
120 minute read
Service in "\Yestminster Abbey
THE CHAPTER-GENERAL has the honour to submit to the Members and Associates its Report for the year 1931. CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS.
The outstanding event of the year was the celebration of the Centenary of the re-establishment of the Order in England.
The week occupied by the Celebrations was characterized by perfect summer weather.
The Celebrations themselves were honoured throughout by the presence of members of the Royal Family. Additional interest was also lent by the fact that many t. John members came to London from practically every part of the Empire, and for a large number of these it was their first visit to England.
The official Celebrations were as follows :-On the night of Monday, June 22nd, a Banquet, followed by a Reception, at St. James's Palace. On Tuesday, the 23rd, His lajesty the King held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace. On \Vednesday the 24th (St. John's Day), a cer monial service was held in Westminster Abbey, followed by the Annual General Assembly in the Great Hall of Westminster School, kindly lent for the occasion by the Head Master. On Thursday the GranJ Prior gave an Afternoon Party at St. James's Palace to member of the Order, the t. John Ambulance Association and the St. John Ambulance Brigade both at Home and Overseas. On Friday, the 26th. were held the Empire First Aid Competitions, at the Wharncliffe Rooms, Great Central Hotel, and on Saturday, the 27th, the Review of the Brigade at Home and Oversea.s was held in Hyde Park. THE BAXQUET A TD RECEPTIO_-.
The Banquet wa pr sided over by H.R.H. the Grand Prior, and the guests numbered 110. At the Grand Prior's table, in the centre of the hall, were the chief representatives from overseas, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Prelate of the Order, and the Sub-Prior. Each of the twelve mall tables was presided over by a senior member of the Order, either a Bailiff Grand Cross or a Knight of Justice. Evening dress, with decorations, was worn. There were no speeches. Immediately after the Banquet the Grand Prior held a Reception, receiving the guests in the Tapestry Room. The occasion was also honoured by the presence of Princess Helena Victoria and the Lady Patricia Ramsay.
The room used on this historic occasion were the Armoury, the Tapestry Room, the Queen Anne Room, the Levee Room, and the Gallery, where a buffet supper was served. The string band of the Grenadier Guards played during the evening.
The Grand Prior shook hands with every guest as he or she wa announced, some 900 being present.
At the Inve titure at Buckingham Palace, which took place in the Ball Room, Hi Majesty the Sovereign Head of the Order wore his Field Marshal's uniform with the Order' black mantle over it. The members of the Chapter-General of the Order wore either uniform or Court dress, each member wearing the black mantle with the large white eight-pointed cross embroidered on the left breast.
The white, scarlet and gold decoration of the Ball Room presented a splendid picture with the King and Queen and the members of the Royal Family on the dais, round which at the back were grouped fifty members of Chapter-General in their black mantles and scarlet tunic. In the body of the room were seated approximately 500 visitor. Each of the 160 member who were invested wa allowed to bring one visitor. The remaining onlookers were chiefly composed of members of the Order. Chapter-General moved in proces ion into the Ball Room, headed bv the Cross of the Order, at 11.15 a.m. It is intere ting to note that this beautifully-worked silver cross is the same cross that was u ed by the English branch of the Order during the 1Iiddl Age.
At 11.20 their Royal Highnesses The Prince of \Vale , the Duke of Gloucester, Prince George and the Earl of Athlone entered the Ball Room and took their places at the right of the dai. At 11.29 the l\Ia ter of the Household ordered everyone to stand, and at 11.30, to the strain of the National Anthem from the band in the Gallery, the King and Queen entered the Ball Room and took up their places on the dai .
The Prelate of the Order (the Archbi hop of Canterbury) then read the prayers which are always u ed at the meeting of Chapter-General at St. John's Gate, after which His Iajesty ordered the vi itor to b eated. Meanwhile the recipient who were to be invested had been brought by the U hers into the back of the Ball Room and drawn up facing the dais. The Grand Prior then turned to the King and pre en ted the recipients to His Majesty, exhorting them in the tim -honour d manner to live worthy of the eight-pointed cro s with which they were about to be invested.
The Royal Princes were all invested as Bailiffs Grand ro ,the King placing the broad black riband of that grade 0 that it re ted on their right shoulder. The Princes then took their places on the dai behind the King and Queen.
The other recipients were then invested grade by grade with their insignia, the King shaking hands with each. They then pa ed out of the Ball Room through a short gallery and in again at the back of the room.
At the conclusion of the ceremony the Prelate read the customary prayers, after which the members of Chapter-General filed past Their Majesties, their names being announced by the ub-Prior.
The simple ceremony opening and ending with prayer, and the magnificent setting of gold, scarlet and black made an indelible picture on the minds of all those who witnessed it.

The Commemoration Service, which was held in Westminster Abbey, was a wonderful spectacle of media:!val pageantry, pomp and circumstance. The Brigade and the Association were represented by selected men and women frGill all Districts, and all the Overseas members
wearing uniform took part. The uniformed contingents formed up in the Cloisters and marched in to the Abbey through the north gate of Dean's Yard, with the nursing sisters leading, headed by H.R.H. the Duchess of York, Commandant-in-Chief of the Nursing Divisions of the Brigade. The procession entered the Abbey by the Great West Door. When these had taken their places in the South Transept, ChapterGeneral moved in proce sion from the ancient Chapter House into the Abbey by the West Cloi ter Door, where they were joined by the Grand Prior, the ub-Prior and the Dean of Westminster. The procession then moved to the west end of the Abbey and turning passed slowly up the nave to the Sanctuary. Those members of Chapter-General entitled to uniform wore it, and the effect of the scarlet tunics partially covered by the black mantles and the picturesque ecclesiastical dress ofthe Abbey clergy will long be remembered by everyone who was privileged to see it. The congregation numbered 1,500. The sermon, which was broadcast throughout the world, wa preached by the Prelate of the Order.
At the conclu ion of the service, the General Assembly took place, hapter-General again moving in procession from the Chapter Hou e to th Great Hall of \Ve tminster chool. On the way the Grand Prior in pected a Guard of Honour provided by the V/estminster School O.T.c.
The General A embl) opened with the reading of letters and telegrams of gr eting and congratulations from the wedi h Commandery and from the repre entative of the Order, Association and Brigade Over.'·a in anada, outh Africa, Au tralia, New Zealand and India. The anadian Addre wa read by Captain .:\1. H. Vernon, the Canadian repr s ntative at the Centenary Celebrations.
Eeport on the work of their re pective Departments during the past year "'ere read by the Ex cutive Officers, after which the Grand Prior
" The Report ju t ubmitted to u by our Executive Officer record progre .in our variou activitie for the pa t year. They bear wItne _ to the effiCIency of our organization at t. John's Gate and to the devoted ervice of all engaged in our work for humanity. I will only empha ize what eem to me the alient feature. " \Ve learn with much gratification that last month the King in Council \\'a pI a ed to affirm the cherne whereby the Church of t. John, Clerk !1well, with it ancient Crypt i re tored in perpetuity to the Order, and wIll henceforth be appropriated a the Church of the Grand Priory. " Th.e actual e. tabli hment of a Commandery for :New Zealand, to the forma.tlOn of Maje ty gave hi approvalla t year, would have been In all probabIlIty accompli hed by now, but has been temporarily delayed owmg to the fact that Sir Heaton Rhodes, the Knight at .the la t moment was obliged to abandon his intention of commg to thIS country for the e celebrations and for the purpose of settling the final details. "Mention of New Zealand leads me to refer to the splendid work performed by the Brigade in that Dominion during the recent terrible at Napier and Ha tings. Reports we have received of their serVIce are beyond prai e. " I mu t congratulate our Ophthalmic Ho pital Committee on having
been to the new annexe to the Hospital at J eru alem for the receptIOn of patient and I am glad to learn that this exten ion has been amply justified and that the new building i greatly admired. The very favoyrable comments .by the of t.he on the great value and of our HospItal work In Pale tme whIch have ju t been read to us wip I am sure be greatly appreciated by all our member and by the HospItal Staff. " As .the Brigade at Home you \-"ill recall that SIr PercIval \hlkm on wa appointed ecretary-General and DIrector of Ambulance, the post of Chi f Commis ioner of the Brigade was and a a temporary mea ure he was appointed Acting Chief CommIssIOner. The burden of respon ibility for the three office has been a heavy one, and I am glad to be able to announce that I have appomted John Duncan, a Knight of Grace of the a.rder, be ChIef CommIssIOner of the Brigade and that he will relieye
PercIval next ir John Duncan has had a di tingui hed military and IS a"?le and willing to give a large amount of hi time make, hIS ne",,' appomtment his principal work. . Confreres we meet to-day under unique circum tance , and have stnve.n to make our Centenary Celebration worthy of uch an hi -toric OccasIOn. " Especially do \"e rejoice that many of our brethren from over-ea ' able to be present and that e\'eral have be n in\'c Led by HIS Majesty Our overeign Head. " I trust that all :"ho have made the long journey will feel that they ha,,:e bee::r well repaId and that they "'ill return home d t rmin d tu all In therr power to continue their work for Humanity under th bann r of the Order. " It ?nly remains for me to expres our grateful thanks Lo tll D an of for allowing u to hold our sen'ice in th Abbey of and for the excellence of the arrangement made b\' him.:elf and hI staff, also to thank our Prelate for hi in piring addrc'-.;'

At the conclu ion of the Grand Prior' peech the Earl of Scarbrough, the Sub-Prior, said :" I should like to. offer His Royal Highnes the rand Prior th grateful . thanks thIS Assembly for the gracious manner in \\'hich he has presIded over Its deliberations, for the encouraging remark he made about the work of the Order, and for the kind ,,'ords he thought .fit to express me. than ever are we indebted to Hi Royal Highne presIding on thIS occasion, because from the \'ery momen t that the Idea of Centenary Celebrations was mooted we have had the wholehearted support of the Grand Prior in our desires and it i due to that support,. given for the last hvo years, that these desires and aspIratIOns have been week. ! am bound to add brought that we to a have successful achievement been greatly concerned this lest s.tram of these days should prove too seyere even for the wonderful vItalIty and energy of His Royal Highness. We are thankful to realize he has able to us entirely of that anxiety.
Now ?ur ';1t moment are, I think, naturally centred on serVice In whIch we have just been taking part and on the Insprrmg words of our Prelate. He spoke of the past and he linked the
past with the present. As regards the ancient Order from which we have our origin I suggest that it might be likened in its inception to a first attempt at an unofficial League of Nations with two ideals, ' Pro Fide' and 'Pro Utili tate Hominum'. Unfortunately in those early days, and in the centuries that followed, 'Pro Fide' meant perpetual warfare and political strife, and when, in the Napoleonic era, so far as the Order was concerned, the warfare and the struggle for temporal power ceased and nothing was left but the Hospitaller work, it is rather sad to reflect that its character as an international and sovereign organization practically suffered extinction. Its revival in this country and later on in the British Realm, so far as our main activities are concerned, stood for' Pro Utilitate Hominum " which takes us back to the earliest ideal of the ancient Hospitallers, ' For the good of mankind.' " That is what the Grand Priory stands for to-day and it is on this basis that we appeal for public support and approval. It is the ideal that we are striving for in these modern days, to reproduce all that is best and most true of Christian chivalry. It is an ideal that even in the confused days in which we live is unassailable and unchallengeable, and it is an ideal that appeals alike to our brothers and sisters from overseas (many of whom we are happy to welcome here this week) and also to ours lves at home who are working under the eight-pointed cross, as th yare, in the service of others. " Confreres I ask you by acclamation to accord a mo t hearty vote of thank to our Grand Prior."
The vote of thank was carried with acclamation.
Hi Royal Highne s the Grand Prior said :" unfrere, at this advanced hour in the afternoon I do not propose to keep you for more than a moment. I would only wish to assure you and all here present of the very great pleasure it has been to me to be able to a ist in the ceremonies which have marked our Centenary. I am ure they must have impres ed everyone who has had the pleasure of wiLne ing them, :Jlay I as ure you how greatly I appreciate the kind manner in which you always recei\'e me \"hen I come amongst you. I think you know there i no one \\'ho takes a deeper interest in our Venerable Order than doe your Grand Prior."
Lieut.-General ir Aylmer Hunter-\Yeston, the Chancellor, said the Order wi hed publicly to thank Dr. Costley-\Vhite and the authorities of \Vestminster chool for their great kindness in placing at the di po al of the Order the Great Hall in which the Assembly had taken place, and \vhich had lent such a dignified background to their deliberations.
After the meeting the Chapter-General returned in proces ion to the Chapt r House.
The Grand Prior gave a garden party at t. James's Palace on the afternoon of June 25th, which wa honoured by the presence of H.R.H. the Princes Mary, the Lady Patricia Ramsay and H.R.H. Princes Arthur of Connaught. The 1,100 guests who attended this party numbered amongst them the whole of the Overseas contingent, and a large number of members of the Order, the As ociation and the Brigade at Home.
Grand Prior took the opportunity of talking over t. John matters WIth many of the leading people both from at home and abroad.
Great interest centred in the e events as the competing teams came from all part of the Empire. The competition were judged by:-
Lieut.-Colonel F. A. Brook, I.D., of London,
R. B. Duncan, M.D., of London,
A. T. Lakin, ;'I.B., of Manche ter,
Captain A. C. \\11ite Knox, ?l.C., :M.D., of London.
The South African took fir t place in the men' and first and second in the women's team tests.
The result of the Competition wa a follow
\VO::\1EN. 1. Southern Rail"'ay (Barnstaple). l. outh Africa I o. l. 2. South Africa Ko. 2. 2. Liverpool. 3. Kenya Police. 3. outh Africa TO. 2. 4. outh Africa );0. l. 4. New Zeal a nd. 5. Canada (\\"innipeg). 5. India (Bengal). 6. Rhodesia. G. Canada (Ontario). 7. Canada (Ontario). 7. India (Lahore).
Prince s Alice, Counte s of Athlone, pre ented the prize. Thi \Va particularly interesting, a Her Royal Highnes had 0 lately been the Lady Superintendent-in-Chief of the Nursing Divi ion in outh Africa.
The first prize in both ca e wa a ilver-gilt cup for the team, with a small replica for each member of the team.
The Sub-Prior gave the cups for the men' test and the hancellor the cup for the \\·omen.
The prize for the second place wa a ilver-gilt medal howing t. John's Gate on one ide and on the rever e uitable wording recording the event. The third prize was a similar medal in ilver, the fourth and ucceeding prizes being similar medals again but truck in bronze. Every member of every team received the appropriate medal.
The Earl of Athlone very graciou ly promi ed to give each member of the Southern Railway (Barn taple) Team (who took part in the competition for purpo es of compari on, and incidentally gained the fir t place), a cup as a memento of the occa ion. THE CENTEl ARY REVIEW.
Saturday, June 27th, was the la t day of the official Centenary week, and was the occasion of the Review in Hyde Park of orne 4:,000 :r1ember of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, both at home and Over ea, by H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught.
The battalions were made up of contingents from every District in England, Ireland and vVales, and the Association and Brigade Over ea were represented by the visitors who had come to England for the Centenary Celebrations.
The weather was perfect and the parade formed an impo ing ight drawn up in line of battalions in quarter column, the women on the right, the men on the left.
His Royal Highness spent a considerable time inspecting and talking to the contingents from Overseas, amongst whom were many individuals personally known to him.
After His Royal Highness had finished his in pection the parade marched past him in column of fours.
Over a thousand tickets had been issued to members of the Order, the Association and the Brigade and their friends who had expre ed a wi h to be present as pectator on this occasion.
After the Inspection, His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of Connaught, issued this special message, through the St. J OH)l' AMBULA);,CE GAZETTE, to all Brigade units in every part of the Empire :" It is with the greatest pleasure that I have attended this parade and inspected St. John units from every part of the British Empire. I believe that the Centenary Celebrations of the Order will have a farreaching effect throughout our great Commonwealth of ation. " I wish you all good luck and success on the battlefields of Life."
H.R.H. The Prince of \\'ale sent the following message for the information of all ranks :-

" To LORD CARBROUGH. " It i a great di appointment to me that I cannot be with you in Hyde Park thi afternoon a I know vv'hat a fine turn-out of the Brigade there will be to end the week's Centenary Celebrations. " I specially regret mi ing the opportunity of seeing on parade many of tho e from Overseas who have in recent years welcomed me in their o,;vn home. I incerely hope that they are enjoying their stay in this country, and I wi h them a safe journey when the time comes for them to 1 ave. " The importance of Ambulance ervice and Fir t Aid i nO\\'adays universally recognized, and I congratulate all members of the Brigade on the spirit in which they carry out their mo t admirable and devoted work. " June 27th, 1931." "EDWARD P.
In connection with the Centenary Celebrations an appeal for fund for new building adjoining t. John's Gate \Va made to member of the Order, the t. John Ambulance A ociation and the St. John Ambulance Brigade and their friend .
Colonel J. L. 1 eman, C.:'l.G., C.B.E. M.V.O., the honorary Director of the Appeal, report a follows:-
The C ntenary year afforded a fitting opportunity to engage upon wor k long con tern pIa ted of coUec ting money for the exten ion of t. John's Gate. It must be obvious to all that the existing buildings are in ufficient in ize and character to hou e the many branches of activity of the Order. the A sociation, and the Brigade, and that in consequence the work of all three has been considerably hampered for man} years.
Fortunately it has been po sible to secure, through the \-vi dom and foresight of its members, ufficient land adjoining the Gate for the nece:,sary exten ion, making the task before u considerably lighter, and placmg upon tho e who have the privilege and honour to serve the the respon ibility of taking advantage of this opportunity of makmg our Headquarters worthy of its dignity.
The next task was to find office accommodation for the issue of an
appeal which may last three years, or even more. This necessity itself demonstrates the fact that accommodation at the Gate is limited, otherwise the office would have been housed there.
Fortunately in the Order's long history it has always been found that every emergency finds the man, and in this instance Mr. A. J. MaundyGregory, a Commander of the Order, most kindly offered, free of all charge, uitable office accommodation for the Appeal at 38 Parliament Street, '.Vhitehall. He also con ented to act as Deputy Director of the Appeal.
These initial difficulties having been overcome, the Appeal was· formally launched in June by his Royal Highne the Grand Prior, who enjoined upon everyone in the Order to embrace this great opportunity of furthering the humanitarian work for which the Order and its foundations exist.
First among those to respond to the Appeal were His the King, the Sovereign Head, Her the Queen, Hi Royal Highness the Prince of '.Yale , his Royal Highness the Duke of York, her Royal Highness the Duchess of York, and His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, the Grand Prior, all of whom most graciously and generously upported the Appeal. '.Vith such encouragement it was but natural that other members of the Order responded with such fervour that already the sum promi ed or received is nearing £20,000.
The fact that this success has been gained during the worst period of financial depre ion which the British Empire has ever knO\vn peaks volumes for the magnificent spirit that exi ts within the Order, and the determination of all to see it fittingly housed in buildings more suited to its present needs.
It ha never been more difficult to collect money, but this difficulty, instead of being a deterrent is actually proving a spur to endeavour, and if the fine spirit already shoWTI is maintained, and all re pond who have the honour of belonging to the Order, the ssociation and the Brigade, victory is clearly within ight.
But there is a tendency in all good organizations to assume that the task is being ably conducted by the few, and for the remainder to " wait for orders" on the assumption that their expres ion of intere t may be thought to be interfering. Fortunately there is no need for such fear, as an appeal of this nature requires the help of everyone entitled to lend assistance.
Others again have delayed sending their contribution in their anxiety to give as much as they can afford, and their inability to decide what this will be until the new taxation is known. Forilmately this period of uncertainty has now ended. \Vith nearly £20,000 already subscribed within the past seven months there is every hope that the £100,000 required will be obtainable within the three years originally e timated.
To the pessimistic mind £100,000 appears a difficult sum to obtain, yet, if every member of the Order, the Association and Brigade, gave what he or she could well afford this amount would be collected within two years. Let us all say, therefore, that the ta k is so difficult as to be most acceptable, and that none will rest content until the day arrives when we see St. John's Gate made really worthy of the Order to which we are so proud to belong.

