Iidland Railway cctioD, 15.fl.07). Total 011 l,amci' fIG. Al "Cllt ,dth leave 18. Without leaye 18. A.nnual l'c-cxandllation' 5.3.07, 1~.3.07, ]£1.3 .0 7 and 9.4.07. l\IemIJers passcd 105. Failcll 2. Did not a1'1'ear ~1. !lledallinu."i l. Service badges 59. Turing certifi.caics 30. Hegnlalioll11l1i['ol'lIl WOI'II hy ~ ()lliC'l'r~, 7 sergeants, 5 corporals, and 49 mell, Matcrial: wagon, 7 littcrs, drill slleteltcls, 5 havrcsac , 10 stretcher stations and fi.rst aid lJOXI's lJCloJlgilig to 1li(· Di,i jrlll. There arc also , 3 stretcher station!' a]]11 7 fh:t airl l!O~c<; IJl!longillg tn 1'11\'1\tu owners, but placed at the disposal of thc Djyisioll, Yt' tell in NOlthalllploll 'cntlo ComrnittceS.J.A.A. Division supportedl,y jlulJlie contl'ibutions First Class, ergt. A. G. nlackuess rccei I'cd the 8enice 1'] eeltll. A tl'a m und er Sergt. Worth wou the MarquiR of N orthnnll'toll 's Cup, anrl Pt·. Fletchel' \\'on tIll! prize for the highe t indi \'id ualmarks. Pte. T. G. H owe WOll the CIIJl plL ,"nlc.l l)y Mr. . B. 'IVilkillsou for Indi,idual Efficieucy. A 111ll111)01' of IlJel1 I1.ttell(lc<l tli e unnm,l camp at Stoneleigh Park.
Hono rary Su rgeon.
,V. P. Richardson,
M.n., C.M.
In Charge.
, Cl'gl. F. \1' _ NOI'lIl:lIl, nIislI'ol'lll. N Ol'thnll ts.
., IITLU ':
l~lId '1\\UOt!
,'e lion]
Acting; Hon Sec. (in Charge).
Ho» Surgeon.
F, L.
'IV. 11 . \"arl'lI1,
Florc. \\ t.t'clon.
~ -01
OftiC( 'l' L .. ' I' I-:' :tilt 1. Pri\illcs 1~. Total crrertinl J l. I !t·il! Illld 1\ \ l'I'nQ'L' attl' l1<1.IlIl' · 1~. 'ns' altLlIl1 d 1I0t Oil public duty .1Anllllal in 'pl'l'lioll, li.7.07. Tutal on J.aratl ~ \l!senL \\,1111 lLoa\l 7. I'Ilatel'ial: ::<I r tell ' 1'. sl'lillt~. "I'l~<;(l'tl ill • Tll l'th'lllll'tOIl olllmitte ,~ .. I. I\..\.. Diyision -UI'POl'tl'd hy public l'lIl1tl'ilnltllllls.
p. ,'. \\ hitt',
[Forlllcd .1900.]
Hon. Secretary (In charge).
Corpl. ' . .T.', ...\;hool Iloll c, Kislillglml'y.
OrHCCl'1. 'ol'poral 1. Priv.lte:; ·1. Total ell'ccli \'c 6. DlCl'eaSC sillce last I ppoll ·!. [)I'ills liclL11!J. A "cragc nt tCIlL1allCc ,1. Hellloyn1 1. Cases nllclI!lc(1 not Oil plIIJlic duly 37. Annual inspcction, G.7.07. Total 011 pal'nc1e5. A1i:'llt"ith Icavcl. Alllluallc-(·,\allliualioll,0.J.07. l cmbl'rs pas ell;;. l\lednlliolls 5. Scn'ic' 1 adgc-.; 3. Itegulalioll ullif'ol'm WOIll hy 1 corpol'Ll], tllIll-l mC11. Matcrial: slrelchCl', alll1 Yalise, vestcel ill ,(TOl'thalllploll 'outre 'OllllllitlCl·. . J.A.J\. Division SIIPllOl'tel1 by \'olllllla r,)' eonlribu tioll!'.
flo. III. Distrrict.
St. J ohn A ?nbulance B rigade.
F. W. Orrl,
J. Kirk , Milton Cro sillg, Blii> worth .I. orthull t .
[Fol'merl 29.11.01.]
Hon . Surgeon .
In charge .
Honol-ary Surgeon .
'IV. H. Ryan,
[Formed 6.SS.]
Hon . Treasurer (in C harge, 26 .10.07).
1st Clas5 Sergt. W. Lloyd, Over eal, Ahby-de-la-Zouc 'h.
Hon .
Act ing Inspector of Stol-e s.
Hon . Secretary.
R. Widdows.
G. C. Gardner, 1, Railway Cottages, hoade, N orthau ts. Hon . Treasurer.
Officer 1. Privates 32. Total efrective 33. Drills held 26. Average attenuance 22. Ca es attem1eu uot on puulic duty 15. Annual iuspection, 6.7.07 . Total Oil parade:.!. ALnieut wiLh letl,-e 5. AlIllual re-examiua tion, 5.4. 07. Men! bel'S pa ~ed 32. l'llel1allioll I. .JIatcl'ial: stretcher, spliuts, vested in 'orthamliton Ceune COUllllittec, ' .J.A.A. Di\'iion supported by l'ublic coutnbntion . (NORTHAMPTON CORPS ) STOKE BRUERNE DIVISION. LForllled 20.;'.97.J R OO:l!,
Bri"a Ie
ur~e()ll Lt. 'o!. v.1>., :lLlJ., J.P .
Supt . and Hon . Sec.
Scrgt. J. L. l\I)uuld (:.!3.3.0 .)
Hon . Treasu rer.
G. E. E::tdy (26.3.0 ). Officers 2. ergeants 2. Corporall. Pri\'ate 14. Total cifectire 19. D ecrease since last report 4. Drills beld 25. A \'erage attelJllalH.:e 13. Itt.;llllJyal. 10. An1lual iu 'pcetlOn, 6.7.07. Total on Cases attended not on J..lublic duty ] 30. parade 19. Medallions 18. eryice badges 6. Kursin a certificate:- 17. He!lulatiul1 uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, aud ]:3 men. )laterial: A.' hfor~ litter, ~ stretchers, 6 first aid uags and uoxe , ail' bed, air pillow, canyillg chalr, carrylllg sheet, 2 bed rests, water]Jroof Sllcct, a large stoek of !>l,lillt " bandages, and dressmgs, vested in Diyisiollal COllllllittee. Di,-i:"ioll SllPPol'tc(l by members' and public contribution '. OUNDLE DIVISION (NORTHAMPTON SHIRE ). HEAD-QUAltTElt :
Honorary Surgeon .
C. N. Elliott,
Rnghy. Acting Inspector of Sto res.
lII. B.
[Funned:2.~. ~ .]
' TAIWX, Ot-KliLE.
J. Thnr ton .
;31, Amolu 't., Rughy.
Inspector of Stores
,\V. T. Knight, ] 4, High Street, Oluey.
,\Y. J. Par,,;ol1 , :::2.7, Cliftou Road,
C. Dukes,
Hon. S ecretary.
J. Jonc"
Honorary Treasurer. ~r..A" J. P. (Hon. ~l ell1,)
T. 13. Eden,
Officcrs 2. \ ergennt 1. Cl)rpol'als 2. Priyate ~5, Total effective 30. Ca~es Declca e ~illce In·t report 2. Drill 11 lcl 5~. Ayerage atrenu<tllce 15. at ended on puhlic dnty 30. Removals 11. ea e attellded not 011 public duty 1 -3. Annual in p'ction, ~ .9.0/. Total Oil parade ~6. Abent with leaye 4. Annnal re-examination,20.9.01. Memb!']'s pa ',ed 2D. Iedalliou 23. en-i.ce badge 17. NUl' illg certilicates 17. Hegnlation uniform wom by 1 Officer, 1 ergeant, 2 corporals, and 25 lllcn. :Jlatcrial: A hf'ord litter, 6 ,tretchel' , large fitt cl ntH'ing hamper, fltt\:'d mellical che, t, 5 surgical hane ac , 16 water hottle, -± blanket, waterproof, heet, carrying sheet, and ho pital tent fitteJ cOlllplettly, 2 banclaae rolling machine'>, 2 spare. ets of ,plints, "e,teJ in Diyisional COllllllittt'e. Din ion sllpportecl lly memlwl" suhscriptioll and public contribution. The.' up 'rin tenclent n.nd 1!3 rnnk nnd file attended the annual Di;;trict Camp held in ,'toneleigh Park during 'Whit week . SMETHWICK DIVISION (WARWICKSHIRE ).
Sup erintendent.
R. Kniglt t, K onh 'tl'eet, Olludle.
1st Officer, Hon . Sec. and Inspector of Stores.
Ho norary Treasurer.
J. Hayes, North Strett, OunJle.
E. M. Han-ey.
Officers 3. Sergeauts 2. Privates 17. Tolal effeeti \'e 22. Cases attenJed 011 lJuulic Juty 3. Removals 6. AUllual , D rill~ held 14. lllspectlOu, 28 .9. 07. Total on parade 12. Au out with leaye 7. '\Vlthoulleal' e 3. Meuallions 14. Nursing certificates. 13, Re~ul ati.on Ullifollll "om by 3 OiIicers, 2 sergeants, and 17 men. Matena~: wbeele~l hUer, 4 tletcller5, 2 hamper, 2 water-bottles, bell tent, etc., vested 11l COlUl1llttee of Centre, ,.J.A.h. Divi:;ion supported by voluntary contributiolls.
Hon Surgeon,
Hon. Surgeon.
F. J. Griudon, )LIt.C.S .
OLNEY DIVISION (BUCKINGHAMSHIRE' . [Formed 1 4, lte-forllled 22.5,02.] :
J. Coles.
mcers 2, 'crgcant 1. Corporal l. Pri vutes 14. Total effrcti ve 1 Re er~e membcrs 2. Decrease sincc 10 t report 4. Drills held 5l. Average attendance 10. Hemovals 16. Cascs attended not on pn blic u nty ~] 3. Ann ual inspection, 2-1. .07. Total ou parade ] 6. Ahsent with 1pa\'e 2. Aunual re-examinatiou,2 ,9.07. MeTIlu('rs pa . d ]5. Did not appeal' 2. ledallion 1:3. 'f'n-ice badges 7. ursing certificates 11. Regulation uniform WOJ'll hy 1 OtliC!'1', 1 el'gcallt, 1 corporal, and 14 nle1). Material: 9 stretchers, 4 medical hane acs, 2 ambulance hampers, 6 dozcn trio bandages, 4 sets splints, roller hancla oe marhine, set charts, 1 large water bottlcs, 6 army rugs, bell almy tent, urigade flag and taff, lal'ge store' box, ,'csted in Di viional Committee. Di yi ion supported by mem hers' anrl yoluntary contributiolls
[.No report recei\'eu].
Inspector of Sto res,
C. Kattel'll .
Secr ~tary.
T. Johu 011 (:31.:3.0 ), Ovcr, eal, Abl)y-de la-Zl)u ch.
[Formel1 l.4.05.J
Honorary Su rgeon.
1. Pitt, Superintendent.
W. Hall, 71, Dibble Roau, meth wielc Acting Inspector of Stores .
J. Willinllls.
I. D.
Acting Hon . Secretary.
ergt. A. Jall1t' , RoUe "'(['eet, metlnyick. Hon . Treasu rer,
Ald ernHl.n J. 'I\"hyIl\Rn (llon. Mem.)
el'geants 2. Corporal 1. Pri,'ate 3D. Total eO'ective H Officers 2. Decrease since la t report 13. Drills held 20. ,Aycrnge attendance 16. Onses
attellcled on public duty 2:3. Cases attended n0t 011 public duty 027. Annual inspection, 29.9.07. Total Oll paralle ~O. Absent with leave 13. 'Withont leave 11. Annnalre-exumination,29.9.07 . Members pu' ed 21. Diclnotappeal':22. Ueclallions 2:2. Kl1l':sillg certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 Officer, 2 ergeaut, 1 corporaL and 16 men. ~Iateriul: stretchcr, 113.vre fiC , first aid chests, etc., vested in Did 'ionul Ccntre. Division supported by pn blic con tribu tiOllS. The Di"i ion Wll repre ented at the camp of No . 3 District held at ,'tonelei,rh Park by 1 ergeunt aucI 9 prinlte . (:)
Hon. S urgeon.
E. y, Gosding'.
[Formed 29 . 10,06.J
S uperi nte nd ent a n d Hon. S ec.
T. A. Harwood, Battisfortl lIal], .I. T eedhan :Jlkt.
)f. B.
Inspector of S tores .
Hon. T reasu r er.
'ergt. 'Yo ~lulle.r.
:JIr. G. J. Gostling (lIOll . :JIellll,el').
Officers 2. ,er[!ennt1. Privatc. 14. Totalcffective17. Drills held 21. Anrage nttenclance 11. Case.' attenlIecl on puhlic duty G. Cases attended not on public duty 9. 1\.n11l1al inspectiun, 1:3.7.07. Tutal on pam(le 10. Ab~ent with leave:2. ,Vithont lea\'e:2. Annu.ll re-exnmin •• tioll, :25.6.07. ~IClJlI"IS pa ed 16. ~l~dalljons 3. Regulation uniform '\'ol'n hy 1 officer, 1 ser~'ea11t, and 6 men. :Jlatenal: ::;tre~cher,. ~~dicnl hiaYre,;~c anel nl~l~l~lnnce clll'lJU<1rel, :->1'1 ill t, Im!l bandage, etc" yestecl III DIn JOllnl COlllllllttee. Dl\')SlOl1 .. ul'Ported by lllcluher:-;' sub 'cl'iptioll nnd public donation . .
HCAD·Q\:.\ UTEl:,,: TECH:c\'ICAL • l'llOOL ,
Hon. S urgeon and S uperintendent. )1. n.) Payton II ')u:se,
A. Thol11 s on,
Hon. S ecre t ary. ~O, Bl'oad ,'trect. 'tratfonl-ou-.ll. yon,
G. H. Burges',
, 'tratt'old·ou-Al'olJ. Inspector of S tores.
Hon. Treasurer. ~Ir.
. GibL .
J. ;' tCYenson (liOll.
[Fol'mecl4 . U.OJ .J
LO.·(;FOHD Gn.L'GE, COYEc·TIty. C hief S urgeon.
J . O. Orton, C hief S uperin t enden t .
Hev. "\\T. Dore Rllt1garrl, ~1.A., Longf'ol'tl Grauge, Uo\·entry.
, ergt. O. Lallllll, 7, Priory ,'trect, Covenlry.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
L. , Ilakesl,c:tre .
Acting Hon. Treasure r .
Corp1. W. T.
0I1il:CI'1. :)el'gcant 1. Corporal 1. Pri"atcs 16. Total elfective 19. Illcrease SiUlC last report 3. Drills held 50. AYcrage atLendance 9. Cases attt'llllell 011 pnblic duty 1. Cilse: attcnl!etl not on .l'l1blic duty 2T~' .ll.llllUal ill'l'ct'tillll Ill·ld .\.ugtlst. T otal 011 l'a~·adt!.10. Ah"e~lt \\'lLh lcavc 2. ,\ Ithon~ lea . .:e 7. ~l ellll)l't',.; Fl' I I I allllual re-CXal1J11IIltlO11 10. Did not appeal' . ~lellall!~ns 2. R\'~lllatinll unifurm \\'0111 hy 1 I:'t'gl'illlt, 1 corjloral, aULl 1. men. Matonal: 2 strekher s :.! lIll'dical a(; ..• 2 lar~I' \\:lter lJOttle , extra sp1lllt , etc., 3 handbags ~1111 <:(llIt~llt fut' font\) tll (lnty, ClC., Yc.tell in Di"isionul Committee. Division 1I['l'fll·tt',l hr IllPlIlhet' .. ,.qu:rriptioll· alld \'C,lulltal'Y COJ1trihntion·. (WA RWICKS HIRE NORTH -EA ST CORP S COV E NTRY CO -OPERATIVE DIVISION . [Forllic 1 :W . . 01.J l[1~A[)-(1t:\I:11I's: ""I·Sf OItLlL\.I:lIAsEmJL1:' UOO:lIS. Honol ary Surgeon
It. Hil' e,
1st Officer, Hon. Sec .. and Inspector of Stores.
J. \Y. ("ttllll, (01111,tUII Hon 'e, Folc"hill Roatl, Coyentry.
oII iceI'. :!. Lr.~ .. ,lllt 1. '01'1' ,ml 1. Pri"atc:-) 17. Total cfl'ectiYe 21. Incr :1'1.': "iIlCC II lL'port:2. Drills held 4tJ. Anrage attcudauce 15 .. Ca es attende,l III l'llLlic dnty 1:5.). Hell1 o '", J,; 1,. C,l::.e. atteulh 1 llOt on. pnLhc Lluty fl. .\.lIl1na1 ill'pe<:ti<JlI, 17 . . 07. Tpt, 1 011 l'anuh' £1. Alhrnt 'nth 9. Witb'Hl lea'" ;;. .\.ullllal ll·e:allIillntiol1, 2.-,.li.07. .Jlcml'cr pn '~c,l 11. DH11l0t ill'l'e,ll' fl. .Jll'd,tllilills ~). .·l\l.,ill~ cl1'ti~<:atc 1. t glllatio~l nnir~rlll worn by 1 C' ~ ,lilt . 1 COl'l'l)ral, all,1 1:3 III ell . '\l.ttcl'l~l: ~ :;b:etcher:s: sl'llnts~ tna~lql~ n.nd roller 1.l.lIHI,I~e .... bU'gl' l,a~, I1l1l1 -1 It,11ll1-l1:1~-;, wuh apphances, \,c;·tCll 11\ DIYlSlOnG.l Com· l11itteL'. 'lJi\'i,iO l1 :nj'l'0l tcd lJj' ll1elllber~' ub"criptiow' and donation'. Ei~ht ll1en a tell 1"rl ("'1111'. WARWI C K S HIR E N OR T H -EAS T CORPS ) FOLESHILL AND LON GF ORD DI V I S ION. [Folloed ~5.3.0:~.)
HonoJ'ary Surgeon.
11. U. Wd,stel'. In Charge.
1 t CI1~s ,\·L,t. _\. . G. 'Wilki1J~, j;et!II'(lJ'lh Ho;td, LOl1~flJl'll, L LJ\'Clltry.
S u pt. Treasure r .
Col. Wyley, v.]) .
(Six A1nb16~(mce 'pi~isions).-:O[ficers 11 . ,elgeallts 9. Corporals 8. Pl'ivates 107. (One NW'smg Lhv~s/OJt). -Officel's 2. Nlll' in,f.{ sisters 15. ToLal effective 152.
I. It. ' .S.
Hono,'ary Secretary.
St'rgt. J. DaYenl'ol't, L()]tgfonl Grange, Co\'entry.
Inspector of S tores.
'~L'rgt. \\'. 11 . . L'l'IItlJll. HEAD-Q1J.UlrEHS:
' .S .
Ottice:' 1. ,'ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Priyates 28. Total ell'ectiyc 33. I ncrease Sll1ce h~st report, H. Drill ' l1Cld 1'. Average attelldance U. Ca e ~ttende.d 011 Jm~hc (lucy 1. Cil 'e!; at.tcllded 1I0t 011 Illlblic dnty 10. .Alluual ll:spectlo~) ~.1.01. Total Oil parade 10. Absent with lea,ye 5. AUllUnll'e.cxamillll. hon, 10.1.01. ~lelllbel' pas ed Dill not ,tl1l'car 7. :Jlctlallion1. :JInterial: stretcher, hane 'ac, watel' LottIe, ye ted in Di vi!;ional Com Illi ttce. Di \"ision snpported by public: coutribution .. WARWICKSH I RE NORTH-EAST CORPS.
,I. n.
Hon. S ecretary (in charge).
Honorary S urgeon.
E. II. l\.cwlenll11t', ~l.
iVa. I II. Di,'ll'ict.
t. J ohn A mbldc~nce Brigade.
Hono,'ary Treasurer.
,r. \Yillhy (llou.
OlI1(;Cl' 1. •'t r~L. Ills 3. Cor I'"!'.l 1 2. l'ri"ate 20. Total elrl;)ctiYe ~6. In Cl'c a!;c 'l 11<'e b t n:p(Jl't~ . DrilL he111 iJ:.!. A"eragc attendancc 13. ea L' attl'lIdcll all puhlic lJuty z:3. HelllO\·aJ:.. 1. Ca. L' ilttl'llllCll HOt 011 puhlic dury 150. AlIllual imq,cdiull, 17. '.07. ToLd all 1';11';1(le :22. Ah:",cnt with 1c<1"e. 4. AllJ1u~1 re.t'xamillatioll, 7.U.07. ~ll·1l1I'L'I'''l'a ..· ul ~;j . :Jlec1ltlltoll 1. "l'lVlce hadge' 10. l:eglllatiull ulliform \\'01'11 hy 1 Olticer, 3 erge,lnts,:2 Jlll'sillg certificate.' ~:2. COIII01'l1Is, alld 20 men. i.lnteritt1: hospital tcnt. li t!:l1l., 0 ground shcets: 100 ulallket, 1 <;nrgica1 llanCSaC'l, 1 \later llottlcs, horse al111mlttllce, "·.heele.ll.l:tlcl" 4 .tr(;tcliers al1d rugs, Lo\\, 111001' jackt<t, ~plillt ., bandages, ctc., \' III D.1Vl ~ona1 COlllluiLtce. Dil'isiull slll'porteol hy melllher,,' uh ·cril'tiOtl· aml vuliltc cOlltnbu51On . Nix men lin\" j"in'd tht- H.~· ..\.,'.D.l: . ..,ince Inst report, mnklng' [\. total of 10 men
St. J ohn A 1nbnlCl/nce B ?'igade.
No . III. Dish·iet .
enrolled . Seven men haye been to Plymouth for seyen days' traiuing ill hospital. A. team competed for the j\- orth-East , Yarwickshire Corp 'up, and were Sllcce~:-.fLll. Mo t of the men attended camp at ,_ tone;leigh Park.
Offtccrs 2. Sergeants 2. Corporal1. hilates 11. Total r-ffcctiv(: 19. Dccrt-ase since last r('pol't 5. Dlills 1Ir:],1 3]. Averi:lge attendance 10. Cases atleudecl on llul)lic duty 58. Hl'IJ101'al~ G. Ca~es alteurled not 011 pul)lie duly (J2. Anunal in'>jJection, 17 . . 07. Tolal 011 pararJ(· I1. Absr:IJt "ith lr-al'e 2. Without leave 6. Anllual rc-examinalion, ~0.6.07. }IeTllIJer:; pas. crIB. Did llOt al'pe<.Lr 5. )[eelallions 15. ervicc l)a(lges 28 . RlgulatiulllluifOlTll WOI'II IIY 1 Jfliccr, 2,.,crgl:'ants, 1 corporal, aud 20 l.llCIl . .JIatel'ial: -:1;;hfol'llliltcr, 4 sLl'r'Lchers, lHtlJlP('I', IJell tellt, large CUI,IJ01Ud, ~p11l1ts, uawlages, (hagraJII'3! bllill }.;cts, ,,:at('l"}ll'oof :;!Jr:uts, 1)01\ L 1 llIcdic:d dre'isillgs, ambulance II0X, 1011'111001' Jacket, 3 lIlerIlcal huvl'Psacs. flag, water l)ottle~, vcstcll in Divisional COllllJlitlee. Division SllPPOl ttd uj' fu()tballl:lubs aud public COlllriuutiollS.
Hon . Surgeon a nd Act ing S u pt.
Hon. S ec r e t ar y.
J. F. H. EllertoD, ~J.D., Leanlil'gton.
G. F. G\\'atkill (] .,1.11.0;).
Inspector of Stores.
Ho n . Treas urer
' V. Bartlett (U.] 1. 0;).
W. IIllllt t14.11 O;l.
Officer 1. Sergpan t 1. Corporal 2. PI i "ate 15. Total rfli'l·ti I'e 1!l. Decrea e since ~a t J'rpon. 3. Drilb hclrl 1!1. A"el'age attrlltian('c (j. 'a~ps ~ttende.d on pUl'~IC duty 43. Ca es uttend,-r) lIot ()ll puldic dllty 15. .\11111111 lll-pectlOll, 19 . . Or. Total on paralIc 13. Alellt with leaye 4. \\' ithollt Iran. ~. .Annlla~ re-examination,. 15.6'.0/. }[enJ1)C'r l'a . ('11 15. Di,l lInt aplH'ar !:l. .JIedal!lOns 12. RegulatIOn. umform 'YOI'll I,y 1 s('rgeant, 2 c()rporal.·, alld ] fj Ill! 11. i> 2 stret?hers, sur~,~a.l hanes(1c anll ,,'alo' hottl p, splillts. lIa~, "P. l{ll 111 Dlns~ona~ CommIttee. DIVISIon snpportell loy 1111'ml)e r ' stlh C'J'il'til)lI . allrl plll>lir~ contnbuhons. One sergeant and 5 printes attenderl the camp of in trllctiOlJ a 't(Jl1l'!t'i~h 111 .June.
[Forlmd 9.8
C hie f S urgcon (Acting).
Di"trict Chir f
W. 8. Aur1laJl(I,
:.1. R.C.S .
S uperintenden t Treasurer.
C hief S upe r in t endent .
T. E.
T. H. Hiltun, 'olllclvillp, Wdlingborollgh.
Ull dty.
S uperintendent of S tores.
C. ~ -iCllfJb(J11.
(Tw Am&ul(lllcc Dit:isiolls ).-OfTicer. 'L1. ;'er"e< Ilt:; 12. COl'},nlab iJ. l'ril·"V'. 1':::5 . (FOil,. .;.Y" rsill 'j Dicisi'Jlts).-Ollic(·l. 7. ~ -Il\'~illg si~tPl" 60. T ota l ctft,,·ti 'e 'L~IO.
1. !1. J
Ill'J:r II • I J:Er, 'YELLL·rJDOl!Ol'G II.
Ho n o rary S urgeon.
F. C. TorlJitt,
f." A.
Honorary Surgeons .
Super int e nd e nt.
Hon. S ecretary.
A. K igbtingale, 3, Glcl)e Road l\ullcaton. '
T. B. '\rOo(lr-n('k, 7U, .Allbi'\ , t • -ull('a tnll.
Inspector o f St o r es.
Hon. Treasurer.
COll'1. W. J. Cla1,ton.
('uq,l. \\'. Loc·k,
. Officers 2. ..ergeant 1. Prinlte.. ~5. To al f'ifectn',' ~:I. Decrease Slll(,~ last rep.~nt 2, Drill" held :~5. A \'crage attcndnlJcc 11. ( 'n, '. attended. on pU~Jhc d~lty ~.? Removal:; 13. Oa e::. attpllrled lJr)t ()ll public rlllt)' 61. AUIJual lllspectlOll, 1 ( . . 01. Total on IJnra,Ie 17. AJ)"f~llt with lea,'c 9. '\\'ithout leave 3. Annual rc-e~amillatiolJ, }:i.:'.OI. Jl olllb('r I,a". pc] 12. Fuil , Ii 3. Did not al' 3 . . )Ie:dalllOIlS 1. L'ur<;ing cel·tifirate l. R.egnlalioll l'lIir0J'TJI 11'0111 loy 1 Om,?el,. 1 s r rge3JJt,.1 cOl'poral, and 1 m en, and badg(':, wr)l'll loy 7 1Ilf'1!. MateIlal . '\\ hpeled lItt(-r, 6 , ll'ctt'heb, 2 3nt1)lllalJf'C lJaJlljl('!';', :t Il1rdi" 1 ha,-resacs, 2 amhulance hoxes, waterproof ,heets, wutrJ" brlttles. r;\'1Jtch(~, blnlllwt:, r~~s, etc., ~~:~e stor~ .. of ~1l 11 ere" .al)'. al'lJliall('e~, yp,tr d ill the L,.·. W. Thilll'dY Co. ~nd ] )l\.lslcl~al COllllJ11 ttee. IJln"JOn snpllOliHl hy III Ptll 1) (' 1:" snb,"ril,tillll, aJl(l pJl)hc contnJ)utIons. Four mE:mbE:rs ha\'e enrollf'cl ill thE: R X. A ... 13 R.
E. Pearock, Superintendent.
Inspe c tor of Stores .
CorpI. C. Bartlett.
\\'. ( III k, \Lll.
Ihu:.Jti Ch ell, WcllillglJorf)ngh .
Ulliccr. 1. "Cl 'uallt. 3. Corporal 1. I'ri\'at e~ 21. Total (]lleC ive 29. _ DeCJe,bl' iUCl 11 t I 'poll iJ. Dlill. 1 t:!d :n. A\'(!Ja':p all l1,dall C~ ~7.:. ~~, 1lI0Yal'. 11. C e~ atl 1I11N1 not ()11 l'ulJlic f1nt)' 32::i. .\.l\lIual 11l.l'cc tlOll, 21.1,0(, Total un plfa.ue :!ii. .AI). "Ilt withont 1 lye 1. l\Il11Ualle-eXUllIillatioll, 10.~l.O{. ~[~ln1J.c· I" }la~!! '1120. faile(I 1. Dir11lut uPIJe;ll 5. ~l e(InllifJll ~O. ,en'icu b d(, _~ 10 . • nr.'1I1g 'LO. It ·gulutioll 1l1lilUl III 1\'011l],Y 1 (Iflic 1 .:3 CJ gP~lllt, .• 1 COI'pOI, 1, an<l21m 'II.·l'ial: l11J1' C a TIl 1m I1111 ('C', ~ wbeel >(Ilitt·r, 3 chou, :t.1 ~tr telleJ, 14 1lI.dical bane .le,. 40 ·.nlll'l·-It'Jt I ,3 I'll, 10 ~et I)f ,l'lillb, UlHIlmge re .t'n:e stOI'_ of glll ralll c .~. 111 il!'>. YC tefl ill 'or ps' UUicer. Diyi .iOll UppOI tuI Ly publtc (;011 t1iLuliul . . 'ixtl:I·1l llIen Ua . 'II the R.~ .. \., .B,l{. 'xallllllntivn. lJllrillf1 d.,e ln ollt ~1 of .\.u.;u t l;i of till::>" U1 ' ll \\' ' Ilt hruu~h the III 11-"f-\\,<I1' ('oUI"e uf IU'tllll.'tlVIl. Ill't. C.• "'ich lsut1 J >cl!i\'I,rj the 't \·i(·c ;,leclal ;It ::'1:1111 oroll~b H ou..;e on ... tll .J uly. ::'1,) t of the lJil'i iUll tlttenclcd the CHWP vf ill. t111 cdoll. h,·lrlll ,\VhihlllltirL, in ,'t()ll'lpi~h Palko
. . - r;_-EATrJ_'. Honora ry S urge o n.
E. 'cluy,
\1 1!.1 ....
Hon S ecretary
'ergt. G. lIall, 13, \\'illillgtolJ .'tn:et, N1lnc;ltolJ. Ho n o rary Treasu r er.
H. Alcock.
W. J. ,\'at Ut1, )[. U.
S upcrln t enden t (acting).
HE\D Q{;AJ:JI , J •. :
Ho n o rary S urgeon.
A . .T. E. Handle, Klllltsford House, Edward Street, ~uneatoll.
If. IIulli , ,'1.11.
:'1. Jt.C:. '.
[folllled 3.1:U~6·1
'YU. LI. (.J,;(,I~I)tr,IL
Hon S ec. an d T reas.
A. ItolJert, ,\\'olla.,tull !tuad, Buz 11 r. '\\' ell ill "IJUl'uU ,h.
om, cr 1. 'ergc<llIt 1. l'li"utl's ". To n.1 l'lleclil'e 10. Rt::ien'c llIelllUars~. Dt::crca. e .. ilJe· Itt t I 'IJI)rt 2. Dnll belel :.W. An.rage (It~c n dance 5. llelllol'als 3. Cascs altelJ(lctI lIot ull pnblic llnty 56. .\llllnal III jlectllJlI,
St. J ohn .Ambulance BTigCide.
~7. 7:07..
T.otal.on para~le 5. All cnt with leave 1. 'Without leave 4. Annual 22.10.0(. Member paRsecl6. Ditlnotappear3 . 'el'Yiceh~1I1rres6 N Ul lDg c.erbficates 6. Heg1l1ation uniform ,,"om by 1 sel'geantand men. :\rat~r'hl'. ~vh1~1~.d.11tter:3 trE'.tcber, 2.' e.t. plints:2 medical havresac , 6 water bottle. ,ye:;t'ecl 111 IU 101lal Oomnllttee. DIn Ion llpported l)y public contributiOl1s. 1~- eX~nllnatl?n,
Hon . Surge on an d Treas urer.
I\' . W . Hobh, [Formed [j.5.D6.J
L.R.C . P.
Hono,-ary S urge o n. L. R. C.l'.
Ho n o ra r y S ecret ary.
Acting Ho n. Treasurer.
H . \Y. Cooper, Ohurch t., Fiuec1011. Offcp.l'1.
G. IV. Ohapman.
Pri"ate - 7. Tot::tl effective 8 [Xo report rceei\·ed.] .
HEAD-({L'"AnTE1: ' :
Ho n. Su r g eon.
J. CreW',
~I. D.
A. O. Groome, Ea t Lee, IIigham Ferrel'
1st Office,' and Acting Hon. S ec.
Acting Ins pect or of St ores .
H. R. Patenull, Higha:ll Ferrer~.
'ergt. A. Church.
Office.r 3.. ergeant 1. Oorporal1. PriYUtes 2. Total eflecLiYC °3 Ca ~~r~' mce 1a:;t report 1: Drill !lelc1 32. ..A "en~ge atte\1l]a~ce 16, RC~1l~va1' 3. ttendell110t on pubhc duty 200. Annual III pection ')7 7 07 Ttl para J e 27. Alr 'ellt \\-ith leave f) ""tl I ' 0 a Oll 17 9 0- :'II 1" . '.N. J lOut eaye 4. Annual re-examination ~ etn)elS pa 'eJ 2. Dllinotappear 4. -ur iner ' t'n t 1- 1.1 l' hOll uniform worn 1)\, ') 1 . . . ~ I:> ~el I Ica es v. n.egn awheded ftt . l J J ~ cel. ,elg~allt , 1 corporal, and 20 men. 21Iatelial· in Divi"i 1 el, ell ~ellt, stre~cl.le.r"·, lllechGJ.l , anel other equipment, YC ed E' ht onal Conlllllttee. DIY I Ion supported by voluntary contrilJutiollS 19 een 0 f the members atteudecl the Di "trict C,lmp at. 'toneleigh Parl~: N
•• c.
• • •
om '.
In s pector of Stores.
J. W. Pal"lJ ery,
T. ,'a\\'ford.
Hon. T,-easu,-er.
Hon. S ecretary.
A. Cux.
D. illoni.·, ~2, ~,"\Yiek noa!!, cllillgborongh.
Oflleer,.. 2. ·crgcant. 2. orpornL 2. Pri,-ate 3·1. T otal eO'ectiYe 40. Dri I: hel(] 37. A\'cl'age atten(1allc(! 17. HOlllOyul ' 1:3. ('[,se a.ttended not Oil puhlic (luty 21. AllIl\wl illSpcctioll, '1./.1.07. Total on parade :24. Ab:;ent "'ith lea\' 16. Al1nnal rc-cxumiuation, £1.07. :\lemhrls pas. cd ~'-. Did not appeal' 11. Mc«lallioll" 30. ncgullltio1l ullirortll \Yom lly :2 Otliccrs, 2 _ergcant , 2 corporal, and 2.1 IIlCll. Material: whcek(] littel', 4 stretchp.r-:, 6 .ct. splinL, balluagc, &c., Y. ted ill ilIilllund hail way COlllpany. Di"i,.,ion. UP1,Ol'tell hy membcr ' snh-.crip iOIl. . ,- • 'I'll :\1. I. '0.'''. lher ), [eclal hnc; h ell n wurcled to 1)( "\Yn 1e for fir t aiel rendered in n "err . eriou:-i ca..;e of "eald1J1~ n the LOf'o "\\'or];:s. Two lHemhel-. attended the Di,:;tri ct \\111 P, nnel 1 ll1l'mlpl' dicl n wed;:\, ttnining- with the R _-.A.~.B.R nt Port. mouth.
IIE_\lJ-Qr_\ ItTFI.":
[Formell 2~.3.9G.]
IT _UT. .
Honorary Surgeon.
Hon. Treas urer.
J. J .• ·brivcs.
. Officcr 1. Pri,'ates 19. Total !:'ffective 20 I11e1'e[1. e smce last report 5 Drills 11 11 36 A . Cases attended lIOt on pu1Jlic uut 1~4c,. vera~e atte~dallce 13. Rel11o\'al· ~. parade 9. Absent with leav' Anll~al l11SpectlOll, 27.7.07. Total Oll MemlJers passed 6 Did l1~ta);\lt.houtleaye ( . . Aul1ualre-examillatiou, lS.9.07 . mell. ilIaterial: '~'heele(l litte/ 1 ~'l\~~;'e .?Iellalhons 10. Uniform \rom by 14. stretcher vested in D' '.' '1 0 .SeWS, 2 water bot.tles, 2 scts sl,liuts . IVlSlona Ollll1llttec . Divi .1011 . 'lubscriptions. sUPlJOrtec 1 by public'
r .
H. Frallcis, AlI",,.l Lane. ,Yellinrrl ol'ol1~b.
,I. n. (Aetill~)
Hon. S ecretary.
Su perintendent.
Honorary S urgeon
J. ,Yatsoll,
Honorary S urgeo n.
Irchester, 'Yellillghol'ough.
[Formed 1u97.]
Y. E. R Anlagh,
IIE.\D-Q1JAnTBl:' : ?lflllr \ -11 n _\J LW ,\y >.lATIn.',
S uperin t endent an d Ho n. Treasurer.
Officers 3. • ergeant 1. Corporn,l1. Privates 20. Totn,l etl'ectivc 25. Dpcrea "e. illcclastrcport5. Drill · heM17. Avcl'ageattcnuancc12. Removals 9. Case. attcIH1cd 110t on pulJlic duty cO. Anullal in.pcction, 27.7.07 . Total on para.Ic 10. A1Iscllt with leavc 13. ,\"ithout leave 2. Meml lcr po. i:;ed annual re-examinatiOl., 21. Rpgn1ation u1liforl1l worn hy 20liie'ers, 1 !;el'''eant, 1 corporal, and 113 mell. Divi 'ion supported hy public cOlltrilJl1tioll . .
:E. E. E<lt1y, Manton Road, Irlhlillgborough. (Bugler) A. Tholllpson, ~leeting L:-tnE', hthlillglJorough.
H. Burland,
S uperintendent.
Ho n. S ecretary
3rd Offi ce r .
III. Dist?'ict.
Hon. S ecretary.
"T. :\In. ·kCllZ1L.
"T. ;"a" 1'0]'(1 , Rm g tead, Thraptollc.
Hon Treasurer.
,I'. "''lwforJ.
Oflieers 2. • ergeant 1. Prinlte::> 15. Total ell'ceti\'e 1 (=30.£1.0/). D cc rca ' since la t rcport 2. Dt·ill .. helt! 1G. A\'crnge uttellllance 10. Relllo ynL 2. Case. n.ttcnr1ec1 not on pnh1ie duty 29. Annnal in "pectivn, 27.1.07. Total on para(lc 7. Ab cnt with le.\\'c6. Witllout lense 5. :Mcc1allioll. Kuring ccrtillcate. for mCIl -1. I cUnh1tioll uniform \yOlH by 1 OCticcr, 1 5el'i'eant, and 11 men. Material: \\'hecle(] litt~l', ·1 ~tl'etchel'.~ 3 hancsacs, 3 \\-atcr b~tlh!:;, allll bell tcnt, vestcd ill Divisional Oommiltec. Di\·isioll snppol'tccl by YOlulltarr contribution
. Baker,
[For med 1896 .]
Hon. Secretary.
\\'indall, 2 ,
Inspector of Stores .
C. Childs, Crabb ~treet , Ru hden .
ergt. A . Prigmore.
11100 1'
1st Nu r s ing Offi ce r.
Hon . S urgeon (Acting).
Super int e ndent.
11. E. .11:"; '\II',
R oad, Ru hden.
L. :-' .. \.
1\11'. J. '\T. Ashdo n- ne (H oll . l em ber).
~Iiss M.
llI',.,illg i ten; Hl. 'rotal cffective 21. Practices hclll 30. ,\ Hl'<tge attellllallce 16. Cases attclllied on llllUlic duty 10. Ca~cs aitelJ(lcll 1I0L 011 !lubEG (luly 100. Uases l,rivutely nursed 5. Allllual iu,;pectlO ll , :!H.7.07 . 'rotal Ull IHlratle Ii . ,ALent with lean: 4. AnDUall'e-exallliU:ltiolJ. 30. !J.07. nIl:!lllhers l"I~SCU 13. Dill not appeal' 7. :ill edallions 12 . ReCfulatioll unifonll \\(>111 hy 1 Officer a1)(1 9 11tH iug sislers. Material; bed, splints, all;! oall!lagcs, n:-;tc(l in EYlIoch. Lilllitcll. Diyisio11 supported Kyuoch, Ltd., amI lllel1Jl't' l' " ,llu..;.:ril'tioll':i.
1st Nu rsi n g Offi ce r a nd Lad y S ec.
Mis T. Graiuger, 01, Alston 'tl'eet, Birmingham,
L.B. I:. !'.
Ullict.:r~~. _'Ul'"ill~ ~i~tt.:r, ] I . Tutal effecti\'l) 19. ht.:ltl la. Cas"" attelldl:llllut Oil puulic duty 11. Annual in"pection, ~!).(j.Oi. Tuml un parade I'-I. .\.l",ellt with le.tH):2. ,Yitbout lunc 2. ~\.1l1lU1l reeXI111111Ultillll, 11. ·1.0 7. :JIClllbL!l's 1':\", (!(l ] '2. Faileu 1. Did not appear 5. 1.1edallivlls 1~. Heg-Illatioll lIuiflJl'lJl WOl'll uy 1 Ofticcr. 1.jaterial; bandage', ",plinh, tOUl'ui'lU 'b, etC .. Yt.:"tL!ll ill Di\'i iUllal CVl111JlittCL. DiYi~ion supportl:d uy wemuers' suI .scri ptiu)]".
. E. Baxter, M.n,c., . Hon . Sec. a nd In sp. of St ores.
Honorary T reasure r .
G. F . 1\utt, Queen
h'eet, Wolla ton, Wellingborongh,
ergt. J . A . Drage.
. Officer 1. ergeant l. Pl'i"atc 9. Total eO'ertiye ]] D em'ease Slllce last report oJ, D rill I II 4 A . . Ca. es attended not on public dutyS cIJ' attte:ldanc~ £!: ~el11oyal'!] 2. 1arade Ab t " 1 1 . unua III pec lOn, '2 ( .(.0/. Total on 1 , , . sen "It 1 ea,e 3, .A nnual re-examination <):- 9 O ~ ~I 1 pa ~ed 9. DId not appear 1. 1.J edallion 10 .' ~t "..em ~el s certIficates 4. Regulation uniform ,yom b r l ' 'cr CI nce IlC ge I G. ?\ Ul'':lJlg horse ambulance lan, A hford litter oJ, • .\,. ,eJbeal1~ and 9 men . lIIat nul: Sl)lints etc ,rested I'U D' .. I C' . st.lP.tchclS, 3 merheal hancRBc , hath cliair , ., IIlSIona Ol1l11llttee D'" 11 ' members' subscriptions . . tVl Ion. upportcc Iy the public and
113 lA'
. (.
A u ambulance wagon has beeu purchased.
[Forlllec.llO . l!J05.]
Hon . Su rgeon a nd Su p erinte n de nt.
9, Tettenhall R01.d, ,\Yolverhall1pton.
Hon . Sec . a nd Treas u r er.
[Formed 6.2.07.]
: L.\JI\\\OOIJ _\. :-sDIllLY R(lO~!,'.
Hon. S urgeon
\\'. I)ulloI,m,
[Forl11e(l 2.4.96.]
Honorary Surgeon .
11. Christophel'.
N. ,M ills .
1st Officer.
-1, .AsLon Lane , Aston.
Ac t in g La dy In specto r of Store s.
Lawrie, ] 7, Ueacull Hill, A
ll E.\]H1L,\HTE.],
G . Rir:hardsoll,
Act ing Lady S ec. and T reasurer.
Hon . T/·easurer.
Officers 2. Sergeants 2 . PrinLtes 2-1 . Total efrective ~ . Rcserve members 4, D ecrea e sinc(~ la t rcport 5. D rill hel(l 3 A veracre att cndance 20: Cases attended on public duty ]2. R cmovals 10. Casc's attel1d~ll not publIc duty T'1 26. Anl1nal insl1ection ' <)"'( " 0'" T 0tl 1 19. Ab on t ··tl l ... ~ . /, (. a on parace en ~H 1 eave 2. \\ .Ithou t leaye (, Anl1ualre·examination. 19. ] 2 . 06 anel l 9. 9 07 :M e~lbCls 11assed23 . D Id not appear 4. :Medallion 21. en'icebil<! crcs 14 -nr'i' cerbfi?ates 19. Reglllation nni form worn by 1 Ofl1cer 2 sercreallt au~l 2-1 ,ng en :Matel'l~l ; ":h.c~led litter, 9.stretchers, 3 sets sl;lint, 3 n-ater oottles, 81;a~re ac n1 c . Ie tedll1 DIVISIonal CommIttee. Divi ion supported hy voluntary contrihutio;l . "
Capt. H . H. C. Dc n t , ~r.n .. n.A.:\I.C. (6.4.0),
[Folll!ed16 . . OG .]
HOIl . Su/·g e on .
J.Y o. Il1. District.
t J ohn AmbnZullce Bl'igade.
Act in g Ins pec tor of St o r es
~orpl. W. Wilkes (4.1. 0 ) Corpl G IV It· 16, 'YIllenhall Hoad, Wolverhar'Jlpton. '. a CIS .
Officcrs 2. ,ergeant]. Corporals 3 p .' t 2:-" .. D ecrease since last re 10rt 4 D' . llva es J. lotal cflectn'c 3l. attended on public d Llt~ 9 'Case Illl~tllc1<l c.l 4 CT. A veragc ~ttcllclance 22 . Cases inspection 23 9 0-( '1' t l' ,S [1,1 en e not on puLhc duty 29 . Annual , . .• 0 a on parat e 24 A 1. t .I re -examination 12907 11 b . usen WIt 1 leavc 7. Annual 'f , ' " em ers pasQed 26 Did not 4 R I Ul1l orm worn by 2 Officers, 1 se)'geant~? " . 1 al~pea r . egu ution 4 stretchers, havresac and 3 wate l ' <J cOlpola s, .and ~2. .m en . Material: D ivision supported by ~embers' SUbsc~ip~~~~ls~s, vested In D IVIsIOnal Committee,
Hon . Surgeon.
J. F. 1l1' ,~~ 'ILk,
F. I:. ":->'!
~li "
[Formed 10.9-1.]
1st Nursing O fficer and Lady T r ea s u r e r .
L .•L liLtl/!:i\\'Ulth, 51, BoLton Lane, I ps\\'ich.
Lady Secretary. ~11 . IItulle, ~lch1rUIll, In:.ldL'lllwlIl Roall, Ip \\'ieh.
OIlJ(:l!l' .) _-Ill. illg ,i:-.tcl:, ~5. Totnl cffcdiYC 27. D~crcn.c ,i l11'l III t lljlLlt t Li. rractice lwlcl Hi, amI (j Corps lecture . AYcmg' altl'lIlhllCI.! ~). Ca~L attl.!llLh:llllll pul'lie duty 10. a 'e' attended not on ]lul,lie duty, ~l'\,L1·"l. ,Allllual ill l'cctioll, :30.9.07 . Total on parade 17. ...\.beut ,lith lea\'c li. 'Without lca"c '1. J.. llllualrc-extlminatioll, 0.5.07 . nIemuers pa ed 19. Failcll 1. Dilluut appcal' U. ~lellallioll' :26. Regubtion uniform worn by 1 ofliter awl 11 11 tlr~illg Olell. ~la te nul; I,amlagcs, l'lin ts, LClls, bedding, carrying chair, ctc., \'cstL'll ill Ip!:i \l' ieh Centre '.J . .A._l. Di"itiion supported by members' u hcri pt ion,~. There was (l. clJ1npetiriun III ;'lnl'ch fur ,t !In:r 1'0 c·bowl kindly gi\'t~n by the Hon. Ul'geull. TIll;! m"c-1JuI\'l ":l", II un I)) ::'l!s::. Le 'ller" team, amI a 'ccolld prize, kll1uly gnul I,), ~li,., Cuulcbcr. " 'a,, wull h) ~h. 'S Hucking'::. team. KETTERING CORPS
l Forllll!ll
Hll \~ COL~CIL
Ho n. Su rge on (Ac t ing).
L. W. DryltLllll, Lady Sup eri nt e nd e nt. 1111'S .
K H. L al1L, ;Corge 'trect, Kettcliug .
:\1.1:'0 . 8 .
1st Nu r Sing Officer , Lady S ec , and Trea sllre r .
Miss ) 1. J . Clark, 20, Gold Kettering.
1{o. 111. Di, {rid .
t. J ohn A7nbnlance Brigade.
2nd Nursing Officer.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Mr . M. Farmer.
TIL Lane, George'tl·eet.
Officers 4. N11l'siug sister 37 , T otal efl'ective ·n. Increase since last report 3. Practice held 19. AYe~'age attelloance 19, . Cu.'es attended on public duty 23 . Oases attended not OD publJc duty 30. ea ~s pnvately nursed 3. Annual inspection, 13.7.07. Total on parade U. Ab ent "'ltll lea\'~ 6_ ,Yithout Jean 2l. Annual re-examination, 9.5.07. :r.lemucl' pa sed 13. Failed 4. Did not appeal' 23 . MeJ~lliOl?s 3~. ervi.ce badge 13. Regul~tioll uuiforlll " om by 3 Officers and 18 nursmg sister. 1\~a~enal: llH1Cklllt.0 h sheetlllg, bed rests, bed cradles hot-water bottle, broDcllltl kettle, phllt, bandages, etc., ve ted in 'Divisional Oommittee. .DiYision supported by members' ionbscription . (LEICESTER CORPS ) LEICESTER NURSING DIVISION.
[Formed 1
Hon . Surgeon .
Lady Superin tendent.
Mr'. A.
L ady Sec retary.
Amos, Ferndale, Tenmmt St., Attleborough , ~llneaton.
Lady Inspec tor of Stores.
Mis::> 1\1, B. ;\Ii Il::l, Colon, N'unenton.
1 1':;.
E. Neath.
Lady Treasurer.
MiRS A. Clifton.
Officer~ 2. N'ursing ·istcr,.; 1;;. Total effecti"e 17. Pl':wtices held 7. A \' nttendunce 1:3. 'ase attended on pulJlic duty 1. Ca. es attem1e(1 not 011 public duty 3. Material: cllpl)oanl, l.andages, lint, sheet.',l)lankeb, vel:ited in Di \ lSlUllal Committee. 1>i vision ,,;uplJorted I)y lllemlJers' sulJs(·riptions.
HEAD-QUATITER,: OLD TLm-~ HALL, L EICESTER. Lady Superintendent .
Honorary Surgeon .
R. Harrison,
?lIis M. Koble, 9, Hobart
B .A"
treet, Leicester.
2nd NUI's ing Officer, Lady Sec . and T reas u,·er.
1st Nursing Officer
:Mis 1\1. E. }ll1sson.
Hon . Surgeon (Acting).
Mis A . A. Pollard, Kuightoll Park Rd .. Leice:-,ter. Lady Inspector o f Stores . lIliss J. }c . A.~her.
3rd Nursing Officer.
Mrs. M. E. Adcock.
Officers ii. KUl'~ingi tel'. 20. Total efJ'ectiYe 34. Decrease since hst report 3. Pradice helll 1G. A"erage uttentlallct' ~0. ('a.e attcnded on public duty 25 . Oa es attellllellnot on l'ul)lic duty 15. Casp priyarel.r nursed 7. Alinual inspection, 7.9,07. Total on parade 27. Ab. cnt "ith le3Yo 7. Annual re-examination, 7 & 16.2.07. l\lem ber:- pa~ed J5 . Faile.l 1. Meclall iOll 32. Reo-ulation uniform ,rorn by 4 Officers ano 29 nlll'.,iug .i tel' '. Ma erial: bellstead, ba~dages, spliuts, etc. , vestecl in Di ,-i iOllal Comnli ttee. Di \'iioll .1lpp0l'tc.l by members' sl:b,criptiou '. . . . . . . . On the occaSlOn of the TISlt of the Bntl::.h A:;;,;;oclatlOn to LelCt; ' ter HI I>l~tcrs wero on duty. At the Flower ho'l\', held at the A1Jhey Park. eight sister,., attemlcd. On the second day, owing to the collap~e of a temporary lanuil1!j'l:ita~e. a llUlul'cr ()f people 'I\'ere thrown into the riYer. eyen \\'omen, ' ufferin'" from ::;l1uc1.::, were taken to the tent and treated,
W. J . ""uLon. L ad y Su peri ntendent. )Ii~s A. ,'lJlith,
Ollicer. 3. Knrsing si tel'S 16. Total eflectiye 19. sincc last report 1;; Practice:; hcld 30. A "crage attendance 19. Cascs utt(, IHh'd not 011 puhlic tlnly 25. 'ases prirat 'Iy 1ll1l';,CII 7. AUllual inspection, 27.7.07. Total Oil parade 1. AI)s(,llt with le;1'-e 1. Annllal re-examinatio!J : 22.10.07. ~ll) 11l1Ier pa sed 1'4. Di.lllot appeal' 6. i1Iellallion. 17. Regulation unifnrm worn hy 30nie'cr an<l 1G nursing ister:4, ~laterial: emergency fitted bag, alII! Ca,;e fittl'<l with all nllrsing l'e'lllisitcs. DiYisioll upported by members' sub· scription :lnLl entertai11mcnt.. (WELLI NGBOROUGH CORPS IRTHLINGBOROUGH NURSING DIVISION. [FOll1ll·d :3.7. 01. J \l\.Qt' \1tTE1~S :
Honorary Surg eon ( A cting). W. Rohll, l .. n.C.I'.
1\1rs. 1\1. Heeves, 4, 'penceI' Parade, Northampton.
Lady Superintendent and Inspector of Sto res
.JI r". '. \Yilli,llll::;, c:ll'hol'ouglt.., trcct, I r LhIm!, 1lorollgl 1.
1st Nurs ing Offi cer.
Hono rary Su rgeon.
H, Chamberlain, L.It.c.r.
Lady Supt . and Treas.
1st N u rsi ng Offic er and Lady Secretary.
D ~ creas"
l\Ii·s G. E. Turner, Midlan.l 'tation, .' Glen t hOrlll'," .J1il1 Roall, Wellingborough. Wellinghorongh.
'll:fmT, 'YELLI.-(,DOP..01JGH_
1st NurSIng Officer and L ady Sec.
L. E. ~la\\hy, 6, Oastilian .' trod, N 01 lila 1l11'tOll. ~li,;:;
2nd Nursing Officer.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Miss R. E. Bradford.
:Jliss E. 0:; bol'll.
Officers 4. Nursing .. iI>tel' 53. Total efl'ecti"e 57. Decrease since la·t repolt 8. Practicef; held 34. Aycragc atU'lll!ance :2c: . Ca e attended on public duty 2. Cases attelldeu not on l'ulJlil: Llnty ] 3·1. (a.e:; privately nursed 10. Annual inspection, 6.7.07. Total olll'aratie .:11. A!J,.C:llt "itlt l eave 10. -Without leave 3. Annual re-examinatiolls, 13 & ~0.3.07, 1:i.5.07, and 11. 9.07 . Members passed 54. Di(l not appear 2. l\ledalliolls 55. 'enice ba l1ge5 9. Regulatioll uniform worn by 3 Officers and 4-1 nursing si te]',', anrl (j llJellllJers have all but cloak. Material: mattress, cOllnterpane, pair hlallket, ~ pillows, 7 sheets, 8 doz. triangular bandages, 7 doz. roller lJandage . sick room tltr:rl1lometel'. clinical thermometer, 40 temperature charts, ye::;ted in Korthamptunl'elltre .J.A . A. D iyision supported by proceeds of whi~t dri"es, etc.
Lady S ecretary illr~. H. )1. Bigley,
1Ilis.' It Ha\\'lin.
KClle Yiew, Irthlillgborough. Ofliccl" 3. ursin" sislers 9. Total cfrecti,·c 12. Decrease ince Itt t roport 2. Practicc.' h ~ltll!). "\vernge attellllance.6. O~e attpIHletillot 011 puhlic duty 16. 'ase. ' l'l'lyat ' ~'y nur'cLi :!O. All.nua~ 111 pectlo~, 27./,07. Total U11 pararlc 6. Ab Pilt \\ Itlt k1.\'C li. AlllHHll re·exammatlOll, 24.9.0/. Memhers 1'<1 .'elll0. Di.lnot appear 1. ?I.lelL l.lion 11. S';J'I'ice b ;ll!~C' . H~g.ula tion uniform worn II\" 3 Oflic'rs anI! 9 nnnnll~ '1t '1'.'. ~latcrlill: nnrilll1g relllllite • vesterl in Divisional 'olll111ittec, Di,-isioll 'l~llportecllly memher'ub cription and public contrihutions. (WELLINGBOROUGH CORPS ) RINGSTEAD NURSING DIVISION. [FornlC{l ~0.3.96.J IIJ~ \D·QUARTETIf\: TlolrEnA~cE H.\'LL, R I4TG~TE.\D. Honorary Surgeon (Acting). W. Mackem:ie, L. It. G. P.
Lady Supel'intendent.
A c ting Lady Secl'e tary
Mr' . .'. Knight, Ring ' teall, Tbrnpstonc,
1\li II. Pen tclow, Ring'rcad, Thrap tone, \
St. J ohn A rrnbnlan ce B1·igade.
Officers 2. Nul' ing sisters 14. Total efrective 16, Practices held 12. Average attendance 9. First aid ea e attended )lot on puhlic duty 56 . :Medallions 11 . Regulation uniform wom by 1 Officer and 13 nnrsing sisters. Material: splints, bandages, and nursing box, vested in Divisional COlll mittee. Division supported by subscriptioTlR.
Hon . Surgeon.
O. R.
O ~en, L.R . C.P.
1st Nu r s ing Offi ce r a nd Lady Sec.
lUi s E. J\Iargett , 3, Crabb Street, Rushden.
Lady Inspect or of Sto res an d Treasurer.
:JIiss E. Newell, 24, fork Road, Ru bden . Officers 2. N til' ing si ters 21. Total e{fecti ve 23 . I ncrease since la t rcport 6. Practice held 35 . AYel'age attendance 17. Ca es attended on public duty . CiLSf;S attended not on public duty 71. Cases nur ed 4. Annual inspection, 27.7.07. Total on parade 13. Absent \yith leave 1. Without l eave 9. Annual re·examination, 17.9.07. Members pa sed 13. Failed 1. Did not appear 8. Medalliom 16. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and I ii nursing sisters, and 4 wear indoor uniform . Material: water·bed, air cushion, 2 water bottles, boxes of first aid appliances, vested in Divisional Committee. D ivision snpported by public cQntributions.
No . IV. - N orth Western District. Deputy COliwzissioneJ'. Colonel C. .T. Tl~D1BL};, ('.M.G., V.D., L.R.C.P., 5th LallCashirc Royal Garrison Artillery (Y 01:.), Lonth Honse, Bam bel' Bridge, ncar Preston . V ilitn'el Chief l'lWgCOII. Captaill E. 11. l'oOLI,y, L.ILe.l·., Dalton-in·Fumess, R' .O., Lancs. I'Y .• f~Ir. J. '. DEI:ILU[, Chief Constal.Jle, Blackpool. . .r1SSI ·taut vOl/l,nUSSwners. ll\lr. L. ,YmrT.\KEU, unnysicle Honse, Accrington. DllitJ'ict (,hir! SlIjlCl'illtcilCZcnl. :JIr. A. L. GAH_-ETT, ], Red Lion tr'eet, Burnley. Distn'el SUI'el ilzicndcnt T,.caSIli'CI·. "JIr. F. DE B. PDf, L.n. C.p., Barrowford, near Nelson. Distt'irt ,) IIJlCf' i tifcmlclI t . 'cc ,.ctcuy. ~1 r. IY.'. OOJlCOCK, 17, tat ion Road, BaJllbel' Bridge, ncar Preston. !list,.icl Supc,.itztcndcllt 0/ StOt·cs. ~ll'. A. Y. DA\ lES, ~I.B., Crompton, near Olllham.
REPORT OF THE DEPliTY CO:JUIl. '10 ER. Lul"l II Hut' L, DA)lBEIt BItIDGE, .·EAn PltE::;TOX. 30th} 'eplembcl', 1907 .
I have the hUllOUl' tl) :-;uiJmit Ill)' report [I' Deputy Commi 'ioner for 1\0. IV. Dlstlict, for the year endillg the 30th 8Ll't ~1l1Uer, 1907 . . \t the clut>e of the yL,ll' 1 had under Illy c:harge 10 Corps (comprising 30 ambulance Di\ i 'ion . nllll 14 ~ ~ ul'sing- Diyisiol1 ), 65 ambulance Di ,isions and 34 Nursing Di ,-isiuns, alto!:, ' t11l.:r 113 uui t..;, [IS agamt 111 units last year. Tlte stlcuglh C'on.'l.L of 6 Chief, 'urtfeons, 4. Chief Superintendents, 134 Hon . "';ur~eolls, :i7 :-.uperilll 'IHlellts, 56 AmlJu1allee {ficel's, 125 'ergeants, 144 Corporals, 2,5 J Pri \'all''';, :10 La 1) ~up 'rintl;1l(lnts, ~ . N ur iug Officers, 24 Nursing ",i ter , totalling 3.991. 'With the Di tril:t . 'tatf of ,the tigures giye a gntDd total for the "hule Di"tri t' t of J,999, h'iug (, d 'Cl'l;a!:ie on l::t t year's ngmes of 46. l~e\V nll1hulam'e unit han) lJecn funned at the undermentioned place :-Prestwwh, aud Hyde Road Tram \\',ty~ ~lltnchl;:--t -'J' Corp') and new nur'ing units at Read, Whiten ' ld, Horwich (Doltoll Col'l'~ , ~\JtrillChnll1, Lanea ter, and Great Leyer (Bolton COI'ps). The following unit..; \\' ith:l trell~th lIll paper of 152, have been truck out, [lnel are not inclmled in the allove ti"-ul'e~ :-.\l)ram Colliery,'hafte'bury Belfa t, Lytham; Newclnnch. Che~ter, :::\ eweh ul'ch T ul'sing. The decrease in the nb"lre!:i may ell ily be accounted for a 'ev ral nnits which for saine year have 1,een in lllifele. s eonchtion, hay now demonstrated their ab olute illa1Jili ty to exi t for tt lon"er period, and 11<1.YC ac(;ordingly been struck off the 'tlength. It i· a ..;omewhat difficult matter when a Di:trict hn for a number of years been cnergetically \\-orlwd amI recruited tu t>tillcontillue to found and estn,bli h new nnits, ~ntl in glancill'" thLUu~b the repurt, it will ue noticed that there is hardly any town III Lnncahire ill which the llrigalle is not now represented . Th~ Li"erpoolDivision ha, durlllg the year been con timted a orps to consist Of the LIverpool Ambulance 3ntI ~ur!:iing Di"i ion', and the BootIe Ambulance und :;\"tn'sing Di\'i ions. '1'hc work of tit . Bearer 'oll1panies has becn carried Oil in a thoroughly satisfac· tory wny, and so far n' the l'eport!:i rc(;civell from the Officer detailed by the , Val' Office are c:ol1cemed, the strength and efneiency of these Companie is eyerjrthing that can be desired. Judging l)y the numbers of thc men who huye enrolled in the R oyal Naynl
St. J ohn A 'I7"hbuJance B r'igade.
N o, IV. Di::>t,'ict.
Auxiliary ick Berth Reserve, the interest and patriotism of the mcn in this District does not appear to fiag. Up to .the end of the .amb~ln.nce.year there .wo~ld .~ppear to be some I:H member of the Brllrade enrolled III thts serVIce from thls DlstlH.:t. D uring the year another branch connecti!lg .t~le Brigade with .th~ Wn,r ?f~?~ has been e tu,bli'hed, bea,ring the nn,me of the . nhhtary llomc HOSPlto..,S ReSCI \ e, andI am plea ed to say thllt (10 very consid~n1,ble ~umber of men ha~'e ann.led tbe~usel\'e of the opportunity of undertaking this sernce. Before lea,\'~ng: thl portIon of my annual statement I would like to place on record my appreClatlOn and thunks to the Officers and men ~vho have undertaken the patriotic duty of a.ttaching thetl1seln~s to the Bearer Companie, the Royal Naval Auxiliary ick Berth He. ene ::n~d the l\I ilitary Home Ho pitals Hoe erye ~ryice". in ~~d.dition to the work dovol vmg on them in the Brigade, thus demonstra.tmg n, lhsp,mntlOll of mn.rked unselfi lllles;. H artley , Villein.'on, E q ., of Telson, ha' durlllg the 'ear generously presented for competition an exceedingly handsome hallenge 'hield. :For this girt I need hardly say I am yery gmteful. . . The following local Competitions took phlce during the year :-~ Ul"m~ ~llleld, held at Blackpool, 4th May, won by Darro\\ford. .Argenta C~p, held at l31ackpool, th June, won by Horwich. Cro. field 'hield, helel ltt '\Yarl'll1gton, 12th Octuber, won by Crompton. Tun till'hiehl, held at Brierfield, 2" th "':eptember, won by . N ewcastle-under-L yne. On the 17th April I attended t1,t Radcliffe for th~ purpoe of dedal'lll'" 0P'11 a Bazan,r, the ohject of which was to secu.l'e a substal1t~nl SU11l o! l1lon~y. towal'cb tl~l' acqui1'ing and building a suitable Dnll Hall fol' tl1e I arlcltlIe ])~\·l::;lO.ll. It IS gratifying to record that between £900 and £1. OUO resulted frotll tin::; etl'ort and ,L Drill Hall has been aC(luired. . . It has ever been a tronCf feature in this Distl'id on the parts of Corps atl<l Dlnsion to ee them elve co~fortably and eQ1cientIy honsed in suit,IIJle lJUildillct. tu act as drill halls, and I had the plen.:;uJ'e and 'atisbction clming' the year of laying the foundation tone of a new Drill Hall for the CaIne Di \·iion. It \I'ill lJe l'emelllu'red that some two or three year ago the Di\'"ision at Colne raised between £ '00 anel £t100 for this ,york by means of a Bazaar. The Annua.l Di ·trict Conference wa held at Kendal on 21t ,'epteml> '1', Ifl07. There was a huge attendance, nearly every Di \'i::;ion in tbe Di::;trict l)t;lIlg repl'e"en letl. The Officers attendiucr were welcomed by the 1I1:1,yor, and there Were also pn'sl'nt, ~1r. Stewart 'mith, OK. c., )I. P., nIem bel' for "outil \ Ye::;tmorelanc1, Captain B'lgllt and ~Irs . Bagot Lady of Grace of the Order of "t John of J el'usal~1I\. A yery interetin ' f meetin'" wa' the result anti a' I have befure pOllltec1 out I lIke these gatherings as they giy~ Officers excellent oppottunihes of l)ecollling nCljuaiuted and of cementing already made friend. bips. The proceeding.' of the ('onferollce \\ere carried on under trict discipline and the result is, in my opiniun, ([nite glJlld. Jl!". Bagot was good enough to give u an intere ting aeldrt!!'l' Oil bel' e.·peri '1H.:e~ in "o(!utlt Africa during the war. Those attending the Conference \\'ere afterwanb cut l'tu!lled throuO'h the generosity of H on. , ul'geon Cockill unel ~1J'·. Cockill. Th~ Reyiew of the outll East Lancashire Corp' and Di\'i. ion:-\ Wll' Iwlll at Castleton on 6th July, 1907. The parade \Va' 01 n, yery satisfactory CIHll'netel' demon. trating the intere t taken by those Officers who undertuok it;; ol· ...atlizati,Hl. Detailed reports have all'eady been forwarded to you. Duty was undertaken by the Bolton Corps on the occasiull of the lIleetitl~ of the ROJal L ancashire Agricultural I. ociety in August la::;t. A consitleralJle nUllll)el' uf cases were treated some of them of a eriol1;; nature. The ol'ganization and et[llipment of the tatiou and tIle furnishing of the details of men and 11m,.,e' fOl' claily duty devolved upon Chief 'uperintendent Lomax of the Bolton Corp.-;. The s.ttj,,factory manner in which thi.' work was performed is amply tle1l1011stmleel by tlte manner in which nIl'. Bohane, the 'ecret,try of the 'ociet)', e.·l'rced his entire satibfaction and th::l.l1ks for the services rendel'erl. The following changes have taken place on the District 'taff anel lIa \'e l)eell <1 uIy sanctioned :-Distlict Superintendent of 1 'tares K B. Pooley, hns IJeen }Jl'Ulllut '<1 to he District Chief Surgeon. llon. SUl'geon A . Vernon Davies, ~J.B., of the CUlllpton Di vision, has been pJ'omoted to District, 'llpel'illtenc1ellt of , 'tores. In glancing lJack at the year's work I recognize a !;teady ady,tnc 'tnellt in uJlruuh towards di 'cipline and efliciency. The greatest har1110ny hns pl'e\'lLiled and it ,Lppear;o; to me that there is an evident and s'Juuc1er clispo i.tion on the pal't of e\'ery 011e to
makc thc work of the 'to John AmlJl1lance permanent and successful throughout No. IV. District, anel altho\1gh the stlttistic·s attached to this repOlt indicate a slight fallillCf off ill num hers I look upon thi ' as a Sigll indicating btl'ength, seeing that I am in a p~sition to do wi thou t the sen'ices of those wbo are puny and half-hearted in the work thu:-. ]earin" behind a. strong phalanx of both Officers and men who are thor;ughly cleterll1i~lCd that the welfare and progress of thi~ .organization which we all love aud respect shall be thoroughly, Hcce . .'fu1 and elltClCnt so far as the area U11Cler my clltl'ge iR conccl'llccl . J should like to utter a. few worcls of sinr'ere and grateful thank!; to the members of 1l1} District ,'taft·. In doing so I call1~ot po .il)ly ?ver e. bmate t~e pati~nt and kindly aRsiRtanc:e J have at all time':! recet\'ecl at theu' bands. It lS a chfficult ta k to pat tiClllnnzc and in cloillg so Olle rather .tJ'e~ds on dangerou (~l'ounc1: but I cannot and will not c:Jose bis repOl t wi thout lJl'lllgmg under your spectal notIce the name of my Di.t1'iet ~L;cretury, ::'I1'. '\Vouc1cock, who has c1n,y hy day toiled in the illteres~ of th Bricrade jn :Xu. IY. District, alld it i. entirely owing to his un 'elfLh and pam 'takilll' ~ffurts that tb stati tical amI clcrical work (the foundations of which were :0 sati,.,f~ctorily ancl cur>flllly laid hy hi· predl'cc'<sol'in office, District Chief uperintCllclellt llLrtlett), i· iUllC·h a highly ctlici 'nt stIte. To all the Ollie 'rs, .I. Tur,;;in!.!; Ottic-or' and members of the Amhulance and Xur iug Division' 1l1Y thank' an' (;llually dne for their kindly and sympathetic as i,tance in carryit!" on 'Ut . dllties a' Deputy 'o1Jl1l1i. sioner in No. I\'. District. '" I havc thc honour to he, 'iI', Your obedient servant,
tll! Uhu/ CUI/lmis i
CtLUlLES J. Tl:DIBLE, K il/htll Grace of lite O/'de?' oj ::ft. John oj JCi'lIsalem, Dlj)/ll!J Culltmis iOIlCt', ?I'o. IV. Dist,.ict, S.J.A.B. St. JulUL AmbllZaJlC( Bdyach .
No. I V. District.
St. J ohn A mbLdance Bl'igade. L I ST OF COR PS A
D DIYl IONS IN ORDEH. OF EJ: IOHITY. COllP, AXD DIYISlOXS Formed . Formed. Whalley Div, (re-in tated)27 Sept., 1900 Heywood Division 5 June, 1 tockport Diyision Fell., 1901 " "re-formed 16 Jan., 1 20 Feh., ] 90] "\\Tinsford Diy. 4 IIIay, 1 Maccle field " 24 ApI. 1901 ' ,alton-Ie-Dale Div. 15 Jan., 1 7 Lallca teL' " Wbit'l'ortlt Di\'. ( HochBarrowford Div. 29 Dec., 1 7 dale Corps) 10 June, 1901 H eadquarters Diy. (Preston Crompton Divi -ion ~ June,] 901 Corps) 25 Jan . , 1 . 20 July, 1901 Al agel' Diyi ion Colne Division 15 May, 1 JHilnrolY and ewhey Dn·. 29 July, 1901 Nelson Corps Oct., 1 Ashton-und er- LYlle Div. Aug., 1901 Brierfield Diyision ept., 1 lYe bl'ood Di \", (Oldham Padiham" 20 Rov., l ' 9 Corp,;) 1 Oct., 1901 Burnley " J lme, 1 90 N ordbll Diy. ( Ho chuale Accrington Corps 11 Nov., 1 90 Corp') 22 K ov., 1901 Hapton Division March, 1 91 French\\'ooLI Oil'. (rre:-.ton Cli the roe " 2-1 ApI., 1 91 Corp) 23 Kov., 1901 Belfast " ept., 1 92 Castleton Div. (Rochdale Bacup " Dec., 1 92 Corp -) ]7 Dec., 1001 Central Div. (Rochdale Corps) 10 July, 1 93 Fal'11worth Di ". (Dolton ] 1 Mar., 1902 R oy ton Division 22 Jan., 1 9-1 Corps) 1 April, 1902 Liverpool Di \'iiol1 Penrith" 12 ApJ., 1 9-1 If) lqllil, 1902 Keswick " 2-1 June, 1 9-1 Altrincham " 2,) April, 190~ LOlIg,lendale " Reddish" 1 0 ApI., 1 95 2, July, 1902 Crewe " 22 April, 1 95 Whitefield " Bred I 'my aud Homiley Read " 25 May, 1 95 Diriion 19 Aug., 1902 Bury" Aug., 1 95 alford Div. plnncitetel' Tottington " 2 ept., 1 95 and 'aIr 1'(1 Corp~) 30 Dec., 1902 Edenfield" 12 Feb., 1 96 Hulm e Diy. (l\lnllchester MOTecambe " 18 Feb., 1 96 and alford Corp) 1 Jail., 1903 Hazel Grove" 1 Sept., 1 96 E quitable Diy. (Oldham Trawden Di"i -ion 1 ' Jllne, 1903 Hindley Dil'ision 13 ,luly, 1903 Corps) 1 Oct. ! 1 96 Adlington Diyision 26 Oct., 1 96 '27 July, 1903 Toc1Jllonl en Division Southport Division 8 Jan., 1 97 Al'dwi ck Diy. plauche tel' and alford Corp -) 31 July, 1903 Chester " 16 Jan., 1 97 Foulridge" 30Jan.,197 Bootle Di v. Li "erpool Corps) Warrington Corps 25 Feb., 1 97 5 Oct., 1903 Dublin ~t. James's Gate) Whaley Bridge Diy. 5 ApI., 1 97 Di, i,;ioll 7 April, 190-1 Haslingden Corps 18 l\lay, 1 97 Rawtenstall Division June, 1 97 Lytham Di,iioll :2 J 1I1.1', 1904 Cl'awshawbooth" Dec., 1 97 Horwi ch Di "ision Aug., 190-1 Blackpool " 15 IIIay, 189 Cro. sfidd Di ". CWaningtoll 21 June, 1 98 COlp) 2:3 Jan., 1905 Radcliffe Division Kendal Di vision 10 Mar., J. 99 Great Leyer Dil'. (BOltOIl Head-quarters Diy. ~Bo1ton COly) ~O Fel>" 1 905 Knutsford Division ~o Feb., 1905 Corps) 21 Apl., 1899 Newtow-n Division 29 May, 1899 ol'th wic h " 20 Feb., 1905 Dalton-in-Furness Div. 30 TOY., 1 99 Y ictol'ia Hall Di \'. (Bolto n Great L ever Div. (Bolton Corps) 9 :\Ia1'ch, 1905 Corps) 13 Jan., 1900 Chorley Diyi::lioll 15 :LIlay, 1905 L eyland & Farington Div. A,;tley Bridge Dl I'. (Boltoll (Preston Corps) F eb., 1900 Corps) ~5 Muy, 1905 Barrow-in-Furness " 4 July, 1900 ilIan chester Corpora li 011 Haverigg (Millom) " Tram ways Vi vision 7 Aug., 1900 Blackburn Division 9 Aug., 1900 (Mallchestcl'anrl alDukinfield Diy. 21 cpt., 1905 forrl Corps) 4 Sept., 1900 Hodbarro,y (Millom) Wigun Division 1-1 D ec. , 1905 Diyision 17 Sept., 1900 City of Dublin Division 19 Dec. , 1905 L eigh Division 19 ept., 1900 AhlBULAXCE
Levenshulme D iv. (~lan chester and Salfon1 Uorps) 21 May, Waterloo Divi:;ion 13 June, 2 July, Port unlight" 'ale and Ashton-on9 July, : \Iersey Division Westhoughton Diy. (Bolton COlpS) 25 Aug.,
1906 1906 1906 190e
Manche::lter Corporation Tramv,ays (Hyde Road )Division (Man. ch"?ster and Salford Corps Prpstwich Divi ion Li verpool Corps
loy., 1906 7 May, 1907 12 July, ] 907
Forllled. Oldham Di I'ision (Oldham Corp) 15 ,'cpt., 1, ;) BalTowfonl " 22 Dec., 1 N eloll " IfJ Oct., 1 Colne" 1 May, 1 Padiluun" 10 Dec., 1 Bumley" June, 1 Clitltel'oe " 23 Oct., ] Roy ton " 10 May, 1 Accrillgton Div. (Accrillgtoll Corps) 1:2 May, 1 91 Cell tral Division (RochL1ale Corp.) 23 Jan., 1 95 rre ·LOll Dil'. ( Pl'e ·tonCorp ) 27 May,I~95 Tottillgton Di,'i~ion S , ept , 1 95 Bury" 11 ,'cpt., 1. 95 BJackpool " 13 TOV., 1 95 Fonlritlge " 30 Jan., 1 ~7 Walton-Ie-Dale Diyi ion i Feb., 1u~7 Hacup " ApI., 1 9 Morec:lmbe " 30 June, 1 9n Ke wick " 21 ~ept., 1 un Lythum " 6 M,r., 1901 Whalley " 10 J ulle, 1901 Cr:w:-.hawhoolh " 7 July, 1901 Ilnwtenstall " 27 July, 1901 1I111IIrowal1i1 Rewhcy Di\'. 29July, 1901 A~btoll-Ulldtl'-Lyl1e Diy. Aug" 1901 Bri(;rfielc1 Division 1 Od., 19u1 Blackburn" 5 ~Iar., 190::! D~lt oll-ill-Fur lless Div. G ~hly, 1£10:2
DIn 'lOX. ,
Formed. Crompton Division 15 Aug., 1902 Liverpo o l " 19 Aug., 1902 Winsford" 26 Jan., 1903 Tra\\'ll e l l " 18 June, 1903 Castleton Div, (Rochdale Corp) 6 Aug., 1903 Whitworth Diy. (Rocbdale Corp) 19 Aug., 1903 Radcl iH'e Division 5 Oc t., 1903 lley\vood" 8 Dec., 1903 NonIen Di I'isioll (Rochdale Corp) 25 July, 1904 Todmonlen Divi!>ion 27 March, 1905 Adlingtoll and Heath Charnock Division 22 Ap!., 1905 Ed enfield Dn'i ion 9 Oct., 1905 "\Yarrington Div. (\Yarrington U01'P ) 4 Dec. 1905 BootIe Division (Liverpool Corp 26 ~lar" 1906 Whaley Britlge Diy. 16 Aug., 1906 , ictoria Hall Div. (Bolton CJl'!') 17 ept., 19 06 Read Diviion 5 Oct, 1906 Whitefi eld Di vi ion Oct., 1906 Horwich Di I'i ion (Bolton Corps 30 Oct., 1906 Altrincham Divi ion 6 Ko,-., 1906 Lallca tel' Di vi ion '35 ::'la.1', 1907 Great Ley er Di\'isiou 19 June, 1907 Bol ton Corps)
Cou TTY DnnltIBUTIO~T OF CORP Axn DnTIOK . Cheshil'e-Alsa cr er Altl'iu cham HI' dhmy amI Romitey, 'rewe, Dukinfield, o Ha2el " - Id , • ewto wn, Groye IIuliinO'wol'th Knut foru, 1'I1acclefie Tor th"icb, 'Port u~light,' 'ale, 'i\'haley Bridge, and "\,in ford Divi 'ion . CUIll berland-II Ll.Yel'i rr g, Hotlharro\\', K el"wick, iII illolll and PCl1l'ith Di vi ion . Lauca. hire Corps-Accringtoll, HOltOll, llalingd en, ~lanche tel' and alfonl, Nelon , Oldhalll, Pre tOil, Rochdale aUlI "\Yarrington. . L:l\l('a hire Diviioll -Abram , Adlingtoll, A~hton·under-LylJe, Akall1-1I1-Furne , Bacup, Bal'l'owful'll, Rll'row-in-Ful'lle , Bla.:!kbu~·n, 13lackpool, Boolle, Bri diehl, Rumley, 13m,}', horle~ , lttheroe, Colne, raw hawhooth, Crompton, Dalt011-in-Ful'lle, Edenfi~lt'I, Fonlrirlge, lIupton, H eywood, llillllley, Lallcaster, LeIgh, Littlcoorol1gh, Liverpool, Milnrow and :rewhey, Morecan~be Palliham Prestwit'h Radclifl'c Ra\\'ten . tall, Read, ReddIsh, RishtOll,' Roy tOll, o{lt1l}lOrt, t'ockport, T?dmord en, ?:'ottington, Tl'3.w<l 11, ,\\Talton-Ie-dale, "\Yater100, "\\ halley, "\\ Igan, and Wlliteflell1. W est moreland-Kendal Division. Irolalld- Belfast, Ci ty of Du bl in, Dublin ( ... t. J tl111eR' Gate), and haftesbury (Belfast) Divisions.
t. John A n~bul(ltnce Brigade.
iVa. 1 V. D iSll" ict.
Names of Corps aud Di visions.
~ur·iJlg .
f: o
Names or Corps and Dirbiolls.
District taIT ... 1 1 Accl'in«ton Adlin gton .. Alsager Altrinchl1m Ashton.unller·Lync - 1 Bacup .. ... - Barrowford Barrow· in· Furness B elfast Blackbnrn .. . Black pool ... - 11 Bolton Head·qu'ter Astley Bridge . .. Farnworth ... Great Lever H orwich Victoria H all Westhonghton ... Bredbury Brierfield Bu rnley Bury Ch orley Olith eroe ". Colne Orawshawbooth Crewe ... Crompton ... D alton·in·Furness Dublin,S James 'G' te,City of Dublin Dukinfield ... Edenfield Foulridge ... Hapton H aslingden 1 Haverigg ... Hazel Grove H eywood .. Hindl ey Hodbarrow ... K endal K eswick Knutsford Lan caster - ,Leigh Liverpool 1 Bootie Longdendale Lytham Macclesfield Man ch ester &Salford Salford ... Corporation Tram. Hulme . . . Ardwick .. . Levenshulme Hyde Road Tram. Milnrow & Newh ey Morecambe N elson 1 Newtown ...
1 1 1 1 1
3 1
1 1 1 1 2 3
I 1 1 1
1 1 1 2 3 2 2
1._ I
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1 1
2 --1 1 3 1 1
26 2-1 -16 31 15 16 39 70
4: -1
77 1 1 29 23 13 52 21 30
89 21 21 35 27 1 51 27 37
1 1 1
3 1 2
1 3 1 1
1 41
31 2 GO
40 33 19
3-1 9 :26 17 20 2~
3 11 30 21 21 34:
11 14
11 20
1 1
2 1
2 1
7 2 2
22 27 25 74 33 6
1 1
1 1 1
++ ++
+ +
11 29 20 2:) ~O
26 c9 39
2 1
243 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
1 1
54 19 32 11 23 JO 14 35 35 14
66 22 40 13 24: 48 1
1 ]
2 1 1 2 1
3 1 2 1 1
12 14.
14 1 1
1 1
-15 ')~
11 12
, N ol'tlnl'lch ., . Ohlhalll Corps
1\1 \1111 po.;
- ,
E(plitalJle ,YestwoOll Pallilw 111 Port 'Ilulight Preston ,., Head'(pl:1l'ler Leylallll French wooel Prcstwich ... Ruc1elill'e RI1\\'tenslnll Rcad Reddi 'h Rocb{lalc Ccntml ,YhitwOl·th Cll ·lletoll K ordell RO J tOll Ralt&A ,htn·(,n·::d er. Southport ." •'tockporl .. . TodlllOl'lh'Il .. . TottillgtolJ .. .
1 1
1 1 1
1 I 37
:2 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 + +
1 1 1
+ +
41 +tl 18
15 9
13 25
13 27
I 31
1 1
11 30
21 13 23 ·10 Li
3 1
I 12
3 1
1 1 1
3 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
-1'- iii
1 1
2 1
11 H
:2 1
9 15 11 9
+ + +
14 15
5 1
1 .•
I 1
17 12
56 12fi
20 14
47 L
1 1 1
1 1
2 :2
+ +
1 'J
'2 1
1 62 ::::::: 25 :::'
1 1
1 1 :.l 2
1 1 1 1
Tntn I .. + +
1 :2 1
,Yaltoll·lL>- Dale ,Yarrill"tull Cro.lld,l Waterloo ... Whaley Hridgu Whalley .. Whiteljel(l ". Wigan Will s i'ol'll ..
I3 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
1 1
23 2 12
1 1
2 2
1 1
9 21 26 11
+ +
31 15
2, 14
1 +
37 23
1 1 1
11 12
3 2 2 3 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 2 1
1 1 1 1 I 1
+ 1 ++
1 1 1 -1
1 1
+ 1
1 3 1
1 2
1 I 2
5 10:2 :W 20 3 26 36 12 35 69
1 1
-I 6
1 J
1 ~
++ ++
+ +
1 1
12 H
:W 30
17 17
1 1"
13 5
l:j 2:1~:3 :3101 ""l6'3()T'2- b24:
20 .;
'lll'I;C011S as ill ~\.llllllJ1all(;C Ullit. :-1 D epuly Olllllli·. iOllel' ; 1 Distri ct 'hief'lll'geoll' 2 _bsi~tant Com misslOuC'rK; 1 District Chief 'llpcrilllcllll cllL; 1 Di tl'ict llPt. ccretary; 1 Di ·trict SllPt. of lores; 1 District . ·llllt. 'f1' aSll1'cr; 315 Officer·, :269 sergeant alld corpOlal , 3407 lllell [i nd llursing sisler '. Tolal (al proximate) 3999.
N o. I V. Di./I'id.
St. J ohn A 1nbldance B l'igade.
31 4
[Formed 11.11.90.]
H EAD -QuARTRns : BULL BllIDGE, ACCRINGTON. Ch ief Sup erint e n den t .
Honorary Surge ons .
R. Clegg, i\1. B. A . Y. Graell\\'ood, i\I.D.
J . Ogden, .J.A. B. Drill Hall, Dull BriLlge, Acerillglou. 1st O fficer.
Super-int en d en t o f Sto re s.
' Y.
A. 11 . Bame .
H . Bullock.
OfJicers 5. Sergeants 6. Corporal 6. Privates 5. Total ell'ecti\'c ] 02. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 90 . A yerage attendallcc 41. Unses attended on public duty 6. Removal lUi. Cases atteuded not on public duty 19. Annual in pectiou, 7.9 .07 . Total 011 parade 9. Ah ent witll leave '. , '{ithout leave 5. Aunual re-examination, 11.3.07, auu variou' dales. l\lellluen; passed 99. Did not appear 1. Medallion 7. ervice badge. 5·1. 1I1cdals 3. Nursing certificates 37. Kegnlation uniform worn by 5 OUicer ' , 6 sergeants, 6 corporals, and 5 men. ~Iaterial : alllbulallce wagon, litter, 19 . tl'l'ct boxe~, 142 havresacs at mill., &c. , 10 at heael-quarter, 14 stretchers, \\ater bottle, bed re ts, bed cradles, crutcbe , splint, bandages, &c., \'e~tctl ill LOGal Centre Committee S .J .A.B. COl'll supported by gmllt::> from Centre COlllmittee and special donations from the public. Progre of the Corps is good. Tbe Deputy ommi ioner furnibed a, mo t flattering report on the general etliciency, achnini -tratiye and working, aftel' his allllual inspection. The drill ball of this Corp' is looked upon a!; n,Il in titution of the to\\\l, and is sometimes lent for charitable gathering. Hi" \\ '01' 'hip the ::'layor of Accrington has presellten a Leautiful hield to the Corps for , (luad cOlllpetitiull. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize for attendance' are pre ented to the nun-warrant ufficers all(l men each year. A fir t aid box has been fixed to an electric light stallllanl neal' the drill hall . A good numuer of the member haye joined the HOllle llul'itnh Re e1'\'e. It is the intention of the officer cOllunandillg, in future, w gi\" tilt.: choic' of one of the three auxiliary sel'\ic~ attached to the Brigade to all rl'cluih joi.nin~ the Corps. In two cascs life \Va saved by performance of artificial re:·l'il'rttioll. In one case the Roya.l Humane ~'ociety awarded its \ellum yote of thallks. ADLINGTON AND HEATH CHARNOCK DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 26.10.96.] HEAD-QUAHTERS : A::IIBULA"'GE Roo)f, CHOltLEY
TnEET, AllLl~(,'1 0.'.
Honora ry Su rge o n s .
S uperin t endent.
W. C. Rigby, ::If.B. F . J . Mayes, ::II. ll.C ..
'Y. B!ackbul'1I, 4, Canal ' t.,
Ho no r a r y S ecret ary and Treasure r .
A<llillcrtOll, Chorle,), Lancs. Inspector of St ores.
<1. Dtlrb,) sl11l'e.
R. R. ,VinnarJ, Anderton Louge: Anderton, Higher Adlington, nr. Uhorley .
Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Private!:; 20. Total efl'ceti\'c ~6. I ncrease since last repol t 2. Drills held 43. A \'erage at tCllllallC'e H. Cases attendtul10t on public duty 12. Anuual inspection, 1 .5.07. Total 011 paralle 16. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 8. Annual re·exalllinatioll, 2:3 . 1.07. Member. pas. ed 21. Did not appeal' 3. 1\le(laJ1iol1s 4. 'en'icc badges 2. .l.'l1l'ing certificates 3. Regulatioll uniforlll worn by 2 Oftice]'., 1 el'geaut, 1 corporal, and 19 men. Material: 3 stretchers, hamper at head-quarter., auel 12 Il<tlilper<; n.t works, vested in Divisional Committee. Divisioll supported by sull (;1 il'tioll " concerts, etc. ALSAGER DIVISION (CHESHIRE ).
[Forlllcd 20.7.01.J
HEAD -QUAHTlU'.S : PllDrITIYE METHODIST Honora r y Su rge on .
M:. H.
ayers, M.P'.C. S.
Su perintenden t .
E. Rushworth, Kiug'!; Mere, AIsagcl', , toke-on-Trell t.
315 Hon. T reasu r er.
Inspector o f S tores.
Honorary S ec r e tary.
('01'1'1. C. Howells, ' 'enr.
T. \ Voouworth, Mereside,
I~lll111, B.A.
Crewe Road, Alsager. Officerb 2. Oorporal:; 2. Privates 20. Total elrective 2J. Decrease since last report 1. Drilb he1J '10. Average attell(lance 12. Cases attended Oil llublic duly 3. Case!; nilended lIOt 011 public (luty 22. AllllU<l1 iJl~peetion, ~0.7.07 and 4.D.07 . Total Oll l'araJe 21. Ahsent with leave 2. \\,ithout leave 1. Allllllal re-ex::llllinn,tion, 2 and 9. D. 07. Member' pas eel 23. Meuul1ions 21. 'ervice ha(lgl's 14. ~ll]';;il1g certificates 1G. ltegulatioll uniform worn by 1 Oflieer, 2 corporals, aml ] 9 Illen . Material: 2 stretchers, wall hox, large cupboard, splints, balHlages, &0., vested ill DivislOnal COlllmittee. Division snpporteJ by cOllcerts, tlallces, &e.
Honorary S urgeon.
H. U. Cooper, ::If. U. Inspector of S tores.
S uperintendent.
J. L. \\'01 tcnholl11<',
Corp\. G. Whill·.
Buel, Nu\'ig lion Rd.,
AI tri llchanr. Honorary T,-easur·er.
Honorary S ecretary.
'ergt. W. For:;
Co1'p1. lI. 'hu\\', 1;J, (\;t!a.r Hon.d, Hale.
Oflircl'.'~. ,'c;l'gcltnb~. Corporab 4. Pllyate ' 3. Total ellccti\'c 46. Incrca l'. illCC last re],olt DrilL held 50. .d\Cragc aLtendance ~l. Ca:~ attellded Oll l'uhlie duty ~ou. Rllllo\'al 3;'). 'a es arteuclell1lot 011 pulJlic uuty 1:;0. Annual illsl'cction, ~ l. 7.07. Total Oil parnell' :J:!. AlJsclIt \"itlt lca.Ye 6. 'Without leave '. Allllualrc-eX:1111illaLioll, 7 .. 0i. ~lelllbcrs p't . ell :2D. Dillllot apppar 16. Mcdallio1l.' :!ti. ,'en' icc \Jf\llg" L , l\1Il'.ing l:crtilicate '11. Hegulatioll uuiform worn by 1 OHil:cl', 2 slrg"aub, ·1 cOl'por,tls, and ::l3 men. iliatcl'ial: ,1 stretchcr , 5 sl11'gical hunes(u:s, and waleI' uoltlcs, u notice boxes, aud ellll:rgency boxe.', 30 individual lieltl hancsac: amI watcr bottles, \'e tCll in Di\'iional COlllmittee. Divi. iOIl !;lIppol'ted Ily lllelllbcrs' alld puhlic COlltribution . Five men attend -d hu"pitnl tr;\illin~ at PI,Yllluuth, and all reeci\·ed . pecial certilicate", and I' ,tllrJlt'll with a !.!;lIlltl charadeI'. Dl\I'ing' last willt ' I' \\ e hltd fi\'e football clubs with men on duty at \ I',)' uwtch. I \\,,,,11 (0 make "1' cial note of the :ll'runoelnents [Cll' the .\Jtl'inchml1 A!..:riPlIitllral ,h(,\\-. \\-t; erected and fUl'ni'hed a field hOl'ital tellt. The III 'll Cl111l1l1t.:lll' etl duty at 7 p. Ill. tl e l1i~ht hefore the show; 2 men r 'maine(l allni!.!'ht, and Ill'n and ti lllll'"e did duty in"ide the how all day. They relltlen~(l ait! tll ~.i C<1::;e:;.
