Ubc u;rnnD IPnorr in tr)C 1Erttisb 1Realnl IDencrable
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1Report of the for tbe
1954 allb 1955
Uhe ~ranb Iprior~ in tbe :JBritieb lReahn of ~be
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Report of the Chapter-General for the year
ended 31st December, 1954.
Telegraphic Addrc s: Firstaid, London. Copies
DO , E.C.I.
Telephone: Clerkenwell 664-+.
this Report (price Is.) may be oiJtailled jrom rhe Stor(!s Gate, Clerkellll'ell, LOlldoll, E.C.l.
'vfal1ager, St. Jall//I'
Ube (l;ranb {Drior}? In tbe JSritisb 1Realm of Ube IDenerable ®rber of tbe lbospital of St. Jobn of Jerusalem So"er'i~n
(as at December 31st, 1954) (l;rl'lllb lDtior : FIELD-MARSHAL HIS ROYAL HIGH ESS THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, K.G., K.T. K.P., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., P.C., etc.
Ubl'lllcellor : LIEUT.-GE ERAL SIR HE RY Pow ALL, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.
4 Ube JErccutl\?e
Senior 1Repre5entnti\?e '/knigbt:; 1kllig bta of JustIce:
Secretllr)]:::(liellernl : C.
EVANS, Esq., C.M.G.
lRecei\1Cl":::(Benc rn I : SIR ER lEST BURDO , K.C.I.E., C.S.I., LL.D.
JDirector:::(Benerlll, £It. J0bn 'E\l1lbulllllCe 1:t5~OCllltioll : H.
PARSHALL, Esq., T.D. 1bo~pl tll11e r
1knigbts of (Brace:
Blllloner : MAJOR R.
LOYD, 0.8.E., M.C.
1Llbrnrinll : R. WILLIAMS, Esq., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
lRegi5trllr :
Junior "Representllti\?e 1knigbt5 :
(B,nealogI5t :
1klllgbt5 of JU5tice :
IDircctor of <!ere11l01l1CS C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDO , Esq., O.B.E., D.S.C.
<!Ollll1li65Ioner:::in:::<!bief £It. Johll 1HI1lbulance :1Grtoabe : "!knigbt5 of (Brace
Ub, original 1Jmtgbts of Justice: SIR
THE EARL OF HALIFAX, K.G., O.M .' G.c.s.I., G.C.I.E., P.C.
C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O. C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON,
6 ttbe Sllb::U)rclntes :
ttbe ®IDcintin{l <!bllplnin5 :
The Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members and Associates of the Order its Report for the year 1954.
"lRepreselltnti\?e <!0Il111Hl1Ibers :
FREDERICK H. D. PRITCHARD, Esq. JOH OWSTO, Esq. 1Representllti\?e merical :1Sretbren :
(in addition to those shown under other headings) THE HON. H. A. COZE S-HARDY
JE!:eclIrt\?e ®fftcet5 :
Assistant Receiver-General: LEWIS G. WHYTE, Esq. Assistant Director of Ceremonies: MAJOR A. URQUHART, D.S.O. Deputy Director-General, S.J.A.A.: LIEUT.-COLONEL E. C. CROFT Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, S.J.A.B.: BRIGADIER T. D. DALY, C.B.E., M.C. <!ross :1Searer :
Sworb .1.8enrer :
Sectetnr)2 :
The Annual Festival took place on Saturday, 26th June. As in past years the Festival began with Holy Communion which was celebrated in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church by the Bishop of Dover. The General Assembly was once again held in the Mansion House, by invitation of the Lord Mayor, who attended in state. The Commemoration Service was held in the afternoon in St. Paul's Cathedral, the sermon being preached by The Very Reverend W. R. Matthews, K .C. V.O., D.D., Dean of St. Paul's. There were few empty seats in the Cathedral, and St. John overseas was well represented by Members of the Order and the Foundations, including Executive Officers from the Priories and Commanderies. After the procession of Members of Chapter-General to the Choir, came the procession of Representativ~s of the Priories and Commanderie , each following the Standard of his country borne by an Officer of the St. John Ambulance Brigade: creating a colourful and impressive scene. They were followed by Minor Canons of the Cathedral, the Executive Officers and Bailiffs Grand Cross of the Order, the Dean and Chapter, the Lord Prior and finally the Lord Mayor's procession .
Triennial Appointments.-St. John's Day, 1954, marked the beginning of a new triennial period for which the majority of the appointments and offices within the Order are made. All the Executive Officers then in office were reappointed with the exception of Colonel The Lord Webb-Johnson, G.C.V.O., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., who had expressed his wish to resign from the office of Hospitaller, which he had held with distinction for eight years. He was succeeded by Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, K.C.V.O., M.D., F.R.C.S., previously Deputy Hospitaller. The following new Members on Chapter-General were appointed:The R. Hon. Vi count Soulbury, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., O.B.E., P.C.; Sir Harold Scott, G.C.V.O., K .C.B., K.B.E.; The Lord Latham ; Captain F. L. Richard, M.B.; Sir Andrew Wright, K.C.M.G., C.B.E., M.C.; Sir Gerald Creasy, K.C.M.G., O.B.E.; Sir Gordon Lethem, K.C.M.G.; D. M. Evans-Bevan, Esq. New Charter and Statutes.- The task of revising the Charter and Statutes of the Order was completed during the year and ChapterGeneral, at their meeting on the 19th May, approved a draft for submission to the Privy Council. The draft was submitted to the Privy Council in July and the approval of Her Majesty in Council was received on the 15th March, 1955. Grand Priory Church.-Progress was made with the preparation of plans for the new scheme for the rebuilding of the Grand Priory
Church at Clerkenwell. It may be recollected that this scheme contemplates three main features:(a) The roofing of the existing shell of the Church so as to provide a building which could be used alternatively as a Church and as an Assembly Hall for the Order. (b) The building, on the site owned by the Order adjacent to the Church, of a War Memorial Cloister and Gateway surrounding a Garden of Remembrance to commemorate the Members of ~he Order and its Foundations-the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital III Jerusalem, the St. John Ambulance Association and the St. John Ambulance Brigade-who lost their lives in the two World Wars; and (c) The improvement of the entrance to, and general em belli hment of, the ancient Crypt. The cost of this scheme is now e timated to be £70,000 of which £32,000 is available from the existing fund. A further £38,000 is therefore needed to make up the total required. Chapter-General decided that a fresh appeal should be made to Members of the Order and its Foundation for this balance and the appeal was, in fact, launched in March 1955. Overseas Development.-A new departure during the year wa the appointment of a St. John Headquarters Officer for the Briti h We t African territories. This is a field where St. John work i very largely new: The prospects of development had been explored by Major A. C. White Knox, O.B.E., M.e., M.B., Ch.B., Principal Medical Offi er of the St. John Ambulance Association and Surgeon-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. He visited the territories in 1954 and reported ~hat there ~as cons.iderable opportunity for the promotion of training ~n those subjects which are the Order's particular concern. Consequently It was decided that the initial step should be the posting of an officer to Nigeria for a period of two years to organise instruction in first aid and home nursing under the auspices of the Association. The Order had the support of the West African Governments in this new departure. The Order's Welfare Teams continued to operate during the year in Malaya, and at the request of the Malayan Government the Order agreed to continue its participation in this important scheme of social welfare until the end of 1956 at a cost of between £4,000 and £5,000 per a~lllum. Headquarter Officers were also working during the year in JamaIca and the West Indies and in Uganda. A number of grants were m~de to Colonial territories and in particular it was agreed that the DIrector-General or the Commissioner-in-Chief should be authorised to expend at their discretion up to £100 on the provision of books and training equipment for the smaller Colonial territories when difficulty was found in providing initial finance from local resources. St. John Councils.-A new Council was formed for Berkshire, bringing the total of Councils in England up to 30. As the years go by Councils play an increasingly important part as the focus of development of St. John :work i~ the Counties and as the means of co-ordinating that work III the mterests of both the Association and the Brigade. It may be of particular interest to mention that there are also now ten St. John Councils in the Commonwealth (outside the Priories), namely:Barbados; British Guiana; Ceylon; Cyprus; Hong Kong ; Jamaica; Kenya; Malta, G.C.; Singapore; Trinidad and Tobago.
THE LATE COLONEL THE LORD COURTAULD-THOMSON, K.B.E., C.B. Colonel The Lord Courtauld-Thomson, K.B.E., C.B., who died in 1954 at the age of 89, was made a Knight of the Order in 1915 and a Bailiff Grand Cross in 1944. He was Hospitaller from 1918 to 1933. In the 1914-18 war, representing the Joint War Committee of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John, he was Commissioner in France from 1914 to 1915, and Chief Commissioner in Malta, Egypt, Italy, Macedonia and the Near East from 1916 to 1919. In the 1939-45 war he was a member of the Joint War Organisation, and in addition, Chairman of the Sales Committee of the British Red Cross and St. John War Fund which collected over £ 1i million towards the total of £54 million raised in the name of the H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester. Lord Courtauld-Thom on, devoting the whole of his time, widely ranging influence, and business capacity to this work, succeeded in persuading the public from the highest to the lowest to send gifts to the Sale Committee, and also in getting the public as well as dealers to bid at the sales. There was a continuous flow of gifts-jewels, lace, rug, ilver, porcelain, " old master", books and manuscripts, wines from Spain and Portugal and cigars from Cuba. Gifts were received at the depot in Bond Street and the ales were mainly at Christies: a diamond necklace, given anonymously, was sold for £11,600. The foregoing brief recital is sufficient to show that Lord CourtauldThorn on's service was long, varied and distinguished. He was a man of generous and kindly nature, wise and well versed in practical affairs. Punctiliou in attending meetings of Chapter-General and Investitures, he sustained his int rest in the honour and welfare of the Order to the end of his long life.
THE LATE COLONEL JOHN THOMAS WOOLRYCH PEROWNE, V.D., T.D. The late Colonel Perowne who died on the 27th April, 1954, in his 91st year, was admitted to the Order of st. John in the Grade of Esquire so long ago a 1902. He was promoted to Knight of Grace in 1908, and to be a Knight of Justice in 1924. He held Executive Office in the Order for 20 years, first as Registrar in 1926-1933 and later as Hospitaller, 1933-1946. His tenure of the latter office saw the enlargement of the Hospital buildings particularly the out-patients clinic. He was a frequent visitor to Jerusalem and the development of the work of the Hospital and. also the interest of the staff were his particular care. He became ChaIrman of the Finance Committee of the Joint Council of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society in 1928, holding that office until 1944, and he was also a member of the Executive Committee of the Joint War Organisation from 1939 to 1947. He took a great interest in the development of the work of the Brigade in this country and ~ntil old age prevented him was a frequent and welcomed visitor at Bngade functions and ceremonies.
ST. JOH 10
LIFE SAVING AWARDS LIFE SAVI G MEDAL IN SILVER John Boyce (aged 14 years), South Africa-For the rescue of a youth, aged 18, from drowning at Nagle Dam, South Africa. Cadet Officer E. W. Jones, S.J.A.B., Tredegar-For the rescue at great personal risk of a miner buried by a heavy roof fall at the East Elliot Colliery, New Tredegar. LIFE SAVING MEDAL I BRO ZE Charles David Jenkins, Welling, Kent-For the rescue of a Crane Inspector who had climbed on a 5-ton electric overhead travelling crane to examine the electrical gear, received a shock and lost consciousnes . Lawrence Tavares, Kenya-For saving the life of a woman trapped in a fire at a Cinema in Mombasa. Cadet Corporal R. E. Clelland, S.J.A.B .-For the rescue o[ his sister, aged 5 years, from a swimming pool at Northampton. Cadet Lepnard Reynolds, S.J.A.B., Roehampton-For saving a fellow cadet from drowning in a dangerous sea at Winchelsea. CERTIFICATE OF HO OUR Police Sergeant Ioannis Demosthenous, Cyprus Police Corps-For the rescue of a child who had fallen into a dangerous ce pit. Andrew Charles Gale and William Coulson, Jnr., WoI ingham-For rescuing a farmer from an attack by a bull. 1155 L/C. Lau Pak Kee; 1182 L/C. Lok Ho Mall' 1127 L/C. Lo Wing Wah; 1157 Pte. Ko Tin Kuen; 1163 Pte. Chan Cheuk Sang; 1173 Pte. Kwan Yam Chung; 1184 Pte. Woo Kang Wah; 1186 Pte. Yiu Hoi Wing; 1187 Pte. Chow Chun Keung; 1209 Pte. Wong Kit Ka; Pte. Yeung Wah; all of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, Hong Kong-For courageous action in rescue work on the occasion of the Kowloon Tsai Fire Disaster. REPORT OF THE HOSPITALLER AND HOSPITAL COMMITTEE FOR 1954
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their sixty-third annual report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. THE COMMITTEE H.R.H. The Grand Prior accepted the resignation of Colonel The Lord Webb-Johnson, G.C.V.O., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., F.R.C.S., as Hospitaller on the evening of the Eve of St. John Baptist. Lord Webb-Johnson was appointed Hospitaller in April 1946, and the eight years during which he held the appointment were by no means easy; owing to the rapid deterioration of the political situation in Palestine at the end of the British Mandate, the war that followed, and the uncertain conditions which have prevailed since the signing of the Armistice. Lord. 'Yebb-Johnson was responsible for the re-equipment, reorgamzatlOn, and general expansion of the work at the Ophthalmic
Hospital on the Bethlehem Road after the second World War, which resulted in the number of attendances breaking all previous records. Unfortunately, on the termination of the Mandate it was necessary to evacuate the Hospital as a result of hostilities, and at the conclusion of the fighting the hospital buildings were left on the Israel side of the Armistice line. The majority of patients have always been Arabs. Its new geographical position made it impossible for Arabs to attend the Hospital and Lord Webb-Johnson was confronted with the problem of starting the work once more in Watson and Strathearn Houses in the Old City. In 1952 the Deputy Hospitaller, Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, on behalf of the Hospitaller, visited the Middle East and carried out a survey of the ho pital and its work. He also considered the possibility of building a Research Institute and co-ordinating all ophthalmic activities in that area. As a re ult of his visit essential alterations were made both to Watson and Strathearn Houses, which resulted in a satisfactory temporary 43-bedded hospital. Lord Webb-Johnson during his term of office had the satisfaction of seeing the Hospital rise again and the work flourish in the temporary premises in pite of the adverse conditions under which it had to be carried ou t. The Committee wishes to express its profound gratitude to Lord Webb-Johnson for the services he rendered to the Hospital during a most critical period of its history and to congratulate him on being created Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, K.C.V.O., as Hospitaller from St. John the Baptist's Day, 1954. H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of Mr. C. A. P. Southwell, C.B.E., M.C., to be a Member of the Hospital Committee. In December, the Hospitaller, accompanied by the Secretary, had an audience with H.M. King Hus ein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, at the Jordan Embassy, London. HOSPITAL STAFF Ill-fortune overtook the Medical and British Nursing Staff during the year. Surgeon-Commander Gurd, R.N., the Warden had an acute illness whil~t on leave in Northern Ireland, and on hisjourn~y to Jerusalem he was agam delayed for medical reasons in Beirut and had to postpone for some days hi return to duty. Whilst the Warden was ill in Beirut, Miss D. G. Wood, the Matron, had an ~cute attack or appendicitis which necessitated an operation. L~ter m t~e. year, SIster Iles, who had been appointed in June 1954, receIved an mJury to her leg which eventually forced her to return to England. It is much to the credit of all concerned that in spite of these misfortunes the work of the Hospital continued efficiently. At the end of January 1954, Sister B. R. Bach completed her contract and left for her home in Australia. . Sister Edwards,. on completion of her contract, returned to England. SIs.t~r Edwards .wll~ not only be missed at the Hospital but also by the BntIsh commumty 10 Jerusalem, particularly at the St. George's Cathedral
where she was a prominent member of the Cathedral Choir. The Committ~e would. like to wish Sister Edwards every happiness in her forthcomlllg marnage. Sister E. B. Fox joined the British Nursing staff in June; this enabled the Matron to have an extended annual home leave, and it was with very great pleasure that the Committee welcomed her to their November meeting. The Committee are happy to say that the health of all the members of the staff has now been restored, and appreciate all that they have done in a somewhat trying year. OFFICIAL VISIT Early in the year, .at the invitation of the Committee, Mr. Frank Law, F.R.C.S., accompal1led by the Secretary, paid a visit to the Middle East. . The ,C0l!1J?i~tee felt it would be wise to follow-up the Deputy HospIt.a~ler s VISI~ III 1952, and that Mr. Law should report on the advisabili~ of gOlllg f?rward with the project of building a new ho pital outsIde the Old CIty Walls, Jerusalem, Jordan. His term of reference also included an inspection of the present hospital with a view to recommending any fu~ther essential improvements, and, finally, an in pection of prospectlve sItes for a new hospital. .Mr. Law had an audience with H.M. King Hussein of the Hashemite Klllgdom of Jordan. He had interviews with the Prime Mini ter of Jordan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Social Welfare, and Lieut.General J. B. Glubb, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Arab Legion and H.M.'s Ambassadors in Beirut, Jordan and Israel. ' The Committee are indebted to Mr. Frank Law for his detailed and constructive report. . ~he ComJ?it~ee would like to thank Mr. C. A. P. Southwell for provIdlllg hospItality for Mr. Law and the Secretary at the Kuwait Oil ~ompany's Guest House, and placing the Company' plane at their dIsposal. The Committee would also like to thank Mr. Jordan the General Manager of the Kuwait Oil Company and his staff for ali the arrangements that were made whilst Mr. Law and the Secretary were guests of the Company. VISITORS TO THE HOSPITAL In January, Mr. Aneurin Bevan, M.P., and Miss Jennie Lee, M.P., visited the Hospital. THE SITUATION IN JERUSALEM The Jerusalem .Hospital Working Committee, which was set up by Ch~pter-General III 1953, worked throughout 1954 on future Hospital pohcy. It was agreed by Chapter-General that since the political situation III Jerusale~, Jordan, appeared to be as stable as it would probably be for sor:ne. tIme to come, plans for the purchase of a site and plans for the bUlldlllg of a new Hospital should go forward. In view of the fact that both th~ ~ospitaller and Mr. Frank Law had independently agreed on Nashashl~)1 House as being a suitable site for the new Hospital, Mr. J. E. SImpson, A.R.I .B.A., M.R.San.I ., the Municipal Engineer and Surveyor for Amman, was asked to make a survey of the property.
He reported favourably and recommended the Order to purchase both the house and site. It was further agreed that if sufficient financial support were obtained a Research Institute should be associated with the Hospital so that the recent advances in research on virus diseases might be applied to the problem of trachoma, the worst eye disease in the Middle East. This scheme has the support of the World Health Organisation and the International Organisation against Trachoma and the Committee hopes that before long the Order may be in a position to proceed with this project. As far as Jerusalem, Israel, is concerned there is very little to report. The old Hospital buildings are still let to the Israel Government and two charitable organisations, but the disposal of these buildings is constantly under review by the Committee . FINANCE The Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking those who have given financial support to the Hospital during the year. They are particularly grateful for the continued loyal support of the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand and the Commandery of Ards. Once again the Committee would particularly like to draw attention to the donation from the Great Priory of Masonic Knights Templar, who continue to support the work of the Hospital in a most substantial way. In view of the proposed new Hospital and Research Institute such support gives great encouragement to the Committee. The Committee would again thank the Clothworkers' Company for their contin ued and most valued support. Finally, the Committee particularly wish to acknowledge the donations sent from the St. John Ambulance Brigade Coronation Camp, the Pr~)Vincial Priory of Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire and BedfordshIre, and the Explosives and Chemicals Products Ltd. CONCLUSION The C:ommittee would like to express once again to the Warden, the MedIcal Staff, the Matron and the Nursing Staff, and all the other members of the Hospital Staff their deep appreciation for their loyal and devoted service given during the past year under great difficulties. They would further like to place on record their very warm thanks for the staff's incre~sing efforts to maintain and enhance in every possible way the reputatIOn of the Hospital and the prestige of the Order. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospitaller.
WARDEN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1954 The year 1954 was a hot and tryin.g one. The sUf!1mer heat began early and finished late, so that the lllcidence of acute lllftamm atory eye disease was as high, or higher, than usual. The total num~er of new patients attending the hospital was 31,238 which ~howed an lllcrea e of 1,003 on the previous year. The total out-patlent attendanc~s were 161,421, a slight decrease on the figure of 165,150 for ~953 W~l~~ w~s an all-time record for the Hospital. There were warllke actIvItIes In Jerusalem at the end of June when Arab and Jewish troops exchanged gunfire during three days and nights . There was som.e civil unrest durin g the general election in October when travel was restncted for orne day . Both of these occurrences may have reduced our annual total of a ttendances' but the unusually mild weather during November and December has pr~bably made up for this and the Hospital has had an unu ually busy winter. . The operations performed totalled 2,567, an lOcrease of 1 5 on the figure for 1953. The only new departures in ~urgery were tw~ scleral resections for the replacement of detached retmae, one of whIch wa performed by Mr. Frank Law in April. Mr. Law kindly und~rtook several operations of different kinds and g~ve much valuable adVIce on clinical problems which was greatly apprecIated. Mr. ~aw also ~a~e a lecture on "Facial Asymmetry" before the Jerusalem MedIcal AssoclatlOn. This lecture was illustrated by lantern slides. To revi it the operating theatres in the ophthalmic hospitals of the United Kingdom during leave impresses one with the entirely different ituation which one h~s to face in Jerusalem. Our cataract patients are usually old, decrepIt, and suffering from malnutrition. Their dent~l co.ndition ~s usually appalling and we have no facilities ror bactenoiogical studies of the conjunctival secretions before operatlOn. . Our results would seem to indicate that a great deal of the pre-operatIve precautions which one undertakes, when under ideal circumstances, may well be superfluous. The only local conditions which. cause us to p?~tpone intraocular operation are very gross oral sepSIS, dacryocyst~tIS, or mucopurulent conjunctivitis. There has been no case ~f a~ eye bemg lost from post-operative sepsis during the p~st 2,000 m~Jor mtraocular ?Perations and in very few cases has sepsls of any kmd ~cc~rred dun.ng convalescence. Nearly every eye upon which we operate IS mfected WIth trachoma, and many of the cataract patients show evidence of previ0.us keratitis or iritis. The large number of operations performed f?r the r.ehef of entropion and trichiasis give immense relief, and preservatlOn of sIght, to hundreds of sufferers. A great many patients suffer from pterygium and many operations are undertaken for the relief of this condition. There are instances in which the prevention of recurrence appears to be quite impossible, and in some cases even after very adequate ex.cision the condition presents itself again within a few months of operatlOn.
The main work of the Hospital is performed in the out-patient department and here the work has been very heavy indeed. We have been short-staffed for part of the year due to illness and accident, but the results of the work have been very rewarding. It is difficult to convey how the epidemic acute ophthalmia of infancy and childhood sets in with such alarming suddenness. On one day one may see two cas.es, and on the following day sixty. The disease is very acute and alarmmg, for should treatment not be started within four or five days of onset one or both eyes may show severe corneal ulceration resulting in serious or complete loss of useful vision. Treatment in the very acute cases has been conducted using intensive penicillin drops therapy. If the patient's mother can be prevailed upon to remain in the clinic for five or six hours the eyes usually become markedly improved. during the one d~y, and the child who came in with tightly closed red lIds and purulent dIscharge in the conjunctival sac often goes home laughing with both eyes wide open. The causes of blindness are set out in the following table:A. Congenital B. Acquired 1. Conjunctivitis resulting in (a) Corneal opacity . (b) Secondary Glaucoma (c) Shrunken Globe 2. Fundal Conditions 3. Glaucoma (Primary) 4. Cataract 5. Injury . . .. Total Blind Eyes - 2,005
502 224 510 236 205 317 10
During the year it has been our privilege and pleasure to train groups of ophthalmic orderlies for the United Nations Works and Relief Agency and for the Government hospitals. The total number so trained has been 12. They were, without exception, keen to learn and some of them showed intelligence of a very high order. The main purpose of this training wa not only to become conversant with the commoner diseases and their treatment, but also to recognise serious disease when it occurs and refer the patient to expert help without delay. The nursing sisters have delivered many lectures and demonstrations during the year the value of which to the e orderlies in training and to our own nursing staff has been very great indeed. Most of these orderlies are now employed in Refugee Camps and are doing most valuable work. They visit us from time to time when they return to Jerusalem. We are confronted from time to time by cases of malignant disease of the eyes and adnexae for which adequate facilities for treatment do not exist in the Jordan. These cases have been dealt with for us by Professor A. E. Diab and his staff at the American University Hospital, Beirut. The patients have invariably been destitute but not certificated refugees and as such are not entitled to United Nations relief. The Anglican Bishop has invariably provided the money for the travelling expenses to Beirut from funds administered by him and has also arranged for accommodation to be provided in Beirut when this has been necessary. These services have been of inestimable value.
Th.e Unite~ Nations Welfare and Relief Agency continues to assist us wIth supplies of dru.gs and dressings for which we are very grateful. The transp~r.t of suppltes under Arab Legion auspices continues to be most expedltlOus and efficient. The hospital pr~mises continue to ~e adequate for the performance of our wor~, but. like all other converSiOns they are far from ideal. We could do ~I~h tw~ce as many beds as we possess at present and still have a long wa.ltmg list for operations. Mr. Frank Law suggested several structural Improvements during his visit and most of these have already been ~ompleted. '!Ie await the return of settled dry weather for the executlOn of certam external repairs and painting. T~e Bishop in. J~rusalem and Sub-Prelate of the Order conducted a Service of BenedlctlOn of the Hospital premises on 14th March 1954 The Greek Orthodox Patriarch was represented at the service' which was att~nded by a group of close friends of the Order. In thi~ last report which I s~all ren.d~r in my capacity a Warden, I sh?uld like to tha.nk Dr. Khalil Budelfl, Dr. Elias Doany, Mi s Wood MIS.S Edwards, MISS Fox and Miss Il~s for thei.r most valuable support dunng my term of office. The clencal, nursmg and domestic staffs have sho.wn a loyalt~ and a devotion to duty which have been a pleasure to expene?ce. Out~Ide the Hospital itself, to those wholesale chemi t who provIded. us wI~h supplies at specially reduced rates, and to those who gave theIr serVIces and time gratuitously to our a i tance J am very gr:ateful. In this part .of the world one has to work hard a;d long to achieve small. but tangIble results. The international situation ha not changed dunng .the past t~o years but working condition have recentl{' b~come notI.ceably easIer. from an admini trative standpoint, and thIS gives more. tIme for devotlOn to those clinical dutie whi ch are after .aU the essentIal substance and satisfaction of the work of the HospItal. (Signed) D. P. GURD, Surgeon-Commander Royal Navy, Warden.
Mr. H. H. Herman, representing the National Police, has retired and was replaced by Mr. A. E. Rowsell, Chief Constable of Exeter. Mr. John Tennant, T.D., County Director for Kent, has taken the place of Lieut.-Colonel A. J .. Macphail, O.B.~. , T.D., County Director for Lancashire as repre entatlve of County Dlrectors. Dr. A. J. Amor, of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., and Mr. A. Bird, of the National Dock Labour Board, and Mr. Alec J. Webb, of London Transport Executive, kindly agreed to serve as new members. Dr. McLintock repl aced Mr. E. Harris of the Nation al Coal Board , and Mr. C. Cooper of the Briti h Transport Commission, replaced Mr. Simpson who has retired from the railway service. The Association's gratitude is due to tho e retiring members of the Committee for all the interest they took in its work and for the benefit of their advice and experience. APPOINTMENTS
The only change has been the resignation of Mr. Anthony Steel who had been Assistant D irector General (Overseas) for the previous three years . For the time being no successor has been appointed to him, but Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, K.C.M.G., K.B.E., M.C., T.D ., Q.C., who has recently retired from the Colonial Civil Service and whose last appointment was as Governor of North Borneo, has very kindly agreed to advise the Association on overseas matters, and I am very grateful to him for the help which he has already given. The thanks of the Association are also due to all those who so generously consented to continue their duties for a further three years . The Association is now fortunate in having 13 County Directors and it is hoped that this number will be increased during 1955. The following were appointed County Directors in 1954:-Brigadier V. F. S. Hawkins, D .S.O., M.C. (Dorset) Mr. D. W . M acInto sh, C.M.G., O.B .E.(Gloucestershire), and Sir Conrad Corfield, K .C.I.E., C.S.I. , M.C. (Berkshire). Major-Generai F . Beaumont-Nesbitt, C.V.O., C.B.E., is now Association Director for Northern Ireland and member of the Association Committee. The Association lost the services of Major Viney, D.S.O., and Dr. Owston in the Counties of Buckinghamshire and Surrey respectively, and thanks are due to them for the work they did while they held the appointments of County Directors in those Counties. CLASSES OF INSTRUCTION
An encouraging increase was shown in 1954 in the number of classes run as compared with 1953. (8,323 certificate classes against 7,878, and 1,472 re-examination classes as against 1,299.) Classes run in direct correspondence with Headquarters exceed those run through Centres for the first time for a number of years. This is an indication of the general public's desire to obtain Association training. The increase in the re-examination classes is a satisfactory sign that certificate holders are realising the importance of maintaining their efficiency. Re-examina-
1 ., ... '
tions and the study which they entail are essential if the Association is to maintain its reputation for producing competent first-aiders. In order to improve the maintenance of efficiency, the Association Committee decided to place a limit to the validity of vouchers, and the award is now only valid for three years from the date of issue. In this way a first-aider, who wishes to hold a permanently valid first-aid qualification from the point of view of the St. John Ambulance Association, must take a re-examination for the Medallion. This change received a hearty welcome, and I am sure it will do much to maintain tbe value which is placed upon our awards by the various undertakings who train their personnel under our auspices as well as by the general public as a whole. There has been an increase in the number of classes run for Civil Defence purposes, both on behalf of local authorities and indu try, and continuing interest is shown in recruitment to the National Hospital Service Reserve and the courses run for it. Discussions are in progre s between the Home Office, the Association and the British Red Cross Society regarding the future of first aid training for member of the Civil Defence Corps. The Association has come to an arrangement with the Admiralty whereby Sick Berth Attendants can obtain first-aid certificates as a result of their naval specialists' examination. Members of the W.R.N.S., under the same scheme, can be awarded, as well as the first-aid certificates, home nursing certificates, provided they obtain the necessary number of marks in the nursing as well as the first-aid part of th5ir service examination. Co-operation with the Army and R.A.F. also continues mo t satisfactorily. A large number of classes were run in the Suez Canal Zone and this together with the training given to the R.A .M.C. personnel at Crookham and the arrangements made with the R.A.F., which were reported last year, means that the Association assists in the training of both long-term and National Service personnel. The Air Ambulance Attendants' course is continuing to attract attention and members of charter air lines are in many cases being trained under our auspices. Several air lines train air hostesses on our first-aid and home nursing courses or on courses based on them. Overseas air lines, such as Central African Airways, are also u ing our textbooks for staff training. Food hygiene develops slowly but it will become increasingly important when the new Food and Drugs Act comes into force. The General Post Office has run classes for canteen supervisors, who will be responsible for the training of all Post Office canteen workers in London. This is a very great step forward and may well set an example to other major organisations. The County of Durham continues to show great interest in the subject and other counties have made strenuous efforts to run classes which have had very favourable comment in the Press. The Association has co-operated to the full in training the personnel of the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, as it has done in the past with those establishments which were part of the Ministry of Supply. The National Dock Labour Board Centre which was established in 1953 has developed very rapidly and interest in first-aid is shown not only in the number of classes run, but also in the week-end course~
which are organised to discuss first-aid in all its aspects and to stimulate a greater efficiency.
County Directors co-ordinated activities in their county, and opened new centres. In Sussex new centres have been opened at Crawley and Three Bridges, Eastbourne and Chichester, and the centre at Ha~tings has been revived. In Surrey, centres were started at Croydon and Farnham, and, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, at Osgoldcross. In Kent a centre was started for Folkestone and Hythe, and, in Lancashire, the Todmorden centre was revived. The County Director in Suffolk has re-organised affairs so that the original centre at Ipswich covers a wider area, and a new centre has been opened at Lowestoft to cover N.E. Suffolk. The Rural Representatives scheme in Lancashire has proved very successful and there are now 37 representatives in the County. These have already been able to render very useful service, not only to the Order but also to the general public, and credit is due to the County Director and his supporters. The Oxfordshire House Badge scheme has progressed very satisfactorily. The aim of the Oxfordshire scheme is to provide a qualified first-aider in every village, with a badge on his house to indicate his willingness and ability to render first-aid in an emergency. Insurance is being considered to cover badge-holders against various eventualities. In Sussex the local education authorities were approached for support and this has been given very willingly, so that not only will first-aid training be included in the syllabus for evening classes, but also financial support may be forthcoming. During the year, I visited Lancashire, Cheshire, Suffolk, Somerset Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Dorset, Sussex, Devon, Berkshire: Essex, Kent and Warwickshire. I was inspired and encouraged by the welcome I received and by the enthusiasm evinced everywhere. PUBLICATIONS
The .Association's proposed manual on Occupational First-Aid has been dIscussed. Chapters for a book were prepared by the Association of Industrial Medical Officers and the Royal College of Nursing. These have now been edited and the draft circulated for consideration. It is hoped that this book will be published in 1955. The Principal Medical <?ffi:cer has had considerable discussions regarding the illustrated Prehffilnary textbook with the National Coal Board and also with the Central Coun~~ for Health .Education. It is hoped ultimately to produce a boo~ .contammg the maXImum amount of instruction in pictures with ~he ~ll1mum amount of text, suitable for the training of young persons 1ll this country and first-aiders overseas. Miss Bell, Matron of the Royal Infirmary in Leicester, has prepared a draft t~~t for the ~ome Nursing book and this is being considered by the ReVISIOn C~mmlttee. Revision should be completed during 1955 and a ne~ book Issued not later than the beginning of 1956. The revision of the ChIld Welfare textbook is also under consideration and Dr. Hilda M. Davis has very kindly consented to deal with this matter. First
Aid in Coal Mines is also being revised and this is being handled by the Priory for Wales, who are consulting the Coal Board at every stage so as to ensure that the final book will meet with all requirements and be absolutely up-to-date. VISUAL AIDS
The Principal Medical Officer, in conjunction with Air Commodore Hewat of the British Red Cross Society, has prepared a film strip on the Holger Nielsen method of artificial re piration. It is hoped that it will be ready early in 1955. The Principal Medical Officer has made a film on artificial respiration, illustrating the various methods which are taught by the Association. This film will be edited and will be available by the middle of 1955. The Central Council for Health Education have prepared a fiannelgraph depicting a skeleton on which can be built the structure of the body. It will also be possible to build up a skeleton from pieces provided. The production of this very valuable aid to instruction was carried out in consultation with the Principal Medical Officer, and we have been able to ensure that it can be used for training in first-aid based on our textbooks. This flannelgraph will shortly be available from the Stores Department at a very reasonable price. TRANSLA no S
The Arabic translation of the textbook, "First Aid to the Injured," which was printed in Baghdad, should have been available for issue in greater quantities this year, but, unfortunately, owing to damage in transit, the books arrived in an unsaleable condition. We hope, however, that a further supply of books will be available in the near future. Further translations are the Home Nursing book in Turkish, prepared in Cyprus; the First Aid textbook in Marathi, which was prepared in India and also the Nepali book, which it is hoped will shortly be made available by the St. John Ambulance Association (India) for use by the Technical Co-operative Administration of the United States of America in Nepal. An interesting development, showing the value which is placed on Association courses, is the translation into Chinese by our Hong Kong Centre, of the textbooks on Hygienic Food Handling and the Clean Handling of Food. ASSOCIATION OVERSEAS
The Association has been greatly helped by the appointment of Mr. P. J. McGill, M.B.E., B.E.M., as the Order's Organiser in West Africa. He arrived in Nigeria in October and has already done most useful preliminary work. It is hoped that not only will there be centres for the three regions, but that there will also be centres for various Government Organisations and Departments such as the Police, Railways and Army Establishments. The co-operation which he has received has been most encouraging. In the Gold Coast great benefit has resulted from the P.M.O.'s tour last year and increased interest is shown in first aid, especially in the Police, on the Railways and in the mines. The appointment of lay lecturers has proved of great value for the instruction of Police personnel.
In Cyprus, Mrs. Harrold did excellent work as Local Organiser and Centre Secretary. Many new classes were started and great ent~usi~sm was shown. It is with great regret that I had to accept her reSJgnatIOn on her leaving the Island. . . In the West Indies a new Centre of the ASSOCiatIOn has been formed to cover the Leeward Islands a,nd results have already been most satisfactory, with classes starting in. a number of places where they have not been run before. In the WlOdward Islands a new Centre was set up in St. Lucia and the Association in Gr~nada ~as reorg~nised;. in St. Vincent, first aid instruction for the Pollce contmues satJsfactonly. Mrs. Davie-Smith, the Order's Organiser in the West Indies, has moved her Headquarters to Jamaica where the recent reorganisation is proving satisfactory. A Centre has been opened in British Honduras and work there has progre ed so satisfactorily that it h~s already been po.ssi?le to form a unit of the St. John Ambulance Bngade. Great credIt IS due to the Chairman and Secretary for this very encouraging start. In Malaya the new Secretary has been very successful in reorganising the Centre, and the results of his efforts are shown in the number of classes run and the entbu iasm with which our work is regarded. In the Sudan , I will, unfortunately, be losing Captain Kifford in 1955, and my very gra teful than ks are due to him for all he has done to stimulate classes during the la t six year. He has found a Sudanese successor to take over from him, who is a fir t-aider of many years standing and, as Scout Master, was selected to go to the Scout Jamboree in England last year. He is also a lay lecturer for the Association. Otber centres, which have hown progress during the year, are North Borneo, which has been conducting a strenuous drive for funds with the object of building permanent headquarters in Jesselton and Tawau. This has been successful and in both places the buildings will be soon under construction. In Mauritius, regular courses of instruction in first aid are held, with the result that recruitment to the St. John Ambulance Brigade is steadily increasing. Arabic speaking countries are showing an increasing interest in our work. With the support of His Excellency the Governor, the Centre in Aden has been reorganised and it is also hoped that they will be able to co-operate in training the Arab Levies in first aid. There are a number of first aid classes for Police Cadets, teachers and students and at a home nursing course for "purdah" ladies 120 attended the first lecture. The classes in Kuwait continue to be extremely popular and there is a waiting list of students. In Briti h Somaliland classes continue and we are getting most encouraging support from the Police and the Director of Education. In Beirut great interest has been shown in our Arabic textbook and members of the American Point Four Administration, a prominent local medical practitioner and a member of the American University, are reported to be giving first aid instruction based on this book. Other items of interest were the visit of Madame Malakul, the wife of the Siamese Representative at U.N.E.S.C.O., to enquire about our organisation with a view to starting something similar in her own country. From Cambodia we received a request from a representative of W.H.O. for assistance and advice on first aid training and have arranged for a supply of textbooks to be sent. There are a number of classes in first aid run in Nyasaland and the appointment of a member of
the Police Force as a lay lecturer has made arrangements for instruction much easier. The Police in Bechuanaland Protectorate have shown interest in our work and are understood to be planning first aid instruction for their personnel. A first aid Class has also been held in Montevideo under Association auspices. In order to expand our activities overseas, it was decided to introduce a lay lecturer's certificate for home nursing. This can now be acquired in the same way as that for first aid, after an examination to test the candidate's ability to instruct. It is hoped that this facility will encourage more classes in this subject. COMPETITIONS During the year new competitions were introduced for employees of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, and for the first time the annual competitions of the National Fire Brigades Association were held under our rules. The winners of the National Competitions held under the auspices of the Association, were as follows:-
COMPETITIONS FOR MEN Teams Competing National Police . British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Railways and London Transport (Railways) British Transport Commission Police Miners' National First Aid Competition Ministry of Supply Centre United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . National Fire Brigade Gas Industry General Post Office Centre
Winning Teams Birm ingham City Police Brighton Exmouth Junction Exeter Whitlock No.1 Colliery Elstow Windscale Chiswick (L.T.E.) Great Yarmouth Eastern North Area T.M.O.
Perrott Shields took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 18th Nove~ber at the Porchester Hall. Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.~., the Chan~llor of the .Or~er of St. John, kindly presented the Trophies and Medallions. The wmmng teams were:MEN :- National Police (Birmingham City Police). WOMEN :- St. John Ambulance Brigade (Brighton Nursing Division). The Mayor and Mayoress of Paddington, Executive Officers of the Order and representatives of all the organisations which had teams . .. . competing, were present on the platform. I should like to extend my thanks to the AssocIated Bntlsh PIcture Corporation Ltd., who have so ge~e~ously arranged t~e stagin& for the Grand Prior's Trophy CompetltlOns and the vanous NatlOnal Competitions, which we held during the year. Th.ere is ag~in an en~ourag ing increase in the number of teams and competltors taking part m competitions. In the various eliminating rounds of National Competitions over 8,750 competitors representing 1,750 teams took part as compared with 8,500 and 1,700 respectively in 1953. The Association is deeply grateful to all who have acted as judges at these competitions and to the stewards and patients, who have so generously given of their time and without whom they would not be possible. The co-operation and help so willingly given are an inspiration to all concerned with the organisation of these events.
STAFF The staff at Headquarters have shown their usual keenness and enthusiasm in handling our affairs. Despite many difficulties and continued lack of personnel, I wish to pay tribute to the expedition with which matters are handled. Owing to the common shortage of clerical staff, it has not always been possible to maintain our office at its full strength. This, however, has been overcome by various means and we hope that in 1955 we will be able to have a complete staff. I would like to record my thanks to my staff for their devotion and the cheerful manner in which they carry out their duties.
CONCLUSION COMPETITIONS FOR WOMEN British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Railways and London Transport Railways Ministry of Supply Centre United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . General Post Office Centre
Swindon Glasgow Elstow Aldermaston Chiswick (L.T.E.) South West Area T.M.O.
The winners of the above competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the Dewar and
I would like to record my thanks and sincere appreCIatIOn of the invaluable and unfailing help given me by my Committee, who are always ready to give me the benefit of their knowledge and experience. I am also most grateful to members of the Medical and Nursing professions, who have devoted so much of their valuable time to the instruction and examination of classes and also to the many Centre and Class Secretaries, who have sacrificed their leisure time to organise classes and develop the activities of the Association. HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.
The Brigade continued to carry out its manifold duties to the public in its usual reliable manner and the following figures of duties and cases in England and Northern Ireland give some idea of the scope of these:-
In England, Northern Ireland and those overseas Territorie directly under my command 125 new Adult Division and 157 new Cadet Divisions were formed. There has been an increase/decrease in personnel and the trength of the Brigade at 31 st December, 1954, was:-
Divisions England and N. Ireland Wales
Ambulance Nursing ],173 1,683
Combined 114
Total 2,970
Ambulance 35,618
Nursing 19,273
Total 5~,891
1,953 622
1,316 443
132 26
3,40 t 1,09 t
41,470 13,834
21,578 R,237
63,04 22,071
2,854 462 46
1,868 95
India Pakistan
4,890 557 51
73,268 12,266 1,608
32,410 105,67 1,929 14,195 94 I , 70~
Grand Totals.
34,433 121,575
57 9
2,260 325
21,')5"\ 4,016
Priories Overseas . Other Overseas Territories
Per anne!
Dirisions AI1·bulance Nursing England and Ireland Wales Overseas Priories . Other Oversea Territories India Pakistan Grand Totals .
1,228 141
1,150 207
1,369 320
1,420 205
1,755 40 1
ursing 3~,697
Tulai 56,650 7,519
2,585 529
25,969 6,653
38,200 7,701
64,169 14,354
3,243 245 7
34,045 4,437 186
47,3\0 592 31
81,355 5,029 217
66 "2
The above represents an overall increase of 69 Division and 4,605 personnel. I am glad to report that included in these totals is an increase of 117 Brigade Surgeons and 38 Nursing Officers. The Brigade was greatly honoured on the occasion of the Cadet Rally in Hyde Park when H.R.H. Princess Margaret, Commandant-in-Chief of Cadets, carried out the Inspection, and on the occasion of the Brigade Final Competitions when H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester, Deputy Commandant-in-Chief of Nursing Divisions, presented the trophies and awards. DUTIES
The outstanding duty of the year was on the occasion of the return of H.M. The Queen from her overseas tour, when 2,000 members of the Brigade were on duty, treating 500 casualties. The Brigade overseas also performed splendid service at the various places visited by Her Majesty.
Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties . Clinics urserie. . Blood Transfu ion Nursing Aid Miscellaneous
Cases Treated On Public Duty. Off Public Duty. Invalids removed . o. of Road Accident o. of Other Accident
Hours 2,094,837 1,060,157 377,468 33,945 2,663 33,248 176,298 314,819 195,176 254,250 325,627 32,870 11,169
I had the pleasure of visiting the following places :-Bermuda, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad, Grenada, Tobago, British Guiana and Barbado. I found everywhere a keen interest among members and a sincere de ire to carry forward the work of the Brigade. There are, of course, many difficulties which to a greater or lesser degree hamper the development of our work but everywhere I have visited I have found that great efforts are being made to further our activities and I feel sure that there will be increased trength as time goes on. OTHER INSPECTIO lS
During the year I carried out Inspections in 11 Counties and in addition other Inspections were undertaken by the Deputy Commissionerin-Chief and the Surgeon-in-Chief. In most cases the Inspecting Officers were accompanied either by the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, the Controller Overseas, the As istant Superintendent-in-Chief, the Chief Nursing Officer or the Chief Officer Nursing Cadets. CONFERE CES
The Commissioners' Conference was held at St. John House on the 25th June. These representative gatherings have proved very valuable and I propose to hold them annually. The two Surgeons' Conferences, in Harrogate and London, were again very successful. Many Conferences and Courses were held in various parts of the country and whenever possible Headquarters representatives attended. TRAINING
The following Headquarter Courses were held:County/Area Secretaries and Treasurers' Course, February. Cadet N.C.O.'s Course, 5th/7th March. Junior Cadet Officers' Course, 10th/ 12th December.
As the numbers in the Reserve increase, so consequently does the administrative work and once again Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn and those responsible in the counties for the N.H.S.R. have responded magnificently to the effort.
The Brigade final competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 19th June 1954. On this occasion the presentation of trophies was made by H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester. Winner of the Dewar Shield-Wolverton Ambulance Division (Bucks.). Win?er of the Perrott Shield-Brighton Nursing Division (Sussex). . The WInners of the Dewar and Perrott Shields represented the Brigade In th~ Gra~~ .Prior's troph~ Competitions in November. The Brighton Nur~In~ DIVISIOn came top In the Women's Section of the Competitions -WInrung the Horsham Bowl and the Wolverton Ambulance Division came second in the Men's Section of this competition. .The Cadet final competitions were held at the Central Hall, WestmInster, on the 20th March, 1954, when the trophies and prizes were presented by General Sir Brian Robertson. CIVIL DEFENCE
During the year under review all Ministries and Authorities connected with Civil Defence have been studying the new problems created by the exis~ence and possible use of the Hydrogen Bomb and the danger ?f destructIOn on c: larger scale than with which the present organisation IS capable of dealing. In these studies the Brigade has taken part as regar~s t~e ~uture of First Aid organisation and training. As far as orgarusatIOn IS concerned new arrangements have been made to extend the function of caualty collection and the old Ambulance Section now becomes th~ Ambulance and Casualty Collecting Section. The Home Office has CIrculated Local Authorities asking them to make every endeavour to use our Divisions as teams within the Corps under their own leaders. The for~ation of Mobile Columns was also studied this year. The C~luII~.ns wIll ~e composed of personnel dealing with Rescue, Fire FIghtIng and FIrst Aid: I~ is consid~r~d possible that the Brigade may be called upon to aSSIst In the traInIng of First Aid. Apart from the re-organisation that is taking place in the Civil Defence C?rps ~h~ whole t~aining programme is being revised. The new First Aid .tr~InIng .syllabi have been studied by the Brigade and the B.R .C.S., but It IS not likely that they will be published until the summer or autumn of 1955. Throughout the year we have sent a number of senior officers and other officers to the Civil Defence Staff College and officers from Headquarters have attended as observers the discussions on the future reo~ganis~tion of the C.D. Corps. The number of Civil Defence full FIrst Aid Classes carried out by the Brigade as agents of the Association is still increasing. ' NATIONAL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE ~ecruitment
for the N.H.S.R. has continued to make progress and dunng 1954 the number of auxiliaries enrolled through the Brigade was 2,775.
Mobile First Aid Units have now been formed all over the Country, and ~embers of the N.H.S.R. have taken part in many Civil Defence ExerCIses.