The following Promotions, Admissions, and Attachments, recommended by C.hapter-Gen:ral approved by the Grand Prior, have been sanctIOned by HIS Majesty the Sovereign Head. BAILIFF GRAND CROSS (ASSOCIATE). His Majesty King George of Greece. KNIGHTS OF JUSTICE. Sir Gerald Woods \Vollaston, M.V.O. (from Commander) C?lonel James Lewis Sleeman, C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O. Commander)
Ir John WyndhaI? .Be}TIon, Bt., C.B.E. (from Commander). . Alpheus Fuller \;VIliiams (from Knight of Grace). H.E. The. Earl of \Villingdon, G.c.s.I., G.C.I.E., G.C.M.G., G.B.E (from Kmght of Grace). . Colonel i.r James Purves-Stewart, Kmght of Grace). K.C.i.LG. ' C.B. , M D F R C P (from .. , .... Harry Clinton Pirie-Gordon, D.S.C. (from Knight of Grace) I VIscount Hereford (from Commander). . LIeut.-Colonel The Lord Forester (from Knight of Grace). Hugh Ingledew (from Knight of Grace). The Earl of Plymouth, P.C. (from Knight of Grace). OF JUSTICE. The \,'i counte-s Hereford (from Commander). R. 'IGHTS OF GRACE.
Sir '.Yilliam Peel, R.B.E., Major-General ir John Duncan, K.C.B., D.S.O. The Earl of e sborough, Colonel The Hon. Murrav Commander). J MacLaren , C.M.G ., v D •• , ... ". D cn .• , l 'f.R 1\ .C.S. (from Colonel Arthur Percy herwood, M.V.O. G:eneral Ir David Campbell, R.C.B.
Herbert K.B.E. (from Commander). SIr Arthur Grenfell \Yauchope, K.C.B., C.LE. D S 0
Ir FrancI tanley Jack on, P.c., G.C.I.E. ' "KXIGHT OF GRACE (ASSOCIATE). The Rt. Hon. ir Isaac Alfred Isaacs, P.C., DAilIES OF GRACE. \Yilliam Cecil (from Officer). EIleen Blandford (from Commander). lIIrS. NaomI Adams (from Officer). Lady Inglefield, O.B.E. (from Officer). The Countess of Bessborough. Lady Elphinstone.
The Rt. Rev. George Nickson, D.D., Bishop of Bristol. The Very Rev. William Haye Weekes, Dean of Bloemfontein.
COMMANDERS (BROTHERS). Colonel Henry Meiklam Prescott Hewett (from Officer). fajor Sir Thomas Houston, O.B.E., M.D. (from Officer). Edwin Albert Chill, O.B.E., M.D. (from Officer). Sir Percival Horton- mith Hartley, c.v.O., M.D. (from Officer). Sir Thomas Cato \Vorsfold, Bt., LL.D. (from Officer). \V illiam Graham. Charles \V'illiam Dy on Perrin (from Officer). Lieut.-Colonel Henry John Barnes, LR.C.P.ED. (from Officer). Captain John Docwra Rogers (from Officer). Charles Walter Berry (from Officer). Alexander Moffitt Fullerton, O.B.E. (from Officer). Richard Clegg, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (from Officer). Captain Oswald Frank Buxton (from Officer). Stanley Cyril El e (from Officer). Major Thoma Gabriel Lumley Lumley- mith, D.S.O. (from Officer). Lieut.-Colonel Henry Kellermann Hamilton-\\ edderburn, O.B.E. (from Officer). Sir Frederick Norton Kay , K.B.E., :M.D., F.R.C.P.ED. (fr m Officer). iajor Alfred Jo eph Gatt, O.B.E., M.C. (from erving Broth r). Surgeon Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur Ga kell, K.C.B., O.B.E., F.R.C. Sir Ernest Salter \Vills, Bt. The Marques of orthampton. M?jor-General Thoma Charles Pleydell Calley, C.B., C.B.E., The Hon. James Horace King, M.D. The Hon. Tapoleon Antoine Belcourt, K.C. Charles Gardiner Cowan. Lewis :J1iller \V ood. Lieut.-Colonel \Villiam Bertram Joseph Osbalde (from Officer). The Hon. John Hamilton Bruce (from Officer). ir Edward Brandi Denham, K.C.M.G., K.B.E. The Earl of Lytton, P.C., G.C.S.!., G.C.I.E. (SISTER). Mrs. Constance Margaret Williams (from Officer). Lady Cowley (from Officer). Miss :Mary Beatrice 1arsh lonk, C.B.E., R.R.C. Lady Jackson.

OFFICERS (BROTHERS). Captain George Jackson (from Serving Brother). Peter Cameron (from Serving Brother). Herbert Charles Higson (from Serving Brother). Frederick Ellison (from Serving Brother). William Gates Lambert (from Serving Brother). \Nalter George Chapman (from Serving Brother). William Edward Carr Lazenby (from Serving Brother). Major Philip Maurice Beachcroft, O.B.E. (from Serving Lieut.-Colonel Gerald Eustace Peacock, M.R.C.S. (from Servmg Brother). Captain Edward Gordon Audland, M.C. PROMOTIONS, ADMISSIONS, ETC. Contd.
Arthur Ronald Nall Nall-Cain, M.P. Stanley George Reeves Barratt. John Frederick Lean. Major Frederick Middleton Hornsby, C.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel Cecil Du Pre Penton Powney, O.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel George tIackie, D.S.O., T.D., M.D. Captain Alexander Campbell White Knox, M.C., M.B. Detmar J. Blow. Edgar Frank Fincham. Major Henry Hudson Fraser Stockley, M.V.O., O.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel John William Abraham, O.B.E. William Egbert Thompson, M.B., cn.B. Humphrey Ernest Bowman, C.B.E. Stewart Henry Perowne. Percy Harold Winter. Colonel William Arthur White. Captain Gerald Lowry. ir James Gomer Berry, Bt. The Marquess of Anglesey, G.C.V.O. Lawrence Edward Tanner, M.V.O. ir harl Reed Peers, C.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel John Murray, D.S.O. Lieut.-Colon 1 idney Cedric Mathews Smith. Walt r Gibo. Henry Chapman. Neil Bethune MacInnes. George James Thrasher. Lieut.-Colonel Geoffrey Henry Julian Skeffington Smyth, D.S.O. Captain Douglas Gordon, M.C. ir Fred rick Dy on. Lieut.-Commander The Hon. Henry Mitford Amherst Cecil. Charles Roche Finni . Colonel Henry Everard Du Cane Norris. Colonel I(oberi Berkeley Airey, C.M.G., D.S.O. ir \Valter McArthur Allen, K.B.E. Captain \Yilliam George Butcher (from Serving Brother). Arthur Barnes Gib on (from erving Brother). John caley Cox (from Serving Brother). Alexander Wi] on, M.D. (from erving Brother). Lieut.-Colonel Patrick Mervyn Archdale, R.N. Edmund John Fox. Jam s Arthur Wilson, O.B.E. ir Reginald Herbert Brade, G.C.B. John iark, C.B.E. John Cuthbert de Fontenne leeman. Harold Herrick Lord ands. Sir Stanford Edwin Downing. Lieut.-Colonel George Mitchell \Neekley. Sir Herbert James Creedy, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Sir Edward Francis Knapp-Fisher. Surgeon-Commander Roderick Joseph Graham Parnell, R.N.
B 17
David Martyn Evans-Bevan. Clive Grantham Austin. Sir George Montague Critchett, Bt. Frederick Lionel Dove. Alexander Ienzies Anderson. Sir Squire Sprigge, M.D. Harold Gaye Michelmore. Archibald Kennedy Wilson. Captain Mark Henry Vernon. John James Kinley. J ames Ernest Macpherson. Charles Albert Gray. Philip Miles Filleul. Frank Russell Haney. Frederick Austin Bourne. Edmund Cazalet Feilde, M.D. Lieut.-Colonel John Smith Purdy, D.S.O., M.D. (from Honorary ociate). Major-General Walter Valentine Coppinger, C.I.E., D.S.O., M.D., F.R.C.S.I., I.M.S. Major Arthur Barrett Cardew, M.C., lILB., F.R.C.S.ED. (from erving Brother). Captain FitzRoy Hubert Fyers. Colonel Arthur 1ayers Connell, F.R.C.S.ED., T.D. Guy George Repton, M.B.E. Otho William Nicholson, M.P. Richard Brian de Fontenne Sleeman. Major Edward William Polson Newman. Ernest Powell Vveller.
George James Linklater, O.B.E., M.D.
Major John Hay Beith, C.B.E., M.C.
Henry Terry.
Lieut.-Colonel Vere Lorraine uttall Pearson, D.S.O.
Daniel Daniel.
Richard Owen, M.D.
Captain Francis Paull Robathan, M.C. OFFICER (BROTHER) (ASSOCIATE).
Lieut.-Colonel Sir Hassan Suhrawardy, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. OFFICERS (SISTERS).
Dame Janet Stancomb Graham Stancomb-Wills, D.B.E.
Lady Peel. . .
Miss Juliana Margaret Hoare, M.B.E. (from Servmg SIster).
Miss Alice iaud Walker (from Serving Sister).
Mrs. Margaret Emmeline Douglas, A.R.R.C. (from Serving ister).
Mrs. Catherine Scott Maxwell.
Miss Mary Smallwood Cochrane, R.R.C.
Mrs. Xenia Garle.
Lady Wills.
The Hon. Mrs. Constance Ellinor Lumley.

Lady Humphreys. Mrs. Fanny Mabel Eiches (from Serving Sister). Mrs. Christabel Hopton. Mrs. Marion Emily Repton. Lady Marling. Miss Alice Eva Marion Milnes, O.B.E. Mrs. Joan Sandys. Mrs. Maude Florence Catherine Rogers. SERVING Stanley Francis Leitch Hussey. James Paddison. George taniforth. Arthur harpley. John Henry Abrahams. Oliv r John Cripps. James Edward Pugh. Earne t Paul. John Comley. James Cuthbert Horwood. Jo eph Dann. Jame cott. Charles Henry Iaycock. George Lanca ter. George Edwin Bennett. 'ydney Firth. H.ichard Henry Daybell. Edward Robert awyer. David John James. \Villiam Jo eph Rastall. Hinchliffe \Vhitwam. \ illiam Gladwin Kirk. rchibald James George Inglis. Alfr d Atkins. ydn y Farmer. Ernest Edward \Voore. John \Villiam Franci . Frank Philbey. Herbert \Vildman. Alexander IcWilliam. William Lee, M.B. vViWam \Vallace William. William Everett. William David Porter. Frank Hetherington. George Hastings Peck. John Ormerod. William James Spiers. Thomas Mills. Herbert Henry Dye. William Arthur Roust. BROTHERS. Edward Reuben Russell Greenstreet. Bertie Good yer. Harry Arthur Jacobs. Leonard Arthur Line, M.B. Fred Stanley Booth, M.D. Leslie Fetherston, M.B. Clement Armour Verco, M.B. Walter Guy Shellshear, M.B. Oscar Charles Potten. George Jordan. \Villiam Brownlow Ashe Moore, L.R.C.P. and S.!. David Henry Griffiths, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. George William Hopkins. George Harry Benson-James. Harold John lewis. William James Morris. Charles Passey. John Thomas. Reginald Lionel Ernest Downer, M.D., M.R.C.S. John Beswick. Colonel George Charles Edward Simpson, O.B.E., T.D., F.R.C.S. Percy Brereton. Henry Thomas hewell. Horace Trevor Williams. Edward Tyson. Wilson Huxley. John Brierley Hov\'arth. James Winterbourne. Joseph Holt. Ernest William Sturt. George Albert Bilton. Frederick Edward Goddard. Robert Augustus Eastoe. William James Dobson. Fred Hudson. John Holmes.
George Reed. Samuel James Shapley. George William Belton. David Kemp Edwards. Fred Cook. Roy Godfrey Bullen Spicer, M.C. Arthur Waters. Lieut.-Colonel Alfred Axen
Leonard Flynn, V.D. Sidney Edward Langstone. Robert Vicars Clayton, M.B. Henry Wilson Parnham. Harry Hulland Hilton. Maurice Ockenden. Ernest Henry Pooley. Albert James Galpin. Alfred Charlton. Herbert Robey. Ernest Shepton Evans. Thomas Metcalfe. John William Crossley. Oswald Christopher Brown. Frank Samuel Hardy, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Arthur Samuel Bates. Frederick William Morton Palmer, M.D. Frederick William Bacon. George Frederick Quilter. John Kerr. Willie Williams. Arthur Killick Mayall, O.B.E. William Walter Raney. Henry Bate. Lionel Langford Westrope, M.D., L.R.C.P. and s. John Edward Tickelpenny. Thomas Edward Harper. Frank Jordan. lbert Vernon Gibson. Dudley Gordon Miles. Donald John McPherson. William James Henry Miller. Gurnell Crafton Green. Albert Richard Ball. William Mailer J M. B. Frederick William Stevens. Major Albert Ehrmann, O.B.E.,
T.D., M.R.C.S. Sydney Horace Halls. George Benjamin Gregory. Frank Elliott. Ralph Augustus Tyler. Thomas Richards. Harry Chadwick. Christopher Miller. John Acton. Eben tuart Burt Hamilton, M.C., M.B. Arthur Redman. Charles Ward. Thomas Foster \Vilkinson. George Frederick W llman. George William farsh. Gomer Lloyd Davi s. Thomas John Hughes. William John Mainwaring. Charles Edward Chamberlain Palmer. David George Ross r.

SERVING BROTHERS (ASSOCIATE). Major Sorab Kaikhosru Engineer, Chak Tai Kwong.
O.B.E., F.R.C.P.E. Dhanjibhai Hormasji 11 hta, L.M. Mark Nathan Lush. and S.
Miss Nellie Ida Muir. Mrs. Sebina Phillips. Miss Muriel Gladys Lupton. Miss Gertrude Alice Vaughan. Miss Agatha Mary Phillips, RR.C.,
Q.A.I.M.N .S. Mrs. Elizabeth Jessey Henry. Lady Peters, A.RR.C. SISTERS. Miss Louise Garnham. Mrs. Lily Alice Walton. Miss Doris Lindsay Cuff. Miss Sibyl Caridwen Bevan, M.B. Mrs. Emily Elliott Fett erston. Miss Susannah Hennessy O'ReilJy, M.B. Miss Sophia Mary Denison. VELLUM VOTE OF THANKS 21
Lady Petrie.
Miss Margaret Emily Downward. Miss Mabel Mary Kernick. Mother Clare (Miss P. S. H. du Mrs. Mabel Lucy Turner. Mrs. Sarah Ellen Pen gel. Mrs. Jessie Grant Schwarze. Mrs. Minna Ralli. Miss Hannah Braithwaite. Miss Edith Wolstencroft. Miss Philadelphia L. F. Pattenden. Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Hudson. Miss Annie Angela Barry. Boulay). Miss Winifred Anne Gibson. Miss Helen Amy Corser. Mrs. Phyllis Hornblower Lee. Miss Florence Leigh. Miss Edith Emily Kimberley. Mrs. 1ary Ann Gray. Miss Gwladys Mary Charlotte Richards.
The t.hanks of the Grand Prior and the Chapter-General engrossed on vellum have been awarded to the following as an acknowledgement of their distinguished services to the Ambulance Department and in otherwise carrying out the objects of the Order:John Paltridge. Joseph Harrison. William Wiltshire Harri . Albert Youd. William Harold Jackson. John Fitzpatrick. Sidney Ernest Reginald cotto Miss Ethel Goode. Miss Ellen Anders. Sidney Charles Fairman. Hubert John Bear. Walter Whewell Gilbert. Miss Ada Minnie Broom. John William Carpenter. Albert Vincent Buckley. George Henry Smith. Fred Tipton Bowdler. Richard Hancock. John James Cook. John Mowe. Alfred Davis. Lewis Arthur Williams, M.D. Joseph Hughes. Robert Wells. Mrs. Elisabeth Josephine Mellish. Clarence Elder. Mrs. Amanda Wilson. William Claremont Payne. Harold Jefferies Ward. Thomas Henry Dawbert. :Miss Rebecca Jacklin. Thomas William Parker. Samuel forris Green, M.R.C.S., Albert Cowpe.
L.R.C.P. Harold Browes. Herbert \Villiam Samuel Coe. Alfred William Hawton Bassett. William Alfred J aggard. Harry Sharp. Mrs. Beatrice Annie Eleanor Colley. John Morris Brinkworth. George Thomas Usher. Leonard George Bretsch. Fred Taylor Robinson. William A. Smart. Thomas Medcalfe. John Edgar Jones. James Gorton. Major Shiavux Ardeshir Paymaster, Percy Hillman Attwell. L.M. and S., F.C.P.S. Albert Edward Shelley. Mrs. Sophia Seekings Friel, M.D. Alfred Owen Reece. The Rev. Reginald Hampson Ma Luk, L.M.S. Myddleton Bouth. The Rev. H. Bagster Wilson, O.B.E., Samuel Thomas Scott.
M.R.C.S., L.RC.P. \Villiam Ivey. Miss Rachel Davies. Joseph Otho Ibell. Willis Harwood Smith. Joseph Harrison.
Thomas Cookson. Ernest Charles James. John Edward Williams. l\Iiss Annie Elizabeth Carrick. A. el Arculli. \Van Hau Kong. Chan Pak Ling. Pun Chi F"an. Tsang Chung. Harold Tweedale. Dean Richard Hayes, B.D. Cornelius Thompson, M.B. George Ernest Hurley. Thomas John icholl, F.R.C.S.I. John Bell. Govind Damodar Khandekar,
M.C.P. and s. Thomas Beeks. Mrs. Cornelia Emmeline Thomas. Lieut.-Colonel ir Rhys \Villiams,
Bt., K.C., D.S.O. F rederiek William Carder. George H. Davey. Charles Richard Williams. Frederick Charles Warren. David Nash. Abel Harry Vines. Joseph Roe.
Awards for gallantry in saving or attempting to save life on land have been made by the Chapter-General to the following persons, who endangered their own lives on behalf of their fellows :AWARDED THE LIFE-SAVING MEDAL IN BRONZE.
Sergt. A. P. McNally, 7th Bn. The Middlesex Regt., T.A.
At about 9 p.m. on March 19th, 1931, a fire occurred in the upper storey at 25 ightingale Lane, Homsey, opposite the parade ground of the above Battalion. Sergt. A. P. 1\1cNally saw the flames, scaled the water-pipe, broke the window, and entered the room where a six-months-old child was lying in a cot at the far side of the room. He then made an effort to reach the cot, and succeeded in dragging it partly across the room, but had to give up the attempt 0\\ ing to the violent flames and heavy smoke. He made a second attempt and succeeded in pulling it to the window, but by this time the child was in a mass of flame and it was not possible for him to pick it up. As a result of hi efIorts Sergt. :'IIc 'ally received several cuts and minor burns.