Honorary S ur-geon.
On}lt. 1\.. llillnn, A.::II. R.
Supt. and Hon Tr-easurer.
D. II 111, L\ 11\r\lutl,lllallsIIll W, A. htOr"l.UllLler-Lyne.
Honorary S ecre tary.
W. l L Willterbottoln, 13, Talhot ,'lreer, Ashtoll-Ulllh·r-Lyne .
Inspector of Stores. ]? U.
'ten:n::;ol1 10..!.0 .)
Ofli.CCl'S 2. 'ergeants:!. Corporal1. I l'imtes :26. Total en' cti\(~ 31. Decrease since laRt rCl'Oll 11. Drill ~ helll '10. A\'erngo atl ' lldnnct' 15. Cnse' attend cd not 011 pnhlil' dnly 1 q. Allllnal inspectioll ~9 6.07. 'rotal 011 para LIe 21. Absrnt with leave 1. \YithollL leUH 6. AlIIllml re-exalllination, :25.4.07. Members passed 26. Did HOt appear 1. Icdnllioll ~i. Nlwing eertinente U. Regulation uniforlll ",om ur ::! OfliCN., ~ crgeant·, 1 ('orpol'ul, alit! :25 mpu.
1{o. IV. Dist?Oict.
316 .1\1n.terial vested in Ashton-under-Lyne Centre, S.J.A. A. Division supported by members' subscriptions and public contributions. A distinct advance has been made in efficiency, evidenced by the fact of the Division dividing the honours for econd place in the competition at the annual review of the South-En. t Lan cashire Corps and Divi ions held at Castleton in the month of July, 1907 . All the men are fully supplied witb first aid commodities. ome 2 ambulance lookers of a pecial de ign have been erected in the busy thoroughfares of the town. The ambulance lockers have been subscribed for by private gentlemen, the Operatic Society, and the yurious co-operative societie , at a cost of £3 each .
Sup e rinte nd e nt .
Hon o rary S urgeo ns.
F. YV. Rigby, J. P. Brown,
W . G. Lambert, 8, Pembroke St., Bacup.
M . D. ",LD.
3rd Officer and Insp. of S tores.
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 35. Tolal effective 39 . I ncrease since last report 2. Drills held 4.6. Cases attcnded on public duty 192. Removals 14 . Cases attended not on l,ublic dnty 61 . Annual inspection, 18.7.07. Total on parade 35. Absent with leave 4. Annual re-exalllination 14. 3.07. ~femlJcr~ passed 35. Did nO.t appe?-r 3. Medallions 33. ervice badge~ 12. NurslDg certIficates 19. RegulatiOn ulllform worn by 2 Ofticers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 35 men . Material: 4 street wall boxe, 2 ambulance hampers, h~V:'e~ac, water ?ottles a?(~. rug (10 sets), also 6 sets of splints, vested in Divislon~l CommIttee. DI VlSlon supported hy members' sub criptions and public con tri bu tions. Members o~ this Divis~on have acted on several occasion as night assistant at the general hosplta,ls. DUrIng the year the members of the R.N.A . . n.R. were inspected. Sergt. J . Craig and Ptes. P . Proberts, \ Valker, I' ilson, and Parker were successful in taking second prize of the North-East Lancashire Oorps and Divisions Oompetition held at Preston .
BELFAST DIVISION. [Formed 9.92.]
Ho n . T r easu rer.
Ho n. S ec.
1st Class Sergt. W. Brown, 254, Todmorden Road, Bacup.
N. Woodhollse.
J . A. Law.
Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 36. Total eITective 45. Increase since last report 8. Drills held 52. Average attendance 23. Cases attended on public duty 12. Removals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 78 . Annual inspection, 27.6.07. Total on parade 33. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 8. Annnalre-examination,24.6.07 . Members passed 37. Did not appear 6. Medallions 13. Service badges 18 . Nursing certificates 31. Regulation uniform WOl'l1 by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 35 men. Material: ambulance waggon, 15 wall boxes, 3 litters, 6 stretchers, surgical havresac, rugs, splints, bandages, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contributions. Nine members of the R.N.A.S.B.R. \vent through a week's training in July at the Royal Ia\Tal Hospital at Plymouth .
Hon . S urgeo n.
H. J. l\[onypeny,
M.D .
S u peri ntendent and Honorary S ecretary .
mith, Chief Fire "tation, Belfast.
Officer 1. Privates 69. Total effective 70. (30.9 .07 ). D ecrease since last report 2. Average attendance at drills 18. Removals 2,538. Annual inspection,7.9 .07. Total on parade 44. Absent with leave 7. Ahscnt on duty 19. Annual re-exantination, 5.4.07. Members passeJ 21. Did not appear 49. Medo111ions 43. Firemen's uniform and St. John 's arm badge ,,"orn. Material : 3 al1lbul~nce wagons and 20 stretchers, vested in and Di vision supported by Belfast CorporatlOn.
Ho n . Su rgeon and S uperintendent . HEAD-QUATtTERS: GrSBURN ROAD, BARRO\VFORD .
1s t Office r .
Honorary S urgeon .
C. M. Mitchell,
A. Laycock, 17, Walton Street, Barrow, nr. N e]son .
Honorary S ecretary .
Hono rary T reasurer.
J. Dixon (3 1.12.07 ).
F . Horsley (30.12.07).
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 12. Total effective 16. I (Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 31. AVf:'rage attendance 10. Removals 7. Cases attended not on public duty 4.5. Annual inspection, 24.9.07. Total on parade 12. Al.lsent without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 18 . 4.07 . Members passed 10. Did not appear 5. Medallions 7. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 12 men. Material: 6 stretchers, 17 appliance boxes, splints, and bandages, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions and puhlic contributions.
Hono ra ry Surgeon .
A. Ruth erford,
M.B., C.",f.
J . McLar ty, 160, Ramsden Street, Barrow-in- Furness.
Honora r y Secretary.
Insp e ctor of Stores and Hon. Treas.
W. Bradley, 27, Baden Powell Street, Vickerstown, Barrow -in-Furness.
Sergt. J . Craig.
D. Elliott,
n.. c. P., Killride House, IYitton, Black 1m l'll , Lanca .. hire.
Ho n. S ec r etary.
Acting Inspector of S tor"es .
W. Butler (30.4. 08), 102, Wemberley Street, Blackbul'll.
J. J. Clilfe.
Offic~r 1. Sergeant 1. Oorpurals 2. Privates 14. Total effective 18. Increase Sll1ce last .report 4. Drills held 47. Average attendance 9. Cases f1ttended .not on publIc .duty 10. Annual inspectiolJ, 1l.9.07. Total on parade 9. Absent mth ~eave 1. 'W Ithout leave 8. Annual re-examination, 17.9.07. Memuer pa~sed 8. DId not appear 9. Medallions 8. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation ulllform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 14 men. Material: 4 havrcsacs, 4 stretchers, splints, vested in Divisional Committee. Diyision supported by voluntary contributions.
Honorary S urge o ns.
S uperintendent .
[Formed 15.5.9
1st Officer and Hon . Sec
L. G. S. 1\1011oy, liLA., M. D. G. Gosling, T. DOllllclly, 6, Church ,·t., R. . Olllham, 1II. D . 29, Cambridge Road, I..:lackpoo1. Blackpool. 2nd Offi c er.
R. H. O. Hill. Offiecrs 5. Sergeants 4. Oorporals 4. PriYates 55. To tal effcctive 68. Decrease since la t report 2. Drills held 43. Average at tcmlancc 33. Cascs
t. John Amunlance
31 8
iYo. IV. District.
attended not on pnblic duty 6. .-\tll1ual inspection, 10. 7. 07 . T otal on l1arade 32. Ab eut with leave 9. \\Tithout le;1,I'e 26 . Annna,l re-examination, 8 & 10.7 .07. Members pa ed 40. Did not apllcar :26. Mella,lliolls 2·1. ervice badges 8. Nuring certificates Regulatiol1 uniform \Yom by 5 OfUcel's, 4 sergeants, 4 corporals and 55 m en. Material: tretchers, 5 surgica.l hayrcs:tc , 15 water bottles and 12 set of plillts, "ested ill Dil'isional Committee. Divi ion supported hy members' subscription.
inspection, 12.10 .. 07 .. Total on l.~raue 5. Absent with leave 4. 'Without leave 12. Annual re-exall1mutlOu, 27.9.01. Members passed 10. Diu not appear 10. l\ledallions 13 Kurs~lIg certin.cates 1·1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 10 mp.J1. MaLenal: methcal havresac, stretcher, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported oy members' subscriptions and public COlltributions. (BOLTON CORPS ) FARNWORTH DIVISION .
[Formed 13.3.02.J
HEAD-Ql.TAltTEItR: .A.ltTILr.:rm¥ DltILL HALL, BoL'l'Ox.
C hief S u perint en d e nt.
In s pect o r o f S tores.
F. L omax, 13, Wyresdal e Hoad, Bolton.
3rd Officer J. llartly.
1s t 0 ffi ce r.
Honorary S urge on s.
(Seven dmuuZaltce Dirisions)-Officer ' 16. ergeallt~. Corporals 11. Privates 230. (Three JYll (sing Dirisi(l//s)- O fliccrs 4. K lll'Sillg sisters 30.
A. II odgl" :)f.lLC.S. J. F. "l1lith, )[.U.C .. ·.
J. Hardy, 114, Yernon Street, Bolton.
Act ing Ho n . S ecretary.
Act ing Ho n . T r easure r .
W. E. Tomkins.
W. E. echloll, 1, Rowena 't reet, BOltOll.
Total cli'ectiyc 299. The past year has been the mo t succe sfu 1 in the history of Bolton Corps. "'\. n ew nursing Diyi ion has been formed at Great Lever. A bearer company continues popular, and the annual inspection for the Army ~Iedical Department und Camp at Aldershot were in every respect satisftlctory; 132 men are enrolled in the R.N.A . . B.R.; 5 medical officers and 30 menhu,\'e joined the Iilita,ry llome Hospitals R eserve, and others tue to be recruited from first aid classes already formed . The Corps paraded to receive Brigadier-General Fox, C.D., on his vi it to Bolton. The nursing sisters are doing yaluableen-ice, as members of the Bolton Guild of Help in assisting to \-isit the sick poor and crippled children .
lIiccr 3. Pri yates 1 Total eITecti ve 2l. Incrca e 'iuce last report 1. Drills helu 45 . Ayerage attenuance 8. Annual inspection, 12.10.07 . Total on parade 8, Absent with leave Without leave 5. Annua1 re-examination, 30.9.07. Members pa ed 11. Failed 1. Did not appear 7 . Medallions . Tur ing certificates 13. Rcgulation uniform ,,"om by 1 Officer and 18 men. ilIatcrial vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members ubscril'tiol1s. (BOLTON CORPS ) GREAT LEVER DIVISION ,
T. ilIAlth.'::; CHURCli HOt;:E.
HE \.ll-QLu:n:m;:
[Formed 21.-!.99.J
[Formed 18.2.05.J
1st Offi ce r.
Hon. S urgeon.
G. 1' o),(lell , 33, LUl1l den
T. \\-. 1',l ltinson, 1.I.D .
treet, Bolton.
Hon . S ecreta ry.
Acting Hon. T reas u re r.
Ho n o r ary S u r g e o n s .
J. II. Acker, 6, \'c nlure 'treet, Boltoll.
Corp1. C. Lever,
J . H. Thomp.Oll,
J. H. John ·toll, ~r.Il. J. \Y. A . Rice, )l.B., B. A. (25.3.0 .)
:>I.B .
It Class 'crgt. \\T. Rushton.
0, Del'erley Road, Bolton.
Offi eCIS ~ . erg ant 1. Corporal' 3. Privates 29 . Total effective 35. Ill cl'case since la t report 5. Drills held 4.. Aycrage attendance 19. es attendcd 011 public duty U. Case' attcllderl not on public duty 32. Annual ill pection, 1~.10.07. Total on parade 22. Al1ellt \"ith lean!L , Yithout leaye-1. Annual ]'e-eXa1l1iultion, 12. \,; .07. :'Ilelllbcrs pas eel 3·1. Ietlallioll 11. Nursing certificate 11. Begulatioll uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 scrgeant, 3 corporal, and 22 mell. Material: 2 trctchcr', 1 hane'ac, plint, etc., ye ted in Diyisional Committee. Dil'iioll supportctl by member' 'ubscl'illtions and public contributions.
Honora ry T reas u rer.
Ho nora ry S ecret ary.
Corpl. T. Lee,
' V. J01lllstone,
Officers 3. ,ergeants 4. COl'l)omls 4. Privatcs 77 . T otal elfectiyc ~ 8. Increase since last report G. Drills held 4. .A veragc attetldance 32. Annual inspection, 12.10.07. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 16. ,Yitl!out leave 63. Annual re-examination, 25.9 .07. Members l1J.ssed 32. Did not appear 56 . Medallions 10. Nursing certificates 60. R egulation uniform "'orn loy 3 Officers, 3 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 58 men. Material: street boxe. 7 stretchers, 7. s~ll:gical havresacs, water bottleR, splints, bandages, &c., yestcd in Trustees . Dlvlslon supported by members and the public.
HE \.II-Qt;
2, CUAl'n
1 JtEET,
1st O ffice r .
Honorary S urg e o n.
[Formed 23.5.05.J
Hon . Secre ta ry.
J . Ri1ey, Astley Bridge, Bolton.
H . \Yard.
In sp ecto r o f Stores .
Ho n orary S ecret ar y.
C. E . Ferrier.
CorpI. ,Yo Fanmorth, 7, O\\el1 Row, Horwich .
Hon. Treasurer.
Hon . Surgeon .
F . Robinson,
1\1. Coak,
'I. Alii
:)I.D .
Hon. Treasurer.
J. Kay.
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 18 . Total effective 2l. D ecrease since last report 4. Drills held 44. Average attendance 12. Cases attended on public duty 10. Cases attelldcd not on public duty 60. Annual
OOicers"2. • ergea,ni 1. Corpoml 1. I'riyute 23 . Totnl efIectiye 27. Drills helll 53. Avcluge attendance 16. Cases Increase ~ince la~t l'el)ort 1. attended on public duty 20. RClllonds 2. uses attelllletl not on public duty 30. Annual inspection, 12.10.07 . Total on parade 4. Absent with leaye 7. ,Yithout leave 16. AlllHlal re-examination, 16.9.07. lem bel's pa sed 21. Did not appear 5.
St. J ohn A ?nbulance B?'igc('de.
No. IV. District.
Medallions 21. Servi\!e badges 9. Nursing certificates 14 . ~ogul,;tio:1 l~Jlif~l'Q1 . b', 1 Ollicel''1'sel'O'eant l\Ialellal: WOln ' ' c , 1 co1'1)01'81 , and 21 mono • D" . - slletche1l5, lIb 2 havresacs, anel wall boxes, vested in Diyi ional OomJlllttee. IVlSlOn supporec y public contributions.
Honorary Surgeons .
ergt. E. 11 ap, -143, Bury Roatl, Bolton.
J. H eap, 413, Bury Ronu, Dolton.
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 2. Pri\'ale 13. Tohtl efl'eeti\'e 1 . D ecrea e since last report 1. Drills held -i9. .\. \"Crago ,~tlendHllC~ 10. Cases attended on public duty 12. Oa es attende(l llOt .on publIc dut~· 00. . Anllual inspection, 12.10.07. Total on paraLle 7. All ent WIth leJ.\'c 11. . Allnual. ~c·cxamination, 24.9.07. Members pa . cd 17. M~dallioll . 10. ~nr::;ll1g certificate 2. R eO'ulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, :} cOlporaL, and 12 1110n. 1\1aterial : 2 stretchers, 2 surgical hane.'acs, :d water bot.tle. ~.12 l~ath('r k;l,<'C caps, 3 roller bandage machine, plint, bandage" etc., ye tell III '\ Idona Hall lillstcc', Bolton. Division supporteJ. by Victoria Ha11 T1'u tees awl mellluel '.
J. Hoyle,
,\V. ,\Yr],sll'J', .'tatioll HOl1se, 13l'ierfie1cl. R. IIarrisou .
Honorary Secretary.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
A. G. ,'miLlI, Ouakel'S i1l'iclge, Brierfield.
J. W. Robinson.
Oflicel's 5. Sergeanls 2. Pril'ates 30. Total effective 37. Drills held 26. Average attendallee 20. Oases attendeel on public duty 5. Remol'als 9. Oases attC'JJlle(l !lol on puhlic duly 120. All1lUal inspection, 1 .7.07. Total on para(le 25. Ah-cilt with leave fl. 'Without leave 7. Annual re·examination, 30.4. 07. "?IJ em bel's passerl 29. ViiI not appear 5. Medallions 27. ervice badges 15. Nursing cerlificat·s 2:1. Regulatioll uniform worn by 3 Otficers, 2 el'~eallts, nJlll 30 nll'n. Matf'1'ial: litter, 9 'lrctchers, 2 lll'gical havre ac', 26 enwrgcncy hoxe s , splint. &"., \'<,,;tcd in Oom!llittee of Brierfield Oentre , .J.A.A. llil'ision supporle(l hy \'olul1tnry cOlltri1Il1tio1J., lectures, &c. BURNLEY DIVISION (LANCASHIR E).
Hon . Su rgeon .
'IV. A. Hatton,
Hon . S ecreta ry.
W. Hibbert, off Park Road, '\Yesthoughton.
R \Ye~thol1ghtoll ,
Honorary Surgeons. T. Blade., L.R.C.r.
"tV. L ee,
Honorary Secretary
Inspector of Stores.
el'gt. F. Dixon, ;'1, Brougham .'t., Burnley.
.'ergt. J. L. Colburn.
F. Owen. Oftlcers 2. cl'geant 2. 'or]1ol'als 2. Private 32. Total effective 3 . Inrrca. e ince last report 3. Drills held 16. Ayorage attendance 16. Oa es atten(lcll 011 pnhlic lJuty 9. R lllovuls 2. u. e. attonlled not on public duty 51. Annual illspedioll, 10.6.07. Total 011 paralle 26. Ab. ent with leave 4. WithouL leavc Alllluall'e-c.\':unilllltion. ' l.[embers pa. sed 26. Did not appeal' 1l. 1\t('(lallinn.· 17. TnI' 'i llg cel'tincnt~s G. Regulation uniform worn by 1 001('('1', :} .·l·r.~ca nts, 2 corpor1.l s , anll 30 mon. ~L terial: -i litters, 10 tretcher, 2 .'nr.-rie,tI h;l\'I'l'';;lI'S , 11 .. tl'C t lh1xe! Pilch containing .. tt·etcher, hay<,1' ac, and :l1l1bUr;11ICI~ 1ll:lll' riI11, nll,l 160 lllllhnhmc hag.. ill mi.ll. and work hops, ve teel in the Divisional 'Ollllllilll'C. Di\·i .. ioll llpportetl 0)' voluntary contribulioll' and mill collcctiull '.
[Fol'lllcII10 . . 02.]
II 01::-iE, RO:'lll LY.
,\Y. \\'arhul'ton, 70, ,'r.n(·kp()lt load, Bredbury, nr. ,'tocl'l,orl. I nspector of Stores .
J. Oollins (12.11.07), 9, Laln-ence Street, Romiley, ' tOCkPOl t.
Wilkinsoll, 30, Thur hy Road, Burnley.
\\'. E. Tungc.
Superi ntendent.
Honorary Secretary.
Hon Treasurer.
Whitham, ~!.
Hon. Treasu rel·.
Officers 2. Privates 52. Total e[lecti\'e :i1. Increase since last rflport 19. Drills held 45. Average attendance 21. Cascs attended not on public duty 12. .A.lluual in l'E:CtiOIl, 1:].10.07. r~'ota.l on l,an1(!eAnnual re.('xall1111atl~l!. 2·!1.~C· 20. Absent "ith leaye 4. W:'thont lea\'e 30. )Iembers pa ' ell 35. DiclllOi appear 1. nlec1allioll 15. Kur"illg cel't11~catc .. J. ReO'ulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. Material: T\\o stretchcr., 1,hllT", all(~ bal~elaO'e COll1mittee. Di\'ision snpported by members o , yested in Diyisional sn bscriptions.
[Forme(l 6.90.]
DHlLI Roo",[, -lO,'Ilul\CII , THEET, BUR'LEY.
Honorary Surgeon .
1st Officer.
Sup erintendent and Hon. Treasurer. 1st Offi cer.
Hon. S ecl·etary.
1st Offi cel- (in chal-ge).
Hon. Surgeon. L ieut. J. \\~ooLl, 1Ir. R . C.S .
.T .• '. \\,i hi011 ,
[Formed 26.2.05.)
IIl~AD-QUAH.TI';ltH: Oil \ll'J lum • I IlEET, BRII~ltFIE[,D.
W. 'Williams.
Honorary Treasurer.
Mr. II .• 'penCel'(HOll.l.Iclll.). Officers 3. ,'ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Private. 21. Total cfrcl'! i\'e 27. D ecrease since last report 1. Drills llclcl 49. A \'el~ge utt~llllal~Ce l~. ~~l;lI1o\'al 1. Oa!'les attendeLl not on puulic duty 33. Annual IllspCCtlOn, ... .01. lotal 011 parade 25 . Absent with lea~e 2. Annuall:e-exalilination, 2.7. 07 .. Mem~'~'r~ pas:'u~l 23., Did not appear 2. MedallIons 19 . erVlce badges 7. Re~ula.tJ~Jl lllufot III ~\ 0111 1:~ 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2, and 19 men. illatel'l:tl: lttter, 4 stl eLchel.~, havresac, -emergency case, splints, roller amI trial~gular 1!u1lll.ages, &c., Yt; tell III DivisionalOommittee. Division supportcd by pu1)11c contnbullons.
.95. ]
S uperintendent.
Honorary Surgeon .
F. B. Holllle',
~1. 11.
'cr, 1 J, Han 011 , treet, Bury. Hon
Hon. Sec.
W. Bolton, l~, 'l'cntenlell Htl't'ct, Bmy.
Inspector- of Stores .
(:. Pearsoll. OfJicers 2. • ergertnL 1. 'orpo1':11 l. Privo.te. 31. Total efrective 3 , In crca.:SI' silll'c lasl J'CjlOlt G. Ihills hcld -i7. Averagc ltttellllance 20. Oa. e. ItlLclldcli1WL 011 puhlic duly 7;'. Annual inspl'dion, IS.G.07. To~al O.ll pnnlll~ 2~. Au,cut wilh leave -\. WiLhont kavc 13. Anul1ltl 1'0-OXillllll1lttlOn, 19.3.01. Members 11<L.'scll 11. Dill not appeal' ~;l. lIludallioll 17. Jlll' ing certificate. 3. ReUlllatioll llllif'ol'lll WOl'll hy 1 OlHcer, 1 Sl'r"(lant, 1 corporal, and '27 men. Intennl: b 13 "trelehcl's, slll'giclll 111wl'esHr, splints,O etc., \'l'ste~l in D.i\'i · ~ollal Committee. Division supported b' members' 'uhscriptiollS alHl pubhc eontnbutlO11 , '\
A rnb~dance
St. J ohn
No. IV. District.
Ho n. SUI-geo n.
A. 1llackinto h,
M. B.
1st Offi cel" a nd Hon . Sec.
S u pel-i nte nd e nt .
R. J\ ht01t, prillg\\'ood Cottage, Heap1ey, 'hOlloy.
H . topforth, fi ,Railway Road, Oholley.
Hon . Treasurer.
In s pector of S t ores .
Officers 3. Sercrea.nt 1. Privates 27. Total eITective 31. D ecrease sillce la t report °10. Drills hel(1 29. Ave:'age a ttrlltIanl'e 16 . . 'ases attended on public duty 2. Oa e attended not on pubhc duty 33. Aunuallllspection, 26.9.07. Totnl on parade 20. Ab 'cnt with l~ave 1. Without leltve.10. Annual re-examination, 27.6.01. :JIelllhers pnssecl 26. DHlnot appear 4. . Mellnlll.ons 1. Re"ulation uniforlll \yorn hy 20mcers, 1 el'geullt, and 21 mcn. I ateflal : 2 tretcher 6 ets Sl)lints. snrcrical havre ac, ve"tec1 ill Diviional Committee. , b 'b . Division supported by m emhers sub criptio11s au(l voluntary contn lltJons.
Or. n
1. II. Daw 'on, 40, ,Vell TermcC', 1itl.eroe.
Honol"ary Surge ons .
E. L . 'Ont]!. t01l, M. n. R. J. ' Yarrington, r. n.
In s p ector of S t o res.
Hono l-ary T,-eas u rer.
Pte. J. R Garner.
17, Dfi:lmv
IIr-~.\ D-([1: AHTFlt.·:
\Y. L. Lovett,
Su pe r inte n de n t.
E. Scott, 25, Bridge treet, Oolne.
L.ll . . P.
II . \\'. HCIIlIett, '!.n.l '.S.
S uperinten d ent
Oldhulll, 25, tamford Avenue <;re\\·c. '
ts t O fficer.
Honorary Secretary
A. Jone (19.12.07), 31, Walthall Ireet, rewe.
Inspec t or of S tol'es
Honorat'y Treas ure r .
'crgt. \\'. Eo Ankcl''l (15.12.07).
J. T. Fishel'.
Olticer. 3. ~l'r(fpnl1t 1. 'oq~)]':Jl' 3 .. Priyatc~_ 40. Tolal elll'cti\'e -17. (30.8.07). LIICrel1.'e . III('P 1:1. t report I. Dnlls held ,11. An rage altl'llllallce 16. C'a e altrntlrd 011 1'1lj1lil' ditty 2;'. 'n 'cs aLtl'lllll'd not 011 [lubli(' duty :W3. Annual inspcl'tiolt, -I. D.Oi. Total Oil par,tell 32. Absent" ill! lla\·e:'. Withont lecwe 7. 1\1111l1ltl J'l' ,(' xilllllllati o ll, 30. n.ol ~ll'lllhl'rs p:l!'.'ed 1:3. Dilll1ut apIl('o'tl":!. ~ l eJalhOlls 3;3. ,'en'ice llilClgeR 11. JlII'Sil1g certificate 1. RC'('ul,tLioll unifurlll worn by 1 Ofllccr, 1 SClgl'llllt, 3. clIl'\lOml." and '21 llll'll. Material: "Large I[ll!tIItity or tore. , 1 stretchers, ~ smgwal hunrsltc.', (tIHl emergclJe,)' I,ox, ye ·tell in Diyi 'ional Committcc. Di\'i . iOlt <;npportrl1 11)' Jlllhlic contrihutions Illllll'oncert.
CROMPTON DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 27.6.01.J t\. H eys,
1s t Offi cer.
2nd Officer.
W. H eap.
Ho n o ra ry S ecretary.
'I n EET
T. Burrell.
Sergt. J. Stephenson, 22, Oollingwoorl Street, Oolne.
'II ET\\ onE
[Formed 22. ·:l.95.J
W. Dale (17.12.07).
Hono rary Surge ons .
A. A. G. Dickey,
[Formel1 15.5.
Ho n o rary Treasu rer.
Honorary S urgeons . L'. Wil':iOll, M.j).
Officers 4. Sergeant. 3. Oorporals 3. Privale 1. Total elTl'cti\'e 2 I ncrease siuce la t report 1. Drills held Hi. Average atienunlll'c 9. RCJl)ovub G. Oases attended not on public duty 11. Anlluttl ill pection, 9.10 . 07. 'rota! on parade 11 . A.bsent with leave 1. Without .lea\'e Hi. Alllluul rC-l'xal1~inallOlI, 29 . . and 23.9.07. :fiIembers pa sed 15. Dill not appeal' 11. Medalholl 15. HeCfulation uniform worn by 2 Oflicers, 3 scrgeallt·, 3 corporals, a11(1 16 mell. Material: litter, 6 stretchers, 6 street boxes, 1:) boxes at mills, surgical lta\Tesac, air bed, bed rest, splints, bandage:, &c., vested ill Trustee. Di visioll ' lIp]101 ted by mill collection and voluntary contributioll . Duril1O' the year . eYf~ral additional firt aid boxes bn.\e been ereetecl ill lIle mill ' of the town~ 'Ye are pleased to note that cl uring the year the Mayor bu..' had erected a memorial to the memory of the Clithel'oe men who died in the 'onth Afl'i 'an \\'aJ'.
N. Hanling, 376, Burnley Road, Oraw 11awbooth.
orp1. F. ,'henton. MI'. A. E. Ileap (TIOll. :JIember). .0111(' I'S 3. Oorpomls 2. Privates 22 . TotalefrectiY627. Dccrease SlIlce last .report 2. Drills held 42. A "erage attpndance 14. Oases ait'J](lrd .!lot 011 publtr dnty 38. Al1Jl1lul i.l1sp~ction, 16.7.07. Total on parade 24 . A~l.'el1t II Ithollt leave 3. AylllliLl re-eXa1l1l~JatlOJ1, 30.·10i. Members pn sed 24. DIll not. tL]ll'e~~ 1. McdallIonR ~ 6. erY1Ce hndges ll1'&ing ccrtificates 6. ~eglllatl()tl llllt/Orttl \l'Ol'n j~y 1 Ofllcer, 2 corporals, ami 22 1111'11. Material: wheel lllt~l', sL~·cl('l~('rs,.~ :-;nrgl?alltnvrcsacs, 9 rugs, 8 waleI' hoWc. , 7 wall boxe fully elllllp]lell II I Lh Ill' 1 :\1(1 a 1'P1lances, &e., vestclI i 11 Di vi.iollal ommittee. Di vision sn]lportecl II.\' ]Ill !Jlic cOlllrilJlll iolts.
A. Benson (21.10.01), H, Victoria ,'[rect, litheroe.
Sergt. ,V. H. Wil ·Oll.
Su peri nte n de nt and Hon . Sec.
' V.
Inspector of Stores.
Hono rary S ecreta l'Y.
1st Officel'.
W. 11.n htOll.
[Formed 12.97.1
Sup e l' inten d e nt .
Ho n o ra l'y S ur·geo ns.
G. E. Orllle, :lI.B. H . Y . Io.lYindale, L.n.C.p.
attended n ot 011 public dl~ty 173. R emovalfl 67. Annual inspect ion, 5.9. 07 . T otai on parade 37 . . Absent wlLhont leave Vl: Annnall'e-examinatioll, 2l.3.07. Members pa~serl 37. DHl l10t al?l'eal' 10. MedalhollR 24. NurRing cel'tilicatrs 17. UeCfulation lln1fol'l1l worn hy 6 OfIlc~rs, 1 Rl:'l'geant, 2 corporals, and 41 mell. Material: horse a.mbnlanco, ~ ~~hfo\'(l lItters, 10 stJ'o~rherR, ! wn,ll boxeR, vested ill Local Oentre S.J.A. A. Dlvlslon supporte(l 11)' [1111,110 cOlltl'l1Hlti()lls all(1 Local Oelltre.
J . L. mith .
G. Bortfield.
Ho n. S urge on .
1\1. Ilullon,
:.I .•L,
Inspector of Stores.
E. Baldwin.
S uperinte n de n t.
IT. Morlon, 11, OhulIlber Rl1., lll'. Oldham.
Hono rar y S ec l'e tary.
II. E.vel'ingtoll, 9 , Asli T l'J'l'ltCe, ,'haw,
Honora ry Tre asurer.
J. Pilkington. Officers 6. Sergeant l. Oorporals 2. Privates 41. Total effective 50 . I nrrease since last report 1. Drills lteld 33 . Average attendance 31. Oases
ASSJo:\IBIY Roo,!, OlHl\[PTO-;.
In s pec tol- of Stores . Set·g l. .T. Ahhott.
Ho n. T,-eas u rer.
A. \'. Dayie ,
flieet's~. Sel'g', n t 1. OOl'pOI',11 1. Pl'intles 3:3. Tol·tl efre~tiv-e 37. I ucl'ease si Ile(' la'lL report 1. Drill' held fi;3. A\'et·a.~e attenda.nce 33.
a e
No. IV. Dist1'ict.
St. J ohn A 1nbulance B1·igade.
attended not 011 public duty 35. Annual inspection, 1.6.07. T?tal on parade ~7. Annual re·examination, 25.9.07 . 1\lember. passed 36. U edallloll 18. NurSlllg certificates 35. Regnlntion uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal , and 33 men. Matcrial : 6 \\'all boxe cOlllplete, 6 slretrherii, 4 llrgical h avresar. , &c., vested in Divi ional COlllmittee. Diyi ion supported OJ members' sub 'cl'iptions a llcl donations. We haye again been Sllcce. sful in winning the \Vilson and 'tockall'hicld, t.hig making the third year in succession. [L~ol'lned 30.11.99 .]
cnOOLl', DAL'l'ON- I ~·FuUNEsR .
Honora ry Surgeon .
T. F. Forster, ?t.R.C . . . Honorary Secretary.
Sup erintendent.
J. H N elson
A. Jackson (6. 12.07 ), 34, Chapel 'treet, Dalton·in·Fume. ,
H. Grigg,
treet, Daltoll·ill-Flll'Jless.
Honorary Secretary. ~.
el'gt. W. W. A. ke\\,.
ergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 19. T otal f'fi'ective 23. Officers 2. Increase since last report 1. Drills hel11 52. Average attendance 9. Annual in pection, 20.9 .07. Total on paracie 10. Absent with leave 1. Without lcave ] 2. Medallions 9. Nursing certificates 7. Regula,tion uniform \\,Mll by 1 Offi cer, 1 S2rgeant, and 10 men . Material : 4 tretche1', l meclic,1l havre ac., splints, &c'\ vf'sted in Divisional COlllmittee. Divi ion upportetl by public contributions. DUBLIN (CITY) DIVISION.
IlJ.,, \l)·Ql'AHI' I lts:
Ho norary Secretary.
1L. G, Deau,
1st Officer.
Honorary S ecre tary .
,'el'gt. W. Ilablalll, Tor \'1(:\1', ELlentield, ncar ,\LlII chc::.lcr.
P. L. Pielou.
G. Dick.
Ollieers 2. el'geanL 1. 'ol'poral ]. I'li ,'ale ' 20. Total elredlye 30. 1Il Ce la·t repolt 7. Drills hdLl 31. Ayorage atiellLlance 13. a e attentle(l not un public duLy ~3. Allllual iupeclioll ~O. ·,1.07 . Tutal on parade 10 Ah. ent with lea\' 1. 'W ithout lca,'c 13. AllIlnal re.examinaLiolJ, 10.9.07. Members p:1,'sed 25 . Did 1l0t al'pc!~r 1. ;l,ledallillll. 11. . en ice badges 6. Nursing eel'titicatcs 7. HegulatiIJIl lluii'ol'lll \VOl'll by 2 Olticer', 1 erg'Hnt, 1 corporal, and 23 mell. l aterial: 7 stl'eteilcl", ti \\'all hoxes, 0 tlcll;hel' cases, ul'gical hane 'ae, water bottle. 5 sets 'l'liul', "estell ill Di"iiollal COJ1l1Hillee. Di\'iioll supported by member'snbscriptioll and public c011tributioll . I llcrea~e
[Fonncc130.1.97 .]
1st Officer.
Hon . Surgeons .
A. A. G, Dickey, M. D. ,V. D oyle, M.B.
4, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin .
A. Robertson.
\r. U. l)lL:kul"
[Fo1'med 7,4.0·1.]
3rd Officer.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
2nd Offi cer.
.e .
.A. hworth, 11'wo11 Vale, Ellenfield, nr. 1\Iallcbpster.
H. J. Carry.
Honorary Surgeon and Supt . lIl.lI.,
M. U.
Insp ector of Stores .
Officer 2. Corporals 2. Privates 34.. Total eITective 3. (30.9 .07). I ncrease since la t report 1. Drills held 4.7. Average attendance 16. !l es attended on public duty 197. Case attencled not on public cluty 37. An 11ual inspection, 6.9.07. Total on parade 25. Ahent with leave 5. Without It'ave . Annual examination, 26.9.07. Me1111lel's passed 29 . Diclllot apI,eal' . Medallions 2. RegulatiOll umform worn hy 1 Officer , 1 corporal, and 14 men. latel'ial·. et large physiological diagrams, 5 stretchers, 2 army rngs, 2 surgical hal'resaps, 2 wa,ter bottles, quantity first airl dres ing" splint. and bn.ndagPR, amhulance rahinet, 4. oil wall la.mps, vested in Divisional Com 111 ittee. Di VIsion support ell I)), mem hers' subscriptions. At the reque t of the Dublin United Tra.mways Oompany a stretcher squad accompanied by the Hon. , urgeOll. wa on duty at the a nnual sports held by the Oompany's employees. The Division i· cloinrr duty fit the hi!;h International ExhilJition. One private is on permanent day duty, and each e\'enillg n, squad of men are in attendance. Over 250 accidents have been treated since Lhe exhibition opened.
[Formerl 12.2.96.]
CO·()l'En\'I'!YE 11.\I,L , EDE:\!' [ELD, ~l:. l.L\.SCllE. TER.
(30 .10.07 ).
CorpI. J. C. Erskine, 68, Low er Garuine1' , treet, Dublin.
J. Llllllsclell ,
n.l·. s., W c} 1I10ll Lit \' ilia, Du kill fil'ltl, 111. Manchester.
Honorary Surgeon.
1st Officer and Hon . Treasurer.
J. Thompson, 62 Lower Gardiner treet, Dublin. L. D. s.
OI1icer 1. ,'el'geant 1. PriY<l.les 9. Total e[J'eeti\'e II. Regulation uuifol'lll WOI'll hy 1 Officc)', 1 ~ergeallL, and 9 J1IL·l1. 1bterial yeted ill Local Ccutre '.J.~ .A. Di\,i .. ioll 'upport 1 hy voluntary contrilmtiou,·.
S. ,Yeillstock,
[Li'ormed1 .12.05.]
Hon . Su rge on .
A. J. Oharles, M.D., F.R.C.S.I.
[FCll'1llc(1 1. 9.1 000.]
Honorary Surgeo n (in charge).
E. A. C'hnl-e,
In spector of Stores.
Corpl. E. ,J. con·oy.
L. Jamcb'b CaLI', Duhlin.
PJ'il'aLes Total effective 104. Officers 4. SCl'geunLb 1. Corporals In crease sillce la t repod 1. Drills holrl 32. A\'I~rage attPl1rlance 41. Cases altendec1110L on puulic duty 04. H.e III oval ]. Ca. s atLelltled llot on public dnty 501. Annual illspection, 4.9.07. Total Oll l'ararle 72. Ausen t wi tit leave 6. 'Without leave 2? AlJlll1alre.e.xal1lillaL~~l1, 1 .9.07. nlell1beyspa s~c163. Did llotappear 41. Medalholls 20. Nur. lUg celtlhc,~tes G. RegulatlOll Ul11frJl'lll worn Ily 1 Officer, <I. sergean ls, cOl'pora~, alld 60 11ll 11. laLLI'ial : 2 litters, emergency basket, 6 stretch ers, 6 large wlLltc havrcsacs, ~ \l'ater bol tIes, 2 flags, llanda(Jes and splints, 2 small drul1ls anel 6 bugles, '\eslcd ill, and Division supported "by Messrs. A. Guilll1eSS ,on ,I.[. Co., Limited. The followin' ick Berth Reser\'ist. attelldcd cour e of training on board H. M .• '. "EUl'OP,L" :-~.'Ith May, M. Brir'll, .T. ,'auIlc1e!'., and J. illurphy' 29th .JUllC, ,T. Tapley and '\T. l"icller; 12th .July, F. ~Iorton, E. Buckley, E. Patton: and J. Tait.. The progres.· and ·Hi.CiOllCY of the Di\'isiull htl· heen well maintained.
Hono rary Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores. E. Howard.
'pe ncer,
Hon. Secretary.
Hargraves (10.4.0 ).
J. T.
mith, 16, hapel Foulriclge, ol11e.
Insp ec tor of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
. Hargroaves (10..1.0 ).
ergt. F. Bulcock.
No. IV. Dis!)·itt.
t. J ohn Ambulance BTigcule.
OtnccroS 3. SCl'geant 1. l'l'iru.LuoS 1,. Tolal !rccLi\'e 2l. D ecrcasE: since last report 1. Drills hcld 39. AYcl'1'1ge attendance 14. Hemovals 4. Cases attended noL on public duty 20. Anllual inspeclioll, 14.5.07. ToLalon paratle 19. Ab 'cn t ,rithout leave~. Annual l'c-cxn.lllillution, 13.5.07. M embers pas e<.119 . Medallions 11. el'yice badges <: . Nnrsing cClLilicutes 15. Rcgulation uniform worn by 2 Offi cer, 1 Sel'gealll, anel 17 men. MaLerial: wheeletl litter, surgical hamper, surgical han-esac, bandages Ilndplints, veoStrc1 in DivioSiollal Oommittee. Divisioll supported by pl1hlic conLribution <LlltllcLLilig of Am bulancfI Hall. During the year 8e\'en III mbel' joincd the R. T.~L , .B.R., making the total U. The reservi ts ha.\,e been iURpected hy the I m,pccting Medic,tl o fli cc l' of thc A class of achanced first aid and nul' iug 1uts hccn helel, and all the men hlt\C gained the certificate. Four lllen h .-w o undergone their training 011 11. 1\1.S. 'I T errible" and ,. ArgonH.ut."
n" ItBOUlt
Ij g ,\D -QUAR n;J!~:
.J. Orcll lUg.
3. Dl.]
In Charge.
Inspectol' of Stores.
T. Saycl'.
, 'n'lke Hl., Ilazel (:)"0\'('. Acting Honorary Treasurer.
J .• 'nlitll. JOllC ',
Ollk en;:Z.
Inspecto l' of Stol-es and Hon . Treas .
Sergt. T. Oarter, 33, Man che t el' Roall, H apton, nr. Bumley.
.1 . .J ohnson, PUlse CoLlag", Torkiugt()Jl, Hazel l~ro\'e.
F.rLO .. ·.
Honorary Sec retal'Y.
R. Gosltng,
[Fullllecl J. 0.06.]
MEC'IJA ' U '::;' I'KIII U lh, L();-;[)o · R() ,\il, IIAZVL CllOVE.
Honorary Surge ons .
J. G.
Oflil'cr 1. P,ivat!'s 1. 'r olal efrel'Livc 5. De<;re,loSe silwe 1<L1;L reporl 1. i\l ltLul'ial: .,t ~ll'eLcher1;, 1 ltavl'{::,acs, ·1 wa.ter bottles, 1 fl ag, vesLed ill allel Dlvision sllppurLr-d by IJ odhal'lolV Miniug Co.
Shotton, I •. It-C.r.
7.8.1~00 .]
Inspec tor' of Stores.
Superintend e nt.
Hono rary Surgeon .
HAL[J, JI AV1,lllUG,
W. Jack '0 11, 1, lhnkfielcl Road, Iltlv erigg, 1\1 il 10m.
·W. II. '1'oI1l1ill."011, ;\1. B. ,
H. JI. hnux.
Sl'l'grallt 1.
Prival es 11.
T rd,d pllpdi\'p. 11.
Decrea~l' )lillcr. las t rC'l'OIt 7. Drills helll :1:2. A"crag!' al tl'lIdltlll'C 7. AlllllW.1 illSl'pctioll, 3. i.Oi. TnLal (III parade 10. ~\hSI'llt \\"il1~(Jut l(';t,-p, 1.. J\I111ual rc-cxamiuatioll, 113 & 2'3.0.07. ,\11'11\111')":; ]las. (>rI13. ?lIl:llalllOlIs 1!1. I;enwc barlgc
ursillg 'cl'LillC'lll'oS 0. Hl'gulalioll Illlifllnil worn hy 1 OflicPl', 1 sCl'geaut. and lllrrial: 1"tlnl liLlcr :tllli str·t 'her, 1 oSLretchl'l , :2 et ' pl1nts, 2 surgical havre~uc, &c., \'()slcll in DiYi.:iollal 'l)llllllitlce. Di\'i.:iun snppottr.d hy pnl.Jlic contl'ilruLiOlIS.
Honorary Secl-etary.
O. E. ,Y hitham, 76, :Hanchcstcr Road, llul'toll,
Officers 2. 'ergeallt l. Pri,-ates 20. Tolal oJl'ec:tiye 23. I ncrea e sillce last report 4. Drill hcld:l2. AYe rage attclIdallce Ga. os attended not on public duty 15. l\Iellalliolls 0. cerli!icates ·1. Reguintion uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 16 men. late rial: liUCI, 3 sllotchers, surgical havresac, 5 ambulance boxes at works ill villagc. Di "ioSion supportcd by public contributions.
Honorary Surgeon.
11. F. J ell're.\',
:II. 13.
lFol'lIll'll !'J.6. 3; Re-folmell16.1.D4.] 'nU_'OIL ;'UIOUL, HEYWOOD.
Su peri n t en d ent.
J. T. lIarchml1, 93, Bamforrl Road, Heywooll. Honorary Secretary.
1st Officer.
J. Broomhead,
flLB., C.M., 46, Regeut
Sup erintendent.
E. GraLalll, D eardengate, Haslingd on.
trect, Haslillgllcn, Mancheslcr.
Hon . Secretary.
SergL 1 • OouIton, Fail' Hill, He!Jnshol'c.
I nspector of Stores.
Sergt. W. GrecH" ouel.
Hon . Treasurer.
Oorp!. U. H. Grecn . Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Pri va.tes 2 Total effect i ve 34. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 50. AvelaCfo attendance 16. Annual inspection,17.4 . 07. Total on paraue 13. A1.Jsent withleave 7. \ VitllOUt leave 14. Annual re.-examinaLion, 4.9.07 .. .MembeI:s.pas l:d 20. Dill not appeal' 13. ~leclalliolls 12. SerVIce ballges 18. nrsmg celtlhcates 7. Regulation uniiol'lll 1\"01'll hy 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 cOlY0l'als, and 28 IIlell. lI,laterial: 5 street uoxe.-, \\ a.1l box, ~O stretchers, 7 surglCal havresacs, sl'lill LS: banc1ageoS, &c., vesLell ill Ohicf Sllperllltendent. Corps supporterl hy plllJlic contl'ibutiollS. The work of the <?OI'PS h~s been cn.rrioc1 on cluring the past twolve IUlmths \'(,ry ~uch on the same lm ~s as 111 former ye}trs. Very good support jinal1l;iu.lly has IJoen gI ven, and tho Corps IS now in a very good pOoSitioll.
'1'. J uc k
'treet, llcywool1.
Honorary TI'easurer.
Inspector of Stores.
Chief Surgeon and Chief Superintend ent.
Eo iI[illlc , J, Urn
.J. T. A'lh\\'orth.
[Formed 1 .5.97.J
II. A lmorth.
Ollker::; 3. :-iergcunls~. '0 1 pond 1. !'n\'aLe::; 14. Total elrective 20. Decrease .il1l'u last r 'lHllt 1. Dnlb Itehl3. Ayerage uLlellllallce 10. Oase alte lllle(lnot Oll pulllie ItuLy 6-1 . Allnllallllsl'ecLion, 25. ~1. 07: Total o~ parado H. Ahcnt \n Lh leave 1. Without lrave 5. AllIlUall'c-eXUllllllaholl, 1<:.9.01. i\lcm1.J 1" pa sed 1D. 'ervice had«l's n. }, uring l:crLlficntes 11. ~{egul:ltillll ulliform "orn by 2 Oflicer·, ~ crgcan ts, 1 corporal, anti 11 mun . Malenal: (j stretchers,. ] 1 .wall 1.Joxcs, \"osted in U eywood Ct-lltI e J. A. A. Diyi~ion supporletl 1.Jr local COil tnbutlOn . Cl.
[Formeu 11.7.03.J
Honorary Surgeon .
rr. M.
Angior, 111. n . C. s.
Superintend ent .
U. J. Bonchier, The ,range, Hindley.
1st Offi cer nnd Honorary Secretary.
J. E. llodkinoll, '9 , H odges lrcct, ,V igan. Olliccl's 3. • cl'gcant 1. Corporal 1. l'rintks 3. Total cllectil'o 43. I ncrease sillee last report 1. Drill ' heltl 29. Ayerage ntlelldauee 16. Annual
St. J ohn A 'Inb1.dCl/nce
No. IV. DistTict.
inspection, 25.5.07. Total 011 parade 23 . Absent with leavc 2. '\Vit h ouL leave 18. Annual re·cxa.minatio]J, 20 .. 07 . Mcmbers pa sed 14 . Did ]Jot appear 2 . , rvice badges 5. Regulation uniform wom by 3 Officers, 1 serge:mL, 1 corporal, and 3 men . Material: 2 stretchers, water bottle, 2 havrc ac , band:lgC's, &c. Diyi ion supported by Messrs. Orompton and Sbaweross, Ltd .
Oases atLelllled noL on pnhlic d II Ly 5. Annual inspectioll, 18.6.07. Total on parade 20. Annualrc.-cxalllinatioll, ~4.9.07: T\1eJUb~~s pa. sed 11. Did Jl?L a}Jp~ar 5. Medallions 11. ServIce ba.c1gcs 7. N 111'Slllg certIfIcates 7. RegulatlOn umform WOl'll by 3 Oflicers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 15 Illen . Material: AshfoI'lI litter, 3 stretchers, slll'gical havre 'ae, clllcrgeucy bag, splints, &c., vested in Local Centre S.J.A. . Division supported hy puhlic contributions.
Hono ra ry Su rge ons.
Supe r int e nd e nt.
H. F. , Yan\"iek, )I.B. J. M. Huey, "LB.
Ho n. S urgeo n.
Ford, 13, Lapstonc Road, Millom.
Lieut.-Ool. T. Fennell,
Act ing Hon . S ecre tary.
Pte. "\V. Ha.rris, 125, Albert treet, Millom, OumberlalH.l.
Acti ng Ins pect or of Sto res.
Hon. S ecretary.
Pte. J. H. J en kin on.
W. J. P. Dllniels,
Officcrs 3. Privates 8. Total effective 11. D ecrea e since la t report 3. Drills held ] 7. A vcrage attendance Oases attended on public duty 4. Remoyal 2. Oases attentletl not on puhlic dnly 50. Medallions 9. Service badges 5. NUl' ing certilicate 8. Material: -1 hanc.-aes, 4 water bottles, 4 tretebers, &c., ye.ted in, antI DivisiOlI snpportecl by IIodbarrow Mining Oompany, Ltd.
Hon . S u rgeon .
Inspector of S tores.
Oorp1. J. Leighton .
J. II. Machell.
. Lamport,
2nd Offi c e r.
J . M , Outts. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. D ecrease since last report 1.
Superin t endent and Ho n. Treas.
R. RooCl'oft, '27 O"t'lJ Road, Lancaster.
"\1. B.
Hono J-ary S ecretary.
Inspector of Stores.
J. Gardu(;J, 39, \\ illow Lane, Lancn.ler.
M. Low (l3.10.07).
Ollieer 2. 'cl'gcant 1. 1'ri\'atc,' 27. Tolal etrcctiYe 30. Decrease .-illce la L repot t 2. Drill held 47. A "erage attt'lltLtuce H. Oase attended Ott public duly 4. attcnded not 011 public duty 2. Anllual iIlPCc.:lioll, 26.6.07. Tolal 011 pamele :W. .\b 'ent with leavc 9. Without leave 1. AnlllHll re·examillatioll, ~ti.6.07. Mcmher pa.:;ed HI. Dilillot appear 10. hlellallion 16. ~cn'ice hadgcs 7. Hegnlatioll uniforlll WOIJl by 1 Ottice!', 2 crgetlllt , attLl 16 men. Material: 3 streLchel\, ~ . llrgical hancsacs, plinls, ctl'., vcsted ill Diyi&ional Oommittee. Diviioll upporLeLl bS puhlic contributioll,·.
LANCASTER DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Formcd 24.4.01.J Hon o rary S urgeon.
J . R. Burnett,
Officers 2. crgelluL 1. Pm'utes 2~. Total ctl'ectiye 25. A,'erage attendance 12. Oases Inereaf>e since hl't report·1. Drill. hcld 49. attclltlerl on pulllic duty 3. 'aes allclIclcd not on public duty 17. Annnal in 'l,ectiotl, n.7.07. Tululoll l'al'tule 13. Absent with Icave~. 'Without leave 10. Anllual re-cxal1liualioll, 13 . . 07. :uicml)crH pa'sed ]3. Dill not appear 11. Med lliolls 6. Regnlalioll uniform \VOl'll by 1 Otlieer, 1 ergeant, ancl 12 mcn. Material: stretchers, haYl'csae:-;, diuCfrallls, splint, bandages, &c., vcsted in Di,rj::;ional Uonlllliltce. Di vi ion support 'cl by yolunla.l'j' COli LrilJUtioll and mem bcr·' subseri ption '. l.Iost of the members of the Di yision hl1\"0 joined the ~lilitary liome H O. pitals Resene.
Hon , T reas u rer.
Officers 2. ergeants 2. Oorporal' 2. Privates 23. TotRI etfective :W. Decrease since !a-t report 4. Drills held 40. Average attendance 1:3. 'a e' attende~ on p~bhc dnty 7. Removals 39. Oases attended not on pulllIc duty 77. AnnualmspectlOn, 26.9 . 07. Total on parade 17. A1sellt with leave 3. ,\'ithOllt leave 9: Annual re-e~all1ination, 26 . . 07. Melllbers pa ed 26. Dill not appear 2. Medalhons 21., erVlee badges 20. N msing cerlifirate 7. Heglliatioll uniform worn by 2 0 fficers, 2 se1'geants, 2 corporals, and ~3 mell. .\iaterial: hor'e ambulallce, fie!d ambulance station, A.hronl litter, slretcher., (j 'ul'gical havres~cs, carrYl?~ s.heets, rugs, sets or SlJliuts, water hottlcs, &c., ve ted in Di \'i. ional O~mm.lttee . Dl VlSlOll supported by members, hon . mem hel's, alld pu 11 ic COlltnbutlOns . The new head.q uarters will be opened at an eilrly date The cost of erection will be a.bout £500. .
Honora ry Surg eon .
Hon. Treasure r .
G. P&ers.
OUm·toll, Kuu t ford.
W. Harrison, 2, Ash :Meadow , Kenda!. Insp ect or of S t o res.
J . W, Dent, 8, Park Avenne, Kendal.
S uperin t e nd en t.
T . .T. Eel wards, Maisonette, Hale, Oheshire.
V.D., "LILC . S.
S uperin t e n den t.
Major W . B. Oockill, "LD. Hon . S ecret ary.
[Formed 10. 3.99].
D ltILl.
Y. D.ilI. R. H. CO.
Hono r ary S urgeon. S u p e r inte nde n t.
J . Gardiner, Main
treet, Keswick.
Honora ry Secretary.
J. Jone.,
A. May, 37, Olarence
Honorary S ec r e t ary.
Pte. R. Young on,
Sergt. P. S. T odd, 13, Market Squarc, Kcswick . Oorporal 1. Privates 15. Total effective 20. Drills held 29. Average attendance 10. Removals 13.
In charge (p r o . t e rn .)
t., Leigh, Lanes.
In specto r o f Sto re s .
t., L igh.
Pte. J. H. Oalyert.
Ho n o ra ry Treas u rer. '01'[11. T . Gue t.
Officor 1.
Oorporal 1. PriYate' 21. Total eQ'ectiYe 26. (No report received.)
No. IV. District.
St. J ohn Am.lndo?1ce B'l'igade.
JUedallions 8. Regulation Lluifol'1ll WOll1 by :.:l corporals and fi men. Material: sLreLcl~ r, IUl, vre~a(;-', la]'ge w<t Ler boLllc, ;'l'liuLs, bandages, &c., vesLed in Divisional
Chief Superintendent.
J. O. Ellison, 6, ,V ellinglon Buildiugs, South OasLIe treel, Liverpool. ( TlI;o .dmbul(l?Lce Divisiolls). Officers. e~'gcn~ls .J.. 'Olporu18 g .. ~ri,'ute. 107. (Two N nl'sillV Dh'isiolls). Officers 3. N ursmg SISt er:, 21. T otal ell eetl\e 102. (LIVERPOOL CORPS ) LIVERPOOL DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Fonnell 1. 4. . 02.]
Hon . Surgeons.
T. 11. Dawson, L . R.C . P.
L. A. l\l organ , JlLn.
1st Officer and Inspector of Stores.
W. H. Pugh.
. Heancy, lIl.ll.
2nd Officer- and Hon . Secretary.
J. Roherts, 0, Wellington Bliildings, ~outh
tre t, Liverpool.
Officers 5. Sergeants 2. Corporals 7. Privates 71. Total e/l'ecli\'e I ncrease since last report 7. Drills lIt'lll 53. AYerage attendance. 31.
;;ses attended on public duty 95 Removals 2. Cases attended not all l'nbl1c clllly ,-,06. Annual inspection, 13.i.07. Total 011 parade 62. Absent \lith leave n. ,Vil hou t leave 20. Annual re-examinations, 10 and ]7.4. and 1 ,g .07. 111 I1Jhcrs pa .~ed M. Failed 4. Diel not appeal' 17. ervicc badges 18. Ite.glllntioll 1II1i!'''11i1 \l01ll . by -± Ollicers; 2 sergeant, 7 corporals, all(l 39 lllen. . ~l~llennl: ~lll;ll'lJc]'s, .j. 511l'~lcnl havresacs, ve')ted in Liverpool Centre .J.A.A. DlnslOn supported h)' cOIllnbuLlollS.
00 III 1111 l Leo.
sllpported by vululllary contl'ibu LiollS.
Il EAl)-QLlA]U']';J:~ :
Honorary Surgeon .
J. 11. Mars l!,
1st Officer.
R. 13. Hall, 51, Ncwllull StJ'eeL, Macclesfield.
111. H. t' . H.
Honorar-y Secretary.
In spector of Slores.
CarpI. G. Lutt hfonl, (1 .10.07), 6, \\ aterino lreet, Hurdsfield, laccleslield.
H 0 nora ry T reas u re rs.
('OIPI. A.
'nape, (1 .10.07).
Dr. Marsh and R. B. IIall.
Ofliccl'52. Jelgeant 1. l'ri\'alcs :.n. Tolal eff(lcti\'e 2-1. Decrease since la L report~. Drill. brI<1 20. Ayerage atlendanee 9. Cases ailencic(l 011 puhlic dnty Cae: allcIHled not 011 pulllic (luLy 24. Annual inspeclioll, n.n.07. Total Oll pamtle 11. AhsenL withont leaye 10. Annual le-cmlllinalil)I1, ~.fl.07. l 'lllbcrs Jl,lssed ] 1. Did noL appear 9. l\le(lalliOlls 13. l-il'l'l'ice hadge 1. Re~nlatirrll lIuifol'lll \I!ll'll l1y ~ Oflicel's, 1 scro-euut aud 15 men. ;\laterial: f, slrctL'h rs,urgical haml'l'r, 1 II<lYrcsacs, 7 wall l~oxes,' anfl slIndrie. "est~ll. il~ lJil'i'Sional ollllnitlee. Division 5n[11'0I'lell hy puillic and member;' sn b Cl'll'tlOJlS.
n .. 1- .
~J, Royal ,'trcl'L, Li\' rpoo1.
G. J. Tll cker,
Inspector- of Stores aud Hon . Treasurer.
Honorary Secretary.
J. Carey (17.10.07).
W. J. Smyth (17.10 .07), 17, Robey
Superinten dent.
Honorar-y Surgeon .
,V. N. Barlow,
Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 33. Total efl'eclive 39 . Increase since la. t report 5. Drills held 4. Avelage at~enda.llcc ,l!i. Cases attended on public duty 11. Oases attended n~t on pubhc duLy o. Annual inspection, 13.6.07. Total 011 paralle 1. Ab 'eut '\11th ~eave 3. Without leave.17. Annual re-examilla Lion, 19.6.07 . :Member::; passed 14. DId not appear n. Meda.lllOlJs 24. 'ervice badges 4. Regulation uniform worn l~y 1 Officer, 2 ~orgeants, 3 corporals, and 22 men. Material: ~ stretehe!'s, .surgIcal ba\'l'e~ll(;, splints, and bandaO'es vested in Divisional COllllmttee. DiVISIon supporte(l by concerts ,trill '" , members' sn bscri ptions. A team from this Divi.jon employed hy the L. & Y.R. Co. succeec1erl i.n winning, for the second year, the il vel' challenge shield giyen by the directors of that 'ompany. LONGDENDALE DIVISION (CHESHIRE ). H EAD-QUAP.TERS: CO-Ol'F.RATlVE HALL,
Honorary Surgeo n. M. D.
Honorary Secretary.
J. D. Oouban, R ose Bank,
[Formed 25.4..0:l.]
1st Officer.
J. Marshall, 3, Wood
treee, Hollingworth, Cheshire.
Insp ector of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.
l:I. Ash worth .
Hollin gworth, Cheshire. OJIicers 2. COl'lJorab 2. Plivaies 6. Tota.l elrecLiv6 10. Decrease since last report 3, R emovals 3. Cases attended not Oll }Jublic lln ty 67.
Hon Secretary. Inspector of Stores.
• \Jpt. R.
treet, Bootle.
H. IV. Pomfret,
,T. 'rye!', _' 1.1\.( •• '., flO, llll't:1 Ilrook J'll'll'l,
lSl OftieLl \Y. L\.. 13l'U 11 l, 7, El1lhdell ,'lrcel, Hulme, MallChl'>iler. Hon . Treasurer.
R. D. Crall,
'. DOlle.
(lIoll. ,nrgeoll,
(8/1: A mblllancc Dn'isioll, ) -Olfic r. 16.
rgean l _. Total el1'eeli"e 213.
alford Divi ion).
'orpOl als 10.
PriYates 179.
(MANCHESTER AND SALFORD CORPS ) ARDWICK DIVISION. [Folllled 31. 7.03.] HE Ul-Ql'AltTEIL: 1 \'\l'IJEsTErt AHTlLLEHY D]:[u ILu L. 1st Offi cer.
H. Pa ' '1IIau, 70, Palatiu Hoad, orthellllcll, Manchl' tel'.
Honorary Secret a r'y.
W. NC\lt on, 276, Long igh t,
ew lhllk "trest, ter.
~1all che
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
C01·p1. W. Morrison.
K. Walsh.
Officer 1. Corporal 1. Private 11. Total ell'edi ye 13. Decrease since last report 14. Drill held -19 . Avel ge attendance 7. Cases attended on public duty 137. Remoyal 5. Cu es attended not 011 public duty 24 . Anullal inspection, 4.7.07. Total on pat'ttlle 11. Absent wiLhon t 2. Annual rFl.ex~minaLio.n, 26.9.07 . I emher pas ell g. Did not appear 5. Medallions ]0. J: l1l'smg certlficate 5. Regulatioll 1Illif'onn "om by 1 Oflicer, 1 corporal, anLl 10 men. !.latpl'ial: strct<:hcrs havrc:sttc splint' a])(l bandu"'cs yes led in Di vis~onal Committee. Di Vi3ioll 'supporled 'by mom bel's' suhscripti~n~ tlild public donatlOlls.
St. John A ?nbulc~nce B?'igade.
No. IV. District.
J\lA 'U ll H~TEn .
Superinte nd e nt.
Honorary Sur-geons.
O. H. ,Voodc:oek, ;'If. B. J. K. Lund , J. Dull', iIl.B. (25.12.07).
-W. A. l3l'l1nl, (5.2.0 ). 7, Elmdell Street, Uulm e, Mancheste r.
1IUt. c. s.
Insp ector- of Stores.
1st Officer (1 0 .4. 08) and Honorary S ecretary.
'1'. K "arter.
J. MarLin, 29, Pem lJerton Street, Old Trafford, Manchester.
Officers 3.
Sergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Private" 40. ToLltl cffec·ti ve 1 . Drills held 41. Al'erage aLtcllclall('e 1. 'a. cs attended on puUic duty 70. Remonds 2. OttHeti attended not on 1,ulJlic duty 40. Amlual inspection, 4.7.07 . Totu.l all pl1racle 2. Absent with leave 1 ' . Without leayc 2. Ieclallion 1. Re"'ulatioll uniform worn Ly ~ 111('11; tramways uniform by all others. Material: 2 stretchers, medical havresn.t:, Hplintti, bn,ndages, 2 ·(::ts clia(frams, vetitecl in Divisional Committee. Diyision supported by'lys 'ommittee,
Honorary T re asurer.
ergt. T.
1cKinley .
Officer 4. ergean ts 2. Corporals 2. Pri yate 3~. Tolal cH'ccli I'C 10. t30. 9.07). Decrease since 1a t report 7. Drills held 50. Average attenda.nce 20. OLI. es attended on puhlic duty 362. Helllol'ab 4. Cast's allended not on l'uLlic duty 75. Annual insrectiolJ, 27.·-1.07. Total on parade 2 _ Absent "ith leave 9. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 17.1.07 and 21. 3.07 . 1\lel11 bel' pa oed 30. Did not appeal' 11. Mellallioil 25. cnice btLc1ges 12. lH ing certificate' 24. Regulation uniforlll worn by 2 OOicers, 2 sergcants, 2 corporals and 30 mell. Material: 5 stretchers, 4 surgica.l ha.Yresac._, dre sing :;tation first a.iel ouLiit, 4 blankets, store chest, splint, water bottles, &c., vested in DivisiolJul COlllmittee. Division supported by subscriptions aud annual concert.
Hono rary Surgeons.
R. D. Cran, 1\1. H.C.~. W. G. 'hallll, D.Cll.
R. C. DOlle, 40, Bradshaw 'tt-eet, Mo ·s I'ide, Manchester.
1st Offi cer.
2nd Officer.
J. T. Btu-bel'.
G. Carlos.
Honorary S ecretary.
LEYEi' , ElUL:lIE.
Honorary Surgeon .
H. E. E(llin,
Inspector of Stores .
Pte. J. E. Lord.
1\l.R.C. '., L.R.C.P.
Honorary Secretary.
Hono rary Tr-easurer.
Pte. E. L. Yeal'dye, Mr. G. Paulson (Hon. Member.) 14, Highfield Road, Leyenshulme. [N 0 report receivell].
In spector of Stores.
Hon. Surgeon .
R. G. McGowan,
:II. D.
1st Offi cer.
Newton Heath, ,Manchester.
J. 13. Dovill, 49, Thoma' 't., Oheetham Hill, Mandlester.
OFFIlE.. 1st Officer.
lI. lsherwood, 7 , IIud(ler field Roall, Rell lIey.
Hon. Secretar-y.
Acting Inspector of Stores
IJ. Barrott, 13, Nell J lc . Ro<ul, Millll'UII'.
Acting 1st Officer.
K Ridgway.
Hon . Treasurer.
,]. Heywood.
ll. Whill'head.
nll'l'I'S 2. ~erg('allt 1. Corporal 1. Privates 14. Tolul cll'cctiYC 1 . Rcsen'c II1clllhers~. In crease since last repol t 0. Drill held H. A " eragc atll'uc1allt:1' G. Cas's atLulllh'rlnoL on pnlJltc dut,\' 15. Annual inspection, 2fi.9.07. Tot \l 011 Fuadc \I. 1111senL Ilith lelll'c n. i\lululliona 5. Regnlntioll uniform ,,"om by 1 Olliec!', 1 CIll'[lowl, aml 12 11le11. Malerial: II wall boxes, 2 titl'etcher" tore Lox, \'estcli ill 1>i\ iillllill ClIllllllitLee_ Dil'iHion upportcll hy lllPlll bet's' 'ub eriptiol1 anll public contribllliolls.
MORECAMBE DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). Hon . Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer . F. OllllltLl1l, M.A., ?>t.11., J.t'.
Hon . Surgeon.
T. Foulkes, 110, Henry 't!'eet, West Gorton, Manchester.
'01 ~-\ lL
Hon. Surgeon.
.T. Chadwick,
'Y. F. J ac:kson,
1\1. H.C .••.
Ofllccrs 5. 'ergcalll·~. 'orjlorab~. l'ril'ales 54. Total effective 66. Incrcase since la·t rcport ~9. Drills held 49. Ayerage altellLlallce 30. Ca 'es attcnded 011 l,ubli<; dnty 15. Remon.l. 9. Ca.cs attelldcd lIot on public duty 296. Annual ill 'IH~ctioll, 27.1.07 and .1. 7.07. Total Oil l'urade 26. Ab cnt "ith leave 29. -Without leul'e 11. AlIllll!L1re-ex,llnillatioll,25.9.07. i\Lelllucrs lllL 'cd 3. Did not appeal' :33. Medalhon' 1. ~el I it'· h:l<lges 0. Tuhing certilieates 2. Regulation uniforlll wom hy :2 Ollicrr', 4 sCI'gt'lluls, 2 corporals and 30 lllCIL laterial: 4 str tchers, hayr sue, . tore bo_', Illellical box. splint, bautlllge., &e., "ested in Divisional COllllllitLl'e. Did ion .npportcll by lUember " . lib ·criptioll. and yoluntary COil tri butiollS.
Officers 2. Oorporal 1. Prinltes 19. Total elfeetiye 22. Decrease sinee last rcport 10. Drills llCld 117. Avera~e attendan<.;e 11. Oases attended. on pu~lic duty 330. Remo:als 2. Cases attendcd not 011 public duty 47. Annual lllspectIOn, 27.11 . 07 and 4.f .07. Total on paraue 14. Ab ent without l~ave 8 .. Annual re-e~amiuati.o.n, 19.9.07. Memb~rspass~d 20. Did not allpear 1. Medalhon~ 2.. urslllg certIficates 2. RegulatIOn ulllform worn 11y 4 men. Tramways ulllform worn by re t, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Divi ion supported by members' :ilOcial clnb.
R. D. Cnm,
Hon . S ecretary.
J. Mellor, ,Dixoll. treet,
Hono rary Treasurer.
•'crgL. J. W. Nuttall.
'ergt. H. J. Jack, 7, Bradshaw treet, Broughton, Manchester.
1st Offi cer and Hon . S ecretary.
,I. A. Willis, (1 L~.O ), 13, I-Iornley Tenu,co, Morecaillbe.
[l?orlllell 1 .2.96.]
J. Broll'lI, GO, ' ehola Green, .Mol'eeambe. Acting In spector of Stores.
.Corpl. J. Willncy.
St. J ohn A ?]1,bulance B rigade.
N o. IV. District.
Office r s 2 . Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 35. Total cffective 4 0. R escrve mem her 1. Decrease .. ince last l'l'port 5. Drills held 31. 1\ verage attendance Ca. es attended on public duty 10. Relllo\'als 4. Cases altelltle(l not Oil puulic duty 47;). Annual illspe('iioll, 19.6.07. Total on parndc 2 . Absent with leave 7. Without leave 5. .Allllual re-cxamination, H.G.07. MenlhClS passetl 22. Did not appeal' 17. Mcdallions 6. Regulation uniform worl1 Iry 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, allll 29 mCll. Material: litter, oJ strctchers, 2 medical hanesac., 6 set splint, etc. Divisioll SllllPOl'tclI by l'uhlic contrilmiions.
attendeel on p uIl lic dnty 30. Removuls 14. Cases attended not on public duty 14 0. Allllual i n sp~ction, 31. .07. Total 011 paradc 21. Absent \\'ith lcavc 3. 'W ithout leave 2] . Anl1llal r:3-cxulllillIlLion, 26.7.07. Mem hers passe(l 33. Did not appear 10. ~1edilllio))s!3 .. Regulation unifoJ'm \VOl'll uy 3 ()(fic(~rs, 3 sergeants, 2 corporals, and .~o mcn. Matena!: horsc IImbulllnce \\'ag~011, 5 Fmley stl'ctcllcrs, first aitllJox, sl1l'gwal havl'l'sacs, splints, hanclagcs, etc., vested in trllstces. Division snpported by voluntary (,(Inti i\ruLiol1s. The year Ims lie en a mo:;t sllccessful one. lYe have bought a horse ambulance wagon of tJ1P latc.'t type, th rough the g ' nerous f\UppOl't of the public.
[Formed 10.88.]
(~ J.3.0
H. lIolgn.te
W. l1ackiug.
Officers 3. crgeant 2. Corporal 1. Pri,'ates 35. Total cO'erti"e .n (3 0.9 . Oi). I nerea e since lasL report 7. Drills helt! 4:3. A \'cragp atLclHhuH'e ~O. R('DlO\'a Is GO. Cases attended not on public duty G,. AIllllHlI inspecti.on, 11.G. 07. Total 011 parade 32. Ab ent without leave 9. AIlJ111alrc-cxaminalioll, 11.3.07 and G.B.07. Members passed 37. Did not appeal' 2. ;llcdallions 14. 'en"ice batlges 6. N ursing certificates 4. Regulation nllif'onll worn by 1 Olliecr, 2 srrgeallls, 1 corporal alld 27 men. Material: wagon, litter, 11 c;rl'l'lcli{')'s, :2 hampers, 3 havresacs, 97 Ilppliance boxes in mills all,l work hoI'S, splints. llllllllagrs, &c., vested in local Centre Committee, S . .T. r\. A. Corps sllpported uj' Llonatiolls rrolll Centre. [Fol'med 29. fl. 99.]
L.JU'.P .
1st Officer.
A .•. Middlctoll , Lilly Balik, Bnxtoll Rd., Nt'\\ to\\Il, Ill' .• 'tockpol't.
Hon . S ec l-et ary
Hon . Su rgeon and S u pt.
J . A . C, Doonan,
[Fol'lnrcl 1 .2.05.]
'V A LK,
Hon. S urgeo n .
P. L. Arlllstrong,
1s t
O (ficel's 4. Sergeants 3. D ecrease since last report 9.
C hief S urgeon and Acting C hief S uperintendent. "\'11. ,
HealtJI Oflicl', Towll IJall, Ol(lham.
Hon Secl-eta r"y.
Acling Hon Treaaurer.
N. Cocl1r:l1lP, 201, l,ilLlclllool' L:tIlp., Oldham. (Fvll}, _llIIbl/lllllCI' nil'i~i(l/l')
't rgt·alils fl.
-(lftiuc l's ;,.
X/lI'S/II l l /J/I'isillll)-O flil'I' I'S 1.
Nllrsin~ sisLf'lS 17.
J. FOil,
'fll'porals 3. Privates 6-1. Total efl'ecLiye 98 [FOl'lll!'ll 1.06.]
l;n,-; : Bo\\' 8 ' IJ:I;:I~'l', Or.IJll .DI.
Honorary Surgeon
1st Officer.
,J. W. ,roolley. 39, Pitt ,'(reel, Oldham.
Honorary Secret ary.
J. W.
~J illal,
:3. L:llldseel Street, Ohlham.
~elgl'nlJts 2. Privall's 10. Tota.l errerLi\'e H. t 7. Drills held 50. A \,cI'nge att(·1lI1allCe 6. Annual in sl'edioll, .6.1l7. Total Oll ]farad!' 0. A IlsC'nt ",ith leaye 2. \\ ilhol1t lea.'"e . Anllu!ll re-.l'xall~illilli()ll. ~J.u.07, .. :r.l ('Ill IHTs j'(lSSl'tl . Fail ed J. Di(l Hot appelll' 9. M!:'i1<1lllOllS :1. i\urslng' cel'\llil'afes fi. Hl'fflllatiolJ llllil'urlll ,,"Oll! by 20fticer :2 sergeollh, allll ') 1111.:11. ])i"i!-;ioll SI1Pl'Ol'tpc] hyOlllemhel's' suh<;cril'tioll. ' Officers 2. 'l'
S. Hongh tOll.
,'1'0 I: E~
OUrll A~[ Eril
[F"rlllL'd UO.9G]
I 1.\ 111 .1'; l·U-OI'ER.\.'l'l \"E
SIll II,'I'\", LTII.
1st Officer.
Hon S ecretary.
J I .. LIt·kslIll, l1 i~hl I
SladIOflrsltle, O!t1halll.
W. J L I1l·y\\'OOtl. !1:1, l'il'1'1l1ll1ell Road,
01(1 lin lll.
Ollil'l'I' 1. 8CI't:I'Hllt 1. Pri\'ate ' 12. Tolall'll't·ct i, e 11. !lel'll'as' sillr:' In~t. I'l'polt 11. Ihills held 100. A'crage uttendallce 6. Allllual .illsjH'clioll, 'l'''lal Oil 1'1Ll'tHl L. Abscnl "ilhont lp,n"e 6. Anllnal ree\.all.llllat~l1l, 7 . . 0.7 llnd . . \1.07. lelllhers pi1,.~e(l . Dill !lot appeal' 6. ~JedalJlOll!i I. J mslIlg eertlficatf'.~ fi. Rl'''nlalioll uniforlll \YOl'll by 1 erC'eallt and 13 1I11'11. flIall!rinl: <1 slretchers, sllrgical hancsae. Di\'isillll sUl'port~d by Illcl1Ihct's' ·uhscril'liolls. . (OLDHAM CORPS ) MUMPS DIVISION . l I EAIJ-I.,lL\ H'I'i'ItH:
Act in g In specto r of Sto res.
E. R obinson, 109, Church R oad, N orthwich .
O ffic~r.
J. P. Garner .
,Vi tton Honse, N ol'tlnvieh. 2nd Offi c er- a nd Hon . S ec.
Inspector of S t ores.
.T. W. Wright, 2, \\ oo(lsiue Cottnges,
Roxuy. Newtown, nr. Stockport. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privalcs H. Tolal ell'ective 1 I ncrease since last report 3. Drill.' hehl 2!1. AYel'age attellduIlC(' 6. Cases attenlled on puIJlic duty -1. Remoyals~. Casp,; alt(>nded llot 011 public r1nty ]~. Annual illspeetion, 3.8.07. Total on parade 6. All ent witllOut leavp 1:2. Allllllnl re-examination, 30.9.07. Urml,cl's pa.ssed 13. llill Hot appl'al' 1. l\led ·dliflns 11. Regulation uniform \\'oln by 1 sergeant, 1 corpornl, al1(l 11 well. Malerial: amhulance stretchcr box, 2 stretclwl's, a11lblllan('I' h::lllll'f'l', "plinfs, 1HlllflngC'l, J water bottles, etc., ,'ested ill Divisional COlllllliLLee. Di \'ision snpl'ol'tpc1 hy weill hen;' subscriptions and pnblic C'olltrilJUtioll~. CorpI.
YEO"\I.\);llY J)I:TU, IT\LL,
J. B. Wilklllsoll,
I)ccreost' . ill
HIB[lFHT, THhET, .'h \\TO\\ \.
Hon Su rgeo n a nd Ho n. T reasurer-.
A. Whitehead,
I IJ.;Al1-QtTAIt'l'Jo:I~'i:
Inspect or o f Stores
1st O fficer.
Supe r in t ende nt.
HE .\[)-QUARTElt.':
Hono rary Su r g e on . W. Jack on, M.D.
C hief Surge on . B. K. Robb, M.A., M. D.
H . Baunister (:32.3 .0 ). 14, .r ile Street, Nelson: Lane.
Hon . Treas u r e r.
W. Hohinson.
Corporal1. Privates 37. Total erl'celivc 45. Drills helLl 52. Averagp attellllu,lJee 10. Cases
1s t Offi c e r.
J . S. Forrest. Ac t ing In s pecto r o f St ores.
T . W il."olJ.
[Fol'nled 7.1.97.] • TImET, UI.llll.-I.lIl.
Hono rary S ec l"e t a l-y
CorpJ. J. I:olh\\,(']], Railway Vicw, Acting Hon. Tr'easw-er.
1. W.
l nlllp;l, Oldham.
No. IV. D i8trict.
St. J ohm A ?nb~!Jlance B?'igade.
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 31. Total effective 35. I ncrease sillce last report o. Drills held 96. 1\verage attelllh\~.ce 12. Annual inspection, .6.07. Total on parade 19. Absent \nth leave 1. \\ Ith.ont leave 15 .. Annual re-examination, . . 07 and 1 .9.07. Iembm.'s pass.eel 2G. DId not appeal 9 Medallions 19. Jnr inO' certificates 9. RegulatlOll 11111£Or)11 worn by 1 omc('l', J' ergeallt, 2 cOI'[lorals, and men. . Material:. ~u.\'gical 11 a l'1'e"ac, -1 stretche.r~, and splillt, vosted in Divisional COmlllltteo. DIVISIOll upported by membels subscriptions.
[Formed 1.10.01.J
In Ch arge.
Acting Honorary Secretary.
Sergt. H. Schofield, 539, Glad tone Terrace, ergt. P. Coeket', Fox Denton Lane, Oldham. 204, Litlle11l0re Lalle, OlJham, Sergeallt 1. Oorporal1. Private 11. Total c[J'ecth'e 13. Decrease since la-;t report 9. Drill held 103. Averago attendancc ·1. Removals 3. Oases attended not on public duty 40. Annual inspection, .6.06 . ~'ota~ on parade 5. Absent with leave 1. . Without 1el1Ye 12' Anllual . re-eXanJlllat.I~Il, 7.S.07. Members passed 5. DId not appear lr. Icdalh10n 1. C1\I('e badges 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, J corporal, l11.1u .10 men, vcste(1 in Divisional ('ommittee. Division supported by members' 'ub 'C1'1ptl011 .
[Formed 20.11. 9.] PAllIH ,DI. Su peri ntendent. lIJ. • all! leI'S,
Hono rary Surgeon .
J. A. i\lackellzie,
.J.-j, Honorary Secretary.
t., Padihalll.
Honorary Treasurer.
J. T. Pilling, 12, Green Tpl'l'Uce, Padibam,
Ch ief Surgeon and Chief Superintendent.
W. II. Irvin-. 'ellul's, 7I1.1l.,
[Fu1'lnell '2.7.06.]
Honorary Surgeon . Superintendent.
C. R. Atkin '011, 26, Park Road, Port Sunlight.
1, Chapel 'tl'eet, Preston.
\1.1t.('.:->., .J.I·.,
Honorary Secretary.
ergt. 'Y. II. Buckley, 8,
t. lllark's Hoael, Preston.
In spector of Stores.
Hono rary Treasurer.
, el'gt. J. 'W ooels.
Corp1. E If. Millington.
(Tlwee Ambnlance Divisions).-OfIiccrs 8. (One Nll?'sing Division).-Oflicel's G.
, Cl'geallts 4. Oor]Jorals 5. Privates 7 Ul'sing sisters 54. Total effective 155. [Formed 2fi.1.88.]
H fFLr,
J. Eo Holden,
Hon . Surgeons. M. B.
A. Ramsay, M.B. Superintendent.
Harrisoll, 25, RO'sal Street;, Asldoll-on-Ribble, Preston. 1st Officer.
2nd Officer .
T. 1<'. Ne\\llHtll.
J. A. Lendrum. Hon . Secretar·y.
.T. IIo(lgkinson, Wol 'ley Hoad, Preston.
oInccr G. ,'erg nil t· 3. Oorporals·1. Pri yatcs 41. Total effective 53. De('lea e sillce last rcport 1. Drill held 42. Average attendance 26. Oases llttemled (Ill pllLlic clnty 20. Cases atLended not on public duty, numerou~. A1111l1al in 'pection, ~0.6.07. Total Ull pamelc 40. Abscnt with leave 6 Without leave 7. 1\1111\1,11 re-exalllinatiOlJ, 1~, In c' ~G. 9. 07. Members pas 'eel 34. Failed 2. Dill not appear 1;'). Medallion 32. en'ice uadge 20. ?lll ing certificates 20. Regnltttioll \luifol'lll wom by 3 Oflicer', 3 sergeallt " 5 corporals, and 0 mell. ~latl'r ial: 2 1l.11l1111lancc caniages, 33 lirst lli(1 hoxes, 3 litters, 20 stretchers, 10 surgical havrcsac" ec., vClitetl ill Tl'll tees . Di"i 'ioll snpported by concerts a1l[1 suLscl'iptiolls.
W. J311yli ·s.
Officers 2. S6rgeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 30. Total u[recti \'0 31. In crease since last report 7. Drills belel 46. A.\·erage fLLtendallce 9. Removal.' 23. Ca es attended not on public duty 236. Annual in.'l'ec:tiol1, ·1.6.07 . r~ota~ on parade 9. Absent with leave 2. Without leaye J G.. AJ1lJU~1 re:exalllll?~ilOll. 10.9.07. lem hers pas. ed 12. Did not appear 14. MedallIons 16 l1l' 'lllg C('l't lllc:ttes 6. ReCfulatioll uniform IVOl'll by 1 OlIicer, ] sergealll, and 21 IlIOI]' Matenal: horse ,~agoll, liLter, 7 stJ'etchers, surgical ha\Tcsac.' 36 111.ill b.oxes, cLc., vesiell in DivisionalOom:nitt(·e. DIvision snpported hy l'ulJhc c:ontnhutlOlls.
J. Mackellzie,
~1. B.
: ~T. Al (iIJSI L":E:.·
Hon Surgeon .
[Formed 23.11.01.] PnE.TO'f .
Act ing Hon . Secretary.
Cl. O. .'tal1\\'ell, r. 1:.U. P., Frendl 11'00, 1 A \'ell uc, Prestolt.
~l. '\' illIRlll'on, 3, Lllrk Hill Rel., Preston, Lancs.
Acting Honorary Treasurer.
T. Re,ldy. Ollieel' 1. 'c'l'~eant 1. Prinl.Ll' 13. Total eO'ectiye 15. Increase since la~t report ' 1. Drill held 37. Averllge attendancl3 S. Annual ill:,pectioll, 20.6.07. Totnl 011 pamdc 11. AI 'se nt with lea\'e 2. ,\~ithollt Ieaye 1. AlllllH\l re-cxHlllinntioll, 1 &. ~;'.9.07. :\Ielllbcr:; P :1S 'ed 1~. Failell 2. ~Iedallion 10. rTlll'sill~ ccrlilicaie' 4. Heglllatioll unifurm wom by 1 sergeant, anLlll men. Material: 3 stretcher.', 1 havre 'ae, "e.·ted ill Divi 'ional OUlllmittee. Divi iOll supported b'y public: COll tl'i bu t iOIl~.
Honorary Secretary.
5, Bath
A. l:auclifJ', treet, Port 'nnlight.
Officers 2. 8ergean t 1. Corporab 2. Pri vales 29. Total efl'ecti ve 3,1. D ecreasr. since last report 12. D rills It eld 31. Average atLelldal1ce 17. A 11 lllllll inspection,21.9.07. ToLaloll pararle 25. Alment with leave j. Without leave 4. Annual l'e eX:J.lllill1.Lti rm, 25.9.07. Membcrs pass ell '27. Did not appeal' G. ~re.lallions 13. RegllLttion uniform \110m uy 1 man. l\lalel'ial; Bea U>I\\'anls litter, 1:J stretchcrs, medieal Il<tVl'es:ll', splillts, l'llgs, etc:., belongillg to Messrs. Level' Bros., Limiled. Division liupported by II Ie IlllJel's' subscriplions.
(PREST ON CORPS ) LEYLAND AND FARINGTON DIVISION. [1?ol'lllC'd !:l.9! ; Pe-formeu ~.1900.J IIrcAD-QUAIlTEH.·:
AnoN \ I • C1I00T.,
Hon Surgeon . P. Frnsel', ill. D. HOI1. Secretary.
Hon . Treasurer.
'. Hibh elt lJO.2.0 ), 31, Ullion Street, Leyland, Preslon.
It Potter (10.2.0 ).
St. John
No. IV. District.
Officer 1. Corporal 1. Privates 24.. T otal eO'ective 26 (30 .9.07 ). Increase since last rcport 2. Drills hcld 26. Average a.ttendance 10. Annual in srection, 20 . 6.07. Total on para.lIe 12. Absent with leave 2. With out l eave 13. Annual re-examination, 30.9.07. Members passed 13. Did llOt <.ppea1' 12. Medallions 9. ervice badges 5. Nmsing certificates 5. Regulation uniform ,,"orn by 1 corporul and :23 men. Material:;I stretchers, 2 hayresac , . plint , etc. Di"Vision supported by public and meJJlber~' subscriptions.
Honorary Surgeon.
A. A. gtlwar<l, ~I.n . Superintendent.
'1'. H. Yardley, 10, Grange Avenuc, Rawtenstall,
Honorary Secretary.
C. Ilill(lle, 14, ' t. Mary'S Terrace, Rawtenstall, 111' . Manchester.
Inspector of Stores.
Pte. II.
[Formed 7.5.07.]
Hon . Surgeon .
F. Stephenson,
L.lL c. P.
Hon . Secretary.
Su peri nten dent.
J. \Vahltuck, 9, lHonnttield, Pre twich.
R. Gib on, 3, Wal\vick
t., Prest\\ich. Manchester.
Hon . Treasurer-.
Inspector of Stores.
Mr. G. H. O,er~hy (Hon. Member).
H. Greenhalgh (26.4 .0 ).
Oflicers 2. Priva.tes 23. Tot"l effective 25. Drills held 15. A\' erage attendance Ll. Oa es attended on public duty Hi. Cases attended not on public duty 1. Annual inspection 16.7.07. Total on parade 20. Absent without le,we 5. Mcdalli0u 1. IUI'iug certifiC'l.l' 1. Regulation ul1lform worn by 2 Officers and 1 men. ~Interial: surgical hamper and splints, "ested in Di \'isional Committee. Diyi"ioll upportcd by melllllt'l's' sub criptions and voluntary contributions.
1\11'. A. A. "\\'hiteheacl (Hon . Mem.)
Oflicen; 2.
Corporal1. Privates 15. Total effective 18. Drills llel\l 41. Average attendance 4. Rcmovals 10. Cases atielllletl Dot Oll public; duty Ell. Annual inspection, 24.9.07. Total OJ] pamde 11. Ab eJl~ without lcave 7. .Annual re-examination, 30.9.07 . Members passed 12. Did lIot appeal' 6. Medallions 15. , 'en,ice l)allO'es 2. Nnrsing certific~te' 7.. Regulation ulliform . WOJ'll by 1 Oflicct', 1 corpural, and 12 mCIl. JHatt' nal: hUel', 3 s~retchel" foJ' ell'lll purposes, 4 strcet 'tl'etclter statiolJ . , J 1 smaller wall IJoxe~, 2 ,'urglcal. lta:Tc a.c~, .and 2 S(lu~rl \\ater bottles, splint, baJlcl'1ge~, and S?t o~ (hagt'81l1S, Vl'. tcrl,lll Dn'I 'lOnal COIlll1lIttee. Division snpported by IH1hhc COlltnbl1tlOllS tllll!membcrs ,'ulJ:>criptious. DCCl'eu~r sincc last report 6.
:rAl'ION .\L
carr, B . A., ~r.B.
11 , 'ross Lane, RadclifIe, nr . !lIanche ter.
Honorary S ecretary.
Cryer (29.10.07), 291, Ainsworth Road, Radcliffe.
' rAIl RL_\CKllUHX.
Sup erintenden t .
. H iudle, 7, Fort tl'eet,
Read, n eal' Dlack bnrn. Inspector of Stores.
M. llluncIell.
Honorary Treasurer.
"'. " ' ilkill.'on.
21.6.9 .]
J, G. Jone, M.n. I . H. Dh'1.l'm·wllI F.ll . < . .. . l:eu.d,
Honorary Surgeon.
Honorary Surgeons.
J. Ratditle, Caldcl' View, [~'onllc\l
Honorary Treasurer.
Honorar-y Secretary.
Inspector- of Stores .
Corp1. Clarkson.
Honorary Treasurer.
1I1r. W. Bowker (HOll. Mem.) Officers 2 .. Sergeants ~. Corporals 3. Privates 40. Total effective < 17 (30.9.07 .) Increase Slllce las~ report 8. Drills held 48. Average attendance 26. Oascs attended ~lOt on publtc dl~ty 50. Aunual inspection, 7 9.07. Total 011 parade :32. Absent With I~ave 9. Wlthont leave 6. Annnall'e-examillatioll, 21.3.07. lcmhcl's pa~sed 42. DIU not apl'ear 4. Medallions 32. Nursing ccrti ncates 25. Regulation ul1lform WOIn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, aud 39 men. Material: 11 st~·e~c.hers, 2 stretcher boxes, alld 16 wall boxes, vested in Divisional COlllmittee. DlvlSlon supported by public contribution.' . .The al11b~lance an~ ?ursing Divisions have worked mo. t strenuously for a hazaar, WIth the object of rmslllg £1,000 to provide a suita,ble drill hall, etc. The baZMl' was opened on 17th April, by the Deputy Cummis ioner of the District, Col. O. ,J. Trimble, :r.~., c.~I.G., and Oll sub equent days by other gentlemen. The re ult was most gratJ£Ylllg.; the sum realized was £1,050. A building in the town was shortly a£~erwards. acqUlred.. The .Radeliff Division now possess one of the fin st am uulu,nce drill halls III the Umtecl Kll~gdom. The dimensions arc: L tuge hall, 80 ft. by 45 ft., a fine lecture room, a commIttee room, secretary's office, cloak room, lanttories, etc.
Ollice!'.' 3. Privatc.' 10. Total effective 13. Decrease sincc lll·t rC]lOl t 1. Drills helll 2fl. Aycraae attendance 7. ases atLell(blnot Oll pul)lic (luty 10. Anllual ill . pcclioll. .7.07. Total on pftrade . Absellt ",illlonl leave 9. AllnUttl re'exulllillatioll, 19.6.07. illelld,ers pa. cd 6. Did 1101, ILl'l'e~u' 10. .i\lellallion ' 15. \'ni ce \lallgl's 16. Regulation uniform WOt'll hy 1 o Uil'cr, and 1~ mCIl. latcrial: 4.tretchel'», wall box, 2 smgicul hawe ac" rngs, &c., 2 1lIi11 boxe, " \IHtll watut' hottle, \'estcl! in Divi.'iullal COI11mittee.. Di"isioll 'llpportell hy membcr " slluscl'il'tioll ', public couhilmtioll: and entel'lalnlllellt '.
IlOULD., ;WOllTll'ClIUIII ", REIlIlhll.
Honor-ary SLi rgeons.
T. II. :-)llliLh,
O. PhJll1ps niosscrup,
Hon . S ecretary.
J. P. BCllt, J;3, Lingard Strect,
[Form ell 10.4.95.]
In C harge.
::)ergl. J. Lalllon , :2 ,~ebufield Helldi 'h, Htoclq1ort. Inspector of Sto,·es.
II. Ilysoll.
Hon Tr-easurer-.
