O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1953

Page 1

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'[be lilenerable


in tbe :fl3ritisb 1Realln of of tbe 1bospital of St. Jobn

of Jerusalell1.

Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1953.


Telegraphic Address: Firstaid, London.

Telephone: Clerkenwell 6644.

Copies of this Report (price Is.) may be obtained from the Stores Manager, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.I.
































Ube Grant) ~rtorl1 in tbe 13rttisb 1Realm of Ube IDenerable ~rt)er of tbe bospital of St. 30bn of 3-erusalem So"ereign



CHAPTER-GENERAL (as at December 31st, 1953)


:Lorb J)rior : H.E. THE LORD WAKEHURST, K.C.M.G.

J)re[ate :














<!ballcellor : LIEUT.-GENERAL SIR HENRY POWNALL, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. •



.Eg[e :








«be otb't :1Sailirts


aross :


4 5 Ube ~&ecuti\?e \\'fficers SecretaQ2",a;ellel'al : C. T. EVANS, Esq., C.M.G. ~ecei"er .. $en(tnl



Senior ~epresent"ti"e 1knigbts 1knigbts of

Ju~tic e



lDirector-a;enerlll, St. S-obn Bmbulnnce :association: H. F. PARSHALL, Esq., T.D.

bospitaller : COLONEL THE LORD WEBB-JOHNSON, G.C.V.O., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D.

:almoner: MAJOR R.


LOYD, O.B.E., M.C.

']Ltbrarian : MAJOR R. WILLIAMS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.






$enealogist : THE HON. SIR GEORGE BELLEW, K.C.V.O.

!Director of <!eremonies : C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDO , Esq., O.B.E., D.S.C.

Junior 1Representlltl'V' 1knfgbts : 1f\11I~brs



Jobn 'Elmbulallce :roriga~e :






1knigbts of Justice :














Ub, ®mcinting <lbaplain6 : THE BISHOP OF GUILDFORD THE DEAN OF BOCKI G, O.B.E. 1Repre6entati"~

<lOtllmant'ers :







of aouncil on <lbapter:ll(5eneral :

(in addition to those shown under other headings) THE HON. H. A. COZENS-HARDY


Essistant £!ecuti'"


Assistant Receiver-General: LEWIS G. WHYTE, Esq. Assistant Director of Ceremonies: MAJOR A. URQUHART, D.S.O. Deputy Hospitaller: BRIGADIER SIR STEWART DUKE-ELDER, K.C.V.O. Deputy Director-General, S.~.A.A.: LIEUT.-COLONEL E. C. CROFT Deputy Commissioner-in-Chlef, S.J.A.B.: BRIGADIER T. D. DALY, C.B.E., M.C.

aross :fSearer : LIEUT.-COLONEL W. W. DOVE,


:1Searer :


C.B.E., T.D.

Secretar)? : MAJOR J. F. C. UNDERHILL, T.D.

REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL FOR THE YEAR 1953 The Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members and Associates of the Order its Report for the yea:r 1953. ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER The Annual Festival was held on Saturday, 20th June, amid that atmosphere of general rejoicing which accompanied the period of the Coronation of Her Majesty The Queen, at which great and solemn ceremony Chapter-General had been represented in Westminster Abbey by the Chancellor. The Festival began as is customary with Holy Communion which was celebrated in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church by the Bishop in Jerusalem. The General Assembly was once again held in the Mansion House, by invitation of the Lord Mayor, who attended in state. In the course of the proceedings a message of loyalty and devotion from those assembled was sent to Her Majesty as Sovereign Head of the Order. The Commemoration Service was held in the afternoon in St. Paul's Cathedral, the sermon being preached by the Prelate of the Order, His Grace The Archbishop of Canterbury. The Cathedral was full and a particularly noteworthy feature was the presence of so many Members of the Order and Foundations from the Commonwealth, induding Executive Officers from Priories overseas who had come to this country for the Coronation and were thus able to participate in the ceremonies on St. John 's Day. Indeed it is safe to say that at these ceremonies and a later Reception at St. John's Gate there were few, if any, territories in the whole Commonwealth which were not represented. It was a particular pleasure to Chapter-General to be able to welcome so many Confreres from overseas and their presence here also afforded valuable opportunities of making and renewing contacts and discussing problems of mutual interest. During the same month also a notable and most gracious visitor to St. John's Gate was Her Majesty Queen Salote of Tonga, who was created an Associate Dame of the Order in July 1942. On the 25th July a delegation of Chapter-General, led by the Lord Prior, attended the Commemoration Service of the St. John Council for Lancashire in Liverpool Cathedral. RECEPTION OF KNIGHTS ' AND INVESTITURE AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE It is customary for the ceremony of the formal reception of newlyappointed Knights by the Grand Prior to be held every two or three years and Her Majesty The Queen graciously permitted this ceremony to be carried out in Buckingham Palace on the 10th July. H.R.H. The Grand Prior received in the Ballroom the newly-appointed Bailiffs Grand Cross and Knights, and then carried out an Investiture of some hundred Members of the Order in all Grades, and presented Life Saving



Medals and Vellum Votes of Thanks to members of the Brigade who had rendered distinguished service at the time of the floods in the Eastern Counties of England. HER LATE MAJESTY QUEEN MARY Earlier in the year the Order had shared in the public sorrow on the death of Her Majesty Queen Mary, whose support it had received for so many years, and who as President of the Ladies' Linen Guild had taken a great personal interest in the work of the Ophthalmic Hospital. APPOINTMENTS Following the resignation of Sir William McKell as Prior of the Priory in Australia on his relinquishing the office of Governor-General, His Royal Highness The Grand Prior appointed H.E. Field-Marshal Sir William Slim as Prior of Australia. The Grand Prior also appointed H.E. The Rt. Hon. Lord Llewellin, Governor-General of Central Africa, as Knight-Commander of the Commandery in that area in succession to H.E. Major-General Sir John Kennedy. REVISION OF THE CHARTER AND STATUTES The task of revising the constitution of the Order was carried considerably further during the year. The draft prepared by the Statutes Revision Committee was circulated to Priories from whom a number of comments were received. It was possible to take advantage of the presence in this country of Executive Officers from a number of the Priories to discuss these during the summer and resolve differencies. An amended draft was laid before Chapter-General in November. This was discussed subsequently and at the time of writing, a final draft is ready for submission to the Privy Council. GRAND PRIORY CHURCH Progress has been made in the preparation of detailed drawings for the revised Church Rebuilding Scheme and there is good reason to hope that the necessary approvals will be received from the various Planning Authorities concerned for the whole Scheme. The London Diocesan Authorities have transferred the freehold of the existing ruined Church and Crypt to the Order. Chapter-General has decided that one half of the Centenary Fund, being approximately £11,500, should be earmarked for the Church Rebuilding Scheme. This Fund was inaugurated in 1937 for the object of building a hall and block of offices adjacent to the Gate, in commemoration of the centenary of the Order. Owing to the war intervening, the scheme could not be proceeded with, and it has now been rendered unnecessary by reason of departmental changes and of the fact that the revised Church Scheme will incorporate the assembly hall which was to have formed part of the Centenary Scheme. In consequence the total funds now available for the Rebuilding Scheme are approximately £27,000 (compared with a total requirement of about £54,000), which will enable a start to be made with the Memorial Cloisters and Gateway, and application has been made for a building licence for this section.



On the. 29th March a special Service was held in the Crypt of the Grand Priory ~hurch for the Cadet N.C.O.s' Training Course, St. John Ambulance, Bnga?e. Th.e Service was taken by the Rev. M. C. Brown of St. Paul s, Kn1ghtsbndge, and some sixty Officers and Cadets were present. OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT . It was mentioned in last year's report that the Order had agreed to the reque t ?~ the Government of Malaya to provide 25 welfare teams, e~ch comp~l s lng a nurse and welfare officer, for services in the new VIllages whlc~ that Government had established. The teams continued to work d~nng the ~e~r under review and earned high commendation from the High CommisslOner, Sir Gerald Templer. The Malayan Governme nt, however, sug~ested certain changes in the original scheme to place greate~ emph~ IS on the training of local girls in nursing and child welr~ re. ~h.lS entails the gradual replacement of the 25 welfare officers by SIX traInIng officers who will devote themselves particularly to this ~ p.ect of the \\.ork. The Order agreed to the arrangement, which lllcidentally entad some reduction in expense, and also to a further req uest ~rom the Government that they should prolong their co-operation for a th1 rd year. The Order ~ontinued its policy of promoting the development of St. John work In otheryversea spheres. A number of grants were made from the funds set aSIde by Chapter-General for work in those parts of the Commonwealth which come directly under the Grand Priory: among them £5,000 towards a headquarters building in Nairobi and £2,500 for a like purpose in Colombo. ' St. John He<:tdquarters officers continue to work in Trinidad, Jamaica, Malaya and Smgapore, and a new officer was appointed at the end of · the year to Uganda. A St. John Council was established in Kenya. FORE! G AFFAIRS Friendly contact was maintained during the year with other European Bra?ches of the Order of S~. John through the Order's Liaison Officers. SIr Harry Luke, the RegIstrar, during a visit to Finland visited the Kommendat~r of the Fi~ni h B~anch of the Knights of St. 'John. With r~gard to thIS Order, WIth whIch our own had no previous contact SIr Harry states:' The .Finnis.h Knights were originally attached to the Grand Priory of. DaCIa, whIch at the Reformation followed the fortunes of the Grand Pnory of Germany and ~hen those of the Johanniterorden. After World Wa~ II the SwedIsh Kmghts of St. John, by that time reconstituted as an mdep~ndent Swedish ~ation.al Order, invited the Finnish Knights to ~nter mto a confed~ratIOn w.lth them. But these, although drawn entHely fr~m th~ Swedls.h-speakmg minority of the Finnish nation, after careful deh?eratIOn declmed the offer, feeling a reluctance to abandon the. Johann!terorden when at the nadir of its fortunes. The Herrenme~ster, Pnnce Oscar, thereupon raised them in recognition of this actIOn to the status of a Genossenschaft. The Kommendator, Hr.



Woldemar Hackman, warmly welcomed the establishment of relations, which has since been developed by the exchange of correspondence.



ST. JOHN COUNCILS IN THE COUNTIES Although no new Council was formed during the year under review the existing Councils, of which there are twenty-nine, continued .to work actively and form a valuable medium of co-ordinating the work of the Order, particularly in regard to the raising of funds for work in the counties. OBITUARY THE LATE EARL OF CROMER, G.C.B., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O. The late Lord Cromer was made a Knight of the Order in 1928, Bailiff Grand Cross in 1946, was Receiver-General from 1943 to 1947, and served continuously on Chapter-General until his death in 1953. He was the first Chairman of the Executive Committee of the War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John, created for the war of 1939-45, the fine achievements of which in the relief of the sick and wounded, and prisoners of war, received wide approbation. With the late Sir Arthur Stanley, Chairman of the Briti h Red Cro Society, Lord Cromer, Lord Clarendon and Lord Chetwode, all distinguished members of the Order, were the main backbone of the War Organisation in the early days of its existence. After he ceased to be Chairman, Lord Cromer continued to be a member of the Executive Committee, and throughout he took an active and singularly wellinformed interest in all its proceedings. He was quick to recognise any undertaking of a special importance, notably, for example, the special investigation of the busine s and financial management of the War Organisation carried out in 1941, the Washington Mission designed to help prisoners of war in Japanese hands, and the final winding up of the financial affairs of the War Organi ation, in the course of which the Order of St. John received a share of the balance of the Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross and St. John Fund amounting to nearly £3 million, for individual spending by the Order on the relief of distress and the strengthening of machinery for such relief. Lord Cromer's interest was wise and practical and he had a special gift of communicating personal encouragement to those directly engaged in any special operation. When he ceased to be Receiver-General he displayed the same helpful and kindly characteristic and his successor as Receiver-General benefited greatly by his continuing advice, and support. While he was serving the Order as Receiver-General, and afterwards, his wife, the Countess of Cromer, held the Chairmanship of the Ladies' Linen Guild of the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem, and was also a member of the Hospital Committee. The Order suffers a great loss by the death of Lord Cromer, but retains the happy memory of a very distinguished member who most worthily gave time and thought and influence to promote the dignity and usefulness of the Order.


LIFE SAVING MEDAL IN SILVER Miss Grace Bills (Nursing me~ber, Harwich Nursing Division, C?~n.ty of Essex, S.J.~.B.); John Pnce (Student Corporal, Grays Cadet DiViSIOn, No. 1 (Pnnce of Wales's) District, S.J.A.B.); Div. Supt. Leonard Eaton (Wells Ambulance and Nursing Division, County of Norfolk, S.J.A.B.)-For gallantry in saving life during the East Coast Flood Di aster in January and February, 1953. A/Cadet Officer A. W. Chappell, Clitheroe Division, S.J.A.B.-For the rescue at great personal risk of a workman who had been rendered unconscious through electric shock at the top of a high gantry crane. LIFE SAVI G MEDAL I BRO ZE Div. Supt. Harold Touzeau, S.J.A.B., Guernsey-For the rescue of a man and a girl f~om dr?wning in a heavy sea at Guernsey. Constable AbdL Sanel Osman, Kenya Police-For the rescue from drowning of a fellow constable who had fallen into a large water hole. Mr. Ken Carpenter, First Aid Attendant, British Columbia-For the rescue of a constable of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who had fallen into the bed of a canyon at the Nechako River Canada while earch.ing for two per ons who had been drowned. 'Mr. Ca;penter had himself lowered 700 feet down the precipitous side of the canyon. Mr. Peter Lawle s, Foreman Stevedore, Kilindini Harbour, KenyaFor the re cue of three labourers from the hold of a ship in Kilindini Harbour who had been overcome by poisonous fumes. ~t.e. C. Curtis, Fal~outh Division, S.J.A.B., Cornwall; Mr. Reginald WIlham Rogers, StatIon Officer, Cornwall County Fire Brigade-For the !"escue of a n:an who had been seriously injured through falling over a chff and was III danger of drowning. CERTIFICATE OF HO OUR Mr. Donald Ie ~revost, .Coxswain, S.J.A.B. launch Flying Christine, Guernsey- For assl~tance ~n the rescue for which Div. Supt. Touzeau was awarded the LIfe SavIllg Medal in Bronze. Dr.. George Walker Ireland, M.B., Ch.B., Ford, Midlothian; Mr. FranCIS Fraser, Lorry Driver, Edinburgh-For the rescue of a driver trapped in the cab of his lorry which had fallen 45 feet into a ravine and .was hanging in a very dangerous position. !?lV. Supt. Hendrik Jacobus Markgraaf, S.J.A.B., South African RaLlways- For the rescue of a child from drowning at Amanzimtoti beach, South Africa. Mr. Sydney Kilhams, Stapleford, Wiltshire-For rescuing a farmer from an attack by a bull. Bri.an Henry Durrant (aged 16 years), Blundeston, Suffolk-For rescuIllg a farmworker from an attack by a bull. REPORT OF THE HOSPITALLER The Hospitaller ~nd t~e ~ommittee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submIt theIr sIxty-second annual report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General.



THE COMMITTEE H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of the Countess of Scarbrough, Chairman of the Committee of the Ladies' Linen Guild, as a member of the Committee for the remainder of the triennial period in succession to Ruby, Countess of Cromer. H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of Dr. John Owston, M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., to be a member of the Hospital Committee for the remainder of the triennial period.

of co-operation with the oi~-producing countries in the Middle East has be~n of the greatest aSSIstance. The Jerusalem Hospital Working COJ?mIttee, however, have been confronted with many problems both polItlcal .and financial, an? as a res~lt of top-level talks betwe~n the Lo~d Pnor and the. ~oreI~n Office, It has been decided to postpone untIl the gen~ral polIt.ical situati.on is .more stable further development of the Order s plans In. cor:nectIOn WIth the possibility of establishing a new ophthalmIC hospItal III Jordan with a view to making a concentrated attack on ey~ afflictions i~ the whole of the Middle East. It has, therefore, b~en declde~ to contmue the work in the Old City for the present. It 1.S a consolmg thought that the present temporary buildings m the Old \Ity are ~dequate for t.he Ward~n and his medical and nursing staff to contInue th.elr gre~t work m the rehef of suffering from the terrible scourges of eye dIsease m the Middle East. A I?ost welcome development has been the close liaison between the HospItal and the ~oyal ~ondon Ophthalmic Hospital. Miss MacKellar, the Mat:on of thIS hospItal group, has been most kind to the Hospital staff ~hIle they have been in London and has been able to make the Ho pIta] ] nown to her nurses. The Committee is, indeed, indebted to the Matr~)ll for all the troyble ~he has taken to select suitable candidates for apP?mtment as Nursmg SIster to the Hospital in Jerusalem. Now that ~11 Mac.Kellar has herself visited the Hospital, she is able to ~xplam to ca~dldates the whole background of the Hospital and the life III the Old CIty, Jerusalem, which has proved most beneficial. The Committee is also most grateful to Lieut.-General J. B. Glubb Pasha, C.M.G., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.e., Chief of Staff of the Arab Legion and to the staff of the Arab Legion both in London and in Transjordan' for the tran port of their supplies sent to the Hospital from Londo~ by way of Akaba. The th~nks of the Committee are also due to Mr. H. T. Ferrier M v 0 M.~.E., Dlrec~or of the Home Service Ambulance Department of th·~ JOJ~t Commlt~ee of t~e Order ~f St. John and the British Red Cross SocIety, for hIS help In connectIOn with obtaining and transporting a new car to the Ho pital in Jerusalem.


HOSPITAL STAFF Surgeon-Commander D. P. Gurd, R.N., the Warden, returned to England on leave during the course of the year and the Committee was glad to meet him and to hear from him at fir t-hand about the Hospital in the Old City. Surgeon-Commander Gurd was admitted to the Order as a Commander in March, 1953. The Matron, Miss Wood, ha also been on leave during th-., course of the year and the Committee was very glad to welcome her at one of it meetings. Miss Wood was admitted to the Order as an Officer (Sister) during the course of the year. Miss B. R. Bach was appointed to the British Nur ing Staff on 1st February, 1953, and the Committee wi h to take this opportunity of welcoming her to the Hospital and wishing her a happy tour of duty. Mohammed Ahmed, the Senior Orderly of the Ho pital, who ha been on the staff for 25 years, was made an Associate Serving Brother during the year. The Committee offer him their sincere congratulation and hope that the Hospital will benefit from his services for many year to come. SITUATION IN JERUSALEM The Committee in last year's report stated that it had always b'~en realised that Watson and Strathearn House in the Old City could only be regarded as a temporary and improvised hospital and that the future policy of the Order in regard to the Hospital would have to be considered. During the year the Order has had many deliberations over the problem and, in the light of Sir Stewart Duke-Elder's report of his visit to the Middle East, has put into effect certain alterations at Watson and Strathearn House which were necessary not only to allow his various recommendations as to policy to be investigated, but at the same time allow the work at the Hospital to be continued temporarily under more efficient and comfortable conditions. The immediate results of the essential alterations can easily be seen from the great increase in attendances from 155,000 last year to 165,000 this year. Chapter-General agreed in principle to the policy for the Order's ophthalmic work in the Middle East proposed by Sir Stewart DukeElder, and formed a special Committee whose reference was to consider, investigate and advise on all recommendations on the future Hospital policy of the Order. This Committee, the Jerusalem Hospital Working Committee, co-opted the services of two Assessors, Commander Douglas Fairbanks, K.B .E., an Associate Knight of the Order, whose advice on Anglo-American relations in connection with the Order in the United States of America has been invaluable, and Mr. C. A. P. Southwell, C.B.E., M.C., of the Kuwait Oil Company, whose advice on the possibility


VISITORS TO THE HOSPITAL Ruby, Count~ss of Cromer, paid a short visit to the Hospital in October and delivered a special message to the Warden and the Hospital staff fro~ H.R.H. T~e Grand Prior. Lady Cromer reported that she was ve~y Impr~ssed With all that she had seen, and particularly the recent alteratIOns which had been ma?e to the building. She was also ver pleased that ~h~ Warden an~ hIS staff were in such good heart. Lad~ Cromer has vlsI~ed the ~ospltal on several previous occasions and holds a p~ace of speCIal affectIOn in the hearts of the Jordanian staff. SIr Eric Prid.ie, Director of Medical Services at the Colonial Offi and ~r. ~elvllie Mackenzie <:>f the Ministry of Health, visited t~~ ~osPl~al whIle ~m a tour of the MIddle East. They informed the Hospitaller ~h at ~ ey conSIdered !he work done there was excellent, but supported e VIew of the Forel~n Office that it would be unwise to attem t to launch at the present tIme a scheme of the kind envisaged by the 6rder.



FINANCE The Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking those who have given financial support during the year. They are particularly indebted to' the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Australia and New Zealand for their continued support. Once again the Committee would particularly like to draw attention to the donation received from the Great Priory of Masonic Knights Templar, who have over the course of twenty-five years donated over £7,000, part of which endowed a bed at the old hospital, and part was applied towards the restoration of the Hospital after its destruction by the Turks in 1918. Their latest gift is deeply appreciated by the Committee, as the annual expenditure on the maintenance of the Hospital rises each year as a result of the great increase in the numbers of annual attendances. The Committee would also like to thank once more the Cloth workers' Company for their very generous and continued support. Lady Plender has for many years given generous donations and subscriptions to the Hospital, and the Committee would like to assure her of their appreciation of her help. Finally, the Committee wish to thank Mrs. Mills of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, for sending a generous donation for the Hospital funds from the estate of her late husband.

~~rr~~m;r~v%e~~ y2~~~0 ~~. t~is figure. isdapproximatel y three times that ... . IS Increase IS ue partly to impro d th laclhtles as well as to the fact that all thre ve e~tre were av~il~ble throughout most of the year ~ surgeons of the HospItal


CONCLUSION Once again the Committee would like to expres to the Warden, the Medical Staff, the Matron and the Nursing Staff, and all other members of the Hospital Staff, their deep appreciation of their devotion and loyal service given during the past year, when at times the situation in Jerusalem has not been too easy. Further, the Committee would like to express their very great admiration for the Staff's unceasing efforts to maintain and enhance in every possible way the reputation of the Hospital and the prestige of the Order. (Signed) WEBB-JOHNSON. Hospitalfer. WARDEN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1953 The year 1953 was a much milder year climatically than its predecessor. Except for eight intensely hot days in July, the summer never reached the uncomfortable heat of 1952. In spite of this, the out-patient attendances reached a new all time record; the total being 165,150. The attendances were not so concentrated in the summer as they were during the previous year and tended to be spread over the whole period at a steadily high level. Working conditions were rendered much more comfortable by the fact that the improvements recommended by Sir Stewart Duke-Elder and carried out in 1952, had made the out-patient clinic much larger; the floor space being almost doubled. When compared with the previous summer there was a notable reduction in fatigue among the staff, and the general standard of health was improved. The in-patient beds which are 34 in number were continuously occupied and patients requiring operation had to be given advance dates upon which a bed might become available, these dates often being several months ahead. The operations



dir~~~~I~~I~~~~o;~e ~~l~~; ~t~tea~~~~e die:fta:~r:~:o~sc~~~~~~ued t7 ~e

?jE~i~~~~~I~~;:s~~:I;~;E~if~:;~~i~~s ~i~~i~s\t~:~z;:~

We have been pleased to offer our services with m~ny re ugee ca,mps. of t~ese orderlies, and have also extended facili~' vIe; to the tra~mng nom mated by the World Health Orga ' r /es 0 <:>ne candidate Hte w~s in atte,ndan~e at the Hospital fo;u:ap~~?od o~f ~;n:~n;~s ~~~~a. re urnmg ~o hiS native country in December re The U t d N " . us with v~~ueable a~~oan:ti~ee;le:f ~;~~sre ::Jfc~~~~o~n~o~tinu~s to S~hplY are greatly ,appreciated and are of ~onsiderable help {eSsl~gs., _ese pharmaceu tical bill which are ver h' h ' ,n re ,ucmg our antibiotics which we find most valL~bl~~ ~~~~u;~ ~fe hIlltenslve use of the large number of corneal ulcers which h b t e year has been Hospital. Many more of these have b ave een, treated at the year, although the cases of intense ~~nnjs:~~i~~~i~ ~~r~~g nt~~ brevious numerou. Mo t of these ulcer ca es have been admitted f ' een, so care and have b b' d " or Ill-patIent ther~py as well ~~n toSU t~heectead t<:> ~nttent~tve gfeneral and local antibiotic minIS ra IOn 0 supple t ' , ~~~n~any utferers were in a very poor state of generaf~~aft~ ;~~~m~~:t As has been stated the out-pat' t tt d year 155 114) Th b f len a ~n ances were 165,150 (previous 29,111), ~f th'ese 2~3~r w~rreo M~~%!:t~e:Js 2~~~ 3~h1~5t'(previous year The causes of blindness are set out in the' followi~~ ~~~ie:A, B.

Congenital Acquired 1, Conjunctivitis resulting in (a) Corneal opacity (b) Secondary Glaucoma (c) Shrunken Globe 2, Fundal Conditions 3, Glaucoma (Primary) 4. Cataract _ _ _ 5. Injury Tota,l Blind Eyes - 1,928



123 396 458

203 325 2

Most of the major surge h b d' cataract and glaucoma Su/~ ~s e,en lrected towards the relief of from that undertaken in W;st7r;~thIS pa~t of the world differs greatly III as m~ch as almost all the eyes operated upon in Jerusalem ~roI?e e large percentage of them have suffered f:~~c~~g W.It~ trachoma, ,and a as well. An endeavour is made to re er In ammatory dIseases intra-capsular method as it is foundm~~et rr:~st of the cataracts by the e convalescence of these cases is much more satisfactory than wh a remnants remain in the anterior cha en parts of the capsule or lens synechiae often renders this manoeumber: Thde.ffiPresence o~ posterior vre very 1 cult and III quite a




number of cases the capsule tears in spite or' every precaution. In glaucoma we still favour the Elliott operation of corneoscleral trephining as it gives less post-operation reaction than the various iris inclusion operations which we have also employed. During the past two years we have for the first time in the Hospital's history performed operations for the replacement of detached retinae, and our results so far have been very encouraging; although it is a little early to be too dogmatic about the ultimate results. We have also performed operations for the correction of contracted sockets using skin grafts and stent moulds. When bed space permits we have performed a number of operations for the correction of squint. Squint operations have not been performed to any extent in St. John's Hospital in the past, but as the emancipation of women progresses, the correction of squint in young Arab girls can relieve a great deal of mental suffering. This also applies to the restoration of a socket into which a reasonable prosthesis can be inserted. The hospital is now almost fully equipped and thanks are due to Lieut.-General J. B. Glubb, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C., and the Staff of the Arab Legion for the transport of much needed supplies by way of Akaba. It will be noted from the figures quoted and from those which follow in the more detailed classification that the Hospital is doing more work than at any time during its distinguished history. It is no w th e only hospital wholly devoted to ophthalmic work in the Kingdom of Jordan, most of its time and energy being devoted to the treatment of disease and the alleviation of suffering. It is not possible as things are at present to approach the hitherto untouched aspects of ophthalmology in thi country which lie in fields of preventive medicine a nd clinical research. The material for such endeavour is abundant. Many thanks are due ' once again to the Matron, Miss Wood, the Surgeon to the Hospital, Dr. Khalil Budeiri, the Registrar, Dr. Elias Doany, the Nursing Sisters, Miss Edwards and Miss Bach, as well as to the clerical, nursing and domestic staffs, whose loyalty, energy and devotion to duty have remained invincible despite the conditions of considerable difficulty which prevail in this part of the Middle East at the present time. (Signed) D. P. GURD, Surgeon-Commander Royal Navy, Warden.


energetically sin?e then. There is no doubt that much of the Association's due to his initiative and hard work. J.. E. F. Gueritz, who was Assi tant Secretary was apPolllted In Captalll Cahusac's place. . I am very glad to welcome as Association County Directors, Sir Harry Slllderson Pasha (Sussex) and Mr. B. R. W. Hill (Devon), whose appointments have been appr~ved by His Royal Highness The Grand Prior. I have at ~he ~ame .tIme to record with regret, the resignation from office of B~lgadler Plg?t-Moodie (Devon) and Dr. Bowes (Dorset) and. take thIS opportumty of expresslllg my deep appreciation of the servlce.s they have rendered to the cause of the Association. ~uflng. the year a conference of County Directors was held, my object be1O~ to enable these officers to discuss their problems and exchange vIews . . There was general agreement that this conference had been of conSIderable v~lue and I feel t~at all, and not least myself, benefited by the p~rsonal lOterchange of VIews and experiences. Many County DIrectors have lent their efforts to the encouragement of ?~w centr.es. and I feel that there are few more rewarding fields for actiVIty, for It IS largely through Centres with their local influence that we can hope to arouse and maintain interest in the Association's work A Centre was establis~ed at the. end of 1952 for the National Dock L~bour Board to co-ordlllate. the Instruction of dock workers in First AId and arra.ngements for thIS were completed in 1953. Already this has re~ulted. 10 a large number of classes and a happy state of cooperatIOn eXIsts between the Board and the Association. At home new ce,ntres have bee~ formed at Fleetwood and Maidstone and the basis laId for the. creatl?n of a centre at Newbiggin-by-Sea. Overseas centres were establtshed In. Cyprus, the Windward Islands and the Leeward ~slan.ds, an? these wIll meet the very considerable demand for instruction III FIrst Aid and Home Nursing which exists in all these Islands. pres~nt success IS Ll~ut.-C~lonel

CLASSES OF I STRUCTION. The progr~ss repor.ted last year has been maintained and the number of new certificates Issued to succ~ss~ul candidates in England and Northern Ireland has been most gratIfYlllg; the details are as follows:First Aid . Home Nursing Hygiene . . Hygienic Food Handling Clean Handling of Food Child Welfare




63,272 13,183 1,127 245 746 2,223

71,241 13,193 746 453 1,931


ASSOCIATIO COMMITTEE I have the sad duty to discharge of reporting a grave loss which has been sustained by the Association Committee. Dr. H. Cavendish Fuller, Principal Medical Officer to the Railway Executive, died on the 30th September, 1953. He was an officer of the Order of St. John and a most valued and active member of the Association Committee. APPOINTMENTS Captain A. N. Cahusac, O.B.E., M.C., retired from the post of Secretary on the 3rd September, 1953, at the conclusion of his leave. He joined the Association in January, 1918, and has served the Order loyally and


Although there have been fewer certificates issued than in 1952 the

nUI??~r o~ classes lias been greater. ~he increase is largely due to First Aid

~ctlvI.tle~ In

Industry and the varIOUS organisations covered by our

~pecJaI centres .and there is still &reat need for further publicity amongst \ ~ general pubhc. Our County Duectors are making strenuous efforts in

t IS. respect .and I would appeal to our 'geographical' centres to strive tOAlllcreasc In 1954, the number of classes held under their auspices. has been reached with the R .AFT . . cr E t nbli arrangement h .. ramIn S a s ment at Lytham-St.-Annes regarding the issue of Associatio~




certificates to medical airmen who obtained 60 % and over in their Trade test, the syllabus for which included instru~tion in First .A:idl based on our text book. Another point of interest IS that the trallllllg of police personnel continues throughout the country and 'V!e have had the most welcome co-operation of Scotland Yard and .Chlef ~?n­ stables. An illustration of this is that since 1945, the police trallllllg centre at Mill Meece in Staffordshire has gained over 7,000 certificates for its recruits, who include women as well as men. Several classes of instruction based on the text book for st. John Air Attendants were held during the year. RE-EXAMINATION AWARDS

During the year the number of certificate holders who applied for Medallions Labels and Pendants was as follows:,

1953 13,199 44,449 7,900

Medallions Labels . Pendants

65.548 ASSOCIA TI0

·1952 10,964 44,206 4,910



During the summer Mr. A. Steel, Assistar:t Director-qeneral, (Overseas) carried out a tour of the South Canbbean. This wa a great succ~ss and he made many useful contacts, particularly with the Education Authorities. The Principal Medical Officer of the Association, Major A. C. White Knox made a most successful tour of West Africa, and returned to this ~ountry on 18th November, 1953. He visited Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast and Nigeria travelling widely and visiting not only governmental centres, but als~ the headquarters of the Mining industry in ., . each colony. There are considerable signs of growlDg lllterest lD many parts ?f the world and particularly in the Middle East. Classes for Flrst AId have already been started in Kuwait and in Tripolitania the police have been trained in large numbers on the basis of our text b~ok, although they have not taken any certificates yet. Aden and .Somahland are ~lso taking an interest in our work and in th~ l~tter th~ Dlre~tor or EducatIOn is encouraging instruction in our PrehmlDar~ Fust AId course. In addition to our usual courses for men III the B.A.O.R. there are indications that there will be in 1954 a considerable demand for First Aid training by units in the M.E.L.F. FOOD HYGIE E

This subject is becoming increasingly popular and the introduction of a short three lecture course, based on a booklet written for the Association by Dr. Broughton, was heartily welcomed on all sides. This course is intended for workers in canteens and food-handling establishments who wish to learn the principles of the matter and who have neither the time nor the inclination to study the subject in as great detail as is provided for in the si.x lecture course. . The greatest possible co-operatIOn has been receIved from Medical



Offi.cers of Hea~th and their s~a~s and I should like to take this opportumty of recordmg our appr~cJatIOn of the help which they have gjven us. Cour?es have been held ~n !arge London stores, a biscuit factory in Yorkshlr~ and many other SImIlar establishments throughout the country and specIal .courses were ~rranged for Post Office and Police canteen supervIsors III London. <;:lrculars were sent to all Regjonal Hospital Boards a,:d have .resulted In a number of classes being held for canteen v.:0r~ers lD .hospitais. Co~nty Durham has shown great enthusiasm and Instr~ctlOn has been gIVen to employees in Coal Board and Police canteens m that county. The n.ew l.egis~ation whi~h is at present under consideration in Parliament WIll g.lve lncrease<:l lmportance to our work, since the law will clear~y req Ulre the backmg of knowledge and we feel that this can be acqUired through our courses. It is also of. interest. to n.o~e that the Clean Handling of Food has aroused great mterest In Tnmdad and Malaya. PUBLICATIONS

The following three publications were issued during the year:A Catechism on the ?reliminary Course of First Aid.-This book is prepared on the same hnes as the Catechism on the Adult Course and has been welcomed by organisers of classes for young people. St. John Air Attendants' C.ourse of Instruction.-This booklet was prepared by .Dr. E. A. Malkm, F.R.C.S., and the Association is most grate~ul to him for the work which he did on this account. I should al 0 !lke to r~cord our appreciation of the assistance given by the Chief Medical . Officer's Department or the British European Airways CorporatIOn. Clean Handling of Food.-This booklet was written for the Association by Dr. A. D. p. Broughton, M.P., and is the basis of a short Three Lecture Co~rse Intended for workers in canteens and other food handlers. 1t has received a very hearty welcome. TRANSLA TIO S

!n ad?ition to the issue of the Arabic translation of the text book 'FIrst J\Id fo~ the Injured,' whj~h. was translated by Dr. Sharif Usayran and pnnted In Ba.ghdad, permISSIOn was also gjven for the translation of our text b~:>ok Into Gur~ha}j, to meet the request of the Nepal unit of th~ Tech~lcal Co-operatIOn Administration of the United States of Amen.ca~ which ?ad sought the assistance of the St. John Ambulance ASSOCIatIOn (IndIa). A Swahili .t:anslation of the Preliminary First Aid manual based on the 40th Ed?tIO~ of the Adult textbook has now been published in K~nya and It WIll be of v~ry great benefit to the Association and the Bngade throu~h East Afnc~. The question of a translation of the same manual mto Luganda IS also under consideration in Uganda. COMPETITIONS

During the ~ear the winners of the National Competitions held under the auspIces of the Association, were as follows: '






Teams Competing National Police. . . . . British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Railways and London Transport (Railways . . . . . . .' . British Transport Comml~slOn Poltc~. . Miners' National First Ald CompetltlOn Ministry of Supply . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association General Post Office . National Fire Brigade Gas Industry

Winning Teams Metropolitan Police (L Division) Worthing

Exmouth Junction Dover Victoria Colliery Glascoed Plymouth Acton S.B.D. Cardiff Eastern


British Electricity Ambulance Centre. . British Railways and London Transport (Railways) . . Ministry of Supply . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association General Post Office .

Mid-Sussex Brighton Elstow C.his':Vick (L.T.E.) Blrmmgham

The winners of all the above Competitions,. t?gether with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade CompetItIOns for the D~~ar and Perrott Shields, took part on 19th November in the CompetltlO~s. for the Grand Prior's Trophies at the Porche~ter H.all. I had ~he pnvJlege and honour on this occasion of welcommg HIS Royal .HIghness The Grand Prior, who not only graciously presented the trophIes and m~~al­ lions but also expressed his pleasure at the excellence of the competItIOn and ~n its arrangements. The. winning teams were: MEN:-National Police (Metropolitan Police, L Division). WOMEN :-British Railways and London Transport (Railways) (Brighton). The Lord Prior, The Chancellor, and oth~r E:xecutive .Officers of the Order and representatives of all the orgalllsatIOns, which had teams competing, were present on the platform. I should like to take this opportunity of expres~ing ou~ .very.great appreciation of the assistance rendered by the Assoclate~ Bntlsh ~lcture Corporation, who have so gene~~usly arr~nged the stagmg. for thIS and all the other National CompetItIOns, which we held dunng the year. During the various eliminating. rounds of the National Competit~ons over 8,500 competitors representlllg 1,700. tea~s took part, whIch IS a considerable increase on the numbers gIven III my report for .1?52. This is, in itself, a token of the valu.e which is 'plac~d on competltIOns and the justification of the work which we do III thIS respect. The Association's thanks are due to all who have acted as judges at these competitions and the stewards and .pa~ients, who have made. them possible by giving so generously of therr ~I?le. I would also WIsh to add my congratulations for these comp~tltJOns to Mr. G. Craft, the Competition Secretary, on the success of his arrangements for th~se competitions; all of which were carried through smoothly and effiCIently.


The procedures introduced on 1st October, 1952, on the recommendation of the firm of Management Consultants, employed by the Order of St. John, were not found to be working satisfactorily and they resulted in very considerable delays in the issuing of results. Extra staff were employed to deal with the arrears in addition to my own staff working overtime. The position was reviewed in the light of experience and it was decided to revert in large measure to the old methods, which had proved themselves efficient and reliable in the past. At the same time it was decided to increase the Association's administrative fees to meet, in part at least, the considerable increases in running costs, caused by the rise in prices of paper and printed matter. In essence the fees are now based on a charge of 15/- for a class of 10 or less, instead of 10/6 for a class of 12 or less. The revised procedures and charges were brought into force on 1st October, 1953, and while the former were most heartily welcomed, the reasons for the latter were fully appreciated and no complaints were received on these grounds. It is of interest to note that there was a considerable decrease in the number of classes organised during the t~elve month~ 1 t October, 1952, to 30th September, 1953, as compared Wlt~ the prevJOus twelve months and that the numbers increased rapidly agam after 1st October, 1953. CO ' CLUSIO

. I would like to ~e.cord my thanks and sincere apprecIatIOn of the lllvaluable and unfailIng help given to me by my Committee, who are always ready to give me the benefit of their knowledge and experience. I would also express our very great appreciation of the services rendered by members of the Medical and Nursing professions, who have devoted so much of their valuable time to the instruction and examination of classes and also to the many Centre and Class Secretaries, who have sacrificed their leisure time to organise classes and develop the activities of the Association. HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.




THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT In England, Northern Ireland and those Overseas Territories directly under my command 130 new Adult Divisions were formed (69 Ambulance, 37 Nursing and 24 Combined) and 137 new Cadet Divisions were formed (68 Ambulance, 63 Nursing and 6 Combined). The total strength of the Brigade at 31st December, 1953, was therefore:ADULTS Divisions Personnel Ambulance Nursing Combined Total Ambulance Nursing

England and N. Ireland Wales


1,680 270

1,185 139

100 18

2,965 427

36,952 5,995

18,833 2,232

55,785 8,227

1,950 617

1,324 454

118 12

3,392 1,083

42,947 13,655

21,065 8,360

64,012 22,015





16,67 1



2,824 448 45

1,875 96 5


India ...... Pakistan

4,835 544 50

73,273 11 ,740 1,540

31,522 1,868 220

104,795 13,60 1,760

Grand Totals








Priories Overseas Other Overseas Territories

CADETS Divisions Personnel Ambulance Nursing Combined Total Ambulance ursing England and N. Ireland Wales Priories Overseas Other Overseas Territories India Pakistan


Grand Totals



from South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malta and Gibraltar. Although the weather was c~ld and wet the Brigade was called upon to treat nearly 6,000 cases, but It must not be forgotten that in addition to the duty III Lond.on (including duty in Westminster Abbey and in the forecourt of Bucklllgham Palace) the Brigade gave service at countless local Coronation celebrations throughout the country. The following message was received from His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, Grand Prior of the Order of St. John:York House, St. James's Palace. "As Grand Pri~r of the Order of St. John, I wish to add to the thanks exp~essed III The Queen's gracious message my own warm congratulatIOns to the Commissioner-in-Chief the Commissioner of No. 1 (Prince of Wales's) District, the offiders and members of all ranks of the St. John Ambulance Brigade on the admirable manner in which the Brigade discharged its heavy duties on Coronation DaX'. The Brigade. assumed a major share of responsibility fo~, organ.lsmg and carrylllg out the First Aid arrangements . I am Informed that no less than 8,294 members were on duty o~ t~e Coronation Route of whom 5,028 came from the London DIstnct and 3,266 from forty-four counties. Over 600 more were on duty for the ill~minations and firework display in the evening. early 6,000 casual~Jes were. tr~ated of ~hich 233 were serious enough to be t~ken to hospItal. ThIS IS ~n achievement of which the Brigade may nghtly be :proud. By theIr competence and public spirit tts members have gIVen yet another fine example of voluntary service to their fellow citizens. "HENRY, "Grand Prior."

923 173

1,171 135

45 8

2,139 316

20,955 4,035

34,370 3,173

55,325 7,208

1,096 301

' 1,306 321


2,455 630

24,990 6,114

37,543 6,950

62,533 13,064








32,151 4,349 200

46,065 592 51

78,216 4,941 251





. In Febr~ary t~e Brigade was called upon for a long and arduous duty III connectlOn WIth the East Coast Flood disaster. In all the affected countie~ the Brigade performed yeoman service in all types of rescue an~ rehef. work and were helped in some cases by assistance from nel~hb~unng countie~. In other :parts of the country the Brigade was' actIve. In the collectIng of beddIng and other necessities. ~unng the :fl~ods the following message was received from Her ~aJes.ty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to the Deputy CommissionerIll-Chlef:"As Commandant-in-Chief of the Nursing Divisions may I ask yo~ to convey to the Officers and Members of the St. John Ambulance Bngade an expre~sion ?f my sincere congratulations on the great work of flood relief whIch they all carried out. I have heard with deep admiration of all that they are doing. "ELIZABETH R."

1,449 191 5

1,690 33




115 61

3,200 224

1 61

I am very glad that there has been a total increase of 177 Divisions and 8,887 personnel, which shows that the Brigade is now recovering from the loss of strength following the War. It is very gratifying to report that there has been an increase of 111 in the number of Brigade Surgeons and that 140 new Nursing Officers have been appointed. THE CORONATION

The Brigade was honoured by being given the responsibility for all First Aid arrangements in connection with the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. At this long and arduous duty which started at 5 a.m. and went on until late at night well over 8,000 members were on duty. These were in the main drawn from personnel in the London District and from 40 Counties together with contingents from Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. It was a particular pleasure to have on duty overseas members of the Brigade

In recognition of their outstanding service several Brigade Members :were hono~red by Her Majesty The Queen and the Order of St. John Issue~ .specIal Vot~s of Thanks on Vellum to 77 members. Ansmg from this duty and that of the Coronation a committee has

• 25



been set up under the Surgeon-in-Chief to discuss First Aid and Nursing equipment with the object of bringing Brigade equipment completely up to date.

of the Brigade were present and I am glad to know that following this Conference various County Conferences of Presidents and Vice-Presidents have been arranged. The two Surgeons' Conferences, one in May at Scarborough and the other in October in London, were very successful.



In addition to the duties performed at the Coronation and in connection with the East Coast floods the Brigade has continued to render to the public its widespread and untiring service in an ever increasing variety of duties. During the year the totals of duties and cases treated in England and Northern Ireland were as follows:Duties

Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties . Clinics .

Nurseries . . Blood Transfusion Nursing Aid

Hours. 3,935,267 969,755 399,515 31,917 23,737 41,174 128,800


Five week-end Courses and two Conferences were well attended, especially that of the Nursing Officers at which there were ninety delegates. Four intensive week-end Courses were held as follows:2 Hygienic Food Handling, 1 Air Attendants 1 Methods of Teaching. Two intensive Home Nursing Courses were held and were not well attended but two intensive First Aid Cour es were supported fairly well. The St. John Ambulance Association held a conference for County Directors. A Senior Officers' Conference was held at Ashridge in April.


I had the pleasure of making a tour of the East, South and West of Africa and also visited Southern Rhodesia and Gibraltar. I found great keenness and enthusiasm in all places where the Brigade is established and I am certain that there is a great future for our work in these places and on the West Coast of Africa. The Surgeon-in-Chief, in his dual capacity of principal Medical Officer of the Association, made an extensive tour of We t Africa where he lectured to, and selected, suitable Lay Lecturers whose ta k it will be to carry out the work of the Association. From the resultant class I hope that many units of the Brigade will be formed and there is already evidence that this will be so. The Controller of the Overseas Department, the Countess of Brecknock, also paid a visit to Cyprus early in the year and again in October, when she accompanied the Countess Mountbatten of Burma.


The Brigade final competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on July 4th, 1953. The presentation of trophies and prizes was made on this occasion by His Wor hip the Mayor of Westminster. Winner of the Dewar Shield- Wolverton Ambulance Division (Buck) ; Winner of the Perrott Shield- Spalding Nursing Division (Lincs). The winners of the Dewar and Perrott Shields represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's trophy Competitions in November and both gained second place in their respective sections. The Cadet final competitions were held also in the Central Hall, We tminster, on the 14th March, 1953, when the presentation of trophies was made by the Rt. Hon. Lord Mayor of London.



During the year I carred out Inspections in 13 Counties and in addition other Inspections were undertaken by the Deputy Commissionerin-Chief, the Surgeon-in-Chief and the Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets. In most cases the Inspecting Officers were accompanied by either the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, the Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief or the Chief Nursing Officer. I am very grateful to the Director-General of the Association, Mr. H. F. Parshall, for kindly undertaking the Inspection in the Central Area of Hampshire.

Contacts with officials of the Home Office and the Ministry of Health continue to be close. The discussions on the role of the Voluntary Services in Civil Defence have now been completed and it is hoped that a decision will be taken shortly in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministries concerned. A number of Senior Officers and other Officers have attended the Civil Defence Staff College and Technical Training Schools during the period under review. The Brigade is playing an important part in Industrial Civil Defence. The number of Civil Defence full First Aid Classes carried out by the Brigade as Agents of the Association is steadily increasing.


The Commissioners' Conference was again held in 1953 at St. John House on the 19th January and again a very representative attendance of Commissioners was present. . The Presidents' Conference was held at the Drapers' Hall, London, on the 27th October, 1953, when some 160 Presidents and Vice-Presidents


A steady improvement of recruitment has been made and the Brigade has now been responsible for the recruitment of 13,000 members. This



continued increase and the successful work in training re.flects great credit on all those in the Brigade responsible for this important part of our activities.

Newcastle Ambulance Division, County of Stafford. Worksop Ambulance Division, County of Nottingham. Hastings Nursing Division, County of Sussex. Hull North-West Ambulance Division, East Riding of Yorkshire.



The Life Saving Medal of the Order has been awarded to the following member of the Brigade:A/Cadet Officer A. W. Chappell, Clitheroe Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. LIFE SAVING MEDAL IN BRO ZE

Private C. Curtis, Falmouth Ambulance Division, County of Cornwall. Area Cadet Officer H. Touzeau, Bailiwick of Guernsey. MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATES

The following members were awarded the Meritorious Service Certificates :Private R. H. Andrew, Truro Ambulance Division, County of Cornwall. Divisional Officer C. A. Irish, Sidmouth Ambulance Divi ion East, South and North Devon. Transport Sergeant F. W. Quaintance, Sidmouth Ambulance Division, East, South and North Devon. Corporal K. Chick, Sidmouth Ambulance Division, East, South and North Devon. Pte. R. Pentecost, Falmouth Ambulance Division, County of Cornwall. mBILEE CER TIFICATES-19 53 A certificate is awarded to Divisions of the Brigade which have been in active existence for 50 years and the following Divisions have been awarded certificates for 1953:Hulme (West Manchester) Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter's District. Birmingham (Snow Hill) Ambulance Division, County of Birmingham. Winsford Nursing Division, County of Cheshire. Mansfield Borough Ambulance Division, County of ottingham. Bradford Tramway Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshi re. Eccleshill Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Birstall Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Todmorden Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Hindley Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Wigston Ambulance Division, County of Leicester. Whaley Bridge Ambulance Division, County of Cheshire. Barnet Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Sittingbourne & Milton Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Earl Shilton Ambulance Division, County of Leicester. BootIe Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Radcliffe Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Brighouse Corps, West Riding of Yorkshire. Boughton-under-Blean Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Westgate-on-Sea Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Ardwick Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Sutton Portland Ambulance Division~ County of Nottingham.




I am including reference to this Department in my report because a proportion of the Welfare Officers are uniformed members of the Brigade. The Countess Mountbatten of Burma, as Chairman of the Service Hospital Welfare Committee has reported as follows:"In Commands in the United Kingdom and Overseas 139 Welfare Officers are now serving, of which 37 are Brigade members who are posted as follows:United Kingdom 15 Far East 7 Japan 3 B.A.O.R. 6 Austria... 1 Middle East 5 "During the year as Chairman of the Service Hospital Welfare Committee, I wa able to visit our Welfare Officers in the Middle East area - the Service Ho pitals visited included those in the Canal Zone Malta Cyprus, Benghazi, Tripoli and Aden. An additional visit ~as als~ paid to the Military Hospital in Gibraltar. I was pleased to find that the usual high standard of work was being maintained by all Welfare Officers. "Our Welfare Officers played an outstanding part in the repatriation of Pri oners of War from Korea. Two extra Welfare Officers were flown out from England to a ist-one of these was Miss Barbara Potter a ~~. John member. Our Senior Welfare Officer in Japan was the first Bntlsh woman to welcome the returning of Prisoners of War at 'Freedom Village' and at each transit camp in which the men stayed, before they e~barked on the troop-ships, Welfare Officers were there giving help ~Jth per onal problems, sending messages home and issuing comforts, cIgarettes, etc. Each returning troopship was accompanied by a Welfare Officer who visited the sick P. of W. and helped S.S.A.F.A. and the W.V.S. representatives on board in general welfare and the provision of entertainment. At each port of call along the homeward route and on arrival at Southampton the men were met by our personnel and the local St. John and Red Cross. The sick and wounded who were flown home were met in the same way at each staging post and finally by our representative at R.A.F. station Lyneham. "In the autu~!1 the Director, Miss Nancy de Mierre, carried out a tour of all Milltary and R.A.F. Hospitals in Germany and Austria. She. was accompanied throughout by the Chief Welfare Officer and SenIOr Welfar.e Officer. of each Command who are respectively Miss Dorothea ApllO. and MISS Anne Lawson, members of the Brigade, both of whom are dOlOg an excellent job in organising the work of our Welfare Officers in the hospitals in these areas." I ha:,e included in the main report matters covering all sections of the Bngade. I should, however, like to include the following extract from. the report of the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, which was subffiltted to the Superintendent-in-Chief.



