O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1952

Page 1

n:be (l;ranb [prior\? 1n tbe 113ntisb lRealnl of ~be



of tbe 1bospttal of St. 30bn

of 3erusalenl.

Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1952.

CIIA N l ~R \ ' 1.




()I '




Telegraphic Address : Fir taid, London.


E.C.l .

Telephone: Clerkenwell 6644.



1J)riorl? in tbe Erittsb lRealtn of

Ube IDenerable,







of tbe 1bospital of

St. :tobn of :terusalem


SO\'lerelgn 1beab HER










51. JOH









(l;ranl't lPrior :


























P.c.. etc.

lPnor :


K.C'.M.G .

J)relllte :



<lbance[(or : LrFuT-GFNl--RAL SIR HFNRY POWNALL. K.C.B., K.B.!:., D.S.O .• M.C.



13ailiff of JEgle :













{rbe otber .16ailiffs



arOBS :

K.G., K.T., K.P.,



5 'ttbe JExecuti",


Sellior lRepresentati\?e 1knigbt5 :

Secretan?:::(1;eneral :

C. T.

1klllgbt5 of Justice:

EVANS. Esq .. CM.G.




SIR ER F. T BURDO , K.CI.I., c .. r.. LL.D.

!Director:::(1;elleral t Sr. 3-01)11 :ambulance :association: H. F. PAR lIALL. -. q .. T.D. 'Ibospnaller :

1klligbts of (Brace:


:almoner : MAJOR



Loyo. n.R.r..


1Librartall : MAJOR


WrLLlAM • . M.R . . S., L.R . . P.

lRegistrar: SLR HARRY LUKE, K. '.M.G.



(1;enealogist : THE HON. SIR GrORGI : 81 LLFW, e.V.O.

!Director of (teremollies : C.

H. C.


E. q.,

5U1l1l'r lRepre5entati\?e 1klligbts :

O.B.E., D.S.C.

1k1l ig bts of 5ustice (!OnlI1l1S5ioner:::in:::(tbief Sr. 501)11 'E\mbU(llllce :18rignbe : LIEUT.-GENERAL SIR OTTO LUND, K.C.B., D.S.O.



A. C. Bo



·trmigbt5 of 5ustice :













lRepresentlltl\"le @tficers :

LIEUT.-COMMANDER A. F. INGLEFIELD, R. FREDERICK H. D. PRITCHARD, E q . JOHN OWSTO , Esq. lRepreselltatl\1e ctlerical J8rcrlJrell

THE REV. C. PEROWNE, T.D. THE VENERABLE H. J. MATTHEWS, ARCHDEACO OF HAMP TEAD THE REV. M. F. FOXELL, M.V.O. THE REV. CANON A. L. E. WILLIAMS THE VENERABLE O. H. GIBBS-SMITH, ARCHDEACON OF LONDO ~e11lber5 of <!ouneil Oil <!bapter::::(l;encrnl : (in addition to those shown under other headings)

THE HON. H. A. COZENS-HARDY :assistant E~eeuti\1e ~tficers :

Assistant Receiver-General: L. G. WHYTE, Esq. Assistant Director of Ceremonies: MAJOR A. URQUHART, D.S.O. Deputy Hospitaller: BRIGADIER SIR STEWART DUKE-ELDER, K.C.V.O. Deputy Director-General, S.J.A.A.: LIEUT.-COLONEL E. C. CROFT Swort> :mearer :

<!rOf:6 :mearer :



Secretaq] to tbe <!balleer}2 :





Thr: Chapter-General has th honour to submit to Members and Associates of the Order its Report for the year I952. The Report for I95I recorded the death of His late Majesty King George VI, overei-gn H ead of the Order. To H er Majesty Queen Elizab ih II, who became overeign H ead of the Order , a m essage of loyalty and devotion Wrl. sent at the Order's Annual Festival and a gracious reply was received from H er Majesty.

ANAL FE TIV AL OF THE ORD ER .The Annual Fe~tival wa held on Saturday, 2Ist June, I952, beginning wlth the celebrabon of Holy Communion in the Crypt of the Grand Priory hurch, th e celebrant being th e Anglican Bi hop in J erusalem, th Rt. Rev. Dr. W . H. t wart, a ub-Prelate of the Order. By kind invitation of Th Rt. Hon. Sir Leslie Boyce, Lord Mayor of ~ondon, hi~ If a Knight o.f the Order, the General A sembly was held In the m?rnlll~ at the Ma-? lOn House. A full report of the proceedings was pubh hed m the July 1 ue of the' 'Review". The Commemoration ervice took place in the afternoon at St. Paul's athedral, att nded by a full congregation of members of the Order and the Brigade. The preacher wa the Bishop of London . On th~ following Sunday a delegation of Chapter-General led by the Lord Pnor attended the Commemoration Service of the St. John Council for th W st Riding of York hire in York Min ter.

APPOINTMENT OF LORD W AKEHURST AS GOVERNOR OF NORTHERN IRELAND Ch apter-General had occasion during the year to congratulate Lord Wakeh urst on hi appointment as Governor of Northern Ireland. This appointment, fortunately, did not entail his resignation of the office of Lord Prior of the Order. On the contrary, Lord Wakehurst assumed as Governor the additional office of Knight-Co mmand er of the Commandery of Ard s. Following the resignation of Lord Alexander as Prior of the Canadian Priory on reli~quishing offi.ce as Governor-General, His Royal Highness The Grand Pnor has appomted H.E. The Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey as Prior of Canada. Similarly The Grand Prior appointed H.E. The Hon . E. G. Jansen Governor-General of South Africa, to succeed The Rt. Hon. G. B: van Zyl as Prior of the Priory in South Africa, and H .E. Lieut.-G eneral Sir ':Villoughby Norrie, Governor-General of New Zealand, as successor to LIeut.-General The Lord Freyberg. The year was noteworthy for the inauguration of two Commanderies of the Order.




COMMANDERY IN NORTHERN IRELAND On the 22nd May, 1952, Hi Royal Highness The Grand Prior form.a~ly inaugurated the revived Commandery. of A~d~ in Belfast. T.he authontie of the Queen's niversity placed theIr bUlldmgs at the dl p03al of the Order and the Church of Ireland and the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, from which the two officiating Chaplain of the Commande,rY were drawn, united in providing choirs for the ervice. The Grand Pnor, who was attended by the Lord Prior and a delegation from Chapter-Gener~l, entered the Whitla Hall, in which the ceremony was to. take place, 1.n procession. Here the Commandery of Ards. wa r constituted and HI Excellency Vice-Admiral The Earl Granvllle, Governor of ~ orthern Ireland, was installed as Knight-Commander. The Grand Pnor al 0 invested members of the Order re ident in Northern Ireland.

OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT A mo t important development of the Order's work over eas lay in the scheme for providing teams of welfare workers in Malaya. In the early part of the year the Government of Malaya approached the Order with a ugge tion that it hould, in common with other Societies, provide such team for rvice in th "New Villages" which the Government has stabli hed a one part of it policy for restoring peace to the Federation. The Order willingly agreed to co-operate by providing for a period of two year 25 teams, each compri ing a trained nur e and a welfare officer. The Government was prepared to meet 90% of the total cost, the Order to contribut the balance of IO %, which entails an expenditure of approximately £7,000 a year. The full complement of officers has now been nt to Malaya and mo t atisfactory reports of their services have been rec iv d. Headquart r Officer continued to work during the year in Kenya, ypru, ingapore, Malaya, Jamaica and Trinidad. t. John ouncil were form d in Singapore and Trinidad.

COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA On the 7th May the Lord Prior inaugurated. in Sali b~ry, outhern Rhodesia, a new Commandery of Central AfrIca, compn mg the two territories of Southern and Northern Rhode ia. Formerly, outhern Rhodesia fell within the jurisdiction of the Priory in outhern Africa. St. John has, however, been well established in the territo~ for orne time and those concerned felt that the tatus of the terntory, and the extent of St. John activities within it, justified the cr at.ion of a separate Establishment of the Order. It al 0 se. med aPl?ropnat to bring Northern Rhodesia within the area of thl E tabh hr:tent. A recommendation for the creation of a Commandery wa accordmgly made to and endorsed by the Priory in Southern Africa. Chapter-General in turn approved it and the necessary sanction of the Grand Prior and the Sovereign Head were accorded. The Knight-Commander is H.E. Major-General Sir John Kennedy, Governor of Southern Rhodesia, and the Lieutenant i Colon 1 ir Elli Robins. ST JOHN COUNCILS IN THE COUNTIES A St. John Council was established for Northamptonshire durin&, the year, the Chairman being Lieut.-General Sir Bertram SerglsonBrooke, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., C.M.C., D.S.O. REORGANISATION OF THE ORDER As was mentioned in the 1951 Report the Committee appointed by Chapter-General to review the proposed new constitution of the Order presented an interim report of its conclusions, which after endorsement by Chapter-General had been forwarded to Priories for ~heir consid~ra­ tion. The Committee was next authorised to proceed With the detailed re-drafting of the existing Charter and Statutes to give effect to t.he conclusions in its interim report as endorsed by Chapter-General and WIth due regard to the views expressed by the Priories. The Committee has now completed this task and Chapter-General has given general approval to a revised draft and authorised its communication to the Priories for their further consideration.


GRAND PRIORY CHURCH. The que tion of the tran fer of the freehold of the Church site from the London Dioce an Fund to the Order has been taken up, and it is hoped that thi will be eff cted for a nominal sum. Progr ha b en mad in th preparation of detailed drawings for th rebuilding of th e hurch, in accordan:e with the revised cherne approved by hapter-G neral and the various Planning Authorities conce rn d ar bing consulted. On 6th April a pecial s rvic \,\'a h ld in the Crypt in connection with the ::J.det N . . O.'s Training Cour e. The service was taken by the Rev. F. B. Flint, Hon. .F.

PUBLI RELATIONS. Both at home and over ea the effective organisation of public relations continued to improve during the year and there was a growing volume of evidenc that much greater use was being made of opportunitiesin the Pr ,on the radio and through films-to project to the public the need for and the work of the Order and its Foundations. In January, owing to the rising co t of production, it became necessary to rai e the price of "The Revi w" from 4d. to 6d. A subsequent drop in read r hip wa made good by the year's end but new subscribers are still requir d. "The Cadet" continued to be is ued quarterly and a high percentage of its contents was the work of the Cadets themselves.

ST. JOHN'S GATE The programme of work for the restoration of the fabric of St. John's Gate was continued throughout the year and is due to be completed by Coronation Day.



It had been decided some years ago that it was desirable to move to the west end of London the offices of the Association and part of the ,Chancery so that they and the he.adquart.er of the Brigad.e mi&ht work i.n closer proximity. It became possIble durmg the year to glVe effect to thI policy by the purchase of pre~ises at No. 10 Grosvenor Cre cent. While St. John's Gate remams the headquarters of the Order,. t~ere have been transferred to the new premi es the office of the As oClation, the Treasury and that section of the Chancery which deal with Association and Brigade affair. This redi tribution ha made it po ible to hand over to the Library and Museum the whole of the west tower of St. John's Gate and thus to display the treasures of the Order to better advantage. The Stores Department also remains in Clerkenwell. 'OBIT ARY COLONEL SIR EDWIN KING, K.C.B., C.M.G., T.D. With the death of Sir Edwin King there has disappeared a pillar and 1andmark of the Order, a man learned in its history, steeped in it iraditions, and a faithful exponent and tenacious defender of it principle in a changing age. Colonel Sir Edwin King, K.C.B., C.M.G., T.D., Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order, lived a long, full life devoted to a wide range of national, civic and philanthropic cau es, but of all hi varied interest it i probably safe to say that none lay clo er to hi.., heart than t. John. As student and writer he constituted himself the Order's hi toriographer; as numismatist he generously enriched its collec~ion9;. a its Registrar, Librarian, and finally Chancellor from 1945 to hI retirement last year, he had given many fruitful years to its ad mini tration at the centre and had become the embodiment of its "office memory". His unrivalled knowledge of its annals and practice was ever at the service of successive Grand Priors and Priors, of hi colleagues, and (through his books) of a wider public. LIFE SAVING AWARDS LIFE SAVING MEDAL IN BRONZE Edward J. Phillips, St. John Ambulance Brigade, Johanne burg. For rescuing a child from a burning motor car. Mr. Phillips has a damaged spine and can walk only with the aid of. c~~tches. . Cadet John Fisher, Chichester Cadet DIVISIOn, S.J.A.B. For rescumg his father who had been savagely attacked and seriously wounded by bull. In connection with the same incident Cadet Fisher was subsequently awarded the American Trophy for Gallantry, presented by the American 8th Army Air Force annually to the Cadet who has performed the most outstanding act of gallantry. CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR Mrs. Lilian Featherstone Tweddle, Archdeacon-Newton, Darlington. For rescuing her husband, a farmer, from an attack by a bull.

ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AT Pte. Jean-Marie Mecteau, No. 180 Quebec S.J.A.B. For rescuing a man from drowning.

JERUSALE~I Amb~lance



REPORT OF THE HOSPITALLER AND HOSPITAL COMMITTEE FOR 1952 THE COMMITTEE It i with very great regret that the death is reported of Colonel Sir Colin MacRae, C.V.O., C.B.E., a member of the Hospital Committee for a great number of years . . H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of Brigadier SIr tewart Duke-Elder, K.C.V.O., as Deputy-Hospitaller for the remainder of the triennial period and of Sir Hugh Dow, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., to be a member of the Ho pital Committee for the remainder of the triennial period. It \Va with very great regret that the Committee accepted the resIgnation of the Countess of Cromer during the <:ourse of the year as a result of her having re igncd from the Chairmanship of the Lad-ies' Linen Guild. The Committee .would. like to take this opportunity of expressing to Lady Cromer theIr gratitude not only for all the interest that she has taken in the Ho pital, but for the visit:- he has made to the Hospital whilst serving on the Committee.

HOSPIT AL STAFF On the resignation of Dr. Norman Manson, C.B.E., as Warden of the Ophthalmic Ho pital jn Jerusalem, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty con ented to _econd Surgeon-Commander D. P. Gurd, R.N., fo~ a peno.d of three years to succeed Dr. Manson as Warden. The CommIttee deslre to express their very great gratitude to Their Lordships and also to welcome Surgeon-Commander Gurd as Warden and to wish him every success in his new appointment. Dr. ~halil Budeiri, wh~ has for a number of years been Registrar to the HospItal, has been appomted the Surgeon to the Hospital. He visited England during the yea.r on study leav~. It was a very great pleasure for Members of the Commltiee to meet him when he attended a meeting of the Committee. Dr. Elias Doany, House Surgeon, who has been on leave of absence for advanc~d o'phthalmologic~l studies in this country, returned to duty at the Hospital III August, havmg been suocessful in obtaining his Diploma o~ OP.hthalmolo.gy. Dr. Doany has been appointed Registrar to the HospItal m succeSSIOn to Dr. Budeiri. The Ma~ron returned on leave to England and attended a meeting of the Committee. who were very glad to have the opportunity of meeting




her and obtaining first hand information regarding various administrative and domestic problems. . Sister Edwards was appointed to the British Nursi~g Staff at t~e HospItal on June 20th, and the Committee wish to take thIS OpportUlllty of welcoming her to the Hospital and wi hing her a very happy.tour of dutf· Miss il1. J. Holloway, \\ ho joined t.he Staff of the .Ho pltal as N ursmg Sister in 1950, resigned in April on taklllg up the appomtm nt ~f JIatron of a tuberculosis hospital in the Lebanon. The Con:mlttee would like to thank her for her services and wi h her every ucce s m the futur . Sister Bedrossian, who joined the Hospital Staff in 1949 when Mrs. Vester kindly lent Spafford House to the Order as elll in-patient department of the Hospital, resigned in September when the Order handed back Spafford House to Mrs. Ve ter. The Committ e would like to thank Sister Bedrossian for her loyal services to the Hospital and to conv y to her their good wishes for the future. In Odober the Hospital Staff welcomed Sister Sakhleh ~s successo~ to Sister Bedrossian. The Committee wish her every success m her appomtment. The British Nursing Staff who have been living in. a hotel outside. the Old City for some months, have now been found s~ltablE' q~arte~s m. a flat belonging to the Belgian Consulate. The n~w ~arden WIth ~IS wlfe and family have also been found a-::commodatlOn m a flat out Ide the Old City.

SITUATION IN JERUSALEM It has always been realised by the Committee that Watson and Strathearn Houses in the Old City could only be considered as a temporary and improvised clinic, and that the future policy of the Order in regard to the Hospital would have to be urgently considered. During recent years the work that the hospital in Jerusalem has been doing is out of all proportion to the facilities which are available, and can only touch upon the fringe of the great tragedy of blindness which is so rife, particularly in ·children. Thus it was that Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, accompanied by the Secretary, on behalf of the Ho pital ommittee, visited the Middle East at the end of May and the beginning of June. He visited Beirut; Amman; the Old City, Jerusalem; the New ity, Jerusalem; and Tel-Aviv. Sir Stewart had conversations with the British Ministers and their staffs at each place and with the Consul-General in Jerusalem. He also saw Government Ministers at Beyrouth, Amman and Israel. As the result of his visit, Sir Stewart made a very detailed report which was considered by the Hospital Committee and by Ia special Committee appointed by Chapter-General, whose reference was to consider and make recomrnenrlations on the future hospital policy of the Order. Both Committees, after careful consideration, recommended Sir Stewart's report to Chapter-General, which was accepted in general principle. It was agreed to explore the possibility of providing the necessary capital sum to build a new hospital in Jerusalem, Jordan. The Government of Jordan has generously offered as a gift to the Order a choice of sites from State Domain lands upon which to build a new hospital. It was further decided to explore the possibility of raising a sufficient capital sum to increase the annual




income for maintenance which would be necessary to finance the new hospital when completed. Finally, it was decided that a firm of architects, with knowledge of the Middle Ea t and of the Order's requirements, should be asked to advise the Order as to whether the project that they had in mind was feasible for thE' amount of capital at its disposal. In the meantime, in order to allow these investigations to go forward, it wa decided that essential alterations to Watson and Strathearn Houses shoulel be made immediately in order to enable the hospital to continue to work under improved 'conditions, and also to release Spafford House, which Irs. Ve.'ter wi hed to be returned so that she might re-open her Baby Home, which was urgently needed in the Old City. The alterations to ' trathearn and Watson Houses have now been completed, and enable the Ho pital in these two houses to accommodate thirty-four inpatients and to alleviate the congestion in the out-patient department. The alteration effected, whil t improving -::onditions generally, can only be regarded a a temporary measure. The Committee are very grateful to Sir Stewart for visiting the Middle Ea t and for the valuable recommendations in his report, which have enabled th rder to decide on a policy for the future of the Order's work in the JIiddl Ea t. The: Committ c are most de~ply indebted to 1'.1r . Vester for her generous 10:1n of ' pafford House, which he handed over to the Order at a time when it \Va endeavouring to re tart it ophthalmic work at Watson and trathearn Hou ·es. pafford House vvas furni hed with thirteen beds and jx cot and an adequate operating theatre was available. The ommittee would like to extend their renewed thanks to Mrs. Vester for her great kindness and co-operation. VISITORS TO THE HOSPITAL The ountess ;\'follntbatten o£ Rurma paid a short visit to the Hospital in July. This visit was much appreciated by the \Varrlen and the staff of the Ho pital. ~Ii s :'Ilae Kellar, the Matron of Moorfields, visitt>d the Hospital in October. On her return her subsequent suggestions regarding various dome tic problems in ·connection with the nursing staff were ve-ry much appreciated by the Committee. FINANCE The ommittee would like to take this opportunity of thanking those who have given financial support during the year. They are particuJarly indebted to the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Australia and New Zealand for their continued upport. The r"ommittee would partiC'lllarly like to draw attentim.... to the donations received from the Great Priory of Ma.onic Knights Tempbr and the Clothworkers' Company. In view of the proposed plans for the future of the Hospital, it will be understood how mnch the Committee appreciates the fll1an~ial support that has been given and how greatly continued snpport will be needed in the future. CONCLUSION The Committee would like to express to the Surgeon to thE' Hospital, the Registrar, the Matron, Sister

Warden, Edwar~s,

the Si ter




Bedrossian and Sister Sakhleh and all the other workers in the Ho pital their very warm thanks and deep appreciation for the devoted and loyal service they had given during the past year. They would further like to express their admiration for the staff's unceasing efforts to maintain and enhance in every possible way the reputation of the hospital and the prestige of the Order. WEBB-JOHNSON,

patients was 29,IIl (previous year 24,597); of these 26,108 were Moslem and 3,003 Christian. The causes of blindness are set out in the following table ~

H ospitaller.

WARDEN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 195 2 . The year 1952 brought several important changes to th Hospital: Dr. Norman Manson, C.B.E., retired from the office of Ward n after 16 years of devoted service to the Order. The summer was the hottest in living memory, surpassing that of 1951 , and the out-patient total of more than 155,000 was a record in the Hospital's history. The present Warden joined the Hospital on the 7th of July. On the 18th July work was set in hand with the view to making a creditable temporary Hospital in Watson and Strathearn Hous . This work was ~ompleted towards the end of September. It includes the erection of a new out-patient waiting room with offices for the Warden and fatron, the whole being an annexe to the old out-patient waiting-cum-treatment room which is now used for treatment only, the mass of the patient remaining in the new waiting hall to be summoned into the treatment compartments for old and new patients in relays of ten at a time. The Warden's fiat in Watson House was made into a ward for m n, with two small wards for children and private patients. The Matron's sitting room and bedroom became the women's ward, while the two other bedrooms in Strathearn House were transformed into a very ati factory operating theatre, with sterilizing 'and "scrubbing-up" room. The domestic offices in Strathearn House have become small wards for the treatment of septic conditions. On the 29th of September we were able to tr~nsfer all bed patient~ from ~paff?rd House to th~ newly adapt d pre.ml.ses, so that the .entIre hospItal. IS now ~entred m on building. ThIS IS a great ~onvemence, and the mcrease in working efficiency has been most marked. The clinical work in the out-patient department has as usual been chi~fiy .directed. toward: the relief of the intense epidemic conjunctivitis whIch IS assocIated WIth ~he hot dry season. The most tragic cases are those of neglected children who have suffered ulceration of both corneae and become blind as a con equence. Many of these cases are further aggravated by vitamin deficiency states and diarrhcea due to malnutrition. The United Nations Works and Relief Association has sup p~i ed us ,:",ith Bberal monthly deliveries of drugs, medicines, and dressmg~, whI~h have been a great help to the Hospital. A survey of the effi.cIen~y of Aureomycin is shortly being started at the request of U.N.W.R.A., who have supplied the drug in large quantities in ointment form, as well as sulphathiazole tablets and microscope slides for the examination of scrapings. . As has been stated a~ove, the out-patient attendances of 155,114 constItuted a record (prevIOUS record year 147,094). The number of new

A. B.

Congeni tal Acquired I. Conjunctivitis resulting in (a) Corneal opacity (b) econdary Glaucoma (c) hrunken Globe 2. Fundal Condition . 3. Glaucoma (Primary) 4. Cataract 5. Injury . . . . Total Blind Eyes = 2,248


779 208

390 203




Ther~ has been a slight decrease in the number of operations performed, due .c~lefly to. the fa~t that for everal months the Hospital had to be admllli te~e~ smgle-handed by the Surgeon to the Hospital, Dr. Budeiri. Dr. Budelfl proceeded on leave on the 11th of August, and returned to .duty ?n the 1St of D"cember after a period of study leave in the Umted ~Illgdom. Dr. Doany, having obtained the Diploma in Ophthalmology III London, returned to duty on the 2nd September. The Matron went on leave on the 15th of October and returned to Jerusalem on the 24th of December. 9.n the 29th of July the Hospital was honoured ~y a most welcome VI It by the Countess Mountbatten of Burma. Durmg the la ' t q uarte~ of the year the number and repertoire of operations ~ave undergone an mcrease, due to frequent reinforcements of the stocks of mstrument. and appliances. Supplies are arriving for the establishment of a ~ully-eqUlpped 34-bedded hospital, and all consignments should be receIved ~y the end of March. The majority of the beds whi~h are at pre ent III use have been kindly lent from Spafford House by Mrs Vester' a few lo~a.uY n:ade beds have also been purchased to compete ~ith th~ large .waltmg lIst ?f those who require in-patient treatment. Through the kmdness of LI ut.-General J. B. Glubb Pasha, we are now able to transp?rt good~ from London .to Ak~ba in the supply ships of the Arab LegIOn. Thl arrangement IS provmg a great saving in time and trouble. In concl,osion it ~an be .stated that the work of this Hospital has never been heaVIer t.han It was m 1952, and never have its services been more urgently reqUIred. In contrast to this, the premises can never have be~n. less adeq,oate than they were up to the end of September. The eXlst~n.g estabhshme.nt, though not ideal, is adequate as a tern ora prOVISIOn for the sab fac~ory tr.eatment. of both in-patient and out-p~tien7. The ~ost of the a1terat:o~s, mstallatIOns, plumbing, wiring, et~., has been I~ .exce s of the ongmal ro~gh es~imate, but, in spite of this, onl the ~lllmmun: was done cO?1pabble WIth administrative efficienc as ~ hospItal credItable to the hIgh prestige of this old Foundation Y . A fia~ near Herod's Gate was obtained for the Warden ~ho went lI~tO reSIdence ther~ on the 23rd October. A fiat for the Matron and SIsters wa~ rented m the Belgian Consulate building at Mount Scopus and occupIed by the Matron and Nursing Sister on the 3rd of Ja ' 1953. nuary, My thanks are due to the Surgeon of the Hospital Dr Khal' B d .. the Registr . G. Wood 1 U eln . . ar, DEI' r.. las D oany, the Matron, Miss,D. th~ Nurslllg SIster, MISS A. V. Edwards, as well as the clerical, nu'rsing




and domesti: staffs, without who e unfailing willingness, loyalty and good humour during a difficult and trying period, little could have been accomplished. (Signed) D. P. GURD, Surgeon-Commander Royal Navy, TVarden. THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE A




The Asso:iation mourns the death of it Patron, Hi Late Majesty King George VI , and remember \vith pride the fir t o::ca ion of His Majesty's evidence of interest in the As_ociation when, as Duke of York, he graciously consented to present the hield and prizes on the occasion of the Inter-Railway Competition in 19 2 1. Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to grant her Patronage to the St. John Ambulance Association. APPOINTME TS.

His Royal H ighness the Grand Prior ha sanctioned the creation of the undermentioned Offices at the Headquarters of the A sociation, and has approved the appointment of the following to fill them : - Lieut.-Colonel E . C. Croft Depu ty Director General Mr. Anthony Steel Assistant Director-General (Overseas) ' Lady Principal . Mrs. Ste\\art Rob erts Deputy Principal Medical Officer Dr. Guy W. J . Bousfield

All these Offi::ers give generously of their time to thei r dutie , and have thereby helped greatly to extend the activities \of ~the As ociation. I take this opportunity to record my most grateful thanks to them and to the Principal Medical Officer of the Association, 1ajor A. C. White Knox, for their help. In th e Counties I extend a warm welcome to the undermentioned Association County Directors. Their appointment has been approved by H .R.H. the Grand Prior:Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Kent Surrey

Ma j or Elliott M . V. Viney Colonel A. V . G. Dower Mr. J ohn T enn ant Dr. A. J . OW ton

These new appointments, added to those already in being, bring the total to nine . Endeavours are being made to find Directors for every County, and so implement the policy laid down by the Lord Prior. The duties of a County Dire::tor are by no means a sinecure, entailing, as they do, frequent visits to existing areas of activity, the creation of new centres of interest, contacts with leaders of industry and trade within their Counties, and, in conjunction with the Chairman of the St. John Council and the Commissioner of the Brigade, the promotion of a clear




understanding on the part of the public as to the respective purposes of the Order and its l~oundations, with a view to the enlistment of public support for th ir aims and objects. In the past there has been a misunderstandin!!; of the separate and distin:t function of the Association and the Brigade, re ulting often in bewilderment on the part of the public. I am incL~bted to Lt.-Gen. ir Otto Lund, the Commissioner-inChief of the Brig.ade, for hi constant efforts to promote a harmonious and active partnership between the two Foundations. Early in th year, to my gr at regret, 1\1r. O . H orne tendered his resignation a. As istant Secretary. During the five years he had held office he had hown con iderabl ability and the knowledge of the Order, the As ociation and the Brigade, which he had acquired, combined with his aptitud for imparting that knowledge lucidly and interestingly, made him a valuabJe servant of the Order. Lieut.- olone! J. E. F. Gueritz ha been appoi nted to fill the vacancy. He took an Honour Degree in History at New College, in 1933, and rved in th Indian rmy from 1934 until 1947, and thereafter with th Briti_h Council in Irak and P r~ia.


La t year I wa able to reporf that the total number of certificates issued by the A ociation during the year in England, Northern Ireland and Wales constituted a peace-time record. It is, therefore, very sati factory to be abl to report that not only has the upward trend continued during the year under review, but that the increase over last year is also a p ace-time record. The following figures show the compari on , and I think are greatly to the credit of everyone who is concerned with the running of cJasses:First Aid ursing Hom Hygiene Hygienic Food H andling Child \Velfare \ Vales


195 2

195 1

7 1 ,24 1 13, I93 1,199

5 1 ,74 8 13,66

I,93 I

2, I0 9

87,5 6 4 11,17

68,4 0 5 7,228

9 8 ,74 2



The incr as over 1946, the first full peace-time year smce the war, represents a rise of over 125 %. An examination of the record at H eadqu arters seems to suggest that the in: rease is more pronounced in ind ustry than among the general public, and I th refore appeal to Centres of the Association to do all in their power to create among the public a demand for a knowledge of the subjects taught by the As ociation. There is not as yet a sufficiently do e liaison between local representatives of the (( Special" Centres (listed on page ), and those other Centres ~esponsible for a geographical area. If wastage of effort and overlapping m the formation of classes is to be abolished, I consider it essential that



there should be constant touch between all those who are working to the .same end in anyone area. Among t the more interesting classes at home may be mentioned one at Winchester College in July, the fir t of it kind to be held there, though others have been held at Eton and other well-known public school; recruits to the Ministry of Civil Aviation Constabulary and to the Royal Air Force Police have also been trained in Fir t Aid. imilarly, classes have been held for the Military Police in B.A.O.R. Approache to the same end have been made to the Royal Corp of Military Police in this country. The N~tio.nal .Unio.n ~f Agricultural Workers is also co-op rating with the AssoClatIon III bnnglllg the need for a knowledge of Fir t Aid to the notice of the farming community. The activitie of t~e Association over eas have been considerably timulated by the appollltment of St. John H eadquarter Officer in the Colonies. In North Borneo much progress has been made, and in Ceylon, under the personal guidance of H.E. The Governor-General, the Centre has been re-organised, and plans have been made for an extension of its .a·ctivities.


During the year the number of certificate holders who applied for Medallions, Labels and Pendants was as follows:1952 Medallions Labels Pendants

10,96 4 44 , 206 4,9 10

195/ 10,885 45, 12 7

5,3 8



sisted of nine lectures based on certain chapters in the Association 's textbook, Public and Personal Hygiene, by Professor Crewe, and on Notes on Hygienic F ood Handling. Experience suggested that the course was too long, and it was decided to substitute a six-lecture course. The position has again been reviewed in the light of further experience, and it has been decided to introduce a three-lecture course based on a Manual specially written for the purpose. As stated elsewhere in this report, Dr. A. D. D. Brouahton, M.P., has very kindly written a Manual, which i now being printed. The Association records its grateful thanks to Dr. Broughton, who so keenly supports the activities of the Association, and who ha sugge ted in the House of Commons that Government Departments and other Bodies concerned with Hygienic Food Handling should co-op rate with the A ociation in its efforts to raise the standard of food handling. The introduction of a Badge for holders of the Association's Adult Certificate in Hygienic Food Handling is under consideration.


A Centre of the Association has been formed within the National Dock Labour Board. In addition, a Centre wa established for the Brighton and Hove District with the ncouragement and support of the St. John Council for u sex, who e policy it is to a i t the Association in every way by establishing entre to cover the whole of the County. imilarly, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, the St. John Council is giving every assistance toward the formation of Centres at Harrogate and Bradford, while in Northumberland a Centre is being formed at Ashington.


The drive to improve standards in the Clean Handling of Food has continued, and the number of cla es of instruction in this subjed has incre~sed. ~rs. Stewart Roberts, the Lady Principal, has been indefatigable III maklllg new contacts, and has been in touch with a number of Government Departments and large business firms in London. As a result of these contacts, Messrs. John Barnes, of Finchley Road, London, a subsidiary of the John Lewis Partnership, organised a very successful class for employees of th.e Partnership, and classes in other large Stores and food handllllg establIshments have been arranged. The Association has also been in touch with the Hotels Executive and with the British Hotels a~d Restaurants Ass·ociation, an~ it is hoped that, with their co-operatIon, members of Hotel s-taffs WIll take the course. The Association has undertaken the training of Brigade and W.V.S. pers?nne~ in Hygienic Food Handling and certain aspects of emergency feedlllg, III order to create a pool of lecturers for Civil Defence classes on t~~ principles of hygiene involved in emergency feeding in wartime condItIons. Every encouragement is being given by the Ministry of Food and the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The Association's course of Hygienic Food Handling originally con-


A. number of new publications have been either completed or begun dunng the year. The new publications include:A Visual Aid Adjunct to the Home Nursing Textbook.-As stated in my Report last year, the Association is indebted to Mrs. Shimeld, both for the idea of this publication and for the original drawings. The Asso ciation is also indebted to Miss M. M. Durrant, who supervised the photography. This publication will be of great value to all students of the A sociation on the Home Nursing Course, and possibly even to Nurses Training Schools. Elementary Child Care.-This booklet was compiled at the request of the Women's Group on Public Welfare as a companion publication to Elementary First Aid for the Housewife and Elementary Home Nursing for the Housewife.



First-Aid Competitions and Casualty Make-up.-This new publi~ation was written for the Association by its Principal Medical Officer, l\lajor A. C. White Knox, and will be found of areat value to all tho e engaged in competition, whether Judges, Competitions Seer tari s, or as team. A Preliminary Course of Hygiene (including Hygienic Food Handling).-This Manual was written for the Association by Dr. Guy Bousfield, it Deputy Principal Medical Offi~cr. It is intended particularly for young people under 16 years of age, and it object is to stre ~ the importance of cleanlines and the dangers which may arise from laxity in this matter, particularly where food is concerned. The following publication are in course of preparation:Hygienic Food Handling.-The Association's cour e on Hygi nic Food Handling is at present six ledure ba ed on the manual, Hyg1'enic Food Handling, and certain chapters from Pro£e sor Crew' book, Public and Personal Hygiene. It has, howe er, recently b en decided to publish a spe:ial manual for the course, and Dr. Broughton has v ry kindly written it for the Association. His script is now in the printer' hands. This book will be the ba is of a Hygienic Food Handling cour e, and candidates will be examined on it. This course will consist of three lectures. Holger Neilsen Method of Artificial Respiration.-The Association holds the view that this method of artificial r piration should be incorporated in the Association's syllabus of instruction and examination in First Aid, in addition to the S:hafer and Silvester method. It would not be out of place to comment here that although thi method of artificial re piration has been studied and practised for 20 years, there i not yet enough evidence to show that it should be taught to the exclusion of the other methods. Notes for Members of the Brigade Engaged in Air Ambulance Duiies.Following discussions between the Principal Medical Officer of the Association and Dr. Buchanan Barbour, the e notes have been pr pared by Dr. E. A. Malkin, and are in the hands of the printers. A Catechism on the Preliminary Course of First Aid.-Following the lines of that based on the Adult First Aid Textbook, this has b en written and is being printed. It is expected that there will be a large demand for this manual among Cadets of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Manual of Industrial First Aid.-The original draft of this proposed publication was re-written so as to conform to suggestions put forward by representatives of the Association of Industrial Medical Officers, and the revised draft was then again submitted for consideration by the Council of that Body. The Council has suggested that as a number of organisations, both official and voluntary, were concerned in the early dis~us­ sions on the preparation of the book, it would prefer not to comment on the draft independently, but to consult with the other interested organisations. There the matter stands. Translations.-As stated in last year's report, the National Institute for the Blind had under consideration a proposal to make available copies in Braille of the Association's First Aid Textbook. I am glad to be able to report that the National Institute has now decided to proceed in this matter.




Tran lation of the current (40th) edition of the First Aid Textbook have been produced in Arabic, Greek and Turki h.



During the year the winners of the National Competitions held under the au pice of the A ociation were as follows. A team from Scotland competed in the National Police Competition for the first time.



Teams Competing a tional Police Briti h Electricity mbulance Centre British Railways and London Transport (Railwa y) British Tran port Commi sion Police :'IIin e rs' ational Fir t .\id Competition 1\Iini-;try of upply 1 atin nal R oad Pas engers Tra n. port Ambula nce Association G ~ n e ra l P ost Office Fire Briga J e Gas Indu try

Winning Teams Metropolitan Police (L Division) \Vorthing Bristol Liverpool Street Markham Main Colliery \Vindscale \V orks Plymouth Acton S.B.D. Great Yarmo uth South Eastern


Teams Competing Briti h Railways and London Transport (Railways ) Ministry of ~ upply ational Road Transport Ambulance Association General Post Office Briti h Electricity Ambulance Centre

Willning Teams Broadway (L.T .E.) El tow Chiswick (L.T.E.) Belfast Mid-Sus ex

The winners of all the above Competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields, took part on 18th November in the Competitions for the Grand Prior's Trophies. Lord Wakehurst presided at the prize-giving ceremony, and MajorGeneral The Earl of Athlone gra~iously presented the trophies and medallions. The judges were: -Dr. H. C. Stewart, Men's Team Tests; Dr. William Duncan, Women's Team Tests; Dr. J . Main Russell, Men's Individual Tests; Dr. Sheila M. M. Niall, Women's Individual Tests;






3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

[0. I I.

Fire Brigade (Great Yarmouth) . . ational Police (Metropolitan L. Division) Briti h Railways and London Transport (Railways) (Bristol) Miners' National First Aid Competition (larkham 1ain) The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Wolverton) . Br:tish Transport Commission Police (Liverpool treet) British Electricity Ambulance Centre (Worthing) General Post Office (S.B.D. Acton) Gas Industry (South Eastern Gas Board) National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance AssociaCon (Plymouth) Ministry of Supply (Windscale Work) . Maximum marks obtainable = 400


In accordance with the policy of the Order to establish Headquarters in the West End of London, the offices of the St. John Ambulance Association were tran ferred to 10, Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I, in December, and are now situated in close proximity to the Headquarters of the Brigade.




and they placed the teams in the following order:-





27 r t


24 6 245 23 0

During the year the Order decided to engage a firm of Management Con ultants to examine the present systems of organisation and administration in the Chancery and the Foundations, and to advise whether simplifications and economies could be effected. A number of modifications in the procedure for dealing with classes hav b en suggested by the Management Consultants, and these have been brought into practice by the Association. Other suggested changes are under consideration.

25 2 k

220t 206



3. 4. 5. 6.

The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Palmers Green) . 3 62 t British Electricity Ambulance Centre (Mid ussex) . • 343 Ministry of Supply (Elstow). . . . . . 337t National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association 3 0r t (Chiswick L.T.E.) British Railways and London Transport (Railways) 2 4 (Broadway L.T.E.) General Post Office (Belfast T .M.O .) . . Maximum marks obtainable=400

All the organisations which had teams competing were represented on the platform, and in addition the Associated British Picture Corporation Limited, to whom the Association owes a great debt of gratitude, not only for the staging of the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions, but also for the staging of all the other competitions during the year. The Association is also greatly indebted to the people of Horsham for their generosity in presenting a magnificent rose bowl, which will become the Grand Prior's Trophy in the Women's Competitions. In my report last year, I stated that every endeavour was being made to reduce the cost of the various competitions organized by the Association. To this end, I decided that programmes, previously distributed free, should be sold at a small charge, thus saving the printing charges. A further saving will be made by changing the venue of certain of the Competitions. Finally, I must mention that two of the organisations which took part in these Competitions, have very generously made handsome contributions towards the cost and their action has been much appreciated. I am firmly -convinced that competitions playa large part in increasing efficiency and interest in first aid, and in this -connection I may say that in the various eliminating rounds some ~,ooo competitors, representing 1,600 teams, took part, and these figures seem to be on the increase. The Association thanks all who have acted as judges at its competitions, and the stewards and patients. I would also wish to add my congratulations to Mr. G. Craft, the Competition Secretary, on the success of his arrangements for these competitions, all of whi-ch were carried through smoothly and efficiently.

CONCL USION. I would like to record my grateful thanks and sincere appre-ciation of the invaluable and unfailing help given to me by my Committee, and my indebtedness to members of the medical and nur ing professions who have devoted much of their valuable time to the instruction and examination of classes, and al 0 to the many Centre and Class Secretaries who have given 0 much of their lei ure time to organising the classes. H. F. PARSHALL, Director-General.

THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT The Brigade has played its part in the outstanding events of the year and, as always, has carried out the vast and varied activity which has come to be expected of it. STRENGTH In England, Northern Ireland and those Overseas Territories directly under my command, 137 new Adult Divisions were formed (77 Ambulance, 34 Nursing and 26 Combined). In the ca e of Cadets 131 new Divisions were formed (50 Ambulance, 68 Nursing and 13 Combined). The strength of Adult personnel has increased by 2,168. The strength of Cadet personnel has increased by 4,727. The total strength of the Brigade at 31st December, 1952, was therefore :-





Divisions Ambulance Nursing Combined Total England and N. Ireland ,Vales

1,673 282 1,955 Priories Overseas 7 27 ·Other Overseas 216 Terri tories Grand Totals ... 2,898

1,177 133 1,3 10 477


83 1,870

5 82


Personnel Al1lblllance Nursing Total

2,9 2 7 4 15 3,34 2 1, 20 4

3 6 ,93 1 6,23 1 43,162 15 ,3 82

18, 267 2,049 20 ,3 I6 , 105

304 4,85 0

12,157 70,701

1,5 8 3 13,74 0 30 ,004 100,705

55,19 8,280 63,47 23.4 8 7


Divisions Ambulance Nursing Combined Total England and N. Ireland \Vales

875 17 8 1,053 Priories Overseas 3 21 Other Over eas Territories 34 Grand Totals ... 1,408

1,135 135 1,270 337 48 1,655

39 5 44


Personnel A mblilaflce lIrsing Total

2,049 3 18 2,]67 65 8

20.225 3 ,5 19 23,744 7 ,049

34 , 1 7 2 .7 2 7 3 6 ,9Q 6,5 16

54.4 12 6.24 6 60 ,65 13.5 6 5

82 3, 10 7

1,089 31, 2

1,043 44 .473

2.13 2 7 6 .355

I was very glad to know that 226 new Surgeons joined th Brigade and although we were unfortunate in losing through death and resignations 56 Surgeons, there is a net increase of 170. This i most ncouraging, for it is only by the interest and services of out doctors th at the tandard of Brigade efficiency can be maintained. It is also very satisfactory to know that 149 Nursing Officer were added to the strength, bringing the total to 798. DEATH OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE VI

The Brigade in common with all sections of the Commonwealth hared in the grief at the death of His Majesty King Georg VI, the ov reign H ead of the Order, and general mourning was ordered . The Brigade was proud to be responsible for the First Aid arrangem nts, including the funeral procession from Sandringham to Wolferton. In London at the Lying-in-State and the State Funeral, the Brigade personnel on duty, numbering 2,080, manned 42 First Aid Posts and three Dressing Station. The majority of members on duty were from the London district, and in addition were units from Birmingham, Cambridgeshire, H rtfordshire, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. The Brigade in Berkshire, assisted by personnel from Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, took up the duty at Windsor, where 480 members were on duty at I I First Aid Posts. A letter of appreciation of the services rendered by the Brigade was received under Command of H er Majesty from the Home Secretary. ROYAL VISITS

It was a great honour for the Cadet movement when H.R.H. Princess Margaret as Commandant-in-Chief of the Cadets attended the Cadet rally at Worcester on 26th July. On this occasion 3,500 Cadets mainly from the West Country were on parade. H er Royal Highness carried out an Enrolment Ceremony before the Parade and afterwards presented Grand Prior's Badges and the Life Saving Medal of the Order to Cadet John Fisher, of Chichester. Princess Margaret also pent some time with the St. John Cadets when attending a Rally of Youth Organisations in Wiltshire.





In addition to the duty performed at the Royal Funeral referred to above th e Brigade also carri d out splendid service in the following major di a tcr : Devon and omerset Floods.- The details of the tragic flooding in Devon and 'om r t, particularly in the Lynmouth area, are now so well known th at th y need no r petition in this report, but I wish to record the great part pl~yed by the Brigade. On the night of the floods when the danger wa at It great t, m mbers of the Brigade in Lynmouth turned out for duty imm di~t ly. A Fir t Aid Post was op ned and remained open for the whole penod of the m rgency. Member of the Brigade assisted with all form of re cue, First Aid and relief work and the Press Relations Offic r for Devon, reporting on the situation, said that he heard of no St. J ohn mcmb r who had pu~ him elf or herself before St. J ohn duty, although many w .re u~i nng per onal loss. It is regretted that one m mb r of th Bngade m . Lynmo~th 10 t hi life during the flooding. Harrow- TVealdstone Razlway DLsaster.-In the case of this disaster m mber of th Brigad re ponded individually as the new of the tragedy re.ach ~ them. The w~rk wa at ~rst, of nece ity, unco-ordinated, but a FIr t AId Po t wa qUIckly c. tabh h d and manned night and day for as long a n c 'ary. I SPECTIONS

The Annual In pection of t~e London District of the Brigade in Hyde Park ?n 2 th Jun ,:va earned out by myself assi ted by the Deputy up nntendent-m- hief and the Chief Officers for Cadets. I was most happy that Th. Rt. Hon, The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Leslie Boye , K.B.E., kmdly took the alute at the March Past, and afterwards ~ddr ed t~e Parade, and was accompanied by the Lady Mayoress, who I .th Pre Ident of the Glouce ter St. George Nursing Division. The Bngade wa g:reatly encouraged by the presence of the Lord Mayor, who wa conval cmg from a recent operation. Ir: addition to thi. In J?ection a.nd .the Cadet Rally at Worcestershire, I earned o~t In pectlOns III 16 DIstncts and Countie , in most in tances acco~palll d b.y the, Deputy uperintendent-in-Chief or the As i tant .upennt ndent-m- hIe£. A further 12 County In pection were made eIt~er by the Deputy o!llmi ione~-i,n-Chief, the Superintendent-in !uef, or the urgeon-lll-ChIe~. In addItion I am particularly grateful to Ir J arne Ie man for ,carryrng out the In pection at Manchester and Salford, and to th~ D~rector-General of the A ociation, Mr. H. F. Parshall, f~r InspectIOn III Berkshire. I have now per onally visited every county dunng my tenure of office. DUTIES

Dur~g th~ year the following duties were p erformed by members of th e Bngade III England and Northern Ireland:Hours

Public Dutie , 1,962 ,890 Transport Duties 939,225 Civil Hospital Duties 273,9 2 4 At Clinics, 34,393 At Nurseries . . . 16.7 2 0 At Blood Trans[u ion Centres 23,53 Nursing Aid Duties , 93.3 0 0





Members of the Brigade in England and North ern Ireland are reported as having treated the following cases:On Public Duty Off Public Duty Transport Invalids removed Cases of Road Accidents .

3 06 . 8 7 1 216.85 1

Recruitment has continued slowly but steadily throughout the year and II,086 auxiliaries have now been enrolled through the Brigade. Great efforts are being made by National Hospital Service Re;;erve County Representatives and my thanks. are due to them and to the Divi ional urgeons and Nursing Officers who have given such valuable help in the training.


A number of Courses have been held at the St. John Hou. e !raining Centre in First Aid, Home Nursing, Hygiene and H ygtelllc Food Handling. The First Aid and Home Nursin.g Course were arranged primarily for prospective Welfare Officers gomg to Malaya. . Ten week-end Courses were held; the most popular bemg. ~he Secretaries and Treasurers, the Casualty Make-up and the Compe~lhon Courses. The basic principle of Training C:0urses as a model for Bngade training has been taken up by the Counties at County, Area and orps level. The Summer Training Camp was again held. a~ Hopton-on- ea and was attended by 7 0 delegates. The trainin g was d~vIded mto tw.o cou r es, one on the methods of Teaching, and the other m general Bngade subjects. I was pleased to be able to visit the Camp, and ee the xcellent arrangemen ts. CONFERENCES

The Commissioners' Conference was held on 20th Jun~ at St. J o~'m House and was well attended. I was very glad to have thIS oppOrtU~llty of meeting Commissioners, and of discussing with them matters of polIcy. The Presidents' Conference was held on the 22nd October at th e Draper's Hall. One hundred and eighty Presidents and Yice-Presidents were present and the result should be a better :rnderst~ndmg of the great help which can be given by Presidents and VIce-PresIdents at all levels of the Brigade . CIVIL DEFENCE

Closer contacts have been made with officials at the Home Office in charge of Civil Defence affairs. Senior officers have atten?ed the C~v~1 Defence Staff College and also the Tactical School at Sunru~gdale: CIVIl Defence Exercises designed to examine the problems of FIrst AId and Casualty Clearance have also been a.ttended: . . Discussions are still in progress WIth offiClals of t~e Ml111Stry of. He~lt? regarding the re-organisation of the Casualty SerVIce;; ~rom WhIC~ It IS hopeful that the Brigade ~il~ be given a role app~o1?I?-ate to the:r. experience, discipline and trammg. Although some DIVISIons. h.ave Jomed the Ambulance Section of the Civil Defence Corps as such, It IS apparent that there is still reluctance on the part of members of the Brigade to join the Civil Defence Corps as individua Is.

It i hoped that th e scheme to provide a panel of qualified Air Attendant will be put into operation next year. The new syllabus has been approved and the first classes will be held in April.


The Brigade Final Competition for the Dewar and Perrott Challenge Shield were held in the Central Hall, Westminster, on 5th July. The Challenge hield, Cups and Prizes were presented by Her Royal Highne :; The Du ch s of Gloucester, Deputy Commandant-in-Chief, Nursing Corp and Divi ions. Winner :-Dewar Shield, Wolverton Ambulance Division (Buckingham); Perrott hield, P almer's Green N ur ing Division (London Di trict). The winner of the Dewar and Perrott Shields represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions which were held at the entt-al Hall, We tminster, on r8th November, and I am very plea ed to r port that the Women 's Section was won by the Palmer's Green N ur ing Divi ion.


The following members Certificate:-


awarded the Meritorious


Private A. 1. Durham, Lynton and Lynmouth Division, East, South and North D evon. Nur ing Member Mr . Rogers, Twickenham Nursing Division, London (Prince of Wales's) Di trict. Private J. C. Collier, Bexleyheath Division, London (Prince of Wale ' ) District. Divisional Superintendent C. A. Durman, Lynton and Lynmouth Division, East, South and North Devon. Private T. Willis, Lynton and Lynmouth Division, East, South and North Devon. Private W. M. Durman, Lynton and Lynmouth Division, East, South and North Devon. Private E. R. Smith, Lynton and Lynmouth Division, East, South and North Devon.



A Certificate is awarded to Divisions of the Brigade which have been active for fifty consecutive years and the following Divi ions were awarded Certificates in 1952:Rawtenstall Nursing Division, Duke of Lanca_ ter's Di trict. Altrincham Ambulan~e Division, County of Cheshire. Liverpool Central Ambulance Di ision, Duk of Lanca t r's Distri~t. Manningtree Ambulance Division, County of Essex. Ware Ambulance Division, County o£ Hertford. Foleshill and Longford Ambulance Division, County of Warwick. Bolton Corps, Duke of Lancaster's District. Liverpool Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Caterham Ambulance Division, ounty of Surrey. Redruth Ambulance Division, County of ornwall. Bredbury and Romiley Ambulance Divi ion, County of Che hire. Whitefield Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Earby Ambulance Division, West RiJing of Yorkshire. Royal Arsenal and Boro' of Woolwich Ambulan: Division, London District. Barrow-in-Furness Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca t r' Distri~t. Birmingham (Lawley Street) Ambulance Divi ion, ounty of Birmingham. Burnley Nursing Division, Duke of Llllcaster' District. Burnlev Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Lancas-ter Ambulan:e Division, Duke of Lancast r's District. Newtown and New Mills Ambu~an~e Divi ian, County of he hire. Salford Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict. Bradford City Nursing Division. West Riding of Yorkshire. Keighley Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Keighley Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorksh ir . Cromer Ambulance Division, County of Norfolk. Rugby TOWIl i\mbnlance Division, County of Warwick. Teynham Ambulance Divis~on, County of Kent. Bradford City Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Chatham Ambulance DivislOn, County of Kent. CADETS

The continued growth of the Cadet Movement under the leadership of Mr. Guthrie Moir and ll'fiss V. Cunard is reflected in the statistics earlier in this report, and is a matter for ~ongratulation and encouragement. The various Training Courses and Conferenc:es have been maintained with continued success, including the Fifth Annu;:tl Training Course, this year held at Filey, when some 400 Cadet Officers attended. I attenceo this coursE' . The encouragement of Cadets to take up Camping has been one of the actIvities of Cadet Headquarters, and there are now I24 Officers holding the St. John Camping Warrant, I69 the St. Johnl Camp Training Certificate, and I9 the Camp Quartermastering Certificate. Ninety-two Cadet Camps were held in the summer of 1952. The Cadet Religious Advisory Panel has been formed under the chairmanship of the Bishop of Willesden. In an attempt to solve the problem of the shortage of officers, a new rank




has been introduced, that of "Cadet Leader," which envisages selected student members carrying out officer duties without having to hold the same rank a Adult or Cadet Officers. The duties are similar to that of a chool prefect. . E lOR OFFICERS

Among the changes whi:h have taken place during t~e year in the appointments of Commi sioners, I must refer to the retIrement of Mr. Langley Jones (Herts), Major Darvil Smith (Bu~ks). Mr. Bryce (Sussex), and Mr. Day (Kent) . ~Ir. Lang! y J onee; had over fifty-seven years' serv~ce in the Briga~e, and had been Commissioner for Hertfordshire smce I935; Ma Jor Darvil mith, m addition to being Commis ioner for Buckinghamshire since I923, wa for thirty-eiaht years Brigade Secretary; Mr. Bryce, Comml~ ionel for Su sex ince 1940, had over twenty-seven years' ervice in the Brigade, and Mr. Day had some twenty-three years' service. pace do s not permit in this report to set out details of the services of these Offi: rs, or to expre _ adequately my appreciation of their long and out tanding service, but as in the ~ase of Mr. Thornton (West Riding of York hire) and Mr. Embleton (_Torthumberland and Durham), who retired la t year, they have left behind them a splendid tradition of voluntary rvice to the Brigade which will be an inspiration to all who follow th m. Although not of 0 long a service as the above, I would add my appreciation of the services of Dr. Fox, the Commissioner for Guernsey, who ha erved the Brigade so well. ST. JOHl


I am induding reference to this department in my report because a proportion of the Welfare Officer are uniformed members of the Brigade. The COlmte s Mountbatten of Burma, as Chairman of the Servi~e Hospitals Welfare Committee, has reported as follows:"In command in the United Kingdom and Overseas one hundred and thirty-two Welfare Officers are now serving, of which thirty-five are Brigade members, who are posted as follows:I4 in the United Kingdom 6 Far East 5 B.A.O.R. 2 Japan 7 Middle East I Au tria "In Mar~h, as Ch8.irman of the Service Hospitals Welfare Committee, I carried out an extensIve tour of the Far East, including Japan and Korea, where I visited our St. John and Red Cross Welfare Offi:ers m Service Hospitals in Singapore, Malaya, Hong Kong, and Japan. I also visited our sick and wounded service-men in American, Swedish and Norwegian Hospitals as well as in the United Kingdom, Canadian and Indian Field Ambulances . As a result of my visit. a Welfare Officer, Miss Joan Metheral (St. John), was posted to the Canadian Field Dressing Station in Seoul . "Since I have been in Malta I have been able to visit most of our Welfare Officers in the Middle East area. The Service Hospitals visited included



those in Malta, the Canal Zone. Benghazi, Tripoli, Habbaniya, Trieste, and Cyprus. . . "Throughout my tours in all areas I have been mo t Impressed wIth the excellent work being done by all our Welfare Officers. "During the year, two St. John meT?bers, Miss Lavinia Baird and Mi s Anne Lawson, were appointed as Semor V.relfare Officers to H?ng ~ong and Austria respectively, and another t John member, 11 EJleen Woolwich, who was previously Senior Welfare Officer in Hong Kong, was appointed to Headqu2.rters Staff. ,", " "In November, Mrs. Bryans, Director of the :,erVlce HospItals Welfare Department, having been nominated Deputy Chairman of the British Red Cross Society, Miss N. de Mierre was selected to ucc~ed her as Director of the Department as from January 1st, 1953. In VIew of the splendid service given by Miss de Mierre, who is a member o~ the Brigade, both as Chief Welfare Officer in the field and Deputy DIrector of the Department, her promotion is well de erved. I am sure she will prove a worthy successor to Mrs. Bryans, and that the Department will continue to forge ahead under her wise guidance." OVERSEAS

There has been a great deal of expansion overseas, and eighty-six new Divisions were formed during the year, including places where, hith rto, there have been no units of the Brigade in existence. I wa very glad that we were able to arrange, on the advice of Dr. Buchanan, the A i tant Surgeon-in-Chief, a meeting of Directors of Medical ervice from overseas, many of whom are already giving great help and encourag ment to our overseas units. Apart from the Priories in the Dominions of Australia, Canada, Central African Commandery, India, New Zealand and South Africa (where reports are rendered separately), the following gives a brief outline of the work of the Brigade overseas.

