1 ttbe <Branb lDrior\? in tbe :fSrtttsb lRealm of ~be
lDenerable G)rber of tbe 1bospital of St. 30bn of 3erusalem.
Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1946
ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, Telegraphic Address: Firstaid, London. ~
Telephone: Clerkenwell 6644.
ttbe (l;ranb lDrior~ in tbe :Jl3ritisb lRcalnl of \tbe lDenerRble @rber of tbe 1bospital of St. 30bn of 3erusalenl.
Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st Decell1ber, 1946.
Telegraphic Actdress: Firstaid. London .
Tel ephone:
Mission of Sir Thomas Cook to the Ketherlands New Zealancl-raising to Priory Status Obituary . Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem Palestine- the Order's Properties in .
155 7 43
56 61 61 5:~
55 7 11 5-l
] 63 8 4-l
58 S3 -l2
16 ]9 61
-1.7 6-1. 2;)
{Drior}? in tbe 1Brittsb lRealm of ®r~er
Ube IDenerable
Accounts . nn ual Service Appointments Arms of the Order in ScotlandRecording Au stralia-raising to Priory tatus Canada-raising to Priory ~ tatus Church Committee Rerort . Commandery of the A ushalian Commonwealth Committee of the Order for Scottish Affairs . Enthronement of Prelate . Foreign Policy of the Order Finance Committee Report. Form of Bequest General Assembly Honours conferred by H .~I. the Ring Investiture at the Mansion House Library a.nd Museum . Life Saving Awards Mission of Admiral Yiscount :\Iountbatten of Burma KG to Sweden ' ..,
of tbe lbospital of
St. 50bn of 5erusalenl SO\1ereign 1beat)
Priory for W ales 122 Priory in Tew Zcaland 1-1.2 Priory in .'outhem I\ frica I~H Promotions in and . \cl missions to the Order 26 l{hodes- the Property of th e 1fospital1erQ in . . . . 22 Service :'IIeclal \\It h Palm Lea.f -ll Sovereign :\filltary Order of :\Ialta 12 St. John .\ mbulanCL· .\sso latlon. 7:~ SL John Ambulanle Brigade at J lome- Heport of the \L tmg Chief Commisiollt'r ~,2 St Juhn ,\mbulance Brigade at. Home l<elort. of the Surgeonin-Chief . . . . . H7 St. John .\mbulance Brigade at lIome- H.eport of Superintendent-in-Chief 'ursl11g Corps and Di\'isions . . . . 90 SL John Ambulance Brigadl. at HOl11e- l~eport of \c tlIH~ ChId Officer Ambulance Cadet'> 1() 1 St. John Ambulance Brigade at Home-Report of (hId OffIcer ~ 'urSlllg Cadets lO:l S1.. John Ambulance Brigaclc O\'crseas-Eeport of (hief Cummissioner 10(-) St. J uhn Ambulancc Brigade Overseas- H.eport. of Lady Superintendent-in-Chief Nursing Corps and DI\'is llJn" J 1H Sl. John Clinic . ;)-i S1.. John Councils in lhe Cuulllic~ ;)9 Votes of Thanks on "ellulll .f 1
CHAPTER-GENERAL 1st April, 1947
(Brant) lPrtor: G E NE RAL
5 uu:::lPrior: THE
K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., ETC .
KI G, K.C.B., C.M.G., T.D., A.D.C .
Ube otber 1SaiUtf6 <Brant'! Uro55: H.R.H. THE DUKE OF WINDSOR, K.G., K .T., K.P., etc. COLON E L SIR JAMES CLARK , Bt . , C.B., C.M.G., F.R.C.S.ED. MAJOR-GENERAL THE EARL OF ATHLONE, G.C.V.O., D.S.O ., P .C. , A.D.C.
G.C.B. ,
G.C.M . G.,
A, K . . B. , C.ilLG., ('.V.O . , D .S .O.
Ube 100 Sentor lmtgbts
P. C. D.S.O.,
., Rid. LrEUT.-COLOKEL SEABUR E G . .\ . ~I :\lOENS, C.I.E., C.B.E. , IR FRANCIS ?\1. VOULES, Kt ., C.B.E. R I.
M.D. LIEUT.-COLO EL A. ELLIOT, M.D. ?llAJOR E. B. POOLEY, L .R .C. P.(ED.) . COLONEL G. A. ~100RE, C.M.G., D .S. O . , M.D. ~JAJOR R. C. ROBERTS, O .B .E .
Ube 1RepresentaU"e '!knigbts : Knights oj justice
o. FORD,
~be ~mcfatillg
~bc 1Representatf\?e (toIllI11Rntlers: LIEUT.-COLO, EL \VrLLI Al\l \Y. DOVE, T.D., D L. APTAIN THE LORD ITARRIS, ~I C. l\lAJOR-GE 'E RAL FREDERICK V. B. \\ ITTS, C.B., l.B.g., lJ S U , M.t:. CAPTAI PERCY HEAY, lIl.B.E., liLt:.
~be 1Representatf"e ®mcers: LEWIS C. \\ ' HYTE, Esq. THE JIm:.
R. 11.
has the honour t.o submit to the Members and ..:\ssociates of the Order its Report for the year 1916. A
\-1\'IA:-\ S;\llTlJ.
~elllbers of (touncfl on (tbapter:::a;eneral: (ill addition to those sho'IJ./n under other Heading s) THE YrSCOUNT BLEDISLOE, G.C.;\1.G., K.B.E., P.C. THE Ho?-<. JOlIN H. BRUCE. LIEUT.-COL. \\-ILLIAM R. JIORNBY STEER. \YILLI AlII G. PAPE, Esg., O.B.E. APTAIN RUSSELL TEELI£, 1\I.B. TIlE LORD \\'r\KEHCRST, K.C ;\I.G. ilIA]OR ]. FORREST ILuIILTON, ;\1.1).
Ube JExecnU"e ®mcers: (in adJitioll to the Chit! Executive Ojjll C/', shou,1l allm', (/ .~ e//{II/(cll(lI) BRIGADIER \YILLIA;I[ B. G. BARNE, C.B E, D .S.O. R~ce1Ver-General : THE EARL OF CRO;\lER, G.C.B., G ( I.E , G.c.v.O.
Drrec~or of Ambulance: . GENERAL SIR CLl\'E LIDDELL, K.C.B , C.l\! G., C.B.E., D.S.O. Hospltalier: COLONEL SIR ALFRED \\'EBB-JOl-INSON, J3T., K.C.\'.O, C.R.E., )).5.0., T.D., I1I.B., P.R.C.S. Almoner: BRIGADIER-GENERAL Trm E\RL OF P.C.
1' . 1' •• (,.l.\,.O , C.B.E.,
Librarian: :\IAJOR EICHARD \\ ILLIAlIIS, 1I1.R (.S . Ln.C.p., F S \. Hegistrar: COLONEL SIR EDWIN KING, K.c H . ('.~l.C;., T.!) , .\ D.< . Genealogist: :;\IAJOR IR ALGAR HOWARD, K.( . \.O , e .B., ;\I.C. D~ector of ~e~emonies: CHARLES H. C. PIRIE GORDON. Esq , n.s .('., F.S .•\. Chief CommIsslOner of the S1.. John Ambulanc.e Brigade at Home: . LIE~JT:-GENERAL SIR H. R. POWNALL, K.C.B., 1<.B .E., D.S.O . , ~l.C. ChIef CommIsslOner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas: COLONEL SIR JAIIIES L. SLEEMAN, KT ., C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., ~I.\,.() .
:assistant JExecutf"c (3)fficcrs : Assistant Diredor of Ambulance: C.B., C.B.E., D.S . O., M.e.
Ass~stant L~brarian
and Curat.?r: AssIst.ant DIrector of Ceremomes:
Secretat12 of tbe ®rt)er: (who attends, but is not a member oj, Chapter-General) MAJOR-GENERAL J. E. T.
:assistant Secretar12: MAJOR ].
V. B. \\ ITT s,
C.B .
On :t. John's Day, at the happy suggestion of the Bailiff of Egle, t~e Annual ervice before the General Assembly of the Order was held In the ruins of the Grand Priory Church, and as it was in the 0p'en air the and of t.he Royal Artillery was called in to supplem~nt the VOlc~S of ~he hilclren of the Chapel Royal. Chapter-General, In conformIty WIth custom walked in procession from t. John's Gate to the Church, headed by the 'Band. Before the Annual Commemoration ervice, ther.e was a special cer mony in the Cr~Tpt for th~ enthron~ment of the ArchbIsh?p of Canterhurv a. Prelate of the Order In succe SlOn to the late ArchbIshop Lord Lang of Lambeth, who had filled the office for thirty-five yec:rs. The .\rchbishop, who wa supported by two ub-Pr~lates, the BI~hop of Ken ington (:enior Officiating haplain) an~ the l?Ish~p of orwlch, was pre ented to the Pre iding Officer ( olonel Ir EdWIn Kmg, tl:e_ Chancellor, who represented the Grand Prior in the absence through Illne~s of the ub-Prior) and the ecrciary-General read the \\ arrant of Al?po111~ment. " \\,HI~RE.A' the Offic of Prelate of the Grand Pnory 111 the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Ho pital of t. John of .T ertlsalem ha become vacant by the death of the fost Reverend .and Eight Honourable 0 mo Gordon, Baron Lang of Lambeth, Kl11ght Grand Cro of the Royal Victorian Order, l\la ter of Arts of the niv r ity of Oxford anel a Doctor of Divinity, which took place on the fifth day of December last past, I, George Herbert Hyde, Ea~l of Clarendon, Knight of the lost Noble Order of the Garter, Kmght Grand Cross of th Most Distinguished Order of t. Michael and t. George, Knight Grand Cro of the Royal Victorian Order, and Su~ Prior of the aid Venerable Order acting for and on behalf of HIS Royal Highne s Henry \Villiam Frederick lbert, Du~e of Gloucester, Knight of the lost Noble Order of the Garter, Kmght of the 10 t nci nt and 10 t Noble Order of the Thistle, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of t. Michael and St. George, Knight Grar:-d Cross of the Royal Victorian Order and Grand Prior of the sa~d Venerable Order, do hereby appoint the Most Reverend Father m God Geoffrey Francis, Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England and Metropolitan, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford and a Doctor of Divinity to the Office of Prelate of the Venerable Order of t. John of Jerusalem, the said Office to be held during the pleasure of the Grand Prior of the aforesaid Order.
AS \VITI E my hand thi twenty-fourth day of June in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-six." ( igned) CLARE:\TDO , 'lIb-Pr/or. At the invitation of the Presiding Officer, the Archbishop, who wa ve ted in the special cope of the Order and wearing hi Mitre, then took up from the Altar the Cross of hi jurisdiction a Prelate, offered a special prayer for the welfare of all who wear the eight-pointed eros of t. John and for a blessing on their work, Pro Fide and Pro Utilitate Hominum, and then blessed Chapter-General. The Pre iding Officer, on behalf of the Grand Prior, then formally inducted the Prelate into his throne on the outh ide of the Altar. Aftr:r the conclusion of the ceremony, Chapter-General ascended from the Crypt and joined the congregation which was already a sembled in the ruins of the Church above. THE GE ERAL A
E fBL Y.
The Annual General Assembly of 1embers and Associate of the Order was held after the service in the Chapter Hall at t. John' Gate , olonel ir Edwin King, the Chancellor, pre iding. The Chancellor said :(( Confreres and isters of the Venerable Order of the Ho pital of t. John of Jerusalem, I deeply regret to have to tell you that our ubPrior was not well enough to preside over thi A embly today, but I am glad to be able to inform you that he is now on the road to convale cence." The General Assembly on hearing of the indi po ition of the ub-Prior unanimously passed a vote of sincere sympathy, and recorded their earnest hopes that he would soon be completely re tared to health. The Chancellor continued : (( I have to report that one of the most esteemed of our Executive Officers, Colonel Perowne, the Ho pitaller, has recently re ianed his appointment to the great regret of his colleague. Colonel Perowne had been Hospitaller for 13 years, and before that he had been Honorary Secretary of the Hospital Committee for many years. \Ve tender Colonel ~er~wne ?ur earnest hopes that he may be blessed with every happines 111 hIS retIrement. Colonel Perowne has been succeeded in the office of Hospitaller by Colonel ir Alfred \Vebb-Johnson. The Order is extremely fortunate that one \\'ho has risen to such high eminence in his profession should have taken over the responsibility for our Hospital in Jerusalem. \,rVe know well that under his able direction it will go forward and prosper, and spread the good name of our Order throughout the ear East. « I have to report, or rather I need scarcely say report, but draw attention to, the honour that His Majesty has been graciously pleased to confer upon one of our Executive Officers, Colonel ir James leeman, the Chief Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas. Sir James has held .o!frce over no less a period than 16 years, and during that time he has Vlslted every part of the Empire. Few have done more than Sir James to spread the work of our Order beyond the seas. During the time
he has held office, the strength of the Brigade overseas has risen from 12,000 to 76,000. ({ I should like to convey the thanks of this General Assembly to Lady Louis l\Iountbatten for the very valuable work that she has done for the Order during her recent tour in India, Australia and New Zealand. I am also sure that I express the wishes of all of you when I convey on your behalf to Lady Loui our warmes~ congratulations on the great honour that His laJesty has been graciOusly pleased to bestow up?n Lord Loui for the di tinguished services he has rendered to the EmpIre during the late war. (( I have to report with regret that the Ambulance Brigad~ in E~re hc:s now severed its connection with the t. John Ambulance Bngade 111 thIS country. \Ve offer them our heartiest good wishes and hope they will go on and pro per. I think that all of us at the back of our minds cherish the hope that on day we hall see in ,outhern Ireland.a Commandery of our Ord r a in the other Dominion of the British EmpIre. "I hould like, before I call upon our Executive Officers to render their per anal r ports, to refer briefly to what I may call the .home and foreign policy of our Order. \Ve establi hed. or began to establish last year local Council of the Order in the Counties of England, and they have now been brought into being in eight Counties. \Ve hope before this year is out to ee them establi hed in the majority of the remaining Counties. They fulfil, or will ""h n fully e tablished, much the same role on a smaller calc a our Priory for \Vales fulfils in that Principality. "A r gards the foreign policy of the Order, after her late Majesty Queen Victoria of bles ed memory was grac~ously ple~s.ed to bestow ~pon us that Charter which gave us an established posltIon as a NatiOnal Order of hivalry, relation still remained non-existent with the Sovereign Military Order in Rome. During the war, our representatives have been brongh-t into contact in Rome with the representativ:es. of His ~ost Eminent Highness the Grand l\laster. Out of that assoClatiOn has ansen th rna t happy result, and thi Order is at la t in that position of cordial and intimate relationship with the overeign 1ilitary Order that we have alway de ired. These happy relations have been firmly cemented by the recent visit to Rome of ir Harry Luke, on a special mission from our Order, and "ve now have at the Court of the Grand Master our own liaison officer, Brigadier Armitage. (( ir Thomas Cook went on a similar special mission to the Ietherlands, and e tablished contact with the Grand Master of the Order of St. John in the Netherlands. There he received the most cordial reception and we have had the most gracious message from the Grand Master. Vie hope, with the approval of the Foreign Office, that we shall be able to have our own liaison officer in the Netherlands. It is in tended to send a similar mission to weden, and we hope that thi visit will have the same happy results as the visits to Rome and the Netherlands. Out of this building up of close relations with the various Orders of t. John in foreign lands, some of us dream that perhaps one day we may see an International League of the Orders of t. John throughout the world that will play much the same part in works of charity and humanity that the Red Cross is able to playas an International Organization.
(( I shall now call upon our Executive Officers for their Departmental reports." Thereupon Brigadier \V. G. B. Barne, ecretary-Geneml, General ir Clive Liddell, Director of Ambulance and Acting Chief Commi ioner t. John Ambulance Brigade at Home, ir Hred \Vebb-John on, Ho pitaller, Major R. \Villiams, Librarian, and olanel ir Jame Ie man, Chief Commissioner St. John mbulance Brigade Oversea, gave their report on the work of their re pective departments during the past year. The Chancellor in summing up aid:" \Ve have all listened with the greate t intere t and I am ure with the greatest pride to the reports we have ju t hcard. They enable us to realize and to see clearly that our Order, far from standing till, is advancing and developing in every po ible direction. There are just thrce comment I should like to make upon the e report . The first is about this beautiful collection of l\lalte. c ih' r from Commander Inglefield to which the Librarian referred. It i now on how in the Chancery for any of you to inspect, who desire to do o. " The second is with reference to the report of the Hospitaller. I am authorized to tell this General Assembly that our ub-Prior i detcrmined that our hospital shall lack for nothing, and whatever ir .\]fred \VcbbJohnson asks for, I am perfectly certain he will receive from th :ubPrior and Chapter-General. " Thirdly, we expected that as a resul t of the war, the Brigacl would necessarily fall in strength, because in times of cri is the nation is mis d to the highest pitch of patriotic enthusiasm, \'\'hich we can carcely exp~ct to maintain in normal times of peace. \V'e knew that it must fall, but it has not fallen in strength as it fell after the last war, and it alrcady seems evident that a permanent advance has been made, a very gratifying reward to the devoted efforts of General ir Clive Lidd 11, the cting Chi [ Commissioner at Home. Our t. John Ambulance Brigade rcmain a it always has been and always will be, the brightest jev\,'el in the crown of our Order." The Bailiff of Egle, the Earl of haftesbury, then proposed a vote of thanks to the Chancellor in the following terms :(' Confreres. This is the end of our business to-day, but it remain for us here present to express our very grateful thanks to our Chancellor for the efficient manner in which he has presided over this Assembly in the absence of our Sub-Prior. I propose that a very hearty vote of thanks be accorded to him from this General Assembly for his very distinguished and able conduct in the Chair." A vote of thanks to the Chancellor was unanimously carried by the General Assembly. The following letter was subsequently received by the SecretaryGeneral from the Sub-Prior :It
Dear Secretary-General, I write to thank you very much for sending me a copy of the resolution passed at the General Assembly on the 24th June. Please express to the Assembly my warm appreciation of their kind resolu-
hon of sympathy with me in my illness, which I profoundly regret prevented me from attending the ceremony on St. John's Day. Yours sincerely, CLARENDON.
THE FOREIG POLl Y OF THE Ol-{DER. lIi~tori oally the most important development in our Order during the la t few years has been the e tablishment of relations of the most cordial and intimate nature with the various Orders of t. John in foreign lands, and out of the e relations omething like a definite Foreign Policy is gradually volving. The foundation of a foreign policy were laid down by that wisest and greatest of all our ub-Priors, the late Earl of Scarbrough, who realized from th very beginning of his long period of office, the desirability of tabli bing fraternal relations with all branches of the Order throughout Europ. In the Pilgrimag of lD26 the international importance of the I ri ti. 11 reI r of t. John wa first rev aled, and its reception in Venice, in Malta, in I~hode , and in the HoI Land by individual members of the :over ign Military Order wa of a most gratifying nature. Bv hi. tact and courte y and diplomatic kill, Lord carbrough, ably a i. ted hy hi enthusia ti hancellor, the late ir Avlmer Hunter-Weston, broke clo'~'n completely the formidable barrier exi {ing until then between our Order and tIle A ociation of Engli h Knights of the overeign l\1ilitary Order and he had begun to establi h contact with the Command rie of the J ohanniterorder in Holland and vveden, when the outbreak of war checked for a tim any further developments. The la t two year have witnessed the revival of Lord Scarbrough's plan , anrl a Ycry definite ad"ance has been made along the road, which he always hoped that our Order would follow. The fortunes of war and the military occupation of Italy brought us into close contact with the rcpre entatives of the overcign Military Order, and out of tho e contacts the mo t friendly relations followed, which resulted in that historic letter of the 15th Mav, 19 ~15, written bv our Sub-Prior to the Grand Master Prince Chigi Albani. That letter was followed up in the late autumn by the lission of ir Harry Luke to Rome which placed our relations with the overeign Order on a correct diplomatic and official ba i , and r sulted in the appointment by our Order of a permanent Liai on Officer at t.he Court of the Grand Master, the first to hold that appointment being Brigadier E. L. Armitage, O.B.E. During 194G our Foreign Policy has become of continually increasing importance. In June, ir Thoma Cook, who was accompanied by Lady Cook, was sent on a special Mission to the now independent Knightly Order of St. John in the Netherlands, and in the autumn Admiral Viscount Mountbatten, accompanied by Viscountess Mountbatten, went on a special Mission to the Knightly Order of St. John in Sweden. Both Mission~ received the most cordial of welcomes, and arrangements are now bell1g made for the appointment of permanent Liaison Officers of our Order at the Hague, and at Stockholm. These developments have
met with the full approval of the Foreig~ Office, whic~ ?as agreed to allow an Attache at each of those EmbassIes to act as LIaIson Officer of our Order. After the various Peace Treaties have been signed, it is hoped to e tablish similar relations with the ancient Bailiwick of Brandenburg, and with the Commanderie of the J ohanniterorder in Hungary and Poland if they are found to have survived the destruction of war. Provided that the Grand 1aster of the overeign Military Order approves, it i also hoped to establish direct rel.ati.ons with ~he G.rand Priory of Bohemia-Au tria and with the AssoClatlOns of Kmghts m Rheno-\\ estphalia, in France: pain, and Portugal, and above all in the nited tates of America. Perhaps the day may yet come, when arising out of the initiative of the British Order of St. John, we may see an International League ?f all the various Orders of _ t. John throughout the world, under the pre Iden~y.of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order, pledged to do all m It power to bring about a real Christian Bro~her~ood of Man, devoted to and co-operating in all good works, and ever mspI:-ed by the last words of our Blessed Saviour, " A new commandment I gIve unto you, that 'e lov one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciple, if ye have love one to another."
JOW KNO\V YE that I, reposing especial confidence in the discretion and faithfulness of our worthy brother Brigadier Edward Leathley Armitage, an Officer of our said Venerable Order, and an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, have appointed, and I do by these Presents appoint him, the said Brigadi~r Edward Leathley Armitage to be a Liaison Officer betwee.n the. s~ld Venerable Order and the overeign Military Order aforesaId. GIvmg and granting to him in that character all necessary aut~ority for the promotion of relations of friendship, .good understanding and harmonious intercourse between the saId Venerable Order and the overeign Military Order aforesaid, an,d for the protection and furtherance of the interests confided to hI care. And I ther fore request all those whom it may concern to receive and acknowledge our said worthy brother Brigadier Edward Leathley Armitage as such Liaison Officer as afor~said, and freely, to communicate with him upon all matters whIch may appertam to the object' of the mi ion to which he is hereby appointed. GIYEN at t. John' Gate the fourteenth day of Jan':lary, in the vcar of Our Lord one thou and nine hundred and forty- IX. By the Sub-Prior's Command, (Signed) ED\\'IN
The cordial relations between the overeign Military Order and our own Venerable Order, so happily establi hed by ir Harry Luk ' Mi sion last year, were continued and strengthened during 19~6 by ar: exchange of courtesies between the Sub-Prior and His Most Emment Highne s the Grand Master. Early in the year, the appointment of Brigadie~ E. L. Armitage, O.B.E., as Liaison Officer b~tween the two Ord.ers (whIch had been recommended in the report of Ir Harry Luke publIshed last y~ar) was made by the Sub-Prior acting on behalf of H.R.H. The Grand Pnor. His Commission as Liaison Officer reads as follows :George Herbert Hyde Villiers, Earl of Clarendon, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the 1'110 t Distinguished Order of St. Michael and t. George, Kni~ht Gran? Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Lord Chamberlam of HI Majesty's Household, and one of His Majesty's Most Hor:ourable Privy Council, Sub-Prior and Lieutenant a~d I?eputy o~ ~IS Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, Grand Pnor m the Bnhsh Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, at present Governor-General in Australia. . To All and Singular to whom these Presents shall come, Greetmg. WHEREAS it appears to me expedient to nominate some brother of our said Venerable Order of approved discretion to be a Liaison Officer in the City of Rome between the said Venerable Order and the Sovereign Military Order of Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, called " of Malta ".
The following Letter of Credence dated 17th Janu~ry, 194~, ,was sen.t by the ub-Prior to His Most Eminent Highness Pnnce ~hIgl Albam, Grand Master of the overeign Military Order of the Hospitallers of t. J olIn of Jerusalem, called " of Malta". Your ,!\fost Eminent Highness, Being de irou to maintain without interruption the relations of friend hip and good understanding which happily subsist between our two Orders, acting by and with the authority of His Royal Highness the Grand Prior, at present Governor-General in Australia, and by virtue of my office as ub-Prior and Lieutenant and Deputy of His Royal Highness, I have made choice of our worthy brother Brigadier Edward Leathley Armitage, an Officer of our Venerable Order and an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empi;e, to act whilst residing in Rome in the character of Liaison Officer between our two Orders. I doubt not that he will merit your approbation and goodwill by a trict cbservance of the instructions that he has received to evince to you the constant friendship of our Venerable Order, and of its sincere desire to preserve and advance on all occasions the interests and happy relations of our two Orders. I therefore request that you will grant a favourable reception to our said Liaison Officer, and that you will give entire credence to all that he shall represent to you in the name of our Venerable Order, especially when in obedience to his instructions he shall assure you of the esteem and regard of our Venerable Order, and of its hearty wishes for the welfare and pros-
of t. John of ] erusalcm, still absent in Australia, I tender you our warmest thanks for the interesting and valuable gift of portrait medals, which you have so graciously presented to our Venerable Order. They will be deeply appreciated by all the brethren uf our fraternity, as the outward sign of those relations of friendship and good understanding which have been so happily established between our two orders. I have the honour to be, Your Highness's humble servant,
perity of the Sovereign Iilitary Order of Ho pitallers of St. ] ohn of Jerusalem, called" of Malta". I have the honour to be, Your Highness's humble ervan t , ( igned) CL RENDOI ub-Prior. On 29th January, 19.,16, Brigadier Armitage was received by the Grand Master and presented his commis ion of appointment as Liaison Officer. He subsequently received the following I tter dated 23rd I'ebruar " 19 In, from the Grand Master : ir, The Earl of Clarendon, by his letter to me of 17th] anuary, Hl4G, informed me that he had selected you to act in the character of Liaison Officer between the Grand Priory in the Briti h R ealm antI the Sovereign Military Order of Malta . . I now write this personal letter to 'ou to express very great pleasure at receiving this letter announcing your appointment, which you handed me on Tuesday, 2~lth J anuar , when pres nting your official credentials The fact that you have been officially appointed to act as Liai. on Officer between the Orders during your re 'id nce in H.ome i yet another proof, if such were indeed needed, of the frat rnal feelings which now exist, and which have given the gr at st ati faction, not only to myself, but to all members of the 'over ign Order of Malta. I take this opportunity of saying once more that I welcome yonr appointment from a personal as well as from an official po in t of view, as I am well aware of your own great intere t in all matters which affect our common interest. You have been kind enough to give many practical expressions of assistance in keC!ping me so well informed through the British Red Cross messages of the whereabouts and welfare of many members of the overeign Order in 1 orthern Italy and in Austria, also by arranging through your Organization the transport of certain essential supplies of food to Vienna, and the distribution of Prisoner of War parcels to our Hospital in Milan. Please accept our most grateful thanks. Very sincerely yours, ('igned) LUDOVICO CIIIGT ALBANT.
( igned) CLARENDO , Sub-Prior. On the occasion of the a ward of the Collar of the Order of the Annunciata to the Grand Ma ter by His late Majesty King Umberto, the 'ub-Prior wrote the following letter of congratulation dated 3rd ] uly, 191G, to Prince Chigi Albani :Your l\1o ~ t Eminent Highness, 1\,lay I, Ol~ beh~lf of the lembers of the Grand Priory of the Order of . t. John m thIS country, convey to you our most sincere congratuIt;~lOn on th gr~at honour bestowed upon you by His late Majesty h .ll1g mberto, m the award of the Collar of the Annunciata a d coration renowned throughout Europe for its historic associati~ns ancl its great dignity. . I can as. ur~ Your :l\1ost Eminent Highness that this news has gl \'en the hvehe t ati faction among rembers of the Order of St. John throughout the British Empire, who feel that an honour to the Grand l\1aster of the Sovereign 1ilitary Order of Malta is an honour to al~ who serve under the eight-pointed cross. May I agam repeat our profound congratulations. I have the honour to be, Your l\Iost Eminent Highness's humble servant,
The Sovereign Order made a valuable and interesting gift to the Order of portrait medals of the reigning Grand Master. These are now in the Museum at St. John's Gate. The Sub-Prior warmly thanked the Grand Master for this gift, on behalf of all the Members of the Order, in the following letter : Your Most Eminent Highness, In the name of His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, Grand Prior in the British R ealm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital
(Signed) CLARE JDON, Sub-Prior.
Brigadier Armitage and his .w.ife had the honour to be invited by the ~rand.Ma t~r. to attend a rehglOus ceremony held in the Chapel of the overelgn l\Ithtary Order on the Aventine Hill on 23rd June- the Feast of. .t. John, .th.e Pa.tron aint. of the Order. This was a very special pnvllege and It IS belIeved that It was the first time that a Protestant had ever been asked to such a ceremony. The follo'vvino- is an extract of a letter subsequently written by Brigadier Armitage to the Secretary of the Order: '~ We 'were met at the en~rance of the Grand Master's Villa by Balon Malfatto who was actmg as Master of Ceremonies. He conducted ~s through the gardens to the Chapel and led us to a seat appropnately enough under the banne~ representing the English langue-the old cross of England quartermg the leopards of England and the fleur de lys of France.
" The Grand Master, in black, was seated on his throne with the High Officers of the Order sitting in the choir stalls-profes ed Knights in their black mantles with the eight-pointed cro s in white, prelates of the Order, monsignori, in purple with the cross in white on the right side of their capes and the Cross of the Order suspended from a broad black riband hanging round their necks. ardinal Tedischini, in scarlet and black, sat behind the Grand :Mast r. The Service was most impressive with its curious mixture of splendour and simplicity. " I am very sensible of the signal honour which wa paid to my wife and me in being invited to what is the most intimate and devout ceremony of the whole year. The Order will be glad to know how highly the Sovereign 1ilitary Order regard the rapprochement between the two Orders." In the absence of the Sub-Prior through illnes ,the hancellor wfote the following letter of thanks dated 1 t October, 19H5, to the Grand Master for the great privilege conferred upon Brigadier rmitage and his wife. Your Most Eminent Highness, In the absence of the Sub-Prior, who I greatly regret to inform you has not of late been at all well, I have the honour to thank you in the name of His Royal Highness The Grand Prior and of the Order for the honourable and cordial reception that you have granted to Brigadier E. L. Armitage, our Liaison Officer to the over ign Order. I am informed that you accorded to Brigadier Armitage and his ~fe the hi~h h0!10ur of inviting them to attend the religiou ceremony III connectIOn WIth the Feast of t. John which was held in the Chapel of the Sovereign Military Order on the 23rd June. The ub-Prior instructs me to convey to you how much this privilege has been appreciated by him and how grateful the Grand Priory is to you and the Grand Officers of the Sovereign Iilitary Order for their courtesy and kindness to Brigadier and Lady Katherine rmitage. The cordial and fraternal relations which now exist between the Sovereign Military Order and our Grand Priory are deeply valued and appreciated in all the establishments of our Order throughout the Empire. I have the honour to be, Your Highness's most humble and obedient servant, (Signed) EDWIN KING, Chancellor. THE KNIGHTLY ORDER OF THE HOSPITAL OF ST. JOHN OF JERUSALEM IN SWEDEN . MISSION OF ADMIRAL VISCOUNT MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA, K.G.
In September, 1946, Viscount and Viscountess Mountbatten of Burma undertook a special mission to Sweden for the purpose of re-establishing those cordial relations, which existed prior to the late war, between the
British Order of t. John and the J ohanniterorden I verige. Viscount Mountbatten bore with him the following letter, dated 12th August, 1946, from the ub-Prior to Count Eugene von Rosen, the Grand ~laster of the wedish Branch of the Knightly Order of the H ospital of t. John of J erusalem : Your Excellency, Being de irous to re-establish those happy relations of friendship and good understanding which existed between our two Orders, prior to the tragic events of the late vVar, acting by and with the authority of His R oyal Highness the Grand Prior, at present GovernorGeneral in Australia, and by virtue of my office as ub-Prior and Lieutenant and Deputy of Hi Royal Highness, I have made choice of our worthy brother Admiral The Lord Louis Mountbatten, Knight Grand Cro s of the Royal Yictorian Order, Knight Commander of th ~lost H onourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Distinguished ervice Order, and a Knight of Grace of our Venerable Order, and our worthy sister The Lady Louis 10untbatten, Dame ommander of the Royal Victorian Order, Commander of the 10 t E:..:cellent Order of the British Empire, and a Dame Grand Cross of our said Venerable Order, a pecial Envoys to convey to Your Excellency a warm expres ion of the fraternal sentiments of our said \ ' enerable Order. I doubt not that they will merit your approbation and goodwill by a strict ob ervance of the instructions that they haye received to evince to you the can tant friendship of our Venerable Order, and of it incere desire to preserve and advance on all occa ions the interests and happy relations of aUf two Orders, and to ensure their mutual collaboration in the holy cause of Christian charity, whereever and whene\'er circum tances may render it possible. I therefor request that you will grant a favourable reception to our said pecial Envoy and that you will give entire credence to all that they hall repr ~ent to you in the name of our Venerable Order, especially when in obedience to their instruction they shall ass~lre you of the esteem and regard of our Venerable Order, and of ItS hearty wishes for the welfare and pro peri ty of the wed ish Branch of the Knightly Order of the H ospital of St. John of Jerusalem. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's humble Servant, CLARENDO .. ,
ub-Prior. T~e following report dated 3rd October, 194 6, was subsequently received from Viscount Mountbatten : My dear Lord Clarendon, During our recent visit to Stockholm, my wife and I arranged to present your letter of credence to the Grand Master of the Swedish Branch of the Knightly Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem. On Wednesday, the 18th eptember, 1946, we vvere received hy Count Eugene von Rosen , the Grand Master, at the H ouse of )Jobility. B
REPORT OF THE CII \.PTER-GENERAL. He led us into the Council Chambcr of this beautiful eighteenth century building, one of the finest in weden, and introduced us to his High Officers. I then presented the letter of credence and the four commemorative medals in the cour e of the follo\ving address :_ " Kommendator, " l\Iy wife and I come as pecial envoy of the, ub-Prior, thc Earl of Clarendon, acting on behalf of the Grand Prior, IIi Eoyal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, at present Governor-General of Australia, of the Grand Priory in the British Rcalm of th Venerabl Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, to bring thcir greetings to you, Kommendator, and to all the "l\1embers of th \vedi ' h Branch of the Knightly Order of the Ho pitalof t. John of J erusalcm , known a the J ohannitcrorden I verige. " 1\1y fir t duty i to hand ovcr to you, Kommenclaior, ih lctter of credcnce which my wife and I bring from th e Grand Priory in the British Realm. . "My econd duty is to cQ]wey to you all the high c-;teeJl1 and regard of our Venerable Order and its hearty wishes for the welfare and prosperity of the wedish Branch of the Knightly Ordcr of the Ho pital of t. John of Jerusalem. . " The Order of t. John is the only Order of chi\'alry to ha\'e international affiliations and to be devotcd prin cipally to philanthropic work. ." Already our Venerable Order has cnt pccial envoy t establi h fnendly relations with the overeign Military Order of Malta in Rome, and with the Netherlands Branch of th Knightly Onler of St. John of Jerusalem at the Hague. " \Ve feel that only good can come from thc 'e intcrnation,ll friendships at a time when the world is still suffcring from ix de\'<1statillg years of war. " I should like to add that although both mv wife and I 11<1\' been Members of our Venerable Order for twe-nty years, 'he ha ' played a far more active part than 1. 1 Tot only i she one of the very few Dames Grand Cross of the Order, bu-t for s veral v ars now she has been the Superintendent-in-Chief of the 60,000 women of.the Nursing Divisions of the t. John Ambulance Brigade, maintamed by our Order, who have been, and still are, undertaking nursing and relief work in all parts of the world. ." ~y third and final duty is to ask you, Kommendator, for permISSIOn to present on behalf of our Venerable Order medals which were struck in 1926 to commemorate the pilgrimage of our Venerable Order to Jerusalem to visit the great Ophthalmic Ho pital which our Order has erected there on the site of the original Convent of the Order. " These medals bear the head of our late Grand Prior, my great uncle, His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, the grandfather of your own Prince Gustaf Adolf. ~' There is one silver gilt medal for the Grand Master. May I hand thIS personally to you, Count von Rosen, as a symbol of goodwill between the British Grand Priory and the wedish Branch of the Knightly Order.
" There is one silver medal for the First Vice-President, 1'.1r. Von Krusenstjerna which I will now give to him. " And there' are two bronze medals, respectively intended for the Treasurer, Count Lewenhaupt, and the Secretary, Major Reuterskiold, which I will now present to each of them. . " May I conclude by thanking the wedish Branch of the Kmghtly Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem,. throu&,h you, KOl11mendator, for the extremely friendly receptIOn whIch has been accorded to my wife and myself, here in Stockholm, as the special envoys of the Grand Priory in the British Realm." . Count von Rosen replied, expressing on behalf of the Swe?lsh Branch their incere delight and gratification that the Grand Pnory in the Briti h Realm should have seen fit to send special envoys to the wedish Branch with greetings and good wi hes for the wel!are and pro perity of the wedish Branch. He stated that th~se feehng were warmly reciprocated and asked me to convey thIS mes age to you. He then presented to a 11 of us a copy of the most rece~t publication, giving particular of their Branch. These I am sendmg to you under separate cover. ... . ft r this we were shown over the House of NobilIty m whIch the w dish Branch has the privilege of holding their meetings. Yours sincerely, MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA. THE KNIGHTLY OH.DER OF THE HO PIT. L OF T. JOHN OF JERU ' ALElI I THE NETHERLANDS. THE 1'.1rssIO OF IR THOMAS COOK. In June, 1946, ir Thomas Cook, Commander of the Order, was entru ted with a special mission to the Netherlands, for the purpose of re-establi hing those cordial relations which had existed before the war between the British Order of t. John and the Dutch Commandery of the J ohannifter Order. ir Thomas Cook bore with him the following letter dated 1st June from the ub-Prior to Baron van Lynden, Grand laster of the Netherlands Branch of the Knightly Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem : -
/ 1
Your Excellency, Being desirous to re-establish those happy relations of friendship and good understanding which existed between our two Orders prior to the tragic events of the late war, acting by and with the authority of His Royal Highness the Grand Prior, at present GovernorGeneral in Australia, and by virtue "of my office as Sub-Prior and Lieutenant and Deputy of His Royal Highness, I have made choice of our worthy brother, Lieutenant-Colonel ir Thomas Cook, Knight, and a Commander of our Venerable Order, as a pecial Envoy to convey to Your Excellency a warm expres ion of the fraternal sentiments of our said Venerable Order.
I ~oubt not that he wil~ merit your approbation and goodwiU by a stnct observance of the InstructIOns that he has received to evinc t? you the. constant friendship of our Venerabl Order, and of it smcere deSIre to preserve and advance on all occa ion the interests and happy relations of our two Order, and to en ure their mutual collaboratio? in the holy cause of Christian charity, wherever and whenever CIrcumstance may render it po sible. I ther~fore r~quest that you will grant a favourable reception to our sald SpeCIal Envoy, and that you will give entire credence to all that he shall represent to you in the name of our enerable Order, especially when in obedience to his in truction he hall ass~e you of ~he esteem and regard of our Venerable Order and of ItS hearty wIshe.s for the welfare and prosperity of tIl Knightly Order of the HospItal of t. John of Jerusalem in the therlands. T
I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's humble servant, LAHENDO l ,
'ub-P rz'or.
Si.r Thomas Cook, who was accompanieu by Lady ook, wa formally receIved by the Grand Master at the Headquarter of the Order at the Hague on 13th June, when the Grand l\Iaster delivereel th following speech of welcome :ir Thomas and Lady Cook, It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you here on behalf of the Chapter of the ~utch Order of t. John. We highly appreciate ~hat you, .a~ a speclal envoy of the ub-Prior of the Grand Priof\! m the BntIsh Realm o~ the Ven~rable Order of the Hospital St. John of Jerusalem,. ':"lth .your WIfe, Lady ook, who is an Officer of the Order, should VlSIt us In order to get into personal touch wi th our Order and to strengthen and tighten the ties which join vour Order and ours. . The. gener~l object of bo.th our Orders is to serve mankind by rende:Ing asslstanc~ to the SIck, wounded, and invalid, and generally spea~ng, to suffenng people, and to relieve human sorrow. Our spec~al ~ask? however, is to take care of wounded and suffering soldlers In tIme of war. These hig.h id~als .bind million~ of.well-inte.n~i?ned people together and by thelr faIth In law and JustIce the CIVIlIzed Christian world may be saved from destruction. I say" may be saved" as the present aspect of the world is not. v~ry ~opeful. After the~e years of struggle and nameless sorrow, It IS WIth great anxiety that we wonder what the future will bring us. A.s long as the commandment of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Chnst, to love o~r fellow-creatures as ourselves, is not obeyed, and on .the contrary IS set at ~aught by discord, hatred, and envy, war, WhICh results from all thIS, must continue to exist with all its conseq~ences. The struggle for peace can be won only by personal sacnfice.
t I
Our task now is to take part in the recovery and reconstruction of all those moral values which the war has unfortunately destroyed o thoroughly, We have to exert our utmost strength and to mobilize mankind for this purpose. In the struggle for peace it is essential that all those actuated by the same principles should co-operate in the work of reconstruction. Here in the Netherlands we all witnessed the magnificent work your Order performed in co-operation with the Red Cross, and I am very grateful for the opportunity of paying homage and expressing our thankfulness to you in the name of my countrymen, not only for this splendid work, but also for the aid of the British Army, which together with the Canadian troops liberated us from German barbarism. Aft r five years of great humiliation and of inhuman treatment, we have recovered our freedom, and I remember with great re pect all those who gave their lives for this great cause. There is a proverb that run : " A friend in need is a friend indeed," and one of your author said: "In prosperity our friends know us, in adver ity W know our friend." \Ve shall never forget the aid you 0[[ r d to u in our need and adversity. This, I think, has bound our two countries t.ogether in ties of friendship, \Ve are trying to improve and strengthen our Order and are taking the magnificent organization of your Order as an example. :\Iuch time, much work, and great devotion will be necessary to gain the de ired result, hut" where there i a will, there is a way". We highly appreciate your aid in showing us the way we haye to follow. I hop that this meeting ma lead to new ties of friendship, and to mutual appreciation and understanding. Our Order is as poor as our country after being plundered and looted by the Germans, so we cannot afford much. But I should esteem it a favour if you would accept a a souvenir of this assembly, two little books, the statutes and regulations of our Order and the hi tory of our Order. On hi return to England ir Thomas Cook rendered the following report concerning his mission, in a letter to the Chancellor dated 19th June :" My wife and I flew from Croydon to Schiphol, the airport for Amsterdam, and continued by road to the Hague, where we arrived on the evening of the 12th. The following day I presented my letter of credence to the Grand Master, Baron van Lynden, who was accompanied by the Chancellor, Jonkheer Quarles van Ufford, B~ron val' Tuyll, 1aster of \Vorks, the Treasurer, Jonkheer Laman Tnp, Jonkheer van Asch van Wijck, First Knight of the Chapter, and Jonkheer van Beyma, econd Knight of the Chapter. " Th~re are in t~e Order, 180 Knights of two grades (i.e. Knights of JustIce and Kmghts of Grace), there being no other members of lesser degre~. The pre-war :r:nembership was 220, and it is proposed to :e-e~tabhsh that number In the near future. The Prussian Eagle, whlch IS at present included in the insignia, is to be replaced by the Netherlands Lion. " After the reception, we proceeded at mid-day to the Headquarters of the Netherlands Red Cross Society, of which H.R.H. Princess
Juliana is ~resident. I was recei ved by the Director-General, Jonkheer van Ketwick Verschuur, and the members of the ommittee and afterwards lunched with Jonkheer Beelaerts van Blokland' the Lord Pr.esident of the tate Council. In the afternoon, accomp~nied by officIals of the Red Cross ociety, we wer taken to visit the warehouses at Rotterdam, containing goods ent from various quarters for the relief of the population. " That evening I was the guest of honour of the Chapter of the Order at the Royal Restaurant at the Hague, and repli d to a spe eh of welcome from the Grand Master. Later we went on t.o the (a tl of Zuylen near Utrecht, where we were the guest of Baron and Baroness van Tuyll. " The next day, l·ith June, we vi ited the ea tIe of Doorwerth which was the pre-war sea.t. of the Assembly of the Knight, b11t completely destroyed durmg the Battle of Arnh m. \Y aLo aw the Castle of terkenburg, under consideration as th new eat of the Assembly, an~ .in pass~ng ,-i ited the cemetery COil blining tIl 1,~?0 graves of ~ntIsh solc1Iers who fell in the fighting in that ar a. After lund~mg a~ Oosterbeek wi th Jonkheer J. Be lacrts van Blokland, Coadjutor m the Order, and brother to the Lord President of the State ~ouncil, we .v~sited the hospitals at Amerong nand Bennekon, whlch are subsldlsed by the Order. \Ve din c1 t.hat night at the Castle of Zuglen as the gu sts of Baron van TU\'l1 \\ ho im'ited a number of Knights of the Order to meet u '. \Ve the~ wen t on t.o th;, Hag~e and ret~ned t~ London by air, via ~chiphol, on the 15th. I gamed. the lmpre ~lOn that t.his exchange of ('ourtesi£' was muc~ apprecIated, and WIll go far towards establi hing fUI tll r good relatlOns between our two countries and particularly between the members of our two Orders."
THE ANCIE T PROPERTIE ' OF THE HO ' PITALLEl{, 11 THE I LAND OF RHODE . . The connection of the Knights Ho pitallers \vith the Island of Rhod.es IS too well known to need repetition here, and t.he preservation of the property o.f that Venerable Order there with all its associations must comJ?end Its.elf to all who wear the eight-pointed cross. The Order i ' partIcularly mterested in the churches in the i land and the Hospice of EngJand. The church.es in question, and their present condition, are a follows:Santa Marta della Vittort"a.-Now a complete ruin, not sufficient visibl to make any sort of reconstruction feasible. San P.alltaleone.- tanding alongside, and of the same date as the above, VIZ., 1480. Built by Grand 1aster d'Aubusson as an Orthodox Church for the use of. the Greeks. Still in a good state of repair. From 1522-1912 vyas a Tu~kIsh Mosq~e, from 1912-1945 a Customs House, since 19.4!i a PO~lC~ tatlOn, and shll used for that purpose by the British MIlItary MlsslOn. Santa Maria de! Castello. -T~lis church is in a good stat.e of preservation. From 15?2- 1932.1t was a Turkls~ Mosque, known as the Enderin Mosque. In 1939 It was glven by the Itahan Government to the overeign Order.
The ownership is now registered in the name ?f the \VA~{F .. ~he admini tration of the W AKF in Rhodes does not wIsh to see thIS bUIldmg pa s into Greek owner hip. ~rhe \VAK~ would therefore like to. present t.his building to the overeign Order m exchange for educatIonal or medical work in the city of equivalent value. .\ s regards the other churches in Rhodes, belieyed or known to .hc~.ve exist d during the days of the Knights of t. John 111 Rhodes, the eXlstmg sit.uation i a follows:, an Giovanni is now destroyed. 'anLa. iaria clel Borgo is in ruin:. .antissima Trinita is a 'hap I in the t.re t. of the Knights. . ant a at rina has eli app ared. I'h ~ bllrche of the Fran iscans, Dominicans, and Augustinian have all disappear 'd. The Hospice of England in H.hode \\ a , until the outbreak of hostilit~e with Italy. in the posse sion of'ir Yivian Gabriel, a Knight of JustIce of Lhe Ord r. l \t the end of hostilities, it. was evident that the Island of Rhode woulcl pa s out of Italian administration and that it might not be possible for t.he ,o\'ereign Order to own property t.here when the Dodecane e \\'as handed over to Greece (on the a sumption that the Dodecanese will he transferred to Greece). The overeign Order approached our Ord r to see whet.her an ,thing might b done to prevent this property passing out of the control of the Order of t. John. It wa , therefore, suggested that. in the peace setllement t.here should be a clau e in erted placing the churches in the complete and absolute po session jointly of the British Order of t. John and of the English ~\ sociation of Knight.s of t II ,'over ign Order. This \\'ould prevent complicated questions of two different nationalities and st.ill ensure the position of the Grand Master a Head of the overeign Order. nfortunately there arc likely to be great difficulties in obtaining owner hip of the churches. The rea on for this is briefly as follow : During t.he Turkish oc upation all churches were turned into mosques and consequently belong to the 10 lem Church. According to Moslem hurch Law, church property cannot be disposed of under any circumstances. The Church is still the property of the local Mo lems. If the war had not come it is almost certain that the Italians would have arranged with the Turks to surmount this difficulty. They obviou ly foresaw no srrious ob tacle. The situation has, however, ,-"ery much cbanged. for the worse from the point of view of the Order. During the war there was steady infiltration of Greeks, who are now pres ing for the churcnes to be made available for them. The Greek Orthodox Church have voiced their demands in so high-handed a manner that the Turkish Moslems are becoming increasingly unwilling to hand over the churches not only to the Greeks but to anyone else. In September, 1946, the following letter was received by olonel Count John de alis, a Knight of the Venerable Order of t. John and the Liaison Officer with the overeign Order in succe ion to Brigadier Armitage : -
REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GEl ERAL. Translation of Letter from the Chancellor of the overeign Military Order of Malta. ubject: Property of the Order of Malta in the I land of Rhodes. Rome. 18th eptembcr, 1946.
Dear Bailiff, .His lost En~inent Highness t~le Prince and Grand Master (recalling wIth deep feehng the fact whIch forms the basis of the proposed ~o-operatIon suggested by the Order of aint] ohn of ] eru alem m London- namely the common origin from a single source, of the two Orders in que tion which, whil t pur uing different cour es, 'et seek the san-:e end laid down by the ancient tat ute dating from thp foundatlOn of the Order) finding himself quite unable in the present circum ~ances to act direct and on hi own behalf, request the Order of amt] ohn of ] erusalem in London to undertake the explanation of all the circumstances, in the name of and under a power of attorney from the overeign Military International Order of ~Ialta, with a. view ~o obtaining for the latter, recognition and mamtenance of Its entIre and ab olute right of owner hip to th following edifices situate in the I land of Rhodes :1. The Auberge of the Langue of Italy with it annexed hur h and Hospital. 2. The Church of anta "Jlaria della Yittoria. 3. The Church of an Pantaleone. 1. The Church of anta laria al astello. In so far as may be required, whilst expressing warmest gratitude to the Order of Saint] ohn of J eru alem in London for the coJlaboration so kindly offered, he (i.e. His Highne s) accords to the said Orde r ~is soverei~n. approval of its proceedings, it being understood that m the .bUlldmgs d~stined for divine wor hip, the Catholic and ApostolIc Roman RIte and that only shall continue to be used. At this .time I feel i~ my duty to inform you, my dear Bailiff, how deeply HIS Most Emment Highness the Prince and Grand Master appreciat~s the yalue o~ your intervention in the e negotiations of so exceedmgl.r: dlplomatIc a character v,ith the Order of ,aint John of Jerusalem lI1 London- negotiations which have for their aim so worthy a purpose. With Compliments and Good \Vishcs, The Bailiff Chancellor of the Order, ( igned) LUIGI RANGONI MACHIAVELLI. To T~~ Most oble Colonel Count John de alis, BaIlIff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. ROME. Negotiations are still pr?ceedil:g and it is hoped they will have a happy outcon:e .. No s.u~h dIfficultIes attach to the property of Sir Vivian Ga?nel, and ~t IS antIcIpated that the English Hospice will be restored to ItS owner m due course.
THE ORDER'S PROPERTIES IN PALESTINE. The administration of the Order's properties in Palestine both at St. ] ohn's Gate and in Palestine came under consideration of ChapterGeneral in 1916. It was felt that both the Hospital Committee and the Warden at the Ophthalmic Ho pital in ] erusalem should be relieved of these responsibilities, in order that they might be able to concentrate their efforts entirely on the care and maintenance of the Hospital, the work of which had in no ~arked way diminished during the war, and the problems resulting from the latter were greatly increased. A a re ult of hapter-General's deliberations, it was decided that the ecretary of the Ho pital Committee should be responsible for the administration of th Order's Properties in Palestine as far as Headquarters, ,'to John's Gate, were concerned, and that if. Gerald \A/heeler, of Hai fa, should be appointed the Order's Agent in Palestine. MISS FRA0:CES
Mi s ~ wton's very generous gift to the Order of three valuable properties in Pale tine is in the process of being legally tran ferred. Although negotiation were commenced before the war, very little progress was po ible during hostilities and the recent disturbance in Pale tine, culminating in the blowing up of the ecretariat Offices at the King David Hotel, further retarded the completion of the tran fer, as most of the document in the Land Regi try Department were lost. However, the transfer of B. 1 Mess is now in hand and should be completed before the end of 1947. B. 1 Mess i a large residence on Mount Carmel which has been used in both \Vorld Wars as an officers' mess and is till requi itioned by the "JIilitary Authorities. The tran fer of Oliphant House and its Olive Groves is at the moment uspended until such time as the legal formalities regarding the Place of acrifice are completed. Oliphant Hou e, named after Lawrence Oliphant, is ituated in the Dru e' village of Daliet-el-Carmel. The Place of acrifice is of historical importance as tradition maintains it is the site where Elijah met the Priests of Baal and fire descended from Heaven to consume Elijah' sacrifice. I t is hoped that it will not be long before the transfer of these latter two properties will be completed. OLD CITY PROPERTIE . The Order's properties in the Old City-Watson House, Strathearn House, and the l\Iuristan-like so many others, as a result of a long war, needed a certain amount of maintenance and repairs carried out. \Vatson House is still being used by the Health Department of the Government as a training centre in Midwifery and Child vVelfare. The flooring of some of the rooms needed immediate attention, and estimates' have been obtained and the work put in hand. Strathearn House is also let to the Government of Palestine who use it as a Welfare Centre for the poor in the Old City. Certain repairs have had to be carried out. There is nothing of importance to chronicle about the 'luristan.
HONOURS. PRO:JfOTION , ADMIS ION, AI D ATTACHMEI T The following Promotions, Admissions, and Attachments, recommended by Chapter-General, and approved by the Grand Prior, have been sanctioned by His l\faje ty the overeign Head. As Bailiff Grand Cross and Prelate.
Archbishop of Canterbury, P.C. As Bailiff Grand Cro .
The Earl of Crom.er, G.C.B., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O. :\Iajor-General Sir J ohn Duncan, K.C.B., C ~I.G ,
C \. 0 ,
A Dame Grand Cro.
The Countess of Plymouth (from Dame). As Knight.
Alfred Charles Bossom, !\I.P. (from Commander) . flIajor Robert Lindsay Loyd, O.B.E., !\I.C. (from Commander). The Han. James l\loncrieff Balfour (from Commander) . Lieut.-General Sir Arthur Edward Grasett, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., M.C. \ Villiam David Cargill Thompson (from Commander) . Sir Thomas Garbutt Knott, Bt. (from Commander) . Major Arthur Barrett Cardew, 1\I.C., 1\1.B. (from Commander-) . H.E. Sir Hilary Rudolph Robert Blood, K.C.M.G. Sir \ Villiam Kerr Fraser-Tytler, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C. Brigadier-General ir \Villiam Bromley Davenport, K.C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. The Lord Cornwallis, M.C. The Earl of Leicester The Lord Hazlerigg. Admiral Sir Ralph Leatham, K.C.B. Lieut.-General Philip Neame, V.C., C.B., D.S .O. Colonel The Earl Fortescue, C.B., O.B.E., M.C. (from Commander).
Sir Harold Leslie Boycc, K I3.E. (from Officer). ILE. Lieut.-General John "orthcolt, C.B., M.\'.O. The Rt. Hon. Clement HlLhanl .\ Wee, C.H. Captain Herbert. Oakes-Jones, ~I.U.E. (from Commander). George Hally (from Commander). :'Iajor-General ir Ralph Bigncll ,\ insworth, CR., O.B E., D.S.O., K.H.P. (from Comman(ler). . \clmiral of the Fleel ' ir James Fn\\'Jles Somcrville, G.C.B., G.R.E., D s.o. lIis Excellency ?llr . Francis Campbell Ross Douglas. Surgeon Yice-.\dmiral Hcnry SL Clair Colon, C.B.E., M.B. Air :\Iarshal Sir Andrc\\' Grant, K.B.E, C.B., K.H.S., M.B. Sir Thomas Innes of Lcarney, K L \ ".0. The Rt. Han. Sir Basil Stan lake Brooke, Bt., C.B.E., M.C., D.L., :\[ P. H.E. Lieut.-General Sir John Laverack, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. Lieut.-General Sir Donald Kenneth McLeod, K.C.I.E., C.B., D.S.O. Major-General Sir Richard Granville Hylton Howard-Vysc, K.C.M.G., D.S.O.
As Associate Knight.
The Viscount Samuel, P.C., G.C.B., G.B.E. II.H . The laharaja of J odhpur. As Chaplain and Suh-Prelate.
The Rt. Rev. Christopher Maude Chavasse, O.B.E., M.C., T.D., Bishop of H.ochest.er. The Rt. Rev. Alfred Carey Wollaston Rose, Bishop of Dover. As Commander (Brother).
The Lord Fairhaven (from Officer). Arthur Reginald Gorman Hudson, O.B.E. (from Officer). Captain Guy Bowder Armstrong, M.B.E. (from Officer).
John Brierley Howart.h (from Officer). George Edwards (from Officer). Norman Jennings, M.B. (from Officer). Major John Alexander Mackenzie, M.B. (from Officer).
Ernest J ohn Wright, C.B.E. Colonel William Marshall Clark. General Sir William Joseph Slim, K.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., 1\r.c. General Teffry Owen Thompson, C.B.E. :\.lajor-General Heginald Francis Stewart Denning, C.B. Lieut.-General Sir Henry Royds Pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O ., 1\I.C. orman lanson, M.B. (from Officer). Sir Charles James Hugh McH.ea ([rom Officer) . Ernest. Kumar Rosher (from Officer). \\TaUer Phillips Kennedy, L.R.C .P.&s. (from Officer). Henry George Ramshottom, L.R.C.P.&S. ED. (from Officer). LIeut.-Colonel Robert \Villiam Jagill Strain, ;o.r.D. (from Officer). :\Jajor John Forrest Hamilton, !\1.D. (from Officer). Lieut.-Colonel John Edward fccGwire, C.B.E. (from Officer). As A
Arthur Hermann Thomas, LL.D., F.S.A. (from Officer). . Major Lyndon Henry :'.lorrIs, C.B.E., M.C. (from Officer). Robert Barr MacGregor, C.M.G., M.B., M.R.C.P .ED. (from Officer). Major-General Philip Henry Mitchiner, C.B., C.B.E., T.D., M.D., M.R.C.S. (from Officer). Major-General Sir Herbert Ralph Hone, K.B.E., M.C., K.C. (from Officer). Joseph Patrick :'.lac -a mara (from Officer). Frederick 'W illiam Morton Palmer, M.D. (from Officer). George Wilfred Hingston (from Officer) . \Yalter Banham (from Officer). lajor-General John Cecil Alexander Dowse, C.B.E., !'-LC. Lieut.-General Sir Ronald Mackenzie Scobie, K.B.E., C.B., M.C. Ambrose James Sherwill, C.B.E., M.C.
ociate Commander (Brother).
Licut.-Colonel Rao Raja Abhey Singh. A Commander (Si ter).
Kalhleen , :\1155 Lamb (fro m Officer) . Beatnx Justina Dunbar, Lady DunbarXa~milh, O.B.E. (fr0111 OffiGer). The ountess of Lind 'ay (from Officer). Enid l\lay, Lady Leatham.
Emily, Miss Provis (from Officer). The Yiscountess Kemsley (from Officer). The Duchess of Marlborough . l\luriel, Mrs . Bromley-Davenport. The Lady Deramore.
A Officer (Brother).
The H.ev. Canon l\nthony Lewis Elliott Williams (from Serving Brother), (Sub-Chaplain). Henry Roy Pratt Boorman, I\1.B.E. (from Scrving Brother). Frank \Yard Brown (from ~erving Brother). Albert Elson (from Serving Brother). David Nelson (from Serving Brother). George Henry Vi'ren (from Serving Brother). Arthur \NeveU (from Serving Brother). Sydney Farmer (from erving Brot.her). John Astley E:illpr Ferns (from erving Brother). J ames Harry Cadwallader (from Serving Brother). amuel Elms (from Serving Brother). William Arthur Sier (from Serving Brother). William Grayson (from Serving Brother). John Olver (from Serving Brother). Noel Sydney Bailey Vinter, I\1.B. (from Serving Brother). Albert Edward Leslie Parkin (from Serving Brother).
Captain Richard Waverley Head Ballantine. Brigadier John Primrose Dougla, O.B.E. Colonel Harold Charles Smith , C.B.E. Captain Kenneth Arthur Lay tonBennett. Canon Algernon \Vard (Sub-Chaplain). lajor Geoffrey Ebbelwhite Bavin . Henry lartin Smith, O.B .E. Lieut.-Colonel The Lord Hylton . Cyril Seymour Coode Prance, M.B . Captain The Lord Dunleath, C.B.E., D.S.O. Robert Harry Burslem. Hubert Cecil Maurice \ Villiams, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., D.P.H. Henry Fielden Hollis, M.B. Colonel The Lord Heneage, O.B.E. Colonel John Revans, M.B .E. , I.M.S. Sidney John Fisk (from Serving Brother). Thomas Senior (from Serving Brother). Charles Henry Clark (from Serving Brother). William Henry Terry (from Serving Brother).
George Thomas Hall (from Serving Brother). Albert Edward \ Vells (from Serving Brother). William Bain, 1\I.B., 1\I.R.C.S. (fr<;lm Serving Brother). Major George Archie Morant (from Serving Brother). Douglas J ohn Nicol, M.C., M.B. (from Serving Brother). Captain Raymond ydney Harper, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (from Serving Brother). Thomas Charles Lench (from Serving Brother). Lyddon 'Yard Walters (from erving Brother ). Reginald Frank BOlTough (from erving Brother ). Percy Thomas (fr om Serving Brother). J ames Burrows (from erving Brother). George Frederick Quilter (from Serving Brother). James Sylvester Hannam (from Serving Brother). Stephen Douglas Sturton, O.B.E., M.C . The Lord R oborough. Lieut.-Commander Aubrey Fitzmaurice Inglefield, R.l . James Huey Hamill Pollock, O.B.E. Colonel Herbert Bland tokes, O.B.E. Colonel Ronald ~Tilliam Raven. Herbert -ickels Bream. Colonel Alan Saunders, C.1\I.G., O.B.E., 1\1.C. Colonel Thomas Douglas Inch, C B.E., M.C., M.D., F.R .C.P.E. Captain Herbert Ryder King. George Cecil Ligh Hoot. Victor Dunn 'Varren , M.B.E ., T.D. Brigadier I van De la Bere, C.B.E. Colonel 'Yilliam Kicollsbray, D.S.O. The Earl of Plymouth. Major The Lord Amherst of Hackney. Cecil Gordon Roberts, M.D., M.R.C.S. Lewis Edward Melton. Major Phineas Weiner, R.A.M .C. , M.R.C.S. Lieut.-Colonel Colin Macphail Forbes, M.B. (from Serving Brother). Henry John Ginbey (from Serving Brother) . Lieut.-Colonel Edward Franklin Laborde Wright, O.B.E. (from Serving Brother). Dr. John Cecil Rankin Buchanan. Brigadier Cuthbert Scales, M.C., M.B., R.A.M.C.
Major J ohn Henry Plumridge, R.A.M.C. Arthur 'Vynne Morgan Bryant. Brigadier Douglas Gordon Chey ne, C.B.E., M.C., M.D. Henry Percy Ralph, M.C. (from Serving Brother). Lieut.-Colonel Percy Harold ~Iarshall, O.B.E. (from erving Brother) . Colonel Richard Irvine Poston, T.D., M.D., late R.A.M.C. (from Serving Brother). Graham Halbert (from Serving Brother) . Edward Jame. Hayv,rard (from erving Brolher) . Charles Joseph ,,-ood (from. erving Brother). Ernest Baker (from Serving Brother). Joseph :-\. h (from Serving Brother). l\Iajor J ohn Ambrose oghlan (from Serving Brother). Albert Ramah Harrop (from Sen'mg Brother). ~Iichael Colin Lavin, LB ., ;\I.R.C s. (from erving Brother) . George Burton Fuller (from Serving Brother). rthur J ohn \Yarner (from . ernng Brother). Ernest William milh (from Sen·jng Brother). Henry Burton Pare, M.B. (from Serving Brother). Arthur J arratt (from Serving Brolh r) . Alastair Roger Goldsworthy. Robert Charles Hannaford, 0 B.E ~Iajor Philip Reginald :'largetson, ;\!.C .
'richolas Godfrey Morrison Reginald Poulton Biddle John Michael Barne, 1\I.C Iajor John Desmond Hend erson. Neville Gilbert Barraclough, O.B.E. Alpheus Fuller \Villiams, J nr. William Anthony Twiston-Davies. The Viscount Clifden, M.V.O. Frederick Stanley Coote. Brigadier Christopher George Ling. Colonel William Bingham. Lieut.-General Sir Robert Harold Carrington , K.C.B., D.S .O. The Rev. Augustus Powell Miller (SubChaplain). William James Moore. The Rev. Edward Louis Frossard (SubChaplain).
As Officer (Sister).
Alice May, Miss Keyser, A.R.R.C. (from Serving Sister). Gladys Anyan, Mrs. Danby, M.B.E., L.M.S.S.A . (from Serving Sister). Fanny Mabel Margaret, Miss De Levante (from Serving Sister).
Elinor Marion, Mrs. Bowman. Effie, Lady Millington-Drake. Aileen, Lady Slim. Christina Margaret, Mrs. Watney. Nellie, Mrs. Demetriadi. Alice Muriel Catherine, Mrs. Cooper.
Sonia Rosemary, The Hon . Mrs. Cubitt. Alice Harriet, Mrs . Hickey (from Serving Sister). .. . Gladys Elizabeth, lVhss Vhlklllson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (from Serving Sister). Beatrice, ]\'1iss Flint (from Serving Sister) . May, Mrs. Rutledge, 1\-1.B. (from Serving Sister) . Elizabeth J essy, Mrs. H enry (from Serving Sister). Alys Anne Wilson, l\Irs. Luttrell (from Serving Sister). Daphne Winifred, Miss Dear, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., (from Serving Sister). Agnes Aimee Bohun, ~ll s Coulcher (from Serving iSler). Ida May, Miss Bell (from Serving ister). Maude Alice, Miss Harrison, 1\I.B.E. (from Serving Sister). Anne arlyle Graham, 2\Iiss Hayes. Josephine l\lary, 1\lrs. haw. Aileen MacHenry, ~Iiss J oh nston. Ire ne Gladys, 1\1rs. Benjamin. Ethel l\largaret Spratt, Miss Bowring, 1\I.B.E. Cecily, ~Irs. Porter, 1\I.B. ~larj orie Henrietta, 2\liss Miller. Muriel J osephine Louise, Miss Frazer, 1II.D ., M.R.C P , F.R.C.S .
Muriel Elsie, The Hon. Mrs. Leslie Gamage (from Serving Sister). Helen Louise, Mrs. Burgess (from Serving Sister). Daphne Constance, Mrs. Heald (from Serving Sister). Janet, Mrs. Scott, R.R.C. Adeline Blanche, Miss Sibly. Kathleen l\Iunro, l\Irs. Evans. Agnes Marie, Mrs. Blackwood (fro m Serving Sister). Ida Fanny, Miss Chapman (from Serving Sister) . Emmeline Elisabeth, Miss Cowley (fr om erving Sister). Amy, Irs. "Waterworth (from Serving Sister) . Grace Wynifred, Mrs. L odge (from Serving Sister). l\Iabel, Miss Johnson . Aileen Crawford, 2\Iiss vVells. Winifred Nellie Vale, l\Irs. Oakley, IILB.E. Edna Margaret, Mrs. Epton. Amy Henrietta, Lady Blane, O.B.E . 2\lillicent Evelyn Cecilia Georgina, Lady Inglefield. The Countess of Eldon. Jeannette Ellen i\Iary, !\Iiss Fanshawe.
As Associate Officer (Sister).
Major Barbara Stimson, R.A.M.C., M.D. The Lady I athan of Churt. A
erving Brother.
John William Waddell Baillie, 1\1 B Percy des Carrieres Ballance. Major Alexander Kirkpatrick Cosgrav(;, M.C., V.D., R.A.1\LC. George Albert Duffner. Leonard Horace Cruttenden. Henry John Vertum Searle. Harold Murnaghan . Ronald Kenyon . John Arthur J oryeiI. orman Weight. Reginald William Skinner. Alfred Edward MouL Ernest Charles Mugridge. Dr. Gordon evil Montgomery . Major John Holmes, M.R.C.S. Timothy Michael Murphy, M.B. Herbert Arthur Evans. William Shone Thomas Edward Bagley. J ames Walter Webb. Percy Gylee Bettison. William J ames Green. Alfred Bentley Davies, M.B ., M.R.C.S. Arthur William Irish. Robert Edward Bowden . Reginald George Parr.
Harold George Stockbridge. Lysander Montague i\Iaybury, ;\I.B ., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. William ewrick 'Nilson. Donald Lawson Cameron Johnson. George Silvester. The Rev. Jasper Thomas Campi on (Assistant-Chaplain) . ' Villiam Herbert Harris. Ernest John Garwell. Alfred George Martin. William George Elsey. Joseph Cook. William Adams, M.B. Ben Bamford. Richard Millward. J ames William Cooke. Henry Alfred John Ashford . William Edwards. Albert West. Abraham vVilliam George. Henry Wallington. Joseph ElIse. Henry John Alleyn Allen Cyril Bernard Marsh. William Stanley Vick. Thomas Middlehurst.
D.S.C., V.D., 1>I.D.
James Campbell Cheeld. Lieut.-Colonel Edward James
O.B.E., M.R.C.S.
Seth Leece. James Brookwell. Colonel Archibald Campbell Haddow, M.B.
Reginald Albert Yrolyk. \Villiam James Read. William Edward Jupp. Benjamin Street. Charles Leopold Hamby. Harold Hugo Oldham. Henry Edwards. James Rutter. Robert William ickson. ~William Booth Watson. William Walby Wilson. J ohn George Sydney Fost.er. f ohn Benn Holliday. Fred Oliver. George Edward Peckett Davis, 1>1.B. Basil Edward I orman. Bertie Clary. Henry "William Hoare Victor Thomas Henry Marshall. Albert Ernest Hillier Robart. Robert John Symonds. George Edward Mullins, M.R.C.S., L .R.C.P . Charles Thomas Hearl Howe. Eric Charles Heslop. Stuart Laurie Smith, M.B. Kenneth George \Vanl Saunders, F.R.C.S. Ernest Barber. Harry Aldous. Alfred Israel Elliott. John Lee, M.M. J ohn Young Maine. Herbert Kenneth Johnson. Thomas Mackay. J ames Moffat Pringle. Peter Edwin Malloch, L.R.C.P.E. Major Richard Anthony Pereira Gray, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
J ohn Henry Bradley. Arthur Henry Blowers. Percy Smith. Herbert Hacking. George Bugden. Gerald Camille Henley. Francis Charles Clapp. Thomas Brookings. Frederick Richard William Ayliffe. Reginald John Hughes. Cecil Frederick Claxton. Captain Ernest Thuillier, O.B.E. Alfred Dellepiani. Noel Henry Skelton-Browne, M.R.C.S., L . R.C.P.
Kenneth James Gilchrist, M.B., F.R.C.S. William Henry Davies . William Herbert Donald Griffith.
Dr. George orman Clark. William Hopwood Wainwright. Lieut.-Colonel William Mackenzie, Ernest James Shepherd. Angus Macdonald, PH .D. Sidney Thomas Walford. John Francis Le Prevosl. David Glen, M.B. Arthur nlaurice ilIcMast.er,
Christopher Vincent Hill. Henry Simmons. Patrick Thomas Garry. H.oger Allison Garth Metcalfe. Frank \Vatkiss. Robert Edward Anthony. Ethelbert. \\'at.erhouse. Thomas Bagshaw. ,\rthur Carrington. ,\rthur James Mo ley. George \Yilliam \Vadd()\!ps Joseph Dudley. vVmiam George ~ helt()I1. William Cockings. John Rollins King. James -:'Iain Russell, ]\1 B. Thomas lIenry \Vhit.elcy . Arthur Henry Boot.h. John Benjamin H.udgc. John Lancaster Greet. Stephen \Vood. Arthur Homer. William John Beggs. \\'alt.er Horace Taylur . Cyril Paul Sampson. Harry Secretan Gabb, M.B. Herbert Winstanley, aBE. Robert MacLean Thumpson, ;\1 B. Edward 1ichael Finegan, 1..I<.l P.t) Samuel Percy Thompson. Joseph Harry Cooksey. Horace "William Madeley. Charles Herbert Ticholsun. John Brooks Bodkin. Frederick George Hodge. J ames Dow Gray, M.D. Thomas Jacob Cobbe, F.R.C.S., 1I1.B. Charles Edwin Harrison. George Tracey Olstead. Harry Gordon Parker, M.B. Stanley Bowman, O.B .E. Cecil John Douglas Beacher. Harry Roberts. Harry Moore. George Vernon Kelly. Frank Nichols Fred Waddington. Arthur Cecil Stoughton. Kenneth Edgar Deakin Mackrell. David Moore Rodgerson. James McMurray. Harold Hirst Thorpe. Fred Bottomley. Charles William Leslie Pile.
Ronald Otway Davidson, M.B. Sam Clegg. Bertram Marriott Bennett, M .B . John Henry Watkins. Richard Flowers. Edward Harry Kersha~w . l~eginald William Wallis Gee. Dr. Clifford Reynolds de Clifford Sadler. ' harles Henry Joyce. lbert Henri Culver. Ernest Albert ully. Ernest Percival Cully. Harold l~obert Joseph Potter. Juhn Spearman \\'eatherley. George Ernest Pawley. Arthur Hugh. John Rutter. Stanley Allman Hall, "loR.C.S., L.R,C.P. Frederick John Blackford. George Herbert. Coates. Cyril J uhn Daniel J ennl11gs. Harley John \Vorkman . Gordun Stuart. Goldfinch . \Valter oltham. J uhn Elli~. Arthur Edward Brewer. George Sidney ~Iorgan . Hugh Hercus Cavendish Fuller, :'II.D. Hobert Henry Pryce George Abraham Payne. .{\lfred John \Nebb. Edgar Ernest, "peare . Hal ph 1 -orden l'a Uon. J (lhn Clarke l\lcad, M.R.C 5., L. H ( P Charles ThC)mas Hichanlsun . l\JchoJas [{obert Turnbull John " 'orden Sandoe, )I.D. H.ober t. Blair. Albert. William \\'at.hen . Frederick Albert. Palmer. Thomas Juhn Long. Godfrey Simmons. Reginald Arthur Hawkins. Charles Edward HewinS()ll . William l\IcKinley. James Orr, M.D. H'lrry l\litchell. J ames Taylor. John Robert Biffin Dearden, !>l.R.C.S. Edwanl Errait Parrett, M . R .C.·S. Thomas Edward A~kroyd. Thomas Hall. George Henry 1atthews. Captain Hobert. Edward Lawler. John Alexander George Wilson, M.B. Edwin Bramwell. John Ash. Robert John Menzies. Henry Thomas Guy Miller. Harry Rands. Albert Pargiter. George Henry Alexander Butler. George James Ironmonger. Frederick West.
Wilfred Clements William Brunt. William Underhill. Joseph Tweddle Liddle. Joseph Lorne \Vaugh. John Henry Paint.er. Samuel Herbert Bourne. Henry George Linder. Charles Thomas Farrant. Christopher John Frost. \Villiam Dove. Uoland Brooke Radcliffe, M .B. William Henry Tagg. John Foxcroft. Henry Lacy. 'W ilfred Kitchen. Harry Timmins. John Alfred Cook. J ames Frederick Kendall. \Villiam Joseph Callcott Milne. Anthony John Joseph O'Sullivan , 1\I.B. Daniel Joseph O'Brien. William Cecil Robinson . Howard Charles Rowcliffe Reginald Herbert Blanchford. Thomas Reginald ::'IIarquand . \Yilliam Russel Cambridge. Charles Edward Honoratus Lloyd. Dr. Harold Hyam Goodman . Dr. \Villiam Lumsden ·W alker. Frederick 'W illiam \Voods. T oel Stevens. Major Ernest Albert McIver, 111 M., T.D. \\'illiam Blunt Munro. David James Briggs. Frederick Polkinghome. ~William Henry Toy. Robert Burns Eadie, M.B. John Craw, M .B. Fred Hardy. Tom Routledge. Frank Bradley. George \Villiam Cruddace . John Thomas Birt.ley. Arthur Tewman. Thomas \Villiam Pearson . Thomas Joseph Smith. \Villiam Taylor. George tephenson. Joseph l\Iattimoe. l\Iajor Aubrey Guy ·Widdicombe. Joseph l\Iorris, M.B. John Thomas Skempton. Hugh Alexander Robertson, M.B., M.R .C.P.
Alfred Davies Devonsher Broughton, M.B . , M.R.C.S.
Frederick Erridge Pritchard. Arthur Hooper. \,Talter Bateson. Frank Ridsdale. Herbert Howell Ridsdale. William Henry Ottewell. Harold Hinchliffe.
Sydney Charles Dearmer. Leslie Frederick Henry Hall. Albert Ernest Greenwood. Ernest Francis Sheldrick. John Robert :'.Iowatt. .
J ames Calvert. William Wilkinson. J ames Henry Skalley. Arthur James Daly. Ernest Boreham.
As A ss ociate Serving Brother.
Dr. Khalil Budeiri. As Serving Sist er.
J oyce Chalmers, Miss Eve. Dorothy Agnes Marie, ?lIrs. BinghamHall. Phyllis Mary, Mis Yansittart Keale. Gertrude Emily, Miss Goodband . Eva Helen, Irs. Saunders. Phyllis Ruth, l\Ii s Broome. Margaret, Miss ·W ebster. Ruby Irene, l\Iiss Ashfold . Edith ?liary, NIiss Ashton. Louisa, Miss Fuller. Barbara Maud Hyla, Miss Greves. Daphne, Irs. Heald. Mollie Elizabeth Isobel, Miss Andrews. Lisbeth, Miss Marr. Hermione Charteris, Miss Anderson . Doris, Miss Cheetham. Doris Beatrice, 1iss Parish. Margaret Emily, lYIrs. Whitbread. Sarah, Mrs. Key. Annie, Miss Maskery. Elizabeth, Mrs. Prichard. Margaret Mary, Miss Knowles. Mary Agnes, Miss Hunting. Cecilia Marjory, Mrs. Vivian-Neal. Hyacinth Gwendoline, Miss Haines . Nellie, Miss Lewis. Doris Kathleen, Mrs. Collison . Annie Louisa, Mrs. Drew. Beatrice Maud, Mrs. Hall. Olga, Miss Sinclair. Emma Catherine, Miss Ashwell. Caroline Louise, Mrs. Bone. Mary, Mrs. Knocker. Dorothy E llen, Miss Lawrance. E lsie May, Mis's Cooke. Edna Mary E llen, Miss Caws. Margaret F rances I na, Mrs. Spicer. Louie Dorothy, Mrs. Moody. K athleen E leanor, Mrs. Goodman. Violet Edith, Miss Miles . Vivian Gertrude, Mrs. Chapman. Ellen Mary Winifred, Mrs. Shaw, M.R.C.S., L .R.C.P.
Bessie, Miss Hall. F lorence Edith, Miss Urch. E lsie Mary, Mrs. T homas. Maud , Mrs. Su mpter. Dorothy Mary, Mrs. Briggs. Louie F urnell, Miss Leppington. D aisy Evelyn, Mrs. Codd. Ethel, Miss Higson. Edith May, Mrs. MacKenzie.
ancie, Miss Lees . Evelyn Lily, 1'.lrs. Griffin. Lucy, 1\1rs. Tisdall. 1ildred Dora, l\Iiss ilIiHman . Mary Roe, Miss Walker. Beatrice ::\liriam, Mrs. omerhough. Joan Muriel, Mrs. Mc T air. Beatrice Elizabeth, 1'.lrs. Henderun, O.B.E.
Eleanor Frances, Irs. " Taller. Margaret, l\Irs. apier- lavering. Hebe Marguerite, Mrs . ""eaver-Adam". Edith Elizabeth, .Mrs. Carpenter. Miriam Adeline, ?lIrs. Pearce Elizabeth, 11iss Scurlock, ::'11 B E. Dorothy, ::\lrs. McFadyen Dorothy Elizabeth, ~lrs . I<.hodes. ?lluriel Nellie, ?lIiss Box. Annie, Mrs . Gilbey. Elizabeth, nIiss Jones . Agne , Mrs. Hastewell. Martha, irs. Severn. Muriel Rose, Miss Botwood. Evelyn Sylvia nlaud, :Mrs. Catton. Margaret Hawksmore, 1'1rs. Darwin . Lizzie, Miss Smith. Lydia Laura, irs. ell1.horpe. Ruth Gwynne, Mrs Harnson . Iris Mary, 1\1rs. Portal. Lucretia Helena Hasting, Dr. Byrne. Dorothy Mildred Maud, l'lrs. Pottinger. Winifred Florence, Mrs. Dean. Winifred Ethel, Miss Longden. Benelope, Miss Whitaker. Peatrice Elizabeth Katherine, Irs. Girouard. Clara, 1\1iss Male. Doris Kathleen, Miss Gibbins. Grace Annie, Miss Levett. Rachel Elizabeth, Mrs. China. Dorothy Faith, Mrs. Wainwright. Elsie Clara, Miss J eakes. Hilda Mary, Miss Walton. Dilys Wynne, Miss Jones. ettie, Mrs. Denny. Edith, Mrs. Davidson. Nellie Elizabeth, Miss Wiggins. Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs. Sutcliffe. Alice Mary, Miss Paley. Florence, Mrs. Bruce. Florence Eva, Mrs. Tinkler. Elsie, ]vIrs. Walker. Josephine Mary, Miss 0' eill .
The Lady vValeran. Margarita Elsie, Mrs. Marquand. Gladys Mary, Miss de Garis. ora Bridget, l\lrs. Last. Dora Evelyn Redvers, Miss Redwood . Barbara Hamilton, Mrs. McCorquodale. Eva, Mrs. Dearmer. Olive, l\Irs. Carden. Hilda Emmeline, Mrs. laber. Alice Lillian, l\lrs. Monks. Cecil Frances, Mrs. St. John Mildmay. Maud Mary, NIrs. Knight. Edith Emily, Miss Gurney. Ethel Florence, lYIrs. Page. Minnie Gertrude, l\Irs. Cattell. Celia Caroline, Miss \Valdock. Ethel Rose, Miss Griffin. Dorothy Eliza, Miss Bromley. May, Miss Middleton. Lilian, Miss Greasley. Torah Mitchell, !lIrs. Bream. Christina Dorothy, Miss Fern. Violet Frances Emily, l\liss AikinsonGrimshaw. Ethel Marion, Miss Leverson, 1-I.B.E.
Isobel Catherine, Dr. Allardyce. Myrtle Freda, Miss Beardwell. Norah Lettice, Miss Saxton. Elizabeth, Miss Watkis. ~larjorie Sophia, Miss Holmes a Court. Vivien Mildred, fiss Leather. Mary Louise, Mrs. Barraclough. Beatrice Anne, l\liss Kay. Ethel Isabel, Mrs. Harman. Alexandra Maud Venetia, Mrs. Fawcus. 1uriel Lloyd, lYlrs. Roberts. Gladys Laura, Miss White. Ethel Mary, .Miss Denne. Dorothea, Miss Aplin. Katharine Violet Sarle, Miss Merriman. Ellen, l\Irs. Gale. Phoebe, :Miss Steele. Ethel, Miss Hudson. Hilda Florence, l\Irs. Burrows. Sophia Mary, Miss Charter. Phyllis, NIrs. Spencer-Phillips. Dorothy Irene, Mrs. Newman. Annie, Mrs. Mills . Marguerite, Mrs . Forrest Hamilton. Benita Mary, Miss de Roemer.
A s Kni ght.
ir Leonard T"'iston Davies, K.B.E . (from Commander). Edgar Llewellyn, 1-I.B. (from Commander).
The Lord Penrhyn (from Commander). The Lord Aberdare (from Officer).
As Dame.
Elizabeth, NIrs. Bickerton Edwards (from Commander) . Augusta Emily Selina, Lady Curre. As Chaplain and Suh.Prelate.
The Rt. Rev. John Morgan, Bishop of Llandaff. A s Chaplain.
The Rev. Canon Thomas Maurice Hughes. A s Commander (Brother) .
Bernard Edwin Brown (from Officer). Captain Francis Paull Robathan, M.C. (from Officer). As Officer (Brother).
Albert J ames Esmond (from Serving Brother). Robert elson, M.B. (from Serving Brother). Lemuel Powell (from Serving Brother). Thomas J ames Thomas (from Serving Brother) .
Richard Davies Jones, M.R.C.S., Daniel Morgan. George Harold Simpson, M.B .E. George Edward mith. Ralph James \ iValker, 1-1.B.
As Serving Brother.
Ch arles Cavill. H enry Watkin D arbishire. Benj amin Davies. I dris Davies, M.B., M.R.C.S., Ifor Hughes Davies, M.B.
L .R.C.P .
William Vincent Doolan. Edward J ohn Edwards. Alfred Owen Gibbs. Major Iorwerth Griffith . Edward J ohn J ones. C
J ohn R obert J ones. lior Hu ghe Lloyd, i\l.B. \Yilliam H.eginald Lloyd, :M.B.E. Thomas Luscott. illaj or Arthur Reade, D.S.O., ill.C". \\'illiam Art.hur Xewsomc. Leonard \Yalter Parker. Philip Henry H.icharcls. E \"an J ohn Eobert.s.
Edgar Juhn I~llttl'r \\ illiam l'ra nCl~ Sctter .\ rthur Smalh'uud Luke Thomas. Da,id \\ Ilhal11~ Da\ Hi Eowland \\ IIlialll"', J (dlI1 \ \ lliiams. J()sl'/ h \ \ -rcn.
J oseph William BaIne. Georgc Trest.rail. Art.hur Hopewcll. Dr. Kennet.h ~Iann Rodger.
Ernest Lcslie Anderson. Dudlcy Ste"wart. Iiuski~sun. A.rthur \\'alter Pet.ht. George Thomas Carnck. Charles Edward Il annah. A
As ociale Se rving Brolher. Dr. ElIjah Galgut. A'
Margaret. J ane, ~Irs. Evcrson. Mary Stinton, ~Irs. Lowc. J essie Irene, ':'Irs. Salmon. PRIORY IN
crving Si 'ter. Ins Ermynt.rllde, i\l lSs \\"uod \\anl. I llida .\ gncs, :-[rs. \\" nghl. OUTHER
A Knight. Bri~adi~r \\'illia~n Henry E\"ered Poolc . C H., D.S.O., (from Cummander). :M aJor-General lranC()ls Henn Ther()ll. C.B. C.B.E. (from COlllmander). A Chaplain and S ub-Prelale. The IU. Ee\,. 'Wilfrid Parker, Bishop of Pretoria.
A Officer (Brother). :\Iaj or Samuel \\'at.son (from Serving Colunel Oswald Lyall Shearer. Brother). Colonel Cornelllls Godfrey Lode",),k van Lieut.-Colonel Frederick \\,ilkinson Dyk, ilI.B. (from Scn IIlg Brother). Smyth, O.B.E. (from erving Brot.her). Associate Officer (Brothcr·) . Simon Joseph ll offman, ~I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (from .\,., . . tIClate Serving Brutll'r) Offi cer' ( iSler. ) Agnes H051yn, Miss Champion (from \YinifrL'd C;racc. :-[hS Hope (frum Servino Serving Sister). SJstcr). I:> Gladys 1Iit.chell, :-liss Campbell (from Constance Gcorgia, .\liss Carney (from Serving Sister). Serving Sit.er). Agnes Iary illit.chell, ~Iiss Campbell (from Serving Sister). As Serving Broth er. Baden Powell Purchase, ~I.1II. Hcrbert Eichardsun. John Ramsay Thomsun. Ronald George Kicoll. Gordon Smith. l\Jagnus Gunn Curric. Cyril J ohn Collings. Eobert Alfred J oseph Pittaway. William Bruce Almon Hitchie. Major The H.ev. Hugh Falconcr Yulc J ames William Bashfort.h Carter. (Assist.ant.-Chaplain) . John Ellis Ross. William St.ephen Sandcrson. Richard :Vlurchison ~Iorris. J ames Armstrong. Coenraad \t\'lllclll Corudi" J acubs. .t.benezer Thom:::,on Denholm.
erving iter. l\ Iary Ann Elizabet.h, illrs. Miley. Duruthy J ane Elizabet.h, :M rs . Burnett. Ernestine, :\liss Goy. Louie, ~Irs. :\Iorgan. Flura Lockhart, :\Irs. Kruger . Eileen :-larie Josephine, :\lrs. Robins(ln. Luc)' ~lay , :\liss Crowther. ,\da J ane, ~Irs. Arbut.hnot. Elizabet.h Ellen, ~lrs. \ Valsh. X at.alie :-largaret, nIiss ~Iorgan. Fanny Alicc, ~Irs . Jenner. IIclcne :\larie. ~frs . \\l1yte.
G\\"endoiinc ~laud, !\Irs. Gush llar\'cy. XellIe Florence, Mrs, HarrisoIl. H est.cr El1zabct.h, illrs. Gcts. LIelen ~Iav, 'drs :\Iollergren . :\lanc, :-[r; St()kes. Ehzauct.h Forrcst :\lorton, :-Irs \\ hlt.by. Eilccn Xorah Beatrice, ::'lrs Breach. Joan Winifred , 'Iliss ~lawby . PatnCla, ~liss Klucko\\ . :-Iabcl _\gnes \\ allacc, ~ljss J yfl' PhylliS bml)', :\llSs l>ugh Georgina Oglh Ie, :\1 rs. Stephens. Annie Caroline, :\l!so.; Daulcs.
A Chaplain. Dean John Charlcs Hernes Bruoke. A Commancler (Brother). Lieut.-Colonel Cohn Graham Botha LICUL-Colonel 'harks C;cmg(' BII"kl r, (from Officer). \1 B (from Ofhct'r). l\laj Ol' James Alexander \\·illiam. , D.S.O., \\ !lltalll J ()hn Clllkn (from (>/flll r D.F.C. (from Officer). \ ·IL('- .\(/l11iral ~Il" I{()lwrt I.ind"',r\ [~UI Lieut .-Colonel Stuart ;,Iurray Inglede\\', nctt, K.C.B , h BE., j>.s.(). O.B.E. (from Officer).
A s Knight. Juhn 1Jeat.un H.lwdes (froIll OfJicer). l'ercy l\shton E1\\ urth1'. A Commander (Brother). ll erbert Augustus ltobert. Huggins (from Officer). Davill Fcrguson ~lackay (from Officer). As Officer (Brolher). Henry Louis Pat.erson. Gerald Lindo Ferguson.
~IaJor James \\illiam Crampt.un (from
Serving Brother). Harold Itay Gibson.
As A socia l e Offieer (Brolher) . SIl- Ernest IIyam Da\ IS.
A - Officer (SiSler) . :-largaret Helcn, l\liss ilfcKnight (frolll Sening Sister). Amy Gladys, :'vlrs. 1\lillcr. Elizabet.h, 1\lrs. Young . A. Serv ing Brother. Frank Desmund Claude Eivines. Bernard John IcKcnna. Honald Stuart l\Iunro. Ernest. Ashton. orman Francis Boag. James Jackson Crawshaw. Claud Kersley. J ohn ] oseph Scot. t. Dr. Thomas Wilson \iVy lie. Frederick orman Am bIer. Charles Edward l arshall.
James Talbot N ort.on . Edwin Thomas Baker. Charles Ed"\vard Binns. Frank J oseph Kennedy. James Charles Donaldson Simpson. Albert George Augustus Swanson. lIerbert "W illiam Thompson. J ames \Vard . The Hev. \\'illiam Allen t.eveley (Assist. t.ant-Chaplain) .
As A s oeiate Serving Bl'olh er. J oseph Abel.
Shiela, Miss MacKenzie. Vera Elizabeth, Miss Osborne. Sarah, Mrs, Perrett. Alice, Mrs . Shortland.
As Serving Sister. Ann Elizabeth, Miss Bates. Mary Janet, 'f\liss Mitchell. Carrie Irene, Mrs . Toneycliffe .
A Serving Sisler. Iyrtle Agnes, Miss Tall. Rheona Deschamp, ;\liss Roy Isabel Dora, :;VIrs. MacAulay. Maud Evelyn, Miss penccr-Smilh. Helen Parlow, :'frs. Matheson . Freda Muriel, Mrs . Smith. Ruth Hansard, Miss Mackenzie. Lilian Irwin, Dr. lcDonald . Eloise Edna, Mrs. Kirby. May, Mrs. Deans . . fyra Gertrude, Mrs. Bruce. J sobel Bertha, liss Hill. Yule Claire, l\Iiss Paterson.
PRIORY I N CANA DA. As Knight. James Fyfe- mith (from Commander). Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Guerin, Theodore Howell Leggett, R .C.A. 1\! C.(R.), (from Commander). lI!.n . (from Commander). \ Villiam John Bennett. (from mander).
As K nig ht . 'om mander 1{owland Griffilhs Bowen, RAN. (from Commander). II E. Admiral ir Thomas Hugh Binney, K.C.B., D.S.O.,
As Commander (Broth er). Major-General Louis Pierre Joseph Leo Paul Fleetford be. Richer La Fleche, D.S . O. (from Officer). Major-General Charles PhIllip Felm ick, The Hon. Erne. t Crawford Carson. C.B., C.B.E., M.e. As Comma nder (Sister ). Margaret Jardine Laurence, fiss l\1acBlanche Preston, Mrs. Blaikie (from Laren (from Officer). Officer). 'f\Iargaret Ellen, Miss Douglass, M.D. Hyacinth, Mrs . '''illis-O'Co nnor (from (from Officer). Officer). Elizabeth Ann, Mrs . LabaH (from Elsie Beatrice, :'frs. Little, I B.E. (from Officer). Officer). As Officer (Brother). Lieut.-Colonel Denis Benjamin Papineau Maxwell H.oy Ballanl (from Serving (from Serving Brother). Brother). Iajor Harold John Irvirte. Harold Heard Vroom (from Serving Lieut.-Colonel Sterling LeRoy Spicer, Brother). M.D. David Rowan Turnbull. Kenneth Eardley Dowd, M.D. William Crossley Mainwaring. Robert Archibald de Lotbiniere HarGeorge Gwynne Ed"w ardson. wood. Larus Arthur Sigurdson, lI1.D. Ludlow St. John Haskell. Hugh James Porter, M.D. Lieut.-Colonel Joseph Darley LeMoyne. George Ernest Dragan, M.D . Charles Auguste Gauthier, M.D. Brigadier George Richard De\ey Farmer, Thomas Wesley Alvin Gray, M.D. (from C.B.E. Serving Brother). Alexander MacDonald Mackenzie. Thomas William Stanner Parsons (from 'Winston Ross Carruthers. Serving Br other). William David McEwan. Saul Harold Keshen, M.D. (from Serving Lieut.-Colonel Gordon Harold Aikins. Brother). Herbert Darling. As
Beatrice, Mrs. Martin. Agnes Francis, Miss Butler. Agnes , ,,Tallace, Mrs. Edwards.
Victor Stanley Kaufman, M.D. Albert Wmiam Allbright. Frederick H arold Bates. Ch arles Whar ton. J ames Lillie . William J ohn R edfern. Wilfr ed George Laing. Donald Woodworth Kyle. Theodore J ames Lake. F ernand D u be.
~ffi cer
(SiSl er). Juliette Pelletier, In; . N.amsey. Marjorie Eleanor, }\frs. Pocock.
As Serving Brother. Kenneth John Quan-y. J essiah Smith. George Kerr MacNaughton, George Edward Kidd, M.D. John Henderson. Allison George Richardson. William Ross Wright, M.D. John Malcolm Homer. Albert Edward Ford.
A Comma nd er (B rother). Colonel Allan Eobert Stanley Yickers, M.B. (from Officer). A Command er ( ister). H.ebecca Elizabeth, Mrs . J ullien (from Officer). Elisabeth Bride, Lady Binney. Frances Christina Burrell, Miss ?lIcKay, M.B. (from Officer). A Offi cer (Brother). Colonel George Grafton Lees Stening, M.B. J ames Hay Gosse. John Douglas Lcsingham Gaden . Toel Hayton (from Serving Brother).
A Officc r ( is ter). I na France , ~Iiss Collins (from Serving ister). 'Yi nifred Mary Mount, l\li s Steele (from Serving Sister). A
Bruce falcolm Stackpool. George Good win. Colonel Kenneth Barron Fraser. Henry Miller. Dr. Vlilliam Alexander Sloss. Ernest Richard Glenister heIl , \I.B . Colin Alexander Brown. \\'illiam Robert Pearson. Thomas \\' illiam Payton. Edith Ellen, Mrs . Trist. Dorothy Alberta, Irs. Joilnston. Beatrice, Mrs. Williams. Beryl Ivy, l\1iss Fegan.
er vin g Broth er. 'Yilliam \Valler Devlin g . Frank Henry Stow. John Arthur Semmler. Clarence John Barwick. John Brown Adams. \lfred Christopher Ternes, Leslie amuel \Yoods, LB . Oswald Ray. \Valter John Gearstde.
~l.l::\ .
A Serving Sister. Evelyn Augusta, Miss Hunt. Edna Amy, 1\1rs. Porteous . Georgina, Mrs. Farquharson . l\Iatilda Christina, 1\1rs. de Yere
As Commander (Brother). Captain John James Henry Airey (from Officer). Robert Connell, O .B.E. (from Officer). As Officer Frederick William Gerhard (from Serving Brother). Charles Clark Parker (from Serving Brother). John Faulkner Tomlinson (from Serving Brother).
(Brother). Albert Francis oonan (from Serving Brother). John Patterson Myers (from Serving Brother). The Hon. ' Villiam Henry Kitson.
As As o cia t e Se r v in g Broth e r.
As Servin g Brother.
Ernest Hubert H 'ech, ~l.n. Bert \\'Ilfrecl Bulls\\Orlh, \I B. ]. rcclerick \\,i11ia111 ~Jead()\\''i Ll11dlcv David llndh\", ~I H \]freel-. -a iler Jacobs." ~l B. I~(lnald Barnngton hnigh t, ~I II lIamld llcl1r~ - H.llShlclll .:\i1'ih, :'I1.l!.
Xe\'ille Cro\\'nson joel, ;\I.B. Alfred Joseph Collins. \ Villiam Hammett jaque,>. Thoma \ Villiam David Smith. 'harles Samuel \ Yest. Yernon Thomas Treloar. Hector Kevin Kee\"il. John Colin O'H.ourkc.
As S(' nin g . i t er.