Cadet Officer E. W. Jones, New Tredegar Cadet Division, Priory for Wales. LIFE SAVING MEDAL IN BRONZE
Cadet Corporal Robert Clelland, George F. Brown Ambulance Cadet Division, County of Leicester. Cadet Leonard Reynolds, Roehampton Ambulance Cadet Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATES
Corporal J. Proctor, Skegness Ambulance Division, County of Lincoln. Private F. Epton, Skegness Ambulance Division, County of Lincoln. Private F. B. Jones, Wrexham Ambulance Division, Priory for Wales. (Special certificate). Private F. Calpin, Renishaw Park Colliery Ambulance Division, County of Derby. Private H. Cree, Newark Fire Brigade Section, County of Nottingham. Corporal L. H. Evans, Clydach & District Ambulance Division, Priory for Wales. Cadet Officer Roy Ie Mesurier, Guernsey Student Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Sergeant N. Bluett, Dawdon Ambulance Division, County of Durham. JUBILEE CERTIFICATES
Goole Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Blyth Ambulance Division, County of Northumberland. Cramlington Ambulance Division, County of Northumberland. Woodstock Ambulance Division, County of Oxford. Horwich Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Accrington Corps, Duke of Lancaster's District. Accrington "A" Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Accrington Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Hull (Pier) Ambulance Division, East Riding of Yorkshire. Hebden Bridge Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Stewarts & Lloyds Ambulance Division, County of Worcester. Dudley Ambulance Division, County of Worcester. Halifax Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Howarth Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Chirk Ambulance Division, Priory for Wales. Hasland & Grassmoor Colliery Ambulance Division, County of Derby. Batley Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Batley Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Stoke Ambulance Division, County of Stafford. Northwich Ambulance Division, County of Cheshire. Gippeswyk Ambulance Division, County of Suffolk. City of Gloucester Ambulance Division, County of Gloucester. Palmerston North Nursing Division, The Priory in New Zealand.
Countess Mountbatten of Burma, as Chairman of the Service Hospitals Welfare Department, reports that in Commands in the United Kingdom an? Overseas, 139 Welfare Officers are now serving, of which 40 are Bngade members who are posted as follows:United Kingdom . . . 17 Japan 2 British Army of the Rhine 7 East Africa 1 Middle East 6 West Africa . 1 Far East .... 6 During her tour of the Commonwealth, Her Majesty the Queen visited the Royal Air Force Hospital at Aden and the Welfare Officer there had the honour of being presented to her. In March, during a short intensive tour of Singapore and Malaya, Countess Mountbatten was able to visit our Welfare Officers in all S~rvice Hospitals in these areas as well as visiting the small Royal Naval SIck Bay.s, M.R.S.'s and Royal Air Force Station Sick Quarter. Whilst she was In .Malta, she had the opportunity at various times during the year of seeIng the work done by our Welfare Officers in Malta itself as well as in hospitals in the Canal Zone, Cyprus and North Africa. I~ both Far ~ast and Mi.ddle ~ast Commands she was much impressed wIth the adIDlrable way In which our work for the Services was being carried out. In the s,!mmer, the Dir~ctor of the Department, Miss Nancy de Mierre accompallled by the Chief Welfare Officer made an extensive tour visiting our Welfare Officers in Hospitals in East Africa Aden th~ Canal Zone, Cyprus, North Africa and Malta. The stan'dard of the work through?u~ was high and it was gratifying to hear on all sides of the apprecIatIOn by the Service authorities on the excellent work being done by the Chief Welfare Officer and the Welfare Officers in all Medic~l Unit~. In East Africa, Miss Eileen Woolrich, who i a Brigade member, IS makIng a very able Senior Welfare Officer of the Command. 0:u r work has increas~d with the additional troops drafted in to cope wIth Mau Mau terronsts' activities and it is hoped shortly to post an ex.tra Welfare Officer. to the Station Hospital, Nanuyki, which is in the IDlddle of the operatIOnal area. In the Canal Zone, three hospitals will ~lose down before the end of the year owing to the decrease of troop ~n the area. Our St. John and Red Cross H.Q. will move into Cyprus In the autumn of 1955 and the remaining hospitals will close in the following year. I~ .West Africa, ?ur work has made great strides during 1954. In addItIOn to the Semor Welfare Officer at Accra who is responsible for the administration of the whole Command a second Welfare Officer Miss.Doris Wilkes, ~ Brigade J?~J?ber, was p'osted to Kaduna in Njgeria~ She IS al.so responsIble for v~sltmg the :M ilitary Hospital in Lagos at frequent Intervals .. The splendId work these Welfare Officers are carrying out among the Afncans has been much appreciated. NURSING DIVISIONS
In t~e main report I have included matters covering all sections of the Bngade. I should, however, like to include the following extract from the report of the Superintendent-in-Chief:"Last year the report made reference to outstanding events such
as Her Majesty's Coronation and the tragic East Coast Floods. This year I have to report on a less eventful year, but, nevertheless, one in which steady hard work has been carried out. Although less spectacular there is no indication of any diminution in the duties undertaken. "I am glad to say there seems to be an increasing interest throughout the Brigade in work for old people. Darby and Joan Clubs are being started in various parts of the country and I am indeed pleased that the Nursing Divisions are taking an active interest in this very essential work. "Conferences for Presidents were arranged in several counties, and Mrs . Grosvenor attended those in Sussex, the West Riding and Northern Ireland, where she had the pleasure of meeting many of our Presidents. Mrs. Romer-Lee attended the Birmingham Conference. "I was particularly glad to be able to take the Chair for the County Superintendents' Conference at St. John House as it was the first held for a number of year. Practically every county was represented at this Conference. "June of thi year brought the end of the triennial period with consequent changes amongst County Superintendents (N). Special mention must be made of the following who have given so many years of fine service to the Brigade and whose resignations have been accepted with very real regret. The length of their service mu t urely con titute a record:Mrs. Manley, County Superintendent for Cambridgeshire, 21 years' ervice, Mrs. Oakley, County Superintendent for Cornwall, 40 years' service, Miss ~aber, County Superintendent for Gloucestershire, 38 years' serVice, Mrs. Young, County Superintendent for Isle of Man, 14 years' service, Dr. Danby, County Superintendent for Somerset, 33 years' service, Miss !lubbard, County Superintendent for Sussex, 40 years' serVice, Mrs. Porter, County Superintendent for Worcestershire, 16 years' service, Mr . Edwards, County Superintendent for E.R. Yorkshire, 33 years' service, Mrs. Johnstone, District Superintendent for N. Ireland, 39 years' service. "I am happy to report that both Mrs. Young and Mrs. Manley, who are now living in London, are assisting in the London district. "As always, I feel particularly grateful to my County Superintendents for their devoted service and excellent leadership in their counties as well as for the ready co-operation we at Headquarters always receive from them. "I would like to express my deep appreciation of the loyal support given by all at Headquarters. Mrs. Grosvenor, as my Deputy, has carried the full responsibility for the administration of the Nursing Divisions, in my absence overseas, with the most outstanding success; I would like to place on record my sincere gratitude
for the fine leadership she has given and for the heavy volume of work she has undertaken. She has been most ably assisted by Mrs. Romer-Lee who has assumed responsibility for all matters connected with the Joint Committee at this Headquarters and also for the Hospital Car Service. We are delighted that Lady Brecknock, as Chairman of the House Committee of St. John House, now has a closer link with the nursing personnel. Miss Harrison has put in yet another magnificent year's work but greatly misses the valuable assistance given her by Miss Thornton during the last seven years. Unfortunately, Miss Thornton had to leave in November and we were all extremely sorry to lose her." SURGEO -I -CHIEF'S DEPARTME T
The Surgeon-in-Chief, in writing on the year's actIVItIes, states:"There have been 191 new appointments as Brigade Surgeons while, through deaths, resignations, transfers to the Reserve, etc., we have lost 74; giving a net increase of 117. This increase has been maintained over the last few years and is most encouraging considering the increased work of Doctors at the present time. "Agreement has been reached on the Haversack kit for Ambulance members and the new kit and container for Nursing members, and a suggested kit has also been agreed for members on Public Duties. "At the London Conference a presentation was made to Mr. E. T. Milburn on his retirement as Conference Secretary after many years of service. I am happy to welcome Mr. G. Craft as the new Conference Secretary. "From time to time I have taken the opportunity of conducting Examinations in First Aid and Home Nursing to get an idea of the standard of efficiency in the Brigade and I am happy to say that there is a gradual improvement since the war period. "The revision of the Brigade Surgeons' Handbook is now completed and will shortly go to press." CADETS
The Cadet Rally in Hyde Park held on 24th July, to which I have already referred, was an outstanding success. Eight thousand Cadets from all parts of the country paraded before H.R.H. Princess Margaret, who reviewed the Parade from a Land Rover, presented some seventy awards and took the Salute at the March Past. It was very gratifying to have on Parade a party of Officers and Cadets from Malta. At the invitation of the Commissioner for Malta twenty Cadets and four Officers spent a fortnight in Malta in August. The American Trophy for Gallantry was awarded to Student Corporal J. Price of the Grays Ambulance Cadet Division. The interest in Cadet work arising from the Saturday Morning Cinema Clubs is evident by the fact that there are now one hundred and thirtyfour Divisions formed within these Clubs. KING GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP TRAINING MEMORIAL
The St. John Cadet Organisation, among others, has been selected to receive a grant in connection with the King George VI Leadership Training Memorial which is designed to associate the name of his late Majesty with Youth Work in which he was so keenly interested. Plans for the organisation of special Training Courses have been made and will come into effect next year.
The expansion overseas is continuing and there has been an increase of 39 Adult and 14 Cadet Divisions. With regard to the work in each country:-
COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA The work of the Brigade in Rhodesia continues to flourish . and a new Adult Division and a new Cadet Division were formed dunng the year. Some re-organisation has take~ place. which wi~l b~ ?f h~lp ~nd I am more than satisfied that the Bngade IS well ma.mtammg ItS high standard of efficiency and service. CEYLON The Brigade in Ceylon has added to its strength by th~e~ !lew Ambulance Divisions, one Nursing Division and fo~r Cadet DI":I~lOns. The outstanding duty of the year was the occaslO~ of the VISI~ of H.!'1 ..The Queen when the Brigade performed public duty, havmg mamtamed some nineteen First Aid Posts. . The President of the Brigade, Viscount Soulbury, left Ceylon III July, and H.E. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke has kindly agreed to become the new President. Colonel Jayawardana, the Commissioner, ha~ ~he honour .of accompanying Her Majesty The Queen as Equerry on her VISIt to Australia. I regret that after many years ?f ?t. John ~ervice Mrs. Attfield had to resign her appointment as DIstnct Supenntendent (N) and I am glad to welcome Mrs. Ross-Bell as her successor. BRITISH WEST INDIES During my visit I was gratified to find that considerable progress had been made since my last visit in 1951. I was very glad to be accompanied for the greater part of my tour by Sir Harold Mitchell .whose work as Liaison Officer of the Order has proved so valuable. It IS also a matter for gratification that the Order has agreed that Brigadier P. J. T. Pickthall should carry out tours of the Windward an~ Leeward. Islands as Headquarters representative to encourage and aSSIst the Bngade. Bahamas I regret that Colonel Wyndham Verrall the Commissioner of Police and the first St. John Commissioner to be appointed for the Bahamas has left the Colony. Barbados The Brigade under the leadership of Mr. ~~l~iams can now ?e said to be well established and a new Ambulance DIVISIOn has been registered. We are fortunate in that we have the advantage of the assistance of Brigadier Pickthall, at one time Commissioner of the Brigade in Grenada, as Chairman of the st. John Council for Barbados. Bermuda While there has been no change in the number of Divisions in Bermuda, Mrs. Davie-Smith, the Headquarters Organiser, has reported on the smartness of the members on Parade. Mrs. Davie-Smith was able to spend two weeks in Bermuda on her way to take up her appointment in Jamaica. It is hoped to acquire a Headquarters building in the near future.
British Guiana The Brigade here is increasing its trength and ~wo Ambulance, and one Nursing, Divisions have been registered dunng the year. A. .St. John Council has been formed and several successful money ralsmg efforts held. British Honduras This is a newly formed District of the Brigade and efforts are being made to increase the strength. Fir t Aid Classes have been held following which H.E. The Governor very kindly presented succe ful candidates with their Certificates. Mr. L. H. Outram has been appointed Commissioner and I welcome him to this responsible appointment. An Ambulance has been purchased for use in B lize where it should perform most useful work. Grenada I am pleased to welcome Mr. H. W. D. Scott as Commissioner in place of Brigadier Pickthall to whom I have referred earlier. Jamaica The reorganisation of Jamaica into four Districts has now been carried out successfully, and with the appointment of Mrs. Davie-Smith as Headquarters Organiser for Jamaica for a period of two years, there should be an increase in activity and scope of the Brigade. The four Districts of Jamaica are S.E. Jamaica, where Dr. Hoerman continues his long and valuable service as Commissioner, assisted by Miss Stephens as District Superintendent (N); N.E. Jamaica where Captain L. R. Mandeville-Ellis has been appointed Commissioner with Lord Ronald Graham as Deputy Commissioner; N.W. Jamaica where Mr. H. C. Cahusac has been appointed as Commissioner with Mr. G. B. Quayle, O.B.E., as Deputy Commissioner; and S.W. Jamaica under the Commissionership of Mr. C. C. Michelin. Trinidad and Tobago The Brigade in this recently formed District has been making rapid growth and this year two new Ambulance Divisions, one Nursing Division and one Combined Division have been formed. Two Ambulances have been acquired and it can be said that the organisation is now on a sound basis. The Brigade has carried out duty on many occasions and also taken part in the Queen's Birthday Parade. Mrs. Davie-Smith left last June at the conclusion of her duty and can look back with pleasure in the knowledge that her work was greatly appreciated. Following the departure of Col. Bridgman we were fortunate in obtaining the services of Mr. R. J. W. Struthers as Commissioner. Leeward Islands I was very gratified that in August of this year the Leeward Island District of the Brigade was officially formed under the Commissionership of Lt.-Colonel E. M. V. James. The main activities are so far centred in Antigua and are already spreading to Montserrat, Virgin Islands and st. Kitts and with the great interest and enthusiasm being shown I am very hopeful that good progress will be made. BRITISH WEST AFRICA A start has been made in the development of St. John work by the appointment of Mr. P. J. McGill, M.B.E., B.E.M., a former member
of the Palestine Police, as Headquarters Organiser. Mr. McGill is at present based on Lagos but he will. be touring Sierra Leone and .the Gold Coast. He will endeavour to mterest all branches of the Police, Mines Industry and various public organisations with a view to c~m mencing Lay Lecturers and First Aid Classes and the ev~ntual fo~mat~on of units of the Brigade. He has reported that great mter~st IS bemg shown in the places he has already visited and that the. project ha~ ~he support of H.E. The Governor and the Police and MedIcal AuthOrItIes. Gold Coast The formation of a District of the Brigade was officially approved in November 1954, under the Commissionership of Mr. M. K. N. Collens. Sierra Leone There has been no change in the position here and we were very glad to have a visit in England this year from the Commissioner, Mr. W. G. Syer.
BRITISH EAST AFRICA Kenya Much good work has been done by members of the Brigade in Kenya. I am glad to know that the bravery and devotion to duty of Divisional Officer L. Tavare has been recognised by the award of the Order's Life Saving Medal. It is hoped that a new Headquarter building will be available for the work of the Brigade. Major and Mr Gerrity (Mrs. Gerrity is a member of the Brigade in E ex and was Headq uarter Organiser in Singapore) have been selected at the reque t of the Kenya Government as Welfare Officers in a youth rehabilitation camp. Similarly, the Brigade was also asked to select a nurse to work in the Kikuyu reserves, and Miss E. Lamb was chosen and left for Kenya in November. I was glad to see Sir Godfrey Rhodes, the Commissioner, during his visit to England. .. . Tanganyika There has been no change in the strength of the Bngade In TanganYIka but great efforts are being made towards raising the funds necessary for the building of a Headq uarters. Uganda In Uganda where Mrs. Waters is the Headquarters Organiser, Dr. J. M. Caldwell has been appointed as Commissioner following the retirement of Mr. Sharp who has given so many years of St. John service. The Brigade was on duty during the Royal visit. Zanzibar There has been no change in the strength of the Brigade. FIJI I am glad to know that Her Excellency Lady Garvey has accepted appointment as District Superintendent (N). There is every hope that the erection of a Headquarters building may soon be accomplished.
FAR EAST Hong Kong The Brigade in Hong Hong continues to increase its already high standard of strength and efficiency. Members of the Brigade have performed many public duties and the Penetration Squads have continued their valuable clinical work in the outlying islands and rural areas.
Gibraltar f D' . . . G 'b It There has been no change in the number .o . IVlSlOns In 1 ra ar, but their strength and efficiency is being mamtaIne~. Members of ~he Brigade were honoured by meeti ng H.R.H. The Pnncess Royal dunng her visit.
Malaya At the request of the Malayan Government it has been agreed that the Relief Teams shall continue probably until the end of 1957. At present there are 20 members working in Malaya and the work they are doing is recognised as being of the greatest value. The Countess Mountbatten of Burma visited Malaya in February and inspected the Relief Teams and the Brigade in Kuala Lumpur and also inspected the Brigade in Ipoh on which occasion she was accompanied by the Hon. Mrs. Leslie Gamage, the County Superintendent . (N) for Berkshire, who was visiting Malaya. The strength of the Brigade has increased by the form ation of ten Ambulance Divisions, three Nursing Divisions and four Cadet Divisions. North Borneo The members of the Brigade attended the Queen's Birthday Parade following which a message of congratulations was received from the Chief Secretary's Office. I am glad to welcome Mr. C. D. Evans as Commissioner. Singapore I regret that the Commissioner, Dr. Haridas, has had to give up his appointment and I am glad to welcome Dr. P. C. Kwan as Commissioner. It is indicative of the growing strength of the District that on the occasion of the visit of Countess Mountbatten a Parade of some 1,700 members of the Brigade was held and she commented on the efficiency and high standard. Five new Cadet Ambulance Divisions and two Cadet Nursing Divisions have been formed.
MAURITIUS The Brigade in Mauritius is steadily increasing in strength and activity. Regular courses in First Aid and Home Nursing were organised during the year from which it is hoped new members may be recruited. Members of the Brigade have carried out Public Duty and I am glad that it has been possible to promote Mr. N. P. Hadow to the rank of Commissioner.
MEDITERRANEAN Cyprus Very great progress has been made in Cyprus where nine new Ambulance Divisions, six new Nursing Divisions and two Cadet Divisions have been formed. I am very glad to welcome Dr. G . F. Sleight as the new Commissioner, who takes over the splendid work already done by Mr. Ashmore. The Headquarters Organiser, Mrs. Harrold, has now returned to England after putting in most valuable work.
M alta, G.c. . . . . h f th 0 d The Brigade contin ues to fl ounsh 10 thIS anclen t. orne 0 e r er and great keenness has been shown by all ranks dunng the year. There was much regret by the Brigade at the departure of the ~ountes s Mountbatten who has been a great inspiration and help dunng the years she . .. . .. has been living in Malta. The work of the D istrict WIll be facilitated by the acq~SltIO n ?~ a new Ambulance presented by M r. Warner of t~e Associated ~ntlsh Picture Corporation Ltd., the old Ambulance bemg converted m to a mobile canteen. . . The Brigade was very happ~ to be able to perform public duties on the occasion of the Royal VlSlt. SE lOR OFFICERS
I regret very much that Dr. J. R. Hanna, the Commissioner for Jers~y; Major-General C. W . Toovey, the Commissioner for Su:-rey, ar: d Major J. W . Young, the Commissioner for the Isl~ of Man, dle~ dunng .1 954. They had given splendid service to the Bngade and therr loss WIll be greatly felt. . As 1954 marked the end of the Triennial Penod there have bee~ a number of changes in the commands ?f the ~ounties and I should lIke to expres my appreciatio~ of the se.rv~ces which have been rendered to the Brigade by the followmg CommissIOners who gave up office on the 24th June:Brigadier C. E. Hudson, E.S. & N. Devon. Dr. J. Lamberton, Cumberland and We tmorland. Major E. S. Burt-Hamilton, Duke of Lancaster's D istrict. Captain T. G. Lowe, County of Leice ter. Dr. Hugh Powell , County of Somerset. D r. John Clayre, Hampshire. Major-General J. M. L. Renton, County of Sussex. We are fortunate that it is fo und po ssible to appoint able success?rs to the above and I welcome to their respective po sitions the followmg new Commissioners :Major J. M. S. Pasley, County of Surrey. Captain Guy Malet de Carteret, Jersey. Lieut.-Colonel H. C. E. Routh, E.S. & N . D evon. Captain J. L. Johns, Cumberland and Westmorland. Colonel V. F. Royle, Duke of Lancaster's District. Lieut.-Colonel A. W. S. Armitage, County of Leicester. Colonel C. T. Mitford-Slade, County of Somerset. Colonel W. P. S. Curtis, Hampshire. Lieut.-Colonel K. B. Hicks, County of Sussex.
I need hardly say that it would not be possible to carryon the work of the Brigade without the loyal support and help of the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, the Superintendent-in-Chief, and ner Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, and Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, Mrs. RomerLee. I am deeply grateful to the Surgeon-in-Chief, Major White Knox, his Deputy, Dr. Scott, and the Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. Buchanan, and to the Chief Nursing Officer, Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn. To the Countess Brecknock I am also grateful for her work as Controller of the Overseas D€partment. The continued growth of the Cadet Movement has meanE an ever increasing burden on the Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief, Brigadier Ritchie, and the Chief Officer Nursing Cadets, Miss Cunard, on whom so much of the detailed organisation work has fallen. The success of the work carried out by Lady Braithwaite is by now well known to all the Brigade and this success is due to her never flagging zeal and efficiency. I am particularly grateful to my Deputy, Brigadier T. D. Daly, not only for his continued help but also for undertaking my duties during my overseas tours. Although, fortunately, the Brigade has not been called upon for held in any great disasters during the year, nevertheless, the continued day by day service has been carried out with unselfish devotion to duty on the part of members of the Brigade of whatever rank and I am very proud of this splendid work being done both at home and overseas. (Signed) O. M. LUND, Lt.-General, Commissioner-in-Chie!
Gibraltar . . . . G· b It There has been no change in the n.umber .of plvlslOns 1ll I ra ar, but their strength and efficiency is bemg mamtamed. Members of the Brigade were honoured by meeting H.R.H. The Princess Royal during her visit. Malta, G.c. . . . . h f hOd The Briaade continues to flOUrish m thIS anCIent orne 0 t e r er and great keenness has been shown by all ranks during the year. There was much regret by the Brigade at the departure of the ~ountess Mountbatten who has been a great inspiration and help dunng the years she has been living in Malta. . .. The work of the District will be facilitated by the acq~SltlOn ?~ a new Ambulance presented by Mr. Warner of t~e ASSOCIated ~ntlsh Picture Corporation Ltd., the old Ambulance bemg converted mto a mobile canteen. . . The Briaade was very happy to be able to perform public dutles on o .. the occa ion of the Royal Vl It. SE lOR OFFICERS
I regret verv much that Dr. J. R. Hanna, the Commissioner for Jers~y; Major-Gener~l C. W. Toovey, the Commissioner for Su!"rey, aI?-d Major J. W. Young, the Commis ioner for the I l~ of Man, dle~ dunng .1954. They had given splendid service to the Bngade and therr loss Will be greatly felt. As 1954 marked the end of the Triennial Period there have bee~ a number of chanaes in the commands of the counties and I should llke to express my appreciatio~ of the se.rv~ces 'Nhich have been rendered to the Brigade by the followmg CommlsslOners who gave up office on the 24th June:Brigadier C. E. Hudson, E.S. & N. Devon. Dr. J. Lamberton, Cumberland and We tmorland. IvIajor E. S. Burt-Hamilton, Duke of Lancaster's District. Captain T. G. Lowe, County of Leicester. Dr. Hugh Powell, County of Somerset. Dr. John Clayre, Hampshire. Major-General J. M. L. Renton, County of Sussex. We are fortunate that it is found possible to appoint able success?rs to the above and I welcome to their respective positions the followmg new Commissioners:Major J. M. S. Pasley, County of Surrey. Captain Guy Malet de Carteret, Jersey. Lieut.-Colonel H. C. E. Routh, E.S. & N. Devon. Captain J. L. Johns, Cumberland and Westmorland. Colonel V. F. Royle, Duke of Lancaster's District. Lieut.-Colonel A. W. S. Armitage, County of Leicester. Colonel C. T. Mitford-Slade, County of Somerset. Colonel W. P. S. Curtis, Hampshire. Lieut.-Colonel K. B. Hicks, County of Sussex.
I need hardly say that it would not be possible to carryon the work of the Brigade without the loyal support and help of the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, the Superintendent-in-Chief, and ner Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, and Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, Mrs. RomerLee. I am deeply grateful to the Surgeon-in-Chief, Major White Knox, his Deputy, Dr. Scott, and the Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. Buchanan, and to the Chief Nursing Officer, Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn. To the Countess Brecknock I am also grateful for her work as Controller of the Overseas D€partment. . The continued growth of the Cadet Movement has meant an ever increasing burden on the Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief, Brigadier Ritchie, and the Chief Officer Nursing Cadets, Miss Cunard, on whom so much of the detailed organisation work has fallen. The success of the work carried out by Lady Braithwaite is by now well known to all the Brigade and this success is due to her never flagging zeal and efficiency. I am particularly grateful to my Deputy, Brigadier T. D. Daly, not only for his continued help but also for undertaking my duties during my overseas tours. Although, fortunately, the Brigade has not been called upon for held in any great disasters during the year, nevertheless, the continued day by day service has been carried out with unselfish devotion to duty on the part of members of the Brigade of whatever rank and I am very proud of this splendid work being done both at home and overseas.
REPORT OF THE ALMONER The Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society has the very extensive duty of caring for the disabled ex-service personnel of the two Great Wars and also those who have been disabled in post-war hostilities in the Far and Middle East, and ex-P.O.W. from Korea. It provides, under its Emergency Help and After Care Department, advice and assistance; grants and loans of money to help in financing business and other enterprises calculated to make the disabled selfsupporting; clothing for the aged; medical comforts for the sick; sanatorium treatment in Switzerland for certain classes of tuberculosis; motor vehicles and motor attachments to enable disabled men and women to get to and from work; and it keeps in tmlch with re-patrialled P.O.W. During the year some 81,000 people have been helped with their various problems. Through the Hospital and Medical Services Department, the Joint Committee maintains and supports a number of hospitals and institutions throughout the country. The Convalescent Home for Officers at Brighton, the total admissions during the year were 256. Some beds are reserved for women officer and members of the Order, Brigade, Society and for women employees of the Parent Bodies and the Joint Committee. Scio House Hospital for Officers at Putney, for tuberculosis patients. During the pa t year 36 patients were admitted. There is a very close liaison with the King Edward VII Sanatorium at Midhurst. Queen Alexandra Convale cent Home at Weybridge, Surrey, is open to women of the same categories as those admitted to Brighton, with the addition of State Regi tered Nurses. This Home has continued its good work, but certain di advantages were becoming pronounced so the Joint Committee has bought Bramshott Lodge, near Hindhead. As soon as it is ready for occupation, the residents from Weybridge will be transferred to it. Queen Alexandra House at Folkestone is a rest-house, not a permanent Home. Four hundred and eight guests stayed there during the year; 230 of whom were State Registered Nurses, 55 St. John Ambulance Brigade, 101 came from the B.R.C.S., and the remaining 22 miscellaneous. Headington Hill Hall, Oxford, is a rehabilitation centre for head injury cases: 141 patients have been admitted during the year. Instruction is given in carpentry, gardening, poultry-keeping and other occupations The settlement for paraplegics at Lyme Green in Cheshire teaches clock and watch repairing, carpentry and boot and shoe repairing. Five new bungalows and 12 garages are under construction and when finished, accommodatjon will be provided for 29 married and 12 single settlers. Also in Cheshire is the East Lancashire Tuberculosis Colony at Barrowmore, where 40 married and 46 single men are accommodated and looked after. Near Watford in Herts., is the Kytes Settlement for paraplegics. Here there are 40 bungalows. Thanks to their motor-chairs and motorcars, 30 out of the 40 tenants are able to enjoy full employment outside the settlement. In Norfolk there is a thriving community near Norwich for severely disabled ex-service men. A first-class library service is provided free to ex-service pensionerpatients in all our homes and in hospitals at home, and to service patients in British Service Hospitals at home and overseas. A similar library service, on an agency basis, is also provided in over 1,230 civilian
(Signed) O. M. LUND, Lt.-General, Commissioner-in-Chief
hospitals. The Hospital Library Department not only provides the books, magazines and periodicals, but also trains and uses members as librarians and bookbinders. State Registered Nurses are helped by the Joint Committee through its Training Scheme Sub-Committee, by the provision of annual scholarships for post-registration courses in advanced SUbjects. The Ambulance Department maintains a fleet of ambulances, 118 of which are stationed throughout the country on duties unconnected with the National Health Service. These carried nearly 15,600 patients and covered about 300,000 miles in the course of the year. The Minister of Health has acknowledged the value of the assistance freely rendered by the Voluntary Organisations within the framework of the National Health Service, and the Joint Committee's ambulance, in this section of their activities, have carried 16,172 patients and covered over 346,000 miles in the year. The Mobile X-Ray Section of this Department has continued its valuable and highly technical work. Finance.-The activities of the Joint Committee, some of which have been outlined above, call for considerable expenditure. Th~ main source of the Committee's funds comes from the allocation made to it by the Joint War Organisation on 31st October, 1944, of £6t million. This sum is .ultimately expendable, both as to interest and capital; but it was estimated that calls would be made upOQ. it for at lea t 30 years -the calls being greater in the earlier years and gradually decrea ing as time elapsed. It reflects very great credit on those re ponsible for the direction of the Finance, that for the ten years, 1944-1954, the u m sp~nt was approximately £2 million, and thus in keeping with their estimate. R. L. LOYD.
REPORT OF THE ALMONER The Joint Committee of the Order of St. John .and the Briti~h Red Cross Society has the very extensive duty of canng for the dIsabled ex-service personnel of the tw~ .qrea.t Wars and also t.hose who have been disabled in post-war hostIlitIes In the Far and MIddle East, and ex-P.O.W. from Korea. It provides, under its Emergency Help and After Care I?epartm~nt, advice and assistance; grants and loans of money to help .In financmg business and other enterprises calculated to make the dIs~bled selfsupporting; clothing for the aged; medical c.omforts for the sIck; san.atorium treatment in Switzerland for certaIn classes of tuberculosIs; motor vehicles and motor attachments to enable disabled men and women to get to and from work; and it keeps in tOt:lch with re-patria~ed P.O.W. During the year some 81,000 people have been helped wIth their variou problems. . Through the Hospital and Medical Services Department,. th~ J~)lnt Committee maintains and upports a number of hospItals and InstltutIOns throughout the country. The Convalescent Home for Officers at Brighton, the total admissions during the year were 256. Some beds are reserved for women officers and members of the Order, Brigade, Society and for women employees of the Parent Bodies and the Joint <:oIillIljttee. Scio House Ho pital for Officer at Putney, for tuberculosIs patIents. During the pn t year 36 patients were admit~ed. There. is a very close liaison with the King Edward VII Sanatonum at Mtdhurst. Queen Alexandr3. Convale cent Home at Weybridge, Surrey, is open to women of the same categories as those admitted to Brighton, with the addition of State Registered Nur e. Thi Home has continued its good wo~k, but certain disadvantages were becoming pronounced so the JOInt Committee has bought Bramshott Lodge, near Hindhead. As soon as it is ready for occupation, the residents from Weybridg.e will be transferred to it. Queen Alexandra House at Folkestone IS a rest-house, not a permanent Home. Four hundred and eig~t guests stayed there during the year; 230 of whom were State Reglstered Nurses, 5~ .St. John Ambulance Brigade, 101 came from the B.R.C.S., and the reI?aIn~ng 22 miscellaneous. Headington Hill Hall, Oxford, is a rehabIlitatIOn centre for head injury cases: 141 patients have been admitted during the year. Instruction is given in carpentry, gardenin.g, poultry-keeping a~d other occupations The settlement for paraplegICS at Lyme Green III Cheshire teaches clock and watch repairing, carpentry and boot and shoe repairing. Five new bungalows and 12 garages are under construction and when finished, accommodation will be provided for 29 married and 12 single settlers. Also in Cheshire is the East Lancashire Tuberculosis Colony at Barrowmore, where 40 married and 46 single men are accommodated and looked after. Near Watford in Herts., is the Kytes Settlement for paraplegics. Here there are 40 bungalows. Thanks to their motor-chairs and mot?rcars 30 out of the 40 tenants are able to enjoy full employment outSIde the ;ettlement. In Norfolk there is a thriving community near Norwich for severely disabled ex-service men. A first-class library service is provided free to ex-service pensionerpatients in all our homes and in hospitals at home, and to service patients in British Service Hospitals at home and overseas. A similar ~b!~ry service, on an agency basis, is also provided in over 1,230 CIvilian
MUSEUM AND LIBRARY REPORT There have been no outstanding new publications concerning the Order this year, but a very interesting pamphlet 'Numismatique de l'O,:dre de Saint-lean" by H. C. Zeininger de Borja was published in SWItzerland. Although brief, this work adds considerably to our information on the Order's coinage. The number of visitors to the Library and Museum in 1954 was just on 2,500; compared with the total for 1953 this represents an increase of 400. The inclusion of St. John's Gate in several recent guide books probably accounts for this increase. Among distinguished visitors were the Governor of Malta, H.E. Major-General Sir Robert Laycock, K.C.M.G., C.B., D .S.O., the Governor of Jamaica, H.E. Sir Hugh Foot, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., O.B.E. and Mr. Jorgen Tvevad, Librarian to the Danish Parliament. The acquisition of more space in the Library and better facilities appears to have attracted a number of research students: these include historians, archivists, writers and artists . . It is a pleasure to report that during 1954 great progress was made III the department. Mr. Theodore Veevers-Thompson, B.A., and Miss Daphne Edmonds, B.Sc., have been appointed Curator and Assistant Curator respectively, and Mr. Gilbert Barker, formerly Librarian to the Hospital Libraries Department, has been temporarily attached to the staff; his readiness to undertake any duty has been greatly appreciated.
hospitals. The Hospital Library Department not only provides the books, . magazines and periodicals, but also trains and uses members as librarians and bookbinders. State Registered Nurses are helped by the Joint Committee through its Training Scheme Sub-Committee, by the provision of annual scholarships for post-registration courses in advanced subject. The Ambulance Department maintains a fleet of ambulances 118 of which are stationed throughout the country on duties unc~nnected with the National Health Service. These carried nearly 15,600 patients and covered about 300,000 miles in the course of the year. The Minister of Health has acknowledged the value of the assistance freely rendered by the Voluntary Organisations within the framework of the National Health Service, and the Joint Committee's ambulances in thi section of their activities, have carried 16,172 patients and cove;ed over 346 000 miles in the year. The Mobile X-Ray Section of this Department' has continued its valuable and highly technical work. Finance.-The activities of the Joint Committee, orne of which ha e been outlined above, call for considerable expenditure. The main source of the Committee's funds comes from the allocation made to it by the Joint War Organisation on 31st October, 1944, of £61 million. This sum is .ultimately expendable, both as to interest and capital; but it was estImated that calls would be made upon it for at least 30 :) ears -th.e calls being greater in the earlier years and gradually decrea ing as tIme elapsed. It reflects very great credit on those re pon ible for the direction of the Finance, that for the ten years, 1944-1954, the urn sp~nt was approximately £2 million, and thus in keeping with their estImate. R. L. LOYD.
The re-cataloguing of the coin collection is almost L:ompleted and good progress has been made with the re-cataloguing of the books and pamphlets. A new bookcase has been purchased and there is now less overcrowding. The cleaning of the pictures has been continued; two large views of Malta and a representation of the Head of St. John the Baptist have been completed this year. Through the generosity of Mr. L. McCormickGoodhart the lighting of the pictures in the Chapter Hall has been improved. Our collection of Brigade relics continued to expand. A fine set of three obsolete uniforms of a county surgeon has been acquired, and bonnets, capes, and other pieces of uniform have been kindly presented by Miss E. M. Coleman, Miss M. Crampton, Mrs. L. Dare and Mrs. E. Johns. Another intere ting addition is the full dress uniform of a Chief Commissioner for Overseas for which we are extremely grateful to Sir James Sleeman. The thanks of Chapter General have also been extended to Count H . C. Zeininger de Borj a, Dr. A. Berghman, Surgeon-Lieutenant J. Lawrance-Owen, R.N., E. A. \X/heble, Esq., Chevalier H. P. Scicluna, the Lord Webb-Johnson, N. Long-Brown, Esq., and J. Tvevad, Esq. Finally, it i with the profoundest sorrow that r have to note the death on the 15th November, 1954, of Major Edward Keith-Roach, C.B.E., Knight of Grace. Major Keith-Roach was a keen and active member of the Library Committee which he joined in 1942. He will be adly missed. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Librarian. THE PRIORY IN SCOTLAND
MUSEUM AND LIBRARY REPORT There ?ave been no outstanding new publications concerning the Order thIS year, but a very interesting pamphlet "Numismalique de l'O:dre de Saint-Jean" by H. C. Zeininger de Borja was published in SWItzerland. Although brief, this work adds considerably to our information on the Order's coinage. The number of visitors to the Library and Museum in 1954 was just on 2,500; compared with the total for 1953 this represents an increase of 400. The inclusion of St. John's Gate in several recent guide books probably accounts for this increase. Among distinguished visitors were the Governor of Malta, H.E. Major-General Sir Robert Laycock, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O., the Governor of Jamaica, H.E. Sir Hugh Foot, K.C.M.G., K .C.V.O., O.B.E. and Mr. Jorgen Tvevad Librarian to the Danish Parliament. The acquisition of more space in the Library and better facilities appears to have attracted a number of research students: these include historians, archivists, writers and artists . . It is a pleasure to report that during 1954 great progress was made m the department. Mr. Theodore Veevers-Thompson, B.A., and Miss Daphne Edmonds, B.Sc., have been appointed Curator and Assistant Curat9r respectively, and Mr. Gilbert Barker, formerly Librarian to the Hospital Libraries Department, has been temporarily attached to the staff; his readiness to undertake any duty has been greatly appreciated.
The service of dedication and opening of St. John's House- a Home for worki~g mothers and their children-took place on the 22nd June. The opemng was preceded by a service of dedication in Christ Church Trinity, attended by the Prior, Members of Chapter and Members of the Order and their guests. The Prelate. was assisted in the service by the Rev. R. J. Stokoe, Rector of Chnst Church, and the Rev. James M. Rennie, M.A., Chaplain to St. John's House. Dr. Warr, in his address, said that St. John's House would express the conception of the Hospital or Hospice which for centuries had been at the heart of the Order of St. John and that the Order had brought reality to the vision of those who had contemplated such a Home. After the service the Prior and Members of Chapter and all in attendance w~lked from the Church to Lennox Row where the ceremony of the opeOlT?g of the Home took place. Sir Andrew Murray, Chairman of the Edmburgh C;:ol!lmittee, asked the Prior to accept the agreement between the ASSOCIatIOn for Working Mothers and the Order. The Prelate laid his hand upon the wall of the house and asked God's Blessing upon it and "all those who minister within." The ceremony concluded with the opening of the door of St. John's House by The Lady Marjorie Dalrymple, a Dame of the Order and a member of the Edinburgh Committee. '
The Annual C01il1memoration Service, the General Assembly and Investiture of the Order was held in Edinburgh on 23rd of June, when there was a record attendance of members and guests at the variou services. The day began with the celebration of Holy Communion in the Moray Aisle Chapel of St. Giles's Cathedral. The service wa conducted by the Prelate, assisted by the Chaplains of the Order. Later in the forenoon a meeting of Priory-Chapter wa held in the City Chambers after which members of Chapter were entertained to lunch by Bailie T. Curr, representing the Lord Provost, and the Magi trates of the City of Edinburgh. After lunch members of Chapter robed and, preceded by the Magistrates of Edinburgh in their robe of office, processed to St. Giles's Cathedral for the Commemoration Service. The address was given by the Prelate, the Very Rev. Charle L. Warf, who was assisted during the service by the Sub-Prelate, Dr. Nevile Davidson. At the conclusion of the service, the procession returned to the City Chambers for the General Assembly and Inv~stiture. The Marquis of Aberdeen, Prior of Scotland, in welcoming tho e attending, said the members of the Priory were proud of their record in the pa t and it was up to the present generation to prove worthy of those who had gone before. After receiving the reports of the Executive Officer, the Prior of Scotland held an Investiture, following which he presented Certificate of Honour for Life Saving. In the evening the Lord Provost held a reception and dance in the Banqueting Hall of the City Chambers. We are deeply indebted to the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh, not only for the delightful and most enjoyable finish to yet another impre ive St. John's Day, but for their kind hospitabty to Priory-Chapter and to members and guests of the Priory of Scotland.
The Committee have continued maintaining and equipping two Medical Comforts Depots in the Glasgow District during the past year. In addition to this the Committee has made donations during the year to the Priory of Scotland, the Foundation Hospital, Glasgow, and the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem. The Committee are greatly indebted to Sir Alexander B. King who arranged a Cinema Sunday for the benefit of the funds of the Committee over a year ago and is now making arrangements for a further Cinema Sunday. THE EDINBURGH COMMITTEE
The Edinburgh Committee continues its several voluntary and charitable works. It meets regularly through its sub-committees and has gained for the Order a definite place in the charitable and social spheres of the capital. The Hospice at Carberry is in its fifth year and continues to fill a vital role among the old and those who are freed from hospital treatment.
The re-cataloguing of the co~n collection is almost completed and good progress has been made wIth the re-cataloguing of the books and pamphlets.. A new bookcase has been purchased and there is now less overcrowdlllg. The cleaning of the pi,ctures has been continued; two large views of Malta and a repr~sentatIOn of the Head of St. John the Baptist have been completed ~hlS year. Through the generosity of Mr. L. McCormick900dhart the lightmg of the pictures in the Chapter Hall ha b seen Improved, Our collection ?f Brigade relics continued to expand. A fine set of three obsolete umforms of. a county surgeon has been acquired, and bonne,t , capes, and other pI~ces of uniform have been kindly presented by MIss E. M. Cole~an, ~ISS M. ,~rampton, Mrs. L. Dare and Mrs. E. ,Johns. A.no,ther Jnterestlng additIOn is the full dress uniform of a ChIe,r CommISSIOner for Overseas for which we are extremely grateful to Sir James Sleeman. The tha~~s of Chapter. General have also been extended to Count C. ZeInlllger de Borja, Dr. A. Berghman, Surgeon-Lieutenant J. awrance-Owen, R.N" E. A. Wheble, Esq., Chevalier H. P. Scicluna the .Lord ~e?b-J?hnson N. Long-Brown, Esq., and J. Tvevad Es ' Flllally, It IS With the profoundest sorrow that I have to note t~~ death on t~e 15th November, 1954, of Major Edward Keith-Roach C.B.E., Knight o~ Grace. Maj.or Keith-Roach was a keen and activ~ member of. the LIbrary Committee which he joined in 1942 H '11 be sadly mt sed. . e WI RICHARD WILLIAMS
The se:-vlce of dedication and opening of St. John's House-a Home for workl~g mothe~s and their child~en-took place on the 22nd June. ~~e ,openmg wa p~eceded by a serVlce of dedication in Christ Church nnOltYd' attendded ~y the Prior, Members of Chapter and Members of th e r er an theIr guests. The Prelate. was assisted in the service by the Rev R J St k ~ec~or of <;hnst Church, and th~ Rey. James M. Rennie, ·M.A., 'Cha~l~i~ S IdJOhn s House. Dr. W~rr, m hIS address, said that St. John's House ~~~u . eXbr~s b the conceptIOn of the Hospital or Hospice which for nes a een at t?e heart of the Order of St. John and that the Ordher hHad brought reallty to the vision of those who had contemplated suc a orne.
da~J~e~~f~e~e~~~c~ t~~ ~~or ahnd Members of Chapter and all in at tenthe open in of the H urc to Lenno~ Row where the ceremony of of the Edi;bur h om~ took place. SIr ,Andrew Murray, Chairman between th Ag ~oJ?1mlttee, asked the Pnor to accept the agreement Prelate laide hisSsoClatIOn for Working Mothers and the Order. The Blessin u . hand "upon the wall o~ .the house and asked God's concluJed P~~hl\~nd al~ those who mInIster within." The ceremony Lady M . , D e opemng of the door of st. John's House by The the Ed' abr]orhie C a lrYI?ple, a Dame of the Order and a member of m urg omffilttee. ' I
The number of residents during the year was 337 and the average cost per head per week was £4 Is. Od. The Hospice has attracted wide atte~tion and est~blished a sound reputation for comfort, care and efficIency, and reSIdents come to it from all over Scotland. The new St. John's House at Lennox Row provides ideal home conditions for an average of eight mothers and their children and it is extensively :,isit~d by social workers from all spheres of interest. ApprecIatlOn IS recorded to the rr:any donors of gifts to the Hospice and H?use and to the general publlc who support the activities of the Order 10 the east of Scotland to an ever increasing degree, including the annual Flag Day.
The Annual Commemoration Service, the General A sembly and Investiture of the Order was held in Edinburgh on 23rd of June, when there was a record attendance of members and guests at the variou services. The day began with the celebration of Holy Communion in the Moray Aisle Chapel of st. Giles's Cathedral. The service was conducted by the Prelate, assisted by the Chaplains of the Order. Later in the forenoon a meeting of Priory-Chapter was held in the City Chambers after which members of Chapter were entertained to lunch by Bailie T. Curr, representing the Lord Provost, and the Magistrates of the City of Edinburgh. After lunch members of Chapter robed and, preceded by the Magistrates of Edinburgh in their robes of office, processed to St. Giles's Cathedral for the Commemoration Service. The address was given by the Prelate, the Very Rev. Charles L. Warr, who was assisted during the service by the Sub-Prelate, Dr. Nevile Davidson. At the conclusion of the service, the procession returned to the City Chambers for the General Assembly and Investiture. The Marquis of Aberdeen, Prior of Scotland, in welcoming those attending, said the members of the Priory were proud of their record in the pa t and it was up to the present generation to prove worthy of those who had gone before. After receiving the reports of the Executive Officer, the Prior of Scotland held an Investiture, following which he pre ented Certificate of Honour for Life Saving. In the evening the Lord Provost held a reception and dance in the Banquetjng Hall of the City Chambers. We are deeply indebted to the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh, not only for the delightful and most enjoyable finish to yet another impressive St. John' Day, but for their kind hospitality to Priory-Chapter and to members and guests of the Priory of Scotland.
During the year the thoughts of the Aberdeen Committee have centred, for th~ most pa:t, on the work of the St. John Nursing Horne and on the ~aJor ex.tenslOn programme, which has been made possible by the mag01fice~t ~Ift of a house from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. ThiS gift, together with the gift of £3,000 from the same dono~, compl~t~ly. alters the outlook for future developments and opens up wide POSSlblllties. During ~he year ~10 patients were admitted to the Home: 623 attended as out-patient .. ~lgl:lres show that the demand for nursing home treatmen~ and ame0111e . l~ as urgent as ever. Fees of patients in the Home contlOue to be subsidised and the work of the Nursing Home supported to the ext~nt of approximately £1,000 per annum, all due to the efforts of the Fnends of St. John. In. the beginning of the year, at the request of Major M. V. Hay, Chauf!1an of the Local Committee of the Order of St. John, a small committee met to formulate a cherne to consider a proposal to establish a rest hom~ for the benefit .of the eld~rly rr:embers of the community. The committee, after considerable dlscusslOn and deliberation put forward two schemes for consideration by the Aberdeen Committee of the Order. These schemes are for the moment held in abeyance.
The Committee have continued maintaining and equipping two Medical Comforts Depots in the Glasgow District during the past year. In addition to this the Committee has made donations during the year to the Priory of Scotland, the Foundation Hospital, Glasgow, and the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem. The Committee are greatly indebted to Sir Alexander B. King who arranged a Cinema Sunday for the benefit of the funds of the Committee over a year ago and is now making arrangements for a further Cinema Sunday.
f The <?rder of St. !ohn Foundation Hospital which is the principal oundatlOn of the Pno~y .of Scotland reports continued success. T~e number. of admlsslOn~ during 1954 has exceeded those in any prevlOu~ year S1l1ce the. HospItal was opened in 1947. During the year 39~ patIents wer~ admitted to the Hospital and 396 were discharged, whIle .31 out-p~tlents received treatment: 288 minor operations and 48 Tf aJor op~ratlOns we~e perforn:ed and 92 medical cases were treated. h le. H~spltal Committee, anxlOUS to maintain the charitable and b umaOltanan characteristics of the Order's work, is pleased to have eenlablel to ke~p the fees charged to necessitous patients at their previous 1aow sli eve. h . OWlOg. to ncreasmg expense. It has been necessary to make . hg t. mcrease m the charges for malOtenance to patients under the h Ig er mcome groups. The nurs~ng staff salar~es have been upgraded to conform with the rresent W}hItl.ey Scale, whIle the domestic staff have had a wage increase o meet t le mcre~sed cost of living. Thanks are agalO due to the Linen Guild for its excellent work in 1"
The Edinburgh Committee continues its several voluntary and charitable works. It meets regularly through its sub-committees and has gained for the Order a definite place in the charitable and social spheres of the capital. The Hospice at Carberry is in its fifth year and continues to fill a vital role among the old and those who are freed from hospital treatment.