"The strength of the Nursing Divisions throughout the co~ntry has shown a definite upward trend. This is probably partly due to mcrease.d interest taken in St. John arising out of the great ~umbe.r of p~blIc duties which the Brigade has covered so efficiently dunng thIS espectally busy year. . "There is a heartening improvement in the number of Nursmg Cadets transferrino- to adult Divisions and the ever-increasing interest taken by the Pr~sidents throughout the Brigade has proved most helpful to recruiting. "It is most pleasing to note that the fiel~ ~f servic~ covered by ~he Nursing Divisions continues to widen and It IS especially encouragmg to hear, from all over the country, of the friendly co-o~eration between Brigade members and all those with whom they work m the course of their duties. "The enormous number of hours of unselfish service given by N ur ing members during this Coronation year, beginning with th~ tragic Ea.st Coast floods, has called for much careful planning and WI e leadership in the counties. A particularly heavy burden has fallen. on all Cou~ty Superintendents and their staffs and this has been met wIth outstandmg generosity and efficiency. . "In the sudden death of Miss H. A. Corser, M.B.E., County Supeflntendent for Shropshire, the Brigade sustaine~ a v~r~ .gre~t 10 s. She joined as a member of the Shrewsbury Nursmg D1~l lOn In 1?08 and served as a V.A.D. in the first World War. She contmued to give most devoted service to St. John until the day of her death. "There is a most encouraging increase in the number of Nursing Officers, 140 appointments having been rna.de during the ,Year. The Chief Nursing Officer is hopeful that the appomtment of Nursmg Offi~ers to more of the Divisions will lead to a higher standard of home nursmg. The ever growing interest taken by ~he nursin.g profe. sion in our work is largely due to the energy and enthuslasm of MISS Hamllton-Wedderburn. "The members of Nursing Divisions at home have been pleased to welcome many of their colleagues from overseas, especially on Coronation Day when a number of them shared in the duty of the route. A close link is kept with the Brigade Overseas, thanks to the ready cooperation of Lady Brecknock. "During the few months which I have been your Deputy, Madam, I have had the greatest help and support from Mrs. Romer-Lee. Her appointment as your Assistant has given much pleasure throughout the country and her profound knowledge of the Brigade. an~ readiness to accept responsibility have made an invaluable contnbutlOn to the work of the Brigade. "Miss Harrison has undertaken increased work and responsibility ~:)ll her appointment as Assistant Brigade Secretary. As al~ays her w1.se advice and unfailing help have been of the greatest assIstance. ~ISS Thornton has also completed a splendid year's work . . I have receIved most loyal co-operation from all the staff at Brigade Headquarters at all times. "I would like especially to record the gratitude of all members o~ ~he Nursing Divisions for the Commissioner-in-Chief's frie?dly and untlnng interest and support. Much encouragement has been gIVen by the many



visits he and his Deputy, and the Surgeon-in-Chief, have paid to the counties during the past year." In approving the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief's report, the Superintendent-in-Chief writes:"I have to record the deep regret and real sadness which Lady I!>unbarNasmith's resignation has caused not only to me personally and to the Brigade generally, but also the tremendous debt of gratitude we owe to her. The loss of her wise and devoted service will be missed by one and all, and her outstanding and selfless contribution to St. John will long be remembered. 'We are, indeed, fortunate in having so able and indefatigable a successor to her in Mrs. Grosvenor to whom I wish to pay tribute for the exceptional manner in which she has assumed her new duties." I should like to give my full support to the above remarks of the S uperin tenden t-in -Chief. CADETS

The Cadet movement continues to increase and has consolidated its place as a national youth movement. The new Cadet Officers' Handbook has been published and is designed as a complete guide to all Cadet Officers on the formation and running of a Cadet Division. The liaison between the St. John Cadets and the Saturday Morning Cinema Clubs continues, and 125 Cadet Divisions have been formed since the start of this scheme in 1950. A student member, Cpl. John Prince of the Greys Ambulance Cadet Division, was awarded the Silver Life Saving Medal of the Order for his gallant rescue work in the floods in February, 1953, and in addition wa al 0 awarded the American Trophy for gallantry for the year. CADET CORO AnON CAMP

A Cadet Coronation Camp to celebrate the Coronation year was held was 31st July to the 7th August at North Ockenden in Essex. Over 2,000 boys and girls attended the Camp, including 40 Commonwealth Officers and Cadets from Australia, Canada, Cyprus, India. Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Southern Rhodesia and South Africa, We received a wonderful response to our request for hospitality for overseas visitors, all of whom were accommodated in the homes of Cadet Officers and Cadets for at least a week before and after the Camp (and some for a considerably longer period). H.R.H. Princess Margaret, Commandant-in-Chief of the st. John Ambulance and Nursing Cadets, graciously accepted to inspect a Parade of Cadets and to tour the Camp, but unfortunately owing to a case of meningitis the visit had to be cancelled and Sir Francis Whitmore, the Lord Lieutenant of Essex deputised for the Princess. The Cadet concerned made an excellent recovery. The St. John Ambulance Brigade owe a great debt of gratitude to the W.V.S. for undertaking the catering at the Camp as a Civil Defence Exercise in Emergency Feeding. The kitchens were kindly lent for this purpose by the Ministry of Food. The Camp .had its own shop, St. John Stores, tuck shop, bank, post office-at ~~lch letters were franked with a special St. John stamp. The trammg programme included talks, and demonstrations on



drama, casualty make-up for First f:\id ~ompet!tions, etc.,. and co~­ petitions were held among Cadets In First AId, BedmaklOg, ChIld Welfare, Road Safety and Fire Fighting. Tour were ~rranged to p!aces of special interest and games and sports ~ere orgamse~ by a resident senior Representative of the C.C.P.R., asslsted by qualLfied helpers.

Trinidad and Tobago.-Colonel Bridgman unfortunately has had to resign as Commissioner as he is now residing in the U.K. H.R.H. The Princess Royal inspected the Brigade on her visit to the Island. There has been great expansion in the work of the Brigade during the past year and both First Aid and Home Nursing classes are becoming more and more popular. Public Duties are ever increasing and special duties were allotted to members at the Coronation Service on May 31st. It is most gratifying to know that approximately 5,000 dollars were raised by a flag day collection.


OVERSEAS The expansion in the overseas territories has continued and 81 new Divisions were formed during the year. With regard to the work in each place:-

BRITISH WEST INDIES H.R.H. The Princess Royal- Dame Grand Cross of the Orderwhen visiting the British West Indies, inspected many unit of the Brigade in the early part of the year. Colonel Sir Harold Mitchell, Bt., J.P., the Order' Liaison Officer in the Caribbean area, has been authorised by the Order to carry a Brigade rank. He has, therefore, been instructed to have a rank of cro ed stretchers and wear grey gorget patches a he is attached to my staff. Bahamas.-Lieut.-Colonel R. J. Wyndham Verrall, M.V.O., J.P., Commissioner of Police, has been appointed Commi sioner of the new Brigade District in the Bahamas. The first Divisions have been formed mainly among the Police. Barbados.-A First Aid Class with over 60 member was held. Many members of the Brigade took part in a parade to celebrate Coronation Day. Bermuda.-Mr. W. T. Wilson has succeeded Lieut.-Colonel R. C. Earl as Commissioner, and Mrs. Campbell Wilkin on has succeeded Lady Hall as District Superintendent (Nursing). British Guiana.-Encouraging progress is being made and one new (Y.W.C.A.) Nursing Division has been f?rmed and ~Il were in uniform for the visit of H.R.H. the Pnncess Royal In February. Over £400 was raised for the Brigade by various undertakings organised by the Commissioner, Mr. Justice Bell, and Mrs. Bell. British Honduras.-On the recommendation of Chapter-General, H.R.H. The Grand Prior approved the formation of the British Honduras District of the Brigade as from 1st July, ] 953. Unfortunately at present there is no Commissioner, but a Division of the Brigade has been formed among the Police. Grenada.-The members of the 1st St. George's Nursing Division obtained uniforms and on Coronation Day about 100 men and 60 women paraded in uniform, which is a very fine effort for a small .island with little financial backing. Mr. H. W. D. Scott has been appOInted Commissioner in succession to Brigadier P. J. T. Pickthall who has left the island. Jamaica.- There is still great scope for expansion but we are pleased to report that a new Nursing Division has been formed at Moneague during the year.


FAR EAST Singapore. - Mrs. P. Gerrity returned early in the year, having completed her contract as a Headquarters Officer. Mrs. Gerrity did much to revive the work of the Brigade in Singapore after the War. It is encouraging to know that three new Cadet Ambulance Divisions were formed during the year. Mrs . O. Faris, District Superintendent (Nursing), kindly arranges accommodation for members of the Malaya Relief Teams arriving in Singapore on their way to Malaya. Malaya.-We regret to report the death of Dr. H. M. 0 Lester, O.B.E., which i a erious loss to the Brigade; we are very pleased, however, to welcome Dr. R. E. Anderson, who has been appointed to succeed him. The Brigade is advancing rapidly with the formation of five new Ambulance Divi ions and one Nursing Division. A great deal of progress i being made, thanks to the efforts of Miss 1. Richer, who has returned after 2t years' work in Malaya as a Headquarter Organiser. Malaya R elief Teams.-At the present time 21 State Registered Nurses are working in Malaya and replacements are being sent out as required. The original work of the Welfare Officers who were sent out under our auspices ha now been terminated. Some have returned home on the conclusion of their contracts, others have taken Government posts, and ix have been appointed by us as Training Officers (i.e. to train the local St. John members to carryon the work). Miss Marjorie Miller, S.R. ., Teams Supervisor, and Miss Nancy Miller, Office Administrator, returned to the United Kingdom in the middle of September, and Miss Marjorie Miller's place has been taken by Miss 1. D. Irven, who left in October to take up this appointment. Hong Kong.-The work of the Penetration Squads continues to be of great value and is greatly assisted by the Police. Miss E. Silvester returned after doing valuable work at the Headquarters of the Hong Kong District. North Borneo.-The Brigade is progressing and hope to procure an ambulance in the near future. BRITISH WEST AFRICA Sierra Leone.-Mr. W. G. Syer, Commissioner of Police, has been appointed Deputy Commissioner.



MEDITERRANEAN AREA . . .. Cyprus.-A new Ambulance Division and a NursJn!?i P.IvlslOn. ha~e been formed this year, and also a Cadet Ambulance DIvlslOn which .IS most encouraging. Miss Muriel Anderson r~turned from Cyprus III the summer on the termination of her appolOtment as ~eadquarters Organiser. Mrs. Douglas-Brown who took over her dutIes has, we regret to say, now left the Island following the ~eath ~f her husband. Mrs Harrold formerly a Cadet Officer of the Bngade III Norfolk, has kindly conse~ted to take over Mrs. Douglas-Brown's duties. The Controller of the Overseas Department, tr!e Countess of Brecknoc~, visited Cyprus in March and attended a ~eetin.g of ~~e St. J ohn Coun~ll held that month. The Superintendent-m-Chlef vIsIted the Island m October and the Controller joined her the~e for .the ~att~r part of her visit, during which time Divisions. of th.e Bngade m Nl~osla and also. at Athienou, and Divisions of the Bngade l.n the Cyp~us Mmes Corp~ratlOrl at Mavrovouni. Lady Mountbatten paId great tnbute to th~ assIstance given by St. John members at the disastrous earthquake early m the year. , Gibraltar.-Mr. A. L. Abraham has been appointed Commission~r in succession to Captain D. S. Gowing, who has left the I land on hIs retirement as Commissioner of Police. Malta G.C.-Dr. J. C. R. Buchanan, C.M.G., Assistant Surgeon-inChief Overseas, visited the Island in November and attended the Annual Conference at which the Countess Mountbatten was present. He considered the work done by Colonel Abela very stimulating and was ery impressed with the new H~adqua~ters. The Controller of the Overseas Department visited Malta m Apnl. . ' Lady Riverdale, President of the She~eld Corps m Yorkshire, also visited Malta and sent in a most interestlOg report on her tour of the Colony.

of a Headquarters. It is hoped that we may soon expand our activities in to Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland. We had the pleasure of a visit from a contingent of Cadets and an Officer who were able to attend the Coronation Cadet Camp held in Essex.


BRITISH EAST AFRICA I toured Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanz!ba~ during the early part of the year and inspected many St. John umts In these places. Kenya.-A St. John Council wa~ formed during the year under the Chairmanship of Sir Charles Mort~m~r, C.B.E. We had the pleasure. of a visit from Dr. J. A. Carman, DIstnct Surgeon, and Madame Faitze, District Cadet Officer, at these Headquarters. Madame Fal.ize was also able to represent Kenya at the Overseas Conference held In June. Miss D. Best has returned to this country after excellent work as a Headquarter Officer. Tanganyika.-Steady progr~ss is being maintained and one Ambulance Division has been formed dunng the year. Uganda.-Miss E. Silvester unfortunately had to resign from. her post as Headquarters Organiser in Kampala, where she has been smce August and has been replaced by Mrs. E. Waters. A grant has been made by the Order towards a Headquarters in Kampala. MAURITIUS We are pleased to report steady expansion in the Colony. COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA Southern Rhodesia.-A site has been purchased for the future erection


SE lOR OFFICERS Mrs. Romer-~ee has ?een appointed to fill the vacancy caused by Mrs. Grosvenor s promotlOn, and I am very glad to have her as Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief. I regret to report that Mr. Guthrie Moir has officially resigned from his appointment as Chief Cadet Officer for the Ambulance Cadets. During the time of Mr. Guthrie Moir's appointment the Cadet movement has made tremendous strides and this is due in no small meas~lre to his ow~ keenness and ability which he brought to this appomtment. He WIll be greatly missed by the Cadet movement not only . He~dqua~ters. but in all parts of the country. ' Bngadler RItchIe, the ASSIstant Commissioner-in-Chief has now been placed in charge of the Cadet Department with speci~l reference to Ambulance Cadets, and the appointment of a Senior Officer to this Department is a recognition of the vital part the Cadet Movement has come to play in the Brigade. I regret that during the year two of my Commissioners, Dr. F. L. Newton (W?rce~ter) an ~ The Earl of Cranbrook (Suffolk) resigned from the actIve 11 t.. TheIr departure will be a great loss to the Brigade and I ~m fortunate In that Mr. F. J. Somers and Major R. S. Schreiber have kIndly consented to accept these vacancies. . I h~ve already referred to the work of the Deputy SuperintendentlI1-Chlef, Mrs. <;Iro v~nor, a~d I should now like to convey my thanks to the Surgeo n-lI1-Chle~, Maj?r A. C. White Knox, and to his Deputy, Dr. ~. M. Scott and hIS Assistant, Dr. J. C. R. Buchanan, and to Miss Ha~t1ton-W~dderburn, the ~hief Nursing Officer, for their splendid serVIce, and, Indeed, to all Bngade Surgeons and members of the nursing profession throughout the country. To my. Deputy, ~rigadier T. D. Daly, I am particularly grateful for undertakIng the dutle of Commissioner-in-Chief in my absence abroad and to my A. sistants, Brigadier A. Ritchie and Colonel H. Mostyn Owen: I s~o~ld lIke to add my thanks to Lady Braithwaite, who during the year JOIned my staff ~o organise A?~eals on behalf of the Brigade. T?ar: ks to her enthUSIasm and actIVIty substantial sums have been dIstnbuted to the Brigade at home and overseas. This ?as been a year o~ outstanding happenings-from the joyous celebratlOns of the CoronatIon to the disasters of the East Coast floods -and it is with pride that I look back and see how well the Brioade has respo~ded to a year of severe testing. The Brigade has well m~ntained the high standards set by Brigade members in the past and has even added fres~ records of devoted service to be passed on to those who follow. ThiS result wou~d, .or course, not have been possible without the unselfish work of the llldlvidual member-on whom rests the ultimate reputation of the Brigade. (Signed) O. M. LUND Lt.-General, Commissioner-in-Chie!



REPORT OF THE ALMONER This year the expenditure of the Joint Committee in round figures has amounted to £431,000. After deducting income of about £296,000 the bulk of which is derived from interest on investments, t~e balance for the year of expenditur~ over iJ?-con:e ,was £135,000. It IS a matter of congratulation that thIS sum IS wlthm th~ fr~mework of, the budget drawn up by the Finance Department, whIch m 1~45 estlmat~d how much could be done for approximately 30 years WIth the capital and income at its disposal. The Emergency Help and After Care Department gives advi.ce, relieves hardship and provides assistance in re-settlement for war dIsabled exservice personnel of both sexes. ,. During the year it has dealt with 84,000 cas,es. In ad.dItlOn, comforts, food parcels and invalid fo~ds have been prOVIded for SIck and wounded prisoners of war released III Korea, and arrangements were .~ade to help all ex-prisor:ers of wa~ disch~rged on release fr?m captIvity and to give them aSSIstance dunng their re-settlerr:ent penod . . In co-operation with the Ministry of P~nslOns, 73~ pensIOner and service patients were able to see the CoronatIOn p~ocesslOn from coaches parked on a site near Marble Arch. The speCial ex~en es. were ver'! generously met by Lord Kemsley from Lady Kemsley s Dady Crap/He War Relief Fund. Increasing use is made by local authorities of our ambulances for First Aid and other public duties, 122 ambulances out of a tot~l of 557 being thus engaged-many of them in bl?od transf~sion serVices. Service Hospitals and Ministry, of P~nslOns Ho pltals have the first call on the services of the HospItal Library Department and weekly and monthly despatches are made of bo~ks ~nd magazines and the number of beds for which we are responsible IS now 26,500. Books are sent to any area overseas to conform with troop movements. A new library depot has been started in the Middle East: 250 books have been sent recently to Nairobi as more troops are ill that area dealing with Mau Mau Disturbances, and a parcel of 100 books wa despatched to British Guiana. " ' It is not possible in a short report to desc:lbe In any detail the valuable work which is being done by all the HospItals, Home~ and Settleme~ts administered by the Department. Each one has contlllued to play ItS most useful part. Queen Alexandra Convalescent ,Home at ~eybr,id~e has had a .D:ew central heating system installed m the mam bUlldlllg. A teleVISIOn installation is also a boon to the inmates and enabled them to watch the Coronation service and celebrations. The Settlement for Paraplegics at Lyme Green, i~ in ,ne~d ,of fur~her bungalows. The 24 now built are full and the waIting lIst IS mcreaslll~. The Settlement for Paraplegics at Kytes now has 40 bungalows m use. The eight which the Joint Committee authorised in 1952 have been completed and handed over to the Kytes Committee. The East Lancashire Tuberculosis Colony at Barrowmore has been expanded by the erection during the :past ,Year of fou~ more cottages for married colonists. Good progress IS bemg made WIth a new hostel for single men.



Under the training scheme, eight students remain in tralllmg, and should complete their courses in this year. In addition 35 Scholarships were awarded to selected State Registered Nurses for post-graduate courses in some seven subjects related to the Nursing profession. The Nursing Profession has also benefited by a further grant of £5,000 made by the Joint Committee to the Florence Nightingale Memorial Committee. R. L. LOYD. MUSEUM AND LIBRARY REPORT The removal of the Library to the West Tower and the extension of the Museum therein is now accomplished, but although we have ample space, more show and book-cases are required to meet the expansion of our exhibits, Two, more showcases for the Museum are being made and an extension of our book-cases is under consideration. The number of visitors during the last twelve months has, of necessity, been fewer than in previous years owing to the move, which rendered the reception of callers quite impossible for a month or two. Nevertheless, the total has reached close on 2,100 over the twelve months. On the 9th of June la t we were honoured by a visit from Her Majesty Queen Salote of Tonga, who spent a couple of hours inspecting our treasures. Her Majesty displayed a profound interest in everything and her spontaneous enthusiasm pu t everyone at ease. Our generous friend, Mr. L. McCormick Goodhart, also called upon us in June last and expressed satisfaction at the progress shown in the cleaning of the pictures (to defray the cost of which he has already made a generou grant). The cleaning of our pictures proceeds but slowly, owing, as our expert informs us, to many of them disclosing urgent need for repair and restoration on the removal of centuries of surface dirt and varnish. Our outstanding treasure-the two Flemish Triptych Wings-was loaned to the Royal Academy for its Winter Exhibition of Flemish Art. The collection of thirteen early manuscripts given to us by Mr. Sidney Loweth, the Kent County Architect, have now been translated by our staff. They cover a period from the 12th to the mid-15th centuries and ~re interesting records of the Order's properties in Kent-principally relatmg to Dartford and Sutton-at-Hone. No outstanding pUblications relating to the Order have appeared, but there have been several interesting additions to our new Museum Section-that relating to the Brigade. Through the kind offices of Lady Dunbar Nasmith, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother has been pleased to present to the Museum the uniform worn by herself as Duchess of York. A stand and case are being made to accommodate this in order to display it adequately. An old wheeled litter has been presented to us by the Barnet Ambulance Division through the kindness of Divisional Superintendent Waitt. , Our ,old 'friend, Mr. H. Curmi Dimech of Malta, has given a charming lIttle pIece of 18th century embroidery in silk and gold wire and bearing the arms of the Grand Master Pinto. It may be recalled that Mr. Dimech gave us a set of apothecary's 'bucket' weights and other articles some years ago.




The thanks of Chapter-General have also been extended to H. J. Harris, Esq., N. G. Morrison, Esq. (for a collection of MSS by my predecessor, the late Sir Edwin King), Mrs. N. B. Carter, Col. R. J. Wilkinson, Sir Ronald Storrs, Mrs. R. Blackham, C. M. Saliba, Esq., Prof. Anthony Steel, the Bishop in Jerusalem, Chevalier H. P. Scicluna, Prof. Harry Turney-High and the Librarian. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Librarian.

The Prelate deliver~d a very impressive sermon to a large congregation of rnem be!,s and theIr guests. He was ably assisted during the service by ChaplalOs of the Order. After the service, members of Priory-Chapter re-assembled at Drums Aisle in the East and West Churches of St. Nicholas and from there walked in procession to the Town and County Hall. On conclusion of the Executive Officers' reports at the General Assembly, the Prior of Scotland held an investiture, following which he presented members of the Order with the Queen's Coronation Medal. A Reception and Dance .held in the evening at The Art Gallery by the Lord Provost and Magtstrates, was a happy and enjoyable climax to a memorable Festival of St. John.


STORES DEPARTME T 32,093 orders for supplies were received from the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade at Home and Overseas, National and Educational Organisations, and the value of the issues was £124,623- a decrease in orders of 2,917 and value in sales totals of £8,015. To meet demands 1,741,448 articles had to be counted and packed into 37,188 parcels and despatched. In addition 5,064,000 paper fla g were supplied for St. John Flag Days. During the year the St. John Ambulance As ociation adopted the 'Holger Nielson method of Artificial Respiration' and a supplement was printed, which is now supplied with the First Aid textbooks. 177,790 copies of the supplement were supplied. Other new publications were :- Preliminary First Aid Catechism, Preliminary Hygiene, Clean Food Handling, Knowledge and Care of Animals, Cycling, First Aid Competitions and Casualty Ma ke-up, Divisional Superintendent's Handbook. Copies of all publication sold exceeded the previous year's figures by 10,275. Demands for Dressings, Roller Bandages, badges and buttons show a decline. The current cost, coupled with economy practices and the use of adhesive dressings is having a marked effect. In conjunction with the Centre Secretary of the British Electricity Authority Ambulance Centre, four new type First Aid Outfits for Power Stations, gangers and linesmen of the B.E.A. were designed. New badges were designed and are now available for those obtaining Clean Food Handling and Air Attendants' Certificates. The very heavy demands of the Coronation period were all met, although many of them were made at very short notice. The circulation of all Brigade films is now undertaken. THE PRIORY IN SCOTLAND THE FESTIVAL OF ST. JOHN

For the first time since the revival of the Order in Scotland, Aberdeen was the venue for the Festival of St. John. The annual Commemoration Service and the General Assembly and Investiture were held there on the 1st of July. In the morning Holy Communion was celebrated in the beautiful King's College Chapel where the Prelate conducted a most dignified service. Elphinstone Hall provided stately quarters for the meeting of PrioryChapter, after which the members of Chapter enjoyed the hospitality of the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Aberdeen at a luncheon in the Station Hotel.



Some of the former glories of Torphichen were revived when the celebration of the granting of the first Royal Charter to the Order in Scotla~d by King ~a1colm IV in 1153, was held in The Preceptory of Torphlchen, the anClent headquarters of the Order in Scotland. Priory-Chapter assembled in the adjacent church and then processed through the church .grounds and thence into the Preceptory. After the ~eremony of placlOg the Cross, the Standard and the Sword in his keeplOg, the Prelate conducted the service, while the address was given by the Sub-Prelate. THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATIO


Members of the Priory, its committees, and all persons engaged in the work of t~e Order in Scotland, are reminded that they are eligible for me~bershlp of the St. John Association of Scotland. Badges and full partIculars may be had on application to the Priory-Secretary. THE GLASGOW COMMITTEE OF THE PRIORY

. Th~ Committee record with deep regret the loss of their Chairman, SIr VIctor D. Warren, early in the year. The Committee have continued their routine work throughout the year in maintaining and equipping two Medical Comforts Depots in the Glasgow district. THE EDI BURGH COMMITTEE

~he Hospi.ce at Carberry continues to flourish, the total number of

reSIdents dunng the year being 301, an increase of 50 over the previous year. I~ Noven:ber a M~nute of Agreement was signed with the Association des.]gnate~ The EdlObyrgh Home for Working Mothers with their ChIld~en. The ~ome IS to be run under the auspices of St. John and financI,:1 control IS ves~ed in the Order. The Home opened in November. There IS accommodatIOn for twelve mothers with children. In November, also, an association to be known as 'The Friends of St. John, Edinburgh' was started for the purpose of supporting the w~rk of the Order there and membership is now over 70 the Chairman bemg Mr. J. Sivewright, O.St.J. '






The Aberdeen Committee of the Order were much gratified that the Festival of St. John was this year celebrated in Aberdeen. The event brought to the City members of the .Order from fa~ and near. The St. John Nursing Home contmues to functlOn smoothly and efficiently. The available accommodation is always used to t.he fullest extent. Remission of nursing home fees to the exten~ <?f £987 m .all .has now been granted. This is entirely due to the subsidlary organlsatlOn, The Friends of St. John, who raise money for this purpose. During the year 419 ordinary pat.ients v:ere ad~itted to the Home. In addition there were 740 out-patIents-l.e., patients who came for X-ray or other treatment and were 'in' and 'out' on the same day. There were 376 surgical operations. Money donations received during the year amounted to £ 1,980 THE FRIE DS OF ST. JOH , ABERDEE

The Friends of st. John (Aberdeen) have once again exceeded t~eir annual target of £1,000. During the past year the St. John NurSIng Home, Aberdeen, has been subsidised at the rate of £1,000 from the Friends' fund and in the last eighteen months over 50 people have been helped in this way. The Friends of st. John now number nearly four hundred. The Committee of the Friends of St. John have raised £4,100 since they began work in 1951. The grand total raised in the current year is .£1,331. THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN FOU DATIO



The Hospital has just completed another record yea~ in the matter of the number of admissions of patients and of operation performed. The increasing number of those who seek admission,. and the lett~rs of appreciation and thanks from those who have been discharged testify to the success of the scheme. Thanks are due to the staff-medical, nursing, clerical, domestic and the Chaplains-who have c~ntributed their valuable share to the well-being and comfort of the patients. During the year 385 patients were admitted, and 387 discharged, of which 301 were classified as well, 45 as improved and 19 in status quo. Out-patients to the number of 41 recei:,ed treatm~nt, whilst. a total of 371 operations were performed. In Just ov~r SIX years SlOC~ the foundation of the Hospital, treatment has been g1ven to 2,247 patient, and 1,746 operations have been performed. . . We are deeply grateful this year for financial asslstance from the Glasgow Committee and from the Linen Guild. For the past year ~he Priory has ceased to contribute financially to the upkeep of the Hospltal owing to this and to the fact that the donations received were less than in previous years, the Hospital Committee's bank balance has been reduced by about £350. THE LINEN GUILD

This group of ladies have willingly given their time and ~oney in the cause of humanity. Hospital linen has been regularly repaIred and replacements made where necessary. As in previous years, a donation of £100 has been made towards the general administration of the Hospital.


has been added to the Library a rotograph copy of a manuscript volume in the Register House, containing an Index of certain Temple Lands which once belonged to the Regality of Torphichen and which were sold to Lord Binning about the year 1600. Two presentations-a copy of Statutes of the Religious and Military Order of the Temple as established in Scotland, with an Historical Notice of the Order (1843), and an account of Torphichen and the Knights of St John-should prove interesting acquisitions. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS DEPARTMENT

At the end of the financial year the Department shows an increase on last year, which was our previous best. The Depots at Hamilton, Denny, Inverness and Torohichen have shown a marked increase of activity during the year. Stocks have been maintained and replacements made where necessary.



The ummary of results of classes in First Aid, Home Nursing and the allied subject examined during the year shows a decrease of 3,253 on the total of awards gained in the previous year. This is less discouraging than it may appear at fir t sight, as in the Report for 1952 it was recorded that the exceptional advance in class work was attributable mainly to pecial Fir t Aid measures introduc~d by the South Western Divisional Coal Board which were non-recurrent. Compared with 1951 the awards gained during the year under review are 1,286 greater and the 1,171 classes 134 more than the number examined or re-examined in 1951. An analysis of the 16,725 successful students, senior and junior, reveals that the various undertakings and classified groups are represented in the following proportions :-Brigade and general public (including mineworkers) 65 %, British Railways 15 %, Education Authorities (mainly general public) 10 %, Police 3+ %, Industry 1t %, Fire Service 1.1 /6 %, Post Office 1 %, Ministry of Supply 1 %, British Electricity Authority t %, Civil Defence t %, Prison t %, South Wales Electricity Board1/7%, Wales Gas Board 1/20 %. While it is not possible to segregate mineworkers as no special classes are organised by the N.C.B. in direct association with Priory Headquarters, separate figures can be given for the young entrants into the industry who take Preliminary First Aid in the course of their training. Of the 318 junior examinations arranged, 95 came under the N.C.B., involving 1,797 of the 4,337 Preliminary Certificates issued. The Ambulance Committee has concentrated upon the promotion of First Aid instruction among factory employees. To this end contact was made with the Industrial Association of Wales and Monmouthshire, which embraces 500 of the larger firms employing 50 or more, and special reference has been made in their monthly Newsletters to constituent members to the training facilities which can be provided by the Priory.





Efforts made over the past two years .to pop~larise the courses int~o­ duced by the Association on Food Hand1mg HYgIene and Clean Handlmg of Food are reflected for the first time in the table of class results below.


First Aid Preliminary First Aid Home Nursing Preliminary Home Nursing Preliminary Home Hygiene Child Welfare Preliminary Child Welfare Clean Handling of Food Mining Total -

1953 12,455 4,672 1,515 532 36 18 70 173 212

1952 15,215 5,323 1,633 506 28

1951 11,264 3,716 1,542 623 33






23 ,095


1953 2,762 3,814 1,141 125 594 425 34 10 64

County. Anglesey Breconshire Caernarvonshire Cardiganshire Carmarthenshire Denbighshire FJintshire Glamorgan Merioneth hire Monmouthshire Montgomeryshire Pembrokeshire Radnorshire Aberdare Cardiff Merthyr Tydfil Newport Rhondda Swansea Unattached Marine Candidate (First Aid)

No. ol.Classes.

1953 11 45 45 26 81 82 35 285 19 188 36 22 3 55 66 30 34 58 49


1951 8 10 49 37 40 34 23 24 91 58 76 68 28 34 355 256 17 16 186 182 30 31 19 23 3 5 61 51 58 50 35 31 31 28 71 46 52 52 2

No. 01 Students.

1953 179 530 602 431 1,644 1,327 512 4,716 311 3,072 482 385 56 1,243 1,184 532 508 982 947 40

1952 147 729 608 494 1,622 1,358 527 6,419 259 3,773 520 364 54 1,501 1,057 731 582 1,478 838 34

1951 156 446 491 416 1,077 1,199 491 4,066 258 2,899 546 351 67 1,040 831 465 591 871 990 27

Awards Gained.

1953 157 449 515 344 1,315 1,140 422 4,149 266 2,583 431 323 48 1,030 1,026 439 449 750 735 29

1952 1951 140 150 568 379 539 453 419 332 1,460 997 1,300 1,061 452 405 5,497 3,550 226 212 3,075 2,702 435 459 309 314 47 64 1,261 927 991 795 658 442 495 484 1,146 686 820 906 32 27

1,171 1,235 1,03719,68323,09517,27816,72519,97815,439


First Aid Certificates Preliminary First Aid Certificates Vouchers Marine· Certificates Horne Nursing Certificates Preliminary Home Nursing Certificates Preliminary Home Hygiene Certificates Child Welfare Certificates Preliminary Child Welfare Certificates Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food Certificates First Aid in Mines Certificates First Aid in Mines Labels Medallions Labels Pendants -


1952 5,154 4,479 1,125 108 695 391 28

1951 2,586 3,226 939 94 684 527 29



109 169 16 821 5,929 712

228 4 952 6,069 650

13 3 676 5,960 633





Membership of the Brigade in Wales as at the 31st December stands at 14,749-a net increase of 223. The establishment of Corps and Divisions has been varied by the formation of 3 Ambulance, 11 Nursing, 1 Combined Ambulance and Nursing, 6 Ambulance Cadet, 7 Nursing Cadet and 3 Combined Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Divisions, offset by the disbandment of the following inactive units :-12 Ambulance, 4 Nursing, 2 Combined Ambulance and Nursing, 11 Ambulance Cadet and 7 Nursing Cadet Divisions, while 3 Ambulance units amalgamated into one Division, two Nursing merged into one unit and 1 Ambulance Division changed its title to Ambulance and Nursing. The following summary indicates that while the figures for women, boys and girls are well up there is a drop of 247 in the senior male section.



42 Men

Headquarter Staff Commissioners Deputy Commissioners County Surgeons County Superintendents County Staff Officers County Cadet Officers Area Commissioners Area Surgeons Area Superintendents Area Nursing Officers Area Staff Officers Area Cadet Officers Corps Officers . Divisional Officers N.C.O's Privates

1953 1952 7 7 19 20 11 13 13 16 3 3 35 40 11 11 12 11 5 4 5 6 1 1 13 13 12 10 164 189 815 - 793 501 - 481 - 4,377 4,604

Women Headquarter Staff County Superintendents County Nursing Officers County Staff Officers County Cadet Officers Area Superintendent Area Nursing Officers Area Staff Officers Area Cadet Officers Corps Officers Divisional Officers N .C.O's Nursing Members



2,232 2,049


1952 3,519 215

Corps and Divisions Corps 54 Ambulance Divisions 270 Nursing Divisions 139 Combined Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Divisions 18 Cadet Ambulance Divisions 173 Cadet Nursing Divisions 135 Combined Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Divisions 8

1 2 8 9 27 - 328 45 - 1,779

1952 6 11 3 7 8 1 1 8 8 21 292 39 1,644



Ambulance and Nursing (Adult)


Hours 103,901 65,648 16,279t 2,241 516 ],384t 8,593

Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties Nursing Aid Clinics Blood Transfusion Miscellaneous Duties

Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties Nursing Aid Miscellaneous Nurseries

Personnel engaged on Full-time Hospital Duties

13,921 1,408 4,528 153 2,255 364 39


On Public Duty

Off Public Duty

By Paid Personnel




Under the heading of Transport, the Divisional returns show:-

5,995 6,231

Cadets (including Officers) 3,641 Junior Boys 394

1953 5 10 2 7 9



Cadets (including Officers) - 2,892 2,727 Junior Girls - 283 418


5,995 2,232 3,641 2,892

Men Women Boys Girls Total



Invalids Removed

Road Accidents

Other Accidents






There are 78 members engaged on fuI1-time transport duties, a detailed report on Ambulance Transport following on page 00. Brigade personnel are maintaining 61 Medical Comforts Depots, 9 Beach Huts, 2 Road Huts and 8 Road Boxes. Notable among the First Aid services provided at seaside resorts are those carried out at Barry Island, Glamorgan, where a well-equipped Hut is maintained and staffed by voluntary personnel throughout the holiday season 3,944 cases being treated in 1953. ' It becomes even more obvious that the standard of training and lead~rsh.ip must be. kept in line with modern trends if continuity of serVIce IS to be mallltallled. To this end a week-end Training Course for adult and cadet officers was held in North Wales and a number of Welsh representatives enjoyed the stimulating experience of attending the Presidents' Conference in London, and Surgeons' Conferences in Scarborough and London. CADET TRAI I G OFFICER'S REPORT


The glorious occasion of the Coronation added .to the variety and scope of the demands made upon the voluntary serVlces of the ~nga.de; and the efficiency and devotion with which all calls were met InSpIreS confidence in the future stability of the Brigade. Those who were privileged to participate in the duties undertaken by the Brigade in London will cherish a proud memory. Many hundreds m?re .took par,t in providing adequate first aid facilities for ~~e enthUSiastIC crowds who gathered in every county to greet the royal Vlsltors on the memorable Coronation tour of Wales. Though Wales was not called upon to provide personnel to assist at the scene of the East Coast flood disaster, the fullest measure of support was given by the Brigade, and all counties were able to show a highly creditable account of the manner in which their local resources were mobilised. Routine duties nevertheless were carried out with undiminished zeal.

Cadet ~ork ~as moved forward in many ways, new forms of usefulness and serVIce belllg attempted and achieved, but while 16 new divisions have been registered, 18 Divisions have been struck off as defunct tho~gh the total membership has increased by 122 boys and 165 girls: JunIOr members, whose numbers are not included in the official strength total 394 boys and 283 girls. ' CORONATION CELEBRATIONS

Everywhere Cadets took part in local festivities throughout the summer, Lla~elly an9- A~erdare being examples of many places which figured prommentIy In dIsplays. During Her Majesty's visit to Wales, Cadets acted as Messengers to First Aid Posts and lined the Royal r~)Ute everywhere, ~ven on lonely mountain passes. On June 2nd itself, SIX .<:::adets from WIdely separated parts represented Wales at the special p.ositlon all?cated ~o St. John Cadets outside Buckingham Palace, while SIX went wI~h theIr .County contingents for duty. Some Counties arranged speclal functlOns to celebrate the Coronation. T:a~ning.-Seventy Cadet Officers attended the residential week-end Trammg Course held at the Y.M.C.A. College, Rhoose, when the Chief





Nursing Cadet Officer, Lady Twiston-Davies presided. The chief speaker was Dr. G. A. Danby, County Superintendent of Somerset, who gave a vivid and enlightening talk on 'How to Teach'; other interesting sessions being taken by Mr. W. H. Williams, of Llanelly, on Drama, and Area Cadet Officer W. H. Christopher on Drill, while the Chaplain was once again the Rev. R. Holtam. In North Wales a successful experiment was tried of combining an Adult and Cadet Officers' Training Week-end at the Mount Stewart Hotel, Colwyn Bay, where the Priory was exceedingly privileged to have the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Mrs. B. Grosvenor, C.B.E., and the Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. M. M. Scott, as chief speakers. A unanimous resolution was passed to hold a similar joint Training Course there next autumn. Wales was represented at the Annual Cadet Officers' Training Course at Oxford in September by ten Officers. Monmouthshire once again held its Annual Training Day, with Miss Radow of the Headquarters of the Church of England Youth Council, and Commissioner W. McTiffin (Rhondda) as the chief speakers. Camping.-Coronation year was a record season for Camping, a total of 484 Officers and Cadets camping under canvas. In addition, Caernarvonshire held a large County Camp at Pwllheli Secondary School and the Dulais Valley Corps their Annual Hutted Camp at Sully. Wales formed a contingent of 200 at the memorable Coronation Camp for Cadets at home and overseas at Stubbers, Essex, which was attended by over 2,000 Cadets. It was gratifying to the Priory that Miss Druitt was appointed Commandant of the Nur ing Cadet SubCamp, and five other Officers from Wales served on the Headquarters Administrative Staff. Thanks and appreciation are recorded to Area Cadet Officer (Mrs.) S. Francis (BedweUty) and Area Staff Officer Mr. E. Phillips (Bedwellty) as Joint Commandants and to County Cadet Officer (Mrs.) DaviesJones (Montgomeryshire) as Quartermaster for their excellent services at the Priory Camp at Rhowniar. This country e tate near Towyn, Merionethshire, a Gift to Britain 'South Africa House,' under the direction of the King George Jubilee Trust, has been entrusted to the Priory for Wales for administration as a Conference and Camp Centre for the Youth of the Empire including St. John Cadets. Swansea Cadet Officers are to be congratulated on their first canvas Camp, also held at Rhowniar, and East Denbighshire on holding their second County Camp there once again. The stimulation to camping is, undoubtedly, due to the work done at the Training Camps organised by the Camping Committee, under the Chairmanship of Major A. H. G. Field. Overseas Visitors.-Hospitality was given for a week or more to 22 Cadets and Officers from South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, New Zealand and Malta who came over to attend the Coronation Camp. They were entertained in homes of Officers and Cadets in Barry, Tredegar, Chirk and several places in Caenarvonshire and Montgomeryshire. Letters have been received expressing appreciation of the wonderful time they were given. Competitions.-The winners at the Welsh Cadet Competition Finals were:-

"The Twisto!1-pavies Ambulance Cadet Cup," Cwm Ambulance Cadet DIvIsIOn. "The Lady (J::l~r?ert) Lewis Nursing Cadet Cup," Caersws Nursing Cadet DIvISIOn. There was only one entry in the Senior Nursing Group, Treharris Student Members, who represented Wales at the London Finals· and there were no Teams in the Senior Ambulance Group-a sad setback after such good entries in 1952. "T?e County Cadet Officers' Uniform Cup" was won by Tredegar Nursmg Cadets and the "Gwyn Morris Uniform Cup" by the Cwm Ambulance Cadets. Than ks are due to the generous Donors of these two. new cup~ an~ to the Chief Cadet Officers Wales (Lady TwistonDaVIes and SIr Mlch~el Duff) for giving Uniform Cups for the Senior Ambulance and Nur~mg Umform Competitions. !hree Cadets qualIfied for the Grand Prior Badge. Special Service ShIelds were awarded to eight cadets. CIVIL DEFE CE

The first c~l~ on the Brigade in regard to Civil Defence is the recruitment and trammg of nursing auxiliaries for the National Hospital Service Reserve. At the 31 st December~ the number of active auxiliaries on the St. John N.H.~.R. strength III Wales was 2,447. The net increase on the .1952 figur~ ]S now more tha~ 107, but.the number of resignations grows In s~cces lve y~ars and a faIr proportIOn drop out in order to take up nursIng professIOnally. CIa e co-operation with. the Civil Defence authority in one county ha~ resulted In the formatIOn of two 'Civil Defence' Divisions of the Bngade. Very cordia~ relations are maintained with the W.V.S. in respect ~f. thl OrganIsation 's responsibilities in the Welfare Section of the CIvIl Defence Corps. COMPETITIO! S

There were ] 3 male an~ 5 feI?a1e entries for the final competitions for adult teams of the Bngade m Wales held in Cardiff on the 27th February. The first three teams in each contest were:Llalldinam Shield (Ambulance) 1st. Cardiff Fire Service 2nd Bargoed & District 3rd Glyncorrwg

Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup (Nursing) 1st MachynIJeth & District 2nd Tredegar 3rd Brecon

The two winning teams had the honour of representing Wales in London. It has become customary to invite Brigade Surgeons from England to. serve on the 'panel of Judges in the Welsh Brigade Finals and the Pnory has nommated. a. Surgeon to judge in London. This year Wales ha~ the fur.ther pnvIlege of selecting a nursing officer to Judge the nursIng tests In the London Finals. S~vel1 cOI?petitions were held over a period of three days at the Royal NatIOnal EIsteddfod of Wales held at Rhyl. As usual the Principal Se~retary was present as H?norary Director of Ambulance and the Bngade Secretary as Stewa~d~I~-Char~e. The Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief attende~ each day a~d a Dl\~IS~O~al VIce-President (Mf. L. E. Wakeford) dealt WIth th~ .f~king of InJunes. Superintendent R. Davies Rhyl Ambulance DIvISIOn, was Chief Steward. '



REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL Authorit~es and one by a St. John Division were placed at the disposal

SERVICE MEDALS AND BARS The awards during the year bring the number of recipients of Service Medals and Bars to the following totals :- Medals 2,158, First Bars 1,005, Second Bars 367, Third Bars 193, Fourth Bars 18, Fifth Bars 25, Sixth Bars 2. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS There is no appreciable change in the pattern of this service which provides invalid equipment and sick-room comforts for patients being nursed in their homes. Although this provision, like many other services pioneered by voluntary organisations, now has official acknowledgement as one of the statutory provisions under the National Health Service Act, local authorities can elect to fulfil their obligations by agency arrangements. The Depot at Priory Headquarters is meeting the need of the public in the City of Cardiff to the satisfaction of the Public Health Department, which accepts respon ibility for the hire charges in necessitous cases on a means test basis. The total number of Depots operating in the counties has increased by one at Ystradgynlais in Breconshire, and another at Chirk in We t Denbighshire, while the Colwyn Bay Depot (West Denbighshire) ha been closed. AMBULA CE HALLS The total number of Halls which may be regarded as permanent headquarters is. 116, of which 13 are on colliery premises ; and as there are 270 Ambulance Divisions more than half the units are without a home of their own. The year has been marked by the acquisition of premises at Cwmparc, Ferndale and Porth in the Rhondda, and Clydach in Breconshire; while schemes are in progress at Bargoed, Blaengarw, Griffiths town, Pontardulais and Maesteg. In pursuance of the generous policy initiated by the Miners' Welfare Fund committee in the earliest days of the Priory, the South Western Divisional Board, N.C.B., has increased its grant-aid from an average £1,000 in each of the past three years to £1,500 in 1954 and 1955, so that it may be possible to plan ahead. The increase is due not so much to the number of schemes as to the rise in costs, the diminution of available funds and the extent of renovations required to keep the older halls in a state of repair. The following table sets out the total use made of the Halls, excluding those at Cardiff, Newport and Swansea, by the various categories of unit as there is not room to specify the individual user:Ambulance Divisions with Halls. 113

Nursing 70

Cadet Ambulance. 92

Cadet Nursing. 61

AMBULA CE TRANSPORT At 31st December, 1953, 37 Ambulance Stations were in full operation, 29 Stations being equipped with 1 Ambulance, 7 with 2, and 1 with 4 Ambulances, 47 vehicles thus being available for use 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Forty-three ambulances registered with the Joint Department were available in covering the Headquarter Agency arrangements, 12 being owned by the Priory and 31 by the Welsh Home Service Ambulance Committee. An additional 12 Ambulances owned by Local Health

of th.e Jomt Department f?r general operational purposes. Thus a reserve of mne Ambulances, mamly under varying processes of reconditioning and overhaul, was held in support of the establishment of the 47 Ambulances on issue to the various Ambulance Stations. In addition. to I-;£eadqua~ter. Agency arrangements, the Joint Departmen~ has a dIrect mterest . III eIght Stations equipped with Welsh Home SerVIce ~mbulance CommIttee owned Ambulances, operated by Divisions of the Bngade a~d Detachments of the Society under independent agency arrangements WIth Local Health Authorities in the Counties of Flint (2 Stations) and Montgomery (6 Stations). The combined total of conveyances and mileage travelled was:Headquarter Agency Arrangements Independent Station Agency Arrangements -

Patients. 58,541 2,410

Mileage. 778,807 77,218



In further illustration of the extent of the area of operation, 8917 miles were travelled by the maintenance staff in issuing and collecting ambulances after an~ for reconditioning andcarrying general and emergency repair and mamtenance processes. J01 T COMMITTEE SERVICES ?~ . John personnel a~e p]~Jing th~ir part with the membership of the

BntIsh Red Cross SOCiety m carrymg out such of the services of the Joint ~ommittee of the C?rder of St. John and B.R.C.S. as are delegated to Jomt County Comml~tees .. ~h.ese Co~~ittees function in varying degrees but the two mam actiVItIes adffillllstered by county agencies are we~l to the [ore in all counties and most people probably know somethmg of the work of the (1) Emergency Help and After Care Department and (2) the Ho pital Libraries. STORES DEPARTMENT The 11,887 textbooks and companion books sold through the Priory Stores Department during the year was a decrease of 243 on the total for 1952. A numi?er. of ne~ publications were produced by the St. John Ambulance As OClatlOn dunng the year and brought to the notice of all St.. John personnel. O~e of these- a Supplement to "First Aid to the Injured" on Holger NIelsen Method of Artificial Respiration-was in great demand and there is an increasing call on the attractive little booklet on ."Cle~~ Fo?d .Handling," as ~el~, as t~e b~oader outline of the subject ~ntItle.d Hyglemc Food HandlIng whIch IS used in conjunction with PublIc and Personal Hygiene." LIBRARY AND MUSEUM The Library and Muse.u m owes its origin almost entirely to the expert knowledge and generOSIty of the late Sir Leonard Twiston-Davies K.B.E. LL.D., K.ST.J., J.P., D.L., F.S.A., the first Librarian, whose lamented death wa~ a great loss !lot oI?ly to the Priory but to the educational and cultura.l l!fe of Wales III WhIC~ he had attained eminence. As Deputy CommlsslOner for Wales he WIll be remembered by Brigade personnel



in the many counties in which he had carried out Reviews,. bu.t for his monument as Librarian one has only to look round. the Pnncipal Secretary's room in which his munificent gifts to the LIbrary are housed.

House, Pretoria, in May, and were presided over by His Excellency the Prior, Dr. The Hon. E. G. Jansen. On the 8th December a meeting of Priory Council was held at Government House, Pretoria, and on the 11 th December a meeting of Priory Chapter was held at the Pretorius HaH, City Hall, Pretoria.