,I. 'Illith
Reddish, 11eal ,'lockp0rt. Olliecr;; 2. ,-'ergcltllt 1. Pri,ates 17. Tota!cfrcctiye 20. Increase since b.-t report 3. Drills held 31. Ayeragc attendallcc 12. Casc. attended not 011 puhlie duty 50. AUllnal inspcction, 3 . . 07. Total on p,lnHle 16. AbcuIIL with ICltve 3. ,\'itlIOllt Iclt\'{" 1. Allllllltl re-exalllillation, 25.!:l.07. nlelllbers l'n.:~ed 1. Meclallions 17. Scrvil'e badges 1. lIl'~ il1g cprtiticat c ' 11. Hegulatioll HlIliol'm WOrl1 by 1 sel'guallt, alltl 17 111\'11. l\latcrial: <1 stretchers clllergetll'Y boxes, splints, kllltlagc ', huncsucs, watcr bolth·s, iufltltetl aill bed, llllll'kiuto h sheets, &c., ve . lell ill J>ivi 'i\lllLtl lUIlIIlJiLlc\'. ni\"i~i{lll sn]lportnl by pnbli' COll tribuLio liS.
340 ROCHDALE CORPS (LANCASHIRE). Chief Surgeon and Chief Superintendent.
R. B.
eller, M.R.C.S., Towllhead House, Rochdale.
(Fow' Ambulance Dil'i ions).-Officers 13. ~Fo1l1'
NUJ'sing Divis1·OilS).-Officer 7.
ergeants 5. Corporals 9. Pri.vates 103. Nnr ing si tel'S 7. Total eO'ective 224.
Honorary Surgeon .
Hon . Surgeon .
'V. P. Grallt,
L. Anderson,
M.ll .
3rd Officer'.
2nd Office 1-.
J. D. Howarth.
J. T. Garner,
'fREET, ROCIIIlM; fi;.
lIl. R. C. s.
Super'i ntendent.
[Formed 10.7.93.]
Hon . Sur'geon and Hon . Treasurel'.
.J. Hodley,
attended not on public duty 9. Annual inspection, 31.8.07. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 4. Allllual re-examination, 14.5.07. 1Jenlbcl" passed 10. Did not appear 6. Medallions 9. Hegulation uniform 110m by 1 Officer, and 13 men. Material: stretchcr and box, splint::, &c., vested in DivisiolJal Committee. Division supported by lllem bel's' subscriptions.
Inspector of Stol'es.
Hon . Secl'etary.
E. A.. ,'tott, 561, Market treet, Whitworth.
Inspector of Stores .
95, Milnrow Row, Rochdale. Corp1. J. Richardson.
ergt. W. Helshy, 51, Castlemere t., Rochdale.
1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.
Officers 5. ergeants 3. Corporals 6. PrivaLes 48. Total cffectiyc 62. Increase since last report 6. Drills held 53. Average attem\ancc 3l. Cases attended on public duty 3l. Hel110val 314. Cai:>e attelllied not on public duty 93. AnlJual inspectioll, 31.8.07 . Total on llarade 5l. Ausent with leave 7. Without leave 9. Allnual re-examination, 9.4.07 awl 27 .. 07. Members passed 5 . FaileJ 2. Medallions 43 . ervice badge:> 25. Nnrsillg certificate' 2~. Hegulalioll uniform worn by 5 Officers, 3 ergeants, 6 corporal, and:l. men. Malerial: littcr, 35 wall boxe, 6 stretcher., 2 ice ball, splints, bandage, and urgic:al bane 'ac, vested in Local Centre S.J.A.A. Division supportcr! hy members' suuscriplions and pu blic cout1'ibntions.
Honorary Treasurer.
A. lIolt.
OOicen:i 2. 'el'geant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 21. Total effective 25. Incl'ease since last report 5. Drill. ]Ield 26. A\'erage attendance 10. Case~ attendl3u ]Jot 011 public du ty 22. A.nnual impection, 31. .07. Total on parade 12. Abeut \Iith leaye 1. Without leave 10. Annual re,examination, 30.4.07. J',lembel's passed 15. Did not appear illedallion 'en'ice badges 3. Regnlalioll llniform \Yorn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 19 men. Material: 6 wall boxe ,3 b·etcher., 60 .plints, bath chair, inyalid carrying chair, 3 havre sac , and :1.0 handages, vested in Divisional 'Olllll1itlee. Divi 'ioll supported uy \'oluntary contributions.
[Formed 2:l.l. 94..J TRRE!'.
Honorary Surgeons.
W. L. Bentley,
Honorary Surgeons.
[Forme\l 17.12.01.]
T. E. Thomma 011, 9, Hanover t., Ca.-tletoll, Lancashirc.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
H. Stott, 37, Al bion Street, Castleto\\'ll.
ergt. J.
Officcrs 3. Sergeant l. Corporal l. Privates 20. Total effecti;'e 25. I ncrease since last report 4. Drills held 46. A.verage attendance 15. Annual inspection, 3l.8.07. Total on parade 13. Abseut with leave 2. ,Yithout leayc 10. Annual re-examination, 8.5.07. [cllJbers passe!l 20. Dill J10t appeal' 4. Medallions 14. ursing certificates 5. Regulation uniform worn uy 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 18 men. :Material: 5 wall hoxcs, :t . trt,tcher , havresac, splints, &c., ve ted in Di visional Committee. Diyi.ion ·u)1port.ed by members' and public subscriptions.
Hon. Surgeon .
H. Carse,
E. L. Appleyard.
T. Hamer. Officers 2. Corporal l. Privates 14. Increase since last report l. Drills held 47.
2nd Officer.
J. H. ,Yhiteman. Inspector of Stores.
H. II. A. HOllarth, 1 ~, IIighbal'll 't., Roy ton.
01'1'1. Lomas.
Ofli cers 5. . clge:lllts 3. 'orjlnral1. Pri\'ulc :n. Tutall'fJ'ectiyc 30. Iucl'I'nseiuce In t reporl 1. Drills held ·11. Aycmge attcnda1lce . Case' nttelldud lIOt 011 public (lnty 33. Anllual ilIS])ectioll, ~5.9.07. Total on parade 13. J\b.ent with lca\'c 6. Withont leay' 1l. .\l111nal re-cxamination, 11.9.07. Member }lased 11. Did llOt appear 16. Medallion' . I\lll'.'iJ1g certificates 2. RegulaLion llnifol'lU worn by 2 Om"cr', 3 'el'gcant", 1 cOl'pural, and 21 men. Material: whccld litter, 6 \lall boxe, ice l)u1l, bandages, 11 tl'ptcher, &c., vestel\ in Diyj 'ional Committec. Diyjsioll upPol'tecl by members' nb criptions and public con tribntioll ,
Hon . Secretary.
Acting Superintendent.
Hon . Treasurer.
H. Miall Woodhead, N.B., ('.:11., Ohisholme, 'ale.
COl'pl. J. J. Leach. ToLal cfI'cc:t.i \'e 17 . Average attendance 8.
Honorary Surgeon . 8.. We brood, ~r.B . (17.10.07).
A. Hall, Meadol\' Bank, Bamford, Rochdale.
Inspector of Stores .
R. W. Pickering,
tan field, 119, Rochdale Rond, Oldham.
[Formed 25.11.01.J
1st Officer.
Honorary Secretary
1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.
, . T. Lord, 111. [{. c..·. O. R. White, L.n. c. '.
R. Young,
Superintendent and Honorary Treasurer.
L .. '.\.
Inspector of Stores .
G. Jones.
Honorary Secretary.
R. Gitter, 5, W01 eley Road, Hono rary Treasurer.
W. M.
St. J ohn A rrnbtdan ce B ?'igu de.
No . IV. District.
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 2. Privates 21. T otal e(redive 25. (30.9.07). I ncrease since last report 2 . Drills he ld 47. A verage a~tend.ance 15. On.l-i('s attended on public duty 9 . Oa es attended not on pubhc duty 12. Annual in pection, IS.9 . 07 . T otal on parade 24. Ab e~t wIthout leave 1. Aml~lal re-examination, 19.6.07. l\Iembers pa sed. 19. DId not appear 4. Regula~IOn un i form worn by 1 Officer, 1 erg-eant, 2 corporal, and.l .. men. MaLenal: 3 stretchers, 3 havresacs, vested in Tmstees of Divi ion. DlvlsIOn supported by public contributions.
. Ul7 .]
Hono ra ry Su r g e on .
J. Illingworth, 76, Tithebarn Road, ' outliporl.
Hono r ary S ec r etary.
Insp ect o r o f Sto r es.
Oorp1. E. Grimshaw, 8, , Vest treet, SouthlJort.
Oorp1. W. Grime.
Ho no l"ary Trea s urer.
Officers 2. ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Private 2. Total elJ'ecti\'e 03. D ecrease since last report 4. Drills held 42. A "erage attendance 1 7. Cascs attendetl on public duty 7. Removals 2. Ca es atte!ltled. not 011 public duty 7. Annual inspection, 27.5.07 . T otal on parade 25. Absent with leave 6. WiLhout leave 2. Annualre-examinaLion, 10. 6. 07, 16. 9.07and30. 9.07 . Member. pasetl26. Did not appear 6. Medallions clTice uaclges 3. Ul' ing certificate 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 o Uice!', 1 sergeant, ~ corporals, amI 27 men. Material : 3 stretchers, surgical 11a vre ac, splints, &c., ve::;tetl in Di \'isional Oommittee. D ivision supported by members' and public contl'iimtiolls.
Inspec t o l" of Stores.
J. Rouinson, 235, Bury 1'oa(l,
1st 0 ffi cer. ~
, Cambriclge ,'tre t, Heayiley, tockl'Ol'l.
Ho n o ra ry S ecretary.
Inspector o f St o res.
J . Ollershaw.
Ollicers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. l'ri\ates 40. Total erl'cctiYe 4i. I ncrease since last report 11. Drills held 50 . A\'e ragl' attendance ~1. Cases attended on puulic duty 2S. Oases attenllecl not on public tiutS 70. .A nllllai inspection,3.S. 07 . T otal on parade 25. Ahscnt with leayc 9. Without lcave 13. Annual re-examination, 30.S .07. l\IemlJers pa eel 32. Did 110t appcar 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergean t::;, 2 c01'l,orals, anu 27 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 2 havresacs, store chests, &~ . , vest cd in Divisional OOlllmittee. Division supported hy voluntary contribution .. quads of men haye attended flower shows, open ail' fGtcs, sports anu football matches during the season. '
J . L . Russell, H. Thorp,
M.B. M . B.
Ins pecto r of S to r es.
J . Barstow.
[Formed 27 .7.03].
TOWN HALL , QUARE. 1st Officer an d Honora ry S ec r et a ry.
J. T.
36, Garden Street, To(lmorden .
Hono ra ry T reasu rer.
F . Sutclill'e (10 . 4. OS).
Honol"ary T reasurer.
'erg!. 1. GrilHlro(l.
Ofllcel's 2. ""l'geanL 1. Pl'i\'aLes H . Total elfective 17. Increase since la::;t ['('porL 3. Drill' helll ,13. Removal 1. 'a.-es attelldecl not on public duty Iti. Anllual insl'eeLioll, 30.7.07. Tolal on pararl~ 7. Ahsent witli leave 3. Without leave 7. Anllnal l'l'-CXamillatioll, 17.9.07. ~lell1bers passeu S. Did not appear S. Merlullions 7. llI'.ing certilicatcs 9. Regula.Lion uniform worn hy 1 O/Jicer, 1 sergeant, f1.1Hl 11 lllen. ~laterial: wheel ,tllitter, 3 stretehcrs, 5 wall hoxe., surgical ha\TeSaC, \'estell in Divisiollnl COlllmittee. Division snpported by members' subscription ..
[Fonnetl 1 .G.O~.]
DI.lI,I, ILu,L, KLlt,JILEY Rn \Il,
'1'1: _\,\'1)1':\ .
1st Officer.
Ho norary S urgeon.
keen, 'r. n.
\\'. II. \\ altoD, 17, Hall Rmul, Tra\\,(lcll.
Honorary S ecre tary.
Inspector of Stores.
Laycock, Balddi ltl ~lreet, Wille\nlll.
.1. Hollill
Honorary Treasurer.
, . Hobin on.
Orllct'I'S~. ,'I rgclllll 1. 'orporal 1. PriYil.Les 1;). Total elJ'cctive 19. Decl'ca::;e siucc h·t report 3. Drill. hcltl40. Average allcmlallce 13. Hemovais 3. Anllual ill~l'eclioll, ~li. 9.07. Total on l'ara(le 1;;. Ab ent with loa\'e 1. Wllhout leave 3. Allllual re-examinu,tion, 30. n.07. illclllbcr' passed 1. Pe"ulatioll uniform '1'01'11 IJ\' 1 Ufli('cr 1 'el'''eHllt 1 C'ol'lloral, and 13 1lIen. "U latcrial: <> J ' ;:, , . D '" 1 3 tretchel's, ~ wa.ll boxe.:, ~ hUYl'e'ucs, splillt., e·C ., Yestell 111 11'11011a OOlllmittee. Diyi iOIl supported oy l'uhlic contlibutions.
Hono ra ry Su r g e ons .
T . 'harpIes, .. ·.
. F . o11m, HEAD-QUARTERS:
\Y. t.
Totti llgton.
[Formed ~ .~.Ol.]
J . J. Orme,
M .D . :'IL D.
R. Mas.'er, 211, Bury Road, Tottingtol1.
RUO.ilI, OA~TLE YAlU>, ,''lOCKl'UHl' .
Hono ra r y Su rgeo n s.
Sergt . J . H . illool'e:,;, 10, Royal George Stockport.
Hon . S ec r e t ary.
[FOlme(l 2.9.95 .]
S uperin t en d e nt .
A. II. Poole, L.IL '.P.
Sup e r inte n de nt .
L.ll.C . P .
K A. Goulden, R. G. Smeeth,
Office rs 3. Sergeants 2. Oorpol'al 1. Privates 32. Total effective 3S . I ncrease 'illee last report 2. AverageatL,·ndance 10. AnlJual inspection, 25.9 .07. Ab~ent with leave 6. , ViLhout leave 11. Annual re-examinT otal Oll paracle 21. ation, 26.9.07 . Meml)('J's pa::;::;cd 24. Di 1 1I0t appeal' 12. Regulation uniform worn by 3 OfHcel's, :2 sergeants, 1 corporal, amI 32 men, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by subsCliptions.
TUINITY 'CI10UL:-l, SOl'Tlll'OIlT.
Hono r a r y Surgeon .
S. D. Frnn,
L.IL .P.
[Formcd 15. 1. i . ]
D . DlllEH BltlDGE.
Ho n. S ecretary (In charge).
'ergt. T. Parker, 2, Taberner Terrace, Higher , Yalloll, neal' Pre ·tOll.
Insp ector of Stores and Ho n. Treas .
'prgt. A. H. ll ebblethwuite. O fliccrs 2. erg ants 2. Oorporal 1. Privates 10. Total eil'ective 15. Deerea e since lao t report 1. Drills held ~1. A wrage attenclance 6. Annual inspcction, 17.0.07 . Tutul 011 pamela G. Au cut withuut lcaye 9. ~~lJlll1~l re-exumination, 30.9.07. Melli bel'S pa::;sctl 5. Dill 1101 appear . :JlcclalllOD I. ervice UlLdgcs 3. Regulation u niforlll WOl'll by 1 Olliccr, 2 sergeant', 1 corporal ,
Hon . Secretary.
and 11 men. "Material: 2 litters, 4 stretchers, 2 surgical baskets, 1 sl1l'uical bavresac, vested in Diyisional Committee. Divi ion supported by public donations .
\V. II. Dav ey,
W clbcck," 'Waterloo Park, \YaLcl'loo. Honorary Treasurer.
Inspecto r of Stores. Chief Surgeon .
Ch ief Superintendent.
Capt. ,Yo 'Waring, Latchford llou e, Latchford, Warrington.
( Two Amblllallc( Divisions).-Officers 8 . ergeauts 5. Corporall. Pri\' ate: (Gile NUJ'sing DivisiM).-OOicl'r 1. ~ msing sisters 17. Total ell'ectiye1.
[Folmed ~5.~.97. J
Sup erint endent.
Honol-ary Surgeon.
W. J. Collins,
Baldry, 125, Church \r aniIlglon.
1st Officer.
2nd Offi cer.
H. T. Williams.
F. Ta}lor.
Honorary Secretary.
Inspector of Sto res.
A. E. Spann, Friars Green, 'Yarl'lllgton.
Sergeant H. Holloway.
Offic~rs 3. Sergeant 4. Privates 29. Total effective 36 (30.9.07). Decrease slllce. la·t rep()rt 10. Drills held 35. Average attCl](lance 24. Cases attellde~ on pu?hc duty 40. Removals 12. Cn..:es attended not 011 public dllty 76. AnnnallllspectIon, 19.6.07. Total 011 parade 29. Ab ent with leave 6. \Yithout leave 1. L\nnnal fe-pxamination, 12.9.07. Members pa '.·ell 30. Medallion 30. Service badges 12. -ur ing cer~ificates 15. Regulation Hllll'orm worn by 3 officer.', 4 serge.ants, and.l?meu. i\Iatenal: stretchers, ha\'ersac ,etc., ve tell ill Divisional COllTIlIttee. DlvlslOn supported by public cOlltributions.
[Forme '123.1.05.J
CHOSFIELD'S SOAP 'Yom~ ., " '.\JlnTl\GTO ' .
Hon. Surgeon (Acting).
J. Adams, 1st Office r.
Acting Hon . S ecretary.
J. R ose (in ebarge SOY., 1907). \Yicken House, 'tretton, nr. Warrington.
H. Flood, 13-1. ,l :J[ary s ,'treel Latchford" tt'eet, \Y 3:rrillglon. '
Inspector o f Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
J. Bruhl.
F. J . Lord.
Officers 3. . ergeant l. Corporal 1. Pril'ates 23. Total cfi'ecLive ~ (30.9.07). Decrease Slllce last Ieport 11. Drills held 46. A\'eracre attendance 1 Case: ~ttended on publ~c duty 5. Cases attended HOt on l~nblic lluty ,13. Annual mspectlOll , ~9.6 . 0{. Total on parade ~5 . Absent with leave 3. Anllual re-ex~mlllatI~n, 1. 8.07. Members passed 21. DId not aplJeal' 3. l'Iledalliou 16, N~rsl~g certlfic~tes 10. Regula~ion ~1l1iform wom by 1 Ofilcer, 1 sergeant, 1 COlpOI~;!. and 1.~ men . Ma~enal.: .h~tel', 6 stre.tchers, 'pliuts, bandages, &c., 2 sUlo~cal ha\lesacs, vested III DIvIslOnal Commlttee. Division supported hy J. Crosfield and ons, Limited. 1'!r. Rose? 1st Officer, obtained the diploma of the Royal Humane 'ociety for saVln~ the li!e ~f a boy.. by)umping into the Sankey Canal, and afterwa.rd successfully applymg artlficlal reSpll'atlOn.
[Formed 13.6. 06.J
Honorary Surgeons .
T. H. Agnew,
L. H.. ('. P.
F. W. l\Iurray (28.4 .08 ).
L. II. Goodwill (15.10.07).
1[ . E. Baron.
No. IV. Distri.ct.
St. Joh'l) A mbuZu17ce Brig((cZ('.
W. V. H. Smith, 1-1, Mount Avenue Orrell Litherland. ' ,
Ollicers~ . Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Private..: 15. T otal effective 20. DeCl'ea e since last report 2. Drills held 55. Average attendallce 9. Cac;es attpndell Oil public duty 24. Helllonls 7. Case,' atLendecll10t 011 pu1.Jlic rluty 5. Annllal inspl'ctioll, ~ .9.07. Total 011 parael!' 13. Ahsent with leave 4. \\'itllOut lea .... e 3. Annual rl'-('xalllination, 2.:i.0/lWtl 30.fl.07. M(,11lber passed ]6. Did not alJpear 3. Medallions. ReglllaLion ulliforlll worn by 1 Oflicl'r, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 7 men. Material: 3 tretchers, 2l11'gicnl llavresaes, splint', &c., vested in Divisiona l COlllmittee. DiYi~ion supportcd by 1111: 111 hel's' sub. eriptiolls nn(l public COllt ri bn liolls. The Di"isiol\ is indehte(l lo thL '\rilteJ'loo-wilh·;' nforth Fl'han Di::;triet 'oul1c:il fur the lise of a l'Ulll11 clUl'ill~' the winter. <Iud to tIlL HI;;\. T. K. Dick:;on. ~l.A., for the use of 'hl'ist 'hlll'ch :'elioul 1'laygl' und lin' chill during the summer montbs. The ~upllrilltL'nd ' nl, .erge:mt, ] cOl'l'oral, and ·1 men Imyc enrolled them ehe ill the nlllitary H Ollll' IIospitals ne,; ITC.
[Formed 5.5.97.J
lJE ,\Il~Qr.\I\lllt';: :\!J:l Il.L In;' I~ :-;lITL'll, "'J[\LEY
Honor-ary SUl'geons
It II. :-)1'il111, F.
J. 11. W ilIc1op.
1..IU ' .I'.
(:2:,.1.0,). Honorary Secretary.
Superi ntendent.
Bag"h ,lll',
1st Officer and Inspector of Stores.
,\'rgL LT. S. \\ hitl', The LeYcl, Whaley Bridge, ~'toc kllort.
iell End, W IIII Ie,)' J:ndgc, ,'tockport.
Honorary TI'easurer_
IJ OW:ll't h.
OOicer:-i 1. ,'er"calll: 2. orpOI,tl1. 1'l'i,'atC'. a:.. Total ellecti"e 42 (30.9.07 . Decrease silll'e last repurt 1. Drills llC\(l [)'. A\'erage aHellllallce 17. Case, alt!:'nrll'(1 011 plll)lic duty 10. ['CllIOI all. Cases atlelHlec1 uot all public duty 100. AUlJunl il1spcclioll, 3.~ .07. Total 011 parade 3:2. Absent ,,·ith leal'e 3. \Yithout I '!lYC 7. All 11\1:11 rc-cxalllill:ttioll, 1~,1.07 '" 11.9.07. :Jlelllbers pa~,ed ~ . Dilillot al'!J('nr 1~. :'Ilellnlliow; '27. '('i' \,j('(' hadgl" 10. Nmsing certificate.' ~. Regulation Ulliforlll wom hy ~ Olliccr,-, 1 Sll'gC:11It, ] corporals, and 2 n'ell. ~Iatcrial: 3 , tred hoxes, 11 libl aill hox(", slllgical hal'l'c.'ac, hell tCllt, 6,tretchl'lS, large store cllpboard, larue .. tock or 1'lil1t s , htndttges, etc., ,"estell ill Diyjsional Committee. Dil'i 'ion \1pportctl h)' melllbers' sub criptioll and puhlic contributions.
Hon . Surgeon ,
T. T. :Jlacklill,
A~SI.'\lIlL\ ROU.\IK, "'lULLEY.
Superintend ent & Acting Han. TreasLlrer.
\\'. F. ?lln\\ Ie, Queen 'trLd, \Yhalley, Blackburn.
Hon. Secretary and Inspector of Stores.
.\.. Gomall, Billillgton, " '!talley, Dhldzburn. Officers:2. Private 12. Total etrective H. D ecrease since \;1't report 4. Drill held 20. Average attendance 10. Removal 4. n 'es attendc(l not on lJUbli c (lut)' 5. .Aunual in pectio]], :2 .9.07. Total on paralIc 9. Ahsel1 t with leave 1. ,Yi t!lout lea ve 4-. Allllual re-examination, 30.9.07. Th IClIlhCl'H passed 3. Did not nppear 10. lec1alliolls Regulatio n nnil'01'1I1 worn by 1 O(licel' alld 9 men. Material: 3 stretcher', 2 bane -ac , YC ted in DivisiOlJU.I COllllllittee. Diyisiou supported by public contributiolls and annual soiree.
Er, Is
[Formed 28.7 .02.J
I VlIITEFIEL)) . IIE.\J) -Q ll .\HT lm:-;:
Hon . Surgeon .
A. J. Young,
37, George Hon . Secretary.
Hon . Treas urer.
CorpI. J. Olegg.
MI'. J. Hilton (Hon. Mem.)
Officers 2, Sergeant l. Oorporals 3. Privates 26. Total eIl'ective 32. I ncrease since l.a t report 7. Drills held 47. AYerage attendance 20. Oascs ~tteDd~d on IJ~ub~lC Juty 10. Ca 'cs attenJ cl not on public duty 55. Annual InSpectIOn, 2(. (.0 ( . Total on parade 25. Absen t wi th leave 7. AnD ual l'e·exa1lliuation,21.3 . 07. :JUembers pa sed 24. Did not appear 1. Mcdallion ~!'i. ,cl'\'ice badges 16. Nursiug certilicates 17. RC!rulation uniform worn hy ~ Oflicel' 1 ser~eant, 3 corporal, aml 26 men, 1I1at~l'ial: 6 ,tretcher, 'urgieal hane ~c, splmts, bandages, 12 wall boxes, bell tent ve, ted iu Diyi iOllal 'oll1111ittee. Division supported by voluntary contributions.'
Hono rary Su rgeon.
1\1. G . .JlcElligotr,
L[, nllll)!:I';,
[Formed 11.12.05.]
Hon . Surgeon.
J. I\'. Crossley, t., Whitefield, Manchesler.
In spector of Sto res.
IV. Hardman, 10, Morley St., Whitefield.
Su perlnten dent.
No. IV. Di.c;fT1cl.
St. J ohn A muviance Brigade.
IT. .'. Ceddie,
1st Nursing Offrcer and Lady Secretary.
Lady Superintendent
Mi's J\I. ,'hppherd, 13, Albert Accl'ington.
Miss M. K Fletcher, 12, North \rest "iew, Dlll'llley Boarl.
'1,. ,
Ollie 1'83. Nursillg sistel's 2 Tolal effectivc 31. Ill creas( sillee Jast report:2, l'raelieci> hel(l 1;'j. Average attellclallcc 18. Cases alLemier1 011 public tinty 19. 'ases atll'lIrled ]lot on publiC' duly 7. ('a.~s privately 111ll';.;crl I. .A1\llllal ill peetioll, 7.0.07. Total 011 parnde 26. All eut WIth leave 3. ,Vithol1L Je:Fe :3. Al1l1ltal re-eXll,llIillatioll, ~,-.2.07. (,lembers pa"scd ~4 . Did lIoL appl'a!' 6. 'DINI:.tlJioll. ~.' R~gllJatioll lllli~o.lJll worn 'by 2 O{!j~en) aml 17 JlurSil~g ~i.ters. l\Ialenal: hcrllhu~, .'Ick 1'001\1 rC!pl1 ItC.:, handages, splllll , etc.: Ye~tecllll .A.cerillgton Ct"llln ,'.,J .. \.A. l>il ision supported hy members' su'bscl'iptions alld gr<1nt· frolll Celllre 'oll1l11itlec, cOllcerts, etc.
1st Officer & Hon. Secretary.
Inspector- of Stores.
T. Olitheroe.
O. Eccles, 26, :Newman ..\\'enuc, IYigan.
Hon. Surgeons (Acting.)
Lady Superintendent.
Honorary Treasurer.
W. C. Hi~l;y, .\1.1:. F. J. A. ~l/ly 's, 'I. ILr ".
High Bank, Alllingtoll, La.uc .
W. 'ilcock.
Officers 2. el'gennls 2. Oorporal1. Pri,'ate. 15. Total effective 20. . Decrease since la3t report 20. Drills held 39. Average attelldallco 11. A1l111lal mspecti?n, ~6. 9. 07. Total on parade ] 5. Ab. ent with leave 4. A1l1lUal re-exammatIOn, 30.9.07 . 1lIembers pa sed 19. NUl' ing certificate l. Material: 4 stretchers, 2 medical havre. acs vested in Divisional 001l1111ittee . Division supported by public contributions. '
[Forlllc(l u.J
TIlEET, W1.'.IOllV,
~l. Willliow~,
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Lady Secl·etary .
ill is. I~. TTaddock, P.r.'OIl I [IHI,'I', l'lllIrley Rlla(l, Arllillgtol1.
~I iss.
Lady Treasurer.
:'Iris E. Fairclough.
'hor1l'y I d ... \.ll1illgtOJ1.
OHic(')'~ :3. XI11"il1~ si"t(')s 11. Total clrl'diYC 17. l)CC)'C;lSC "illec last report 1. Practit;".· held ~ I. Average aticmlallce 7. Oa os alll'IHlCllllnt <111 jluhlic duty 6. Allllual illspection, 1 .i).07. To~al?ll paral~e ~. Ah:-;ellt "ilh I:lYC l. \\'ithout lcn.\' 1. Allllllal rc-exammatlOl1, 1 .b.OI. Members pa"."'>ll 9. Dirl not appear Ii. ~le(1allioll. 1. Divisiol1 supported hy 1I1c1l1hers' s111)scriptioll.' aUll local contributions.
Honorary Surgeon.
B. H. Wooc1yatt, L.ll.C.I'. Sup erintendent.
A. H. Oourt, Post Office,
ew Winsforrl, Oheshire .
2nd Officer. IV.
I. Bucklcy.
Ih.\.D-(1 .\I~T.Ells: YICTOllL\. Ht.:S'LU n.\::\'1', .blILE\ Pll_U1 _\.LTIlI~CIl.Dl.
Honorary Secretal·Y.
Sergt. A . Grant, Wharton Bridges, Winsford, Oheshiro. Inspector of Stores.
S. Slack.
[FOl'llH:r1 0.11. OU. J
HOI1. Surgeon (Acting).
p, H. Ooopel',
Honorary Treasurer.
Mr. A. :Moreton (Hon. Mem).
Officer~ 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 24. Total effective 30. Decrease slUce. last report 5, Drills held 32. Average attendallce 15. Oases ~t~ende.d on pubhc dut120 . Oases attended not on public duty 216. Annual ll1SpectIOn, 29. 6.07. rot~l o~ parade 14. Absent with leave 15. Without leave l. An.nual re-ex~.~·ll,n~tIOn, 1l.9.07. Memb~rs passe.d 12. Did not appea.r 17.. JI.1e~a~hons 16. tleIVlce badges 3, N urSlllg eertlficates 8. Regulation u,mform. "0111 I)Y 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 24. men. Materia.l: wheolo!l lItter WIth ~tretcher, 6 .Fnl.'ley ,stret?hers, .1 ~ ~urgieal havresacs, 4 emergency bag., &e., vested In Urban Dlstl'let CounCll. Dl VISIOU supported by pnblic subscriptiolls,
Lady SecretalY
i\liss L. ~L Trelftt (:!0.12. 07), 'Imrtp.r Road, /..Jtl'incham.
1st Nursing Offrcer & Acting Lady Treas.
'J11". A. ~l. White, 70, Victoria. ROtlel, lIale, Al triucht1D1.
. Vllicel'" 2. ... 'ur,;ing sister. 9. Total eifectiYe 11. Pmcti<.:e· held 37. ..:\.\·erage nLtuucln.llce. a 'es t\ttel1d~d on p~lbl~c d,uty 243. '<u;es ,·tttendcc1 not 011 1mblie c1l1t·. 11. ~\.nnllal m:SllCetlOlI, 2·1. 1. .01.. rotal on .) , 9 O~ 1. ~\J)t;ellt with len\l~~. 1\-ltllOut lea.\ 0 1. .Anllllall'e-c'l\lll~n:l.bon, .0 . . /. Membcl'H pas 'cd 5. Did not appear;i. Mellnllions 6. 1 ~trt umf0l'l11 \1'?r1l. by 1 nur:sing ullicer anel 5 nul' 'ing :sisters. Di\'ision supported by socHlls aud subscnphons.
No . IV. District.
St. J ohn A?nbulance B ?1igade.
. . 01.J
II gAJ)-QUARTI~ll~ :
L ady Supe ri nte n d ent.
Hon . Su"geon . B. :lIIol'l'ison, ;)I. B.
Mrs. i\l. A. RO ll uotLolll,
4, Je ll'lllarkct Rd., '\Vaterloo, A hlOll-t11111cr- LYlle. Lady Se creta r y.
L a d y In sp ector o f Sto r es.
O. H nlley, 221, "\Vhiteacre R oael, Ashton-uuder-L yne.
A. L al\'ton.
Officers 2. nr ing sister.; 21. Total efl'ecLil'e 23. D ecrease since last report 1. Practices held 46. Average attendance 10. Ca e.' attended au public duty 1. Cases attended not on puhlic duty 7. ea es primLely nur ed 17. Annnal inspection, 29.6.07. Total on parade 11 . Ab cut with leave 11. W ithout leave 1. Annual re-examination. 25.'1.07. 1\Iemher. pa seel 17. Dirl not appear 5. Medallions 20. Regulation unirol'llI worn by 1 Officer Hnd 1~ IIll], ill" ~iste~·s ...Material: b::1 and b~d?i.Dg, ball<lages, plints, bmidage machine, elc., vested III DIVISIOnal OommIttee. DIVI IOU supported hy members' subscription., etc.
[Formed 5.3.02. J
IlK .
Lady Sup erin t e nd en t .
Hon . Surgeon s.
:'I I I'S . C. "\Vhite<;irle, :18, l'titclmrcl, treet, Blnckbul'll.
G, Elliott, (, n c.P. ( Actillg). ,\ . A. P. Moffatt, ~I. It.('.:-;. A c t i n g L ad y Sec r et ary.
Act i n g Lady I nspec to r o f Sto re s .
Miss Mitton, 77, I)hOlrock Lane, Blackburll.
Miss Bil)I)1·
Officers 3. Nursillg sistcrs 26 . T otal effective 29 . I nc/,e:tsc si nce la ,t report 12. Pradires held 37. Avcrage attendance 12. Annual inspection, 11.9.07. Total on pararlc 15 . Ahscnt with leave 4. Withont leavc 10. Annual rc examination, 1 .9.07. l Cll1ber. passed 14. Dicl not appear 13. Me:c1a.llinl1s IIi. Rpgnlatioll unirornl worn hy 3 Officers and 2 nm ing sislers. Material: lIall hox, splints, hallrlagc<;, lint, etc" Ye.'trr] in Did 'ional Oommittt·e. Divi sion Sll]lpOl'tel] lly memllcrs' subscriptions.
BLACKPOOL NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Fonnell 13.11.95.J III';,\l,-ell AI~lglt.':
Honorary Surgeons (A ct i ng).
F. W . Rigby, p , J. Brown,
L ady Sup eri nten den t.
n. ,'.
P(lLJ( E Bell TIl -(,S, • OL I'll KI. ·(; "'I'l~LKr, DI.M']';l'OOL.
H O/1ora r'y Surgeons ( A cting).
1st Nurs i ng Office ,' and Lady Insp ec to r o f Stores.
Mrs. R. Stubbs.
L a d y S ecreta r y.
1\1i 's M.
imp. on, ]5, cal'\', treel, Bacn]!. . Officets 4. N1llsing fjiblers 26 . Total ellcctin 30. ~ ecrease Slllce last repol t 4. Practice hpld 40. A \'erage attendance 11. 'a e' pI:~vately nursed 8. Annual inspection, 27.8.07. Total on pamde 21. Auent WIth leave 3 .. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, -1 & 11. 7.07. 1\le1111 leI'S pa~~ed 22. DId not aPlJear 7. :Me(lallion~ 23. ('nice badges 12. Hegulatioll umf~rm "'?l'll by 2 Officers and 26 nUl'smg 'ister. :Jlaterial: 110 l,ital l,ed alltl be~dlDg, all' an(~ ~y~ter beu, sick room rellni 'ites, roller aud triangular bauda~cs, splInts, etc. DIVISIon supported by volllntal'Y contrihutions.
R .. '. Olelham,
:If .. \.
Lady Superin t enden t . Secretary, A cting I nspecto,' of Stores, and Treasurer.
~Ir . V. J\ I. Ol'lllr, Jlalslt dl l:atl'.
.nIr· . .1\1. E. Law, A Ii elilre, I3acllp.
;)1.B . ~1.B .
'I. \.,
lo.rClllllnL Park, lliackl'ool.
1st Nursing O fficer_
:;\Lis: M. II. Hartley. Olliceni 1. ~l1l' iJlg si,ter:-. 25. Total efl'l'ctive 29. Illl'rcase Hince Ia::.t r r ptJl I :.. PraL'licl" helll 3 '. An:rage atteml3.nce 1 Case allL'llllL'd nut Oil pul,lie dnly l~. Ott 'U: privatdy lilli' 'c(l 7. Annual illpectioll, 10.7.07. Total Oil paraele 1 :l. Ahsent With 1(,3.\'e 10. Without leave 4. Annual re-l'xanlillatiOlI, 0.7.07. ?lll' mhcrs l'~:sed 16. Dir] 1Jot appcar 11. l\1edallion 17. Rcgnlalio;l ullil'orlll II"UI'II by 3 Ollieers and It lllll'::ing 'is tel' . 1\latel'ial::3 slllgical It!l\'l'e 'acs bandag ', plint:, ail' cll'hiollS, amI 17 Il'llll boxes, Ye,' teu in Di\'iionlll 'olJll1littec. Di\'i~ion 'upportccl hy memller,;' 'ubscl'iption -.
Honorary Surgeon.
O. M. Mitchell,
M. D.
~ady Secretary and Inspector of Stores .
MISS C. Booth, Whitty croft, Barrowford.
Il F \ll-\IU .\ll'1lcIL
Lady Superintend ent.
Mi ' R. A. Preston, Woodbine, Barrowford. Lady Treasurer.
HI'S. J . mith.
. Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 11. Total effective 13. D ecr ease Slllce last r.eport 3. Practices beld 32. A verage attendance 6. Oases ~ttend~d not on public duty 10. Oases ;privately nursed 8. Annual inspection, ~ 4 . 9. 0f.. '1:'otal on parade 7. Absent WIth leave 5. Without leave 1. Annual re -exam.m atIon? 18.4.07. Members passed 6. Did not appear 6. Medallions 11 . R eg,:latIon n,m form \VOl'll by 1 Of:fic~r and 11 nursillg sisters. Material : 2 surgical ,bavles~cs, wate~' bottles, splInts, and 4 boxes. D ivision supportetl by m embers and illlll collectIOns.
H on. S u r geon (A ctll1g).
T. \\'. PaLllll"on.
L ady Secretary. ;'11,,~
K Bleackley,
. • "I'.
'Ill'ltl!ll HOUSE.
L ady S upe r'intendent . 10~,
..\Li"" A Chapmau, lligh 'treet, Bolton. L a d y T rea surer.
lIhss A. J. 'methurst.
10, Bll'llllUglulill 'tleet, Dultun. Oflicer' 2. ~ur~illg ' i~ter ' 11. Tohtl etlectil'e 13. l'mctiues helll 11. AI'emge u.ttendltllCe 10. Ca::le~ attended on publ~c dut): 5. Cases attended nut on public duty 4. 'nse pril'lttely llul'ecl 1. Allllual 111 pectlon, ]~.10 .0 7. Toln,l 011 pltrn,de 10. AIJscnt with lean:: 2. Without. lea,.' 1. Medalliol\s 10. 1 etrulation uniform ",om hy 1 Ollic!'!' und 6 UUl'lllg ,l;;lel". Jl aterinl: roller bal~lhtges ,mel rubher sheeting', vested in i~lOllnl Committee. Di\'isiull supported by melllber~' "ubscriptiollS and publiu coutnbutlOJ1'.
No. IV. District.
St. J ohn A ?nb'Ldance B?·igade.
Hen . Su"geon . G. 1\1ile , L. ' . lI. .
Lady I nspector of St o r es.
Lady Tr' ea sur e r'.
Miss 1-3. FUl'llworth, 7, Owen's Road, Horwich .
.lUi s La,mb.
Officers 2. Tur ing isters 12. Totu,l effecti\'e 14. Practices held 40. A\'erage attendance 9. Annual inspection, 12.10.07. Total on parade 1. Ahsent \Yith lea\'e 6. Annual re-examination, 21.9.07. .Mcmb 1'8 passed 11. Rt:!gulation uniform \YOl'll by 1 Officer and 5 nursing sisters. Material: first aid box, Splill t " and bandage" vested in Lady upt . Di vi ion supported by the members' efforts.
L. Simpson, 80, Ol'ecnllill Tcnaec, Albion Stl' 'et, nll\'nlcy . L ady T r eas ure r .
Acting Inspector o f Sto r es.
Officers 3. Nursing siste~l'. 42. Total eITective 45. I ncrcase flinrc last report 4. Practices heM 41. Avcrage attcndance 19. Cases a.ttend eel on pn] ,lic clll ty 25 . Ca"cs attended not on Pl~ blic, duty 33 . fnnual inspection, 10.6.07. Total on paralIc 31. Absent wIth leave 6. "Ithont 8. Anllua.l rc-examination, 2G.6.07 and 25.9 ..07 . MCl11bers passed ~4 . Failed 1. Did not al'Ppar 8. Mcdallioll!> 35. SCl'V1C~ badge 1. R egulatIon uniforlll 1101'11 11y 2 Oflicers allll 'J ~ 111ll'~illg sisters. Matcl'l.~l: ~ I.l~t water bo~tles, :l ail' cllsbiollS, :1 hed resls, 2 watel'lll")/l[' :;he~ts, &c., .vesteel tn ~l\'ls10nal Commlttep. Divi ion :uppol'lell ],y llH'lllhers' subscriptions, 111111 collectIOns, and voluntary con tl'i lin ti on s.
.(' j\11"~':-; c.;f1l![~'lI\~
AS"OCIATlO.', Buuy.
L ady S uperin t en den t . lis~ '. A. LOlllax,
102, \\'all1lersley Roarl, Bury.
treeL, Thc Ilal1lgil, BoHoll.
L a dy T reasu rer.
111. Winward.
L a d y S u p e r i n ten d en t and S ecret ary,
Miss M. Slllith, 69, Castle
Miss M. E. Singleton.
~ I iR!>
Ho nor'ary S urgeon (A ctcng).
Hon . Surgeon (Acting). J. \ Yood, M.R. c.. .
Lady Inspector of Stores.
1st Nursin g Office r' a nd A cti ng L ad y Secre t ary.
L a dy Supe r'i nte nd ent a nd Sec.
Thlis E. Longworth, The KnmYles, liorwich, 111'. Bolton.
Mis J. E. Higham.
Officers 2. TUl'Sillg istzrs 7. Total effe(;tive 9. D ecrease since 10. t report 6. Practices hrlLl 36. Ayerage attCllr1ancl' 7. asc: attended on puhlic duty 40. Case. attellllt.-'ll not all puulic uuty 20. la.·l . pri\ atcl), nursed 30. AUllnal in'pectioD, 12.10.07. Total on parade 4. Ab ent with lea\'e 2. \ Vithout leave 3. Annual re-examination, 25 . 7.07. Melllher. I,a. 'cll 7. Did not appear 1. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform \Yom by 1 Olliec!', IlIHI 7 n1ll'sillg sisters (indoor). Material: splilll , ballllagcs, etc., vestcll in Di\'isiclllal Committee. Division snpporteu IJY mel1luel's' sub criptions allcl socials.
1st Nu rsing O ffice r and L ady Sec.
L ady I ns p ec to r of St ore s. ~ll'i:;.
Miss M. Cllnic, 1, Arg) lu . 'Lruct. Bury.
Eo Micklelielu.
'\ll'sing . istcr 35. Total efrccti\'e 3 . OfJicers 3. Illcrea 'e ince la'lL repnt l 3. 1'l'a'liel'. hcld GO. Avcrage attcndallce .17. '~se' attcntlclluot Oll pul,Jic dUly clO. C'a l'.' primLely 1mI' e(~. ~O. Annual .lllspedlOn, 15.6.07. Total on }Juradu 10. Ab.Cllt with leave ,6. \\ lLiluut leave 1ti. .Ann~1al rc-cxalllillatioll, HI.3.0t. 1.iembcrs pas.'cd 13. Dul 1l0~ al'l'~ar 2-1 . Meuu.lllOn 24. Rcltulution Ullifurlll \\'0111 by :.! UfIiccr:, awl :H UUI'.'lllg s]. t?l'.· .. Matenal: bell, bCllding, .'I'lints, &c., YC . tcd ill lJivi.iollul c.;ollllllittpc. Dl\'llOll uppol'teu uy lIlellllJCl's' alll1 puhlic cuntrihutions.
Hon . Su r g eon (A c t i n g)..
W. Bird,
[FclI lllcll ~U. 0. 01.]
L ady S uperintenden t . ~Ii S 1. Lee,
5, Halifax Road, Briedield, Ileal' l3lUllley. L a d y Secretary.
Miss E. J . Bolton, 19, Halifax Road, Brieroeld. Officers 2. Tursing sisters ]3. Total effective Hi . I ncrease sinl'e last report 4. Practices llell1 32. Average attelJdance 8. Ca~es attp.nded not Oil public duty 24. Anlltlill illspeclion, 1 .7.07, Total 011 parade] 2. Absent with leave 1. \Vithont letL\'e 2. ,\Il11ual re-examination, 26.6.07 . .ThIemhcrs passed 8. Did not appear 2. Mcdalliolls 9. Regulation unifoJ'll! \VOl'll by 20JIicrnl and 13 nursing sisters. Material: ber! and Ileclcling, an,bulallce 1I<t 111 per, splints, &c., veste(l in Brierfield Centre Committee S.J.,A.A. Divisioll sllllllorteti hy volun tary con tl'ibu tion s. •
i. E. Onne,
11. Y. .
Honorary Surgeon ?lCB., C.M.
J . Gardner,
OllUIWli 8 '1 1t1';KI', BUllNLgy.
L ad y Su pe rint end e nt.
Miss M. A. Ste\'Clls, 3·1, Park Grove, Harriet. 'tl'eet, Blll'l11ey.
1st N ursing O fficer.
H onorary Surgeons (Acting). ~l. H. L'. s.
..\. E. JIullll)le.
WlllJU Ie.
L ady Sec r e t ary.
L ady S uperin t enden t .
Mis: n. lIalri.oll, 17, E hton Terrace, Miss E. Jla1'grea \ es, 59, Chalhul'I1 l:d., L'lillteroe. 'lithl'roc. Ollil'crs 3. Tlll'sing sisl l' 27. Totull'fl'ecti\'e 30. Dell'casl' si llel' lasL rcpnl'l S. Pral't ieos Ii cld .J~. A \"cn~gc ntlcnclamc 1,5. Annual illSpl;ction, n.10.07. Total 011 parade 11. Ahs~llt \\'ltllllut lu;t\·c 10. .Anuual rc-cx :unillatiull, 1I.G.07. .\ ll'llt1ll'r· Illtssl'd 1:3 .. DulnoL nl'l'l~,t1: ly: ~lcdttllion. 2l. Part 11l1if'01'l1l \\'01'11 hy 1 OIlic.:l'l' ant! :!.i 11l1l'Smg :;.stCI'~. Dl\'bIOll npportecl 11y public cunlrilJ\ltions.
'IlLoltLJl UltllW,
[Formed 23.10.93.J
Ho n o rary Su rge o ns ( A c t ing).
A. A. n. Dieh') , ;'1.11. W. L. LO\'cLL, L.IL(·.I'.
L a dy S ec. an d T reasure " . Miss~. A. I bnlh'j, 2, '!lapel Fulll,
[Fol'l1H'll 1.5.90.]
L a d y Sup erin t ende nt. ~ I n:l.
K Tttylor, 0, J)nke • tl'ect, l'nllll'.
A c t ing L ady I nspect o r' o f St o r es.
E. H artley.
.1Vo. I V. Vi.
St. J ohn A ?nbulance B?·igade.
Officers 3. Nursing sisters 20 . T otal effective 23 . D ecrease since last report 4. Practiccs heltl 27 . Average attendance 9. Cases attended on public duty 3. Ca es attended not on public duty 2l. Cases privately nursed 16. Annual inspection,5 . 9.07. Total onparalle 11. Absent with leave 2. ,Yiihont leave 10. Annual re-examination, 19.3.07 . 1\1 em bel's passed 9. Did Dot appeal' 12. Medallions 15. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers,. and 25 nursing si tel's . Material: bed, bedding, air mattres , and horse shoe cns1uons, &c. Division supported by subscriptions.
Officers 2. nrsing sisters 8. Total erfective 10. Deere[1se since last report 1. PrHctil'f's helLi 2. Average attenuance 7. Cases atlencJcunot on public duLy 1. Ua~e pri\'ately llursed l. Anllual inspection, 20.4.07. Total all paraele 10. Alll1un,11'c·exalllillaLiolJ,19.7.07. :.'IIembel's passed 9. Material: ail' pillows, mackiutosh sheets, cte. Division supported by annual concerts and menl hers' su bsel'i pLiollS.
[Formed 30.1.97.J
Roor-I., • IIAW .
H ono,-ary S urgeons ( A cting). ii. A. C. Diek'y, :\l.D.
I\'. Doyle,
:\1. II.
1st Nu rsing O ffice,'.
Ho n. S urge on (A c t ing). M.A., B. C. (13.10.07).
1lI. Hutton
. De\\'hnr't, J26, Rochdale Road, High Crompton.
La d y Secretary.
L ad y Treasurer.
l\Iiss C. Coop.
Miss GRay.
Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 11. Total effective 13. Increase since last report 3. Practices held 45, Average attendance Anuual inspection, 1.6.07. 'rotal on parade 12. Au ent with leave l. Anl1nnl re·examination, 26.9.07. Members passed 10. Diclnot appeal' 2. Medallions Regulation uniform worn by 1 OllicCl' and 10 nlll'sing si. tel's. ~latcrial: :plints, bandages, bedding, ve te(l in Divi iOllal Committec. Divisioll.'nppol't('(l by mellll)crs' subc;criptions and public contributions. The Division \von the shield at the -'outh·Ea. t Lallca~hjl'e eOl'll!; nn(1 Divit'ions Competitions held at Castleton on 6th .T Illy.
L ady S uperintendent.
Mrs. R. 11. RichlllOllll, IIole-in-the-,Yall Jun, :Folllritlgc, 11ear Colne, Lancs. L ady Secretary.
.i\liss F. ~l.
tel'hen!>on, Towll Top, Fonlridge, near Colne, Lancs.
Ollicels 3. Nul'. iug .i:;tcl's 5. Totul eflechn.. . Practice!> helll 3U. ,,\.vclage al.lruclHIH;C 4. Caes allclHled 011 pul)lic duty 6. C~lS '8 prinllcl.l' Illll'.~ed~. Annual in . pection, 1 L ii. 07. Tolal 011 parade ,1. Al~sent "ilhout h~'l\'L' 1. AlllJual rc-examinaLioll, 1; :.'IJellll)cr!> pa~sed 4. Dill not al'pear 2. ~lednlli,)]l~:'. 1{('gulaLioll unif'olll1 \\'0111 Ly 2 Oflic:ers and oJ: nm ing sisl<3l's. ~Llt ·rial: ~plilJt~ nnd hallliages. Diyision supporLed hy letting of Hall and sub~L'l'iptioll".
[Formt!l5.5.02.J : NELSON
Ho n. S urgeo n. ~r.B.
L ad y S uperintendent.
Mrs. ~I. A. Pooley, ~Iarket treet, Dalton-in-Furne ,R .0., Lancs,
.A. J. Cross, L a dy Secretary.
L ady Inspector of Stores.
Mrs. M. Chayman, 11, Napier Street, Dalton.
Mrs. l\1. Blackburn.
E. Pearsoll, 20, J 011 n
tre(;t, Heywood.
Acting Lady Secretary.
1st Nursing Officer.
G. (;l'lhlv>, 't.lJ.
[Formed 23.11.03.J
i. .' F. DixOll, Tonge' reet, Heywood.
Ollke)'s 2. Tnr~ilJg sistcrs 14. Toial efl'ectiYe 16. Decrease since 1<1 ·t l'l'pOl't~. 'a,'e: attelJdell Hot on public duty 10. Case privately 11111:;C(1 :3. ';\ll'dallioll' 1. l{Pg1l1lltioll ulllfl1l'lll \Yorn by 1 Officer and 7 l11U~illgi:;tcl's. ~Ialcl'ial: bcd, splint.', handages, &e., n ted in Local Centre . J. A. A. DiYi~ioll Sl1 plJortetl II}' ptt blic cOlltl'ibutiolJs.
L ady Treasu rer.
Mr,'. K. Grigg.
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 12. Total effective 14. I ncrease since last report l. Practices helel 24. Average attcll(lance 6. Cases attended not on public duty 14. Annual inspect.ion, 26.4.07. Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 4. Allnual re-examillation, 26.4.07. Members passe(l 8. Did not appear 5. lIIedallions 13. Material: ueddillg and sick room requisites, &c., vested in Divisional COl11mittee. Division sn Pl'orted by voluntary contributions.
IlL ,\II-Ql. Ul
w.\n E P
[Fonnerl 24 9 99.]
U~I"lI HOll'f, Kt::SWICK.
H on. Surgeon.
1st Nursing Officer
J. H. Unrllett, 'Ln.
K ow ,,[lean t.
Lady Secretary, I nspector of Stores and TreasUl'er
:.'Illss A. ALl.uI1S01l, "\ill'l{et S(llHll'e, Omcer.~
Nursitlg 'isters 7. Total ell'edi\'c 9. (~ 0 rcport received.)
Honora r y S urgeon ( A ct ing). H. G. Deans, M. B. 1st N urs i n g Office r a n d L ady Tr easurer.
JIiSS :M:. K SalisblUY, 60, :Thlarket Street, Edenfield, Manchester.
L ady S ec ,'etary.
:M:i s M. E. H,atclirre, 173, Rose Bank, Stubbins.
Hon. Surgeon ( A cti n g).
II. U. Lamport,
ill.II., l'.~I.
L a d y S uperintendent & Treas.
1\1 l'::l. E. Ball, 71, LUllC Road, Lancaster. y
JYo . IV. District.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Lady Secretary.
Mrs. 1\1. E. Archer.
1\1i S A. L. T esbitt, 1 ,Hartington t., P:.1.l'k Rd., Lancnster.
tiOD, 29.4.07 . 1\lemlJel's p'lssccl]'J l\I C(I a II'IOns 10 R u I" " . , , ~. . . eou a~lOn umform worn hy 9 nursIng sIsters (ll1door ulliform) l\J t .' 1 ba lld age', spl iJJts, mackin Loslles ~ Lc ~ ~~I~ :. am b.ul~~ce box, bed and bedding supported by members' subscripdollS.· ' es C III DlvlSlonal Oommittee. Divisio~
Officers 2. :NUl' ing sister U. Total effective 16. Medtl1lions 7. Material: bandages, bed n,nd bedding. Division supported by members' ub criptions.
[liol'lJled 47.7.01.J
A. P . H.
impson, ::-Lr..C. .
J. . Heaney,
::-LA., III.n.
Honorary Surgeon (Act ing)
(4 .1 0.07) .
J. Cha(I\\ick,
tred, Prince
Park, Livprpool.
Mi ,
Miss E. :B1. Capstick .
.ulr . A. Geddes .
Officer 2. Nursing sisters 13. Total efrectivc 15. Decrease 'ince last report 1. Practices held 35. Avcrage attcnclnncc Cases attentled on public duty 9-!. Case attel1l1ecllloton public duty 5. Ca es privately nursed 5. Annual in pection, 13.7. 07. Total on parade A 11 en t with leave 5. 'Without leayc 5. Annualre-examinatioll, 3.6 07 and 23.9.07. lemuel'S pass ell 10. Did not appear 4. Medallion 12. Sel'Yicc IJaclge 4. Hegulation nniform \\'orn lJy 1 Officer and 10 nursing 1sters. :.ulaterial: betiding pillo\\' , uallelages, splints, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Di vi ion SUppOI tecI by member' su bscriptiolls and public contribution.
1. J.
Olliccr. 2. • ursinl'r siste" 7 Ttl · . llsIJ Decrea.c since last 3 • 1;I 'aont Ices . l'OllOI't Vl IC ' 36 0 aA efr~ctive D. atL.cll(1ed llOt on pulllit.: <luty 30 ,\1.'1']]' . ,ver~ge attendance 5. Ca es ulIlforlll wOJ']] hy 2 Ofl}ecl's amI ~. . .(( ,l .10llS . ,el'\'ICC badge 1. Regulation 1. 1 I ., ( lllII SlIl" S1 tel'S Matel' I I 1 1 dd va1l( !lges, nIH wall bose .. , YCsLe/l in Dil,f'ionul 'Ia : '~l, Je ing, splints, mem ber .. ' 11 1. cri plion.' allel "olnn tary COil trib~I tiol~mnllttce. Dlyi iOIl supported hy T
Honorary Surgeon (Act ing).
,Yo N. Barlow,
~lrs. A. ~1eNaught, liS, Holly Gro\'e, 'ea!')ith. Lady Inspector of Stores.
Lady Secretary_
:.u1iss '2IIcElnea, 177, Bedfol'll Road, BootIe.
~li S ~1.
J. Ormsby.
Officers 2. Kur ing sisters Total elJ'ecliyc 10. Decrease since last report 1. Practice.' held 4.0. A \'crage attellllancc 5. ase attended on puhlit.: cInty 38. Cases attended )Jot 011 public duty I;'. Alllinal inspection, 13.6.07. Total on parade 7. Ahsent with leave 3. Annual re·exanlination, 27.5 .07 and 26.6.07. :.ulel1lDers pa. sCLl 9. nleclalliolls 6. Dcgulatioll uniforlll worn by 1 Officer and 6 nursing isters. Material: ambulancl' ha11lpel', roller allcl triangular banclage', vested in Diyisional Comlllittee. Division supportecJ hy members' subscriptions and donations from frieucls.
Honorary Surgeon.
A . M. Eason, I•. R . C.P.
Lady Sup erintende nt .
lIlir;s ill. E. ASl:roft, 5, Crcil .'treet, Lytham.
Lady Secretary.
Miss E. Keates, Holme Lea, L ytham.
o(]H'l'l' 1. ~illcc 1
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 10. TotaJ effective 12. D ecrease since last report 2. Practices held 33 . AYerage attendance 8. AlJ1lUal inspection, 4.4.07. T otal on parade 13. A bsellt with leave 1. Annual re-eXall1illa-
:.ulre;. :JL Bee vel's.
Dccrcnsc \ltSlllg . I cr 1:3. Total crreclive 14 a t n pcnt 3. Practiccf-l llCltl 14 A" . att ellCh·c1 lIot Oil 11l1blk (Iub' 7 ("1 ' .S. ' .'. t I' \ clage attl'nclance 7. Case 6COTtl J' ,.L: IJlnacYllm·pr13 \.. 1.:.~. u a 011 p aracle 10. A1Jscllt without iea\' _ . 1 nnua Jll pection, 6. G. 0 I. 111 ('11111('1';; 1l1.ssi' ll 9 Ir 1 • e (. Annual re-examination P 1 t' " ' . 11 110c ap[ll'a1' 7 ~1erlalliOll' I? ". ' l.egn. a 1011 l11!if'unll ,,"om h\' 1 ~ 11111' ill" si .te: ... D' .. !j~. erVlCe badge 2. contnlmtiJll _. to>. I. \\'1SlO11 llppol'ted hy )'olunta!'),
J B .
. ....
Honorary Surgeons
Ouu, M.A.,
A::-IIll"L\'\"CE HALL,
(Actill'".~ . A " P ~lillar :\~ D . '\T 1• " -. \ . J aCJ{SOll,::-1. D. (Acting).
. Lady Superintendent. ~lts" A. Ilartlcy (2~.2 . 0 ),
131, Uhapol. 'treet,
MI.s·M. alisbnry, 34, PlllC 'treet, el on,
Lady Treasurer.
nr iss 1\1. Mogrillge (23.10.06).
Lady Insp ector of Slores .
Mis A. LallllJl·rt, titi, Ellston Ro'td, l\forecamlle.
EL's)o • · ROAD ,
Lady Secretary.
1st Nurs ing Offi cer and Lady Tr·eas.
Hon~rary Surgeon (Acting). ]J. F. Ulclham, ,\[.,\., ::-r.n.
[Formed 25.3.06.] I
E. Tayl.or, 101, Dale
treet, L d S MIInrolV, Rochclale t tt 3 I a y ecretary. . 0 ', ,3cntgate ,treet, ewhey, Rochdale.
Lady Tr-easurer.
Lady Inspector of Stores .
1st Nursin g Officer.
M.R.c.s . .
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec retary.
:.uli. s E. F. Cattley, 30, PecI
Hon . Surgeon .
' , . OJliccrs 1. Nursing sister ' 25. Total errectiyc ?9 . D CClea. e Sillce last rop01 t 10 I)' t' . 1 II ~ . ll1SpcctiOll,11.6.07. Tolal on' )al'~3~ ~ce LC t 45. ~"el'Uge attelldance 11. Annual 1 Aunual rc-cxumillatioll 19 6 07 'l\l Ab ent Wlth l~ave 1. W iLhout leave 15. ambulancc hampel', s )]i:lt 'b~1l(i'lcr ~. em .)el~ pas c~l 21: p.ltlnot appear 15. 1ateriaI: supported by yolunlal'Y c~ntl'iD\~~~~; ,~tc., \ C!:itetllll DlnslOnal Comnlittee. Division
No . IV. Dis't'lnict.
St. J ohn A 'inbulance B'I"igade.
RADCLIFFE NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). H o n . Surgeon (A cting.) (T . • carr, B.A., M.B.
L ad y S u p er in te nd e nt a nd Secreta ry .
Miss •. A. Opellshaw, 2, Heber treet, Radcliffe.
Mrs. lL :F. ,\, 111\111:011, ulluyside, ,Yemeth, Oldham. 3 r d N ursing Offi ce r .
:2nd Nu rsing Officer' a n d L ad y S ec ret ary.
lIli!>s II. Ogclell.
JUi .. A. D. 1I[001'e, 63, LaH down Roall, Oldham.
011lcer oJ. NUl ing sislers 17. Total e!l'ecti ve 21. . . ince la t repo~'t 17. Practices behl33 . Ayerageattendal~~e 1:3. Annual . DeCI?a e ~ 6 07 Total on parade 15. Abc;ent with lea\'e 3 .. \ \ lthollt leave 3. In pectlOn, . . . ' t ' 23 9 O~ :Uembers pa eel 11. DIll not appeal' 5. Annual re-examma lOn, . , I. " 1 1.' rr . tel' . llIedal1ions 20. Regulation lluirorlU worn by oJ. Officel s anc 1 lllll lllb SIS
Ollicer. 2. Nll1'sing sisters 26. Total effective 28. I ncrease since last report 1. Practices helel 22. Average attendance 20. Annual inspection, 7.9.07. Tolal 011 parade] 5. Absent with lea,yc 4. . Without leave 9. Members passed annualre-exall1illatioll, 21. Did not appear 6. Medallions 25. Division supported IJY voluntary contl'ibnriol1s.
Hon . Surgeon. I.R.C'.I'.
L ady S uperintendent and Secl'etary.
Hono ra ry S UI-geon.
J . G. Jones, )1.D.
Miss A . L. Whitehead, IIolly ~IOUllt, Rawtenstall .
[Form elI 10.12.91.J Lady Secretary.
L. Gregson, "\\Test\\'ootl," Padiham.
Officers 2. R LH ing si tel's 6. Total efrecti va . . 1 t -t 6 Practices held 2. A verarre attellclance 4. Ca:e' Decrease Slllce as brelPOld 3 On. es l)ri\'~tely uur ed °2. Allnnnl inspection, attended not on pu IC n y . A 1 re-examinatioll, 4 6 07 'fotal on parade 5. Absent without l ease 3. I~llua, lIt' " 'I I . )n. sed 4 Did not appear 3. Medallion 3. cgu .a IOU ;;'J~~l~ W~l~ ~~s 1 IOfticer ~ntl 6 nursing sisters: Malerial: uecl, hedding, and splints. Division supported by annual town collectlOn.
Lady Inspector of Stores
i>liss L. Horton.
Mr. A. A. Whitehead (Hon. Mem.).
1I1iss H.• ·!tcpllcl'Il, llinll. ' t., Hall'tclls(all.
Lady Superin t ende n t .
\Y. Rohertson,
Ofli ccr:o; 2. Kllrsing is(ers 9. Tolnl c!lecti\'c 11. Decn'asc 'i llce la~t rC]'(Jl't 1. Practiee hclel 22. A\'erage attcndance 5. Oases a»('.' .1'riYatcly ]Jill' 'cel 2. Anuual in pection, attclJc1ell )lot 011 publi c r1llty 1. 2·J.fl.07. 'lotal 011 pal"lele S. Abscnt IIltltOl1t lean' G. AllIltlal re-examination, 25.10.0t1. nll'Jllller.' ]Ja-.;:-e(110. Dillll Ot ap}l~al' 1. .1\lel1a11l011, 10. Part uniform WOI'II hy 1 Olliccr, alHl 9 11lll" i]Jg :;istrl'''. Material: halltlages, splint, sheet yc tul in Dil'i . iOllal 'onllllittcc. Divi .. ioll. uPl)orted by puLlic contributions. I
011"l'C11 v ,
T. H. O. Derham, )1. B. A . E. Rayner, )1. D. 1st Nu r s. O ff. an d L ad y I ns p . o f St o res.
Miss O. Fitchie.
21, Graftou
10~, LLI~h
TU'ra('(, l:eac1,
1st Nursing O fficer.
Mi 's Walm 'ky.
2 n d Nurs. Off. and Lady Sec.
3 rd Nursing Officer and L ady T reas.
:Miss A. B. Bro" n. Officers 6. Nursing sistels 5-1. Total e!fectil'e 150. . Practices held 38 . Averaae attenUalJce 41. Oases atten<l(,d 011 puull? duLy.10. Oases attended noton pUblic8'uty 36 . Oases privately nursed 3. AlllltHtllllspce tlon, 20 6 07 'fotal on parade 45. Absent with leave 6. Without ~ea\'l:: n. AlIllllal . . : '. t' 6 11 anel 13 6 07 Member::; p:.lssed 51. Dld llOt appeal' 4. le-examllla lon, " . ., 'r I 1 0(1' 's and Medallions 42. Service badges 18. Re~lllation Ulll 0:·~1l. wom Yf ' wei 0 11 nursing sisters. Material: ~)eddillg,. sick room re<l:llsl t,€;S~ ~lll~~lf:al ltavl'e~~?,.1 small boxes, containing first alll matena1, &c., vested III 001 ps 11 ustecs . Dl \ 1:;1011 sllPl>orted by voluntary subscriptions. . . ' The efficiency and strength of. the divis.ioll has been f~llly ma~lltn.lllcll.:11111.11g the year. The l1Ul',;ing recluisites b.emg appre(;~ateu by tlte SICk pOOl, who ale llnalJle to afford them, have been greatly m delllalld III Layland.
Mis. K M. Ln.w. 1,.Tuhilee,'t..Rcad nr. Blackburn.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
treet, l'retoD.
:Jliss H. S. II. •'0\\ elllll Us, Highfield, Ashlon.
[Formeel 5.10.06.J
Hon . Surgeon (Acting). H. Dhal'll1l1.llr. F.n.C.S.
Lady Secretary. 1\11 s • ' . A .L Torris,
'C1IOOL, PIlE,' 1'0.'.
L ady Superintendent. ~lr:;. A. Howard,
H onorary S urgeo ns.
[Formed 5.10. 03.J
'TJtl!a~T, OLDIIAM .
A cting L ady Su pel·inte~de.n t an d T reas.
H on o rary S u r geon. B. LelldrUlll, M.D.
Lady Treasurer.
Ml sA. L. 'Yooels.
Oflil' C l':~. l 'lll'sino; "i!"ll'l's 1:3. Tubl effedll'e lii. '[';tct icc. held 30. .\n:lage nltcnd:1l1ce 10. 'm;'satlcmletluot on pu1lic duty 10. Annual insp 'e tioll , ". 7.07. Total on parade 13. .Ahscnt II-jt h leave 1. Annual r o('nlllill!ltioll, ~5.0.07. ~[l'l1lh 'IS )Ias.ell 1:3. Did not nppen.r 1. Regulation uniforlll worn 1)' 1 Oflic ~ r ill HI 1:3 nursing si:tcl's. Matcrial: slJlints, bundarre , th 'l'll1(lllll'tCI'S, ctl'., \e .. tc<l ill I>i\·i ' jollal Comlllittee. Dil'iion supported bymemb""'r ' fiukcl'iptiollS and ·ntertaillll1cnts. J
R. Blln1cLL-, ellcrs,
Hon orary Su rge on s (A ct i n g). :'I.H.o.K. .I. Rodley, M. ll . o.R. \Y.
L a dy Sup eri ntend ent.
lIIi. s E. Whipp, "The Elms," Hochtlulc.
P. Grant, M. B.C.S.
1st Nursi n g Offi cer.
H. Clarke.
St. John A ?nb'Li-lance Brigade. 2nd Nurs . Officel' and Lady Secl' etary.
35 9
N o. IV. D isirict.
Lady Insp ecto r of Stol' es.
M iss A. Clough, 24, Will iam Strect, Rochdale .
O fficers 2. Nursing sisters 9. Total effective 11. . Practices hcld 29. Avernge aLlenuancc 5. Cases attended 110t Oll publIc duty 10. Cnses 111'iYately nursed. 4. Annual inspcct~on, 31. .07. Total on parade 8. Absent without It'uve 3 . Annual re-examlllatlOn, 8.5.07. Memhers passell 8. Did not IIppear 2 . leclal!ions 8. Regt~lat.ion .uniform worn by 1 Offie~~' an~ 7 nursincf sister (incloOl Ulllforlll. Maienal: splInts, handages, bath chan, "all boxes, b ve ·teel in Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contributions and socials.
.Miss C . .Marsh .
Officers 6. NUl' ing si tel'S 52. Total efl'eetive 5 , D ecrease since last report 3. Practices held 45. Average attendance 30. Cases attended not on public duty 20 , Annual inspection , 31. .07. Total on parade 44. Absent with l eave 9. Without leave 5. Annual re-exaillination, 10.4.07 and 11. 9. 07. Members passed 50. Did not appear 6. Medallions 52. Service badges 3. Rcgulation uniform worn by 5 Officers and 52 nnrsing sisters. Iaterial: bed and bedding, surgical ha vresac, bandages, winders: etc., vc tcd in local Cen tre S. J.A . .A . D ivision supported by members' subscriptions and voluntary efl'orts .
ROYTON NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Forllletll0. 5.94 . ] IIE \ll-QlJ . \.ltTI~ltS : CO'lTI)::-\ ,TP.EET, ROYTO:\.
Hon . Surgeo n s. L ord, M.R. C.S. (Acting). A . L owns, 1\1. B,
H o n orary S urgeon ( A cting).
~\T I. L •
L a d y S u pt. an d S ecret a r y.
1\1rs. E. A . TweeLlale, Arncliffe, Hochdale.
~li 's ~
1 ...... s \.
. Etherington.
Officers 3. Nursing sisters 15. Total efl'ective 18. D ecrease since last report 2. Practices held 52. A veruge attendance I!. Cases attended not on public duty 12. Cases privately nursed 10. Annual in. pectio n, Absen t with leave 7. Annual re-examinatiou, 31. 8. 07. Total on parade 11. 8.5.07. Members p~ ·sed. 16. Medall~ons, 16 .. Re!?lllation uniform WOl'lJ by 2 Officers and 15 nurslllg SIsters. JUatel'lal: lleclchng, lCk room reqlli ite, arm bath crutches, bath chair, etc., vested in Di\'i ional COlllmittee. Di\'ision supported by members' subscriptions and public eontriuutiOllS.
AnTE itS:
J. L. H.lls.-cll,
[Formed. 25.7.01. ]
Hono r ary S u rgeon (A ct i ng). ,V. H. Carse, ~1. B.
!IIi's A. \\' hitehcatl, '-', 'tau.-licltl 'L , Toelilionlen.
TOlmE~ .
Lady S ecret a ry .
L ady Treasurer.
Mrs. E. Webster ( 11.1.0 ').
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 11. Total effecti \"e 13. D ecrease since last report 2. Practices h eld 3. Average attellllulice 21. Cases attend:d n~t on public duty 6. Cases p~'ivately nursed .7. Annnal ill. pection, 31.8.0r. rotal on parade 10. Absent WIth leave 2. Wlthont leave 2. Annual re-exam~nation! 23.4 . 07. l'lfembers pa sed 8. Diu not appcar 6. :\leclallions 10. Regu~~tl~n ulllform 'YO~'ll by 1. C?[~icer aud 13 nursing sister.' (indoor uniform). Matenal. 10 sets of splInts. DIvlslOn supported by members' sllbscriptioll!;.
Hon . Surgeon ( A cti n g). L . AnderSOll, M.R.C.i;.
1st N ursing O fficer and L ady In s p ector of Sto r es
Miss L. Ilill, 9, HaU Street, Whitworth, Rochdale. L ady Secretary.
Miss L . Whatmollgh, 417, Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale.
Mi.' ;\1. E. Barkcr.
Oihcllr ·:1 . Xur~ingi .tL' rs 12. 'rot a] ell'ecti\'e 11. Deerene iuc{' last repoll 1. Practil'es h'lel 40. ~\..\era~e attendance Case' attcnd ,(1 ou jlublil! duty 3 'ases u.t.tended not Oll puLlIc duty g, Cases printtely lltll"cll ~~. Anullal inspectioll, 25.9.07. Total 011 parade 13 . . Ab ent without ll'lL\'O 1. Anllllal re -cx:lllli ll ,t tiun, G.ti.07. Melllbers pns cell!. llledalllon ' 13. Regulation IlllifOl'lIl " 'om h' '2 O!l1e(:l'. n.llll 12 uur::;ing si 'tel's ... :Jl:tterial: llilth chair, :2 watel' 1)Clb, bed re~t ·, all' cll"ltlon~, crutches, lJronch~tl. kettles, etc., vestell ill Dld,'iullul COllllllitlCt'. Di\'i ·ioll llpportetl by sllb 'cnptlOlls and other ell'ort: .
1st Nursing O fficer
:Mi. s A. A hWOl til, 39 , Edeufield Rd.., Nordell, Hocbdale.
Miss M. R. IIall (11 . 1.08).
[Formed 27.3.05.]
L ady Inspector of Stores.
L ady Secretary.
t., Ro",tun . J
~lls ' A. Eastwood, 1 S, ,Yhite l'latt· 'Lrect, TodmorLlell.
1st N ursing Officer and L ady T reas.
H on. S urgeon (Acttng).
L ady S uperintendent.
. Kershaw, 33,
Ollice]':~. Nuriug sisters 9. Total etfectiye 11. Practices hel(1 ~3. A\'erage attelldalJc~ 6. Cases attenued. not on public duty ~6. Casps l'riYalely 11UI'. ·Cl1 H. Anll11~l i~lspeetioll, :l5 .9 .07. Total on pal'~de 6. Ab5ellt wJthonll';Lye 5. AUllllalre- Xanll11atlO11, 11. 9. 07. Members passed 5. DId not appear 5. lcdallions 5. Hegulati.oll ullirorm worn hy 1 ~l.licer and 9 llursing sisters. Iaterial: waleI' ued, Sl'llilt., bandage ', etc. D1VISlon supported by members' stlu!;L'J'iptiollS allll public cOllt.ributioJls.
L a dy Inspector o f Store s.
I>JCll tl er,
\lH)UAlll 1:.1'.
: .:\L\I:Kld'
Hon. Surg'!on (Acting). 1..1:. <':.1'.
A. ll. Pool e,
'mEET, TUI n~G'j'o::-\. Lady Secretary.
Mi s :Jl. BClltler, -1, Hall ',"al. ·ha"" Uu!')'.
Ollicrr 1. KUl'sing is tel', 5. TuLal effeeli\'e 6. Decrease sillce la~L l'cport fl. Practice ' helel 37. AYC1'ilge atkllllallC~ 4. C~ es aLtenllcd llot 011 l'llUlic Llnt)' ~O. Cases pl'i\'<\.tely llUl'scd .:2. Annual lllspectlOn, \ \'lthont lean 1. ~\..lIlJual 30.7.07. Total 011 par'1I1c:3. Ah!;ent. \\ith leave .~. l'e-eXalllinn.tiull, 17.9.07. ?llcnlhl'!'s l'ns. ell 1. ~)1l1 l,lOt appeal' 1. ~led:ll.lI?l~' 5. Part uniform \YOl'll hy 1 Olliccl' and f) lllll'Slllg Slstl'l", \'e ·ted 1Il DIn lOllal Oommittce. Di\'isioll'ul'pol'ted uy public cOlltl'ibutioll~.
No . IV. Dish·Lel.
St. J ohn A1nb1..!JlciJnee B1·igade.
[Formed 18.6.03.J
Lady Secretary.
1st Nursing Offi cer.
Honorary S urgeon (Acting).
Mi. s . Higson, 6, Carr Head, 'l'rawden.
M. B.
.\. . .J. Young. L.H.C.P. Lady Secretary. ~1 i:;,'
1st Nursing Officer.
L :ll1('a~ll1l'e,
rull, C 11S\\'urlh.
Acting Lady Secretary.
.\1 I"'" . \..
1liss A. B ·ntley. y
Miss E. Mal'ginson. Officers 3. Kur ing si tel'S 17. Total efJ'ecti"e 20. I ncrease since last r e port 1. Practices beld 30. A.I"cl'age attendance 10. C,t. C attended not on public Iluty 9. Cases l'riyately llursell 1. Annual inspection, 17.6.07. Total 011 parade 12. Ahsent with lea,"e 1. \\'ilhout lcave 7. Anuu,ll re-examination, varions dates. ~Ie11Jhers p.l ·.· crl 13. DicJnoL allpear 5. iliellaJlioll. lB. Regulation uniform IVOI'll by 3 llursillg Ofli cers alld 17 lJ\ll'sing ·i.-ters. ilIaterial: air cnshion, waterproof sheets, l)rollcllitis kettles, heel rc t, anel other nur 'ing necessaries; splints and banrhges, ve.~tell in Divisional Comlllittee. Division supported by memb ers' subscriptions.
\\'1.- ]·01 [) IIIC.J[
Honorary SUI-geon (Acting).
13. 11. Wuodyatt,
L.IL ' .1'.
[Formed 4.12. OJ]. Lady Secretary.
J. A.dalr,s, M. B.
.:'IIiss }'1. A. Hackett, 19i, Orfol'!l, WalTillgton. Lady Inspector of Stores. ~1iss
Miss R. Shaw.
K C. H.onaill.
Lady Treasurer.
illiss E. L ..10nes. Offi cers 2. S nl'sing sisters 17. Total eITecti ve 19. Practice. helrl 2. Average attellclancp. G. Anllual insp"l;tioll, H).B.07. Total -on parade 6. A b. cut with leave 1. \Vithout loa\'e 12. AUllual re-examination, 26.9.07. :JIember,; pa. sed 6. Did not appe;il' 1'2. ~leJalJion<; 11. ilIaterial: Ordinary first aid material, vested in the Corps Officers. Division supported hy mem I ers' su bscri ptions.
Honorary Surgeon (Acting).
J. Nall,
.?Iii. " ~I. ll()alhcot , Ways Ol'c (, l1, "'in ·fol',1.
Lady Superintendent.
Lady S ecretary.
Lady Superintendent.
:Mrs. M. Bates,
,'Willow Terrace, Whaley Bridge.
Lady Treasurer.
l~ro\\ 11.
Uff'i!-()l'''~. _ Ul'sill~ :-;i,;te r::; Totitl efioctiyc 10. Pl"IClict.'" heltl Jr,. A\em" c l\~t ' lI<lal1c e 7 (IS" attended not on pu1lic <luty 11. Ca,;" PI'l\-;ttelJ"llllr>'~l 3. .\.!lllual inspect lOll. '27.7.07. Total on parade 9. Ab. 'Ill wilh Ie IV' 1. AlIllll:tl r '- '.·;tlllillatioll, ~1.3.0i. ~l cmb()r. pa. sed B. Die! IJ()t a],\, 'nr 1. )iedalliulls 7. ~Illtl'lal: IJed and 11 ddillg . water lJecl, in t..; , lJllldd!!t'-;. ell'. Ie tcd in Di\;"iullal CUlllmittee. Di\,i"ioll. upporteu 1;y voluntary CUll t l'i IJUt i. Jll ' .
Lady Treasurer. ~li ·s L. Chad wick.
Honorary S urgeon (Acting).
McAdam, 20, Wiltun ;' tteet, Whitefield ,jIan ch e:-; t (; r.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
:;\Ii . A. E. Fislll'l', Cnllll Bridge -'t., Higher 'Walton, Ill'. Preston.
Lady Inspector of Stores .
[Formed 8.10.06.J
Hon. Surgeon (Acting).
[Fonned 4.:2.97.]
U. F. Collins, L.ll.r. l' .
?lIiss A. E. Cooper, Propect Hill, Higher \Valtoll, nr. Preston.
bliss K ,'ou thern.
lIE_\rHl L,\IITI'Il': Er,h.·s, 'T., \VlIITEFlELJJ.
Hon. Su rgeons (Acting).
T . SharpIe., L.U.C.P.
Lady Insp ec tor of Stores .
Lady Superintend ent.
Lady Secretary.
1111'''' J. Turncl', Bank Yiew, Fumes ' Vale.
Oflicel'!'i 2. U1';;ing sisters 28. Total effoctive 30. Incroa<;c since last report 9. Pruelices hpJIl 43. A vomge attendance 14. Cases aUended not on public rlnty 20. Allllual inspection, 3 .07. Total on parade 1D . Absent with Irave 6. \\TitllOut leave 5. Annual re.cxamination, 26.9.07. J\IemlJers pa'-;sed 27. Dill not [lJlpCUI' 2. Medallion" 16. Part ulliforlll worn 1y 1 Officer unrl 31 Ilursing' sisLers. J\1ulrriul; l)erlrling and sick I'OOlJl recluisites. Didsion suppol'lell by Il1om1)el's' snbscrijJtio1\~ allcl pnl)lic COllirilmtions.
1\1rs. K E. \\ il. 'on, -1, kipton Rd. 'l'l'awuen. Officer 2. Nul' ing si tel's 23. Total effective 25. Increase since last report 5. Practices held 33. A I-crage attendance 13. Cases atteudedllor; on public duty 4: Anllual inspection, 26.9.07. Tot~tl ~n paralIc 1~. Absent ,yith leave 2. \Vllbout leave 7. Annual re-examlnatlOll, 30.9.0(, Mell1bers pa:;sed 2·1. Hegulatioll uniform \Yorn hy 1 Oflicer an 1 :20 m~rsinf? ~i~tcr .. Material: 2 beclrcsis, 3 water bottles, roller halltlages, etc., vested III Dl VISIOnal COlUmittee. Diyision supported by voluntary contributions.
G. Skeen,
[FoJ'lDcd 15.1. 03].
'IJlLET lOl'Xl'IL -'("UOOLS.
Lady Superintendent.
ill is. L. A . L. Al'illall-Dudley, Whartoll Lo,lgc, \rin ·fonl. Acting Lady Inspector of Stores.
;\lr . H. Davies.
Ofli e el's~. Kl11'sil1g si.lcr:; 19. T otal clrectiYe 21. j'),J.eticc: he!.l ~n. AI'cl'uW ilLI 'lHlltllCe D. C'Le ' [lttelllied 011 l'ul,lic duty 10. C,lS<': ~ prlmldy llurserl U. Anllual illspeelilJlI, :to.ti.07. Total Oil paralic 9. Abent with ICIlvQ 7. \Yithol1L l" ;I\'C .1. Allllll:llle-CXulllinatioll, .0.07. Melllber.- pa ell 11. F,til~(l 1. Did llOt appe.u· '. .\lcIlalliolls 9. Regulation uniform wom by:2 \lUl'iller Ollke l';;. )Iatcrial: l'llll'J'gPII l'Y lJug anu carron oil in po se.::iOll of each lllcillbel" hn.\'l'Cs'lC. eLc., \'cst u<l ill Wiu:-.rul'll Ur1rall Di.-tl'ict Council. Didsioll sUl'Polted 1).\ Ul.'tl'iet Coullcil and puhlic contriuutiou:,.
N o. V. D ist?·ict.
St. J ohn A ?nb'Ll-lance B 7'igade.
No. V.- N orth-Eastern District.
Commissioner-Mr. S. C. ' YARDELL, Doe H ill Hon e, lll'. Alfreton, Derby. District Ghie/Surgcon-Surgeol1,Majol' E. , YEST- YIIlES, I11.D., A.I1I.n., 30, Prescot
treet, HalIfax.
Assistant C07n?nissioncr-lIIr. . ' Y. MALIn T, Rock CliO'e, Cheadle, talfs. Dist1'ict CMef Snperintendellt-l\Ir. H . C. EL 'E, 1, Agden R0ad, heffield. DistTict Snperintendent Secretal'y- l\Ir. P . RATCLIFF, l\Ioorlalllls, taplefon1,
it is intended to 11ave one next year, and I have reason to thiuk it will be attended by a large number of :nen. With such an efIicie~lt staIT as I .no.w .po~s~ss, all eager aJl(l willing to do theU' utmost to further the BrIgade work, It IS ll1vldIOUS to name anyone in parLicuhr, and my tl!anks are due t.o Olle and all [or their. assistanc e. in currying ?llt the m:Juoufl work lin posed on all. I 11!, however.' specIally m~n tIO.n my Di"trwt !:3.upel:ll1~ellrlellt ecretaJ'Y, :r:.~r. Rat~hfl ...The deneal work wInch ~s ste~dily growJ1Ig IS I111mense, and llecessitates Jns glvmg up a great deal of Ins leisure timp to the work connected with the Distric:t, anr1 I am glad to be able to say hi \York i~ illval'iahly well and promptly don. In cOllclnsioll, my thanks are due to the medical starT, ofiicers, ant! mell of my l )i.:;tricL for the zeal with which they C11rry ont their work often at great expense to themselve, and always at a great sat: ririce of tim ' . I appcnl[ t1. li t of COl'P~ ant! Divisiolls with order of seniority and distribution. I ba \'(3 the honour to ue, :-511', Your obedient servant, STUART O. , VAUDELL, Knight of Grace of the Ordcl' of St. John of Jer1lsalem , D cputy Commissioner, No. V . District.
The 'hi.ef 'ommis ioner,
D ist1'ict Supel'intendent Treasure?' - -:\11'. C.
' V. EAMEi:l,
' L.
"l.D ., Mount Yiew,
J Ohll Am hulnncc Brigade.
Rirkgate, Shipley, Yorks.
Dist?'ict Supt?'intendcnt of SloTcs-nIl'. F .
L AMBERT, I1I.n.c ... , L.n.C.p. , Fair-
field House, Newland, L incoln.
SIR, -
I ....have the honour of submitt~ng my rep~)J't for the year ending 30th to report contmued al,d llll:rea~ing in tere,. tin the work of the Bngade 111 thIS ~Istnct. Nine new Diviiolls and three nursing DilisiollS having been formed ~urmg .the year . .The total strength being no\\' 3,00 Of]ic!::l's and metl, and 459 nUl:smg Ofricer,;; alld slsters, as compared with 2,93 lWel 4l~ l'epecti\,pjy for tb~ preVIOUS year, most of whom weal' the regulation uniforJl1 of the 131 icrade. Most Important \York was performed at the YorkslIire Agricultural Society's ~how held at Barnsley on August 8tb, 9th, lOth, when unit from the fo11o\\'iI1O' Divisions on e~?h of the several days were 011 ?uty, namely,. D ewsbury, Burn ley, Bat] y, and B:0cklJ1gham. The show yard statIOn was adnllrauly fitted np and attended to mght and day . I n all 22 ca es were attended to of a 1lI0re or le:ss 'erions character, and all arrangements reflect the greate. t credit on the Hon . tn"con amI lIon Secretary of the. Barn 'ley D~vision who were rrspoJ?- ihle for all detair". I ",a'3 \' ' rj muc~l plea: ed WIth aJl I sa". Anotller and most Important work \\'as that ill con ne?tion .wltb the Royal how a~d King's visit to Lincoln. All al'J'allgelllclll:; for thI~ were u~dert~kell and caI:ned out 1)y m)' elf, ancl the lllenluers of 111y staff, aSSIsted by ~~ penn teI:dent .Deigh ton. Tlte sl~ow yard .tation \Va very well e(IU ipped, an~ d~!lll~~ .the" cek \\ a Eer~ed by men from the Lll1colll Corjls. 011 the day of s \ lSlt ~ h~d.a. total of 165 HOIl. llrgcolls, Oflicen; a1ld 11l?1l, from the followll)g Corp. and Dn'ISlOIlS. on duty, namely, • utton, Bcljlcr, I lkestrJll, •.'hellielrl, Rothe~~al11, Der~.y, North LlOc!sey, Boston, .'ci~sett, \YOIks0l', ,l'e11leck, Tiusllclf, and Bllchwood, "Ith nurses from the latter Oorps. The !:Italions 011 the line of route we~'e well ?xed aOlI anaI,rgec1, alJout 100 cases were attended to on that rlay, and over 30 dUllng the week III the show yard. I cannot speak too biClhly 0(' the arrangements made, an 'l have to thallk the Lincoln OfIiccrs for tIle provisions lllade for the comfort of the r:1ell on duty. I am glad to report that lily stall' is HOW com111ete, and by the appoll1tment of Dr. Eames, of, 'IIipley, Yorks., as Disll'id Snperinten~ent T le~slll:el',. a.nd Dr. Lamhert, of L incoln, a DistricL Slll'erilltelldcnl of stores, my pIstr:ct IS n?w well suu-divided ar:rl. ~irccte~, and, ella1Jjing a most effiCIent lllspectIOn of all Corps and Dlvisions Wlth eonsillcrably less trouhle and expense. J regret to say we were unaule to form a District camp this year, but be~, 190~.
Tills!Jelf 001'pS . L 7 Birch\\'oud " 1" " Tib.helr and Birch \\'00(1 'nr .. illg Divi"ioll 1 BablJiIlglnll 01"]15 1 Don ca tn Di vi iOIl 1 ' urlh . 'tnll" )l'lbhiro 'OI'P';; 1 Bradford 1\. Di \' i;;ion 1 Wclbeck Dirisi()ll 1 A. Arml ey <"< WOltley Di\'. (Leclb ) 1 llnr:-.lem J)i "isioll tarl'::;.) 1 Enlwom1 Di\'i 'ioll 1 Ihil\\'ay Di,-isinll ~ T • • lllrb.) 1 K cwc;\slll'Divi. i()n X. 'talr ·.) . 1 B:nllohl '\\'i(; k , 1 II utlllersri 11[ Corp" 1 D erby l>i vision . D c\\' bury Corp" Tnll. tall Divi i .. 1t • tart' ·.) Elruri;l Di,isioll C~, . 'taiL) Liu(;oln ,. Keighley" A Divi 'ion T
" Nlll." 'York 'op " Milton Division ( .. T. 'taW'.) Bal'llohlswil'k .0,ur. in~ Di,-i ion. Babhingtoll Kursiug Di,i .. ioll IIeullell Bri(l~e Corps . Ileanor Di visio11 Ell!'hy " . Do\\'slll1ry Nlll'sing Division New Famley Division 110rley Division (Dewsbury) Ilkestoll Corps Belrer Division
1 99 1 99 1 99 1 99 " n " 1 99 • hdlielcl Corps . . 1 99 Ha\\'orth Di ,'iion (Keighley) 1900 • 'o \\' Fal'lll ey .I. lll'. Div. 1900 ll11'PIll' llill Division 1900 Di 1)), Division 11.100 lItJ.if,lx " 1900 H lllldersfielll T l1l'. Div. 1900 Batley ... Ttll'. Di,. (Dew 'bury) U100 L eerl Coq' . . E. :taullingley Divi 'iOll ~ Leeds). 1900 1901 Brigholl 'e Corps . 1901 n. Holbeck Di"ision (Leed H101 .Jlann el11 " .. Torth Lind 'eJ Iron Di t. Div . . 1901 IPOI Batley Diviion (Dc\\'bmy) 1nOl () 'seL t " " 1901 II eck lllolll1 \\'ike Divi. ion C. Durley, l(il'ldall and Dist. Divisioll tLeerls) H10l l..11lton-in-A;;lllichl Divi ·iOll 1901 Btl\: tOll Division ] nOI ,\Yoolley Colliery and Darton Di ". 1 !l01 F. Garforlh Di"i~ioll (L eed ') . 1POI D. North Leells Divi iOll (Lced ') 1001 G. W ortley Di"i. ioll (Leed). HOI Electric Traction Diy. (X. taU" .) 1901 . 190:3 Bric'hon 'e X ursing Di v. Bro~ml'uYll Dy e" ork ' Di,·. (Brad.) 1902 ] I. LCClb 'ity Trant. Di\'. (LeeLls) 1902 Talke Di\ision . . . Hl02 EllanLl Division 1902 Elland r:rnrsin cr Division 1\102 lIalmerclld District Div. 1802
Della1,}, and Oadeby Divi..:ion ' hil'ley Corps " A Division
iVa. V. Jjistry·L ct.
St. J ohn A r;nbnlance Brigade.
Otley Division . Sil dell Division (Keighley) Boston Division BraUford Nursing Di"i iOll Eccle hill Divi'ion Bir tall Division (De\" bury) Yeadon Division ( hipley) Shipley Nursing Di"i ion Earby Nursing Division Hanley Diy. (N. taIl·s). Peakdale Division Gool e Division SeUle " Raven thorpe Diy. (De\\' 13my) . 1I10rley Nul' ing Div. )) Bradford Tramway Divi ion Hasland Division Shelton Di vi ion (.J:. ta ff .) Cleckheaton Division (Dewsbul'y) Ridsgrove Di vi ion Rotherham Divi ion Stocksbridge Division Eccleshill Nursing Division Marleley Division
1903 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 190-1 190-1 1904 190-1 190-1 190-1 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905
Clccthorpes Division orth Bierley Division Cleckheaton N nn;ing Division Smycrby Bridge Division owcrby Nur ing Division palding Hy. Division Bradford M.Hy. Division cissctt Division Rockingham Collicry Division Rhipley 1\1. Ry. Division Durfield Diyision ettle Horton Section of Division , toke Diri ion (N. taIT.) Oreswell Division Barn ley Divi 'ion 1. Leeds Divi ion
A. " Nursing Division Treeton Divi ion Cn tIe ford Di vi ion E. Reigh ley Di vi ion ettIc Nursing Divi ion. Halifax Nursing Division
1905 H105 ]905 1906 HI06 1906 lfl06 1906 ]906 1£106 1906 1906 1806 1906 H106 ]906 1905 ]007 1907 1007 1907 Hl07 ]f107
Derbyshire-Corps :-Birchwood, Ilkestoll, Tibshelf. Divisions :-Belper, Buxton, Duffield, Derby, Heanor, Hal'pur Hill, Ha land, Peakdale. Lincolnshire-Corps ;·-Lineoln. Divisions :-Bostoll, Cleetborpes, North Lindsey, palding. N ottinghamshire-Corps :-Babbinglon. Divi ions: - Digby, Eastwood and Wntnall, Crc,'well, ManfielLl, utton·ill.Ashfield, Welbeck, Ol'l\:sop. Staffordsbire- Corps :-North tatl'ordshil'e. Diyisions :-Kidcgro"e, ':\Iadcley, Talke. Yorkshire-Corps :-Bl'ighonse, De\\'sbury, lIuducl'sfield, Hellden Bridge, Keighley, Denaby ~Jail1, Leeds, ,hcilieltl, hipley. Divisions :-Barnolc1, wick, Bradford, Bamsley, 131'0\\'111'0.\ cl Dye" orks, Castlefon1, Eal'by: Ecclesllil1 , Ellanrl, Goole, II al i fax, Hecklllond\\'ike, Korth Bierley, Rockingham, Rotherham, ,'ettIe, Slocksbritlge, Seisseit, . . u"'erby Bridge. Trcetol1, Woolley.