Tours .-Early in the year I paid a visit to Cyprus, Ceylon, Borneo, Singapore, Malaya, HunE! Kong, Fiji, AustralIa and Canada. In all places I was impressed with the great activity of the Brigade and with the possibilities of development, particularly in those places where the Brigade is only now being established. The Superintendent-in-Chief visited the Far East and also paid vi its to St. John units in Singapore, Malaya and Hong Kong. The Countess of Brecknock (whose title during the year was changed to Controller Overseas Department) made an extensive tour in February 195 2 , visiting East Africa, Rhodesia and Mauritius, inspecting units of the Brigade in all Districts. Federation 01 Malaya .-An outstanding feature of the year was the decision by Chapter General to comply with the request of Sir Gerald Templer that the Order of St. John should contribute to the Resettlement Scheme in Malaya. A selection was made of personnel for 25 teams (each consisting of a State Registered Nurse and a Welfare Officer). The Officer chosen to administer the scheme was Miss Miller, seconded from being County Nursing Officer for Suffolk. She left for Malaya at the end of August and by the end of the year 2'3 teams had been selected, 14 of which had reached Malaya.



The Brigade in Malaya is making great progress. Unfortunately Dr. D. S. Macpherson has had to resign as Commissioner on his departure from Malaya, but I am glad that Dr. H. M. O. Lester, the Director of Medical Service, agreed to accept this appointment. Excellent work has been put in by the St. John Headquarters Officer, Miss Richer.

ingapore.-Here, as in Malaya, great strides have been made since the appointment of a St. John Liaison Officer in the person of Mrs. Gerrity. The ommis ioner, Dr. Haridas, has now a strong and efficient Di trict under hi command and five new Divi ions have been formed. Exc 11 nt work is being carried on in the Social Welfare Centres. Members of the Brigade were proud to be visited by H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent during her tay in ingapore. H ong Kong. - As in ingapore, members of the Brigade had the pri il ge of meeting H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent during the year. There has been a great deal of reorganization during the year in regard to the standardization of e tabli hments, uniform, equipment, etc. Most of the Divi ion are up to strength and the Brigade is already double its pre-war trength. The fine work of the "Penetration Squad" has continued throughout the year. Twenty-eight vi it of the quad were made to remote islands and rural communiti ,where on-th - pot medical and dental treatments w re given with help from the police, who furni hed transport and - upport for the Iedical Department in the i ue of medical supplies. Public duti e have been many and varied. In addition to normal duties member have been on duty at serious fires and landslides. Borneo.-A vi it to Borneo wa paid by Mrs. Gerrity, the St. John Headquarter Officer in Singapore. The Brigade in Borneo is still in its early stage, but progress is being made along the right lines. Fiji.-I was glad to meet the Commissioner for Fiji, Dr. J. M. Cruikhank, and to hear of the plans which are being made for the building of a Headquarter, a prefabricated building having been purchased in this country for th purpose. In the hurricane disaster, the Brigade at Suva carried out excellent work. Plan are being made to extend the activities of the Brigade to the country districts and the mine. Ceylon.-The Brigade in Ceylon continues to keep up its strength and efficiency, particularly in the Ceylon Police. A site has been acquired for a Headquarters with the help of the Government and it is hoped that our work will expand in the new Health areas where all non-medical personnel must be St. John First Aid trained. Mauritius .-A new Division has been formed from among the Police administrative staff. The Brigade, although not very long established, is progressing and among its activities is the organization of a blood bank. Zanzibar.-Expansion proceeding, and the Order have given a grant to be spent on Training Manuals.

East Africa .- The work of Mi s Best, St. John Headquarters Officer in this area, has proved invaluable and expansion everywhere i noticeable.


Kenya.-Under the leadership of Sir Godfrey Rhod s and with The Countess of Portsmouth as Di trict Superintendent (N) there is a distinct and encouraging improvement, particularly as regards Cadets. Seven First Aid Post have been equipped in case th ervice of the Brigade are called for in connection with Mau Mau trouble. The Brigade took a prominent part in arrangement for th v~ it of Her Majesty The Queen, then Princess Elizabeth. Efforts are being started which, with the help of the Order, will, I hope, result in the building of a Headquarters. Tanganyika.-There is a strengthening of the position over the pa t three years. Previously any activities have been confin d to Dar-e-Salaam, but with the training of Lay Lecturers beginning are being made in several other places. There is a great need for a permanent Headquarters, and I am hopeful that a start will oon b made in providing this. Uganda.- The Brigade here is strongest among the Police , but th re are signs that there will be a revival of activity on the Railway. Th re is expansion amongst the African and Asian youth. A St. John Liaison Officer should be appointed, for I feel there are great opportunities in Uganda for development.

Central Africa.-During the year the Chapter-General approved the foundation of a Commandery for Central Africa. Colonel Sir Elli Robin, formerly Commissioner of the Brigade in outhern Rhode ia, ha been appointed Lieutenant of the Commandery, and Di trict omml lOner Sir Arthur Griffin has been appointed as Commandery ommiSSlOner and Doctor Gasson appointed Commi sioner of the Rhode ian Railways District. The Brigade is already well establi-hed in Southern Rhodesia and Units in Northern Rhodesia are being formed round Lu aka and in Livingstone. West Africa.-The chief work in West Africa is so far largely confined to the Association and the number of classes held have only now reached the point when the foundation of Units is possible. This is an area which requires attention, and steps are being taken to this end with the DirectorGeneral of the Association. Mediterranean Malta.-For many years the Brigade in Malta has been a strong and enthusiastic body under the leadership of Colonel J. V. Abela, and this condition, I am glad to say, has been firmly maintained. A new wing has been opened at the District Headquarters in St. James's Counterguard and the Commissioner reports that these Headquarters are now a worthy home for the Brigade . Cyprus.-The recently formed Divisions in the Island have been maintained, as well as those recruited from the Cyprus Police. I am glad to know that the formation of classes and the beginnings of Brigade Units are spreading to many parts of the Island and in industry. Gibraltar.-The Divisions among the Police and Fire Brigade have been well maintained, as also the Nursing Division and the Cadet Nursing



I?ivision. I believe t~~re is room for expansion among various organizahons such as the Bntish European Airways, the Dockyard, and also in the Town and Industry.

Bermuda a'l d the British West Indies Bermuda.-I regret to announce the resignation of the Commissioner, Colonel Earl, and the. Lady District Superintendent, Lady Hall, who have done such magmficent work for the Brigade in Bermuda. It is hoped,. ~owev. r, to be able to announce the appointment of a new Commls lOner m the near future. Bahamas. - The Police are working- well and many certificates have been obtained. Steps have been taken to spread First Aid work in the Out-Island . Barbados.-A new Division among the Police has been formed and there i to b~ a recruiting drill during the year I953. Among the activities of the Di tnct is the organization of a St. John Old People's Welfare Fund and a t . ) ohn Eye Fund, both of which have proved of great help to many de ervmg ca es. . ] am~ica.- nder the leadership of Dr. Hoerman our unit in Jamaica tartmg: to pread to the outlying districts. Much Public Duty has been done. A Ite for a new H eadquarters has been acquired and the acquisition of the property i a great tep forward. .


. Tr.inidad.- pl.endid 'p~~gress has been made in this newly formed dl tnct, wh re elg?t DIVI IOns h~v.e been formed in the first year. Mr. R.. Cox has r tired as Commi lOner after putting in a great deal of pIOneer work. C.renada. -Fo~ the first time a unit of the Brigade has been formed dunng the year m Grenada, of which District Brigadier P. J. T. Pickthall, :'II. C., ha been a ppoin ted Commissioner. Colonel .ir. Harold Mitchell has been appointed by the Order as Honorary LIaIson Officer for the Caribbean area and with the help of the two t. John Headquarters Officer -Mrs. Davie Smith and Miss Mi kin-~ill , I fee~ sure, be ?f the greatest help and encouragement. ~ ha v mcluded m the mam report matters covering all sections of the Bngad . I should, however, like to include the following quotations from ~he report. by the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Lady Dunbar Nasmlth, ubmitted to the up erintendent-in-Chief. . "The mo t n?table achievements of the year have been the consolidahon of the National Hospital Ser:rice ~e~~rve, the increase in Nursing Officers and th fact that a N ursmg DIVISIOn of the Brigade holds the Women's Grand Prior Trophy for First Aid. "The strength of the Nursing Divisions has been maintained over the country .as a whol , but to keep pace with the very heavy demands for the serVIces of the Nursing members this must be increa ed. "It is noticeable that the average age of Nursing members is lower, but more transfers from Cadet Divisions would be welcomed . Divisional Superintendents are payi~g·. ~pecial attenti~n to planning an interesting ye~rly. progr~mme for DIVISIonal Instructional Meetings and to social actiVIties, whIch have been instrumental in attracting the younger recruit.



With such plans Surgeons, Nursing Officers and Pre idents have given much help. One is pleased to see many Presidents at all levels taking an .active part in ~he work of St. John. "It is becoming increa ingly difficult to fill senior posts in a county. This, I think, is largely due to lack of leisure, but also to a di inclination to accept responsibility. Should ~hi continue it must prove a matter 'of concern. "The unselfi h spirit of service within the Brigade is as high as ever :and is typified by the number and scope of the duties recorded. "During the past year I have been truck anew by the many acts of kindness which have corne to my notice outside duties u ually associated with the Brigade. This has strengthened the tru t of the public in our work and is in accord with the true traditions of St. John. "I have been kept in touch with the Over ea Department by Lady Brecknock and by my membership of the Over ea Department Committee. "I would like to put on record that my responsibility for the Nursing Divisions during your absence, Madam, has been greatly lightened by the work of Mrs. Grosvenor, Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn and Mi s Harrison, together with the co-operation of all the staff at Headquarter. "The Nursing Divisions throughout the country are fully conscious of, and much appreciate, the interest shown in them and in their work by the Commissioner-in-Chief and the Deputy Commis ioner-in- hi f." In approving the above remarks concerning the N ur ing Corps and Divisions the Superintendent-in-Chief, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, writes: "I would like to add my personal gratitude to Lady Dunbar-Na mith whose selfless work, wise guidance, and out tanding ability have contributed so greatly to the ever increasing strength of the N ur ing Divi ions during this las~ year as over the many preceding one." I should like to associate myself with these sentiment. I am continually aware of the debt we owe to the members of the Medical and Nursing professions and I am grateful to the Surgeon-inChief, Major A. C. White-Knox, for the work of his Department, in which he is assisted by his Deputy, Dr. M. M. Scott, and his Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief for Overseas, Dr. Buchanan, and to Miss HamiltonWedderburn, S.R.N., the Chief Nursing Officer. To my Deputy, Brigadier T. D. Daly, I am grateful particularly for undertaking the duties of Commissioner-in-Chief during my absence abroad, and to my Assistant Commissioners-in-Chief, Colonel H. MostynOwen and Brigadier A. Ritchie. It must not be forgotten, however, that the Brigade could not function without the self sacrificing devotion of the Commissioners, Officers and Members in the Districts and Counties, and to them I would express the deepest appreciation. The demands on their services are ever increasing.



(Signed) O. M. LUND,

Lieut.-General, Commissioner-in-C hie!.


March 1953. The Almoner ha~ made regular reports at meetings of Chapter-General on the current work of the Joint Committee; and the Joint Committee, a u ual, ha i ued its own Annual Report for ~95I-52. The following are point of -pecial interest:Th total of the Gen ral Expenditure and of the net Departmental Expenditure incurred during the year was £365,392. After creating a re erve for depreciation of Investments, the depletion of the General Fund in the year amounted to £410,470. It is recorded that in general the state of th finances of th e Joint Committee continues to be sound and ati factory, and no question has arisen of curtailing the established cal of expenditure on relief. It was reported last year that the residual balance of the War Organisation General Fund had been transformed into a Joint War and Special Emergency Reserve: from this a sum of near~y £10,000 has been drawn to pay for relief supplies, for prisoners of war In North Korean hand, provided by the British Red Cross Society and th. Ord r of t. John, in accordance with the settled plan of collaboratlOn. Parcels of food, medical supplies and tobacco, and stocks of co~fo.rts are now stored in outh Korea ready for use if a channel of rehef 1 open d to the prisoner of war camps in North Korea. More money will be available from the same source as required. Th Emer o ncy r:elp ar:d After. Car I?epartment spent approximately £n6,ooo on financIal as 1 tance In vanous forms to war-disabled exe.rvice per onnel and their dependents. The help and care given by thl Department does not always take a financial form, and in all 85,000 ex- . CrviC men and .women r ceived attention from the Department. Assl tance was also gIven to 124 nurses and V.A.D.s who served in the Forces d~ring: the w~r, and 90 ex-Officers were also helped. The scheme for sendmg, In peClal ca e , pen ioners suffering from tuberculosis to Switz rland, for anatorium treatment, continues to justify itself fully, twenty-four having been a sisted in this manner. In. the me~ical field the he~1th instit~tions for which the Hospital and MedlCal SerVICes Dep~rtment IS responsIble were advantageously utilised. The .five bungalows gIven by the Pilgrim Trust, and the five bungalows prOVIded by the Bernard Baron Trust, have been completed at the Settlement for Paraplegics ~t "K~es," near Watford, and are now occupied. These very gen~rous gIfts .bnng the total number of bungalows to thirtytwo. The JOInt CommIttee has decided to make a further grant of £2~,OOO f?r the construction of eight additional bungalows to complete thIS admIrabl~ Settlement. The Norfolk Settlement for severely disabled. ex-ServIce men and their families, mentioned last year for the first hme, is now well established, and has proved a marked success. With the va.lue? assistapce. of the Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College ~f MId~Ives, and the Queen's Institute of District Nursing, scholarshIps contInue to be awarded to State Registered Nurses wishing to study for Post Graduate co~rses in certain specific ubjects, and twentys~ven awards were made dunng the year. Successful candidates for the SIster Tutor Course included a Nursing Officer of the St. John Ambulance


Brigade and the Nurse Superintendent of a Briti h Red Cro~s Soci ty Detachment. A gratifying number of letters have ?een receIved from nurses showing their appreciation of these scholarshll?s, an? that, a . a direct result of their award, many have b~ome actI ely mterested m the training of members of the Order and Society, and in the work of the two Bodies. . . The Burleigh House Hostel for Post-Graduate Nur e s~udent , o~Igm­ ally provided and maintained .at ~he expen e of the .JOInt 0!DmIttee, has been re-named Florence Nlghtmgale Hou e. .~l ~Ile the J o.mt Committee retains its interest in the property, responsIbIlIty for mamt nan<: as a hostel now devolves on the National Florence Nightingale 1emorial Committee of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Hospital Library Department. has continued to do excellent w~rk both for the patients in ervice ho pltal , and al 0, by arrangement wIth the Ministry of Health, for civilian patient. A from th I. t July, 195 2, rising costs necessitated the raising of t~e ~nn~al.. capltatIo.n fee to 7 / - per occupied bed fo.r .the Library ervl~ e m clvIha!l hospItal , ~nd thanks are due to the Imlstry of Health for sympathet~c understandm.g of the position of the Joint Committee in regard to .thl matter. It IS worthy of note that not one civilian hospital h~s ~Ithdra\\'n from the scheme on account of the increased charg , whIch mde d \\"ould h~ve to be higher still were it not for the large amount of voluntary servIce provided. . . The mileage run and the number of patIents carned by the Headquarters fleet of ambulances of the Home en ice Ambulanc Depa.rtment, under the agency arrangements with the London ounty: Couno.I, bo~h show increases over the previous year, and the c.o-operatIv~ relatlOnshlp between the London County Council and the J omt CommIttee ha contributed in no small measure to the success 01 the arran gem nt. In the Counties, while, as foreseen, the general tendensy. is. f?r the agen~y ervice on behalf of the local health authorities to dlmImsh, the fallmg off is less than anti~ipated, and indeed in certain areas an increa in ambulance strength has occurred owing to the special need of tho e ar~as. The ambulance service, as was required, has become self-supporting, the rate of charge to the London County Council having been yitably adjusted. The Mobile X-Ray Section of the Department ha agam been fully employed and economically administered. Concluding his Foreword to the Joint Committee's Annual ~ep?rt, Lord Wakehurst said: "Such, in brief outline, are some of the adlVlbes of the J oint Committee during the past year, real.is~d in large me~sure by the devotion, harmonious co-operation and. wIllmg work provldcd"by the staff of our various Departments, for whIch we are most grateful. MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN

The number of visitors increased considerably, the total being over 2,3 00 . Among distinguis.hed visitors wer~ F~eld ~arshal Sir WilliaI? Slim, the Marquis of LothIan, Count Cze~wmsk.l, Kmght of Malta, and SIr Gordon Lethem, Hospitaller for the ScottIsh Pnory. . The cleaning of pictures proceeds slowly, fo~ we have no.w arnved at a stage when to repair the ravages of centunes of neglect IS no easy task.



The number of serious students who make use of our Library <:ontinues to increa e. Once again it should be stressed that the Library exi 15 for th encouragement of research. We are prepared to give help to any student, quite regardless of his or her degree of scholar~hip .. The only publication r specting the Order broug~t to notice. smce the last report wa an official publication of the SovereIgn Order entItled: "Ordre ouverain et Militaire Jerosolymitain de Malte." This sumptuous folio volume dited by Bailiff ount Rudolf Prokopowski is magnifi. . . cently illustrated with ~u~ h new matter. Among outstanding gIft, there was the exqUlslte thIrteenth century charter of the Preceptory of Chippenham, presented by Mr. J. W. HelyHutchin on, and that after we had failed to acquire it by purchase. Other outstanding deeds include a lea e dated 1514, from the Prior to Ja per Kyna ton, of property in Ellesmere, Shrop hire. This document bears the al of the Order and the Counterseal of Sir Thomas Do~ wra, that appendage bing in almost mint condition. This latter deed ha been depo ited here by ir Ronald Storrs, Knight of Justice. In addition to these, Colonel . H. Loweth, County Ar~hitect for Kent, has donated a veritable trea ure trove in the form of thirteen early deeds relating to Order property in the Dartford area, induding the famous hou e at utton-at-Hone. By purcha e, there was acquired two fine carved chest which were submitted to auction at the Rossie Manor Salea large cas one from Malta of early ixteenth century date, probably of bay wood, tooether with a small che t of walnut carved in very high reli f, and bearing the arms of the Order and Grand Ma ter Pinto. Al 0 acquired wa a half armour of the late ixteenth century date, at one time part of the armament of a fort in the island of Gozo. A grievou los was su tained by the death of ir Edwin King on 11th July. His fir t ex~utive offise in the Order was that of Librarian. By the quality of his many hi torical contributions Sir Eclwin has placed himself in the ame cla s as the Abbe Vertot, M. Delaville Ie Roulx and the classic historians of the Order for all time. In the Venerable Order he wa supreme. One month later he wa followed to the grave by 1r. H. W. Fincham. This remarkable man devoted ixty-four years of his life almost entirely to the advancem nt of the Order. Hi handiwork, both in the Church and in the Gate, is everywhere evident. R. WILLIAMS, Librarian. STORES DEPARTMENT 35,010 orders for supplie were received from the St. John Ambulance Association, the St. John Ambulance Brigade, National and Educational Organi ation . To meet the demands I,42I,923 articles had to be counted, packed and despatched. In addition 4,360,2"00 paper flags were supplied for St. John Flag Days. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS

Publicaiions .-The increase in the number of copies sold was 45,780. llressings and B amdages .-Demands decreased the total sold by I2,272. It seems that adhesive dressings are fast taking the place of the lint and bandage dressing for wounds.


Badges and Buttons.-In this group there was an. incr~ase ~f 49,r.02, due in the main to orders received from overseas, nationalIsed mdustnes, and the new badges for Members of the Order, etc. First Aid Outfits.-Demands were lower by r,960. Brigade units are almost equipped with the new haversack container and therefore only 2,925 were supplied. The sales of other outfits were maintained. Stretchers, Slings, etc.-Sales increased by 5,340. The St. John (telescopic handles) stretcher is still a good seller, as thi type of stretcher is in use by many Ambulance Services throughout the country. THE PRIORY OF SCOTLAND THE FESTIVAL OF ST. JOR

On 25th June the Annual Commemoration rvice and Investiture of the Order was held in Glasgow. Members of the Priory and their guests celebrated Holy Communion in the Bla:cader Chapel of Glasgow Cathedral. Later a meeting of PrioryChapter was held in the Sacristy of the Cathedral, after which Memb r of Chapter were entertained to lunch in the City Chambers by the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Glasgow. At the Commemoration Service in the Cathedral, the Sub-Prelate, Dr. Nevile Davidson, preached a most dignified and impressive sermon. Mter the service members and their guests were conveyed to the City Chambers where the Prior of Scotland graciously welcomed the guest of honour, The Lord Prior, Lord Wakehurst, the members of th Priory and their friends. After receiving the reports of the Executive Officers, the Prior of Scotland invested Postulants with the insignia of their various grades. In reply to the address of welcome, Lord Wakehurst congratulated the Priory of Scotland on the progress made in the various charitable activities in which it had been engaged. In the evening, on the invitation of the Lord Provost and Magistrates, members, their guests, and a number of officers and cadets from the United States Battleship, "Wisconsin," attended a Reception and Dance in the City Chambers, Glasgow. THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND.

Members of the Priory, its committees, and all engaged in the work of the Order in Scotland are reminded that they are eligible for membership of the St. John Association of Scotland. Members are entitled to wear a badge which can be had in either brooch or stud form. The badge is in a most attractive design depicting the plain white cross of the Order on a black ground and surrounded by the legend "The St. John Association of Scotland." Badges and full particulars may be had on application to the Priory-Secretary. THE GLASGOW COMMITTEE.

The Committee have had a good year. The Committee still maintain and equip two Medical Comforts Depots in the Glasgow district which perform a very necessary function for the benefit of the community. The Committee are again deeply grateful to Sir Alexander B. King,



who ran two charity shows in his Cinemas in March, as a result of which more than £400 was raised. . The Committee are also grateful to Lady Warren, who orgamsed a Coffee Morning at the City Chambers which realis d a to.tal of m?re than £590. This effort was made on behalf of the Fo~ndatIOn ~ospItal and the whole sum realised was passed on to the HospItal CommIttee. THE EDI:l\TBURGH COMMITTEE.

The ommittee's work continue to be devoted to the Hospice at Carberry Tower which has now. be~OI:ne mo~e widely known in Scotland. The demand for accommodatIOn IS IncreasIng. Principally tho e who take advantage of the J:Iospice .are those in ~eed of a summer holiday and those who have been In hospItal and reqUlre .a period of convalescence. The latter are sent by almoners, and th~Ir vi it are not confined to the summer months. The length of stay vanes from two to four week but may be prolonged during the rest of the y~ar. Having r gard to the desirability of ~eepin~ t?e. fees a~ low as pOSSIble and with the mal1 number of beds avaIlable, It IS Imposslble to make the Ho pice completely self-supporting and it is necessC)..ty for the Commi~te~ to be active in raising funds. A Coffee Party held In November raIsed £r60. THE ABERDEEN


Two-and-a-half years ago the Committee purchased what is now known a Th t. J ohn Nursing Home. The total cost, indudi~g additions and renovations, amounted to over £3r,OOO. The CommIttee themselves as urn d ntire respon ibility for this , and it is a matter of great satisfaction to them that two-thirds of th eir debt has now been liquidated. The Home i run by a \'ery efficient and devoted staff and there is very rea on to believe it is highly esteemed in the community. The Committee b li v it i as modernly-equipped now as, perha ps, any imilar e tablishment in the country. It is the only nursing home of its kind in Aberdeen out ide state-owned institutions. During the year 465 ordinary patients were admitted to the Home . In addition there were 637 out-patients-i.e., patients who came for X-Ray or other treatment and were "in" and "out" on the same day. There were 347 surgical operations. THE FRIE DS OF ST. JOH , ABERDEEN.

The strength of the Friends of St. John has increased tremendously in the past year, and in eighteen months they have raised £2,766. In the past six months £438 has been used from this fund to help those who required it, to pay partly or wholly, their fees at the St. John Nursing Home, Aberdeen. Many touching and appreciative letters testify to the gratitude of those whom the Friends have, in this way, been able to help. The main strength of the Friends' Committee this year was concentrated on the preparation and organisation of the Caledonian Market, which was held at the Music Hall on October 25th, and which raised the sum of £r,028 (net).




The Order of t. John Foundation Hospital, which is the pri!lcipal Foundation of the Priory of Scotland, completed a record y ~r III the matter of admis ion of patients and of the number of operation pe~­ formed. The Hospital has now been .in commission for fi:re y ar and, m that time, 1,821 patients have receIved treatment, whIle near.ly lAoO operations have been performed. It i. most gr~tifying that the patient and their friends continue to express theIr appreCIation of the treatm nt and comfort to be found in the Ho pital. . . Thanks are .conveyed to the Linen Guild for It excel! nt ervIce; in addition to maintaining the linen and dome tic eq~ipment it ha J?ade a very acceptable donation to the funds of the. HospI~al. The. AU:Ghary Committee has al 0 made a very useful donatlOn besldes makmg It possible to remit fees in suitable case. The Glasgow ommittce of the Priory has again given us great finan~ial assistance from th proceed of a Coffee Morning in the City hambers, a great part of th ucce s of which was due to the work and administrative skill of Lady \Varrcn . The Hospital Committee expresses its grat~ful thanks to all !he e. During the year 375 patients wer~ admltted to the ~o pital and 3?5 discharged, of wh}ch 273 were classIfied as well, 49 as ImprOVe?, 25 m statu quo and I was transferred to another hospltal. Out-pahent, to the number of 45, received treatment. Operations p rform d numbered 323, of which 37 were major and 286 mino.r. T~e average .number of beds occupied throughout the year wa 12; It vaned from 8 m Jan uary to 16 in March.




Thc volumc of work carried out in 1952 set up a new record of peace tim achievement . The 1,230 clas es examined are 193 more than those held und r the Priory in 1951 and an increase of 4,539 brings the number of award gain ed by ucce ~ ful tudents to 19,978 . The number of Fir t Aid C rtificates gained was nearly doubled, this rise being very largely due to the re-qualification of deputies in mines und rational oal Board requirements. The advancement of First Aid in the mining indu try in outh Wales is reflected also in the Preliminary cla es \: h re the issue of 4A79 Preliminary certificates covered 2,337 mining trainee . Th Hygi nic Food Handling ourse is providing further opportunities for u ful contact with indu try through canteen manager which it is hop d may open up new avenues of approach in respect of First Aid in truction. There i nothing sub tantial to record as a result of the steps taken to inter t the appropriate officials of all local authorities in Wales, but at thc do of the year a cla of over a hundred representative food handl r attended a cour e of lecture organised by the Priory in Cardiff. ommi 'ioncr ha\'c been encouraged to take advantage of the permisiv po t of County Organi er authorised by the Ambulance Committee \\'ith a view to all a pect of Association work being purposefully dev lop d in th counti rather than leaving cla e to evolve on their own initiativ .


The good work done by the members has been maint.ained throughout the year. The Hospital linen has been regularly repaired and replacements made where necessary.


The librarian would wekome a gift of the publications of the cotti h Ecdesiological Society, especially of Volume II which contains an important work by Edwards on the Knights Ho~pitallers in c?tland, and Volume IV which contains his study of the Kmghts Templars ill cotland. To anyone studying the history of the religious orders in cotland, however, the whole set of these publications would be of great use.


The Department ·continues to render good service thro.ugh more tha?thirty Depots. Returns show an increased demand for SIck-room reqUlsites and it is gratifying to record that the past year has been the most successful one in the history of the Department. A few of the smaller Depots have become redundant, but to counter-balance this other lar~er Depots have been opened in district~ hitherto untouched, thereby mamtaining the number of centres operatmg.



First Aid

195 2 15, 21 5 195 1 II, 26 4 1950 . 12,149


Prelim. First Aid

Hom e Nursing

5,3 2 3 3,7 16 2,4 2 4

1,633 1,54 2 1,070

Prelim. Prelim. Home Home Nursing Hygiene 506 62 3 57 8

28 33

Prelim. Child Welfare Mining 101 81 40


First Aid Certificates Preliminary First Aid Certificates Vouchers Marine Certificates Home Nur ing Certificates Preliminary Home Nursing Certificates Preliminary Home Hygiene Certificates Preliminary Child W elfare Certificates First Aid in Mines Certificates First Aid in Min es Labels Medallions Labels P endants

28 9 19 39

1952, 1951, 195 0



5,154 4 ,479 1, 12 5 108 695 39 1 28 95 4

2,5 86 3,226 939 94 68 4 52 7 29 69 13 3

95 2 6 ,06 9 650

5,9 60 633


Total 23,095 17,278 16,3° 0


1950 3,296 2, 06 4 74 8 56

41 3

4 82

39 37 69 2 5,806 534




CLASSIFICATION OF RESULTS UNDER COUNTIES AND OTHER CATEGORIES County Anglesey Breconshin! Caernarvonshire Cardiganshire Carmarthenshire D enbigbsbi re Flintshire Glarnorgan Merionethshire Monmouthshire Montgomeryshire P em brokeshire Radnorshire Aberdare Ca rdiff Merthyr T ydfil N ewport Rh ondda Swansea Unattached Marine Candidates.

No. of Classes

1952 1951 10 8 37 49 34 40 24 2'J 1 5 9 68 76 28 34 355 25 6 16 I7 186 I 2 31 30 23 19 5 3 61 51 50 58 35 31 2 31 71 46 52 52 2

No . of StLldents

1950 1952 I..p 10 0 729 3 608 34 17 494 57 1.622 56 1.35 8 2 527 23 6 6,4 19 10 259 17 2 3.773 21 520 18 364 54 4 40 1.5 01 54 1,057 73 1 34 582 31 34 1,47 8 58 38 2 34

1951 15 6 44 6

1950 182

A lVards Gain ed

1952 I~O

568 345 539 59 1 4 19 329 97 8 1.4 60 933 I.JOO 45 2 434

49 4 16 1.077 1,199 49 1 4. 066 3·9I7 5.197 226 15 1 25 2. 99 2.775 3. 0 75 3 2 435 54 6 28 5 309 35 1 21 9 67 47 1.040 9 1I 1.261 9 0 83 1 99 1 61 4 65 8 465 59! 495 599 87 1 593 1,14 6 820 99 0 1.0 19 27 63 32 108 1

1951 1950 15 0 145 275 379 4 67 453 275 33 2 83 8 997 1.061 79 6 362 405 3,55 3.53 8 2[2 133 2,702 2.4 1 5 33 I 459 262 3 14 64 134 811 927 769 795 56 442 533 4 4 6 6 453 934 906 52 27 56 94

(First Aid)

1,235 1,037 946 23.095 17,278 16,300 19.97 8 15,439 14. 16 7

BRIGADE STRENGTH The progress in numbers r ecorded in I95I has b een maintained and th e membership of the Brigade as at th e 3Ist D ecember, I952 stands at 145 26 . This increase comprises 285 male members, I52 female and 2I7 Ambulance Cadets, but the Nursing Cadet strength has dropped by 49· The latter decrease is offset to some extent by the enrolment of I04 additional St. John Junior Girls, but these are not taken into account in the total Brigade strength. During the year 5 Ambulance, 5 Nursing, 2 Combined Ambulance and Nursing, 5 Ambulance Cadet, 6 Nursing Cadet and 2 Combined Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Divisions were formed, but again t this 8 Ambulance, 3 Nursing, 5 Ambulance Cadet and 7 Nursing Cadet Divisions were disbanded as inactive units, I Nur;;ing Division being amalgamated with an Ambulance unit.

M en Headq uarter Staff 7 Commissioners 17 Centre ommis io ners 2 Deputy Commissioners 10 Deputy Centre Commissioners II County urgeons . ntre urgeons 2 2 County Superintendents Centre Upt rintendent County bff Officers 33 Centre tail Officers 2 County Cad·t Officers 9 2 Ccntre Cadet Offic r Area Commi sioners 12 rea urgeons 5 Area uperintend nts 5 rea Nursing Officer Area 'taff Of11cers 13 ]2 Area Cadet Officers 164 orps Officers . Divisional Officers 81 5 C.O·s 501 PrivatC'· 4, 60 4 Total

B oys Cadets (including Officers) t . John Junior Boy Units orps Ambulance Divisions Nursing Divi ions Combined Ambulance and ursing Divisions Cadet Ambulance Divisions Cadet ursing Division Combined mbulance a nd Nursing Cadet Divisions

6.23 1

3.5 19 21 5


Wom en Headquarters Staff County Superintenden ts Centre Superintendents Co unty Nursing Officers County Staff Officers County Cadet Officers Centre Cadet Officers Area Superintendent Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officers Area Cadet Officers Corps Officers . Divisional Officers N.C.O's I ursing Members

6 9 2 3 7 6 2 I

8 8 21 29 2 39 1,644


T otal

Girls Cadets (including Officers) t. J ohn Junior Girls.

2,7 27 418


53 282 133

6,23 1 2,049 3.5 19 2,7 27

Men iNomen Boys Girls


17 8 135 5

14,5 26 In addition: St. John Juniors


BRIGADE ACTIVITIES The table b elow gives th e number of hours as recorded in the annual returns sp ent by Brigade personnel on Ambulance and Nursing duties:Hours Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties . ur ing Aid Clinics Blood Transfusion Miscellaneo us Duties

104.502 61,944 17,405 866 715 1,443 14,163

Hours given to Cadet duti es by Ambulance and Nursing Cadets are d etailed as under:Hours Public Duties Transport Duties H 6sp ital Duties . Miscellaneous Duties

12,53 8 5.739 1,677 2.275






On Public Duty . Off Public Duty . Treated by Paid Personnel . AMBULA CE TRA

19,499 20,0 6 5 14 I ,002


Invalids Removed No. of Road Accidents o. of Other Accidents Total Mileage

2 I ,


293 2,119


1,4 0

Brigade units are maintaining 9 Road Boxe , 5 Beach Hut and 41 Medical Comforts Depots. The type of ervice rendered vari according to local condition. In the coastal towns during summertime the re ource are concentrat d on making First Aid facilities immediately available. The Brigad in Llandudno, for instance, this year provided it elf with a motor caravan designed and equipped to bring the best po sible aid sp dily to the cen of any accident. Conferences. A discussion at the Ambulance Committee on the ne d for opportunities for adult officers to get together at a conference organi ed at Priory level with the object of introducing n w id a and r vi ing the old methods of teaching led to the fir t Conference of enior offic r of the Brigade in Wales. This was held on a , eek-end in Glan-y-mor, Barry, where 100 officers in residence welcomed the Commis ioner-in- hief, (Lieut.-General Sir Otto Lund), the urgeon-in-Chi f (Major A. White-Knox), and the Brigade Secretary (Mr. G. F. Quilt r) on th ir first visit to Wales. Benefiting by his experience at Barry, the Commi ioner for 10ntgomeryshire organised a Training Week-end for Officer in hi county. Wales was represented at Conferences arranged by London H adquarters for Presidents, Nursing Officers and Surgeons. CADET OFFICER' S REPORT

There has been a net increase of 5 Cadet Divi ions. While I Ambulance and five Nursing Cadets Divisions have been disbanded, 5 Nursing adet and 6 Ambulance Cadet Divisions have been formed. Training. Almost 100 Cadet Offkers attended the Training Course at Glan-y-mor, Barry, where guest speakers were Miss R. C. Hadow (Field Officer of the Church of England Youth Council), Dr. C. H. Drake (County Surgeon of Gloucester); Miss Bernice Davies (Organiser of Physical Recreation for Cardiff) took a session on American Square Dancing; Barry Ambulance Cadets gave a practical demonstration of Cadet activities and Barry Nursing Cadets carried through a demonstration Enrolment Ceremony. As in 1951, the Rev. R. Holtam made a valued contribution as chaplain. A similar Course held in an hotel in Colwyn Bay was a great success. The Deputy Commissioner for Hereford, Mr. H. J. Harris, spoke on the History of the Order, and Nursing Officer Mrs. Robert-Jones, of Holyhead, gave a talk, illustrated by dramatic episodes by the Holyhead Cadets, on the value of drama in teaching First Aid. A practical Competi-


tion Session wa taken by Dr. and Mrs. Davies-Jone , assisted by Colwyn Bay ad t . An N. .0. Training Day held in Cardiff was attended by 66 N.C.O.s from all part of South Wale. ounty and Area training for Cadet Officer has been arranged admirably in the counties of Monmouthshire and Montgomeryshire, in the County Area of Brigend, Aberavon and Trevethin; and in the Rhondda entre, where in addition a splendid Conference for all Officers of th ntre League Fir t Aid Competitions was held between the Ambulance adet Divi ion throughout the winter, with the object of stimulating intere t in Divisions which had never done Competition work befor . In t ad of the County / Area Cadet Officer' Conference usually held in the Autumn it wa agr ed to combine with the Senior Officers' emf renc being held for th fir t time, and the County and Area Cadet Offi" r acted a teward Camping. It i ncouraging to find that the past three Training Camps ar now bearing fruit and that canva camping is becoming more and more popular, 48 Division having taken part in canvas camping this y ar. Grand Prior Badges.


even teen nursing cadets gained the Grand Prior

during 1952.

ivil Defence. The National Ho~pital ervice Reserve i the branch of Civil D f nc in which the Brigade has undertaken a definite obligation. The numb r of Nur ing Auxiliaries enrolled through the Brigade on the tr ngth at th end of the year was 2,340, an increa e of 604 on 1951. As th number incrca e the target appears to recede and it becomes progr iv ly mor difficult to attract recruits. A welcome stimulus was afforded by the vi it of the Chief Nursing Officer (Mi Noreen HamiltonW dderburn) to Priory Headquarters on 2nd October. The on rou task of recruiting for the Res rve has not been entirely without r compen e to the Brigade. In several rural counties whole Divi ion ha e been formed from Nursing Auxiliaries enrolled into the Re erve and the incomplete return of a que tionnaire designed to show the full xtent of Brigade expansion through the N.H.S.R. already promi a highly atisfactory position. Brigade members are free to join any branch of Civil Defence and it is not urpri ing to find that a large proportion of those engaged on Ambulance Tran port work enrol in the Ambulance Section of the Civil D fence Corps. Members of the Brigade in pos e sion of the In tructors' Certificate in Basic Fir t Aid are qualified to act as Instructors at the request of the Civil Defence Corps and in Montgomeryshire the Commissioner held a one-day school on "Methods of Teaching", 56 Officers and Members attending the intensive course. Competitions. The Guest Surgeon on the panel of judges in the Welsh Brigade Final Competitions held at the City Hall, Cardiff, on 17th May, was Dr. M. M. Scott, Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. Eleven teams of men entered for the Llandinam Shield and four nursing teams competed for the Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup, with the following results:-

Liandinam Shield Lewis Merthyr Colliery Ambulance Divi ion 2nd Kenng Hill Ambulance Division 3 rd Aberdare Ambulance Division 1St

Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup 1St Tredegar ur ing Division 2nd Caersws ursing Divi ion 3 rd Treharris Nursing Divi ion

An extensive programme of competitions was arranged in conjunction with the 195 2 National Eisteddfod of Wales at Abery twyth. The Principal Secretary and the Brigade ecretary w re pre ent a Honorary Director of Ambulance and Steward-in-Charge respectively throughout the three days. Service Medals and Bars.-Service Medals signifying IS years efficient service in the Brigade and Bars for subsequent periods of five yearawarded brought the total issues of these service a ward through the Priory for Wales to the figures in parenthe i hown again t the 195 2 a wards :-Service Medal 92 (2,127), Fir t Bars 56 (930), econd Bar 33 (325), Third Bars 16 (171), Fourth Bars 8 (7 2 ). Ambulance Halls .-A grant of £1,000 in respect of 1952 was receiv d from the South Western Divisional Board, N . . B., in pursuance of their generous policy of subsidising schemes affecting mineworker where it is a question of turning the scale in favour of there being suffici nt fund in hand to make a beginning. The cost is met from local fund upplemented where necessary by a Priory loan at a nominal rate of interest over a period of years provided that it does not impo e an undue burden of annual repayment during its currency. It is here that the Divi ional Board steps in so decisively to prevent the Unit being crippled in regard to the replenishment of uniform and stores. There are 112 headquarters vested in Trustees or locally rented or placed at the disposal of the Priory by courtesy of the N.C.B. There are 96 halls or premises in South and 16 in North Wales, thus indicating scope for greater expansion in the North as a result of the mining villages of the South being better provided owing to past assi tance from the Miners' Welfare Fund. The scheduled halls are really serviceable, with room for improvement here and there; and elsewhere premises are mostly available, but without security of tenure. While it is the aim of the Priory that each Division shall in course of time have a home of its own (except in county boroughs where a central headquarters may be adequate) an occasional failure to put to best possible use even the finest halls is disturbing; for instance, 40 halls are unused by Nursing Divisions, three by Ambulance Cadet and 29 by Nursing Cadet Units, though there is room for their inclusion with the parent Division. In this connection it is significant that, premises apart, 184 Ambulance Divisions have no Nursing Division associated, 124 no Ambulance Cadet and 186 no Nursing Cadet Units. It is to be hoped that our Ambulance Hall programme will stimulate the objective of what may be termed a "composite" unit comprising all four categories in Priory-owned premises. Medical Comforts Depots . The 60 Depots operating under the Priory show a net increase of one-three new openings being recorded at Abercrave (Breconshire), Newport (Monmouthshire) and Flint, while the Abercanaid (Merthyr) and Gilwem (Breconshire) Depots closed down. Some counties benefit by financial support towards the upkeep of




this service, e.g. in the Borough of Merthyr Tydfil where the Commissioner negotiated an arrangement with the Corporation whereby a grant of £5 00 wa made for replenishment of stocks and £100 a year towards maintenance of the six Depots serving the Borough. The articles issued for periods of one or more weeks during the year totalled 7,225, an increase of 382 on I95I. Ambulance Transport . At the 31st December, 46 ambulances at 36 stations (28 tations with one, seven with two and one with four) were in operation under the auspices of the WeI h Home Service Ambulance Committee, providing services under agency arrangements in the counties of Brecon hire, Carmarthenshire, Denbighshire, Pembrokeshire and Radnor hire. Twelve of the 46 ambulances are owned by County Councils and one by a Brigade Divi ion, but all controlled by the Transport Department at Priory House. Staffing these ambulances are 30 drivers, seven attendants, three maintenance personnel and one storekeeper/ clerk -a total of 41 paid taff, upplemented by the services of approximately 300 volunteer drivers and attendants available in the counties of Denbigh hire, Radnorshire, Pembrokeshire and Breconshire in that numerical order of numerical proportion. Ten stations are manned for driving purposes by special part-time arrangements and one is operated by part-time hospital taff. In addition to the Headquarter agency arrangements, nine stations equipped with WeI h Home Service Ambulance Committee ambulances and operated by units of the S.J .A.B. or B.R.C.S. provide service under independent agency arrangements in association with the local health authorities in the counties of Flintshire (two stations), Merioneth hire (one station) and Montgomery hire (six stations). These nine stations are taffed on an entirely voluntary basis by members of the two bodies, the ervices of the Headquarter organisation being available if required and all the ambulances being subject to periodic inspection and testing by Headquarter departmental taft. The number of patients conveyed and mileage travelled by the two groups of ambulances are as under:Group Operating under Headquarter Agency arrangements Operating under Independent Agency arrangements



69 .909 3. 1 5 2

855. 812 9 0 .359

73. 061

94 6 . 1 7 1



The elsh Home Service Ambulance Committee is not the only ground upon whIch St. John and Red Cross personnel join forces in discharging some o! .the activities of t?e Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and B~ItIsh Red Cross S?CIety. There.is St. John representation upon all the] omt County C.olrumtte~s and whIle son:e of these committees rarely meet the two mam functIOns of the ] omt Committee administered ~hrough county represent~tives are actively pursued. Brigade members m many countIes serve as mvestigators in connection with the Emergency Help and After Care Department. In the county of Glamorgan, where



this work has been admini tered from Priory Hou e from its inception monetary grant and loans totalling £3,160 I . 4d. a well a as i tance in kind were made during 1952 to 757 case of uffering and di tre s attributable to war service. Only in the county of Glamorgan i the po t of County Organi er for Ho pital Librarie in t. John hand, but there is a growing mea ure of participation in thi mo t important work on th part of St. John auxiliary per onnel who are finding ho pital librarianhip a satisfying outlet for voluntary s rvice. This work wa brought into prominence in Cardiff by H.R.H. the Duche of Kent, who in May paid a visit to the County Book Depot opened in Cardiff which i now erving the needs of librarie operating under the Joint Committe in 26 ho pitals covering an aggregate of 3.141 beds in Glamorgan a well a upplying literature direct to home bound war di abled per on



During 1952, 12,130 textbooks and publication were old, a d cr a e of 6.151 on the previou year when the demand for' 'First Aid to the Injured" was increased by the availability of the revised 40th edition. Uniform sales showed an upward tendency in re pect of both Adult and Cadets, but on First Aid equipment and urgical upplies the Department is feeling the effect of the nationali ation of indu try and con equent loss of orders previously received from firms now obtainina bulk supplies direct from manufacturers. The total ale for the year how a reduction of £510 on 1951. CHA GES IN EXEC:UTlVE OFFICES

By the lamented death of the Earl of Po wi at the age of 90 th Priory 10 t the last survivor of the original Executive Officers appointed in 1918. For four years Lord Powis held the office of Prior, reverting in 1949 to the title of Bailiff of St. Davids, which remained current only for his lifetime. Consequent upon the resignation of Sir David Rocyn-J one a SubPrior the following appointments were approved:-Sub-Prior, Mr. D. M. Evans Bevan, J.P.; Chancellor, Capt. Geoffrey Crawshay, J.p., D.L.; Vice-Chancellor, Sir Leonard Twiston-Davies, K.B.E., J.p., D.L., LL.D., F.S.A.; Librarian, Capt. W. J. Canton, D.L., LL.B.; Registrar, Sir David Rocyn-Jones, C.B.E., J.P., D.L., LL.D., F.S.A.; Seneschal, Major C. G. Traherne, T.D., J.P. (Lord Lieutenant); Assistant Librarian, Mr. H. FaIT, F.L.A.; As istant Seneschal, Sir Michael Duff, Bt. ST. JOHN'S DAY CELEBRATIONS

The Lord Prior of St. John (Lord Wakehurst) wa~ the! Guest of Honour at the Annual Meeting of the Chapter and General Assembly of the Priory for Wales held in the City Hall, Cardiff, on Thursday, 19th June. An investiture of members promoted in and admitted to the Order in 1952 was held by the Prior (Lord Aberdare, C .B.E.) and a representative gathering of over 800 members of the Priory heard the inspiring addres;; of the Lord Prior at General Assembly.


Al\IBULANCE DEPARTMENT. Following the inauguration of the Central African Commandery on 7th lay, the tatisti~s in this report no longer include Rhodesia District and Rhode ia Railways. The strenath of the Brigade has been very well maintained, the number of Divi ioil' having in~rea ed by 19. The Cadet movement is also gaining in trength. There wa a joint parade of the Brigade when personnel from the Witwatersrand and outhern Transvaal, the S.A.R. Brigade Command, and the Pretoria and Northern Transvaal, were inspected at Milner Park by Lord Wakehur t, who commented very favourably on the smart and efficient turnout. The Association r turn are al 0 very atisfactory, 14,541 Certificates having been awarded, bringing the total number awarded to 327,353. The report rec iv d from entres and Districts indicate that the organization wa kept very busy with it u ual Ambulance Duties and the rendering of Fir t Aid to the community. Particular mention must be mad of th Van Riebeeck Fe tival held in Cape Town from the 13 th March to 6th April, when a large ~ontingent of Ambulance and Nursing m mber , drawn from various parts of the Union, were drafted to Cape Town in ord r to as ist in the organization of Fir t Aid Depots attached to the variou camp. Another outstanding public duty performed was wh n the tornado truck the Native Town hip of Albert ynsv ill e , in the Tran vaal. pproximately ISO members of the Brigade answered the call for a i tance, and proceeded to the cene of the disaster in record time. Th Mobile Unit of the Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal Distri ~ t erved a a dressing station, thus relieving the strain on the ~o pital. A. huttle . e:-vice of ambulance was maintained during the nIght, ~ onveyIng the Injured to the nearest hospitals-members of the u~ ing Division rendered as istance in the hospital wards and casualty tations, and many members of the Brigade worked at the scene of di aster unt~l 3 a.m. A tornado also truck the Native Town hip of Payneville, pnngs, and here again the Brigade were on "stand by," ready to assist if called upon. Iembers of certain Division of the Natal District, S.A.R. Brigade Command, rendered yeoman service at the Heavitree Rail disaster on 20th October. OPHTHALMIC FOUNDATIO .

It is jut over a year since the Hospital ~ommenced functioning, and during this period fa::ilities provided have been well patronised by patient of al~ races. The total number in th~ out-patient department was 9,849, and m the ward 451. In addition, 288 operations were carried out. The majority of the patients were Africans. Included in the number treated, however, were 1,817 Asiatics and Coloureds, and 357 Europeans. Plans were prepared for extensive addition to the Hospital, but the Executive Committee was compelled to postpone any major additions until such time as its funds were ubstantially increased. However, ~ertain alterations to the ward were made, and it is noW" po sible to mcrease the number of beds, and provide more a:::commodation for women.




The -:::ost of maintaining and conducting .the Hospita.l for the tw elve months amounted to £rr,855, whilst CapItal ExpendIture on tores, Equipment, X-Ray Pla.nt and Fur~iture absorbed £3,533· A large . proportion of the latter IS non-recurnng. . A contribution of £10,000 has been receIved from the Umon Government as a grant towards the cost of erecting the J:iospital. No:\' th(~.t we have completed a full year's work in co.nductmg the Ho pItal, It is intended to submit a further appeal to the Government, the Provincial Administrations, and Lo('al Authorities for further Grants or Subsidies, which will relieve us of the pre ent anxiety in regard t.o ~he raising of Funds with which to continue this gr~~t task. of alle~Iatmg distress amongst those unfortunate enough to be affll:~ed \~lth eye dIS a .e . The South African Medical Council and the Umver Ity of th e WItwatersrand have approved the Hospital for the purpo e of p cialist training in ophthalmic work, and the. Transvaal Pr?v.incial Adm~nistr~tion has notified its approval of the HospItal for the trammg of N ur mg AIdes, and is prepared to subsidize this part of our work.

clothing, theatre gowns, towels, bed linen, tray-cloths, eye bandages, doctors' caps, and many other articles. Mi s K. Potgieter, Assistant Superintendent-.in-Chief, has ledured ~o the Non-European Staff on First Aid and HygIene, and all passed thelr examination and have received their Certificates.



The Seventeenth Annual Ambulance Conference was held in Durban, 13 th to 15th August . The proceedings \\ere formally opened by His Honour the Administrator of Natal, Mr. D. G. hep tone, who spoke very highly of the work of the organization in Southern Africa. NURSING CORPS AND DIVISIO S.