I(()hnla IlC'lllieild \Lugarl'lla , \Irs juII,
?llargaret Ellen, :\lrs. lIydc. Agnes Jessie, :'Ill'S. Bennett . Edythe, :\Iiss Perkin.
Sakharam :\lahipat Savant. Sher :\loham mad Khan . Gyan Swarup Yijoy. Gangaram Tarayan ~Jalgaonkar. Shnpacl Parmanand Hane. Sohrab K . H. Katrak. Dr Hamchanclra Kashinat.h Bhandari. Jairam DhanJi J\:aracasia. Iqbal Ahmed .\bclul Eazak Quraishi. \nanL Doolajee Temkar.
;\bam ~lohan Cupla Ilemanta l\:umar Sen Gupta. Fershotall1 Lal :'Ifehta. :'Ifakhanlal I~()sc jayantilal ja'ihwantrai Shclal j(a() Bahadur l~anga,>\\'all1l .\yyar .\dl,>c..,han. 1)1 . C(Jpai ( handra 1(1)1. Hagbans ]\i"ilwrc Balblr \\'a l1lan ~a.r,l,·an (;oraJ.;:'ihal\l'r l'anclilallllalh I)inanalh :\Iahajan .
J ad\\'i~a
A S(,fY in g i "t er. ~Iary, :'Iliss Xaomi .
~Llbramania, ::\lrs. her,
;\1 H I , 'I.R.C S , L H.C.P.
Kni g ht.
The lZt. Hon. Mr. nichard Ganlll1er Case\', (.H., Il.S.O., ;\1 ( . Sir Thomas Guthrie H.ussell, K.C.S.I., h.. i.E (from Commander). A
:'Ilary '1leC uUoch, ':\frs. Dickson. l{o:--cmary Emily, ~lrs . llunt. J)!lrl'i :-I,iud, ~Irs Duguid. -;\Iilliccnl ElmO[ Clllchcle, .:\lr5. Grant.. Edilh, :\lrs. }lollan(!. Enid "IIaqClfw C ()nstallce, "I[rs. Carrau. Elsie \glH'''i, "I1rs . Eitld.
l{uth \\"insome Eey, :'IJrs. Oakley. Ida :'Ilargaret, :-1r<;. Pring. \\,inifrecl ~largaret, Dr. (.:\lrs.) Cole. Doreen Hhona, :\Irs. Black. 1Tna :\lay, .:\Jrs. Tyler. ~ancy Ethel, ~lrs. Brand. Phyllis Blanche, :'Ilrs. ~let.calfe. \Yilfre<la Louise, :'IlL. Buchan.
Comm a nder (Brothe r ).
:\Iajor-General Ian :'lacpher,>oll :'Ilacrea , (. R , l I I ~ , () B.E. ::\lajor-General .'ir Gordon \Yibu!l , K.C.S.L, CR., eng., ~I c.
H.EPUH.T UF TIlE ClIAPTl<..H-Gj~X 1· l\,\L.
A" o ciafe Com ma nd cr (BI'o th r .
Kodika1 Sanjiva Eo\\', C.LE. l\Iajor Shiavax Ardeshir Paymas ter , L.;\I. & S , I· .C l' S , L'I s. (frull1 \SSlIt latt' ()ffitt.:r). Kl\:ll: Bahadur Sheheriar Daclabhai Conlractor, .\1 B.l'. (from ,\SSllll.tll' ()ffitl'r) .
Officc (' (Bl'o th er .
Li ('u t.-C,lillnd Ell-hanl LOUIS C'asuI,llIi, ;\\.1). (from. erving Brnlher). (arnH'11l Call (fmm .en ing 1)[Cllher).
As Com mand er' ( i t c r ).
As Offi ccr (B r oth e r ).
Thomas Purdie Cowie. Colonel George Reid l\IcH.obert, C.l.E., 1.:11 s. Lieut.-Colonel Jorclan Constant.ine juhn, O.H E., :'II.B., Brother). Lieut.-Colonel Claude Innes Shepherd, a.H.I·:., n.s .o.
:'II R l !->., I :'11.5.
joseph Juhn ::\[angion,
A Offi ce l' ( i "t er) . :daria , :'I1rs nenaw Tcstafcrrata (from Sen'ing Sister). I,alhIet n Etlll'1. \lrs . Gullet, ;\I.B.E.
Ethel :\larian Sumner, :\Irs. ( a;,ey. A
Edoar Geurge :\Il)ntanaro.
\i~tor Tancred Camilleri,
(from S '[\' lllg
As As o ci a t e Offi cer (Brot hel').
Dr. Prabhar Kumar Chatterjee (from ,\<;s()ciate ervmg Brolher). Capt.ain J am shed Dorabsha Kothawala (from Associate 'e rvJI1g Brother).
ening B r other.
Challes J( II1(,S, I H.E. Joseph George B<tldacchlI1(), ;\I.D. The H.cv. Father Charles ::\larv Cianl<.ll 0.1'. (.\ssislanl-Chaplain). Joseph George Eamm. James Brincal. Salvalore :'Ilifsud.
Carmclo Schembri. Yincent Drago. Emmanuel.\quilina. Joseph \gillS. Carmelo Farrugia. Carmeln Garzia.
SC ('vi ng
i t e r.
Jane .\ my, :'liss Gauchi. _ hathleen Lucy Keys, :'Ilrs. ~ orman.
Carmen, ::\1i<'5 Grech. Josephine, :'Iliss Chrit.ien. :\Jagcla, .Miss Pizzuto.
As Offi cer ( i t er ).
Christine :'IIary, Mrs. Town (£rom Serving Sister). Marion Isabel. Mrs. Watt (from Servll1g Sister). Dorothy, Mrs. Brabson (.from Serving ister).
Eleanor BeLLy, :\In;. Bridgwaler-Klte at.. Edna Grace, ':\Irs. Seed. Doreen :'Ilarion, Lady Jolly. ':\ Iary Elizabet.h Abercromby, .:\liss ::\lacqueen. Margaret Grace, ':\1rs. Anderson.
A s Ser ving Brother.
John Stewart. Turnbull. William Stephen Robinson. Henry Henning Lincoln, M.B .E. 'Rirhare) vViUiarn Frec.lerick \ VooLton,
Professor vVilliam Burridge. Eao Sahib Kirubaldoss Appasamy. I [arold Mackenzie \Valker.
B U RM A . As Ass oriate Offi cer (Broth er).
Thiruchandurai Srini,-asa • Taga Hajan (from A sociat.e Serving Brother). As Offi cer (S is t el·) .
Gert.rude Amelia, ]\.Ir<;. Goclc.lanl. H.osina ::\Jary, :'Iliss Simmonds.
~-ancv Yida _ofia, ~Irs. Edgar. Helel} .:\lcLaren, :'IIrs. IIeath.
A s As o ciate Ser v in g Brother.
U. l\Iaung :'laung.
As Serving Sister.
As Serving Brother.
lay Antonia, Mrs. Lazarus. l\Iargaret Rut.h, Mrs. Jupp. Letitia Muriel, 1\1rs. Eadon.
Chak Po Tin .
TRINIDAD. As Officer (Brother).
Alan James Ruthven Murray.
As Knight.
H.E. Sir Charles Campb 11 'Woolley,
K.C.I\J.G., n . B .E ., !\I.C.
As Commander (Sister).
erving Brother.
Ralph Boynton Scargall.
Ivy, Lady "Woolley. As Officer (Brother).
Jack Haliburton Ashmore (from
erving Brot.her) .
As Serving Brother.
Eric Bertram Humfrey. Dr. George Cecil Strat.hairn. John George Tate.
As Serving ister.
Margaret 1Iary, Dr. (11rs.) Howe.
As Serving Sister.
Ethel Florence, Mrs. Passingham. Mary Elizabeth, Irs. Arthur. Audrey J oyce, Lady Jackson. PALESTINE.
In i'ecognition of outstanding and devoted service to the Order, the ervice Medal with Palm Leaf has been awarded to the following : The' Lady Louis Mountbatten, H. H. Greenwood.
D.C.V .O., C.B.E.
As Serving Brother.
Henry George Mardell. Michael Joseph McConnell, Henry Bennett Shaw.
J ohn Deevy. IIenry \Villiam Gam brill.
C.B.E .
As Associate Serving Brother.
Abdel Mohsen Hassan. l\1ohamad Daoud :'IIoussa. MALA YA
As Serving Brother.
Lloyd ' \ ' illiam Spragg. As Ass ociate Serving Brother.
Ong Ewe Siang. HONG KONG. As Commander (Brother).
Edward Maurice Raymond (from Officer). As Associate Commander (Brother).
Abbas el Arculli (from Associate Officer). As Office~ (Brother). Dr. Chau Wai Cheung. Dr. Tseung Fat In . As Associate Officer (Brother).
Lawrence Kadoorie.
VOTES OF THANKS ON VELLUM. The thanks of the Grand Prior and the Chapter-General engrossed on vellum have been awarded to the folio-wing as an acknowledgment of their distinguished service to the Ambulance Department and in otherwise carrying out the objects of the Order : 'Varnan Krishnarao Sastikar. Eben Gwilliam. Rosamond, Miss Parkinson. Arthur Taylor. :Mrs. Cherry. Thomas Bell. Marjorie, Mrs. Watson. James Arrandale. May, Miss Middleton. Lilian, Miss Greasley. orah Mitchell, l\Irs. Bream. Gilbert Price. Ellen Mary, lYIiss Goldsmith. Ethel Beatrice, Miss Hancocks. Florence Helena, Mrs. Roberts . Reginald Henry Stickland. J ohn Bellew. Captain David Stanley Franci .
l\1abellIary, Miss Kernick. John Lewis Rowlands. James J. Allen. Cecil George Le Cheminant. John Dorey. Edward ColI. Thomas Knowles Charnley. Rhona, Mrs. Blanchford. Mimie, 1\Irs. Allo. Harold John Gilroy. Frederick Bellamy. John D. Jones. Helen, Miss McIlroy. Raymond Penhaligon. George \iVilliarn Ward. George William Barrow. George Walker Hinchliff, I\I.B. Allan Collingwood Travers Lewis.
A Vote of Thanks on Vellum was also awarded to the Bolton Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in appreciation of the services rendered by the Corps on the occasion of the disaster at the Bolton Wanderers' Football Ground.
1\ \VAED,
Awards for aallantry in aving or attempting to 'a\'e life have be 11 made by the Chapter-General to the following person' who nclangerecl their own lives on behalf of their fellow ' : AWARDED TIll'. LlFE-SAYI:\G MEIl.\L
l ~
\ \Ti lliam Albert .I. icolle, t. John Ambulance Brigade, Guernsey. Lionel T a\'lor, , t. J ohn .: \mbulance Brigade, Guern ey. For bra\ery alltl tle\'o tJOn to duty during air raids although severely wounded
Sergeant Leonard Ri anen, St. J ohn .\mbulan c Brigade, Port .\rtllur. For extraordinary bravery during the tin.' "'hilh (oll()\\('ci tIle' dust l':\pl(ISI()1l ill Elevator Ko. 5 askatchewan Pool Terminal, Ltd ., (Ill 7th \u gllst, 1915 , \lhell c\t great ri k and with apparent disregard of his uwn safety, he c(()ssed a dl"tancc cd appr oximately 3S fect by means of an insecure rope strllng betwccn a stora~l' tank and the workhouse, 110 fcet abu \·c the ground, to render tirst aid and a.S.lst in the reo. cu e of fi\'e men who were trapped on the UPIl'l" floor" (If the \\"()rkhllllsl' Gpon r eaching the workhouse, ergeant Hi"sancn, '\"Ith a soldicr and City Fireman \\'ho had also gained the top of the buildll1g by means of the TClP(', ga\"e first aid to four more or less severely burned and frantic men, this splelldid \\'() Ik being carried out ·w ithin a few feet of the burning eljuipment and dehl is of the wrecked building. A bosun's chair was made and attachcd tn tlw rope across \\hllh thc Tl"llll'l"s had wun g themselves to the burning building, and the ll1jured men \lcn· (()Jl\t'\TcI by it to the storage tank, then to the ground lc\·cl where ambulance and stretchcr" were ready. ergeant Ri sanen then climbed to the top 1100r of the workhouse, pulling himsl'1t up by broken timbers and l\.\i'ited reinforcement metal, through the tire and tcrrilll elu t, and was able, ,yith the assistance of one of the other men \\·hn crossed, to extricate an injured man buried deeply in grain and apply tll"l aid and rl'move hIm by means of the bosun's chair to safety. Sergeant Ris 'anen continued his scarch fur olher possible victims ill the upper part of the wrecked structure for some lIme after the fifth lllCln h.1(1 lH'l'lI rescucd in the face of immincnt danger from new exploslons and falling \lTt'I k'lgC.
B .R.II. 'l hl' C-rclllll Prior, in the exerci e of his prerogative, ha plca~
d to make the following appointment
T11 Earl of larendoll, ,t. J ohn's Day, 1915.
EJ,., G.t .:'1.(,., P.c. :
ub-Prior. To date from
The Ceremony of the InstallatIOn of the Rt. Hon. The Earl of Clarendon as Sl!bPnor of the Or(ler was carried ou t by the Director of Ceremomes at the :'feetmg of t.he Chapter-General on 2 'th February, 19-t6. The Bailiff of Egle said he knew he expressed. the sentiments of C:hapter-General in sa)'!i1g hcm happy he was to see the Sub-Pnor, ·w ho had acted m ~ tempor~ry capacity for so long, now permanently installed in ~ffice. It o?ly rem.amed to gl\re him a most hearty welcome ancl to congratulate 111m upon hIS appomtment. He hoped that the '-ub-Pnor would bc able to serve the Order for many years to come. Thc Sub-Prior in reply "aiel he would likc to cxpres' to the Chap.ter-General his hi~h appreClatlOll of the honour which had been be'towed upon hl111. H~ would likc tu assure the Chapter-General that whilst he l:ad the honour to.o hold thl office it. wou lei be his earnest enclea nlUr to reach the high standard whIch had been set by IllS predecl'ssors
'olonel :ir Edwin King,
K. ' . U., L .:'Il. G., T.J)., .\ . 1J.e.,
a Chancellor. To
dale from St. .l oll11's D ay, 1!) \.). AWARDED THE
Ambulance Officer Carl Frederick Brigade, Port Arthur.
rup, ,t. John .\m bulanc
For outstanding bravery during the fire which followerl the rlust e:xplll"icll1 8t E levator Xo. 5, Saskatchewan Pool TenmIlal, Ltd ., on 7th .\Ugllst , 1~) . L), ·hen at considerable risk and in constant danger from falling concrete, timber, and wreckag', he searched the ground floor to render first aid to injured employe's anel rell1on: the dead. This work was continued throughout the day. The original building stood about 1 S feet high, and there hael been two explosions, one in the basement and one in the upper floors, both of terrific jlO\\er, cOllllletely wrecking the building. Parts of the upper Hoors and wall<-; fell to the ground, carryin g men and machinery ·w ith them and leaving the upper stories in a. condition which created a seriou s hazard for those working below, antI it. was in this area that Ambulance Officer l\lellerup gave first aid to the injured and removed those who were beyond human assistance. AWARDED THE LIFE-SAVING MEDAL I)l" BRONZE.
Pte. Charles E. Dorman, St. John Ambulance Brigade, Montreal. For bravery and devotion to duty in two fires in Verdun. vVhen seventeen dwellings were badly damaged by fire, Pte. D orman did remarkably fine work in rendering first aid to the injured. On a later occasion, during the fire which devastated the Verdun Palace Theatre, he again rendered yeoman service, and at the risk 01 his own life saved the lives of an elderly couple whom he found semi-con scious and partly overcome by smoke ,
Brigacli r E. L. .\rmit age, o. H. F., as Liai on Officer of the Order to the :ov reign :\Iilitan· Order of the H ospitall er of t. John of Jerusalem, called" Of :'Ialta " III R ome. Colonel .'ir .\lfred \Vehb-J ohn 'o n, K. r.Y.o., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., as Ho pitaller of the Order in ucce sion to Colonel J ohn Thomas \ Voolrych Perovme, VOoDOo, T. D., with effect from 1 t April, 1016. Brigadier General The Earl of Gowrie, V.C., G.C .M.G ., C .B., P.C., D . . 0., as the repre entative of the Commander), of the Australian Commonwealth on the Council of the Orcl r. The Lord \Vakehur t , K.C.M.G., a the repre entative of the Commandery of the Au tralian Commonwealth on the Ambulance Committee. Thomas H erbert Goddard, C.B.E ., M.B., as Director of Ambulance of the Commanclery of the .\u tralian Commonwealth. ' ir Hugh Poynter, Bt., as Director of Ceremonie of the Commandery of the Australian Commonwealth. Sir Herbert Africa.
as Treasurer of the Priory in
Colonel \Villiam Marshall Clark as Registrar of the Priory in outhern Africa,
To be a Member of the Order of the Companions of Honour.
The Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey.
Created V1·scounts.
Field-Marshal The Hon. ir Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, G.C.B., G.S.1., D.S.O., M.C. The Lord Southwood. Admiral Lord Louis Francis Albert Victor Nichola Monntbatten, G.c. v.O., K.C.B., D.S.O. Created a Baron.
Marshal of the Royal Air Force O.M., G.C.M.G., C.B.E.
ir Cyril Louis lorton Newall, G.C.B .,
To be a Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George.
William Lindsay Murphy, C.M.G. To be a KlIl'ght Commander of The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire.
Major-General James Bennet Hance, C.LE., O.B.E., M.D. ir Arthur Cecil Griffin, O.B.E.
To be a Knight Commal/der of the Royal Victorian Order. Created a Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.
Admiral The Viscount Mountbatten of Burma, G.C.V.O., K.C.B.,
ir tewart Duke-Elder, M.D., F.R.C.S. D . . 0.
To be a Dame Commander oj the Royal Victorian Order. Lady Louis Mountbatten, C.B.E.
To be a Member of His Majesty's 1110si Honourable Pr1'vy Coullcil. The Viscount Mersey, C.M.G., C.B.E. To be a Member of the Order of l1Jeril. The Earl of Halifax, K.G., G.C.S.L, G.. I.E., T.D. To be a Knight Grand Commander of The Most E.ya/ted Order of the of 111dia.
Lieut.-Colonel His Highness the Maharaja of Gwalior,
To be a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Dishnguished Order uf 'I. J.1Iz'chael and t. George. Sir Mark Aitchison Young, R.C.M.G. Sir Alan Cuthbert Maxwell Burns, K.C.M.G. To be a Knight Grand Commander of the Nlost Eminent Order of tlze Indian Empire. ir Bertrand James Glancy, K.C.S.I., K,C.I.E. Lieut.-Colonel His Highness the Maharaja of Bikaner, c .v. o . To be a Dame Grand Cross of the Royal V1'c!orian Order. The Dowager Lady Ampthill, C.LE., G.B.E. To be a Knight Grand Cross of The Most Excellent Order of the Briti h Empire.
Lieut.-General Sir Alexander Hood, R.C.B., C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., K.H.P. The Lord Iliffe, C.B.E. To be a Dame Grand Cross of The 1110st Excellent Order of the Brit1:sh Empire. Clementine, Mrs. Churchill, C.B.E.
To be a Knight Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. William Guy Nott-Bower, C.B., C.B .E. urgeon Rear Admiral Cecil Pembrey Grey Wakeley, C.B., F.R.C.S. Lieut.-General Sir Philip Neame, V.C., C.B., D.S.O. Harry Chapman Sinderson, C.M.G., M.V.O., O.B.E. Major-General Herbert Ralph Hone, C.B.E., M.C. To be a Dame Commander ofihe Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. The Countess of Limerick. Created Knights. Major-General Ralph Bignell Ainsworth, C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. I von Hope Taunton, C.LE. George Eustace Cuffe. Lieut.-Colonel Alister John Ransford, C.LE. Captain Archibald Frederick Hordern, C.B.E., A.F.e. Colonel James Lewis Sleeman, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O., T.D. Colonel Thomas Ellis Robins, D.S.O. Mr. Justice Ba U. To be Companions of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Rear Admiral Piers Keane Kekewich. Colonel The Earl Fortescue, O.B.E., M.C. Edward George Fudge, C.B.E. To be a Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Major-General John Patrick Huban, O.B.E., K.H.S.
4G To be
CompaJ//olI of the l1!ost Dishllgltl' hed Order oj t. George. Robert Barr MacGregor, M.B., 11.R.C.P. Colonel " Talter Angu Muller. {l
I. flhchael
To be a C011lpalll'on oj Th e .110 t Em/neill Orela of Ihe II/diall Empire. Lieut.-Colonel Ralf Billing Emerson, O.B.E. Clarence James Creed, O.B.E., M.e. Colonel Norman Brigg . ardar Bahadur Bal\\'ant ' ingh Puri, O.B.F.
To be a Commander oj The Royal f'idur/ail Order.
Joan _\lice Elizab th, 1\1rs. \ Voolcombe. Brigadier Pcter Bevil Edward .\cland, ;'1.C. Lieut.-Colonel Eclward Franklin Laborde \Vright. Lieut.- oloncl Herbert Fred rick l\lontagu . nrgey. Dora, jliss Chaclwick Ethcl Ellcn, :\Iiss Hutchings, A.IU-{.C. :\lajor Gcoffrey Benion Thomas, ;'LB., F.R.C.S.ED. ,\rchibald Buchanan Barbour, ;'I.lU .S ., L.H..C.P. He]en :\lnriel, j1rs. Birkbeck. Gilbcrt Henn' Clarke. Gerald Le d~~m. Eric \\'alker l~o - tern.
Tn be a .lIL'mber of the .lIn,,; 1 El:celleilt Order of the Br£t'ish Empire.
Captain Richard Oliver-Bellasis, H.. Major Grismond Picton Philipp. The Rev. Cyril Leonard Cre_ well.
To be a Comma11der of the 2\Iost Excellelll Order oj lIlt! Brdz'sh Emp/re. Brigadier John 1andeville Macfie, O.B.E., ;'f.e., ;'1.B. Betty \Vake, 1\lrs. Cuthbert, O.B.E. The Viscounte s Falmouth. Martin Pears Etherington- mith. Frederick Thomas Tarry, O.B.I ~ . Ernest John vVright, O.B.E. \Villiam Francis Johns. Hilda l\lary, 1iss Lazarus, 1f.H..C .. , 1..IU. .1'., F.R.C.S.ED. Henry Richard Rishworth, O.B.E., F.R.C .. To be a J'yfember (4th Class) of The Royal Victor/all Order. Jocelyn Godefroi.
The Awa d oj the Royal Victorian Chain. His Exalted Highness The izam of Hyc1erabad, G.C.S.1.,
To be elll OfJicer oj the Jl.Iost Excellellt Order of thr Brz'hsli EJJlpz're. Lieut.-Colonel Arthur John Macphail, 1. D. Robina Margaret Gertrude, :\lrs. Brown. Ernest James Blackaby, M.R.C.S., 1..H.C.P. Percy Reginald Bolus, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.H.C.P. Charlotte Anne, Mrs. Falwasser. Charles Richard Fox. Major Alexander Campbell ~Thite Knox, M.C., M.B. Arthur William Pilgrim. Bryce McCall mith. The Hon. Phyllis Margaret, Mrs. Thorold. Herbert John Vick. ancy Lycett, Lady Vivian, M.B.E. Lady Anastasia (Zia) Michaelovna Wernher. John Theodore 'Whitley, M.B .
Durothy, :\lr". :tanier. Kathlecn, :\[rc;. ulia. Captain GUy Buwder .\rmstrung. \ 'irginia B 'atrice, ~liss Cunard. G1<1(1\ ') .\nvaI1 , :\lr-. Danbv, 1..;'1.S. -...\. :\lau(1 .\licc, :\Ii -s IIarri 011. :\1argaret Jo\ce, :\Irs. 01 ('11. Grace Elizabeth, :\1i - Partridge. Capt<lin Percy l{eay, ~l.C. Beryl ~'tratheden, :\1r:3. RvlanJ. Herbert. \rtllUr J ame \ \'riggle worth. :\1ajor Edwin Cecil Jal11c Cunningham. Lieut.-Colonel Rao Rajah .\bhey 'ingh of Jodpur. Elizabeth, :\Ir -. Bric1gwat r Kitcat . . \mratral Ujanree heth, ;'1.13. Colonel Geoffrey Georae Hargrea,-es Bolton, ;'1.C., D.L. Jean, :\1rs. LYon. arah Lily, :\-Ii ,anders. L(' lie \\'alker. l\1uric 1, i\J i~s \ \'a hC)J1.
To be a JIember oj Ihe Royal Red Cross. Beatrice Marie, lUi s Hossack. Tlie aZP}tlrd oj the ]{az'sar-J-Hilld Gold Major-General ir GorJon Gray Jolly, K.C.I.E.
J[ eda/.
OBIT ARY. The Chapter-General record with deep regret the death of the following Members and Associates : BAILIFF GRA. D CRO s. The Most Rev. The Lord Lang of Lambeth, G>.e.v.o., D.D., on .)htl1 December, 1$) 1.1.
RNIGHTS. The Lord Plender, G.B.E., on 19th January, 1946. Lieut.-Colonel Gerald Eustace Peacock, M.R.C.P., on 5th February, 1946. Charles Graham Pennock, on 4th February, 1946. Sir Louis Dane, G.C.I.E., C.S.I. Colonel Sir Arthur Lisle- Ambrose Webb, R.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., in October, 1945. ir Edward Dyce Duckworth, Bt., in August, 1945. The Hon. Sir Charles Ernest tatham, on 6th March, 1946. Colonel Wilfred Vickers, D.S.O., V.D., M.B., on 9th March, 194tL Field-Marshal The Viscount Gort, V.C., G.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.V.O., M. on 31st March, 1946. Sir Herbert Brown, K.B.E., in May, 1946. Captain George Herbert du Cros, on 25th March, 1946. Charles Edward Milnes Hey, M.R.C.S., on 7th June, 1946. David Bennie Hewat, M.B., LL.D., on 5th June, 1946. Major The Lord Cope of St. Mellons, R.C., T.D., on 15th July, 1946. H.E. Admiral Sir William Eric Campbell Tait, R.C.B., M.V.O., on 17th July, 1946. Sir Charles Marston. Colonel Sir Edward Newsbury Thornton, K.B.E., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., on 25th October, 1946. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Louis Edward Barnett, C.M.G., M.B., F.R.C. DAMES. The Lady Ludlow, on 20th November, 1945. Catita, Mrs. Palmer, on 4th February, 1946. Mary Alice, Lady Hodgson, on 13th March, 1946. Eleanor Kathleen, Mrs. White, on 26th March, 1946. Ruth Eveline, Miss Darbyshire, C.B.E., A.R.R.C., on 7th March, 1946. Ethel, Mrs. Townsend, on 30th March, 1946. Maria Heloise, Mrs. Watkins, in 1945. Marian Isobel, Lady Philipps, O.B.E., in September, 1945. Dorcas Mona, Lady Bower, on 5th May, 1946. Elizabeth Ann, Mrs. Tweedale, C.B.E., A.R.R.C., on 25th June, 1946. Catherine Leslie, Lady Wingate, D.B.E., on 10th June, 1946. The Lady Chetwode, on 29th June, 1946. Kathleen Lucy, Lady Melliss, on 14th July, 1946. Ella Gertrude Amy, Mrs. Webb, M.B.E., M.D., on 25th August, 1946. Mary Emmeline, Lady Ferguson, in December, 1944. CHAPLAINS. The Rev. Canon James Abraham Lewis, on 8th January, 1946. The Rev. Ernest Hermitage Day, D.D., F.S.A., on 18th August, 1946. COMMANDERS (BROTHERS). Colonel James Bertram Mitchell, on 14th November, 1945. Selwyn Gwillym Blaylock, on 19th November, 1945. Lieut.-Colonel John William Abraham, O.B.E., on 5th August, 1945. George Watkin, in June, 1944.
Sir Alastair Duncan Atholl MacGregor, in October~ 1945. The Viscount Southwood (Associate), on 10th Apnl, 1946. Bertram George andys Belas, L.R.C.P. & s.I., on 17th May, 1946. Morris \Vatson Welson, C.M.G., on 13th May, 1946. Roy Godfrey Bullen picer, C.M.G., M.C. George Herrick Duggan, on 8th October, 1946. Arthur Loui Allen. Major Lyndon Henry Morris, C.B.E., M.C. George Locke, M.R.C.S., on 19th November, 1946. ASSOCIATE COMMANDERS (BROTHERS). Khan Bahadur ir Kava ji Hormasji Katrak, O.B.E., on 24th June, 1946. Lieut.-Colonel ir Ha an uhrawardy, O.B.E., 1.D. COMMANDERS (SISTERS). Violet Florence Mabel, Lady Melchett, D.B.E., in September, 1945. Elizabeth, Mrs. Gordon, on 23rd March, 1946. Annie, Irs. Greenway Middows. OFFICERS (BROTHERS). Lieut.-Colonel Herbert Edward Drake-Brockman, F.R.C.S.ED., L.R.C.P. Ernest tretton Gerrish. Lieut.-Colonel Percival Lawrence Montagu Battye. The Hon. ir Herbert Angus Parsons, R.B.E., on 2nd November, 1945. Moses Humber tone. David Thomas, on 26th November, 1945. vVilliam James Bromfield, on 29th December, 1945. Leslie eaford Gunn, on 16th December, 1945. John Hall vVoods, M.R.C.S.I., in October, 1945. . Lieut.- olonel Arthur Frederick \Villiam King, F.R.C .. ED., ill July, 1945. Colonel David Rorie, D.S.O., T.D., M.D., on 18th February, 1946. Thomas Matthews Angior, M.R.C. " L.R.C.P., on 22nd February, 1946. Arthur Hillaby, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., on 19th July, 1945. Major Edmund James Dea e, on 1st October, 1945. Malcolm Dillon, M.B.E., in eptember, 1945. Captain James Lawson Russell, M.B., R.A.M.C., on 22nd July, 1945. Major Frederick Charles Lefevre, O.B.E., in 1945. Colonel Astley Vavasour Clarke, M.D., LR.C .. , L.R.C.P., on 21st February, 1945. Sir Arthur tanley Woodwark, C.M.G., C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., on 11th May, 1945. Major John Wheatley Morrison, in July, 1945. Major Frederick Lawrence Stanley Clarke, O.B .E., on 10th April, 1946. Alexander Peden Gardiner. Ughtred Hitchon. Frank Samuel Hardy, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., on 7th May, 1946. Gilbert Edward Orme, M.B., M.R.C.S., on 7th April, 1945. William Edward Naylor, on 7th November, 1945. Sir Clarence Bartholomew, O.B.E., on 31st March, 1946. George Alfred Enderby, on 15th April, 1945.
Harry Robert tanley. David Matthew Chapman, on 1nth eptember, 1943. David Jones, on 3rd February, 19"16. v illiam Rees 1atthews, on 23rd March, 1916. Captain George Ferguson hepherd, F.R . . . 1., in 19-13. Robert loan, on 18th June, 1946. Gustave Heuze Hogg, M.D.ED. Peter Cameron, on 24th February, 1946. Robert Vernon Bulman. Colonel George Mackie, O.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., M.D., on 29th July, 194 . Colonel Arthur Mayers Connell, F.R.C.S.ED., T.D., on 8th Nov mber, 1913. Lieut.-Colonel Colin Macphail Forbe , M.B. Hollis George Golding, on 7th June, 19-16. Victor Ratcliffe Edward Drury, on 28th Augu t, 19-Hi. \Villiam Arthur Iorgan, on 9th August, 1946. Lieut.-Colonel William ydney Charles Copeman, F.R.C.P., l-{.A.~r.C. Robert Reginald Roger, M.D., in August, 1946. Captain Thomas Charles Augustus weetnam, M.D. vVilliam John Percy Player, M.B.E., on 14th October, 1946. Charles Bedlington Griffiths, on 18th October, 1946. Norman Allan Teare, on 9th :0l"ovember, 19-J6. Archibald John Young, L.R.C.P., on 14th October, 1946. OFFICERS ( ISTER ). Edith Marianne, Mrs. Fulljames, M.B.E. Eleanor Etna Audley, Mrs. Foley-Philipps, on 3rd December, 194::';. Lucinda Henrietta, Mrs. Wilson. Elizabeth Lucy, Miss May, in August, 19-15. Julia May, Mrs. Lievesley, on 13th lay, 1945. Amy Georgina Mary, Miss tevenson, on 29th April. 19-16. Agnes, Jane, Mrs. Falconer, on 7th July, 1944. Mary, Mrs . Ingledew, on 21st eptember, 1946. Margaret Mary, Lady Irving. Mary Ellen, Mrs. Noble. SERVI G BROTHERS. Levi Pendleburv. John Fisk. Frank Firth. Charles Passey. William Ackerlev. \tVilliam Forster ~ George Sheldrake Norton. William Niblock. John William Heaps. Walter Charles Shalders. Frank Howard, on 1st January, 194G. Robert Askew, O.B.E., on 1st October, 1944 . Harry Robert Child, on 22nd March, 19L15. . amuel Frederick Arthur Morris.
REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL. Henry Thomas hewell. . Walter Early, on 27th November, 1945. Thomas Belworthy, on 6th July, 1945. Harry latthias Hinds, M.B.E., on 1st December, 194;). John Hagar, in pril,1945 . . . Orton Edward impson \Vhlteslde. George Henry Parmee, on 3rd December, 1945. William Latchford. tuart Kingsley Poole, L.M.S.S.A., in August, 1945. Frederick John Borrie, M.R.C.S., L.R .. P. \Villiam warbrick, on 22nd March, 1946. James Beswick on 18th April, 1946. Henry John B~nnet.t, on 2nd April, 1946. Patrick George Alfred Murphy. . \Villiam shby Rudd, on 19th Apnl, 1946. James lifford Dwyer. Leonard rthur Line, M.B. Herbert \iVood, on 19th May, 1946. George hrive. Harry Aldou , in April, 1946. Frank Penty. Captain Harry Allott, in Augu t, 1944. . J ames Badgett Porter. Arthur Louis Bentley Moore, 111 June, 1944. amuel John Reeves, on 9th October, 1943. John \Villiam Gilling, on 1 t March, 1946. Walter James Fo ter. Arthur Carter. William Charles \Vinch, on 26th April, 1942. Arthur \Villiam Boatwright, on 14th December, 1943. amuel Yate . Edmund Leach omp ton, M.B., on 8th eptember, 1945. vVilliam Thoma Carter, on 2nd March, 1946. John \Vilson. Arthur Henry Hall. Erne t Pickering. Tohn Wood, on 19th May, 1946. Edgar Uzzell, on 28th May, 1946. William Ernest Powell, on 12th December, 1942. Zephaniah plevins, on 7th February, 1946. Herbert Edwin Ansell, on 22nd May, 1944. Thomas Hastey. George W~lliam Woods, on 19th March, 1945. Thomas Emery Marsh, on 6th July, 1946. Hugh George Robinson, M.B. . Captain Sidney Attillio Gouder-Carbone, 111 August, 1945 . Fitzwalter Maurice Read, M.B. Lieut.-Colonel James Alfred Heath. Robert Simpson Anderson. William Fargher, on 21st August, 1946. Frank Edward Stallard, on 14th August, 1946 . r
John Rice. Edward Ernest Hattam. \Villiam \Vyse. John Arthur Barrett. John latthews. John \Villiam Fo it Bonds. Julius David Rutter. Abraham Howard, on 24th Augu t, 1946. John Ash. Frederick George vVainwright, on 21st August, 1945. Thomas Hamilton Irvine, M.B. Reginald lanwood Hodson "ralford, M.H . . . , L.R.C.P., on 7th June 1946 John Faragher, on 17th June, 1946. ' . John Robert Croft, on 2nd May, 19 l6. Frank Howard. George Henry Ritchie. Daniel Jones, on 10th farch, 194G. Frederic Charles Mann, M.D., D.P.H., in larch, 1946. Henry Owen, on 3rd October, 194G. Joseph Henry Hill, on 29th pril, 19-14. James Ewing, L.l\I.S.S.A. Alexander Low. Thomas George Kitchingham, John Benjamin Rudge. George \Vebb. Thomas Alfred Burrows. vValter John Meredith. Charlie Rhodes. Bazil Wesley MacDonald, M.D., on 8th November, 194G. Percy Marshall. Henry Thomas Fracy, on 22nd November, 194G. Jo~~ Thomas Drydale, on 30th August, 194G. \¥llliam Allan Quillin, on 7th January, 1946. ASSOCIATE SERVI G BROTHER. Captain Merwanji Erachji Pavri. SERVING SISTERS. Annie Gill, Mrs. Mifsud, M.B.E ., R.R.C. Mary, Miss Shepherd. Benetta Ellen Louisa, Mrs. Brown, on 7th ovember, 1945. Margaret Hannah, Mrs. Warren on 25th March 1946 Christina Sandford, Mrs. J ackso~ . , . Jane Wilson, Mrs. Emmett. Lav~nia, Mrs . Simpson, on 13th January, 1946. L~~lsa, Miss Bridge, in February, 1944. Mlnam Gertrude, Miss Billing. Esther, Mrs. Cardo. Roslyn Mary, Miss Carr. Ethel Anne, Miss Mooring Aldridge.
Caroline Helena, Miss Allardyce. Helen Elizabeth, Miss Riggs. Lydia Marian, Miss Phelps. Kate Rebecca, 1rs. \Vilson. Louisa arah, Mrs. Allerton, on 16th August, 1946. Ada Jane, Mrs. Arbuthnot, on 14th October, 1946. Ethel May, Mrs. Bennett, on 29th October, 1946. HO ORARY ASSOCIATE. Major-General ir Henry Francis Freeland, K.C.I.E., C B., M.V.O ., D.S.O., on 29th farch, 194G. ir Jame Hous ema ne Du Boulay, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., in l'\ovember, 1945. \Villiam alweU, O.B.E., M.D. Dame arah Elizabeth Oram, D.B.E., R.R.C. Major David Middleton Greig, T.D., LB., F.R.C.S.ED. Louisa, Mary, Mrs. hanks, on 22nd August, 1945. LIBRARY A D MU EU 1. Major R. \\'illiams, the Librarian, reports as follows: No outstanding publication relating to the Order has been brought to notice during the pa t year. The number of visits to the Library and l\Iu eum has been 2,695, being a thousand more than for the corre ponding peri.od last year. A high proportion of visitors have been group from the Bngade and Cade~s. In August, 1946, a vi it ,;.,'as made by Dr. Angus Macdonald, of Kmg's College, r ewcastle-on-Tyne, for the purpose of research in the Royal Library, Valetta, Malta. This visit was sponsored by the Order and his findings are awaited with much interest. Purchases on behalf of the Library have been few in number, but a gift from the Rev. Christopher Perowne, consisting of two lengths of red and gold Indian brocade, for an altar frontal for the Grand Priory Church, was of outstanding interest. ince the last report it has been possible to convert a large cupboard in the Chancery to a Display Cabinet, for the purpose of housing the Lady Inglefield collection of ilver. Suitably illuminated the effect has been most happy, and subsequent exhibit has met with universal approval. A sequel was the conversion of the companion cupboard, and this now displays the rest of the Order's ilver Collection. The appearance of the Chancery is greatly enhanced. The List of Donors to the Library and Museum, to whom the thanks of Chapter-General have been conveyed, is as follows :The Chevalier, H. P. Scicluna, Mrs. J. P. Maitland, Canon A. Crietien, Mr. W. G. Wilding, Major-General Granville Egerton, Mrs. Battison, Brigadier Audland, Sir Bruce Bruce Porter, Col. Sir James leeman, Col. Woolrych Perowne, Major R. . Roberts, Lt.-Cdr. A. F. Inglefield, the Rev. Whittley, the Rev. Christopher Perowne, the Librarian. REPORT OF THE CHURCH COM lITTEE. The Church Committee ha been principally concerned during the past year with the acquisition of the mall piece of land abutting on the ite
t. John Clinic with a notice to treat for the compulsory taking over of the premi es at Ranelagh Road. . ' . . After great difnculty we have been su~ces~f~l m acqUl~mg premIses situated at \Ve tminster Bridge Road, whIch It IS hoped wlll prove very snitablc for the linic when repair and alterations have been complet~d. The'e premises are situated within one minute of \Yaterloo StatIon. and on the main tram and bus route. The work of the Clinic has gone on teadily during the year and figures show a small increase in attendances and treatments for 1946 over 1945. The total attendances were 21,812 in 1946, as against 19,563 for 1945, and the total treatment given in 1946 were 54,791 as against 46,369 for 1943.
occupied by the church of the Order. The purchase of that land has now been completed, all the ne~es ary legal formalitie have been dealt with the conveya?ce ha been sIgned~ and the .land i now the property of th~ Ord~r. It will form part ?f the SIte on whIch the church i to be re-built. Smce then ~he commIttee has been engaged in making preparation for the launc~lI:g of the appeal for funds for the rebuilding of our church A brochure glvmg a short hi~to.r'y of the old church and details regarding the plan of the new church 1 m cour e of preparation to b di tributed to th~ Ord~r at home and the Priorie over ea. That brochure i now pr~chcally m ord~r and will be ready for u e when th appeal is launched whICh we hope w~ be at an early date. \Ye have e\Tery rea on to ho ~ that the appeal WIll find ree:-dy acceptance by all member of th Ord~r at h~me and oversee:- .. It will b~ some til~e yet befor p rmi ion can b o~tamed t~ ~tart building operatIOn, but 111 the meantime we can proc ed wIth the ralsmg of the funds required and make good u e of th time which must elapse ~efore we can make a tart on the actual building. The comm.lttee has also been concerned with the pre cnTation of the cryp~ belo?gmg to t~e old ~hurch. A new ch me of lighting i under consIderatIOn but t~IS, agam, mu t await more favourable condition ' . The stonework r.eqUlres survey and treatment and will be taken in hand as soon as practIcable. REPORT OF THE FIr Ai
The Income and Expenditure Ac~ount and Balance, heet appear on pages 156-1.59 .. The £l,OO?,OOO recelved from the Red ro and t. John :V~r Organ~zatIOn (to whIch reference wa made in la t year' r port) IS mcl~ded m the Balance .Sheet under the heading" t. John Po ' t-\Var F und .' In reg~rd to thIS money, Chapter-General ha approved the f ollowmg allocatIon :-
2180fgg'000 ggg f laor rrinimum amount) for Headquarters CenLral A.clminisirati()n . oans towards the purchase of local headq uarLers in England .
~, or the purchase of County Headquarters in England. £20,000 for the purchase of leasehold premises, etc., at 8 Gro venor Crescenl.
The expenditure ~hown in the Balance heet of £4,494 include a grant of £1~000 to the Pnory for \iV'ales; £1,390 for repair at the Ophthalmic HospItal at Jerusalem; and £1,500 for office equipment at 8 Grosvenor Crescent. ~he transfer ~f £32,000 to the Income and Expenditure Account represents mvestment mterest of £12,000 on the £500 000 allocat d f Headquar~ers Central Administration (mentioned ab~ve), and £~o,og~ of the ~apltal. The Balance Sheet also shows the position of the" t J h CountIes Fund n, ~f which the expenditure of £104,379 include gr~nt~~} £50,000 to th~ Pnory for Wales and £38,344 for the purchase of local headqu~rt~rs m the Counties, while £15,000 was paid over to Count Funds m heu of Flag Days. y THE ST. JOHN CLINIC. As anticipated the Westminster City Council has now served the
During thc y ar 1916 the above ommittee, under the leadership of Col. ir Colin l\IacRae of Feoirlinn, carried on and extended the work for which it \Va formed. .\ t. John 1edical Comforts Depot Committee was formed in Glasgow under the chairmanship of Lieut.-Col. Victor D. \Varren, l\I.B.E., T.D., ] .P., and two depot hav be n equipped and opened in. Glasgow. . In addition to the two depot in Gla gow, there are three.m LanarkshIr~, one at Inverailort in the w tern part of Inverness-shIre, and one m kve. .\t the end of the vear the cottish Committee was in touch with a ri'umber of people with a-view to the opening of further depots in various parts of '- co lland. . ' Toward the end of the year the CommIttee acqUlred an ambulance from the Joint \ Var Organization and work was begun to recon~truct .tl~e body for the purpose of using the vehicle as a t. John Travellmg ClImc for Ophthalmic , ~o e, Throat , and Ear work. t the end of the year the work of reconstruction had not been completed but arrangements were well in train for the erVlce to be put in operation as soon as the vehicle wa ready. During the autumn fajor J. Forrest Hamilton put forward a scheme for the opening of an Order of t. John Foundation Hospital in Glasgow to provide a comprehensive ho pital service with the amenities of nur ing home residence at f es well within the means of the "black-coated n workers. This scheme met with the approval of the Committee and Major Forrest Hamilton was authorized to enter into an agreement with certain gentlemen, with whom he had been working, whereby the Committee for cottish Affair took over a large house in Glasgow, together with about £1,600 in cash on the understanding that these assets would be used to help to open a hospital on the lines described above. Leading Glasgow medical men agreed to co-operate with the Committee. A Ladies' Linen Guild was formed and already before the end of the year had raised considerable sums for bedding, linen, crockery, cutlery, etc. At the end of the year the work of reconditioning the premises was well in hand and it was expected that the hospital would be ready for occupation early in April, 1947. On 20th and 21st November, 1946, Major Forrest Hamilton had meetings at St. John's Gate with the Executive Officers and the Council
of the Order, as a result of which the Council decided to recommend to Chapter-General to grant the Committee of the Order for cottish Affairs similar financial assistance to that which they proposed to grant to the Northern Ireland Committee for developing the Hospital, Clinic, and other activities of the Order in cotland. The Council also agreed to recommend Chapter-General to consider favourably the question of raising the status of the Committee by reviving the ancient Priory of cotland and to try to arrange for a Royal Inve titure of members of the Order to be held in the Palace of Holyroodhouse in 1947. Council further agreed that the Committee for cotti h Affair should be represented on both the Council and on Chapter-General. During the yea the Hospitaller raised the record sum of over £140 for the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital in J eru alem, detail of which will be found in the Report of the Hospital. RECORDING OF THE ARMS OF THE ORDER L
The matriculation of the Arms of the Order in cotland is of uch historic interest that an extract is printed here for the information of Members of the Order : To All and Sundry whom these Present do or may concern, \Ve, Thoma Innes of Learney, Baron of Learney, Kinnairdy and Yeochrie, dvocat, Lord Lyon King of Arms, considering that under the pro i ion of the Statute 1672 cap. 47 and others in that behalf made \Ve are, in virtue of Our Office of Lyon empowered to visit the whole arms, badge and cognisances of the Nobility, States Spiritual and Temporal, borne and used within this Realm and to distinguish them with congruent diff r nces and to matriculate them in Our Books and Registers and to give arm to all virtuous and well-deserving persons and extracts of all arms und r Our Hand and Seal of Office, and whereas Colonel ir olin facRae of Feoirlinn, Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Knight of J u tice of the V~nera.ble Order ~f the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, His Maje ty ' Vice-LIeutenan~ 111 the County of Bute, and William David Cargill Thompson, Kmght of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of aint John of Jerusalem respectively Chairman and Treasurer of the Committee for Scottish Affairs of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, have by Petition unto Us of date seventh October 1946 represented TH-:J.T the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem was establIshed about the year. 1099 by the Blessed Gerard of Martiguesen-Pro~ence, under the <egIs of the noble and Christian hero, Godfrey de BOUllion, Duke of Lorraine: THAT by a Bull of date 11th August 1259 Pope Alexander IV granted a distinctive dress to the Master and Brethren ?f the said Hospital of Saint John, but providing that" in Wa.. r and 111 battle they shall wear)upons and other military surcoats whIch shall be of red colour, hav111g sewn upon them a white cross, exactly as upon your Standard JJ: THAT for some four centuries auterior to the year 1560 the said Venerable Order was in the Kingdom of Scotland organized in a Commandery at the Preceptory and Lord-
shi of Torphichen and Temple Barony of Maryculter. . ir James SaJdilands of Calder, Lord of t. John and Preceptor of !orphichen, and the last Prior of the Order of aint John of Jerusalem 111 cotland, was b Charter under the Great eal 24th Ja.nuary 1563-4, created ~eudal laron and Lord of the Regality of Torphichen and a Lord ?fParlIa..ment as Lord Torphichen: THAT the said Venerable Order, wh~chcontl1:u~d to be seated in Malta until the year 1798 and ther~after m Catama m icily continued to be represented in France, where m 1814 a Chapter. of the Three French Tongues under Prince Carr:ille de Rohar:, q-rand Pnor D'Aquitaine, established a permanent CapItular CommIssIOn ~or the whole Order, ratified by a Papa~ B~ll of 10th August 1814, WIth t~e sanction of ndrew di Giovanm, LIeutenant. ~a r of the Order m atania: THAT the said apitular CommIssIOn on 29th January 1831, under the Marquis de t. Croix Mollay, Gran.d Chancell~r of the Order in France, pursuant to the powers aforesaId, re?rgamz~d t~e Venerable Tongue of England under ir Robert Peat, Pnor ad ~ntenm who died in 1837, and his successor, ir. Henry Dymoke of Scnbelsby Champion of England, became Grand.Pnor of the Vene.ra?le Tongue of England of the said Order:, reconstItuted as aforesaId. T!lA.T by Royal Charter of 14th 1ay 1881 the ~aid Order of. SaI~t )ohn of Jerusalem in England was by Her MaJesty Queen VI~tona mc?rporated as the Grand Priory of the Order of .the HospItal of a.mt John of J rusalem in England under Her MaJesty as .ItS overeign Head and Patron and His Royal Highness, Edward, Pnnce of Wales as Grand Prior: THAT by Royal \Varrant of date 1st February 192?, his late Majesty King George V was pleased to grant unto the s~l.ld Venerable Order there and therein designed the Order of ~~e Hosplt~1 of aint John of Jerusalem in England upon the PetItIOn of HIS Royal Highness uthur \Villiam Patrick Albert, Duke of Connaug~t and trathearn, ICG., then Grand Prior of the said C?rder, certam En igns Armorial to be borne on their command, .seals, shIelds, banners or otherwise, videlicet, Gules a cross Argent, m the first quarter a representation of His Majesty's crest, which in obedience to a warrant from the Deputy Earl Marshal of the Hereditary Marshal of England?f date 15th February 1926 was granted and exemplified unto the saId Order of the Hospital of aint John of Jerusalem in England by ~et~ers Patent of ir Henry Farnham Burke, K. C.V.O., C.B., q-arter PnnCIpal King of English Anns, with Clarencieux and Norroy Kmgs of Arms, of date 15th March 1926. That by Royal Charter under the Grec~.t Seal of date 1st August 1936, King Edward VIII was pleased to ordam ~hat the name, designation and title of the said Order is and shall contmue to be " The Grand Priory in the British Realm of ~he Venerab~e Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem JJ, whIch for breVIty sl~all usually be styled and designated "The Venerable Order of S~mt John JJ: THAT powers to make certain tatutes and RegulatIOns " not repugnant to the provisions of this Our Charter, nor contrary to the Laws of the Realm JJ whereof the 41st Statute indicates that the Badge of the Order shall be an eight-pointed cross embellished in the four principal angles alternately with a Lion passant ~ardant ar:d a Unicorn passant, borne, pursuant to tatute 51 and relatIve regulatIons, upon mantle and liveries of Sable, which is also pursuant to Regula-
REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GE TERAL. tion 41A, to be borne surmounted by an escutcheon of the arms of the Order, the escutcheon when it i u ed to ' be so drawn as to compl tely cover the embellishment of the badge: THAT the said Venerable Order i de irous that the foresaid Ensigns Armorial might be matriculated, pursuant to the tatute 1592 cap. 125, 1672 cap. 127 and other in that behalf made, in the Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in cotland: WE do hereby ertify and Declare that the Ensigns Armorial pertaining and belonging to the said Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem are matriculated on the Twentieth folio of the XXXVIth Volume of the Public Register of 11 .\rm and Bearings in c and conform to Our " Tarrant to the LYon lerk of 6th November inst. for that effect and are thus blazoned, videlicet: G1!les, a Cross Argent, in, the first quarter a representaholl of His 11!aJesty's crest jar Engl~nd, 1~aJnely, UPOil all /mperial crowll proper a han statant gardant Or, ~mpenally crowned proper " above th hi ld i
depicted upon a roundel of their livery able, as the badge of the Order, vizt. a silver, id est, white, eight-pointed era s embeZh !zed /71 the jou; principal angles alternately with a lion passalll ~ardallt aJld a W1,1,corn passant Or, AND FOR Mottoes are set in an Escrol above the badge this motto "PRO FIDE" and in another E crol b low the shield this motto (( PRO UTILITA TE HOl\IL'\"U:'II " and upon a Standard Sable, having the arms of the said "enerable Order in the hoist, the said badge is depicted three times along with the motto "PRO UTILITATE HOMINUM" upon two tran ver e riband Argent in letters able, the staff being ensigned with the said Badge of the Order, which. Coat and Bearing above blazoned is hereby Ratified, Confirmed and ASSIgned to the said Grand Priory in the B ri ti h Realm ?f the Ver:erable Order o~ the Hospital of aint John of Jerusalem and Its CommIttee for cothsh Affairs as their proper coat-of-arm and bearing in all time coming, IN TE TI1VI02\ Y TflHEREOF we have subscribed these Presents and the eal of Our Office i affixed hereto at Edinburgh the Sixth day of November in the Tenth Year of the Reign of .o~ Sovereign Lord George the ixth, by Grace of God, of Great ~ntam and Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Kmg, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India, etc., and in the Year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.
large. Fortunately, by the end of. eptember: 1946, a fairl~ satisf~ctory supply of In ignia had become avallable, and It became pOSSIble to mve~t a larger number of members than could conveniently be accommodated m the Chapter Hall at t. John's Gate. The Lord Mayor of London, .on learning of thi , very kindly offered the Order t?e use of the ManslOn House on Friday, 11th October, and the ub-Pnor gratefully accepted the offer. The accommodation put at the disposal of the Order was ample. Not onl was it po sible to arrange for some 240 members to be invested in th presence of hapter-General, but there was room for each of them to bring a relative or friend, and even so, there was plenty of space left over for the Band of the Royal Artillery in the gallery. Memb~rs of Chapter-General robed in the Long Gal!ery and entere~ the Egypban Hall for the Inve titure in procession behmd the P~ocesslOnal Cros,:; a!1 d tandard of the Order. There they awaited the arnval of the Sub-Pnor who wa preceded bv th Executive Officers and Bailiffs Grand Cross, and by th word of the Order, and was followed by t?e Lor.d .Mayor, with the Right Honourable Clement Attlee, C.H., Pnme imister of Great Britain, escorted by the heriffs of London and the Sword Bearer of the it. \Vhen the Dean of Bocking, as Officiating Chaplain, ha~ concl?~ed the op ning Prayer, the first p~r on t? be ir:vested was the Pnme MIlllste.r as a Knight of Grace. After hI own mvestlture, he watched the proceedmgs for a f w minute, but had then to withdraw and was escorted out of the Egyptian Hall by the Director of Ceremonies and ir Hugh Turnbull, Commi sioner of Police for the City of London. At the conclusion of the Investiture, the Lord 1ayor and Lady Mayoress entertained the ub-Prior, Executive Officers and Bailiffs Grand Cross to tea in the Blue Dravving Room. It is hoped to hold another pecial Investiture on a large scale as soon a Insignia become available again. CO
The decision to form Council of the Order of t. John in all Counties was intimated in the Report for the year ended 31st December, 1945. ince that time, steady progres has been made and the appended list shows those Counties in which Council are already established and in the process of formation. An Informal Meeting of ecretarie of Councils was held at St. John's Gate in November, at which valuable experiences in the work of the Councils were exchanged and methods of admini tration and action were discussed. It is intended in future to hold an Annual Conference of Chairmen of Councils at t. John's Gate, under the presidency of the Chancellor, as Chief Executive Officer of the Grand Prior. T. JOR
SP ECIAL INVESTITURE AT THE MANSION HOUSE. Fo~ some ti~e past th~ Order has had difficulty in securing adequate supphes of Insigma and m consequence of this the number of members who could be invested on Appointment or Promotion has not been very
Buckinghamshire Cheshire
COU ClLS ALREADY IN ACTIO r. President and Chairman: Lieut.-Colonel The Lord Cottesloe, C.B., V.D., T.D . (Lord-Lieutenant). President: Brigadier-General ir VV. Bromley Davenport, K.C . B ., etc. (Lord-Lieutenant). Chairman: Captain Percy Reay, M.B . E., M.C.
60 Devon
North Riding of Yorkshire
President: The Marquess of Zetland, K.G., etc. (LordLieutenant) . hairman: The Marquess of orman by.
President: Brigadier-General The Earl of haItesbury, K.P . , etc. (Lord-Lieutenant). Chairman: Edgar S. Bowes, Esq ., ?l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
West Riding of Yorkshire.
President.: l\Iajor The Earl of Harewood, R.G., etc. (Lord-Lieutenant) . Chairman: Lieut.-Colonel Sir Frank Brook, D .S . O ., M .C.
President: The Duke of Beaufort, KG. (LordLieutenant) . Chairman: The Vi count Bledisloe, G.C.M.G., etc.
President : Colonel Sir Francis \Vhitmore, (Lord-Lieutenant) . Chairman: ot yet appointed.
President: H .E. Sir Edward Gra cu., (Lieutenan t-Governor). Chairman: ir Alexander Coutanche.
County of London
President: The Duke of Wellington (Lord-Lieutenant] Chairman: ot yet appointed.
President: The Earl of Leicester (Lord -Lieu tenant). Chairman: Lieut.-Colonel ir Thomas ook.
President: The Lord Latham of Hendon (LordLieutenant.). Chairman: Brigadier O. VV. icholson.
President: The Earl of Harrowby (Lord-Lieutenant). Chairman: ir Francis Joseph, Bt., K.B.E.
Suffolk .
President: The Earl of Stradbroke, (Lord-Lieutenant) . Chairman: The Earl of Cranbrook.
President: Chairman: W. C. Bentall, Esq.,
President: Colonel The Earl Fortescue, (Lord-Lieutenant) . Chairman: Herbert J. Vick, Esq., O.B.E. .
COU CILS I Guernsey
O.B.E., F.R.C.S.ED.
H.E. Lieut.-General ir Philip (Lieutenant-Governor). Chairman: Sir Victor Carey.
rea me,
President: The Lord Cornwallis, Lieutenant) . Chairman: Sir Robert Gower, R.C.V .O.,
County Palatine of Lancaster.
President: The Earl of Derby, K.G. (Lord-Lieutenant). Chairman: The Hon. H. A. Cozens-Hardy.
Leicestershire .
President: The Lord Hazlerigg (Lord-Lieutenant). Chairman: H. . Bream, Esq.
President: The Lord Bicester (Lord-Lieutenant). Chairman: Sir Miles Thomas, D.F.C.
President and Chairman: Admiral of the Fleet Sir James Somerville, G.C.B., etc. (Lord-Lieutenant).
W orcestershire
1 resident: The Viscount Cobham, K.C.B., etc. (LordLieutenant). Chairman: F. L. ewton, Esq ., M.B.
East Riding of Yorkshire
President: The Lord Middleton, Lieutenant) . Chairman: Not yet appointed.
V.C., R . B .E.
M.C. O . B .E .
R.C.B .,
etc .
THE THREE NE\V PRIORIE IN NEW ZEALAND, CANADA, Al D A USTRALI . On 26th July, 19-:1:6, the Chapter-General recommended to His Royal Highne. the Grand Prior that the Commanderies which had been e tabli hed in ~ ew Zealand (in 1931), Canada (in 1934)' and Australia (in 1941)' should be raised to the tat us of Priories, and that vVestern Australia should be constituted a Commandery of the Order vvithin the Priory of Australia. Hi fajesty the overeign Head was graciously pleased to sanction the recommendations to date 16th eptember, 1946. The following Letters Patent, dated 16th, 17th, and 18th September, 1946, respectively, were prepared for the ceremony of raising the Commanderies to the status of Priories, which it is hoped to carry out in each of the Dominions at an early date :-
Arms of the Grand Prior.
(Signed) HENRY
TO ALL TO WHOM these Presents shall come, vVe Henry William Frederick Albert, Duke of Gloucester, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, etc., etc., Grand Prior of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of aint John of Jerusalem, Send Greeting WHEREAS it has been recommended to Us by the Chapter-General of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem that the Commandery of the said Order now established in the Dominion of New Zealand should be raised to the status of a Priory within the Order. AND WHEREAS We, with the consent and approbation of His
Majesty The King, the overeign Head of the said Order, have been pleased to accede to such request. NOvV THE E Presents witness that by virtue of the Power and authority vested in Us as Grand Prior and in pursuance of the tatutes of the said Order, We do hereby elevate, augment, and enlarge the Commandery of the Order now exi ting in the Dominion of New Zealand to the Status of a Priory to be known as the Priory for New Zealand of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of aint John of Jerusalem. And we do further declare that the first Prior of the aid Priory shall be His Excellency Lieutenant-General ir Bernard yril Freyberg, Knight Grand Cros of the Most Distinguished Order of aint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the lost Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the 1.\10 t Excellent Order of th British Empire, Companion of the Distinguished ervice Order, upon whom has been conferred the Decoration of the Victoria ro s and that all the Officers, Members, and A sociates of the aid pre ~nt ommandery shall become Officers, Members and A sociate of the said Priory, and that the said Priory shall possess all the right, privilege and advantages to a Priory attaching under and by virtue of the tatutes of the Order subject to such regulation as may hereafter be issued by Us to govern the same. And We do further declare that all property, right, powers and liabilities of the said present Commandery shall a from the date of these Presents be tran ferred to the said Priory. Given at aint J oIm" Gate this ixteenth day of eptember in the year of our Lord One thou and nine hundred and forty- ix By the Grand Prior' ommand, (Signed) ED\VIN KING, Chancellor. Similar Letters Patent have been prepared for Canada dateu 17th September, 1946, and the Letters Patent for Australia read as follow
WHEREA it has been recommended to Us by the Chapter-General of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of aint John of Jerusalem that the Commandery of the aid Order now established in the Commonwealth of .\ustralia should be raised to the status of a Priory within the Order, and that it should include all those territories comprised within the boundaries of the ommonwealth aforesaid, together with jurisdiction over the Commandery of \Vestern Australia. . \~D \\"HEl{E.\ . \Ye, with the consent and approbation of His illajesty The King, the overeign Head of the said Order, have been pleased to accede to such request. :';-O\V THE E Pre ents witness that by virtue of the Power and amhority v ted in s as Grand Prior and in pursuance of the Statutes of the aid Order, \Ye do hereby elevate, augment and enlarge the Commander)' of the Order now existing in the Commonwealth of .\u tralia to the tatus of a Priory to be known as the Priory for the Commonwealth in Australia of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of aint John of Jerusalem. ,\11(l \Ve do further declare that the first Prior of the said Priory shall be Hi Excellency :\lajor-General ir \Yin ton Dugan, Knight Grand eros of the Mo t Di tinguished Order of aint Michael and aint eorge, ompanion of the :Jl0 t Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Distingui h d ervice Order, Governor-General for the time b in u , and that all the Officer, l\Iember and Associates of the aid present ommandery shall become Officers, Members and .\ 'sociates of the aid Priory, and that the aid Priory shall possess all the right, privilege and advantage to a Priory attaching under and by virtue of the tatute of the Order subject to such regulation a may hereafter be is ued by C ' to govern the same. And we do further declare that all property, rights, powers and liabilities of the aid present Commandery hall as from the date of the. e Pre ents be trail ferr cl to the said Priory. Given at Saint John's Gate this Eighteenth day of eptem ber in the year of Our Lord One thousand nine hundred and forty-six By the Grand Prior's Command,
Arms of the Grand Prior.
(Signed) ED\VI (Signed) HENRY
TO ~LL TO WHOM these Presents shall come, We Henry William Fredenck Albert, Duke of Gloucester, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, etc., etc., Grand Prior of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem , end Greeting
KING, Chancellor.
The following is extracted from the fifty-fifth Annual R eport of the Committee : THE LATE FIELD-MARSHAL LORD GORT, V.C., G.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., 1.V.O., M. C. It was with very great regret that your Committee learnt of the death of His Excellency the High Commis ioner for Palestine, Field-Mar hal Lord Gort, V.C., G.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.\'.O., 1I.C. Lord Gort during his tenure of office had always taken the keenest interest in the Hospital. The flag at the Hospital was flown at half mast during the period of mourning and the Warden, representing the Order, attended the Memorial Service held at St. George's Cathedral on 10th April, 191G.
THE COMMITTEE. Colonel Sir Alfred E. \Vebb-Johnson, Bt., K.C.V.O., C.B.E., D.S .O., T.D., F.R.C.S ., President of the Royal College of urgeons, succeeded olonel J. T. \i\Toolrych Perowne, V.D., T.D., as H ospitaller in April, 1916. The Committee wish to offer their congratulations to Brigadier Ir Stewart Duke-Elder on being created K.C.V.O. It is with regret that we have to report that ir Percival H ortonSmith Hartley, Kt. , C.V.O. , F.R.C.P., M.D., has for h alth reason been compelled to resign from the Committee. ir Percival H orton- mith Hartley was appointed to the Committee in July, 1929. It is the Committee's hope that with the curtailing of some of his activitie ir P ercival will regain his health. The Committee wish to thank ir P ercival for his long service and wise counsel while on the Committee. In February, 1946, the Grand Prior appointed Maj or P. M. Beachcroft, O.B.E., as a member of the Committee, and in July, 1946, the Countess of Cromer and Captain the Rt. Hon. Lord Teynham, D.S.O., C.B.E ., R.N. (ret'd.). The appointment of the Countess of Cromer, who is Chairman of the Linen Guild, will bring about a closer liaison between the Committee and the Guild. It is with regret that the Committee have to report the resignation of Mr. Humphrey E. Bowman, C.M.G., C.B.E., as Hon. Secretary to the Committee. Mr. Bowman was first appointed in 1937 and continued in this capacity until March, 1946, when he found it impossible to carry on as he was living away from London. The Committee wish to express their gratitude to him for the services he has rendered in the past and hope they will have his continued help whilst serving on the Committee. The Sub-Prior, when offering Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson the appointment of Hospitalier, informed him that he would appoint a whole-time secretary to deal with all routine matters. Major J. F. C. Underhill, T.D., has been appointed to this position.
HOSPIT AL PERSONNEL. Dr. Khalil Budeiri, M.D. (GEN.), D.O.M.S ., resigned his appointment I)f Registrar in june, 1946. He was appointed ~egistr~r in 19?6 an.d the Committee extend their grateful thanks for hIS serVIces durmg hIS ten years tenure of that office. He is succeeded by Dr. J. Graham Gillan, 1I.B., D.O.M .S., who arrived at the Hospital in ~ ovember, 1946. Dr. Rene Taccache, who had been House Surgeon for over a year, resigned in june, 19c!6, in order to carry out post graduate studies at Moorfield. Dr. N accache is succeeded by Dr. Kamel Salman from Beyrouth, Syria. The iatron, Mi s Anne C. G. Hayes, resigned at the end of October, 1946, having been at the Hospital for six years. She was obliged to take this step owing to private affairs at home . The Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking Ess Hayes for her loyal service to the Hospital through the difficult years of war. Iiss Mildred D. 1Iillman succeed l\liss H aves as :\Iatron. She has been at the Hospital since 193 and thoroughl); under tands the administrative difficulties which face the Hospital during these troublesome times. l\Irs. Gaskell resigned in eptember to take up an appointment at the Government Hospital in J eru alem . Mrs. 11. P. Oakley, Mrs. . Daugherty, Miss 1. Robinson, Miss 11. Ball, and Iiss L. A. jones have been appointed to the British Nursing taff and ha\Te taken up their duties at the Hospital. The establishment of th British Nur ing taff is a Matron and five British isters. Owing to the ever increasin a rise in cost of living in Palestine, the Committee have extended the Cost of Li'ving Allowance to the Nursing taf£. This allowance is based on the Government cale in force. The Committee al 0 sanctioned the revision of all the staff salaries so as to bring them into line with Government officials and nursing sisters serving in Palestine. THE SECRETARY'S VISIT TO THE HOSPITAL. Owing to the war years it has not been possible for any members of the Committee to visit the H ospital and go into the various problems with the Warden on the spot. The Committee decided to send the Secretary to Jerusalem to discuss various aspects of the Hospital with the. Warden, to obtain estimates and have work put in hand for essential mamtenance and outstanding building requirements which had been postponed due to the war. The Secretary arrived at the Ho pital in the middle of l\Iay and returned tc London on 24th June, 1946. As a result of his investigations and reports, the Committee recommended that the following works be put in hand and Chapter-General gave approval :Boundary Walls.-The curtain wall of the Hospital on the B ethlehem Road required repairing and was not high enough to keep out intruders. This work was contracted for £251 and has been completed. The S~uthern B o und~ry Limit of the Hospital Property had no demarcatIon and was entIrely exposed to the public who could at random E
enter the Ho pital grounds. A Boundary \Vall running the full extent of the south ern limit ha now been cr cteu at the co t of £50 1. Repair~ ·to the Lower Boundary \Yall and repointing of the wall of the face of the H o pi tal buildings have been completed at the price of £30. R oo! .- Annexe-owing to maintenance repairs bing practically impossible during the war, the annex roof wa leaking \'cr ' badly and causing con iderable damage to the int rior of the annexe flat. Thi ba now been repaired and coated with a special weatherproof dres ing \",ith a six years' guarantee at the cost of £621. The roofs of the isters' Flat and aile of the TT' ards have al 0 b en treated in a similar way and the work ha . now been completed at the cost of £238. Decoratio7l mid /vI ainie1lance.-The exterior woodwork and paintwork of the Hospital and Warden's Lodge had not been attended to during the \var and were in a bad state of repair. The interior of the annexe, the isters' fiat, and one of the \-yards had suffered con iderably from the leakages in the roofs. This redecoration and maintenance has been carried out at the cost of £195. I TSTALLATIOXS.
H at water and celltral heatiJlg sysLem.- The Hospital ha req uir d for some considerable time a modern hot water and c ntral heating y t m throughout both the Old Buildings and the J..:r ew outll Block. p to the present time both hot water and heating have been maintained by oil stoves, electric heaters, and electric hot water tanks. The cretary, whilst visiting the Hospital, obtained estimates and specifications for a combined system and the Committee has accepted these with hapterGeneral's approval . The co. t of the combin d sy t m amounts to £7, 93. The work has now been completed. Inquiries were made as to whether a steam sy tem could be combined with the hot water and central heating, ther by enabling the laundry, sterilizers, and the kitchen to work off the same plant. It was, howe\' r, decided that the additional cost involved wa not justified in a ho pital of this size. Kitchen.-Several improvements have been carried out in the kitchen, the chief of which are the installation of a frigidaire and a new electric cooker. THE SOUTH BLOCK. This was completed in 1940, but owing to the war years it was not possible either to equip or furni h it . It is designed for paying patients and it is hoped that it will be working to very nearly full capacity during the next epidemic season. This will entirely depend on the availability of the equipment and furniture and the time it will take to deliver. The theatre equipment and the necessary beds and bedding have been ordered at a cost of approximately £700. THE ANNEXE FLAT. It had been hoped that this would be opened as a children's clinic during the next epidemic season, but although the necessary cots and
bedding have been ordered, it is doubtful whether they will be shipped and delivered in time . HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. It has been a great relief this year to have been able to ~eet more promptly the requests and requisition li~ts fro.m the HOSpItal. The Hospital is fairly well sto~ked wIth domes~Ic reqU1rement~, tl:anks to .the very great a istance recelved from the Jomt W.ar Organ~zatlOn, partIcularly with regard to sheet, blankets? and cleanll1.g matenal. urgical in truments, drugs and omtments whl~h ha:re been. reque ted by the \Varden have be n sent out to the HospItal WI tll a httle delay as po sible, as and when they have become avaIlable. GIFTS. The Joint \Var Oraanization in Jeru alem, on closing down, prese~ted a car for the use of the \Varden. For this generous gift the CommIttee are extremely grateful. . On his departure from Pale tine Dr. \V: E. Thompso~ made a grft to the Hospital Library of his ophthalmologIcal books. whIch have .made a valuable addition to the collection recently receIved from SIT John ' trathearn. For this very acceptable gift the Committee are most grateful. The Committee are very grateful to Captain J. J:?ocwra Rogers f~r presenting the Hospital with a po~trai~ of one o~ hIS ancestors. ThIS has been sent to the Ho pital where It WIll be hung 111 the Docwra vVard. VISITORS. As well as the ecretary's official visit, the Hospital has received a number of visitors, some of whom have been members of the Order or closel y connected wi th i t . . In l\Iay, His Excellency the High Commissioner, Gene~al. Ir Alan Cunningham, K.C.B., D.S.O., :'.I.C., acco~panied ?y ~~e Dlstnct C.ommis ioner, -Ir. J. H. H. Pollock, C.M.G., paId an offiCIal. VlSIt to the ~ospI~a~. Professor amson Wright, of the Middlesex HOSPItal, also paId a VISIt in May and reported on the general and scientific equipment of the Hospital. . , Dr. MacQueen, the retiring Director of iedical SerVIces to the Palestme Government, paid a farewell visit and among other visitors who have either tayed or called at the Hospital are Captain Doric Bossom, son of Mr. Alfred Bossom, M.P., Mr. Stewart Perowne, O.B.E., Oriental Counsellor at Baghdad, Mr. Zachary Cope, B.R.C.S., Dr. Haden Guest, M.P., and the Blind VVclfare Delegation sent to Palestine by the Colonial Office. ST. JOH 's DAY. Service of Holy Communion was held as usual by kind permission of the Orthodox Patriarch in the Subterranean Church of Mar Hanna (St. John) Prodromos. The Warden writes to say: "The Crypt of the Church was full on the occasion of the service on St. John's Day. The District Commissioner, J\fr. Pollock, and Chief ecretary, Sir John Shaw, were pres en t. "
The Committee have seriously con id red the plans and e timates for the new 'Varden's Lodge and have come to the conclu ion after much discussion that in view of the high prices at present prevailing in Palestin and the uncertain state of affairs, they would not be justified in r commending the project to Chapter-General at the pre ent time. It has been decided to recon ider the position at some future date. SCOTLA D . The Committee are indeed grateful for lhe enthu ia 'tic upport of " The Committee of the Order for Scotti h Affairs" and for the collection of donations and subscriptions. Under the Chairman~hip of ir Colin MacRae, Kt., C.V.O., C.B.E., K.ST.J., they have collected a total of £140 17s. during their first year. Major Forrest Hamilton, :tIl.D., Hospitaller and Almoner to the Committee of the Order for Scottish Affairs, who paid a visit to t. John's Gate in November, 1946, promised full support from cotland and hop d that the contributions would not only be maintained but increa d. THE U SETTLED STATE IN PALESTINE. It is most satisfactory to be able to report that in spite of the deterioration of the political situation in the country no damage has been done to our buildings, with the exception that the main theatre window wa blown out by blast at the time of the King David Hot 1 outrage. The staff has been immune from interference up to the date of writing this report. The vVarden writes that shootings are commonplace occurrences in Jerusalem and in consequence social activities for the staff have had to be curtailed. In view of the present situation the Committee are renewing for another twelve months the special insurance of the staff which they have felt it wise to do for the last five years. THE ORDER'S PROPERTIES IN PALESTINE. The Committee recommended to Chapter-General that the responsibility for the administration of the properties of the Order in Palestine should be vested in some other committee of the Order as they felt their responsibilities should be confined to the administration of the Hospital. It was also recommended that the \Varden should be relieved of his responsibilities regarding the properties, other than the Hospital, because much of his time had been taken up in the past superintending the Order's property. Chapter-General approved that the Secretary of the Hospital Committee should be responsible to Council through the Secretary-General for the administration of the properties as far as the Headquarters at St. John's Gate were concerned and that Mr. Gerald Wheeler, of Haifa, should relieve the Warden of his responsibilities in Palestine.
LADIES' LINEN GUILD. The response to the appeal for more badges of the Order on the bed coverlets in the wards has been most encouraging: Th~se badg~s, however, take a considerable time to make as they reqUlre hIghly skIlled . nee~e work. In view of this and the fact that t~e Ne~ outh Block IS bemg equipped with nine new beds, bad~es ~r~ shll req~llred. . Owing to the difficulty of mamtammg supp~les dunng the war the Matron's annual requisition list has been heavIer than for som~ years past. The Linen Guild have very kindly me~ the demands, .and eqUlpment i being sent to the Hospital as and when It becomes avaIlable.. , J ine new beds for the outh Block and six new cots for the Children s Clinic have been ordered and the Linen Guild have very generously undertaken to supply the bedding for these. FINANCE. The Income and Expenditure account for the financial year ending 30th eptember, 1946, shows that the cost to the Order of its Hos~ital was £5,171 17s. 4d., compared \;I,rith £5,076 105. 6d. for the prevIOus year. . . The ri e in expenditure was chIefly bro~ght about by the :n~rease in the British Nursing taff and the very ~lgh rate of cost of lr~mg. Subscriptions and Donations show an mcrease of £1,514 1;)5. 2d. on those in 1945. The Committee would like to offer their sincere thanks to the Clo~h workers Company for their continued supp~rt and very generous donatIOn of a £1,000, received for 1946 through l\1a]or ~. M. Beach~roft, O.B.E. The Committee would also like to take thIS opportumty to extend their grateful thanks to the Great Priory of Mason~c Knights Templar, who, through Major ir Thoma G. L. Lumley-SmIth, Rt., D.S.O., sent £369 115. 10d. for the Jubilee Appeal Fund. They h~ve also ~ent a further £401 Os. 6d. since the 30th cptember, 1946. T~IS donatIOn show~ an increase on any of the previous years an~ the Commltt~e are. very conscIOUS of the magnificent support the Great Pnory of l\Iasomc Kmght~ Templars have given in the pa t-their total donations to date amountmg to over £5,000. . . The Jubilee Appeal Fund has once agam receIved further support from Lady Plender, who has sent a very generous donation .of £10~, and the Committee would like to take this opportunity of offenng theIr sincere appreciation of this gift. ince the end of the financial year, 30th September, 1946, the Committee haye received £1,000 as a bequest from the late Lord Plen~er, and it h2.s been decided that a bed should be endowed in commemoratIOn of him. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OVERSEAS. The Committee are once again very grateful for the generous supporl which has been received from the Priory in Southern Africa, amounting to £832 185. 2d., and they would like to offer the Priory Hospitaller, Mr. T. H. Watermeyer, K.ST.J., their thanks for his personal effort in maintaining this financial aid.
The Priory in. outhern Africa have agreed to the Committee's propo a1
The total number of patients suffering from acute conj unctivitis was
~o name a bed I~ one of the wards o~ th~ Old Hospital after the Priory
7,736, a slight increase on last year's figure o~ 6,661. Of ~hese :~98. (~.1 per
Southern Afnca. Th.e Plaque whIch IS to be hung over the bed is nearly completed and will be sent to Jeru alem in the near future. From the Priory of the Au tralian Commonwealth, the Committee acknowledged \"ith thanks the collection of £265 19s. 11 d. which i a £100 increase on that collected in 1945. The Priory in Canada has sent the sum of £225 6s. 5d. which is a considerable increase on that forwarded in 1945, and the ommittee extend their warm appreciation. The Committee would like to record their deep appreciation of the Priory in Jew Zealand for collecting £115 3s. 7d. We are happy to record that Iiss Hilda Ridler, O.ST.]., our Hon. Treasurer in J eru alem, ha not, as wa reported by the Committ e la t year, left Jerusalem. 1\1iss Ridler has continued her fine efforts on the hospital's b~half .and we extend our. thanks for the subscriptions amounting to £2~2 . MISS RIdler draws attentIOn to the fact that a large part of this total IS made up by N.A.A.F.I. contributions.
cent) were complicated by corneal u.1ceratlOn on thelr first VISIt, and 40 of these had gone on to perforatIOn of the globe . Tracho~a was present at one or other stage in 88·1 per cent of cases attendmg the Hospital. . . ' d The follov\:ing table set.s out the causes of blmdness m cases examme this year :-
Causes of Blilldl1ess. A. CO~GENJTAL .
1. Conjunctivjtis resu lting in (a) Corneal Opacity. (b) cconclary Glaucoma (c) Shrunken Globe 2. Fundal Conditions 3. Glaucoma (primary) 4. Cataract 5. Injury Total Causes
5 3
410 628
176 292 899 39
Political dist~rb~nces have dominated the enc in Pale tine throughout the year. TheIr dIrect effect on the Ho pital have been sliaht in that they have not interfered with the attendance of our Arab p~tients and we have sustained no damage from bombs other than a few broken ~indows. Indire~t1y, how~ver, the advent of additional t.roops is an Important factor m prolongmg our war-time difficulti and carcities. The cost of living has risen steadily since the conclu. ion of hostilitie . Even in pre-wa~ days it was considerably higher in Palestine than in England. The mdex for 1945 reached 260 (that for 1039 being 100) and for 1946 its peak was 276. Th.e pro.blem al~o of finding suitable subordinate staff i again more pressmg WIth the mfiux of troops. Young orderlies are no ooner trained to usefulness than they are drawn away by the excitement of the life round Army carr:Ps. and hostels. \Var control departments still exist and. employ as Jur:IOr clerks many girls who might otherwise adopt ~ursmg as a pro!essIOn. We have had only one application from a probaboner nurse durmg the year. Vlork has, however, made steady progress with an all round increase over that ac.complished in the preceding year. Tew ca e seen numbered 21,482, an mcrease on the 20,240 of 1945. Total consultations were !3,3,428, again ar: increase on the previous year's figure of 110,650. .i. ne nl:mber admItted was 1,062 as against 833 for the previous year. Ope~atIOns performed .numbered 2,599 (1,661 for 1945). These included 530 mtraocular operatIons of which 431 were for cataract. The number of operations performed for trichiasis was 930. General anresthetics numbered 173. The average duration of stay in Hospital was 9·3 days. Of the new cases. see.n 17,448 were Moslems, 3,407 Christians, and 627 Jews. The declme 111 the number of Jewish patients (the previous year'.s .figure was 2,976) was due to political troubles and curfew restnctIOns.
Satc.-Blind one eye Blind both eyes
1, 51
(590 x 2)
Blindness due to cataract (in most cases remediable) occurred in Of the remaining 2,132 blind eyes 1,621 were the result of acute conjunctiviti . . . Epidemic conjunctiviti which is responsible for so much suffenng 111 Egypt and Palestine receives ever increasing attention by .our own Hospital and the clinic of the Department of Health of whIch there are now 45 throughout the country. It is recognized that the problem is mainly a social one and the di ease, li~e tra.choma, will. not be controlled until an elementary knowl dge of hyglCne IS brought mto e~ery hOf!1e. The Departm nt of Education i helping to bring this about by mstructIOn in its schools and treatment in school clinics. In the treatment of the disease at our Hospital v,re have been using the sulphonamide drugs almost as a routine since pre-war days. \~Te now have in addition adequate supplies of penicillin. In some of the ca es treated by the latter the resulting cures have been dramatic. 0 far all ca es of t?~e~tened p.o toperative infection have been aborted by the u e of pemClll111 and smce its use no eye has be n lost from post-operative infecti~n. Form~rly two or three eyes were lost every year from sepsis follo\¥mg operatIOn. This was a remarkably small number in view of the infected trach.omatous eyes on which one has so often to operate in an Easter~ hosp~tal, ~nd was no doubt due to a large ext nt to a greater immumty to ll:fectIOn possessed by our type of patient. Penicillin has proved its value m ~hese cases and is now used as a routine in the preparation of eye for operatIOn. During the height of the epidemic season, from July to Novem~er, our newly-appointed House Surgeon and I were without other medIcal 899 ca.e.
assistance. Under such circumstances pressure of work prevented any attempt at a controlled tudy of the value of different methods of treatmen~. F~r inten~ive local treatn:ent ~ith penicillin, and this i fr quently ~·eqUlred.m the vIrulent ~ype of mfectIon 0 common here, hospitalization IS essentIal. The Hospitaller has therefore approved the utilization of ~he former caretaker's fiat over our Annexe as ophthalmia wards for mfants and young children, and this will be put into usc a soon a cot are procurable. It has the advantage of being an isolation block, with ?oth enclosed and balcony accommodation, and i situated over the mfants' out-patient clinic. Suitable sanitation is als? being in~talled ~n the block compri ing the Du~e of Connaught \Vard m the mam hospItal, and this will enable l r to mcrease our non-paying accommodation by 8 or 10 bed. Thi can also be used as an isolation block, when required, for the modern treatment of the more serious cases of acute conjunctivitis in adults. Refra~tior: work. is alw~ys on the increase in a community such a ?ur~ '~hlch IS makmg rapId social progress. The amount of work done IS lImIted only by the tirr:e that can be allotted to it. 1,100 patient were t~sted for glasses durmg the year and 780 prescriptions weI' given, T?~ difference between the two figure i the nnmber of those whose VISIOn, .usually from irregular astigmati m due to corneal rar, co uld not be Improved by glasses. F?urteen patients were treated with surface application of radium for malignant tumours of the lid. Lo~g awaited equipment, including a large refrigerator and other electncal apparatus, has arrived from England and more is on it wa '. Our main post-war ~cquisiti0r:, howe~er, has ",?een central heating and a hot-~ater system m. the mam HospItal. ThIS has been an xpensive and dIfficult undertakmg by reason of the fact that our walls are in many cases a metre or more in thicknes and built of oliel tone. For the month of December we were obliged to empty the ward almost compl~tely and re~uce operations to emergency work only. \Vhile the work IS not yet ~ms?ed, we already have heating and hot water in the oldest block, WhICh mcludes operating theatre and kitchens staff bathroo~s and patients' washrooms. Its value in increa ed efficiency and savmg of labour cannot be over estimated. Only one nurse ?f the Department of Health, Nur e Afifeb Bannourah, attended the HospItal for three months for a course of ophthalmic training. The year. has brought us many changes in staff :. The R eglstrar, Dr. Budeiri, resigned on the termination of his contract m May to take up private practice in Jerusalem. Dr. Bud iri had been on the staff for 10 years and was my only colleague for 3 years during the war. . The ~ouse Surgeon, Dr. Ren e Naccache, left on the termination of hIS appomtment in June. The ,l\Iatron, l\liss Anne Ha>'es,. resigned in October as family affairs made It necessary for her to lIve m England. Miss Hayes had been on the Staff for six years . Dr. Graham Gillan took up his appointment as R egistrar in October. Dr. Kamel Salman of Beyrouth was appointed House Surgeon in June.
Miss Mildred Millman, who has been on the Staff for eight years, . . was appointed Matron in October. Sisters Ball, Daugh rty, Oakley, and Robmson arnve~ to take. up their new appointments in the last qu~rter of the year. WIth the ar~l:,al of Sister Louie Jones, the last appomtment to be made, our ·Bntrsh nursing staff will be complet~ . ., .. The Hospital Secretary, MISS OlIve KIrkwood, who resIgned ill 1944 to join UNRRA, was reappointed to her former post last March. The Hospital taff learned with great regret that Colonel \Voolrych Perowne had decided to give up the office of Hospitaller in the early part of the year. Colonel P rowne had gained an intimate knowledge of Pale tine on his visits here and he had watched over the growth of the Ho pital for many years . \Ve were sorry that Mrs. Perowne's health prevented their paying us a f~rewell visit. Mrs. Perowne has. always taken a deep per onal interest m our taff apart from her offiCIal work as Hon. ecretary of the Ladies' Linen Guild. Our new Hospitaller, Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson, has not yet been able to visit us personally but sent out Major Underhill as Representative of the Ho pital Committee last ~lay. Major Underhill spent over three week at the Hospital and \vas able to study our requirements at first hand, On his return the Committee approved the supplying of all our need and this is being accomplished as goods become available. In retrospect, the year is one of satisfactory achievement in the face of many obstacles. \Vhile I cannot pass without mention the devoted work of our late Matron, Miss Hayes, and present Matron, Miss :J1illman, who carried on without other trained help for almost the whole of an arduous summer, the members of the Palestinian staff have also done their work well. With the augmented British Staff that we now have we shall be able to maintain the high standard of service which the people of Palestine have come to expect of the Hospital of the Order of St. John. (Signed) NORMAN ~IANSON, Warden. CO TCLUSIO . The Committee recognize fully the strain and stress under which the Warden and his staff have been called upon to carry out their devoted work during the perilou year that has passed. They wish to convey to them their genuine thanks for all that they have done in maintaining the Hospital's usefulness and prestige. THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION . The Director of the Ambulance Department and the Ambulance Committee of the Order have the honour to submit the following Report of the work of the St. John Ambulance Association for the information of His Royal Highness The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. The Committee welcomes The Lord Wakehurst, K.C.M.G., who has been appointed by H.R.H. The Grand Prior to serve on the Committee as the representative of the Priory of the Australian Commonwealth:
it, also w leomes th' follmNing addilion:tl llWIllI)('rs who hav' appoin ted by II. H.I r. 'J 11 rrand Prior to s 'i"V' wi th til '111 011 t h' mittec : -
ir H nry PU\\ Il~lll, K .C. IL, lCB.E., n .. 0.,
A\11l1 1LAN( I ~ :,'/. JCJII ,'
«()( , (
fA '1 I()N.
As ~ll1IH)ll1H'('c1 in 11](; lasl I~c'p()rl, (,11;1 p(coJ'-(J(;I1('r~t1 Jla s r1c('irl(,r[ to set lip Sl. Jollll «(JllIWils ill c'\,(IY (()llldV If) fltrt"('r tile work ()f lhC' Orrl( r g 'ncrall . I~ 1 til(' ('lId ()f (JI(' "; If' 111'11 (' ()\llH'iJs 11;ld I>c'('n set lip in the
ir "\\,illiam , 11 nton, Major A. . \"hite 1'110X, O.IU:., ~1.< " ~I.H., Licut.-Ccll ral
foll()wing ('011Itlil'S: BIIL:kil1 ·lwllIshir (. ( llt'shin; ] )ov()l1 sllil (.
and, as Joint S cretary, Major P. C. Darvil-S milh, r.n.E. alo conli;ll1 r cOl1gnlftIl(1tf's ,\lainr A. . \\' hit - K!lox, M.r., on the award of the ().H.E., :1I1d would tak'c this opport11nity to ,,·t nel its ('ol1gratnlalio!ls also to C()lol1C'[ Sir James, Iceman, C.B., (.\1.(;., C.B.E., ~1.\'.()., Oil f('(('iving a f\l1ighthoocl, and to Mr. 11. A . .1. \Vriggl sworlh, III StOJ '''i ~Tal1ilgcr, Oil til(; award of tIle M.B.E.
[l'l shill'
J (' rbey 1
1:111111"<1 lIff(llk SI r ~('X
In offering this w 1 om' the (o1l1mitt,
I', . C'
ommittec cnngrntllIate's the rC)mlllClI1(1c.:ries in A1IS(1 ~t1i(l, Callada, ancll\'C'w Zealand ()n tll 'ir elevation to th(' slalllS alld rligllity flf I'liorics of the Order. '1 hes(' SuiJordinate Es(abJisllll1Cllts of lIlc' Ord('1 JI~IV(' I)ccn responsihlc in recent y('ar~ for tllc adlTlinistratioJl and COlldtlC l ()[ tlte activities of the Ass()( iation withill til('il ar 'as, and ltncler their gllidanc ' and cnrOllragf'mrnt grea.t slrides have 1)(' '11 made. '1 he West Atlsl ralia rcntrc has a1s0 to 1)(' ccmgratttlatc;r\ un ih (·Ievation to tltc' slrllllS of a Comman(lcry fJf lhe Order, a w('Jllllcritcrl honoltr.
"c 'lll «(JIIII1 •
Ilf j':t1dlilll; of
1'1 ()vi i(JIl~tl 1'1 gltl:tI iOlls foJ' 111(' gl ticl:IIH'C! of ,c'ld ('('S ;lllrl BI <111r."('5 ill Iho"c: «(Jlllllic sill ",Iti( h St, ,J{Jllll OiliWils h:l\' ,1)('('11 ('I Ill) W( I!' P1IIJJisllC'r1 (lilling tIl!' 'c';lr. I l is Ilop( rI I h~lt :t11 ( (lIt 1(' ;Illrl I~lalJ('ll('s will give' t IIPir Crlltl1('iJs Ill(' fllIl(· t StlPP!J)'t, :llld \\ ill C C) {)p('ndl':t (1()s('ly ;IS PI) il>l(·.
The r ommi lle r 'corr1s wi til H'grd t h c1('~d h of :\1 t. r~. (' adl, a I )(opt t! r :\Temhcr of the Committee, who p~l<.;sed (I\\',lY in ~Tay. I~ "is clc'alit III' Southern r~ail\v:ly 'nlre Jl tlS also ])C'(,11 d('pri\'cd of hi vaillahl' SC'J'vic c's ,1S ( ntre , en ·1<trV. The CommiU " abo reco rd s with r ~g rcl til, d( 'a UI of alloti]('r of it, rollcagurs, aptaill \V. .rc)()c1Jcy, (J.ILl~., :'T.<" OJ1 :1rrl J;ll1ltarv, 1!) 17. raptain G()(Jr1lcy had bC'cJl 'on nr.clc·r! with ;lIllbltl~lI}( (! work fIJJ' OV('J' flfly y 'ars, having n1Jt~inC'cl his T-irst Aid ('('rtifj('at· ill 1~~);). J>rifll (0 the grouping of !{ailwayc." Captain JO()clJcy W'I. ('l1t n' Se( l(·t:1 1')' of t 1](' C I('a t Ea stern H.a ilway (('nlrc ,mel, aftel the' grollPing. he' (l('('('plc'cJ (1](' ~(lIJl' offtre in thr 7rc:,lt Cel1tral and (JIf';ll • TorthC'J'1l ~e'c tions of th(' Lfllld()J1 and. Torth Eastern I\ailway, as well a on thl' ~lirlblJd ;11lc! 11(';ll , TfJr tlll']'J1 Joint ommittr.r. It i s not pO 'si l)1r; ill til' spare; of tltis I<cp()rl 10 enumerate all Captaill Goodley's manifold ;\Ctiviti('s f()r th' Orric'r, ;11lc! it lllllst suffir:e to add that in 1r):~2 he wa appoinkrl COJTlllli~ iOJ1('J of ;.'0. 1 District of lhe St. John Ami>lIl;lllcc: Brigade, and by JII"i /'('.\1, in(ll1stry, and tact, raised tile Dislrict (the largest ill th ' Brigad .) 10 ils pre<;rnt high slandard.
\\'(' -;l I<irlill g flf VfJrl< IIiIl' I ~a t I<idlfl g ()f V(,r ,- hin; ... ~(l 11h ]<,din g ()f York hill' \\'un;I' tC'1 It i r '
C lIl' llI
[,' ' I 1(1)('1 (Cll '.
I 111'1';1 t )'r';1/ kl IWC'11 Ol\(' of lll1c1ill1ilti h( cl ;l('livit ' l10twith 1:lllding tl dl'('J(';lsc; ill til(' Iltlllll)('r ()f ('rtiIICat(' i Sl t,c1 0111(1 (l;tSSI'S h(·lel. Old ('()Ill;)( ts havc' IW(,1l J'(·\·iv('r1 ;11](/ lie'\\, OIH'S havc hc C'11 111:1rl(', ;IIHI tllis hols 1){,(,lI a(cfll1ll'li Jl('r1 ill spilc' of (Ill' f,t< t tll:tI it ~tdl n'll1ains difllC'lJil to ()bl;lill tJIC' s(·I\·icps ()f l.(·clllJ'(·rs ;IIHI 1<. ;llllil1('IS. Qilik ;111 ;Ippr'ciahlc I1ltll1lH I of rlO( 101 ;11(; slill.('rvillg wilh till' !<cHC <'S, ;lllrl or t1lflSt' who hav rduJ'lH'c1, 1ll ~111\' ,II(' fldlv O( ('llpic'cI ill IIIC'i r pra(' ti( ('. ; otJH'rs h,IVI' 111OVl'<l lo 11 'W lor :t1iti(·s \\,11(,]'(' t11f')' ~IJl' I)l\s,)' IJllildillg lip IH'W prac(ic C'S. ' 1he lC'sltll is Ih;lt t 1](' {\SSO( i:tli()11 Ill:lk(, ' m :llly ('~llls Oil til(' COIIlP;II':di\ c'1\ fc'w cln( (ors availtlhlc'. :llld i( is (lIlJy 1)\, g)(':d sc·!f-s;wrilf( C! Oil thl'ir p,nt Ihal tllc'y (;\11 111~lh' (illl(' to I('cllil ' ;11\(1 (,\':lJI1ill '. '1'1)(' COll1ll1itl 'I' 1:1I ' ('s tllis OP/lOltlllli(y of IC'c'oJ'(lillg ils gra(dltl 11t~lllks to :t1J I1ll'IllI)(,I'i of tJH' llH'dic;t1 I!lofc'ssioll f()r th(,ir (() o]>l't,dioll, ;IS w('11 ;IS t() Ihos' 1111 11l1)(,IS J)r tlw nllrsing pI'of('ssioll wllo JI;I\,(' d('vll('d so 1l11l( h timl' (0 tl1(' 111~lt I1rliol1 III sing :Incl (lllJd \\'clfarl'. III 1Ill' allcl C'''lIllinatiol1 (Jf c1:iss('s ill I [OIJl(' (ase of ( Jlilcl \"('Ifan' (II(' C (J ' ()]1('J':tlt()1l of llcallh \ i<.;ll{)l<'; hdS h Til of llH' glC'Cl t('st valtH'. \\'1111 (Il(' vcr r grilc!ll;d approac h 10 more' nOl'mal time'S til(' illcr ~Ising 11111111)('1 of class('s :lrrallg('d ;lTll{)ng lite ]>()Ii ·c l'OlCC'<'; of the COlllltry is g 1a I I f Yi 11 g, ;1 s it Iso I" e If'S II J11 Pt i 0 11 0 r ( Iasses ill I h (' ,tl i () 11:t1 l' i Ir . ( I \ ' i ( c. Class('s fOI Ihe ill'itlllClioll of 1)('l'<';()l1llel ill th' L(JJ1d()11 I'a.""('llg('l 'lldJ1s ]lOll l ~o;lId itaV(' bl'l'll !'('SllllWcI, wlli le tll(, MC'ciil'al Offlll'l of l Iolio\V,l\ PI is()11 (111<1 11](, C()VefliOr of Ikcl fOl d 1>1 i<';()ll are also :lIl.ll1ging for thell WHere; to 1)(' iJ1strll( ('d ill I 'irst id. I II additioll, class's for prison'l's are held fmlll t iIll<' 10 (Ilne.
Figures for the year for Certificate at home are a follows:First Aid Home Nursing Hygiene . anitation . Cookery Child 'Welfare
1946. 27,96 7,7 1 935 11
1945. 24, 06 9,670 1,663 44 2
Th is Y ear . 26
Last Y ear. 41
409 50 686
78 4 32
'i\lales .