:;-l'allle of COI'PR anti
District 'Lall' Babbillgton Corps ... Barnoltlswick Division Barnslcy Division 13elpe!' Di "iion Birch \\'ooll Corps 13i r~tall Di vi ion Bostoll Di "i .. ioll BraMonl 'it.) Di "ision ... Bradford ':\litllaull Railway Di\' Brighonse Corps ... Bl'o\\'Jll'oy<1 Di\'isio n Buxtoll 1)ivi5io11 Galleronl Diyi .. iun ... Clcelhol'pcs Di \'isi oll Creswell Division Dcnal)yaml 'adehy Diyision DCI'll\" 1)i \'i"il)l1 D c\\'~h\ll'y Ol'jlS Hatloy Di\'i 'i ult UIL'<.:klte; tUIl Di\'i.'ioll l)C\Y 'oury " rodey " O,.ett " Un \'CllHlhol'po " Digby Did 'ioll Du llield " Em'],y " .' ... E:dwoocl awl '\~atJlt\ll Di \'iioll E cele hill Divisioll
Ellaucl Goole Halifax lIarplll' Hill
1 111 = 11 - \ 4]0 110612I 1
A Di';i"ion 13
" " "
" " ""
Kill. grovc Divisioll ... LeL'c1s lorjls " A Di visiun
" C " D
1 2 12 16 ~ 13 IG 1 I 11 1 4 3] 38 1 t '2 0 3G 39 li \ '\ 1 3D 53 1 -1 19 25 1 2 15 19 1 -1 25 30
I 1
,1 17
11 1
1 1
5 5 3
1 1 1
1 1
2' 1 1 1 1 1
-\= --
\ ~-
-1 ]0 4 ' 13
1 1
1 --I
. j .,)
" "
B'01 ps"
1\ ighlcy
1 3 23
- - --I I _iI IJ ;~ ~;
" " II anor ])i dian IIe-ude n Bridg ' Corps " Di\'i 'ion H Cl:k mollll\\'ike Divi .. ion IIu(lllcr,, [ieltl '01'1'''" 1.\ Diyi ion " B " " Ilk t.!stoll Corps " .\. Division
7 15G 13 3 15 ~ 12 74 4 10 6 21 1 3 13 1 3 16 11
30 ;'0 If.)
19 69 16 20 01 :2()
31 1 :21 12 H
7) 3
-1 ~
5 :25
33 :32
1 1
~\ ~ 2 1 1
5 H 11 1
1 7 47 11
1 1
1 1 1 1 1
I :) 1 3 11
-1 ~1 27 -1 17 ~3 3 13 1 -1 1 :20 25
1 1 1
1 1
15 17 1
:20 :20
30 30
1 1 10 10 2 18 :2;) :2
No .
St. J ohn, Ambulance B?'iga}e.
V. Distl'ict.
Xame of CurllS and Di vision. NalliC of Divisiolls.
Leeds F "
"H" " I » J" 11
.. . .. .
.. .
-1-1- -
30 37 5 8 14 15 11 16 1 30 38 I 22 10 13 ')~ 19 1 -I 27 30 16 22
.. .
Lincoln Oorps .. . " .A Division .. . " B " .. . .Madeley ,, .. . :Uansfield Division North Bierley Di vi i~'n North Lindsey North taffs Oorp " Burslem Division Halmerenc1 " .. . Hanley" *.Milton " Newcastle *P?tteries El~'ct. T~'~ction Ralhvay Di\ision... * helton .. *Stoke» *Tunstall " ... *Peakdale " ... R ockingham :: ... Rotherhanl ... Scissett "." Settle ".. (Settle) Horton' Secti~~1 Sheffield Oorps ... " A Division " B ., ... " C "... '" D , ... Sh1 pley Corps ... " A Division...
"B "C
1 -
"... "...
Div. ...
... . '"" ... '" . .. .. . .. .
.. . ::: ... ... '" ... . .. .. .
25 14 24 31 55 63 20 21 21 25 19 20 11 10 63 76 27 39 21 23 2 32 7 9
= I Ii =I=
23 1 36 29 33 23 26 26 31 2
1 t 1 1-
20 10
-1 6
- - - - ==1-1 1 -= --; /==/= ==1= i 1 =1]' I I I I I! ~ ~ -
.- -
1, -
-' 1
11§-----' __
I II _
1 __ _
1 -
.. . ..
" D " '" .. . " E " ... .. . " F " ... .. . Sower?y Bridge Division SpaldIng Division ... .,. Stockshridge., ... ... Sutton ". Talke "... .,. Tibshelf COI'I)S ') ... . .. Treeton '.' ... . .. ... Welbeck: Division" Woolley and Darto~ ':Oi visio~' . Worksop Division ... '"
I 1- I
1 1
_ -
121 16 1-1 19
3 2 2
Jo 1
1 1 2 - ,1 - - - I 1 1 5 -- 1 1-] 2 1 5 1 1 3 § - 2 1 1 10
1 1 1 1
2 1
6 3 7
9 13 ]0
IG 20 11 15 13 15 23 26 1
26 19
33 21 16 1 ~5 10 15 23 37 26 04 32 12 17 22 3 47
_ _ _ _ _T_o_tal_ _-L1_7.:....., 1 _9
t\UItSL:(, Dl\r l~lU;-;:-;. Babbington Barlloldswick Bradford Brighonse .,. >l<Brownl'oy<1 Dew bnry Corps-Batley Cleckheaton Dew bury ... ..'>forley Earhy EC'clcshil1 .. Ellaml IIel)dcll Bri(lge II nel( 1el'Blielrl Keighlcy • hipley Lectls A _()\\'erl,y Bridge SeW!' Tib. hclf (1)1(1 Birchwood Halifax
l'Ctll1'll l'
7 14
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
21 19
17 38 20 33
.,-., 1
1 4
12 25
15 13 30
ceivoll .
23 21 19
19 23 22 13
T otals
•'ignilics no
27 2-1
Hohl . l)oth position .
umc 1] Oil. SurgeOlJ ill Allll)ulullCC Diviiol1.
tuff officer.
StalclIlcnl-1 Dql\lty 'olllmi -ionel'; 1 Dh;tl'ict Ohicf nrgeon; 1 AS'istallt 'ommis.iollcr; 1 District hief 'upcrintl'nc1cnt; 1 District Supel'in telldon t • cnctary; 1 Di .. t rict ,llpcrintenclcn t Trcn:mcl'; 1 Di trict • Upel'illteJIIlclIt , lores ; ~f.l Olli,'!'!'s; 365 cl'geant and ol'poral'; 2, 21 priYates 'lnd lJursing sht'1'. Total (approximatc) 3,167,
St. J ohn A'Inbnlance B l'iv ude. BABBINGTON CORPS (NOTTS. ). H EAD -QUARTERS :
No. V .
[F ormed 29. 6. 9. ]
M. I.C.E. , Ba~ fo rd
Hon . Sur'geon .
H. A.. J ohnstoll,
S uperinte ndent Secretary.
J. T . , VaIters, Ba,bbington 'ollierie,
H all,
Notting-hmn .
J ottingham.
Superintendent of Store s. 2nd O fficer.
O. O'Oallaghan.
S uperintende nt.
Hon . Secretary.
Sergt. A. Spence r, 22, Helper L ane, Helper.
Inspec t or of S t ores.
Hon. Treasurer.
S. K irk.
. Sta.r]'. Hon. Treasurer.
W. Olement .
1\11'. F . E. Seely (lIon . Mem . )
Officer~ . ergeants 10. Priyates 106. Total effecti\e 1~4. D ecrease since last report l. Removal 56. Oases attended not on public duty 464. I edallion 124. Nursing certificate 3. Regulation uniform worn hy 6 Officers, 4 sergeants, and 10 111en (except caps and belt). 1I1a.terial : :2 \ans, 2 litter, and a.mbulance material. yested in and supported hy the 13ahhington Ooal Co.
Hon . Surgeon .
H . C. Alderton, L. R. C.P .
[Formed :n.3.05.]
S uperi ntendent.
R. Baxter, 25, Mo -ley treet, Barnolds"ick, nr. Colne.
1s t Office r .
'iY. Baldwin.
G. H. Hurtlcy.
Inspector of S t o r es.
G. StaLler.
1X ' TlTUn~,
O. D. RobsOll, :lr. \ ., :\r. n.
[Formed 1
Sup e r inte nd e nt
'iY. Po wi s, Birchwood Colliery, Alfretol1 . Honora ry Treasurer .
. A . J . IIi ll, Birchwood 'ollicr,)', Alfl'eton .
M r . J. M eniman (H on. Mem .)
O rlicers 3. 'ergcants 4 . 01']101'0.1 6. Privates J1. Total effecti ve 5 4. Decrease 'ince last l'l'port G. D rill held ~O. A verage attendance 30. R emovals 39 . Cases attcllcletl not 011 public duty 1 O. Annual inspection, 2l. g.07 . Total 'i\'it1lO11L leaye -1 . Annual re-examinatioll , on parade ·10. All'cnt with leave 10. 12.07. ~ [ cIlJ1H: l's pn.·setl G1. Dit! IloL appeal' 3. [cLlallions 55. Kul' 'ing certificates 3. RegulaLion uniforl1l worn hy all. Material: amimlilllce wagoll, h'eteher, splints, etc. , \'e ' led ill Di\'i ·iollnl 'Ullll11itte('. Divi 'ion snpported by public contri \)u t iOIIS . The 'Ol'pS was Oil duLy at L incoln in JUlle 011 the occasion of the Ring's vi it.
[Formed 19.11 .06.]
Ho n orary Surge on .
1st Officer, Hon . Sec. and Insp . of Stores . Act in g Hon . T reasu rer.
Officers 3. ergeants 3. Privates 23. Total effecbye 20 . Resen-e member l. Decrea'ie since last report 2. Drills helel ,13. A n~ rage attendance 16. Removals 34. Oa e attended not on pu1)lic duty ] 9·1. )1.l111ual in pection, 4. 6. 07 . Total on parade 27. Ahsent without lea\'e 2. J\Il11unl re-examination, 26 . 2. 07 . ~Iember' passed 26. Did not app' :,r:l. ~ r edullion 15. erviee badge 12. Nursing certificates 26 . Regulation 11l1ifonn "om hy 3 Officers, 3 sergeants, and 23 men. Material : wheel litt~r; 6 btretcher:-;, 15 surgical havresacs, splints, bandages, vested in the Divi"iollal COlllmittee. Di\ i:-;ion supported by public contributions.
T. Howell, F.R . C. • . , Victoria Road, Barusley.
Offi cers~ . ergean ts 2. Privates 20 . T otal eITective 24. s in co l ast report 1. D rills h eld 39 . Average attendance ] 9. Cases attended on puh l ic (l uLy 12. R emoval l. Cases attended not on public duty 3. Allnual inflpecLioll, 24. 9.07. T otal on paraele 1l. Absent with leave 12. 'W ithou t l eave l. A nnna l re-examination, 2.1 0.07. I emhers passed 15 . Did not appeal' . Merl al liolls 1. el'vice huclges 11 . Nnrsing certificn.tes . 9. Regulation uniform worn by 2 O fficcrs, 2 sergeants, nnrl 18 men . MaterJa~ : 6 stretch ers, ~ surgical lIa. Vl'eSnCfl, 2 water botiles, Splill ts, cloths, etc. , vested 111 Di visiona 1 COJllmittee. D i visioll su pporiccl by honorary memllers and mem LeI'S. On the occa .. ion of the visit of II. M . the K ing to the Royal -'how at L incoln this Di\'ision tien t 13:{. '.O.'H a.ncl men for street duty a.t L incoln . D ecrea~e
Hon . Surge on .
Hon . S ec retary.
'iV. A. Pearson.
W. Mcadows.
T. Baxter, Oliffe House. 11, Far Ea, t Y il!\', Barnolc1s\\ick, nr. Culne.
Act ing Ins pector of Stores .
J. IIitch cock.
3rd Officer.
4th Officer.
L . R . C. P .
W. M. Moretoll , 42 , F orll Street, D erby.
G. C. }1'owler. 1st Officer.
~ [Forlt1 ed 4. 8.99.]
H. J. NeiJ Oil, lII. B.
G. F owler,
Hon . Surg eon . C hief Superin te ndent.
D i8 l'l~ici .
Ho n o ra ry S ecret a ry.
'iY. A . Mills, LOllgeal' Yiew, Bam ley.
[Formet! 10.7.03. ]
lI E.\' J)·QU AltTEIts: P IlO ' I'ECT M ILL, DlH:,;T \ LL.
Honorary Surgeon .
H. A. l!\)l'syLh,
:\I.D .
Ho n o r a r y T reasu rer.
Mr. J . '. ]{ose (Holl.Mem.)
Officer l. ,~ ergeaJlts 2. Privates 45 . Total effective ,18. D rills held 44. Average attendallce Hi . Cages atLeudecl Oll pulllic dnly ~2. R emoval l. Annual inspection, 6.10.07. Total 011 parade 1 . AiJr;euL witllOut leave 30. R egulatioll uniform WOl'll oy 1 Offieel', 2 sClgeauts, and 20 ])Jen. Material: 2 stretchers, havresac, Sl'lillts, 1J[l))rl agcs, vested ill D ivif-liollal CO IIImittee. D ivision supported lJY public contributiOlls.
Supt. and Honorary Se c r e tary.
Sergt . W . E. \\, iuneld, 9, Quarry L ane, B l'ookro),(l , Batley (9. 1. 0 ).
Insp ector' of Store s .
J. T . Dixon.
Oflice J's 2. S CJ'ge[Ln t l. 'ol'pora ll. P ri \'ates 12 . T olal elTec ti ve 1G. D cc rcltso s ill ee las t rc por L 3. Drills b eltl .n . A ycmge nLtel1( lancc 9. 0:1 es atto n rl crln ot Oil pu hli l' d nLy 16. . \1l1l 1l11 1 im;]leclion, 2 .9.07 . T otal 011 parade 10. A bsell t wi l h leave ·J. \\'ithouL It'avo~ . .L\. II 11 lltd rc-CXnlttill:ltioll, 2.9.01. I embers p assed 10. Did n ot app eal' G. Meda ll iolls 12. ursillg rerUiica.le 2. Hegnlation
St. J ohn A?nbulance B rigcfJde.
No . V. District.
uniform worn by 1 Officer , 1 sergeant, 1 corporal , and 12 men. Matel' : ~ l.i~ters, 2 stretch ers, wall box, bandages, splin~s, 8 \~'ate~' bottles, vested 111 D lvlslon al Oommit t ee. Divi ion supported by pubhc contnbutlOns. A street wall, box, containing stretcher, gpllnts, bandages, etc., has 11'on erected du ring the ye[l;1', the opening cere~110ny being performed by lIon. 'urgcon R. A. F orsyth, M. D . , supported by councIllor tmd clergy of the town.
E. 'Wilson,
Honoral'y S ecretary (i n charge).
Ho nol'ary Su rgeon .
Hon . Secretary.
Inspect o r of S t ores. Sergt. IV. J. Hus on (~3.1. 0 ).
2nd Offi c er.
M. C. Pm,tt, 1, Belle Vue, Brn,elford. 3rd Offi ce r.
F. J. Vines . Inspect o r of Stores.
IV. g. I l uckerhy.
S. W. RhuclLs, L." ..\.., 37, YiclOl Roatl, Bradford. (No lcport r~cei\"(.!d).
BRIG HOUSE CORPS (YORKS.). C hler Surgeon.
F. Lt'. BOllll,
Supt. Secretary. t1~,
[Foll11e(l J.1.3.02.]
C hief S u peri ntendent.
II. L. Th om ton, l'astIc lIill IIolH;c, Rastriek, Brighouse.
;\1. P.
Art 11 UI TllOl'lI tllll, Re,ol'galli 'ed 2 .2.06.]
Hon. Surgeon an d Superintendent.
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Pril'ate 13. Total efl'ective 16. Drills held ,J..!. A verage attendance 9. Oases I ncrease since 1a t report 3. attended on public duty ~O. Remoyal 1. 'use.:; attellued 1l0~ on public duty 17. Annual inspection, . . 07. Total on paraLIc 15 . Ahsellt ~nLh leave 1. Annual re-examination, 27.9.07. MeInhers pas ed H. Did not appeal 1. ~loclal1ioll fl. Service badge 1. Regulation nniform worn. by 1 Offieor, 1 sel'gcan t, 1 corpol'l1I,. and 13 men. Material: 3 stretchers, surglCal hane. ac, 2 water bottles, box 01 splints, bandages, etc., vested in Divi iOllal Oommittee. Divi ion snpported 11y local contribution and members' subscription. W e collected £42, with which all the memhers haye 1>een pro\'icled with uniforms; stretchers were also added . Eight men a itited at Lincoln durin" the \'i"it uf II.~1. the King to the Royal Agricultural how.
[Formecl 1.10.01.
] l. W orooys.
H onorary T reasu r er. G. A . Enderby (~9. 1. 0 ).
Hon. Treasurer.
.J. '1'. \ V u,nl.
Officers 3. 36. Total effective 39 (30.9 .07). Increas' since report 1. DrillR held ] O. A vemge n.ttencln,llce 23. Annual inspedioJl, ]13., .07 . 'l'otn.l on l'n.n1.CIe 36. Ah:,;ont with leave 2. \Vithout leave 1. Medalliu11s 15. Tmsing cerlificato 1. Material vested in M.R. Co. Division supported hy members' snbscription '.
A. lIackfonl, 12, 'Nililalll Placc, Boston.
M. B.
Su pt.
f Stores.
AIIJlll '1'llOl'll tOll (~1.1.0
'rhomllill HO:ld, Raslrick, Bri~llUn. e.
Hon. Treasurer.
?If\,. II.
(Hon. Mem.)
(Olle .-/mbulCfllc!' Division).
Ollicel" G. 'ergeant· 4. CoqlOrals 1. Private 39. Ollieer:> 1. NUI'"illg si 'lers 31. Total effective 91. MuleriaJ: ;3 lillers, Slllllll,lllal'qlU!e, (j emu'gellc), \yall boxe , -1 stJ'ctcher bnxe , 16 stretchers, ' heds and he(l lllll'll, ti l:;Ul'gicnl havl'eS;1CS, watcr bottles, ail' en 'hinns, bLlllkeb, diagrallls, ute., etc., YC 'led in tim. ) Tl'l1.·tees. Vi\ i 'ion 'upportrd by lllemuers' suhs 'I'il'tioll :lll(l puhlic contrilnllion . (Ot!~
Hon . S u r geon .
V. Bateson,
1st Offi cer a n d
'tlukey, 107. Marsh. 'lrect, l\larsltfieltl, Uradrol'(l. Inspector of S tores.
Ho n. S ecretary.
'orl'oral K Bp('s.
F. Manisoll, 48, Whitefielu Place, Girlington, Bradford. :Mr. W. Frith (Hon. Mem.)
[FOl'llled f •. I.O(j.J
Su peri nte nd e n t. M.B.
A" DIVISION. [b'ollllecl 6.. 01.]
Ilr. \ll (11 ,\In 1.1:8: CU~l\JU\; • \ . [IO(lL, R .\STHICK, BHIr:][OUSE.
Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 31. Total cfl'e<:li\'c 3 . Average attcJl(la.llce ~~. 'ases D ecrease since last report 2. Drills held 50. attended Oll public duty 54. Removals 64. Case. ' aLtenucd not Oll puhlic duty 101. AnnuaL inspection, 26 . 6.07. Total 011 jlaracle 35. Al)scl1t ",ilh lean 3. Annnal re-examination, 29.5.07. Mcm bel'S passed 32. Did. noL appellr G. Medallions 2fi . •'ervice bauges 5. l\1'sillg cOl'tificutes Rcgl]latioll ullifol'lJl worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, awl 2;) men. Material: 7 .trelehers, 2 pole litters, medir:a.l ilavresac, 11 \\'ator lJOLtles, 2 lrunks, :3 rug", SlJlillts, and bandages, vested in Di vi iOJltt.l 'Olll Jll iUee. Di \'isioll sllPJlul'lc(l 11)' llleJlilll'l's' subscriptions and pn1l1ie contributions. A special prize for attendance at drill ha:,; llccn gi\en by :t llLdy.
Ho n. Surge o n.
Hon. Treasurer.
C. H . Houghton,
W. K. Flelning (0.:.3006), IIigll View, ]£~holt, 13mdford.
HOIl. Sw'geon and SLlperintendent.
'1'. W. Al'II iSUll,
'\1. 1:.,
1st O fficer.
II. g. EYal1.'.
1 he Poplar:, RllsLrick, Urighunse. Honorary Secretary.
Hel'''l. A. ' I'. UrCa\ el-i ~l, AlIo.ll H,o;\tl, Ihllillc UI itigp, III. Brighnusl'.
Inspector of S t ores.
II. R:ul1sclLn (20.4.0 ).
Oflicel's 2. ,~ergen.llt8 1. 'orporab '1. Pl'inl.te.· 39. Total elrccti\"(~ -19. Deerl'a~e since lasL repurt 1. Drills 11 ·hl U. A\'L'l'ilgC a.tlL'llllelllCe 31. Ca es attcnde<I Ull puhlie Llnty 1;:;. J'(·lI1ov:t.l.· 2. 'ases altelltletl llot on public Llnty 3l. AlllllHtl il1spectioll, :W.7.07. Total on para (ll' 1:1. All 'ellt \\'ith lean .1. \\'ithollt leave 2. AlIllllal I'e,examinatioll, :30. I. 07. .Thl 'mIlct's ]tassed 47. Did 1l0t appear 1. l\lellalliolls 3z. \ n'ice uadges :n. T l\l'si IIg cc1'lilicate~ 3:1. Heglllatioll ulliform worn hy ~ Olliee]'!;, 1 sergeallt·, .J. cmporals, :lud 3L mCll. Di\'i ion nppol'ted by lllelllhl'rs' sllh~criptiollS 3.11(1 111ildic coulrihlltiollS. 011 ihe (H't:llSiOll of the Hll)al \isiloll" ~Ia.r, 1l111em1'el':'l ptlnldecl and l'endel'ell fiL'st aid. Hi\Ll'el1 llICmill'rs of I hL' J1. Be:lorer 00. tlottcmlell I{u)'l\] Herbert Ho pittll fot':~ \\'eek's of t 'hi 'f ~'l1r"'L'oll Bund amI Hon. w " insiludillll in AII"llSL ~ . , untlL'r the dUll""e 0 0 o-JurgeuJl Edwards.
S t. J ohn A1nbulwl1ce BTigacle.
[Formed 13.2.02. ]
Superinte ndent.
Hon . Surgeon .
1. Mossop,
N o. V. Disl7'icl.
II. Hall, 4, Leybul'l1
Acti ng In spectol' of Sto res.
" Hon . Se c . and Se l-gt."
Ho n . T reasul' e r.
A. Raynor.
E. Thornton,
treet, Bradford.
'Y. Procte1'.
35, Fairbank Hoael, Bradfol'l1. Officers 2. SerO'eants 2. Corporal 2. Privates 19. Total effcclive ~5 . Drills held 22 . Average attcndance 16. ase. attended OIl public duty 9. R emovals 2. Ca es attcndetlnot on public duty 157. Annual inslll'cLioll, 1:2.7.07. T otal on parade 16. Absent with leave 5. WithouL lc[\,\'e 4. Medal lion' 20. Regulation unirorm worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, alld 12 men. Material: 2 strctchers, 2 havre~acs, 2 ets of splints, lJlankets, watl'r hol LIes, cbarts, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Divi ion 'upportec1 by ll1PlIlhcrs' alld private subscrilltions.
Offiecr 1. Sergcant 1. Oorporals 3. Privates 17. Total effective 22. Drills held 27 . Average attendance 10. Cases D ecrease since last report 14. attended on public duty 40. Hemovals -1. Oases aiLendC'd not on public duty 37. Allnual inspection, 22.7.07. Total 011 parade 11. Ab&eni with leave 8. Without len,vo 3: Allllll;tl ro-e~mnilJati?~I, ~2.0.07. Memb.ers pas?ed 13. Dill not appeal' 8. l\Icdn.lhons 5. Ill'Slllg (!cl'tlflcat.e 1. RegulalIOn ulllform worn by 1 Ollicer, 1 sergellll t, 3 corporals, and 11 Jll en. 1\1atel'ial: 1 trcLchers, surgical ba 'ket, banda.ges and splillts, v('stetl ill Divi1:iollal CommitLee. Divi::;iolJ supported hy suuscrjll~iolls and voluntary contributions.
CRESWELL DIVISION (NOTTS ). Hon. S urgeon an d S uperin t endent .
M.R.C. S.
Hon. S ec. and Insp. of Stores. ~2,
helmel'dille, Bnrlwge Rond, BuxLOn.
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corpoml1. Private 15 . Total efrectivc ] 9. I ncrease since last report 1. Cases attended on public duty -1. Removals 10. Nursing certificates 5. Regulalion uniform ,,"om 11y 1 Ofl1cer, 1 Medallions 8. sergeant, 1 corporal, and 10 men. Material: 2 litters, 8 stretchel , 3. tntiolls, vested in Di vi ional Committee. Diyision sn pported by lllel1lbcl'~' Sll 1>. Cl'lptiolls. R 'u .. T he Diyi. ion has, for the second year, \Yon the ' hield of the L. & .l
[Furmed 12.6.07.]
ULAP ','t .UtILI,s:
F . Chrispin, L.S. A. CorpI. W. II. , kelton (13.11.07), 6, frying Terrace, Oxford f-\t" l ',l. tlerul'd.
J, Firth (13.11.07), 26, I rving Terrace, Oxford, treet.
TJlJ', 11
Hon . S ecretary.
1st Office r .
Ins pect o r of S tores.
Hon. Treasure r .
M. Roberts (13 .11. 07).
G. Kilbull1,
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Pri mte . 25. Total effecti \ e 30 pO. f). 07). D rills held 5. A yerage attendance 20. (;a'es attende(l on plllllIe duty :2.1 Removals 2. Cases a.ttended \lot on public duty 3-1 . Annual inspectioll, :W.IC.07. T otal on parade 23. Absent with leave 7. fat,.,rial: litter, 2 stretchers, hampel', 2 surgical havresacs, diagrams, vested in Di \.j ional Committee. Di visiull slll'poited by members' subscriptions and public eontrihutiol1s. A trophy has been presented by the lem her for Parliamen t, :Mr . .T. COlllpton R ickett, M. P., of a cup, which i for competition al1l1 uRlly, confined to the OsgoldclOss P arliamentary Division. The Urban Council are now lmsy making a. rooUl fm IIUI' head -quarters conjointly with the Fire Brigade.
Ofli('cr 1. J>ri\ate 35. Tolal ·fJ'e<.:ti\ e 36. DrilL' held :2.). AYcmge alll!Jldnllce 14. Heltlo\'al~ 3. Cases n.ttendec1 not on pulllie duty 10. \ lIll lla] inspc l'I 1011, 13.10.07. Total on parade 15. Absent with lean! 7. '\'ltllOut kave 1,1. !-.h·<1alliulls 10. l1atcrials: 2 stretchelt:l,plinls, lent by 1\1. H. Co., \e 'Led in Di \i ilJllid Cummittee. Diyisioll slllipolted by members' t>ubsc]ipliolls.
Hon . Surge on .
Supe rin tendent.
Hon . T reasurer.
D . .r. Pettitt, C'h nrch ,'tn;ct, CI'C~wt:ll.
T. \ \ ' .
1st Office,-.
W. J. Presion (17.2.0 ).
' \'. T. Wood, I,.H.C.P. (17.2.0 ), The Lamcls, Clt:'swell, Tolls.
[Formed 2 .9.01.] Su per intende nt.
Honora ry Su rge on .
[Formed 11. 22. 06.J TATIOX, CRESWELTJ.
J . E. Harblll'D,
\1 I, l{ussl. nTu . ,'J 1,Ji:E'l',
Ih:x,\BY MAIN.
Honorary Surgeons.
J. J. JIucy,
I:. ('.i-i.
L.S .. \.
Supel'in t endent.
1s t Officer.
'halllh( rs, The Dale, 'ullisborn.
n. fl. \yilty.
4 t h O fficer.
\\'. Y. :-;unpkillS. Inspector of Stores. ~crgt.
,cr~l. E. Po\\'CI' DCll til,}' ~lalll,
(11.11.07), Rotherham.
Actrng Hon Treasurer.
A. 11. Bal'llal'd.
OlliLcr..., 5. .' rgeants 2. 'ur[,lll'itl') I'rl\"tles ,,0 . Tolal cJi'ucliye 9. IncIPasc ~illcC' In. I Icport 3:~. lllill: JIl'Jd 55. AWl'age aLLl'Jl(lance 36. Case aUC'JlIICll 1101 Oil I'lIulic llll[Y :!3;1. AlIlIllal illspectiol1, :W.10.O!. Tolul on parade ff. AlJ~enf witll Ica\'e 1~. .\lIllllal rt'-cxalllinallOll, !l.~.07. ~IClllhcr:; pa cd 62 . Fail.eel~. j)id Jlol Hl'l'cal' :!:.l. 1\J'll!11liflll.'i ;,3:2. ' \II'~illg certlficatc' 7. Regulntion \llllhll:llI ,,"om II,)' '1 Oflit'l.~rs, :2 sClge;tllls, :! corpurals, and 'O lllt'll. Matcrial:.A hiOl'd lillur, 1~ stretchers, sl'lillls, wall'1' botlll'" 11IHl It 'l\l'ts(les, Ye.lctl in Divi iOllal O~l1lJl~illce. Di\'isioll Slll'l'0rtl,tl hj' 111(,11111(']'S, Colli'ly COlllpany, alld public COIl-
tn 1m [lOll . .
One Ofticer and 20 lUen attend d a week \; training in camp a.t Blaclq,ool.
[Formed 20.9.05.] H EAD-QUARTERS : BURSAR
Hon . S urgeon a nd S uper inte nd e nt.
W . H. Fishel', Hon . Secretary.
Pembroke IIouse, Cleelbol'pes.
Acting Insp ector of Sto res.
E . W . Frayne, 125 , B reretr)ll Street, Grimsby.
A . T. Phillips.
gus_\cm "TI:.EET,
Ho n. S u r geo n an d Treas urer
F . Cassilli, }\{, n.
Hon . Treasul-e r.
II, W . Brow11.
Sup eri nten d en t.
11. G. Ley,
J.P., Willington, 111'. Dcrby.
" Hon. S ec. a n d S e r gt."
, erg!. F. Grice, 111, Oxford treet, Derby.
St. John
No. V. Disl?'irf.
Omcer l. Sergeanls 2. Corporal 1. Privates] 6. Tolal cffective 20. Decreasc since lasL J'cl,ort fl. JJrillH helll ~2. Average aLlcmlallce 12. Cases attended Oil pulilic duLy 10. AllllWd illspcctioll, :31.8.07. Total on parade 4. Absent wiLh leave l. WiLhout lcavl' Hi. Annual rc-examination, 25.7.07. Membcrs passcll 16. Did not appear 0. lHf'dalliolls 6. Servicc barlgc 1. Hermlation uniforlll \l'Ot'll by 1 OlUecr, ::! 8Cl'geall Ls, 1 corporal, anti ] 6 mcn. 1rate1'ial: AHhfol'll liLlcr, 2 strcLehcrs, spl ill t:-;, vesLed ill Divisiolltd UOllllllitLee. Division supporled by public conLributiolls.
Inspectol- of Stores.
CorpI. G. Smedley. Officers 2. Sergeants 4. Co1'po1' 4. Privates 3 Tolal efr,'dive 1 . Increase since last report 10. Drills hehl 4~. A ycragc attendauce 20 . Ca~cs attendell on public duty 61. Cases attended not ou public d 11 ty 80. j\ lIl111al inspection,3l.7.07. Total all parade 35 . Ab euL with leave 10. Without letwc 3. Annual re-examination, 27 .2.07. l\Iemuel's passed 23. Failed 1. Did llol appea,r 23 . Medallions '27. Nursing certiJicate 22. Rcgulation uniform \YOJ'll 11)' 2 Ofliccrs, 4 sergeants, 4 corporals, nnd 3 men. MaLerial: 12 strctchers, 12 lI'ater bolllc', 6 surgical havresues, bandages, plints, etc. , vcstecl in Divisional Committcc. Division sUl1llOrtecl by voluntary contribution. H on . Surgeon Ca sidi, in charge of 15 men, did duty at L incoln Agricllltuntl how.
l!-iFIllnL\llY, DE'\;-;TlUJlY.
Hon . Surgeon.
[Formed 3.4 . 96, J
Eo M. Dcane,
Supt. and Hon . Treasurer.
E. Y. lJarraclough, (:Jen Thorn, ,'n "ile Town, Dewsbury.
In spector of Stores.
1st Officer and Hon. Sec.
Chief Surgeon.
J. '. IIuskisson.
1l. Il'mdrr, Twecdalc .'tn:cL, ] Jews! 1\11')'.
Brigade Surg. Lt.-Col. E. Lee, V.D., M.R.C.S. Supt. Secretary.
Chief Superintendent.
Major P. B. ·Walker, Y.D., Lees Hou e, Dew, bury.
C, Thomes, 72, IVestgntc, Dewsbnry.
Superintendent of Stores.
Supt. Treasurer.
J. ·W hitehead, Ossett.
E. H. Fitch, Batlcy.
(Six Ambnlance Divisions) . Officers 1 ergeanls 13 . Corporal 15. PriYntes U5. (FOlt?· Nur'sing .Divisions). Officers 9. Nursing si, ten; 76 . ToLal cil'eL'tive 256. r
Ulliecr.:3. .'crgeanls 2. CUI·I"m.!s 3. l'rinltl!s 2~. ToLal elJ'cctive 30. Roscl YO lIlembers~. Dcclca 'C siller' lasl rcport 3. Drills hclll 3f!. Averagc atlcllilallcc 1:!. 'asc' nLtcmlud lIuL Oil puhlIc.: duly ,H). AlIllllal inspection, 3l. ,07. Tolal 011 l'amtlc 11. AbscllL with kayc ri. Withollllcl1xe 11. Allnual re-examinaliOll, 1u.7.07. lCllll'eJ' l'ased 1. Did lIul appeal' 12. Mednlliou 1. el'vice badges 10. "ursing ccrlilic<ltl:s 10. Hcgnlatioll 11lIifuIlll ,'om by 3 Officers, ~ .'l'rgl':lnts, 3 clllpomL, nlld ::!~ 11I(;1!. .Malerial: "'ngoll, lilter, 6 stretchers, urgieal b:nTl'sac, hallllage.~, sl,jillls, ele., Hslul ill Di\'isiolJal COlllmittec. Diyision supporlc(l uy puhlic contl'ibuliullS.
Honorary Surgeon .
W. H. H. Bennett, Hon. Secretary.
H. Allott, Mount treet, Batley.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
H. Castlcs.
Sergt. D, France, 33, Russell Street, Batley.
Honorary Sur-geons.
L. F, We l,
Hon . Treasurer.
J . W.
haw .
J. J .•faCkSOll, L.R.C.l'.
Honorar-y Secretary.
Superintendent. ~ 1, 'oldlle Tenael',
J. D. 1\, lrson,
Officers 2. Scrgeants 2, Corporal::; 3. Pri, ates 21. Tota.l efl'ecLi \'c 3l. Increase since last report 9. Drills held. 26, Average attendance 16. a.e· attended on public duty 6. Removals 20. Cascs attended not 011 l'uhlic tluty 60. Annual inspection, 31.8.07, Total on parade 17. Al)sent with lcave 4. Without leave 9: Annual re-e~amination, 18.7.07. 1'.lemucrs passed. 21. Did not appeal 10. MedallIons 16. SerVICe badges o. Nursing cCltifica tcs 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 24 men, Material: horse amlmlancc litters, stretchers, appliances, etc., vested in four Tru~tees. Division supported public contributions.
, ergt. A. IIargrea"Qs, 1, hoar trect, Morley .
Tllllrl'l, IYakcfield.
Hono ral-y Treasurer.
Acting Inspector of Stores .
COl'J,j. 11. W usl
T. A.
' 1I11 ,1lI.
} ke:;.
()lIil:L'l"S 3, :-ll:rgeallts 0. l'ol\l()rab 1. l'ri\illt's 10. Total cfl'ectiye 50. Drills h'ld 55. .\\'cmgc nltl!1HlllllClJ H. Case~ attended 011 public duty -1. Rcmonds . Cascs attelJLlcd lIOt on jlublic lint) ~O. AlIlllHtl ill pection, 31 .07. AlJsenL with lea, e r. WiLilout] ' ,LYC '1:i. AllllUallc-examinalioll, 21 7.07. Members pn'sell :W. Did llol apl1cnr 2:.l . Medallions I .., . NUl' 'iug ccrtil1cate -1. Jiegnlatioll llllil'ol'lll '\'U1'11 hy 1 Omcer, 3 :-;cl'gcallt~, J corporal', and 30 mcn. Material: stretdlCl'S, splin Ls, bumiages, h Ltcr, atll bulunce hamper, and horsc am uulanee, vested ill Di Ylsiollal UOllll1littee. Division 11 ppol'tetl by pll blic con tribu tiOll .
Hon. Surgeon.
J. A, Sutherland, " Hon . Sec. and Sergeant " and Insp. of Stores.
B. Liley, 7, Parrett Street, More End, Cleckheaton.
C. M,
Acting Hon .
J, Saville,
Hon . Sur'geon .
G. S,
M, D,
HAl-. K
2nd OAker.
F. 'mith, Il cuJey Lttnc, OsscLt.
Acting Hon . Secl'etary. ~el'gt, A. Walker, 42, Wcslcy "'t., Ossott.
flo. V. District.
St. J uhn A ?nln,dance B J'igade. Acting Hon , Treas urer,
Inspectol' of Stores.
II. l\l ath e,,·s.
J . Revill .
Officers 2. Sergeants~. Corporals 2. Privates 10. T otal effccLive 16. D ecrca_e since last report 2. Drills helel 26 . Averagc a.ttcndance 12. Ca,ses attended ou public duty 6. Hcmonls 14 . ases attcnded not on puhlic duLy 20. Annual inspection, 31 .. 07. Total on 3. Ab 'ent "'iLh lcu I'c 7. 'W ithout leave 7. Anuual re·examination, 15. 7. 07. l\Icmbers £la, scd 11. Did not appear 5. Nursing certificaLes 2. l1egulaLioll uniform worn l\Iedallions 8. Service badg('s 2. by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 10 men . 1Ilateria.l : wagon, liLLer, 4 stretchers, splints, etc., yested in Diyisional Committee. D i visioll supported by public cOlltributions.
ergt. W. L edgard, treet, RavensLhorpc.
3 r d Office r .
Actin g Inspect o r of Stores.
Act ing Honora ry Treas urer.
W. H. Terr.y, Rno\\'le, lHirfield .
F. Conyers.
'W, Green.
Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Pri\'ales 13. Tolal efrecli\'e 10. Decrease since last report 9. Drills held 17 . .Ll\"eragc attenclanee 10. HClI1o\' 2. Cases attended not on public duty 20. Annual ill 'pcction, 31. .07. ToLaI 011 l'ara(le 11. Absent with leave 6. Without leave 2. Annual re·examination, 30.7.07. Memhers passed 18. Medallions 19. rn'ice badges 2. "ursiJl« certificates 4. Regulation uniform ,yom hy 2 Oflicers, 2 sergeallt·, 2 cOJporat, allel 0 IIIcn. Material: Ashford litter. 2 !'iTetehers, hancsac, 2 lreet hoxc_', splints, bandages, etc., vested in the Divisional Committee. Division supporlcd by memhers' subscril)tions and public contributious.
Hon . Su rge o n.
[Formccl19 . 0.1000.]
orr.' .
S u peri nte nd ent.
G. R Northwood, M.n.c.s.
E. Wardle, Gilthrook House, Giltbrook, NoLts.
1st Officer.
J. G. Rowley.
2 nd O fficer.
3 r d Offi ce r .
G. 'in field.
J . Higby .
4th O ffice r and Hon . S ecreta ry
Cooper, Ea<;Lwood Road, KimlJerlcy, NoLls.
Acting In s p ecto r of Sto res.
Hon . TI'ea s ure r .
'1'. Walker.
J . ' yson.
Sergeants 5. Corporals 2. Privates 56. ToLal cfl"ecLive 60. last rel~ort 6. Drills held 14. Average aLlclJ(lallCe 20. Annual mspectlOn, 11.11.0(. Total on paracle 16. Abseut without ImLI'e ti3. Medallions 69 . Service badges 25. Nursing certificales 42. Regulation ullii'orl1l worn by 6 Officers, 5 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 56 mell . MaLerial vested in Divisiollal Committee. Division supporiedby members' subscriptions. Officers G.
D ecrea~e
OIlieer 1. ergeant 1. Cor[1oral1. PrivaLes 13. Total effective 16. D rills held 41. CasesaUellil ednot on public duLy 5. Annual inspection, 24 .0.07. Total 011 pamd 11. AbsenL willt lca.\"l~ fl. Annual re·exDlllinaLion, 5.3.07. l\Iembers passelllJ. Dil l n ot appear 1. l\Iedallions 1>. •'ervie;e badge 1. Nursing certificate 1. I aLerial: 3 stretcllers, lta\'J'esac. waLeI' IJottlc, splints, I'est(~ll ill DiYi~ional Commiltee . Division supported by III mlJers' su1)scripLions allel public contributions.
NEW H.uAll
Su pt. a nd Ho n , T reasu r e r.
Hon . Su rge on , llT.B"
c. ~r.
V. Heap,
Thornleigh, Earhy, ,-ia Colne.
Hon. S ecre t ary and Inspector of Stores. Honorary S ec r etary.
p1'oulle, Ln.C'.s.
II. L. Walton.
F . Gooclwill.
Hono ra l' y Su rg e on .
Honora ry Treas ure r .
Inspec tor of Stores.
A. Falconer,
[Formed 19.7.01.]
Honora r y Surgeon .
Honorary Sec retary.
F. J. Malden, 'II.D., The Gables, Sergt. T. M. Jones, 4, llailway T errace, Dufficld, lll'. Derby. D uffield, Derby.
ergt. J. G. "ever!;, Glcngyle, E:uhy, \ia Colne. Officers 2. rg('anl 1. OI'poral.' 2. Printles 15. Total effective 20. I llcrea, e sinell lasl rcport 10. Drill.' lll'ld 15. A\'ernge attendance 12. Cases 'tve .. att 'nrled 1I0t on pul)lic duty 4l. attcnde(l 011 pnhlic tlllty 1. RenlOntls].1. Annllal inspection, l1.n.Oi. Total 011 parade 10. Ah!;(>nt I"ilhout leave 1. AnDual inspcction. 11. !l.07. Total Oil l'amdc 10. Ahsent \\ ithout lease 1. Annua.l re·examinaLion,25.9.07. Melllliers pass('(l L. Did not appear 1. Medallions 10. 'ursing cedi fi['all's 10. H e~\lhtli(J1l 1111 i furm WOl11 hjO 2 Oflkers, el"l'il'c had~e 1. 1 serg 'aut, ~ corporal'. and 15 1l1l'11. l\lnterial: wheel!'cl Ii leI', . treet emergency hox, slores cahin, J str'lcb rH, 1 haYlesaes, 3 \Yalel' hotlll'H, Hjllint:-., halldar;es, dressillgs. elf' .. I slc(1 ill l>ivisioJJ,d l'olllllliltee. ViI isioll :'UPl'OI tl!t1 oy member,,' suhcriplioll' aJl(ll'ublic conll'ihuliulls. Fl11'ther 111 IlIhers llll\e joilleclllJC 1 .X ..A ... n.p. Some of the e have undergone training at 'hlttham.
li':LII \~IL'~'
Ho n. S urgeo ns
\Ll., E\Sl'\\'OOIl,
D. 111. Fori,es, F.n.l'.l'. .1. l\ . Callier, L. I:. c.!'. 1st Officer and Ac t ing Hon. Treasurer.
Supertn t enden t.
Fryar, The Urange, Kl.'<lwood, L~Ott •
I I. Lillllley.
2n d O fficer.
11. Millcrship.
Inspector of Stores.
Ho n S ecretary.
Corpl. F. G nnll.
orpl. I L. ,"'ax tOil, 1001'(;1(:('11, re\\thorl,e, Nolts.
Ollic rs 5. ~elgeallls 5. 'orl'orab 7. l'li\'ales 71. Tolal dlCcll\'c 91. Increase. illcc l<1::;t report 5. Drills held Ea'lwLloll 3o, \ \'alu,lll Ii. A\'erage aLtl'llllance-Eustwooll :2G, WltLual1 17. Case aLlellllcd lIol on public duty 37. Annual iuspecllOn, 1-1. !l.07. Tl1tal 011 parade 16. Al" elll ",ith leu\ . 1 . \YithouL Did Ilot leave '27. AlIl1ual re-cxilllliuaLioll, 15""" ~J.I0.0i . 1I1clllj,ers pus~ed 11. a ppear 1~. l\lcdull iOlls;3. •'cniee l'adge' Ifi. N llI'si ng carl i liea les 1g. Regula Lion uniform wom hy.j t)flicl'rs. Malerial: !;trctcller" \I,lier bottl·::;, haHl acs, plint, bandages, parl::>. cu ·1tiOll , watcrproof s11 et, charts, dc., \'e'tetl in Di\'i:lional Com· mittee. Division npportetl hy M~s rs. Barber, Walk r &, Co., mcmbers, and friend. Ambulance wagon drill ha becn initiated thi year.
ECCLESHILL DIVISION (YORKS.). [Formed 30.5.03.] IhAD·QUAr.. 'l'Elts :
'AL '\:11001. I XHTITUTE,
Hon . Surge ons.
F . G. Il eaI'd, L.n .
' . 1'.,
J. W. H ainsworlh, lIJ.B.
No. V. Di8ltirt.
St. John A ntb'/,(,lu.illce B1'igade.
Hon . Secr·etary. ~ergl.
J. H. Wilkin on, 67, Chal'll\\,ootl Rd.,
13. S. Ilohsoll, In, Il olds\\orLh Buildings. Ecell' Ilill, Draclford.
Eccleshill, Dradronl.
Hon. Tr'easurer'.
Inspector of Stor'es.
Oorp. C. 11ornc.
Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal:; :3. l'l'iY.tles Hl. Tulal f1'odiye ~li, Decrease siul'e last report 3. Dnl!:; hcltl .J.~. Aycrage allendancc 11. Oase attended 011 public duty 1. Cases aLtcnl1l'd not Oll public duLy :{, Anl1unl inspection, 26.6,67, Total on paradc 19. Absent with leavc 5. Without lcayc 2. Annual rc·examinatioJl, 23.10.07, l\lemhcrs passcd 17. Did lloL ap)l('ttr 9. Iedallions 18 , Nursin g certificates 10, Reguln.Lion uniform "'orn by 1 omccr, 1 sergeant, 3 corporal, and 13 men. 1\lnlerial: fj stretchers, 3 han-csacs, 3 watcl' bottles, sl)lints, triangular banuages, physiology charts, etc., \'csled in DiyisiolJal Oommittee. Division supported by members' subscriptions andllublic COlllrilmliolis.
A. Tale,
A. Drook
t., Eiland.
orpl. '\\'. Ful'l1(,ss.
Offi cer 1, Sergeants 2. Oorporab '1. Priratl's :24. Tolal cfl'edire :31. D ecrease since last report 2. Drills held -H. Ca!>cs atlcnded 011 puldie (luty 20. Remoyals 2, Oases attended not on public duly 50. Anllual inspecLioll : 1.6.07. T otal on parade H. ALseut ,yith leal'e 9. Without leave 8, Allllual 1'0 cxalllillation, 17.5,07. Members pas ed 16, Did not appeal' 15. Nmsing eel Lifiealcs 17. Regulation uniform 'iyorn lly 1 Officer, 2 . ergeants, 4 corporals, am] 21 mell. Material: 4 stretcher" 2 medical haYTesacs, splints, water bottles, etc" vcsl II ill Di vis!ona.l Oommittee. Division support cd by members' Sll hscl'ipLiolis and Ill] hlie con tn bu tlOns. Several of the members, who are on the strength of the H. Bearer CO" went for seven days' hospital training at \\Toolwich.
HEAD-QuAr:rERs :
A. 1\1. Erskine, M.D. 1st Officer, Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores,
J. W. Roughton, 75, Marshland Road, Old Goole.
Scrgt. \\'. K Hutchinson.
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 13. Total eflcelivc 1 Decrea&e sillce l~st report 11. Drills held 23, A vcragc attem]ancc 9. Oases ~Ltende.d on publIc duty 3. Oases atlemled not Oll 1Juulic duty 47. AlIllual lDspeetlOo, 26.9.07. Total on parade 9. Ahsent with leave 7. Without ltaYO 2. Annual re-~xalllination, 20 ..10.07. MCllll)crs passeu 5. Failecl 1, Diu not appear 12. llIedallIons 2. l\1atenal: 3 stretchers sUl'crical lJavresac splin ts ballclaal'R etc., vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by public cont~·ibutiol~,). '
Surgeon· Capt. J. Orossley Wright, liLA" 4, Park Road, Halifax.
J. ]), Bosley.
()!Iicel' 1. l'ri\'<lll',' 11. 'rotal cfredi,·c 12. .:\lctlalJiolls 10, Regulation Decrcnse »in'c last rcporL 2, Drills llclLl 10. llllifOl'ln \Yom 1,y 11 ll1CI1. I1lat(' I'lul: havrcsac, :2 lJlIxes, 3 sLrelchers, rugs. spliuts, ctc, ycslell ill Di\ i::'lOlHtl l'olllllliltoc. Divi ·iOll supportcd by members' sub 'criptiolls amI I'll hlic conlri Imliolls.
HASLAND DIVISION DERBYSHIRE). Hon . Surgeon and Superinlendent.
J, Buckley,
Yor} H Olll', I,nd.
I, . . A.,
" Hon Secretary and Sergeant. "
J. A. E. BCllnett, The >l'eell, H aslallcl , Hon . Treasurer.
J. T. \.11. tin.
A. M, Holme',
S. Anty,
Hon. Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
F. Emmett, 18, Leal1and Street, Halifax.
T. Penrose.
Inspector of Stores.
'crgt. W. Annablc.
" Hon . Secretary and Sergeant ,'
J. Laccy, Park View, lIeano!',
[Formed 21,9.9
Hon, Surgeon and Superintendent, II, Turton, ~[,B" Barlborough HOll e, Reanor ,
1st Officer.
[Forlll rl 21, U.01.]
OtTIcc]' 1. ,·'l'l'gc·allts 3. C'ol'por.tls 1. Privatcs 36. Totnl effcctive 44, Increa~c ~illce last report Drills l.l.chl 37. A vernge ,l,llenclance 21. Case aUeIHlerl on public (luty 1. RClllovnl 1. a,'cs attended not 011 public duty 13. Annnal inspcdioll, ~ . . 7.07. Total 011 paralIc 32, AI) elll with. leavc 12, Ann~lal re-cxaminatioll. dmillg, Cl'te11l11C'1'. ~1~1l11Ier pas e(l ,13. ~lc(lnlhon 23, Hcgl~lahon uuiform \\Ol'll hy 1 Olliccr. ~ sl'rglauls, ,1 corpora],;. and 36 men, MalerH1I: 6 stretchers. ~ surgical havrp;;;H's, I waler bolllcs 7 rugs, j havrc~acs : _'plillt., lJandng~s, etc" veslcll in Di,"isionnl Ollllllittcc, ni\'ision snpportcti hy members' sub 'Cl'lpLions allcl pnhlic cOJltrihution ..
[Formed 22,5.1900.J
Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.
Honorary Treasurer.
R. Palkel, Ilarplll' Hill , UIIXLuli.
Hon . Surgeon. HEAD-QUARTERS:
J. \ , 1\1ellor.
G. Wholbn.
Honorary Surgeon ,
Inspector of Stores.
Honse, Bllxtml.
Inspector of Stores.
[Formed 5,0,LJ
T Ol'I11an
[Formcd 20.5,1900.J
Honorary Secretary.
Honor'a ry Tr-easurer'.
IIEAD -QUAlllJo,ltS:
Hon . Surgeon .
Honorary Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
J. BlalthwUlLc,
Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.
G. Hoyle, M.D., Burleigh Honse, Elland.
Officers 2. St'rgc'nnLs 2. Corporal 1. Privales 16. ToLal effective 21. lll since last l' port 11. lJrill s }!(Jill 18. Average lLilcmlan ce ]5. Oases atlendcd on I'lllJlic duty S. ]{CIlIO",Ll 1. CIt')C!) aLLcndc(l lJut 0n puhlic lluty 2]. Anllllal inspection, 7.9.07. Total (111 paracIe 16. Absent with leavc 3. Without ll',we~. AJllIual re,cxi\,lllinaLion, U)'07, l\1cmlJcrs passed 18. Did not appeal' :3. l\leclulliuns It. ,'ervicp h:l<lge 1. Nl1I'sillg certificates 5, RcgulaLion ll11ifOl'J1I \\01'11 hy 1 Oflil'cr, ~ ;;crgc,tlIl;;, 1 corporal, amI 1imclI. l aLcrial: hursc amlntlance c.l1'l'iagr \l'lieelecllilLf'J', Ii slrdc'lil'I's, 1 \mll boxes, cLc" vpstNI in DivisionalOom· lIIillec. ' Diyisioll ,1Ipporlcd hy I1lelJllll' rs' sulrsoriptions amJ public contrilJlltiollS. . \. leam ,,'n;; ;;l1eee;;;;[ul in \\'il111il1~ the" ] ligsoll Lister" Olmllenge ,'hi elc1.
[Formed 3.03,J
1st Officer.
J. Wood. Honorary Treasurer.
Mr. T. 1\layileltl, J.P. (lIon. l\lem.)
Nu. V. District.
St. John A mbulal1ce J3Joigcule.
3 0
SupCl' inlendent Secretary.
A c ting Chicf SUf,>t. and Supl. Tr·eas urer.
Office rs 3. Scrrreall ts 3. Corporals '4. Privn,Lcs 3 . 'ToLal clrectiv ·18. I ncrease sin co last report 6. Drill. helll 80. Avcragc attonc1mlCc 26. Uases attended on public duty 30. Hemovals 11. Casc .. aUc)Hlrd not 011 jlHlllie dilly 139. Annun,l in,pretioll. 1. .07. 'J'OLltl on l'al'<l.dc ~3. AhscnL "illl leavc 11. \Yith out leayc 11. Anll1lal l'e-CXamillfLlion, 8.0.;.07. .l\] cmbel's passo.l 30 ])ilL not appcar 16. lIlclia 11 iOllS 20. N msi llg ccrti licalos 16. Rewtln ~ JIl nllilol'lll worn hy 2 Ofliccrs, 3, ergcants, J corporals, alld 37 111011. [atl'l'HLl : strct?lll'rs: water bottlc , ha\Tcsn,cs, splints, nags, ] ~ 1101,. triaugnlar hn11 elagcs, wn,tel' plll.ow, etc., vesLed in Divi ionall'ollltlliLtcc. Division supportc'l hy J11cl1\IJcrs' SUbSCl'lptlOllS and local contrihlltioll . (HEBDEN BRIDGE CORPS ) HEBDEN BRIDGE DIVISION (YORKS. ). [Form cd 1. 1. 95. J HEAD-QUA:P.TJO;ns: STunnr To' ROAnn cnoOL, Hgmm'< BHIDOI';.
G. G. Lawson, )r.n., Crowll ,trcct, lIcbdcll Bridge.
J. II. ·W ilson.
J. II. Harrisoll.
In spec tor of Storcs.
Hon . Secretar y.
Scrgt. 'T. L owe, lIcploll tall, IlelHlcll Bridgc.
'T. D.nn-lOn.
Officcrs 3. ,ergcanL~ . CUl'porals 3. PJil'alcs 2;:;. ']'ot,\l cl l't''c 33. Drills hcll133. AI'cragc attrl1(lull('e Hi. C,t l'S Dccrcasc SillCO last report 12, attellded not on public duty 1 Annual inspeclioll, Lli.07. Total 1111 jlHmcll' 21. Absent with leavc 8. Without leavc 1. AlIllual rC-O\illl1ll1illioll, ]().fJ.07 . .ilIelllhel's pas cd 16. Dill not appcar 16. 1\fcllalliulls 25. Sl'l'\'icu lJiltlgps ]~. .c ursing certificatcs U. R cgulatioll 1l1lirOIJl1 \I UII1 hy 3 OJliecrs, ~ !'l'rgcnllt.-, 3 corporal, anu 25 lllell ~Ja.terial: llllllHllance carriage, ~tr 'tellers, splints, hal1cl(lgc", vested in Local Ccnirc .J.A.A. DiyisiOll sllpportcd by Jlclrll ell J:rid"e -tIIsing Institution. 0 Twelve men a,re mcmbers of the II. Bearer Co., 10 uf thcm wcnt lu "\\'oollllch for trammg. HECKMONDWIKE AND LIVERSEDGE DIVISION (YORKS. ). LForlllcll <!7.3. HIO].J lIEI.D -Q(JA(tl'J~lV : • T . • AVIOUIt's SCIfOOI.IlI)O\l, III~c IOfl):-;!IWII,E, Honorary Surgeon .
R. H .• 'haw,
111. It-C.S.
4th Offi cer.
Sup erin t cndent and H on, T,'easurer.
K A. "\\'bartoll, 173, lIigh . 'tred, lI cck III 011 d wike. Hon. Secretary .
In spector of Stores.
G. W. Halmshaw. •'ergt. J. W. Bur·knrll, C.. 'l:oLl. If, KclpOll ]Jill, ' talllclilJ'e, 111'. l) c\\,slJllry. Officers 3. Sergoant 1. Corporals :3. Plil'ai('!'; ~;). Total ('fJ'I't'Lil'(' 32. In crease since lar,t rcport 16. Drills lIPId 17. Avcrage: aLtClt(lalll:C' In. Helllol'al>; 2. Cases attcnded 110L Oil public duty 20. AlIlIlH11 illspcetillll, 1 .7.07. Total 011 parade 26. Al.lsonL \Iith leave 2. WithollL leal'c 1. Alll1l1al n'-C\;L1IJiII:tli()I1, 1.8.07. Memhers pa .. scd 27. Did not a.ppelLl' ,j, ~te(hlliol1s 12. ~cl'\'it! badges 5. Reo"nlaLioll nnifOl'lll worn 1>.)' ~ Olficf'rs 1 SI'I'''''1l1IL ~ ('orl'lJral:; alld . , 0 ' " 14 men. Matcnal: 5 streichers, 2 IH1vJ'usac,~, cLe., vestell ill lJj"isiullaj COlllmiLtee. Division sllpportecl hy lJUblic C'ontril>ulifJIIH. A hor 'e ambulance is bcincr procured and will be lJh~(;ed uudel' the (;arc of Lhe Division. 0 , HUDDERSFIELD CORPS (YORKS .). I-IEAD'QUARTERS:
Two Amlmlrmcc j)ivisions. Olle ,\ Il)'sill!! IJil.'isio/L.
OlTicun, fl. 8C1 geanL ]. '01']101':1.11. Privu.tes] 9. OflilTI'S 3. ::--un,i11g' Ri" lel'H H. 'ruut! efrucLivc.: 47.
F. \V. Robinson,
N cw Norill Road, lIuddersfield. 1101.1).,4,
Hon orary Sur'gcon
'I'. II . I':dwan ls, 1st Officer and In speclol' of Stor·eG.
\I .
(:1'('1'111'1', Ililllll lll'iI' Lam', Il llddl·l'sfil'!d.
Hon orary Secretary .
.J . K ( 'ros land , ",{)uLh :-1Llcot, lluc1 (lcl'slicld.
()flil'I 'rH ~. '1lI'porH.1 1. PrivatI'S 11. Total ·fTI·cli\,u 11. lJ"en'a' SIIII'I Iasl n'll/llt 0. DI·il1. Iwld 37. A\"l'a~c nllf'lItl:1.IlI'l'10. ';\ I:S nL[ulI(!L.d Oil pltI,I\{' duty 17. It clllu\al~. 'as ':-l atllmr\ul lIot Oil puhlic (luI), ~:i. \JI1l\1:t! ill ' III'I ' LjOll, I:.!. D.07. Tolal ('II parade 1~. "\I,sl!l1t wiLli I(',~vu <!. Allnual n · '\:lll11I1atlllll, ~7.(;.07. ~ILlIIIl/'l':'i [lass(;r\ 1~. 1)](1 lIot It[>)Jca.r 1. 1'Ilc,lllll1olls 11. :\ursill~ e"llili('all'~ !I. H, '~u1ntil)l\ 1I11ifOrl11 \VOI'l1 I,y 1 OffiCI:)" I curl'!1l'ltl nnll 11 1111'11. ~[nt"l'illl: I slrdellc.:rs, ~ hal'rustle;.." 1 \\'atur l)uLtlt:::), 2 SI'l!:l di'l"r~llIIH, slIlIdry splinl Hlld lIng, hlal·khoard Illld ':,lsl'l, \'cs led in Curl's' Ollil'cl's.'" 1 )1\'I~iulI '>IlI'P"l'tl'd hy 111l'IIlI,'t',,' allllpl'ivalt' Sllh,,(·l·ipti(Jll':i. HUDDERSFIELD l l ".\IHll.\HTI,H:-l:
'O-OI'Li: ITin. A,':'i(,'1IIJ,Y HC)(I"S, Jl LJIIEHSFIELI'.
e I.'~
H on. Surgeon .
II. ('. IblllwlII, \( IU'.t!.
1st Offi cer.
Hon . Secrelary
It. , . \Vhit 'Iuy, ppel' MOllllt HllceL, Lockwood, ll udllt:rsneld,
Lil'cl"I'dgc, Li , ~IIIIII End HO(\ll, LOl:];\\Ollrl, llu.\ll. I' li,ld.
Ollic '1 ~. :-; l' '.::1.11 I. I'l'i \"ttl's . '1'ol:1.1 efl'L·cli 1'13 II. 1{1'.lnUI1lt;11I1,Lt's ,1. [J·CI' ase sill(;' la L n!l,ul't 10. Drills b'lrl :37. A\'t::l'llgu attt;lllltuJ{'e 7. 'ao.;l'R .lltllltll'd UIl l'ubli' duty 17. l{ · llIu\·ab~. 'll::>t::S atlullLled lll,t ulIl'ul,lil tllIt) ~:;. \.lIl1l1nl III"!,CI liull, 1~.9.07. Tulal Oil l'llm(\u G. A!;S-llt with leavc 1. \\ Itbuull"lL\l' 1. \llIlUall'l .l)xall1illlltiulI, ~7.Li.07. ~ll:lll !;l;rs l'usst;d , . Did nul al'pull~. \Il'dalliull ]0. • UI"illg' c,·all's 10. I{egulttliull Ullifurm 'lilt'll I,y 1 Ollieel', 1 sel ,;culIL, and U l11LlI. lIllltcl'l~ll: 1 sll'uldwl's, h~t\ 1:l.!!:la~S, l W:l.tur iJOtLIL','i, ~ o.;e[ o[ dia"nlllls lllld slIllIlry ::<1'll lIls, \'esl.:d III 'Ul'pS Olhcul's. IlJ visiull ul'l'ul'Led I,), lllCIIIIJur::;' sul)::;eriplium; anti publi(' t\ollltliuIlS. ILKESTON AND DISTRICT CORPS (DERBYSHIRE ).
[ 1,'ul'lllcU 9 .. 99.j
ChI ef SUI'geon and Chief Supt.
1\ . l)o},SUlJ, :'I.Jl t',s, Balh ,'lred, llk(;::;ioll.
,I mIJlll/lIw: Tutal Ufl·l·t!live 103. '1'100
Cl'gelln i . 4.
Hon . Su rgeons. O. Ooward, ~I.B. D. Pyc ,'miLlI, 101.13., lUi.
i-;('rgt. A. .J. Mmdey,
3, i:lLtLlllf'ur,L i:lll'ccL,
Il kc~Lull.
2nd Officer.
[Ful'l1\ed 9. . 99.J
gam!, Honorary Sec r et ary.
Chi ef Surgeon ,
[Form ed 1£lO1.]
I I ";,IIHg,,1IlTI'.Il!ol : CO Oi'l':I:,IIIIJ<; A S~'iI';\lIlL\, H.I)(l\IH, 1I I' /' F/~:LIJ.
lFo1'l11ed 1801.]
I L ROl'( 'r, fi I , Glove PI :1,('c, D n,l ton, 1rurlrll!l':;field.
O. W. Il l1igh, VidoriLL 8Lrc1'L, 11 ucldcl':;liul.1.
2nd Offi cer.
1st Officer
Hon . Surgeon and Super in tend ent.
St J ohn A 1nbulance B 1'igacle.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Tre asurer.
ilIr. P.
Corp1. J. Pounder.
~I. Cbe tel' (Hon . Mem.)
Officer 1. ergeants 3. Corporals 4. Private 47. Total effective 55. Decrea e iuce Ia t report 10. Drill held 4. Axerage attendance 22 . Cases attended on public uuty 26, Removal 1. Cr. e attendeclnot OIl public uuty 4. Annual in pection, 17 . . 07. Total on parade 37. Al. ent with lea\'e 13. \Yithout lea,e 5. Annual re ·examination, :?O.l, and 1 I. .07. ?II em bers l'a- -crl 4<;. Dill Dot appear 6. :JIedallion 26. N'ul'"ing certificate" . Regulation ulliform worn by 1 Officer, 3 sergeant.-: 4 corporal, and 41 men. :JIateIial: tl'etchers, splint., uruical hane acs, \'e ted in Divisional Committee, Di,-i iOIl upported by ,oluntary ~on tribution anu l1lembers' sub cription .
II /..\11-(,11' _\ J
" B"
ns :
Honorary S urgeon .
h. ,. 'lthIl"
T. _'oble . .i JI d i- ('I ",ent , Keighley.
Inspector of Stores
Honorary Secretary. ~1 ;lllll'ltlLII
[Formed 17.3.97.]
W . ..\li 101 ) .
OtJicc\'.' :!. ,'l'1 gcaut:- 2. 'orporal 2. PI iYate 17. Total effecti,'e 23. Remo,al Dccrr'it C .illl'C la:-t lel,ort 1. Drill II -lei :'3. Aycrage attendance 13. 1. a c.- uttl'}J(I·.j 110t 011 public duty 11. .Anuuul inpection, ::.G.07. Total on l'~lracll! ~:2. ~\b.I·llt "'ith ]ca\'o 1. Anllunl re-exan.illatiOl1, 20.7.5& H.9.0i. :'l(;llllJer. 1':1 ...... e<1 :2~. ~le lIallion 11. ~ ur ill" certifira te 1l. R "u]atioll uniform "'Olll h\' :.l Ofliccr , ~ .-t:l'g' rl,nt .... ~ corporal, and Ie llIell. ~Iaterial: 3 'tretChel , 3 :-;nr.dcaI It \'l' C-. Il~}(l watel' 110 tIe ... , Ye .• ted in till' Ofticeb of the Corp. Didsion Ilpport 11 hy jlub li " f'l)ntrilmti lb. T
(Fofllied 9 . . 99.]
1st Offi cer.
H. H. Tatham.
t'lllley Hou e, Ilke-ton.
Officer l. ,ergeant 1. Corporal 4. Private 4l. Total effective 47. Drills held -1, A,eIage attendance Ii. Ca!'e. attendell 011 puhlic duty 19. Oa e attended .not 011 public d~~y 2. Annual in"pection. 1 I. ~ . 0i . Total 011 l'uradt:: 2. Absent mth leave 16. \\ 1thout leave 3, Annualle,exaruination, :W.l. anLI 17 .. Oi . illember ' passed 34. Did not appcar 13. illedallion - ~9. Xur_ inrr certificates 7. R.egl1lation unifolm ,,·.orn by 1 <?1licer, 1 ercrcant, -! c.orpOl'lls, auJ 41 men . ~Iatenal: tretcher, 'IJlmts, 5nrglcal hane·ac.... ,c. tell III Diyi. iOIJal Committee. Diyi::,ion -upportecl by voluntary coutrilol:tioll<: and ltlelllber:-;' sub criptions. .
I. ... A.
Hon. Secr-ctar'y,
lIlI d OIl. _\
l':;~, Jlyrth T llT ee, ( '10.
C hief S up e rintende nt .
. Clough, ::tceton Hall,
JI. tllOllIll_.
HOIl. T,'easurer.
CI "t. F. \\'. ]{ldlLU'(b .
lt o 11 • Pli,ate
Total ell'ecti"e l~,
IJ i<lllOt ppcn' 4. ill d Ilion;, 1:!. ::-, I ice ha 1ge. 6. ~ur iug }' ~1l1ati n ullilolill "om by 1 Ollicd, 1 l'rgeuut: 2 corrorab. awl 11 Ir,ll!. _\lnt Ii I: tl'etclt~)' atHl ha\'1'(",ae,;, Ye -ted in Di"isioll,d Committee. Divi::,jflll ::,uI'pol t I I.)" y,)lulltllry cnlltributioll .
Ch ief Su rgeon.
h ·111 ;) 1. ~\Yer:tO'e at tClIdallc(' 10. Cu .. t: I in pectioll, ,-,.G.07. Total 011 1':l.1'(1(le 13. _\ 11 lln, I re-~.'llU I atioll, ~O. 7. auu 14,9.07.
(Formed as a Diyi ion in llIarcll, L97, a a COI])S in ...ToyemlJCl·, 1900.J
W. 'catteIt,r,
J!AW ()P. JII.
F. 1) 11 ker.
rpor L~.
Inspector' of Stores.
.1. !loill. .... Ill'.
I . .\
Hon . Surgeon.
O. II. _\ .•\l1gg ....
[F!:Irllled ~.~g.]
('cl 13.
teet()lJ. .D
S up e rintendent S ecret ary.
[}onlled 1.10.0:2.]
J. A. Jo\rett. 56, :JIallyille Rou(l, Keighley.
(Fire Am~ula.nce·.is,i0ns).-Officer 12. ~ ergeants 7. COJporaI- 11. Private. 85. (One f'..urszng DWlslOn). Officer. 2. 1 lll'slllg si tel's 19. Total C'fl'ectiYe 136. (KEIGHLEY CORPS
Ho n o r a ry S urge on .
.T. Hartling, 9, Xe"ille
" Ho norary S ec and Sergeant .•
Inspector of Stores.
H. Collingballl, 7, COl1JIJton ,'t!'eet Keighley .
Su pe r intenden t .
)1. A.., )oLD.
~l (' ])UI 11
nil, U. 1 I ,
P. Rubert- .
Officer' 2. Corporals 4. Privates :H . Total effective 27. D ecrease since last. report 7. Drills held 52. A "erage atten(lallCe 13. Cases attended ~lOt on lJubhc d~lty 50. Annual ill pection, .(j.Oi. ToLal on para(le 16 . .Absent .wIth leave~: 'WI~l!out leare i. Annnal re-exalllination, 20.7. anu :J.9.09 . 1Iem~els p~s ed 22. DIrl not appear 4. )Icualliolls 19. eJ'vil!e ha(lue ' 9. N nrsmg certl~cates 5. Hegulatiou nnifnJ'm. worn by 2 Ofiiccl's, 4 corJloral::;, ~lld 13 n;en . Ma~e~l~l: 3 stretchers and 3 snrglCal h:wl'csac , ve.- lc(l ill Officers of tIll:: Corps, D l\'l.SlOn snppol'teJ by publ ic COil tribu Lions.
\\ iull1ll'll,
l lill'"
~ Is Il·ll.
n, "I'
Hon Treasurer.
Insp of Stores
Hon. Sec. and Ser'geant.'
[Formed 1/.3.97.]
In charge
Hon Surgeon .
l' 1'1'1. A. '->llnttleworth.
ol'j" t',ds~. Pl'iYLlte :20. Total ell'ecti\'e 25. Ollieel' 1. • r!.;.~aut· 2. Dept' .IC :-;ilH Il.t l'el' Jrt 1. DrilL 1ll'1,1 4,. .\nr.lgl' attL!lll\;lllCC 1:? Hemo,uls 2. In c;, .\tll'llriltl Illlt ull [lllhlic duty:21. .\Il11u,d ilJ"'l' etion, " .6.0i. Total on parad·lG . •\b. elll \\ill! Ie \~;3. \\illtolll Ica\'~ G. _\lJllU.d Il·examilJatioll, ~v.i.07, :'l('ll1uer I" I 1/. lJitllWl :tI'P '11'1. ..\lul illlioll.· 1 L "nic~ badge" 3. Xur"illg C I tifi 'at G. Ii, .~lllatlolJ ullifurlll \\ om by 3 r~calJl, 2 )1'[101'.,]"', all 1 :20 1l1L'll. ~l teric,l: -lrl't 'l!l'r:-, ellit:rgellcy U(IXl. 11IJ(1 lIlellicd hanc:,c, Yl'.. tcd in Did -iollal 'UI!llllitte'. Vi,-i. iun :-;uI'PortC'd hy pllhlic contrilnltion .... (KEIGHLEY CORPS
,. E '
Hon Surgeon.
\ :::illllth,
[ltl' funned :20.6.0i.J
No. V Di.,:;i)'ict.
384 Hon. Secretary.
Su peri ntend ent.
"\V. Crowther, 7, Fernbank A venue, Bingley.
8ergt. F. T. Bower, no, rain Street, Bingley.
Inspector of Stores .
Acting Hon . Treasurer.
Officers 2. ergeants 2. Corporal l. Pri vl1tes 14. ~ota~ trecti ve 19. Drills held 14. Average attendl111Ce 9. Anuua.l re-eXamll1l1tJ?l1, lL ~ 25.9.07. Members pa sed 14. Did not appel1l' 4. Mecll11hons 6. JUl'smg cel'tJfie:a,tes. 4. Regulation uniform worn by ~ Officers, 1 L, 1 corpora.l, and 9 mCl~. ~~a',~e~][\,l: wheeled litter. 7 stretchers. 7 ha.vresacs, splmts, banclrtges, etc., vesLed lJl Dl\ 1S1011a1 Committee. Division supported by public contributions.
Capt. H.A. I.C. C~l.), Kid grove.
T. A. ,\'ool1'irh, ~6, H eathcole Kid gro\'e.
Hon . Treasurer.
Inspectol' of Stores .
Corporall. PriYates 15. (No report recei
4th Officer and Acting Hon . Treasurer. Acting Hon . Secretary.
Chief Surgeon and Acting Chief Supt.
A. Ellison; lILa.c.s., 120, Domestic Holbeck, Leeds. Superintendent of Stores .
[Forl1!ed 30.] O. Ol. ] IlE.uH~t:.\l:'l'Eus:
Honorary Su rgeon. ';tl'11es,:\1. Jt. C'. s.
A. EdLlisoll, 24, Park AYel1Lle, Armley, Leeds. Superinte ndent Treasurer.
. MorLimer.
(Nine Ambulance Divisions).-Officers 18. Sel'geallts 12. Corporals 15. Privates 223 . (One Nnrsing Division ).-0 lficeTs 2. N l1l' in Ir sislers :2:2. Total effecti ye 292. Material: 2 tents with fittinas, hospital bcd, cOJ1lplete with oeel!lillg, etc" litter (hanel), large ambulance ca1Jinet,. large hamper allll 2 cases. or mate,riais, .urgical hanesac, 8 street wall boxes, Spllllts, bandages, etc., vestelllll the Ofhcers of Leeds Corps. Corps supported I,y voluntary con Lrihu tions.
In charge.
Superi ntendent .
4th Officer and Honorary Secretary.
1. Kaye, 5, Ohrist Church Road,
F. Whitaker, 3, The HoJ1ies, Tong Roael, Armley.
Offi cers 2. Sergeants 3. Corporals 5. Privutes 20. Total effective :30 . D ecrease since last report 14. Drills held 24.. Average attendance 24. Oases attcndeu. on 1mblic duty 59 . R emovals 5. Oases attclllled not on llulJlic duty 486. Annual inspection, 3l.8 .07. 'l'otal 011 parade 17. Absent with leave 13 . . An1lual re-examination, 9.4.07 . .M embers pasfled 28. Did not appear 2. MedallIons 23. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 3 sergeants, 5 corporals, u.1ll1 17. 1.11?1l. Material: 5 stretchers and am bulancc materials, vestell i 11 0 III eel'S of Corps. Dl VISIOn snpported by voluntary contributions.
II. IYre. t, 1, Church View,
Armley, Leells.
Kirk tall, Leed5.
Ollice!' l. ,ergeant]. Pri\'atc~s 10. Total elrecti\'e 12. Docrease sillce lasL report 7. Drills held 2. Average attendance 5. Cases attendc<l Oll public duty 2l. Oa:;c.' attendcd not Oll public duty 103. Annual ill 'pectioll, 31. .07. Tolal on parade 2, Ah ent with leave 10. Medallion 4 . Rrgulttlioll uniform worn by 1 scrgeall t, and 4 m en. )I--ttel ial: 2 stretchers aUll4 case of fili:it n.ill appliances, ~1,jillls, banclurres, wool etc. ve ted in Otlicers of Leeds Ourp.,. Division.'lI pporlCll hy yolllu tary COll t ribl{tions: ,Ye had thl) honour of winlling lhe Dr. Howden 2hield.
' . LUKE'!,) , ' \[OO!"
Honorary Surgeons.
[Formecl 1.4.92.] H EAD·QUAIUEHS : AmrLEY, LEEDS.
Hon. S ec. and Inspector of Stores .
~e l'gt . . Basnett, '27, Winchester 'treet,
Armley, Leeds.
OIll'ltll! .\'11 101,,,, Klll.lC · L\Ll..
[Formed 1900.]
J. 1l1cCullagh.
Corp1. W. 'harpe.
Oflicer l. 'ergeant l. Oorporals 2. Pri\Tutes 26. Total effective 30. Decreasc since. lrvt repo!t 6. Drills held 15. Average attendance 10. Cases atteudel~ on pU~JllC duty ] :~o. J1emovab 2. Oases atteJl(leel not on public duty 340. Allllllallnspee:tlOll, 3l.8.07. 'lotal on pamelc ]2. Ab ent with leave 14 Without leave 4: Ann.l~al re-examination, 5:7.07. Members pass ell 30. Meclallions 22. Regl1l~hon HIlt/ol'm wom .hy 1 Orhcer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, aIHl 21 men. Matel'l~l: 3 stn.., sl1l'gl cal havre. ac, ba11dages, splints) etc. , vested ill Officers of Leeds Oorps. Dl\' UiIOIl supported by volnntnry contrihution .
Super in tendent Secretary.
Acting Inspector of Stores .
CorpI. A. Stead, 15? Langlhorpe Place, Beeston Ihll, Leeds.
Total effective 17.
S. J. Lees, 13, Dirkin Terra.ce, Beeston Road, Leeds.
M. WakelielLl.
J. Oakes. Orricer l.
lFor1l\ell ~2.4.05.J
Hon . Secretary.
Hon . Surgeon (in charge).
J. C. Furne s,
E. T a,ylol' .
•T. T. Jud·on.
.'1111S, '('I:.(;.s., L.It-C.P. O'.l:Tcill, L.ll. ' . 1'. J. Stewart, )I.B.
Acting Hon. S ecretary.
, ergt. J. ,). Ruuel ls, 14, 'tnt\\'bcl'rJ' ,' lrcet, Armlcy.
[Forllleel 12.1900.1
4th Officer.
L. ,'y kes, " Cromer 'l'ClTuce, Arlllley, Lecds.
Inspector of Stores.
D. ForteI'.
Acting Hon. Treasurer.
'ergt. IY. Barel.ley.
Ofllccl's l. ergeunt l. Corporal 1. PriYates 19. Tota.l elrectiyc 25. Decreuse ince last report 5. Drills heltl 1. Average attendance . Ca es attendeu ou public duty U. Removal l. Case attclllleLl not 011 public duty 29. Annual inspedioll, 3l. . 07. 'l'olal on porade 15. Absent with leave 10. Medallions 10. el'vice ba.dges 7. Regu lation uniform wom by 2 Officers, 1 ~ergeant, 1 corporal. and 10 men. Matcrial: 2 strctcher, 8 material boxes, splInts, bandagcs, etc. , vested ill Omcers of Leeus Corps. Diyi ion supported by volun tary con tl'ilmtions.
n/ . .dr/d.
No. F.
386 (LEEDS CORPS ) " E " (BRAMLEY AND PUDSEY DIVISION ). [Formed 20.9.1900. ] HEAD-QlJAl1TEll.:
J. lcOoneehy,
Hon. Treasurer (in charge).
Sergt. G. H. Wnlton, 44, Hammerton View, Pud ey.
;\l . B ,
F. ·Whitehead.
Corp1. L. Fiel(ling, 12, Ooni -ton Street, tanllingley.
Officer 1. ergean t 1. Corporal 1. Pri \'ates . Tolal effeclive 11. In crease since last report 1. Drills held 27 . Average attendancc 6. Cases attended on puhlic duty 20 . Oa es attended not on pnblie ~uty 76. Memb.el's passed annual re-examination, 6. Did not appear 5. lIIetlalholls . RegulatIon uniform worn by 1 strcreant, 1 corporal, and men. Material: 3 stretcllel'S, 5 cIs splints, bandage., etc.~ ye ted in Of11ce1's of Leeds Oorps. Di\'i. ion supported hy voluntary contributions.
Honorary Surgeon. )I.R.C . S.
GHlm.' :'II IS.
Hon. Surgeons.
~ighljn«all'. ~J. p.
F. lJar!ow,
Acting Hon. Sec.
In charge. ~el'gt .. J.
Acting Hon . Treas.
\\'. ,J. Hlencowe, Dickinson,'t., IIorsforth.
\Y. HolmeR, 13, I\rooklyn 8t., Annley, Leech;.
Inspector of Stol-es.
Acting Hon . Secretary.
J. E. Gaines,
Hon . Surgeon
In charge.
Acting Hon . Secretary.
ergt. J. W. McKenzie, Bramley Terrace, Kippax, neal' Leed .
Corp1. D. Booth, Kippax, neal' Leeds.
4th Offi cers.
J. ,\V. Bellamy, W. Hewitt.
,'Ql'.\.ltJ', LEEDS.
Acting Hon. S ecretary.
}'. Holroyd, Oity TrauJway ; Leed
Officers 2. ergeant 1. Printes 85. Total efrective 8 . I ncrease since last report 19. Drills held 15 . Average atLcndance 13. Cn~es attended on public duty 12. Removals 2. Oa es attended not on }lulJlic duty 1.)0. Tramways uniform worn (sanctioned at formation of Division). Material: stretcher, 8 am bulance boxes fitted with first aid matcrial, vested in aud Division supported hy the Leeds City Tramways.
LEEDS CORPS " I " (POST OFFICE) DIVISION. [Formed 27.] 0.06.]
Chief Surgeon (Acting).
. Lflllll'elt.
Acting Hon . Sec. (in charge).
Sergt. T. Armitage, 87, Bayswater Rd., Leeds, Yorks.
Act ing Hon. Treasurer.
W. M. Tchm.
'ergeant 1. Privates 14. Total effective Hi. Dlills held 15 . Average attendance 9. Cases attended not on public duty 44. Annual re-examination, 5.8.07. Members pas,'ed 8. Did not appear 7. Medallions 3. Material: streteher and first aid outfits, vested in Divisional Commit ee. Division supported by postal employees.
Ch ief SL'perintendent.
R. Deighton, 2, Crcil Street, Lincoln.
(1'11'0 A 111uulancc Dil'isiul1s). -0 III eel'S 5.
Corporals 4.
crgpallts J. Total erreel i \'e 61.
JlL\)Hll Al'H I.S: })1.IIL
II \'LT.,
Hon. Surgeon and Hon. Treasurer.
J. S.
Pl'iYates 48.
[FornI cl11.2.1 97.]
,Yo COOP('I, GanlJ tOIl Hou e, "cwlalHl, Lincoln. Inspector of Stores.
.. Hon Secrelary and Sergt.
l'. Thm.,.,I,y, :31, 'hullIsforcl
J. A. UJ'tl\'es.
Lill:!olll (30.3.0,-l. Ullieer' 2. ,\'rgcallts 3. C01'l'o1'i11 3. Priyales 30. Total eJructi\'e 3 Iu cl'ea'e . illce la.t report [,. Drill' helll 30. An:rage nilcnlance lu. Ca'e ' attl'lI le<l OJI puhlic dllt\' LIO. Ca~'e" nltl,;udednol on l,ublic dnty 1, 00. Annual in pectinll, ]3.7 .07. Total 011 paralIc ~2. Abscnt with lea\'e 16. Annual 10' / Stllllill lion, 4.1.07. il1e1l1ho1'. ]lased ~2. Viduot appear 3. Medallion 17. SCI'\'ic(' lJlHlges 10. );\l,"llJf' lCl'tificate ··1. Hegulatioll uniform \Yom hy 2 Officer~, 3 crge:lllls, 3 corpol'lls, allll 30 lIlell. :Jlaterio.l: Jitter, 3 ~U1'gical ha\TP' ac , 3 water 1 oltle·. 3 slrptchers, I'plilll , rug, 5 \\'all boxe', ctc., Yl' ttd in Committee of Lillcoln Cor)!.. ])iyjjoll ';lll'POril'ti II)' l'nlJlic contribulioll '. TIle ehid ' \'cnt of the year \\'11:-: the Ylsit of IL~I. the King to the Roynl Agricultural8JlUw.
(LINCOLN CORPS)" B " DIVISION. [Fol'med1903.] II EA 11 Qr,\Irn ns: Hon Surgeon.
E. '\'. Rces Jon's. HEAD-QDARTEns: GEXER,\.L PO.'T OFFICE, LEElJ '.
Dmll J1.\1,L, J3nOAlJG.uE, LL'cOL,'.
Officer 1. ergeants 2. Corporals 4. Pl'iYates 30. Total 37. Oa e' D ecrease ince la t report 21. Drills held 11. Average attendance attendee] on public duty 6. Remoyals 2. Cases attended not on pllblic duty 1 . Annual inspection, 31 .8.07. rrotal on parade 5. Au ent "\'ith leave 26. '\Vithout leave 6. .Medallions 10. Regulation uni.form worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeanl, 4 corporals, and 10 men. Material: 3 streicher, bandages, plint, &c., Ye .. Led in Officers of Leeds Oorps. Division SUPP(lltClI hy yoluntary contrilJl1tion
Oftiecrs 2. I 'ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 11. Total effccti\e 16. Dl'ills held] 2. A\el'age attendance 10. Oases attended on puulic duty 16. Cases n.tteuc1ecl lwt on pul)lic duLy 7li. Total on parade at ann ual inspection, 8. Absent with leave c. Memu'rs passed tuUlllal re-examination, 7. Did not appear 7. Regulation uniform \\'urn hy 1 sergcant, 2 corporals, and 2 men. Material: 2 stretchers, spJintf', h::mclagcs, &c., \'cstcc1 in oflieers of Leeds Oorps. Division supported !.y \'olulltary contribution.:.
])1:11 L HALL, LI~l'ULX.
Superintendent." Hon. Secretary and Sergt," 'J.n .
J. E. I>iekillsoll, Fox, 17, .'ydney beet, i£l. We:i Pnrark Lincoln. Dargate, Lincoln (16.4.0 ). T.
Ofliel'r' 2. ,'ergeant 1. Corpoml 1. Privates 1. Tolal effecti\'e 22. IllL'rease since last lel'ort 5. Drill ' Itelrl 35. Average attellllallce 15. Oase altellilell 110t 011 l'uhlw tIuty 113. Hcnlovnl I. a. c nltcmlcll not on public duty 18. Allllual inspecliOlI, 13 . . Oi. TOlaloll paradc 11. Abent with leave 4, Anllual rc-exalllinoLioll, 4.4.07. :Members pas ed 1'2. Dill not appeal' 4. Medallions H. Rl'gulatiOll 111 Ii fo 1'1 11 \\'om hy 2 OfIicer', 1 'ergeaut, 1 corporal, and.] men. Material: liLLer, stretcher, bandagc., splint, 2 wall boxe~, \'ested in G.N.Hy. Co. Division snpported by public eontl'ibllliollS.
St. John Antbulance B 1'igade.
]V o.
Hon . S e cr'e tar' y.
G. Boulton, 1hdeley, Newcastle,
Sup erintendent.
Hono rary S urgeon.
Officer 1. ergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 10. Total effective] 3. D ecrease siuce last report 4. Drills held 24. Average ::tttendn.nce 9. Ca es attended not on public duty 5. Annual inspection, 1 .12.06. T otal on pt\rade 8. Absent with leave 7. 'Without leave 2, Medallions 5. Regulation uniform worn by 1 ergean t, 1 corporal, and 6 men. Material: 2 stretchers, splint~, and bandages, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. D ivision supported hy members' and public contributions.
[Formed 13.3.01.J
S uperintendent
Honorary SUI'geon.
W. J . Wordsworth,
tu,fI .
11. R. J. Behrcndt,
H. K. Child', 10, Portlanu T errace,
M.P•. C...
1I1a11sliell1. " Honoral' y S ecretary and Sergeant."
F. W. Comrie, 8, Corporation
Lreet, .Man field.
1st Officer.
Insp ector of S tores.
Hono rary Treasurer.
G. W. Nicholson.
Corp!. J. Berry.
IIII'. 'IV . F. Jolly (HOll. lem.)
O fficer~ 3. ergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 19. Total efrective 27, Decrease since . la t report 1. Drills beld 25. Average uttclIllanc{' 14. Cuses attended on pub.hc ~llty 25. Removal 1. Cases attenueu not on public du ty 1 . An nual re-examlllahon, 15.9.07. Membcrs pa sed 25. Failell 1. Mcdallions 2:2. Nursing certificates 12. Regula~ion uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 . ergel1nt, 3 corporals, and 18 men. Matenal: 3 stretchers, bunrlu(fes sillints'diacrrallis . n , 0 ' aml stores cupboard; also a first ald box fo), llse at tbe Gland Theatre' and ambulancc litter kept at Town Hall. Material vesteu in the Divisional C~ll1mittee (litter property of Town Council) . Di vision s\lpportcd by members' slllJscriptiollR and public contributions.
Hon . S ecre tary.
CorpI. D. Cntts, Crosby, Doncaster. Inspector of Stores .
1st Offi cer.
. :hldlllo:;h.
C. L. Sllepberd.
Ofliccrs 3. crgc<1nt 1. Corporals 2. PliYates 16. dfective 22. Del"lcase since last report. 1. Drills held 45. AYerage attendanee 7. Cases attellded on }lnb1ie dllty 20. 'ases aLtended llOt on public duty 35. Annual iuspection, H.8.07. Total 011 parade 12. A1Jsellt with leave 1. Without leave 9. Anllu:llre-examinat.ion,2fl .07. Members passecl12. Did Ilotappear 10. Meuallions 14. en'ice haclgcs 7. ursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officer:;, 1 sergeallt, 2 corporal, a11d 16 men. Material : 4 stretchers, 2 surgical havrcsac, \\":1tel' hottle', splints, ('lc., vested in Divisi.onal Committee. Division snppol'ted by vohllltary contributions auu member' subscriptions. A detachment of 2 officers and 13 rank and file assi ted in ambulance duty on the ocen iun of the King's vi.·it to Lincoln in June 1n. ,to This Division hal'; been fortunate in seeming the gift of a handsome eballenge shield from ir Berkeley Sheifield Bart, :'II.P. NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS . IIEA.D · Ql'AH fER.' : OLICA TA,
J. H olmes (30.10.07), 60, Parsonage Road, W. Bowling, Bradford. Inspector o f Stores.
E, Craven.
[Formed 1900.]
Hon . Secretary.
Ch ief Surgeon and Ch ief Supt.
J. F . Arliclge,
1st Officer G. Gl'ifliths, Wharf , ell'castle,under,Lyme .
l:oe :\10l\JIt, • Loke-oll- Trl'll t. :-I.Il ..
(Ten AmblLlance Di"i ·im!~) .-Olllccrc· 19.
crge<1nts 10. Corporals 14. Privates 203, Total effective 2,16.
[Formell 21.9 .05.J
'1'0\\'::\ HA.LL, Brw;LDI,
Honorary Surgeon .
J. Unsell,
)1. ll .
Supt. and Acting Hon. Sec., Insp. of Stores, and Treas.
Honorary Surgeon . Superintenden t .
T . H. H ardy, 118, Frocliugbam R oad, SCUll thorpe.
L.n.C. I:; .
HE ,\D-QU"\I '1'1' IlS:
C. D earden,
[Formed 3.8.05 .J
Hon. Surge on .
A. B. Gittins, M. R.C.S., T oWll House, ]\'[n,deley, Staffs.
V. Distri ct.
T. W. BoardJllau. 35, Houlton 'treet, WolSttlutOll,
Honorary Secretary.
ergt. J. IIopkin on, 1Jl, MilllJl e End, \\ryke Common, vYyke, Bradford. Honorary Treasurer.
Rev. A. Cravon.
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 27 . Total effective 30 (30.9.07). Increase since last. report 2. Drills held 41. Average attolldunco 17. Cases attended ~ot on pubhc dllt~ 24. Annual inspect.ion, 10.6.07. Tutal 011 paJade 25, Absent :Vlth le~ve 1. Without leave 4. M.edallions 11. Nur"ing cerLilicatc 1. Regl1l~ho n ulllform worn b~ 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, alld 10 mOll. 2 str~t~h.ers, medlcal havresac, spliuts, ctc., vesteel in Di visional C?mm.lttec. D1VlSlOll supported by mcmbers' sl1usel'iptions and public contnbl1 bons.
tall's .