Two new senior European Divisions were formed and registered, one at the Helderberg College, Cape of Good Hope District, and the oth r, . . . . . the Sharley Cribb Division, in Port Elizabeth. The membership of the existing Eur~pe~n N ur ll::g DIVI Ion vanes considerably in each Distri-:::t. Many DIstnct Supenn.tend nt r~por::.a steady increase in numbers, whi.le others have .to adr::nt that theIr DIVIsions are below strength. The lmportance of mcreasl~g ~he tren&th of the senior Nursing Divisions is fully realised by all D:stnct ~pennt~n­ dents, as members are not only required for the mcreasmg PublIc. I?~bes, but they are needed as officers for Cadet and Non-Europea~ DIVISIons. Asso: iation classes are being held throughout the country m the hope of gaining recruits to the Brigade, and senior cadets are encouraged to come into the Nursing Divisions as soon as they are old enough to join. . Nine new Cadet Divisions (European) were formed dunng the year, and all Districts report an increase in the membership of existing Divisions. Routine Public Duties comprising attendance at Sports Meetings, Cinemas, Clini-:::s , Girl Guide Camps, Agricultural Shows, Beach Huts, Blood Transfusion Centres, etc., have all been conscientiously performed. It is not easy to answer all the calls for the services of the Brigade, and members frequ ently undertake a duty at much personal inconvenien:e. The highest praise is due to them. Nursing members resoonded very promptly to the appeal for contributions to the Ophthalmic Hospit\al, and have made and forwarded


The state of the European adet Divisions is very good. New Diviions are bing formed, and the membership of existling Divisions ii; steadily increasing. Seven Grand Prior Badges were awarded. A new design for Proficiency Badges has been approved, and it is hoped that the more attractive badges will encourage the children to work hard for them. NO -EUROPEA


The Non-European Divi ion, both Senior and Cadet, are increasing in numerical strength and efficiency. The Seniors are taking a more active part in Public Dutie , and attend Sports Meetings and Cinemas, etc. Many of them work regularly in the wards of the Non-European Hospital , and some are taking their general training. They are showing an increa ed sen e of responsibility, and are able to give great assistan: to their own people. Fourteen Grand Prior Badges have been presented to Cadets in Johann burg, and nine to Cadets in P ort Elizabeth. This is the highest number ever awarded to Non-Europeans in any year. Badge work is of ine timable value to the e children, as it increases their general knowI doe and lay the foundation of good citizenship, which is of national importance at this particular time, when th ere is so much unrest among these people. The European officers who give so much time to training the adets are to be commended, and they may be a ured that their work will bear fruit in year to come. THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND The announcement of the visit of Her Maj esty, Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh to this country has been received with joy. Exten ive preparations are being made by the Brigade to m eet the many calls on their services at thel public gatherings and functions to be held throughout N ew Z ealand. I t is a pleasure for the Priory in New Zealand to welcome Their Excellencies, Sir Willoughby and Lady Norrie. Both have been actively interested in the \vork of th e Order in South Australia, and bring to New Zealand a detailed knowledge of the work of St. John. ilembers of th e Order are keenly anticipating His Excellency's leadership, as the Prior. The Priory regretfully farew 11 d Lord and Lady Freyberg, who had participated in all activities of the Order with enthusiasm and deep personal interest. New Zealand joins with the overseas Priories in again recording its indebtedness to the late Sir Edwin King, from who e suggestion was developed the conception of a Confederation of autonomous Priories, leading to the present plans for the Re-organisation of the Order within the Commonwealth. His Excellency, The Prior, conducted an impressive Investiture in


St. David's Presbyterian Church, Auckland, in the presence of a representative gathering, which was distingui hed by the attendance of the Earl and Countes of Cromer. This Inve titure ervice wa broadcast over the main national tations and twenty-four po tulant were inve ted, including two Knight::. of Grace, ir Frank Mappin and Ir. David F. Mackay, the Director of Ceremonies. Hi Wor hip th Mayor of Auckland, Sir John Allum, was al 0 inve ted a a Command r. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE AS OeIATIO

Following the resignation of Dr. J. H. Graham Robertson, Mr. Harold K . Corkill was appointed the Director of A ociation. Ambulance Transport.-The very vital ervice of Ambulance Tran port has been the subject of a complete revi w by a select committe et up by the Government. The Order of St. John, a th major tran port body in the Dominion, wa repre ented on this ommittee. The ommittee's report is intended to bring about a very large mea ure of unification and standardization of the Ambulance Tran port servic , bu t it re-affirmed the principle that ambulance ervices should be maintained and extended by voluntary agencies, as di tinct from Local Bodi and Departments of State. The reiteration of thi voluntary principle will mean that the Ord r itself will undoubtedly be called upon for the exten ion of it rvice. An increasing number of the smaller centres are finding that the capital co ts of vehicles are forcing them into auxiliary service u ing smaller vehicles, thus giving a greater coverage at less capital co t, and nabling the Centres to undertake the greater ervice, which ha been demanded and met by the Order during the past y ar. Tuition.-Interest by the general public in tuition ha be n trength ned by widespread publicity on the alternative method of r su citation, the Holger-Neilsen method. Con iderable newspaper publicity ha drawn attention to the value of first aid tuition, and th adoption of the revised text books has increased intere t in fir t aid and hom nursing. In addition to the general service being rendered by t. John Di trict Nurses, and the special activities for assi tance to the aged, a new a venue has been opened up in one centre, by the appointment of a Field Officer. This Officer's duties include the reporting of neces itous cases in private homes to the various existing relief agencies. Relief and home aid as istance is given where possible, and experience to date has demonstrated the value of this service in correlating the work of a variety of relief agencies. Blood Transfuswn .-Increasing use is being made of the Blood Transfusion Services operated by the Order. New departures are being made in establi hing mobile blood collecting clinics, thus facilitating group membership in the factories. THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE

A major feature of Brigade activity has been the full scale rehearsal of Disaster Plans, based on the Emergency Precaution Scheme, embracing co-operation not only with the medical and nursing profession and hospitals, but with Civic, Police and Transport authorities. These trials have been most valuable in training Brigade personnel in initiative and



improvisation. Public duty cases have shown an increase, although the adult strength of the Brigade remains static. On the 2Ist December, the Dunedin Ambulance Division celebrated its 60th Anniversary. I t was the first Divi ion of the Brigade formed overseas and it continues to meet all calls enthusiastically and efficiently. The Dominion Adult Competitions were held in Wellington during May and the Priory Cups were won by the Ambulance and Nursing team from th Otago Di trict. The ad t Department has again shown promising and encouraging increa es, both in activities and trength. The Dominion Cadet Competition were held in Wellington in Augu t, the major trophies being won by:- ir Alfred Robin Memorial Shield (Champion Ambulance Team), ant rbury Di trict Cadet Ambulance Team; Col. George Barclay Memorial hield (Champion Nursing Team), Auckland District Cadet ur 'ing Tam; Bledi loe up (Individual Ambulance Cadet, Champion of hampion), adet ergeant J. Fitzmaurice of the Wellington Di trict; anterbury Centennial hield (Individual Nursing Cadet, hampion of hampions), Cadet Joyce Cavell of the Hawkes Bay Di trict. As a far well to Lady Fr yberg, a special Cadet function was held in Wellington. adet from all Di tricts attended and brought me sages of greeting. A pre entation was made to Lady Freyberg, who spoke on the valu of the adet 10vement in the community. Th deci ion to end four adets and an e co"rting Officer to the Cadet oronation amp in Britain mark the fir t occa ion on which an official party will leave N \v Zealand to participate in Brigade activity in the Old ountry. ommi ioner E. B. Gilberd, Officer in Charge of the Wellington Di trict, the e corting Officer, was one of the founders of the ad t Department in New Zealand, and it is fitting that he should lead thi fir t over eas contingent of New Zealand Cadets. PRIORY IN CANADA CHA CELLOR'S REPORT Increa d progre was made in all activities. Training for Civil Defence and the growing intere t in such matters had the effect of stimulating int re t in first aid and of increa ing the number of those taking courses. It \Va with incere regret that we bade "au revoir" to Lord Alexander early in th year. During Hi Excellency's term of office he at all times took a very deep interest in all matters concerning St. John and was an in piration to u all. We are mo t fortunate in having His Excellency, The Rt. Hon. Vincent Ma sey as our Prior. His inter st in the Order goes back many years. In February we were most happy to welcome Li ut.-General Sir Otto Lund, the Commi sioner-in-Chief of the Brigade. During hi all too short stay in Ottawa he presented a Ceremonial Sword to the Priory on behalf of the Grand Priory. Preparations for a general conference of all interested in the work of the Order in Canada were started in the spring and culminated in a well attended event lasting three days in November. Repre entatives from all across Canada attended. The compilation of Regulations for the Brigade in Canada was started



early in the year by the Brigade Committee. In September they were completed and the English copy made available to Brigade personnel. Immediately after, steps were taken to have this translated and produced in French. Campaigns were conducted in all province~ and in most ca e an improvement was indicated in the results. Active efforts were made to establi h the work of the Order in Prince Edward Island. Satisfactory result have been achieved and the outlook for the future is most promising. In place of the quarterly magazine, "Canadian First Aid", which wa discontinued in 1951, a four page pamphlet, "St. John New", wa started in midsummer, and has met with the approval of the m mber . Brigade duties in all departments continue to increa e and all call were promptly met. Thanks to the untiring devotion of our a sociated doctors, nur e , instructors, Brigade members, and many others, the name of t. John stands high in the esteem of the public. Sincere thanks are extended to all those who as i ted our work and especially to the press and radio for their continued co-operation. Gratitude is also expres ed to the National and Provincial Officer and all staffs for their loyalty and willingness to serve. ALBERTA

We were indeed sorry that circum tance forced Mr. Reginald G. Smith to resign his appointment as As istant Commissioner. It was very difficult to find a person worthy to follow in his foot teps. That we succeeded is due in no small measure to the efforts of Mr. Emmott. In Mr. R. S. Woodford of Calgary we have a worthy ucce sor to Mr. Smith, and we are fortunate in securing his services. Satisfactory progress has been made in the field of Fir t Aid throughout the Province. Civil Defence authorities have called upon u to aid them in th eir work. St. John in Edmonton were the fir t organization to offer their service to the Civil Defence Executive. We have have met all their demands and in this regard we would like to place on record the co-operation received from the Red Cross. One development to be stressed is the creation of Crusader Divisions in this Province. There is much to be done in furthering this work. The appointment of Mr. W. L. Warke as Provincial Officer for Southern Alberta has proved very beneficial. BRITISH COLUMBIA

The Order in British Columbia suffered a grievous loss in the sudden death on 21st October of Mr. E. C. Carson, President of the British Columbia Council since March 1945, and a zealous public servant of the Province. Activities of Association and Brigade in British Columbia continue to expand. Senior awards issued, which showed a marked gain in 1951, have reached a still higher point in 1952. This is a source of satisfaction on two scores, the first being the large proportion of re-examination taken, and the second the spread of St. John training into the more



remote sections of the province. The expansion of industry in British Columbia opens more and more area to settlement each year. The Industrial First Aid Course for Attendants in Industry, which is required by the Workmen's Compensation Board in British Columbia, continued to attract new candidates anxiou to enter a permanent career in First Aid, and Safety in Industry. During 1952 the Refresher course (for attendants de iring to renew their certificates) was completely rewritten to include all new developments in First Aid method::;. The in tructors of the Forest First Aid Committee were instrumental in taking St. John and Industrial Courses into ma~y areas not hitherto touched. It i particularly pI asing to note the increase in the number of logging and awmill operators who are actively sponsoring First Aid training among their employees. Thi expan ion of St. John activities is placing a tremendous burden on the Brigade in British Columbia whose members have covered public duties throughout the year and taken on extra special duties. Among the e latter i phy io-therapy work for arthritic victims undertaken by member of the Nur ing Divisions in private hospitals, which is proving of value. p cial dutie also include the care of enior citizens, the blind, transporting, ho pital vi iting, a sistance at baby clinics and blood donor clinic. Cadet N ur ing Divisions have not lagged behind their seniors in any branch of t. John Work. It is ncouraging to note the number of Cadets pa ing xaminations and gaining efficiency certificates, but still more encouraging to note their participation with enior members in public and pecial dutie and their eagcrne s to compete in comp etitions. Brigade and A ociation members have continued to work in close cooperation, e pecially in Civil Defence training. During the spring, Brigade members attended the course on C.D. Manual No. 10 as a pre-requisite for ' ivil Defence work, and during the latter part of the year a special cour-e for instru ctor of ivil Defence classes was given at Headquarters. Throughout the province the organization of Civil Defence First Aid cla e is well und er way, and to date over 700 persons have been trained in ba ic and over 200 in advanced Fir t Aid. The As ociation in Briti h Columbia reports the organization of eight new Centre of St. John Ambulance during 1952, the establi hment of two new Highway First Aid Po ts, and the transfer of a third. A public financial campaign was undertaken and results were suffici ntly encouraging to warrant a repetition each year. MANITOBA

In Manitoba and North-Western Ontario First Aid training was maintained on a normal basis and increasing intere t was noted in Home Nursing. The latter was mainly in the rural area where organization of Nurses Aide Auxiliaries was encouraged. This programme has been held up to comply with the wishes of Provincial Civil Defence authorities now that it has been adopted on a national basis. The one functioning Auxiliary in Northern Manitoba has given a good account of itself since its inception six months ago. Some members have already given over ISO hours of voluntary service in the local hospital. At the request of the Metropolitan Co-ordinator, plans were made to train some 6,000 Civil Defence Volunteers in Basic First Aid. In common


with other parts of the country the results of thi programme were disappointing, as less than a third of that number registered for clas.e . In every part of this District, St John has been able to ~r~ange FIr t Aid and Home Nursing classes where reque ted by CIVIl Defence authorities. One new post was opened during 1952, bringing the total no~ in oper~­ tion by the Manitoba Highway Po t Committee to 40. The station at thl point was the second small building to be donat d by the North-We t Commercial Travellers' A ociation. The Women's Auxiliary continued their valuable assistance to th Nursing Division and to the annual appeal for fund s. . Public duties increase each year and all requ e ts for crVIce have b n met. Brigade members took their usual active part in canva ing householders during the annual appeal. We were honoured in February by a visit from Lieut.-G en ral lr Otto Lund. The Lakehead Divisions had a bu y year; there was a con iderable increase in public training. . On 25th September, an explosion at the Sa katchewan Pool T rmmal Elevator took the lives of four men, and 16 other were eriou ly burned and injured. In less than 2'0 minutes Brigade member were on th scen rendering first aid and a isting in extingui hing the many fire that had started. EW BRU SWICK

Great advances have been made in all department. N ew sy terns in the handling of the Provincial Office were developed and a complete reorganization of the Brigade was accompli.shed. In tr~ction in F~r t Aid and Home Nursing remain ed the same as m 1951, whIch aw an mcrea e of 22 % over 1950. Although First Aid instruction has been promoted in the school of New Brunswick for a great many years, it was not until 1950 that the St. John Ambulance course was ~ade c~mpul ory for students in .Grade 10. A great many students receIve certlfica~es and we .are workmg to improve this and hope before very. long we WIll ha v~ all hIgh sc~ools able to have students certificated. It IS recommended m th e curnculum of studies that First Aid be taught in Grade 7. To encourage this teaching and to promote certification we have started a programme to place our Junior text in the schools, free of charge. In the Pro~ince of N .B. the Provincial Government provides text books for the pupIls, who use them for the year and return them. We are endeavouring to do the same with th e junior text. The first Cadet Division was formed in the province la t November and since then one more has been registered. Through the teaching of First Aid in schools two groups of Grade 8 boys were able to save two lives after applying artificial respiration for some time. Three Life Saving Medals were presented to one of these groups. Last year, with a gigantic recruiting campaign, Brigade strength increased approximately 400 % . There are now seven Divi ions operating in New Brunswick. Five of these have been formed in the past year. Brigade units have spent many hours on public duty. One of the biggest undertakings, from an equipment standpoint as well



as from an organizational standpoint, was the putting together of a 25-Bed Mobile Emergency Hospital. This unit was brought into being as a permanent unit for both emergency and train~~g: purposes. Th~ unit con ists of beds, bedding and accessory ward faCIlIties, a fully eqmpped operating section, and obstetrics section, out-patient department, l~bo.ra­ tory and kitch en, anitation unit, together with an inter-commulllcation system and a tran port section consisting of a 3 ton 4- tretcher ambulance and a trail r with a tank providing a gravity flow water supply and an electric power generating unit. This ho pital can be set up anywh ere at any time and ca n operate as an i olated unit. W e have operated two training schemes with this unit in the past year and expect to do more in the coming year. In ov mber, a Provincial Headquarters building was purchased in aint J ohn . Two ambulances have been purchased for ervice throughout the pro\'inc . La t summer a camp was operated for 20 members of the Cadet Divi ion. EWFOU DLAND

\\ ith the beginning of 1952 the N ewfou ndland ouncil began its first full year with a perman nt office and staff. Naturally, much time had to be p ent on organizational work, and although thi is still far from complete, ther are some definite achievements by which our work, in part at lea t, can be m easured. Briefly, they are : I, Enrolment in classes ha been increa ed , both in First Aid and Home Nursing; 2, Three branch e have been organized; 3, Our financial campaign was more succe ful than had been anticipated; 4, The Brigade has been ree tabli hed. 1uch more can be said of a general nature, but these four features are mo t helpful as indicators of our progress and indicators, too, of the splendid efforts put forth by all who helped in this ~ork. During 1952 a total of 1,168 persons enrolled m classes. The total examined for awards was 920 and of these 842 received awards. Three branches were organized in the province, but these were only begun in October, so that th ey are still in the first ta~es of organiziI?g. Organization of Brigade units finally got under way m November WIth the formation of one Nursing and one Ambulance Division. It has been a profitable year for the Newfoundland Council in many ways. A definite case of life saving, with ri k of life by the fir t aider, took place in July, and a Life Saving Certificate has been approved. Our public relations have been quite adequate and a measure of success has been achieved in making the organization better known in the province. The Newfoundland Council appreciated the splendid assistance received from National H eadquarters during the year, particularly in the visit of Miss MacLaren and Miss Acland in October. A Provincial Nursing Officer was appointed on a full-time basis to begin work in the new year. NOVA SCOTIA

Sixty years of service in Nova Scotia was observed on 24th Jun e, when



in Halifax the Diamond Jubilee was commemorated by a special address by Lieut. -Colonel E. W. Mingo. From a modest beginning, when it was hoped that at lea t two Fir t Aid classes could be organized in Halifax, this organization has flourished in every part of the province. This year has seen the completion of 288 courses in Fir t Aid and Home Nursing, 4,200 persons in some 50 communitie qualifying. At least two per ons owe their lives to rescu er who were trained by St. John. Two Meritorious Certificates were awarded for th e action. At least one other is pending. In the realm of Brigade Service much ha been achieved. Fully equipped First Aid Posts were maintained at some 40 public function throughout the province, where attention was given to ~ ome 1,750 ca e . A total of some 15,000 hours of voluntary service wa rendered by members of the Brigade in a wide variety of dutie . Training in First Aid for Civil Defence Per onnel is continuing with some 1,500 trained or under training. Many people not pre ntly connected with the Civil Defence organization are availing them elve of training in Advanced First Aid. Under an able Campaign Committee we have, during pr s nt and previous campaigns, been quite able to meet our commitments of fr e training to all. Any recounting of success in this work would not be complete were we not to mention the splendid and wholehearted co-operation so r adily and freely offered by members of the medical and nursing profe sion who lecture to and examine in First Aid and Home NUL ing hundr ds of classes. To all the many lay instructors, the schoo l teach rs, th Brigade members, and to an appreciative and co-operating public, the t. John Council offers its sincere thanks.

First Aid training for Civil Defence was very disappointing, for although all Governme~t requests for training were met, nothing has been done to aro~se the pUbl:c ~o any sense of urgency in the matter. However, th.e .r~cord IS better withm the Brigade and practically every Nursing DIVI IOn ha now completed th e A.B.C. Warfare Course. ~he Hi~h'v:ay Fir t. Aid sy tern was kept busy by the growing toll of aCCIdent vICtI~S. W.hIle the number of Posts remained constant at 65, -everal were discontmued and replaced by others as changing conditions on the highways dictated. Th Ontario System is managed by St. John A~bulance, bu~ the Red Cross and Ontario Motor Leag ue share equally WIth St. John m th e cost of operating it. The Brigade remained constant as to the number of Senior Divisions compared . to .1951, but there was a sharp drop in both Divisions and membershIp m th C.a~e~s. There i altogether too high a turnover in the latter (1. . new DI VI I~ns formed an~ old ones disbanded) primarily d~e to a lack of sustamed leadershIp, and no easy solution to t~lS p:oblem ha. y t been. sugge ted. The problem of the Senior Divi-IOns. 1 the rapIdly growmg demand for public duty and the only solution to thi is stronger Divi ion. No y ar is without it problems, but the Ontario Council feels that definite progre was made in 1952 and that the corning year can be looked forward to with some a surance of further progress.



was a year of consolidation rather than of expan ion for the Ontario Council, as the rather precarious financial situation of the previous year dictated a policy of caution. This was succes ful to th extent, that by strict economy and slightly higher income the situation, while not entirely satisfactory yet, is considerably improved over a year ago. A pleasant incident early in the year was a visit by the Commissionerin-Chief, Lieut.-General Sir Otto Lund. The Annual Meeting was very successful. The meeting was marked by several changes, Mr. George Craig (President) and Mr. V. A. M. Kemp (Commissioner) retiring and being replaced by Mr. J. T. Band and Lieut.-Colonel 1. M. R. Sinclair respectively, and later in the year Mr. H. W. :Nelson was appointed Secretary-Superintendent. As both Mr. Craig and Mr. Kemp had given yeoman service over a period of several years, it was with great regret that their resignations were accepted . Training showed a slight increase, a total of 15,041 gaining awards in First Aid, Home Nursing or Child Welfare, but the increase of 834 was all Juniors, and an effort must be made to achieve a corresponding increase in Senior candidates. It was found necessary to raise the fee for both Senior First Aid and Home Nursing, though all Junior training is still given without charge. 1952



~he activitie within t.he Federal District continued to how progress. 1 ~cre wa a marked m~rease in First Aid and Horne Nursing classes, partIcularly among orgamz d group, uch as those of high schools, home and chool clubs, ladies' auxiliaries and religious institutions. There ha.. al 0 been an increa e in Civil Defence (Civil Service c~a e). ~hl ha .been accompli hed through the Civil Service CommisIOn r l~a mg our m tructors for the purpo e of holding these government cla es m each department during the day. One of the most encouragin.g fea~ures has been the number of young people who hav taken up FIrst AId and Horne Nursing. There have al 0 be~n ma~y en~~iries by . certificate-holders as to how they can go further m th Ir trammg for eIther voucher or medallion. This indicates consci~u ness on. the part of the general public of the desirability of becommg of crVIce to the community. The year.ha been an extremely ~usy ~ne for m embers of the Brigade, due to. the mcreased demand. for FIrst Aid coverage at public function. Dunn&" the .y~ar the N ursmg members attended the Civic Hospital, Veterans PaVIlIon and the Ottawa General Hospital; these duties amounted to approximately 11,000 hours. In ~he Gatineau Park district, First Aid Posts were maintained during the ski season. The members of th e Brigade attended to 147 cases. As usual, coverage was given at the Central Canada Exhibition 1 100 cases being treated. ' , At the National q-irl Guid~ Rally the number of cases treated was 856. Another outstandmg functIOn covered by the Brigade was that of the Otta~a Boys' Camp. This was covered for one month by m en of the Bradmgs Ambulance Division. The Alice Vincent Massey Shield for Cadet proficiency was won by




the Ottawa Central Nursing Cadets. Two new Nursing Divisions were organized, viz. Dr. MacCordick Nursing Division and the Lillian Freiman Nursing Division; al 0 a new Crusader Division and Cadet Division. The total number of Division is a follow -four Ambulance Division, IO Nursing Divisions, one Crusader Division, and five adct Nursing Divisions. During the year we purchased a residen~al building. Thi 'p~oper:ty, when alterations have been completed, WIll hou e the admllllstratIOn offices, stores, First Aid and Home Nursing cla room, and mo t of the Divisions. Our annual campaign for funds did not get under way until November and, although it carried on into the Christmas season, the results were very gratifying. SASKATCHEWA

A Province such as ours, where agriculture i the main indu try, and where a very large percentage of the population i rural, doe no~ lend itself to the promotion of St. John work to the .same exte.nt a an mdu trialized population. To organize and. upervise t~e WIdely separated centres and to maintain the nece ary mtere t reqUIre not only a great deal of' effort and travel, but also the necessary finance. We realize where improvements could be made, but we must keep within .our budg t. During the past two years we have been encouraglllg mor of our St. John people to take the Instructor's Cour e, . a in ~he more rural areas the lack of an in tructor was the hold-up III puttmg on cla The members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police hav .given valuable help and leadership in both organizing and instructmg cla es. Branches of the Canadian Legion have sponsored a numb~r of .clas e~. Although there was a slight decrease in the number of S~mor Flr. t AId Certificates taken, as compared with I95I, there was an mcrease .m the number of Junior Certificates. An increase III the panel of Reglstered Nurse Examiners for Home Nursing has resulted in a larger number of Senior Home Nursing Certificates. The Ambulance and Nursing Divisions have again faithfully carried out their numerous activities. The Prince Albert Divisions provided First Aid facilities for some 500 Boy Scouts for a period of ten days at the Canadian Jamboree, held at Prince AI~ert. ., . In April, Miss M. MacLaren, Supenntenden~-lll-~h.Ief (N) and Mlss Acland, Chief Nursing Officer, made an offiCIal VISIt. and .w.e~e good enough to conduct the Annual Inspection of th~ N ur~lllg DivisIOn.s .. We continue to co-operate in every way possIble WIth the ProvillClal and local Civil Defence organizations. QUEBEC

The St. John Council tor Quebec notes with interest an increase in the number of persons qualified in First Aid as compared with the previous year. . ., The Council is extremely gratified at the co-operation whIch Industry is giving and by training its workers to know what to do should an accident occur. While the Home Nursing courses have not been developed to the


highest degree, with the appointment of a full-time Provincial Nursing Orticer who will have under her the advancement of Home Nursing training, much is expected in the near futur , bearing in mind the que tion of ivil Defence. Also, with the appointment of a Nursing Advi ory ommittee, re pon ible for raising the standard of Home ur ing throughout the Province, the quality of those succe sful in their xaminationhould be of the highe t degree. With both the t. John Ambulance As ociation and the St. John Ambulance Brigade coming under the aegis of the Council a better and clos r r lation~hip ha r ulted. The Council has been fortunate in having formed two n w branch in North-Eastern Quebec and it looks forward to considerable xpan ion in that particular district. Thr n w Ambulance Divi ion were formed as well as three new N ur -ing Divi ion during th y ar. 195 2 wa a gr at year of ervice for Brigade members. They responded to mor call and put in more duty hours serving the public than ever before. 12,3I7 public duties were carried out with 26,802 member duties. Th hour · on public duty amounted to I31,365. The ouncil i al 0 proud of its publicity during the year, due to the untiring ffort of it Public Relations Officer. BELL TELEPHO. E COi>lPANY

During the year 2,597 mployees were succes ful in obtaining their Fir t Aid award. Of thi number, 649 qualified for the First Year rtificat and I,948 took higher grade of examination. 48 candidates receiv d their IO-y ar award and 26 received their 20-year awards. It was n ce ary to continue In_truction Training during the year. Two regular course wer held, permitting 3I new instructors to receive their certificate. All of our in tructor attended one-day meetings at which information contained in Civil Defence Manuals and which will now form part of our regular Fir t Aid Training cour e wa pre ented. Comp titions were held in which ome 400 employees participated. C-I-L


We ar able to r port ubstantial increa e over the la t few years, both in the numb r of cla se and award gained. Twelve classes were organized at six Company location during I952, as a re ult of which the following award were issued: II7 certificates, I9 voucher,S medallions, and I2 label . In addition, one employee was successful in obtaining his Instructor's Certificate and two others obtained renewal of their In tructor' Certificate. Thi entre sent a repre entative to the November conference in Ottawa. CANADIAN


I79 classes were held, at which 2,oI5 lectures were given, and 2,IOO employees were successful in obtaining their respective awards. In the Maintenance of Way Department, classe were held at 59 points and 695 employees were trained. During the past eight years, 5,452 sectionmen, B. and B. and ignal department employees have attended a course of lectures and received Fir t Aid Certificates after passing the required examination. During the ummer months of July, August and September, Supervisors travelled 8,965 miles by track motor car to



contact 866 section gangs and gave 160 lectures to 6,531 employee on First Aid treatment covering injuries common to trackmen. In the Motive Power and Car Department, 534 employees were trained by local instructors and First Aid supervisors at 55 locations; nine on the Atlantic region, 20 on the Central Region, 13 on the Grand Trunk Western Lines and 13 on the Western Region. 73 permanent classes with local instructors were in operation at 34 terminals and main shops during the year. First Aid classes were held at a number of Trans-Canada Air Line stations; emergency First Aid equipment was inspected periodically at all airports and on aircraft. First Aid competitions continue to create great interest and enthusiasm and are of considerable benefit in promoting training. In 1952, 2'0 team entered competition and the Thornton Cup was won by the London Car Shop team. Mr. S. F. Dingle, Vice-Pre ident, Operation, and Mr. J. K. Tambling, Ceneral Supervi or of First Aid, were honoured at an lnve titure held at Government Hou e, Ottawa, when they wer made ommander Brothers of the Order. Drs . Emmet Dwyer and R. J. Brown, Regional Medical Officers of the Company at Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Moncton, N .B., respectively, were admitted as Officer Brother. Meeting ' of the Priory Council were attended and close co-operation has been maintain d with the Association's National Headquarter- , a well as Provincial Councils, during the past year. During the period 1945 to 1952, 14,041 employee have received Fir t Aid instruction and passed their examination ucce -fully. Fir t Aider from this Special Centre located at Fort Rouge and Transcona hop, Winnipeg, have continued to provide trained men on alt mate weekends to administer to ski casualties at Snow Valley, Manitoba, and al 0 to cover public duties such as attending race track meetings at Winnip g, etc. At many points throughout Canada, regional First Aid Supervisor have continued to give First Aid training to members of isolated communities. During the year basic Civil Defence First Aid courses were conducted at many points and at Montreal and Toronto a total of 500 employees have already received their certificates of attendance. Across the system excellent results have been accomplished. In the Maritimes and Newfoundland this work will get under way during the year 1953. At Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Sudbury, cla e for the members of our Centre were conducted by instructors of the Bell Telephone Company, whose co-operation has been of great value. In view of the interest created by these Civil Defence Basic First Aid Courses, nearly 100 employees are at present going on to complete the Full or Advanced First Aid Course. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CENTRE

The Centre is pleased to report that the year 1952 was one of continued progress. A group of 16 qualified instructors held a total of 77 classes of the Regular Standard Course, with an attendance of 903 employees. Of this number 261 qualified for the Certificate and 564 took higher grades of examination, making a total of 825 qualified employees. The modified course of First Aid to selected employees on Company


tir:ne, con istin.g of lectures and practice covering the main points of First AId, was contlllued throughout the year. A group of 90 local instructors under the supervi ion of Regional First Aid Supervisors, held 701 twohour monthly meetings with an attendance of 9,567 employees, compare~ with 613 meetings with an attendance of 6,242 employees in the pr VlOUS year. First Aid instruction was carried out over the Esquimalt and Nanaimo, the Kettle Valley Divi ions, the Saskatchewan District, the Dominion Atlantic Railway and the Canadian Pacific Electric Lines, with 1,139 employees being given a brief lecture and demonstration on the general procedure to be followed in arresting bleeding, immobilizing fractures, and tran porting the injured to a doctor. A total of 4,091 miles was covered by track motor for this purpose. All Running Trades employees were is ued with a pamphlet entitled "Highlight on Fir t Aid". At general safety meeetings, the Regional Fir t Aid upervisors, and in some ca es local instructors, were successful in giving added lecture and demonstrations on this pamphlet to 1,546 running trades employees. hort lecture in Fir t Aid were given to employees of the sleeping, dining and parlour car department in Vancouver at frequent intervals, in ord r to enable extra summer train crews to stop bleeding and dress wound. Two employee Civil Defence First Aid classes were held during the year, one at Winnipeg, with 23, and one at Vancouver, with IS representatives from the variou departments in the station buildings, a total of 38 attending. With the addition of 825 qualified First Aiders it makes a total of 863 qualified employees for Civil Defence organization within our Company. A total of 42,092 miles was covered in visiting different points on the Sy tem. During the cour e of these trips First Aid equipment was inspected on trains, stations, shops, terminals, sections, ships and lake vessels. Improvements during the year were made at Vancouver Wharf, where a one-bed First Aid room was installed and equipped. A First Aid locker which contain a tandard stretcher, a basket stretcher, a rocking board and two blankets, ha been built at each pier. At Field, B.C., a new wellequipped First Aid room has been installed in the Y.M.C.A. Inspection in hygiene and sanitation work were carried out throughout the year on all trains travelled on by the three Supervisors. Almost all stations were inspected, including public washrooms, lunch counters and waiting rooms. Employees' lunch rooms, washrooms and bunkhouses were inspected, as well as watering and icing services in coachyards for train service. Most of these inspections were carried out in the company of two sanitary engineers of the Federal Department of National Health and Welfare, and many small faults were corrected by the local officials at the time of in pection. At Moose Jaw seven employees from the selected employee roundhouse. First Aid class, who are members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in that city, attended twenty public gatherings (including the exhibition, band festivals, etc.), to render First Aid where necessary These employees also assisted the St. John Association with instruction at First Aid and Civil Defence classes held at Moose Jaw, Mortlack and Caron, Sask.



The Canadian Pacific Railway Ambulance Division No. 14 of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, con i ting of 36 employees from Weston Shops, was active during the year. Due to lack of snow only three ski trains operated: two to La Riviere and one to Kenora. A total of 12 men and six Nursing Sisters from the Canadian Pacific Nur ing Divi ion No.8 accompanied these trains, putting in 243 hour of duty and tr ating 14 cases, of which 3 were fractures requiring ho pital treatment. During the year II2 men put in a total of 336 hours on 55 a signm nts, treating 94 cases composed of 6 hospital, 2 transport, and 86 minor. Each member of the Division completed the Civil Defence course. The Division will celebrate its fortieth anniversary in May 1953· For the second consecutive year a locomotive department team won the Lieut.-Colonel Lacey R. ] ohnson Fir t Aid Challeng Trophy for employees of Angus Shops.

Manitoba. olonel Wood has acted as examiner, on request, for senior classes uch as in tructor . Medical equipment was provided to permit commencement of Civil Defence First Aid training pending receipt of store from official sources.


Although it is not possible to prepare a complete review of th activities of the Medical Services of the R. .N. and the R.C.A.F. with the Ord r of St. ] ohn, it is assured that wherever po sible very a sistance has b en gladly rendered. Thi spirit of co-operation we are certain will continue to prevail at all times. With respect to the Canadian Army, their co-operation is briefly outlined as follows:-

The Maritimes.-Relationships with the St. John Ambulance organization have not to date been organized to any extent in N wfoundland and New Brunswick, but a concerted effort to do so i planned for 1953. In the Halifax area the Senior Medical Officer, R.C.A.M.C., is a member of the Provincial Executive Committee. During the year ambulance facilities have been provided by the Department of National Defence (Army) on variou occasion and Medical Officers have been provided for examination of candidates qualifying for St. John Ambulance certificates, voucher, etc. Province of Quebec.-Colonel P. Tremblay was appointed as Honorary Director of the Council and it is understood that the Command Medical Officer of Quebec Command will in future be appointed to this honorary appointment. First Aid examinations were conducted and St. John Ambulance qualifications were obtained by Royal Canadian Cadet Corps as follows: Senior Certificate? 723, Junior Certificates 65, Vouchers 45, Medallions 5, and Labels 3· Province of Ontario.-The Command Medical Officer, Oakville, provided examining officers at various High Schools and Collegiates throughout Ontario. In this group approximately 350 candidates were examined. Other minor assistance, mostly the obtaining of supplies to implement First Aid training, was provided to Avonmore, Alexandria, Cardinal and Port Hope High Schools. A course was conducted under Army instructors at the Royal Canadian School of Artillery at Picton, Ontario, for wives of serving personnel, which stressed Home Nursing and First Aid. Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.- The Command Medical Officer, Colonel C. G. Wood, is a member of the Provincial Council of

Alberta and British Columbia.- The acting Area Medical Officer, Vancouver, wa el cted to the Provincial Executive Committee of British Columbia. Major toker ha ince proceeded to the U.S.A. on a one year cour e. It i expected that Major Stoker's successor, Lieut.-Colonel N. D. C. MacKinnon, will complete the balance of Major Stoker's term of office. NORTHERN ELECTRIC COMPANY

Fir t Aid a wards received were as follows: Certificates 70, Vouchers 7, Medallion 21, Label 35. Thr e of our employee were presented with the Company's Gold Button for ucc fully pa ing their fifth Label examination. ROYAL CA ADIAN MOUNTED POLICE

Following i the data of First Aid classes held at our three Training Centre, namely: "Depot" Divi ion, Regina, "N" Division, Rockcliffe, and Fairmount Training Sub-Division, Vancouver. Clas es were also held in our variou Divi ion and ub-Divi ion Headquarters across Canada. All 1a ar h ld under the jurisdiction of the R.C.M.P. Centres, with member of the Force who hold In tructor' Certificate in charge. eventy-nine clas e were held during the year, resulting in the following award: 1,091 ertificate, 189 Vouchers, 108 Medallions and 326 Label. Thi i an increa e of 953 awards over that of the previous year. In addition, five new In tructors were succe~ ful in pas ing for their In tructor' ertificates.

PRIORY IN AU TRALIA All member of the Priory, Commandery, the t.] ohn Ambulance A ociation and the t.] ohn Ambulance Brigade in Au tralia were delighted to hear that Her Maje ty Queen Elizabeth II would visit Au tralia in 1954. The Priory wa sorry to lose the advice and assistance so freely given by the Deputy-Prior, South Australia, His Excellency Lt.-General Sir Willoughby Norrie, who left Australia in June for Great Britain-and to take up his appointment as Governor-General of New Zealand in 1953. His Excell ncy Sir Mellis Napier i now acting as Deputy-Prior, South Australia. During 1952 Council and Chapter met in Melbourne in June and Council in Sydney in November and all meetings were well attended. The Annual Priory Service was held in ] une in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Melbourne, in conjunction with the Victorian Di trict of the :;t. ] ohn Ambulance Brigade. There was a large congregation, which mcluded His Excellency The Governor-General, ir William McKell and members of Priory from variou States. The sermon wa preached by The Most Reverend the Archibishop of Melbourne and His Excellency The Prior read the Lesson.




During 1952 there was considerable activity in the various States with reference to the work of the Ophthalmic Ho pital of St. John in Jerusalem. . . All the Hospitallers' Clubs have taken a keen mterest m the matter. At each meeting of the Chapter of the Priory the quc tion of the ho pital work has been discussed. The strength of the Order in Australia at 31 t December, 1951, was 657 members of all grades. During 1952 the Grand Priory approved of admission of 37 members of various grades, which brought the total to 694. However, the deaths reported amounted to 16 and two member were transferred to New Zealand, which 1 av s a total of 686 on the Roll. The members of the Priory Library Standing ommiUe de irc to express their keen appreciation to all who have contributed to th Priory Library during 1952.

Association to conduct lectures at their schools during the coming year.


New South Wales.-This year ha been one of continu:ng progr . There has been a further increase in the number of cla - es and certificates issued throughout the State. Additional methods of in tructi?n by ~lm strips on the 40th Edition of the First Aid Manual were u cd wIth grabfying results. . The State Joint Council of St. John and Red Cro s was formed, m line with other States, to co-ordinate teaching activitie in the event of a civil emergency. Victoria.-Results compare very favourably with the preceding year. Difficulties were experienced due to considerable delay in d livcry of text-books from London owing to import restrictions. The Victorian Centre is once again greatly indebted to the Honorary Instructor and Lecturers for their loyal service. South Australia.-Statistics show a large increase in the i sue of certificates mainly due to the activities in the South Australian Railways in teaching First Aid to the new arrivals to South ~ustralia. enteri?g service in the Railways. The Brigade also showed an mcr ase m ccrtrficates issued and the Department of Civil Aviation promoted more classes in the Far North where First Aid is often available only through the Flying Doctor Service. Queensland.-The Queensland Centre reports great interest being taken in classes to train people to render ably First Aid and to care for the sick in cases of emergency. Pupils of the Teachers' Training College again had 72' qualifiers for First Aid Certificates. . The Centre is indebted to those who acted as Exammers, Honorary Instruuctors, Members ot" the Staffs of the Queensland Ambulance Transport Board, and Railway Ambulance Officers. Tasmania.- The Tasmanian Centre reports a slight increase in the number of First Aid Certificates and a decrease in the number of candidates qualifying for the Home Nursing Certificate. Teaching was centred on the teaching of First Aid and Home Nursing in as many school as possible. Difficulty was experienced in obtaining sufficient numbe~s of the New Edition of the Preliminary First Aid Book. However, satIsfactory results were obtained and many headmasters were anxious for the


e\V South Wale Victoria South Australia. Queensland Tasmania

DED 31St DECEMBER, 1952 First Aid Home Nursing Senior Junior Senior Junior Hygiene 6 2,639 1,9 13 3 29 20 5 1, 609 163 3 60 160 1, 284 go 60 88 1,543 15 34 2 24 6 24 II7 4 19

Child Welfare

Total Vouchers 35 0 II6 15 6 71 29

ew South Wales Victoria South Australia Queensland Tasmania TOTAL

Medallions 3 08 164 44 10



Labels 68 4 359 93 87 139

Pendants Certs. issued 6,282 53 3, 01 5 39 22 1,75 0 2,261 8 1, 01 9 27

ERTIFICA TES ISSUED SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRE New South Wales 25 1 -3 0 9 Victoria 160,178 Sou th Australia 49,7 8 7 Queensland 77, 62 3 Tasmania 25,4 21 BRIGADE

TRE GTH IN VARIOUS DI TRICTS 195 1 195 2 New South \Vales 3,675 3,4 8 7 Victoria 1,637 1,7 15 South Australia 1,043 1,159 Tasmania 35 8 501 Queensland . 26 5 13 8 Commandery of We tern Australia 1,040 1, 065


New South Wales.- The work of the Brigade has progressed satisfactorily during our Jubilee Year. We regret to report the death of A. S. Wilkinson, K.St.J., who held the positions of District Superintendent and Secretary for so many years. We congratulate Dr. G. G. L. Stening upon his appointment as Director of Ceremonies within the Priory. Dr. Robert S. Steel was appointed Commi sioner in his place as from 1st January. Dr. R. Swinburn is appointed Di trict Surgeon and Mr. N. Hayton District Superintendent. In February we were honoured by a brief visit from the Commissionerin-Chief St. John, Sir Otto Lund. The Deputy Prior, Sir John Northcott, held an Investiture at Government House on 29th February when awards were presented. Church Parades were held at St. Andrew's Cathedral and St . Mary's Basilica on 15th June. The Annual Inspection was held at the R.A.S. Showground on 8th November. 1,200 members were present. The Inspection was carried out



by His Exoellency Lieutenant General Sir John Northcott, Governor of New South Wales. The Cadet Parade took place in Government House Grounds on 6th December. 1,123 Cadets were pre ent . The Inspecting Officer was Lieutenant General F. H. Berryman, G.O.C. Ea tern ommand .. The Inter-State Competition for N ur ing Divi ion wa held m the Lower Town Hall, Sydney on 22nd November. The Queensland team gained first place , New South Wale coming econd. . . Members of the Brigade are in continuou demand for publIc function

Victoria.-One Ambulance, one Combin d, and two Nur ing, Di~i. ion were registered. Three additional Ambylance Cadet and three additlonal Nursing Cadet Divisions were al 0 reglst r d. . . Every Division in the District. ~as in ~ ected by Officers of the Dl tnct Staff during the year. In addItion, Hls Excellency t~e Governor of Victoria, General Sir Dallas Brooks, inspected a combmed parade on 20th December. The usual eries of First Aid and Home Nursing Competition were held. The Annual Church Parade was held on unday, 29th June, a t t. Paul' s and St. Patrick's Cathedrals. The ervice at t. P a ul' s wa attended by the Prior, His Excellenc:y Sir ~illiam McK 11, Governo~­ General of Australia; th e Deputy Pnor, HIS Excellency General lr Dallas Brooks, Governor of Victoria, and members of Priory hapter and Council. . The services of Brigade personnel are still in great demand at public gatherings. South Australia.-Following the departure for Engla~d o~ .L.ady Norrie who had held the office of Pre ident of the Nursmg Dlvl IOns whilst in Australia, it was pleasing to learn of her promotio n to th e Grade of Dame of Grace. Lady Norrie had taken keen intere t in matters affecting the Order, which h~d assisted in no mall way the work of the ... , Brigade in South Austraha. Members of the Brigaae partiClpated m the St. J ohn . Day Church Parade arranged by the St. John Council for South. Au tralIa on S.u~day, 22nd Tune, at st. P eter's Cathedral. In the mornmg the Co~mISSI?n~r and o'fficers and members attended th e service at St. FrancIs Xavler s Cathedral. The Annual R eview was held on Sunday, 22nd September, on the Parade Grounds, the opportunity being taken to hold a d~al ce ~emony in conjunction with the St. John Counci~ for South AustralIa, bemg the official hand over of the South Au trahan Ambulance Transport Inc., and Northern Suburbs Ambulance Association Inc., agreements and ambulances . His Excellency, accompanied by Lady Nap:er, Major H. ~. Morphett and the Commissioner inspected the Parade, presented ServIce Awards and took the Salute at the March Past. . The Brigade was represented at the Anzac Day Ceremony, Hls Excellency th e Lieut.-Governor's Queen's Birthday Levee and R emem. brance Day Ceremo ny. Local Competitions were held dunng October a~d November. T~e Adelaide Nursing Division won the right of representmg South Austraha



District at the Priory Inter-S tate Competitions at Sydney. December 1951 aw the inaugura.tion of a First Aid Service for the Port Adelaide and Outer H arbour Water Front. Sponsored by the State Committe of Ov r eas and Inter-State Shipping Companies, the Brigad e wa a ked to control the activitie of the Depot. Two panel vans have been equipped a a Mobile Fir t Aid tation and Ambulance with an att ndant employed full time in charge of each. In the first month 18 ca e only \V re treated, but a the cherne developed and became organi ed ca ualti treated increa ed until October saw the highest total for the year of 401 cases, the total to the end of 1952 being 3,233 cases . Thi gives an indication of the need and usefulness of a service of this nature. Public function were attended by members. Cool weather during the ummer period \Va mainly rcspon ible for fewer cases being treated at the Beach and Hill a ualty Room. Befor th merger between the Brigade, the South Australian Ambulanc Tran port Inc. , and the Northern Suburbs Ambulance Association, two am bulanc were \vorking under control of the motor cycle division at racing, trotting, motor cycling and sports meetings, but at the present th re ar I I Ambulance providing a 24 hour service to the public and other activitie connected with field work. taff promotion ~ were tho e of Di trict Surgeon H. H. Hurst to Assistant Commi· ioner and Corps Surgeon G. Brown to District Surgeon. In addition to the outh Au tralian Ambulance Transport Inc., the North rn uburb Ambulance A ociation Inc. al 0 intimated their desire to effect a merger with the Brigade as a Divi ion of the proposed Tran port orps. Four Tran port Divi ion have been registered at Hindmarsh, Unly, W t T orren and Pro pect, comprising 94 member . N \\' ad t Divi ions have been formed at Lobethal, Clare, Mount Gambier, and oth r are pending. Nursing Di\'i ion increa ed by one at .M ount Gambier.

Tasmania.-Three V.A.D. Nur ing Division and one Cadet Nursing Divi ion hav be n formed and a large increase in membership has r ult d. The demand made upon personnel of the Brigade continue to increase and have been met by a ready re ponse . The t. John Day Annual Church P arade of the Brigade was held on 20th June at t. David' Cathedral in H obart, and by all other Divisions at their local Churches. H i Excellency the Governor of Ta mania h eld an Investiture at Government H ou e. Friend of the newly invested members of the Ord er were invited to attend . State Competitions were held during the year for Adult Ambulance and Cadet Ambulance and Nur ing Divisions and were keenly contested. All Divisions have been inspected at th eir home stations by Officers of the District Staff. Reports indicate a fairly satisfactory standard of training and administration. It is plea ing to record a steady increase in funds b eing accumulated for th e establishment of a ' 'St. John Hou e" in Hobart and it is desired to thank all those who have assisted in furthering this objective. The Qu eenstown Ambulance Divi ion are well on the way to securing




their own hall, by sub criptions from their own members at an average of £21 each fortnight. The total is now £3 05. . Queensland .-The Annual Inspection was taken by the Governor, SIr John Lavarack, on 2nd November, wh n 124 O~ce~s and Nurse were on parade. Three members qualified for V.R.D. Kmg. Bar and Brooch. All Divisions in Metropolitan area together wIth .. outhpon: and Ipswich were in tructed in drill, team work and corr:p.e~lhve work m the morning of the 25th May, and team from each DIVI lOn competed for the Executive Trophy in a First Aid Test in the afternoon, followed by a March Past. Members have done nightly and week-end duty at ho pital , ba ketball and hockey fields; and staffed the First Aid Room that t~ e Queensland Turf Club has provided for us at the ra~ecour .e .e,:-ch meetmg. Hospital hours of the four Metropo~ltan Dlvlsl~ns total 1,179 hours. A hurriedly arranged Flag Day raIsed approxImately £60.

Brigade, paid us a very brief visit in February. Unhappily, his visit coincided with the death of His Majesty King George VI and arrangements for public functions had to be cancelled. However, it was possible to arrange for a considerable number of the members of the Brigade in Sydney and Melbourne to meet him and hear what he had to say about Brigade work in others part of the British Commonwealth. His vi it wa a great pleasure to all of us and we hope that it will be pos ible for him, in the not far distant future, to pay us an extended visit. Such a vi it would be a great stimulus to the Brigade in Australia.


St. John Day.-A Church Parade to both main City Churche wa held-85 on parade. As Nursing Divisions had nine teams wishing to compete for the Annual Cup of the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade and the Competition was restricted to three team from each organi ation, . t. John and Red Cross, an elimination contest wa held on the precedmg Saturday. This proved an excellent practice for the actual Cup, a St. John were successful in securing the first three place The winning team represented Queen land in the Inter- tate Competition held in Sydney on 2'2 nd November, and we are very proud hold r now of the Shield, the Nundah team acquitting them elve very well. PRIORY CO:vIMISSIONER'S COMME TS

It is regretted that owing to an office error the trength of the Brigade in Victoria was given as 1,944 last year. This figure hould have been 1,637, which represented an increa e of 125 on the strength for the previous year. . . . It is again satisfactory to be able to report an mcrea e m trength m the Brigade in all Districts. It will be noted that Queen land ha practically doubled its strength during the year. The Brigade throughout Au tralia has cOIltinued to carry out its public duties in a highly efficient manner. Two visits each have been made to New South Wale and South Australia and Brigade problems have been discussed with the Commissioners and other Officers in these Districts. In addition, the Commandery Commissioner, Western Australia, and the Assistant Commissioner, Queensland, visited Victoria and di cussed Brigade matters with me whilst there. The Inter-State Competitions this year were confined to Nursing Divisions who competed for the Sleeman Cup in Sydney on the 22nd November. Teams representing New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland took part and all the teams attained a high standard. The victory of Queensland was very popular, as it was the first time Queensland had competed. I should like to record my congratulations and appreciation of their very fine effort. The same steady growth in the Cadet movement is noticeable again this year. Lieutenant-General Sir Otto Lund, the Commissioner-in-Chief of the

OMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Th offi~e of Knight-Commander of the Commandery was assumed by H is Exc 11 ncy th Governor (Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles Gairdner, K.C.M.G., .B., .B.E., K. t.].), on 1st :Mar<:h. His Excellency <:onducted his first Inve -titure of members of the Order on 16th September. :Ylember who passed away during the year were: E. C. Rosman (Commander), H. B. Jackson, Q.C., and E. B. McKenna (Officers); The Hon. W. H. Kitson (Officer), Messrs. A. E. Orchard, T. Letts and C. inclair ( erving Brothers). The ervi~ 1edal of the Order was awarded to Sir Thomas Meagher, t. J. (Dir ctor of Ceremonies). onaratulation are extended to Dr. ]. ]. Ho1land, K.St.]. (Lieutenant of the ommandery) on the honour of Commander of the British Empire cO:1ferred upon him by H er Majesty the Queen. Increa ed intere t has been evinced in class in truction. Fourteen more cla c than in the previou year were '~onducte d, including a hygiene cour e. Briaade strength inc rea~ed by 43 for the year, making a total of 1,065. The annual in Dection of the metropolitan divisions was made by His Exsellency the Knight Commander, who presented Service Medals and Bars. THE COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA. The establishment of a Commandery to embrace the territories of Southern and Northern Rhodesia, formerly within the area of the Priory in Southern Africa, and possibly later the territory of Nyasaland, having been sanctioned by the Grand Priory early in 1952, the Inauguration Ceremony was carried out by the Lord Prior, Lord Wakehurst, at St. John Headquarters i.o. Salisbury on Wednesday, 7th May. The Governor of Southern Rhodesia, His Excellency Sir John Kennedy, was installed as the Knight Commander, and Sir Ellis Robins as the Lieutenant. Sir Arthur Griffin and Brigadier John Sidney Morris were received by the Lord Prior as Knights of the Order and invested by him with the Insignia of their rank. The Executive officers and members of the Commandery Chauter were invested with their Insignia and installed in their respective offices . . T 0 t~e Priory in Southern Africa the. Commandery Chapter expresses Its grahtude for the support and co-operation given, not only during the proceedings leading to the formation of the Commandery, but also for the prominent part played in the Inauguration Ceremony when, on behalf of the Priory, Brigadier C. M. H offe handed to the Knight Cum-



mander a beautiful Ceremonial Sword as a token of goodwill towards the Commandery . Since the establishment of the Commandery its activities have been mainly concerned with organisation and v.:ork of a preparatory: nature. Chapter General has approved the appomtment of the followmg ExecuLve Orfi·:ers for the current triennial period: -The Rt. R v. Dr. E. F. Paget, Bishop of lIashonaland-Commandery Chaplain ; Brigadi r John Sidney Morris-Trea urer; Sir Arthur Griftm-Dlrector of Ambulance and Commandery Commissioner; Dr. idney George Hay~roft Ga on·Hospitaller and Almoner; Brigadier John Ellis Ro s-Dir ctor of Ceremonies. The Knight Commander approved the appointment of Capt. Alan John Thompson as Commandery Secretary. . . Arrangements are in hand for the tran f r of t. John property wlthm the Commandery from the Priory in outhern Africa to the Command ry in Central Africa, and when these are ~ompleted, Tru t will be appointed. The Priory in Southern Africa generou ly yoted the urn of £2,000, and an application has been made to Chapter General for a grant of £3,000 towards the initial expenses and admini tration of th ommandcry.