39,250 4,463
3 ,656 2,797
Palestine . Sudan W est Afri ca ; Ga mbla GOLD CO AST TrGERIA ierra Leon e
It is interesting to record that the D.D. 1. " Allied Land Forces, outh East Asia, is arranging for the formation of classes in two British Divisions; that the instruction of German Police will shortly b gin, the textbook of the Association having been translated into German for this purpose; that full information has been forwarded to an UNRR ~ Welfare Officer, for the instruction of Displaced Persons in Austria, and also to the Catholic Committee for Relief Abroad; that copies of the Home Nursing Textbook have been sent to Germany at the reque t of the Control Commission for the instruction of Engli h speaking German , in anticipation of an epidemic of re piratory diseases; and that the Inspector of Police in Bahrain, Persian Gulf, is also arranging cla se for the benefit of Police Cadets. The totals of Certificates issued by ubordinate E tablishments of the Order and by Centres and Branches of the Association Overseas are a under, and compared with the figures for the previous year show a decrease , but this is only to be expected after the large totals recorded during the War. Priory in Southern Africa Priory in Anstralia . Commandery in West Australia Priory in Canada Priory in New Zealand
ADEN BERMUDA BRITISH GUIANA British Honduras British West Indies :The Bahamas BARBADOS J AMAleA Leeward Islands TRINIDAD and TOBAGO Windward Islands St. Vincent BURMA CEYLON . Cyprus . East Africa ; l{ENYA TANGANYIKA UGANPA Zanzibar .
This Y ear. 11,612 8,105 906 42 ,571
Last Year. 7,942 10,593 1,098 65,444 7,457
59 10
59 42 10
94 181
51 244 97
344 12
458 49
39 22 2 20
149 76 96 18
(Centres of the A ssociation are shown in capital letters .) RE-EXAMI ATION AWARDS.
During the period under review, the issue of re-examination. awards is as under, and while it will be noticed that there has been a conSIderable decrease in the number of Medallions issued, it is satisfactory to find that ther ha been an increase in the number of Labels and Pendants : 1945.
Medallions Labels I endants
EnglaHd, Ireland, alld Overseas. 6,500 36,916 16,283
PJ ioJ'Y j ar W ales. 554 6,436 678
T otal. 7,054 43,352 16,961
England, Ireland, and Overseas. 13,393 32,054 13,551
Pr·iory jar Wales. 625 6,873 1 9
T otal. 14,018 38,927 13,740
The issue of Labels and Pendants in metal, which was discontinued at the end of 1941, has now been resumed, but only on a limited scale. We were informed by the manufacturers of these awards at the end of 1945 that they could accept an order for 160,000 Labels and 30,000 Pendants, which they could supply in small and regular deliveries beginning at Easter, 1946. They would not, however, be able to supply in silver or gold, nor could they supply miniatures as well as full-size. An order was accordingly placed, and after a small stock for each of the years in question had been laid in, and after an announcement had been made that we could accept applications, labour and fuel difficulties prevented the manufacturers from keeping up their deliveries, with the result that by the end of the year less than 25,000 Labels had been delivered. 23,011 Labels and 10,920 Pendants have been issued during the year in redemption of " endorsements" made previously on Record Cards. The manufacturers are unable to say when they will be able to complete delivery,
and in the meanwhile Headquarters is unable to deal with applications which are coming in daily, thereby cau ing conge tion in the office and disappointment to applicants, a situation which i 1110 t unfortunate and regrettable, but beyond the control either of Headquarters or the manufacturers. CHILD WELFARE. During the year the Committ e reviewed the whole POSitiOIl regarding the Adult Course of Child Tif-Telfare, the fir t examination of which was held in July, 1945. In the twelve month which followed, 94 cla ewer examined, 1,157 candidate passed and 85 failed. Forty of these clas e were instructed by Health Vi itors and 29 by Doctors and Health \,i itor ~ jointly. Forty-five classes were examined by Doctors and 42 by Health Visitors. In the case of the Prdirninary Course oj Child TVeLJarc, the first examination took place in September, 1944, and during the 21 months which followed 290 examinations were held, at which 3,594 candidate passed and 174 failed. Doctors examined 77 cla ses and Health \'isitors examined 180. In the ovinion of the Committee the course. ar popular and furnish useful information, and every effort is being made to encourage Divisions of the Brigade to arrange clas e . The Committee reviewed the Regulations for the courses and came to the conclusion that very few modification were required; but, in order to simplify matters without detracting from the value of the Certificate, the following modifications were made :-
(a) That persons employed as Health Visitors by County and County Borough Councils be accepted as Examiners and a Lecturer ~ on the Course even if not in possession of the Health Vi itor's ertificate. (b) That the National Nursery Certificate of the Ministries of Health and Education be recognized by the Association in common with the Nursery Kurses' Diploma of the National ociety of Children's Nurseries, which it supersedes. (c) That the war-time measure whereby Health Visitors and tate Registered Nurses are authorized to lecture on the complete course become peace-time procedure, and similarly, that Doctors be recognized as Lecturers on the whole of the course. The Committee considered the question of relaxing the qualifications required of State Registered Nurses, and there was unanimity in the view that any relaxation would be inadvisable. REGULATIO S FOR CLASSES. In order to facilitate the formation, instruction and examination of classes during the war, the Regulations for Classes were modified so as to allow lectures to be held at lesser intervals than a week; classes of mixed sexes in Home Nursing were permitted, provided that the sexes were kept separate during the practical instruction, a stipulation which also applied to the practical instruction of classes in First Aid; and it was permissible for classes in different subjects to be held concurrently. These war-time modifications have now been reviewed and the Committee has decided to revert to the pre-war regulation that there must be an interval of a
week between lectures in the same suLject, but to allow the- other ar time modifications relating to conc~rrent clas.ses and to classes of mlXe.d sexes to become nOD11al procedure m peace-tIme. Furthermor~, the.re IS no longer any stipulation th~t th~ sexes ~eed be segreg~ted ~unng. eIther the theoretical or the practIcal mstructlOn of classes m FIrst AId and Home Nursing. PUBLICATIO S. Consequent on the publicat~on of the Supplel:z-ent to the First Aid Textbook which came into circulatIon at the begmmng of. the y~a:: a Supplemellt to the ]1.1 anual A Preliminary Course oj F1,rst A 1,d has be~n prepared and will be pu blished during 1947. The E leme!1,tary M ar;ual.1,1t First A l'd Jor the H ousewiJe, and the Ele11lel.da~)' 111anual1,n Home j\ ttrS1,llg fur the HOllsewiJe, written for the ASsoCl~hon by Dr. Gladys Danby, M.B.E., and by Miss nIiller, S.R.~ ., re pectIvely, have no~ taken mo:-e deiinite hape, and are being printed. These Manual~ WIll. also be .m circulation next year. Seven of the eight chapters whIch. WIll compnse the 111 (wual oJ/. IJldusLrial First A id have now been \vr:ltt~n, an.d the final chapter i in preparation. A. soon. as the compl.ete scnpt IS ~vaila?le, it will be submitted to the appropnate authonhes. for consld~r~hon. Owing to circumstances beyond the control of the revl~er~ the ~eVIslOn of the Hygiene Textbook has prol?res ed but slowly, and It IS unlikely that the new Edition will appear m the near future. tt
CO {PETITIONS. O,,;;inO' to the continuing difficulties in finding accommodation and J udges,b and possibly even Competi~ors, it was decid~d that ~t "'ould not be possible to hold the Inter-RaIlway and ~he TatlOn~~ Police Competitions in First Aid during the year. The PolIce Authontles ha:~ be~n approached as to the pos ibility of h~lding the T~tior:al CompetItlO~ m 1947, but it has reluctantly been deCIded that t.hlS w1ll not be po~slble. A meeting of Railway representatives was h~ld 111 Octobe~, .whe? It was decided to hold the jirst post-war Inter-Railway CompehtlOn 111 J un~, 1947, the flftieth anniversary of its institution~ and plans are already m progress. l\Iany Provincial Competitions are bemg resumed, such as those organized by various Collieries Ambulance Leagues, the General Post Office, and Gas Companies. . Mr. G. Craft has been appointed Competition Secre~ary in suCCeSSlO!l to Mr. D. G. l\Ionteith, whose resignation from the serVIce of the Order IS reported elsewhere in this Report. PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE. The St. John Reconstruction and vVar Relief Committee set up by the Order during the war, having accomplished its main task, .was reconstituted during the year and became the Planning Sub-CommIttee of the Ambulance Committee. Sir vVilliam Shenton kindly consented to retain the Chairmanship and a number of meetings have been held during the year. This Sub-Committee keeps in touch with various Ministries ar:d Government Departments, and it has made the necessary contacts 111 matters such as First Aid in Industry, First Aid in Civil Aviation, Welfare
vVorkers in ervice Hospitals, assistance in connection with the National Health en'ice, and Hospital Car ervice. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOT SUB-COMMITTEE. In the same way as the St. John Reconstruction and \Var Relief Committee of the Order became the Planning ub-Committ c so also the Order ad h.oc Sub-C?mmi~tee, under the Chairmanship of tl{e Hon. John Bruce, :vh1ch had mveshgated (amongst other things) the possibilities of MedIcal Comforts Depots, has become a ub-Committee of the Ambulance Committee, and continued its investigations into the development of these Depots. 0 much good work has been done by the Medical Comforts Depot Sub-Committee that at the close of the year there were 447 Depots throughout the country. PUBLICITY SUB-COMMITTEE. During the year it was decided that the Publicity, ub- ommittee of the Brigade should become a Sub-Committee of the Ambulance ommittee .. Much g?od work had been done by the original Cornmitt under the ChaIrmanshIp of Lady ~unbar- Tasrr:ith, O.B.E., and on her resignation she was succeeded as ChaIrman by Major-General F. V. B. \Vitt , c.n., C.B.E., D.;.O.,. M.C., but the Committee is fo.rtunate in retaining Lady Dunbar-Nasmlth as a merr:ber. everal meetmgs have been held during the year. The Sub-Comrn!tt~e ha~ be~n engaged in the preparation of Posters and Leaflets, and IS mvestigatmg the possibility of producing a Publicity Film. EXHIBITION SUB-COMMITTEE. It is well known that the Exhibition of Models illu trative of the work of the Order a~d the activiti~s of the Association and Brigade has proved a great attractlOn wh~rever It has been shown. It has brought the work of t~e Order and of ItS Departments prominently to the notice of the P~bl:c and has secured many recruits for the Brigade. Great credit for thIS IS due to Mrs. McCorquodale and her Committee which has now become a Sub-Committee of the Ambulance Committ'ee. Plans are in hand for a number of new models. The Committee is also indebted to La~y :ty.rarks, who ~as arran~ed for the showing of the St. John Model whIch IS now to be mcluded ill the St. John Exhibition, and she has been asked to serve on the Exhibition Sub-Committee. FILM SUB-COMMITTEE. A Film ~ub-Committee, over w~ich Major A. C. vVhite-Knox, O.B.E., M.~., has. ki~dly consent~d. ~o preSIde, h<l:s been set up with the object of H~veshg':ltmg th~ pOSSIbIlIty ~f pr?duClr:g films and/or strip-films for use m the mstructlOn of classes m FIrst Ald. ROYAL SANITARY INSTITUTE HEALTH CONGRESS. Dr. Gladys Danby, M.B.E., represented the Association at the Health Cong~ess at Blackpool or~anized by the Royal Sanitary Institute. She submitted a most mterestmg report on the various matters of interest to the Association which were discussed at the Congress.
TRA. SLATIONS. No further translations of the Association's Textbooks have ~een made during the period under review, but permission has. been. glVen to the Cyprus Branch of the Association to translate the FIrst AId and Home 1 ursing Textbooks into Greek. PRISO CAMPS. Very impressive accoun~s of. First Aid an~ Medi~al arrangements made in two Prison Camps m hma came to notice dunng the ye~r. The first of these relates to a Prison amp at Haiphong Road, hanghal, where Dr. . D. turton, O.B.E., with the help of)Ir. D. L. Mc\Vhirter, M.~.C.':.s., in tructcd a number of the internees in First Aid and in Home 1\ursmg, and tho e so in tructed comprised the sole medical organization in th.e Camp. The econd deals with a Camp at Pootung, also near Shang~1al. Here :\1r. F. . oote, who was appointed Chief of Emergency erVlces bv the int.ernee , who numbered over 1,000, built up a ~emarka~le o~ganization which included an Emergency Medical erVlce. \Vlth the assistance of Dr. Godfrey Gale and Mr. J. D. Jones, a ~olde~ of ~he As ociation' 1edalliun, a number of the internees were tramed m F~st Aid and in Home Nur ing and they constituted t~1~. Casualty erVlce of the amp, as no provi ion was made and no faCll1hes offered by the Japan e. In recognition of their en'ices at these Camps, Dr. S. D. turton, 11r. D. L. Mc\Yhirter, Ir. F. ,-. Coote, Dr. Godfrey Gale, and nIr. J. D. Jon have been admitted to membership of the Order. T
ROYAL AUTO IOBILE CLUB AND THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATIO I . During the year the R.A.C. and the A.A. were approached. and :ve~e asked whether they would be prepared to include Hints on FIrst AId 111 their nnual Handbooks. Both bodies agreed to do so, and the R.A.C. has already made arrangements for such Hints to be included in its 1947 Handbook. RESIGNATION OF MR. D. G. MOr TEITH. It is \-vith great regret that the Committee records that 1\1r. Duncan Gilbert Monteith retired from the service of the Order on 31st December, after thirty-eight years. He had held office as Assistant Secretary of the Association for thirty-five years, and in addition, as Ass.istan~ Secretary of the Order for thirty-three years. Mr. Monteith applIed hlffiself a Slduously and conscientiously to his work, which included for twenty-four years the duties of ecretary of the Inter-Railway and Police National Competitions. In recognition of his service 1r. 10nteith was admitted to the Order as a erving Brother in 1912, and was promoted to the grade of Officer in 1926. CHANGES IN CENTRES. Owing to the death of its Honorary Secretary, Mr. H. 1\1. Hinds, O.B.E., and the inability of the Oxfordshire Countv Centre Committee to find a suitable successor, and because of the likelihood of a St. John Council for Oxfordshire being established in the near future, the County Centre closed during the year. F
The Committee al a approved a propo al by the Po t Office mbulance Centre that its activitie hould be extellded to include the control of classes for postal workers throughout the country. The enlarged Centre comes into being on 1st January, 1917. The newly-formed t. John Council for Buckingham hire took o\'er the control of the Buckingham ~hire County Centre in April.
in the case of Corps and Divisions in posse.ssion of Ambulances, ~ho are rendering valuable service to the commumty, and the wo~k carne.d out by the drivers and attendants, both men and women, ments the hIghest praise. d The following table shows the formation of new Units registere at Headquarter : -
STORES. The number of orders received from Centres at Home and O\'cr 'ea and from Railways, Collieries and the like haws an increase of 9n ov r the previous year: they involved the de patch of over 1,200,000 article. In addition 3,000,000 paper flags were supplied for use on Flag Days. In spite of trading conditions continuing to remain generally c1ifflcult, it has been pas ible, except in a few ca es, to execute all orcl r received. The war-time store at Broseley was closed down on 31 t July.
PERSO NEL. New Divisions. "\111 bulance
. Xursing adei Ambulance Cadei 1 ursing iudent Ambulance :iudent ITursmg T
APPRECIATION. The Committee has recorded its indebtedne to memb r of the medical and nursing professions for their service a Lecturers and Examiners. It now remains for the Committee to thank entre ecr taries and all those others who ha.ve organized clas es and in other ways furthered interest in ambulance work. HO~IE.
General Sir Clive Liddell, the Acting Chief Commi ioner, report as follows :I have the honour to submit my Report for the year ended 31st December, 1946. I regret I am not, at the mom nt, in a position to give the figures relative to personnel, etc., as a number of returns have not yet been received from the counties. . There is likely to be a considerable reduction in the strength of the Brigade during the past year owing principally to men and women joining for War Service only. The total strength at 31st Deccmber, 1938, was 73,732, which rose to 136,510 during the period of the war. It will, therefore, be seen that the increase during that period was 63,000. If we retain half this number the Brigade will have maintained its normal rate of increase. From reports which have reached me it is evident that the normal work of the Brigade has been of a strenuous nature during the past year and has been carried out with zeal and energy. This is particularly noticeable
18 1-l -l
1, 130
1 11
154 (235)
INYALID Tl~AN POIU CORPS. Owing to the age of the ambulances and the mileage whi'11 the.\' han: covered, they have often been out of action and underaoing repair. 111 consequence, there has been a decrease in the number of paticnts carried and miles covered as compared \vith last year-5H8 patients wcre r 1ll00'ed, as against 633, over a di tance of 2 ,.35·1 miles compared with :-2,~)07. Two of the ambulances were oyerhauled at the end of the year, put righ t and are now in full service again.
.Vew Divisions.
737 6 (3.665)
NQtc.-'l he 1i.gures for 1~)..Ji) are shown in bracket against the total.. The appointment of Lt.-G ~ ral ir Henry Po.wnall.as D.eputy ChIef ommi ion r ha be n of can Iderable help to me m copmg WIth the eyerincrea ing work and I am grateful to him for his valuable c?-op.eratlOn. The Advi ory taff formed in April, 1943, ceased to functlOn m July, 19-16, and I am indebted to its members who rendered most valuable aid during the period of the war. The Brigade ub-Committee met on the 3rd )uly~ 9th October, and 4th December. Their deliberations have been of meshmable value to the Brigade. . The following ub-Committees were appomted : Regulation. Revi ion ub- ommittee. An Ofiicer .of my taff, ~olon.el J. E. MccGwire, has been engaged in revising the Bnga~e Regulat~ons m order that they may be brought up to date. This Comr~llttee (ChaIrman, Lt.-General ir Henry Pownall) was et np to can Ider any matters ;J.fiecting policy. Provisional Regulations of Order.- Revision (Chairman, Dr. Clayre). Uniform Sub-Committee (Chairman, Capt. P. Reay, M.C., M.B.E.) . Forms R.evision Sub-Committee (Chairman, VV. G. Pape,. O.B.E.). My thanks are due to the Chairmen and members for theIr valuabl~ a istance. Commissioners' Conferences were held on the 13th April and 18th September to discuss matters affecting the administration and well being of the Brigade. . At the request of the Ministries of Health, Labour, and PenSl?nS, we have appointed Brigade Regional Officers to contact the RegIOns of these Ministries on a Regional level. The following changes have been effected : . Retirement of Mr. Vick as County Commissioner, N.E. and MId-Devon, and appointment of F. W. Morton Palmer, M.D., CH.B. Retirement of Dr. Clayre as County Commissioner, Hampshire, and appointment of Brigadier F. B. Hurndall, M.C. . Retirement of Dr. MacGregor as County Commissioner, HerefordshIre, and appointment of Mr. G. N. Bullock.
On the closing down of the \Var Organization in J,:!ne, vario,:!s branches of Joint \\'ork were taken up by a n.ewly !or~ed J omt ~om~rllttee of .the two bodies. The Departments for whIch thIS J omt CommIttee IS responsIble are :The Hospital Library Department . The Emergency Help Scheme. The Home ervice Ambulance ervice. The After Care Department. The Training cherne. The tores Departm nt. In some counties the Joint \Yar Committees have been reconstituted and are continuing to carry out the above activities in which the per~o~lI:el of the Brigade are taking an active part. Reference to these actiVIties will be found in the Report of the uperintendent-in-Chief. RESERVES.
We are indebted to the valuable co-operation of the Home 'ervice Ambulance Department during the year and the great assistance they ha ve rendered in dealing with the many problems which have arisen in connection with the Ambulance Service. Special consideration has been given by the Department to a standard design of Ambulance body, and this has now been agreed to. The St. John Ambulance will be black in colour, relieved by a white band round the centre and white top. A good number of vehicles so coloured have been in existence for some time. Due consideration has also been given to the interior fittings and equipment, as the result of collective experience of experts. I understand that a descriptive leaflet on the subject will shortly he issued by the Department.
Commi sioner. should arrange, in consultation with the Police and other authorities concerned, for such Road Service as may be necessary and they are in a position to carry out. . The continuance of First Aid Posts was not favoured, but It was agreed that First Aid equipment should be kept at all Police Stations and at District Nurses' home. In a number of counties the Motor Ambulances are so distributed as to ensure prompt and speedy arrival at the scene of an accident.
Retirement of l\Ir. \V. G. Smith a Commissioner ~ o. IV (Lancashire) District and appointment of fajor E. . B. Hamilton, M.C., M.B. I desire to place on record my high appreciation of the long and faithful service rendered by the retiring Officer. I regret to record the death of l\Iajor Forbes, County ommis ioner for Dorset. Dr. R. V. S. Cooper ha been appointed in his pIa Paragraph 87 of this Bill reads as follows :" Apart from vehicles which may need to be provided as part of the Hospital Service, the provision of the main Ambulances and Ho pital Transport required for the Health ervice becomes th dnt ' of the Local Health Authorities either directly or by arrangement 'lC ill! tile Voluntary Organizations. ' , In J?uckinghamshire the Co~nty Council invited the 'ounty Joint . CommIttee of the Order and SOClety t.o undertake the Ambulanc ' ervice of the County with the aid of a grant toward paid driver where two or more Ambulances are stationed and towards th replacement of old vel-icles and insurance, the maintenance and service continuing to b met from charges to pa tien ts and other ources un til the . . ~ a t.ional H('alth Bill becomes operative. There is rea. on to belie\'e that the Order and ociety will be entru ted with the ~\mbulance ervice for the ount" under the Act. In u sex and Oxford the Brigade has Ilter d into satisfactory agreements with the Councils concerned. The Home Service Ambulance Department of th t. John and H.ed Cross Joint Committee has been in close co-operation \vith the Health and other authorities concerned and there is every hope that the motor ambulance service of the Brigade will be fully recognized and Corps and Divisions maintaining Ambulances will retain an appropriate mea ure of control over the service they provide. The principal difference will be that the cost of the service will be met by County Council and not as up to the present by fees from patients. The Brigade may rest a ured that their interests are being fully safeguarded.
Action by the Admiralty i now proceeding with the object of instituting the I~oyal Naval Au. 'iliary Sick Berth l~e erve once again, and a circular ha. been issued to all Reservists to ascertain their willingness to continue to serve and, v.'hen the revised conditions have been decided, recrui ting will be proceeded with. As regards the Military Ho pital Reserve, this is at present in suspense pending the decision of the Government as to the future of the Army Medical ervices. Recruiting is proceeding for V.A.D. members for service with the Naval Medical Establishments for which an urgent appeal has recently been made by the Admiralty. ACQUISITION OF HEADQUARTERS.
A number of County Headquarters and local Headquarters have been established during the year, and in many counties St. John Councils have been formed resulting in permanent Headquarters being acquired for all the activities of the Order. It is felt that these Councils will co-ordinate all branches of the Order's work, ensure smooth running, and be of great value to the development of the Brigade and its activities.
The whole question of the future of the Road Service was fully discussed by the Brigade Sub-Committee. It was considered desirable that County
In nearly all counties, County and Local Competitions have been resumed and arrangements are being made for the Final Competitions
to take place in London in 1947. This will necessitate Regional Competitions taking place to decide the mbulance and Nur ing teams which will compete in the Final.
Assistanc to the extent of £237 7s. 6d. was granted to nineteen cases during 1 f) ,iG. CONCLUSION.
I wi h to express my high appreciation and grateful thanks. : (a) To the urgeon-in-Chief, Dr. 1 . Corbet Fletcher, for hIS valuable assistance in conn ction with the medical side of our \-vork ; ~lso the.Connty, Corp., and Divisional urgeon, upon whom the fir t aId effiCIency of the Brigade p r:onn 1 dep n(~... . (b) To th . uperintendent-m- hIef, the VI counte s j.I o:rntbatt.en of Burma, and h0r Deputy, Lady Dunbar-~asmith, for theIr. IndefatIgable energy and continued succes in connection with. the ur Ing Corps and Division , also for their unfailing help and advIce. . . (c) To the hief Officers for Ambl:lance and ursmg. Cadets, ~IaJor Darvil- mith and Miss Cunard, for thelr valuable \vork whIch ha resulted in such ucces in the Cadet Organization. (d) To tll ommis ioner and taft and to all Offic~rs and ~embers of the Brigade who by th ir loyal co-operation and effi.Clent serVice have maintained the high standard of efficiency in the Bngade at Home. (e) To County, Corp, and Divisional President and Vice-Presidents who by their encouragement and upport have greatly enhanced the welfare of th Brigade. (J) And finally, to all memh r ' o[ my Headquarter ta~, and. particularly rajor Dan'il- mith, the Brigade ecretary, for theIr contInued devotion to duty and th ir loyal help to me in furthering the work of the Brigade. I have the honour to be, Your obedient servant, CLIVE LIDDELL, General, Acting Chief Commissioner.
139 Depots have been registered making a total of 4·17. These Depots, for the issue on loan of article required in the sick room are becom~ng ir:creasingly popular. They have pro v d a great boon t~ those nursIng SIck people at home and a large number of inquirie are receiv~d from the public for the address of the neare t Depot. Dunng the year It .was possible to i ue a Register gi\-in a the addres es of all Depots and thIS has proved of great value to the District. Nur es Hospital Almoners, etc. ' The model of a Medical Comforts Depot used for adverti ing purpo e. h~s been shown some thirty times in all parts of the count.r)·, It ha stImulated a g~eat deal of interest in the work of the D pot. I am deeply mdebted to the Hon. John Bruce, Chairman of th ~ledi cal Comforts Department, and to the Secretary of the Committee, 11r. J. .. Hannam, for the splendid results achieved. ST. JOH
A number of County and Local Conferences and short training courses [or Officers have been held in different parts of the country. These have b en found to be of considerable value.
I visite~ the followi.ng co,-:nti~s and inspected Parade during 1f) 16 : Bedford hIre! BerkshIre, BIrmIngham, N.E. and l\Iid-Devon, Dorset, GloucestershIre, Gu.ernsey, Jersey, Lincolnshire, orner et, uffolk, \Vales ( 10nmouthshlre and Glamorgan), \Vorcestershire, and \Ve t Riding of Yorkshire. . ~he Dep~ty Chief Commissioner, Lt. -General ir H nry Pown all, vIs.lted and lI:spected ~arades in the following counties :--Birmingham, Bnstol, BuckIngham hIre (2), Derbyshire, Es ex, Leice tershire, omerset, and Surrey. The Inspection of No. 1 (Prince of \Vale 's) Di trict was taken b\' Rear-Admiral the Viscoun t 10untbatten of Burma, when over 6,000 were on parade.
The St. John Exhibition has been shown six times in five different counties and has done much to bring the Brigade to the notice of the public. Unfortunately towards the end of the year it wa found to be unsuitable for showing and was withdrawn for reorganizing and rebuilding. A great deal has been done under the able Chairmanship of Mrs. McCo~q:r~dale towards this reorganization and it is hoped to have a new ExhIbItIon rea~y for sho'wing by th~ middle of the year 1947. A word of thanks IS due to Mrs. ArchIe Camden for her untiring voluntary work in staging the Exhibition.
ir, I have the honour to pre ent my report for the twelve. months ended 31st December, 1946, this being the 59th year of the Bngade. In so doing I wish to place on record my appreciation of the reports received from sixty-two County urgeons who, in spite of the .rr:any calls on their serVices and the difficulties due to post-war condItIon have yet found time to send interesting accounts of the work done t~i year in their commands.
Fifty Corp~/Divisions have completed 50 years' continuous service. A speclal Cerllficate has been approved for award to these Corps/Divisions.
Although there are still some of our Surgeons serving in H.l\I. Forces, I am pleased to be able to report that those who have returned to ciyilian
\Vith the cessation of hostilities, competitions have this y~ar. again come to the front. orne County urgeons report the orgalllzatIOn. of local competitions, for which there has been a good numbe~ of entnes. These have led on in some cases to Area and County contests, and when this has happened, there has been nO.ted a keen desire on the part of . competitors to become the representatIve team of the County:. I am, therefore, asking my County Surgeons to.~o all that hes m theIr power to increase the nu:nber of . local competItIons,. and thereby. to bring about still further mtere t m the County, RegIOnal, and Fmal Competitions of the Brigade. . . . In this connection it is intere tmg to note the extent to \VhlC~ ~eahsm has been (and i till being) introduced into these local competItIons. a a sequel to the 'work done in Brigade Finals in the fou~ :years prec~dmg the outbreak of \Yorld \Var ~o. 2. The net result of thIS IS that Bngade personnel skilled in Competitions are more efficient, and tha~ they do better work when they are faced with problem connected Wlt~ .actual emergencies. For the foregoing reasons, I welcome the declsIo~ to re-institute Brigade Finals next year, ~v~n though the~e are not lIkely to attain to pre-war standards of realIstIc representatIOn of the tests.
There is no doubt. that in the period immediately following the war year~, there w~s consIderable lethargy and that the urgeons experienced co~slderable dlfficulty in their task of training the member of th ir UllltS. For thes~ reasor:s I am glad to learn from my ounty urgeon that there a~e SIgns of Improvement in this direction, and that up and down the Bngade, lethargy is now giving place to enthu iasm. Another difficulty arises from the fact that there are . till a number of A~bulance .and ~ursing. Divisions without their appointed ~ urg ons, whIch handicaps m~tructIon. Here. again my County urgeon report that steps are bemg taken to ll1crease the recruitm nt of n \\' Surgeons which, in my opinion, is much more desirable than the cu tom of appointing one urgeon to two or more Divisions. Indeed, I feel that the time has now corr;te to rescind the permission which \Va given during the late war to appoll1t any urgeon to more than one Divi ion. The publication this year of the upple1'ne71t to Textbook has already produced good results, and has cau ed a stimulation of intere t in the Divisions, as is evidenced by the increased interest in the lecture given ~y the Surge~ns and in the Query Column of the St. John Ga zette. This IS confirmed m the reports which I have received from several ounty urgeons, who tell me ~hat attendances of the rank and file have improved consequent on the deSIre to learn all they can of the revised methods of treatment. In these circumstances, I am hoping that the revised Textbook will be published in the near future, as this will create further interest and ~nten~iv~ study of the new methods. When this happen, it will assist m bnngmg members of Brigade units back to the pre-war level of efficiency.
Several of my County Surgeons report that this year they have been able to carry out their appointed duty, and personally to conduct the ~nnu~l re-examinations of all units in their commands. All report that m spIte of petrol shortage and other difficulties, the annual re-examinations have been. held, and t~at the standard of knowledge revealed by members .was hIgher than recent years, even though there is still room for rrnprovement, especIally on the theoretical -side.
It is pleasing to know that special efforts have this year been made for the annual re-examinations to be conducte~ ~y Surgeon~ who are not attached to the Divisions concerned. ThIS ~s most ~es.lrable, and I am not without hope that .next. year t~e war-tIme pe~IssIOn for urgeons to examine their own UllltS Will be wlthdrawn. In thIS connection I have to report that some D.ivisions s.till postpone ~he dates of their re-examinations, and that thIS delay mcreases conSIderably the difficulties of the County urgeons in making the necessary arrangements.
life have, in .nearly all ca es, resumed their activities with the Brigade. Further, whIle there have been some resignation due to changing cond~tions, the e lo~ses hav~ been more than com pen ated by new appoll1tments, e peClally dunng the last six months of tLe year and, though exact figures are not available, it i gratifying to know that we are holding our numbers on the Brigade Roll. To each newly-appointed urge on I have continued to end a letter of :velc?me, to :vhich I have had many courteous r pEe which presage actr~e mt.erest. m the work of instructing our members. Further, the mclusIOn WIth any letter of a copy of the official pamphlet- Dllhe oj Surgeons-ensures that these Officers tart their Brigade career with a clear knowledge of what is expected of them. INSTRUCTIO~
Another pleasing feature of this year's reports is that in a number. of instances I have been told about local Conferences of Surgeons whIch have either been held or are being arranged. These meetings have aris~n from a desire on the part of Corps and Divisional Surgeons to m~~t m order to discuss problems connected with instruction and competItIons, and also to bring about a more intimate and personal knowledge of each other. In this connection on 10th Jovember, I had the privilege of opening the first Area Conference in TO. 1 (Prince of "Vales) District, which was organized by County urgeon Colonel N. VI. Hammer, for th.e benefit of Surgeons and Nursing Officers in the Northern Area.. .ThIS was well attended and was much appreciated by those who partIClpated~ because of the instructional value of the various lectures and demonstratIOns, and of the interchange of views which followed. ., . . It is with great regret that I have to report my mabilIty thIS year to hold a Surgeons' Week-end Conference in London, by reason of the v,ery great difficulties connected with catering and hotel accommodatIOn. This feeling is shared by all ranks of Surgeons, as is proven by the many letters which I have received on this subject. However, you have my
assurance that immediately conditions improve, I will invite my colleagues to a week-end Conference like those which we held before the outbreak of war and which were so successful in contacts and re ults. MERITORIOUS FIR T AID.
During this year the B.E.M. was awarded to ergeant G. French of the Borough of Wembley Division, in recognition of services rendered to t~e Po~t of L?ndon Authority during the blitz. Al 0, the Meritorious FIrst AId Cerhficate of the As ociation wa awarded to five members of the \yilliam Mill Division of Birmingham f~r the part which each played on 20th August, when at grave personal nsk they ayed the lif of a fellow workman who was overcome by gas. ~n ad~tion.' thirty reports of good work ,vell done by member. of the Bngade ill dIfficult or exceptional circumstances were submitted and approved. To each you sent a per onalletter of congratulation. T\\'cnty of t~ese reports were dee:ued worthy of a wider circulation and were duly published m the Interestmg Case Reports column of the t. JohJl Ga::elfe. CO TCLUSION.
In conclusion, I trust that you will find clear evidenc in mv report th<l:t the ~eat majority of Brigade urgeons are ,:vhole-hearte-dl\' and sabsfactonly carrymg out their duties and obligations in the furtheranc of the humanitarian work which is the proud purpose of our Yen rable Order. At least I am gratef:ul for their c?n~inued and generous support, and I pl~ce on record my slllcere apprecIatIOn of the assi tance which I have receIved from those in charge, the Surgeon-in-Chief for \Vale , and the Coun~y urgeons in Engl~nd and orthern Ireland , from Headquarter taff III the p~rsons of Major P. G. Darvil-Smith and ~rr. J. ~ . Hannam. from the ASSIstant urgeon-in-Chief Dr. VV. C. Bentall, and la t, but not least, from my ecretary, District taft Officer :\Ir. Erne t T. lilburn. I have the honour to be, lr, Your obedient servant , N. CORBET FLETCHER, M.A., M.B., ;'1.R.C. Surgeon-in-Chiej. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT-IN-CHIEF NURSING CORPS AND DIVISIO S, TO THE THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER.
Sir, I have the honour to submit my report for the year ended 31st December, 1946. ROYAL VISIT.
~.R.H. The Duchess of Kent was graciously pleased to inspect Somerset
Umts at Weston-super-Mare on .26th June.
After the Inspection Her
Royal Highness addres ed to the Parade words of praise for the great services rendered during the years of war and expressed the hope that their efforts would continue no less enthusiastically in the time of peace for the need for their services to the nation was ever increasing. VISITS OVERSEAS.
During the months of March, April, and May, I under~ook an. extensive tour of Australia, ew Zealand, and the Far East, dunng whIch 48,000 miles were covered by air alone. As the guest of the Dominion Governments of Au. tralia and Jew Zealand and of their St. John and Red Cro s Organization, I visited every tate and City, and many Township and smallC"r c ntre in both Dominion. :My official programme in each ca e inclucled in pections, functions, and visits to t. John Headquarters and per Ol1n 1 as well a. to the Hospit~ls, ~onvalescent H?mes, and ot~er C'stabli hm nt where they ,,,,ere \\'orklllg, 111 many cases III collaboratIOn W1 th their Red Cross colleague . India, l1!alaya, alld Netherlands Indi es.-In India, Ialaya, and the ~ etherlands Indies I had the opportunity of seeing the valuable work bcing done hy t. John member, both of the Brigade at Home and the Brigade Oversca , as Civilian Relief workers, \Velf~re Officers, and V:A.I?s. I would like to make special mention of the Invaluable contnbutIOn made by 1iss En or of Lymington ITur ing Division and ~~iss Leather of S" ranage Tursing Di,-ision, who were so largely responsIble for the ucce sful \Velfare and ivilian Relief work undertaken by our teams and workers in ingapore and throughout :Jlalaya. Allstralia.--In Australia I found St. John per onnel particularly privileged in having H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester as their Grand Prior as well as their Governor-General. I much welcomed the opportunity of meeting large numbers of Brigade members in all parts of the Dominion and was particularly pleased to be able to visit some of the more remote districts including the mining areas of Kale-oorlie and Boulder. In VVestern Au tralia I found admirable Headquarters built by t. John which formed a valuable centre for training purposes and genera 1 work. I was able to carry out a large Inspection there which included Division from Perth, Freemantle, Bunbury, and the surrounding districts; and also inspected Joint Parade of t. John and Red Cross in Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Tasmania. In Sydney a most interesting St. John Pageant was staged, followed by excellent First Aid and Home Nursing demonstrations. In Bri bane a large Civic Meeting attended by members of the St. John Association and the Queensland Ambulance Service was also included in the programme. At all these functions I addressed the Parades and gatherings. I was greatly imp res ed by the wide field of work undertaken by St. John in Australia for so many years and by the high standard and spirit of all Officers and Members, as well as with their smart appearance on all occasions. New Z ealand.- In New Zealand I attended gatherings and inspections in many places including Vlellington, Auckland, Dunedin, Christchurch, Palmerston North, \Vanganue, New Plymouth, Rotofua, and Hamilton,
all of which were extremely well attended and I was much impressed by the smartness of those on parade and of all the member with whom I came in contact. New Zealand has, in relation to population, mor Brigade Divi ion than any other Dominion. The number of Cadet Divisions and their work I thought quite outstanding. I \vas particularly truck by the enormou number of Grand Prior Badges held by Cadets, which number 1,117. I attended an Order Investiture pre ided over hy the GovernorGeneral, who is a Knight Commander of the Order, and afterward. addres ed a mass gathering which included ver.y large number of t. John members. I greatly appreciated the excellent arrangemcnt macle for 111\" vi it~ by Sir \Vinston Dugan, Knight Commander for the Commandery of Australia (which ha now been granted Priory tatu), by ir Jame Elliott, Lieutenant of the Commandery of New Zealand (which is al 0 now a Priory), and by the Association and the Brigade in both Dominion. and I was much touched by the kind \velcome accord d m by eycryonc. It was an inspiration to meet so many Officers, M mb r ,and adcts of the Brigade Overseas and to sec the wonderful work which they ar(' accomplishing. In connection with my work overseas I ·would like once again to express my gratitude to ir James Ieeman for hi kindness in giving me so much valua ble information and putting me in touch with 0 man\" of the Overseas Brigade as well as for his unfailing help to me and my colleagues where our work At Home is concerned. I would like al 0 to record my great appreciation of all the help and support given me in innumerable matters by Mrs. Copland Griffiths, and my plea ure in seeing so many members of the Nursing Corps and Divisions of th Brigade Overseas. In February Lady Dunbar-Nasmith vi ited B.A.O.R. and the Pari Sub-Commission and undertook a comprehensive tour of Joint \Var Organization activities, including Hospital \Velfare, tor s, Transport , Displaced P ersons Camps, the Hertford Hospital, and the di tributing of food parcels to British Personnel in Paris. In April she spent a week in Austria visiting Convalescent Home, Displaced Persons Camps and the Headquarters of the Foreign R elations Department. INSPECTIO 'S. It was with very real pleasure that my husband and I inspected the Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet Divisions of No.1 District when some 6,000 members were on parade. I also h?-d the pleasure of carrying out Inspections in the Central, Eastern, Northern, and Western Areas of Hampshire; and during a twoday visit to Northumberland and Durham I inspected personnel at Ashington, Newcastle, and Sunderland. I was much impressed by the keenness and smart appearance of all the personnel I saw and by the wide field of work being covered. Lady Dunbar-Nasmith had the pleasure of accompanying you, Sir, when you carried out the County Inspections in Worcestershire and Lincolnshire.
She was pr sent on the occasion of H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent's visi t to omer t. SERVICE HOSPITALS. The total number of V.A.D. members mobilized since 1939 is 1,654, of whom 101 were still serving at the end of the year; 52 ~th the avy in this country and 32 in outh Africa and Ceylon; 77 WIth the Army, 19 of whom are posted to B.A.O.R. PERSOX. "EL. \Vith the end of the \Var a decrease in membership and a falling off in the number of Division had to be expected and 100 Divisions have been disbanded during the year, many of which were war-time formations. New Divi ions r gi tered number 14, with a membership of 166. 1.'he t9 tal number of :\ur ing Divisions in England and Northern Ireland IS 1,;)02. CIVIL 'URSING RESERVE. There are 1,910 mcmber serving with the Civil N-~lrsi.ng Reserve who'e a istance is of particular value in view of the contmumg shortage of nur es. Red and Blue tar award granted during the year are : I{ed Star (for a year's satisfactory service) . '.' Blue ~tar (for a periocl of not less than three ~onsecu~lve months' serVlce in a Sanatonum or TuberculosIs HospItal, Tuberculosis 'Yard s of a General Hospital, or in an Infectious DIseases Hospital)
HOSPITAL RELIEF DUTY. Resident duty at the Royal Masonic Hospital during the nurses' holiday period was again undertaken during the months July to eptember by twelve member from the following counties : No.1 Di trict Gloucestershire Ber kshire taffordshire Buckinghamshire East Riding of Yorkshire Cam bridgeshire A letter of appreciation has been received from Matron expressing her gratitude for the valuable assistance rendered. MENTAL INSTITUTIONS. The Board of Control, as a result of the acute shortage of Mental Nurses, which is causing needless suffering, both to prospective patients and their families, appealed to us, the Women's Voluntary Services and the British Red Cross Society, for general staffing help where most urgently required. Counties which have responded splendidly to appeals already made include Norfolk, Essex, Lincolnshire, and omerset. Other counties are also being approached to help in this particularly worth-while service. The value of members' help is gratefully acknowledged by the Medical Superintendents, Matrons, and Nursing Staff, and a letter of appreciation has also been received from the Board of Control.
Part-time Hospital Duty.-l\lany hours of regular part-time hospital duty have, as in the past, been undertak n. General 't\TursiJlg TraiJliJ1g.- otifications have been received of 18 member undertaking general nur ing training. Miss P. larkwell, a member of orwich 1 o. 1 J ur ing ivi ion, has been awarded the London County Council Ho pital tafE's ilver :1 dal. l\Iis V. Ray, of the Romford 1 Tur ing Divi ion, wa a\varded the urgical Prize at King George' Hospital, Dford, for obtaining 80 per cent in the Hospital Finals in October. Assistant N'Urses.-Reports received show s.:s memb r ' regi tered on tll ~ SSlstant Nurses Roll of the General 1 ur ina Council. Other fields of work which I hould like speciallv to mention are : Child vVelfare Centres and Day aJld Re ideJltidl -,-Vllyseries, at which duties have been maintained. Escort Duties .-l\lan y escorts have been provided in connection with the Church of England Children's ociety, and Canadian rides, and a] 0 for hospital patients. Joint vVar Organization.--l\Iembers continue, with tll ir call ague ' of the B.R.C .. , to staff those Auxiliary Ho pitals and onvale c nt Home ' which remain open. Guides for ervice patients and for relativc \'j itinv men on the D.I. Ii t in B.A.O.R. have been provided. b HOSPITAL CAR SERVICE.
~t .
"vas originally a~reed that the t. John Ambulance Brigade, th Bnhsh Red Cross oClety, and the \Vomen's Voluntary ' ervices, houlcl run the Ho~p.ital Car Service until the end of 1946. Howe\' r, in July, 1946, the MmIstry of Health asked the three organizations to continue the Serv~ce until April, 1948, by which time it is hoped that, under the Health Serv.Ices Act, Local Authorities will become respon ible for a imilar serVIce. Reports received from all over the country how that a large number of patients atte~ding hospit~ls and clinics for treatment depend entirely on ~he HospItal Car erVIce for transport. The Hospital Car ervice carnes, on an average, 22,000 patients a month, and drivers cover approximately 410,000 miles. Although the drivers are recruited from a.mong the ge.neral public, a high percentage belong to the three organizatIons and Bngade m.eI?bers are ~riving, in their spare time, throughout the country. In addIhon, the Bngade and the British Red Cross ociety provide attendants in the cars when necessary. Nine counties are organized by the Brigade in England. \Ve have fifty Area Tr~r:sport. O~cers in England and Wales, and we are responsible for the adrmmstratIOn ill Northern Ireland assisted by the British R ed Cross Society. AFTER CARE A D EMERGENCY HELP SCHEME.
The Brigade, together with the British Red Cross Society provides After Care visitors throug~out the country. These members' follow up cases of men and.won:-en dIscharged as unfit from the Services, and they work under the dIrectIOn of the After Care Depot of the Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society. Many of
these members also help with the work of the Emergency Help Scheme of the Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and British Red Cross ociety within the counties. HOSPITAL LIBRARIES.
The Brigade play an active and increasing part in the work of the Hospital Library Department of the Joint Committee of the Order of t. John and the British Red Cross, ociety. One of the Department's t\VO mobile Librarians is an Officer of the Brigade, and throughout the country t. John Officer and members are undertaking the duties of Ho pital Library ounty Organizers, Depot and Hospital Librarians, and Bookbinders. t. John Officer have been posted as resident Librarians to ervice Ho pitals in thi country. WELFARE DEPARTMENT.
During t.h year t.he Joint. \Var Organization \V eHare Department was set up and my taft Officer, the ountess of Brecknock, was appointed Deputy hief Headquarters' \\'eHare Officer. In larch, at the reque t. of the \Var Office, the \Var Organization undertook to provide \VeHare per onnel to be attached to Civil Resettlement nits set up in thi country for x-pri oner of war. even of our Officers were po ted to the e Vnits, where they undertook welfare duties and a sist d with the Exten ion chern, which included visiting prisoners of war in their home. The e Officers gave outstanding service and many letter of appreciation have been received from the \Var Office, the Officer ommanding the Units, and from individual prisoners of war themselvcs. In lay, l\Irs. Treverton, :JIiddlesborough Nursing Divi ion, was posted as the first re ident Joint \Var Organization \Velfare Officer to a ervice Hospital in this country, and towards the end of the year 1ris P. Davey, Pontyclum Nur ing Division, took up her post at the Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Horley. The Overseas \Velfare ervice ha been curtailed during the year with the closing of the British Red Cross Commission in India and the reduction of ervice Hospitals in other areas. A total of 42 t. John Officers were serving abroad at the end of the year, including 15 posted during 1946. S.E.A.L.F.-Miss de Mierre, of the Eastbourne Nursing Division, in Feb~uary was appointed Chief \Velfare Officer in charge of British and IndIan Red Cross \Velfare Officers outside India, and the success of the vVelfare ervice in the Far East has been largely due to her excellent \vork . Of the 15 Briti h Red Cross vVelfare Officers still serving in this Commission, which includes Burma, Malaya, and Hong Kong, 7 are Brigade members. The remaining Welfare Officer in Ceylon is also a Brigade member. -?",~ance.-During the summer 8 Welfare Drivers were posted to the ~nbsh ~e~ Cr~ss Paris Sub-Commission where they have been engaged 111 the dIst~lbubon of food parcels to British rationals throughout France. Two Nursmg members are attached to the Hertford British Ho pital Paris. '
ldiddle East.-The existing personnel in this area was augmented during the year by 9 t. John Officers, who are attached as \Velfare Officers and Diversional Therapists to Military and R.A.F. Hospitals in Greece, Palestine, and the Canal Zone. C.llI.F.-During the year 13 Brigade members were serving in Italy and Austria. The Officers in this Commission have been particularly successful with Diversional Therapy and have carried out all other routine duties. Three of them were attached to the Briti h Red Cross Officers' and Other Ranks' Convalescent Homes. B.A .O.R.-Ten Brigade Officers have continued their work with this Commission. The \Velfare services our personnel have given have been much appreciated, and in addition to the routine \Velfare and Library work, hospitality has been provided for visiting relatives of serving men on the D.l. List. Miss de Roemer, of Ely Nursing Division, has given exceptional service with the Foreign Relations Department. CIVILIAN RELIEF OVERSEAS. The total number of St. John personnel serving with Uni.ts at 1st January, 1946, \vas as follows :N.W. Europe
Italy, Austria, Egypt, and Greece
13 women 10 men
23 Total: 105
At the end of the year this number was reduced to : N.W. Europe
20 women 13 men 33
5 women 1 man
3 women
who have done magnificent work in Displaced Persons' Camps, Hospitals, and Rest Homes, throughout the British area in GerI?any. . Austria and Italy. - The number of members servmg m these countnes is small, but the 'w ork they are underta.kir:g ir: Di placed .Persons' Camp is much appreciated. They are al 0 as Istmg m the I:I0spI.tals. The valuable contribution made by our members m thIS field has been recognized by the award of the ~I.B.E. to three members ar: d by a number of lentions in Di patche , whIch are enume~ated later m ~y report. The following members w re awarded FIeld-Marshal Ir Harold Alexander's ertificate-Campaign 19..J.3- 45:1\1r. 1\I. J. Belton \V. Riding of Yorks. :J1r. F. ox Lancashire. fIlr. G. C. mith . No.1 District. :\1rs. M. mith-Gleave TO . 1 District. \,I CTORY PARADE . The Brigad \Va directly represented in the Victory Para~e by .26 members of the ~ ursing Di\'i ion from all parts of the country, mcludmg Northern Ireland and the rhannel I land . . In the Joint \Var Organization contingent 10 representat~ves of the t. John ur ing Divisions took part, one of ~\'hom wa a CanadIan member who had work d in the Lonclon h lters dunng the war. . The Brigade was also repre ented. by V.A.~. members lr: the ?\a:T:y. Armv, and .\ir Force ~Iedical ,erVlces echon, and also ill the CIVIl Defence en'ic ection. T
58 23 women 1 man
ivilian Relief
26 men 32 women
3 Total: 42
Work in the Far East.-Our members did most valuable work in Malaya, particularly at the Women and Children's Clinic at Johore Bahru, the State Orphanage at Kuala Lumpur, the Destitute Homes at Penang, and the Transit Camp at Sime Road, being assisted by the transfer in February of 14 Welfare Officers. Although the Commission closed down on 31st May, 1946, when the majority of members returned to this country, it was not until the return in November to this country of Miss J. Ensor and Lady Angela Courtney that this work was finally completed. N.W. Europe.-Lady Dunbar-Nasmith's visit to the Civilian Relief Units in B.A.O.R. in February was a great encouragement to our members
PLA NING SUB-COMMITTEE. The Planning ub-Committee of the mbulance Co~mittee h~s now taken the place of the Post-\Var Reconstruction ommlttee, whIch has been dissolved. TRAIXIXG COURSES. Lady Dllnbar-~asmith attended the County Conference for nur ing personnel at ollthampton and spoke on the (( Pre ent-day \Vork of the Brigade". . . Mrs. Girouard attended the urrey County Trammg Course. Miss \Vatson and Miss Cunard attended that held in orthern Ireland for Officers and m mbers, when 130 were present. Miss H~rrison attend~d the week-end Training Cour e for Ambulance and Nursmg personnel 111 uffolk which, by the kindness of Lady Blanche Cobbold, the County President, again was held at her hou e. HO TOURS. H.lYI. The King was graciously pleased to honour me by the award of the D.C.V.O. in the New Year Honours List. I am pleased to report the following awards : New Year H onours List. Lady Zia Wernher, O.B.E. Mrs. Falwasser, O.B.E. Nancy, Lady Vivian, O.B.E. G
Miss Cunard, M.B.E. riss Harrison, M.B.E. Dr. Danby, M.B.E. Miss Partridge, 11.B.E. ~Irs. G. Cavill, hirehampton 1 ursing Division, B.E.~1. l'Ifi s B . A. Pearce, Liverpool :0l ur ing Division, B.E.~I. V.A.D. Mi s Haddikin, \ V.R. York. 8), B.E.l\L V.A .D. Miss Mar hall, Belfast/ 38, B.E.M. V.A.D . :Miss Longworth, E. Lancs. / 1,12, A.R.R.C.
Supplement to "Gazette," 18tlz January (B.R.C. Commi sion Europe and . Europe). !\fiss R. Eley, M.B.E. 1\Iiss K. A. Rackham, l\1.B.E. (Italy). Miss 1\1. \Vatson, ~1.B.E. (Greece). fiss Messervy, B.E.:M.
Brigade vVar
ervice Bar Awards. 1st year. 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year
1-i,441 8,918 5,589 3,65-i 1,930 397
I am very grateful to Mrs. Blagden f~r her valuable a.ssistance in connection with the is ue of the \'Var erVlce Bars, for whIch she has been re ponsible from their inception. Unfortu~ately, ow~ng to many other call upon her time, she has now been oblIged to reSign from my staff, and h i much missed by everyone.
\ V.
BRIGADE OVERSEAS. The repatriation of the members of the Canadian c~ntingent'proceeded throughout the year a. contract terminated, and It was \vIth a .v~ry real en of sadne that we bade [iss 1\1cLaren and the remammg memb rs good-bye in December. \Ve owe a great.de~t of ~ratitude to all our anadian colleagues who \'olunteered for serVICe m thIS country ~nd who mad . u h an invaluabl contri but ion to our war effort over a WIde field.
Birthday Honours List. Irs. Birkbeck, O.B.E. Miss 1\1. A. Todd, \Yinlaton Nursing Division, ;'1.B.E. Miss }\1. Crosbie, l\1.B.E. V.A.D. lis B. Hossack, uffolk/ 24, R.R.C. V.A.D. Miss Tellett, \V. Lancs. / 54, A.R.R.C. V.A.D. :Miss Reynolds, Carmarthen 22, A.R.I~.C. V.A.D . Miss Tennant, E. Lancs. / 10--1, A.R.R.C. V.A .D . Miss Gane, Birmingham/ 42, A.R.lLe. V .A.D . Commandant Miss Allred, E. Lancs.j112, A.R.R.C.
Ot.- T. IDE ORGA~IZATIO~S. The Brigade i represented on the following Organizations : Briti 'h ouncil for Rehabilitation- Council and Rehabilitation Committe . entral 'oun cil for Health Education. Civil I ur ing Re erve Advisory ouncil (Mi.11i try of Health). Council of Briii h ocieti for R elief Abroad. London ouncil of ocial~. ervice. Invalid Kit h n of London. National Council of ocial en'ice - vVomen's Group on Public \Velfare and 1 aiional Old People' \Yelfare. Queen 's In titute of District ursing Council. Royal ociety for Prevention of Accident. vVomen's Voluntary ervices- Advisory Council and General Purposes Committee. ' A number of onferences have been attended during the year among ~ t which were: The Royal anitary In titute Congres ' at Blackpool. British ouncil for Rehabilitation Cour e at Oxford. (( Home-making for All)" convened by the Housing Centre. British Association for the Welfare of pastics. (( The Care of Old People," convened by the National Old People's Welfare Committee. " H ealth and Social Service- The New Situation," arranged by the British Federation of Social Workers in collaboration with the British Council for Rehabilitation.
Mentions in Dispatches. The Viscountess Mountbatten of Burma. )1rs. Girouard. 1\fiss M. H . MiJler, S.R.N. Miss P. Cooper. :Miss B. A. H. Blyth. ·Mrs. de Freitas Sacchilary. Miss D. I. Rowland (previously mentioned in 1945). Miss G. A. Baker. Miss B. S. Edwards. V.A.D. Mrs. Farey. Certificates oj Good Cond~tct to the jolloze;£ng V.A .D.s. Miss Mortimer, W. Lancs/ 26. Miss Shaw, E . Lancs/ 104. Miss Springett, Hants/ 220. Miss Boyd, Birmingham/ 6. Miss Challis, Essex/ 60 Miss Forbes, Antrim/ 2. Miss Gibbard, Essex/ 64. Miss Irvine, W. Lancs/ 64.
The past year h,:s again been one of sevcre train on the n ursin g personnel of the Bngade, and exceptional work has bc n accomplished ?oth at home and oversea .. New ~elds of work havc been cxplored, and m many cases are already m operation, but if all the demand madc upon ?ur personnel are t? be adequately met a material incrca c in mcmb r'hip 1S a matter of first Importance. The C?lmties, as always, have responded magnificently, howcvcr heavy the stram UpO~l them. 1\1y thanks go out once again to my Di trict and C?unty ~penntendent and Officers, as well as to my Presidcnt ane! VIce-PresIdents throughout the country. . We have suffered sad losse d~ri~g the pa t year, parti uIarly with the d.eath of l\Ir. Tweedale, Dl tnct uperintendent for Lancashir' smce 1913, and enior uperintendent of the country. ~Irs . T\\ cdal( had a l~ng record of devoted service, a well a eXCel)tional abilit\, and leadershIp, and has been an example to all for many years. ~he \\'ill b remembered by many. Officers and mcmber from all parts of thc COlllltn' who attended the Bngade amps held at Ro saIl chool, of which she was Commandant. he took a very particular intcrc t in the \ '.A. D. moveJ?ent and fo~ ~any years was A si tant ount.y ontroller, in which capacIt:y she mobIlIzed a large number of members for 'ervicc with the Forces ill both the 1914- 18 and 1939 13 \Vars. The resignations of 1\1rs. de la Pryme, 1\1rs. Jenning, 111' . \Yood Ir-,. Du~son, ~rs. Evans, 1\1rs. Demetriadi, and ~Ir . \Vatney, have' becn receIved wlth gr~at regret. The first three ladies have given man \' \'car" of valuab~e s~rvIce, and all these County uperintcndents hay mad' fine contn~utIons to the work of the Tursing Personnel of the Brigade Our very smcere gratitude goes out to them all, as well as good v~i hc~ for the future. I, once again, must express my sincere appreciation to all the mcmber of my Headquarters taff for a really fine year's work, and for th tre~endous t,:sks they have accomplisbed, This last year ha been a partIcularly difficult O1?-e, and both in their homes and at the office the\' have. had to put up WIth very &,reat shortages and difficulti s. In spite of. thIS, however, .t~ey have carned on with the greatest competence and WIth the finest spInto On Lady Dunbar~~~smith, my Deputy, once again there has fallen very he~vy responsIb~Ity, and I can~ot speak too highly of her able leadershIp, her great wIsdom, or of the JOY we all feel in working with her In all her tasks she has, as previously, been most ably assisted by Ii : Longden, her Staff Officer. . Mrs. Girouard was appointed my: Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief m Au~st, 1946, and. her exceptIOnal ability, coupled with great enthusIas~ and enterpnse have been the greatest assets to our work. I would like to express my very special thanks to her. Lady Breckno.c~ .was appointed Staff Officer in February, 1946, and undertook the CIvil:an Rehef Section of our work; while in August shc also b~came responsIble for Welfare. She has carried out these duties with COfo1SpICUOUS success, and we have been so happy to welcome her into the Bng~de and to have her with us at Headquarters. MISS Watson, as always, has put in a fine year's work, and the great
progres of the Planning ub- ommittee, in its many fields of serv.ice, has been largely due to her initiative, contacts, and vcry able handlmg. . he should hc highly congratulatcd on what she has achieved. To ~1i s Harri 'on, as in pr viou year, I must express a speCIal word of real gratitude and admiration, Her able and loyal support in all matter concerning the :\ ur ing Corp and Divi ions, allied to her great knowledge and ound judgment arc an invaluable asset to me personally and tn ~11 her collcagucs at Headquarter , and to the Kur ing Division of 1.11 Brigade a a whole. In conclusion, I would lik to thank you, ir, for the sympathy and support which you ha\'e given to us all throughout the ye.ar and the many kindn. c; which yoU have hown me and all the . . Tursmg Personnel of thc Brigade. I have the honour to be, ir, Your obedient servant, ED\VI~A MOU JTBATTE~ OF BURMA, Supen'l1tendent-in-Chiej. REPORT OF THE \.CTLTG CHIEF OFFICER AMBULA CE C\DETS '] 0 THE CHIEF CO:\nlISSIO~ER,
'::ir, I havc thc honour to llbmit my report concerning the Ambulance adet at Home, excluding \Yale '. , ati factory progre ha bcen made during the past year. Forty-nine new Divi ions wer regi t rcd, with a personnel of 793, \Yhen the return are complcLed the figure will be ubmiLted a an appendix to this report. ('add Ad7'/sorv lOI7l7Jl/!lee. The deliberation of the Cadet Advisory (ommitte have r sulted in \Taluable decisions on Cadet matters and thank' are cluc to the members, the majority of whom travelled long eli tanc s to attend the meeting', for their keen and active interest. Their practical experience has becn of ine tim able value to the '- t, John Cadet Organization. This Committee i now establi hed on a Regional basis. COlljerellCe. .\ Conference of Count~T and Area Officers \<\'a held at Drapers' Hall in the City of London on the 6th April, at ·which the Chief Commissioncr pre ided. The ilr t ycar in the change in administration of adet Divi ions introduced by Brigade Order 770 of Xovcmber, 1945, ha proved to be to the advantage of the Cadet Movement, a it places the Cadet Organization on an equal footing with other Youth Organization and gives a wider scope for initiative and enterprise and Youth activitie under the leadership of young Officers. There is, ncvertheless, close co-operation with the Adult Divisions, and participation with them in local parades and other events. A'Wards.-Grand Prior Badges for 1946 total 40. Special Service Shield.-Cadets R. C. 1askell, K. ]. Maskell, and D. J. Alcock, of the Farnborough Cadet Ambulance Division have the distinction of being the first Cadet to be a",,rarded the pecial ervice hield, for service rendered between the 1st January, 1946, and the 1st January, 1947.
of the Cadet dvisory Committc~. It i~ hoped that by vi.rt,ue ~f their training their enrolment in a medIcal umt may result. Tr~mmg In suc.h a unit would be of inestimable value to the serVIces of the Bngade on theIr return. Illspec!7'oJls. - On the 23rd Junc, Lady. Moyra Browne, taff Officer to the hi f Officer Xur ing adet~, and I mspected ~n Annual Rally of Cadets at Gui t, orfolk, and on the 29th June, I Inspected a Co~nty Cadet RaIl v at hippenham, \Yilt . Both these parades were well orgamzed and r i1 rt d great credit upon th County Cadet Officers. . Evellts. - Phy ical Training Display, \Vembley.-At the Nabonal Fe tival of Youth, which was held at \Vembley on th~ 6th July, two contingcnt , onc of 27 Ambulance and one of 27 ~ursmg Ca~ets took part. The smart turnout and marching were a credIt to the Bngade. Empire Youth ~tnday. -On Empire Youth un~ay, 18th May, 40 Ambulance and ,10 ~ ~ur ing Cad t attended the senil.ce at \Ve~tmms~er Abbey. imilar ervices were held throughout the country, m whIch local adet Lllit took part. eollcllfSioll. :\1 v grat ful thanks are due to t~le Coun.ty and Area Cadet Officcrs for til ir -loyal and fficicnt co-operatIOn durmg ~he 'pas~ year. It is to th ir effort' that the ucc€' s of the Cadet org~mzabon IS due. .\1 0 to the ad t Pre ident ' and Vice-President , for theIr encouragement and ,oaluabl hIp, and to all adet Di\'i ional Officers, upon whom the welfare and training of thc adets so largely depend. . . Congratl1lation ~ to all ad t who haye maintained thelr. effiCIency and gain d award, e peci~lly tI~o e who have bec?me Gr~nd ~no~ Cadets, for the admirable manner In whIch they are fulfillmg thelr obhgatIOns and upholding the pre tige of the Brigade . I havc the honour to be, ir, Your obedient servant, P. G. DARVIL nTH,
Transfers to the Adult DiV1·sio1l.- This year ha seen the application of an increasing number of Ambulance Cadet for tran fer to the dult Divisions, many returning from H. 1. ~ ervice , and wi hing to carryon their v,ork with the Brigade. . UJli!or'I'n.- The re.vision of tl:~ adct uniform ha been engaging th attentIOn of the Umforms RevIsIOn ub-Committee, thc re ult of ",hic]l it is hoped will be to attract a greater number of bo,o, to the 'adet Division. N obvithstanding repeated application , the 'Board of Trad will not grant any concession to Youth Organizations in the matter of obtaining Coupon Equivalents, and thi i one of the difficulti in holding recruits. At present Cadet Units are omewhat mixed in appearance, about one-third being without uniform. A few hav temporarily adopted a form of battledress. \Yhen the clothin a ituation ha eased, efforts will be made to ensure that all Cadets are suppli d with the regulation uniform. Camps.-Thir~y-eight application were received for amp thi year , and two for. mIx~d camps for .both Ambulancc and :Nur ~ ing 'ad t '. Every effort IS bemg mad~ to ral. e the standard of camping throughout the Cadet movement, and m partIcular, plans ha\' been laid to c. tabli h a ne~ and higher level for Officers' training in thi ubject, during the ensumg year. I visited the Camp near Bexhill, , u sex, which I fOllnd to be '\'el l organized and efficiently run. Thi amp i open to, and well patroniz d by, Cadets from other counties during a period of ix wcck , from the 28th July to the 8th eptember. Report from other camp, which varied from 10 to 230 Cadets were ati factory. .Youth C01lferences.-Our policy of close co-operation and good rclations WIth o~her Voluntary Youth Organizations and with the lini try of EducatIon has been consistently maintained. A a re ult we have b en granted the use of two Conference houses, the London Federation of Boys' Clubs, \Voodrow High House, near Amer ham and the Kational Association of Boys' Clubs, Bakers' Cross, at Cranbr~ok until our own Brigade Training Centre is established. I have appointed my taff Officer, Mr. Guthrie Moir, to represent the Ambulance adct "on thc Standing Conference of National Voluntary Youth Organizations, and the Boys' Group of the same Organization, and also on the Agencta Committee of the 18/ 30 Conference.
Courses.-Short Cadet Officers' Courses in Countie and Areas have been held to great advantage, and the institution of a tricter examination for promotion, has considerably raised the standard of efficiency. Competitions.-It is evident, from thc increased number of Cadet. tea.ms ente~ing. Cou~ty and local Competitions, that the main subject of mterest IS FIrst AId, although other subjects in the Cadet curriculum such as Public Service,. Clerical Ability, Handicrafts, and Nature Study have been taken up WIth keenness, resulting in an increased number of Proficiency Badges being awarded.
Ii have the honour to submit my report of the t. John Ambulance Brigade ursing Cadet Divisions for the year ended December, 1946. Unfortunately, the Returns for the past year are no~ yet com~l~te b~t the figure will "be included as an Appendix in the ChIef CommISSIOner s report. INSPECTIONS, COURSES, CONFEREI CES, COMPETITION , CAMPS.
I was delighted to have the opportunity of visiting Jersey and G~e~r:sey during September, where I found th~ alr~ady estabhshed ,DIVISIOns flourishing. I should like to pay a speCIal tnbute to the. up~nntendent and Cadets of the Jersey Cadet Iursing Division, who m spIte of g~eat difficulties, managed to carryon throughout the German occupatIOn.
N.a,tional Service Bill.-One of the problems we have to face is the pOSItIon of. our Cadets under the ational Service Act, when it comes mto operatIOn. This particular matter is receiving thc serious attention
In both Island I found the Officers most enthu iastic to start new Divisions, and I was asked to speak at a great number of schools, many of \vhich were keen to begin First Aid classe . I have attended inspections and demon trations in th orthern Area of London, \Vellingborough (Northampton hire), Berk hir , Londondern-, Belfast, Birmingham, and Biddulph ( tafford hire). At \Yellingborough Headquarters, 1\0. 1 Cadet ursing Division, I had the great plea ure of presenting 23 Grand Prior Badge, which is the large t number ver to have been awarded to a Cadet Jursing Division in anyone year. C01lYSes.- The following counties held adet Officers' Training Cour es during the year at which I was invited to peak :-Oxford l1ire, D rbvshire, Hamp hire, Iorthern Ireland, and Buckinaham hire. The- e Co~r~es proved to be of great value, not only becau e of th specific trammg undertaken , but also through the opportuniti giv n for Officer to meet and discuss their Ovvn particular problems and idea , together with representatives of Brigade and County Headquarters. Conferences .- The Annual County IArea Cadet Officer' Conference was held .on. 6th April at the Drapers' Hall, Throgmorton treet (by kind permlSSIOn of the Master and 'Varden ). The hief Commi ioner, General Sir Clive Liddell was in the Chair, and the peaker included the uperintendent-in-Chief, Brigade Over ea, the Hon. Ir. oplandGriffit.hs, the Deputy Superin~endent-in-Chief At Home, Lady DunbarNasmIth, and TaJor A. C. \VhIte Knox. \Ve were al 0 proud to welcome General ir Henry Pownall on his first appearance at a Brigade function as Deputy Chief Commissioner. One hundred Officers were pre. ent at th~ Conference and joined in the general discussion. Individual report from the counties were also given. C01nPd£~ions. -Two magnificent Cups have been kindly giv n by the Lady ~OUIS Mo~ntbatten ~nd Lady Dunbar ~asmith for the winning tea!lls m the emor and Jumor Group in the Cadet ?\ational Competitions whICh are to take place m 1947. 1\1any countie have held competitions this year in preparation for this event. Ca~ps.-Every effort has been made to maintain a high standard of campmg and to ensure that only Cadet Officers with knowledge and experience of camping should be in charge. . A large number of. Cadet Camps again took place this year and I mspected those held m Suffolk, ussex, and Kent, Cadet in the latter Camp were from South London. In April I was invited to open a week-end Training Course on the Theory of Camp Craft, held at Southlands College, Weston-super-Mare. Dr. Danby, County Superintendent for omersetshire, was responsible for the organization and also gave many excellent ' lectures. The Girl. Guide~ Associatio~ .and the C.C.P.R. again gave us much helpful aSsIstance m camp trammg, for which we were most grateful.
however, glad to report that five Cadets were highly Commended and six adets Commended in the Competition. The Cadet Autlzor's Cup, kindly given by Miss Barbara Cartland (Mrs . Mc orquodale), County Cadet Officer for Bedfordshire, and a Token Cup, kindly gi\-en by the Lord Luke, were presen,ted by the Lady LoUIS Iountbatten, in the Chapter Hall at t. John s Gate, ~n 2~th J.uly? to Cadet Pauline 1\luldre\v, of Newca tle (Co. Down) Cadet ursmg DIvIsIOn. Cadet Alice Hill, of Ayle bury Cad t l\ursing Divisi?~ ~nd Cadet ~lan Lamb, of Gateshead Borough Cadet Ambulance DIvIsIOn, were gIven second and third prize and a "special prize" was awarded to Cadet Jean Waite (age 11) of Exeter Cadet .. ursing Division.
The Chief Commi sioner sanctioned the reconstitution of the Cadet Advi orv Committee on a Regional Basis. The reconstituted Committee met for- the first time on 20th 1\Iarch and has met twice since. 1any helpful ugge tion and ideas have come up through the Regions. The, t. John Ambulance Brigade Nursing Cadets are represented on the following Committee :Ctlltra/ COIIl/cll fOY Physical ReCl'eatioJl
1 ' 30 Group (under the auspices of the ITational Council for ocial Service)
J.\Irs. Geoffrey Shaw.
The Stalldlng Con{afJlCe of Xatiollal T'ol ltntary Youth Orgalll zaltolls.
Sub-Committees of the above Conference : Count.y Colleges Group Homecraft Group Road afcty Group . Imluslrial Group . Appreciation of ~Iu sic and t.he /ut. V.A .D. Stal/dillg Committee CJmstiallity alld the YOllng Citizen
The Lady l\loyra Browne. l\Irs. Geoffrey Shaw. l\Ir. D. Bryers 1\1r. R. H. Lowe. :i\Iiss Cunard and l\Irs. Camden. l\Iiss Cunard. Miss Cunard.
During the year 140 Jursing Cadets were awarded the Grand Prior's Badge. CO CLUSIO • .
In conclusion, I should like to thank my taft Officers, the Lady Moyra Browne and Irs. haw, for their enthusia tic and whole-hearted support at all times. I should also like to thank my ecretary, Miss Green, who has been succeeded by Miss Wilcox, and my Assistant _ ecretary, Mrs. Huntington. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, VIRG INIA CUNARD, Chl'ef Officer, Nursillg Cadets
T~e Cadet Music C~~p, kindly presented by Miss Jan Kerrison and Sir Adn~n Boult wa~ agam competed for this year. Although no entry was
conSIdered of a hIgh enough standard to be rewarded with the Cup, I am,
\1 ... '
S1O . .
The Director of mbulancc, Ambulance Department, ,HaYcll, 1947. Order of t. John. IR, I have the honour to submit the nnual Report of the -t. John ,\mbulance Brigade Over ea for the year end d 31 t December, 19 lG. This is the first full post-war year, and I am plead to b able to r port that the Brigade Overseas ha maintained a ati factory trcnglh and efficiency in spite of the many difficulties consequent upon thi period. Although there has been a reduction in Divi ions and str ngth which was to be expected, following the second \\'orld \\'ar, I am glad to report that this has not reached the proportions expected; indeed, the Brigade Overseas is still greatly in excess of its pre-war trength.
Dit'lsions. Ambulance ursing .
7-123 97
Cadet Ambulance Cadet Nursing
Pasolllld. 2,6-18 3 ~-! - - 3,032 72~{
43 36
(-)00 79 176
This increase of new Divisions is offset by the loss through eli banclment of 117 Divisions (43 Ambulance and 74 ~ ur ing), and 14 ael t Divi ions (7 Cadet Ambulance and 7 Cadet ?\'ursing), so that the strength of the Brigade Overseas at 31st December, 1946, was :Dzvisions. Ambulance Nursing
1,306 822
Pel'sonnel. 38,OlO 14,455
Cadet Ambulance Cadet ursing ~
411 361
52,535 9,450 6,385
ACTIVE SERVICE. I am particularly pleased that so many members have rejoined the Brigade during 1946 on their release from the Forces and other war employment, and I extend a warm welcome to those who, after arduous war service, have been public-spirited enough to return immediately to St. John service.
It is difficult to estimate the number of members of the Brigade Overseas who were on Active Service for, apart from those who joined the Forces or served a full-time V.A.D.s, clc., the approximate number of which is 10,000, it will be agreed that all members of the Brigade in Burma, Hong Kong, :;\Ialaya and :\Ia.lta, totalling approximately an additional 5,000, 11m t b regarded a having been on Active ervile. It is with deep regret that I have to report that some 80 members of the Brigade Over cas have been reported as having lost their lives as the reoult of "ncmy action . The following decorations have been gained by members of the Brigade O\'er a : Enighthoods . D . . 0. and Bar C.RE.
2 1 1 2
o B.E. :\1C. D J.C.
1 1 2
\.RR I\:aJsar-I-Hincl :'Iledal
STRE"XGTH. The new Divisions formed during the year are a follow
:'IL\I. B.E.~I.
:\fentioneu in Despatches . Certificate of Commendatiun
11 1 6 3 4 1
TOURS. It i agal11 my privilege and pleasure to express my most grateful thanks to tIl Vi count Mount batten of Burma, D.C.V.O., C.B.E., D.G.ST.]., for a highly succe ful official Tour of ustralia and ew Zealand which he mad during 1916, on behalf of the Venerable Order and Joint \\rar Organization intere t . a on has done more to h lp forward the work of the Brigade Overseas both during and ince the econd \Vorld \i\Tar, while none appreciate this better than it members in the many parts of the Briti h Commonwealth and Empire which he ha vi ited, often at great personal hazard; her \-i it hav always been most stimulating and encouraging to tho e who do our 'work, or to Briti h P.O.\V.s in Japanese Prison Camps. \Vhen it is borne in mind that, in addition, the Viscountess Mountbatten has controlled the I ursing Divisions of the Brigade at Home, and served on many important \Var Councils and Committees in London, the high mea ur of succes which ha attended her efforts on our behalf overseas can only b described as amazing. Yet her pirit of St. John service, pl,:s a e~m ingly inexhaustible energy, have remained such that, during th~s offiCIal Tour of 19.J:6 h ha beaten her own splendid record, as eVIdenced by the wealth of high appreciation which has come from every part of the Commonwealth of ustralia and the Dominion of New Zealand. It is, perhaps, only those who have made long and arduous official Tours who can s~fficiently appreciate the steady drain which they inflict upon both phYSIcal and mental energy, however hospitable and kindly the. reception. I ~an, therefore, but add that, apart from my gratItude for the hIgh measure of success which has attended the Viscountess Mountbatten's efforts on our behalf, I am also lost in admira-
tiOl'\ at the manner in which she has sustained bath h r keenness and heartening yigour throughout every official Tour made on behalf of the Venerable Order. On the' 14th June the "Vi-counte Mountbatten held an .At Home" at St. John's Gate at which she de cribed the splendid ~pirit of t. J ol~n service and the high efficiency which he had \vitne ed 111 both Au traha and New Zealand. Representative of the Press and member of the Brigade at Home and the Brigade Over eas were present on thi occasion. II
SERVICE MEDALS. During the year 346 members were awarded the en,ice :\Iedal of the Order and 307 the Bar to the Service redal. It \Va a matter for ati faction that the Order was able to supply sufficient en,ice ?\Icdal to cover all Medals awarded during the period ~ovember, 1941, to the 31 t I ecember, 1945. These Medals are being despatched as quickly as shipping difficul ties will allow. CADET. The Cadet strength of the Brigade Overseas lIas continued to incr a e, particularly in South Africa and Canada, while ew Zealand -till ha the honour of retaining the premier position. During the year, 27.') Cadets were awarded the Grand Prior' Badge, making a total of 1,33fi Badges issued to Cadets of the Brigade OYersea . The Cadet Special ervice Shield, which has been approved to take the place of the Cadet \Var Service Badge, is to be awarded for service to the community and will, rightly, become a most cove led award. LIFE SAVI G AWARDS, It is pleasing to be able to record that the Life aving Medal of the Order has been awardecl to members of the Brigade Overseas in Canada during 1946 as follows :Sgt. L. Rissanen A/O C. F. l\Iellerup Cpl. C. E. Dorman
Life Saving illeclal in Gold. " " ilver. " "Bronze.
Sgt. Rissanen and A/ O Mellerup, of the Port Arthur Central Ambulance Division, behaved most gallantly, following an explosion in a granary, as also Cpl. Dorman of the l\Iontreal (Lieut.-Col. H. 10lson) Ambulance Division, who was instrumental in saving life on the occasion of a fire at a theatre in Verdun. Fortunately, too, the yisit of Mr. . A. \\Tright, of the British South African Police, to this country gave opportunity for the presentation at Chapter-General of the Life Saving Medal awarded to him for a gallant rescue at the Victoria Falls. /'
GENERAL. The formation of Corps composed entirely of Nursing Divisions which were introduced as a war-time measure have proved so popular that they are to be continued in peace-time.
The Joint War Organization Certificates for \;Var ~ervice aw~rded by Their Majesties the King and Quee!1,. and for whlch over 1;),000 members of the Brigade Over eas were elIglble, have be.en despatch~d. It i very pleasant to know that the Rt. Hon. The VIscount Bledlsloe, G.C.M.G., K.B.E., K.ST.J., ,·vho has always shown such interest in the Brigade Overseas, left England in ~?vember. l~st,. a~companied ~y the Viscount s Bledisloe, D. T.J., on a good-wlll mlSSlOn to AustralIa and New Zealand on behalf of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. During his Tour Viscount Bledisloe \~ represent the .Grand Priory of the Order in the pleasant and responsIble duty of conveyl.ng the L~tt~rs Patent of H.R.H. The Grand Prior to the newly-establIshed Pnones in the e two in1portant parts of the British Commonwealth. With regard to the work in each Dominion and Colony ; AU~TRALIA.
The elevation of the Commandery in Australia to the status of a Priory during the time that H.R.H. The Grand Prior was Governor-~eneral of the ommonwealth is a matter for the warmest congratulatlOn and while reflecting high credit on its Brigade is a reward for splendid service which is shared by all who erve the interests of the Venerable Order there. It is with great regret that I have to report the death of Colonel \V. ickers, D.S.O., M.B., late Commissioner of the New South \Vales District and Director of Ambulance in the Commandery; one for whom I obtained a warm regard during my official Tour of Australia in 1936 and whose distinguished services will be greatly missed. The Brigade Overseas, while suffering this heavy loss, has been extremely fortunate in obtaining such an able successor as Dr. G. G. L. Stening. The New outh \Vales Di trict has maintained its excellence during the year and even increased its Cadet strength, with the result that there are now over 4,000 members in this District. The Priory in Australia has the right to take pride in the fact that the other Districts of the Brigade in Australia have either increased or maintained their strength, a magnificent achievement in the first postwar year. The grand total of Divisions, including Cadet, in the Commonwealth is now 340. Since the defeat of Japan I have been gratified to learn that Dr. Home, S.B.ST.J., the Divisional Surgeon of the Albany Division in \Vestern Australia, gave valuable lectures on First Aid and held examinations while a prisoner of war in Changi Camp, Malaya. It is pleasant to add that those prisoners of war who passed their examination and who have since been restored to liberty, have been granted First Aid Certificates by the Association. It was again a great pleasure to meet Dr. J. Newman Morris, C.M.G., lesT.J., the Treasurer of the Australian Priory, during his visit to England, one for whose work on behalf of the Order and for humanity generally, I possess the deepest respect. Of the many meetings with those from overseas which I have had the pleasure of holding during the past year, one other must be outstanding, namely, that with H.E. Sir Winston Dugan, G.C.M.G., C.B., C.M.G.,
D.S.O., K.ST.J., Governor of \ 'ictoria; this not only because we served together as soldier during the earlier days of the Great \Var, but al 0 because no other in that great Commonwealth ha done more to e tablish our work, and to help towards the formation of that ommandery which has si?ce proved so succes ful a to be elevated to the dignity of a-Priory. In thIS work he has been ably a i ted by Lady Dugan, a Dame of our Order, to whom my thanks are also due, and who has done much for the benefit of humanity. CA~ADA.
On th~ 7th. October, 1~46, 1\1i :\1. MacLaren, c. T.J., Lady uperintendent-m-Chief of Jursmg Corps and Divi ion of the Brigad in Canada, and Officer in Charge of the Contingent of anaclian member, left London on return to Canada. Her departure marked the closing dO\vn of a gallant and highly succes ful venture whereby members of our Nursing Corps and Divisions in Canada establi hed ~a lIeaclquarter in London and provided a continual flow of efficient Nur ~ ing member who served in many forms of Hospital and Ambulance service in thi. country, as also in North-\Vest Europe and other places during and in ce the war. This m~gnificent service was first under the able leader hip of it promoter, Mrs. GIlmour, M.B.E., C.ST.J., then Lady uperint nc1ent-in- hief for Canada, who brought the first contingent to England, and later :JIiss ~acLaren, both o~ whom gave efficient and untiring ervice often in Clrcumstances of dIfficulty and danger. :'IIany tributes have been paid to the value of the services these Canadian member 0 willingly ga,'e, and I was glad of the opportunity at the farevvell tea-party given at St: John's Gate last eptember of expressing my appreciation to MISS MacLaren and the final contingent of Canadian member. Tha~ ~anada, too,. has been raised to the status of a Priory i a fitting recoglllbon of the hIgh standard of t. John service which exists there and of th~ progr.ess made in all branches of our work in recent years. The Bngade. I~ Canada continues to maintain it efficiency and a successful DommIOn Conference wa held in Ottawa from the 9th to 12th September. Many of its members were on duty during and after the tornado which caused such widespread and regretted damage at \Vinci or \vhen many hou~es w~re ~estroyed, 17 people killed and 100 injured. In order to cope WIth thIS dlsaster members of the \Vindsor Corps maintained a 24 hours' service for three days, thus bringing great credit upon themselves as also the Brigade Overseas. The Brigade was honoured when H.E. The Governor-General of Canada, Field-Marshal Viscount Alexander, KG., G.C.B., c.S.I., D.S.O., M.C., K.ST.J ., inspected the members of the Federal District on the 23rd June. His Excellency was accompanied by H.E. Viscountess Alexander, D.ST.J., the President of Nursing Divisions in Canada. INDIA. Outbrea.ks of rioti.ng h~ve oc~urred in several parts of India during the year, Ir: connectIOn WIth whIch our Brigade has responded with its customary mvaluable service. During the regrettable emergency created
by the rioting of R.LN. ratings in February, 1946, members of our Brigade performed their Ambulance duties in both difficult and dangerous circum tance attending over 300 cases at great personal risk. During the five days in which the disturbances were at their height our members were engaged in heavy and continuous work while exposed to rifle and revolver fire and missiles thrown from windows. Neither was this splendid work confined to anyone particular sect, for I am glad to add that members of the Co mopolitan, Hindu, Maratha, Muslim and Parsi Divisions of the o. 3 District, and other members of the No. 16 District all came in for high commendation in the report made by the Chief 'ommi sioner for the Empire of India. \Vhile equally good work was done during the August riotings in Bombay, a bitter note of tragedy was struck on this occasion when two of the mo t valued members of the Parsi Division, Ambulance Officer G . .LT . Gazdar and Private J. A. Navdar, were killed by the rioters. These memb rs had long and valued service for the Brigade (AIO Gazdar being the holder of the ervice Medal with six Bars and Pte. J. A. Navdar being the holder of the ervice Medal with one Bar), and the news of their tragic death was received with deep sorrow not only by our members in India, but throughout the Empire, and all members of the Brigade OYer ea wi h to be associated with the deep expression of sympathy to the relatives of these two victims in the sacred cause of humanity. The Brigade in India has continued to maintain its strength while the formation of 39 new Ambulance Divi ions and 14 new Cadet Divisions brings the number of Division in India to the gratifying total of 685. A new Distri t of the Brigade was formed during the year on the B.B. and C.L Railway, to be known as the No. 21 District. I regret that the urgeon-in-Chief for India, Lieut.-Col. Sir Bennett Hance, R.C .L E., O.B.E., K.ST.J., resigned his position in 1946 on his retirement. He will be greatly missed, but, fortunately, a worthy successor ha been found in Iajor-General R. Hay, C.LE., O.ST.J., previously the Commis ioner of No.3 District. I also regret that Miss Hutchings, A.R.R.C., O.ST.J., Lady uperintendentin-Chief for India, has found it necessary to transfer to the Reserve after long and valuable active service. The position was temporarily filled by Lady Berresford-Peirse until she departed from India, when the Order ha been fortunate in obtaining Mrs. Emerson, wife of the Chief Commissioner of Railways in India, to fill this responsible appointment . All who knew him will be sorry to hear of the death in September of Lieut.-Col. Sir Hassain Suhrawardy, O.B.E., A.C.ST.J., who had served the Brigade in India so well and faithfully for many years. I was glad to have a further opportunity during the year of meeting that valued member of our Order, Sardar Bahadur Balwant Singh Puri, C.I. E., O.B.E., A.C.ST.J., General ecretary of the Indian Branch of the A.s~ociation and ecretary of the Brigade Overseas in India, during his VISIt to England this summer, one who has done outstanding work for the Order and humanity. J
NEW ZEALAND. It is a matter for congratulation that the Commandery in New Zealand has also been raised to the status of a Priory. For our Brigade ill New
Zealand has not only the honour of being the first established in the Empire overseas (the first Unit of the Brigade Overs as being formed at Dunedin in 1892), but has always maintained an exceptionally high standard, besides leading the Brigade Overseas in the strength of its Cadets. vVith a total of 325 Cadet Divisions, New Zealand posses es the greatest number of Cadet Divisions in the Dominions, but the award during 1946 of 260 Grand Prior's Cadet Badges out of a total of 275 for the whole of the Brigade Overseas indicates that their keenness and efficiency still remain of the highest order; indeed, it redounds to the credit of New Zealand that it now possesses more Grand Prior's Badges than the rest of the Brigade in total. It gave me great pleasure to meet during the year Captain E. B. Gilberd, S.B.ST.J., the Dominion Cadet Officer, which enabled me to ex pres to him my high appreciation of the magnificent success which has attended the Cadet work in New Zealand. A further sign that the Brigade is still progressing in New Zealand is shown by the South Auckland Sub-District being constituted as a separate Brigade District. The number of Public Duties attended by the Brigade has been fully maintained and in one place the Nursing Divisions are completely staffin a a ward in a hospital. I would here express my gratitude to The Viscount Bledi loe, G.C,~1.G., K.B.E., K.ST.J., New Zealand Representative on Chapter-General, for his expert and kindly help in all matters connected with New Zealand. SOUTH AFRICA. As was the case last year, South Africa has again succeeded in forming more new Cadet Divisions than any other Dominion or Colony, a continued expansion which is not only most gratifying, but which reflects the greatest credit upon all concerned. The total number of Cadet Diyisions within the Priory in Southern Africa is now 176. It is with great regret that I learned of the death of Dr. Bennie Hewatt, K.ST.J., who was so closely associated with, and did so much for, the development of the Brigade in South Africa for many years. Following the lamented death of that great worker in our cause, Colonel Peacock, to which I referred in last year's Report, I am glad to report that Lieut.-Col. J. M. Watt, O.ST.J., has been appointed to succeed him as Surgeon-in-Chief. It gives me also the greatest pleasure to state that Her Excellency Mrs. Van Zyl has graciously accepted the appointment of Lady President of Nursing Divisions within the Priory. The Brigade in Southern Africa has continued its activity and during the year its members attended 42,148 cases while its 25 Ambulances transported 18,805 people. The high standard of the work was evidenced by the highly efficient help rendered by members of the Brigade during the typhoid epidemic at Brakpan. On this occasion the Nursing Divisions (j)f the East Rand were called upon for assistance in relieving the Hospital staffs, help which was readily and admirably given throughout the epidemic.
It gave me great pleasure to meet Mrs. vValton, A.R.R.C., D.ST.J., the Lady uperintendent-in-Chief for Southern Africa, during her visit to England: one who has done outstanding work for the Brigade and whom I was able to congratulate upon this valuable help at Brakpan. A pleasant sign of the resumption of pre-war activities was the holding at Bulawayo of the competition for the "Birchenough" hield, after an interval of seven years.
UNGROUPED DI TRICTS. BARBADOS. The ,,'ork of the Brigade in Barbados has been encouraged by the kindly gift of a ilver Cup by Her Excellency Lady Grattan Bushe, D.ST.J., for competition. The first competition was held during 1946, and was won by the Christchurch TO. 2 Nursing Division. As H.E. ir Grattan and Lady Bushe have now left Barbados I would take thi opportunity of thanking them for their stimulative interest in our work, particularly during the war period when many difficulties had to be f~ced. Their Excellencies' deep and practical interest has been greatly appreciated by our Brigade members, and it can be said with certainty that it \vas the intere t shown by Lady Bushe which resulted in St. John affairs in Barbado being placed upon a firm footing. My gratitude is due also to our Commi ioner and Lady District uperintendent 1\1r. and Mrs. E. B. \Villiams, while I would again congratulate them upon having the charge of such efficient Nur ing Divi ions as I was privileged to inspect during the war period of 1945. The Barbados District has recently taken over the Barbados Eye Fund which, originally started as a private charity by Lady Bushe, has brought great comfort to many afflicted persons. It was a great privilege to meet the new Governor of Barbados, H.E. ir H~ary Blood, K.C.M.G., K.ST.J., prior to his leaving England to take up thIS appointment, and to thank him for the interest which he has taken in our work when His 1\lajesty's Representative in the Gambia, as also to be able to tell him of my deep satisfaction with what I had seen of the Nursing Divisions in Barbados in 1945. His Excellency was kind en.ough to accept the position of President, while it IS hoped that Lady Hilary Blood will accept that of Lady President. BERMUDA. The fo~mation of the first Cadet Nursing Division in Bermuda during the year IS most encouraging, and I hope that this will prove most successful. BURMA. Matters in Burma have not yet clarified owing to the confusion resulting from the Japanese occupation, but it is encouraaing to be able to report t~a~ ~ecords have been received of 12 new Ambulance and 3 new Nursing ~lvlslOns, as also that many members of pre-war days have rejoined. SIr Ba U, A.O.ST.J., 0l1:r esteeme? Commis ioner for Burma, is making every effort to reorgamze the Bngade, and there are encouraging signs H
that the Burma District will soon recover its very satisfactory prewar standard.
The formation of the Police Ambulance Division and a Cadet Ambulance Division in Fiji during the year is the result of the ~ucc~ssf~l efforts. of Dr. J. C. H.. Buchanan.' O.ST. ].~ and the .Officers of thIS Dlstnct to ma1l1tain and inten if)' the mterest m the Bngade.
CEYLON. The Ceylon District has maintained its strength and efficicncy and the Ceylon Police Corps continues its outstanding work. The hicrhest possible credit is due to this efficient Police Force, which has, for so many years, insisted upon a high standard of efficiency.
GIBRALTAR. There is no change to report in the Gibraltar District where our work is being maintained in spit.e of great difficulties. HO ~G KO TG. As in the case of Burma and ~Ialaya, the position in Hong Kong has not yet been entirely clarified. I am happy to say, however, t~a.t despite their suffcrings when in Japanes~ hands, mem~e~s. h~ve reJomed the Brigade in great number, and wIth the dereq~Islhomng o~ the Hong Kong Hcadtluarters Building I feel sure that rapId progress will ?e made. A t. J olm ouncil has bcen formed for Hong Kong to co-ordmate the activities of all branches of the work of the Order. The following extract from a letter received from the Director of Medical ,ervice , Hong Kong, thc Hon. Dr. elwyn Clarke, M. C. , a Command r of our Ord rand :'Icmber of our Council in that Colony, speak for it elf : . . , . tt t. John arc bein a most helpful 111 connectlOn wIth a rather senous epidemic of mallpox here involving a two-thirds case mortality. \iVith the help of a number of volunt.eers from t. John units on both sides of the harbour, my vaccinators have done well over a million in the past t11re month." . . . . ~'hen, in H)37, I was m Hong Kong, I was \\"ltnes to SImIlar work being performed in a very congest.~d city and. I can, therefore, well appreciate that the value of our Bng.a~e there ~s to-day equally ~reat. One difhculty i , of cour e, the obtammg of umforms by a people who have suffered great financial di. a ter and without adequate funds for such supply. I am glad to report that if Leslie Boyce, KB.E., K.. T.J., as Head ~f a British Trade Mission and at my rcquest, met our Bngade members m Hong Kong during December last, and \vas kind enough to address them on the work of the Order and its Establishments. This 'was very greatly appreciated by all concerned. A posthumou Vote of Thanks on Vellum was awarded to 1\1rs. Hyde Lay by Chapter-General for her admirable work as ecretary in Hong Kong both before and during the war. Unfortunately this splendid worker in our cause, while in the Internment Camp, was killed during an Allied air raid.
CYPRUS. Since my visit in 1945 with the Hon. 1\1r. opland-Griffiths the Cyprus Police Division has been con_tituted as a orp, and I f cl confident that und r the capable leadcrship of our ommi '. ioncr, J. H. Ashmore, Esq., O.ST.]., this will lead t.o an exten ion of Brigadc acti\'iti . The translation of the Textbook of the .\ sociation into Greek should also lead to greater interest on the part of the civil population. EAST AFRICA.
Kenya.-The 'work of the Kenya Di trict continue to be maintained at a high standard under the able leadership of Captain \\'. . Gulloeh, O.ST.]. I regret that during the year 1\1r. VV. G. D .... icol, Di tri t 'up rintendent in charge of the 10mbasa Sub-Di trict, had to resign on account of ill-health, but his place has been taken by Captain C. \Y. A. G. Hamley. It gave me great pleasure to meet 1\1rs. R. C. l\.. Cavcndi ' h, O.ST.]., late our valued Lady District Superintendent for Kenya, on hcr ret.urn to England and to thank her for the considerable effort which he made on our behalf and which resulted in the formation of thc fir ' t Xur ing Di vision in East Africa. Tanganyika .-Unfortunately Dr. H. J. O'D. Burke Gaffney, O.B.E., O.ST.]., one who has given untiring and devoted service in Tanganyika since I succeedecl in starting the Brigade there in 1938, retired during the year. Much of the credit for building up and maintaining Ollr work in Tanganyika, particularly during the war years, belongs to Dr. Burke Gaffney, and he will be greatly missed. I extend to him my -deepest thanks for all that he has so splendidly accomplished. The charge of the District has now become the responsibilit.y of A. G. \Vhitehead, Esq., S.B.ST.]., in whom I repose every confidence while 'wishing him every success in this im portan t charge. Uganda.-Following the retirement of Lt.-Colonel A. 1. Sheringham, C.ST.]., which I reported last year, the charge of the Uganda District has been accepted by C. V. Curtis, Esq., O.ST.]., whose co-operation in undertaking this important position is greatly appreciated. Zanzibar.-Under the continued and valuable leadership of Lt.-Colonel E. G. Fish, O.B.E., O.ST.]., the membership of the Zanzibar District has been well maintained, while the Ambulance efficiency of the Police under his charge remains high.
]AMAICA. The year 19-:16 has seen the formation of the Jamaica Police Corps of the Brigade, a great accession to the Jamaica Di trict, from which nothing but good can r sult, as it will still further strengthen the already excellent relations between the Brigade and this efficient P olice Force. The J amaiea District continue to be active under the inspiring leader-
"t '
ship of Dr. E. Hoerman, C.ST.J., and rendered invaluable service during a strike of ~ur es and Attendant at the Lunatic A ylum when our Brigade members "'ere called upon for a istance. They arrived to find hundreds of inmates roaming about the ground of the A 'ylum and it is clear that their coming prevented many casualties. MALAYA. Dr. R. B. MacGregor, C.M.G., C.ST.J., the Commi ioner [or Malaya, has returned to that country and is doing all po sible to reconstruct the Brigade, a ta k which is rendered all the more diffrcult by the change in the political con truction of lalaya followinO" its liberation. I am happy to say that, largely as a result of his efforts, much progress is being made while many members have rejoined the Brigade, In the Pcnang ar a, to which :Mr. Boyd-\Valker has returned, the Brigade has resumed many useful acti\·ities and is carrying out various forms of Public Duty. I deeply regret to add that among the many heavy losse by enemy action was that of Mrs. Cherry, our valued Lady District uperintendent, whose great courage and devotion to duty had set a mo t high example. 0 highly were those ervices valued by the Grand Priory that a po thumous Vote of Thanks on Yellum has been awarded. MALTA. Under the able leader hip of Major J. V. Abela, M.B.E. , C.ST.J., 'whom I \\'as delighted to meet during his stay in England this year, the Ialta District has made great strides towards full reconstruction, although still greatly handicapped for lack of a permanent Headquarters. It is a favourable augury and proof of how the Brigade is "teemed that in June, 1946, the first Flag Day h ld by the Malta Di trict proved a great success. Four new Divi ions have been formed, while the Di trict has been divided into Corps, four of which are named after former Grand fa ter of the Order, namely, La Valette, Cotoner, De Vilhena and \Vignacourt. Largely through the efforts of the Lady uperintendent-in-Chief of the Brigade Overseas, the Hon. Mrs. Copland-Griffiths, D.ST.J., the gift of an Ambulance was made to the Malta District by the Joint vVar Organization which will fill a long felt want. At the Victory Parade in London the Malta District of the Brigade was represented by two Brigade members, Ambulance Officer the Rev. Fr. Ciantar, O.P., and Ambulance Sister M. Attard, while others were in the Parade representing the Civil Defence Services. On the occasion of the Victory Parade in Malta the Brigade was represented by a contingent, and other members performed Public Duty along the route of the procesSlOn. Through a further generous gift from the Joint War Organization of Hospital equipment, etc., it has now been possible to organize Medical Comforts Depots in Malta and it is hoped that three will be in full operation before this Report is distributed. NEWFOUNDLAND. No Report received.