CHANGES IN EXECUTIVE OFFICES It is sad to report so many changes occa~ioned by death .. The office of Chancellor held for a short tIme by the late SIr Leonard Twiston-Davies, to whose services reference has been made above, was filled by the appointment of Capt. Geoffrey Crawshay, the former Vice-Chancellor. . . Mr. Norman Ingledew, Honorary Solicitor, was appOInted VIce. Chancellor in succession to Capt. Geoffrey Craws~ay.. Capt. W. J. Canton, who had taken considerabl~ mte.rest In the Pnory Library as Assistant, succeeded to ~he office of LI,branan. . Mr. T. E. Smith, Honorary ArchItect, was appomted to ~he execu.tIve office of Registrar, rendered vacant by the death. of a faIthful Pnory supporter of many years standing, Mr. F. Llewelhn Jacob, K.ST.J., J.P., M.E. . The late Capt. J. MacLeod Carey, O.B.E., K.ST.J., had be.en a p~om1Oent figure for many years as Sword Bearer in Priory ceremomal. HIS mantle as Director of Ceremonies has been placed upon the shoulders of the Assistant Director, Capt. J. Elliot Seager. ST. JOHN'S DAY CELEBRATIO S Priory members enjoyed the privileg~ of wel~oming to Wales on t~e occasion of the annual functions held 10 Cardiff on the 11 t~ Jun~,. SIr Harry Luke, K.C.M.G., D.ST.J. (Registrar of t~e Order), SIr William Appleton, K.ST.J. (Receiver-General of the Pnory of New Zealand), Mr Charles A Gray, K.ST.J. (Chancellor of the Priory of Canada) and Mr: Keith A. Falconer (Secretary of the Priory of New Zealand). Nearly 1,000 members and supporte~s from all parts of Wales attended the General Assembly at which the Pnor (Lord Aberdare, C.B.E., K.ST.J.) conducted an Investiture.

PRIORY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Dr. C. G. Booker has resigned from the office of Director o~ Ambular:ce and Priory Commissioner, because owing to his duties as Me?IC~l Supen~­ tendent of the Ophthalmic Hospit~l he can r:o longer do Justlce to this high office and has reluctantly decIded to reSIgn therefr.om. Dr. Boo~er filled this office with distinction and we are greatly Indebted to hIm . for his services. His Royal Highness the Grand Prior has a:pprov~d the appoIntm~nt of the following Executive Officers of the Pnory m Southern Afnca for the remainder of the triennial period, i.e. St. John's Day, 1954: Brigadier Willem Hendrik du Pless~s, O.B.E., E.p.~ C.ST.J., to be Director of Ambulance and Pnory CommIssIOner. Major General Francois Henri Theron, C.B., C.B.E., K.ST.J., to be Almoner. Mr. William John Cullen, K.ST.J., to be Director of Ceremonies Meetings of Priory Council and Chapter were held at Government


REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE A TD Pl<.10RY COMMISSIONER There is very little change in the strength of the Brigade as compared to the previous year-the total number of Divisions has dropped from 500 in 1952 to 498 in 1953-whilst the total adult personnel has increased from 7,097 to 7,331. There has, however, been a slight drop in Cadet personnel but it is hoped that with many children attending Association classes this position will shortly be remedied. Association returns are very satisfactory and indications are that in most Centres there has been a gratifying increase in the issue of Certificate. Centre and District Reports would appear to indicate that the Organisation has been kept fairly busy with its usual routine of general and public duties. Certain Officers and Cadets visited the Cadet Coronation Camp held in Essex. Ophthalmic Foundation:- The first Annual Report of the St. John Ophthalmic Foundation was publi hed towards the close of the year, and copies thereof were sent to all Centres and Districts. A meeting of the National Committee of the Foundation took place at the Hospital on the 5th November, 1953, at which representatives of the Union Government, Provincial Administrations and other subscribing bodies were present. Useful discussions on various aspects of the Foundation's work took place and valuable advice was received from many of those present. The total number of out-patients treated at the Hospital since its inception is 24,547. In addition there have been 1,10'6 admissions to the ward, and 700 operations have been carried out. It is probably true to say that the majority of these cases have come from the Transvaal but, nevertheles , an increasing number of patients are coming from more distant areas throughout the Union. Fund raising is still a very difficult problem. Unfortunately the position has not improved during the year under review and the position is now beginning to cau e the Executive Committee some concern. It is realised that Centres and Districts, and, in fact, many other charitable organisations are feeling the effects of the present economic conditions, and struggling to maintain and finance their own day-to-day activities. Following the publication of the Foundation's first annual report it is the intention of the Executive Commlttee to explore ways and means of financing this project without depending to any large extent on our Centres and Districts. The Hospital has now functioned for a period of two years, and it is p~aying a very important role in the field of prevention and cure of eye dlsease. Annual Conference:- The Eighteenth Annual Ambulance Conference was held in Johannesburg in October, attended by 30 delegates. The proceedings were opened by Brigadier P. C. C. Blair Hook who kindly




deputised for His Exc~llency ~he. Prio.r. who was unable to perfo~m the opening ceremony OWlllg to llldlSposltlon. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES DURING THE YEAR

1953. Adults

(1) Number of Classes held:

410 86

First Aid Home Nursing Child Welfare Demonstra tors Others -


167 78

2 2

5 505 252


757 (2) Ambulance Depots, First Aid Posts, First Aid Stations, etc.: No. in existence No. established during year No. of cases treated (3) Medical Comfort Depots: No. in existence No. of articles loaned, etc. (4) Transport: No. of Ambulances Number of Mobile Units Miles covered Patients transported (5) St. John Ambulance Brigade: No. of Divisions 4,857 Personnel: Ambulance: Men Nurses 2,474 Ambulancel ,812 Cadets: Nursing 2,396 During

1953 (6) Certificates Awarded

First Aid:

Adult Preliminary Home Nursing: Adult Preliminary Health and Hygiene: Adult Preliminary Sanitation Industrial Poisons Child Welfare Occupational Therapy Demonstrators Lay Lecturers Lay Examiners Vouchers Medallions Labels Pendants

5,599 2,324 807 978

55 4

118,051 24 412

largely due to the transfer of cadets who have reached the age of entry into the Senior Divisions. Some new Divisions have been formed. The Non-European Divisions are increasing in numbers very rapidly in some Districts, and more Divisions could be formed if there were sufficient officers to take charge of them. This applies particularly to the Cadet Divisions. While there has been no Public Duty of major importance in this country during the year, five Nursing Members from the 8th Division, Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal District, proceeded to Britain to take part in the Public Duty in London on the occasion of the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. The number of routine Public Duties has been very heavy and the Divisions have been kept busy. The new issue of Proficiency Badges has greatly stimulated interest in this branch of Cadet Training. During this year 20 European Cadets have qualified for their Grand Prior Badges. Work among the Non-Europeans never flags and there is an all round increase in Cadet membership. Two new Senior Divisions and one Cadet Division have been registered.

22 1

86,323 ,035 498

Since Formation of Centre. 141 ,712

66 12 20 633 739 2,658 1,085

34,792 29,597 10,972 1,340 281 21 13 957 96 977 20 32 18,821 19,699 54,410 28,506






In all Districts with one exception, the strength of the Senior European Divisions has not only been maintained, but shows a slight increase,



The Royal visit has been the focal point of our activity for 1953, and the careful plans to cope with the very great demands on our membership proved most successful. With the Royal Party moving so quickly through scattered areas, and perhaps attending on the same day several large gatherings, we are mo t happy to report that at every event and function adequate First Aid facilities were available. A special message to all Officers and Members of the Brigade in New Zealand was given by the Chief Commissioner following the visit of Her Maje ty and this reads as follows:"Officers and Members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade within the Dominion of New Zealand. Visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II The following messages have been received at Brigade Headquarters: From His Excellency the Governor-General, The Prior: 'I was very interested in knowing of the services rendered by the voluntary uniformed members of St. John during the Royal Tour. 'I was very pleased to have this information, and I would like to congratulate our uniformed members on the very fine services they have rendered.' From the Director of the Royal Tour, A. G. Harper, Esq. : 'It was indeed inspiring to see the way in which the uniformed members of the Brigade turned out in full force to look after the needs of the public on this great occasion. Everywhere we went the St. John Ambulance Brigade was well to the fore, and the excellent organisation which had been put into play to cope with the minor casualties that always result in large crowds on such occasions was



a pleasure to see. It is such voluntary effort that makes for the success of a Tour of this nature, and I am indeed very grateful for the way in which your members responded to the call for public d':lty on this occasion. The service is all the more appreciated because many of them who were married with young families would no doubt like to have been with them on an occasion such as this. 'I should be grateful if you would pass on to all those concerned my sincere thanks for the way in which they carried out their duties during the Royal Tour.' " Representatives of the Order were invited in their official capacities to all the Governmental and Civic functions throughout New Zealand, and the Order was very proud, indeed, of the fact that the Chief Commissioner, F. W. Ward, Esq., was personally invested by Her Maje ty with the Order of the British Empire at the Investiture in Wellington. CORO ATIO

A representative of the Priory, in the person of Sir William Appleton, Receiver-General, accompanied by Lady Appleton, wa present at Westminster Abbey and with the Secretary, K. A. Falconer, E q., attended gatherings of the Order before and after the Coronation in London. Sir William a.nd the Priory Secretary also attended the General Assembly of the Priory in Wales. The Priory Secretary wa present at meetings of the Statutes Revision Committee and was privileged to discuss, in an informal manner, administration with the SecretaryGeneral and other officials during a brief visit to London. The Officer and four Cadets who represented the Priory at the Cadet Coronation Camp, met with signal success in that the two nursing Cadets won the Springbok Trophy, competed for by all teams at the Camp. The Priory is grateful for the welcome extended to their representatives and particularly for the hospitality accorded to the Cadets and to the Officer-in-Charge. The opportunity of meeting representative of the Order from the whole Empire and Commonwealth proved a very great inspiration. The Secretary of the Priory was able to visit representatives of the Order in Singapore, Malta and Ottawa.



although it is only now fully realised what a tremendous task St. John's Gate carried out for so many years. DEVELOP MEl T I


The Priory in New Zealand is most interested in the development of St. John tuition in the Pacific area. Co-operation with existing agencies and the recent visit to the South Pacific of an Executive Officer of the Priory should further extend the WOrk of the Order. Supplies of textbooks and the issue of certificates in certain cases are being made at greatly reduced cost in order to facilitate development. FLOOD RELIEF: ENGLAND


of the Order i~ New Zealand contributed £200 in special collectIOns towards the rehef of St. John personnel in the disastrous English floods. ST. JOH


The A ociation Department has greatly increased its work in three main fields. Instruction to the Bush and Timbermilling Industry has met a vital need in these isolated communities. Ready co-operation has been given by employers and Government departments and not only has the. tuition itself resulted in fewer accidents but it has engendered safety-.consclOusness and a better community spirit as a whole. The e~ten LOn of our Ambulance Transport Service (in which field we are stIll by far the largest unit) has received every support from the Government. O~ the Central Advisory Ambulance Committee, recently set up, the PrIory Secretary represents the Order and the Minister of Health has a ked St. John to facilitate in every way possible the extension of the service. Assistance to the aged has moved a step further during the year and some very valuable contributions are being made. . The .work of ordina~y tuition in First Aid and kindred subjects is lllcreasmg and added Illterest has been shown in our special courses of Industrial Hygiene. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE



Great progress has been made during the past year and informal meetings in London with representatives of the Priories and the Statutes Revision Committee, did a very great deal to bring the legal aspects further ahead. Within New Zealand, the Brigade Regulations were completely revised and at the present time the Association Regulations and the Priory Regulations themselves are being drafted to comply with the latest changes. Local Administration: With the greater authority now resting upon the Priory, more authority is to be delegated to District Councils. These are being formed quietly and will no doubt do a great deal to cement relationships not only within our organisation but to solve the problem of contacts with other organisations. The keeping of Brigade records in New Zealand has proved satisfactory,

!he Active, efficient membership continues to increase slowly and eVIdence of ~ple~di~ organi~ation on a national basis was shown recently at the Tangl\'Val ratlway dIsaster on Christmas eve. Trained members w~re on hand immediately and gave valuable service. Our co-operation With the Land, Sea, Air Rescue Service also functioned well on the occasion of searches for missing planes and personnel. ~~e stand.ard of Brigade work is kept keen and up-to-date by competltIOn.s WhIC~ are pr?v,ing popular with members of the general pUblic. The Illcreasmg partICIpatIOn of the public in competitive sports has created a very he~vy call upon our membership for weekend duties throughout the wmter and the number of cases attended on public duty during 1953 exceeded 50,000. . .


His Excellency, the Prior, presided at the annual meeting of the Chapter h.eld s?on after .the return of the Priory Secretary from London. The Meetll1g discussed III full the formal report of the Priory Secretary.



D uring this meeting, the Chapter witnessed the interesting cereI?ony of His Excellency handing the Chancellor his Warrant of Appomtment, and also the reception and return of the Ceremonial Sword presented by the Grand Priory. OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL COLLECTIO S

An increase in collections was noted durirtg the y~r and every effort is being made to see that this increase continues. LADIES' LINE


The Ladies' Linen Guild is busy on the requisitions of the Linen Guild in London for the requirements of the Ophthalmic Hospital. Clothing and gifts have also been sent to London for use as required. CO FERENCES

Several conferences were held during the year, the most out tanding of which was that of the Ambulance Transport Operator of the Order in order to establish a common operating plan; the annual conference of the Officers in Charge of the Brigade; the annual conference of the District Cadet Officers of the Brigade, and the conference of the Secretaries of the Association.



Provincial Commissioner for Quebec, was carried in procession for the first time by Mr. Angus. It was again carried in Canada at the Investiture at Government House on November 2nd. The appreciation of the Priory has been extended to Mr. Angus for his generous gift. The outstanding Brigade public duty carried out by the Brigade was the assistance given at the time of the cyclone in Sarnia in the fall of the year. Provincial Investitures, in addition to the one in Ottawa on November 2nd, were conducted in Province House, Halifax; Government House, Victoria; Legislative Building, Edmonton; Legislative Building, Regina; and Legislative Building, Winnipeg. There has continued to be the best of co-operation between Civil Defence authorities and the Order. We have assisted in the preparation of one Civil Defence Emergency First Aid pamphlet and the preparation of a manual is nearly completed. It is hoped that a new arrangement can be worked out with Civil Defence authorities so that more trainees for first aid will be available for them. We are indebted to the Press, the Radio and to Television for generous publicity acceptably presented. Sincere thanks are conveyed to the faithful men and women of the Order, Provincial and Special Centre Officers, Brigade members of all ranks for their loyalty and devotion in carrying on our work.


Owing to the demands upon His Excellency because of the Royal visit, it has not been possible to hold Investiture.s but t~o are 'planned for early in 1954, one in Dunedin and the other m NapIer. HIS Excellency believes in carrying out the policy of local Investitures and thus stimulating greater public interest. APPOINTME TS

The death during 1953 of the Chaplain of the Order, Archbishop West-Watson, bas created a vacancy and His Grace will be sorely mis ed in the councils of the Order. PRIORY IN CANADA CHANCELLOR'S REPORT Increased activity in all branches of the work of St. John was displayed. Attendance at classes in First Aid and Home Nursing was high. The numerical strength of the Brigade was increased. Campaigns for funds were conducted in all. p.rovinc~s, the over~ll result~ being greater than in 1952. St. John partICIpated In Commumty Chests in several centres, including the Federal District Council in the City of Ottawa. It was considered desirable that the Canadian Priory should be represented at the Coronation of Her Majesty, and I was appointed as such representative. During my sojourn in England, I had the privilege of attending a number of functions held by the Order of St. John. In all instances I was impressed with the high regard in which the Priory of Canada is held. At the Annual Commemoration Services in St. Paul's, the Standard, presented to the Priory by Mr. Donald F. Angus,


The year was one of progress for St. John in the province. During the year there was an increase of about 130 members in the Brigade with one new Cadet Nursing Division. The panel of certificated first aid instructors was increased by twenty-five during the year, making the total of one hundred and sixty-four. The number trained, while under the total for the previous year, displays a continuing interest. In addition to the regular first aid courses about 600 were given Civil Defence first aid. During the early part of the year, the building housing the Provincial Headquarters in Edmonton was expropriated by the Federal Government. The city of Edmonton came to our assistance in securing temporary quarters. A centrally located piece of property has been secured and plans are being laid to erect a suitable building. Our Financial Campaign was more successful than in previous years, due to a greater knowledge of the work of St. John by the public. BRITISH COLUMBIA

At the beginning of the year the St. John Council was without a Provincial President, but this in no way hampered the efforts of Association and Brigade, thanks to the capable leadership of the Vice-PresidentCommissioner, Dr. Roy Mustard. At the Annual Meeting, held on St. John's Day, the Council was happy. to announce the election of the Honourable Mr. Justice J. V. Clyne as Provincial President, succeeding the late Mr. E. C. Carson. Considering 1953 as a whole, the Association is pleased with the continued spread of St. John activities in the province. Preliminary returns indicate a drop in the number of awards issued but this is balanced by the fact that classes were held in several hitherto untouched





areas. In the field of industrial First Aid, applications compared favourably with the preceding year, despite lay-offs due to labour unrest. The Forest First Aid Committee, a joint body of St. John and the Workmen's Compensation Board, continued its programme of bringing First Aid classes to logging areas, and was able to open another new area to First Aid instruction. The Association is pleased that First Aid training in school and junior classes at Centres and youth camps shows continued increase. In 1953 the Council donated 3,456 textbooks to junior classes as well as bandages and other supplies. The field of Civil Defence is less active, the public in the province being unresponsive. To the end of 1953 a total of 1,215 persons have been trained in Basic First Aid, and 290 in Advanced. The Council is happy to announce the e tabli hment of seven new local branches, one being at Elsa, Yukon Territory, the first St. John branch to be organised in the territory. A Nursing Advisory Committee, with representatives from provincial and civic health organisations, has held regular meeting and upervi ed hospital experience programmes in Vancouver and Victoria for selected members. Apart from their regular public and special duties, which include physio-therapy treatments, a group of Brigade members in Vancouver have successfully completed an instructors' course to gain their certificates. Many members in both Vancouver and Victoria have taken up ca ualty faking, following a visit in April of Miss M. MacLaren, Superintendentin-Chief, who toured the Dominion to instruct St. John members in this make-up art and its correlation with Civil Defence. Vancouver and Victoria Cadets have aided their seniors in nearly every branch of the work besides continuing their own class and division activities. Towards the end of the year an Investiture of the Order was conducted by the Lieutenant-Governor of the province, at which Mr. C. A. Gray, the Chancellor and Mr. W. J. Bennett, Chief-Commissioner, were present. MA ITOBA

A normal year of activity in the training field with awards slightly below those of 1952. This may be attrihuted to the lessening of interest in Civil Defence. Public duties increase annually and all calls for service have been filled. Fully equipped First Aid quarters have been provided at the new Winnipeg Stadium. Other duties include attendance at Stock Car Races, ski excursions, etc. Three new Nursing Cadet Divisions are in process of organisation. An active year for St. John in the Lakehead Area. Brigade members have given service at a wide variety of public duties. All available members participated in a transportation and first aid exercise organised in November by local Civil Defence authorities. Some eighty women were given a Home Nursing Course in Winnipeg in the spring as a part of the Civil Defence effort. In the smaller towns, which look to Winnipeg for guidance, the Auxiliary movement has also been a disappointment. The two existing bodies continue to give splendid service, which is greatly appreciated locally.

. The Women's Auxiliary. to the Nursing Divisions in Winnipeg conIn furthering the work of the Brigade. Under projects organIsed by thIS group, some $2,000 was raised for the Annual Appeal. Seventy-t.w 0 mem~ers of the Brigade were on duty and assisted with demonstratIOns dunng the visit of the Civil Defence convoy-'On Guard Canada'-to Winnipeg. Other local Civil Defence exercises have been attended as requested by authorities. A new.Highway First Aid Post was installed during the year at Overflow o.n 10 !?Ighway. The doctor nearest to this northerly point is located sIxty mIles away. The North-West Commercial Travellers As ociation of Canada during the year kindly donated two additional First Aid stations. These small buildings are used for storing equipment at Highway Posts. tIll~es to be o~ great val':le


This was an a~tl~e year. In ?ebruary, our newly acquired Provincial Headquarters ?uIldmg was offiCIally opened and has facilitated activities. Ample space IS available for Provincial Office as well as for the local Divisions in Saint John. New Brunsw~c~'s area is well spread out with many small, hard to ~each, commumtles. It has been our policy to try to operate a course In ~s many of these communities as possible over a period of four years. ThI S year has been the best so far in this respect. .The progr~mme of Firs~ Aid training in schools has gone forward ~It~ approximately 63 HIgh Schools certificating pupils. The Pre11mmary text i placed in Junior Schools free of charge. A cl.a s~ for Pre-Med-Students at Mt. Allison University was held and thIS IS to be an annual course. All hospitals who operate Nurses Training Schools in New Brunswick have started,. or a:e starting, to train student nurses each year. T~n new FIrst AId Instructors have received certificates and 18 more ar~ In the .p~C?cess .of qualifyi~g. 22,250 hours were spent by the seven BrIgade DIVISIOn III the prOVInce on voluntary duties. Plans are under way for three new Divisions in the northern part of the province. We now h~ve and operate three ambulances in the province. InvalId Transport work has been started for those who cannot afford to. pay regular rates. Eighteen persons were transported with a total mileage of 2,810 miles. Five I?e~~ane~t First Aid posts are now operating at rinks, beaches and exhIbItIOns III New Brunswick. NEWFOUNDLA D

The .Newf~undlan? . <;ouncil made another important advance in 1953 WIth Bngade dIVISIOns for. the firs~ time since the war. During the year }, 18~ persons enrolled 1n the dIfferent classes of the Council. !ncluded III thIS number was the first group given a Child Welfare course III Newfoundland. Although. so~e initial work was done in 1952 in connection with the reorgamsatIOn of Brigade, it was not until 1953 that the divisions were formed. One Ambulance and one Nursing Division were in oper-




ation during the year. They provided first aid service at a number of public gatherings. During these services need for an ambulance was particularly felt. In most cases ambulances were. borrowed from the Provincial Department of Health, and other occas~ons from. the. Royal Canadian Army. It is hoped to increase the financIal campaIgn In 1954 sufficiently to cover purchase of a Station Wagon or V~n for. ge~e.ral transportation and for use as an ambulance when the Bngade IS giVIng public services. .. . The Nursing Division became very actIve du.nng the year wh~n. m June, at the request of the Hospital authorities, they began gl~mg nursino assistance in the understaffed St. John's General Hospital. This pr<!gramme of assistance was carried out in co-operation with the Newfoundland Branch of the Canadian Red Cross. It was so well received that they have been asked to continue the service into 1954. The Nursing Division has been growing teadily and it is hoped that a second division can be added before long. The Newfoundland Council has been endeavouring to formulate a definite programme of education that will reach many more Newfoun.dland communities than is possible by classes, which are neces anly limited to the larger communities. In answer to this need, a pocket first aid book was sent to each school in Newfoundland as well as a suggested list of first aid supplies for school~. . . Plans were also made for a small First Aid Chart to be dl tnbuted during the financial campaign in 1954. It is hoped to continue t~is type of service as it is felt that it should be of great value. Al 0 dunng the year work was begun on a booklet covering Home Emergencies, in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Health.

Duri.ng t~e visit of the Civil Defence . Convoy, 'On Guard, Canada,' to Halifax In December, St. John Ambulance was assigned a location for first aid booth. Again we m':ls~ record here the selfless and devoted voluntary service ren~ered so wIllIngly by members of the Medical and Nursing ProfeSSIOns. We owe? too, a debt of gratitude to the many instructors, scho?l teacher, Bngade members and to an appreciative and co-operative public.



The officers and members of the St. John Council for Nova Scotia can look back on a very busy and active year. During February t~e Council conducted its annual appeal for funds. Under the able Chairmanship of Col. S. C. Oland, the objective was exceeded by a comfortable margin. . . As in previous years a very heavy emphasis was placed on tralll~ng and at the vear's end some 160 classes in First Aid and Home Nurslllg had been completed. A very considerable number of those trained in First Aid have received the advanced First Aid Course which embraces the standard course plus additional lectures in atomic, biological and chemical warfare. An increasing demand for first aid cover at large pu.blic gatherin~s has kept our units very active with practically every area III Nova ScotIa being covered. . . County Exhibitions, large fairs and other functIOns attractIng large crowds as well as sports meetings, hockey and football games, etc. have been covered by our mobile First Aid units. Public appreciation of this service is reflected in the large numl?ers of calls coming in for first aid cover and it is reflected even more ~anglbly in the excellent response to our appeal for funds to carryon thIS wo~k. Several Meritorious Certificates in Life Saving, as well as Royal Canadlan Humane Association Parchments, were presented for quick action and proper application of artificial respiration in near drowning mishaps.



1953 could well be considered a successful year for the Ontario Council for though the. financial situat~on did not improve to the extent hoped for, finances did show some Improvement over the previous year. A policy of caution is therefore still indicated, but this is difficult to adhere to owing to the teadily increasing public demand for our services. The Annual Meeting, held early in June, was again most successful. Representati~es from many distant parts of the province taxed the accommodatIOn of St. John House to the limit for the meeting and also the ensuing luncheon. .The gradual .in.crease in n~mbe~s trained continued throughout 1953, WIth. 16,337 galnmg a.wards III FIrst Aid or Home Nursing, but again the Increas~ was all III Junio~s despite every effort to expand Senior classe. Thl may have been III part due to the increase in class fees ~ut, a net co t of c~ass~s wa.s negligible compared to other years, the I~crease. ~ore than JustIfied Itself. Civil Defence Training was again dl appomtm.g and confined to the few places where the personality of the local . Director. was ~ble to overcome public apathy. The HIghway First AId System had possibly its best year on record. Large numbers of personnel were trained at the 65 posts and over 800 accident cases attended to. In the Bri~ade, .t~e. Cadets again showed a slight decrease in members but the .SenI?r DIVISIons, though showing only a slight increase, made great strIdes III ~m~rtness, effici.ency and morale. This was due primarily to the ~e-orgaTIl atlOn of certam Area and Corps staffs and is expected to contlOue. We were fortunate in being permitted to send an Officer to the Commonwealth Cadet Camp in England, where our Provincial Cadet Officer (N) represented Canada both charmingly and efficiently. W.e a~so had the pleasure of entertaining the Commissioner of Victoria DIstnct, Australia. <?ne feature worth mentioning is the gradual growth of the Transport sectI.ons, eleven m?tor ~mbula~ces now adding considerably to the ~fficiency of our FIrst Aid serVIces. Another was the acquisition late m Decem?e~ of a headquarters building for the London Branch, where all ASSOCIatIOn and Brigade activities will now be combined to the mutual bene~t of both. It might be added that an increasing number of <?u~ Nu.rsmg n:embers are d<?ing voluntary work in hospitals and rec~lymg hIgh praIse for the qualIty of their work, a tribute to St. John traIlllllg. FEDERAL DISTRICT

The activities within the .Federal .District again show continued progress. Th~r~ was a marked mcrease In the number of classes, particularly among CIVIl Defence personnel, high schools, Boy Scouts and Girl



Guides. The increa e in senior first aid classes has been principally due to the number of classes held in the various departments of the Federal Government. The activities of the Brigade during 1953 have shown a marked increase in public duties and have required the full resources of the Brigade personnel. During the year the members of the nursing personnel attended. the Veterans' Pavilion, Civic Hospital, and the Ottawa General Hos'pJtal. These duties amounted to approximately 10,000 hours. In the Gatllleau Park district the four First Aid Posts were maintained during the skiing season with a Casualty Clearing Centre at Old Chelsea. To cover ~he area efficiently, wireless is now being used bet:",een the Casualty Cleanng Station and the ski patrol, and a two-way radlO has been set up between the ambulance and the station. First Aid Posts were maintained throughout the district during the Coronation celebrations. The usual coverage was given at the Central Canada Exhibition, where approximately 1,200 cases. were t~eated. First Aid Posts were also manned during the Memonal ServIce on Armistice Day. First Aid coverage was given at the Ottawa Boys' Camp public playgrounds, winter carnivals,. public. swim~in~ pools, sum~er picnics, functions held by the Canadian L~glOn Rlchelteu Club Mlllto Skating Club, and at Lansdowne Park dunng the baseball and football seasons. Members of the Brigade were called upon to render First Aid at the C.P.R. train derailment at Gracefield, Que. A letter wa received from the Vice-Pre ident of the C.P.R. which indicates the value of the ervice rendered and the appreciation of the railway company. We are glad to report that the Alice Vincent Massey Shield for Cadet Proficiency was again won by the Ottawa Central Nursing Cadets. The Brigade is composed of four ambulance divi ions, ten nursing divisions, five cadet divisions, and one crusader division. PRINCE EDWARD ISLA D

Two courses of instruction in First Aid were given to the Charlottetown Air Cadets, Senior and Junior. Very satisfying results were obtained in the examinations and tr<:i~ing in St. John First Aid promises to be an annual item of the Cadet training. At the time of writing, 35 boys are being instructed by Capt. McCarville and great interest is being shown. A smaller class was conducted in December and has only just been completed, with seven candidates taking the examination out of the twelve who started the course. During the latter part of 1953 efforts were made to obtain the services of a qualified nurse who would conduct a Home Nursing Course, but although we were able to procure a nurse for this purpose, we were not able to find suitable accommodation .for the Home Nursing equipment. Until we can find such accommodatIOn we will have to shelve for the time being, our plans for the Home Nursing Courses. Miss MacLaren visited us in November and put forward several helpful suggestions on: First Aid and Home Nursing in particular, which will be carried out as soon as accommodation is found.




Statistics, although very essential for comparative purposes, do not always convey the whole story. In checking our records for 1953 we find that the totals do not vary a great deal from those of the previous year, although they show a slight increase. The important feature to note is that there were 19 more Senior First Aid and 21 more Junior ,First Aid classes conducted in 1953 than in 1952, thus spreading the mterest to a larger area and at the same time retaining the interest in the older area. Saskatchewan was honoured this year by a visit from our Chancelior Mr. C. A. Gray, accompanied by the Chief Commissioner, Mr. W. / Bennett, from Ottawa, and we were very much indebted to these officials for arranging for the first official Investiture to be held in this Province. The Lieut.-Governor, W. J. Patterson, invested sixteen members of the Order in the Ceremony held in the Legislative Assembly Chamber, and so accommodated those members who had been unable to attend the Annual Investiture in Ottawa, conducted by the Governor General. We extend our sincere thanks to our Premier for making it possible for us to conduct the Ceremony in the Legislative Assembly. Our Association has, during the year worked with and had the full co-operation of the Civil Defence Co-ordinator. At the Civil Defence Training cour e conducted at frequent intervals at their training school at Fort Qu'AppeHe, our Provincial Superintendent and members of the Ambulance and ursing Divisions, have contributed to the programmes arra~ged. This has resulted in getting requests from a number of place asklllg us to organise First Aid and Home Nursing classes. In October the Mobile Civil Defence display from Ottawa, known as the 'On Guard Canada' convoy, was shown in Saskatoon and Regina. It purpose wac:; to make Canadians aware of the need for Civil Defence preparedness in time of war or any civil disaster. At the demonstration, vanous voluntary welfare agencies, including the St. John Ambulance Brigade, ~ere given an .opportunity to show that all such agencies must be co-ordlnated to aVOId overlapping and confusion, and to make the best use of all help available, as a team. Much concern is being expressed in this province over the increased number o~ accidents occurring on our highways and farms, all of which should stimulate a greater desire for First Aid and Home Nursing knowledge. In November, preliminary steps were taken at North Battleford to ?rganise a mixed Division, which we expect will be in operation early III the New Year. The Canadian Legion and Royal Canadian Mounted Police have continued to give splendid support to our work. QUEBEC

The keenness with w~ich the St. John Ambulance Brigade is being acknowl~dged as a defirute part of the everyday lives of the people of the Provlllce. of Quebec is shown by the increase of over 38,000 hours of duty dunng 1953 as compared with the previous year. This is a trUly remarkable r~c?~d of work undertaken by members of 78 divisions, an mcr.ease o~ 5 .dIvisIOns over the previous year. PublIc DutIes mcluded such details as Transport, Hospital and other



voluntary duties, Nursing and Child Care, as well as work undertaken in connection with the Blind. First Aid work whilst not on public duty, Civil Defence, St. John Ambulance Appeal for funds, Social Welfare and administration and organisation. An increase of 229 members since 1952 is shown by two Corps being formed during the year, the Drummond Corps and the Trois-Rivieres and Cap de la Madeleine Corps. Three new Ambulance Divisions were formed, one each at Sorel, Thetford Mi nes and Cowansville. One Cadet Ambulance Division was reorganised and one new Cadet Nursing Division was formed; one Cadet Nursing Division was disbanded. In the field of First Aid and Home Nursing Training, while a reduction is shown in the number qualified as compared with 1952, it has been felt by the St. John Council for Quebec that the quality of tho e having completed the various courses is superior to that of previous years. A renewed interest in the subject of Home Nursing has been hown. this interest is due to the enthusia m of the Provincial Nursing Officer. There is no doubt that the people of this Province now fully recognise what the Order of St. John stands for, and with the tremendous amount of publicity in the newspapers as the result of the variolls St. John Ambulance Brigade appeals for funds, the people have become more conscious of an organisation which lives for the benefit of mankind. BELL TELEPHO E COMP A Y

Interest in First Aid on the part of Company employees continued at a high level in 1953 with 2,350 employees obtaining award. Of these, 795 employees qualified for First Year Certificates. Two employees received 30-year awards during the year and a total of 43 employees received 10 and 20-year awards. Six new instructors were trained, bringing the total of qualified Instructors for the Centre to 218. All Instructors were given coaching and incidental training by those in charge of First Aid activities. The various local and company-wide Competitions again attracted a large number of participants. There were 15 men s team and 6 ladies' teams entered in the Senior Competitions and 24 men's team and 11 ladies' teams in the Tyro Competitions. Nearly 400 employees took part. C-I-L SPECIAL CE TRE

A review of the Centre's activities during 1953 reveals that participation in First Aid Classes was considerably lower than in the preceding year. Three classes were organised at three of the Company's plant during the year as a result of which the following awards were issued: 44 Certificates, 5 Vouchers, 1 Medallion. In addition, one employee was successful in obtaining renewal of his instructor's certificate. At least two of our instructors were very active in teaching First Aid to Boy Scout troops in their localities. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS CE TRE

The work of the Canadian National Railways Centre has continued with the same intensity as in previous years. Regular classes with subsequent examinations indicate that a total of 2,311 lectures were given to 196 classes with an aggregate attendance of 30,587. There were 2,495 employees who successfully passed their examination. First



Aid instruction was given to six telegraph construction gangs whose work takes them into remote sections of the country where medical attention is not immediately available. First Aid classes were also held at a number of Trans-Canada Airlines stations. We have continued to give special attention to employees in the Maintenance of Way Department. Classes were held at 67 points and 827 employees were given the complete First Aid Course. During the past nine years, 6,279 Sectionmen, B. & B. and Signal Department employees have received First Aid Certificates. Our Supervisors travelled 8,680 miles to contact 846 section gangs and gave over 200 lectures to 5,885 employees on First Aid treatment of injuries most common to trackmen. In the Motive Power and Car Department, 1,095 employees were trained. First aid competitions carried out during 1953 were very successful. For the first time the Hutchison Memorial Cup, donated by the sons of the late Dr. J. A. Hutchison, O.B.E., Chief Medical Officer of the Canadian National Railways from 1898 to 1928, to represent the system tyro championship was competed for. 20 tyro teams in addition to 20 senior teams competed in 1953 and both the Thornton Cup, for the senior championship, and the Hutchison Memorial Cup were won by team from the Ft. Rouge Motive Power Shops at Winnipeg, Manitoba. During the period 1945 to 1953 inclusive, 16,543 employees have received First Aid instruction and passed their examination successfully. First Aiders from this Special Centre located in Winnipeg continue to provide trained men to administer to ski casualties at Snow Valley, Manitoba, and also cover other public duties at sports events, such as race track meetings, etc. Our Supervisors of First Aid continue to give First Aid training to many isolated communities, particularly in British Columbia, Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec. A Meritorious Certificate was given to Mr. Frank Daniels of Bishops Falls, Newfoundland, a member of this Centre, for rendering First Aid treatment to an employee suffering from very serious injuries, which in the opinion of the Medical Doctor, resulted in saving the patient's life~ CA 'ADIA


The Canadian Pacific Railway Centre is proud of the continued activities shown during the year 1953 both in the training of personnel and the inspection of First Aid equipment. During the year a total of 92 regular First Aid courses were conducted with an attendance of 926 employees. Of this number 196 quabfied for the certificate and 668 took higher grades of examination, making a total of 864 qualified employees. Once again the modified course of First Aid was given to selected employe~s on. Company time throughout the year. A group of 83 non-qualIfied I~structors held 626 two-hour monthly meetings with a total of 1,831 dIfferent employees attending one or more lectures during the year. I~ the M!iintenance of Way programme a complete coverage of the PaCIfic .RegIOn. and Alberta Division was made by track motor. In the PacIfi~ ~egIOn a total of 279 section creyvs, 16 extra gangs and one CommulllcatIOns DeJ?artment gang were inspected and given a brief talk and demonstratIOn on the general procedure to be followed in



arresting bleeding, immobilising fractures and the transportation of the injured to a Doctor. In Alberta a total of 679 employees received the ~ame First Ai~ Instruction, making a grand total of 2,090 employees mstructed dunng the summer months. A total of 4,808 miles was covered by track motor for this purpose. During the year a small group of 117 employees at Calgary and Wilkie were given added lectures and demon trations on the Fir t Aid pamphlet entitled 'Highlights on First Aid' which was so widely distributed to Running Trades employees the previous year. During the month of May and the first half of June on the Pacific Region, 115 Dining car employees and 165 Sleeping car porters were given Modified First Aid instruction in the use and care of the Number One Kit, which is issued to them. Similar instructions were o-iven to 75 Dining car employees on the Eastern Region, making a total of 355 employees given instruction in this department. A group of 33 employees of Canadian Pacific Airlines, con isting of ground crews employees and Stewardesses, have taken the regular First Ai~ course at Vancouver, Winnipeg and Dorval, Que. At Vancouver aIrport the ground employees were given, in addition to the regular course, 12 monthly lectures of two hours duration by their own instructor during the year. Seven employees from the selected employee round house First Aid class at Moose Jaw who are members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade of that city attended thirty public gatherings (including the exhibition Ba~d Festi.val, etc.) to render Fi~st Aid where necessary. These employee~ dunng their off duty hours aSSIst the St. John Ambulance Association with instruction at First Aid classes at Moose Jaw and vicinity. The Canadian Pacific Railway Ambulance Division No. 14 of the St.. JO.hn Ambulance Brigade consisting of 32 members of We ton Shops, Wmmpeg, completed a most successful year. Owing to lack of snow only three trains were run to La Riviere Ski Hills. A total of twelve m~~ ~nd six nursing siste~s from the ~anadian Pacific Railway Nursing DIvISIOn. No .. 8 accompamed these trams, ~ !otal of 249 hours of public duty bemg given. Twenty-four cases of mJury were treated of which seven were taken to hospital. DEPARTMENT OF NATIO AL DEFENCE Royal Canadian Navy.-The Royal Canadian Navy has continued to utilise the varied services offered by the St. John Ambulance Association with the result that the First Aid Training programme of the St. John Ambulance Association now forms an integral part of the training of all Medical Assistants of the Royal Canadian Naval Reserve. In conjunction with Naval medical training the newly entered Medical Assistant is required to qualify for the St. John Ambulance Certificate and subsequently to attain St. John Ambulance 'Instructor' status. Roy~l Canadian Army Medical Corps.-The Canadian Army continued to aSSIst the Order of St. John and to further the association between the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps and the Order of St. John wherever possible. Many of the officers of the R.C.A.M.C. have served on Provincial Councils as Members, and Surgeon Examiners' and have also assisted with demonstrations when requested. Every eff~rt is being



made to have closer associations between the R.C.A.M.C. and the Order of St. John in 1954. Royal Canadian Air Force.-The R.C.A.F. has continued its efforts to further First Aid training in every field of Command and to co-operate An with the Association by giving assistance wherever possible. endeavour has been made to create interest in First Aid training in the small communities near R.C.A.F. units. ORTHER ELECTRIC COMPANY Awards were received as follow: Certificates 80, Vouchers 5, Medallions 10, Labels 44, Home Nursing Certificates 18. Two of our employees were admitted to the rank of Serving Brother, and two of our employees received their Gold Certificate. ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE Thirty-one classes were held in First Aid during the 1953 calendar year. This is for the entire Force, including the three training centres. The following awards were obtained: Certifi~ates 391, Vouchers 102, Medallions 40, Labels 82, Instructors' Certificates (new) 5, Instructors' Certificates (renewals) 7. The figure of 615 (total awards) is down for last year, but the 1952 total was abnormally high due to some 10 classes not having been included in the 1951 returns and therefore added to the 1952 figures. Besides the 1953 awards there may be other members who attended Civilian Classes, and so their awards would not go through this office.

PRIORY IN AUSTRALIA It was with the deepest regret that we learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Mary, and the Secretary-General of the Order was requested by cable to express the deepest sympathy of all Members of the Priory in Au tralia to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and members of the Royal Family. . It was also with great regret we learned of the death of Admiral Sir Hugh Binney, who during his term of office as Governor of Tasmania ~ad acted as Deputy Prior in that State and had been keenly interested lTI the work of the Order of St. John, not only in Tasmania but throughout the Priory in Australia. During the year there were 17 deaths reported of Members of the Order within the Priory in Australia, and the day before the June Meeting the Priory Executive lost an old and valued officer and friend in the person ot: Major-General F. A. Maguire, our Hospitaller and Almoner. . Fol~0~1l1g t.he announcement of the appointment of Field-Marshal SIr WIlliam Shm as Governor-General of the Australian Commonwealth advice was received from the Secretary General of the Order of St: John that upon assumption of office in Australia, he would succeed the Rt. Hon. Sir William McKell as Prior in Australia. On May 14th, 1953, the Sub-Prior and the Priory Secretary visited Canberra and presented an Address of Welcome to our new Prior and Lady Slim on behalf of the Members of the Priory in Australia and subsequently





a letter was forwarded to Sir William McKell expressing the appreciation of the Priory in Australia of his services as Prior from 1947 to. 1953. In June Council met in Church House, Sydney, and a meetmg of Chapter ~as held in the Chapter House, Sydney, at which our new Prior presided. On 14th June, H.E. the Prior, H.E. the Deputy Prior for New South Wales the Chief Justice of New South Wales, members of Priory, the St. John Ambulance Association, the St. John Ambulance Brigade and the Hospitallers Club attended a special Cathedral Service, after which H.E. the Governor-General and H.E. the Governor of New South Wales inspected the members of the St. John Ambulance ~rigade. In July the Prior appointed Colonel K. B. Fraser of Bnsbane as Hospitaller and Almoner in place of the late Major-General F. A. Maguire. . The Annual Priory Service was held on the 14th June, m the Cathedral Church of st. Andrew, Sydney, in conjunction with the N.S.W. District of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. There was a large congregation which included H.E. Field-Marshal Sir William Slim, as Prior, H.E. Lt.-General Sir John Northcott, Deputy Prior, and the Chief Ju tice, The Hon. K. W. Street. During the absence in England of the Priory Chaplain, the sermon was preached by the Rt. Rev. Bi hop W. G. Hilliard, Assistant Chaplain, and the Very Rev. the Dean of Sydney took part in the Service. . . . The donations to the OphthalmIC HospItal from the vanou States have been generous during the past year, reaching a total of £221 4s. Od. The members of Priory Library Committee again wi h to thank all who have so generously contributed to the Priory .Li~ra~y during the year 1953. Many gifts of books, photographs and mSlgmae have been received. There is a total of 689 members in the Order in Australia and a record is maintained of honours and medals awarded, together with appoinlments held in the Association and the Brigade during the year. During the year 1953 information was received of the deaths of 15 members.

Darwin. It is gratifying to see that the University of Adelaide has included a First Aid Course in their syllabus and will be a regular feature.


New South Wales.-The number of Certificates issued showed an increase in all sections, the total number of Juniors being 2,173 as compared with 1,913 in 1952, and Seniors, including higher awar~s, 4,8~7 as against 4,369 in the previous year. A new avenue of FIr t AId training has been opened up through the efforts of Pastor R. E. Hare, whereby classes are being conducted in the Pacific Islands at Seventh Day Adventist Mission Schools. The first classes completed were those on Pitcairn Island. Victoria.-Teaching has continued at a steady rate. There was a slight increase in Home Nursing classes and in Home Nursing Certificates gained. The Association is again greatly indebted to the loyal band of honorary lecturers and instructors, without whose assistance the work of the organisation could not continue. South Australia.-Statistics for the year show continued progress in the formation of classes for teaching First Aid and Home Nursing. Much importance is attached to the formation of a Sub-Centre at

Queensland.-Classes held during the year totalled 203, including 163 First Aid, 36 Home Nursing, and four Home Hygiene. The Centre is indebted to those who acted as examiners, honorary instructors, members of the staffs of the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade, and Railway Ambulance Officers. Tasmania.-Records for this year show an increase of 48 % in the number of First Aid Adult Certificates issued. On the 15th April the Association conducted an evening in the St. John's Memorial Hall, New Town, when a Shield was presented by the Acting Minister for Education, the Hon. J. L. Madden, to the Robert Cosgrove Modern School. This Shield was given by the Association for the class of girls gaining the highest percentage of marks in the written part of the Preliminary First Aid examination. On the I st May when the St. John Council for Tasmania started to function, the Association made an allocation of 75 % of its funds to the Council and since then it has functioned on donations and class and examination fees received. CERTIFICATES ISSUED FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE MONTHS E DED 31st DECEMBER, 1953.

ew South Wales Victoria South Australia Queensland Tasmania ew South Wales Victoria South Australia Queensland Tasmania

First Aid S enior Junior 2,851 1,902 1,593 451 833 125 1,890 103 365 291 Vouchers Medallions

387 132 278 103 42

371 154 50 152 18

H ome Nursing S enior Junior 429 261 352 59 98 54 407 37 203 Labels Pendants

747 270 265 103 165

65 55 20 23 42


27 16 Total Certificates 7,040 3,066 1,723 2,797 1,161

TOTAL CERTIFICATES ISSUED SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRES New South Wales - 258,349 Victoria 163,244 South Australia 51,510 80,420 Queensland Tasmania 26,582 REPORTS FROM STATE COMMISSIONERS

New South Wales.-Activities of the Brigade have been well maintained. One Ambulance, one Nursing and two Cadet Nursing Divisions were registered. The Deputy Prior, Sir John Northcott, held an Investiture at Government House on the 23rd April, when awards were presented. The Church Parade was held in conjunction with the Priory at St. Andrew's Cathedral on 14th Ju~e, after which the Brigade was inspected by the Governor-General, FIeld-Marshal Sir William Slim. The Cathedral was filled to capacity and the address was given by Bishop



Coadjutor Hilliard . There was also a good atteI1dance at St. Mary's Basilica. The Annual Inspection was held in the Outer Domain Grounds adjacent to Government House on 21st November. The Inspection was carried out by His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir John Northcott, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.V.O., K.ST J., Governor of New South Wales. The Cadet Parade took place at the Victoria Barracks on the 5th December. The Inspecting Officer was Lieutenant-General F. H. Berryman, C.B.E., G.O.C., Eastern Command.

Victoria.- Three Ambulance, one Combined and one Nursing Division were registered. . . Every Division in the District was inspected by Officers of the Dlstnct Staff during the year. In addition, His Excellency the Governor of Victoria, General Sir Dallas Brooks, K.C.B., K.C., M.G., D.S.O., K.ST.J., inspected a combined parade on 5th December. The usual series of First Aid and Home Nursing Competitions were held for Ambulance Divisions, Nursing Divisions and Cadets. The Annual Church Parade was held on Sunday, 24th May, at St. Paul's and St. Patrick's Cathedrals. The Coronation celebrations in June provided one of the busiest . periods in the experience of the Brigad~.. The Commissioner represented the Bngade III AustralIa at the Conference held by Commissioner-in-Chief in England in June. South Australia.-H.E. the Governor of South Australia, Air ViceMarshal Sir Robert George, K.B.E., C.B., M.C., K.ST.J., and Lady George attended their first Inspection of the Brigade at the Uni versity Oval on Sunday, October 18th. After presenting Service Awards and taking the Salute at the March Past, His Excellency expressed pleasure at the splendid attendance and conduct of the Review. The Port Adelaide Water Front First Aid Service, ~ponsored by the State Committee of Overseas and Interstate Shipping Companies, but supervised by the Brigade, continues to prove its necessity as 6,976 cases of injury were treated during the year, compared with 3,233 in 1952. The Transport Corps has given excellent service, and expansion is taking place gradually. Ten ambulances are in commission, and two are on order in order to cope with additional demands during the Royal Visit. Members of the Transport Divisions gave 43,096 hours of voluntary duty in order to provide a 24-hour service, during which 8, 191 calls were attended, the mileage reaching 131,818. Brigade strength increased by 80 during the year. Thanks to the excellent progress made by Mr. G. N. Bradbury in promoting classes for First hid in the Far North, a Division was formed in Darwin, and there is evidently much scope for the work of St. John in that area. Tasmania.-During the year two St. John V.A.D. Nursing Divisions at Hobart were registered and the No.2 Nursing Divisions at Hobart and Launceston were disbanded. Two Nursing Cadet Divisions have been registered at Launceston and one at Devonport and an Ambulance Cadet Division at Riverside.





Annual Inspections were carried out by the Commissioner or a District Officer in all Divisions with the exception of the Ambulance Division at Queenstown and the Cadet Ambulance Division at Riverside. The Burnie No. 1 Ambulance Division which represented Tasmania in the Inter-State Ambulance Brigade First Aid Competition held at Hobart on the 28th November, were successful in winning the Herald Trophy. Our congratulations are extended to all teams on the results achieved. The Brigade for the first time in Tasmania was granted a State-wide Button Day Appeal, and this helped considerably in augmenting Divisional funds. The St. John Day Annual Church Parade of the Brigade was held at St. David's Cathedral, Hobart. The Service was conducted by the Very Rev. H. Fewtrell, S.B.St.J. (Assistant Chaplain of the Order). At Launceston the Service was held at St. John's Church.