The Commandery will function under its own regulations and consists at present of-5 Knights; 3 Chaplains; 9 Commander (Brothers); I Commander ( ister); I I Ofhcer (Brothers); 7 Officer (Sisters); 15 Serving Brothers and 24 erving Sisters. It is with r gret we report the departure from Northern Ireland on rehrem nt of fhelr Excellencies the Earl and Countess Granville. Hi Excellency was Pre ident of the First Order Committee in Northern Ireland and subsequently Knight Commander of the Commandery of Ards on its formation. H r Excellency, Lady Granville, was District Pre ident of Nursing Divisions throughout her stay in Northern Ireland. The Annual Fe tival of the Order was held on 22nd June in St. Anne's Cath dral, Belfa t. After the service The Lieutenant, in the absence of the Knight ommand r, took the salute at the march past by the Brigade. ince th inauguration of the Commandery more interest has been shown in the Library and Museum. The Library consists of 16 historic book ' relating to the Order and 18 exhibits of interest have been presented to the ':\lu eum. The promise of additional·contributions by the Chancery of the Ord r i deeply appreciated. Th Annual Ball was h ld in the Midland Hotel, Belfast, on 4th January. 11r. Pollock, Chairman of the Order Committee, accompanied by The Dowag r Lady lark, Chairman of the Ball Committee, received the gue t . vVe ar indebted to ir Philip Wartcr and The Associated British Picture orporation Limited, for presenting to us the proceeds of the film "The ound Barrier" he\l,.'n in the Ritz Cinema, Belfast, at a midnight matinee on 21 t November. A gen ral Meeting of Executive Officers of Chapter, Association and Brigade repre ntatives, was held on the 6th November and proved to be of great value.


REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF A:--IBULA CE A D CO:il1l\1A TDERY CO:--DlISSIONER The strength of the Brigade has uffered omewhat from a rlou hortage of officer , particularly in the Cadet Division , but it i e~p.e::ted thaf this will be only a temporary phase and that many of th Dl\'l lOns which have gone into rece s will be revived in the very near futur. The total estimated strength of the Rhodesia Railways District and the Rhodesia District, which comprise the Commandery Area, is 1,358, made up as follows: -Men 973, women 114, boys 89, girls 182. The number of Divi ions is 39, consi ting of-Ambulance 13, Nur ing 9, Cadet Ambulance 5, Cadet Nursing 12. Great keenness and a high degr e of efficiency have becn maintained and annual Competitions were keenly '~ontested. During the visit of the Lord Prior, Brigade nights were held to enable him to make personal contact with Brigade members . The visit of the Countess of Brecknock early in the y ar was greatly appreciated and advantage was taken of her presence to stage the main Annual Inspections. ASSOCIATION.-The,:,e has been a satisfactory increa e in the number of ~ertificates issued during the year, the number issued being 2,056, to bring the total for the two Centres since their inception to 24,155. The attendance at classes has been consistently high and from them 117 new members joined the Brigade. COMMANDERY OF ARDS . The outstanding event was the Inauguration by H.R.H. The Grand Prior on 22nd May, at the Sir William Whitla Hall, Queen's University, Belfast. The Governor of Northern Ireland, The Earl Granville, was inducted Knight Commander of The Commandery.


ST. JOHl A;,fBULANCE ASSOCIATIO The year has not shewn any increased activity a regards the numbers of Adult la e held under the auspices of the Association, but a decided increase in the number of preliminary classes. Employers of labour in large fadories, workshops, etc., have not yet appr Clated the value of teaching first aid to their employees. First Aid Classe ~ontinue to be held for a number of Government Departments (General P~t Office and Royall!lster Constabulary, Fire Authority) and for such bodIes as the AutomobIle Association, Royal Automobile Club, Technical School. It is gratifying to report that a Royal UI ter Constabulary team competed in the Grand Prior's Trophy. Certificates issued during the year were: -First Aid 346, Horne Hursing 184, Hygiene 9, Child Welfare 26. ST. JOHN Al\-IBULANCE BRIGADE During the year 4 Divisions were disbanded and 10 new ones formed. Four new Ambulance Cadet and three Nursing Cadet Divisions were registered. Voluntary assistance in hospitals has been maintained. Brigade members played an important part in the Blood Transfusion



Servi.:e and have produced excellent results wh~ch received appropriate recognition by the Ministry of Health. Many hours were devoted to Nur ing Aid by both Adult and Students. Divisions are devoting more time to Old People's W 1far . 'ledical Comforts Depots continue to be a boon to tho e in ne d of invalid chairs, sick room requirement, etc. In addition to the normal coverage at football mat: hes and cinema duties, the majority of point-to-point meetings and motor car and motor cycle races were covered by members of the Brigade. Five ambulances were maintained and dealt with 108 road accidents and 2,388 patients. A number of successful training courses were held including a threeday Nursing Members Course which was attended by the Sur eon-inChief and the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief. A enior Officer Conference took pla·:e on the last day of the Nursing Members Course and was well attended. Our Ambulance and Nursing Cadets were in Camp during the ummer in England, Wales and in certain Counties in U1ster.






The Finance Committee, meeting on the 17th February, 1953, approved for u bmi ion to Chapter-General the Report of the Receiver-General (appended) on the accounts of the Order for the year ended the 3 0th eptember, 1952, and th account themselves (pages 81-86). The audit of th account ha ince been _ati factorily completed. The ommittee al 0 received and considered the promised statement by the Receiver-Gen ral and the As istant Receiver-General (vide the last paragraph of the Receiver-General's Report above-mentioned) on the present state of the Post-War Fund (General Allocation). This brings up to date th Financial Survey of 1950. On the basis of this memorandum the Finance Committee made the following specific recommendations to ouncil and Chapter-General. (a) A urn of £250,000 should be set aside in the Post-War Fund (G eneral Allocation) for direct relief of distress in emergency or otherwi ,to b u ed solely for this purpo e and to be drawn upon as and when th e need for uch expenditure arises. (b) A further revision of the Financial Survey should be prepared a oon a practicable after the end of the current financial year by which tim the actual re ults of the investigation of the Management Consultants should be definitely ascertainable. (c) As th next tage in stabilizing the financial position of the Order, teps hould b taken to en ure that the Ordinary Income and Ordinary Expenditure of the Order balance each other within a fixed and limited period of year , thi process to be completed well before the anticipated xhau tion of the balance of th e Post-War Fund on the meeting of recurring d ficit . Immediately after this decision has been formulated, or concurrently, the Receiver-General and the Assistant Receiver-General should be required to draw up a blue-print of Income and Expenditure of th Ord r and its Foundations on the assumption that the Post-War Fund ha been exhausted. After setting aside a reserve of £250,000 for direct relief of distress and after making provi ion for other commitments known to Chapter-General, the balance of the Post-War Fund (General Allocation) is approximately £550,000 which would, if necessary, suffice to meet the deficit between the Ordinary Income and Ordinary Expenditure of the Order, as it exists at pre ent, for another fifteen years. As, however, will be seen from the recommendations of the Finance Committee, noted above, the Finance Committee do not consider that this position should be accepted, and hold that the Ordinary Income and Ordinary Expenditure of the Order should be equated, by steps definitely taken to this end, at an earlier date, the object being that still more of the Post-War Fund may be applied to the direct reli f of distress, the primary purpose for which the Order received this allocation from the balance of the Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross and St. John Fund.




CE TIUL ADMINISTRATION Expenditure £53.452 against £47,282, an increase of £6,170. The incr ase is atiributable to the undermentioned increases and decrea es:-

CO}LMITTEE ON THE ACCO NTS OF THE ORDER TO 30th SEPTEMBER, 1952. The Accounts hereto appended, which are subject to final audit, 2. re pre ented in the form agreed at the meeting of the Committee on the 21st February, 1952, in that they follow the model of the Budget and are divided into two parts, one covering the Ordinary income and expenditure, and the other covering the in:::ome and expenditure of th· Post\tVar Fund. To facilitate comparison with the prev io us y ar's ac:::ount , the corresponding figures (in £':3 only) of totals of main heading are printed III italics in the margin of the Account. COMPARISON OF ACTUAL RESULTS WITH BUDGET ESTDIATES. The Budget Estimates for the year under review made provision for a total outlay of £214,710 to be met from Ordinary Incom , estimated at £64,774, and from Receipts from Investment Interest, etc., and Sale of Investments of the Post-War Fund e timat d at £149,936. In actual result the total outlay amounted to £275,181. Of thi urn £126,919 is recorded in the Ordinary in:::ome and xpenditur ac:::ount, £72,702 in the St. John Post-War Fund income and expenditure account, and £75,560 being a capital item representing the amount of Loan mad during the year (£13,550), the Loss on ale of Inve tmcnt (£15,904), and the purchase of the lea ehold premises, 10, Grosvenor Cre cent (£46,106) is recorded directly in the Balance Sheet against the t. John Po t-War Fund. The outlay in excess of Budget provision (£61,000 approx.) is ac:::ounted for, mainly, by the following items:Purchase of 10, Grosvenor Crescent Ordinary exp enditure Loss on sale of investments .

£4 6 ,ro6 5,3 06 9,'204

To meet the total outlay of £275,181, ordinary income contributed £71,719, Interest on the investments of the Post-War Fund £60,271, leaving £143,191 to be found from the sale of investments of the PostWar Fund. It should be noted, however, that the purchase of 10, Grosvenor Crescent, £46,106, represents a transfer from cash to physical assets and the value of the property, as also the increase in loans to Branches, £10,072, appear as assets in the balance heet. The increase of ordinary income over the Budget estimate (£7,000 approximately) is made up of a number of items largely fortuitous, notably stores £1,674, and St. John Ambulance Association receipts £3,228. ORDINARY INCO~E AND EXPENDTTURE ACCOUNT Expenditure amounted to £126,919 (against £II8,566 in the preceding year). Income amounted to £71,719 (against £78,888). Ordinary expenditure therefore exceeded Ordinary income by £55,200 (against £39,678). The deficit of £55,200 is carried to the Post-War Fund income and expenditure account. The results of the main departments for 1952 are set out below with the comparative figures for 1951.

Chancery Treasury Stores Department " R evie\.v " a nd Cadet J ournals Publicity V.A.D. ommitiec Library and ~\luseum Grand Priory Church


£'2'2,710 against £1 ,80'2 an increase of £3,908 6.556 6,3::9 " '227 I 1,689 ro,836 " 853 6,927 2,4'21 1,459 1,609 81

6,162 , '2,06 1,1'20 " " " 1,806 a decrease of 159 "

765 353 339 197 78

The increa d expenditure on the Chancery is due to the fees payable to the 1anagem ent Consultant (£3.428) and expenses on the newly acquired pr mi e at 10, Grosvenor Crescent (£817). Income £49,768 again t £58,792, a decrease of £9,024. The d crea e i attributable to the undermentioned items:Foundation Dues, Oblations. Interest. etc .... tares Department " R vicw" and Cadet Journals Library a nd Museum ... Grand Priory Church ...

£14,311 against £14,146 an increase of 3 1 ,674 41,074 a decrease of 3,469 an increase of 101 a decrease of '2 "

313 101

Th larger income from the Stores Department in the preceding year was brought about mainly by ales of the new edition of First Aid and companion textbooks, and was not expected to be maintained perman ntly. OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, JERUSALE~ Expenditure £17,204 again t £15,4II, an increase of £1,793. Income £3,937 again t £5,216, a decrease of £1,279. The increa e in expenditure is spread over a number of items set out (in the account, including Rates and Taxes payable in Israel on the Ho pital building which are let on rental. The decrea e in income is mainly due to adjustments in Rent collected and dealt with by the Order's Advocate at Jerusalem and a special receipt in the preceding year of compen ation for lost equipment. The net cost amounted to £13,267 (against £10,195), an increase of £3,072. ST. JOHN AMBULA CE ASSOCIATIO Expenditure £25,215 again t £24,028, an increase of £1 ,187. Income £16,42'8 against £13,193, an increase of £3,235. The increased expenditure is chiefly attributable to an increase in Lecturers' and E:c~miners' Fee (£2,302) and a decrease in Printing costs and CompehtlOns (£1,535) . The increased income is attributable to Charges for Instruction. The net cost amounted to £8,787 (against £10,835), a decrease of £2,048.




Expenditure £31,046 against £31,845, a decrease of £799. Income £1,584 against £1 ,687, a decrea e of £103. The smaller expenditure is chiefly attributable to a decrea e in maintenance cost of the Training Centre and lub (£962) , Publications and Publicity (£1,405), with an increase in Travelling Expen e , Conference, Awards, Postage (£1,657). The net cost amounted to £29>462 (again t £30,158), a decrease of £696. ST. JOHN POST-WAR FUND INCCME AND EXPE DfTURE ACCOU T G-ENE~AL


Expenditure, including the deficit of £55,200 on the Ordinary inc~me and expenditure account (against £39,678 ) amounted to £84,986 (agam t £61,356). To meet the expenditure of £84,986, Income from Inve tmenL provided £39,046, and the balance of £45 ,940 wa~ tran ferred to the Fund in the Balance Sheet. SPECIAL ALLOCATrOK

Expenditure amounted to £42,915, of which sum Income from Inve tments provided £21,225, and the balance of £21,690 wa tran ferred to the Fund in the Balance Sheet. BALAN CE SHEET The Balance Sheet is generally self -explanatory. St. TnJ!n Priory Church R ebuilding Fund . Contributions recrivecl rlurint; the year amounted to £922 and, with those previou ly received, plus Investment Interest, made a total of £19,910. After d educting expenditure of £419 for Appeal costs (plu £3,445 in previou years), the net total of the Fund is £16,046. Ophthahnic Hospital Fund. Dnring the year the Fund received £310 from Legacies and Contributions, but was decreased to £76,643 by the payment of a compensation claim of £129, and a compulsory loan to the Israeli Government of £2,012. St. John Post-War Fund. This is set out in tw') parts. The first part, "General Allocation", refers to the main original allocation from the J oint War Organisation of £2,060,000 a~d the second part, "Special Allocation", refers to the £840,000 speCifically allocated for Welfare Work in Service Hospitals. The General Allocation and Special Allocation balances of £1,254,840 and £581,586 respectively are arrived at after providing for loss on sale of investments (£II,640 and £4,z63), writing down investments to market value (£215,056 and £119,000), and meeting the amounts transferred from the Income and Expenditure Account (£45,940 and £21,690).



The net effect of the year's transactions on the balance of the St. JO.hn Post-War Fund was to reduce it by £417,591 (General Allocabon £27 2 ,637 and pecial Allocation £144,954) to £1,836>426. General Fund. fhe General Fund \vas 8.ugmciltc·d by Legacies and Oblations commuted which amounted to £18,051 and £361. respectively. After providing £375 for expenditure on renovation work at Kolossi Ca tle, Cypru , £7,085 for works at St. John' Gate and £96 for leg~l expen e on property at Rhodes, the balance in favour of the Order IS £277,033·


The actual depletion of the Post-War Fund in the year under report (apart from 10 on ale and writing down of investments) was £67,630 a compar d with £38,735 in the preceding year. Inclusive of £3>428, fees to the Management Consultants, not provided for in the Budget, the deficit on the Ordinary income and expenditure account was £55,200 as compared with th e e timated figure of £56,839. On any view the difference i in ignificant and does not represent any erious planned economy. In th e year under teport Ordinary expenditure (exclusive of the Management Con ultant ' fee) was £123,491 as compared with the estimate of £121,613. In 1949-50 it wa £108,000, in 1950-51 £rr8,500, and in the current year it i e timated at £133,000. In pre enting the Budget E timates for the current year to the Finance ommittee I commented on the general financial p osition now appearing: and my comment endorsed and amplified by the Finance Committee ha ve be n generally accepted by Council and Chapter-General. It is acknowledged that the solution is not to be found in purely financial expedients and that major changes in policy or organisation may be needed to effect ubstantial reduction of expenditure. Chapter-General agree that the heavy annual fall in the assets of th e Po t-War Fund is not likely to be adequately checked by the measures 0 far proposed by the Management onsultant and that accordingly there must be a continuous process of investigating possible ways of reducing expenditure (e.g. by changes in organi ation and / or curtailing activities) and of increasing incom , quite apart from recommendations made by the Management Consultants. Chapter-General further decided that Executive Officers be requested to proceed departmentally in close consultation with the Management Consultants to take all possible steps to effect the economies propo ed in their report, and directed that reports should be made to Chapter-General in due course as to the steps which the Executive Officers have been able to take and their financial effect. The Finan::ial Survey of 1950, prepared by the Assistant ReceiverGeneral and myself, included a tabular statement aiving, as at 31st March, 1950, the expenditure actually incurred from the Post-War Fund (General allocation) and the amount of commitments and provic::ional commitments then in view. The available balance then disclosed was £1,123,700. A revised statement. on the arne Jines, bringing the relevant information up to date, is being prepared, and will be presented to the Finance Committee as soon as this can conveniently be done. But it is clear already that the available balance has been very largely reduced as a result of loss by




depreciation of investments, the continuing deficits, and by new commitments and liabilities-to which the complex situation at the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem now contributes : and that with expenditure continuing as at pre ent the balance of the Po t- War Fund on which the Order depends so vitally will last a mu::h shorter time than was originally intended . E. BURDON, 8th J anuary, 1953· Receiver-General.








PR10RY in



CENTRAL ADMlNlSTRA TIO Members' foundation dues Members' oblations Interes t on investments, etc. Rents, less charges Dona tions

CENTRAL ADMINlSTRATION. CHA CERYSalaries and wages Rates . . . .. Printing, stationery, and general expenses Expenses connected with Maplestead Special grants . . . . . . Contributions to Staff Superannuation . Rent Charge-21-23 St. John's Square. Repairs and decorations. . . . Tnvestitures. . . . Management Consultants . Expenses connected with 10, Gros~eno~ Cr~sceni

£5,846 13 5 349 0 10 9,778 0 II 126 4 I 456 11 4 184 1 9 46 5 0 1,350 7 II 327 0 3 3,428 3 II 817 16 II

TREASURYSalaries and wages . . . . Contributions to Staff Superannuation . Printing, stationery, and general expenses Rates . . . . . . . . Audit fee . . . . Loss on Exchange-Australia and ew Zealand

4,523 752 1,059 119 75 25

STORES DEPARTMENTSalaries and wages Carriage and freight. . . . . Printing, stationery, and general expenses Loss on Exchange-Australia. . . Audit fee . . . . . . . Contributions to Staff Superannuation . Rates

6,565 12 6 1,386 16 II 1,455 0 5 886 14 7 70 0 0 1,059 I 9 265 8 4

PuBLICATIONS OF THE ORDER, PuBLIC RELATIONS PUBLlCTTYSt John Review- printing, salaries, etc.. '. . . . St. John Cadet-printing, etc. Salaries and sundry expenses

19 13 15 13 0 7

6,499 18 427 11 2,420 6

5 9 7 7 0 2

4 2 9

444 11 1,080 10 84 10

1 0 6

995 0 3 1,111 7 10 31 19 1 I 5 0 0

EXPENSES AT JERUSALEMSalaries, wages, and pensions Housekeeping . . . Drugs, equipment, etc. Repairs and alterations . . . Maintenance of furniture and fittings . Printing, stationery, and general expenses Travelling and incidental expenses. . Electric supply Water supply Advocate's fees Rates and taxes

7,789 2 ,016 77Q 1,100 224 867 1,414 124 140 220 386

Contributions to Staff' Sup'eran~uation : Competitions . Ground rent, rates, tAco . . . Training Centre and Club maintenance







11 ,688 14

31,673 15 10

6 ?uBlICATlO S OF THE ORDER, PUBLIC RELATIO S PUBLICITYSI. John R eview- sales and advert isements: . . . St John Cadet-sales and advertisements

31,673 15 10 3,585 17 195 17

7 4

3,781 14 11

9,347 16

1,609 II

19 7 4 11 11 8 5 3 17 0 16 3 2 0 14 4 4 0 0 0 6 8

£53 ,452 16 8



OPHTHALMlC HO PITAL AT JERU ALEM. Donations and annual subscriptions Interest on investments . . . Rents . . Medical fees . 2,143



15,061 9,412 7,944 7 4,305 17 40 0 924 7 2,264 8 324 1 1 3 17 10 15 4 3 16

1,047 14 1,155 17 1,721 0 12 II





16,428 15


0 £49,768 7 2 0 0

. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION. Dona tions and annual subscriptions Charged to Centres and Detached Class~s in 'resp~ct o'f instruction:

1 0 6 0 2 5 I

9 8

7 6 7 0 6 5 5 2

6 9 /



Ministry of Educ~tion' grant

64 17 1,520 0

0 0

/ 31,046 12 2


1,584 17 0 55,200 5 10

BALANCf: being excess of Ordinary Expenditure over Ordinary Income earned to St. John Post-War Fund.

7_ 9

ST. £3,440 15 0 18,692 5 9 236 16 6 3,000 0 0 3,916 16 10 500 0 0

3,937 306 16,122


Donations 12,429 3,398 7,424 20 320 1,597 1,105 4,750



£126,919 GENERAL ALLOCATIONBalance brought down being excess of Ordinary Expenditure over Ordinary Income . . . . . . . . . St. John Councils . . . Development of Overseas Units Works at St. John House Works at Bexhill Cadet Camp Welfare work in Malaya. . Lynmouth Flood Relief Fund .

£14,31 I 14 I I

6 STORES DEPARTMENTGross profit on sale of stores.


OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AT JERUSALEM EXPENSES AT LONDON OFFICESalaries. . . . . . . . Printing, stationery, and general expenses Loss on Exchange-Australia. . . Audit fee

ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE Salaries and wages . . . . Travelling and incidental expenses. . ~:::}i~f~estati~nery, and general expen~es

6 4 8 I 4




ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses . . . Salaries and wages . . . . . Printing, stationery, and general expenses Audit fee . . . . . . . Contributions to Staff Superannuation Competitions Rates

£1,518 12 4,642 1 7,620 2 309 9 221 9

1,458 16

V.A.D. COMMITTEE LmRARY AND MUSEUMPurc~ase of books, prints, coins, and objects, etc. Salanes. . . . . . . Contribution to Staff Superannuation


5 10

£126,919 GENERAL ALLOCATIONInterest on Investments Interest on Loans .

£38,631 415


8 10 7 1 £39,046 15 11

By balance of expenditure transferred to the Fund as per Balance Sheet.







29,786 14 I 84,986 19 II

SPECIAL ALLOCATlONWelfare work in Service Hospitals.


5 3

SPECIAL ALLOCATIONInterest on Investments . • . By balance of expenditure transferred to the Fund as p~r B~lanc~ Sheet.

84,986 19 II 21,225 21,690

0 5

0 3

42,91 5








£34,467 2 10 402 18 10 £34,064



3,300 7,058 12





227 14


7,291 14 lSI 6

0 0

15,225 12 922 5 317 17

3 9 2

16,465 IS 419 7

2 5

STAFF BENEVOLENT CONTINGENT FUNDAs per last account . Less: Expenditure

1,622 5 265 IS

0 6

LINEN GUiLD- OPHTHALMtC HOSPITALAs per last account . Add: Contributions. . Interest on Investment

485 7 84 19 7 10

I 2 0

Less: Expenditure ST. JOHN PRIORY CHURCH R EBUILDING FUNDAs per last account . Add: Contributions. . . Interest on Investment .

Less: Appeal costs-salary, office expenses, etc.

Less: Expenditure CENTENARY APPEAL FUNDAs per last account . Add: Interest on Investments





Fu D




I JOII ST. JOHN 'S CHURCH MAl ITENANCE FUNDAs per last account . ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE BENEVOLENT Fu DAs per last account . Add: Contributions. . Interest on Investments



















09.107 19 4,985 10

9 0



JOHN POSI-WAR } 1I IJ (""'IRAI AI.LOtAfiON L ~a,eholo Pn:! ml,e, at 8, (Jro'\~Il(\r Cr~,>cl:nt. S.W . I ( ' II writtc:n oft 10 oate


298 I I

24,896 17 10 723 12 8

25,620 10

6 £87,826 II

78,474 13 100 0 210 3

2 0 5

.e!!7.!!26 It














76,643 16





17.640 4 ,116


I c<I,ehoh.l Prcmi,c:s at 10. (.ro~\t:l1or Cn:'l:t:nt, 'i .W . Len "rltlel1 11/1' to oate .

46.106 478

4 10

I rc:ehold preml\e, ;It 15-16, Collingham Cardens, ~ . W . 1.t'\'1 II rltlt:n 011' to oate .

26,143 II 143 II

Investment, . . . (\1arl..et value at 30th 'icptcmher. I nan, to Branche, A, per last a COllnl Added thi, ,cur 1 .111

129 5 2,011 IS

1,300,780 45,940

9 4

SPECIAL ALLOCATION OF £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service HospitalsBalance at 30th September, 195 I . . . . . . . . 726,540 Less: Loss on realization and writing down of Investments 123,263

0 5

4 10

1<)~2. £1:112,863)




30,154 16 13,550 0


43,704 16 3.478 3

H 4

76,643 16

5 0 1,254,840 5

SI'I ( 1.\1. . t I O( ,\ 1111"1 fur 'v\-'l:lfarc 'Y orl.. in Sen icc Hospithl Invetments . (Market value al .10th· \cp'temher, 19<;2, £5 '1,000) Cash at B:1nl..


GI .... f RAI ru . l) -I rcehold Premi'>es at ano aOJoinlng St. John's Gatt!, Clt!rkt!nwell Less : wriltt!n olr to datt! .


I reehold Premies adjacenl to SI. John's Church, ClerkeD\lell Lea ehold Premises at 33-34, Wilton Row, S.W . Ll'.\.' : writlt:n ofr to date .

4 3 581,586


11,836,42613 6

0 8 2

3 1 6

7,556 16 10 277,033 42,757

2 0

0 9 319,790

Rights in Ca tIe at Kolossi. Cyprus Strathearn H oust: and Watson H ou,e, Jerusakm Muristan Property, JenlsJlt!m . Lt'II: \I ritten ofr to date Investments. . . . . (Market value at 30th September, 1952, £ 156.377.) Ambu lance Stores, etc., on hand Insignia and Medal on hand. Sundry Debtors and Out~tandings Advances (secured)As per last account l.e .I·\,: Rep:1yment

284,589 18 10

Sundry Creditors and Outstandings




266,176 19 18,051 2 361 17 375 0 7,085 14 96 2

40,226 13

12.493 12 10 4,104 II 6

Sundry D"btors (':I,h :1t B.lnl..

10 6

603,276 13 21,690 5




0 0

5 6

I 1,8.16,426 13

1 58 1, 586

5 0

GENERAL FUND (subject to depreciation of Investrnents)Balance in favour of the OrderAs per last account . Add: Legacies ... Commutation of Oblations

Less: Expenditure at Kolossi Castle, Cyprus Works at St. John's Gate . . Property at Rhodes-legal expenses

6 4



577 16 3 279 4 I I

ST. JOHN POST-WAR FUND-(Funds allocated by J oint War Organization)GENERAL ALLOCATION OF £2,060,000Balance at 30th September, 1951. . . . .. 1,527,477 3 Less : Loss on realization and writing down of Investments 226,696 14

Less : Transferred from Income and Expenditure account


298 II 25.620 10

78,784 16

Less: Transferred from Income and Expenditure account



OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL FUNDAs per last account Add: Contributions Legacies

Less: Compensation claim . . . . Israeli Goveroment-Compulsory Loan

4 0

I I ,,'~rMI ' NI AND BAr ANCI~

ClNIINARY AI'I'I.AL ru~·m r \1~IMl:.NH A f) BALAN(I~ . (Book. value of Inve'itment'i, i.71.X2Y, and M:1rl..et vallie at lOth Scpt: ember, 1952, £03,783 .)



rUND I 'lVF~lMr'll A'll) BAI ANcr~

OI'ItIlIALMIC HOSI'llAL fl.r-;D I reeholo Premi\e'i ut HO~Plt;d, Jerll'ill¢lll L('\\' 'Hitten on tn datI! .









C"h at RanI.. and In H.mo 2 9

51,448 14 25,448 14

0 0






34 U83

0 0

0 2



26,000 7,266

650 390

3,698 3,648

0 0

0 0

8 II 8 II


0 10

57. 101 18 II 8,836 17 5 22,097 12 2 972 22

0 0

0 0





0 319,790



(I) The nbnl1e BnlllllCl' She'" (lml o/loched IlIcnlllp ollcl Expl'lIdilUrf' ACCOUIII

prt'.lellt the finallcial IrflmnCliolll' ICIking place nr the Headquarters nJ Ihl' Order nlld its Fnulldatiolls. They do IInl ill elude thl' fillal/cial IrallsactiollS o./ Iocal Ullits o/the Or(lpr alld its FOUlldotimll" ill re,'pC'cl 0/ which, ullder Rl'guhttiolll' lIuthnri=l't! by iiII' Order, nCCOlllln art' maintailll'r/ fllld fllldited local/y. (2) Til flddition to till' properties illelllded ill tlte abol'l' Bllirlllce Sheet Cl'rtaill other properties hllvl' bpell vested in tlte Order eilher liS part of it,· Corporate property or UPOII Trtt.l't.l' ill cOllnectioll witlt tlte SI. JOItIl Ambulnllce AssociatiOIl alld Brigade, but the.,·e flrt' not rl'ali=ablt, without the consellt of tlte Cltarity Cnmmissinllers, or tht' TrtlstPps or Local Commiltel'.I· oj' Alw({(gemellt. D) T hp bnllk and caslt hnlan('('.I· inelllde IlfIlnllces ol £ 18.004 1t('lrI in Isrrtpl wltirh arp ~uhjt'rt to p '(chllnf!(' restriClioll~


On The Treasury, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.l.

3 6



H~l"ing clt8mined the above llabllcc Sheet and Inco me and ~llpenJiturc AClAllillt with Ille books anJ voucht:r~ or lhe Grand Priory in thl'! British Realm of the Venerable Order or tbe Hospital or St. John or Jerusakm uno "itll the r.'~turns received from JerusaJl'!m. we hereby report that, on the ba is s pecifieo in Notes (I), (2) and (3) on the Balance ~heet, thl? said Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. tredenck's Place, PRICE, WATERHOUSE & Co t.,o h" Old Jewry, E.C.2. Chartered Accountants. ., .. t .... Febrttary. 1953 .







SCHEDULE OF INVESTM ENTS AS AT 30th SEPT EMBER, 1952 J) /~ Coma"wn Loon. 1961 or Ifter

4 % Sudan Guar. Rtg. Stock. 1974 31 % W ar Loan, 1952 or arler

fln/dillK ,'. tI . .t 42,223 II 5



Bllof... Vatu/'. r. d. L




1,112 18


247,253 16





3 "/. Nottingham Corporation . tock, 19)7







""" Saving, Rond~, 1950;-6)







13,811 14



. aying, Bonds. I 960-7()

3 % Savings Bonds, 1965-75


2 ~~ "

479,457 15








401.613 10

3 % Bri tish Transport Guar. Stock, I 97ll-1i8


4 % Consolidated Slock, 1957 or after

30.660 14 II

2i % Australia R eg . Stock. 1967-71







31 % Sierra Leone StocJ...• 1958-63 3 % Funding Loan, 1959-69

21 ~{;

Aus tralia R eg. Stock. 1970-75



13.811 14


0 10




12.758 13 10 27.946






1.815 18 10 433.792








3 % Federa ted Malay States Stock, 1960-70




2,8 16 II


3 ~.~ Derence Bo nd s (P .O.)








£ 1,98 6,349


£2,34 1,694 10

~be ~be

\5rant> ~rtor~ in tbe :n3rttisb 1Realm of lDenerable Q)rber of tbe 1bospital of St. 30bn of 3erusalem




ambulance Bssociation


Report for the Twelve Months ended

318t December, 1952




'ttbe (l;ranb JPrior}? in 'ttbe :18ritlsb 1Realm or tbe Weller a ble @rber of the 1bJs ptta l of St. Jobn of Jerusalem


St. 30bn Bll1bulancc Rssociation JP a tron : H ER MAJE TY THE Q UEEN

( overeign H ead o£ t he Order)

JPr es lu e nt: GENERAL H .R . H . THE D UKE OF G LO UCES TER , K. G. , ETC.

(Grand Prio r o£ the Order)

IDlr cdor:::(l; c neral: HORA CE


PAR<;HALL, ESQ . , T . D . , M.A . (OXON . )

1Prtn C I~H1I f1~ ": u lca { MAJ OR


@f[lL cr:

. WHITE Ki'ox, O . B . E., M . C . , M.B.,


IDepllt\2 E>irec TCIl':::(l;cllcraI : LIEUT . -COLONEL E. C


:Rs5lstnllt IDlr cctC'r:::<I'cllcr a l

(~\1Cr5e a 5):

ANTHO:-ry B . STEEL, ESQ., O .B.E . , M . A.

1Lnb}? IP r lll cip a{: :MRs. STEWART-ROBa RTS

IDepllt~ GUY W.

!principal .Mcll ical




5 ecretar\1 : CAPTAIN

A. N.




Bssistant ' Se creta r)2 : L IEUT.-COLONEL


E. F.




:roallh e r~;




:association <tomnuttee : ctba irina n : HORACE F. PARSHALL, E


T.D.) :'I.A. (Oxon.)


P_URON. The Association mourns the death of its Patron, His Late Majesty King George VI, and rcmembers with pride the first o:::casion of His Jfaje ty's evidence of intere t in the Association when, as Duke of York, he graciou ly consented to prescnt the Shicld and prizes ~n the occasion of the Inter-Railway Compctition in 1921. Her l\laj sty the Queen has been graciously pleased to grant her Patronage to the t. John Ambulance Association.



. J..-\ .B.

1H olllinRteD b}2 IDlrector::G;cncrRl : THE Ho, .





REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL ir, I have the honour to submit for the jnformation of His Royal Highness The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General of the Order, my Report on the work of the t. John Ambulance Association for the year ended 31St December, 1952.



C. R. BUCHANAN, ESQ., C.M ,G., M.D .. Colonial Office \1ISS E. COCKAYNE, S.R.N., Nursing Profession H . .-\DAMS CLARKE, ESQ. British Railways H. CAVEKDISH FULLER, Esg ., M.D., British Rail\\a ys R. Snrpso', ESQ ., British Railways

R. BURGOYNE, ESQ., British Raih\ ays E. HARRIS, ESQ., National Coal Board C. G. ROBERTS, ESQ., M.D ., Post Office J. S. WEATHERLEY. El"Q , P ost Offlce G. T. MIL TE, ESQ., Ministry of Health H. H. HERMAN, ESQ., O.B .E., National Police L. G. NORMAN, ESQ., M.D. London Transport Executi-ve H. R. CAMP, ESQ., C.B., Ministry of Supply P. PRINGLE, ESQ., M.R.C.S ., L.R.C.P., LL.B ., British Electricity Authority _-\. B. BADGER, ESQ ., PH.D., Gas Council H. C. YIAURICE WILLIAMS, ESQ., O.n.E ., :-'f.R.C.S., Central Council for Health Education

lRcpresenttng £iu borbillR te JSStIl bl isbmen ts of tbe ®rber : THE HON. JOHN BRUCE, C.B.E., Prioryf for Wales LIEUT .-COLONEL R. G. GROSVENOR, Commandery of Ards

APPOl D1ENTS. It i with the greatest atisfaction that I am able to report that His Hoyal Highnc s the Grand Prior has sanctioned the creation of the llnderm ntioned Offices 3.t the Headquarters of the Association, and has approvcd the appointment of the following to fill them:De plltv Di;-ect.or-General Assistant Director-General (Overseas) Lad y Principal . Deputy Principal Medical Officl'r

Lieut.-Colonel E. C. Croft Anthony B. Steel, Esq., O.B.E., }1rs. Stewart-Roberts Guy vV. J. Boufield, Esq., B.S.




AU th c Offi.:::ers givc generously of their time to their duties, and ha. ve ther by helped greatly to extend the activities \Qf \the Association. I take this opportunity to record my most grateful thanks to' them a.nd to the Principal Medical Officer of the Association, Major A. C. \\lhite Knox, for their help. In the Countics I extend a warm wclcome to the undermentioned As ociation County Directors. Their ~ppointment has been approved by H.R.H. the Grand Prior:Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Kent Surrey

\Iajo;- Elliott M. V. Viney, D.S.O. Colonel A. V. G. Dower, T.D. John Tennant Esq., T.D. Dr. A. J. Owston, 1\1.A.

The e new appointments, added to those already in being, bring the total to nine. Endeavours arc being made to find Directors for every County, and so implement the policy laid down by the Lord Prior. The duties of a' County Dire:::tor are by no means a sinecure, entailing, as they do, frequent visits to existing areas of activity in the County, the creation of new centres of interest, contacts with! leaders of industry and trade within. their Counties, and, in conjunction with the Chairman of the St. John Council and the Commissioner of the Brgiade, the promotion of a clear understanding on the part of the public as to the respective purposes of the Order and its Foundations, ",,lith a view to the enlistment of public support for their fiims and objects. In the past there has been a misunderstanding of the separate and distinct functions of the Association and the Brigade, resulting often in bewilderment on the part of the public. I am indebted to Lt.-Gen. Sir Otto Lund,



the Commissioner-in-Chief of the Brigade, for his constant efforts to promote a harmonious and a:::tive partnership b tween the tvvo Foundations. Early in the year, to my great regret, 1\1r. O. Horne tendered his resignation as Assistant Secretary. During the five years he had held office he had hown con iderable ability and the knowledge of the Order, the Association and the Brigade, which he had acquired, combin d with his aptitude for imparting that knowledge lucidly and interestingly, made him a valuable servant of the Order. Lieut.-Colonel]. E. F. Gueritz has been appointed to fill the vacancy. He took an Honours Degree in History at New College, in 1933, and served in the Indian Army from 1934 until 1947, and thereafter with the British Council in Iraq and Persia.

recrui ts to th e Ministry of Civil Avia tion Constabulary and to . the Royal Air Force Police have also been trained in First Aid. Similarly, classe have been held for the Military Police in B.A.O.R. Approaches to the same end have been made to the Royal Corps of lilitary Police in thi country. . , . The National nion of Agricultural Workers IS also co-operatmg WIth the Association in bringing the need for a knowledge of First Aid to the notice of the farmmg community. The activities of the Association overseas have been considerably stimulated by the appointment of St. John Headquarters Officers in t~e olonie . .. In North Borneo much progress has been made, and in Ceylon, under the personal guidance of H.E. The Governor-General, the C.entre h.as been re-organised, and plans have been made for an extenslOn of ltS activitie .


Last year I was able to report that the total number of certificate issued by the Association during the year in England, orthern Ireland and Wales constituted a peace-time record. It is, therefore, very sati factory to be able to report that not only has the upward trend continued during the year under review, but that the increase over last year is also a peace-time record. The followin a figures show the comparison, and I think are greatly to the credit of everyone who is concerned with the running of classes:First Aid Home ursing Hygiene Hygienic Food Handling Child \V elfare Wales

195 2

195 1

7 1 ,24 1 13. 1 93 1,199

5 1 .74 8 13 . 668 880

1,93 1

2, 109

87.5 6 4 II,178

68,4 0 5 7 ,228

9 8 ,74 2

75. 6 33


The increase over 1946, the first full peace-time year since the war, represents a rise of over 125 %. An examination of the records at Headquarters seems to suggest that the in:::rease is more pronounced in industry than among the general public, and I therefore appeal to Centres of the Association to do all in their power to create among the public a demand for a knowledge of the subjects taught by the Association. There is not as yet a sufficiently close liaison between local representatives of the "Spe:::ial" Centres (listed on page 30), and those other Centres responsible for a geographical area. If wastage of effort and overlapping in the formation of classes is to be abolished, I consider it essential that there should be constant touch between all those who are working to the same end in anyone area. Amongst the more interesting classes at home may be mentioned one at Winchester College in July, the first of its kind to be held there, though others have been held at Eton and other well-known public schools;


During the year the number of certificate holders who applied for Medallions, Labels and Pendants was as follows:1952 fedallions Labels Pendants

10,964 44,206 4,9 10

1951 10,885 45, 12 7 5,3 88


The drive to improve standards in the Clean Handling of Food has continued, and the number of classes of instruction in this subject has increased. Mrs. Stewart-Roberts, the Lady Principal, has been indefatIgable in making new contacts, and has been in touch with a number of Government Departments and large business firms in London. As a result of these contact, Messrs. John Barnes, of Fin~hley Road, London, a subsidiary of the John Lewis Partnership, organised a very successful class for employees of the Partnership, and classes in other large Stores and food handling establishments have been arranged. The Association has also been in touch with the Hotels Executive and with the British Hotels and Restaurants Association, and it is hoped that, with their co-operation, members of Hotel staffs will take the course. The Association has undertaken the training of Brigade and W.V.S. personnel in Hygieni~ Food Handling and certain aspects of emergency feeding, in order to create a pool of lecturers for Civil Defence classes on the principles of hygiene involved in emergency feeding in wartime conditions. Every encouragement is being given by the Ministry of Food and the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The Association's course of Hygienic Food Handling originally consisted of nine le:::tures based on certain chapters in the Association's textbook, P~{,blic and Personal Hygiene, by Professor Crewe, and on Hygienic Food Handling. Experience suggested that the course was too long, and it was decided to substitute a six-ledure course. The position has again been reviewed in the light of further experience, and it has been decided to introduce a three-lecture course based on a



manual specially written for the purpo~e. As stated elsev. here in thi report, Dr. A. D. D. Broughton, M.P., ha -very kindly written a manual, whi~h is now being printed. The Association records its grateful thanks to Dr. Broughton, who so keenly supports the activities of the As ociation, and who has suggested in the Hou e of Commons that Government Departments and other Bodies concerned with Hygienic Food Handling should co-operate with the As o:::iation in its efforts to raise the standard of food handling. The Association has also decided to produce A Preliminary Course vi Hygiene (including Hygienic Food Handling) and, as stated el-ewh r , Dr. Guy Bousfield, Deputy Principal Medical Officer of the A -oeiation, has very kindly written a manual for the course'The introduction of a Badge for holders of the A sociation' .Adult Certificate in Hygienic Food Handling i ~ under consideration.

A Preliminary Course of Hygiene (includin~ l!ygienic Food Handling).-Thi manual was written for the A sOCla~lO~ by Dr. Gu~ Bou field, its Deputy Principal Medical Offi~e r. It. IS m~end~d partIcularly for young people under r6 years of age, and. Its object ~s to stress t.he importance of cIeanlines and the dang~rs whIch may anse from laXIty in this matter, particularly where ,food IS concerned.


A Centre of the Association has been formed within the National Dock Labour Board, and will be on the arne footing a other peclal" Centres, a list oD which appears at the end of this Report. In addition, a Centre was e3tabli~hed for Brighton, Hr)'ve and Di:-.trict with the encouragement and support of the St. John Council for Sussex, whose policy it is to assist the Association in every way by establishing Centres to cover the whole of the County. Similarly, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, the St. John Council is giving every assistance towards the formation of Centres at Harrogate and ;Bradford, while in Northumberland a Centre is being formed at Ashington. I.


A number of new publications have been either completed or begun during the year. The new publications include:A Visual Aid Adjunct to the Home Nursing Textbook.-As stated in my Report last year, the Association is indebted to Mrs. Shimeld, S.R.i\;., both for the idea of this publication and for the original drawing. The Association is also indebted to Miss lYI. M. Durrant, S.R.N., who supervised the photography. This pUblication will be of great value to all students of the Association on the Home Nursing Course, and possibly even to N urses' Training Schools. Elementary Child Care.-This booklet was compiled at the request of the Women's Group on Public Welfare as a companion publication to Elementary First Aid for the Housewife and Elementary Home Nursing for the Housewife. First-Aid Compet-itions and Casualty Make-up.-This new pUblication was written for the Association by its Principal Medical Officer, Major A. C. White Knox, and will be found of great value to all those engaged in competitions, vvhether Judges, Competition Se:::retaries, or as team .

The following publication are in course of preparation: . . Hygienic Food HaJldling.-The Association's course on Hyg~en:c Food Handling i at present six le:::tures based on the manual, Hygzemc. Food Handling, and certain chapters from Professor Crew's ~ook, Publzc. and Personal Hygiene. It has, however, recently been deCIded .to pubh~h a pecial manual for the cour~e, and D~. Broughton ~as very kmdly wnt~en it for the Association. ThIS book WIll be the basls of a Clean Handlmg of Food course, and candidate will be exami.ned on it. This course will consi t of three lectures. H olger Nielsell Metho d of Artificia! R espiration .-The Association bolds the view that this method of artificial respiration should be incorporated in the ssociation's yllabus of instruction and examination in First Aid, in addition to the ~hafer and Silvester methods. It would not be out of place to comment here that ~1though this method of. artificial respiration has been tudied and practIsed for 20 years, there IS not yet enough evidence to how that it should be taught to the exclusion of the other method.

t. ] ohll Air Attendants' Course of I nstruction.-Following discussion between the Principal Medical Officer of the Association and Dr. Buchanan Barbour, these notes have been prepared by Mr. E. A. lalkin. F.R.C'.S. A Catechism on the Preliminary Course of Fir t Aid.-Following the lines of th at based on the Adult First Aid Textbook, this has been written and is being printed. It js expected that there will be a large demand for this manual among Cadets of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Manual of Industrial First Aid.-The original draft of this proposed pUblication was re-written so as to conform to suggestions put forward by representatives of the Association of Industrial l\Iedical Officers, and the revised draft was then again submitted for consideration by the Council of that Body. The Council has suggested that as a number of organisations, both official and voluntary, were concerned in the early dis~us­ sions on the preparation of the book, it would prefer not to comment on the draft independently, but to consult v,'ith the other interested organisations. There the matter stands. TRANSLATIONS.

As stated in last year's report, the National Institute for the Blind had under consideration a proposal to make available copies in Braille of the Association's First Aid Textbook. I am glad to be able to report that the National Institute has now decided to proceed in this matter. A complete list of the several translations of textbooks and manuals of the Association appears in Appendix r. This include a n~mber of



translations of the current (40th) edition of the First Aid Textbook, the latest of which are the translations into Arabic, Greek and Turkish.

lions. The judges were: -Dr. H. C. Stewart, Men's Team Tests; Dr. William Duncan, Women's Team Tests; Dr. J. Main Russell, Men's Individual T ests ; Dr. Sheila M. M. Niall, Women's Individual Tests; and they placed the teams in the following order:-


A badge for ".Auxiliaries of t. John" and another for "Honorary Members" have been introduced. Full particulars of these (and other) badges appeared in the February issue of The t. J ohn R eview, and have also been circulated to Centres of the Association.


Mark s ob tained 1.



During the year the winners of the National Competition held under the auspices of the Association were as follows; the full results being shown in Appendix III. A team from Scotland ~om pe t d in the National Police Competition for the first time.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Teams Competing National Police British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Railways and London Tra nsport (Railways) British Transpor t Commission P olice Miners' National First Aid Competition Ministry of Supply National R oad Passenger Transport Ambulance Association General P ost Office National Fire Brigade Gas Industry

Winning Teams Metropolitan Police (L Division) Worthing

29 2 29 I

t !

29 1 282

27It 25 2 -4 :q6 2-+5

23 0 220t 206


Bristol Liverpool Street Markham Main Colliery \\'indscale 'Yorks Plymouth Acton S.B.D. Great Yarmouth South E ast ern


Teams Competing British Railways and London Transport (Railways) Min.istry of Supply National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association General Post Office British Electricity Ambulance Centre


National Fire Brigade, (Great Yannouth) National Police (Metropolitan L. Division) Briti h Railways and London Transport (R aihvays) (Bristol ) Miners' National First Aid Competition (Ma rkha m Main) Th e t. John Ambulance Brigade (W olverton) . British Tran port Commission Police (Liverpool Street) British Electricity Amuulance Centre (Worthing) General Post Office (S.B.D. Acton) Gas Industry (South Eastern Gas Board) National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association (Plymouth) Ministry of upply (Win dscale Works) . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

W inning Teams Broadway (L.T .E .) Elstow Chiswick (L.T.E. ) Belfast Mid-Sussex

The winners of all the above Competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields, took part on r8th November in the Competitions for the Grand Prior's Trophies. Lord Wakehurst presided at the prize-giving ceremony, and MajorGeneral The Earl of Athlone gra~iously presented the trophies and medal-

I. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

The t. John Ambulance Brigade (P almers Green) British Electricity Ambulance Centre (:'\Iid-Sussex) Ministry of Supply (Elstow) . alional Road Passenger Tramport Ambulance Association (Chiswick L.T.E.) British Railways and London Transport (R ailways) (Broadway L.T.E.) General Post Office (Belfast T.M.O.) ::vraximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks obtained 3 62 t 343

337t 301 1

All the organisations which had teams competing were represented on the platform, and in addition the Associated British Pidure Corporation Limited, to whom the Association owes a great debt of gratitude, not only for the staging of the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions, but also for the staging of all the other competitions during the year. The Association is also greatly indebted to the people of Horsham for their generosity in presenting a magnificent rose bowl , which will become the Grand Prior' s Trophy in the Women's Competitions. In my report last year, I stated that every endeavour was being made to reduce the cost of the various competitions organized by the Association. To this end, I decided that programmes, previously distributed free, should be sold at a small charge, thus saving the printing charges. A further saving will be made by changing the venue of certain of the Competitions. Finally, I must mention that two of the organisations which took part in these Competitions, have very generously made handsome contributions towards the cost and their action has been mu ch appreciated. )



g8~~ ~

I am firmly ~onvinccd that competitions playa large part in increasing efficiency and interest in first aid, and in this connection I may say that in the various eliminating rounds some ~,ooo comp titors, representing I,600 teams, took part, and these figures seem to be on the incr ase. The Association thanks all who have acted as judges at its competitions, and the stewards and patients. I would also wi h to add my congratulations to Mr. G. Craft, the Competition Secr tary, on the success of his arrangements for these competitions, all of whi~ h were carried through smoothly and efficiently.









In accordance with the policy of the Order to establish Headquarters in the West End of London, the offices of the St. John Ambulance As ocia· tion were transferred to 10, Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I, in December, and are now situated in close proximity to the Headquarters of the Brigade.








During the year the Order decided to engage a firm of 1anagement . Consultants to examine the present systems of organisation and administration in the Chancery and the Foundations, and to advise whether simplifications and economies could be effected. A number of modifications in the procedure for dealing with classes have been suggested by the Management Consultants, and these have been brought into practice by the Association. Other suggested changes are under consideration.


(Signed) HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.

The Secretary-General, Order of St. John .



2 0. (j V)


"'Z 1:-






Your obedient Servant,



~·II ~~ 11111111/ ! 11111111 I

I would like to record my grateful thanks and sincere appr~iation of the invaluable and unfailing help given to me by my Committee, and my indebtedness to members of the medical and nursing professions who have devoted much of their valuable time to the instruction and examination of classes, and also to the many Centre and Class Secretaries who have given so much of their leisure time to organising the classes. I have the honour to be, Sir,



I \

1 1

I !

iI I









13 II .



AP PENDIX III. ASSOCIATION NATIONAL COMPETITIONS HELD DURING THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW' The P olice National Competition was held at the Central H all, Westminster, on 9th F ebruary, 1952. The Lord Wakehurst , K.C .M. G' Prior of the Order, presided, and the prizes were p resented by Sir H ugh Lu~as-Tooth, M.P . (P arliamen ta ry ender-Secretary of State). The J udges were :Dr. E . J. Selby Team Test Dr. Allan Walker Individual T ests and t hey placed the teams in the following order : J


This l' ear Ade n Bermuda British Guiana Bri tish Hond ura British West Indie. : The Bahamas Barbados Jamaica Leeward Islands Trillldad and Tobago Wind\\'ard Island St. \ Tincent Ceylon Cyprus East Africa: Kenya Tanganyika Uganda Zanzibar Gibraltar Hong Kong Malaya. Federatil n of North Borneo Singapore fllalta anti Gow Maurit ius Sudan West Africa: Gambia Gold Coast Tigeria Sierra Leone

) ·.>al

20 q T

'2 )




73 AlL








9 61 :253


57 2

15.! 31




7 78 1.700

9 2.127 ) ,jj<1



1. 68 4


52 t 8-116 7

--\49 4}l)

20 5 2


9CJ 6 5-1-


37 13 0

AND THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF SUBORDINATE ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE ORDER Priory in Southern Africa Priory in A ustra lia . Commandery in Western Austn lia Priory in Canada . Priory in N ew Z ealand India Pakistan

II.3 6 7 10, 61 7

10.549 12,780

44.439 5.4 1 5 60.3 8 9 7,222

49. 0 9-1 . 4,680 55 , 6 25

AND ALSO THROUGH Addis Ababa Cyrenaica St, H elena . Tristan da Cunha

5 3

33 1:1 6 •626




City of London Police


\Vest Sussex Constabulan' Glamorgan Con<;tabulaI): " B' Birmingham City Police o. I \Vcst Riding ConstabulaI)T "B" Devonshire Con!>tabulary Grim by Borough Police . Stockport County Borough Police Royal Ulster Constabulary Edinburgh City Police Maximum ),Iarks obtainable: 400


5. 6. 7. o. ro. I I.

Police (L Div.)

355 32 4

3 22

.114 30 9 294t 28 5 281 280~

27 8 275!

T he British E lectricity Ambulance Centre National F irst A id Competitions fo r Men and W011um were held at the Central H all, Westminster , on 2nd April, 1952. Lieut.-General Sir H enry P ownall, Chancellor of the Order , pre ided, and the Rt. H an. Lord Citrine, P.C., K. B.E., hairman of the British Electri-::ity A uthority, presented the t rophies and plaques . The Judges were, fo r the men's teams:Dr. D. D. Towle Team Test Dr. C. H. Drake Individual Tests For th women 's team : Dr. E. R. Weaver Adams Team Test Dr. A. Dorothy Gibson Individual T ests and they placed the teams in the folloYving order:~1E

J1al'ks 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9· 10. II.

12. 13·

South-Eastern (Worth.ing) L ondon (London) N orth-Western (Manchcstnr) Yorkshire (Sheffield) Eastern (Great Yarmouth) East Midlands (Ilkeston) Midlands (Stoke-on-Trent) South-Western (Newton Abbot) North-East ern (York) Southern (Poole) South Wales (Cardiff) Merseyside and North Wales (Liverpool) South-West Scotland (Clyde's Mill) Maximum Marks obtainable:

Obtained 33 1

31 7 3 02 2 I




The British Transport Com:mission Police



3. 4. S.