Oflic(;rs 2. ergCllllt 1. 'ol'poral1. Prin1.te 12. Total cil'ective 16. Decrcase .incc last rcport 3. I rill~ held 17. Averago attcndance 10. Removal 3. Cnses attellllell not on public lInt)' 6. AUlluul in peetioll, 1 .11 .06. Total on parade ] 3. Ab 'e nt wiLh lean 5. Alluual re-examination, 30.9.07. lembel's passed 14. Dill not appeal' 1. illeuallioll 13. cl'\'iee bauge 11. Nursiug 8. Regulation uuiforlll worn by 1 Officer, 1 ergeallt, 1 corporal, and 11 !llCll. j\latol'ial:"\ ·h fonl Ii lter, 3 tretchers, wa t/~l' bot llc, surgical havresac, splints, bal1uuge~, etc., Ye ·ted in Divisiollal Comlllittee. Diyision supported by COli certs, etc. (NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS ) HALMER END DIVISION. [ForlIl~d. 10.10.0~.] H EAD-QUAltTEllS:
Hon . Surgeon.
F. C. Ul ilJ'onl,
"I. ll.
St. J ohn
Hon . Treasu,-e,'.
1st Officer, Hon. Sec,-etary, and Inspecto,- of Stores.
Sel'gt. E.
F. Hancock, 107, Heathcote Road, .Miles Green, Bignal End, taITs.
cril'ellS .
ergeallt 1. Corporals 2. Privates H. Total ell'ective 19. Officers 2. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 33. AYerage attendance 10. R emovals 15. Cases attended not on public duty 1 O. Annual inspection, 11. 9.07. '1'0 tal on parade 17. Absent with leave 1. 'Vithout leave 1. Anllual re-examinatiOll 21. 9. 07. Members passed 15. Failed 1. Did not appear 2. Medallions: Ragul~tion uniform WOl'll by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corpoml-, amI 12 men. M.atenal: 3 stretchers, havresac, water bottle, bugle, splints and bandages. Horse am bulances are the property of the neighbouring pits, vesteLl i.n Divisional Committee. Division supported by puhlic donations and members' subscription,.
Hon . Surgeon .
J . A. Davie,
M.B., C.M.,
Litchfield Sreet,
ergt. J. Gongh, 8, Morsey Hanley.
Hon . Treasure,-.
Inspector of Stores.
Sergt. D. Deaville.
. Gough.
.Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. PlivaLcs 20. ToLal eITectin~ 25. Drills held 29 . Average attendance .14 . Cases attE:udcd 011 public duty 7 . R emoval1. Casps attended not on publIc duty 206. Annual insp('ution, 1 .11.07. ~otal 011 parade 6. Absent with leave 10. \\Tithout leave 9. .Annllal re-exaJ)1inutlOn,. 29.9.07. Mem bel;'> pas 'cd 5. Failed 1. Did not appear 1. i\ledal1 iOlls 6. SerVIce badges 5. Nnrslllg certificates Regulation uniform ""0111 by 1 OOiccr, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 20 men. Material: slliints banc1a a e' sure'ical havrcsae · . North Staffordshire Railway ' b 2 sec tr t h ers, 1ltter, veste d lU Co."" Division uppolted, by members' subscriptions.
certificates 3. R egulation unirorm worn by 2 0 [fieers, 1 sergenn t, 3 corporals, men. Material: 2 stretchers, splillts, bandages, medical havresac, 5 water bottles, 5 havl'esacs, knee caps, vested ill Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary snhscl'iptions. Members of this Division have been \'ery successful during the year, gaining the North tafforc1shire Ry . Directors' Cup, the third prize in the International Railway Competition in Lon~0~1, the orth t!1.fIordshire Corps' Cup, and the Tunstill Memorial 'bal1enge lneld.
Hon . Su rgeon.
Officers 2.
Sergeant 1.
Carporall. Privates 10. [No report received. 1
Officers 2. Sergeant 4. Corporals 2. Privates 70. Total effective 78. In crease since la.lSt report 15. Dl'lll held 14. Cases attended on public duty 5. Removall. Cases attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 13.10.07. Total on puntde 66. A~l ent with leave 12. Ann~lal re-examination.' Members pa. .. d 57. Dlfl not appeal' 20. ~jedalltons 10. RegulatlOn umform worn by 1 Onicer, 1 sergeants, 2 cOl'P?nds, amI 70 men. Material: 6 stretcber~, surcrical ca. e, and 100 bal1lIages, splint, etc. , 5 drum, 16 bugles, vested m Potteries Electric Traction Ambulallce Division. Division supported by efIort· of the men themsel ves and a. i&tu.nce from P. E. T. Co., Ld. The Divi. ion entered a sq\1ad in the Halmer End competition, and were successful iu winning the first prize.
Total effective 11.
Hatton, M.D. 1st Office r.
" Hon; Sec. and Sergt. ," Inspect. of Stores, and Hon. Treas.
"" . J. Turner, 42, Florence Street, Newcastle,
Ot:ND IIoUI'Ji:,
helloll, 'toke-on-Trent.
R 11.
Hon Secretary.
Hon . Su rgeon and Superintendent. W. C. Allaroice, M.D., King Street,
Hon. Surgeon.
Lowe, Boys' School, Milton,
E. J. Brown, 66, Grosvenor Avenue,
£ficer 1. Pri vat s ~O. Total etfecti \'e 21. Decrea:'; since lust report. I rills held 13. Average attendance 15. Annual ill pection, 1 L 10.07. Total un pamde 1. Absent without leave 20. Annual re-cxmuinfl ipn, 15.9.01. i\l'lll1! ' r-,; pll'ed 3. Did not 11ppetlr17. l\ledallion 7. er\'i(;(; had,," 1. Heuulation uniform worn by 1 Olticer lmd 5 men. Material vested 11\ ... T~rth 'tt\ffo~dshire 1,lil\\'(lY Co. Di\'i ion upported by North tafford-
cnooL, MILTON.
1st Officer, Hon . S ecretary, Inspector of Sto res and Treasurer .
Hon . Secretary.
F. Hatch, Princes Rou.u, 'Loke-on-Trent.
1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.
Hon . Surgeon.
J. Aspinall,
R. Bagnall, 55, Elgin ,'lreet,
[Formed 11.9. 97.J Boys'
G. H. List,
llo. V. Dist'l'ict.
O fficers~. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 24. Total eO'cctive 31. Decrease SlUce last report 2. Drills held 45. 1i verage attendallce 15. Cases attended not on pu,?hc duty 9, Anllual inspection, 18.11. 07. Total Oll parade 17. A~seDt WIth leave 14. Annual re-examination, 27.9.07. Memhers passed 27, DId DOt appear 2. Medallions 20. ervice badge 6. Nursiug
1st Officer.
G. P. II)' lop, T. J. Luh (12.12.0i.} lIar tshil1 , ~ toke-on-Trent. Acting Inspector of Stores.
Acting Hon . Treasurer.
H. 'V. L:lth ;l lll, 23, PUI11]l 't., U. lh~giu ·on. H.. Goyan. toke-on -Trell t, Ofiicers 2. er'l(~ant 1. Corporal1. Pl'i\'Utc ' 21. Total efrective 25 l30.9.01.l Increa. c sillce I~st rcport 3. Drills held 30. Ca. es altcndetl Oil public duty 35. Anllual illsp clion, 13.10.0i. 'l'ultd 011 parade 1·1,. Ab €nt ",ith lca,"e 9. 'Without leave 2. Anllual re-eXlUllilluLioll, 4.10.01. ~lemi)Cl" pa~sed 17. Did not appear i. Mc<llllliolls 10. HcgulnLion uniforlll "'Ol'Jl by 2 Ootcor., 1 .crgcant, 1 corporal, and Hi 111cn. ~htteril\l: ·l str tehers, 1~ .ets of splint, 4 havre ncs, 4 bottles, ambulance 1lalllper, 6 doz. loller liandage, etc., vcsted ill Company's tores. Division sllpportc(1 by the firm amI it::; employee.
t. John A ?nbldance BTigade.
No. V. Dist1'ict.
In charge.
A. Hilton John.
J. Tunstall, 167, Ca,mpbell Rd. , toke-on-Trent.
Officer 1.
Pri Yates 19.
T otal effective 20.
4th Officer (i n charge).
H. Leese, 25, Morley T1lnstu,ll. (N 0 report recei yed).
J. D.
1st Offi ce r.
Acting In spector of Stores.
II. Hichfonl,
Uorpl. G. 11. Rodgers.
f-'c.;rgeants 2. 'orpornls t. l">rivates ~6. T otal e.ffecti\·e 34. ~\.\" cmge atlelldanc'e ] 1. Ca. es attended on pubhc duty . Oases attended not on pu\)lie duly 73. Anllual in .. pectiull, ~6.10.07. 'Iobll on parade 2~. All ence with lca\'e 10. Allllual re-exanlluation, 2;).7.07. Members pas'ed '27. Did Dot appear 6. ::'ledalliolls 10. .I. urillg certificate 1. H.cgu lulioll uniform wom by 1 Ollie'r, 2 .ergeallb, { eorpon~I·. all.d.].l men. I ~lat.erial: 3 ',t retcher~, 2 sets of splinb, uallda"~s,. te. , ve ·ted III ])~\ 1 I?Jla1 OOlllll1lttee. COfl~S ~uppo,rtecl by mem bers' sn b.cnl'tlOIJ·, ,"olulltary COil tn uutlOJlS and lllp. RutherYale Colhery Uo., Ltd. Officers 2.
Cbape1-ell-le-Frith, Stockport.
Drill~ It 'hI ·Hl.
Hon . T reasurer.
E. Hoyle.
•'er~t ..J. Rodger.', 7, \Yood 1. 0.118, TreetoD, Ilr. Rotherham .
)1. D.
9, Kin g'~ Terr., 'l'reeton, nr. Rolh el'ham.
Honorary Surgeon. Inspector of Sto,' es.
( YORKS ~ .
Acting Hon . Secretary.
Hon. Surgeon & Ho n. T,-eas. (acting).
V. J. Greenhough,
OfficerR 3. Rergeu,l1 ts 4.. Corpomls 5. Privates 27. Total cITecti ve 39 (30 . 9.07), Drills h eld 37 . A vemge attendance 14.. Oase" attended on public duty 24. OaRes attended not on pull1ic duty 309 . AllllUal inspection, 26.10.07. Total on pu,rade 26. Absent with leave 11. Without leave 2. Anllual r e-examination, dll rin cr Mn rch 1907. Mem hcr l't"l.sRed 20. Did not appcar 12. M edallions 22. S ervi~e bac1<re'1. K ur,.;ing certificates 4. R egulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 4 serge::mts,b 5 corporals, and 24 men. 1\~atelil:l : 4. stretchers. 4. sets of ~plin~s~ ~U5S, bandag-es. havresac , water LottIe", '1.nd 0 first ald wa.11 hoxes, etc., vcstedm DIVISIOnal Oomn~ittee . Di \;sion supported hy mem1 lers' su bscril'tions and voluntary con tri bu tions. At the King's yi "jt at Lin coln for the opening of the R. A .•. Eo . how 1 officer and 12 men attended. Th e principal event of the year was the Uorps Camp held at M altby for four Ch),5 at Whitsuntide ; ·1 officer ::wel oyer 40 men were present.
Hon . Secretary.
A. J. Podmore, Goldenhill, TUDstall,
Sergt. J. Barker.
Officer 1.
ergeant 1.
Privates 8.
Total eITeciiye 10.
(~o report recei \·ed. ~
Hono:ary Surgeon .
[Formc(l 12.4.06.J
Super intendent.
llLAll -Qt ,\ lrn.HS:
1st Officer.
Honorary Surgeon.
T. W. 1\ orton, L.R. C.P. H. ,Yardell, hetficld Road, J. Taylor. Hoylanu COlJllllOn, Ill'. Barnsley. 2nd Offi cer.
Acting Honorary S ecretary.
T. Taylor.
H. Garton, ,'ale treet, Hoyland Common.
\V. Lell,
Inspector of Stores.
Officer~ 4. ergeallts 3. Oorporals 6. Private 63. Total efl'ecLive 76 I llcrerse SIDce la~t report 23. Drills held 41. Average attendance 30 . . ases ~ttende~ o~ pubhc duty 1. Oases attellJecl not on pulJlic duty 7. A1Il1U al le-exam~natIOll? 2 . . 9.27. MemlJers I!assed 73. Dill not appear 2. MedalliollS 42. R egul,~h~n . UJ~lfollll worn b,r 4 Officers, 3 sergeants, 6 corporals, aud 63 men . M~t.el.la1. tOUl stretchers, SplIDts, bandages, ele. , vested in Divisiollal Committee DlvlSlon supported by mem bel'S' SLl bscriptioJ1S aud public con tribu lions. .
M.Il , • 'kclIlHlllthol"pe.
ergcauL 1. Privates 21. Total elfective 23. Drills ll ehl 22. A \'lJrage attcw:J.ance 15. Ca~es attelHlcd !lot 011 l,ul.,lic cluty . Allllual illspcctioll, .(j.0 7. T otal on paralle 14. Ausellt with Ieare 6. Without Ican 1. Allllualrc-exal1lillatioll, ~1. 9.07 . Memuer passell U. Did 1Iot appear Hi. H egulaliull llllifollll :,"UIll uy 1 Officer,. 1[lllt and :J mCll. nl .\ i eli:\I: t:itrelelter~, lugs, haJldagl'·, lipllllt·, etc., \" c ted III Dl\"llllOUa1 COlllll1ittce. Di\' i'il'll supported by JlICllIUCI~' t>llbscl'ipliollS and public contrilmtioll' .
G. W. !\lJ(ldlelllis,
I nspe c tor of Stores.
R. G. Hlcldell,
Hon . Surgeons. M.D.
S. B. W. Moore (12 . 12 "07 )
H" C
Ch ain b r., '
Sunnyfield, Deighton, 1st Officer and Insp. of Stores .
G. E. W ells.
Hon. S ecretary.
II. Foxcroft.
Superint endent
111" ••
heffi elJ.
Hon . Treasure r .
Sergt., J. W. Gilling, Mr. J. Gibbs (Hon . :Mem.) 189, M asbro ' treet, Rotherham.
[FoI"IIlPd 1,• ..1.0-1.J
\1'1':[' :-;·JHEEJ",
Supt . and Hon . S ecretary. ~l.n .
Act ing Honorary Secretary.
J. "'. Pt.;e1, MOUlll L'h:a~allt, 'cis ctt, Ill". 11 udder·[ield.
OHic·er 1.
Hon Surgeon.
[Formed 1.6.05.J
''1', 8ClSSETT.
Decrca~G sillC'(. L\~l rqlol t ;'.
llEAD QL,\JtIl.Jt.·:
UUT'! L[,.1I GH
E. R.
~lorjlhet, llalst eHll,
Hon . Treasurer.
R OIark.
Officers 2. 'er5eant 1. orporn,l 1. l'riyutes 2. Tolall'fr 'cti\Te 32. Drills heW 50. Avcru,ge nttcntl<lllCe 16. Hemoya1s 7. Casc u,ttenJed !lot on vnuli c (Inty 28. Annual ilJspection, :3.9.07. Tolal 011 parade ~5. Au elJ~ without lenve 7. Anllua.l l"c-exlwlinalioll, 10.5.07 . Members l'lu;sed 29. Did l:Ot appear 2. :Medallions 17. • cl"viee llatl ges . N 111 illg ecrtificales 15. RegulatlOJl
St. J ohn A ?nb~t-lance B I'igade.
lr o. V. lJ i. ·t,.,.ict.
uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 21 men . Matcrial: litter 8 stretchers, hood and apron, 6 pairs leather slings, canvas carrying sheet, surgicai huvl'esac, 4 water uottle'; 3 fir t aid boxes for use on football fields, cJ. 'lYall boxcs fitted with first aid appliances, diagrams, mannakin alll1 case, rugs, splints, and bandages, vested in Divisional 00111 111 i ttce. Division supported by ment bel's and public contributions.
Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Oorporal1. Privates 29 . Total effective 33. Increase sincc last report 2. Dri lls held 33. A verl1ge attendance 16. Oases attended on public duty 40. 3.. Annual inspection, 21.9.07. '1'.0 tal. on parade 26. Absent with lea-vc 1. 'Vlthout leav_e 6. . Anllual .re-exammatlO~l durillg ovembera.ndDecemhel' '06. UeI21be:·s passecl. .L9. Falled1. DIdn?tappe~r12. :Medallions 15. ervice badges 12. N unnng eerttficates 8 .. Regula.tlOn unif.orm worn by 1 Officer 2 sergeants, 1 corpolal, and :29 men. filatenal: stretcher, splmt , havresacs, water bottles, cupboard', l)lanket?, ,~aterproof sheets, bugles, _drums, yested in Corps. Divisio~ supported ~y contnb~tlOn , mo~t1~ fr~n,l large worKS. Men attended for duty lU JUl1 ttL Lmcoln clul'lng the KlDg s VISlt.
Hon. S ecretary.
lIlCAJ)-QI ' AHTJ<;W'l:
' V. Chase (6.4.0 ), Beecroft Cottage, Horton-il1-Ribl.Jle (blc. Act ing Inspector of Sto r es.
ergen.nt 1. Corporal 1. Privates 7. Total ef:Iecti \'e 9. Drills held 55 . A,erage attendance 7. Case attended not on public duty 12. Annual impection, 3.9.07 . Total on parade 9. Annuu.! re-examination, 11 .5 .07 & 24.8. 07. Members p~ssecl 9. Regulation uniform ~'Oln by lergean t, 1 corporal, and 7 ~en . 1\~atel'lal : .2. ,tretcher, surgical ha:' resac, splints, ::md bandages, yested 111 OommIttee. Dn'lSlOn supported by pubhc contriLutions and members' subscriptions.
[Formed 12.99].
. G . ,'Leade (~5.3.0 ).
OorpI. J. l\forphet.
[Formed 12.99].
Hon, S urgeon.
Ho n. Treasurer.
E. C. Margrett.
Acting Hon. Secretary. T. Broma.gc, 1, IIelmton Hd., 'Voouseats,
crgea.l1ts 2. Corporal 1. Prin1.tes 23. Tota.l effectiye 26. Drills held 33. Average ~l.ttellclance 19. Ca,es attencled on public duty 05. R emovals 3. A nnual inspection, 21.0 07. Total on para.el\': 19. Absent WIth :3. \Vithout leave:l. Annuttl re -exll.mil1l1.tion',c1uring N ?y(:l~l bel' and Decem ~er '~tL Members passed 2~. Dill uot appear 4. MedallLon' 9. erVlce badge::; 4. 2\ Ul'Slllg certifieatc::; D. Hegulation uniform wurn hy ~ ::;ergeants, 1 corporal, and 23 men. llbterial: 'tretchers, "]llint~, haYresac::>, water bottle~, cupboards, blankets, \mterproof sheets, drug" for lir"t aid, hugles, clnllll S , ,estcd iu 'orp::;. Di \'ision supported by contrlbutiulls, lIlO ·tly from la.rgc works. . ..,.. . Some members attended Llllcoin on the OCC:lSlOn of illS Mt1.Jetity s U1 June.
C hief S u r geon.
E. Barker Barbcr, Ch ief Super in t end e nt (Act ing).
Fow' Amb1dance Divisions .-Oflicers 4. T otal elI'ective
B. A.
ergeauts 9.
Corporals 8.
2nd Officer.
S. O. Else, Tinsley, nr. Sheffield .
[Forrueu 12.189D.] HEFFIELD.
Ac t ing Hon o rary S ecretary.
IV. Adams, 140, Chippeuhouse Road, Heeley, Sheffield.
Officer 1. Sergeants 3. Corporals 3. Privates 23 . Total eITective 30. D rills held 33 . A.-'.'erage .attendance~ 17. Oases attended on public duty 42. Removals 4. AnnualmspectlOD, 21. 9.01. Total on parade 23. Absent with leave 2. Vvithout leave 5. Annual re-examination, during November and December '06. Members passed 15. Diu not appear 15. Medallions 13. crvice uaclCles 15. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 3 serge~llt!':, 3 corporals, and 23 men. Material: stretchers, splints, havresac, waLer bottles, cupboards, ulankets, waterproof sheets, bugles, drums, vested in Corps. Division supported by contributions, mostly from large wOlks. D uty was undertaken at the Royal Show, Lincoln, on the occasion of the King's visit. (SHEFFIELD CORPS ) "B " DIVISION. H EAD-QUARTERS: CORN EXCHANGE,
Hon . Surgeon & Supt.
A. Aiken Clark, C.M., ",harrow Lane, R igbfields, Sheffield.
[ForUlecll1.99.] UEFFIELD.
Acting Hon . Secretary.
12~ .
'OH~ EXC:li.\.~GE,
II1UU-Ql;.\1 lEI:. ':
Hon orary T reasu r er.
H . O. Else, 1, Agden Road, Sheffield. 101.
L.R . C.S.
[Formed 12. 99 . ] HEFFIELD .
Act in g Hon . S ec r etary.
'1'. W. Lam uel't, 58, Eccleshall Road, Slleffieltl.
J. '. "\'l1tkin.ou, Call1lll , 'treet, " \ "t1lkley,
erffennts 2. Corpurals 3. Privates 26. Total eiIectiye 31. J>rills held 33. A at endance ] 6. a.'e' attended 011 publi~ duty 37. Rellloyall. Annual inspection, ~l. 8.07. Total all pll.1'aLle 2l. Ab. ent WIth leu\'e 4. 'Yithout leave (). Annual re ·exalllinat iun,during N oye\ll bel' and Decem her '06. Mem bel'S pased 1D. Did nut ttpp>ltr 12. ~ledallioll:S 5. enice btl.dge' 3. ~UI ing certificate::; . H 'gulatiull unifurm wom by ~ :sergeant', 3 corporals, and 20 men. 11ttterial : stretuhers, splint. , ha\TeSaCS, "'ttkI' bottles, cupboards, blankets, waterproof sheets, uuglc', drums, "e.-ted in Curp.'. Di yi:;iull upported lJY contribution', mostly frum lar"e " 'urk '. Duty ~nts undertaken ll.t Lincoln in J Ulle \\ hen the King vi 'itecl thtl.t city. SHIPLEY AND DIS T RICT CORPS (YORKS.). [Fonned as a. Diyisiol1 1.10.99; U n. orp 6.6.03.] IIEAD -Qu AHTER ' :
GDI~Alli~r, .\L"L\IHE IN '1' ITlJTE, ... nIPLEY.
C hief S urgeon.
C hief S uperin t e n den t (Ac t ing).
C. IV. Eame::;,
1\lount hipley.
Insp ect o r o f St ores.
Scrgt. ll. Bowers.
S upt. S ecret ary.
T. Allcn, 20, Belmont Crescent, 'bipley. Ho n o rary Treasurer.
1st CIa s ~e rgt. J. D. Busfield.
(Six Ambulance Divisiolls).-Ofllcers 12. el'creallls 6. orporal 7. Privates ~. (One Nursing Division).-Ol1lcCl'>i <1. NUl i~lg si::;ters 23 . Total eirectiYe 134.
N o. V. DistTict.
St. J ohn A m bulance Brigade.
Honol'a ry Su rg eon
T. I. Bonner,
[Fo!'D1eu 1.1 0.99.)
1st Office r (i n c ha rge).
~1. A., M.D.
J. T. Green.
Hono r ary S e cl'etary (A ct ing).
J. H . Potter, Fern Bank, Baildon, Shipley. Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 9. T otal effecti"e 13 . D ecrease sillce last report 12. Drill hel<.l 4. Average attendallCe 8. Cases attended on public duty 20 . Removals 6. Cases attended not on public (l uty 53 . Annual inspection 10.7 . 07. Total 011 parade 9. Absent " 'ith leave 7. 'W ithout lea,ve 5. Annual re-examination, 26.6.07. Mmnuers pas ed 13. Did not appear 10. Me(lallioll ervice badges 6. Nursing certificates 10. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, alld 7 men. .Material : 3 stretchers, triangular and roller bandage', plin ts, rugs, can va, etc., vesteu in Corps' Officers. Di \'ision supporteu by member.' subscriptions and public dona tions. The members of I. Bearer Co., .J.A.B., ,vent to Y ork for six days' training, from 27th July to 3rc1 Augu~t, 1907 . Some members of this Division haNe joined the Home Ho pitals Reserve.
[Formed 1. 10. 99.]
Hon. S u /'g e o n.
1s t Offi ce r and Ho n. S e c reta ry.
E . ., harpe, ~I.B.
J. H. Potter, }i'el'll Bank, Bailllon,
ergeant 1. Corporal 2. PriYates 10. T otal e[recliYe 15. Officers 2. DeL;rease since last rep::nt 7. Drills held 4. A. "erage attendance 7. Cases attended on public duty 19. Removals 7. Cases attended not all public duty 52. A nnual inspection, 10.7.07. Total all parade 9. Ab ent with leave 4. 'Without leave 9. Annnal re-examination, 26.6.06. ]}lemlJer passed 14. Did not appear 8. Medallions 13. ... enice badges J. T ursing certificates 13. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corpurals, and 10 men. Material: 3 stretchers, triangular and roller IJanduges, splints, rugs, cam'as, elc., vestcd in Corps' Offirers. Divi ion supported by mellllJers' subscriptions and pnhlic donations. Seyeral members who are on the strength of 1. Bearer Co., ~.J.A.B., went to the M ilitary Hospital, York, for six days' hospital training. ( SHIPLEY
YEADON AND GUISELEY [Formed 9. 2.04.]
Hon . S urgeon a n d S uperi nte nd e nt.
3rd Officer.
T . Johnston, M. D., Tew Scarboro', Guiseley. Ho n . S ec ret a ry.
Officers 2.
Sergeant 1.
BusfielJ .
Insp ec tor of Store s and Hon . T re asurer.
J. Crook .
J. liargrE.aves . Corporal 1. Privates 16. (X a report recei ved . )
Total effective ~O.
Hono ra ry Surge on .
H. II eb1lethwaite, M. ILC . S. 1st Office r .
W. G. lIunay , Burley-in-Wharfedale.
Inspector of Stores.
Hono rary Treasul' er.
Cor pl. J . Barker.
A. II. Skinner .
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Cor]>oral1. Privates 11. ToLa.1 effective 15. Drills lleld 51. Averngr attcndance 8. Cases Decrease since last report 1. attended on public dnty 22. Removals 2. Cases aLtended ~ot on public duty 71. Annual inspection , 10. 7. 07 . T otal on parade 9. Ah~ent With leav~ 6. Annual re,examination, 2.07. Mem hers passerl 11. Mellalllolls 7. Sllrvice badges 4. Nursina certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn IJY 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and t3 ~en. l.Ltterial: ambulance l,ox: 3 strrtcbers, 3 rugs, store chest, ambulance hasket, splints, handage', etc., vcsted in Diviional Committce. Division sllpporteu by private subscriptions alHl concerLs.
(SHIPLEY AND DISTRICT CORPS ) " E [J! o1'l11c(l 1:3.10.02.]
Honora ry Secretary.
Sergt. F. ,\Vitbymall, 1l,Spring Gard ens, Burley-in-' Yhar fedale.
1st O fficer.
nowb:lll, 53, Albion 'tt'ect, Olley, YOlks.
Acti ng Hon . S ec r e ta ry.
Ac t in g Inspec t or of Stores.
CorpI. G. ~. Birt\\'histle, 5, Park Row, Otlcy, Yorks.
Hon. T reasurer.
'. Cook.
A. Jowett.
OfHcel'1. Corpoml1. Pri\'at<~s 13. Total effective 15. Increase since last rt'jlOl t 2. 1>1 ills hel(141. Average attendance Hi. Cases attended on puldic duty ~;). Remoyals:3 Casc.· attended Il~t 011 jluhlic duty 120. Anllulll ill pcction, :.L'i.07. Total all parade 14. Ah ent '.nth lea\'p 1. Annual re,examination, 7.10.07 ~IeJllb(' ls passed 1:). Mc(lallioll,; 11. .:'crvice badges 7. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 OUit.: 1', 1 corpol':ll, anll 13 men. ,\ [ateriul: van, wheelecllitt·r. 9 .lrcLelters, G ha.kct: 9 ambulance hoxes, 2'lll'glc;tl huwe·n.cs, 2 water bottle', 10 hlankets, 2 he(ls, (;lC~, Yc:led in Otley entre, .J. ..t\.. Divi ion supportc(l hy concerts, ctl'. (SHIPLEY AND DISTRICT CORP S) " F " (MIDLAND RAILWAY ) DIVISION. [Furllle,l 'J7 .. 01.1 IIr. .\J)-QL\TlTEH~:
.'1 \'1'[0 _', ' HIl'LJo:Y.
Hon. Tl'easurer (in charge).
Ihl~field ,
7. jlarlhoro' Hoall, !rlle, Bl"uUonl.
Hon S ecretary.
" c"
Inspector of Sto r es.
J. Green, 21, ... ~ol'th ,'l., HclW.] 0 II ,
Le lis.
'1 III illS.
:L'lge:1l1ts~. Corpolnl 1. Privates 23. Total eflective 26. DeclcD.e since la:t rcport 1. Drill' It II! fi:? Aycragt' atll'1Il1ance 11. Cases attondctl 011 puhlic lluty. RClllo\'als 3. 'ase attended Ilol all puhlic duly 59. Anllual inS[lcctioll 10.7.07 Total 011 parade 15. Ah ent \"ilh I('a\e 11. Annual , 1el1a II'1011.:".) ,crVice . 1.uauges .1 ') re-examination, 30.·1.07. MellllJels l'a.'sc(l 20. ~. NUl' 'iug ccrtilicatps 2. H.egubtioll llniforlll \\'om by 2 'ergealll, 1 c01'l~ol'Ul and 10 men . Ma.terial: 2 sLretchers, ~ lir t Dill boxp~, 3 ct- of phnt, number of bttllc1ll oa es , yestul ill 1litllul\(1 Railwa Jv '0. Di"i ion :-;upported by members' suh. cripLiolls al1(l publie contrihntions. . SevcrlllmClllbcl's of the Division have joined the ;,lilitalY Homc Hopltals ReselTe.
no \ltl>
Ho n . S u r geon .
P. V. Fry, ~l.ll.l.'.
LForlllell1.1.06.] Su\nmoy
1s t O ffice r .
J. T. Haigh, 6-1, 80\\'cl'hy Greell,
'uwerlly Bridge. Inspec t or of St o/'es and Hon T,-eas.
Hon. S ecretary.
T. F. eed, Egerton 'trect,
erb), 13ridge.
Curp!. L. If. -"I,ty.
St. J ohn A mULI"Lance B?'igade.
No . V. D istT ict.
Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal1. Pli\'at('s 18. Tolal elI'ective 22. In crease since hst r eport 2. Drills held 23. A yerage attendance ] 5. Cases attend ed not on public uuty 12. Annual in pection, 1.6.07. Tolal on par!Lde 20. A bsent with leave 2. Annual re-examination, .6.07. Members passed 21. Medallions 14. Regulation uni form worn by 1 0 ilicer, 1 sergeau t, 1 corporal, and lEi men. Material: 4 stretchers, urgieal ha\'l'esac, splints, water bottl e bandages, etc. , " ested in Diyisional Committee. Ambulance c:1niage and appliance~ vested in So\yerby Bridge Di trict Coullcil. Diyision supported by members' subscriptions and public cuntributions .
TALKE DIVISION (STAFFS). [Formed 24 . 3.02.]
Honorary Surgeon .
G. L. Barritt,
TATrO::\ .
Supt. and Hon . Treas .
W. J. Moun cy,
latioll nOllSe, , palllillg.
)I.R.C . .
" Hon . Secretary and Sergt."
J. Steele,
2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.
R. Naylor, 17, .'t. ,aviour's ,'treet,
L.n.C.l' .
Talke, Stol<e-on-Trellt Hon . T reasurer.
Inspector of Stores.
E. J 011('S.
J . T. Crimes (lIon. Mem .).
Olllcen; 2. . ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 1 0. Total efI'ective ] 5. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 22. verage attellriance 11. Cases attended 1I0t 011 pulll ic cl uty 8. Alllllltt] illspedion, 14.9.07. Total on parade 12. Ah..,ent \lith leave 3. Allllnnl re-examinalioll, 25.9.07. Members passed 13. Did not appeal' 1. l\Iedallions 9. certificates 7. Hegulation ulliform wom by 1 Oflicer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, aud 10 men. Material: stretcher, llandages, and plin ts, vested i ~l Di \'i '~onal Commitlee. Divi. ion supported hy mem llers' suh 'eriptions (\.llrl Jlllblw donations.
W. G. Elles.
Olficers 2. ergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 26. Total erfectiYe 33. Decrease inee last report 6. Drills helll 52. Ayerage attendallce 1. Removal 14. Oases attended not on public duty 20. Annual inspection, 27.9.07. Total on parade 2 . .Absent with leave 5. Annual re·examination, 24.3.07 . Members passed 2. Did not appear 6. Mellallions and labels 20. Nur iug certificates 20. Part uniform \Yom by 1 Officer, 2 sergeant., 3 eorporal.3, and 11 men. Material: 2 stretcher, 2 ambulance boxes, yer:.leLl ill Great N:>i'them aJlll Mid. aull G.='l. Railwa y Companies. Divi ion ll}1llOrted by members Dlld pulllie contribntion '.
Honorary Surgeon .
Inspector of Stores .
A. Preston, ,Yillsover Road, paldillg.
Honorary Su rgeons.
'Y. A. -'lall1fon1,
.1<'. Marriott,
Acting 1st Officer.
'T. A. LU\lton, The Firs.
L. CO\l'e)'.
Tcnr~all, Xotts.
Hono rary Treasurer.
Honorary Secretary.
F. JacksolJ, 10, ,ictoria Terrace, Till.helf.
Deputy COlllllli:;.ioner'. O. \Vard ell, Doe Hill Houe, nr. Alfreton.
.'ergeallb< 5. Corporal 5. Private 23. Total efreetive 37. Decrease illce last report 5. Drill held 3:3. Average attellliauee 16. en e attclIclcII 011 ~lulJlic lluiy 11. I:emo\'ab :2:1. Cases attended not 011 }luhlic dllt) :! .. . AlIlIual.inspcelioll, H.9.07. Total ou parade 30 . Abs~nt with ]e:n'c 7. .\lllll1!l.l re-cxaminatioll, ~;I.'.L07. Total olll 'aracle 30. Ab ent WIth leave 7. AlIllUulIe-exlllllinalioll, :2;;.1.07. 11emhers ras ed 34. Medallions 36. 'ervil'e Ladges '27. ITursillg certificales 10. HI ~nlation nnifor~l1 worn by -1 Olficer , 5 .ergcalli:!, G cOlporals, awl '23 lIIcn. ~lall'nal: wagon, lItter, tretchers, and and,Jlllance ])oxe , yeteel ill lloll. TreD. nrcI'. 01')ls snpporteu uy voluntary contributions. _\ pal ty attcllth:c1 at Linl'oln on the oC'ca,..ioll of the King'. visit to the Ropll sho,v. Ollicer J.
l:e~er\'e member:;.
[Formed 27.6.05.)
HEAD-Q'L"ARTER.: • TOCK . nm])(iE 'YOllK.' , e1l00L.
Hon. Su rgeon.
F. Y. H. Mos mall,
Acting Superintendent and Hon . S ecretary. L .• . A.
OAJcers 2.
J. C. l\cllIl'orthy, Cutts Yilia, Deepear, nr. ,_'hemeld. Privutes 19.
Total effective 21.
[Formed 20.6.01.]
WELBECK DIVISION NOTTS.) [Forme(1 IIE.\1l llL ,\I.nel:::;. 'Y~.r.HFCK. ,\TOHKSOP,
Honorary Surgeons .
R. Nesbitt, Superintendent.
A. H. Bonser, Forest Lodge, S u tton-in- Ashfield .
L.R. C.I' .
E. Mitchell,
1 91.]
_TO! T:->.
Hon . Surgeon.
'Y. T. Cn:tw ford, ){. D.
1st Officer and Hon . Sec .
.8.. E. Wingrove, Nesbitt 'treet, utLoll-ill- Ashfield. Inspector of Stores.
COl·pI. W. H. Slack. Olfieers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 16. Total effectiye 25. Decrease since last report 11. Drills held 46. Average aUenclallce 12. Cases attended all pulllic duty 7. Remoyals 3. Cases attended not 011 public duty 37. Medallions 14. Nurc:;ing certificates 15. Regulation uniform wom by 2 Omcers, 2 serge~nts, 3 ?orporals, alld 16 men. Material: 3 stretchers, havresac, quantity of dresslllgs, sp]ll1t~, ~tc. , vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by members' SUbSCl'lptlOns and public contributions. Two Officers and 16 men were on duty on the occasion of the King's visit to the Royal Agricultural Show.
1st Offi cer.
Supt. and Hon . Treasurer.
W. Kilchen .
E. G. Hallilyll, ,\Ydlltck, \\Toil~sop, Xoll 2nd Officer and Inspector of Sto res.
F. )laltby.
Hon . S ecretary.
Moore. 13elph, Whitwell, Mansfield.
Onieers 4. .. 'ergean t · 2. Corpomls·1. PriYates 32 . Total elJectiye 42. Re erve member 1. D eerea e sillce last report 7. Drill held Qi'l. Average attendance 17. Ca es a.ttended on puulic cl u iy 10. I emovals 22. Ou e attended not on pnulic duty 15. .8.lIllUal illspecLioll, ~...l. 9. 07 . .Tot~l on parad:. 30. Ab eli,t with leave 3. ,Yithout leaye 9. Annual l'e-exannnatlOJ1, 11.4.0(. Membels pa. seu 25. Failed 2. DitlllOt appeur 14. 11etIaliiolls 29 . Tursing ce]'tifie~tes 10. Regulation uniform \l'orn by 4 Ollicer', 2 ergeant', -1 corporal, and 3.3 me~ . Material: wagon, 7 sLreicllers, 3 llUmpcrs, 1 havl'esac, splmts, etc., vested III Di visional Oommittee.
St. John A mb~tlance B?Oigade.
No . V. District.
G. H. Pearce, L.R.C.l'.
G IIlLS' 1'011001" SOllmrtC(ITES.
Hon . Surgeon ( A cti ng.)
O. D. Robson,
4th Offi cer and Inspector of Stor'es .
L ady Sup erintendent.
M.A.~I.B .
Mrs. 'tuarl O. Wurdell, Doe Hill IIousc, llcar Alfl'eton.
G. H. J ackson , 'Woolley Oolliery, Darton, ur. BtunsJey. Mr. J .
Hon . Treasurer.
Wilkin on (Hon. JUcm.)
Officers 2. Scrgeant l. Oorporals 2. Privates 17. Total efl'ectiyc 22. D ecrease since last report 7. Drills heJel 35. Average attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 40. Annual inspection, 6.10 .07. Tolal on parade 16. Withont leave 3. Anllnal re-examination, 5.] 1.07. A bsent "ith leaye 3. Member passed 19. Diu not allpear 2. Medallions . Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sprgeal1t, 2 corporals, and 16 men. Material: 5 Furley stretchers, surgical havresac, water bottles bandages and plint, "csted in Divi 'ional Oommittee. Division supported by Fountain and Burnley, Ltd., and publi.c contributions.
1st Nur's. Officer', Lady Sec. and Trea s.
2nd Nurs . Officer and Lady In sp. of Stores.
Mrs. Bca~Lall, Oporto Hou se, Somercoies, 11cm Alfl'etolJ.
Mrs. S. IIill.
Cltl-iccrs 1. Nmsi ng sisters 11. T utal effective ]fl. Pt'nctices lleill12 . Average attc1ldallce Hi. Oa~es pnyately llUl"ClI 6. Annual inspcl'tio1l, 11.H.07. Tobl on parade 12. Ab cnl wilh leavc 3. Allnual rc-exalllination, U.07. ~1('lllLers passcd 11. Meela11ioll 1. Hegu1ntioll uniform wol'll ]'Y all. MaLerial: roller ane1 triangl1lal' hrllc1age,', ·p1illt·, &c .. v(:SteLl in Lally SllpcrinlC'lIdcnt. ])i\'isioll sl1jlporteu by \'olulltary cOlltriblltiOllS.
Hon . SlI r g eon and Sup erin t endent.
mith, 24, Prior Well Road, Worksop. Sergeants 3,
Oorporals 4.
1 t Class
Privatcs 30 .
of Stores ~t1 kin.
Total cfl'ccti\'e 39.
[ 0 report received.]
Lady Superintendent.
W. H. Hill, ::ILB.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.
.,. ursing sisters 66.
Lady I nspector of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
:\[is F. Mc Into!';]l (11.11.07) .
::\II'. W. Firth (lIOll. Mcm ber).
Offi cer!:i 3. ur iug ders 11. Total eJl'ecti \'c 17. (30.9. 07). Re en'e member:;!. I ncrea'c since la t report~. Praclices held 50. Average atteutlaul!c 11. Ctt es atielldecl 011 puhlic lInt)' 1~. Oa c attcllclell not on public duLy 92. Oases privatcly nlll' cd . Anllual in pecLioll, ~6.6.07. Total on paraue 1:2. Absent with le!we 2. Witl!ontl 'uve 3. Annual re-examination, 30.5.07. Members lJ:lssed 12. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions 12. RegllJution unifol'm WOJ'll by 2 Officel's nlltl 11 11\ll' 'ing . istcr:-i. Matel'iu.l: 1'011·1' baul1nge machillc, AS!:iociation hampel', splint" halHlflge,;, bcd, hedding and nnrsing requiites, ve tcd ill Divisiollal COOlmittee. Division 'upported hy pnulil! contribution
[Forllled 3.02.]
Total effective 69.
lIE.\D-Ql.,ARTEllS: YI 'TOnI \ Honorary Surgeon.
[Formed 10.2.97.]
B . E. J. ELlw'l.rd , M.D.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Lady Treasur er.
Miss 1. Sharples.
Miss A. Bald Will.
1st Nu l'S. O ff. and Lady S ec.
Irs. II. Ed\\,:lJ'(1~, Cla,J'emollL Villa~, nl'igholl e.
M. G. Thornloll,
Ca. tle Hill Honse, Ra 'trick.
Lady Secretar-y.
Miss M. E. Elsworth, 33, "\\'ellington Baril oluswick, via Colne.
Lady Sup erintendent.
Mi·sA. Gurratt(11.11.07), 2, Balfour,' tl'cct, BraMord.
[No report received.J
H. O. Alderton, L.R.C.P.
L ady S ecretary.
lni. 1. K Rees.
G. Fowler, Ba.fol'll Hall , • 'oltillgham.
Mrs. J. T. 'Walters, Th e Olifr, Oinder Hill. Officers 3.
06. ]
Mrs. E. J. 'httpnHUl, 2, New Oro S 1 'trcet, Uraclfonl.
~7. G.
1st Nu rsing Offi cer.
Lady Superintendent.
1st Offi cer.
E. G. Allc11.
Honorary S ecretary.
Officers 2.
Surg.-Oapt. A. J. H. :l Ilontague, ::ILD., 35, Potter Street, ,Vorksop. Corpl. W. H.
[Formed 1 97.J
Ollicer 1. Nursing sisters 7. Total eITective 8. D ecrease since last report 1. Practiccs held 30. Average a ttel1l1an ce 5. Oases at~ended. not on public duty 25 . Oases privately nursed 2. Medallion 1. Regula~lOn umform wom by 7 nursing sisters. Material: splints, balluag(;S, &c., vested III Divisional Committee. Di vision s llppolied oy pu olic COli Lli Imlions.
2nd Nurs ing Officer.
Lady Inspector of Stor-es.
Miss 1. E. Bond.
Mr'. R. A. Wn.tsoll.
Omeers 4. Nul' 'ing sisters 34. Total effective 3 . Practices helc.l 11. Averacre attellrjullec 2El. 'it es attended on Jlublic duty 6. Oases attenuell not on pulJlie (luty 11. Annual inspection, 20.7.07. Total on paradc 37. Abscllt with lea\'e 1. Allllun1 l' -ex:llllillntion, 30.1.07. I embers pasRcu 33. Did not appeal' 01. Hellnlliolls 33. ol'yice ba(lgc 7. R egulation l~l\irol'l1l \VOl'll by·1 Ollicers aUll ~21l1l1'Hing sisters. [atoria1: ~ beds amI bctliling al~tl slCk 1'00lfl l'CtluisiLes, l1ia.gmll1s, splillts, bnlllla.gc·, tourl1lqnc~s,. el.c. Yestell ~ll Lhe OOl'PS Tmstees. Di\'i ' ion snpportcd by mClllb er' subscl'lJlllOllS and public con tribntions. u1
St. John A ??1,bulance B ",·igade.
No. V. Distr?:ct. [Form d 7.7.05.]
HEAD-QUARTEHS: Hon . Surgeo n .
J. H. Rowe,
M.B., C.M.
1st Nurs ing Officer.
Miss F. J . K eighley. Offi cers 3.
Lady Supt. and Sec.
}\lrs. E. M arriott, 'W cst Pn.l'k ] on,d, nJ'ad ford, L ad y I n spector- of Stores. !ILl'S,
L. I(nowle ..
ursing sisters 17 ,
rrl~ \1) QU)\I~'I fi:1:S:
I'r~T';T, ,'l'nT';R'I' fkrroOLR, 1\I()I:r.KY.
L a dy Tr easurer.
Mrs. Eo l )oLLcr. 1
Total efIecti"c 20.
Honor-ary Surgeon, 1.~1 kit)', M, I~.('.~.
2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.
1\ll's. f." if olllswortll, 10, All,irJl1 Sl., 1\lnt1p)'.
Lady In spec tor of Stores,
Honorar-y Sur"ge on .
J . II. Woods, L.I:'C.P. Lady Sup eri ntendent and Lady Secretary.
1st Nursing Offi cer.
Miss L. J. Gaelie, Fieltl IIill, Balley.
Miss E. \V illall 'i.
Officers 3. Nursing isLers 30. Total effective 33. Practices held 17. Average attendance . Cases attended noL 011 puhlic Juty 10. Cases privately nursell 20. Annual inspection, 31. .07, T ~tal. 011 parade 12. Abseut with leave 6. ,YiLh onL leave 15. .Annual re-eX01l1111otlOll, 7.07. Members passed 23 . Did not appear 9. Metlalholls 32. PCl.l't uniform worn by 2 Officers, and 30 nursing sisters. Material: full equipmcnt. Divi sion supported by voluntary contributions. (DEWSBURY AND DISTRICT CORPS ) CLECKHEATON NURSING DIVISION (Y ORKS ). [Formed 1.11.05.]
Lady Treasur-er.
K Thorpf'.
Mrs. l\1al'kby.
Oflicf'J's 2, Nmsillg G. Tot.1,l efferlive 8. Def'l'case RillCC last l'epOl t 2. l'radi('r.s 11('ld 22. Av('rage allcllrlance 10. Cases aLtplJ(le(l not Oil pnlilie (lnty 12. Casps pI ivalf'ly 11 IlI'S!'1l 20. Al1l1llal A]'HI'llt wi[lt 1,,\\'(' 1. ,Vtiltout lea\'(' :>. insprcliol1, :31.8.07. 'rol d 1111 p:1.I':ul(,1. A1l1lnal. l·c-ex:lIl1illalioll,. ,2:3.7.07. :\fl'"lhl:rs l'ns~lc1 4. !Jill llot appeal' G. ~lerlallJ(Hls S. 11111001' 111111111'111 1\'111'11. ,/atl'l'wl: f'jllillts, hUlIl,lgf's, a11111'0111'1', de .. l'esLerl ill Di I'ision:tl (jo 111111 i I tl'C. Di vi<;ioll .'llI'P()j·lr'rl Ily 111('111 hel's' l>n hsr'ri lIt i,,\Is.
Honorary SUI-geon (Acting).
[Fol'lllcrl 8. 7.0~].
Lndy Superintendent.
Lady Secretary.
j\. Fnll'fllIl']" 'LIl., 1'.\1.
Miss P 1'\11'11(,]" .1. Hal'th'y ~In·l't. Ettrhy, Yitt ( 'olnc.
;\1. llolg:\tl" Hi, ("'lIlt'lI'I'Y J'uud, Ellrl. " yia C.'olilr.
HEA])-QUAnTEl:, : A)rBTJLA TOR. TATJO.l. , CLECKlIRA'l'CV. Honorary Surgeon ( A cting). J . A. ntherlalld, lILn.
3rd N ursing Offi cer.
.Miss '.
nl1ll1hill, MO\llIL Stre t,
Acting Lady Secretary and Insp ector of Stores .
A cting L ady Treasurer.
Miss A. Archer, South Parade, CleckbcatOlI.
Mi ss .A. \ Vull'e1ll1e11.
omcers 2. N nrsing si tprs ] 4. T otal effecti ve Hi. D ecrease si nce last report 8. Practices held 27. Average a LlelHlance 15. Cases attended not on public duty 43. Cases privately llul'serl 4. Anllll,d inspection, 31.8.07. Total on parade 7. AbsenL with leave Anllual re-examination, 25.7.07. Members passed 12. Did not appear 3. Me(la1liolls D. R egulation uniform worn by 1 nnrsing Officer, an(l nursing sistl'l's. Material: splints, roller bandage machine, banrlages. vestetl in Divisional COlll1lliltec. Di vision supported by members subscriptions and public contributions. (DEWSBURY AND DISTRICT CORPS ) DEWSBURY NURSING DIVISION (YORKS ). [Formed 1.99.]
Olfit'f'I'S 2. J lll':-lillg si~l 'rs . 'rotal I'Il'ectivc 10. IIJ('!'l'asl' . illl" l;t!j[ I 'porI!. PI'Hetil'I':-l hdll 1:3. Anl'agl' atlL'nd,lIJrl' 1. Ca.'I's ,\111111:11 insl"'l'tiol1, 11.0.07. ToLnl Oil \,:1l':1.Ile aLlen.]I·.] 111lt illl 11I11dil' dilly'. A \);;1'11 1 witiJ ]P,II·I':2. '\'lIl1l1:11 rC-L'.-'lIl1illatillll, :2;;.0.07. :'oIL'llIbel's pa ':<e(l '. l~ilil,'d 1. .\ll'ilalliolls:;' 1'1' 'ItI:dillll IIl1il'lI;1I1 \\'ill'lI hy :2 Olliel'l's allrl llnr:-;in,!{ Slsll'I'~ , . \llll'l'lill: . s\,lints I,<tllrlllgl>.', nnd dr.> illg., I·l'. led ill Divisiollal 'UllIllIittcl'. lJil'i illll SlI]I[> 11'1 I'd I,y IIICIIII"'I'" suI, l'l'iI'Lilllls.
Honol'ary Slirgeon (Acling),
Lndy Sliper-intendent. ~Ii ss
I", U. 111'<11'11, 1,.1:.('.1'.
[1"01'1111 Ii 1:2, .... OC.]
K IItlhs, :3.'i; MOIII'!-iillc R(J:ul, Eccl e!:llt ill , gmdl'urd,
HEAD-QUAl :TEltS : DI SPENtiA ltY, DEW.'I3URY I NFIItMAllY . Honorary Surgeon . B.. Beattie, M.D.
1st Nursing Officer and L a dy Secretary.
lIfrs. A. ave, Prospect View, Leeds Hoad, Dewsbury.
2nd Nursing Officer.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Mrs. R. Stead.
Mi. s E. A. D oleman .
Officers 3. Nursin g sisters 2G. Total effective 29. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 15, Average attendance 9. Cases attended on 'Public duty 20 . Cases attended not on pnblic duLy 30. Cases privately nUl'setl 10. Annual inspection, 31.8.07. Total on pal'llde 19, Absent with leave 2. ,Vithout leave 8. Anllnal re-examination, 17,7.07. l1emhel's passed 19, Did not appear 11. Medallions 28. Regulation uniform \VOl'll by 2 O fficers and 13 nursing sisters . MaLel'ial: complete box of handages ancl splints, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division snpported by member!!' 81.lbscriptions,
1st NUl-sing Omcer.
Lady Secretary.
Mis M. H altol'(17.10.07).
(lflicel's 3.
illrs. L, llilla", 3;i, Mool'iill' Hoa(l, Eedeshill, BI':Hlt'ord. .f IlI'sill~
Lndy Inspectot- of Slores ~1
iss P ....'illlon t teo
sisters 21. 'j'otal rll"ctivf> 21. I'melil'I'S !teld :2:3. A\'emgl' attcndulIl'e lG. 'nses atlclld!'ll noL IJII pnillie Illlly 12. ('·ISL'. pl·j \'al!· ]y 1I1l1·SI·d 1. Allllual inspet'tioll. ~G.G.07. '['oLal Oil pal'iltll' ~(). Absl'llt with 11';1I'I':\' AlIlln tl n'-I'X,~llIillatioll, ~:U.o.07. J\lClli IIto 1';; P i\SSl'tl 1:,. Dill 11 lit lIppear .\ l l'dallioll 11. l\tl't 1111i11).1'111 \1:01'11 II.\' 2 Ot'tiul'rs alld ~ I Illlrsill~ :-;islers. lILtll'rial: hospital hi ii, 1)(',lrl• lll g, slI;k l'oOIIl 1"I'IIllisil,'s J sl,li dal' 1),Dllia",·;;, \,L'sll'll ill • Ill["; ' 1'1111<,1' 'lll.] [l'i ,IIl''l i:" ~ \) IV1S11J11il.1 'Olllillit[f'f', Oil'isi'lil SIII'I'Ol't·,d hI' IIlt'llthl'l'i' 'nl,,, 'ril,tlollS Hilt! l'uhlli' CUll tl'l lill I (1)1I~ . Illerca~e siner' la.·t reporL 1.
No. V. IJisl?'icl.
St. J ohn A ?nb'Ld((;nce B ?'igade.
1\1 rl'l.
:Mrs. B. A. 'W ebster, 93, Catherin(, , treet, Elll111t1.
]1[, D.
. Fielding.
Lady Treasurer.
Lady Secl-etary.
Miss C. Hawley, 102,
1st Nursi ng Officer.
Lady Superinte nd en t .
Hon . Surgeon ( Acting).
G. Hoy Ie,
[Formed 27.9.02.]
Mr. . A.
ollthgate, ElluIH1.
Oflicers 3. Nursing sisters 19. Total eJIective 22. In crea e since ]a t report 4. Practices held 29. Avet'age attendalH;e 14. uses attended on public duty 2. Oases attended not on public duty 20. Cnses privately nurspd]. Annual inspection, 6.07. Toial on parade 17. Absent wilh leave l. Annual rtl-exa III i nation, 15.5.07. Mem bel' pas. cd 14. Did not appeal' :3. Medallions 15. Regulation uniform ,,"om by 2 Officer aud 1 nur. illg sisters. Material: beds, bandages, splints, etc., ve~ted in Divisional COlllmittee. Diyision supported by members' subscription '. The Division wou the Wil ou Ohallenge Shield at the competition at lIebdell Bridge on 4th May. [Formed 27.~.07.]
Lady Sup erintendent. I. L. Warneford (~9.2.0
Hon . Surgeon. K. 'teelc:;)1. B.
l\1iss -11, Aked' Rottd, Halifax. Miss E.
bepley (12.12.07).
Tur~in,:\, sisll'rs 11. Tob.l eff ctive 17. Officf)rs 3. Resene 111 mb'1'8 6. Decreltfle since last rcport 1. PraetJccs held 24-. A veragr. Totn,l on p,tntdc 7. h'ent with attenc1:mce 10. Annual inspcetion, 12.9.07. le::ve 4. 'Without leave 6. l\nl1l1nJ .re.ex<.mination, 20.6.07. Icmh 1's pas ed 9. Did not app '(l.I' 7. Reguln.bon llTIl[0I111 worn hy 2 Offieerl'l n,nd 2 n ursinel 'listcrs. [n.terin,l: her}, h ·c1rli.n g! lltlmIagcl'l, ~tc., vested in Corpl'l' Officers. Divi io~ supported hy momber' 'ubi:icnpttOns, cnt rtalTIments, and private contributions.
Lady Super in t endent.
Mrs. M. H. Foster, Hangingroyd, HelJClcn Bridge ,
1st Nu rs. Offi . Lady Sec., Insp. of Stores and Treas. Its. C. E. Edwards,
Birehficld Villas, IIelJdcll Brillge.
Officers 3. Nursing sisters 17. ToLal eITective 20 . Inaease since last report 3. Practiccs held 41. A veraue aiLcnda.nce 12. Ann ual inspection, 1. 6.07. Total on parade 17. A hsell t wi tb le~\'e 2. AllliUal re-examination, 10.9.07. Members passed 13. Did llot appear 6. Part uniform worn by 3 <! ffieers and 17 nu~'sing sistcrs. Matertal: beds, blankets, sheet, bandages, splmts, etc. , vested 111 Local Centre, ,.J,A.A. Division supported hy IIebd 11 Bridge Nursing Institu tion,
PRINCE'-S, "l'REET, IIUlJTJERSFIELI>. Hon . Surgeon . M.B,
Lady Superintendent.
1st Nurs ing Office r and L ady Sec retary .
Lady Sup erintendent.
.Jlrs. F. \Vming (13.11 07), ;), 'UlIlly nioun l, l\cigh ley.
:i\lls,> I:' A. ?llidgley, ~!l, Iligltli cltl Lalle, Keighlr.y.
Tllrsillg sisters 19. Tubl ell'cctive 21. l'raclicp,' held 23. Ayenl."r. allendance 8. Annual ill'>]! etioll, <c .7.07. Total Oil parade 0. Akl'IlL wit1tleave 3. ,\Vitbout kayo 7: AlllI~lal re-;xnll1ill<~tioll, ~0.7.07. :;\lcm1lcrs .l':ls.'e<l 10. Did n~t apI~ear n. Medalholl 1 (. 1 art Ill1lf01'll1 ",om 1)\' ~ Olltccl'l' <11[(1 1 nUrSII1" Sl tel's. . _ 0 Malenal: haJlc1agc,>, hed 3mI bl'cldillg, veste(l in Di\'iRional 'ommittec. Divi ion supported hy 1'1I1l! il' contrihnl iOll .. (LEEDS CORPS ) " A " NURSING DIVISION (YORKS ).
[Fol'l11ed 3.07.]
Hon Surgeon (Acting) . 'Y. Canll S, 'i. H.C.". 2nd NurSing Officer & Lady Insp. of Stores. -:;\1 i. s \ .• '11111" ou.
1st NurSIng Officel' & Lady Sec. :'-[IS: \. ?I[Ol'tllJ1,
!Heel's 3. .l. - nrsill~ , i. l '1'. 'rota 1 efT 'et i \' 2;;. A\ 'rn!.(' .1ttul1chnce Iii. 'a'L' altendcc1 on publi' duty 31. a eR attelHle<1 Hot U)) jlublic duty tiO. 'ase:; l'ri\'a tel' nUI'suI 10. Annlll11 in. pection. 31.R.Oi. Total Oil palllde 10. ,\.h: nt with lea",' 11. \\lth out leayc 1. Annual r -exall1IlllttlOJI, 2lUJ.Oi. :i\l~mlJ I'S pas. ,d 11. Did Hut appear 13. lIIel1aUion 10. l~eglllatHI1l IlllifonJ1 \\'Olll 1)), 2 Ollieel'.' and <. 1I11rtiing sisters. ~[atel'ial: bed, heddin!,\', lmt. b!Lndages, LpLt'lnl bandage shoot, etc., \e ted in Le ds 01PI'. Diyision supported by YOlulltary nhscriptlOl1 . . Practic'~ ~.
1st Nursing Offi ce r .
l\Iiss Littlewuod.
lFnrl1lecl ~7.7.07.]
: A~lllt:L.\~C~; DRILL Hoo~[, CH_~PEL '. TREE'r, o..;KTTLE, Hon . Surgeon (Acting).
Acting Lady Super in tend ent.
Iiss C. Atkinson, 20, Cra-ven Terrae. cWe.
A . L. McUully, 1\1iss A. B ea,ton, 7, Brook Street, 1\lar8h, ll Llcltlersficld.
Honorary Surgeon . Brandel', ~I.A., :lLn.
[Formed 3.97 .]
:3:1, •'1'1'111 ,ii, 1<1 l'lac" Lll:'cls
Hon . Surgeon ( A cting).
G. G. Lawson,
28, ClIUltcn
111':-;. L. H,oper,
Ollieel'.' 2.
fficel'.:l2. Tursing i<;ters H. Total effecti\'e 16 (30.8.07). Medallions 13. !lJaterial: splint, lXl.ndages, \ estec1 in J iyjsionttl '0111Jl1illl'e. Di\'ision supported by members' subscription.
HEAD-QuAIl.TElt s:
Lady Inspector or Stores
Lady Secretary.
Mil'll:! 1U. K. Thewlis, 1, Holme ],la.ce, 1\Iarsh, 111lCIc1el'sficlc1.
Increa~l' sinl:r. last rcport 2.
Lally Inspector of Sto res
Lady Se cretary.
Miss . A . Da\'enport (12.12.07), 116, Lister Lane, Halifax.
lec1al IiOlll'l 12. contributions.
~Iid(ll'mig~, ~!.B.
Acting Lady Secretary. ~l is' E. 1\1. Dil:ol1,
Bank lIoutie,
mcel" ~. T1I1', llIg si,',' l~. Total ffeell\'(! 1 '. Division tillpporLcd by mcmbers' SUUSCI ipLions and
St. John A'Inbu)((/J7c B'I'igade.
V 1. D 1:strirf.
No. VI. District.
Honorary Su rgeon. P. " Talker, M. H.C.S. 1st Nursing Officel- and Lady Sec .
Lady Supel-i ntemlent.
Mrs. L. B. Po lieI', Felll Bank, Baildon, Sllipll'y.
.Mr '. U. Eames, .Mount Yiew, Shil,ley. 2nd Nu rsing Officer.
Lady In spectol' of Stores .
1\1rs. E. Alleu.
li s 1. RobiusoD.
OlJiceri! 4. N ur iug sisier ~3 . Tolal ell'edi \'0 '27. Decrease i nce Ia t report 5. Practices held ~l. A "crage aLle1HlallCe 17. ('ascs altendell not on puhlio duty 6'2. Anuual inspection, 10.7.07. Tol3ol on parade 21. All ent with leayo 7. \\'ithout leave!. AUllual rc-examination, '27.7.07. MClllhers pa 'sed 26. Medallions 23. ParL nniform ,,"om by 3 Ilursing Olliccr· anel ~3 llursing sister. Material: hospital bed amI bedding, bandage., splinls, etc., yesled ill Corps Offieers. Division supported by members' subscriplions and \'oluntary donations.
DCJ7lt{!J GOlnmissioncr- nrgeon-LiellL-Colonrlli'. "\V. District GhirJ Slt1'{fcon-Mr. J.
GmBON, V.D., J.P.,
12, Sydellham Terrace, ewcastle-on-T:yne. CltIi;Mm, F.n. '.S., Ed., J.P., Ogle Terrace, ,'ouih Shields.
Dis/rid Chief Sllpcrintcndent-Mr. A. H. J Oll:;:';
'TO. ,
District Supcrintcndcnt Secretary-Major C. J. "
TIllmLAND, Y.D., M.D.,
D30ere House, South
Dist"ict SlIZJCl'illtcllclcnt (If Storcs-!llr. '. D. PADmn, District SB]7(')'inlwdcnl TrCaS1!rc1·-i't1r. J. G.
llfODLIX, IIl.D.,
Roker Avenue, Sunderland.
[1' orll1ec1 l.1. 06].
Mrs. A. Stockton, Sunny Ballie, Sowerby Bridge.
Lady Sec. & Acting Insp. of Stol'es.
E. Farrar, 23, Ed ward • L., Tuc1 Lane, ,'owerby Drillg!.!.
Officers 2. Tursing su;tel~ 13. Total eilcctive 15. Practices beld 43. Average attendance 11. (;UHCS attencleclllut 011 pl:h1ie <luly ~.J. Case lJrimtely uursecll. Anuual in~pcetion, l.B.07. Total 011 parade H. "\1)~L.J\1 with lea\'e 1. Annualre-exanllnatioll, .6.07. 1I1(1111)(.)]'::; pused 11. 1IlcclalllUll. IJ. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Oflicer :lud 11 uUlsillg :-;istcl's' MaL(;linl: J bed-, bedding, mackintosh sheeting, banchwes, and .plinl, yestec1 ill the lJi\'iionul Committee. Di\'ision supported by me~bcr::;' :subscription::; <U1el public contributions. TIBSHELF NURSING DIVISION (DERBY.) HEAD-QUAllTEHS: Hon. Surgeons (Acting).
W. A. Stamford, l\I.n . c.l:i. F. Marriott, L.S.A. 1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.
Miss E. Smith, Church Farm, Blackwell, near Alfreton.
[Fonned 1 88.J
TIBSllELF. Lady Supt. and Treas.
Mrs. , . C. Wardell, Doe Ilill House, 11ear All'reLoll. 2nd Nursing Officer.
Miss H. Bennett.
Officers 5. Nursing si tel'S U. Total effeciive 19. Practices hclel 17. Average attendance 8. Cases aLLoudctl on puhllc duty 6. Cases attended not on }lublic lluiy 23. Annual inspection, 14.9.07. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 5. Anllual re-examination, 25.4.07. :Mem ber.s pass~d 15. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions 18. Service badges 12. HegulatlOn u~lforlll worn by 4. Officers and 14. nursing sisters. l\IaLcrial: hospital bed and beddmg, bandages, sjJhnts, ctc., vesied in Lady Superiniendent. Division supported by voluntary contributions, Resel~ve lUem bel'S 2.
Adall1~, l\Ln.
L ady Supt. & 1st NUl'sing Officer.
November 3rd, 1907.
Hon. Surgeon.
J. A.
,Yurllley I-Tall, Pe1aw-on-Tyne.
·.S ., L.R.C.P.,
497, Anlahy Road, Hull.
I hare the honour lo SUlll11it my allnual report for the year ending 30th Septembcr, 1907. I ;\,111 glad Lo sLale LhaL the yl'n.r has heen a, SllCCO 'sfnl one in every respect, in so 111uoh a~ we IHWC increased ill Hum hcr , strength, and efficiency. The lirst amlJltlance calliI' wa~ he1(1 a.L Horrl cll Dene, neal' Castle-Eden, Co. )Jurlt:l11l, klllllly IcuL by 'ololle! R DnrLioll, Y.n., J.P. , amI was a great succe ·s. No less than 30 hell tents :2 lllttllluecs, 1 hopilttl tcnt, 3nll G Officers tcnts were piLcheu by our men ulllier 'ergeant Troy, an ambulance Officcr in the Felling 'orps, and abo :-;crgcan L-illq,jor, H.. K ;'I [ tlcl! inlcrc ,t ing \\ 01 k was dono on the lille sea, be<\ch, near the pn.radc grotlll(l. The dills " 'cle U 0(1 for laking up an(l bringing uo\\n wounded Illl'n, a: practice on Lil strelchers. Tho illSpcctioll in camp of' 0\-01' :WO men was witnes eLI by 'ollle thousand of poople from the neighbouring collicry yillagc8, and crcatcLllUllch enthniasm in the excol1enL trailling at' Lhe 111011. The Fcllin"n Di\'i .. ion ha\'in" n incrcasc(l lo full strelloO'th, ha\'e been created a Cor11s, and thcir iWlI'l'ction was augmentcd hy n. Iiclllllay, in which they dill work ue.h as Lhey woult! bo rC'IUll'ctl to do 011 activc service-a field ho pita}, dressing stattons, wa~ons, littcrs anel strcLeher' beiul' brollrrht into use, amI a /leld kiLchen was made, and water boil~tl for u '0 during thc"'opernLions of a, sham light. This was supplemented by an exhibition of ren's, pparaLub for tho 'ayjng of lifC1 in mine, and was witnessed by [\ \'ery 1<1.I'O'e cralherillCY of member' of tho North of England Mining InstiiuLe, und also hy till' °[>.111. O.oYork, mgcon-Colonel 'Collnor, C.B., 30nd the l\Ie(lical Ollicers, R.A.M.C., Newcustlc-oll-'1'yne DepOt, vho expres 'ed them elves highly sati lied with the ('XCellellcy of the work. The Hull Corps held a bazaar, which 'I'll, opened by the ,\10 t IIonoUl'3oble thc l\Iarc]lleSs of Dreatlalbll,ne, K.(1., in aid of lheir building fund 1'01' heacl'qua,rters of tbo Corps, and pl'ovell very succes fu1. The :\Iarqness who inspecLeLl sOllie of the mell, _ ex pres. ed himself highly sati tied with their smart appearance. Eigh t new Divi ions 11<1\'e been formed in the Distriut, ~IJH l allowmg for tho Beverley, Walton, and 'Walker Divisions inclndell in la t yeur's report, but which I have struck all' this tho list vives us a net of 251, or a Lotal strellocrth of 1,109 a , t~" . 11 d compare<l with 5 in 19015. The DistricL 'Utll' have workelllllost cnergetlCa y, un assi~tecl lIle in inspecting many Divisions, [1,11 of whom they found in n. high state of efficIency,
No. V 1. Di stri ct.
St. J ohn A 1nb'l..l;l((/nce Brigacle.
The compelitions for the hields, Oups, Bowls, &c. , given Lo the D istrict, were held in Newcastle and Hull, and created much interest : a Ilew scheme i being formed by Dr. IIIodlin for next year, which we hope will save much bother and Ullnecessary expensc. Our esteemed District Chief Surgeon, Dr. J. R. Crease, carried out all the medical examinations, and his rcport of the condition of the various Divisions is very a tisfactory. The District Superintendent of Stores also sends mc a most intcresting rcport of the stores in the di trict, which he has carefully and very methodically prepared_ Illy best thanks are due to the" hole of thc District Staff for their very kind and able as i tance, and I entertain hopes that next ycar will see us increasing as steadily and solidly as anyone might wisb, and maintaining what we have always endeavoured to attain, "quality not quantity" in the men and women who form ann make the di trict equal to any in the Brigade. I have the honour to be, ir, Your obedient erYant, FREDERICK W. GmBO T,
Knight of G'race of the Order of St. John, Deputy Commissioncr, No. VI. District. To the Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance B1·igade.
Hull Corps . 1.2. 6 " Cen tral Division . 1.2. 6 " " ursing Di \'ision 1. 2. 6 Gateshead Fell Division . 17.12.94 Witbernsea Division. . 4. 5.99 HullOorps, Western Diviion,. 9.6.99 " EasteJ'll " 17.7.1900 Sou thShields N ursingDivision 24.9 . 1900 Hull Oorps, 'Eastern -Ul'sing Div. 14.9.01 Hetton-Ic-Hole " . 19.9.01 South Shields Police Division. 5.12.01 Newcastle-oli-Tyue Divisioll . 10. 10.02 outh Shields Yo1. Life Brigade 19.5.03 HullCorp ,.Hull & Barnsley Ry. Division (Neptune 'beet) . 7.7.03 Walker ursing Di visio11 5.12.03 Hulll'orps, Great Central Ry. 3. 6.04 Divi ion (Pier) . 1],6.04 East Cramlington Division T
Hull Oorp_, Hull& 13al'l1s1ey Ry. (Alex. Dock) Div. 7 .. 04 Oowpen Oolliery Division 23.2.04 ewcastle-on-'1'yne ursingDiv.21.10.05 Dudley Colliery Di viioll 1 .11. 05 Felling Uolliery" 27 11. 05 ,Vhitburn Colliery " 10 5.06 " " NUl'sillg Div. 19.5.06 Addison Colliery ( 'tella) Div. 23.6.06 Grinkle Mines Division . 1 . . 06 Hull COl'ps,Western N ttl' 'iug Di v. ~4. 9. 06 Blaydon Burn and Dist. Div. 2 .9.00 Hylton Colliery Division 27.11.00 OustOll Colliery Division 23.1. 07 Birtley Uolliery Di visioll . 23.1. 07 DUl'llol'fieltl Oolliery Division. 16.2.07 Dean and Chapter 0011. Div. . 2 .3 .07 'W earmouth Oolliery Division. 27.4.07 Sunderland (,Western)" 1.5.07 " (Eastern)" 12.9.07
Dis trict tan' . .. Atldison Oolliery Di v. Birtley Oolliery ... Blaydon Burn .. Bl11'nopfield 'o lliery Oowpen Colliery Division Cl'amlington " Dean & Ohapter " Dudley Oolliery ., Felling ollie1'Y 'orps Gateshcac1 Fell " Griukle Mi11es " Hetton-le-Holc "
21 29 1 1 3 20 1 1 3 22 1 11 1 2 22 1 1 3 25 2 1 2 3 40 1 1 3 18 :t: - - - 3 13 73 1 1 1 5 33 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 33 1 1 1----11 1 1 5 22 1 1 2 7 37 6 24 1 1 1
1 OOl'pS ... Central Division Ea tern " GL. Ccnl. Ry. (Pier) Di\l ~i()1l lIull & Ba1'l1s1cy l'y. " (Alcx. Dock) Divi ion .. . ., ( Tepluuc .'l.) " .. . W cstI'm Di visio11 .. ... , HylLoll Colliery Division ... .. -- Newcastle-on-Tyne Diyi 'ioll Guslon 'olliery Di\' i.. ion ... . , hieh]" Pnl ice " .. , " \ TOJ. Lirl~ Brigade Dl\'i iOll .. -- dlllderla.tHI Ea lcrn Division ... ' , und daurl ,Yc tCl'll Divi:-;ioll ... Wl'annouth 'ollicr), Division .. Wltithmn (;ollior\' Division Withcru sea DiviSion ...
II u 11
,- - -
11 \11 '3 1 -
1 1 1-
5 1 25 ·1 31141 5
22 26 ~7 31 19 i:J.-l 23 30 26 32 19 26 2 31
1 11 -_
2 2 2 -1 3 1 84
1 15
1 I1 2
2 ?
1 -
- ' --- -
1 -
1 1 11 1
25 27 27 30 48 23 90 41 19 37 1 30 48 33
.2 ~ .2 ~ ~11i
l:!.i ,2;'1 2:J 10i,7ZS;9:n
KnIllL' or Dlvi .. iOll~.
NUl: L~G DIVlSIO-" ..
Northumberlan,cl Divisions :-Addison Colliery, Blaydoll BUlD, Co\\'pen Colliery, Oramlmgton, Dudley, Newcastle-on-Tyue and N ursing, 'Walker. Durham :-Corps-Felling Colliery. Divisions-Birtley, Blaydon Burn, BUl'l1opfield, Dean and Ohapter Oolliery, Gateshead Fell, Hetton-Ie-Hole, Hylton, Ouston, underland (Eastern and Western). South hields (Police, Vol. L ife Brigade and Nursing), Wearmouth Colliery, \Vhitbul'1l Colliery and Nursing, Felling. East Yorkshire :-Corps-Hull. Divisions-Beverley, Grinkle Mines, Withernsea.
Hull CorpsCen tral ursing Di vision ... EasLern " We tem " N ewcastle-on-Tyne Nul' in,,; Di \ iSloll _.. 'outh Shields ursing Diyi ion ilWalkcr ursing Division... ... Whilburn Oollier), nr iug Division ... Totnl
t Inclntlcll in Di tl'icl Stair.
1 1 2 1 1 1
70 21 20 1<1 ')~
75 23 23 16 27 16
- - --------------7
os I nc1 uued in Ambulan ce Oi vision.
SLaLc\llent-l Deputy C0l1111l1SsiolHr, 1 Disttid ' hid, l~rgcon, ~ District Ohief SUIJel'intel1clellt, 1 Di trict 'uperilltcndcnt ecrctal'Y~ 1 Dl tl'1ct npenlltelldent T reasurer, 1 D istrict Superintenden t of tores, 97 Office~'s, 107 ergean ts and Oorporals, 891) Private and "lU'sing Si lers. Total (approXImate) 1,109.
No. VI. District.
LForJl1ed 23.6.06.] HEAD-QUAnTlms :
lFol'llIe rl 28.2.07 .] SanooLs.
Acting Superintendent.
Hon. Surgeon.
~I.B .
Hon. Secretary.
T . Oarradice (20.10. 07).
A. Swallow.
Acting Superintendent.
Honorary Surgeon.
J. W. Smith,
HerIgefiehl H onse, Bh1,ydon-on-Tyne. Acting In spector of Stol-es .
Acting 1st Officer.
Sel'gt. J. Gmee.
H. Purvis.
Hon . Treasurer.
Acting Honoral-y S ec l·etary.
Corp1. S. O. DOllnelly, SLella, BlaYdoll-on-Tyne.
Officers 3. ,ergeant 1. 001'}lor31s 2. Privales 21. 'l'olnl elrcclive '27. Increa'e since bst report 1. Drills held 19. A I'erago aitenl1itnco 16. Oailes attendellnot on pnblie duty 52. Annual inspection . :2 .9.07. Tolal on paralIc 2u. Absent with leave 1. AlllllH1,l l'c-ex<llllillalioll, 1 .3.07 . .JlCll1hcrs passu1 17. Dic1not appeal' 3. MelIallions 4. HeguIatioll uniforlll ,yorn by 1 OJlicer. 1 sergeant, 2 corporals and:n men. Malerial: Ashford Ii tter, stretcher., llled ieal ha~'r?, splints, bandages, tourniquets, &c .• YO ted in Slella Ooal Oompany, LL<1. DH'ISlOll SUppOl ted by tell::t 00,1,1 Compftny, Ltd., u1ll11Jlemllers' sub ·cril,Lions. The members haye been supplied with new uniforms, huvresac~, ,raler-hottle' and the necessary equi pmen t. The Di visioll has e tablishec1 a l'Cl'1l111n 11 L n.m hulanee station. Th e Dil'isio]) has al 0 heen granted the sole usc of an (lId schoolroom for its practices and has fitted it up.
23.1. 07].
Hon. Surgeon.
J . Johnsoll, :lr.n., Superintendent.
A. Thomp '011 (15.10.07), Talbot I [onse, Birt1ey, ~.O.
Dene View, Burnopfield..
F. R. • imp on,
M. D., C.~r.
"Hon. Secrelal'y and Sergeant.'
H. llichanholl (lfi.10.07). Triune 'oLlagef:', Hirtlc) , R. .
Officers 2. PriYates 20 . Total crl'eetile 31 (30.0.07) . Drills held ~6. A"Grage attelHlimee 13. Oases atlcnded llot Oil pull1ir (Ill Ly 57. ~l.nllual i llspeeLioll, 20.9.07. Total on parade 2:3. Alrcnt wi tit lea ye 7. ~ \ Iln It'll re-examination, 7.5.07 . i\lelll bel'S passed 29. ill edallions 10. Di vision sn pporletl by members' snbseriptiotls and public contributions.
In spector of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
T. Tum bull (20.10.07).
T. 1.1i<1(11eLo11 (20.10.07).
Omcers 2. SergeanL 1. Oorjlorab 2. 'Privates 22. Tolal elfecLive 27 (30.0.07). Drills held 2 . Average aLLell<lanee 16. Oases attended noL Oll public duty H. Allllm.l illspecLioJ1, 2 .0.07. ToLal on pamrle 17. Ab~ell t wiLh leave 1. Without leave 6. l\lerlalliolls H. .M aterial: 4 ~LrcLe1tcr~, ambulance uox and splinl , vested in DiYisinnal COlllllliLtel'. Division supportcll uy public alH1 IllCllllJers' subscriptions. The JIcacl-qtHlrlers of the j)ivi ·ioll !lrc the J ~ltl'llop[jel(1 l:TaLioual Schools, the use of,rhich bas bcell kindly grail led hy Lite EducaLion AuLhorily.
CUWI'I .. ;-.; O(JLLml~Y .
Honorary Surgeon .
J. Cromic,
W. DOlI er, 53, Veleval Terrace, Wa Lerloo, Dly th.
1st Omcel', Hon . Sec, and In sp. of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
J. T. ScoU, 23, Donl)lo H.olI'. 1s(1],011<1 l'iL, •e\l'Shalll, T cweas tIC-Ull-Tync.
J. \\". Helt veley .
Ollie 1'83. orp01'l\.ls 2. Priyules ~~. TuLal eifl;ctive '27. Dccl'C<t.'e since last rcpllrL;'!. Drill.' held 30. Aycrage att lH1auce 19. Oa es atlfJlHiLhl (Ill puhlit! IIuLy 2. H.ellloY<tls :W. '.l.P::; aU ndollnot UII l'ul)lie dnty 75. AUllllitl ill~p 'otioll, lD.u.07. Tolal 011 l.arad.· :!.7. Anllual rC-eX illltillaLiou, 4.5.07 . J.h,1tJlJcr!i 1',ls~l',1 :!.Ii. i\juIalliulls 1. Rcgulatioll llllil"ollu wom by :.l UUiecrs, :2 eOl'J.'orals, :\11(1 17 IIlClt. .:'lLtLcrial:;; slrelelt '\''', rugs, surgi(;al bal 1'0 'ac,urgi(;al Cal)lnel, \,alJdag'·s, walel' 1,oLLlcs all,l liaYl'l';;ltc, etc., Yl'~teL1 ill Di\-j 'iunal ComlltittCl'. lJi"i~iull Sllppurtcd 1.y llleJlti)(,I'-' sub~cl'ilitiuJ1s alld l,uhlie conLl'ilJnliolls 3.11\10011 pCll 'n,d CUIIIj.aIlY awl II uII·lJ1ell. ' Ull ;;~'d .\ngll l, 'apL,lill.T. It. 1 ,!tOl ·OIl. ag'lIl to lllo 'OIl'[1CII Ooal ' cutl' l'lalll ed tll\' II It"l~' or L!t . I)il 1. lllll to ,t l:llrtl oll l"lrly ,utll lL'a. Uurillg the year om Drill J Ldl II Ili,']' 1I1l;; tl,· "ilt or lit· 'Oll'l'Cll L'udl CUlIIIl'ln)' thlOll"h Cal,tain "' . I10 1,'Oll, h, .- hecn t horougltly '" J'L'IIII\"atl'd. b 1,tC
}lI,:.\ll-Ql' ,U:TEJ:S:
Honorary Surgeon .
H. Morrison,
1[. B.
Honorary Secretary.
OorpI. F. J. Uogg, 8, Clara 'ferraer, W inlaton, Blaydon -on -Tyne.
LFu\'lllcd u.l1.01.]
Superint en dent.
W. IIogg.
Hon. SUI-geon and TI-casurcl'.
C. Todd, 7, Mary,' Lrc('l, B1ay(lotl BUUl, UlttydoJ\-OIl-'1'YllC. Inspector of StoreL
~\. lHlL'J:;Oll, :\1 • .\.., :\J.lJ.
CIL\~I Ll);GTU.'.
SllPl. and Hon . Secretal-Y.
Bird, 1, 'illgleJuucllOll H.OI\', EasL Crallllillgton, urLhulllberland. T
Honorary Treasurer.
Corp!. ... M. J ellkillS,
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privatts 20. Total elfective 25. In crease since last report 5. Drills held 32. Average atLcIHIancc 21. R lllovals 20. Cases attellded not on public duty 4;) . Alinual inspection, 6.7.07. ToUd on parade 25. Annual re·examinalioll, 18.3.07. Members pns:;cl1 16. Did not appeal' 1. Medallions 10. Hegulatioll uniform \VOl'll uy 1 Olticer. Material: stretchers, splints, balluages, ballllage machine, havresac, eLc., tltHl lise of matcrial belonging to Colliery Oompany, vested in Divisional OOllllllittee. Di vision supportcd 1Jy membcrs' contributions and public donations.
E.\. l'
Inspector of Stores.
J. 'Lroug. OIIJt;cl'.~, l-lergeauL 1. (.;OI'[lOl'O.1::; 2. l'nvales ~5. Total cfrccti\'e 30. IllCl'ea~C ~illce last rcport 15. Drills heM ·10. AH?ragc altcllLhuce H.
II e8 !lot 011 jlnuhc llnL,)' 1 3 . •\.lJllllul ill l'ccLion, 17. '.07. Tolal Oil paletde 24 . AUstilL lI'ith lea, c 3. 'W ilhout leLn L 3. AlIlltlallC-examiuulioll, ;30.1.07. Memuols pa~sct113. DitllJUL ul'l'l'tll' Hi. lIll,dulliul1s 11. Hegulu lion lIlliforlll ,,"om lJy ~ Ofhccrti, 1 scrgl'ltlll, ~ cOl'pomls, ItIlll 10 IIICIt. lIL.tcl'ial: cat,iuol, surgical havre ae, ktlllpcr, '1 slrctdlCl's, 4 rug::;, '1 'cl::; oj' splll1ts, 1 cia Lie lpU1'llillucL', j htrgo \laLer b~tt.1~s, lJ<tutlagc llIaclline, ~~ dOZCll roller bultlhlge!:>, \L'sLlll ill Di\ iiollul COllimitLee, DIVl~lOU supported by subscl'il'tiolJS, COllCCrls, eLc.
Hon . Surgeons_
F. Graham, 2, The Villas, Dean Bank, Ferrybill.
S. Farmer, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. F. Sealy, M . D.
Acting 2nd Officer.
Acting 1st Officer and Hon. Treasurel-.
P . Blul1l1er.
G. Owens.
Hon . Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
W. Dixon, 9, St. Outhbert T errace , Ferryhill.
Sargeant R Sleep.
Officers 5. Sergeants 3. Privates 40. Total effective 48. Drills held 29. Average attellllance 22. Oase attended on public duty 1. Removal1. Oases attended not on public duty 402. Annual inspection, 14.9.07. Total on parade 36. Absent with Jpave 4. Without leave 8. Annual re-exalllination, 10.8.07. Members passed 45 . Did not appeal' 1. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 3 sergeants and 4.0 men. Material: ambulance wagon, Ashford litter, 12 stretchers, surf!ic:tl havresac, blal1kets, water-bottles, bandllges, splints, etc., vested in Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan & 00. Division supported by members' subscriptions and voluntary contributions.
Supt. and Insp. of Stores.
J. Wishart, M.D.
T. Oreigh (11.11.07), 11, Middle How, Dudley. Honorary Secretary.
Sergt. J. A. Orablree (11.11.07), 5, AngertOll T errace, DlHlley. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 18. Total effective 23. (30.9.07). Decrease since last report 4. Drills heltl 34. Average attendance 18. Removals 3. Oases attelllled not on public duty 18. Annual inspection, 14.7.07. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 4. ,Vithout leave 2. Annual re-examination, 2.4.07. Mem bel'S passed 17. Did not appeal' 5. Medallions 12. Material: 4 stretchers, surgical ha vresac, 20 havresacs, 4 blankets, 20 water bottles, splints, bandages, 3 ambulance boxes, vested ill Divisional Oommittee. Division supportecl by members'subscriptions and public contributions.
FELLING COLLIERY CORPS (D URHAM). [Formed as a Division 27 .11.05 ; as a Corps 3004 .07]. HEAD-QUARTERS: FELLING OOLLIERY. Chief Superintendent (Acting)
Chief Surgeon.
D. McFadyen Millar,
1\1. B.
O. B. Palmer, J.P., ,Yardley Hall, Pelaw-on-TYlle.
1st Officer, Hon . Sec., and Hon . Treas.
W. Handyside, Brandling Tcrrace, Felling-oll-Tyne. 2nd Officer.
W. Troy.
3rd Officer and Insp. of Stores.
(Additional for Transport duties) A. Bloomfield.
Officers 5. Sergeants 4. Oorporals 9. Privates 73. Total effective 91. Increase since report 46. Drills held 47. Average attendance 44. Removals 26. Oases attended not on public duty 78. Annual inspection, 31. 8. 07. Total on parade 82. Absent with leave 8. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 25.2 .07. Members passed 42. Did not appear 2. Medallions 8. Nursing
No. VI. District.
St. J ohn A 1nbulcf>'nce B'tigade.
certificates 27. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 4 sergeants, 9 corporals, and 73 men. Material: wagon, litter, stretchers, 4 surgical havresacs, wall boxes, hand cart, 2 collapsible beds, LOWlllOOl' jacket, vested in Ohief nperintendent, Oommittee of the Oorps, and Oolliery Oompany . Division supported by public, members' subscriptions, and Oolliery Company . On 26th March a serious rail way accident occurred at Felling, when the Leeds express was derailed. Within ten minutes of the accident a large number of the members of the Oorps were in attendance with stretchers, havrcsacs, etc., and rendered first aid to the iujured passengers. Nine cases were so treated and conveyed to ewcastle. The owners of the Colliery have provided a horse ambnlance van for the use of the Oorps, and 26 cases have been removed in it to and from tlle Newcastle Infirmary; 71 members of the Corps attendee! the Camp of Instruction at vVhitsuntide at Castle Eden Dene. An ambulance room has been built at the colliery to take injured workmen into to be tlressed when brought out of the pit.
Honol-ary Surgeon.
R Anderson,
1st Officer.
Eo ,Vilson (3l.3 .08), H. M. Allen (31.3.08). 3, Derwent Gardens, Low .Fell, Gatesheacl.
Hon. Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon . Treasu rer.
OorpI. A. Robins.
Sergt. H. M. Allen.
CorpI. T. Wilkinson, 38, Richmond St., Gateshead.
Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Privates 33. Total effective 41. (30.9.07) . Increase since last report 8. Drills held 39. Average attendance 19. Oases attended not on public duty 15. Removal1. Annual inspection, 4.5.07. Total on parade 29. Absent with leave 5. ,Vithout leave 7. Annual re-examination, 18.4.07. Members passed 29. Did not appear 11. Medallions 29. Service badges 6. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 24 men . Material: ambulance chest, 4 stretchers, 11amper, surgical havresac, 21 water bottles, 24 havresacs, rug, vested in trustees. Division supported by voluntary contributions. Several members attended the Oamp of Instruction at H orden-clene dllring Wllitsnntide .
[Formed 18.8.06.]
Hon . Surgeon.
J. W. Staniforth, L.R.C.P.
Acting Hon . Sec. and Hon. Treas.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
G. Stephenson, Port Mulgrave, Hilldewell, RS.O.
G. Adamson.
Officers 2.
Privates 17.
Total efl'eetive 19.
A. S. Watson,
M. B .
1st Officer a nd Hon. Secretary.
T. Robson, Belgrave House, Easington Lane, Retton-Ie-IIole.
J. Adamson, M.D., H etton Honse, Hetton-Ie-Hole. Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.
T. Mills.
St. John A 1nbulance B?'igacle.
No. VI. District.
Offi cers 3. Corporal1. Privatcs 33. Total efTeetive 37. Incr ease since last report 10. Drills held 24.. Averago attendance 19. Cases attended on public duty 12. Removals 13. Cases attended not on public duty 2-1. Annual in pection, 1 . 8.07. 1'otnl on parade 32. Abc;ent without l eave 8. Annnal re-examination, 4.1).07. Mcmher passed 30. Dill not appear 9. MCllalliolls 16. Rervice hadges fi. Nursing ccrlirlCates H. Rl'gulalion nmfornl worn hy 3 Omecrs, 1 corporal, and 30 men. lIlatrrial: A~hfol'(l liLLcr collapsible heel, 5 stretchers, blankets, splints and halllla,aes, hot water llotlles elc.' vested in Di,'j, ionnl Committee. Di\'ision snppol'tcl1 oy lll'oceccls frulll cOllC('ll~, ctc'.
leave 13. Annual r e-exam in ation, 10. 2.07. Members passed 38. Failed 1. Did not appeal' H. :MedallioDs 11. Service badges 9. Nursing certificates 26. Re(Julation uniform worll hy 4 Offic'ors, 2 sergeants, 5 corporals, a11l1 36 men . Malerial: 8 stretchers, surgical h:wrcsac, splints and llalHlages, etc., vosted in Hull Centre S.J.1...1... Division ~npport('(l l)y conccrts, etc. The allnual compr,LiLion took plac~ Oll 14th May, District Ohief Superintendent A. II. Johnston was the juclgc, the first prize goes to el'gealll P. A. ])ouds' team; and the secoml to the Lcam UlH1ol' 'orpoml E. Ellis. In tho inr1ivic1nal competition the winllcrs \\'ore Privtl,tes Wakelin, II. POI lor, 'ofpol'al F. F. Kenlledy. On 17th March, the Sn pcrin tODele)) t, ono '- ergeaut, aile 'orpo1'a1 amI two privates attended the Oamp or In struction at IJ orclellllelle, Durham. Twelve lllcl1l1Jers have signed on for the MihLn,ry Hom e lIospitals Reserve, and it is bo}>eu that everyone will join.
[Forlllcd 1. 2.86.]
Chief Su)'geon .
Superintendent Secretary.
Surg.-Capt. A. W. Scott.
J. O. Vanghan, 45, lkh'oir St., Unll.
Superintendent of Stores.
Superintendent Treasurer.
J. H. ·Wingale.
F. H. Vaughan (25.4.0 ).
(Six Ambulance Dil'isions)-Officcl's 21. Sergcant 11. COlporal' 21. Pl'in1.te.· Ifi7. (Th1·te NUl'sing Dil:isions) 10. tll'sing sisters 111. Total ('ffcctiYe 331. Cases attended 011 public duty 75. Removab 120.
GI:I~Y , T1:EET, P_\ltK SI'RlmT,
IIt1 LL.
Superintendent .
P. R. A.-II, M.lLe.S.
W. T. A tki11S011 (29.] O. 07), 11, Trinity, 'tl'l'ct, 11nll
Honorary Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
pring Bank, Hllll.
lfoggnrtl •.
Officers 3. I ergeants 2. Corpora],; 3. Pl'ilatcs 22. Total cfrcciin 30 (30 . n.07). D ecrease since la.-t report 13. Drills helel ;JIi. A\'erage utlclluall(:c ] 7. Casc . . attended on pulilic ~ut.Y, see Oorps report. Rplll()"al ',spe 'OI'PS l'epoll. 'as"~ attended not o~ pnlllIe duly 13::;. Allllllul i.ns[l~ction, ~2.0.07. Total all pumdc 2~. Absent "lth leave 5. Allllllal ]'e ~ exallIlUa(lOn, 1 .3.07. ~[l'lllhers I,assl't! 33. Did not. appea.r 1. Medallions L!? i-lenice ba~lge' 21 . Nursillg ('crtilicate~ ~G. Reglll~tlOn umrorm.,,"ol'l1 oy 3 O!llcers, 2 sergeants, 3 eoqlo1'als, allll 11 1I1cn. Matenal: wl1C~I~(l. httcr, 6 stretchers, 1Janc1ages aue! splint, \'este,1 ill IIllll 'elltrc St. J. A. A. Dn'lslOll supported hy mClllbers' ~ll hsr1'iptioll:' .
Honorary Surgeon.
O. L. A}Jp1eton, L.ILC.l'.
[Formed l.7.1\l00.J
A 'J) LlTEltAlty I ~s'llTU'l'I~, HULL. r
1st Officer.
Inspector of Stores.
!-)eJ'gt. A. '1'lll1l'loe_
III~,\n Ql All'lm:.·:
HULl. Dol'S' CL
Hon . SUI'geon.
F. 'IV. Fulll'rton, M.ll.
W. ,\,ill tel', 3, Purk . \ \'ellllf', PClTY ,·trcet, Ilull.
SU perintendent.
1st Officer and Hon . Treasurer.