PALESTINE. During our official visit to Palestine in 1945, the Hon. Mrs .. Copla~d Griffiths and I succeeded in making arrangements for the Palestme PO~Ic.e to join the Brigade Overseas, while we le~t ~th ev~ry hope that CIVIl Ambulance and ?\ur ing Divisions would sprmg mto be.mg. Unfortunately, however the di turbances which have occurred ever smce have prevented such de~elopment, although the admirable First Aid knowledge of t~e Police has proved of the greatest value. 1\ly thanks are due to Captam J. Rymer-] oncs, O.~T)., late ommi~sioner of the Palestine ~olice and our Brigade Coml1ll SlOner for Palest me, for al.l the h~lp WhICh he, h~s given to t. Jolm work. \\'e are very fortunate m secunng Colonel \'. . 1. • ' .Tray, D.S.O.', the present Inspector-General of the Palestine Police, as his successor. WEST AFRICA. It is atisfactory to tate than an Ambulanc.e l?iv:ision was regi~ter~d during the year at Freetown, Sierra Le~~e, whIle It IS hoped that !t WIll not be 10nO" before I shall be in a pOSItion to report the formation of Di\"i -ions in other parts of '.Vest Africa, where our Brigade service is so greatly needed, as e\"idenced during my official visit of 1945. RE IGNATION OF MISS D. MAVROJANI.
It i. with great regret that I have to report that l\1i s D. Mavrojani, O.ST.J., former, taff Ofncer to the Lady Superintendent-in-Chief of the Brigac1c 0\' rsea., ha fo~nd it necessary to transfer .to the R.eserve. :JIi. ' :JIa\Tojani accompal1led the Hon. Irs. Copland-Gnffiths dunng her official Tour to India in 1938, and throughout the second \Vorld '.Var not only pro\'Cc1 invalua.ble by he:- service to the Order in London ~n~ throughout the period of It bombmg, but offered g~nerous hOSI;)ltality to all overseas mrm b rs \\,]}o came to London on theIr war occaSIOn. I would offer her my deep t thanks for all that she has done in the interests of the Brigade Over eas. CONCLUSION. I t is 111 y pri \'ilege and pleasure to refer ~o the very considerable interest which was taken in the work of the Bngade Overseas by H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, K.G., K.T., K.P., etc., The Grand Prior, during his period of ofnce as Governor-General of Australia, stimulative encouragement very greatly appreciated by our mem~er.s in that .loyal ~~mmon wealth. On behalf of the Brigade Overseas It IS my dutiful pnvilege to welcome our Grand Prior back to England, as also to offer His Royal Highness the thanks and congratulations of all our members overseas upon what he has so successfully conipleted. It is also encumbent upon me to extend my deepest thanks to the ub-Prior, The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Clarendon, K.G., etc., who has not only so ably shouldered the additional burden. of duty during the Grand Prior's absence, but who has ahvays been particularly helpful and understanding concerning the problems of the Brigade Overseas. I would also extend my thanks to our Chancellor, Colonel Sir Edwin King, K.C.B., C.M.G., etc., the Secretary-General, Brigadier W . B. G.
The total number of Nursing Divisions is. • The total number of Cadet Nursing Divisions is .
C.B.E., D.S.O., the Director of Ambulance, Gencral Ir Clive LIddell, K.C.B., C.M.G., etc., the uperintendent-il1-Chief of Tursing Corps and Divi~ions of the Brigade at Home, The Vi COllntes Mountbatten of Burma, D.C.V.O., C.B.E., and the Chief ~ecretarv, aptain A. . ~ahusac, O.B.E., M.C., all of whom have given valuable help to the Bngade Overseas during HUG. ~Iy special thanks are due to the Lady uperintcndent-in- hi f of the Bng,:?e ~verseas., the Ho~. ~Ir. Copland-Griffith, D.ST.]., for hcr unfailmg mterest ill the ~ursll1g Corp and Divisions under h r charge. I would thank, too, the ecretary, G. F. Quilter, E. q., 0 .. T.]., for his most able help, and the permanent Office taft at Brigade Oversea: Headquarter who so admirably as i t in the control and r cord of nearly 70,000 members. .Ieither can I close this report without expre ing my thank ~ to the Bngade ~t ~ome f.o: ~he ever ready help given by members in all part of Great Bn~all1 to ~s:tll1g members of the Brigade Over cas; examples of that ho.spItable Splflt of St. John ervice which my Tours oversea have shown IS deeply appreciated. ~f, in conclusion~ I feel it necessary to make mention of the Knighthood whIch was so gracIOu ly co?ferred upon me during the past year, I do a because I can but r~g,:rd It as an expression of Royal approval of the work?f every CommIssIOner, Officer and member of the Brigade O,'ersea , of \~hlch I have had the honour to be Chief Commi ioner for the record penod of seventeen years. Finally, I would expres my admiration for the excellent work of the Officers and member of the Brierac1 Over ea not only throughout the period of the second \Vorld War but also durin~ the first most difficult post-war year which is now under review work perform~d so admirably tha~ I am con?d~nt that our Brigade will still furth er ll1crease the value of ItS self-sacnficmg and splendid service in the great cause of humanity. I have the honour to be, ' ir, Your obedient servant, JAMES L. LEE~1AN, Chief Commiss£oller. St. j ohn A mbulance Brigade Overseas.
The estimatcd total mcmbership is: (Adults) The estimated t otal membership (Cadets)
Making a total of
The c1ecrras in ac1ult. _'ursing mcmbership, thOllgh unfortunate, is the inc\ ilable resnlt of the lift.ing of war strain and the gradual return of life to normal. Our, enior Omrer everV\yhere express themselves a er recablv c;nrpri. eel that the los. in mcmber -hip has not been larger. h 170 Grancl Prior'- Bac1ges have been won by . . Tursing Cadets, making a grancl total of 71~). \\' ar ' 1 \·ire lJ<lp;; 11a\'c heen awarc1ed as follows : 1st Year 2nd Year :~nl Year 4th\car 5th YL;t\r 6th Year
349 175 7 24 4
Cadet \ Var , ervice Badges : 1st Year 2nd Y ear
21 1
Th re arr, I feel, a great number entitled to the e.awards whose.c1a~s have not vet b n submitt d, and I urge all Officers m Charge of DIstncts to nel til m in without delay. . . It was a great pIca nre, early in January, to meet our CommISSIOner for H oug Eong, ::'Ilr. E. Raymond, C.ST.]., and :JIrs. Raymond, and to hear from them such stirring reports of the gallant conduct of our members during th i ge and the J apane e occupation. ~ur Divi ions in Hong Kong are re-forming rapidly, and are performmg most useful wor~, e pccially dnrin a a recent cpic1 mic of smallp?x, when they helped m the ' -(1ccination of oyer 1,000,000 of the populatIon. The Joint \Var Organization of the Red Cross and St. J ohn call.e~ ~or a numbcr of volunteers from Britain to go to l\1alaya to help the CIvilIan popUlation. I am glad to report that a large number of these \Velfare Ofticers were our members from Malaya who had escaped before the fall of Singapore, and who were anxious to help rehabilitate the p~0J:!les among whom t1-}ey had formerly served. Reports ~rom o~r CommISSIOner show that most of our former members are actIve agam. A conting nt representative of all the ervices and Civil ~efence was sent from Malta C.C. to take part in the Victory Para?e m ~~~don. Amona them were 1\1iss Attard, representing the 1 ursmg DIVISIOns, who h~d s rved in civilian hospitals, and Miss Briffa, formerly.\\Tarr~nt Officer in Charge of the V.A.Ds. At the end of the year MISS Bnfta returned with ten other former V.A.Ds., all of whom are to undergo their General Training in British H ospitals. \Ve are so .glad that ~hese members, fired with their experience as V.A.Ds., are anxIOUS to. dedIcate their lives to nursing. Our Commissioner for Malta, G.C., MaJor J. V.
january , 1947.
I have the h~n?,:r to submit my Report of the progress of the Nursing Corps and DIVISIOns of the Brigade Overseas for the year ended 31st December, 1046. T~enty-three new Nursing Divisions were formed and 74 disbanded makll1g a net decrea~e of 51. Thirty-six new Cadet Nursing Division~ were formed and 7 dIsbanded, making a net increase of 29.
The total number, all Divisions, is
To: The Chief Commissioner St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas.
~bela, M.B.E., C:ST.J., ~la also been in England, where he has spoken se~eral countIe
to mterested audiences of Brigade member on the expenences of the people of Malta during the second Great, iege. ~ regret ~o say that several of our Lady Di trict llperintencl !lts have reSIgned thIS year ~lpon their return to the nited Kingdom. Thi. mean a great loss to thelr respective District of the Brigade Over ea . I have been able to meet them all individually and hear mo t intere ting and in every case .welcome ne.ws of the efforts of ursing member. uncI r their charge dunng the entIre war and after. Mrs. Cavendish, CST. J., from l!enya, sav:r the formation of the first Jur ing Divi ion in that olony m 1938. Smce then members of that and other Di"i ions have erved in l\~il~tary and Civil Hospitals, had charge of women internee, worked in CIVIl Defenc~, an? generally performed all the u ual dutie of th Brigade ~verywhere m spIte of tran port difficultie , which have been a' great a ill any other part of the Empire. .Mr~. Brab~on, late Lady Di.strict uperintendent, Jo . 2 ( a1clltta) DIstnct, Indla, an.d ~1rs. t~mer, late Lady Di trict uperint nclcnt, No.3 (Bombay) DIstnct, !~dIa, have both returned from India for good. In both t.hese Important c.ItIes the work of the Nursing Divi ion ha b en outstandm a and has mented and gained great credit from Military and Civil Authorities. Lady June Hobson, I.B.E., o. T.J., who wa Lady Di trict uperintendent for Burma from 1938, has also been compelled to re ign on the transfer of her husband from Burma to India. he ha been lICC ecled b~ Mrs. \Vitcher, an original member of the Brigade in Burma, and we w~s~ .her ~ll success and happin~ss in ~er appointment. Tll :c\ ur ing ~IvisIOns m Bu:ma are re-formmg rapIdly, and are doing u efuI and Important work m a number of Clinics which they have set up in R angoon and some of the other large towns. . Mrs. A.). vyalton, A.R.R.C., D.ST.J., Lady uperintendent-in-Chief for the Pnory m Southern Africa, arrived in England at the end of September, and we had many opportunities of discu ing the progress of the splendid Nursing Divisions under her charge, whose selRes war work has crea~ed a fine record of service in a country renowned for its works of chanty. At present all t. John members in the Union are conce?tratin~ up~n the building and endowment of an Ophthalmic HospItal, whIch WIll be ?ne of the largest and best-equipped in the world, as :-veil as the only hospItal solely for the treatment of eye diseases in the Umon. Octobe: saw ~he departure of the last contingent of Nursing members ?f th~ Bngade m Canada . .Under two successive Lady Superintendentsill-ChIef, Mrs. Thomas GIlmour, M.B.E., C.ST.J., and Miss Margaret MacLaren, C.ST.J., no less than 231 of them came to Britain to serve in civil hospitals, as Drivers for .the Joint War Organization Transport of Wounded Department, as Dnvers and Welfare Officers in orth-West Eur.ope, Germany, and Italy, while four of them served as V.A.Ds. in IndIa .. I well remem:t>er ~he .cold days in February, 1944, when Mrs. GIlmour and I waIted m LIverpool for the ship carrying the first contingent, which included Miss MacLaren. In the months that followed the~e Canadian women earne~ the. deep gratitude and respect of thei; patIents and colleagues for theIr valIant and devoted service. They came lfl
over by sea while the Battle of the Atlantic r~ged a~d while i.n Lon.don and our other cities the old blitz was being reVIved WIth great mtenslty ; they faced the « doodle " and the V. 2, and they never turned a ~air ! ow on 7th October, 1946, Miss Mavrojani, l\fr. Quilter and I wlshed 1i s IacLaren and the other four who were left (( Godspeed" at Victoria tation. This is the second \Vorld \Var in which Canadian St. John m mbers have come to the aid of Britain in her need, for during 1914-18 no less than 400 of them served as V.A.Ds. in British Military Hospitals at home and overseas. n out tanding ervice was rendered by the Brigade in. Jamaica during a lightning trike of nurses and attendants at the LunatIc Asylum in King ton. Our men and women members took char~e of the wards, even of tho e containing homicidal patients, and the kltchens, day and night, during an entire week-end until the strikers. returne~ to d~ty. In the Priory in Australia our members contmue theIr effiCIency and good work. In Kew outh \\'ales Dr. Frances McKay, our Lady Di trict uperintendent, ha inaugurated annual Camp Conferences for worn n OfI1c r., which are prm-ing a great succe s and a source ?f in. piration to Officers of isolat d Divi ions. In the Commandery m TVestern Australia steady progre s is reported together with some notable eX8.mpl of out tanding Fir t Aid. New Zealand still lead as regards numbers of Cadets and the Grand Prior' Baclg that they haye won. Captain Gilberd, Dominio~ ~~det Officer, spent orne month in England, where many Cadet DlvIsIOns had the honour of a talk from him. India ha formed some new Nursing Divisions, though several of those formed during the war have been disbanded since VJ Day, chiefly in tations whence a temporary '''Tar-time population has shifted back to the large cities. . , . Our 1 ursing Divi ion in Gibraltar, though s:nall m number~, IS p~tt~g in many hour weekly at the Colonial HOSpI.tal, wh~re theIr serVIce IS deeply appreciated. Public Duties are also bemg carned ou~. . .. In Ceylon progress is maintained, and two large Cadet Jursmg DIVISIOns have been formed in J affna, a great educational centre. . FiJ'i report cla ses being held for recruits, and good progress WIth N ur ing Cadets. . . . Bermuda has started Competitions on a peace-tIme baSIS, whIch are proving popular. Cadets are also doing well. In Barbados the Brigade operates the St. John Eye Fund, started by Lady Bushe, which exists to supply spectacles to poor people who are unable to afford to buy them. I am very orry to have lost the services of Miss Mavrojani, O.ST.J., my taff Offi er since 1939, who has asked to be placed up0!l the Reserve owing to family ties. he is known to a great number, pOSSIbly hundreds of Brigade Over as members, both men and women, .an~ all through the war and the blitz her house was a home and her hospItalIty a welcome to all our members. They will join with me in regretting that she can no longer be on the Active List, and will wish her all happiness in the future. My very grateful thanks are due to you, Sir, for your ever ready help and sympathy, and I know I express the thoughts of the entire. Brigade Overseas in offering congratulations upon the honour of Kmghthood
bestowed on you by His Majesty in the New Year's H onours List, especially as it was conferred for services with the t. John Ambulance Brigade O,Ter eas, thu making all of u sharers in the honour. To the Vi countess :Jlountbatten of Burma, D.C.Y.O., C.B.E., uperintendent-in-Chief, Brigade at H ome, I should like to convey my mo t grateful thanks for all the inspections of the Briaade Over eas that he has carried out during the war and subsequent years; these have proved mo t inspiring to our members everywhere. Thanks are also due to 1\1iss Barbara tancliffe, S.S.ST.J., my ecrei.ary, whose never-failing help and efficiency i a great source of trength; Captain A. N. Cahusac, O.B.E., ~r.C., O.ST.J., Chief ecretar)" of the ,,\ . ociation, who, although he has felt compelled to resign from the ' taff of the Brigade Overseas through pre sure of As ociaiion work, continues his sympathy and acti,'e help to us all; 11r. G. F. Quilter, o. ST.}., Brigade Overseas ecretary, whose encycloprec1ic knowledge of Brig-ad matters of every description is only equalled by his kindness, and all our women Officers, Non-Commi ioned Officers and Ambulance iter everywhere, for the inspiration of their loyalty and devotion to duty which, in its turn, is inspired by our Order's long and glorious years of history in the en'ice of Mankind. I have, ir, the honour to be, Your obedient
The following is extracted from the Report of the Principal Secretary and Commissioner for \Vales :I have the honour to present a report on the activities of the Priory for Wales during the first full post-war year. ASSOCIATION DEPARTMENT. First Aid and the allied subjects have attracted fewer students year by year since the peak figure attained in 1939 when 27,594 awards were gained in classes arranged by the Priory. The figures for each of the three years prior to 1946 have shown a decrease of some thousands, so that a drop of only 481 in 1946, by comparison with 1945, suggests the end of the decline in numbers, while an increase of 423 in the number of first-year students qualifying for certificates supports this view. Another satisfactory feature of the class results shown below is the higher level of efficiency attained, the percentage of students who gained awards in 1946 being 86·49 as against 83·75 in 1945.
P, chm . Auf.
First .!lld.
Hom e Nursing .
10 ,123
Prelim. Home Nursing. 429
Home Hygiene. 13
Prelim. Child Welfare.
Total. 14,405
First Aid Certificates Preliminary First id Certificates Vouchers. Marine Certificates IIome Tursing Certificates Preliminary IIome 1 ursi ng Certificates Home Hygiene Certificates PrC'l1I1lln ary hild \\" Hare Certificates hrst Aid 1D illill e~ Certificates First. Aid in :'>lines Labels :'IIedaUwI1 s Labels I'enelant.
1,492 2,198 311
65 309
340 13 33
13 18 554 6,436
678 12,460
Dunng th ,ear 2() 1 examinations, 371 re-examinations, and 186 junior examination \\'ere held, a total of 24. The opening of a Police Training _ cho01 at Bridgend, where all the students are required to qualify for a t. John First Aid Certificate, accounted for 16 new classes; and under tIl pre-entry training regulations for young entrants into the collierie four cla se were arranged on the Preliminary First Aid Course. The availability of bronze enabled the issue of medallions and labels, which had been upended during the war years, to be undertaken, though award in silver are still unobtainable. The Priory, having advocated many years previously, with a measure of succe in regard to the mining industry, the limitation of the life of the First Aid Certificate, ,velcomed the decision of H eadquarters to limit the validity of these awards by having the following wording printed on the back of all adult First Aid Certificates : nless the holder of this First Aid Certificate is re-examined within five years of the date thereon, the ertificate will not be accepted by the t. John mbulance Association as part qualification towards its Voucher or its Medallion nor will it be recognized by the St. John Ambulance Brigade for admission to membership of the Brigade." Commissioners were encouraged to review, in consultation with their Centre or County Surgeons, the medical strength in the areas of their commands, every effort being made to introduce doctors returning from service with H.l\1. Forces, with the result that many additions have been made to the Panel of Examiners in Home Nursing. Two seri s of special lectures, drawn up by the First Aid in l\Iines Sub-Committee appointed by the Priory with the concurrence of the Ministry of Fuel and Power and representatives of all concerned in the mining industry, were given by experts to those employed as first aid men in the mines in the South \Vales Coalfield at Cardiff and Neath. There is a strong desire on the part of all who attended for further courses, which it was generally agreed had been keenly appreciated and had
helped to stimulate interest and raise the standard of efficiency in colliery ambulance work. BRIGADE STRE GTH.
Post-war instability is reflected in the membership of the Brigade in Wales, recorded at 15,642 for December, 1946, as compared with 17,550 at the end .of 1945. This decrease of 1,908 comprises a drop in each category,. VIZ., 1,178 men, 383 women, 189 boys, and 158 girls. Only two Nursmg, fou~ Cadet Ambula~ce, and three Cadet Nursing Division were formed durmg the year, whIle three Ambulance, five Nursing, ten ~ade~ Ambula~ce and SL"X Cadet lTur ing Divisions were disbanded a., mactIve. Havmg cut away the dead wood there is good reason to look forward to fresh growth from the good hard core now remaining. The figures for .1938 ~re shown below with tho e relating to the year HH() for companson Wlth the last pre-war review :)'IEN.
1938. 1946 . .J 5
Headquarter Staff Commissioners Asst. Commissioners Coun ty Surgeons Asst. County Surgeons County Officers Corps Officers . Divisional Officers J.C.O.s . Privates
18 28
15 .J: 5 30 51 203 199 649 815 675 811 5,185 5,389
1938. 1946 . -I S
Headquarter Staff County Superintendents County Officers Corps Officers Divisional Officers N.C.O.s 1\mbulance Sisters
21 401
73 1,2 15 2,080
1938. 1946. Cadets (including Officers)
1938. 1946 . Cadets (including Officers)
1,3 14 2,216
1938. 1946 Corps Ambulance Divisions ursing Divisions Cadet Ambulance Divisions Cadet Nursing Divisions
40 261 88 144 59
51 315 169 179 127
Women Boys Girls Total
6, '03 1,445 3,232 1,3 1.J:
7,3..J.O 2,617 3,469 2,216
. 12 .794 15,642
The number of members serving in H.M. Forces is 360 men and six women. SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES.
Duties wer~ carried out, as usual, in the cinemas, theatres, and all large assemblies as well as at sports gatherings. The total number of cases treated is recorded as 59,390 (men, 56,568 ; women, 2,8~2). ~ale members .dealt with the removal of 9,254 cases by am~)UI~n~e mvolvmg a total mileage of 142,057. Forty-eight Units are mamtammg motor ambulances. (It should be noted that the reference to the ambulance transport service of the Priory appears on page 128.)
The returns rendered give details of 3 road huts, 39 road boxes, and 5 beach huts staffed and attended . Cadets put in 3,117 Brigade duties, Nursing Cadets having been on duty for 82 hours in hospitals and 132 hours in nurseries. Personnel in the Aberdare Centre carried out a heavy week's duty in taffing the fir t aid tents at the National Eisteddfod, 232 cases being treated during the period. At seaside resorts members are manning first aid posts for the benefit of holidaymakers and an increasing number of units in agricultural areas are providing ambulance transport services. lany Divisions took the chance of replenishing their equipment from the urplus \Var Organization store, allocations from which enabled a number to tart :;\Icdical omforts Depots, which are referred to in a separate paragraph below. Two selected members had the opportunity of representing \Vales in the Victory Celebrations in London on aturday, 8th June, 1946. The visit of Their l\Iajesties the King and Queen to Bangor gave aernarvon hire members the pleasurable task of lining the route of the Royal Proces ion. Liaison has been established with the Ministries of Health, Labour, and Pensions with the object of assistance being given by Brigade Personnel in certain services, and co-operation is being given to the Mini try of Health National Blood Transfusion ~ervice (\Vales I-{egion). The Brigade is represented on the Disablement Advisory ommitte in many areas, set up under the :JIinistry of Labour and Xational crvice. Nursing members have responded to innumerable calls made by :J,Iedical Officers of Health, District urses, and private individuals for as istanc in the nursing of the sick in their own homes, whilst it has become cu tomary in many areas for matrons of hospitals, e.g., the Ministry of Pensions Ho pital at Llandaff, to seek the aid of local Divisions in times of stre s. A considerable amount of service, particularly part-time, has been rendered in hospitals as indicated in the following figures : Duty hours at Hospitals Duty hours at Nurseries . Duty hours with Blood Transfusion Units Attendances at Child Welfare Clinics .
6,719 433 231 765
The contribution the Brigade is making to the Nursing profession was recognized at the Nursing Exhibition held in Cardiff at which space was allotted for a Brigade Stand on which all aspects of Brigade work were displayed. Full advantage was taken of a similar opportunity at Newport, Mon.; and the promoters of these Exhibitions, which are sponsored by the Ministries of Health and Labour assisted by the l\Iinistry of Information, have asked for continued co-operation in connection with the further exhibitions they have in prospect. There are no statistics showing the number of Brigade members who have entered the Nursing profession, but there is no lack of evidence that Brigade training and service is helping to foster and bring out latent tendencies and aspirations towards Nursing as a career. Units occasionally furnish details as to the number of members who leave the Brig.ade to take up hospital training; Aberystwyth Nursing Division, for mstance, has lost no fewer . than twenty members in this manner,
whilst one Nursing Cadet Division of just under two year' standing can take credit for starting three girl on the road to a ~ ursing career. CADET DEVELOPMENT . The Chief Ambulance Cadet Officer, ir Michael Duff, BT., toured many of the counties, conducting inspections in north and west \Vales. The Priory was fortunate in securing the services of Lady Twislon-Davi , J.P., Lady County uperintendent for Ionmouthshire, a hief Officer Nursing Cadets, following the resignation for health r a on of Barone de Rutzen, which was accepted with r gret. The lament.ed d ath of the Cadet Training Officer, Mrs. E. D. Hardie, was a \'ery great 10 s to the Brigade in "Vales. Lady County Officer Irs. G. H. 'imp on, ilIonmouthshire, is kindly occupying the po ition temporarily until a ncc ~'or is found. A well organized Camp for Ambulance adcts was held by 1 ~ ewport (Mon.) Corps on the Itton Court estate, Chepstow, kindly placed at the disposal of the Priory for this purpose by Lady urre. Despite extremely inclement weather an enjoyable and in tructive programme was carried out, the Camp being visited by the Commi ioner for \Vales and a number of his Headquarter taff. Large parties of adet, Ambulance and Jursing, in several counties arranged camp and certain Monmouth hire units joined the Hereford Corps Camp at Leominster. Cadets in "Vales had hitherto concentrated almost entirely on thc ba 'ic subjects of First Aid and Home Nursing, mo t co untie haxing their 0,,'11 annual competitions and competing in \Vel h Final adet contest' inaugurated by the Priory in 1938. It was only in 1916 that any additions were made to the register of the Grand Prior's Cadets in \Vales since the first four recipients-two boys and two girls-qualified for them in 1937 and 1939 respectively. For proficiency in twelve ubject select c1 from the Cadet Manual awards were made to twelve member of Blaenavoll Cadet Ambulance Division and five members of Celvnen ollierie. (Pentwynmawr) Cadet Ambulance Division. In the second annual competition for the Musicians Cup, which was won by Mary Howell of ewton (Montgomeryshire) Cadet Nursing Division on the first occasion, three Welsh entrants from Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Monmouthshire were among those "Highly Commended" for their compositions, though the Judges withheld the Cup as none of the entrants was sufficiently meritorious. Events of particular interest have included a Cadet Rally with representation of all local Youth Organizations; a" Parents' ight" at which new members were enrolled and demonstrations of first aid and items of entertainment given; the formation of Brigade Bands with inaugural ceremonies for dedication of the instruments; a Physical Training demonstration before parents and friends, and "Family Gatherings" 'of the Cadet Unit with the" Parents' Associations" which has been introduced unofficially with beneficial results in several places. BRIGADE INSPECTIONS. Large numbers of Brigade members in certain centres had the honour of inspection by the Chief Commissioner of the Brigade At Home,
General ir 'livc Liddell, R.C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., who paid his first official visit to \Yale. on the 12th to 14th July. On the 13th July a parade of ov r 3,000 drawn from :.\Ionmouth hire and :ewport counties assembled at Tredcgar Park, where Vi count Trcdegar entertaine.d the Inspe~t~ng Officer and kinc1l," allowed the Prior\' to mark the occaSlOn by orgamzmg a all in aiel of {t· funds which ben-efited to the extent of £237. On the follo,,;ing day t.be hief Commi ioner inspected units of ~ity of Cardiff and arry ounty Area. In pections were arranged 111 most other counties b)' t.he rrspective Commissioner, many being carried out by the Brigacle Headquarter taff. A:'lBULAXCE CO?lIPETITIOXS. The firt po t-war competition organized by the Priory for the Brigade in \\Tal . w re h lcl in ardiff in the autumn. Entries 'were fewer than form rlv aft r the lap e of the war year, particularly in the Cadet con te t :. Th ucce ful teams, which will be repre enting \Vales in the Brigad Finale; in London in 1917, are as under : LlwuiiJlmn hield for ~'\IeJl. -Tredegar. , 1rlllllY Griffiths .II c1Jlor/al CliP for TVomeJI.- e\Yport (Mon.). T1.t'l·stoJ/-Dm ,ics Boy Cadet CliP ( em'or Section) .-Dyffryn Clwyd (Denbigh hir ). T1.u· tOJ/-Davies Boy Cadet CliP (Junior ecfion).-Duffryn Aman (Aberdare) . Lady (Ilerbert) Lewis Girl Cadet CltP (Junior Sechon).-Treharris. Ambulance competitions \\·ere a feature of the ational Eisteddf~d which took place at Iountain Ash. As usual these contests-eleven 111 all-wcre arranged under the au pices of the Priory, the Commissioner for Aberdare haying supen·i ed all the arrangements. There were thirty entrant for the cnp presented by lessrs. Powell Duffryn, Limited, for a Fir t Aid in oal :Mine competition. everal Ambulance Comp tition Leagues are now running, both for senior and junior team, Cardiff Connty League, the late t addition, h2.ving completed its ilrt season. BRIGADE DECORATIONS. I t is pleasing to record the following awards : British Empire l'.1edal.-To Lady Corps ecretary ( Irs.) C. E. Thomas, Cardiff and Di trict Nursing Corp, and Lady Divisional Superintendent (Mrs.) I. P. Hammond, Pembroke Dock Nursing Division. A .R.R.C. (Class II) .-To Lady Ambulance Officer (Miss) E. Reynolds, Llanelly ur ing Division. Bronze fI,[cdal oj the Greek Red Cross.-To Cadet Ofncer (Ii ) 1\1. V. H. Maberly (for service with Civilian Overseas Relief Unit). SURGEONS' CONFERENCE. The urgeon-in-Chief for \Vales, Major A. \V. Anderson, M.B., CH .B., conducted a meeting of County Surgeons which took place in Cardiff on the 14th March when medical aspects of Brigade work after six years of war were fully discussed.
The number of halls available for Brigade purposes has b en increased to 109 by premises acquired in 1946 at Caersws (Montgomeryshire), Flint, Trelewis (Glamorgan), Newport (Pembroke hire), and Prestatyn (Flintshire). Of the total, twenty are colliery owned buildings, the others being vested in the Priory Trustee with the exception of a few which are held entirely in local hands. It can be recorded with gratitude that grant aid towards sixteen halls amounting to £ 1,977 ha been received over a period of years from the l\Iiners' \YeHare Commi sion, in addition to which gifts from the same source of furniture and quipment to sixty-two halls are valued at £3,496. everal new schemes are now being negotiated and many units are raising funds for building when conditions are more favourable.
at times by a fourth vehicle. Eleven amb.ulances, four with new .and seven with reconditioned bodies and eqmpment, based on modified ex-War Service chasis were built and put into operation, while grateful thanks are due to Messrs. Powell Dufiryn, Limited, for handing over a 25 h.p. Morris ambulance. . .. The Priory has contracts WIth fow: local a?thontIes, one Gener~l Hospital, 43 colliery and other compames covenng 5~,000 emp~oyees m respect of conveyance from collie:y and works prermses: Durmg 1946 162 colliery lodges and other bodIes of empl?yees totalling ~?,500 .su~~ scribed, and 45 contracts covered approxlillately 8,500 out~Ide . subscribers unconnected with any particular industry. The serVIce IS available at all times of the day or night to the general public at moderate non-subscriber charges. . '. The good offices of officials of the varl(~u~ authontIes. concerned, including the \Velsh Board of Health, the Mmlstry of PenSIOns, Welsh National lemorial Association, Regional Petroleum Office and ~uto mobile Association, are gratefully acknowledged, ru:d the co-operatIOn of members of the medical profession and the o~clals an<:1- I?embers of Priory local Advisory Committees is recorded WIth appreCiatIOn.
The year opened with 114 Medical Comforts Depots in operation, from which the number of articles issued during the twelve month was 1,970 greater than in 1945. The availability of urplus \ ar Organization Stores for which units of the Order of t. John and of the British R d Cross Society were given an opportunity to apply, enabled Centres which had not embarked upon this branch of activity to launch out, with the result that by the end of the year 32 new Depots were functioning, bringing the total in Wales to 146, " 'ith another 29 in cour e of formation. Calls for the loan of 14,971 requisites were met, including 3-14 issue from the new Depots. By way of illustrating the extent to which Medical Comforts Depots are benefiting the sick, it can be stated that the number of articles lent from the Depot at Priory House in 1946 work out at four per. day throughout the year including Saturdays and undays, and, takmg the whole of Wales, 41 per day.
This group of cars, stationed mainly ~ ind~strial. areas and manned by voluntary drivers and attendants, IS e~t1rely mdependent of ~he Priory ervice, being controlled ?~ a Commlttee equ~lly represe?tatIve of the Priory for Wales and ~Il:tIsh Red Cross .Soclety, of which the Principal Secretary and CommlssIOner for Wales IS Chairman .. The number of H.S.A. stations, which are operated by umts of the Order or ociety, was increased during 1946 from 31 ~o 47, the additi.on of 15 of these having been made possible by a further Issue of war serVIce ambulances.
There has been a decrease of nineteen urgeons on the Instructional and one on the Executive taff, con equent upon a number of disbandments of inactive Divisions, the total number of doctors holding office in the Brigade in Wales being 364. AMBULA TCE HALLS.
During the year 26,655 patients were conveyed in the Priory ambulances, mileage travelled being 481,393- higher totals than ever previously recorded and showing increases of 3,299 and 67,625 respectively on 1945. It is of interest to note that the 1946 figures represent an average removal o~ three ~atient~ per hour (d~y and night) the whole year through. Smce the mceptIOn of the serVIce 319,299 cases have been removed in Priory ambulances, involving an aggregate mileage of 5,569,674. Limousine ambulances for long distance work are very much in demand, and many appreciations from various authorities and individuals are on record. During the year 28 ordinary and four limousine type ambulances were in commission, serving 22 co-ordinated out-stations, including two additional ones established at Penrhiwceiber and Swansea, and the Cardiff station which is equipped with three ambulances supplemented
The increase in the publications, totalling 10,806, sold. from the Pri?ry Stores Department during 1946 is accou?t~d for by the Issue of the Flrst Aid Supplement. The demand for ~relImm~ry Te~tbooks was less th.an in the previous year, but more copIes of F~rst A~d and Home Nurs~ng were sold. The amount of adult uniform purchased was slightly less, but the latest concession whereby new members have to subscribe only five coupons towards a complete outfit will encourage a greater nurnb.er to become equipped. It is very satisfactory. to note th<;tt ~nore.Cadet umform was supplied notwithstanding the unrelIeved restnctIOns lillposed under clothes' rationing. . , . . . . . The sale of first aid and surgIcal supplIes to DIVISIOns and mdustnal concerns was slightly increased in 1946. LIBRARY AND MUSEUM.
Cifts gratefully received in 1946 include more welcome contributions from Mr. E. M. Jones, viz., books, coins, a photograph, sets of ea~ly Rhodian tiles, several pieces of filigree silver of Maltese workmanshIp,
a silver spoon of historic interest, two miniature eight-pointed crosses, and a framed oil painting of Malta Harbour showing hips of the Order. Dr. G. Pari Huws was the donor of a book; the insignia worn by the late ~ J ohn Beynon, BT., C.B.E., a form rub-Prior, was pre en ted by his vVIdow, L ady Beynon, ALB.E., and the insignia of the fir t Officiating Chaplain of the Priory, the late Right Rev. John Owen, D.D., Bi hop of t. Davids, was given to the Priory by his son, 1\1r. Griffith Owen. The Librarian, ir Leonard Twiston-Davie , J(.B.E., J.P., D.L., F., .A., added to his many generou gifts a beautiful coin cabinet, three coin of Ialta, and a print, be ide making a ub tantial donation toward a hi'tory of the Order in \Vales and the 1\Iarche kindly undertak n by Profe sor \Villiam Ree for production in 1947, to the co t of which the Assi tan t Librarian, Captain YY. J. Canton, D.L., LL.B., has also sub cribed. HEADQUARTER APPOIXDIE~TS. The Earl of Powi , as Prior, appointed the Lord Aberdare to the office of Sub-Prior rendered vacant by the lamented death of the Lord Cope, K.C., D.L., to whom reference is made in the final paragraph. Lord Aberdare was formerly holding the exe utive office of Yice- hancellor. He represents the Priory in London a a member of tll Joint Committ e of the Order of t. John and Briti h Red ro ociety and i Pre icl nt of the Aberdare Centre. Further consequential appointment approved by the Prior were tho e of Mr. D. M. Evans-Bevan, J.P., former Trea ur r, a Yice- hancellor, Mr. B. E. Brovm, F.C.A., as Treasurer, and Ir. H. B. M r clith, J.P., as Assistant Treasurer. The appointment of the present Earl of Plymouth a one of the thr e Trustees of the Priory in succession to his honoured father wa welcomed throughout the Priory membership. Canon T. 1. Hughes, Vicar of the Church of t. John Baptist, ardiff, was appointed an Officiating Chaplain of the Priory in place of the late Canon J. A. Lewis, who had been closely associated with the Priory from 1931, officiating at Chapter meetings and co-operating most helpfully on all occasions in connection with the several memorials erected in the Church to former Priory officials and affording special facilities to the Priory and Brigade to participate in the Festival ervices held annually on St. John's Day. CHAPTER A D INVESTITURE. Earl of Powis, Prior, presided over the annual Chapter Meeting held m the City Hall, Cardiff, on the morning of the 25th June. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of t. Asaph officiated. In the afternoon over 1,000 members of the Order and Priory supporters from all parts of W,:les atten.ded the first General Assembly held since pre-war days at whICh the Pnor held an Investiture of members promoted in or admitted to the Order during the years 1940, 1941, and 1942, H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, Lady Super~ntendent-in-Chief of the Brigade in Wales, presenting the Vellum and Pnory Votes of Thanks awarded during that period. T~e Earl of Powi~ expressed the great pleasure of General Assembly in bemg honoured wIth the presence of Her Royal Highness and thanked Th~
all those who had served their King and Country through the medium of the Order of t. John. CONCLUSION. Once more it is a melancholy duty to have to record the death of a ub-Prior, and that within the short space of less than two years; for the late ir \Villiam Cope (as he then was) succeeded the second Earl of Plymouth in 1944 on the latter's promotion to be ub-Prior of the Order. 'ir \Villiam had intere ted him elf in the work of the Priory, more particularly through the Glamorgan Centre, from the earliest days of its inception, and though member hip of Parliament and Government office occupied the intervening years, his acceptance of a seat upon the Council in 19 10 and admi ion to the Order in the grade of Officer in 1935, before promotion to the grade of Knight in 1944, paved the way for that leadership which he was pre-eminently qualified to give in any sphere of life. sub-Prior he quickly established himself in the regard and affection of all members of the ouncil by presiding over their deliberations at meeting which he attended with unfailing regularity. His character asserted it ascendancy in the hapter and on ceremonial occasions, when he brought the natural dignity of a strong but modest personality to bear upon the transaction of the more formal bu iness of an Establishment of the Venerable Order. That he was universally respected goes without aying and it is also true th?-t he wa belo",ed for his approachablenc s in , t. John circle. Perhap his most valuable work was behind the scenes, where he could always be relied upon for sound judgment in his apprai al of men and affairs, drawing as he did upon a wide and varied experience throughout the Principality. His death was as calamitous as it wa unexpected, at a moment when years of useful service to the Priory 'eemed to lie ahead, in which he was beginning to take real plea ure a w 11 a pride, for he expressed every intention of devoting him elf after the war years wholeheartedly to its be t interests. Of him it can be truly said more than of most men that we shall not see his like again. The Priory in Southern Mrica. The following is extracted from the Report of the Priory : Priory-Chapter has the honour to submit to Chapter-General and to Members and s ociates of the Order in Southern Africa its report for the year 1946. The report goes to print on the eve of the Royal visit to South Africa. On behalf of all members of the Order and its Departments in Southern Africa Chapter tenders its humble allegiance to His Majesty, The Soveriegn Head of the Order, and in welcoming Their Majesties and the Princesses hopes that the visit will provide some rest and relaxation from the incessant labours and dangers which the Royal Family have endured in Great Britain during the recent war. Members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade will be proud to render First Aid services at the various citie and towns on the occasion of Their Majesties' visit. Chapter learned with great pleasure of the appointment of the Rt. Hon. The Earl of Clarendon as ub-Prior of the Grand Priory. Lord Clarendon was Knight Commander of the Commandery in outhern
Africa during his tenure of office as Governor-General of the Union. Since 1942 he has represented the Priory on the Council of ChapterGeneral. It was learned towards the end of the year that the Commanderies in New Zealand, Canada, and the Commonwealth of ustralia had been raised to the status of Priories and that vVestern Australia had been granted Commandery Status 'within the Priory of the Commonwealth of Australia. Chapter sends its warmest congratulations to the Chapters of the Order in these Dominions. The Priory suffered grievous loss during the year through the deaths of Dr. Be.nnie Hewa~, Priory Treasurer, Dr. Hermitage Day, a Chaplain of the Pnory, and SIr Edward Thornton, a Knight of the Order. Later in this report a tribute will be paid to the work which they did for the Order in Southern Africa. The deaths of other members of the Order in the Priory Area will also be reported. The transfer of the. o~ce of the Ambulance Department from Cape Town to Johannesburg m September, 1945, has lessened the strain on ~he acc~)!nmoda~ion and sta~ at Priory Headquarters; but it is becoming u:creasmgly obVIOUS that Pnory Headquarters requires better accommodahon. The Headquarters has no room for a Library nor a Committee room .. I.n J ohannesbuq~, also, the Director of Ambulance and Priory COmmISSIOner has most madequate accommodation. One result of thi ' is that. t~e Cen.tral Requisite St~re has had to remain at Cape Town, and this IS making matters complicated. It is to be hoped that, in spite of the acute shortage of office accommodation in both Cape Town and Johannesburg, more suitable premises will be obtained shortly. For ~he first tirr:e <l: Roll of Me~bers of the Order in the Priory Area was prmted and distnbuted. IneVItably it contained some inaccuracies, but It has been wa~y welcou:ed by :l\Iembers of the Order and by Centres of the ASSOCIatIOn. Owmg to the comparatively large number of the Promotions in and Admissions and Attachments to the Order which have taken place during the year, and unfortunately to a number of deaths of members, it has been decided to issue a second edition of the Roll early in 1947. The new edition will contain not only the Roll of the Members but an alphabetical list with addresses, the names of Executive Officers in the Area since the Commandery was established and a list of deceased members. ' PRIORY APPOINTMENTS. Ch~pter is glad to report that Her Excellency Mrs. van Zyl has accepted appomtment as Preside~t of the ~ursing Divisions in the Priory Area. On. the recommendatIOn of HIS Excellency The Prior the following appomtments were approved by Chapter-General for the remainder of the current triennial period : Treasurer.-Sir Herbert Stanley, G.C.M.G. Chaplains.-The Rt. Rev. Wilfred Parker (Sub-Prelate); The Very Rev. J. C. H. Brooke. Registrar.-Brigadier W. Marshall Clark. The Prior appointed Mr. W. ]. Cullen to be a member of Council for the current triennial period.
Mr. A. Travers Lacey, C.M.G., O.B.E., was appointed Priory Secretary and assumed duty on the 1st February. Chapter acknowledges gratefully its indebtedness to Miss Fowkes, Assistant Secretary, who has been largely responsible for the continuity of the secretarial work of the Priory and for the Central Requisite Store since the death in June, 1943, of the Priory's first Secretary, Mr. Anderson. MEETINGS. His Excellency The Prior presided at meetings of Chapter held at Government House, Cape Town, on the 11th April, and at Government House, Pretoria, on the 20th September. It was not possible to hold Investitures as Insignia were not available. His Excellency also presided over meetings of Council held on the 4th April and the 16th September. The Executive Officers met three times during the year; the SubPrior presided. The Annual Meeting of the Ambulance Committee was held in Johannesburg from the 25th to the 27th March. The Director of Ambulance presided. The main items discussed were as follows : (a) The revision of the Constitution, General Rules and Regulations Governing Centres of the St. John Ambulance Association in the Priory Area. The Constitution as revised by the Ambulance Committee was approved by Chapter in April and subsequently by ChapterGeneral. (b) The establishment of an Eye Hospital to serve the needs of the Priory Area. Further reference will be made to this proj ect. (c) Alterations in the Regulations of the Brigade. Many alterations were suggested and approved later by Chapter and by the Chief Commi sioner of the Brigade Overseas. Others are still under consideration. (d) The appointment of a Travelling Secretary to the Director of Ambulance and Priory Commissioner. The recommendation was accepted by Chapter. (e) Marriage Guidance. This matter is being pursued in conjunction with the Christian Council's Home Life Campaign. FINANCE. Chapter acknowledges with deep gratitude the donation of £2,111 from the outh African Prisoners of War Committee. The Committee raised over £7,000 and decided to divide it between the Order of St. John and the Red Cross in Great Britain and the Order of St. John and the Red Cross in South Africa as a tangible recognition of the excellent services which had contributed so materially to their welfare. Chapter also acknowledges gratefully the donation of £250 from the Committee of the Soldiers' Club, Cape Town, and the other donations. In September Chapter appointed a standing Finance Committee consisting of the Treasurer as Chairman, and the Sub-Prior, the Director of Ambulance and Priory Commissioner, and the Librarian, with power to co-opt two other members.
T~le Librarian, Lieut.-Colonel C. Graham Botha, reporL' that he ha rCbelved and grat~fully acknowledges the following contrihntions to the
I rary and ArchIves of the Priory:Presented by Jlr. J. L. Bamet. First Aid toyze InJured, by Friederich E 'march. Notes on M'Lhtary anitation. First Aid to the IJljured (author and elate unknown) Pres~nted ~y the Hon. N. J. de ~Vet. . F'Lrst A 1d to the InJ'ured, 1892 edition autographed by the donor Prese11.te~ by, llIrs . Bennie H ewat on behalf of her late husballd. . A Kmght s "Mantle, Tudor Hat, and In ignia consi ting of :_ An Honorary As ociate's Badge. A Knight's Neck Badge. A Ro ette. Presented by Mrs. H ermitage Day Oll behalJ oj her late husballd.
The offer of the Committee of the Order's Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusal m, to name a bed after the Priory (an offer which has been gratefully accepted), is a clear indication of its appreciation of t~e ~nancial a i tance which mcmber of the Order and of the AssoClatlOn .and Brigadc have given to it during recent years. In 191G the H ospitaller received and transmitted to t. John's Gate contribution amounting to £175. This sum is much less than that • contribuLcdlast vear; the main reason for the decrease is that the Priory has launched an ~appeal for funds for an Eye Hospital in outhern Africa. It i hopec1, how ver, that members of the Order and its Departments \\ ill continue to support the H ospital at Jerusalem. CLO I~G THE WAR WORK OF THE PRIORY.
The Seals of the Order of St. john (unbound) E J K lJ1alta of the Knights (E. \V. chermerhorn) '19~W' . The Hou,se of the Te111,ple (F. \V. Ryan), 1930. . The Kn'Lghts of St. j ohn in the British Empire (E. J. King) 1934 The Order of St. j ohn of j~rusalem (Rose G. King lev) -2 ~opies: Th~ Centenary oj the Rev'LVal of the Order of t. john in EnalaJ/d2 copIes. 1931. .., The Knights of St. j ohn in England (E . J. King) 1921 Statutes of the Hospitallers (unbound). ,. PAMPHLETS-
Preceptory of K.H. at D enmore (E . H. Day)-6 copi s 1930 A L etter from Bro. Hugh Middleton, 1448 (E. J. King) 19:30 T~e 13th Century Statutes of the K.H. (E. J. King), 1933. . Ki;~,~~~~~ents re Queen .11ary's R estoration of the Grand Priories (E.
Institute of Historical Research Malta Bulletins Nos 1 2 3 (2 . ) 4, and 5, 1932. " . " copIes, The Edwardian Inventories for L eicestershire (E. H. Day). SCRAPBOOKS, FOUR (4)of 1:~t~.ramed Pictures of the capture of Turkish Galleons by the Knights
Framed Picture of The Earl of carbrough Framed Picture of St. John's Gate. . A Seal of the Star of the Order. Presented by The Librarian, St. john' s Gate. St. John South African War Medal and Riband. h~~ autographed photograph of His Royal Highness the Grand Prior w IC was pres~nted by the Chapter-General and the auto ra hed photo9'raPhh of HIS ~x?ellency The Prior, have been suitably fra~edPand h ung m t e Sub-Pnor s office. ~he Mfollowing have been purchased for the Priory's Collection of Coms, edals, and Seals : 33 plaster casts of Seals of the Order and one Silver Coin.
Th year saw the end of mo t of the war work of the Priory. Occupational Therapy i till being continued at two Imperial Hospitals, but it i ' anticipat d tbat thi too will cease in 1947. A brief review of the \Var \\"ork of the Order, compiled originally to meet the request of the Director of ~r clical ,ervice , i given in an Appendix to this Report. It include a 1 Her of apprcciation received by H .E. The Prior from the Prime ~Iini ter, Field :Jlar hal the Rt. Hon. J. C. muts. PEACE-Tn.IE
(a) 1\ ,'t. John Eye Ho. pital for outhern Africa. The most important item in tll Priory' programme for expansion is the establi hment of a t. ] ohn Ey Hospital for outhern Africa. Its main purpose wi~ be to train ophthalmoloai t of all race to combat the spread of eye diseases whi h are particularl~T prcvalent among the Bantu. The scheme received the approval of Hi Excellency the Governor-General, Cabinet Ministers, the High ommi ioner, Admini trators of the Union, Universities, the Ophthalmological ociety of .A ., the .A. ational Council for the Blind, and ocictie having similar interests, and wa finally approved by Chapter in pril. The appeal for funds was launched at a meeting of th t. John ational Committee held in Pretoria on the 18th September. Hi Excellency The Prior opened the meeting and the Appeal was launched by the Rt. Hon. J. H. Hofmeyr. It is estimated that a sum of £300,000 will be required to build and equip the hospital. The Municipality of Johannesburg has most generously donated 40 acres of land on an excellent site near the City. The Chapter's Committee which is in charge of the scheme is under the Chairmanship of Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and has strong technical and publicity subcommittees. An illustrated brochure, outlining the scheme and pointing out its necessity, has been printed and 10,000 copies in English are being circulated to the public. An edition in Afrikaans is also being prepared. (b) The St. John ational Committee has under consideration other possible developments which were mentioned at the meetin a referred to above. Important among them are Home Accident Prevention; Holiday Camps and Physical Education; Community Centres in Urban Area, and Recreational Battalions to raise the standard of health and phy ique of young men rejected from enlistment in the Defence Force.
(c) As a logical development from war-time Comforts Depots, some Centres of the Association are now conducting Medical Comforts Depots. These Depots are proving popular and obviously meet a pressing need. (d) During the year the Chief Commissioner of the Brigade Overseas approved the reorganization of the Brigade in South Africa by the creation of new Districts. This reorganization which i now taking place will bring the Brigade geographically in line with the Association and should be of major importance in improving still further the efficiency and enrolment of the Brigade.
This enterprising monthly journal, issued under the authority of the Priory, continues to extend its appeal. In the absence of an official St. John Gazette it publishes information concerning Promotions in and Admissions to the Order, Promotions and Transfers of Brigade staff, articles of advice to first-aiders, and news of the work of the Order and of the Association and Brigade. It has a special section for Cadets. When the appeal for the Eye Hospital was launched The Call i sued an eight-page illustrated supplement in support of it. Copies of the journal go regularly to a number of Centres throughout the Dornninions and Overseas. Locally, large numbers are posted monthly to commercial firms and to public libraries. Owing to the large amount of voluntary assi tance given in the production of the journal it is self-supporting. The Chapter again records its thanks to Dr. C. G. Booker and his Editorial Committee for their valuable work, and urges all Centres and Districts to support the journal, not only by submitting regularly items of news of their doings, but also, as is already done by two Centres, by subscribing regularly for copies for distribution to their members and to the general public.
Chapter records its appreciation of the co-operation of the S.A. Red Cross Society, not only on the Red-Cross St. John National Co-ordinating Committee which has done such fine work in supervising and controlling Occupational Therapy in the Imperial Naval and Military Hospitals during the war, but also on local Liaison Committees in the Union and Southern Rhodesia.
The Thanks of the Chapter are tendered gratefully to Ministers and Heads of Government Departments, Provincial and Municipal Administrations, the Press, and to Commercial Organizations for the continued support they have given to the work of the Order and its Departments.
It is with deep sorrow that Chapter records the death of the following members of the Priory : Knights. Dr. David Bennie Hewat, 5th June, 1946. His Excellency Admiral Sir William Tait, 17th July, 1946. Brigadier Sir Edward Thornton, 25th October, 1946. Chaplain. The Rev. Ernest Hermitage Day, 18th August, 1946. Serving Brother. Alexander Low, 5th February, 1946. erving Sister. Ada Jane, frs. Arbuthnot, 14th October, 1946. . Dr. Bennie Hewat had been associated with the work of the Order ~n outhern Africa for more than fifty years; he conducted lectures ill First Aid at the Cape Town Centre in 1894: He joined the St. John Ambulance Brigade in 1909 and was admitted to the Order as an Honorary Associate in 1913. He was Chairman of the ~ape ToW? Centre Committee from 1916 to 1929. In 1923 he was appomted Chief Commi sioner of the Brigade and promoted in the. Order to the .Grade of Knight. He was Chairman of the Central Council for South Afnca of the Order of t. John-the body which controlled the w?rk. of .the Order before the institution of the Commandery. For the mshtutlOn of the Commandery Dr. Bennie Hewat, more than any other in?ividual, :was responsible. ubsequently in the Commandery and later m ~he Pnory he held various high offices as Director of Ambulance, Hospltaller and Almoner, and Treasurer. Outside the Order he was best known and admired for his devotion to the cause of education of all races. He became a member of the Cape chool Board in 1912 and was its ~hairman f~o~ 1934 to the time of his death. His long and strenuous hfe of altrU1~hc endeavour was an embodiment of the mottoes of the Order, Pro F~de, Pro UtiWale Hominum. Sir William Tait was admitted to the Order in 1945 on his appointment as Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Southern Rhodesia, but before then he had become well known to and deeply respected by many in Southern Africa as Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic. His death was a great loss to the Order and to the country of which he was Governor. The Rev. Dr. Ernest Hermitage Day was admitted to the Order in 1924 and came to outh Africa the following year. He was Commandery Chaplain from 1930 to 1937 and Librarian of the Priory from 1943. to 1945. The nucleus of the Library is composed of the many valuable glftS he presented to it. Dr. Day was an erudite sC~10lar of and acknowledged authority on ecclesiastic history, law and architecture, and. herald~y. Brigadier Sir Edward Newbury Th?rnton had been associated ~th t~e work of the Order in South Afnca smce 1924 when he ,vas admitted m the grade of "Esquire". He was subsequer:tly promoted to "Commander" in 1926 and was one of the foundahon members of the Commandery and later of the Priory, and served on the Council until 1945.
In his capacity a ccretary for Public H ealth and Dir ctor of 1\1edical ervices ir Edward did much to promote goodwill and further the intere t of the Order of t. John and the Defence Departm nt. In 1933 he \Va promoted to Knight of the Ordcr and in the ame year he took the po ition of urgeon-in-Chief of the _ t. John Ambul~l.l1cc Brigade, an office which he held until 19-15. Alexander Low was admitted to the Ordcr in 19-11; he \Va a orps uperintendent of the Brigade and wa awarded the ervlce l\lcdal of the Order in 1936 and a Bar in 1944. Ada Jane, Mrs. Arbuthnot, had been admitted to th Ordcr onl\, a few months before her death. During the war he lent her hom to "the t. John Ambulance A sociation for an . \uxiliar~r Ho. pital, and wa very generous in support of it. REVIEW OF THE WAR WORK OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOIIX 1::\ AFmCA.
' everal hundred Am bulancc men attended the recruiting depots day and night. Although many members of the Brigade had to continue in their civil capacity as they were engaged on work of ational importance-in the Rail-ways and other Government Departments-l,658 members are known to have enrolled in the Forces, and we record with regret that 2- of their number were killed or died on service. Twenty-one members received decorations for services rendered in the field, namely:1 .B.E.; 1 D .. 0.; 1 Bar to D .. 0.; 2 O.B.E.; 1 D.F.e. ; 1 D. .1\1.; G Military Medals; 1 M.e.; 2 B.E. Medals; 4 Mentioned in Dispatches, and 1 Commendation. Of those who continued in their civil employment over 1,650 did more than a thou. and hour' war service. Many, of course, did far more. R\' 1913 the active enrolment of the Brigade had risen from 6,500 to ov r 1.- ,000.
Fore1£'ord. T~e Order of t. John \va establi h d nearly a thou and year auo and Its first foundation was a Hospital in Jerusalem. The Order of t. John in outhern Africa i a branch of the parent Order in the Briti h Realm and con i t of the Priory, or gO\Tcrning hody, and h..-o main Foundations, the t. John Ambulance A ociation and th t .. John Ambulance Brigade. The As ociation ire. pon iblc for the trammg of persons in First Aid, Home Xur ing, and allied ubject, for the provision of ambulance material and for the formation of Ambulance depots; for the transport of the sick and injured, and gencrallv for work for the relief of the suffering and sick in peace and war. Ti1e Brigade consists of the trained personnel of the Order, who rend r fir t aid to th sick and injured on public occa ions, and who provide a perman nt organiz~tion during peace which is at once available, in time of emcrgency, to proVIde Techincal Reserves for the Medical ervices of the Forc of the Crown. The Association began its work in outh Africa in 1891, and the fir t division of the Brigade was formed in 1893. They rendered notabl service during the outh African War and the first \Vorld \iVar. By 1939 the Association, with ten main Centres and many branches, and the Brigade, with. six Districts (including the .A.R. and H. District), covered pracbcally all the country. Between 1891 and 1939 the Association had trained over 100,000 men and women, and at the outbreak of the second World \iVar the Brigade had an active enrolment of more than 6 500 trained V.A.D.s and Ambulance men. ' The liVar Work. The first call on the Brigade, which is part of the Active Citizen Forces of the Union, and an Auxiliary of the South African Medical Corps and the South African Military Nursing Service, was to provide recruits for the South African ursing ervice and men to assist Officers of the Medical Corps in the examination of recruits. The St. John V.A.D.s came forward promptl T and were among the first to leave for the" North".
Hospitals. Thc f1r t onvalcscent Ho pital in the Union for Military patients was c;:;tabli hed by the Order at aratoga, Johanne burg, in 1940. Others followecl until, undcr the direction of the Director-General of Medical ,en'ic "t. John had e tablished and equipped and \vas maintaining cightc n Auxiliary ~Iilitary Ho pital , eleven on the \Yitwatersrand, three at Cape Town, and one each at Durban, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth, and En t London. Further, a Convalescent Cottage for the O.A.I. if.N .. \Va cstabli hed in the ground of King's House, Durban. ". The. accommodation provided in these hospitals was 550 beds, not mcludlllg mcrgency bed ; 50,000 patients passed through these hospitals, of which the ~ur ing staff were t. John V.A.D.s mostly working in a voluntary capacity. More than £250,000 was raised by the Order to equip and maintain the e ho pital . In addition to tho e in the above-mentioned hospital, 200 t. John V.A.D.s did full-time voluntary service, and hundreds did part-time voluntary service in Civil Hospitals, where they replaced nurses transferred to lilitary Hospital, and in sick bays in Military Camps. Rest Houses for the U.D.F. The O~der establi hed, equipped, and maintained a Rest House, at Alexandna. It was open from 1942 to 1945, and some 34,000 members of the U.D.F. stayed there. In 1945, for nine month, the Order maintained a R e tHou e at Riccioni, in Italy. Occupahonal Therapy. In conjunction with the outh African Red Cro s Society, the Order established Occupational Therapy Centres at five Imperial I aval and Military Hospital , and allocated £20,000 from its \iVar Fund to this work. The men were taught leathercrafts, needlecraft, carpentry, and cabinetmaking, shoemaking, weaving, gardening, music and commercial subjects. This work proved 01 inestimable value in the rehabiliation of patients by restoring their self-confidence and fitting them to resume their normal or some other occupation in civil life. Similar work was done in many of the St. John Auxiliary Military Hospitals. At the Imperial Hospitals, over
15,000 men benefited fr~m this scheme which, in the case of the Hospitals at Baragwanath and Imonstown will be carried on into 1947. In the Auxiliary Hospitals, 12,000 patients were given Occupational Therapy courses. The Order established a course of training in Occupational Therapy, and nearly 100 members of the Brigade qualified as "Occupational Therapy Aids".
Transport of Sick and vVounded. (a) Hospital Trains.-All Hospital Trains in the Union were staffed bv the Railwa~ Member~ of. the Brigad~. It is not possible to give the full total of patients carned ill these trams, but No.2 Train on the DurbanJohannesburg run transported 30,000 patients. Each patient received " Comforts" from the Order en route. (b) Disembarkation of Casualties at Ports.-The disembarkation of c~ualties from Hospital Ships to military trains, or to ho pitals direct, eIther by moto~ ambulance or troop carriers, was a special feature of the w?rk of the Bngade at l?urban, ~nd was carried out at the request of the DIrector-General of MedIcal ervlCes, on account of the specialized training of the Brigade in stretc~er transport work. (l\fter nearly hvo years the St: .John rr:en were assIsted, and sub equently replaced, by a Native Military Umt.) The Brigade ervice dealt with a total of 20 163 ca ualtie and ?,267 lying cases w~re disembarked from 60 hospit~l ship. It i~ pleasmg to note that dunng the whole course of this service not a ingle slip or accident was recorded. ..At other ports members of the Brigade were on duty at the docks when mJured and wounded survivors from torpedoed ships received attention and transported them to various hospitals. (c) lvIobile Field Unit and Motor Ambulances.- The Order received a singular tribute from the United States in the form of a Mobile Field Hosp~t~l Unit, consisting of: 4 vehicles, an Operating Theatre, a Ste~illg Room an~ X-Ray L~bor~tory, and a Medical Equipment Van , the gIft of the Robm SteamshIp Lme. This Field Hospital was handed over to the U.D.F. for service in North Africa. The Order also raised a fleet of 32 Motor Ambulances and 2 Dental Clinics. About half of the Ambulances and the Dental Clinics were handed to the U.D.F.; the remaining Ambulances were manned and maintained by t~e Brigade for transport work at Military, Naval, and Civilian HosJintals.. Much transport of injured persons was carried out in connectIon WIth ~he ~.P.S. Casualties were particularly heavy during the black-.out penod I~ dock areas when large convoys were in, and this work mvolved conSIderable personal risk. Five hundred St. John drivers manned military ambulances and vehicles throughout the period of the War. Comforts Depots. The Order's first Comforts Depot was established in Durban within twenty-four. hours of the outbreak of war. Many others were soon ~st~b~lshed I~ all parts of the Union; in addition to supplying parcels to mdiVlduals m the field, these depots provided comforts for those in
hospitals in the Union, to shipwrecked sailors, and as before mentioned, to every train patient. A few details will illustrate the extent of the work of these depots. The Durban Centre distributed 71,130 garments to 6,942 individuals. In addition to the usual woollen garments and war underwear, this depot undertook to make the special minesweepers' gloves, for use when handling cables in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, and later for the firemen in London in their fight against incendiary bomb attacks. The Johannesburg centre distributed 100 parcels a month for five years. The Pretoria centre dispatched, quarterly, parcels to members of the Brigade on cti ve Service. orne idea of the amount of work handled will be realized when it is stated that consignments of comforts were sent to the South African ervices, Briti h Coastal Defence, British Expeditionary Forces in France, Norway, Finland, Abyssinia, Egypt, Italy, and elsewhere, to evacuees from Dunkirk, Crete, and Greece, H.M. Ships at Durban, Naval and Military Hospitals and Transit Camps, eaward Defence Forces of South Africa, survivors of torpedoed ships and families of Merchant seamen who 10 t their lives, evacuees from Malaya, the Navy League Missions to amen, Ambulance Units, .A. Gifts and Comforts, Prisoners of War in Germany and Italy, and, after the war was over, to demobilized men and their families.
Co-operation with Other Organizations. Members of the Order, Association, and the Brigade co-operated wholeheartedly with many other War organizations. Mention has been made of co-operation with the Red Cross in Occupational Therapy. In addition, First Aid Stations were established and training given for the C.P.S. In the ciock areas of the Coastal Ports the Members of the Railway Ambulance Divisions established First Aid Posts at all strategic points. The Blood Transfusion service has been strongly supported by members of the Brigade who, in addition to giving blood, assisted Medical Officers of the service. During the smallpox epidemic in 1943-44, members of the Brigade assisted by vaccinating some thousands of Europeans and non-Europeans, and many members qualified as " Lay Vaccinators ". The Order was the only civilian organization qualified to give instruction in anti-gas precautions, and in not a few places St. John provided the nucleus of the C.P.S. Training. Particularly during the early years of the War the Association had to meet a quite unprecedented demand for training in First Aid, Home ~ursing, an~ kindred SUbjects. During the years 1939-45 it gave training m these. subjects and awarded certificates and other awards of efficiency amountmg to 132,572. First Aid training was given not only to civilians but in Air Force Camps, Police Depots, and elsewhere. A St. John First Aid Text Book formed part of the equipment of every armoured vehicle which entered Abyssinia with the famous 1st South
African Brigade. Many crews and passengers of passing supplied with First Aid Text Books and equipment.
hips were
Great encouragemcnt was given t~ the extension of t~e .work of the Ord r in ew Zealand by the sanctIOn of the Grand ~nOI y in raising the tatu of the Ordcr in ew Zealand to that of a Pnory. T
iIIalta Relief Fund. This brief review started with an hi torical reference to the agc of the Order. The Order has many cIo e tie 'with the George ro s I land of Malta. It raised a special fund for relief of di tre s in lalta, and sent over £7,000 to endow beds in ho pitals there and alleviate civilian disire s. Public ervices. Finally, it should be stressed that throughout the "Yar the Briaade carried out its usual peace-time functions-much enlarged by war-timc conditions-of providing First Aid and Ambulance ervice on public occasions-at Railway tations and Docks, among crowd a cmbled to welcome Service men and women, when ex-pri oner of war r turned home, during \Var Charity gatherings at fetes, etc. In April, 1946, the Prior of the Order in outhern Africa, Hi I'..xcellency The Rt. H on . G. Brand van Zyl, received the followiIlg leiter from the Prime Minister, Field-Marshal mut : " Sir, " It gives me very real pleasure to end to 'ou, and to all your felloyv workers of the Order of t . John in ou thern Africa, my deepe t thanks for the great work you have done in the name of humanity and charity for the relief of distress and suffering during the pa t six year. " The seventeen auxiliary hospitals of the Order did much more than provide much needed beds to meet emergency medical services in the Union . The cheerful9-nd invigorating atmosphere which your voluntary \vorkers radiated did very much to maintain morale during a difficult period. Your Y.A.D.s set a high standard of service. " The Order should be particularly proud of the part it played, in co-operation with the S.A. R ed Cross ociety, in financing and establishing occupational therapy centres in military hospitals in thc Union. The generous aid given in teaching our men who had been crippled in the field of battle to re-create their lives and again become useful and happy members of society was a great task, well done. " To those of you who voluntarily drove military ambulances and vehicles in bad weather or fine, to those of you from the Railways' Section of the Brigade who equipped and manned our ambulance t rains, t o those who ran comforts depots and looked after shipwrecked sailors who landed on our shores, and to those members of the Order who assisted in building up the medical services of our country-to all of you, in the name of outh Africa, I say well done and thank you."
ir rril Newall relinquished his position as Knig~ t -Con:mander in April on the occa ion of his retu~n to En~land. Both Ir Cynl a~d Lady ~' wall had taken grcat personalmtere t m the work of the Order I~ every part of iT w Z aland, and their enthusiasm and encouragement wIll long bc remembered. . Lieut.-Gen. ir Bernard Freyberg, V.C., a ume~ office as. Kmgh.tCommand r and, with Lady Freyberg, has already mterested hImself lI1 the many activitie of t. John. VI IT
The vi it of The Lady Louis Mountbatten to ew Zealand was of incomparablc valu , and came at a t~rr:e when members of the O~der, omewhat tried from vears of war actIVIty, needed personal enthUSIasm to quicken their interest in extendin~ the. work of t. J ~hn. The Lady Loui - aU nded parades and inspech~n.s m the four .mam centres, and aloin five econdary centres. In addIhon, Lady LO~IS saw many of our members a per onnel in variou Homes and Hospltal~. Every effort wa made throughout New Zealand ~o make .th~se functIOns memorable, and Lady Loui ' charming personahty and I?~Imate knowledge proved a verv welcome benefit to u all. Opportumhe wer~ taken by Hec:dquart ' rs to discu s timely matters .with the Lady LOUIS, and her adVlce and a istance were warmly apprecIated. . During a mo t strenuous tour of New Zeal~d, .Lady LOUIS never lost an opportunity of discu ing matters of d~tall WIth all our workers~ and her vi it willlon rr be remembered as one whIch not only gave the work of the Order tr me~dous Dominion-wide publicity, but made ever:yone within the movement proud of their a sociation 'with it, and determmed to extend its sphere. INVESTITURE.
The last official function of Sir Cyril Newall was the holding of a publ~c Investiture in the \Vellington Town Hall, at which the I:ady LOUIS Mountbatten was present. No ervice of this ~ind had pre~ously been seen in New Zealand on such a full scale, and It probably WIll be many a day before we have our Governor-General as Knight-Commander investing his own wife as a Dame .of Grace.. . .. Following the Investiture erVlce, Lady LOUIS gave a most lI1SpInng address which was broadcast. At the same function an illuminated address of farewell was presented to Their Excellencies. SIR WILLIAM DOBBIE.
The Priory in New Zealand. The Priory Chapter has t he honour to submit its Report for the year 1946.
Early in the year we were fav~~red with t he prese~ce of Sir Will.iam and L ady Dobbie, and opportumhes were made for mformal functlOns to greet t hem in t he various centres.
Admissions and promotions during the year were as follows : 4
Knights • Dames . Commanders Commanders (Sist.ers) Officers. . Officers (Sisters) Serving Brothers Serving Sisters .
The 16 new Divisions were distributed as follows :- Auckland, 4; South Auckland, <1; Canterbury and West Coast, 2; Southland, 2; Otago, 2 ; '~Te llington, 2. Grand Prior's Badges awarded for t.he year Applicat.lODs forwarded t.o Headquarters-aut.hority t.o issue awaited
2 7
Proficiency Badges issued cluring 194-6 : 1s l Badges 21111
5 32
357 43 535 294 829
The work of instruction of the public is proceeding quietly, and the issue of Supplements to the First Aid book is appreciated. ~lembers are looking forward to a complete revision of this book. The field of Ambulance Transport has shown great growth and, with the intention of the Government to institute Ambulance Transport as a benefit under the Social Security Act, very important negotiations have been carried on with the Department of H ealth, not only for the continuance but the extension of this branch of the Order's activities. During the past year St. John ambulances travelled 503,422 miles, and attended no fewer than 61,108 calls. This work forms a very large proportion of our Association activity, and, with the change in legislation, it is hoped to effect great extensions. The use of films for tuition is becoming increasingly pressing and several centres have acquired their own projectors and have produced film strips for instruction. Inquiries are being made with a view to establishing a complete Dominion Film Library in this connection.
The following new Divisions (16 of 201) have been formed : -
number, and with a personnel
6 Ambulance Divisions . . 4 Cadet Ambulance Divisions . 6 Cadet Nursing Divisions
89 members 44 members 68 members
With the disbandment of 15 Divisions (3 Ambulance, 9 Nursing, 3 Cadet Ambulance), the present strength of the Brigade is as under : Ambulance Divisions Nursing Divisions. . Cadet Ambulance Divisions Cadet Nursing Divisions .
Divisions. 161 154 155 135
Membership. 2,696 2,335 2,017 1,947
ad t activity is evidenced by the above figures. ~ i fund throughout th Empire, Brigade activity, although enthusiasti , i being In t with a g neral reduction in numbers, but, it is hoped, with an incr a d enthu ia 111 on the part of those still members. Rolls hav b en purg d, and the effect of a three-year period of inefficiency of large nllmb r of war-time enrolments is novv being felt. In addition to thi , in .l. \\' Zealand the effect of the last d pr sion is being felt by th reducing number of th population under the age of 16. Evid nc of nthusia m i found in the action of the Aucldand Metropolitan Nursing Divi. ion in a suming the complete staffing, first of all for a ward in ~o rll\\'all Park Ho pital ancllatterly in taking over the very fin Knox Hom whi h provides accommodation for approximately [)O pati nts. The memb rs of Divisions completely staff the Home, anu th Tru tees of the Home provide the finance .. T11 r are many problem facing the work of the Brigade, but it is 'o nfid ntl r e:\.pe teu that, with the di bandment of certain war-time Di\ i ions, 1h whole 1110\' ment will be on a firm foundation. Vari ti s of n w acti,Titie are being enjoyed, including more social functions an10ng members. Public Duty has been well maintained in the face of staffing problems. \Vith the return to New Zealand of Captain Gilberd, who had the opportunity of consultation at t. J ohn's Gate, and the establishment of a Dominion taff for Cadets, it is hoped to organize the Cadet Movement into one of which the Dominion can be justly proud. PROVIN CIAL COU CIL .
Experi nc of the opera tion of Provincial Councils in England has been watched with great interest, and con ideration is being given to some similar type of administration in New Zealand. orrespondence has been enjoyed in thi ' onnection with th Commandery in anada. THE PRIORY IN
We have enj oyed exchange of publications and communications to our benefit . SOUTH AU KLAND.
During the year a separate South Auckland and Brigade District were constituted.
entre of the Association K
.A ve.ry he~pful Conference of ecretarie wa held in 'V llington where wlde dIscussIOns took place and recommendations were made throuah centres to the Priory. b OPHTHALMIC HO PITAL.
Generous collections were received from retiring collections ~t . t. John's Day Church Parade , and fonvarded to the Ho pita!. LADIES' LINEN GUILD.
~he formation of a Ladies' Linen Guild i anticipat d to ensure the achve support of a large number of womenfolk who "'ere acti\'e durin a the war years on t. John " Tomen' 'Yar ommittees. b LIBRARY.
\Ve acknowledge the receipt from the Grand Priorv of some very valuable books towards the establishment of a Priory Library. The Commandery of the Australian Commonw altho (EXCLl;SI\TE OF WE ~TE R.
The following is extracted from the Report of the Commanclen' :_ . pe~ch by the Dep~ty-Knight Commander, His Excellcncv Lie~lt.-Gen. SIr 'Villoug? by N orne, at the Council Meeting of the COl;1I11anderv of the AustralIan Commonwealth at Government House, . \d laide OIl th 22nd November, 1946. ' " As Deputy Knight .ommander I would like to say how very much we hav~ been lookmg forward to this opportunity of holdin~ ouy, first Meetmg of the Commandery ouncil in Adelaide. I we~come all those \:-ho .have come from other tates, particularlv as} realIze that trav~llmg m t~ese days is not too easy. My Gove~nment IS very dIsappointed that they have not had t~e opportumty ~f entertaining you, and I know th y \vished to glv.e you a ParlIamentary Luncheon . Unfortunately, 1IOWe\ er, owmg to your engagements to-day> and. aturday being part of Ole we,~k-end, they were unable to fit m with your plan . . I aJ? very sorry that Dr. Dawkins, Commandery ornmis ioner an~ Kmght of.th~ Order, ~ould ~ot be present to-day owing to illnfs._. Dr. Dawkl?s .conne~tIOn wIth the formation of the oJ11mandclY dates back to Its m ceptIOn. "He ?as be~n an ardent Brigade ~Vorke~ since 1914, and r('organized the Bngade m the South AustralIan DIstrict, with the result that to-day we have a strong Unit. D " I am ~ure t~at you will all wish to join with me ill hop ing that ~. Dawkms WIll be resto.red to health , and I s lI gg's i VO l1 wuuld lsh to ex:press these sentIments by the se nding or it lei'ler wlI jell ~,m certam ~ould be much appreciat d. ' " I have an Important annoUllcement to maKr. On the reco mmendation of His l{oyal [!i g lJl1f'sS 1llr Granrl Prior
and the Chapter-General of the Order, His Majesty the Sovereign Head has been graciously pleased to sanction the elevation of the ommandery of Australia to the dignity and status of a Priory, with authority over the whole of the territories included in the Commonwealth of Australia, to bear date 16th eptember, 1946. " On the same r commendation His }1ajesty the overeign Head of the Order has also been graciou ly pleased to sanction the constitution of a ommandery of the Order in \ estern Australia, to form a part of the Priory of Au tralia, and to carry out such of the local work of the Order a hall be delegated to it, in accordance with tatute 17. " This is perhaps not the occasion to discu s further details, but I \vould add that \Ye tern ustralia has already extended very sine r congratulation on the levation of the Australian Commandery to the dignit ' of a Priory. " All report received from the various tate indicate that the nthu ia m in the mbulance, ursing, and Cadet Divisions has been well maintained, and they are giving excellent service in their various di trict . " inc coming out here I have naturally been most interested in the organization and nomenclature of the Order. "To b quite candid I have found amongst the general pu blic-and cvcn among t our own members-difficulty in understanding th exact relation hip between the Order, the Centre, the A ociation, and the mbulance Brigade. If our own supporters do not fully under tand thi how hould the public? "I ugg st that if anything can be done to simplify this it would definit ly help our objects. " I had a talk with Lady Loui Mountbatten when she was last in f\d laide, and I understood that she con ide red that we might well work with only the Order and the Brigade, and that one might see the A ociation in its present form disappear, whilst the Centre would m rge into the Ord r. " You will r member that His Royal Highnes at ydney two years ago ref rred to the n c si ty for close liaison betw en the Red Cross ociety and t. John. " In this tate, and I think this is so throughout the Commonwealth, our liai on is a very real one, and I think t. John has done most of the teaching for the Red Cross, but h re we are lucky in having Lieut.-Col. E. A. H. Russell as Actina ommi sioner of the t. John Ambulance Brigade, whilst his brother, Colonel H. H. E. Rus ell, is Director of the Emergency ervices of the Red Cro s ociety. " It is not only the two brothers who have helped this fu ion, but there is a very genuine co-operation and friendliness between the Red Cross ociety and the t. John Ambulance ssociation and Brigad , and we have had sev ral joint parades. " For this reason it is pleasing to reflect that at Commandery Headquarters we have several who are interested in both Organizations. " The loss of those who have joined during the war for patriotic K*
REpORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL. reasons has not been as serious as one suspectcd, and it is plea ing to report that many of those who erved in the Activ Forccs hav returned and are taking up their old po itions again. « The importance of t. John grow every day with the increa ' C of speed, not only on the road but in industry. " The terrible increase in accidents is a matter which affects liS all, and will call for our e\'er increasing activitie . " A suggestion from the Red Cro s has been made to implcment some form of highway first aid on our national roadway, and thi is another case where we can work in close liai on with the H. d Cross. " The great recruiting ground for t. John hould be the ad t m0vement, though we all know the difficulty of getting uitabl Cadet Officers. I think Cadet can be fo ter d by making adet life more interesting, and by educatiol1<ll and thoughtful planning for Cadet organizations. " 'Ne need constantly to bring to the notice of the go\' rning bodies and the public the importance of the Brigade, and in this rcspect we have received much help from the Press. Publicity is what w' need. "His R oyal Highness also referred to the nece itv for youth . and I would like to see younaer officer elected to understudy k y positions held by older officers. " \Ve have talked a lot about this, but more coulcl be accompli 'hed. "\Ve must encourage youth (if we arc going to survi \' ), and although we perhaps GO not like to admit it, some of us arc getting 'a bit long in the tooth', and it is time some of us were turncl1 out for a rest' in green pastures'. « In the army it is easy to push on younger people becausc we have them, but in these voluntary organizations it is not so ea )" and the problem is one which ha got to be tackled tactfully, yet vigorously. You may even wish to consider the introduction of some age limits, to come into line with many other organization, including the lavy, Army, and Air Force. " In conclusion, I repeat that we in Adelaide are very delighted that we should have been honoured by this meeting, and I hope that our deliberations will prove profitable."
The following Report was presented by the Lieutenant of the Commandery:The presentation of the Fifth Annual Report of our Commandery will, I hope, show that we have adapted ourselves and our interests satisfactorily during this year following the termination of the vVorld "Var. The administrative detail carried out has been much heavier than in previous years, owing to several factors, of which one in particular was cataclysmal, namely the sudden and unexpected death of Colonel Wilfred Vickers, D.S.O., V.D., etc., who was our Director of Ambulance and who had just been promoted a Knight of the Order. The visits overseas of our Knight Commander, His Excellency Sir Winston Dugan, Governor of Victoria, and our Treasurer, Dr. J. Newman Morris, were both of great importance to the Commandery. Our Knight Commander had not
returned to Australia at the time this report was written, but he had intimatcd in letters that he had several conferences with members of Grand Priory, which will hortly be of great importance to ~he Order in Australia a a whole. During the absence abroad of the Kmght COf!lmander, the Grand Prior appointcd His Excellency ir Willoughby :T orne, Governor of 'outh ustralia, to fill the position. \Ve were very sorry to bid farewell to one of our original Deputy. Knig~t Commanders, in the person of His Excellency Colonel Rt. Hon. SIr LeslIe \Nilson, who had been Governor of Queensland for so many years and whose succe sor is ir John Lavarack, to whom we have extended a cordial greeting as a prospective new Deputy Knight Commander. . Li ut.-Gen. John lorthcott, C.B., M.V.O., has recently been appomted Govcrnor of J. T • • \V., and has been admitted as a Knight of the Order and bccom ~ a Deputy Knight ommander. An address of welcome was pr en ted on behalf of the Commandery when he assumed office. \Ve also wclcome another ncw Deputy Knight Commander in Admiral 'ir Hugh Binney, Governor of Tasmania, to whom the Lieutenant paid an official \'i ~ it whil t in Tasmania on 16th August, 1946. on quent upon the death of olonel \Vilfred Vick~rs, t~e Knight ommandcr appro\'ed of Dr. T. H. Goddard becommg DlTector of Ambulancc, and ir Hugh Poynter was appointed Director of Ceremonies. 'olon I Vickers was also Commi sioner of the Brigade in N .. \V., and thi ' position was filled by the appointment of Colonel George tening, \\'hi1 Dr. .. \. Verco bccame si tant Commissioner. jlajor-G neral Plant succeeds ir Hugh Poynter as President of entre. A change in the representation of Victoria on the Commandery ouncil was approved and 1\1r. E. Ormond Baker now takes the place of the late I\lajor-Gen. R. 1. Downes and also becomes a member of hapter, as do ir Alan ewton and Mr. C. R. Her~chell. .. The Commandery Commissioner reported changes m CommlsslOn~rs of the Brigade in outIl Australia, where Major-Gen. Burston was appomted, but Lieut.- 01. E. A. H. Russell would act for him until released from Army duties, and Colonel herwin was appointed to take charge in Victoria. The compilation of special lists for recognition of long service by members of the t. John Ambulance Brigade in accordance with a request made by Lady Louis Mountbatten, and of those eligible for the speci<:LI war service award for 1,000 hours and over, requested by Colonel SIr J ames leeman, meant a great amount of detail d work, whilst the decision to revert to pre-war regulations governing Classes of Instruction, Status of Lecturers, etc., has entailed considerable correspondence both with the ecretary-General and within the Commandery. The regular air mail service to England has been a great boon and letters now take but a few days in contrast to the many weeks or months of a year or two ago. For the first time in many years a recommendation was made to the Grand Priory for the award of the Life Saving Medal of the Order, and this was approved for Mr. Gordon Knowles, who performed such meritorious service when an aircraft carrying service personnel crashed at Mascot, Sydney, early in the year. Two meetings of Commandery Council were held, the first being on J.
• • \ \ '.
23rd November, 1945, at State Government House, Melbourne, at which the Knight Commander presided, and the second on 21st June, 1946, at th~ Chapter H?use, St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, when GroupC~ptal? Poate, LIeutenant of the Commandery, presided, as neither l f Vlilloughby Norrie nor Sir Hugh Binney could make the journey, and we were in the position of having no other Deputy Knight Commanders available. At both meetings of Commandery Council a very full programme of work was carried through satisfactorily, and at the meet.ing of Commandery Chapter, ,held in Sydney at the Chapter House on 22nd Jun , 1946, the deliberatlOns and recommendations of Council were considered and approved. Referenc~ was made to the appointments on the Grand Priory as representatIves of our Commandery of Lord Gowrie to Council and Lord Wakehurst to the Ambulance Committee; as both these gentlemen had been closely associated with the formation and conduct of the Commandery, it was felt that they would ensure a very close liaison between Grand Priory and Commandery. . The full quota of recommendations for admission to and promotion m the Order, as approved by the Commandery Investigation Committee, was ~greed to by Chapter for submission to Grand Priory, as al 0 were the lists of names asked for by Lady Louis Mountbatten and the hief Commissioner of the Brigade Overseas. Great interest was shown in the visits of Lady Louis Mountbatten and General ir \Villiam Dobbie both of whom met not only the members of Commandery but also m~ny of the rank and file of Association and Brigade in all Centres. Full reports of these visits were sent to the Secretary-General. I feel that I.must :nention the fine work done by our Treasurer, Dr. J. Newman Morns, durmg the tour of Australia by Lady Louis Mountbatten and he effected a very close liaison between the Australian Red Cros~ Society and the Order of St. John for her benefit. The decision as to initiation of Brigade Interstate Competitions has not yet been finalized, and a serious setback occurred, due to the death of Mr. R. V. ~u1man, of South Australia, who initiated the scheme, and whose loss ~ be felt very greatly. The Hospitaller and Almoner, Sir Donald C<l:meron, ~ade an appeal for increased financial support for the OP?thalrmc HospItal and, due to his initiative and energy, a most satIsfactory result was attained. We were :rery 1?leas.ed ~o receive a Knight's Robe and Cap, presented by G:an~ Pnory, Just.m tIme to be worn by the Lieutenant at the Chapter Meetmg m June. It IS hoped to have replicas made as soon as material "?ecomes avail<l:ble so that full ceremonial may be developed at our meetings m course of tIme. The fact that His Majesty, Sovereign Head of our Order, bes~owed the honour of Knighthood upon the Chief Commissioner of .the ~ngade Overseas, Colonel Sir James Sleeman, brought great satIsfactIon to ~embers of Commandery, who realize the outstanding wo::k he has earned out on behalf of the Brigade generally. The regular arn,,:al of the S~cretary-General's Q?arterly Letters now brings us d~ta~ed ?ews of Importance, and copIes have been made available for dlstnbuhon to all Executive Officers of the Commandery and to all Centres.
A Committee from Commandery, consisting of Colonel Sherwin, Dr. J. Newman Morris, and Dr. Goddard, was appointed to confer with the Australian Red Cross Society on the matter of text books and such other matters as may be relevant. During the year I was able to visit Launceston, Hobart, and Adelaide. At each of these cities I was given an opportunity to meet all the executive officers of Association and Brigade and many of the non-commissioned officers and members, and addressed them upon the aims, objects, and detailed working of the Commandery. Vie are again very much indebted to the Commandery Chaplain, His Grace the rchbishop of ydney, for making available to us the beautiful Chapter HOll e at t. Andrew's Cathedral, and also to the Venerable Archdeacon Johnstone for his continued interest and help. I feel under a great obligation to the Commandery ecretary, Commander R. G. Bowen, as I have had unusually great and serious obligations placed upon my shoulders during the past year, and it is due to his tirele s energy and help that I have been able to cope with my Commandery dutie. s in past years I do not intend to traverse the reports of the various Executive Officers, but will ask that they be permitted to present their reports individually. AMBULA TCE DEPARTMENT.
The Director of Ambulance reports as follmvs : The visit of Lady Louis Mountbatten was very welcome and proved a great stimulus to the As ociation as well as the Brigade. VICTORIA.
Aid Classes were held in connection with the Victorian Railways, Police .Force, Metropolitan Tramways, Metropolitan Gas Company, AustralIan Paper Mills, and other firms. QUEENSLA D.
A so~iation sustained a deep loss in the death of Mr. Victory Drury, Chalrman smce 1937. He was succeeded by Brigadier R. M. Stodart. Unfortunately the number of people attending classes has not shown a marked increase. The promotion in the Order of Dr. Allan Vickers of the Flying Doctor Service at Charleville, is noted as a link with that service. SOUTH AUSTRALIA.
It is noticed that there is a slight diminution in numbers of classes and certificates granted. This, however, is felt to be a temporary decline. TASMANIA.
Possibly the most interesting development of the year is that, following the request of the Nurses' Registration Board for instruction of nurses by St. John Ambulance Brigade members in First Aid the Association instituted full courses of instruction in First Aid fo; all Probationer Nurses in State hospitals, so that all such trainee nurses throughout Tasmania will now gain, in addition to their diploma as a Qualified
Nur e, a t. John Ambulance Certificate in Fir t Aid. The e course are now 01?era~ing, .and I feel that this i a valuable forward move. In other directIOns mterest in the work of the As ociation has be n maintained. ~E\v
Maj.or~Gen. Plant has succeeded
ir Hugh Poynter as President of th AssoCIatIon. Evidence was brought of a Firs~ Aid Class which was held in Changi Camp (P.O.\'~T.)., .conducted by MaJor A. Home, erving Brother of the Order, and D~vIsIOnal Surgeon of the lbany Nur ing Division. The executIve requested lecturers and instructor to undergo a Refr sher Course, and 120 attended the city cla ses. The work of the Associ<l:tion ha. again been greatly a i ted bv a number of firm who have gIven theIr service in variou ways. t. J olm's Hou e continues in full operation. CIa e have been held throughout the tate in the principal towns. THE
'+ ,200 .J.3 4.J.
1,190 26
New South TValesStrength . . Ambulance Divisions X ursing Divisions Cadet Divisions
4 ·~
T'ictoriaStrength Ambulance Divisions I ursing Divisions Cadet Divisions
6 7
26 6 11
SOlll1z A Hsiralia-
trength . . Ambulance Divisions Nursing Divisions Cadet Divisions
1,439 26 17 9
556 7 12 4
16 17
Tas'm aniaStrength Ambulance Divisions Nursing Divisions Cadet Divisions
attended. ommandery representatives were also present. The service \vas conclucted by Venerable Archdeacon . 1\1. Johnstone, M.A., Chaplain of the Order. On Anzac Day, Lady Louis Mountbatten inspected a combined parade of the, t. John Ambulance Brigade and Voluntary Aid Detachments. The Brigade was again active in rendering public duty on the following occasions: on nzac Day, when 1,329 cases were treated; at a Garden Party givcn by Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Glouc . tcr; and at the Victory Day Parade, when 372 cases were treated. On :~nl ~rarch, 1916, a femorial Tablet was unveiled and dedicated to ~1r. T. H. Hender on, late Assistant Commissioner, by the Chaplain of the Order. Th Orel r ._ustained a ven' real loss in the passing of Colonel \Vilfred Yickcr., n.s.n., \'.n., K. T.J., ommissioner of the Brigade, who had been y ry do elva sociat.ed with t.he work for nineteen years. There was a ]arg attendance at the Memorial ervice held in t. Andrew's Cathedral. His l-(oyal IIighne s the Grand Prior awarded the Grand Prior's Badge to Cadets ' yc1ney l\riller, Bruce Porteous, and hirley Gibson.
The Commander) Commissioner reports as follows:BRIGADE STRENGTH IN YARIOUS
During the year. an A~n~~lance Division was registered at Double Bay and a Ca~et ~ursmg DIVISIOn. at Engadine. There was one promotion from Servmg ~Is.ter to Officer SIster, seven admissions as Serving Brothers and four admIssIOns as Serving Sisters. ' The Annual Church Service was held in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday, 23rd June, when 400 Officers and Members of the Brigade
teady progress in activities and membership ha been maintained, and ince the last year three adet Ambulance Divisions have been form d. The activities of the Brigade have covered a wide field, including treet Proce ions, porting Activities, Gymkhanas, Youth Rallies, and the Eucharistic onference. Our members also staff the First Aid station on the main beaches. The visit to Melbourne by Lady Louis l\lountbatten was much appreciated. It was impo ible to arrange an inspection and parade, as Lady Loui ' visit was a mid-week one, but there wa a large attendancE:: at a reception held in her honour. An appeal for fund is being launched under the patronage of the Lord Iayor, the objective being £10,000 . Plans are al 0 under way for the establishment of Roadside First Aid tations on the main highways in co-operation with the Police and Country Roads Board. These stations will be manned by the Brigade at week-ends and on public holidays. SOUTH AUSTRALIA.
One of the happiest features has been the return from active service of our Ambulance men and nur es and their re-establishment, not only in the Brigade, but in civil life. A combined parade, consisting of the Brigade, V.A.D.s, and Red Cro s units, was held on the 28th April, 1946, when His Excellency the Governor, Sir Willoughby Norrie, accompanied by Lady Louis Mountbatten, inspected all ranks, and later addressed the parade. Church Parades w~re held at St. Peter's and t. Francis Xavier's Cathedrals on St. John's Day. The Lieutenant-Governor, Sir Mellis Napier, and Sir William Dobbie, who was visiting Adelaide, each took 'Part in the service.
The visits during the year from Lady Louis Mountbatten, ir \Villiam Dobbie, and the Lieutenant, aroused considerable interest and gave impetus to the work of the Order. The Commissioner, Major-Gen . . R. Bur ton, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., K.ST.]., Director-General of Medical ervices, is still absent on military duties, and in his absence Lieut.-Col. E. A. H. Russell, O.ST.]., V.D., has administered the command. During the year the Lady District uperintendent, Irs. G. M. Dawkins, resigned her position through ill health, and Lady District Officer 1iss V. \iVatson, S.S.ST.]., was appointed to :fill the position. Particular attention is called to the 'work done by the nurses; not only have they frequently given assistance at both public and private hospital, but have visited the homes of the sick, and even taken mother and their babies into their own homes through lack of hospital bed. During the year there were 4,104 public duties performed, and a total of 5,197 cases of sickness or accident attended by our member. The Brigade sustained a very severe loss in the death of our late District Superintendent, Mr. R. V. Bulman, O.ST.]., who had been seconded for the conduct of the Brigade Competitions. He had sp nt a lifetime in furthering the interests of ambulance work generally and contributed no small part to the rise and influence of the Brigade in this State. TASMANIA. All Brigade activities showed a definite maintenance of enthusiasm, and interest was maintained in the Cadet work. A Police Division is al 0 well on the way to establishment. Inter-Brigade Competitions were also resumed during the year. The visit of Lady Louis Mountbatten was a great inspiration and we had a splendid attendance of members at a combined t. John and Red Cross Parade held in her honour. The Lieutenant also visited Tasmania during the year and his inspection and address were highlights. We regret the passing of the Lady District Superintendent, Mrs. E. D'Emden. COMMANDERY COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS. I am pleased to again report a satisfactory state of affairs in all Brigades attached to the Commandery. The total strength of all Brigades is 7,141. Reports from all States reveal the tremendous amount of good the visit of Lady Louis Mountbatten has done in all Districts and the enthusiasm she aroused in the work of the Order. I am pleased to report that the appeal from Sir James Sleeman, Chief Commissioner for the Brigade Overseas, for the establishment of additional Cadet Divisions has been taken up with such enthusiasm-nine Divisions having been fo rmed during this year.
EXPENDITURE. CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION. alaries and wages . Hates .••.• Printing, Stationery, and general expenses Audit fee . • . . . Expenses connected with Maplestead Special grants • . . . Contributions to Superannuation Fund • • Loss on Exchange-Australia and New Zealand. Rent Charges-I8-23 St. John's Square
[5630 29 19 75
5 2
CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION. Members' foundation dues Members' oblations. . Interest on Investments, etc.. . Charity Claim-refund of Income tax
2 .j. I
.j. 0 120 10
() 1 ~16 0 11 027 1 7 11 :3 15 l 1 5 0 0
n £5293 19 468 5
08 15 4143
5762 5 120 13 1616 1
5 0 0
- -- -
Rents, less charges Donation8
26089 16
[27] 70
"ST. JOHN CADET" Printing and general expenses of magazinc
•• ST. JOHN GAZETTE." Printing and general expenses 01 journal, eto. Salary. • • . . . .
Inn7 435
(j 0
Gross profit on sale of Rtores . Donations and annual subscriptions. . . . Charged to Centres and Detached Classes In respect of Instruction
UB08 10 50 4270
5 5 ;) () () 1 2 3 J:3 110 (l 10 ~(j7 (j 0 1 400
Fees for removal 01 Invalids
3 11 lUi 2 724 1. 11
Public duty and maintenance of stations Salaries-administration (less recoverable) • Travelling and Incidental expenses . • Printing, statlonl'TY. etc.. . . . . Expenses at Headquarters-8 Grosvenor Cre cent, .W.
MinIstry of Education grant towards salary and expense of Cadet Training Officer Donations
906 10 10 6!112 0 :} 534 4 2 4491 5 0 1263 4- 0
1!l554 501
0 0
8 1
4327 11
84 11
~ 69 15
4 0
14]07 13 447 3 I :W 13 1 12(j 0 0 760 10 1811
Rates. . Competitions Audit fee . Special grants • • • • Contributions to Superannuation Fund
JERUSALEM. salaries, printing, . . Zealand
Expenses at Jerusalem, Including salaries, wages, pensions, house-keeping, drugs, repairs, maintenance of furniture and fittings, and general expenses, etc.
1039 1-1 76 2
LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. Purchase of books, prints, coins, and objects, etc. Salaries. • • • • • • .
OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AT JERUSALEM. Donations and annual subscription •• Interest on investments. . Charity Clalm-relund of Income tax
2 7 1115 ] 6 10197
Consultation Fees . Hospital money box
3840 43 115
9 5
6 6
958 15 737 1 304 10
5 4 9
1 113]3
5 41
9 10
ST. JOHN GRAND PRIORY CHURCH. Interest on Investment. • Donations and annual subscriptions Collection. . . . BALANOEl carried down
31913 1 2 86 18 10
Donation 897
1 10
342 15 11 554 7 6
BALANCE brought down Carried to Ba.lance Sheet
1715 14 64 11
OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AT Expenses at London Office, including stationery, and general expenses Loss on Exchange-Australia and New
0 4
Expenses of removal of Invalids . Salaries and wages. • . . . • Printing, stationery, and general expenses . • Ambulances-repairs, accessories, depreciation, garage
40 10 46 13
- ----
.. ST. JOHN GAZETTE." 8ales of ,Tournai, etc. . . Advertisements, less commlBSlon
Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses Salaries and wages. . . • • Printing, statlonrry, and general expenses • . . . . Carriage and freight . Loss on Exchange-Australia and New Zealand Willey Park, BrOBeley~vacuatlon account.
"ST. JOHN CADET" Sale ' of magazine . . \dvertisemcnts, Ie. s COJnmb5ion
By transfer from
st. John Post War Fund .
129 10 6 19 196 7
0 5 9 332 17 31913 1
2 2
30603 16 0
6103 14
Leu: Expenditure
3 11 2 0
£3UI I 2
3360 15 570 10
FREEHOLD PREMISES at and adJolnJng St. JOhn'8 Gate, Clerkenwell . . LesIJ: written off to date
£45302 18
0 3
0 :-1
1667 15 1000 0
Less : Expendi ture LINEN GUILD--OPRTHALMIO HOSPITAL Less: Expenditure • DONATIONS 1I'0R SPEOUL PURPOSESOphthalmic Hospital First Aid Huts
U ;l
-16 12 25 0
9 0
.) 5 0 6
01 10
it 12
7 0
CENTENARY APPEAL FUND-Sundry Creditors . . • • • Balance of Income and Expenditure Account
110:n 16
456 05 13 101370 7
7 1
5 5 20 Rl 11
0 G
RESERVE 1I'0R CONTINGENOIES (CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION) Add: Profit on sale of Investments. . .
410 ]8
22652 ;133
Less: Expenditure .