'- ., ...,. '
maintaining the linen, furnishings and domestic e9uipment and for the generous donation of £100 to the funds of the HospItal. .The G~asgow Committee have under consideration schemes. for finan~Ial aSSIstance to the hospital in the coming yea~ and the HospItal CommIttee expresses its grateful thanks to these commlttees. A legacy of £3,000 for the endowment of a ward has been offered and accepted from the !rustees of the. late Dr. W: K. Anderson, to whom the Committee WIsh to express ItS deep gratItude.
The number of residents during the year was 337 and the average cost per head per week .was £4 Is. Od. The J:iospice has attracted wide attention and estabhshed a sound reputatIOn for comfort, care and efficiency, and residents come to it from all over Scotland. The new SL John's House at Lennox Row provides ideal home conditions for an average of eight mothers and their children and it is extensively visited by social workers from all spheres of interest. Appreciation is recorded to the many donors of gifts to the Hospice and House and to the general public who support the activities of the Order in the east of Scotland to an ever increasing degree, including the annual Flag Day.
The Guild report with deep regret the death of the President, The Lady Margaret MacRae of Feoirlinn, O.B.E., D.SLJ ., J.P .. The Count~ss of Lindsay, D.SLJ., has agreed to become the new PresIdent and WIth her wide knowledge of the work carried out in the Order, should prove a worthy successor. . , . A large and very successful 'Yhist Dnve. :vas held .m Gla go\'.. Thl is being repeated during 1955, w:th the addItIOn of Bndge tables . ~any smaller functions were held WIth the help of members and fnend . There has been an excellent response to the Silver Paper Appea l. The Hospital linen has been repaired and. k~pt up to standard ; crockery replaced and some furniture and furnIshIngs purchased. A s u ua l. the Guild arranged for the Christmas decorating . and presents were gl\'en to the patients, nursing staff and the domestlc staff.
This important foundation of the Priory has carried out a traditional part of the work of the Order through the medium of over thirty depots situated in widely scattered areas throughout Scotland. From ~he~e depots sick-room requisites ~ay b~ borrowed- a ~u~h needed aId In the homes of the sick, espeCIally m the poorer dlstncts. The thanks of the Priory are again extended to all those ~ho .volu~ tarily give so much of their time and servj~e in co-operatIng In thIS branch of the work of the Order. The serVIce of the .G~asgow <:=,ommittee in equipping and maintaining the two depots withm the city is gratefully acknowledged. THE LIBRARY
The rotograph and transcript of th~ manuscript .in the Register House dealing with the lands of the regal:ty of To~phlchen about 1600 has been used considerably by students mterested m the study of the lands of the Order in Scotland. To them it may be of interest to note that the MS. collections in H.M. Register House dealing with the Templelands (see Livingstone's Guide to the Public Records of Scotland, p. 197) have now been supplemented by a manuscript pre~ented by t.he late Marquess of Lothian along with his Newbattle mumments. ThIS deals with Templelands in Roxburghshire. Mr. Alex. G. McLeod of Darvel has generously presente~ to the Library part of his transcript .rrom ~he C~artulary of Torphichen-a rare volume in the National Llbrary III Edmburgh. From Mr. Fenton Wyness in Aberdeen we have an account of the rediscovery of St. John's
During the year the thoughts of the Aberdeen Committee have centred, for the most part, on the work of the SL John Nursing Home and on the major extension programme, which has been made possible by the magnificent gift of a house from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. This gift, together with the gift of £3,000 from the same donor, completely alters the outlook for future developments and opens up wide possibilities. During the year 410 patients were admitted to the Home: 623 attended as out-patients. Figures show that the demand for nursing home treatment and amenities is as urgent as ever. Fee of patients in the Home continue to be subsidised and the work of the Nur ing Home supported to the extent of approximately £1,000 per annum, all due to the efforts of the Friends of St. John. In the beginning of the year, at the request of Major M. V. Hay, Chairman of the Local Committee of the Order of St. John, a small committee met to formulate a cherne to consider a proposal to establish a rest home for the benefit of the elderly members of the community. The committee, after considerable discussion and deliberation, put forward two schemes for consideration by the Aberdeen Committee of the Order. These schemes are for the moment held in abeyance. THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN FOUNDATIO
The Order of St. John Foundation Hospital which is the principal foundation of the Priory of Scotland reports continued success. T~e number. of admissions during 1954 has exceeded those in any prevlOu~ year smce the Hospital was opened in 1947. During the year 39~ patIents were admitted to the Hospital and 396 were discharged, while .31 out-p~tients received treatment: 288 minor operations and 48 major operatlOns were performed and 92 medical cases were treated. The Hospital Committee, anxious to maintain the charitable and humanitarian characteristics of the Order's work, is pleased to have been able to ke~p the ~ees charged to necessitous patients at their previous low. level: Owmg. to mcreasing expense it has been necessary to make a s11ght Increase m the charges for maintenance to patients under the higher income groups. The nurs~ng staff salaries have been upgraded to conform with the present Whitl.ey Scale, while the domestic staff have had a wage increase to meet the mcreased cost of living. Thanks are again due to the Linen Guild for its excellent work in
maintaining the linen, furnishings and domestic equipment and for the generous donation of £100 to the funds of the Hospital. The Glasgow Committee have under consideration schemes for financial assistance to the hospital in the coming year and the Hospital Committee expresses its grateful thanks to these committees. A legacy of £3,000 for the endowment of a ward has been offered and accepted from the Trustees of the late Dr. W. K. Anderson, to whom the Committee wish to express its deep gratitude. THE LINEN GUILD
The Guild report with deep regret the death of the President, The Lady Margaret MacRae of Feoirlinn, O.B.E., D.St.J., J.P. The Countess of Lindsay, D.St.J., has agreed to become the new President and with her wide knowledge of the work carried out in the Order, should prove a worthy successor. A large and very successful Whist Drive was held in Gla gow, Thi is being repeated during 1955, with the addition of Bridge tables . Many smaller functions were held with the help of members and friends. There has been an excellent response to the Silver Paper Appeal. The Hospital linen has been repaired and kept up to standard; crockery replaced and some furniture and furnishings purchased. As u Hal the Guild arranged for the Christmas decorating and presents \ ere given to the patients, nursing staff and the domestic staff.
This important foundation of the Priory has carried out a traditional part of the work of the Order through the medium of 0\ er thirty depots situated in widely scattered areas throughout Scotland. From these depots sick-room requisites may be borrowed-a much needed aid in the homes of the sick, especially in the poorer districts. The thanks of the Priory are again extended to all those who voluntarily give so much of their time and service in co-operating in this branch of the work of the Order. The service of the Glasgow Committee in equipping and maintaining the two depots within the city is gratefully acknowledged. THE LIBRARY
The rotograph and transcript of the manuscript in the Register House dealing with the lands of the regality of Torphichen about 1600 has been used considerably by students interested in the study of the lands of the Order in Scotland. To them it may be of interest to note that the MS. collections in H.M. Register House dealing with the Templelands (see Livingstone's Guide to the Public Records of Scotland, p. 197) have now been supplemented by a manuscript presented by the late Marquess of Lothian along with his Newbattle muniments. This deals with Templelands in Roxburghshire. . Mr. Alex. G. ~cLeod of Darvel has generously presented to the LIbrary part of hIS transcript from the Chartulary of Torphichen-a rare volume in the National Library in Edinburgh. From Mr. Fenton Wyness in Aberdeen we have an account of the rediscovery of St. John's
Well, which is to be re-erected on the frontage of 24 Albyn Place, the headquarters of the Committee of the Order in Aberdeen, and also a valuable article on the Knights of St. John in Deeside. Lt.-Col. Gayre has sent us some copies of the official monthly review published by the Sovereign Order in Malta containing articles upon the history of the Order in the British Isles. One of these (October, 1938) contains an interesting contribution on the Preceptory of Torphichen. Recently we have acquired by purchase a copy of the very rare Bibliographie Methodique de ['Ordre Souverain de St. Jean de Jerusalem, by Ferdinand de Hellwald. The manuscript history of the Order in Scotland, written by Dr. Angus MacDonald, M.A., has been in considerable demand and in view of this, and because it is undesirable to possess only a single copy of a work which "goes out" not infrequently, it is proposed to have another typescript copy made. THE FRIE DS OF ST. JOH , ABERDEEN
With the important gift of the large house No. 24 Albyn Place to the Aberdeen Committee of the Order, a new and exciting avenue of support for the work of the Friends of st. John is now opened. The Friends have been allocated the whole of the ~elf-contained semibasement and, in turn, have undertaken to pay for all the alterations, decoration and furnishings of these premises and to maintain them in the future. This year the work of the Friends has further expanded and strengthened. Once again the Committee presents an excellent donation list and is greatly indebted to all those whose interest and effort have produced such satisfactory results. The Friends Fund continues to subsidise the fees of patients in the St. John Nursing Home who require such help, and the public is beginning to realise with growing appreciation the ideals and achievements of the Friends. THE FRIE DS OF ST. JOH , EDINBURGH
The Friends of St. John organisation was 'created in Edinburgh a year ago. The title chosen by the Aberdeen Committee for its associate body being adopted with their good wishes. It has been a year of building up and the membership has arisen to around 120. Various activities have been undertaken, both individually and collectively, and during this first year we have raised a total of £500.
. Inst.ruction in First Aid, Home Nursing and the other allied subjects whIch awards of the St. John Ambulance i\ssociation are obtainable was provided for 19,155 persons in 1,165 classes held under the auspices of the Priory during the year. Of those who submitted themselves to examination, 16,483 students were successful.
The general field of activity followed the usual pattern, bringing in the Brigade membership, various groups of industrial workers and private individuals actuated by a purely disinterested desire to practise what the St. John Ambulance Association teaches. In the agricultural sphere, however, more interest has been shown in First Aid and throughout Wales, Secretaries of the County Federations of Young Farmers Clubs have been put in touch with appropriate St. John representatives with a view to the availability of instructional facilities being brought to the notice of their memberships. The Priory came into line with Headquarters in limiting the validity of the voucher which is awarded to holders of Fir t Aid certificates taking their first re-examination. As from 1st January, 1955, vouchers will cease to be valid three years after the date shown thereon; and, as in the case of a certificate holder who does not pas a re-examination within three years, the holder of a voucher which has lap ed will be required to take a full course of lectures and pass an examination to requalify for a voucher. The reduced stock of the First Aid in Coal Mines textbook nece _ sitated a decision being taken on the alternative measure of reprinting or revising the manual in the light of certain changes recommended by Divisional Medical Officers of the National Coal Board. A complete revision was undertaken by the Priory at the request of the Hcadq uarter of the st. John Ambulance Association, which recogni e the Priory Revision Committee for all purpo es in connection with First Aid in the coal-mining industry, and the new textbook will be available in 1955. Two special lectures for mineworkers qualified in Fir lAid \ ere organised by the Priory on behalf of the South Wales Di vi ional Coal Board. A representation from every colliery in the Division was im ited to either Cardiff or Swansea, according to the location of the colliery, to hear a fine address on the treatment of pinal injuries by an acknovvledged authority on the subject. It is with regret that we report the retirement of the secretary of the Associa60n Department, Miss L. Harry. STUDE TS WHO ATTENDED COURSES OF JNSTRUCTIO
CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS GAINED 1954 2,856 First Aid Certificates. . 3,742 Preliminary First Aid Certificates 1,108 Vouchers . 127 Marine Certificates . Home Nursing Certificates. . 350 591 Preliminary Home Nur~ing Cert~ficates Preliminary Home Hyglene CertLficates 72 Child Welfare Certificates . . . Preliminary Child We~fare Certificates . . ' . 66 Hygienic Food Handllng and Clean Handltng of Food 34 First Aid in Mines Certificates . 189 First Aid in Mines Labels 18 Medallions 890 Labels. 5,790 Pendants 750 Total
First Aid Preliminary First Aid Home ursing Preliminary Home Nursing Preliminary Home Hygiene Child Welfare Preliminary Child Welfare Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food Mining Total
1952 15,215 5,3 23 1,633 506 28
75 8 205
1953 12,455 4,672 1,515 532 36 18 70 173 212
101 289
1953 2,762 3,814 1,141 125 594 425 34 10 64 109 169 16 821 5,929 712
228 4 952 6,069 650
1952 5,154 4,479 1,125 108 695 391 28 95
CLASSIFICATIO OF RESULTS U DER COUNTIES No. of Classes. o. of Students. Awards Gained. 1954 1953 1952 1954 1953 1952 1954 1953 1952 Anglesey. 9 11 8 100 179 147 149 157 140 Breconshire . . 50 45 49 567 530 729 487 449 568 Caemarvon hire . 45 45 40 667 602 608 575 515 539 Cardigan hire . 24 26 23 374 431 494 321 344 419 Carmarthenshire. 97 81 91 1,447 1,644 1622 1,273 1,315 1,460 Den bigh Ime 72 82 761,1671,327 1,358 1,0491,1401,300 Flintshlre . 27 35 28 304 512 527 274 422 452 Glamorgan . 309 285 355 5,259 4,716 6,419 4,571 4,149 5,497 Merioneth hire . 15 19 17 233 31 I 259 184 266 226 Monmouth hire . 175 I 8 186 2,997 3,072 3,773 2,434 2,583 3,075 Montgomery hire 36 36 30 480 482 520 383 431 435 Pem brokesh ire II 22 19 329 385 364 269 323 309 Radnorshire . 5 3 3 56 56 54 37 48 47 Aberdare . 59 55 61 1,21 1,2431 ,501 1,0251,0301,261 Cardiff . . 67 66 58 9981,1841,057 9571,026 991 Merthyr T) dfil 30 30 35 447 532 731 445 439 658 ewport . 25 34 31 5\4 508 582 318 449 495 Rhondda. 57 58 71 1,020 982 1,478 768 750 1,146 Swansea . 51 49 52 943 947 838 809 735 820 Unattached 1 I 2 35 40 34 28 29 32 Marine Candidates 127 125
Total 1954 12,220 4,553 ],261 707 78
1,165 1,171 1,235 19,155 19,683 23,095 16,483 16,725 19,978
A steady rate of progress is maintained in the comparative summary of membership set out below, which shows that an increase of 248 on the previous year has brought the numerical strength to 15,008. The least satisfactory feature is the drop of 143 in the adult male section, but the adult nur ing strength is 73 up, while there are increases of 240 and 78 in the nursing and ambulance totals respectively. It is hoped that the welcome appointment of a Chief Nursing Officer, in the person of Miss S. C. Bovill, S.R.N., S.C.M., President of the Royal College of Nursing for the current year, who already held office as Matron of the Priory for Association purposes, will stimulate the appointment of more Nursing Officers of Divisional, CorDS and County rank throughout the Brigade. .
There were 27 new units formed during the year, comprising 2 Ambulance, 5 Nursing, 2 Combined Ambulance and Nursing, 8 Cadet Ambulance, 9 Cadet Nursing, and 1 Combined Cadet Ambulance and Nursing. On the other hand, 2 Ambulance, 1 Nur ing, 2 Combined Ambulance and Nursing, 6 Cadet Ambulance and 3 Cadet Nursing Divisions were disbanded as inactive. Men Headquarter Staff . Commissioners . Centre Commissioners. Deputy Commissioners Deputy Centre Commissioners County Surgeons Centre Surgeons County Superintendents Centre Superintendent County Staff Officers Centre Staff Officers County Cadet Officers Centre Cadet Officers Area Commissioners Area Surgeons. . Area Superintendents Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officers. Area Cadet Officers Corps Officers Divisional Officers . N.C.O's. Privates .
Total Boys Cadets (including Officers). Junior Boys Corps and Divisions Corps . . . . . Ambulance Divisions . Nursing Divisions. . . Combined Ambulance and ing Divisions Cadet Ambulance Division Cadet Nursing Divisions. Combined Ambulance and ing Cadet Divisions.
18 2 10
Women Headquarter Staff County Superintendents Centre Superintendents County Nursing Officers County Staff Officers County Cadet Officers . Centre Cadet Officers Area Superintendents Area Nursing Officers Area Staff Officers . Area Cadet Officers Corps Officers Divisional Officers N .C.O's . Nursi ng Members
1 13
3 4 1 40 7
3 40
3 13
6 8
4 6
1954 1953 5 6 10 7 2 2 3 7 10 9 7 2 6 2 4 8 4 9 8 27 25 32 354 45 52 1,815 1,779
1954 1953 3,719 3,641 297 394
. . Nurs. . Nurs-
56 270 143 18 175 141
Ambulance Divisions
Ambulance and Nursing per onnel have responded well to the many and various demands which have been made upon their time and skill, as the following statistics sho w :H ours
1 1 17 13 10 10 213 189 729 793 432 481 4,305 4,377 5,852 5,995
(2) Special Areas Fund, viz. £5,300; and (3) South Western Divisional Board, N.C.B., viz. £5,500 (£500 each for six schemes, and £2,500 for another 22 halls), a total of £19,273 in the course of 20 years. In the case of new buildings the subsidy has never been more than a percentage, a large balance having to be found from divisional funds and Priory loans. The availability of outright grants, however, has put heart into the promoters. As the larger towns contain a number of units the needs of which can be satisfied by a single headquarters, 137 Divisions in Wales are today without a home of their own, while loaned or rented premises may meet their temporary requirements. Excluding 33 Ambulance Divisions which have no need of headquarters, the following table give the number of hall available by comparison with the Ambulance Divisions and total Brigade strength:-
2,305 2,232
Girls 1954 Cadets (includin2 Officers) 3, 132 Junior Girls. . 37 1 Personnel Men . Women Boys Girls.
1953 2,892 283 5,852 2 ,305 3,719 3,132
. 15,008
The exj~tence of a headquarters vested in the Priory Trustees, guarantees ~he stabilIty and permanence of a Division in the locality; and there ~s no better proof th~t the Brigade has come to stay. The total has mc:reased to 118 (100 m the south and 18 in the six northern counties). It IS not to be wondered at that the number in the South Wales coalfield is 85, 15 of them on colliery premises, serving 168 Ambulance Divisions and t~eir associated units with a strength of 8,477 men, women, boys and gIfls, because the value of the Brigade to the coal mining ind ustry has been ~enerously recognized by the assignment of grant-aid from the foll.owmg sources :-(1) Miners' Welfare District Committee, viz. £4,977 m respect of 16 halls, and £3,496 for the furnishing of 62 halls;
Public Duties . . Transport Duties . Hospital Duties . Nur ing Aid . Clinics . . . Blood Transfusion Miscellaneous Duties
93,863 74,969 21 ,069 2,650 467 1,467 10,642
Public Dutie . Transport Dutie Hospital Dut ies Miscellaneous. Nu rseries .
18,650 4,423 3,488 1,8 33 123
H ours
Hours Personnel engaged on full-time 36 Hospital duties . 19,859 Cases on Public Duty . 17,555 Cases off Public Duty . . 167,437 Treated by paid personnel Cadets
Engaged on full-time Hospital Duties . . . . . Cadets transferred to Adult Divisions . . Cadets taking upHospital Training. Medical Training . Nursery Training.
2 43 23 3 2
Under the headjng of Tran port, it is recorded that 24,431 invalids were removed, 496 road and 2,300 other accident dealt with involving 284,733 mile~ge, 81 Brigade members being employed on full-time transport dunes. Brigade units are responsible for 5 Road Boxes 3 Road Huts 8 Beach ' , Hut.s an~ 78 medical comforts depots. S~x Bngade units qualified in 1953 for the Jubilee Certificate on completlOn of fifty years' establishment, viz. Newport (Mon.) Corps, and Newpor.t Dock Street, Alexandra Docks, Newport Town Abergavenny and Chirk Ambulance Divisions. ' The Brigade event of the year was the Royal Review and H.R.H. the D.uchess of .Kent. received a great welcome on her two-day visit as Supenntendent-m-Chief for .wales to review the largest parades of Bng~de . personnel mustered m the Principality since her inspection in CardIff m 1?39. On July 17th, as the guest of Colonel Ririd Myddelton (Deputy Chie~ Commissi.oner for Wales) and Lady Margaret Myddelton, Her R.oyal Highness revIewed 1,500 members from the six North Wales Counties, the parade being commanded by the Commissioner for East
Denbighshire. The following day over 4,500 members from the seven South Wales counties, were drawn up in Brecon under the command of the Commissioner for Breconshire. The Duchess was much impressed and spoke in encouraging terms to both parades. CADET TRAINI G OFFICER'S REPORT
It is heartening to record a net increase of 9 Cadet Divisions, including
one Student Nursing Division. At the same time the total strength has been increased by 318. More Divisions are working for Special Service Shields, 27 Cadets having qualified for the badge as against eight last year. There has also been an increase in the number of Grand Prior Badges, 13 having been awarded, as against three last year, to Cadets in the Barry, Clydach (Glam.), Cwmbran, Pontypool and Rhoose Nursing Cadet Divi ions. Student Member David Glyndwr Thomas of Cwmdu Ambulance Cadet Division was awarded the Cadet Meritorious Certificate for his bravery in an accident at Duffryn Rhondda Colliery. The Fifth South Wales Cadet Officers' Training Course was held at Barry in October and the second combined Adult and Cadet Officers' Course at Colwyn Bay in the autumn. Forty-six N.C.O's attended a successful Training Day in Cardiff when the theme was "Leader hip." A Student Nursing Member (Valerie Williams of Tredegar) and an Ambulance Cadet (Brian Osborne of Trehards) were privileged to join a party of Cadets on a visit to Malta at the kind invitation of Commissioner Abela. Competitions.-The first North Wales Cadet Competitions took place at Wrexham. Nine teams competed for the beautiful Cups donated by Dr. G. Pari Huws and the Earl of Powis. The winners were Llanidloes Ambulance Cadets and Caersws Nursing Cadets. The winners at the Welsh Cadet Competition Finals were:"The Twiston-Davis Ambulance Cadet Cup"-Treharris Ambulance Cadet Division. "The Lady (Herbert) Lewis Nursing Cadet Cup"Caersws Nursing Cadets. "The Carol Lewis Senior Nursing Cadet Cup"-Tredegar Student Members. "The Twiston-Davies Senior Ambulance Cadet Cup"-Llanidloes Student Members. " The County Cadet Officers' Uniform Cup"-Treharris Nursing Cadet Division. "The Gwyn Morris Uniform Cup"-Lewis Merthyr Ambulance Cadet Division. "The Lady Twiston-Davies Student Nursing Members' Uniform Cup"-Tredegar Student Members. "The Sir Michael Duff Student Ambulance Members' Uniform Cup"-Glynneath Student Members. Camping.-In spite of the record wet season, camping was as popular as ever, 370 Officers and Cadets spending a week under canvas. Continuous rain at the Officers' Training Camp at Porthcawl proved the efficiency of those attending. The Priory Cadet Camp at Talsarnau was attended by Ambulance and Nursing Cadets from twenty Divisions. East Denbighshire, having purchased a considerable quantity of canvas, held their County Camp at Colwyn Bay. Cardiff, Clydach (Glam.) and Milford Haven held Divisional Camps on the Gower Coast. Newport County camped at Tenby, while Caernarvonshire held a large hutted camp in Anglesey. There are now nine Camp Inspection Officers, 15 holders of the Camping Warrant Part II, and 15 holders of the Camping Warrant Part I in the Priory.
The Brigade in Wales continues to maintain the lead in recruiting and training nursing auxiliaries for the National Hospital Service Reserve. The outstanding efforts of the Representatives for Carmarthenshire and the Rhondda Centre merit special mention as these two areas, with 380 and 430 auxiliaries respectively, have enrolled nearly one-third of the total N.H.S.R. strength in Wales. A revised system of record-keeping introduced by the Ministry a year ago imposed a greater measure of responsibility upon the Local N.H.S.R. Committees set up by the Hospital Management Committees, who are required to submit regular statements of strength to the Welsh Board of Health. While Wales may be proud of having the highest proportionate membership per 1,000 of the population of all the Regional Hospital Areas, it must be remembered that the figures are still well below the target, which is 6,750. COMPETITIONS
Twelve teams of men and five of women represented their counties in the annual Welsh Brigade Final Ambulance Competitions for seniors and the attendant honour of representing Wales in the London Finals. The results were as under:Llandinam Shield (Ambulance) 1st Brecon 2nd Ferndale 3rd Cardiff Fire Service
Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup (Nursing) 1st Caersws 2nd Treharris 3rd Tredegar
Nine First Aid and Home Nursing contests figured in the programme of the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales held this year at Y stradgynlais. The Priory was associated through the customary appointment of its Principal Secretary as Honorary Director of Ambulance with the Brigade Secretary as Steward-in-Charge. SERVICE MEDALS AND BARS
The awards made in 1954 bring the total number of recipients since the establishment of the Priory to 2,314 Medals, 1,100 First Bars, 412 Second Bars, 220 Third Bars, 24 Fourth Bars, 32 Fifth Bars and four Sixth Bars. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS
Of the 7,275 items of invalid equipment issued on loan during 1954. almost a half were loaned from the Priory House Depot, which is maintained as part of the Headquarter administration. The Cardiff City Public Health Department accepts responsibility for payment of the hire charges due on the part of necessitous cases in the City and the Depot is self-supporting. The issues were slightly down on the previous year mainly as a result of the reduced demand for invalid chairs during the wet summer. AMBULANCE TRANSPORT
At 31st December, 1954, 37 Ambulance Stations were in operation 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Of these, 29 Stations were
equipped with one Ambulance, seven with two, and one with four Ambulances, a total of 47 vehicles being available for duty at all times. Of 50 Ambulances registered with the Joint Department, 10 were owned by the Priory for Wales and 40 by the WeI h Home Service Ambulance Committee. Headquarter Agency arrangements absorbed 32, while eight were on issue to St. John Divisions and operated independently, leaving 10 Ambulances in reserve, mainly in varying processes of reconstruction or routine overhaul. Additionally, 13 Ambulances owned by Local Health Authorities and one by a St. John Divi ion (Wrexham) were placed at the disposal of the Joint Department for general operational purposes, these vehicles also being subject to temporary replacement from the aforementioned reserve as neces ity for routine maintenance arose. The number of patients conveyed and mileage travelled by Ambulances within Headquarter Agency arrangements during 1954, totalled:-
of work which still provides a common ~round o.n which members of the two Organisations can render combmed serVlce.
Patients 67,275
Mileage 849,819
an increase of 8,734 and 71,012 respectively compared to similar figures for the previous year. It is interesting to note that since the termination of the agency arrangements with the Glamorgan County Council on 5th July, 1952, when 14 Stations were handed over to the Authority entailing reductions in Joint Department staff and other economie a proportionate increase in the number of patients conveyed (13,552) and mileage travelled (137,811) is recorded. Thus the overall reduction in conveyances and mileage compared to the last full year (1951) of operation of 50 Stations and 59 service Ambulance (before withdrawal of the Glamorgan County Council) works out at the surpri ingly low figure of 9,729 and 97,240 respectively. The number of conveyances and mileage travelled by Ambulances under independent arrangements totalled 2,243 and 77,114 re pectively. Illustrating the extent of area of operation, 8,813 miles were travelled by the maintenance staff in respect of issue and collection of Ambulances after and for reconditioning and in connection with emergency repair and general maintenance processes. The aggregate number of conveyances and mileage travelled under Headquarter and Independent Station Agency arrangements during 1954, was:Headquarter Agencies Independent Agencies
Patients 67,275 2,243
Mileage 849,819 77,114
The sale of textbooks and publications dropped by 658 in 1953 to 11,229 during 1954, due mainly to the lessening .of ~he demand for the Holger Nielsen Supplement. The only new publicatIOns were the three Cadet pamphlets :- Supplementary Hospital Training Syllabus, Map Reading and International Friendship. . On the sale of uniform the Department almost doubled Its normal turnover in consequence of the special efforts made by units to equip themselves in readiness for the Royal Reviews in North and South Wales embracing all counties. The decrease in the sale of surgical equipment reflected in recent successive reports is due to the loss of orde~s [o:merly placed. by independent concerns now forming part of natIOnaltsed undertakmgs. The Stores Manager, Capt. F. P. Robathan, M.C., C.St.J., found .it necessary to relinquish the post of stores manager on account of III health, retiring after 32 years of loyal service. His employment o~ the Priory Headquarter staff was paralleled by a long record. o~ Bngade service in the county of Glamorgan and later as ComrrusslOner for Cardiff. LIBRARY A D MUSEUM
One addition in the form of a volume presented by A. E. K. Cull, Esq., a Representative Knight on the Priory Chapter, brought the number of books and prints now in the Priory Library to 292. Books can be borrowed from the library on application to the Principal Secretary. The Mu eum again benefited by gifts from Mr. A. W. S. Jones and his brother, Capt. E. M. Jone , of several intere ting items in Maltese silver. CRA GES I
St. John personnel are co-operating with the British Red Cross Society in the maintenance of such branches of the work of the Joint Committee of the Order and Society are delegated to Joint County Committees. G1amorgan Joint County Committee had the privilege of welcoming the Directors of the Emergency Help and After Care Department and the Hospital Libraries Department at a meeting attended by all the voluntary helpers of the two Departments in the county of Glamorgan, who were encouraged in the contribution they are making to the wonderful volume
The deeply lamented death of the Chancellor, the late Capt. Geoffrey Crawshay, caused a number of new appointments, as shown hereunder: As Chancellor, Mr. Norman Ingledew, K.St.J., B.E.M.; As ViceChancellor, Sir Robert Webber, K.St.J., J.P., D.L.; As Almoner, A. E. K. Cull, Esq., K.St.J.; As Assistant Almoner, Major A. W. Anderson, K.St.J., M.B., Ch.B.
For the first time in its history the Priory's annual functions were held outside Cardiff, in response to the request of the St. John Council for Swansea. The Brangwyn Hall, Swansea, provided ample accommodation for the General Assembly with an Investiture which was attended by 1,200 members and supporters of the Priory. The Chancellor of the Order (Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.) and the Secretary-General (Mf. C. T. Evans, C.M.G.) were the guests of honour at Chapter Meeting and at General Assembly over which the Prior presided and conducted an Investiture.
PRIORY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULA ICE A D PRIORY COMMISSIO ER It is gratifying to record that the strength of the Brigade throughout the Union has been very well maintained during the year. There has been a very slight decrease in the adult personnel due, no doubt, to the advent of the S.A. Noodhulpliga to the First Aid Services on the S.A. Railways. On the other hand, it is very pleasing to record a very atisfactory increase in the Cadet personnel. The total number of divisions, Adult and Cadets, shows an increase of seven over the previous year. Association returns are very encouraging and in many Centres there has been a marked increase in the number of Certificates issued. The Priory acknowledges and pays tribute to the splendid services 0 willingly rendered by the Doctors, Lecturers and Demonstrator who give so much of their valuable time to this aspect of the work. The reports received from Centres and Districts indicate that the organisation was fully occupied with its usual spate of Public Duties and humanitarian services at Cinemas, Sports Fields, Agricultural Shows, etc. It is interesting to note that together with services rendered at First Aid posts no less than 113,782 cases were treated by details of St. John during the year. Ophthalmic Foundation:-The hospital services continue to be much in demand. In the three years of the Hospital's existence just on 40,000 patients have been treated and over 1,500 hospitalised. In addition over 1,000 operations have been carried out-these operations vary a great deal but the majority are for squints, usually of very young patients, and a large number of cataracts, largely on aged patients. The figures quoted represent a terrific drain on the available resources at the ho pita], particularly on the small staff we have there. Tribute is paid to the Honorary Ophthalmologists, Consultants and other services, who are largely responsible for the good name which the Hospital is earning. The spirit of service of the whole Honorary Staff is in keeping with the highest ideals of our movement. Thanks are due to the Medical Superintendent, the Registrar, Matron and Nursing Staff for the services they have rendered during the year under review. It has been possible during the year to introduce two further facilities, and the Hospital is now able to offer the services of an Honorary Surgical Technician, and a small Reference Library. The Surgical Technician both fits and makes artificial eyes for such patients as need them. A large number of technical books have been donated to the Library by the widow of an Ophthalmologist in the Grahamstown area, and these with the publications which have been donated from Ophthalmological Societies in other countries have formed the nucleus of our Library. At a rough estimate there are approximately 250 works of reference and the Honoraries are of the opinion that it is at least comparable to anything of its kind in Johannesburg. At present Hospital expenditure is far in excess of its income, it is, therefore, out of the question for the time being to consider spending more capital on improving services until such time as the Hospital is assured of a more stable inflow of funds. Priory Council at its last meeting in December 1954, appointed a Sub-Committee to explore the whole question of the future of the Hospital-this Committee will meet shortly and it is anticipated that a full report will be available for the
next meeting of the Council, which will take place during the first half of 1955. Provincial Administrations and the Union Government have been approached for some assistance, and it is confidently expected that these bodies will come forward with some form of subsidisation of the work we are doing. Centres are finding the question of fund raising more difficult than ever-many of them have their own projects such as building ar:d gene.ral expansio~ to ~ater for. The Hospital, however, was brought mto bemg as a Uillon-wide St. John effort, it is therefore up to all of us to keep this project in the forefront, and give it all the assistar:ce we. ca~ in order to enable it to contin~e to render that degree of serVIce whIch IS so urgently needed for the relief of suffering amongst the under privileged members of our community.
Annual Conference:-The Nineteenth Annual Ambulance Conference was. ~eld at East London in September, attended by 40 delegates, in addItion two observers representing the South African Railways and Harbours, and a representative from Rhodesia were also present. The Annual Inter-Provincial Competitions were held at East London o~ the 18th S.eptember, 1954. Th.e. ~elborne Shield was won by the KImberley RaIlway Ambulance DIvISIOn, and the Hewat Shield was won by Bulawayo Railway Nursing Division. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES DURING THE YEAR 1954 (1) Number of Classes held:
First Aid . Home Nur ing Child Welfare . Health and Hygiene Demon trators Others
Adults 403 77 2 9 1 2 494 273 767
(2) Ambulan~e D:-pots, First Aid Posts, First Aid Stations, etc.: No. tn eXistence. . . . . 56 No. established during year 2 No. of cases treated . 106,589 (3) Medical Comfort Depots: No. in existence. . No. of articles loaned, etc. (4) Transport: No. of Ambulances No. of Mobile Units Miles covered Patients transport~d (5) St. John Ambulance Brigade: No. of Divisions. . Personnel: Ambulance: Men Nurses Cadets: Ambulance Nursing .
19 384 23 1 88,772 7,452 505 4,852 2,224 1,863 2,439
Prelim. 177 89 7
Since During Formation a/Centre 1954 (6) Certificates Awarded:
First Aid: Adult. Preliminary Home Nursing: Adult. Preliminary Health and Hygiene: Adult . Preliminary Sanitation Industrial Poisons Child Welfare Occupational Therapy Demonstrators Lay Lecturers Lay Examiners Vouchers Medallions Labels Pendants
816 795 2,542 8 8
147,128 37,027 30,119 12,007 1,388 312 21 13 1,073 96 J,043 21 32 19,637 20,494 56,952 29,394
5,416 2,235 512 1,035 48 31 1 J6 66
The membership of the Senior European Divisions wa about the same as for the previous year. The European Cadet Divi ion how a general increase in membership and eight new Divi ions have been registered during the year. . . The Non-European Senior Divisions have 011 the whole maintained their membership, but only two new Divisions have been registered. The Non-European Cadet Divisions show a marked increase in membership, and five new Divisions ~ave ~een registered. . In spite of the number of Fust AId and Home Nursing Classes that are held throughout the country, very few recruits are obtained directly from these classes. Most of the new members come from the ran ks of the Cadet Divisions, and it is encouraging to note that many of our Senior Cadets are joining the Adult Divisions. Where there is a decrease in the membership of the Senior NonEuropean Divisions, it is attributed to the fact that in some townships it is no longer safe for them to go out at night to attend classes. The Non-European Cadets are not affected in this way, as their meetings are held in the afternoon, and their membership has materially increased. The number of Public Duties shows no sign of decreasing. A new Medical Comforts Depot and First Aid Post has been opened in Kimberley, and is giving wide publicity to our work. In the Cape Midland District, members undertook duty at a Motor-Cycle Speedway Race, which will now become an annual event. The Durban Centenary Celebrations which lasted for four months, brought many extra duties to that District. Members were required for duty almost every day during that period, and many of them gave up their annual holiday, and their days off, to take their share of the work. Every request for personnel was met, and throughout this strenuous period, the routine work of the Divisions was maintained. The !llemb~rs of this District deserve high commendation for the manner 111 which they tackled all the many calls for their services.
In Somerset West a new Blood Transfusion Centre has been opened where Non-European blood is taken, and Non-European members do regular duty at this clinic. Annual Conference:-A meeting of the Senio~ Officers .(Nursing) Advisory Committee was held in East London dunng the penod of the Annual Conference. The dress regulations for Nursing Members have been revised. Through the Linen Guilds members continue to send gifts to the Ophthalmic Hospital, and sums of m~)I~ey have also. ~een donated. Eight members completed a course of trawIng at the Milita!'y Hospitals. There was a good attendance of members and most Dlstricts were represented. THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND His Excellency the Prior, Sir Willoughby Norrie, conducted two outstanding Investitures, one in Dunedin and one in Hawke's Bay. The e ervices, held in the largest Church, create a very great. deal of public interest and support. His Excellency also took the chaIr at ~he Annual Meeting of Priory Chapter and attended the Church serVIce of the Order on St. John's Day. Lady Norrie has taken a great interest in the work of the Linen Guild and the ursing Divisions.
Just before the year closed the Chancellor, Sir James Elliott, intimated to the Prior his desire to relinquish the position which he had held since the formation of the Priory and, before that, under the Commandery. His Excellency, in accepting Sir Jame Elliott's resignation, paid particular tribute to his service of almost 50 years in the Order. Sir James had repre ented the Order in ew Zealand, at the special Conference of Overseas Priories in London in 1949, and both his influence, and that of Lady Elliott who contributed a great deal in the Linen Guild and who retired at the same time, will be greatly missed.
Very shortly after the Triennial Appointments had been approved, there occurred the death of the Director of Association, Doctor H. K. Corkill. His place was taken by Mr. Stronach Paterson. Later in the year Mr. Paterson assumed the position of Chancellor, following upon the retirement of Sir James Elliott. During the past year there have been a number of retirements. Commissioner Cobb, after 40 years' service in the South Auckland District, and Assistant Commissioner Wilkinson, of a similar length of service, both in Otago and Auckland, relinquished the positions of Officers-in-Charge of South Auckland and Auckland. Commissioner Gilberd retired from the Wellington District, as did Assistant Commissioner Kennedy from Southland, and Assistant Commissioner Hamling of Wanganui. All these positions were filled with keen, enthusiastic young men.
It is pleasing to record the continued acquisition of buildings for the Headquarters of either the Brigade or the Association, or the joint efforts of both. In a great many localities, co-operation is extended to the fullest degree by Local Authorities in providing, in some cases, centrally situated sites on virtually perpetual leases. The continued support of the Local Authority has also helped to expand our Ambulance Transport Services. Hospital Boards are keen for the Order to take over new services and this is being done under a Governmental policy of fostering the voluntary nature of our Organisation and the Service. There has been a marked increase in enthusiasm in the development of the Cadet Branch of the Brigade. The Workers' Compensation Board has made possible the employment of a full-time travelling Lecturer and Organiser, complete with transport, to serve the isolated Bush and Timber Industries and neighbouring settlers. In the industrial field there ha been an exten ion in the tuition and a splendid opportunity now presents itself in this field. CO FERE CE AND MEETl 'GS
There has been not only the usual Conference of Officers-in-Charge of Brigade Districts and Conference of Secretaries of Association, but also a special Cadet Conference and a serie of meeting of a recently constituted St. John Ambulance Transport Committee. ASSOCIATIO
Because of the development of increased instruction through indu try and the widening of the need for first aid qualification by a greater number of Civic Services (i.e. Police, Transport, Traffic, Civil Aviation) increasing numbers are being certificated. The Assistance to the Aged also is being extended and our services in blood transfu ion are fully maintained. The Association is increasingly concerned in accepting fuller responsibilities for supplying the Brigade not only with premises but also the necessary finances to enable public duty in all its a pects, induding the provision of uniforms, to be carried out. BRIGADE
An increasing number of younger members are JOInIng the Adult Divisions, although there is still much to be done in retaining in the Brigade a greater proportion of the Cadet Membership when they are available for the Adult ranks. Brigade members have given further service in the Voluntary Driving and Attendants on increased Ambulance Service of the Order. There has been a general return to District Competitions, with, however, some lessening in entries in the Adult Dominion Competitions. The Brigade continues to meet all the calls made upon its membership. A scheme for Officers' training is now being prepared. LIBRARY
Very precious additions to the Library and Records of the Priory are the Record Book, signed by Her Majesty the Queen, during the Queen's visit to the capital city and an autographed portrait of Her Majesty which now hangs in the Priory Chapter Room.
PRIORY IN CANADA CHANCELLOR'S REPORT While showing improvement during the year, the work of the Priory was not fully up to expectations. There was an increase in first aid training and also an increase in Brigade personnel. Campaigns for funds were held in most of the Provinces, the result being generally very encouraging. Participation in local Community Chests across Canada is increasing. Early in the year, a Canadian edition of the Horne Nursing Textbook was made available in English. Before the end of the year, the French text was also available with the Preliminary English text a little later. The elementary French text was in the hands of the printer at the close of the year. Dominion Competitions were again held during the early part of the year. Eliminating competitions in first aid were carried out in all but three Provinces, the Chief-Commissioner examining the top ranking teams in each Province. The Chief Nursing Officer examined all Home Nursing teams. The final draft of the new Civil Defence first aid textbook was completed early in the autumn and sent to the printers. Steps were taken to cancel and re cind the Trusteeship of Brigade funds created by an Act of the Provincial Legislature in 1933. All inve tments now come under the direct control of Priory Headquarters. It wa decided to hold a "Save a Life Week" in the early summer. This was carried out mo t succe sfully in several Provinces and emphasi ed artificial re piralion especially. It met with such success that it was decided to make it an annual event. The Federal Government having expropriated the Alberta Provincial Headquarters in Edmonton, it became necessary to procure new premises and a new building was decided upon, the erection of \vhich was completed la t November, and on the invitation of the Alberta Council, the Chief-Commissioner and I attended the official opening. Our Officers and Council in Alberta received most valued public and private upport and co-operation and the building is admirably adapted throughout for the administrative and instructional requirements of the Provincial Council of Alberta. His Excellency, the Prior, most graciously held an Investiture at Government House on 8th November. An Investiture was also held by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, in Regina on 29th November, at which I was present. The Public Relations Committee sent a considerable number of practical first aid and home nursing hints to all daily newspapers in Canada. These were very well received and were given wide pUblicity. The same service was extended to the weekly papers in the late autumn and is being continued. Material on First Aid and Home Nursing is being supplied for the radio programme on the C.B.C. Eastern network. Special Brigade Trophies were awarded for the most efficient divisions as follows:-Wright Shield-(Ambulance Divisions) won by No. 50 Montreal (Lt.-Col. Herbert Molson) Ambulance Division· Dent Bowl(1'~'-u:~ing Diyisions) won by No . 168 Ottawa (Lady Sher~ood) Nursing DIvIsIOn; Vll1cent Massey Shield-(Cadet Ambulance Divisions) won by No. 179c Montreal (Acme) Cadet Ambulance Division; Alice Vincent
Massey Shield-(Cadet Nursing Divisions) won by No. 20c Edmonton Cadet Nursing Division. During the year a new annual trophy was presented to the Priory, in memory of the late Mrs. Alice Ritchie, to be awarded to the Division, Corps, Area or Province carrying out the most outstan~ing Brigade activity during the year. This was won by The Greater Winnipeg Corp for the duties carried out during the polio epidemic in Winnipeg. During the British Empire Games in Vancouver, the Brigade carried out most successfully all duties required. Many very favourable comments and letters have been received testifying to the efficiency of the work performed. When hurricane "Edna" struck Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in the late summer, Brigade members stood prepared to a ist where necessary. Hurricane 'Hazel" which followed shortly after re ulted, unfortunately, in great loss of life and extensive property damage in the Toronto area. Our members of all ranks worked night and day exposed to considerable risk in bringing aid and relief to the injured, the destitute and the suffering. Lady Allenby visited Eastern Canada early in July, in pecting a number of youth camps in the area of Ottawa, Montreal and Tor nto. Lady Braithwaite also visited Ottawa and Toronto in early autumn. Following the opening of the Canadian ational Exhibition, H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent and H.R.H. The Princess Alexandra vi ited the st. John Post in the exhibition grounds and inspected the St. John members. They also inspected the Brigade members while in the city of Quebec. Owing to changes being made in the organisational set-up of Canadian Industries Limited in the early summer, the C.I.L. Special Centre wa discontinued as such early in July. Mrs. James Fyfe-Smith, of Vancouver, presented a substantial grant to establish "The James Fyfe-Smith Memorial." Through the sustained co-operation of the Press, Radio and Television, st. John is becoming better known throughout Canada. We are deeply indebted to each for the generous treatment extended to the Order. The untiring efforts of the Doctors, Nurses, Lay Instructors, Brigade Members and many others, are resulting in a better appreciation of what the organisation is doing. The Members of the Order, the Priory, Provincial and Special Centre Officers, Brigade Members of all ranks and all the members of the Administrative Staffs have greatly as is ted in furthering the work. ALBERTA
There has been a slight increase in the strength of the divisions in this Province, 616 as compared with 607 in 1953. 349 Proficiency Certificates were issued to Cadets during 1954 as compared with 118 in 1953, an increase of 231. Brigade Members taking part in Public Duties, 381. Hours of voluntary duty of Brigade Members, 6,316. It is worthy of mention that during the 1954 Calgary Exhibition and Stampede there were 390 recorded treatments given. Some of these were serious cases requiring hospitalisation. The detail consisted of
148 shifts each averaging four hours and an approximate 600 hours of service. It is with pleasure I have t? r~port that. No ..20 Edmonton Cadet Nursing Division by virtue of WInmng the Allce Vmcent Massey Shield for 1949,1950 and 1953 were approached and ac~epted.a.r.eque.st for affiliation with the Shrewsbury No. 1 Cadet Nursmg DIVIsIOn m England. . . 'fi d Twenty-two new instructors have obtaIned their first certl ca~es an 29 renewed their certificates during 1954. There are now 205 certIfi~ated instructors in this Province. In order to improve the standar.d of efficI.ency of instructors, special courses by .me:nbers of. the MedIcal AdVIsory Board in this Province have been mstltuted. Smc~ OC.tober. 7th, 1~52, when the Medical Advisory Board came into beIng m thIS P~ovIllce with a membership of nine, the interest shown in the work of thIS b?dy has resulted in extending its membership to members of the MedIcal Profession not directly connected with the Brigade and Local Branches. Today the membership totals 40. . . Following the development of the MedIcal AdYIsory Board a. p~nel of nurses ha been established here as nurse examIners and at thIS time there are 27 Registered Nurses on this panel. They also have a repr~ sentative on the Medical Advisory Board. There are now 11 towns III which we have a local representative and local branches have been established in 13 of the larger cities. On the 1st of November 1954 we moved from our temporary quarters to the new structure on J~ per Avenue and 110th Street. The building was officially opened on December 3rd, 1954, by the Chancellor, accompanied by the Chief Commissioner. We are now members of the Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge and Fort Macleod Community Chests. BRITISH COLUMBIA
St. John cla es have been held at 96 points in the Province during 1954. Considerable changes have been made in the field of Industrial First Aid to meet the requirements of the Workmen's Compensation Act and extra instruction is now given in oxygen therapy as advanced industrial attendants must take a special series of classes, given by the Workmen's Compensation Board, in the handling of this equipment. To meet the increased interest in artificial respiration created across the country by wide publicity, special training has been given in. the Holger-Neilsen method and other types of resuscitation, demonstratIOns have been held in various parts of the Province and special sessions made available for various industries and organisations. Local fire departments have co-operated with many Centres by instructing St. John members in the use of inhalator equipment. In Vancouver, Victoria and many of the smaller Centres special classes have continued for policemen, firemen, nurses in training, school teachers, etc., while in the field of junior first aid there is an increasing interest in training in schools and among Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and other youth groups. Over 2,500 junior textbooks were donated in 195.4 to schools and youth organisations. The Forest First Aid Commlttee, jointly sponsored by the Provincial Council of st. John and the Workmen's Compensation Board, has kept two travelling instructors continuously in the field. Classes in St. John and industrial First Aid were
held at 18 points.in the Province. First Aid training has been promoted as mu~h as. possIble by the loan of films, by competitions and in cooperatIOn ~l~h local afety organisation. Four new local branches of the AS~OCIatIOn have been established in the year under review ~nstructl~n has be~n pro 'ided for Civil Defence classes and a considerabl~ Incr~ase IS noted In the nu~ber attending Advanced Fir t Aid courses. Dun?g the yea~ 1,052 candIdates enrolled in the Advanc8d cl8..sses and 731 In the BasIc. A~ong oth~r St.. John activities the establishment and maintenance ?f HIghw.ay ~Irst Aid P?sts has been kept up. There are now 16 posts In operah?n III ~he ProvlOc~. One of the largest Public Duties accepted by the Bn~~de III t~e ProvlOce was the handling of First Aid services for the Bntlsh EmpIre and Commonwealth Games, held in Vancouver, July 31st to August ~th. ~ total of 731 duties were attended by members from Vancouver, Vlc~or~a and New Westminster Corps, assisted by volunteers from ASSOCIatIOn Centres all over the Province, and by some St. John m~mber.s .f-:om other parts of the Dominion. Members of Cadet NurSIng DIVISIOns were also on hand -. I?uring the Pacific National ~x.h~bition thi? year, Brigade member, assIste~ by members of Cadet cl!vIsIOn~, ran a baby-sitting tent for the convemence .of the geperal pUblIc. ThIS service was in addition to the regu.la.r. contInUOUS FIrst Aid posts manned during the period of the ExhIbItIOn.