N. Lord. Inspector of Stores.
Acting Hon _ Secretary.
Sergt. J. !lowdl, Midlund l'haulllcrs, J\lid11ll1l1 Stl'Pcl, lInll.
lIltl! li.-Oll.
OIliccrs 3. I 'erg llllts 2. Corporal' 4. Privalcs :N. Total c!fcctiYe 33. Dccl'l'nse SillVl; hsL 1'opo1'L 7. Dl ills hclll A Ycnl"e attu}(1unce 35. Annual lllspeL'lion, ~J.().07. Total Oll 1'a1':111e 1. Ahcllt "ilh l~a',e ,1. 'Yit~lOut leaye 11. Anllual re-l'x:lI11illatioll, 12_:'.07. ;'[I'lllll'IS lla~,'l'll :!G. Falled 3. Did not appeal' 3. l\leclallilllls 17. :-\l nil'l' haclges:!. IT\ll'~illg ('cr! ilieatl's 2. lle.gnlalioll uniforlll IrOrll by 2 O!lil'l'I'S, :! . ('l'gl':1llt s j 1'(Jl'pol'llls, allli IG 11ll'1I. l'IIatcnnl: -1 stretcher. ' surgical uthilld, splillts, hallllag!'.'. 12 ('10th cnl'cl'l'11 \!oUl 's, ~~ l~llce cap" 1'0 ted 11; Hnll Ot.'lltrc· S.J .A .. \. Divisioll slll'llortcci lly pnhhc cOllll'llmtlOm; u1ll1 mcmhcr:s Sll hscl'i ptiolls.
J. O. J\lcWilllt',
GOI)])~ OFFICE, ALEX \~J)\l.\ DOCK. Superintendent.
A. tead (Hi.10.0f), 1, Albert AYClllle, niillcllebuJ'g treet, J ow Brillge Roall, lIull.
E. F. Krause, 17, Grosvcnor . lred, Beverley Roud.
II. E. Humphrey.
rFOrl1lel1 6.3.1901.]
[Formetl 1.~. G.]
Honorary Surgeon .
G. H. Cubll)" 10.'1"
2nd Officer and Honorary Secretary. T.
A. Dobhs, U9, \\'1-sl('oLL !-)L., IIoldelllc 's Road. Honorary Treasurer.
C01Pl. E. BlJis.
Officers 4. Sergeauts 2. Corporals 5. Privutes 37. Tolal effectivc ·18. lncrease since last report 14. D!ills lld!l 3:') . Averagc aLLClJ(];LllCC 20. Oases attenued Oil puLlic dnty 22. R~lllovals 5. ('a~cs 'lttl'llrlt:11 not 011 ]111 blic llllty ] 22. AUllllUl inspection, 2~.G.07. Total on purade 39. A!)Sellt with leave 1. Wilhout
Hon. Secretary.
crgt. F. A. Hu\\ks\\orlh (5.10.07),1, Walter Tcrrace, Hayen Hon . Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores.
Pte. J. W. Priest.
treat, Hull.
crgl. A. E.
Officers 2. elgt'ttlll~ 2. Oorporals 3. Pril'atc· 1. Total e!rcctiyc 25 (30.9',07). Dccrease sillce last report ":1. 1 h ills 1Il'h1 1(j. Average attcndance 10. ea cs attcndl'<1 llot Oll pnl11ic lint,)' 1:20. Anlllwl ill:l,ectioll, 23.0.07. Total on parade 15. A1Iscill witllOnl lea\'e ]0. Annllltl re-cxulIIimttioll Members pas eel 14. Failed 2. lJit1 not appcnl' . J\ledallions 17. Rcgullltion uniform worn 11y 1 OlHcn, ~ sCl'gcnllb, 3 vOl'l'omls, cllltl 1 llll'li. l'Ilntclial: ·1 strol('hc:·., :2 \\'ulcr bottles, splints, nllc! Lnntlngcs, v('sil'<l ill lInll and Bal'll ley Rtul"ay Co. Division su pporLed lJY members' subscriptions.
No. VI.,tict.
D. R . .Moil',
J. 1\1.
1st Offi c er.
'1'. L amb .
F. 'Wilson, 2ti4, Alliance Avenue, lIull. " Hon . S ec. an d S e rgt."
Hon. T,·easu r er.
In s p ecto,' of Sto res . ~ergt.
Corpl. T. Alvin .
R. I\ gar.
3, .Maple Avenue, Oonvene Lane, H ull. Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 34 . T otal effective 4 1. Decrease since last repurt 2. Drill held 43. Average attendance 24 . Removal 1. Oases attended not on public tluty 1 9. Annual inspection, 23.6.06. Total on parade 3 . Absent with l eave 2. Without leave 1. Allnualrc-exam ination, 5 and 26. 5.06 . .Members passed 3 . Did not appef1r 3. Meualliolls 27. ervice badaes 17. "" ursing certificates 2. Regula tion uniform worn 1.Jy 3 0 nieers, 2 2 s~:geants, 2 corporal, and 32 men. Material: sh'etthers, bal1tlages, splints, surgical havresac, water bottles, ground sheets, pillows, ve ted ill lIull and Barnsley Railway 00. Division supported by members' subscriptions . T he Diyision was successful in winning the Hull Oentre Trophy on 22nd June, and the D eputy Oommissioner's Oup in July .
J. Grie\'e,
Ho n o ra ry Secret ary.
S u p erin t en d en t .
Ho n o rary Treasurer.
E. Dean.
,'ergt. O. R. Olll'ry.
Oflicel's 2. ,ergeant 1. 00rpol'<1.11. Privutes 27. Total effective 31. Reserve lllember 1. Illcrease sinee lust report J. Drills held 50. A "erage attendance U. Cases attended 011 puLlic duty 2. Oa'<eR attell(led not Oll public duty 45. A1I11ual ill~peetion, 1l.n.07. Tolal on para(ll' 25. .Ah ent with lC1l\'e 3. Without lea,ve 3. AUllu ,t! tC'cxalllination, ~0.3.07. ilIelllber!:lp;t .. ed 16 . Did not a.]lpeal' n. Meda Iliom; Hi. ,'enice h;ttlgc!:l I. T nrsil1g certificate 1. Regulation ullilol'lJl \rom hy 2 Ollic\']'s, 1 sergl'ant, 1 corpol'lll, and 23 men. Material : el1Uillet, 4. !:ltrelcitcrs, 1 ha\·l't'::ml'S, water hottles, emergency case, splints and bandage', ctl'., \'esled ill ))i\'i jOllal COI11Jllittee. Di\'i. iOll snpported by members' subscriptiollS 1\1111 plthli(' contributiolls. A ~tlu:tt! a tLelltlLIll I he \\' h i bnn ti(le OUI/Ill of In:;t ructiou at liOl'den Dene, 00. Dl11'hulll.
OUSTON DIVISION DURHAM ). lh:,\ ll-Ql.-\UTl-.R-;:
etlan, 'treet, lI ull.
In s p ect o r of St ores.
Oorp1. J.i'. Roberts (2 .10.07).
Ol"TOX, :.\Ir.CII.L -re"
Act,ng 1st Officer.
Acting Super·intendent.
F . Peterson (~l:.10. 07), 193, St. George's Road .
It. G. Hec1path, 227, \\hitehall Hoad, o.ateaheall.
Ins p ector of St ores.
Sup e r inte nd e nt a nd Hon . Treas u re r .
" Hon . S ec r et ary a n d S ergt ."
~J. 1>.
[Formed 9.6 .99.J
A. C. Carter, 7,
M . B.
Ul~TllU~[(jEllLA_l) SlltEgT, NEWVASTLE.
A. L. Gibb01l, 12, Hydenham Tenuee, N ewcasL!c-oll·TYIlC.
Honora ry S u rge o n.
Honorary Surgeo n.
lIl. A., lILB .
Act ing Sup e r inte nd e nt .
W. Brocklesby (2 .10.07),
1, Ii:1,.:WI(·K UOl.'l~l',
Honora,'y Surgeon .
Acting 2nd Officer.
\\'. Be!1.
T. l'oult.
F. gl)\\JUun, Umltoll Vill.t, 11CI11' Ohc. Icr·le-slrec t.
Hon. S ecr·etary.
Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals.f. Privates 22. Total effective 29. (30 . 9.07). Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 23. Average attendal1ce 12. Oases attended not on public duty 346. Anuual in pection, 22.6 . 07. Tolal on parade 12. Absent without leave 18 . Annual re-examination, 23, 26 & 5.5.07 . lcmbers passed 12. Failed 1. Did not appear 17. .Medalliom; 10. Rrl'vice bauges 2. Nursing certificates 2. Rf'gulation uniforJll worn 1.Jy 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 4 corporals, and 7 men . :Material: Furley stretcher, 5 improved stretchers, surgical havresac, ambulance box containing splint, bandages, water boUle', etc., vested in Hull Oenh'e, S.J.A. A.. Division. upported by mem1.Jers' subscriptions.
M. B. Bell. .,. ort h :-;t red P ·rkill \ilIe, Chester-leo trl'et. Oflieer 3. Sl'rgeall L 2. Pri\' te" 19. Total elrecti \'e 21. Drill:; helt! 22. A\ ()rn~o itltl'll<lllllee ] . 1 cmo\'als 2. Annual ill 'pection, 21.9.07. Total on pamlle:"!1. ..:\.lI11ual l'P·exrllllinalioll. 23.·1.07. l'Il clll1.Jer:; pa 'sed ~U. Medallioll 113. lJi\'i 'ion ltpported by member:;' 'uucl'il'tioll '.
[Formed 28.11. 00.]
Hon. Surgeon (Act,ng).
Major ' .. 1. ,'nllll'rlallol,
~1.11., \'.Il.
J. O. B . Carruthers, M.n., Oswald T errace, Oastletowll. 1st Officer.
" Hon . S e c. a nd S e r gt.," and Inspr. of Store s .
, V. O. Pigg.
'ergt. G. Wakefield, 5, Oswald Terrace, Castlcto\\'ll .
O fficers 2. Sergeants 2. P rivates 22 . T otal effective 26. D rills hell 33. Average atten(l ance 16. Oases attenued not on pllulic duty 9. A nnu al i nspection, 21. 9.07 . T ot,d on paradc 21. Ahsent w ith lcave 3. Wi l h ou t leave 2. l cdalliolls 8. ~1 atel'ial. water botLl(~s, havl'esacs, amI 1.Jauges, 4. stretchers, splints, bandages, etc. , vested in and D ivision supportcJ by W eul'l11outh Ooal Oo.
W, Scott, Chil'f {'onstulJle's Omce 'oulll 'hields.
Hon . Surge on and Act in g Superintendent.
1st Office,'
T. U. Yuung.
2nd O fficer and Hon. Secretat·y.
Inspector of S tores.
L. W. J .•) 1991'l', l'ellll'lll l'olice, tatioll,
O. 1\ll'UOrlllilck.
,'outlt ,'hie1tl·. 'orpor:tls 2. Prinltes 23. Tolltl elrective 31. O[licel's -1. Sergeants 2. Increase since 1<1·t report 3. Drills held 1. A\'l' rnge attl'IHl!lllCe 1. Ca. e atten(lc(l on puillie (lnly 70. Alllllwl in.'lteclion, Hl.8.07. Tolal on pa1·llde. :?t3. Ahsent with ll'ave ;J,,\lIlltutl re,cx!lltlin.ltion, l.G.O'i. illumuel" pas·eLl3l. ~ler!all1011s Hi. Regulation unifurm \\'orll 1.Jy 1 Ofliucr ; I'olirl' uniform worn hy'. ~1atl'l'ial: wag.lll, stretchers, all(l lli'l'ssillgs, Yl'slcll ill 'outll Shiehls CorporatIOn. 'l'llL'I'C are threc Divisiollal Pulice :-ll:llioIlS, where \\"heelell stretehcrs are kept, alHll lire call hoxcs, which conl'lin (\. 'Itrl'Lcher. The \\'hole arc l'ollneClcll to cntral OJfiee 1.Jy telephone.
St. J ohn Amb1dcmce Brigade.
No. VI. District.
Honoral'y SUI-geon . M.R.C.
J. R. Crcase, Junr., 1st Officer and Hon. Secretary.
2nd Officer.
J. W. Buckland, 12, 'W inchcster Street, S.
hi clds.
SUNDERLAND EASTERN DIVISION (DURHAM). [Formeu 12.9.07.] Hon . Surgeons . M.D. J. Anderson, M.D.
Officers 3.
ergeant l.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.
Corporals 3,
R. M. Pri ce.
Privates 19.
Total elfective 26.
\\'. May, Officers 2.
Sergeant l.
Acting Superintendent.
Privates 28.
Total eiT'ecti, e 34.
Hon . Surgeon. T,. R.e.p.
A. E. - proulle, Superintendent.
1st Officel' and Honorary TreasureI'.
R. W. Ll;,l1'Y. rr]lI~ l::'tore', "\Vi thernseu..
HEAD-QU A RTERS: "\ \"' EAR)! OUTIT COLLI Ell Y Honora r y Surgeon and Super intendent. F. W. Bum, M.B., B. . (3l.3.0 )
34, North Bridge \ t., Monkw ear1110~lth
Inspector of Stores .
G. W. 'mith.
Offi c~ers 3. 'ergcun t 2. 'orpol'al 1. Pri ,'ate 11. T otal effective 17. Drills held 13. Removal 1. Unse ' attended not on public duty 6. Annual inspection, .10.07. Total 011 parade:i. Absent with leave 7. Without leave 5. Medallioll~ nrslIlg certificate 1. Regnhtion uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 ergeant, 1 corpoml and 10 l11ell. ~Iatcri(\,l: 2 hetchers, hamper, 2 rug, 2 boxe.', 15 watel' boltle , 13 ha Yresac. , splin t·, and han,lage., vested in Divi ional Committee. Division. upportt'd by members' suu 'criptiollS [1.11<1 • pecial elforts.
L'NDEllLAND. 1st Offi cer.
R. Williams (3l.3.0 ).
Inspe ct or of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
J. Huntley Young.
1st O ffi cer.
J. B. Sillith (29.10.07).
Supt., Hon . Sec., and Inspector of Stores.
C. W. Wheatley, Marsden, South Shields. 2nd Officer.
J. Thompson.
Hon . Treasu rer.
D. Davies.
l nRRT, HrLL.
Lady Sup erintendent.
Krause, 17, Gro venor
. Officers 2. Sergean ts 3. Oorporals 5. Pri I'ates 28. Toial e fTecti ve 38. Dnlls.held 3~. .Average attendance 15. Cases attended not Oil puhlic duty 24. Annllallllsp ectlo~l, 21.9.07. Total on parade 32. _-\.bsent with leave 1. With out leave 5. MedallIons 6. Regula.tion uniform worn oy 2 Officers 3 Rerffeants fi corporals, and 22 men. Material: 10 stretcher, 2 surgical hn.\,I~esacs, w;t er bottles ~nd havres~cs! uumber of blankcts, splint and bal1dag<'s, etc. , vested ill "\" enrmouth Coal ~o., L1I11.1te~ . Division sllpporteu by "\Vearmouth Coal 00., Limited and members subscnptlOns. '
Honorary Surgeon . '. llll'<locll, L.n.('.p.
Miss M.
Oorporal W. Gaine'.
Hon . Surgeon . G. D. Cort, lILR.C.S.
II. Anthony.
Hono/'ary S ecretary.
HE .\U-(~LAHl'EnS :
R. A. Jobe, 98, Cad ley Road, l\1onkw earmoutb.
H. . HaITi. on, 7, The ,Yestlalld, underl:lllu. Oorporal 3.
Hon . Secretary.
[Formed 4.5.99.J
G. II. BaLty, 7, Queen 'treet, orth '''ilhcrnsea.
H. K. 'Wallace, Acting Superintendent.
Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 15. Total effective 22. (30.9.07). Decrease since hst report 6. Drills hel(l 3] . Average attendance 10. Removals 2. Cases attendc(l not on pulilic (lnLy 39. Annual inspection, 26.9.07. Total on paradc 18. Absent without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 23.1.07. Members pa sed 16. Di(l not appear 3. Medallions 14. Material: 4 stretchers, 3 hlankets, alnhulance street box, 1I1cIlical havresac, etc . vesteel in the Harton Coal Co., Ltd. Division supporterl by 111 e1111le1's' subscriptions.
J. Page.
Officers 3. Scrgeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 26. T otal effective 32. D ecrease since last report 2. Drills held '22. Average attendance 12. Annual inspection, 25 .9. 07. Total on parade 22. Ab en t \yith leave 5. 'Without leave 5. Annual re- exa mination, .4.07. Members passed 13. Dill not appeal' 18. lIIe?allions 7. Y. L. Brigade uniform and t. J obn's Badge. Material: stretchers, splmts, bandage, medical comforts, clothing, re toratives etc., for shipwrecked men, vested in outll llields Volunteer Life Brigade.
S. C. W eaver, Seamen' Institute, Sunderland.
1st N ursing Off and Lady Treas.
. Wheatley.
2nd Nu rsing Off. and Lady Sec.
j\lis E. Hardy, 61,
3rd Nursing Off. and Lady Insp . of Stores .
Wss L. nailey. Olliecrs 5. lll'sillg iter' 70. T otal ell'ective 75. In crt':1se ~illce last repol t 2. Practice. hehI 1. Average attellllance 47. Ca 'e . attenrlcll 011 ]lnillip tllltV, sce COIp. report. Cn 'cs atte11l1ed not ou pnblic dnty 156. Uases privately 11l1J'.'l,(1 176. AllIllml inspection, 21.6.07. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 6. \\'ith ont ]Clt\'C 21. Annual re-examination, ~5.3.06 anll 31.:1.07. .Mcmbers passull r,l. 1"ailo(l 1. Thledulliolls 16. cl'vice badge. U. Regnlatioll unirorJll "'"lll hy ·L Ollict'l's amI :19 11lH' ing +,tel's. Intel'ial: bed, hedcling, sick 1'00111 l'c'lnisitcs, . pliuts, bundage, etc., vestell in Hull Centre, \ .J.A.A. Diri iOI1 sn[lporlcll by membur" sub'cripiiolls, concerts, &c.
(HULL CORPS ) EASTERN NURSING DIVISION. HE \.O -QU.\HTF.llS: Honorary SUI'geon . J. Divillc, M.B.
[Formed 14.9.01.]
Lady Sup erin t endent.
Mi . A. IIargrl'lwcs, Bllrnb1'l1L', Ilolderne ': Roull, Hull.
Lady Secreta/·y.
L ady Insp ec tol' of Stores.
1\1iss M. E. 131'011'11 , 11, Thumas treet, !lull.
Miss E. 'all'idgl'.
L ady Treasurer.
i\l i
E. GI illlle II.
No. VI. Di8l?·ict.
St. John A rnlYL~lance B'tigade.
Officers 2. ursina sisters 21. Total eITective 23. D ecr ease since last report 5. Pra~tices hel~l 12. Average attendance ~ 3 . C~ses attended not on public duty 1. Ca. es pnvately nursed. 15. Aunual lTISpectlO11, 21.6 .07. 'fotal on parade . Absent with lea\'e .10. Wlth out leave 4. ~nnual rc-examination, 29.4.01. ~Iell1bers pas Nt . Dld .n ot appeal' 11. M.~elal.hon~ 19. Heaulation uuirorm worn by 1 Officer and 5 nllrslIl!j 1 tel's. Matenal. splmts, bal~dages, tOl1l'ni(lllet. Division supported by an11ual ubscriptions.
Officers 2. Nlll'sing sisters 25. Total cfrectlve 27. Increase sillce last report 1. Practiccs heM 1. Average ,ttLenrlance 7. Cases aLLended 1I ot 011 public duty 10. 'ases privately nUl'sul 18. AnDual inspE'ctioll, 20.0.07. Total 011 parade 16. Absent without leave 11. Anuual re-examination, 20.1.07. Members passel1 10. Did not a1'l)('a1' 1I1e(1ullio])s 17. Service badge 1. Regulation uniforlll worn hy 1 OfIicer a.lld 16 nll1'i>illg ~isters. Material: heel, berIding, ick roo III relluisitf's, bath chairs, carrying chairs, spinal rarriag(', "plillls, lmm1ag's, lnLllrlage winder, &e., vesterl in Divisioual CommitLee. Division snpported hy donations, legacy, and memhers' subscriptions.
Lady Superintendent.
Hon. Surgeons.
E. E. Laslett,
Mi, .d. Jackson,
M. D.
:\f. B.
1111'. . 111. J. Barc, Collman 1., TInll.
H E.\.ll-QUAJl1 EJ:S : STUllJl: IIALL,
Honorary Surgeon .
R P. Dawtion,
Mrs. H. 'V. Jarman, rnuhnr t, Newington, Hull.
. Backwel1.
Lady Secreta,·y.
Lady Inspecto r of Stores. ~liss •'hea, ,\Vdlleek RoaL1 .
,' . K Cmhalll, ~3, ,Ye bourne :J.rden, Walker. Olliccrs 2.
\V A LKEJ: .
Lad y Superintendent.
~ l rs.
Officers 3. Nursing sisters 20. T otal eITective 23. Increase since last report . Practices held 1 ~verage attenr1aTl~cc 10. Annual inspection, 21.6.07. Total on parade 4. Absent WIth leave 2 .. \\ Ithotlt lcave 15. Annual re-examinatioll, 15.4.07 . Members passc(1 7. DId noL appeal' 14. :Material : bandage.' and splints with store box, VU. ted in Hull 1l1edallions 7. Centre, " . J. A.A. Diyision supported by mcmLrers' ubscriptions.
l\lr·. A. Lec, 10, ,\" C:thollllle Gardens, \\ alkel'.
)[,1) .
Lady Inspector of Stor'es and Treas .
Lady Secretary.
ursillg sist('l' 11. (IT 0
elrcclivc 16.
report recei vell.)
Hon . Surgeon .
Surgeon L ieut. "IV. E. Alderson, M.D.
Lady Inspector of Stores .
Miss W.
Lady Supt. , Sec., Acting Inspector of Stores and Tr·casurer.
nil' . K. ill. RubtiUlI, 'dlOU1 Hon ·c, Mal'sdclI, \ 'oull! 'hielc1s.
Lady Treasurer.
:M . B., C. M.
Lady Secretary.
SOUTH SHIELDS NURSING DIVISION (DURHAlYI). [Formed 26.9 .1000.J Honorary Surgeon.
J. U. D.
l\li L. 1. Alcler,;olJ, 2 , Yictoria 'quare, Ne\Yca. tle·on-Tyne.
H. Goudie,
Lady Superintendent.
Officers 2. ursing isters 14. Total effeeti "e 16. Increase since last report 2. Practices hehi 20. Average attendance 12. a es attended on public duty 13. Co. es attenued not on public dnty 11. 'ase TJrivately nursed 2. Annual inspection, 11.9.07. rrotal on parade 9. AhsenL with leave 7. Annual re-examination, 26.-1. 07. Members pa'sed 11. Di(l not appear 4-. Medallions 13. RegLlI~,tion uniform \VOl'll Lry 2 Officers, amI 13 nursing sisters. Material: splints, bandage., I1mse's wallet. Diyisioll snpporled 11)' members' subscriptiolls and public contributi.on ..
Hon . Surgeon (Acting.)
MrR. J. Rontledge.
Alderson .
IIE.\D-Q.tJAlt'l'EH· : MAltSDE.·
lIl Er.n'4.
Lady Superintendent and Secretary.
Mrs. 1\1. J. R ohertson Ol'earlC, 2, Ogle T errace. ::iouth Shiclds.
Lady Inspector of Stores .
Lady Treasu re r.
Miss J. Grey.
Miss M. Skinner.
Olliccrs::!. I Ul'Slllg si~tcl' I. Total eilcctivc 9. Dcerea l' sillcc lll.t lo[,ort 1. Prat'liee!;; helLl 3. Cuse' utl~1ll1ed lJot on public tint,}' 1. la.'cti l'l'i\alcly Illll'ed ::!3. AllllLlal illspcction, :.Hl.9.01. Total on paralle 5. Alrcnt with lea.\'c l. }"lJlIlIal re·exalllillaliolJ, ~3.4.01. ~lell1bcr' l'a~se!l 17. Did not appear 1. .Medallion' I. l{egnlation lI11iform ,,"om l)y 1 Ollieer <llill -1 1I11l'sillg 51. Ler... Material: allllrnlancc lWllll'er, tiick room r(:'(lui ite', bUl1dage', rullcl' lrulldagc machine, tc., YCtitetl ill Did.iollal Committee. Diyision supported hy llolltLLiou!;;, IlIcmberti' sullseriptiolli:i, and Collier), Co.
St, J ohn .1b nbnlance
No, V II. Di8trict.
No. VII District.
Deputy CO?nlnissionel'- lUg. Colonel E. CUlm roN, Meole, hl'ew bury.
y, D"
)L n"
,T. 1'.,
Dist1'ict Chief SUl'geon-Surgeoll Lieut.-Colonel J. D . LLOYD, The Moullt, Chirk, N orth Wales. Acting Assistant Commissioner-Mr. H, L EWI', 61, Cathedral Ruad, 'anlifJ'. (2.0 ), Dist1'ict Chief SlIperintel/dcnt-hlr J. \Y . WnlTE, Salop.
A . I.B"
The Ballk, Iron Blid"e,
District S1tperintendent T1·easw·er-l\Ir. \V, JESSENA." Bron Havron, ,'low Park, N ewpol't, Mon.
30th ,)'cplcillber, 1907. SiT, I have the honour to forward you my annual rlolloJ't uf thi di~trict fUI' tbe year ending 30th eptember, 1907, During the period, steady progress has taken plaCll generally, and a kE'en in teresL and ri valry has al'i~en among ,t the llni ts, as wa" e\ iclcnel'cl at the annual eliminating tests fOl the Final fOJ the Dewar ,' hield Comp,titiun when the team selected to represent the District from the T e"p01't Corps, ful' It second time became the premier ambulance team in the Drigad6, ttlld abo the holder" of the Griffiths Memorial Cup, An important e\'ent took place this year in the Fimtl Cumpetition for the 11' Charles ,fatTen ,hield, when a team from the Mardy Corps (now tbL Hhondd:l Fach Corps), came off \'ictorious, and ",e were especially plca~ed to 1Ia\e th 'hid Secretary, ir Herbert Perrott, Bart" c, D" with us, and he kindly pre 'ent d the hield to the 'winning team, and also gave a vcry intere, ting address on ambulancc, The arrangements were excellent, and reflected much credit on ~Ir, Tom Danee, Chief Superintentlent of the Rhondch Fawr Corp::>, Three roya'! visits ha\e taken place during the year. The visit of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales to ewport in May last, and then Majesties the King's and Queen's visit to Bangor and Cardiff; and on eadl ocea:;ion the public duty was efficiently performed, and gained the cordial thanks of the vari;)us authorities concerned; alld at Cardiff clmillg the hot weathel' which prevailed, the public duty from my own indiyiclual observation, was of an onerous and responsible character, but carried out in such a manner in a den e crowd a to call forth the praise of the public who witnessed their work. Steady progre s has been made in examining, and in the appointment at the hauds of the Chief Commissioner, of Officers to the various new units which have been registered during the year. T he Dowlais Corps had the honour of a visit from the Chief Commissioner, when a special parade of all the ambulance units in the neiuhbourhood was ordered. The occasion being the opening of an ambulance sttttion 1)y the Chief Consttti)le of Lbe county, Captain L indsay; and the same evening a lu.rge meeting in support of ltlnbulance was held, at which the Ohief Commissioner and I attended . T
A meeting of mine owners in orth \ Vales was held ttt 'Wrexham in January last, at which L ieut. -Colonel Lloy(~ and, I a,ttencled.' to explain ,the, ol)jects of the Brigade, and we hope that new units \~Ill tense m that unportant du;tnct. , In July in conjunction WIth and through the, help of, the Inspector?f Imes, Major Rohinson of ewport, we attended n, me~tll1g of, ml~e owner~ at lontypool, representing the eastern vn,lleys of T:.Io,nmouthshll'e. LIkewl e, we attenc1e~ anot~el' meeting at Jew: Treclegar, an~l ther,e l~ every prospect of several new umts b~mg formed in these Important colhery clistncts, \ Ve arc grateful to the Inspector of Mmes for hi ready help in this connection" This year as ~Jl'e\:io Ll~ly, ~ Dibtrict circular was again sent Oll t in July to all Oflicers 111, ('barge of U,l1lts figunng m the curre~ t AnD1.llLl Report rcminding them of the necessity of keepmg all returns, and tbelr Anmml Report' correctly, anel so ~,~r with encoumgi,ng results, 1'he Bt'iga~le Ord~r calling for recruits to join the MllttUI'Y IJ ollle ! I~s]Jl tuls R? en'e, has met 'nth, a fauly ready re ponse, some fif~y ~fijcel:3,. non-cOmIl1l.':lOlled ~fIjce.r,· , ancl !llen, ,~anng" l'~spon?e~1 to the call' aud lt IS antlclputecl that more stll1 ",111 scncllll thell names \\ hen lt lS thoroughly \lIlcler::.tood that anyonc juiuing i' It " "olunteer " in the strictc"t ellse of the word. , , 01 ' • ' 1 J W :;,\Iy gmteful thanks are herewit!l tendered tu lJl::;tnct Hef, uperllltenc ent ',' , . \Vhite Di:;tl'lct 'Inef ,'t1l',reon L1Cllt. -Colonel ,J, D. Lluyd, and the oth,er Dl tnet Clt·,ll 0' !liecrs Corlls Ofticers nOll-comUli;;, ioned Officcr~ anrl men, for th'11' excellent ,-,service~ " "" " ~l~ty. I' 0 t 11e meel'lca1 tu ff , amll'Cllcly l'e~ron,'e "ben called upon [Ul' pubhc the (JI'Itteful thunk~ of the Di ·tricL ar' tender 'el f~l'. gn'111~, the n1.1uahle help and in. tr~ctioll whieh it has alll'ay::; ~o <:lll'erfully ~llcl Wll1111gly " Lyell t? the members of the Bri"a<le. [t should be 111 JntiOlll.!d that shwhl: and othel' tl'OpllleS hlwe been won hy YHl'i;us kal11 . in the Di~b'i ,t, :\11 acc<:>lInt of whi(,11 will ,l)e found il~ the Annual Heports appended, Thc annllal lllspc~tHllls l~ave l)ecn carne(l ont as u::;uul, and the attendanee list, compure fal'Ournbly WIth pl'enou: year::;., . , I append my annllal ubstmet of 'urps and Di\'i 'io llS U1 order of somunty, with a county di:tribulioll o[ the sttlllc, I baye thlO honour to h , ,'i l', our ol)eclicllt , 'en'ant, EUWAHD
A"lliUM vj' GI'((ce, Order of St, Jvhn vf Jerusalem, Dcpllt y G'om 111 iss iV/l CI' To th" Chit'/ G'o1nmissiol/(i', No. VII. District. ,'t. john .:lmbulaJu'e Bri'.1(,d,',
No. [TIl. lJish'lei.
St. John AmlmlctJ1ce BJ'igade. LIST OF OORPS AND DIYIsIO 's IN OlWEll OF Sg 'OUlTY. Oorps or Division,
Date "hen formed.
Oorp or Di yisiollS .
.- - - - - - - DaLc
"hCll forllled. Names of Corps alHl Di\'iHiolls.
lHadeley Dj vision N OY. 30, 1 91 l\Iay 1, 1 95 hra\\' bur)' " '1 )0 I rollbn'd ge 0 orps .1 in'. : . , 1 n'~ _v Ironbl'id~ e Division .l\Iar. 20,] 96 Dowlais " ept. H,l 97 Brynma\\'r" Sept. 13, 1 9 Goodrich " JUal'. :H, 1 99 Ohirk Divi iOIl ApI. 17, 1904 Penrhiwceiber Division .rune 14., 1904 Portmadoc Diy} ion . JUly 20, 190J Blaina " O c t . 2, 1904Newport (Mon .) Corps Od. , 1904 Aberga \,ennY Di "iion Oct, ,1901 Tl'eherbprt, 1\ o. 1 " Oct. 19, 1901 HeretorclOityPoliceDi,·. Dec,:n 1904 Hereford Railway "Jail. 2, 1905 Aberfan Di vi iOll May 25, ] 905 Merthyr Vale Di vision Aug. 8, 1905 Blaenau Festilliog" Jan. 2;5, 1906 Llwynypia Feb. 5, 1906 Mardy Corrs Feh. 17, 1906 Rhondda Fach, Div. Feb. 17, 1906 ~Iarshurook Di\'ision Feb. 28, 1906 Oardiff Corps ApI. J. 1906 Oardiff City Divi.ion ApI. oi, 1906 Oardin', G. W. R. (Loco.) ~ 0.2 Division. Apl. 4, 1906 " G.W.R. (Pass& Goods) Ko. 3. Diy. ApI. 4; 1906 Bedlinog Diyision Apl. I:!, 1906 Ferndale, No.1 Divisioll ApI. 15, 1906 Shrew 'bury Ry .•" :JIar :l, 1906 Fochriw Di\'ision :illay 23, 1906 Pentre & Tynybedw Oollierie Di\'i"ion :\Iay 23, 11)06
Cambrian Oolliery Di\. Great ,f estcl'll Oollicry, (l'ontypridd) Di \isioll Y"trall B.1l0l1lhla :\Iolllltaill A h Corps Mnrc1y, K n. 2 Di visioll Merthyr DIvision . Abel'ti'Uery Di vision . \Y ales BortleI' Corps Trcde"·ar. Ko. ] Diy. Talywaill Di\'i::;ioll . 8111"c\\ IJl1l'yLoco.Hy.Di\. ::,lue\\, bmS Corp Pontypool Road Di\·. 1I'eorc11y& C\\,mparcDiy. Pontnewydd Division Do\\lais Corps . TreLlegar, Yo. 2 Di \'. Hhollllda Fa",r Oorl's Troct1yrhiw Di vision 'l'Yllybell\\' Colliery DiY, Ahergol'clty Divj iOll
Shrewsbury Division IrOD bridge " Madele}' II
Rhon<ltla }'ach Oorps nryllua Di\'isioll Oms' Keys Diyj",ioll 01'11111101' 'Di "i 'ion ,,\ t Moulllouth Corps hnJ\ysbllry G. ,rHo (Carriage and \\"lgOll) Di vision Maiwly & Ea.sterll ])iy. Troe<lyrlli\\', "'0.2. Di,'.
May 25, 1906 l\l,ty 2S, 1906 May 2L, 1906 Jnllo ] ,1 fl06 .hme 20, 1906 .July 1;'), '..906 JUly 21, 1906
.J uI.)' 2-1, 1006 •JulI· 2-1., 1906
.luI}' :W, Aug. 1;3. .A ug. Jli, Nepl. 6,
1!l06 190G 1 n06 l!lOti ~L'Pt. 1], 1800 I-\ept. ll, ]nOG cpt. 17, 1800 ('pI. 2!l, H10G Oct. :30, 1\)06 Ro\,. :n, 1nOti lII:lY 11, 1007 .1UI;I' ]3 , H107 .Julle IS, 1n07 .hllle ~ ', In07 ,lnl)' 12, Hl07 .Tuly '27, ]n07 Aug. '27, 1007 .\.UI;' 2n,1fl07
"L'pl. '27, In07 Sept. 2 , 1907
May 1, 1 95 Mar. 20, 1 96 Mal'. 20,1 96
. Brosel ey DiYi. i011 ~J nell \\' ellloek Division Jacklield Divi::;ioll
lIlar 1. 1 !l9
Jlll;C, 1, ] , 9!1 Dl:c. 12, Itl03
Com', AND DJ\'JS10. ':S,
Hereford-Divi~iollS; Goodrich, Hereforu Oity Police, Hereford I nil\\'a),. Monmouth-Corps; :rel\'porl, South Walcs Bordcr, ,Vest l\lOllllloutlt. Di ,,'ision: 01'0 s Keys. Salop-OolPs: Ironbridge, Shrewsbury. BreckonCarmarthenCarnarvon-Divi ion: Portmadoc. Denbigh-Divi siol1: Chirk. Glamol'gan-Oorps: OareW!', Dowlais, MOllntain Ar;b, RltolHlc1a Fach, Hho11l1c1n. Fa",r, TroedYl'helV. Di\'isions: Aberfan, Bl'Ylllla, F('rndalc, Meilh),! Borongh, PL'lIl'liill'ceiLer, 1lIerioneth-Di vision: Blaenau Festilliog.
Di~tl iet f:llall'
.. Abel'fan Vi YisiolJ ". .. l3laenall FesLiniog lJl\' ISIOU .. Bl'.)'llua " Oanlill 001'])5 .. City \)i visioll G. '\'. H. Loco. Di\'i~i()11 n. W.H. 1'a::;.. aud Cootls Di\ isjnll Ohil'k Divisioil OIOSS 1\0.)"" Do\\'l<1i::; Corps Do\\'lni .~ Division BCIllillog Fodll'i \\' " 'l'lOcd.) I'll 1\\ '0. ~ })iyisiOll Fel'lJdalc " Goodrich " llel'clllnl 'ily Policc Diyi.ioll HCl'efonl Rail \\ ay " lrolllnitlgL1 'orps ". IroIlI1l1 tl~(' Did.ioll :!Il luld y
1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
3 1 1
1 1 1 1 -I 1 1
1 ]
1 1
1 Hi Li
1 ] ]
~IL'l't 1I)'1'
" Merlhyr \'alc " lIIOlillt.liil .\sh '01'jl. Nc\\pvl'L (;\1011.) 'orp. :.: , N L'W jll'I't '1'0\\,11 P I \~ll: ). DI \ I,;JOII Alexll11drCl Dock lll\ 1.1011. .. Hail \\ay " - Pem1ii\\I'lJi ilo1' 1>i vi iOll Port III a(llll: " Hh onllda l'ach 'orl's Rltondd lt Faeh l' O. 111 "i.ioll H honc1da Fit It 1 O. ~ " 'j'llllllt.!t· J)ivi.I<111 Creal \\\' tIl'll en!. Divi.,ion Hltoll Ida Fa \\ l' 'UI'1'S AhL'rcrn rl i Divisioll . Uallll~riall C'llllill'Y ] Jj\'isioll LIII',Yllypia IJirisillll . . ": ;\lnintly n tid Eastolll lhnslllll TrL'herberl 1 0 1 ., Trcul'chy allll C\\,1ll Pare. Division Tyuj'lwd\\' C\llliery " Y stnul Hhollllda Di \'isiol1 Shre\\,::;ulll'Y Oorp::; hre\\'sblll'Y I ' o. 1 Di \'i::;ion ltre\\'::;\mn' Loco. " hrewsbul'.) R,Y . . tt liOll Divisioll l\ln.l'slt Brook Diyisinn C.W.It. Car. ;LlIll \\"Ignu nivi~ioll ... Soulh Wales nordcr l'OI])>; ... AllCl'gnYClltlY Vi, bioll ~lltlL'\\'ydll " _ _ __
2 '2 1
'2 31 3 31 2
3 3 3
·1 2;, 3 21
1 ,)
1 1 1
1 1 1 2
1 I
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2
1 1-
li 26 3 13
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 -I
] ]
:.W 2 30
26 3:i L
'.!.~ 19
3 ;-;, \ '.!. 1 'J') 1 Hi \ ·1 3:~ -10 .J 17 23 1 H) 21 3 31 37 3 19 23 2 4 1 :!5 2 11 15 2 14 17 3 12 17 '2 12 16 '2 1 21 30 1 19 ~L
No. VII. Di8lrict.
St. J ohn A ?nb'L~lan ce Brigade.
[Follned 20.5.05.J
.- .
B <-0
P on typool Road D ivision Tal y wain " T redegal', No.1 " ., N o.2" T roedyrhiw Division ' Ve. t M onmouth Oorps Abertillery Division Blaina Division Brynmawr D ivision
'" :r.
'" .- ::l
~ ;r1[/) -n
14 61
" c'"
:::~ [/)c
1 1 2
3 3
31 25
>,...., "C d
50 15 26 25 35 30 25
12 0
.-~ '"f:
Ho n orary TreaSiurer .
Sergeant l.
Orneer, 2.
.T ••Jones.
'orporals 2, (
Total effective 18.
report received.)
[Fol'nted 25.1. 06. J
OLI) DHlllt;U ,'(HOUL, BL,'I~.· .\L, FEt;II:s-rOG .
H. Jonc ',
Hon. Surgeon and Supt. ?II. D., ballt, BlaCll'lU 1"l;'-;lilling.
1st Officer.
W. M. Owcu.
Hon. Secretary. Ser~.
,I. Lio.)" l·J Olles, Tltu J'1l tt'lllal.:,)", Ulapnau l!'esLin iog.
I nspeclol' of Stores,
Hon. Treasurer.
CUI'P!. \\'. 1J. ,J uuc '.
Eo HowlalHls.
\Ol'pOl',t1~ 3. Privale:> 21. ToLal effeclive :2 Officer · :l. ,·cl'gpaltb;~. Decrea;,;e sillcc la"l 1epOl't i3. lJrill.' h elll -i.. . Aycrage atlcllllallce 1. Cases atteuLlcrl Ull puhlic duly 10. ReUlonls '1. Cases tlL1C1HIed not Oll public lluty 27. Allllual ill;,l't' 'lio lJ : ,.07. Tnt:\l 011 paracle ~6. AuseuL with leavc 1. 'Without lea \'C 1. Auuual l'l'-l'Xallllua lioll, D. 07. 211(;111 uel l'as .. eLl 12. Failed~. Diu not appeal' 13. ~1t'l1alli()ll l. Heglli:Llioll ullihl'llJ \l'Ol'1l by ~ OIliCCI', :2 sergeauls, ;3 corporals alld ~1 1lH'1l. nlat -rial: ;;trdeht,l', lllcllical hanc.'tle, splint:, baudage', \'e. Lcd in Di,'isionul COlllllliLlce. Divisioll ul'port '(1 by l'ubliG coulril,utiolls. III July, ID07, the lJiviioll attellut'u at Hangor rImillg thc visit of IIi Majc ty the Kiug .
... .. ... '"
... ...
+ +
1 1 1 1
1 1 -
12 1-1
10 13 16
IlL \])
~l'AI, ILl:
* No report recelyed: last year's figures . Hon. Surgeon in Ambulance Division. State7ltent. -·1 Deputy Oommissioner; 1 District Ohief Surgeon; 1 District Ohief Superintendent; 1 District uperintcIHl<:nt Treasurer; 131 O[ficers; 128 Sergeants and Oorporals; 1240 Privates and lll'sing, isters. Total (approximate) 1,503.
[Fonncd 2".6.07.J
llln:.\ . A COLl\L'IL "l llOUL.
Hon SUI'geon, L. )~.c.~,
, .\, l'twkel'. Acti ng Supel'intendent.
:t: Same
Privates 13.
I .....
:... (l)O 0...,
cO '-
4.8 12
1 1
Hono r a r y S ecret ary.
1 1
Su p erin t en d en t.
D. J. Davies, 67, Moy Road, Auerfan.
R. E. Reis, 1, Mervyn, 't .. A uerfall.
.:: :n
~-H~~ r" H11D+1l7
I >"
Broseley Division I ronbridge " Madeley Shrewsbury "
1 -
1 1 1
'- ~
Hon . Su rge on . L . R.e.I'.
J. O. Edwards,
Names of Divbion .
1I)'Oi ...,'-
::l • oS 00
~'" c~
'" -'" '-'" .0:0 c:5- ·c> S Ig~ 0::> "''0 ~8 EO
.;::: ..,
...'" .::C.
Name of Corps and Divisi(\J1.
ActIng 1st Officer and. Hon. Sec.
P. Hill, ~1, "otl Lhall,-trcet, BrYlIlIa., Llallhanlll. A cling I nspector of Stores.
W. 13eudall, Britlgellu Roal1, Llallhavan, A cting Hon. Treasurer.
J. Davie:>.
Olliccrs 3. ,ergeant 1. Oorporal.'·) Pl'lvate' ID. Total efl'eeti\'c ~5. Urillti ill'lll 12. AVLrage ulleudallcc 11. laterial: ~ titl'ctcher:;, splints, bandages, tourniqnet!', ul1udage roller. Divisioll supported by public contribution', auJ memberti' subscriptiou!).
1'. Wallace,
_\. ,V.
:11 . D.
(7'hl'ce AmbnZ((ncc Dicisiulls).-Olliecl':> /1.
Acting S upt . S ecretary.
SUl'gennL 1.
'rotal ell'ecti\'e 7' ,
. ,
'Welsh, H7, 01 \\ys Road, Oardlft.
Pl'ivates 71 .
St. John AmlmZallc(! BJ'ignrle,
42 :">
1. 1. Ol'i· l
J. 1. P!ppCl"ll, ("2;i.;~.Ob), 13rnmn,ick "lred, :111 lOll, l' Hon. Treasul"er.
Hon. Secretar·y.
T. E
C hief S u rgeon.
D. E. Phillips.
lement, 1-11, ~li'1,ill Streol, Culhays, l'ardifr.
L. lTughes, [,.n.u.l'.
1st O fficer' (in c h arge),
Ho n. Su r'geon.
S upt. Secre ta ry.
C hief S up erintendent
Polico, llJlL. \\T. J. Calltoll, PoliC'c ~tilt.ioll, D!lwlais. I[' ~.
S upt. T reasure r .
.T. R Xichol118 (2[1.3.0 ).
(Fulir . 1II1bll 1(111 t'c /)im·siul/s).-Oflil'l'l's 11.
"l'r,~('allts 1.
(CARDIFF CORPS) G. W. K LOCO. DIVISION. [Fu11110l1 U.Oo.J (Under control oj' 'Ol'p,,' Ofticcr~.) I'ril'ates 21. ToLal etleotiyc 2-1.
J. \yiboll,
l'rira.les 23,
TuLll elrecli,'e ~G. [Fol'tlll'llli..l.01.j
Hon Secretary.
l"ergt. ,Jac-! SUll, Ll.1 II y.eil, hir1e
. Llo) d, )r.n.l' .. ·., 'lhe :JIOllllt, Chitk. Hon TI'easu rer.
Ll. ·Col. J. D. LII))'l1.
OllieOl 1. ,'crgeant 1. Oorporals 3. Primte ~;,. Total o\1o(;[i,'o 30. Decrease siner last report 8, lJ1'i Ils held 1 LA, L'l'agc nttellllallL'O ~;'. L'.l:-'L'., aUelllleLl on llllblie cluty 4. ROlllOyals~ . CasU'; attoJlllod llut Ull p111llie duly i3. Annual inspcctioll, 30.9.07, Total Oll parade 8. Ahsellt willI leu\'e 0. Without leave 16. Annual re-examination, 4. a11l114.9.0i. l\lelllhors passed 2 , Regul!11iull l.niforlll worll by 1 sergeant, 3 corporals and 16 men. Matel'ittl: 1 <-LIl'lchor,: surgical havre ac, splints ancl banuages, vo lou in 1I0ll. 'urgl·un. Divisioll supported by contribution.
CROSS KEYS DIVISION (CARMARTHEN ). [Fonuetl12.7,07.] Ho n. Secret ary .
Ho n. Su rge o n a nd S upt.
D. T . Richards, M.D" OR The Meadows, Risea,
In s pector of S t o res.
G. II. IIill. Officerl.
Privates 17 ,
llopkills. [•. H.l.I', Hon. Secretary. ~llIith
(10.11.07), :-1l 'l lioll 'l'enal'P, Ikcllinog. Hon. Treasurer. ,I. Ltwis(10.11.07).
Inspector of Stores.
Officers ~. ~(rgr:l1lt 1. L'oqHlmls 2. rriYlltcs 20. 'fotl11 efrecti,'c ~5 pO.P.Oi). I neol'l !\SL' ,;mel II1,'t rl'p n·t 7. J hill,; hl'hl 1!l. . \ \'ern~' n t tcncln11('e 1~. .be,; attcnd 'd lIlI pllhli' dllty ~o. Hl'IIlU"\j,., 1 '. 'l"l'S :utl 1l11elinot lIn puhlie duty ;;1. .\1111l1nl inSl'l'l'IiOIl, 1.',. ,1.07, Tutal <ll1l'a:'n h' In. AI) 'nt \lith leave:2 . .;\ nnun1 re.lX:llllilll1tioll. ~'1. 7 Oi ~I. IIlbt' rs l'n~",ed:!. ~l, tlnllioll'; 11. I 'gnlation uniform worn II,)' :; Ullieel~, 1 :<"I'!.,\ lilt, :! l'orporals. amI 20 men. .\Iaterial: 1 !:itr' eh '1'" ~ lla"I't's:H's, splints, h:lllllngl:s, hlnnk 'I:. \\,;tl'll in 1Ji,j"illn:d C011lll1ittL'l'. Di\'ision f'lll'port"cl Ily pulllie 1·lIlltribllli(lIl~.
Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.
J. D.
Hon . Treasw·el·.
Inspector' of Stores.
I';. )J,n'ils (10.11.0/).
(Un(ler control of 'Ol'p" Ofli.cel' .)
OorJlorals 2,
lFol'llled ,1,,1.00.]
el'goltnt 1.
[Formcll 12. LOG.]
Hon. Surgeon.
E. L.
K 'I'. 0\1'1'11 l~. 11.07). 1ti. 1';t!II,llc!'S TL'I'raet', lh'dlillog, (:I.llll.
\oqlol'uis G. Privates 102.
ToLal l!lreeLi\'e 1:2:3.
llE.\I)o(~1 \ltThl~".
Hon. S ecretary.
A. LI1C;l8, 12, l'lml'lolle, treot, Dowlais.
Sup e r intenden t of S tores.
Officers~. 1'ril'(llos ~1. ToLal elJ'eciiyc ~6. Drills hclu 2i. Average a,LLendllllce 19. Cases utlelllioli on public duLy 30. Remoral 2. On. c attenuell not on puhlic duty 60. AUllual l"- xlllllillatioll, 15.1C.Oi , Member' pa sed 31. Did Ilol 11l'pollr -1. :Modnllioll· G. Rogulation uniform worn by 10 mOll. Material: 1 ;;trdellel's, splint llud ba.nllages, \ estotl ill Divi ional Committee, Division nppor1oo lly publH: contrihutiolls.
'IV . H. Phillips.
lTEAD-Qt; \HTEHt:\: LA\\, CllL'llI'S, OAHlllFF.
H. J. Smith,
VIr. TJ is {)'icl.
V. G, Waters, Hazeldene, Oros8 Keys . Ho n. Treas u rer.
J. 'IV . Hawlillgs. ToLal effoctivc 1 .
(DOWLAIS CORPS ) DOWLAIS DIVISION. [Formed 11.9.07. ) Ih:,\u·QL.\HTRHs:
1st Officer.
S uperintendent. A. ,I, Phillips,
W .•J. ;\ll ;\1 mrily
Pulice :-llttll111 I l)ll\\'lnis.
(2;;.:1.0 ').
lIoor 2nd Officer.
:-l . .T Olll'S (:2j.:3.0 ).
OllicCI' 1. ,'el'ge<lllll. "'l'[llll'al 1. l'ril'.lte.· ·17. TolalelJ'edi,'c :i0. aBes Inoro;t.e silll'r ll1slrcl'orl 11. Drill,.; l'l'lll :~n, ;\"Cl':lgc altl,lltlltnoo '2~. altcndl1l1 1m pnillie duty ao. 'a:us ntt 'ndoll not tin l'uhlil! duty 3;3. Annual iIlSl'l'l'tillll, 1:\.5. :tIltl G.!l.07. Tutnlllll lllU'llllc Hi, .\hSl'llt ",ithout h'twe ,1. Alll111UI re-I'xtl1l1illnlillll, 1:.3.:1. :lIltl '27. i,Oi. M '1Illlur!:i 'p:lss~ll -1. Did not appcar ~. lllcllttlliolls ~.n. }t 'glllatlOn lIlIil'llrlll Wllnt 11)" 1 Olliel'l', 1 ~or~ealll, 1 l'orpnral. and 29 men. Material; .\shfonllilt '\'. G stn'lelter:--. '>lll'gil'al hnne~ae, splintR, bandages, olc., yest.,(l ill Divi'liollnl 'llllllllilteu. Di"isioll !:itll'l'ortoll h . puulic cOlltriuutiollS. Tllo ~hief 'OllllHissioller In l1I'otol' UCIICI',t! n. 4Tilllli.'. )[.]1., n .. ·.J, and the Deputy- 'Ollllllissiolll'r, .. TO. \'11. Di;;trid, ~t11'goon 'ulmd K L'UI'ctOl1 .,.n ..';1[ n., wo:'c pre.'ollt at thl' opening at Lhe :Iew Al1lbnl:tlll'o ,'tation hy C,tpt:1l11 Ll1~lhlY'. Ollie[ COllstahle or the county. PrevIous to tIle ClJl'CmOllY n gC'lIel'll1 lIlSpOCl\Oll 01 sc\'eralDi\'isions of' the llistrid Wits h'lll by 1 he "'hicl' 'Olllllli"giOIlCr, ahonl ~oo Officors nnd I11CI1 \\'l'I'C present. I n tho CYCllilig;t pullEt' mecting lI'l':; heltl when tho, Chief \Ullllllissioller gave n. I'ery illtor ','Lin" n,ldrC"s 011 I Ill' hislory of' lhe Ol'lh'j' 01 St. ,John or ,1cl'llsalelll lUHlul' lhe St. John AlllbulltllOe nrigallc. ~ll. n. A. Thomas, JlI.P., kind ly pl'ol'illcc1 n meat Lea to nhnllllon l1ll'mbl'I'S nllll \lsiwl's on tho occasion or the opening or lh~ new Ambnll\me lation.
No. VII. Dislrict.
St. J ohn A 1nb nlance B1'igade.
[Formed 23.5.06.]
Hon . Surgeon.
E. Dayies, L.n.a.p. Superintendent.
W. J. Ballard (12.10.07), 25, Guest treet, Fochriw, Glam.
Hon . Secr'etary. Lewi~, U, Railway Tcrracc,
Fochriw, Glam.
D. Jenkins.
J. Evans (2 .12 .01).
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 22. T otal cffective 25 (30.9.07 ). Drills h eld ~6. Ayeruge attendunce 17. Cases att 'lldccl on public duty 30. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 53. Annclul inspection, 15.4.07. Total on parade 19. Absent with leuyc 3. Without leayc 3. Annual re-cxamil1[\tion, 20.S. and 2-1.9.07 . Members pa ed 22. Mcdallion. 13. Rl'gnlaLion unifol'1ll worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal ann 20 men. Matcrial: 2 Furley .lretchct's, spliuts anel bandage, vested in Diyision. Di vi ion fil1pportcclby puhlic. uh. criptiolls.
T. Dlwies. Hon T r easurer'.
Hon. Sec retary.
E. Roberts, 36, Wyndham treet, Sergeant 1.
C. 'Yayt.
Su per' i n tend ent.
Hon . Surgeon .
J. H. Lilley, Ofl1cers 2.
A. Atlkin , Ilop Pole Hotel,
;\l.A., ;'1.]).
'ergeant 1.
'orpornl. 2
Total cffectiye 13.
IRONBRIDGE CORPS (SALOP ). [Form ell 20.3.96.] Corporal ' 2.
Priyate 13.
Hon . Treasurer.
Mrs. Unrlerwood .
Officcrs 2. ergeant 1. ol'porals 2. PrivaLes 15. T olal cffcctive 20. Dl'ilis held 26. Avel'ugc uttc'l1ciance 12. Cas('s ntLcnrletlnoc on public duty 36 . Allnlli:>l illc;pcdion, 21l. ·1.07. T otal on pa\'!1de ]6. Ahc;cl1t "ithollt lcave 4. Annu al IC eXlt11lilintioll, 2, . 1.07. ~lell1b('l's passcd Hi. Dill not appeal' 1. Medallions 2. Rl'gulntiol1 lIniforJl1 worn by 2 OmCCI'. , 1 serg<,ant, 11.l1rl 3 mpn. ~bterial: stretchcrs, hall<1agl's, &r., ,'esled in Divisiollal 'Oll11lliltce. Division supportcrl by pnlrlic CQntri bn tions.
Troedyrhiw. Officers 2.
•'. C. Smit.h, City Police. tation, H ercrord.
Hon . Surgeon -
Superintendent and Hon . Secretary .
Hon . Surgeon . II . Ool1el1s, ~1.11.
[Formed 2 .9.07.J C. M. Jones, lILE.a.s., Glyll Taff, Troedyrhiw.
'1'. Mnl1n.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer'.
Inspector of Stores .
Total effective 1
[Formed 15.-1.06.]
Acting 1st Officer .
F. E. Hannah. Hon . Treasurer.
Hon . Secretary.
C. Thoma ..
C. Davies (4.1.0 ).
Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 46. Total effective 52. I ncrease since ,la t rcport 8. Drills held 26. AYerage attendance 3f>. Ca es attende~ on pu?hc d'tty 35. Rcmovals 3. Cases attcndctlnot on public duty 7. Anllual mspectlOn, If.9.07. Total 011 pa1ade 43. Absent with leave 9. Annual re-examination, 26.7.07. .Members pas. ed 48. Did not appcar 3. Mcdallions 19. R egulation uniform ,yorn by 2 oltierrs, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, lind '27 J1len. Material : 6 stretchers, bavresacs, splints, handages, etc., Ye.-tc(l ill Di,i~iOlHt1 Committee. Division SUI/ported by voluntary contl'ilmtiolls and D. Dayis & • '(JllS, Ltd.
Honorary Surgeon . B. A ., :\Llt. (;.8 .
Welsh Bicknor, Ross, H erefordshire.
Chief Superintendent.
(TII'IJ f7llbltlUII"C Diri.';lons) -Orlicc}' fl. el'gennt 1. (Til l'Le Nil J'S ill Cj lJi l'i 'ioll ) .-Ofli('er~ fl. T urillg sisters 3fi. J
Pri \'[ttcs 31. Total elrective 77.
\ 1)-QlUltTE HS:
C. Wood honse,
.. QC \IU', IH()'\nRIDGE.
Hon Sec . and Inspector of Stores .
Hon Surgeons.
cl'gt. F. R. Jones, Roper's Hill, Irolluridge.
'Y. ]).\SOl1, 'Ln.
Til E
Olli ccl's ~. erg ant 1. Pri\'ate 16. Total elrectiyc 19. IllCrpttse since last report . Drills held 31. A\Tcl'agc attemlance 10. Remoyal 1. Ua~e. n,tLcl1detlllot 011 public llut) 30. Annual inspect iou, 21.9.07. Totaloll parade l~. Ab.'cllt wilh le:l\'e fl. Withollt leave 2. Anllnal rc-examinaLion, 21.9.07. Memhc1's pas .pJ 13. Dill Ilot Hppear1. )ICllalliolls Tursil1g certificate .1. Rcgnlatiol1 llllirorlll \\'01'11 by 1 Olllcer,1 ergeant, aUlI 16 men. Material: liLler, G ,'treichel's, uUllllage , &c., vested in Iroubridge Ol'p. Division fll1PPol'tc(l h} pu bl ic COll trilmtion.'.
A. Cutfit:ltl, 1st Officer_
A. W. Bartltl11l, Tontine Hill, Irollbrillcre.
Hon. Su rgeon and Su pt. Thomas, IlL R . C. s., M:aesgwyn, Ferndale.
V. Wade, The Old R ectory,
Hon . Sec . and Hon . Tr-eas.
Rev. PrebelJdal'Y Scatoll, Goodrich Vicarage, Ross .
Officers 2. Privatcs 5. T otal efrectivc 7. Drills h eld 10. A verage attendance 5. Medallions 4. l.IaLcl'ial: strctche r 81l<l ambulance hampel', vested in First Officer antl lIon. Secretary. Division suppol'le,l by subscriptions.
III~AD-Ql A1t 'I' EH~: THE Honorar- y Surgeon. 1\1.13_
O. A. ReYlIulds,
I :-:s I'II'UTE,
Superintenden t .
crgt. G. J. Dehne}" Court treet, M:1l1elcy, Salop.
A cting Hon . S ecre t a /' y.
Emer , Coalport, 'ttlop.
lto. VII. Di.·t,·ict.
St. Juhn Anl..uula?ICe B,'igwle.
Officer,' 2. Privates 15. T otal effective 17. D ecrea. e since la, t report 14. Drills helcl 4;i . A.Ycrage atlellrhllCC 11. Casps attended 011 pUIJlic duty 5. RelllO\'al 7. Ca~e attellrlerl Ilot Oll 1HllJlic (luly 57. Aunual inspection, 21. 9.07. Total 011 pal'[t(lo 14. ..\..1)<; lit wIth leave 3. Ann ualre·examinatioJ1,21.9.07. )Iemucrs pa. e 1 16. i>Ierlullilllls 1~. ITllI'.'iug cel'tItkate 4. Re cr ulatioll uniform worn lly 1 Otlicel' and l;i Ill{')l. ;,Illtcrial: hoI' e am1mlance wagon, 6 stretchers, hU\'l'csacs, 'l,lillb, 11Jl(1 ballrlagcs, \.(' 'led ill Iron hridge Corp. Divi ion supported by IJuLlic cOlitributiolJ.~ .
Ofli ccrs 3. Coq,oral 1. Private'38z. Total effcctive 86 . Increase :;ince last l'(;POl't 6. Drills hp1rl 34. Cases attenrlerl on public .luty 15. R elJ1ovttll. Cases attended Hot all 1)u1)lio duty 120. AllIIlIal illspectioll) 9.6.07 . Total on parade ~O. AbsclJt witll leave 2;). 'Without leave 41. AllllUal re·examination, ~0.11. 07 . )lelJl hers passed 12. Did not a VI,ear 73. Part uniform worn by 2 Officpr", 1 co1'1)oral and ~o Ine)). ::'>Iaterial: 6 stretcl)ers, <l1l'gical havresae, waleI' hottle, sl'lillts all II IJallciage:>, ye:;te rl in Divisional C:olllmittee. Corps sUl'l'ortell lJY puhlic contribution-. NEWPORT ( MON. ) CORPS.
Hon . Surgeon .
R. Lee,
Hon . Secretary ,
\\' IT.
,Yo J.
Th e Walk, ~Iertltyr Tyrhil.
[Fol'lned 21. i.O;;.1
1st Officer.
J. O. .Jone", G.
Acting Inspector of Stores .
~iXOll Villa, ~Ierlhyl \'al·.
~IelY) n • tle('t, ;\lcrth),l' \'nl".
Hon . Treasurer.
CorpJ. H, Francis.
1I E
Hon . Treasurer.
E. Yaughall.
Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Pri va te:; 31. Total pff 'cti \"e 37. In crea.e ,ince l.lst report 7. Drills heIr! 36. }..I"cmge 0. t 'ntI nce 24. 'a:;c-\ attended on pu1)lic duty fl. Ca"es att.-IJ(lecl not on pulJlic duty 2:1. AHlIU, I ilbl' f'tirJll. 15.6.07. Tota! on parade 23. Ab:f::lIt with lea"c' 1, Anllual 1'I;-exaJllill tti( 11. 15.6.07. :'Iernbcl's po., sed 26. ~IedaIIion' 10. • -lIl'sing r-crtifico.te 10. He,:;ulu tion unifoJ'll1 wom by:3 Officer.'. 1 sergeant. 2 (.rJl-porals. aUfI :.n Jll·11. i>lnt.·rilLl; iJ stretcher., !;Ijuad water lJottle, :;urglc:al bane af'. 1J:tllrj.lg'b, jJlillt, ye tt-rl iJl D i\'isional Comrnitt0e. lJiyi"ion supported 1JY jJu1Jljc crJ1ltl'ilJutirm o
Chi f Constable A. ,inclair.
I).Q(- ,\I~TEJ:
II Ar,I.,
Hon . Surgeons.
COI'[lo)',d, 5.
Privates 6l.
J. 'ook.
Super intendent (acting).
J. II \1J I y, I. I:.' . 1'.
II. 0 born r , 30 .. \licc; :)t)cct,
.1.I:.r' .. ·., 1.. 1:.('.1'.
Acting Hon . Secretary_
I nspecto r of Sto res.
'. i'lllJlil ' :iI, Adeline :treflt,
CorpJ. A.
2nd Officer and Acting Hon . Secretary.
Lieut. W. J. Broomf'.
[YOlll rd .]0.01.]
ergt. D.
Hon Surgeon and Superintendent 1.J
Superintendent Secretary.
3. l'gcant,3. Tot d f'1J'cctivc 77.
(MON. )
.10 .04.]
G. H. Oshol'1JP. :30, Alicp ,trpet, eWllOrt pIon.)
(Threc Amuulancc hiti
HEAlJ'Q'L'AltTER' : DHIf L H ,\LL, ~lEItTHYn YAI,T:.
,'urg . . Cal)t. C. Ricllaruson White,
('oTlimercial HOlvl, ew1'01 t, Dloll.) ,J,
A. G. E. J. fud"p..
Hon . Treasu)'er. J. h rjc'.
~r. B,,]
II trllilton.
Jr)lJC •
Officers 3. Corporal' 2. Privates 31. Total elledin' 30. D ecrease sill~e last repOl t 3. Drills heH 20. A vera,O'c a ttC'1l Illlll:e 14. Ca cs attellrjpllnot Oll pnbliC' Lluty 150. AlIllnal iusplctiou, 1.'i.;i.07. Anlll1:l1 )'··/,x/llililla· tion, 17.9.07 . :\lelnber::, l'a,.,'ed 15. DirllJot appcal 20. ~lerlalli(>n 5. Heguliltioll umfol'lJ) WOI'll by 1 Officer, 2 corporal.', all (1 13 men. :\JIlLcrirtl: 3 lrdclw)'. surgical havre. ac, splint, bandaaes ullcl IJlankets, vested in Divisional 'f)llllfJiltee: Division supported by members and publil!. MERTHYR VALE DIVISION
Supt. of Stores,
Inspector of Stores.
1. E. Jone,.;, 15, HallOl'er . t ,
Chief Surgeon and Chief Superintendent. I
2nd Officer.
D. Da"ics, 17, ~ral'dy Tcrl'a<;e, PlYlllollth Road. )Ierthyr.
Tow.' H\LL.
lIE AIJ·Q'L'AJ:J'Efts:
1st Officer (in charge).
~I. n.
(d Cll.
Officers !J. :el'gt.:ullt 1. tOlporf I ~. Private "27. 'fotal (\fl'pctive 33. lJlcre. e -iIlCC In ) pOl t 11. ])rill:; held ~4. Average att'l1(lallcc: U. Cases. atteudcrl 011 IJul)lic duty Hi. Remond~. Ou es attf'IHlccl uot 011 l'ul)lic duty 2-7. AUllual illSII etloll, 7.1).0,. Total 011 pl1mde ~~. Al.i::ellt with leave 9. AnIlual re-cxal11inntioll,2'I .O.0, . .Member l>a~ ed :31. ::\I(;dal1ioll :n. ~~llf_iJlg celtificates-1. He."uhtioll lllJirOlllJ WOl'l1 by 1 OJliccr 1 :,ergf'nnt, 2 corporal alld 18 mell. Malerial : S lit I , 10 stretcher. fl han '-nc, etc., "e~t <l ill }.. Iexanura Dock <- Uy. ",,0. Dh'j,ioll 'illppol'ted uy Al xanclrn Co., n,cIllb 1 ' •• ul)::cription:' and money d I h· <l froll1 COllC rt , etc. ' NEWPORT (MON
HEAIJ-Ql.\ 1<1 1.1
A LEX.\. '!lIt.\. IL\I,L, Doc K
Hon . Surgeon .
J. F. Ne\'lllc.
1.J 1.1'.
.10.04. )
• [I.l'.T, ~ TEWl'OltT.
1st Officer.
J. H. Hill, Capel Ore cent: • -ewpol't, ~lon.
DI'TLL 11.\I.L.
Hon. Surgeon. Su perintendent. ::\101ll1 tai 11
1st Officer.
\\'. S. j{r·YllislJ.
Act ing Hon. Secretary.
G. P onting, 34, Mary
Inspector of Stores
.J. lJ. Ed want .
Insp . of Stores and acting Hon . Treas.
' ,'rgt . G.
H. D ..JOllCS_ L. II.C.I'. \V. A. COl)l'er, 10, Headon Stl'el·t,
Hon . S ecretary.
Corp1. \\'. RolH'lt , :31, Artllllr. t. .1.-ewport.
Hon Treasure)'.
OIJiccr~. • e)'geallt 1. CorprJl'ltl.~. l'!i\'ittc L... Total efl' ctivo 23. Decrea'e sinc· la:st r.P0l't 1. Drill" llcltl 37. AYe)', go attendance ]3. Cd'es nttellflcll 011 pul,lic ,Inty H. Removal 3. ase attelllled not Oil public lInt)' 1 -1. Antiual inspection, 1 :3.6. 07 awl 22.9.07. Total 011 pal aIle ~3. Annual re·exanlinn.tiolJ, ~D.O.07. :l\[e11l1)e]'~pa,se(l22. ~Ieualliol1s 19. Nlll'ingcertificatc2. Hegnlation uuiforlll "'01'11 l)y 1 Ofticcr, 1 ,ergeant, 2 corporal., anti 17 muD. Material: 3 havrl;sacs, 3 stretchers, litler, splints , bandage, etc., ye ted in G. W,R. COlllpallY. Divisioll supported by public contributions !lnd mcmber."uIJscriptioll
~No .
St. Joh'!? A 1nbvJcoLCe B1' igacZe.
[Formed 8.10.04.J
·W. D. Dll vie .
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Pri,ates 16. Total effective 19. Decreae since last report 5. Drills held 52. Average. attelldance 1-1. Cn e attended on public duty 12. Cases attended not .on 11\1b11c llul"T. 160 . An,nual in pection, 6.6.0~. !otal on p:rade 1,1. Absentmth le,?-Ye 1.. \\11hontleu\,e~. Annual rc-exallllllahol1, 25.9.01. Members]1a cd 11. DId noi (qlpear, ~. Medallions 9. NursinO' certificates 3. Hegu1ation uniform '\Yorn by 1 O~hcer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, ~nd 13 men. Material: 4 stretchers, llan-.esae,. I?n~ude flag, splints, bandages, water bottles, 1:11bber ~lov?s, etc., \'C tell 1ll Dl\ l~h)l)a1 Committee. Diyision npported by publIc contnbnilOn PENRHIWCEIBER DIVISION. HEAD QUARTERS:
[Formed 14.6.0·1.]
R. \\T. Jones,
Hon. S ecretary.
COl'pL G. R. Birch, Penrhiweeiber Road, l'l:nrlliweeiber.
tation, Penrhiwceiber. 6
Sergeant 1.
Corporals 2.
Acting Hon. Sec.
- n.
Total elTectiYe ~O.
Privates 15.
1st Officer.
R. G. Hol)ert .
Tun-yr-Onen, Portl1lRIloc.
Inspector of Sto/·es.
Hon . Secretary.
G. "' . Pre!'toll.
I. Davies, Bryn Eirian, i'ortUladoc. Hon . Treasu rer.
:'III'. J. 0. Hughes (Hon . Member). Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Privates 33. Total efrc~li\'e 41. Inereae since last report 6. Drills held :H. Average atten<lance 21. Cases attended on puulic duty 6. Removal 1. Ca. es altended not on pl~hlic duty 20. Annual inspection, 21.9.07. Total on parade 14. .Ahscnt WIth le~"e 6. Without leave 21. Annual re-examination, 21. 9.07 . Memher l,as.eel H. Falled 6. Did not appear 20. Medallions 18. Service ha r1ges 8. Rcgnla.tioll uniform ,,-orn lJy 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 4 C01'1)Ora1s, and .13 1:1e.n: J\Iatena1.: 2 slre~c~1~rs, 'wheeled litter, medical havresac, etc., vested 111 Dn'lsHll1al Comnllttec. DIVISIon supported by subscriptions. RHONDDA FACH CORPS (GLAMORGAN).
Chief Surgeon.
S. G. Morris, :11. D. Acting Supt. Secretary.
J. \V. Davison,
M . E.
Act ing Hon. Sec.
T. J. lIarris.
.Ofliecrs 3. 'ergeaut. 2. 'orporals·1. Privates 26. Total efl'ective 35. . ,Dnl!s heM 10. \ A.\'erngc attendallce 11. C~ses attended on public (luty, sevcral ~~no~ a1 r 1. C,lses attc~decl not 011. publIc nuty several. Annual inspection ( ... Ol . rotal 011 pn.rarl~ ~J. A.b.-cHt \\'lLh leave 10. Annual re-examination, 9.07. ~Ielllher'! p:ts 'ed 32. Jhlllot apppar 1. Medallion 1. ilIaterial: ,1 stretchers 2 h~\,I.-e:'iac', \\'atel'-lJoltles, ,pliuts, lJ:lllrlagcs, etc., vested ill Diyiiollal Comrnitt~e. DI\'1 1011 sl1ppoItell hy pulllie cOIlLributioll~. , The drill' arc !lelcl ill a hl1:ge 1'00111 killcl!), l~roYided free of elJargc by the Colliery Company (Insole s Ltd.), w!ilch has heen rlll'll13hec1 and welL-lightcrl hy clectricity.
[Formcd 20.1.04.]
]\m\'s Roo)!, PE~YCEI, PORT)IADOC'.
1. W oocllifre,
X. Lcw('llyn .
Hon. Surgeon.
Hon Su ,'geon and Super intendent.
H. R. Griffiths,
Acting Superintendent. ;If. Il.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
Davies, lork treet. Porth.
L. II. Le\\'is,
,I, Bryon Tcrrace, Porth, Pontypridd .
(No report received.) PORTMADOC
(G LAM.)
;lLD., J.P., C.C.
Superin tendent .
Officers 2.
Hon. Su/·geons.
U. B. CocLmne, )[
T. J. Bryer, Police
Acting Inspector of Stores.
H. C. Lewis, Fairlea, Corporation Road,
[FOJ'l1lC r127.7 . 07 .J
2nd Office r and Hon . Secretary.
VII. D isi1"ict.
[Formed 1 .6.07.J
Ch ief Su peri ntendent.
T. E. Richards, Acting Supt. of Stores.
I. W oodlifl·e.
(POUT Ambulcmce Divisions}.-Offieers 11.
Manl)' Bouse, Mardy. Acti ng Supt. Treasurer.
HOIl. Secretary.
Inspector of Stores
1i, Ila1l1yhryn
CO:'poral E. TIroI'll.
Road.l'olltypridtl. 'r)rporn1s 2. Pri\'ates 13. 'Total cfh'ctin; 1~. Ollicer,,:2. . 'el'«~allt 1. Dcrrc:\'-l'sillcc 111,.:t rl'jlort fl. Vrills lId(l Ii. An.>ntge nttendall(·tJ 13. Cn,es nttlln<1ec~ 011 1'1l~Ilic _clnty_'1. r HCIlln\'ul 1. Case.- nttentlllu HOt 011 pu\)lic duty 30. AUllUallllslH'CII 11 1.9.01. rotal 011 1'ar,Hle 17. Absellt wilh le,lYe 1. Annual reeX~lllilll1lioll, ~1.3.0i. )lemuer pas.erl Hi. FaUcll 2. ~ledallioll:; 3. Regulation lllllforlll \\'om by 1 f-crgeant. 2 corl'orals, and 13 mell. :'Ihterial: 2 Fudey slr(:tc1~el~, :1 Ille~li~H.l<:uc:;. 2 \yater bottle., ,p1int, etc., yeterl in Divisional C0I111l11 ticc. DI \'ISIOU supportlld by Great \\' e::;tern Colliery Co.. Limited, and WOI'};:I11C11. ~\. nc\\' umhnJullce tatioll al1l1 prnelico room ha_ recently hecn built 011 the ColJiery Co.'s premise:; for the u e of the lJivisinn ; thi' i· fitted up with cupboard and racl~, ~ol' c()Jlluill.il1~ the variou .n1l1)lia11ec::; belonging to tbe Diri ·iOll. Each of the ool11cl'le. belonglllg to the Colher), Compauy are also beiDa prol'idcd "'ith small permanent flrst aill .tations. b (R HONDDA FACH CORPS MARDY Nos. 1 & 2) DIVISIONS . lFnrllled 3.3.0G.] HF_\D QUAI:Tl<:RS:
Hon. Surgeon.
J. Wallace,
WomOlE. "S I~TlTl'IF,
II. E.
~l!lltby, i\1.E.,
Ewclme, .Martly, Glalllorgun .
:B. Hannah.
Sergeants 6. Corporals 11. Privates 91. T otal effective 119.
Acting Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer .
.T. \\'. lJ:l\ lOll. Hholllltla lIou e, Pun,ypridd.
Acting Hon . Secretary.
COl'p1. G. EvLtns, ~ , Griffith Manly.
Act ing Inspector of Stores
Oorp1. D. Ellwards.
}'Luwy. 4th Officer.
J. Phillip, Manly Police tution, Act ing Hon. Treas.
Corp1. J ..Morgan.
No. VII. District.
St. John A'inbulc(;nce Brigade.
Officers 3. erCfcants 3. Corporals 5. Pri vates 52. Total effective 63. Drills held 30. Aye~'aue attendance 21. Cases attended on public duty 70. Cases attended not on public l~lty 23. Annual inspection, 7.9.07. Total on parade 4U. Absent with lea\'e U. \Yithout leave 3. Annual re-exaJ1lination, 2 .9.07. Members pas ed 62. ilIedallions 37. Nursing certificate 2:3 . Regu la.tion ll.niforlll worn by 2 Officer, 3 sergeants, 5 corporals, and 42 men. .Mat~r~a~: lLtter, 6 stretchers, 2 surgical huvresacs, 4 rug, 3 water bottle, ye tedlll DlYlslonal Committee. Divi iull snpported by voluntary contributions. Two regulation stretchers ha\'e been presented to the Di"isions hy Chiet' \lpt. Richards and E. IV . Harries, Esq., Murdy Hotel, Manly. The J o. 1 quad ha\'e been very successfnl in securing both the Whitc Horse Shield at A bergavenny, and the coyeted ir Chas. ,\Yarren'hielcl at Ferndale. The first has now been won two years in snec sion . RHONDDA FAWR CORPS (GLAMORGAN). HEAD-Ql-AllTEr: : Chief Surgeon.
J. R. Armstrong,
[Formed 30.9 .06.]
Supt. Secretal' Y·
T. O. OsmotH.1, B7, Bn tc treet, Treherbel't.
Gabe Jones,
R. Jones.
(Eight Ambulance Divi,<ions .-Officers 2-1. -'':l'geant 9. 16. Total etl.'p.ctive 211.
'or1'01'11s 10.
E. W. Le\\'is(29.10.07.) :2 : Clmk treet, Treon·hy.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
(16.1.08 . )
J. Jones 16 .1. 0 ), 179, Gelli Road, Ton Pen t!·e.
Hon. Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
Jenkins (IG.1.0 . 2J 0, Gelli Roarl, l\lailldy.
'1'. Pugh (16.1.0 .
Oflll'cr 3.
el'ge<tnts 2.
Corporals 2.
Hon . Treasurer.
J. Griffiths (16.1.08) .
Privates 33.
Total effective ·10 (30.9.07).
(RHONDDA FAWR CORPS ) TREHERBERT [Furlllcd 9.10.04.] lIEAIl-QL:_\ IlTE1:S:
Acting Superintendent.
1st Officer and Hon. Treasurer.
J. Pan,)'.
2nd Officer.
Hon. S ecretary.
Inspector of Stores .
"T. , ('lItt, But .'tred, T1'ehl;:l b rt.
•. Payne.
E. T. Edl.
OfJiecr. 1. ,'1_1~enl1t 1. COlpoml 1. Pl'iYate;-; Ii. Total cfft:ctiyc 23. DL'l'rene since la"t 1 l,un 10. J)l'i11" helll 21. ~\.yern~e attenclancl; 10. Cases atb 'l1tlccl not un pul)lic duty Hl. Anllu:1.1 inspection, 7.8.07. Tutal on para.cle 6. Ab"L'nt witli kaye 10. Witbout Ie;1.\'\.) 7. Hc~ulatiol1 unifurlll worn l)y 2 officer, 1 cUl'l'ornl, (1))(1 H lllLll. ?llntel'ial: :J ;-;trdche!'", :l ambulance boxc.' hane ac rug', \ cted in lli\,j"ional Cllllllllittcl.. l)j\'i",il)l1 Hlpportl!d by l11l!lllhl!l.-· ' su'bscril'tion :
J. :JI. Jones.
Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Pri\'ate I.:>. Total effccti\'e 21. (30.8.07.) Drills helll 1. A,erage attendance 15. Cn 'es attelJliell 011 }luhlic duty 15. Remova11. Cases attended not on puhlic 11uty 24.. Anllual in. pec:tioll, 7.fl.Oi. Total on parade 21. Regulation uniform worn lJY 1 er~eallt, ~ corporals, antI men. Material: 2 ·tretchers, medical ha\'re~ae, splints. ualldagc~, \'e~te(l in Divisional Committee. Di,'ision snp1'ortecl hy meml)er.' allrll'111Jlic suuscriptions. (RHONDDA FAWR CORPS ) CAMBRIAN COLLIERY DIVISION. [Formed 25.5.1906.] HEAD-Ql"ARTERS:
lIr \D-
U,\l: 'rEH
: '\YOIU;:)!A_-'::;
Acting Superll1tendent.
13. Het,;, 11 , Park Hotul,
L-:·TITU"IF. Hon. Secretary.
W. Price, ~12, lliglt Treorchy.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
'1'. 'I homa ..
T. 11. Hope. Ollicer 1.
,'ergcntlt 1.
rl'i\'atl" 19.
Total eflecti\'c 21.
Acting Supt. and Hon . S ecl-etary
Hon. Surgeon .
T. Price, 1, ~Iorton Terrace, Clyclach Yale.
Hon. Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores.
T. Protllel'o.
A. L. David. Sergeant 1.
Hon . Surgeon .
Acting Hon. Treasurel'.
F. Channing.
Officers 2.
Hon. Surgeon.
Hon . Secretary.
1st Officer.
Total effective 19.
J. Ritson, Tydl a\\', Trt'lleJ'heJ't.
J. Peile,
J. C. Brew (16.1.0 .) Abergorclty Collieries, Treol'chy.
B. G. Jones,
·W. C. IIinlle,
Acting Superintendent.
Hon . Surgeon.
Privaies 16.
CAr:DIFF AR)I';, TlmOnUn-.
A. G. Tribe, L.:S.A. (16.1.0
W. C. Evans, I scoed, Llwynypia.
Sergeant 1.
Officers 2.
Su perintendent Treasu rer.
Superintendent of Stores.
Acting Hon. Secretary.
D. Evans, Bryn Derwyn.
Chief Superintendent.
Tom Davies, 1, Queen Ton PelJ tl'e.
Acting Superintendent.
Privates 1.
IIEAJ)-QuAI~rElts: P .K \Tl!E
Tolal efl'ectire 22.
[Formell 5.2. OG·1
Hon . Surgeon . 1[. R. l[ eb::;uy, M.D.
Acting 1st Officer.
J. Fo::;ter (10.1.0 ). Ashbrook Houso, lii11 ide, Peutre.
J. Pom:l'.
Hon . Secretary.
Hon . Surgeon.
1. Williams (16.1.0 ), Penbryn, lIill 'il1e, Peutre.
1. N.
'CllOOL~ .
Inspector of Stores. '\\'. 1';:01101' (J 6.1. 0 )
Hon. TI'easurer.
'1'. ,\Yillial1ls (16.1.08).
VI1. D isl?<ct.
St. J ohn A 1nbu la11ce B I'igacle.
lYO .
Officers 3. e!'O'eant 1. Corporals 2. PriYates 31. T otal effective 37 (30.9.07). D rills helU 10~ A YeraCfe attendance 7. Cases attendel1 not 011 public duty 5 Annual in pertion, 6.9.0{ Total on parade 12. Abbent withleave 22. , !'ithout l eave 3. Annual re-examination, 3.07. ?!lem1)ers passed ~9 . 1I1eual11on 3. Material : 4 tretchers, 2 urgical han'e'ac , splints, Lanclage , rug., 2 ,vatel:-bottle , Tested in Divisional Committee. Diyi iOll snpported by Tynybidw CollIery and. D istrict.
Hon . S urge o n and Su pt .
Hon. S ecretary.
Inspector of S tores
E. J . Phillips, ?U.B.
H . Williams, 131, William 'to Ystrad lillon hla.
E . Jone.·, (16.1.0 ).
Officer 1.
."'ergean t 1.
Pri nl tes Hl.
Oorporals 2.
R. . outhall1; L inslade, Shrewsbury.
G. Dini (11.1. 0 , 43, Auhey Foregate, . 'brew bury. S uperintendent Treasure,'.
Sup erintendent o f S tores .
Coq orals 6. Prinl.te 67. (Fire Ambulance Dit'isions). - Offieers 12. ergeant 7. (One NW'siflY Dirision).-Offieers 2. Tur ing sders H. '1'ot[1l effeeti';e 10 .. G .W . R. CARRIAGE AND WAGON DIVISION [Formed 29 .. 07]. Acting Supt. and Hon Secretary.
Hon . Su rge on .
K. J .. pl'igg ,
T. Edwuri', :3:3, '!necn ':It .. , 1m \\- l)my.
Inspector of S t o res .
Hon. Treasurer.
E , Thoma, 29, Trinity treet.
,Yo A. Hoo:·oll.
Officers 2.
ergeant 1.
Corporal 1.
Pri\'ate' 1:2.
:J1WLA..'Il O. &. W.
[Formc<l13 . . Ou].
J. LytIc',
::ILD .
E. J. R. Rul,batlian, 9, ,'unn)' Fielrls, hre,,·~bury.
Hon. Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
W. Cattle (10.4.08),
D. T. Cal tel.
Hon Treasurer.
R. Howse (10.01:0,-,.
F. T. Bo"dlel', 31, ~ewtreet, ;:-.hrcw Lmy.
\\,illialll',;\f, B.
Inspector of S t o res. II. Wibou.
:2li. '\'y~e Cop .. Jll'eI\-;,bury. Oflicer- 3. CorpomL 2. Private 1::. Total effective 26. Decrea:;e -inee lll.-t ll:pOI t 1. DrilJ:., held 16, Aycragc attelldance 20. Ca'e atteud tl 011 pub~ic dULY 1 \c. Rellloval. 25. Ca~e' attcndt'd Il0t Oll public duty 70. Annual in-p ·ctioJI. :.!fl.B.O~. Total 011 pal'lde 1. Ab ellt \lith leave 3. ,Yithout le!l\'c i. ~\.lInn 1 re· Xall1illatioll, ~~1.!J.07. Melllber::. pa.:-5ctl1~. Did not appear 5. :Jle(lallioll 11. .'el,;cobad~e:; lli . • Cll'lificate' 10. Regulation uniform worn 1)), 1 oHicer, ~ . l'lge.l!lt., ~ corpol'll!..;, and 16 Illell. ~lalerial: wagon littel', .... udelle!'-. 1 ha\'re'-al: alJd \llll I' !Jottle,.., bandage:, :<plint.-, ho pital tent, Lo: watcr botth •.',1)1' , te .. COlllpr~E. ell cil'll" case. equipl11eut of field bo,..pital, yo-ted in 1. Ollicel ill e1.: 1' .... 0 1)1 the l>ivi iOIl. Didbion :>lIP1,orted by lJ1ember" SH b.-crip ion <mel gr Il[ fl'{'IU tltc lonl CeJl tl'(\ ,' . .J ."\' ..L (SHREWS BU RY CORP S) SHR E WSBURY R A ILWA Y S TATION DI V I S ION. [FOllllC 1 :) ..:i.Ou,J
H. J.
Hon. T, eas and Acting Hon. Sec.
"tatum .\lu tel'.
c\I ..
Inspector of S t o res.
J. W. IhrkeI',
ratioll, '11lr..II'Lury.
Raill\.1)' •
lit 1. ol'jloral 1. l'rimte 11. Total elfective 17. 'aes attelllletl on puLlie duty, everal. _\ \'E.'rag' attcll(hllCC 16. Hnill\' y '0111 panie:;' uu iforlll is worn. C,1:;es attenu·<I lIot 011 ]>1\' lie (lut,)' :;e,·crul. .btenal: littC'\', LUllriages, "l'lillb. etc., yc:;tetl in aud Di"iioll upporteJ by L. & .'. \\'. ,\: C:. \\'. l~:tilway COlllP:ll,it .
Drill" held 1:2.
4, Bynner • treet, DrUe View, I hre'.\,sbury. Officers 2. ergeants 2. Privates 11. Total eITecti"e 15. D ecrease since last report 6. Drills held 2G. Average attendance 11. a 'es attended on puhlic duty 50 , Cases attended not on pu1Jlic duty 20 . Aunual i nspection, 29.9.07. T otal on parade 14. Absent with leave 1. Annual r e-examination, 29.9.07. Members passed 14. Medallions 10. Material : 2 stretcher._, tourniquet, splints and bandages, vested in L. & T. IV. & G.W. Railway Companies. D ivision supported by members' subscriptions.
2 nd Officer (in charge).
Hon. Treas. and Acting Hon. S ec. COll'1. .L E. \\·ilh.llll'j,
Ho n. S urgeon.
C. Y. Bulstrou p ,
:::iergt. E. Thoma", Hail W '1.)' tatioll, :'I1ars1l brook.
h bro k .dop.
Acting Superintendent.
Hon. Sec. and Inspecto r of S t o res,
OJlicer::.:2, . elgeaut 1. Uorporals 2. Privates 12. Total efl'ective 17. Drills held 1_. A\'erage attcndance U .; attelllled on puLlic duty 100. Remo\'al 2. Ca c::. attellderlllot 011. l'ubli\! (Int)' 3. Anllual in:;pectioll, 3.11.07, Total 011 parade P. A1)s(,llt WiLh lean: 5. Without leaye 3. Anuual re·examination, 3.11.07. jlellluers l'a"e(1 9. Did not apl'ca.l· 7. jhdalliOllS 5. Xursing certilicate 1. jll.tcrial: It fnlly elluipl,crllir~t aid station cOlJtailling stretcher, aud all l1rst ailir Ilui! Illellb, \,c,Lcd ill Di,'biollal COlllmittee. lJivi::.ion suppolted by member' :'Ub rlil'tioll"" e c.
Tntal eli'ecti,e 10.
B.A., ;\Lll.C' .. ·•
O. \\' . Ten,)', file . . . tatlOll Hotel,
F ... )Iallll (11.1.0 .
H. 'Yilson (11.1.0 ).
1s t Officer
SH R EWSBURY CORPS ) SHREWSBURY DIVISION. l} orlller1 1.5.95.J III:. \D-(ILU:TEl~': THE Pl:IORY, ,'HRE"':-511L"IlY.
S uperintendent S ecretary.
C hief S u perin t e n dent .
A. H .
[Formed 28.2.06.]
.' IlhOP ..,liIRE.
Ho n . Su rgeon.
:'IL'JlSUIHlO()1{ • ·1,\.J ro~ ,
G. IIigginsou,
[Formed 26 .. 06.J
Total eITecth'e 23.
Hf _\.l)-QUAHTE1:S:
43 9
SOUT H W A LES BORDER CORPS (MONMOUTH ). [FollnelI21.7.00.] IILHHI ',\J:TEltS: DRILL ilALL, AllEl,G..\.' E.-~Y .
C hief S uperin t endent.
Ch,ef S u rgeon.
'. T. Beanl, GrOs\'CnOr Roau, ALel'gayenny.
001. '\'.lJ .. 'ted, '-.Il., )I.D. (Si:J~
Viristuns. )-OQicrl"s 13.
ergeant·:? Total el1'ecti ye 170.
Corpor;,!:; 5.
Privates 150.
St. John Ambu,lance B ?·igade.
}lo. VII. Di. ·t?"ict.
[Form cd HEAD-QuARTEns:
J. ·W . Mulligau,
G. Michael, 0, Yicloria 't.,Abcrgaycnny.
In charge.
,'crgt. G. F. Tuckwell, 53, Commercial,' treet, Talywain.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon. Sec. and TI-easurer.
Sergt. J. F. R eY lloltls, 30, Park A berga I'en II y.
Hon. Surgeon .
Acting 1st Officer (In Cha'-ge).
Honorary Surgeon.
L. D. Gamble,
[Formcd 26. 7.1 906.J
.1 0. OJ.]
Inspector of Stores.
Hon. Secretary.
\Y. Richard.
,Officers 2. Sergcant 1. Corporal 3. Priyate~ 2~ . T otal cffcctiyc 30. Decrease s in ce last report 5. Drill held 47. Allnual inspectioll, 21.'1.0 7. T otal on parade 22. Ab'entwithout l eave 7. Annualre-examinatioll,29.0.07. Members pas3ed 23. Did not appear 7. Medallion 20. Xursing certilicate.' 10. R egula tion uniform worn by 1 Officer 1 ergeant, 3 corporals, and 19 men. ~l atcriaJ: 3 stretchers 3 I,ater bottle, 3 blanket, surgical lIa Yl'c:-;ac , meclical chest, splints, banrlage '" etc., also a litter olmed by the Oorporation, "estell ill Diyi "ional Oommittee. Divi ion supported by public contribution .
W. Jones,
aUlldcl", 2 1, Commercial Roau, 'l'aJywaiu.
OfJiccr 1. ,crgen.nt 1. 'orporal 1. Privates 12. Total effectivc J 5. D 'crease ::;il1o l ' }astrcp n'l 5. Drills held 25. Average attendance 15. Cases attcnlell on puulic duly 1~. U~bes attcnderl not on public flnty 50 . Annual in'p 'etian, :n.1.0i. Tot·tl on ]I mrl,. 13. Au~.'nt without leave 5. Annual re c;Gt'llinatiotl, 22.!.l. 07. ~lelllher,; pas. (' 1 10. Did not appear ,1. Medallions 4. :'htl'ri.d: stretchers, :plint., baa<lag"s, etc., ye ·ted in Diyi.ionl'tl Committee Division SUppol'tc.l by YOlulltary contributions.
lFormed 11.9.1906.J A. ,Yo H ayles,
1st Officer (i n charge).
Hon. Surgeon.
E. E. LippiaU, COIUlll iJia YilIa, Grange R oad,
~I.ll.C . S .
Pontnewydd, ~1011. Inspector of Stores.
Hon. S ecretary.
)1. I •. c.!'., L. It.C.
R. O'('ollllor, Ellll\\'ooll, Tredcgal.
Acting Inspector of Stores.
Hon . S ecre t ary.
A. Audrel\·s.
J. Griffiths (lO . lO.Oil, New H ouses Upper Crombran, nr. N e\'.port, Mon.
1st Offi cer and Hon . Treas. (in charge.
Hon . Surgeon .
H. G. DrOll'll,
\L 1'. Baincs.
,J. .J. LU1Ch, 35, Lower (JorUlltlllOn . 't., Tre<legar.
Hon. Treasurer.