Queensland. - The work in Queensland has been limited to Nursing Divisions, membership of which has shown a steady increase during the year. Queensland's first Cadet Division is in process of registration and at least two more Cadet Divisions will be formed before the end of March 1954. . The Annual Inspection of metropolitan divisions was held this year on 15th No vember in Albert Park. One hundred and thirty members were in pected by the Deputy Prior, H.E. Lt.-General Sir John Lavarack, K.B .E., C.B., C. M.G. , O.S.O., M. C., K.ST.J., accompanied by Lady Lavarack. Chur.c h Parades were held on St. John Day at the main city churches and III all country centres where there are Nursing Divisions. A Field Day on 19th April was devoted to drill and practical instruction in the morning, and to individual and team tests in the afternoon. The Q.A.T.B. Cup for V.A.D. Competition on 26th September was preceded by a St. John elimination contest the day before; one team travelling 200 miles to compete. An innovation this year was a weekend camp on 17th and 18th October held at Burleigh Heads ; it wa attended by 30 officers and N.C.O.'s, some from as far north as Rockhampton. This course proved of great value and will, it is hoped, become an annual event. COMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA The approxi?1ate strength of the Brigade for 1953 is 1,247 as against 1,065 the prevIOUS year. Three Ambulance, two Cadet Ambulance and three Cadet Nursing Divisions were registered, and it is anticipated that further Cadet Divisions will be formed in the near future. During the year, 36 Service Medals and 27 Service Medal Bars were received and appropriate presentation of these has been made to the members concerned. A large number of Brigade Members assembled on St. John's Day with members of the Order at St. George's Anglican Cathedral and St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral. Commemorative Services were attended by Brigade Members in most country areas. In the metropolitan area, H.E. the Governor, Sir Charles Gairdner, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.B.E., K.ST.J., as Knight Commander, carried out the




Inspection, took the Salute and presented Service Awards before a large crowd of spectators. The Divisions in the Great Southern, South-West and Wheat Belt Areas were inspected personally, or by District Officers, which entailed travelling many hundred of miles, keen interest being shown by the Divisions visited. Keen interest was displayed in the 'Tymms Cup' and the 'Donaldson Cup' Competitions, no less than 21 teams participating. District Surgeon, Dr. B. Cohen, O.ST.J., was promoted to Assistant Commissioner and was succeeded by Dr. 1. 0 Thorburn, S.B.ST.J., also W. J. Henneker, Esq., S.B.ST.J., was appointed a District Officer, vice G. Mitchell, Esq., resigned. PRIORY COMMISSIONER'S COMME TS The Brigade throughout Australia has continued its steady increase in numbers. It is particularly satisfactory to note the increase in Cadet personnel. This augurs well for the future of the Brigade. Throughout Australia the Brigade has carried out its public duties with the usual efficiency and its has been noticeable that the Press in all States has given more prominence to the great community service of the Brigade. THE COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA His Excellency Major-General Sir John Kennedy, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., M.C., Knight of the Order, on completing his term of office as Governor of Southern Rhodesia, left the Colony in December 1953, and has been succeeded as Knight Commander by His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Lord Llewellin, G.B.E., M.C., T.D., Knight of the Order, Governor-General of the Federation of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland. H.E. the Knight Commander held an Investiture in the Assembly Hall at St. John Headquarters, Salisbury, 'on the 11th September, 1953. The Commandery acknowledges with thanks the Grant of £3,000 made by Chapter General, of which the first annual instalment of £ 1,000 was received in February 1953. The Commandery likewise acknowledges with thanks the response received from Members of the Order resident within the Commanderv area to the special appeal for voluntary annual donations to the Commandery on the scale prescribed. The Commandery gratefully acknowledges the gifts of a Standard, Processional Cross and Director of Ceremonies Wand from Members of Commandery Chapter. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE A D COMMANDERY COMMISSIONER The Brigade strength shows an increase of 309 over the previous year, most of which is accounted for in the number of men; in particular the British South Mrica Police Divisions show an increase of approximately 200. The strength of Nursing Members and Cadets remains at about the figure for the previous year. The Police authorities continue to place great value on the St. John training of members, particularly the Mricans, and the strength of the African Divisions has now risen to just over 1,000.


The total strength of the Brigade in the Commandery area is now 1,667, made up as .f~l~ows: Men 1,289, Women 121, Boys 67, Girls 190. The number of DIVIsIOns remains at 39. The year was. a.I?articularly heayy one for the Brigade, and the Rhodes Centenary .ExhibitIOn and the vIsit of H.M. The Queen Mother and H.R.J:I. Pnncess Marga~et ad?ed .greatly to its responsibilities. Owmg to preoccupatIOn w~t~ Its if!1portant duties, the Brigade did !lot hold the Annual CompetitIOns thIS year, but these will be revived m 1954. Th~re l?as again been an increase in the number of Classes held and Exaf!1matlOn results h~ve proved highly satisfactory, the number of CertIficates awarded bemg ] ,990,. apI?roximately the same as the previous yea~. T~e number of members Jommg the Brigade from Classes shows a slJght mcrease at 133. A ne~ Ce!ltre of the Association has now been established in Northern RhodesIa wIth Headquarters in Lusaka. A successful. public appeal has been made by the Bulawayo Committee of the Rhode l.a Centre, as a result of which, land has been secured and plans are now .m course of preparation for the erection of a new St. John Headquarters In Bulawayo.

COMMANDERY OF ARDS T.he high light of thi year's activities was the visit to Belfast of Her the Queen Sovereign Head of the Order, and H.R.H. the Duke of E~I~burgh ..Although no special St: John function was arranged for the VIS.lt th~ Bn g~de rose to the occaSIOn and played its part in full by re~deflng FIrst AId along all routes taken by Her Majesty and His Royal HIghne s. The Annual Festival of the Order was held in Fisherwick Presbyterian C~urch, Belfast, on Sunday, 5th July. His Excellency, The Lord Prior wIth Mem~ers of ~hapter and the Order went in procession to the church where an ImpreSSIve C<?mmemo~ation Service was held, conducted by Frere Ch.aplam Rev. \Vl thers aSSIsted by Frere Chaplain the Very Rev. Dean EllIOtt. Mter the Serv.ice the Brigade marched past, the salute being taken by The Lord Pnor. An appeal to the public for clothing etc., for the victims of the East Coast dlsaste~, prod uced. staggeri ng results. Three hundred and sixty bal~s of clothIng were dispatched with great speed by the office staff asslste? by members of the Brigade. ' Dunng the past y~ar four meetings of Chapter and four meetings of Commandery CounCIl were held, all of which were well attended. MaJes~y

ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION Major General Beaumont-Nesbitt took over the duties of Director from Colonel R. G. Gf(?sv~nor who was reluctantly forced, owing to the demands of the Terntonal Army, to give up the appointment T?e work ~f the. Ass.ociation has progressed well during the ·year. ActIve Counc~ls eXist . III Lon.donderry City and County, Counties Armagh, Antnm and III the CIty of Belfast.



The Great Northern Railway and the Ulster Transport Authorities are now members of the Association. The policy of concentrating on centres of popu.lation ~or instr~ction of First Aid, etc., rather than a county as a whole, IS workmg admIrably.





The Coronation year for the Brigade was one to be remembered but, of course, placed a great demand on the members ~nd resources. The contino-ent which went to London for the CoronatIOn was the largest in the °U.K. and it returned covered with glory. The Cadets (A. & N.) are not likely to forget ~ 953 as, ~~ring. the Queen's visit to Belfast, our Cadets took a promlOent. posItIOn. Ill. a Youth Rally and were closely inspected by Her Majesty. plstnct Officer, Miss E. Garrett, was personally presented to Her MaJe ty. The tragic sinking of M.V. Princess Victoria off the coast of Donag~­ adee brought the Brigade on to the scene and thanks for the splendld work done by members and the ambulances wer~ .co~veyed to the Commissioner by the Prime Minister and other Mlmstnes. Recruiting for the Northern Ireland Hospital Service Reserve ~as been another object of the Brigade. Members have taken an active part in County Recruiting Drives with excellent r~sults. ~ome. ~f. our Divisions have joined the Reserve and many recrULts, not III DIVJSIOnS, have affiliated themselves to Divisions. The assistance given to the Blood Transfusion Service has been very great and has received the recognition of .the a.uthorities. . Memb~rs are being encouraged to persevere further with thIS great and essential service.

AND ON OTHER FINANCIAL MATTERS On the 18th November 1953, Chapter-General received and approved the Budget and Financial Statement in respect of the year 1953-54. Both Council and the Finance Committee had noted with satisfaction, for the information of Chapter-General, that the estimates of all departments provided for significant reductions in administrative expenditure and in particular for a reduction of some £2,500 in the total of personal emoluments. This downward trend of administrative expenditure conformed, in their view, to the second phase of the policy recommended in the Financial Survey of 1950 and approved by Chapter-General, that after an initial period of two or three years, heads of services should be required to work to a budget gradually but definitely reduced from year to year in accordance with plans for which they themselves would be responsible. The Finance Committee, meeting on the 16th February, 1954, approved for submission to Chapter-General the Report of the Receiver-General (annexed) on the Accounts of the Order for the year ended 30th September, 1953, and the Accounts themselves (pages 00 - 00). The audit of the Accounts has since been satisfactorily . concluded. The Finance Committee in reporting on the Accounts directed that the revision of the Financial Survey already contemplated should be carried out as soon as possible and that the blue print of Ordinary Income and Expenditure based on the assumption that the Post-War Fund has been exhausted, which has already been called for, should be prepared and presented to the Finance Committee before the financial year now current comes to an end. In pursuance of another decision of Chapter-General the conversion of the investments of the Post-War Fund (General Allocation) into 4 % Victory Bonds has been completed, and on the lIth February, 1954, Council accepted for approval by Chapter-General the Receiver-General's recommendation that the investments of the Post-War Fund (Special Allocation) should similarly be converted into 4 % Victory Bonds as favourable opportunities arise. The object of the conversion is to provide that the investments of the Post-War Fund shall be held in securities which conform as closely as possible to the requirements of the Fund and to avoid securities which involve an active investment policy. Since the publication of the last Annual Report of Chapter-General a number of changes in the internal accountancy procedure of the Treasury have been formulated and good progress has been made in giving effect to these. The object in view is to systematise and codify to a greater extent than before the machinery of financial control. Mr. 1. C. Albury, Treasurer and Accountant, retired after completing 43 years' service with the Order. His place has been taken by Mr. D. B. R. Swinstead, A.C.A.




Estimate £

REPORT OF THE RECEIVER-GENERAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE ON THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1953. THE ACCOUNTS The Accounts herewith submitted which have not yet been audited, conform in all main respects to the model prescribed by the Finance Committee two years ago. Certain changes in presentation, which will be self-evident, have been made with the object of exhibiting in a c1eare.F and simpler form the operations of the year under review and the financial position resulting therefrom. COMPARISO


The Budget Estimates for the year under review provided for Ordinary Expenditure of £109,261, which was to be met from Ordinary Income of £48,235 and the charge of the deficit of £61,026 to the St. John Post-War Fund. The estimated and actual income and expenditure for the year j summarised below: Estimate £ 36,101 25,500 16,444 31 ,216

EXPENDITURE Central Administration Ophthalmic Hospital St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade


Actual £ 44,118 29,149 16,405 25,984

Excess £ 8,017 3,649


£ 11,666

Deficiency £ 39 5,232 £5,271

Net £6,395 INCOME Central Administration Ophthalmic Hospital St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade



37,445 3,100 6,250 1,440

41,900 4,080 6,383 2,870

4,455 980 133 1,430







The actual and estimated income and expenditure of the St. John Post-War Fund for the year is summarised below: Net Ordinary Expenditure, above Special GrantsInterest receivable -

Estimate £ 61,026 27,000

Actual £ 60,423 21,438

88,026 37,950

81,861 42,599



Excess £

Deficiency £ 603 5,562

Loans to Branches (ex Post-War Fund): Net repayments Proceeds of sale of investments -

The above net expenditure of the St. John Post-War Fund (General Allocation) is met by:

Actual £

2,900 47,176

3,574 35,688



The cost of. the Order's proportion of the expenditure on Welfare Work in Service Hospitals has been met out of the income from and proceeds of sale of investments of the St. John Post-War Fund (Special Allocation). It is noted that the market value of the Order's investments at 30th September, 1953, £1,943,668 exceeded the value at 30th September, 1952, by £941. It is therefore true to say that the realisation of investments effected during the year to cover the capital requirements of the General and Special Allocations of the St. John Post-War Fund has been covered by the overall increase in the market value of the Order's investments. There are set out below notes on certain items appearing in the Accounts. BALANCE SHEET Fu 0 The Centenary Fund has been transferred to General Fund in accordance with Chapter-General Minute 2855 l(b) dated 22nd July, 1953. The balances on the Staff Benevolent Contingency Fund and the St. John Church Maintenance Fund have been restored to the General Fund, from which their funds originally derived, as these balances. in fact form part of the General Fund and essentially have no separate existence from it. Similarly the balance on the Superannuation Reserve Fund is restored to the General Fund consequent upon the winding up of the Staff Superannuation Fund Scheme of 1910 pursuant to ChapterGeneral Minutes Nos. 2445 and 2506. Provisions no longer required, £4,978, are principally in respect of long outstanding examiners' fees for which it is considered no longer necessary to make provision. 1.




Ophthalmic Hospital Endowment Fund The balance of the proceeds of compensation paid by the Israeli Government in respect of damage to the Hospital is made up as follows: 1£ 1£ 17,500 Compensation received Less: Attorney's Fee 1,400 Contractors' charges 300 512 Compulsory Loan to Israeli Government 2,212

6,165 4,649 £10,814


1£15,288 Less: Compensation paid to staff


5,158 £10,130





it is hoped that questions of policy regarding the future of the Hospital, still under investigation, will have reached finality. Once more that precarious source of income, sale of stores, has come to the rescue, while in addition there is an agreeable reduction of expenditure on the Headquarters of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. On the other hand there is nothing in the figures of the Accounts which vitiates the hopeful observations recorded by the Finance Committee on the Budget for the year now current. It may still be said that a start is being made with the reduction of Ordinary Expenditure, and, as has so often been said before, it is in reduction of expenditure that salvation must mainly lie; but obviously we have still a long way to go. There is one gleam of brightness in the year under report, namely, that the impact upon the Post-War Fund is being reduced by improvement in the market value of investments, combined with the conversion programme and the resultant increase in investment income. E. BURDON Receiver-General 12th February, 1954


COMMUTED OBLATIONS, £ 177 The amount received during the year is brought into the Income and Expenditure Account and not credited direct to General Fund as hitherto. 2.

OTHER INTEREST, £576 Includes £213 in respect of interest on the War Damage claim (Stores Department) credited direct to General Fund. . 3.

CHA CERY: DEPARTMENTAL TRA SFER EXPENSES, £5,378 Consists of charges in connection with the establishment of offices at 10, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.I., and the rearrangement of accommodation for the Library and Stores Department within the premises at St. John's Gate. 4.

TREASURY: STAFF SUPERAl\TNUATION Fu D CO TRIBUTIO S, ETC., £5,167 Includes £4,482 in respect of the purchase of annuities for a member of the staff upon retirement. ST. JOHN POST-WAR FUND GENERAL ALLOCATIO 1. WELFARE WORK IN MALAYA, £1,467 The reduced charge in respect of the Order's share of the cost of the st. John Teams in Malaya arises from an adjustment of the charge for the previous year consequent upon a financial settlement with the Government of the Federation of Malaya. 2. BEXIDLL CADET CAMP WORKS, £900 Chapter-General Minute No. 2876(1) dated 18th November, 1953, approved that the property should vest in the Order and in consequence all expenditure incurred by the Order in connection with the purchase of the Camp site and equipment will be represented by an asset in the next Balance Sheet. CONCLUDING COMMENTS What light do the Accounts throw on the abiding problem of equating the Ordinary Income and the Ordinary Expenditure of the Order? Confining myself to large and salient factors I offer the following brief apprecia tion. The fact that the excess of Ordinary Expenditure over Ordinary Income conforms so closely to the original estimate for the year is really fortuitous. There are three large pieces of expenditure, which are truly abnormal, namely, in round figures, £3,000 on the final payment of fees to the Management Consultants, £5,000 on account of the expenses of the move to No. 10 Grosvenor Crescent, and £4,000 paid in commutation of a pension, which thus appears once for all in the Accounts of the year under review instead of being spread over a number of years. I must also draw attention to the higher scale of expenditure on the Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem; but this is a temporary liability definitely accepted as such until the end of the Budget year 1953-4 when



30th September, 1953









]952 (adjusted)







as at 30th September, 1952

Add: Legacies ....... . Sundry Fund balances transferredas at 30th September, 1952 Less: transactions during year (net)





General Fund. . . freehold Premises at and adJolOlOg St. John's Gate Ll ss: written off to date

33,885 4,978 667 36] 321,853

Less: Works at St. John's Gate Expenditure at Kolossi Castle, Cyprus Property at Rhodes-legal expenses

284,590 7,086 375 96


8,758 313,095

freehold Premises adjaccnt to Grand Priory Church . . . . . . . . . . . Lea ehold Premises at 33/34 Wilton Row, S.W.I L(ss: written off to date

650 455

Strathearn Hou e and Watson House, Jerusalem 1uristan Property Jeru alem Less: \\fitten off to datc

3,698 3,648

Rights in Kolo



Ophthalmic Hospital EndOll"lIIent Fllndfn:ehold Premi e" at Hopital, Jeru alem

277,033 25,621 3,300 1,357 6,000

Uss: \\ ntten off to date com pen alion

Add: Legacy Subscriptions and Donations Interest on Investments War Damage claim and interest thereon Less: Architects' Fees Salary and expenses


claim (net)



25 665 318 5,892

922 318

Lea ehold Preml e at 10, Grosvenor ere ent, S.W.I Less: written off to date



Freehold Premi es at 15/ 16, Collingham Gardens, S.W.5 Less: ""ritten off to date

£ 695 437




210 100 68,538


as at 30th September, 1952



Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest on Investments

141 7

85 7



Carried forward




650 390 260 1,583 3,698 3,648 50 34






£ 4,985 8,206 13,191

15,115 25,917

17,640 4704

17,640 4,116



46,106 478

46,106 J,I':+9


26,144 144

26,144 144



26,000 83,893







Per Schedule attached (Market Value: J953-£1 ,943,668 1952-£1,942,727) LOANS TO BRANCHE -


Less: Expenditure .


4,985 10,130



Add: Legacies Donation

51,449 25,449


1,132 as at 30th September, 1952

51,449 25,449


420 21,814



t. John Post- War FllndGcneral AI/ocation· Lea ·chold Premises at 8, Gro venor re cent, s.v .1 Less: \-\fitten off to date


as at 30th September, 1952



36,278 313,095


195 1,583

Ca tIc, Cyprus


Centenary Fund . . . . . St. John Church Maintenance Fund Staff Benevolent Contingency Fund Staff Superannuation Fund Reserve . (transferred to General Fund, above)

1952 (adjusted)


36,278 2,393

Provisions no longer required War Damage claim: Stores Dept. Commutation of Oblations



Add: Advanced during year

41,176 600

31,126 13,550

Less: Repaid during year

41,776 4,824

44,676 3,500

as at 30th September, 1952






311 136




Carried forward


Brought f orward

403 ,583

ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE BENEVOLENT FUNDas at 30th September, 1952 Add: Subscription Interest on Investments Less: Grants


2 228

5 228




L ess : Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year .





Fund Scheme









33 ,992 548, 598

581,586 1,793,649

55,049 7,263 785

56,150 8,837 952

63 ,097 59,1] 8 72,805

65,939 38,952 33,803


138,694 42,757 28,064


(Lo a nd wri tten off)


2,1 73,787

40,556 15,906

1,527,477 226,697

SPECIAL ALLOCATION of £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitals£ as at 30th September, 1952 581,586 Add: Profit on realisation of investment . 1,004 Less: Excess of Expenditure Income for the year


15 /

7, 157


Brought f orward



ST. JOR POST-WAR F UND (Funds allocated by Joint War Organisation)G ENERAL ALLOCATIO of £2,060,000as at 30th Septem ber, 1952 . . . . . . 1,254,840 Add: Net Profit on realisation of Investmen ts 29,473





E. BURDON, Recei ver-General D . B. R. SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant

£2,204,389 £2,241 ,660

Having examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Accoun ts of St. John of Jerusalem and with the returns received from Jerusalem we hereby report that on the are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. ' , 3, Fredericks Place, Old Jewry, E.C.2. 16th M arch, 1954.


138, 558



£2,241 ,660

This Ba/ance Sheet and the annexed Income and Expenditure Accounts present the financial pOSition and transactions 0/ the H eadquarters hoth 0/ the Order and 0/ its Foundations. They do not incorporate the assets, liabilities am/transactions o/the local Units 0/ the Order and 0/ irs Foundations, the Accounts 0/ which are maintained and audited locall v under Regulations aurhorised by the Orde·r. III addition to the properties included in th is Balance Sheet certain other properties hal'e been rested in the Order either as part of its corporate property or lipan Trusts ill connection Irith the S r. John Ambulance Association and Brigade. These properties are only realisable h'irh the consent 0/ rhe Charity Commissioners or rhe Trustees or Local Committees 0/ Afanage ment. (3 ) inclllded in the Balance Sheet are net current assets 0/ 1£20,341 (co nverted at p ar), which are held in Israel subject to exchange restrictions.

book~ and vouchers of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital III the Notes on the Balance Sheet, the said Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts

PRICE, WATERHOUSE & Co., Chartered Accountants.








£ Foundation Dues Annual Oblations Commuted Oblations Less: Ceded to Priories and Commanderies .



£ 2,213 5,693 177

1,870 5,467

8,083 1,541

7,337 1,176



,108 296

7.619 310




Proceeds of sale of cars


Rents, less outgoings


1952 £ "CERY-

7,542 77

7,532 576

Interest on Investments Other Interest



14,3 f]

5,601 201 837 149 1,003 180 699 1,590 799 519 622 1,363 2,171

Salaries, Pen ions and National Insurance Staff Superannuation Fund contributions Rent and Rate . . . . tease -amount written off . t ighting, Heating and Cleaning epairs and Decorations . p o · tag~ and Telephone Pnnting and Stationery . Travelling expen e ntertaintng expen es . . . . lnve tttures (including lllvesttlUre 3.t Bu~!(ingham Palace) ]nshmla edals, Vcllum Votc and Diplomas aple..,t~ad Church expenses ~partmcntal transfer expen es anagcment Con'ultants u! lry Expen e



7,455 1,169 289 303





5,167 164


supplementary 753


583 200




ew Zealand.



89 368 221 25 456

253 204 170










Donation NET COST, transferred to St. John P ost-War Fund



6025 ' 184 395

2,912 1,240





667 1,350 659 2,488 1,690 508 327 596 1,911 126 818 3,428 1,538



Gross Profit on sale of stores Deduct: Salaries and National Insurance Staff Superannuation Fund contributions Rates . . . . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Sundry Expenses .



Cost of Production

Sales and Advertising Revenue

£ 6,419 428

£ 3,815




2,914 232

2,819 1,353 1,492

3,146 1,205 1,215

5,664 739


5,566 1,459 228 1,081 85 216

53 788

69 292

£ 44,118 £37,982





£44, 118 £37,982



The GRAND PRIORY in the BRITISH REALM of the VENERABLE ORDER of the HOSPITAL of St. JOHN of JERUSALEM OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AT JERUSALEM INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, INCOME 1952 EXPENDITURE £ £ £ Subscriptions and Donations 1,420 1,048 HOSPITAL EXPENSESInterest on Investments 1,175 1,156 Salaries, Pensions and National Rents, less Rates and Taxes 1,428 1,335 Insurance Medical Fees . 57 13 Food and Housekeeping Drugs and Equipment 4,080 3,552 Light and Water. Repairs and Maintenance NET COST transferred to St. John Post-War Fund. 25,069 13,267 Warden's and Sisters' Flats Furnishing and expenses Travelling expenses Printing and Stationery Attorney's Fees Sundry Expenses

1953 1952 £





0 ::0

11,315 2,189 6,007 377 1,369

7,790 2,016 777 265 1,325

3,740 1,278 472 450 588

1,414 338 220 531






""":l :::r:: tTl

n ~

"t1 """:l



6 tTl

Lo DON OffICE EXPENSCSSalaries and National Insurance Printing and Stationery Loss on Exchange-Australia Sundry Expenses

£ 1,014 109 42 199

£ 995 91 32 1,025

1,364 £29,149 £16,8 19

Z tTl ::0

> t""'


£29,149 £16,819

The GRAND PRIORY in the BRITISH REALM of the VENERABLE ORDER of the HOSPITAL of St. JOHN of JERUSALEM ST. JOH INCOME AND EXPE DITURE A INCOME £ Charges to Centres and Detached Classes for instruction and examinations . 11,728 Less: Lecturers' and Examiners' Fees payable thereout 8,085 Awards (net). . . . . Donations and Subscriptions NET COST, transferred to St. John Post-War Fund

3,643 2,396 344

3,853 2,857 306

Salaries and National Insurance Staff Superannuation Fund contributions Rent and Rates Lea e-amount written off Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Sundry Expenses

6,383 10,022

7,016 8,786

Competitions (net)



13,265 9,412

ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE 66 65 Salaries and National Insurance. 1,440 1,520 Staff Superannuation Fund contributions Rent and Rates 1,364 Lease-amount written off 2,870 1,585 Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling Expenses NET COST, transferred to St. John Post-War Fund 23,114 29,462 Sundry Expenses Donations . . . . . Ministry of Education grant National Hospital Service Reserve grant

Competitions ... Training Centre and Club £25,984


£ 8,336 912 285 298 599 869 2,563 805

1952 £ 7,944 924 324 278 999 2,738 331

14,667 1,738

13,538 2,264




8 o

c:: ...,Z t/.l

11,503 366 552 588 919 1,277 1,947 1,949 2,031

12,429 321 517 588 436 1,250 3,292 3,398 2,468

21,132 1,401 3,451

24,699 1,597 4,751





00 00

ST. JOHN POST-WAR FUND INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1953 GENERAL ALLOCATION EXPENDITURE 1952 INCOME £ £ £ £ NET COST42,139 38,631 Interest on Investments 2,218 Central Administration 415 460 Interest on Loans FoundationsOphthalmic Hospital at Jeru42,599 39,046 25,069 salem. SI. John Ambulance AssociBALANCE, excess of expenditure over income for the alion . . . . . . . 10,022 39,262 45,940 year transferred to Balance Sheel . SI. John Ambulance Brigade 23,114 58,205




St. John Councils Priory for Scotland Development of Overseas UnIts Welfare work in Malaya East Coast Flood Relief Greek Earthq uake Relief St. John House works. Bexhi ll Cadet Camp works £8 1,861



C/J. (D

~ r+

S cr (D


~ ~

\D V1 VJ



< m





~~U ~ c



~ C/J.


m C/J.

~ m "0


13,267 8,786 29,462


>-l 0







2,858 5,000 7,993 J ,467 2,720 500

;:z:: ~


18,692 3,917 (Lynmouth) 500 237 3,000

900 21,438




£54,242 £42,915

£54,242 £42,915



£8 J,861 £84,986


SPECIAL ALLOCATION Welfare Work in Sel\.ice 11 0spitals . . . . . . . . 20,250 21,225 Interest on Investments BALANCE, excess of expenditure over income for the 33,992 21,690 year transferred to Balance Sheet .

C) r+

1952 £

-i m


0 m ::4


;;0 ~








Nominal Value s. d. £

Book Value £



Nominal Value

Valul £

30th SEPTEMBER, 1953

Book Value

Market Value


(a) with a fixed date for redemption3% Defence Bonds, 1956 3% Savings Bonds, 1955/65 4 % Victory Bonds, by 1976 21 % Savings Bonds, 1964/67 3 % Funding Stock, 1959/69 3 % Savings Bond, 1960/70 3 % Savings Bonds, 1965/75 3 % British Transport Stock, 1978/88


1,000 3,000 561,100 4,282 434,802 18,511 893,150 11,339 £l927,185

(b) with no fixed date for redemption31 % War Stock, 1952 or after 4 % Consolidated Stock, 1957 or after 31 % Conversion Stock, 1961 or after

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 o 10 14 6 0 0 6 9 2


71,493 3 7 26,560 14 11 36, 129 9 8

71,260 24,199 30,926

8 2

£2,061 ,368 10

B. DOMINION AND COLONIAL GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED STOCKS with a fixed date for redemption2-i % Australia Stock, 1967/71 21 % Australia Stock, 1970/75 . . . . 3% Federated Malay States Stock, 1960/70 31% Sierra Leone Stock, 1958/63

C. SUNDRY STOCKS 3% Nottingham Corporation, 1/9/57 Lansdowne Club, Ltd.364 Shares of 2/- each, fully paid


1,000 3,000 571,155 4,282 382,192 18,512 741,340 11 ,317




7 £1,859,183

0 0 0 0

17,940 3,309 2,817 1,816


0 0



0 0



8 0


8 0




£ 1,954,265 134,220

£ 1,759,480 126,385



18,000 3,300 3,000 1,980

0 0 0 0

SUMMARY With a fixed date for redemption With no fixed date for redemption

Relationship between Market Value and Book Value

Excess total Market Value over Book Value-£57,803.

£ St. John Post-War FundGeneral Allocation Special Allocation

General Fund Chu rch Rebu ilding Fund Ophthalmic Ho pital Endowment Fund Linen Guild Fund S l. A.B. Benevolent Fund





1,166, 100 653,000

1,084,256 541,990

1,123,547 581,l70

39,291 39,180

1,819,100 217,301 10,596

1,626,246 212,175 10,596

1,704,717 193,063 9,046


34,732 250 6,506

30,672 250 5,926

31,087 225 5,530








19.112 1,550

25 396 £21,083

Net excess- £57,803

Granb /prior\? in ~be :f13ritisb lRealm of lDenerable @rber of tbe 1bospital of St. 30bn of 3erusalem

~be ~be





St. John Rnlbu[ance Rssociation




Report for the Twelve Months ended 31st December, 1953







trbe $r1tnl> B)rtor)2 III trbe .1Sriti!3b 1Realm of tbe IDenerable \\'rber or tbe 1bospital or St. Jobn ot Jerusalem

'[be St. 30bn Bl11bulance Bssociatton IParton: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN

(Sovereign Head of the Order) IPrc~lbellt



(Grand Prior of the O:rder)

IDlrector:::a;eneral: HORA C E

F . PAR<;n~L,

ESQ . , T . D . , M.A . ( OXON.)

IPr11lclpnl f1DetHcal oIDccr : MAJOR A .


WHITE KNOX, O.B.E., M . C . ,

M . B., CH.S .

JDe:PlIt12 IDlrector:::$eneral LIEUT . -COLONEL E. C





(\$)\7erSeas) :

TEEL, ESQ . , O.B . E . , M . A.

'J!.ab12 IPtlllcipnl : MRs.


JDeput12 !principal f1DeblCal ®mcer : GUY W.


BOUSFIELD, ESQ., M . D . , B . S .

Sccretnr12 : LIEUT . -COLONEL








:1I3anRers : THE








Rssociatton (Iotl1mtttee

REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL Sir, I have the honour to submit for the information of His Royal Highness The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General of the Order, my Report on the work of the St. John Ambulance Association for the year ended 31st December, 1953.

Ubairnutll : HORACE


PARSHALL, ESQ., T.D., M.A. (OXON.) (Director-Gen eral)


I have the sad duty to discharge of reporting a grave loss which has been sustained by the Association Committee. Dr. H. Cavendish Fuller, Principal Medical Officer to the Railway Executive, died on the 30th September, 1953. He was an officer of the Order of St. John and a most valued and active member of the Association Committee. He was indefatigable in his efforts to ensure that First Aid received the full consideration which it deserved. His advice and experience were always at our disposal and he will be greatly missed by all those who had the privilege of working with him. Mr. H. R. Camp and Mr. H. Adams Clarke both resigned from the Committee owing to their retirement from their posts with the Ministry of Supply and British Railways, respectively. I should like to take this opportunity of recording our appreciation of the advice and assistance which they were always ready to give us and for their regular attendance at our meetings.



.J .A. B.


"Rollltnatetl b\? IDtrcctor:s:(5cnt.:rll[ :



Captain A. N. Cahusac, O.B.E., M.C., retired from the post of Secretary on the 3rd September, 1953, at the conclusion of his leave. He joined the Association in January, 1918, and has served the Order loyally and energetically since then. There is no doubt that much of the Association's present success is due to his initiative and hard work. The Association Committee recorded their appreciation of his services at their meeting on 7th July, 1953, and requested that their thanks and good wishes should be communicated to him. Lieut.-Colonel J. E. F. Gueritz, who was Assistant Secretary, was appointed in Captain Cahusac's place. The post of Assistant Secretary was not filled on the grounds of economy, but the Competition Secretary was allotted certain administrative duties previously performed by the Assistant Secretary. This arrangement has so far worked entirely satisfactorily.




]. C. R. BUCHANAN, ESQ., C.M.G., M.D., Colonial Office MISS E. COCIUYNE, S.R.N., Nursing Profession FRANK GILBERT, ESQ., O.B E., British Railways ]

SHARP GRANT, ESQ., M.D., British Railways

R. SIMPSON, ESQ., British Railways

R. BURGOYNE, ESQ ., British Railways E . HARRIS, ESQ., National Coal Board

J. S.



G . T. MILNE, ESQ ., Ministry of Health H. H. HERMAN, ESQ., O.B.E. National Police

L. J. P. A.

G. NORMAN, ESQ., M.D., London Transport Executive B. L. MUNRO, ESQ., C.M.G., Ministry of Supply PRINGLE, ESQ., M.R .C.S., L.R.C .P., LL.B., British Electricity Authority B. BADGER, ESQ., PH .D. , Gas Council

H. C. MAURICE WILLIAM S, ESQ., O.B.E., M.R.C.S., Central Council for Health Education

"Repre:3entillg Suborblllate £stabllsbmel1ts

Or tbe



THE HON. JOHN BRUCE, C.B.E., Priory for Wales

:vrAJOl;~:NERAL F. BEAUMONT-NESBITT, c.v.O., C.B.E., Commandery of


I am very glad to welcome as Association County Directors, Sir Harry Sinderson Pasha (Sussex) and Mr. B. R. W. Hill (Devon), whose appointments have been approved by His Royal Highness The Grand Prior. We have also been fortunate in obtaining the agreement of Sir Kenneth Anderson to undertake the duties of Association County Director for the county of Berkshire. I have at the same time to record with regret, the resignation from office of Brigadier Pigot-Moodie (Devon) and D r. Bowes (Dorset) and take this opportunity of expresslllg my deep appreciation of the services they have rendered to the cause of the Association. During the year a conference of County Directors was held, my object being to enable these officers to discuss their problems and exchange views. There was general agreement that this conference had been of considerable value and I feel that all, and not least myself, benefited by the personal interchange of views and experiences. At the

5 4

conference which took place on 3rd and 4th of October, we wer~ fortunate in' having present the Commissioner-in-Chief of the Bn,gade and also representatives of the Ambu~ance Centre of two ,natLO~al organisations, all of whom were able to gLve us the benefit of theLr advice on matters touching their own spheres. . Many County Directors have lent their efforts to the encouragement of new centres and I feel that there are few more rewarding fields for activity for it is largely through Centres with their local influence that we can'hope to arouse and maintain interest , in the Association's work. My hope is that 1954 will see the establishment of an even larger number of new centres. EW CE TRES

A Centre was established at the end of 1952 for the Nation~l D?ck Labour Board to co-ordinate the instruction of dock workers In Flr~t Aid. Arrangements for this were completed in 1953. Already this has resulted in a large number of classes and a ,h appy state of co, operation exists between the Board and the AssocLatLOn . At home new centres have been formed at Fleetwood and MaLdstone and the basis laid for the creation of a centre at Ashington, Overseas centres were established in Cyprus, the Windward , Islands and the Leeward Islands, and these will meet the, very ~onsLd~rab,le demand for instruction in First Aid and Home NurSing whLch eXL t 10 all these Islands. CLASSES OF INSTRUCTION.

The progress reported last year has been ma~ntaine~ and the number of new certificates issued to successful candLdates m England and Northern Ireland has been most gratifying; the details are as follows :First Aid . Horne Nursing Hygiene . ' Hygienic Food Handling Clean Handling of Food Child Welfare



63,272 13,183 1,127 245 746 2,223

71,241 13,193 746 453




Although there have been fewer certificates issued than in 19,52, t~e number of classes has been greater. The increase is largely due to FIrst ALd activities in Industry and the various organisations cov~r,ed by our <Special' centres and there is still great need for further publICIty amongst the general public. Our County Directors are makin,g s~renuous efforts, in this respect and I would appeal to our 'geographLcal centr,es to s~nve to increase in 1954, the number of classes held under thelr auspl~es . To assist in this a new and attractive leaflet has been prepared statmg the scope of each course of instruction offered by the Associati<;>n. This has been most heartily welcomed by everyone who has seen It. An arrangement has been reached with th~ R.A.F. Tr~in~ng Establishment at Lytham-St.-Annes regarding the Issue of ASS?ClatlO.n certificates to medical airmen who obtained 60 % and over 10 theIr Trade test, the syllabus for which included instru~tion in First .~id, based on our textbook. Another point of interest IS that the trammg of police personnel continues throughout the country and v:e have had the most welcome co-operation of Scotland Yard and Chief Con-

stables. An illustration of this is that since ] 945, the police training centre at Mill Meece in Staffordshire has gained over 7,000 certific"ates for its recruits, who include women as well as men. Several classes of instruction based on the textbook for St. John Air Attendants were held during the year, including one at St. John House, which was attended by 28 students and was conducted by Mr. E. A. Malkin, F.R.C,S., who was responsible for the preparation of the book. There are now a considerable number of persons training in this subject and their names are recorded on a register held at The St. John Ambulance Brigade headquarters, 8, Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I. RE-EXAMINA TION A WARDS

During the year the number of .certificate holders who applied for Medallions, Labels and Pendants was as follows: 1953

Medallions Labels . Pendants


13,199 44,449 7,900

10,964 44,206 4,910




During the summer Mr. A. Steel, Assistant Director-General (Overseas), carried out a tour of the South Caribbean. This was a great success and he made many useful contacts, particularly with the Education Authorities. He brought back with him a fund of valuable information regarding local conditions, which will be of great assistance in planning future development. There is no doubt that a great demand exists in the West Indies for the services which the Association can offer. The sati faction of this demand is largely held up by a shortage of medical practitioners and the need for visual aids to assist in the instruction of people who are not sufficiently literate to comprehend with ease the contents of our textbooks. We are seeking methods to overcome both these difficulties through the encouragement of lay-lecturers suitably qualified and the production of a book of blackboard sketches by the Principal Medical Officer, accompanied by a simple text. The Principal Medical Officer of the Association, Major A. C. White Knox, made a most successful tour of West Africa, and returned to this country on 18th November, 1953. He visited Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast and Nigeria, travelling widely and visiting not only governmental centres, but also the headquarters of the Mining industry in each colony. Wherever he went he received a most cordial welcome and most encouraging co-operation. The object of his tour was to arouse interest in First Aid and to explain the latest methods of instruction. He found the West Africans extremely keen and was able to take a number of classes and examinations, not only for First Aid certificates, but also for lay-lecturers. As in many other parts of the world, there are far too few Medical Officers to cope with the demand for instruction in First Aid and, therefore, it is essential that we should have trained as large a body as possible of lay-lecturers, who can train First Aiders in outlying parts of the country and so meet this demand. There is no doubt that Major White Knox's tour was of the utmost value and his work was much appreciated by everyone he met. I feel that his tour must be the pattern for the future and that the Association should



concentrate on sending practical qualified Medical practitioners to colonial territories to demonstrate our work as Major White Knox did in West Africa. There are considerable signs of growing interest in many parts ?f the world and particularly in the Middl~ Eas.t. ~::las.ses for F~rst AId have already been started in Kuwait and I~ Tnpolltama the pollce have been trained in large numbers on the basts of our textbo.ok, although they have not taken any certificat~s yet. Aden and .Somahland are ~lso takina an interest in our work and III the latter the DIrector of EducatlOn is en~ouraging instruction in our Preliminar~ First Aid course. In addition to our usual courses for men III the B.A.O.R. there ~re indications that there will be in 1954 a considerable demand for . ~Irst Aid training by units in the M .E ..L.F. This interest by ~he Military authorities is extremely encouraging. Our thanks are particularly due to Mr. R. A. R. Matthews who has done so much to make po ~sible the expansion of our work in Germany.

shown great interest in our work and it has received favourable mention in the House of Lords. It is also of interest to note that the Clean Handling of Food has aroused great interest in Trinidad and Malaya. A very successful course was held in the Port of Spain, which received support not only from the public health authorities, but also from many of the food-handling establishments. In Malaya the demand for booklets rapidly out-stripped supplies and the response to the publicity given to this subject by the Centre was most encouraging.


Despite a number of delays and disappointme~ts , thi was ultim ately ready for issue in the summer of 1953 a,nd suppll~s were despatched by the printers in Baghdad to addressees tn the Mtddle East. A further 2,000 copies have been printed to meet the future demand and these are being despatched to England fO.r sal~ throu~h the ~tores Department. The interest which has been shown III thiS book IS consIderable and ord~rs have been received from many quarters in the Middle East . covenng an area which stretches from Beirut in the West to the Trucml Coast in the East, as well as from the police in Tripolitania a~d . S:yrenaica. The oil companies are also co-operating and have placed lOtttal order, which, we believe, will be followed by others. FOOD HYGIE E

This subject is becoming increasingly popular and the introduction of a short three lecture course, based on a booklet written for . the Association by Dr. Broughton, was heartily welcomed on all si~es. This course is intended for workers in canteens and food-handllllg establishments, who wish to learn the principles of the ~atte: and who have neither the time nor the inclination to study the subject In as great detail as is provided for in the six lecture course. . ' The greatest possible co-operation has been ~ecelved from . MedIcal Officers of Health and their staffs and I should ltke to take thIS opportunity of recording our appreciation of the help which th~y h~ve given ll:s. Courses have been held in large London stores, a bISCUIt factory In Yorkshire and many other similar establishments throughout ~he country and special courses were arranged for Post Office and ~ohce cant~en supervisors in London. Circulars were sent to al~ RegIOnal Hospttal Boards and have resulted in a number of classes belllg held for canteen workers in hospitals. County Durha'm has. shown great enthusia~m and instruction has been given to employees III Coal Board and PolIce canteens in that county. , ., . The new legislation which is at present under consl~eratlOn In Parll~­ ment will give increased importance to our work, Slllce the. law WIll clearly require the backing of knowledge and we feel that. thIS can be acquired through our courses. Many Members of ParlIament have


The following three publications were issued during the year :A Catechism on the Preliminary Course of First Aid.-This book is prepared on the same lines as the Catechism on the Adult Course and has been welcomed by organisers of classes for young people. St. John Air Attendants' Course of Instruction. - This booklet was prepared by Mr. E. A. Malkin, F.R.C.S., and the Association is most grateful to him for the work which he did on this account. I should also like to record our appreciation of the assistance given by the Chief Medical Officer's Department of the British European Airways Corporation. Clean Handling of Food.- This booklet was written for the Association by Dr. A. D. D. Broughton, M.P ., and is the basis of a short Three Lecture Course intended for workers in canteens and other food-handlers. It has received a very hearty welcome. TRANSLA TIONS

In addition to the is ue of the Arabic translation of the textbook ' First Aid for the Injured,' which was translated by Dr. Sharif Usayran and printed in Baghdad, permission was also given for the translation of our textbook into Gurkhali, to meet the request of the Nepal unit of the Technical Co-operation Administration of the United States of America, which had ought the assistance of the St. John Ambulance Association (India). A Swahili translation of the Preliminary First Aid manual based on the 40th Edition of the Adult textbook has now been published in Kenya and it will be of very great benefit to the Association and the Brigade through East Africa. The question of a translation of the same manual into Luganda is also under consideration in Uganda. COMPETITIONS

During the year the winners of the National Competitions, held under the auspices of the Association, were as follows, the full results being shown in Appendix III:COMPETITIONS FOR MEN

Teams Competing National Police. . . . .. . British Electricity Ambulance Centre. British Railways and London Transport (Railways) . . . . " British Transport Commission Police. Miners' National First Aid Competition Ministry of Supply . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association General Post Office . National Fire Brigade Gas Industry

Winning Teams Metropolitan Police (L Division) Worthing

Exmouth Junction Dover Victoria Colliery Glascoed Plymouth Acton S.B.D. Cardiff Eastern




British Electricity Ambulance Centre. . British Railways and London Transport (Railways) . Ministry of Supply . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association General Post Office .

Mid-Sussex Brighton Elstow Chiswick (L.T.E.) Birmingham

The winners of all the above Competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Competition for the Dewar and Perrott Shields, took part on 19th November in the Competitions for the Grand Prior's Trophies at the Porchester Hall. I had the privilege and honour on this occasion of welcoming His Royal Highness The Grand Prior, who not only graciously presented the trophies and medallions, but also expressed his pleasure at the excellence of the competition and on its arrangements. The winning teams were: MEN:-National Police (Metropolitan Police, L Division). WOMEN :-British Railways and London Transport (Railways) (Brighton). The Lord Prior, The Chancellor, and other Executive Officers of the Order and representatives of all the organisations which had teams competing were present on the platform. I should like to take this opportunity of expressing our very great appreciation of the assistance rendered by the Associated British Picture Corporation, who have so generously arranged the staging for this and all the other National Competitions, which we held during the year. Without their help, our competitions would lack much of the colour and realism which is one of their most striking feature. I am firmly convinced that competitions play a large part in increasing efficiency and interest in First Aid and I believe that this opinion is shared by all who are responsible for the training of personnel in this subject. During the various eliminating rounds of the National Competitions over 8,500 competitors representing 1,700 teams took part, which is a considerable increase on the numbers given in my report for 1952. This is, in itself, a token of the value which is placed on competitions and the justification of the work which we do in this respect. The Association's thanks are due to all who have acted as judges at these competitions and the stewards and patients, who have made them possible by giving so generously of their time. I would also wish to add my congratulations for these competitions to Mr. G. Craft, the Competition Secretary, on the success of his arrangements for these competitions; all of which were carried through smoothly and efficiently. CHANGES IN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE

The procedures introduced on 1st October, 1952, on the recommendation of the firm of Management Consultants, employed by the Order of St. John, were not found to be working satisfactorily and they resulted in very considerable delays in the issuing of results. Extra staff were employed to deal with the arrears in addition to my own staff working overtime. The position was reviewed in the light of experience and it was decided to revert in large measure to the old methods, which had proved themselves efficient and reliable in the past. At the same time it was decided to increase the Association's administrative fees to meet, in part at least,

the considerable increases in running costs, caused by the rise in prices of paper and printed matter. In essence the fees are now based on a charge of 15/- for a class of 10 or less, instead of 10/6 for a class of 12 or less. The revised procedures and charges were brought into force on 1st October, 1953, and while the former were most heartily welcomed, the reasons for the latter were fully appreciated and no complaints were received on these grounds. It is of interest to note that there was a considerable decrease in the number of classes organised during the twelve months 1st October, 1952, to 30th September, 1953, as compared with the previous twelve months and that the numbers increased rapidly again after 1st October, 1953. All the Association's regulations for the running of classes have been re-written and brought up-to-date and the last are expected from the printers early in 1954. CONCLUSION

I would like to record my thanks and sincere appreciation of the invaluable and unfailing help given to me by my Committee, who are always ready to give me the benefit of their knowledge and experience. I would also express our very great appreciation of the services rendered by members of the Medical and Nursing professions, who have devoted so much of their valuable time to the instruction and examination of classes and also to the many Centre and Class Secretaries, who have sacrificed their leisure time to ocganise classes and develop the activities of the A sociation. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, (Signed) HORACE PARSHALL, Director-Generai.

The Secretary-General, Order of St. John.








This Year

) ' ear

70 13 143

Aden Bermuda British Guiana British Honduras British West Indies: The Bahamas . Barbados . Jamaica . Leeward Islands Trinidad and 'f.9bago Windward Islands: St. Vincent Grenada Ceylon . Cyprus . East Africa: Kenya . Tanganyika Bganda Zanzibar . Gibraltar Hong Kong . Malaya, Federation of North Borneo Singapore Malta and Gozo Mauritius Sudan West Africa: Gambia Gold Coast Nigeria Sierra Leone


9 1.1

76 12 4 3 5 42

73 621

974 94 37 8



83 1


33 8



ASSOCIATION NATIONAL COMPETITIONS HELD DURING THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW. The Police National Competition was held at the Porchester Hall, W.2., on 26th February, 1953. Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall (Chancellor of the Order) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Lord Lloyd, M.P. (Under-Secretary of State): The Judges were:Team Test Dr. D. T. Richards Individual Tests Dr. K. P. Duncan . and they placed the teams in the following order:Marks Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. II.






1,67 2 1,189

1,7 00 14


1,477 44 1

1, 68 4 52 4


16 7




32 4 37 I3 0

17 1 12 7 20 5

Metropolitan Police (L Div.) City of London Police. West Sus ex Constabulary . Birmingham City Police No. 1 Grimsby Borough Police . Royal UI ter Constabulary . Glamorgan Constabulary No. Devon Constabulary . Edinburgh City Police . Liverpool City Police 'B' Bradford City Police 'B' . . . . Maximum Marks obtainable: 400

351t 351t 342t 332 323 322t 322 318 307 292t 290t

The British Electricity Ambulance Centre National First Aid Competition for Men and Women were held at the Porch ester Hall, W.2., on 25th March, 1953. Lieut-General Sir Henry Pownall (Chancellor of the Order), pre idcd, an.d. the Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, K.B.E. (Chairman of the Bntl h Electnclty Authority) presented the trophies and plaques. The Judges were, for the men's teams:Dr. Gordon Gillies. Team Test Dr. Allan Walker Individual Tests For the women steams:Dr. S. Margaret R. Thomson Team Test Dr. A. Conn . Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN

Marks Obtained

AND THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF SUBORDINATE ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE ORDER Priory in Southern Africa Priory in Australia . . Commandery in Western Australia Priory in Canada . Priory in New Zealand India Pakistan

4 6 ,714


5,7 68 62,13 2 7,353

5,4 1 5 60,3 8 9 7,222


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13.

South Eastern (Worthing) London (Victoria) . . North Eastern (York). . Yorkshire (Blackburn Meadows) East Midlands (Kettering) South Wales (Tir John) . . . Merseyside and North Wales (Runcorn) Eastern (Brimsdown). . . . South Western (Newton Abbot) North Western (Barton) . . Midlands (Worcester). . . South-West Scotland (Dalmarnock) Southern (Poole). . . . . . Maximum Marks obtainable: 400

323t 309 301t 298 291t 287t 284t 282 281t 256 248t 247t 232



The British Transport Commission Police :


1. 2. 3. 4.

South Eastern (Mid-Sussex) Eastern (Great Yarmouth) Yorkshire (Sheffield) London (West Central) .5 . North Eastern (Newcastle) 6. Southern (Swindon) . . 7. South-West Scotland (Kilmarnock) 8. North Western (Blackburn). . . . 9. Merseyside and North Wales (Liverpool) Maximum Marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained

356 291 279t 276t 255 250t 228 209t 205t

The British Railways and London Transport (Railways) National Competitions for Men and Women and the British Transport Commission Police Competitions were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on 21st May, 1953. Lieut-General Sir Henry Pownall (Chancellor of the Order) presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by Sir John Benstead (Deputy Chairman of the British Transport Commission).

The Judges were, for the men's teams :-. Team Test Dr. D. D. Towle Individual Tests and Dr. W. L. M. Bigby Oral Tests Dr. D. W. Hendry. For the Women's and B.T.C. Police teams:Team Test Dr. Ian Mackenzie Individual Tests and Dr. R. G. N. Sprenger Oral Tests Dr. D. G. Lloyd


and they placed the teams in the following order :The British Railways and London Transport (Railways) : MEN

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.

12. 13.