AWARDED A CERTIFICATE OF IIOXOUR. Sergt. George Jones, Usk Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade.
On August 24th, 1930, George Jones was supplying a car 'with petrol and R. T. H. Etheridge was near by filling a motor-cycle with petrol. A lighted match set fire to the petrol, which spilled over Etheridge's legs, burning his clothing. Jones succeeded in getting Etheridge to the ground and beating out the flames with his hat. After extinguishing the fire on Etheridge, Jones, although burnt on his hands and arms, returned to the pump and cut the pipe leading from it, the flames from the pipe being then approximately 10 feet high. Etheridge was afterwards able to walk to his house near by, but was confined to his bed {or eight weeks. Jones had to be treated by his doctor for burns and shock. AWARDED A CERTIFICATE OF HO OUR.
On October 11th, 1930, in the Cleaning Department of the Spinning Deparlment of the Celta Mills, two men (King and Oxer) were working at one end of the room and George Bunning at the other. Suddenly, through a mistake in the use of the chemicals by King, a large amount of sulphuretted hydrogen was produced, and he was immediately overcome. Bunning saw King suddenly collapse and Oxer stagger out into the passage, and immediately went to the assistance of King and dragged him about 10 feet out into the passage when he (Bunning) also collapsed. Artificial respiration was applied to both men who responded to the treatment. Bunning was unfit for work for a month. SERVICE MEDALS 23
AWARDED CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR. Dr. John Anthony Kelly, Assistant Police Surgeon, Leeds City Police.
At 8.30 p.m. on June 29th, 1931, Thomas Bapty, aged 25, was in a coal bunker at the Leeds Corporation Electricity Power Station, Kirkstall, trimming coal. This bunker is a steel container lined with cement used for storing pulverized coal for consumption in boilers. It is about 24 feet high and 12 feet wide at the top. Entrance is gained through a manhole about 18 inches square at the top. Bapty was on an iron platform about 17 feet from the top. He was wearing a lifeline but whilst engaged with his work he slipped off the platform and fell in the coal, which is in the form of dust, immediately becoming immersed up to his waist.
Dr. Kelly was sent for and on arrival with the aid of a lifeline entered the bunker several times and administered restoratives and attended to Bapty while rescue operations were in progress. Upon the arrival of the oxygen reviving apparatus from the Fire Station Dr. Kelly used it upon Bapty. At about 9.20 p.m. Bapty, who was then unconscious, was extricated from the bunker and taken to hospital suffering from the effects of suiIocation and an injury to the back. Three of the persons who assisted in the rescue operations were overcome by suffocation and were attended by Dr. Kelly.
The rescue operations were attended by grave danger to the rescuers by reason of the possibility of being engulfed by further falls of coal dust; risk of suffocation by breathing coal dust; lack of air in the very confined space in the bunker; and lack of light owing to the flood light being obscured by a fog of coal dust.
AWARDED CERTIFICATE OF HO OUR. P .. Charles Edward Field, Metropolitan Police.
On October 5th, 1931, two police plain clothes men were on duty at the corner of Li son Grove and Marylebone Road, London. A horse drawing a heavy load of timber approached out of control, the driver having been throvm to the ground. The two men stopped the traffic and P.C. Field tackled the horse. He checked its pace, but was hit by the shaft of the wagon and knocked down and one of the wheels passed over and broke his right leg. Field had managed to push the horse to the ide so that the wheels of the wagon locked against the curb and it came to a standstill.
Adam, fOffr. S. E.
Hingham, Pte. A. A. C. Ambler, A/Offr. A. E. A. Andersen, Amb/Sis. R. Barnard, Amb/Sis. H. M. Beard, Pte. G. BetU s, Sgt. P. H. Bowen, mb/Sis. F. Bridges, Pte. . Broom, Sgt. W. H. Bull, HjSgt. J. J. Carter, Pte. A. E . herry, L/A/Offr. F. E. Child, A/Offr. H. R. Claridge, Sgt. J. W. larke, A/Offr. H. C. Clarke, Amb/Sis. M. J. Clarkson, Cpl. T. SERVICE MEDALS.
o. I District. Coles, AmbjSis. E. Collett, AmbjSis. 11. L. Cotton, LjAjOffr. B. J. row, Cpl. S. W. Denning, AjOffr. S. T. Ditchman, Amb jSis.
M.1\1. Downing, Pte. A. Dunmore, AjOffr. G. J. Fish, L jA /Offr. M. Fitzgibbon, L/A/Offr. E. Fletcher, AsstjCommr. . C. Francis, LID jSupt. J. A. Gavin, AmbjSis. K. Gosney, Pte. F. Harling, Pte. A. Hiley, Sgt. C. J. Hill, Sgt. T. "\V. Hindle, Pte. H. T. A. Hiscocks, Pte. D. J. W. Holliman, D /Supt. H. Holt, Pte. H. J. Hounsfield, Amb/Sis.
M. A. Housden, Amb/Sis. S. D. Kemp, Amb/Sis. E. M. Kempster, Pte. C. Eendall, Asst/Commr.
G. 'V. King, L /A /Offr. I. Landergan, Pte. J. Laurel Amb/Sis. C. Law, Pte. H. VI. Leach, AmbjSis. 'V. K. Leane, AmbjSis. E. M.
Lee, Cpl. H. S. Lettin, Cpl. W. H . Love, Pte. T. C. MacFadden, L/D/Supt. M. Manning, Sgt. J. T. Merritt, Pte. J. C. Metcalf, Sgt. B. A. Monk, Amb/Sis. J. E . Moore, Amb/Sis. C. l\Iorrish, L/D/Supt. E. M. 1\Iusselbrook, Cpl. E . Oxlade, Pte. C. Palmer, Amb/Sis. L. I.
Batt, L/D/Supt. F. Birch, L/A/Offr. M. Borlase, Amb/Sis. A. 1. Bramble, Amb/Sis. V. Britton, Pte. E . Buss, Pte. F. J. G. Clark, Pte. ' V. Collard, Supt. H . Colley, Amb/Sis. E. Corner, Amb/Sis. L. C. Cox, Pte. H. Cross, Pte. H . ' V. Cudby, A/Offr. A. Darvil-Smith,Cty/Commr.
P. G. Denney, Pte. vV. S. Dickason, CpI. J. Vv. A. Dowding, D /Supt. E . Dyte, T/Offr. T. Fay, Arnb/Sis. K. A. Floyd, Cpl. J . T. Fowler, Pte. E. Gardiner, L/A/Offr. B.

Allin, Cpl. J . A. Atkins, D /Supt. A. Ashmore, Arnb/Sis. A. Austin, Pte. F. 'V. Bagley, Cpl. T. R. Baker, Pte. G. E . Barrick, Pte. H. Baxter, CpI. S. Bennett, Arnb/Offr. H . S. Biggs, L/CfOffr. E. Bland, Cpl. J. Bloomer, Pte. G. W. Brewin, L/A/Offr. M. Brindley, Sgt. G. Broadhead, L/A/Offr. L. Brooks, Pte. H . Brown, Pte. A. Browne, Asst/Commr.
G. F . Burton, Arnb/Sis. H. Capel, Arnb/Sis. M. J. Carson, H /Sgt. Challands, Pte. J . Pasco, C/Offr. G. . Pointer, Pte. A. G. Roberts, Amb/Sis. A. Ruff, Pte. F. Seal, L/A/Oilr. D. Shillabeer, Pte. S. J . Smith, Pte. VV. Smithyman, Pte. A. Stacey, Amb/Sis. M. D. Standingford, D /Supt. J. Standford-Campbell, L/D/
Supt. E. A. Stares, Cpl. C. J.
No. II District. Gardner, D/Supt. R. I. Gribble, Sgt. V. J. Hartnell, Pte. E. G. Hayes, L/D/Supt. D. C. Howell, S/Sgt. B. E. Jakeway, Cpl. E. E. Johns, Pte. J . J. J urd, Amb/Sis. A. Kirner, H /Sgt. L. D. Ie Chemin ant, Cpl. A. Leaker, Pte. H . Lethebee, Pte. F. G. Lovill, L/D/Supt. L. Mason, S/Sgt. H . ' V. Mills, Pte. \V. A. Mundy, Cpl. J . H . Musgrove, Pte. E. S. Muspratt, Arnb/Sis. I. Palmer, Pte. J . \V. Palmer, D/Supt. W . H. Phelps, L/A/Offr. M. Pinkney, Pte. T. J. Price, Pte. F. J.
No. III District. Chambers, Pte. T. S. Chapman, D/Supt. D. I. Clarke, Pte. W . Clipson, L/D/Supt. W. 1\I. Coleman, CpI. \V. ,V. Collier, Pte. J. Cosford, L/Cdt/Offr; E. Delo, Pte. H. A. Dudley, CpI. J . Edginton, A/Offr. F. V. Edwards, Pte. H. E . Evans, A/Offr. G. Finney, Pte. F. Fletcher, Sgt. R. VV. Gainsford, L/A/OfIr. G. Gee, H/Sgt. C. W . Gent, Sgt. J . Gibbens, Pte. H . R. Gilbert, Pte. D. Gilbert, Pte. E. Green, L/Cpl. G. Griffin, Pte. B. Guest, CpI. F. T u ckwell , A m b /Sis .
M. R. M. Udny, Amb/Sis. L. Uloth, Amb/Sis. M. Vine, Pte. E. G. Violen, Pte. E. ' Verner, Amb/ is. J. S. West, Pte. S. J . West, A/Offr. vV. P. ' Villis, Sgt. A. J. ' Vilkinson, Pte. ' V. L. \Vyatt, Pte. A. W .
Price, II/Sgt. \V. E . Reading, L/A/OfIr. V. Richmond, Pte. H. T . Robertson, Cpl. J. E. Saunders, Pie. G. Schoof, A/Offr. F. G. Scott, A/OfIr. A. E . Sheppard, A/Offr. A. kinner, Sgt. A. E. Smith, A/Oilr. G. Sowton, L/A/Offr. K 1. Starr, S/ gt. L. 1\I. Stay, CpI. R. . Ste Ie, Sgt. E. Tomalin, II/ 'gL II. Tucker, Cpl. S. Vanstone, Pic. v\'. J. Viney, II/Sgt. E. . \Vebb A/ ffr. E. A. O. vVest, A/Oilr. 1. P. Wilmot, Sgt. S. 'Voore, H / gL E. E. ' Vynn, Amb/ is. E. E.
Hall mb/Sis. F. Hankins, Pie. \\'. Harper, pl. G. Harper, Pte. 'Y. II. Haynes, Pte. F. A. H efford, Sgt. A. H ewitt, Pte. W. L. Hodgeits, L/D/SupL1\1. F. Horn, Pte. F. Hornbuckle, CpI. F. Humphries, D/SupL W. Jackson, CpI. T. G. Jenkins, Pte. H. Knight, L/D/Supt. A. E. Knight, Pte. E . S. Lee, L/Cps/Supt. P. H. Lloyd, H /Sgt. A. E. Loines, pI. G. H. Mansell, Amb/Sis. A. M. Mather, Amb/Sis. H. Mayall, A/Offr. J . C. Ollis, L/D/Supt. E. Parkins, A/Offr. B. Partridge, Pte. W . G. Rodhouse, Amb/Sis. E . Roberis, Pte. J. W . Roberts, Pte. T. H. Round, Pte. D.
Adams, L/A/Offr. G. Ainsworth, Amb/Sis. D. Anderton, Pte. N. N. Appleyard, L/A/Offr. M. Archer, Pte. F . Ashworth, Pte. W . Atkinson, D/Supt. C. K. Ball, H /Sgt. A. Barlow, Amb/Sis. M. A. Battersby, Pie. J. Bennett, L/Cty/Offr. J. Biggs, S/Sgt. J. A. Birch, Sgt. W. Brelsford, CpI. H . Broughton, Amb/Sis. N. Brown, L/D/Supt. E. Brown, Amb/Sis. R. arless, Pie. Carmichael, Amb/Sis. E. Carroll, A/D/Supt. F . Cartwright, Pte. \Y. Casterion, Cty/Offr. E. halleng r, L/D/ upt. M. Cockshoit, Amb/Sis. F. M. Cockshott, L/A/OfIr. W. Cockshutt, L/A/Offr. \V. J. orless, L/D/Supt. L. Cornall, Pte. F. H. Cross, Pic. J. \V. Crump, Pte. B. Culshaw, Amb/Sis. J. Davies, Pte. J. Da"wson, Amb/Sis. R. Dean I te. H. P. Dickinson, Amb/Sis. F. M. Dobson, CpI. J. Duckworth, L/Supt. E. Dugdale, A/Oilr. "\ . Eckersley, L/D/Supt. A. Eckersley, Arnb/Sis. A. Eckersley, Sgt. J. Evans, Pie. L. Farnworth, Pte. \V. Firth, Pte. H. Fisher, SgL . Fitzpatrick, Sgt. J.
Adams, D/Supt. A. Allen, Pte. W . H. Anelay, Cpl. \V. Archer, Sgt. E. G. Ashton, Amb/Sis. M. Atack, Sgt. T. Auty, Pte. D. Bartle, Arnb/Sis. 1.
Smith, Amb/Sis. E. L. Smith, Pte. H. Steeds, Amb/Sis. B. M. Stratford, L/A/Offr. E. F. Tolputt, D/Sgn. A. G.
o. IV District. Forrest, Amb/Sis. L. Fox, A/Offr. J. W . Gartside, Arnb/Sis. H . Godfroy, D /Supt. H. E. Gomer, A/Sgt. J. W. Green, Pte. C. H. Greenwood, Cpl. W . Greenwood, Pte. W . T. Gregory, D /Supt. J. Gregory, Sgt. J . Hallows, Pte. A. Hawkyard, Pte. J. W . H eatherill, L/Cdt/Offr. S. Helsby, Cpl. H. W . Hewitt, Amb/Sis. F . Hodgson, T /Offr. W . Hodson, Pte. E . G. H olden, CpI. D. Howarth, Pte. F . Howorth, Pte. J. Hughes, Pte. 'V. A. Isherwood, Amb/Sis. C. Jackson, Pte. J. Jacques, Pte. S. Jepson, L/A/Offr. A. Jones, Arnb/Sis. E. H . Jones, Cpl. R. E. King, Sgt. W . Kirby, Pte. J. Kirk, Amb/Sis. M. Laraway, Pte. G. Vv. Lester, I teo \V. Lodge, A/L/D/Supt. L. 1\IcLoughton, Arnb/Sis. H. Marshall, Cpl. R. Matther, Pte. J. 1axwell, Amb/Sis. M. P.
Iellor, Arnb/Sis. A. Metcalfe, Pte. G. Mooney, L/D /Sgt. A. Moores, Sgn. J. Myers, Amb/Sis. M. A. Ogden, Pte. G. ' V. Painter, Sgt. 'V. H. Pheathean, Amb/Sis. E . Phillipson, CpI. J. T.
Jo. V District. Batty, L/A/Offr. A. Beaumvnt, D /Supt. H . Beverley, L/D /Supt. H. Birkbeck, L/Dist/Supt. M. Boyes, CpI. G. A. Brentnall, Amb/Sis.
M.A. W . Brooksbank, Amb/Sis. H. 25
Turner, Pte. G. Walker, Pte. A. H. Withers, L/A/Offr. L. Wood, Pte. C. F.
Quormby, Arnb/Sis. A. Ramsbottom, D /Sgn.
H. G. Ramsdale, Cty/Supt. E . Rawling, CpI. E . Ridehalgh, Pte. B. Rigby, CpI. W . Roberts, L/A/Offr. C. T. Roberts, Arnb/Sis. M. Robinson, Arnb/Sis. A. Rose, Pte. J. Rowley, Pte. A. Savage, Amb/Sis. A. Schofield, CpI. H . Swell, Sgt. W. Sharrocks, Pte. T. Shorland, S/Sgt. W . H. Skeen, D /Surg. G. Smith, A/Offr. A. Smith, Pte. F . Snape, H /Sgt. J . Staniiorth, Arnb/Sis. C. Starkie, Pte. VI. Stretton, Arnb/Sis. L. F . Stubbs, Pte. VV. H . Sudlow, Arnb/Sis. L. Sykes, Pte. H . Tatham, D/Supt. J. H. Taylor, CpI. J . E. Thomas, Pte. R . Tomlinson, Sgt. H. Tomlinson, D/Supt. J. Tonge, L/D/Supt. 1. A . Turton, Sgt. J. Tweedale, Sgt. R. Tyson, Pte. J . H . Watkinson, A/Offr. ]. \Yatkiss, Pte. F. Watkiss, Pte. T . Whitehead, Cpl. T. Wilkins, Arnb/Sis. E. A. Williams, Pte. H . Wood, Amb/Sis. M. Wright, Arnb/Sis. L.
Bunnett, Pte. A. Butler, Sgt. ] . Carnell, Pte. E . Clarke, CpI. S. D. Co bley, CpI. H. E. Cook, Pte. 1. Cooke, Arnb/Sis. A. E . Cooke, Arnb/Sis. M. L.
Corfield, Cdt/Supt. J. Cowgill, Pte. 'V. rowther, Amb/Sis. M. Curtis, L/A/Offr. S. A. Davies, D/Supt. G. S. Dawson, Amb/Offr. B. Dobson, L/D/ upt. C. Dodd, Sgt. ' V. Dodson, Pte. W. H. Donoghue, Pte. ' V. Earle, H / gt. C. Else, Dist/Offr. S. C. Enderby, T /Offr. Fairy, Sgt. J. ' V. Forkin, Amb/Sis. M. Fyson, Amb/Sis. A. Goodings, C/Offr. R. W. Gray, Sgt. A. Gray, L/A/Offr. M. A. Greaves, L/D/Supt. R. S. Gregory, Sgt. F. Griffiths, D/Supt. J. T. Hallam, Amb/Sis. I. Hammerton, L/ /Offr. G. Hard-wick, L/A/Offr. M. A. Harley, Pte. J. Heaton, Cpl. J. A. Hobson, Pte. E. Hobson, Pte. H. Holmes, Cpl. H. Holmes, Sgt. W. Houlden, Amb/Sis. E. 1. Hughes, Sgt. G.