A campaign for fu~ds ~as ~eld throughout the province during the early s~mmer and whIle th.ls ~Id not reach its objective, sufficient fund were raIsed to I?eet all obll.gatIOns ~nd carry the organisation into 1955. ~t. Joh.n fin~nclOg w,as reVIewed thIS year and recognition made of the InCreaslI~g dIfficulty In r~ac?~ng the quota established for a campaign, due ~amly to the multIpliCIty of charitable appeals each year. The execu~lve. me~bers, therefore, voted to join the Community Chest orgamsatIOI?s . In Va!1couver, Victoria and New Westminster and to e~ter negotiatIOns. wl~h other .Chests in the Province. A direct appeal WIll be made agaIll In 1955 III all unorganised sections of B.C. In conclusion, we ~ay say that St. John members in B.C. have seldom ha~ suc~ a busy year In peacetime and are able to look back with genuine satIsfactIOn on a successfully completed programme. MA ITOBA
The Brigade continued to respond to all calls for public duty and a~so conducted sev~ra~ exercises for Civil Defence. The Nursing Divisions 01 ~he Gr~ater. Wmmpeg Corps were awarded the Ritchie Trophy for theIr serVIces III the 1953 Po~o Epidemic. The Lakehead Divisions had a. ve-:y busy year and contmue to give outstanding help to kindred orgamsa.tIOns. Th~y are planning new permanent quarters and hope that theIr plans wlll materialise in 1955. Training in First Aid and Home ~ursing was not as active as desired. O~ the .ot.her hand, there. was c?nsiderable activity in Industrial First ~Id Tr~Illmg. The .Canadian LegIOn has been of considerable assistance In helpmg u.s. or.gamse c~asses by their Auxiliaries at many remote points. The AuxIli.an~s. contmue to be quite active and a new group was formed at GImlt In the spring of 1954.
148 shifts each averaging four hours and an approximate 600 hours of service. It is with pleasure I have to report that No. 20 Edmonton Cadet Nursing Division by virtue of winning the Alice Vincent Massey Shield for 1949 1950 and 1953 were approached and accepted a request for affiliation ~ith the Shrewsbury No. 1 Cadet Nursing Division in England. . . . Twenty-two new instructors have obtamed theIr first certlfica~es and 29 renewed their certificates during 1954. There are now 205 certdicated instructors in this Province. In order to improve the standard of efficiency of instructors, special courses by members of the Medical Advisory Board in this Province have been instituted. Since October 7th, 1952, when the Medical Advisory Board came into being in this Province with a membership of nine, the interest shown in the work of this b?dy has resulted in extending it membership to members of the MedIcal Profession not directly connected with the Brigade and Local Branches. Today the membership totals 40. Following the development of the Medical Advisory Board a panel of nurses has been establi hed here as nurse examiners and at this time there are 27 Registered Nurses on this panel. They also have a repr~ sentative on the Medical Advisory Board. There are now 11 towns III which we have a local representative and local branches have been established in ] 3 of the larger cities. On the 1 t of November, 1954, we moved from our temporary quarters to the new tructure on Jasper Avenue and 110th Street. The building W2.S officially opened on December 3rd, 1954, by the Chancellor, accompanied by the Chief Commissioner. We are now members of the Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge and Fort Macleod Community Chests. BRITISH COLUMBIA
St. John classes have been held at 96 points in the Province during 1954. Considerable changes have been made in the field of Industrial First Aid to meet the requirement of the Workmen's Compensation Act and extra instruction i now given in oxygen therapy as advanced industrial attendants must take a special series of classes, given by the Workmen' Compensation Board, in the handling of this equipment. To meet the increased interest in artificial respiration created across the country by wide publicity, special training has been given in the Holger-Neilsen method and other types of resuscitation, demonstrations have been held in various parts of the Province and special sessions made available for various industries and organisations. Local fire departments have co-operated with many Centres by instructing St. John members in the use of inhalator equipment. In Vancouver, Victoria and many of the smaller Centres special classes have continued for policemen, firemen, nurses in training, school teachers, etc., while in the field of junior first aid there is an increasing interest in training in schools and among Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and other youth groups. Over 2,500 junior textbooks were donated in 1954 to schools and youth organisations. The Forest First Aid Committee, jointly sponsored by the Provincial Council of st. John and the Workmen's Compensation Board, has kept two travelling instructors continuously in the field. Classes in St. John and industrial First Aid were
held at 18 points in the Province. First Aid training has been promoted as much as possible by the loan of films, by competitions and in cooperation with local safety organisations. Four new local branches of the Association have been established in the year under review. Instruction has been provided for Civil Defence classes and a considerable increase is noted in the numbers attending Advanced Fir t Aid courses. During the year 1,052 candidates enrolled in the Advanc8d classes and 731 in the Basic. Among other St. John activities the establishment and maintenance of Highway First Aid Posts has been kept up. There are now ] 6 post in operation in the Province. One of the largest Public Duties accepted by the Brigade in the Province was the handling of First Aid services for the British Empire and Commonwealth Games, held in Vancouver, July 31st to August 7th. A total of 731 duties were attended by members from Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster Corps, assisted by volunteers from Association Centres all over the Province, and by some St. John members from other parts of the Dominion. Members of Cadet Nursing Divisions were also on hand. . During the Pacific National Exhibition this year, Brigade member, assisted by members of Cadet divisions, ran a baby-sitting tent for the convenience of the general pUblic. This service was in addition to the regular continuous First Aid posts manned during the period of the Exhibition. A campaign for funds was held throughout the province during the early summer and while this did not reach its objective, sufficient fund were raised to meet all obligations and carry the organisation into 1955. St. John financing was reviewed this year and recognition made of the increasing difficulty in reaching the quota established for a campaign, due mainly to the multiplicity of charitable appeals each year. The executive members, therefore, voted to join the Community Chest organisations in Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster and to enter negotiations with other Chests in the Province. A direct appeal will be made again in 1955 in all unorganised sections of B.C. In conclusion, we may say that St. John members in B.C. have seldom ha.d such a busy year in peacetime and are able to look back with genuine satisfaction on a successfully completed programme. MANITOBA
The Brigade continued to respond to all calls for public duty and also conducted several exercises for Civil Defence. The Nursing Divisions of the Greater Winnipeg Corps were awarded the Ritchie Trophy for their services in the 1953 Polio EpideII1jc. The Lakehead Divisions had a very busy year and continue to give outstanding help to kindred organisations. They are planning new permanent quarters and hope that their plans will materialise in 1955. Training in First Aid and Home Nursing was not as active as desired. On the other hand, there was considerable activity in Industrial First Aid Training. The Canadian Legion has been of considerable assistance in helping us organise classes by their Auxiliaries at many remote points. The Auxiliaries continue to be quite active and a new group was formed at Gimli in the spring of 1954.
. erve a very useful purpose and a new Highway Posts. contmue to s f 1954 The North West Commercial one was ~pened ~n .the ~~~~~J ~nother' small building at this point .. Travellers AssocIatIOn ld St John House and we are now busily . . .. I D mber 1954 we so n e~e . i for the future accommodation of our activIties. engaged w makIng p ~~s ( the Manitoba Council applied to the After ca~ef~l conSI era IO~, Chest for admission as it was felt it Greater WInmp~g Co~mumttY f St John and the Community Chest ld be both III the wteres 0 . d d wou. . ' 'gn Satisfactory arrangements were rna e an t~ et;T1In~t~ao~~~~~IPtsl n~w a member of the Greater Winnipeg C~m t e 't a~hoe t Port Arthur Fort William and Brandon are also mem er.s mum ~ '. ' n't Chest campaigns. An appeal by mall fsf the rural areas to finance our activities outside of the Greater WInmpeg area.
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Bng~de III ~~~o~~~n~~~cek'carri:d ~~~y One of the most successful pre:rIOUt sly de m taken i'n N B was the first Annual Intructors' Course proJec s un r . . . . I fi th ghout which was held in Saint John. Thirty-seven Illdustna . rms rou the Province sent personnel to th~s .c?urse. The course WIll be undertaken . . 1955 Seven Brio-ade DiVIsIOns spent 26,000 hours on voluntary ~~~l~1S.Ill Three' new groupO in northern N.B. are expected to be registered
ea~h~~e I!;;.
an increase in First Aid and Home .training over the reviou year. The programme of rural ~lass Illst~uctlOn ~as ~one for:ard, but lack of instructors and sometImes eqUlpment IS still a problem. . . d the d We have been in our ProvIncial Headquarters one year an increased space has been a boon to bot~ ~rovincial Headquarters an the local Divisions who also use th~ .bUll?lllg. . The programme of First Aid Traml11g III schools IS expected to g~t a boost from the presentation of a St. John Ambulance Spoon to t e student in each High School who gets the highest marks ~m .the ~egula.~ First Aid examination. These will be presented b~ P~ovmcIal iloun~.l members at school closing exercises. The Pro~mclal Cou.nc thIS year offered a trophy to the Army. Cadet Corps III the ProvIllce Wi 0 had the highest percentage of members trained and w~o pu.t on the best display at the Annual Inspection. This has defimtely Illcreased the interest from this group. .. . . The number of Permanent First AId posts III New ~n~~swlck IS now eight. These are operated at rinks, beaches and exhIbItIOns. A fifteen minute Home Nursing Programme was started on CHS~TV in June and is seen every other Monday even.ing .. We have noticed an increased interest. ~n Hom~ Nursing classes III thIS area.. d Our financial posItIOn, which has been ver'! grave, has Improve and we are looking forward to a busy year III 1955. NEWFOUNDLAND
The year 1954 was one of consolidation rather than expansion for the Newfoundland Council.
held at 18 points.in the Province. First Aid training has been promoted as mu~h as. possIble by the loan of films, by competitions and in cooperatIOn with local safety organisations. Four new local branches of the As~ociation have been establi hed in the year under review. InstructIOn has been provided for Civil Defence classe Cl.nd a considerable increase is noted in the numbers attending Advanced First Aid cour es. During the year 1,052 candidates enrolled in the Advanc8d classes and 731 in the Basic. Among other St. John activities the establishment and maintenance ?f Highw.ay ~irst Aid P?sts has been kept up. There are now 16 posts lO operat1?n lO ~he ProvlOc~. One of the largest Public Duties al"cepted by the Bngade lO the ProvLDce was the handling of First Aid services for the British Empire and Commonwealth Games, held in Vancouver, July 31st to August 7th. A total of 731 duties were attended by members from Vancouver, Vic~or~a and New Westminster Corps, a isted by volunteers from AssocIatIOn Centres all over the Province, and by some St. John members from other parts of the Dominion. Members of Cadet Nursing Divisions were also on hand. I?uring the Pacific National Exhibition this year, Brigade member, assIste~ by members of Cadet divisions, ran a baby-sitting tent for the convemence of the general pUblic. This service was in addition to the regular continuous First Aid posts manned during the period of the Exhibition. A campaign for funds was held throughout the province during the early s~mmer and while this did not reach its objective, sufficient fund were raIsed to meet all obligations and carry the organisation into 1955. ~t. Jo~n fin':lncing was reviewed this year and recognition made of the lOcreaslI:g dIfficulty in r~ac?~ng the quota established for a campaign, due ~amly to the multIplicity of charitable appeals each year. The execu~lve. me~bers, therefore, voted to join the Community Chest orgamsatIOns lO Vancouver, Victoria and New Westmin ter and to e~ter negotiations. wi~h other .Chests in the Province. A direct appeal Will be made agalO lO 1955 111 all unorganised sections of B.C. In conclusion, we may say that St. John members in B.C. have eldom ha.d such a busy year in peacetime and are able to look back with genuine satisfaction on a successfully completed programme. o
The Brigade continued to respond to all calls for public duty and also conducted sev~ra~ exercises for Civil Defence. The Nursing Divisions of ~he Gr~ater. WlOmpeg Corps were awarded the Ritchie Trophy for their serVices lO the 1953 Polio Epidemic. The Lakehead Divisions had a. ve~y busy year and continue to give outstanding help to kindred orgamSa!IOns. They are planning new permanent quarters and hope that theIr plans will materialise in 1955. Training in First Aid and Horne Nursing was not as active as desired. O~ the .ot.her hand, there was considerable activity in Industrial First Aid TralOIng. The Canadian Legion has been of considerable assistance in helping u.s. or.ganise c~asses by their Auxiliaries at many remote points. The AuxilIanes contlOue to be quite active and a new group was formed at Gimli in the spring of 1954.
Highway Posts continue to serve a very useful purpose and a n~w one was opened in the summer of 1954. The N~rt~ West C.omm.ercml Travellers' Association donated another small bUlldlOg at thIS pomt.. In December 1954, we sold St. John House and. we are now .b~~ily engaged in making plans for the future ac.commodatIOI.l of ou~ actIVItIes. After careful consideration, the Mamtoba ~o:uncil applIed to th.e Greater Winnipeg Community Chest for adffilssIOn as It w~s felt It would b~ both in the interest of St. John and the Commumty Chest to eliminate one campaign. Sati factory arrangements w~re .made and the Manitoba Council is now a member of the Greater Wmmpeg Community Chest. Port Arthur, ~ort William and ~randon are also member.s of their re pective Commumty Chest campaIgns. An appeal by. r.n~ll is continually being conducted in the rural areas to finance our actlvltIes outside of the Greater Winnipeg area. EW BRU SWICK
Intere t and steady progress was apparent in the operation ~f. t.he Brigade in New Brunswick. The many routine and usual actiVIties previously mentioned. were carried on. One of the most s,uccessful projects undertaken In N.B. was .the first ~nnual. Intructors Course which was held in Saint John. Thirty-seven Industnal firms throughout the Province sent personnel to this course. The course will be undertaken again in 1955. Seven Brigade Divisions spent 26,000 hours on vol~llltary dutie. Three new group in northern N.B. are expected to be registered early in 1955. . . . There was an increase in First Aid and Home NurslOg tramIng over the previou year. The programme of rural class inst~uction ~as ~one forward, but lack of instructors and sometimes eqUlpment IS still a problem. We have been in our Provincial Headquarters one year and the increased space has been a boon to both Provincial Headquarters and the local Divi ions who also u e the building. The programme of First Aid Training in schools is expected to get a boost from the presentation of a St. John Ambulance Spoon to the student in each High School who gets the highest marks on the regular First Aid examination. These will be presented by Provincial Council members at school closing exercises. The Provincial Council this year offered a trophy to the Army. Cadet Corps in the Province who had the highest percentage of members trained and who put on the best display at the Annual Inspection. This has definitely increased the interest from this group. The number of Permanent First Aid posts in New Brunswick is now eight. These are operated at rinks, beaches and exhibitions. A fifteen minute Home Nursing Programme was started on CHS-TV in June and is seen every other Monday evening. We have noticed an increased interest in Home Nursing classes in this area. Our financial position, which has been very grave, has improved and we are looking forward to a busy year in 1955. NEWFOUNDLAND
The year 1954 was one of consolidation rather than expansion for the Newfoundland Council.
The number trained in First Aid, Home Nursing and Child Welfare while under the total of the previous year, displays a continuing interest, as classes were organised in communities hitherto untouched. The Province, however, is confronted with a grave shortage of qualified instructors so that serious limitations are placed upon further expansion of this particular phase of St. John work. In the Brigade much has been accomplished, although membership in the Ambulance Division showed only a slight increase, while that of the Nursing Division remained fairly constant. A fully equipped First Aid Post-the first of its kind ever to be established in Newfoundland-was operated and maintained at Bowring Park on holiday and week-ends during the summer months. The public acclaim which greeted this service, encouraged the Brigade to undertake the operation and maintenance of First Aid quarters at the new Memorial Stadium which was officially opened at St. John's on December 27th. Other public duties were greatly increased and all calls for ervice were met. As an added convenience, the Council acquired a vehicle to facilitate general transportation and to be used as an emergency ambulance in connection with the operation of First Aid Posts. The one functioning Auxiliary in St. John's has given a good account of itself with members providing more than 250 hour of voluntary service in the General Hospital where their help i much appreciated. OVA SCOTIA
The Officers and members of St. John Ambulance in ova Scotia are well pleased with the progress made during the year 1954. There has been a noticeable decline in First Aid training but there would appear to be a rise in industrial First Aid training which is most encouraging. Training of Scouts, Guides and Cadets is yery much on the increase. From the number of calls coming in for service it i abundantly clear that the public in general is aware of the strong position St. John Ambulance holds in our everyday life and more and more is coming to rely on its trained aids to render a very much appreciated service. The public, through publicity media, is made more aware of what we arc doing and so there is a fuller appreciation of our service. The most outstanding achievement in organisation during the year was the establishment of a Kings County Branch of the Council. Kings County was long considered active enough to have its own Branch but the actual organisation was not set up until this year. We are fortunate in having as our Chairman there Dr. J. E. Hiltz, the Medical Superintcndent of the Nova Scotia Sanatorium, who has long been interested and active in our work. The co-Chairman is Mr. Eric Balcom, Mayor of Wolfville, who is actively interested in this work. During the month of February the Council conducted its annual appeal for funds. As before, the campaign expenses have been kept to a remarkably low percentage. Our very strong position today, both from a financial point of view as well as from the public appreciation of our work is due, we feel, to a selfless devotion to duty of those dedicated to St. John work and to a. broader understanding of our service now more widely known through personal contact, press and radio publicity and through good public
Highway Posts continue to serve a very useful purpose and a n~" ~ e was 0 ened in the summer of 1954. The Nort~ West C.omm.ercia ~avellers,PAssociation donated another small buildmg at thIS po~nt..l In December 1954, we sold St. John House and. we are now . ~~I Y en a ed in making plans for the future accommodatIOr:t of ou~ actIVItIes. ~f~er careful consideration, the Manitoba S:0.u ncil applIed t~ I th.e Greater Winnipeg Community Chest for admISSIOn as It w~s e t It would b~ both in the interest o.f St. John and the Commumty Chest to eliminate one camp~ign. SatIsfactory arrangements w~re .mad~ an~ the Manitoba Council IS now a member of the Greater Wmmpeg om ·t Che t Port Arthur Fort William and Brandon are also member.s mum y . , . . A I by mail of their respective CommunIty Chest campaIgns. n appea ... is continually being condu~te~ in the rural areas to finance our actlVltIes outside of the Greater WlOmpeg area. EW BRU SWICK
Interest and steady progress was apparent ~n the operation ~f. t.he Brigade in New Brunswick. T~e many rout me and usual actIVItIes reviou ly mentioned were earned on. One of the most s,uccessful p ro·ects undertaken in N.B. was the first ~nnual. Intructors Course ~h!ch wa held in Saint John. Thirty-seven mdustnal ~rms throughout the Province ent personnel to this course. The course wIll be undertaken again in 1955. Seven Brigade Divisions spent 26,000 hours on vol~liltary duties. Three new groups in northern N. B. are expected to be regIstered early in 1955. ... .. . There was an increase m FIrst AId and Home ~ursmg .trammg over the previous year. The programme of rural ~lass mst~uctlOn ~as ~one forward, but lack of instructors and sometImes eqUlpment IS still a problem. . . d h We have been in our Provmclal Headquarters one year an t e increased space has been a boon to bot~ ~rovincial Headquarters and the local Divi ions who also u e the bUlldmg. . The programme of First Aid Training in school IS expected to get a boost from the presentation of a St. Joh?- Ambulance Spoon to the student in each High School who gets the highest marks <;m .the regula.r First Aid examination. These will be presented bX P!"ovmcml C::0unc:l members at school closing exercises. The Pro~Illclal Cou.ncil thIS year offered a trophy to the Army Cadet C::orps III the Provmce who had the highest percentage of members tramed and w~o pu.t on the best display at the Annual Inspection. This has defimtely mcreased the interest from this group. . . The number of Permanent First Aid posts in New ~r~~swick IS now eight. These are operated at ~inks, beaches and exhIbItions. A fifteen minute Home Nursmg Programme was started on CHS~TV in June and is seen every other Monday evening. We have notIced an increased interest in Home Nursing classes in this area. . Our financial position, which has been very grave, has Improved and we are looking forward to a busy year in 1955. NEWFOUNDLAND
The year 1954 was one of consolidation rather than expansion for the Newfoundland Council.
The number trained in First Aid, Home Nursing and Child Welfare while under the total of the previous year, displays a continuing interest, as classes were organised in communities hitherto untouched. The Province, however, is confronted with a grave shortage of qualified instructors so that serious limitations are placed upon further expansion of this particular phase of St. John work. In the Brigade much has been accomplished, although member hip in the Ambulance Division showed only a slight increase, while that of the Nursing Division remained fairly constant. A fully equipped First Aid Post-the first of its kind ever to be established in Newfoundland-was operated and maintained at Bowring Park on holidays and week-ends during the summer months. The public acclaim which greeted this service, encouraged the Brigade to undertake the operation and maintenance of First Aid quarters at the new Memorial Stadium which was officially opened at St. John's on December 27th. Other public duties were greatly increased and all calls for ervice were met. As an added convenience, the Council acquired a vehicle to facilitate general transportation and to be u ed as an emergency ambulance in connection with the operation of Fir t Aid Posts. The one functioning Auxiliary in St. John ha given a good account of itself with members providing more than 250 hours or v luntary service in the General Hospital where their help is much appreciated. OVA SCOTIA
The Officers and members of St. John Ambular.ce in ova Scotia are well pleased with the progress made during the year ] 954. There has been a noticeable decline in First Aid training but there would appear to be a rise in industrial First Aid tra ining ~ hich is mo t encouraging. Training of Scouts, Guides and Cadets is very much on the increase. From the number of calls coming in for service it i abundantly clear that the public in general is aware of the strong po ition St. John Ambulance holds in our everyday life and more and more is coming to rely on its trained aids to render a very much appreciated service. The public, through pUblicity media, is made more aware of what we are doing and so there is a fuller appreciation of our service. The most outstanding achievement in organisation during the year was the establishment of a Kings County Branch of the Council. Kings County was long considered active enough to have its own Branch but the actual organisation was not set up until this year. We are fortunate in having as our Chairman there Dr. J. E. Hiltz, the Medical Superintendent of the Nova Scotia Sanatorium, who has long been interested and active in our work. The co-Chairman is Mr. Eric Balcom, Mayor of Wolfville, who is actively interested in this work. During the month of February the Council conducted its annual appeal for funds. As before, the campaign expenses have been kept to a remarkably low percentage. Our very strong position today, both from a financial point of view as well as from the public appreciation of our work is due, we feel, to a selfless devotion to duty of those dedicated to St. John work and to a broader understanding of our service now more widely known through personal contact, press and radio pUblicity and through good public
relations. Once again we pay tribute to the selfless and devoted voluntary service rendered so willingly by members of the Medical and Nursing professions who lecture and examine in First Aid and Home Nursing. We owe, too, a debt of gratitude to the many instructors, teachers, Briaade members and to an appreciative and co-operative public for the t> fullness of their co-operation in this great humanitarian work.
Once again the Ontario Council can report a year of sound progress, particularly as the financial situation, a source of some concern a year ago, was con iderably improved, despite the purchase of a very fine building as headquarters of the Hamilton Branch. In addition the year was brightened by the visit of Their Royal Highnesses, the Duchess of Kent and Princes Alexandra, to the First Aid building at the Canadian National Exhibition, where they charmed all who had the honour of meeting them' and later by the vi it of Lady Allenby, who was welcomed by a large circle of old friends in Toronto. The Annual Meeting, held as usual just prior to St. John's Day, was a very happy event and largely attended, some of the Brigade representatives coming from units more than four hundred miles distant. The con i tent increase since 1946 of numbers trained continued through 1954, and 17,103 gained awards in First Aid or Home Nursing; but again training for Civil Defence wa pitiable, being confined to only half a dozen of the many cities of the Province. The Highway First Aid System, operated jointly with the Ontario Motor League, again did exceedingly useful work, the number of Posts being maintained at the usual sixty-five, but a number of necessity changed to conform with altered traffic conditions. The Brigade showed a moderate but very satisfactory increase in numbers and there was even greater improvement in general efficiency, which was most gratifying. The standard of training was higher and this was evidenced by the Kingston Nursing Division only losing the Dominion Home Nursing championship by one point! Unfortunately the year ended with the resignation of the Provincial Superintendent, Mrs. J. K. Cronyn, O.B.E., and it will be difficult to find a replacement with the same sound judgment and devotion to duty. Each year some disaster occurs, which gives the Brigade an unusual task, and this year it was hurricane "Hazel," which caused a flash flood on the Humber and Etobicoke rivers in Toronto's western suburbs, carrying away whole streets of houses and causing ninety deaths. Toronto Corps and the Barrie Divisions did excellent work, not only during the flood, but for several weeks afterward in the supplying of meals and assisting at innoculation clinics. No year is without its problems, but on the whole 1954 can be looked back on by St. John Ambulance in Ontario with a certain degree of satisfaction. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND
Some of t·he difficulties in carrying on the work of St. John were overcome dur~ng the year. While very few classes were held, the interest has been ~evlved and better progress is hoped for in 1955. We are fortunate III that some of the adult candidates have been successful
in their medallion and label examinations and have expressed a desire to assist in further instruction work. It is planned to have home nursing instruction as well. FEDERAL DISTRICT
The activities within the Federal District for 1954 again show continued progress both in training and Brigade activities. There was an increase in the number of classes, particularly among high school students and Boy Scouts. The activities of the Brigade during 1954 again showed a marked increase in public duties which have required the full resources of the Brigade Personnel. Members of the Nursing Divisions attended the Veterans' Pavillion, Ottawa Civic Hospital and the Ottawa General Hospital. These duties amounted to 9,172 hours. In the Gatineau Patrol Ski Zone, first aid posts were maintained during the skiing season by members of the Ambulance and Nursing Divisions with first aid posts located at Beamish Lodge, Mountain Lodge, Camp Fortune and Old Chelsea. The members of the Brigade attended to 172 cases. The usual coverage was given at the Central Canada Exhibition, where 1,382 cases were treated. First aid posts were maintained during the visit of the Queen Mother, the Cadet Divisions forming a Guard of Honour at the entrance to Christ Church Cathedral. First aid posts were also maintained on the occasion of the Memorial Service on Armistice Day, at the Ottawa Boy' Camp, football and baseball games, public play grounds, winter carnival, public swimming pools and at many annual picnics of various organisations throughout this district. Our two ambulances have been in const?nt use on a voluntary basis throughout the year. The a.nnual Church parade was held on Sunday, June 20th, the Protestants attending St. John's Church and the Roman Catholics St. Theresa's Church. A march past of the combined groups was held with the Chancellor taking the salute. We are glad to report that the Dent Bowl was won by the Lady Sherwood Nursing Division and in the National Competition the Hull Nursing Cadet Division won the Leonard Trophy. The Nursing Cadets have continued to show great progress and have rendered valuable assistance to the senior divisions at many functions. We wish to record our sincerest appreciation to the doctors, nurses, Provincial Officers, Divisional Superintendents and all members of the Brigade for their unselfish and devoted voluntary services rendered throughout the year. We are also indebted to our instructors for their loyalty and diligence in maintaining a high standard of teaching.
The activities of the st. John Ambulance throughout the Province of Quebec have been well maintained during the year 1954 as evidenced by the duties carried out by 1,983 members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade and totalling some 222,496 hours of duty. These duties, which included approximately 102,359 hours of First Aid duties, covered such other work as Transport, Hospital, Nursing Aid, Child Care, Clinics, Blind Care and Campaign, etc.
Once again ~~ pay tribute to the selfless and devoted voluntary service. render ed so wlllmgly by ~em~ers .of th~ Medical and Nursing 1 professlOns WI10 lecture and exam me m First Aid and Home Nursing. We owe, too, a debt of gratitude to the many instructors teachers Brigade members ~nd to an ~ppr~ciati~e and co-operative public fo; the fullness of theIr co-operatlOn m thIS great humanitarian work.
O~ce again the Ontario Council can report a year of sound progress partIcularly a .the finan.cial situation, a source of some concern a yea; ag?, .was conSIderably Improved, despi!e the purchase of a very fine bUIldmg as headquarters of the HamIlton Branch. In addition the year was brjgh~ened by the visit of Their Royal Highnesses, the Duchess of Kent and Princess Alexandra, to the First Aid building at the Canadian Nati?nal Exhibition, where they charmed all who had the honour of meetrng the£?; and later by the visit of Lady Allenby, who was welcomed by a large CIrcle or old fnends in Toronto. The Annual Meeting, heJd as usual just prior to St. John's Day, was a ver~ happy .event and l~rgely attended, some of the Brigade representatives c,?mIng ~rom unIts more than four hundred miles distant. The con Istent Increa e since 1946 of numbers trained continued through .1954, .a~d 17,103 ~~ined awards in First Aid or Home Nursing; but agam tralOIng for CIVIl Defence was pitiable, being confined to only half a dozen of the many cities of the Province. The Highway Fi,rst ~id Sy tern, operated jointly with the Ontario M?tor Le?-gu~, agaIn dId exceedingly useful work, the number of Posts bemg maIntaIned at t~e usual sixty-five, but a number of necessity ~hanged to conform WIth altered traffic conditions. The Brigade howed a moderate but very satisfactory increase in nur:nbers and there w~s .even greater improvement in general efficiency, w~lch was !D0st gratlfymg. !he standard of training was higher and thIS :v~s eVidenced by. the KIngs~on ~ursing Division only losing the DommlOn Home ~ursIng c~amp~onship by one point! Unfortunately the year ended wlth the reslgnatlOn of the Provincial Superintendent ~rs. J. K. Cronyn, O ..8.E., and it will be difficult to find a replacement wlth the same soun~ Judgment and devotion to duty. Each yea~ some .dl aster oc~urs, which gives the Brigade an unusual task, and thls year It was hurncane "Hazel," which caused a flash flood on t~e Humber and Etobicoke rivers in Toronto's western suburbs carrymg away whol~ stre~t~ .of houses and causing ninety deaths. Toront~ Corps and the Barne DlvlslOns did excellent work, not only during the flo,?d~ but f?r several weeks afterward in the supplying of meals and assIstmg at mnoculation clinics. No year is without its problems, but on the whole 1954 can be looked ba~k Ol~ by St. John Ambulance in Ontario with a certain degree of satIsfactlOn. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND
Some of t~e difficulties in carrying on the work of St. John were ~ver~ome dur!ng the year. While very f~w classes were held, the interest as een ~evived and better progress IS hoped for in 1955. We are fortunate 10 that some of the adult candidates have been successful
in their medallion and label examinations and have expressed a desire to assist in further instruction work. It is planned to have home nursing instruction as well.
During the year one new Corps was formed to cover the lower St. Lawrence region and known as Le Corps du Bas St.-Laurent. In addition, five new Divisions were formed at Rimouski, Jonquiere, TroisPistoles, Chicoutimi and Sorel, thus carrying out an extension programme to have units of the organisation in all chief centres of the Province. At the close of the year the Brigade maintained 81 Divisions, comprising 41 Ambulance Divisions, 27 Nursing Divisions, 6 Cadet Ambulance Divisions and 7 Cadet Nursing Divisions. It may be said that as the result of the extensive work carried out by the Brigade members, the Order of St. John has become better known while in certain localities it has become an integral part of the community. Also during the year plans have been laid for the creation of new divisions in localities outside Montreal but which will not come into effect until the year 1955, this in view of a closer relationship between Civil Defence and the St. John Ambulance. In the training field an even brighter outlook prevails, inasmuch as through the activity of the Council's Chief Instructor, who is a permanent member of the Provincial staff, all Schools for Nursing throughout the Metropolitan area of Montreal now have organised yearly classes in the subject of First Aid. During 1954 an increase of 1,867 award has been recorded over the previous year. For the yearly period 6 812 new members were admitted to the organisation as against 5 052 in 1952 an increase of 1,760 members. An increase in the number 0'[ daytime classes has been shown, these classes being carried out in certain industries, school for nurses and schools for apprentices falling under variou labour unions governing the field of construction. In summing up, the St. John Council for Quebec has had a most active year in all branches of endeavour and the extent of its work among t the various communities is also shown in the annual campaign for funds when more citizens subscribed as compared with previous years.
The activities within the Federal District for 1954 again show continued progress both in training and Brigade activities. There was an increase in the number of classes, particularly among high school ~tudents and Boy Scouts. The activiti.es of .the B~igade during .1954 agam showed a marked increase in pubbc duties whIch have reqUIred the full resources of the Brigade Personnel. Members of the Nursing Divisions attended the Veterans' Pavillion, Ottawa Civic Hospital and the Ottawa General Hospit~l. These duti~s amounted to 9,172 hours. In the Gatineau Patrol Ski Zone, first aId posts were maintained during the skiing season by members of ~he Ambulance and Nursing Divisions with first aid posts located at BeamIsh Lodge, Mountain Lodge, Camp Fortune and Old Chelsea. The m~mbers of the Brigade attended to 172 cases. The usual coverage was gIven. at the Central Canada Exhibition, where 1,382 cases were treated. FIrst aid posts were maintained during the visit of the Queen Mother, t~e Cadet Divisions forming a Guard of Honour at the entrance to Chnst Church Cathedral. First aid posts were also maintained on the occasion of the Memorial Service on Armistice Day, at the Ottawa Boys' Camp; football and baseball games, public play grounds, winter carnival~, public swimming pools and at many annual picnics of various organ. Isations throughout this district. Our two ambulances have been In constant use on a voluntary basis throughout the year. The 8.nnual Church parade was held on Sunday, June 20th, t.he Protestants attending St. John's Church and the Roman Catholics St. Theresa's Church. A march past of the combined groups was held with the Chancellor taking the salute. We are glad to report that the Dent Bow.1 was won by .t~e Lady Sherwood Nursing Division and in the NatIOnal CompetItion. the Hull Nursing Cadet Division won the Leonard Trophy. The Nursmg Cadets have continued to show great progress and have rendered valuable assistance to the senior divisions at many functions. We wish to record our sincerest appreciation to the doctors, nurses, Provincial Officers, Divisional Superintendents and all .members of the Brigade for their unselfish and devoted voluntary serVIces rendere.d throughout the year. We are also indebted to our instructors ~or theIr loyalty and diligence in maintaining a high standard of teachmg.
The activities of the st. John Ambulance throughout the Province of Quebec have been well maintained during the year 1954 as evidenced by the duties carried out by 1,983 members of the st. John ~mbula~ce Brigade and totalling some 222,496 hours of dyty. ~hese ~utIes, whIch included approximately 102,359 hours of FITst Ald duties, covered such other work as Transport, Hospital, Nursing Aid, Child Care, Clinics, Blind Care and Campaign, etc.
Generally speaking 1954 wa quite successful for St. John in Saskatchewan, the year's end found an improved financial situation which is very encouraging. Although there were decreases in the total of classes held and the numbers attending, it is felt that progress was made as courses were conducted in thirty-four communities where no previous classes had been held. During the year 199 First Aid and Home Nursing classes were held. The fact that we were able to arrange for classes in so many new communities is very heartening and we are in hopes of getting into many more during 1955 . .T~~ Brigade was increased by the formation of a very good Combined DIVISIOn at North Battleford early in the year, and at our recent Inspection we were very pleased with the progress they had made. At Saskatoon where there were three Nursing Divisions, it was considered advisable to re-organise the three into one to form a new division. This arrangement has worked out very well. The revised senior Home Nursing Book has been well received, as have the new Ambulance Division dress regulations. At the Competitions which were revived this year after a lapse since
1948, a team from the Regina Nursing Division No. 10 won the Lady Drummond Trophy (Canadian Home Nur ing Championship for Senior Women) and a team from the Moose Jaw Nursing Division came fifth. Saskatoon entered two teams in Senior Fir t Aid and a Kamsack Junior First Aid came second for the Wallace e bitt Trophy and fir t for the Leonard Trophy (Provincial). The eliminations in First Aid Competitions were carried out by the Provincial Commis ioner. The members of the Brigade continue with their many public duties, such as demonstrating for Instructors at classes, assi ting at Civil Defence classes, attending Sport and Public gatherings, making dressings for the Victorian Order of Nurses and assisting in Hospital . THE BELL TELEPHO E COMP A Y CE l TRE
First aid classes were conducted in 67 localities in Ontario and Quebec during 1954. Four employees distinguished them elves by earning thirty-year awards. There are now seven employees in this group. Ten and twentyyear awards were received by 45 employees. During the year Instructor were given coaching and incidental training, also 36 new Instructors v. ere trained, mainly as replacements, to give a total of 221 qualified Instructors in the Centre. Competitions have always been an important part of activities in the Centre, as a means of improving proficiency and stimulating interest. In 1954 about 250 employees took part in Company Competition. There were fourteen men's teams and seven ladie ' teams entered in the Senior Competitions and eighteen men's teams and eleven ladies' teams in the Tyro Competitions. Teams from both Region of the Centre participated in Provincial and Dominion Competitions also and demonstrated a high degree of proficiency. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL WAYS CE TRE
First Aid training continues to be maintained at a high level and the work carried out in 1954 compares favourably with previou years. Special attention continues to be given to employees in the Maintenance of Way Department. During 1954, 810 employees were given the complete first aid course at 45 stations. During the past ten years, 7,089 Section men, B. & B. and Signal Department employees have received first aid Certificates after successfully passing the required examination. Local First Aid Instructors and Regional Supervisors trained 1,064 employees at 65 stations. Under the supervision of the Regional Supervisor first aid training was given to employees in the Communications Department, their families and the Armed Services located at stations on the Alaskan Highway between Dawson Creek, B.C., and Yellow Knife, Y.T. To carryon this work, more than 15,000 miles had to be covered by automobile to give 160 lectures at the 18 classes organised. One hundred and sixty-six successfully passed their examinations. Company competitions carried out in 1954 were again very successful. Forty-five teams entered Senior and Tyro Competitions and the System Senior Championship, represented by the Sir Henry Thornton Cup, was won for the third time by the London Car Shops, while the System
During the. year one new Corps was formed to cover the lower St. L.a~rence reglOn a!l~ .known as Le Corps du Bas St.-Laurent. In add~tlOn, five .new .D~vlslOns were formed at Rimouski, Jonquiere, TroisPlstoies, Ch.lcOutlml and Sor~l, ~hus ~arrying ?ut an extension programme
to have umts of the orgamsatlOn
aU chIef centres of the Province.
A~ ~he close of the yea~ .t~e Brigade maintained 81 Divisions, compflsmg ~l. ~mbulance DlvislOns, 27 Nursing Divisions, 6 Cadet Ambu-
lance DlvlslOns and 7 Cadet Nursing Divisions. It may. be said that as the result of the extensive work carried out by .the. Bflgade. mem be.r~, th.e Order of St. John has become better known Whll~ 111 certam l?calltles It has become an integral part of the commumt~ .. ~Jso ?unng the year plans have been laid for the creation of !lew dlvlslOns. m localities outside Montreal but which will not come 111~~ effect untl! the year 1955, this in view of a closer relationship between CIVIl Defence and the St. John Ambulance. In the training fi~l? an even brighter outlook prevails, inasmuch as through the actiVIty of the Council's Chief Instructor who js a permanent member of ~he Provincial staff, all Schools for' Nursing throughout th~ Metrop~htan area of Montreal now have organised yearly classes 111 the subject of First Aid. During 1954 an increase of 1,8?7 awards has been recorded over. the previous year. For the yearly penod. 6,812 new .members were admItted to the organisation as against 5,052111.1952, an 111crease of 1,760 members. An increase in the number o f d~yt.lme cl~sses has been shown, these classes being carried out in certam 111?Ustne , schools [or nur es and schools for apprentices falling under vanou labour unions governing the field of construction. I.n summi~g up, the St. John Council for Quebec has had a most actlve year In ~ll branches of endeavour and the extent of its work amongst the vaflOus comp::unities is also shown in the annual campaign for funds when more CItIzens subscribed as compared with previous years. SASKATCHEW A
Generally s~eaking 1954 was. quite successful for St. John in Saskatchewan, the. year s end found an Improved financial situation which is very encouragIng. Although there were decreases in the total of classes held and the numbers. atter:ding, it 1s felt that progress was made as courses were conducted III thirty-four communities where no previous classes h ad been held. During the year 199 First Aid and Home Nursing classes were held. The .f~ct ~hat we were a J:'le to arrange for classes in so many new commumtles ~s very heartemng and we are in hopes of getting into many more dunng 1955. .T?~ Brigade was increased by the [ormation of a very good Combined DlvlslOn at North Batt1e~ord early in the year, and at our recent Inspection we were very . pleased WIth t~e progress they had made. At Saskatoon where ther~ were three .Nursll1g Divisions, it was considered advisable to re-orgamse the three mto one to form a new division. This arrangement has worked out very well. h The revised senior Home. ~~rsing Book has been well received, as ave the new An:?ulance .DIvIsIOn dress regulations. At the CompetItIOns WhICh were revived this year after a lapse since
1948, a team from the Regina Nursing Division No. 10 won the Lady Drummond Trophy (Canadian Home Nur ing Championship for Senior Women) and a team from the Moose Jaw Nursing Division came fifth. Saskatoon entered two teams in Senior Fir t Aid and a Kamsack Junior First Aid came second for the Wallace 1 esbitt Trophy and first for the Leonard Trophy (Provincial). The eliminations in First Aid Competitions were carried out by the Provincial Commi sioner. The members of the Brigade continue with their many public duties, such as demonstrating for Instructors at classe, a sisting at Civil Defence classes, attending Sport and Public gatherings, making dressings for the Victorian Order of Nurses and assisting jn Hospitals.
Tyro Championship, represented by the Hutchison Memorial Trophy, was won by the Fort Rouge Motive Power Shops in Winnipeg. Regional and local championships were also declared. In the St. John Ambulance Competition, the Fort Rouge Motive Power Shop team at Winnipeg, Manitoba, was successful in winning the Montizambert Cup, representative of the Senior Canadian Championship, while two other teams were successful in winning Provincial championships. A large number of first aiders from this Centre continue to cover many public duties and various events and we continue to encourage them to assist the Brigade in this respect whenever it is possible to do so. This Centre continues to give first aid training to employees at many T.C.A. Airports. Supervisors of First Aid regularly inspect emergency first aid equipment carried on aircraft and in use at all stations. During the past year special courses were again given to several hundred Electrical Apprentices covering the treatment for Electric Shock.
First aid classes were conducted in 67 localities in Ontario and Quebec during 1954. Four employees distinguished them elves by earning thirty-year awards. There are now seven employees in thi group. Ten and twentyyear awards were received by 45 employees. During the year Instructors were given coaching and incidental training, also 36 new Instructors were trained, mainly as replacements, to give a total of 221 qualified Instructors in the Centre. Competitions have alway been an important part of activitie in the Centre, as a means of improving proficiency and stimulating interest. In 1954 about 250 employees took part in Company Competition . There were fourteen men's teams and seven ladie ' teams entered in the Senior Competitions and eighteen men's teams and eleven ladies teams in the Tyro Competitions. Teams from both Region of the Centre participated in Provincial and Dominion Competitions also and demonstrated a high degree of proficiency. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS CEI TRE
First Aid training continues to be maintained at a high level and the work carried out in 1954 compares favourably with previous years. Special attention continues to be given to employees in the Maintenance of Way Department. During 1954, 810 employees were given the complete first aid course at 45 stations. During the past ten years, 7,089 Section men, B. & B. and Signal Department employees have received first aid Certificates after successfully passing the required examination. Local First Aid Instructors and Regional Supervisors trained 1,064 employees at 65 stations. Under the supervision of the Regional Supervisor :first aid training was given to employees in the Communications Department, their families and the Armed Services located at stations on the Alaskan Highway between Dawson Creek, B.C., and Yellow Knife, Y.T. To carryon this work, more than 15,000 miles had to be covered by automobile to give 160 lectures at the 18 classes organised. One hundred and sixty-six successfully passed their examinations. Company competitions carried out in 1954 were again very successful. Forty-five teams entered Senior and Tyro Competitions and the System Senior Championship, represented by the Sir Henry Thornton Cup, was won for the third time by the London Car Shops, while the System
The Canadian Pacific Railway Centre activities for 1954 showed continued 'prog~ess in all fields of the work. During the year a group of 19 qualIfied Instructors conducted 87 classes in the regular First Aid course for employees in different classifications of employment. The modified course was again given to selected employees throughout the System. This course consists of the main points of First Aid, i.e. arrested haemorrhage, immobilization of fractures, transport of injured persons and the application of artificial respiration. During the summer months, First Aid Supervisors travelled more ~han th~ee ~housand :u:-iles by track motor in order to give First Aid 1OstructIOn In the modIfied course to some 2,000 Maintenance of Way employees throughout the System. The Sleeping, Dining and Parlour Car Department has again made ~very effort to promote First Aid classes during the year. Beginning In the month of May and during the rest of the year First Aid classes were held in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Employees of the Air Lines, such as Stewardesses and Ground Crews have shown much interest in First Aid during this past year. Classes :ve~e conducted in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Dorval. A marked increase III Illterest in the First Aid programme has been noted amongst employees. A group ?f 20 C?mmu.nications 9ang Foremen under the supervision of our RegIOnal FIrst AId SuperVIsors, held 153 monthly classes with an attendance of 415 employees at one or more lectures. After a lapse of many years annual competitions in First Aid were resumed in 1954. The number of teams entered and th~ results were very gratifying but, it is ?oped and expected that in 1955, at least double the number of teams WIll take part in competitions. A total of eleven teams took part in the eliminating competitions. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CENTRE
Th~ Royal Canadian Navy has found, after nearly two years' ex~enence, that t~e St. John Ambulance First Aid Training Programme wh~ch forms an Important adjunct in the R.C.N. (Reserve), is very satIsfactory. The standards of training are high, and, most important,
are uniform across the Dominion. This latter factor ensures that Royal Canadian Navy Reserve Medical Assistants are being consistently and adequately trained up to the Certificate, Voucher, Medallion or Instructor's Certificate level. Units and individuals of both the Regular and Militia components of the R.C.A.M.C. continue the close association and co-operation of many years, and in general are serving a me.mbers of. provincial executives and advisory committees, as medical exammers and lOstructors. A great number of R.C.A.M.C. p~rsonnel and I?embers of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets have qualIfied for CertIficates, Vouchers a~d Medallions in First Aid and Life-saving and a large number of UOltS of the R.C.A.M.C. are competing for senior and military competitions. The R.C.A.F. has continued to support First Aid training in co-operation with the St. John ~mbu.lance Association .at all levels. During the past year several umt with dependant re Ident on the stations have sponsored Home Nursing clas e .
inspection of our members of the Order, the Priory is greatly indebted to the Deputy Priors in each State and to the Knight Commander of the Commandery in Western Australia for arranging opportunities for Brigade members to be on parade at various times when Her Majesty was attending many functions. Also the members of the Brigade did magnificent work in lining the routes of processions and attending other function. Many tributes have been paid in all States as to their efficiency and timely help to many people requiring First Aid in the big crowds which had assembled in each city by night as well as by day. The South Australian Government by a grant of £5,000 to the Council of St. John, showed \'ery tangible appreciation of the duties performed in that State, an example which might have been followed by other State Governments. Also our Prior tated that he had heard many complimentary remarks as to the efficiency of the Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet Divisions in each State. The Council and Chapter Meetings of Priory were held on 25th and 26th June, 1954, at St. John's Cathedral Brisbane, this being the first occasion that Priory Meeting had been held in Brisbane. We feel very indebted to the Archbi hop and the Very Reverend Dean of St. John's Cathedral for making it possible for Priory to hold the two meetings in the Church office, and al 0 for arranging and conducting the Priory Service on the Sunday. Much interest was shown in the proceedings, and it i hoped that a great stimulu to the work of the Order in Queensand will result. At the Council Meeting on Friday, 25th June, the chair was taken by the Chancellor. There was an excellent attendance of Members of Council, and a very full bu ine sheet was presented and discussed in preparation for the Meeting of Chapter. There was a very full discussion on the matter of finance, and on the holding of the Inter-State Brigade Competitions. The Meeting of Priory Chapter was held on Saturday, 26th June, at 10 a.m., in the Church offices of St. John's Cathedral, Brisbane. The Prior, His Excellency Field-Marshal Sir William Slim, took the chair at the Chapter Meeting. The Deputy Prior for Queensland, His Excellency Sir John Lavarack, was present. Reference was made to the harmonious and efficient working of the St. John Council in South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland and Victoria, and the hope was expressed that New South Wales would fall into line in the near future. After the Priory Cathedral service on Sunday, 27th June, the members of St. John Brigade present were inspected by the Prior and the DeputyPrior of Queensland and Priory Executive Officers. The holding of only one Priory Council Meeting in the year and the printing of the new Brigade Regulations and various Brigade forms has thrown a lot of additional work on the members of the Priory Executive, to whom I am very much indebted for their helpful and loyal support and co-operation during the year. It is very evident now that the Priory in Australia is firmly established on a sound basis and is functioning well, largely due to the keen interest and leadership of our Prior and of his Deputy Priors in each State, so that there is every justification for expecting continued progress in future. It is hoped that Commander Bowen will be able to continue his
Awards received by employees during the year were as follow First Aid-Certificates 48, Vouchers II, Medallions 4, Labels 43. Home Nursing Certificates 3-Total 109.