Southern (Exmouth Junction No . 1) London Midland (Wolverton ' A') . . Southern (Southampton Dock SME No . 1) London Midland (Derby Erecting Shop) Western (Bristol D.O.S.O.) . Eastern (King's Cross M .P.) Western (Taunton) . . North Eastern (Dews bury Central) Eastern (Worksop) . . North Eastern (Newcastle Central) Scottish (Motherwell). . London Transport (Lots Road) . . . . Scottish (Perth 'A') Maximum Marks obtainable: 600 WOMEN

1. Southern (Brighton) . . 2. London Transport (Broadway) 3. North Eastern (Hull D.O.S.) 4. Western (Newton Abbot) 5. Eastern (Marylebone No. 1) 6. London Midland (Earls town) 7. Scottish (Glasgow) . . . . . Maximum Marks obtainable: 600

Marks Obtained

515 482t 474t 467t 467t 456t 432t 416t 414t 403 397t 348 340t

Marks Obtained

462t 4581 424t 412 377t 366t 336

Marks Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

South-We'itern Area (Dover) Midland Area (Preston) . London Area (Liverpool Street) Northern Area (York) Eastern Area (Nottingham) Scottish Area (Edinburgh). . . Maximum Marks obtainable: 600

412t 412 397t 383 343 323

The Miners' National First Aid Competition was held in the Winter Gardens, Blackpool, on 7th June, 1953. Dr. J. M. Rogan (Chief Medical Officer) presided, and the trophy and plaques were presented by S ~ r Hubert Houldsworth, Q.C., D.SC., LL.D. (Chairman of the National Coal Board) . The Judges were :Dr. J. Rodger Sutherland Team Test Dr. C. R. Daviso n . . Oral Tests . Dr. W . Churnside Murray Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:Marks Obtained 1.

Victori a Colliery . 2. Wa th Main Coll iery . 3. Great Mounta in Colliery 4. Shotton CoUiery . 5. Whitwick Colliery 6. Lynemouth Colliery 7. Newdl gate Colliery 8. Tilmanstone Colliery . 9. Pennyvenie 2/3/5/7 Colliery. . . Maximum Marks obtainable : 600

503 503 501 494t 478 4561454t 452 356

Th e Ministry of Supply National First Aid Competitions for Men and Wom en w~re held at the Ce~tral Hall, Westminster, on 26th June, 1953. Depu~y Director-General (Lleut.-Colonel E. C. Croft) presided, and the trophIes and pl aques were presented by Sir James Helmore, K.C.M.G. (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Supply) . The . Judges were, for the men' teams :Dr. R. S. V. Cooper Team Test Dr. S. Hulme Individual Tests For the women 's teams:Dr. W. N. Booth Team Test Individual Tests Dr. Olive S. May and they placed the teams In the foHowing order:MEN

1. R .O .F. Glascoed . . 2. M.O .S. Windscale Works 3. R.A .E . F a rnborough 4. M .O .S.S.D. Elstow . 5. H.Q. Offices Chessington 6. R.O.F. Chorley . 7. R.O.F . Woolwich 8. R .O.F. Bishopston 9. R.S.A.F. Enfield . 10. R.O.F. Swynnerton 11. C.D.E.E. Port on . 12. T.R.E. Defford . . . . . . Maximum Marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained

312 290t 284t 277J.. 275-

273t 266

252t 249 248

233 223





Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

M.O.S. S.D. Elstow R.A.E. Farnborough H.Q. Offices Adelphi. . AR.E./A.D.E. Fort Halstead H.Q. Offices Chessington R.O.F. (R.AU.) Glascoed R.O.F. Swynnerton . . . . . H.O. Offices, St. Giles Court/First Avenue House Maximum Marks obtainable: 400

29612761269+ 259i 239 234 195 122+

The National Road Passenger Tran sport Ambulance Association Competitions for Men and J-Yomen weT held in Plymouth on 12th July, 1953. C. Jackson, Esq., M.I.MECH.E., M.I ST.T. (President of the Association and Manager of Plymouth City Transport) pre ided a nd presented the ' trophies and individual plaques. The Judges were:Team Test Dr. M. C. Cooper Dr. T. E. Wood (Individual Tests Dr. E. H. Eastcott t and Oral Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Plymouth City Transport London Transport Executive Liverpool City Transport Huddersfield Corporation Nottingham City Transport Birmingham City Transport Ribble Motor Services Ltd.. . . . Maximum Marks obtainable : 600

483t 405

403 367+ 360+ 358 265+

WOMEN Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


London Transport Executive West Bromwich Corporation Cardiff City Transport. . Midland Red Motor Services Newport Corporation. . . . Maximum Marks obtainable: 600

347+ 312

225 190


The General Post Office National First Aid Competitions for Men and Women were held at the CeI?-tral Hall, Westminster, on 14th October, 1953. Mr. H. F. Parshall (DIrector-General) presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by The Right Honourable The Earl De La Warr (Her Majesty's Postmaster-General). The Judges were, for the men's teams:Team Test Mr. V. C. J. Harris Dr. J. H. Dixon Individual Tests For the women's teams:Dr. J. S. Binning . Team Test Dr. J . C. Graham . Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ]0. 11.

12. 13.

Marks Obtained

Savings Bank Department (S.B.D. Acton) . . . London Telecommunications Region (North Area T .M.O.) Midland Region (Birmingham P.O.A.C.) South-Western Region (Weymouth H.P.O.) Factories Department (Birmingham Depot) London Postal Region (Tnland Section) Home Counties Region (Newbury P.O.E.D.) Headquarters London (Headquarters' Building) Northern freland (Belfast T.M.O.) Scottish (Galashiels H.P.O.) . . . Wales and Border Counties (Cardiff P.O.A.C.) North-Western Region (Liverpool H .P .O.) . . Engineering Department (Engineer-in-Chief's Office) Maximum Marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

Midl and Region (Birmingham P.O .A.C.) Northern Ireland (Belfast H.P.O.) . . Headquarter, London (AG.D. Headquarters) . . London Telecommunications Region (North Area T.M.O.) Savings Bank Department (S.C.D. Manor Gardens) Wale and Border Counties (Cardiff P.O .A.C.) orth-Western Region (Manchester T.A.) South-We tern Region (Bri tol T.M.O.) . . Engineering Department (Engineer-in-Chief's Office) Scotti h (Aberdeen T. M.O.). . . Home Countie Region (Reading T.M.O.) . orth-Ea tern Region (Newcastle-on-Tyne T.E.) Maximum Marks obtainable: 400

305 288

275 264 261 255

231 219 207 205 202

191 156

Marks Ohtained 291

273 272

270 262

250 244 236

232 227 222 195

The Fire Brigades' National First Aid Competition was held at the Cambridge Hall, Southport, on 17th October, 1953. J. A. Perkins, Esq., (Chief Fire Officer, Southport) presided, and the Director-General of the St. John Ambulance Association presented the trophy and individual plaques.

The Judges were:Dr. William Duncan Dr. John Ardley and they placed the teams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

City of City of County City of City of City of County


Team. Test Individual Tests the following order:-

Cardiff Bri tol . . . . Borough of Great Yarmouth Birmingham . . Kingston-upon-Hull . Manchester . . Borough of South Shields . . Maximum Marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained

340 329

323 303 293 291 231

The Gas Industry National First Aid Competition was held at the Conway Hall, London, W.C.I., on 1st October, 1953. Lieut.-Colonel E. C. Croft (Deputy Director-General) presided, and the trophy and plaques were presented by Colonel Sir Harold Smith, K.B.E., D.L. (Chairman of the Gas Council).

17 16 The Judges were:Team Test Dr. G. M. Shaw Smith . Individual Tests Dr. J. L. Fyfe and they placed the teams in the following order:-


Obtained I. Eastern Gas Board . 2. North-Western Gas Board 3. North Thames Gas Board 4. South-Eastern Gas Board 5. West Midlands Gas Board 6. East Midlands Gas Board 7. Scottish Gas Board . 8. North-Eastern Gas Board 9. Northern Gas Board 10. Wales Gas Board . . . II. South-Western Gas Board . Maximum Marks obtainable: 400

339 307 302 296 275 239 237 214 213

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.

National Police (Metropolitan 'L' Division) . The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Wolverton) . . British Railways and London Transport (Railways) (Exmouth Junction). . . . . . . Nation.al Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association (Plymouth) . . . . . British Electricity Ambulance Centre (Worthing) National Fire Brigade (Cardiff) . General Post Office (S.B.D., Acton) . British Transport Commission Police (Dover) . Miners' National First Aid Competition (Victoria) Ministry of Supply (Glascoed) Gas Industry (Eastern Gas Board) . . Maximum Marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN'S COMPETITION

305 283 267 249t 264t 244 217

210 207t 207



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MO\oo'<tr-ovOID'<tOM ~ -O\oor-lDon-NM'<tr-oo o... N




~ 15 1::':~;; I I ~?l I I I=~ I~~ I I ~ ~on~ I ~~==~~~~ I ~

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~ 1 :z:Z~ I MO\OIDr-Oo\MV_r-'<t I :~ N-ID'<t'<t'<tN --ID'<t --O\IDON~IDMNNM

298 274

270 257



I~ 1 ~ 1 ~~~~i~~g~~~~ vooM~~~~~~~oo~ I ~3 ~




8~~~~~~~~~8~ N~MNN~~



331 307

_M_NNOMOVMr-on l_ _




gM M N






1 ~~ I r-~~ I ~o\N~

o ~~

O-r-lDonMoo lo\MNoo IN _ M("",,)-~







British Railways and London Transport (Railways) (Brighton) . . . . . 2. The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Spalding) 3. Ministry of Supply (Elstow) . . . .. 4. British Electricity Ambulance Centre (Mid-Sussex) . . 5. National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association (Chiswick L.T.E.) . 6. General Post Office (Birmingham). Maximum Marks obtainable: 400




lr-onMo\IDNooM_lDooO\I r-~ ~~~~~~~ID~~~g




1. 2. 3.



The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions for Men and Wornen were held at the Porchester Halls, W.2, on 19th November, 1953. Mr. H. F. Parshall (Director-General) presided, and H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester (Grand Prior of the Order) graciously presented the trophie and medallions. The Judges were, for the Men's teams:Team Test Dr. F. L. Richard Individual Tests Dr. F. H. Taylor For the Women's tests:Team Test Mr. F. M. Hanna . Individual Test Dr. J. Trefor Watkins and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN

OMNvO\Non-MM-V ooMonr---voo'<tonIDO r--:~r--:oOoO~o\-co\oOr--:o\


I I ~'"

11 1'l 1 ~ 11I:~








Number issued through Branches and Centres

( ot including Vouc hers) ).lEDALLIONS



England and N. I rela n d (i nc l1~ding Eire up to 1944)


1,5 10 ,3 13

10,5 60 *



192 3

25. 006

53 II9

1922 (Grand Totals)

24 6 . 0 3 0


21 3,5 19



192 4

5,°5 1 * 5.4 88 *

23. 062

26, 172

23,64 2

19 2 3

7. 68 7

1.92 5

2,53 0

3 2 ,597 3 1 .3 8 9


19 2 4


19 .3 20


5.7 0 7 *

23. 1 5 2 26.84 6

749 1. 06 3


19 2 5 1926

55.3 02 61.226

19 2 5




2.94 2

2.77 8


19 2 7

5.5 06 * 5. 881 *

33. 60 4 23,7 2 7

192 6

10. 02 4

.3.4 68

3. 100


65. II3

19 2 7

II, 169

1·3P 1.260



3 1 ,749 35.5 0 5


19 2 9

37,2 45

6.13 2 *

75.9 8 ]

19 28

II .551

1, 192

29, II3


42 ,211

6. lOY"

3 2 . 606 3 8 ,°3 1

193 1

7,07 0 *

3 6 ,4 1 9

193 2

44,97 0 3 8 ,7 0 9

8.1 8*


3 8 .9 0 7

3 6 . 016 3 1 • 696 4°.7 12

Year 1922 (G rand Totals)




3 8 ,234

6.5 2 3 5.9 8 4

1935 193 6

3 6 ,4 0 3

5,65 1


4 1 ,03 1

5,7 8 9

43, 12 9

5·545 7. 6 76

55 . 608 53 . 6 9 6

1937 193 8

Y early Total s

63.94 2 70 . 859


England, Ireland and Overseas


En gland, Ireland and Overseas

England, Ireland Wale s and Ov erse as

Wales 3 68 16 5 182

3. 2 9 6

3 22

4.370 4. 602


3II 363

5. 00 9

4.34 6

3 66


19 2 9




193 0

13 ,663


3 0 .75 2 33.74 1


193 1

14,5 0 1


3 6 .5 21


193 2

r 4.526

1,33 6


5·439 5. 8 5 1

4.74 6

33 0 35 8

4,93 0


14 5 61


42 •6 3



89. I 15

3 69



44. 6 76 4 6 • 102

6.77 6

5.3 62



I3.455 13. 0 3 6





13. 016



5. 0 43 5·3 II



T ,089


5 ,1 59

I,JI5 18 4

'16 .9 0 9 48 . 003


44 1

27°.29 2 29 0 • 88 3


115. 62

133. 6 59 4 02 .3 I l


16, 06 3

1 ,25 8

5 0 .937



147 ,33 0

5,7 6 4


45:! .095

5 26 5 12




5 ,53 8

5 86




1.7 1 3

5 0 • 00 0





47 6

194 2

Job.939 3 10 • 1 5 6

7.57 8

13 6 . 155

159.7 86 16 5.°74

5 1 •0 3 2



6,9 1 5

8,3 6 2

14°·999 85,7 19

10 ·°43 6,827

4 26 .43 0 28 5.9 8




275.3 88 193.44 2

3 2 • 85 8

194 2

33. 620


'1 6 .3 88

7. 8 0 7


3 64

53. 107


13 2 .939



39. 2 5 0

4.4 6 3 3.7 6 5


14 1 .3 60

78 .0 3 6

126,97 8


86.5 20

·1 · R~8


14 6 . 86 9 1 6 9. 210

1939 194° 194 1

1944 1945 194 6

66.35 8

1947 194 8

45. 1 77 55.55 2




64.7°7 68.4 0 5

59, 62 5



44,23 6

7. 8 7 0





7. 66 3





13,55 1

194 6

6.5 00

3 2 .°54 3 6 .916



6.43 6 5 ,95 6


1947 J94 8

6.3 0 4


6,3 0 2

6,949 6,4 00

6.35 0

10 4, 86 9

175,9 26




8.44 2

44. 6 52

5,9 2 5

245 .3 b8


9 . 6 48

53. 1 37


24 2 ,579

195 1



5 .9 60

195 2


44. 206






195 2

87.5 6 4

II,17 8

:::4°,4 2 3 146 ,626


80 .79 6


153. 6 77

195 1

1943 1944

2.9 86 ,25 0

*Includ ing V ouchers

6,95°,87 2

9.35 6

71 2


BERKSHIRE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE B . R . W. Hill, ESQ., St. John HOllse , Goldsmith Street, Exeter


Brigadier V . F. S. Hawkins, Athelleaze , Athelhampton, Dorchester


(Acting) E. A . Parish, Esq.,





, 1.aclotosh, Esq.,

B.L.M., J.P .• 41,

('.\1.l;., O.IU;;. ,

Coggeshall Road, Braintree

Brook lands Close, Painswick , Glos.

t E sq., ·r.D., Buctds Farm, Wittersham , Kenl John Tennan,



Lieut.-Colonel A. J. Macphail, O.B.E., T.D., Orchard House, Liverpool Rd ., Longton, Preston


Major-General F. Beaumont-Nesbitt, c.v.o., C.B.E., 28, Bedford


treet, Belfast

Colonel A. V. G. Do\\er, T.D., Newington House, Warborough


Mrs. Hughes-Reckitt,


proughton Manor, Ipswich

SURREY ir Harry Sinderson Pasha, K.B .E.,


M . V . O.,

I\1.D., Little ' teddings, Forest Row, Sussex

Dr. C. Petvin Porter, 27, Church Street. Kidrlerminstcr




Barnett, Esq.,


onst::tble. Police Headquarters, Leeds,


Classes in the areas of Centres marked \ itlL an a5tensk are arr:loged in direct communication with Headquarters as Detached Classes




BERKSHIRE«Windsor and Eton


A . F. L. Simmonds






The Bishop of Bristol

J. Gracie, C.B.E.



Honorary Secretary

E. E. Woore

A. Young. 8ra, High Street, Eton, Windsor

A. A . Lloyd

E . W. Martin, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3

Dr. A. P. Gorham

w. J.

Major E . Viney,

Mrs. Botsford, St. john H .Q . , 79. Buckingham Street, Aylesbury





W . Stewart Elgood


Stockport CUMBERLANDCumberland Mines and Quarries *Keswick

DERBYSHIREDerby ·Granby and Ilkeston

\V . Nurse

H . Woodward

Winterson, Bristol, 3


Caen Road, St. John's Lane,

F. E. Fernie, 30, Leverington Road, Wisbech W . L. Pollock, 39, Shamrock R()ad, Birkenhead

J. A . K. Ferns

Col. W. Chaloner, Stockport



t . Peter's . quart>,


Lord Lonsdale, O.B.E.

B . Spencer

A. Little, Colliery Office. 51. Duke


Mrs . Bromley

P. S. Todd

H. Pollard. 6. High Hill. Keswick


J. Newton

j. Newton



('apt. H. T. Ann. J.P.,

Dr. A . Morrison

G. E. Johnson, 146, Burton Road, Derby


H . C. Smit

trcet, Whitehaven

H. Holmes, 185, Devonshire Road, Millom

A . J. Mosley,


Percy Street, Ilkeston


County and Centre


Chairman C. S. C. Prance, M.B.

G. Howard,S, Faringdon Road, Plymouth

II. G. Longman


Mrs. D. Gallon

Mrs. Park, 78, Dale Valley Road, Oakdale, Poole

DEVONSHIREPlymouth & District


The Right Hon. the Lord Roborough


J94 8



19 2 9

The Mayor


Honorary Secretary


L. Longland

J. Brackston, "Marlow", Manor Road, Dorchester

Dr. Cunningham

Wareham DURHAMHartlepools


D. Edgar

0 . Edgar

S. Welsh Fortune, 4, The Grove, West Hartlepool

South Shields

188 3

Lady Readhead

T. Humphrey

Major T. A. Page, 75, King Street, South Shields

Stockton and Thornaby





Col. H. E. Kitching, M.il.E., D.L. G. H. OOk,O.B.E.

J. Buckley, 67, Craigweil Crescent, Durham Road, Stockton-on-Tees H . R. Gray, B.E.M., 3, Commercial Road, Hendon, tv , u nderland tv


H J. Lewis, J.P.


The Bishop of Gloucester

Dr. C. R. de 'adler ] . C. Fielding



19 26

The Mayor

Gosport and Fareham

E. Crossland


The Marquis of Carisbrooke, G.C.V.O., etc. The Dowager Lady Swaythling


Southampton KENTMaidstone



188 4

D. L. Rennison C.

Col. G. G. H. Bolton,

J. C. Gray, St. Margar('ts, Upton Lane, Barnwood, Gloucester.

Dr C. I [e 'g ate Vrrnon (;. Albray

H . W. Hoare, 28, Palmerston Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth


)) __ . j ones, City Police Headquarters, Queen's Crescent, Portsmouth



Dr. II . . !\fa UflceWilliams, 0.1'1 E.


T. E. G. Baker. B.'->c.

] . B . Pointon,


Bro\'\' n

The Mayor




Mi.ss E. M. Ricketts, 7. Imperial Sq ua~e, Cheltenham

Irs. Wilson, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Andover

T. ;lfcCaa



C. Hudson, J .P.

F. M . Tlltte,

M .B

E., 4, Archers Road, Southampton

obdown House, Ditton, near Maidstone

]. W. Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge,



19 19

A. Aked

A . Aked

Acc.rington FJClding. S.R.N., II, Bmdbury St., Ashton-underLyne F. Hanson, 14, Lee View, Bacup


IE> 0

Wm. Killingbeck, J .P.

J. Holgate

J. Crossfield,


188 5

Thr Mayor

H. H



]. R. Binney



188 3

R . A.



The Rt. Hon. Lonl Shu t.tleworth , M.t... The Mayor

188 9

G. E . Wilmore

j. E. Driver

Mrs. Smalley, "Larkhill" , 164, Walmersley Bury Victor Burr 11, 130, lIarri~()n Drive, Colne

188 7

Dr. E . B . Pooley

R. Bury. Higher Whit-Bank, Tockholes, Danven


18 94

Colne )~ Dalton-in-Furness


~lil1er. M.B.E.


~Ii ss

g, Bristol Street. Barrow-in-Furness

K. :\1. Thompson. 371, Revidge Road, Blackburn

W. \\,halley, 17, Albert Street, Brierfield

oble ,

E. Smalley,


G.M. M .B.


19 19

J. II. Parker J. Watson



T. R. Bailey

Grea t Harwood


Lancashire Headquarters

195 0

Leigh, Atherton Tyldesley

C. Etcr, 17 , Todmorden Road, Burnley


S. J . Fisher, Solicitor, Town Hall, Dalton-in-Furness

A. Boardman

J. Clayton

T. H. Thomason. 18, Westwood Avenue. Poulton-IeFvlde E. V. Masoo, 134, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood.


A. Higham, J.P.,

Liellt .-Col. A. J. Macphail. O.B .E. B . S. Gregory

Major T. E. Spencer, M.B .E., St. John Headquarters. IS / 17, Mount Street, Preston W . Ellis, 5 Sycamore Road, Atherton





w . J. InglL. S.J.A.A . . Roscoe Lane, Liverpool, Assistant ecretary. J. Anthony E. F. Thornley, 55, Cross treet, Manchester,


1888 188 4

Rt. Hon. the Earl of W.]. Lewis Derby, M.C. Sir John Stopford, M.D. Col. C. H. S. Redmond, M.B. H . Brown J. H. Smith The Ven. Archdeacon E. Stephenson

Miss E. M. Bailey, 56, Roman Road, Failsworth, Near M;tnchester Assistant Secretary, Dr. Strang, 102, High Street, Oldham

Oldham ...


Dr. ]. A. Strachan



J. Mulroy. 27, Albert Street, Nelson

County and Centre


Honorary Secretary



Preston .. ,

18 89

H. Calvert

] . W . Taylor

Ra wtenstall

195 0

Mrs. M. M. Holland

W. Taylor



L. Lye


St. Helens

188 4

]. Per.nberton


188 7

]. N. A. Briscoe

Miss E. Mason, 32, Russell Road, Southport



Hon. H. A . CozensHardy Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hesketh ]. O. Sager

Inspector L. J. Farnworth, Preston Borough Police, Lancaster Road, Preston Mrs. Gaskell, M.A., Saunder Brow, Newchurch-inRossendale ]. E. Thornhill, 3, Queen's Avenue, Wardle Road, Rochdale R. Gibbon, 71, Fry Street, Parr, St. Helens


Miss 1. M. SutcliHe

The Lord Mayor G. Bow ley Communications for Leicester City Communications elsewhere in the County


County Centre

Phil1i P'S




The Rt . Hon . The Lord Brownlow

Dr. M. C. Lavin

R. W. Gee, 6, Seymour Street, Leicester Miss Ward, Ambulance H.Q., Packe Street, Loughborough W. Gott, 294, Laceby Road , Grimsby

Captain T . N . Bird,

C. F . Seddon

M. Rose, 13, Bowling Green Avenue, Kettering

] . Mansfield

Dr. W. Marshall


The Marq uess of Exeter. K.G., C.M.G.

A . S. Campbell

J. Hayward, 48, Booth Lane, Weston Fave!. Northampton Joint Secretaries., Mr. and Mrs. A . C. Fowler, 7 8 , Bridge Street. Peterborough J. S. Parker, 12. Church Street, Wellingborough

Ashington N ewcastle-on-Tyne

1953 1910

Dr. W. S. Stephenson Col. J. Clay,

Dr. ]. Dobson Dr. Gavin Muir

G. W. Ruddick, 14. Ocean View, Newbiggin-by-Sea . Laws . 2, Osborne Terrace. Newcastle-on-Tyne

North Shields


The Mayor

Dr . H. K. Paterson

Capt. W. Bower, 16, Manor Road . Tynemouth


Col. A . V . G. Dower,

Dr. C . Gardiner HnI

H . T. B ennett, "Asphodel", Third Acre Rise , Botley. Berks

M .B .E .


Northampton Peterborou~

Wellingborough N ORTHUMBERLAND-

C.B . ~.,


County Centre

M.B .



County Centre

18 79



Dr. D .

The Baroness Burton

G. Smith

G. E .

Dr. F . L Richard


D r. D. W . Fryer

H . G. Eade, Ambulance . tation, Samuel Road, lpswich Assistant Sf'cretary, Miss V . Gee


Burton-on-Trent County Centre .. , SUFFOLK-



[{ .II . Princess Marie Louise


County Secretary Croydon


Riller, 47, \Vood Street. Burton-on-Trent

Chancf'llor. Lloyd c; quare, Stafford


Cham bers ,



1\lrs. Ruddock. County Headquarters , 9/10 Wellington Place. Woodbridge Road, Guild[ord. Miss E. S. Rothfuss, 145, hirley Church Road, hirley, Croydon


The Mayor

] . E . Dane


The Mayor of Brighton

Dr. W. S. Parker

R. Barnard, K eston, Elrington Road, Hove.


Mrs. Knight

E. Stanford

Mrs. Pearson, Calder Lodge, Horsham Road, Crawley


Brighton, Hove and District Crawley and Three Bridges "'Hastings and St. Leonards

\\' . \\'alk 'r, mbulancc Service Headquarters, Central Ambulance -tation, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury

The R t. Hon . The Earl of Powis



County and Centre.

Form ed




The Lord Mayor


*Stourbridge Worcester

Honorary Secre tary

Dr. G. A. MacDonald

J . H. Bishop, 61, Beechwood Park Road, Solihull, near Birmingham.

Dr G. Dudley

J. H. Martin, "Tredor", Cherry Street, Stombridge W. J. Waite, 27, The Hill AV{"Due. Worcestf'r

19 20


Hull and East Riding County Centre


Lt. -Col. D. Bellamy,

F. Bilton

S. L. Fairclough, 9, Southfield Road, Bricknell Avenue. Hull G. Richardson, "Woodleighl'ln . , 16, Emerson AvenuIII, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough

O.B.E., D.L.



The Marquess of Zetlanel . K.G., et C'.


19 1 9

F. Widdup, J .P .

J. J. Sharples


Dr. J . Douglas

C. A . Gadie

192 4

Mrs. Athorpe

P . W . Ellis

19 12

The Mayor

A. Mitchell


195 2

Dr. D. D. Payne

C. J. Simpson

Heavy Woollen District



188 7

J. W . Cockcroft

F. Redman

H. Blakeley, Batley E. Stansfield,


Lt.-Col. W . Scatterty,

Lt.-Col. W . Scatterty,

Mrs . Cook, 41, Redcliffc

North Riding Centre


YORKSHIRE (WEST)'~Barnoldswick

Bradford $Dinnington Main Halifax Harrogate and

.Hebden Bridge Keig hl 6Y

* Otley :('0

J. Walker

Dr. J. W . ::'llversides





Dr. P. B. Wood


18 7 8

The Earl of Wharncliffe E . Whitpley

*Sowerby Bridge




Wakefield (cWath-on-Dearne York

Brooke Dorman

Dr . R . G. Eastwood







l -;t Avenue. Barnoldswick, ~ via Colne ~1iss D. Young, 20 High ParK Drive. Heaton, BraJfo:-d

'vV. C. Brown, 29, LONer E

W. E. Marriott, 88, Laughton Road, Dinnington, near Sheffield \V. Hutchinson, Martins Bank Chambers, King Cross, l-falifax H. C. Sage, 9, Beechwood Grovp, Harrogate 2,

Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane,


Lee View Road, Hebden Bridge treet, Keighley

M.D .

1- Barnett

F . Bellerby A . Farrand

H . Johnson , 18, Halliday Place, Leeds,


H . Forrest, " laremont", Prince Henry Road, Otley ::Yfrs Redfearn, 3. Platting Road, Lydgate, Nr. Oldham


R G. Bf'arJ , 45, Bank Street, Sheffield

E . Whiteley

J. W. Lonsdale

F . Wright, 10, Tillo on Avenue, Beech Wood, Bridge F. Walker, 43, Highfield Road, winton



The Mayor

W. L. Whittle

W . Wright, 4, Lake Lo k Road. Stanlc-y, Wakefield


A . T . Thomson, O.B.E.

A. T. Thorn on , O.B.E.

J. W. Poole,


G. Dickinson




Rotherham Miss E. D. Kenny, York


Charles Road,

Wath -o n-Dearne,

Colburn House , St. George's Place,


Ulster (Belfast)


[a jor-General F. Beaumont- TesbiU, C.v.O., C.B.E.

Brig. L. E. Ma('grcgor, O.B.E., 28, Bedford Belfast Assi!Stant Secretary, Mrs. D. W. Peace




Sir Victor G. Carey, K.B.E.


188 4

Sir Alexander Moncrieff Coutanche.

Dr. B . S. Collings

Mrs. leator, Guernsey






A . Le Breton , Bramhope, Albert Road, Georgetown, Jersey


Isle of Man


H.E. The LieutenantGovernor

Sir Percy Cowley C.B.E., Major J . W. Young, O.B. E, Chief Constable's Office, Douglas


Priory of the Order

Principal Secretary: The Hon . foh'l Bruce .

C B . E.,

4, Cathedral RO'd, Cardiff


Honorary Secretary




C. K. Bird, M.M.

C. S. McLeod

C. Greenwood, The British Railways (Eastern Region), Room 39, Liverpool Street Station, E.C.2.

London Midland Region

J. W. Watkins

R. Simpson

North Eastern Region ...

H. A. Short

C. looper, M.B.E.

H. C. Healey, The British Railways (London Midland Region), Regional Staff Office, Room 222, Euston Station, N.W.I F. R. Charlton, The British Railways (North Eastern Region), York

Southern Region

C. P. Hopkins

A. Lang

Western Region

K. W. C. Grand

R. Burgoyne

ir john Elliot

A. J. Webb








F. A. Trott, The British Railways (Southern Region), Labour and Establishment Department, Welfare Office. Cannon Street Station. E.C.4 J. A. Martin. The British Railways (Western Region). Staff and Establishment Office, Paddington Station, W.2 S. W . Hardt'n. London TranspC'ft Ambulance Ccntrc. ~ Griffith House. 280 Marylebone Road. N.W.I

A. F. James

Lieut .-Gen. Sir W. G. Lindsell. G.B.E. , K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C., LL.D. The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, K.B.E .

Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. G. Lindsell, G.B.E., K.C.B .. D.S.O., M.C., LL .D. Dr. P PrinU'le


Sir James Helmore. K.C.B., K.C.M.G.

J. B . L.


The Rt. Hon. Lord Crook, J . P .

A . Bird


C . M .G .

j. S. Weatherley, Training and Welfare Branch, Personnel and Accommodation Dt'partment. Headquarters Building, G.P .O., St. Martin's-le ·Grand. E.C.I The Rev. H. F. Peerless, Church Lads' Brigade (Inc.) National Headquarters, 58, Gloucester Place, London, W.I


J. Willott. British Electricity Ambulance Centre, Trafalgar Buildings, I, Charing Cross, S.W.I.


W . Bayley, Ministry of Supply, Room 702, G.L.8. t. Giles Court, 1-13, St. Giles High Stret't, W.C.2 F. G. Thomas, M.A.. National Dock Labour Board. 9 and 10 , pper Brook Street, W . 1.


(Centres of the Association are shown in President Chairman H.E. The Governor Dr E . Cochrane


H. E. The Governor


H.E. The Governor


apital Letters)

H onorary ecre tar)' Bhatt, Barrister-at-Law, Bahra Bazzaar, Crater, den Lt. 0 1. R. J. Wyndham Lt. Col. R. J . Windham Verrall, M . V . O., J .P., P.O. Box Verrall, M.V.O., J.P . 458. a a.u. Bahamas Lady Hall, M B . l:: . Mrs . B. Barton , c/o B.E.L.P. & Co., Ltd . , Serpentine Road, Pembroke, Bt'rmuda H . E. Tne Govt'rnor R B . ScargalJ , Y .M.C.A., Camp Road, Georgetown, Bri tish GUlana M . Outram Mrs. Outram. Police and Immigration Dept . , Headquarters, Belize, British Honduras A.

H.E. The Governor

Clive Smith


H.E. The Governor

Dr. E Hoern1an

Leeward Islands: Antigua

H .E. The Governor



H.E. The Governor

A. J. Keevill, Lt. Col. E. M . V. James, Police Headquarters, St. O.B.E. John's. Antigua R.G.Cox,J.P. E. L. Hanlon, J.P . , Fire Brigade Headquarters, Hart treet. Port of pain, Trinidad Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Smith

Sir Donald Jackson

Miss Lucille Comissiong, S.J.A.A., _ t . George's, Grenada

'Windward Islands:Grenada St. Vincent

W. M. Lopey, Grammar School, St. Vincent, B.W.I.

St. Lucia CEYLON

Supt. W . Farmer, Police Headquarters, St. Lucia H .E. The GovernorGeneral

Hon . the Minister £0 H ealth

Col. C'. P. Jayawardana. O.B .E., Lower Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo, 3 Mrs. D . 1. Harrold, P .O. Box '-133, E lucation D t'partment. Nicosia, Cyprus

Brigadier R. P. Cormack, O.B.E ., M.B.

Brigadier R. P. Cormack, O.B.E., M.B.

Miss C. Workman , P .O. Box 1469. Nairobi, Kenya


Mrs . hnytor, Unive rsal ervices, Taxi Cab Building, B a y Street, Bridgetown, Barbados Miss N . Livingston, c/o R. S Gamble & Sons. 134, Harbour Street, Kingston, J amaica ~


Honorary Secretary Mrs. Wheatcroft, P .O. Box II30, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika B. Das , P.O. Box 1586, Kampala, Uga,nda


President H. E. The Governor

R. E. Foulger, C.M.G.

H. E. The Governor

Lieut.-Colonel A. M. Bell , P.O. Box 237, Zanzibar


J. Barnes, c/ 0 Inl~~d Revenue Dept., Government Buildings, Suva, FIJ1 L. J . Payas, c/o Central Police Station, Gibraltar D.


Dr. J. M. Cruikshank


H.E. The Governor

Capt. D. S. Gowing


H. E. The Governor

Dr. A. Woo, F.R.C.S.


H. . E. Anderson, B.Sc., Foong 'oo n Seng

O.B .E.,

Miss A. A . Unthank, S.J.A.A. Headquarters, 1lang Road, Hong Kong


A. E. Perera, M.B.E., c/o Civil Defence, Centrall-{egion, Rifle Range Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya

M.B., CH.B., D.P.H .

Dr. W. J. Vickers,c. l.G . Dr. \Y . E. Hutchinson, S.J.A.A. Headquarters, Peter's Church, Stamford Road, Singapore



V. Abela ,

E. H. W. Borg,



treet, St. Julian's, Malta


H. E. The Governor

Lt .-Col. J O.B.E.


H .E. The Governor

Dr. R. Lavoipierre

Dr. J. Maingard, M.B.E., Forensic Science Laboratory, Reduit, l\lauritius


H.E . The Governor

E . O. Plunkett

Mrs. E. Tyson, P.O. Box 432, Jesselton, North Borneo


H .E. The Governor

1 ireclor of rvices


J. T . A. Bailey, c/o Police Depot, P.O. Box 74 0 , Accra, Gold Coa t



Col R . R. Leaning. O.B.E

R L. Dover, Electricity Corporation, Electricity Headquarters, Ijora, Lagos, igeria


West Africa:-


SlERRA LEONE Capt 1. T. KiIIord, Headquarters, Sudan Railways, Atbara, Sudan



Headquarter Address


P .O. Box, 7137, Johannesburg, South Africa


P . . Box 536,










.. .

CANADA (administered by THE PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF ST . JOHN) .. .

alisbury, Rhodesia

Diocesan Church House, George Street, Sydney, N.S .W ., Australia 321,

Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada

NEWFOUNDLAND (administered by THE PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF ST . JOHN IN CANADA}... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


P.O . Box II8g. Wellington, New Zealand


298, Wellington Street, Perth , W Auc;tralia


Red Cross H.oad, New I elhi, India


Nat.ional Headquarters, Road, Karachi, 3


Katrak Buildings.




\tbc Gra .. b J)dor)2 ill the l3rttlsb 'lRenlm of tbe "'encrAble erber of tbe 1bospttal of St. 301m of 3erusalem

ttbe St. 30bn Rmbulance :fSrigabe

Annual Report of The Commissioner-in-Chief f'nnted by the Swindon Press Ltd. roo. Victoria Road. Swindon. Wilt5.

for the year ending 31st December~ 1953



~b e

S t. 30bll tll11bulance :f13rigabe

Headquarters: 8.


aom 111 i~sto11er -ill-U bier



~o III "la nba nt~i n~(t b lef

Superi Il telllle 11 t -ill-Ubief THE COUNTESS MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA.

1Aursing ~orps an~ IDi~isions

Surgeon-ill -Ubler MAJOR



c.l., G.B.E., D.C.V.O.-

Dame Grand Cross



C. WmTE KNOX, O.B.E., M.C., M.B.,


IDeputp Uommiesioner-ill-abtef

St. 30bll thnbu(ance 1Srtgabe


D. DALY, C.B.E., M.C., M.A.--Commander


lDepu tl? Superintellll,n t-tn -Ubier MRs. GROSVENOR, C.B.E.--Commander lDeputl? Surgeoll-tll-abtef

Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John

M. M. SCOTT, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.--Commander Beetstant aommissiollers-in-Ubief

Appoin ted May, 1928.


UOlltroller, @\?erseas IDepartmellt THE COU TESS OF BRECK

IDepnt}1 a;om11lan~ant::::in::::(tbief H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER


Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John Appointed February, 1937.


aS5ista It t Superill tellllellt- tll-Ubier

J. ROMER-LEE-Officer

Bssistallt Surgeon -ilt-abtef


C. R. BUCHANAN, C.M.G., M.D., CH.B.,

F.R.C.p.-Officer (Overseas)

Ubier 1Rurstng ®mcer MISS

N. HAMILTON-WEDDERBURN, s.R_N.-Officer Ublet ®ff1cer, 1Rursing aallers

Sllpertnten~ e nt~ tn::::(!btef for 1lUlales


V. CUNARD, M.B.E.-Officer


Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John

O. F.

Appointed May, 1935.




:a6sistant JStlgalle 5ecretarp A. F. UNN Bssistant JSrigaOe Secre:tarl? anll SecretlH}2 to SuperinUnllent-tll-Ubtef MISS

<Bomnlan~nnt::s:in:::(!bief of

Bmbulance nnb lAureing <.tabets H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET



Ettacbell to '1beaoquarters Staff

J. WRIGGLESWORTH, M.B.E.--Commander STAFF OFFICER E. HOWARD-Officer (Surgeon-in-Chief's Departm ent) STAFF OFFICER A. C. RODWAY-{Surgeorz-in-Chief's Department) STAFF OFFICER J. S. WEATHERLEY-Officer STAFF OFFICER G. E. CRAFT-Officer (Surgeon-in-Chief's Department) STAFF OFFICER THE HON. MRs. EARL (Cadets)


Dame of Justice of the Order of St. John Appointed February, 194 8 .






BRIGADE COMMITTEE Chairman Lieut.-General Sir Otto Lund, K.C.B., D.S.O. (Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance Brigade) (ex-officio)Ex-officio Members The Secretary-General. The Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association. The Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions . The Surgeon-in-Chief. The Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief. The Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. The Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. TRe Assistant Commissioners-in-Chief. The Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisiorl'i The Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. The Commissioner for Wales - No.8 Region. The Commissioner for Northern Ireland. The Chief Nursing Officer. The Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets. The Chief Officer Nursing Cadets. Members Colonel Sir Myers Wayman, K.B.E., F.S.S., J.P., Commissioner, Durham-No. I Region. E. H. Lodge, Esq., M.B., CH.B., Commissioner, We t Riding of Yorkshire-No.2 Region. Colonel H. M. P. Hewett, T.D., Commissioner, Northampton-No 3 Region. Dr. K. S. Maurice-Smith . Commissioner, Cambridge-No.4 R gion. Colonel G. F. Page, D.S.O., Commissioner, London (Prince of Wales's) District-No. 5 Region. Dr. R. V. S. Cooper, Commissioner, Dorset-No. 6 Region. H. S. Taylor-Young, Esq. > F.R.C.S., Commissioner, Wiltshire- No.7 Region. Captain F. L. Richard, M.B., CH.B., Commissioner, Stafford-No. 9 Region. Capt. P. Reay, O.B.E. , M.e., J.P., Commissioner, Cheshire-No. 10 Region. Major-General A. H. Hornby, C.B., C.B.E., M.C., Commissioner, Kent -N 0 I2 Region. Mrs. Lodge, District Superintendent (N), West Riding of Yorkshire. Lady Heald, County Superintendent (N), Surrey. Mrs. Cavendish, District Superintendent (N), London (Prince of Wales'S) District.


Chairman The Counte's Mountbatten of Burma, C.l., G.B.E., D.C.V.O.-uperintend nt-in-Chief, Nursing 'orps and Divisions . (Ex -officio).

The rhe The The The The

Ex-officio Members Deputy Superint Indent-in-Chief. A i·· tant Superinlendent-in-Chief. Chi f N ur ing Officer. Chief Officer Nursing Cadets. H.eprescntative for Wales (the Hon. Mr . John Bruce). npcrintendent for Northern Ireland.

Regional Representatives Mrs. F. '. Burton, ounty Superintendent (N) North Riding of Yorkshire-No. I Region. i\Ir.. G. \\'. Lodge, District Superintendent (N), West Riding of York hir -No .2 R gion. Mi E. Folwell, ounty ' uperintendent (N) Leicestershire-No. 3 Region. :\Ii A. Parker, ~l.B.E., Countv Superintendent (N), Suffolk-No. 4 Region. :\ITh. ~l. 'a\ endi h, District ' uperintendent (N» London (Prince of \Vale" ··) Di"trict- TO. 5 Region. The Hon. ?\Irs. Lc 'li Gama.ge, County Superintendent (N), BerkshireNo. 6 Region. ~li " 1I. E. E. 'arah, County uperintendent (N) Bristol No. 7 Region. ~Irs. 11. V. Penny, County Superintendent (N), Staffordshire-No. 9 Region. Mi·' 1\1. E. Moore. Di trict Superintendent (N), Duke of Lancaster's Di trict-l TO. 10 Region. L~dy Heald, County Superintendent (N), County of Surrey-No. 12 RegIon. I


CADET ADVISORY COM 'IITTEE Chairman Miss V. Cunard, "{.1.B.E.-Chief Officer Nursing Cadets. Members W. Nixon, Esq., County Cadet Officer, Northumberland-No. I Region. Mrs. Cumming-Bell, District Cadet Officer, West Riding of Y orkshireNO.2 Region. L. Heywood-Smith, Esq., County Cadet Officer, Leicestershire-No. 3 Region.






Mrs. A. A. Ettridge, County Cadet Officer, Norfolk-No.4 Region. A. E. Wells, Esq., Di trict Cadet Officer, London (Prince of ~vV3.les's) District-No.5 Region. K. H. M. Aldridge, Esq., County Cadet Officer, Dorset-No. 6 Region. Princess Chula Chakrabongse, A/County Cadet Officer, County of Cormvall-No. 7 Region. Miss Z. Druitt, Cadet Training Officer, Priory for Wales-No.8 Region. Dr. A. Walker, County Cadet Officer, Staffordshire-No.9 Region. Mrs. E. Nisbet, District Cadet Officer, Duke of Lancaster' DistrictNo. 10 Region. H. F. Law, Esq., County Cadet Officer, Kent-No. 12 Region. Miss Garrett, Northern Ireland.

5 THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT In England, Northern Ireland and those Overseas Territories directly under my command 130 new Adult Divisions were formed (69 Ambulance, 37 Nursing and 24 Combined) and 137 new Cadet Divisions were formed (68 Ambulance, 63 Nursing and 6 Combined). The total strength of the Brigade at 31 st December, 1953, was therefore:ADULTS Personnel Divisions Ambulance NursinK Combined Total Ambulance Nursing England and N. Ireland Wales Pi iories Overseas Other Oversea Territorie

India Pakistan


Grand Totals

1,680 270

1,185 139

100 18

2,965 427

36,952 5,995

18,833 2,232

55,785 8,227

1,950 617

1,324 454

118 12

3,392 1,083

42,947 13,655

21,065 8,360

64,012 22,015








2,824 448 45

1,875 96 5


4,835 544 50

73,273 11,740 1,540

31,522 1,868 220

104,795 13,608 1,760








CADETS Personnel Divisions Ambulance Nursing Combined Total Ambulance Nursing England and N. Ireland Wales Priorie Over eas Other Overseas Territories India Pakistan


Grand Totals



923 173

1,171 135

45 8

2,139 316

20,955 4,035

34,370 3,173

55,325 7,208

1,096 301

1,306 321

53 8

2,455 630

24,990 6,114

37,543 6,950

62,533 13,064







1,449 191 5

1,690 33 1


3,200 224 6

32,151 4,349 200

46,065 592 51

78,216 4,941 251








I am very glad that there has been a total increase of 177 Divisions and 8,887 personnel, which shows that the Brigade is now recovering from the loss of strength following the War. It is very gratifying to report that there has been an increase of 111 in the number of Brigade Surgeons and that 140 new Nursing Officers have been appointed. THE CORONATION

The Brigade was honoured by being given the responsibility for all First Aid arrangements in connection with the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. At this long and arduous duty which started at 5 a.m. and went on until late at night well over 8,000 members were on duty. These were in the main drawn from personnel in the London District and from 40 Counties together with contingents from Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. It was a particular pleasure to have on duty overseas members of the Brigade





from South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malta and Gibraltar. Although the weather was cold and wet the Brigade was called upon to treat nearly 6,000 cases, but it must not be forgotten that in addition to the duty in London (including duty in We tminster Abbey and in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace) the Brigade gave service at countless local Coronation celebrations throughout the country. The following message was received from His Royal Highnes The Duke of Gloucester, Grand Prior of the Order of St. John: York House, St. James's Palace. "As Grand Prior of the Order of St. John, I wish to add to the thanks expressed in The Queen's gracious me sage my own warm congratulations to the Commissioner-in-Chief the Commi ioner of No. 1 (Prince of Wales's) District, the officers and members of all ranks of the St. John Ambulance Brigade on the admirable manner in which the Brigade discharged its heavy dutie on Coronation Day. The Brigade assumed a major share of re ponsibility for organising and carrying out the First Aid arrangements. J am i.nformed that no les than 8,294 members were on duty on the Coronation Route of whom 5,028 came from the London District and 3,266 from forty-four counties. Over 600 more \\ere on duty for the illuminations and firework di play in the evening. Nearly 6,000 casualties were treated of which 233 were seriou enough to be taken to hospital. This is an achievement of which the Brigade may rightly be proud. By their competence and public pirit its members have given yet another fine example of voluntary ervice to their fellow citizens. HENRY, "Grand Prior. ' EAST COAST FLOODS

In February the Brigade was called upon for a long and arduous duty in connection with the East Coast Flood disaster. In all the affected counties the Brigade performed yeoman service in all types of rescue and relief work and were helped in some cases by assistance from neighbouring counti.es. In other parts of the country the Brigade was active in the collecting of bedding and other necessities. During the floods the following message was received from Her Majesty Queen Eli:cabeth the Queen Mother to the Deputy Commissionerin-Chief:"As Commandant-ir:l-Chief of the Nursing Divisions may I ask you to convey to the Officers and Members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade an expression of my sincere congratulations on the great work of flood relief which they all carried out. I have heard with deep admiration of all that they are doing. ELIZABETH R." In recognition of their outstanding service severa l Brigade Members were honoured by Her Majesty The Queen and the Order of St. John issued special Votes of Thanks on VeJIum to 77 members. Arising from this duty and that of the Coronation a committee has



been set up under the Surgeon-in-Chief to discuss First Aid and Nursing equipment with the object of bringing Brigade equipment completely up to date. DUTIES

In addition to the duties performed at the Coronation and in connection with the East Coast floods the Brigade has continued to render to the public its widespread and untiring service in an ever increasing variety of duties. During the year the totals of duties and cases treated in England and Northern Ireland were as follows:Cases Treated

Dutie Public Dutie . Tran port Dutic Ho pital Duties Clinic ur erie . Blood Tran fu ion ursing Aid .

HOllrs 3,935,2117 969,755 399,515 31,917 23,737 41,174 128,800

On Public Duty Off Public Duty Invalids Removed . o. of Road Accidents o. of Other Accidents

No. 213,115 224,312 424,704 17,585 17,485


I had the plea ure of making a tour of the East, South and West of Africa and al 0 isited Southern Rhodesia and Gibraltar. I found great keenne and enthusiasm in all places where the Brigade is established and I am certain that there is a great future for our work in these place and on the West Coa t of Africa. The Surgeon-in-Chief, in his dual capacity of Principal Medical Officer of the A sociation, made an extensive tour of West Africa where he lectured to, and elected, uitable Lay Lecturers whose task it will be to carry out the work of the Association. From the resultant class I hope that many units of the Brigade will be formed and there is already evidence that this will be so. The Controller of the Overseas Department, the Countess of Brecknock, also paid a vi it to Cyprus early in the year and again in October, when she accompanied the Counte s Mountbatten of Burma. OTHER I SPECTrO S

During the year I carried out In pections in 13 Counties and in addition other Inspections were undertaken by the Deputy Commissionerin-Chief, the Surgeon-in-Chief and the Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets. In most cases the Inspecting Officers were accompanied by either the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, the Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief or the Chief Nur ing Officer. I am very grateful to the Director-General of the Association, Mr. H. F. Par hall, for kindly undertaking the Inspection in the Central Area of Hampshire. CONFERE CES

The Commissioners' Conference was again held in 1953 at St. John House on the 19th June and again a very representative attendance of Commissioners was present. The Presidents' Conference was held at the Drapers' Hall, London, on the 27th October, 1953, when some 160 Presidents and Vice-Presidents



of the Brigade were present and I am glad to know that following this Conference various County Conferences of Presidents and Vice-Presidents have been arranged. The two Surgeons' Conferences, one in May at Scarborough and the other in October in London, were very successful. TRAINING Five week-end Courses and two Conferences were well attended" especially that of the Nursing Officers at which there were ninety delegates_ Four intensive week-end Courses were held as follows:2 Hygienic Food Handling, 1 Air Attendants 1 Methods of Teaching. Two intensive Home Nursing Courses were held and were not well attended but two intensive First Aid Cour es were upported fairly well. The St. John Ambulance Association held a conference for County' Directors. A Senior Officers' Conference was held at Ashridge in April. COMPETITIO S The Brigade final competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shield were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on July 4th, 1953. The presentation of trophies and prizes was made on this occasion by His Worship the Mayor of Westminster. Winner of the Dewar Shield-Wolverton Ambulance Division (Bucks); Winner of the Perrott Shield-Spalding Nursing Division (Lincs). The winners of the Dewar and Perrott Shields represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's trophy Competitions in November and both gained second place in their respective sections. The Cadet final competitions were held also in the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 14th March, 1953, when the presentation of trophies was made by the Rt. Hon. Lord Mayor of London. CIVIL DEFENCE Contacts with officials of the Home Office and the Ministry of Health continue to be close. The discussions on the role of the Voluntary Services in Civil Defence have now been completed and it is hoped that a decision will be taken shortly in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministries concerned. A number of Senior Officers and other Officers have attended the Civil Defence Staff College and Technical Training Schools during the period under review. The Brigade is playing an important part in Industrial Civil Defence. The number of Civil Defence full First Aid Classes carried out by the Brigade as Agents of the Association is steadily increasing. NATIONAL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE A steady improvement of recruitment has been made and the Brigade has now been responsible for the recruitment of 13,000 members. This.,




continued increase and the successful work in training reflects great credit on all those in the Brigade responsible for this important part of our activities. LIFE SAVING MEDAL IN SILVER The Life Saving Medal of the Order has been awarded to the following member of the Brigade:. . . A/ Cadet Officer A. W. Chappell, Clitheroe Ambulance DIVISIOn, Duke of Lancaster's District. LIFE SAVI G MEDAL IN BRONZE Private C. Curtis, Falmouth Ambulance Division, County of Cornwall. Area Cadet Officer H. Touzeau, Bailiwick of Guernsey. MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATES The following members were awarded the Meritorious Service Certificates :Private R. H. Andrew, Truro Ambulance Division, County of Cornwall. Divisional Officer C. A. Irish, Sidmouth Ambulance Division, East, South and North Devon. Transport Sergeant F. W. Quaintance, Sidmouth Ambulance Division, East, South and North Devon. Corporal K. Chick, Sidmouth Ambulance Division, East, South and North Devon. Pte. R. Pentecost, Falmouth Ambulance Division, County of Cornwall. JUBILEE CERTIFICATES-19 53 A certificate is awarded to Divisions of the Brigade which have been in active existence for 50 years and the following Divisions have been awarded certificates for 1953:Hulme (West Manchester) Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Birmingham (Snow Hill) Ambulance Division, County of Birmingham. Winsford Nursing Di ision, County of Cheshire. Mansfield Borough Ambulance Division, County of Nottingham. Bradford Tramway Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Eccleshill Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Birstall Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Todmorden Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Hindley Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Wigston Ambulance Division, County of Leicester. . Whaley Bridge Ambulance Division, County of CheshIre. Barnet Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Sittingbourne & Milton Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Earl Shilton Ambulance Division, County of Leicester. Bootle Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Radcliffe Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Brighouse Corps, West Riding of Yorkshire. Boughton-under-Blean Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Westgate-on-Sea Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Ardwick Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Sutton Portland Ambulance Division, County of Nottingham.