6. 7. 8. 9.

South-Eastern (Mid-Sussex) Midlands (Halesowen) Yorkshire (Sh('ffield) South Wales (~ Te wport) Southern (e\\'bUlY) . North-We'iterr. (Blackbur:1) London (Fulham ,' . Eastern (Great Yarmouth) North-Eastern ( ewcastle) Maximum Marks obtainable :




254t 13 1 229~ 225~ 22I!

the men's teams:Watkins Jack Seccombe

I. 2.

3. ~.

S. 6.


The British Railways and Londo n Transport (Railways) Tational Competitions for Men and Women and the British Transport Commission Poliae Competition. were held at the Central H all, We tmin tcr, on 16th May, 1952. Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall, Chancellor of the Order, presided, and the trophies and plaque were pre ented bv the R~ght. Han. Lord Hurcomb, Chairman of the British Tran. port Commission.

The Judges were, for Dr. J. Trefor Dr. W. Logan Dr. C. J. P.

Marks Obtain ed

30 3




Marks Obtained


6. 7. 8. 9. IO. II . 12.



4 66 t 442t 1~3St 42S~ 4I9~

40 9 372~


3 61

3S 6 3 1 9-!

Marks Ohtained London Transport (Railways) (Broadway) 2. Southern (Brighton). .. 3. Scottish (Glasgow). . S. North-Eastern (Hull D.O .S.) . 1 . Lonclon-Midlafld (Horwich Accounts) 6. Western ( ewton Abbot) 7. Eastern (Marylebone "A") Maximum marks obtainable:


were:T. A. Stevens P. Cramm . S. Bridge-Davl

Team Test Individual Tests Oral Tests


5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Markham :\Iain Colliery . Dean & Chapter Colliery Lynemouth olliery Victoria Colliery Glapwell Colliery Le\\'i. I\It·rthyr Colliery Auchengeich ColLery Bette hanger Coll~ery Victoria Colliery Maximum marks obtainable:

S14 488 42 5




43St 40 7



30 9i

Mark s Obtained I.

.., 3. 4.


and they pla(:ed the teams in the following order:---:

and they placed the teams in the following order:The British Railways and London Transport (Railways)

Western (Bristol D.O.S.O.) . Southern (Exmouth Junction No. r) London Midland (Derby M. & E.E. Boiler Shop "B") North-Eastern (York C. & W.) Eastern (King's Cross M.P.) Western (Taunton) . Scottish (Dunfermline). . Lonrl.on Midland (Camden "A") Southern (Brighton No. I) . Eastern (Colwick). . . L ondon Transport (Lots Road) North-Eastern (De'vvsbury) Scottish (Eglinton Street) Maximum marks obtainable: 600


4 1 4t 37 2

The Miners' ational First Aid Competition was held in the Winter Gardens, Bl2,ckpool, on 21st June, 1952. Dr. J. M. Rogan, Chief :'IIedical Officer, presided, and the trophy and plaques were presented by ir Hubert Hould worth, Q.e., D.se., LL.D., Chairman of the National Coal Board.

The Judge Dr. Dr. Dr.

Team Test Individual Tests Oral Test

For the Women's and B.T.C. Polise teams:-Team Te ' t Dr. F. M. Hanna Individual Tests Dr. 1. E . Whitehill Oral Tests Dr. J. C. Graham


London Area (Liverpool Street) Midland Area (Preston) . Eastern Area (Parkeston Quay) _ coHish Area (Edinburgh) outh-Western Area (Exeter) _ orthern Area (Hull) !\'Iaximum marks obtainable:

The Ministry of Supply National First Aid Competitions for Men and ·Women were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on 27 th June ,195 2 . Lieut .-General Sir Henry Pownall. Chancellor of the Order, presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by F. C. Musgrave, Esq., c .B., (Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Supply).

The Judges were, tor the men's teams:Dr. E. W. Tapley Dr. J. S. Binning

Team Test Individual Tests

3 82


3 81 t




F or the women's teams:Dr. F. H . Taylor Dr. A. Conn

Team Test Individual Tests

16 and they


the teams



the following order:-


Marks Obtained


Marks Obtamed Windscale Works . ") R.A.E., Farnborough 3· RO.F., W oolwich -to torage Depot, Hawthorn 5· Storage Depot, Elstow 6 . RO .F., Glascoed 7· H.Q. Offices, Chessington RRD .E., Malvern 9· N.G.T.E., Whetstone 10. RO .F., BishoptCin (Fire Brigade) II. RO.F ., Sv.ynnerton 12. A.E.R / A.D.E., Fort Halstead 13· Storage Depot, Hereford Lt· RO.F., Pembrey Maximum :Marks obtainable: I.

229i 229~


., 3.

21 5

213t 199~ 1<)8

1971 197t 193

1B7i I It

17 2 1(16



London Transport Executive West Bromwich Corporation . ewport Corporntion Maximum mark obtainable:

38 4 2I6t

18 7! 600

The General Post Office National First Aid Competitions for Men and lVomen were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on 2nd October, 1952. Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall, Chancellor of the Order, presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by The Right Honourable The Earl De La WaIT, Her Majesty's Postmaster-General.

The Judges were, for the men' Dr. J. K. A. Beverley Dr. J. L. Fyfe


For the women's teams:Dr. E. J. Selby . Dr. W. N. Booth

Team Test Individual Tests T eBID Test Individual Tests


-"darks Obtazned I.


3· 4. 5· 6. 7·

torage Depot, Elsto\\' . RA .E. , Farnborough Headq uarter Offices, Chessington RA.U., H ereford . Headquarter Offices, Adelphi RO .F., Pembrey . R.O.F., Swynnertoi1. Maximum :YIarks obtainable:



229 _100



3· 4.

5· 6.

Plymouth City Transport London Transport Executive Liverpool City Transport Binningham City Transport Huddersfield Corporation Glasgow City Corporation Maximum marks obtainable:

M,uks Obtained 454 410 399t 39 2 3 80 t 3 16 600




the following order:Obtained

253 241'



325~ 26 7!

The National Road Passenger Transport A mbulance Association Competitions tor Men and Women ~'ere held in Nottingham Oil! 6th July, 195 2 . B. England, Esq., M.I.MECH.E., M.INST.T.) President of the ~ssociation and General Manager of Nottingham City Transport, presIded, and presented the trophy and individual plaques. The Judges were: Dr. C. Gordon Lewis . Team Test Dr. R. G. Sprenger} Individual Tests Dr. Gordon Gillies . and Oral Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-


and they placed the team

3· 4'

5· 6. 7· q.

roo 12.

I I..

13· q.

avings Bank Department (S .B.D., Acton). . . London Telecommunications Region (North Area T.M.O.) Midland Region (Birmingham P.O.A.C .) London Postal Region (Inland Section) Scottish Region (Falkirk H.P.O.) orth-Eastern Region (York H.P.O.) . Headquarters, London (Headquarters Buildings) Engineering Department (London Test Section) 'outh-Wec;tern Region (We}mouth H P.O.) . Factories Department (Birmingham Depot) Welsh and Border Counties (Cardiff P .O.A.C.) North-vVestern Region (Barrow-in-Furness) . Home Counties Region (Newbury P.O .E. D .) Northem Ireland Region (Bcliast H.O .) . Maximum Marks obtainable: .100

27 8 27 2 27 0 25 0

24 B

237 '233 23 0

229 229 2L~

222 18 9



Marks Obtained 1. 2.

3· 4· 5· 6. 7· 8. 9· 10. II. 12.

Northern Ireland Region (BeHast T .M. O .) Midland Region (Birmingham P .O. A.C.) North-Western Region (Manchester T.M.O.) . Welsh and Border Counties Region (Cardiff P.O.A.C.) London Telecommunications Region (N. Area T.M.O.) Home Counties Region (Reading T.M.O.) Scottish Region (Dundee T.M.O.) North-Eastern Region (York H.P.O.) Headq uarters, Lond on (Headq l1;trters B ,~i!di~lg) Savings Bank Department (S.C.D., Morecambe) Engineering Department (Engineer-in-Chicf's Office) South-Western Region (Bristol) Maximum Marks obtain::tble: 400

276 24 1

241 24 0



23 2

2I9! 21 3


20B! 20 5 192









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000 '"c:j r+.





ANALYS IS O F EXA MrNATI O NS 1st Janu a ry t o 3 1st Dece m ber, 1952.


Nu~ber ~ of I Faded Fadures


_______ _ _______

Numberl Number of Candidat.es successful In of - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T u rAL -l:__C_la_s_se_s_:__F_.A_._ ~I~1 P.H . N.I....:::Y~I p .HYG. 1 C.W. ~c.w . _



January ... February ... March .. . April ... May... June ... ... July ... ... August ... September... October ... November ... December ...

... ... ... ... ... .. . ... .. . .. . ... ... ...

.. . ... .. . ... .. . .. . ... .. . ... ... .. . ...

.. . ... ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . .. .

. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . '" ... ... ... ... . .. ...

Centre Totals

.. .


.. .

.. .

2 13 313 485 510 435 322 325 75 103 142 234 590



2,012 2,217 2,981 3,087 2,398 1,724 1,665 446 553 865 1,488 3,909

227 553 600 860 1,112 854 840 219 232 326 634 1,335




61 126 541 560 335 316 367 83 112 169 266 453

136 259 306 338 397 338 295 68 123 154 250 609


27 12 43 9 60 30 2 19 29 64

67 76 20 15 32 81 61

10 30 10 9 51 7 27 5 II 34

47 46 181 71 71 41 266 24 68 62 71

2. 501 3.258 4,698 5.044 4,393 3.355 3,522 816 1.046 1,606 2,821 6,536

159 267 329 485 393 287 340 112 III 99 275 633

Numberl No. of Cand idate of ------

~ Iass~ ~e~ I~~~

5.98 7.57 6.55 8.76 8.21 7.88 8.81 I 11.96 9.61 I 5.81 8.88 8.82 I

58 72 185 210 182 72 28 15 23 28 84 103

2,102 3,053 5,799 5,607 4,126 1,405 762 216 363 709 1,193 2,879

29 54 132 144 97 38 31 8 6 19 40 60

23,345 7;i921~~I~---m-~~I---------I ---I--- I--31,137 .... . 6,662_______ 655 ______ I,142 39,596 3,490 8.10 1,060 28,214 658



" B .. THROUGH BRANCHES January February March April May .. . June .. . July .. . August September October November December

282 297 519 502 521 350 398 106 123 148 267

2,809 2,370 4,830 3,818 3,458 1,915 1,978 679 871 973 1,889 -3,254

i;;;; ~;::~:·r9~2 ·------::-·'1 :::::


.. .

._____________.. ·I~ II

Centre and Branch Grand Totals : 1951

... 1

Centres Branches



II 42 3,483 277 7.35 9 22 6 82 3,443 284 7.62 66 66 150 6.742 559 7.65 19 7 88 6,173 536 7.98 57 43 107 5,862 490 7.71 II 24 7 50 3,726 330 8. 13 · 3 19 5 78 4,355 521 10.68 1,315 95 6.73 7 1,476 148 9. 11 30 4 18 1,728 108 5.88 32 18 48 3,346 365 9.84 ~~~ _ _6_0_ _ _ _3_6_ _ _ _5_ _ _ _10_3_ ~~~ 333 507 966 1,326 1,489 1,112 1,566 510 357 397 933

207 193 413 531 444 319 213 79 161 122 188

81 254 251 384 264 288 493 47 80 184 238








HYGIENIC FOOD HANDLING Passed Failed Total 306 110 416 147 16 163 453





,~::' 880

257 1






:::::: 68405

Centres Branches




151,413 15 1.321 28 2.659 72 3,078 32 1,807 22 859 16 623 2 147 4 180 II 215 32 1,102 43 1.973


49 69 73 112 50 28 16 10 5 2 25 74


I ::::: I :::: I' I.::: I :::::: I"::: , 8.25 '



CIVTL DEFENCE Passed Failed 922 85 1,380 127

.- - - - - -




Total 1,007 1,507 2,514









(Not including Vouchers)

)J umber issued through Branches and Centre England and N. I reland (iHciudin::[ Eire up to- 1944) 1922 (Grand Totals) 19 2 3




}'earlv Totals l' ecu

1.5 10 ,3 13

10,5 60 *



25. 006

5,05 1 * 5 ,4 88 *

23,062 23. 6,12

53 tr9 5503 02

19 2J

23,15 2


19 2 4

England, Ireland and Overseas

1922 (Grand TotaL j





3 2 ,597 3 1 ,3 8 9

5,7 0 7"



19 2 5

19 2 7

3 1 ,749

33. 60 4

70 59

19 26

19 2 8

35,5 0 5

5.5 06 * 5. 88 1 *

'23.7 2 7

65. I I J


192 9


6,13 2 *

3 2 • 60 6

75,9 83

19 2

193 0

.41. 211

6. 105 ~

3 .0Jl


19 2 9

I I.


7,07 0 *

3 6 ,4 1 9

193 0

193 2

3 ,7 0 9


3 6 ,016

82,9 1 3


3 8 ,9 0 7

6,5 2 3

3 1 . 6 96



3 8 ,234

1935 193 6

3 6 ,4 0 3

5,9 8 4 5. 6 5 1

.-17 ,061

5.7 89


5,545 7. 6 76


66.35 ~

59. 62 5


27 0 • 2 9 2



194 0

290,8 3

13. 882

194 1 194 2

13 6 . ISS


L}7·33 0 159.7 86

133. 11 3


165. 0 74




275,3 88

-I 26 ,.j3 0


85.7 1 9 53. 10 7

6,8 2 7

193,44 2

285.9 8


13 2 .939


4.4 6 3 3,7 6 5


l..jl,3 60

78 ,03 6


4,797 ·1· R38

86,5 20

14 6 , 86 9

193 1

1937 J93 8

1945 1946 1947 194 8 1949

·F·03 I 43, 12 9

39. 2 5 0 45,177 55,55 2 61.19-t

6,35 0

195 0 195 1

68,4 0 5


195 2

87,5 6 4

11,17 8

64,7 0 7


103,128 10 4, 86 9

:qo'4 2 3 146,626 2,83 2


*Including Vouchers




England, Ireland Wales and Overseas 5. 0 74



1.9 2 5

2.53 0

19.3 20



192 4



England, Ireland


749 1.003


9. 2 22

1.31 I

:W.99 2

2.94 2

10,02 4



3 ..j6

3. 100

II. I 09



-1-. 011


II.55 1


29. 11 3

4.37 0


1.13 8

3 0 .75 2


4.375 4. 100

13. 66 3

1.4 06

33.74 1


-1-034 6


q·5 0 I


3 6 ,5 21



14.5 26

1.33 6

:3 7.79-;

5. 5 I

+695 4.7-1- 6

. 4.93 0





.p, 6b 3

6.15 f

5. 0 59





44,67 6

6.n 6

5.3 62



13. 0 3 6

1.3 1 5

4 6 . 102


5. 0 43




I, I

,6.9 0 0

,.09 0

5.3 I I





T .089




5 26

.j0203 I



10. 063


5 0 ·9J'


5,7 6 4

5 I2

45 2 ,095



1,47 0

:i l

. O J2

7.57 '

5,53 8

5 86



22.4 0 5

1,7 13

5 0 ,000

6, 943


3 10 ,15 6

19., I

3 2 , 58



6,9 1 5

03 62


33. 620


.,6.3 88






'1-1,23 6

7. 70




169,210 175,926 216.05 6 245,3 68 6,7 08 •2 93




1, 1R 3

'.5 66

7. 66 3




62 5

3 2 • 0 5-1'

6, 73

13.55 1

194 6



3 6 ,916

6,-1-3 6




32 3

·L~ , II9

5,95 6

9.35 6

J91 8

6.3 0 4


4 6 . 266




8.44 2

46 4

44,65 2

5.9 2 5

64 00

195 0

9,64 8

69 2

53. 1 37


195 1


67 6

-17, 54 0

5,9 60

5.4 1 9

195 2

10.96 -1-

95 2


6, 06 9

4.9 10



I.3 96,996



3 22



ASSOCIATION COUNTY DIRECTORS (Appoin ted lip to June, 1953) BERKSHIRE BIRMINGHAM Major Elliott M. Viney, D . ~.O.,



Church Street, Ayle bury



Hill, Eo.;q ., Sl. John House, Goldsmith Street, Exeter .

D r. E. S. Bowes, (l.I:l . I~., "ShaJdon", Lytch e tt Matmvers, Poole.


(Acting) E. A. Parish, E sq.,


John Tennant, E~q .,


Lieut. -Colonel A. J. Macphail,

T . ]) . ,

Cogg shall Hoad, Braintr'?f!.

B.E . M . , J P., ,11,

Budds Farm, Wittersham. O.B.E., T.D.,

Un' ha rd House, Liverpool Rd., L ongton, Presto n.



. V. (;. Dower,


Mrs. llug ht's-Reck iU , Sl)ff)ughlnn l\lane r. Jp!'o\\illl


Or. A. I (l\\slun

111 II ..

e\\ ingto ll J bm,<:', \Varbuwugh.


"Tllllrit cln". ll 'lr!'ocll.

'r. \\ oki ll g.

SUSSE. ' Dr . C . Pdvin



27, Church ~lr('cl, hidcl( 'r l1lill ~l\' t.

Pages .lj to j 2. COl reeled tu .Ill n('. 1~5j CJa.ses in the areas of Centres marked with an a sterisk are arranged in dir ct communication with H eadquarte rs as Detached Classes


Form ed

HOll o rary Secreta.ry


Presid ent


E . E. \Voore

A. Young,

J. J. Gracie . C.B.E.

Dr. D . J .

E. \V.

The Bishop of Bristol

Dr A. P. Gorham

w. ] .

Major E. Viney,

,\{rt; . Botsford , St. J ohn H .Q .. 79. Buckingham Street. Aylesbury


A. F. L.





:;:Windsor and Eton




County Centre

19 22



J9 0 9

W . Stewart Elgood



\V .


'91 2

.1 .



188 3


A . K. Ferns



lartin. 100. Lionel

\Vinterton . Bristol. 3


treet. Birmingham. 3

r. Caen R oad.

t . John's Lane.

F. E. I' ernie. 30, Leverington Road, Wisbech W . L. Pollock. 39. Shamrock R t)ad. Birkenhead Col. '';'.T. Chaloner, Stockport

a .B.E .,



Peter's Squarf',

Mrs. Bromley

P. S. Todd

H. Pollard. 6, High Hill. Keswick


J. Newton


Dr. A . Morrison

G. E. Joh nson. 146, Burton Road , Derby



:;: Millom



Capt. H . T . Ann

18 9 8

H . C . Smil

O . B.E.


:;:G;-anhy and Tlkeston

trce t . Eton. Windsor

A. Little. Colliery Office, Sf. Duke Street. Whitehaven

Lord Lonsdale,



B. Spencer


Cumberland Mines and Quarries



H. Holmes . 185. Devonshire Road. Millom

J. Mosley.


Percy Street. Ilkeston

County and Celltre

llonorary Secretary






The Right Ho'n. the Lord Roborough






The Mayor

Plymouth & District DORSET-

J. L.


. S. C. Prance,


G. IIoward, 5, Faringdon Road, Plymouth


H. G. Longman



Mrs. Park, 78, Dale Valley Road, Oakdale, Poole




Brackston, "Marlow", Manor Road, Dorchester


Dr. Cunningham

Wareham DURHAM-


H artlepools


D. Edgar

D. Edgar


South Shields


Lady Readlwad

T. Humphrey

Major T. A. Page, 75, King Street, South Shields

Stockton and Thornaby


Col. H. E. Kitching,

r. c.



M.B E. (~r i. Cook, O.R.E.





Tlw Bishop 01 Gloucesler





Le\\ i., J .P ,

L. Rf'nnison

t . H. de Sadler J. C. Fif'lding



Elm Grove, Wec;t Hartlepool

l\Ibs E.

l. Ricketts, 7, Imperial Square, Chplb'nham

,. C. Gray, ~(. ClOLlCf'ster.





Mrs. Wilson, Little Godclarcls, Hatherden, Andover





The Mayor

Gosport and Fareham ...

194 8

E. Crossland





The Marquis of Carl. brooke, G.C . v .0., etc The Dowager Lad y Swavthling



Buckley, 67, raigweil rescent, Durham Road, Stockton-on -Tees IT. R. Gray, 3, Commercial Road, Hendon, Sundf'rland

Hudson, J . P.

I )r .


Dr. . Hey gat e Vt'rnon

Dr. H. C. Williams,



mouth i\Ii..;s . Ru"s ell Mi

. \VlI on

\\' .

H. \V. Hoare ,

Palm<;r ton Road, Boscombe, Bourne-



R P. Hatch,


'::tn ])iC'ci() Road, Gosport


Edgerly Gardens, Co. ham, Hant

i\ll ' F . i\f. Tllttt', ~[ R r.. ,


An her Rn:td, ~nuthampton

O . B E.




Col. G. G. H. Bolton,



The Mayor


::: B acup


A. Aked

A . Aked





' kelmerdine

Barrow-in-Furne: s


Wm. Killingbeck, ] . P.



188 5

The Mayor

H. H. Miller,




G. Lindon





The Rt. Hon. Lord Shuttleworth, M.C. Thf' Mayor


188 9

G . E. Wilmore

188 7

Dr. E. B. Pooley

::: Dalton-in-Furness


Darwen Fleetwood


Great Harwood


Lancashire Headquarters


Leigh, Atherton Tyldesley



rossfield, 9, Bri tal

tr et, Barrow-in-Furness

Iiss K. M. Thompson, 371, Revidge Road, Blackburn W. Whalley, 17, Albert Street, Brierfield


E. SmaJlf'Y,

.I. .I. J.



R. A.

W. Halllwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, Accrington Fie-kling, S.R . . , 11, Bradbury -t . , Ashton-underL ne F. Hanson, q, Lee View, Bacup


G.M. M.B.

E. Driver

G. Elee, 178, Todmorden Ro::td, Burnley Mrs. Smalley, "Larkhill", 164, \Valmcrsley Bury J-I. Nichol on, 37, t.kincotl ts Road, CaIne



H. Parker



R. Bury, Higher Whit-Bank, Tockholes, Darwl"n

T. R. Bailey

Fisher, Solicitor, To\, n Hall, Dalton-in-Furness

T. H. Thomason, 18, Westwood Avenue, Pouiton-leFylde E. V. Mason, 134, Blackburn Road, Great IIan\ood.

A. Boardman



A. Higham

Lieut.-Col. A. J. Macphail, O.B.E. S. H. Cheetham





Inglis, 18, Market Street, Liverpool As istant Secretary, J. Anthon} E. F. Thornley, 55, Cross Street, Manchester



Rt. Hon. the Earl 01 Rev. F. E. Jones Derby, M.e. Sir John Stopford, M.D. Col. C. H. S. Redmond, M.B. H . Brown J. H. Smith



The Ven. Archdeacon E. S~l"phenson

Miss E. M. Bailey, 56, Roman Road, Failsworth, 1 ear M::tnchester Assistant Secretary, Dr. trang, 102, High treet, Oldham



Major T. E. Spencer, M.B.E., St. John Headquarlers, Mount. Street, Preston W. Ellis, .5 Sycamore Road, Atherton

w. J.

J. Mulroy, 27, Albert Street, Nelson


County and Celltre


Inspec tor L. ]. Farnworth, ¥l'esLon Borough Police, Lancaster Road, Preston Mrs. Gaskell, Sa under Brow, Newchurch-ill-Rossendale

Preston ...



Ra wtenstall


1\1rs. M. 1\1. Holland

W. Taylor



L. Lyle

A. M. McMaster,

St. Helens



P emberton




N . A . Briscoe




Hon. H . A . CozensHardy Li.eut. -Col. R. F. Hesketh J. O. ~age r

Th o rnhill, 3, Queen's Avenue, W::trdle Road, R ochdale G. H. Edmundso n, I I 7, Brym Street, St. Heien s



W. Taylor

M .B.

1iss 1. M. Sutcliffe

The Lonl Mayor C. Bowley Communications for Lpieester City ('ommullieati,·ns elsewhC:'fe in Uie County

Lr COLN SH1RECounty Centre I

II onorary Secre tary



19 1 7


Tbe Rt. Hon . The Lord Rnl\\ nl l)\\ Captain T .

I )r. J\f. CLavin







The Marquess of Exeter. K.G., c.:--r.G.

N ORTHUMBERLANDN ewcastle-on-Tyne



;VIa n::;fi el tl



1<' W . C;·pe, 6, Seymour SLr('(-l, L Ficeste'r 1iss \Va rd, Amhulance I LQ ., Packe 'Street, LOl/gh h Or0 l1 g h \\' (~()tt, 2f)l, Ltleb\ H oad, (;titn..,hy

STAFFORDSHIREB urton -on -Tren t


SUSSEXBrighton, District


19 2 3 and

195 2

::'Hastings and St. Leonards


, \ VI Ill!t-,

K t' llering

Dr. Gavin Muir

C. La",::;,

. The :'!1ayor

Dr. H. K . Paterson

Capt. \V .

Col. A . V. G. Dower,

Dr. C. Garc1inFr Hill


The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Powi s

Dr. D.

The Baroness Burton



Princ' F"~


J. Jnh n. . o n

The COLlnte~s Lindsay



Osborne Terrace,

() f

The Mayor of Brighto r.

BO\\ l

r. I:knnt"tl Herk..;





:'Ilannr H oacl. Tynemonth

....l.sphndt' I", Third .\ c rp

J )arlJOgton,




I~i <.;f',



Bo ll ('y,




I)r I· . L Hit hard


I ) r. J)

II (;. bule, \m bulanu -'::, LdlO 1 , \-."j"tatti ( l rd 'lry, l'Iliss V . (ll'\'


I· f\' .... r

Louis( ' SURREYCounty Centre

Ho \ ling Cn'('11


County Centre .. . Sl'FFOLKIps\\ ieh


A. S. Campbell

r.D .


I~ o"c ' ,

J. 11 a\ \\ arc!, IK, B()(lih Latll', \V e~ t.()11 Fav,..l, orthamp lon fo inl SC'cretaries., 1\11'. a nd l\lrs. A. C. l"o\\'l e r, 78, . Bridge' St re et, Petf'rboroug h J. S. Parker, 12, Church ~t.re('t., Wellingboro ugh

Dr. \\T . Marshall

Clav, C.B.E.,

OXFORDSHIRECoun ty (""'entre

A. H.t-d man , 81, H oll in 'i Road , Todll1onlen

I': .



Brothll'e'lI, 37, Dinor\\ic Road, Birkdale, Southpmt


. Bird ,

111.13 F .

North Shields

J. E.



Dr. W

O\\·s l()n

(Ilil )u'lIor, J.l c)"cI" "'4 U ;1[f' , ~la fTord


1-blil '

Ch"lllh6 ',

:-:, llllllf'1



Hond, rp<.;"



Lidi')glon, .'\ mbulanl(, Il eadquar!t~ rs, S. r.•\ .A., c>lli ngton PlacC', W oodbridge I-<oa d , CLlildford

lJ ' 10, )

S. Parker

S. T. Dt'nning, 8, Arlington Garde ns, Saltdean, Brigh ton Mrs. Fraser, TT::t<;Ling'i



. qu a re,


L eonards,



The' Lord Willoughby de Rrnk t', M c.,

Th(· Mavnr

.1. I r.

l'3i :-.h op,





Ltd ., Fok hill "Rll.ld,

\ .F . C'.

\VORCESTERSH1RE-*Stour bridge Worcester

18 3

I)r (; . D lld ley

.I . I r.

I'I la rli n, "Treclor", Cherry S lred, S lom bridge

w . .r . W aitE',


27, The' JTill

'!('nlle W or('FstFr

YORKSHIRE (EAST) Hull and East Riding County Centre


Lt. -Col. D . B ellamy , O.B.E.

F. Billo n


YORKSHIRE (NORTH) North Riding County Centre

188 r

Th e Marq uess of Zet ·· land , K.G., e'te.

R. Brook e Dorman

G. Richardson, "Woodleight.'l!l ' , 16 , Fmerson Avenue, Linth o rpf', MiddJesbrough

Fairclough, 9, Sou thrl f'lcl R oad, Bric1.r: ell A\ (-nue , Hull

County al/d Gt!l! ire


19 19

F. Widdup, ] .p.



Dr. J. Douglas

C . A. Gadie

W. C. Brown, 29, LONer E l')t Avenue . Barnoldswick, via Colne Miss Young, 20 High Pa rK Drivp., Heaton, BmJfo:-d

192 4

Mrs. Athorpe

P. W. Ellis

E . Probert, 8, Victoria Street, Dinnington, near Sheffield


The Mayor

YORKSHIRE (WEST),~ Barnoldswick Bradford







W . Hutchinson, Martins Bank Chambers, King's Cross , Halifax R. C. Sage, 27, Beech Avenue , Harrogate


195 2

Heavy 'Woollen District

188 3


188 7

]. W. Cockcroft

F. Redman

H. Blc~keley , 2, Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane, Batley E. Stansfield, 22 Lee View Road , H ebden Bridge

188 3

Lt.-Col. W. Scatteriy,

Lt.-Col. W . Scatterly,

Mrs. Cook, 41, R edclifIc Street, Keighley

Harrogate and

*Hebden Bridge Keighley







Dr. R . G. Eastwood


M.D .

W. Silversides

J . Barnett

H. J ohnso n , 18, Halliday Place, Leeds, 12 Mrs. II . Forrest. "Claremont" . Prince Henry R oad, Otley Mrs. RetJfearn, 3. Platting load, L ydgate, r. Oldham

"' Otley


H . Hudson

F. B ellerby

::: Saddleworth


Dr. P. Wood

A . Wild

18 7 8

The Earl of Wharncliffe E . Whiteley

Sheffield *Sowerby Bridge ~:

H-onorary Secretary



1890 ~9 ()2



The Mayor


A. T. Thomson, O.E.I':

1 890

W . G. Dickinson


N . IRELANDUlster (Belfast)



E. Whiteley

.1 . W.



R. G. Bl"arc.1, 45, Bank Street. Sheffield

Sir Victor G. Carey,

Lonsdal e

W . L . Whittle

ISLE OF MANIsle of Man

188 5


J W . G. Dickinso n

Wn ght, ,I , Lake Lock Road W. Poole. Rothcrham

] C),

Mi!'s E . D. K en ny, York



' tanlC'y, W akefield


Wath-on- Dearne,

olburn H OLlse, St. George's Place,

Lt. -Col. R. G Grosvenor

Brig. L. E. :Vld r grf'gor, O.r.U: .. :!8. Bedior,l Bt:lfasl l\ ssistant SVl[(·tary. Mrs. D . \\' . P eace

Dr. B . S. Colling:>

Mrs . Slcator, 4, de Beauvoir Terrace, Guernsey



F. \Vri gh l . 10, Tillotson Venl1{,. Beech \Nood, Sowerby Bridge F . W alker . .13. Hi ghfield Road, S\\'inton


Sir Alexander MoncrieH Coutanche. Kt.

Dr. H.

H .E. The LieutenantGovernor

B. E. 'arg aunt.


M.V.O .• O.D.E .

WALESPriory of th e Order

' t. Peter Port,

A . Le Brelon, Bramhope. Albert H oad, Georgei.o\\l1, Jersey

:Iajor ,T . W. YOtlng, Dougla Principal . ecret~ry: Th e Hon. foh'1 BlLlce, C




Chief Constable's Offic ,


athed ral R01.J , Cardiff




C. K Bird,


London Midland Region




Wf:: tern l{t>gion

1\:. \V. C. G,'and


Thf:: Rl. Tl on. Lord Latham The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, P.C., K.B.E.

A. J. Webb










C. Cooper, M.B.E.

Sou thern Region


C. Greenwood, The British Railways (Eastern Region), Office 3<), Liverpool qreei Station, E.C.2

S. McLeod

R. Simpson

W. Watkins

I r. A .Shori

Jorth-Eastern Region

Honorary Secretary




C. Healey, The British Railways (London Midland Region), Regional StafI Office, Room 222, Ellston Station, .W.! F. R. Charlton, The British Railways (North Eastern Region), York F. A. Trott, The British l{ailways (Southem Region), Labour and Establishment Department, Welfare Office, Cannon Street Station, E .C·4 P. Anstey, The British Railways (Western Hegion), Staff and Establishment Office, Paddington Station, \Y .2 S. \V Harden, London Transport Ambulance Centre, (;riffith Honse, 280 Marylebone Road, N .W.! E. \Villott B.E. Ambulance Cpntre, Trafalgar Buildings, 1. Charing Cross, . W. I

P. ll(lpkins Burgoyne

(;. Thoma!--, ~tr('('l.

C. (; J{obvI b.


Lieul. -Ge n .



Dr. 1"' Pringle


1 go..!


.I .

~r. I).

M \ ., •

I) .L.B., () and


Upper Brook

W .I

S. \Veatherley, Training allll WeLfare Branch, Per(nopl and AlCOml11(l{i<1liCll1 Drp:Jrtment , He;j.dqll;Hf('r~ Bllilding, (;.1' () , !->l. \lartin'~ -k (,ranrl,




\\ . <;. (;.R.V ,

K. C. B., D. S. 0., 1\1. C. ,






\\ . <;. (, R I,., D. SO., ;\1. '.,

Lleul. -( ;en . L!nrJspll . K . C . B.. 1 L.D.


It. H. Call1p, l.ll.

Ihe Rpv IL F. Peerle~." Chul<. . 11 L,lll,,' Brigadp (Inc.) ation;)1 Headq Itarier--, 5 ' GlOllu't'r Place, London, \V .!

,\lllbul;ll)cP Srlfl'l<lry, \lil1i~try of Sup~I', l{OOI1\ (; T,.H "t. Gik!-i Court, 1-13, St. Giles High Sin>Pi, W . '.'2






(Centres oI the



II ,E. The Governor


rp shown in Capital Leite rs)



Dr E.


1 r 'lI! )."(/}'1' e(,l'('t((l'1' Barristcr-a t -Law, Bahra Bazzaar,


\d "n


H .E. The Governor

Lady I Lall,


II.E. The Governor

Il.E. Tne Governor

British West IndiesBARBADOS

H.E. The Governor


H.E. The Governor

Dr . E

II. E. The Governur

l~ .

J I J~.

I lOll. lhl' :\Iini!--icr [I,,·





;\1 :R.E.

B. William I TOPrInan

C. Cux

Wind\\a.rd lsJal1(]<.; : St. Vinc('nt CEYLON

Til(" (;cl1pr<l l


:\Ii<.;s :\1. l~ . G. Laborde, G, Pa\'ijioo Court, Hasting., T , Barhados li "s . Livingston , c/o 1< . '-) Call1blr 8' ~/)n", l .~ ', Ilarbnllr StlPPt, Kil1!5stnn , J<ll11aica E. L. Hanlon, Fire Brigade HeadquartC'fs, 1 [,.11 L ~l ffOP\. !'ort of ~pain, rrioiclnc i A~sistant Secre(,If\', Ir~. ~ll1i(h \\'.1\1. Lopey, Grammar School, ':ll. \'illccnt, 13.\\.l. Col

C. p . Jaya\\ardana, ()Hi c(' of f) .M.S ., Colombo



B. Barton, c/o B.E.L. P . .x 0., Ltd ., erpentine Honcl , Pembrokp, 13.'1111 1 1,1(1 H. B. Scargall, Y.M.C. ,\., Camp Road, Georgeto\\ n, Briti h Guiana


]. If . 1\shl11orc, Commission ' f 01 Police, Nicosia, Cypt \IS Brig. H. P. Cormack,

Brig. H. P. Cormack


H.E. The Governor

o B. E., ,\1. R . H. E. FOlllgcr,


H. E. The Govemor

Daulat Ram

O.B.E .. ,\I.R.


J\li~s C.

'Workman, P .O. Box r ,60, Nairobi, l{C'nya

Mrs. Wheatcroft, P.O . Box


Dar-('s-Salaam, '1',\11-

e'rl'lvi 1. ,



H.E. The Governor


H.E. The Govemor


Daulat Ram ,


P .O. Box tS8() , Kampala, Uganda

Lieut. -Colo nel A. M. B e ll , P.O. Box 237, Zanzibar apt. D. S. Gowing Dr, A. Woo


.T ,

Pavas, c/o Central Police

taiion, Gibraltar

l\Irs IJr,llingdaJe , S.lA.A. Headquarters, 2, Tai HangH.oa rl , JIong Kong

The Hon . Date Hamzah bin Abdulla

Dr. E

S. R. Alfred

Yap K01l Chonn, P.O. Box 1032, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya

Honomry Secrelal'y




Dr W. J. Vickers, C.M.G. Lt.-Col. J V. Abela, M.B.E.

The Hon . Secretary., S.J .A.A. Headquarters, St. Peter's Church, Stamford Ro<!:d, Singapore E. H. Borg, 105, High Street, Sliema, Malta Dr. J. Maingard, M.B.E., Forensic Science Laboratory, Reduit , Mauritius M. Norrey, P.O. Box 288, Jesselton, North Borneo

MALTA AND t-;o/.o

H. E. The Governor


H.E. The Governor

Dr. R. Lavoipierre


H.E. The Governor

E. O. Plunkett

West Africa:GOLD COAST

H.E. The Governor

Director of Medical Services Col. R. R. Leaning, O.B.E.

Lady Macpherso!1











J. T . A. Bailey, c/o Police Depot, P.O. Box 74 0 , Accra, Gold Coast R. L. Dover, Electricity Corporation, Electricity Headquarters, Ijora, Lagos, Nigeria Capt. M. T. KiiIord, Headquarters, Sudan Railways, Atbara, Sudan lfeudquarler Addrpss

P.(). Box 536, Salisbury,

l<hocJ e~ia

Diocesan Church House, George Street, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia Chapd Street, Ottawa, Canada


J2 I,


P .O. Box II8g, Wellington, New Zealand


cr' (t>

'd p.l

~ ....... '-t

















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Talkatora R03.d, New Delhi, India lIl'arlqllMt,C'rS, l\:.:ltrak Buildings, Road , Karachi, J





29 8 , Wellington StrcC't, Perth, \V Australia Nat.lonal




















E!. ~





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P .O. Box, 7137, Johannesburg, South Africa


\tbe Gt'aRb I'rlorr in tbe ErHt.b 'Realm of tbe "enerable \S)rbcr of tbe b05pital of St. :Jobn of :Jerusalem

{tbe $t. 30bn Bmbulance :fSrigabe

Annual Report of The Commissioner-in-Chief Printed by The Swindon Press Ltd Victoria ,,-{oat!, SWlnJnn, Wilt ·'.


for the year ending 31st Decemher~ 1952





{the St. 30bn Blllbu(ance j13rigabe Headquarters: 8. GRO VE OR CRE CE T, Lo DON, S.W.1 lr01ll111 i5si oll e r::: IIl:::U b ie f LT.-Gr . ERAL SIR OTTO L 0, K.C.B .. D . . o.-Knight

(ton,manbant.-in .. (tbief

5up e ri 11 te n bell t:::lll:::<!b l ef THE COUNTE S MO U'TB ATTE OF B RMA, c.r.. G.B.E .. D.C.V.O.-




Dame Grand Cross

anb lDi\'ision&



ttbe 5t. 30bn ambulance :l3rigabe



5 11 rgeoll:::IIl:::Ublef OX, O.B.E .. M.C .. M.B ..



IDepu t 2 UOIllIll15510ller:::ill:::Ubief BRIGADIER T. D. DALY, C.B.E., M.C .. M.A.--Commander


IDeplI t)? Superil1 tellben t:::I1l:::<!ble f MRS. GROSVE OR, C.B.E. ommander

Dame Grand Cro.. of the Order of St. John Appointed May, 1928 .

IDeput2 Surgeol1.:IIl:::Cblef

M. M. SCOTT, M.R.C . . , L.R.c.p.~Commande,. BS51stftl1 t U0l1l11l!SSI0IH:rS:::lll:::Cblef COLO LL H. Mo TYN OWE -Officer BRIGAOTf R A. RITCHIE, D . .o.-Off;cer <JOll tro [[c r, ®\7e l'sen!3 E>cpa rtmenr THE Co TE S OF BRECK oCK-Officer

]i)el)ut)] a;omn\an~a1\tJlltn4btef


£\56 IS tnll t Supe rt nre nO en t:::lIl:::Ubief 1R . J. ROMER-LEE-Officer

Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John Appointed February, 1937·

Bssi5tant 5urgeon:::in:::Cblcf

J. C. R. Bf. eHA !

F.R.c.p.--Officer (Overseas)

Ubler 1RlIt'51110 i$)tftcer . HA\1ILTO - WEDDERBUR, .R . .

M! . $l\pertnten~ent... inc:l<tbtet

A . C.M.G .. M.D., CH.B.,

for lIUlales

<.rbi~f ~tftcer. 1HurSl11~


H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John Appointed May, 1935 .


V. Cu ARD. M.B.E.-Officer :JBt'lGftl





F. Q UILTER, M.B.E.--Co~71mander 1issistftllt :JBri)nbc Sccretftr~ A. F. NUNN


5ectetat~ lHurslIlg <!orp5 lll1b 1Oi"15io 11 5 anO to 5upetlnteIl Oe ll t::::ill:::<!blef



0 ,



Bmbulance anb 1Rufetng (tabets H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET Dame of Justice of the Order of St. John Appointed February, 1948.


B r tncbeb to l beabqll11rteIs S t aff [STANT COMMIS IONER H. J. WRIGGLESWORTH,

M.B.E.-Commander E. T. MIL BUR - Commander (Surgeon-inChief's Department) HEADQUARTERS STAFF OFFICER E. HOWARD - Serving Brother (Surgeonin-Chiefs Department) M RS. G EOFFREY SHAW, M.B.E.- Officer (Staff O ff;cer to Chief O fficer, N urs;ng Cadets) HE ADQU ARTERS S TAFF O FFICER A. C. RODWAY-{Surgeon-in-Chie!'s D epartmenJ) H EADQU ARTERS S TAFF O FFICER J. S. W EATHERLEY-Otficer SISTA T COMMIS rONER






BRIGADE COMMITTEE 'NOMEN 'S ADVI ORY COMMITTEE Chairman Lt.-General Sir Otto Lund, K.G.B., D.. 0. (Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulanc Brigade) (ex-officio).

Ex-officio Members The Secretary-General, Order of St. John. The Director-General, St. John Ambulanc' Association. The Superintendent-in-Chief, N ur ing Corps and Divi'ion The Surgeon-in-Chief. The Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief. The Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief. The Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. The Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief The Assistant Superintendent-in-Chi f, Nursing Corps and Di vision~. The Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. The Chief Nursing Officer. The Commissioner for Wales. 'fhe Commissioner for Northern Ireland. The Chief Officer Ambulance Cadet . The Chief Officer Nursing Cadets.

Chairman Th Count::,::, Mountbatten of Burma, C.L, G.B.E., D.C.V.O..'uperintend nt-in-Chief, Nur 'ing Corp and Divi ion. (Ex -officio).

The The The Th The Th

Ex-officio Members Deputy up rint ndent-in- hief. A istant llperintendent-in- hid. Chid N ur~ing Officer. Chi f Officer N ur ing adeb. Representativ for Wales (the Hon. 1\1rs. John Bruce). ,uperintendent for Northern Ireland District.

i\Ir ·. F.

York 'hir Mrs. G. York ·hire~Ii 's E.

Regional Representatives Burton, ounty :uperintendent (N), North Riding of o. I Region. W. Lodge, Di triet uperintendent (N), West Riding of No. 2 Region. Folw 11, ounty uperintcndent (N), Leice ter'hire-No. 3


Irs. E. Sm llie,


County, up rintendent (N), Essex-No. -t


Members Sir Myers vVayman, O.B.E., F.S.S., J.P., ommissioner, DurhamNo. I Region. E. H. Lodge, Esq., ~I.B., OLB., Commis::'ioner, West Ridin g of Yorkshire-No.2 Region. Col. H. M. P. Hewett, Commi sioner, Northampton-No.3 Region . K. S. Maurice Smith, E sq. , LR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Commis ioner, Cambridgeshire-No. 4 Region. Col. G. Page, D.S.O., Commissioner, London (Prince of Wales's ) District-No. 5 Region. Dr. R. V. S. Cooper, Commi sioner, Dorset-No. 6 Region. Brigadier C. E. Hud on, V.C., C.B., D.S.O., M.C., J.P., Commissioner, East, South and North Devon-No. 7 Region. Captain F. L. Richard, M.B., CH.B., Commissioner, StaffordshireNo. 9 Region. Captain P. Reay, ~r.B.E., Commissioner, Cheshire-No. IO Re.aion. Major-General C. W. Toovey, C.B., C.B.E., M.C., Commissioner, Surrey-No. I2 Region. Miss M. R. Moore, District Superintendent, Duke of Lancaster's District. Mrs. R. Balsdon, O.B.E., County Superintendent, Plymouth, S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall. Mrs. E. B. Smellie, M.B.E., County Superintendent, Essex.

NIr . J. Romer-L e, District uperint nd nt (N), London (Prince of Wal s's) District-No.5 R gion. Mr -. A. M. C. Cooper, County uperintcndent (N), Dor -et-No. 6 Region. Mrs. R. Bal 'don, O.B.E., County Superintendent (N), Plymouth, . W. Devon and E. Cornwall-No. 7 Region. Mi C. M. Orton, B.E.M., County upernntendent (N), Warwickshire -No.9 Region. Mis M. E. Moore, Di trict Superintendent (N), Duke of Lancaster' Di trict-No. IO Region. L~dy Heald, ounty Superintendent (N), County of Surrey-No. 12 RegIOn. CADET ADVI ORY COMMITTEE

i\Ii '

Chairman V. Cunard, M.B.E.-Chief Officer Nursing Cadets.

Members W . Nixon, E q., County Cadet Officer, Northumberland-No. I Region. Mrs. Cumming-Bell, District Cadet Officer, West Riding of YorkshireNO.2 Region. L. Heywood-Smith, E q., County adet Officer, Leice ~ ter hire--No. 3 Hegion.




(Vacant)-No. 4 Region. A. E. \Nell , E q., Di ~trict Cad t Officer, London (Prine of Wa1es':) Di trict-No. 5 Region. K. H. M. Aldridge, E 'q., County Cadet Offic r, Dor t- No. () Region. Prince~ s Chula hakrabong e, County adet Officer, 'o unty of Cornwall-No.7 Region. Sir Michael Duff and Lady T\Viston Davies, Priory for Wa1e: 0 Region. NO.9 Region (Vacant). fr '. E. Ni bet, Di trict adet Officer, Dukl of Lanca~ter' Di~trict No. 10 Region. (Vacant)-No. I I Region. Ii Garrett, Northern Ireland Di",tri ct.

THE T. JOH AMB LANCE BRIGADE COMMI SIONER-IN- HIEF'S REPORT The Brigad has played its part in the outstanding event. of the year and, as always, has carried out the vast and varied activity which has come to be xpected of it.




England, Northern Ireland and tho e Overseas Territorie directly under my command, 137 new Adult Divisions were formed (77 Ambulance, 34 ur ~ ing and 26 Combin d. In the ca e of Cadet 131 new Divi ion wer formed (50 mbulancc, 68 Nursing and 13 Combined). tr ngth of the Brigad

Th total ther for(': -

Amhlliance England and N . Irelanu \Valc Priories Overs a Other Overseas Terri tories ... *Grand TOl<lls ...

1.673 282 1.955 72 7

at 31st December, 195 2 , wa

;\l)( TLTS Di\'isiolls ursillg Combined TOlal J.I77 133 T.310 ·177


83 70

5 82


Perso llllcl IIrsing Total Amblliance 55 . 1 9 8 8.280 63.47 8 23.4 8 7

2.9 2 7 41 5 3.34 2 1,204

3 6 .93 1 6.23 1 43. 162 15.3 82

18. 26 7 2.049 20.3 16 8 . T05

304 4. 8 50

12.157 7 0 .7 01

1.5 8 3 13.74 0 3 0 •00 4 100.7 0 5


DiI'isiol1s Alllhulollce Nur ing Com billed Total England and N . Ireland \Vales

875 17 8 1.053 Priories Overseas 3 21 Other Overseas Territories ... 34 *(;rand Toi<lls ... 1.4 08

1.135 135 1.27 0 337 48 1.655

39 5 44


Persollllel AlIlblllQl]ce Nursing Total

2.049 3 18 2.3 6 7 65 8

20.225 3.5 19 23·744 7 . 0 49

34. 18 7 2.7 2 7 3 6 .9 14 6.5 16

54.4 12 6.246 60.65 8 13 .5 6 5

82 3. 10 7

1.08 9 3 1 •882

J .043 44.473

2.13 2 7 6 .355

T was very glad to know that 226 new Surgeons joined the Brigade and although we were unfortunate in losing through death and resignations 56 Surgeons, there is a net increase of 170. This is most encouraging, for it is only by the interest and services of ouf doctors that the standard of Brigade efficiency can be maintained. It is also very satisfactory to know that 149 Nursing Officers were added to the strength, bringing the total to 798. DEATH OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE \,1

The Brigade in common with all sections of the Commonwealth shared in the grief at. the death of His Majesty King George VI. the Sovereign Head of the Order, and general mourning was ordered. The Brigade was *In addition the strength of the Brigade in India is TT.7.+! l\Ien . 1.707 'Vom en . .1.606 Ambulance Cadets. 570 Nursing Cadet".




proud to be re ponsible for the Fir t Aid arran gem nt , including the funeral procession from Sandringham to Wolferton. In London at the Lying-in-State and the State Funeral, the Brigade per onnel on duty, numbering 2,oBo, manned 42 First Aid Po ts and three Dre -ing tation ' . The majority of member on duty werc from the London Di tri t, and in addition were unit from Birmingham, ambridge hire, Hertford hire, Kent, Surrey and Su ex. The Brigade in B · rkshire, a i ted by p r onneI from Buckingham hire and Oxfordshire, took up the duty at Wind or, where 4Bo members were on duty at I I First Aid Po t . A letter of appreciation of the ervice ~ rendered by thc Brigade' \\'l\. received under Command of Her Maje ty from thc Hom Sc r tar),. ROYAL VISIT

It was a great honour for the Cad t mo\'cmcnt when H.R.H. Prin ce ' Margaret as Commandant-in-Chief of the ad t att ndcd th ad t rally at Worcester on 26th July. On thi occa ion 3,500 ' adcts mainly from the West Country were on parad .. Her Royal Highn 5 carri d out an Enrolment Ceremony before the Parade and afterward pr 'ented Crand Prior's Badges and the Life Saving 1edal of the Order to ad t John Fisher, of Chichester. Princess Margaret al 0 'pcnt orne time with the St. John Cadet when attending a Rally of Youth Organi~ation In \\ il tshire . OUTSTA DING D 'TIE

In addition to the duty performed at the Royal Fun ral r f'rr c1 to above the Brigade also carried out splendid service ill th following major disasters:Devon and Somerset Floods.- The details of the tragic flooding in D von and Somerset, particularly in the Lynmouth area, are now 0 well known that they need no repetition in this report, but I wi h to record the great part played by the Brigade. On the night of the floods when the danger was at its greatest, members of the Brigade in Lynmouth turned out for duty immediately. A First Aid Post was open d and rcmained open for the whole period of the emergency. Member of the Brigade a sisted with all forms of rescue, Fir9t Aid and relief work and the Pres Relations Officer for Devon, reporting on the situation, said that he heard of no St. John member who had put himself or herself before S1. John duty, although many were suffering personal loss. It is regretted that one member of the Brigade in Lynmouth lost his life during the flooding. Harrow-Wealdstone Railway Disaster.-In the case of this disaster members of the Brigade responded individually as the new of the tragedy reached them. The work was at first, of necessity, unco-ordinated, but a First Aid Post was quickly established and manned night and day for as long as necessary. INSPECTIONS

The Annual Inspection of the London District of the Brigade in Hyde Park on 2Bth June was carried out by myself assisted by the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief and the Chief Officers for Cadet. I was most happy that The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Leslie


Boyce, K.B.E., kindly took the Salute at the March Past, and afterwards addres ed the Parade, and was accompanied by the Lady Mayoress, who is the President of the Gloucester St. George Nursing Division. The Brigade was greatly encouraged by the presence of the Lord Mayor, who was convale cing from a recent operation. In addition to this Inspection and the Cadet Rally at Worcestershire, I carried out In pections in 16 Districts and Counties, in most instances accompanied by the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief ?r the Assistant up erintendent-in-Chief. A furt.he.r 12 . Cou~ty Inspechons .were ma~e ither by the Deputy CommlsslOner-m-Chlet the Supenntendent-m hi f, or the urgeon-in- hief. In addition I am particularly grateful to ir James Iecman for carrying out the Inspection at Manchester and alford, and to the Director-General of the Association, Mr. H. F. Par,hall, for In p cting in Berk hire. I have now per onally vi ~ited every county during my tenure of office. DUTIES

During the y ar the following duties were performed by members of the Brigade in England and Northern Ireland:Hours P ub lic Dutte' . 1.862. 890 Transpo rt Duties 939 . 22 5 Civ il H ospital Dutiec; 273 .9 2 4 t Clinics 34.393 .\t urse rie 16. 720 -\ t Blood Transfusion Cen tres 23.53 8 .l. ur ing Aid Duties . 93.3 00 CASES TREATED

Members of the Brigade in England and Northern Ireland are reported a having treated the following case On Public Duty Off Public Duty

306,871 216.85 1


Invalids removed Ca es of Road Accidents .

3 1 9.9 1 5 15 . 22 4


A number of Courses have been held at the St. John House Training Centre in First Aid, Home Nursing, Hygiene and Hygienic Food Handling. The First Aid and Home Nursing Courses were arranged primarily for prospective Welfare Officers going to Malaya. Ten week-end Courses were held; the most popular being the Secretaries and Treasurer, the Casualty Make-up and the Competition Course. The basic principle of Training Courses as a model for Brigade training has been taken up by the Counties at County, Area and Corps level. The Summcr Training Camp was again held at Hopton-on-Sea and was attended by 70 delegates. The training was divided into two courses, one on the Method of Teaching, and the other in general Brigade subjects. I was pleased to be able to visit the Camp, and see the excellent arrangements.