Adkin, Cpl. J . S. Atkinson, L / Cty / Offr.
B. B. Bailey, L/A/Offr. E. L Barron, Sgt. J. H. Barron, L/A/Offr. L. Batley, C/Offr. C. Bell, Pte. G. D. Bell, Amb/Sis. L. Beverley, Cpl. C. A. Blunden, D/Supt. (Res.)
P. S. Brown, A/Offr. A. Brown, Pte. T. Brown, D/Supt. 'V. D. Brignell, Cpl. A. Burnup, A/Offr. T. H. Cherry, Amb/Sis. L. Copeland, C/Offr. R. W. Day, Sgt. J. Dearing, Pte. R. G. Denholm, D/Surg. G. Dennison, Pte. G. H. Dickinson, Pte. J. T. Dougall, D /Sgn. A. Dover, Amb/Sis. A. Downs, Amb/Sis. B. Elders, Cpl. T. Ellis, Pte. J. H. Fawcett, D/Supt. J. YV. James, Cpl. J. W. Jarratt, Sgt. A. Jerram, Sgt. I·. Illingworth, C/Sgt.-Maj.
J. 'V.
Knowles, Sgt. E . Layland, A/Offr. J. Lee, Pte. J. Lewendon, C / Sgt. - fa j.
F. L. Marlow, A/Offr. J. Mason, Amb/Sis. A. Mason, Cpl. J. liddleton, Pte. T. Mitchell, L/C! upt. E. losley, Amb/Sis. E. G. l\l ycock, Pte. J. J. Oldroyd, Sgt. 'V. S. Ormiston, /Offr. D . G. Ormston, Sgt. W. Palfreyman, L/A/Offr. E . Parkinson, L/D /Supt.
E . A. Pierpoint, Sgt. G. Pratt, Amb/Sis. F. Reed, D/Supt. G. Reed, A/Offr. H. L. Reeds, Sgt. R. Rhodes, D/Sgn. A. Riches, S/ gt. II. 'V. W. Riley, Pt. . Riley, Sgt. J. ,Yo Robinson, Pte. H. o. VI District. Field, D/Surg. A. H. Fretmayer, Pte. G. Gilliland, Pte. J. Graham, A/Offr. W. Halliman, Pte. C. J. Harrison, L/C/Supt. A. M. Hudson, Amb/Sis. A. Hutchinson, A/Offr. J. lceton, Amb/Sis. l\1. Jackson, Sgt. J. H.
Jefferson, Sgt. J. H .
Jeffrey, L/A/Offr. A. B.
Knight, Sgt. J. A. Leighton, Cpl. A. J.
Leighton, A/Offr. C. G.
Leighton, A/Oilr. F. Lidgley, Cpl. A. R.
Longman, Cpl. C. A.
McArthur, A/Offr. J.
McCormick, D/Sgn. D. C.
McDonald, A/Offr. A.
McDonald, Amb/Sis.
YV. M.
McGee, A/Offr. W.
Martin, Pte. W .
Mensforth, Cpl. W . G.
Miller, Amb/Sis. G.
Moodie, H/Sgt. Q. W .
Murphy, Cpl. M.
Ness, Amb/Sis. B. Roscoe, Cpl. H. Scatchard, Am b/Sis. F. M. Schofield, L/A/Offr. A. A. Shaw, Amb/Sis. A. kipsey, Sgt. W. Smith, Pte. A. W. Smith, Pte. E . Smith, Pte. E. Smith, Pte. F. mith, Ptc. J. 'V. Smith, A/Offr. W. outhem, Pte. J. " ' . Speight, D/Supt. C. T. Stocks, Cpl. F. Street, CpI. J. SutclifIe, L/D/Supt. l\f. B. Sykes, L/D/ upt. J. A. Taylor, Pi . Taylor, L/ pI. W. Tolson, L/Supt. M. Townsend, Pte. 'Vaclsworih, Ambl 'is. A. 'Yard, Pte. G. J. 'Vhitworth, A/Offr. A. 'Vidclowson, Sgt. Williamson, Cpt. J. J. n. -Williamson, pI. J. W. Willis, T/Offr. G. Winterbottom, S/Sgt. W. Withey, CpI. II. Woodward, C/Offr. H. 1\. -Wrigley, L/D/Offr. . I\1.
Tichol on, Amb/Sls. B. Pall tt, ty/ ffr. W. II. Pickering, Amb/ is. II. E. Poll, D/ upt. G. Price, Supt. J. Readman, A/Offr. J. 'V. Robson /Offr. J. Scott, Pte. J. G. Scott, gt. R. Shaw, A/Offr. C. Snaith, Amb/ is. f. J. Stanger, CpI. E. Steel, D/Supt. T. Suddaby, mb/Sis. E. G. Swap, A/Offr. J. Swinnerton, A/Offr. J. Talbot, A/Offr. A. Thompson, Amb/Sis. M. Tutty, pI. G. II. Tweed, L/A/Offr. T. Vickers, Sgt. R. A. 'Walker, Cty/Ofir. J. Waycott, CpI. J. Wells, Amb/Sis. 1. B. Welton, Amb/Sis. J. Whiteh ad, A/Offr. W. R. Wilson, ty/Commr. F. P. Wickham, L/A/Offr. E. Wise, Sgt. A. H. Worsnop, Pte. YV. H.
Evans, L/D/Supt. A.
Back, Pte. G. E . Beecher, Pt . W. F . Chambers, A/Offr. W . Cheeseman, Cpl. E. G. Cloke, Pte. E . J. Colthup, Amb/Sis. M. E . Dalton, Pte. E. J. Dobbie, L/D/Supt. M. Ecle, Amb/Sis. 1. Elam, A/Offr. . C. Field-Comber, L/D/Supt.
Bassett, D / upt. A. ,V. H. arder, L/D/ upt. A. Carnell, Sgt. G. 1 rew, L/ /Offr. A. L. Gane, Pte. J. Gover, Pte. E. Hastings, L/D/SupL II.
Bro-wn, Pie. E. S. larsh, Sgt. R. D.
Barrington, L /D /Supt.
G.M. Barry, A/L/Oilr. A. A. Ebbs, dt/Supt. ,V. II. Gray, / ffr.
Adamson, Amb{ is. F. (2nd). ndrews, A/Ofir. A. (2nd). Archbold, pI. J. . Atkins, D/Supt. A. A. (4th). Bastin, Pte. \Y. (2nd). Bennett, D/SupL II. D. \Y. Betchley, Pte. A. Brooks, L/D/ upt. A. Brown, Pte. . Burkitt, Amb/ is. il1. E. D. Cade, Sgt. H. J. Carley, A/Oilr. J. (2nd). Cayford, A/Oifr. R. II. Cherry, A/Offr. C. E. (4th). Cheshire, D/Supt. W. Chesterman, /Sgt. H. ' V. Clarke, S/Sgt. C. G. Cole, A/Ofir. F. Cross, D/Supt. D. Dale, S/Sgt. S. T. E. (2nd).
No. VII District. Logan, Amb/Sis. A. IO. VIII District. IIubbard, L/A/Offr. D. McMaster, Dist/Surg. A. B. Marshall, Cpl. A. V. H. Maskrey, Sgt. W . B. May, L/Dist/Offr. H. Miller, Amb/Sis. H. L. Mitchell, Pte. E. E. Poplett, Sgt. G. H. Puchinger, Pte. J. Robinson, Amb/Sis. S. M. Rudd, T /Offr. 'V. A.
o. IX District. Heard, D/Supt. R. Manning, Pte. J. F. J. Mills, Amb/Offr. W. T. 1iichell, Pte. R. T. Oke, Cdt/Offr. G. P. Palmer, D/Surg. F. W . M. Parson, Amb/Sis. M. W. E.
No. X District. Offord, A/Offr. A. Parker, L/D/Supt. A. l\1. Irish Free State District. Horne, D/Supt. F. J. McCamley, A/Offr. H. Masterson, Pte. J. Provis, Amb/Sis. E . Richardson, CpI. ,Yo
SERVICE MEDAL BARS. TO. 1 District. Edgecombe CpI. 'V. Farley, A/Oflr. E. G. (2nd). Fitch, Dist/Offr. C. J. (4th). Freeman, Pte. T . Gilbert, A/Offr. S. (2nd). Gobey, Sgt. 'V. J. Goldie, D/Supt. D. G. Grace, L/A/Offr. E. (4th). Green, C/Supt. A. J. Guiver, Pte. C. R. Hall, C!Supt. A. F. Harris, D/Supt. G. Harrison, A/Offr. C. E. Hewitt, A/Sis. S. A. Huckle, CpI. J. Jamieson, Pte. R. K. IGrrage, Sgt. C. H. (2nd). I night, C/Supt. S. C. Lethbridge, L / D / Supt.
E. E. Levey, Pte. W. Rogers, Pte. W.
Rutter, Amb/Sis. I Sankey, Sgt. J. W . Tancock, Cpl. C. C. Theobald, L / D / Supt.
H.M. Tuckey, A/Offr. T. Vrolyk, Sgt. R. A. Wall, Pte. W. Weatherley, Pte. W. 'Vest, D/Supt. J.
Pellowe, A/Offr. C. Philp, CpI. vv. H. Radmore, Pte. S. Rickwood, Sgt. D. Spackman, Cty/Offr. H. \Vestern, CpI. A. J.
Pretty, A/Offr. 'V. Ramsey, Dist/Offr. W.
Rowlette, L / D / Supt.
G.M. Sargent, Amb/Sis. M. Schroeder, L/D/Supt. L. Smyth, Amb/Sis. A. B.
Manley, C/Offr. T. 'V. (4th). 1lay, L/D/Supt. E. L. Miller, A/Offr. A. R. (2nd). Osborn, S/Sgt. A. \V. (2nd). Osborn, Dist./Offr. . T. (4th) . Payne, C/Supt. J. D. (2nd). Perriton, Pte. 'V. 'V. Rideout, L/D /Supt. E. M. (3rd). Rinn, Pte. C. (2nd). Rolls, Pte. 'V. 'V. (2nd). Sampson, L/D/Supt. A. E. (3rd). Smith, CpI. F . W. T. Stevens, S/Sgt. F . W . (3rd). Stock, S/Sgt. F. C. Trenaman, Sgt. J. E.
Tull, Sgt. A. Violen, L/A/Offr. B. ' ''alton, L/D/Supt. L. A.
Adkinson, D jSupt. J. H. (2nd). Alabaster, L jA/Offr. E . Aldridge, L/A/Offr. E . A. Brice, D /Supt. F. VV. (5th). Britton, Cty/Offr. A. J. O. (2nd). Brown, A /Offr. E. Carrick, L/A/Offr. A. E. Cave, A /Offr. F. A. Cooke, D/Supt. A. Cotton, C/Supt. . (3rd). Cox, L/D/Supt. M.
Ashmore, Cpl. J. G. F. Bailey, L/A/Offr. H. S. Ballard, C/Supt. VV. E . Bannister, Cpl. B. Bethell, Dist/Offr. H. L Blake, Pte. A. Bland, Cpl. J. Bradford, L/C/Supt. K. E. (3rd). Brown, Sgt. G. H. (2nd). Brown, Pte. " ' . H. Clarke, Cpl. W. G. (2nd). Cooper, L /A/Offr. E. (2nd). Cooper, Sgt. G. B. Cowley, L ID ISupt. E . E. Cox, LID ISupt. G. Cross, Pte. H. E . Curtis, C/Supt. C. V-,T. (2nd). Dawson, L ID ISupt. A. (2nd). Deboo, S/Sgt. L. Dixon, A /Offr. J. W. Dryland, Cty/Sgt. L. Vl. (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). Dyson, D/Supt. VI!. (2nd). Farmer, C/Offr. J. VI!. Franks, A /Offr. J. T. (2nd). Gammage, Pte. A. S.

Allan, D/Surg. D. G. Allum, C/Offr. H. (2nd). Ashworth, Sgt. J. C. (2nd). Barnes, A/Offr. C. W . (2nd). Baynes, A/Offr. R. Bentall, Dist/Offr. W. C. Bentley, Sgt. G. H. Warren, D /Supt. W. G. (3rd). Weller, Pte. A.
No. II District. Curtis, Sgt. C. (2nd). Dann, A /Offr. J. Doig, A /Offr. G. (2nd). FullJames, LID I Supt.
E. M. (3rd). Hill, Sgt. VI. G. Horwood, A /Offr. J. C. Judd, D/Supt. C. J. VV. Lambourn, Sgt. J. Mantle, H /Sgt. R. S. (2nd). Moon, Pte. R. H.
Jichols, D ISurg. F. C. Osborn, Cty/Commr. A.G.
No. III District. Garfield, A/Offr. T. H. (2nd). Gascoyne, Amb/Sis. M. (2nd). Groome, S/Sgt. ' V. (2nd). Hayward, Sgt. E. J. Haywood, Sgt. T. H. Higgins, Sgt. T. D. (5th). Hines, Sgt/Maj. S. (5th). Hirons, C/Supt. vV. A. Hopkins, Pte. A. (2nd). Hunter, Cpl. VV. J. H. Jackson, A/Offr. F . G. (2nd). Kilby, CpI. A. E . Knighton, D ISupt. C. R. (3rd). 1andeville, Cdt/Offr. W. Matthews, C/Offr. J. E. Maycock, A/Offr. C. H. (2nd). Mehew, D/Supt. A. (2nd). l\Iurkett, Sgt. A. Needham, CpI. \V. J. (2nd). ewberry, Sgt. G. (2nd). Norman, CpI. C. (1st and 2nd). Over bury, A/Offr. F. Parker, Dist/Offr. J. C. Parsons, Cpl. A. o. IV District. Bland, A /Offr. W. G. Bluff, Amb/Sis. E. Boyce, L/A/Offr. E. J. Brown, D/Supt. C. Brown, L/A/Offr. G. S. Butterworth, A /Offr. E. Churchill, Sgt. J. Clegg, Pte. W. Coverley, Cdt/Offr. J. Wells, CpI. H. H. T. Winter, Sgt. VI!. (2nd). "Wood, Pte. F.
Oxley, Amb/Offr. A. J. Perkins, Pte. W. G. (2nd). Searle, Sgt. W. Simmonds, D ISupt. A.
F. L. Smart, S/Sgt. J. (2nd). Smith, D/Supt. J. F. (2nd). Taylor, Sgt. G. J. Trebble, A /Offr. G. H. '''allington, L/Cdt/Sup1...
Warr (C/Offr. C. (2nd).
Percival, L/A/Offr. L. (2nd). Phillips, L/D/Supt. S. Pri st, Sgt. 'V. Richardson, Pte. H. (2nd). Ricks A/Offr. W. J. (2nd). Ringro e, Sgt. F. Ross, DI upt. J. (2nd). Smith, A/Offr. F. ". (1st and 2nd). Sorrell, gt. G. H. Taylor, Sgt. W. R. Tite, Pte. 'V. Tolputt, D/Sgn. A. G. (1st and 2nd). Ward, Pte. F. 'Weaver, I gt. W. E. (2nd). 'Vebb, C/Sgt.-l\Iajor. H. (2nd). 'Vebster, CtyjSurg. H. G. (2nd). Whitehall, pl. J. (2nd). vVhiting, Sgt. F. T. (2nd). Wilcox, Pte. R. Williams, D/Supt. D. H. Wills, L/C/Supt. E. H. (3rd). 'Voolmer, Pt . \V.
Cowpe, Pte. A. Craig, LID ISupt. I. J. Cunliffe, Cty/Offr. J. Croasdale, DjSupt. S. (2nd). Curzon, T IOffr. M. Darlington, A/Offr. J. Dawson, Pte. Ditchfield, Cpl. J. Dixon, D /Supt. H. (2nd). Dyson, Cpl. J. (2nd). Dyson, L/DjSupt. N. W. Eastwood, Pte. J, Fielding, AjOffr. E. Fieiding, D/Supt. T. (3rd). Fitzpatrick, A/Offr. W.A. Foden, D/Supt. W. A. Foster, DjSupt. W . J. (3rd.) Franks, Pte. H. Gosling, Sgt. R. (3rd). Greenwoon, D/Supt. E . (2nd). Greenwood, Sgt. J. C. Greenwood, Sgt. T. (2nd). Grimshaw, Sgt. A. Hankinson, A/Offr. A. (2nd). Harbinson, CjSurg. J. S. Hardy, DjSupt. J. (3rd). Harrison, C/Supt .J. (2nd). Heap, DjSupt. Heap, Sgt. J. Heatherill, A/Ofir. J. Holt, Sgt. J. (2nd). Horrocks, Amb/Sis. E. Howcroft, Sgt. H. (2nd). Hulley, LjDjSupt. C. (2nd). Jacklin, L/DjSupt. R. John, LjD/Supt. C. (2nd).
Annable, SjSgt. 'V. J. (2nd). Baker, C/Offr. R. H. Bartlam, pI. J. Bateson, Pte. L. Beaumont, DjSupt. H. Bestwick, gt. A. Browne, C/Offr. \V. A. (3rd). Buxton, sst j Commr.
O. F. (5th). Cane, DjSupt. 'V. J. (2nd). hurch, L/AjOffr. S. M. Darby, L/D/Supt. l\1. Else, D/Offr. S. C. Fenton, IOffr. M. B. Finney, DjSupt. E. VV. Firth, Pte. J. C. Fisher, Asst j Commr.
W. H. (2nd). Garner, CpI. G. W. Goulding, Sgt. R. Griffiths, Pte. S.
Armstrong, DjSupt. J. A. Bartrop, C/Supt. H. (2nd). Coates, Amb/Sis. L.
Jones, Sgt. E. Jones, Sgt. R. Kerr, L/DjSupt. A. J. Laycock, AjOffr. A. (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). Lees, Sgt. W. Leigh, DjSupt. A. Lord, SjSgt. J. H. Lowe, Pte. R. B. Lowndes, CpI. J. J. Makinson, LjDjSupt. C. (3rd). Mather, Pte. W. Mather, CpI. W . Mellor, D/Supt. W . Merritt, Sgt. J. Millington, CjOffr. E. F. (4th). iblock, CpI. W. (2nd). orman, AjOffr. E. H. uttaU, Pte. J. (3rd). Painter, Sgt. W . Partington, Pte. E. (2nd). Peck, CpI. J. W . Pickering, S/Sgt. E. (2nd). Potter, DjSupt. H. (2nd) . Powell, DjSupt. W . A. Ralphs, AsstjCommr. E . Richardson, Sgt. W. (2nd). Rudd, Sgt. W. Seddon, Sgt. D. Sharpley, AjOffr. A.
o. V District. Hartley, CpI. J. S. Hodgson, Sgt. G. A. Holmes, Sgt. J. (2nd). Howe, C/OHr. R. Hudson, jSupt. F. (3rd). Jackson, AjOffr. G. E. Jacques, Cpl. L. Johnson, SjSgt. vV. H. Latham, Cpl. J. J. (2nd). Lawford, SjSgt. H. Linley, DjSupt. F. F. Little, Pte. G. Littlewood, Pte. H. Lord, DjSupt. H. McIntosh, CjSupt. H. S. (3rd). Mackenzie, D jSupt. J. W. Morton, AjOffr. E. Murgatroyd, Cpl. P. Philbey, AjOffr. F. Phillips, AjOfir. A. F . (2nd). Riley, Cpl. T. Roberts, C/Offir. L.
No. VI District. Dodd, Sgt. R. Eggleton, DjSupt. E. E. Empson, Sgt. C. D. (2nd). 29
Sharpley, LjAjOffr. R. Skeen, DjSurg. G. Smallwood, Cpl. J. Smith, CjOffr. J. Smith, Ptc. J. R. (3rd). Smith, AjOffr. J. T. (2nd). Snape, Sgt. R. (3rd). Southern, AjOffr. J. (2nd). Spencer, Pte. J. Stilling, DjSupt. J. (2nd). Stringer, Sgt. B. Sutclifie, Cpl. E . Swindells, L jAjOHr. A. Taylor, DjSupt. E. Thornley, CpI. J. W . Travis, Sgt. J. W. Tunstall, Pte. G. (3rd). Walker, LjAjOffr. A. (2nd). Waring, Sgt. H. H. Whalley, Pte. A. E. White, AjOffr. J. H. Wild, Pte. T. vVilde, Pte. H. (2nd). Wildman, Sgt. H. (2nd). Williams, AjOfir. F. (2nd). Willmore, D jSupt. A. Wilson, AjOffr. G. (3rd). 'Vithers, Pte. C. E . \Volfenden, Sgt. F. vVolfenden, Pte. H.
Savage, Sgt. J. G. Skafiord, Sgt. J. 'V. Sisson, AjOffr. T. Smith, AjOffr. T. S. Sunderland, Pte. 'V. R. (2nd). Thornley, Pte. G. Trafford, CjSupt. \V. T.l\L (3rd). 'Yagstaffe, Sgt. J. vValler, LjDjSupt. 1\1. (2nd). Watkin, Sgt. J. Westlake, Cpl. A. 'V. Widdowson, AjOffr. R. Wigglesworth, CjOffr.
W .R. Wilkinson, DjSupt. E. E. 'Vilkinson, CjOffr. 'V. (2nd). \Villiams, DjSupt. A. B. Wood, Sgt. C. vVood, A /Offr. G. H.
Garland, AjOffr. A. Greener, Sgt. R. Harbottle, Sgt. W.
Hardy, LjDjSupt. E . 1. (5th). Hill, AjOfIr. B. Holt, AmbjOffr. \V. Jacklin, LjDjSupt. A. Johnston, Cty j Commr.
A. H . (3rd).
Chill, AsstjCornmr. E . A. Cripps, CpI. R (2nd) . Eades, Sgt. M. E . Easton, AjOffr. L. B. Fossett, SjSgt. S. A. Futter, Sgt. T . (2nd). Gellham, Pte. F . Grace, CjOffr. H. J.
Apps, AjOffr. C. Benham, Sgt. L. S. (2nd). Bonds, DjSupt. J. \V.
Birch, D /Supt. J. J. Hill, DistjOffr. A. C. (2nd).
O'Brien, Sgt. F . Jewitt, LjA/Offr. B. J. Kelsey, L/A/Offr. M. Lamb, CjOffr. T. (3r<1). Lisle, Sgt. J. Maud, gt. J. Minto, Sgt. G. (2nd). Orr, D/Supt. J. o. VIII District. Gruchy, Pte. A. J. de. Harmer, A/OfIr. \ \T. (2nd). Hawkes, D/Supt. P. VV. Iggulsden, Sgt. J. H. I ightingale, pI. A. Prior, A/Offr. J. L. (2nd). Ray, Pte. W. G. (2nd). Read, Pte. J. H. (2nd). o. IX Dist.rict. Davey, S/ gt. G. H. Langdon, Pte. \V. G. Smeeth, S/Sgt. \Y. J. o. X District. Pawsey, Dist/Offr. J . Sawyer, D/Supt. E. R (2nd) Irish Free Stat.e District. Powls, D/Supt. Vi. Thompson, A/Offr. T . E. Todd, L/D/ upt. M. A. Ticklcpenny, A/Olir. J. C. vVherritt, D/Supt. J. H. Whitchead, D/Supt. T. B. (3rd).
Stent, D/Supt. H. C. Strood, L/A/Olir. F . E. Underdown, /Sgt/Maj.
W. H. (5th). 'Wright, CpI. P. \Vright, L/AjOlir. B.
Williams, A/Ofir. \V. E. (2nd). Yeoman, Pt.e. J.
Scott, D/Supl. S. (2nd). Scrivener, A/Offr. \V. Taylor, 'pI. T. A. (2nd).