0 ]
20R 6 19
11 0 0
£4-10-1 J.l 32000 0
; 0
1000000 2-1124
BALANOB IN FAVOUR 011' THE ORDERAs per last AccollDt • Add: Legacies . • . Commutation of Oblations . . . Balance of Income and Expenditure Account
087620 10
GOOO 0 1 03 17
MURISTAN PROPERTY, JERUSALEM Les.: written off to date In addilion to tM abQVe propertiu certain other propertie& have been Veiled in the Order either as part {If ils Corporate property or upon TrWJts in connection willi the t. Jolin ~mbulallCe .dlBociation and Brig~, but these are not realizable without the coment of the Charily CommiBs-Wners, or tM TTlJ.6teu, or Local Committeel of Management. OPHTHALMIO Ho PITAL FUND INVESTlfENT8-(Ma rket value at 30th eptember , 19·16, [34 ,513 .) r,rKf;~ f:UILD, OPlTTIl.\L'IIC ITo. PITH, T'\\E~T'IE~T .\. IJ n.U..\NCE' CIlURCIl A:'<U B .\T, \:'<l ES
369 3648
0 0 4106
.'T. Jou" COU"TlES FUNDInve tment.'! . . . . . . . (llfarkpt Value at 30th ,'1'ptembPr, 10Hi, £:35-1,:n5) ,'nnclry D C'htor8 Cah at Bank .
2;GS1 Ii'
225224 16
.'T . .lOHN Po 'r- \"AR FUNDInvestments. . . . . . (Market value at 30th 'epiember, 1496, £1,022,069) Leasehold Premise nt 8 Grosvenor Cre cent, .W. Less: Written 01I to date .
,0-1 10
598 9 2150 17
6103 1-1 30603 16 2(;63 8
5 5
235224 16 10000 0
6 0
5566 15H 19534 17
CROMER, Recel ver-General
20886 19
27 2 1324 19 10 963831 £17640 588
170S2 0 750 0 5062 10 933 11
0 0 0 8
5 10 5 10
9 ;629 10
HOSPITAL CAR SERVIC}~ Cash at Bank • AMBULANOB STORES, etc., on hand, less reserve
4196 29000 3266
7754 401
3 0 1 123 3 16 11 2 0
0 0 9 5 0
9 11 1 4 £174114
£1741148 13 10
On behalf of the Order of St. John ,
9 0
345405 15
CENT1IINARY ApPJllAL FUNDInvestments(Market value 30th eptember, 1946, £22,521.) Sundrv Debtors Cash at Bank.
ADVANOES (secured) OASHAt Bank. In hand •
CIerkenwell, E.O.l.
9 0 0
811 811
The Treasury; St. John's Gate,
34122 34 15 3
(Book value of Investments £232,141 . . . and Market value at 3uth eptember, 1946, £251,0 3.)
Loans to Branches Sundry Debtors Cash at Bank .
1391 2 15 11 8550 1 7 327 5 a 86 18 10
0 8
9 0
352516 11
36404 H HOSPITAL CAR SERVICE . Less: Expenditure .
39107 19 4985 10
.TOIl .··~
Len; Reeerve against depreciation
1551U 1
T. JOHN POST-WAR FUND . Add: Interest on Investment
PREmo };. arljact'nt to 't. .lohn '8 'hurrh. Icr kcnwcll FREEHOLD PREMISES at and adjoining Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem . . • Leu : written ofT to date .
0 0
ST .
-I H063 16 10
Le8s: Expenditure
. . . . . Transfer to Income and Expenditure Account
'60 3 :!O.i 1 t
ST. JOHN COUNTIES FUND . Add: Interest on Investment
Less: Expenditure.
£51448 14 25448 14
13 10
Having examined the above Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account with the books and vouchers of the Grand Priory In the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of t. Johu of Jerusalem and with the returns received from Jerusalem, we hereby certify them to be correct to the best of Our knowledge and bellef. S, Frederiok'il Place, Old Jewry, E.O. 2.
31st January, 1947.
PRICE, W ATERHOU E & CO., Chartered Accountants.
CENTENARY APPEAL FUND. Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th September, 1946. EXPENDITURE.
Audit Fee 18- 23 St. J ohn's Sqllare-Hedemption of Hent Charge
£5 2861
£699 16 525 0 1641 10
Interest on Investments. Contributions Balance carried to Balance Sheet
5 0 9 2
Balance Sheet at 30th September, 1946. Dr. Sundry Creditors , • Balance in favour of the OrderAs per last account Less Balance of Income and Expenditure Account as above
Cr .
5 0
£5 5
1641 10
£22 523
20881 14
Investments£9000 Consolidated 4 % Stock £8128 12 £4074 10 1 3,% War Stock 40-17 1 {3300 3% Savings Bonds, 1960/70 3300 0 £·W67 17 6 3~o Funding Stock 1959 69 -1059 3
2 1 0 9
£1953-1 17
(Market value 30th September, 1946, £22,521) Sundry Debtors Cash at Bank
£20886 19
27 2 8 ]32-1 19 10
£20886 19
The Treasury, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C. 1.
On behalf of the Order of St. John, CROMER Recei ver -General.
Having examined the above Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account with the books and vouchers of the Centenary Appeal Fund of the Gran d Priory in the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem we hereby certify them to be correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. 3 Frederick's Place, ? Old Jewry, E.C. _. 31st January, 1947.
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FORM OF BEQUEST. 'rr OlY'C anb bcqncatb the sum of
free of duty to tll(' Grand Priory in the Britisb Realm
of the Yen rable Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusalem, such 'um to be applicabl to the general purposes of the Order. And I declare that the r ceipt of the Receiver-General or other proper Officer for the time being of the aid Order hall be a sufficient
for the same.
(Founded 1883)
of tbe
<Branb {Drior\? in \DenerRbIe
lSritiab lRea[m of tbe of tbe 1boapttal of
St. 30bn of 3erusalem
Report of the Committee for 1946 including the
Report of the Ladies' Linen Guild
E.C. I.
That the Knights who should make thelI profession in It should adorn their Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues,
with hospital service, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in these various functions, should only seek to distinguish themselves by a course of virtue.
Soldiers of Jesus Christ are designed only to fight for His glory, to maintam
His worship, to love, reverence and preserve justice, to favour, support and defend such as are oppressed, without neglecting the duties of holy hospital service.
®pbtbaltnic 1boapital of '{tbe tDcnerable ®roer of St. 30bn, 3erusalenl. So"ereign 1beab of tbe \1)rber: ip...
-< e:::
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(H ospitaller of Bridgend).
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THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF LYTTON, K.G., G.C .S.I., G.C.I.E ., P .C . COLONEL SIR OLIN \Y. l\IA RAE, Kt., C.v . O., C.B . E . LIEUT.-COLONEL E. J. TREVOR CORY, O .B.E., T.D., M.D. OLONEL SIR E. \'IVL\N GABRIEL, Kt., C.S.I., C.i\I.G . , C.V . O . , C. B.E., V. D .
l...< ~
C.B . E., D.S.O., T.D.,
1(j Dn . QI;Dnslliting ~ ll rgcDn.
1£jon. Onnsllrpr.
-< ~
lr(£l nrll cn . NORMAN MANSON, M.B., CH.B. , D.O.I1LS.
(Hon. Consulting Ophthalmologist to the Government of Palestine).
~l?!Ji.5 t rnr .
~ uh - 'mfinrben.
( Vacant)
'¥1 on.
tfjD n. J\ rr I;Hcd .
~t nb io ID,!J is t. (Vacant)
Report 01 the Hospitaller and Committee for 1946. THE Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their fifty-fifth Report for the information of His Royal Highness the Grand Prior, the Chapter-General, and subscribers.
fot' 'OOlales.
1bospftaller. LIEUT.-COLONEL
E. J. TREVOR CORY, O.B.E., Hospitaller of Bridgend.
T.D., K.ST.J ., M. f""'I
in $outbern :africa. 1bospftaller.
T. H.
in 1Re\\? Zealanb. 1bospftaller.
]prior}? in (!anaba. 1bospftaller. SENATOR THE HON. NORMAN McLEOD PATERSON, C.ST.].
of tbe Rustralian (!ommon weaItb (excIusf\?e of 'UUlestern BustraIia). 1T:)ospftaller.
(!ommanber}? of 'Wlestern :australia (witbin tbe lDrfor}2 of tbe BustraIiall crommonwealtb). 1bospftaIIer. DR. H. G. TVMMS, It.ST.J.
(!omlnittee of tbe @rber for $cottisb Rtlairs MA]OR
1bospftaller 8. Blmoller. J. FORREST-HAMILTON, C.ST.].,
THE LATE FIELD-MARSHAL LORD GORT, V.C., G.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.V.O., M.C. It was with very great regret that your Committee learnt of the death of His Excellency the High Commissioner for Palestine, Field-Marshal Lord Gort, V.C., G.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.V.O., M.C. Lord Gort during his t enure of office had always taken the keenest interest in the Hospital. The flag at the Hospital was flown at half mast during the period of mourning and the Warden, representing the Order, attended the Memorial Service held at ~ t. George's Cathedral on 10th April, 1946. THE COMMITTEE. Colonel ir Alfred E. Webb-Johnson, Bt., K.C.V.O., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., F.R. C.S., President of the Royal College of Surgeons, succeeded Colonel J. T. \Voolrych Perowne, V.D., T.D., as Hospitaller in April, 1946. The Committee wish to offer their congratulations to Brigadier Sir tewart Duke-Elder on being created K.C.V.O. It is with regret that we have to report that Sir Percival Hortonmith Hartley , Kt., C.V.O., F.R.C.P., M.D., for health reasons has been compelled to resign from the Committee. Sir Percival Horton-Smith Hartley was appointed to the Committee in July, 1929. It is the Committee's hope that with the curtailing of some of his activities Sir Percival will regain his health. The Committee wish to thank Sir Percival for his long service and wise counsel while on the Committee. In February, 1946, the Grand Prior appointed Major P. M. Beachcroft, O.B.E., as a member of the Committee, and in July, 1946, the Countess of Cromer and Captain the Rt. Hon. Lord Teynham, D.S.O., C.B.E., R.N. (ret'd.). The appointment of the Countess of Cromer, who is Chairman of the Linen Guild, "vill bring about a closer liaison between the Committee and the Guild. It is with regret that the Committee have to report the resignation of Mr. Humphrey E. Bowman, C.M.G., C.B.E., as Hon. Secretary to the Committee. Mr. Bowman was first appointed in 1937 and continued in this capacity until March, 1946, when he found it impossible to carry on as he was living away from London. The Committee wish to express their gratitude to him for the services he has rendered in the past and hope they will have his continued help whilst serving on the Committee. The Sub-Prior, when offering Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson the appointment of Hospitaller, informed him that he would appoint a whole-time secretary to deal with all routine matters. Major J. F. C. Underhill, T.D., has been appointed to this position. HOSPITAL PERSONNEL. Dr. Khalil Budeiri, M.D. (GEN.), D.O.M.S., resigned his appointment of Registrar in June, 1946. He was appointed Registrar in 1936 and the
Committee extend their grateful thanks for his service during his ten years tenure of that office. He is succeeded by Dr. J. Graham Gillan, M.B., D.O.M.S., who arrived at the Ho pital in November, 1946. Dr. Rene Naccache, who had been House urgeon for over a year, resigned in June, 1946, in order to carry out post graduate studies at Moorfields. Dr. N accache i succeeded by Dr. Kam 1 alman from Beyrouth, Syria. The Matron, Mi s Anne C. G. Hayes, resigned at the end of October, 1946, having been at the Hospital for six year. ' h \Va obliged to take this step owing to private affairs at home. The ommitt e would like to take this opportunity of thanking Ii Hayes for her loyal rvice to the Hospital through the difficult year of war. Miss Mildred D. Millman succeed l\Ii s Hayes as lIatron. he ha been at the Hospital since 1938 and thoroughly understand the administrative difficulties which face the Hospital during the c trouble orne times. Mrs. Gaskell resigned in eptember to take up an appointment at the Government Hospital in Jerusalem. Mrs. M. P. Oakley, Mrs. A. Daugherty, l\Iiss 1. obin on, 1iss M. Ball, and Miss L. A. Jones have been appointed to the British ursing Staff and have taken up their duties at the Hospital. The e tablishment of the British ursing taff is a Iatron and five Briti h . 'ister . Owing to the ever increasing rise in cost of living in Palestine, the Committee have extended the Cost of Living AllO\vance to the ur ing Staff. This allowance is based on the Government cale in force. The Committee also sanctioned the revision of all the staff salaries so as to bring them into line with Government officials and nursing sisters serving in Palestine. THE SECRETARY'S VISIT TO THE HOSPITAL.
Owing to the war years it has not been possible for any members of the Committee to visit the Hospital and go into the variou problems with the Warden on the spot. The Committee decided to send the Secretary to Jerusalem to discuss various aspects of the Hospital 'with the Warden, to obtain estimates and have work put in hand for essential maintenance and outstanding building requirements, which had been postponed due to the war. The Secretary arrived at the Hospital in the middle of May and returned to London on 24th June, 1946. As a result of his investigations and reports, the Committee recommended that the following works be put in hand and Chapter-General gave approval : Boundary Walls.-The curtain wall of the Hospital on the Bethlehem Road required repairing and was not high enough to keep out intruders. This work was contracted for £251 and has been completed. The Southern Boundary Limit of the Hospital Property had no demarcation and was entirely exposed to the public who could at random enter the Hospital grounds. A Boundary Wall running the full extent of the southern limit has now been erected at the cost of £504. Repairs to the Lower Boundary Wall and repoin ting of the walls of the face of the Hospital buildings have been completed at the price of £30.
Roofs.-Annexe -owing to maintenance repairs being practically impos ible during the war, the annexe roof was leaking very badly and causing consid rable damage to the interior of the annexe fiat. This has now been repaired and coated with a special weatherproof dressing with a six years' guarantee at the cost of £624. The roofs of th isters' Flat and one of the Wards have also been treated in a imilar way and the work ha nov" been completed at the co t of £'2:3 . Decoratiull a lid AI aintenance.-The exterior woodwork and paintwork of the Ho pital and vVarden's Lodge had not been attended to during the war and w r in a bad state of repair. The interior of the annexe, the iter' flat, and one of the wards had suffered considerably from the leakage in the roof. This r decoration and maintenance has been carried ont at th co t of £195. b:
HoI 'water alld ceJ/tral JzeaLing system.-The Ho pital has required for om con id rable time a modern hot water and central heating system throuahout both the Old Buildings and the ew outh Block. Up to the pr ent tim both hot water and heating have been maintained by oil to,"e, el ctric heaters, and el ctric hot water tanks. The ecretary whil t vi. iting th Ho pital, obtained estimates and pecifications for a combined y tem and t.he Committ e has accepted these with ChapterGeneral's approval. The cost of the combined system amounts to £7,895. The work has now been completed. Inquiries wer made as to whether a steam system could be combined with the hot ,vater and central heating, thereby enabling the laundry, sterilizer, and the kitchen to work off the same plant. It was however, decided that the additional cost involved was not ju tified in a hospital of this size. Kitchen.-Several improvements have been carried out in the kitchen, the chief of which are the installation of a frigidaire and a new electric cooker. THE SOUTH BLOCI<,
This was completed in 1940, but owing to the war years it was not possible either to equip or furnish it. It is designed for paying patients and it is hoped that it will be working to very nearly full capacity during the next epidemic season. This will entirely depend on the availability of the equipment and furniture and the time it will take to deliver. The theatre equipment and the neces ary beds and bedding have been ordered at a cost of approximately £700. THE ANNEXE FLAT.
It had been hoped that this would be opened as a children's clinic during the next epidemic season, but although the necessary cots and bedding have been ordered, it is doubtful whether they will be shipped and delivered in time.
HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. It has been a great relief this year to have been able to meet more promptly the requests and requisition lists from the Hospital. The Hospital is fairly well stocked with domestic requirements, thanks to the very great assistance received from the Joint War Organization, particularly with regard to sheets, blankets and cleaning material. Surgical instruments and drugs which have been reque t d by th Warden have been sent out to the Hospital with as little delay as pos iblc, as and when they have become available.
discussion that in view of the high prices at present prevailing in Palestine and the uncertain state of affairs, they would not be justified in recommending the project to Chapter-General at the present time. It has been decided to reconsider the position at some future date.
GIFTS. The Joint War Organization in Jerusalem, on clo ing down, pre ' nted a car for the use of the Warden. For this generous gift the Committee is extremely grateful. On his departure from Palestine Dr. W. E. Thompson made a gift to the Hospital Library of his ophthalmological books which have mad a valuable addition to the collection recently received from ir John Strathearn. For this very acceptable gift the Committee is mo t grateful. The Committee are very grateful to Captain J. Docwra Rogers for presenting the Hospital with a portrait of one of his ancestors. This has been sent to the Hospital where it will be hung in the Doc\Htl \Vanl. VISITORS. As well as from the Secretary's official visit, the Hospital has received a number of visitors, some of whom have been members of the Order or closely connected with it. In May, His Excellency the High Commissioner, General ir Alan Cuuningham, K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C., accompanied by the Di trict Commissioner, Mr. J. H. H. Pollock, C.M. G., paid an official visit to the Hospital. Professor Samson Wright, of the Middlesex Hospital, also paid a visit in May and reported on the general and scientific equipment of the Hospital. Dr. MacQueen, the retiring Director of Medical Services to the Palestine Government, paid a farewell visit and among other visit.ors who have either stayed or called at the Hospital are Captain Doric Bossom, son of Mr. Alfred Bossom, M.P., Mr. Stewart Perowne, O.B.E., Oriental Counsellor at Baghdad, Mr. Zachary Cope, F.R.C.S., Dr. Haden Guest, M.P., and the Blind Welfare Delegation sent to Palestine by the Colonial Office. ST. JOH 's DAY. Service of Holy Communion was held as usual by kind permission of the Orthodox Patriarch in the Subterranean Church of Mar Hanna (St. John) Prodromos. The Warden writes to say: "The Crypt of the Church was full on the occasion of the service on St. John's Day. The District Commissioner, Mr. Pollock, and Chief Secretary (Sir John Shaw) were pres en t. " . NEW WARDEN'S LODGE. The Committee has seriously considered the plans and estimates for the new Warden's Lodge and have come to the conclusion after much
SCOTLAND. The Committee are indeed gratified by the enthusiastic support of " The Committee of the Order for Scottish Affairs" and for the collection of donations and subscriptions. Under the Chairmanship of Sir Colin MacRae, Kt., C.V.O., C.B.E., K.ST.J., they have collected a total of £140 17s. during their first year. Major Forrest Hamilton, M.D., Hospitaller and Almoner to the Committee of the Order for Scottish Affairs, who paid a visit to St. John's Gate in November, 1946, promised full support from Scotland and hoped that the contributions would not only be maintained but increased. THE UNSETTLED STATE IN PALESTINE. It is most satisfactory to be able to report that in spite of the deterioration of the political situation in the country no damage has been done to our buildings, with the exception that the main theatre window was blown out by blast at the time of the King David Hotel outrage. The staff has been immune from interference up to the date of writing this report. . The Warden writes that shootings are commonplace occurrences m Jerusalem and in consequence social activities for the staff have had to be curtailed. In view of the present situation the Committee is renewing for another twelve months the special insurance of the staff which it has felt it wise to do for the last five years. THE ORDER'S PROPERTIES IN PALESTINE. The Committee recommended to Chapter-General that the responsibility of the administration of the properties of the Order in Palestine should be vested in some other Committee of the Order as they felt their responsibilities should be confined to the administration of the Hospital. It was also recommended that the Warden should be relieved of his responsibilities regarding the properties, other than the Hospital, because much of his time had been taken up in the past superintending the Order's property. Chapter-General approved that the Secretary of the Hospital Committee should be responsible to Council through the Secretary-General for the administration of the properties as far as the Headquarters at St. John's Gate were concerned and that Mr. Gerald Wheeler, of Haifa, should relieve the Warden of his responsibilities in Palestine. LADIES' LINEN GUILD. The response to the appeal for more badges of the Order on the bed coverlets in the wards has been most encouraging. These badges, however, take a considerable time to make as they require highly skilled needlework. In view of this and the fact that the New South Block is being equipped with nine new beds, badges are still required.
Ophthalmic Hospital of The Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Income and Expenditure Account for year ended 30th September, 1946. INCOME.
EXPENDITURE. EXPENSES AT LONDON OFFICESalaries, Printing, Stationery, and General Expenses . Loss on Exchange--Australia and New Zealand
£1039 14
£1115 16 EXPENSES AT JERUSALEMSalaries, Wages, and Pensions Housekeeping Drugs, Equipment, etc. Repairs Maintenance of Furniture and Fittings Printing, Stationery, and General Expenses Travelling Expenses Electric Supply Water
5922 0 0 1944 9 0 715 5 0 347 17 10 67 9 2 452 3 396 7 229 13 121 19
DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONSReceived in London. £ 1976 Collected in Scotland 140 Collected in Jerusalem 258 Collected by the Priory in Southern 832 Africa. 225 Priory in Canada Collected by the Pri ory of the 265 Australian Commonwealth Collected by the Priory in New 115 Zealand 25 Priory for Wales CONS ULTATION F EES HOSPITAL l\ION EY Box I NTEREST ON INVESTMENTS CHARITY CLAIM- Refund of income tax.
8 2 7 10197
843 115
3 17 2
3 0 1
18 16
2 5
19 11 3 0
9 5
7 0 5 4 9
958 15
5471 17
6 6
5 BALA NCE, being excess of Expenditure over Income recouped from the General Revenue Account of the Order .
£ 11313
£3 -l0 0 737 18 304 10
1 10
Balance Sheet at 30th September, 1946. The figures set out below form part of the Assets and Liabilities of the Order which appear in its official Balance Sheet. Dr. OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL FUND Added this year
Cr. £62893 16 666 2
6 3 £63559 18
FREEHOLD PREMISES AT AND ADJOINING THE HOSPITAL AT JERUSALEM £39107 19 Less: written off to date . 4985 10
9 0
804 10 46 12 1074 0
6 7 9 1925
3 10
27651 17 (Market Value at 30th September, 1946, (£3-!,513) INVESTMENT HELD FOR THE LINEN GUILD SUNDRY DEBTORS
400 625
0 7
2 0 8
2677 2685 £65485
-! 10 8 0 2
' H.Ol\J E H. Receiver-General.
We have examined the above Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet with the books and vouchers in London and with the returns received from Jerusalem and certify them to be correct t o the best of our knowledge and belle£. They form part of the General Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, and are incorporated therein. 3 Frederick's Place, PIU E , WATERIIOUSE & O. Old Jewry, E.C. 2. Chartered Accountants.
31 st January , 1947.
INVESTMENTS HELD FOR THE HOSPITALBritish Government Stocks 22192 18 4 Colonial Government Stocks 3963 18 10 Indian Railway Annuity 1495 0 0
Owing to the difficulty of maintaining supplies during the war the Matron's annual requisition list has been heavier than for some years past. The Linen Guild have very kindly met the demands, and equipment is being sent to the Hospital as and when it becomes available. Nine new beds for the South Block and six new cots for the Children's Clinic have been ordered and the Linen Guild have very generously undertaken to supply the bedding for these.
considerable increase on that forwarded in 1945 and the Committee extends its warm appreciation. The Committee would like to record their deep appreciation of the Priory in New Zealand for collecting £115 3s. 7d. We are happy to record that Miss Hilda Ridler, O.ST.]., our Hon. Treasurer in Jerusalem has not, as was reported by the Committee last year, left Jerusalem. Miss Ridler has continued her fine efforts on the hospital's behalf and we extend our thanks for the subscriptions amounting to £262. Miss Ridler draws attention to the fact that a large part of this total is made up by N.A.A.F.I. contributions.
FINANCE. The Income and Expenditure account for the financial year ending 30th September, 1946, shows that the cost to the Order of its Hospital was £5,47117s. 4d. compared with £5,076 lOs. 6d. for the previous year. The rise in expenditure was chiefly brought about by the increase in the British Nursing Staff and the very high rate of cost of living. Subscriptions and Donations show an increase of £1,514 15s. 2d. on those in 1945. The Committee would like to offer their sincere thanks to the Clothworkers Company for their continued support and very generous donation of £1,000 received for 1946 through Major P. M. Beachcroft, O.B.E. The Committee would also like to take this opportunity to extend their grateful thanks to the Great Priory of Masonic Knights Templar, who, through Major Sir Thomas G. L. Lumley-Smith, KT., D.S.O., sent £369 lls. 10d. for the Jubilee Appeal Fund. They have also sent a further £401 Os. 6d. since the 30th September, 1946. This donation shows an increase on any of the previous years and the Committee is very conscious of the magnificent support the Great Priory of Masonic Knights Templars have given in the past-their total donations to date amounting to over £5,000. The Jubilee Appeal Fund has once again received further support from Lady Plender who has sent a very generous donation of £100, and the Committee would like to take this opportunity of offering their sincere appreciation of this gift. Since the end of the Financial Year, 30th September, 1946, the Committee have received £1,000 as a bequest from the late Lord Plender and it has been decided that a bed should be endowed in commemoration of him. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OVERSEAS. The Committee are once again very grateful for the generous support which has been received from the Priory in Southern Africa, amounting to £832 18s. 2d. and they would like to offer the Priory Hospitaller, Mr. T. H. Watermeyer, K.ST.]., their thanks for his personal effort in maintaining this financial aid. The Priory in Southern Africa have agreed to the Committee's proposal to name a bed in one of the wards of the Old Hospital after the Priory in Southern Africa. The Plaque which is to be hung over the bed is nearly completed and will be sent to Jerusalem in the near future. From the Priory of the Australian Commonwealth, the Committee acknowledges with thanks the collection of £265 19s. 11d. which is a £100 increase on that collected in 1945. The Priory in Canada has sent the sum of £225 6s. 5d. which is a
JUBILEE ApPEAL FUND. The total sum lying to the credit of this fund on the 30th September, 1946, was over £6,000. The Committee has decided that the fund should remain open and that any large donations received should be placed in the Jubilee Appeal Fund and be used, if necessary, for the furnishing and equipping of the South Block and for the purposes of Research which it is hoped will be carried out at some future date. CONCLUSION. The Committee recognizes fully the strain and stress under which the Warden and his staff have been called upon to carry out their devoted work during the perilous year that has passed. They wish to convey to them their genuine thanks for all that they have done in maintaining the Hospital's usefulness and prestige.
Comparative Table of Hospital Statistics. 1943. 1944. 1946. 1945. 1,173 959 In-patients. 1,062 833 19,528 21,776 Out-patients, new 21,482 20,240 130,113 123,172 Attendances, total 123,428 100,650 2,964 2,748 Operations. 1,661 2,599
1942. 1,117 21,149 125,490 2,689
Causes of Blindness.
The Warden's
for the Year 1946.
Political disturbances have dominated the scene in Pale tine throughout the year. Their direct effects on the Hospital have been light, in that they have not interfered with the attendance of our . \rah patient and we have ustained no damage from bomb other than a few broken \vindows. Indirectly, however, the advent of additional troops is an important factor in prolonging our war-tim (liffi uIties and scarcities. The cost of living has risen steadily since the conclu ion of ho tilities. Even in pre-war days it was considerably higher in Pale tine than in England. The index for 1945 reached 260 (that for 19:30 being 100) and for 1946 its peak was 276. The problem also of finding suitable subordinate taff is again more pressing with the influx of troops. Young orderlies are no sooner trained to usefulness than they are drawn away by the excitement of th life round Army camps and hostels. \Var control department still exist and employ as junior clerks many girls who might otherwise adopt nursing as a profession. We have had only one application from a probationer nurse during the year. Work has, however, made teady progress with an all round increa e over that accomplished in the preceding year. New ca e een numbered 21,482, an increase on the 20,240 of 1945. Total con ultation were 123,428, again an increase on the previous year's figure of 110,650. The number admitted was 1,062 as against 833 for the previous y ar. Operations performed numbered 2,599 (1,661 for 191.'3). The e included 530 intraocular operations of which 431 were for cataract. The number of operations performed for trichiasis was 930. General ancesthetics numbered 173. The average duration of stay in Hospital was 9· 3 days. Of the new cases seen 17,448 were Moslems, 3,407 Christians, and 627 Jews . The decline in the number of Jewish patients (the previous year's figure was 2,976) was due to political troubles and curfew restrictions. The total number of patients sufferillg from acute conjunctivitis was 7,736, a slight increase on last year's figure of 6,661. Of these 398 (5'1 per cent) were complicated by corneal ulceration on their firs t visit, and 40 of these had gone on to perforation of the globe. Trachoma was present at one or other stage in 88· 1 per cent of cases attending the H ospital. The iollowing table sets out the causes of blindness in cases examined this year :-
1. Conjunctivitis resulting in (a) Corneal Opacity. (b) econclary Glaucoma (c) Shrunken Globe. 2 . Fundal Conditions :~ Glaucoma (primary) 4. Cataract. 5. Injury Total Causes.
583 ..flO
628 176 292 899 39 3,031
1,851 1,180
:.. ole.-Blind one eye Blind both eyes (590 X 2)
Blindn c1n to cataract (in most cases remediable) occurred in 809 ca Of the remaining 2,132 blind eyes 1,621 were the result of acnte conj uncti\'iti . . . Epidemic conjunctiyiti which is respon ible for 0 much suffenng 111 Egypt and Pale tine receives ever increasing attention by .our own Ho pital and the clinic of the Department of Health of whIch there are now ,15 throughout the country. It i recognized that the problem is mainly a ocial one, and the di ease, like trachoma, will not be controlled until an elem ntary knowledge of hygiene is brought into every home. The Department of Education i helping to bring this about by instruction in its schools and treatment in school clinics. In the treatment of the eli ea c at our Hospital we have been using the sulphonamide drugs almo t as a routine since pre-war day. YVe now have in addition adequate supplie of penicillin. In ome of the ca es treated by the latter the resulting cures have been dramatic. 0 far all cases of t~l~e':ltened P.ostoperative infection have been aborted by the use of pemcillin and smce its use no eye has been 10 t from po t-operative infection. Formerly two or three yes were lost every year from sepsis following operation. This was a remarkably small number in view of the infected trachomatou eye on which one has so often to operate in an Eastern hospital, and was no doubt due to a large extent to a greater immunity to infection possessed by our type of patient. Penicillin has proved its value in these cases and i now used as a routine in the preparation of eyes for operation. During the height of the epidemic season, from July to November, our newly-appointed House urgeon and I were without other medical assistance. Under such circumstances pressure of work prevented any attempt at a controlled study of the value of different methods of treatment. For intensive local treatment with penicillin, and this is frequently required in the virulent type of infection so common here, hospitalization is essential. The Hospitaller has therefore approved the utilization of the former caretaker's fiat over our Annexe as ophthalmia wards for infants and young children, and this will be put into use as soon as cot are procurable. It has the advantage of being an isolation block, with
both enclosed and balcony accommodation and is situated over the infants' out-patient clinic. Suitable sanitation is also being installed in the block comprising the Du~e of Connaught Ward in the main hospital, and this will enable us to mcrease our non-paying accommodation by 8 or 10 beds. This can also be used as an isolation block, when required, for the modern treatment of the more serious cases of acute conjunctivitis in adults. Refraction work is always on the increase in a community such as ours which is making rapid social progress. The amount of work done is limited only by the t~e that can be allotted to it. 1,100 patients were t~ted for glasses dunng the year and 780 prescriptions were given. The difference between the two figures is the number of those whose vision, usually from irregular astigmatism due to corneal scars could not be improved by glasses. ' Fourteen patients were treated with surface application of radium for malignant tumours of the lid. Lo~g awaited equipment~ including a large refrigerator and other electnc~l apparatus, has .a:~ved from England and more is on its way. Our mam post-war ':lcqmsItIo~, howe~er, has been central heating and a hot-:vater system m. the mam HOSPItal. This has been an expensive and difficult undertaking by reason of the fact that our walls are in many cases a metre or more in thickness and built of solid stone. For the month of December we were obliged to empty the wards almost compl~tely and re~uce operations to emergency work only. \Vhile the work IS not yet fimshed, we already have heating and hot water in the oldest block, which includes operating theatre and kitchens staff bathroo~s and patients' washrooms. Its value in increased efficiency and savmg of labour cannot be over estimated. Only one nurse ?f the Department of Health, Nurse Afifeb Bannourah, attended the HOSPItal for three months for a course of ophthalmic training. The year: has brought us many changes in staff : . The Registrar, Dr. Budeiri, resigned on the termination of his contract ill May to take up private practice in Jerusalem. Dr. Budeiri had been on the staff for 10 years and was my only colleague for 3 years during the war. . The ~ouse Sm;-geon, Dr. Rene Naccache, left on the termination of hIS appomtment m June. The. Matron, Miss Anne Hayes, resigned in October as family affairs made It necessary for her to live in England. Miss Hayes had been on the Staff for six years. Dr. Graham Gillan took up his appointment as Registrar in October. Dr. Kamal Salman of Beyrouth was appointed House Surgeon in June. Miss Mildred Millman, who has been on the Staff for eight years was appointed Matron in October. ' S.i sters Ball,. Daughe~y, Oakley, and Robinson arrived to take up theIr. new apP?mtments m the last quarter of the year. With the arrival of S~ster Lome. Jones, the last appointment to be made, our British nursmg staff will be complete. ~h.e Hospital Secretary, Miss Olive Kirkwood, who resigned in 1944 to Jom UN~RA, was reappointed to her former post last March. The HospItal Staff learned with great regret that Colonel Woolrych
Perowne had decided to give up the office of Hospitaller in the early part of the year. Colonel Perowne had gained an intimate knowledge of Palestine on his visits here and he had watched over the growth of the Hospital for many years. We were sorry that Mrs. Perowne's health prevented their paying us a farewell visit. Mrs. Perowne h~ always taken a deep personal interest in our Staff apart from her offiCial work as Hon. Secretary of the Ladies' Linen Guild. Our new Hospitaller, Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson, has not yet been able to visit us personally but sent out Major Underhill as Representative of the Hospital Committee last May. Major Underhill ~pent over three weeks at the Hospital and was able to study our reqUIrements at first hand. On his return the Committee approved the supplying of all our needs and this is being accomplished as goods become available. In retrospect, the year is one of satisfactory achievement in the face of many obstacles. While I cannot pass without mention ~he d.evoted work of our late Matron, Miss Hayes, and present Matron, MISS Millman, who carried on without other trained help for almost the whole of an arduous summer, the members of the Palestinian staff have also done their work well. With the augmented British Staff that we now have we shall be able to maintain the high standard of service which the people of Palestine have come to expect of the Hospital of the Order of St. John. (Signed) NORMAN MANSON, Warden.
Neuritis. Relro Bulbar Neuritis Atrophy
14 2 24
Eye Lids. Trichiasis and Entropion Entropion Spastic Ectropion Cicatricial Ectropion Senile Ectropion Paralytic Ectropion Spastic Ecchymosis ymblepharon Coloboma Blepharitis Ulcerosa Blepharitis Squamosa Lagophthalmos Ptosis Hordeolum Chalazion Eczema. Abscess. Tumour. Rodent Ulcer . Herpes Cyst Colloidal Degeneration of Tarsus Injury
Optic Nerve.
of Diseases.
33 6 20
Pigmented Ncevus Tumour. Phlycten Dermoid Cy..,l
10 15 509 1
:{,::; I..J. 9
3 1..J. 22..J. 1..J. 15 243 140 1) 15 20 15 5 6 24 12
Cornea. Ulcer Simple Ulcer Hypopyon Ulcer Perforated Pannus Nebula or Leucoma. Adherent Leucoma Fistula Xerosis Staphyloma Ectasia Herpes Plaque Descema tocele Facet Keratit.is Superficial Keratitis Macular Foreign Body. Injury
35 119 1,87..J. 3,77 l,G43 9 51 66 151 7 11
6 17 173 12 150 ..J.2
Myopia Hypermetropia Astigmatism Presbyopia
368 402 321 251
Lens. Senile Cataract Congenital Cataract. Traumatic Cataract Complicated Cataract Anterior Capsular Cataract Posterior Polar Cataract Aphakia. Secondary Cataract Membrane. Dislocated Lens
1,275 4..J. 65 7 35 11 435 .53 34
Muscles. Strabismus Convergent Strabismus Divergent Strabismus Sursumvergent Strabismus Alternating Nystagmus 3rd erve Paralysis. 6th Nerve Paralysis.
252 ~2
5 5 7 2 4
Vit1'eoHs. Opacities Hcemorrhage
29 13
Glaucoma. Acute Primary Sub-Acute. ChrOnIC Glaucoma Secondary Glaucoma Absolut.e Glaucoma. Infant.ile Glaucoma.
11 139 :~..J.
100 0 1
Shrunken Ophthalmitis Panophthalmitis Anophthalmos Exophthalmos Injuries (Perforating) Microphthalmos Xerophthalmos Foreign Bodies (Intra-Ocular) Sympathetic Ophthalmia. H.upt.ured
555 2 26 120 27 17 3 30 9 1 6
Orbit. Tumour. Injury
4 2
Conjunctiva. Trachoma Spring Catarrh Acute Conjunctivitis Acute Conjunctivitis with Ulcer Acute Conjunctivitis with Ulcer perforating cornea Chronic Conjunctivitis Angular Conjunctivitis Blepharo Conjunctivitis Traumatic Conjunctivitis. Phlyctenular ConjunGtivitis Pingueculum . Pterygium Symblepharon Tumour. Injury Cyst Ncevus Xerosis Foreign Body.
18,57 :~
80 7,736 398 40 52 292 101 30 22 9 1, 122 44 5 20 8 14 2 16
Lachrymal Apparatus. Dacryocystitis Acute Dacryocystitis Chronic Mucocele Fistula Abscess of Canaliculus
29 86 16 6 4
Sclera. Staphyloma General Anterior Staphyloma Episcleritis Injury
..J.2 356 6 5
Iris. Iritis (and irido-cyclitis) Irido-dialysis (traumatic) Congenital Coloboma Posterior Synechice . Anterior Synechicc Occlusio Pupillce
94 16 1
80 91 18
Choroid. Choroidi tis D issemina ted Choroido Retinitis Choroidal Degenerat.ion (1\Iyopic) Choroiditis Cent.ral .
15 18 IS 11
Eyelids. Trichiasis and EntropionGraft (Mucous Iembrane) Snellen Spencer vVatson . Other Operations Plastic (skin grafting) Chalazion. Wound repair operation Tumour of lid-removal kin Muscle Operation for Ectropion
190 978 10 4 4 29 5 5 4 2
Conjunctiva. Tarsectomy
15 136 6 IS
Pterygium Symblepharon Tumours (removed)
Retina. Retinitis Albuminurica Retinitis Diabetic Retinitis Pigmentosa Macular Degeneration Hcemorrhage Detachment Arterio Sclerosis Embolism Central Artery. Glioma (Retince) Pseudo Glioma
Details of Operations
Lachrymal Apparatus.
16 17 29 23
Excision of Sac Abscess . . . Probing and Syringing. 3-Snip Operation .
63 5 25 9
6 1 5
Cornea. Wound Repair . Scemisch Section.
8 2
Iris. 67 15
Iridectomy Excision of Prolapse
Lens. Ca taract Senile-Simple extraction Combined extraction Membrane Cataract TraumaticLinear Extraction . Soft CataractDiscission (with evacuation)
28 309
40 28
44 Globe .
26 9 55
Decompression operations Enucleation Evisceration . Foreign Body (Magnet)
Orbit. 3 3
Advancement Tenotomy. Recession. Exenteration
344 2,599
Received in London from 1st October, 19-t5, to 30th September, 19-t6. Annual Subscriptions. Donations. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ailesbury, The Marquess of, D.S. O. Allen, Mrs. A. S. Ann, Captain H. T. Archer, Lieut.-Colonel G. L., T.D. Atkinson, Major Sir Arthur, K.B.E. Audland, W. E., M.B.E., M.R.C.S. Barclay, Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs. Hubert Barley, The Rev. J. . G. Barwick, Captain F. M., O.B.E., R.I.N. Beachcroft, Major P. M., O.B.E. Bilton, Mr. and Mrs. F. .... Birmingham County, S.J.A.B., Collection at Parade Blackham, Major-General R . J., C.B., C.M .G., C.I.E., D.S.O ., M.D. Bottomley, F. C., O.B.E., M.D. Bowman, H. E., C.M .G., C.B.E. Brassey, The Countess '" Browne, Brigadier J. G., C.M.G., C.B.E ., D.S.O. Bryce, D. Bucknill, Mrs. S. P. B. Butler, Lady Constance c Cadbury, Mrs. W. A .. Campbell, Miss H. M. Gatt, Lieut.-Colonel P. H. Cecil, Commander The Hon. Henry, O.B.E., R.N. Chambers, Miss E. Clark, Colonel Sir James, R. A., Bt., C.B., C.M.G., F.R.C.S.ED. Clothworkers Company Cockburn, Mrs. Archibald Cook, Mrs. F. H. Cudworth, Miss M. Dalton, Brigadier C. J. G., O.B.E. Dalton, Mrs. J. C. Durham County, two children in Eli bank, The Viscountess Exhibition of St. John Model-Collections at FitzPatrick, Colonel H. L., C.B.E. Ford, Colonel Sir Bertram, T.D., LL.D .. Freshfield, Miss] essica L., R.R.C. Goodman, N. M., M.D. Grantham, W. Ivor . Harrel, W. V., C.B., C.B.E., M.V.O . Harris, Captain The Lord, M.C . Hayward, Colonel E. W. Holroyde, Miss L. M., R.R.C. Howard de Walden, The Lady, C.B.E. Hunter-Weston, Lady India, Masonic Provincial Priory of Inverclyde, Charlotte, Lady, D.ST.]. Lechmere, Captain A. H. . Leverhulme, The Viscount. "L.M.C." Lynch, 'Mra. L. B. Lytton, The Countess of, C.r.
110 110 110 I
220 1
500 9
5 5 2 2
5 8
1 0 1 0 200
220 2 2 0 110 100 9
10 1 1 2
1 10
0 0 0
0 1,000
1 1 0 10 10 0 10 0 1 0 1 0
126 1 10 0
o 7
545 14 11 41
550 1 1 0
110 2 1
2 1
0 0
200 2
100 110 500 1
Annu al Subscriptions. £ s. d. 110 1 10
McRea, Sir Charles . e May, Major F., M. B. E. e ThIitford-Slade, Colonel C. T. Morrison, Commander E . A ., R .N . Mount Grace Preceptory No . 11 8 Nathan, Colonel The Lord. e Newton , Miss F . E. N orton, :Mrs. J . J ., M.B.E .. Norton, R . E ., O .B . E .• No. 1 (Prince of ' Vales's) District, "'est.ern Area, Collection at Church Parade Onward and Invicta Lodge Ko. 2912 Parnham, H. W. Patrick, Sir Paul, K C. I.E., C.S.I. Pratt, Eldon, M.D., M.R.C. S . Preston Corps, Part Collection at Church Parade Red Cross and St. John Central Supplies and Comfort!,; Fund-Preston Depot. Roberts, Sir George, Bt. Royal Kent Preceptory KT 18 1 Calcutta R utler, Lady St. Amand Preceptory of Knights Templar, ' Vorcester St. J ohn's Gate, Collecting Box at St. John's Gate Nursing Division No.2, S.J.A .B .. St. Michael's School, Limpsfield . St. T hom as Precept ory, Bombay, India Sandys, Brigadier-General and Mrs. W. B. R. Shaftesbury, The Countess of Sloan, R. (the late) Sn ell, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn B. Spence, Sir Reginald St eer, Lieut.-Colon el W. R. H ornby Stothert, R. M. . Tapp, Colonel H . A., O.B.E., :'I1.C. Tweedale, 1\1rs., C.B.E., A.R.R.C. (the late) Verey, Lieut .-Colonel H . E ., D .S.O . Vick, H. J., O.B.E. Walker , Miss A. M., M. B. E. Ware, A. M., M .D . • M.R.C.S . Warrender, Miss E. C. W ingate, General Sir Reginald and Lady Worcester County, Northern Area N ursing Corps, Collection at Church Parade
Donations. £ s . d.
2 2 10 10 18
1 1
0 0
o 82<1
2 1 2
2 1
o o o o
10 10 .J.
0 ()
2 0 720 1 3 10 10
2 1
1 1 1
1 1
2 1 2 1
o o 5 o 2 o 1 o 1 o U
o o 1 o 2 o o o 2 o o
£144 10
9 15
'* £1,83 1
12 11
£1,976 3 3
COMMITTEE OF THE ORDER FOR SCOTTISH AFFAIRS Collected b y Major J. Forre t Hamilton, C.St.J ., M.D. , Ho ' pitall e r and Almoner for Scotland , year 19-15/-l6. £ s. d. The :\larchioness of Aiba, D.ST .]. :\lajur Ian A. Anderson, R.A.~I.C. e Colonel ' Yilliam Archibald, O.ST.]., T.D., M.D., D.P.H. Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey, K ST.] . . Lady Barclay-Harvey, C ST.J.. . . Lieut.-Colonel II. ]. Barnes, C.ST.]., ~I.R.C.P. (ED.) The Marchioness of Bute, D B.E., G.C ST.]. The :\larchioness of Bute, D.B.E., G.C.ST.J. c I-rands . amcron-lleacl. Esq., 0 ST ]. '\Iiss Elizabeth Campbell, ;\I.ST.] (' \laJ<Jr :'Ilchael Crichton-Stuart, O.ST J. :'lr~. :'1. U. Crookshank, O.ST.]. c The Earl of Dumfries, CST.]. Lady Dunbar-i\asmith, C.ST.]. The \ ISC(JUntess Elibank, D.ST.]. '1lrs . E :'1 l'raser IlaJfJr .\ .\ Conlon, C.B E , \1.\'.0 , K.ST.] . . .The Dowager Duche 'S of Grafton, D.ST.]. ~Irs II. E . 1\1 . Graham, O.ST.]. . . . . i\ liss Catherine Greig- lI1 remembrance of :'Iajor D. :\1. Greig, I; R.C.S., Hon. Associate TIll; Duchess of TIanlllton e Major J. Forrest IIamiltoll, C.ST.]., "l.D., B.CH. Mrs. :\J. Forrest HamIlton Mrs. J. ?II. I lard Ie, :'II.ST .J. . . . The Yery H.ev. illarshall Lang, O .ST. ]., T.D., D.D. e The Earl of Lindsay, O.ST.J. . . c LieuL.-Colonel R L. T. Murray, O.ST.]. :\1rs. Colina :'Jacdougall of Macdougall, l\LST.]. :' lacGJllivray of MacGillivray, CST]., T.D., "LD., F.R.S. (ED.) e Colonel hric D. Mackenzie, C.!lLG , D.S.O., O.ST.]. . olonel D . ]. ThIackintosh, C.B., M.\.'.O., K .ST.J., "LB. e 1\1rs. ::\rargaret 'V. 1. Maclean, l\LST.]. e Colonel Sir Colin ]UacH.ae, c.v.o., C.B.E., leST.]., V.L. e The Lady Margaret MacRae, O.B.E., D.ST.]. e ::\Irs. illacRae-Gilstrap, D.S1' .] . Mrs. ]. 1. I ewton . . . Major E. II. T. Parsons, C.B.E., K .S1'. J. H. Pirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, D.S.C., K.ST.J., F.S.A. .Mrs. de Grasse Ramsay of Laggan, D.ST.] . . Thlrs. Janei Scott, O.ST.].. . . e Charles Stewari, Esq., M.B.E., O.ST.]., C.A. The Very Rev. C. L. \Varr, C.V.O., CH.ST.]., D.D., LL.D. :\Tajor-General ir Percival ,\Vilkinson, KC.~I.G., C.B., KST.] .
Annual Sub. Donation Annual Sub. Annual Sub. Annual Sub. Annual ub. Donation Annual Sub. Annual ub. Donation ,A nnual Sub. Annual Sub. Annual Sub. Donation Donat.ion Donation Annual Sub. Donation Annual Sub.
Donation A.nnual ub. Annual ub. Donation Annual Sub. Donation Annual Sub. Annual ub. Donation /l.ll11Ual Sub. .\nnual Sub. Donation .\.nnual Sub. .\nnual Sub. Annual Sub. Annual ub. Annual Sub. Donation Annual ub. Donation Annual Sub. Annual Sub. Donation Donation
100 100
440 I 1 0 1 10 660
1 10
200 10 0 0 1
100 10 0 100
220 1
1 1 0 2 2 0 142
1 0
0 0
1 1
0 1
0 0
1 10
110 l' 2 2 2 0
220 2 2 0 110
200 220 1
£140 17
Note.-The letter" e the Covenant.
300 9 1 10 100
before subseribers' names indicates that they have signed
Note. - The letter" e " before subscribers ' names indicates signat ure of t he Form of Covenant.
COLLECTED IN JERUSALEM. Miss H. Ridler, O.B.E., O.St.J., Hon. Treasurer. £P
Mils. 15.000 2.500 5.000 9.890 1.000 3.000 5.000 5.000 1.000 4.000 2.000 5 .565 2.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 4.200 1.000 5.000 5.150
H.E. the High Commissioner, Sir Alan G. Cuningham, K.C.B., D.S.O., M.e . . Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, Sub-Prelate O. St. J. and Mrs. Stewart . Barelays Bank, Jerusalem Mrs. Biggar Miss E. Brown . Judge 'Clive Curry . Consolidated Refineries, Ltd., Haifa Thos. Cook and Son, Jerusalem R. F. B. Crook . Mr. and Mrs. Griffin A. F. Giles Bey, O.B.E. Government Arab College E. Murray Harvey C. A. Hornstone R. W. Hamilton Shukri Jamal H. G. Jakins H. C. H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenniff . r.lasonic Mt. Zion Preceptory, Cape Town . . . . . . Officers and Staff JAAFI/EFI Jorthcrn Palestine (3 donations) per Major 110.705 Tingley . . .. . . . 23.000 Imperial Club, EFI Northern Palestine (2 donations) 2 .000 C. M. Pirie-Gordon 1.000 E. J. Prichanl 2.000 S. H. Perowne, O.B.E., O .ST.]. 4.000 Squadron-Leader G. S. and Mrs. Reed 1.000 K. L. Reynolds, M.B.E. 2 .000 Miss H. Ridler, O.B.E., O.ST.]. 2.000 Judge B. V. Shaw . . . . 2.000 Mr. D. Salameh, A.O.ST.]., and Mrs. Salameh 1.000 Mrs. Williams 1.000 St. Andrew's "Women's Guild 2.100 Lady Strathearn £P232.010
Church Collections. St. Andrew's Church of Scotland . St. George's Cathedral, Jerusalem
11.500 16.696 £P262.306
COLLECTED BY THE PRIORY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA. T. H. Watermeyer, K.St.J., Hospitaller. £ s. d . 2 2 0 Paarl Section of the Cape Town Centre. . . . . . 6 15 0 In memory of the late Miss J. Steele-May (through the Cape Town Centre) 1 1 0 Mrs. E. Savage, O.ST.] . . 250 0 0 St. John's Hospital Fund, Cape Town 550 Witbank Railway Ambulance Division 401 7 7 Durban and District Nursing Division 10 0 0 1st Pietermaritzburg Nursing Division
£ s. d . 6 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 10 6 1 1 0 14 15 1 20 0 0 70 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 10 0
Gardens Nursing Division ]. H. H. Chamberlain, O.ST.]. W. Head, S.B.ST.]. T. H. \Vatermeyer, K.ST.]. Mosse! Bay Rail way Nursing Division Lieut.-Colonel J. M. Watt, O.ST.]. . Durban Railway ursing Division . Miss A. Carr Mlss K. W. Main . . Cape Midland Sub-District, S.A.R. and H. District C. S. A. A vis, S.B.ST.]. . P. J. Roets . D. S. Huski~son, S.B.ST.]. 2nd Benoni Tursing Division ursing Divisions, S.].A.B. Transvaal District ~liss L. E. T. Woof, C.ST.]. Claremont ursing Division E. L. Phillips
£832 18
COLLECTED BY THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND. .J. H. Graham Robert on, C.B.E., V.D., O.St.J., F.R.C.S. (Ed.) Hospitaller N. Canterbury Sub-District. . . . . Retiring Collection, Wanganui S.J.A .B., in July, 1945
£ 3 2
s. d. 0 0 9 7
Wellington Suburban Nursing Division Dunedin Nursing Division
2 1
2 1
Anonymous Motueka Ambulance and Nursing Division, Retiring Collection . Tahunanui Nursing and Cadet Division, Retiring Collection Nelson Corps, Retiring Collection Manawatu Centre, S.J .A.B. . Auckland, S.J.A.B. No.4 Corps . . South Auckland Sub-District Whangarei District . . . . . . No.1, 2, 3, and 4 Auckland Corps, Retiring Collection St. John's Day CollectionsWanganui South Auckland District Wellington District Wanganui Wellington Blenheim and Motueka Rotorua Oamaru New Plymouth Southland St. John Brigade District
£ s. d. 5
1 12
0 0
49 11
54 1
7 0
3 0
0 0
2 10 3 19 10 1 18 0 3 8 2 4 0 0 3 18 9 3 12 7 5 10 6 23 13 8 6 16 3 2 7 4 3 3 6
12 8 4 0 6 0 0 6 17 8 13 6 7 6 12 6 12 11
PRIORY IN CANADA. Senator Th e Hon. Norman McLeod Paterson , C .St.J., Ho pitaller. £ s. d. 22.+ 1.+ 5
Priory in Canada (grant) Miss A. J. Attrill .
1,225 16
St. John Ambulance Brigade ursing Divisions (per Dr. F. ?lIcKay) S. ]. \ \ esl . E. l\cwton Daly, Sydney . ydney Preceptory (KT 186) (per C. ]. Dixon) Launceslon, S.] \ A. Sydney Preceptory (per C. ]. Dixon) Lauy Evelyn Cameron (Brisbane) G E. Johnson (Bri bane)
£ s. d. 15 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 17 6 2 2 0 1 5 8 5 5 0 10 10 0 £265 19 11
Contributions during the year ended 30th September, 1946 .
AUSTRALIA N COl\1~lONWEALTH . Colon el Sir Donald Came ron , K.C.M .G .. O.S.O ., V.D. , O .St.J., Hospitall er [, s. d. The Ven. S. :'II. J uhnstone, Archdcacon of ydneyLectures
7 11 3 0 25 .+ 1.+ 6
Per Sir Donald CameronMessrs. Buckingham, Ltd., Sydney Alex Colquhoun and Sons Dr. G. A. Pockly . Peter Tait Bowral . P. H. Osborne, Sydney . Anonymous, Queensland R. R. Dangar, N.S.W. Orwell Phillips, .S.W. . The Ven. S . M. J ohnstone, Archdeacon of Sydney O. V . Leggo, Sydney Sydney Preceptory . . Sydney Provisional Priory 186 The Rev. ]. R. L. J ohnstone South Australia Centre, S.J .A.A. Hospitallers Club, South Australia Victoria Centre, S.].A.A. (per F. Raven) Launceston, S. J .A.A. (per T. K. Robson)
1 10 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 10 1
1 2 2 3
1 1
2 1 1 10
19'+6 .
6 0 0
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
---5 5 7 15 1 1 10 10 10 0 5 0 20 0 5 5
s. d.
s. d. 7 16 1 369 11 10 20 0 0 100 0 0 2.+ 1.+ .+
5 0 50
Queensland (per Capt.ain E. R B. Pikc)Brigadier R ?II. toclart. Supt.. E. Slaughter G. Rees Lady ?lIacarlney G. E. Hosier. V. Drury (the latc) J. Cunningham R. J. :'loore . Mrs. H. Robertson Mrs. L. E. Pike Captain E. R B. Pike Mrs. Y. E. Drury .
D. Ecmp Edwanls ..... Order of the Temple, Great Pnory of England and \Vales C \Y. D. argill Thompson The La(l y l'lcndcr . L. :'IcCormick-Gooclhart
64 16 5 0 2 2 1 16 2 0 10 17 7 25 0 40 0 3 3
0 0 0 6 0 6 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
£ s. d. Balance at 30th September, 19.+G . . 6,5 5 11 10
s. d. £ Balance at 1st October, 1945 5,919 9 7 Contributions 522 2 3 I nter est on Investment IH 0 0
£6,585 11 10
£6,5 5 11 10
Note.-The letter" Form of Covenant. 17
' I
"before a subscriber 's name indicates signa t ure of the
Linen Guild. ~reat~nt
A very generous contribution of £300 had been most gratefully received from Canada, whilst another token of kindly forethought was a gift of one dozen sheets and two dozen pillow slips for the Hospital, presented by the Officer in Command of the Canadian Contingent of the t. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas, which was now returning to Canada, arrangements being made for their dispatch to Palestine as soon as the necessary Import Licence had been obtained.
In response to the Warden and the Matron's earlier request that further emblems should be embroidered for the bed centres in the Hospital wards, bearing the heraldic arms of t. John, to replace those which were beginning to show the wear and tear of time, for these had alwa s attract d attention in their pleasing uniformity, Somerset has already completed sixteen" to be presented to the Ophthalmic Hospital in commemoration of the year of Victory, 1945 ", and these were being dispatched in the safe custody of newly appointed Sisters leaving to take up their posts in Palestine. It had been hoped that the entire three dozen, being the number agreed to from Somerset, would have been completed before the end of 1946, but great delay was caused by the extreme difficulty in procuring the essential materials, as \-yell as the correct h raldic designs which were eventually redrawn for this purpose, the samples sent home from Jerusalem not entirely meeting vlith the last Ho pitaller's approval, so that it was late spring before any commencement could be made. The workers have shown great industry, and skilful application in their by no means easy task, and the letter of thanks from the present Hospitalier to each individual Division has given the utmost pleasure in testifying to the appreciation of their handicraft. It would be invidious to select any in particular as most worthy of praise, but that bearing the name of Glastonbury is possibly foremost in reviving the early traditions of our country's history, whilst a very beautifully embroidered emblem, presented on behalf of the County Nursing taff, has perhaps pride of place in that it was in this neighbourhood of Taunton at Michin Buckland that the first Priory for Sisters of the Order in England was installed as early as the twelfth century. This emblem was further honoured by being taken to Marlborough House for our President's inspection, and Her Majesty Queen Mary was graciously pleased to express her approval, and later it was to be included in a carefully selected trio to be on view at a St. John Exhibition held during the summer at Taunton. The Guild is deeply indebted to Lady Wilton, until recently a County Officer in Somerset, who gladly, although at some inconvenience to herself, undertook the supervision of this work, and whose skilled and clever needle not only provided finishing touches where necessary, but undertook much of the beautiful embroidery herself; whilst an expression of deep gratitude is offered to Mr. F. H. F. Calway, Director of Pearsall's, whose generous gift of silks made the work possible, supply on the market at that time still being unobtainable of the right texture and shade. Further presentations are being made by the Marchioness of Normanby, and the Marchioness of Bute, whilst others are in process of being completed in Hertfordshire and other counties, which likewise
Report of the Committee of the Linen Guild for 19-+6. The year under review has been a satisfactory one for the Linen Guild. The generous gifts recently made by the Joint War Organization at the termination of European hostilities had largely reduced the demands of the Ophthalmic Hospital, though the general recurring expenses of the linen room amounted to some £78 15s. 6d. According to custom, purchase was made in London of uniforms for Nurses going out to Jerusalem to complete the Hospital staff, whilst items which needed immediate attention were the "Cumbazes" or native garments which were urgently required for those on duty at the Hospital. These had not been replenished for many years, and had become shabby with constant wear. Material is still scarce in Palestine, and what is available, expensive, but sufficient was acquired to substitute where most needed, to be tailored locally. But this year's less heavy demand upon the annual outlay of the Linen Guild enabled its members to take advantage of the original ruling that if funds permitted, it may from time to time help in the contribution of other equipment for the Hospital, whether domestic, medical, or surgical. The Chairman's suggestion that eighteen new mattresses should be provided by the Guild for new beds which were on order by the Hospital Committee, was readily agreed to by its members, who were likewise pleased to vote sufficient funds towards the bedding for children's cots which were also being acquired. Adequate linen cupboards were further necessities towards which the members of the Guild felt they would like to contribute, and for these estimates are still being submitted. Advice is also being sought from the Matron as to the best selection of a gift amounting to £10 as a memorial offering from the Harrogate Nursing Division in memory of the late Chairman of the Guild, Robinia, Viscountess Mountgarret.
will be eagerly awaited, as the beds in the Hospital are likely to increase, and therefore further coverlets be required.
Committee, whilst among t the more recent appointments to the Guild is that of the Hon. 1\1rs. opland Griffiths, Lady Superintendent-in-Chief for Overseas, whose knowledge of the work of St. John, especially in Palestine, i acclaimed by all concerned. May I, in conclusion, record my appreciation and gratitude for the kindly support and loyalty of the various members of the Guild. The Committee also owes its indebtedness to the unfailing assistance and court y of Iajor nderhill and Miss Larmuth at Headquarters for their i~valL1able a sistance during this period of transition, and most particularly may I offer my thanks for the encouraging support of the Ho pitall r, ir l£red \Vebb-Johnson, to whom the Linen Guild is deeply indebted. RUBY CROMER, Chairman.
RECO STRUCTIO Po ibly the year 1946 will be chiefly memorable to the Linen Guild for the reconstruction of its Committee. In order to enable this to co-operate more closely with the needs of the Hospital, the Chairman of the Linen Guild was appointed to represent it on the Hospital Committee under the Chairmanship of the Ho pit aller, ir Alfred \Vebb-Johnson, thereby becoming its first lady member. It was agreed that in future all document and records dealing with the Linen Guild should be kept at the H.Q. Office at the Gate, and subsequently it was decided that the quarterly meetings of the Hospital Committee should be followed at near intervals bv that of the uild, so that this should work in closer co-ordination with the needs of the parent body to which the Guild is subsidiary. Permission had already been graciously granted by the President, Her Majesty Queen lary, to invite the Countess of Lytton, .r., to be Deputy Chairman, who together with her distinguished hu band had for long been very closely connected with the Order, whil t a similar po t was agreed to as assistant to the Hon. ecretary, so that in the event of illness, the work should carryon unimpeded. During the summer of 1946, after many months of precariou h alth most bravely borne, Mrs. Woolrych-Pero\',rne found it nece sary to relinquish the post of Hon. ecretary, which she had filled with such selfless devotion. Under the honoured Presidency of Queen Mary, and with the support of a carefully selected Committee, Mrs. Perowne had originally helped to inaugurate the Linen Guild, ever since watching ov r its progress, and during the difficult years of war, when the Guild could meet but rarely, had mainly shouldered its responsibilities. At one of the last meetings she was able to attend, Mrs. Perowne announced that perhaps it was generally scarcely known that since the Linen Guild wa started in 1926, it had made a gift of no less than £1,000 to the cost of a new wing to this Hospital. A message of deepest concern and sympathy was voted upon Mrs. Perowne's illness at the Autumn Meeting, combined with deep appreciation of such long and devoted service. The President graciously agreed to Lady Malcolm of Poltalloch, C.B.E., being appointed Hon. Secretary in succession, being herself one of the original members of the Guild, and the Chairman welcomed her warmly on behalf of the Committee. Other changes had already taken place. Great regret was expressed when at the February Meeting a letter was read from Lady Margaret MacRea offering her resignation owing to her inability to travel, due to ill-health, in which she suggested that her place on the Committee should be filled by somebody more useful. The Marchioness of Norman by likewise felt that owing to her rare visits to London she should relinquish her membership, and her moral support will be greatly missed, whilst the Marchioness of Bute has felt it incumbent upon her to transfer her activities to the cottish Section now inaugurated in Scotland. The Duchess of Hamilton and Brandon has also resigned from the
Linen Guild of the Ophthalrnic Hospital at Jerusalem. Receipts and EApencliture Account for the year ended 30th September, 19-16. EXPE DITURE. Linen Room Cumbaz Capes and Cloaks Printing and General Expenses . . . . Loss on Exchange-Australia
RECEIPTS. £ s. d. 7 15 7 Balance at 1st October, 1945 68 16 11 3% Defence 36 10 0 Bonds .£150 0 3% Savings 10 17 0 Bonds, 19604 0 70 100 0 3% Savings 195 3 6 Bonds, 196575 150 0 eptember, Cash at Bank 15-1 3
Balance at 30th 1946£150-3 % Defence £100- 3% Savings 1960-70 . £150-3 % Savings 1965-75 . Cash at Bank.
0 0 0 0 55-1
Bonds 150 0 Bonds, . . 100 0 Bonds, 150 0 . 404 10 £999 14
0 Members' Subscriptions : Vice-Presidents. £90 8 Associate Members 4 2 0 Honorary Members 10 5 0 6 Donations Interest on Investments 0
s. d.
104 15 . 328 1 12 15
0 0 0
£999 14
0 0 0
£ s. d.
Subscriptions and Donations. From 1st October, 19~5, to 30th September, 19-16. VICE.PRESID ENTS.
i Adams, Mrs. Hugh • . . Airlie, The Dowager Countess of, G.B.H. Bartholomew, Mrs. C. W . Brassey, The Countess . Bute, The Marchioness of, D.B.H. Byrne, Miss V. J., O .B.H. • Cadbury, Dame Elizabeth, D.B.H. Camden, The Marchioness, C.B.E . . Campbell, Lady . . Chetwode, Lady (the late) Copland-Griffiths, The Hon. Mrs .. Cromer The Countess of . . Dawso~ of Penn, The Viscountess, O.B .E . Elibank, The Viscountess Farndon, Mrs. E. B . . . Forester, The Dowager Lady French, Lady Essex, O.B .E . . . Grafton, The Dowager Duchess of. Graham, Mrs. M. B. Grayson, Lady Mulleneux . Halifax The Countess of, C.l. Hambl~den, The Dowager Viscountess Hann, Mrs. H. F . . . . . Harcourt, The Dowager Viscountess, G.B.H. Henn-Collins, The Hon. Lady Hunter-Weston, Lady Inverclyde, Charlotte, Lady. James, Lady Serena Lechmere, Mrs. C. M. LythaU, Miss A. E. . . Lytton, The Countess of, C.l. MacRae-Gilstrap, Mrs. Malcolm, Lady, C.B.E. Mills, Mrs. J. H. Morgan, Mrs. Hickman . . . . . . c Mountbatten of Burma, The Viscountess, D.C.V.O., C.B.E. Normanby, The Marchioness of, O.B.E. Norton, Mrs. J. J., M.B.H.. • Nunburnholme, The Dowager Lady Onslow, The Countess of, C.B.E., A.R.R.C. Overend, Miss L. • Perowne, Mrs. Woolrych Perowne. The Hon. Mrs . V. Peters, Lady, A.R.R.C. Pine-Gordon, Mrs. H. Pixley, Miss E . M Plender. The Lady . Plymouth, The Countess of . Po chin , Miss F. M. • Rice, The Hon. Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. M. . Salisbury, The Marchioness of Scarbrough, The Countess of Smith, Miss H. M., A.R.R. C . • Strathearn, Lady Strickland, The Lady, D.B.E. Stuart, Mrs. Man
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
s. 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
o o o o o o o 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 110
110 1
1 1 1 1 1 I 1
(the late)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
200 1 1 0 110
£ s.
Tildsley, The Hon. Mrs. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D. Tuker, Miss M. A. R. Tulloh, Miss L. W .• R.R.C. Tweedale, Mrs. E. A., C.B.E., Walker, Miss A. M., M.B.E. WarneIord, Mrs. M. E. Warrender, Miss E. C. Whitaker, The Hon. Mrs. Wills, Lady
Aldridge, Miss E. A. Mooring Bucknill, Mrs. S. P. B. Christopher, Mrs. A. C. Seton Lascelles, Mrs. Edward Wollaston, Lady
110 100 1 1 0
110 1 1 0
£ s.
220 1 1 1
1 1 1
0 0 0
220 1
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1
110 1
200 1 1 10 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1
0 1
0 0
1 1 1
1 1 1
0 0 0
1 1 0 3 3 0 110
220 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 110 110 1 1 0 1 1 0
HONORARY MEMBERS. Berks, Miss W. C. E. Billing, Miss M. G. Freshfield, Miss J. L., R.R.C. Gaskell, Lady Constance Milnes Gladstone, The Viscountess . Hardy, Lady Katharine Howard de Walden and Seaford, The Lady, Mi tchell, Mrs. E. Osborne. Miss R., C.B.E., R.R.C. Perley, Lady Roberts, Miss E. M., R.R.C. Rowlette, Mrs. G. M. Savory, Miss E . M. Watson, Mrs. D. B., O.B.E. Weaver, Mrs.
110 10 0 o 0 10 1
0 0
10 10 1
0 0
10 10 10 10
0 0 0 6
s. d.
DONATIONS. Canada, Ladies Linen Guild in " . . . . . Harrogate Nursing Divisions, S.J.A.B., Officers and Members of . Lindsay, The Countess of . " ' " Magniac, Mr.s. Claude Stock, Mrs. Henry . Warrender, Miss E. C.
300 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 110 500
200 £328
Note.-The letter the Covenant.
c" before subscribers' names indic[ltes that they have signed
AGREEMENT TO CONTRmUTE TO THE OPHTHALMIC HO PITAL IN JERUSALEM OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN. .. Then in. Palestine, .w sober grandeur stood, A HospItal that, mght and day, received The pilgrims of the 'West and, when 'twas asked, . "Who are the noble founders?' Every tongue At once replied, ' The Merchants of Amalfi ' . That Hosp~tal, when Godfrey scaled the wall'S, Sent forth ItS holy men in complete steel, ;,\nd hence, the cowl relinquished for the helm, ~hat chosen band, valiant, invincible, So long renowned as Champions of the Cross In Rhodes, in l\Ialta." Samuel Rogers (Italy).
Subscribers to our Hospital, liable to Incomo Tax in the United Kingdom, would, by signing the following Covenant, be able to increase the amount of their gift, for Income Tax would be recovered by the Hospital. In the case of death, before the end of the seven years, the Agreement is void and creates no charge on the Estate of the deceased. FORM OF COVENANT. I ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
of ..................................................................................................................................................................................... . HEREBY COVENANT with the ORDER OF T. JOH T OF JERUSALEM that during a period of seven years from the date hereof, or during my life (whichever shall be the horter period) I will payout of my general fund of taxed income for the benefit of the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem of the said Order such yearly sum as after deduction of Income Tax at the rate for the time being in force will leave the net yearly sum of............................................................ * so that I shall receive no personal or private benefit in any of the said periods from the above annual sum or any part thereof. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this .................................... day of...................................................... 194
FORM give and
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said............................................................ ·....... ·.. ·........ ·· ................................................................... . in the presence of Name of Witness .............................................................................................................................................. .. Address ........................................................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................................
Occu pa tion ..............................................................................................:...................................................... . When you have completed the above Covenant will you please forward same to: The Hon. Treasurer, St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C. 1.
Here insert in words the amount of the net yearly sum.
bequeath unto the Trea mer for the time being
In titution known GRAND
(Signed) ........................................................................................ ..
by the name of THE
T. JOH:>I OF JERUSALEM the sum of
of OF
the THE
.. ...... .. ... .. ..
(free of duty) to be applied towards accomplishing the Charitable designs of the said Institution. N. B.-Laml ~?d Money secured on Land can now be given to charitable uses under the conditions enacted by the" Charitable Uses Act, 1891, 54- & 55 Vic. c. 73 '.
'ttbe \Srano ~rior\? in tbe :fl3ritisb lRealm of ~be \l)enerable ~rber of tbe lbospitaI of 51. 30bn of 3eruealem
St. 3-ohn Bmbulance Bssociation
Report for the Twelve Months ended 31st December, 1946
{t/Jc <Bralll> IPrior}2 III tl)c 1.13rtlll3/J 1Realm of tbe lJ)cncrnble 0riJcr of tbc 'fbospita[ of St. Jobn of Jerusalem AMBULANCE DEPARTMENT
'[be $t. 30bn HI11011lancc Hssociation. lPatron: HI S l\1AJESTY THE KI~G.
(Sovereign Head of the Order.) lPrcsil>~nt
(Grand Prior of the Order.)
IDircctor of :ambulance: Gl~l\~RAL
:assistant IDircctor of :tlmbulancc: l\IA J OR-GENERAL 1'. V. B.
WITTS, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.
ablcf Secretar}2: CAPTAIN
A. N.
:accountant: Accou TANT
:assistant Sccrctar}2 : O.
Stores .Manager: H. A.
1beab ($)fffcc:
E.C. 1.
B nlbulaHce (t011l1111ttCC: (Consisting exclusively of Members of t.he Order.)
1st IY!ay, 1947 <!bmn1Um: GENERAL SIR CUVE LIDDELL, K.C.B., C.M.G., C.B.g., D.S.O. (Director o( lhe DeparLment.)
R epyesentatives of Subordinate EstablisJ/lJ/cnts. Priory for 'Vales-The Hon. Jom, BRUCE. Priory in Southern Africa-TuE HT. lION. TllE EARL OF CL\RF"'DON, K.G, G.C.V.O., G.C.i\1.G., P.C. Priory in C a n a d a - . , . . . . .' . ~ Priory in New Zealand-rn~ Vrscou",r ])LEDISL.oE, G~C.;I.1.~:: h..H.J:.,.I .. Priory in Australia (excluclmg " 'eslern Auslralla) 1][1, hI. Ilu ... J lIL LOld) \V AKEHURST, K.C.i\1.G.
Representatives of the Association Sub-Co/llJllittee. LADY DUNBAR-I ASMITH, O.B.E. \V. P. KENNEDY, ESQ., L.R.C.P.&s. \V. G. PAPE, ESQ., O.B.E. '\
~Represent.ing H,allway Cent.res.
Repyesentatives of the Brigade S1Ib-Committee. COL. SIR BERTRAi\1 FORD, T.D., D.L. 1IAJOR A. C. ViTHITE KNOX, O.B.E., i\l.c., ;,1 B N. CORBET FLETCHER, ESQ., O.B.E., M.A., i\1.13., 1I1.17..C.S.
Additional Member. SIR 'VILLIAM SHENTON.
:association Sub:::::(tommittee : <!bafrnUHl :
IDeput}2 <!bairmRn:
MAJOR-GENERAL F. V. 13. WITTS, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O" (Assistant Director of Ambulance)
THE T. jOH AMBULANCE A OCIATIO .... The Director of the Ambulance Department and the Ambulance Committee of the Order have the honour to submit the following Report of the work of the t. john Ambulance Association for the information of His I~oyal Highness The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. The Committee welcomes The Lord Wakehurst, KC.M.G., who has been appointed by H.R.H. The Grand Prior to serve on the Committee as the representative of the Priory of the Australian Commonwealth: it also welcomes the following additional members who have been appointed by H.R.H. The Grand Prior to serve with them on the Committee : , ir William henton, Major A. . \Vhite Knox, O.B.E., M.C., 1\1.13., Lieut.-General ir Hellr\' Pownall, K.C.I3., K.13.E., D.S.O., M.C.) and, a joint ecretary, l\Iajor P. G. Darvil- mith, C.B.I'. In offering this welcome the ommittee also cordially congratulates ~hjor A. . \\'hite Knox, ~1.C., ~I.B., on the a\\'ard of the O.B.E., and would take this opportunity to ext.encl its congratulations also to Colonel ir James leeman, ( .13., c.~r.G., C.13.E., ~I.Y.O., on receiving a Knighthood, and to ~Ir. H. A. J. \\'rigglcsworth, the tores l\Ianager, on the award of the M.B.E. The ommittee record ' with regret the death of Mr. E. Uzzell, a Deputy Member of the ommitt e, who pa sed away in ::'IIay. By his death the outh rn H.ail\\'ay entre has also been deprived of his valuable services as Centre ecretary. The Committee also record with regret the deat.h of another of its colleague, aptain \V. Goodley, O.B.E., hI.C., on 3rd january, 1947. Captain Goodley had been connected \\'ith ambulance work for over fifty ears, having obtained his First Aid Certificate in 1895. Prior to the grouping of Eailway , Captain Goodley was Centre ecretary of the Great Ea tern Eailway Centre and, after the grouping, he accepted the same office in the Great Central and Great Northern ections of the London and North Eastern Raih,'a\', a well a on the ::\fidland and Great Northern j oint Committee. It is "not pos ible in the pace of this Report to enumerate all Captain Goodley' manifold activities for the Order, and it mu t suffice to add that in 1932 he was appointed Commissioner of No. 1 Di tri ct of the t. John Ambulance Brigade, and by his zeal, industry and tact, raised the District (the largest in the Brigade) to its present high standard.
The Committee congratulates the Commanderies in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand on their elevation to the status and dignity of Priories of the Order. These Subordinate Establishments of the Order have been responsible in recent years for the administration and conduct of the activities of the Association within their areas, and under their guidance and encouragement great strides have been made. The West Australia Centre has also to be congratulatecl on it elevation to the status of a Commandery of the Order, a well merited honour. ST. JOlIN COU CILS .
As announced in lhe last H.eport, Chapter-General has decided to set up St. john Councils in every county to further the work of the Order generally. By the end of the year such Councils had been set up in the following counties : Bucki nghamshire Cheshire Devonshire Dorset
Gloucestershire Jersey Ioriolk
taffordshire Suffolk Sussex
They are in process of being set up in the following Essex Guernsey I<:ent County of Palatine of Lancaster
County of London Leicestershire Middlesex Oxfordshire omerset
s :-
\Vest Hiding of Yorkshire East H.icling of Yorkshire North W<ling of Yorkslmc \\'orces t.ershire
Provisional Regulations for the guidance of entres and Bral1ch~s in those counties in which t. John Councils have been set up, wcre published during the year. ., . It is hoped that all Centres and Branches WIll gIVe theIr ouncil the fullest support, and will co-operate as clo ely as possible. L STRUCTION.
The past year has been one of undiminished activity notwithstanding a decrease in the number of certificates issued and cla e held. Old contacts have been revived and new ones have been made, and this has been accomplished in spite of the fact that it still remains difficult to obtain the services of Lecturers and Examiners. Quite an appreciable number of doctors are still serving with the Forces, and of those who have returned, many are fully occupied in their practices; others have mo\'ed to new localities where they are busy building up new practices. The result is that the Association makes many calls on the comparati\'ely few doctors available, and it is only by great self-sacrifice on their part that they can make time to lecture and examine. The ommittee takes this opportunity of recording its grateful thanks to all members of the medical profession for their co-operation, as well as to those member of the nursing profession who have devoted so much time to the instruction and examination of classes in Home Nursing and Child \Velfa~e. In the case of Child Welfare the co-operation of Health Visitors has been of the greatest value. . . . With the very gradual approach to more normal tunes the ll1creasmg number of classes arranged among the Police Forces of the country is gratifying, as also the resumption of classes in the National Fire ervicc. Classes for the instruction of personnel in the London Passenger Transport Board have been resumed, while the Medical Officer of Holloway Prison and the Governor of Bedford Prison are also arranging for their Offic.ers to be instructed in First Aid. In addition, classes for prisoners are held from time to time. Figures for the year for Certificates issued at home are as follows : First Aid . Home Nursing Hygiene Sanitation. Cookery Child Welfare Wales.
1946. 27,968 7,781 935 11
1945. 24,806 9,670 1,663 -!-!
28 2,445
39,250 4,463
38,656 2,797
It is interesting to record that the D.D.M.S., Allied Land Forces, SouthEast Asia, is arranging for the formation of classes in two British Divisions; that the instruction of German Police will shortly begin, the textbook of the Association having been translated into German for this purpose; that full information has been forwarded to an U.N.R.R.A. Welfare Officer, for the instruction of Displaced Persons in Austria, and also to the Catholic Committee for Relief Abroad; that copies of the
Home Nursing Textbook have been sent to Germany at the request of the ontrol Commis ion for the instruction of English speaking Germans, in anticipation of an epidemic of respiratory diseases; and that the Inspector of Police in Bahrain, Persian Gulf, is also arranging classes for the benefit of Police Cadets. The total of C~rtificates i sued by Subordinate Establishments of the Order and by Centres and Branches of the Association Overseas are as under, and compared with the figures for the previous year show a decrease, but this is only to be expected after the large totals recorded during the \Var. Priory in outhern Africa Priory in Au tralia Commandery in We t Au lralia Priory in Canada Priory in ew Zealand
.\DE. Bl!.R;\IUDA BRITISH GUL\:\A British Honduras British " 'cs t Indies : The Bahamas BARBADOS ]A;\IAICA Leeward I slands TIU;-;IDAD and TOBAGO \\'indward Islands l. Vincent 13UI{i\IA EYLON . 'yprus East Afri ca : KENYA TANGA YI1\:" UGA DA Zanzibar Egypt Fiji GIBRALTAR HONG I<:ONG INDIA MALAYA and SINGAPORE ::\IALT A and Gozo EWFOU DLAND Palestine. Sudan \Vest frica:Gambia GOLD COAST NIGERIA Sierra Leone
This Year. 11,612 8,105 906 42,571
Last Year. 7,942 10,593 1,098 65,444 7,457
59 10
59 42 10
51 244 97
344 12
458 49
39 22 2 20 26
149 76 96 18 41
409 50 686
32 97,647
131 ,073
(Cent.res of the Association are shown in capital leUers.) RE-EXAMINATIO~
. During the period under review, the issue of re-examination awards IS as under, and while it will be noticed that there has oeen a considerable
decrease in the numbcr of Iedallions i sued, it is a tisfactory to End that there has been an increase in the number of Labels and Pcndant
Medallions Labels Pendants
1946. England, Prior), Ireland, alld jar Overseas. Wales. 5546,500 6,436 36,916 67 16,2 3
Tola/. 7,05443 ,352 16,96 1
1945. EnglaJ/d, 1>1101), IrelaJ/d, for alld 11' alt's. Overseas. 6~5 13,393 G,873 32,054 ISL 13,55 1
Total 14-,018 38,927 1:l,74-0
66,6 5
The issue of Labels and Pendants in metal, which was di continu d at the end of 1941, has now been resumed, but only on a limitcd seal. \\'c were informed by the manufacturer of the e awards at the cnc1 of 1 ~) 1.") that they could accept an order for 160,000 Labels and 30,000 Pendant, which they could supply in small and regular deliverie beginning at Easter, 1946. They would not, however, be able to supply in silver or gold, nor could they supply miniatures as wcll as full-size. An. order \:'as accordingly placed, and after a small stock for each of the year 111 q uestlOn had been laid in, and after an announcement had been made that we could accept applications, labour and fuel difficulties prcvcn ted thc manufacturers from keeping up their deliverie , with the result that by the end of the year less than 25,000 Labels had been deli\·crecl. 2:i,01l Labels and 10,920 Pendants have been i sued during the year in redcmption of (( endorsements" made previously on Record arel. Thc manufacturers are unable to say when they will be able to complete delivery, and in the meanwhile Headquarters is unable to deal with applications which are coming in daily, thereby causing congestion in thc office and disappointment to applicants, a situation which is most unfortunatc and regrettable, but beyond the control either of Headquarters or the manufacturers. Incidentally it will be seen from the figures quoted above and in the table at page 13 that the Awards Department has dealt with a total of 93,630 awards, a figure only once previously surpassed. CHILD WELFARE.
During the year the Committee reviewed the whole position regarding the Adult Course oj Child Weljare, the first examination of which was held in July, 1945. In the twelve months which followed, 94 classes were examined, 1,157 candidates passed and 85 failed. Forty of these classes were instructed by Health Visitors and 29 by Doctors and H ealth Visitors jointly. Forty-five classes were examined by Doctors and 42 by Health Visitors. In the case of the Preliminary Course oj Child Weljare, the first examination took place in September, 1944, and during the 24 months which followed 290 examinations were held, at which 3,594 candidates passed and 174 failed. Doctors examined 77 classes and Health Visitors examined 180. In the opinion of the Committee the courses are popular and furnish useful information, and every effort is being made to encourage Divisions of the Brigade to arrange classes. The Committee reviewed the Regulations for the courses and came to the conclusion that very few modifications were required; but, in order to simplify matters without detracting from the value of the Certificate, the following modifications were made : (a) That persons employed as Health Visitors by County and County Borough Councils be accepted as Examiners and as Lecturers on the course even if not in possession of the Health Visitor's Certificate.
(b) That the National Nursery Certificate of the Ministries of Health and Education be recognized by the Association in common with the Nursery Nurses' Diploma of the National Society of Children's urseries, which it supersedes. (c) That the war-time measure whereby Health Visitors and State H.egistered Nurses are authorized to lecture on the complete course become peace-time procedure, and similarly, that Doctors be rccognized as Lecturers on the whole of the course. The Committee considered the question of relaxing the qualifications req llired of ~ tate Registered urses, and there was unanimity in the \'iew that any relaxation would be inadvisable. REGULATIO S FOR CLASSES.
In order to facilitate the formation, instruction, and examination of cla se during the war, the Regulations for Classes \-vere modified so as to allow lecture to be held at lesser intervals than a week; classes of mixed excs in H ome Nursing were permitted, provided that the sexes were kept eparate during the practical instruction, a stipulation which also applied to the practical instruction of classes in First Aid; and it was permissible for cla ses in eJ-ifferent ubjects to be held concurrently. These war-time modifications have now been reviewed and the Committee has decided to revert to the pre-war regulation that there must be an interval of a week between lectures in the same subject, but to allow the other wartim modification relating to concurrent classes and to classes of mixed sex to become normal procedure in peace-time. Furthermore, there is no longer any tipulation that the sexes need be segregated during either the theoretical or the practical instruction of classes in First Aid and Home ursing. PUBLICATIONS.
Consequent on the publication of the Supplement to the First Aid Textboo/? which came into circulation at the beginning of the year, a 'ltpple?nent to the Jov[anual (( A Preh1ninary Course oj First Aid" has been prepared and will be publi hed during 1947. The Elementary Manual 1'11, First Jhd for the HO'lf,sewije, and the Elementary Manual in Home ~lrsing for the Ho'usewlje, written for the Association by Dr. Gladys Danby, M.B.E., and by Miss Miller, S.R. ., respectively, have now taken more definite shape, and are being printed. These Manuals will also be in circulation next year. even of the eight chapters which will comprise the Manual on Industrial First Aid have now been written, and the final chapter is in preparation. As soon as the complete script is available, it will be submitted to the appropriate authorities for consideration. Owing to circumstances beyond the control of the reviser, the revision of the Hyg~'ene Textbook has progre ed but slowly, and it is unlikely that the new Edition will appear in the near future. COMPETITIONS.
Owing to the continuing difficulties in finding accommodation and Judges, and possibly even Competitors, it was decided that it would not be possible to hold the Inter-Railway and the National Police Competitions in First Aid during the year. The Police Authorities have been approached as to the possibility of holding the National Competition in 1947, but it has reluctantly been decided that this will not be possible. A meeting of Railway representatives was held in Odober, when it was
8 decided to hold the first post-war Inter-Railway Competition in June, 1947, the fiftieth anniversary of its institution, and plans are already in progress. Many Provincial Competitions are being resumed, uch as those organized by various Collieries Ambulance Leagues, the General Post Office, and Gas Companies. Mr. G. Craft has been appointed Competition ecretary in uece ion to Mr. D. G. Monteith, whose resignation from the service of the Order is reported elsewhere in this Report. PLA
The St. John Reconstruction and War Relief Committee et up by the Order during the war, having accompli hed its main ttl k wa reconstituted during the year and became the Planning ub- ommittee of the Ambulance Committee. ir \Villiam henton kindly con I1tecl to retain the Chairmanship and a number of meetings have been held during the year. This Sub-Committee keeps in touch with variou 1\1ini trie ancl Government Departments, and it has made the neces ary contacts in matters such as First Aid in Industry, First id in Civil A\'iation, \V Hare Workers in Service Hospitals, assistance in connection with the ~ Tationa1 Health Service, and Hospital Car ervice. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOT SUB-COMMITTEE.
In the same way as the St. John Reconstruction and \Var Relief Olllmittee of the Order became the Planning ub-Committee, so a1 0 the Order ad hoc Sub-Committee, under the Chairmanship of the Hon. John Bruce, which had investigated (amongst other things) the po sibilitie of Medical Comforts Depots, has become a ub-Committee of the Ambulance Committee, and continued its investigations into the development of these Depots. 0 much good work has been done by the 1edical Comforts Depot Sub-Committee that at the close of the year there were 447 Depots throughout the country. . PUBLICITY SUB-COMMITTEE.
During the year it was decided that the Publicity Sub-Committee of the Brigade should become a Sub-Committee of the Ambulance Committee. Much good work had been done by the original Committee under the Chairmanship of Lady Dunbar-Nasmith, O.B.E., and on her resignation she was succeeded as Chairman by Major-General F. V. B. Witts, C.B., C.B.E., D.S .O., M.C., but the Committee is fortunate in retaining Lady Dunbar-Nasmith as a member. Several meetings have been held during the year. The Sub-Committee has been engaged in the preparation of Posters and Leaflets, and is investigating the possibility of producing a Publicity Film. • EXHIBITION SUB-COMMITTEE.
It is well known that the Exhibition oi Models illustrative of the work of the Order and the activities of the Association and Brigade has proved a great attraction wherever it has been shown . It has brought the work of the Order and of its Departments prominently to the notice of the Public and has secured many recruits for the Brigade. Great credit for this is' due to Mrs. McCorquodale and her Committee, which has now become a Sub-Committee of the Ambulance Committee. Plans are in hand for a number of new models. The Committee is also indebted to Lady Marks, who has arranged for the showing of the St. John Model which is now to be included in the St. John Exhibition, and she has been asked to serve on the Exhibition Sub-Committee.
ub-Committee, over which Major A. C. White Knox, O.B.E., has kindly consented to preside, has been set up with the object of investigating the possibility of producing films and/ or strip-films for usc at the instruction of classes in First Aid. A Film
]\1.C., M.B.,
Dr. Glady Danby, M.B.E., represented the Association at the Health ongres at Blackpool organized by the Royal anitary Institute. he submitted a most interesting report on the various matters of interest to th ssociation which were discussed at the Congress. TRANSLATIONS.
:-Io further translations of the Association's Textbooks have been made during the period under review, but permission has been given to the 'yprus Branch of the ssociation to tran late the First Aid and Home," Tur ing Textbooks into Greek. PRISO
Very impressive accounts of First Aid and Medical arrangements made in two Prison amps in China came to notice during the year. The fi.r t of the e relate to a Prison Camp at Haiphong Road, hanghai, where Dr. ' . D. ' turton, O.B.E., with the help of Mr. D. L. 1cWhirter, l\I.R.C.V.S., in tructed a number of the internees in First Aid and in Home Nursing, and tho e 0 instructed comprised the sole medical organization in the Camp. The second deals with a Camp at Pootung, also near hanghai. Here l\Ir. F. oote, who was appointed Chief of Emergency Services by the internees, who numbered over 1,000, built up a remarkable organization which included an Emergency Medical Service. With the as istance of Dr. Godfrey Gale and Mr. J. D. Jones, the holder of the Association's 1edallion, a number of the internees were trained in First Aid and in Home Iursing and they constituted the Casualty Service of the amp, as no provision was made and no facilities offered by the Japanese. In recognition of their services at these Camps, Dr. S. D. turton, Mr. D. L. 1cWhirter, Mr. F. S. Coote, Dr. Godfrey Gale, and Mr. J. D. J ones have been admitted to membership of the Order. ROYAL AUTOMOBILE ~LUB AND THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION.
During the year the R.A.C. and the A.A . were approached and were asked whether they would be prepared to include Hints on First Aid in their Annual Handbooks. Both bodies agreed to do so, and the R.A.C. has already made arrangements for such Hints to be included in its 1947 Handbook. RESIGNATION OF MR. D. G. MONTEITH.
It is with great regret that the Committee records that Mr. Duncan Gilbert Monteith retired from the service of the Order on 31st December, after thirty-eight years. He had held office as A sistant Secretary of the Association for thirty-five years, and in addition, as Assistant ecretary of the Order for thirty-three years. Mr. Monteith applied himself assiduously and conscientiously to his work, which included for twenty-four years the duties of Secretary of the Inter-Railway and Police National Competitions. In recognition of his service Mr. Monteith was admitted
to the Order as a Serving Brother in 1912, and was promoted to the grade of Officer in 1926.
CRA GES IN CENTRES. ~~ l ..... <:'1
Owing to the death of its Honorary ~ ecretary, 1r. H. M. Hinds, O.B.E., and the inability of the Oxfordshire County entre ommitte to find a suitable successor, and because of the likelihood of a. ~ t. J 1n ouncil for Oxfordshire being established in the near future, the ounty Centre closed during the year. The Committee also approved a proposal by the Post Office Am bulance Centre that its activities should be extended to includ the control of classes for postal workers throughout the country. The enlargrd ntr comes into being on 1st January, 1947. The newly formed St. John Council for Buckingham hire took over the control of the Buckinghamshire County entre in April.
~ C' l r:O
~~~~~~[2~8~251 ~ b,!-::Dr:...; ~
r--t ~~r:..
The number of orders received from Centres at H ome and Over ea and from Railways, Collieries, and the like hows an increase of 9D over the previous year: they involved the despatch of over 1,200,000 article. In addition 3,000,000 paper flags were supplied for use on Flag I a r • In spite of trading conditions continuing to remain generally difficult, it has been possible, except in a few cases, to execute all order r cei v ll. The war-time store at Broseley was closed down ?n 31st July.
Owing to the age of the ambulances and the mileage which they ha \Te covered, they have often been out of action and undergoing repair. In consequence, there has been a decrease in the number of patient carried and miles covered as compared with last year-588 patients were removed, as against 633, over a distance of 28,!554 miles compared with ;)2,907 . Two of the ambulances were overhauled at the end of the year, put right, and are now in full service again. APPRECIATIO
The Committee has recorded its indebtedness to member of the medical and nursing professions for their services as Lecturers and Examiners. It now remains for the Committee to thank Centre Secretaries and all those others who have organized classes and in other ways furth ered interest in ambulance work.
CERTIFICATES AND OTHER AWARD Number issued through Branches and Centres.
RE-EXAMINA nON AWARDS. ( ot including Vouchers.) MEDALLIONS.
CERTIFICATES. England and N. ireland (illY eaI'. elllding Eire up to 1944) . 1922 (Grand Totals) 1,510,313 1923. 25,006 1924 . 26,172 1925 . 32,597 31,389 1926 . 1927 . 31,749 1928 . 35,505 1929 . 37,245 1930 . 42,211 1931 . 44 ,970 1932 . 38,709 1933 . 38,907 38,23-l 1934 . 36,403 1935 . 1936 . 41,031 43,129 1937 . 1938 . 66,358 1939 . 270,292 19..J,0 . 290,883 1941 . 136,155 19..J,2 . 133,113 1943 . 140,999 1944 . 85,719 1945 . 53,107 1946 . 39,250 3,269,446
Yem'!\' Wales.
10,560 * 5,051* 5,488* 5,477* 5,707* 5,506* 5, 1* 6,132* 6,105 * 7,070 * 8,188*
1,820,873 5:3,l19 55 ,302 61,22() 63,942 70,859
5,984 5,651 5,789 5,545 7,676 16,157 13,882 10 ,998 11 ,969 10 ,043 6,827 2,797 4,463
300,000 23,062 23,642 23,152 26,846 33,604 23,727 ',2 ,606 38,031 36,419 36,016 31,696 40 ,7 12 47 ,06 l 55,608 53 ,696 59 ,62 5 115, '62 147 ,330 159 ,786 165 ,074 275 ,:3l 8 193 ,442 132 ,9:,9 97,647
1 5,469
2,172 ,97l
* Including
75 ,983 86,:3-17 88,45l) 82,913 77,12G 84,930 89,115 102,428 102,:170 1:~3,G 59 402,311 452,095 306,939 :~1O,15()
285,988 188,84:3 141 ,:360
Year. 1922 (Granel Totals) 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 193.! 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 19..J,1 1942 19..J,3 1944 1945 191(1
England, Ireland, and Overseas. 246,030 7,687 8,247 9,222 10,024 11,169 11,551 11 ,8 19 13,663 14,501 14,526 14,56 1 13,455 13,036 13,016 12,545 16,063 17,995 22,405 32, 58 33,620 22,889 16,672 13,393 6,500 607,447
TVales. 1,955 749 1,063 1,311 1,347 1,260 1,192 1,138 1,406 1,26-l 1,336 1,559 1,359 1,315 1,184 1,089 1,258 1,470 1,713 2,H4 2,194 1,702 1, 1 '3 625 55..J,
England, Ireland, and Overseas. 213,519 18,476 19,320 20,992 23,797 26,498 29,113 30,752 33,741 36,521 37,795 42,683 44,676 46,102 46,909 48,008 50,937 51,032 50,000 49,000 46,38 44,236 3 ,566 32,05..J, 36,916
:33,370 1,118,03 1
TVales. 5,074 1,925 2,540 2,942 3,468 4,011 4,370 4,602 5,009 5,439 5, 51 6,154 6,776 6,954 7,090 6,811 6,922 7,578 6,943 6,915 7,807 7,870 7,663 6,873 6,436 144,023
England, Ireland, and Overseas. 13,668 2,530 2,670 2,778 3,100 3,296 4,375 4,100 4,346 4,695 4,746 5,059 5,362 5,043 5,311 5,159 5,76..J, 5,538 6,822 8,362 14,573 14,890 1..J,,645 13,551 16,283 176,666
TVales 368 165 182 192 168 322 311 363 366 330 358 369 497 4'75 441 526 512 586 476 475 364 400 346 189 678 9,4 -9
Pages 14 to 22 corrected to 30th June, 1947. Classes in the areas of Centres marked with an asterisk are arranged in direct communication with Headquarters as Detached Classes .
B. J. Grant. Capt. W. R. Lines, !If.V. O., 121 Clarence Road, \\'ind so r. E. Elliott, 100. Lionel Street, Birmingham.
Dr. E. C. Malden, c.v.o.
Supt. A. F. Simmonds.
W. E.
The Rt. Hon. the Earl of D~dley, lII.C. The Bishop of Bristol.
H. G. Kyle, M.D.
:l\I. R. Fair, 13, Elmgrove Road, Bristol, 6.
L t.- Col. T h e Lord Co ttesloe, C.B., V.D .. T.D.
Lt. - Col. The Lord Coltesloe, C.B., V.D .,
R . Stewart Miller, St. J ohn H.Q .• 79 Buckingham
\V. Stewart Elgood.
\V. Nurse.
T. V. Free
Brig. - Gen. Sir W. Bromley Davtnport, K . C.B ., etc.
Capt. P. Reay, M.B.E., M.C.
J. H. Woodward
"\V. L. Pollock, 39, Shamrock Road, Birkenhead. Cheshire. ]. H . Beard, 243, King Street. Dukinfield.
*\Vind sor and Eton
Street. Aylesbury.
T.D . l2. Artillery Street, Wisbech .
CHESHIRESt. J ohn Council.
A. I~nu t
"Beechwood," ford . Cheshire.
Dan iel,
Col. Sir A. J. Sykes, Bt., J. A. K. Ferns. V.D., D.L.
Col. \V. Chaloner. O.B.E. , 12, St. Peter's Square, Stockport.
Lord Lonsdale. O.B.E.
A. Stoker.
Lady Ro chdale.
P. S. Todd.
Little, Colliery Office. 51, Duke Street Whitehaven. ' W . Borthwick, 13, Heads E oad, Kes\\lcJ<.
CUMBERLANDCumberland Mines and Quarries *Keswick *:\Iillom
D ERB YSHIRE*Chesterfield
Capt. H. T. Ann.
H. Trueman.
*Granby and llk esto n D EVONSHIRESt. John Council.
Plymouth & Di st ri ct
DORSETSt. John Council.
II. Holmes. 1 '-, Devonshire Road, :\Iillom .
G. Fountain. Town Clerk's Office, Chesterfield. W. St. John. L.R.C.P. H. Trueman.
~l.R.C.S ..
G E. Juhnson, J-tG, Burtun Eoad. Derby . A.
Mosley, 1, Percy Street. Ilkeston.
1\'1. J . MorLon Palmer, \Yoodlancl ', Totne .
C. Prance, ~I.B.
The Right H on. the Lord Roborough.