W. W. \Y aplillgtoll. Officers 2 . Corporal 1. Pri I'tttes 19. Total efi'ecti "e 22. Increa e since la t report 3. Drills held fJJ. Cases attended 011 puiJlic duty 5. Remoyals 5. Cases attended not on pulJlic duty 45. Annu[ll in. pectioll. 21.1.07. T otal on parade 16. Absent without leave 3. Annual re-ex3111111:ltiull, 12.9.07. i,lembers passed 17. Failed 1. Did not appear:3 . Medallions·1. Mn.tcrial : wagon. 2 stretcher~, splints. etc., vested in Di viional Cowmittee. Di "i'ion supported by public contribution .
omcer:; 2. Prinltes ~L Total elTcctil'c 2G. Iucrea.-e ~illce lr1.'t report 3. lJrill' held ~r), Remoyal1. ...\.l1llual inspection, 15.,).Oi. Total Oil pllrnde 15. Au Pllt without leal-e -1. Annual re-examination, 10.!1.07. iticlllher' pas'ell 10. Did not appear 9 . .\Ietlallions.'i. Regulation uuiforlll worn by ~ Officer'l, n.ud 1G 11Ion. JIaterial: stIctcher, plints, bandage, Llankct , etc., yc.'tecl ill Diri'iollal COlllmittec . Di\'i::;ioll .:upported by contributions from 1\ orklllCIl and }lullJ ie. The Divi 'iOll has hCCll . plclllilll.r .-uppor cd llY the Tredegal' Iron Oompany, the IluLlic, n.wl thc wllrhnen. The Trcrlt'gal' IrOll Co . haye proYidetl a Jrill ball for the u,;e of the Tre(lc~.u- Division . .
[Formed 6.9.J90U.J IIE.\il-Qu \ltTEI:>;: TltELJEG _-\ll. OLD O FFICES, rO:\Ty~roILE, PIl1'Tl."l'oor"
Hon. Surgeon.
R. ,I'. Haslett,
?lIo ....
Hon . Surgeo n.
G. A. Uro\\LJ,
..8... J. ElIghllcl (3.1.0 ). I vydelle, N (w IlIll , POll tYllool,
~l o n.
Hon . S ecretary.
R. L. D. BJwen (10 .10. 01),57, Broad, treet, GriffithstolYll. Inspector of Stores.
Hon . Treasurer.
J. Richards (10.10.07).
E. Jone'> (10.10.07).
Officers 2. Privates 4.8 . T otal effective 50 (30 .9.07). I ncrease since last report 20 . Drill s held 55. Av erarte attcudance 17, Cases attended ~lOt on lJuLlic duty 50. Annual inspectioll, 2 1. 4.~ 07. 'rotal Oll parade 16. Annual re-examinatioll, 21.9.07. 1l1eml)el's passed 35. A bsent With l eave 17. Failed 1. Did not appear 13. ~r edallions 12. M aterial : 2 stretcher havresacs, splints, and bandages. Division supported by members' subscriptions. '
4th Offi cer (i n charge).
'Y. :'lOl'gall(:!1.LO·-L 19, Jallll.'; 'lrcd, Tredl'g;tr. Inspector of Stores.
W. F. l hincs .
W:.". Act ing Hon. Secretary.
J. Lloyu, Kinl bCl'lc,)' Terrace, Tredegar. Hon. Treasu rer.
H. O·COllllor.
Ollicers~. Prinltcs 23. Tobl elrective ~5. Drills held 2G. 1 elllontl 1. AnlllHtl inspectiou, 15.5.07. Tolal on pamde 19. Abscnt with kwc 2. Without lcavc 4. AIlIlUall'e-cxaminatiol1,10.9.07. Members pas.'ed 16. Did llOt a ppeal' . ?'Ietl alliolls 6. H.egnlation uniform worn by 2 otlicers, awl IV 1ll'l11. ~lt1,tcriltl: sLrl'tl:liel', splints, bandages, blanket, ctc., ,'e ted in Divisional UOlllllti ttec. Di visi:m sllpported Ly COll Ll'i bn tions from workmen and public.
]{o. VII. Dist'i"ict.
St. J ohn A??lbulctnce BI'igade.
R . . 0 .,
T. L ewi " 5, :Jlotlnt Pleasant, Troedyrhi\\'.
R. H. AlIa.n,
~I.B., The "'urgery, Troedyrbiw.
Hon. Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores.
D. Jones.
J. J . Norton.
Sel'gt. R. Davies.
J. Hossiler.
Hon. Secretary.
Hon . SUI'ge on and Supt.
Hon . Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores .
Office r 1. Sergeant 1. Corpoml 2, Privates 25 . T otal eITecti\'e 29. Drills helll '24. Cases attended not on llubhc duty 1':;. All1Hwl inspcction, 5.10.07. T otal on parade 15. Absent with lean' 12. 'iYith out leaye 2. .An11ual r e-examination, 15.4.07. Members paecI 27. Fail ed 1. nr,'illg cerliliea les 10. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Ofricer, 1 ergeant, and 16 rilen. Material: 3 stretchers, splints, bandages, etc., ve ·ted in Di\'i. ional Committro. Diyision supported by public contributions andmem bel" uh criptiol1s. W e have the use of th e Council chool yanl for drill .
Officers 2. . ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 25. T otal effective 30. Increase since last report 1. Drill' hehl 4.8. Re1l1oval 1. Cases attended not on public lluty 103. Annual inspection, 15.5 .07. 'Iotal on paraue 27. Absent w'ith leaye 1. Without lea;\,e 1. Annual re-cxamination, 10.5.07. Members l)assed 28. Dirl not appeal' l. Mellallions 15. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer 1 ser"eant, 2 eorLJorals anrl 25 men. ~Iaterial: horse ambulance wagon, stretchel~s SUl'~ica l ho.vresac., waler boUles, waterproof sheets, lJlankets, splints and bft11rla cr es,o ve.tcel in Divi.,ional Committce. Division supported by llUblic o ' I . . contribution and 1llem l )cr~ Sll )SCnptlul1s.
WEST MONMOUTH CORPS . lFormed. 2" . .. . 07.J ~l.
Honorary Secretary.
R. P. Adams, 100, King
trect, Dl'ynmawr.
(Thne Ambulance Dirisions). -Officers 6.
Corporals 5, Pri rate
Sel'gean rs 3. T otal etfecti\'e 90.
S urg~on,
~I.D . , C,)1.
Hon . S ecreta/'y.
'iV. 'ih'erthoJ'lle 11.10.07), 15 PO\\Gll Street, Aberlillery, MOll.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon Treasure/',
J. l\Iatrhews
Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Pri "a tes 31. Total eli'ecti \'e 3;') (30.9. Of). I ncrease since last report 8. Drills beld 4.1. A,-erage atrellclance 24 . Rcm o\'al 1. Cases attenueu not on public duty 21. Annual inpection, 4.10,07. Total 011 parade 34. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 27 . 9.07 . Memb ers passe~ 34. R egulation unifoIm worn oy 1 sergeant, 2 corporal, and 22 ])Jen. llIaterlal: havresac and 4 stretchers, 3 ulunket, 2 waterproof sheet,;, 4 sets of splints.' vested in Divisional Committee. Division sUIJported by public subscriptiolls. Dunng the past year our strength hft been snbstalltially increased. The Di\'iioll regret that S.u I?t. J. R. Powell had re. igned his office. \\' e are pleased to say that Mr. E. J. \"hlham~, J.P., has ,ery kindly presented the Diyision with a Low :Mo ol' Jacket. On 15th May, 1907, the memhers were present at the opellil1 Cf Cere11l0ny of the new ambulance station at Do\\'lais, when an in pection took place h)' the Chief Commissioner.
LFormec1 2.10.04.J
CaultCII I :-:. 1'11 UTE, BLAlXA.
Hon . Surgeon .
H. C. Bevan, 1st Offi cer.
C. Jenkins, E skley HOll e, BrYlltig, Blaina, ~Ion.
Hon . Secretary.
In spector of Stores.
HEAD-QUAllTERS: GY:lI:s'A 'IDr H.\LI, ADEI:TIl.LE1: \', ~10.-.
J. oW. Davies, (:20.11.07), 91, Princess Strret, Abertillel'Y, ::'11011,
W. L. Plitcharc1, )I.D., C.)[.
R. P. Adam, 100, King. lrcct, Bl'ynlllawr ,
I I.
[Formed 21.7.1900.J
D. T . ROCyll Jone,;,
L. R,C,P.
Superintend ent and Hon . Secretary.
Hon . Surgeons .
._ hech)',
Hon . S ecretary.
J. Da vies, 2~, B«>I111et t b'eet, Bl'yntig, Blaillu, MOll.
H. W. Lewis.
Olliecrs :3. Corpornl 1. Pri\'ates 21. Total eflecti\'e 25 . In crease since 111- t I~l'0l't 0. Drills bell J:. Average attendance 19. Cases a ttellllc:d on lJnulie' (lIit" 2. Itell1o\'[d 1. ',l~es altt-udeLl lIOt 011 }ln1JJic duty 43. AUllual in"l ecti III, 1:-,~;'.07. T otal 011 paralle 12. AhsCllt with leu\'(; 2. "W ithout leave 11. .\1111nal l'e'lxiu11ill,tlio11, l!l.n.Oi. ~ICJl1bcr,; pa'setl ". FailC:ll1. Did not al'p~al' 1,';. :'Ifetlal1iulI!> 11. .l.-nr"ing certificale ~ :3. Rcgulation unir~rm ,,"om hy 1 Oflker, 1 cUl'pl'ml, 111111 1 Ill!'l!. ~latennl: stretcher~, surgIcal hayresac, lJlnlll-cb, walcrpruof ~1t, ,t~, sl'lill~:-;, hanllagcs, etc., ye ·t~(l ill Divi:,ional Committec . Di\'i::,ioll '11[,portell 11Y publi c unr11l1c1l1ber" cOlltri1mtiolls. Member' of tho Di\'iioll ha\'e entercll s·vCl'al competitiono:, and haye beeu uwarrled one tir ·t. and thn:e ~ccullll prizes. We "mtefully acknowledge the receip t of a dona.tion of I..:j frolll th ~[iller - ' Fedel'ntiul1 (Bluina Branch). The thanks of the Committl'c arc dtll; to :'l e~:-,rs . Joll11~oJl Urothers, the proprietors of the "Prince of\Vtl1c' Tll(Httre," fora benefit pl'rl'Ol'lllanCe, which reali~ed ncarly £lu. Thanln are also tcndercd to thc n'yulll;lwr t.;rban Di~trict Council for the free use of the olll Tow11 ILtll t\. head-llt1~1l'ter·.
(IRONBRIDGE CORPS ) BROSELEY NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 1.6.99.] IIEAD'lllAr-1 Elb: OLj) H LUlI,'e, Ro()~!, Towx II.I.LL,
Honorary S urgeon (Acting).
K. F. E«l\\,Hllls, Lady Sup erintendent and Treas.
:Miss II. C. Poth. The Dallk Bra..; ·ley.
lluu .~,
1st Nu rsing Off. and Lady S ecretary.
1111',; . •f.
The Linden,.;, Broeley.
OIHcers 3. NUI'sillg .. i. tel'S 15. Total efIecti\'c 1 . Increase sincc la t repotl 2. Drills and practices helel 16. A ycra~c attendance 14. Annual inspcclion, 2l.9.07. ToLal 011 parade 13. Abscnt with lea,e 5. Annual fe-examination, 21.\.07. nIemllers pa sed 13. Dill not nppeal'.4. Medallions 11 . .'on-icc bttc1cres 9. Part unifollll WOl'll by :2 On1 cers, anll 15 nul' mg sisters. Material: ho pital I~u, bHlldages, &c., vested in I ronbl'ic1ge Corp'. Diyision supported by members' snbscriptiol1~ .
Oolonial BTanches.
St. John A 1nbu lance B1'igade.
1st N ursing O fficer .
L ady S uperintendent.
Mrs. E. R. Andrew , L ilac Cottage, I ronb ridge .
Mrs . M. H. 'White, T he Bank, Ironbric1ge.
Officers 2. Nursin g sisters . T ota l effective 10. P ractices 20. Average attendan ce 7. Oases attended not on public duty 18. Oases privately nursed 20 . An llu al in spection , ~1.9.07 . Total on parade 8. A bsen t with leaye 2. Annual re-examination, 21. 9. 07 Mem bel'S p assed 8. D id not appea r 2. Medallions 10. en'ice badges . Regubtioll uniform worn by .2 Officers and 8 nursing sister . Material: bed, sheets, mackintosh, bandages, ~pll1lts, &c., hospital and tent equipment for two patients, bath ch air, &c., ,ested 11l Ironbridge Oorp~. Di vi ion supported by members' sub cri ptiOllS. S. H. K ynner-Iey, Esq., D.L., J . P . , of L eighton Hall, kindly entertained tho mem bel'S at tea on the date of the Annual Inspection.
~ r (lnChe5 .
QIo 10nl,ll
Honorary Surgeon ( Act ing).
O. A. Reynolds,
::If. B .
s E. A. F . En,ns, T he Furlongs, ~Iatleley, •'alop.
Officers 2. N ursing si tel'S 12. Total efrective 14. Decrease since last report 4. Practices held 17 . Average attendance 10. Cases attended not on public duty 51. Oa es prinl.tely llursed 10. Annual ill pection, 21. 9,07 . Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 2. Without lea\'e 1. Annual r e-examination , 21.9.07 . Members pa sed 11 . Dill not appear 2. Medallions 1.1. Service badges 10. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Ollicer and 12 nur iug sl~t~r~ . Material: lJed and bedding, handage , etc.) yestcd in I rolluridge Corp . . D l'\'lSlOn supported l)y public contribution .
Honorary Surgeon.
Glynlle Pigott,
L. It. C. P.
C01Jt?Il1·ssioncr.-~ rajor '.
L. l\IL[,[.I:>., :'I.A., ~I.]l., A. .A.~I.C., 183, Li\'erpoolSLreeii, 1I) de Park, ,'ydncy, '- T.,'. ,Yo
L a dy S uper int endent.
OCIETY's Roo:.I.,
L ad y Su peri nt end en t a nd T reas.
Miss O. E. Hughes, Brookland , ~J eole Brace .
Lady Sec ret ary.
Lady Ins p ec tor o f Stores.
Miss E . BowdleI'.
Miss lJ rwic:k.
. OffL::ers 2. N ursing sisters 14. Total effective 16. Practlces helli 23 . Average attendance 9. Oases attended on pu 1.llic cl n iy '1·1. Annua1 .ins}?ectioll, 16. .07 . T ota l 011 par~de 13. Absent with leaye 3. Annual re - e~amll1atlOn, 13.9.07. 1Uembers passed 12. Di(lnot appear 3. M edallions 12. S~r~l~e badges 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 O/Jicel' and 14 lltll'sil g ~istel's. DIVISIOll snpported uy annual grant from Local Oentre S.J .A.A. and mellluel's' subscriptions.
Nedical OjliCl' I'
ill C'hicr-~fnjnr
.\.. Eo
PEnKI~'" :'LA" ::ILB., D . . 0.
~'IO~ TER.
183, LIYFItl'OOI,
'n:EET, HrDE P.uuz,
YD~EY, "T.
-'. ,V. 20th J an/la?'U, 190 ....
I hun, the hunoll to .'UIJl11il the HlllllH'l1 rqJOrt of the -'to John Ambulance Dricrade III _\lIstmlia. fol' the yen.t· 1flOG-i'. In the -tnv :-;outh \Vale' District the worl;: has Ix.en Y.::ry ati,,[nctory. One llew Di\ i ion h,\,; UtOun forme 1 amI the olrlones hun: heell stl'elH.:thelled 1,,)' the enrolll1ent of llew memberi'. The annual camp at La. Perun'e wa" a!.:'ltill a ~reat ~lIcec".·. '\ he]) 1Illty-Collllni""ioner. Dr. T. ,~. Dix on, tuok charge llncle17 my ,re'ilCral "n1l1;;1'\ 1"1011. . . I re"ret to I'l'corcl that th > H.~ -._\ .. B. I >"el'n.! ha,., fntled OW1l1g to the Aclnuru.1ty deeliniurr to allow the rate,; of pay 1)1' :'ll:tin:> s\':l'vice which the other arms of the sen'ice receive ill .\lbtralia.. This is "1' ·atly to IJe re~retted, as o\-er forty good men had been emolled in the Hesen C. I relfret to report the (leath of IJi'llt.,Co]ollel ::-. F. Me\\,illinm', A i,tant COll1mi~sioner in \ \' est A m;trali".. The work clone uy Lieut. -Culonel :.\k\Villiam wn very yulual,le nnd hi" 1o,,' i::; di"tillct ill the ambulance world. The work clone ill Perth durin" the yenr doe:; not :1.t pre,;ent ju"tify Ill' in recommending :1. succes~or to Lieut.-Colonel ~lr-\\,illiam,. 'The report of the Deputy- 'omlUl""ioll'l' for. T. ' \Y. 15 attached. I ht1\"o lhe hunoul' tll he, 'ir. Y uur uhecliell t Servant, G. L_\~E ~leLLI~', ~r. D., IC/lII/ltt of G/'(/('I o( the Orela o( ". John o( J au. ale))1. ~'(I)}tJ;!issioll('I' (0), the COIllJllomccalth o( Australia. The Oommissioner for pccial 'e1'\'icc~, St. John Amhulnnee Briga.dc, Londun.
Culon iul B l'allchci).
St. John .d 1Hbulance B ,'igclcle.
New South Wales District. DI TRICT
Dcputy Gommissioacl'-r.Il'. T. . DIX'ON, ~I.B., 2 7, Elizabeth, 'tre~t, Sydney, N.S. '\'. District Ghi~f Supcrintclldcnt--~1ajor T. 1\1. MARTIN, B.A., L. n. (' 1' .. JO. COllege Street, 'ydlley, N . . ,Y. District Supcrintcndcnt Sccrct rl1·y-Mr. B. R. RAIX ' FORD. District Supcrintcndcnt Tl·caS/l1·cr-1\Ir. H. D. 'iVAL. IT, B.A.
fl Cllcl-(]lwrtrJ?'S .1Y/l1·sinU (0 ....1: T. ('. ):-At t.1te c~mpetition for .the ~)l'.iz.e presented annually I>y llrs. G. Lanc :\lulllns, ::'Illss :'I1tll'1el Galloway of thIS lJl\'1S10~1 wa.'> the winner, the examiners ueing nlitjol' G. ~\. . ~Ial'shal1, A.A.)('(,. and Captam Donald Luker, A .•\.. )f.C. . , .. . . . TVestCI'IL Slilillrus.-Tlns Dl\,1 1011 IS c1Ulng \'aluahle transport work and ltS importallee is e\'idencccl hy the recent l>c(luest of fifty pound from 11'::;. 1 'ara.h IIezlet unconditionally. .. . As fOI'<.'shac1owecl in my last report thcre ha. heen a snbst~ntIallDcrea em th.e total memben;hip in this distrie;t : in thi.' connection J I11fty mel1tlOll the "a~ual)le a SI. tance giycn hy the District 8np'l'!n~~n'lellt Secrebtl'y who has de\'o,te~l Hpe~Ial attentlOl1 to the strengthening of the J)l\!1;1fJllS from tlle local ('lasses. 1.111~ he IS tlle 1:lOre able to dYed through his l)l'ing- the lIOll. Secl'eta~'y of tl~e A~SOClatlOU ~lld. takmg eyery opportunity to cl '"elop the results of the ll1stl'UctlOn l11to orgamzatlOl1 under the Brigarle. 1 ha\'e the honour to be, .:ir, Your ohedient f-;ern1.llt,
T .. 'TomE Dr.'so,,", Dctll iV- Commissiollei· .
OF COIU'S _L 'n DIn 'rllx' 1::\ "\)lIll·L.L·CI~
'01:r -' A::\J)
ORDEn OF Drn,· IOX.".
SIR, I ha,e the honour to submit the annual report of the ~-.S.'iV. Di ·tl'ict, St. John Ambulance Brigade, for the year enc1in~ 30th. eptellll)L.l. 1907. .\,11 the Dinsions ha,e been ,'isited by the Oommissioller or my elf. the far di"tnnt one of Oootamundra recently organized, excepted. The annual re-examination::, 11:lYe l)een attended to as usual. The second annual camp of instruction was commenced on 5th Octubl;r, at La, Perouse, and continued for three days. Thc Oommonwealth ::'Ii it:ny .\uthol'ities placed the ground and all l1ecessary tents and etluipment8 at the dh1'0,.;al of the Oommissioner and District. taff. The numerical strength "'a,, gn.:.ltl:r than that of last year. Four Diyisions were represented, yiz.:-Glehe, IIead-'llH1l'tel''' (C.A.T.e.) , Sydney Harbour Trust and Enmore. The Oommissioner and all Offic<;; r,,; of the District Staff were in attendance. A. systematized cour.,e of lcetnre>, filled in the time not de,oted to organized camp duties and extemporized field work: wa"on chill wn!:i a special feature of this year's dutie. The COlllllli sioner coml'lill1entecl the men upo.n their excellent behaviour <,nd the spirit of thoroughnes which characterized theu efforts. Representatives of the leading city journals attended, and as a consequence we were greatly indebted to the Press for the claily accounb of our proceedings. C~oi0muncl1'a:-Thi ' is a, new Di\'isiol1, the e ta.blblll11ent of which i" p:uticularly gratIfJlng as bemg the first exten,ion of our work iuto di.·tri(;t. far J'ellll)\'(Jcl from Head -q uarters. Waie?' Clwl Setccrage BOCl1'Cl.-The work done by this Diyi ... ion has Lecn "ery v~luable, but o:,ring to the operations of the Department being extellc1l:d OYer a. "ery '\"lde area far dlstant from Sydney and not easily lLCcessihle, the llJatter of inspection has DOt been achievable in spite of ,ery special efforts in that direction. Hct?'bo1W ~n~si. -This has ea.rned hy its efficiency the continuance of the sympathy of the ComnllsslOners of the Trust. Mr. H. D. \Val::;h, )f.I.C.E., En~ine(;l'-in-Chief of the Trust, has been good enough to allow himself to be appointed Di:;trict • uperinten~ent Treasurer, vice Mr. H. Priestley who rcsi 5 ned owing to l,rcs~ure of private affarrs. Bal1nf':in (G.A. T.G.).-This Division has been reorganized and. trengthened by a 1500d mcrease .of m~mb~rs;. the improvement in the efficiency of the mcn was eVidenced by theIr agam wm.Dlng the Roth Challellge Shield, the competition having been keener than any yet dlsplayed and the marks oLtained havin rr established a record (86.5 per cent. ). The competition was held at the Victoria Ba,rracks (Paddington), on 14th September, 1907: five squads competed and the examiners were Oaptains Stuart Kay and E. S. Stokes, A.A.M.C.
,l..,hc DI\ l"HJ11 • '\YL, ·t ' 1'11 ~ul111rl>,.; Division ,a"w(Il'k,.; Divi. ion lhll11ain Di\'i ... ioll ('.~\..&T. 'orp,.;) ,,· ( '\,"I'C' TIenrl-'lu.nt·r I h\'blOn ._.f:>.. orps ) Li t k:lI\\' l)i \ i~i()ll \\'ullu1l'~un~ Ih\'i,.;joll . . \\Tatl'l' and,' '\\'el'a~' Do:U'd Di\'i~ion HarJ,uur Tnbt Di\'ision EI111101'0 Vi\ j,.;iol1 Cootal11l1l1r1 ra Di vision
Glehc l)i\'i~ion Ihlmaill Divj,.,ioll ( '.~\ .l T. 'or})::,) I1t:a<l-C] Uf1.l't '1 ~ Di\'i ion (C .• \. &1'. Corps) • Ye\\'towll Di\'i"ion (C.A.L'T. Corps)
:20, 1903. 9, Hl03. 20, 1903. 13, 1904. ] 7. 1901. Ii', 100;;. :2, H105. 1:2, 1906. 2;" 1906. Am;. 31, 1£106. :'fay 9, 1907
'-' ·1't. '-'ept. Flept. XOY. .Tu1y ::3el't J nne ,Tunc
:'f:1r. ~O, 1903 ;,1:1Y 30, 1001 .T nn(; i. 1 PO.! .\.n.,!;. ,1004
St. J ohn .A. rnbulance B?'igucle.
Oolonial Branches.
BALMAIN DIVISION (C.A.&T. CORPS.) [Formcel13.9.04.J
.\ND DIVI':;ro -
3 1,
IlP: ,\J) 'QUAltTEl1s:
Hon . Surgeon.
O. U. Oal'l'llLhel's,
R. L. C. '\Va-I'd, 384, D<1rling Street,
L . H. C. S.
Balmain. Hon . Secretary.
Kames of Corps nlHi Divisions.
D. T. Drake, "Malta," Bn,tty ,'treet, Balmain. Inspector of Stores .
District Staff .. . ... . . .1 Oivil Ambulance aml T ransport , Oorps .. .., .. Balmaill ... ... ... H ead·quarters .. , ." Newtown .. . .. . ... Oootamulldra .. .., ... Enm ore ... ... .. , Gasworks . .. .. . "' 1' Glebe . .. .. , H arbom Trust .. .. Lithgow .. .. , .. W ater and, el'i'erage Doal'll ... Western Subnrbs .. ... W ollollgong ...
~ 3 -
1 1 -
1 1 -
1 1 l ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-1 -
. . -I I ] -
, 3 2
15 ]0 7 *1~
fl 6 3 1
52 12 *:2 2fl 22
1 1
1 1 1
1 -
1 -
1 1 -
19 49 16 23 -. -
3 10 71 19 12 13 14 71 GO 16 ·1 :l2 ~1
Honorary Treasurer.
E .. 'mith.
T. Me-Lean.
orporal,. 2. Priv[ttas 14. Total effective 19. Officers 2. . 'erg-eant 1. Increase. incl' lnst repnl'L 12. Drill,; hdd 10·1. Annual inflpection, 23.9.07 . Total on parnrle ]~. .\nnu al re-l'xamination, ~:3. 9.07. l\Icmhenl passed 12. Did not n.ppem· 6. ~reclallt{)lls!i. l\Ialerial: stretcher, 2 !:letti of splints and good up1.Jlyof roller and Irian~1I1n r hunda~ s. Division . 'ujl}lol'tcd by memhers' COli trilmtions . Thiti J )il'ision has reelllltly bc '11 <itrell~the11ecl by further enrolment. from a first aid cln,S:4, awl i" mn.kill~ ~(lo(l pro~ress; the efficicncy of the men is improving. The Roth Challeng ~hllld was a~aill wun 11y thi.' Diyision on ,'eptcmbel' 14th. evera.l of the members IM\ • as. i,;tetl at accidents anel on tran.'ports when on duty with the oUicer in char~' or ",hen relie"ing the station.
HEAD QUARTERS DIVISION (C.A.&T. CORPS ). [Formed 17.11.04.J IIF \I)-Qt \ItTgltS:
'\'Il \L H.\IL\\,·\Y ,'TAllO . ',
Honorary Su'"geon.
F .. 1. T
~1\ \\
k JIlS,
:II. 11.
Tobl i7 U - 1 O -1- - ; - 2cn --1- --1- -;- 107 I:L3
* 1\0 retul'll receincl
01' fh~lIrt!s
['rOlll last year" I'l'purt.
[FOl'lIlCll l,.'i.O!.J
Chief Supe ri nt e nd e nt .
A. l)allller,
G. Armstrong, :'oLD.
'I. D.
Su perintendent of Stores.
J. E. PLtel'. During the year 3.7 7 cases haye l)een attench:cl to. Of the. e 2,739 were conl'eycrl to hospitals and homes in 'ydney and. uburl). The chtssificatiull is as fulIow,;: Goyernment cases (these comprise GOI' ernment employce ', poll c '. lHwul, military, railway and tramway department ea 'es, tran<ilJort coneluet(.;(l fur the GOVel'l1ment medical offices and special ambulance selTice ' for the yuriou ' ~OVel1l1111mt depart· ments), 41~; accidents to wharf labourers and selt1TIE:I1, and general , llipping', :no; accidents on the treets, tram, yehicle and otherwise, U ; acciclell ts in faetlJl'ic ' allll from building, 475; accidE:nts at sports' meetings, 207; accidents III dwellinghouses, 169; female cases in all cIas e~, 1,350: cases occurrin'" 011 ,-'ulldayti, 276. Precis of total number of cases :-:'ledical and, urgical tran.ports on pntctitioncrs' certificates and ca.-ualty tra-nsports. il1clu. ·ive, 2,739 ; attendanccti at sports' meetillCfS, 138; treated at station., according to principle ' of first aiel anel directed to mediC'al practitioner or hospitals for further treatment, 6:29: calls to accidents wherc, aftcl' first aid being rendered. patients were able to proceed home without further aiel, H1; calls where sel'yices were not re(luired, 137. Total number of cases, 3,7 ,, 7. D uring the year :'11'. A. Forsyth, a pulJlic· piritec1 citizen, pl'eentecl the Corps with a handsome ambulance wagon complete and horse. The presentation wail madc at (t public function held at the Sydney Town Ib'!l n..nd presided oyer by the Lord l.\1ayor (1\11'. Thomas IIughes.) The past year has been a most satisfactory one financially, thp. reVenue from Lhe various sources being £~,189 lIs. 2d. and the expenditure £1,rU8 16s. 7d., leaving a surplus for the twelve months of £4~0 14s. rd.
Super intendent .
I\catn, \\' \ llrlham Groye, Alexandrin, .'Yllncy. Inspector of Stores .
\\'. iII. Fnrcl. "Cliftoll," '''alJ'er 'treet, Hedfern.
CorpI. J. 1. 'chofield.
Hon. Treasurer.
Ch ief Su rgeon.
Honorary S ecretary.
Pte. ,V.
Olliens~. :-;l'l'~panl 1. 'ol'}loral1. Pl'iYCtt ' s 15. Tutal effectil'e 19. IncrC:l 'l' ",ilH'l' last report 7. Drills held ~5. A \'era~e attendance . Un",es tlttended not ollpnlrlir· dULy uli, AlIlll\al iwpecliull, 1 .0.07. Total 011 parade 10. Annual re·e.·alllination, 1 '. g. 07. ~I 'ml) ' t'. pa ,-:(.;l! 10. Did not appear 5. ?lIedallion 3. Material: 'l'lint allt! lrallrh~e '. Di\'ision supported by mcmher::;' su1)'criptioll ' .
\1' QC \l:IEI~ . .
. . .,... .J 011 . ' 's
[FornlCll :20.3.03.J
lIlOOLr..OO:lI, LTf,EBE .
Hon Surgcon.
\V. F. Lllchfidcl,
Supe,"in t endent. \I.U,
1st Office,'.
\\ . T.
In spector of Sto,"cs. 'Ul'[l. S.
1'. \\'estmltn.
W . .T. lIani , 55,
Roa 1, Glebe.
Hon. S ec. and Sergeant.
C. illelisk;t, :.?3,
,_' trcct, .\..nuadale.
Hon . Treasurer.
\Y. J. Bani.
I)fficcr 3. P, 'I "C':UltS 1. 'urporab;). Private' 31. Total ffeetive 46. Decrease "inc . la~t report 11. l>rill ' heltl 3,). ~\ YCl'a,,'e tt tt ~lll1tl1lCC 11. Cases :1ttenclml 01\ l'ub1ie duty 17. 'a~ 's llttended not all Illlblic duty 2:2. Anl1u:1l inspectioll, ~i . 9 . 07. Tutal Oil l'ttt':Hl' 1 .•\..ll11ual r '·extuumatiun, :27.9.07. ~lember' passed 1'1. DiJ not apIJe:1r :2. ?lIednllllll1s 11. 'e1'l'1(.;e l.J:td,,·c· '2. ... ·ur iug certific:1tcs for 111 'n 17. HC(fultlt iun unifol'1ll wurn by 1 serlTCtlnt and 1 pri I·ute. Material: wheeled litLeI', 3 tU~bl1hmc' kit~, :2 \Inter uuttles, 6 l'eg'u1ation . tretchers, tr~a~l~ula,r and roller utlllllages, sl,Jints, le., ye<ited in ~[anagelUellt Committee. Dl;lS~OIl SUl.l1~Ul'tcd by members' suuscriptiolll:l. T • rlus Dl\'JSlOIl has madc gootl progrcss during thc ye:n. 'rhe first IIome ur mg Class for mules in ew 'outh \Vl\le 'l Di stl'1d has heen funned by this Diyil:liun, and 17 members HOW hulll the llul'sillg certllicllte.
St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.
Oolonial Bran ches.
ICC:JllU 5 , 'mi~h
Hon . S ecretary.
F. D . J olm tone.
T. Campbell.
ummel' Hill.
Hon . Treasu rer.
Inspector of Stores .
,V. Laing, 4, ilIorri ummrr Hill.
Superintend ent.
Hon . Su rgeon.
G. Allen,
12.6 06.1 PITT STREET, ,'YJJXEY.
Hon . Surgeon.
Super in tendent.
K~. ,'tokc~, )f.B.
O. T, Trickett, 14, L'A\'euue, NewLown.
Hon . Secretary.
Hon. Treasurer.
P. J. Braine.
ercreant 1. PriYate 29. Total effecti \'e 32. Officer 2. Increase since la t report °4. Drills held 26. \'eruge attendance ~ 1. 'ases attended on public duty 1. Remoyub U. 'a.e. attended ~lOt on p~bhc d,~ty Annual in pection, 3.10.07. Total on parade . ~\.b ent w1th le~",e 20. "\\ lthout leaye 1. Annual re-examination, 3.10.07 . ill ember pas eel . ~lcl not appeal 2~. Medallions:i. ilIaterial: 2 \yhreled litter;;, dre. sil1~;;, drug', splm t:, etc., \e ted 111 .J.A.B. Di,i -ion supported by public ~ub 'cription . .. This Diyision comprises two section.-llead-~Imlrt~rs at , uJUn~er Ihll .Radwuy tat ion and a branch at Enfield, each lJcing supplIed wIth whee.led', splmt, etc. Thi. Diyision has been doing good work during the year III aCCIdent eases and tran port.
[N 0 repOl-t recei vedJ.
J. Cohin .
HARBOUR TRUST DIVISIO N (SYDNEY). [Formed 25.6,06 ,] Ib;,\D-Qu \P..TllltS: HAltBOUlt
Tnt,,' J
OFFICE ...;,
Hon . Surgeon.
'apt. H. .J. ~l111al'll, D.l'. II.,
Qt;AY, • 'YDXEY.
Superintendent. :\1. B.
Linrbay, Harbour Tru.'t Offices, CII'Culn.r Qu ty. Rycllley.
Hon , Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
A. H. II abour Tl'u"t OH1f'L 'il'cullli' Quay, ,')'lIne '.
T. Touhel.
HOIl, Treasurer.
GA \\,ORK',
l\:E . 'TfnEET,
Superi ntendent.
Hon. Surgeon .
D. Luker,
1. GUllnil1~, ~2~1, 'hurch Street, Cuwperdowll. Hon. Treasurer.
Hon . Secretary.
.T. T. Daly.
W. Hayes, 163. Kent dreet. 'yuney. TO
E . 1'. H. Ru. 'ell, Litll"Ow.
Officer 1. >-el'geant 1. COl1)orals 2. Pl'inltt:s 1,2- . Total effect2vc 16. Drills beld 24. Ca e. attended 10. Annuulre-examlllatlOn. 11.12.0/. .JIem bel';' passed 8. Diyision upportecl ]JY members' coutrilJutions.
WOLLONGONG DIVISION. [Formed 2.9.0:,·1 Superintendent.
Hon . Surgeon .
Capt . .T. Kerr,
~r.B., A.A.)f.C,
Hon . Secretary.
J. E. Gleeson, \Vollollgong-.
W OLL<J_ 'GO_ ·G.
II. F. Fredericks, \\. ollOllgOllg.
Inspector of Stores.
\\'. G. Htewart.
Hon . Treasurer.
Officers 2. Pri, a.tI·~ 22. Total effedi \'e 24. Increase since last report 13. Drills beld 13. verage attendance . R emovals 14. Cf\,ses attended not on pulJli':l duty 1G. Anllual ill'pection, 20.3.07. Tobll on parade 9. Absent without leave 2. Anllual re-e~a~.illati.or., :W. 3. 07. l emher~ passed 9. Did Dot appear 2. :Yleclallions 2. D1V1s10n supported lJY members contributions. This Division bas done some good work during the year in the. trea.tment of severe acci.dent cases, some beiug taken to the hospital and some to theIr homes.
~il1c:l!ur, .\LB.
'. Yon-d l' lleyd', }l.'\rl'lcklille H.oad, Dul wleh Hill. ",r(l ney.
Hon Sec and Treasurer.
Superint enden~.
[Funned 31,,,,.OG
Hon. Surgeon.
Major H Kirkland, ~r. B., A..'\.)1. c., LIthgow.
] hl11JlIl'Y, :ellJ·.
Officer" 4. . 'Cl'genllt,; 3. 'ol'l'uml' 3. Private ' .i2. Total effeeti\'e 60. Increa e .. inc.. l:t t i:-'!Jol't 2~. Drill,.; helc1 G-!' ..:hera:;e attendance 25. ..:innunl ill pection, 26.£1.07. 'rutn] Oll ]la1';\(10 II. Ab ent without j·a.\·e 43. Annual reexarnil1atiull. ~1l.D.Ol. ~lel1lbel' l'a,. ed 1 I. Did not appeal' 13. ;'Iedallions 2. :JIn.terittl "l!.tcrl ill and I>i\'j iOlJ ul'[lOrted II,)' . 'yc1ney Harb(lur Tl'u t Olnmis'ion . .' tc,,:c1y plUgI' . 11Il" h 11 111 tel dUI iug the y,·al'. and tht: Divi.2ion i~ now equipped WIth :n: bOXl':i, c()1Itnillil1~ allll\:Cl! nry iiI'. t aid I't:qni ·ltc.." and eiuht tretC'hel's .
report recei \'etl. )
LITHGOW DIVISION. [Formed1/.7.0iJ.] Hon . Surgeon and
[Fonneu 20.9.03.]
Hon , Secretary.
Inspecto r of Sto I·es . C. Harth y
...\.. , '. L e D1'6tull . .10, HochfOl'Cl , tl'ed, El' ·}-illt'\·illt.>. 'ydllcy. Hon . Treasurer.
.T. ,J. 'pellman. Ollicer:; 2. . 'eJ'gennt 1. 'oqlorals 3. Prinltes 7. Total effectiye 13. Decreas' .. inee last report 3. l)rilb held 2~. ~\.\·el'ag' attendance 7. Cn e attended :1Ut on !lul,lie duty 36. ~\ llnunl ill'peetion. 1.10.01. Total on parade 10. Ah ellt \\'Ith Iva\ u 2. I\Tlthout luan; 1. \.1\ 1111:11 re-c.·amination, 1.10.07. I ernbers pased 10. Dllll10t apl'e'u' 3. l\Icdalliulh 6. illatlOlial: .tt'e cher', .phnts. chart3, bandages, and 1 1I1ljl1'O\ I'd 'tl'etc her, ·te., \ c:;te<l l1l . .T A. B. Di "i"ion upported by personal contribution. ome s '"ere ca., es \Yen: treated hy members durinrr the yeaI'. including se,eredleg, fractlll'ecl1eg, l\lld fmctut'ecl forearlll. The llumel'ical·trellgth of thll Di\ i ion will shortly be illcre,l ell.
[Formed ~1 . ;;.07.1
II gAll-QU.\Jt '[ I ;H~: COOL\:l1CXnH.\.
Ho n. Surgeon
ll. 111. Autl en;oll,
R . Burge's. {)ootamumlra..
Oolonial BJ'wncllPs.
St. John Amb'1.Llci11 ce Brigade.
Hon . Treasurer.
Hon . Secretary.
W. Brmvn, Oootamundra.
I ack enzie.
Lady Sup erin tendent.
Hon . Surgeon .
Officer' 2. Privates 10. Total effective 12. Drills held 9. Material: box tocked 'nth first aid requisites. Diyision supported by member' ulrcriptions. \rith a view to strengthening the Divi ion, it i intended to orgamse a first aiel cIa s early next year.
It. Davie.,
..\Irs. E. E. Laing, 15, Reihy
~L B.
Lady Secretary.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Treasurer. ~Iiss
treet, Enmore.
:JI iss G. X ollIe, 12, Bi:-.hopgate Street, ~ Tewtown.
A. Mc:Jlillall.
Lady Inspector of Stores .
Jr.'. "\1. (i-lll)j'.
GLEBE NURSING DIVISION (SYDNEY). [Formed 20.3.03.] Lady Superintendent.
Hon . Surgeon .
. Jone ,
l\I.B .
A. Bank .
B . .JIar land.
Officers 2. 1\ur ing si. ters 23. Total effecti,-e 25. Practices held 42. Annual inspection. 27.9.07. Total on parade 1~. Annual reexamination, 2/.9.07. :Jlember pa~ eel 12. D:d not appear 13. .JIeelallion" 22. ~Iaterial: splints, triangular and roller banda;;es, 'e"ted in Committee of Di\'i ·ion. Division upported by members' ::;ubscription ·.
[Fonlled 30.5 .0-1.J
Lady Super in tendent . :JIi S ~I. ~Iyle', 20-1, E\'alls t., Rozelle.
Hon . Surgeon.
, . Fiulay, F.n.C . .
Lady Inspector of Stores .
Lady Secretary.
Miss R. Myle , 204, Evan
E. ::'Iiddleton.
Officers 2, ursing i ·ters 19. Total effective 21. Practices held 26. Average attendance 10. Fir t aiel case" pl·in1.tely nul' eel 2. Annus.l in.pection, 7.11.07. Total ou IJlll'arle 7. I) ent witb leave 1. \Vitliout leave Annual re-~xamina~ion: 7,.11.07. 1I1eml)er l'a".,ed 7. Did nut al'l'ear H. ..\Iedalhon 9. ::\Iatenal: ::,plint", dla~raJlls, roller and trianO'ular IJauda~'s clinical thermometer. Divijoll supported by member,,' col1tributions~ - ,
Lady Superintendent.
A. \Va lho}1, Denholm, 1 , George 'tre ' t, Rfdlel'll . yclney.
1st Nursing Officer.
Lady Secretary. ~I. A. Lit' blJl!1.11ll.
B. O·Keefe.
:'li ,;
Lady Inspector of Stores
:Jliss A. Bain. .
Officers 3.
Lady Treasurer.
Xursing sister. 49.
E. ::'IcLean.
Total effectin, j'2.
~ncrease SInce last report 21. Cases attended not on pulJhc rluty 36. Cases p~lvately nursed 1~. Annual ins{Jection, ~·1.9.07. Total on parad- 20. Al;s(mt WJth leave 7 .. \Vlthout leave ~5. Annual re-examination, ~.J. 9. 07. ::'lellll)ul's p~ssed 20. DId not appear 32. ~Jedallions 18. Material: splints, roller, and
tnanrfular bandarres ve,·ted· 0, ." • • ::, In 0 omrm'tt ce memrJers su bSCl'lptlons.
PERTH DIVISION. [Furmed 29.12.04.] HEAD-QCARTEI,':
:2, BU.uFORT
Hon . Surgeon.
Acting Hon . Secretary.
O. Burkitt L.n. c. r.
CorpI. H. W. Lilley, Tl.macton, 113, ~lueller Road, Perth.
The Dl\'j Ion hll . ullcrecl a gr 'nt lo _ ~ through the death of the late ~~ istantCOlOmi "iOllet'. Lieut.-Gol. G. F ..Mc Willialll , and the r,- 'i"lIcltion of the .~uperin telldent, illt'. .J elf r ~ -;()Il, bu t tend)' wMk has been (lone uy the few mew her" who
Hon . Treasurer.
Hon . Surgeon .
West Australia District.
:JIis::, B. illyle .
heet, Rozelle. ~liss
O. V. Bowker,
Omcers 3 Xursing- . i::;tel 16. Total effective 19. Practice" 11 'ld 21. . Increase since In. t I'f'purt 9. illaterial: ~plint-, roller and triangular handa" ,pl11ol\", shceb, blauk,' " aurl cliuical thermometer.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Lady Secretary. ~Iiss
G. Clark.
D'1 V1Slon. . .
D'Insloll . .
upportec1 L"Y
stil~ cling to the lJi\+3ion.
\.111J\11,lic gathering:, at rootballUlutche. , race meeting:;, til ca.·e" were attended to on public duty, of which 14 were r lllo\'ed to ho,.pital, nlHl 53 ca e' were attended to not on puhlic duty. The Di\"i ion is again iuucutcd to the \Vest ~~ustraliau Turf Glub for a uonation of £25.
agllcult1.lraJ . how , etc., ha\'t~ be '11 attcnrled.
DeputY'C'Vinmissioncr.-Major G. B,\ROU.Y, Y.U., 30, Uhf tOll Hm_d, POllf;ollhy, Auckland. DistTict Chief SUi'geon.-::;urgoon-~rajor.J. U. CUJ;;S, G " I ~c i-;ll~d, l> Dist1'ict Chief SupC1'inlcwlcllt.-('iYdlington) Mr. 11. II. i)EtlJ, \ all1atioll Dept., \Vellington. Dist1'ict Chic! Sllpc?·illtclldcnt.-(.\"ucklanc1) ::\11'. C. ,J. TL"~K', ,'bOltlUl\(l ,'ircot, Auckland. D ilitrict Chicf S?lpcrintwdcnt.-(Chri ·tcllllleh) .1\11'. ,\. f'. LIl\]ISAY, nox ,1 8, Ubri tchurch. Dist,'ict Superintendcnt Sccrctar'y. -Mr. J. K ]JUNE, Fortltcr , tl cd, llcl1eknowc~, Dunedin. District Superintendent oj Sto1', II. TlIO:-IAS, ThanH:;; • 'tn;ct Oanmrll. District Supe1'intcndent 1',· li, HEl'WOll'l'H, 'Lbc "lu,lfe, PalJllel'ston Nortb. HI£POR'l' OF THE VEPli'l'Y CO~DIJ, , IU.l.-El . AU'; KL,L lJ,
lU07. IR,
I have the honour to report as to the state 01' the ,'t. John A1Jl1i111anco Brigade in the Dominion of ... ew Zealanu. Thf~ past yeat' has \JCCll the IIIOSt su('ccs, . fnl yet expel'ielJced in the hibtOlY of the Ihiga(lu h(,le. Flfteel1 IIlJ\\' UllltS lJave IWCI! formed "lVith a member hip of 363. Thel"~ arc llOW ,11 COlliI' uIH1 Di\'1 81011S OlJ the roll of the District, and tlll.~ membersbill "llie]1 stoud at G:j~ t\\elVl' 1I1U1Itlt ago, 1m" now attaineu to 1,03 , the gl'cate.· t alllotllJt of l'logrcs:; 1 :tying IJ('\'II IlJarll' ill "Vellington, CanteluuJ'j', and l'orth OUlri0. III the Aueklawl j'lo\'ilJce IJI) lIe\\' Divisions have been formed dUl'i1lg the year, 1)\1t it is propo~ ed cally IJ(;X t l'aSOlJ to orgauize a i\ursing Divisioll at lJcyonport, alld all AIII],lIlalJle .ul\'i:-;iull at OlJchllnga. In the WelJilJgwn cli.trict, Di\'isiolJS lJave ucelJ fOlllJ!:rl <It ... 'apif r alld 1I1ustel tOll; the latter will take the place of the ohl Divi'iolJ, ,,11i(;11 is HuW jlJ 1'Iuce s of di"bandment. A Di\'isioll has alsu beell funJlcd uL \\'<lllgaulli, alld two at Rawera. I n Canterbury there lIas also lJecn a COllsir1crahle C'xl'<lllsiolJ 01 I:rig:t<le \\,[Jlk. A great alLoullt of intere t lIas lW(;ll sho\\11 by tllO ulll'luyt·u; of the ' bl btchillch Tramway Huard, aud tl1(> lC~ ldt lJUs IJeeu Ute i'ollIluLioll oj the CIlli tl hUJ'(h TIlUII way COlPS, with two lJivi,.,iollS, alltl a wClllber hil' of of all lallk~, .\ , "culll! lIul' nuil, the .'t']wyu ...-ur.;ilJg Di\'isiou, ha~ bcell l'uJ'lJlod at elll'i lrhurch ; a similar unit has lJeen fnrllJel at Gre\'lJlollLlt, wbilc a1l UIIIIJlllall\!U jJivi iUlJ lift:; been orgauizeu at Kaiapf)i. All alllbulaiJce JJi\ i. iOll at (jroYllIollth HllIl It IJUt:;ill" Division at L)tteltolJ are also in process of /'ol'lJlatioll. JIl ~"JI'i1 Ota' o ft\~ new Division han~ ur(;Jl f"!l'luet!-two each ut IloJiJcrl awl JIalII 1'"' CII, and (jill' at .'bag Point. The exi"tillg IJilisiulJ. ' J'HI'e I\ell IlJaillL.Lill C'ci thl·ir tJ'lll"tlJ and improved tlleir efl:icieney. PenJli:;. iOllhas IJr:l' ll "lUlltr·<l to the \\'ullllJrrlfJlJ,.\I 'ltJawat.11 Railway Division to form a section at Paikukariku, where a 1J\1l/llJ(,I'~1 till: ntClllltcr,~ reside, As I predicted in JrIy last annual rqJorL, the apl'oiutlJlent of a stafr I,us V'lJdell In IIJ"iurr abouL considerahly . to. irnlJl'ol'e matters ill COIJllr'ctiOll wiLli the Bri",ul" 0 ..... ' 0 ~ better supervlslOll and local coutrol. ~lr. A. , . Liurlsay has bCOII lecullllllcndcd 1'01' appointment as District Chief S111Jeriu tendf·ut at Uh ristclmI'cli . The members of the Brigade have takell a IJl'ollJinollt part ill COllllc~ctiolJ II ith tIle ambulance strc:et collections carried out iu the dilfercut eeutn:s, alld jlJ Mllslollon and OaD?al'u the initiative was tu,kC'1l lly tllc Brigdrlu ,,\\tltolili!:~ tll 'Illselvf' , alJd funds raIsed for the l)\11'[lose of aIJJ1J\1]unce translJort. III UillJIIHIl t.he t;,)ll(·r;tioll amounted ~o £29:,. ~n<l an allllmiallce brollghalll lla., billC!> 1)1:ell illJ[lOltC'rl 1'1'0111 England. The DIVISlOll at Petone is IJOW el<~ctillg all ulld,ululleC! station JII tltu cent:e of t~at t::)\vn, and its cntf~l'l!]'ise is deserving of conllllclHluLiol1. AlJIOIlgst LI,e nurslllg U~lltS, tbat at Well ingtoll is desel'villg of spoeial 11Je1l tion for the ext:ellollt work carned out l)y IllealJS of its uistl'iet nursin" sclleme. From u. bazaal' helcl o T
Oolonial RI,(tnches.
St. John A rnbulance Brignde.
during the year a llet r esulL (If £1,100 was nIJlailll'rl, wllic:ll amollllL lias llccn vested in trustees ('or th e llursing of tlte sick poor of the cIty of Wellingtoll. I :tIll pleasccl Lo reporL that a Cflllsirl!,)'al)[e amount of tra.lJsporL wOlk 110,8 lleen carried Ollt 11y IllcJlJbel's elllling the: 'year, wbilc thf' 1II1101Jcr of filst aiel casesatLenrled to continucs Lo ill(·)'ease. A school of illstrnetiOlI ffJI' am!Jn1:tlJce anrl llllrsillg OffiC'crs will be hr'1rl ill Christchurch ill l"(,IIJ'lmry llP-xt, allrl I Ilope to lJe ablc to exlrmrl this sysLctn of iJJ1Itrllctioll tt) oLlIeI' ccntre·. ~uclt sehools TUtlst prove of great vallie, anrl a certificate of }!roficienoy should be iS~lIetl to those wlto atteud a1ll11Jf.l.S8 aqualifyiug rxaTlli nallOIl. I proposr to sholtly nrrallge for tbe ltolilillg of a ("JlIfl'rence of Officers at each Cell Ire, when a lJUIII1,cr of 1l11l.tLen; 0[' general interest will be snbmitterl for consideratioll. Dllring the yeal alll1inlance com]Jplil iOllS havfJ heelJ hcld at rlifff'Il'llt place ', an(l Ule variolls teams ll:tvc cti\'elJ gnod (xldbiLiolls or \\'orlc As a fUI thcl' incentive to competitive pmdicf', tlt • institutiolJ r}f a lJlLllllrl', or oLher ellal1clIge trophy, for ea"ll centre will l1f~ consi<it l'C;f1. COli. idcralJlr }Jrogl' . S !HIS h(;en liIade in the Illatt er oftlle attellllllJJeC f)f lJwlnbel's at . pO!'tH ;1]lf1 J'IlCC lIIf'ellJlgs, fooLhali lIlatches, etc., and rrenemlly it is I'f'r)' glatiryillg to be allle to stntr t1J<1L racll succcc lillg year the \'.'ork ~nrl olJj 'cts of the Bri rarle nro lJeing 1I10le widely knOW1I and ap]l!,pciuterl by the puhlic. Thr lIJedica] omenrs contillue 10 gi,'c their timc 1l1lgt'lIllgingly, alJd mr:ml)crs of the rlj~trict stall htl\" reJJrlcrc I excl'])ent service ill the cOlJllncLing of anllual inspection ' nlHl gene·ral :u]lf'l'\'isioll. 1tI conchliOll, I lil fty statr. tlllt.t the pro pcds of the Brignrl u ill llJis l)olllilJion am excf.'llelll, allrl d\lrillg lhc Ilflxl few yeals a large addilieJll Lrt 0111' rullks lIU1Y safdy bC' 1'I'erlir-lm1. I h,lve tit, It'lI\fJur to ljP, •'il', 'YOIiI' fJh ~ rli .. nL " ' 1 I-:Lnt, (.J1'.<J. B ,\I(l'r,;\Y. Major, •. :0. V. j{ifllOrf','y f aczute of the {J ,'d,',' oJ ,), John of JCI'USalCII1. D JllIl!) C<.Jllwziss if)llC". '1'" tit ('1)1111111 iQt1cI' fill' "P' ci 1 •'en-if' ' ~, ,'t. .J "btl \ m},lll:l.tlf' BI·igllrl , ,'t, .J ()hll ' ~ (hltt' l L onr) " n. Lr
1 (H
COJ:I' ,\ Jl J Jr\' rS [I) ', r,' OtWEll OF A~ltH' I "\LI ' L CUI ' I" A. 1) UIYI _ I(J .·
jr'o/'I/frrl, f)lllH·.j i II ('0),1'
Aucklnnd I)ivi lOll OIL Jrt:L I'll " \Vel1itl~1 III , Palm'l tOil ·"I'll! Fir Bl'i 'lde J)i \ i iolt :.\ [a,.,tCl'tcIII " Owalm " ()hl'i lr'hlll'l·!t "
" J)i\'. ['ahIH;I' tflJl ,'(jUtll J)ullli. lOI\ lJivi ion . l'alwel'"loll 1'. Hy. lJiI'. \Y ell ill "inll ·2\! all;t\nLLu , " H.:ulway Vi\'.
~ 1,
11, 1 03 1 1 au .Jan. ] " , l~JOO ])"r;,
1, 1fl01
2 , 1rlO~
. I,lll.
ti,l!IOG (j,] OOlj
.. :l}JIP1"
1 "' ~H;
.\[11. :2D, 1 H02 1 !10 I ]!'lO1
IDOl 1DO:; 1 DOS
~ T o\· .l~,
I> 0.. 1... , ;\Iay 20, ,lUll 2l, AI\~. ];,
1906 1nOG 1fl07 HI')7 ] 907
Au~, ~ 1,
'. ' IJt. 11, cpt. 11, .:ept.ll, Oct. '2, Dec. 13, D c. 15, Dcf'. 1 !l,
Ifl07 1£107 ID07 HlO, 1 fl07 1007 1907
Uhl'i tC'hIlJC'h TmJJ1\\'ay \ )1'1)
1'0.1 TJi\ic;inll ~ 2 lJi \'i i HI l"aiapoi })ivisit)JI .:'lIlt cellon ., 'I).
:-It pI.. ~~, On.lJmrlt " Or;l. G, Ow,Lkl1, " Palnlcl'slOII fIJI Lli )) i \'. . ()d. 31, Auck lund U I ViSIOll ~ I ar. 21, .May 30, Onchungl1 " Thames July 1,
IJlver :t1:.611 Hy. 1)i\'. If Il1pden !Jili ion ., J I ' riJCl't .. h '\~ Point "
1DO j
]<'0\ J.
011) lJi visioll
(kt. ~:;.] no 1 T OI·. 21, 1 !IO 1 l)u. 1,] !l0 1 ]) l·C'.
('hri ti n
ucintir)1I (W ilin
.I. TUJ:
Duncr] ill f>i I isiolJ \\' ell ingtull "
yl)lll\~ ';\1 PJI'
" \ JIa\1 r<l ))r\'J.lo. 'H . PalIn I' tOil '-"lIth Dil'. '~ 'Jlt. 7, IflO:; Pt tonPo ])iv. S(;l't. 22, HJO.i '!tri. t 'lilli' I, I>il i ·ioll ]\Ial'.:i, 1 nOri 11:lJllpd~1l " ApI'. 2~, ]n07 Il erlJl'rt " .)ulJ'21,ln07 (}re),moulh " . AUt!. 2,lno? :-It.1 \\'yJJ(C!tl'iSlchul'ch)1J1I.~ TO\.:2 , 1907 lb\\,'m lJivi:;wll DeC'. I fl, 1 !J07
Auckland Didsioll . . Aucklanu, Aucklaull ursing Onehunga Nursing. Thames ursing. 'Wellington Diyisions.-'Yellingtoll, Palillel'ston T. Fire D., 11u 'lerton, Petone, Palmerston Torth Railway, Wellington-Mann ",ntll R~il\\'ay, Y. ~1. 0: A., Tapier, :;\lasterton, :Yanganl1i, !Ia\:el''l., 'Vellll1~ton. urS1l1g, PalDlerstoll Tortt Nur l11g, Petune ~ur~lllg, lia.lYcra 1 ur'lllg. Ohristchurch Oorps.-Olll'i tchurch Tramway.. .., Diyisions.-Chri tcllUrch, DenDI ton, halll} 101 , Christchurch T l1rs ing, Greymouth Tursiug, 8e1\\'yn Tnr. ing. Dun edin Oorps. -Dunedin . Diyisions. -Oalllaru, Owaka, Pal Illerfitoll , oui 11, I ll\'ercargill Rail\\"ay, Hampden, Herbert, hag Puint, Dl1ne(lin XnrRillg. Oaillam Tmsing, Owaka ~ur ing, Palinerston ,'outll .l. Tur;,illg, Hampden Jur.~ill~, Herbert X ming.
00) ::: tc
55 ",0 ~
... ...
.. .
1 2 -
c ... t:<~
1 1 1 -
1 -
1 1 -
1 1
1 -
.5 ~ ;;; -r.
1 1
1 1
::.; ~
ClU:. t: ;...
I 8 2
:: Q)
,; c:l tJ
D istriet Staff .. ... orps Officers ... ... A uckland .. , C hristchurch ... ohristehurch Tramway ... No. 1 Division .. , ... No. Z Division .. , .. , S elwyn ... ... ... D enniston .. , ... De\Onpolt Dunedin Oorps Greymouth H ampden H awera H erbert Invercargill Railway K aiapoi Masterton M asterton (New Divisson) Napier Oamaru Onehunga Owaka P almers ton T orth Palmerston Torth Fire Brigade P almerston Torth Railway P almerston South P etone Shag Point Thames W anganui W ellington .. W ellington-Manawatu R ailway ... W ellington Y.M.O.A. Waihi
~ :;.
I ..... ~
1 1
42 -
I -
13 U
1 1
8 .. T. 1\. ' \.
l{f1fnIS, TJOWER HIGH ,'lltEr;T, DL':>EIJIN.
Sup er intendent.
Hon . Surgeon .
,V. Hut lllelli,
.J. E.
gOIH' ,
FOl'ster Street, Bcl1ckllowe , DUlledin. 3rd Officer.
2nd Officer.
1st Officer.
J ..J.
:. Norlh.
W. W. \\,ilkill 'ioll.
.J l)hUSOll .
Hon . S ecre t ary and Treasurer.
Barth , lJllncc1in.
Offir' ' I'S fi. Pl'imlf's 10. Total effectiye ;jJ. 'nrps snpl'o)'lNI j,y meml!crs' snb. erilltl(J1l and 'Ol~mitte P of tht ('entre. l)lll'lll" the 'ear very salls(:wtory pl'l)~n:ss Ira ' ('ontlllu -cl to lill !lIade l;y the Corps.
In (,OIl. 'C~nellcl' of the proll1?tJOll of Dr. ( ;lu" . \\ hI) had or-~lIp~ed t.h ~ position ()f Hon. 1>1. ll?rt Illd. urgeon of the Bricrade. for th DOlllllllon of 1 C\\ ZcalaJl(1, Ill!'; office 111 the Corps became vacant, and Dr,"\V. Bll temcnt "as unallilllou, Iy choscD his sncce "or. ,'nrg on of tbe. Corps. :-'I,ncc J t. !1)l'1l~atJ<JlI. to t~l e m,lI k of
...> 0
Sup erintendent.
Hon Surgeon
B . .T. ]ludlcy,
C. J. Tuuks, 'liorll a ll(l. treet, Auckland.
U.A , :'11. It.C .. ' .
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.
1st Officer.
8 2
AUCKLAND DIVISION. [Formed 11.12.93.]
34 97 3 ·11 41 35
17 51 -
II. M. Dou11, 30, Big! ,tn et, .\uckland.
A. r: . l'ilkillJtOlJ.
Inspector of Stores .
F. lJ enick.
omClll'. 3. l'ri\al es 10. Tutal 13. Drills liel(1 20. .i\Yllr<1O'C Iltt -lldallcc !I. 'uses attende(l Oil jlublic duty 6. n mo\'als fl. :'Icdalliolls 1~. • 'UI'sillg ccttilieate. fl. :;\latc lwl: .AJlford litter and medical IHtvl't saC. Drill: lUtye II >\;11 helc1 ill C'Ollllcdiun with thE:. Yoltllltcllr nearer o. with a "cry f'ati factory tty ' rag" (If atlenclallcf". 1'1Ib!ic.: clut "'U' und'rlak 11 aL ~h ? ~\llckland Rac:illg 'Illl/;; )o;tclpI{'('ha"c Illeetmg, AgrlC'ultllral , hm\', and H.n~lly .n.lOn football matcht>s, and fir.· t aid was rel1dered OIl six oeC'l JOns. ~\s n 1'0 ' IgllltlOl1 of these t'.en' icc:, \'er)' II b: t!ln tinl, and at the . •1I1le ti llle YOIUll tary, dOlla t ion ' towards the funds of the DivislOJl htl\e bl:en recei\'t::c1.
OAMARU DIVISION. [Formed 1 .10.99.]
7 23
7 14 18
Hon . Surgeon.
A. ,'. C;arlalltl,
M. n.c.~.
1st Officer.
1. t'\.
h·enCell .
Superintenden t .
n. Thomas,
TImme ,~trect, Oamaru.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.
A. Gngol', Thames
treet, Oamaru.
Inspector of Stores.
B. (It- Lumbert. Ollie-ers 3. Sergeant 1. 'orpol'llil. I>riyates 12. Total effectin! 1 i. Increasu ::;ince last report :3. Drills held 11. rherage attcndance 9. Cases attellde(1 on pullic duty . H'lllom]s 21. Ua 'es attended nut on public duty 21. Annual inspectioll, 'W. U. 07. Tutal 011 parade 12. Annual l'e-e\:nI~liI1:\ti~n, 26.9. 07. Member: pussed ] 1. 11edlllliolls 11. ~ 'niee hadges 7. ReguhtllOn umform worn. Mutel·iu.l: lroughal11, Asllfonllittel', 2 stretcher, fir.'t aid kit, hanclllge , splints, etc. 1)i\ isiuJl t;ul'pol'te<l l,y lhe public. The Division has had a Ycry satisfactory eason. Rul), in the year It was re oh'ed to put ft,>rth efforts to raise thc funds necessary tu ubtain Itllltmbulnnce wagon for the
t Counted
~3 ~:i I - '" .=~~~ ~~...
~~ _ ,t
10 4.
H F, \ 1J QUA ll I EHS:
[Ji'Ollllrd 21.12. 92·1
Ambulullce. >,. ;... rr.
[j]o Names of Corps and Di Yisiolls.
AKD DI\rr.'IO 8.
GOlOTI ial B?"(,(1? ches.
St. J ohn A?11.bulo?1ce B?'igade.
the corresponding Ambulance unit.
Oolonio)l Branches.
t . J ohn Ambulance B1'igade.
to\Yll and district. A public meeting took pbce, at which it was decided to hold an "Ambulance, aturday," and a committee of citizenI': \las appoint ·d . (0. nSf;is( the Brigade member in carrying out tl~e detail~. The 1'e ult wa~ verJ.' gr?-tlfYlIlg, a Sum of £297 17 .. lId. being. ub. eribed m the town and Sllrrouudll1~ districts, alld thanks are due to tho e who a sisted to brill~ ahout such a satisfactory cullection . All up-todate ambulance hrou"ham has heen ordered from Ell<rland, and will f;upply It muphfelt want in the district. The mectiuO's held during the year lw,\ to kcpt the meni1Jer ' familiar with their \\'ork. It i expected that tbe membership will be considerably augmented during the coming season.
M. W .
Hon . Secretary.
L. JT. Lcwi , Cha!'( I .'treet, l\Jastcrton.
A. E. 'WiliOI1, Queell .'tred, Ma~tf'ltIJII.
Officnr' 3. Pri vutcs 7. Total effcctiye 10. This Division JutS not IJcclI ill :l IJI::dtby slato fol' some time. It ba latr·ly become moribund, 11,11(1 steps are being to disband. A new Divi !on, willI (;l1thu. ia, tir; mcmlJers, has b 'ell formed, anrl will take 111' thr; ambuln.nce dutws at :.'\lu lertr)ll.
[Fol'llH:I125.10 . 01.J Superintendcnt.
Hon Surgeon
H .A.. H. Gilmer,
T. ill('J\i)'lJllJ,
F.H.C.: .
G. Bird, .', llr.,
1st Offi cer.
H. H .. _eed, Yaluation Department. \\'ellington,
J. Be ant. Inspector of Stores .
J. C:lIJle.
C. V. Dixon, 9, Oxford Hoad, Wt'llingtoll.
Offieer' 5. ~el'geant 1. Pri\'ates ].1. Total e£fectiYI) ~O. Resen'e m em )UI'S 5. Drills belel I:.!. A\crege aLt ndulJ(:e D. AIIlIIlal iJl Jl etion, 14.10.07. Total on parade Anuual re-examination, H.10.07. l\Iunbers passed 9. ?lIedallions H. ~laterial: tretchcr, splint.', and lJal1rlag('~ . Di \'isinn supported by member ' ubscri.JlLiol1s and dunations. The Di\i.ion ha ' maintained its efficiency. A team took part in an :lUlhulanc competition on the Basin Re,.;er,e, and took fourth place amOH'" eleven cOlllpeting teams, which was very satisfactory, con-'idering that it wa' the fil',.;t e\' Ill; of Lbe \-ino that the Divi ,ion had taken part in. Tha.llks nre dlle to the HOll. ,~tlrgeolJ"; fol' tbpir interest in the Divi. ioD. During- the winter a sec-tion of the mr:mlJer ' att£'llClerl Lhe football matches beld under the \Vellington Hughy -Umon, and rendered fir t aid in n number of ca es. A "j . it was receil'ed from the Petone Divi'ion, W110 were afforcled an opportunity of practising with the horse ambulance, tbe "i. it urovin" of mutual benefit to tbe memlJer"
Second Officer.
First Officer'.
Superi ntendent.
Hon. Sec. and Treas
18, l.1900.1
II. E. Gibb.,
)LR.C. .
[ 11'Ol'lllCd ~8.10.02.J
Hon . Surgeons.
Hon . Surgeons.
C. D. H ' nry,
11. H. HlX.
F. l'IlcLalcbie. Hon . Secretary and T reasurer.
Inspector of Stores.
D. "'lattcn, O\\1.kl1.
'. L:ltta.
Offief'I'S 1. J 'J'i \':1 tlJS 1 :3. '['eJlal 'ff,;cti\ e 17. Th r has b en n lnrk of inlel'c t ()Il tl}f; IJ:tl't of meml, 1'5 of tJlis ])i\'ision. effort will hI' marIe durilJg the f(Jl'tlJ('IJlJling yClll' lC) n :lIICdy lJIatt I
A ocr
\J 10_
l:.!l, ,;\1.\
IIr.. ' r •. I, • '1., ()1I!:1 T(' IJI"J:' II.
T. ~Iort')lI, Jlal Id.wri , Cbl"i tehul'I'h.
of1iCt 1
Inspcctor of Stores .
Hon. Secretary.
1st Omccr.
Pte. \ . .l\! . B,.}I'I'), , 1'.0. Box 'ltri lc:hun·h.
, . EJl:;d tid.
3. 1'rj ,'ut"s 33. Tolal {fecli \'0 10. bdt! :.11. A " era,:!, ' nttplldaw'c 13. C'a e,' Un e~ fltt 'uti t' lIot IJl! l'ullie duty 26. 7. r -. ',llllinnti oll, 10.10.07. ~I edlllll O ll ur~it'al bn II C"Uf'. , r ' tcller, lJi\i ion ::.\1Plort d hy Centre
Th e
Hon. Su rgeons.
l\I. CamvLcll, 'I.B. G. Wilson, :ll.B. Superintendent.
H. IT p\lwol'th, The SCluare, Palmel'ston
\\'. H. Stowe, G, W. Peacll,
:.LR.C .. ·. M.B.
1st Officer.
W. II. Barnard. 4
2nd Officer.
L. (;Iorgi.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.
W. R. Hall, Broad ::itrf.;et, J'allJlel':;toJl Xortl!. Officers 7. Pnvates 25. Total effective 3:l. ~he progress which has be~n made by the lJivi ion during the yea.)' \rae; heen very sat~factory. A comWUlllcatJOll has been received frow tbe lo(;al }}(J ..,pllal lJoarc1, in whICh that bocly suggests that the lJivi::.ioll should take OYer the charge alJ(1 working of the amlmlance wa."D'on. This will IJe a. stelJ in the ri"ht direction us it will . '" ensure better atten~lOn t? .the tran port of tile f;ick aud injured, although it will, on the other hand, entml llrlcbtlOnal work on tlH! mcmlJers. Tbe itIanawatu tllld Ashurst Ra?ing. Club~ l~OW allO\~ expenses for members attending their race llJecting~, a fact which IS gratlfymg, eousldermg that the re(lucst to attend emuuated hUlU tlw club:! named.
:.r. B.
[Funlled 1.12.01.] .'1'I:EET, PETU_ ' E.
Hon. Surgeons.
W. D. Perry,
I V. Cox, ~!J, Tury . 'treet, l'utolle. Hon . Secretary and Treasurer. '. Burel, Jacksun ~trcet, i'eLulIe,
:'1.1 ( ....
First Omcer. ~Hl
In spector of Slores }.
'tl.:llllll L1lle!'.
St. John A 1i~bulance
Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Pl'il'H,tes 11. Total effectil'e 16. Drill helel 20. Average attendance 9. Oases attended on public duty 3. Oases attended not on public duty H. Annual in pection, 26.11.07. Total on parade 7. Annual re-examination, 9.12.07. Iembers pa ed 8. Medallions 11. Material: splints, bandages, etc. Division supported by members' sub criptiollR. The past year has been an important one in the hi tory of the Dil·ision. Although not trong numerically 01' financially, members have shown grcat interest in their endeal'our to place the Division on a sound footing. A deputation" aited upon the local Borough Oouncil for assistance, and as a result the Di\'ision hus llOW in course of erection in the cen tre of the to"'l1 a building which will be capllble not only of holding all the a.mbuln,nce a.ppliances, but which will also serve as a meeting place for members. The Division ga\'e an exhibition of ambulance work at the ,eamen's Mission. It also took part in an ambulance competition, and gailled tiecolld honours in a field of ten team. T\vo members have attended all the footbullmatche. · played on the local ground, and this ha been much appreciated. ..A COUlbe of first aid lecture was also held in connection with the Divibion. Valuahle firt;t aid ha been rendered by several members during the year. The Diyision is unfortunate in that it is to lose the services of 1st Officer mart. PALMERSTON SOUTH DIVISION.
[Formed 9.12.04].
Hon . Surgeon.
,\V. Hislop, M.B.
D. Guffie,
1st Office r and Inspector of Stores.
hag Valley, Palmers tOll South.
Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.
R. W. Wheeler.
G. B. Smith, Palmcrston, Otago.
Officer 3. Sergeant 1. Pril'ates 1. Total effecti\'e 22. Drills held 16. A\'erage attendance 10. Cases attended not on public duty 4. Annual inspection, 22 . . 07. Total on parade IG. Ab, eut with leave 3. \Yithout leave 3. Annual re-examination, 10.10.07. Material: stretcher, 2 . urgical havresacs. DiYision supported by members' sub criptiolh. Go?d work has been done during the year. Members of the local fire lJrigade have been lDduced to take an interest in the 'York, and several ha\'e joined the Di\'i~ioll. DENNISTON DIVISION.
Hon. Surgeon.
W. J. Oran,
J. Edwards.
Officers 2. Privates 13. Total effective 15. Details of the work of this Division for the past year not come to hand time for insertion in this report. PALMERSTON NORTH RAILWAY DIVISION.
[Formed 6.2.06.J
Hon. Surgeon .
Su per i ntend ent.
Peach, M.B.
A. E. Pollock, \Vellington-Manawatu Railway 00., Wellington.
M. R.C. S.
F. J. "\Yoodcock.
K. R. H ardie.
J. Hollis.
Inspectot- of Stores.
Hon . Secreta r·y.
3rd Officer.
2nd Offi cer.
1st Officer.
ndl'ews, \Vellington- ~lal1awatll Raihmy Co., '\Vellington .
Officers 5. ol'geants 2. 2. Privates 26. Total effective 35. Drills held 2. Average attenc1ttncc 13. Removals 20. Cases attended not on public duty 21. Annual im;pectioll, 16.9.07. Tot~11 on pal;' IG. ..i.~nnual reexamination, Hi. 9. 07. ::'1em1;ors passed 1 ti. nledalllOlls 3. :::\ 1l1'Smg certlfica.te· 1 . :Material: Ii ltCI', streteher, ~ h<1 \'l' .·acs, ki t, plint s , ban(ll1gt;ti, etc. ; abo a.t each station and in each "uanl's "<111 ( t . tl'ctcher and ambulance ho ." . The attendance nt drill: 110.' been \'ery satisfactury. All the cases a.ttended were accident · to railway employl" es, alld l'nll."erl from two thigh bones broken in one case a.nd 'eyered rudil1.1 artery in anoth '1' to a dislocated fin"er . . The remo\'als wer~ ft'om the railway station tu the hospi tal, ell';, aIltl werc .cases \\:lnc!J llud heen prenously com'eyed hy rail frum the COtlll try :-:.tatHlJ1S, awl whIch harl Ul mO:-.t cn 'e", been attended to by a llH:c1icalman. A first aiel c1a.', was i.n-tt:ucted by J?r. Begg, and was attendtd by 22 memIJer', whu all passell at lhe ext\ll\lllatlOll. DUl'lug the year one stretcher and one ambulance kit lun-e been Jlurcha ~d. YOUNG MEN 'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION DIVISION (WELLINGTON). lFormccl 12.11.06. J Superintendent.
Hon . Surgeon.
W. Shipton. c/o. Y. \1. '.A., Wellington .
Elliott, lI.n.
Inspector of Stores.
J . R. Palmer, Denniston.
Hon . Surgeon.
A. ,\V. Izard,
Hon Sec. and Treasurer. TIl1l Id~ll, 1 O~, Ori ·ntal Terrace,
Inspector of Stores.
1I. 'Y. Johnson.
J. Penman, Denniston.
Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.
F. 'hl\1ltlll1.
Isl Officer.
[Formed 6.1 06.J
Oolonial B'1'anches.
OHicers 3. ]Jl'i\'ate" ~5. Total dfectiye 2 'ases attended on puGlic duty 3. Dl'llls held 1. .\\ el'a~e attelHlance ]0. Remo\'al1. 'a.'es lHlul~lecl nut on pulllic duty :39. Annual inspectiull, 7.10.0~. Total 011 parade 11. . \b"ent with lea\'t~ ,1. Annual re-examillati~n,. 23.9.01. Memhers pI' 'sent 20. ".Il·dulliolls 1. Di\·i,.,ion supported by uh'cnptlOns and donatio;!s. 1 AlthOI1,rll the Division Jill ' unly been in cxi ,t 'l1ce for n year, it holll:; the prou( positioll ~1 hn\11lg in itsmnksthechaltlpiull teall1 of '\Yellil1gton-\'~z., ~Ie. 51'S: ,\Y. H. ::lhipton, II. :\l. J uhnsou, ll. :\1. 'l'hirkell, unel R. Hull. ) Till: (hstllletlOn was gaineelllt the Y. '. ~l. A.•\.m:l tuu!' AthJ~tie '::ports. held. 0;1. the .lh·m H~s~l'\'e, when nine team' tuok part ill the comp titlOlI. The DIn'lOll 1. exceedlllgl~T sound financially. At the l\1lntlltl inspection members were cOl1gratulated on the atl ·factory work perfol'mud.
J. Grieg, Railways, Palmerston North.
Hon. Secreta ry.
J. Stone, Railways, Palmerstol1 North.
Hon . Treasu rer.
J. Grant.
Inspector of Stores.
A. Thompson. Officers 2. Privates 11. Total effective 13. This was the £rst purely railway Division formed in the colony, and during the year very satisfactory work has been carried oub by the members.
Hon. Surgeon.
J. 13 .• '"Ie,
Hon . Sccr-etary.
C. \V. Kirk, Hilihmy \Vorl,shups, r llyercargill.
[Formed 1 .1~.OG.]
1:-; YfnL'.I.RG1LL. SuperintE"ndent.
tew<ll't, RailwllY \ York'hop", I!wel'carglll. Inspector of Stor·es.
T. F. '. l{udJ .
St. John
Colonial Branches.
Officers 2. Privates 7. Total effective 9. Drills held 15. Ayerage attendance Annual inspection, 10.10.07. Annual re-examination, 27.11.07. Members pas ed 7. Iedallion 6. Material: splints, bandages, etc. Division upported by members' subscriptions. The members have kept themselves well to the fore in their work. It is expected that next yeat there will be a.u increa. e in thc membership. During next season it is proposed to arn1.nge for the attenda.nce of mcmbers at the various football matchcs, etc.
Hon . Surgeon .
G. Liddell,
Su peri ntenden t.
T. A. Patterson, ~r. A., IIampden, orth Otago.
M. B.
Hon. Sec. & Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores.
G. :lHilne Hal1lpden, Otago.
J. Findlay, jun.
Officers 2. Primtes 13. Total effective 15. Lectures were gi ven by the Hon. nrgeon during the wintcr months. re-examination mlS conducted by Dr. Douglas, of Oamaru.
[Formed 11.9.07.]
Chief Surgeon .
E. A. Natlmll, M.n. Chief Superintendent.
,'. l!'. O. Orane, c/o. Tmmway Bon.rd, Ohristchur -h.
Superintendent Secretary.
.J. 11. East, c/o. Tramway Board, Ohristchurch.
This 'orps Ims lJecn formed from amongst the employees of the Ohristchurch Tramway BOtml. It was necessut·y to organize it iuto two Divisions, to suit the shifts worked hy the majority of the lliumhc)':;.
P. C. Ftnwick,
'J. n.
The annual
1st Officer.
.', E. Holab.
G. ('ooke, c/o Tralll\\.. ty Board, '111'1 tl'lmrrll. Hon Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
O. Dal'her, c/o. Tramway Bu'U'cl, Chl'istl'illlJ'(.'h.
[Formed ~.J..6.07.J
Officers 2.
PJ'i,'atc:; 12.
'1'. L. Grang!;;, Toial effectiye 41.
Hon Surgeon.
G. Liddell,
.T. Fleming,
Hon. Sec and Treasurer.
lIousl' , JIcrhel't.
l' obel'toll. sell.
Officers 2. Priva.tes 11. Total effective 13. Drills held 16. AYerage attendance 9. Oa,es attended not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, 30.9.07. Total on parade 11. Annualre-examillalion, 30.9.07. Members passed 11. Material: stretcher and surgical havl'esac. Division :supported by members' subscriptions. The members ,vorked ,,'ell together during the ses ion, and the result of the annual re-examination, which was conducted by Dr. Dougla was "ery satisfactory. It is expected that next year the membership will. be con iclerably increased.
Hon . Surgeon. ;lI.B.
Honorary Surgeon n.
1. G. LOllt" 'on,
Inspector of Slo,-es .
E. H. Ross, Rosebury, Heruert, ), orth Otago.
W, Hislop,
Su peri"tendent .
1st Officer.
.T. H. _ mith.
.T. OO\dey, C'/o. Trnmway Board. Christchut·ch. Hon Secretary.
I"spector of Stores.
C. 0.' Donllc::ll.
M. G. )Ial'cnnklh, eo. Tl'ltll1way noard, Christcll\lrph.
Pnmtc.' U.
Total effective 11.
[Formed 2.10.07.]
Hon. Su'-geons.
II. \\'. B. Dwi ''',
Supe"intendent. ~\..
ray, Kltiapoi. L'anterhury.
J. \Y. Ctnwsh'1.w.
1st Officer.
Hon. Sec,'etary.
L. J. ,V. TlnHute,', K<l1 'lpoi, Canterbury.
Inspector of Stores.
,Yo Omm.
C. F. Bell, 'chool Hou e, • hag Point, Otago.
Hon . Secretary.
Inspecto ,- of Sto res.
J. McIntosh, Post Office, Shag Point.
A. GOJclluy.
Officers 2. Pri vates 28. Tota.l effective 30, Shag Point is a coal·mining district, and the formation of LIlis Di, ision is consequently a very satisractory stl'p. The unit should prov6 of yulue to the locality.
[Funned 24 .. 07.]
Hon Surgeon.
J. J. Edgar,
Hicer:; 4. Priml 'S 23, 'rotal effedi\'(~ 27. . This sbould bc a :;ucce<>sful Di\'isioll. l\:'linpoi is the ccntre of the ,,..oollen lllclustry, and in a good tl<q·icultun\) district. .\. lIllJ 'ing 1)i"i"iol1 is abo in cour'e of forma t iOll.
J. A.
~1. B.
Hen. Secretary and Treasure,'.
M.B., C.~[.
A. J. Pluton, Queen 'trect, Ma terton.
Hon . Treasurer.
Hon . Secretary.
F. 1. Foden, Enfield Road, rapier .
Pte. W.,
Pte. O. Beamish, Oarlyle treet, a.pier.
Officers 2. Pril'ates 18. Tot~1.1 effective 20. Na.pier is a thriving tOWl] in a very line c1i!';trict, and this new Division will Le welcomed by all who can appreciate the value of all amuulunce tmiuin!!.
[Formed H.U.07. ] Superintendent.
A. Donak!, )1asterton. Inspecto,- of Stores.
11. P. Brnsel.
Otticer 2. Pri yates U. Total effectiYe 1 G. . This Di\ision has been organized [uJ' th- purpose of ('m'l'yill~ Ol~t ambulallce wOlk III tho l\[nstertoll di::;tl'lcL. A collection has uCt:'1l tnkun up 1Il the tOWll and surrounding country with "ery satisfactory r '!'> tllts, and :;tcjls ha \'t' since been tal~en to pl'OCUl'e n hor:;c <lllll.llll!ll\(:u. Tins Di,i::;iotl will t,lke the phtL'0 uf the one preHously existing.
St. John A 'I?~bulance B1'igade.
Oolon?:al B?'Ctnches.
[Form ed 15.12.07·1
1st Nursing Officer.
2nd Nursing Officer.
Lady I nspector of Stores.
}'Irs . W. II . Pearson.
)f. R. C....
1st Officel'.
F. J. Loftus.
T. R. Battle, ,\Tangan ui. Hon. Secl-etary and Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores.
R. Beauchamp.
J, Brine, c/o. A. D. " Tillis, ,\Vangu.nUl.
Officers 3. PriYates 17. Total effective 20. It has been desired for some time to e tabli'h a D ivision of the Brigade at W anganui. The town has po ses:,ed an amhulance ,:'agol1 for some years, and the sen'ices of trained ambulancer' will be of great \-alue m many ways.
[Formed 19.12.07.]
Hon . SUI'geon .
~lcGilJbin, M . B.
D. Burrell, IIawera, Inspector of Stores.
Hon . Sec reta ry .
Hon . Treasurer.
W. Falla.
J. '\17. Brunt.
E. D. Bates, lIawera, N.Z.
Officer 2. Pli. yates 1-1. Totu.l effectiye 16. This Diyision ,vas formed just at the close of the year. . 1l awera i a thriving town in the centre of a large district, and there hould be u. wIde, pbere of usefulnt!SS for the members.
Hon. Su rgeons .
~I i
rREET, D U.'ED!.'.
.. A. :Mendelsohn.
3rd Nurs i ng Officer.
)frs. E.
j{ ee\'e~ .
Lady Treasu rer.
Lady Secretary
::'Iis A. .\1. Ho.s.
Dunedin, OUiI'el'ii 6. Nur.:ing sister 4l. T otal effective 47 . . Increase since last report 11. Practices held 14. Average attcnc1 anc'e 20. Fm;t aid casesattenderll10t on puhlic duty . Cases nursed prinltely 3. Anllual ill!';pection, 11.10.07. Total on parade 26. Absent with leavc H. Without I 'a\,e 5. Annual re-examination,11.10.07 . .JlemIJel.'l'asscd 27 . ~redallions 4"2. lHatenal: IJandage, splints, kettle, sheeting, etc. Di,'ision ~upported by members' subs~l'iptiOl.1S. The interest has been well maintained throughout. The mecheal officers gave ectures on advanced nursing. The district nur::iC also lectured, awl ?n (Efferent occasion·' took mem1Jers out 'with her to visit ca. es. )leml;cl':' also a slsted at the Association cIa. ses in Dunedin and suburl)s, as well as at the strcet collection on H ospital aturday. Seventeen new members have been enrolled, and others have been nominated.
Hon . Surgeon .
Agnes Bennett, M . .E.
Hon . Surgeon. ~Ic \ dull 'I B.
[Formcd ~9.4,02.]
·T. JI'If!"i'j f:\I'I100L Roo~rs, ·WELLINGTON. Acting Lady Supt. and Lady Sec ..
Mrs. '\T. B. It'is b eJ', ThorncIon \Vellll1gton.
Lady Superin tendent. ~1 i,
1st Nursin g Officer. :'lis,' L. Cl'vI~h.
Lady Superintendent.
Miss E. ,\Yilliams, 4, Calder 'treet, N. E. Valley,
-; :'If. Eo Brn·(. '1'( t
t, O301113.rn.
Lady Sec. and Treas. Mi~!'l
Bl'l, \\'It lrf .'tl'll t, O'llilnrn.
Lady I nspector of Stores ;\11.!j ~\l. IJt: \\ wk.
lIIiss J. D. H ooper, 5';, ,\t eh'ille ,-'treet, Dunechll.
2nd Nursing Officer.
1st Nursin g Officer.
Mrs. ,Yo Forrester.
Offi C'crs 4. Xnr ·inrr sister" ·.12. Total effectl\'e 4G. Prnctir·cs Iw lcl 11. A Yom!:;,· atll'IIClallCe 27. Annual insp(;cticJll, 27 .10. 07 . Total Oll Fu·allt.: "27. Anllllal l"t'-l'Xi~111 i ImtioJ] J '1.:1.7.07. .JI '.ll 11 l)l~r, pas,;e,l I, ~Iedalliol1s 16. ~l'Ltcrial: illvalid rurniture LlIlIIlJwclieal .tl'pli:wcf'''' The (·llid en'llt (,f the yeal' has" 'ell titl' ()!'~:mization (,f n. lmzaarwhich was openc,d lJY Ill S ] '~ . . r·eJ]ellt·y thl' (j!Jn;IJlOl' awl Lady [>lllnket. whie!1 lJl'fJ\'cc1 nhuge suece.',.;. This was dll(' ill a gr 'aL 111(;.\': III"! to tlli' ('fforLs of :'Ifr.. !'). A. Rhodes (lIoll .•\.ssoeiate uf the Urdl'l' o[ St. ,J 'Jlln) who I' f,u'-l'l':lC' hin" illf1IWl}(!(, was rrencrally l"(c-orflli:,e(1. The neLL resnlts I .·l,perl,d 1.:1.100 , whicll ;llllllllllt Itas I)!~('n \l! ted in trustees for the lIUrsill'.!; of th, ;. ick 1'1101' of \\'l'llill,;tol1. La · L tr,.,illl1 WIlS opened IJy 1)1'. ;\Ia'oll, Chid If ,·:dth (Hljr·, '!" fIJI" till' J) 'HllilliIJ11, wlto dr>]i\'cn:(1 n "'plt:l1clirIleC'tUle at tllC Towll J lall 111 til' )In' 'eltc'l! of al"'lIt 100 pl·"l'll'. JJI'. "\''':111''; Bl'lIIldl ha: at'li given -.eypral eX(;l'lll'nl 1t·('tul"e-. durin!!; tIll' \\ inti I II1()nths. Pr:t(·tic: 1 Ie (JlIS ill fir. t aid and 1I111"sill" lIalt· 1'1:1'11 gi\"'11 hy ~1I1'''' 't tOll and _\l ac.'1.lldrew, wlli('ll, combined with tIll' il~ tlllC'tillll illl],artl"d' IJy th, H ill\' ,'lIr~(,oll, lla\'c )'l"ove<1 lllo"t A. ",wiatl II \ritll tIll' /) i\'i"i"ll are tht' I{ l!\'. Mlltl" l' ~[Uly .To eph Aubert and se\'eral (If the ,'j ["1'. of ('ollll';l';. iOIl. wllu:· t'lf-.arlifil·ill~ ,/forb Oll lwhaJf of suffering humanity an' \\"l'll kl1 liWll, Tho ... e III l'U t1w 1'. who attel1rlerl the annual re-examination gained It \"'1), hi~h I're('entl1!;e flf mark, till!· ~hl)\\'iJ1C' that tIll' llursill(r si"tar· lHwc bL'L'll \\'ell tl'Hilll'cl, alldu.!" 'Iualifl rl to ulld"l'ttlke tIll; <lutie:, re'luirl!d of tbem.
1\ .
[Formed 30.4.95.]
L. E. Barnett, F.R.C.S. E. II. Williams, )LB.
urse r.lacandrcw.
Hon . Surgeon .
II. R. H atherley,
:n .
lIi('CI.' 3. "Tl\l illg i. tl'l'S Total eifccti \'e 2--1 Pmcticl' hi Itlli. ~\. \·Cl<l~l· ·lttt'lltilllll'l' 11. a 'I", nttended llc,t on pul)lic duty 11. AlIlIll!l.1 ill"l) ·('tiull. ~lJ • . Oi. 'l'''lnl 1111 pllr:l(It' l:L Allllwll l'> -l'xalllillatioll, ~5 . 9.01 . }lLlIlIJIlI l':t I'd l~. M"dalliull;; Ili. Ui\ i"il II . I1I'POI'tlld hy l1lt!lllb 1',,' 'ul'Sf'l'iption The illtcrllst ill tIll' \\'or!- has I, 'en \\' II 11l!lilltaillt.;r], pHI,ticull1l'ly tlUl'ill~ the latter ]Jail II[ tit,· Yll,\]" wh ' 11 II .. t i Illltlll to l,ral'tied \\"ork \\"a . gi \'en by th· Lady ~uperil1tl'lHI('ll t (M i,.."; BI'lIl·e). I Jle"l'll till" It trllphy fo], l'oll1petitilHl by th meIl1IJel':'. A slIrCls"flll ('UllIpdlLilJl! \\'.h 111">1<1, Whlll 1)),. ])1J\l~la" adcIl II jlltl~', allll a\\'artl~d the prize to \1 1. S ,·Ylllingt'Jll. Thl' Ut: 'lilT '111'1 l'()iJk, 1111\\'; that 1l1llOll!!; t the ell e' treated \\'111'l! l'Ull\ UblOllS, 1'1t""phllrlts I'lli,.;(.nillg. cI'ih I'tic fib. lJl1l"ll.', ell'. ThallI;:' :1.1'e chit! to tlte l1 ull SlIn4l'U1J ( VI'. :.\l e_ \.d ullI) ful' hi. ,,;cl'\'il:l'" tu the lJ i\ isioll.
:;.10.0 I.]
HOIl . Surgeons .
A. ,'tcnhons!',
T. :'Ilt"Kil,hill,
;\1. H.
Lady Superintendent .
.\1 L'S Lady Secretary and TI'casul'er.
Mi ss U. Du LtUlI, Omtka,
I ·~.
I>u [ Lilli, O\\aku. Lady Inspector of Stores. M l'~. U. Burton.
Ofl ieer~ 3. Tlll'siJlg."is[l'r:> 20.. To~al '(f~cti\.'. ~,3. . 1\1otUe!'s IIn,\ enoL prlwI'essl'cl well III l'lJllIll:d lUll \\,1 th t IllS ))1\ lSlun, but It IS hoped tlJ'lL Ill'xt seasun its lttrllir,~ will be pla('ell Ull i\ ll\ure s;\ti '[itclory fuutillg.
t. J ohn A m uLLl C"(,?1ce BI ·ig(l,/
Onion iCil B ranches,
L a dy S ec. a nd T reas u rer.
Hon . Su rgeo ns.
Mrs. U . Mowle1l1, but' 11 Stn'd, Pnlmcrstlm T l1rth.
l~. Sto" C, :i1l.R.C.S. . \\T. Pea h, )L.I]'
L a dy Secret ary.
1st Nursing O fficer.
?l l iss 1\1. 1\ \. ~ I il\'('rtl)ll, l\Llin Sll·l'l't. l'allllcrstOll Tlll'tll.
1\l l's. A. 1Ilcli l'l'gor.
L a dy I n spector of St or es.
L a d y Treasurer.
:r. l iss Il t'ttlun. Miss KCl' " . I 11rsi11cr:-;is\('l's 13. Total cll'ccliYC II. . Of 1lCE'lS~. '" I l " q,. First tlHlc.l:-;\'S ~ t',s .11'ltl17 1\\ (,1'.1((l' a tl'lHal1n l Ie, C · <' • 1] 7\ iL'(l.lIlillns 1 :~ . J..:> C l'l'Ve mClll her 11'1' l':1.C nttl'nded not on PU) 1C l I 11 I' J l lut'. 1"), . Cast's llursed prl\t\le y I.