N.S.W. District. BiddIes, Amb. Sis. B., \Vest Sub. Tg.
Div. Burton, Pte. L., Auburn Div. Dedden, Amb. Sis. D., ydney Cent. g. Div. Fahy, Amb. Sis. E., Sydney Cent.
Tg. Div. Gallard, CpI. L., Epping Div. Hawkins, Pte. G. F., Eastern Subs. Div. Lawson, mb. Sis. ., Sydney Cent. Ng. Div. Maker, A/Ofir. W. J., Lithgow Div. O'Brien, Pte. J., Auburn Dl\'. \Vatson, Amb. Sis. A., Glebe Kg. Div. \ illiams, Amb. Sis. S., g. Div. South Australia District. Jude, Amb. Sis. J., Adelaide O. 1 Taylor, Pte. J. W., Islinglon Div.
Ng. Div.
Victoria District.
Stone, CpI. G., Melbourne Div. West Australia District. Gibbney, Pte. VV., Perth O. 1 Div. Krug, Cpl. A. B., Perth O. 1 Div. Hill, Pte. H. J., Golden Horseshoe Div. Way, Div. Surg. 1., Golden Horseshoe Kirkwood, Pte. VV., Golden Horseshoe Div.
Manitoba District. Haddow, A/Offr., J. B., Fort Garry Div. Kane, L/D/Supt. H. S., Montreal Cent. Ng. Div.
Ontario District.
BeaUie, Sgt. F . J . W ., West Toronto
Div. Campbell, H/Sgt. W. B., Canadian
Westinghouse Div. Guyatt, D/Surg R E., Canadian Westinghouse Div. Hill, Amb. Sis., A. J., Toront.o Cent.
Tg. Div. Percival, Amb. Sis. M. F., Lord
Kitchener Ng. Div. Price, Cpl. W. G., West Toront.o Div. Randle, Pte. A., Canadian Westinghouse
Div. Routledge, Amb. Sis. M. F., Lord
Kitchener Ng. Div.
Quebec District. Haigh, Sgt. J. E., Montreal Cent. Div.
Ceylon Police Corps.
Abbass, A., Colombo Div. Akeem, A., do. Amat.h, PH., Uva Provo Div. Amath, T. H., Cent. Provo Div. Amjad en A., Colombo Div. Appuhamy, U. B. S., S. Provo Div. Banda, R M. L., do. Boteju, . P., . Provo Div. Brantha, M. A., Sabaragamuwa Div. assim, H. J., Depot Div. Daniel, E. F., T. Provo Div. Gunasekera, A. H., \V. Provo Div. Gunasekera, M. 1., \V. Provo Div. Halaldcen, 1\1. S., Colombo Div. Hamid, A. R, S. Provo Div. Jayatillaka, L. P., do. Joharan, B. B., Cent. Provo Div. Koelmayer, E. A., olombo Div. Lazarus, D., S. Provo Div. lahat, J., Colombo Div. larjan, S. A., va Provo Div. R., cnt. Provo Div. Mohamed, S., S. Provo Div. Nair, R., . Provo Div. Narayanan, 1., Colombo Div. Ossen, J. N. J., do. Ousman, M. A., do. Paul, A., Depot Div. Perera, K. G. S., S. Provo Div. Perera, . L. C., Cent. Provo Div. Rahim, A., S. Provo Div. Ranawake, A. H., do. Razark, A. C. M., Colombo Div. Razark, A. R. A., do. Samsudeen, A. N., do. Saraph, H. D., Depot Div. Sheriff, S., do. Sheringham, A. 1., do. Silva, T. S. de., S. Provo Div. Simon, P., S. Provo Div. \Veerakoon, L. B., Colombo Div. \Vickramasuriya, P. P., Cent. Provo Div. \Vijesuriya, M. M., Depot Div.
Chale Tai Kwong, Corps Offr., Hong-
Kong orps. Chan Wang Fat., Sgt., Hong-Kong
Y.11.C.A. Div.
O. II District.
Chat.lcrji, Disl.. SupL and Surg. K.K. D-wyer, A/Offr. J. Calcutta Police Div. Farnworth, Pce. G., Calcutta Police Div. King, L/Div/Supt. G., Calcutta Tg. Div. \Voolley, D/Supt. J., Calcutta Police
Aria, Pte. 1(. D., Parsi Div. arukhanavala, Pte. B. M., do. David, Pte. J., Jewish Div. Ezekiel, Pte. S. D., do. Gagrat, Pt.e. J . N., Parsi Div. Gorakshakcr, Pte. 1. G., Hindu
Div. o. III District. Kapadia, Pte. E . VV., Parsi Div. Kolet, Pte. E. D ., Jewish Div. Patka, Pte. R N., Radiant Club Div. Screwvala, Pte. F . F ., Parsi Div. Talpade, Pte. Y. R, Hindu S.S.L. S.S.L. Div.
Gatt, D jSupt. C., Cottonera Div.
Auckland District.
Clouston, Pte. vV. M., National
Div. Reserve Malone, Sgt. E. D., Otahuhu Rly. Div.
Homer, Amb. Sis. E., Auckland Ng. Div. Jorgensen, Amb. Sis. M. T., Auckland g. Div. Richmond, Amb. Sis. L., Auckland Ng.
Div. Watkin, Amb. Sis. A., Onehunga Ng.
Canterbury and 'V. Coast District. Archbold, Amb. Sis. H ., Christchurch Davis, Amb. Sis., Christchurch g. Div.
Tg. Div. Bell, L/A/Offr. J., Christchurch Ng. Div. Bishop, L/Dist/Supt. A ., Cordy, L/Corps Offr. M., Christchurch
Corps. filler, Amb. Sis. F. A., do. Thorn, Amb. Sis. A., do. Virtue, Amb. Sis. M. A., do.
Wanganui District. Harle, Corps Offr. H . T. G., Wanganui
Corp .
Wellington District. Atkins, Amb. Sis. M. S., Wellington
Sub. Ng. Div. McInn s, Amb. Sis. C., " Tellington Sth. g. Div.
Betts, L/D/Supt. R E ., Wellington
Sth. Ng. Div. Mc\Vhannell, L/A/Offr. M., Wellington
Ng. Div.
Cape Province District. Riley, Pte. A., \Vorkshops Div. Williams, L/Dist./Supt. C. 1., Williams, Asst. Commr. A. F.,
Natal District. Fox, L/A/Offr. F. S., Durban g. Div. Hope, Amb. Sis. VV. G., Durban Ng. Div. Cruick hank, Amb. Sis. \\T. .r g. Div. ., Durban

N.S.W. District. Barnes, D/Supt. J. H., Glebe Div. Reynolds, L/D/Sup1... 1., l\Iarrickville Kg. Brown, L/D/Supt. F., Mosman .r g. Div. Div. Cubban, Pte. F., Glebe Div.
West Australia District. Bartlett, A/Offr. J., Perth o. 1 Div. Sinclair, D/Supt . ., Perth '0. 1 Div. Parker, L/D/Supt. H . E., Perth No. 1 Ng.
Manitoba District. Hudson, L/D/Supt. E . F., Fort Garry
Ng. Div.
Ontario District. Boyes, Sgt. F. J., West Toronto Div. Gresty, D/Supt. J . F., Border iti s Corkran, A/Offr. F. R, Border Cities Div. Div. Debney, Dist. Supt. G. J., Little, D/Supt. B. M., Canadian \Vcstinghouse Div. Quebec District. Oakley, Cpl. G. R.o Montreal Cent. Div.
Assen, A. A., Colombo Div. Borham, S., Cent. Provo Div. Dowbiggin, Dist. Supt. Sir Herbert Dissanayake, P . B., S. Provo Div. Hendrick, S. R, Colombo Div. Koran, K., do. Krisnaratne, P . R, Depot Div. Kumararan, K ., Colombo Div. Laxana, A. D., Depot Div.
Pathirivithana, V., Colombo Div. Peraji, J., Colombo Div. Pulla, N., Cent. Provo Div. Saibo, S. M., Colombo Div. Sallay, B. C. J., S. Provo Div. Samat, D. A. ., N.W . Provo Div. Wanagura, D. G., Sabaragamuwa Div. Wittensleger, A. R., Cent. Provo Div. Yakeem, A ., S. Provo Div.
No. III District.
Desai, D/Surg. J. D., Parsi Div. Doctor, Cpl. P. E ., Cosmopolitan Div. Dubash, Cadet Oilr. J. R, Parsi Div. Shroff, Cpl. R J., Parsi Div. Surty, D/Supt. P. H., Cosmopolitan
Div. Tumboli, Pte. N. S., Parsi Div.
Auckland District. Adams, Amb. Sis. F. E ., Auckland Ng. McLeod, L/D/Supt. M., Auckland Ng.
Div. Div. Mackenzie, Amb. Sis., Onehunga g. Potter, D/Supt. A. W., Auckland Div.
Div. Thorne, Amb. Sis. E., Auckland Ng. Div.
Otago District. Applegarth, L/D/Supt., Caversham Ng. Grenfell, Dist. Supt. S. M. H .,
vVellington District.
Barltrop, L/Dist /OfIr. E., Gaby, L/Corps/Supt. 1. F ., Wellington
Corps. Hclyer, Amb. Sis. A., Wellington Sth.
Ng. Div. Osborn, L/D/Supt. E. M., Wellington
Sth g. Div.
T a tal District. Brown, A/OfIr. V. C. P., Pietermaritzburg Div.
Ackery, C/I/Stores T. Amos, Pte. \V. G. Bates, Pte. A. Bowen, Pte. E. T. Broom, Cpl. H . Burnell, pI. F. G. Cockram, D/Supt. F. Collier, CfSec. J. G. Edwards, Cpl. B. Elwards, Sgt. \ \T. T. Enoch, D/Supt. E . Evans, C/I/Stores D. Evans, Sgt. D. Evans, L/D/Supt . Sarah Griffiths, CpI. E . PRIORY FOR WALES.
Harries, Pte. W. Hartshorn, C/I/Stores T . Isaac, Cpl. S. J . James, Pte. D. Jones, Pte. J. Jones, Amb/OfIr. J. G. Jones, Pte. T . H . Josty, Pte. E. S. Lendon, L/D/Supt. L. Lewis, L/A/Offr. M. Limbrick, Pte. A. Marston, A/Offr. J . Matthews, D /Supt. vv. J. Matthews, C/Sec. W . R Parry, C/Treas, J. Price, C/Sec. W. Riches, Sub-Commr. C.
T.H. Riches, L/Staff Offr. F. 1. Roberts, Pte. H . Rogers, Cpl. T . S. Starr, Cpl. A. J. Sullivan, Sgt. T . G. Thomas, Pte. VV. Webb, D/Supt. H . Weeks, Staff Offr. M. Williams, Sgt. C. H. \\Tilliams, Pte. T . Williams, D/Surg. W. G. Wren, Cpl. J.
Abraham, CjSupt. W. E. Davies, Pte. E. Davies, Staff Offr. J. H. Davies, Pte. T. Edward D/Supt. E . Edwards, Sgt. G. Evans, D/Supt. H. T. Evans, C/Supt. T. J. (2nd). Goddard, Staff Offr. ' V. Hopkins, C/Sec. C. H.,
Reserve (2nd) Howells, C/S/M. T. Jackson, D/Supt. ' V. Jonathan, A/Offr. J. Jones, D/Supt. E. SERVICE MEDAL BARS.
J ones, Sgt. L. Jones, /Supt. S. (2nd). Jones, A/Offr. T. Kernick, L/D/Supt. M. (Reserve). Lewis, CjSec. H. J. Lewis, A/Offr. J. Lewis, Pte. J. Le·wis, A /Ofir. J. T. l\fatthews, Pte. D. Mogiord, CjSec. S. H. Morgan, D/Supt. VV. I oakes, CjI/Stores T. (2nd.) Owen, Cpl. vv. \V. Parker, A/Offr. J. C. Paul, A/Offr. E. Payne, Staff Ofir. G. (2nd). Purnell, Cpl. A. Richards, Commissioner
T. E. (2nd). Rigsby, D/Supt. G. H. Roberts, Pte. A. Rycc, Centre Surg. R. S. Thomas, C/Trcas. T. Thomas, C/L/Stores T. (2nd). \Vcbster, D/Supt. E. vVilliams, D/Supt. T.
H.R.H. The Grand Prior, in the exercise of his prerogative, has been pleased to make the following appointments :To be Director of Ceremonies:
Brigadier-General The Earl of Shaftesbury, K.P., P.C., G.C.V.O., C.B.E., vice Captain A. C. Seton Chri topher (re igned). To be Chief Commi sioner, t. John Ambulance Brigade at Home:
Major-General Sir John Duncan, KC.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., vice lajorGeneral Sir Percival \Vilkinson, KC. 1.G., C.B., Acting hid Commi sioner (resigned). To be Assistant Director of Ceremonies:
Charles H. C. Pirie-Gordon, Esq., D.S.C. To be a Sub-Prelate:
The Very Rev. The Dean of \Vestminster, c.v.o.
On the recommendation of Chapter-General the Grand Prior ha al 0 been pleased to appoint: As representative of the Commandery for outhern frica on hapter-
General and Council :
Major-General the Earl of Athlone, K.G., etc. As Representative Commanders on Chapter-General:
Aneurin G. E . G. Fudge, Esq.
Michael Forbes Tweedie, Esq. As members of the Almonry Committee:
The Librarian,
The Registrar.
Mrs. Ian Stuart.
The Officiating Chaplains.(The Rev. Prebendary L. J. Percival, C.V.O., and
The Rev. William T. B. Hayter), ex officio. LIBRARY A D MUSEUM.