\Y . E. Beckley, M.C.,
H. V. l\Iiller. O.B.E., Central Ambulance Station, Greenbank, Plymouth.
Brig.-Gen. The Earl of Shaftesbury, K.P., etc.
Capt. J. Docwra Roger.
Mr . Martyn, 1 •. \ lton H,oad. Park tone.
Col. The Earl of Fortescue, O.B.E., M.C.
] .P.,
The Mayor.
Dr. E. S. Bo\\'es.
l\Iiss F . . Bargery. 25, Queen's Road, Parkstone, Dorset.
S. Leng.
S. Leng-.
J. R.
J . R. Bradshaw, ]
South Shields ...
Lady Readhead.
Stockton a nd Thornaby
Col. H. E. Kitching, T . C. Hudson, ] .P. M.B.E. 1. G . 1\1 odlin, O. B. E., M. D. J. L. Waugh.
His Grace The Duke of Beaufort, K . G., etc. Col. Sir James L.
II. J. Lewis, ] .P.
H ospital. Gloucester. Miss B. Wood, 16. Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham.
Sleeman, C.B .• C.M.G., C.B.E ., M.V.O. Dr. F. H. Sprague.
J . C. Fielding.
\\". E. F lew. 13. Lansdown l{,oad. Gloucester.
Cheltenham * G louce's ter HAMPSI!IRESt. John Council.
Bradshaw. ] .P.
Maj. - Gen . The Rt. Hon. The Lord Motti tone, C.B ., eLc.
T. Humphries.
The Viscount Bledisloe, G.C.M.G., etc.
Fletcher, 135. Longfield Road, Harrowgate Hill, Darlington. R. H. Sarginson. 2, Elm Grove, W est HarUepool. Major T. A. P age. 75. I\:ing Street. South Shields. J Buckley. 67, Craigweil Crescent, Durham Road, Stockton-on-Tees . H. R. Gray, 3. ommercial Road. Hendon. Sunder lanel. Major E . A. McIver, M. M., T.D ., City General
Brigadier F . B. Hurndall, H . J. Framp t on, C.S.I., C.LE ., \\'essex lIouse. (1, M.C. pper lIigh "treet, \\'inchester.
Bournemouth ...
Hon. Lady Page Croft.
Dr. F. C. Bottomley, O.B.E.
Major G. A. Morant, 28, Palmerston Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth.
The Marquis of Carisbrooke, G.C.V.O., etc.
Lt.-Col. P. H . Marshall, O.B.E.
Miss R. P. Hatch, 10, Edgerley Gardens, Cosham, Hants.
Southampton ...
The Dowager Lady Swaythling.
Lt.-Col. The Rev. C. G. R. SydneyTurner, O.B.E., D.S.O.
Sec., Miss F. 1\I. Tutte, I1LB.E., 4, Archers Road, Southampton.
The Dean of Canterbury. C. T. Richardson.
Miss Allardyce, 7, Vernon Place,. Cante,'bury.
Col. G. G. H. Bolton,
Col. G. G. II. Bolton, lILB.E., :'I!.C.
j. W. Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, . Accrington. \Y .
M.B.E., 1II.C.
The l\Iayor.
J ~ E.
A. Aked.
A. Aked.
J. Be~gs, Glaisdale," Broadoak Ashton-under-Lyne. F. Hanson, 14, Lee View, Bacup.
P. Prebble, I1f. B.
W. Uttley.
W. Wballey.
\V. Howker, 22, Taylor Street, Brierfield.
G. E. \\'ilmore.
A. Parkinson.
II. -icholson, 37, Atkincoats Road, Colne.
j. Watson.
Sir F. Hindle.
R BUlY, HIgher \\,hit-Bank, Tockholes, Dar\\"en.
1\1 anchester
Sir \ V. Clare Lees, Bt., Col. C. H. S. Redmond, O.B. E . lII.B. Sir Jam es Aitken. J. H. milh.
]. :'Ilulroy, 27, Albcrt'lreel, BaITO\\ fonI.
Col. Poston.
C. Thompson,
J. Rodley, M.R.C.S.
Ashton-under-Lyne *Bacup Blackburn
LANCASHIRE (West)Barrow -in -Furness
18 0
1 87
milh, 51, Easl Park Road, Blackburn.
A. Dickinson,
01. Poston.
20, Padiham Road, Burnley.
f. IIargreaves, 55,
treet, Manchesler.
10, Barker Street, Oldham.
]. B. Howarth, 4-.l, Falinge Fold, Rochdale.
\\'m. KillinglJeck, J.P.
The Earl of Derby,
1 89
H. Calvert.
St. Helens
Col. G. H. Pilkington.
Lt.-Col. H. 1\Iighall.
]. Crossficld, 9, Bri ,tol Streel, Barrow-in-Fumc s.
C. Lewis.
Iurray C.B.E., :ll.D.
Dr. H. Riddell. 01. G. R Pilkington.
H. Sheldon, 1I1.D.
S. J. FIsher, 'olJcitor, Town Hall, Dalton-inl'urness. l\Iiss Y. "'atkins, ~~, "Cpper Duke Street, Li\'erpool. apt. H .•\.
51, Frenchwood Avenuc, Prcston.
kepper, 113, :i\lorley Street, St. Helens.
R II. \Yalsh, 40, l\Jelling H.oacl, Southport.
LIN COL SHIRELincoln County .. .
Capt. G. B. Armstrong, lILB.E. •
Capt. G. B. Armstrong, M.B.E.
\\'. Gott, 29-.l, Laceby H.oad, Grimsby.
LONDONH ospital Saturday Fund
The Lord l\layor of London.
H. Clayton, A.C.A.
J. Ash, 59, Park Lane, " 'allington, Surrey.
Th e Earl of Leices ter.
Captain T. O.B.E.
Functioning under special arrangement.
Lieut-.Col. Sir Thoma Cook.
Majol' C. E. V. Sam, 20, Castle l\leadow,
C. F. Seddon.
C. B. Tutt, 8, \Yarkton Lane, Barton Seagrave, Kettering. E. J. Hayward, Rushay," Booth Lane, ,\Ye ton Favel, Jorthampton. J. \V. Fowler, 78, Bridge Street, Peterborough.
W. H. Percival.
J. Mansfield.
The Marquess of Exeter, A. S. Campbell. K.G., C.M.G.
Dr. VV. Mar hall.
McKenna, The Street, W. 1.
l olytechnic,
St. John Council.
Leicester St. John Ambulance 6 eymour Street, Leiccstcr.
S. Parker, 12, Church Street, \Vellingborough.
N e,,'castle-on-Tyne
Col. J. Clay,
North Shield ...
The Mayor.
Dr. II. K Paterson.
Sir Hugh 1\J. Seely, Bt.
T. A. Lawton.
P. Walters, B.A. Collieries, Ltd., Cinderhill Colliery, Nottingham.
The Lord Bicester.
Sir Mile Thomas, D.F.C.
Mi s M. Latham, 3, Corn market Street, Oxford.
The Earl of Pow is.
Dr. F. H. Edwards.
G. H. Darlington, The End House, Kennedy Road, Kingsland, Shrewsbury.
Admiral of the Fleet Sir James Somervi ll e, G.C.B., G.B.E., D.S.O.
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jam es Somerville, G.C.B., G.RE., D.S.O.
R. W. Saunders M.B.E., Castle Paints, Ltd., V\Torle, \Yeston-super-Mare.
Capt. L. vVhittaker,
E. A. Bagshawe.
F. Sprawson, Valletta, North Road, Bath.
P. E. Russell.
T. E. Bagley.
\Y. A. Clegg, Chatsworth Lodge, YVoodland Road, \Yes lon-super-:'lare.
The Earl of Harrowhy.
Sir Franci K.B.E.
V. Chancellor, 5, :\larket C::quare, c.tafford.
C.B.E., l\I.B.
T. Batey.
S. Embleton, 2, Osborne Terrace, N ewcastle-onTyne. Capt. W. Bower, 8, Manor Road, Tynemouth.
* Babbington
St. John Council. SHROPSHIRE-
St. John Conncil.
*llath ...
l\I.B E.
St. John Council.
Jo eph, Bt.,
North Staffordsh ire
Sir Francis J oseph, Bt.,
The l\1ayor.
I I. Lam b.
l\Iajor \Y. A. Barro\\', Forest Lodge, Henhurst Hill, Durton-on-Trent. \'. Chancellor, Llo\'(l" Bank hambers, 5 :'Iarkel ~quare, ,' lailord . I. Bill, 70, Exeter Hoad , Smethwick.
The Earl of Straubrokc.
The Earl of Cranbroo".
A. F. \Vh etlo n. K.B.E.
*Smethwick SUFFOLK-
St. Joh n Council.
. Redmol'l~, 8, ~l ane c..:treet, ~t. :'Iaruarels
Green, Ips\\ich Ipswich
H.H. Princess Louise.
The Countess 01 Lindsay. \ V. G. Pape,
Surrey County
:'IIlss 13. ouIcher, \m bulance Station, Samuel Hoad, Ips\\ iell \ssL Sec., 1 r. C. Eade, 11 9, Brunswick Hoacl, ] ps\\"ich.
The Countcs of Be!> borough.
St. John Council.
* Hastings
The Countess Brassey.
Group Captain Lord vVilloughby de Broke,
and St. Leo nards
Dr. P. \\ einer.
C(,!ltre S('crdar\', .\mbulance Headquarters, \\'oodbric1 0 e HU<l.ll, CuilJfonl.
R. H. S. Be"illl?;toJl, 'obblers Farm, ]arns Drool:, ero" h( >ruugh. Sussex. :'I1's ~ 'al, Sl. ~Iatlhc\\'s H.oad, HastIng>;.
The :'IIayur.
Detecti,'e- 'upl. E. \Y. CO\vpe-Pendleton, Central Police Office, Coventry.
The Viscount Cobham.
01'. G. Oudl,'Y'
J . H. Martin, "Tredor," Cherry St., Stourbridge.
Lt.-Col. Sir Heddie, C.B.
Lt.-Col. Sir John Reddie, C.B.
W. J. Waite,
Arnold Reckitt
Dr. E. :'1. Dearn.
E. EJ\\'anls,
188 1
The }\fal'qui of Zetland, K.G., etc.
F. P. Clarke.
G. Richardson, " \\'ooc1leightoll," 16, Emerson ,\venue, Linthorpe, l\Iiddle brough. Asst. Sec.: J. I\Iark.
Hull and East County
North Riding County YORKSHIR E (WEST)-
St. John Council.
* Barnoldswick
F. Widdup, J.P.
*Dinnington Main
Mrs. Athorpe.
The Mayor.
Heavy vVoollen District
Major J, P. Critchley,
J. VV. Cockcroft.
* Hebd e u
Scatterty, Lt.-Col.
1\1. MacIldowie.
Chestnut Walk, Worcester.
:"II.B.E., lU~),
Brichlell [\, 'nul', lIull.
Lt.-Col. Sir F ra nk Bl'ook, R. A. Abbiss, Police Heaclquarters, Leecls. D.S.O., M.C. C. Rhodes, 6, Long Ing Lane, Barnolclswick, \'Id, R. \V. Eastwood. Colne. S. Wright, Stanric, Breck Lane, Dinnington, P. \V. Ellis. near Sheffield. \\'. IIutchinson, l\lartins Dank hambers, King' s A. Gelder. Cross, Halifa,:\.. H. Blakeley, 10, The Avenue, Bradford RoaJ, Dr. S. l\1. Tewman. Birstall, Tr. Leeds. E. Slansfield, 22, Lee \ 'iew Rd., IIebden Bridge. J. W. Cockcroft. W.
Scatterty, Mrs . Cook, 41, Redcliffe Street, Keighley.
*Kiveton Park .
T. Goodman.
J. W. Cope, Claremont, Red Hill, Kiveton Park, Tr. Sheffield.
Dr. J. ,Yo Silversicles.
Dr. S. Edgerley.
Dr. S. Edgerley.
I. St.ones, 23, Caxton Road, Otley .
*Saddleworth ...
Dr. P. 'Vood.
A. Wild .
::\11'0'. Redfearn, 3, Platting Road, Lydgate,
Ol(lham. E. G. Beard, 45, Bank Street, Sheffield.
~·waby .
H. Johnson, 18, Halliday Place, L eeds 12 .
The Earl of Wharncliffe.
H. C. Else .
D. 1. S. Harrison.
Capt. T. :\Uen.
*Sowerby Bridge
II . Sagar.
H. Sagar.
S. C. 'Yard.
F. Tate .
Hodgson, 12, Castlemoor Road, Baildon, Shipley. F. Wright, 10, Tillotson Avenue, Beech W ood, Sowerby Briclge. E. Oli\'er, .f1, Rownes Lane, Swinton, Rotherham.
The l\Iayor.
L. \\'hittle
,V. " 'right, 4, Lake Lock Road, Stanley, \Yakefield.
A. T. Thomson .
Brig.-Gen. ,Yo , Yo anely,;, C.B., C.M.G.
The Lord Dunleath,
Wakefield *' Vath-on-Dearne York ...
J. W Poole, 19, Charlcs Eoad, \Yath-on-Dearne, Hotherilam. ::\Ii,;" E. D. l\:cnny, ] 3, SL :'Iary'::;, Yorl-.
Ulster (Belfast)
C.B.E., D.S.O.
Prof. ]. worth.
_\ . \ \'. :\fann, 22-26, '\lay Street, Belfast.
Guernsey St. John Council
Lieut-Gen. Sir Philip Neamc, V.C. ,
F. W. Bu b, Palma, I.es Osmonds, St ..~ampsons, <".uern"ey.
ir Viclor G. Care},.
K.B. E. Guernsey Centre
18 1
Jersey St. John Council
Sir Victor G. Carey.
Dr. 13 " Colling.....
H.E. Sir Edward GI'a e ll ,
K.B.E. Jersey Centre
ir Alexander M. Coul anch",.
Hickey, ,\ rosfa, Le Gra \'ce., Guernsey.
R. Vi bert, S1. ] ohl1 'ounci l [or Jersey, The Bailiff's ' flambers, GU\'crnmenl: Building, ~ t. Heller, jer"ey. P. I.e
Isle of Man
~rr,; .
H.E. The LieutenantGoyernor.
B. E. Sargeaunt , O.B.E.
M . V.O. ,
IS , Blli. treet, . t. Helier, J er ey.
:'Tajor J . W , Y oung, O.n.E., Chief Con st able's Office, Douglas, I sle of 1\Ian.
Church Lads' Brigade ...
Field-:'Iarshal Sir Claud The Rev. H. F. Peerless, Church La ds' Brigade Field<\Iarshal ir Claud (Inc.), ~ational Headquarters, 58, Gloucester Jacob , G.C B , G C S I., Jacob, G.C.B., G .C.S.I. , Place, London, \Y. 1. K.C.l\I G. K.C.?>J.G.
Post Office Ambulance...
C. G . Roberts,
Priory for ·Wales
Dr. O. S. l\Iay .
\Y. King, 1I1.B.E., Inland :'Iount P leasant, E.C. 1.
The H a n. john Bruce, Principal C:ecretary, Priory for ' Vales, 4, ai.hcdral Road, Cardiff.
Cheshire Lines Commiltee
G. Leedam, O.B.E.
Great 'Vestem Railway...
The IJon. Sir Edward C. G. Cadogan, K.B.E., C.B.
London & N. E. Railway (Great Central Section)
The Hon. Eric B. Butler Henderson.
C. Greenwood, Office 20, L.N.E. Rly., Liverpool Street St.ation, London, E.C. 2.
(Great Eastern Section)
Sir Ronald VV. :lIlatthe,.,\·s, Kt.
C. Greenwood, Office 20, L.i\.E. Hly., Liverpool
(GI'eat Northem Section)
Sir Ronald W . Matthews, Kt.
C. Greenwood, Of-nce 20, L.N.E. Rly., Liverpool Street Station, London, E.C. 2.
(Nol·th Eastel'l1 Area)
'vV. H . Hall, Sec. and l\Ianager's Office, Cheshire Li·nes Committee, Central Stat.ion, Liverpool.
P. Anstey, G.W. Rly., Staff and Establishment Office, Paddington Station, \V. 2.
H. Adams-Clarke.
Street Station, London, E.C. 2.
S. Cooper, Ambulance Sec ., L.N.E. Rly. , York.
E. Dodds.
L.M. & S. Railway
Sir Robert Burrows, Kt. H . J. Comber.
L. P .T.B. (Metr opolitan L ine)
A. B. B. Valentine.
!'I1idland and G.N. Joi nt Committee
E . \V. Rostern, M.C.
Sou th ern Railway
Sir Eusta-;e J. Missenden, Kt ., O.B.E.
G. S. Hill, L.M. & S. Rly., Labour and Establishment Office, 79, Corporation Street, Manchester.
J. Webb.
A. Gravestock, L.P.T.B. General Baker Street Station, N.W. 1.
C. Greenwood, Office 20, L.N.E. R ly., Liverpool
Street Station, London, E.C. 2.
\V. G. Pape,
o. B. E.
F. A. Trott, Labour and Establishment Office, Southern Hly., 'Yaterloo Station. London, S.E. 1.
in which classes are held regularly or from time to time. (Centres of the Association are shown in Capital Letters.) SOUTHERN AFRI CA (administered by THE PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN) AUSTRALIA (excluding WEST AUSTRALrA) (administered by THE PRIORY
P.O. Box 2366, Cape Town, South Africa.
225, M:acquarie Street, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
ADEN Bahamas (see British 'West Indies). BARBADOS (see British West Indies). BERII1UDA BRITISH GUIANA British Honduras ...
Chairman. II.E. The Governor.
Honorary Secretary. A. Bhatt, Barrister-at-Law, Ad~n.
H.E. The Go\·ernor. H.E. The Governor.
Lt.-Col. H. . Earl. H.E. The Governor.
H.E. The Go\'ernor.
H.E. The Governor.
E. B. Williams. ~JajorT. J. Hallinan,
H.E. The Governor. H.E. The Goyernor.
Sir Ba l . lIon. The Secretary.
Capt. D. S. Gowing.
The Hon R. S. S. Stanley, C.M.G. C.B .E. H.E. The Governor.
H.E. The Governor.
E.:lIl. Haymond.
II.E. The Viceroy.
H.E. The Commander-in-Chief.
\V. :lII. Lopey, Grammar School, St. Vincent, B.vV.I.
Dr. S. F. Chellappah, O.B.E., The Director of l\Iedical and SaniLary Services, The Secretariat, Colombo. J. IT. l\ shmore, Commi sioner of Police, Cyprus. L. J. Payas, c/o Central Police Station, Gibraltar.
Supt. D. G. Carruthers, o/c Police Depot, P.O. Box 740 , Accra, Gold Coast. l\Irs. Holmes Brown, S.J.A.,\. Headquarters, Tai Hang l~oad, Hong Kong. Sardar Bahadur Balwant Singh Puri, C.I.E ., O.B.E .. 20, Tallmtora Road, New Delhi, India.
Dr. I . B. MacGregor, C M.C
IT.E. The Governor.
H.E. The Governor.
l\Irs. Straton, F.A. Station, P . O. Box 496, Nassau, Bahamas. ~liss D. J. Sainsbury, P.O. Box 175, Bridgetown, Barbados. Mrs. Henrique ,97, Old Hope Road, St. Andrew, Jamaic'l..
. ~r. Maclennan. II. E. I(ernahan, c/o Perreira & Co., Ltd., 2--1, Frederick St , Trinidad.
Sergeant J. S. " 'ilson, Police Headquarters, Bermuda. 13. Scar gall , Y.:i'l1.C.A., Georgetown, British Guiana. Supt. of Police P. Matthews, Police Headquarters, Belize, British Honduras.
H.E. The Governor.
Wind ward Islands : St. Vincent BURMA CEYLON
P.O. Box 1189, Wellington, New Zealand.
President. H .E. The Governor.
British West Indies : The Bahamas ...
Leeward Islands TRINIDAD and TOBAGO
321, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada.
ehev. H. P. Scicluna, M.B.E., L.P. H.. ToLlenham.
Dr. G.B. Walker, C.B.E.
D. H. Genower, M.B.E., P.O.Box 1--169, Nairobi, Kenya. l\Irs. MacGregor, Suleiman Building, Kuala Lumpur, 1alaya. l\J rs. Goll lher, The ~ orman IIouse, Mdina, ~Ialta.
J. J\lainganl, :\l.B.E., Police Med. Ollicer, Port Louis, 1aurilius. R. S. Furlong, vVater Avenue, St. John's, Newfoundland Mrs. Miller, c/o JHinisLry of Labour, Lagos, Tigeria. Dr.
Pacific I slands Palestine NORTHERN RHODESIA (administered by the PRIORY OF THE ORDER IN SOUTHERN AFRICA) SOUTHERN RHODESIA (administ.ered by t.he PRIORY OF THE ORDER IN SOUTHERN AFRICA) Sierra Leone A. D. Walker-Cole, S.].A.1. Hea dqu~rters, \\'illiam Street, Kis y, Freetown, i rra Leone. TANGANYIKA H .E. The Governor. Dr. P. A. T. Sneath, A. G. W?iLehead, c/o Survey Division, Dept. of Lands O.B.E. and M1l1es, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika. TRINIDAD (see British West Indies). UGA DA H.E. Sir John E. D. Tongue. Dr. R. G. Ladkin, P.O. Box 573, Kampala, Uganda. Hathorn Hall, K.C.M.G., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C. Zanzibar Lt.-Col. E. G. Fish, P.O. Box 237, Zanzibar. Classes have also been held in the Anglo-Egyptian SudanFor the Railways by Capt. M. T. Kifford, Gen. Mgrs. Office, Sudan H.ailway, Atbara. For the Police by Commandant of Police, Police Headquarters, Atbara.
St. lobn Bmbulance Bssociation give and
bequeath to th e St. John Ambulance Association
a foundation of the
Priory in
British Realm
of the
Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, the sum of
£ ...................... .................
to be applied towards the philanthropic
objects of such A sociation, and I direct that the said sum shall be paid free of duty.
ttbe (5tant)
tn tbe l3tftfsb lRtalm
of tb(
lI)enerable ®ttler of tbe 1bospttal of St. jobn of je.tuealem AMBULAXCll DIt"... .-rlIImn'.
St. 30bn Bmbulance :fl3riga~e at lbome.
The Chief Commissioner for the year ending 3 Ist December, I94 6 . (COUNTY LISTS AMENDED TO JUNE 1ST, 1947)·
tthe St. 30hn Bnlbulance :n3rigabe (at lb0111e). Headquarters:
crbief cra mm ission er. LT.-GENERAL
Pow ALL, K.C .B., Commander.
Surg eon:::in:::crbie f.
1Rursing <torps
S upertn tenbent::: i l1:::crbief . THE VISCOUNTESS
D.C .V.O.,
Dame Grand Cross.
30bn Bmbulance :f13rtgabe
lDeput}2 Supctintenbent:::in:::Cbfef.
HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John.
O.B.E.-Commander .
~6sistn n t Suroeon:::i n:::<!bief nnb £\ nti:::(1;as Staff ($lfficer.
Appointed May. 1928.
1\ssistn n t 5upe ri n tenDcn t:::in:::Cbfef.
B. GIROUARD.-Serving Sister.
:actino Cbicfl Officer, :ambu[nncc <rnbcts. MAJOR
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John .
Cbief 0ff1ccr, 1Hursing CnDets.
Appointed February,1937.
1rss V. CUNARD,
M.B.E.-Serving Sister.
for 'WtaIes j'SrionDe Secret nr}2 . ..:.:::...:..,J
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John.
:assist nnt Jl3rionDe Secrctnr}2.
Appointed May. 1935.
. HANNAM.-Officer.
5ccretn r }2 1Hursfng Corps nnD lDh'isions nnb t o Supcr intc nDent:::f n:::Cbief. MISS M. HARRISO ,
M.B.E.-Offi cer .
.BttacbeD to 'Uxa bquartct's Staff.
J. E.
C.B.E.-COJHnzander, Assistant Chief (Invest£gation toff Officer.) ASSISTANT COMMISSIOI ER H. J. WRIGGLESWORTH, M.B.E.-Officer . DISTRICT STAFF OFFICER J. S. HAN AM.-Officer. DISTRICT TAFF OFFICER E . T. MILBuRN.-Serving Brother (Surgeonin-Chief) . THE OU TESS OF BRECK Joc K.- (Senior Staff Officer.-Superintendentin-Chief)· THE LADY MOYRA BROWN .- ( taff Officer.-Chief Officer, N1lrsing Cadets). G . GUTHRIE MOIR, M.A.-(Staff Officer.-Chief Officer, Ambiliance Cadets) .
Commissioner (Reserve).
BRIGADE SUB-COMMITTEE. CHAIRMAN. Lieut.-General ir Henry Pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D . . 0. (Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade at Home) (ex-officio) . Ex-officio MEMBERS. The Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas. The Surgeon-in-Chief. The Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions at Home. The Lady Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions Overseas. The Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. The Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions at Home. The Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions at Home. The Commissioner for Wales.-No. 8 Region. The Commissioner for Northern Ireland. The Chief Secretary, Ambulance Department. Chief Officer, ~ur ing Carl.ets.-Chief Officer, Ambulance Cadet. MEMBERS. The Commissioner for Cheshire (Capt. I. Rca)" ?lI.B.E., :\l.C.).-~o. 10 Region. The Commi ioner, No. 1 (Prince of \Yales' ) Di trirt ( ~I ajor .\. C. \Yhite Knox, O.B.E., ?lI.c.).- o. 5 Region. The County Commissioner for Northumberland and Durham (S. Embleton, O.B.E.).-No. 1 Region. The County Commissioner for Berkshire (c. A. Poole, M.A.).No.6 Region. The County Commissioner for Hertfordshire (H. Langley Jones, M.B.E.).-No. 4 Region. The County Commissioner for Birmingham (Colonel Sir Bertram Ford, T.D., D.L., LL.D.).-No. 9 Region. The County Commi sioner for Bristol (~. S. B. Vintner, M.B., B.S.).No.7 Region. The County Commissioner for Lincolnshire (Captain G. B. Armstrong, M.B.E.).- o. 3 Region. The County Commissioner for Surrey (W. Geo. Pape, O.B.E.).No. 12 Region. The County Commissioner for West Riding of Yorks (H. L. Thornton). -No.2 Region. SECRETARY. Major P. G. Darvil-Smith, C.B.E.
INSPECTING OFFICERS. Colonel George A. Moore, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.D., A.M.S. (Ret.).-Knight. Late Assistant Chief Commissioner. Colonel Clarence I. Ellis, C.M.G., T.D., M.D.-Knight. Late Surgeonin-Chief. ydney W. Malkin.-Knight. Late Commissi?n~r, late ~o. 5 D~str~ct. Ernest A. Richards.-Knight. Late CommISSIOner, 1\ o. 8 DIstnct. H. V. Miller, O.B.E.-Knight. Late Commissioner Plymouth, S.W. Devon, and Cornwall. . . . Lieut.-Colonel W. Scatterty, M.B.-Knzght. Late ComrrussIOner, West Riding of Yorkshire. olonel ir Bertram Ford, T.D., D.L., LL.D., Commissioner, Birmingham. BRIGADE REPRESE TATIVES ON THE AMBULANCE COMMITTEE. The Chief Commissioner. The Superintendent-in-Chief at Home. The Surgeon-in-Chief. The Depnty uperintendcnt-in- hief at Home. olonel'ir Bertram Ford, T.D., D.L., LL.D. l\Iajor A. . \Vhite Knox, O.B.E., M.C. BRIGADE REPRESENTATIVES ON THE COUNCIL. The Chief ommi sioner. The Superintendent-in-Chief at Home. l\Iajor A. . \Vhite Knox, O.B.E., M.C. BRIGADE REPRESENTATIVES ON CHAPTER-GENERAL. The Chief Commissioner. Colonel Sir Bertram Ford, T.D., D.L., LL.D. \VOMEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Chairman. The ViscOlmtess l\fountbatten, of Burma, C.L, D.C.V.O., C.B.E.Superintendent-in-Chiej, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Members. Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief (Lady Dunb~r-Nasmith, O.B.E.). Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief (Mrs. B. Girouard). Chief Officer, Nursing Cadets (Miss V. Cunard, M.B.E.). Superintendent-in-Chief, Brigade Overseas (The Hon. Mrs. CoplandGriffiths) . County Officer for Northumberland and Durham (Mrs. Curry)Region 1. . . . . District Superintendent for West Riding of YorkshIre (l\1Is. BIrkbeck, O.B.E.)-Region 2. County Superintendent for Leicestershire (Miss G. E. Partridge, M.B.E.)- Region 3. County Superintendent for Suffolk (Miss A. M. Parker)-Region 4. District Superintendent for No.1 (Prince of Wales's) District (Miss M. Workman, M.B.E.)-Region 5.
County Region 6. County County County Region 9.
Superintendent for Hampshire (The Hon. Mrs. R. Cubitt)Superintendent for Gloucestershire (Miss D. Faber)-Region 7. Officer for Wales (The Hon. Mrs. John Bruce)- Region 8. Superintendent for Shropshire (Miss H. Corser, M.B.E., J .P.)-
D~str~ct Supe~intendent
for Lancashire (Miss M. Moore)-Region 10. Dlstnct Supenntendent for Kent (Mrs. C. Falwasser, o.B.E.)-Region 12. District Superintendent for Northern Ireland (Mrs. G. Wallace, M.B.E.). CADET ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Joint Chairmen. Major P. G. Darvil-Smith, C.B.E .-A/Chief Officer Amblllanre Cadets Miss V. Cunard, M.B.E.-Chief Officer Nursing Cadets. Members. COU?ty Cadet Officer for Northumberland and Durham (\V. Nixon, Esq.) -ReglOn 1. County Cadet Officer for \Vest Riding of Yorkshire ( frs. CummingBell)-Region 2. County Cadet Officer for Nottinghamshire (Mr . Vigra ).- Region 3. County Cadet Officer for Suffolk ( Iiss Botwood)-Region .1. County Cadet Officer for No. 1 Di~trict (T. E. \Val by, E q.)-Region 5. County Cadet Officer for Hampshire (Mrs. Carden)--Region 6. County Cadet Officer for Somerset (0. H. Thomas, Esq.)-Reaion 7. T~e Priory for \Vales (Sir Michael Duff and Lady Tv.:iston Davies)ReglOn 8. County Cadet Officer for Worcester (Mrs. Robinson)-Region 9. C?unty Cadet Officer for Lancashire (R. Charlesworth, Esq.)ReglOn 10. County Cadet Officer for Sussex (C. W. L. Pile, Esq.)-Region 12. Northern Ireland-(Mrs. Lockhart.)
Annual Report of the Chief Comn1issioner. THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE. ORDER OF ST. JOH SIRI have the honour to submit my Report for the year ended 31st December, 1946. There has been a reduction in the strength of the Brigade during the past year owing principally to men and women joining for \Var Service only. The total strength at 31st December, 1~3 8, was 73,732, which rose to 136,510 during the period of the war. It will, ther~ fore be seen that the increase during that period was 63,000. If we retam half'this number the Brigade will have maintained its normal rate of increase. From reports which have reached me it is evident. that the normal work of the Brigade has been of a strenuous natur~ ~unng ~he past ye~r and has been carried out with zeal and energy. ThIS IS parhcularly nohceable in the case of Corps and Divisions in possession of Ambulances, V:'ho are rendering valuable service to the community, and the wo~k carne.d out by the drivers and attendants, both men and women, ments the hIghest praise. . ' . [he following tables show the formatlOn of new Umts regIstered at Headquarters and the strength on 31st December, 1946. PERSONNEL. New Divisions. 18 14 48 62
Ambulance . Tursing . Cadet Ambulance Cadet Nursing Student Ambulance Student Nursing .
Strength of New Divisions. 337 166 737 1,130
154 (235)
2,487 (3.665)
N ote.- The figures for 1945 are shown in brackets against the total. TOTAL STRENGTH.
53,316 527 7,3-1-0
Women. 27,02-11,122 2,617
Boys. 16,855 110 3,469
Girls. 25,711 749 2,216
1I1en .
England. . Northern Ireland Wales
Adult personnel Cadet personnel
91,946 49,110 141,056
The appointment of Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall as Deputy Chief Commissioner has been of considerable help to me in coping with the everincreasing work and I am grateful to him for his valuable co-operation. The Advisory Staff formed in April, 1943, ceased to function in July, 1946, and I am indebted to its members who rendered most valuable aid during the period of the war. The Brigade Sub-Committee met on the 3rd July, 9th October, and 4th December. Their deliberations have been of inestimable value to the Brigade. The following Sub-Committees were appointed :Regulations Revision Sub-Committee. An Officer of my taff, Colonel J. E. MccGwire, has been engaged in revi ing the Brigade Regulations in order that they may be brought up to date. This Committee (Chairman, Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall) was set up to consider any matters affecting policy. Provisional Regulations of Order.-Revision (Chaim1an, Dr. Clayre). Uniform Sub-Committee (Chairman, Capt . P. Reay, M.C., l\I.B.E.). Forms Revision Sub-Committee (Chairman, VI. G. Pape, O.B.E.). My thanks are due to the Chairmen and members for their valuable assistance. Commissioners' Conferences were held on the 13th April and 18th eptember to discuss matters affecting the ad mini tration and well being of the Brigade. At the request of the ]\linistries of Health, Labour, and Pensions, we have appointed Brigade Regional Offic rs to contact the Regions of these Iinistries on a Regional level. The following changes have been effected :Retirement of Mr. Vick as County Commissioner, N.E. and Mid-Devon, and appointment of F. VV. Morton Palmer, ?II.D., O-I.B. Retirement of Dr. Clayre as County Commissioner, Hampshire, and appointment of Brigadier F. B. Hurndall, M.C. Retirement of Dr. MacGregor as County Commissioner, Hereford hire, and appointment of Mr. G. N. Bullock. Retirement of 11r. W. G. Smith as Commissioner No. I (Lancashire) District and appointment of Major E. S. B. Hamilton, M.C., M.B. I desire to place on record my high appreciation of the long and faithful services rendered by the retiring Officers. I regret to record the death of "J\Iajor Forbes, County Commissioner for Dorset. Dr. R. V. S. Cooper has been appointed in his place. NATIONAL HEALTH BILL-MARCH, 19·16. Paragraph 87 of this Bill reads as follows : " Apart from vehicles which may need to be provided as part of the Hospital Service, the provision of the main Ambulances and Hospital Transport required for the Health Service becomes the duty of the Local H ealth Authorities either directly or by arrangement with the Vol'lt11tary Organizations.' , In Buckinghamshire the County Council invited the County Joint Committee of the Order and Society to undertake the Ambulance Service of the County with the aid of a grant towards paid drivers where two or more Ambulances are stationed and towards the replacement of old
vehicles and insurance, the maintenance and ser~Tice conti?uing to be met from charges to patients and other sources ~ntil the atIOnal Health Bill becomes operative. There is reason to belIeve t.hat the Order and Society will be entrusted with the Ambulance SerVIce for the Co~nty under the Act. In Sussex and Oxford the Brigade has entered mto satisfactory agreements with the Councils concerned. The Home ervice Ambulance Department of the St. John and Red Cros Joint ommittee has been in close ~o-operation with the Health and other authorities concerned and there IS every hope that the motor ambulance service of the Brigade will be fully recognized. and Corps and Divisions maintaining Ambulances will retain a~ approp~late meas~re of control over the service they provide. The prmClpal dlffere.nce will be that the cost of the service will b~ met by Co~nty Councils and not as up to the pre ent by fee;; from patlents. The Bngade may rest assured that their intere ts are bemg fully safeguarded. nOME SERVICE Al\1BULA TCE C011l\IITTEE. \Ve are indebted to the valuable co-operation of the Home Service Ambulance Department during the year and the ~Teat assist~nce.they have rendered in dealing with the many problems whIch have ansen m connection with the Ambulance ervice. pecial consideration has been ~iven by the Department to a standard de ign of Ambulance body, and tIus has.now been agre~d to. The t. John Ambulanc will be black in colour, relIeved by a whIte band round the centre and white top. A good number of vehicles so coloured. have been in exist nee for om time. Due consideration has also been gIVe~ to the interior fitting and equipment, as the result of collectiv.e exp~nence of xpert . I understand that a descriptive leaflet on the subject will shortly be issued by the Department. ROAD SERVICE. The whole question of the future of the R03:d Service ~as fully discussed b th Brigade ub- ommittee. It was con~ldere.d deSIrable. that County ommi . ioner should arrange, in consultatIOn WIth the PolIce and other authoritie concerned, for such Road en'ice as may be necessary and they are in a position to carry ou t. . The ontinuance of First Aid Posts ""as not favoured, but It was agreed that First Aid equipment should be kept at all Police Stations and at District Nur es' homes. In a number of counties the Motor Ambulances are so distributed as to en ure prompt and speedy arrival at th.e scene of an accident. The value of these services is shown by the followmg figures : First Aid Cases attended
Invalids Removed Road Accidents Other Cases
151, 33 11,906 11 ,230
Total Removals
Mileage Number of Ambulances
2,684,435 540
On the closing down of the ' Var Organization ill June, various branches of Joint \york were taken up by a newly formed Joint Committee of the two bodies. The Departments for which this Joint Committee is re ponsible are :The Ho~pital Library Department. The Emergency Help Scheme. The Home Service Ambulance ervice. The After Care Departmen t. The Training Scheme. The Stores Department. In some counties the Joint 'Var Committees have been reconstituted and are continuing to carry out1he above activities in which the per onn 1 of the Brigade are taking an active part. Reference to these activities will be found in the Report of the uperintcndent-in-Chief.
Action by the Admiralty is now proceeding with the object of in tituting the Royal aval Auxiliary ick Berth Re en-e onc a,crain, and a circular has been issued to all Reservists to ascertain their willingne s to continue to serve and, when the revised condition han' be n d cicled, recruiting \vill be proceeded with. As regards the Military Hospital Re enTe, this is at pre ent in u pense pending the decision of the Government as to the futur of th Army Medical Services. Recruiting is proceeding for V . . D . members for service with th )laval Medical Establishments for which an urgent appeal ha recently been made by the Admiralty. ACQUISITION OF HEADQUARTERS.
A number of County Headquarters and local Headquarters have been established during the year, and in many counties t. John Council have been formed resulting in permanent Headquarter being acquired for all the activities of the Order. It is felt that these Councils will co-ordinate all branches of the Order's work, ensure smooth running, and be of great value to the development of the Brigade and its activitie .
I visitecl the following counties and inspected Parades during 194G : Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Birmingham, N.E. and Mid-Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Guernsey, Jersey, Lincolnshire, Somerset, Su~~lk, vVales (:\Ionmouthshire and Glamorgan), Worcestershire, and ' Vest RIdmg of Yorkshire. The Deputy Chief Commissioner, Lt.-G:eneral Si.r Henry ~ownall, visited and in pected Parades in the followmg countIes :-BIrmmgham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire (2), Derbyshire, Essex, Leicestershire, Somerset, and Surrev. The Inspeclion of o. 1 (Prince of Wales's) District was taken by Rear-Admiral the Viscount l\1ountbatten of Burma when over 6 000 were on parade. l\IEDICAL COl\IFORTS DEPOTS.
139 Depots have been registered making ~ total of ~47. .
These D 'pots, for the issue on loan of artIcles reqUIred m the SIck room, are becoming increasingly popular. They have proved a g:-ea t . ~oon to those nursing ick people at home and a large number of mqUInes are rec ived from the public for the address of the nearest Depot. During the year it \vas pos ible to issue a Register giving. th~ addresses of all Depots and thi ha proved of great value to the DIstnct Nurses, Hospital Almoners, etc. . . The model of a Medical Comforts Depot used for advertIsmg purposes ha been ho\\'n some thirty times in all parts of the country. It has timulated a great deal of interest in the work of ~he Depots. . I am d eply indebted to the Hon. John Bruce, ChaIrman of the Medical Comforts Department, and to the Secretary of the Committee, Mr. J. S. Hannam, for the splendid results achieved. ST. JOIL
Th St. John E:.\.hibition has be~n shown ~ix times in five. different countie and ha. done much to bnng the Bngade to the notIce of the public. Un[ortunalcl\T toward the end of the year it was found to be unsuitable for showing ancl was withdrawn for reorganizing and rebuilding. A areat cl al has been done under the able Chairmanship of "Jlrs. ~c orquodale toward this reorganization and it is hoped to have a new Exhibition ready for shO'wing by the middle of the year 1947. A word of thanks is due to 1\Irs. Archie Camden for her untiring voluntary work in staging the Exhibition. JUBILEE CERTIFICATE.
I n nearly all counties, County and Local Competitions have been resumed and arrangements are being made for the Final Competitions to take place in London in 1947. This will necessitate Regional Competitions taking place to decide the Ambulance and Nursing teams which will compete in the Finals.
Fifty CorpsjDivi ions have completed 50 years' continuous .s~ryice . A special Cer l i fica te has been approved for award to these Corps jDI VISIOns. OFFICERS' COURSES .
A number of County and Local Conferences and short training courses for Officer have been held in different parts of the country. These have been found to be of considerable value.
sistance to the extent of £237 7 . Gd. was granted to ninet en cases during 1946. CO~CLU
10 •.
I wi h to express my high appreciation and grateful thanks : (a) To the urgeon-in-Chief, Dr. . orbet Fletcher, for hi valuable assistance in connection with the medical side of our work ' al 0 the ounty Corps, and Di,'isional urgeon, upon whom the first' aid efficiency of the Brigade personnel depends. (b) To the Superintendent-in-Chief, the Viscount ss l\Iountbatten of Burma, and her. Deputy, Lady Dunbar-lTasmith, for their ind fatigable e~e~gy and contmued yccess .in connection with the . . ur ing Corp and DIVlslOns, also for theIr unfailing h lp and advice. (c) .1'0 t~le Chief ~fficers for Ambulance and ur ing adets, ~Iajor Darvil-SImth and fIss Cunard, for their valuable work which has resulted in such success in the Cadet Organization. (d) To the Commis ioners and taffs and to all Officers and member of the Brigade who by their loyal co-op ration and Hici nt service have maintained the high standard of efficiency in the Brigad at Home. (e) To County, Corps, and Divi ional President and Yi(' -Pr iden ts who by their encouragement and support have gr ath' cnhanc d the welfare of the Brigade. . . (1) And fi?ally, to. all :nember o! my Headquarter taff, and P,Hhcularly laJor Darnl-Snuth, the Bngade ecretarv for thcir continll d de",:,otion to duty and their loyal help to me in furtlidring th work of the Bngade. I have the honour to be, Your obedient servant, CLIVE LIDDELL, General, Acting ChieJ Commissioner.
Report of th e Surgeon-in-Chief. T o THE CIlIEF COMMISS1O)[ER. Sir, I have the honour to present my report for the twelve months ended 31st December, 1946, this being the 59th year of the Brigade. I n so doing I wish to place on record my appreciation of the reports received from sixty-two County Surgeons who, in spite of the many calls on their services and the difficulties due to post-war conditions, have yet found time to send interesting accounts of the work done t!lis year in their commands. MEDICAL STRENGTH .
Although there arc still some of our urgeons serving in H .M. Forces, I am pleased to be able to report that those who have returned to civilian life have, in nearly all cases, resumed their activities with the Brigade. Further, while there have been some resignations due to changing condition, these losses have been more than compensated by new appointments, specially during the last six months of the year and, though exact figure are not available, it is gratifying to know that we are holding our numbers on the Brigade Roll . To each newly-appointed urgeon I have continued to send a letter of wclcome, to which I have had many courteous replies which presage acti"e interest in thc work of instructing our members. Further, the inclusion with m T lettcr of a copy of the official pamphlet-D1fties oj ' IlrgeoJls - ensurcs that these Officers start their Brigade careers with a clear knowledge of what is expected of them . INSTRUCT1O~
Therc is no doubt that in thc period immediately following the war years, there was con iderable lethargy and that the urgeons experienced con. iclerable difficulty in their task of training the members of their unit. For these rea ons I am glad to learn from my County Surgeons that there arc signs of improvement in this direction, and that, up and down thc Brigade, lcthargy is now giving place to enthusiasm. Another difficulty arises from the fact that there are still a number of Ambulance and Tursing Divisions without their appointed urgeons, which handicaps instruction. Here again my County urgeons report that steps are being taken to increase the recruitment of new urgeons which, in my opinion, is much more desirable than the custom of appointing one urgeon to byo or more Divisions. Indeed, I feel that the time has now come to rescind the permission which was given during the late war to appoint any urgeon to more than one Division. The publication this year of the upplcn'Lent to Textbook has already produced good results, and has caused a stimulation of interest in the Divisions, as is evidenced by the increased interest in the lectures given by the urgeons and in the Query Column of the St. ] olm Gazette . This is confirmed in the report which I have received from several County
Surgeons, who tell me ~hat attendances of the rank and file have improved consequent on the desIre to learn all they can of thc revised methods of treatment. In these circumstances, I am hoping that the rcvi ed T xtbook will be published in the near future, as this will create further interest and ~nten~ive. study of the new method. 'Vhen this happen, it will as i t m bnngmg members of Brigade units back to the pre-war level of efficiency. ANNU AL RE-EXA1I1IN A nONS.
Several of my County Surgeons report that this year they have been able to carry o"?t t~eir appointe~ d';lties, and personally to conduct the ~nu~ re-exammatlOns of all umts ll1 their commands. \,11 r port that m spIte of petrol shortage and other difficulties, tbe annual r -examinations have been. held, and t~at the standard of knowleclge re\'calecl bv members .was hIgher than 11-: recent years, e\'en though th re is stiil room for Improvement, espeCIally on the theoretical ide. It is pleasing to know that special efforts have thi year been macle for the annual re-examin~ti.o~s to be conducted by urg ons who are not attached to the DivislOns concerned. This i mo t de irable . and I am not wi~hout l~ope that next year the war-tim p rmis ion f()l~ Surgeons to examme theIr own units will be withdrawn. In thi connectiOI:' I have t? report that some Divisions till postpone the elates of t~eIr re.-exammatIOns, and that this delay increa es considerably the dIfficultIes of the County urgeons in making the nece saryarranger11ents. COMPETITIO s.
\Vith the cessation of hostilities, competitions have this 'car again come to the .f:-ont. orne. County urgeons report the organization of local competItIOns, for whIch there has been a good numher of entries. T~ese have led on in some cases to rea and ount\' conte t ; and when thIS ha~ happened, there has been noted a keen -desire on the part of competItors to become the representative team of the ollnt '. I am, th~refore, asking my County urgeons to do all that lies in their po:v er to mcre.ase the nu~ber of. local competition, and tller by to brmg a??ut still furt~er mterest m the County, Eegional, and Final CompetItIons of the Bngade. In this connection it is interesting to note the extent to which realism has been (and is still being) introduced into these local competitions as a sequel to the work done in Brigade Finals in the four years preceding the outbreak of World War o. 2. The net result of this is that Briaade personnel skilled in Competitions a~e more efficient, and that the~ do better wO.rk when they are faced wIth problems connecteel with actual em.erg~ncies. For the foregoing reasons, I welcome the deci ion to re-mstI~ute Brigade Finals next year, ~v~n though these are not likely to attam to pre-war standards of realIstIc representation of the test. CONFERENCES OF SURGEONS.
. Another pleasing feature of this year's reports is that in a number of mstan~es I have been told ab.out local Conferences of Surgeons which have eIther. been held or are bemg arranged. These meetings have arisen from a deSIre on the part of Corps and Divisional urgeons to meet in
order to discuss problems connected with instruction and competitions, and also to bring about a more intimate and personal knowledge of each other. In this connection on 10th November, I had the privilege of opening the first Area Conference in No.1 (Prince of Wales) District, which was organized by County urgeon Colonel N. YV. Hammer, for the benefit of urgeons and ursing Officers in the Northern Area. This was well attended and was much appreciated by those who participated, because of the instructional value of the various lectures and demonstrations, and of the interchange of views which followed. It is with great regret that I have to report my inabilit y this year to hold a urgeons' \Veek-end Conference in London, by reason of the very great difficulties connected with catering and hotel accommodation. This feeling is shared by all ranks of urgeons, as is proven by the many letters which I have received on this subject. However, you have my assurance that immediately conditions improve, I 'will in\'ite my colleagues to a \Veek-End Conference like those which we held before the outbreak of war and which were so successful in contacts and results. MERITORIOUS FIRST AID.
During thi year the B.E.ilL was awarded to ergeant G. French, of the Borough of \Vembley Division, in recognition of services rendered to the Port of London Authority during the blitz. Also, the :Meritorious First Aid Certificate of the s ociation was awarded to five members of the \Villiam fill Di\'i ion of Birmingham for the part which each played on 2.')th ugust, when at grave personal risks they saved the life of a fellow workman \\'ho was overcome by gas . In addition, thirty reports of good work well done by members of the Brigade in difficult or exceptional circumstances were submitted and approvcd. To each you sent a pcrsonalletter of congratulation. Twenty of the e reports were deemed worthy of a wider circulation and were duly published in the Interesting Case Reports column of the St. John Gazette. CONCLUSION.
In conclusion, I trust that you will find clear evidence in my report that the great majority of Brigade urgeons are whole-heartedly and satisfactorily carrying out their duties and obligations in the furtherance of the humanitarian work which is the proud purpose of our Venerable Order. At least I am grateful for their continued and generous support, and I place on record my sincere appreciation of the assistance which I have received from those in charge, the urgeon-in-Chief for \Vales, and the County urgcons in England and Jorthern Ireland, from Headquarter taff in the persons of 1\Iajor P. G. D arvil- mith and Mr. J. S. Hannam . from the Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief Dr. \V. C. Bentall, and last, but not least, from my Secretary, District Staff Offi cer Mr. Ernest T. Milburn. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, N. CORBET FLETCHER, I.A., M.B., III .R .C.S . Sltrgeon-in-Chiej.
Report of the Sllperintendent-in-Chief, Nllr lng Corps and Divi -ions. To
Sir, I have t he honour to submit my report for the year ended 31st December , 1946 . ROYAL VISIT.
H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent was graciou ly pleased to in pect Somer et Units at \Veston-super-~lare on 26th June. After the In pection Her R oyal Highness addressed to the Parade \vord of prai 'e for the great services rendered during the years of war and expr s ed the hope that their efforts would continue no less enthusiastically in the time of peace for t he need for t heir services to the nation was ever increasing. VISITS OVERSEAS .
During the months of March, April, and lay, I undertook an ext n ive tour of Australia, New Zealand, and the Far Ea t, during which 48,000 miles were covered by air alone. As the guest of the Dominion GO\"ernments of Australia and New Zealand and of their t. John and Red Cross Organizations, I visited every tate and City, and many Townships and smaller centres in both Dominions. 1\ly off1cial programl11 in each case included inspections, functions, and visits to St. John H ad<Juarters and personnel as well as to the Hospitals, Convalescent Home, and other establishments where they were working, in many cases in collaboration with their R ed Cross colleagues. I ndia, Malaya, and Netherlands Indies.-In India, l\Ialaya, and the Netherlands Indies I had the opportunity of seeing th valuable work being done by t. J ohn members, both of the Brigade at Home and the Brigade Overseas, as Civilian Relief workers, \VeHare Officer, and .A.D.s. I would like to make special mention of the invaluable contribution made by Miss Ensor of Lymington Nursing Division and :\1iss Leather of Swanage Nursing Division, \vho were so largely respOl 'ible for the successful W elfare and Civilian Relief work undertaken by cnr teams and workers in Singapore and throughout j1alaya. Ausiralia.- In Australia I found St. John personnel particularly privileged in having H .R .H. The Duke of Gloucester as their Grand Prior as well as t heir Governor-GeneraL I much welcomed the opportunity of meeting large numbers of Brigade members in all par ts of the Dominion and was particularly pleased to be able to visit some of t he more remote districts including the mining areas of K algoQrlie and Boulder. In West ern Australia I found admirable Headquarters built by St. J ohn which formed a valuable centre for training purposes and general work. I was able t o carry out a large I nspection there which included Divisions from Pert h , Freemantle, Bunbury, and the surrounding districts ; and
also inspected Joint Parades of t. J ohn and Red Cross in Sydney, Acklaide, Melbourne, and Tasmania. In '" yc1ney a most interesting St. J ohn Pageant w~s staged, fo~lowed by excellent First Aiel and Home Nursing demonstratIOns. In Bn~b~ne a large Civic Meeting attended by me!llbers of the .St. John .AssoCIatIOn ancl the Olleen'::>land Ambulance erV1ce was also mcluded m the programme. '-At all these functions I addr.essed the Parades and gatherings. I was greatly impre ed by the w1de fielcl of wor~ undertaken by t. John in Australia for so many years and .b y the. h1gh standard and spirit of all Officers and 1embers, a well as WIth theIr smart appearance on all occnsions. 0! ew Zc([ltl1ld. - In N w Z aland I attended gathering and inspections in many places including \Yellington, Auckland, Dunedin, Christch.urch , Palmerston :\ orth, \Yanganue, :i\ ew Plymouth, Rotorua, and Hamilton, all of wlli 11 \\crc extremel\' w 11 atteneled and I was much impre ed by the ,>martlll' ~ of thos on p(lrad and of all the members with whom I came in contact. • TC'W Zcalantl has, in relation to population, more Brigade Divisions thall all,' other DominioIl. The nnmber of Caelet Divisions and their work 1 thought quitc ol1htanding. I was particularly st~uck by the enormous l1Ul11 ber of Gmncl Prior Badg s held by Cadet, whIch number 1,117. I attended an Order In\,e...,titure presided over by the GovernorG ncral, \\·ho i.., a Kni~ht Commander of the Order, and afterwards addr '~" Ll a Jl1.l~~ g,tth ring which included very large numbers of St. John l11cmh'rs. I gr ,ltl\' ~lppreciated the exc llent arrangements made for my visit b\ Sir \\"in:::;t()11 Dugan, Knight ommander for the Commandery of .\l1 ... tl,Lii,l (whi('11 has now heen granted Priory status), by . ir James Elliott Li utcn:tnt of the Commander\' of ew Z aland (wh1ch 1 also I1OW;t l>ri()1"\"), and by tll(' .\'>s()ciation aiul the Brigade in both Dominions and I was 11111 1'1l touchcd h\- the kind \\'elcom accorded me by everyone. It \V,l<'; all inspirat ion to liwd so many Offlcers, "Jlembers,. and Cadets of thl' Brigade O\'er:::;ea~ and to sec the wonderful work wl11ch they are accomp1ishing. . ' In cnl1I1lclinn with 111\" work o\'ersea I would lIke once agall1 to xpress 111.\ ' gr,ltitmle to 'S ir )ame Sleem?-n for ~is kindne~s in giving m \ so Jl1l1l11 \'altw hIe informatlOll and pllttmg me 111 touch \vlth so many or the' On'rsl'as Brigade as well as for his unfailing help to me and my colleagues \\ here Ollf work . \t Home is concerneel. I would .like also ~o 1'('con l 111\ grcat apprecia.tion of all the help and support gl\Ten me ~n illl1umerahle matter'> h\' :\Irs. Copland GrifTith.', and my plea ure 111 seeing so m,U1\ mcmhers of the Nursing Corps and Divisions of the Brigade 0\ Cr~l';1S. . In Fcbrll,tn Lad\' Dl1nhar-.l. Tasmith vi ited B.A .O.R. and the Pans llb-Co 11lmis~ion and undertook a comprehensive tour of Joint \Var Organization activities, inc1mling Hospital \tV~lfare, tores, !ra:1 p~rt, Displaccll PC'rsons Camps, the Hertford Ro. pItal, and the chstnbutmg of food parcels to British Personnel in Paris. In April she spent a week in Austria visiting Convale~cent HO~1e , Di plac d Persons Camps and the Headquarter of the Fore1gn RelatlOns Department.
T.] OH
It was with ver real pleasure that my husband and I in pectcd the Ambulance, Nur ing and Cadet Divi ions of No.1 District when som 6,000 member were on parade. I al 0 had the pleasure of carrying out In pections in the Ccntral, Ea tern, Northern, and vVe tern Ar as of H amp. hire; and during a twoday visit to Northumberland and Durham I in:pect cl pcrsonnel at Ashington, Newcastle, and Sunderland. I was much impres ed by the keenne s and mart appcaran of all the per onnel I saw and by the wid fi Id of work bing covcrec1. Lady Dunbar-Nasmith had the pI a ur of accompanying you, Ir, when you carried out the County Insp chons in \Vorcc ,t .rshir and Lincolnshire. She was pre en t on the occa ion of II.H.. H. The Dueh'ss of K nt's visit to Somer et. SERVICE IIOSPIT,\L S.
The total number of V.A .D. memb r l110biliz cl sine n)3D is 1,().) 1, of whom 161 were still serving at th nd of thc y ar; .12 with tll :l\avy in this country and 32 in outh frica and ' ylon; 77 with the .\rm y, 19 of whom are posted to B.A.O.H.. PERSO. XEL.
With the end of the 'Var a decrea e in membership ancl a falling off in the number of Divi ions had to be expect d ancl l()() Division ' Juv b een disbanded during the year, many of which wcre war-tim formations. New Divisions registered number 14, with a m "l11bersltip of Ilili. The total number of Nursing Divisions in England an<.l Torthcrn I I' Ll.nd i. 1,IO!). CIVIL
There are 1,940 members serving with th Ci"il Nursing I(c,", n' whose assistance is of particular value in view of the con tinuing shortag of nurses. R ed and Blue Star awards granted during the year ar : Red Star (for a year's satisfact.ory service) " Blue Star (for a period of not less t.han t.hree consecutive months' service in a Sanatorium or Tuberculosis lIospital, Tuberculosis Wards of a General IIospit.al, or in an Infectious Diseases Hospital)
1-1 ;')
Resident duty at the Royal Masonic Ho pital <.luring the nurse' holiday period was again undertaken during the months] ttly to '-- eptember by twelve members from the following counties : No.1 District Gloucestershire Berkshire Staffordshire Buckinghamshire East Riding of Yorkshire Cam bridgeshire A letter of appreciation has been received from Matron cxpressing her gratitude for the valuable assistance rendered.
The B oard of Control, as a result of the acute shortage of Mental urscs, which is causing needless suffering, both to prospective patients anel thcir families, appealed to u , the Women's Voluntary erVIces and the British l{ dross 0 iety, for general staffing help where most urgently required. Countie which bave. respon~ed splendidly to appeals alrea?y made include orfolk, Essex, Lmcolnshlre, and omerset. Other countIes arc also being approachcd to help in this particularly worth-while serv~ce . The valuc of mcmber ' belp i gratefully acknowledged by the M~dI.cal 'up rintend nt', l atrons, and ursing taff, and a letter of appreCIatIOn has also bccn received from the Board of Control. j)ar/-!J'7!w I-lospz'tal Dll/y.-l\Iany hours of regular part-time hospital <.lut)' havc, as in the pa t, b en undertaken. General Xlfrsillg Tral·Jlillg. Notifications have been received of 18 ll1cm hers und rtaking gen ral nur ing training. .. . . illiss P. i\Iarkwell, a member of Norwich No.1 Nursmg DIVISIOn, has be n awarded the London ounty Council H ospital taff's Silver Medal. Ii s V. l<ay, of the H..omford Nur ing Division, was awarded the , urgical Prize ~lt King George's Ho pital, Ilford, for obtaining 90 per cent in the lIospital Final in October. . Assislan! Xlfrses.- l{eports received show 85 members regI tered on the 'si:-,tant 1 ·urses l{oll of the General ursing Council. til r 11 -lel ' of work which I 'houlcllike specially to mention are : C!Jild TVclfarc Cell/res alld Day and Residential Turseries, at which duties hay been maintained. Escort DII/ies. - :"Ianv e cort have been provided in connection with the Church of Enaland- hildren's ociety, and Canadian Brides, and also for ho:-,pilallMtient . JOI'II/ TT'a r OrgClJl/::alioJl.- -M mbers continue, with their colleagu es of the B.H.. C.:., to . taff tho e l\.uxiliary H ospitals and Convalescent Homes which remain open. Guide for ervice patients and for relatives visiting men on til D.l. list in 13. ,\..0.1(. have been provided . HO PITAL CAR SERVICE.
It wa. originally agreed that the
t.] ohn Ambulance B.rigade, the British 1(('<.1 ros ,ociety, and the 'Vomen's Voluntary SerVIces, should run ill lIn 'pital ar 'ervice until the end of 1946. However, in July, If) J G, tll ;"linistry of Hcalth a ked the three organizations to continue the ' ervic' until April, 1918, by which time it is hoped that, under the ~e<l:lth en-ices Act, Local Authorities will become responsible for a SImIlar sen'lee. H.eport rccei,-ed from all over the country show that a large numb~r of patients attending ho pitals and clinics for treatment .depend entIr~ly on the Ho pital Car ervice for transport. The HospItal Car erVIce carrie, on an average, 22,000 patients a month, and drivers cover approximately 410,000 milcs. Although the drivers are recruited from among the g neral public, a high p~r~enta~e bel?ng to th~ three organizations an<.l Brigade members are dnvmg, m theIr spare tIme, throughout the country. In addition, the Brigade and the British Red Cross ociety provide attendants in the cars when necessary.
Nine counties are organized by the Brigade in England. We have fifty Area Transport Officers in England and \Vales, and we arc responsible for the admini tration in Northern Ireland assisted by the British H.ecl Cross ociety. AFTER CARE A D EMERGENCY HELP SCIIE!\lE.
The Brigade, together with the British Reel Cross ociety, provides After Care visitors throughout the country. The e members follow up cases of men and women discharged as unfit from the ervices, anel they work under the direction of the After Care Depot of the Joint Committee of the Order of t. J ohn and the British Red Cro s ,ociety. l\Iany of these members also help with the \,"ork of the Emergency" Help ~ cheme of the Joint Committee of the Order of St. ] ohn and Briti~h H.C'cl ero Society within the counties. HO PITAL LIBRAH.IES.
The Brigade play an active and increa ing part 111 the work of the Hospital Library Department of the Joint ommittc of the relcr of St. John and the British Red Cro s ,ociety. On of the D partm nl's two mobile Librarians is an Officer of the Brigadc, antI throughout til coun~ry St: ] ohn Officers and members are llncl rtaking the dutie of HospItal LIbrary County Organizer, Depot and H05;pit,Ll Lihrarians, and Bookbinders. t. J ohn Officers have be n posted as re id III Librari,lll s to ervice Hospitals in this country. WELFARE DEPAEDIEXT.
During the year the Joint \Var Organization \YcHare Depal t 111 n t \\\lS set up and my taf£ Officer, the Count ·s of Brecknork, ,\ tl appointetl Deputy Chief Headquarters' \Velfare OffIcer. In l\Iarch, at the request of the \\'ar Office, th \\'ar Org,lniz,ltiol1 undertook to provide \V lfare per onnel to b attach d t() Ci,"il I{csetUcJl1 nt Units set up in thi country for ex-pri oners of war. SCYCIl of our 011il 'rs were posted to the e nit, where they undertook ,,·cHar (Inti sand assis~ed wi~h the Extension cheme, whIch inclucled \Oisiting pri~()nCTS of war m theIr homes. These Offic rs ga,"e outstanding. en"it' . and many letters of appreciation have been recciv cl from the \\',tr Onic(', tIl Officers Commanding the Units, and from inc1iyidual prisol1 rs of Welr themselves. In May, Irs: Trever~on, Middle bo~ou~h .l. l1rsing Di"i ion, \\as po led as the first resIdent ]Ol11t \Var OrgamzatlOn \VcHare Offtccr to a, n 'lce Hospital in this country, and towards the entl of the year Miss P. Davcy, Pontyclum ursing Division, took up her post at the Que 11 ~ \Iexandra Military Hospital, Horley. ~ The <?verseas \Ve~f~re ervice has becn curtailed during th ~ ar with the closl11g of the Bnhsh Red Cross ommission in India and the recluction of S~rvice Hospitals in other areas. A total of 12 ' 1... John Officers were servmg abroad at the end of the year, including 15 po teel during 1916. S.E.A .L.F.- Miss. de Mie~re, of the Eastbourne NUL ing Division, in Feb~uary was apPol11ted ChIef Welfare Officer in charge of British and IndIan Red Cross Welfare Officers outside India, and the success of the
Welfare ervice in the Far East has been largely due to her excellent work. Of the 15 British Eed Cross \Velfare Officers still serving in this Commission, which includes Burma, Malaya, and Hong Kong, 7 are Brigade member. The remaining Welfare Officer in Ceylon is also a Brigade membcr. FraJlce.- During thc summer 8 Welfare Drivers were posted to the British I~cd ross Paris Sub-Commission where they have been engaged in the distribution of fooel parcels to British.l. ationals throughout France. Two I ursing mcmbers are attached to the Hertford British Hospital, Paris. ~~Iiddle East. The existing personnel in this area was augmented during the year by ~) , t. John Ollicers, who are attached as \Velfare Officers and Di\'('rsi{)llal '1 hcrapists to Military and R.A.F. Hospitals in Greece, Pak-,tillc, ancl tile ranal Zone. C..11.F. During the year 1:3 Brigade members were serying in Italy a[Hl .\u'>tria. The Officers in this Commission have been particularly sllLll;s~f\ll with Di\'crsiollal Therapy and have carried out all other routine dutics. Three of thcm wcre attached to the British Red Cross Officers' ancl Oth r I{anks' Convales ent Homes. n .. l.D.H, Ten Brigad Of11cers have continued their work \\,'ith this COIllmis~i()ll. The \Yclfare services our personnel have given have been much appreciatecl, and in addition to the routine \Yelfare and Library \\'ork, ho:-pitality has be n provided for visiting relatives of serving men on th' D.L Li t. ~1i s dc H.ocmer, of El) Tursing Di\Ti ion, has given exceptional service \\ ith tIL Foreign Eelations Department. CI\'ILIAN H.ELIEF OYER EAS.
'I'll total number of '1... J o11n personnel serving with Civilian Relief l'nits at lst Jannary, 1 nHi, wa ' a follow .l
• \\
26 men
32 women
5 23 women
illalaya .
1 man 2-!
~ \u st.ria,
Egypt., antl Greece
13 women 10 men 23
T ot.al: 105
,:\t thc cnd of the y ar thi nnmber was reduced to : K\\". Europe
20 women 13 men 33
.A ustria
5 women 1 man
3 women
Total: 42
Work in the Far East.-Our member did most valuable work in Malaya, particularly at the \Vomen and hildren's Clinic at J ohore ahru, the State Orphanage at Kuala Lumpur, the] estitute Homes at Penang, and the Transit Camp at ime Road, being a isted by the transfer in February of 14 vVelfare Officers. Although the Commi ion cIo ed down on 31st May, 1946, when the majority of members returned to this country, it was not until the return in November to this country of 'Ii J. Ensor and Lady Angela Courtney that this work was finally completed. N. TV. Europe.-Lady Dunbar- Ta mith's visit to the ivilian Relief Units in B.A.O.R. in February was a great encouragement to our m mber who have done magnificent work in Di placed Persons' amps, Ho pital , and Rest Homes, throughout the Briti h area in Germany. Austria and Italy.-The number of member erving in tIl s countri s is small, but the work they are undertaking in Displaced Person " amp is much appreciated. They are al 0 as isting in the Ho pitals. The valuable contribution made by our member in this field ha be n recognized by the award of the I.B.E. to three members and by a number of Mentions in Dispatches, which are enum rated later in my report. The following members were awarded Field-l\Iarshal ir Harold Alexander's Certificate-Campaign 1913- ·15:Mr. M. J. Belton \V. Riding of ~ ork . Mr. F. Cox Lanca hire. o. 1 Di trict. Mr. G. C. Smith . Mrs. M. mith-Gleave No.1 Di trict. VICTORY PARADE. The Brigade was directly represented in the \ Tictory Par,lcl by 26 members of the ursing Divisions from all part of th country, including Northern Ireland and the Channel I lands. In the Joint \Var Organization conting nt 10 rcprc cntaLiv s of the St. John Nursing Divisions took part, one of whom ,va a 'anadian member who had worked in the London shelter during the war. The Brigade was also represented by V.A.D. memb rs in the TJ.VY, Army, and Air Force Medical ervices ection, and <11 0 in tIl ivi1 Defence Services ection. .l.
PLANNI G SUB-COMMITTEE. The Planning Sub-Committee of the Ambulance Committe ha now taken the place of the Post-\Var Reconstruction Committee, which has been dissolved. TRAINING COURSES. Lady Dunbar-Nasmith attended the County Conference for nur ing personnel at Southampton and spoke on the « Present-day \Vork of the Brigade" . Iiss Mrs. Girouard attended the Surrey County Training Course. Watson and Miss Cunard attended that held in Jorthern Ireland for Officers and members, when 130 were present. Miss Harrison attended the week-end Training Course for Ambulance and ursing personnel in Suffolk which, by the kindness of Lady Blanche Cobbold, the County President, again was held at her house.
HONOURS. H.M. The King was graciously pleased to honour me by the award of the D.C.V.O. in the Jew Year Honours List. I am pleased to report the following awards : -
New Year II ollours List. Lady lia \Vernher, O.B.E. Mrs. Falwa ser, O.B.E. Nancy, Lady Vivian, O.B.E. li unard, M.B.E. Miss lIarrison, l\1.B.E. Dr. Danby, l\1.B.E. 1\1i - Partridge, M.B.E. :'Ilrs. G. Cavill, hirehampton ursing Division, B.E.M. :JIi s B. A. Pearce, Liverpool ursing Division, B.E.M. Y.~\..D. Mi s Haddikin, W.R. Yorks./88, B.E.M. V. .D. 1\Iis ::'\lar hall, Beliast/38, B.E.M. V.A.D. 1\li s Longworth, E. Lancs./142, A.R.R.C. IIpplemellt to "Gazette," 18th January (B.R.C. Commissions Europe and . Europe). 1\1iss n. Elev, ~LB.E. 1\Ii s K .... \. Rackham, M.B.E. (Italy). ::'\Ii -- ::'\I. \Vat -on, l\l.B.E. (Greece). ::'\Ii . . :'II sen')" B.E.1\L
:'IIrs. Birkbcck, O.B.E. ~Iiss :\1. A. Todd, \Vinlaton Nursing Division, M.B.E. Mis ::'\I. em bie, :'LB.E. V.A.D. ~Ii . B. Hos ack, uffolk '21, R.R.C . V .•\..D. Mis Tellett, \V. Lanc . 54, A.R.R.C. V. .D. l\Ii~s Reynolds, Carmarthen/ 22, A.R.R.C. Y .. \.D. 1\1i Tennant, E. Lancs. 104, A.R.R.C. V ... \..D. 1\1i -s Gane, Birmingham/ 42, A.R.R.C. V ..(\..O. ommandant 1\1i s Allred, E. Lancs./142, A.R.R.C.
til ellfiolls in Di patches. The Yi countess 1\Iountbatten of Burma. :'Ifr . Girouard. 1\li ' 1\1. H. 1\1iller, S.R. r. 1\1iss P. ooper. 1\Ii s B. A. H. Blyth. 1\Irs. de Freitas -acchilary. 1\Iiss D. 1. Rowland (previously mentioned in 1945). 1\Iiss G. A. Baker. Miss B. S. Edwards. V.A.D. 1\lrs. Farey.
Certificates of Good COJ/duct to the followi7lg V.A .D.s. Miss Mortimer, \V. Lancs/ 2G. 1\1iss haw, E. Lanc / 10·-1. 1\Iiss pringett, Hants/220. Miss Boyd, Birmingham/G . Miss Challis, E sex/50 Miss Forbes, Antrim;:'~. Mi s Gibbard, Essex/54. Miss Irvine, \V. Lancs/54. Brigade TVar ervice Bar Awards. 1st year. year year ·Hll year 5th year 6th year ~nd ~3rd
I-t,-t-tl 8.918 5,5~9 3,();) ~
1 ,9:~()
I am very grat ful to 1\1rs. Blagden fur her \'aluat)lc a 'sistanc' in connection with the issue of the 'Va'r n-ice Bar, for which she has been responsible fro~ their inception. Unforlunately, O\ving' to many other calls upon her tIme, she has now b en obligCll to resin'n from my taff and she is much mis ed by e,-eryone. b - '
The repatriation of the members of th \ anadian contingrnt proceeded throughout the year as contracts tcrminal'el, and it \V.ts with a 'oer real sense of sadness that we bade Miss :\IcLaren ;mel the remaining members good-bye in December. \Yc owe a gr at debt of gratitude to all our Canadian collea.gues who volunteered [or sen'ice in tlli:, country and who made such an 1I1valuable contribution to our war effort over a wide field. OUT IDE ORG.\N IZA 110.
The Brigade is represented on the following Organizatiun British Council for Rehabilitation-Council and H.chabililation Committee. Central Council for Health Education. Civil ursing Reserve Advi ory Council (11il1i ·try of Health). Council of Briti h ocieties for Pclief "\broad. London Council of ocial ervice. Invalid Kitchen of London. National Council of ocial ervice-\Vomen's Group on Public \Velfare and ational Old People's \Velfare. Queen's Institute of District ursing Council. Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents. Wo~en's Voluntary Services-Advisory Council and General Purposes CommIttee.
A number of Conferenccs have been attended during the year amongst which were : The Royal Sanitary Institute Congress at Blackpool. Briti h Council for Rehabilitation Course at Oxford. /{ Home-making for All," convened by the Housing Centre. British Association for the Welfare of Spastics. /{ The Care of Old Peoplc," convened by the National Old People's Welfare Committee. /{ Health and Social crvice-The New Situation," arranged by the British Federation of ocial \Vorkers in collaboration with the British Council for Rehabilitation. CONCLUSION.
The past year has again been one of severe strain on the nursing personnel of the Brigade, and exceptional work has been accomplished, both at home and over eas. New fields of work have been explored, and in many cases are already in operation, but if all the demands made upon our pcrsonnel are to bc adequately met a material increase in membership is a matter of first importance. The counties, a always, have responded magnificently, however heavy the train upon them. ly thanks go out once again to my District and County :uperintendent and Officers, as well as to my Presidents and Yic -Pre idents throughout the country. \\Te have suffered ad 10 ses during the past year, particularly with the d alh of 11rs. Twcedale, District Superintendent for Lancashire ince 1013, and enior uperintendent of the country. Mrs. Tweedale had a long record of devoted service, as well as exceptional ability and lcctdership, and has been an example to all for many years. She will be r memb red by many Officers and members from all parts of the country "v'110 attcnded the rigacle amps held at Rossall School, of which she was ·ommandant . he took a very particular interest in the V.A.D. movement and for many years was Assistant County Controller, in which capacity he mobilized a large number of members for service with the I'orces in both the 1914- 18 and 1939-45 \-Vars. The re ignations of l\Irs. de la Pryme, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Dudson, If. Evans, 1\1rs. Demetriadi, and Mrs. Watney, have been received with great regret. The first three ladies have given many years of valuable service, and all these County Superintendents have made fine contributions to the work of the Nursing Personnel of the Brigade. Our very sincere gratitude goes out to them all, as well as good wishes for the future. I, once again, must express my sincere appreciation to all the members of my Headquarters taft for a really fine year's work, and for the tremendous ta ks they have accomplished. This last year has been a particularly difficult one, and both in their homes and at the office they have had to put up with very great shortages and difficulties . In spite of this, however, they have carried on with the greatest competence and with the finest spirit. On Lady Dunbar-Nasmith, my Deputy, once again there has fallen vcry heavy responsibility, and I cannot speak too highly of her able
TIlE Sr. J OHN . \l\l BUL\ :\l'E BN! ,ADE,
leader hip, her great wisdom, or of the joy we all feel in working with her. In all her tasks she has, as previously, be n most ably assisted by Miss Longden, her taff Officer. . }\1rs. Girouard was appointed my As istant uperintendent-in-Chief 111 August, 19,16, and her exceptional ability, coupled with great enthusiasm and enterprise have been the greatest a sets to our work. I would like to cxpre s my very pecial thanks to her. Lady Brecknock was appointed taff Officer in February, 19 16, anel undertook the ivil~an Relief ection of our work; whilc in Augu t she also became responsIble for Welfare. he has carried out thcse dutic with cor:spicuous success, and we have been so happy to welc()me her into the Bng~de and to have her with us at H cadquarters. MISS \\latson, as always, has put in a fine year's work, and the great progress of the Planning ub-Committee, in it many field of scrvice, has been largely due to her initiative, contact, and very able handling. he should be hIghly congratulated on what she ha achic\·ccl . To Miss Harri on, as in previous year, I mu t ex pre s a sp cial word of real gratitud~ and admiration . Her ablc and loyal support in all matters concermng the ~ursing Corps and Divi ion, allied to her great knm,rledge and sound judgment arc an in\Taluablc a ct to m personally and to all her colleagues at Headquarter, and to the ursin a Divi ion of the Brigade as a "yhole. In conclusion, I would like to thank you, ~ir, for thc ~\-ll1pathy and s~pport which you haye given to us all throuahout the y ar and the many kmdnesses whIch you have shown me and all thc ~ Tur ing P rsonnel of the Brigade. I have the honour to be, ir, Your 0bedien t servant, ED\VINA IOU TBATTE Oli BURMA, 5 Ilper ill! eJldc II t -ill-Cli ie].
Report of the Acting Chief Officer, Alnbulance Cadets. To
'i r, I havc the honour t() submit my report concernmg the Ambulance Cadets at Homc, cxcluding \Vale . , atisfaclory progres has been made during the past year. Forty-nine ncw Di\Ti ions were registered, with a personnel of 793. When the returns ar compl t d the figures will be submitted as an appendix to this report. Cadet Ad'/.'l·sory CO'fJlmittee.-The deliberations of the Cadet Advisory ommilte havc resulted in valuable decisions on Cadet matters and t1:anks arc due to the mcmber , the majority of whom travelled long ell tanccs to attend the m ctings, for their keen and active interest. Their practical xperi nce has been of inestimable value to the St. J ohn ad t Organization. Thi ommittee is now established on a Regional basis. COl/jerel/ce. _\ onf r nee of County and Area Officers was held at Drap rs' lIall in the it\" of London on the 6th April, at which the Chief ommi iOller pre ided. The first year in the change in administration of Cadet Divisions introduced by Brigade Order 770 of Tovember, 19 15, has proved to be to the ad\'antag of the adet 110vement, as it places the Cadet Organization on an qual fooling with other Youth Organizations and gives a wider scope for initiaii\'e and enterpri e and Youth activities under the leadership of young Officers. There i , ne\T rtheless, clo e co-operation with the Adult Diyi -ion, and participation with them in local parades and other events . . 11l'Clrds.-Grand Prior Badges for 1946 total 40. pecial enTice hield.- adets R. C. l\Iaskell, K. J. l\Iaskell, and D. N . .i\lcock, of the Farnhorough adet Ambulance Division have the distinction of bing the first adcts to be awarded the Special ervice hield, for scnTi rendered betwecn the 1st January, 1946, and the 1st J anuary, c
19 17.
TraJ/sjers to the Adult Division .-Thi year has seen the application of an incr a ing number of Ambulance Cadets for transfer to the Adult Divi ions, many returning from H.l\I. Services, and wishing to carryon their \\'ork with the Brigade. Ul11joYIJI.-The revision of the Cadet uniform has been engaging the attention of the Uniforms Revision ub-Committee, the result of which it is hoped will bc to attract a greater number of boy to the Cadet Divi ions. otwithstanding repeated applications, the Board of Trade will not grant any concession to Youth Organizations in the matter of obtaining Coupon Equivalents, and this is one of the difficulties in holding recruits. At present Cadet Units are somewhat mixed in appearance, about one-third being without uniform. A few have temporarily adopted a form of battledress. vVhen the clothing situation has
eased, efforts will be made to en ure that all adets are supplied with the regulation uniform. Ca171ps.-Thirty-eight applications were receiy d for camps this y ar, and two for mixed camps for both Ambulance and Nur ing ad t . Every effort is being made to raise the standard of campina throughout the Cadet movement, and in particular, plans have been laid to establish a new and higher level for Officers' training in this subject, during the en uing year. I visited the Camp near Bexhill, u sex, which I found to be well organized and efficiently run. This Camp is open to, and well pa.tronized by, Cadets from other counties during a period of ix w eks, from the 28th July to the 8th eptember. Reports from other camps which varied from 10 to 230 Cadets were satisfactory. Youth Con!ereJlces.-Our policy of close co-operation and good relations \"ith other Voluntary Youth Organization and with the lIIini try of Education has been consistently maintained. As a r ult we ha\" been granted the use of two Conference hou es, the London F deration of Boys' Clubs, \Noodrow High House, near Amersham, and the ational Association of Boys' Clubs, Bakers' Cro s, at ranbrook, until our own Brigade Training Centre is established. I have appointed mv taff Officer, 1\1r. Guthrie Moir, to represent the mbulan e Cadets on the tanding Conference of Tational Voluntary Youth Organization, and the Boys' Group of the same Organization, and also on the ommitiee of the 18/ 30 Conference. Courses.- hart Cadet Officer' ourses in lounti s anel .\1 as ha\ been held to great advantage, and the institution of a stricter examination for promotion, has considerably raised the standard of efficiency. Competitions.-It is evident, from the increased number of add teams entering County and local Competitions, that the main ubject of interest is First Aid, although other subjects in the Cadet curriculum, such as Public ervice, Clerical Ability, Handicrafts, and :N ature tudy have been taken up with keenness, resulting in an increa ed number of Proficiency Badges being awarded. National Service Bill.- One of the problems "'e have to face is the position of our Cadets under the :N ational ervice ct, when it comes into operation. This particular matter is receiving the serious attention of the Cadet Advisory Committee. It is hoped that by virtue of their training their enrolment in a medical unit may result. Training in such a unit would be of inestimable value to the services of the Brigade on their return. Inspections.-On the 23rd June, Lady Moyra Browne, taff Officer to the Chief Officer Nursing Cadets, and I inspected an Annual Rally of Cadets at Guist, Norfolk, and on the 29th June, I inspected a County Cadet Rally at Chippenham, Wilts. Both these parades were well organized and reflected great credit upon the County Cadet Officers. Events.-Physical Training Display, Wembley.-At the National Festival of Youth, which was held at Wembley on the 6th July, two contingents, one of 27 Ambulance and one of 27 ursing Cadets took part. The smart turnout and marching were a credit to the Brigade.
Empire Youth Sunday.- On Empire Youth Sun~ay, 18th May, 40 Ambulance and 40 Nursing Cadets attended the serVIce at Westmmster Abbey. Similar Services were held throughout the country, in which local Cadet Units took part. Conclusion.-My grateful thanks are due to the County and Area Cadet Officers for their loyal and efficient co-operation during the past year. It is to their efforts that the success of the Cadet organization is due. Also to the Cadet Presidents and Vice-Presidents, for their encouragement and valuable help, and to all Cadet Divisional Officers, upon whom the welfare and training of the Cadets so largely depend. Congratulations to all Cadets who have maintained their. efficiency and gained awards, especially those who have become Grand Pnor Cadets, for the admirable manner in which they are fulfilling their obligations and upholding the pre tige of the Brigade. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, P. G. DARVIL SMITH, A cling CMe! Officer, Ambulance Cadets.
Report of the Chief Officer, Nursing Cadets. To
Sir, I have the honour to submit my report of the, t. John Ambulance Brigade Nursing Cadet Divisions for the year ended December, 1916. Unfortunately, the Returns for the past year are not yet complete but the figures will be included as an ppendix in the Chicf ommissioner's report. INSPECTIONS, COURSES, COl FERENCES, COllIPETITIONS, CAMPS.
I was delighted to have the opportunity of visiting Jersey and Guernscy during September, where I found the already establish d Division. flourishing. I should like to pay a sp cial tribute to the 'l1perint ndent and Cadets of the Jersey Cadet ursing Division, wll0 in spitc of great difficulties, managed to carryon throughout the German occupation. In both Islands I found the Officcrs mo t enthu iastic to start new Divisions, and I was asked to speak at a great number of . chooIs, man~T of which were keen to begin First id clas e . I have attended inspections and demonstrations in tll • Tortllcrn .\rea of London, Wellingborough (Northamptonshirc), Berk. hire, Lontlonderr?, Belfast, Birmingham, and Biddulph ( tafford hire) . .At. \\'ellingborough Headquarters, No.1 Cadet Nur ing Division, I had th great plea. nre of presenting 23 Grand Prior Badges, which is the largest number \Ter to have been awarded to a Cadet ursing Division in anyone year. Courses .-The following counties held Cadet Officcrs' Training Cour es during the year at which I was invited to speak :- Oxfofllshir , Derbyshire, Hampshire, Northern Ireland, and Buckinghamshir. '1'h '~(' Courses proved to be of great value, not only becaus of the pcci1k training undertaken, but also through the opportunitic gi\Tcn for 001(' rs to meet and discuss their own particular problcms and idea, tog ther with representatives of Brigade and County Headquarter. Conferences.-The Annual County/Ar a Cadet Officcr ' Conf renee was held on 6th April at the Drapers' Hall, Throgmorton t.re t (bv kind permission of the Master and Wardens). The Chief Commissioncr, Gcneral Sir Clive Liddell was in the Chair, and the speakcr inducl cl the Superintendent-in-Chief, Brigade Overseas, the Hon. l\Irs. CoplandGriffiths, the Deputy uperintendent-in-Chief At Home, Lady DunbarNasmith, and Major A. C. \iVhite Knox. We were also proud to welcome General Sir Henry Pownall on his first appearance at a Brigade function, as Deputy Chief Commissioner. One hundred Officers were present at the Conference and joined in the general discussion. Individual reports from the counties were also given . Competitions.-Two magnificent Cups have been kindly given by the L ady Louis Mountbatten and Lady Dunbar Nasmith for the winning teams in the enior and Junior Group in the Cadet National Competitions
which are to take place in 1947. Many counties have held competitions this year in preparation for this event. .. . Camps.-Every effort has been made to mamtam .a hIgh standard of camping and to ensure that only Cadet Officers WIth knowledge and experiencc of camping should be in charge. . A large number of Cadet Camps again took place thIS. year and I inspccted tho e held in l1ffolk, ussex, and Kent, Cadets 111 the latter Camp w re from, outh London. In April I was invited to open a week-end Training Course on the Theory of Camp Craft, held at outhlands College, .vveston-super-M~re. Dr. Danby, ounty uperintendent for SomersetshIre, was responsIble for thc organization and also gave many excellent lectures. The Girl Guides A sociation and the C.C.P.R. again gave us much helpful as i tance in camp training, for which we were most grateful. CUPS (~ATIO. AL).
The Cadet Jlusz'c Cup, kindly presented by Miss Jan Kerrison and ir Adrian Boult was again competcd for this year. Altho~gh no entry was consid r d of a high cnough standard to be rewar~ed 'w Ith the Cup, I am, howevcr, glad to rcport that fivc Cadets were hIghly Commended and six Cad i Commendcd in the Competition. The Cadet . 1utllOY's CHP, kindly given by Miss Barbara Cartland (Mrs . l\Ic orquodale) , ounty adet Officer for Bedfordshire, and a Token CU!?, kindly given by the Lord Lukc, were presented by the Lady Loms l\lonnibatt n, in the Chapter Hall at t. John's Gate, ~n 2~th J.ul'y~ to ad i Paulin :Muldrcw, of Newcastle (Co . Down) Cadet 1\ursmg DrvI IOn . acIet l\lice Hill, of yle bury Cadet Nursing Divisi?n. ~nd Cadet ~lan Lamb, of Gate head Borough adet Ambulance DIVISIOn, were gIven SCC01Hl and third prize and a « special !?rize'~ :v?-s awarded to Cadet J Ccln \Vait (agc 11) of Exeter adet 1 Tursmg DIVISIOn. CO~IMITTEES .
Til hi f omml SlOI1Cr anctioned the reconstitution of the Cadet l\ ch'ison' Committee 011 a H.egional Basis. The reconsti~ute~ Committee mct for- thc flr t time on 20th jIarch and has met tWlce s111ce. l\Iany ll clpful sugacstion and ideas have come up through the Regions . The t. John mbulance Brigade Jur ing Cadets are represented on the following ommittees:Celltral COIl17C11 for Physical R ecreation 1 '-30 Group (uncler the auspices of the Kational Councillor 'ocial 'ervice) Th e Stalldillg Conference of NatioJlal VolZl1lta1'Y YOllth OrganizatIOns. Sub-Committees of the above Conference : County Colleges Group IIomecraft Grou p H.oad Safety Group . Indust.rial Group . Appreciation of il1llsic and the Arts V.A .D. Standing COJJlJ/littee Chrisliallity and the YOllng Citizm
l\Iajor Darvil-Smith. Mrs. Geoffrey Shaw.
The Lady 1\1oyra Browne. Mrs . Geoffrey Shaw. 1\1r. D. Bryers . Mr. R. H. Lowe. l\Iiss Cunard and Mrs. Camden. Miss Cunard . illiss Cunard.
During the year 140 Nursing Cadets were awarded the Grand Prior's Badge. CONCLUSION.
In conclusion, I should like to thank my taff Officers, the Lady Moyra Browne and Mrs. haw, for their enthusiastic and whole-hearted support at all times. I should also like to thank my ecretary, Mi Gre n, who has been succeeded by Miss Wilcox, and my Assi tant ecretar " 1\1rs. Huntington. I have the honour to be, ir, Your obedient servant, VIRGINIA C NARD, CMelOfficer, NIfYS1'1l 0 Cadets.
EXTRACTS FROM THE REPORT OF THE COl\DlISSIO:-JER FOR WALES. I have the honour to present a summary of the activities of the Priory for \Yal s eluring the year 194G. BRIGADE STRENGTH.
Post-war instability is reflected in the membership of the Brigade in \Vales, recorded at 15,642 for December, 1946, as compared with 17,550 al the nrl of 1945. This decrease of 1,908 comprises a drop in each category, viz ., 1,178 men, 383 women, 189 boys, and 158 girls. Only two Nur ing, four Cadet Ambulance, and three Cadet Nursing Divisions were formed during the year, while three Ambulance, five Nursing, ten Cad t Ambulance and six Cadet Tursing Divisions were disbanded as, inactive. Having cut away the dead wood there is good reason to look forward to fresh growth from the good hard core now remaining. SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES.
Duties "'ere carried out, as usual, in the cinemas, theatres, and all large assemblies as well as at sports gatherings. The total number of cases treated is recorded as 59,390 (men, 56,568 ; women, 2,822). lale members dealt with the removal of 9,254 cases by ambutlnce inyolving a total mileage of 142,057. Forty-eight Units are maintaining motor ambulan ce,>. Th returns rendered give details of 3 road huts, 39 road boxes, and 5 beach huts staffed and attended. Cadets put in 3,117 Brigade duties, Tursing adds having been on duty for 82 hours in hospitals and 132 hours in nurseries. Personnel in the Aberdare Centre carried out a heavy week's duty in staffing the fir t aid tents at the ational Eisteddfod, 232 cases being treated during the period. At seaside resorts members are manning first aid posts for the benefit of holidaymakers and an increasing number of units in agricultural areas are providing ambulance transport services. Th vi. it of Their 1ajestie the King and Queen to Bangor gave Caernan'ol1shir members the plea urable task of lining the route of the Royal Procession. Liaison has been established with the Ministries of Health, Labour, and Pensions with the object of assistance being given by Brigade Personnel in certain services, and co-operation is being given to the 1\1ini try of Health ational Blood Transfusion ervice (\Vales Region). The Brigade is represented on the Disablement Advisory Committ es in many areas, set up under the Enistry of Labour and National ervice. Nursing members have responded to innumerable calls made by Medical Officers of Health, District Nurses, and private individuals for assistance in the nursing of the sick in their own homes, whilst it has become customary in many areas for matrons of hospitals, e.g., the l\Iinistry of Pensions Ho pital at Llandaff, to seek the aid of local Divisions in times of stress. considerable amount of service, particularly
part-time, ha been rendered in hospitals as indicated figures : Duty hours at. Hospitals Duty hours at. ur~eries. . . Duty hours with Blooel Transfusion Units Attendances at Child \Yelfarc Clinics .
the following
6,719 433 231 765
The contribution the Brigade is making to the Nursing pro[e sion was recognized at the T ur ing Exhibition held in 'ardiff at which space was allotted for a Brigade tand on which all a pect of Brigade work were di played. There are no statistics showing the number of Brigade members who have entered the ursing profe ion, but there is no lack of evidence that Brigade training and servic i h Iping to fo Ler and bring out latent tenc1encie and a piration to\\'<l.rc1 .i\l1J"ing a' a arecr. CADET DEVELOP1IEl T . The Chief Ambulance Cadet Officer, ir l\Iichael Duff, BT., toured many of the counties, conducting in pcction in north and \\' t \Yal s. The Priory wa fortunate in securing the rvice of Lady Twi ton-Da\'j , J.P., Lady County l1perintendent for :\lonmouth hire, as hicf mccr ursing Cadets, follmving the resignation for health reasons of Baronc s de Rutzen, which was accepted with r gret. The lamentcd d ath of the Ca?et T~aining Officer, 1\1rs. E. D. Harc1i , was a y r r gr at 10 to the Bngade 111 'Vales. Lady ounty Orri c r Ir ' . G. H. 'impson, l\Ionmouthshire, is kindly occupying the po ition t mporaril ' until a SlIcces or i ' found. A well organized Camp for Ambulanceadct wa. 11 ld hy 1 T wport (Mon.) Corp. Despite extremely inclement weathcr all CI1jo\'cl.bk and instru~ti,:'e programme was carried Ollt, the amp h ing "i"itccl hy tll COm!TIISSlOner for \Yale. and a number of hi~ IIeac1qnartcr .'Ltfl Large partIes of Cadets, ~\mbulance and ~ ursing, in se,'cral cOl1ntiC':, arranged camps ar:d certain Monmouth. hire unit-. joincd th(' Hereford Corps Camp at Leommster. Cadets in 'Vales had hitherto concentrated almost entir Iv on the ba. ic subjects of Firs~ ~id and Home Nursing. most counties haying their own annual compehtlOns and competing in \Velsh Final aclet conte ts inaugurated by the Priory in 1938. It was only in lU1() that an\' additiolls were made to the register of the Grand Prior's Cadets in ,Vales since the first four recipients-two boys and two girls-<1ualifi cl for them in 1937 and 1939 respectively. In the second annual competition for the lusicians Cup, which was W?n. .by Mary Howell ~f Newton (Montgomeryshirc) Cad t 1 ur ing DlvlslOn on the first occaSlOn, three 'Velsh entrants from armarthenshire Cardiganshire, and Monmouthshire were among those "Highly Com~ mended for their compositions, though the Judges withheld the up as none 0f the entrants was sufficiently meritorious. 11
BRIGADE INSPECTIONS. Large numbers of Brigade members in certain centres had the honour of inspection by the Chief Commissioner of the Brigad /~ ~ Home
General, ir Clive Liddell, I{.C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., who paid his first official vi it to Wales on the 12th to 14th July. On the 13th July a parade of over 3,000 drawn from Monmouthshire and Newport counties assembled at Tredegar Park, where Viscount Tredegar entertained the Inspecting Officer and kindly allowed the Priory to mark the occasion by organizing a Ball in aiel of its funds which benefited to the extent of £237. On the following clay the Chief Commissioner inspected units of City of Cardiff and Barrv County Area. Inspections were arranged in most other counti s by the respective Commissioners, many being carried out by the Brigade Headquarter taff. SUI~GEONS'
CONFERENCE. The, urgeon-in-Chief for 'Vales, Major A. \V. Anderson, ?lLB., CH .B., conducted a meeting of ounty urgeons which took place in Cardiff on the 1 ah l\1arch when medical aspects of Brigade work after six years of war wer fully discussed. There ha been a decrease of nineteen Surgeons on the Instructional and one on the Executive taff, consequent upon a number of disbandments of inadi'"e Divi. ion, the total JlU1n ber of doctors holding office in the Bri gad in 'Yales being 36 1.
EXTl~.\C L
I have thc honour to ,-;ubmit my ~\nnu al Report on the activitie of the Bri gade in ;\orthcrn Irel ,l.1ld District for the year ended 31 t December, 1 !) ,I! i.
The annual ,'t. John'~ Day, cryice was held on 23rd June in Crumlin J(o<l<.1 :\Iethodi...,t hurch, B Hast; this was well repre ented from mo t parh of the pro\'ince . Thi-, has b en a difficult y ar for the 1 ur ing Division ; a feeling of apaUl.\' bing appar nt in all ranks, but I am confident that after a re:-.t, !lece sar\' after the strcnnOllS war year, that the Divisions will gathcr strcllgt'h. In pite of this a great deal of very u eful work has been undertaken with reeln d number to call npon and the re pon e wa wonclerf uI frum the exi ting per -onnel. The' work a 'compli heel has heen of a \ aried nature and it i impo ible to rccord all in cletail, but mention mu t be mac1e of the work undertaken at the request 01 the Ho pital Almoners-vi iting and reporting on former patients in their own homes. Also the work done in hild \YeHare linics. r ivi. ion gav a i tance in a Fe\' r Hospital at the reqL1e t of the l\Iedical Offi er, c1uring a typhoid epidemic, anc1 also during an influenza epidemic in other institutions. Since the f orm8 tion of tIt Transport Section in Jun e last the 1 ursing Divisions hay been called upon, often at short notice, to supply personnel for the amlmlances.
Hospital Library ervice was new work for Nursing Div i ions during the year, one of the County Officers rcprcscnting St. J olm on th Joint ommittec and being in charge of this work on behalf of t . John . Twenty hospitals and in titution are being supplied " lit.h books. The 1 ur ing Divi ions per onnel playc(l a large part in the eli, tribu t.ion at the ho pital . Iuch excellent work i bein a undertaken by County Officers and.0lursing personnel in connection with visiting returned prison rs-of-war and disabled ex-servicemen. (( Guide ' Vork "-this was undertaken in many case, some members accompan~'ing patients to England by boat an~l train. Another activity wa looking after G.I. and Canadian brides and babie , arranging billeL, and looking after their welfarc before departure by ship. At the reque t of the doctor-in-cllarg , one of our ursing Offi ers accompanied a bah)' suffering from a rare complaint, from a Belfa t ho pital to a London ho pital, tra"elling by air. 'I'll bahy needed special care and treatment on the journey. During the vi it of H.R.H. The Prince s Elizabeth, puhlic dllt\' was undertaken in the streets and hipyard ,and Tur ing Cadds wpre ill\'i Lcd to be pre ent in the ground, of the ity Hall, Belfa~t, on lIer l(oY<Ll H ighness' arrival. . . The Division report teady \-vork and while taking inspections I cOl1ld ee con iderable progres had be n made in effici nC\'. Om lluml)( rs have fallen but the keenne and int re. t ha. b en , U tainc(1. There were quite a number of acti\ itlc .,> of intere t during th \ \'l'.lr. I am proud to record that Cadet Pauline :'Ifulgrcw, .·cwca' t!e, \\011 the ad t Authors' Cup and went to London for the presentation. .\1'>0 that Cadet Pauline Robinson (East Belfast) rccei''l'd a Highlv COllllllended 'crti heat in the Musicians' Cup . In July, East Belfa t held its flrst Camp. The provi ion of a Brigade Ambulance en'ice t.hroughout tll Di-.tri t has proved a boon to the communitr ancllillccl a long-fcU W<tll t sp 'ciallv among the poorer clas es. In addition it ha rclieyecl to a great extclit the heavy pressure on the hard-worked Ho pital "\mbulal1( cs. I belie\'c also that it can be claimed to ha\'e gi\'en an impetus to Bri~<lCl \ work generally and senTed to put our organization before the public a an added Social en'ice. I feel we ha,'c just cau e to be ::;J.ti~fied with the work performed during the first ix months of our exist nce, and I look forward to 1947 to extend our scop "in th' service of humanity".