Thirty-nine classes were held in Fir t .A.id during 1954. This is for the entire Force including the three trammg centre. T.hree hundred and seventy-four Certificates, 155 Vouchers, 63 MedalllOn and 167 Labels were awarded. Fifteen new Instructor' Certificates and five renewal Instructor's Certificates were issued. 1954 saw a sub tantial increase in the number of classes held and the number of award received. Generally speaking, First Aid work within t~e Force was carri~d on with a fresh vigour during 1954 and we are lookmg forward to a continued increase during 1955.
The highlight of the year was the visit to Australia in February ~nd March of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, SovereIgn Head of the Order of St. John , accompanied by her husband, His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh; a visit which evoked amazing and spontaneous gestures of loyalty and affection throughout our Commonwealth. Arrangements had been made to prepare a Loyal Address of Welcome on behalf of the Priory in Australia, the draft of which had been approved by our Prior, His Excellency Field-Marshal Sir William J. Slim, Goven~or General of Australia, and the completed address was presented by hIm to Her Majesty. Although there was no possibility of arranging any direct parade or
secretarial duties for many years as he is an indefatigable worker with the interests of St. John at heart. Personally, I am deeply indebted to him for his excellent work during the year. Once again there have been very liberal donations to the Ophthalmic Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and this year the total amount donated has been £176 7s. 2d. It is desired to take this opportunity to thank the representatives of the Hospitaller and Almoner in each State for their efforts as well as all those individual supporters who have responded so generously. It is expected that when the new hospital is built a plaque will be placed in one of the wards stating that it has been built in part from funds donated by the Australian Priory. The total number of members of the Order of St. John in Australia, recorded for 1953 was 689 and after allowing for new members admitted and the number of deaths, the number for 1954 is 717. The Annual Priory Service was held on 26th June in the Cathedral Church of St. John, Brisbane, when members of Priory Chapter, Priory Council, St. John Council, Brisbane, and Associate Members attended. The large congregation included His Excellency, Field-Marshal Sir William Slim, as Prior, His Excellency, Lieut.-General Sir James Lavarack, as Deputy Prior. In the absence of a Chaplain of the Order the prayers were read by the Dean of Brisbane, the Very Reverend Denis E. Taylor, M.A., and the sermon was preached by the Archbishop of Brisbane, the Most Reverend R. C. Halse, D.D. PRIORY DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE REPORT
New South Wales.-New avenues of instruction have been opened up during the year, notably the number of classes held at various camps on the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Project. Continued activity is shown by the Branches throughout the State. Pastor R. E. Hare, O.St.J., reports considerable expansion in the teaching of First Aid amongst the natives of the Pacific Islands. A total number of 213 Senior First Aid Certificates have been issued from N.S.W., an additional 116 candidates were trained in Samoa, their papers were forwarded to the New Zealand Priory for certificates. A decrease of approximately 8 % was shown in the number of classes held, although the decrease in Certificates issued was only 4 %. The number of successful Junior candidates increased by approximately 6 %. The year's activities show a further expansion of the work of the Order in this State. Pacific Island Expansion 1954.-Pastor R. E. Hare reports that classes of 1954 have been well scattered and include the following island groups: Samoa 17; Tonga 25; New Hebrides 11; Solomons 33; New Britain 28; New Guinea 103. Personal contact was made with each of these island groups and classes. Victoria.-In consequence of the establishment on 1st January, 1954, of a "St. John Council" for Victoria, administration of the affairs of the Order, other than teaching, ceased to be the responsibility of the Victoria Centre of the Association. As a result it was decided to constitute an Executive Committee to replace the "Council" of the Association. The new Committee consists of four medical practitioners, four lay instructors and one trained nurse, Honorary Treasurer and Secretary.
A small increase in the number of classes held and certificates issued, was achieved during 1954.
South Australia.-Although classes organised and registered for 1954 showed an increase of 50 on the previous year, the membership of each class on the average was less. Despite this, however, the issue of certificates totalled 1,168, an increase of 58. Although the statistics show a falling off in the issue of Adult Certificates, it has been covered to a large extent by an increase in Junior First Aid, many of these candidates becoming members of Cadet Divisions in the Brigade. Queensland.- Statistics for the year show that 2,904 Certificates were issued, which is an increase of 107 over that of last year. First Aid classes continue to be held successfully at the Teachers' Training College under the Thyne Memorial Scheme. Here all students now take a First Aid examination, 550 qualifying for the Certificate this year. The holding of Priory Chapter and Council meetings at Brisbane was of great value to the Association in Queensland. The knowledge that has been gained by southern members of the Priory of all branches of St. John work in Queensland should prove beneficial to the work of the Order in the State. Tasmania. - The Tasmania Centre reports an increase in the number of Certificates i sued during the year but this is mainly due to the tuition of Preliminary First Aid and Home Nursing in schools throughout the State. Preliminary Child Welfare and Preliminary Hygiene and Hygienic Food Handling courses have been popular subjects in schools where Cadet Nursing Divisions have been formed. The increased examination fees have enabled the Centre to be self supporting and since the formation of the St. John Council it has not been necessary to appeal for financial assistance. The Association functions on class and examination fees and donations received. The stores are now handled by the St. John Council and Secretary's salary is paid by the Council.
New South Wales Victoria South Au~traiia : Queensland Tasmania
New South Wales Victoria South Au~traiia : Queensland Tasmania
First Aid Home Nursing Child Welfare Hygiene Senior Junior Senior Junior Senior Junior Senior Junior 2,744 2,302 267 18 1,528 711 282 89 769 274 62 63
Vouchers Medallions 380 349 144 118 172 82
Labels 673 242 441
Total Pendants Certificates 33 6,766 11 3,125 1,863 2,904 45 1,586
I was granted leave of absence from 1/4/54 to 1/ 11 /54 whilst on a visit to the United Kingdom. The Brigade was administered by Brigadier W. W. S. Johnston, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.e., K.St.J., in addition to his duties as Commissioner, Victoria District, during my absence. In conclusion, I desire to express my thanks to Brigadier Johnston for carrying out my duties whilst I was abroad and my appreciation of the excellent work carried out during the year by all members of the Brigade in Australia.
TOTAL CERTIFICATES ISSUED SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRES 265,097 New South Wales 166,369 Victoria 53,373 South Australia 83,324 Queensland 29,071 Tasmania BRlGADE STRE GTH IN VARIOUS DISTRICTS
Number ofAmbulance Divisions . Combined Divisions Nursing Divisions, Cadet Ambulance Divisions, Cadet Nursing Divi ions Total PersonnelAdults Cadets
41 35 39
34 2 14 26 8
11 1 1
14 15 9
14 6 7
5 6 7
156 2 99 89 71
1,641 2,090
1,041 820
276 43
891 399
992 233
221 356
5,062 3,941
The above represents an overall increase of 16 Division and 361 members. This is a very satisfactory increase and reflect the growing interest in the Brigade. The Brigade, thanks to Mr. Bradbury, i now well established in Darwin, Northern Territory. Public Duties.-Throughout Australia the Brigade has carried out it public duties with efficiency. The visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh was a great test of the efficiency of the District Staff and members of the Brigade generally. District Commissioners and their Staffs a re to be congratulated on the thoroughness of their preparations and the concise and effective orders that were issued covering the distribution and duties of the Brigade in the capital cities and large country centres visited by Her Majesty. A large number of the Brigade were on duty for many hours working under trying conditions and the fact that not a single hitch of any importance occurred reflects great credit on all concerned. During this period approximately 10,000 casualties were treated throughout Australia. The manner in which the members of the Brigade carried out their duties earned the praise and thanks of the various State Governments and the unstinted praise of the general public and the press throughout the Commonwealth. All ranks can be justifiably proud of their part in ensuring the success of the Royal Visit. Sleeman Cup.-The Interstate Competition for the Sleeman Cup took place in Brisbane. The champion teams of the Nursing Divisions from Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales competed and the Cup was won by the Brisbane Central Nursing Division of the Queensland District. It speaks well for the training and keenness of the Brigade in Queensland that they should have won the Sleeman Cup twice running in the three and a half years of the Brigade's existence in that State. Administration.-During the year the General Regulations of the St. John Ambulance Brigade (in Australia) were printed and distributed to all Districts and the Brigade is now administered under these Regulations.
COMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA The outstan,ding . event of the year was the visit of Her Majesty the queen, Soverel~n Head of the Order, and H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh, In March. WhIle the shortness of the visit, together with the very full programme arranged for Her Majesty, precluded any special function by th~ Order, the Brigade 'vva.s extremely active in providing an efficient first aId coverage on all publIc occa ion. One thousand four hundred and eighty- even duties were performed and 366 casualti~s were treated. Another important occasion was the visit of His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir William Slim, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., G .B.E., D.S.O., M.C" Kt.Sr.J., Prior in Australia accompanied by Lady Slim, in , September to the Headquarters, Perth, where they were receIved by HI E~cellen~y the Knight Commander and Lady Gairdner, and afte,r. ~ short In pectlOn of the building and instructional and transpo!,t facIlltle they met members of the Order, Association Council and Bnga?e Repre en.tatives i!lformally. His Excellency and Lady Slim were Impre sed WIth the sIze and layout of the Headquarters building. Class work has been maintained throughout the year the number of cla se under instr~ction being 185, totalling 2,835' pupils. The number of pa e obtaIned wa also very satisfactory. The T~an port Service in the Metropolitan Area has had an active ye,ar haVIng conveyed 10,340 patients to or from ho pitals over a total mIleage of 89,322 mile. The additi?n of two new Sub-Centres brings the total number of Sub-Centres In the State, to ?9, of these 54 now operate Ambulance Transport. Further detatl wIll be seen in the report by the Director of Ambulance. St. J?hn's Day was celebrated this year on Sunday, 27th June, by a SpeCial Mas hel? a.t St. Mary' Cathedral at 9 a,m., which was attended by ~he, Knight C?mmander accompanied by members of the Order, As OClatlOn and Bngade. A Commemoration Service was held at St. George's Cathedral. A church parade of the Brigade marched thro~lgh the stree~s to the Cathedral. The service was preceded by a CapItular Processlon led ~y the Governor of Western Australia, supporte~ by the Deputy KnIg~t Commander. This was the first public occaSIOn when the full regalIa of the Order had been worn and it undoubtedly added to the solemnity and importance of the ceremony. An. Investiture was held at Government House on the 25th February, by HIS Excellency the Governor. The Co~mander'y Chapter records with deep regret the passing of the follOWIng of ItS members :-Charles Harper, Knight of Grace;
Joseph Robert Campbell, Knight of Grace; Capt. John James Henry Airey, Commander (Brother); and of the Order: John Cooke, J.P., Serving Brother; Herbert George Withnell, Serving Brother; Jack Learmonth Ochiltree, Serving Brother. Their long and valuable service in the work of St. John will ever be remembered. The Commandery Chapter and the Commandery Council met twice during the year. Mr. A. B. Krug, C.St.J., has been appointed Acting Treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Charles Harper.
His Excellency the Knight Commander presided at meetings of Commandery Chapter held at St. John Headquarters, Salisbury, on 25th January and 29th November. Meetings of the Commandery Council were held on 13th January and 13th November, at which the Lieutenant, Colonel Sir Ellis Robins, presided. Sir Arthur Griffin, K.C.I.E., O.B.E., K.St.J., first Director of Ambulance and Commandery Commissioner of the Commandery in Central Africa, has resigned his appointment upon leaving the Colony on retirement and is succeeded by Dr. S. G. H. Gasson, M.B., C.St.J. Sir William Murphy, K.C.M.G., K.St.J., has been appointed to succeed Dr. S. G. H. Gasson as Hospitaller and Almoner. The Commandery gratefully acknowledges the receipt of the second instalment of £1,000 of the Grant of Chapter-General, and likewise acknowledges with thanks the continued response from Members of the Order resident within the Commandery area to the special appeal for voluntary annual donations to the Commandery.
In the Metropolitan Area, His Excellency the Knight Commander, Sir Charles Gairdner, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B., C.B.E., K.St.J., accompanied by Lady Gairdner, carried out the Inspection, took the Salute during the March Past and presented Service Medals and Bars before a large crowd of spectators on the Esplanade on 28th November, 1954. Keen interest was again displayed in the "Tymms Cup" for Ambulance Divisions, and the "Donaldson Cup" for Nursing Divisions. The former was won by Margaret River Ambulance Division for the third ursing time in succession; the latter cup was won by Perth No.2. Division. The standard of work was again high in both competitions. The "Holland Shield" was competed for by Cadet Nursing Divisions for the first time this year and was won by Seventh Day Adventist Nursing Cadets. The "Harrow Shield" is a competition for Nursing Divisions in the Metropolitan area and Home Nursing is the only subject for the competition. It was won this year by Perth No. I Nursing Division. I regret to report the deaths of District Surgeon Dr. C. E. Young in a motor accident in Kalgoorlie, and of Divisional Superintendent C. Bredahl, York Ambulance Division. District Superintendent G. Stewart, O.St.J., resigned his position on account of ill-health, and was succeeded by District Officer D. G. White, S.B.St.J., whose vacancy was filled by Divisional Superintendent J. Patterson, Quairading Ambulance Division. District Officer J. H. Stubbe resigned during the year, owing to pressure of his work, he has been succeeded by B. Haskell, promoted from the Reserve and lately Divisional Superintendent, Fremantle Railway Division.
THE COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA The Order of St. John Bay in the Cloisters of the Cathedral of St. Mary and All Saints in Salisbury was dedicated by the Bishop of Mashonaland, the Rt. Rev. Dr. E. F. Paget, Commandery Chaplain, on 12th June in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering. His Excellency the Knight Commander, the Rt. Hon. Lord Llewellin, supported by Members of Commandery Chapter wearing their mantles of the Order, attended the Dedication Service and unveiled a Memorial Tablet to Members of the Order.
For the second year in succession the Brigade strength has shown a large increase in numbers. Last year's figure of 1667 has now been increased to 2,111, representing a growth of 28 per cent. Once again a large proportion of the increase is due to expansion of the British South Africa Police African Divisions but very satisfactory progress is also reflected in the strengths of Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet Ambulance Divisions. Nursing Cadets alone show a small decrease. .F?~r new Divisions have been established bringing the number of DIVISIOns to 41, unfortunately two Cadet Divisions were disbanded but there is every reason for satisfaction in the progress made during the year. The revised Regulations for the Brigade Overseas 1953 were adopted by the Commandery on St. John's Day, 1954, and considerable reorganisation of the Brigade has been carried out, effecting a large measure of decentralisation ~hi~h had become necessary on account of the huge areas covered by Dlstncts. The Rhodesia District has been split into Areas and the B.S.A. Police units combined into a Corps. It is expected that the new arrangements will give more effective control and greater efficiency. Competition work was revived and a very successful season was ~ro~ne~ by the achievement of the Bulawayo Railway Nursing team ~n wIllnmg the Hewat Shield, premier award for Nursing Division teams III the finals of the Competitions held in the Union of South Africa under the auspices of the Priory in Southern Africa. This is the first occasion on which Rhodesia has been successful in these Competitions. Th~ Firs.t Annual Ambulance Conference of the Commandery was hel~ III Salisbury during May, 1954, under the presidency of Sir Arthur Gnffin. The Priory in Southern Africa was represented by Brigadier C. E. Hoffe, a former Director of Ambulance and Priory Commissioner. Delegates !rom .all Centres and Districts in the Commandery attended and the dIS~us.slOns covered a wide variety of topics of interest both to the ~SSOClatlOn and Brigade. The Conference proved highly successful and WIll now be held annually in Salisbury and Bulawayo in alternate years.
Classes of instruction have been held throughout Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia and by the Rhodesia Centre for the Nyasaland Police. Both the number of classes held and the number of Certificates awarded show a considerable increase over the previous year, classes held numbering 109 and Certificates gained 2,482, the rate of increase in both instances being almost 25 per cent. Examination results remained consistently high. The number of recruits joining the Brigade from classes remains about the same at nearly 140.
There are signs of growing interest throughout Northern Ireland and indications that in 1955 the demand for all types of instruction will increase. Activities of the Association:-
THE COMMANDERY OF ARDS The year 1954 was on the whole a quiet one. An outstanding event was the purchase of premises for the permanent Headquarter of the Commandery of Ards . These Headquarters, situated in a central part of Belfast, fill a much required want and when completed will provide excellent accommodation for the Commandery and it Foundations and a hostel for country members attending lectures and meetings. St. John's Day Service was observed in the ancient church of St. Colomb in the City of Londonderry in the afternoon of Sunday, 20th June. The customary procession to the Church of Commandery Chapter took place and invoked much interest among the many onlooker who had not previously witnessed the dignity and olemnity of the Commandery Chapter in procession. The church was filled to capacity and the Lesson was re2d by His Excellency The Lord Prior. Commandery Chapter met four times during the year and the meeting were well attended. An Investiture by His Excellency The Lord Prior was held on 9th June at Government House, and twelve members of the Association and Brigade received their Insignia. The Library and Museum Committee had a succes ful year. The collection of 73 books, some purchased and some donated forms the basis of a very complete library on the History of the Order. Gifts of insignia, diplomas, pictures and miniatures by friends of St . John will provide a nucleus for the Museum which is to be a prominent feature of our new Headquarters. THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION
The Association had a successful year and further progres was made by the formation of three new active sub-centres. It is largely due to the influence wielded by these local sub-centres that interest in Association work is maintained. It is hoped that three new sub-centres will be formed during 1955. During the year two conferences were convened to enable Chairmen of Association Councils to discuss their problems and exchange views. These conferences were undoubtedly of great value. There has been a general improvement in the number of Adult First Aid and Child Welfare Certificates issued, but the figures for Home Nursing and Hygiene show a slight decrease. Preliminary instruction showed a marked increase in all subjects. The training of Auxiliaries and Ambulance Workers in the Northern Ireland Hospital Service Reserve was continued throughout the year.
(l) Number of Classes held: First Aid Home Nursing .. . Child Welfare .. . Hygiene and Food Handling (2)
Certificates awarded: First Aid (including 126 H.S.R.) Home Nursing (including 112 H .S. R.) Child Vv'elfare ... Hygiene and Food Handling Voucher Medallions Labels 21 33 29
62 21
1 2 861
267 34 29
Preliminary 35 14 3 3 273 111 40 42 Pendants 3
The Nur ing Cadet may well be proud of 1954. The Author's Cup wa won by a member of the Bangor Cadet Division and Second Prize in the Mu ic Competition was awarded to a Cadet of the Portrush Division. Vv'e were very proud, too, that Margaret Paisley of the Ballymena Cadet Division was chosen to go to Malta where she had a wonderful time. Twenty-two Cadets took up "full-time" nursing, and over 8,000 hours of voluntary service was rendered by other members. Four new Nursing Cadet Divisions were formed. Today we have in Northern Ireland 24 Grand Prior Nur ing Cadets and 21 holders of the Special Service Shield. Nine Cadets have joined the V.A.D. or Civil Defence. The above successes are due in no small measure to the hard work put in by the District Officer Nursing Cadets, Miss E. Garrett and her officers. The District Transport Division likewise had a successful year. Over 32,000 miles were travelled and 3,263 patients carried. Duties during the year, although of a routine nature, proved extremely arduous due to appalling weather conditions. The members of the Brigade rose to the occasion and fulfilled all calls made upon them in their usual loyal and efficient manner. There is very little change in the strength of the Brigade from 1953, but there has been an increase among the Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Divisions which augurs well for the future. The retirement of Mrs. J. B. Johnstone, our District Superintendent, after very many years of loyal and devoted service, was a great loss not only to the Brigade but to all those connected with St. John. We are, however, very fortunate in having Mrs. M. H. Neill as her successor.
value of the Order's investments exceeded the value at the end of the preceding financial year by £941 and that thus the sale of investments to meet current expenditure during that year had been more than made up by an overall increase in the market value of the Order's investments. During the year under review £52,000 4 % Victory Bonds were drawn and repaid but it will be observed that, nevertheless, there was a further increase of £7,898 in the overall market value of the investments. It will be appreciated, however, that there has been a substantial fall in market prices of Government stock since Balance Sheet date and the total value of the Order's investments at the time of writing is approximately £1,885,330, disclosing a fall in value of some £66,000 and bringing the present market value some £26,500 below the book value of the securities. There are set out below notes on certain items appearing in the Accounts.
The Accounts submitted herewith, which are subject to audit, follow the revised layout adopted last year. COMP ARISON OF RESULTS WITH ESTIMATES
The Estimates for the year under review provided for Ordinary Expenditure of £94,438, which was to be met from Ordinary Income of £50,605, with the charge of the resulting deficit of £43,833 to the St. John Post-War Fund (General Allocation). The estimated and actual ordinary income and expenditure for the year is summarised below: EXPENDITURE Central Adininistration St. John Ophthalmic Hospital . St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade
Estimate £ 25,250 26,250 15,494 27,444
Actual £ 28,009 25,481 14,054 25,713
Actual Deficiency Excess £ £ 2,759 769 1,440 1,731 2,759
et £1,181 INCOME Central Administration St. John Ophthalmic Hospital St. J0hn Ambulance Association St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade
37,315 3,100 8,750 1,440
40,380 3,128 9,142 2,889
3,065 28 392 1,449
Slralhearn House and Watson House, Jerusalem The e properties have for some years been in use to accommodate the hospital work at Jerusalem pending the building of a new hospital. The properties appear in the Balance Sheet at the book value of £1,583 and these a sets have been reallocated from the General Fund to the Ophthalmic H?spita.l End?wment Fund in order to bring the accounting arrangements IOtO llOe With the use to which the properties are being put. Leasehold Premises at 10 Grosvenor Crescent, S. W.l The Order' interest in 6 Grosvenor Crescent Mews S.W.l which property is included in the head lease held by the Order on ~ccount of 10 Gro ~enor C~e cent, was sold during the year and the net proceeds of sale credited agalll t the value of the a set shown in the Balance Sheet. 2.
The estimated and actual income and expenditure of the St. Joho Post-War Fund (General Allocation) for the year is summarised below:
EXPENDITURE Net Ordinary Expenditure, above Direct Expenditure
Estimate £ 43,833 26,275
Actual £ 37,718 23,929
Actual Deficiency Exce s £ £ 6,115 2,346 8,461 4,092
Freehold Property at Bexhill, Su sex By ~,inute 2876(1) C~apter-General on 18 November, 1953, approved Councll s recommendatIOn that the Order should vest the site and ~ui.ldings of the St. John Am~ulance Bri~ade Camp at Bexhill directly In ltself. The asset has accordlllgly been Included in the Balance Sheet at the total net sum disbursed b~ the Order on account of this project an d the sum of £8,1?0 repr~sentlllg a grant made and expenditure incurred and charged In the Income and expenditure account in earlier years has been written back to the credit of the St. John Post-War Fund (General Allocation) on the face of the Balance Sheet. 4.
The cost of the Order's share of the expenditure on Welfare Work in Service Hospitals has been met from investment income and realised book profits on the sale of securities. In my report dated 11 February, 1954, covering the Accounts for the year ended 30 September, 1953, I pointed out that the market
Current Assets in Israel Note 3 discloses that the Order's current assets in Israel have been revalued i~ order. to express their true worth in terms of sterling. At the same time the ltems constituting the net sum of £10,130 (see ChapterGeneral ~eport for 1953, page 75) and representing the balance of c?mpensatlOn f?r damage received from the Israeli Government preVIOusly dealt WIth as a reduction in the value of the asset have been reallocated .to offset e~penditure related to the grant of compensation,. part of which expendIture was effected in sterling.
Central Administration It will be observed that the suggestions made by the Committee when last year's Accounts were under consideration have been embodied in the present Accounts. (a) V.A.D. Standing Committee The Order's share of the expenditure of this Committee is now charged directly to the St. John Post-War Fund (General Allocation) Income and Expenditure Account and the comparative figures have been adjusted accordingl y. (b) Superannuation Generally, expenditure on superannuation contributions by the Order on behalf of the staff shews a marked increase. This is principally due to the bringing into membership of the Social Workers Pension Fund certain members of the staff not members of the Order's Superannuation Fund, which is closed to new entrants. The new superannuation arrangements came into operation on 1 April, 1954, and on that date the Order incurred a charge of £2,110 in respect of backdated contributions. St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem The income from the property in Israel is now expressed at the estimated sterling equivalent whereas the previous year showed this income in Israeli currency. It will be observed that the reduction in expenditure at the Hospital is mainly attributable to the item "drugs and equipment."
St. John Ambulance Brigade, Bexhill Camp-Surplus, 1954 The Camp was in fact operated at a small loss during the season. Since, however, a cash surplus of £132 from previous years when the Camp was locally controlled was brought in to meet current expenditure there was a resulting net operating income.
CONCLUDING COMMENTS There is no individual feature of continuing or remarkable importance to which I need draw special attention. The principal financial problem remains, that is to say the equation of ordinary income and expenditure. In the year under review the excess of expenditure amounted to £37,718 compared with the estimate of £43,833. Of this betterment of £6,115, income accounts for £4,934 and the balance lies in reduction in expenditure and may fairly be said to represent a continuance of the moderate downward trend of administrative expenditure which began to appear last year. As the Finance Committee are aware the process of further reduction is to be dealt with on the lines set out in the Chancellor's memorandum outlined at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee and formally presented to Chapter-General on 17 November, 1954. E. BURDON, 15 February, 1955.
30 September, 1954
as at 30 September, 1953 Add: Legacies. . . . . . . Provisions no longer required Sundry Fund balances transferred War Damage claim: Stores Dept.
Less: Works at St. John' Gate Grand Prior's Portrait (on account) Compensation for losses: Ophthalmic Hospital Staff Transfer to St. John Post-War Fund (General Allocation) - to reverse transfer in 1946
1,759 198
5,290 4,978 33,885 667
Less: Legal Charges Salary and Expenses Architects' Fees
as at 30 September, 1953 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest
Less: Expenditure .
Carried forward
Freehold Premises adjacent to Grand Priory Church . . . . . . Leasehold Premises at 33/34 Wilton Row, S.W.1 . . . . " .. Less: written off to date .
379 760
665 318 25 5,892
Stratheam House and Watson House Jerusalem* . . . . . .
Leasehold Premises at 10 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.l* . . 41 ,847 Less: written off to date . 1,757
278 68,816
Freehold Premises at 15/16 Col-
122 3
311 47
Freehold Property at Bexhill Su~sex-St. John Ambulanc~ Bngade Camp*
228 2
Le~~~·g:~?;te~a~1;~~ J~~.5 :
213 7,294
50 34
3,698 3,648
17,640 4,704
12,936 46,106 1,149
. 26'~11
26,144 144
Per Schedule attached (Market Value: 1954-£1,951,566' L ANS B 1953- £1,943,668)
as at 30 September, 1953 . Add: Advanced during year
36,952 3,250
41,176 600
Less: Repaid during year
40,202 7,362
41,776 4,824
Carried fo rward
£ 4,985 10,130
17,640 5,292
650 455
General Allocation: Leasehold Premi es at 8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.l . . Less: written off to date : . .
51,449 25,449
Ophthalmic Hospital Endowment FundFreehold Premi es at Ho pital, Jerusalem £ Less: written off to date . . 4,985 compensation claim (net)
51,449 25,449
3,698 3,648
Sf. John Post-War Fund-
650 520
Rights in Kolossi Ca tie, Cypru
Less: Grants
General FundFreehold Premises at and adjoining St. John's Gate . . . . . . . . . . . Less: written off to date.
Muristan Property, Jeru alem Less: written off to date .
as at 30 September, 1953 Add: Interest Subscription
22,402 as at 30 September, 1953 Add: Donations
£ 108 443
5,873 210
as at 30 September, 1953 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest Legacy . . . . . . War Damage claim and interest thereon
1953 £
6 Brought forward
ET CURRENT ASSETSSTOCKSStores Department Insignia and Medals Sundry
38,998 8,150 87
Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year . .17,197 Net adjustment on revaluation of assets in Israel . 2,088
43,307 4,605 648
55.049 7,263 785
48,560 36,930 88,656
63,097 59,118 72,805
174, 146
Deduct: 39,26:
J ,245,051
CREDITORSSundry . Staff Superannuation Fund
. 24,336 . 18,529
40,556 15,906 42,865
56,462 131,281
SPECIAL ALLOCATIO of £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitals£ 548,598 as at 30 September, 1953 Add: Net Profit on realisation of 37,778 investments
This Balance Sheet alld the al/ne xed In come and Expenditure Accounts present the financial position and rransactions of tlte Headquarters horh of the Order and oj its Foundations. They do not incorporate the assets, liabilities and transactions of the local ['nits of rhe Order olld of its FoundorlOns, rhe Account of which are mail/rallIed and audited localh' under Regularions aurhorised hi' rhe Order. (2) III addition ro rhe properties included in rhis Balance Sheer cerrain orher properties hal'e been rested ill the Order either as parr of its corporare property or UPOII Trusts ill connection wirh rhe Sr. John Ambulance Association and Brigade. These properties are ollly realisable wirh the consent of rhe Charity Commissioners or the Trusrees or Local COlJ1mi((ees oj Monogelllellf. (3) Net current assets in Israel of 1£21,435 (1953: 1£20,341) are held subject ro exchange restrictions. Thel' are com'erted at the exchange rare of i£5.88 to £1 for blocked accounts at 30 September 1954 (1953 at par). * ' (I)
Less: Excess of Expenditure over
Income for the year
1,292,286 L~:
Brought forward
ST. JOHN POST-WAR FUND (Funds allocated by Joint War Organisation)GENERAL ALLOCATION of £2,060,000as at 30 September, 1953 Add: Net Profit on realisation of Investments St. John Ambulance Brigade CampGrant and expenditure capitalised Transfer from General Fund, above
27,702 548,598
558,674 1,831,675
E. BURDON, Receiver-General D. B. R . SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant
*See Report of the Receh'er-General.
Having examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Accounts of St. John of Jerusalem and with the returns received from Jerusalem, we hereby report that, on the ~e ·fiOks and vouchers of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. eel ed 10 the Notes on the Balance Sheet, the said Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E .C.2. 28 February, 1955.
PRICE WATERHOUSE & Co., Chartered Accountants.
Foundation Dues . Annual Oblations Commuted Oblations
Less: ceded to Priories and Commanderies
Interest on Investments Other Interest.
Less: ceded to Special Funds
£ 1,621 5,785 319
1953 £ £ 2,213 5,693 177
7,725 1,506
8,083 1,541
8,811 391
7,532 576
9,202 2,254
8,108 6,948 118 158 568
Rents, less outgoings Donations. . . . Proceeds of sale of cars
8,108 296 156 716
£ 5,373 543 686 135 779 73 633 1,345 540 265 521 313 684 1,937 321 771 251
Salaries, Pensions an~ N~tlOnal Insurance Superannuation contnbutlons Rent and Rates . . . . Lease-amount written off . Lighting, Heating an~ Cleaning Repairs and DecoratIOns . postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Entertaining expenses St. John's Day. Investitures . Insignia. . . . . . edals, Vellum Votes and Diplomas aplestead Church expenses epartmental transfer expenses Solicitors' Charges. . . anagement Consultants. un dry Expenses
- -- - - -
14,011 15,818
15,422 25,400
Gross Profit on sale of stores
Deduct: Salaries and National Insurance Superannuation contributions Rates . . . . . . . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Sundry Expenses
£ 7,913 1,427 305 340 694 650 138
alaries and National Insurance upera nnuation contributions ent and Rates . . . . ease-amount written off . . ighti ng, Heating and Cleaning. ostage and Telephone rin ting and Stationery ravell ing expenses udit Fees . . . . .. oss on Exchange- Australia and undry Expenses
26,369 26,081 PU BUCATIO
4,261 5,167 164 149 253 204 170 431 110 46 70
3,201 413 ]69 135 326 196 259 331 289 'ew Zealand 158
5,477 11,025
1953 £ £ 5,727 201 837 149 1,003 180 699 1,590 799 519 501 622 1,363 2,171 136 5,378 147 2,912 466
t. John Review: Pn nting Charges . Sala ries and National In urance Sundry Expenses
Cost of Production
Sales and Advertising Revenue
£ 4,445 1,174 430
t. John Cadet:
Printing Charges Sundry Expenses
465 18 483
215 2,829
alaries and National Insurance ress Cuttings. . . nntlng and Stationery Travelling Expenses . ntertaining Expenses und ry Expenses .
1,353 150 499 139 133 571
] ,306 206 158 ]09 30 320 2,129
alaries and National Insurance uperannuation contributions quipment and Furnishings Purchase of Books Provision for cleaning 'pictur~s und ry Expenses . . . .
788 69
876 212 372 36 169 398
53 292
undry Expenses
transferred to St. John Post-War Fund
28,009 43,379 12,371 1,479 (Defic- - - - - - iency) £40,380 £41,900 =
£ ],257 1,243 62
Proceeds of sale of car ISRAELRents, less Rates and Taxes
NET COST, transferred to St. John Post-War Fund
1953 £ 1,420 1,175 57
2,562 200
EXPENDITURE HOSPlTALSalaries, Pensions and National Insurance Superannuation contributions Food and Housekeeping . Drugs and Equipment Rent Light and Water . Repairs and Maintenance Travelling Expenses Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Surveyors' Fees Warden 's and Sisters' FlatsFurnishing Sundry Expenses
1953 £
11,169 146 3,608 6,007 400 377 1,369 1,278 163 472
11,465 48 3,161 1,980 825 525 1,040 ],314 168 408 409
:::0 m '"0
0 ..,., -l
Cost of new car
1,921 425
21,960 618
n :r: > '"0 -l
LONDO OFFICE Salaries and National Insurance Superannuation contributions Printing and Stationery . Travelling xpenses Loss on Exchange Au tralia Sundry Expen c
A wards (net). . . . . Donations and Subscriptions Arabic textbook sales
6,322 2,455 160 205
3,643 2,396 344
NET COST, transferred to St. John Post-War Fund
9,142 4,9[2
6,383 10,022
6 m zm :;0
> r
Charges to Centres and Detached Classes for instruction and examinations. . Less: Lecturers' and Examiners' Fees payable thereout
109 4 42 195
£ 1,014
£ 1,035 458 112 946
ISRAELAttorney's Fees and Expenses £25,481
Salaries and National Insurance Superannuation contributions. Rent and Rate Lease- amount written off Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Po tage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling Expen es Sundry Expenses Grant to ounties ompetition (net)
1953 £
6,880 942 337 270 653 1,087 1,988 286 161
8,336 912 285 298 599 869 2,563 624 181
12,604 200 1,250
n 0
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE Donations ' " Ministry of Education grant . . . . National Hospital Service Reserve grant.
NET COST, transferred to St. John Post-War Fund
68 1,440 1,381
66 1,440 1,364
23, 1J4
10,673 1,530 579 588 869 1,176 1,714 2548 245 298 982
11,503 366 552 588 919 1,277 1,947 1,949 222 290 1,519
Competitions . . . Cadet Rally- Hyde Park Training Centre and Club
21,202 1,387 601 2,576
21,132 1,401
Deduct : Bexhill Camp, Surplus- Season, 1954 .
Salaries and National In urancc Superannuation contributions. Rent and Rates . . . . Lease- amount written off Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling Expenses . Entertaining Expenses . Conferences and Meetings Sundry Expenses
53 \0
ST. JOHN POST-WAR FUND INCOME AND EXPEND1TURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER, 1954 GENERAL ALLOCATION 1953 EXPENDITURE 1953 INCOME £ £ £ £ £ £ NET COST42,139 44,020 Interest on Investment Foundations460 430 Interest on Loans St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, 25,069 22,353 Jerusalem . . . . . . 42,599 44,450 St. John Ambulance Associa10,022 4,912 tion . . . . . 23,114 22,824 St. John Ambulance Brigade . BALANCE, excess of expenditure over income for 39,262 17,197 the year transferred to Balance Sheet 58,205 50,089 Deduct: Central Administration 1,479 (Defi12,371 surplus income - -ciency) 59,684 37,718 DIRECT EXPENDITUREGrants : Priory for Scotland - Home for Working Mothers, Edin5,000 5,000 burgh . . . . Administration grant . . . 1,000 Commandery in Central Africa 1,000 St.John Councils' Headquarters 2,500 Ceylon 500 Singapore . . St. loho Couocils2,858 Secretarial grant . . . 1,972 300 Brierley Hill Divi ion, S.J .A .B. 120 Cyprus- local officer. . . 7,993 Del'elopment oj O\'erseas Units . 2,750 RelieJ1,467 5, 159 Welfare work in Malaya 2,500 Korea . . . 2,720 40 East Coa t Flood 500 Greek Earthquake . 739 913 V.A.D. Standing ommittee Malta Memorial Di trict ursiog 100 A sociation . . . . . . in bury Employment Scheme for 75 the Elderl y 9()O He hill ('Imp 'ork 23,<)29
22. 177
SPECIAL ALLOCA TION INCOME Interest on Investment . BALANCE, excess of expenditure over income for the year transferred to Balance Sheet .
£ 21 , 175
1953 £ 20,250
EXPENDITURE Welfare Work in Service Hospitals
£ 48,877
1953 £ 54,242
(J (J
z ...., C/l
30 SEPTEMBER, 1954
Nominal Value s. d. £ A. BRITISH GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED STOCKS (a) with a fixed date for redemption3 % Defence Bonds, 1956 . 3 % Savings Bonds, 1955/65 4% Victory Bonds, by 1976 2t % Savings Bonds, 1964/67 3 % Funding Stock, 1959/69 3 % Savings Bonds, 1960/70 3 % Savings Bonds, 1965/75 3 % British Transport Stock, 1978/88
Book Value £
0 0 0 4 10 6 0 9
1,000 3,000 1,652,428 4,282 68,292 18512 150 11,317
71 ,493 3 7 26,560 14 11 36,129 9 8
71 ,260 24199 30,926
£1,859,768 10
B. DOMINION AND COLONIAL GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED STOCKS with a fixed date Jor redemption2i % Australia Stock, 1967/71 . 2t % Australia Stock, 1970/75. . . . . 3 % Federated Malay States Stock, 1960/70 3t % Sierra Leone Stock, 1958/63 .
18,000 3,300 3,000 1,980
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17,940 3,309 2,817 1,816
1,000 3,000 1,617,500 4,282 69,802 18,511 150 11,339 £1,725,585
(b) with no fixed date for redemption3t% War Stock, 1952 or after . . 4 % Consolidated Stock, 1957 or after 3t % Conversion Stock, 1961 or after
C. SUNDRY STOCKS 3% Nottingham Corporation, 1/9/57 Lansdowne Club, Ltd. 364 Shares of 2/- each, fully paid
0 0 0 0 0 14 0 6 2
FUNDS Nominal Value
30 SEPTEMBER, 1954 Book Value
Market Value
R elationship between Market Value and Book Value Excess Deficiency
St. John Post-War FundGeneral Allocation Special Allocation
1,091,225 526,275
1,115,793 536,635
1,145,786 552,589
29,993 15,954
General Fund .
1,617,500 269,385
1,652,428 259,620
1,698,375 253,191
£1,951,566 £45,947
6,429 £6,429
Net excess-£39,518
8 0
8 0
£ 1,752,665 134,220
1,785,663 126,385
£ .,926,
SUMMARY With a fixed date for redemption . With no fixed date for redemption
Excess total Market Value over Book Valu~
(Founded 1882)
of tbe
(Bra nb {prior\? i n
:fBri tis h lReal111 of the
lDencrable ®rber of the 1bospital of $t.
30bn of 3erusalem
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Report of the Committee for 1954 i ncluding the
Report of the Ladies' Linen Guild
.'. ,. . . .
1bo5pital of "[IJe lDenernble ~rber of St. 30bn, 3eruaalen\
S()\?cret01l 1beab of tbe
(tOllllllitrce: (24th June, 1954) 1bo~pltnl[er.
1I)(ltl . 'tl:rcaEurcr.
EXTRACT FROM THE RULE AND CUSTOM OF RAYMOND DU PUY, GRAND MASTER OF THE KNIGHTS HOSPIT ALLER OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOH~ (1120-1160) That the Knights who should make their profession in it should adorn their Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues, with hospital service, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in these various functions, should only seek to distinguish themselves by a cour e of virtue. Soldiers of Jesus Christ are designed only to fight for His glory, to maintain His worship, to love, reverence and preserve justice, to favour, support and defend such as are oppressed, without neglecting the duties of holy hospifal sen'ice.
SCCl"ctaq;. MAJOR
J. F.
to tbe 1bospita!.
,Matron. DOROTHY
{prior}? of Scotlanb 1bospttRller SIR GORDON LETHEM, K.C.M.G.
lPrior}? for lIUla Ie s 'Ib:lSpltalln THE EARL OF PLYMOUTH
Hospitaller of Bridgend
lPrior}1 in Southern :africa 1bospitllller COLONEL
Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Committee for 1954 inel uding the REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE LADIES' GUILD
The Ho pi taller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their ixty-third annual report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General.
lPrior}? in ·n·lew Zen (anb 1bO.5P ltRII~r JOHN H. RHODES, ESQ.
lPrior}? in (ta nab a 1b05pitllller BRIGADIER W. P . WARNER, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.B., F. R . . P.Cc.)
jprior}1 of tbe Eustralian (tollllllon\\?ealtl) (e,IC Iusi"e of l1me5 tern
:a us tra IIII )
'lbo5llita II e r COLONEL
K. B.
(tollllllUnber}? in 1RLlestern Bustralia (witbttl tbe lPrlOr}? of tbe 11ustralillll (toI1l11lom"ellltb) 1bospttaller A. G. HALL, ESQ., C.LE., M.B.E.
THE COMMITTEE H.R.H. The Grand Prior accepted the resignation of Colonel The Lord Webb-Johnson, G .C.V.O., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., F.R.C.S., as Hospitaller on the evening of the Eve of St. John Baptist. Lord Webb-Johnson was appointed Hospitaller in April 1946, and the eight years during which he held the appointment were by no means easy; owing to the rapid deterioration of the political situation in Palestine at the end of the British Mandate, the war that followed, and the uncertain conditions which have prevailed since the signing of the Armistice . Lord Webb-Johnson was responsible for the re-equipment, reorganization, and general expansion of the work at the Ophthalmic Hospital on the Bethlehem Road after the second World War, which resulted in the number of attendances breaking all previous records. Unfortunately, on the termination of the Mandate it was necessary to evacuate the Hospital as a result of hostilities, and at the conclusion of the fighting the hospital buildings were left on the Israel side of the Armistice line. The majority of patients have always been Arabs. Its new geographical position made it impossible for Arabs to attend the Hospital and Lord Webb-Johnson was confronted with the problem of starting the work once more in Watson and Strathearn Houses in the Old City. In 1952 the Deputy Hospitaller, Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, on behalf of the HospitaUer, visited the Middle East and carried out a survey of the hospital and its work. He also considered the possibility of building a Research Institute and co-ordinating all ophthalmic activities in that area. As a result of his visit essential alterations were made both to Watson and Strathearn Houses, which resulted in a satisfactory temporary 43-bedded hospital. Lord Webb-Johnson during his term of office had the satisfaction of seeing the Hospital rise again and the work flourish in the temporary premises in spite of the adverse conditions under which it had to be carried out.
The Committee wishes to express its profound gratitude to Lord Webb-Johnson for the services he rendered to the Hospital during a most critical period of its history and to congratulate him on being created Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, K.C.V.O., as Hospitaller from St. John the Baptist's Day, 1954. H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of Mr. C. A. P. Southwell, C.B.E., M.C., to be a Member of the Hospital Committee. In December, the Hospitaller, accompanied by the Secretary, had an audience with H.M. King Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, at the Jordan Embassy, London.
Mr. Law had an audience with H.M. King Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He had intervJews with ~he Prime Ministe~ of Jordan, the Minister of Foreign AffaIrs and SocIal Welfare, an~ Lleut.General J. B. Glubb, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Arab LegIOn, and H.M.'s Ambassadors in Beirut, Jordan and Israel. The Committee are indebted to Mr. Frank Law for his detailed and constructive report. The Committee would like to thank Mr. C. A. P. Southwell for providing hospitality for Mr. Law and the Secretary at, the Kuwait O.il Company's Gue t House, and placing the Company s plane at their dispo al. The Committee would al 0 like to thank Mr. Jordan, the General Manager of the Kuwait Oil Company and his staff for all the arrangements that were made whilst Mr. Law and the Secretary were guests of the Company.
HOSPITAL STAFF Ill-fortune overtook the Medical and British Nursing Staff during the year. Surgeon-Commander Gurd, R.N., the Warden, had an acute illness whilst on leave in Northern Ireland, and on his journey to Jerusalem he was again delayed for medical reasons in Beirut and had to postpone for some days his return to duty. Whilst the Warden was ill in Beirut, Miss D. G. Wood, the Matron, had an acute attack of appendicitis which necessitated an operation. Later in the year, Sister Iles, who had been appointed in ] une 1954, received an injury to her leg which eventually forced her to return to England. It is much to the credit of all concerned that in spite of the e misfortunes the work of the Hospital continued efficiently. At the end of January 1954, Sister B. R. Bach completed her contract and left for her home in Australia. Sister Edwards, on completion of her contract, returned to England. Sister Edwards will not only be missed at the Hospital but also by the British community in Jerusalem, particularly at the St. George's Cathedral where she was a prominent member of the Cathedral Choir. The Committee would like to wish Sister Edwards every happiness in her forthcoming marriage. Sister E. B. Fox joined the British Nursing staff in June; this enabled the Matron to have an extended annual home leave, and it was with very great pleasure that the Committee welcomed her to their November meeting. The Committee are happy to say that the health of all the members of the staff has now been restored, and appreciate all that they have done in a somewhat trying year.
o FFI CIAL VISIT Early in the year, at the invitation of the Committee, Mr. Frank Law, F.R.C.S., accompanied by the Secretary, paid a visit to the Middle East. The Committee felt it would be wise to follow-up the Deputy Hospitaller's visit in 1952, and that Mr. Law should report on the advisability of going forward with the project of building a new hospital outside the Old City Walls, Jerusalem, Jordan. His terms of reference also included an inspection of the present hospital with a view to recommending any further essential improvements, and, finally, an inspection of prospective sites for a new hospital.