Chapter-General congratulates the following members of the Order on having been honoured by His Majesty The King during 1931 for distinguished services to the Empire :Created a Baron. Sir William Plender, Bt., G.B.E. Created a Baronet. Major-General ir John Rose Bradford, KC.M.G., C.B., C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S.
To be a of His MaJ'esty's Most Honourable Privy Council. Major-General The Earl of Athlone, K.G., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., D.S.O., A.D.C. To be a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and t. George. His Excellency Sir Cecil Clementi, K.C.M.G. To be a Knight Commander of the R oyal Victorian Order. ir amud Guise-::YIoores, KC.B., C.M.G., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Appointed Knight Bachelors. Herbert Layard Dowbiggen, C.M.G. John Joseph Hunt. harles H.ecd Peer, C.B.E. To be a Companion oj the Uost Distinguished Order of t. Michael and
George Alexander Troup.
t. George.
To be a lvI ember of the R oyal Victorian Order. larcus Antoniu Johnston de Lavis-Trafford, O.B.E., M.D.
To be a l'.Iember of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Mi s Harriet Amelia Alsop. Appointed Aide de Camp to the King. Colonel Edwin James King, C.M.G., T.D.
Colonel E. J. King, the Librarian, reports as follows :. "The past year has seen the issue of two publications of considerable to the Order. Firstly, Historical P amphlet No.5, entitled !he E.arly of Knights Hospitallers " printed for private by the of the Library Committee. This pamphlet contams a translatIOn mto English, together with an introduction and notes by the Librarian, of the Statutes of the Master Jobert (1172-7),
relating to the provision of white bread for the Hospital, and to the services of the Church: of the Statutes of the Master Roger des Moulins, (1177-87) relating mainly to the Ho pital and to the charities of the Order: of the Statutes of the Master Alfonso of Portugal (1203-6), relating to the organization and administration of the Order: with extracts from ' Judgements and Customs of the Hospital' (an early thirteenthcentury document), relating to Chapter-General, the reception of Brethren, and the enrolment of Confratres. "The second publication is Colonel King's The Knights Hospitallers in the Holy Land, the first of the three volumes in which he hopes to complete the history of the Order of St. John. This first volume deals with the earliest beginnings of the Order in J eru alem down to the dramatic fall of Acre in 1291, and the expulsion of the Hospitallers from the Holy Land. It contains twenty-three illustrations and thirteen maps and plans, and is published by Messrs. Methuen and Co., price 25s. " During the year Colonel King's work on the Seals of the Order has been completed. It is entitled The Seals of the Order of t. john of j erusalem, and is the first serious study of these seal a a whole that has yet been made. They cover a period of 800 years, from the twelfth century down to the present day, and are representative of all nations and of all those classes of society to whom the use of seals was a necessity. The book, which contains 22 plates in collotype, is being publi hed by Messrs. Methuen and Co., price 18s. " During the past year the memorial of Fr. \Villiam \V ton, Grand Prior of England from 1527-4.0, was removed from t. Jame' Church, Clerkenwell, under the supervision of the Library Committee, to its new position on the north side of the crypt of the Priory Church. It is one of the only two remaining memorials of the ancient Grand Priors of England, the other being that of Fr. Thomas Tresham, rand Prior from 1557-9, which is in Rushton Church, Northampton hire. In the ordinary course of events these two memorials would have b n placed originally in the Priory Church, but its seizure by the Crown in th sixteenth century rendered this impossible. " In July the Library Committee had the pleasure of nt rtaining to tea in the Chapter Hall representatives of the Anglo-American Conference of Historians, afterwards showing them over St. John's Gat and the Priory Church, and in November it had the pleasure of entertaining representatives of the British Association for the Advancement of cience. " Amongst the more interesting purchases for the Library and Iuseum were :" (1) L e Navigationi et viaggi fatti nella Turchia di icoli de Nicolai, published at Venice in 1580. A fine work containing sixty-seven full-page figures engraved on copper illustrative of life in the Levant. " (2) A folio pamphlet published in Rome in 1636, entitled Piania e breve historia della N obilissima I sola di Malta, with a fine illustration of the Great Carrack by the engraver J acopo Lauro. Thi was the famous vessel that carried the Knights to Malta in 1530. " (3) La Forme de donner l'habit aux Chevaliers de St. j ean de j er1tsalem, by Fr. Philibert Bernard de Froissard de Broissia, Commander of Salins. Printed at Dol in 1689. A rare work, giving in detail the ritual for reception in the Order, and unknown to Hellwald.

" (1) A ducat or sequin of the Master John Baptist Orsini (1467-76). The sequins of this Master are of the greatest rarity, and this coin is a previously unknown variety. The obverse bears the inscription F.B D'OR INIS. . S. IOHANIE. encircling the full-length figure of St. John Baptist presenting a banner to the kneeling Master and below the banner are the letters MB. The reverse bears the inscription. SIT. T. XPE . DAT . QTV-REGIS ISTE DVC encircling the figure of Our Saviour; on the dexter side are four stars, and on the sinister side five. The purchase of this coin was only rendered possible by the generosity of Colonel John Perring and Mr. Harold Sands, both Officers of the Order. (( As in past years the Library Committee has to report the receipt of many generous gifts from members of the Order. Amongst these the more important are :" (1) Two bronze' Dolphin' door knockers from the house of the Prior of the Church in the Strada Mercanti, Valletta. Probably late sixteenth or early seventeenth century. The gift of Major Sir Algernon Tudor-Craig, K.B.E., Commander. " (2) Two bronze mortars from the Hospital of the Order in Valletta, one bearing the Anus of the Grand Master Adrian de Wignacourt (1690- 7)' the other bearing those of the Grand Master Emmanuel Pinto (1711-73), and an engraved hunting-knife bearing the Arms of the Grand laster Raymond Perellos (1697-1720). The gifts of Sir Algernon Tudor-Craig. (( (3) A ilver goblet bearing the Arms of the Grand Master Lascaris de Castellar (1?36-57), two pairs of silver spoons and forks bearing the Arms of Kmghts of the Order, from 1alta, and various deeds. The gifts of Sir Algernon Tudor-Craig. t( (1) n important collection of drawings of the castles of the Knight Hospitallers in the Holy Land. The gift of Mr. Harold Sands, an Officer of the Order. t( (5) A ilver basin and cover, bearing the Arms of the Grand Master Raymond Perellos. The gift of Lady Englefield, Dame of Grace. (( (6) A large oak chest, carved with the Arms of the Grand IIast r Louis Iendez de Va concellos (1622-3), formerly titular Bailiff of Egle. The gift of l\Ir . Docwra Rogers, an Officer of the Order.
II The list of donors to the Library and Museum during the year, to whom the thanks of Chapter-General have been conveyed is a follows:- ' (( The Han. Florence Amhurst, Major H. A. Balbi, Mrs. Birkbeck. lr. J. R. Booth, F. A. Brooks, Mr. W. Churcher, Dr. F. W, C?ck, Mr. H. C. Dilllsh, Lady Englefield, Miss C. 1. Finn, Dr. W. E. St. L. Fmney, lr: E. Fraser, .Mr. E. H. Freshfield, Mr. S. Gaselee, Dr. Rose Graham, MISS A. Granville, 1r. R. Gunniss, Captain P. Johnston-Saint, Mr. H. C. Luke,. Lieut. E. A. 10rrison, R.N., Major E. W. Polson Newman, Colonel J. Perrmg, Mr. S. B. Piers, Colonel F. W. Pixley, Lieut.-Colonel A. Porter, Mrs. Docwra Rogers, Lieut.-Colonel C. T. Samman, Mr. H . J. H. Stevenson, Miss O. Strickland, Mrs. Man Stuart, Major SIr Algern.on Colonel F. D. \iVatney, Dr. R. Williams, Mr. Emm. Xern, SIr ThemIstocles Zammit.
Since the tran fer to the Order of the Priory Church the interior has been cleaned and repainted, the cost being generously defrayed bv Irs. Man Stuart, a Dame of Grace of the Order.
The exterior has also been cleaned, the brickwork repointed, and t.he stone coping repaired.
The Order is indebted to Sir vVilliam Wells, an Officer, for generously carrying out the survey and specification of the work.
The effigy of Prior Sir William \Ve ton has been removed from the Church of St. James and placed in the Crypt.
. The J ohn A mblllance tinues to prosper. The average m . ales per month m 1931 IS 1,200 copies over 1930, and while thIS figure I?cludes t.he Centenary number, it is int.eresting t.o note that \;I,Tlthout thIS specIal Issue the increase would have been over 1,.000 copies month monthly sales in 1930. Through the kmd co-operatIon of the Prmclpal Secretary for \Yale , the Gazette ha made considerable progress in the Priory. Circulation in the and .Colonie is J?1aintained, and many letter of appreciation hav been receIved from dIfferent parts of the world which show that the Gazette is a valuable link between the members at home and tho e abroad.

The London Light and Electrical Clinic in Pimlico continu s to be the main activity of the Association, under the control of the Order. Exceptional expenditure, including the installation of a Bacteriological Laboratory, .resulted in a. of. over £1,700 on the year. populanty of the ClmIc contmues to mcrea e. During the y ar patIents numbered 120,000, of whom close on, 8,000 were treated free of cost, and the total treatments given were 67,000 in exces of the previou. year. Each department has its own Medical Officer and in addition three yisiting physicians have been appointed, each days m the week for purposes of diagnosis and advice as to treat.ment. The of this has increa ed the efficiency and reputation of the and the patIents have benefited greatly. The Clinic i now recogmzed by the London County Council as a centre [or treatment of L.e.e. patients. Further development of this humanitarian work is dependent on increased financial support. JOINT COUNCIL
The Sunday Cinema Fund has refrained from embarking upon any new commitments during the year since its income would automatically cease in the event of the Bill to legalise the opening of Cinemas on prohibited days becoming law. The Committee has continued to meet the expenses of public duty in the Metropolitan area, the upkeep of the First Aid Station at St. Paul's Cathedral, the transport of poor patients and the provision of appliances to Medical Comforts Depots. The first aid appliances placed in Police Kiosks and Vans controlled by the Metropolitan Police have been found most useful, and an additional number of such Kiosks have been similarly supplied in new areas, while those supplied on the establishment of the undertaking have been repleni hed from time to time.
The yearly account of the Fund will be found on page 82.
The foHowing were appointed the Order's representatives on the J oint Council of the Order and the British Red Cross Society for the year :ir vVilliam Bennett, K.C.V.O., F.R.C.S.
Lieut.-Colonel Francis A. Brooks, M.D.
The Hon. John H. Bruce. .
Colon I ir James R. A. Clark, Bt., C.B., C. 1.G., F.R.C.S.ED.
Colonel C. de vV'. Crookshank, M.P.
Arthur Vernon Davies, O.B.E., LB.
Mr . Lancelot Dent, A.R.R.C. ir Leolin Fore tier \Valker, K.B.E., LP. ir John Hewett, G.C.S.I., K.B.E., C.LE.
The Lady Margaret MacRae, O.B.E.
Robinia iscountess :J10untgarrett, O.B.E.
The Countess of On low, C.B.E., A.R.R.C.
Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Woo]rych Perowne.
Lady Perrott, R.R.C.
Major-General ir Ivor Philipps, K.C.B., D.S.O.
Colon"l Francis VV'. Pixlev, V.D., F.S.A.
Lieut.-Colonel The Lord Herbert Scott, c. I.G., D.S.O.
Colonel ir Courtauld Thomson, K.B.E., C.B.
Arthur M. Ware, M.D.
Major-Genera] Sir Thomas Yarr, K.C.M.G., C.B., F.R.C.S.I.
The following were appointed the Order's representatives on the Joint War Committee and the Joint War Finance Committee of the Order and the British Red Cross ociety for the year :-
Sir William Bennett, K.C.V.O., F.R.C.S. *The Hon. John H. Bruce.
Arthur Vernon Davies, O.B.E., M.B. *The Hon. Sir William Goschen, K.B.E.
Sir John Hewett, G.C.S.L, K.B.E., C.LE. *Lieut.-General Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston, K.C.B., D.S.O., R.E., M.P.
Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Woolrych Perowne.
Lady Perrott, R.R.C. *Colonel Francis W. Pixley, V.D., F.S.A.
Colonel James L. Sleeman, C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O. *Major-General Sir Percival Wilkinson, K.C.M.G., C.B. (Vice-Chairman).
* Members of Joint 'Var Finance Committee.
The Chapter-General records with deep regret the death of the following Members and Associates :BAILIFFS GRA TD CROSS. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Richard Carnac Temple, Bt., C.B., C.l.E., F.S.A., on March 3rd, 1931. Major-General James Cecil Dalton, R.A., on May 12th, 1931. DAME GRAND CROSS. H.R.H. The Princess Royal, V.A., C.I., on January 4th, 1931. K IGHTS OF JUSTICE. Colonel The Viscount Galway, C.B., T.D., on March 7th, 1931. Sir Frederick George Milner, Bt., P.C., G.C.V.O., on June 8th, 1931. Sir William Wyndham Portal, Bt., F.S.A., on September 30th, 1931. DAMES OF JUSTICE. Constance Mary, Lady Knowles, O.B.E., on March 23rd, 1931. The Duchess of Buckingham and Chandos, on September 15th, 1 1. K IGHTS OF GRACE. William Henry Chambers, on January 10th, 1930. Andrew Barclay Walker, on March 30th, 1930. Colonel Sir John Walter Ottley, K.C.I.E., R.E., on January 25th, 1931. Sir Herbert David William Lewis, K.B.E., on January 23rd, 1931. Colonel John Austin Carpenter, on February 14th, 1931. Captain Walter Clegg Stevenson, M.D., in 1931. Surgeon-Colonel David Hepburn, C.M.G., V.D., M.D., M.R.C.S., F.R.S.ED., on March 9th, 1931. Major-General Sir Leopold Victor Swaine, K.C.B., C.M.G., on March 13th, 1931. OBITUARY. Contd. 41

Major-General Sir John Percy Woodhouse, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.R.C.S., on April 10th, 1 . . Brigadier-General WIlham Lewls WhIte, C.B., C.M.G., on June 8th, 1931. Sir John Stanley, K.C.LE., C.B.E., K.C., on December 7th, 1931. The Viscount Knutsford, on July 27th, 1931. Major Dudley Henry Alexander, C.M.G., on July 30th, 1931. Major Arthur Hammersley Johnston, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., on August 20th, 1931. John Robert Cross, on September 5th, 1931. . General Sir Richard Harrison, G.C.B., C.M.G., R.E., III September, 1931. Surgeon Lieut.-Colonel Sir Warren Roland Crooke-Lawless, K.C.V.O.,
C.B., C.LE., C.B.E., M.D., on September 14th, 1931. Richard Whytock Leslie, M.D., on September 22nd, 1931. The Rt. Hon. Thomas Richards, P.C., on November 8th, 1931. Joseph James Burton, O.B.E., on November 13th, 1931. ir William Henry Bennett, K.C.V.O., F.R.C.S., on December 24th, 1931. Frank Henry Cook, on December 25.th, 1931. General ir William Thompson Adair, K.C.B., on December 29th, 1931. Sir Edward Richard Henry, Bt., G.C.V.O., K.C.B., C.S.I., on February 19th, 1931.
DAMES OF GRACE. Charlotte Elizabeth, frs. Fuller-Maitland, on February 7th, 1931. Dame ellie G.B.E., on February 23rd, 1931. Agne. Fanny, Lady Temple, in March, 1931. irs. Sarah Julia Warde-Aldam, M.B.E., A.R.R.C., on. July 18th, 1931. Dame Mary Ionica Cunliffe \\Tills, D.B.E., on Apnl 2nd, 1931. Miss Mary Harriett Griffith, on July 27th, 1930. J1iss Blye Bourke, on Augu t 7th, 1931. The Counte s of Scarbrough, on September 24th, 1931. Mrs. Mary Josephine Ethel WegueJin, C.B.E., in November, H)31. Florence Elizabeth Mary, Lady Portal, C.B.E., on December 30th, 1931. Mrs. Mary tuart, in December, 1931. DAME OF GRACE (ASSOCIATE). Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Reid, on April 29th, 1931. CIIAPLAI . The Venerable Archdeacon Ernest Edward Holmes, C.V.O., D.D., on February 22nd, 1931. The Right Rev. Rennie MacInnes, D.D., Bishop of the Church of England in Jerusalem, on December 24th, 1931. CHAPLAI (ASSOCIATE). His Beatitude Damianos, K.B.E., Patriarch of Jerusalem and all Palestine, in 1931.
COM 1ANDERS. Charles Bage, M.D., on December 7th, 1930. James McFarlane Lapsley, on January 9th, 1931. Edwin Dawes, on April 7th, 1931. Frederick John Coward, in 1931. Major-General Thomas Charles Pleydell Calley, C.B., C.B.E., M.V.O., III 1931.
OFFICERS. l\Iajor Alfred Croudson Tunstall, M.D., F.R.C.S.ED., on February 10th, 1930. Frederick George alter, on January 31st, 1931. Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Heygate Vernon, F.R.C.S., on February 1 t, 1931. Charles Edward Paterson, M.D., on February 23rd, 1931. J ames Harold Lord, on March 18th, 1931. \Villiam Henry l\Iorgan, O.B.E., on farch 30th, 1931. John Dunn, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., in March, 1931. \Villiam Gray, M.D., on April 14th, 1931. Richard Connon Robertson, L.S.A., L.M.S.S.A., on April 18th, 1931. Colonel James Young, T.D., M.D., in April, 1931. Henry Richard Smith, in 1931. Henry William Le Messurier, C.M.G., on May 27th, 1931. Lieut.-Colonel \Villiam lair Gartshore, on July 26th, 1931. Major Frederick Middleton Horn by, C.B.E., on Augu t 26th, 1931. Joseph Harvey Kemp Sykes, L.M.S.S.A., on September 2nd, 1931. Samuel Michael Harding Grenfell, on eptember 5th, 1931. Lieut.-Colonel Charles Robert Browne, T.D., M.D., on eptember 7th, 1931. John Graham, in 1931. Major Evelyn 1ilnes Gaskell, on eptember lMh, 1931. Sir James Balfour Paul, K.c.v.o., on eptcmber 15th, 10:31. Alexander Neil l\IcKelvey, L.R.C.P.I., on ovembcr 10th, 10:31. Colonel Dougla James Proby, on ovember 18th, 19:31. Colonel Robert John Shaw imp on, in 1931. Frederick William Russack, on March 17th, 1931. James Howorth, on April 25th, 1931. OFFICER ( ASSOCIATE). Nathan Samuel Hamburger, on 1arch 10th, 1931. SERVI TG BROTHERS. John Bellchambers, on January 19th, 1931. Captain Jo eph Ogden, on January 21th, 1931. Alfred Edward Evans, on January 26th, 1931. Henry Hewitt-Dean, on January 30th, 1931. \Villiam Bankes, in 1931. John Perry, on March 5th, 1931. John Steele, L.R.C.P. and S.ED., L.R.F.P.S., on March 21st, 10:31. George Robert Prior, on farch 20th, 1931. John Brailey Clarke, on April 23rd, 1931. George Skeen, M.B., in 1931. Thomas Graham, on July 27th, 1927. Peter Grundy, on August 14th, 1931. Arthur Hollis, on August 26th, 1931. Henry Alfred Cross, on September 3rd, 1931. Henry Howard Stinton, on September 21st, 1918. Joseph Gayton, in 1931. William Thomas Rees, in 1931. Herbert Edmund Richardson, on November 12th, 1931.
Henry Thomas Evans, on November 18th, 1931. Edgar Samuel Bryan, on November 20th. 1931. OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, JERUSALEM 43