Lady County President: LADY STEWART. County Commissioner County Superintendent County Officers.
'.V. T. KNIGHT, 14, High Street, Olney, Bucks.
County Cadet Officer County Treasurer County Secretal y Corps Officer (Lade l Duties)
Capt. C. G . INGALL, " Green Hythe," Haynes, Beds. 111"s. HUGH MCCORQUODALE, 28, South Street, L ondon, '.V. 1. E. LUCAS, 20, Clapham H.oad, Bedford. E. H . L. STONEBANKS, 8, Beresford Road, Bedford . 11. HARTWELL, 11, Stewartby, Kr. Bedford .
County Surgeon Area laclel OfiltCr Corps OfIit:cr (~pec lal Duties)
H. W. ROUND, M.R.C.S., L.R .C. P., Turvey. ~rrs. S. G. LEVER, Hou ghton Park, Ampthill. G. PARSONS, 120, Coventry Road, Bedford.
County Surgeon County Offlcer . Special Duty Officer
J. KELSALL THOMAS, M.B., CH.B., 24, '.Yest Street, D unstable . '.V. H. '.VEATHERHEAD, 4, Dumfries Street, Dunstable. Corps Officer R. ELLISON, 8-1, Oakley Road, Luton.
\V. C. KNIGHT, 82, Spenser Hoad, Bedford.
111s5 A . G. MAYHEW, 5, St.
R oad, Bedford.
Northern Area
Southern Area
BERKSHIRE County President: ~1.\J
J OH:\
DVNCAN, X.C.B., C.M.G., C.\'.O., D.S.O.
County Office: 318, King's Road, Reading.
Co unly CommiSSIOner ASSistant ounty COn1l11lSSIOner County:3urgeon Co ullty Superintendent County Officers.
County Cadel ()ltit:ers
C. A. POOLE, :'.I.A., 318, King's Road, Reading. F. A. C. JARVIS , 29, Radstock Road, Reading. Dr. .\ . I3UCHA~.\N R\RBOUR, O.B.E., Lindon Lodge, ~Iaidenhead. The Hon. l1rs. L ESLIE GAMAGE, Foxhill, Earley, Reading. H. F. SKID1IORE, 32-!, Tilehurst Road, Reading. C. F. T. ROLFE, 2 , Gordon Villas, '.Yokin gham . Miss D . K. GIBBINS, 33, South View Avenue, Caversham , Reading. Lady SPICKERNELL, Deane, Kintbury, Nr. Newbury. \\ T. G. THOMAS, 69, Edgehill treet, Reading. 1\1rs. J. '. F. i\IONTAGU-PUCKLE, The Oaks, Coopcrs Hill , E,'ersley, Hants .
BIRMINGHAM County Office: 100, Lioncl Street, Birmingham, 3. County Commissioner County Surgeon County Superintendent County Officer .
Colonel Sir BERTRAilI FORD, T.D. , D.L., LL.D., 12, Montag ue Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Dr. D. J. NICOL, M.C., 270, Rotton Park Road, Birmingham, 16. Irs. P. II. LEE, J.P., 1, Au gustus Road, Birmingham, 15. '.V. E. R\LLARD, 3, \Yake Green R oad, Birmingham, 13 .
County Officer Hon. Lay Treasurer Corps OffIcer (aUached
Divisional uperinlcndcnt. (at.tached County, ocial Officer). Count.y Sergeant-Major
irs . F. J. M. I'REW, 100, Lionel SlrccL, Birmingham, 3. F. H. GRIFFITHS, l\Iidland Bank, ewhall St.reet, Birmingham, 3. J. E . .l\IATTHEWS, 304, 130nlesley Grccn H.oa(l E., Binningham,9. II. V . GARDI:-rER, 26, Pit.maslon 'ourt., Goo(lby H.oad, l3irmingham, 13. \V. . SAUNDERS, 1/ '8, H.ushlon St.reel, Btrll1ingham, 16.
BRISTOL County President: THE DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., G.C.V.O., P.C. County Office: St. J ohn Headquarters, Unity Street, St. Philip's, l3ristol, 2. Co u nty Commissioner County Surgeon County Superintendent Assistant Count.y Commissioner and County Secretary. County Officers.
County Cadet Officers
N. S. B. VI TER, 1I1.B., B.S., 267, Soundwcll H.oau, l\'lI11;SWOOU, Brist.ol. H. M. GOLDING, D.F.C., :'II.B., Il.ll., 10, Barlon Hill l(()i.l.U, Bart.on Hill, Bristol, 5. Irs. H. L. BURGESS, Hereford House, Clifton Park, Clifton, Bristol, 1'. G. J. CREECH, M.R.SAN.I., 16, Lodgesiue Avenuc, Emgswood, Bristol. J . F. SMITH (Treasurer), 'to Kenya, 1\'l11ghtcoU Hoad, Abbotts Leigh. S. R. SARGANT, 12 , Henley Gro\'c, \Yest.bury-on-Trym, Bristol. H. A. \VE~T, L.:\l.S. Station lIou~(;, Londun Euau, \\'armlev, ~r. Bristol. C. GRIBBLE, 7, Slanley I~oad, Reuland. Brislol, ('. Miss 1\1. E. E. S"\RAH, 15, ~lorlcy 'quare, Bishops t.on , Bristol, 7. 1\!' R. FAIR, 13, Elmgrove Road, Cotham, Brislol, 6. Mrs . .1\1. CREECH, 16, Lodgeside "\ vcnue, KlIlgswood, B1'1slol.
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE County President: Colonel The LORD COTTESLOE, C.B., V.D., T.D. (Loru-Lll!utenant) County Headquarters: 79, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Buckingham. County Commissioner
:Major P. G. DARVIL-S~IITII, C.B.E., Meads, Gt. ~lIsscndeIl Bucks. G. W. H. TOWNSEND, M.B., B.CH., D.P.lI., _\.ylesbury. Vacant. R. STEWART MILLER, \Valton Grove, .\ylesbury.
County Surgeon (Advisory) County Superintendent Assistant County Commissioner i/c Administration and County Treasurer. County Solicitor S. E. WILKINS, 25, \Valton treet, Aylesbury. County Officer Ambulance Cadets G. GUTHRIE l\Iom, 111. A , Old Vicaragc, .\slon Clinton, Aylesbury. County Officer Nursing Cadets Mrs . BEAClICROFT, Silver l3irches, Chaliont Sl. Giles. County Press Of.ficer . Corps Officer L. PIKE, 17, The Broauway, .\mersham. County Officers
St. John and Red Cross] oint Services Miss F. C. MITCHELL, l\loat Manor, Kll1gston Blount, Oxforu. (Liaison.) (Emergency Mrs. D ARVIL-SMITH, r.leads, Gt. Missenden. Help and Hospital Libraries.)
Northern Area AssislanL County Commissioncr . Count.y Surgeon County Officer ursing Divi sions County Officer (Aylesbury and Dislrict). Corps Officer (Aylesbury and Dist.rict) . Corps Officer (aLLachecl) . \rea Cauct 01ltcer ~ urslllg adets
E .. \ . BISHOP, J.P. Suuthdcnc, Buurlon Itoacl, Buckingham. Vacant.. Vacant. .\ . J. GATES, 1-*, \Vest Street, Aylesbury. ~
. V. PIPER, 45, Beaconsfield Eoad, Tring.
\V. SEATON, 27, Addingt.on 1toad, Buckingham. \ acanL
Midland Area Assist.ant Counly Commissioner Cuunty SurgeoIl Assistant Area Unlcer (\\'est) (East) (:outll) County OffiCl:r :\ lIr~ing Vi\'isiuns . Corps Oflicer (Staff) .\rea Cadet. 0111cers
LicuL.-Col. ] . H. COLLINS, :'>l.C., T.V., lIIll Top, Bcrghers Ilill, \,yooburn Green. Lieut.-Col. S. IIt.:~T, 1\1.ll., B.S., \\'hyleholme, Brownswood J{oad, BeaCOllsflelcl. County 01hc.er C. DAY, Stat.ion House, Saundert.on. County 011icer H. ALDER, The Nook, _~ew Road, Amersham. Corps Supt. ]. F. EICHARDso.r, Station Rise, Marlow. ~lISS 1-. C. MITCHELL. \V, S. BAWDO " 66, St. Marks Road, Henley-on-Thames. Corps Officer \V. J. Lu. NON, Municipal Buildings, Queen Victoria Road, 1I1gh \Yycombe.
Southern Area Assistanlluunly oll1misslUner County urgeon County Officer Nursing Divi. ions Area Cauel Of1icers
F. II.
SI.. ::\Icholas Lodge, Farnham Common.
E. 1<.. \VEAVER-ADAMS, B.A., :'I1.B., B.CHIR. ~lrs.
E. R. \VEAVER-ADAMS, Twyford House, Sussex Place, ,'lough. C. H. SCOTT, 9, Grosvenor Place, \Vindsor, Berks. ~lrs. A. ~!. HOOD, 148, \Yellin gton Street, Slough.
CAMBRIDGESHIRE COllllty Presidellt: The LORD FAIRHAVEN, D.L. Lady Coltlzly Presldellt: ~1rs. A. R. FITZPATRICK. County Office: .. ElhelUrecla. Housc," 35, St ~Iary's StreeL, Ely, Cambridge. UUIlty oI11missioncr Dr. K. S. ~lAURICE-SMITH, .. Etheldreda House," Ely, Cambridge. County. urg on . Dr. C. \V. \VALKER, 67, Milton Road, Cambridge. Count.y SupcnnlcndenL ?\1rs. A. F. :'I\.NLEY, :'II.A., 162, Gilbert Road, Cambridge. Assist.ant. CounLy Commissioner \V. TA,YLOR, B.E.?>l., 55, Cavendish Avenue, Cambridge. County Nursll1g Ofhccr . ~Irs. E. ELLIS LEWIS, S.R.N., S.C.M., R.F.N., 19, Brookside, Cambridge. County Officer ilc 1\1.C.D.s ~liss ~L ~. D. KENNETT, S.R.N., C.M.B., Long Stanton Rectory, Cambndge. County Cadet Officer. ~lrs. A. A. ETTRIDGE, 1 , Emmanuel Road, Cambridge. County Transport Officer :\Irs. L. \V. BEASLEY, 76, Gilbert Road, Cambridge. A/County Press and Pubhcity Mrs. E. RAWDON BRIGGS, The Green, Fowlmere, _ r. Royston, Officer. Hert.s.
CHESHIRE County President: Lieut.-Col. \V. CUALONER, O.B.E., T.D., J.P. County Office: .. Beechwood," Tabley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. Count.y Commissioner C,aptain P. REAY, ~I.B.E., lII.C., Oakdene, Prestbury. Count.y Surgeon , h.. D. BEAN, M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., Blairgowrie, Dalesford Close, Cheadle.
Cou nt.y uperint.endent Assistant County Commissioner Count.y Officers.
Corps Surgeons (St.aff)
Yacanl. ]. A. K. FERNS, Seven Gables, \ Vim:"low. 'vV. CECIL ROBINSON, Inglefield, Dean Eow, Wilmslow. R . A. D ANIEL, ,\ \'ondale, Congleton. l\Iajor J. II. :'ILL DLEBERG, 245, \ Vimslow Hoael, Fallowfielcl , l\l/cr. n.. E. AI THONY, 6, ' Vooukind Hey, Bebwgton, Wirra!' T. ENIOR, Denyson, H.uncorn Road, Barnton, orthwich. I . S. lUMBY, 12, Hawthorne Eoad, I3irkenhead. MARY PLACE, "r.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 60, Earlsway, urzon Park, Chester. GLADYS E. \\'ILKINSON, 1\l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P ., " I(eri," .Alderley Edge . D. A. K. CASSELLS, 1\I.D ., ClI.B., 1\l.R.C.P.E., 16, \ Valnut Lane, Hartford, orthwich. II. L. GARSON, M.D., B.cn., :'Il.R.C.S., J .R.C.P., \Yooulanu ~, lJew Chester Road, Bromborough, \\'lrral.
Coun ty Commissioner County Surgeons County Superintendent County Nursing Officer County Treasurer
County President: Lieut.-Col. E. H . ' V. BOLITHO, ("B., D.S .O. Lady County Presidellt: I ANCY, LADY VIVIA~, O.B.E. Lieut.-Col. vv. BLACKWOOD, D.S .O., M.B . E., :I!.B., Tregenn a, Camborne. Dr. 'Y\'. L. STEWART, :'II.B., CH.B., Tremelhick, Grampoun d, Truro. Dr. R. II. HADFIELD, hy-an-Hrae, Penzanle :'IIiss E. H. P. GRYLLS, C.C., The Green , I\cclruth. Miss A. 'VllITE, S.R .. T., S.c,:'I!., Katoomba., The Crescent, Truro. B. ' V. K HILL, c/o I3arclays Bank, Ltd., Truro.
South- West Cornwall Assi tant. County Commissioner County Officers Cadet Officers
, Yo , V. Jon TSTON, TormohuIl, Danwl l\oa.d , Truro . T. . TRESIDDER, Dartington, l\eclannack E~tat', Truro. ]. ] AUDIA"", Hazlemere, Albany Hoad, Falmouth. :;\Trs. A. :;\1. BLACKWOOD, C.A., Tregellna, 'a m borne. A. Y. BAKER, 51, High 'treel, Falmouth . :\lIss A .• \. HADFIELD, Chy-an-Brae, Pcnzance.
North-Ea t Cornwall
County Cadet Officers
W. G.1\Ioo TEY, J.P., Broomhill, Ta\'islock Eoad, Laul1ceston. C. S. 1\IOYSE, Fore Street, Camelford. A. T. 10SSMAN, 9, Killert.on Road, Eude. l\Irs. N. \V. V. OAKLEY, lILB.E., ' Yhitebays, Trebetherick, Wadebridge. ]. J. PEARCE, ,Glamis Road, ~Te\\quay. PRINCESS CHULA CHAKRABO""GSE, Tredethy, Bodmin.
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND Coun ty Commissioner County Surgeon County Super intendent Assistan t Count y Commissioner County Secr etary Cou nty T reasu rer Count y Cadet Superintendent
J . LAMBERTON, M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., KJIgraslon, :Uarlborough Gardens, Stanwix, Carlisle, Cumberland. H. GORDON PARKER, lILB., CH.B., Parknuok, Gosfurlh, Cu mberland. D r. MARY Amscow, The Grange, Temple, Sowerby, Penrith. G. H. EDGECOMBE, 1\I.B., CH.B., Stramongate House, Kendal. Colonel COCKILL, 3, Green Close, Kendal. T he Rev. T OM CROSS, 25, Brunswick Square, Penrith. The Rev. T OM CROSS, 25, Brunswick Square, Penrith.
DERBYSHIRE COllnty President: Her Grace t.he lJUCllESS OF DJeVONSllIRE, C.il.E. n \RRY C (1I\:llBERS, Sunnyfielcl, BeighLon, ifr. Sheffield. County CommiSSIOner J B :\I c l\. ,\Y, :'11.13., CILE., Brereton Hou')e, 13olsover, ~r. County Surgeons (Xorth) Chest.erJi.elcl. K C . •\LLh"", L.R.C.P., D.P.H., Riversdale, Bridge St.reet, (South) Helper. :\[i~s :-1. i\. B . SUTHERL,\ND, 6, ,\rboretum Square, Derby. County Superintendent. apt. F. BRIXDLEY, :'I1.C., The Spmney, Lansdowne Road, County Officers. Buxton. K ELLIOTT TWELVES, l~, ::'Ilans[elclt. Crescent, Newbold, Chesterfic)(l. l'. CrUCE, 57, Crompt.on Street, Derby. 1\ l\1""C.!IA\I, J.P., :'.Iarkham IIouse, Duckmanton, ~r. ( hestcrfl e1u. \Ir~ ( \1 D.\\' IE, Sl. IleIL:ll'i Ludge, Sheffield J{oad, ChesterIICI,1 C. L \J \RGlmRISO"", Fairflelrl, The .\venue, Dronfield. Co unty (add (Hllcers :-li'is EI.SlJo: F. BELL, 1\')' House, ::'IIickleover, Xr. Derby.
' T~
COli Ill)'
('"u nl" t '() 1l11ll1~-"I'll1l'r Cou lll'· Surgl'()I1~ . ' I ~a~ t I It'\' ()1l South
PrrsidrJlt (.'111/blllallce Divisioll) : i\lajflf ill. L BULLER, "'I.C. COIIJlly J>resilit lit (Xllrsillg DiviSIOn) The LADY CLL·TO"". COlllIll' Office: \\"HHl lancls, T()tne~. Ill'. I \\ i\IOIHO); 1'\1 :lIER, \\ ~uud lands, Tutnes.
(',)un h'
~lIpl'rillt 'Ill! ' IIt
:\lIrsing (Jlficer
Dr..\1 .... 1'.\(;In', BarnlIelrl I ~ ncl. Spicer H(lacl, Exeter. Dr. C ~ \\\ I)():-:- , Stoke Il()lI~e , Stoke Gabriel, Tot.nes. 1)1'. J. C. Ill"l \, J P .. "\lulhcrry [ lollse, Barnstaple. '\Ii~~ I'. I \\ (HID, ;:)6. Jllnhoe I\()ac! , Exeter. .\li:-.s :-1. 1;1,\ J \FILLD, S l{ X., :1.. Luke's Con\"alescent Home, EXIlHllltiI.
I k\
Assistant County Commissioner County Officers
'\mth ~l'l rl'lary CUll nt)' Offllcrs (\JlIbulance)~ So u t h Dcvon
C, Illlll \'
South Dc\ oil Xortil " Co unty (aclet Officer Area Cadet ()f[iccr County Treasurer
\ . 1'. CJ{.\Y, ~ :~. East ~outhernha\', Exet.er. [[ I·'C,~TO.·, Belle \ ue IIouse. Paignton . J)I h. C . \\ S\CXDLRS, Elmfield, Gooclleigh l~oad , Barn-..taplc. \hss ,\1. J. '\]urno"" 1'-\uIER, \\roocllancls, Totnes.
Ilr I{
(~ \\
\\ ~ l :-:-JlFI{III1.L, London 1Ioll~e, .\shburton~ Curps Uffllcr C. J. \YOOD, 5, Hutherfllrcl ~t. reet , Exeter.
D \\'111 11- 11]",\]), Thc Yicarage. Chudleigh. I Jr . ,I \I{(,\REI \\'],,1 LS, Spnngfleld, Totnes. '\ll~s I \' ,\11 '-.TI""E, Little Cl()~e, Braunton. II . L \ ~(;:lI.\IIl, 1. Larkbeare l{(lad, Exeter. ,\1 rs . .\1. STL',\RT XI CllOL 0"", Prispen House, ~ ilverton. E. 1\ . IlooPER, ) li gh \\ay lIouse, Tedburn - to ::'lIar)'.
DORSET pffice: 16, Beh"iuerc, \\Teymouth. I)r. l{. Y. S. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, \ Yeymouth. Dr. E. ]. GORDOX "'ALLACE, Health Centre, ' Yeymouth. COli Illy
A/Count.y 01l11l11SSl0ner A/Count.y Surgeon
County Surgeon ounty Superintendent Coun ty Officers.
County Cadet Officers Area Cadel Officers County Trea urer County Secretary, S.].A .. \. ..
D r. LAURA 1\1AULE HORNE, Grange, Mouni Road, Parks ton e. 1\Irs. 1\I. C. COOPER, 16, Bclvidcre , \ Veymouih . ]. I. O'lIARA, 42, Palmers ton Hoad, Parkstone. . E. Cox , Corra Lynn, GoldcroCt L\. venue, \Veymouth. E. PADDOCK, 38, ommercial H.oad, Parksione. E. \ V. CUFF, " Syclco," Prince oC \Vales ]{oad, ] orchest r. :;\Irs. E. BOYLE, Compton Abbas Rcclory, haflesbury. 1\1rs. K. :\IARTYN, 1, Alion Road, Parkstone. lis F. H. LONG, 10, Dorchester Road, \Veymoulh. K. II. 1\1. ALDRIDGE, Hove Dene, Cranford Aven ue \ Veymoulh. ' Ir . F. 1\1. BEST, Ianor Farm, Godmanslone, Nr. Dorchester. ligs ill. PEACH, 59, High 'treel, Shaftesbury. 1\1rs. G. PJfILLIPS, Fyvie, Ca sel .\.venue, Bournemouth \Vest. ]. ANDFORD, -l35, D orchesler Hoad, \\·cYI11()ut.h. Corps Officer 1 . . HEIGHA:lI, Byways, Chaddesley Glen, Canfonl lifTs .
D URHAM (See • "'orthumbcrland.)
County Presidellt: Colonel Sir FRANCIS \YHIDIORE, K.C.B., C.lII.G., D.S.O. County Commissioner Colonel ]. L. HA:I!ILTO~, ;\I.C., T.D., ;\1.])., 2A, Oxfunl H.oad Colchester. County Surgeon R. D. BRADSHAW, ;\I.B., ell.B., 't rouched Friars" Colchest er. Dr. \Y . H.ADCLIFFE, " Ten Acrcs," 1 ligh ~treet, \\'I\·cnhoc. ]. EWI:-:G, :II B., CH.B., "ClitIe lI ollsc," Duvcn. . ourt. County Superintendent 1\11's. E. ,;\lELI.IE, The Bridge I Iou ", l...exd'l1, Colclwster. Assistant County Commi""i"!1cr J. T. \YHITLEY, O.B.E, ;\1. B., lll.H., "TllOrIlCybro()k,' London H.oad, Chelmsford. i\Iiss \V. h : .\RGhNT, .. Shirley," \\'nll! , 'hclmsford. County Officers"'iY. E. TORFOLK, -1, '\Jarconi Hoad, ell Imsfunl. Treasurer . H. Floyd, 87, lIigh Strect, DUI111lo\\". Secretary E. ,\ . Poor F, 178, Cowdray _\\' nu', Colchesler. Secretary ]. S. S;\lITH, l~~, -:'IIarlborOligh ]{oarl, III Imsfonl. Cadet L. GROXO\\', 6-1, :-\orlh .\\'enue, Clll'lmsfurd. Cadet :'Irs . E. "II. IIow,\Rn, 19, Ylcioria. Hoa<l, (okhe:-.ler.
GLOUCESTERSHIRE CouJ/ty Prtsidellt: The VISCOUNT BLEDISLOE, G C.:'IJ.G., K.B.E., r.c. Lady Countv PresidCllt: The VISCOUNTESS BLEDISLOE. County Office : 38, Clarence Street., heli nham. County Commissioner A. BARRATT-CARDEW, ;\!.C., :lJ.B., F.R.C.S., Keynsham Lawn, Cheltenham. County Surgeons C. R de C. SADLER, i\I.R.C.S., L.R C.P., ] :~l, 01el Bath no,,", Cheltenham. 1\1iss :;\1. GWENDOLEN BROWN, i\I.A., l\I.B., B.CH. ( amb.)' 131, Promenade, Cheltenham. County Superintendent . 1\1iss D. B . FABER, 19, St. George's Road, Cheltenham. Assistant County Commissioner H. ]. LEWIS, J.P., Hendre, Overton Park l~oad, Cheltenham . County Officers T. H. READ, Ellenville, Gordon Road, Cheltenham. 1\1rs. LAMI ' G, Edgeworth 1\lanor, Nr. Stroud. Mrs. PUREFOY, The Abbey H ouse, Tewkesbury. Miss RODOCANACHI, Mill Cottage, Withington. Mrs. LAWRENCE, The Tappings, Charlton Kings.
Counly ursing Officer County Cadet Officers County Secretary Dlstrict Officer (India) Divisional Superintendent
Mrs . SADLER, 131, Old Baih Road, Cheltenham. I{ev. E . J. 1\I. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James' Vicarage, Cheltenham. l\Jiss D . TRD1MER, M.C.S.P., 71, Halherley Road, Cheltenham . l\Iiss G. E. ] ACKSON, 28, Lansdowne Place, Cheltenham. A ttached to County Staff: I rs. FRASER. .:\Tiss D . I\I. LEWIS, " Hendre," Overton Park Road, helt.enham .
Counly Commlssloncr County Surgeon Dislrict Oftlt:er . Co unty Offic.ers (. ~Llrsing). •\.rea Cadet Officer Assistant .\rea Corps Surgeon Corps Officer Secrelary
aclcl Officer
County Preside nt: Sir YI CTOR G. CAREY, K.B.E. County Office: H ohais, St. Peter Port. Dr. \\'1' LIAl\! BURTON Fox, St. Daniens, St. ampson's. Dr. O. II . BOSTOCK, Hif7al House, St. Peter Port. J. \\'. Dr',AR, Earls Colne, Guelles Road. :\Irs .\.. H . HICKEY, " Arosia," Le Gravees, St. Peter Port. H. .\ . LuFF, Belice, Doyle Road, St. Peter Port. H.. II. BL:\ ClIFORD, Ambulance tation, Rohais, St. Peter Port. F. \\'. BUSH, "Palma," Les Osmonds, St. Sampson's. F S. COOPER, 1. Teveleigh, Brock Road, St. Peter Port . :\ rrs E. • TASO:-:, 1\1on t ville, Les Vardes, St. Peter Port. '\lhs E. C. BUSH, \Yethersfield, Guelles Road, St. Peter Port. Dr \\' K C \:lIBRIDGE, "Le \ 'allet," Rue de Putron. T T{ "I[ \RQUAND, " Enismere," Le Amballes, St. Peter Port. C. DE L\ ?'IARE, Courbl Blicq, SL. .\ndrews.
HAMP HIRE 1 ad\' COli Illy Prcsidellt : Th YISClIU:-':TESS "I[OV:\TB .\TTE:-: OF BUR:\L\, C. I. , D.C.V.O., C.B.E. COlillty Office: \\'essex lI ouse, n, Ppper High 'treet , \\'inchester. Brigadier F BRERETO~ HURNDALL, I.C., \ Yes ex House, A/Counly CommlsSlOner 6, l'pper Ihgh treet, \Yinchester. Dr. F. C. BOTTOMLEY, O.B.E., 1, Beechwood Avenue, Coun ly Surgeon ( \c1 visor)') Bascombe. Dr. G. I L PITT, " Pilgrim," Lymington. \\'cslern .\rca Dr. H . II. \YARREN, 2-1 , Gold mith Avenue, Southsea. Easlern Dr. \'1/. T.... "II. BIGBY, i\I.B.E., 53, Southview Road, SouthampCenlral ton. Dr. .\ ..A. OCKAYNE, 12, Salisbury Road, Andover. :::\orlhern " The Hon. "Ill's. S. R CUBITT, Hall Place, \Vest Meon Counly Supcnntcndenl Assist.ant Count.y C0111I11issiO:Jcrs . :'Iaj or ] .. \.. COGHLA T, Ashdon, Brightlands Avenue, Bournemouth. ::\lajor C. H. "IIORSE, M.A., :l\I.B., B.CH., 28, Chessel Avenue, Boscombe. Dr. T. P. LALONDE, vYykeham House, Romsey. Central Area R TURNBULL, l\I.R.C.V.S., 65, \ Vorting Road, Basingstoke. orthcrn Area . O. J. I'RA 'CIS, 26, Gordon Road, Gosport. East.ern rea . Dr. II. I. ?IARRINER, 18, Poole Road, Bournemouth. County Cadet Officers 1\1rs. II. C. CARDE T, Kilmeston Vicarage, Tr. Alresford, Hants. County Officer EOBSON LOWE, 50, Pall Mall, London, S."'iV. 1, Public Relations Officer and 9, ecil Avenue, Bournemout.h. County Officer 1\1iss B. HYLA GREVES, 4D, \ Vimborne Road, County Secreiary Bournemouth. .I. ' .
42 Count
OfficersEa'tern ,\rca Northern Area Central Area
\Vestern Area. Assistant ounty Secretary Staff Officer for Heconls. Area Cadet Officers\\'estern .\ rea Eatern Central
1\1rs. L. r. ]lOPER, The Orchard, Curclridge, Nr. Southampton. ]'l1 rs. J . .:'lIAR Salisbury l{oad, Sout.hsea. L. P. BOTTING, H, Eingsclere l{ oacl, Basingsloke. L. CLIFFORD, 20 , Oxford Hoad, 'outh Farnborough. Mrs. J. l\L\CK1'..NZIE, I.B.E., Squires Ilall , Fleel. H. S. L\ . THO"lAS, ".\berIoyle, " H. osoman I{oac1, Sl1oling, outh ampton. ~rrs. Y. \YAU rESLEY, Green ottage, Shawford. Illiss H. C. EnmETT, Ollera, ToUon. Dr. D . C. EENNIE, Hoyd Lodge, I{ye Paddock Lane, Fawl ey. A. J. CUFF, \Yodonga, 17, Guest Avenue, Bournemout.h. 1\Jiss E. I\: . lTOOPEH, Lackland', OvercJifl Drive, Bascombe Corps ortic r l\Iiss T. HEADDY, \Yessex H ouse, 6, t 'pper lIigh Strcet, \Yinchest.er.
Lad\' COil Illy Pn'su/clI{ : The IIon . .:'Ilrs. l{OBhRT DE\'ERELIX. COl/illy Office: Xo. 1, Carlton Flats (2nd nom), \11 Saints Strcet, Hereford. County Commissioner G. X. BtJLLOCK, ... arnia," 'pper Ledbury l ~oad. llercfo nl. Assistant Commissioner I L J. 1 hHR1S. 13 E :lr., "l'eri\'alc," 7(), Uld Li~n llill, Ill'I'efonl . County Superintendent 1\Jrs. ED\Y_\RD IIoPToi'\, lIampt.on .:'Ifanor, 1 ['refunl County Surgeon C. \Y. \\ ALl~ER, :II C, "LA., "I.D., .. Summerhayeo.;, . \ cnos Lane, ] Il'rdmd. County Officers. J{ . T. :\lORRIS, ,. Slokesay," l'ppcr Lcdbllry I ~oad, ] Iert'ford. :'Iiss E LO?\G, O.B.E, 17 , St. Owen ~trect, Hereford. (Cadet) "\ . J JOi'\FS . :~, Leclbllry Hoad, Hereford . :-Irs . F. "\J J I \RHIS ... Perivale, " 70, Old EIgn J Iill, } rercford. County Secretary :'11'5. 1. BROOKS, County Office, Carlton Flab, .\ Jl Stunt.. Strcet, IIcrcIord.
County County County County County County County
J . W . WlllTING, 3, Salisbury l~ oacl, \Velwyn Garden City. Mrs. 1. C. BERGIN, 16, The Valley Green, vVelwyn Garclen City. l\liss E. ATKINS, 101 , Old Hale Way, Hitchin. l\1rs. 1 L i\IABER, S.R.N., The Dale, Little Hadham Hoad, Bishop's Storifonl. G. II ENDERSON SMITH, 20, Furzefielcl I\oad, vVelwyn Garden ' ity.
Corps Officers
Corps OffIccr l\1.C.D . . Corps Superinlendent (Cad ets)
ISLE OF MAN COIl1Zty J>l'esicie Jlt: LADY BROMET. COIlJZty Office:
1\Iiss O. :-IORLEY, (0), \Yinsley .\\ enuc, 1~ ()lIrnell1()lIth. Corps :upt :\llss l ~. ['OOK. '9, London I{oad, \\ aterlo()\'ilk·. Corps Supl \Y . E . P . B{;TT, 91, Usbornc Hoacl, Poris\\ (IUc!, Southampton.
COli Illy Pusldellt: The EARL OF LYTTON, K.G., P.C. County President (Xl/rsiJlg Divisiolls) : The COUNTESS OF L'1 TTON, C.L Commissioner H . LAi'\GLEY JONES, M.B.E., "Edale," 12L, Jarence 1\.0.l<1, t .•\lbans. Surgeons C. P. CRAGGS, l\I.B, B.S., 123, 'orton \Yay, Let.chworth. \ Y. '. BOOTH, :lI.B., B.S., Ashbourne, Bury l~oad, llarlow, Essex. Superintendent Miss D . SPARKES, 3, Brampton Road, '1. .r\lban . Staff Officer E. l(EIGlITLEY, 16, Clarence Road, • t. Albans. Officers. T. C. FORBES, 5,*, lIigh Street, \\'are. \V. E. DOUGLAS, 14, Souberie Avenue, Letchworlh. Major A. GUY WIDDICOMBE, 20, Clarence l~oad, Harpenden. Secretary County Officer T. H. FLANAGAN, "Acre View," Lower Luton Road, lIarpenden . Treasurer . L. J. ORTIICOTT, F.C.A., 2, Park Avenue, St. Albans. Officer ( ) (Cadets) Mrs. K. L. D AMES, Headmaster 's House, Harlow College, Harlow, Essex.
Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of :'Ilan. Cuunty
Major JOlIN \\'. YOUNG, O.B.E., Chief Constable's Office, Douglas . D r. LIONEL D. \\'OODS, O.B.E., S.L, Albert Terrace, D ouglas. :\lrs. 1\lARTllA YO UNG, "Oakleigh," Glencrutchery H.oacl, Douglas . Capl. TIl0:\IAS II. IIALL, J.P., Eskham, D evonshire Road Douglas . E\'AN E . G. AD1, A.L\.C., 18, lIawanlen Avenue, Douglas.
County Surgeon County OJhcer . County Cad. 1 Officer . Cou nly Secretary
I LE OF WIGHT L\jCullnly CommiSSioner
Dr. F. H.. 13. H. KEX, EDY, "I.B.E., ] Bridge, hIe of Wight..
P., "
Gilwell," ,,'ootton
JER EY COlll/ly Fresldellt: 1\1. COl",TANCHE, Baillff of Jersey.
Si r
J. E II \i'\i'\ \ , B.A.,
County Commissioner
~I.B., B.O.H., ulderry Hou e, Samares, S1. Clement. O. L. .AUBI),', 3, East View Villas, Plat D ouet Road, Si. Saviour. l\Ilss i\I . i\t MESSER\'Y, lO, David. Place, St. Helier.
Dislrict Onicers
KENT Lady Coullty President: The LADY VIOLET ASTOR.
COllllty Office: The School ll ouse, D oddington. Cou nty Commissioner Cu unty Surgeons County S uperintendent Assist.ant Commissioner Assistant ounty Superintendent Co unty ursing Officer
JOHN II. D\y, "I.B.E., J.P., -1-0, Earl Street, :-Iaidslone. Dr. } L J. HOBY, 219, Xcw Road , Chatham. Dr. 11. A. l\lADwAR, Mill House, Queenboro', Isle of Sheppey. Dr. II. J~ . IlAl\lERTON, 36, \Vestern Esplanade, Herne Bay. 1\1rs. C. FALWASSER, O.B.E., Rutland lIouse, Offham Road., \Vest l\Ialling. Dr. F. C, OZENS, 8, The Downs, Herne Bay. l\liss H. :\IAY, South,-iew, \Vateringbury. l\li,s A. H.EY OLDS, S.R.N., Burleigh Lodge, Iill Lane, Herne Bay.
B. T. BI~AUMO, T, The School Ilouse, Doddington. \ Y. 1 [A cox, 35, \ \,ilson Avenue, hatham. C. '. ELAM, Ill , Old Doyer Hoad, Canterbury. l\lj 's E .. \LLE ,5, St. l\Jark's Avenue, l{oshen'ille, Gravesend. 1\1rs. K. :'IIAY, 'uulhview, \ \'ateringbury . •\.. DEANS, \I.P.S., ~6, Albion Place, l\ Jaiclstone. J. BAKER, I I, Kmg Streel, Gillll1gham . :'IIi s CURZON Sl\lITlI, 1:3, Gnmstone Gardens, Folkeslone. B. T. BEA UIIIO 1', The School I louse. l)outltngton
ounty Officers.
adets) . Coun ty
T Im
No. IV. (LANCASHIRE) DI TRICT Dlstnet OtJice : 39, Fishergate, Preslon.
Di trict ommISSlOner Assistant Commissioners
District Surgeon A/District Superintendent County Surgeons
District Officers
(Cadets) District Nursing Officer District Officers for Special Duties
:\Iajor H.. S. BURT 1 L\;'\IIL TO,', :'I.C, F R.C.S. ol.le. B. POOlEY, L R C.P," lIilll{lse ," [)all()n-in-Furn e~~. \ Y. :.'.IAX\\'ELL [~EEKIr:, O.B E, J l', "l{u\\sley," l<.u\\'sl l·Y ,\.\'enue, \\ est I>idsbUf\, :'IlaI1clwst('r. R . GLEGG, )\1 R l S., L.R.C·P., (iI, I'ark [)ri\e, ,"elson :.'.laJur J. \. :'II \lKh:>:ZIE, ;\I.B., III \1 , \1.,\ .• " fhe Briar"." .L ·oggarth, Fence, Xr Burnle\'. olonel G. '. E SI\IPSO:>:, O.B'-E., T.ll., F R C.S, 5-l, [~ot.ln ey Street, Li\'crpuol oloncl C ] 1. S . [{I':I)\IO:>:/), T.IL, \1 B., ClI.B., 77, .\le:-..andra l~()all Soulh, :'Ilanchcster \\'. H . GAST\L1,]) l \1,13 Sl., 2-1, Kcnwyn \venue, BlaL:kpo I. ulonel 1<.. r. ] 'OS1'O:>:, ;\1.1)., 13 UI, B \ 0, "Thorncliflt'," Failswurth, :-!anc.hcster Capt. X . \\". I{A\\'[ I"(;S, L \I.S.S ..\., "Salaam," D an How, \YIlmslu\\" Xr. :\IanLhester. ilIiss:-I 1{ :\IOOT~E, Bilsbor()u~1t Hall, Xr Preslon. \V. :\It:RR\ Y '.\IR"\,S, t .B.E . :'1.1) , "1 [0\\ gatc," 60, S >abank Road, \\'allasey, Cheshire. ]. l\lACKENZIL, ~1.[), "G len~arlh," -l, ,~ l \nnes [{uad \\ l t, S1.. .A nnes-on-Sca. :\Irs. D. \\'nU'Ll<.R, ;\I.H., CII.B , \\ aterlo() 1 1(Ju-.e. \cuin "ton. :'IJajor \Y. G l'EARso .', 1, Cruslands Park l<(}ad. Harm\\,In-Furness . G. B . lIoRROCKS, ;\I.B., ell.B., ~I.R .. S., 1, Station l~ ()ad, \\'esham, Kirkham. Colonel D . C. LEYLA:\D ORTO:-1, \I.R. '.S., T.O., .. Fcrnhdl," Victoria I{oad , lIuyton. J. SJ 'CLAIR KERR, c/o The Irlam Steel Corporation, Ltd ., Irlam, :'Ilanchester. Dr. \ Y. \Y. :\1. 1\1<... KI;.l:-1EY, .. ] I ill 'res t," 85, West End ]{uad, l\Jurecambe . Colonel J. F. O'GRADY, ~I.B., ClI.B., " Stoneacre," :\\'111 tun, Lancs. G. HALBERT, 298, \\'aterloo Street., Oldham. l\lIss 1. :\1. SUTCLIFFE, " Thorn HilI." Tuclmorclen. :'IIiss H. 1\1. S~lITH, " Ailsacroft," Beach Hoad, st. .\nnes. l\Iiss K. Lamb, 7, Tenterclen Street, Bury. Dr. 1\1. M. H.EEKTE, 7, l{uws]cy Avenue, \ Vest Dllbbu ry, l\lanchester. Mrs. G. M. ?ORi\IANTON, -l6, Balmoral l{oad, :.'.Iorecombe. Mrs. M. A. BAYLEY, " Linclores," Tudmorden. Miss . LIVESEY, The l{oya[ Infirmary, Preston. J. E. Fox, 47, Sunningdale Drive, Prestwich, Manche ter. \V. E. SEARL, 9 J, \Vater Park l{oad, Prenton, 'heshire. Mrs. A. C. OWE, "Eastclifie," Park Hoad, Fulwood, Preston . Miss J. ECCLES, Bilsborough Hall, .l r. Preston.
ST. ]
DIstrict Secretary Corps Superintend 'nts attached t.o Staff.
T. E. SPENCER, 39, Fishergate, Preston. W. HEAP, 8-J., J3irtwistle Avenue, Colne. v\'. 1\1 [~LLOR, 70, Heyes Lane, Livesey, Blackburn. J. W. LOWE, 60, Kings I{oad, Prestwich, Manchester.
LEICESTERSHIRE COl/nly President: The LADY ZIA ,\VERNHER, O.B.E. COllllty Office: J\mbulance Headquarters, Packe Street, Loughborough. County Commissioner GEO. F. BROWNE, 158, Ashby Eoad, Loughborough. County Surgeon Dr. . :'IIACLEOD, Burleigh Cottage, Loughborou!Yh. County Supcrintendent llss G. E. PARTRIDGE, M.B.E., 18, \Yestminster Road, LClcester. Dr. L. D. PORTEOUS, Berisfonl, Link Road, Leicester. ASSistant 'ounty CommissIOner l (Ju nty \ Icc-I 'reSident and County Lady OU\'ER, C.B.E., The Firs, London Road, Leicester. Officer. Cou nty OffIcers. Captain T. G. LOWE, ]\I.A., 80, Coventry Road, Market lIarburough. L. LEE, 199, \\'icklow Drive, Leicester. l\Jlss L. II. 13uR:-.:s-lIARTOPP, Burton House, Burton Lazars, ;\IcltOIl ;\lo\\'bray. ;'III'S . CLIFFORD \YESTON, Bradgate IIouse, Groby. County Officer and Cuunt)' ;\l!ss C. \\'ARD, 21, Sycamore Road, Birstall, Leicester. Set-rdary. Coun ly <... add Ofhccrs L. HEYWOOD S:'IlITH, -J. " Holmfield ,-\venue, Leicester. )'JISS E. L. \\'OLLASTON, 53, Evington Drive, Leicester. The lIon. Lady PACKE, Prestwold Hall, Leicester.
LINCOLNSHIRE H.T. lION. Count y CommiSSIOner ( ()unty Sllr~C()n l unty SuperIntcndenl ,\ssislant urn missioner for Linculnslure. Coun ty Officer for S Lincolnshire Cuu nty Officers for 1 . Ltncolnshire
COl/lIty Preside nt: LORD 13RO\v:>:LOW, J.P., D.L. Captain G. B . AR;\rSTRO, G, ]\I.B.E., Tolethorpe Lodge, Spalding. Dr. J ..\.. HANDLEY, XeWe ham Road , Lincoln. :\lr-. E. ill. EnoN, The Grange, Canwick, Lincoln. ;\1. C. LAVIN, ~l.B., B.S., 163, Clee Road, Cleethorpes. TllE
F. F. GIBSON, 1-17, Doddington Road, Lincoln. J. PADDlSON, 65, Cambridge treet, Cleethorpes. \Y. GOTT, Marianna, Laceby Road, Grimsby.
LONDON, NO. I (PRINCE OF WALES) DISTRICT Lady Coullty President: THE \ ISCOU TESS :\IOUNTBATTEN OF BURl\IA, D.C.V .O., C.B.E. Lady COllllty President (JIiddZesex): MARlE l\lARCHIONESS OF \YILLlNGDO , , C.l., G.B .E. District Office: 23, St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, E.C. 1.
A/County Commissioner Deputy Commissioner As 'istant Commissioner
l\Iajor A. . ,\VHITE l( OX, O.B.E., l\I.C., M.B., ClI.B., 169, Denmark I-lill, S.E. 5. Alderman D. . F. Lowso , M.A ., 56, Gresham Street, E.C.2. ir GEORGE ABBJSS, O.B.E., Bearway, The Causeway, Potters Bar.
46 District. Surgeon District uperintendent Di trict tail Officers.
District Officers.
ursing Officer
Corps Superintendent Corps Officer Ambulance Officer District Sergeant Major
Dr. E. l\lcINTYRE, Fernholme, Strealham n .oad, Mitcham. l\Iiss l\l. B. \\'OH Ki\L\N, i\I.B.E., 19, Amery H.oacl, IIarrow. Captain L. L. FRA. KS, 5-1, l\lonarch Court, Hampslead Garden City, N. 2. K. BURTON, 47, Queen Caroline St.reet, \Y.6. J. GROSSi\IAN, B.I.P. 'tudios, Elstree, Herts. T. E. \\'ALSBY, 163, Lynton H.oad, "\ cton, \ V. 3. . E. BOWER, O.H.F., 74, H.oslyn Cardens, (;idea [la rk, Essex. L. HOWARD, 2~3, Fairholme Avenue, Gidea Parle E. \ \' . IlAINES, 49 51 Easlcheap, E.C. 3. J. 1\:1£;\[1', 128, 1\lalfonl (;[(we, E. 18 . VV. A . H.USlI\IERE, 1-+1, Derrintol1 Hoad, Tooting, S. \ V. 17. . J. STILl \\ I r L, 10, Falkland "\\Cnu', Finchley, .3. C. \\'. LICJo.NCF, 22 , Durham l{oad, Harrow. G. _ . LE.\R, 109, Cam borne }{oac1, "lorden. "\. E. \\'ELI S, 1~), Elvne Hllad, J. ~. 4. G. C. PITTS, 12, \ lI1eent Hoad, \\'e'i t rreen, 1 ~ 15. 1\Tiss 1\1. R l{OJ)l('K, lOA, Harley H.oacl , .:\.W. 3. Miss ::'II. H. ::'II. Tuel'wELL, ;\t.B.E., 29(1, Lelgham Court I{oarl, S.W.16. :Miss J. ' . F. \\' \TFHS, SO, Xnrbun Court ]{oad, S.\Y. 16. ::'IIiss D. E 1{\\:q'R, ~);:;, Grnn,'.\\cnue, )..10 ::'Iliss ::'II. II. ])l RI{,\;\,i, :m, 1 11~h Stn'd, Thnrnlon I leath, Surrey . . \ . C. 1I'\RH[S, ·13 , ()ldfielcl Eoatl,. 1(1 E. 1'0 LA:--: , ~2H, \\ Clrple ]{oad, \\'I111hletion, S \\T . ~O . .\ . ]{. HAl'BI,R, l :q, ('uln'! (~r()\ l', Stan111ore, :"llddlesex. J. ELAi\I, 4~), (,ray~tClne ]{oad, Tallkcrtnl1, Kent.
Norther n Area Assistant Commissioner County Surgeon District Officers.
Area Cadet Officers Corps 0 fficer
P. I L\[{T, i-i, \shhourne CrCl\
1 [erh . S C .\ . 'DREWS, :\ 11.
,~ ,
F . E. STRATTON, 26, W oodstone Avenue, Stoneleigh Park, Ewell. C. W. HIPKINS, 23, St. Geor ge 's Road, S.W. 19. II. V. SUROSBREE, 24, Wargrave Road, Harrow. Miss A. WEST, 13, Selwyn Avenu e, Richmond, Surrey. E. J. GARRAD, 29, Grants Close, Mill Hill, N.W. 7. Miss L. M . PHILLIPS, 4, Cadogan Road, Surbiton, Surrey . Miss W. AYRES, 9 1, Sheen Court, Richmond, Surrey.
District Officers.
Area Cadet Officers Corps Officer
Eastern Area D r. E. S. ABRAHAM, 1, Bacmead Avenue, S.W. 16. D r. VV. S. D AVEN NEIL, 8, Westland Par ade, Hornchurch Road, Romford . E. HOWARD, 16, Reddon Court Road, Harold \Vood, Essex . A. E. A. A~lBLER, 71 , Souih View D rive, E. 18. 1\lrs. E. M. MORRISH, I S, Clavering Road, E. 12. l\liss T. L. MOORE, lOS, South Park Drive, Seven Kings, Essex. Miss P. l\1. PARROTT, 1, Chalfont Court, Bailey Road, Ilford . H. F. MULLIGAN, SO, Rosslyn Avenue, Harrold \Vood, Essex. 1\liss E. SWANN, 23, Henley Road, Ilford, Essex.
Assistant Commissioner County Surgeon District Officers.
Area Cadet Ofhcer Co rps Officers
Central Area Captain R. V. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, -.\V. 1. Dr. B. L. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, ~.vV. 1. II. DUNFORD, 30, 'W enlock Road, Edgware, :'IIiddlesex. P. G. BETTISON, Deepdene Hotel, 1S-19, Hangar Lane, Ealing, \Y. 5. ~Irs. A. F. TAP PLY, All Saints Vicarage, Highgate, N.6 . Irs. . MATTHEWS, 15, Pembroke Hall, Mulberry Close, Hendon, .W.4. J. ]. CAMERON, 14, Hallem Gardens, Hatch End, ::'I'I iddlesex. :'IIiss E. F. MILNE, 17, Cromwell A\'cnue, Highgaie, N. 6. N. J. \ V ARE, 62, Perth Road, . 22.
Assistant Commissioner County Surgeon Distnci Ofocers.
i-lill I Till, X.\\'. 7 . :\ \\ 11 \\1;\11 R, 99, IltzJohn \\l'lllll!, ' \ \\ :L S. I I. COL! I:\S, i-i, ~11l111l011S \\ ,1),. 2() ?lIr'i. 1. I{ HUH.s, I ~IIll Lodge ', (;,lIky LlIH', Bam t. lI erts. :'Ili s:> :'II. \ I( \RY, Sl. 1{(dl<LIlS, Ill-elh IIill , Ilaclll'igh \\'ood, Liel1l. ~CCl I
,\rca Cadet Officer Corps Officer
1 Ltrcl\\ ick \ illa s, B(lllnd s (;n'('n I{O;ld,
County President:
::'Ilrs. 0 DO\'I~, ~(), Llirwa\-, - \\ 7 . B .. \ . I< L \DINe , 27, Brin;[\\(\I)d I\(lacl, ('Illngfon l, I ~ss('''.
The Rt. lIon. the EARL OF ALBEMARLE, M.C., D.L., J.P., C.C.
County President (Nursing Divisions) :
South ern A r ea Assistant Commissioner County Surgeons District. Officers.
Area Cadet Officers
Dr. G \! ~1()h..I·I{ IIClIll1hul\', Slr('tllham I{Clad, ;\Iikh dlr... Dr. G I{OlSI· II·I.Il, l:{-I, lh..n;11Mk I Iii!. ~ I· ;:; . J)r \\ . \\ 1\.1:\(, ER()\\:\, 12 , _\ s \ lum I{Clad , S E. IS. C. A . I[ \LLO(K, (11, \\'eslheat h ]{nad, .\hbcy \\ood, ~ r J>. B. \\]( KE:\S, -I, OldfIeld I{oad , Hc"le\' lIcath, K ent :'Ili'is \Y. CR[NDLEY, 19, Hawe ~ ] {n<lcl , Bn;mley, Kent. Miss G. O. TllCKWELL, 29<1, LClgham Court l{oad, S.\\ . 16 C. E. XE\DL\N, 249, Langley \\'av, \\'esi \\ lc kham, I~ Lnt. E . If. 1.0\\ [ , ;:;:{, I,anglev .l\n)llul' , :\orth Chearn, Surre\' ?lliss D . I': \\ 111l'1';, I()~, \\-arwie k J{o<.lll, Thornlon lI eath, Surrey
County Headquarters: Couniy Commissioner
County Supenntendent Assistant Corn.mi::;sioners
County Officer and Secretary County Officers.
W e tern Ar ea Assistant Commissioner
Captain G.
l{. II. \\TRANG IL\M, 26, The Avenue, Ealing,
\\'. 13.
County Surgeon
E. J. SELBY, 52, Castlcbar Road, Ealing, W. 5. Dr. R . E. CARTER, 7, H.evebtoke l~oacl, Southfields, S.W. IS.
(Cadets) .
20, Castle l\leadow, orwich. Lieut.-Col. Sir THOMAS COOK, J.P., Sennowe Park, Guist, D ereham. D r. MAY RUTLEDGE, The D ial House, I pswich Road, Norwich. D r. E. \ V. RUTLEDGE, D.O.M.S., The D ial House, Ipswich Road, Torwich. D r. \ V. E. H. BULL, M.C., \ Vaverley House, Hunstanton. D r. A. G. HOLMAr , The Beeches, Aylsham, Torfolk. C. B. ANDREWS, vVaveney House, Fakenham. 1\lrs. J . H. YULL, T he Beeches, D ereham. R. C. HANNANT, Alrena, Victoria Road, Go rleston~on-Sea . Irs. D ONALD J ACKSON, Hamilton Hou se, King's Lynn. Dr. CHRISTINA WEBSTER, The Red H ouse, Hevingham, Norwich. S. E. DAY, laison, Cremers Drift, Sherringham. II . DENNY, Hollywood, Thorpe, Nonvich. l\Irs. PORTAL, Halfway, Blakeney.
48 County Treasurer County Organizer
Sir RICHARD BARRETT LENNARD, Barl., J.P. , Horsford Manor, Norwich . lajor C. E. Y. SAMS, 20, Castle r-Ieadow, Norwich.
Assistant Com missioners(BeUast ity) (Derry City) (D erry County)
NORTHAMPTON COllllty Presidellt: The ::\IARCIIIONESS OF EXETER. COllllty Office: 'Whitworth Chambers, George Row, Tort.hampton . Dr. ERIC SHAW, J.P., I , Billing Road, l'\orthampton. County Commissioner Major G. F. P. GIBBON'S, O.B.E., Tresham House, Rothwell, County Surgeon Kettering. Mrs. D. GIBBONS, Tresham Housc, Rot.hwell, Eettering. County Superintendent T he Hon. Mrs. l\IACDON'ALD-BuCIIANA~, CoHcsbrooke Hall, County Officers. Norihampton. Miss G . GAINSFORD, 107, Park l\ \'enue .l."'orth, Xorthampt on. Miss G. GRA~T-LAWSON, Cotlesbrooke Grangc, Korthamploll. (Cadets) . C. \Y. CURTIS, 127, Reservoir H.oacl, I"etiering. F. T. EWELL, 253, Park Road, Peterborough. ilIrs. C. BARWICK, Folly House, East IIaddon, orthampton. Area Cadet Officers ilIrs. LINDLEy-PILLEY, 29', D ogsihorpe Road, Peterborough. County Cadet Secretary l\Iiss 1\1. G. HULL, 9, Billing Road, "orthampton. E. J. HAYWARD, Rushay, Booth Lane, \ Veston Fay II, County T reasurer T
(Co. Antrim) (Cos. Down and Armagh) (Co. Fermanagh) County Officers(Belfast City) (Co. ,\ ntrim) (Co. Armagh) (Co. Down) ( o. Derry) (Belfast City) (Derry City) (Co . .Antrim)
(Co. l\rmagh) (Co. Down) ( 0 Fermanaah) (Co Londondcrry) (Co Tyronc)
NORTHERN IRELAND District Prtsidcllt : Her Excellency THE Cou. 'TESS GRA~\,ILLE, D.C.V.O. COlll/ly Pres/(Zellt (Belfast) . Lady DIXO.', D.B.E. COllllty Presldellt (Dmvn) : Thc LADY Dl N'I L\ TIl COlillty Presidcnt (Londonderry) : l\Irs. D. PARKER, O.B.E., :'LP. County Presidellt (Armagh) : LADY STRO~GE, O.B.E. COllnty Presidellt (Antrim) : LADY CLARK. COllnty Presidellt (Fermanagh) LADY DAVINA \YOODHOUSE. County President (Tyrone) : The MARCHIONESS OF HAMILTON. County President (D erry City) : Mrs. COLHOUN. District Office: 10, l\Iay Street, Belfast. District Commissioner Dr. R. \ V. M. STRAIN, l\I.D., 10, lay Street, Beliast. D istrict Su rgeon Miss :l\1URIEL FRAZER, lILD., lII.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., -1 , \\Tellingt.on Park, Belfast. D istrict Su perintendent Mrs. G. N. VVALLACE, l'II.B.E., The Grange, Muckamore. Tra nsport Officer (Staff ) Assistant Commissioner W. A. H.YAN, "Glenartney, " Clanbrassil Road, l\Iarino, County D own . H on. T reasurer . A. , V. MANN, 22, May Street, Beliast. District ursing Officer . . Mrs . BAILEY, M.B.E., Ballyeglish, Moneymore. D istrict Cadet Officer (Ambulance) lVIr. -VV. WILTON, 90, Marlboro Park I ., Belfast. District Cadet Officer (Nursing) Mrs. LOCKHART, Seabright, Rostrevor. District Secretary . . Ir. H. McKEE, M.S.M., 10, -:\Iay Street, Bcl£ast.
W. ALLEN, 37, Manor Crescen t, Belfast. Sir DUDLEY B . MCCORKELL, M.B.E., D.L., J.P., Ballyarnett, Londonderry. VVILFRED M. BRENNEN, F.R.C.S. , D istrict Hospital, J\Iagherafelt. D. PARKER, 35, Ravensdene Park, Belfast. J. HARRIS REA, F.R.S. A., Glena, D ublin Road, ewry. \V. A. DICKSON, M.B., B.CH., Garryowen, Enniskillen. D. M. RODGERS ON, 747 , Crumlin Road, Belfast. K. E. D. MACKRELL, A.C.A., 19, Sunningdale Park, Belfast. ]. MCCALMONT, 20 , Magdala Street, Belfast. E. BUTTERWORTH, l'I1.sc., 35, Broughshane Road, Ballymena. H. BURROWES, 6, Margretta Park, Portadown . S. G. JOU:-\STONE, M.A., 46, Tewry Street, Banbridge. J. A. NAYLOR, M.B.E., 10, Godfrey Avenue, Bangor. G. B. JOHNSTON, Aerdale, Lodge Road, Coleraine. Dr. (l\1rs.) MUIR-LEACH, 10, Lansdowne Road, Belfast. :\Irs. J. JOHNSTONE, 6 16, Upper Tewtownards Road, Belfast. :\Irs. R. CUNINGHAM, 27, Clarendon Street, Derry. \Irs. KIRKPATRICK, The Rectory, Glynn, Co. Antrim. Lady STRONGE, O.B.E., Tynan Abbey, Co. Armagh. :'IIiss LUTTON, Feddal House, Portado ...vn. :'\Iiss O. K. NEILL, Ardmoyle, Cultra. :'.Irs. ::\IACKENZIE, J.P., Lakeview, Enniskillen. :'\Irs. Y. H. DOBBIN, Lissan, Cookstown. :'\Irs. BURGES, Parkanaur, Dungannon.
ORTHUMBERLAND -AND DURHAM Lady COllnly President (Noythllmberland and Durham) The COU,'TESS OF SCARBROUGH. County Office: 2, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2. County Commissioner :TA 'LEY EIIIBLETON, O.B.E., 45, '\Voodlands, Gosforth, I ewcastle·on-Tyne. County Surgeons Dr. C. RUSSELL CORFIELD, Municipal Hospital, Chester Road, Sunderland. Dr. \V. F. J. \VHITLEY, 4-1, Church Burn D rive, 1\Iorpeth , ~orthumberland.
uperintendents (.1. "orthulllberland)
(Durham) County Officer and Secretary County Officer and Secretary ursing Divisions. County Officer and Public Duty Officer. County Officer and County Treasurer. County OfficersDurham
::\Irs. E. J. ANDERSON, Rudchester, Hepscott, ::\Iorpeth, Iorihumberland. ::\1rs. 1. r-1. RITSON, Sniperley Hall, Durham City. CHARLES A. MORTON, II , Tankerville Terrace, r ewcastleon-Tyne,2. ::\Irs. L. CURRY, 32-1, Heaton Road, Iewcastle-on-T yne, 6. GEORGE R. CURRY, 32-1, Heaton Road, Newcastle-on-T yne, 6. J ORN \V. STOBBS, 6, Studley Gardens, Low Fell, Gateshead, 9. PHILIP S. BLUNDEN, Cross House, Pelton, Chester Ie Street, Co. D urham. H. S. CRACE, M.A., Newlands, Stockton Road, '\Vest Hartlepool, Co. D urham. -VVILLIAlII MATHER, 8, St. Cuthbert's T errace, Ferryhill, Co. D urham. l\1iss ORA G. D ILLON, Gray House, Gray Road, Su nderland. DONALD HINDSON, '\Voodhorn Grange, Ashington, r orthumberland.
County Surgeon
County OfficersTorthumberlancl
1'.lrs. M. 1. KIRKUP, 1'.liddleton Hall, Wooler, orthumberland. Mrs. E. 1. LAX, 11, Preston Avenue, mth Shields, orthum berland. County Officer and Regional Cadet \ YILLIAl\I NIXO , 2-1, Eversley Place, Heaton, TewcasUeon-Tyne, 6. Officer.
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE County President (AJ/lbl/lance): His Grace the DUKE OF PORTLAND. COlll/ty Office: 20, CasUe Gate, Tottingham. D istrict Officer G. E. IIARDY, IIeather Bank, 323, ottingActing County Commissioner ham Road, l\Iansfield. P. ::'1. GETTLESOX, ~I.D., Lane's Encl, IIigh Oakham, County Surgeon 1'.Iansfield, Nottingham. 1\1iss \Y. GIBSOX, 7, Arlington Drive, Toltingham. County Superintendent L. \VARD-\VALTERS, Lymbrook, Beech Avenue, \Vorksop D istrict Officers. \Ying Commander H. L. BOSWORTH, 0 B.E., Bank Chambers, County Officers. Sutton-in-. \shfleld. 1\1rs. E. PALIKG, Lucknow, l\Iuriel n.oal!, Beeslon. Miss R. S. GREA\·ES, 43, \Yatson Hoad, \Yorksop. ::'Irs. H. EASTWOOD, Sanclycroft, Birkland Avenuc, \Varsor· Dr. DORIS TICKLIX, ISO, Edwards Lane, ~oHingham. ::'Irs. H. YIGRASS, 19, \Valdemar Grove, Bceston. (Cadets) G. G. LODGE, 125, IIaydn Road, ,herwood. Secretary . .L
COIl1lty President: The LADY BICESTER. COllnty Office: 3, Cornmarket Street, Oxford. C. GARDINER-HILL, M.B., l\1.R.C.S., Fircroft, IIightowll Road, County Commissioner Banbury. T. F. BRIGGS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 39, The Green, Danbury. County Surgeons G. C. \YILLIAMS, O.B.E., l\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., " Belbroughtoll Road, Oxford. H. R. \VVNNE, l\I.D., M.CH., 1-1-3, 1\[i(ldleton Road, Banbury. ~1iss FAKSHAWE, Cotmore \Yell , Thame. County Superintendent F. A. BEVAN, ~!.D., l\I.R.C.S, L.R.C.P., The Corner House, Assistan t County Commissioner 'Voodstock. H. HOWARD, Blankstone, Eynsham. County Officers . Mrs. BARRETT, 13, South Bar, Banbury. l\Iiss J. TOW<INSON, Fritwell, Bicester. Mrs. JOIl THOMSON, \Voodperry, Oxford. Miss 1'.1. \Y. ADDISOX, S.R.N., S.C.Jl1., 20, Downing Court, County Nursing Officer Brunswick Square, London, \Y.C. Captain GEIDT, 8, Bradmore Road, Oxford. County Cadet Officers Mrs. GLAXVILLE, 6, Church Covdey Road, Cowley, Oxford. Capt. JOHN ROGERS, 13, Iilley Road, Oxford. Coun ty Transport Officer
PLYMOUTH, SOUTH. WEST DEVON, AND EAST CORNWALL County P1'esident (Ambulance Divisions) : The Rt. Hon. LORD ROBOROUGH. County President (Nursing Divisions) : The VISCOUNTESS ASTOR. Comity Office: The Prysten House, Finewell Street, Plymouth. Mr. C. C. PRANCE, M.B., B.S., D.L.O ., Vapron Road, iannamead, Plymouth.
County Superintendent Assistant County Commissioner County Tursing Officer County Officers (Treasurer) . (Cadets) Corps Superintendent County Serjeant-:'.Iajor
St. Valery, 38,
C. R. CROFT, B.A., D.M., D.CII., 5, rTelson Gardens, Stoke, Devonport. Mrs. R. BALSDON, O.B.E., 3, Beech Terrace, Saltash, East Cornwall. Colonel G. THOMSON, Catchfrench, Trerule Foot, Saltash, East Cornwall. Vacant. R. D. SAMPSON, 5, Greenbank Terrace, Plymouth. 1'.lr5. ?lIODLEY, Bainbridge Avenue, Harley, Plymouth. R. E. BOWDEX, 'Yindy Bush, Saltash, East Cornwall. ;\Irs. E. ::'1. \NOOD, 3-1-, Ford Park Road, Plymouth. R G. PARR, 17, Stonehall, Stonehouse, Plymouth. R. \V. SKINNER, 6, Vapron Road, Mannamead, Plymouth.
County Commissioner County Surgeons Coun t Y u perin Lenden t
County Commissioner
County Officers ( ·cc.relary).
( adcts)
County P1'esident : Lieut.-Col. LORD FORESTER. Lady COllnty President: The LADY FORESTER. Coullty Office: l.hool Gardens, Shrewsbury. Lieut.-Col. C. \V. EA~IES, D.S.O., T.D., M.D., Moreton Hill, Shawbury. F. II. ED'v\'ARDS, F.R.C.S., l\I.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., St. John's Hill, hrewsbury. \Y. KL'G HAY, ~!.D., B.CH., Brooklyn House,Market Drayton. :'.liss 11. A. CORSER, l\I.B.E., J.P., Lauriston, Kingsland, Shrewsbury. T. II. E\'AXS, M.C., F.S.I., School Gardens, Shrewsbury. E. IR\\"IX, IIilbre, Ellerdine, \Yellington. The LADY FORESTER, \Yilley Park, Broseley. ?lllss D. LLOYD \YHITE, The Abbey Yicarage, Shrewsbury. :'.liss DOW!'ER, Beech Hill, Kingsland, Shrewsbury.
SOMERSET County President:
ir JA~IES SO~IER\'ILLE, G.C.B., G.B.E., D.S.O. Lady COllllty Preszdent : Mrs. A. A. \Y. LUTTRELL. COllnty Office: 10, Ellenborough Park, \Yeston-super-1'.Iare. Dr. HUGH POWELL, M.B.E., 17, Ellenborough Park North, County CommiSSIOner \Veston-super-Mare. Dr. \Y. BAIN, Brook House, l\1inehead. County Surgeons Dr. P. IARTIN, 11, Victoria Quadrant, \ Veston-super-:'.lare. Dr. G. A. DANBY, l\I.B.E., Sandhill Park, Ash Priors, Taunton. County Superintendent F. SPRAWSON, Valetta, ~ Torth Road, Bath. Dr. D. L. BEATH, O.B.E., 76, Pultney Street, Bath. Assistan t Commissioners A. \VEVELL, J.P., 100, \Vebdon Road, Bridgwater. ::.rr . 'V. . J ORDA! , Cartp.rs, Stretcholt, r. Bridgwater. County ~ ursing Officer S. J. BAILEY, 59, Shaftesbury Road, \Veston-super-::'lare. County Officers. . F. HOLGATE-SMITH, M.B.E., 4, Clarence Street, Yeovil. G. L. SIDEV, Westcombe, Blagdon Hill, Taunton. F. R. STENT, 45, Sidney Buildings, Bath. VV. J. TOTTLE, I, vYhitting Road, vVeston-super-1\lare . B. MARSH, The Mullions, Boulevard, \Veston-super-Mare. 1\1. C. PALl\IER, Holmstead, Stafford Road, vVeston-superMare. Mrs. BINGHAM HALL, Glebe House, \\'eston-super-1\lare. 1\1rs. HARRISON, H.ag, Galhampton, Yeovil. Admiral of the Fleet
Count.y Officers.
County Cadet Officers Assistant Cadet Officers County Secretary and Treasurer. •\ s istant County Secret.ary
1\I1's. YrvIAN EALE, Poundisford Park, Taunlon. 1\Iiss ST. Lo \\'ILKINSO , 6, George Sheet, Bat.hwick lIill, Bat.h. Irs. 1. 1\1. BROW , St. Clare, 56, 1\lanor Road, Taunton. O. H. Tno:\IAS, " Test Croft, 27, phill Road, Weston-super:'I rare. l\Iiss SOUL, \\Tayside, \'i'ellingt.on New Eoad, Taunton. l\Iiss E. B. COLLEY, 8, Bath treet, Frome. T. E. BAGLEY, :F.C.R.A., F.C.I.S. T. E. LYNDFIELD, liLA .
SURREY County President (Nursing Divisions) : The COUNTESS OF LINDSAY. County Commissioner Assist.ant County Commissioner County Superintendent District Staff Officer District Officer . County Officers.
County County County County
County Pl'esident : Colonel Sir FRA~CIS JOSEPH, Bt., KB.E., D.L. COHnty Presidellt (XIIJ'sillg Divisiolls) : The COUNTESS OF DART1Il0UTH. COlillty Office: Lloyds Bank Chambers, 5, l'Iarket Square, taffonl. Commissioner F. L. RICHARD, l\I.B., CH.B., 19, Lich[idcl Street, \\ alsall. Superintendent l\Irs. ?II. V. PE.'. v, Claremont, Porthill, Stoke-on-Trent ecretary \ T. CHA. CELLOR, 34, Omberley Road, Birmingham, 12 Treasurer E. P. PEEL, A.C.A., c/o :'lIes rs. John Sankey t ' 'ons, Ltd. , Bilston.
Assistant Commissioner County Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (Kursing)
Assistant Commissioner County Surgeon County Officers Area Cadet Officer
XORTHERN .\REA. F. G. PORTER, 23, Osborne Road, IIarbhill, :toke-on-Trent. A. P. SPARK, :\I.B., CH.B., Braemar, Princes [{oad, Hartshill, toke-on-Trent. V. C. VEITCH, l\LB., ClI.B., 114, The \ \ Cl111C, Harpfielrl , Stoke-on-Trent. SOUTHERN AREA. A. BYRNE-QUINN, :\1.B., B.S., ~r.R.C.S., I..R.C.P., J.P., Darmouy House, Stafford Street, \Volverhampton. A. B. DAVIES, B.SC., ~I.B., CJ-I.B., l\l.R.C.S ., L.R.C.P., 1, B'scot Road, Walsall. F. G. JACKSON, 62, Park Road East, \\olverhampton. ?l1rs. ::\1. DELANEY, 2, I ine Elms Lane, \\·oh·crhampton. Lady DIANA ::\IATTHEWS, Bishton ?lIanor, Albri"hlon, ~r. \Yolverhampton.
County Solicitor and Treasurer County Cadet Officer.
County Commissioner County 'urCTeons
County ~ uperintendent County ... 'ur:jing Officcr Assistant Cummissioners
Coun ty Commissioner County Surgeon County Superintendent County Kursing Officer District Officers. Coun ty Officers .
County Cadet Officers County Secretary County Treasurer
\V. GEO. PAPE, O.B.E., Hay Tor, Higher Drive, Banstead. J. P. FLAVIN, 7, Hampton Road, Worcester Park. Captain P. H. ELLIS, Greybeams, Cobham. Mrs. HEALD, Chilworth Manor, Guildiord. C. E. CHAPLIN, 13, ""iYodeland Avenue, Guildford. E. J. PREW, O.B.E., 30, Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon. :;\lrs. BRIGGS, Killinghurst House, Haslemere. 1\Irs. HENRY, Islington, Kormandy, r. Guildford. r.1iss STABLES, Inverugie, Haslemere. Lady REDFERN, 119, Barkston Gardens, S.\V. 5. 1\lrs. STRICKLAXD, The Manor House, Goldhill, Lower Bourne. \V. II. HARRIS, Council Offices, Walton-on-Thames. :'IIis5 BARLOW, Furnace Place, Haslemere.
Lady COlillty President: The Cou~Trss OF I3ESSBORO'CGII, J.P. COllnty Office: 19, Xorth Street, Horsham.
DIstrict Officers
County President: The LADY BLANCHE COBBOLD. The EARL OF CRANBROOK, Great Glemham. axmundham. Dr. P. \VEINER, 105, Hatfield Road, Ipswich. Miss A. LVI. PARKER, Dickon, \Valberswick. 1\1iss 1'1. H. 1'1ILLER, Crosslea House, Henley Road, Ipswich . A . C. HILL, 28, Hervey Street, Ipswich. F. E. NETHERCOAT, 29, Palmerston Eoad, Ipswich. W. C. WATTS, Blyburgate, Beccles. Miss E. K. BALDWIN, 36, Ann Street, Ipswich. Lady EDDIS, Thellusson Lodge, .\ldeburgh. Miss B. HOSSACK, R.R.C., 55, Tuduenham Road, Ipswich. W. C. MAYHEW, 82, Severn Road, Ipswich. Miss 1\1. R. BOTWOOD, Briardale, CauldwcU Avenue, Ipswich. H. J. WATTS, 33, Sproughton Road, Ipswich. L. E. MELTON, 8, Princes Street, Ipswich.
DA\ ID BRYCE., J.P., Sandycroit, Ches"'orth Close, Horsham. H_o. 'ALD FAR~CO~IBE, ~r.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Burnt House, I-mfield, Bexhill. DAPHNE D EAR, :\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 23, Southfield Road, Eastbourne. Captain E. SYDNEY HARPER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), F.R.l\I.S., 18, \Yilbury Road, Hove, 3. r.liss D . 1. II-CBBARD, Green Acre, Rotherfield, Sussex. ':\frs. :\1. L. EOYLE, White Cottage, Steyne Road, Seaford. CL-\UDE HEYWOOD, t. Margarets, Peeling Lane, \Yestham . \\ ILLOlJGHBY BULLOCK, L.L.D., F.V.I., Tangles, Old Bosham, K r. Chichester. \\'. J. B. TROTTER. Baringcroit, Cawley Road, Chichester. I .. \. TROTT, 16, Hurst Road, Horsham. C. MILTON, 2, Edwin Road, Hastings. A. D. J AR\'IS, Hamelsham Court, Hailsham. \Y. J . T OBLE, 34, Lancaster Road, Brighton, 5. A. J. BURNAGE, \Yearde, Bediordwell Road, Eastbourne. OUNTESS BRASSEY, Park Gate, Battle. A. E. D. HOLLIDAY, Glen-roy, Aldwick Road, Bognor Regis. A. G. l{I~G, Fair-lawn, Parkside Avenue, Littlehampton. ""iV. E. Jupp, 15, Barttelot Road, Horsham. Mrs. A. P. COTT, Priory Gate, Boxgrove, Chichester. NOEL COUNTESS OF ROTHES, 42, Yiceroy Lodge, Hove. C. \V. L. PILE, 17, \Vhyke Lane, Chichester. ::.\fiss E. :'II. TRILL, 65, Barnett Road, Brighton, 6. E. ""iV. S;\IITHERS, Oldfield House, Oldfield Crescent, Southwick. F. ""iV. T. DALLEN, 28, Park Drive, Hastings. H. G. NEWMAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. 1\1rs. E. BRODIE, Cranleigh, Old r.Iill Close, Brighton (County Cadet Officer). :'Ilrs. K. KIRKLEY, 1 , Hova Villa , Hove. .l.
County Officers.
County Officers for Cadets Area Cadet Officers
54 Coun ty Treasurer County olicitor County Secretary
H. L. GREGORY, 'Westminster Bank, Ltd., Horsham. J. I RELAN EAGER, 8, r orth Street, Horsham. C. SIMPSON, 19, r orth Street, H orsham.
WARWICKSHIRE Lady COli lit:>' President: The Hon. :\Irs. L. FITZROY, ewdegate. Count:>' Office: 153, Learn Terrace, Leamington Spa. l\1ajor E. S. PlIILLIPS, D.S.O., 153, Learn Terrace, Leamingt on Co unty Commissioner Spa. H. G. ',"EBSTER, ?I.R.C.S., The Yews, Longford, Covcntry. County Surgeons J. PIRIE, lII.D., Harbury, Southam. N. J. L. ROLLASON, 1II.D., 7-1, Stoneleigh .\venue, Co\'cnir '. County Superintendent Miss C. 1\1. ORTON, B.E.M., Sherbourne Priors, 'Yarwlck. Assistant County Commissiuner - . 'V. A. JE NI::-<GS, School House, lifton, Rugby. G. J. FOWLER, Fire tation, Daimler Co., Ltd., Covcntry. County Officers. J. H. HARRIS, 35, Nichols Strcet, Stoke, Co\·entry. H. E. PERRY, 123, Blackwell Hoad, uventry. J. BONHAlIl, 11 , High Street, Tuneatun. County Officers and Vice-PresiLady ALEXA~'mER :'IETCALFE, Littlc omptoll :'Ian or, dents. :Kr. Shipton-on-Stour. Lady \ VILLOUGHBY-DE-BROKE, ,,'oOllby ] rousc, E:ll1stnn County Cadet Officer . J.\1rs. SHUUIAN, 61, Kenilworth Hoad, Coventry. Cadet Area Officersrorth A. E. HEWITT, 21, Ro-Oak Hoad, Co\'entry. . E. TEWALL, 15, La\'ender Avenue, ~ o\~nlry . South l\Iiss B. E. T. BUCK~IASTER, :'Ioreton ;dorrell.
W ORCESTERSHIRE County President: The COUNTESS BEAUCHAMP, M.B.E. County Office : Old Library House, 'Yorcester Road, Malvern. D r. F. L. NEWTON, Loddiswell, Avenue Road, Malvern. County Commissioner J.\Irs. C. PORTER, lI-LB., CH.B., 27, Church Street, KidderCounty Superintendent minsier. E. S. BOND, Parkfield Lodge, Albert Road, Malvern. County A.RP. Officer J.\Iiss H. M. 'WALTON, Mount Pleasant, Cowleigh Road, County Secretary North Malvern. Mrs. HUGH ROBINSON, Chadsmore, Orchard Road, Malvern . County Cadet Officer. J. H. ' YATKINS, 61, Adelaide Street, Brierley Hill. County Press/Publicity Officer ::\Iiss r. ASHTON, 52, Camp Hill Road, \Yorcesier. County Staff Officer .
Southern Area Assistant Commissioner County Surgeon County Officer .
Dr. C. PETVIN PORTER, 27, Church Street, Kidderminster. Dr. L. BOLD, Tudor House, Chaddesley Corbett. J\Iiss E. C. jEAKES, Taynuilt, Malvern.
Assistant Commissioner County Surgeon County Officer .
J\Ir. T. C. LENCH, South Bank, Blackheath. Dr. G. C. CAMPBELL, 26, Dudley Road, Brierley Hill. A. 'YINBOW, 25, North Street, Dudley.
Northern Area
EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE C01lnty President,' LADY ATKINSON. County Office : Priory House, 29, Cottingham Road, Hull. ". JENNINGS, 1II.B., CH.B., J.P., 29, Cottingham Road, Hull. County Commissioner A. HYMER, 1II.B., CH.B., I, Bricknell Avenue, Hull. County Surgeon 11rs. 1. 1\1. EDWARDS, 1-l, Cranbrook Avenue, Hull. County uperint.endent G. EDWARDS, 29, Cottingham Road. Hull. Assistant om missioner _\. R. LIDGLEY, 179, Park Avenue, Hull. County Officers. T. MACKAY, 1-l3, Fairfax A\'enue, Hull. l\Iiss D 1\1. COLLIVER, 111, Etherington Road, Hull. Miss j\I. BATESO::-<, Rosemount, '\'est Ella, Nr. Hull. F. R. CHARLTON, 15 , Summergangs Road, Hull. County OffIcers (Cadets) ?lIiss L. LEPPINGTON, Aytona, Bell ,"ue Crescent, Filey. j\Iiss D. CARR, The Paddock, Thwaite Street, Cottingham. County Cadet Secretary Corps Superintendent it. (Road C. JACKSON, 230, Hawthorn Avenue, Hull. Duty Officer). Divisional Superintendent Att. Mrs. D . E. CODD, 30, Hall Road, Hull. (l\ledical Comforts). T.
Wn.TSHIRE County President : SIR H. DE C. MARTELLI, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O. Lady County Presidellt : The LADY JANET BAILEY.
County Commissioner County Surgeon County Superintendent Assistant Commissioner County Officers.
County Cadet Officer .
COWlty Office: 72, Fisherton Street, Salisbury. A. R. TOWERZEY, 1 Westlecot Road, \-yindon. D r. H. S . TAYLOR-YOU::-<G, The Hed House, Park Lane, Salisbury. ::\Irs. BATTYE, 4, Mill Brook, Salisbury. Colonel L. V. THURSTON, D.S.O., Carrier Crossing, Stratford Sub Castle, r. Salisbury. D. T. SINNETT, 55, Corby Avenue, Swindon. A. J. J ENKINS, Silverdale, Croft Road, North \Yroughton, N r. Swindon. Mrs. D ARLING, 40, Market Place, Cirencester, Glos. Mrs. H. C. BRADISH ELAMS, Shepherds Close, Upper Woodbury, Salisbury. IVIrs. TAYLOR-YOUNG, The Red House, Park Lane, Salisbury. O. E. H YDE, 11 , Burford Avenue, Swindon. Mrs. G. Moss, Watchfield, Rowden Hill, Chippenham.
NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE County P,'esident (Nursing Divisions) : LADY SERENA j A1IlES. County Office 11, Cornfield Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough . F. P. 'YILSON, J.P., Parkhurst, Park Road South, J\IiddlesCounty Commissioner brough F. W. HEBBLKWAITE, 11, The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middles Coun ty Surgeon brough. Miss A. JACKLIN, 21, Prince of ' Nales Terrace, Scarborough. County Superintendent . J. PEARSON, Alandale, 5, Stoneleigh Avenue, Middlesbrough. A/ Assistant Commissioner. C. F . PEDDIE, 20, Fieldfare Lane, Norton-on-Tees. County Officers J . 1. PRINGLE, \Vest Layton, Richmond. P. P. SMITH, 11, 'Vest Park Avenue, ewby, Scarborough. Mr. j . H. \VHERRITT, 5, Eastborough, Scarborough. County Cadet Officers Mrs. F. C. BURTON, 2, Upper Westbrook, Darlington.
WEST RIDING OF YORKSffiRE County Commissioner D istrict Superintendent Assistan t Commissioners South-East Area Midland Area Southern Area Norther n Area . Sou th -Western Area. County Surgeons
County Officers.
County Cadet Officer. County Cadet Officers for Areas
County President: The LADY BINGLEY. H. L. THORNTON, Springvale, l'vIeltham Road, Huddersfield. 1\1rs. BIRKBECK, O.B.E., Anley, Settle. H. C. ELSE, The Ford, Ridgeway, Nr. Sheffield. J. J. HUEY, L.S.A.L., L.M.S.S.A.(Lond.) , Ash Mount, Mexborough. W. N. WEST WATSON, M.D. , Victor Lodge, Manningham, Bradford. K. B. BEVERLEY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Haven, Worsboro' Dale, Barnsley. E. H. LODGE, M.B., B.CH., Castle Garth House, "Wetherby. H. HARRISON, Hazledene, \Vyvern Avenue, Marsh, Huddersfield. J. PRENTICE, M.B., CH.B., Malsis Mount, Malsis Road, Keighley. Colonel G. H. L. HA1Ill\IERTON, C.M.G., D.S.O., L.R .C.P.& s., The Mount, Dewsbury. C. C. HARGREAVES, l\f.B., CH.B., D.P.H., The Grange, Allerton Bywater, Nr. Castleford. F. W. SULLIVAN, l\LB., M.D., B.CH., B.A.O., I{nockn area South I{irby. J. M. RUSSELL, M.B., C.CH., D.P.H., B.HY., Wem yss, Stockarth Lane, Oughtrbridge. Dr. B . HART, O.B.E., Holmedene, Armthorpe, :1\r. Doncaster. A. ROBERTSHAW, 14, Garlick Street, Rastrick, Brighouse. C. H. FORSTER, 33, High Street, heffield, 1. J. L. LE BRUN, The Grange, Torth Carlton, r. \Yorksop. R. H. BAKER, 47, Harold Street, Burley, Leeds, 6. S. FIRTH, 4 , Hutton Terrace, Eccleshill, Bradford. E. SOAR, Oak Lodge, Sprotborough, r. D oncaster. N. HULLEY, The Terrace, Conisborough, r. Doncaster. Miss G. ASHBERRY, 112, vYestbourne Road, Sheffield. Mrs. O. 1\1. GELDARD, The Grange, Ilkley. Miss A. E. UNTHANK, The Vicarage, Collingham, Tr Leeds. Mrs. G. vV. LODGE, Castle Garth House, \Vetherby. Mrs. 1\1. ROGERS, 43, \Vindsor Road, D oncaster. Mrs. A. S. HUNTER, Mattersley Hall, r. D oncaster. Mrs . CU~l~lING BELL, Binham Lodge, Edgerton, IIuddersfield. W. BANHAM, Bell Lane, Ackworth. A. MITCHELL, Kelynack, 1\loorlands Crescent, Wheatley, Halifax. Mrs. AYKROYD, Linton Spring, Wetherby. Mrs. E. FORD, Oaklands, Rodley, r. Leeds. Mrs. H. BEVERLEY, The Haven, W orsboro' Dale, Nr. Barnsley. Mrs. M. LE BRUN, Markham Grange, Brodsworth, Nr. Doncaster. Mrs. M. BALDEN, ByweU House, Dewsbury.
WALES Headquarters: PRIORY HOUSE, 4, CATHEDRAL ROAD, CARDIFF. The Hon. John H. Bruce, J.P., D.L.-Knight. Captain Sir L. Twiston-Davies, K.B.E. , J.P., D.L., F.S.A. -Commander. Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales . . Major A. W. Anderson, M.B., cH.B.-Knight. Lady Superintendent-in-Chief for Wales H .R. H. The Duchess of Kent-Dame Grand Cross. Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief for \Vales . Captain S. B. Turner, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.-Commande1'. Assistant Lady Superintendent-in-Chief The Countess pf Plymouth-D ame. for Wales The Lady Howard de Walden and Seaford, C.B.E.Lady Superintendent for Wales . Dame. The Han. Mrs . J. H. Bruce-Officer. Asst. Lady Superintendent for vVales Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets, \Vales Sir ;,IICHAEL DUFF, Bt.-Commander. Lady L. TWISTON-DAVIES, J.p.-Officer. Chief Officer Nursing Cadets, Wales W. Mabon Abraham-Officer. Brigade Secretary
Commissioner for Wales Assistant Commissioner for Wales
Anglesey .
Brec knockshire
Caernarvonshire Cardiganshire Carmarthenshire Denbighshire East
Denbighshire West Flintshire
Merionethshire . Monmou thshire
COUNTY PRESIDENTS AND LADY COUNTY PRESIDENTS OF URSING DIVISIONS. The Marquis of Anglesey, G.c.v.o.-CollllJlander. The Dowager Lady Stanley of Alderley-Officer. The Lord Glanusk, D.S.O.Officer. The Han. 1\1rs. Alastair Cooper-Commander. The Lord Penrhyn-Knight. Lady Megan Lloyd George, M.p.-Officer. The Earl of LisburneCommander. Lady EYans Sir Evan \Villiams, Bt., J.P., D.L.-Knight. Lady Kylsant, C.B.E.-Dame . Colonel Sir R. W. Williams\Vynn, K.C.B., D.S.O.Knight. Lady Howard de Walden and Seaford, C.B.E.Dame. Ditto . The Lord Mostyn-Commander. The Dowager Lady Kenyon -Officer. Col. Sir Gerald T. Bruce, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., T.D. The Countess of PlymouthDame Grand Cross, The Lord Harlech, G.C.M.G., P.c.-Commander. Mrs. M. C. lnge-Dame. The Viscount TredegarCommander. Lady (Ada) Mather- Jackson, C.B.E., J.p.-Dame.
R. H. Prothero-Serving Brother.
Lieut.-Col. C. G. Cole-Hamilton, C.M.G. , D.S .O., J .P., D.L.-Knight. Sir 1\Tichael Duff, Bt.-Corn-mander. Brig.-General L. P. Evans, V.C., C. B., D.s.o.-Officer. T. Hubert Lewis-Officer. Colonel Sir Charles B. Lowther, BT. , D.S.O., J.p.-Officer.
G. Pari Huws, M. B. , cH. B.- Officer. John vVeIls, l\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.p.-Officer.
David M. Evans-Bevan, J.p.-Knight.
Evan Lewys-Lloyd, M.R.C. S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H.-Commander. Gwyn Rocyn Jones, M.A., M.D.-Serving B1'other.
Mon tgomeryshire Pem brokeshire
The Earl of Powis-Kllight. The Viscountess CliveOfficer. Col. L. H. Higgon, M.C., D.L. The Lady l\Ierthyr-Servi71g Sister.
Radnorshire Aberdare
City of Cardiff Merthyr Tydfil
Richard D. Thomas, Commander.
J.P., L.R.C.P.&s.-
W. H. C. Daniel. Henry Alexander Gray-Serving Brother .
The Lord Aberdare.-]{niglzt. The Hon. Mrs. J. H. BruceOfficer. The Lord Mayor of Cardiff. The Marchioness of Bute, D.B.E.-Dame Grand Cross. The Lord Kemsley-Kmght. 1\1rs. W. ]. Canton-Officer.
Gwilym L. Pierce, L.R.F.P.s.-Officer.
L.R .C.S
Capt.ain Cenydd G. Traherne. J .P., Captain ·W illiam] . Canton, Commander.
D .L .
LL.B., D.L. -
The l\1ayor of Newport.
l\lajor Henry \Vare.
Lieut.-Colonel Sir Rhys Rhys-Williams, Bt., D.S.O.,
]. H. Davies, F.A.L.P.A.-CommaJZder
Lady Rhys Rhys-vVilliams, D.B .E.-Dame. The Mayor of Swansea.
Hugh S. Cann,
Gran~ ~rior}] in tbe lBritisb 'lnealm of tbe G'r~er of tbe 1bospftal of St. 30bn of Jerusalem
Ube It)enerable
1tbe St. lobn Blnbulance :J13rigabe
Report of the
Chief Commissioner of the Brigade Overseas For the Year ended 31st December, 1946.
(tommanbant::: in::: (tbiet of
1Rursing JDt"isions of
'[be St. 30bn Bmbulance :f13rigabe: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John. Appointed March, 1928.
lRursing lDi"isions : H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER Dame Gmnd Cro
of the O l-der of St. John.
Ap»oinlcd February, 1937.
<tommanber}] in 'tlUlestern :australia.
Pages 2 to 9 cOlTected to 2-l-,6A7. List of Superior Officers of the Brigad~ Overseas appointed by His Royal IIi ghness the Grand Prior of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem.
<toml1lllnber l? <tom missioner . COLONEL JOHN R. DONALDSON, ED., M.B .
Appointed December, 1939.
1Sarbal\os. (tom m fssi on er.
ll)cabq ua rtcrs.
<tbief <tollll1lissioncl: of tbc :fi3rigRDe 0VCl'SCR5.
Appointed November, 1942.
SLEEMAN, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O.
Appointed June, 1930.
1Scrnluba. :assistant (tommissioner.
1LRD}2 Snpcl:mtenDcnt::in::(!lJicf of 1HttrSJIlg COl'PS Rnt> 'ID1\1iSIOn5 of tb~ JSriORDc @vcrscl1s.
Serving Brother.
Appointed November, 1943.
1Sritisb (!;uiana.
Appointed May, 1939.
UOllllllissioner . FRANK W. HOLDER.
Appointed May, 19-:1:5 .
ovember, 19-:1:5.
(tom missioner. SIR BA
Associate Officer.
in :australia.
1Ibe ]Prion? in <Ianaba.
lPrior2 ComllliSSlOner. l\IAJOR-GE~ERAL SAilIUEL
'O) rlo r 2 <tom m issioner .
BURSTO_ , C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., ~I.B.
Appomted January, 19-:1:7.
Victoria District:
STENI~G, r.I.B., B.S., F.R.C.S.
Appointed April, 1945.
New South "Vales District. South Australia District.
Appointed January, 1947.
Commander ( ister).
Tasmania District.
Appointed December, 19-:1:2.
:!Lab2 Super intenbent-in-<tbief.
Appointed Apnl, 1946.
Appointed June, 19-:1:3.
S u r geon-i n-<tbief.
(!o III III fssione l'S. Knight.
Appointed July, 1939.
Appointed l\Iarch, 19-:1:5.
<!01l11l1issioner s.
Appointed May, 1947.
:assista n t
<to III III fssioners.
Saskatchewan District.
Ontario District.
South Australia District. CLEME TT
Appointed February, 1940.
New South Wales District.
Appointed February, 1935 .
Appointed November, 1938.
New Brunswick District.
Appointed April, 1946.
Appointed January, 1940.
Ontario District.
Appointed October, 1942 .
Appointed l\'ovember, 19-L~
Prince Edward Island District.
Federal District.
1Lat>)? Superintent>ent:::in:::crbief.
::'IIanitoba Distnct.
l\.ppoint.ed February. 1944 .
Qliebec District.
Appointed October, 1946.
ppointed October, 1945 .
British Columbia District.
Appoint.ed January, 1946
Nova Scotia Dist.rict.
Appointed January, ]946 .
Alberta District.
Appointed April, 194 1J.
Il<. JOH
No . 4 District.
HUBA , K.C.S.I., O.B.E ., I.M.S.
Appointed August, 1944.
Appointed March, 1946.
Appoint.ed Sept.ember, 1943 .
Officer. OLONEL
No.2 District. Il{
Appointed April, 1945.
NO.9 DIstrict.
Appointed June, 1945 .
0.3 Distnct.
Appointed December, 1945.
:assistant crom11lissioners.
(te}?lon. CHELLAPPAH, O. n.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
No.9 District.
Appointed November, 1938.
£\ssistant <L0Il11111Ssioncr.
. F.
1943 .
Associate Officer.
No.5 District.
Appointed May, 1940.
No.9 District.
Appointed July, 1940.
C}]prU5. COllllll Issioner. JACK
Appointed January, 1946.
No. 11 Distnct.
Associate Officer.
Appointed May, 1943.
No. 19 District.
Appointed July, 1943.
No.7 District.
.M.G., I.M.S.
Appointed August, 1943.
No . 16 District.
Appointed September, 1943.
jfiji. £\SSlstant GOm11l1£H3ioncr. JOHN
R. BUCHA A , M.D. .\'PPOJl1lcd ~Jay , 1~4-.
No.8 District.
No. 12 District.
cromm issioner. EDWARD
Commander (Brother).
AppOlnted December, 19-t- 1.
'assistant (Io11lmissioner. ABBAS EL ARCULLI.
Associate Commander.
Appomted Dece mber, 19-t- I .
13 DI tnct.
Servwg Brother.
Knight.. Appointed April, 1945 .
Appointed November, 1944.
CREED, C.I.E., O.B.E., M.C.
No.9 District.
Appointed November, 1944.
No. 17 District.
Appointed November, 1944.
Associate Commander.
Indian Headquarters.
Appointed l\1arch, 1945 .
No. 10 District.
No. 14 District.
crbief crommissioner.
~lITH, O.B.E., I.M.5.
Appointed August, 194-L
No. 20 District.
Appointed June, 1944.
1bong 1kong.
Appointed March, 1944.
Appointed January, 1946.
No. 18 District. ARTHUR
Appointed May, 1945.
Appointed January, 1946.
G. HALL, C.I.E., M.B.E.
No. 1 District. Appointed March, 1946. * Acting.
<!ommiss{oner. SIR GEORGE
Officer. KH A
No. 21 District.
Appointed. ?l'Iay, 1946.
.Jo. 6 District.
Officer. Appointed
anterbury and W e t Coast District.
Wellington District.
Appointed November, 1937.
Wanganui District.
Appointed May, 1939.
Serving Brother.
Sout.h Auckland District.
Bssistant <!ommissioner. Commander.
Appomted June, 1936.
Serving Brother.
Appointed February, 1944.
:assistant <!ommfssfoners.
Indian Headquarters (StafI Officer for Training) . July , 1937 .
Auckland Dist.rict.
Appoint.ed January, 19.f7 .
:acting Bss{stant <!omm{ssioner. Associate Officer.
Appointed May, 1941.
Serving Brother.
Taranaki District.
Appointed June, 1942.
Appointed November, 1942 .
Southland District.
Appointed August, 1943.
1ken}?a. Bssistant <!omm{ss{oner.
, erving Brother.
Otago District.
Appointed September, 1945.
ARL HA USMA:-.I:\,. ~ranawatu
Serving Brother.
Appointed -ovember, 1946.
CAPTAn'~ WILLIAM S. GULLOCH. Officer. Appointed July, 1944.
<!om m {ssione r.
VV. N.
1946 .
ROBERT B. MACGREGOR, C.:M.G., M.B., CH.B. Commander. Appointed. February, 19·W.
!prior)? <!ommiS6ioner.
in Sontberll :africa.
Appointed November, 1944 .
Appointed June, 1945.
Su rgcon:::itl:::<!bicf. L \ VATT,
in 1Rew Zealanb.
!prior)? <!ommfss{oner. Appointed February, 1944.
<!OmmfS6ioners. VV ATERMEYER.
South African Headquarters. OLO EL
Knight. Commander.
Appointed May, 1933.
Rhodesia District. \VILLIAM ]. K.
Appointed J anuary, 1939 . KILLICORN, C.B.E.
Rhodesian Railways District. BRIGADIER
Su rgeon:::f11:::<!bief.
Appointed February, 1944 .
~I.B., CH.B.
1URIEL A. \~ ALTON, A.R .R .C.
Dame .
Appointed May, 1912.
'JLat>)2 Superintcnt>ent:::itl:::<!b{ef.
Bssistant <!omm{ss{oner. Knight.
Appointed November, 1939.
S.A.R. & H. District.
Appointed October, 1945 .
Cape Province District.
Appointed September, 1946.
• Acting.
JDepllt}2 :assistant crommfssfoners.
JDepu t2 cromlll fssfoners. LIEUT.-COLONEL JOHANNES
Transvaal District.
S.A.R. & I-I. District.
Appointed October, 1941.
Appointed February, 1944.
S.A.R & H. District.
S.A.R. & H . District.
o\'ember , 1945.
Appointed February, 1944 .
S.A.R. & H . District.
Appointed March, 1944 .
S.A .R. & II . Di strict .
:assista n t cromm fssfoncrs. JOHAN S. DE VON WILLICH. ~ erving
S.A .R. & H. District.
Serving Brother.
Appointed NO\'ember, 1934 .
S.A.R. & H . District.
S.A.R. & H. District.
S.A .R. & H. District.
S.A.R & H. District..
Natal District.
S.A .R. & H. DIstrict.
Appointed June, 1945 .
ovember, 1939.
S.A.R. & H. District.
Serving Brother.
Appointed July, 1944 .
Appointed October, 1935 .
Appointed May, 1944 .
*IIAI{CO WENNING. S.A.R & TI. District. Appointed May, 1944 . *JAN H. VLOK.
Appointed June, 1945.
Appointed January, 1940.
S .. \ .R c- II. DIstrict.
Appointed July, 19-!5 .
Appolflted March, 1940 .
JOHAN LovIUs, M.B . , CH.B.
Associate Serving Brother.
O.F.S. District.
Appointed September, 1940
S.A.R. & H . District.
l\ PPolfltcd ~ 'ovcmhcr. 1940
Griqualand West District. LIEUT.-COLON'EL
Appointed November, 1940.
Transvaal Distnct.
YK, M.B.
.\ ppomtcu. January,
CHARLES E. COCK. Serving Brother. S.A.R. & H. DIstrict. Appomted MAJ OR ER EST H . H ONEYWILL.
South African Headquarlers.
:assistant (!ol11111issfoner. COLOi E L \VALTER A. ~I U LLER, C.M.G.
farch, 1941.
Appointed October, 1941.