VISITORS TO THE HOSPITAL In January, Mr. Aneurin Bevan, M.P., and Miss Jennie Lee, M.P., visited the Hopi tal. THE SITUATION IN JERUSALEM The Jeru alem Hospital Working Committee, which was set up by Chapter-General in 1953, worked throughout 1954 on future Hospital policy. It was agreed by Chapter-General that since the political situation in Jerusalem, Jordan, appeared to be as stable as it would probably be for some time to come, plans for the purchase of a site and plans for the building of a new Hospital should go forward. In view of the fact that both the Hospitaller and Mr. Frank Law had independently agreed on Nashashibi House as being a suitable site for the new Hospital, Mr. J. E. Simp on, A.R.I.B.A., M.R.San.I., the Municipal Engineer and Surveyor for Amman, wa a ked to make a survey of the property. He reported favourably and recommended the Order to purchase both the house and site. It was further agreed that if sufficient financial support were obtained a Research In titute should be associated with the Hospital so that the recent advances in research on virus diseases might be applied to the problem of trachoma, the wor t eye disease in the Middle East. This scheme has the support of the World Health Organisation and the International Organisation against Trachoma and the Committee hopes that before long the Order may be in a position to proceed with this project. As far as Jerusalem, Israel, is concerned there is very little to report. The old Hospital buildings are still let to the Israel Government and two charitable organisations, but the disposal of these buildings is constantly under review by the Committee. FINANCE The Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking those who have given financial support to the Hospital during the year. They are particularly grateful for the continued loyal support of the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand and the Commandery of Ards.
Once again the Committee would particularly like to draw attention to the d~nation from the Great Priory of Masonic Knights Templar, who contmue to support the work of the Hospital in a most substantial way. In view of the proposed new Hospital and Research Institute such support gives great encouragement to the Committee. The Committee would again thank the Clothworkers' Company for their continued and most valued up port. Finally, the Committee particularly wish to acknowledge the donations sent . fr~m t~e St. John Ambulance Brigade Coronation Camp, the ProvlilcIal Pnory of Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire, and the Explosives and Chemical Products Ltd. CONCLUSION The ~ommittee would like to expre s once again to the Warden, the MedIcal Staff, the Matron and the Nursing Staff, and all the other members of the .H0s~ital Sta~ their deep appreciation for their loyal and devoted serVlce !?lVen dunng the past year under great difficultie . They would further lIke to place on record their very warm thanks for the staff's incre~sing efforts to maintain and enhance in every po ible way the reputatIOn of the Hospital and the prestige of the Order. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER Hospital/e/'. '
WARDEN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1954 The year 1954 was a hot and trying one. The summer heat began early and finished late, so that the incidence of acute inflammatory eye disease was as high, or higher, than usual. The total number of new patients attending the hospital was 31,238 which showed an increase of 1,003 on the previous year. The total out-patient attendances were 161,421, a slight decrease on the figure of 165,150 for 1953 which was an all-time record for the Hospital. There were warlike activities in Jerusalem at the end of June when Arab and Jewish troops exchanged gunfire during three days and night. There was some civil unrest during the general election in October when travel was restricted for some days. Both of the e occurrences may have reduced our annual total of attendances; but the unusually mild weather during November and December has probably made up for thi and the Hospital has had an unusually busy winter. The operation performed totalled 2,567, an increase of 185 on the figure for 1953. The only new departures in surgery were two scleral resection for the replacement of detached retinae, one of which was performed by Mr. Frank Law in April. Mr. Law kindly undertook several operations of different kind and gave much valuable advice on clinical problem which wa greatly appreciated. Mr. Law also gave a lecture on "Facial A ymmetry" before the Jeru alem Medical Association. This lect ure wa illu trated by lantern slides. To revisit the operating theatres in the ophthalmic hospitals of the United Kingdom during leave impresse one with the entirely different situation which one has to face in ]cru alem. Our cataract patients are usually old, decrepit, and suffering from malnutrition. Their dental condition is usually appalling and we have no facilities for bacteriological studies of the conjunctival secretions before operation. Our results would seem to indicate that a great deal of the pre-operative precautions which one undertakes, when under ideal circumstances, may well be superfluous. The only local conditions which cause us to postpone intraocular operation are very gro s oral sepsis, dacryocystitis, or mucopurulent conjunctivitis. There has been no case of an eye being lost fron: post-operative sepsi during the past 2,000 major intraocular operatIOns and in very few cases has sepsis of any kind occurred during convalescence. Nearly every eye upon which we operate is infected with trachoma, and many of the cataract patients show evidence of previous keratitis or iritis. The large number of operations performed for the relief of entropion and trichiasis give immense relief, and preservation of sight, to hundreds of sufferers. A great many patients suffer from pterygium and many operations are undertaken for the relief of this condition. There are instances in which the prevention of recurrence appears to be quite impossible, and in some cases even after very adequate excision the condition presents itself again within a few months of operation.
The main work of the Hospital is performed in the out-patient department and here the work has been very heavy indeed. We have been short-staffed for part of the year due to illness and accident, but the results of the work have been very rewarding. It is difficult to convey how the epidemic acute ophthalmia of infancy and childhood sets in with such alarming suddenness . On one day one may see two cases, and on the following day sixty. The disease is very acute and alarming, for should treatment not be started within four or five days of onset one or both eyes may show severe corneal ulceration resulting in serious or complete loss of useful vision. Treatment in the very acute cases has been conducted using intensive penicillin drops therapy. If the patient's mother can be prevailed upon to remain in the clinic for five or six hours the eyes usually become markedly improved during the one day, and the child who came in with tightly closed red lids and purulent discharge in the conjunctival sac often goes home laughing with both eyes wide open. The causes of blindness are set out in the following table:A. Congenital B. Acquired 1. Conjunctivitis resulting in . (a) Corneal opacity (b) Secondary Glaucoma (c) Shrunken Globe 2. Fundal Conditions. 3. Glaucoma (Primary) . 4. Cataract 5. Injury . . " Total Blind Eyes - 2,005
502 224 510 236
205 317 ]0
During the year it has been our privilege and plea ure to train groups of ophthalmic orderlies for the United Nations Works and Relief Agency and for the Government hospitals. The total number so trained has been 12. They were, without exception, keen to learn and some of them sh~~ed intelligence of a very high order. The main purpose of this trallllllg was not only to become conversant with the commoner diseases and their treatment, but also to recognise serious disease when it occurs and refe~ the patient to expert help without delay. The Nursing Sisters have delivered many lectures and demonstrations during the year the value of which to these orderlies in training and to our own Nursing Staff has been very great indeed. Mos~ of these Orderlies are now employed in Refugee Camps and are domg most valuable work. They visit us from time to time when they return to Jerusalem. We are confronted from time to time by cases of malignant disease of the eyes and adnexae for which adequate facilities for treatment do not exist in the Jordan. These cases have been dealt with for us by Pr?fessor A. E. ~iab and his staff at the American University Hospital, Beuut. The patIents have invariably been destitute but not certificated refugees and as such are not entitled to United Nations relief. The Anglican Bishop has invariably provided the money for the travelling expenses to Beirut from funds administered by him and has also arranged for accommodation to be provided in Beirut when this has been necessary. These services have been of inestimable value.
Th United Nations Welfare and Relief Agency continues to assist us wi~h supplies of drugs and dressings for. which v-: e are ve!y grateful. The transport of supplies ~nder Arab LegIOn ausplces contlllues to be most expeditious an~ efficIen~. The hospital premIses contlllue to be adequate for the pe~formance of our work, bul like all other conversions they are far from Ide~l. We could do with twice as many beds as we possess at present and still have a long waiting list for ope~ation.s. .t1r. Frank Law suggested several structural improvements dunng hIS VlSIt and most of these have already been completed. We await the r~turn of s~tt~ed dry weather for the execution of certain external repaIrs and pawtmg. The Bishop in Jerusalem and Su?-Prelate .of the Order conducted a Service of Benediction of the Hospltal premlses on 14th Ma~ch, 19?4. The Greek Orthodox Patriarch was represented at the serVlce which was attended by a group of close friends ?f the Orde~. In this last report which I shall ren.d~r w my. capaCIty as 'Yarden, I should like to thank Dr. Khalil BudeIfl, Dr. Elias Doany, Mlss Wood Miss Edwards Mi s Fox and Miss Iles for their most valuable .support during my te~m of office. The clerical, nursing and domestlc staffs have shown a loyalty and a devotion to duty which have been a pleas~re to experience. Outside the J:lo pital it .elf, to those wholesale chemIsts who provided u with suppl1e~ at specl~lly reduced rates,. and to those who gave their ervices and tlIne gratUItously to our asslstance, I am very grateful. In thi part of the world one ~as to \~ork ha.rd a~d long to achieve small but tangible result. The lllterna.tlOnal sl~u.atlOn has not changed during the past two years but wo~k~ng C~)lldltlOns h~ve recently become noticeably easier . from an adn:l~lstratlV~ stan?-polllt, and this gives more time for devotlOn to ~hose . chmcal dutIes whlch are after all the es ential substance and satIsfactlOn of the work of the Hospital. (Signed) D. P. GURD, Surgeon-Commander Royal Navy, Warden.
DETAILS OF OPERATIONS, 1954 Eye Lids Needlings Total Curette Evacuation Trichiasis and Entropion Iris Lip Grafts 24 Snellens 166 Optical Iridectomies . Hair roots destroyed with Abscission of iris prolapse Graefe knife 13 Division of Anterior Synechire Hotz Anangnastakis 4 Removal of intraocular foreign Th iersch grafts 5 bodies (magnet) Tarsorrhaphy 2 Ptosis Everbusch 1 Skin and muscle Retinal Detachment 3 Canthotom(es Scleral resections 8 Rodent Ulcers-Excision Diathermy 4 Lachrymal apparatus Dacryocystectomies . 37 Glaucoma Corneo-scleral trephine Conjunctiva Glaucoma iridectomies. Conjunctival flaps . 7 Glaucoma iridectomies (ab Excision of Pterygia 42 externo) Transplantation of Pterygia 188 I ris inclusion . . Conjunctival cysts removed 5 Anterior Sclerectomy with iriDivision of Symblepharon 4 dencleisis Cornea Globe and ocket Growths removed . 2 Strabismus Paracentesis of corneae 2 E viscera tio n Tattooing 3 Enucleation Lens Socket grafts Cataract Senile Total Major Operation Intra capsular 67 Total Minor Operations Extra capsular 142 Linear extractions 4 Gross Total Vectis delivery 4 STATISTICS OF DISEASES, 1954 Eye Lids Spring Catarrh . Trichiasis and Entropion 1,848 Acute Conjunctiviti Entropion Spastic 25 Acute Conjunctiviti with Ectropion Cicatricial 9 Ulcer Ectropion Senile 12 Acute Conjunctivitis with Ectropion Spastic 4 Perforating Ulcer . Ecchymosis 20 Chronic Conjunctivitis Symblepharon 5 Angular Conjunctivitis Blepharitis Ulcerosa 58 Blepharo Conjunctivitis Blepharitis Squamosa 427 Traumatic Conjunctivitis Lagophthalmos 8 Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis Ptosis 27 Pingueculum Hordeolum 732 Pterygium. Chalazion 193 Symblepharon Dermatitis . 2 Tumour Abscess 57 Injury Tumour 8 Cyst Rodent Ulcer . 29 Nrevus . Herpes. 9 Xerosis. . . Cyst 50 Foreign Body. Foreign Bodies 3 Eczema 4 Injury 3 Lachrymal Apparatus Orbit Dacryocystitis Acute. Tumour 1 Dacryocystitis Chronic Cellulitis 10 Mucocele Conjunctiva Fistula Trachoma 26,385 Abscess of Canaliculus
60 6
Limbus Pigmented N revus Phlycten Dermoid Cyst Tumour
3 164 1 1
49 15 3 3 2 3
45 2
20 2
60 36
14 4
1,062 1,505 2,567
Cornea Ulcer Simple Ulcer Hypopyon Ulcer Perforated Ulcer Pannu Ulcer Dendritic Pannus. Nebula or Laucoma . Opaque Cornea Sloughed Cornea . Adherent Leucoma Fistula. Xerosis. Staphyloma Ectasia. Herpes. Facet Keratitis Superficial Keratiti Macular Keratitis Interstitial Foreign Body. Injury Keratomalacia De cematocele Sclera Staphyloma General Anterior Staphyloma Epi cleriti Injury
656 53 69
9,407 25 13 3
500 76 14
121 15 1,625 20 5
13 62 8
10 13
39 83 11 18 9
Choroid Choroiditis Tay's . Chroiditis Disseminated. Choroiditis Retiniti Choroidal Degeneration (Myopic) Choroiditis Central Retina Retinitis Albuminurica Retinitis Diabetic . Retinitis Pigmentosa . Macular Degeneration Haemorrhage Detachment . Arterio Sclerosis Embolism Central Artery
Optic Nerve Neuritis Retro Bulbar Neuritis Atrophy Uveitis.
2 6 2
40 61 I
6,264 155 22 859 2
94 1 18
33 1 4
241 9 3
159 126 12 4
33 118 18 7
Iris lriti and lrido-cycliti Irido-Dialy i (Traumatic) Congenital Coloboma Po terior Synechiae Anterior ynechiae Occlusio Pupillae. Prolapse of Iris Iris Bombe
Embolism Central Vein. Thrombosis of Central Vein Congenital Anaplosia of Retinae
115 6 9
123 2 32
13 2
27 16
30 3
10 8 14 21 4
16 9 3
Lens Senile Cataract 1,573 Congenital Cataract 44 Traumatic Cataract 51 Complicated Cataract 131 Anterior Capsular Cataract 21 Posterior Polar Cataract 12 Anterior Polar Cataract 73 Aphakia . . , . 400 Secondary Cataract Membrane 52 Dislocated Lens 18 Opacities 186 Vitreous Opacities Haemorrhage Glaucoma Acute Primary Sub-Acute Chronic Glaucoma Secondary Glaucoma Absolute Glaucoma Buphthalmos Ametropia Myopia Hypermetropia Astigmatism Presbyopia . . . . Amblyopia Ex Anopsia. Anisometropia Muscles Strabismus Convergent Strabismus Divergent Strabismus Alternating Strabismus Sursumvergent Ny tagmus. 3rd Nerve Paralysi 6th Nerve Paralysis Globe Shrunken Ophthalmiti Panophthalmitis Anophthalmos Exophthalmos Injuries (Perforating) Microphthalmos Xerophthalmos Ruptured Total Refractions
39 3
30 13
156 139 238
14 681 379 315 327 25 7
361 158
41 I
47 3 4
407 13
13 283 3 1 11 1 2
~ ~I~I ~ ~I~i <nOON\O
I c:::i
.I rJ)
I~i I~i
Annual Subscript ions £ s. d. 1 1 0 110
Ailesbury, The Marquess of, D.S.O. Ann, Captain H. T. Anonymous . . Archer, Lieut.-Colonel G. L., T.D. Bilton, Mr. & Mrs. F. Browne, Brigadier J. G., e.M .G., e.B.E., D.S.O .. Bryce, D., O.B.E. cCadbury, Mrs. W. A. Catt, Colonel P. H. . . Cecil, Commander The Hon. Henry, O.B.E., R.N. Chamberlain, J. H. H. (South Africa) Clothworkers' Company cCodrington, Colonel J . A. . Commandery of Ards in Northern Ireland Dalton, Brigadier e. J. G., e.B.E. Dalton, Mrs. J. e. Explosives & Chemicals Products Ltd. Gillett, Major Sir Sydney H ., M.e. Grantham, W. Ivor, O.B.E .. Harris, Captain The Lord, M.e.. . . Howard de Walden and Seaford, The Lady, e.B.E. Hugh de Payens Preceptory No. 56 Hunter-Weston, Grace Lady Jackson's Lane Methodist Church Guild Jerusalem (Sundry) Leather, Miss V. M., M .B.E. . Lechmere, Captain A. H. (the late) . May, Major F., M.B .E., T.D. Morrison, Commander E. A., R.N. Morrison, N. G .. New Temple Preceptory No. 117 . cNewton, Miss F. E. Norton, Mrs. J. J., M .B.E. . . Onward and Invicta Lodge, No. 2912. . . . Order of the Temple, Great Priory of England and Wales Osborne, Miss R., e.B.E., R.R .e. Oxford, Churchwardens of St. Martin and All Saints' Church Parnham, H. W . . Patrick, Sir Paul, K.e.I.E., e.S.I. Pratt, Eldon, M.D., M.R.e.S. Priory for Wales, Order of St. John (1954). . . Provincial Priory of Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire, and Bedfordshire cPerrins, C. W. Dyson. . . . St. John Ambulance Brigade Coronation Camp Steer, Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Hornby Stitcher, B. (1953/54). . . Tapp, Colonel H. A., O.B.E., M.e. Verey, Colonel H.E., D.S.O. . . . . . . cWalker, Miss A. M., M.B.E. cWebb-Johnson, Colonel The Lord,G.e.V.O.,e.B.E.,D.S.O. Williams, The Rev. Canon A. L. E.
Donations £ s. d.
300 1
1 0
220 220 1 1 0 9 1 10 1 1
1 0 1 0
110 100 16
o o
6 3
550 1
1 0
6 0 7
1 0
1 0 1 0 1 0
o 0
18 3 8 110 220
0 6 10
900 220 1 1 0 220
7 18 6 19
1 10
1 0
0 0
10 10 0 100 100 3 16 4 19 1 10 1 1 0 £122
3 10 £663 13
£785 17 Note:-The letter c before subscribers' names indicates that they have signed a Deed of Covenant.
THE PRIORY OF SCOTLAND PRIORY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH Collected by Sir Gordon Lethem, K.C.M.G., K.SLJ. Hospitaller and Almoner for Scotland
eLt.-Colonel J. W. Balfour Paul, D.S.O .. O.SU., V.D., D.L. eSir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey of Dinnet, K.CM.G., K.SU. Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey of Dinnet, K .CM.G., K.StJ . eMrs. Jane P. H. Graham Brown, O.SU. cR. G. A. Brown, Esq., M .SU., CA. eF. S. C Cameron-Head of Inverailort, Esq., CStJ. eThomas P. Cowie, Esq., O.B.E., O .SU. Mrs. Mary U. Crookshank, O.SU. . . . eColonel M. M. Cruickshank, C.I.E. , O.SU., B.Sc., M .D., F.R.CS. (late LM.S.) . . . . . The Reverend Nevile Davidson, Ch.SU., D.D., J.P. eColonel H. F. Grant-Suttie, CB.E., D.S.O., M.C, CStJ. eMajor John Forrest-Hamilton, K.SU ., M.D. eThe Rt. Honourable The Lord Inverc1yde, K .SU., D .L. eSir Gordon Lethem, K .CM.G., K.SU. Sir Gordon Lethem, KCM.G., KSU. eThe Rt. Honourable The Earl of Lindsay, K.SU . James Macdonell, Esq., O.SU. eColonel Eric D. Mackenzie, CM.G., D .S.O., O.SU. dvy Mackenzie, Esq., O.SU., M.D., B.Sc., F.R.F.P.S. Professor J. D. Mackie, CB.E., M.C, S.CU., LL.D., M.A .. Norman M. Manclark, Esq., O.SU. cDr. J. P. Mitchell , CB.E., CSU. Sir Andrew Murray, O.B.E., KSU ., LL.D., J.P . cLt.-Colonel R. L. T. Murray, O.SU . Miss A. H. Pettigrew, M.SU. cC H. C Pirie-Gordon ofButhlaw, Esq., O.B.E., D .S.C , K .SU. , F.S.A. Mrs. Mary Ross, O.SU. cMrs. Agnes B. Scott, M.SU. cFrank M. Scott, Esq., M .C eMichael Scott, Esq., O.SU., M.A . eRobert G . Simpson, Esq., O.St.J., CA. Captain J. Shand Sivewright, O.SU. cMrs. M. J. Stark, M.SU.. . . . . cGeorge Swapp, Esq ., O.SU., D.CM., M.M. , M.B. Major-General A. P. D. Telfer-Smollett, CB., CB.E., D.S.O., M.C , K.SU., H.M .L. (the late) . . . . eLt.-Colonel Sir Hugh S. Turnbull, K .CV.O. , K.B .E., KSU. eColonel Alexander G. Young, D.S.O., CSU., T.D . The Aberdeen Committee of the Order The Edinburgh Committee of the Order The Glasgow Committee of the Order.
£ s. d. £ s. d . 1 18 2 1 18 2 100 300 3 12 8 1 18 2 3 16
200 3 12 8 100 I 1 1 I
16 16
4 4 2 2
18 18 1 0 0 9 1 10 550 3 12 8 I 18 2 I
220 I 16
300 1 18 2 I
3 16
220 19 1 3 16 2
St. John Ambulance Association- Victoria:Mrs. Alice Creswick Lt.-Col. O. B. Williams Mr. T. A. Pearce . Mrs . D. E. Young. Brigadier H. C Disher Mr. Douglas Donald Miss L. E. Peverill Lady Herring . . Brig. C W. Nye. Mr. G. Newman-Morris . Mr. A. G. Brown . Brig. W. W. S. Johnston Lt.-Col. A. Russell . Miss E. M. Appleton . Mrs. L. Scantlcbury Mr. John Newman-Morris Col. J. A. H. Sherwin
10 2 1 1 5 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 10 10 1 1 1
0 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 10 15 100 27 1 21 5
18 10 15 0 7 0 0 5 10 10 2 2
St. John Council for South Australia Hospitallers' Club-South Australia Hospitaller ' Club-New South Wales . SJ.A.A. Victoria Centre and Ho pitallers' Club Mrs. R. E. Coles. SJ.A.A. Queen land SJ .A.B. Queensland S.J .A. A . Brisbane . E. Newton-Daly, E q.
249 7 0 50 13 0
Deduct: Loss on Exchange
£198 14
200 5 9 0 19 1
2 10
Note.-The letter e before subscribers' names indicates that they have signed a Deed of Covenant.
PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND Auckland District, 1953 Auckland District . Canterbury District, 1952 Canterbury District, 1953 Manawatu District Otago District South Auckland District Wanganui District Wellington District, 1953 Wellington District
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 1 10 3 16 4
300 1 16 4 3 16 4 330 330 330
£ s. d .
£ 30 24 9 24 5 18 6 17 1 31
s. 18 2 10 18 2 10 11 19 1 10
d. 9 4 0 4 0 0 0 9 0 11
Linen Guild Ubntrlltnll:
THE COU TESS OF SCARBROUGH llhce -<!f)n irma 11:
IDepllt}2 Ubafrlllllll: THE DOWAGER LADY LLOYD
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE LINEN GUILD FOR 1954. The Committee wish to express their deep regret at the resignation of the Hospitaller, Colonel The Lord Webb-Johnson, G.C.V.O ., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., F.R.C.S. During his term of office Lo~d Webb-Johnson offered unstinted help and encouragement to the GUIld and the Committee desire to assure him that the friendship and guidance given them in times which were critical both for the Hospital and the Guild will long be remembered with gratitude. The Committee at the same time extend the warmest welcome to the new Hospitaller, Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder whose services to the Hospital in the past are well known to them. ' They are eager to do all in their power to assist in his plans for the future work of the Order in the Middle East. In .fost~ring these pla~s t?e Guild is encouraged by the knowledge that. It enJoys the enthuslastlc support of the Overseas Priories, and in pa~t~cula~ the most grateful thanks are due to Lady Elliott and Mrs. ":'illis 0 ~onnor, under whose chairmanship the bonds between the Lmen GUIld of the Grand Priory and the Guilds of New Zealand and Canada have grown even doser than before.
HOSPITAL IN JERUSALEM Although the Committee has met only twice ~uring 1954, the year has been a fairly active one, devoted to supplymg the needs. of the temporary Hospital in Watson and Strathearn House, pendmg the development of the Order's plans in the Mid?le East. The ~atron's requirements for the Linen Room at the Hospital have been cIrculated to Members of the Committee and to the Guilds of New Zealand and Canada, and as a result parcels of clothing and medical comforts have been sent to the Hospital. . The Committee is grateful to the Members of St. John m Somerset for volunteering to embroider emblems for. the bed~prea~s. . The Committee welcomed the opportulllty of discussmg WIth the Matron when she came on leave in November, both the needs of ~he Hospital and various improvements in the uniforms of the Nursmg Staff. The Matron' assistance and advice were greatly appreciated and the Committee would like to take this opportunity of wishing .her and all the taff well in the arduous but inspiring work they are domg. THE LADIES' LI EN GUILD OF THE PRIORY IN EW ZEALAND During 1954 a further splendid gift of dothi.ng was ~eceived fr.om the Ladies' Linen Guild in New Zealand. The hIgh quality, quantIty and beauty of the gift were widely admired, and it was distribut~d between the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to ChIldren, the Soldiers' Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association, and the Rev. Prebend~ry Bartlett, St. Saviour' Vicarage, Poplar. A . donation of .£30 to be used in the purchase of comforts for the HospItal was receIved with grateful thanks. THE LADIES' LINEN GUILD OF THE PRIORY OF CANADA A further gift of clothe and Linen Room requirements from the Priory of Canada has been shipped to the Hospital in Jeru.sale~. The Committee of the Linen Guild is grateful to all those m dIfferent parts of Canada whose enthusiasm and hard work. combined to m.ake this such a fine contribution to the welfare of the patIents at the HospItal. It was particularly encouraging to find that some of the gifts were made by Cadets. A donation of £50 to the Grand Priory'S Linen Guild to help with its commitments was deeply appreciated by the Committee, who wish to thank the Linen Guild for their kind generosity. THANKS The Committee's thanks are due to the Vice-Presidents and other subscribers who continue to offer such loyal support. They feel that the time is coming when those who have helped the Hospital through these difficult times will be rewarded by seeing it acquire a new stature in the world of medicine and an even wider scope for the relief of distress and suffering.
Heald, Lady. . Lascelles, Mrs. Edward Scott, Mrs. K. P. Wollaston, Lady
£ s. d. 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 £2
1st JANUARY, 1954 to 30th SEPTEMBER, 1954 HONORAR Y MEMBERS VICE-PRESIDENTS Adams, Mrs. Hugh . . . . . Airlie, The Dowager Countess of, G.C.V.O., G.B.F. Astor, Lady Violet. . Bessborough, The Countess of Bessemer, Mrs. J.. . Byrne, Miss V. J., O.B.E. Cadbury, Mrs. W. A. . £;Copland-Griffiths, The Hon. Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. M. . . . . Cromer, The Countess of Dawson of Penn, The Viscountess, O.B.E. French, Lady Essex, O.B.E.. . cGrafton, The Dowager Duchess of . Graham, Mrs. M. B. . . Halifax, The Countess of, c.r. Ham bleden , The Dowager Viscountess Henn-Collins, The Hon. Lady Hunter-Weston, Grace Lady James, Lady Serena Lechrnere, Mrs. C. M. . Lindsay, The Countess of Luttrell, Mrs. G. F. Lythall, Miss A. E. Magniac, Mrs. Claude Malcolm, Lady, M.B.E. . Mills, Mrs. J. H.. Norton, Mrs. J. J., M.B.E. . Nunburnholme, The Dowager Lady . Onslow, The Countess of, C.B.E., A.R.R.C. Overend, Miss L.. . Perowne, The Hon. Lady Pirie-Gordon, Mrs. H. . Plender, The Lady . Rice, The Hon. Mrs. Talbot Ritson, Mrs. 1. M. . Scarbrough, The Countess of Smith, Miss H. M., A.R.R.C. Stuart, Mrs. Man. . . Swaythling, The Dowager Lady Tildsley, The Hon. Mrs .. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D. . . Tuker, Miss M. A . R. (deceased) . Vernon, Mrs. Robert Vivian-Neal, Mrs. C. M .. cWalker, Miss A. M., M.B.E. Warneford, Mrs. M. E. . Whitaker, The Hon. Mrs. Wills, Lady
£ s. I I J I I 1 I 1 3 3 1 I 3 0 I J8 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 I I 18 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 2 0 I I 1 1 1 I 2 0 1 I 1 1 1 1 3 0
1 1
1 ]
1 3 0 1 I 1 II 1 J I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 I
1 J8 1 ] 1 I 1 1
d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
Gaskell, Lady Con tance Milnes . . . . . Hardy, Lady Katherine. Howard de Walden and Seaford, The Lady, C.B.E .. Watson, Mrs. D. B., O.B.E. Weaver, Mrs ..
£ s. d. 1 0 0 2 2 0 10 0 10 0 10 6 £4 12
Note.- The letter c before subscribers' names indicates that they have signed a Form of Covenan t.
.. Then in Palestine, in sober grandeur stood, A Ho pital that, night and day, received The;: Pilgrims of the West and, when 'twas asked, . Who are the noble founders? ' Every tongue At once replied' The Merchants of Amalfi '; That Hospital, when Godfrey scaled the walls, Sent forth it holy men in complete steel, And hence, the cowl relinqui hed for the helm, That chosen band, valiant, invincible, o long renowned a Champions of the Cross In Rhodes, in Malta." Samllel Rogers (Italy).
abe <srnnb !prIor\? In abe :1l3l'1t1sb 1f?ealm of toe M05t lOenernble 0rber of tbe 1bospltnl of St. J0bn of Jer1l~nl(m
St. 30bn Rlnbulance tlB60cil1tion lPntroll : HER 1IAJE TY THE Q UEEN
( ' overeign Head of the Order)
lPreslbcnr : FIELD<\IAR~HAL
H. R.
(Grand Prior of the Order)
IDln:ctot:::u;cnc ra l: HOR \ e E
PARSHHL, ESQ., T.D . , ;\1.:\ . ,
IPrtllClpal MAJOR
A. C. 'W HITE K:-<ox, O.B.E., ;\1.C .. ;\1.B., CH.B.
ID eplltr IDl rec tor:::<senna!: LIEUT.-COLONEL E.
'lLn l'l \1 IP l'\ 11 c q.Hll : l\IRS.
IDepurp IPt'llIClpll! McNcal ®mcer: GUY
\V .
Secretnrl? : E. F. GUERITZ,
:assocIation <Iommtttee
(Oxo .)
.ffiel1lbert' : Ex-offiClO THE
M r. H. H. Herman, representing the National Police, retired and was replaced by Mr. A. E. Rowsell, Chief Constable of Exeter. Mr. John Tennant, T.D., County Director for Kent, has taken the place of Lieut.Colonel A. J. Macphail, O.B.E., T.D., County Director for Lancashire as representative of County Directors. Dr. A. J. Amor, of Imperial Chemical Indu tries Ltd., Mr. A. Bird, of the National Dock Labour Board, and Mr. Alex J. Webb, of London Transport Executive, kindly agreed to erve a new members. Dr. McLintock replaced Mr. E. Harris of the Nat ional Coal Board, and M r. C. Cooper of the British Railways, replaced Mr. Simpson who has retired from the railway service. The A ociation' gratitude is due to those retiring members of the Committee for all the interest they took in its work and for the benefit of their advice and experience.
.J .A. B .
1ROl1l1llatcb b)? IDlrector:::(l;elleral : THE HON . MRS . LESLIE GAMAGE H . ADAMS CLARKE, ESQ. , A.
A:\lOR, ESQ ., CoB. E., :1l.D., ~r.SC.
1R.:preselltlll(l ~rgal1ls~tIOl1S: J. C. R. BUCHANAN, ESQ., C.M.G., M.D., Colonial Office MISS E. COCKAYNE, S.R .1'<.,
ursing Profession
FRA 'K GILBERT, ESQ., O.B .E., B ritish Transport Commi~ Ion J SHARP GRANT, E SQ., M.D., British Railways R. SIMPSON, ESQ., British 1'{ailways R. BURGOYNE, ESQ ., British Railways E. HARRIS , ESQ., National Coal Board
S. \VEATHERLEY, ESQ., Genelal Post Office
G. T. MILNE, ESQ., Ministry of H ealth
A. E. ROW ~.ELL, ESQ., O.B .E.,
a ti onal PolIc e
L . G. NORMAN, EsQ.., M.D., L ondon Transport Executive ALEX
ESQ. , L ondo n Transport Executive
The only change has been the resignation of Mr. Anthony Steel who had been Assistant Director General (Overseas) for the previous three year. For the time being no uccessor has been appointed to him. but Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, K.C.M.G., K.B.E., M.C., T.D., Q.C., who ha recently retired from the Colonial Civil Service and whose last appointment wa as Governor of North Borneo, has very kindly agreed to advise the Association on overseas matters, and I am very grateful to him for the help which he has already given. The thanks of the As ociation are also due to all those who so generously consented to continue their duties for a further three years. The A ociation i now fortunate in having 13 County Directors and it is hoped that this number will be increased during 1955. The following were appointed County Directors in 1954:- Brigadier V. F. S. Hawkins, D.S.O., M.C. (Dorset), Mr. D . W. MacIntosh, C.M.G., O.B.E.(Gloucestershire), and Sir Conrad Corfield, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., M.C. (Berkshire). Major-General F. Beaumont-Nesbitt, C.V.O., C.B.E., is now Association Director for Northern Ireland and member of the Association Committee. The Association lost the services of Major Viney, D.S.O., and Dr. Owston in the Counties of Buckinghamshire and Surrey respectively, and thanks are due to them for the work they did while they held the appointments of County Direstors in those Counties.
ational Dock L abour Board
J. B. L. MUNRO, ESQ., C.M.G., Ministry of S upply P. PXINOLE, ESQ., M.F.C.S., L.R.C.P., LL.B., Cpntral Electricity .\ uthority A. B. BADGER, ESQ., PH.D., Gas Council
H. C. MAURICE WILLIA MS, ESQ., O.B.E., M.R.C.S., Central Cou n cil for Health Education
"R epreselltillg Suborbillilte JE:;tablisbmenrs or tbe ~rl>er : THE HON. JOHN BRUCE, C.B.E ., Priory f o r W ales
:,\rr\JO~;~: 'ERAL F . BEAUMONT-NESBITT, C. V .0., C.B.E., Comm a nd ery of
An encouraging increase was shown in 1954 in the number of classes run as compared with 1953 (8,323 certificate classes against 7,878, and 1,472 re-examination classes as against 1,299). Classes run in direct correspondence with Headquarters exceed those run through Centres for the first time for a number of years. This is an indication of the general public's desire to obtain Association training. The increa'>e in the re-examination classes is a satisfactory sign that certificate holders are realising the importance of maintaining their efficiency. Re-examina-
5 4
tions and the study which they entail are essential if the Association is to maintain its reputation for producing competent first-aiders. In order to improve the maintenance of efficiency, the Association Committee decided to place a limit to the validity of vouchers, and the award is now only valid for three years from the date of is ue. In this way a first-aider, who wishes to hold a permanently valid first-aid qualification from the point of view of the St. John Ambulance Association, must take a re-examination for the Medallion within three years. This change received a hearty welcome, and I am sure it will do much to maintain the value which is placed upon our awards by the various undertakings who train their personnel under our auspices as well as by the general public as a whole. There has been an increase in the number of classes run for Civil Defence purposes, both on behalf of local authorities and industry, and continuing interest is shown in recruitment to the National Hospital Service Reserve and the courses run for it. Discussions are in progress between the Home Office, the Association and the British Red Cross Society regarding the future of first aid training for members of the Civil Defence Corps. The Association has come to an arrangement with the Admiralty whereby Sick Berth Attendants can obtain first-aid certificates as a result of their naval specialists' examination. Members of the W.R.N.S., under the same scheme, can be awarded, as well as the first-aid certificates, home nursing certificates, provided they obtain the necessary number of marks in the nursing as well as the first-aid part of th-5ir service examination. Co-operation with the Army and R.A.F. also continues most satisfactorily. A large number of classes were run in the Suez Canal Zone and this together with the training given to the R.A.M.C. personnel at Crookham and the arrangements made with the R.A.F., which were reported last year, means that the Association assists in the training of both long-term and National Service personnel. The Air Ambulance Attendants' course is continuing to attract attention and members of charter air lines are in many cases being trained under our auspices. Several air lines train air hostesses on our first-aid and home nursing courses or on courses based on them. Overseas air lines, such as Central African Airways, are also using our textbooks for staff training. Food hygiene develops slowly but it will become increasingly important when the new Food and Drugs Act comes into force. The General Post Office has run classes for canteen supervisors, who will be responsible for the training of all Post Office canteen workers in London. This is a very great step forward and may well set an example to other major organisations. The County of Durham continues to show great interest in the subject and other counties have made strenuous efforts to run classes which have had very favourable comment in the Press. The Association has co-operated to the full in training the personnel of the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, as it has done in the past with those establishments which were part of the Ministry of Supply. The National Dock Labour Board Centre which was established in 1953 has developed very rapidly and interest in first-aid is shown, not only in the number of classes run, but also in the week-end courses
which are organised to discuss first-aid in all its aspects and to stimulate a greater efficiency. ACTIVITIES AT HOME
County Directors co-ordinated activities in their county, and opened new centre. In Sussex new centres have been opened at Crawley and Three Bridges, Eastbourne and Chichester, and the centre at Hastings has been revived. In Surrey, centres were started at Croydon and Farnham, and, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, at Osgoldcross. In Kent a centre was started for Folkestone and Hythe, and, in Lancashire, the Todmorden centre was revived. The County Director in Suffolk has re-organised affairs so that the original centre at Ipswich covers a wider area, and a new centre has been opened at Lowestoft to cover N.E. Suffolk. The Rural Representatives scheme in Lancashire has proved very uccessful and there are now 37 representatives in the County. These have already been able to render very useful service, not only to the Order but also to the general public, and credit is due to the County Director and hi supporters. The Oxfordshire House Badge scheme has progressed very satisfactorily. The aim of the Oxfordshire scheme is to provide a qualified first-aider in every village, with a badge on his house to indicate his willingness and ability to render first-aid in an emergency. Insurance is being considered to cover badge-holders against variou eventualities. In Sussex the local education authorities were approached for support and this has been given very willingly, so that not only will first-aid training be included in the syllabus for evening classes, but also financial support may be forthcoming. During the year, I visited Lancashire, Cheshire, Suffolk, Somerset, Gloucester hire, Worcestershire, Dorset, Sussex, Devonshire, Berkshire, Essex, Kent and Warwickshire. I was inspired and encouraged by the welcome I received and by the en thusiasm evinced everywhere. PUBLICATIONS
The Association's proposed manual on Occupational First Aid has been discussed. Chapters for a book were prepared by the Association of J nd ustrial Medical Officers and the Royal College of Nursing. These have now been edited and the draft circulated for consideration. It is hoped that thi book will be published in 1955. The Principal Medical Officer has had considerable discussions regarding the illustrated Preliminary First Aid textbook with the National Coal Board and also with the Central Council for Health Education. It is hoped ultimately to produce a book containing the maximum amount of instruction in pictures with the minimum amount of text, suitable for the training of young persons in this country and first-aiders overseas. Miss Bell, Matron of the Royal Infirmary in Leicester, has prepared a draft text for the Home Nursing book and this is being considered by the Revision Committee. Revision should be completed during 1955 and a new book issued not later than the beginning of 1956. The revision of the Child Welfare textbook is also under consideration and Dr. Hilda M. Davis has very kindly consented to deal with this matter.
First Aid in Coal Mines is also being revised and thi is being handled by the Priory for Wales, which is consulting the National Coal Board at every stage so as to ensure that the final book will meet with all requirements and be absolutely up-to-date.
fn Cyprus, Mrs. Harrold did excellent work as Local Organiser and Centre Secretary. Many new classes were started and great enthusiasm was shown. It is with great regret that I had to accept her resignation on her leaving the Island. In the West Indies a new Centre of the Association has been formed to cover the Leeward Islands and results have already been most satisfactory, with classes tarting in a number of places where they have not been run before. In the Windward Islands a new Centre was set up in. St. Lucia a~d .the As~ociation in Grenada was reorganised; in St. Ymcent, .first ~ld In tructLOn for the Police continues satisfactorily. Mr . DaVIe-SmIth, the Order's Organiser in the West Indies, has moved her Headquarters to Jamaica where the recent reorganisation is provi ng atisfactory. A Centre ha been opened in British Honduras and work there has pr~gre ed 0 ati ractorily that it has already been possible to form a unIt of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Great credit is due to the Chai rman and Secretary for this very encouraging start. In Malaya the new Secretary ~a been very successful in reorganising the Centre, and the re ults or hIS efforts are shown in the number of classe run and .the enthu ia m with which our work is regarded. In the Sudan, I WIll, unfortunately be ~osing Captain Kifford in 1955, and my very grateful thank are due to hIm for all he has done to stimulate cia se during the la t ix year. He ha found a Sudanese successor to take 0 er from him, who is a first-aider of many years standing and, a Scout Ma t~r, was selected to go to the Scout Jamboree in England last year. He I al 0 a lay lecturer for the Association. Other cen.trc , which have hown progress during the year, are North Borneo, which has been conducting a strenuous drive for funds with the. object of building permanent headquarters in Jesselton and Tawau. Th IS has been ~cce ful and in both places the buildings will be soon under. con tructLOn. In Mauritius, regular cour es of instruction in first aid are held, with the result that recruitment to the St. John Am bulan~ Brig~de is . tea?ily inc~easing. Arabic speaking countries ar~ hOWIng an mcreasmg mterest m our work. With the support of HIS ~x~ellency the Governor, the Centre in Aden has been reorganised an d It L ~lso .hoped t~at they will be able to co-operate in training the Ar~ b LeVIes In first ald. There are a number of first aid classes for Poll~e Cade,~, t~achers and students and at a home nursing course fo r 'purdah ladles] 20 attended the first lecture. The classes in Kuwait co nt1l1.u~ to be ex~remely popular a~d there is a waiting list of students. In Bn~lsh Somahland classes contmue and we are getting most enco ~rag1l1g support from the Police and the Director of Education. In BeIrut great interest has been shown in our Arabic textbook and members of th~ .American Point Four Admini tration, a prominent local medical practltL~n~r and a .me.mber o.f the American University, are reported to be glV1l1g first aId mstructlOn based on this book. Other items of interest were the visit of Madame Malakul the wife of th~ Si.amese. Repres~ntative at l!.N.E.S.C.O ., to enquire ~bout our orgamsatlon WIth a VIew to startmg something similar in her own country. From <:ambodia we received a request from a representative of W.H.O. for aSSIstance and advice on first aid training and have arranged ~or a supply of textbooks to be sent. There are a number of classes 111 first aid run in Nyasaland and the appointment of a member of
The Principal Medical Officer, in conjunction with Air Commodore Hewat of the British Red Cross Society, has prepared a film strip on the Holger Nielsen method of artificial respiration. It is hoped that it will be ready early in 1955. The Principal Medical Officer has made a film on artificial respiration, illustrating the various method which are taught by the Association. This film has been edited and is now available. The Central Council for Health Education have prepared a f1annel graph depicting a skeleton on which can be built the structure of the body. It will also be possible to build up a skeleton from pieces provided. The production of this very valuable aid to instruction wa carried oul in consultation with the Principal Medical Officer, and we have been able to ensure that it can be used for training in first-aid based on our textbooks. This flannelgraph will shortly be available from the Store Department at a very reasonable price. TR A.NSLA nONS
The Arabic translation of the textbook, "First Aid to the Injured," which was printed in Baghdad, should have been available for issue in greater quantities this year, but, unfortunately, owing to damage in transit, the books a~rived in an unsaleable condition. We hope, however, that a further supply of books will be available in the near future. Further translations are the Home Nursing book in Turkish, prepared in Cyprus; the First Aid textbook in Marathi, which was prepared in India and also the Nepali book, which it is hoped will shortly be made available by the St. John Ambulance Association (India) for use by the Technical Co-operative Admini . tration of the United States of America in Nepal. An interesting development, showing the value which is placed on Association courses, is the translation into Chinese by our Hong Kong Centre, of the textbooks on Hygienic Food Handling and the Clean Handling of Food. ASSOCIATION OVERSEAS
The Association has been greatly helped by the appointment of Mr. P. J. McGill, M.B.E., B.E.M., as the Order's Organiser in West Africa. He arrived in Nigeria in October and has already done most useful preliminary work. It is hoped that not only will there be centres for the three regions, but that there will also be centres for various Government Organisations and Departments such as the Police, Railways and Army Establishments. The co-operation which he has received has been most encouraging. In the Gold Coast great benefit has resulted from the Principal Medical Officer's tour last year and increased interest is shown in first aid, especially in the Police, on the Railways and in the mines. The appointment of lay lecturers has proved of great value for the instruction of Police personnel.
the Police Force as a lay lecturer has made arrangements for instruction much easier. The Police in Bechuanaland Protectorate have shown interest in our work and are understood to be planning first aid instruction for their personnel. A first aid class has also been held in Montevideo under Association auspices. In order to expand our activities overs~as, it wa.s decided to introduce ~ lay lecturer's certificate for home. nursing. This can now be acquired In the same way as that for first aid, after an examination to test the candidate's ability to instruct. It is hoped that this facility will encourage more classes in this subject.
Perrott Shield look part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 18th Nove~ber at the Porchester Hall. Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., the Chanc~llor of the .Or?er of St. John, kindly presented the Trophies and Medallions. The wmmng teams were:MEN :-National Police (Birmingham City Police). WOME :-St. John Ambulance Brigade (Brighton Nursing Division). The Mayor and Mayoress of Paddington,. E~ecutive .Officers of the Order and representatives of all the orgamsatlOns whIch had teams competing, were present on the platform. . .. . I should like to extend my thanks to the ASSOCIated Bntlsh PIcture Corporation Ltd., who have so ge~e!ously arranged t~e stagin~ for the Grand Prior's Trophy CompetitlOns and the vanous NatlOnal Competitions, which we held during the year. Th.ere is ag~in an en~ourag ing increa e in the n u~ber o.f t~am.s and competltors ~aking part m .C?IDpetitions. In the vanous elimlOatlllg rounds of NatIOnal CompetltlOns over 8 750 competitors representing 1,750 teams took part as compared with 8,500 and 1,700 respectively in 1953. . The Association i deeply grateful to all who have acted as Judges at these competition and to the stewards and patients, who have so generously given of their time and wit~o~t wh~m they wo~ld ~ot. be possi ble. The co-operation and he.lp ~o willingly gIven are an InSpiratlOn to all concerned with the orgaOlsatlOn of these events.
Durir:g the .year new co~petitions were int.roduced for employees of the Umted KIngdom AtOmIC Energy Authoflty, and for the first time the annual competitions of the National Fire Brigades Association were held under our rules. The winners of the National Competitions held under the auspice. of the Association, were as follows :-
Teams Competing National Police . British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Railways and London Transport (Railways) British Transport Commission Police Miners' National First Aid Competition Ministry of Supply Centre United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . National Fire Brigade Gas Industry General Post Office Centre
Winning Teams ilirmingham City Police Brighton Exmouth Junction Exeter Whitlock No . 1 Colliery Elstow Windscale
Chiswick (L.T.E.) Great Yarmouth Eastern North Area T.M.O .
The staff at Headquarters have hown their usual keenness and enthusiasm in handling our affairs. Despite many difficulties and continued lack of personnel, I wish to pay tribute to the expedition ~ith which matters are handled. Owing to the common shortage of c1encal taff, it has not always been possible to maintain oyr office at its full st rength. This, however, has been overcome by vanous means and .we hope that in 1955 we will be able to have a complete staff. I would l1ke to record my thanks to my staff for their devotion and the cheerful manner in which they carry out their dutie .
British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Railways and London Transport (Railways) Ministry of Supply Centre United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association.. " General Post Office Centre
Swindon Glasgow Elstow Aldermaston Chiswick (L.T.E.) South West Area T.M.O .
The winners of the above competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the Dewar and
I would like to record my thanks and sincere appreCIatlOn of the invaluable and unfailing help given me by my Committee, who are always ready to give me the benefit of their knowledge and experience. I am also most grateful to members of the Medic~l and N~rsing P!Ofessions who have devoted so much of their valuable hme to the InstructIOn and ex~mination of classes and also to the many Centre and Class Secretaries, who have sacrificed their leisure time to organise classes and develop the activities of the Association. HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.
ApPENDIX l. ANALYSIS OF EXAMINATIONS 1st January to 31st December, 1954. "AU THROUGH CENTRES .
Nomb" or Candid ..
January February March April Ma y June July ... August September October No vem ber December
.. . ...
... ...
... ...
... ...
... ...
... ...
.. .
- F.A.J P.F.A.
280 302 555 551 407 356 259 104 146 173 340 673
... ... ...
... ... ...
.. .11
2,054 1,878 3,300 2,861 2,039 1,689 1,347 573 800 839 1,908 3,992
242 331 849 1,009 883 824 939 331 297 366 764 1,116
R.N .
P .R .N.