Capt.ain Isaac Colquhoun, on November 25th, 1031. Charles Greening, on December 21st, 1931. I<.obinson Arthington, on December 25th, 1931. Arthur Oliver Holbeche, M.R.C.S., on December 25th, 1931. SERVI G SISTERS. Miss Selina Elizabeth Bland, on March 31st, 1931. Miss Margaret Emily Downward, on June 18th, 1931. Miss Mary Goddard Compton, on July 27th, 1931. Mrs. Martha Lodge, on August 22nd, 1931. Mrs. Louisa Smith, on September 22nd, 1931. Mrs. Lizzie Morgan, in 1931. Mi s fargaret Mellett, in 1931. HONORARY ASSOCIATES. frs. Margaret Elizabeth Shepherd, on November 9th, 1930. Frank Marriott, L.S.A., on January 28th, 1931. Frederick Herbert Maberly, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., on January 31st, 1931. \Villiam Bowie Barclay, L.R.C.P.ED., D.P.H., on February 13th, 1931. Arthur William cott, M.D., on February 14th, 1930. The Rt. Han, Vernon Hartshorn, P.C., O.B.E., on March 13th, 1931. Inspector-General Henry Charles Woods, C.B., C.V.O., M.D., K.H.P., R .. , on June 3rd, 1931. 1i s latilda Villiers, on June 20th, 1931. George taker, C.M.G., L.R.C.S.I., in 1931.
The following i extracted from the Fortieth Annual Report of the Committee :\Yith the exception of In-patients whose numbers show an increase, there is a falling-off to record in the numbers of new Out-patients, Total Attendances, and Operations. This shrinkage is accounted for by the constant ill-health which has handicapped the staff during the year. The too, was ab ent from duty for a while on a visit to London for the Centenary Celebrations.
The Hospital was visited on 17th April by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Prelate of the Order-a notable event in any case, but made more so owing to the fact that no Archbishop of Canterbury had visited the Holy Land since His Grace's predecessor Baldwin, who landed at Tyre with an English army in July, 1190, and died at the Siege of Acre in November of the same year, nearly seven and a half centuries ago. On his return to England the Prelate wrote to the Chancellor as follows :-
My DEAR CHANCELLOR, Lambeth Palace,
13th June, 1931 .
During my visit to Jerusalem in April, 1931, I paid a special visit to the St. John which is the special work of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem III J erusaJe.m Itself. The Hospital occupies a beautiful site, and the buildings seemed to me admIrably adapted to the purposes of a hospital, and the wards w.ere faultlessly clean and cool. The technical equipment seemed to be very complete and of a very
high standard. I was also much impressed by new Annexc. which ueen built on the other sidc of the road for the receptlOn of out-pailcnts wa1tlng .for treatment. Architecturally, it seemed to me very beautiful and well designcd its purpose. I was still more impressed by the enthusiasm of Dr. Strathcarn and h1S staff. It would be presumptuous on my part to speak of his ability as an ophthalmic surgeon, which is widely recognized. But I sh.ould hke to speak most warmly of hi zeal and devotion, shared by the of Ius staff: I hcard many testimonies from many quarters of the benefits Wh1Ch the Hosp1tal confers upon all classe and races in Palestine, and as a Prelate of thc Order o.f St. John, I fclt proud that a work of mercy so well conceived and carried on with so much devotion was associated with the Order.
The Registrar returned home at the end of the year, and his has been filled by Mr. K. J. O'Day, M.D.(MELB.), D.O.M.S., who, WIth Mrs. O'Day, left for Jerusalem on New Year's Eve. .
The Committee has offered the post of Hon. Radiographer to Dr. \V. E. Thompson, Specialist Surgeon to the Government of Palestine, and a former Registrar of the Hospital. This is a new appointment. Welcome help has been given in Hospital and Annexe by Mr. Piggott, M.B., to whom the Committee extends its sincere.
There is no change in the British Nursing Staff. lIss Dlght, the Acting-:Matron, was invested by H. 1. the King with the In ignia of a Serving Sister at the Investiture in Buckingham Palace on 23rd June.
The Committee regrets to have to report the loss by death of one of its number, Colonel D. J. Proby, who passed away in November. It also realizes that in the passing of Lady carbrough the Hospital ha lost a true friend. She took the greatest interest in the work of the Order in the Holy Land, and in 1926 she endowed a cot in the Ho pita!.
The construction of the subway between the Hospital and nn xe has been commenced and should shortly be available for the taff. Th re is no other building operation in hand at the moment. The Hunt rWestern Memorial is still awaiting decorative completion.
The erection of the South Block for paying patients ha , owing to lack of funds, been temporarily postponed. At the close of the financial year only £1,827 remained in the Hospital Restoration Fund, for which the Grand Prior made a special appeal in 1927. This um has ince been further depleted by payments on account of the ubway, which i' estimated to cost £500 when completed.
The Income and Expenditure Account shows that the co t to the Order of maintaining the Hospital during the year under review was £3,584 2s. 5d., compared with £3,612 ls. 4d. for 1930. ubscriptions and donations received in London have decreased by £150. The Honorary Treasurer in Jerusalem has again remitted an increa ed sum for the eleventh year in succession, and Lady Watson's total is now only a little over £100 less than the amount received in London. Th Committee can only repeat once more its deep sense of the debt it owes her for her devotion to the interests of the Hospital and for her constant endeavour to promote in every way the welfare of the Order in the Holy Land.
The thanks of the Committee are also extended to Mr. J. Horne Stevenson, the Honorary Secretary for Scotland, for his help in raising funds for the Hospital-a duty he has carried out for very many years with unfailing assiduity. OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, JERUSALEM. Contd. 45

The Committee has to express thanks to H.H. The Aga for repeating his kind donation of £60, and to Mr: Mrs. Christopher for a donation of £25 for some defimte pIece of eqUIpment, which may take the form either of a special chair for the O.P. Department or an instrument sterilizer for the theatre.
The support which comes from DOI?inions is al",:,ays gratifying to the Committee as revealmg the mterest taken m th.e I:Iospital by the Overseas Branches of the St. J and Brigade. The creation of South Afnca and New Zealand will, it is hoped, quicken mterest m the work ?f t?e Order in Palestine. New Zealand seems specially zealous in contnbutmg to funds and deserves mention and an expression of thanks. Australia has had its financial troubles which doubtless account for its temporary absence from Lhe Subscription List, and South Africa is represented by the Capetown Nursing Division .J.A.B.O.
The appeal of the Committee in the last Report for books for the staff library was answered by Mrs. B. Strong, Mrs. J. H. and Sir Charles Hyde, whose gifts have proved a welcome addItIOn t? the shelves in the Ho pita!. More books are asked for, and they will be gratefully acknowledged if sent to St. John's Gate, as will be records for the Sisters' gramophone. .
Mrs. Lothian Nicholson has again sent garments for the patIents, a useful gift for which the Committee tenders thanks.. .
The Great Priory for England and Wales Its donatIOn of £52 lOs. for a special piece ot equipment for the and the m.oney has been spent in the purchase of a Potter-Bucky DIaphragm a cas ette-a valuable addition to the equipment, and much apprecIated by the l\Iedical taff. For the third year in succes.sion a donation of similar amount has again been sent by the Great Pnory, and. the Committee await suggestions from the \Varden as to how It may be expended in providing some new scientific item of eqUIpment for the benefi t of our t t lasters" the sick and suffering.
Mr. E. S. Fellowes-Farrow, a Serving Brother of the Order, spent a week in the Hospital and Annexe, taking a film wh.ich it is hope.d will prove useful for lecture purposes. Further mformatIOn about thIS film will be given on application to the Honorary Secretary at St. John's Gate.
The Patriarch of Jerusalem and all Palestine, His Beatitude, Damianos, who was a K.B.E. and an Associate Chaplain of the Order, was always friendly to the Hospital, and it was with regret that the announcement of his death was received at St. John's Gate.
Invaluable help is given to the Hospital by the Ladies' Linen Guild. Special attention may be drawn to the handsome metal bed-side lockers which the Guild has presented. These lockers were designed by the \Varden and have the badge of the Orderdisplayed on the front together with a small plaque stating that they are the gift of the Ladies' Linen Guild. There are twelve of these lockers in use now and it is hoped that the Guild may be able in due course to present the Hospital with the remaining thirty-eight. The Annexe, too, has benefited by the possession of a wheeled trolley with irrigator, also the design of the \Varden, and some half-dozen imposir:g glass jars stamped with the badge of the Order on
a red background, which adorn the helves of the Annexe Dispensary. The thanks of the Committee for all the Guild does cannot be measured by mere printed words.
The Report for 1931 would not be complete if it did not contain some reference to the most unpleasant experience of the vVarden and Mrs. Strathearn (with whom was also the Dispenser, Mr. Kubeisy) on the J ericho-Jerusalem Road in N ovem ber last. It was fortunate indeed that the incident did not, as it so easily might have done, end in tragedy. They were motoring back from Jericho where the Warden has recently acquired a little villa, when at a bend of the road they suddenly saw their further passage barred by boulders. As they pulled up, five ruffians sprang from the ditch levelling their rifles and demanding the surrender of all valuables. they were dealing with the Warden and the Dispenser in front, Mrs. Strathearn, seated behind, was covered with the barrel of a rifle thrust through the window. The \Varden had to give up his gold watch-a wedding gift from his wife-and all his cash, amounting to sixteen pounds and Ir. Kubeisy was likewise relieved of every piastre he possessed. The 'Varden v,'as actually roughly handled and threatened when he expostulated at his treatment. It then became Mrs. Strathearn's turn. She had her wedding ring roughly torn from her fmger and her coat stripped from off her back, and the bandits were proceeding to further indignities when the arrival of other cars caused them to divert their attention to what might prove more profitable loot. In all, sixteen cars were held up and their occupants robbed as the shades of evening were descending on the valley road and eventually the nine highwaymen-for there were four more of them who w re acting as vedettes-got away safely and the occupants of the cars were glad to proceed to Jerusalem, luckily carrying no hospital cases. It appears that the robber band was comprised of jail-birds who had broken jail at Amman. Some of them have since been captured. And so in the twentieth century is the Scripture parable of the dangers of the Jericho road brought forcibly to mind. The Committee has already unanimou ly passed a very sincere vote of sympathy 'with the \Varden and Irs. Strathearn in their terrible experience, in which was included, of course, the Dispenser, Mr. Kubeisy.
The Committee is increasingly sensible of what the Order owes to the self-sacrificing devotion to their work of all the members of the taff of the Hospital under the inspiring example given them by the 'Yarden.
On them lies the burden of maintaining the prestige of the Order of St. John in Jerusalem and in the regions round about. In thanking them once again for all they do for the patients, the Committee feels that its confidence in the single-hearted loyalty of every member of the Staff is not misplaced.

The Director of the Ambulance Department and the Ambulance Committee of the Order have the honour to submit the following report of the work of the St. John Ambulance Association for the information of His Royal Highness The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General:ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION. Contd. 47
The number of certificates issued in England, Ireland, and Wales during the year again shows an increase, though not so large as last year, and is as follows:-
First Aid (Men) " (Women) Home ursing (Men) " ,,(Women) lIome Hygiene (Men) (Women)
Cookery 1931. 1930. 29,125 8,348 1,151 6,051 64 191 15 25 44,970 7,070 28,677 7,365 1,190 5,319 76 354 49 1 43,031 - 820 = 42,211 6,105 52,040 49,136 - 840 = 48,316
Priory for "Vales
Owing to a clerical error in la t year's figures, the totals for 1930 have been adjusted.
The number of re-examination awards is ued during the year shows an increase in the number of first aid awards, and a light decrease in the number of pendants, as follows :-
Priory for Priory for 1931. Wales. 1930. Wales. Medallions 14,501 1,264 13,663 1,406 Labels 36,521 5,439 33,741 5,009 Pendants 4,695 330 5,346 366
55,717 7,033 52,750 6,781
Th re has al 0 been a con iderable increase in the number of Vouchers i ued through Detached CIa ses, the figures being 9,260 as compared with -,771 for the preceding year.
The returns of certificates issued by Centres do not reach headquarters in time for inclu ion in the figures set out above, but report now available show that the grand total i sued overseas from 1923 to 1390 inclu ive i approximately 223,479, making the grand total of certificates i ued by the As ociation 2,124,146.
The j sociation has again initiated classes in new areas oversea, viz. Fiji, airo, and Trinidad. The Commandant of Police at Zanzibar propo e to arrange for the instruction of his Force in first aid, and much preliminary work has been done in Jigeria where consideration is being to the desirability of establi hing a Centre. Classes have continued m .Cyprus where the first class of native workers who can speak and wnte English was held. They showed a keen interest in the subject, and the percentage of failures was small. The classes in Iraq have also continued with much success.
In none of the Overseas Centres has there been a falling-off of activitles ; in fact, rather the reverse has been evident throughout the year. While Canada has not been able to reach the high figure it attained last year, it has neverthele s again issued a large number of certificates, and it is gratifying to the Ambulance Committee to know that the ban on honours of the Order in Canada has now been removed, and that it will therefore be possible in the future to make recommendations to the Chapter-General of the Order for the recognition of the services of tho e Canadians ngaged in furthering the interests of the Ambulance Department in Canada.
The work of the Ambulance Department of the Order in New Zealand now controlled by the Dominion Executive will shortly be taken over by a Commandery of the Order in New Zealand, the establi hment of which as from 24th June has been approved by the Chapter-General. I t is very fitting that the Commandery should come into being during the year in which such good work was done by the Association and by the Brigade in New Zealand in connection with the terrible earthquake which occurred at Hawkes Bay on 3rd February. The same afternoon a party of ambulance men left Auckland by war hip with upplies, and an hour later an ambulance and a further party of men left by road; later a second ambulance and a further party of men were di patched. On the same evening a party consisting of two nurses and several men left \Vellington for Napier, while at \Vanganui men and women were standing by ready to leave at a moment's notice. The work performed by Centres and Di tricts in New Zealand in connection with the disa ter earned the highest praise from all quarter.
No less commendable has been the services of the ociation and the Brigade in Hong Kong, whose work in connection with the di a ter on the Kowloon Canton Railway on 20th April and the nti-Japanese Riots of 26th September is dealt with in the report of the Chief Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Oversea.
India continues to do all that is pos ible for the furtherance of the work of the Association, and although the progress in educational work which has been evident in recent years has received a check, it is clear that it is only temporary, and there is cau e for satisfaction at the progr s made in other directions.
The majority of the Centres in Australia, where the general depres ion has perhaps been most acute, have issued a larger numb r of awards in the previous year, which is a very creditable performance. In ew South Wales preparations are being made for launching a campaign to start classes in the more remote districts.
The impetus given to the work of the Association in outhern Africa by the establishment of a Commandery was referred to in la t year' report. This has been well maintained.
The presence in London of many representatives of Centres over eas during the celebrations held to commemorate the Centenary of the revival in England of the Order of St. John, afforded opportunities to discuss with them problems with which they have been confronted or various matters which have been the subject of correspondence, and full advantage was taken of the opportunity.

Last year the North Riding County Centre reported that H.R.H. The Prince of Wales had been graciously pleased to inspect the ambulance men from Middlesbrough and district, an event which recalled the first Royal Inspection of Association members by His late Majesty King Edward VII, whilst Prince of Wales, in 1889, also in Middlesbrough. This year the Centre was again honoured with a Royal Inspection. H.R:H. Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood, visited Middlesbrough and mspected some 600 members of the St. John Ambulance Association at the Jubilee Celebrations arranged by the Centre.
Interest in ambulance competitions has been well maintained during the year.
Captain A. C. \Vhite Knox, M.C., 1\I.B., of London, judged the Preliminary Competition for Ungrouped Railways at t. John's Gate on 10th April, and placed the competing teams in the following order :-
1. Ietropolitan . . . . 2. London "Midland & cottish & Great Western Joint ( hrewsbury) 3. :'IIidland & Great -orthern Joint 4. heshire Lines. . . . . . . . . . ;). outhern & London & Scottish Joint (Somerset and Dorset) marks obtainable: 450.
lvIarks. 389 336 326} 319} 261
The Final ompetition was held at the orthampton Institute, Clerkenwell, London, on 19th May, the judges being \V. Iegaw, l\I.B., of udley, tafford hire, R. B. Duncan, M.D., of London, and A. M. Pollock, LB., of Tunbridge \Vells.
The result was a follow
Railway. 1. outhern (Barnstaple) . . . . . 2. outhern ( outhampton \Vest TO. 1). . . 3. London Iidland & Scotti h (Crewe-Machine Shop) 4. Great "Western (Wolverhampton) . . . 5. London & orth Eastern (Harwich and Parkeston) 6. London & North Eastern (Darlington) . 7. London & Scottish (Salford-Good) 8. Metropolilan. . . 9. Great Western (South Lambeth) marks obtainable: 600.
11 Iarks. 417 391 384 358 336 300 288 278 272
The. Challenge hield, Corbet Fletcher Cup, and prizes were pre ented by LIeut.-Colonel ir Aylmer Hunter-\Veston of Hunterston, K.C.B., D.S.O., R.E., M.P., the Chancellor of the Order.
The eliminating competitions for the Police Forces of England, \Vales, and the Isle ,of ,Man were in Janyary at Liverpool, Darlington, Doncaster, BIrmmgham, Bnghton, Bnstol, Llandrindod V\ ells and London. The winning team in each Di trict represented it in the Final,
·which was held at the Northampton Institute, London, on 26th February. The judges were A. T. Lakin, M.B., of Manchester, and R. C. Cozens, M.B., of Herne Bay, and they placed the teams as follows :-
Police Force.
1. 'Vest Sussex Constabulary 2. Liverpool City Police 3. Durham County Constabulary 4. Doncaster County Borough Police 5. Stoke-on-Trent City Police. 6. Gloucestershire Constabulary 7. City of London Police 8. Cardiff City Police . 9. Great Yarmouth Borough Police Maximum marks obtainable: 520.
371t 360 338 301 300} 300
In the unavoidable absence of 1r. A. hort, M.P., Parliamentary nderSecretary of tate for Home Affairs, the Pim Challenge Cup and the prizes were presented by Lieut.-General ir Aylmer Hunter-\Veston of Hunterston, K.C.B., D.S.O., R.E., M.P., the Chancellor of the Order.
After referring regretfully to the absence of 'Ir. hort, owing to his Parliamentary duties, Sir Aylmer Hunter-\Veston continued: "I kno,:v nothing of more value to the first aid thar: c.om12ebtions. They are of use in that they brmg the splnt of emulatlOn mto the work of ambulance people throughout the country. To-day \ e are dealing with the Police, but the same applies to the railway ambulance men and to the t. John Ambulance Brigade. It is especially nece ary for all members of our splendid Police Forces to have a ound knowledge of ambulance work because their duties are continually bringing them into situations where this knowledge is of immense value."
Reference to the Empire Competitions for teams from over'ca organized in connection with the Centenary will be found on page 12.