The Commissioners' Conference was held on 20th June at t. John House, and was well attended. I was very glad to have thi opportunity of meeting Commissioners, and of discussing with them matt r of policy. The President' Conference was held on the 22nd October at the Draper's Hall. One hundred and eighty Presidents and Vice-President were present and the result should be a better under tanding of the great help which can be given by Presidents and Vice-Presidents at all levels of the Brigade. CIVIL DEFENCE

Closer contacts have been made with officials at the Home Office in charge of Civil Defence affairs. Senior officer have attended the Civil Defence Staff College and also the Tactical School at Sunningdale. Civil Defence Exercises designed to examine the problem of Fir t Aid and Casualty Clearance have also been attend d. Discussions are ;;till in progress with officials of the Mini try of Health regarding the re-organisation of the a ualty crvice from which it i hopeful that the Brigade will be given a role appropriatc to their experience, discipline and training. Although orne Division ha\'c joined the Ambulance Section of the Civil Defence Corps a such , it i apparent that there is still reluctance on the part of members of the Brigade to join the Civil Defence Corps as individua 1 . NATIONAL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESER,' E

Recruitment has continued slowly but steadily throughout the year and 11,086 auxiliaries have now been enrolled through the Brigacl . Great efforts are being made by National Hospital ervice Re eryc County Representatives and my thanks are due to them and to the Divisional Surgeons and Nursing Officers who have given uch vaJuabl ' help in the training. AIR ATTENDANTS

It is hoped that the scheme to provide a panel of qualified Air Attendants will be put into operation next year. The new syllabus has been approved and the first classes will be held in April. COMPETITIONS

The Brigade Final Competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Challenge Shields were held in the Central Hall, Westminster, on 5th July. The Challenge Shields, Cups and Prizes were presented by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester, Deputy Commandant-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Winners:-Dewar Shield, Wolverton Ambulance Division (Bucks.); Perrott Shield, Palmer's Green Nursing Division (London District). The winners of the Dewar and Perrott Shields represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions which were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on 18th November, and I am very pleased to report that the Women's Section was won by the Palmer's Green Nursing Division.




The following members Certificate:-


awarded the Meritorious Service

Private A. 1. Durham, Lynton and Lynmouth Division, East, South and North Devon. N ur ing Member Mr . Roger, Twickenham Nursing Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Private J. . Collier , Bexley Heath Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Divi ional uperintendent C. A. Durman, Lynton and Lynmouth Divi -ion, Ea 1. outh and North Devon. Private T. Willi~, Lynton and Lynmouth Divi ion, East, South and :r\ orLh Devon. Privat Vl. M. Durman, Lynton and Lynmouth Division, East, South and orth D von. Pr~vate E. R. mith, Lynton and Lynmouth Division, East, South and 1\ crth Devon. J


A rtiflcatc i awarded to Divisions of the Brigade which have been active for fifty consecutive years and the following Divisions were awarded 8rtificates in 1952 : Rawten tall Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Altrincham Ambulan:e Division, County of Cheshire. Liverpool 'ntral Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's Distrid. :\1annin rr trce Ambulance Division, County of Essex. \Vare Ambulance Divjsion, County of Hertford. Fole hill and Longford Ambulance Division, County of V\ arwick. Bolton Corps, Duke of Lancaster' Distri~t. Liveroool ursing Divi -ion, Duke of Lancaster's District. Caterham Ambulance Divi ion, County of Surrey. Redruth Ambulance Division, County of Cornwall. Brcdbury and Romiley Ambulance Division, County of Cheshire. Whitefield Ambulance Divi ion, Duke of Lancaster's District. Earby Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Royal Arsenal and Boro' of Woolwich Ambulan~e Division London District. ' Barrow-in-Furness Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's Di9trid. Birmingham (Lawley Street) Ambulance Division, County of Birmingham. Burnley Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Burnley Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Lancaster Ambulan:e Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Newtown and New Mills Ambu~ance Divi ian, County of Cheshire. Salford Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Bradford City Nursing Division. West Riding of Yorkshire. Keighley Ambulance Division, \Vest Riding of Yorkshire. Keighley Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Cromer Ambulance Division, County of Norfolk.





Rugbv TOWIl i\mbnbn ce Divi ion, County of W arwick . Teynham Ambulance Divi ;on, County of Kent. Bradford City Ambulance Divi ion, W st Rid ing of Yorkshire. Chatham Amb'.llance Divi. lon , County of K nt.


The continued growth of th e adet Movement under. the leade~ ~ip of Mr. Guthrie Moir and ~Iiss V. Cunard lS refie: ted 111 th' tall bcs earlier in this report, and is a ma.tter for congratulation and encoura~em.ent. The various Training Courses and onferencC'. have be .n. mamtam d with continued success, mcluding the FIfth Annual TramIng Ol'rse, this year held at Filey, when some 400 Cadet Officers attend d. I attcnckcl this coursE'. The encouragement of Cadet to take up Camping ha ~ been one of th ~ actIvities of Cadet Headquarter., and there are now 124 Officers holding the St. John Camping \Varranl, 169 the. t. J ohn.Camp Training Certificate, and 19 the .C amp Quartermastenng erhficate. Ninety-two Cadet Camps were held m the ummer of 1952. The Cadet Religious Advisory Panel has been formed under the chairmanship of the Bishop of \Ville_den. In an attempt to solve the problem of the shortage of officers, a new rank has been introduced, that of "Cadet Leader, which envi age_ selected student members carrying out officer duties without having to hold the same rank as Adult or Cadet Officers. The duties are ;:,imilar to that of a school prefect. JJ


Among the changes whi:h have taken place during t~e year in the appointments of Commissioners, I must refer to the retIrement of Mr. Langley Jon es (Herts), Major Darvil Smith (Bucks). 1r. Bryce (Sussex) , and Mr. Day (Kent). , . . . Mr. Langley Jones had over fifty-seven years. serv~ce m the Bnga ~ , and had been Commissioner for Hertfordshire SInce 1935; Ma Jor Da rvil Smith, in addition to being Commissioner for Buckinghamshire since 1923, was for thirty-eight years Brigade Secretary; Mr. Bryce, Commissioner for Sussex since 1940, had over twenty-seven years' service in the Brigade, and Mr. Day had some twenty~three years' s~ rvice. Space does not permit in this report to set out details of the services of these o ffi-.:ers, or to express adequately my appreciation of their long and outstanding service, but as in the case of 1\1r. Thornton (West Riding of Yorkshire) and Mr. Embleton :,Northumberland ~nd D~r~am), who retired last year, they have left behmd them a splendid tradition of voluntary service to the Brigade which will be an inspiration to all who follow them . Although not of so long a service as the above, I would add my appreciation of the services of Dr. Fox, the Commissioner for Guernsey, who has served the Brigade so well.




I am induding reference to this department in my report because a proportion of the 'Nelfare Officer are uniformed members of the Brigade . The Counte_s Mountbatten of Burma, as Chairman of the Service Hospitals vVelfare Committee, has reported as follows:" Jn commands in the United Kingdom and Overseas one hundred and thirty-two Welfare Officers are now serving, of which thirty-five are Brigad members, who are posted as follows:14 in the United Kingdom 6 Far East 5 B.A.O.R. 2 J apan 7 1iddle East I Austria "In :Jfarch, a Chairman of the Service Hospitals Welfare Committee, I carried out an extensIve tour of the Far East, including Japan and KOf a, \vhere I vi ited our St. John and Red Cross Welfare Officers In ervice Hospitals in ingapore, Malaya, H ong Kong, and Japan. I a1 0 \'isit d our sick and wounded service-men in American, Swedish and Norwegian Ho pitals as well as in the United Kingdom, Canadian and Indian Field Ambulances. As a result of my visit , a Welfare Officer, Miss Joan Methera 1 ( t. John), was posted to the Canadian Field Dressing tation in eoul. ince I have been in Malta I have been able to visit most of our Welfare Officers in the Middle Ea t area. The Service Hospitals visited included those in Malta, the Canal Zone. Benghazi, Tripoli, H abbaniya, Trieste, and yprus. "Throughout my tours in all areas I have been most impressed with the excellent work being done by all our Welfare Officers. "During the year, two St. J ohn members, Iiss Lavinia Baird and Miss Anne Lawson, were appointed as enior , ;"\,lelfare Officers to H ong Kong and Austria re pectively, and another St. John member, Miss Eileen 'Voo]wich. who was previously Senior Welfare Officer in Hong Kong, was appointed to Headquarters Staff. " In November, Mrs . Bryan: Dir ctor of the Service H ospitals Welfare Depa rtment, having been n ominated Deputy Chairman of the British Red Cross Society, Miss N. de Mierre was selected to ucceed her as Director of th Department as from January 1st, 1953. In view of the splendid ervice given by Miss de Mierre, who is a member of the Brigade, both as Chief Welfare Officer in the field and Deputy Director of the Department, her promotion is well de erved . I am sure she will prove a worthy u('cessor to Mrs. Bryans. and that the Department will continue to forge ahead under her wise guidan::e." It


There has been a great deal of expansion overseas, and eighty-six new Divisions were formed during the year, including places where, hitherto, there have been no units of the Brigade in existence . I was very glad that we were able to arrange, on th e advice of Dr. Buchanan, the A sistant




Surgeon-in-Chief, a meeting of Directors of Medical Servic s from overseas, many of whom are already giving great help and encouragement to our over ea unit. Apart fro!n the Priories in the Dominions of Australia, Canada, entral African Commandery, India, New Zealand and outh Africa (where reports are rendered se parately) , the following gives a brief outline of the work of the Brigade overseas.

Tours.-Early in the year I paid a vi it to Cypru , Ceylon, Borneo, Singaporf. Malaya, Hun£! Kong, Fiji, Au traha ane! Canada. In all places I was impressed with the great activity of the Brigade and with the possibihties of development, particularly in those pla~es where the Briaade is only now being e tablished. The Superintendent-in-Chief vi ited the Far Ea ' t and 3.1 '0 paid vi its to St. John units in Singapore, ~ralaya and Hong Kong. The Counte s of Brecknock (whose title during the year was changed to Controller Overseas Department) made an xten ive tour in February 195 2 , visiting East Africa, Rhodesia and Mauritiu , in pect~ng unit of the Brigade in all Districts. Federation of Malaya.-An outstanding feature of the year wa the decision by Chapter General to comply with the reque t of ir Gerald Templer that the Order of St. John should contribute to the Resettlement Scheme in Malaya. A selection was made of personnel for 25 teams (each consisting of a State Registered Nurse and a Welfare Officer). The Officer chosen to administer the scheme was Mi s Miller, econded from being County Nursing Officer for Suffolk. She left for Malaya at the end of August and by the end of the year 23 teams had been selected, 14 of which had reached Malaya. The Brigade in Malaya is making great progress. nfortunately Dr. D. S. Macpherson has had to resign as Commissioner on hi departure from Malaya, but I am glad that Dr. H. M. O. Lester, the Director of Medical Services, agreed to accept this appointment. Excellent work ha been put in by the St. John Headquarters Officer, Miss Richer. Singapore.-Here, as in Malaya, great strides have been made since the appointment of a St. John H eadquarter Officer in the person of Mrs. Gerrity. The Commissioner, Dr. Haridas, has now a strong and efficient District under his command and five new Divi ions have been formed. Excellent work is being carried on in the Social Welfare Centres. Members of the Brigade were proud to be visited by H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent during her stay in Singapore. Hong Kong. -As in Singapore, members of the Brigade had the privilege of meeting H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent during the year. There has been a great deal of reorganization during the year in regard to the standardization of establishments, uniform, equipment, etc. Most of the Divisions are up to strength and the Brigade is already double its pre-war strength. The fine work of the "Penetration Squad" has continued throughout the year. Twenty-eight visits of the Squad were made to remote islands and rural communities, where on-the- pot medical and dental treatments



were given with help from the police, who furnished transport and upport; for ~h e 1edlcal Dep .. rtment in the i-sue of medical supplies. PublIc dube have been many and varied. In addition to normal duties member have been on duty at serious fires and landslides.

Borneo.-A vi it to Borneo was paid by Mrs. Gerrity, the St. John Headq uarters Officer in Singa.pore. The Brigade in Borneo is still in its early tages, but progre s i being made along the right lines. Fiji.-I was glad to meet the Commissioner for Fiji, Dr. J. 1. Cruikhank, and to hear of the plans which are being made for the building of a H adquarter , a pr fabricated building having been purcha;ed in this country for the purpose. In th hurricane di a ter, the Brigade at Suva carried out excellent work. Plan are being made to extend the activities of the Brigade to the country district and the mines. CeyloJ.l.-The B~igade ~ Ceylon continues to keep up its strength and effiCl ncy, partlcu.lady m the Ceylon Police. A ite has been acquired for a Headq~art r WIth. the help of the Government and it is hoped that our work wIll expand III the new Health areas where all non-medical per onncl mu t be St. John First Aid trained. jJ[~u.ritius.. -A new Divi io? has ~dmmlstra~ve staff. The Bngade,

been formed from among the Police although not very long established, IS progres mg and among its activities is the organization of a blood bank.

ZaJ/zibar.-Lxpan ion proceeding, and the Order has given a grant to be spent on Training Manuals. (iast Africa.-The \~ork of 1i Best, St. John Headquarters Officer in thb area, ha proved mvaluable and expansion everywhere i noticeable. Kenya.-Under the leader hip of Sir Godfrey Rhodes and with T.h~ Countess of Por.tsm?uth as Di trict Superintendent (N) there is a an~ encoyragmg ~even FIrst AId Posts


Improvement, particularly as regards Cadets. have been equipped in case the services of the Bngade are called for in connection with Mau Mau trouble. The ~rigade took a prominent part in arrangements for the visit of Her MaJesty The Queen, then Princess Elizabeth. Efforts are. being st~rt.ed which, with the help of the Order, will, I hope , result m the bUIldmg of a Headquarters. Tanganyika.-T.here is a strengthening of the position over the past three years . PrevIOusly any activities have been confined to Dar-e?alaam, but with the training of Lay Lecturers beginnings are being made III everal other places. There is a great need for a permanent Headq~arters, and I am hopeful that a start will soon be made in providing thIS.








Uganda.- The Brigade here is stronge t among the Police, but th re are signs that there will be a revival of activity on the Railway. There is expansion among t the African and Asian youth. A t. John Liai on Officer hould be appointed, for I feel there are great opportuniti s in Uganda for development.

Barbados.-A new Division among the Police has been formed and there is to be a recruiting drill during the year 1953. Among the activities of the Di trict is the organization of a St. John Old People's Welfare Fund and a t. John Eye Fund, both of which have proved of great help to many de erving case .

Central Africa.-During the year the Chapter-General approved the foundation of a Commandery for Central Africa. Colonel Sir Ellis Robins, formerly Commissioner of the Brigade in outhern Rhodesia, has been appointed Lieutenant of the Commandery, and Di trict omml lOner Sir Arthur Griffin has been appointed as Commandery Commissioner and Doctor Gasson appointed Commissioner of the Rhode ian Railway District. The Brigade is already well established in outhern Rhodesia and Units in Northern Rhodesia are being formed round Lu aka and in Livingstone.

] amaica.- nder the leadership of Dr. Hoerman our unit in Jamaica is tarting to pread to the outlying districts. Much Public Duty has been don e. ' ite for a new Headquarters has been acquired and the acquisition of th property is a great step forward.

West Africa.-The chief work in West Africa i so far largely confined to the Association and the number of classes held have only now reached the point when the foundation of Units is possible. This i an area which requires attention, and steps are being taken to this end with the DirectorGeneral of the Association. Mediterranean Malta.-For many years the Brigade in Malta ha be n a trong and enthusiastic body under the leader hip of Colonel J. V. Abela, and thi condition, I am glad to say, has been firmly maintained. A new wing ha been opened at the District Headquarters in t. James' ounterguard and the Commissioner reports that the e Hcadq uarters are now a worthy horne for the Brigade. Cyprus.-The recently formed Divisions in the I land have been maintained, as well as those recruited from the Cyprus Police. I am glad to know that the formation of classes and the beginnings of Brigade Units are spreading to many parts of the Island and in industry. Gibraltar.-The Divisions among the Police and Fire Brigade have been well maintained, as also the Nursing Division and the Cadet Nursing Division. I believe there is room for expansion among various organizations such as the British European Airways, the Dockyard, and also in the Town and Industry. Bermuda and the British West Indies Bermuda.-I regret to announce the resignation of the Commissioner, Colonel Earl, and the Lady District Setperintendent, Lady Hall, who have done such magnificent work for the Brigade in Bermuda. It is hoped, however, to be able to announce the appointment of a new Commissioner in the near future. Bahama..s.-The Police are working well and many certificates have been obtained. Steps have been taken to spread First Aid work in the Out-Islands.

Trinidad.- plendid progre s has been made in this newly formed Di .trict, where icrht Divi ion have been formed in the first year. Mr. 1 . G. ox ha ~ retired a Commi ioner after putting in a great deal of pioneer work. Grenada. - For the first time a unit of the Brigade has been formed during the year in Grenada, of which District Brigadier P. J. T. Pickthall, 11.C., has been appointed Commi sioner. Colonel Sir Harold Mitchell has been appointed by the Order as Honorary Liai on Officer for th e Caribbean area and with the help of the two t. John Headquarters Officer~ -Mrs. Davie Smith and Miss Miskin-will, I feel sure, be of the greate t help and encouragement. I have included in the main report matters covering all sections of the Brigade. I should, however, like to include the following quotations from the report by the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Lady Dunbar Nasmith, ubmitted to the up erintendent-in-Chief. "The most notable achievement of th e year have been the consolidation of the National Hospital crvice Reserve, the increase in Nursing Officer and the fact that a Nursing Division of the Brigade holds the Women's Grand Prior Trophy for First Aid. "The trength of the Nursing Divi ion has been maintained over the country as a whole, but to keep pare with the v ery h avy demands for the services of the N ur ing members this must be increased. "It is noticeable that the average age of Nursing members is lower, but more transfers from Cadet Divi ions would be welcomed. Divisional Superintendents are paying special attention to planning an interesting yearly programme for Divisional Instructional Meetings and to social activities, which have been in trumental in attracting the younger recruit. With such plans Surgeons, ursing Officers and Pre idents have given much help. One is plea ed to see many Presidents at all levels taking an active part in the work of St. John. "It is becoming increasingly difficult to fill senior posts in a county. This, I think, is largely due to lack of leisure, but al 0 to a disinclination to accept responsibility. Should this continue it must prove a matter of concern. "The un elfish spirit of service within the Brigade is as high as ever and is typified by the number and scope of the duties recorded. "During the past year I have been struck anew by the many acts of kindness which have corne to my notice out ide duties u ually associated





with the Brigade. This has strengthened the trust of the public in our work and is in accord with the true tradition of St. John. "I have been kept in touch with the Over ea D partment by Lady Btecknock and by my membership of th e Over ea D partment Committee. "I would like to put on record that my respon ibility for the Nur ing Divisions during your absence, Madam, has been greatly light n d by th work of Mrs. Grosvenor, Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn and Mi Harrison, together with the co-operation of all the staff at Headquarter. "The Nursing Divisions throughout the country are fully con ciou of, and much appreciate, the interest shown in them and in their work by the Commissioner-in-Chief and the Deputy Commis ioner-in- hie£." In approving the above remarks concerning the N llr ing Corp and Divi ions the Superintendent-in-Chief, ounte IOllntbatten of Burma, writes: "I would like to add my personal gratitude to Lady Dunbar-Na mith whose selfless work, wise guidance, and out tanding ability ha\' contributed so greatly to the ever increasing strength of the ur ing Di\'i ion during this last year as over the many preceding ones." I should like to associate myself \vith the e sentiment. I am continually aware of the debt we owe to the member" of the Medical and Nursing professions and I am grateful to the urgeon-inChief, Major A. C. White-Knox, for the work of his D partment, in which he is as isted by his Deputy, Dr. I[. M. Scott, and hi , istant Surgeon-in-Chief for Overseas, Dr. Buchanan, and to l\Ii HamiltonWedderburn, S.R.N., the Chief Nursing Officer. To my D eputy, Brigadier T. D. Daly, I am grateful particularly for undertaking the duties of Commissioner-in-Chief during my ab ence abroad, and to my Assistant Commi sioner -in-Chief, Colonel H. 10 tynOwen and Brigadier A. Ritchie. It must not be forgotten, however, that the Brigade could not function without the self sacrificing devotion of the Commissioners, Officer and Members in the Districts and Counties, and to them I would expre the deepest appreciation. The demands on their services are ever increa ing.

(Signed) O. M. LUND, Lieut. -General, C ommissio ner-in-C hie!.


ST. ]



Coullty Office: Dyn("vor Road, Bedford.

Tel. 35 60 .

CoulZty President: The Rt. lIon. The LORD LUKE, :'>1.A., D.L., J.P. County Vice-Preszdents: ir THO)!A'> KEE:-:s, D.L., J.P. (Ambulance). The Lady Zia \\'ERH:;\'ER, O.B.E. (Nursing) The lIon. Pearl Lawson Johnston, O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance and Nursing).

lommissioner . J)('puty Commis.ioner County uperintendent (.\) County upcrintcndent ( T) County Xur ing Offic ' r County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officcr (1\) ('ounty _ tafT Officers

Capt. \\'. C. KNIGHT, :'>LB.E., I, Dynevor Road Bedford. \'acanL ' Vacant . :\E s H. :\1. BROW:-:, 733, Dunstable Road, Luton. ':\li~s .:\1. E. RED:'>IA;\', :'>I.B .E., S.R.:;\'., 69, J\leyrick Avenue, Luton. H. . H .\RT\\,ELL, II, te\\'artby, r. Bedford. Vacant C;. J. P.\RSO:;\,S, 5, OlclIield Road, Bedford. E. LUCAS, 20, Clapham Road, Bedford. N. II. JOXE ,I6b, t. Cuthbert's treet, Bedford. H. BA;\'Ks (Press Relations), 26, Bi hop cote Road, Luton. Northern Area

{ ounty urgeon .\n a taff Officer. :\ rea Cadet 0 fficcr

Dr. H. \\'. ROU:-\D, The Grange, Turvey, Beds. ':\l~s. R. L. FIELD, 12, George Street, Bedford. ..:\11SS H. GRDDIER, 3, tation Road, mpthill, Beds.

County urge-on . \rea 'talI Offic(' r .\r('a talI Offic('r ~ \r(' 1 add Unicer (A)

Sou them Area J. Kelsall THOl\!AS, 24, \Vest Street, Dunstable . l\1~ss D. ARCHER, 34, Langley Street, Luton . :\11ss D. \\'OODHEAD, Langley Street, Luton. E. WHITE, 3, herwood Road, Luton.


BERKSHIRE COllnty Office: 33, South Vicw Avenuc, Caverham, Reading.

Tel. Reading 73 1 74.

County President: The Rt. Han. The EARL OF CLARE 'DON, K.G., P.C., G.C.l\!.G., G.C. \' .0. County Vice-Presidents: Colonel G. FIELD, O.B.E., T.D. (A I71blllance) Lady LORAINE ( ursing) Lady JOUBERT DE LA FERTE (Cadet NursilZg)

Commissioner . Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Co unty Secretary

C. A. POOLE, M.A., 33, outh View Avenue, Caversham. Vacant. Dr. T. T. BAIRD, Fain\'ater, Twyford, Berks. The Hon. l\lrs. Leslie GAMAGE, Foxhill, Earley, Berks. J. V. SHEl\[lLT, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., l\!.B., B.S., The R ed House Pepper Lane, Earley. . , Miss D: E. BRACE, S.R.""., BatUe Ho pital, Oxford Road, Readmg. "': E. TH0:lfAS, 69, Edgehill Street, Reading. M~ s A. K. COR DEROY, The Pollard, Theale, Berks. MISS D. K. GIBBINS, 33, South View Avenue, Caversham.



County Staff Officers



H. F. KID:\[QRE. 324. Tilehur:;t R oad. Reading. Mrs. THOMA . 69. Eugehill Street. R eading. E. CHART. II. Lome 'treet. R eading. L. J. BARTON. 65. ' t o Peter's R oad. Earley. ~1rs . E9MINSON. Old Barn Ea t. 379. R eadi ng \\'innersh . ~lrs. BARTON, 65. St. P f't('f'<; R oad. Earley.

Cou nty

add Officer (f\)

Co unty Cadet Officer Co unty Staff Officer-



BIRMINGH AM County Office: Nelson Memorial Hall, 100. Lionel treet, Birmingham 3. County PreSident: AIJerman J. . BUR\[AN. J

Tel. 13irming-hal11 6660.


Colonel The

Buckingham LURD

Dr. R. H. BUTCHER. 5. -ottingham Road . Bishopston, Bristol . 7. Mrs . E. F. PULLI', 138. Monk Park Ave .. Horfield. Bristol. ~I. Fox, 10. Redland Park. Redland. Bristol. 6 . (Press R f' lati on s) . J. F. SMITH, St. Kenya. Knightcott Road. Abbotts Leigh . Bristol. 8. \\' . G. CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue. Filton . .\. R. HARDI 'G, 189, Hillside R oad. t. George. Bristol . 5· C. GRIBBLE. 7, Stanley Road. R edlands. Bristol. 6 . E. J. FOLEY, 2. Highfi eld Grove. Homeld. Bristol, 7· ( .II.S .R.). H. R . II. PAGE.~5. Kingsway Ave .• Kingswood. Bristol.

County Office: treet, Aylesbury. Bucks.

Tel. Aylesbury 1033 .

County V~ce-Presldents: The Viscountess D awson of P enn. O.B.E. (Nursing). Th Vi counte_s Kemsley. C.B .E. (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner Dep uty Commis ioner Assistant Commis ioner Co unty Superintendent (A) Co unty uperintcndent ( ) County Surgeon (Executivc:) Cou nty Surge un County Cad t Officer (A) County Secretary Co unty Staff Officers

Tel. '22431-2.

County President: His Grace Th e DUKE OF BEAUFORT. K.G .. G.C.v.O., P.l'. Lieut.-Colo nel H. E ssex LEWIS. D.C.M .. T .D .. Harley House, Comm iss:on er Clifton Down, Bristol. 8. T el. 33808. G. J. CREECH, M.R.SAN.r.. 30. Fir Tree Lane. St. George. Assistant Commissioner Bristol. 5. (County Secretary) Vacant. County Superintendent (A) Miss M. E. E. SARAH, IS. Morley Square. Bishopston. County Superintendent (N) Bristol. 7· (Acting) Dr. J. A. L. ROBERTS. 75, High Street, Kingswood. County Surgeon Vacant. County Nursing Officer


County Presiden ts: COTTESLOE.C.B .• V.D .• T.D., Lord-Lieutenant of Buckingbamshire The LADY CHATFIELD (Nursing). :-'lajor P. G. DARVIL- ' :llITH . C.B.E. (Cadets).

BRISTOL County Office: Unity Street, St. Philip·s. Bristol 2.




County r'/ce-Presldents: Alderman \V . T. BOWEN (Amblllullce). :\lrs. \\'. A. CADBURY; Lady RAI- lER ( . /lrsin!;:) J. P. EARl ES, O.B.E. (C adet Amblllance) . Mrs. P. CADBURY (Cadet Nlirsing). Brig. M. L. HAYNE, C.B.E .. -1 I ' Lichfidd Rua I, Fu ur Oak, Commissioner \\'arwicks. Tel. Four Oak !O33· ~1rs. D. C. ICOL. 270. Rotton Park Road. Birmingham, 16. County Superintendent ( Dr. D. J . NICOL. :\I.c.. 270, Rotton Park Roatl. BirmingCounty Surgeon ham. 16. Miss ~I. CLINTON. 10 . \Vd\\'yn Road. Edgbast >D. County Nursing Officer \V. R . BECKWITH, -lIS, Bromlonl. Road, \\ ard End, County Cadet Officer (A) Birmingham, 8. Mrs . E. 1\1. TO~[Ll~soN. 51, Edenhall R oatl. Quinton. County Cadet Officer (N) Birmingham. 32. Mrs. F. E . HAMMOND , 7. Ravensha\\ Road. Egba ton. County Secretary Birmingham, 16. W. R. LLOYD (Training). 66. Bleakhill Rd .. Birmingham. 23· County Staff Officers II. V. GARDINER. 26, Pitm<lston Court. Goodby Road . Birmingham. 13· A. C. FORD, 85. Wood leigh Avenue. IIarborne. Birmingham. 17 ( tares). J. E. MATTHEWS. 304, B ordesley Green Rd .. Birmingham. 9 · Miss E. M. ROGERS. 72. Bal all IIeath Road, Edgbaston . Birmingham. 5. F. GRIFFITHS (Treasurer). :vIidlanu Bank. ewhall Street. Birmingham. 3.


The Viscount CURZO~. J.P .• "The Knoll". Penn. Bucks. F. H. SCHOOLING. "St. Nicholas Lodge", Farnham Common. Bucks. E. A. BISHOP. J.P.. "Southdene", Bourton Road . Buckingham. E. A. ALLIOTT. "Rostherne", Hervines Road. Amersham. Bucks. ~1rs. ~1. BOOTH;\lAN, "Lynton Chase". Datchet. E. R . \VEAV ER-ADAMS. B.A .. l\I.B .. n.CHIR .. M.R.C.S .. "Sutton Cottage" . toke Park. Slough. Bucks. Dr. G. \\T. H TOWNSEXD. ;',I.B .. County M.O.H .• County Offices, Aylesbury. K. A. ATIlAN. " T orwood". Clifton Road. Chesham Bois. Amersham, Bucks. Mrs. Z . BOTSFORD. 79. Buckingham St .. Aylesbury. Bucks. J. O. BOLDERO (Treasurer). Th e Manager. Lloyds Bank. Aylesbury. Bucks. Mrs. B. A. H. VAUGHAN. "Johns" . Uxbridge Road. Stoke Pages. Buck . Miss G. M. IVES. 9. Ogilvie Road. High Wycombe, Bucks. (Training) . L. E. PIKE, 17. The Broadway. Amersham. Bucks. (Publicity). A. KING BURY. Henshaw. Bierton. Aylesb ury. (PublicityAdvisory). F. R . REEDER. "Glamis", Kingsmead Rd .. High \ Vycombe. Bucks. (Competitions). N o rthern Area

Area Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer (A) .

W. SEA.TON, "Willow Bank". Church Street. Buckingham. Miss E. M. SAVORY. "Emberton IIouse". Olney. Bucks . S. T. COMPTON. 21. Silver Street. ewport Pagnell. Bucks. Miss J. ROSE. Mission Hall. Newport Pagnell. Bucks. Capt. F. WORKER. (Training). 56. Windsor St., Wolverton.



North Midland Area 1\Iiss . 1\1. ALE, The Croft, WalLon R oad, Aylesb ury. Dr. Hilda DAVIS, M.B., D.P. H., Plough o ttage, Cadsdcan, Princes Ri shoro u~h, Bucks. E. F. c:.O~IERS, I, Albe rt Street, Aylesbury.

Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area

taff Officer

Mid Bucks Area C. DAY , "Station IIouse ", Saunderton, High \\'ycom be, Bucks. 1\1rs. \V . E . TAYLOR . S.R.)i., " B ridge I-l o use", Baring Rd , Beaconsfielcl, Bucks. Dr . R. H. KIPP l:-.1G, !\l.B., B.CII., " L eig h H ouse", Beaconsfield, Bucks. ::'I1r5. DILLO:-:-Eow \RO-,. 5.R.:-:, "Faulknns", C~1t'sham Rd , Chesham Bois, Bucks. .T. L u.-.-o:-:, 29. Cress('x R oa 1, l1 i~h \\\loml)e, Bucks. D . ORLIK, ":lratton ottage", tratton R oad, l kacon<;ficld, Bucks. Miss M. E. \\'HI rE, "Cleveland", Claremont. Gardens, Ma rl ow, Bucks.

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer

Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers East South

Southern Area Vacant. Mrs . E. R. \\'EAVER-ADAMS, " utto n Cottage", loke P ark, Nr. Slough , Bucks. Lt.-Col. L. D. ::\1. GAVI;\", :II-D., ;'\I.B., CILB., 33, ussC'x Place, lo ugh, Buck . L. CHALLI S, 7, Oakfield A\'e., Slough, Bucks . Mrs. HOOD , Lj8, \Vellington tr('et, 101icyh, Bucks.

Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A ) Area Cadet Officer (N)

CAMBRIDGE County Office: 35, St. Mary's Street, Ely . T el. Ely 78. County Presidents: The LORD FAIRHAVEK , D.L., J.P. Mrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK. County Vice-Presidents: Major E . SAVILLE PECK, D.L. Major G. M. MACFARLANE GRIEVE. Commissioner Deputy Commissioner and Act. County Surgeon County Superintendent (N)

County Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer Area Cadet Officer

K. S. MAURICE-SMITH, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Etheldreda House, Ely . C. vV. WALKER, M.B., M.R .C. S., L.R.C.P., 67 , Milton R 0ad, Cambridge. Mrs. A. F. MANLEY, M.A., 9, Burgess, Hill, Hampstead, N .W.2. Mrs. E . Ellis LEWIS , S.R.N., S.C.M. , R.F.N., 19, Brookside, Cambri.dge . Miss M. C. D. I(ENNETT, S.R.N. , C.M.B. , Long Stanton R ectory , Cambridge. Lt.-Colonel G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., 49, Silver Street, Ely . A. H. GRIMSHAW, 152, Elm Road , March, Cambs. C. HAYLETT, 225, Mill Road, Cambridge.



Ely Area \Y. H. TUR'\"ER, 31, The Vinc"yards, Ely , Camb .

:\Irs. G . TUR0.cR, 31, T he \ 'ineyard s, Ely, Camb .

Arca Commissioner Area Superintl"n<ient (1 )

Cambridge Area G. \V\LKER, " K er 'ell ", Sedley Taylor R oad, Cambridge. .\lrs. G. SEDDON, " R edcliffe" , II , Chesterfield Road, C1.mbridge. . P . DICKER, I, Belgrave R oad, Cambridge.

l\rea StalT


CHESHIRE County Office: ounty H.Q., Tabley R oad, Knutsford, Cheshire. T el. Knuts[ord 346. C')unty President: Lt.-Colonel \V . HALONER, O.B.E., T.D., J.P.

T. SHORT, 11, Hill View R oad, lIigh W ycombe, Bu cks. J. R ICHARDSO;\", "c:.t. Ihvids", _ tation Ri se, :'Ila rlo\\' , Bu\..k-:..

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)


.\rea upenn le nd ent Area Superintendent


Area Cadet Officer (A ) Assistant Area Cadet Officer

County Nursing Officer



County Vice-Presidents: FERNS (Ambulance). C. BENTLEY (Coder Ambulance).

J. A. K. Commissionl:r Dep uty Commisioner Cou nty Supl'nnlencien t (1\) l o unly ~ u penntend('nl ( ) County urgeon Co unty

ursi ng Officer

Co unty C"det Officer (A) Co unty 'ecretary Cou nty t aff Officer Area Cadet Officer

Capt. P ercy R EAY, O.B.E., ;'\-LC., J.P., "Oakdene" , Prestbury, Cheshire. T el. Prestbury 8353. \V. Cecil ROBIN SON, " Inglefield", Dean R ow, vVilmslow . ~. S. ::'IluMBY, Glendyne, Prenton Lane, Prenton . Vacant. K. D. BEAN, M.B., CH.B., "Blairgowrie", Broadway Ave., Cheadle, Cheshire. YIiss A. MCCULLY, S.R.N., District Memorial Hospital, Crewe. H. . BECKETT, 28, Stalbridge Road, Crewe. }lrs. E. SINGLETON , County H .Q., Knutsford. Dr. Gladys E. \VILKINSON, "Keri", Fulshaw Park, \Vilmslo\\,. ;'\lr . A. LAWRENCE, 35, South Park R oad, Gatley, Cheshire. Eastern Are:!

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon

H. B . BINGHAM, 56, Greg Street, South R eddish, Stockport . Miss E. M. GRIFFIN, IS, Grundy Street, Hazel Grove, Stockport. J. MACFIE, LB., CR.B., Sunninghill , Townscliffe L a ne , Marpl e Bridge. Central Area

Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer

M . R OB I 'SON, M.B., CH.B., Thornfield, Cheerbrook Road, Willaston, Nantwich. W. C. MOORE, 10, H emming St., \Vinnin gton, I orthwich . Western Area

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon

E. Allen SMITH, 241, Breck Road, W a llasey, Cheshire. YIiss W. A. LAMB, 28, Highgreen Rd ., Birkenhead, Cheshire . Dr. H. L. GARSON, "Woodlands", New Chester Road, Bromboro ugh, Wirral. Cheshi rc.






County S uperinten den t (N) County Surgeon Count y N ursing Officer Assistant Commission er (Transport) County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (A) Coun ty Cadet Officer (N) Cou n t y Secretary Cou nty Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officers

Area N ursin g Officer

Rear Admiral Sir Rowland JERRAM, K.B .E., D.S 0 • Torsid e Hannafore, ' Vest Looe. Mrs. Vv . N. V. OAKLEY, M.B.E., 'Vhitebays. Trcbet.hrick . Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, Gwel Marten, Probus. 1\1rs. Propert LEWIS, S.R.N., Armyn Cottage, Barhne , Falmouth. T. C. T RESIDDER, Dartington, Redannock Estate. Truro . J. J . PEARCE, 8. Carwinion Terrace, Liskca rd. J. G. BARRETT, Silver Bow, Mount Ambro e, Redrut.h. Princess Chula CHAKRABONGSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. Miss J . VINCENT. 18. Dean Street, Liskeard. A. B. VENNI G. Grasmere, Dunhevt'd Road, Launceston. (Publicity). Mrs. C. H. ASHER, Ellenglaze Manor, Cubert, e"'quay (N.H.S. R .). P. PEARCE, Barclays Bank, Redruth. (Treasurer). E. S. SEYMOUR, 60. Trefusis Road, Redruth. A. T. MOSSMA , 9. Killerton Road, Bude. B . W. R . HILL, Barclays Ban k Ltd., Falmouth. H. J . B. J EWELL, 13, Manor Road, Falmouth. W. T. ALLEN, 8, R obert Hit.chins Road. Falmo uth. H. C. PENDER, IS, Westheath Villas, Bodmin. Miss K. GOVIER, 18, Du ke Street , St . Stephen s, Lau nceston. Mrs. E. TREWEN, S.R.N., 1S2, Albany Road, R edruth.

Eastern Area

Assistant Commissioner Area Surgeon County Staff Officers

W. G. MOONEY, J.P., Broomhill , Tavistock R d., Laun ceston . M. C. COOPER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hollybank, The Downs, Looe . C. S . MOYSE, Fore Street, Camelford . Miss L. C. \\'ERREN, Cypru s House, Lanceston. W estern Area

Assistant Commissioner County Staff Officers



County Office: trect. Harraby, Carlisle, Cumberland.

39. Harrison

County Presidents: R olle rt H.\::\CE. L o rd Lieutenant of Cumberland. \Ia j or J. W. CROPPER, Lord Lieu t enan t of Westmorla n d.

County Presidents: Colonel Sir Edward H. ' V. BOLITHO, K.B.E . , C.B., D.S.O., Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall. Nancy, LADY VIVIAN, O.B.E.




County Office: 18, Dean Street, Liskeard. Tel. Liskeard 2010.

Cou nty Vice-Prestdents: C. E. H. LLOYD (A m blliance). ~l rs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, C.A. (Nursing). Mrs. C. H. ASHER (Nursing). A. V. BAKER (C ade t A m bu::Jl1ce). ::.1r . Y. T HOMAS (C ode r Nursing).


• [I'

County T'tce-Prestde nts: :vIrs. :'vICGRIGOR,PHILLIPS (Nu rsing) ~Ir ·. 211. L. BARRALLOUGH


ommissioner Deputy ommissioner (Cumberland) Deputy Commis ioner ( \Ve"t.morland) County Superintendent (1\) County uperintendent (l ) County urge on County Nur ing Officer . County Cadet Officer ( County 'ecretary County taff Officers


L\MBERTON. M.B., CH.B .. D.P .H., Kilgraston. Marlborough Gardens, ~tanwix. Carlisle. (Tel. Carlisle 87S). R ev. T. CROSS, Askham, Nr. Penrith. (Tel. Hackthorpe 261).

Capt. J. L. JOH.'S, R.N. (Retd.)' Lockville, Main Street. Sedbergh. Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 67). J. J. BEVERLY, 1 , \Vood ~ghy ll Drive, Harraby. Carlisle. :.vIr. M. A. C. AINSCOW, M.B., eH.B., The Grange, Temple Sowerbv. r. Penrith. .0. • L. BIRKETT, M.A .• M.B., B.CH., 3 T horny Hills, KendaL }lis G. LAYCOCK. S.R.N., Cumberland I nfirmary, Carlisle. }liss D. TROTTER. The Gowans, Sedbergh. D. KEELAN, 39. Harrison Street, Carlisle. C. H . STEPHE:-<SON, 2S. ook treet, 'Vorkington. J . STILLING. 34, Romney Road, Kendal. }Irs. EW:\I\::\. sr. Holmriggs Avenue, Penrith.

DERBYSHIRE County Office: Hill Cottage, London Road, Buxton.

Tel. Buxto n 395 .

COU1/tv Preside nt: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE . County Vice-Presidents: D. . TURNER THE DUCHESS OF RUTLAND Commissioner Assistant Commissioner County uperintendent (N) County Surgeons


urs ing Officer

Coun ty Cadet Offlcer (A) County Welfare Officer County t'cretary County SbtI Officer

, V. L. STEWART, M.B., CH.B., Trevethick, Grampound. J . J. J ACKMAN, Hazlemere, Alban y R oad. Falmo uth. Miss F. W. PAUL, Oakleigh, Clinton R oad, R edrut h.

Colonel F. Arnot BEARN. C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., M.D., II, B road Walk, Buxton. Captain F. BRINDLEY, M.C., The Spinney. Lansdowne R d., Buxton. ~liss E. F . BELL. Ivy Hou e, Mickleover, Derby. J. B. McKAY, M.B .• CH.B .• Brereton House, Bolsover , Near Chesterfield. ::.1rs. Clara STEWART. M.B., CH.B., B.A.O .• 3. Hardwick Mount. Buxton. ::.1i 's L. PETTITT, S.R.N., c/o Delbyshire Hospital for Women, Derby. C. 1. MARGERRISON. T he Cottage. vVildhay Green, Bar10\\", N r. Sheffield. Mrs. G. E . H. ·W EATHERBY. 28, Kingst on Street. Derby. P. CUBITT. Hill Cottage, London R oad. Buxton. F. 1. SHIMWELL, " T he Laurels", S3. Station Road. B rimin gton, N r. Chesterfield. \V. F. R IGLEY, "Min goyo", Cossnl1. Ilkeston. R . R INGHAM. J .P ., Ma r kham House. Duckmanto ll. Nr. Che terneld .



Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area uperintend ent (1) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ]) Area Staff Officers


Northern Area I. Baikie JAME S, I, illarket treet, Cbapel-en-le-Frith . J. ATKI ' ON, \\'hite-I\:no\\'lc Cottage, Chinley, ear Stockport. :\1iss . TART, Brown Edge Road, Buxton. F. W. FURKISS, Elmwood, Old Whittington, Nr. Chesterfield. R. ~IILLWARD, 27, cw Street, Crassmoor, Tr. Chesterfield . Mrs. C. I. i\IARGERRISON , Th<.:' ottage, \ ildhay Gr en , Barlow, r. ~ hffit'lcl. T. COVERLEY, Carr Cottage, \\,hitehough, hinley. C. V. DUKDAS, II, Lo\\field Grove, Stockport.


Deputy Commis ion('r Countv ,uperinh'ndent ( Count)' ursing Officer County Cadet Offic r (A) County Cad( t

fficer ( )

Cou n t\' Secretary County Staff Officers





Lieut.-Colon I H. C. E. ROUTH, (R.A., rtd.), The Priory, Totnes . :\Irs. C. DE B. DENIKG, Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John . Mrs. M. D. ICHOLLS, S.R.N., Glencarron, Exeter Road , Honiton. ::'Ilaj or-General R. DENIKG, C.B., !II.V.O., M.C., Tipton Lodge, Tipton t. John . :\1rs. Stuart ICHOLSON, Prispen House, Silverton . ::'Ilis D. BOURCHIER.\VREY, Tawstock, Chudleigh. E. H. 'HOOPER (Trea mer), Highway House, TedbuTTI, Nr. t. l\1ary, Exeter. \\!. UNDERHILL, 13.E.lIf., London House, Ashburton. (Tra inin~)

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (J) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officers

Area Commission er Area Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officer (A)

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Surgeon Nursing Officer Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

National Coal Board No. 1 Area \\T . V. SHEPPARD, Elmskv House, RalOworth, r. :;\lansfi hI B. KEl\'OALL, Bonnevi'DIle, Inkersall Rd., Duckmanton, .I. r Che terfield. ~Irs. McKAY, Brereton IIouse, Bol. over. Dr. W. A. F. HURST, Heathfield, Tibshelf. ::VIi s I. AITKIN, S.R.N., 39, 'ca rston '\v cnu(', IIolmewood, 1 r. Chesterfielc1. P. E. HIBBARD, Markham Road, Duckmanton. F. ORMAN, IS, Private Drive, Hollingwood. T. l\1. COPE, Netherton House, Glap\\'cll. National Coal Board No. 5 Area W. U~SWORTH, .C.B. East l'IIidland Division,::\r. 5 Ar~ Headquarters, Eastwood, ott-. G. H . BOW.fER, 12, IIigh Street, L05Co(-. ~1rs. H. \VILLIAlIlSON, loIoorlands, Brin. ley, Notts. Dr. W . V. ROACHE, Rutland House:, llkeston. ~1rs. 1\1. RIGLEY, S.R.N., l\Iingovo, C() s~a l1, Ilkeston. W. AIDlORE, . p, II ca t h Road, Ripley. \V. A. HUDSON, :;\licldlt'ton Avenue, Crosshill, odnor. A. E. \V. DILKS, I3, Eingsway, Ilkeston, Derbyshire.

Southern Area Dr. I. MACKENZIE, 6, Eastwood Drive, Derby. Dr. \V. H. DINWOODIE, '12, winburne, tn-ct, Derby. Mrs. M. F. HALLETT, 398, 'Burton R oad, Derby. E. G. FLORENCE, 266, Osmaston Park Road, Derby. II . FARNSWORTH, "Melita", 13, Holt Avenue, Derby. ::v.Irs. D. M. FAR'SWORTH, "Melita", I3, Holt Avenue, Derby. (Welfare). T. L. HUTTON, 27, Chaddesden Lane, Derhy. :\1iss DRURY, 13, Derwent Avenue, AIle tree.

'. \V. H. PO::-lSFORD, Moorlands, Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton. (Publicity). C. II. CONGDON, 7, Richmond R oad, Exeter.

.\rea ommis.10ner .\rea Superintendent (A) \r('a uperintendenl (?\ ) \rea , urgeon \rr;l aclet rfic('r ( )

\rea uperint ndent (.\) \ r(a uperintendent (NJ \rea urgeon \rea Staff Officer

North Devon Ll(·ut.-Colonel K. G. \V . SAUNDERS. O.B.E., F.R.C.S., Elmfield, Goodleigh R oad, Barnstaple. R. G. ROGERS, 17, Marlborough R oad, Iliracombe . ::'IIiss F. VALENTIXE, Little Close, Braunton. Dr. \V. B. BOO::-lE, I Hillesborough Terrace, Ilfracombe. R . J . BRADDON, I, Commercial Road, Barnstaple.

.\rea Commissioner

South D evo n Area G. \V. HINGSTO~, \Volborough Lodge,

.\red, Commis ioner

.\rea Superintendent (I') .\rea Surgeon .\rea Cadet Officer (A) \rca taff Orficers


Brigadier C. E. HUDSON, V.C., C.B., D.S.O., M.e., Denbury Manor, Nr. Newton Abbot.

outh R oad, ewton Abbot. ::'Ili<;<; 1\1. A. Sto\\'e, :lI.B., CH.B., lIf.R.C.S., M.A.S.I., Dartmoor Cottage, Lestleigh, S. Devon. Dr. G. E. S.\WDON, toke HOll e, toke Gabriel, T otnes. Colonel C. B. TEPHE::-ISO" Indio Gables, Bovey Tracey. Miss C. R. GOLDING, 38, Primley Park, Paignton. Mrs. L. A. R. NICHOLLS, 4, Bearnes Lane, Jewt on Abbot.

DORSET COlmty Office: 26, Ranelagh Road, Weymouth. T el. \ Veymouth 1946. County President: THE LADY ELLEXBOROUGH.

EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON County Office: T he Hut, Culver Drive, Chudleigh. Tel. Chudleigh 2262. County President: Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY, BT., D.S.O., M.C. County Vice-Presidents: Lady Mary COUR1ENAY (N ursing). Lady IMBERT TERRY (Cade t Nursing).

East Devon Area ::\Iajor R. . P . GRAY, M.B., 23, Southernhay East, Exeter. . G. WOOD ,S, Ruth erford Street, Exeter. :'Ilrs. BOLT, \\'endtholne, l\laryfield Avenue, Exeter. Dr. ::'11. Y. P\GET, B :unfield End, Spicer R oad, Exeter. :\Ii.s :\I. l\lARTIN, 5T, Elmside, Exeter.

County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. M. M. \VARRE (Nursing). LORD ELLENBOROUGH (Cadet A mbl/loflce). Lady LETTTCE ASHLEY COOPER (Cade t Nursing). Commissioner County Superintend ent (N) County Surgeons County

ursing Officer

Dr. R. V. S. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, \Veymouth. Mrs. A. :'II. C. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, Weymouth. Dr. E. J. Gordon \VALLACE, Health Centre, \ Veymouth. Dr. Laura Maule HOR 'E, The Grange, 2, Mount Road, Parkstone. ~ister 1\1iss D . UNDERLA D, S.R.N., Health Centre, \Veymouth, (i/c N.H.S.R.).



County Officer i




Area Cadet Officer (I ) County Secretary Coun ty Staff Officers

County Treasurer





::'1. ALDRrD E "Hove Dene", ranford AvenUE , \V eymouth. Mi. s M. PEACH, 59, High treet, Shaftesbury. i\1iss F. B. Lo, 'G, 10, Dorchester Road, \\'eymouth. J. M. O'HARA, 42, Palmerston Road, Parkstone . A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, \\'eymouth . E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow, Plantation Road, Parkstone. E. W. CUFF, "Sydco", Prince of Wales Road, Dorche·t·r. Mrs. K. MARTYN, I. lton Road, ParkstoOl:. J. B. PE:-'<CER, 422, Dorchester Road, \Veymouth. D. G. F. ACUTT, "Cambrai", Cranford A \'cnu e, \\'eymout h. (Publicity). J. SANDFORD, -135. Dorc{'ster R oaLI, Weym outh.

County O!tzce: ewcastlc-on-Tyn(:',"

Osborne Terrace,

County Preslde Ht : S. EMBLETOX, Esq., 0

Tel. J e, montl 64 6 . B

Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers

County Secretary

Colonel Sir Myers \VAY~lAN, K.B.E., F.$,S., J,P., CO<1o\\oocl. Seaburn, Sunderland. S. BUNKER, 38, Glenesk Road, Sunderland, Lady WAYMAN, Coanwood, eaburn, ' und erland . K. M. MACDoNALD, M.D., CH.B., 13ankfielcl onsett, 0 Durham. Mrs. F. r.1. J. DUNCAN , S.R . . , 12, Garcia Terrace, Sunderland. Miss O. ADDISO~, 0, Croft Terrace, Jarro\\,. P. S. BLU:-.<DE:-.<, Cross House, Pelton, H. S. GRACE, Rose Cottage, tockton Rd ., West Hartlepool \V. MATHER, 4, Glebe Houses, Ferryhill, roo Durham. Miss E. SCURLOCK, M.B.E., 148, Bede Burn Road, Jarrow- onTyne. J. GILLILAND, 7, Houghton Road, Hetton-Ie-Hole. Mrs. R. \VATSON, 40, Brandling Place South, Newcastle .

Area Cadet Officer





Cou nt\'

adet Officer (A)

County ( nunt.Y County

adet Offlcer ( T) ec retarv tail Officers


Area Superintendent (A) Area Cadet Officer

Wes tern Area

Area Commissioner Area S u perin tendent (A) Area Cadet Officer (A) .


W. STOBBS, 6, Studley Gardens, Lowfell . S. DAVISO', Heathfield, Burnopfield, Tyne. W. YOUNGER , 23, Townley Street, Stanley. A.



County Office: Royal Crescent, Chclt{'nham. Tel.

heltenham 53610.

County Presidents: Colonel Sir J ames SLEEJ,fA , C.B" C.IIi.G., C.B.E., M.V.O. THE COUNTESS ST. ALDWYN,

W. STOKOE, Chilton Moor Hou e, Fenc(~ hou sc', Co. Durham , Miss D. A. HALL, B.SC., I, Greenbank Vinas, Tarrow. A, K. MACRAE. M.D., CH.B., Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham, Mrs. M. CREWE, 20, St. Andrew's Tce., Roker, Sunderland R. RUTHERFORD , T.D., J.P., M.B" B.S., The Firs, L angley Park, Co. Durham. E S, SMITH, 34, Tunstall Avenue, West Hartlepool, Co . Durham . H, COULSON, 74, Starmer Crescent, Darlington.

T. WHITLEY, O,B,E., II1.B., CH.B., "Thorneybrook". London Road, Chelmsford. Bngu,cher T. RiGBY, C.B., D.S.O., :l1.C., "Grendon", The Cr('sccnt, Frinton-on- ea. W. E. ORFOLK, 84, Marconi Road, Chelmsford. :\lrs. E. S~UELLIE, M.B.E., The Bridge House, Lexden, Cc lchester. Dr. \\'. RADCLIFFE, Ten Acres, High Street, Wivenhoe. J . n. DfXO.', M.B., CH.B., }\f.R.C,S., L,R.C.P., Bocking Church 'trec:t, Bocking. J. EWf:-\G, :l1.B., CH.B., "Cliffe House", Dovercourt. Lieut.-Col. A, 1. SHERINGHAIII, "Guivers", Little Bardfield, Essex. :'.lr'> , E. M. HOWARD, 19, Victoria Road, Colchester. . H . LARK, 23, Lynmouth Avenue, Chelmsford. Miss \\'. K. ARGE~T, " hirley", \Vrittle. E. A. POOLE, 178, Cowdray Avenue, Colchester. F. E. BROOKS, 144, :'Ioulsham Drive, Chelmsford , W. J. \lITH, 56, Godfrey Flat, Upper Bridge R oad, Chelm ford. l\1r . E. M. HART, 8, St. John's Avenue, Chelmsford, Mrs. E. \VAKELAND- MITH, Richmond Cottage, Highwood, Nr. Chelmsford. W . R . l'~\vIN, 14, Moul ham Drive , Chelmsford. C.S .:'1. \\'. L. BRUNTOX, D.C.M" 12, Ratcliffe Rd., Colchester.