. C I'Yed .\ llUlnlle1 of ::;Upportl'rs in tltl' way llf hOll. 1'1 e D' 'isiol1 h '1\'1I1,r no,,- 11' e , '11 I matlc to'lllltaill a . 1\ ant 1 o'tller; beino' 11l'omiscd, an cnth':1\ our WI lC JllelllIb eIs, ~ professional nurse.
Hon . Su rgeon. J
1\11','. L. '111i.tlt, Athll1111',
M . B.
Mil'S 1\[, l\IcLcotl.
·nnll) , Anckl :l1ltl.
2nd Nursing O fficer.
1st Nursing O fficer.
1\l is
1. \\'Chstl'l.
L ady Secretary.
:-Itrt'et, 1'011s011h), Audd.lIhl. "lis 1Il. Ed11list0l1, 1v;;, \\''\ull ~ L ady In spector of S t ores
L ady Treasurer.
.M iss E. ] 1mlle1·.
l\Iiss E. Thome.
, .. 1 Nl1l':;in a si lel'S 17, Tolnl ('Ire(;ti\'l~ ~1. O Il'ICl!! s . n 1 F' "l .' 1 cascs n \l 'ncl '<1 llut 1111 Practice helll 17. ~\. \'el'a~c. :l tt c1ll1~mcc \ 1. I l~Il~ )..'\cIt\on ~H.] O. 07. 'l'ul:d 011 ~ C' asc~ l1111sel ", 1 111')\"\le}" 1 ' . ' • 1111lHl .1.,,} r~, .- 11 07 .\. ll 111 l'll I leI'S I)l1blic duty I. AllIll1nl l'e cxanll11.1. lUll, .1. . , ... \.1 t ·' lh} ··. \·c 1 parade 1 . ~ )seJl\l 1 e, l' '1 t ' I HI . 'S \Yorn hy 'Ill lllellt!u.;rs. () l\' lSl(111 passed. MedalllOl1s 1;1. .eg~l n. IOU I: " ,
H OIl SUr'geOIl
'work cluri11" tht:! )1':11'.
~ l ulllllC'rs
Hon . Surgeon .
G. Lapl'itik,
M. B.
L ady S uperin t ende n t.
L a dy S ec., T reas. a n d .Inspeclo r of S to l·es.
Ofliccl'S 2. N111'sing sisters 10. Total ~ll'ectiY? 1~. ( 1 O~ TuLd . 11 1\. . "1fte n.ttenclanee 7 Annual 111 pectlOu, 1..1 . I. PractlCes he ( ~'. ~ \01,_, 'D' ,"Sl;>11 ~"11 ,·Jorll.'cl hy lllL'mbe!'s' sl1l)s(·l'iptilln~. on pl1r~de 10. ~leclJ.lllOnStl': tl ~r" 1 ~1ll'!,1'01l lectured on f11'::>L ltid and l1tlr~Il~~, :11Hl Dunn" the \\ lllter mOll 1~ Ie 01.' b .. " .,' c'onl1el'tinn \l'1lh l h ' rCllclel'ccl CtlllSlcll mble asslst.lnc:e III mem)ers I '" 0 " LllC DI'\'l'sion . classes. [l1'OI11H'll 7.9.0:1.1
]>.\Ll\mll~'roN, O'l'\uo. 1 [ 1,;AI)-QUAH'l'lm::;: -.\ 'I' III.'.'".··.\I.'.l,]\I, .. H o n . S UI-ge oll .
,Yo Hi lop, 1\I.ll.
L ad y S uperin t e nl.
fill'S. D. \ \'nlkt'l, \l Lll, Paln1el'. ton, Otago.
Suq~cons .
'\1 \".
[I~L)1'1ll0d Lady Superintendent.
i'11·. . '\1. J\n}'. lInll HlJntl, Pdonc.
1st N n,'sill!!, Omcer.
1\1rs. W. \ Vil&Oll, c/o. Gas \ Vo1'b, Thames.
MISS '. ('llllningham.
H on
[Fonned 1.7.0;'.J
1\1rs. ,1. Ensoll, il l!ll')' ~l\'ert, Thlllll(,S,
Lady I nspector of S tores a n d T r'eas.
'\ I. \ \. H us"', \1. II. \ \. [) 1\1'1',)', 'I.H.I'.~.
Lady Superintendent.
\.1\. (!illlllnll, (JUl'l'll Stre t, Un, hlln~ '1, .r .Y;.
( f1il'I'l'S::!. N11l'sill!.!; :-;isll'l'~ 1 I. Tnt·lll,rl'l·cti\·c 16. Incrl'a:-;\' silll' l' Inst l't' 1"'1'\' I. ['1'Il1 IiI's Iwld 1;{. \.\ m~\' tltt 'IHlanCl) 8. \. nnual in. 1"'1'\ illl!, i. 11.07. .\nnnal 1',"" '1lIrlillntillll, 2 '. q 07. '\[clllI'l1'S pa '~e(l II. Did ll"t :11'1"':11' I. ' 1"lbllilllls 11. '\Int, rial ; l):1l1l1,I~l'';, ' Idillt , 1'0I1l'I' handa"l' lllnchiIll" \) .c! LL!,IL'. I lull, fpl' fl'Hl'Il11'l'd I.,,·, ,l('. Division :-;l1Pl'lll'ted by lllemhl'l" snl, I l'il'\ inll'. "';tlady l'l"'gl','s" h:t· h"," lllnc11' d1llin' the \ ear. TlIl' IInn. , \l1'~l'lln's kC'tul'l!. h,\\ \' I" .'11 illl,'l' . till~ and ill Irlldil l', \I hilt 1\ ur.·L·S nl'lllll""~lllllh :llld I'ric:-;lIl"" 1111\"l' abo ~il"ll 11I'Ipful tnlk' alld ./"1111l11S1ralillns. \ kl'lul'" 011 tltl' "Telth" alsu !.:·llIll b,)';1 Illl',,1 tll' lltis\. '\ I \ ' lltlll'l'~ luuk Illl ae tlYl' 1"\l't ill ('"lkl'lill~ Oil " \ lllhlllilllt'l' Satul'llay. " Th'Y It:l\l' :1ls" h"l' 11 call, d 11]1\Ill til l'I 'lllh' I' first aid amI I1l\l'l c:1\L!1l t11l' il' .l· llil'l'S f(ll' llllrsi11" \101'1.:. III Sl'II'l'al ilJslnnl'e' Il'1',)' 1':lll1:lulc aid has I'l'l'll ~i\L~ll in l'Olllll'dillll lI'ilh tIll' bttel '.
L <\dy Seer-c l a ry FI"llllll~, (:l'I',)" ~trl'LI \\-l'l. ()llehUI1~1\.
K~en mterest Ila:-;. heell t,l ,e:1 III ..1~} tl ," \lll~lllallce :-;:llurdn\," I'olkl 'tlllll, a III 1
Association Centre III COllJH!~t)()Jl \\ 1 1 al 0 at the first n.icl and l1Ul''''lIlg chses.
[1"Ol'l11{,.1 !10.fl.Ofl.l
'n. '1, I: Cc.,I'III ,_. I I ,'I IInnl , 1 nrl\IS.
\\ . (:. ,'('nlt, '1.11.
[Forlllell 21.3.05·1 Lady Su peri n ten d en t.
1\ [ l'S. E. 1\T (:SSCI'.
Of1iCl'l"~. 1 Ill',in~ sistl'rs '27. lotal erfpc!ivc ~!) . 'ascs 11111'Sl'<1 l'1'il;\II 'I.1' :1. Pm ,ti('I's ll<'ld 1L. J\ nnnnl il1~l'l'C'li{)ll, 1~ .. 07. Tolal on l':tJ':l<1L' ~n. ~ \ hsl'n(, witlt 1t'.tVl' r.. \ 1111 I1nl r '- . :1.mill:t1iOll, ·1.1~.01. kl11b('l's i\ [nlvl'ial: hlankets and ,,111'ct:-l, IJttllcla~l's, s!,lillts, elinil'al .mcl I".th jlassul l~. LiWI'1l1()1l1etl'l'S. ])i\ isillil slll'l'lIr[I'c1 hy IlIt'lHI,l'I'S' suhs"I·il'tillns. Yl'l'Y satis('al'llll''y \\!ll'k has hl'l'll :tL'I'lllllplisllt'el, 'J'h, ] )i\ isioll g;t\.(. a c1e1l10l1stl':.' linll (If 1l11l'sillg' "'lIl'k al Ill!' l'ulJlil' Ill'I'sl'nL:ttiull of al11lntlmH'1' and nllJsin~ certificates :111<1 \I as llllll' h C'I 1l11111l'lllll'l I.
He~uhtion unifor111 .\\·orn.
L ad y Ins p ec t Ol' o f Stores.
M iss P. J) 1'1';t \'c'l', \\,l1ltl\\ B;\llk, Pa llllC'l'sloll, OUtgo.
L a dy Sup e r i nten d ent.
~1 ISS
L<\dy Secretar'y. ~l.,
R Ca1'Il'I, 'uhn
UIIII'I'r" :1. T \1l'sin,-" si"tl'1'''; ] \1. Tntal l' Il\'cLivl' ~~. Pr'll't.i,"':-; Iwld 1:3. \ \ '1'1~\' nlklldalll'l n. ~l'\ "I';d ":\S":-I llUI'S,tl pri,-atc1y. 1\ ll1tl'\,I:lI: Itl'(l alld "('ddil1~, splinl" ";llHl:l~l's, 'le. Di\'lsil)]l l\[vdallill11.· ] I. sUjll'ul'll~d 1,.\ Illl'lllh l ,l'.· "ul':>eril'lillllS. . 1 h1l'111~ tILL' )'l"U· lltirlll:l1 I'm ·tiCl'S \\','rc held :llld :-;l:\ l'll lel·l lll'l'· wcrc ~l\'l)n by thc llll'(li('alllflil'l'l':-;. Firsl aid ha' hel.'ll 1'L'lldl'l'cd It\' 111,'1111, ' I's llll It 11Ilmh'I' or oc ':l.'lOllS, ttlltl !:il'I'l'\,al I'ases lIf nUl'sing hll\'c "<'l' n III Ilk rta k'l'll.
CHRISTCHURCH CORPS CHRISTCHURCH NURSING DIVISION. 111'1Il'1l1l'd :; .. \. Olio I TI Il:.lll III I \ IU'I':lIS: J\ sSC){'1 \'I'Ill~':-; j{(lt)\IS,
1 \ \jL'1l I';s I'IW :-;Tln:ET
H o n . S u r'geo n
,I. H. Tltl1111:1S,
'lIl:1s-I'('lLl' I:
L <\d y SupC I-intondent.
1\I I'S " '. I( 11 t1~Oll, ,1'H'ksOll·S H ond, Fl'lHl:llll111, l'hl'istl'ltul·t'h.
1st N u r srn g Om cer a nd L ad y I nspec l o r- of S l o l-es . M i~;; ,I . !')L<l\ 'It:).
2nd N u r'sing Omcel'
l\ L:ss L.
Goloninl B rrtnche8.
St. J ohn A 1nbu lctnce B1igacle. o
3rd Nut'sing Offi ce r.
:l\[iss A. O. Jll1ill .
H o n . S urgeo n , )[,13.
L ady Secretary and Treasure ,-,
L ady S uperin t endent.
r.I1''';. D. Dunbar, Hampden, Ot.l~O.
G. Liddell,
Lad y Secretary and T reasurer.
Lady Inspector of St ores.
HAW ERA NURSING DIVISION. [Formed10.12.07.1 III'; \ lH1U.\H'l'bIlS: lL\\\EIL\, T ,\ll.L \KT.
H on Surgeon.
Lady Superinlendent. ~rl's.'l·, Ilu\\'em, 1\.Z. N Ill. iw~ "i,'1I'1 S 1 Total (,[Ieeli \'L) 20 This lJi, isitJll was [(lIIIlL't1 .It till' (·II),..,e of llH' ) ear and after the te;'minn.tion of the As,,;oLlatillll rIa. SI'S. Thl' l'rlJ"I'l'l'l" fol' its fill lin' SIl(·ce.· arc (lecicle(lly guucl. \ .•\ l cl;lhllflll, :\1.11.
Mrs. E. <T enkin , treet, 'obden, Ureymouth. L ad y In s p ect o r of Sto res,
Miss E. II. Rmith . Miss E. H. Vickerman, Shakespeare Street, Greymoutb . Officers 2. Nnrsing sisters 25. Tota.l effective 27. T his Division \\'as formed at the termiuation of the season's lirst a,it! t"\,nd nUJ'sing cla5se. The populntion of Greymouth is quite sufficient, to w<trl':.l.I1t Lhe existence of a flourishing nursing Di vision.
J[l' \IHll \I.I'IB":
. \.1
Hon. SU"geons.
Lady Superintendent.
ll. L'. JlL'Illldt , ~1. H.('. \ V. {;t1iIlIl~ ';;", :'11.11.
:\Li,,.; E. Ilul1~nrrl. \-:llnlnll Road, D >\(llljlnt't, \Ul'kln.llll, X.Z.
Lady Sec, and Treas
Lady Inspector of Sto l' es.
1\li"" 1. .I. Ntlckl,l!I', \'illl\11 til HIl.III , J)C\IlI1PIIJ·t. _\uvkland, X.Z.
H. Huu!,;',ll'll.
\,..,TI'l{'fO'\ •
[1"l1l'111c.1 1.3.0 ~.] /j.
Hon Su'-geons .
.t\. llu,kJll!.."
II. :-\. ( ()\\'il'.
\1. h.
1st Nursing Officer
Lady Superintendent.
Ilks II. Gilk pill'. n. Bn.- 1i', ~I;\ tblton, ... T.;;
::'liss Ross .
L a dy Supe rint e nd ent.
Lady Secret ary a n d T rea s.
L a dy Secretary.
L ady I nspecto l' o f Sto res.
GREYMOUTH NURSING DIVISION. [.Formed 2 . . 07.] F.R.C.,· .
l iss V. lIal'tky .
I1l iss III . rj\L'll, c/o ~I l's. HUl'h[ul't SIlOW, 1\1 iss OOIl lling ton. Papallui,OlJri.tchuJ'ch. Olli('ers~. N \ll'Sillg sisters 33. Total effecti \'C 35. \ L the d()SL of tilL AS""UCI:ltioll classes. thel' \\as n, large influx of new members to the n.rigari(', alld III (>1'(1 '1' to pl'l)\'e1JL thc Chri"tchure!J Xursing Diyisiou from lJt!eOIJ.lln~ t()O .I:t!·~ . pCI'lIlis"i()ll was ginm fur tbe formaLioll of this Di\'ision as an a<itlltlUllal Ulllt III the City of 'IJlistch\l1'C'h.
Mrs. M. Low, IIerbrt, Ot'lg0 .
Hon S urgeon.
1st N urSing O fficer.
MiHs 1\I. H amson, ,J undiol1 RUeHl, ..'yclellhalll, ChristchuJ'(:h .
L ady S uperintendent
Nursing Officers 2. N ur. ing si:;tcrs]1. Total effecti\" Hi. Praetices held 26. Average attendance 12. Annul\,l in,;pec:tion, 30.!"l. 07. Tolal on parade 6. Annua.l re-examlu,ltioJ1, 30 .9.07. Member:; p,\s:;ec1 G. ]) i\'i~ioll supported by members' subscriptions. :Meetings ,,,ere held weekly during the winter mouth , when rollel' ,lIlIl trin,nguln,l' bandage practice wa. cn.rried out.
)I.B .
L a dy Supe r i n te n de nt.
Miss L. Wall bone, Heruert, Otu.go.
J. \V. :McBrearty,
Ho n. S U rgeo n .
J L II. f:lmith,
. latter '011.
Officer 2. "ursing si ..,ter. 2 Totul ell'ectn'e 30. Ca e attended not Oll puhlic duty 3. Anmml in,.;pectinn, Lj members l'l'csent. The Hon. ,'uruean cleli\'ered a course of nur;;ing lectures which \\' ·I'e \l'e]) attended. Great intere. t h:s been taken lJY members in the \l'ork of the Di\'isi(Jll.
' . •J.A.A. H.OO)l~, l\L\XCIlESTE1, "THEE1', UUItISTCIlURCIl.
L ady I nspector of Stores.
1\1rs. T.
arllled 2, .11. 07. J
Mi s ill. J. McKenow, Hampden.
Ho n. S u r geon .
[ l~
1\1 iss J. M. Rogers, 132, \\TO1'ce tel' treet, hristchul'ch.
G. Liddell,
L a dy Sec . a nd Treasurer.
Officers 5. NUI'Ring ,istel's 51. TotnJ e£fectiye 56. I ncrease 10. Practices held 17. ..:\scrage llHendancc 24.. First r\'i(~ cases attended on public duty 4.. CaRes n,ttendccl not on puhlic duty:21. Cases pn\,l1.~ely nursed 9. Annual im;pection, 9.12.07. 'rotal 011 paradc 27.. ..\.1111ual re- x[\n~Jl1a hon, 9.12.07. l\Iemhers passed 27. l\le(1<1.11i011s 30. l\latel'ml: lJt1lldn~'es, Rphnts, bed a.nd bedding, wa.shsti1.nd. . ' .. There has been n, lory satisfa.ctol'Y in tl1t3 mombel'sh1p of the 1)1\1::;1011, nn.d it now ranks as the tl'onge. t l1ur"ing unit in :e\\ /je~~land ...I n conscqllell~e of hlS departure from the Dominion , Dr. ~hone r 'f;]gnl'cl Ill? P?SlttOll ;lS Ilon. Nurgeon, which he had occupied \l'ith much ach;\l1bl~C to tiH' D1vlslOn, .and nl'. Th?llllLS \\"V, appointed as his sncces, 01'. A considerable llllllllJor o.f firs~ aIel nn(~ lHlnl1llg'. case~ have been attended to 1)\ member:;, and [01' the first t1lne ;;lllec the lllt1ugnmtwll uf the uuit puhlic duty h;, heen undertaken. Th? Ollieers :mel llIc11l1~e1''' g,~le ~heiJ' seryices as clemon b'ator at the S . .T.A. ~\.~sllelatlOn cbs.' s helt! dlll'lllg thl' \\"ll1t'I' months, and their efforts were much ap]Jreeia.tec1. The Di \';::;ioll :\ Isu tlssiSll~ll the Centre on "Amhulance Saturchy," and helped at the annual (lcm()l1stl'at JOl1 111 March last.
:\1]"". \ .T. Parton. Lady Inspector of St ores.
Lad y Secretary and Treasu ,'el-
?lti,.;,.; reyhoe.
IIlL:; McLlUHll'e:;s, Di"tricl lIi"b '" , l'1H101 , Ia:;tel' tOll, 1 T. /j.
KAIAPOI NURSING DIVI SION. lFulIlle<l 6.3.0u.J llL\llQl \11'1'1 \IS.
20. [ForlllL'r!
UlllUSTU 11 CHell,
". /j.
C hief Surgeon.
, Ul'geon-Ca.ptuin II. l\Ic C. Inglis.
WAIHI DIVISION. LFol'med 1... 3.0 .J llIU,I)-QU \.It'l EHs:
\Y \'lIll, N . /j. l~.
St. John Ambnlcmce B?'igude.
SOUTH AFRICA. Cape Colony District. DI"TRIOT RTAli'F. .rl sistallt GVIIl1ni,,~iollcl'-nrajol' J. A . Lum IANN, P. O. 130x 1113, Cape Town. District Clzic/'IlI'[/con-Mr. O. F. r. MURHAY , 1I1.J). District Clti(f Sllperintendcnt-niltjor G. l\IElUU'I'l', 1:' A . M. c. District Superintendcnt Secl'ctary-Ml'. , V. T. 'WOOLLEY.
CO~UlI "
'10 En..
CAPE Tow T, 1 i Octvuu', 1907. Sm, I have the honour to present, hermrilh, the :-;eeond annual rport [or lhe Capo Colony District. The most important event of the year has ber\1 the inter-colonial competition [or the Selborne Challenge Shield, which took place at Bloem foniein, O. R. 0., ill the month of April. Tile c·)mpeting team represeuted the Cape Colony, Orange HiYer Colony and Transvaal DistricLs and Natal. The Cape Oolony Di ll'ict, represented by the East Lonclon Railway Division, carried 011' the trophy, Talal beiug second. The scores were; Oape Colony, 202 points; Nalal, 201~. The Oolony bas been pas illg throngh a 11Iost severe period of delll'<'s. ion, anel retrellcbment ill all government services and private establishments has been the order of the day. It is with much regret 1l.Jat I ha \'e to report lila t lhe . G. Raih-my Head-qUltrter Divi:;ion bas been dishandecl awl the remaining memhcrs thereof are to bc transferred to the 1 t CiLy Divi ion. The C.G. R. Passcnger • ' tnll' and the O.G.R, Good J)iviiollS will, likewise, lJe amalgamated from the Isl of October under the command of Mr. Joyce o[ the Goods Division. The inspeetion of the East Londolt Hail way Di visioll has, Vtly kiullly, been undertaken by Lieut.-Colonel Knapp, 1'.:,)1.0., C.C.F., who reports as under;OFFICE OF TITE P. ~I. 0., OAPE COJ,O~ lAL FOROES, KL-G '\\'ILLTAAl'S TOWN, 30th S~jJtcmbcl', 1907.
lIIaj or LIEmIA N, Assistant Coltlmissioner, St. John Am bulanee Bl igade, Cape Oolony District .
oth I'S havp, gailled Lhe VO\1I'l!1~1' ot' Lito J\s»f}l:JaLiulJ. Till s l>iVl"i(Jl1 alolle slll'f' lin tended 118 1'('lllllvals dmi Ilg 1I1i' ,) ('ill'. I sll!J ulcl Jih Lu IlIButiOll, C'f'pecially, the namo of' l'1 ivale W<LLkills W]II. is ill ('harge 0(' Lho hon;l! i1ndJltlance and whobo services aro 110,)'01111 all praise. The in spection of the Capl! Town Curl's was l:arriell Ollt by the District Chiof ~lIl'goon <1IllI111)'selr Oil f) ptflllll,cl' tl1l' !JOLl., anl1 Dr . nlllrray was very well ploased "ith \\'lmL hc ";aw (lOIlO. TlLOugh it Illay Slem illVilliolis to selel·t allY officer for s jlt;cial C0 1l11l1l'lld ltLiOll, whl'rc all do their \\ VI k!oil) well, I 5houl<l he lacking in a pl easi ng duly" h er(' I noL [lrolllin clIlI} to hrillg Lo yO\ll' lIolil: e the excellent work perforlller! hy 1I01l. ,'urgeoll amI, 'll jlerilltclldclJl .'k inuer, ~I.n., oC tho East London Railw ll\ 1 ivisinn. ~h' LItUllks :trl' c1ul' 10 the Dist licL Hlafr nlHI to all thc oHicer' n,nd .' '.0. 's " ' ho, ill ~lmllY ill!<lILIlt:CS fightillg against adverso ci rc11l1lstances, perforlll lheir (luti(':; ill all (';-.:em1lLl1'y llHLllII er. IIHl\'e lllC' honour to he, .'il, Yom 01,ec1ie]1 t "I \'aJl t,
.T. A. Il,lIlUl'UIII ,)"'/Till,)
'1'11 lll!'
J t rllM/lelli
LrEIDI \ ':, ~r.lj{)l'.
Order '!/ lite 11" iii/at of St. in EIIU11!iLcl, ,1 ~sl\taat (,,'()IItl/ussiulll'r.
Cllllll1li>-.·inllel' for ~l1('l'ill . 'el viet's,
,Johll AIll1Jlllan('I' lhig:ttle.
nml',' i\ND lJlVl.'IO,xN. - - - - - - ------
"of Gorp,' ullil llil i. ions.
I)'. trid ,'t.tfl' '.Ipl '1'011'11 ('ort's '. (:. Railll'ay l:oocl s bL ity Dj\'j .. ioll .'lIlt. Fir ' Briga\lc Diy. . 'nIt Bin'r Ry. Institute '\\ lIod. lOl:k .. , Ea. l Lontloll Hail\l'll)'
1 1 1 1
2 2
12 10 36
16 14 40
1 1 1 1
--- -- - --G
1 ---
11 23 1 -----101 I 129
,. SIR,
" I haye the bOllout' to inform you thaL I insl'ecLe(1 tho East London Di\'isioll, St. Jobn Amuulance Briga(le, on the 2 th inst., alld am 1,leased lo he aliI lo report tbat the paraele was highly u.tisfactol'Y. The men Wel'e all \I ell lnl'Jlel1 out and smart ill appearance and showell themseh'es to he tllol'oughly eni(~ien L in their ambulance drills. to " The qfficer Comlllandil~g ann each N.C. Ollicer ill tlll'll put the S(lWlds lhrongh the varIOUS stretcher dnll movements amI proved that they were (llHtlified Lo " instruct in this matter. I llave also to report thaL the er]uilJl1lenL is ill rrood order " and evidently \Yell cared [01'. I beg Lo state that I am satisliecl thal lli~ lJ1e1111Jers ,. of the Diyision are well trained in their drills and skilful iu am 1ll1lauce work," I have Ule honour to ue, -' iI', Your olJellienl 'ervant, G. II. K ,TAl'P, (Lieut.-Colonel), (ktpe Medical CO/'ilS, p.}.[. 0., C. C. F.
:, " " ,.
. I shoul~ like t? avail ~11ysel~ of lhi.s ~Pl'ortu.Jlity of.tltanki1Jg ('01une1 Knal'}l for h IS ver.Y.k!-nd aSSistance 111 tn.k:l1g thIS InSpeetIon, wlllch 1'roved 1:;0 satisfactory. A new Divls10n has been formed 111 cOllnection \\'ilh the C. G. R. I nstilute at 'alL River and the name of lhe Y.M . C. A. Di"ision has ueell altered Lo ht 'iLy Division. Tlie wor~ done by the ~l.F. B. e01ltiuucs to lJe excellent. All the men have heen through a thud course of lectures and mauy o[ them have CJ.ualiried for tho medallion, whilc
"T ..r. KdlUllel',
Su perm ten den t.
4\' ':'Idnto:-;h, Burg Ktr • 't, Cape Town.
Utli Cl' l'S~. Keq~ca llt 1. 'lI l'plll':lb 1. Pri\'ates 36. Tutal elfeclil"l.! 10. 11I l:rl':1.·(' Sillt:I' last 1'('pvrl '27. DI'llll>_ l!llt! '21. A\·('ral.\c nttl~lldal~Ce ~~. 1:('111111'.11,; 11 ' . 'a, e atLelllh-lllI!)t 011 pllhllc lluty 11,. A1111U:\11I1. P'CllO ll , 00.9.01. 'l'ul1l nil paradl' 10. . \lI11u:\l 1'-cxalllillatlOll, 10.~).07. l\lI'lllber:-; 'passed ~g. 1Ilel1allilllls U . .JI :l lcl'inl; horse t1lllhulallCC', :2 litleI'. :1 'lrl'tehl'l's, 2 lIlecIwal cllc'ls, '1 seLs sl,lillls l,l'lOll"ill(f Lo CUI'IIlH·\1l or 'apo To\Yn, l1JeLiil:al huvrcsac, \YaleI' , ,.., 0 f C T uol Lle, hclongi llg to ~ . .r. A . \. Di vi ion S\l Pl'oJ'le(1 hy ol'porat 1011 0 ape own .
(CAPE TOWN CORPS) 1st CITY DIVISIO N, I r 1C.\1l-QC' \.HTE[l~: 01,1 l TO\\''I 11AI , I"
H on . Surgeon.
W. 11. BlIlltl,
[FlH'J1lecl .9.05.]
Superinlendent and. Hon. Sec.
II. L. ,"\'ttridgL', ~ea PUlllt, Cape TOWll.
St. John A'mb1.Llance Brigade.
Colonial B? ·unches.
Officers 2. erg-eant 1. OorporalI. Privates 10. Total eITective 14. D ecrea e since last report 8. Drills held ~l. Ayerng-e attendancc 6. Annual inspection, 30.9.07. Total on parade 7. Absent with lea,Ye 7. Annual reexamination 30.9.07. Members passed 6. M edallion 3. Material: 2 stretchcrs . 2 havl'esacs, '2 water bottles, vested in St. J.A.A. Diyision supported by m embcrs' ubscl'iption . . . The Division did duty a,t the Rosebauk how III February last, the only occa IOn a\-ailable for puulic duty. The continual c~epre ion through which the '~l~ny i ' passino' has re ulted in sc\'eml members lel'Wlllg, and there has bcen omc dlflitulty in fill~g their places. The material is in good condition. 'rho thn.nkfi of the Diyision are due to Dr. Budd for his una,ba,tcd intorc t in the \\ ork n,ncl his ycr rcady Lelp. The que tion of uniform is still under considort1,tion.
Hon . Su rgeon.
~-\..renhold, ~I. u.
U. . R, C.\l'E Supe"intendent.
To\\ '.
J. Juyce, G.G.H. Good ' Dept.,
'ape To,,]].
Officel" 2. 'ergcant l. Corpurals~ . Privates 1~. Total efrecti\e 17. I ncrease since la ,t report 4. Dlill~ held 2·1. .A veragc altendallce 15. Annual in,'p€ction, 30.9.07. Total 011 parade 1 i. Allllual re·exalllination, 30.9.07. Members pas erl16. Material: 2 havl'csacs,:d water bOlUes, aud sll'etdlCrs, vcsted ill :-;.J.A.A. Division supporled by C.G.R. anclmemhers. Owing to the severe retrenc1Jluent ill the railway service, lhe Division, :LS originally cOIlstitlltCl1, shuws a decl'casc of sevell lllel1lher '. 011 the ollieI' hanll Lhe amalgamation of the C, G. H. Passenger Slull' Di \ ision \I itll tIl is one lIlakes l he aeLual 10 s only four. The llrilb ha\'e l)ee11 well ailellllH1 and it is hoped lhat dl\1'il1~ the eomiug year, seeing that it is proposed to takc np allllJl1hllll:e "01 k lIIore gCllerally in connection with tbc railway ~llstl'uciioll classcs, that the lJuJII1Jeu; will llJatcrially iucl'ease. There have ueeu 110 ol'portulliLies for public duty.
[FOlUll!cl 19.12.05. J SrA'[ HJ~, OLYDB " nlEl~r, W OOIIST( ICE:
Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.
Hon . Surge on .
J. :Jlackenzip, :r.r. B.
A. Evall HiseL, Fire Del'urtllleul, WoollsLock '.U. Officer 1. Corporal l. Pri yates 9. Total efIe<;ti \'e 11. Increase sillcr last report 5. Drills held 1 . Avcrage atlelillance 7. . \ llnual inspedioJ1, 21. 9. 07. Total on paraele 7. AIJ en t wi th leave 3. Ann ual re'CXllll1 illation, 5.3.07 . 1\1em bel" passed 4. Failed l. Iaterial: stretcher, medical lIa \Tl'~ac, \yater bottle, vestell i.n S.J.A.A. Di"isioll sll}lportellhy the melllbers. A.ttendance bas IJeen good, melllbers showing lll11ch interest ill 010 work. No opportunity ha arisen to allow of pulllic work being done. Uetrclluhlllent in the Oolony has greatly hampered the incl'ease of membership.
EAST LQNDON RAILWAY DIVISION. llI~AD-QUART]l;W> : RAILWAY SU1WEILY, Hon . Su rgeon a nd Supt. )\1.£., U.1If., EasL L oudoll .
W. B. 'ki nn cr,
A. R. Superintendent.
Hon . Surgeon . I aclachlan, F.H . C.•. Hon . Secretary.
W. Moore, Stationmttster, .J. H . Bruytts, alt Ri'el' ,'tation, ah River Station, Oape Town. Oape Toml. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. PriYates 16. Total efI'ectiYe 2] . Drills held 12. Average attendance 10. Annual inspection, 30.9.07. T olal on parade 9. Absent with leave 3. \Vithout leave 9. Material: stretcher, 2 havresacs and splints, 2 water bottles, vested in t. J. A, A. Di vision supported by Oape Go vernment Railway Department. The D ivision was formed in :l\1:arch under the auspices of the 'aIt River R ailway !nstitute. The attendances have been very good, and marked by c onsidel"~ble mterest on the part of most of the members. The attenda.nce at the a.nnual inspection was very satisfactory.
[Formc( EAST LONDO 0.0.
Hon . Secretary and Treas.
J. U. Morison, P O. Box 1 0, East Lom1on.
Officer l. :-; rgeant 1. 'o lporals 3. Plivnles] . Tolal effective 23 . Dccrl'asc sillcl' last rcporl ]. DI ills held 50. Average altendanl'e 12. Oases aLtended Oil public duLy 6. RelJ1ovals] '. Oase~ aUe11L1clll1ot 011 pulilic duty 20. AnlJ11a1 iUi'pecLioll, ~ .9.07. 'Tolal OJ] parade 21. Akeul "iLlI leaye 2. Annual l'e-eXUII1~natlOJ1? .10 . . 07. 11e1111>('1'[-; passor1 19. Did lIOt appcl1r 4. Medallions 12. Matclinl : 6 slrelchers, G lIutcr hoLLIes, 1 sl11'gical RcgnlaLlOll ullllo1'1l1 \\' orn. ban'esacs, 2 whoele(l lilLcl's, vesLrd in Rail\\'ay Department, East Londou. Division SUppOI ted by Capc GOYel'llllleut H.aihay Departmellt. ExcC:' lIcn t Pl'ogl'c'Sl> has .IJeen nm.d ~ 1I)' til" lllellll'IOrl> of Lh e ))i \'isi Oll 11 uring th e year and they arc ItOW \'(;J'Y Illg-hly clhl;ICUt. III December, 1£)06, (Iming a visiL from the General ;Manuf{er ?f Ca.p~ Ua~h\'ays, lhe lllCIi were calle(l ont or the workshop:, at a moment.- 1l0tlCe, lJl thel!' shll·t ~~ce"es. A hoI" bogic tl'llck was titte(l up with a duuble set 01 Lavlldu\'sk1S rope Shllg ('(plll'llleuL, and eight patienls lien' slung up 011 stretchcr. TIle Gcneral l\lanagl'l' 11'<1 • llluch plcasell wilh the slJlartness of the men all(llhc rnpilliLy \lilh which lhe work \l'as dOllC'. A grand Military TOl1l'llalllcnt was hr!ll here un ~lilh tl1lil ~iLh Decelll1wl', Il10(i, allll l" 0 ~'luarl. of the Diviion were on c1u~y e:u'h rhy .. Ulll} 111illol' l'asll:Ll~ies had tu be allc'ndel1 10. :-;fJ.uads \\'(:'re also jll'escnt allhe Agncultllral,'il 'l\\, held 1Il gast LOlldoll on ith aJl(1 th March. The most inlpurlilll evellt ill thl' lustor)' of' the lJi\' l"ioll \;'as thc inter- 'oloninl Ambulance l'olllJ,elilion held 1lI BlOl'1IlflJlIll'i11, Oll 21th Ap1'l1, H107. A Challellge hiclcl wl\'l'reselJtcd hy Lot'll :-;c]1101lle, lli~h 'OIl11l1i'sioll(1' for .outh Africa, and one team "'as sl'll'clcll [!'IJlII caell !listric'I, ",hidl meanl l:ac11 'JIOllj' ill South Africa. The ~:ast LlIlJIloll H.ail\\,~LY Dl\i. iUll .ha'l tIll' IlOll 0111' to represent the Gupe 'nlun)'. After a Hr.)' do:~c C().lllpct!lllJlI tl~e .'IIll'lll \I'll \\011 hy 1Ile l'all·ColonytetLlIl.ll,Y the llalTOW llwrgul 01 hall a POIllt. alaI \\'a3 secolld UI':III"e Riwr 'OIUll\' third Hllrl Tran 1 '''' .' "aa1. I·~ll.rl II. 'Ul'l'Ol'<l, 'a lldh ,LIJI \l'IlS caplain 01 till' " 'iJlJlillg leall!. ~\l a Y.i\l. '.A. Exlnllltlull (Illilu,'tl'l:d) hel,l ill East LOlldlll1 ill JlIlIe, 1£101, all ~\.Tll1J\llallcc CompetitlOU \\'as hl'hlllllder LhL' aU"'lliCl'S Ill' tIll.' InC'l1 'clllre of' UIC 13L. .roha .\.mlmlaUl:e A 'sociali')Jl: lhrl'O S'j1l<1l1 or the l'nil\\lIj' Di\-isioll l;<llilC 1 t, ~lld Hnd 3rd, beating three S~1nu(l;; 1},'I1 I!1 the 11. alld 1> , 'unlt/allil" of LlJ(~ Gape l\lpclical 'Ol'll' ( \'ols.) Irom hlllg \\ t1halllslO\\'1l allrl (JucI Il'tO\\'Il. The fillllual inspection wus held on ~dll ,'Cl'lclllhel, 11Y Licut.- 'nlollel Knapp, ['.)[.0., 'apc 'olollial 'F0lL'l'. DUlin" th yeal', owillg tu reln'lIc lllll enl ill lh( railway. en'lce, s('\'cral good lllell have left: hut the COl'pS ),:ct'\'s 1I1' its .trl!lJl'lll very \\,pH. Must of lhe men have l)l)W clone lIllee ),e<11'I'o' dlil'iuil .'cl'\'icl' nlHl ~1" 111',lI'ly all :--l;:illl'<1 (\reo'surs. They fret con tant practice in Lhe 10l.!0IllOtin' \\ (Ill.. ,',[lIads were prescut at all thc illll'"01iant footLall llIutch'~ iucludilJg 1he match, '01 illlllluw; 1'. Ea~t LoucIon. All the lllcllrlJers weal' nnifoJ'lll.
Orange River Colony District.
DI 'TRIOT 'L\'FF. Assisl(fJlt C'ommi.5siollr:r.- '.\1'1'.1.1. '. T. UHQ1S1L\1t1', )l.D., It._\.)l.l. (\ ')" Public Health Olhce'>, Go\'cl'tJlncnt l.luildings, Bloeml'ouleiu. Distl'irt Chitl Superintendeilt. - LmuT. .\X II tl U.\ l\TEll-i\l.\." not H. l'ACK)IA~, l:.A.~I.lJ., Military Hospital, Bloclll[onleill. District Sllpenlltclldellt SccJ'ctrtJ'y.-Mr. \\. E. LXlJERWOUl1, 7, Railway Tenace, Bloemfon teil!. Rl~rORT OF
2 tIL Deccmber, 1907.
. I l1:\\c Lbo hOllOur Lo fUl'ward you hercwi t h the Heport of tb' District Ohief Supenntclll1cnL of the O.H,.O. District for the ,Yonr lltling 30th 'eptcmbel', 1907. I regret that r ha\ 0 not he en ahll', pCl'snnnll '. to tak· fin ltet1\'e part in the work of
St. John
Colonial B?"ct'l1 ('7,es.
tbe District during the pat yenr, ttnd hal c aga~n to tbank tJl ~ll:)(.:t 'hid Superintendent C. T. Ur1lull:1rt, M.D., for so nuly carrYlllg ant the work 1I1 Illy absence . The .nd death :lI.:ciclent wbile on Briga,de duty of Mr. lIugh :-:Iba\\ enst a gloom on the whole DistI~ict ann ('allle as ,L I cry selere shock to me personally. The ide:L of forminl<' a J>isiriet of the Dri~1ldc in the Colony ori1:,rillatccl \\ith :'Ill'. :-Ih:t\l' , who uecamc o~r first District 'upcriilleJl(lent. f;ecretary. 11 him fell hy far the gJ"atcl' part of the Iwrk and frum him cm1llJalccl th e gl'ea.ter nUllluerof the ug~'es tiol1s lIlade for our l'ositioll amI for illcreasillg' our nU~llber:- , The Distl'i,ct l~tiL's alJ en th usw,s tu: supporter and hard worker, aYlLllleer of h l'"t aItl ~Jl tIll' ~1e\\ (olo1llcti ancl a ecretal")' popular \\-i ih all mnks , In IllS de.lih, I a firm fneucl, nIHl a lO,)'ttl eolleaf1uc. It is pleasing to hear that a trophy IS hemg generousl) gil ' Jl by 1\1rs. Unde~wood uearin'" the name of our l:tte eommde, (, Hugh haw," LOllg l1l 'l.)' his memory be reyerel ill the O. R. C. District. I be u ' to ta,ke thi opportunity of drawing to your notice the e'i:cellcnt work which ha be~n done for the Drign,cle in the Colony by 'aptain C. T, Unlubnrt, 1\la~or Hose, Lieut. packman, n ..LM.c" Lieut. COllllor, Drs. 'W ard, Tomm'Y, and lIotlg'llls, amI latterly by Mr. alldll1r~. Underwood, to 111 I1tioll (lilly a, few of lbose -,\ ho ba\e helped in pa t and pre 'ent years . Trusting tbnt the work \rill prosper undcr the Il(;\\" GOI-emmcnt 0\ ell 1110re than formerly, I haye tlte honour to hc, iI', your olJcc1ient senallt,
G. IT. G0])0.\ ltD, Assis{(tllt COJnll!il!sioJl er, U.R.L'. Di.\trict, S.J.A.B. The Camilli ~ian('rjor Special Services, St. J ohn Ambulance Bi'i{j~lde. DWE:lIFOXTEr,\, O. H. ., 30th ]"01' mucr, 1907, Sm, I haye the honour to report that during the year I hal e in ']lcuted the I"tll'iou:-; Diyi ions of the. t. John Amhulance Brigade in the O.R '. lJl1:>lrict, with the exception of Kroon tad, whicb , owing to retrenchment in the C. . A. H., hn: been greatly depleted of members. I tru t that tlJe 1'et\u'n of 'bief 'upcnnlendeJlt Hose will result in the r eorganization of all the railway Diyision '. Dimillution in numbers bas not been clu e to \\'lmt of interest, but entirely to the retrenchment \\ hicb has taken place all along the line. The Prison Division bas also bad an uphill iight, as the authoritil!S ill\'a.riahly chooe a proficient 'to J obn Ambulance man to fill any yacancy in outlying ~tatioll ; this certainly is greatly to the credit of the Brigade, but i' rather trying fol' Llle otlicers wbo ba,e to train men for the benefit of other places. The City Di I-ision, which ha always lJeen our weakest, has a t last I io-;en to a scnse of its importance. This has been largely due Lo the killc1ness of their police brethren, who allowed one of their best mell to become ~\.(;ting '::;upel'illtendent of the 'ily Division, and thank ' to hi , exertion' the Di\"ision came out first ill lhe )"(;cent competition for the Goold-Adams hiclel. As usual the Police Dilision uncler First AmlJulance OUiceI' T. UOllllor, has sho"-n the greatest entbusi,).sm in the ,mrk of the Brig-ade, and nothing i ' a trouble to allY of them if it be for its benefit. This Vi vision turned out splendidly l\,t the illspection, and there was n. large increase in the numbers, although so many hac! been tram;ferred to other st~ltions in the country, I cannot adequately express the loss that the Brigade in geneml ,mel J lllyflelf in particular have suffered by tbe untimely cleath of the late Di triet ll}JGrintendent 'ecretary, nIl'. IIugb Shaw, a man wbose whole heart was in tbe W011.::, whose sole relaxation it was, and to whom was largely clue the Sllcce s whicb has attended the movement in outb Africa. His crowning effort was the orgalliziug of the Tntercolonial Competition for tbe Selborne Shield, a cUllllJctition which may have n, far reacbing effect in binding together the yarious Colonie of • outh Africa. Mr. Morris, of tbe C. S. A. R , acted temporarily as ecretary, and now Mr. ,V. E. Unclerwood has taken oyer the duties of Acting District RuperintendenL 8ecretlUY, with an enthusiasm which ctugurs well for the [uture. The District bas been extremely fortunate in lmving se\'eml trophies p1'esentec1 to it during the year. His Excellency The High Commission61', The Earl of Selbol'l1e, G.o.~I.G., presented a shield to be competed for annually by a team from each Colony of South Africa. I
S', Hnmilton Goold-Adams, C:.C'. \I.U., (;')\('1'llO~' of th!' O.H.C., pI 'sc:ltecl t~ ,!,;!.li~lc1 11 ft' 1 IJy l>il isiollR in the U. H.C. l)l st J"H"L. Last yelLr tl)(' PrI SOlI!'; Dl\l!';lOn for comP1e tIl ~Ol " r' L'll" 'i ty' Vi I isi()H under Actill'" .' upel'in tCllclCll t Brooks, came in won ane lIS ye,t v • ' • "'. 1 .,1 fi , '. Police T [LlllS, 3 and 2" ("()1l1Jll~ 111 s 'COUll ,LUcl thll'f l'c::)pectl\ e y .. Isb 1\11' U lI"" h l'lmw , 1\1 [L hnndTn , memory 0 f tIle l"L" " v 1" . 1's.]'II. . nclel"wood . . has offered 1. '11, p ome shi 'ld to the Di I'i"ions in Blo ' lllfollLllll, ,wd tbe compctl tlOn [or illS,. WI com ~ ~lr about Christmas, awl ,It tIle same tilllc a t~'ophy presented hy Messrs. J! ). 'cb~r and jewellers aucl sil\- r'llliths, Ulnemfontell1, for the best ,lll-round man 111 the District \\ ill l)e competecl [or. . . " d A life Selling clasfI, unller Clud Silpenntemlcnt Lwut .• 'packman, has heen forme and flhonld prove l l S e f U l . . . . . b tl Thc TOWll '0 Ulwil, ill nppoinLlllg" ~."llP 1"Iut IH!e?~ for Llw new SWllUnllug a 1~ · I· t, 1 tll·,t he ~h()lIld bold a certlltcate of pronc'wncy f1'0111 the, t. Juhn Am1Ju s t Ipll ,l ec , . . I' J G 1 In we \.::;socialion thlls reco"JlI~ll1g our wor ( 111 l](: 0 (illy. 'ITI • p' 'icr':de ll~lcl its lirst Annual Balllhis YCt1.l", ancl tllis was a great succos . . l~:ci~t tllallks tlr' d \le to l he authori ~i:~ connected with the '. R. A. H., th.e, Polrc~: tl I'l'i 'nll lJell"lrtmcnts f,n' Llle faCll1tw ' th·y have "Tanted thc Ulell fOl Lllstruc 1 l'i, ,. I 1 1 .' on the work I ane le tiOll, and the ,e:eneral ltl'il'iil'itall("' t h ey 1~1 e reJl( e,ree 1Il C~UTJ mg f .' , ,I II 'peli'llly like to elm\\" }c,ur att 'lllH'll to as. I, tance ~11'en hy Colonel "Jl<mnsell, ~~~~o~, ~L\,;I c., and Lieu t .. \ mlersolJ, n.:L\I.('.; whu \rillil~gly placed themse~\'~ ~t tl 1· , '",I of the Di.trid on tILl'y OCCtlSlOll lo act as e,all1IlHH'S at the ~()lllpe~ltlO?s. Ie C\\'o IS1'0'" , . . l'l,n ell.cnmmatll1" The rk was often rery anI WillS U\\,lll!j to 11I '(.l 'I[Ii ~u It y e.\I'l'r~e~lCe( ' , ., hetwcen the teams c 'al1line<l, amI at the In.'t Dlstr)("t COlllPdtllwll . o}o,nel .l'IIann~ell was pleased to say lImt he had n '\ 'I" pl' ' Iionsl,)' conducted an exanllnatJOn m whlCh the work was so ",('ellent or in "'hiI'll any Illall h.arl made full mar.ks. , I hal'e to thank lh' Ollie ')"S LInd)" lI1' for tbClr loytt~ . UppOl't 1.11 cal'r'yll1g on ,tbe work of the nuio\l' Dil' il'iion , and for till! l.'ll!:t"ant relatlOuhll? \\"~llch ~Xl t'Ween U • and I tru"t that with their ("1l-opemtlOll the O. R. '. Dlstnet wlll contmue to mai.::e ]1l'o.. re;-;-; nS it has clOll ' in th o (':\st. ,_ , '. ' .' . I hlwe lh e hllllul1l" to be, . II", )Ollr uhelhenL se l\tmt, G'
'. Tlllo'EI.T0X
The ~lssisln/11 ('ollllllis iOllu' 0, R (' j) i~·l rid. LIST
Tl\~lJ lI "\HT, ~l.]l"
IJi Inet Uhir:.! ,')'/ljleril!te,ul'lIi G.R.C. District.
OF COftJ'-; ,\'11
DlYL"Iil .':
OF "E -IORln:.
Formed. F h. 11, 1006 ('J'L\. H. 'mps r 1'0011 tad Di vision .f all. 2 , H1Q.i Feb. 11, 1006 H Corp.) I'n';O\1 1>11'. (BlOLlll;'[a1. ~,lnO:i ApI. 20, 1006 fill 1 tl'i 11 'Ol'p,;) llllll~fl ntl'i n Vil'iion .rull ':21, 1 no. (l'.~._\.H. l'll]"!'s) . ;'1" ' Hl, 1806 Sq.!. 2 , 1!'Ofi .\.XJ DIYI~l 0 -'-\ . \l'T OF CUl' l',' ]i'nJ/llctl.
City Dil'. (nIuelllfonl·in Corps) . BloemfontLill 11i I'i:-,il III (G.fL\..R Corp.) . R.\.,L'. Foot ]\,lic' 1>il'. (Blol!llIfontein ('o!']'s ) B1oemfonteill ('orp •\ 1\. Tit
( ' . , f • • \..
1\allleh ofl;flq,srtlill nilb;flllS.
g Distriet . ' lalf BIoemfon l in UUl'PS City Di vislOn Police " Prison " . C.S.A.R Corps BloemfOlILein lJivi;-;ion Kroollst!tc1 " pl'ingfontein
::'r: ~
C'i ~ :; § e( '" 0
'" :i5- Cii ~
~ . ~c
di -/: o:e
~u 1-
,-0 "-' :..... :..
7 1 I
" 5'" 10 6"2
Ooloninl B?'anche8.
BLOEMFONTEIN CORPS. [Formed 28.9.05.]
Officers 6. Scrgeauts and Corporals 5. Privates 50. Total effe~tive 6l. Annual inspection 29th Sept. Total on paradc 55. Absent wlth leave 12. WithouL leavc 5. llegulaLion uniform worn by 4. Olficels, 2 sergeants, and 50 privates.
T ow
C hief Su rgeon . U.B., C. lII. , D.r . II., M.O. II.
D, .M. Tomory, Ch ief Superin t e nd e nt.
Lieut. H. Spackman,
Sup eri ntenden t S ecre t ary.
The Rev. Oanon II. \Y. Orford, B locm [on tcin.
S uper inten d en t TI'easurer.
H. H . Green hill,
~ .l.05.]
Hon. S urge o n.
A. U. Parklnll', 't,
S u peri ntenden t . ,1,
Hon. T "easurer.
Pl . H. Hesketh.
. B Witherow. Pl'iyates 7.
Total effecLiYe 10.
Officers 2.
Lieut. '1'. OOllJlO!',
Inspector of Stores.
T. Dellllistoll. Sergeants 2.
Prj vaLes 5..
J. W. Tetley.
, 'l']'gl';\l1 t 1.
rnpnmls :3.
PriYaies 11.
11 I, \.I Hit.\ In F1:S: It \.I L \\' A Y
Tutal elrective 20.
K 1:00.' "1'.\ II.
r"STln; ! E,
Hon. Surgeon and Supe"intendent.
E. JJllthi ',
KI'OOllSta.d. Inspector of Stores.
Hon. Secl-etary and Treasurer.
Pt '. '. II. l\larrall.
,prgt ,J. Pilton, ~hillt{,llalle( JJeparLlllcni, , ('.s ..\..n., Kl'l'Ollstncl. Privates 1 . .
Olliecr 1.
Total ell'ecti\'c :W.
1,,:-; I Il'U'IE,
Hon. Surgeon and Supe"intendent:
S. \.1.' ,
J. U. CO!lluhoun. Total e£recti \'c 62.
U . ,"', Oln.lkL·,
S. Wedc1erspoon, Oentral Prison, Bloemfontein.
'Lll.l . .' .•
()!1iCl'l'1. Pl'inlt s 0. Tot<t1 elll:eti\" 10. Ma.terial: .. ll'ctclll'.I'S, :uI1111l1.ll1c(' h :llllpels, h:tllfla~l' > &,c., YC ted lJi\'i io]) slll'portcd by \ '.A.It. ltll(lll1Clllhcrs' sub 'Cl'll'lWllS .
the O. \.A..R.
S uperi ntendent (Acting).
Hon. Sec. and Treas.
Pte. T. O. haplin, Cen Lral Prisoll, Bloem[on Loill.
District .
AssistaHt UUlltlllissiulleJ'.-Lmu'r., OLOXEr~ J. ;'. P,\R1WTT, Y. D., 159, Exchange Buil(lillgs, J ohauJ1(shlll'g.
lJistl'ict Ch icf .5'/11'(/('011. - 'lit KE~ fl.\'!' F f:A1\ KS, :'1. n. Disll'ict Uhicf '1l1J('l'il1ll'lldcnt.- II'. 'Y. II. Hoy.
In spector of S tores.
Pte. H. ,packman.
Officer 1. Privates 16. Total effective 17. . Prac~ices l-;eld 5l. Re-examination, 2 th ,ept. Members pa 'sed 5. Annual mspectlOn, ~oth ept. Total O? parade 7. Material: 1 stretcher (OIl loan), splint·, bandages, diagrams, field dressmgs, etc. Division supported by GOYCl'nmellL erraut (£5 annually) and members' subscriptioll'S. b
Chi ef Surge on .
Hon. Treasul'er.
Inspector of Stores l't '. A. ,T1'l'\is.
IIl:.\(l'Ql- \.I"·L ll ,: ){AII\\ \Y
Hon. Treasurer.
A. B, Ward, M.B .
SI'1'gL ..J. 11. I'cn!'old, Loco. Dept., C.S.A.R., BloClIlfonteill.
1st Ambulance O fficer.
Major G. D . Gray, s. A . c., Bloem fontein.
\V. Younger,
Hon. Secretary.
(C.S,A.R, (O.R C.) CORPS SPRINGFONTEIN DIVISION . lForme(l 19.5.06·1
S upe"intendent. Ho n. Secretary.
~lal1llill,~, M.ll.
A. ,'. !llttekay. ]{ailway Blll'pan, l3loelllrullteill.
Pte . .A.. Oha.dwick, P.O. Box 121 JlloClll (oJ) Lein.
Inspector of S tores.
1l1, AD-QUAnTER ' :
(C.S. A.R. (O.R.C .) CORPS ) KROONSTAD DIVISION. [For11lec111.2.06.]
L.t-;. \..
Ho n. Sec,·e tary.
Officers 3.
131.0g:'lFO " I'E!N.
Honora,'y Surgeon.
F . Brooks, P. O. Box
.M. J. IIarL.
M 1. C. E., D..\.
'IV. W. Hodgins.
(C.S.A.R. (O.R.C .) CORPS ) BLOEMFONTEIN DIVISION. [Forme(12.3.05.]
Sup e r inten d e n t of Sto res.
The Bloemfontein Oorps i composed of three ambulance Divi ·ions-i.e., the ity Division, the Police Division, alld the Prison Divi iOIl. ,strcngth: 120f1lcCls 2 selgeants, 2 private ; total 96. '
St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade.
Ch ief Su pe r inte nd e nt.
Major J. W. A. Bose, C.S,A . R.Y., P.O . Box 234, Bloemfontein.
'upail(/CIllb!t Scaclnl'y.-Ml'.
C. F. 'Y.
REPORT OF TIlE A~ '1. 'TAr T OO~L\II .'1 r En.. Hi9,
Sm, ] have been able to I have the hOlloul' to report that (luring the past yenr Di trict. 0 cotnmClwe thc l)r!tC:Lie tl ol' cr ani7-l1.tion or Lhe I3l'i(yu.tle ill tIl<' Tl'UllSYUa] , f tl , '? , , ' I' 0 l t 0 Ll Ie '1' 1:1 " n S' vaal sectIOn 0 roLl' the al:Lwd wurk 1(1 thH IltrecLwlI IS con IlICl , k 1.J1C C,S,A,lhil;v,t,ys, Owing !tuinly to the strong Sj'I11P thy shown in 111l' \\'01" Y
St. Jvltn A1nbulunce BTigctde.
Golonial Branches.
Mr. T. R. Price, 0.)1.0., General ilfall[1.ger of thc C.S.A.R., anll 1\11'. ·W. W. Hoy Chief Traffic Manager, the C A.lL (Transvaal) orps of the t. John Ambulanc; Brigade has been formed, and two Divisiolls have already IJeen approvcll at IIcadquarters. These are the No. 1 Di vision ('. .A . R. Corps, Pretoria, all(] o. 2 Di vision C. S. A. R. Corps, J ohanncshu]'g. For the officers of Lhe Corps I am recommenuing [I'. L. "mart, Chief Locomotive ul'erilltelJcll'nt, a. Ohief Superinlendent; Ohief urgeon Dr. . R. .l\'age; and ,npcl'intcnclcnt Rel.retary :Mr. A. G. ~lason. Throngh thc elJcrgy of these officers the fir.t Di\'isiolls have been formed, anrl the uperintenllent ecretal',)' is no\\' busily cngar'l'rl I'ormin(' Divisions of the Railway Corp in other pa.rts of the Tran, vaal. to b A handsome Cnp Trophy has been pre cnted for competition amongst nlf'lIlbCl'fl of the C.. .t;\-.R. Corps by :Mr. P. DUI1CaJl, C.~I.G., latply Colonial Spt:rr.tary, aurlMr. T. R. Pnce has al'o prcselltcu a hanusomc ,'hieJd fol' r.ompcLitiOlI in the Silllie Oorps A very valuable Tl'o~)I~y in the fO~'m of [1. bcautiful silver shiclc1 ha. ju.t hce~ pre e.nterl for Y?lllpetitlOn by MI'. blgar P. Rathbonc, of London. The condition of thl8 compeLitlOn have uot yet bCPl1 fixcd. The Divisions have heen so recently forl1Jed that I IHH'c not yet bcen ablc to makc an inspection, bnt at the end of lhc cOllling ycar I hope to be al,le Lo report an imp?rtant increase ill the unruuer of Di\'ision'l (e pceially all the mincs) allll their efficiency. I h:lye the honour to bc, iI', Your ohedient crvant, J. . PAT:.noTT, Lieut.-Oolonel.
Honol'ClTY Associ(l/c oj the OriZf';' of fllr Hospital of St. John oj Jet'llsCllem 'ill Ellfjluwl, Assi~t(filt CI}JI/I/I/\SiOlII'/·.
Th c Commissioner for Special , en'ire". . 't. .J 0 II 11 A 111 bulan ec Brig;l.]I' .
C.S.A,R. (T RANSVAAL) CORPS. [F'IJIIIINI 1 i.l1. OG.] Ch ief Surgeon.
C hief Superintendent.
1. ,'. Olll:Ul. Superintendent Secretary.
A. G. illasoll.
(C. S.A.R. (TRANSVAAL ) CORPS ) No. 1 (PRETORIA) DIVISION. LFoJ'lllecl15.11.0G.J Total effecfive 24.
C1eorgr. Lllllcl,
Chi ef Superintendent. II. \'.It , ~h'i. ·f)/)l1 Illstitute
n lilli, tv.
Hon . Surgeon .
Total effecti ve 24.
'V. G. T, POsllett,
F.I:.r' . S.
Xu. 1.
BOMBAY PARSEE DIVISION. LForIllcII17.G.01.] IIE <\IJ ' QU .\IU·I~llS: ,'\SSO().' I 'IS III \''1'1'. nL'ILLJ[, G, Espr, .\'~AIJP, ]tIJ.\D, BrnllJAY. Honorary Surgeons.
Dr. D. H. N. l)'ll1tldm1', I.. \1.&:-;., Dr. J\. II:. Do.r!arhaJlji, Dr. I( '. ral'3.rlia, L. \1.&:-;.
Se1'('Callt IJaraslJa
Honorary Secretaries and In spectors of Stores. ~ra1'kel f.lId .'o1'gcallt DosiLbhni F. Pallthaki,
.I. ' .
Sa!)soon Illstitnte
l3llilcling. E. plallacl!: RtlarJ, Bomlmy No. 1.
Ollicel's 3. ,,[ r,~e:ll1ts :,. ('ol'[tontl . 'I. Pri"nlu; 4~. Tlltal cn'ecti\·c 51. RGSl'J'I'C IlIclliltprs 5. Drills bl·lll J. AVCl',lge altcllllnllt:l! :W. Cast' attellciul on jlubli!' dilly 17. H!!I1I(1\'als 1~. Un ('s aU!'l rlt'rlll~Jt UIJ pulllic !I\l~~' 12. Anl1l1~1 illspl'Clioll, ~!-l.n.07. Tot:d 011 l"u'acl,' 40 . .\belll '\'lth lea,'c L. \\ ItllUut lcu,"e I. ,\lIl1ual l'l'-eXltlllilllltiOlI, ~!U).07. ill ('I 1I1)(']'s 1'as. crl 10. Dill not appeal' 11. •'en'icc 1mlgf'. 1 :{. • '\ll'ilJg CPI tilkatcs ~O. HLgnlation unifonll J\fcrlflllifins 16. \\'om hy 1 . erg!'Hnls, j r01'pora1. , awl iJG. 1~1(: n, ~l!tteri!ll: stl'd,clicr», 1 ~ta:'l'e .. ac .. , fiO kllce t':1jls, splillts. llaJllla<r ' ,el(·. l)\\'ISItIlI sl1l'l'ol'tecl I)y jl\l1.l1C 1I],-C'l'lpllOJI . Thf' JllI'JIlhcl'ship of the Di\'i~i n ll hilS hl'cn ~It'o.dy c1nrillg th' )'<'111'. The a\-erage attellllallr'c at cil'ill bas l'CC11!.!() hI, witb a ('nne pllllllillg ilJ('I'!;;vc ill gelle-ral eflicielll·.\ . ,'ome of th!! IIletlll,cr. Htt"lltlL'd lhp Cula],a , latioll llu"ltital nn(l the Allam' '\\'yEe lIo"pi tal fol' jlmct iea I han, la~ill~ :mol 11 liN 11 6 , ""eml perinI rhill,., ha \'e heen hcld nt the EphinsLonc lIi~lt 'eh'llll',., (Iqlllpolllltl. Ih!, IILtl'CIJC::. to 11.11!1 flom '\Vnlkeshwal', Bil.lHlorn, aJl(l Allllhcri, anel thl' drill howcll lII:lI'kecl illljll·cwelllcnt. Duty has 1)('en 111l1lertal" n at polo, Ito ·key, aile] fOl)tunll tournaments, motor t:arni\'al, cyr·ling mt'c.', dr. , alltl tbe C'l'" In'atcclnlllllbL'l'l:d 17. 'l'h (' Didsiou hn:" also heen \\'('ll\'p[trf'~ " lIt(Cl al othf'J' l'lIhli c dutil'''' whcli callell lIpon ],y IIpacl-cjnartcl'o.;, at the coHap.·!' or thl' BOIll],:lY <:Ylllkhalla I'ilvilinn llll!l Darly ,'tIt .\te.'~I~l'~J(·ra~1I Lall!' calilsLrol'h,'. 111 l'fllll'lll . iOIl. it is gralifying to 1l'1'01't that the D\\'1 '1011 1.' makill!! a sleally progrl'ss, alld 1hat J filII. SI'r'l'l'larie' alill :)cr~cn.lll' Dara 'ha X"u<;ser\\'an.ii ~Ll\'krl'. :l1lc1 l)()~abhai Fr,t1Jl.ii l'nlltLaki, of the ])1\1.'ion ha\'e heen able to Illuke smile . Ilh.,lHlItinl plllvi,.,inll fl,l' thl' 11101111 II'\'. , I.y rai.'ill,~ n Sl'l'ciill rll~ld a.I11011F~ the Par.'i CUllllflllllity. l"p til 110\\' H.. ,1.;' OO hllw lW11l colll'ctl:d, ont of \\'lnc.:h ,it has bel'lI IllTan~l'rl til 1'lIrchll. l· n \\ IIl'ell II itJlI],1I1allt:e, !'lrekllCl . lto.\Tl'SaCS, ctl'., !Ol' wcekly l'mctit:" ill fil'.'l aill \\'ork alld sin teher (hill. and to 'npply tIt> Illclilber ' 'nth 11 IIi forms. l
rrIUII-Ql'\llll',I:S: :-;.\S'I)!I',' hSllTlll'
Honora ry SUI'geon.
Dr. D. 13.
l)a,ndl·kur, r,. ~l.
"'- S.
UUI.I)!','!,";, E";l'L.\'\Il~;
Ro.\n, BO~IBA.Y.
Superintendent. ;. LlIllll, Y.l)" B.V.R.,
Majo\' ,'.l,snvilln tilutcBnilding, E'planadeRoat1, DOIll1lUY. .1 o. 1. 4th Officer.
B. Eo Bakel'. (C.S.A.R. (TRANSVAAL ) CORPS ) NO.3 (PARK STATION) DIVISION. [Fonncil 20.907 .] Total effective 18. (C,S .A.R. (TRANSVAAL ) CORPS ) NO.4 (WITBANK) DIVISION . [Formed 12,9.07.] 'rota I effective 16.
OllicC'l'S j. COl pora!.·:2. I'ri\ ate.; :H. Total ell"ecli\'c 2G. Drills held ;;~. A \"(:nt"e aL PIHLulce ~O. ea 'os nltl'nll'(l on pul,Jie llnty GO. All II lltll insl.'ecLion,10.:3.07. Total 011 pamrll' ~1. .\hsl'ut \,ith lean;l. Anll·n,tll'e-exal.llinaLIon, ;3.~ . 07. ~1L:lllbers P'lsspcj :11. Did not appl'ar 1. ~lolla.llll1lt 1. Regulation uniform \\'01"11 hy 1 OHieer. illall'l'ial: J sll'eteltero.;, ·1 II<", amI IG knec cap. Di,iflioll snppol'tpll by pl1llli,' sl1lJscriplillllS. Tlte lllelnlJcrshlp IIi' Lite Division luto.; bl't'll sLoady dl1l'ill~ the ~'l'nr. The .a~ernge nLtellllrtllc.:e aL drill has h'('n gl) II, willt a enrI'C~I~Jl}(lillg.illcl'L'n~I' ill gCll.eral~cf~clency. Dll(;Y It t'l i).:cn lllHlert.akell aL LIte L~"k t1 \ 'Lhalllo, Iso\'ll1ila, amI :\Ltll1Ill Ball'S. In CtJIH.:lll"ioll, it is gra,Lifying LJ l'epJrt HutL the Divi~ioll is mllkillg steady progre s.
St. J ohn A mbnlance B1·igo.,de.
481 PAGE.
A Diyision " " " " )'
(Brig-bou e Corps) ... (City of BristolCorps) (liuddersfield Corp~) (Ilkeston Corps) (Keighley Corp) (Lincoln Corps) » [ 'i1effiel(l Corps) (hipley Corps) " A Nul' ing Di\'i iOll (Leeds COlpS) Abbotskerswell Division ... Aberfan Division Aberga\'enny Divi ion Abergorchy Division .. . Abertillery Division .. . Accrington Corps Accrington Nursing Divi ion Acton Di vi ion Addison Colliery Di vision Adlington Diyision AIdington and Heath Charnock Kursing Division . Alexandra Docks Diyision (Xew port ilIon. Corps) Alsager Di,-i .. ion .. Altrincham Di,-ision .. Altrincham X ursing Di,,'i -ion . . Al verstoke Division Alveston Division Ardwick Division AI'mley and Wortley Division ... Ashburton Division ,. Ashby de-la-Zouch Divi"ion Ashford Town Division Ashton-under-Lyne Division " N' ursing Diy. Astley Bridge Divi'lioll .., Aston tlranor Division Auckland (N. Z. ) Division Auckland (N. Z. ) Tursing Di \'. B Division (City of Bristol 0011)S) » (Huddersfield 0011)S) » (Ilkeston Corps) " (Keighley Oorps) (Lincoln Corps) " " (Sheffield Corps) (, hipley Oorps) " Babbington Oorps Babbington Nursing Division Bacup Division » Nursing Division Ba,lham and Streatham J ursing Division Balmain (X 8. W.) Division
371 2-11 3 1 :3 1 3 2
37 391 39G 405 255
·127 -140 436 -14~
314 3-17
221 110 3 ·1
433 3H 315 317
2.]2 24<! 331 3 -1 2-12 275
243 315 34 318 27
457 46G 2-15 3 1 382 382 387 394 396 36
400 316 318 233
Bttlmain (N'. . ' V.) Tursing Div. 452 Bal'kin~' N ur::;illg Di \ i::;ion 2:31 Bn,met Division 227 }),n.rnolcls"ick Di\'ision 368 » Tursing Di\·ision ... 400 Barnsley and Distri('L ])i visioll... 30 Ban'myfol'd Diyifiiol1 ,.. 3] G " N ursill~' l) ivisioll ;~-1 BL11To\v-in-Eul'lles. Divi ·iOll 31G Bal'well Di \'isiol1 2 7 Barton IIill Di vi"ioll ,.. 2-1;' Bath ( 'ity) ])i\ iS1011 ... :H3 26-1 " Tursmg Divisiol1 Batley Division 371 )' Kursing Diyi",ioll ·10~ Beckton Produds 'V(JIk~ Di\'. .. 226 Bedford Division 275 BecUinog Di\'i·iol1 429 Belfntit Division 317 Delgl'ayia K ursing Dl\ isiol1 232 Belper Di,-i.iolJ.. 369 Berll1011clsey and Rotherhi the Divi.·jo1l223 Dingley Diyision 3 3 Birchwood Corps 369 Birchwood "'ul'sing Di\'i",iull 401 Birminghtl111 OOl'pS 275 Bir. tall Di,-ijon 369 Birtley Di,isioll 410 Blackburn Di \,ision 317 " Nur",ing Divisioll 349 Blackl>ool Di,isioll 317 ursing Diyi. 'ion 3-19 Blaenau Fe. tiniog Diyi 'iUll 4~7 Blaina Division 442 Bln,ydon Bum lolliery and District Division... ,11 0 Blisworth Di \ i 'ion z92 Blu(,]llfontein Uo]'!'s ... .. 4. 76 " Division ( 1"I,.L\.lL Oorps) ... 477 Bolton Uorps 31 130111 bay Uorps -179 BOlllhay Pal'see Di,isioll 479 » Jewish Di"ision 479 Bootle Diyi ion 330 " IT ursing Di vision 35-1 Boston Division 370 BcngMon-under-Bleau Di \'isio11 243 J30urnC:l110u tb Vi ViHioll 2·14 Bozeat Division 299 Bradford Oity Division 370 " City fursing Divi.qion 401 » Midland Hailway Vi vo :370 "
Bradford Tramway Division Bramley Division ,redbury and H.omiley Division Brierfield Vi vision Brierfield ursillg Division Brighouse lorps ... " Nur ' ing Division Bristol (City of) Oorps Bromley Di \,i"ion ... Bro 'eley Nursing DivisioD Broughton Divi~ion , .. Brownroyd Dye ,Vorks Di vision " Nur,;illg Divi ion ... Brynmawr Division ... Brynna DivisIOn .. , Burley and Kirk tall Divi 'ion Burley-in-'Vharfedale Division Burnley Di vi .. ion » ... TUr'ing Di,-ision BU]'l1opfielcl ])i \-i. ion ... Burslem Division Burton Ltttimer Division Bury Di vi ·ioll )' T ur,;ing Division Buxton Division C Divi ion ( 'ity of Bri tol Corp::.) (Keighley Corp) " " U"'heffield Corps) " (. 'hipley lorp) Cam borne Divi.ion Cambrian Colliery Division Ca,nterbul'Y Di dsioll '" Cape Town Corps Ca,rdiff Corps Castleford and Di trict Divi'<ioll Oastleton Division " ITursing Division Caterham Diyi iOIl Causton Di, i8ion Central Division (liull Corps) ... ., (Oldham COI1)S, ') (Rochdale Corps) Central Tursing DivoCUullOorp.) Central, 'tation C~I. R. Division) Uentral :-:lou th Afncn,ll Rn il way::> Corps C,G. Ry. Goods Di\'. (Cape 'TOWIl) Chatham and District Divisioll Chichester Vi vision , .. Children's IIome Division Children's Homs Tursing DiY, Chirk Di\olsion Chorley Division Christchurch ( .Z .) Di\'i ion Cbristchmch (N, Z. lorps Chl'i tchurc:h 'Tramway Corps 0, 1 Di\ , "') "" TO. 2 DIV. ) Turing Div. (KZ.) Oity Division (Bloemfontein 'orp~) " (Oape Town Oorps)
371 386 320 321 350 371 401 241
219 <113 2 4
372 ,10z -1-13
3 5 396
321 250 -111
3 D 2 5
321 351 372 ~15
3 3 395 3% 247
217 171 4~7
310 35 '217 ~2·1
H1 33:, 310 H~
27 '
JiG -l7~ ~1
21 212 229 4:2
4;'9 ·169
-lG3 .j ti3
4G7 47G 171
428 244 250
City Division (Uardiff Corps) City of Bristol Oorps . City of Exeter Division City or IIeac1l[uarter::> Divi'lion (Cardiff Corps) .. Civil Ambulance and Transport Corps ,,'.W. Oleckheaton Division", " N ur::Jing Division .. Oleethorpes Division... .., Cleveclon Division 'liiton Di Vi'l10n Olitheroe Dl\'ision .,. ur 'ing Division )' Ooal \-illl:' Division Colne Di" i ·ion » J. ursing Di ,-i iOll 'ootulllundra Divi . iOll Coventry Oentral Division Coventry Co. -op. lJi\'i iOll 10\\1)en Colliery Divi. iOll Cramlington D i \'ision Cmnford Divi ion Crawshawbooth Division 'res well Divi .. ion Crewe Divi 'ion Cromer Diyi ion Crompton Diyi' ion " .I. T ursing Di yi -ion '1'0 'field Di \'i iOll 'ross Key ' Division Curzon . 'treet (L,&,XW.Ry,) Division (' ycli t Division 'ymmer Di \·i 'lOn D Divi ion (Keighley Corp ') (Leeds Corps) " ( 'heffidd Uorps) ("hipley Corps) Dalton-in-Fume s Division " Xuring Div. Dean and Chapter Colliery ni,'. DenaLy ((nd Cadeby Diyi'ion ])enuiston ~ ", Z.) ])i vision Dl;rLy Diyision D e\'ollport ~ ur,;ing Di \·i -ion
428 448 374
402 372 248 245 322
351 280 322 351 451
297 411 411
2 5 323 373
323 2 0 323 352 3H
42 279
213 435 33
3 5 395 396
324 352
412 373 460 373
264 469
\~ T. Z. )
Dewsbury anel Di ·trict Corps \J Di\'isiou ~ ursing DiyisIOll Digby CollIery Tli\'isioll Doddington Divi 'ion , .. Doulton lli \'i -ion Dover Di \-i~ion Dowlai Corp'" Do\\'lais Di visioll Dublin (City of) Divi~ion Dublin ( t, James's Gate) DiY', Dudley Colliery and Disl. D iv. Dndley Di"i 'ion Duffield Divi 'ion "
375 402
376 249
220 249 429 -1~9 3~-1
32-1 412
2 1 :376
St. John Ambulance B?'igade. PAGE.
Dukinfield Division ' " Dunedin ( ,Z,) Oorps " ( , Z, ) Tursing Div, E. D ivision ( hipley Oorps) Ealing Division Earby Division , .. " Nursing Division Earl's Barton Division Earl Shilton Diyision Eastbourne (L,B.&S,O,) Div, East Oowes Division ,. East Oramlington Division .. . Eastern Division (Hull Oorps) .. . " "ursing Diyision East Ham Division " Tursing Division East L ondon Division East London Railway (0. O. ) Division Eastwood Division Eccleshill Division " Nursing Division Edenfield Division " Nursing Division Elland Division " Tursing Division Enmore Diyi ion (T. ,W,) Equitable Division Erith and Di trict Division Exeter (City of) Division Eythorne Section (Do\-er Di,',) F Division ( hipley Oorp ) Farnworth Division Faversham Division .. . Felixstowe Division .. . Felling Colliery Oorps Ferndale Division Finedon Division Five Asbes Division Flore Division Focbriw Division Folesbill and Longford Division Folke tone Division ... Foot Police Division (Bloemfontain Oorps) Foulridge Division " Nursing Division Frenchwood Division ... Garforth Division Gasworks ( ydney) Division Gatesbead Fell Division. Gippeswyk Division ... Glebe (Sydney) Division " " Nursing Division Gloucester (City of) Division Godalming Division ... Goodrich Di vision Goole Di vision Gosport and Alverstoke Nursing Division Great Central Railway Pier Div.
325 457 4G4 397 229 377 403 293 2 7 250 253 411 414
419 216 232 223 473 377 377 403 325 350 378 404 451 335 229 250 249 397 319 250 281 412 430 300
251 293 430 297 251 476 325 353 337 386
450 413 2 1 449
,152 2fi1 251
430 378 264 415
Greenstreet Division .. . Great L ever Divi ion .. . Great Lever Nursing Division ... Great Western Oolliery Diy. G. ,\V.R. Oarriage lwd '\Vagon Divi ion G. W.R. L ocomotive Division (Oardiff Corps) ... G. W.R. (Paddington) Division G.'\V.R. Pas engel' Goods Di vi ion (Cardiff CorIJs) Greymouth J ur ing Division ... Grinkle Mines Division Guildford Division Haggerston Division .. . Hal esowen Division .. . Halifax Division " 1\ ur lllg Division Hallaton Diyision Halmerend and District Division Hampden Division " Yursing Divi ion Hampstead Division ... Hanley Di vision Hapton Diyision Harbour Trust Diyi ion Harpur Hill Division ... Harrow Division Hasland Division Haslemere Di vision Haslingden Oorps Hastings Division " Xursing Division Haverhill Di vision Haverigg (Millom) Division Ha\yera Di vi ion " Kur ing Division Hazel Grove Di vision Head-qrs. Div. (Birmingham Oorps) Head -q uarters Di vision (Bolton Oorps) ... Head -q uarter::; Di vi. ion (Ci \'il Ambulance and Transport Oorps, .Y. '.W.) ... Head-quarters Div. (Kettering Oorps) ... Head-quarters (N. . W.) Tursing Division ) O. A. T. Oorps Head-quarters Division (Northampton Corp) Head-qual terJ:l ~ Tursing Di\'ision (... Torthampton C01'1;s) Head-quarters Div. (Preston Corps) ... Head-quarters Div. CWarrillgton Corps) IIead-quarters Div. (Wellinghorough Corps) ... Head -q uarte/'s Tur:;ing Division (\V ellillgboro' Corps) Heanor Di vision
252 319 349 435 438
428 224 428 468 413 252 211
279 378 404 2 2 3 9 462
46 21 390 326 451 379 222 379 252 326
252 26,1 2 2 327 4G4 4G!.l
327 276
313 449
2 3 452
304 337
341 299
305 379
Hebden Bridge Omps " Division H ehden Bridge Nursing DiVIsion IIeckmonclwike and Li versedge Di visiol1 H<::rbcl't Division ul'siug Di vi:;ion IIereford 'ity Police Division ... " Railway DiviSIOn IIetLon-l e- lIole Vi vision Heywood J)i\'i ~ioll " lTul'sin rr Division Higham I<'elTers Vi vision Hincklcy Division ... IIindley Di vision Hockley G. W.R. Divisi un lIodbalTow I)i \'ision .. lIolLeck nnd II ullslet Di I'ision ... lIorfieJcl Di vi ion lIor.forth lJi I'i,.,ioll, L et (},; '01'])"; Hortoll ill-Hil;J)lesdlde .I;!ctiC)}1 {:-'cLLle Diviion) ... Hon\ lCl! VI\'i ion I' llr 1Ilg' Di \·jion lIo,.,pitnl 'nturchy }'und Diy. ursiug Vi vision IIudcler field Corp. ,. X UI iuti Di vision ... Hull Corp Hull & Danl ley Hy. (AlcX3.11drn. Dock) Divi, iOll IIull & lhndey Ry. Teptulle •. trect ) Di vi ion .. Hulme Di\'i ion 11 ylton 'olliery Di vision Ilfonl Diviioll Il\-e tOil and ]) istrirt 'o)'ps ImIJerial Di\'i iOll Ill\' 'l'cnr cr ill H.y. Di v. ( •.. Z ) Ip ",ich '01'1>'.• ~ ~ lll'"in Di Vj"iOll Il'chc ·tl r Dl \ i,,;ion Ironbric1gc Corp::; Din. iOll ., " . . 'tlr ing DJ\I ~ion Irthlingbol'ougb DI\'] 1011 ... , " Ul'Sillf! Division Isle of WI ght Corp' .~. .J ewih Di I'bion (Bombay Oorp ) .rohanne 'l)lII'~ Di diun Kaiapoi ])l\ISWll ... ' ul'sing Di\'1:iull " Kelghlcy Corp" ... \Jl'sil1g Di vi ion Kendal Division ... Keswick IJlyision " 1 Ul'"ing lJi vision Kettering COl'pg ... " 1 ursing ])i visiun Kidsgl'ove Divisiun ... ling's '1'OSS (U. '. R.)Dlvisioll T
_ T
380 380 101
380 4G2 16 431 431 113 327 353 300 287 327 279 32 3 ;)
2,16 3 7
391 311
3:;0 219 2:n ;3 0 401 411
116 332 '*16
22 3 1 2,16
161 2 2 303 300 131 ,131
301 305 2:;3 ·liD 'J 7 ·163
lEW 3 2 105
32 228
2 3 303 38,1
Kingsteignton Division Kislingbury Di vision Knutsforcl Division Kroon stad Division {C.f1.A.R. Corps ... .. Kynoch Div. (Birmingham Corps) Kynoch ursing Division Lancaster DIviSIOn Lt1l1ca!>ter ur 'ing Division Landport Division Lawley treet(;'1.R.)Birmingbam Corps Leamington Division... Leeds City Tr~mway Division ... Leeds Oor])s L eice ter Corporation Tramways Di vi 'ion Leicester Corps Xursing Division Leigh Division L e\'(;ll 'bulme DiviJ:lioll L cylalJc1 and Farillgton DIvision L ey ton and L eytollstolJe Division Lillcoln Corp" Li t1Igo\" JJi vision T>i\'(;l'lJool Corp ' 1.i ycrpool Di vision ... " ~ ·ur iug Didsion Llwyn)l)ia Division .. L.,L".W.R. Division (Leicester Corps) . . . . L.&X.W.R. Xllneaton) Divi ion L.B.&,'.O. R. (l~ewCro) Div. ., (Yictoria) Division " (Willow '\Valk Div. ) Longd endale Di viSIOn Llldg\'au1\Ul' Iller Diviion LY1l1ingtoll •• ur~i lIg Dl vision Lytham ~ ·ur·ing Divi~ion Ma.ccle field Vi \'iion ~la.deley Di\'ision ( 'ta!f .) " ., (Iron bridge Corps) I' • TUr'iug Di\' j ion" ~lainc1y Ilnd Ea. tem Divisioll ... Mauchester and 'alford Corps... Manche ·ter 'orport1.tiun Tramways Din '1011 ilIallcheotel' 'o]']Jol'ation TramwltY · lIyde H.oad) Di vi ion :'fannillgtree Divi ion... Mau field Divi,;ion ~larcly Diyj 'ion lariu13 Di vision Totterdown (Bri ·tol 'orps) :\Iarket Harborough Divi. ion . . larshbrook Divi.-ion... ?fa terton Di vi iOIl [aterton Division " .J. Tu rsing Di\'i ion I edhourne Division l erthyr Division
293 329
477 278 303 3'29 3E3 257 276 29 3 6 384 288 286 304 329 332 337 212 3 7
450 330 330 35-1 436 2 8
298 217 225 223 330
265 265 354 331 3
431 444
437 331 332 332
291 3 8
2,16 291 439 159
463 469
291 432
432 217
471 ') ~
397 301 254 333 355 390 2 0 333 355 375
403 432 335 462 334 355 277 417 420 390 433 253 255 256 334 453 340 358 292
304 3 8
228 296 3 5
3 9 212 389 391 334 219 231 282
305 298 457 465 335 356 294 467 303 283
375 397
Ierthyr Vale Division Ierton and 'Wimbledon Division ,M.F.B. Di,-i ion (Cape Tmvn) .. . Midland Ry. (Rettel iug Corps) .. . Midland Rail,,-ay (Shipley Corps) Midland Ry. (Wellingborough Corp) Division ... .Mill Bay t G. w. R. ) Division nIilurow nnd N ewhey Di \'i ion ... " " NUl'singDiv. liltou Diyision Mitchell and Butler's Division ... Morecambe Di vi ion ... " Nur ing Di\'ision MOl'ley and Ard-ley Division .. " Tursing Division Mountain A h Corps lIJ ump Di vision Tapier Di yision T elson Oorps " Nursing Division T elson Street Division Newcastle on-Tyne Division Newcastle-on-Tyne Kursing Diy. Newcastle under-Lyme Division eWI)ort (Mon.) Corps " (1. of W.) Di vision T ewton Abbot Corps ... Newton Abbot Division T ewtm,n Division II (T.S.W.)Kursing Div. Norden Division Norden Tursing Division Northampton Oorps ... II Head-quarters Tursing Division North Bierley Division North Oamberwell DiYision Korth -East Wan\ hire Corp North L eeds Division ... T orth Lindsey (Iron District) Division North London Railway Division North Staffordshire Oorps North Staffordshire Railway Diy. Northwich Division ... ... K orwood Division " Nursing Division TO. 1 Division (Ipswich Oorps) Nuneaton Nul' ing Division ... Nuneaton Town Division Oamaru ( T.Z.) Division " (N. Z.) K ursing Division Oldham Oorps " Tursing Division Olney Division Onehunga (N.Z.) Nursing Diy. Oratory Kursing Division Orwell ,Vorks Division Ossett Division Otley Division
Oundle Division Ouston Division Over eal Division Owaka ( T. Z.) Diyision " (N.Z.) Nursing Division Oxford Oorp Oxford Division Padiham Division " Nursing Di "i ion Palmers ton ( T. Z. ) T orth Fire Brigade Division.. . .. . " II Torth Ry. Di\'i iOll " " "Nursing Diy. 'I (K Z.) outh Div. "outh Nursing " " Di\-i. 'ion Park tation Di,-i.sion Park Vale Diyi ion Peakdale Division Penrhiwceiber Di ,-i.sion Perth Division, ,Yest Australia Petone ( T. Z.) Division " ursing DiYl ion Pontne'''ydd Divi ion ... Pontypool Road Di"ision Portmadoc Di,-i. ion ... Port mouth and District 'oI'p" )' Infirmary J ursing Division " Kur'ing Din ion ... Portsmouth Police Oorps Port unlight Di vi lOn Po t Office Diy. (Leed - Oorps) Potterie Electric Traction Diy. Pre ton Oorps Pre ton Kur ing Division Pretoria Diyision Pre "twich Di\-i. -ion Prison Di\-. (Bloemfontein Corps) Pytchley Division Radcliffe Division II N ur ing Divi ion Railway Di\·isiol1 (~ewport, Mon., Oorps) Railway Division, Oxford CarpI:; Ramsgate Oorps Town Di vi ion Police Diviion "" Nursing Di \'i ion Rayen thorpe Division Ra wten tall Oen tral Di \iion Rawtenstall Central Nurs. Div. Read Division Read r ursing Di vision Reading Di vision " ursing Division Reddish Division ... Redruth Division .. Rhondda Fach Corps Rhondda Fawr Oorps ... Ringstead Division )l
417 295 459 465 256 256 336 356
458 460 466 460 166 47 2 3B~
43J ,153 45D
'167 4~0
43-01 257 :W6
2j7 336 3 6 391 336 3j6
47 33 ' 476 285 33 357
133 256 :458 258 258 266 376 339 357 339 357
259 266 339 259 434 436 30]
Ringstead J ursing Division Roade Division '" Rochdale Corps " Central Tursing Di,. Rockingham Colliery Division ... Rotherhalll Division .. Rothwell Division Royal Ar enal Vi vi. 'ion Roy ton Division " Tursing Di vision Rugby Division Rushden Di vision " Nur::;ing Diyision Rush ton Di viRion Ryde (1. of W.) Divi ion .A.C. (Foot Police, Din ion ... , t. hes Di"i ion t. John's Diyi 'ion (Ipswich Corp) ... St. John's Gttte, Di\'i -ion " " TO. 3 Dl\'ision " " .I. Tursing Div. St. Jolm'H (Hyde, 1. of \V.) Diy. t. l\Iark' Di\i ion 'ale and .tbhton,oJl·~lerHey Di Vi.iOll alford Divi 'ion 'alt Ri\'er Railwny In. titute Div. andown (1. of \ .) Diyi"ion cissett and District Di \,i .. ion elwyn J lll'-;ing Dn'i. ion ettle Di \'ision ettle Tur-;ing Divi!:;ioll hag Point Diyision Shanklin (1. of W.) Di,'i ion .. heffield Corp::; Shelton Iron, ,'teel & oal Co. Divi, ion hipley ancl Di 'tri<:t Corps " " l T1l1''>Ing Dn. Shrewsbury Corp.'" " Di\i ion ... " Tursing DiYision " Loco. liy. Di\i -ion .. . " Ry. tn. Diyision .. . Silsdell Divi ion .. , Sittingbourne Di \'i 'ion ... Smethwick Divi"iol1 ... Snow IEll (G.W.R.) Di\-i. ,ion ... Social ettlement Di v. (Ipswich ... ." Oorps) ... Southampton Di vi ion South Metropolitan Ga' Co. Div. Southport Di vi ion ... South Shields Police Division " 01. Life Brigade Diy. llrsing Division " South 'Vales Border Corps Sowerby Bridge Division ." Jursing Div. Spaldmg G.N.R. Division
305 294 3·10 357 3n 3D2 2 ;,
226 341 359 295
302 306 2 6 253 ,176 260 ~
211 230 254 2H 3-11
333 17~
393 169 39:3 ·105
391 39;'5 ·j06 43
439 4·1-1
43 439 3 3 2(50 295
277 2 3 260 217 312 417 418 420 439 397 406 398
, pringfontein Division (O.S.A.R. CorpR) .. _ .. Stewart's ancl Lloyds DivIsion ... , tock port Di vision tock. bridge Di vision toke Bruerne Division ... ,'toke-on-Trent Divi,-ion , 'tonehousc Division ... ,'towmarket Division ,'tratford-ul'on-Avoll Division ... 'treatham Division Sunderland Va.-tern Di\ ision " , Vestern " ,'lltLon·in-Ahfield Di\ i"ion Talke Divisil.ll Tn Iy\\'ai 11 Di vi, 1011 Thame - K.Z.) Nursing Divi:sion Tibsheli Corpand Birch wood .I. UI'- -ing " Di viioll Toc1morden Di \'isiol1 ... " ur:sillg Di vi -iun TOl'(lllay Diyi iOll Tottenham ancl liamp -tea.d ,Tn. Ry. Di"i 'ion Tottinrrtoll Di I'ision ... TtlI' -ing Di\'iciOll TOWIl Division (Leice 'tel' COI1)S) " (1 Te"l)ort, ~Ion., Corp) ... Toyn bee lIall Di vi 'ion Transvaal orps 'rrawclen Division Trawc1en Nursing Divi ion Trederrar Ko. 1 Divi ion Tl'ec1egar l TO. 2 Di vision Tl'eeton Di ,'ision Treherbert (No.1) Divi ion Trcorchy anel Cymparc Di vi ion Troedyrhiw Dlyj ion ... " TO. 2 Di,i ion Tun bridge ,Yells Division Tun tall Divi -ion Twy-well Di "ision Tynybiclw'olliel'y Diviion Victoria IIall Di \'ision Victoria. lInll T ur ing Division Waihi Division \Valker ITur'illg Di\'isioll , Vnltham tow Di"ision " 1 T UI' -in" Diyi ion \Yalton-Ie-Dale Di,i'ion \ V0.1 ton -le-Dale X ursing Di vi -ion ,\'t\uganlli Divi ion .. \V are Di vision ,V uningtol1 orps ,Varrington Tlll' 'ing Diyi ion .. \Varwicl- hire .r .E . Corp \Va,ter and ewage Div. ( T.". \V,) Waterloo Di vi 'ion "\ n.terlow Division
477 276 342 39 294 392 261 296 296 225 418 41
398 398 HI
466 399
406 8,*2 359 261
221 343 359 2 9 434 213 47 343 300 HI
441 393 437 437 442
430 261 392 2 6 437 3'20 35U 469 421 222 233 343 360 464 262 344 360 296
451 344 215
St. J ohn A'Inb'nlance Brigade. PAGE.
'Watford Division " Tursing D ivision , Vearmouth Oolliery Di \i.sion W elbeck Divi. ion IVellingborough Oorps N lusing Division " 'W ellington (N.Z.) Division " (N. Z.) Nursing Div. , Yellington lIIanawatu H.ailway Oo's Diyision W embley and Harle den Divi ion W embley Nursing Divi ion W estern Division (Hull Oorp ) ... Western NUl' ing Div. " Western uburbs ( ydney) Div. Westgate-on - ea Division Westgate Nursing Division W esthoughton Divi ion West L ondon Di vi ion W est :Monmoutb Oorps W eston-super-Mare DiVision \'1estwood Division Whaley Bridge Division Whaley Bridge :Kursing Di\'. Whalley Division W heat heaf Division ... Whitburn Colliery Divi ion Tursing Div. W hitefield Division ...
?62 267 41
399 299 305 45 4.61 461 214
230 416 420 450 262 267 320 227 44.2 262 336 345 360 345 2 9
41 421 3-16
W hitefield N ursing D ivision W hitworth Division .. , Nur jng Division " IVhyteleafe D iyision .. Wigan D i\'i ion IV igston Iagna Division " (M .R.) Division Wille borough Divi ion , Vimbledon and Merton Iursing Di,i. ion W insfol'd Division " Iur ing Division W itbank Division \Vithernsea Di,i.sion .,. W olla ton Diyi ion Wollongong Division ... IY 01 verham pton Di \'i::;ion IVoherton Dinsion .. , , Yoodstock Di,i. ion (Cape Town) Woodstock Diy. (Oxford Oorps) , VooHey Oolliery and Darton Div. \Yorking len's Oollege Division (L eicester Corp ) ... Work op Division Yeadon and Guiseley Di "i::;ion Y. M. O.A. Di vi ion (Leicester Oorp) ' .. Y.1I. O.A. (Wellington) Divi ion Y::;trad Rhondda Di vi ion
361 341 358 263 346 2 9 290 263 232 346 361 -!I 8 419 302 450 302 263 472 257 400
290 400 396 290 461 438