Following on the revision of the First Aid Textbook that of the Home Nursing Textbook was begun. It is nearing completion, and its publication may be expected shortly.
The translation of the First Aid Textbook into Gujrati, rdu, and Hindi has been carried out, but the Marathi, Tamil, and Bengali tran lations, permission for which was granted at the same time, have not yet materialized.
The translation of the Preliminary Home Nursing Textbook into Welsh is being held over pending the revision of the English ediLion. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION. Contd. 51
FIRST AID OUTFITS IN THE METROPOLIS. Additional First Aid outfits have been placed in Police kiosks in
Sutton. Carshalton. Banstead. Epsom. Wood Green. Richmond. Kingston. Wandsworth.
They continue to prove of much value.
The Medical Comforts Depots in London have, in the majority of cases, increased their spheres of usefulness. No new Depots have been established, and none has been closed during the year.
MERITORIOUS FIRST AID CERTIFICATES. The Meritorious First Aid Certificate has been awarded to :Stephen Drury, outhern P.C. Frederick Martin Railway (Maidstone 1 East). P.C. 'Villiam Henry Wright P.C. Bertram James Garbutt J' Coventry Fire Brigade. Inspector idney Barnett Langford Chief Officer William H. Cartwright
The Committee reports with great regret the death of two of its members, Major-General James C. Dalton, R.A., its Deputy-Chairman, on the 12th lay, 1931, and ir Herbert D. \tV. Lewis, K.B.E., the representative of the Priory for vVales, on the 23rd January, 1931.
The ervice Medal of the Order was awarded to Albert Winslade in recognition of forty year' service as Honorary Secretary of the Farnham Cent.re of the Association.
The progress of this department during the past year has been satisfactory, although there has been a decrease in the turnover. This may be attributed partly to the general trade depression and partly to the fact that the abnormal sale of the First Aid Textbook, following upon its revision, is now diminishing.
The total number of persons who received first aid assistance during year was 934. The station is open throughout the year, Sundays rncluded.
During the y ar the A sociation has di posed of the Renault, Morris, and the Armstrong iddeley ambulances, and has purchased a Clement Talbot ambulance, of which there are now three in use. The mileage covered was 59,122, and the number of patients carried was 2,017. fany of these were persons in poor circum tances, and were carried free of charge or for a reduced fee for the following in titutions :-The Bermondsey Medical fission, the Blind Association, Bolingbroke Hospital, Brompton Hospital, the Catholic Association (Lourde's Pilgrimage), the Children's Hospital, Paddington Green, the Children's Hospital, Great Ormond Street, the Convent of Mercy, Public Health Departments, Finsbury, etc., Grooms Crippleage, Hospital Saturday Flmd, Hospital Saving Association, the Italian Hospital, I lington
Iedical 1i sion, Jewi h Hospital, Iedical Officers of Health, Metropolitan Hospital, 100rfields (Eye) Hospital, iildmay ledical Mis ion, National Institute for the Blind, National Hospital, Queen quare, Paramount Philanthropic ociety, Prince s Louise Hospital, Royal l'ree Ho pital, Royal Sea Bathing Hospital, Royal Chest Hospital, Royal ational Orthopcedic Hospital, Royal Northern Ho pital, t. Peter's Hospital, St. Thomas' Hospital, St. George's Hospital, the eamen's Ho pital, Invalid Children' Aid Association, and the harity Organization ociety, etc. In addition, the Department ha continued to convey patient to and from the London Light and Electrical Clinic controlled by the Order, and a larger number of patients are availing them elves of the treatment offered at this institution, thereby increasing the number carried.

In June the Order celebrated the centenary of it revival in England, and the occasion provided an opportunity for the a embly in London of a large number of overseas repre entatives of the 'ociation and of the Brigade. All Centres and Districts had be n notified of the programme which had been provisionally arranged to commemorate this historic occasion, and made every endeavour to be adequately represented, but many were handicapped either by the va t distance separating them from headquarters, or by the depre ed condition prevailing throughout the world, or by both. everthele s orne 191 overseas members of the Order, of the Association, and of the Brigade were in London for the Celebrations, and their presence wa very gratifying to the officials of the Order and to those ot.her who had the plea ure of meeting them or of discussing with them matters of intere t or concern to the Order and to the Dominions and Colonies.
Quite a number of the overseas members arrived individually, but the first official contingent came from outh Africa, and wa met at \ aterloo on 15th June by Major-General Sir Percival \Vilkinson, Director of the Ambulance Department, Colonel J. L. leeman, Chief Commis ioner of of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas, Mr. Dent, Lady Superintendent-in-Chief of the Brigade Overseas, and aptain A. . Cahusac, Chief Secretary of the Ambulance Department. The contingent
consisted of seventy-seven members, not including Dr. D. Bennie Hewat, Director of Ambulance and Commandery Commissioner for Southern Africa, and Mrs. Hewat, Colonel W. Booth Skinner, Chief Surgeon, and Mrs. Skinner, Mr. A. F. Williams, Hospitaller and Almoner, and Mrs. Williams, who had arrived earlier.
The next contingent to arrive came from Canada and consisted of twenty-eight members of the Brigade Overseas under the charge of Dr. C. J. Copp, the Commissioner; they came in two parties and, in the unavoidable absence of ir Percival ilkinson and Colonel Sleeman, were met by Mrs. Dent and Captain Cahusac.
The following Dominions and Colonies, whether at Association or Brigade functions, were represented: Australia, eleven members, including 1r. T. H. Henderson and Miss F. A. Read; Bermuda was represented by Mr. F. H. H. Harris; Canada was represented by thirty-eight members, including Captain 1. Vernon, Mr. D. Kemp Edwards, and Mr. J. J. Kinl y; Hong Kong was represented by fiss D. Jaques; India sent thirty- even r presentatives, including ir Henry :Moncrieff mith, ir Reginald Spence, Mrs. Hamlyn, irs. King, Mrs. Battye, and Dr. Dhanjibia Mehta; Kenya sent ix members; Ialta three representatives, including Iajor \V. R. Gatt and Mrs. Mifsud; Jew Zealand was represented by fourteen members, and outhern Africa by eighty-two members.
On 18th June all overseas repre entatives were invited to tea in the Chapter Hall at t. John's Gate, where they were received by the Earl of carbrough, the ub-Prior, and the Countess of Scarbrough, ir Aylmer Hunter-\\T ton, the Chancellor, and Lady Hunter-\Veston, and other Executive Officers and their wives. They were shown round the Library and Museum, and were presented with copies of the History of the Order. The opportunity was al 0 taken to hand each a badge consisting of the Cros of the Order in enamel with a scroll bearing the name of the Dominion or Colony whence they had come.
On 22nd June all members of the Brigade Overseas who would be able to attend the Commemoration ervice in \\ estminster Abbey, or the Review in Hyde Park in uniform, were asked to be present at the Queen's \Vesimin ter Drill Hall in the morning, where they were welcomed by Colonel 1 eman and Mr . Dent. Colonel Sleeman gave them a short address, referred to the various functions which had been arranged, and explained points in connection with the Grand Prior's Appeal for funds to erect new building commemorative of the Centenary. On the previous Saturday, the 20th June, Overseas members of the Brigade had had an opportunity of witne ing the Annual Inspection of the o. 1 (Prince of \" ales's) Di trict of the Home Brigade by the Earl of carbrough, and so were able to familiarize them elves with the parade ground on which they were to appear a week later. A full account of the various functions will be found on pages 7 to 12.
With the Review in Hyde Park the official programme concluded, but a number of additional events had been arranged for the entertainment of visitors from overseas. These included a second Tea Party at St. John's Gate on 1st July, a vi it to the Zoo at Whipsnade, and tea at
the Houses of Parliament given by members of the Order who were also Members of the House of Lords or House of Commons. The whole party was taken round the Houses of Parliament by different members of the Order, who acted as hosts. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales honoured the occasion by attending in person, and shook hands with tho e who had the honour of being presented to him.
The of the Association all parts of the British Empire could not be carned on successfully the co-?peration of the large -?umber of members of the medIcal professIOn who mstruct and examine classes, and of the honorary officials of its Centres and Branches. The and the Committee 'Nish. once again to expre s their deep gratItude to all who have laboured m the cause of Fir t Aid during the past year.
Major-General Sir John Duncan, the Chief Commissioner, reports as follows :-
.1 the to submit my first Annual Report as Chief ommlss:oner, taken over from my predece sor, Major-General Ir PerCIval WIlkinson, K.C.l\LG., C.B., on 13th July, 1931. . AlthOl:gh figures for the period under review only show a moderate Increase In umts and personnel, yet the increa ed amount of work carried out bears testimony to the continued development of the activities of the Brigade.

.Dy:ing 1931 the net increases were 39 Ambulance and ?\ur ing DIVISIOns, 470 men and women, 26 Boy and Girl Cadet Divi ions and 183 boys and girls. '
The following table shows the strength of the Brigade at the end of the year under review:-
England (including orthern
Ireland) Wales Ireland I.F.S. Divisions. Personnel. Men. Women. Total. JlIen. TVomen. TeXai.
Total 1,252 581 1,833 42,544 13,047 55,591 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE AT HOME. Contd. 55
England Wales Ireland
Divisions. Personnel. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. 179 83 1 111 13 1 290 96 2 3,222 1,809 23 2,178 280 27
263 125 388 5,054 2,485 Total. 5,400 2,089 50
I will content myself with quoting the. figures of work perfonned by the Distri.cts and CountIes. I Wlsh, however, to. draw attention to the great mcrease m the Motor Ambula?ce Transport .sIde the Brigade's activites; in. many cases the entIre transport In thls respect is still left to the Bngade to carry out.
The figure show that 216 Motor Amb.ulances were by the Brigade, and during last year were carned .to and fr?m ho pital or nursing homes; thIS compares Wlth 42,081 patIents carned in 1930.
An analy is of the Returns sho,,: that 386,283 cases of accident and sudd n illness are recorded as havrng been attended to. by members of the Brigade, compared with 451,370 cases attended m 1930. were 13,095 attendances at Civil Hospitals by members of the Nursmg Divi ions, compared with 12,035 in 1930.
In thi , my firt year, I have been greatly struck .by the efficiency of the Brigade in meeting all emergenCles and In carrymg out public dutie. In almo t all cases where ac.cidents have occurred memb r attended of the Brigade have generally beer: qUlckly on the injured efficiently. At all Important the. spot and .. ar:d gathering. members of the Brigade have publIc attending in the necessary. IS to menb.o?- In detail th numerous case m WhICh theIr asslstance ha.s been but I would like to draw attention to the followmg outstandmg example :-
The Bentley Colliery Disaster, o. 5 District.-The report reads:" The di a ter occurred on the 20th November, 1931, and the news was sent to the Doncaster Rescue Station that rescue men and ambulance men were required to deal with an explosion. . . " The Donca ter Rescue tation, which comprises the local collienes in that area, i constituted of members who are all members of the t. John Ambulance Brigade. A large number of rescue men a?-d ambulance men re ponded to the call, and w?nderful serv:ce to the victim, many cases of which were very senous owmg to extensIve burn ."
The report goe on to record: "The funeral of the victims took place on the 25th ovember, when 450 Officer, ur ing Sister! and Ambulance men attended under the charge of District Officer Buntmg .. They acted as bearers, attended to three First Aid Stations, and aSSIsted at the
actual interment. They had a very trying experience in the crowd of some 30,000 people, and over 300 cases were treated at the first aid stations during the long interment."
On thi occasion members of the following Corps and Divisions performed mo t valuable services :-
Bentley Colliery Division, Jew Edlington Corps, A kern Main Corps, Brodsworth lain Corps, Doncaster Corp, Harworth Colliery CIa , Denaby lain Corps, and faltby Main Corps.
In regard to tIle routine public duties, th following are typical of the ""or k carried out:-
By No.1 (Prince of \Vales's) Di trict, in connection with the opening of Parliament, Lord Mayor's Show, Armi tice Day at the enotaph, and Road Patrol duty in connection with the chneider Trophy Flight.
By No.2. Di trict.-The Bucks and Hants units in connection with ambulance arrangements over the cour e of the chneider Trophy Flight.
By No.3 (\\'estern) District at the Royal Agricultural ociety' how at \\Tarwick.
By o. 4 Di trict on the occasion of proces ions at lanche ter and Bolton.
By o. 6 District at the Hull Fair, where 632 turns of duty w re carried out.
Ko. 8 (Duke of Connaught's) Di trict, on the occa ion of II.R.II. The Prince of \Vales's visit to Eastbourne; wedding of Lady l\Iay Cambridge at Balcombe, and at the Schneider Trophy Flight. reports I have received, I find that increa ed public duty i in eVIdence at football matches, speedways, dog racing track, and, in fact, wherever crowds assemble. I have evidence that on all uch occa ions valuable assistance has been rendered to the public. .In connection with the work carried out byur ing Divi ion, I WIsh to thank the Lady Superintendent-in-Chief for the great as _ i::,tance given me. since I took over office. In addition to undertaking many mspectIons, the Lady Superintendent-in-Chief arranged 7,44,.1 a\ Hospitals and .Girl Guides' camp. ervice In GIrl GUIdes camps IS not only a serVIce of first-class importance, but a great asset to the Brigade in linking up its work with the " Seniors" of the future.

Easter to September no fewer than 688 First Aid posts were in throughout England and \Vales ; this compares with 550 Fir t AId Posts for the same period in 1930. The figures to hand show that accidents .were treated by our personnel, which compares wIth m 1930 ; .mileage for road accidents are not kept separate by all umts, but the mileage reported by eight Districts totals 37,003.
As my predecessor no section of the work of the Brigade more than that rendered on the highways in dealing WIth motor accIdents.
Owing to the increase in motor t!"affic and the number of accidents, I consider that this serVIce must grow In nnportance. The above figures show that in the various and road accidcnt service is receiving increasing attentIOn, ,?ut I t? Impress on all Commi sioners the necessity of even extending thIS servIce where possibl. I realize that the service great demands on who have to sacrifice much of theIr leIsure hours and holidays to thIS work, but its great importance justifies even further efforts being made to extend it. The work carried out has been of the greatest value to the motoring public, and I tender my grateful thanks to all those who have served on this onerous duty during the past year.
Thc ub-Prior, Iajor-General The Earl of Scarbrough, KG., inspected o. 1 (Prince of \Vales' ) District in Hyde Park.
My precleces or, before leaving office, inspected the Kentish Units of o. 8 (Duke of Connaught's) District at Ramsgate, where the In pecting Officer and Brigade units were the guests of the Ramsgate Corpora hon.
I in pectecl the \Van\1.ckshire Units, S.E. Area W.R. Yorks Units, and urr y and, u ex nits.
The c; 'istant Chief Commis ioner inspected the Bristol Corps, S.-E. Lancs. nit, and the Borough of Reigate Corps.
The Lady upcrintendent-in-Chief inspected personnel of .the follo\ying orp : Birmingham, orthampton, Kettermg, and borough, al 'o Kenti h nit at Ramsgate, and the Barnstaple, PaIgnton, and Torquay ur ing Divi ions.
The ._i tant urgeon-in-Chief inspected the Birmingham Corps, Che.hire enits, and the Paignton Ambulance Division.
The Commi ioner TO. 8 (Duke of Connaught' ) District inspected the Bournemouth orp on my behalf.
In all cases the parades were well organized, and all ranks smartly turned out and showed much keenness in all their movements.
I am plea ed to be able to report the s.upport. recogpition of the Iunicipal Authoriti s and the Police, whIch IS convIncmg testImony of the efficiency of the Brigade. At many inspections the 'layor and Corporation have attended and thus helped to bring the services of the Brigade before the public. I wish particularly to thank the Mayors and Corporation of Ramsgat and Worthing, who not only attended t?e parade officially but invited the principal members to an offiCIal luncheon and the parades to tea.
The Annual Competitions for the" Dewar" and" Perrott" Challenge Shields took place at the Great Central Hotel, London, on 10th May, the results being as follows :-
" Dewar" Challenge Shield: Bricklayers' Arms Division, o. 1 District. 396 marks. " Symons Eccles" Challenge Cup: Brierfield Division, 0.4 District. 393 marks. " Trimble" Trophy: Bricklayers' Arms Division, o. 1 Di5trict.
3rd Wolverton Division, o. 2 District . 4th Great Yarmouth Division, TO. 10 District 5th Plymouth Ct. Division, No.9 District . 6th Desborough Division, o. 3 District . . 7th Cardiff Emergency Division, Priory for \Ya.les. 8th Ashford Station Division, o. 8 District. . 9th Gold thorpe Division, No.5 District 10th Darlington Division, o. 6 District 11 th Shrewsbury Division, o. 7 District
lIIarks. 390 362 361 347 298 290 2 9 266 259
" Perrott" Challenge Shield: Liverpool Tursing Division, o. 4 District. 375 marks. "Corbett Fletcher" Trophy: Llanelly ursing Division, Priory for \Vales. 305 marks. " Chalmers" Trophy: Liverpool ursing Division, No.4 District. " Lady Mountgarrett "Cup (Bedmaking), Ripon ursing Division, TO. 5 District.
3rd Bournemouth ursing Division, o. 2 District . . 4th \Vellingborough Victoria -ursing Division, No.3 lJl lLCL 5th Kingston (Hull) Tursing Division, o. 6 District. . 6th Herne Bay ursing Division, TO. 8 District. 7th Ripon Nursing Division, TO. 5 District . 8th Great Yarmouth ursing Division, TO . 10 Dl!:>lricL 9th E. Croydon and Addiscombe Division, TO. 1 District 10th Oswestry ursing Division, No.7 District 11th Paignton ursing Division, TO. 9 District

jl.!arks. 363 349 349 347 3-l6 334 307 301 290
The Shields, Cups, and Prizes were pre ented by H.R.II. The Duche of York, Dame Grand Cross, Order of t. John, and Commandant-in- hid Nursing Divisions.
It gives me pleasure to record the continued and invaluable help given to these Competitions by Mr. John Iaxwell and If. Joseph Gro sman, of the British International Pictures, Ltd., by providing free of charge all the scenery and actors for the Team Test (men and women).
I als.o desire to place on record the thanks of the Brigade to the Judge. ' Committee, Judges, Organizing Staff, and Stewards for their invaluable services.
These depots continue to serve a real purpose, and during the course of a year articles of all kinds required for the sick room are lent at a mall charge, if any charge at all.
The Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve is at its full establishment, viz. 1,275, and has a long" Waiting List".
During 1931, 1,093 ratings completed a course of seven days' training; this is the largest number on record, and represents 85'7 per cent of the total complement.
The Inspecting Medical Officer reports :-" The individual reports from the Instructing Medical Officers on the Reservists' training were up to the high standard which was attained during 1929 and 1930."
The total strength of the Military Hospitals Reserve is now 1,556, an increase of 239 for the year.
Seven hundred and ten Reservists underwent a week's course of training at a Military Hospital. The reports from the Hospitals at which these men trained sbow satisfaction with the duties performed, and in each case the Reservist was recommended for further training.
There were 242 Voluntary Aid Detachments with a total strength of 7,780, of which 1,632 are mobile members.
The rigade greatly appreciate the important part it was invited to fulfil in the ntenary Celebrations in June.
Th culminating day so far as the Brigade was concerned was the Royal Review in Hyde Park, when just under 4,000 members representative of all ranks were inspected by H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught, K.G. Hi Royal Highness stated that he was most impressed by the mart turn-out of the Nurses and Ambulance men, and by the splendid way they marched past.
The Parade was representative of all parts of the Brigade at Home.
The ard Index y tern originated by my predecessor is gradually nearing completion, and when completed will be of the greate t as istance in d aling with Member' servic s at these Headquarters.
I am indebted to the Officers-in-charge of Units and Secretaries for their willing help, and for the great deal of trouble taken by all of them in correctly completing a set of Index Cards for their Divisions on behalf of the Index ystem at Brigade Headquarters.
I have carefully studied the accounts submitted by the various Corp and Division. These were usually carefully made out in accordance with in tructions. I have been greatly struck by the strenuous efforts which have been made to raise locally the considerable amount of money requir d to carry out the work of the Brigade. The large amounts ubscribed in these hard times i eloquent testimony of the appreciation of the public of the work which is being done and of the untiring efforts of the members of the Brigade to raise the necessary funds. In almost all ca es the Corps and Divisions were living within their means and showed a successful balance credit.