Newcastle Ambulance Division, County of Stafford. Worksop Ambulance Division, County of Nottingham. . Hastings Nursing Division, Cou.nty. of Sussex. . . Hull North-West Ambulance DivislOn, East Ridlllg of Yorkshire. ST. JOH


I am including reference to this Department in my report becayse a proportion of the Welfare Officers are uniformed members of the Bflga~e. The Countess Mountbatten of Burma, as Chairman of the Service Hospitals Welfare Committee has reported ::IS follow :"In Commands in the United Kingdom and Overseas 139 Welfare Officers are now serving, of which 37 are Brigade members who are posted as follows:United Kingdom 15 Far East 7 B.A.O.R. 6 Japan 3 Middle East 5 Austria. . . 1 "During the year as Chairman of the Service ~o pital . Welfare Committee I was able to visit our Welfare Officers 111 the MIddle East area -the Service Hospitals visited included those in t~~ Canal.Z:one, Malta, Cyprus, Benghazi, Tripoli and Aden. An additIOnal VI it wa also paid to the Military Hospital in Gibralt~r. I ~as J?leased to find that the usual high standard of work was belllg ma111tallled by all Welfare Officers. "Our Welfare Officers played an outstanding part in the repatriation of Prisoners of War from Korea. Two extra Welfare Officers were flown out from England to assist-one of these was Miss Barbara Potter, a St. John member. Our Senior Welfare Officer in Japan was the first British woman to welcome the returning Prisoners of War at 'Freedom Village' and at each transit camp in which the men stayed, b~f?re they embarked on the troop-ships, Welfare Officers were ~her~ glv111g help with personal problems, sending messages home and ~s umg comforts, cigarettes, etc. Each returning troopship was accompamed by a Welfare Officer who visited the sick P. of W. and helped S.S.A.F.A. and the W.V.S. representatives on board in general welfare and the provision of entertainment. At each port of call along the homeward route and on arrival at Southampton the men were met by our personnel and the local St. John and Red Cross. The sick and wounded who were flown home were met in the same way at each staging post and finally by our representatives at R.A.F. station Lyneham. . . "In the autumn the Director, Miss Nancy de Mlerre, car ned oyt a tour of all Military and R.A.F. Hospitals in Germany and Austna. She was accompanied throughout by the Chief Welfare ~fficer a~d Senior Welfare Officer of each Command who are respectively Mlss Dorothea Aplin and Miss Anne Lawson, members of the Brigade, both of whom are doing an excellent job in organising the work of our Welfare Officers in the hospitals in these areas." NURSI G DIVISIONS

I have included in the main report matters covering all sections of the Brigade. I should, however, like to include the following extract from the report of the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, which was submitted to the Superintendent-in-Chief.



"The strength of the Nursing Divisions throughout the country has shown a definite upward trend. This is probably partly due to increased interest taken in St. John arising out of the great number of public duties which the Brigade has covered so efficiently during this especially busy year. "There is a heartening improvement in the number of Nursing Cadets transferring to adult Divisions and the ever-increasing interest taken by the Presidents throughout the Brigade has proved most helpful to recruiting. "It is most pleasing to note that the field of service covered by the Nursing Divi ions continues to widen and it is especially encouraging to hear, from all over the country, of the friendly co-operation between Brigade members and all those with whom they work in the course of their duties. , The enormous number of hours of unselfish service given by Nursing members during this Coronation year, beginning with the tragic East Coa t flood, has called for much careful planning and wise leadership in the countie. A particularly heavy burden has fallen on all County Superintendents and their staffs and this has been met with outstanding generosity and efficiency. "In the udden death of Mi s H. A. Corser, M.B.E., County Superintendent for Shrop hire, the Brigade sustained a very great loss. She joined a a member of the Shrewsbury Nursing Division in 1908 and served a a V. .D. in the first World War. She continued to give most devoted ervice to St. John until the day of her death. "There i a most encouraging increase in the number of Nursing Officer, 140 appointments having been made during the year. The Chief Nursing Officer is hopeful that the appointment of Nursing Officers to more of the Divi ion will lead to a higher standard of horne nursing. The ever growing interest taken by the nursing profession in our work i largely due to the energy and enthusiasm of Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn. 'The members of ursing Divisions at home have been pleased to welcome many of their colleagues from overseas, especially on Coronation Day when a number of them shared in the duty of the route. A clo e link is kept with the Brigade Overseas, thanks to the ready cooperation of Lady Brecknock. "During the few months which I have been your Deputy, Madam, [ have had the greatest help and support from Mrs. Romer-Lee. Her appointment as your Assistant has given much pleasure throughout the country and her profound knowledge of the Brigade and readiness to accept responsibility have made an invaluable contribution to the work of the Brigade. "Miss Harrison has undertaken increased work and responsibility on her appointment as Assistant Brigade Secretary. As always her wise advice and unfailing help have been of the greatest assistance. Miss Thornton has also completed a splendid year's work. I have received most loyal co-operation from all the staff at Brigade Headquarters at all times. "I would like especially to record the gratitude of all members of the Nursing Divisions for the Commissioner-in-Chief's friendly and untiring interest and support. Much encouragement has been given by the many



VISItS he and his Deputy, and the Surgeon-in-Chief, have paid to the counties during the past year." In approving the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief's report, the Superintendent-in-Chief writes:"I have to record the deep regret and real sadness which Lady DunbarNasmith's resignation has caused not only to me personally and to the Brigade generally, but also the tremendous debt of gratitude we owe to her. The loss of her wise and devoted ervice will be mi sed by one and ail, and her outstanding and selfless contribution to St. John will long be remembered. "We are, indeed, fortunate in having so able and indefatigable a successor to her in Mrs. Grosvenor to whom I wish to pay tribute for the exceptional manner in which she has as umed her new dutie ." I should like to give my full support to the above remarks of the Superintendent-in-Chief. CADETS

The Cadet movement continues to increa e and has con olidated its place as a national youth movement. The new Cadet Officers' Handbook has been published and is dc igned as a complete guide to all Cadet Officers on the formation and running of a Cadet Division. The liaison between the St. John Cadet and the Saturday Morning Cinema Clubs continues, and 125 Cadet Divisions have been formed since the start of tlli scheme in 1950. A student member, Cpt. John Prince of the Grays Ambulance Cadet Division, was awarded the Silver Life Saving Medal of the Order for his gallant rescue work in the floods in February, 1953, and in addition was also awarded the American Trophy for gallantry for the year. CADET CORO ATIO


A Cadet Coronation Camp to celebrate the Coronation year was held from 31st July to the 7th August a t North Ockenden in Essex. Over 2,000 boys and girls attended the Camp, including 40 Commonwealth Officers and Cadets from Australia, Canada, Cyprus, J ndia. Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Southern Rhodesia and South Africa. We received a wonderful response to our request for ho pitality for overseas visitors, all of whom were accommodated in the homes of Cadet Officers and Cadets for at least a week before and after the Camp (and some for a considerably longer period). H.R.H. Princess Margaret, Commandant-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance and Nursing Cadets, graciously accepted to inspect a Parade of Cadets and to tour the Camp, but unfortunately owing to a case of meningitis the visit had to be cancelled and Sir Francis Whitmore, the Lord Lieutenant of Essex deputised for the Princess. The Cadet concerned made an excellent recovery. The St. John Ambulance Brigade owe a great debt of gratitude to the W.V.S. for undertaking the catering at the Camp as a Civil Defence Exercise in Emergency Feeding. The kitchens were kindly lent for this purpose by the Ministry of Food. The Camp had its own shop, St. John Stores, tuck shop, bank, post office-at which letters were franked with a special St. John stamp. The training programme included talks, and demonstrations on



dra.II?-a, casualty make-up for First Aid competitions, etc., and competItIOns were held among Cadets in First Aid Bed ak· Ch·ld Welfar~, R?ad Safety and Fire Fighting. Tours we;e arra~ge~nf~ la~es of ~peclal Interest and games and sports were or anised b p. semor Representative of the C.C.P.R., assisted b~ qualifie~ ~eI;~~~~nt OVERSEAS

D.T?~ expansion in the ov~rseas territories has continued and 81 new IVlSlOns were formed dunng the year. With regard to the wo k . each place: r 10

BRITISH WEST IN DIES H.R ..~ . . The Pri~~ess Royal- Dame Grand Cross of the Orderhe n V1S1ting the Bntish West Indies, inspected many units of the Brigade In t h e early part of the year. Colo~el Sir Harold Mitchell, Bt., J.P., the Order's Liaison Officer in the kCar~be~n area, has been aut~orised by the Order to carry a Brigade ran. e as, therefore, been Instructed to have a rank of crossed stretchers and wear grey gorget patches as he is attached to my staff.


Bah~m~s.-Lieut.-~olonel R. J. Wyndham Verrall, M.V.O


~~m~ls~~ne~ o~ PolIce, has been appointed Commissioner of the ~e~

rt~al e I tnct in the. Bahamas. The fir t Divisions have been formed main y among the PolIce.

Barbados.- A Fi~ t Aid Class with over 60 members w~s held M member of the Bngade took part in a parade to celebrate Co;onat~~; D ay. BlermudCa. -~r. . W. T. Wilson has succeeded Lieut.-Colonel R C E ar as omml SlOner and Mrs Ca b II W ·lk· h .. Lady Hall as D· t . t 's . . mp e 1 mson as succeeded I fIC upenntendent (Nursing).

(!~t~hA~ui~a.~Enco~r~~ing progress is being made and one new


:f . . ursIn.g. DlvlslOn has been formed and all were in um orm or the. VISIt of H.R.H. the Princess Royal in Februa ~ve;h £4~0 was. r~lsed for the Br~gade by various undertakings organis% y e ommisslOner, Mr. JustIce Bell, and Mrs. Bell.

British Honduras.-On. the recommendation of Chapter-General H.R.H. The. SJrand Pnor approved the formation of the British Honduras Dl tnct of the Brigade as from 1st July 1953 U ~ t I abt prefsent tdhere is no Comm!ssioner, but a Divisi~n of ·the ~~~a~~a~a~ een orme among the Pollee. Grenada.-The members of the 1st St George's N . D··· obtained unifo d C . ursmg IVISlOn . ~ms an on oro nation Day about 100 men and 60 isHa Dfinse eftttohrt fobr a small ... . . . . . co as een appomted Com~:russJOner In successIOn to Brigadier P J T Pickthall wh h Island. . . . 0 as I eft t h e




Jamaica.- There is still great scope for expansion but we a e 1 d to ~eporth that a new Nursing Division has been formed at ~o~~~gS~e d unng t e year.






Trinidad and Tobago.-Colonel BridgI?~n ~nfortunately has had to resign as Commissioner as he is now resldmg I!1. the U.K. H.R.H. The Princess R oyal inspected the Brigade on her VISIt. to the Is~and. There has been great expansion in the work o~ the Bngade dunng. the past ear and both First Aid and Home Nursm~ class~s are becoII1!ng m~re ~nd more popular. Public Duties are ever mcreasl~g and special dutIes were allotted to members at the Coronation SerVice on May 31st.. It is most gratifying to know that approximately 5,000 dollars were ralsed by a flag day collection.

FAR EAST Singapore.-Mrs. P. Gerrity returned early in the year, .ha i~g completed her contract as a Headquarters Officer. Mrs. Gernty dId muc.h to revive the work of the Brigade in Singapore after th~ '!'.ar. It IS encouraging to know that three new Cadet Ambul~nce DIVI Ions ~ere formed during the year. Mrs. O. Faris, District Supenntendent (~ur 109), kindly arranges accommodatiC?n for members of the Malaya Relief Teams arriving in Singapore on their way to Malaya. Malaya.-We regret to report the death of Dr. H. M. 0 Le ter, O.B.E., which is a serious loss to the Brigade; we are ve:y plea ed, howe~er, to welcome Dr. R. E. Anderson, who has been appolOte~ to ucceed him . The Brigade is advancing rapidl~ wit~ .t~e formatlOn of five new Ambulance Divisions and one Nursmg DIvISion .. A gre~t deal of progress is being made, thanks to the efforts of MIS 1. RIcher, who .has returned after 2t years' work in Malaya as a Headquarter Orgamser. Malaya Relief Teams.-At the present time 21 State Registered N~rses are working in Malaya and replacements are being sent out as reqUIred. The original work of the Welfare Officers who were sent out under our auspices has now been terminated. Some have returned home on the conclusion of their contracts, others haye. taken Gov~rnment post, and six have been appointed by us as Trammg Offic.ers (l.e .. to . traIr: the local St. John members to carryon the wor~). MISS MarJor.le. Miller, S.R.N., Teams Supervisor, .and Mi~s Nancy. MIller, Office AdmInIstrat?r, returned to the United Kll~gdom In the mIddle of September, and MI?s Marjorie Miller's place has been taken by Miss 1. D. Irven, who left m October to take up this appointment. Hong Kong .-The work of th~ Penetration Sq~ads co~tinues tc? be of great value and is greatly assIsted by the Police. MISS E. SIlvester returned after doing valuable work at the Headquarters of the Hong Kong District. North Borneo .- The Brigade is progressing and hope to procure an ambulance in the near future.


MEDITERRANEAN AREA Cyprus.-A new Ambulance Division and a Nursing Division have been formed this year, and also a Cadet Ambulance Division which is most encouraging. Miss Muriel Anderson returned from Cyprus in the summer on the termination of her appointment as Headquarters Organiser. Mrs. Douglas-Brown who took over her duties has, we regret to say, now left the Island following the death of her husband. Mrs . Harrold, formerly a Cadet Officer of the Brigade in Norfolk, has kindly consented to take over Mrs. Douglas-Brown's duties. The Controller of the Overseas Department, n~e Countess of Brecknock, visited Cyprus in March and attended a meeting of the St. John Council held that month. The Superintendent-in-Chief visited the Island in October and the Controller joined her there for the latter part of her visit, during which time Divisions of the Brigade in Nicosia and also at Athienou, and Divisions of the Brigade in the Cyprus Mines Corporation at Mavrovouni. Lady Mountbatten paid great tribute to the assistance given by St. John members at the disastrous earthquake early in the year. Cibraltar. - Mr. A. L. Abraham has been appointed Commissioner in succession to Captain D. S. Gowing, who has left the Island on his retirement as Commissioner of Police. Malta C. C.- Dr. J. C. R. Buchanan, C.M.G., Assistant Surgeon-inChief Oversea, vi ited the Island in November and attended the Annual Conference at which the Countess Mountbatten was present. He considered the work done by Colonel Abela very stimulating and was very impressed with the new Headquarters. The Controller of the Overseas Department visited Malta in April. Lady Riverdale, President of the Sheffield Corps in Yorkshire, also visited Malta and sent in a most interesting report on her tour of the Colony. BRITISH EAST AFRICA I toured Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar during the early part of the year and inspected many St. John units in these places. Ken)'a. - A St. John Council was formed during the year under the Chairmanship of Sir Charles Mortimer, C.B.E. We had the pleasure of a visit from Dr. J. A. Carman, District Surgeon, and Madame Falize District Cadet Officer, at these Headquarters. Madame Falize wa~ also able to represent Kenya at the Overseas Conference held in June. Miss D. Best has returned to this country after excellent work as a Headquarter Officer. Tanganyika.-Steady progress is being maintained and one Ambulance Division has been formed during the year. Uganda.-Miss E. Silvester unfortunately had to resign from her post as Headquarters Organiser in Kampala, where she has been since August, and has been replaced by Mrs. E. Waters. A grant has been made by the Order towards a Headquarters in Kampala. MAURITIUS We are pleased to report steady expansion in the Colony.

BRITISH WEST AFRICA Sierra Leone.-Mr. W. G . Syer, Commissioner of Police, has been appointed Deputy Commissioner.

COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA Southern Rhodesia.-A site has been purchased for the future erection







of a Headquarters. It is hoped that we may soon expand our activities in to Northern Rhode ia and Nyasaland. We had the pleasure of a visit from a contingent of Cadets and an Officer who were able to attend the Coronation Cadet Camp held in E sex.


County Office: Dynevor Road, Bedford.

T el. 35 60 .

County President: Th e Rt. Hon. The LORD LUKE, M.A., D.L., J.P.


Mrs. Romer-Lee has been appointed to fill the vacancy cau ed by Mrs. Grosvenor's promotion, and I am very glad to have her a As i tant Superintendent-in-Chief. I regret to report that Mr. Guthrie Moir has officially re igned from his appointment as Chief Cadet Officer for the Ambulance Cadets. During the time of Mr. Guthrie Moir's appointment the Cadet movement has made tremendous stride and this is due in no mall measure to his own keenness and ability which he brought to this appointment. He will be greatly missed by the Cadet movement, not only Headquarters but in all parts of the country. Brigadier Ritchie, the Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief, has now been placed in charge of the Cadet Department with special reference to Ambulance Cadets, and the appointment of a Senior Officer to thi Department is a recognition of the vital part the Cadet Movement has come to play in the Brigade. I regret that during the year two of my Commi ioner Dr. F. L. Newton (Worcester) and The Earl of Cranbrook (Suffolk) re igned from the active list. Their departure will be a great los to the Brigade and I am fortunate in that Mr. F. J. Somers and Major R. S. Schreiber have kindly consented to accept these vacancie . I have already referred to the work of the Deputy Superintendentin-Chief, Mrs. Grosvenor, and I should now like to convey my thanks to the Surgeon-in-Chief, Major A. C. White Knox, and to hi Deputy, Dr. M. M. Scott and his Assistant, Dr. J. C. R. Buchanan, and to Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn, the Chief Nursing Officer, for their splendid service, and, indeed, to all Brigade Surgeons and members of the nursing profession throughout the country. To my Deputy, Brigadier T. D. Daly, I am particularly grateful for undertaking the duties of Commissioner-in-Chief in my absence abroad, and to my Assistants, Brigadier A. Ritchie and Colonel H. Mostyn Owen. I should like to add my thanks to Lady Braithwaite, who during the year joined my staff to organise Appeals on behalf of the Brigade. Thanks to her enthusiasm and activity substantial sums have been distributed to the Brigade at home and overseas. This has been a year of outstanding happenings-from the joyous celebrations of the Coronation to the disasters of the East Coast floods -and it is with pride that I look back and see how well the Brigade has responded to a year of severe testing. The Brigade has well maintained the high standards set by Brigade members in the past and has even added fresh records of devoted service to be passed on to those who follow. This result would, of course, not have been possible without the unselfish work of the individual member-on whom rests the ultimate reputation of the Brigade. (Signed) O. M. LUND Lt.-General, Commissioner-In-Chief


County Vtce-Prestdent: The Lady Zia WERH ER, O.B.E. (Nursing) The Hon. Pearl Lawson Johnston, O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance and Nursing). Commissioner Capt. W. C. KNIGHT, M B.E., I, Dynevor Road, Bedford. Tel: (3560). Deputy Commis ioner Vacant. County Superintendent (A) Vacant. County Superintendent (N) Miss H. M. BRO\.\'N, 733, Dunstable Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 357 6 ). County ursing Officer Mi s }l. E. RED~fAK, M.B.E., S.R.N., 69, Meyrick Avenue, Luton. County Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. County Cadet Officer (N) Vacant. County taft Officers G. J. PARSONS, 5, Oldfield Road, Bedford. (Training). E. LUCAS, 20, Clapham Road , Bedford. . H . JONES, I6h, St. Cuthbert's Street, Bedford. H: B.\NKS, 26, Bi<;hopscote Road , Luton. (Press Relations) :\11 sT. E. VVHITBREAD, 20, Hardwick Road, Bedford. Northern Area



Dr. H. W. ROUND, The Grange, Turvey, Beds. (Tel. Turvey 206). M~s. R. L. FIELD, 12, George Street, Bedford. 1\l1ss H . GRI~II\IER, 3, Station Road, Ampthill, Beds.

\w\ tall Officer . Area Cadet Officer

Southern Area

County Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (\) .\rea taft Officers

Dr . J. Kelsall THOMAS, 24, \ty,~"t Si_H>d, Dunstab1e. Dunstable 10). E. WHrTE, 3, Sherwood Road, Luton . Miss D. ARCHER, 34, Langley Street, Luton. :\1iss D. \YOODHEAD, Langley Street, Luton.



County Office: outh View Avenue, Caversham, Reading. Tel. Reading 73174

County President: The Rt. Hon. The EARL OF LARE fDO , K.G., P.C., G.C.l\I.G ., G.C.V .O. County Vice-Presidents: Lady LORAINE (N ursing) Colonel G. Field, O.B.E., T.D., (Cadet Ambulance) Lady JOUBERT DE LA FERTE (Cadet Nursing) Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer

C. A. POOLE, M.A., 33, South View Avenue Caversham. (Tel. Reading 62127). ' Vacant. Dr. T. T. BAIRD, Fairwater, Twyford, Berks . (Tel. Twyford 12 9).

The Hon. M~s. Leslie GAMAGE, Foxhill, Earley, Berks. (Tel. Readmg 61400). J. V. SHEMILT, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., M.B., B.S., The R ed House .P epper Lane, Earley. ' MIRsS D · E. BRACE, S.R.N., Battle Hospital, Oxford Road, ea din g.





Commissio n er

County County County County

Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary St.aff Officers

/ c.ounty Staff Officer

W. E. THOMAS, 69, Edgehill Street, R eading. Miss A. K. CORDEROY, The Pollards, Theale, Berks . 1iss D. K. GIBBINS, 33, South View Avenue, Caversham. H. F. SKIDMORE, 324 , Tilehurst Road, Reading. Mrs. THOMA, 69, Edgehill Street, Reading. E. CHART, II, Lome St.reet, R eadi ng. L. J. BARTON, 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. Mrs. EDMINSON, Old Barn Ea t, 379, Reading R O;ld, vVinnersh. Mrs. BARTON, 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. P. R. HILLS, Fellows Close, Abingdon. (Cadets)

Assist.ant Commissioner (County Secretary) County Superinte ndent (A) County Superint.endent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A)

BIRMINGHAM Nelson Memorial Hall,


County Office: Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3.

T e l. Birmingham Central 6f)f)o.


adet Officer (N)


taft Officers

County Preszdent: Alderman J. C. BUR:lIAN, J .P. County Vice-Presidents: Alderman W. T. BOWE:-l (Ambulance). Mrs. W. A. CADBURY; Lady RAFTER (1 lIrsillg) J. P . Eames, O.B.E ., (Cadet Ambulance) Mrs. P. CADBURY (Cadet ursing). Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers

County Sergeant MajOt'




Brig. M. L. HAYNE, C.B.E., 50, 0 k B ams, Church Lane. Gaydon, Warwickshire. (Tel. Kineton 42 ). W. R. LLOYD, 66, Bleakhill Road, Birmingham 23. Mrs. D. C. icol, 2 , Westfi eld Hoad, Edgbast.on, Birming· ham, IS. Dr. E. Fraser BROWN, 273, Yardley W ood Road, Mo eley. Birmingham. Miss 1\1. CLINTON, 108, W elwyn R oad, Edgbaston. W. R. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford. Road, \\'ard End, Birmingham, 8. Mrs. D. OWEN, 16, Cranmore Avenue, Handsworth, Birming· ham. Mrs. F. E. HAMMOND, 7, Ravenshaw Road, Egba ton, I7. (Store) . H. V. GARDINER, 26, Pitmaston Court, Goodby R oad, Birmingham, n . A. C. FORD 85, \Voodleigh Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham. 17. (Stores) J. E. MATTHEWS, 304, Bordesley Green East, Birmingham, 9· Miss E . M. ROGERS, 72, Balsall Heath Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham,s· . . F. GRIFFITHS, Midland Bank, ewhall Street, Bmmngham, 3. (Treasurer) . M. C. LEGGETT, 48, Parkdale Road, Birmingham 26. (SpeCIal Duties) Mrs. Fraser BROWN, 273, Yardley Wood Road, Moseley, Birmingham . Mrs. J. MILLER, 445, Bromford Lane, Ward End, Birming· ham, 8. (Administrative) R . C. N. Day, 297, Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham, 29·

BRISTOL County Offir;e: Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol



2243 1 - 2 .

County President: His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G. , G.C.V.o., P.C . County Vice-President: Mrs. H. L. BURGESS .


Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex LEWIS , D.C.M ., T.D., Harley House, Clifton Down, Bristol, 8. T el. 33808. G. J. CREECH, M.R.SAN.I., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol , S· Vacant. Miss M. E. E. SARAH. IS, Morley Square, Bishopston, Bristol, 7. (Tel. Bristol 43321). D •. J. A. Lanson ROBERTS, 75, High Street, Kingswood. Bristol. Miss B. H. C. SAM IONS, S.R.N ., 10, Henleaze Gardens. Westbury-on-Trym, BristoL 9. Dr. R. H. BUTCHER,S, Nottingham Road, Bishopston. Bristol , 7. Mrs. E. F. PULLIN, B.E.M., 138, Monk Park Avenue Horfield Bristol. ' > ::'II. Fox, TO, Redlancl Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. (Press Relations) J. F.. mTH, " t. Kayna", Knightcott R oad, Abbotts Leigh, Bnstol, 8. W. G. CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, Filton, Bristol. A . R . HARDrNG , 189, Hillside R oad, St. George, Bristol,S. C. G~~IBBLE, B.E.M ., 7, Stanley Road, Redlands, Bristol, 6. E . .T. FOLEY, 2, Highfield Grove, Horfield, Bristol 7. C.. H . . R.) H . R. II. p, GE, 45, Kingsway Ave. , Kingswood, B;istol.

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE County Office: 79, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Bucks.

Tel. Aylesbury 1033.

COlmty Presidents: Colonel The Lord COTTESLOE, C.B., V.D., T.D ., Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire The LADY CHATFIELD (Nursing). Major P. G. DARVIL-SMITH, C.B.E. (Cadets). County Vice-Presidents: Th e Viscountess Dawson of Penn, O.B.E . (Nursing). The Viscountess Kemsley, C.B.E. (Nursing Cadets). Commissio ner

The Viscount CURZO:-l', J .P., "The Knoll", Penn, Bucks . (Tel. Penn 2269). Deputy Commissioner F. H. SCHOOLING, t. icholas Lodge, Farnham Common, Bucks. County Superintendent (A) E . A . ALLIOTT, "Rostherne", Hervines Road, Amersham, Bucks. (Tel. Amersham 222). Couuty Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. BOOTHMAN, "Lynton Chase," Datchet, Bucks. (Tel. Datchet 302). .\s. t. County Superintendent ( Miss N. M. SALE, The Croft, Walton Road , Aylesbury. County Surgeon (Executive) E. R. WEAVER-ADAMS, B.A., M.B., B.CHIR., M.R .C.S., "Sutton Cottage", Stoke Park, Slough, Bucks. County Surgeon Dr. G. W. H. TOWNSEND, County M.O.H ., County Offices, Aylesbury. County Nursing Officer • Mrs. W. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., Bridge House, Baring R oad, Beaconsfield, Bucks. County Cadet Officer (A) K. A. NATHAN, "Torwood", Clifton Road, Chesham Bois, Amersham, Bucks. County Secretary Mrs. Z. BOTSFORD, 79, Buckingham St., Aylesbury, Bucks.


20 County Staff Officers



Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) Surgeon

Area Staff Officer

Capt. F. \V. WORKER, 56, \Vind. or ' treet, Wolverton, Bu ck~ Miss E. M. SAVORY, " Emberton House", Iney, Bucks S J. CO;\IPTON, 21, ilver -treet, .[ ewport Pagnell, Buck :vIiss J. ROSE, Mi ion Hall, Newport Pagnell , Bucks Dr. \\' . :\1. :\I. DOUGLAss, Wolverton St . :\Ia ry, Sto nv ~t ratford . R. G. OLDER O~ , 12, Bedford ~t,e('t, W o lve rto n (Area Cadet Training). North Midland Area

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer

Vacant. Vacant. Dr. Hilda DAVI S, 1.B , D P . lI . , Plough o tta ge , Ca d sdeaCl Princes Risborough, Bucks. E. F. SOMERS, 4, Albe rt Street, Aylesbu:-y .

Mid Bucks Area

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Assistant Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officers

C. DAY, "Station House", Saunderton , H ig h Wycombe Bucks . Vacant. Dr. R. H. KIPPING, LB ., B.CH., "Leigh House", Beacon_· field, Bucks. Mrs. DILLO -EDWARD S. S.R.N ., "Faulkners", Ch esham R d .. Che ham Bois, Bucks. \\!. J. Lu); ON, 29 , Cressex Road , High Wycombe, Bucks Miss M. E. \VHITE, "Cleveland", Claremont Gard (;~s , Marlow, Bucks. D. ORLIK, "Stratton Cottage", Stratton Road, Beaconsfield Bucks. T. SHORT, II. Hill View Road, High Vv'ycombe, Bucks. J. RICHARDSON, "St. Davids", Station Ri e, Marlow. Bucks Mrs. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, nr. High Wycom be. Miss B. WHITE, "Hillview", Whinneys Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe.

Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) County Transport Officer I\.rea Staff Officer

Vacant. Mrs. E. R. WEAVER-ADAMS, "Sutton Cottage", Stoke P ark. Nr. Slough, Bucks. Lt.-Col. L. D. M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH.B., 33, Sussex Place. Slough, Bucks. L. CHALLIS, 7, Oakfield Ave., Slough, Bucks. Mrs. HOOD, 148, Wellington Street, Slough, Bucks. J. D. PALMER, "Brentwood", 70, Carrington Crescent, Wendover, Bucks. L. STEPHENS, 3, Mundesley Spur, Slough, Bucks.



County Office: 35, St . Mary's Street, Ely. Tel. Ely 78. County Presidents: The LORD FAIRHAVEN, D.L., J.P. ~lrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK. County Vice-Presidents: Major E . SAVILLE PECK, D.L. Major G. M. MACFARLANE GRIEVE. K.

S. MAURICE-SMITH, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Etheldreda House", Ely. (Tel. Ely 2678). Deputy Commissioner and Act.. C . \V. \VALKER, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road , Cambridge. County Surgeon 1\1rs . A. F. lANLEY, M.A.. 9. Burgess, Hill, Hampstead County Superintendent (N) N.W.2. (Tel. Hampstead 6240) . .\ st . County uperintend ent (1 ) Lady CHADWICK, Masters Lodge, Conville and Caius College Cambridge. ~lrs . E . Ellis LEWIS, S.R.N., S.C.M., R.F.N., I9, Brookside , C mnty ur ing Officer. Cambndge. ~l is s 1\1 . C. D. KENNETT, S.R.N . , C.M.B., Long Stanton Co unty aff fficcrs R ectory, Cam bridge. Lt.-Coln n el G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., 49, Silver Street, Ely . (Trea urer). -. P. DI CKER. II , Belgrave Road, Cambridge. .\. H . GRnr SHAw, 152, Elm Road, March, Cambs. Area Cadet Officer C Tl\YLETT, 225, Mill Road, Cambridge. Area Cadet Officer


Ely Area uperintendent (A) uperintendent (N)

Area Area



\Y . H . TURKER. 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Camb .

:\lrs. G. TUR:-\ER, 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Cambs . Cambridge Area G. \VALKER, "Kersell", Sedley Taylor Road, Cambridge l\Ir G . SEDD O ~, "Redcliffe", II, Chesterfield Road , Ca mbridge. C. A . ARGEA T, (Training), "Chesterfield", Coldhams Lane Cherryhinton.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent tail Officer

CHESHIRE County Office: County H.Q., Tabl y Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. Tel. Knutsford 346. C'Junty President: LL.-Colonel \V . CHALONER, O.B .E. . T.D ., J.P. County Vice-Presidents: J. A. K. FERNS (Ambulance). A. C. BENTLEY (Cade t Ambulance).

Sou them Area

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)



J. O. BOLDERO, The Manager, Lloyd Bank, Ayle bury, Bucks . (Treasurer). Mrs. B. A. H . VAUGHAN, "Johns", Uxbridge Road, Stoke Poges, Bucks. Miss G. M. rVES, 9, Ogilvie Road, High Wycombe, Buch. (Training) . L. E. PIKE (Publicity), 17, The Broadwa y, Amersham, Bucb A. KINGSBURY, Henshaw, Bierton, Aylesbury. (PubllcityAdvisory). F. R. REEDER, "Glamis", Kingsmead Rd . , High Wycom be Bucks. (Competitions).

Northern Area

Area Area Area Area Area



Commission er Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent ( ) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon

Capt. Percy REAY, O.B.E., M.C., J.P., "Oakdene", Prestbury, Cheshire. Tel. Prestbury 8353. W. Cecil ROBINSON, "Woodeaves," Dale Bro\\-, Prestbury , Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 8357). N. S. MUMBY, "Glendyne", Prenton Lane, Prenton, Birken head. (Tel. Mount\\"ood I372). Vacant. Vaca.nt.



County Nursing Officer




Miss A. MCCULLY, S.R.N., District Memorial Hospital, Crewe. H. . BECKETT, 28, Stalbridge Road, Crewe. 1rs. E. SINGLETON, County H.Q., Knutsford. Dr. Gladys E. \\'ILKINSO:-;r, "l{eri", Fulshaw Park, \Yilm low. A. A. KERR, The roorings, avendish venue, Buxton. (Publicity) . ]. HARi EY, 53, W oodyear Road, Brornborough, Wirrall . (Cadets) .

County Cadet Officer (A) County Secretary County Staff Officers

H. B. BINGHAM, 56, Greg Street, outh Reddish, Stockport 1\1iss E. M. GRIFFIN, IS, Grundy tred, Hazel Grove, tockport. J. MACFIE, M.B., CR.B., unninghill, TownscliIIe Lane, Marple Bridge. Mr . A. LAWRENCE, 35, South Park Road, Gatley, Cheshire

Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer

Central Area

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon. .

Vacant. :\1iss M. E. Vacant.

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon

E. Allen SMITH, 241, Breck Road, Walla ey, Cheshire. Miss W. A. LA fE, 28, Highgrc:en Rd., Birkenh<'ad, Cheshire. Dr. H. L. GARSO'!, "\\'oodlands", New hester Road, Brornborough, Wirral, Cheshire.

DEA~, I,

Derbyshire Road, . ale,

Cou nty Cadet Officers for Area Cou nty adet Officer (N) for Area County Staff Officers

ssista nt Commissioner Assistan t Cornrn issioner Area Nursing Officer County Cadet Officers (A) for Area Cou nty Cadet Officer (N) for Ar a County taff Officers

County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County County County County

Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers

T. C. TRESIDDER, Dartington, Radannack, Truro (Transport). Mrs. E. TREWREN, S.R.N., Godreavy Headland, Carbis Bay, .T. G. BARRETT, Silver Bow, Mount Ambrose, R edruth. \Y . T. ALLEN, 8, Robert Kitchins Road, Falmouth. }lrs. B. McKENZIE, IS, Claremont Road, Redruth.


J. J ACK~[AN, Hazlemere, Albany Road, Falmouth. :'11 is F. W. PAUL, Oakleigh, Clinton Road. Redruth .

County Office: 39, Harrison Street, Currock, Carlisle, Cumberland. Coun ty Presidents: lr Robert CHANCE, Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland. Major J . W. CROPPER, Lord Lieutenant of Westmorland.

Commissio ner 2010.



County Vice-Presidents: C. E. H. LLOYD; H. R. H. Prince CHULA of Thailand (Ambulance) Mrs . A. M. BLACKWOOD, C.A.; Mrs. C. H . ASHER (Nursing) A. V. BAKER (Cade t Ambu:ancet Mrs. Y. THOMAS (Cadet Nursing).

County Superintendent (N)

Western Area \V. L. STEWART, M.B., CH.B., Tremethick, Grampound.

County Vice-Presidents: 1rs. MCGRIGOR-PHILLIPS (Nursing) Mr . M. L. BARRACLOUGH

County Presidents: Colonel Sir Edward H. \V . BOLITHO, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Lord-Lieuh·nan Nancy, LADY VIVIAN, O.B.E.


C. S. :\10YSE. Fore Street, Camelford . Miss L. C. WERREN, Cyprus House, Launceston.



W . G. MOONEY, J.P ., BroomhiIl, Tavistock Rd. , Launceston . M. C. COOPER, M.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., Hollybank, The Downs, L ooe. J. J . PEARCE, "Seldon", Bosven Road, Newquay. H . C. PENDER, IS , W estheath Villas, Bodmin . Miss K . GOVIER, 12, High Street, Launceston.


Western Area

County Office: Dean Street, Liskeard. Tel. Liskeard


Eastern. Area

Assistant Commis ioner Area Surgeon

Eastern Area

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)


Rear-Admiral Sir Rowland JERRAM, K.B.E., D.S.O., Golden ~ill, Hannafore, West Looe. (Tel. Looe 133). Pnncess Chula CHAKRABONGSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. (Tel. t. 1abyn 32). Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, Gwel Marten, Probus, near Truro . Mrs. Propert LEWIS, S.R.N., Armyn Cottage, Barlane, Falmouth. Vacant. Vacant. Miss J. VINCENT, 18, Dean Street, Liskeard . A. B. VENNING, Grasmere, Dunheved R oad, Launceston. (Publicity). :'I1rs C. H. ASHER, Ellenglaze Manor, Cubert, Newquay. (N .R. S.R.) P . PEARCE, Barclays Bank, R edruth. (Treasurer).

Dep uty Commis ioner County Superintendent (A) Cou nty Superintendent (N) County Cou nty County Co unty County Co unty

Surgeon Nursing Officer. Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers

County Sergeant Major

Capt. J. L. JOHNS, R.N. (Retd.), Lockville, Main Street, Sedbergh, Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 67) . Vacant. J. J. BEVERLY, 18, Woodsghyll Drive, Harraby, Carlisle. Mr . M. A. C. AINscow, M.B., CH.B., The Howe Troutbeck, Windermere . (Tel. Windermere 2287). N. L. BIRKETT, M.A., M.B., B.CH., 3 Thorny Hills, Kendal. Miss G. LAYCOCK, S.R .N., Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle . J. 'vV. LOWTHIAN, 18, Grace Street, Carlisle. Mi.ss D. TROTTER, The Gowans, Sedbergh. D. KEELAN, 39, Harrison Street, Carlisle. C. H . STEPHE SON, 25, Nook Street, Workington. J . STILLING, 34, R omney R oad, Kendal. Mrs. NEWMAN, 51, Holmriggs Avenue, Penrith. D. GRAHAM, Park View, Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carlisle. (Treasurer) . A. HUSBAND, I, Fairfield Gardnes, Wigton Road, Carlisle.

DERBYSHIRE County Office: Hill Cottage, London R oad, Buxton.

Tel. Buxton 395·

County President: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE . County Vice-Presidents: D. N. TURNER Her Grace The DUCHESS of RUTLAND

THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons

County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Welfare Officer Coun ty Secretary County Staff Officers

Colonel F. Arnot BEARN , C.B.E ., D.S.O., M.C., M.D., II, Broad Walk, Buxton. (Tel. 587). Miss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, Mickleover, Derby. (Tel Derby 53 12 4)' J. B. McKAY, M.B., CH .B., Brereton House, Bolsover, ear Che terfield. Mrs. Clara STEWART, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., 3, Hardwick Moun t , Buxton. Mi s L. PETTITT, S.R.N., c/o Deroy hire Hospital for Women, Derby. C. 1. MARGERRISON, The Cottage, vVilday Green, Barlo" , Nr. Sheffield. Mrs. G. E. H. WEATHERBY, 28, Kingston Street, Derby. P. CUBITT, Hill Cottage, London Road, Buxton . F . 1. SHIMWELL, "The Laurels", 53, Station Road, Brimington, r. Chesterfield. . . 'V . F. RIGLEY, "I\1ingoyo", Cossa1l, Ilke ton. (TralDtng). R . RINGHAM, J .P., 1arkham House, Duckmanton, Nr Che terfield.


EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON County Office: The lIut, Culver Drive, Chudleigh. Tel. Chudleigh 2262. County President: Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY, BT., D.S.O., M.C. County Vtce-President: Lady IMBERT TERRY (Nursing Cadets) Cnmmissioner

Northern Area

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer

I. Baikie JAMES, I, I\larket quare, Chapel-en-Ie-Frith. J. ATKINSO" White-Knowle Cottage, Chinley, Near Stockport. Miss N. START, 56, Brown Edge Road , Buxton. F. 'V. FUR~·ass, Ehm~' ood, Old Whlt.t.mgton , r . Chesterfield. R. MILLWARD, 39, earston Avenue, lIolme\\'ood, Tr. Chesterfield. Mrs. C. 1. MA}{GERRISON, The Cottage, Wilday Green , Barlow, r. heffield . T. Co VERLEY, Carr Cottage, Whitehough, Chinley.



('ou nty urgeon County Nursing Officer l'on nty Cadet Officer (A) Cou nty Cadet Officer (N) Cou nty cretary County taff Officers

National Coal Board No. 1 Area

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officers

'V. V. SHEPPARD, Elmsley House, R ainworth, Nr. Mansfield B. KENDALL, Bonnevienne, Inkersall Rd., Duckmanton, Nr Chesterfield. Mrs. McKAY, Brereton HotIse, Bol over. Dr. W. A. F. HURST, Heathfield, Tibshelf. Mrs. 1. MILLWARD, S.R.N ., 39, Searston Avenue, Holme\\'ood, Nr. Chesterfield. P . E. HIBBARD, Markham Road, Duckmanl:on. F. NORMAN, IS, Private Drive, Hollingwood. T. M. COPE, Netherton House, Glapwell. National Coal Board No. 5 Area

Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area Area Area

Area Area Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Staff Officers

Commissioner Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

W. UNSWORTH, N .C. B . East Midlands Division , N O. 5 Area Headquarters, Eastwood, Notts. G. H . BOWMER, 12, High Street, Loscoe. Mrs. H . WILLIAMSON, Moorlands, Brinsley, Notts . Dr. W. V. ROACHE, Rutland House, Ilkeston. Mrs. M. RIGLEY, S.R.N., Mingoyo, Cossall. Ilkeston. A. E. W. DILKS, 13, Kingsway, Ilkeston, Derbyshire . W. AILMORE, 41, H eath Road, Ripley. W. A. HUDSON, Middleton Avenue, Crosshill, Codnor.

Sou th.et'tl Area Dr. 1. MACKENZIE, 6, Eastwood Drive, Derby . Miss G. H. WALTON, 9, Kingston Street, Derby. Dr. W. H. DINWOODIE , 32, Swinburne Street, Derby. Mrs. M. F. HALLETT, 398, Burton R oad, Derby. T. L. HUTTON, 27, Chaddesden Lane, Derby. Miss DRURY, 13, Derwent Avenue, Allestree.


E. G. FLORE",CE, 266, Osmaston Park Road, Derby. H. FARNSWORTH, "Melita", 13, Holt Avenue, Derby. Mr<;. D. M. FARNSWORTH, "Melita", 13, Holt Avenue. Derby.

\rea Staff Officers

Lieut.-Colonel H. C. E. ROUTH, R.A. (Rtd.), The Priory, Totnes. (Tel. Totnes 2148). Mrs. C. DE B. DE"'ING, Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John . (Tel. Ottery St. Mary 27). Vacant. Mrs. M. D. NICHOLLS, S.R.N., Glencarron, Exeter Road, Honiton. Major-General R. DENING, C.B., M.V.O., M.C., Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John. Mrs. Stuart NICHOLSON. Prispen House, Silverton. Miss D. BOURCHIER-\VREY, Tawstock, Cbudleigh. E . H.. HOOPER, Highway House, Tedbum, Nr. St. :M ary, Exeter (Treasurer) S. \Y. H. PONSFORD, l\Ioorlands, Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton . (Publicity). Col. C. H. CONGDON, 7, Richmond Road, Exeter. East D evon Area

-\rea -\n,'a Ar€"l An'a Are1 -\r' 1

Commis ioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) urgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) .

Major R. A. P. GRAY, M.B., 23, Southemhay East, Exeter. C. G. 'VOOD, '-lo, Kings\\ ay, Heavitree, Exeter. 1rs. BOLT, Wendtholme, Maryfield Avenue, Exeter. Dr. :.\1. Y. PAGET, B:J.mfield End, Spicer Road, Exeter. W. J. B. PERRIAM, Matford, Hulharn Road, Exmouth. Miss 1. MARTIN, 51, Elmside, Exeter. North D evon

r..rea Commissioner Area Area Area Area .-\rca

Superintend ent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A)

Area Staff Officer

Lieut.-Colonel K. G. 'V. SAUNDERS, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., Elmfield, Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple. R. G. R OGERS, 17, Marlborough Road, Ilfracombe. Miss F. VALENTINE, Little Close, Braunton. Dr. VV. B. BOONE, I Hillesborougb Terrace, Ilfracombe. E. A. 'VELLS, North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple. Dr. J. P . BUSH, Heathfield House, Old Torrington Road , Barnstaple. R. J. BRADDON, I, Commercial R oad, Barnstaple. South Devon Area

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officers

W. UNDERHILL, B.E.M., London House, Ashburton. Major T. W. GRACEY, Melrose, Asbburton. Miss M. A. Stowe, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., M.A.S.I., Dartmoor Cottage, Lestleigh, S. Devon. Dr. G. E. SAWDON, Stoke House, Stoke Gabriel, Totnes. M. E. G. STEDHAM, Primley Cottage, Battersway Road, Paignton. Miss C . B. GOLDING, 38, Primley P ark, Paignton. Mrs. L. A . R. NICHOLLS, 4, Bearnes Lane, Newton Abbot .




Area Commissioner

County Office: 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. Tel. Weymouth 227 0 . County President: DOROTHY, LADY ELLE~BOROUGH. County Vtce-Prestdents: Mrs . 1\1. M. WARRE (Nursing). LORD ELLEl BOROUGH (Cadet Ambulance). Lady LETTICE ASHLEY COOPER (Cadet Nursillg). Dr. R. V. S. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, \Veymouth. (T el. \\\j. Commissioner mouth 800). Mrs. A. M. C. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, Weymouth. County Superintendent (N) Dr. E. J. Gordon \VALLACE, Hcalth Centre, \Yeym outh. County Surgeons Dr. Laura Maule HORNE, The Grange, 2, Mount RO;ld. Parkstone. S:ster Miss D. UNDERLAl"lD. S.R.N., Health Centre, W t·y. County Nursing Officer mouth, (iJc N.H.S.R.). K. H. M. ALDRIDGE, "Hove Dene", Cranford Aven ue. Coun ty Officer i Jc Cadets \Veym outh. Miss M. R. PEACH, 59, High Street, haftesbury. Dorset. County Cadet Officer (N) Miss F. B. LoNG, 10, Dorchester Road, \Veymo uth . County Secretary J. M. O'HARA. 42, Palmerston Road, Parkstone. County Staff Officers A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue. \\' eymouth. E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow, Plantation Road, \Vaterloo. Poole. E. W. CUFF, . 'Sydco" , 67. Prince of \Va.les Road. Dorche er Mrs. D. R. GALTON, 6. Elgin Road. Parkstone. J. B. SPENCER. 422, Dorcheste r R oad. ·Weymouth . D . G. F. ACUTT. "Cambrai", Cranford Avenue, \Veymuu h (Publicity) . J . SANDFORD, 435. Dorchester Road , W ymouth. (Treasurer)

Area uperintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officcr (1 Area Staff Officers

County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers

Dr. A. BUR 'S, O.B.E., Rainton Lodge, West Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring. Vacant. Miss D. A . HALL, B.SC., I. Greenbank Villas, Jarrow. A. K. MACRAE, M.D.. CH.B.. Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham. Mrs. M. CREWE, 20. St. Andrew's Tce .. Roker, Sunderland. Miss E. P. GRAY, 2, Summerhill, Sunderland. Mrs. N. DAGLEAS, 24, Beaumont Terrace, Jarrow-on-Tvne. (Cadets). Sou them Area

Arp~ Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer

Area Commissioner


Area Superintendent (A)

Western Area

Ar a Superintendent ( T) Arpa urgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officer

S. DAVISON, Heathfield. Burnop:6.eld, Newcastl.e-onTyne. l\hs . :'11. H. ROCHESTER, 5, Pikesyde, Dipton, Co. Durham. Dr. ~I. F. St. J. V. COSGRAVE, Felling Lodge. Felling-onTyne. \\! . YOUNGER, 23, Townley Street, Stanley. Mrs. E. A. YOUNGER, 23, Townley Street, Stanley. (Cadets).



Colonel Sir Myers WAYMAN. K.B.E .. F.S.S .. J .P., Coanwood. Sunderland. (Tel. Whitbum 3332). S. BUNKER, 38, Glenesk Road. Sunderland. Lady WAYMAN, Coanwood, Sunderland. K. M. MACDONALD, M.B., CH.n., Bankfield. Consett. Co. Durham . Mrs. F. M. J. DUNCAN, S.R.N.. 11. Garcia Terrace. Sunderland . Miss O. ADDISON. 80. Croft Terrace, Jarrow. Mrs. R. WATSON, 40. Brandling Place South, N ewcastle . P. S. BLUNDEN, Cross House, Pelton. W. MATHER, 4. Glebe Houses. Ferryhill. Co. Durham . Miss E. SCURLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Breamish Street, Jarro w-on · Tyne. J. J. D. KERRY, 4. Office Row. Malton Colliery. Esh . Co, Durham. H. Cto.RR . 88. Barningham Street. Darlington. A. B. HOGGETT, 29. Great North Road, Brunton Park, Gos· forth. (Treasurer).