County Vice-Presidents: Lady CRIPPS, IILB.E. ( llrsing) , Earl ST. ALDWYN, T.D., D.L. (Cadet Ambulance), Lady GWYNNE EVA ' S (Cadet Nursing).

Sou them Area

Area Commissioner

Tel. Chelmsford 5789.

County l'lce -Presidents: Lady WHITMORE (Nursing). Lady Joan 1: EW:I1AN (Nursll1g). ~Ir -;. J. T. WHITLEY (Cadet Nursing).

Eastern Area

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon


County Prestdent: Colonel Sir Francis \VHIT\fORE , K.C.B., C.\LG., D.S,O., T.D. Lord-Lie utenant of Es ex.


County Flee-Preside 'It: LADY STARMER


County Office: Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay Road, Chelmsford.

County uperintendent. (A) County <,;uperintendent (N)




1\.. H.

Deput.y Commis ioner


ST. ]

Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A)

A, BARRETT-CARDEW, M.C ., M.B" F.R.C,S., K eynsham Lawn, Cheltenham. C. R, DE C. ADLER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 131 , Old Bath Rd. , Cheltenham. Mi_s D. B. FABER, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. C. H. DRAKE, M.R,C.S., L.R.C .P " The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester. Mrs. SADLER, 131, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham. Rev , E. J. M. ELDRIDGE, O,B,E ., St. Jame's Vicarag, Tivoli Road, Cheltenham.


County Cadet Officer County Staff Officer

Area Cadet Officers



1\Iiss D. TRIM'vrER, 1\!.C.S.P., 2, Beau[ort Road, heltenham. T. H. RE<\D, Ellenville, Gordon Road, Cheltenham. 1\Iajor E. A. 1\IcIvER, Reigatc, Ryc\\"orth Road, Charlton KinRs. 1\1rs. C> ~\. \YILl.A);" Oaklanels, hurdington, Nr. Cheltl nham. (1\1. .D.). ;'vliss J. B. PARKER, lli~hfielel House, Whltminster, Glos ?vIr . B. LAWRE);CE, The appings, harlton Kings, Cheltenham. R. A. HAWKL S, 15, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. T. L. LONG, 08, 't.rouel Road, Gloucc't.er. l\1rs. J. BUCK, 260, Olel Bat.h Road, Cheltenham. Forest of Dean Area

Area Commissioner

ir John PADIER, BT., Newland,

Deputy Commissioner County uperint.endent (A) ('ounly uperintendent (N) County Surgeon Counly


ursing Officer

Count.y Caelel Offic r (Al Count.y Cadet Officer


COllnty- S<'crelarv Count: Staff Officers


'. R. TURKBULL, F.R.C.V.S., 65, \Vorting Road, Basingstoke. Lieut.-Colonel H. . COLE, O.B.E., T.D., F.R.HIST.S. The Hon. Mrs. S. R. CUBITT, Hall Place, 'West Meon. L. M. MAYBURY, M.A., M.B., B.CHIR., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Kenwood", 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea. :'Iiss P. l:\EWTO" s.R.:-;., S.C.M., Ophir Lodge, Ophir Road, Boumemouth. H. 1. MARRINER, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 18, Poole Rd., Bournemouth. :'Ii s 1.. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage, Shirley Holms, Lymington. :\1iss . READDY, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. A. L. AY~lES, Police Station, Romsey. :'1iss E. L. BATH, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester.

ol('[or<l, (;los.

GUERNSEY County Office: County Headquarters, Rohais, t. Peter Port., Guernsey. Td. Cm·rnscy 70. County PresIdent: Sir Victor G. AREY County Vice-Presidents: Dr. W. B. Fox. Dr. A. SYMOl"S, 0 B.E. (A mblllal1ce). Lady SHERWILL ( lIrsing). Jurat R. H. J om,s, O.B.E. (A IIlhlllallCe Cadets). Lady Bert.a EA:'>IE ( LIYsillg Cadets). Lieut.-Colonel . II. HEARD, :'>1.B E, :'>l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., La Commissioner Giffardier, Albeq., ast.cl, Guernsey. \V . TAYLOR, 8.E.1\I., Quenelon, Le :'Iart.ival, La Rudte, Bailiwick Superintendent (A) St. Marlins. Mrs. E. NASON, Mont.ville IIouse, Lcsvardes, St.. Peter Port. Bailiwick Superintendent (N) W. R. CAMBRIDGE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., La Vallet, Rue De Bailiwck Surgeon Putron. R. H. BLA 'CHFORD, M.B.E., Le CrO\de IIerivel, Rohai', Area Commissioner St. Peter Port. C. DE LA :v1ARE, Courtil 13licl}., St. Anelre\\" . Bailiwick Secretary J. 'vV. DEAR, Earls Colne, Guelles Road, Guernsey. District Staff Officer R. A. LUFF, Belsize, Doyle, t. Pet.er Port (Treasurer). Bailiwick Staff Officers T. R. MARQUAND, "Enismere", Les mballes, St. Peter Port. Mrs. T. R. MARQUAND, "Enismere", Les Amballes, St. Peter Port. F. W. BUSH, "Palma", Les Osmonds, St. Sampsons. Miss MACKAY, Dolphin, St. Martins, Guernsey. H. C. ROWCLIFFE, Keival, Les Vardes, St. Peter Port, Guernsey (Assistant Secretary). Area Cadet Officer (A) H. TOUZEAU, IIolmlea, R oute Miltarre Vale, Guernsey. Area Cadet Officer (N) Miss E. S. BUSH, ·Wet.hersfield, Guelles R oad, St. P eter Port.

HAMPSHIRE County Office: Wessex House, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Tel. 2884. County President: The COUNTESS MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA, C.r., G.B.E., D.C.V.O. County Vice-Presiden ts: Mrs. M. L. HARCOURT (Nursing). William COATES, Esq., M.A. (Cadet Ambulance). Admiral Sir Arthur POWER, G.B.E., K.C.B., c.v.o. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. WILLIS, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O.



Dr. O. T. J. CLAYRE, 5, Manor Road, Itchen, Southampton.

Eastern Area

\rea ommi~sion r \n l . upcrintendent (A \r('it Superint.t'n<icnt ( " \rc:l. Surgeon CaJet Ollic r (A) \rn 'ldet Ufficer ( ) (nunh ,taff Officer \W1.

O. J. FRA 'CIS, 26, Gordon Road, Gosport. F. B. FLE:'>lING, 20, Chapel Street, Buckland, Portsmouth. :'1rs. L. ROPER, Bucklands, Durley, r. Southampton. C. . BUR HA i-SLIPPER, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 100, Waverley Road, Southsea. . E. LARRY, 43, Tintern Road, Gosport. :\1 is E. POOK, 9, London Road, \Vaterlooville. \Y. N. \\'lLSO " Police Headquarters, Portsmouth (Tre::tsurer). Central Area

\rea Commissioner ,\r a Superint.endent (A) .\rea

uperin lenJen t (K

_\rea , urgeon "'-rea Caelct. Officer (.\) Area Treasurer \[(-a Press Relations Officer

\\' 1.. :\1. BIGBY, ;\I.B.E., ;\I.B., B.S., 53, South View Road, S,lUthampton. II. S. A. THOMAS, 13, orwich Road, Bitteme Park, Sout.hampt.on. :'1r~. V. \\'ALMSLEY, Green Cottage, Sbawford, r. \Vinchestf'r. P. A. T. LOWDEN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Denstone, Christ.church Road. \Vinchester. \V. E. P. BUTT, 91, Osborne Rd., Portswood, outhampton. L. S. DUNFORD, 78, St. James Road, Southampton. 1 . A. \VT LTON, Odeon Theatre, -orth \Valls , 'vVinchester.

Northern Area

\rea Commissioner Area uperint.enclent (A) Area uperintendent (N) urgeon. Area Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadd Offi~er (N)

L. P. BOTTING, Lt, King clere Road , Basingstoke. L. Cr IFFORD, 20, Oxford Road, Farnborough. Mrs. D. WILSON, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Nr. Andover. 1\1r. A. CAREY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The \Vindmill, Lower Wield, Alresford. E. \\'. SAYER, 32, Ha\\'lE'v Lane, Sinehurst, Farnborough. :v1rs. G. EVAN, 35, Osborne Road, Farnborough.

Western Area

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Cadet Officer (N)

Heygate VERNON, M.B., F.R.C.S., 18, Keswick Road, Bournt'mouth. H. \V. HOARE, 28, Palmerston Road , Boscombe. Miss O. E. MORLEY, 6, Wensley Ave., Bournemouth. D. C. RENNIE , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Royd Lodge, Rye Paddock Lane, Fawley. Miss D. BRODERICK, 14, Littledown Ave., Bournemouth. C.







County Office: Carlton Flats (2nd Floor), All aints

treet, H<:reiord.

County P1'esldents: The Hon. Mrs. R. DEVEREUX. Brigadier F. A. V. COPLA)lD-GRIFFITHS. D.S.O., M.C., J.P. County Vice-Prcstdents: G. D. E. TULLIS. Esq. (A IIlhll!ance). Mrs. H. FOLEY (Nursing). \\T. ROSSER, Esq. (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. Greville PHILLIPS (Cadet Nursing).

Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County County County

Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers

G. . BULLOCK, Sarnia, Upper Ledbury Road . He reford. H. J. HARRIS, B.E.~I., P e rivale, Old Eign Hili , llnrcIord. Mis A. L. RO:\1ILLY, Broadfield Court, Bodenham. Hereford . B. G. ScHOLEFIELD, ~LD., M.CH, F.R.C.S, Lawnswocd. Hampton Park, HercIord. Miss C. fl1. \YHEELER, S.R.N., County Hospital, Hereford . R . RUCK, 51, Mill Street, Hereford. ::\1rs. F. M. HARRIS, 70. -0Id Eign H ill. lIc·reford . Mrs. C. E. MIDDLETO. BROW, Hamewith. Folly Lane . Tupsley, Hereford. :J1is" E. LO:\'G, 62, Breinton Road , Hereford . R. T. :J10RRIS, tokesay, l"pper Ledbury Road. Hereford.

Area Commi sinner .\rea Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer Area Cadet Officc:r

Commissioner D eputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeons County ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N)

County Treasurer

L. R. N. PERCY, 1\I.B.E., J.P., "Heath Bro.v", \Vdwyn . D. Hardy KINMONT, M.B., 100. Clarence Road, St. Albans. T. C. FORBES, 54, High Street, Ware. Miss D. SPARKES, 3, Brampton Road, St. Albans. C. P. CRAGGS, M.B., B.S., 506, Broadway, Letchworth. Mrs. C. P. CRAGGS, S.R.N., 506, Broadways, Letchworth. G. Henderson SMITH,S, Polayn Garth, Welwyn Garden City. Miss F. PICKERING, Friars Mead, St. Stephens Avenue, St. Albans. Mrs. Hilda MABER. S.R.N., The Dale, Little Hadham Road, Bishop's Stortiord. (M.C.D.) . T. H. FLANAGAN. 104, Lower Luton Road, Harpenden. Miss WOOD, 14, Flora Grove, St. Albans. Mrs. TUCK, Boveney, L ynton Avenue, St. Albans. Mrs. B. 1. ROGERS, 14, Jennings Road, St. Albans. A. DO)lALD, 116, Clarence Road, St. Albans, Herts.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon

Northern Area W. E. DOUGLAS, 14, Souberie Avenue, Letchworth. Miss E. ATKI S, 101, Old Hale Way, Hitchin. J. CLAY, M.B., B.S., 121, Norton Way, Letchworth.

County Officer . County Secretary County Staff Officers


Southern Area T. II. BURGESS, "Coonor", 17, King Edwards Road, 'Yare. \\". ApPLETON. Lyndhurst, Puckeridge. Nr. \Vare. :J1rs. :\1. C. BERGI -, 16, The Valley Green, "Telwyn Garden CIty. J. J. ROWLAKDS, L.R.C.P., 1\1.R.C.S ., Boxwell House, Boxwell Road. B ~> rkhamsted. Miss I DWIES, 109, London Road, St. Albans. \V. HOWARD, 13, By the 1ount, \Velwyn Garden City.

County Office: hId Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man.

Tel. Douglas 2121.

COlli/tv Pre. tdent: L\DY DU:-<DAs. County l'tce-Prcsidents: LADY COWLEY. Mrs. l\ICGILL. 'V. CUNNINGHAM. B. E. SERGEAU:-<T, 1\1. V.O., O.B.E.

ommissioncr County Superintendent (.I. ) ( ounty urgeon


County Vice-President: BLANCHE, LADY LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN ( ursing).



County Secretary County Cadet. Officer (A) County Office: 7, Marlborough R oad, St. Albans, Hertford. Tel. St. AlLans 4333. County Prestdellt s: H. Langley JONES, 1\I.B.E. PAMELA, COU)lTESS OF LYTT01'. Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets).


l\lajor John 'V. you. G, O.B.E., Oakleigh, Glencrutchery Road, Dougla". :J1rs. fli. You:-<G, Oakleigh, Glencrutchery Road, Douglas. A. R. :.'.1cPHERSO:\', M.B., CH.B., 46, Loch Promenade, D ouglas E. R. G. CAIN. A.I.A.C., 18, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas. Capt. T. H. HALL, J.P., Eskham, Devonshire Road, Douglas.

ISLE OF WIGHT County Office: Gilwell, " ootton Bridge. Isle of Wight.



County Surgeon County ccretary County Cadet Officer (A) County Staff Officers



Bridge 70

F. R. B. H. KE:>.TNEDY,

M.B.E., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Gilwell, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight T. HAMBLY, 1\1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Meadowcroft", Salisbury Road, Ryde. Miss E . M. E. CAWES, 9, Queen's Road, Ryde. A. P. Co fPTON, 93. High Street, andown. E. F . MrLLGATE, "Ferncotte", Castle Road, Nev.'port. E. WILSON, Farnborough, High Park Rd., Ryd e (Trec:s~rer). J. W. JOLLIFFE, 33, Prince St.reet. R yde. (Compet~tlOns). Mrs. R. L. H. CRIMP, Boulders Leigh, Quarr Rd., Bmstead (Publicity). Mrs. B. B. E. O'DAY, 6, Seafield Terrace, Seaview (Hospital Library). ::'I1rs. B. K. 'VILKINSON, 39a, Esplanade, Shanklin.

JERSEY County Office: Midvale Road, Jersey. Tel. Cent. 2063. County President: Sir ALEXANDER M. COUTANCHE. County Vice-Presidents: Lady COUTANCHE (Nursing). Major W. CRAWFORD lVloRRISON (Cadet Ambulance). THE MARCHlO_ ESS OF AILESBURY, S.R.N., C.M.B. (Cadet Nursing). J. R. IIA. NA, B.A., 1\1.B., B.G!., Culderry House, Samares, COIIJ.47lissioner Jersey.



D epu ty Commi sioner . As istant Commission er County Superintend ent (1 County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N ) Coun ty Secretary County Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer



Jurat Guy :\Ialet De C\RTERET, St. Ouen's I\1ano r , t. Ouen , Jersey . O. L. AUBIN, Bramhope, Albert R oad, George t.owo . Mrs. 1. II. GRAHA:'>[, Mai on duc om, Si. Auhin, J eLey. St. J oh n BIRT, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Fontcndlc, ~lillbrook, J ersey . Mis . A. CRIBB, S.R .N ., S.C. M., 109, R ouge Bouillon, 't. Helier, J ersey. H . E. TEPHEl'S, 89, t. Saviours R oad, St. II clier, Jer!:-ey. ~Irs. D. ::\IcF\DYEN, L ou isville, Belvedere, Jersey. Miss L. Du FEU, Tunbrid ge, GeorgetO\\n" J ersey. ?\1rs. G. D.o\\vsoN, L a Ru eHe, Vicloria Villag(', J ersey. J. F. BARETTE, 67, ~ topford R oad, t. lI('lier, Jtrsey.

KENT County 0fflc/?: Dunk ~Iemorial Hall, Church Street, 1\laitistonc, Klnt. Tel. ~laidsl()\1l' 3°32 County President: The Lady VIOLET ASTOR Co unty Vlce-Pres~d/?nl5: The Rt . R ev . The Bishop of DOVER (A IIlbli/ance) , Th e Lady DE LI SLE AND DUDLEY ( IIrsing) , Viscountes3 ALLENBY OF lEGGIDO ( lIrsing Cadets) , Commissioner D eputy Commissioner and Acting County Surgeon . County Superintendent ( County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Staff Officers County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer ( )


JI . HOR:\,BY, C.B., C,B.E, \l.C, 'picl·rs Farm, Etchingbill, Folkcstc,n . Dr. J . R . IIDI ERTON, T.D., St. Phillip" Lodge, Dane End R oad, \Vestgate-on-Sea, The Lady T EYNHA,\[, Lynsted Lodge, Sitti n gbourne. Vacan t. Mrs. E. R OBERTS, Flat 2, l\larine H otd, 'W h itstable, C. L. JEN:\,I:\"GS, J3arc1tJys Bank Ltd., 1\Iai<islo\1(' (Trlasun r). Mrs. 1. PRING , Mount Top, Th e Clo::;e, Sall wood, Hythe. Miss C. H IGHA:'Il, 98, ;\Iaidst.one Road, R ochester. II . F. LAw, 66, Linden R oad, Ashford. J . ROGERSON, Burley, Manor Avenue, Deal, Kent. A.

No . 1 A r ea

Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area

Superintendent ( ) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N )



Col. \V. R. BRAZIER, Yf.c., Spinnakers, Dartford R oad, Sevenoaks. Mrs . J. M . LAIRD, Pimms Place, P eckham Bush, Tonbridge. Dr. H. J. HOBY, 2Ig, ew R oad, Chatham. S. NIGHTINGALE, 3, Elm Cottage, Eden Bridge, I(ent. Lady DEN 'lNG, D elm onden Grange, H awkhursl, Kent.




DUKE OF LANCASTER'S DISTRICT DistJi ct Office: 15-17, :'IIount Street., Preston. T el. Preston 2239. Dtslnct PresIdent: The Earl of DERBY. Dtstnct Vlce-Pesldenl: The Countess of SEFTOl'. Cummls!:-iouer :'I Iajor E. S. BURT IIA rILTO:--;, O.B.E., iIi.C., ,\l.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S., 15, Mount Street, Pre ton. _\s.~istant omrnis ·joner e. J . EASTWOOD, '12, Lun e Stre<:t, Preston. UIslnLl llperinlenoenl (~) ~lis :'II. R. I'IIOORE, "Lyn dh ursl", Seafield R oad , Lytham. District .:\urSll1g Officer '\liss . LI\'ESEY, S.R.~., T he Royal Infirma ry, Preston . UistriCl St'crdaf\' :'IIajor T. E. SPENCER, 1\1.B.E., T.D, 15, :Mount St., Pre ton . J)lslnct ~l:lff Offlc(-r Rev. B. A. READING, PH.D., F.PH . . , T he .\1anse, q, Green Lane, Cherry Tree, Blackburn. (TreJ.surer). nicer (. \ ) 1>1stncl a lel R. CHARLESWORTH, Ro\'enden, Auden haw Hall, Droylsden, ~Ianchester.

Dj ... t.rict Cadl'

OfficlT (1\')




ISBET, 53, Tatton R d., Orrell Park, Liverpool, 9.

No . 1 Area




R. O. DAVIDSON, :'I1.B., CH.B., F.R.C . . , 395, P adiham Road, Burnley. \\'. MELLOR, 70, Heye Lane, Livesev, Blackburn. '[iss 1. .\1. ~UT<.. LIFFE, Thorn Hill, Todmorden. E. v. ~1Aso:\', 13l, Blackhurn R oad, Great Hanyood. :'IIrs. A. IIE.\P, In, Todmorden R oad, Burnley.

\ rea Cadet Officer ( )

Vacant. Dr. A. l\IAc[ NES, ~1.B., CH.B., II9, H enfold Rd. , T y ldesley . A. BURTO , 161, Old Clough Lane, W orsley, Manchester. J. \V . LOWE, 60, King's R oad, Prestwich, r. Ma nchester. Mr . B. H\RWOOD, 135, Carrington Lane, ale.




\r(:.1. Cadet Officer (. \ )

\ rl-a Cadet Officer


No . 2 Area

ommissioner \rl'a ~'urg -on Districl'taU Officers \[('<1

No . 3 Area

.\rea Commissioner District taff Officers

r a Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (

G . HA LBERT , 29 , \\'aterloo Street, Oldham . J. INCLAIR KERR, The Irlam teel Corporation, Irlam, Nr. l\Ianchc ter. 1\1iss K. LA MB, 7, T enterden Street, Bury. D:. E. W . 1\1. SHAW, 7, T enterden treet, BUly. :Vhss F. GARD TER, S.R . . , Fairfield General Hospital, Bury. Mrs. H. BROWN, Harley Bank , T odmorden .

No. 2 Area

Area Commission er Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cad et Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

B. T . BEAUMONT, Sch ool House, Doddington, Sittingbourne. Mrs. 1. PAPWORTH, " Tregarthen", Vale Vi ew R oad, Whitstable. Dr. H . A. M<\DW<\R, Mill H o use, Qlleenhorough. C. R. \VALLACE, 13, St. Georges R oad, R a msgat e. Miss N. M . KEV1P, 8, Glad:;lon R oad, \Vhitsiable. No. 3 A r ea

Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cad et Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

Area Staff Officer

Vaca nt. Mrs . A. J AY, 33 , Audley Road , Folkesione. Alex CHAMBERS, M.B., CH.B., 8, L ondon Road, Sittingbourne. F . G . PERRY, 18, Cartweazle Road, T enterd en. Miss D. M. LA GRIDGE, "Maywood", New Road, Saltwood, Hythe. E. A. HERBERT, 48, Plains Avenue, Maidstone.

No . 3 M anches t er and Salford S u b- A r ea

Assistant Commissioner Area Surgeon District Staff Officer Area Superintendent (.\ ) Area S uperintendent (N )

Colonel C. H . S. R EDMOND, T.D., :'>1.B., CH.B ., 77, Alexandra R oad South, :'.Ianchester, 16. Dr. Marion 1. R EEKIE, 7, R o\\'sley ve., \Vest Did bury, Mancheste r. J. E. Fox, 47, Sunningdale Drive, Prestwich . 1 . R. KAY, "Cartref', Catherine Rd., Higher Crumpsall, Manch est.er, 8. 1\Ii s M . E. DEAN, "Cla irville", D erbyshire Road, Sale, Che hire . No.4 Area

Area Commissioner Area Cadet Officer (A)

G. G. \V. IIAY, M.B., CH.B ., 1..16, t. Helens R oad , Rainford, Lanes. J. R. l\lIDDLEHURST, 49 , Rivingto n Road, St. Helens .




No. 5 Area

Area Cadet Office r (N)

Lieut.-Colonel S. B. G. IM\IO'S, :'II.C., 4, Menlave Avenue, Liverpool, 18. E. M. N. MACALPINE, M.B., CH.B., 108, Ut1.ing Avenue East, Liverpool, I I. Mr. \Y. E. EARL, 91, \ Vaterpark Road, Prentan, Cheshire. :'Iliss F. G. Kmso)l, 36, Ra\\linson Road, ·outhport. W. A. LAl'>GTON, 110, Queens Drive, l\1osley IIill, Liverpool, IS. l! iss A. SEDDON, 46, Parkside Drive, Liv>rpool, II.

Area Superintendent

Liverpool Sub-Area ::vIajor W. H. WALKER, St. John Headquarters, 23, Houghton

Area Commissioner Area Surgeon District Staff Officers Area Cadet Office r (A)

_\rea StafI Officers




Street (Entrance: I ,:i\1arket t.,), Liverpool, 1. R. KINl'>ER, 41, Sunny ide Road, rosby, Liverpool. T. E. TAYLOR, 24, Latrigg Road. Algburth, Liverpool.

Deputy County County County

Area Surgeons . District StafI Officer

Area Area Area Area

Nursing Officer Staff Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

:'Ilajor S. TEWSOi\1, M.D., F.R.C.S., 34, Princes \Vay, Fleetwood. J. :'I1ACKENZIE, :lLD., ..J, t. Annes Road \Vest, . L ,\nne.~­ on- ea. Dr. J. E. KI~G, 4. Yates treet, ofT Dickson Rcl , Blackpoo1. Dr. G. B. HORROCKS, :lLB., CH.B., I, ~tallon Rd., "'e:sham, Kirkham. ~ l r. A. C. OWE~, "Eastcliffe", Park Road, Fulwood, Preston. Miss H. 1\1. MITH, 25, Beach Road, t. Anne: -on-Sea. Mis J. A. RITCHIE, Fleetwood Hospital. Fleciwood. J. HALL, 96. Regent Road, Blackpool. W. C. BURT. q, Henry Street, Lytham. Mrs. R. M. DEWSE, 2. Kirkdale Avenue. St. nnes-on-Sea.

County Nursing Officer. ounty Secretary ounty Cad('t Officer (,\) J

Area Cadet Officer


Colonel V. F. ROYLE, 67, Church Street. Lancaster. Dr. W. W. M. McKIN 'EY, Hill Crest, S, We t End Road,

District StafI Officers

Major ,V. G. PEARSON, I, Crosland Park Road, Barrow-inFurnes . J. E. HELME, "Greeba", 34, Fairhope Avenue, The Vale, Lancaster. Dr. \ "1. G. SOUTHERN, Park Stile, Broughton-in-Fu rness. Mrs. G. M. ORMANTON. £16, Balmoral ROCld, Morecamlw. Miss P. HYDE, Queen Victoria Hospital, Morecambe and Heysham. J. CROSSFIELD, 9, Bristol Street, Walney. Barrow-in-Furness. Mrs. GAWNE, 22, Lindal St., Barrow-in-Furness.


Area N ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

LEICESTER County Office : 6, Seymour Street, Leicester.

Commission er

Tel. 58345.

County President: Mrs. G. PHILLIPS County Vice-Presidents: Miss G. E. PARTRTDGE (Nll rsing) . E. J . L. COTTON (Ambulance C adets). The Lady PACKE (N ursing C ade ts) . Capt. T. G. LOWE, M.A., 80, Coventry Road, Harborough.


County Office: tamforcl, Lincolnshir". T el. Ecnton 2S6. County P,'esident: The Lord BROWNLOW, J.P .. D.L. Air Marshal ir John BALDWIN, K.B.E., C.B., D.S 0 . , J.P .. Kt·tton Hall. Stamford. Lincs. ~1. C. LAVIN, J.P., M.B .. B.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S ., III. Oxford treet, Cleethorpes. ::VIc. E. 1\1. EPTO~, J.P., The Grange, Can wick, Lincoln. T. A. HADLEY, .l.D., F.R.C.S .. I9. Nettleham Road, Lncs. \\'. R. RCHER, S.R.l'>., 1.+7, Monks Road, L incoln. :'1r. R. P. 'VIITTE, M.P.S .. 3. :'I1orton Terrace, Gainsborou.'-Sh . \V. Gott, "Marianna", Laceby Road, Grimsby, Lincs. J. PADDISO~, 6S, Cambridge Street, Cleethorpes.

Kelton Hall.


~ ioner

Deputy ountv Counly County Coun l): ounty


Superintencirnt (N) ~, urgl'on

Nursing Oftic 'r Cadet Officer (A) Staff Officers

No. 7 Area

Area Commissioner Area Surgeon



No.6 A rea

Area Commissioner


Lieut.-Col. A. W. S. ARMITAGE, II6, Regent Rd .. Leic" ·ter. 199. 'Vicklow Drive, Leicester. :'Iis E. FOLWELL. "\\'isto\\''', Southernhay Rd .. Leic·ster. .L. McLEOD. M.B., Burleigh Cottage, Wil:iam Street. Loughborough. Miss C. F. . BELL, S.R.N .. The Royal Infirmary, Leice -ter. R. 'V. 'V. GEE, 6, eymour Street, Leicester. L. HEYWOOD-S:lUTH. 48, Homefield Avenue, Stoney Gate . Leicester. Mrs. B. B. COTTON. Beechrome, Earl Shilton, Leicester. l\liss L. II. BURNS -HARTROPP, Burton House, Burton Lazar. MeHan Mowbray. Miss R. E. LORD, B.E.M .. S3, Evington Drive, Leicester. :'Iiss C. 'VARD. 21. Sycamore Road. Birstall, Leicester. :'I1rs. 1 . ~1. BRK\:lf, 3. Mapk'well Road, \Voodhou e Eav·~. Leicestcr. ~1iss . G\BRIEL. 53, Peter's Drive, Huberton. Leicester.

Commissioner . Superintendent (AJ Superintendent ( ) Surgeon

County CadCl Officer ( County Staff Officers

] OH

Area Commissioner County Staff Officcr

S o uthern Area E. J. GARWELL. r. High treet, Spalding. F. F. GmsoN. 147, Doddington Road, Lincoln.

LONDON (PRINCE OF WALES'S) DISTRICT HeC'dquarters: St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, E.C.r. Tel. Clerkenwell 3753· D ist"ict Pre ident: Tlw Countes Mountbatten of BUR:lIA, C.l.. G.B.E., D.C.V.O. District Vice-Presidents: Lord athan of CHURT Doreen Lady BRABOURNE, C.l. The Hon. Mrs. EARL (Nur ing Cadets). County President (Middlesex): Marie, Marchioness of \ Villingdon, C.l., G.B.E. Colonel G. F. PAGE, D.S.O., 13, Dorset Street, \ V.I. Comm ission e r ir Denys LOWSON, BT., 56, Gresham Street, E .C.2. Deputy Commissioners Sir George ABBIS, O.B.E .. Bearwood, 69, The Cause'vvay, Potters Bar, Middlesex. Brigadier J . W. HINCHCLIFFE, D.S .O., 20a, Petersham Mews, E lvaston P lace, S.W·7 · C. E. BOWER, O.B.E., 74, R oslyn Garden , Gid a Park, District Superin tendent (A) Essex. Act. D istrict AVENDlf.H, I2. Hyde Park Gardens 1\levYs, \\-.'1. Superin tendent (N) YIrs. 1. Mrs. MATTHEWS, IS, Pembroke Hall, Mulberry Close, Deputy S uperintendent ( ) Hendo n . .W + 2].


District Surgeon District

ur ing Officer

Di trict Secretary District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officers


H. C. STE\\'ART, :'1.D., l\1.R.C.P., Il, Cn·ighton Ave .. ~Iuswc I Hill, N.IO. Mi s 1\1. 1\1. DURRANT, S.R.K., 30, High -treet. Thornton Heath, ' une\,. G. C. PITTS, 12, Vincent RoaJ, "'.1. A. E. WELLS, B.E.M., 19, Elyne Road, '4. 1\lis D. E. WHITE, 10 , 'Warwick Road, Thornton Heath. Surre\'. F. 'Y .' G. DINES, -16, T\\yford Av nue. London. .2 (Treasurer) . E. ' Y. HAINES, 17, Ashlyn Grme, IIornchufch, Essex . (public Duties). A. G. 'YIDDICO~fBE, l\['B.E., 20, Clarence Rd., Harpenden , Herts. (Civil Defence) . L. F. ELVIN, 25, Liphook rescent . Forest Hill, S.E.23 . ( tores). S. J. TILLWELL, 10, Falkland Avenue, Finchley, London , ·3·

District Staff Officer for Cadets District Sergeant Major

G. . LEAR, 7, pencn Close. \\'c"t T\'wford, l\ \\'. rn . A. E. DrcKIKsoN, -l5, ~Ionaskr\' Card(~ns. Enfield. :'Iiddx . ourt ,,!iss 1\1. R. ~1. TUCK\\,ELL. :ll.B.E.. 2<)G, L(·igham Road. S.W.r6. Miss M. R. RODICK. lOa, Harley Road, .W.3. "liss ~1. A. VIURY, St. Ron a n~. Blech 11il! , IIadle'\" 'Yood . Herts. ~1iss :;\1. C. CALVERT. 5, Longridge Road. ' W.5. Mrs. D. BUTAKOWICH. II. Manor Gardens. :'II ' rton Park , .'V.20. ~1iss M. L. PRE:\,TICE. I7B. Bebize R oad . l'.W.3. ~lrs. D. HOADLEY. -10, \\'avertnl' Road . 5.'''.2 Miss M. D. GROO I, 70, IIeybridge Av(·nue . S.W.I6. J. G. Horton. 9. St. John's Ave., Putnev Hill. .W. IS (Training). L. G. BARRI:\'GTON, Leicester House Hotel. 6, Bedford Place. London. 'V.C.I. S. C. DEAR\rER. 4, College Road. Winchmore Hill. .21. (Competitions) . Dr. D. D. TOWLE, Lee Park Lodge. Blackh cath, .E.3. A. T. BANDY, B.E.M., 43, Grosvenor Road. Ilford, Essex . J. E. BROWN, 42, Sutton Road, T. IO . F. G. GRICE, 65, Munster Gardens. Palmers Green, N.13 . H. A. BENNETT, 67, Mulgrave Road, Sutton, Surrey. J. SMITH, 17, Lulworth Road, "Veiling, Kent. S. W. BROOM, lB. Fairlop Road. Leytonstone, E.II. A. FREEMA!, 34. Bonford Avenue, Bexley Heath. Kent. E. C. PANNELL. II Gilda Court. \ Vatford \ \fav. .W.7. Miss E. G. CRESSWELL, 43, Grosvenor Road, Ilford, Essex . H. F. MULLIGAN. Bo, Rosslyn Avenue. Harold \ Vood. Essex . (Camp Advisor). .T . NUTT, 46, Donn eraile Street. Fulham. S.\ V.6. T. STONE. 77, Mount Pleasant . South Ruislio. :\1iddlesex. Miss G. LARSEN, 6. Meadow Way. Rickmansworth, Herts. E. T. STRATFORD. London School of Printing, Bolt Court, F leet Street, E,C'4'


Area Su rgeon .\rea Caclet

flicer (A)

A~ ·t.

Area Cadd Officer (,\) Area Cadtt Officer ( ) . :\<;st. Area Cadet Officer (.1.') An.a 'taff Officers

.\rea Serg ant Major


up rintendent (N)


Dr. E . \\'. TAPLEY, I2a, Clevedon :\Ian, ions, Lissenden Gardtns, .W·5. S. C. ANDREWS, 4, Hardwick Villas. Bounds Green R oad, N.rr. 'I\,. A. REY~OLDS, 3B. Addington ~1ansion , Highbury, N.5. Mis D. D. DENTON, 25, Stanley Road, 1 e\\' Southgate, N. II . 1\1rs. E. HOBBS, 37, Bruce ·G rove. .17. lIlrs. V. 11. JENKINS, 214, Alexandra Park Road, N.22. R. A. PAYNE, 4, Wentworth Park, Church End, Finchley. (Finance) . A. S. 'VEYMOUTH, 30, Dorset R oad, Tottenham, N. 17. (Competitions). r . H. ADAMS, The Cottage, Glendale Grammar School, 'Vood Green, N.22. South Eastern Area

Area ursing Officer .\rea Ca(!<·t. Officcr (A) Assistants .\rea Cadet Officer (... -) \r('a Starr OfIicC'rs . \rea

c:rgcant. :'IIajor

South W es t ern Area

. \rea Commissioner Area Superintendent (/\) .\rea Superintencitnt ();') Area urgeon. . .\rca


Tur ing Officer

.\rca acid Officer :\ 5 t. Area Caclet Area Caclet Officer .\~ st. Area Cadet ,\ rea Stan Officers

.\ rea

~e rgeant


Officer (A) ( ) . Officer (T)


Dr. D. A. B. HOPKIN, 26. Girdwood Road. S. \ V.1B . C. 'IV. HIPKINS, 24, Amis Avenue, Ewell, Su rrey. Miss A. \VEST, 13. Selwyn Avenue, Richmond, Su rrey . Dr. J. EWTON HUDso~, 391, Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon. Surrey. Dr. A. CONK. I, Thorndon Gard ens. Ewell. Surrey. 1\1rs. D. ROGERS, S.R.N., Flat B, 34. Palace Road, Streat.ham lIill, S.\\'.2. R. RANDALL STEPHE s, 19, Av nue Road, Norbury, .\V.r6 . A. A. ACRA\IAN. 26, St. Georges Road, Mitcham, urrey. :\liss A. E. CLARK,S, Langdale Avenue, Mitcham, urrey. 1\lrs. \VOOLFORD, 13, Fairlawn Grove, Banstead, urrey . D. G. GOLDIE, la, \Vellesley Road. Croydon, Sune r. 1\1i s G. O. TUCKWELL. 296, Leigham Court Road, S.W.I6. G. A. LOCKE, 29, Dickerage Road, Kingston, Surrey. (Finance). F. P. l\lORRIS, 7B, St. Helier Avenue, Morden. Surrey. T. E. DANE, 31. South ' Yay, Shirley, urrey. (Competitions). Vacant. W es t ern Area

Area Commissioner

Northe!"l1 Area

Area Dr. G. M. SHAW S'I1ITH, 434, "Vest Green R oad, N.r5. F. J. MIDDLETO .. 2, Melbourne \ Vay, B ush Hill Park, Enfield, Middlesex . Irs . 1. R. BURNS, Elm Lodge, Galley L ane, Barn et, Herts.


Dr. W. W. KING-BROWN, 12, Asylum Rd., Peckham, .E.I5· E. A. WHEBLE, IB, Silecroft Road, Bexley Heath, Kent . !\lis_ E. A. Golding, II6, Mottingham Road, S.E·9· Dr. G. BOU!;;FIELD, 134, D nmark Hill, S·E.5· Dr. E. HOJlII, Cairngale, Belvedere, Kent. Miss l\l. F. GOUGH, S.R.N., 9, Island Rd., Mitcham, Surrey. G. 'V . \"OODHILL. la, Bromley Road, Beckenham, Kent . E. F. 700DALL, 51, Birch Grove, \Velling, Kent. F. C. A.,,"DREWS, 21, Grosvenor Road, 'IV. \Vickham, Kent. :\1r . G. :\1. ELLIOTT, 65, Weller ley Avenue, Sidcup, Kent . T. R. W. :\lAso:\', 23, Colyers Lane, Erith, Kent. H. E. CHAPLIN, 237, Grangehill Road, Eltham, Kent. (Finance). Vacant .

.\rea Commissioner .\rea !:Jupenntendent. (A) Area ' upcrintendent ( T) .\rea Surgeons .

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) :\rea Commissioner :\rea Superintendent (A)



A rea ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Asst . Area Cadet Officer


Dr. G. R. II. \ VRANGIIA I, J.P., 26, The Avenue, Ealing, W.I3· A. E. VAUGHAN, 13. Pembroke R oad, Gre nford, Micldlesex. Miss D. SHELLEY, 13, orwich Road, orthwoocl II ills , Middlesex. Dr. E. T. ELBY, O.B.E., 52, Castlebar Road. Ealing. W·5· Dr. G. E. PAY E. 12, South Close, \Yoodhill Gate, Pinner. :\1iss D. 1. LEE, S.R.N., 7, St. Annes Road. Barnes. S. ' V.I3· L. W. TAYLOR, 76. Flamborough R oad. R uislip, Middlesex. P. J. STEVE s, 27a, I-Iaven Lane, Ealing, W·5.



Area Cadet Officer ( rea Staff Officers

Area Sergeant Major

Mi s \V. AYRES,S, Sheen Court, Richmond, :urrey. F. I. JONES,S, 130wcs Road, East Acton, \\'.3 . Mr. E. ORFORD, 1 I, Scott Road, Southall, r.IiddlC'''ex. J. Bos , 77, Sali bury Road, Ealing, \V.IJ. ('ivil Defence). C. E. PEAR:\fAN, 110, Creenwa\' Gardens, Gr 'c nforu, l\1iudx . (Finance). ' E. H. A. BECK, 127, Ruisl ip Road, IIanwell. \\" .7. (Competitions) . Vdcant.

Count\' Superintendent ( ) Assistant Commissioner County

adet Officer (A)

County Cadet Officer (N) County ecretary County Staff Officers

Eastern Area

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeons . Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Asst. Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Cadet Officer (N) . Asst. Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant Major

Maior T . :.'II. \VII KS. O.B E., '\[ R.t..~., L.R.C.P .. The oUage , Kiln Road, Thundersley. Essex. S. CLARKE. 2. Leigh Park Close, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. 11is. L. J\.IOORE, 105, South Park Dnve. Seven King ', E sex. Dr. A. F. l'.1cDoNALD, 76, Longbridge Rd., Bark Ing. Essex. Dr. S. :.'Ii. R . THOMSON •. \7, High ·t., Pl ;usto\\, E.IJ. Vacant. H. T. G. \VARE. 32. lare Gardens. Barking. E s~ex. L. B. \VILLS. 31. Belmont Road. IIornchurch. Ess 'x. Mrs. F. M. J A:'[IESON. 65. \\Taterloo Road. Burkingsi<ie, Essex. Mrs. J. L.\ G. 40. Lodge Lane. Grays. Essex. Miss V. MALYA .. 23. Parkside Avenue. Romfonl . E.-sex. W. J. BROO:\!, 18. Fairlop Road, L yt.onstonc, E II. (Finance). R. D. BROWSE, B.E.M .. 55, First Avenue. :\Ianor Park. E .12. (Comprtitions) . E. A. HA RRTS, 95. IIobleythick Lane, Sou lhcnd-on-Sca, Essex. (Ci,il Defence). Lieut. R. BAX. 3.1, aseby Road, Ilford, Ec;sex. G. F. ATK rNS . 72. Hillside Avenue, \Voodforcl Green. Essex . S. J. \VESTON, 74. Morris Avenue. Manor Park. E. 12.

A !it. County Cadet Officer \Tla Cadet Officer (A) Area adet Officers

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant 11ajor

Dr. R. V. STEELE. Penrhyn Lodge. Gloucester Gate, .W. r H. DUNFORD. 30. \Venlock Road. Edgware. Middlesex. Miss E. F. MILNE. 17, Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, N.6. Dr. B. L. STEELE . Penrhyn Lodge, Glouce ler Gate. .\V.I. Miss N. K. DEAN, S.R.N., Orpington Hospital, Orpington , Kent. B. WHYTE. 23. Turn er Street, E. I. Miss A. ORTH. 100, In glehur t Gardens, Ilford. Esc;ex . J . J. A. CAMERON. 14. Hallem Gardens, Hatch End, Middsx N. J. WARE. 62. Perth Road, N.22. (F inance). K. F. O. STALLARD. 16, Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill. N.\V. 7. (Competitions). \V. W. PACKE, 21, Gospatrick Road. Tottenham. N.I?

Vacant. Dr. W . E. RUTLEDGE. The Dial House. Ipswich R oad, orwich. Major-General H. H. RICH . C.B., Rushmere, Cley-by-Sea, Holt, orfolk. :.'I1rs. r. L PORTAL, Halfway. Blakeney. Mrs. J. H. YULL, The Beeches, Dereham. Dr. Christina \VEBSTER, The Red House, Hevington, orwich. ir Richard Barrett LENNARD , BT., J.P., Horsford Manor, Norwich. (Treasurer). Mrs. D. U. WATTS. The Dial House, Brooke, Norwich. Mrs. A. A. ETTRIDGE. Th e Limes, Forncett St. Peter, Norwich. \\'. J. BECK. The Lodge. Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham . l\Ir. D. R. BECK. The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham. 1fr . 1\1. L. OTTER. Grimston, r. King's Lynn , orfolk. ~1rs. H. M. N. MORTON, 86, St. Philips Road, orwich. No. 1 Area (Norwich)

Area Commissioner

Dr. J. HILTON, go. Yarmouth Road. Norwich. No.2 Area (Wymondham)

Area Commis ioner


Area Commissioner

Lord AMHERST OF HACKNEY, Foulden Hall, Thetford .

Area Commissioner

Dr. E.

No.3 Area (Thetford)

No.4 Area (Dereham)


PUDDY. Beechurst. Dereham.

No.5 Area (King's Lynn)

Area Commis ioner

Dr. \V. E. H. BULL, \Vaverley House, Hunstanton.

Area Commissioner

C. B. ANDREWS, \Vaveney House. Fakenham.

Area Commissioner Area 'uperintendent (N)

S. E. DAY, "Maison". Cremers Drift. Sheringham. Mrs. J. C. C. RICH, Rushmere. Cley-by-Sea. Holt.

Area Commissioner

Brigadier A. L. KENT-LEMON, C.B.E., The Holt, Sheringham.

:\rea Commi sioner

R. C. HAN 'ANT, Poplar Avenue, Gorleston.

Central Area

Area Area Area Area Area


No.6 Area (Fakenham ) No. 7 Area (Cromer )

No.8 Area (Aylsham) No.9 Area (Yarmouth)



County Office: 20, Castle Meadow. Norwich. Tel. Norwich 21649. County Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ALBEMARLE . M.C., D.L., J.P., c.c. Lady COOK (N llrsing). County Vice-Presidents: Sir Basil MAYHEW. K.B.E. The Rt. R ev. The Lord Bishop of NORWICH. Lieut.-Col. ir Thomas COOK, J.P., Sennowe P ark, Guist. Dereham. Norfolk.

County Office: 21, York Road , Northampton. Tel.

orthampton 1711.

County President: The Hon. Mrs. C. MACDONALD -BuCHANAN. County Vice-Presidents: Captain R. H. D . BOLTO (Amb ulan ce). Mrs. GARRARD (Nursing). :\1rs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B.E. (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner

Colonel II. M. P. HEWETT, T.D., The Court House. Chipping \Varden, Ir. Banbury.


Deputy Commissioner . County uperintendent ( Asst . County Superintendent (. . ) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers



Lieut.-Col. R . L. J\.(,NEW, Pe:lr Tree Cottage, Drackley. orthants. Mrs. G. GIBBONS, Tresham House, Rothwell, r. Kettering


1\1rs. C. BORWICK, The Rectory, I\:tlmar"h. orthampton ~Iaj or G. Gibbons. O.B .E ,"LB., M.R.L.S., L.R.C.P., Trcsham Hou e, R othw(-'Il. I r. I(ettcring. Miss \V. 1\1. \VrLLIAM!:>. S.R.N., SC.H .. 2-13, Abington AvC'nue, Northampton. 1\1iss G. GRANT-LA WSON. ott shrooke Grange, orlhampton. C. \V. CURTIS. 32, R csprvoir Road. KeU(·nng. E. J. HAYWARD, "Rushay", Booth Lane. W('stoo Favell. (Treasurer) . l\Iiss G. GAiNSFORD. 107. Park Avenue Torth,.l. Torthampton. (Secretary ursing Divlsic)n ·). l\Ir . E. E. C.\RPENTER, 52. Bostock .\\' loue, 'orUnmpton . ( .II .. R.). 1\liss 1\1. HULL, 9, Billing Road, orth:lmploll. (~ecrl'tan' ursin~ C1.det Divisions). Mrs. C. :\1. THORNTON. Brackhal!, 1 r. \\'('('don, Torthampton. T . SEWELL. 2'i3. Park Road, Pl'tprbOfOU!;h. Mrs. N. R. GILLETT, _0-1. Dogsthorpe Rd . , Peterborough .

County Office: Osborne T errace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,

Tel. Je mond

64 6 .

L it' ut.-C lionel


upt:nntl'nclent (A)

Counly ' uperint (' ntient '.:ounty . urgeol1s

Assl. County Nur ing Officer

County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Co unty Secretary County Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officers

Colonel E. G. ANGUS. C.B.E., M. .

Count\" Cadet Officer

County Vice-Presidents: \V. J . CHARLTON (A mbulance). Mrs. M. 1. KIRK UP (Nllrsing).

County Cadt't Office r Countv Spcretarv ounty Staff Officer~

D. HINDSON, M.C., Ochterlonv, \Vansbeck R oad, Ashington . orthumberland. . Miss E. 1. TEASDALE, c/o II, Fernville Road, Go forth Newcastle-upon-Tyne. J. BROWN. M.B., B.S., Hillcrest, Horton Road, Bebside. Bedlington. Miss M. J. FREEMAN, 55, IIighbury , J esmond, ewcastleu pon-Tyne, 2. iN . IXON, 24, Eversley Place, H eaton, NewcasUe-uponTyne, 6. Mis E. HENSON, 12, DerwenLdale Gardens, IIigh Heaton, ewcastle-upon-Tyne, 7. T. R . MIDGLEY , B.SC.. 16, Bolbec Road , Fenham. Newcastl e- up on-Tyne, 4. J . R . LOG A , 6, Jenison Avenue, Pendower, ewcastleupon-Tyne, 4. Mrs. B. H. DUNCAN, 7, Kingswood Avenue, J esmond , Newcastle-up on-Tyne, 2. A. S. E. R ICHARDS, M.B.E., The R ed House, \Voodhorn Village, Ashington, Northumberland. Miss D. K. MUNRO , 57, Swaledale Garden, High Heaton. N ewcastle- upon-Tyne, 7. H. GIBSON, 191, Slanton Street, NewcastJe-upon-Tyn e, 4. E. R OBINSON, 23 , Stakeford R oad, Bedlington Station, Northumberland. iN. H. COLLINGS, 8, Chessar Ave., N ewcastle- upon-Tyn e, 5 . P. R. HILLS, 19, Evesham Avenu e, \Vh itley Bay . orthumberlancl.


COUilty T'/ ce- Presidents: ir J ohn JARDINE, BT .. O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (A mblliance) . C. H. HEATHCOTE, Esq. (Ambulance), L. \VARD-\\' \I.TERS, Esq. (Amb ulance). Lady STARKEY (N ursing). The COUNTESS :\1ANVERS (Nursing Cadets).


County President:



HIS Crac( The DUKE OF POR1L\KD, K.G. (A mbulance). I£"r (Trac.: The DUCHESS OF PORTLA~D. D.B.E. (N lIrsing).

County Nur"ing Officer '2.


Coullty Preszdents:



20, Castle Gate, Nottingham.


Area Cadet Officer


H. L. BOSWORTH. O.B.E., Bank Chambers, Sutton-inAshfield. l\otts. J. COHEN, T.D .. ;\1.R.C 5., L.R.C.P., "One Ash", Stoke Lant Geclling, Nol.ts. Thc Lady Anne Cavendish BENTINCK, \Velbeck \Voodhoust. \\'orks;)p . 'oLls. P. 1\I. GETTLESON, :--!.D., "Lane's End". High Oakham, 1\Iansfield, otts. Dr. J . T. \VATKINS. "Greenbanks", Bramcote Lant. \\'ollaLon, .I. otts. :\Iiss H. 13. EDWARDS, S.R.N., S.C.M., "Maranatha" , ~ llncargate Road, East Kirby, Nott . :\l\SS .'. GRIFf'"ITH . S.R.K., S.C.:--!.. Flat 2. 433, Mansfield Road, oltin.~halll. J. A. Sv"AN\"ICK. .jo Kings\\'ood R oad, \Vest Bridgford, lotting-ham. Miss D. G. WOODALL , 12, Carlton Road. \Vorksop, otts. :\lrs. J. LEDGER, 10, :\1apperley Hall Drive . .r ottingham. L. HOCKIN, 9, Ferndon Green. \Vollaton Park, ottingham. G. G. LODGE. 125. Haydn R oad. Sherwood, ottingham. \\'. A. \\'OOD. 204, Sutton Road. Mansfield. C. E. \ VEST, 18, Norman R oad, Thorneywood, ottingham. R. J . RO PER. 13, Haileybury R oad, West Bridgfonl. Nottingham. L. E. 1\lORLAND. -12, Holme Road, West BridgforJ, otting-ham. \V . W. EEl', 42, George Rd .. \\'e t Bridgford, Nottingham. Northern Area

Area Commi_sioner Area Superintendent (A) Area upeonteodent ( T) Area Surgeon Area Staff 0 fficers Area Cadet Officers


T. RICE, M.B .E .• "Gillifield ", Oak Tree Lane. Man field. G. II. KEVERNE, Oakengate, 49, Blyth Rd ., W orksop, N otts. Mrs. M. A. BARTLE, 29, Blyth Road, \Vorksop, Notts. Dr. O. P . El):\tONDS, ational Coal Board, Edwinsto\\"e Hall, Edwin towe, N otts. H. CU WORTH . National Coal Board, Edwinsto\\'e Hall. Edwinsto\\'c. To ttS. J. IIASLEGRAVE. 57, \Vale'by Lane, Ne\", Ollerton. otts. O. T. STORRS, a ti onaa l Coal Board, Edwinsto\\'c Hall, Edwin towe, otts. Mrs. E. MAJOR, 275. Sandy L a ne, \V orksop. Sou them Area

Area Commis ioner Area Superint.endenL (A) Area Superin tenden t (N) Area


A. HILL, O.B.E., Bagna ll House, Cinderhill, N ottingham. Dr. N. G. DOUGLAS, Th e Chalet. Cinderhill Rd ., Cinderhill, ottingham. Miss S. J. Dr HOP, S.R.N., S.C.M., c/o Cinderhill and Babbington Colliery, Cinderhill, ottingham. Dr. J . F. D . BOYD. 97 , D e rby Road, taplefo rd , Nott"


Area Area Area Area

Vacant. J . W . STEVENSON, 24, Shanklin Drive. tapldord, otis. Miss E . ROWLAND, 24, Farm R oad, Chilwell, Noits. \ V. J ACKSOi'<, "Glend ale", Mansfield Rd ., Papplewick, otts. E. R . F. POGl\lORE, Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield, oUs. G. CRELLIN, 5, Grange Crescent, ;<:dling, oUs.

Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers

Area Sergeant-Major Area Commis ioner Area Surgeon Area Sup erintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N ) Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant-Major


Midlan.d Area F. D. C::EVERN, Green Gables. Alfreton, Derhyshirc. Dr. R. H. P. FERN". DEL, Denman's H ead II 0 tel , Suiton in-A hfield, oUs. C. BARROWCLIFFE, II, IIuthwaite R oad, Suiton-i n-Ashfield, otts. Mrs. E. LEIVERS, 15 tainforth t., ::'Ilansfield \V oodhou, e, otts. A. DRABBLE, 43, Cambria R oad, :\lansfield, Notts. Mrs. 1. BUTTERY, 22, King "tre" t, ::'I1ansfield \\'ood house, otts. T. L. MOULTON, 164, Diamond Ave ., East Kirkby, ott. A. L . MIDDLETON, "Grct"n Gables", WlD ghdd Rd., Alfreton, Derbyshire. H. HORE, 22, Bath Street, Sutton-in-A_hfield, NoUs . A. PORTER, Victoria R oad, Selston, otts. City of Nottingham Area Dr. R. G. SPRENGER, Cherry Cottage, Bleasby, otts. . IBBOTSON, 39, Lady Bay R oad, W est Bridgford, ottingham. Miss G. E. CLOW, 10, Grimsby T errace, \Vatkin Street, N ottingham. Dr. R . REID , 297, Main treet, Buh\ell, ottingham . ~1is~ E. JEW, S.R.N., S.C.~I., City H ospital , Hucknall R oad, Nottingham. E . A. HOLTO:\", 31, Linden treet, ottingham. Mrs. E. M. MARTIN, 48, D ovecote Lane, B ee lon, otts. A. BURROWS, 24, Aston Avenu e, Lenton Abbey, Jo ttingham. E. PERRY, 97, Saxondale Drive, Bullwell, ottingham . N. V. WRIGHT, 28, Grange Vi e\v R oad, Gf'dlin~, Notts. F. CARRIER, 10, Grover Avenue, Mapperlc-y. ottingh am. H: F. FOULSTONE, 23, Brora R oad, Bulwell, ottingh am. MISS A. SI ANEY, 98, ottingham Rd. , Basford, N ottingh am. E. H. HAY, 13, ely R oad, ottingham.


County County County County County

ursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet 0 fficer ( ) Secretary Staff Officer

Area Commis iOI1er Area SurlSeoll

County Office: Gloucester Green, Oxford. T el. Oxford 2061. County President: Colonel A. V. G. DOWER , T.D. County Vice-Presidents: Air Chief Marshal Sir R obert BROOKE-POPHAM (Ambulance). Lieut.-Col. H. R UTHERFORD (Cadet Ambulance) . Mrs. GARDINER-HILL (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner C. GARDINER-HILL, M.B ., B.CH., Fircroit, Banbury, Oxon . Deputy Commissioner T. F. BRIGGS, M.R. C.S., L.R.C.P., 39, The Green, Banbury, Oxon. County Superintendent (A) H. E. HOWARD, Blankstone, Eynsham, Oxon. Co unty Superintendent (N) Miss E. PAGE, 92, Hightown R oad, Banbury. County Surgeons H. R . WYNNE, M.B ., B.CH., The Paddocks, Bodicote, Banbury.



Mi s G. RILEY, Oxford Eye Hospital, Walton St., Oxon . G. H. SHRIMPTON, 17, Rym er's Lane, Cowley, Oxford . NIiss D. M . CANDY, 5, Burdell Avenue, H eadington . 1\1rs. 1. M. CLIBBORi'<, 8, Lonsdale R oad, Oxford. H. T. BENNETT, Asphodel, Third Acre Rise , Cum nor, Oxford. \V . E. LA~1BOURN , :'>LB .E., 419, Banbury R oad, Oxford. ?\Ilss J . E. :vI. FA:-.ISH\WE, Cotmore W ells, Thame, Oxon. C. LAWRENCE, hurchill Ho pital, Headington, Oxon. Miss J . B. TOMKINSON, Headington Hill Hall, H eadington, Oxford. J. \VOODLEY, 60, Henley Street, Oxford. Mrs. BEASLEY, Tudor Cottage, Tiddi ng to n, ::\-1ilton Common, Oxon. ~Irs. V. PARISH, 14, orreys Avenue, Oxford. ~Ii s' . \VALD OCK, 7, Arran Grove, Banbury. E . F. BAZELEY, c/o \Yestminster Bank. High treet. Oxford. City of Oxford Area J. FINCH, 6, Lonsdale R oad, Oxford . H. D. DARCUS, B.M., B.CH., 153 , \ Voodstock Rd ., Oxford.

PLYMOUTH, SOUTH-WEST DEVON, AND EAST CORNWALL County Of/Ice: The Prysten Ilouse, Finewell treet, Pl ymo uth .

Tel. Plymo uth 5 802 .

County Prestdents: olonl"l The Rt . lIon. LORD ROBOROUGH (Ambulance). Admiral Sir Ia uric e 1\1.\ ~SERGH, K.C.B., C.B E. LADY ASTOR, C.H. (Nursing). LADY 1\1Al SERGH ( ursing). County Vice-Presidents: I\Ir . H. F. VELLACOTT (N ursing). Mrs . 'I . MODLEY (Nursing). G. . THOMPSON (Ambu lance Cadets). The COUl\TESS OF l\IOUNT EDGCUMBE ( ursing Cadets).

Commi'sioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County urgeon



As i tant County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer ( ) Secretary County Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officers

C. S. C. PRAl CE, J.P., 1\1 B., B S., D.L.O .. The Prysten H o use, Finewell Street, Plymouth. Colonel G. THOMSO , D.S.O., M.C., Catchfrench, St. Germans, "altash. Mrs . R. BALSDON, O.B.E., 163, N ew R oad, altash. T. E. \VO OD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Ashdene, herford R oad, Elburton, Nr. Plymouth. S. DAVIDSON , M.A., M.B., "Glengarry", H a rtley, Plymouth. Mrs . E. A. BAYLEY, S.R.N., 89, Beaumont Street, toke, Plymouth. G. S. THOMPSON, "Lane End", \Vembury Point, S. Devon. Mi s E. 1\1. WOOD, Ashdene, Elburton, Plymouth. Mrs. G. 'L BASCO IBE, The Prysten House, Finewell Street, Plymouth. G. H. B. SHORT, 8, Goosewell Hill, Plym tock, Nr. Pl ymo uth. T. BEALE, Ald ern ey, Ioreton Avenue, Crownh ill , Plymouth. R. E. BOWDEN, 21, St. Stephens Road, Saltash. R. 'vV. SKINNER, 6, Vapron Road, Plymouth. Mrs. MODLEY, 8, Bainbridge Avenue, Hartley , Plymouth. R. G . PARR, 17, tone Hall F lats, tonehouse, Plymouth. J. H. SARGENT, 20, Foul ton Ave. t. Budeaux, Plymouth. Mrs. P. V. E. \VAY, 2, Barton Ave .. Keyham, Pl ymo uth. W. H. STRANG, 30, B elgrave R d., Mutley, Plymouth. A. H. ATKINS, 14, Chadd lewood Ave., St. Jud es, Plymouth.





SHROPSHIRE Ty Maen, Lower Brook Brigadier

County Office: treet, Oswestry.

County Surgeon Tel. Oswestry




County Presidents: ir Alexander TAKIER, BT., D.S.O., M.C., J.P. The Lady FORESTER ( /lrsing).

County Vice-Presidents: The Earl of POWIS, O.B.E. (Ambu lance Cadets). The Hon. ~1rs. ORlIISBY GORE ( ursing Cadets).

Commissi oner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( J) County Surgeon County Cadet Officer (A) County Staff Officers

County Secretary Area Surgeons .

Area Staff Officer

D. J. J OH?\SO;-\, , :\1.B.E., :\LR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Ty :\1acn, Lower Brook t., Owestrv . :\lajor R. DEEDES, G.c., Brymore, Longdon Road, hr \\ sbun'. E . I RWI;-\, , Hilbrap, Ellerdine, WEllington, ,hrop.hlr :\11 s H . A. CORSER, :l1.B.E., J.P., Housesteads, Lyth\\'oocl Road, Bavston IIill, hre\\'sllUrv. \Y . KING I-L\Y, 1\1.B., B.CH., Brooklyn IIOllS(', :\larkl t Drayton. Captain C. L. TARR . \.'T, 55, (;rasmere Rn,lcl, lIarlscott . ·hrewsburv. G. H. DAviES. Boclhyfryd, 48, :\ll'ole Rise, ilI('olc Brace , hrewshurv. J. PHIPPS, j. Red Lak(' Cottagt'. \\Llhngtnn, . hrop"hin . :"lrs. D. :c.1. WILLIA:llS, DdllUry, Ly h JIll, Bay ·ton IIill. hrewsburv. . ~1iss 1\1. DEEOES, "Brvmore". Longdon Ed., l1[c\\ shun'. :"1is A. G. CRAMPTO); ' PYM, "Highfi('ld", Oakhurst R and, Oswestry. :\1iss A. M. PUGH, Der\\,c'nt Denc', Queens Park. Oswestry. E. L~. PRICE, 6. Coton ::'.Io unt, hrewsburv. (Trail11ng). H. GRIFFITHS, Ty l\1aen, Lo\\<:r Ertlo]' St., OS\\'C'stl\,. D. A. IRELAND, B.A ., ,\1.B., B.CH., !\l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.. (iunci] H ouse Court, hre\\ slJu n·. :\. (;LA;-\'DO); \VILLIA:llS , ~['B., F.R.C.S., a tIc Gates Ilou (. hre\Vshury. D. JO);ES, 20, :c.10unt Pleasant, h:<.tley Park, Oakengate .


ursing Officer

County Cadet Officer (N) Coun h'

taff 0 [ficers




Dr. W. BAIN, Brook Hou e. Minehcad. Dr. P. :c.IARTIN, II, Victoria Qt:adrant, \\'eston-super-idare. Dr. J. F. DAVIDSON, O.B.E., M.O.H., Hillcroft. Kingston t. ~Iary, Taunton. B. A. Astley \VESTON, ::'I1.0.H., M.B., CH .B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Wan dyke", Claverton Down, Bath. ':\liss C. -EAL, Quantock Chest Hospital, Over Stowey, Bridg\\a ter. :c.Iiss V. YANDLE, St. Aunclrie chool, 'Vest Quantoxhead, Taunton. T. E. L r;-;OFIELD, M.A .• The Beeches, 29, Elmsleigh Road, \\' c'sion-super- lare. ~ ILdr. E. B. :'.IOORE, n, illoorland Road, \Veston-super~lar('. (Trea uft' r). :"Iiss ST. Lo \\'ILKIXSON, 6, George treet, Bathwick Hill. Bath :'IIrs. G. (;. _ ELWYN, 32. New Bridge Road, Lower \Veston. B'1 tho (Welfare). ,:\11. s RRUCE- TEER. "Lydsiep". Martlett R oad. il1inehead. (N. H. ' .R.). W. J. TOTTLE, I, \Vhitting Road, \\·cston-super-1\Iare. :'I1rs. BINGHAM HALL, Glebe House. \Veston-sup er-Mare. :"Iiss G. A. 1\1. GILLESPIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater. :'Ilrs. VIVIAN- EAL, Poundi ford Park, Taunton. C. T. H. HOWE, "\\'aycott", Uphill \Vay, \Yeston- uper::'.1 a fl. (Tran. port). :"11-;s L. LEE, 3 The Boulevard, \Yeston-super-illare (.M.C.D.) Northern Area

•\rea Commissioner .\rca urgeon .\red

ursing Officer

C. T. PUTT. " ahrina", orth R oad, l\lidsomer Norton . U. J. ~l. KERRIGAN, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Park Hou e, Knight~ ton(' Road. \Veston-su perl\lare. :"Iiss ::'.1. A. DOLLING, .R.N., 19, Brookfield Park , Upper \\'('::,ton, Bath. Eas t ern Area

\fla " uperintl'nclellt (IT)

:\lrs. E. \Y. ill. PLATT, " abrina",

orth R oad, :\lidsomer


.\rpa :\rea

add Officer (t\) taff Officer

D. J. l\10RAN. : 'I LA. , "Cranbrook", Laverton Lane. lorton t. Philip. Nr. Bath. ::'.lrs. V. HUSBA;-\'DS, \Vilminston e. Overleigh, treet. Western A r ea

SOMERSET County Office: 17, Locking Road, \Veston-super-Mare.


County Vice-Presidents: :Vlrs. A. L. DOVEY, M.B., CH.B. (Nlirsing) . lI~rs. D. S. VERNON (Nursing) . MISS M. SMITH (Cade t Nu rsing).

Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N)

A. \\'EVELL, J.P., 100, \\'emdon Road, Bridgwater. G. J . DAVIS , 12, Whitting Road , 'Veston-super-l\Iare. ~lrs. D. E. DAVIS, 12, \Vhitting Road , W eston-super-l\Iare.

Area Sup rintendent (i\.)

R . E. BRAY, 5, 'Vest Villas, Ton e Val e, Norton Fitz\\"arren, Nr. Taunton.


County Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel The LORD HYLTO;-;. Mrs. A. A. \V. LUTTRELL.


.'\rea Commissioner A.rea Cadet Oaicer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( )

Dr. Hugh POWELL, M.B.E., 17, Ellenborough Park N., Weston-super-Mare . Colonel C. T. MITFORD-SLADE, :"10nty's Court, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton. Dr. G. A. DANBY, M.B.E., Sandhill Park House, Ash Priors, Taunton.

Sou t h ern A r ea

STAFFORD Coullty Office: 2, Market quare, Stallord. Tel. Stafford 1657. County Vice-Presidents: Lady JOSEPH (Nurs ing). Lady Diana l\lATTHEwS (Cadet Nursing). Capt. F. L. RICHARD, M.B ., CH.B., 19, Lichfield Street. Commissioner Walsal!. Staffordshire. Mrs. M. V. PENNY, Claremont, Port Hill, Stoke-on-TrenL County Superintendent (





A. B. DAVIES, B.SC ., M.B., M.R .C.S ., L.R.C.P .. I, Bescot Road, Walsal1 . Mrs. J . ~1. PORTER, 23, Osborne Road, lIartshili. toke. A. \VALKER. M.B .• ClI.B., " Tree Tops", 't:lflord Rei , CovC'n Hath. V. CHANCELLOR, 29. Castle Bank. tafford . Captain E. P . PEEL, C 0 :'Iessr. John Sankey and Sons Ltd., Ibert tre t. Bilston. (TrC1.surl'f). K. . BROUGHTON THOM.\S, \[ B.. CH.B .. The :'Io unt. \\'al t on, Stone, Stalls.


County Cadet Officers County Secretary County Staff Officers

Area Superintendent Area Surgeo ns .

( )

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officer Corps Surgeon (attached)

.\.. BYRNE-Qur 'N, M.B., B.S., :\!.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., DamlOdj H o use, Stafford treet, \Volverhampton II. \VATKINS, 41. Thornycroft Lan e, \Volverhampton. Mrs. 1\1. DELA:>IEY. 2, N ine Elms Lane, \\ u lverhampton. D. G. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Castle View lIo use, Tipton Staffs. J. R . RUSSELL, no., Primley Avenue \Valsall. ..'vIrs. L. RUSHTON, 196, St. J oh n's R oatl , a nn ock, talls.

rea uperintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

SUFFOLK County Office: I, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich.


V. J . ~dARTI;\,. F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S., Th e Beeches, Ixworth, Bury St. Edmunds.


County Office: ~-IO, \Y llington Place, W oodb ridge R oad, Guildford.


County up erintendent (A) lounty Superintendent (1:\) County ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (N) ounty St aff Officers

l\la jor R. S. SCHREIBER, Campsea Ashe H ouse, \Voodbridge. Miss A. PARKER, M.B .E. , Dickon, \Valbers wick, outhwold. T. D. \V. FRYER, M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 52, Derby R oad, Ipswich. Mrs. P. E . TAYLOR , "Teemorc", London Road, Becclcs . W. C. MAYHEW, 82, Severn R oad, Ipsw ich. Mrs. C. M. WALTER, 7, Gainsborough Road, Ips wich. Mrs . G . 11. L. PAUL, Parham H all, Woodb ridge. II. G. EADE, 406, W oodbridge Road, Ipswich. Comma nd er G. PACKARD, R.N. (rtd.), 2, The Bramford. A. B. MORTIMER, 39, HighfIeld Road, Ipswich . B. J . R EID, County IIall, Ipswich . (Training).

Gables ,

Tel. Guildford 67 163

County Preside nt: o unte of LI;\'DSA Y

County Vi ce -Presiden ts: C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq . (Ambulance) . :'IiI'S. CHARRINGTON (Cadet N u rsing).

Deputy Commissioner County urgeon

T el. 4005.

County Vice-Presiclents: Countess o£ CRANBROOK (A mb ulance). Miss E. WEBBER (N u rsing) . Mrs. R. MESSENGER (Cade t Ambulance). Mrs. G. M. CLOSE (Cade t Nu rsing).

County ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Assistant County Superintendent (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers

W es t ern Area


Commi sioner

County P res Ide nt: Lady Blanche COBBOLD.

Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon

\ rea Cadet Officerc;


S o uth ern A rea

Area Commissioner


:\-li 55 E. G. SA DERS, S.R.N., "Cartref", The Terrace. \Va lber5wick, Southwold. (N.H.S.R.). ::'I1iss V. D. GEE, 471, Woodbridge R oad, Ip ·wich. (Assis tan t Secretary). . :'.fiss B. lIOS SACK, 55, Tuddenham R oad, Ip \\·lch. \Y . . WATTS, The Lodge, L ondon R oad, Beccles. :\frs. E. S. M. ATTON, 1..16, Ru shmere Road, Ips\\ ich. ( .ILS.R.). L ord DICK!! SON, 7, L ocarne R oad, Ipswic h . (Publicity). Miss A. M. HARDWICK, ,Hervey Street, Ipswich. A. J. E:"GLISH, 75, Clap gate L ane, Ipswich. F. \\'. R UFFORD, 18. Geneva R oad, Ip ",ich. \\' . LAMBERT, 33, H olla nd R oad, Ipswich. P. R . W OOLLARD, Ambulance Hall, Samuel R oad, Ipswich 1\IL. . V. 'A;\'DERS, 27. Crofton R oad, Ipswich. ,\ . E. RU ST, 22, Copton Road, Ipswich. 1. J . \VILL EARD, 43, Fair Close, Becc1es.

Northern. Area

F. G. PORTER . 23, Osb0rnc Road , H a rtshill, 'toke-on-Tren t . .\.. J. 10ULTOr-:, Rydall Mount, Ml'ir Road, Lon rrt r Jl1 , toke on-Trent. :\-1rs. E. F. COVENTRY, 57, Balance Street, Uttoxeter. A. P. SPARK, ~1.B., CH.B., "13raemar", Prin cl'~ R oad, lIarbhill. Stoke-on-Tren l. F. P. A DERSON, M.B., CH.B ., R oyal runance Factory, Swynnerton, Stone, Staas. F. E . S. JONES, 283, haplin R oad. L ongton, toke. J. S. HAMILTON, M.B., CH B., High Lane, Burslem, Slokeon-Trent. ::'IIiss V. C. VEITCH, 1\LB., CH.B ., \Vestland ., ewcastle" taffs

Area Commissioner Area uperintendent (A)


Major-General C. \V. TOOVEY, C.B., C.B.E., M.C., County IIeadq uarters . J . P. FLAVIN, 7, H a mpton R oad, \\'orcester P ark. \V . H. C. Ro IANIS, I. C., M.B., CH. B., F.R.C.S., Th e R o ugh, Hurtmore, Godalming. Captain P. H. ELLIS, 6, Chatley Court, Cobham. Lady HEALD, Chilwortb Manor, r. Guildford. :'Ii(is' M. C. LEIGH-PEMBERTON, 9, Walden House , Marylebone High Street. W.I. l\1iss V. BARLOW, Killinghur t H ouse, H aslemere. C. E. CHAPLIN, 13, \Vodeland Ave., Guildford. :'I1is R. COHEN, Paved \Vays, ightingale Road, E . H orsley. (Training) . H. S. SMITH, 60, \Varren R oad, ew H aw, \\'eybridge . (Transport) . L. E. A. GIBBS, H eather Brae, IIutton R oad, A h Vale. (Civil Defence). Colonel R. R . F.URBAIRN, M.C., ""Cplands", The Drive, Cobham. W es t ern Area

.\rea Commissioner .-\rea Superintendent (A) .-\rea Superintendent (N) . rea Surgeon Arc:a Cadet Officer (A)

R. J. GRISTOCK, East View , Pine\\'ood Grove, N ew IIaw, Weyhridgc . A. E: lGlIT, 21. Bridge R oad. H asl mere . :'1iss U. ;'10RRISH , " Aros", H aslemere, urrey . H. M. LAW 0 T , lI1.A. , B.CH., lII.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Three Gab;es, Bridge Road, Ch ertsey. F. J. AYLING, 40, Conquest Road, Addlestone .





V. M. LE.\ TlIER, :\1.B.E., Tudor Cottage, Ewshott, Xr Farnham. J. ~l. BALL, 129, cw lIaw R oad, ddlcstonc.

Area Staff Officer

Area Commi 'ione r Area

urge on

Eastern Are3

Commissioner Surgeon Superintendent (~) Staff Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( )

B. ROBIN ON, B.E.1\l., 151, l\I bert Road, lIorle\'. E . \\'ATSON, :\[ D.. F.R.C.S., Gr y"tonl' IrousC'. Redhill. ~li ss 1\1. R. 1'11. CALLOW. Bat" JIill othge, R edhill. 13. E. 1 OR;\lAX, 13. AIbvrt Road orth, RC'i gatl'. D. J. SHOPLAND, Little lIou'e. IwphC'r<1s llill. Mertsham. Miss E. :il1. LEIGHTO ', 2, ~Ollthfi ·Id s ,\ \.cnue, Horley. R. G. 'V . SOUTHERX, .l.B .. B.S .. M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P., C;ed~ley IIouse, HorslC'v. ~lrs. D. R. BOOTH, IIolly Lodge. High treet. ohh'Jn1.

Area Staff Officer

South West Area

Area Surgeon

A. H. M. RICHARDS, M.B., CH.B., :ll.R.C .S., L.R.t'.P .• l\lunsiead Lawn, Godalming. :\lrs. L. M. F\RLER, 25, Stocton Road, GuilciIord.

.--\rea Staff Officer

Area IIp<:rintend('nt Area ' t.aff Officer~



adet Officcr

An.a ArLa

ommissioI1(:r urgeon


'uperint.endent (. T)


tafT Officer·

F. H. STUTTAFORD, ;>1.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., "Lascelles", Portland Place, Brighton. Daphne DEAR, ;>I.R.C . . , L.R.C.P., 23, Southfield R')ad, East.bourne. A. J. BUR;o.;AGE, " Wearde", B edfordwell Rd., Eastbourne. G. H. WREN, "By\',:ay" , 22, Priory Close, Hastings . Mrs. A. A. SOA~1ES, heffield Park, Uckfield. . T. DEN lNG, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton . F. J . MILLER, I, Oak T errace, Gillsmans Hill, St. Leonardson- <:a . Western Area

North West Area

Area Surgeon

D.P.H .•

Area Cadet Officer::,

\\'. E. Jupp , IS, Barttelot Road, Horsham. B. A. RIVERS-PITT, L.M.S.S.A., ~I.R.C.S., Medical Dept. (B. R.). Brighton tation. ~frs. E. :.1. COURTNEY, 'Voodend Cottage, \Yest toke, Chichest.er. Capt. J. 11. BUCKLEY, The King AlIred, Kingsway, Hove. Mrs. A. P. COTT, Priory Gate, Boxgrove, Chiche ter. O. E. L AKE, 50, \Vh yke Lane, Chichester. H. G. EW~fAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. Jrs . E. A. BRODIE, Flat 3, 6, Arundel Terrace, Marine Parade, Brighton, 7.

SUSSEX 19, Korth

County Of/ice: treet. IIorsham, llSS(,X.

WARWICK County Office : 39, Hinckley Road, I uneaton.

Tel. Horsham 155 6 .

County Preside llts: The Countess of BE SBOROUGH, G.C.ST.J., J.P. David BRYCE, Esq., O.B.E., K.ST.J., J.P.

Deputy Commissioner County Superint end en t (A) Count y Superintendent (N) Co unty Surgeon County Nursing Officer . County County County County

Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( T) Secretary Staff Officers

County Ser geant Major

Major-General J . M. L. RENTON, C.B., D.S 0., O.B.E .. J.P .. R owfold Grange, Billingshurst, 1 r. lIorsham. Lieut.-Colonel K. B. HICKS, O.B.E., Stone House, Bolnc\", Sussex. . F. A. TROTT, 16, H ur t Road, Horsham . Miss D. 1. HUBBARD, M.B.E., Green Acre, RotherIield, rov-borough, Sussex. H. ROSENBERG, B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 2, Bulkington Ave .. Worthing. Miss M. L. R OYLE, S.R.N ., White Cottage, Steyn e R oad, Seaford. F .. "V. T. DALLEK, 92, Elphinstone R oad, Hastings. MiSS E. M. TRILL, 65, Barnett R oad , Brighton, 6. C. SIMPSON, 19, orth St.reet, Horsham. Miss \V. M. BARKER, 10, Hurst Avenu e , Horsham. H . L. GREGORY, Stanway, 70, GuildIord R oad, Horsham. Mrs. R. WICKS, Flat 3, Wilbury Mansions, 67, Church Rd ., H ove. \V. L. HANCORN, 43, The Gardens, C:outhwick. Mrs. L. A. RO SE, 66, Stanfo rd Avenue, Brighton, 6. Mrs. J. FRAZER, Harrock House, Buxted, Sussex. Miss G. E. STO EHAM, 47 , Motcombe R oad, Eastbourne. Mrs. K. KIRKLEY, 18, Hova Villas, H ove. D. H. F. BURCHELL, 9, Landseer Road, H ove, 4 .

Coullty Presid ent: Irs. L. C. . FITzRoy

The Hon.

County Vice-Presldents: Mildred Viscountess HArLsHAM. The Lord R upert NEVILL (Amb ulance Cadets). The Countess CAIRNS, S.S.ST.J. (N ursing Cadets).



Eastern Area

~li ss

Area Cad et Officer (N)

Area Area Area Area Area rea


Martin The Lady Mrs. ;\Iajor E. S. Commissioner Assistant Commis ioner County Superintendent (A) Co unty Superintendent ( Coun iy Surgeons County Nur ing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Secretary County Staff Officers

Tel. 2133. EWDEGATE.

County Vice-PresIdents: 'AUXDERS, M.B.E. (A mbulance) . WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE ( lIrsing). BUCKMASTER (Cadet Nursing). PHILLIPS, D.S.O. (Cadet Ambulance).

G. 1\. MACDONALD, ;\1.B., CH.B. , D. I.R.D., 39, Hinckley Rd. Nuneaton. G J. FOWL'<;R, The Fire Station, Daiml er Co . Ltd., Coventry. A. E. RUSSELL, 54, Browett R oad, Coventry. ~lis s C. M. ORTON, B.E.M., The Beeches, taverton, Daventry, orthants. ~. L. ROLLA SON, M.D., CH.B., 74, Stoneleigh Ave., Coventry C. L. \VORTHINGTON, M.B. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., 37, Jury St \Varwick. Mrs. M. L. E. MACDONALD, S.R.N., 39, Hinckley RO:ld uneaton. Vacant. II. K. PERRY, 123, Blackwell Road, Coventry. F . \V . JENNI GS, 78, Bea nfield Avenue, Coventry . Mrs. A. \VORTHl GTON, 37, Jury Street, \\'arvvick. "V . B. M. WYLEY, 73, Kenilworth R oad, Coventry. Mrs. L. A. \VESTER ,55, toney Stanton R oad, Coventr) J. II. HARRISON, 35, icholls Street, toke, Covent.ry. irs. S. M. CADWALLADER, So, Radford Road, LeamIngton Spa. A. II. BOOTH, 270, \Vindmill R oad, Longford, Co,"entrv. J . F. HAYES, 329, Smorrell Lane , Bcdworth, Nun c-ato n . E. O. ORi\IE, 4, Orchard Cre cent, Coventry.





Mrs. T. TEW\LI, 1), Lavender Avenne , Coventry. Mrs. G. A . 'KT:\"l'\ER, 7, "W heelwright LanC', Covt·ntry

County Cadet Secretary (A) County Cadet ecretary (N)

WILTSHIRE 72, Fi herton

County OffIce: treet, Salisbury. Tel. Salisbury -1810.



Coun t \. Surgeon Count,· adet Officer ( ) Count\' adet Officer (~ ) Assistant County ~uperinlendl'nt

(1 )

Acting ountv '('cretan' Count.y .'tail Officer,;

COtl1tty President: A. R. TOWERZEV. County Vice-PresH/ellts: Lieut.-Colonel H. A. GOLDE~, O.B.E., D.. 0. L. F. lo ss. Lady FULLER, JI! B E.

Commissioner County Superintendent County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County County County County

Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers

II. S. TAYLOR-YOUNG, F.R.C.S., Tht Red J IOl1~l', Park Lan e, alisb urv. Lady FULLER, M.B .E., Teston Park, Cor~haIl1. C. H. LAl'\E, O.B.E., M.B., B.S., :ll.R l. s., L.R.C.l'., \\'cst Lodge, Wilton, Salisbury. 1\1is C. L. FULLARTON , s. R.N., ~\\ indon and Wilts . lIospital, winJon. O. E. lIVDE, I I, Durford Avt nue, S\\ inclon. Vacant. ::'1iss E. DIMONT, 72, Fisherton ir <t, ~,lltslJlIr\. A. J. JENKI'S, Silverdale, Croft Hoad, l'o rl11 \\'roughton, r. windon. :'.1r. il1oss, \Vat.chfi ld, Rowelen IIlll , Chipp('nham. (Press Relation.) . ::\1iss G. STUR;\1ER, Mill Vale HousC', Bratton. "'lit . ?l1rs. N. A. TAVLOR- YOUNG, Th R u l I! O ll "C', Park Lanc, Salisbury. :'.1r. . LA.·E, 65, Plymouth tr et, S\\ inclon. W estern Area

Area Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer



H: H. IIODDER, 27, Dollas Road, Chippenh 'llll . ::Vl1SS ),1. No\\'ell, Queens Square , Box, \\'ilts. S o uthe rn Area

Area Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer

F. \Y. KIRKBRIDGE, 6, Ru s.ell Road, SaE.bury. H. HOUNSOME, 10, \Valerloo Road, Salisbur};.

Area Staff Officer

C. SHAW, Bramville, IIigh\\'orth Road, Stratton S1.. :'Ilargaret. R. A. KI G, 43 , Richmond Road, Swindon. )'1rs. 1\1. H ALL, 54, Dcvizes Road, Swindon.

County Slraeant ::\1ajor


T. C. LENcH, ::\1ayIord, 63, Haleso\\"(' n R oad, Quinton, Birmingham. Dr. J. T. D .\LV, 380, Ridgacre Rd., Quinton, Birmingham. R. R . HI:\"ES, 3, \Volverhampton Street, Dudley. ~Irs. O. LA;\1B, Tylands, Grange Hill, Halesowen, \Vorcs. ~Iiss II. M. \\'ALTO"", Mount Pleasant, Co\\'!eigh Road, )'1ah'e rn. )'11SS . E. Dr 'GLEV, Loddiswell, ~Ialvern. F. PRICE, ;\1.B E., Cross \Vay , Ha\\'ne Lane, Haleso\\'en. E. S. BOND, Parkfield Lodge, Malvern. (1'v1.C.D.). E. PREECE, 124, Ross Road, Blackheath. i\1i"s P. \VHITFIELD, Kf-D\\'yn, \Vest 1\1alvern. (N.H.S.R.). E. F. PREECE , 124, Ross Rd., Blackheath, Nr. Birmingham. Northern Area

D. II. BUR:\~, 155, Th e Broad\\'av, Dudlev. Mis ),1. E. FEA RNSIDE, 97, Alexandra Road, Halesowen. Dr. R. B .\RRON, Ambleside, Hall St., Dudley. K. H. BILLII'GH.\:lI, 94, John Street, Brierlev Hill. :\li s 11. 1\1. BID;\[EAI', Trefford Manor Lane, HalesO\yen. H. S. BE:\';-.IETT, 52, Harcourt Road, Old Hill. Miss A. E. WITCOMBE, Oldfield, 5, Somery Road, Priory DuJley. A. C. \VOOTOl'\, 7, Long Lane, Blackheath, r. Dudley. (Publicity). P. . BEl'\""ETT (_enior), 20, MillarLl Rd. , Coselev, Staffs. Miss '. \\'AKEFIELD, Theodosia, Enville Rd ., Kinver, taffs. P. C. BE:\,:\,ETT (junior), 10, ~chool ~ treet, edgley, r. Dudley. J. . TAVLOR, 23, Summerfield • venue, Hurst Green, Blackheath, Nr. Birminaham.

Area ~t1pl'rint ncll'nl (\) rea ,'up ' rintendl' nt (. . ~) Area ,llr~('on Arp~ C ldl:l Officer (.\) An'a Cad t OffiCl r ( ... ) rea taO' Officl'r ollnt~· ~taf1


Arc'a '--ergeaol )'1ajor

Southe rn Area R. \VARIl'\G, Domus, Meadow Hill Road, Redditch.

An'a ,uperintc-ndent (A) Area uperintendent. (.r ) Area ~ urgeon

:\Irs. K. I ELIGA:N, 9, Corbett Avenue, Droitwich. Dr. F. H. VOLL.DI, The Old House, Alvechurch, r. Birmingham. :\Iiss 1\1. EWTO;\, Polkerris , Christchurch Rd., Malvern. J. C. ROLLINS, ..10, :\1eado\\' Hill Crescent, R edditch. 1\1i-s II. ),1. 1\1. \VISDON, Cha\\' on, Droitwich pa. :\liss D. \V. JO).'E , Dalston , 6-1, \Vorcester Road, ::\tlalvern.

Area Cadet Officer Area taff Officers

Northern Area

Area Cadet Offisers


EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE County Office: Priory House, 29, Cottingham R oad , Hull.


County Vice-Presidents: S. LAWRENCE (Ambulance). The LADV RAMSDEN (Nu rsing). R. G. TARRAN (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. D. M. RVMER (Cadet Nursing).

County Office: 37, F orega te Street, \ Vorccster. County Presidents: The Countess BEAUCHAMP, M.B.E. F. L. NEWTON, Esq., M.B., CH.B . County Vi ce-Pres idents: The Rt. Hon. Earl BEAU ~ HAMP (A mbulance). Mrs. A. H. LECHMERE (Nursing). Lady SANDVS (Cade t Nursing). Sir Ronald LEcHMERE (Cade t Ambulance).


F. J. SOMERS, T.D., The Camp Farm, Great \\,itley, W orcs.

Tel. 7376.

County President: The LORD HOTHAM.

Commissionec County Superintendent. (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer

E. M. DEARN, M.B., CH.B ., D.L.O., Holme Lodge, 197, Cottingham R oad, Hull. 1\1rs. 1. 1. EDWARDS, 31, Hymers Avenue, Hull. . A. RV:lIER , LB., CH.B., I, Bricknell venue, Hull. Miss P. M. \VATSON, S.R . . , Hull Royal Infirmary , Prospect treet, lIull.



R. BERRYMAN, 2, Snainton Grove. Dvrnngham Bank, Hull. ~1is L. F. LEPPINGTO" "Aytona', ,Belle Vue Crescent, Filey. A. R. LIDG LEY, 92, Et.henngton Roau, Hull. :Vii s E. 1\1. TO:\,EHOUSE, 63, W e1\, yn Park Road, Hull. T. ?l1ACKAY, Ln, Fairfax Avenue, Hull. C. JA CKSON, 230, Hawthorn Ave·nue. Hull. G. HEWARD, "Deaumari", 74, (;anslt'ad Lnnt'. Bilton, Hull. Mrs. LIDGLEY, 92, Et.heringtcn ROdcl. IIull. 'V. PARSONS, chool House, Bdrnj,,· ;\loOf. Yorks. ~1rs. G. JACKSON, 8, Lynton \, ( .\n1 aby Park Road outh, Hull.

County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary (A) County Secretary (N) County Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officer ( )




County OffIce: Cornfield Road , l\Iiddlc:shrough, Ycrks. County Pres/dent: The LADY SERENA JAMES.

Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ') County Surgeon County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer ( ) County Staff Officers

Colonel ir Leont)rc1 ROP:-':ER, .\I.e., T.D., n I . \f.J'., 'fh,)rp Perrow, Bedale, Yorks. J. PEARSO"', Alandale, 5, ~t.(1ndeigh hlnul. ;\1ldcJ1e brough. C. F. PE:)DIE. IIarro\\gatc: ott<.l gl'. ~T()rton lIaru\\'ick, Stockt.on-on·Tees. ~1rs. F. C. BURTON. 2. 'pper \\'('stb ook. Darlington. F. \V. HEBRf ETHW,\IIE, :-'1.8., cH H .• I I, Thc Aventll' , Linthorpe, liddleslJrollf5h. 'V. E. DA:\'KS, 75, ~1ansfie1c1 "\venue Thnrnaby·oI1·T(('s . ~1rs. T. E. KIRK, 3r, ~t. Barnahas Roael . "licldlt-shrough. P. P. S~lITLI, II, \V esl Par1-' An'., Ne\\I))', Scarborough. J. \V. REN,\HA1, 12. :\ltcm Rc ad. \1iddh· ·brough. (Training). J. B. MCCULLUM, 2. \'as\\'ork « ttagc". J. ormanby Road, South Bank, Midclk brough. (Tran<:.port).



.\rea Cadet Officer

1\liss K. A. RAVEN. The General Infirmary, Leeds. C. HILL, 218, tanhope Drive, Horsforth, Nr. Leeds. Miss O. M. GELDARD. The Grange, Ilkley, Yorks. G. DACCUS, 49, Lumley Road, Leed s. L. l'.1ASON, 5. Lynwood Gardens, Pud ey, r. L eeds. Vacant.. :\1rs. W. J. DICKINSON, 13. il1ariners' Drive, Emm Lane, Bradford. Miss J. COOK, 70, Emm Lane. Heaton, Bradford, Yorks.

Area Commissioner


.\rea Tursing Officer CC'llnty tail Officers Ar a

tail Officers

rea Cadet Officer (A) Area Cad t Officer ( )

Northe;-n Area

"\rea Surgeon




taff Officers

Art:a Cadet Officer ( )

PRE:\,UC.E, ;\'f.B., CH.B., "Malsi :'10unt, Malsis Road, Keighley. J. E. BAIRD, lIf.B., B.CH., B.A.O., Brow House, Haworth, K('ighlt'y. J. G ROC.HESTER, Thornton's Yard, 34a Keighley Road, kipt.on. ::\lrs. }l. R. ACKROYD, "The Priory", un Monkton, York. 1\li s 1\1. E. l\IYALL, Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorks. Southern Area


rea Comm issioner

t\ rea .

II rgeon

\rea J. 'ursing OfIiccr Arc \ Cadc·t Officcr (. \ ) \rc:a Cadet Orne 'r ( ) COllnt\' Staff Officen: .\nit Staff Officers

J. -r..IAIN RUSSELL, M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., "\Vemyss', Stockarth Lane. OugthiLridge, Sheffield. C. B. 13 \LL, L.:\!.S.S.A., Fern Lodge, I38, Dudworth Road , Barnslev. ;\li s Y. i1. LUDGATE, R anfall. Ranmoor, Sheffield. \V. B \I'H\.f, B ell Lane, Ackworth. ;\'lrs. II. BEVERLEY, The Haven, 'Vorsboro' Dale, Ir. Barnsley . H. FORSTER, 33. Hiah treet., Sheffield I. II. A. \VE:-JT, 10, DovecliiIe Rd., Wombwell. l'IIiss C. ASHBERRY, 15, Lawson R oad, Broomhil1, heffield. A. EL~ON, ~LB.E., 14 , Oaks Avenue, Sheffield. IT. HEmNGWAY, St. Thomas's House, 'Vorsboro' Dale, r. Barn~ley.

f· SHAW. The Beeches, 27, Mill Hill. P c ntefract.

~Irs V. G. BOOTH, 17, Barkers Rd., Net!ler Edge,

heffield 7.

South East Area

Assistant Commiss ion"r


Castle Garth House, 'Vetherby.

Tel. Y\'ethcr],y 3 2 .

District President: II. L. THORNTON, O.B.E. Dist,ict Vice·Presidents: The COUNTESS OF SCARBROUGH. The VISCOUNTESS MOUNTGARRET. Commissioner . District Superintendent (N) District Nursing Officer District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer (N)

E. H. LOD GE, M.B., B.eH., Castle Garth House, Wetherhy. Mrs. G. W. LODGE, Castle Garth lIou e, Wetherby. Miss E. BARRACLOUGH, S.R.N., R ehabilitation entre, Whiteley Wood, Sheffield, I I. Dr. R. G. EASTWOOD, Thornhill, Dev,'sbury, Yorks. Mrs. CUMMING BELL, Binham Lodge, Egerton, IIuddcrsfield.

('(mnly urgeon \rea Surgeon An"a ursing Officer Area Cadet Officcr (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Cou nty tafI Officers

I\r a StafI Officers

Midland Area

Assistant Commissioner Area Surgeons

R. CHESTER, M.D., CH.B., M.SC., 95, Great IIorton R oad, Bradford, Yorks. E. W. L. WHITE, M.B., CH.B., "Oakland", Metherley , .r r. Leeds. G. THOMPSON, M.B., CH.B., 41, Free School Lane, Halifax .

B. HART. O.B.E., L.;\LS.S.A., M.S.R .. Holmdene, Annthorpe, Doncaster. Dr. 1\1. HAIN. 22, Balby Road. Donca'-tn. K. O. BARRETT, L.R.C.P., 31, Salisbury Avenue, GooIc. .:\1i P. 'VORDSWORTH, S.R.N ., The \Vestern Hospital, Doncaster. \ Y. HARGREAVES, 198, Great orth R oad, Woodlands, Doncastor. Mrs. J. ROSBY, 58. Chestnut Avenue, Doncaster. M. D. P. LE BRUN, "Elmhurst", cawthorpe, Doncaster. 1: . IIULLEY, 'Yarning Tongu e Lane, Doncaster. E. SOAR, Oak Lodge, Sprotborough, Doncaster. ~Irs. D. LE BRUN, "Elmhurst", cawthorpe, Donca tcr. A. E. l\lOORE, 2 I, St. Patricks R oad, Doncaster. (SecretaIY). c. G. MITCHELHILL, "Oaklea", cawthorpe, Doncaster. D. G. BARBER, 104, Doncast.er Road, Amlthorpe, Doncaster. J. DE \RDE:-J, The Beeches, Scawthorpe, Doncaster. (Transport). L. TAGG, 67, Bawtry Road , Bessacarr, r. Doncaster. (Treasur r). South West Area

Assistant Commissioner


IIARRtSON. "Hazel Dene", Hudclersfield.

' Vyvern Avenue,

far h,



ST .





Colonel G. H. L. IIAM'VrERTON, C.:>r.G., D.S.O., L.R.C.P., The nIount, Dc\\"sburv. Dr. \Y. B. BURKE . . Mrs. M. BALDE>1, Byw('11 lIou e, De\\ sbury. A. ROBERTSHAW, I..j, Carlick Street, Ra ·trick, Brighou.;c. ~1iss A. E. lTNTHA K, :\I.B.E., The Vicarag', ollingham , r. Leeds. Dr. E. 1\1. WmTEHEAD, Moorfield, Gnmersll. Kr leeds. F. AYLES, 3, Grove Cottages, BrookIoot, 13righoust" .

County Surgeon .-\rea Cadet Officer (A) _\rea Cadet Officer ( ) County taff Officers

:\rea Staff Officer

Headquarters: Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, CarJiff.

Chief Commi ioner for \Vales . Assistant Chief Commis ioner for Wales Superintendent - in - Chief for \Vales . . As istant uperintendent - in Chief for Wales - uperintendent for \Vales . Asst. Superintendent for \Vales urgeon-in-Chief for \Vale Asst. Surgeon - in - Chief for Wales Chief Officer for Ambulance Cadets Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets Cadets Brigade Secretary Chief Staff Officer Cadet Taining Officer

D . L.

Colonel RiriJ. l\IYDDLETO"

D L.

:'II. \" .0., J.P.,

\ rC'a Com missioner .\rl"a SlIp'rinlendents (1\)

Belfast Area \V. ALLEN, :-'!.B.E., 37, Manor Crescent, Belia t. D. 1\1. ROOGERSON, 747, Crumlin Road, Bellast.. J. nI .CALMONT, 20, Magdala treet, BeHast.

Ire'ne, COUNTESS OF PLYMOUTH. i.Iargherita, LADY lIOWARD DE \\'ALDE;\' The Hon. ::'1r . J. H. BRUCE . Edgar LLEWELL ¥N, !lI.B . , CH.B.

. \rl"(J (ol11mi .. siolwr .\;\'1.)

~ E .\FORD,

C.B .E.

An 'a Superintend nl ( ) Ar a Surgeon \rca ursing Officer \n';! , tafT OfflCf'rs

Gwilym Pari Huws, :\LB., CH .B. Sir Micha I DUFF, BT. Lady TWISTON-DAVIES, J.P. W. Mabon ABRAHAM. ::.1ajor H. \YARE. ::.1iss Zoe D. DRUITT.

Commissioner Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent (N) Deputy District Superintendent District Surgeon

Supl"nnll"nd('nt (/\) '\r'<1 Supcrintendent ( ) , \ [( ' (l Su rgc'on An'a 1 ursing Officer \rca Cadpt Officer ( ) ,\rC-d

(Press Relation ). WILTON, 90, Marlborough N., Belfast. (Treasurer). A. RYAN, Glenartney, Clanbrassil Road, Cultra, Co. Down. (Transport).

Mis5 Q. QUIGLEY, 19, Cabinhill Gardens, Bella t. K. HAMILTON, Hopefield, Whitehouse. Dr. Flore-nce 'TEWART, 53, \Voodvale R oad, Belfast. I r. :. SLOAN, 146, Grosyenor Road, Belfast . ~Ii ' s ~1. II. CLARKE, S.R.N., 18, Greenwood Park, Belfast. W. II. RYAN, 32, Stranmillis Park, Belfast. T. ' LAVIN, 22, Egeria Street, BeUa t. ;\lr. . F . OWENS, 11, orth Parade, Belfa 1.

Tel. Belfast 23970.

Brigadier T. W. DAVIDSON, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., 26, Malone Park, Belfast. Brigadier R. J. C. BROADHURST, Belvedere, Ballyauglis, Co. Down. Mrs. E. JOHNSTONE, 6r6, Upper ewtownards Road, Belfast. Mrs. M. NEILL, 96, Circular Road, BeHast. Miss M. J. L. FRAZER, M.B.E., M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P ., 48, Wellington Park, Belfast. Miss B. BOYCE, S.R.N., S.C.M." South Tyrone Hospital, Dungannon. G. GREGG, M.D., M.R.C.P., D.P.M., 40, Elmwood Avenue, BeHast . C. MURRAY, 92, Orangefield Crescent, Belfast. Miss E. GARRETT, Helen's Lea, Gilnahirk, BeHast. Brigadier L. E. MACGREGOR, O.B.E., 28, BedIord St., Belfast.

Londonderry Area \\". J. \VTLLJAMS, M.B.E., 20, Pump Street, Londonderry . i\Irs. R. CUNNINGHAM, 27, Clarendon St., Londonderry. Dr. \V . P. ABERNETHY, Ardnabrocky, Londonderry. I\Iiss 1\:. lIUEY, 13, Clarendon Street, Londonderry. Rev. H. \\'RIGHT , The Manse, Queen St., Londonderry. ;\Iis . ~Ic AUI., Prehcn Road, Londonderry. Antrim Area (;. B . JOHNSI'O;\', 16, The Boulevard, Colerainc. ~Irs. J{IRKPI\TRfCK, Breezemount, The Roddens, Larne. J. REID, M.D., Galgorm Road, Ballymena. ~1rs. ~I. J . F. CHAPLIN, S.R . . , 70, Mill Street, Ballymena. ~Iiss A. STIRLING, B.E.~f., 4, Grcenmount Ave., Ballymena.

('nden\. (1\) Are-a Supcnntc' ncient ( ) o\rea Surge-on Area 1 ursing Officer

Armagh Area Vacant. ~liss ~1. LUTTON, Wayside, 13, Killicomaine R d., PortadO\m. G. DOt"GAN, M.D., D.P.H., 1\1.1'., l\Iillicenl Terrace , Portado\\·n. Miss 1. CII.\:'IfBERS, , .. R.N., Rockvale, Scan'a, PortadO\\'11.

Area Commissioner Area ' uperintC'lldC"nl (A) Area ~ u peri n tenden t ( ) rea urgeon Arpa urging Officer Are-a Cadet Office'r ( T)

Down Area II. REA, F.R.S .A., Glena, Dublin Road , N ewry. Vacant. , 1\1r . 1. NEILL, 96, Circular Road, Strandtowll, Belfast. Dr. . E. \ VILLlAMS, Downshire Road, Newry. Miss 1\1. HAW'(HORNE, S.R.N., 5, Harcourt Driyc, Bclfast. j\li~s V. K . IhLL , I q, Donaghadce R oad, Bangor.

ArC:'t.l Surg('on A rea Cad t Officer ( )

Fermanagh Area II. FLEMING, M.B., F.R.C.S., Count.y Ho pita], Enniskillcn. 1\1rs. A. :MALO 'E, ro, \Villoughby Place , Enniskillen.

J\ n'a

Dist1 'i ct Vic.e-Pesident: The Hon. Mrs. T. 0' EILL (Cadet Nursing).

District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer ( ) District Secretary

\Y. W.

H.R.H. The DUCHESS OF KENT, G.C.v .o., C.I., G.B.E.

President: Her Excellency The LADY VVAKEHURST.

District Training Officer

\sst. Commis5ionc'r ,\rca Commi<;<;ioncr

\na Surgeon .\r('a 'urgcon (Cadds) \rea Nursing Offic 'r \r('a ... ursing Officc'r (A) _\ n a Cadet Officer (1\) \ n'a Cadc,t Offlc('r ( ) .

TeL CardifI 32131.


District Nursing Officer

:\Ir. R. J. FITZMAURICE, 18, Hawthorndcn Drive, Belfast.


The Hon. John II. BRUCE, C.B.E., J .P. ,

District Office: Bryson Hou e, 28, Bedford Street, Belfa t.


Dls( rict UffIcer .

\rca ,' upcrinic' nd 'nts (N)



Area Area Arpa Area.


Commis5iol1er Superintcnden t (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (N)

Area Superint.endent (A) Area np e rintendent (N)


Tyrone Area \\1 . M. BRENNEN, F.R.C.S., Cranagh Dhu, MagheraJelt. Mrs. MARTIN, Summer Hill, Clogher.

A. 1V1. ELLIOTT, F.R.C.S., Loy Hill, Cookstown. 1\[r5. A. lALONE, la, \ 'V illoughb Place, EnnLkilkn. Staff Officers Temporarily Unattached. A. BURROW, 34, Kensington Road, Knock, Belfast. 1\1rs. V. DOBBIN, M.B.E., Lissan, Cookstown.



PRIORIES AND COMMAND ERIES OVERSEAS Priory in A ustralia :\1ajor-General ir 'amuel BURSTOr-:. K.B.E .. C.B .. D.S.O .• V.D., M.B ., F.R.C.P., F.R.A.C.P., K.H.P., 1 i()ce~an Church Honse, George 'treel, :ydney. 1 C'\\ South \ alps.

Priory Comm issioneI

Commandery Commissioner

Priory Commissioner


P riory in N ew Zea land F. \\T. \YARD. E sq .. o.n.r~., ])ruid's Ch;ul1l)('r<.;. \\'ooU";lrcl 'lreet, Wellington, C. r. Priory in So uth A frica Lieut.-Colonel C. C;. BOOKER .

Priory Commissioner


F iji Dr. J . :\1. CRUIKSHANK. ings. Suva.


CapL. lJ ....


Box 7JJ7,

O.H.E., Gove-rnment Build-

Cl'ntral Police, ta tion, Gibraltar,

Grenada ,it ,til t.


( (llllllIis. ion('r



Ho ng Kong l '.\ r-:, Tai Hang Road . lIong Kong.


Jam aica ll()l.Io(AN . \I.B .• 43. Duke Street, King:'>toll.


Kenya l~rJgadi('r-C;(,Il('ra l Sir Box 1 169, I airobi.


C . .\1.G .•

Gi bra lt ar

Commandery in W es tern Austra li a oland J. R. DONAT ])~;ON, E.D .. :-I.B .. 298-JO , \\ '(' lIingt Cl I1 ' treel, Perth. Prio ry in Canada \\' . J. BE;:-"'NETT. Esq .. St. John House. 32I. Chapel 'trect , Otta\\·a.





Godlrey RnoDEs.

C.B., C.B.E. ,

n.s.C) .•

Joh an n esbl1r~


Commander), Commissioner

ClIief Commissioner

Chief Commissioner

Comm andery in Central Africa 'ir Arlhur (;RWFl', K.C.LE.. Bulawayo. Rhor\' ·sia.

India The lIon . RAJKU~tARl New Delhi.




Dr. H . E. A:-:DERSO:-':. Office of D.:\1.S ., P.O. Box 66T. Pl'na ng, Fet\('ratiol1 of ;\Ialaya.

51) >,

('wJ1mission 'r Al'lRIT



Ma lta G.c. Li e ut.-CuI. ]. V. ABELA.

Talkatora Road.

Mau ri tius llADOW. Commissioner :'Iauriluis.

Dislricl .'uperintcndent

Pakis tan SYED WAJID ALI HAH. He.adquarters. :'IIansfield Road, J"arachi.

Katrak Buildings , l'omm issio11l·r

:lI.B .E.,


64, .\n1<'r,· Sln·d. Sliema.





North B orneo Dr . T. 1\. ,\t-\IlOI T. Office of Direclor of i\f(·dical Services,

Jes-.eJtol1 .

I' I'


Bahamas Lit-'ut.-Col. R. J. \ VYNDllAM VERRALL, lary H.Q .. Nassau.

M.V.O .•

J . J> .• Con.tabu-

S ierra Leo ne r. EDDY. Medical Headquarters. Freetow n.


Dr. T .



Tangan y ika Lt.-Commclr. H. I.

S inga po re


B arbados E. B. \Vru .lAJ\IS. Box


B ermuda W. T. WILSON, Esq., c/o Bank of Bermuda Ltd .. Hamilton .



British Guiana The Hon. Mr. J ustice E . P. S. BELL, Chief Justice Chambers. Georgetown.

(om missioner

T rinidad Lt.-Col. G. BRIDGEMAN, 3. Riversclale. of Spain.


Ceylon Col. C. A. H. P. ]AYAWARDANA, O.B.E ., E.D .. c/o Boy H .Q., 131, Lake R oad, Galle Face, Colombo 3.




Zan zibar Lt .-Col. i\. M. BELL. Box 137, Zanzihar.





S.J.A.B., . tamforcl Road ,

ingapo rr .


Cyprus J. H. ASHMORE. P.O. Box 433, Nicosia.

~Oll t


P.O. Box 1IJO. Dar- es-Salaam.

t. Anns Road, Port

Uganda Esq., P.O. Box IS 6. Kampala .


Printed by The Swindon Press Ltd .,


VictOlia Road, Swindon, Wilts.

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