162 114 546 652 430 471 215 81 136 104 452 470
114 188 256 416 288 318 220 53 106 255 253 999
~ su,~"rul
23,280 1~13.m~ -55-
10 30
of IFailures
35 42 66 267 166 75 198 39 68 80 90 141
2,661 2,745 5,225 5,315 3,969 3,503 2,976 1,106 1,446 1,706 3,652 6,835
211 282 423 467 339 247 299 107 125 70 368 596
7.34 9.32 7.41 8.07 7.87 6.58 9.13 8.82 8.00 3.94 9.57 8.06
80 89 115 218 73 109 99
2,656 3,114 5,507 '5,228 4,472 3.534 4.066 1.328 1,416 2,408 4,070 6,177
7 9 12 5 7 8 15 9
C.W._ P.C.W .
35 132 89 99 124 13 9
17 21
22 75 33 20 39 62 69 77
C.B .F.
7 34 50
36 6
l Number %
99 16
I- I-
Number No. of Candidates of Classes
2,920 3,086 6,781 5,663 3,631 1,832 644 436 418 1,069 2,334 3,667
50 71 108 103 76 41 15 20 8 25 72 96
70 98 234 197 173 82 31 23 25 56 88 134
"B" THROUGH BRANCHES January February March April May June JUly ... August September October November December TOTALS
... ...
.. . .. .
.. .
... ...
.. .
.. . ...
1,849 1,932 2,814 2,602 2,014 1,520 1,440 720 673 1,029 2,066 3,324
354 620 1,553 1,456 1,437 1.052 1,484 412 402 656 1,135 1,595
4, 177
1 21,983
, 12,149
... ! ... 1
8.323145,263 1 20,10017.31817.3371 7,878 43,686 19,586 7,136 6,047
... ...
... 1 1
... ...
... ...
:::1 ...
.. .
.. .
.. .
o 250 299 521 509 449 348 387 107 124 190 354 639
228 266 488 465 396 337 398 102 91 120 231 363
135 151 383 343 456 328 521 41 169 430 379 535
13 107 69 44 67 38 10 II 73 52 118
25 II
8 14 15 3 49 14
1 3,485 1 3,,,'.-,-
5 34 50 35 90 67 29 20 25 3S 47
10 -
5 II
602 1 -- 43 1
149 204 214
1,090 [ 913
130 50
27 3 7 6 26
5 12 IJ 16
1_ "'
1,0561 746
30 60 107 159
211 1 254
133 295 580 463 408 333 362 63 119 153 429 492
4.76 8.65 9.53 8.13 8.36 8.61 8. 17 4.52 7.75 5,97 9.54 7.:,1 8
2.406185,11517.364 1,969 80,796 7,695
23 22 33 56 14 12 6 2 6 10 41 37
1,276 1,267 2,072 2,481 941 548 330 177 151 310 1,401 2,049
20 II 39 68 21 17 6 4 2 II
67 45
1-262 113,003
7,%11,472145,4841 8.69 1,299 43,526
996 983
CIVIL DEFENC These Figures included In F .A abo'e. No . of Centres Branches
POH(', I
132 245
1,50:! 2.61 'l
1"7 :125
1,659 2.9Jll
.> 7 7
4.1 1 ~
4 . ~97
1 .946
1 . ::!9O::;
Tv l .lIs 1953
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N umber issued through Branches and Centres
Year 1922 (Grand Totals) 192 3 19 2 4
England and N. Ireland (i nc 1u1in:; /j't up to 1944)
( ot including Vouche rs)
t.jIO ,3 1 3
5,°5 1• 5,4 88 •
201.062 23. 6 ..j2
26.17 2
192 5
3 2 .597
3 1 .3 8 9
5 ,477· 5,7°7.
23,152 76.84 6
\' ear 53 II9
1922 (Grand Tot.al )
2.)0.03 0
55 ·3°2 61.226
19 2 3
7. 6 7
7-19 r 0()3
5,5 0 6.
33. 60 4
70. 59
5,8 r·
23.7 2 7
65. 11 3
6,13 2 •
3 2 • 6 06
6, IOy"
38.03 I
44,97° 3 8 ,7°9
7 ,07 0 *
3 6 ,4 1 9
193 2
8, I
6.317 ~'<l59
36 .01 )
82.9 1 3
31. 6 96
3 8 ,9°7 3 8 ,234
5,9 8 4
-10. 71
3 6 ,403
5,65 1
9, I 15
6,5 2 3
England, I reland and Overseas
19 2 7 192 9
}'ea rll' Total')
19 2 5
Wale s
9. 2 22
England, Ireland and Overseas
Englan d, Ireland Wale s and Overseas
13,66 ' 1.9 2 5
1<).3 2 0
2.53 0 2 .670
r .317
19 2 7
I .2GO
32 2
19 2
rr.55 1
1 .192
4.J7° -1,602
19 2 9 193 0
13 . 663
r . 19
4 . roo
3 63
4.34 6
1 ..~()6
33,74 I
r .26-1
3 6 ,5 21
33 0
4,74 6
35 8 36 9
193 1
193 2
r 1 52/)
4 2 ,6 3
+4 ,676
5,3 62
13.°3 6
1.3 1 5
4 6 ,102
-I·5 0 r
193 6
4 1 ,03 1
5,7 9
193 8
53. 6 9b
66,35 8
7. 6 76
59, 62 5
133. 6 59
1. 18-1
.16 .9°9
r ,089
48 ,008
5. 1 59
193 8
1 ,25 8
5 0 ,937
5,7 6 4
1,47 0
5 1 •0 3 2
7,57 8
5,53 8
1 ,7 1 3
5 0 ,000
[C)·I I
3 2 ,858
6,9 1 5
I<J-I 2
4 6 ,3 88
7, 8 °7
1 ,7 0 2
14,89 0
I. T
.1 8 ,5 66
19 15
34 6
13 ,393
62 5
3 2 ,054
13,55 1
102.-1 2
27 0
lIS. 62
-102.3 I l
29 0 ,883
147.33 0
45 2 .°95
194 1
13 6 ,155
194 2
159.7 6
3° 6 ,939
133, II3
3 10 ,15 6
14 0 ,999
-1 26 ,4.10
2 ~5 ,98
53. 10 7
194 6
13 2 .939
39,25 0
4.4 6 3
3,7 6 5
194 8
7 8 ,°3 6
55,55 2
14 6 . 86 9
1°3 .12 8
16 9 . 2 10
10 4. 86 9
175.9 2 6
191 6
6,5 00
3 6 ,91 6
19 17
16, 283
5,95 6
9,35 6
191 8
6.3 0 4
46 ,266
6,949 6 , 4° 0
195 1
7. 228
:::4°.4 23
216 .056
8 .4-1 2
44,65 2
87 ,5°4
5,9 2 5
II,I7 8
14 6 ,626
245 ,3 68
9,64 8
8.106 7,9 2 7
153,677 182,410
24 2 ,579 275,452
1953 1954
239,7° 8
· I nc lud ing Vo uchers
7. 226 .3 2 4
5,9 6 0
5,4 1 9
6 ,069
13 , 199
5, 9 2 9
7 12
13,3 1 5
4 8 ,288
5,97 2
I. 2. 3.
The Police National Competition was held at the Porche ter Hall, W.2, on 26th February, 1954. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (DirectorGeneral), presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Sir Hugh Lucas-Tooth, M.P. (Parliamentary Under-Secretary or State).
The Judges were:Team Te t Dr. J. S Binning r ndivid ual Test Dr. Lewis D. M. Gavin order:following and they placed the teams in the Marks Obtained 1. Birmingham City Police No. 1 2. Metropolitan Police (R Division) 3. West Riding Constabulary 'A' 4. Royal Ulster Constabulary 5. City of London Police 6. Hastings Borough police 7. Lancashire County police 8. Edinburgh City police 9. Exeter City police . 10. Grimsby Borough Police 11. Cardiff City Police . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
333 300 296 295 285 284 282 263 251 251 241
British Electricity Ambulance Centre National First Aid Competition for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, W.2, on 31st March, 1954. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) pre ided and the Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, K.B.E. (Chairman of the Briti h Electricity Authority), presented the trophies and plaques. The judges were, for the men's teams:Team Te t Dr. E. J. Gordon Wallace Individual Tests Dr. F. H. Taylor For the women's teams:Team Test Dr. K. P. Duncan Individual Tests Dr. J. C. Graham and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
South Eastern (Brighton) . South Western (Barnstaple) . . . Merseyside and North Wales (Northwich) London (Fulham) . . North Eastern (Darlington) . East Midlands (Kettering) . Yorkshire (Blackburn Meadows) North Western (Blackburn) . South Wales (Uynfi). . . South West Scotland (Clydes Mill) Eastern (Watford) Southern (Earley) . Midlands (Cheltenham) . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained
326 299 292 286
5. 6. 7. 8.
233 227
210+ 210 190 179
Marks Obtained 327
309 291 273
272 260 246 242 236
ro:;:;:~ha~~il;;~~;~e~n~1~0~~I~~ r,;~sporl ~RailH'ay~) !lational Competitions POf were held at the Central Ha~f S t ~~mmlsslOn Police Competition
F. Parshall (Director-Generai) pre~ide~n an~t t~a~~o~~i:~ :;;~. ~orace ~eCre MPrGesented by General Sir Brian Robertson, Bt. G.C.B. a~~s . .. K C V 0 D S 0 M C (Cl . f' , . . ., Co mmjssi~n).· . . ., .. ., .. lalrman 0 the British Transport
The] udges were, for the men's teams:Dr. M . C. Cooper Team Test gr. Jackson .' { Individual Tests r. . . Hamilton and Oral T es t s For the women sand B.T.C. Police teams:Dr. K. S. Maurice-Smith . Team Test Dr. W. George . { Individual Tests Dr. J. F. Baker . and Oral Tests an d they placed the teams 111 the following order:-
J' f'
MEN I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 13.
Southern (Exmouth Junction No I) Eastern (K!ng's Cross M .P.) '. : London M~dland (Derby Erecting Shop) London Midland (Camden Goods) Western (Shrewsbury Loco. 'A') Western (Swindon 'A') Scott!sh (Motherwell) . . Scotti h (Bridgtone). North Eastern (Hull Dairycoates)' North Eastern (Newcastle Central) London Transport (Lots Road) Southern (Brighton) Eastern (Yarmouth): : Maximum marks obtainable: 600
Marks Obtained
504 490 479 452+ 443 442
424 413 379+
3571357 312+
24H 240+
Southern (Swindon). . South ~astern (Mid-Sussex). East Midlands (Kettering) . Eastern (Wherstead) Yorkshire (Sheffield). . North Eastern (Newcastle-on-Tyn~) South Western (Bristol) North Western (Blackburn): South Wales (Cardiff) . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Scottish (G.1asgow) . . London Midland (Horwich) Eastern (Marylebone) North Eastern (Hull D.O.S.) London Transport (Broadway) Southern (B.T.C.P. Women) Western (Newton Abbot). : . Maximum marks obtainable: 600
Marks Obtained
485 443+ 433+
418 415
16 British Transport Commission Police:-
Marks Obtained
1. South Western Area (Exeter) 2. Northern Area (Darlington) 3. Scottish Area (Edinburgh) . 4. Midland Area (Wigan No. 1) 5. London Area (Bricklayers' Arms) 6. Ea tern Area (Parkeston Quay). . Maximum marks obtainable: 600
458t 426 423t 423 413t 380
The Miners' National First Aid Competition was held in the Winter Gardens, Blackpool, on 12th June, 1954. Dr. J. M. Rogan (Chief Medical Officer) presided, and the trophy and plaques were pre ented by Sir Hubert Houldsworth, Q.c., D.Se., LL.D. (Chairman of the ational Coal Board). The judges were:Team Te t Dr. C. G. Duncan I ndividual Test Dr. J. Scott Oral Te t Dr. P. J. Shields and they placed the teams in the following order:Mark
1. Whitwick No. 1 Colliery 2. Great Mountain Colliery 3. Markham Main Colliery 4. Shotton CoUiery . . 5. Betteshanger Colliery . 6. Littleton Colliery . 7. Gartshore 3/12 Colliery . . 8. Mosley Common No. 4 Colliery. 9. Lynemouth Colliery. . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 600
439 414 411 366 356 351 330 328t 327t
Ministry of Supply National First Aid Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Central Hall, S.W.l, on 25th June, 1954. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. F. C. Musgrave, C.B. (Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Supply). The Judges were, for the men's teams:Team Test Dr. Gordon Gillies Indivjdual Test Dr. E. J. Selby. For the women's teams:Team Test Dr. S. Margaret R. Thomson Individual Tests Dr. A. W. Gilks and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN
Marks Obtained
S.D. Elstow . 2. R.O.F. Bishopton 3. W.D.C. Woolwich 4. R.A.E. Farnborough 5. C.D.E.E. Porton. 6. R.O.F. Glascoed. 7. H.Q. Chessington 8. S.D. Rotherwas . 1.
299t 290t 280t 278t 278t 2741256 248+
9. R.O.F. Swynnerton 10. R.O.F. Chorley . 11. R.O.F. Fazakerley . . . 12. S.D. Summerfield and Drakelow . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
2461231 227t 207
Marks Obtained
2. 3. 4. 5.
S. D. El tow R.A.U. Hereford H.Q . Adelphi . R.O.F. Chorley. . . . . A.R.E. /A.D.E. Fort Hal tead . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
309t 293 279 249t 210
ationa! Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association Competitions (or Men and Women were held in Birmingham on 4th July, 1954. Mr. Ben England (Vice-president of the Association and General Mana!?er of the Nottingham City Tran port) presided and presented the trophIes and plaque. The Judge were:Team Test Dr. Allan Walker Individual Tests Dr. John T. Daly and Oral Tests Dr. F. Harman Vollam and they placed the teams in the following order:-
Marks Obtained
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
London Transport Executive liverpool City Transport Cardiff City Transport ottmgham City Transport. Manchester Transport. Pre ton Transport . Maximum mark obtainable: 600 WOMEN
I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
London Transport Executive West Bromwich Corporation Midland Red Motor Services Cardiff City Transport Birmingham City Transport. . . Maximum marks obtainable: 600
48014591 416 391 337t 3201-
Marks Obtained 447 392
3231 306 2801
United Kingdom A romie Energy Authority National First Aid Competition was held at St. Giles' Court, W.C.2, on 17th July, 1954. Mr. J. Parkin, O.B.E., M.C., presided and the trophy was presented by Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General). The Judges were:Team Test Dr. E. J. Selby.
18 Dr. W. N. Whiteside Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the f~llowi'ng order:Marks 1. 2. 3. 4.
WindscaJe . Aldermaston 'A'. Harwell . . Aldermaston 'B'
Ma~imu~ ma;ks obtainable:
Fire Brigades' National First Aid C
Obtained 310 230t 21n 161 -
on 1st October 1954 Ch' f F Offi ompefltLOn was held at Torquay shire) presided' and Mr HIe Ir~ cer W. ~. Barker, O.B.E. (Devonthe trophy and individu'al ~~~c~es.· Parshall (DIrector-General) pre ented
The General Post Office National First A id Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, W.2., on 27th October, 1954.
Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by Sir Ben Barnett, K.B.E., C.B., M.C. (Deputy Director-General, General Post Office). The Judge were, for the men's teams: Team Test Dr. J. Trefor Watkins Individual Tests Dr. A. M. Pollock For the women's teams:Team Test Dr. G. M. Shaw Smith Individual Tests Dr. John T. Daly and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN
The Judges were:Dr. G. E. Sawdon Dr. T. E. Wood
Team Test " Individual Te ts and they placed the teams in the followi'ng order:Marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Borough of Great Yarmouth Cardiff . Birmingham' . of Surrey . Borough of Manch~ster C~unty Borough of Derby. . CIty of Bristol . County Borough '?f Middle~brough . . MaxImum marks obtainable: 400 CIty of City of County County
Obtained 362
308 299
298 292± 286 285
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14. 15.
London Telecommunications Region (North Area T.M.O.) Midland Regio n (Birmingham. P .O.A.C) . Headquarter , London (Headquarters' building) . Saving Bank Department (Blythe Road, S.B.D .) . Wale and Border Countie (Cardiff P.O .A.C) Engineering Department (London Test Section) South We tern Region (Weymouth) Northern I reland (Belfast T. M .O .) . . . North We tern Region (Barrow-in-Furness H .P. O.) London Po tal Region (London Parcel Section) North Ea tern Region (Sheffield T .M .O.) Factorie Department (Edinburgh Factory) . Scotti h (lnverne H .P.O .). . . Home Countie Region ( ewbury P .O .A.C) Supplies Department (Edinburgh Depot) . Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
Gas Tndustry National F'rst -1'd C
Marks ObTained
Marks 1. Eastern Gas Board 2. South Eastern Gas Bo'ard 3. North Western Gas Board 4. North Eastern Gas Board 5. North Thames Gas Board 6. Southern Gas Board 7. Northern Gas Board . 8. East Midlands Gas B~ard 9. South Western Gas Board 10. West Midlands Gas Board 11. Wales Gas Board 12. Scottish Gas Board Maximu~ ma;ks obtainable:
Obtained 323
196+ 172
157 143+ 119+ 101+
Marks Obtained
H~l1, W.C.l, on 5th Octdber," {954 Omlte~l/lon was held at the Conway Director-General) presided and the't hCol02 el E. C. Croft (Deputy by Sir Harold Smith K 13 E D L r(~h y. an plaques were presented aIrman of the Gas Council) , ..., .. The Judges were:. Dr. W. N. Booth Team Test D C J ' Individual Tests r. . . P. Seccombe and they placed the teams in the following order:-
316t 278t 253+ 243t 242 231 224 222+
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
London Telecommunications Region (South West Area T.M.O.) . . . . .' Savings Bank Department (Harrogate S.B.D.) Midland Region (Birmingham P.O.A.C) North Ea tern Region (York H .P .O . ) . . Headquarters, London (A.G.D. Headquarters) Northern Ireland (Belfast T.M.O.) . South Western Region (Bristol T.M.O.) Scottish (Galashiels H .P.O.) . .' Wales and Border Counties (Cardiff P.O.A.C) Home Counties (fpswich H.P.O .) . . . . Engineering Department (Engineer-in-Chief's Office, City) North Western Region (Liverpool T.M.O.) . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
3061295 290
281 268+ 2641-
258+ 257 250
244+ 24H 227+
316+ 315 313 310
285t 262
258 255t 255
The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, W .2, on 18th November, 1954. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided. Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. (Chancellor of the Order of St. John) presented the trophies and medallions. The Judges were, for the men's teams:Dr. William Duncan. Team Test
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Brigauier C. E. j\ . Bro\\ ni ng, B rigadier V. F. S Ha\\ kins, (Actin g) E. A P a rish, E sq ., Colo nel R. A. B ingley, John T ennant, Esq. , Lieut .-Col onel A P rest on
St. J uhn House, Goldsm ith St rct"t, E xet er
\ Le.,
B .E.M., ] .P.,
\lh {>ll t"a7f', Athel h:1.mpton, Dorches ter
4 I, Coggesha ll R oad, Braintree
C.V.O., D.S.O., 0 BE,
Pcgg:('sworth, Andoversfonl, G Ins.
Buo ds Fa rm , Witters ham, K en t
T. D .,
] . Mac pha il ,
Ma jo r-Genera l F. B eau mont-N es bitt ,
T. D .,
Orch a rd H ouse, Liv er pool Rd ., Longton ,
C. V .O., C. B .E., 28 ,
B edfo rd Street, Belfast N
J . Sears, E sq.,
Os bo rn e Terrale, Ne\\ cast le-u pon-T y nf',
Colonel A . V . G. Dower,
T. D .,
Newington H ouse , Warborougb
D r. ] . A. W ayco tt, g/ I O, Wellingt on Place, W ood bridge R oad, Guild£ord Sir H a rry Sind erson P as ha, Sussex
K .l:!
L ittl e Steddings, Forest. Ro \\" ,
Dr. C. Petvin Porter, 27, Church Street, Kidoerminster
YORKSHIRE (West Riding)
J. W . Barnett, E sq ., Chi ef Co nsta ble, Police H ea dq uarters, Municipa l Buildings, L ef'os, ] .
. t' with Headquarters as Detached Classes of r en tres marked with an asterisk are arranged in direct commuOIca lOn
. th
e areas
County and Centre
1880 1880
Honorary Secre tary
E. E . Woore
A. Young. 8ra. High Street. Eton. Windsor
V . Everard
A . A. Lloyd
Miss D. K. Gibbins. St. John House. 101 London Road. Reading. E. W. Martin. 100. Lionel Street. Birmingham. 3
The Bishop of Bristol
Dr A. P. Gorham
A . F . L. Simmonds
W. J . Winterson. Bristol. 3
Caen Road. St. John's Lane.
Mrs . Botsford. St. John H .Q .. 79. Buckingham Street . Aylesbury
19 22
F . E . Fernie. 30. Leverington Road. Wisbech
W . Nurse
W. Stewart Elgood
W. L. P ollock. 39. Shamrock R oad . Birkcnhead
19 12
] . H . Woodward
188 3
18 95
A. Littl e. Colliery Office. 51. Duke Street. Whitehaven
Cumberland Mines and Quarries
Col. \V . Chaloner. Stockport
A . K. Ferns
Peter's Square.
~' Keswick
188 1
Mrs. Broml ey
. T odd
H . Pollard . 6. High Hill. Keswi ck
J. Ncwton
J . H . Holmes. 185. Devonshire Road. Millom
Capt. H . T . Ann . J .P ..
Dr. A . Mor rison
Go unty and DEVONSIHRE-
Cl' lit re
Plymouth & District
I'O/' wed
Presid e nt
The RIght Hon. Lord Roborough
G. E. johnson. 146. Burton R oad. Derby
C //{.lll"mUn
C. Prance.
H o noyayy ,'H!C ycta yy M.B.
G. Howard. 5. Faringdon Road. Plymouth
Dr. J. L. Longland The Mayor
Dorchester P oole Wareham
H. G. Longman ilIrs. D. Galton
H. j . Brackston. "Marlow." nlanor Road. Dorchester :\Ir . Park. 7 • Dale Valley Road. Oakdale. Poole
Dr. Cunningham
Hartlepools South Shields St ockton & Thornaby
W. P. Wcbst.er
G. H. Cook,
D L. Rennison
Dr. A. Alcock
Dr C. R. Sadler J . C. Fielding
D. Edgar.
D. Edgar. J.P. T B. Humphrey Kitching, J. C. Hudson. J . P.
Col. H . E.
LB . E., D.L., J .P. O.B . E.
illajor T. A. Page. 75. King ' treet. outh Shields rcscent, Durham Road, tockton-on-Tees II. R. Gray. B.E.M .. 3. Commercial Road, Hendon. Sunderland
J. Buckley. 67. Craig\\eIl
19 T2
Gosport & Fareham
T. McCaa The Mayor E. Crossland
P ortsmouth
South ampton
Folkestone & Hythe
The Marquis of Carisbrooke, G.C.v.O .. etc. The Dowager Lady Swaythling Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Dover Sir Alfred Bossom LL.D.,
Dr. C. Hey gat e Vernon G. Albray W. N. Wilson, M.B.E. Dr. n . C. MauriceV/illia ms, O.B.E.
riss E. M. Ricketts, 7. Imperial
J. c.
Gray, Gloucester
quare, Cheltenham
t. Margart't, Upton Lane. Barn\\"ood,
Mrs. \iVilson, Little Goddards. Hathcnlen, Andover H. 'vV. Hoare, 28, Palmerston R oad. Boscombe. Bournemouth C. A. J. Behrendt, 3 , Bramley IIouse, Crescent Road, Alverstoke, Gosport D. S. Jones. City Police Headquarters, Queen's Crescent, P ortsmouth Miss F. M. Tutte, M.B.E., 4, Archer Road. ~outhampton
Ladv Fisher
l\ Iiss J. M. M . l\IccGwirc . 32, Audley R oad, Folkestonc
T . E. G. Baker, B.SC.
J. B. P ointon ,
127. Princes Gardens , Acton, W.3.
W . Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, Accrington . G. Griffith, 20 Darnton Road, Stalybndge, Ches.
A Col. G. G. H. Bolton, M . B . E .• 1\r. C .• D. L.. J.1'. The Mayor
Honorary Secrt:!tary
County and Centre
H. Ashworth
R. lTeyworth, 3. Moorlands Terrace, Bacup
Wm . Killingbeck, J .P
T. Clark.
1 88 5
The Mayor
H. H. Miller,
Blackpool oil Brierfield
1955 1889
H. D. Bickerstaffe, J.P. H. Barnec; G. Lindow J. R. Binney
R . U. Davidson .
A. Akecl,
19 19
M .A., LL.B.,
Barrow-in -F urness Blackburn
S. HalsalJ, 42 Leys Road, Blackpool W. 'vVhalley, 17, Albert Street, Brierfield G. Elce. 178, Todmorden Road, Burnley
ll . E. Clegg
The Mayor
E. Smalley,
G. E . Wilmore
E. Driver
19 19
T. Cooper
Mrs. Smalley, "LarkhiU", 164, Walmersley Bury Victor Burrell, 130, Harrison Drive, Colne
M .B .
R. Bury, Higher Whit-Bank, To~holes, Darwen
T. R. Bailey
195 0
A. Higham, J.P.,
Lieut.-Col. A. J. Macphail, O.B.E., T.D . C . S. Gre-gorv, ~!.P .S.
Rt. HOil. the Earl of Derby, ~['C ., D .L. Sir John. topford. M D
1949 195 0
Leigh. Atherton Tyldesley
The V en. Archdeacon E. . I-ephenson
i\lajor T. E. Spencer, M . B .E., St. John Headquarters, IS / [7. Mount Street, Preston \V . Ell is. 5 Sycamore Road, A the-rton. Manchester
w . J.
Inglis. S.J.A.A., Roscoe Lane, Liverpool,!. \ .s i..;tant Secre-tary. J. Anthony E F. Thornley, 55, Cross Street, Manchester, 2.
Lewis Red ·
Col C. II. monel. M .B I . SandNson Dr.
J. A.
.1. f leap,
A. Harrison
195 0
1\1r5. M. M. Holland
Mrs. E. Eastwood
L. Lye
St . Helens
188 4
188 7
Hon. H. A . CozensHardy, J.p. Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hesketh, lIf . P. J. O. Sager
Inspector L. .J. Farn'Worth, Borough Police Office. Lancaster Road, Preston Mrs. Gaskell, M.A. J . P., Saunder Brow, Newchurch-inRossendale J. E. Thornhill, 3, Queen's Avenue, Wardle Road, Rochdale R. Gibson, 71. Fry treet, Parr, St. Helens
T. N. A. Briscoe
A . \v1Id.
118 Brunc;\\'ick , treet, Nelson
!\-Jic;c; E. M. Bailey. 56. Roman Road. Failsworth, Near :\1;). nchester Assistant Secretary. Dr Strang, 102 , High Street, Oldham
Preston ...
T. H. Thomason, 18, Westwood Avenue, Poulton-leFvldc E. V. Mason. 134, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood.
A. Boardman
Great Harwood Lancashire Headquarters
14. Durham Street, Barrow-in-F urness
Miss K . M. Thompson, 371, Revidge Road, Blackburn
M.B .E
E. l\Ia on, 32, Russell Road,
;\fts '
1. Hall. morden
outhport treet. Walsden, Tod-
County Centre
The Lord Mayor Commun~cat!ons
G. Bow ley for Leicester City elsewhere in the County
R \V. Gee, 6. Seymour treet. Leicester Miss Ward, Ambulance H.Q., Packe ~treet, Loughborough
County Centre
19 1 7
The Rt. Hon . The Lord Brow nl o\\'
Dr. M . CLavin
\\ ' Gott, 294, Laceby Road , Grimsby
Northam pton
The Marq uess of Exeter. K.G., C.i\!.G.
Dr. W. S. Stephenson
J. Hayward, o,thampton
'I .
hurch Street, Wellingborough
.T . Dobson
G. W. Ruddick . 14. Ocean View. Ne,,,biggin-by-Sea
Dr . Gavin Muir
Osborne Terrace. Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
C.B.E., M.B.
North Shields
The Mayor
Dr. H. K . Paterson,
Col. A . V. G . Dower,
Col. A. V. G. DO'v"er,
Nessworthy, 6 South Preston Grove, North Shields
County r'entre
T.D., M . F .H .
H. T . Bennett. "Asphodel'·. Third Acre Rise. Botley. Berks
County and
F orm rd
County Centre ...
The Rt . Hon . The Ea.rl of Powi5
// ollora ry Secretary
CI/lorm an
Dr. D .
\V . \Valker , Ambulance Service Headquart.ers, Central
Amb ulan ce , t atio n, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury
County Centre
Chancellor , Lloyds Sq uare, t.afford
Dr. F. L Richard
Mrs. C. V. Sanders , Ambulance Static n, Samuel Road, Ipswich. Assistant Spcretary, Miss V . Gee W. G. Jude, c/o St. john Ambulance Div. H .Q., St . Margaret's Plain, LO vVesto.t
H . H . Princess Marie Louise
Miss Hossack
North East Suffolk
Sir Gervase Blois, Bt.
C. Craig,
Mrs. Ruddock , County Headquarters, 9/10 Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road , Gu iJdford. Mrs . G. R. H amley, 5 St. Saviour's R oad, Croydon
County Secretary Croydon
' utton & Cheam
The Mayor
J. E. Dane
rhe Mayor
[)r .
Miss W.
.I . lr . {'\\mark
1. Ariss,
Longley Road, Farnham
H . A. Bennett, 12, The Highway. Sutton
Brighton, District
The Mayor of Brighton
R . V\'o II . V . Clayton, 51, rhe H orne t, Chichester
Mrs. A . F. Eas tlan d
Crawley & Three Bridges
Eastbo urne & District ...
Hastings & St. Leonards
W ort.hing
\[rs. Host'!1berg ,
19 12
Mrs. Knight
The Lord Mayor
188 3
19 20
v[rs . Pearson. Ca ld er Lodge, Horsham R oad . Crawley \ \' I r. ",harpe, r (), \ Vharf Road, Eastbou me
1)r. C. A ;\lac1)CJnald
Dr G
Hull and East Riding County Centre
Lt.-Col. D . Bellamy,
York Buildings . Hastings 2,
Hulkington A\'t'nue, \\'orthing
II. Bishop. 30, :\1f'lvillt> H.oad, Edgbaston, Birmingham.
:'>lartin, "Tredor".
treet, StOlll bridge
F. Bilton
S. L. l-a irclough. 9, 'ou thfield Road . Bricknell Avenue . Hull
O.B.E., D .L.
Richardson , " \\'o()dleighton," Linthorpe, Middle brough
16, Emerson Avenuc·.
The Marquess of Zetland . K .G., etc.
R. Brooke Dorman
19 1 9
F. Wid d up , J.P.
R. R . J
Dr. J . Douglas
\V. Thoma,
\V . C. B rown, 29. LONer E lst Avenut:'. Barnoldswick, via Colne :'1iss D. Young. 20 High Pa:K Drive, H eaton. Hradfo:-d
Dinnington Main
Mrs . Athorpe
P . W . Ellis
Dr. B. H a rt .
North Riding Centre
YORKSHIRE (WEST)~ Barnoldswick
S T . Denning. 8. Arlington Garde ns, Sal t.d ean, Sussex
ap t. W . Buckley
A. E.
Chaney O.B.E.
eed ham
W . E. Marriott, 88, L aughto n R oad, Dinnington . near Sheffield Police Se rgeant C. H. Kenyon, Borough Police'. Doncaster T. J. Daniels, 5, Jacksonville, Coole
P . B . Flohil
Th(" Mayor
The Mayor
A. Mitch ell
If Hudson. Health Dept .. Halifax Corporation. Pow ell
Dr. D. D. Payne
C. J. Simpson
Street, Halifax R . C. Sage. 9. Beechwood Grove, Harrogate
Heavy Woollen District
Dr . j. Walker
J . W . Cockcroft
F. R edman
H. Blakeley, 2. Fairview Avenue. Carlinghow Lane , Batley E. Stansfield, 22 Lee View Road. Hebden Bridge
Miss A. Scatterty
Dr. Prentice, J.P.
Mrs .
Dr. J . W . Silversides,
H . johnso n . 18, Halliday Place . Leeds, 12
Harrogate and
*Hebden Bridge
J. P .
W. Barnett
1. A. Cook, ..p. Redcliffe Street. K eighley
President H. Hinchcliffe
W. Banham
If onorary Secre tary 1\ . Addinell, 27, St. Nicholas Street, Castleford, Yorks.
H. Hudson
H. Whiteley
Dr. P. B. Wood
A . Farrand
Mrs. Redfearn, 3. Platting Road, Lydgate, Nr. Oldham
18 7 8
Col. F. A. Neill
A. Roebuck
R. G. Beard, 45, Bank Street, Sheffield
Shipley & District
A. \Vatson
W. F. Seed J. W. Lonsdale
F . Wright, 10, Tillotson Avenue, Beech Wood, Sowerby Bridge F . Walker, 43. Highfield Road, Swinton
Formed 1954
Osgoldcross Otley ".. Saddleworth
*Sowerby Bridge
190 2
Wakefield t,I\Vath-on-Dear:1e York
W . F. Seed
The Mayor
G. Bartholomew
W. Wright, 4. Lake Lock Road . Stanl~y, Wakefield
A. T. Thomson, O.B.E.
A. T. Thomson, O.B .E.
G. Dickinson
G . Dickinson
CHANNEL ISLESGuernsey Jersey
ISLE OF MANIsle of Man
E. Bishop , 23, Valley Drive , Ilkley, Nr. Leeds
Ulster (Bel fa t )
W. Thomas, 2 Granville Mt., Otley
Sir Victor G. Carey, K.B.E.
188 4
ir Alexander Moncrieff Coutanche. K.ST.J.
188 5
H .E. The Lieutenant· Governor
W . Poole, 19, Charles Road, Wath-on-Dearne, R otherham Mic:s E. D. Kenny, 2, Colburn House , St. George's Place, York
Ma jor-General F. Beaumont-Nesbitt, C. v.O., C.B.E .
Brig . L. E. B elfast
Dr. B . S. Collings
Mrs . Sleator, Flat 2 , 23 , High Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey
P . Le Masurier
A . Le Breton, Bramhope, Albert Road , Georgetown, Jersey
ir Percy Cowley C. B.E.,
v\"ALESPriory of the Order
:.v1af'grcgor, O.B.E . , 28,
Bedford ~tp'et,
lIperintendent A . Kelly , c 10 Chief Constable's Office, D nuglas Princ ipal
ecreta ry:
Til ' H o n . J ohn Bru ce. C. B.E.. 4 , Ca th edra l Road . Cardiff
C. K. Bird , M.M.
S . McLeod
London Midland Region
J . W. Watkins, D.S.O., M.C.
North Eastern Region .. .
H. A. Short
C . Cooper. M.B.E.
Southern Region
C. P. Hopkins
II. C . Lang
Western Region
K . W. C. Grand
c .v . 0
ir John Elliot Dr. E. M. AndersoD
H . Ainley
R . Burgoyne
Alex] . Webb A. F .
. Greenwood. The British Railways (Eastern Region), Room 39. Liverpool Street Station, E.C.2. II. C. Healey. The British Railways (London Midland Region), Regional Establishment and taft Office, Euston tation, .l .\V.1. F R. Charlto n, Hegional .' tafT Office. The British Rail · \\ays C:-~ o rth Ea tern Region). York. F . A . Trott, The British Railways (Southern Region),
Labour and Establishment Department, Welfare Office. annon treet tation, E .L .4 J. A . Martin, The British R a ilways (Western Region), ' taff and Establishment Office, Paddington Station, W .2 _. W Harden. London TranspC'rt Ambulance ent.re, Griffith House, 280 Marylebone Road. N.W.I J.
. 'vVeatheriey . First id AdvLer, PD I T & W .B . , Armo ur House , London, E.C.I.
The Rev . J. H. S . Burton, I\! . A., hurch Lads' Brigade (Inc.) ational Headquarters , 58, Gloucester Place, London, W.!
The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, K.B.E., LL.B., Compo I.E.E
Dr. P Pringle
E. J. Willott, British Electricity Ambulance Centre, Central Electricity House, Trafalgar Buildings, 1, Charing Cross, S.W .!
Sir James Helmore, K.C .B., K.C.M.G .
] . B. L. Munro, C.M .G.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Crook , J.P.
A. Bird
C. W. Bayley, Ministry of Supply, Room 7 02 , G.8, St. Gil es Court, 1-13, t. Giles High Street, W.C.2 r. G. Thomas, M.A., National Dock Labour Board , 9 and 10, Upper Brook Street, W . I .
r I.
H. E. The Governor
L a d y ll a ll , M.B.E.
H.E. The r.overnor
II.E. The Govern or
Chail'11ta.n E. The Governor
L. II. Outram
H.E. The Governor
live Smith
H .E . The Governor
Dr. E . Hoerman
H .E. The Govprnor H.E. The Governor
Lord Ronald Graham
H .E . The Governor
C . :'li helin
H.E . The Governor
Leeward Islands : A, TIGUA
J. C. Cahusac, J .p .
Windward Islands : GRENADA
H .E . The Governor ir D o na lo Ta ck so n
H . C;. Co x , J . P.
C; .
L "lll l1m
H E. Th e G('neral
C·o ve m o r-
H o n . th e :'Tinic;ter fo r n''llth
Sir Vin ce nt Glenday, K t "'LG. , O.B.E. n E . [:o ulger , l. \!' G.
H.E . The Governor
Th e H o n . B . K . . \' erj ee
ZANZIBAR H .E . The Governor
Dr .
T. ;\1. Cruikshank. C. M .(;.,
O.B .E.
H .E . Th e Governor
Capt . D . S. G owing
H .E . The Go ve rno r
Dr . A .
01. E . 1. V. James, Police Headquarters, St . John ' s, Antigua E . L. Hanl o n , J.P ., Fire Brigade Headquarters , Hart ~trc"t , P o rt of Spa in, Trinidad ,\ s i..;t.<l nl ~( ' crd ;l r\ , i\lrs. Smith rh( lIon. ~!'c rda r y, ~ . J . A ./\ , c (j C;! ',>. F. Huggin s & ( f) ((, d ;t) T.t.d . (;1'< 'na <1;1 W Yl. Lopey, Grammar School, St. Vincent, B .W.I. ~upt \V Farmer , Police Headquarters, St . Lu cia Co l. C . P . .lava w a rdan a, O. B.E., L o wer Lake Road , Cnllf' Llc!' , Colnmho ~
\\ '00,
o . R . E.
The .\ ~oLiation Sec relary, Kenya Centre , S .J .A .A .. P .O . Box 1461.} , airobi , K e nya ;\lrs 1\1 E . Thompson , P .() Hox I T30, Dar - es - ~alaam . f a nganyik a Mrs . J. Mo rns , p .n . Bo:-.. 15 6 , Kampala, Uganda Li e ut. -Co lo nel ,\
;\t. Bell , P .O . Box 237 , Zanzibar
D . ]. B a rn es, c/ o Inland R e venue Dept ., Government Build ings, ~u va, Fiji L J. Pavels, ( / 0 Ce nt.ral Polic Station , Gibraltar ;\liss A . . U ntlwnk , S. ,l.A.A . Headquarters , 2. Tal lI a ng [~ na d , H o ng Kong ,\ . V . :'1cCrack c n , c/o Ku\\·a it. Oil Co. Lt.d. , Ahmt'di , Kll\\ a it , Per"ia n Culf
A . E . P e n 'ra, M . H . E. , C () Civil D efence , Ce ntral R ' ginn R. E . An ejcrson, B .Sc .. F oo ng Soo n '>c ng Tl.Q . , Rifl e Ran g!· R oad , Kual a LUlllpur , l\1alaya M.B.. l' IT . R ., n . r . H . t. Peter ' " Dr . l{ . H . Bland , O.B.E. D . E . Pollard, S.J.A.A . Headquarters , H.E . The Governor Church, ' tamford R oad , Singapore Lt .-Col. .T . V . Abela , E H . W . Borg , 109, Main treet, St. JUlian's, ;\Ialta H .E . Th e Governor O. B. E. Dr. J. Maingard , M.B.E. , Forensic Science Laboratory , Dr. R . Lav oipi e rre H .E . Th e Governor R eduit, Mauritius Mis J. Medland , P .O . Box 132, Jesselton , 1 ort.h Borneo G. Bomugh -Copl ey H .E. The Go vernor
Office ,
Cyp rus ' ir Vin ce nt Glenda y, K.C. M.G ., O.B.E. H .E . Th e Go v rnor
Alley Po, t
;\Tr. StellOUS SYlalliJps, EJlI(atiul1 \)epartmen t. , Nicosia,
CYPRUS East Africa : KENYA
Mrs . Ian Gale , Blue Waters, Enterprise Road, St. Michael, Barbados Miss E . 1. Stephens, J I, Cargill Avenue, Half Way Tree , Jamaic:l. . Lord H . Graham , Ocho Rios P.O., Jamaica A Dale , West Indies ugar Co . Ltd. , Frome P .O.,
Keevill, Lt .
M .B E
Mrs . B. B a rton , C 0 B.E.L.P. & Co., Ltc\. , Serpent:ne R oad, Pembroke, Bermuda R . B . Scargall, c / o 20T, Camp Street, G eorgetown, Brili sh Guiana Mrs. Outram, Police and Immigration D ep t ., H ead quarters, Belize, British Honduras /\ .I . B . Temple, Somaliland Police H.Q., lT a rge isa, Somaliland Protectorate.
W estmoreland, Jamaica. 1\[rs . I. tI eF. Smith , Mon y ll1us k, Jamaica, S .W.
J[01101':I I'V S ccrc ~al'y
/\ . Bhatt, B.A., Barri ster-at-Law, 130hra Bazaar, Crater, Aden
M . T . Williams, Police H<:>adqua.rt.cr:;, Victoria , Sf'yc lH'l1es Island s H .E . The Governor
1ahe ,
A. La.nf', c/ o Police ])cpnt, P .O. Box 7-10, Accra, Cold Coast
Presidc nc
NIGERIA : Police Force Railways
Honorary Secre tal'y
The StaJJ Officer, Nigeria Police H.Q., Lagos, A O. Nelson-Co le, General Manager's Office, Metta, Nigeria
Depu ty Commissioner
igeria Ebuie
SIERRA LEONE : The Commandant, Police Training School, Hastings, Sierr::t Leone Mohammed Lamin Fadika, Prison Headquarters, Freeto wn, Sierra Leone asr. Eff. Ahmed, c/o General Manager's Office, Sudan Railways, Atbara, Sudan
P olice Force ... Prison Service S UDAN
H eadquart er Address
SOUTHE RN AFRICA (administered by THE PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN ) P.O. Box , 7137, Johannesburg, South Africa
T. P.O. Box 536,
Diocesan Church H ouse, George Australia
2l) ,
J:! [,
P.O. Box
INDIA (administered by the INDIAN COUNCIL,
T. J om. A\1BUUNCE
alisbury , Rhodesia
treet, Sydney, N .S. W ,
W ellington Stref>t, P f>rt.h , W . Australia hapel Street, Ottawa, Canada II
9, Wellington,
ro,s R oad,
ew Zealand
e\\' Delhi, India
Iational Headquarters, Hoad, Karachi. J
Katrak BuiUings,
1tbe Granb "dor\? In tbe :l3rltleb '!Realm ot tbe roost 1J)encrable Iil't'ber ot tbe bospital ot St. ~obn of ~erusal'm
S1. 30bn ambulance
Annual Report of The Commissioner-in-Chief for the year ending 31st December., 1954
30hn Rmblliance JSrigabe
IIeadquarters: 8,
Uo 111111 i55 ion e r~llI~crbief LT.-GE ERAL
(tom ma nba nt~i Ilr=:(t bief of
1Rursing (torpg
Supenll ten bell t~ill~crbief THE COUNTESS :'Iou TBATTEN OF BUR\fA, C.l., G.B.E., D.C.V.O.-
Dame Grand Cross
~be $t.
Su r(\coll~in~crbief
. \\'mTF
30bn Bmbulance :f13rlgabe
CH .B.-Knight
OX, O.B.E., :'I1.C., l\1.B.,
IDepu tr UOltlllllSS IOlle r~III~<rb lef
ID~l)l\ tr
Supe rl1l tell Dell t~lll~crblef
:'IH . GROSVE OR, c.B.E.-Commander ID!putr SurgcOII"III~abief COTT, :\1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.-Con1r77wuder
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
:\1. ill.
Appointed May, I928
'E\s S I ~ tall t CJOlll llli6Sioll e r5~i lI~crbief OLONEL H . MOSTYN OWEN-Officer BHIGAUIER A. RIT CHIE, D.s.o.-Commander
lDeputl? (!ommanl'>ant:::tn-(!btef
1\sais ta 11 t SU~h~ rill tellll ell t:::ill~ablef
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointeu February, I937
J. .
B6BIstallt 5urQeoll~ill .. crbief
R. BUCHANAN, c.:'1.G., lI.D .. -CH.B., F.R.c.p.-Officer (Overseas) (l;hlef 1l-1ursillg ®mcer MISS
SUperlllten"ent:::lll:::(!btef for llll1ales
HAl\IILTO , -VVEDDERBURN, S.R . . -Officer
Ublet StRtf ®fficer for craDete Irss
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed May, I935
:18rlgaDe SGoCtetarr
G. F.
(to In Ina nba n t===i n:s::(! bief of
1Rurslng (tabetg
H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET Dame of Justice of the Order of St. John
Appointed February, I948
A. F.
RS6it3tallt 1Srtgabe Secre:tarr alttl Secrctarr to Superil1telt~ellt~ill~a;biet MISS
I.B.E. -Commander
:BttacbeD to 1beal>quarters Staff ASSISTANT COtlIMISSIONER
1)eaDquarters Staff I1'lfficers
E. HowARD- Office?' (Su.rgeon-in -C hiefs Depart'm ent) A. C. ROD WAY (Surgeon -in-Chief s Department) J. S. WEATHERLEy-Officer G. E. CRAFT-Officer (Surgeon-in-Chiefs Department) THE HON. MRS. EARL-(Cadets) E. J. WILLoTT-Serving Brother MISS DUFF-GRANT, R.R.C., S.R.N, D.N.-(Training Adviser) THE HON. MRS. MICHAEL HENDERSON-(Overseas Students)
Chairman The Counte Mountbatten of Burma, C.I., G.B.E., D.C.V.O.-Superintendent-in-C hief, N ur ing Corps and Divi ions. (Ex-officio).
Lieut.-General Sir Otto Lund, R.C.B., D.S.O. (Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance Brigade) (ex-officio).
Ex-officio Members The Secretary-General. The Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association. The Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corp and Divisions. The Surgeon-in-Chief. The Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief. The Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. The Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. The Assistant Commissioners-in-Chief. The Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, ursing Corps a.nd Divisions The Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. The Commissioner for Wales - No.8 R egion. The Commissioner for Northern Ireland. The Chief Nursing Officer. The Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets. The Chief Officer Nursing Cadets.
Members Colonel Sir Myers Wayman, R.B.E., F.S.S.) J.P.) Commissioner, Durham-N o. I Region. E. H. Lodge, Esq., M.B., CH.B., Commissioner, \Vest Riding of Yorkshire-No. 2 Region. C?lonel H. M. P. Hewett) T.D.) Commissioner, ITorthampton-No 3 RegIOn. Dr. K. S. Maurice-Smith, Commissioner, Cambridge- No.4 Rcgion. Colonel G. F. Page, D.S.O.) Commissioner, London (Prince of Wales's) District-No. 5 Region. Dr. R. V. S. Cooper, Commissioner, Dorset-No. 6 Region. H. S. Taylor-Young, Esq.- F.R.C.S., Commissioner, Wiltshire-No.7 Region. Captain F. L. Richard, M.B., CH.B.) Commissioner, Stafford-No. 9 Region. Capt. P. Reay, O.B.E.) M.G., J.P., Commissioner, Cheshire-No. 10 Region. Major-General A. H. Hornby, C.B., C.B.E., M.e., Commissioner, Kent -No 12 Region. Mrs. Lodge, District Superintendent (N), West Riding of Yorkshire. Lady Heald, County Superintendent (N), Surrey. Mrs. Cavendish, District Superintendent (N), London (Prince of Wales's) District.
The The The The The The
Ex-officio Members Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief. Assi tant Superintendent-in-Chief. Chief N ur ing Officer. Chief Officer Nursing Cadets. Repre enta.tive for Wales (the Hon. Mrs. John Bruce). uperintendent for Northern Ireland.