JAMES VILJOEN. Serving Brother. S.A.R. & H. Dlstnct . Appomted October, 1941. WILLIAM B. A. RITCHIE. Serving Brother. S.A.H. C' H. Distnct.. l\ PI'(J)nl cl June, 1942 JAMES \¥. B. CARTER. Serving Brother. S.A.R. & H. Di!'itncl. ,\ ppOlnled February, 194 ~L A. GARDXER \YI LLIAl\l S .
Transvaal District. *MAJOR GEORGE
Appointed May, 1945.
'Ulganba. :aasista n t C01ll1ll i5Sioner. CECIL V. CURTIS. Officer.
Appointed J anuary, 1946.
Appointed June, 1943 .
S.A.R. & H. District. Appointed March, 1944 . * JAMES TIMPERLEY.
S .A.R. & H . District.
Appointed March, 1944 .
Serving Brother.
Rhode ia District. AppOllll r1 :'lay. 1945 *CORNELIUS H. SCHOOMBIE. S.A.R. & H. District. Appointed June, 1945. *DIRK Du PLESSIS. S.A.R. & H . District. Appointed June, 1945 . *HAROLD A. GREGOROWSKI. S.A.R. & H . District. Appointed June, 1945. COLONEL ERNEST HAMLIN, D.SC., F.R.S. (S .A.) Officer. Transvaal District. Appointed Sept.ember, 1945.
J. J. J. J.
• Acting.
Specfal Bppointments maDe b2 tbe \!bief crol11missionct. LIEUT.-COLONEL ERt\EST G. FISH , O.B.E.
District Superintendent in Charge. Zanzibar District. Appointed January, 1941. CAPTAIN D UDLEY S. GOWING.
Commander. Acting District Superintendent in Charge. Gibraltar District. A ppom ted August, 1941. ARTH UR G. WHITEHEAD.
Serving Brot.her.
District Superi ntendent in Charge. Appointed l\Jarch, 19-16.
* Acting.
Tanganyika District.
10 THE
COM 11
The Director of Ambulance, Ambulance Department, Order of t. john. 111arch, 1947. SIR, I have the honour to submit the nnual Report of the t. john Ambulance Brigade Overseas for the year ended 31 t Decemb r, 1916. This is the first full post-war year, and I am plea ed to be able to report that the Brigade Overseas has maintained a sati factor tr ngth and efficiency in spite of the many difficulties con equent upon this period. Although there has been a reduction in Di"i ion and strength which was to ?e expected, following the second \Yorld \Var, I am glad to report that thls has not reached the proportion expected; indeed, the Brigade Overseas is still greatly in excess of its pre-war strength. STRENGTH.
The new Divisions formed during the year are a follow Divisiolls. 74-
Ambulance N"ur ing .
23 97
Cadet Ambulance Cadet Nursing
Pel sOllnc!. 2,648 3,:'4 - - 3,032 723 600
43 36
1 ,32~3
79 176
This i~c~e~se of new Divisions is offset by the 10 through eli banclment of 117 DlvlslOns (43 Ambulance and 7·1 . . ursing) , and 1<1 'ad t Di,·i ion (7 Cadet Ambulance and 7 Cadet Nur ing), 0 that the tr ngth of the Brigade Overseas at 31st December, 1916, was : Di1'isio ns. Ambulance Nursing
1,306 822
Persollnel. 38,0 '0 14,455 52,535
Cadet Ambulance Cadet ursing .
411 361
9,-150 6,385 772
IS, 3-
am part.icularly pleased that so many members have rejoined the Bngade dunng 1946 on their release from the Forces and other war employment, and I extend a warm welcome to those who after arduous war service, have been public-spirited enough to return i~mediately to St. john service.
It is difficult to estimate the number of members of the Brigade Overseas who were on Active ervice for, apart from those who joined the Forces or served as full-time V.A.D.s, etc., the approximate number of which is 10,000, it will be agreed that all members of the Brigade in Burma, Hong Kong, Malaya and Malta, totalling approximately an additional 5,000, must be regarded as having been on ctive ervice. It is with deep regret that I have to report that some 80 members of the Brigade Overseas have been reported as having lost their lives as the result of enemy action. The following decorations have been gained by members of the Brigade Over eas:Knigh thoods . D.S.O. and Bar C.B.E. o H.E. :'I1.C. D.F . . A.RR Kaisar-l-llind J\Iedal D.C.Th1. . 1\1.1\1. . B .E.:'II. . :\lentio ned in Despat.ches . Certificate of ommendat.ion
2 1 1 ~
2 11 1 6 3 4 1
It is again my privilege and pleasure to expre s my most grateful thanks to the Yi count e ~fountbatten of Burma. D.C.V.O., C.B.E., D.C,. ·T.J., for a highly succe ful official Tour of Australia and New Zealand whicb h · mad during 1916, on behalf of the Venerable Order and joint \Yar Organization int re t . ;\ 0 on 11a clone more to help forward the work of the Brigade Overseas both durinO' and ince the econd \Yorld \'Var, while none appreciate this b tt r than it members in the many parts of the Briti h Commonwealth and Empir which she ha vi ited , often at great personal hazard; her vi it h<lve alway been mo t stimulating and encouraging to those who do our work, or to Briti h P.O.\V.s in japanese Prison Camps. \\'h nit i. borne in mind that, in addition, the Viscountess l\lountbatten ha cont.roll 'd th '0Jur ing Divisions of the Brigade at Home, and served on many important \Var Councils and Committees in London, the high mea ure of ucce which ha attend d her efforts on our behalf overseas can on] y be d cribed as amazing. Yet her spirit of t. john service, plu a eemingly inexhau tible energy, have remained such that, during thi official Tour of 1946 he has beaten her own splendid record, as evidenc d by the wealth of high appreciation which has come from every part of the Commol1\v alth of ustralia and the Dominion of New Zealand. It i , pcrhap , only tho e who have made long and arduous official Tours who can suffici ntly appreciate the steady drain which they inflict upon both phy ical and mental energy, hO'wever hospitable and kindly the reception. I can, therefore, but add that, apart from my gratitud for the high measure of success which has attended the Vi countess Mountbatten' efforts on our behalf, I am also lost in admira-
tion at the manner in which she has sustained both her keenness and heartening vigour throughout every official Tour made on behalf of the Venerable Order. On the 14th June the Viscount Mountbatt n held an " At Home" at t. John's Gate at which she de cribed the plendid spirit of t. John service and the high efficienc which she had witne. sed in both Australia and Jew Zealand. Representatives of the Press and m mbers of the Brigade at Home and the Brigade Over eas ,,\,ere present on thi occa ion.
The Joint War Organization Certificates for War Service awarded by Their Majesties the King and Queen, and for which over 15,000 members of the Brigade Overseas were eligible, have been despatched. It is very pleasant to know that the Rt. Hon. The Viscount Bledisloe, G.C.M.G., K.B.E., K.ST.]., who has always shown such interest in the Brigade Overseas, left England in November last, accompanied by the Viscountess Bledisloe, D .ST.J., on a « good-will mission to Australia and I ew Zealand on behalf of the Royal Agricultural ociety of England. During his Tour Viscount Bledisloe will represent the Grand Priory of the Order in the pleasant and responsible duty of conveying the Letters Patent of H.R.H. The Grand Prior to the newly-established Priories in these two important parts of the British Commonwealth. \Vith regard to the work in each Dominion and Colony : -
During the year 346 members wer awarded the .'ervice Medal of the Order and 307 the Bar to the ervice Iedal. It \Va a matt r for satisfaction that the Order was able to upply ufficient ~ ervic ),1 'da] to cover alll\Iedals awarded during the period Nov mb r, 10-11, to th :31 t D c mber, 1945. These Iedals are being de patched a quick] a. hipping difficulties will allow. CADET.
The adet strength of the Brigade Overseas has continued to incr a e, particularly in outh Africa and anada, while ~ew Zealand still ha the honour of retaining the premier position. During the year, 275 Cadets were awarded the Grand Prior' Badg, making a total of 1,336 Badges issued to Cadets of the Brigade Over ea -. The Cadet pecial ervice hield, which ha be 11 appruved to take the place of the Cadet \Var ervice Badge, is to be awarded for sen'ice to the community and will, rightly, b come a mu'>t rovet d award. LIFE
It is plea ing to be able to record that the Life a vm a ~r dal of the Order has been awarded to members of the Brigac1 Ov r eas in Canada during 1946 as follows : Sgt. L. Rissanen A /O C. F. :\lell erup Cpl. C. E. Dorman
Life Saving :'IIedal in Guld . " ,,' ilver. " "Brollze
Sgt. Rissanen and A/ Q Mellerup, of the Port Arthur entral.\mbulanc Division, behaved most gallantly, following an explo ion in a aranary, as also Cpl. Dorman of the Montreal (Lieut.-Col. H. Mol on) Ambulance Division, who was instrumental in saving life on the oeca ion of a fire at a theatre in Verdun. Fortunately, too, the visit of 1\1r. . A. \Vright, of the Briti h ,outh African Police, to this country gave opportunity for the pre entation at Chapter-General of the Life aving Medal awarded to him for a gallant rescue at the Victoria Falls. GENERAL.
The formation of Corps composed entirely of ursing Divisions which were introduced as a war-time measu~e have proved so popular that they are to be continued in peace-time.
The elevation of the ommandery in Australia to the status of a Priory during the time that H.R.H. The Grand Prior was Governor-General of the ommonwealth is a matter for the warmest congratulation and while r flecting high credit on its Brigade is a reward for splendid service which is shar d bv all who s [\'e the interests of the Venerable Order th reo It i with great regret that I have to report the death of Colonel \V. Vicker, D.S.O., LB., lat ommissioner of the 1\ ew outh vVales Di trict and Director of Ambulance in the Commandery; one for whom I obtained a warm regard during my official Tour of Australia in 1936 and who e distingui hed ervices will be greatly missed. The Brigade Over eas, whil uffering thi heavy loss, has been extremely fortunate in obtaining such an ahle succe sor as Dr. G. G. L. tening. The New ,'outll \Val s Di trict has IlMintain d its excellence during the year and v n increa d it aclet strength, with the result that there are now 0\' r Lj ,000 111 mber in thi District. The Priory in . \u tralia has the right to take pride in the fact that the other i trict ~ of the Brigade in Australia have either increased or maintained ill ir trength, a magnificent achievement in the first postwar ·ear. '1 he grand total of Divisions, including Cadet, in the Commonwealth is now 340. ' ince the d f at of Japan I have been gratified to learn that Dr. Home, S.B.ST.}., the Divisional urgeon of the Albany Division in Western Australia, gave valuable lecture on First Aid and held examinations while a prison r of war in Changi Camp, Malaya. It is pleasant to add that those prisoners of war who passed their examination and who have since been re tored to liberty, have been granted First Aid Certificates by the Association. It was again a great pleasure to meet Dr. J. Newman Morris, C.M .G., K. T.]., the Treasurer of the Australian Priory, during his visit to England, one for whose work on behalf of the Order and for humanity generally, I possess the deepest respect. Of the many meetings with those from overseas which I have had the pleasure of holding during the past year, one other must be outstanding, namely, that with H.E. Sir Winston Dugan, G.C.M.G., C.B . , C.M.G.,
D.S.O . , IC T.J., Governor of Victoria; this not only bccause we served together as oldier during the earlicr days of the Great \Var, but al 0 because no other in that great ommonwealth ha done more to establish our work, and to help towards the formation of that ommandery which has since prov d 0 ucce sful a to be elevated to the dignity of a Priory. In thi work he ha been ably a i ted b Lady Dugan, a Dame of our Order, to whom my thanks are al 0 due, and who has done much for the benefit of humanity.
by the rioting of R.I.N. ratings in February, 1946, members of our Brigade performed their Ambulance duties in both difficult and dangerous circumstance, attending over 300 cases at great personal risk. During the five days in which the disturbances were at their height our members were engag d in heavy and continuous work while exposed to rifle and revolver fire and missiles thrown from windows. either was this splendid work confined to anyone particular sect, for I am glad to add that members of the Cosmopolitan, Hindu, Maratha, Muslim and Parsi Divisions of the No.3 District, and other members of the No. 16 District all came in for high commendation in the report made by the Chief ommissioner for the Empire of India. \ hile cCjually good work was done during the August riotings in Bombay, a bitter note of tragedy was struck on this occasion when two of the rna t valued member of the Parsi Division, Ambulance Officer G. >l. Gazdar and Private J. A. :t\avdar, were killed by the rioters. These m .m1 r had long and valued service for the Brigade (A/O Gazdar b mg th holder of the ervice 1\1 dal with six Bars and Pte. J. A. Navdar bing thc holder of the ervice ~1edal with one Bar), and the news of their tragi c dcath \Va received with deep sorrow not only by our members in India, but throughout the Empire, and all members of the Brigade Over ea wi h to be associated with the deep expression of sympathy to th r lativc. of these two \'ictim in the sacred cause of humanity. The Bri~ade in India has continued to maintain its strength while the formatIOn of 39 new Ambulance Divisions and 14 new Cadet Divisions bring the number of Divisions in India to the gratifying total of 685. A new District of the Brigade wa formed during the year on the B.B. and c.1. Raih\'a\', to be known as the Xo. 21 District. I r gr t lhat th . urgeon-in-Chief for India, Lieut.-Col. Sir Bennett Hance , K . . I.E., n.B.E., K. T.J., r igned his position in 1946 on his retirem nt. H will be gr aUy mi ed, but, fortunately, a worthy successor ha b en found in ),Iajor-Genera1 R. Hay, C.LE., o. T.J., previously the Commi ioner of :\'"0. 3 Di trict. I a1 0 r gret that :\Ii Hutching, A.R.R. C., o. T.J., Lady uperintendentin- hief for India, has found it necessary to transfer to the Reserve after long and yaluab1 activ ervice. The position was temporarily filled by Lady B rr ford-Peir e until he departed from India, when the Order ha b en fortunate in obtaining Mrs. Emerson, wife of the Chief Commi ioner of Railway in India, to fill this respon ible appointment. . \1.1 wbo kne\:, him \~ill be sorry to hear of the death in eptember of Lleut.- 01. Ir Ha sam uhravvardy, O.B.E., A.C.ST.J., who had served the Brigade in India 0 well and faithfully for many years . I \Va glad to have a further opportunity during the year of meeting that valued member of our Order, ardar Bahadur Balwant ingh Puri, C.LE ., O.B.E., A.C.ST.J., General ecretary of the Indian Branch of the A. ~ociation and e~retary of the Brigade Overseas in India, during his VISIt to England thIS summer, one who has done outstanding work for the Order and humanity.
Outbreaks of rioting have occurred in several parts of India during the year, in connection with which our Brigade has responded with its customary invaluable service. During the regrettable emergency created
It is a matter for congratulation that the Commandery in New Zealand has also been raised to the status of a Priory. For our Brigade in New
On the 7th October, 1946, Miss 1. MacLaren, C.ST.J., Lady uperintendent-in-Chief of Nursing Corps and Division of the Brigade in Canada, and Officer in Charge of the Contingent of C nadian member, left London on return to Canada. Her departure marked the closing down of a gallant and highly succe ful venture wh reby memb rs of our Nursing Corps and Divi ion in Canada stablished a H adquarter in London and provided a continual flow of efficient Iur ing member who served in many forms of Hospital and Ambulance ervice in thi country, as also in orth-\Ve t Europe and other place during anc1 ince th war. This magnificent ervice \vas first under the able leader hip of it , promot r, Mrs. Gilmour, M.B.E., C.ST.J., then Lady uperintendent-in-Chief for Canada, who brought the first contingent to England, and later r-li 1acLaren, both of 'whom gave efficient and untiring s rvic often in circumstances of difficulty and dang r. illany tribute have be n paid to the value of the services the e Canadian member 0 willingly g< \' , and I was glad of the opportunity at the farewell t a-party given at St. John's Gate last eptember of expre ing 111 ' appreciation to Miss MacLaren and the final ontingcnt of anadian m mb r . That Canada, too, has been raised to the tatu ' of a Priorv i ' a fitti.ng recognition of the high standard of t. John n'ire which xist' th r' and of the progress made in all branches of our work in r ' nt \'ea rs. The Brigade in Canada continuc to main lain its nicienC)~ and a successful Dominion Conference \\'a held in Ottawa from the Dtil tu 12th September. Many of its members were on duly during and after the tornado which caused such widespread and regretted damage at \\rind or wh n many houses were destroyed, 17 people killed and 100 injured. In ord r to cope with this disaster members of the \Vind or orp maintained a 24 hours' service for three days, thus bringing great credit upon them elv as also the Brigade Overseas. The Brigade was honoured when H.E. The Governor-General of Canada, Field-Marshal Viscount Alexander, KG., G.C.B., . . 1., D . . 0., M.C., K.ST.J., inspected the members of the Federal District on the 23rd June. His Excellency was accompanied by H.E. Viscountess Alexander, D.ST.J., the President of Nursing Divisions in Canada.
Zealand has not only the honour of being the fir t e tablished in the Empire overseas (the first Unit of the Brigade Over eas being formed at Dunedin in 1892), but has always maintained an exceptionally high standard, besides leading the Brigade Overseas in the strength of it Cadets. \iVith a total of 325 Cadet Divisions, New Zealand po sesses the greate t number of Cadet Divisions in the Dominion, but the award during 194G of 260 Grand Prior's Cadet Badge out of a total of 275 for the \vhole of the Brigade Overseas indicates that their keennes and efficiency still remain of the highest order; indeed, it redound to the credit of ew Zealand that it now possesses more Grand Prior's Badges than the rest of the Brigade in total. It gave me great pleasure to meet during the year aptain E. ilb rd, .B. T.J., the Dominion adet Officer, which enabled me to xpre to him my high appreciation of th magnificent ucce which ha attended the Cadet work in New Zealand. A further ign that the Brigade i still progr ' ing in New Zealand is shown by the outh Auckland ub-Di trict being constituted a a separate Brigade District. The number of Public Dutie attended by the Brigade ha been fully maintained and in one place the Tur ing Diyisions are completely taffing a ward in a hospital. I would here express my gratitude to Th \,i count Blecli')lo , G.r.~1. ,., K.B.E., K.ST.J., New Zealand l-(epre ntati\' on hapt r-General, for his expert and kindly help in all matter connected with Xew Z aland.
It gave me great pleasure to meet Mrs. Walton, A.R.R.C., D.ST.J., the Lady uperintendent-in-Chief for outhern Africa, during her visit to England: one who has done outstanding work for the Brigade and whom I was able to congratulate upon this valuable help at Brakpan. A pleasant sign of the resumption of pre-war activities was the holding at Bulawayo of the competition for the it Birchenough Shield, after an interval of seven years.
As was the ca e la t year, ,outh frica ha again nrc eded in forming more new adet Division than any other Dominion or 'olon\", a continued expansion which is not only most gratifying, but which reflect the greatest credit upon all concerned. The total numb r of ad t Division within the Priory in Southern Africa i ~ no\\' 176. It is with great regret that I learned of the death of Dr. Bennie Hewatt, K.ST.J., who was 0 closely associated with , and did 0 much for, th development of the Brigade in outh Africa for many year. Following the lamented death of that great worker in our cause, olon 1 Peacock, to which I referred in last year's Report, r am glad to r port that Lieut.-Col. J. M. Watt, O.ST.J., has been appointed to ucceed him as Surgeon-in -Chief. It gives me also the greate t pleasure to tate that Her Excellenc\' Mrs. Van Zyl has graciou ly accepted the appointment of Lady Pr iclent of Nursing Di vi ions wi thin the Priory. The Brigade in outhern Africa ha continued its activity and during the year its members attended 42,148 cases while its 2~ Ambulances transported 18,805 people. The high standard of the work was evidenced by the highly efficient help rendered by members of the Brigade during the typhoid epidemic at Brakpan, On this occasion the Tursing Divisions of the East Rand were called upon for assistance in relieying the Hospital staffs, help which was readily and admirably given throughout the epidemic.
The work of the Brigade in Barbados has been encouraged by the kindly gift of a ilv r Cup by Her Excellency Lady Grattan Bushe, D.ST.]., for competition, The first competition was held during 1946, and wa won by the Christchurch ~o. 2 Nursing Division. As H .E. ir Jrattan and Lady Bushe have now left Barbados I would tak thi opportunitv of thanking them for their stimulative interest in our work, particularly during the war period when many difficulties had to be fa d. Th ir Excellencies' deep and practical interest has been greatly appreciated by our Brigade members, and it can be said \vith certainty that it \\'a the intere t shown by Lady Bushe which resulted in t. John affair in Barbaclo being placed upon a firm footing. )'ly gratitude is due al 0 to our Commi ioner and Lady Di trict uperintendent 1f. and l\Ir . E. B. \Yilliam , while I would again congratulate them upon having the charge of uch fficient ~ ur ing Divisions as r wa privileged to inspect dnring the war period of 194.5. The Barbados Di trict ha recently taken over the Barbados Eye Fund which, originally tarted as a private charity by Lady Bushe, has hrough t gr at om fort to many afflicted persons. It wa a gr at pri\'ilege to meet the ne\\" Governor of Barbados, H.E. , ir Hilar\, Blood , K. C.~I.G., K. T.]., prior to hi leaving England to take up this appointment, and to thank him for the intere t which he has tak n in our work when His ::\laje ty's Representative in the Gambia, as al 0 to b able to tell him of my deep satisfaction with what r had seen of the .:\ur ing Divisions in Barbado in 1945. His Excellency was kind enough to accept the position of Pre ident, while it is hoped that Lady Hilary Blood will accept that of Lady President. BERMUDA.
The formation of the first Cadet Tursing Division in Bermuda during th year i mo t encouraging, and r hope that this will prove most uccessfu!. BURMA.
Matters in Burma have not yet clarified owing to the confusion re ulting from the Japanese occupation, but it is encouraging to be able to report that records ha\'e been recei\'ed of 12 new Ambulance and 3 new Nursing Divisions, as also that many members of pre-war days have rejoined. ir Ba U, A.O.ST.]., our e teemed Commissioner for Burma, is making every effort to reorganize the Brigade, and there are encouraging signs
that the Burma District will soon recover its very satisfactory prewar standard.
1 he formation of the Police Ambulance Division and a Cadet Ambulance
Division in Fiji during the year is the result of the successful efforts of Dr. J. C. R. Buchanan, O.ST.]., and the Officers of this District to maintain and intensify the interest in the Brigade.
The Ceylon District has maintained its trength anrd effi~i ency and .the Ceylon Police orp continues it out tanding :vork. fh e hlghe t po sIble credit is due to this efficient Police F orce, whIch has, for so many years, insisted upon a high standard of efficiency.
There is no change to report in the Gibraltar District where our work is being maintained in spite of great difficulties.
ince m y visit in 1945 'w ith the H on. 1\1rs. Copland-Griffiths the Cyprus Police Division has been con tituted as a orps, ~n~ I feel confident that under the capable leader hip of our omml lOner, J. H. Ashmore, E q., O.ST.]., this will lead t o an ex~e~ ior: of Brigade activi tie The translation of the Textbook of the A sOClatIon mto r k should al 0 lead to greater interest on the part of th e civil population. EAST AFRICA.
K enya.- The work of the K enya Di tric~ continu . to ~e maintain d at a high standard under the able leader hlp of aptam \\ . lllloch,
I regret that during the year Mr. \\' : G . D . ~i coI , Di .tri ct uperintendent in charge of the 10mbasa ub-DI tnct, ha~ to r 19n on account of ill-health, but his place has been t aken by Capt a111 C. \V. A. G. H ami y. It gave m e great pleasure to m eet Irs. R . . A. a\' ndi h, o. T.]., Iat our valued Lady Di trict llperintendent for K enya, on her return to England and to thank her for th ~ con iderable ~Hor t which h mTade. on our behalf and which resulted 111 the form atIOn of the fi r t i\ ur mg Division in East Africa. Tanganyika. -Unfor~unately pr. H . J. O'D . Burk~ G~ffney, O.B ..E., O.ST.] ., one who has gIven untInng and devoted serVIce 111 TanganYIka since I succeede(l in starting the Brigade there in 1938, retir c1 during tb year. Much of the credit for building up and maintaining our work in Tanganyika, p articularly during t~e war years, belong. to Dr. Burke Gaffney, and he will be greatly mlS ed . I extend to 111m my deepe t thanks for all that he has so splendidly accompli hed. The harge of the District has now become the responsibility of . G. \\'hitehead, Esq., S.B.ST.]., in whom I repose every confidence while wi hing him every success in this important charge. Uganda. - Following the r etiremen t of Lt.-Colonel A. 1. h~ri~gham, C.ST.]., which I reported last year , the charge of the ganda DIstnct has been accepted by C. V. Curtis, E sq., O.ST .]. , whose co-operation in undertaking this important position is greatly apprecia t ed. Zanzibar.- Under the continued and valuable leadership of Lt. -Colon 1 E . G. Fish, O.B.E . , O.ST.]., the m embership of the Zanzibar District has been well maintained, while the Ambulance efficiency of the Police under his charge remains high.
As in the case. of BurH~a and l\Ialaya, the position in Hong Kong has not. yet bee~ entIrely cl.anfied. I am happy to say, however, that despite th~lr suf~enngs when 111 Japane e hands, members have rejoined the ~ngac1(' m great num~er~, and with the derequisitioning of the Hong I\.ong Headquarters Buildmg I feel sure that rapid progress will be made. A ' to J 01111 Council has been formed for Hong Kong to co-ordinate the activiti s of all branches of the work of the Order. The following extract from a letter received from the Director of ~I 'dical ervices, Hong Kong, the Hon. Dr. elwyn Clarke, M.C., a Commander of our Order and :\Iember of our Council in that Colony sp ak for itself : ' ., t. John are being most helpful in connection with a rather serious pid mic of mallpox here involving a two-thirds case mortality. \Vith the help of a number of volunteers from t. John units on both sides of the harbour, my vaccinators have done well over a million in the past three months." \\'hen, in 1937, I was in Hong Kong, I \vas witness to similar work bcing performed in a very congested city and I can, therefore, well apprcCla.Le that ~he value of our Brig:a~e there is to-day equally great. On dlfficulty IS, of co~r ~ e, .the obta111m~ of uniforms by a people who ha. \ ' C ' uff ' r d great finanClal dl aster and WIthout adequate funds for such nppl T. I <:111 glad to repo~t that ir Leslie Boyce, K.B.E., K.ST.]., as Head of a. BnLI}l 1 rade .:\11 IOn and at my request, met our Brigade members in Hong I\.ong dunng December last, and was kind enough to address them on the work of the Order and its Establishments. This was very greatly appreciated by all concerned. .\ po thumous Vote of Thanks on ' :ellum was awarded to ~Irs. Hyde 1:a) by hapter-General.for her admIrable work as ecretary in Hong ~\" Ollg both befor~ a~d dunng the war. Unfortunately this splendid worker m our cause, whIle 111 the Internment Camp, was killed during an Allied air raid . JAMAICA.
~~he year 1946 has Seel? the formation of the J amaica Police Corps of the
Bngade, a great acceSSIOn to the Jamaica District, from which nothing but ~ood can result, as it still furt~er str~ngthen the already excellent relatIOns bet\;\'een the Bngade and thIS effiCIent Police Force. The Jamaica District continues to be active under the inspiring leader-
20 hip of Dr. E . Hoerman, C.ST.J., and rendered inva~uablc s nice during a strike of 1 urses and Attendants at the LunatIc Asylum when onr Briaade member were called upon for assi tance. They arrived to find hu~dreds of inmates roaming about the ground of the .<\s1'lum and it is clear that their comin a preyented many casualtie MALAYA .
Dr. R. B. MacGregor, C.M.G., C.ST.J., the Commi ioner for Malaya, has returned to that country and i doing all po ible to reCOIl truct the Brigade, a ta ' k which i rendered all the n~or . dif~cult l?y the chan~e in the political construction of :;\Ialay?- folloWlI1g Its hberatlOl1 .. I <.1111 happy to say that, largely a a re ult of hI effurt , much progres IS belllg mad while many members have rejoined the Brigade. In the Penang area, to which l\Ir. Boyd-\Valker has returnell, the Brigade ha resumed m<llly u eful activities and is carrying out \'arious form of Public Duty. I deeply regret to add that among the many l~ea,:y 10 eo::; ~\' CIlCI11) a't1on was that of Mrs. Cherry, our valued Lady Dlstnct upenntcnd nt, \\ ho~e great courage and devotion to duty had et a most hi~h example. , 0 highly ·were those services valued by the Grand Priory lat a posthnmous \Tote of Thanks on Vellum has been awarded. MALTA.
Under the able leadership of :\Iajor ]. \T. Abela, ~I.I3.E., c. T.J., whom I was delighted to meet during his tay in England this} car, the Malta District has made great stride towards full reCOIl. tructioll, although still greatly handicapped for lack of a permanent Hcad<.luarte~'s. It is a fayourable augury and proof of how the Bngad 1 cstc med that in June, 1946, the first Flag Day held by the Malta Di trict proved a great success. Four new Di"isions have been form d, while the District ha been divided into Corps, four of which are named after former Grand Ma. ter ' of the Order, namely, La Valette, Cotoner, De Yilllena and \\'lgnacuurt. Largely through the efforts of the Lady, up. rintend nt-in- 111 f ~f the Briaade Overseas, the Hon. Mrs. Copland-Gnffith , D. TJ., the gIft of an Ambulance was made to the Malta District by the Joint \\'ar Organization which ,\Till fill a long felt \vant. At the Victory Parade in London the Malta District of the Brigad was represented by two Brigade m~mbers, Ambulanc.e Officer the .l~e\'. Fr. Ciantar, O.P., and Ambulance SIster l\I. Attard, winJe other \\:cre 111 th Parade representing the Civil Defence ervices. On the occasion of the Yictory Parade in Ialta the Brigade was represented by a conting nt, and other members performed Public Duty along the rout of the proce sion . Through a further generous gift from the Joint \Var Organization of Hospital equipment, etc., it has now been possible to organize Medical Comforts Depots in Malta and it is hoped that three will be in full operation before this Report is distributed. NE WFO UNDL AN D.
o Report received.
Dllring our official visit to Palestine in 1945, the Hon. ~Irs. CoplandGriffiths and I succeedcd in making arrangements for the Palestine Police to join tIle Brigade Overseas, while we left with every hope that civil Ambulance and Nursin~ Divi 'ions would spring into heing. Unfortunately, howevcr, the eli turbances \\'hich have occurred ever since have prevented uch clcvciopment, altbough the admirable First Aid knowledge of the Police has proved of the greatest value. ~Iy thanks are due to Captain J. Rymer-Jones, O.ST.J., latc Commi. sioner of the Palestine Police and our Brigacl' Commissioner for Palcstine, for all the help which he has gi\' '11 to St. John work. \Vc are very fortunate in securing Colonel W. ~. Gray, D.~.O., the prcsent Inspector-General of the Palestine Police, as 11 i~ SLler s::-,(lf. WE, T AFRICA.
I t is sati:[actory to tHe th,t11 an Ambulance Di\'ision was regi tered during the year at Frcctcmll, Sierra Leone, while it is hoped that it will not be long- bdore I shall be in a position to report the formation of 1)i vi - iun~ in other parts of \Ye t Africa, where our Brigade ervice is so ~rcat1y necded. as c,'idenced during my official visit of 1945. RE IGNA TIO:\
OF :;\I1S
It i with great regret that I have to report that ~Ii s D. ~Iavrojani, o. 'T.] .. fortner taff Off1ccr to the Lady uperintendent-in-Chief of the Bt j~(J(lc 0, cr cas, has fuund it nece sary to transfer to the Reserve. M1'>. JI lvrojani accompanied the Hon. Mrs. Copland-Griffiths during her ollwi,ll 1 Ol1r to India ill 1n:~ , and throughout the second \Vorld \Var not only proved invaluable by her scn'ice to the Order in London and throughOllt the periocl of its bombing, but offered generous hospitality to all ()\'l~rSl'as melD bers who came to London on their war occa ions. I would orier her 111) deepe t thank for all that she has done in the interests of the Brigade On'rsea . CONCL{;,SIO! .
It is m~' pri\ ilege and ple<lnre to refer to the "ery con iderable interest which \\'el" taken in the \York of the Brigade Over eas by H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, ICG., KT., K.P., etc., The Grand Prior, during his period (If oifIce a GO\'efllOr-General of Australia, stimulath'e encouragement Vcn" great1\' appreciated by our members in that loyal Common\\' alth. On behalf of the Brigade Overseas it i my dutiful privilege to \ve1come our Grand Prior back to England, a al 0 to offer His Royal Highness the thanks and congratulations of all our member over eas upon what he has 0 succe sfully completed. It i al 0 encumbent upon me to extend my deepe t thanks to the ub-Prior. The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Clarendon, KG., etc., who has not only so ably shouldered the additional burden of duty during the Grand Prior' absenc , but who ha always been particularly helpful and undertanding concerning the problem of the Brigade OYer eas. I would also extend my thank to our Chancellor, Colonel ir Ed\\>in King, KC.B., C.::'ILG., etc:, the ecretary-General, Brigadier \\'. B. G ..
Barne, C.B.E., D.S.O., the Director of Ambulance, G neral Sir Clive Liddell, K.C .B., C.M.G., etc., thc uperintendent-in-Chie£ of Nursing Corps and Divisions of the Brigadc at Home, The Viscountess Mountbatten of Burma, D.C.V.O., C.B.E., and the Chief 'ecretary, Captain . N. Cahusac, O.B.E., M.C., all of whom have given valuable help to the Brigade Over cas during 1946. My special thanks are due to the Lady uperintcndent-in- hief of the Brigade Over eas, the Hon. Irs. Copland-Griffiths, D.ST.J., for her unfailing interest in the Nursing Corps and Divisions under her charge. I would thank, too, the ecretary, G. F. Quilt r, Esq., o. T.J., for his most able help, and the permancnt Office tafi at Brigade Ov rseas Headquarters who so admirably a ist in the control and rccord of nearly 70,000 members. Teither can I close this report without expres ing my thanks to the Brigade at Home for the ever ready help givcn by members in all part of Great Britain to visiting members of the Brigade Oveccas; xamples of that hospitable spirit of t. John scrvice which my Tours 0\ ('r ~ as hay shown is deeply appreciated. If, in conclusion, I feel it necessary to mak mention of thc Knighthood which was so grac;:iously conferred upon me during the pasl 'e<tr, I do so because I can but regard it as an exprcssion of Royal approYdl of th> work of every Commissioner, Officcr and member of the Brigadc O\'crsca , of which I have had the honour to be Chief Commissioner for the record period of seventeen year. Finally, I would express my admiration for the excellent work of the Officers and members of the Brigade Overs as, not only throughout the period of the second \Vorld \Var but also lluring the first most difficult post-war year which is now under r vic\\', work performed so admirably tha~ I am con~ld~nt that our ~rigadc. wi~ sllll further increase the value of Its self-sacnficmg and splcndld s rVlce lD the great cause of humanity. I have the honour to be, ir, Your obedient servant, JAMES L. LEE1L \ T Chief COmlnISSIl)J{er. St. Jolin A mbulaJlce Br pade Overseas. REPORT FOR THE YEAR 194:6 Of' THE LADY SUPERIN fE . IN-CHIEF OF TURSING CORPS .\ND DIVISIONS.
To: The Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas.
JaJlllary, 1947.
I have the honour to submit my Report of the progress of the Nursing Corps and Divisions of the Brigade Overseas for the year ended 31st December, 1946. Twenty-three new Nursing Divisions were formed and 74 disbanded, making a net decrease of 51. Thirty-six new Cadet Nursing Divisions were formed and 7 disbanded, making a net increase of 29.
The total number of ursing Divisions is The total number of Cadet Nursing Divisions is . The total number, all Divisions, is
361 1,183
The estimated total membership is: (Adults) The estimated total membership (Cadets)
14,455 6,385
Making a total of
The d crease in adult Nursing membership, though unfortunate, is the incvitable result of the lifting of war strain and the gradual return of life to normal. Our enior Officers everywhere express themselves agreeably surprised that the loss in membership has not been larger. 170 Grand Prior's Badges have been won by Nursing Cadets, making a grand total of 719. \¥ar :en'ice Bars have been awarded as follows : 1st Year Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th Year ~n<l
adct \\'ctr
349 175 87
24 4
ervice Badges :lst Year 2nd Year
21 1
Therc arc, I feel, a great number entitled to these awards whose claims have not yet been submitted, and I urge all Officers in Charge of Districts to . nd them in without delay. It was a great pleasure, early in January, to meet our Commissioner for Hong Kong, 1\1r. E. Raymond, C.ST.J., and Ir. Raymond, and to hear from them such stirring reports of the gallant conduct of our members during the siegc and the J apane e occupation. Our Divisions in Hong Kong are re-forming rapidly, and are performing most useful work, e pecially during a recent epidemic of smallpox, when they helped in the vaccination of over 1,000,000 of the population. The Joint \Yar Organization of the Red Cross and t. John called for a numbcr of volunteers from Britain to go to Malaya to help the civilian population. I am glad to report that a large number of these vVelfare Officers were our members from Malaya who had escaped before the fall of ingapore, and who were aIL'{ious to help rehabilitate the peoples among \vhom they had fonl1crly served. Reports from our Commissioner show that mo t of our fornler members are active again. A contingent representative of all the Services and Civil Defence was ent from Malta G.C. to take part in the Victory Parade in London. Among them were .1\1iss Attard, representing the Nursing Divisions, who had scrved in civilian hospitals, and Miss Brifia, formerly '¥arrant Officcr in Charge of the V.A.Ds. At the end of the year Miss Briffa returned with ten other former V.A.Ds., all of whom are to undergo their Gencral Training in British Hospitals. \Ve are so glad that these members, fired with their experience as V.A.Ds., are anxious to dedicate their lives to nursing. Our Commissioner for Malta, G.C., l\lajor J. V.
bela, I.B.E., C ... T.J., has also been in Englancl, wiler he ha' spoken in e,'eral counti s to interested audienc s of Brigade members on the experiences of the p ople of Ialta during the second Great iecye. I regret to say that several of our Lady District uperintendenls havc re igned this year upon th ir return to the nited Kingdom. This mans a great los to their re pective Districts of the Brigadc 0\' rsca. . I have been able to meet them all indi,Tidually and hear most interesting and in every ca e welcome news of the effort' of I Ul" ing members undcr their charge during the entire war and after. 1\1r. avendish, C.ST.J., from Kenya, saw the formation of the first 1 ur ing Divi ion in that Colony in 1938. Since then members of that and other Divi ions have sen'ed in l\Iilitary and Civil Hospitals, had charg of women internees, worked in Civil Defence, and generally performed all the usual dutie of the Brigade everywhere in spite of transport difficllHi s, which have been as great as in any other part of the Empire. Mrs. Brabson, late Lady District llperintendent, ~o. 2 (Calcutta) District, India, and :\Irs. tanier, late Lady Di , tncl ,llpcrinleml'nt, No.3 (Bombay) District, India, have both returned from Inelia. for gooel. In both these important cities the work of the Tnr ing Di\'jsionc; has been outstanding and has merited and gained great credit from ~Iilitary ancl Civil Authorities. Lady June Hobson, M.B.E., a.sT.J., who was Lady Di trict : upcrintcIldent for Burma from 1938, ha al 0 be 11 compellefl to r sign Oil th' transfer of her husband from Burma to India. he ha ' becn ' uee "Jed by 1\Irs. \Vitcher, an original member of the Brigacle in Burma, ,md we wish her all succes and happines in her appointm nt. 'lhe _ ur 'iJlg Divisions in Burma are re-forming rapidly, ~ll1d arc doing ll 'cful and important work in a number of Clinic \\ hic11 they haT S t 11 P in R,lllCY()OIl and some of the other large towns. 1\Irs. A. J. \Valton, A.R.R.C., D. ' 1'.J., Lacly ulwrint >ndl'l1t - in- hi·f for the Priory in Southern Africa, arrived in Englantl at th end of eptember, and we had many opportuniti of (li ~ Cl1. sing the proor \S ~ of the splendid Nur ing Di\'i ion under her charge, who e selfle. ' war work has created a fine record of sen'ice in a country renu\\necl fur it: works of charity. At present all ,t. ] ohn mClTl bers in til -nion ar concentrating upon the building and ndowment of an Ophthalmic Hospital, which will be one of the lara st and b t-equipp cl in the world, as well as the only hospital solely for th trea tmcnt of eve dL'cas ' in the Union. October saw the departure of the la t contingent of .I. Tnrsing membcrs of the Brigade in Canada. Under two successive Lady, up rintendentsin-Chief, Mrs. Thomas Gilmour, M.B.E., C.ST.J., and ~Iis :\brgaret MacLaren, C.ST.J., no less than 231 of them came to Britain to s rve in civil hospitals, as Drivers for the Joint \rar Organization Transport of vVounded Department, as Drivers and \Velfare Officer in Torth-\Ve~t Europe, Germany, and Italy, while four of them servcd as V.A.Ds. in India. I well remember the cold days in February, 1944, whell Mrs. Gilmour and I waited in Liverpool for the ship carrying the first contingent, which included Miss MacLaren. In the months that followed, these Canadian women earned the deep gratitude and rcspcct of their patients and colleagues for their valiant and devoted service. They came
over by sea while the Battle of the Atlantic raged and while in London and our othcr cities the old blitz was being revived with great intensity; they faced the" doodle" ancl the V. 2, and they never turned a hair! N ow on 7th October, 1946, Miss Mavrojani, 1\1r. Quilter and I vvished :\1iss :\IacLaren and the other four who were left" Godspeed" at Victoria tation. Thi'3 is the seconcl \VorId \Var in which Canadian t. John members have come to the aid of Britain in her need, for during 1914-18 no less than 400 of them served as V.A.Ds. in British Military Hospitals at home and overseas. .\n outstanding service was rendered by the Brigade in Jamaica during a lightning strike of nurses and attendants at the Lunatic Asylum in Kmgston. Our men and women members took charge of the ward , even of those containing homicidal patients, and the kitchens, day and night, durin~ an entire week-end until the strikers returned to duty. In the Priory in A'ltstralia our members continue their efficiency and goocl work. In _ ew outll \\'ales Dr. Frances McKay, our Lady Di -trict ,'uperintendent, has inaugurated annual Camp Conferences for women Ofhcers, which are proving a great success and a source of inc;piration to Officers of isolated Divisions. In the Commandery in T-Vestern A ustralia steady progre s is reported together with some notable exampl of outstanding First Aid. "t\T ew Zealand . till leads as regard numbers of Cadets and the Grand Prior': BclU tTC. that they ha\' won. Captain Gilberd, Dominion Cadet 01t1l 'r, pent ome month in England, where many Cadet Divisions 11<1<1 til ' honour of a talk from him. India 11a' fon11ecl some new Tursing Divi ions, though several of tho~e formed during the war have been di banded since VJ Day, chiefly in stations \:\'h nce a t mporary war-time population has shifted back to the large ciUe . Our .I. Tnr ing Divi:ion in Gib1'altar, though mall in numbers, is putting ill m,my hour \\'eekly at the olonial Hospital, where their service is de ph appreciated. Public DutIes are also being carried out. In Ceylon progres is maintained, and two large Cadet Nursing Divisions hdV' been formed in Jaffna, a great educational centre. Fiji r 'ports cIa.. c being h ld for recruits, and good progress with ~ T m-~ing ad t . Bermuda ha tarted Competitions on a peace-time basis, which are proying popular. Cadets arc also doing well. In Barbados the Brigade operates the t. John Eye Fund, started by Lady Bll 'h(', which exi t to supply spectacles to poor people who are unablc t.o afford to buy them. I am very sorry to hayc lost the services of Miss 1\Iavrojani, a.sT.]., m\' taff Officer since 1939, who has asked to be placed upon the Reserve owing to family ties. he is known to a great number, possibly hundreds of Briaadc Overseas memb rs, both men and women, and all through the war and the blitz her house was a home and her hospitality a welcome to all our members. They will join with me in regretting that she can no longer be on the Active List, and will wish her all happiness in the future. Iy very grateful thanks are due to you, Sir, for your ever ready help and sympathy, and I know I express the thoughts of the entire Brigade Overseas in offering congratulations upon the honour of Knighthood T
bestowed on you by His Majesty in the New Year's Honours List, especially as it was conferred for services 'with the t. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas, thus making all of us sharers in the honour. To the Viscountess Mountbatten of Burma, D.C.V.O., C.B.E., Superintendent-in-Chief, Brigade at Home, I should like to convey my most grateful thanks for all the inspections of the Brigade Overseas that she has carried out during the war and subsequent years; these have proved most inspiring to our members everywhere. Thanks are also du to l\Iiss Barbara Stancliffe, S.S.ST.J., my ecretary, whose never-failing help and efficiency is a great source of strength; Captain A. N. Cahusac, O.B.E., M.C., O.ST.J., Chief ecretary of the l\ssociation, who, although he has felt compelled to resign from the taff of the Brigade Overseas through pressure of A ~ociation work, continues his sympathy and active help to us all; :Uf. G. F. Quilter, 0.5T.J., Brigade Overseas Secretary, whose encyclopredic knowledge of Brigade matters of every description is only equalled by his kindness, and all Ollr women Officers, Jon-Commissioned Officers and Ambulance i tcrs everywhere, for the inspiration of their loyalty and devotion to duty which, in Its turIl, is inspired by our Order's long and glorious years of hi tory in the ervice of Mankind. I have,
ir, the honour to be, Your obedient
( igned) DR DLA
J (/((1'
Barnes, H H . (5th). Cat.chlove, S. (3rd). Comber, W. G. (2nd). Cost.ello, 'vV. J. (2nd). Earley, M. (2nd).
Molyneux, R. Nicholas, T. Potten, O. C. (3rd). Pyper, A. Ranger, L. (2nd). Richards, M. (2nd). Whittaker, F. \Vindows, E. J.
GoLf, H. }'.
Hedges, E. Hinson , T G
We- tern Au tralia District. ?\hcDALS.
Bond, C. A. BredahJ, C H. Brew, C C Coopcr. II A Cousins. G. 1 T. G. Denic. F. Easlcott. II J. Farrow, \\ Gorman, \1 UC.
Harwood, A. Hoddy, L. H. Macliver, H. Morgan, A. E. Rance, E. VV. Stevens, S. Sweetman, E. Trewhella, R. C. 'Wasley, C. R. BARS.
Backshall, II. A. (~nd). Bartlctt. J. A. (..Jih). Fraser. J. A. Hanning, H K. G. Tacnl):-.(·n. \V. Letts. T. (2nd).
:\larshman, H. F. (2nd). Robinson, J. Stout, A. E. ummerton, \V. H. \Vellingt.on, P.
upen'J/lcndCJlt-ill- 'hit]' BURMA. :\IEDAL.
Ameen, i\l.
During the year there have been issued to members of the Brigade Overseas 346 Service Medals and 307 ... ervice ltledal Bar as follo\\'s :--
CANADA. Federal Di . trict.
AUSTRALIA. New South Wales Di trict.
Bntler, .:\1. F. Hay. D. 1\: .
ixon, F.
Blackwell, J. R. Blows, F. L. Bums, R. E. Carrington, L. J. Catt, L. Comber, J. Cowan, R. Davis, G. Dobbs, E. M. Eldridge, S. Frost, G. Funnell, L. Harris, J. H. Hart, H. Hinds, A. A. Hood, K. Hopwood, C.
Jelfs, F. Jones, C. A. E:err, J. McFarland, J. MacLeod, K E. MacPhedran, ~I. l\Iellishlp, L. Morse, A. J Muncast.er, "VY. Parsons, J. J. Perrot., E. O. Small, J. v\'. Stuckey, H. M. H. Terry, J. Tipping, F. Veale, F. C. Wingate, A. J.
\\ald . \
1\. Athelta Di trict. MEDAL.
\\ alJacc. P. British Columbia Di triet. MEDALS.
Day, 1. Hill, 1. B.
Orr, C. S. \Villiams, M. BARS.
Carroll, F. E. Morris. J. Southcott, E J\1.
SonthcoH, E. :VI. (2nd). \Vhite, 1.
20 Manitoba Di .. trict.
Fudge, \Y . Hancock, \V. B. Ogden, C. L.
1\11m.\l.5. HUlhcl1nnl, E. Savage, :'If. Yeomans, G.
Hudson. E. F. (-Hh). Pusey, \V. G.
Tait, '.1. .\.
Ontario District. l\lEDAI ".
Coults, A. Dingman, H. Garnett, A. _\.
Heid, J II Stewart, _\. B,\RS ..
Bendy, T. G. Blackford, A. E. Carlton, J. Fairchild, \Y. Gibson, G. A. (3rd). Gorrie, G.
':'1 I tdlCll , E.
Smallman. T. (2nd). Welling. E. F. \YCSlllIl, 1·. E. Quebec Di tri t.
Charest, H. Coates, A. H. Dougan, J. Harding, H. Howes, G. H.
lIughe:->. J. L. Jones, C. II. l\:ccn, G. C. Laskey, l{ E Haysu!1 \y \\. BARS
Curtis, G. \V. Skelcher, \V. H.
Young L. O. Sa katchewan Di triel.
De SIlva, .i\I. \V. Dissanayaka, \V I r. Dissanavakc, C. C. Elias, G. F. S. Eliyatham by, W. R Ephraims, (~. E. Fajanlcc!1, D. K Ferdinands, I ~ II. Fernando, P. T Fernando, S M Fernando, \\ C. J. Francis, J' \' Goona:-;ckl'ra, C. D. GooncwanlcI1<t, E. J. 1 Iamecn, T \1 T. Haniffa, \f. ( . Heralh, J1 B. Berath, L. B. Herath, L. H. H rath, P. B Ingram, V. X . Irudcen, T .• ~. lansz, L }ayak()dy, D \\-. Jayalath, 1J 1 Jaya ·()()[)(l. h l\: D. D. laval ilaka. I I lJ P j uill1s()n, J()sl'ph, L. \V. I\:aourgaI11uwa, D. l\alubowila, 1> \ haruna:-;inghL, _\ \. I\.arunaralna. A 1\1. Kalhirkamatha mby, S. Kolckc<leIllya, II. \1. P. 13 Kulatunga, L. B. :\Ja\\ Jimalia. 11. B. i'Icndis, 13. 1.. i'lurugesu, E. '\Iulhian. S .I. 'allaw,ll1 rr :,a, T. S.
Cruse, S. L.
Silva, D. P. A.
Sithambaranathan, R. Sukoor, T. H. Sydeen, ':'1 H. Syms, S. P. Tennakoon, T. B. Tennekoon, J. P. Tennekoon, ':'1. T. B. Yelin. L. D. \Yarnasooriya, L. B. \\'eerasingbe, 1\1. A. \Yecrasinghe, r. \V. \Veerasinghe, \Y. R. \\'eerasooriva, G. P. D. Wljekoon, A. B . \\'I]emanne, B. C . BARS.
Archer, M. (2nd).
CEYLON. Abdeen, J. Abeyakoon, P. B. Abeykoon, L. B. S. Abeysekera, A. P. J\I. Abeysinghe, J. C. de A. Ahamat, T. K. M. A. Albert, H. Allahakoon, D. S. Amarakone, P. B. Amarasinghe, P. R. Amaratunge, W. M. Amerasekera, P. A. D. F. Amath, T. A. P. Anniffdeen, M. C.
Na1.hanielsz, A. V. G. Tavaratnam, K. Packeer, T. II. D. Pereira, P. L. O. Perera, A. L. Perera, D. F. A. Perera, G. J. Perera, II. D. V. Perera, II. H. Perera, L. E. Perera, V. Perera, V. K. A. J. Perera, \V. 1'11. A. 1 Preena, B. II. 11. H.ajaratnam, T. P. Hasdeen, T. A. H. Hocbvood, G. A. K. Eodrigo, ':'1. D. P. Hozairo, 1\1. E. Sannas~ala, :\1. B. Satasivam, S. Sathasivam, 1\1. Selvaratnam, J. A. Scnadipathy, D. A. R. Seneviratna, \V. T. \V.
.i\IEDALs. 13alasuria, D. G. L Banda, D. ':'1. R. Basnayake, A. Bastiansz, F. J. 13ritto, A. Caldera, J. C. F. Chandrasekera, L. oe S Charmadasa, L. Christoffelsz, D. J. Costa, G. Davio, G. A. De ~iese , R. C. De Silva, A. S. De Silva, K. S.
Abdl!cn, A . Z. Abdcen, T. A . .Abcyd cera, J Abcykoon,l{ W.1I (2no). Abe~Ta1.ne.'" B. Appuhamy, T T. (2nd).
,\ssen, T Z _\ K ,\zeez, r L .\. Banda, n. T. Banda, 1 I i''] D Cader,.i\I ;\1 .\ (2nd). Carolis, P. ~\. 'aI-olis, H P. Cassicr, l\l. S K Chctliyasllnclcra, E. D. Conderlag, C. L. O. Cuncheer, T. II. Daniels, J. S. (2nd). De Joedi, G. De Silva, G. P. S.
De Zoysa, A. L. (2nd). Dissanayake, D. A. (3rd). Dissanayake, P. B. (-!th) . Dole, T. H. Doll, T. S . Drahaman, B. N. Fonseka, \\T. \Y. (2nd), George, E. V. Goonawardena, 1\1. D. D. Hamid, A. A. (2nd). Heiler, C. B. Herath, H. 1. T. B. Herath, T. B. (2nd). Hettiarachchi, D. L. Ibrahim, B. Iddamalgoda, D. H. (2nd). Idroos, A. (2nd). Illankoon, P. H. Ismail, B. (3rd). Ismail, T. H. (3rd).
30 P rera, S. J. Perera, \V. 1\1. 1\I. Perera, 'vV. S. (3rd) . Piyadasa, D. B. (2nd). Poulier, \ V. E. Prins, \Y. J. (2nd). Punchirala, B. A. (2nd). H.atnam, A. C. A. Ha1.nayake, U. B. Sahabandu, H. A. D. Z. Sanwraweera, D. B. J. (2nd). Samieion, 1\1. A. (2nd). Saranelis, \V. A. Seedin, M. R Selladural, E. S. Sellaclurai, . (2nd). Shenff, . (3rd). herifftleen, A. 1\1. (2nd). 'beriffcleen, T. Z. (2nd). ~imon, 11 E. (2nd). Smgho, . ~l. 13. '->lyacioris, E. I..)tc\\'a1'1., R (2nd). Suhood, T. 1. A. (2nd). Suppiabpillai, A. Suraweera, D. G. Toussaint, J. 11. II. \'arghcsc, P. VeIn, P 1\\'ana~lDghe, D. S. Wccrasinghe, E. A. 'vYewaJa, D.P. \\·J)(;singhc. Zallludecn, S L 11.
T. C. Jappar, T. K A. (2nd). Jayakoddy, E. W. Jayanetti, D. D. Jayasekera, D. Y. W. (2nd). Jayasena, .l . S. Jayasingha, \V. 1. G. K B. Jaya'wardena, P. R. Tones, W. H . . ]ussey, 11. D. Kamaldeen, 1\1. . (3rd). Eanapatbipillai, A. (2nd). Eandiah, A (2nd). I-(andiah. V. Kelaart, T. H. (2nd). Kumarasingbe, A. Kwesina, L. E. l\Iartin, I\:. G. D. (2nd). 1\liskin, 11. J. T. 1\Iiskin, T. A. 1\100san, P. K. 1\Iunasingha, D. H. 1\IutteHuwagama, E. T. (~nd) Nair, P. K A. (2nd). Noorja1.h, A. R. (2nd). Ossen, H. D. S. (2nd). Packeer, K. A. Pakeer, S. A. (3rd). Perera, H. D. S. (2nd). Perera, J. A. A. Perera, Ie S. Perera, 1\1. M. Perera, P. K S. (2nd). Perera, R. C. (2nd).
Addya. P. C. 13rahmachary, A. Brahmachary, B. N. Brahmachary, S. C. Dutta K N.
No.3 Dis tri ct i\IEDALs.
Adhlkari, P. ~l. Bankcr, T. A Bonesetter, ~ S. Daboo, ~' K DalU\,lla, P Den'ukhkar, 13 H.. Isaac, :\1. Keni, G. ~. .I.
No. I Di tric t . BAR.
1\latbJeson, K. 1\1. No
2 Di lric l. MEDALS
Addy, B. C. Bergman, J. Bbattacharjee. D. l\. Brabma, B. N. Brabmachary, S. K. Bural, G. C. Campbell, G. J. Carrau, E. M. Chakravarty. A. K. Chettri, D. B. Das, G. N . Das, N. P. Ganguly, C. Gbosh, P. C. Gupta, B
Gupta. S 1\: Gurung, R B. Kissen, H. Mitter, S K. lYJukherjee, B. Rahaman, S. Roberts, K. Sahai, C. P Singh, B. B. Singh, H. Singh, M. Sonwar, B. Thapa, D. B. Tbapa, M. S. Turnbull, J. S.
Kotwal, F. D. Madon, S. 1'. Mistry, E. P. 1\listry, T. E. l erurkar, A G. Unwalla, l\I K. Vesawkar, K. R. Y
.\aron, Ii. Abraham, S Bhivandlwala, G. K Hillimona, X. D (:~nl). Daniel, II. Darukhanawala, 13 i\I. (3r<l). Doctor, A. ' ((jth). Donll, .:\1.;-'1. V'Souza, J. J\. (3rtl). Vuba:-:.h, J. l{ (5th). Engineer, S. K (3nl). Ez 'kiel, J. (~nd). Ezekiel, S. D. (3rd). Cazdar, I G. Gazdar, ({ T. (6th). l,I1;1Illlh)" .l. • K. (2nd). Gmakshaker, . K (4th). Gurak:,haker, I G. (2nd). Gorak~hakcr, \\ .• (4th). Hahm, G. (·hh). Hate, \. G. (2nd). Judah, D 1. J udall. 1<.. 1. Kapadia, E .:\1. (3rd). l\:han, F. R. hhellckcr, \ C. (2nd). l\:olhare, G. ~. (4th). l(othare, S G (2nd). l\:olhare, ~. \ .I.
Jl\D IA .
Mukherjee, K. L. Nath Gupta, B . Roy Choudhury, N C. Sen, 1\1. Wilkms, A. E
ilIasani, M. N. (4th). Meherjee, F R. Mchta, S. H. Mistry. ]. R lIukadum, C. ]. 1Iusa, F. B. (2nei). :i\arvekar, S. ]. Tayak, H.. K. (2nd and 3rd). Panthaki, D. F. (6th). Panl, 1\1. E. (3rt1). Pednekar, P. R (3rd). Poonegar, J. P. (4th). Rane, S. G. (41.h). Salta\\'dekar, A. H. Sanjana, 1(. B. (4th). Savant, S. 1\1. (2nd). cthna, R. E. (51.h). Shalom, 1\1. A. (2nd). hete, B. R. (2nd). Shroff, B. J. (4th). Surty, P. H. (.fth and 5th). Talpade, S. N. (2nd). Talpade, Y. R. (2nd). Thanevala, R. P. (5th). \Taiganker, S. V. (3rd). Vakharkar, L. S. (3rd). Vania, 1\1. 1\1. Vazkar, G. S. (3rd). Wadia, N. N. (3rd). o. 1 2 Dis tri ct. BAR.
Rodriguez. A. K ENYA. ~IEDALS.
Brown, G. P. Carman, J. A. 1\Johamed, S. Peverett, A. D
ingh, H. ingh, S B. Wright, D. L.
33 W elliogton Dis tric t.
Pu gh. \ \'. H. B. SweC'J1C'Y, J A . W alker, J. H.
Brookes, F . C. Coleman, J. C. Horley, D . C. Ticol, D .
AnquetJJ, V. 1'. L. Bruce, S. A. 13 uick W. B . CaIrns, F. athro, .;\1. Cllllord, C. E. Flanagan, C. Flaws, v. r•
Galea. L.
Casola n i, R.
BARS. '~ ella
Ca ru ana, A . Gatt, C. (3rd). NEW
hIller, C. A. ?\leachen, C. ::\lontgomery, F. B. ak;lJUry, 1. Simpson, L. G . Smith, W. J. P . Williams, A . C. BAHS.
J\nyon, E I .. . lJates, A . E. (2nd).
Carter, J S. (3rd).
outh Af1'iea n Hea dq ua rte rs. Auckl a nd Di trict. DAR. ?lIEDALS.
Attwood. M D avey, C. \\T. Ensor, 1\1. C. Ferguson, J. W . Healey, J. Hosking, P . J. Kearn, F.
"!cLeary. D . \lartm, E '-. Move", \\' Page E . B Hundle, F. E. Scutt, H L. Trcbilcock , P . B,\RS .
Chapman, K. H. Crampton, J. \ \'. Drew, A . F. (3rd) . Easton. \ \T. (2nd) . Green, G. E.
Hill , C. ;\I. llonston, E . A. (31'<1) . Ormsby, C. ~rarrow, J K
Pca l;ock . ' . E.
( ~nd).
Cap e Province D i tri c t. ;\l E DALS.
.\rcndsC', . F . Bcvcrley W.?lI. 'harltol1 , ~\. O . Jreunk :-;uIl , i\l. Gallowa \', .\1. .' . ] lccger, -D. I lcegcl , \\'. c..:.
Hill, A. S. Hurndall, 1. Jacobs, D. ::\1. Lledeman, J. \Y. Robb, G. B. toffberg, J. \ an Der Berg, H. C. BARS.
Canterbury and We t Coa t Di tri ct.
Boolcy, i'd refficld, M. Howell, E .
Kllham, S. V C. PhlJlimore, G. Tassiem , J.
Anderson, E . Armstron g, G. J. Campbell, A. M. Donaldson, G . A. H an nah, G. E . Illingworth, 1\1. R.
l\:lclclle, G. '\1. G. W. Eogers, D . M. Sawtell , ?II. E. \\ are, A L. \\ilson, F.
Gri qual an d W es t Dis tri ct.
\'anVurCIl T E.} . BAR .
Andressend, A. H . Collar d, E. (2nd) . Cor dy, M. (3r d). Di ckson , J. (2nd).
FlIntoff, R W. Price, ?II. (2nd) . Rudd. T . F. S. (2nd) . SOldall, J. H. Southland Di trie t. \IT' Il A L.
Bla ck ie, R. M.
, mith. E . 1\1. Natal Di tri ct. l\IEDAL.
Stone, H. J. BARS .
Green, M. A. McKenzie, B.
Smiley, C.
S. (3rd).
Rhod esian Railways Dis trict.
Pages 35 to 5 1 corrected to 24. 6 .4 7 .
l\lEDALS. Follwell, D. C Hawke, "V. P. Howard, R ] ackman, W. G
Lanning, G. 1'11. Stephen, F. Turner, H . S.
Ube }prior)? in :australia
BAR. Ferris, ill. G .
:\lajor-General "
PY/ory Commissioner: H.. BURSTON, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.B., 225 ::Vracquarie Strf'et, Sydney, New. ()uth \ Yales.
S.A. R . and H . Distric t.
:'IIEDALS. Allan, ]. Ansell, S. H. Bronkhurst, A ]. Brown, E. ]. H. Cameron, C. A. Cornelius, D. T. Davis, C. E. Deysel, ]. A. Eddy, E. E. Erasmus, H. G. Evert, G. M. Foster, ]. L. Frylinck, H. C. Groenewald, ]. H. ] enner, F. A.
Larsen, C. l\leyer, C. J . Penn. G. P. Prll1~lc, T. 1<. S. Heynolds. L C l{oberts, P. .1. chafiler, A ]. Sha\\e, ~l. G ~llllJ\'an,
ommissioner Assistant om missIOner District 'urgeon District Superintendent Lady DIstrict 'upcrintendent Dlstnct Officers
D. C.
Symons, G Tinc.lale, ;,\1. D. YilJoen, ]. S. Watkins, :\1. E. Wolff, E.
La(l), District Officers
District Scrg 'ani
BARS. Atkins, O. R Atkin, O. R. (2nd). Begg, ]. R. ] . Bernard, ]. Bernard, ]. (2nd). Bussi, 1\1. P. L. Carrick, G. T. (3rd). Charles, L. 1\I. Collings, C. J. Crate, J. E. Deacon, ] . C. (4th). Harcus, J. E. Hedges, "'.V. E. (2nd). Heilbronn, F. Hoffman, S . J. Horner, W. (2nd). Jackson, C . E.
Jenner, F ..\ . Johnson , A. Eeal, J. E. Eer'>\Vcll, L. \\. l\:oyd, J. 13. I\:oy<l, J. B. (~nd). l{risle, J. A. (2nd). 1\lcLaren \V .. \ . C.~!ld). :.'IIorison, J :\1 :.'IIowat, E. II. ~nd) . ;.\Iuldoon, J. P. Kash, A j. ~ Tel, \V. "\. Penfold, R J. Purcha::;e, F C. (2nd). Stevens, C. J . Thomson, A. (3rc.l).
Brink, H. H . HoneywilJ , E . H.
Sultan, Ahmed.
OUTH AU TRALIA DISTRICT ommis lOner AssIstant ommissioner DIstrict :urgeon District, uperintendent Di trict Officers
Lady District Officers
\\~IL LER.
Captain E. R. B. PIKE. Lieut.-Comm . X. D. PIXLEY.
District Officers
T r ao va al Dis tr :ct.
MEDALS. Milne, A D. ~aylor, A. T.
Colonel G. G. L. STE I G, ]\!.B., B.S., F.R.C .S. C A. VERCO, ~I.B , CH.]\1. E. :\Icl\ . SHEPPARD, M.B., CII.~I. A . S . \VILKI~SON, J.P. Dr. F. C. B. :\IcKAY, B.A. S. L. PARSO~S. X. HAYTOi\' . J. A. MCCULLOl.'GH. P. F. DUNBAR. R S. STEEL, M.B. ~Ir5. ]. HENSON. Dr. K. ARDILL-BRICE, O.B.E.
Lieut.- 01. E. A. II. RUSSELL, ~l.B . _ ir CEDRIC TA~TON HICKS, M.D. Culonel H. H . E. RUSSELL, O.B .E., M.D. J. E. ~ICl{EE, ~I.B .E. (Acting). LIeut .-Col. P . G. BICE, V.D. R P. GOODE. ~rajor E. ~IILLHOUSE. \ \'. F. JOHXS, C.B.E. ] . J. W HYTE. S. SYi\[Ol"s. 11. G. :\1. ROSEVEAR. _ urg.-Lieut. Cmelr. R. F. MATTERS. R ill. l\IACLACHLA ' (Acting) . . GROSSET (.\ cling). A . E. HEATH. :\Iiss Y. \ VATSON. ~Iiss G. J. JUDE, i\I.B.E. :\Jiss :\1. E. BURNS. 1\liss C. B. ·ROSBY. 1\Irs. B. \ VILLIA]\IS.
Northern Sub-District District uperintenoent District urgeon District Officer.
Captain G. DEY, O.B.E. L. G. TASSIE, D.S.O., M B. E. T. CORNISH.
TASMANIA DISTRICT T. H. GODDARD, C.B.E., B.A., 1-!.B. . E. E. GROUNDS, M.B. R. \ YALLACE. Mrs. E. :\1. D'Er-IDE '. H. L. CLARK. Miss E. 1. HAWKI 'So Mrs. E. FAULKNER . . Jo ES.
Commissioner . District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officer . Lady District Officers Distr ict
VICTORIA DISTRICT Colonel J. A. H . SHERWIN, 1-1 D. Lieut.- 01. H. A. F. \\'lLK INSON, I.e. :\1iss E. J. W ELLS. F. RAVE. Brigadier \\'. J OlI:\STON, L.B E., D <; 0., ;lI.D . Sir HIBBERT NE\\'TOl\", ;lIS, F R ( S Colonel 1I DISHER, ;\1 D J. ~ -EWMAN :\IORRIS, C.M.G., ~I.B., t II.B . \\'. II. C. HOLDE '.
Commissioner . District Su perin t.enden t Lady District uperint.endent District Officers
H . DARLING. G. M. LITTLE, D.P.H. E. . EMMOTT. :'Iliss R. ~I. ALLAN.
Commissioner . Dist.rict Surgeon District Superintendent. Lady Dist.rict. Officer
Commission r . District. Surgeon District. uperint.endent Lady Dbt.rict. uperint.endenl
No. 1 Lower Mainland Sub-District :\liss 1. \VHITE.
Lady Dlstnct Offlcer
No. 2 Vancouver Island Sub-District .\ppomtment vacant.
<!ommanber)] in 1I.Ulcstern BustrRliR CO/}//}laJldCJ), COmlJ1lSSIOJlCr :
J. R.
DONALDSON, ED., M.B., 2930
\\'ellingt.on Slreet. Perth.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA DI TRICT District Surgeon District Superintendent. District Officers
J . J HOLLAND, M.B ., F.R.e.S. \\' . . BREAR G. TEWART. \\'. FARRO\\' (,-\ cling). Major .\ . L. 1).-\\\'K11' , O.B.e. :\1r5. ill. HOBERTSON.
Lady District Officer
Eastern Goldfield
. District Surgeon District upenntcndenl Lady District. uperintencient Dlslnct Officers
Lieut.-Col. T. H. LEGGETT, ;\!.D. :\11551\1. J. L. l\lACLAREN. Mrs.
NOVA SCOTIA DISTRICT ommi sioner Dist.rict urgeon District. Superintendent Lady District uperintencient
D. R. TURNBULL. C. B. \ VELD, l\I.B. :\1. H. SARTY. \ 'acant.
Central Nova Scotia Suh-District
\Y . G1A ELL!.
Appointments vacant. irs. \ VILLIS-O'CONNOR.
FEDERAL DISTRICT Commissioner . District Surgeon District Su perintendent Lady D istrict Superintendent
C. B. PEAT, M.B. 1. T. FAN]OY.
( om miSSioner . Dlstnct upenntendent
in (!anRbR
88, Besserer Street Post OffiLe, Ottawa.
Sur geon-in-Chief Lady Superintendent-in-Chief Lady District Officer (Staff Officer to the Lady Superintendent-inChief) . Lady District Officer (Attached Headq ua:rters)
uperior Sub-District II . J. FERRIER , ;lI.D . Dr. II. T. HCTCHI1 SO:>1.
])lstnLl ~urgeon Dlslnct . upenntendent
Pri01'Y C01J111lissiOlleJI :
\ V.
K. C. MCGIBBON, M.D. Colonel T . E. HOLLAND, M.D. R. \V. PAYNE . .'.liss E. F. HUDSON. \Y' . G. PUSEY. F.W. \VATKINS . :\I1ss:\1. . DELA. EY. 1\l1ss L. \Y . C. JAMES. l\Irs. C. E. LEVITT.
Lad) District Officers
ub-Di tricl
Appointments vacant.
D . KE1-IP EDWARDS. Lieut .-Col. G. P. HOWLETT, M.D. J. B. ARTER. Miss M. E. WILSON.
Northern Nova Scotia Sub-District Di trid Officer.
J. WHITE. West Nova Scotia Sub-District Appointments vacant.
No. 5 Sub-District
Commissioners .
\ V. J . BELL, lI1.B.
District Surgeon Lady District S u perint.endent
Colonel H. IcL. AlIlERON, M.D. Lieut .- 01. C. P. FENWICK, M.C., M.n. Mrs . B. BLAIKIE.
District Surgeon District Officer. Lady Distric t Officer
Eastern Ontario Sub-District
Ir . M. C. 0 ' . BEATTY.
Lady District Officer
Com missioner . District Surgeon
Rev. C. \V. DOWNER, M.B.E. Lieut.-Col. A. CROLL, M.D.
Hamilton Sub-District Distr ict Superintendent Lady District uperintendent District Officer. Lady District Officer
Captain H. J . PORTER, lI1.D. Dr. 1\1. 1. TElIIPLI . B. 1\1. LITTLE. Dr. D. \ Y . WILFO. G.
Northern Ontario
JEmpire of lrnbia Chief Commissioner: Sir PATRICK SPENS, O.B.E., K.C., Indian Headquarters, Tew Delhi.
ub-Di trict
Appointments vacant.
Surgeon-in- hief Lady upcrintendent-in-Chief Acting As istant Commissioner (Staff Officer [or Training) Assistant Commissioner (Secretary)
Toronto Sub-Di trict District Superintendent ' District Officers Lady District Officer
T. 1\1. W EST. R. A. WILSON. T. J . LAKE. E. R Ev A:\S. ':'Ir . 1 L J. I(IRBY. :'li s E. :'1. BCSBY.
Western Ontario District Superintendent Distr ict Officer . Lady District Officers
.J .A.B., 20, Talkatora Road,
Major-Gen. R. HAY, C.LE., K.H.P., LM.S. Mrs. G. EMERSON. Major ::'1. HAFIZ-UD-DIN, 1II.R.C.S. ARDAR BAHADUR BALWANT SI~GH PURl, ·C.1.E ., O.B.E.
NO. 1 DISTRICT ·tant ommisioner Dlslrict 'urgcon District. upennt.cnoent Laoy District 'uperintendent District Officers .-\SSJ
ub-Di trict
J. T. GRESTY. Mrs. ':'1. E. POCOCK, B A. Miss \V . R. PRE:\DERGAST. Mrs. ':'1. E. GOLD, O.B.E ':'1i5s R II. .\IACKE lIE.
Laoy Distnct Officer
Lieut.-Col. J. J . BLAKE.
QUEBEC DISTRICT Commissioner . District Surgeon Lady District Superintendent District Officer .
Colonel C. P. GABOURY, O.B.E., J. A. CORRIGA ,M.D. Mrs. J . P. RAMSEY. S. E. TURNER.
No. 2 Sub-District Lady District Officer District Sergeant-Major
District Sergeant
Dr. A. RIOUX . Lieut.-Col. E. T. PAQUET. Mrs. J. MERCIER.
P. C. Roy, M.B.
Bengal Police Sub-District District Surgeon District Superintendent District Officer.
Captain P. 1. FRANKS, l.R.C.S. S. G. TAYLOR. P. L. MEHTA. B. N. MAJUMDAR, B.A.
Calcutta Police Sub-District
No. 4 Sub-District District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Officer
oionel \Y. R. DllIro 'D, C.LE., O.B.E., LlII.S. P. CHATTERJEE, ilLB. Vacant. D. P. MITRA, lILB. Mrs. 1. 1\1. DONALD.
Bengal Sub-District District Superintendent
Miss E. G. ':'IcCo 'NELL. H. BROWN.
No. 3 Sub-District District Surgeon Lady District Officer
ommis ioner District urgeon Lady Dist.rict uperintendent DIS trict Officer ( . taff Officer) Laoy District Officer
District Surgeon District Superintendent District Officers
NO. 3 DISTRICT Commissioner . District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent Lady District Officers
Colonel A. H. HARTY, C.I.E., LM.S. Capt.ain F. . KAPADIA , ~I.D., 1.M.S. Major F . T. DEAn~ER, O.B.E. Irs. E. ROWLA D-] ONES. Mrs. 1\1. Y. MASON. l\Trs. N . E. BRAND. 11rs. M. I. \\'HITE, M B.E . ?lliss G . 1\1. E. FERGlTSO .
Commissioner District ' urgcon . Lady District Surgeon District. Superintendent District Officers Lady Dist.rict Officer
Bihar Police Sub-District
NO. 4 DISTRICT Commissioner
District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officers Lady District Officer
l\Iajor-Gen. Sir] 0}1:-< P. lIUBA , K.C.S.!', O.B.E ., LM.S. RAO BAHADUR Dr. S. ]. EAPEN. Major G . B. THO~IAS, O.B E., I.M :::i . 1\Ir . C. M. TOWN . :\1. V . RAl\IANUJ AN ' HETTY. D . SUBRAMANIAN lYER. Mrs . r . CLUBWALLA, ~I B E.
NO. 5 DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District Superintendent District Officer .
P . PARTHASARATHY, L.R .C.S., ]. \ ' . KARVE, ?II B., CH B. Dr. '. ESHAGlRI H.AU. B . J.. • J.. ARAYANA RAO .
R C P.
NO. 6 DI TRICT Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officer .
Colonel Sir GEORGE R. 1cRoBERT, C.LE., 1.M .S. Capt.ain M. HUSAIN, M.B. Miss M. P. ]OHN, M.B. H . PRASAD, M.B. HAl SAHIB R. S. UPADHY AY. Capt.ain ]. D. :\-IURDOCH, M.B. A. S. V . VIRLLEY, LB .E. .Mrs. A. 1\1. BRUCE.
KHAN BAHADUR G. FARUQUE, C.LE., 0 B E. S . S . S . KENT, M.D. 'vV . G NIBLOCK, ~I.B , e ll B . ;'lrs . \ '. 11. 1\1.<\ RR lOTT. Captain B. G. l'ANE, ~I.B .
ASSistant Commissioner DIstrict. Surgeon . District Superintendent Dist.rict Officer .
C. ]. CREED, C.I.E ., O.B.E., M.C. S. K. SAHAY, M.B. T . ]. \\'ALKER. B . 1 -. l.IAZUMDAR.
Dhanbad Iharia CoalfieJd Sub-District Assistant Commissioner Distnct Surgeons Distnct Superintendent Distnct Offi cers
inghbhum Sub-District AssI::.tant Commissioner District ~ urgcon ul::.trict uperinlendcnt . Lady Dlstnct uperintendent District Ofhcer::. Lady DI::.tnct Ofii cer Dltn Lt ' crgcant
' ir ]EHA~GIR ]. GHANDY, C I E. .:\1. RAKSIIIT, lII .B., 1\!.B .E. A . A. BRYAl'T, O.B.E . J\1rs . '. 1\1 . HE ' DERSON . l\Iajor E C. ] . UN:-<I GHAM F . G. PERCI\' AL . P. H . KUTAR l\hss 1\1. GODFREY. H. SR E)"mVAS
NO. 7 DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner District S urgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officers
Lady District Officer
Colonel '. BRIGGS, C.:--I G., I.r.I.S . EAr SAIIIB BHAG\\'A:-< [ COPAI. , .\I.B . Lieut .-Col \\'. LA\\'lE , lII.H .
Mrs. P. S. lYER, M. H. KAZMI. R. S. l\IISRA
M.B . E . , :'lIRe S.
Lieut.-Col. P. A. DARGA , 1.1\1.5. Captain M. H . HAH , T.lIr.S. l\1iss B. 1.] OLY, III B. H . E. :\fAYAR. 1\1rs. I. L. TENNANT.
NO. 8 DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner Lady District S uperintendent District Officer.
NO. 10 DISTRICT .\sslslant. ' 0111111 issioner DI::.trid Surgeon Lady District Surgeon District Supenntendcnl . Lady Di::.trict. Superintenclent.
Lieut.-Col. L. K. LEDGER, C.l.E., O.B.E ., T.1\I.S. Miss S. V. SHIRALI, M.B. G. K. KULKARNI, L.R .C.P. & S.
NO. 11 DISTRICT Assistant om missioner Dist.rict Surgeon . Dist.rict uperintcndent . Lady Dist.rict Superintendent District Officer. Lady District. Officer
Lieut.-Col. ]. E. GRAY, I.l\I.S. B. 'vV. ADVANI, L.R .C.P . & S. KHAN BAHADUR . D . Co TRACTOR 1\1 BE 1\1rs. 1\1. L. NEAL. ' . . . S. K. KATRAK. Miss F. l\IAHOMED Au . Mr . D. FRASER.
NO. 12 DISTRICT olonel D . LYDE, C.I.E., 1.lI1.S. Major C. F . GARFlT, 1.:II.S. Li'ld.. -Col. \V . Hoss- TEWART, M.B. Mis ' E. 1. HAlIIILTON-BROWN, lIl.B.E., M.B. I~](A AlllB A. K . ITAt:DIIRAI , lILB.E. Irs. E. KI 'G, 1II.13.E. S. P. ] IUI~AlIl CIlAND. F. \ V. BULL, lIl.B.E. Yacant .
Assistan t Commi sioner Di trict Surgeons Lady District Surgeon District uperintendent Lady Di trict uperintendent Di trict Officer Lady District Officer
Priory Commissioner: Surgeon-in-Chicf . . . District uperint.endent (Attached Domilllon IIeadquarters) . Lady Districl 'uperintendents (Attached Dominion H eadquarters) Dis lrict Officers ( ttached Dominion lIeadq uarters-Cartets)
Lieut.-Col. P. H. S. :lIITH, O.B.E., 1.1\I.S. T. 1\1. KHAN, :lI.B., c..JI.B.
Lady DIstrict Officers (Attached DomwlOn IIeadq uarter )
NO. 14 DI TRICT As istant Commissioner District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officer .
District Officer (Headquarters) and Staff Officer to Priory CommiSSIOner
Colonel S. L. BHATIA, C I E., T.:l1.5. 1\lajor J. H. AVERlIILL, 1.:11.5. B. K GA:-lGl'LY, :If.B. l\Ii s .. \ . K BULLOCK. H. L. U:-l \'ILLE, :lI.B.
Lieut.-Col H.. B. E:lIERSON, C.1.E., O.B.E. S. X. L.O\HIRI, :lI.B., CH.B. \ Y. F. III·R\·EY. ::\Irs. l\1.::\1. 'TRA,'G. ~ ~ . Y. PRABlIt:.
NO. 17 DI TRICT Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon Lady District Superintendent
l\IASIlIR BAHADUR J . J .. \ NUKOOL\:l1. ::\1l;:-lTAZI1l1 I3\llAD 'R . \ . l~ lL\;-':J)IEK .\R , L.:l1 Mrs. W . S. TAYLOR
Lady Dislrict Officers
NO. 18 DI TRICT Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officer.
Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent
Lieul.- 01.::\1. P. ATKI:-;SO.', J :11.5. •. P. TAYLOR, :lIB, ell B P. T. J. Doss, :lI.B E , :II B , C.II.B. ::\1rs. B. F. LAWRENCE. II . A. Y. PR[:-;CE.
NO. 19 DISTRICT Lieut.-Col. A. X. CHOPRA, UI.S. :\Jaj or P. L. '-EILL, L.R.C.P.&.s. C. 1\1. \\'RIGHT-XEVILLE. Miss S. ::\ I .HTHEW, ;\l.B.
NO. 20 DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner
NO. 21 DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District Superintendent District Officer.
G. L. FERGUSON. Miss H. B. i\1UNRO. 1\1rs. A. G. ~1rLLER. 1. S. ROCKELL. F. CO:-;WAY. ?\Irs. GAUNT. ::\1iss Y. P. L. ANQUETIL.
1( . A. FALCO, ER.
AUCKLAND DISTRICT CommiSSIOner . Dislnct Surgeon . DIlnct Supcnntellllenl DI'itrict Superintendent (Supernumerary). . . Lady Dlstnct. Superintendent DIstrIct Officers
NO. 16 DISTRICT Assistant Commis ioner District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District uperintendent District Sergean t
in lHew Zealanb
F. \ V. \ VARD, Druid's Chambers, Woodward Strcet, 'Wellington, C.r.
NO. 13 DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner Di trict Superintendent
District Sergeant
D. F. l\IACKAY. Colonel C. II. TEWSLEY, C.M.G., D.S.O., iII.D. R. L. P. SCOTT.
il-1rs. F. 1. TURNER. \" . R DAWSON. o lonel F. \V. \V. DAWSO n . \V. THOMPSO:\l . . E. A. LI DESAY. . E. BICKFORD. R K. CRAWFORD. A. L. il-ICCARTHY. 1\[rs. ~I. ",'. ::\IcKENZIE. .\lis L. TOWLE. Mrs. A. H. KERR. G. E. HUGHES.
North Auckland Sub-District Distnct , u pen n tenden l Ditrict urgeon District Officer Lady Dislnct Officer
N. FLEMING. Lieut.-Col. . H. 'YARD, lIl.R.C.S. G. T. W . GREEN. ::\1rs. C. ~I. HILL.
CANTERBURY AND WEST COAST DISTRICT Assistant. Commis janer Di. trict urgeon . . Senior District Superintendenl Lady District. uperint.endent District. Officcrs . . Lady
Major J. W. CRA;\IPTO •. Major J. R. THO;l[AS, lIl.B. .T . DICKSON. 1\[rs . A. FRICKER. J. W. BURGESS. Commander C. H. KERSLEY. l\Irs. I . J. GAY . l\Irs. 1\1. E. 'YI LTSHIRE . l\Iiss L. P. BUTLER. l\liss 1. 1\1. ",YORTHI GTON.
South Otago Sub-District
North Canterbury Sub-District \ V. C. CHAI\IBERS. J- R. TIEGG. G. ~Ic . GRAY. lIIiss H. REVELL.
District Superintendent D istrict Officers Lady District Officer
Dist.rict Superintendent. District. Officers Lady Distri t Officer District Serg ant
We tland Sub-District E J. ROSE, I\I.B E
District upenntendent District Officers
Lady District Officer
E. V. HUGHES. 1\ . W. OGTLVY. E 1\. B. ARBUCKLE. ;\JISS l\J. S. GRAY. l\liss r•. B. SLOAN.
lslant. ommi<;slOner Disinct. Superintendent. Distnct [flcers
II . D. COBB. E. A. IT OUSTO . G. II. GRIFFITHS . () It. XELSO . . \\'. LINKl\IAN. ~rrs. ~I. COBB. ~Irs. D . Y ARRALL.
Lady Dlst.rict Officer
District Superintendent. District Surgeon District Officers
Lady Dish-ict Officers
DIstrict. Supenntendent.
OUTHLAND DISTRICT ,\ ct1l1g I\ssistant. CommislOner ])i t.nct Surgeon Dlstricl Officer '
Lady DIstrict Officers
Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District Officers
J. n.
H. L.
KJ 'S.
Assistant ommissinner DI!'>lnct Surgeon DI tnd Superintendent Dlslrict [fleers
It. A \\'A LL. D E. BROWN, I\1.B. J. ~r. JEMISON.
OTAGO DI TRICT Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District Superintendent Acting District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officers
Lady District Officers
. G. A. SWA 'so'. H.. ,. J. FITZGERALD, ~I.B. T. 1 I .:\IULIIOLLAND A. \\'ESTFIELD. Miss E . L. ApPLEG.\RTIJ. II. 1\1. SMITH. aptain F. L. H DA\'lS. A. G. J OH STONE. F. \V . BAMFIELD. F. D. C. ELVINES. Mrs. . C. POTTl;-;'GER. irs. S. PERRETT, 1\1 B. Irs. R. \V . SUTHERLAND.
W ANGANUI DISTRICT As. Istant Commissioner DI -trict. 'urgeon
Distncl :upenntendC'nt Lady Dist.rict. Supenntendent Dlstnct [fleers Lady Dlstnct.
\\". BOURNE. ..:\. J. CRAWFORD, M.R.C .<;. . \ . E. ALLPRESS. Mrs. 1. CHRISTIE, I\1.B. \\'. Ie TAUGHT. E. HAl\lLING. ~lrs A ;\1. RAINE. l\Iiss A ~IcCARTHY. Miss E. GILMORE .
Central Otago Sub-District J. vV. DUNCAN. North Otago Sub-District
District Superintendent District Officer .
fO RTH, I\l.B.
Lady District Officer
Rev. V\'. G. HANNAH.
Assistant Commi sioner District. Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officers
Nelson.Marlborough Sub·District
Lady District Officer
in Sonthern :afrieR
Pl'iol'Y Commissioner: Brigadier C. 1\1. HOFFE, C.B.E., Fifth Floor, Mutual Buildings, Parliament Cape Town. Surgeon-in-Chief Lady Superintendent-in-Chief Commissioner (Attached Priory Headquarters) Lady District Officer (Attached Priory Headquarters) Staff Officer (Priory Headquarters) Staff Officer to Lady Superintendent-in-Chief
Lieut. .-Col. J. ::'1. \VATT, I.B., CH.B. 1\Ir . ::'1. . " TALTON, A.R.R.C.
District Officers
::\1ajor A . :TEWART, :-1.B., CH.B. R. D . . DOUGLAS, :-!.B.E., ;\\ D. R. A. l\lAGNl"'. ::'llss L. WOOF. l\Irs . HATCH . R. G. T rcoLl . A. \V . PETT1T.
T. H. RUSSELL. Miss A 1\1. REED. ::'1rs. G. ROBB.
Lady District Officers
Miss P. ::'1. FOWKES.
CAPE PROVINCE DISTRICT Commi sioner . District Surgeon Dist.rict Superi.ntendent Lady District Superintendent.s
RHODESIAN RAIL WAYS DISTRICT Commissioner . District Surgeon Dist.rict Superintendent District Officers
Major E. H. 1I0NEY\\'ILL.
Colonel Sir ELLIS ROBINS, D.S.O. Colonel J. E . Ross. E. 1\1. B. WEST, M.B. Lieut.-Col. H . F. 1\1. SURGEY, O.B.r:. E. R . BALDOCK . Mrs . E. N. B. BREACH. 1\1iss]. W. MAWBY.
Commissioner . Assist.ant Commissioner District Surgeon District uperint.endent District Officer. Lady District Officers
E. ASHTON. A. E. EYLES. .\ . C. \ VILLIA]\\S . Miss L. H. \ YILKINS .
Dist.rict Su perin tenden t District Officers
Northern Transvaal Sub.District Deputy 'omm l siuner ASSistant Commissioner Distnc.t. Officers Lady Dlstnd Officer
Southern Transvaal Sub·District .-\ssI5tant Commissioners Dlslricl . uperinlendent Lady Dlstnct uperintendent Dl triet. [ficer. Lady District. Officers
GRIQUALAND WEST DISTRICT Assistan t Commission er District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officer
D. ::'1c ] IARDY. A. G. "V. Co~rpTON, M R.C.S. W. L. KNEALE. Mrs. 1\1. B. EALES. 1\1. J. KELLY.
Colonel G. G. EWER, D.S.O. H. H . ROBERTS. l\liss G. H. ' YOOD. H. J. STONE. irs . ::'1. B. 1CCALL . Miss A. R . CHAMPION.
ORANGE FREE STATE DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner District Superintendent
olonel E. ]. HAMLIN, D.SC. .\. GARDNER \YILLIA;\IS. 1I. R LAHNER. 1iss \V. G. HOPE. ]. G. MILNE. ::'1r . K . G. BRODERICK. :\llss A. A. HOPKINS. ::\Irs. L. BENDER. Mrs. E. D. SCHAAD. 1\lrs. H. E. GETS.
OUTH AFRICAN RAIL WAYS AND HARBOURS DISTRICT Commissioner . Act.ing Deputy ommis ioner .-\<; lsiant Commissioners
NATAL DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent District Officer. Lady District. Officers
Lieut.-Col. ]. ] . KRUGER. Lieut.-Col. C. L. VAN DYK, M.B. P. 1\1. • ~ AUDE. :\Iaj or W. H. WEGERLE. :\1iss G. . CARNEY.
Deputy Assistant. Commissioner. Senior District Surgeon Senior District uperintendent Senior District. Officer District Officers
Brigadier 'Y . ::'IARSHALL CLARK, O.B.E . \Y. HE CKROODT. Lieut.- 01. C. G. BOOKER, :\I.B., CH.B. E. X. BRAIN. ]. S. DE V. YON "VILLICH. Maj or G. A. DALTON (Acting). ]. TDIPERLEY (Acting). C. E. COCK. D . H. . Du PLESSIS (Acting). ] . YIL]OE •. Captain W. PAINE (Acting). Major H . C. BAKER, O.B.E., lI1.R.C.S. S. P. RMSTRONG. \V. J. H. VENTER . . VAN ' YYK. M. NEL.
Lady District Officers
Transvaal East Sub· District
Cape EasLern Sub·District Deputy Assistant Commission er. District Su perintenden t Lad y District Officer
G. P. ROUSSEAU ( ding). H. TRATHEARN. 1\li s .J.: • A. \VrERSl\IA.
District Superint.endents
Cape Midland Sub·Di trict 1ajor . \ "ATSON. E. R. HAF ER, 1\l.B. G. l\IITH. II . G . PHILIPS. H. S. 1\l OSELEY ( upernumerary) . '\ !J ss i\l. E. \\'ATKl s.
Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon D istrict Su perintendent District Officers Lady Dist.rict. Officer
Acting Assistant Commissioner . Deput.y Assistant ommissioner. District Surgeons
I istrict Officer Lady Dlstrict Officer District ergeant
D. J. J. Du PLESSIS. P. S. COETSEE (Actin~. E. L. GALGUT, M.B. (Supernumerary). D. A. FOWLER, M.B., CH.B. G. GEMJ\.IELL. A. HUTTON. Vacant . :\Iiss P. THERO:-.l. E . G . BROW:-IE.
Trall vaal West Sub-District Cape Northern Assi t.ant Commissioner Depu ty Assistant ommissioner. District Superintendents
c. J.
II SCHOO!lIB[E (A tll1g). H. \ \'ENNI G (ActJOg). 1. J. D. VAN DER \\'ESTIIL'IZEl\ . II. E. GEYER (Supernumerary)
Cape Western Assistant Commissioner Deputy Assistant Commissioner Di trict uperintendent District Officer. Lady District Officers
Distrtcl OtlH"ers Lady Ultrkt Of1H. crs
ub-Di lrict
J. \ "1. B . ARfER . J. H . VLOK (ActIng). J. \ \'. BALNE. G . .K. '. OPPER:'>I \N. ?lIiss E.. A. COETZEE. Miss ~I. 1\1 . \ ' AN HEENAN. liss E. It. :\IoRCAN.
\ V. B. A. l{lT 1111£. E. H. WILSO ' (Acting).
II. G. HA KINS, L.R.C \ \'. A. :i\lcLARF. '. A. J. STEVEN. J. A. KRISTE.
District Serge an t
. District ' urgcon Lady Dlst.nct ' upenntendent Lady District. Of1icers
Orange Free State Sub·District
Lady District Officer
II. A. GRI<..COROWSKT. H . J. G . SEELlCER (A ting). J. L. ])UPREEZ, 1\1 B. P . H. \ V. lIE CK ROODT . N. D . Fox 1l. GREEF. A. G. HECKROODT. Miss J . P. BEZUIDE:-.IIlOUT.
E. B. WILLIAMS, Box 175, Bridgetown.
Mrs. J. B. \ YILLIAMS. :.'\Jiss L. A . \\'EATHERHEAD. 1\lrs. E. ::\1. \ VATSO:-./'. Miss D. J. AINSBURY.
BERMUDA DISTRICT .\ssistant Commissioner
Acting Assistant Commissioner . Deputy Assistant Commissioner. District Surgeon District Superintendent District Officers
:\1. MULLIGAN (Acting). J . HOFFMAN, M.R C S. R BETTS. C. W. KING. J . :CHAFFLER. ] . J. PRETORIUS. l\Irs.:\1 PARSONS. J. Jiss L. S. ZIMMERMAN. ;,lis-; \Y . \ ' AN H. l.UBBE .
'Ulngronpeb IDistricts
J. M. \\'JlITLOCK. 1\1iss E. A. OnE. 1\Irs. ;'IOWAT. N. J. SMITH.
Lady District Officers
S. S. A. C. A
Natal Sub-District Assistant Commissioner Deputy Assistant Commissioner, District S urgeon District Superint.endent D istrict Officers
Deputy ASSIstant ComlTIlssioner . lJistnct ~ urgeun District - uperintendenis
District. ·urgeon Lady Ul-;lnc.t Superint ntlcnt
Lieut. -Col. R. C. EARL, O.B.E, P.O. Box 95, Hamilton. \\'. H. . l\IASTERS, 1\1.B. Lady '}fALL, M.B.E .
Mr. Justice F . \ Y. HOLDER, Attorney-General's
Chambers, Georgetown.
South- West Africa Sub· District Acting Assistant Commissioner . Deputy Assist a nt Com missioner. D istrict Surgeon D istrict Superintend~nt D istrict Officers
Vacant. G. NOTCUTT (Acting). Vacant. J. D. Du TOIT, J. E. HUMPHREYS. \V. C. KING.
BURMA DISTRICT Commissioner . District Surgeon Lady Dist.rict uperintendent District Officer.
Sir BA U, 5-i Golden Valley, Rangoon . Colonel A. BA THAW, I.M .S. Mrs. . B. \ YITCHER . Captain 1\1. r. AMEEN.
S. F. HALLAPPAH, O.B.E., 1\I.R.C.S., L.R.C P., Ceylon l\ledical College, Co lombo. \' . GABRIEL, 1\1. R.C.P. T. SATlIASl\'A1\I, 1\l.B.E. ~[rs . "\ TTFIELD, 1\I.B.E. C. \\'. TURNER. '. \\. D. ALWIXES. Mrs. BENJAMIN. ;'liss 1. :\l. V . \' ,\DIVELU. P. DE SILVA.
Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District uperintendent Lady District uperintendent District Officers Lady District Officers District Sergeant
H. ASH1\IORE, OI11<..e uf Pollce, Xlcosia. H . ~1 SHELLEY, M Rep, ;\1 R
Lady District OffIcer DIst.rict OfJiccr (Attached Headquarters)
E. B. MACGREGOR, C.M.G., 1\1.B., CH.B., Suleiman Buildings, Kuala Lumpur. Mrs. B. EOGERS. Dr. D. A. B. HOPKIN.
District Surgeon Lady District Officer
il1ajor J. V. ABELA, 1\I.B.E., 64 Amery Street, Shema. Vacant.. 1\1rs. GT.:LIA, 1\I.B.E.
om missioner of
(, S
Assistant Commissioner
Bux E 5121, St. Johns.
C. R BUCHANAN, 1\1 ]) , Box Suva. 1. HA1\llLTON BEATTIE, ~1 B. i-liss D. T. PEDERSON.
Assistant Commis ioner District Surgeon Lady District Superintendent District Officer . Lady District Officer District Sergeant
Gordon, t.,
NIGERIA DISTRICT AppUllliments vacant.
:\lrs. E. D. PERRy-JOIl, J. ALEXAXDER.
Colonel \V .... T. Gray, D.S.O., Inspector-General, Palestine Police, ] erusalem.
GIBRALTAR DI TRICT Acting District Superintendent District Surgeon Lady District Superintendent
aptaiu D. S. GO\\"!XG, Central Pulic Gibraltar. J ..\ . DURAXTE, l\l.R.C.S. ~Irs. L. .\ . CARRARA.
Appointments yacant.
E. :\1. HAY1\IOND, .J. .B. Headquarters, Tai Han g Road, Hon g Kung-. .-\ . EL J\RClJLLI .
Assistant Commissioner
Dist.rict Sllpcrintendent Dist.rict Officers Lady District Officer
E. HOER:\IAN, 1\1.B., -13 Duke Street, Kingston . C. S. GIDEON, 1\1 B.
Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon
Assistant: Commissioner
KENYA DISTRICT Assistant Commissioner District Surgeon District Superintendent Lady District Superintendent
Captain \Y . S. GULLOCH, P.O. Box J . A. CARMA ,M.D. K. CLELAND. Mrs. I\. T. CARRICK (Act.).
District Surgeon
Colonel VV. A. MULLER, C.M.G., Office of Commissioner of Police, Trinidad.
Captain C. v\'. A. G. HAMLEY, P .O. Bo. Kilindini. A. U. SHETH, M.B., M.B.E.
Assistant Commissioner District urgeon District Officer.
C. V. CURTIS, P.O. Box 355, Kampala. Colonel D. BELL, O.B.E., c\I.D. G. GILLAX-DERS, 1\I.B.E.
Momhasa Suh-District District Superintendent
.A. G. \\'HITEHEAD, P.O. Box 75, Dar-es-Salaam. O. STJERXHOLM. J. ::'>ICQ1JIE. Mrs. C. YAX OLDEj);BURGH.
District Superintendent District Surgeon
Lieut.-Col. E. G. FISH, Zanzibar. C. E. ROBERTS, M.A., M.B.