Tel. Chelmsford 5789.

County President: Colon,.,l . ir Francis WHITMORE, BART., K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., T.D. Lord-Lieutenant of Essex.

T el. J esmond 646.

County Vice-Presidents: Lady WHITMORE (Nursing). Lady Joa n NEWMAN (Nursing). Mrs. J. T. WHITLEY (Cadet Nursing).

County Vice-President: LADY STARMER

County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon


R . RUTHERFORD. T.D., J.P., M.B .. B.S., The Firs, Langley Park. Co . Durham. E S. S:'HTH, 34, Tunstall Avenue, West Hartlepool. Co. Durham. Vacant. H. COULSON, 74. Starmer Crescent, Darlington.

Area Commissioner

County President: S. EMBLETON. Esq., O.B.E.



County Office: Lancaster House. 140, Mildmay Road. Chelmsford.

DURHAM County Of/ice: Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne,


Eastern Area





Commissioner Acting Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary


T. \VHITLEY. O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., "Thorneybrook". London Road. Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2194).

Major-General K. F. Mc. K . LEWIS, tamps and Crows. Layer Breton, Nr. Colchester. W. E. ORFOLK, 84, Marconi Road, Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2726). Mrs. E. SMELLIE, M.B.E., The Bridge House. Lexden, Colchester. (Tel. Colchester 2982). J. H. DIXON, M.B., CR.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 257, Church Street. Bocking J. EWING, M.B., CH.B., "Cliffe House", Dovercourt. Lieut.-Col. A. I. SHERINGHAM. "Guivers", Little Bardfield , Essex. Mrs. E. M. HOWARD, 19. Victoria Road , Colchester. Vacant.



County Staff Officers .



Miss W. K. ARGENT, " hirley," Writtle. (Tel. Writtle 28u . E. A. POOLE, 178. Cowdray Avenue. Colchester. F. E. BROOKS. 114, Moulsham Drive. helmsford. W. J. S~lITH, 56, Godfrey Flats. Upper Bridge R oad Chelmsford. Mrs. E. M. HART, "Paigles," Links Lane, Bradwell, BralIJ tree. Mrs. E. \V AKELA D-Sl\lITH. Richmond Cottage, Highwood Nr. Chelmsford. W. R. UNWIN. 14. Moulsham Drive. Chelmsford. R. IRWIN. 4, Bishops Road. helmsford . (Cadets). J. PURSLOW, 6, Winston Avenue, Colchester. (Cadets)



County Office: Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Tel. Cheltenham 53610. County Presidents:

Colonel Sir James SLEEMAN, C.B., C.l\f.G., C.B.E., M.V.O . THE COUNTESS ST. ALDWYN.

County Vice-Presidents:

County Office: County Headquarters, Rohais, St. Peter Port, Guernsey.

Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officers

A. BARRETT-CARDEW, M.C., M.B .. F.R.C.S ., Keynsham Lawn Cheltenham. (Tel. Cheltenham 3132). C. R. DE C. SADLER, M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., 131. Old Bath R J Cheltenham. Lt.-Col. F. \VILLIAMSON, O.B.E., 90, Leckhampton R o' I Cheltenham. Mrs. G. A. WILLANS, Oaklands, Shurdington. r. CheltenhdDl C. H. DRAKE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane. Gloucester. Mrs. SADLER, 131, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham. Rev. E. J. M. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James's Vicarage. Tivoli Road, Cheltenham. Miss D. TRIMMER, M.C.S.P., 2. Bournside Road, Cheltenham. Miss E. G. MARSHALL, (Secretary), 12. Royal Crescent, Chel tenham. T . H. READ. Ellenville, Gordon Road, Cheltenham. Major E. A. McIVER, Reigate, Ryeworth Road, Charlton Kings. Miss J. B. PARKER. Highfield House, Whitminster, Glos. Mrs. B. LAWRENCE, The Nappings, Charlton Kings, Chelten· ham. R. A. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. T. L. LONG, 68, Stroud Road. Gloucester. Mrs. W. HAWKINS, "Wynville," 45, Elsdon Road. Chel ten· ham.

Area Commissioner

Sir John PALMER, BI., Newland, Coleford, Glos.

Tel. Guernsey 70.

County Vice-Presidents: Dr. W. B. Fox. Dr. A. N . SYMONS. O.B.E. (Ambulance). Lady SHERWILL (Nursing). Jurat R. H. JOHNS, O.B .E. (Ambulance Cadets).

Bailiwick Superintendent (A) Bailiwick Superintendent (N) Bailiwick


Area Commissioner Bailiwick Secretary District Staff Officer Bailiwick Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

Lieut.-Colonel S. H. HEARD, 'LB E., M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P., La Giffardiere Albecq. Castel. Guernsey. (Tel. Catel 7504) \Y. TAYLOR. B.E.M., Quendon, Le \-1artlVal, La Ruette, St. 1artins. Mrs. R. M. THOMPSON, La Tourelle, Pierre, Percee. (Tel entral 255). \V . R. CAMBRIDGE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C. P., La Vallet, Rue De Putron, i. l\Iartins. R . H. BLANCHFORD, M.B.E., Le Croute, Herivel, Rohais . St. Peter Port. Vacant. J . W. DEAR. Earls Colne, Guelles Road, Guernsey. R. A. LUFF (Treasurer), Belize, Doyle Road, St. Peter Port . T . R . MARQU,"-ND, "Maymyo," Les Amballes, St. Peter Port Mrs. T. R. M"RQUA'D, "Maymyo," Les Amballes, St. Peter Port. F. \Y. BUSH, "Palma," Green Lanes, St. Peter Port. Mi s I\lACKAY, Dolphin, St. Martins, Guernsey. H. C. ROWCLIFFE, Keival, Les Vardes, St. Peter Port. Guernsey. E. COLL, Colwyshe, 35, Pollet, St. Peter Port. H . TOUZEAU , Holmlea, Route Miltarre Vale, Guernsey. Miss E. S. BUSH, \Vethersfield, Guelles Road, St. Peter P ort.

HAMPSHIRE County Office: Wessex House, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester.

Tel. 2884.

County President: The COUNTESS MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA, C.I., G.B.E ., D.C.V .O. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. M. L. HARCOURT (Nursing). William COATES, Esq., M.A. (Cadet Ambulance). Admiral Sir Arthur POWER, G.B.E., K.C .B ., c.v.o. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. \VILLIS, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O. Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent. (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon

Forest of Dean Area


County President: Sir Ambrose SHERWILL, C.B.E.

Lady CRIPPS. M.B.E. (Nursing). Earl ST. ALDWYN, T.D .. D.L. (Cadet Ambulance). Lady GWYNNE EVANS (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner






County Nursing Officer

Colonel. W. P. S. CURTIS, O.B.E ., D.L., Knighton, Shawford. Nr. Winchester. (Tel. Twyford 2130). N. R. TURNBULL, F.R.C.V.S., 65, vVorting Road, Basingstoke. (Tel. Basingstoke 409) . Lieut.-Col. H. N. COLE, O.B.E., T.D., F.R.HIST.S. The Yaldens, Manor Road, Yongham, Surrey. The Hon. Mrs. S. R. CUBITT, Hall Place, West Meon . (Tel. West Meon 37). L. M. MAYBURY. M.A., M.B., B.CHIR., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Kenwood", 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea. Miss P. NEWTON, S.R.N., S.C.M., Ophir Lodge, Ophir Road, Bournemouth.


30 County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area taft Officer Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon


Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officer Hon. Area Treasurer (Aux.) Hon . Area Press Relations Officer (Auxiliary) Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon .

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Cadet Officer (N)




H. I. MARRINER, F.R.C .S., L.R.C.P., 18, Poole Rd., Bournemouth. Miss L. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage, Shirley Holms , Lymington. Mi s N. READDY. 6, Upper High tr et, Winchester. A. L. AYMES, Abbey Vie\\, Abbey Passage, Winchester. Miss E. L . BATH, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester.


Eastern Area O. J. FRANCIS, 26. Gordon Road, Gosport. F . B. FLEMING, 20, Chapel Street, Buckland, P o rtsmouth . Mrs. L. ROPER, Bucklands, Durley, Nr. Southampton. C. N. BURNHAM-SLIPPER, L.R.C. P., ?>f .R.C.S., 100, Waverley Road, Southsea. A . E . CLARRY, 43, Tintern Road, Gosport. Mrs. GILKS, 34, Cromwell Road, outhsea. W. . \VILSO , Police Headquarters, Portsmouth (Treasurer)

County County County County

Central Area Vacant. H. S. A . THOl\IAS, 13, Norwich Road, Bitterne Park . Southampton. Mrs. V. \VALMSLEY, Green Cottage, Shawiord, Nr Winchester. P. A. T. LOWDEN, M.B., B.S., f R.C .S. , L.R.C.P., Denstone, Christchurch Road , Winch ester. W. E. P. BUTT, 91. Osborne Rd .. Portswood, Southampton Capt. W . MILLS, M.B.E., "Hilldale," tation Road Chandlers Ford. L. S. DUNFORD , 78, St . James Road , Southampton. N. A. WILTON, Odeon Theatre. North \Vall s, \Vinchester. Northen1 Area L. P. BorrI G, 14, Kingsclere Road. Basingstoke. L. CLIFFORD, 20, Oxford Road, Famborough. Mrs. D. WILSON, Little Goddards, Hatherd n, Nr. Andover Mrs. A. CAREY, ?>f .R.C .S . , L.R.C.P., Th e Windmill, Lower Wield, Alresford . E. W. SAYER, 32, Hawley Lane , Sinehurst, Farnborough Mrs. G. EVANS, 35, Osborne Road, Farnborough.


County Office: Carlton Flats (2nd Floor), All Saints Street, Hereford.

(Tel. Hereford 28 37)

County Presidents: The Hon. Mrs. R . DEVEREUX. Brigadier F. A. V. COPLAND-GRIFFITHS, D.S.O., M.C., J.P. County Vice-Presidents: G. D. E. TULLIS, Esq. (Ambulance). Mrs. H. FOLEY (Nursing). W. ROSSER, Esq. (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. Greville PHILLIPS (Cadet Nursing).



Deputy Commissioner Cou nty Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Co unty Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer

. BULLOCK, J .P., Sarnia, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. (Tel. 3486). H. J . HARRIS, B.E.M., P erivale, Old Eign Hill, Hereford. Vacant . Miss A. L. ROMILLY, Broadfield Court, Bodenham, Hereford. (Tel. Bodenham 75). B. C. ScHOLEFIELD, M.D., M.CH., F.R.C.S. , Lawnswood, Hampton Park. Hereford. Miss C. M. WHEELER, S.R.N., County Hospital, Hereford. R . RU CK, 51, Mill Street. Hereford. Mrs. F. M. HARRIS, 70, Old Eign Hill, Hereford . Miss E. LONG. 62, Breinton Road , H ereford. R . T. MORRIS , Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road , Hereford.

HERTFORD SHIRE 7, Marlborough Road ,

County Office: t. Albans, H ertfo rd.

Tel. St. Albans 4333·

County Presidents: H . Langley JONES, M.B.E. PAMELA, OUNTESS OF LYTTON. Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets). County Vice-President: BLANCHE, LADY LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN (Nursing). Commission er Deputy ommissioner Cou nty Superintendent (A) Co unty Superintendent (N) Co unty County County County

Surgeons Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

County Officer . Western Area C. Heygate VERNON, M.B., F.R.C .S., 18, Keswick Road Boumemouth. H. W. HOARE, 28, Palmerston Road, Boscombe. Miss O. E. MORLEY, 6, Wensley Av e. , Bournemouth . D. C. RENNIE, M.R.C .S., L.R.C.P., Royd Lodge, Rye Paddock Lane, Fawley. Miss D. BRODERICK, 14, Littledown Ave., Bournemouth


Cou nty Secretary Co unty Staff Officers

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officer

L. R. . PERCEY, ~LB.E., J.P., "Heath Brow", Wel\\'yn. (Tel. W elwyn 108). D. Hardy KI MONT, M.B., 100, Clarence Road, St. Albans. T. C. FORBES, 54, High Street, Ware. Miss D. PARKES, 3 , Brampton Road , St. Albans . (Tel. St. Albans 983). C. P. CRAGGS, M.B., B.S., 506, Broadway, Letchworth. Mrs. C. P . CRAGGS , S.R.N., 506, Broadways, Letchworth. G. Henderson SMITH, 5, Polayn Garth, vVelwyn Garden City. Miss F. PICKERING, Friars Mead , St. Stephens Avenue, St. Albans . Mrs. Hilda MABER, S.R.N., The Dale, Little Hadham Road, Bishop's tortford. (M.C.D.). T . H. FLAl AGAN, 104, Lovver Luton Road , Harpenden. Miss WOOD, 14, Flora Grove, St. Albans. Mrs. TUCK, Boveney, Lynton Avenue, St. Albans. Mrs. B. 1. ROGERS, 14, Jennings Road, St. Albans. A. DONALD, II6, Clarence Road, St. Albans, Herts. (Treasurer) . Northern Area W . E. DOUGLAS, 14, Souberie Avenue, Letchworth. Vacant. Miss E. ATKINS, 101, Old Hale vVay, Hitchin. J. CLAY, M.B., B.S., 121, Norton Way, Letchworth . Southern Area T. H. BURGESS, "Coonor", 17, King Edwards Road, Ware. W. ApPLETON, Lyndhurst, Puckeridge, Nr. \Vare. Mrs: M. C. BERGIN, 16, The Valley Green, Welwyn Garden CIty. Vacant. W. HOWARD, 13, By the Mount, Welwyn Garden City. Miss I DAVIES, 109 , London Road, St. Albans.





ISLE OF MAN County Office: Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man.

Tel. Douglas 212I.

County Cadet Officer (A) Co unty Cadet Officer (N) Coun ty Secretary County Staff Officer Area Cadet Officers

County President: LADY DUNDAS. County Vice-Presidents: LADY COWLEY. Mrs. 1\1. M. GILl. W. CUNNINGHAM.

Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer Coun ty Cadet Officer (A) Coun ty Secretary

County Commissioner

County President: The Lady VIOLET ASTOR J. H. DAY (Ambulance) County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Rev . The Bishop of DOVER (Ambulance). The Lady DE LISLE AND DUDLEY (Nursing). Visco untess ALLENBY OF MEGGIDO (Nu rsing Cadets). Lady DOUGLAS-PENNANT


F. R . B. H. KENNEDY, M.B.E., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Gilwell Wootton Bridge, I sle of Wight T. HAMBLY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Meadowcroft", Salisbun Road , Ryd e . .

County Surgeon County Staff Officer i / c ursing Divisions County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers

Mrs. C. B. DUTFIELD, Fairhaven, Fishbourne, Isle of Wight A. P. COMPTON, 93, High Street, Sandown. Mrs . B. K. WILKINSON, 39a, Esplanade, Shanklin. Miss E . M. E. CAWES, 9, Queen's R oad, Ryde . E. F. MILLGATE, "Ferncotte', , Cast.le Road, Newport. E. WILSON, Farnborough, High Park Rd., Ryde (Treasurer) J . W . JOLLIFFE , 33, Prince Street. Ryde. (Competitions) Mrs . R . L. H. CRIMP, Boulders Leigh, Quarr Rd ., Binstead (Publicity). Mrs. B . B. E. O'DAY, 6, Seafield Terrace, Seaview (Hospital Library) .

Depu ty Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer Asst. ounty ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) ounty ecretary County Staff Officers

County Office: Midvale Road, J ersey . Tel. Cent. 2063.

Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

County President: Sir ALEXANDER M. COUTANCHE. County Vice-Presidents: Lady COUTANCHE (Nursing). Brigadier W . H . F. CROWE, (Cadet Ambulance) THE MARCHIONESS OF AILESBURY, S.R.N., C.M.B. (Cade t Nursing).

COIIlplissioner Assistant Commissioner County Superintendent (N) Coun ty Surgeon County Nursing Officer

Jurat Guy Malet De CARTERET, St. Ouen's Manor, St. Ouen J ersey. O. L. AUBIN, Su nnyside, Roseville St., St. Helier. Mrs . M. H . GRAHAM, Maison du Coin, St. Aubin, J ersey. St. John BIRT, M.B., B.S. , F.R.C.S., Fontenelle, Millbrook Jersey. Vacant.

Major-General A. H. HORNBY, C.B., C.B.~., M.C., Spicers Farm, Etchinghill, Folkestone. (Tel. Lyrmnge B7I14). Dr. J. R. HAMERTON, T.D., St. Phillips Lodge, Dane End Road, Westgate-on-Sea. The Lady TEYNHAM, Lynsted Lodge, Sittingbourne. (Tel Teynham 327). R. H. PERCIVAL, M.A., ::>LCH.(OXO T), F.R.C.S. (ENG), D.C.H 74, Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. Mrs. E. ROBERTS, Kentcroft, Main Road, Chestfield, \Vhit. stable. Mrs. I. M. HOBY, 219, New Road, Chatham. H. F. LAW, 66, Linden Road, Ashford. Vacant. B . T. BEAUMONT, "Pembles", D oddington, Sittingbourne (Tel. Doddington 230). C. L. JENNINGS, Barclays Bank Ltd., Maidstone (Treasurer). Mrs. 1. PRING, Mount Top, The Close, Saltwood, Hythe Miss C. HIGHAM, 9B, Maidstone R oad, Rochester. No.1 Area

Area Commissioner


Dr. R . L. OSMONT, Dunderave, Hansfords Lane, Jersey . Mrs. D. MACFADYEN, La Turbie, Claremont Road, Jersey. Miss L. Du FEU, Tunbridge, Georgetown... Jersey. Mrs. G. DAWSON, La Ru ette, Victoria Village, Jersey . J. F. BARETTE, 67, Stopford Road, St .. Helier, Jersey . Miss B. Le HOQUET, "Elmore", St. Martlll, Jersey.

County Office: Dunk Memorial Hall, Church Street, Maidstone, Kent. T el. Maidstone 3 0 3 2 .

ISLE OF WIGHT T el. \\Tootton Bridge 70



Vacant. Mrs. M. YOUNG, Oakleigh. Glencrutchery Road , Douglas. A. R. MCPHERSON, M.B ., CH.B., 46, Loch Promenadt Douglas. Miss D. A. BR[GGS, obles Hospital, Douglas. Capt. T. H. HALL, J.P ., Eskham, D vonshire Road, Douglas E. R. G. CAL . A.LA.C., IB, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas

County Office: Gilwell, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight.


Col. \V . R . BRAZIER, M.C., Spinnakers, Dartford Road , Sevenoaks. Mrs . J. M. LAIRD, Pimms Place, Peckham Bush, Tonbridge. Dr. H . J. HOBY, 219, New R oad, Chatham . IGHTIt-.·SALE, 3, Elm Cottage, Edenbridge, Kent. Lady DENNING, Delmond en Grange, Hawkhurst, Kent. No.2 Area

Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

B. T. BEAUMONT, "Pembles", Doddington, Sittingbourne. Mrs . 1. PAPWORTH, "Tregarthen", Vale View R oad, Whitstable. Dr. H . A. MADWAR, Mill House, Queenborough. C. R. WALLACE, 13, St. Georges R oad, R amsgate. Miss N. M. KEMP, B, Gladston R oad, Whitstable.

Area Area Area Area

Vacant. Mrs. A. J AY, 33. Audley Road, Folkestone. Alex CHAMBERS, M.B., CH.B., B, London Road , Sittingbourne. F. G. P ERRY, IB, Castweazle, Tenterden.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N)

No.3 Area

Commissioner Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Cadet Officer (A) .


34 Area Cadet Officer (N)

Mrs. D. M. BAILEY, " Maywood" , New R oad, Hythe. E. A. HERBERT, 48, Plains Avenu e, Maidstone.

Area Staff Officer



DUKE OF LANCASTER'S DISTRICT Dist1ict Office: 15-17, Mount Street, Preston. Tel. Preston 223(,. District Presiden t: The Earl of DERBY . District Vice-President: The Countess of EFTON. The COUNTESS PEEL (Nursing Cadets).

Commissioner Assistant Commissioner District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon District Nursing Officer District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer (N) District Secretary District Staff Officer

Area Commissioner District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) A / Area Commissioner Area Surgeon District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Commissioner District Staff Officers

Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (N)

Colonel V. F. ROYLE, T.D., E.R.D., 67, Church St.reet, Lancaster. C. J. EASTWOOD, 42, Lune Street, Preston. Mis M. R. MOORE, "Lyndhurst.", eafield Road, Lytham. (Tel. Lytham 6677). G. G. W. HAY, M.B., CH.B., 146, St. Helens Road, Rainford, Lancs. Miss N. LIVESEY, S.R.N .. The Royal Infirm ary, Preston. R. CHARLESWORTH. Rovenden, Auden haw Hall. Droylsden, Manchester. Mrs. E. NISBET, 53, Tatton Rd ., Orrell Park. Liverpool. 9. Major T. E. PE. eER. II1.B.E .. T.D. IS. Mount St., Pre ton. Rev. B. A. READI:--1G. PH.D., F.PH.S .. The Manse. 14, Green Lane, Cherry Tree, Blackburn. (Treasurer). No.1 Area R . O. DAVIDSON, M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S., 395, Padiham Road , Burnley. Vi . MELLOR, 70, Heyes Lane, Livesey, Blackburn. Miss 1. M. SUTCLIFFE, Thorn Hill, Todmorden. E. V. MASON, 134, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood. Mrs. A. HEAP , 122, Todmorden R oad, Burnley. No.2 Area E. D. GREENWOOD, 42 Carlton Road, Heaton, Bolton . A. MACINNES, M.B" CH.B., II9, Henfold Rd., Tyldesley. A. BURTO , 161, Old Clough Lan e, ,\Vorsley, Manchester. J. W. LOWE, 60, King's Road , Prestwich. Nr. Manchester. Mrs. B. HARWOOD. nc;. Carrington Lane, ale. L. J. EVANS, 74, Hazelhurst Road, W orsley. No.3 Area G. HALBERT, 298, Waterloo Street, Oldham. J . SINCLAIR KERR, The Irlam Steel Corporation, Irlam , Nr. Manchester. Miss K. L AMB, 7, Tenterden Street, Bury. Dr. E. W. M. SHAW, 7, T enterden Street, Bury . Miss F. GARDNER, S.R.N., Fairfield General Hospital, Bury . Mrs. H. BROWN, Harley Bank, Todmorden.

No.3 Manchester and Salford Sub-Area Colonel C. H . S. REDMOND, T.D ., M.B., CH.B., 77, Alexandra Road South, Manchester, 16. County Surgeon Dr. Marion M. REEKIE, 7, Rowsley Ave., West Didsbury, Manchester. District Staff Officer J. E. Fox, 47. Sunningdale Drive, Prestwich . N. R. KAY, "Cartref", Catherine Rd. , Higher Crnmpsall, Area Superintendent (A) Manchester, 8. Area Cadet Officer (A) H. BARKER, 99, Norris R oad. Sale.

Assistant Commissioner



No.4 Area

Area Commissioner Area Cadet Officer (A) Acting Area tafI fficer ( ecretary)

Vacant. J. R. MIDDLEHURST, 49, Rivington R oad, St. Helens. N. WHITE, Ashurst Drive. Redgate, St. Helens.

Area Commissioner

Lieut .-Colonel S. B . G . SIMMONS, M.C., 4, Menlove Avenue, Liverpool, 18. E. M . N. MACALPINE, M.B., CH.B., 108, Utting Avenue East, Liverpool. I I. W. E. SEARL, 91, Waterpark Road, Prenton, Cheshire. Miss F. G. KIDSO , 36, Rawlinson Road, Southport. W. A . LANGTON, IIO, Queens Drive, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, IS. Miss A. SEDDON, 46, Parkside Drive, Liverpool, II.

No.5 Area

Area Su rgeon District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

Liverpool Sub- Area rea Area

uperintendent (A) taff Officers

Major W. H . WALKER, St. John Headquarters, 23, Houghton Street (Entrance: 18, Market St.,). Liverpool, I. R. SKINNER, 41. Sunnyside R oad, ~rosby, Li~erpool. T. E. TAYLOR, 24, Latrigg Road, Algburth, LIverpool. J. ANTHONY, 22, Upper Duke treet, Liverpool. G. G. \V. KAY (Training) .

No.6 Area

Area Commissioner Area Surgeons .

Area Nur ing Officer District taff Officers

Area Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

G. HADMAN. "Hazeldene", Hardhorn, Poulton-Ie-Fylde. J . MACKENZIE, M.D., 4, St. Annes Road West, St. Annes-onSea. Dr. J. E. KlNG, 4, Yates Street, Off Dickson Rd ., Blackpool. G. B. HORROCKS, M.B., CH.B., I, Station Road, Wesham, Kirkham. Miss J . A . RITCHIE, Fleetwood Hospital, Fleetwood. Mrs. A. C. OWEN, "Eastcliffe", Park Road, F ulw ood, Preston . Miss H. M. SMITH, 25, Beach Road, St. Annes-on-Sea. J. HALL. 96, Regent R oad, Blackpool. W . C. BURT, 14, Henry Street, Lytham. Mrs. R . M. DEWSE, 2, Kirkdale Avenue, St. Annes-on-Sea .

No.7 Area

Area Commissioner County


Area Nursing Officer District Staff Officer

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Cadet Officer

J . E . HELME, "Greeba", 34, Fairhope Avenue, The Vale, Lancaster. Dr. W. W . M. McKINNEY. Hill Crest, 85, West End Road, Morecambe. Miss P. HYDE, Queen Victoria Hospital, Morecambe and Heysham. Major W. G. PEARSON, I, Croslan d Park R oad, Ba~ow-inF urn ess. Dr. W. G. SOUTHERN, Park Stile, Broughton-in-Fu rness. Mrs. G. M. ORMANTON. 46. Balmoral R oad. Morecarnbe. J. CROSSFIELD, 9, Bristol Street, vValney. Barrow-in-Furness. Mrs. GAWNE, 22, L indal St., Barrow-in-Furness. Miss M. HERRINGTON, 22, Queen treet, Ulverston.






North Western Area

LEICESTER County Office: 6, Sey.m our Street, Leicester.


Tel. 58345.

A. B. HUDSON, 12. Lydbrook Road, Scunthorpe, Lincs. Mrs. L. DOUGHTY, 22. Burke Street. Scunthorpe. P. HOLLAND. 27, Redbourne Way. Scunthorpe. Mrs. L. K. OBIEDZINSKI, 5, Abercorn Street, Scunthorpe.

\rea Superintendent (A) \-ea Superintendent (N) \rea Staff Officer

County President: Mrs. G. PHILLIPS


County Vice-Presidents: Miss M. 1. PARTRIDGE (Nursmg) E. J. L. COTTON (A mbu/allce Cadets). Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County County County County

Nursing Officer. Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers

<\.rea Cadet Officer

Lt.-Colonel A. '0/. . ARMITAGE, II6, Regent Rd., Leicester. (Tel. Leicester 20946). L. LEE, 199. Wicklow Drive, Liecester. (Tel. Leicester 67759). Miss E. FOLWELL, "Wistow", Southcrnhay Rd., Leicester. (Tel. Leicester 74685). N. McLEOD, M.B., Burleigh Cottage. William Street, Loughborough. (Tel. Loughborough 2573). Miss C. F. S. BELL. S.R.N .. The Royal Infirmary. Leice ter. E. HEYWOOD- MITH, 48. Homefield Avenue. Leicester. Mrs. B. B. COTTON. Beechrome. Earl hilton, Leicester. R. W. W. GEE, 6. eymour treet. Leicester. (Wig ton 2676) Miss L. H. BURNS-HARTROPP, Burlon lIouse, Burton Lazars. Melton Mowbray. Miss R. E. LORD. B.E .M.. 53, Evington Drive. Leic('ster. Miss C. \NARD. 21. ycamore Road. Birstall. Leicester. Mrs. . M. BREAM. 83. l\laplew 11 Road, \Voodhou~c Eave, Leicester. Miss E. L. \YOLLASTON, S.R.N., S.c.,,!., 53, Evington Drive Leicester. (Cadet Training). H. 1. JE KS, 25. evern ~ treet. Leicf'c;ter. (Cadet ecretary). Miss A. GABRIEL, 53. Peter's Drive. Leice ter.

Headquarters: 23. St. J ahn's Lane, Clerkenwell, E.C. I.

Distnct Vice-Presidents: Lord athan of CHURT Doreen Lady BRABOURNE, C.I. Edwin BAYLISS, ESQ., D.L., J.P., L.C.C. County President (Middlesex): Marie, Marchioness of Willingdon. C.I., G.B.E. Commissioner Deputy Commi sioners District Superintendent (A) District

uperintendent (


uperintendent (

lJlstrict Surgeon

LINCOLNSHIRE County Office: Ketton Hall, Stamford, Lincolnshire.

District Nursing Officer Tel. Ketton 256.

County President: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ANCASTER, T.D., J.P., County Vice-Presidents: The Lord BROWNLOW, J.P., D.L. Lady Cracroft AMCOTTS (Nursing) Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (~) County County County County

Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Staff Officer

Air-Marshal Sir John BALDWIN, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., J.P. , Ketton H all, Stamford, Lincs. (Tel. Ketton 25 6 ). M. C. LAVIN, J.P., M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., III, Oxford Street, Cleethorpes. (Tel. Cleethorpes 61328). Vacant. Mrs. E. M. EPTON, J.P., The Grange, Canwick, Lincoln. (Tel. Lincoln 1499). J. A. HADLEY, M.D., F.R.C.S., 19, Nettleham R oad, Lincs . Vacant. R. P. WHITE, M.P.S., 3, Morton Terrace. Gainsborough. W. Gott, "Marianna", Laceby Road, Grimsby, Lincs.

County Staff Officer

Southern Area GARWELL, I, High Street, Spalding. (Tel. Spalding 2298). F . .1:<. GIBSON, 147, Doddington Road, Lincoln.

Area Staff Officer

J. PADDISON, 65. Cambridge Street, Cleethorpes.

Area Commissioner


.T .

Northern Area

Tel. Clerkenwell 3753·

Dist,-ict President: The Countess Mountbatten of BURMA, C.I., G.B.E., D.C. V.O.

\sst. Di trict

ursing Officer

District Cadet Officcr (A) District Cadet Officer (N) D1strict Secretary District Staff Officers

Colonel G. F. PAGE, D.S.O., 13. Dorset Street, W.I. (Tel. WeI beck 8452). Sir Denys LOWSON. BT., 56. Gresham Street. E.C.2. Brigadier J. W. HINCHCLIFFE, D.S.O., 20a. Petersham Mews. Elvaston Place. S.W.7. C. E. BOWER. O.B .E.. 74. Roslyn Gardens, Gidea Park, Essex. (Tel. Romford 3317). Ir . M. CAVENDISH, 12, Hyde Park Gardens Mews, \Y.2. (Tel. Amb 35 2). Irs. . MATTHEWS, 15. Pembroke Hall, Mulberry Close, Hendon. N,W'4' H. C. STEWART, M.D., M.R.C.P., 12, Creighton Ave., Muswell Hill. .10. Miss M. M. DURRANT, S.R.N .. 30, High Street, Thornton Heath, urrey. Miss M. F. GOUGH, 12, Grosvenor Gardens. Kingston-onThames. A . E. WELLS, B.E.M., 19. Elyne Road, N.4. 1iss D. E. WHITE, 108. Warwick Road. Thornton Heath, Surrey. G. C. PITTS. 12. Vincent Road. N+ F. W. G. DINES, 46, Twyford Avenue. London, N.2. (Treasurer). E. \Y . HAINES. 17, Ashlyn Grove, Hornchurch, Essex. (Public Duties). A. G. WIDDICOMBE. M.B.E .. 20, Clarence Rd., Harpenden, Herts. (Civil Defence). L. F. ELvr::-<, 25. Liphook Crescent, Forest Hill, S.E.23· (Stores). S. J. STILLWELL, 10. Falkland Avenue, Finchley, London, N·3· G. S. LEAR, 7. pencer Close. \;Y est Twyford, N. W . 10. A. E. DICKINSON. 45, Monastery Gardens, Enfield. Middx. Miss M. R. M. TUCKWELL, M.B.E., 296, Leigham Court Road. S.W.I6. Miss W. BUTTON, 68, Watford Road. Croxley Green, \Vatford. Miss M. A. YICARY, St. Ronans. Beech Hill, Hadley Wood, H erts. Miss M. C. CALVERT. 5, Longridge Road, S.W·5· Mrs. D . BUTANOWICH, II, Manor Gardens, Merton Park, S.W.20. (Commissioner's Secretary). Miss M. L. PRENTICE. 178. Belsize Road, N.\V·3. Mrs. D. HOADLEY, 40. \Vavertree Road, S.W.2.


District Staff Officers


Miss M. D. GROOM, II, Manor Gardens, S.W.20. J. G. HORTON, B.E.~I!:., 9, St. J ohn 's Ave., Putney Hill . . W . 15. (Training). L. R. ALLUM, 17, Greenwood Close, Thames Ditton, urre\. S. C. DEAR:\1ER. 4. College Road, Winchmore Hill, N. 2i. (Competitions). Dr. D. D. TOWLE. Lee Park Lodge, Blackheath, S.E.3. A. T. BANDY, B.E.M., 43, Grosvenor Road, IHord, Essex J. E. BROW ,42, utton Road, N.IO . F. G. GRICE, 65, Munster Gardens, Palmers Green, N .13 H. A. BENNETT, 12, The Highway, utton urrey. J. SMITH, 17, Lulworth R oad, W elling, Kent. S. W. BROOM, 18, Fairlop R oad, Leytonstone, E.II A. FREEMAN, 34, Bonford venue, Bexley Heath, Kent E . C. PANNELL, II Gilda Court, WaUo rd Way, N.W·7· Miss E. G. CRESSWELL, 43, Grosvenor R oad, Ilford, Essex . H . F. MULLIGAN, 80, R osslyn Avenue, Harold W ood, Essex . (Camp Adviser). C. W. M. HOBDAY, 100, Glennie Rd., W . Norwood, S.E .27 . J . A. BORROWS, 21, Curthwaite Garden, Enfield. Mis B. JOHNSO" 5, Hutch Road, Norbury, .W. T. J. HORRY, Isledon chool. N·7. J. NUTT, 46, Donneraile treet, Fulham, .\ 6. (Cadets) J. TONE, 77, Mount Pleasant, South Rui lip, Middlesex . (Cadets). Miss G. LARSEN, 6, Meadow Way, Rickmanswortb, Herts. (Cadets). Miss W . N. CLARKE, 21a, Lancaster Road, .E.25. (Cadets) . Northern Area

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant Major



Dr. G. M. HAW MITH, 434, \Vest Green Road, N .15 · F. J . MIDDLETON, 2. Melbourne Way, Bush Hill Park . Enfield. Middlesex. Mrs . !. R. BURNS. Elm Lodge, Galley Lane, Barn t. H rts Dr. R. L. MACQUEEN, ISS, Hertford Road. Edmonton, N ·9 S. C. ANDREWS. 4. Hardwick Villas. Bounds Green Road N .II. Miss D . D . DENTON, 25. Stanley Road. New Southgate. N .II. Mrs. E. HOBBS, 37, Bruce Grove, N.!7. (Cadets) W . A. REYNOLDS . 38, Addington Mansions. Highbury. N·5 (Cadets). Mrs . V. M. JENKINS, 214, Alexandra Park Road, N .22 (Cadets). R. A. PAYNE, 4. W entworth Park. Church End, Finchley (Finance). A. S. WEYMOUTH, 30, Dorset Road, Tottenham. N.2 l. (Competitions). F. H. ADAMS. The Cottage. Glendale Grammar School Wood Green, N .22.

Area Sergeant Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area u perintenden t (N) Area Surgeons Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) .\rea aJet Officer (. . ) Area Staff Officers




Area Commissioner Area Superin tenoen t (A) Area Su perin tenden t ( ) Area Area Area Area Area

urgeons Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers

South Easotenl Area

Area Area Area Asst. Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Area Superintendent (N). Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A)

Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

Dr. V.l. W. KING-BROWN . 12. Asylum Rd., Peckham. S.E. IS E. A. WHEBLE, 18, Silecroft Road, Bexley Heath. Kent. Miss E. A. Golding. II6. Mottingham Road, S.E .9 . Mrs. R. KELLY, 46, Hazelbank Road, Catford. Dr. E. HOMI, Cairngale. Belvedere, Kent. Miss F. E. ELLIS, Lambeth Hospital, S.E. G. vV. WOODHILL, 10. Bromley Road, Beckenham, Kent. F. C. ANDREWS, 21, Grosvenor Road, W. Wickham, Kent . (Cadets) Mrs. G. M. ELLIOTT, 6.'). Wellersley Avenue, Sidcup, K ent. T. R. W. MASON, 23, Colyers Lane. Erith, Kent. H. E. CHAPLIN,S. Mottingham Gardens, S.E.9. (Finance) H. J. GARDINER. 6. Pinnell Road, Eltham. (Cadets)

Area Sergeant Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeons . Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A)




R. S. NORTH, 148, Grieson Road, Forest Hill. Miss D. N. PEARCE, I. Holwood Road, Bromley. (Cadets) Miss W. E. WILLIS, 179. Hazelbank Road, S.E.6. (Cadets) N. P. HELPS, 48, Chudleigh Road, S.E·4· South Western Area Dr. D. A. B. HOPKIN, 26, Girdwood Road, S.W.I8. C. W. HIPKINS, 24, Amis Avenue, Ewell, Surrey. Miss A. WEST, 13, Selwyn Avenue, Richmond, Surrey. Dr. J . EWTON HUDSON, 391, Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon, Surrey. Dr. A. CONN. I, Thorndon Gardens, Ewell, Surrey. Mrs. D. ROGERS. S.R.N., Flat 8, 34, Palace Road, Streatham HilL S.W.2. R . RANDALL STEPHENS, 19, Avenue Road, Norbury, S.W.I6. Miss A. E. CLARK,S, Langdale Avenue, Mitcham, Surrey . D . G. GOLDIE, ro, Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey. Miss G. O. TUCKWELL, 296, Leigham Court Road, S.W.I6. G . A. LOCKE, 29, Dickerage Road, Kingston, Surrey . (Finance). F . P. 1\10RRIS, 78. St. Helier Avenue, Morden. Surrey. T. E D.\NE. 31. South Way. Shirley, Surrey. (Competitions). L. M. CROTON, 242a, Wbickham Road, Shirley, Croydon. (Competitions) . F. A . BOWMAN, 4, Dunstable Road, \Vest Molesley, Surrey. (Civil Defence) A . A. ACRAMAN, 26, St. Georges Road, Mitcham, Surrey. (Cadets) :\lr V. E. VVOOLFORD, 13, Fairla'wn Grove, Banstead. (Cadets). Vaca nt. Western Area Dr. G. R . H. VVRANGHAM, J.P ., 26, The Avenue, Ealing, W .I3· A. E. VAUGHAN, 13, Pembroke Road, Greenford, Middlesex. Mis D. SHELLEY, 13, Norwich Road, Northwood Hills, Middlesex. Dr. E . J. SELBY. O.B.E., 52, Castlebar Road, Ealing. W·5· Dr. G. E. PAYNE, 12, South Close, Woodhill Gate, Pinner. Mis3 D. M. LEE, S.R.N., 7, St. Annes R oad, Barnes. S.\V.I3· L. W . TAYLOR, 76, Flamborough R oad. Ruislip, Middlesex. Miss 'V. AYRES, 5, Sheen Court, R ich mond, Surrey. F. 1. TONES,S, Bowes R oad, East Acton, W .:! . Mrs. E. NORFORD, 14. Scotts Road, Southall. Middlesex. J . Boss, 77, Salisbury Road , Ealing, W.I:!. (Civil Defence) . C. E. PEAR\1AN. 110. Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middx. (Finance). E. H. A. BECK, I27, Ruislip Road, Hanwell, W .7. (Compptitions) . J. G. 'VAR 'ER, 21. Holden Avenue, Kingsbury, N .W. 9· (Finance) P . J. STEVENS, 27a. Haven Lane, Ealing, VV·5. (Cadet~) Miss K. BARRY, 56, Cardington Square, Hounslow Heath. (N.H.S.R.). J . HARRIS, 106, Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middlesex . Eastern Area. Major T . M. WILKS. O.B .E. , M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., The Cottage, Kiln Road, Thundersley, Essex. S. CLARKE, 2. Leigh Park Close, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex . Mic;q N. L. MOORE, 105, South Park Drive, Seven Kings. Essex . Dr. A . F. McDONALD, 76, Longbridge Rd., Barking, Essex. V~c8nt

H. T. G. WARE. 32, Clare Gardens, Barking, Essex.


Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant Major



;\lrs. F. M. JAMIESON, 65, Waterloo Road, Barkingside. Essex. L. B. vVrLLs, 3I, Belmont Road, Hornchurch, Essex. (Cadets) Miss V. NL,\LYAN, 23, Parkside Avenue, Romford , Essex Mrs. J. LANG, 40 , L odge Lane, Grays, Es ex. (Cadets). \ ,y. J. BROOM, 10, Falrlop Road, Leytonstone, E .II. (Finance). R. D. BROWSE, B.E.M., 55, First Avenue, Manor Park, E. I2 . (Competitions) . E. A. HARRIS, 95, IIobleythick Lane, Southend-on-Sea , Essex. (Civil Defence). Lieut. R. BAx, 34, Naseby Road, lIford, Essex. G. F. ATKINS, 72, Hillside Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex (Cadets). S. J . \VESTON, 74, Morris Avenue, 1anor Park, E .I2. Central Area

Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon Nursing Officer

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant Major

Dr. R. V. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge. Gloucester Gate, .W .r H. DUl FORD, 30, \Venlock Road, Edgware . 1iddlesex. Miss E. F. ::vIILNE, 17, Cromwell Avenue. Highgate, N .6. Dr. B. L. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucc l(r Gate, N.\V.I Miss N. K. DEAN, S.R.N., Orpington Hospital, Orpington Kent. B. \VHYTE. 23, Turncr Street. E.r. Miss A. NORTH, 100, lnglehurst Gardens. llford, Essex T. J . A. CA:'IlERON. 14, Hallem Garden, Hatch End, 1iddsx N. J. WARE. 62, Perth Road . . 22. (Finance). K. F. O. STALLARD, 16, Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill . N.W 7 (Competitions) . \\' . \V. PACKE, 21, Gospatrick R oad, Tollenham. N I7.




Area Commissioner

No. 2 Area (Wymondham) Vacant .

Area Commissioner Area ' taiI Officer

No.3 Area (Thetford) Lord AMHERST OF HACKNEY, Foulden Hall, Thetford. v. . ELWIN, 6, The Ouse Avenue, Thetford.

Area Commissioner

No.4 Area (Dereham) Dr. E. I. PUDDY, The Mill House, Gressenhall.

Area Commissioner Area uperintendent (r ) Area Cadet Officcr ( )

No.5 Area (King's Lynn) Dr. W. E. H. BULL, Waverley House, Hunstanton. The lIon. Mr . G. DAWNAY, Hillington Hall, King 's Lynn. 1\1rs. R. OTTER, eison t., King's Lynn, orfolk.

Area Cadet Officer ( \rea Cadet Officer ( \rea taff Officer

No.6 Area (Fakenham) C. B. ANDREWS, :-f.B.E., \Vave ney HOllS::!, Fakenham. Brigadier G. D . HOD-IES, O.B.E., Thorpe Lodge , Burnham Th0rpe, King's Lynn. W. J . BECK. The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham. ~Irs . W. J. BECK:, The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham. V. R. JONAS, II, Lancaster Avenue, Fakenham.

s istant Commissioner Area Superintendent (N)

No.7 Area (Cromer) . E. DAY, "Maison", Cremers Drift, Sheringham. _.Irs. H. H. HICH, Rushmer~ , Cley-by- ea, Holt.

Area Commissioner

No.8 Area (Aylsham) Brigadier A. L. KENT-LEMON, C.B.E., The Holt, Sheringham.

!\rea Commi sioner

No.9 Area (Yarmouth ) R. C. HANNANT, Poplar Avenue, Gorleston.

\ . -to Commi sioner Area Commissioner


County Office: 21, York Road, Northampton . Tel. N orthampton I7Il.

County Office: 20, Castle Meadow, Norwich. Tel. Norwich 21649 .

County President: The Hon. Mrs. C. MACDONALD-BuCHA.!'<AN.

County Presidents: The Rt. Hon . The Earl of ALBEMARLE, M.C., D.L., J.P., C.C. Lady COOK (N ursing). County Vice-Presidents: Sir Basil MAYHEW, K.B.E. The Rt. R ev. The Lord Bishop of NORWICH. Mrs. G . E. PORTAL, Halfway, Blakeney, (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer (N)

Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas COOK, J.P., Sennowe Park, Guist. Dereham , Norfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). Mrs. G . R. D. SHAW, M.B.E., Scottow Hall, r. Norwich (T eI. Swanton Abbott 226) . Major-General H. H. RICH, C.B., Rushmere, Cley-by-Sea . Holt, N orfolk. Mrs. R. G. ETTRIDGE, The Limes Bungalow, Forncett Peter, NOI·wich. Mrs . .T. H. YULL, The Beeches, Dereham. (Tel. Dereham 48) Lt.-Colonel Sir Richard Barrett LENNARD, BT., J .P., Horsford Manor, Norwich . (Treasurer). No. 1 Area (Norwich) Dr. J. E. HILTON, 60. Yarmouth Road , Thorpe, Norwich . Mrs. H. C. WATTS . The Dial House , Brooke, Norw ich. Mrs. H. M. N. MORTON, 86, St. Philips Road , Norwich .

County Vice-Presidents: Captain R . H. D. BOLTON (Amb ulance). Mrs. GARRARD (Nu rsing). Mrs. G. R . D. SHAW, M.B.E. (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) Asst. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Cou nty Nursing Officer Co un ty Cadet 0 fficer (N) Co unty Staff Officers

Colonel H. M. P. HEWETT, T.D., The Court House, Chipping Warden, r. Banbury .(Tel. Chipping Warden 212). Lieut.-Col. R. L. AGNEW, Pear Tree Cottage, Brackley, Northants. Mrs. G. GIBBO S, Tresham House, Rothwell , Nr. Kettering. (Tel. Rothwell 3I5). Mrs. C. BORWICK, The R ectory, Kilmarsh, Northampton. Major G. Gibbons , O.B.E., M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., Tresham House, Rothwell, Nr. Kettering. Miss W. M. WILLIAMS , S.R.N ., SC.H., 243, Abington Avenue, Northampton. Miss G. GRANT-LAWSON. Cottesbrooke Grange, Northampton. C. W. CURTIS, 32, R eservoir Road, Kettering. E. J . HAYWARD, "Rushay", Booth Lane, Weston Favell, (Treasurer) . Miss G. GAINSFORD, r07 , Park Avenue North, Northampton. (Secretary Nursing Divisiooo).


Area Cadet Officer




Mrs. E. E. CARPENTER, 52, Bostock Avenue, lo.thampto n . ( .H.S.R.). Miss 1. HU LL, 9, Billing Road, ortlnmpto n. (~ecretary Nursing Cadet Divisions). Mrs. C. M. THOR:--:TO , Brockhall, Nr. W eedon, Northampton. T. SEWELL, 253, Park Road, Peterborough. Mn. . R. GILLETT, 20-}, Dogsthorpe Rd . , Peterborough.

County Presidents: His Grace Th e DUKE OF PORTLAND, K.G. (A mbulance). Her Grace WINIFRED DUCHESS of PORTLAND, D.B.E. (Nursin~)

G. Ar.IIES, The Elms, Caston, Peterborough.

County Office: Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2. Tel.

County Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel Sir John JARDI E, Bt ., O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (Ambulance) . C. H. HEATHCOTE, Esq. (Ambu lance). L. WARD-WALTERS, Esq. (A mbulance). Lady STARKEY (Nursing). The COUi'lTESS MANVERS (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner

ewca tle -upon-Tyne

13 6 ..;6

County President: Colonel E. G. ANGus, C.B .E., M.C . County Vice -President s: W. J . CHARLTO. (Ambulance). Mrs. M. 1. KIRKUP (N ursing). Commissioner . County Superintendent (.N) County Surgeon County l ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers

Area Cadet Officers


2, Osborne Terrace, -e\\castle-upon-Tyne MiSS E. I. TEASDALE, I , Eastfield, Monk 'eaton. J. .BROWN. M.B., B.S., The White HOll. c, Bedlington. MiSS M. J . FREEMAN, 55, Highbury, Jc mond, Newcastleupon-Tyne, 2. W. NIXON, 24, Everslcy Place, Heaton, Newcastle-uponTyne, 6. Mi~s E. HENSON, 12, Denventdale Gardens, High Heaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 7. Mrs. B. H. DUNrAN. 7, Kingswood A,enue, Jesmond , Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2. Miss D. K. MUNRO, 57, Swaledale Gard e n, High Heaton, Newcastle- upon-T yne, 7. Miss J. FEARi'lSIDE, II9, Marine Avenue, 1onkseaton. H . GIBSON, 191, Stanton Street, ewcastJe-upon-Tyne,4' E. ROBINSOi'l, 23, Stakeford R oad, Bedlington Station, Northumberla nd . W. H. COLLINGS, 8, Chessar Ave., Newcastle-upo n-Tyn e, 5.

Northern Are a

Area Commissioner Area Surgeon

Lt. -Col. A. S. E. RICHARDS, M.B.E., The Red House, Woodham Village, near Ashington. J . DOBSON, M.B., B.S ., "Tyneholm", H eatherleazes, \ Varkworth, Morpeth.

Deputy Commis ioner County Superintend nt (A) County Superintendent ( ) County


County Nur iog Officer Asst. County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer ( ) County Cadet Officer (N) County 'ecretary County tail Officers

Area Area Area Area

Commi ianer Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Staff Officers Area Cadet Officers

Mid-Northumberland Area

Area Commissioner Area Surgeon

C. F . FAIRLIE, T.D., M.D., D.S., 53, Ridley Avenue, Blyth. T. A. STEVENS, M.B ., B.S., "Lanside", Nelson Village, Cramlington. S o uthern Area

Area Commissioner Area Surgeon


Coun ty Office: Tel. Nottingham 4 0 437. 20, Castle Gate, Nottingham.




Peterborough Area

A / Area Commissioner


J . R . LOGAN, 6, Jenison Avenue, P end ower, Newcastleu pon-Tyne, 4. H. R . PORTEOUS, M.B.E., M.D., CH.B., 67, Jesmond Park West, N ewcastle- u pon-Tyne.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon !\rea Nursing Officer


L BOSWORTH, O.B.E., Bank Chambers, Sutton-inAshfield, otts. (Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 440) . T. \VATKINS, M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks", Bramcote Lane, Wallaton, Nottingham. Vacant. The Lady Anne Cavendish BENTINCK, Welbeck Woodhouse, Worksop, ott. (Tel. Worksop 2460). P. 1\1. GETTLESON, M.D., "Lane's End", High Oakham, Mansfield, N otts. Miss H. B. EDWARDS, S.R.N., S.C .M., "Maranatha", Nuncargate Road , East Kirkby, otts. 1\l1ss S. GRIFFITHS, S.R.,., S.C.M., Flat 2, 433, Mansfield Road, Nottingham J. A. SWANWICK, 38, Kingswood Road, 'Nest Bridgford, Nottingham. Miss D. G . \VOODALL, 12, Carlton Road, Worksop , Notts. 1\lrs. J. LEDGER, 10, Mapperley Hall Drive , Nottingham. L. HOCKIN, 9, Femdon Green, vVollaton Park, Nottingham. G. G. LODGE, 125, Haydn R oad, Sherwood, Nottingham. W. A. W OOD, 204, Sutton R oad, Mansfield. C. E. WEST, 18, Norman Road , Thomeywood, Nottingham. R. J. ROPER , 13, Haileybury R oad, West Bridgford, Nottingham. L. E. MORLAND, 42, Holme Road, \Vest Bridgford, ottingham . W. W. KEY, 42, George Rd., West Bridgford, Nottingham. Northern Area J. T. RICE, M.B.E., "Gillifields", Oak T ree Lane, Mansfield. G. H. KEVERNE, Oakengate, 49, Blyth R d ., Worksop, Notts. Mrs. M. A. BARTLE, 29, Blyth R oad, Worksop, Notts. Dr. O. P . EDMONDS, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe Hall, Edwinstowe, Notts. H. CUSWORTH, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe Hall, Edwinstowe, Notts. J . HASLEGRAVE, 57, Wale by Lane, N ew Ollerton , Notts. O. T. STORRS, ational Coal Board, Edwinstowe Hall, Edwinstowe, Notts. Mrs. E. MAJOR, 275, Sandy Lane, Worksop.

Southern Area A Hrr.L, O.B .E. , Bagna ll House, CinderhilL Notts. Dr. N . G. DOUGLAS, The Chalet, Cinderhill Rd., Cinderhill, Notts. Miss S. J . BISHOP, S.R .N., S.C.M ., c/o Cinderhill and Babbington Colliery, Cinderhill , otts. Dr. J . F. D. BOYD, 97, Derby R oad, Stapleford, Notts. Vacant.



Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer


J. W. STEVENSON, 24, Shanklin Drive, Stapleford , N otts . Vacant. W. JACKSON, "Glendale", Mansfield Rd ., Papplewick Notts. E. R. F. POGMORE, Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield , otts. G. CRELLIN, 5, Grange Crescent, Gedling, Notts.

Midland Area F. D . SEVERN, Green Gables, Alfreton, Derbyshire . Dr. R. H. P. FERNA DEZ, Medical Centre, Brookhill Colliery, Pinxton, Derbyshire. C. BARROWCLIFFE, II, Huthwaite Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, otts . Mrs. E. LEIVERS, 15 Stainforth St., Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts. A . DRABBLE, 43, Cambria R oad, Mansfield, Notts . Mrs. 1. BUTTERY, 22, KlOg treet, Mansfield \Voodhouse , otts. T . L. MOULTON, 161, Diamond Ave., East Kirkby , otts. A . L. 1IDDLETO:-;'. "Green Gables". Wingfield Rd .. AHreton , Derbyshire. otts . H . SHORE. 22, Bath Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield. A. PORTER, Victoria Road. Selston. Notts. City of Nottingham Area Dr. R. G. SPRENGER. Cherry Cottage, Bleasby, Notts. S. I BBOTSON. 39. Lady Bay R oad. W st Bridgiord. Nottingham. Miss G. E . CLOW. ro, Grim by T errace, W a tkin Street. ottingh am. D:. R. REID , 297. Main Street. Bulwell. N ottingham. MIS E. JEW, S.R.N., S.C.M., City H ospital, Hucknall R oad. Nottin~ha m.

.-\ s t. Area

ursing Officer

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant-Major



Miss E. PI)''UER, :!, Padsto'\' Road, Be<.;t\\·ood Estate. ~ Totting_ ham. C. LEWENDON, 25, Austrey Avenue. L enton Abbey, 'ottingham. Mrs. E. M . MARTIN. 48. Dovecote Lane. B eeston, Notts . A . BURROWS. 24. Aston Avenue, Lenton Abbey. Nottingham. E. PERRY, 97. Saxondale Drive, Bul1well. ottingham . N . V. WRIGHT. 28. Grange View R oad. Gedling. N otts. F. CARRIER. ro, Grover Avenue. Mapperley. N ottingham. H: F. FOULSTONE. 23. ~rora R oad, Bulwell. Nottingham . :\11ss A. lANEY, 98, ottlOgham Rd .. Basford, ottingham. E. H. HAY. 13. Seely Road. Nottingham.

OXFORDSHIRE County Office: Gloucester Green, Oxford. Tel. Oxford 206r. County President: Colonel A. V. G. DOWER, T.D. County Vice-Presidents: Dr. W. RITCHIE R USSELL, C.B.E., (Ambulance) Lady BROOKE-POPHAM; Lady Dugan of VICTORIA (Nursing) Mrs . GARDINER-HILL (Cadet Nursing). Lt.-General Sir Edward GRASETT Commissioner C. GARDINER-HILL, M.B., B.CH., Fircroft, Banbury, Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2625) . Deputy Commissioner T. F. BRIGGS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 39, The Green, Banbury, Ovon County Superintendent (A) H. E. HOWARD, The School House, Nether Swell, Cheltenham. County Superintendent (N) Miss E. PAGE, The Trout Inn, Godstow, Oxon. (Tel. Oxford 555 62 ).

County Surgeons Co unty Co unty Co unty (o unty Co nnty

Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers

ST. ]



H . R. WYNNE, M.B.. B.CH .. The Paddocks. Bodicote, Banbury. Miss G. RILEY, Oxford Eye Hospital, Walton St .. Oxford. G. H . SHRIMPTON, 17, Rymer's Lane. Cowley, Oxford. Miss D. M. CANDY, 5. Burdell Avenue, Headington. Oxford. Mrs . I. 1. CLIBBORN, 8, Lonsdale R oad, Oxford. H. T. BE:>INETT. Asphodel, Third Acre Rise, Cumnor, Oxfod. v.,T. E . LAMBOURN. M.B.E., 419, Banbury Road. Oxford . Miss J. E. M. FANSHAWE. Cotmore Wells, Thame, Oxon. C. LAWRENCE, Churchill Hospital, Headington. Oxford. J . WOODLEY. 60. Henley Street, Oxford. Mrs. BEASLEY. Tudor Cottage. Tiddington, Milton Common, Oxon. Mrs. V. PARISH, 14. Norreys Avenue. Oxford . ::'Iliss C. \NALDOCK. 7. Arran Grove. Banbury . E. F. BAZLEY, c/o Westminster Bank. High Street. Oxford. City of Oxford Area J . Fr:-;cH. 6. L onsdale Road. Oxford . H . D. DARCUS . B.M .. B.CH .. 153. \Voodstock Rd ., Oxford. J. G. WADDLE, I08. orth Hinskey Lane, Botley.

.\rea Commissioner \sst.. County Surgeon .\rea t.aU Officer

PLYMOUTH, SOUTH-WEST DEVON, AND EAST CORNWALL County Office: The Prysten House. Finewell treet. Pl ymouth.

Tel. Plymo uth 5802.

County Presidents: The Rt. Hon. Lord R OBOROUGH (Ambula n ce) A:-;'CY, Lady Astor. C.H. (Nursing) County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. F. VELLACOTT (Nllrsing). Mrs. M. MOD LEY (Nursing). G. S. THO:'llPSON (Ambu lance Cadets). The COU;-.ITESS OF ::\IOUNT EDGCUMBE (N ursing Cadets).

Commissioner Dep uty Commissioner Co unt.y Superintendent (N) Co unty Surgeon Assistant County Surgeon Co unty Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers


. C. PRAKeE. J.P ., M.B., B.S .. D.L.O .. The Prysten H ouse. Finewell Street, Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 2598). Colonel G. THOMSON, D.S.O., M.C., Catchfrench, St. Germans, Saltash. Mrs . R. BALSDON. O.B.E., r63, ew R oad. Saltash. (Tel. altash 2102). T. E. \VOOD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., I. Priory R oad. L ower Compton. Plymouth .. S. DAVIDSON, M.A., M.B .. "Glengarry", Hartley. Plymouth. Mrs. E . A. BAYLEY. S.R.N .. 89. Beaumont Street. Stoke. Plymouth. G. S. THOMPSON. "Lane End". vVembury Point. S. Devon. Mrs. E. M. WOOD, 8I, Priory Road, Lower Compton, Plymouth. Mrs. G. M. BASCOMBE, The Prysten House, Finewell Street. Plymouth. T. BEALE, Alderney, Moreton Avenue, Crownhill, Plymouth. R . E. BOWDEN. 21, St. Stephens Road . Saltash. R. W. SKINNER, 13. Conrad Rd., Chaucer Way. Honicknowle. Plymouth. Mrs. M. MODLEY, 8, Bainbridge Avenue, Hartley, Plymouth. R. G. PARR. 17, Stone Hall Flats. Stonehouse. Plymouth. J. H . SARGENT, 20. Foulston Ave. St. Budeaux, Plymouth ..





County Office: 17, Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare.

Tel. Oswestry 144/426 .

Commissioner (ounty uperintendent (A) ( ounty Superintendent (N) Co unty Surgeon

County Vice-Presidents: The Earl of POWIS, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). The Hon. Mrs. ORMSBY GORE (Nu rsing Cadets).

Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers

County Secretary County Sergeant Major

Co unty D. J. JOHNSON, M.B .E., M.R.e. S., L.R .C.P., Ty Maen, Lower Brook Street, 03westry. (Tel. Oswestry I44 /426). Major R. DEEDES, G.c., Brymore, Bank Farm Road , Shrew5bury. lTel. Shrewsbury 4363). E. IRWIN, Hilbrae, Ellerdine, Wellington, Shrop hire . Mrs. A. J. BROWN, B.E .M., "Bryn", 40, Ferrers Rd., Oswest (Tel. Oswestry 95). W. KING HAY, M.B., B.CH., Brooklyn House, Market Drayton. Captain C. L. TARRANT, 55, Grasmere Road, Harlscott, Shrewsbury . Vacant. G. H. DAVIES, BodhyIryd, 48, Meole Rise, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury. J . PHIPPS, 3, Red Lake Cottage, Ketley, WellingtoQ, Shropshire. Mrs . D. M. WILLIAMS, Delbury, Lyth Hill, Bayston Hill Shrewsbury . Miss M. DEEDES, "Brymore", Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury Mrs . A. G. CRAMPTON PYM, "Highfield," Oakhurst Road , Oswestry. Miss A . M. PUGH, Derwent Dene, Queens Park, Oswestry E. L. PRICE , 6, Coton Mount, Shrewsbury. (Training) . H. GRIFFITHS, Ty Maen, Lower Brook St., Oswestry. W. THOMAS, 3, Newhall Gardens, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury . Eastern Area

Area Surgeons . Area Staff Officer

Tel. 628 7.

County Vice -Presidents: Mrs. A. L . DOVEY, M.B., CH.B. (Nursing). Mrs. D . S. VER ON (N ursing). Miss M. SMITH (Cadet Nursing).

County Presidents: Brigadier Sir Alexander STANIER, Bt., D.S .O., M.e., J.P., The Lady FORESTER (Nursing).



County Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel The LORD HYLTON. Mrs. A. A. W . LUTTRELL.

SHROPSHIRE County Office: Ty Maen, Lower Brook Street, Oswestry .



A. J. HERBERT, 2, Greatfield Road, Higher Compton, Plymouth . G. LETTY, 38a, Alexandra Road, Plymouth. Mrs. P. V. E. WAY, 142, Pasley t., toke, Plymouth (Cadets). \V. H. STRAKG, II, Carfrae Terrace, Lipson, Plymouth. A. H. ATKI~S, 14, Chaddlewood Ave, "t. Judes, Plymouth .

Area Cadet Officers


A. GLANDON WILLIAMS, M.B., F.R.C.S., Castle Gate House, Shrewsbury. D. JONES, 20, Mount Pleasant, Ketley Park, Oakengates.

ursing Officer

co unty Cadet Officer (N) (o unty

taff Officer

Colonel C. T. MITFORD-SLADE, Monty's Court, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton. (Tel. Bishops Lydeard 255)· Vacant. Miss BRUCE-STEER, "Lydstep", Martlett R oad, Minehead. (Tel . Minehead 49 2 ). Dr. W. BAL, Brook House, Minehead. Dr. P. MARTIN, II, Victoria Ql!adrant, Weston-super-YIare. Dr. J . F. DAVIDSON, O.B .E. , M.O.H ., Hillcroft, Kingston St. Mary, T a unton . B . A. Astley \VESTON, M.O.H., M.B., CH.B., M.R.C .S. , L.R.C.P., " \Vansdyke", Claverton D own, Bath .. Mi s C. NEAL, Quantock Chest Hospital, Over Stowey, Bridgwater. l\1iss V. YANDLE, St. Aundries School, \Vest Quantoxhead, Taunton. T. E. LIND FIELD , M.A., The Beeches, 29, Elmsleigh R oad, \Veston-super- 1are. / Ldr. E. B . MOORE, 17, Moorland Road, Weston-superMare. (Treasurer). irs. G . G. SELWYN, 32, New Bridge Road, Lower Weston, Bath . (Welfare). W. J . TOTTLE, I, Whitting Road , \Veston-sup er-Mare. Mrs. BINGHAM HALL, Glehe House, \Veston-super-Mare. Miss G. A. M. GILLESPIE, 53 , Chilton Street , Bridgwater. Mrs . VIVIAN- EAL, Poundisford Park, Taunton. C. T. H. HOWE, "Waycott", Uphill Way, \Veston-superMare. (Transport). Northern Area

.\rea Commi sioner \rea Surgeon \rea Nursing Officer \rea Cadet Officer (N)

D. O. CLARK, LB.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Mendip Croft, Bleadon, \Veston-super-:-.1are. Vacant. Miss M. A . DOLLING, S.R.N., 19, Brookfield Park, Upper \Veston, B::l.th. Mrs. E. M. ATKINSON, Wraxleigh, Street. Eastern Area

\rea Commissioner \rea uperintendent (N) \rea Surgeon -\rea Cadet Officer CA) \rea Staff Officers

G. T. PLATT, " abrina", North R oad, Midsomer Norton. Mrs. E. W. M. PLATT, "Sabrin a", North R oad, Midsomer Norton. D. HALL BROOKS, M.A., B.M., B.CH., 13, Macaulay, Widcombe Hill, B ath. D. J. MORAN, M.A., "Cranbrook", Laverton Lane, Norton St. Philip, Nr . Bath. Mrs. V. HUSBANDS, Wilminstone, Overleigh, Street. R . TRT:Y1:, Manor House Road, Glastonbury.

W est ern Area

Area Surgeon Area Superintendent (A)

D. A. IRELAND, B.A., M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Council House Court, Shrewsbury. A. V. LLOYD, 21, Canon Street, Shrewsbury.

Western A r ea

.'\rea Commissioner Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

A. WEV ELL, J .P. , 100, \iVemdon R oad, Bridgwater. G. J. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road , Weston -super-Mare Mrs. D . E. DAVIS, 12, \Vhitting Road, \Veston-super-Mare.



STAFFORD County Office: 2, Market Square, Stafford. Tel. Stafford 16 57. County Vice-Presidents: Lady JOSEPH (Nursin{?). Lady Diana MATTHEWS (Cadet Nursing).

Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. County Surgeon. County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary . County Staff Officers

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Cadet Officer (A) Corps Surgeon (attached)



Sou them Area R. E. BRAY, 5, \Vest Villas, Tone Vale, Norton Fitzwarren, Nr. Taunton. 'ltV . .T. COLLINS, LB., B.CH., \Voodstock House, Staplegrow Road, Taunton.

Area Superintendent (A) Area


Commissioner Co unty Superintendent (N) Assista nt County uperintendent (N) County Surgeon Cou nty County County Co unty

Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary

Co unty Staff Officers

Capt. F. L. RICHARD, M.B., CH.B., 19, Lich.field treet, Walsall, tafford hire. (Tel. Wal all 37 0). Mrs. '1. V. PENNY, Claremont, Porthill, tok -on-Trent. (Te l. Stoke-on-Trent 88180). A. B. DAVIES, B.SC., M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., I, Bescot Road, Walsall. (Tel. Walsall 3950). K. A. BOUGHTON THOMAS, M.B., CH., The Mount, vValton . Stone, Stafford. A. \YALKER, M.B., CH.B., " Tree Tops", Stafford Rd ., Coven Heath. Vacant. V. CHANCELLOR, 29, Castle Bank, Stallord. (T·'1. Staf!nni 1886). Captain E. P. PEEL, C '0 Messr . John "ankey and on Ltd., Albert Street, Bilston. (Treasurer). N o rthern Area Vacant. Vacant. Mrs. E. F. COVENTRY, 57, Balance Street, Uttoxeter. J. S. HAMILTON, M.B., CH.B., High Lane, Burslem, Stokeon-Trent. F. E . S. JONES, 283, Chaplin R oad, Longton, Stoke. Miss V. C. VEITCH, M.B., CH.B., Westlands, Newcastle, Staffs

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

A. BYRNE-QUINN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., Darm od v H o use, Stafford Street, W olverhampton. H. WATKINS, 41, Thornycroft Lane, Wolverhampton . Mrs. M. DELANEY, 2, Nine Elms Lane, vVolverhampton . D. G. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., Castle View H ou e, Tipton, Staffs. J. R. RUSSELL, I7a, Primley Avenue, Walsall. Mrs. L. RUSHTON, I96, St. John's Road, Cannock, Staffs


County Office: Woodbridge Road, Ipswich.


Major R. S. SCHRElBER, Campsea Ashe House, Woodbridge. (Tel. Wickham Market 4 2?). . Miss A. PARKER, M.B.E., Dlckon, Walberswlck, Southwold. (Tel. Southwold. 239 1 ). Mrs. G. H. L. PAUL, ' Parham Hall, Woodbridge. T . D. 'vV . FRYER, M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 52, Derby R oad, I pswich . Mrs. P. E. TAYLOR, "Teemore", London Road, Beccles. \Y. C. MAYHEW, 82, Severn Road, Ipswich. Vacant. H. G. EADE, 406, \Voodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich . 7 62 39). Miss M. H. MILLER, S.R.N., Crosslea House, Ips\-\'lch . A. B. MORTIMER, 39, Highfield R oad, Ipswich. B. J. REID, County Hall, Ipswich. (Training). Miss E. G. SANDERS, S.R.N., "Cartref", The Terrace, Walberswick, Southwold. (N.H.S .R .). Miss V. D. GEE, 471, Woodbridge Road , Ipswich . (Assistant Secretary). . Mis B. HOSSACK, 55, Tuddenham R oad, IpSWICh. W. C. WATTS, The Lodge, London Road, Beccles. Mrs. E. S. M. CATTON. 146. Ru shmere R oad, Ipswich. ( .H.S.R. and Blood Transfusion) . Dr. D. W. RYDER RICHARDSON, The Beeches, Saxmundham. Mrs. M. NEALE, 39, Sherbourne Avenue, Ipswich. Lord DICKINSON, 7, Locarne Road , Ipswich . (Publicity). ommanc1er G. PACKARD, R.N. (rtd.), 2, The Gables, Bramford. (Publicity). :\Ii s A. M. HARDWICK, 8, Hervey Street, Ipswich. A. J. ENGLISH, 75, Clapgate Lane, Ipswich. F. \V . RUFFORD , 18, Geneva Road, Ipswich . W. LAMBERT, 33, Holland Road. Ipswich. P . R . WOOLLARD, Ambulance Hall, Samuel Road, Ipswich Mrs . C. V . SANDERS, 27, Crofton Road, Ipswich.

rea Area

uperintendent (r urgeon

D . J. 1ARTIN, F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S., The Beeches, Ixworth , Bury St. Edmunds . Dr.(:\Irs.) MARTIN, The B eeches, Ixworth, Bury St. Edmunds. Dr. D. A. MCCRACKEN, 32, Westbury Avenue, Bury St. Edmunds.

Area Cadet Officer (A )

S.ou them Area Vacant. Dr. NI. MACEWAN, 0.5.0, O.B.f.., D.F.C ., 33. Berners Street, Ipswich . A. E. RUST, 22, Copton R ead, Ipswich.

Area Commissioner Area Cadet Officer

Vacant. F. J. \VILLEARD, 43, Fair Cl0 e, Beccles.

Area Commissioner Area Surgeon

Northern Area

Tel. 400 5.

County President: Lady Blanche COBBOLD. County Vice-Presiden ts: Co u nte~s of CRANBROOK (Ambulance). MISS E. WEBBER (Nursing). Mrs. R. MESSENGER, M.B.E., (Cadet Ambulance) Mrs. G . M. CLOSE (Cade t N ursing).


Western Area

rea Commissioner

Sou them Area

Area Commissioner

ST .

SURREY County Office: 9- 10 , Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road, Guildford.

Tel. Guildford 67 16 3

County Vice-Presidents: C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq. (Ambulance). Lady OSBORN (Cadet Nursing)




Deputy Commission er County Surgeon County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officer..;


Major-General ] . M. S. PASLEY, C.B., C.B.E .. M.V.O .• 7. Brittany House , Cro'vvborough. ussex. (Tel. Crow borough (199). ] . P. FLA V IN, 7, Hampton Road, Worcester Park. W. H. C. Rm·fANIs. M.C .. M.B., CH.B., F R.C .S .. The Rough. Hurtmore, Godalming. Captain P. H. ELLIS. 6. Chatley Court. Cobham. Lady HEALD. Chilworth Manor, Nr. Guildford. Miss M. C. LEIGH-PEMBERTO . 9, Walden Hou e, Marylebone High Street. W . I . Colonel R. R. FAIRBAIRN, M.C .. T.D., "Uplands". The Drive, Cobham. Miss V. BARLOW, Killinghurst House. Haslemere. C. E. CHAPLIN. 13, Wodeland Ave., Guilclford. Miss R. COHEN, Paved Ways, Nightingale Road. E. Horsley . (Training). H. S. SMITH, 60. Warren Road. Te w Haw, Weybriclge . (Transport) . L. E. A . GIBBS, Heather Brae, IIutton Road. Ash Val e. (Civil Defence). J. C. BELL, "Chill ine;ton", l , Carrall Avenue. 1\1erTC)\\' . Guildford. (Cadets). Western Area

.\rea Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) \rea Cadet Officer (N) -\rea Staff Officer

R . ]. GRISTOCK, East View. Pinewood Grove, .I. ew Ha\\ , Weybridge. A. KNIGHT, 21, Bridge Road, Ha lemere. Miss U. MORRISH, "Aros", Haslemere, urrey. H. M. LAWSO , M.A., B.CH ., ?Ii.R.C.S . , L.R.C.P., Three Gab! , Bridge R oad, Chertsey. F. ]. AYLING, 40, Conquest Road, Addlestone. Miss V. M. LEATHER, M.B .E., Tudor Cottage, Ew hott, Nr Farnham. ] . M. BALL, 129. New Haw R oad, Addlestone. Eastern Area

>\rea Area \:-ea Area Area Area \ rea

Commissioner Surgeon Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers

B. ROBINSON, B.E.lII., "Hothfield". Russells Crescent. IIorley_ K. \VATSON, M.D., F.R.C.S., Greystone House, R edhill. Vacant. ~iss M. R. M. CALLOW, Batts Hill Cottage, Redhill. D. ]. SHOPLAND, Little House, Shepherds Hill, Mertsham Miss E. M. LEIGHTON, 2, Southfields Avenue. Horley. B. E. OR:-'IAN, 13. Albert Road orth, Reigate . Mrs . D. COVELL, Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hill, East Grin st ead. North West Area

:\rea Surgeon Area Staff Officer

R. G. Vv. SOUTHERN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P .. Sedgley House, Horsley. Mrs. D. R. BOOTII, Holly Lodge, High Street, Cobham .

South West Area Area Surgeon A.rea Staff Officer



A. H. M. R ICHARDS, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H .. Munstead Lawn, Godalming. Mrs. L . M. FARLER, 25, Stocton Road, Guildford.




SUSSEX County Office: 19, North Street, Horsham, Sussex.

Tel. Horsham 1556.

County Preside nts: The Countess of BESSBOROUGH, J.P. David BRYCE. Esq., O.B.E., J.I'. County Vice-Presidents: Mildred Viscountess HAILSHAM. The Lord Rupert NEVILL (Ambulance Cadets) . The Countess CAIRNS (Nuysmg Cadets). :'laJor-General ]. M. L. RENTON, C.B., D.S.O ., O.B.E .. J .P. Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer. County County County County

Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers

Lieut.-Colonel K. B. HICKS, O.B.E., Stone House, Bolne)' Sussex. (Tel. Bolney 214). F. A. TROTT, 16, Hurst Road, Horsham. Miss D. 1. HUBBARD, M.B .E. , Green Acre, Rotherfield, Crowborougl:!, Su sex. (Tel. Rotherfield 421). H. ROSENBERG, B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 2, Bulkington Ave .. Worthing. Mrs. M. L. ROYLE, S.R.N., White Cottage, Steyne Road Seaford. F. W. T. DALLEN, 92, Elphinstone Road, Hastings. Miss E. M. TRILL, 65, Barnett Road, Brighton, 6. orth Street, Horsham. C. SIMPSON, 19, Miss \V . M. BARKER, 10, Hurst Avenue, Horsham. H. L. GREGORY, Stanway, 70, Guildford Road, Horsham (Treasurer). W. L. HANCORN, 43, The Gardens, Southwick. Miss G. E. STONEHAM, 47, Motcombe Road, Eastbourne. D. H. F. BURCHELL, 9, Landseer Road, Hove. (Cadets) Eastern Area

Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Superintendent (A) rea uperintendent (N) Area adet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

F. H. STUTTAFORD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., "Lascelles", Portland Place, Brighton. Vacant. A. J. BURNAGE, "Wearde", Bedfordwell Rd ., Eastbourne Mrs. K. KIRKLEY, 18, Hove Villas, Hove. F. ]. MILLER, I, Oak Terrace, Gillsmans Hill. St. Leonardson-Sea. Mrs. A. D. HICKS, B.E.M., Stone House, Bolney. G. H. WREN, "Byway", 22, Priory Close, Hastings. S. T. DE! NING, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton . L. W . MOWER, 74a, Cross Roads, Southwick. (Cadets). R. T. HOLLANDS, 17, Winchelsea Road, Rye. (Cadets) Western. Area

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers

W. E. ]upp, IS, Barttelot R oad, Horsham. Capt. J. M. BUCKLEY, The King Alfred, Kingsway, Hove . Mrs. E. M. COURTNEY, Woodend Cottage, \-Vest Stoke, Chichester. S. R. MATTHEWS, M.A., M.B., CH.B., J.P., The White House , lfield. H. G. NEWMAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. Mrs. E. A. BRODIE, Flat 3, 6, Arundel Terrace, Marine Parade, Brighton 7. Mrs. BUTCHER, 77, Sompting Road, \-Vorthing . (Cadets). O. E. LAKE, 50, Whyke Lane, Chichester. R. MORRIS, Ashford House, Victoria Road, Bognor Regis . (Cadets).



ST. ]



WARWICK C01mty Office: "Gable End ", Priors Marston, Nr. Rugby .

Tel. B yfield 462.

County County Cou n ty Cou nty

Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers

Commissioner Assistant Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers

G. A. MACDO -ALD, M.B., CH B., D.:\LR.D, "Gable End " Priors Marston, Nr. Rugby. (Tel. Byfield 462). G. J. FOWLER, 31, Dillotford Avenue, tyvechale, Coventry A. E RUSSELL, 54, Browett Road, Coventry. (Tel. Coventry 3289). Miss C. M. ORTON, B.E.M., The Beeches, Stav erto n, Nr Daventry, N orthants. (Tel. Daventry 196). N. L. ROLLASON, M.D., CH.B., 74, Stonelelgh Ave., Coventry C. L. WORTHINGTON, M.B., M.R .C.S., L.R .C.P., 37, Jury St. Warwick . Mrs. M. L. E. MACDONALD, S.R.N, "Gable End", Prior Marston, r. Rugby. Vacant. Vacant. H . K. PERRY, 123, Blackwell Road, Coventry. F. \V . JENNINGS, 78, Beanfi ld Avenue, Coventry. (Training) . Mrs. A. \VORTHINGTON, 37, Jury Street, \\'arwick. W. B. M. WYLEY, 73, Kenih. . orth Road, Coventry. Mrs. L. A. WESTERN, 55, Stoney tan ton Road, Covent ry . J . H. HARRIS, 35, Nicholls Street, Stoke, oventI)r. Mrs. S. M. CADWALLADER, 50, Radford Road, Leamington Spa. A. H. BOOTH, 270, Windmill R oad, Longford, Coventry J. F. HAYES, 329, Smorrell Lane, B edworth, Nuneaton. E. O. ORME, 4, Orchard Crescent, Coventry. Mrs. J. EWALL, 15, Lavender Avenue, Coventry. (County Cadet Secretary (A)) . Mrs. G. A. SKINNER, 87, Wheelwright Lane, Coventry . (County Cadet Secretary (N) ).


County Office: Fisherton Street, Salisbury. Tel. Salisbury 4 810 . County Presiden t : A. R. TOWERZEY.

County Superintendent (N)

H . S. TAYLOR-YOUN(~. ll'.R.C .S., The Red House, Park Lane, Salisbury). (Tel. Salisbury 3152). Lady FULLER, M.B.E., Neston Park, Corsham. (Tel. Corsham 2201).

County Surgeon County Nursing Officer

S. C. H. LANE, O.B.E., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., W est Lodge, Wilton, Salisbury. Miss C. L. FULLERTON, S.R.N.


Western Area

Area Cadet Officer

Miss M. Nowell, Queens Square, Box, Wilts.

Area Staff Officer .\re1. Cadet OffIcer (A) .\rea Cadet Officer (N)

F. W. KIRKBRIDE, 6, Russell Road, Salisbury. H . HOUN SOME, 40, \Vaterloo Road, Salisbury. Mrs . LA 'E, West Lodge, West St., Salisbury.

Area Staff Officer


Southern Area

Northern Area

C. SHAW, Bramville, Highworth Road, Stratton St. Margaret. A. R. Kr G, 43, Richmond R oad, Swindon. Mrs. M. HALL, 54, Devizes R oad, Swindon.

Area Cadet Officers

WORCESTERSHIRE County Office: 37, Foregate Street, Worcester. (Tel. 4503) County Presidents: The Countess BEAUCHAMP, M.B.E. F. L. NEWTON, Esq., M.B., CH.B. Coullty Vice-P1'esidents: The Rt. Hon. Earl BEAUCHAMP (Ambulance). Mrs. A . H. LECHMERE (Nllrsing). Lady SANDYS (Cadet Nursing). Sir Ronald LECHMERE (Cade t Ambulance). Com missioner

F. J. SOMERS, T.D. , The Camp Farm, Great Witley, Wares. (Tel. Great \Vitley 295).

Dr puty Commissioner

T. C. LENCH, Mayford , 63, Halesowen Road , Quinton, Birmingham. F. PRICE, M.B E., Cross \Vays , Hawne Lane, Halesowen. Mrs. C. PORTER, M.B ., CH.B., 27, Chul'l.'h Sf- , l(i.j ,I~rminstpr Dr. J . T. DALY, 380, Ridgacre Rd., Quinton, Birmingham. R. R. HI ES, 3, Wolverhampton Street, Dudley. Mrs. O. LA iE, Tylands, Grange Hill, Halesowen, Worcs. Miss A. E. DINGLEY, 6 , Lower vVilton Road, Malvern. Mrs. M. G. O. SOMERS, Highfield House, Blackwell, Nr. Bromsgrove. E . PREECE, 1~4, Ross Road, Blackheath, r. Birmingham. Miss H. M. WALTON, Mount Pleasant, Cowleigh Road, Malvern. Miss P. WHITFIELD, Kenwyn, West Malvern. (N.H.S.R.). E. F. PREECE, 124, Ross Rd., Blackheath, Nr. Birmingham.

Cou nty Cou nty Coun ty County County County County

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers

County Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel H. A . GOLDEN, O.B .E., D.S. O. L. F. Moss. Lady FULLER, M.B.E. (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner


O . E . HYDE, II, Burford Avenue, Swindon. Vacant. Miss M. J. MORTON PALMER, 72, Fisherton Street, Salisbury. A . J . JENKINS, Silverdale, Croft Road, North Wroughton, Nr. Swindon. Mr. Moss, Waichfield, Rowden Hill, Chippenham. (Press Relations). Miss G. STURMER, Mill Vale House, Bratton, Wilts. Mr. N. A. TAYLOR-YOUNG, The Red House, Park Lane, Salisbury. Mrs. N . LANE, 65, Plymouth Street, Swindon.

County President: The Hon . Mrs . L. C. S. FITzRoy NEWDEGATE. County Vice-Presidents: Martin SAUNDERS, M.B.E. (Ambulance). The Lady WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE (N Lasing). Mrs. BUCKMASTER (Cadet Nursing). Major E. S . PHILLIPS, D.S.O. (Cadet Ambulance).

ST. ]

County Sergeant Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)

Northern Area Major A. L. ATWILL, 10;), Harborne Rd, Edgbaston, Birmingham. D. H. BURNS, 155, The Broadway, Dudley.


S4 Area Area Area Area Area


Miss M. E. FEARNSIDE, 97, Alexandra Road, Halesowe'1 Dr. R . BARRON, Ambleside, Hall St., Dudley. K. H. BILLI GHAM, 94, J ohn treet, Brierley Hill. Miss H. M. BIDMEAD, Traffo rd , Manor Lane, Halesowen . H. S. BE:-; ETT, 52, Harcourt Road , Old Hill. Miss A. E. WITCOMBE, Oldfield,S, Somery R oad, Priory Dudley. A. C. WOOTT ON, 87, Long Lane. Blackheath. Nr. Dudley (Publicity). P . C. BEN! ETT (senior), 20, Millard Rd., Coseley. Staffs. Miss S. WAKEFIELD, Theodosia, Enville Rd., Kinver. tails. P. C. BENNETT (junior), 10, School trcf't, S dgley. ~r. Dudley. J . S. TAYLOR, 23, Summerfield Avenue. Hurst Green, Blackheath, Nr. Birmingham.

Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers

Area Sergeant Major

Southern. Area Air Commodore A. L. GREGORY, M.B .E., The Close, pton on-Severn. J. G. ROLLIN<;, 40, Meadow Hill Crescent, Redditch. Vacant. Dr. F. H . VOLLAM, The Old House, Alvechurch, Nr Birmin gham. Miss M. EWTON, Polkerris, Christchurch Rd . , Malve rn. Mi s H. M. ?II. \Vr sDoN, Chawson, DrOltwich Spa. Miss D. W . JOKES, Dal -ton, 64, Worceste r Road. Malvern . J. F. GRANT, 748, Evesham Road, Crabbs Cross, Redditch (Treasurerj. P. S. PAL fER, 262, Birmingham Road, Redditch . ( ecretarv) J. G. HINTON, 54, Victoria Avenue, Worcester. (Publi< Relations).

AreCl Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon I,


Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officers



T. MACKAY, 143, Fairfax Avenue, Hull . C. JACKS ON, 230 , Hawthorn Aven ue, Hull. G. HEWARD, "Beaumaris", 74, Ganstead Lanf', Uilt. )ll Hull. Mrs. D. M. LIDGLEY, 92, Etherington Road, Hull. \V . PARSONS, School House, Harnby Moor, Yorks . Mrs. G. JACKSON , 8, Lynton Ave., Anlaby Park Rnad South, Hull.

rOl1nty Staff Officf'rs

Area Cadet Officer (N)


County 0fflce: Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough, Yorks. County President: The LADY SERENA JAMES. Colonel Sir Leonard ROPNER , M.C., T.D., D.L., M.P., Thorp Perrow, Bedale, Yorks . J. PEARSON, Alandale, 5, Stonf'leigh Avenuf', Middlesbrou gh (Tf'1. 88537). C. F. PEDDIE, Harrowgate Cottage, Norton Hardwick, Stockton-on-Tees. (Tf'I. 67614). ~Irs. F. C. BURTON, 2, Upper Westbrook, Darlington. (Tel. Darlington 5764). F. \V. HEBBLETHWAITE, M.B., CH.B . , II, The Avenue, Lin thorpe, Middlesbrough. W. E . DA KS, 127, Mansfield Avenue, Thornaby-on-Tees . :'lr8. T. E. KIRK, 31, St. Barnabas Road , Middlesbrough. P. P . SMITH. II, \Vest Park Ave., Newby, Scarborough. J. W. RENAHAN, 12, Alton Road , MidJlesbrough. (Training). J . 8. MCCULLUM, 2, Gasworks Cottages, Normanby R oad. South Bank, lVliddlesbrough. (Transport). :\Jis ' :'1. ~IOORHOUSE, 93, Trafalgar Road, Scarborough.

Commi sioner Deputy Commissioner Co uot\' Superintendent (A) l

~l unty

Supenntf'ndent (N)

Co unty Surgeon ou nty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) rn unty Staff Officers

EASf RIDING OF YORKSHIRE County Office: Priory House, 29, Cottingham R oad , Hull.

T el. 7376.


County President : The LORD HOTHAM.

District Office: Castle Garth House, W etherby. Tel. Wetherby 32 and 413.

County Vice-Presidents: S. LAWRENCE (Ambula nce). R. G. TAR RAN (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. D. M. RYMER (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Asst. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Cou n ty Secretary (A)

E. M. DEARN, M.B., CH. B., D.L.O., H olme Lodge, 197 , Cot· tingham Road, Hull. (Tel. Hull 8040). A. R. LIDGLEY, 92, Etherington Road, Hull. (Tel. Hull 1002 9). Vacant. Miss E. M. STONEHOUSE, 63, Welwyn Park Road, Hull. N. A. RYMER, M.B., CH.B., I, Bricknell Avenue, Hull . Miss P. M. WATSON, S.R .N., Hull Royal Infirmary, Pws~ci Street, Hull. R . BERRYMAN, 2, Snainton Grove, Derringham Bank, Hull. Miss L. F. LEPPINGTON, "Aytona", 8, Belle Vue Crescent, Filey. T . PENN, 207, Hall Road, Hull.


Dis trict President: H. L. THORNTON, O.B.E. District Vice-Presi dents: The COUNTESS OF SCARBROUGH. The VISCOUNTESS MOUNTGARRET . Commi sioner ;)istrict Superintendent (N) Asst. Dist . Superintendent (N) . . District Surgeon District Nursing Officf"r District Cadet Officer (A) Distr ict Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officer

E. H. LODGE, M.B., CH.B., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. (Tel. Wetherby 32). (Tel. Mrs. G. W . LODGE, Castle Garth House, Wetherby. W etherby 32). Mrs. M. A. AYKROYD, The Priory, Nun Monkton, York . R. CRESTER, M.D., CH.B., M.SC.~ Cardrona , West Lane. Baildon. ::\1 iss E. R \ RR \" LOUGH, S.R.N., Rf"habili tation Centre, \ Vhitelev W ood, Sheffield, II. Vacant. :VIrs. CUMMING BELL, Binham L odge, E~erton, Huddersfield. G. HILI-, 2J8, Stanhof* Drjv~ , Horsforth.




Area Commissioner An:a Superintendent (A) District Staff Officer (i I c Nursing Divisions) :-\r:':l , 'urgt"'on Area Area Area Area

Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers

A rea Commissioner Cou nty Officer (i/c Amb ulance Divisions) .-\rea Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Are-a Cadet Officer (A) Area Canet Officer (N)

Mrs. R. M. SOAR, Oak Lodge, Sprotborough, Doncaster. DEARDEN, The Beeches, Scawthorpe, Doncaster. (Tra nsport) . . . . H. COATES, Kingston House, Carlton-ln-LlOdnck, Nr Worsopp, N otts. L. TAGG, 67, Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, Nr. Doncaster. (Treasurer) .


Midland Area G. THOMPSON, M.B., CH.B .. 41, Free School Lane, Halifax L. l\-L\SON, 5, Lynwood Gardens, Pudsey, Nr. Leeds . Mrs . O. M. GF.LDARn, The Grange, Ilkley, York. E . W. L. WHITE, :'>1.B., CH.B., "Oakland", 1ethley, Leeds. Miss K. A. RAvE;-\, The G('ncral Infinnary, Leeds. S. BRANSON, ~, Stone Street, Stricker Lane, Bradford. Miss J. COOK, 70, Emm Lane, Heaton, Bradford. l;. DACCUS, 49, Lumley Road, Leeds. H. J. SEWARD , 6, Coppice Wav, Leeds, 8.


Northenl Area PRENTIC.E, \1.1'., t H.B., "~lalsis ~IOl nC', :'1alsis Roa I, Keighley. J. G. ROCHESTER, Thornton's Yard, 34a Keighley Roac. Skipton. Miss G. E. MYALL, Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorks . J. E. B>\IRD, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., Brow House, Haworth Keighley. F. R. CHARLTON, 11, S1.. Swithin's Walk, York. Mrs. 1. \VrLso , IS, East Lane, hipton-by-Beningbrough York.


South West Area H . HARRISON, "Hazel Dene", \Vyvern Avenue, Marsh, Hudd ersfield. D. F. BARRETT, M..H., CH.B., 2<.)2, Brat.irnru Xd . . Hudderstield. A. ROBE~TSHAW, I4, Garlick Street, R astrick, Brighouse. Miss A. E. UNTHANK, M.B.E., 25, Duchy Road, Harrogate.

Assistant Commissioller County Surgeon District Staff Officer District 'taff Officer (i I c 1 u::-sing Divisions) (ollnh ~talI Officer (- ) Arf'a Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) . :\rea Staff Officer

Dr. E. 1\1. WHITEHEAD, Moorfield, Gomersal, Nr. Leed!j. Vacant. Mrs. 1\1. BALDEN, Bywell House, Dewsbury . F. SAYLES, 3, Grove Cottages, Brookfoot, Brighouse.

PRIORY FOR WALES H eadquarters: Pnory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. The Hon.


Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Surgeon Arpa Nursing Officer [ounty Cadet Officer (A) County· Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officer County Staff Officer A rea 'Staff Officers

Assistant Commissioner County Staff Officer (i I c Nursing Divisions) County Surgeon Area Surgeon Ar~a Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officers (A) Are-a Cadet Officers (N) County Staff Officers A rea Staff Officers

Area J. MAIN RUSSELL, M.B ., CH.B ., lJ.P.H., "\V('myss", Stockart'l Lane, Ougthibridge, Sheffield . A. ELSON, M.B.E., 1+8, Oaks Avenue, Sheffield. C. B. BALL, L.M.S.S.A., Fern Lodge, I38, Dudworth Ro:d, Barnsley. Miss M. E. BADDILEY, T 20, Crosshill, Ecclesfield, N r. Sheffield. \"'1. BA 'HAM, Bell Lane, Ackworth. Mrs. H. BEVERLEY, The Haven, \Vorsboro' Dale, 1 r Barnsley. C. H. FORSTER, 33, High, treet, Sheffi.eld, r. H. A. WENT, 10, Dovec1iffe Rd., Wombwell. II. HEMINGWAY, St. Thomas's House, \Vorsboro' Dale, Tr. Barnsley. J. SHAW, The Bee-ches, 27, MiJl Hill, Pontefract Mrs. V. G. BOOTH, 17, Barkers Rd., NethE'r Edge, Sheffield 7

Tel. Cardiff 3 21 31.

H. BRUCE, C.B.E., J.P., D.L.

Chief Commissioner for Wales. Superintendent - in - Chief for H.R.H. The DUCHESS OF KENT, G.C.V.O ., C.r., G.B.E. Wales Surgeon-in-Chiet for Wales . Edgar LLEWELLYN, M.B., CH.B. Deputy Chief Commissioner Colonel Ririd 1YDDLETON, M.V.O., J.P., D L. for \Vales . Deputv Superiniendent-in -Chief 1\largherita, LADY HOWARD DE \VALDE;-\ AND ·F.AFORll, CB .! for Wales Deputy Surgeoll-m-Chie£ for G. Pari Huw~, lII.B., Cli .B. Wales Assista nt Superintendent - in The Hon. Mrs. J. H. BRUCE . Chief for \Vales Chief Officer for Ambulance ' ir Michael DUFF, Bt. Cadets (Wale) Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets Lady TWIST oN-DAVIES, J .P. (Wales) W. Mabon ABRAHAM. Brigade Secretary Major H. WARE. Chief Staff 0 fficer Miss Zoe D. DRUITi. Cadet Training Officer

South East Area B. HART, O.B.E., L.M .S.S.A., M.S.R., Holmdene, Armthorpe, Doncaster. Mrs. LE BRUN, . 'Elmhurst", Scawthorpe, Doncaster. Dr. M. HAIN , 22, Balby Road, Doncaster. K. O. BARRETT, L.R.C.P., 13, Salisbury Avenue, Goole. Miss P . WORDSWORTH, S.R.N ., The Western Hospital Doncaster . Vv HARGREAVES, 198, Great North Road, Woodlands, Doncaster. J. HOWARD, 16, Dawood Villas, Bentley, Doncaster. Mrs. T. CROSBY, 58, Chestnut Avenue, Doncaster. Mrs. TOWNSEND, 6, The Villas, Edlington. M. D. P. LE BRUN, "Elmhurst", Scawthorpe, Doncast er. N. HULLEY. \Varning Tongue Lane, Doncaster. E. SOAR, Oak Lodge. Sprotborough, Doncaster. A. E. MOORE, 21, St. P a tricks R oad, Doncaster. (Secretary) . C. G. MITCHELHILL, "Oaklea", Scawthorpe, Doncaster. D. G. BARBER . T04, Doncaster Road , Arrnthorpe, Doncaster.


COMMANDERY IN NORTHERN IRELAND District Office: Bryson House, 28, Bedford Street, Belfast.

Tel. Belfast 2397 0 .

President: Her Excellency The LADY WAKEHURST.


District Vice-President :

The Hon. Mrs. T. O'NEILL (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Brigadier T. W. DAVIDSON, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., 26, Malone Park, B elfast. Brigadier R . J. C. BROADHURST, Belvedere, Ballyauglis, Co. Down. Mrs. M. EILL, 96, Circular Road, Belfast. Miss M. J. L. FRAZER, M.B.E ., M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P .• 48, Wellington Park, Belfast.


District Nursing Officer District Training Officer District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer (N) D istrict Secretary . Asst. Dist. Cadet Officer District Officer . Asst. Commissioner Area Commissioner





?lIiss 13. Hoy, E, S.R.:-:., S.C-lIf." South Tymne Ho~pjtal. Dungannon. G. GREGG, 1\[ .D., M.R.C.P., D.P.M., 40, Elmwood Avenue, Belfast. C. :MURRAY, 92, Orangefield Crescent, Bellast. Miss E. GARRETT, Helen's Lea, Gilnablrk, Belfast . Brigadier L. E. illACGREGOR, o. B E. , 28, Bedford St., Belfast. iVIts:-; V. E .. Un L, 114, Donaghadee Road, Bangor, Co. DO\\I1. R. T. FLTZMAURT E, 1 , Hawthornden Drive, Belfast. (Press Relatiom) . w. \VILTO , 90, i\larlborough . , Bf'lfast. (Treasurer) w. A. RYAN, Glenartney, Clanbrassil Road, Cultra , Co Down. (Transport).



Commissioner Commissioner


Priory in Australia Major-General Sir Samuel BURSTON, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O, V.D., M.B ., F.R.C.P., F.R.A.C.P., K.H.P., Dioce an Church House, George Street, yciney, New South \Vales.

Chif'f Commissioner






Bermuda W. T. WILSON, c/o Bank of BemlUda Ltd., Hami1ton . British Guiana The Hon. Sir Peter BELL, Chief Justice ';,. Chambers, Georgetown. British Handuras L. H. OUTRAM, Police and Immigration H.Q., Belize. Ceylon Col. C. A. H. P. JAYAWARDANA, c.,-.u., O.B.E., Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo 3.


Cyprus J. H. ASHMORE, P.O. Box 433, Nicosia . Fiji Dr. J. M. CRUIKSHANK, c.:--f.G., O.B.E., Gm'ernllwnt Buildings, Suva.

Cornmandery in Western Australia Colonel J. R. Do. ALD',ON, E.D . , M.B. , 2g8-308, \"ellington Street, Perth.


Gibraltar A. L. ABRAHAM, Central Police Station, Gibraltar.

Chid Commissioner

Priory in Canada w. J. BEr-;NETT, Esq., St. John House , 321, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Ontario.


Grenada H. \V. D. SCOTT, Grey-stones, Belmont, St. Georges.


Chief Commissioner

Priory in New Zealand F. \V. \VARD, Esq., O.ll.E., Druid's Chambers, Woodward Street, Wellington, .1.


Chief Commissioner

Priory in South Africa Brigadier W. H. du PLE~Sl!:>, 7137, Johannesburg.

C'ommandery Commissioner

Commandery Commissioner

Chief Commissioner

Chief Commissioner


M.H..L.S., L.H. .C . .P., Bo:'\: Commissioner

Commandery in Central Africa Dr. S. G. H. Gasson, P.O. Box 596, Bula\vayo, Rhodesia .



Hong Kong FUNG PING FAN, St. John Ambulance Brigade H.Q .. Hang Road.



Bahamas Lieut.-Colonel R. J. Box 458, Nassau.


Jamaica North-East Captain L. R. Mandeville ELLIS, J.P., Fori. George. Annotto Bay Estate. Jamaica North·West H. CAHUSAC, West Indian Sugar Co., Frome. Kenya Brigadier-General Sir Godfrey RHODES, C.H., P.O. Box 1469, Nairobi.


Malaya Dr. R. E. ANDERSON, Medical H.Q., Ft-deral H OllSt'. Kuala Lumpur.


D.S.O. ,


Malta G.C. Lieut.-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B.E., 64. Anwry Street. Sliema.




NOl'th Borneo C. W. EVANS, c/o Railways, Jesselton.


Sierra Leone W. G. SYER, Pollce Headquarters, Freetown.


Barbados E. B. WILLIAMS, Box 170, Bridgetown.


Jamaica South·East Dr. E. HOERMAN, 43, Duke Street, Kingston .




Commissioner India Thf' HUll. RAJKUMAH.I AMRLT KAUK, ~t. John Ambulance Brigade H.Q., Red Cross Road, New Delhi, 2. Pakistan SYJ::n WAJID .Al:I SHAH, St. John Ambulance Brigade H.Q., Katrak BUlldmgs, Mansfield Road, Karachi, 3, Sadar.


Mauritius P . HADOW, Commissioner Mauritius.




Louis ,





Singapore Dr. P . C. KWAN. St. John Ambulance B ri ga(Je H.Q " Sbllll. ford Road, Singapore.


Tanganyika Lt.-Commdr. H. 1.







CoIlllllissi<m er

Zanzibar Lt .-CoL A. M. BELL, Box 237 , Zall/llJar.

F is HER ,

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J I JO .

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P.O. Box 197.

Uganda P .O. Box 1586, Kamp

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of Spain.

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Printed by the SwhJ on Pr~~s Ltd ..


Victoria Road. Swindl)n, \Nilts.

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