R egional Representatives F. C. Burton, CQunty uperintendent (N), North Riding of York hire-No. 1 Eegion. 1Irs. G. W. Lodg, Di trict uperintendent (N), West Riding of Yorkshire-No.2 Region. .Mi E. Folwell, ounty up rintendent (N), Leicestershire-No. 3 Pegion. ~1iss A. Parker, ~I.B.E., County Superintendent (N), Suffolk-No. 4 Pcgion. 1Irs.:\1. a" ndish, District Superintendent (N)- London (Prince of \rales's) Di trict- No. 5 Region. The Hon. ~1r . Leslie Gama.gc, County Superintendent (N), BerkshirelT O. 6 Region. :\liss M. E. E. Sarah, ounty uperintendent (N) Bristol - No. 7 Region. J-1r. 1. V. Penny, County uperintendent (N), Staffordshire-No. 9 H.egion. ~Ii s 1\1. E. Moore, District uperintendent (N), Duke of Lancaster's Dbtrict-.. TO. TO Region. Lady Heald, County uperintendent (N), County of Surrey-No. ] 2 Region. ~Irs.
Brigadier A. Ritchie, D.S.O. Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief Members Miss V. Cunard, 1I'LB.E., (Permanent member). Mrs. T. E. Kirk, County Cadet Officer, North Riding of YorkshireNo. I Region. Miss O. Addison, County Cadet Officer, Durham-No. I Region. Mrs. J. Cumming Bell, District Cadet Officer, West Riding of Yorkshire - No.2 Region. E. Heywood Smith, Esq., County Cadet Officer, Leicestershire-No. 3 Region.
Mrs. A. A. Ettridge, County Cadet Officer, Norfolk-No.4 R egion. Miss D. E. White, District Cadet Officer, London (Prince of vVales' s) District-No.5 Region. K. H. M. Aldridge, Esq ., County Cadet Officer, Dorset- No.6 R gion . Mrs. E. M. Wood , County Cadet Officer, Plymouth , outh-West Devon , ~nd East Cornwall-No.7 R egion. fiss Z. D . Druitt, Cadet Training Officer , Priory [or Wales-No. ' R egion. Dr. A. Walker , County Cadet Officer, Staffordshire- No.9 R egion. R. Charlesworth, Esq., District Cadet Officer, Duke of Lancast r's District- No. 10 Region. H. F. Law, E sq., County Cadet Officer, Kent-No. 12 R egion . Miss E. Garrett, Northern Ireland.
THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEFS REPORT In England, Northern Ireland and those overseas Territories directly under my command 125 new Adult Divisions and 157 new Cadet Divisions were formed. There has been an increase in personnel and the strength of the Brigade at 31st December, 1954, was:ADULTS
Personnel Ambulance Nursing
35 ,618
1,953 622
1,316 443
132 26
3,401 1,091
41,470 13,834
21,578 8,237
63,048 22,071
2,854 462 46
1,868 95 5
In dia Pa kista n
4 ,890 557 51
73,268 12,266 1,608
32,410 105 ,678 1,929 14,195 94 1,702
G rand Tota ls.
J ,968
34,433 121,575
Personnel Ambulance Nursing Totai
Di visions Ambulance Nursing E ng I and and N. Ireland Wales Priories Over ea Other O ver eas Territories
Divisions Ambulance Nursing F ngland and Ireland Wales
975 175
1,228 141
57 9
2,260 325
21,953 4,016
34,697 3,503
56,650 7,519
1, 150 207
1,369 320
66 2
2,585 529
25,969 6,653
38 ,200 7,701
64,169 14,354
1,420 205 6
1,755 40
In dia Pa kistan
3,243 245 7
34,045 4,437 186
47,3 10 592 31
81,355 5,029 217
G rand Totals .
38 ,668
Overseas Priories . Ot her Oversea Tern tories
The above represents an overall increase of 69 Divisions and 4,605 personnel. I am glad to report that included in these totals is an increase of 117 Brigade Surgeons and 38 Nursing Officers. The Brigade was greatly honoured on the occasion of the Cadet Rally In Hyde Park when H.R.H. Princess Margaret, Commandant-in-Chief o~ Cadets, carried out the Inspection, and on the occasion of the Brigade Fmal Competitions when H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester, Deputy Commandant-in-Chief of Nursing Divisions, presented the trophies and ':lwards. DUTIES
The outstanding duty of the year was on the occasion of the return of H.M . The Queen from her overseas tour, when 2,000 members of the Brigade were on duty, treating 500 casualties. The Brigade overseas also performed splendid service at the various places visited by Her Majesty.
The Brigade continued to carry out its manifold duties to the public in its usual reliable manner and the following figures of duties and cases in England and Northern Ireland give some idea of the scope of these:Duties Public Duties Transport Dutie Hospital Duties . Clinics . Nurseries. . Blood Transfusion Nursing Aid Miscellaneous
Cases Treated On Public Duty. Off Public Duty. Invalid removed . No. of Road Accident No. of Other Accidents
Hours 2,094,837 1,060,157 377,468 33,945 2,663 33,248 176,298 314,8 19 195, 176 254,250 325,627 32,870 11 , 169
The Brigade final competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 19th June, 1954. On this occasion the presentation of trophies was made by H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester. .. . Winner of the Dewar Shield- Wolverton Ambulance DIVIsIOn (Bucks.). . ... Winner of the Perrott Shield- Brighton Nursmg DIVISIOn (Sussex). The winners of the Dewar and Perrott Shields represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's trophy Competitions in N?vember. The Bri~~ton Nursing Division came top in the Women's SectIOn of the Compe.tl~I?nS - winning the Horsham Bowl and the ~olverton .~mbulance DIVISIOn came second in the Men's Section of this competitlon. The Cadet final competitions were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 20th March, 1954, when the trophies and prizes were presented by General Sir Brian Robertson. CIVIL DEFE CE
I had the pleasure of visiting the following places :- Bermuda, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad, Grenada, Tobago, British Guiana an d Barbados. I found everywhere a keen interest among members and a sincere desire to carry forward the work of the Brigade. There are, of course, many difficulties which to a greater or les er degree hamper the development of our work but everywhere I have vi ited I have foun a that great efforts are being made to further our activities and I feel sure that there will be increased strength as time goes on. OTHER INSPECTIONS
During the year I carried out Inspections in 11 Counties and in addition other Inspections were undertaken by the Deputy Commissionerin-Chief and the Surgeon-in-Chief. In most cases the Inspecting Officers were accompanied either by the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, the Controller Overseas, the Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, the Chief Nursing Officer or the Chief Officer Nursing Cadets. CONFERENCES
The Commissioners' Conference was held at St. John House on the 25th June. These representative gatherings have proved very valuable and I propose to hold them annually. The two Surgeons' Conferences, in Harrogate and London, were again very successful. Many Conferences and Courses were held in various parts of the country and whenever possible Headquarters representatives attended.
The following Headquarter Courses were held:County/Area Secretaries and Treasurers' Course, February. Cadet N.C.O.'s Course, 5th/7th March. Junior Cadet Officers' Course, 10th/12th December.
During the year under review all Ministries and Authorities connected with Civil Defence have been studying the new problems created by the existence and possible use of the Hydrogen Bomb and the ?an~er of destruction on a larger scale than with which the present orgarusatIOn i capable of dealing. In the~e studie~ th.e Brigade ~a~ taken part as regards the future of First AId orgamsatlOn and tralrung. As far as organisation is concerned new arrangements have been made to extend th; function of caualty collection and the old Ambulance Section now becomes the Ambulance and Casualty Collecting Section. The Home Office ha circulated Local Authoritie asking them to make every endeavour to use our Divisions as teams within the Corps under their own leader . The formation of Mobile Columns was also studied this year. The columns will be composed of personnel dealing with Rescue, Fire Fighting and First Aid. It is considered possible that the Brigade may be called upon to assist in the training of First Aid. Apart from the re-organisation that is taking plac~ in the Civil Defe~ce Corps the whole training programme is being reVIsed. The new FIrst Aid training syllabi have been studieQ. by the Brigade and the B.R.C.S., but it is not likely that they will be published until the summer or autumn of 1955. Throughout the year we have sent a number of senior officers and other officers to the Civil Defence Staff College and officers from Headquarters have attended as observers the discussions on the future reorganisation of the C.D. Corps. The number of Civil Defen~e .full First Aid Classes carried out by the Brigade as agents of the ASSOCIatIOn, is still increasing.
Recruitment for the N.H.S.R. has continued to make progress and during 1954 the number of auxiliaries enrolled through the Brigade was 2,775. Mobile First Aid Units have now been formed all over the Country, and members of the N.H.S.R. have taken part in many Civil Defence Exercises.
A~ ~he ~umbers in the Reserve increase, so consequently does the adffillllstratlve work and once again Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn and those. responsible in the counties for the N.H.S.R. have responded magnificently to the effort.
Cadet Officer E. W. Jones, New Tredegar Cadet Divi ion, Priory for Wales. LIFE SAVING MEDAL I
.C.a?et Corporal Robert Clelland, George F. Brown Ambulance Cadet DIVIsIOn, County of Leicester. Cadet Le?nard Reynolds, Roehampton Ambulance Cadet Division, London (Pnnce of Wales's) District. MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATES C~rporal J. Proctor, Skegness Ambulance Division, County of Pr~vate F. Epton, Skegness Ambulance Division, County of
Lincoln. Lincoln. Pnvate F. B. Jones, Wrexham Ambulance Division Priory for Wales (Special certificate). , . Private F. Calpin, Renishaw Park Colliery Ambulance Division, County of Derby. Private H. Cree, Newark Fire Brigade Section, County of Nottingham. Corporal L. H. Evans, Clydach & District Ambulance Division, Priory for Wales. Cadet Officer Roy Ie Mesurier, Guernsey Student Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Sergeant N. Bluett, Dawdon Ambulance Division, County of Durham. JUBILEE CERTIFICATES
Goole Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Blyth ~mbulance Division, County of Northumberland. Cramlmgton Ambulance Division, County of Northumberland. Wood.stock Ambulance Division, County of Oxford. Hor~Ich Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Accnngton Corps, Duke of Lancaster's District. Accr~ngton "A" Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Accnn~ton Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Hull (PIer) .Ambulance Division, East Riding of Yorkshire. Hebden Bndge Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Stewarts & Lloyds Ambulance Division, County of Worcester. Du~ley Ambulance Division, County of Worcester. Halifax Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. H0.warth Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Chuk Ambulance Division, Priory for Wales. Hasland & Grassmo~r .~olliery Ambulance Division, County of Derby. Batley Amb~lanc~ I?~vIsIOn, West Riding of Yorkshire. Batley Nursmg DIVISIOn, West Riding of Yorkshire. Stoke A,mbulance Division, County of Stafford. N?rthwIch Ambulance Division, County of Cheshire. G~ppeswyk Ambulance Division, County of Suffolk. CIty of Gloucester Ambulance Division, County of Gloucester. Palmerston North Nursing Division, The Priory in New Zealand.
Countess Mountbatten of Burma, as Chairman of the Service Hospitals Welfare Department, reports that in Commands in the United Kingdom and Overseas, 139 Welfare Officers are now serving, of which 40 are Brigade members who are posted as follows:United Kingdom 17 Japan 2 British Army of the Rhine 7 East Africa 1 Middle East 6 West Africa. 1 Far East 6 During her tour of the Commonwealth, Her Majesty the Queen visited the Royal Air Force Ho pital at Aden and the Welfare Officer there had the honour of being presented to her. In March, during a short intensive tour of Singapore and Malaya, Countess M ountbatten was able to visit our Welfare Officers in all Service Hospitals in these areas as well as visiting the small Royal Naval Sick Bays, M.R.S.'s and Royal Air Force Station Sick Quarters. Whilst she was in Malta, she had the opportuuity at various times during the year of seeing the work done by our Welfare Officers in Malta itself as well as in hospital in the Canal Zone, Cyprus and North Africa. In both Far Ea t and Middle Ea t Commands she was much impressed with the admirable way in which our work for the Services was being carried out. In the ummer, the Director of the Department, Mis Nancy de Mierre, accompanied by the Chief Welfare Officer, made an extensive tour, visiting our Welfare Officer in Hospitals in East Africa, Aden, the Canal Zone, Cypru , North Africa and Malta. The standard of the work throughout was high and it was gratifying to hear on all sides of the appreciation by the Service authorities on the excellent work being done by the Chief Welfare Officer and the Welfare Officers in all Medical Units. In East Africa, Miss Eileen Woolrich, who is a Brigade member, is making a very able Senior Welfare Officer of the Command. Our work ha increa ed \vith the additional troops drafted in to cope with Mau Mau terrorist' activities and it is hoped shortly to post an extra Welfare Officer to the Station Hospital, Nanuyki, which is in the middle of the operational area. In the Canal Zone, three hospitals will close down before the end of the year owing to the decrease of troops in the area. Our St. John and Red Cross H.Q. will move into Cyprus in the autumn of 1955 and the remaining hospitals will close in the following year. In West Africa, our work has made great strides during 1954. In addition to the Senior Welfare Officer at Accra who is responsible for the administration of the whole Command, a second Welfare Officer, Miss Dori Wilkes, a Brigade member, was posted to Kaduna in Nigeria. She is also re ponsible for visiting the Military Hospital in Lagos at frequent intervals. The splendid work these Welfare Officers are carrying out among the Africans has been much appreciated. URSI G DIVISIO S
In the main report I have included matters covering all sections of the Brigade. I should, however, like to include the follo ing extract from the report of the Superintendent-in-Chief:"Last year the report made reference to outstanding events such
as Her Majesty's Coronation and the tragic Ea t Coast Flood. Thi year I have to r port on a Ie evcntful year but, nevertheles , one in which steady hard work ha been carried out. Although less spectacular there is no indication of any dimin ution in the duties undertaken. "I am glad to ay there eem to be an increasing intcre t throughout the Brigade in work for old people. Darby and Joan Club are being started in variou part of the country and I am indeed pleased that the Nursing Divi ions are taking an active interest in this very essential work. "Conferences for President were arranged in everal countie , and Mr . Grosvenor attended tho e in Su sex the West Riding and Northern Ireland, where she had the plcasure of meeting many of our Pre idents. Mrs. Romer-Lee attended the Birmingham Conference. "I was particularly glad to be able to take the Chair for thc Count} Superintendents' Conference at St. John House a it wa the first held for a number of years. Practically cv ry county was represented at this Conference. "June of this year brought the end of the triennial period with consequent changes among t County Superintendent (). pecial mention mu t be made of the following who have gi en so many years of fine service to the Brigade and who c re ignation have been accepted with very real regret. The length of their ervice must surely constitute a record:Mrs. Manley, County Superintendent for Cambridge hire, 21 years' service, Mrs. Oakley, County Superintendcnt for Cornwall, 40 year' service, Miss Faber, County Superintendent for Glouce ter hire, 38 year' service, Mrs. 'Young, County Superintendent for Isle of Man, 14 year' serVIce, D~. Danby, County Superintendent for Somerset, 33 years' service, MISS ,Hubbard, County Superintendent for Sussex, 40 years' serVIce, Mrs. ~orter, County Superintendent for Worcestershire, 16 years' serVIce, Mrs. Edwards, County Superintendent for E.R. Yorkshire, 33 years' service, Mrs. J.ohnstone, District Superintendent for N. Ireland, 39 years' serVIce. "I am happy to report that both Mrs. Young and Mrs. Manley, who are now living in London, are assisting in the London district. "As always, I feel particularly grateful to my County Superintendents for their devoted service and excellent leadership in their counties as well as for the ready co-operation we at Headquarters always receive from them. . "I would like to express my deep appreciation of the loyal support given by. all at Headquarters. Mrs. Grosvenor, as my Deputy, has carned the full responsibility for the administration of the Nursing Divisions, in my absence overseas, with the most outi tanding success; I would like to place on record my sincere gratitude
for the fine leader hip she has given and for the heavy volume of work sh'c ha undertaken. She has been most ably assisted by Mr. Romer-Lee who has as umed responsibility for all matters connected with the Joint Committee at this Headquarters and also for the Hospital Car Service. We are delightcd that Lady Brecknock, as Chairman of the House Committee of St. John House, now has a closer link with the nursing per onnel. Mi ss Harrison has put in yet another magnificent year's work but g~eatly misses the valuable as istance given her by Mi Thornton dunng the last seven years. Unfortunately, Miss Thornton had to leave in November and we were all extremely sorry to lose her." S RGl:O -I -CHIJ I· 's DEPARTME 'T
The Surgcon-in- hicf, in writing on .the year's actJ~ltIes, states:"There have been 191 new appomtnflents as Bngadc Surgeons while, through dcath , re ignations, transfers to the. ~eserve, etc., we have 10 t 74; giving a net increase of 117. ThIS mcrease ~as been maintained over the last few ycars and is most encouragll1g considering the increa cd work of Doctors at the present time. "Agreement has been reached on t~e Haversack ~it for Ambulance members and the new kit and container for Nur mg members, and a suggested kit ha also b",cn agreed for mem bers on Public Duties. "At the London Conferencc a pre entation was made to Mr. E. T. Mllburn on hi retirement as Confercnce Secretary after many years of ervi c. I am happy to welcom Mr. G. Craft as the new Conference Secretary. "From time to time 1 have taken the opportunity of conducting Examinations in Fir t Aid and Home Nursing to get an idea of the standard of efficiency in the Brigade and I am happy to say that there i a gradual improvement since the war period. "The revision of the Brigade Surgeons' Handbook is now completed and will shortly go to press." CADETS
The Cadet Rally in Hyde Park held on 24th July, to which I have already referred was an outstanding succes. Eight thousand Cadets from all parts of the country paraded before H.R.H. Princess Margaret, who reviewed the Parade from a Land Rover, presented some seventy awards and took the Salute at the March Past. It was very gratifying to have on Parade a party of Officer and Cadets from Malta. At the invitation of the Commissioner for Malta twenty Cadets a nd fo ur Officers spent a fortnight in Malta in August. The American Trophy for Gallantry was awarded to Student Corporal J. Price of the Grays Ambulance Cadet Division. ., The intere t in Cadet work arising from the Saturday Mormng Cll1ema Clubs is evident by the fact that there are now one hundred and thirtyfour Divisions formed within these Clubs. KING GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP TRAI ING MEMORIAL
The St. John Cadet Organisation, among others, has been selected to receive a grant in connection with the King; George VI Lead~rship Training Memorial which is designed to aSSOCIate the na.me of hIS late Majesty with Youth Work in which he was so keenly mterested. Plans for the organisation of special Training Courses have been made and will come into effect next year.
The expansion O'Verseas is continuing and there has been an increase of 39 Adult and 14 Cadet Divisions. With regard to the work in each country:-
COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA The work of the Brigade in Rhodesia continues to flouri hand < new Adult Division and a new Cadet Division were formed during th l year. Some re-organisation has taken place which will be of help an e I am more than satisfied that the Brigade is well maintaining its higl' standard of efficiency and service.
CEYLON The Brigade in Ceylon has added to its trength by three new Ambula nce Divisions, one Nursing Division and four Cadet Divi ion. The out · standing duty of the year was the occasion of the vi it of H. M. T hl: Queen when the Brigade performed public duty, having maintainea some nineteen First Aid Posts. The President of the Brigade, Viscount Soulbury, left Ceylon in Jul ) and H.E. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke has kindly agreed to become th e ne\ President. Colonel Jayawardana, the Commis ioner, had the honour a accompanying Her Majesty The Quee n a Equerry on her vi it to Au tralia . I regret that after many years of St. John service Mr . Attfield h ad to resign her appointment as District Superint endent (N) and I am glad to welcome Mrs. Ross-Bell a her successor.
BRITISH WEST INDIES During my visit I was gratified to find that considerable progress had been made since my last visit in 1951. I was very glad to be accompanied for the greater part of my tour by Sir Harold Mitchell whose work as Liaison Officer of the Order has proved so valuable. It is also a matter for gratification that the Order has agreed that Brigadier P. J. T Pickthall should carry out tours of the Windward and Leeward Isl a nds as Headquarters representative to encourage and assist the Brigade. Bahamas I regret that Colonel Wyndham Verrall the Commissioner of Police and the first st. John Commissioner to be appointed for the Bahamas has left the Colony. Barbados The Brigade under the leadership of Mr. Williams can now be said to be well establi sh~d and a new Ambulance Division has been registered. We are fortunate In that we have the advantage of the assistance of Brigadi.er Pickthall, at one time Commissioner of the Brigade in Grenada, as ChaIrman of the St. John Council for Barbados. Bermuda While there has been no change in the number of Divisions in Bermud a Mrs . Davie-Smith, the Headquarters Organiser, has reported on th~ smartness of the members on Parade. Mrs. Davie-Smith was able to ~pend t~o wee~s in Bermuda o~ her way to take up her appointmen t m JamaIca. It IS hoped to acqUlre a Headquarters building in the near future.
British Guiana The Brigade here is increasing its st:ength and. two Ambulance and one Nursing Division have been reglstered dunng the year. A..St. John Council has been formed and several successful money ralSIng efforts held. British Honduras . This is a newly formed Di strict of the Brigade and efforts are be~ng ma de to increase the strength. First Aid Classes have been held foll?wmg which H.E. The Governor very kindly presented successful. candIdates with their Certificate. Mr. L. H. Outram has been appOInted CommIssioner and I welcome him to this responsible appointment. An mbulance ha been purchased for use in Belize where it should perform most u eful work. Grenada I am pleased to welcome Mr. H. \V . D. Scott as Commissioner In place of Brigadi er Pickthall to whom I have referred earlier. Jam aica . The reorgani ation of Jamaica into four Districts has now ~een c.arned out successfully, and with the appointment o~ Mrs. DaVIe-SmIth as Headquarter Organi scr for Jamaica for a perIod of ~wo years, there should be an increase in activity and scope of the Bngade. The four Districts of J a maica are S.E. Jamaica, where Dr. Hoerman continues his long and aluable service as Commissioner~ assisted by Miss. Stephens as District Superintendent (N) ; N.E. JamaIca where Captam L. R. .1andeville-Elli has been appointed Commissioner with Lord Ronald Graham as Deputy Commissioner; N.W. Jamaica where Mr. H. C. Cahusac has been appointed as Commissioner with Mr. G. B. Quayle, O. B.E., as Deputy Commissioner; and S.W. Jamaica under the Commissionership of Mr. C. C. Michelin. Tnnidad and Tobago . . The Brigade in this recently formed District h.a~ ?een makmg ra~)ld crrowth and this year two new Ambulance DlvlsIOns, one Nursmg Division and one Combined Divi ion have been formed. Two Ambulances have been acquired and it can be said that the organisation is n.ow on a sound basis . The Brigade ha carried out duty on many occaSIOns and also taken part in the Queen' s Birthday Parade . . Mrs. Davie-Smith left last June at the conclusIOn of her duty and ca n look back with pleasure in the knowledge that her work was greatly appreciated. . F ollowing the departure of Col. Bridgman we were fo~tu.nate III obtaining the services of Mr. R. J. W. Struthers as ComffilssIOner. Leeward Islands I was very gratified that in August of this year the Lee\ya~d Isla~d District of the Brigade was officially formed under the CommisslOnership of Lt.-Colonel E. M. V. James. The main activities are so far centred in Antigua and are already spreading to Montserrat, Virgin Islands and St. Kitts and with the great interest and enthusiasm being shown I am very hopeful that good progress will be made.
BRITISH WEST AFRICA A start has been made in the development of St. John work by the appointment of Mr. P. J. McGill, M.B.E., B.E.M., a former member
of the Palestine Police, as Headquarters Organiser. Mr. McGill i a t present ba$ed on Lagos but he will be touring Sierra Leone and the Gold Coast. He will endeavour to intere t all branches of the Police Mines Indu try and various public organisations with a view to com ~ mencing Lay Lecturers and First Aid CIa ses and the eventual formatio n of unit~ of the Brigade. He has rel?~rted that great intere t i being sh own 111 the places he has already VI ltcd and that the project has the support of H.E. The Governor and the Police and Medical Authorities Gold Coast The formation of a District of the Brigade was officially approved in November 1954, under the Commis ionership of Mr. M. K. N. Coll ens. Sierra Leone There ha~ ?e~n no change .in the position here and we were very gl ad to have a VISIt m England thIS year from the Commi ioner Mr. W. G. Syer.
BRITISH EAST AFRICA Kenya Much good work has been done by members of the Brigade in Kenya. I am glad to know that the bravery and devotion to duty of Oi\ is ion al Officer L. Tavares has been recognised by the award of the Order'.;; Life Saving Medal. It is hoped that a new Headquarters building will be availabl e, for the work of the Brigade. Major and Mrs Gerrity (Mrs. Gerrity i a member of the Brigade in Essex and was Headquarters Organi er in Singapore) have been elected at the. ~eq~est of the K~n~a Government as Welfare Officers in a you th rehabIlitatIOn camp. Slmllarly, the Brigade was also asked to seLct a nurse to work in the Kikuyu reserves, and Miss E. Lamb was chosen and left for Kenya in November. , ~ was glad to see Sir Godfrey Rhodes, the Commi joner, during his VISIt to England. Tanganyika There has been no ch,ange in the strength of the Brigade in Tanganyika but great efforts are bemg made towards raising the funds nece ary fo r the building of a Headquarters. Uganda In Uganda where Mrs. Wate~s is the Headquarters Organiser, Dr. J .. M. Caldwell has been appOlr:ted as Commissioner following the retlfem~nt of Mr. Sharp who h~s given so many years of St. John service. The Bngade was on duty dunng the Royal visit. Zanzibar There has been no change in the strength of the Brigade. FIJI I ~m glad to kr:o~ that H~r Excellency Lady Garvey has accepted appomtn:-ent as DIstnct Supermte~de.nt (N). There is every hope that the erectIOn of a Headquarters bUlldmg may soon be accomplished.
Hong Kong . . . . The Brigade in Hong Hong contmues to 111crease ItS a~eady hIgh standard of strength and efficiency. Members of the Bngade have performed many publi,c . duties an.d the Pen~trat~on Squads have continued their valuable cltlllcal work m the outlYlllg Islands and rural areas. Malaya At the request of the Malayan Government it has been agreed that the Relief Teams shall continue probably until the end of 1957. At present there are 20 members. working in Malaya and the work they are doing is recognised as belllg of the greatest value. The Counte Mountbatten of Burma visited Malaya in February and inspected the Relief Teams and the Brigade in Kuala Lumpur and aloin pecled the Brigade in Ipoh on which occasion she wa~ accompanied by the Hon. Mrs. Leslie Gamage, the County Supenntendent (N) for Berk hire, who was visiting Malaya. The trength of the Brigade has increased by the formation. ?~ ten Ambulance Divi ions, three Nursing Divisions and four Cadet DIVISIOns. 'Vorth Borneo The members following which Chief Secretary' r am glad to
of the Brigade attended the Queen's Birthday Parade a me age of congratulations was received from the Office . welcome Mr. C. D. Evans as Commissioner.
Singapore . ' . r regret that the Commis ioner, Dr. Handas, has had to glv~ ~p his appointment and I am glad to welcome Dr. P . c;:. ~wan as CommlssIO~er. It is indicative of the growing trength of the Dlstnct that on the occaSlOn of the vi it of Countess Mountbatten a Parade of some 1,700 members of the Brigade was held and she commented on the efficiency and high standard. ive new Cadet Ambulance Divisions and two Cadet Nursing Divisions have been formed.
The Brigade in Mauritius is steadily increasing in strength and activity. Regular courses in First Aid and Home Nursing were organised during the year from which it is hoped new members may be recruited. Members of the Brigade have carried out Public Duty and I am glad that it has been possible to promote Mr. N. P. Hadow to the rank of Commissioner.
MEDITERRANEAN Cyprus Very great progress has been made in Cyprus where nine new Ambulance Divisions, six new Nursing Divisions and two Cadet Divisions have been formed. I am very glad to welcome Dr. G. F. Sleight as the new Commissioner, who takes over the splendid work already done by Mr. Ashmore. The Headquarters Organiser, Mrs. Harrold, has now returned to England after putting in most valuable work.
Gibraltar Ther~ has been no change
in the number of Divi ions in Gibraltar bu.t theIr strength and efficiency is being maintained. Members of th~
Bnga?~ were honoured by meeting H.R.H. The Princess Royal during
her VISlt. Malta, G.C. The Brigade continues to flourish in thi ancient home of the Order and great keenne has been shown by all ranks during the year. There was much regret by the Brigade at the departure of the Countess Mountbatten wh~ ~as ?een a great inspiration and help during the years she has been hvmg 10 Malta. The work of the District will be facilitated by the acqui ition of a n~w Ambulance 'presented by Mr. Warner of the A sociated Briti h Plct,:re CorporatlOn Ltd., the old Ambulance being converted into a mo bile canteen. The Br~gade was very happy to be able to perform public duties on the occaSLOn of the Royal visit. SENIOR OFFICERS
I.regret very much that Dr. J . R. Hanna., t~e Commi ioner for Jer ey; Major-General C. W . To?v~y, the CommI SlOner for Surrey, and Major J. W. Youn~, the Com~Il1s lOn.er for the Isle of Man, died during 1954. They had gIven splendld serVlce to the Brigade and their loss will be greatly felt. As 1954 marked ~he end of the Tri nnial Period there ha e been a number of changes Ir:. t?e commands of the counties and I should like to exp~ess my appreclatlOn of the services which have been rendered to the Bngade by the following Commissioner who gave up office on th e 24th June:Brigadier C. E. Hudson, E.S. & N. Devon. Dr. J. Lamberton, Cumberland and Westmorland. Major E. S. Burt-Hamilton, Duke of Lancaster's District. Captain T. G. Lowe, County of Leicester. Dr. Hugh Powell, County of Somerset. Dr. John Clayre, Hampshire. Major-General J. M. L. Renton, County of Sussex. We are fortunate that it is found. possible to appoint able successors to the abov~ ~nd I welcome to theIr respective positions the following new CommlsslOners : Major J. M. S. Pasley, County of Surrey. Captain Guy Malet de Carteret, Jersey. Lieut.-Colonel H. C. E. Routh, E.S. & N. Devon. Captain J. L. Johns, Cumberland and Westmorland. Colonel V. F. Royle, Duke of Lancaster's District. Lieut.-Colonel A. W. S. Armitage, County of Leicester. Colonel C. T. Mitford-Slade, County of Somerset. Colonel W. P. S. Curtis, Hampshire. Lieut.-Colonel K. B. Hicks, County of Sussex.
I need hardly say that it would not be possible to carryon the work of the Brigade without the loyal support and help of the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, the Superintendent-in-Chief, and her Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, and Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, Mrs. RomerLee. I am deeply grateful to the Surgeon-in-Chief, Major White Knox, his Deputy, Dr. Scott, and the Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. Buchanan, and to the Chief Nursing Officer, Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn. To the Countess Brecknock I am also grateful for her work as Controller of the Overseas Department. The continued growth of the Cadet Movement has meant an ever increasing burden on the Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief, Brigadier Ritchie, and the Chief Officer Nursing Cadets, Miss Cunard, on whom so much of the detailed organisation work has fallen. The success of the work carried out by Lady Braithwaite is by now well known to all the Brigade and this success is due to her never flagging zeal and efficiency. I am particularly grateful to my Deputy, Brigadier T. D. Daly, not o nly for hi continued help but also for undertaking my duties during my overseas tours. Although, fortunately, the Brigade has not been called upon for help in any gr at disasters during the year, nevertheless, the continued day by day service has been carried out with unselfish devotion to duty on the part of members of the Brigade of whatever rank and I am very proud of thi splendid work being done both at home and overseas. (Signed) O. M. LUND, Lt.-General, Commissioner-in-Chief
BEDFORDSHIRE County Office: I, Dynevor Road, Bedford.
County County County County
Tel. 35 60 .
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
Countv Staff Officer
Capt. W. C. KNIGHT, M B.E., I, Dynevor Road, Bedfod. (Tel: 3560). Vacant. Vacant. Miss H. M. BROWN, 733, Dunstable Road, Luton (Tel. L u on 357 6 ). Miss M. E. REDMAN, M.B.E., S.R.N., 69, Meyrick Ave nJe, Luton. Vacant. Miss H. GRIMMER, 3, Station Road, Ampthill, Beds. G. J. PARSONS,S , Oldfield Road, Bedford. (Training). E. LUCAS, 20, Clapham Road, Bedford. N. H. Jo ES, I6b, St. Cuthbert's Street, Bedford . H. BANKS, 26, Bishopscote Road , Luton . (Press Relatio s) Miss T. E. VVHITBREAD. 20, Hardwick Road, Bedford . Northern Area Dr. H. W. Rou D, The Grange, Turvey, B eds. (Tel. Tu rvey 206). Mrs. R. L. FIELD, 12, George Street, Bedford Vacant.
County Surgeon Area Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer County Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officers
Sou them Area Dr. J . Kelsall THOMAS, 2'1, West Street, Dunstable. Dunstable 10). E. WHITE, 3, Sherwood Road, Luton. Miss D. ARCHER, 34, Langley Street, Luton. Miss D . WOODHEAD, Langley Street, Luton.
(1 el.
BIRMINGHAM County Office: Nelson Memorial Hall, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3.
County Vtce-Presidents: Alderman W . T. BOWEN (Ambulance). J. P . Eames, O.B.E., (Cadet Ambulance) Mrs . P. CADBURY (Cadet Nursing).
Coml ssioner Counh Superintendent (A) County Superi ntendent (N) Cou r.ty Surgeon COUnty Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Count' Secretary COUnty Staff Officers
County Office: St. John House, 101, London Road , Reading. Tel. Reading 54 6 7 1 County President: (Vacant)
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer
C. A. POOLE, M.A., St. John House , 101, London Road , R eading . (Tel. R eading 62127). Vacant. Vacant. The Hon . Mrs. Leslie GAMAGE, Foxhill, Earley, Berks . (Tel. Reading 61400). J. V. SHEMILT, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., M.B ., B.S., The R ed Homie, Pepper Lane, Earley. Miss D. E . BRACE, S.R.N., Battle Hospital, Oxford R oad, R eading.
Tel. Birmingham Central 6660.
County Presiden t: Alderman J. C. BURMAN, J . P.
County Vice-Presidents.' Lady LORAINE (Nursing) Colonel G. Field, O.B.E., T.D., (Cadet Ambulance) Lady JOUBERT DE LA FERTE (Cadet Nursing)
W. E . THOMAS, 69, Edgehill Street, Reading. Miss A . K . CORDEROY, The Pollards, Theale, Berks. Miss D . K . GIBBINS, 33, South View Avenue, Caversham. H . F. SKIDMORE, 324, Tilehurst Road, Reading. Mrs. THOMAS, 69, Edgehill Street, Reading. E . CHART, II, Lome Street, R eadi ng. L. J . BARTON, 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. Mrs . EDMINSON, Old Barn East, 379, Reading Road, \Vinnersh . Mrs . BARTON , 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. P . R. HILLS, Fellows Close, Abingdon. (Cad'e ts)
Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers
County President: The R t. Hon. The LORD LUKE, M.A ., D.L., J .P. County Vice-President: The Lady Zia WERHNER, O.B.E. (Nursing) The Hon. P earl Lawson Johnston, O.B .E. (Cadet Ambulance and Nursing).
ergeant Major
Brig. M. L. HAYNE, C.B.E., 50, Oak Beams, Church Lane, Gaydon, \Varwickshire. (Tel. Kineton 428). \V. R . LLOYD, 66, Bleakhill Road, Birmingham 23. 1\lrs. D. icol, 28, Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, IS. \V . H . ' HILVOCK, '\1.B., CH.B., B.S., 86, Fitzroy Ave., Harborn<>. Birmingham, 17. Iiss M . CLINTON, 108, Welwyn R oad, Edgbaston. \V. R . BECK WITH, 445, Bromford , Lane, Vyard End, Birmingham, 8. 1rs. D. OWEN, 16, Cranmore Avenue, Handsworth, Birmingham. Mrs. F. E . HAMMOND, 7, Ravenshaw Road, Edgbaston, 17. H. V. GARDINER, 26, Pitmaston Court, Goodby Road, Birmingham, 13. A . C. FORD 85, Woodleigh Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham, 17. (Stores) J. E . MATTHEWS, 304, Bordesley Green East, Birmingham, 9. Miss E. M. ROGERS, 72, Balsall Heath Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham,S· F. GRIFFITHS, Midland Bank, Newhall Street, Birmingham, 3 . (Treasurer) M. C. LEGGETT, 48, Parkdale Road, Birmingham 26. (Special Duties) Mrs. Fraser BROWN, 273, Yardley Wood Road, Moseley, Birmingham . Mrs. J. MILLER , 445, Bromford Lane , Ward End, Birmingham. 8. (Administrati'\-e) R. C. N. Day, 297, Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham, 29.
BRISTOL County Office: Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol 2.
T el. 22431-2.
County President: His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., G.C. V.O., P.C . County Vice-Presidents: Mrs . H. L. BURGESS. Dr. R. L. CHEVERTON R ev. R. F. CARTWRIGHT
Commissioner Assistant Commissioner (County Secretary) County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff 0 fficers
Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex LEWIS , D.C.M., T.D., Harley House Clifton Down, Bristol, 8. T el. 33808. ' G. 1: CREECH, M.R.SA .. 1., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bnstol,5· Vacant. l\1i _s 1\1. E. E. SARAH, 15, Morley Square, Bishop -ton, Bristol, 7. (Tel. Bristol 43321). Dr. J. A. Lanson ROBERTS, 75, High treet, Kings\' ood, Bristol. Miss B . H. C. AMMONS, S.R.N ., 10, Henleaze Garr ~ns, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol , 9. Dr. R . H. BUTCHER, 5, Nottingham Road, Bishop"ton Bristol, 7. Mrs. E. F. PULLIN, B.E.M., 138, Monk Park Avenue, Hor eld, Bristol. 1\1. Fox, 10, Redlanc1 Park, Redbnd, Bristol, 6. (Pre, Relations) J. F. SMITH, "'t. Kayna", Knightc ott Road, Abbotts L igh, Bristol, 8. W. G. CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, Filton, Bristol. A. R. HARDING, 189, Hillside Road, St. George. Bristc . 5 C. GRIBBLE, B.E.M., 7, Stanley Road, Redlands, Bristol, 6. E. l FOLEY, 2, Highfield Grove, Horfield. Bristc 7. (N.H.S. R.) • H . R. H. PAGE, 45, Kingswav Ave .. Kingswood. Br 01. 1\lrs. M. C. CREECH, 30 Firtree Cottage . St. George, Brist I
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE County Office: 79, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury , Bucks.
County Vice-Presidents: The Viscountess Dawson of Penn, O.B.E. (Nursing). The Viscountess Kemsley, C.B.E . (Nursing Cadets).
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) Couuty Superintendent (N) Asst. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon (Executive) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Secretary
The Viscount CURZON, J .P., "The Knoll", Penn, Bucks (Tel. Penn 2269). Vacant. E . A . ALLIOTT, . 'Rostherne", Hervines Road, AmershdID, Bucks . (Tel. Amersham 222). Mrs. M. BOOTHMAN, "Lynton Chase," Datchet, Bucks. (Tel. Datchet 302). Miss N. M . SALE, The Croft, Walton Road, Aylesbury. E. R . WEAVER-ADAMS, B.A., M.B ., B.CHIR., M.R.C .S., "Sutton Cottage", Stoke Park, Slough, Bucks. Dr. G. W. H . TOWNSEND, County M.O.H., County Offices, Aylesbury. Mrs. W. E. TAYLOR, S. R. N., Bridge House, Baring R oad, Beaconsfield, Bucks. K. A. NATHAN, "Torwood", Clifton Road, Chesham Bois, Amersham, Bucks . Mrs. Z. BOTSFORD. 79, Buckingham St., Aylesbury, B ucks.
C. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, High Wycombe. J. 0. BOLDERO, Tbe Manager, Lloyds Bank, Aylesbury, Bucks. (Treasurer). . Mrs. B. A. H. VAUGHAN, "Johns", Uxbndge Road, Stoh Poges, Bucks. . Miss G. M. rVES, 9, Ogilvie Road, HIgh Wycombe, Bucks. (Training) . L. E. PIKE (Publicity), 17, Th~ Broadway, Amersham, B~~ks. A. KINGSBURY, Henshaw, Blerton, Aylesbury. (PublicItyAdvisory).
Area Area Area Area Area
Capt. F . W. WORKER, 56, Windsor Street, Wolverton, Bucks. Miss E. M. SAVORY, "Emberton House", Olney, Bucks. S. J . COMPTON, 22a, Silver Street, Nev.rport PagneU, Bucks. Miss J. ROSE, Mission Hall, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. Dr. W. :vI. :'1. DOUGLASS, Wolverton St. Mary, Stony Stratford. R. G. LDERSON, 12, B edford Street, Wolverton. (Area Cadet Training).
Northern Area
Supenntendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) Surgeon
Area Sta ff Officer
North Midland Area
Area 'u pc-intendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer
Vacant. Vacant. Dr. Hilda DAVIS, M.D., CH.B., D.P.H ., Plough Cottage, Cadsdean, Princes Risborough, Bucks . E. F. SOMERS, 4, Albert Street, Aylesbury. Mid Bucks Area
Aredo Superintendent (A) Area Superintend en t (N) Area Surgeon Area
ursing Officer
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Assistant Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officers
County Staff Officers
Tel. Aylesbury 1033.
County Presidents: Colonel The Lord COTTESLOE, C.B., V.D., T.D., Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamsh ire The LADY CRATFIELD (Nursing). Major P. G. DARVIL-SMITH, C.B.E. (CadeTs) . Brigadier J. H. CHENEY tAmbulanc e)
Vacant. Vacant. Dr. R. H. KIPPI G, M.B., B.CH., "Leigh House", Beaconsfield, Bucks. Mrs. DILLON-EDWARDS, S.R.N., "Faulkners", Chesham Rd ., Chesham Bois, Bucks. W . J. LUNNON, 29, Cressex R oad, High \Vycombe, Bucks . Miss M. E. WHITE, "Cleveland" , Claremont Gardens, Marlow, Bucks. D . ORLIK, "Stratton Cottage", Stratton Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks. T. SHORT, II, Hill View Road, Hi~h W .ycombe, Bucks. T. RICHARDSON, "St. Davids", StatlOn RIse, ~arlow, Bucks . Mrs. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, nr. Hl.gh Wycombe. F. R. R EEDER, "Glamis," Kingsmead Road, HIgh Wycombe .
Southern Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) County Transport Officer A.rea Staff Officer
Vacant . Mrs. E. R . WEAVER-ADAMS, "Sutton Cottage", Stoke Park, Nr. Slough, Bucks. Lt.-Col. L. D. M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH.B., 33, Sussex Place, Slough, Bucks. Vacant. Mrs. HOOD , 148, Wellington Street, Slough, Bucks. J. D. PALMER, "Brentwood", 70, Carrington Crescent, Wendover, Bucks . L. STEPHENS, 3, Mundesley Spur, Slough, Bucks.
ST .
CAMBRIDGE County Office: 35, St. Mary's Street, Ely. Tel. Ely 78. County Presidents: The LORD FAIRHAVEN, D.L . , J .P. Mrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK.
County Nursing Officer County County County County
Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers
County Vice-Presidents: Major E. SAVILLE PECK, D.L. Major G. M. MACFARLA 'E GRIEVE.
K . S. MAURICE-SMITH, ?f.R.C.S ., L.R .C.P., "Ethe1d da House", Ely. (Tel. Ely 26 7 8 ). Deputy Commissioner and Act. C. \V. ',!ALKER , M.B., M.R .C. S., L.R.C. P., 67, Milton R 01d County Surgeon . . Cambndge. ' County Superintendent (N) . Vacant. Asst. County Superintendent (N) Lacd y C~ADwrcK, Masters Lodge , Conville and Caius College ambndge. ' County Nursing Officer. Mrs. E. Ellis LEWIS, S.R.N., S.C. M., R.F.N 19, Brookside, Cambridge. ., County Staff Officers Miss M. C. D. ~{ENNETT, S.R.N., C.'LB., Long Stan on Rectory, Cambndge. Lt .-Colonel G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., 49, Silver Street Ely. (Treasurer). ' S. P. DICKER, II, Belgrave Road , Cambridge. (Training). Area Cadet Officer A. H. GRIMSHAW, I .~2, Elm Road, March , Cambs. Area Cadet Officer C. HAYLETT, 225, MIll Road, Cambridge .
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)
Ely Area W . H. TURNER, 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Camb. Mrs. G. TURNER, 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Cambs.
Area Staff Officer
G. WALKER, "Kersell", Sedley Taylor Road, Cambn "l'e. Mrs . G.. SEDDON, "Redcliffe", II, Chesterfield R o, d, Cambndge. C. A. SARGEANT, (Training), "Chesterfield", Coldhams Lane, Cherryhinton.
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N)
Area Surgeon
Area uperintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Arc Surgeon Arc Staff Officer
Area Superintendent (A) Are Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon
Capt. Percy REAY, O.B.E., M.C ., J.P., "Oakdene", Prestbury, Chesb.ire. Tel. Prestbury 8353. W. CecIl ROBINSON, "Wood eaves " Dale Brow, Prestb ury, Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 8357). ' N. S. MUMBY, "Glendyne", Prenton Lane, Prenton, Birkenhead. (Tel. Mountwood 137 2 ). Vacant. Vacant.
Miss A. MCCULLY, S.R.N., District Memorial Hospital, Crewe . H. N . BECKETT, 28, Stalbridge Road, Crewe. Mrs. A. LAWRENCE, 13, Albert Road, Cheadle. Mrs. E. SINGLETON, County H.Q., Knutsford. Dr. Gladys E. WILKINSON, "Keri", Fulsbaw Park, \Vilmslow. A. A. KERR, The Moorings, Cavendish Avenue, Buxton. (Publicity). J. HARNEY, 53, Woodyear Road, Bromborough, Wirrall. (Cadets). H . B. BINGHAM, 56, Greg Street, South Reddish, Stockport. Miss E. M. GRIFFIN, IS, Grundy Street, Hazel Grove, Stockport. J. MACFIE, M.B. , CH.B., Sunninghill, Townscliffe Lane, 1arple Bridge . Vacant. Miss M. E. DEAN, I, Derbyshire Road, Sale, Cheshire. Vacant. C. JAMES, 24, Emmett Street, Barnton, Northwich. (Training) . Western Area E. Allen S~nTH, 241, Breck Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. :'.fiss W. A . LAMB, 28, Highgreen Rd ., Birkenhead, Cheshire.
Dr. H . L. GARSON, "Woodlands", New Chester Road, Bromboro ugh, Wirral, Cheshire.
CORNWALL County Office: I , Dean Street, Liskeard. Tel. Liskeard
County Pyesidents: Colo nel Sir EdwarJ H. \\' . BOLITHO, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall. Nancy, LADY VIVIAN , O.B .E. County Vice-Pyesidents: C. E. H. LLOYD; H. R. H. Prince CHULA of Thailand (Ambulance) Mrs . A. M. BLACKWOOD, C.A.; Mrs. C. H. ASHER (Nursing) A. V. BAKER (Cadet Am.buiance). Mrs. Y. THOMAS (Cadet Nursing). Lady Mary PAWLE
County Office: County H.Q., Tabley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire . Tel. Knutsford 346.
County Vice-Presidents: J. A. K. FERNS (Ambulance). A. C. BENTLEY (Cade t Ambulance).
Central Area
C?unty President: Lt.-Colonel W. CHALONER, O.B.E., T.D., J.P.
Eastern Area
Are Are
Cambridge Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N)
CommisSlOner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Cou nty Nursing Officer County County County County
Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers
Rear-Admiral Sir Rowland JERRAM, K.B.E., D.S.O., Golden Hill, Hannafore, West Looe. (Tel. Looe 133). Princess Chula CHAK~ABONGSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. (Tel. St. Mabyn 32). Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, Gvvel Marten, Probus, near Truro. Mrs. Propert LEWIS, S.R.N., Arroyn Cottage, Barlane, Falmouth. Vacant. Vacant. Miss J. VINCENT, 18, Dean Street, Liskeard. A. B. VENNING, Grasmere, Dunheved Road, Launceston. (Publicity). Mrs C. H. ASHER, El1englaze Manor, Cubert, Newquay. (N.H.S.R.) P. PEARCE, Barclays Bank, Redruth. (Treasurer).
Eastern Area
Assistant Commis ioner Area Surgeon
\V. G. MOONEY, J.P., Broomhill, Tavistock Rd ., La uncest In.
1\1. C. COOPER, M.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hollybank, Downs, Looe. J. J . PEARCE, "Seldon", Bosven Road, ewquay. H. C. PENDER, IS, Westheath Villas, Bodmin . Miss K. GOVIER, 12, High Street, Launceston.
County Cadet Officers (A) for Area County Cadet Officer (N) for Area County Staff Officers
C. S. MOYSE, Fore Street, Camelford. Miss L. C. WERREN, Cyprus H ouse, Launceston . Western Area
Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Area Nu rsing Officer County Cadet Officers (A) for Area County Cadet Officer (N) for Area County Staff Officers
W. L . STEWART, M.B., CH.B., Tremethick, Grampound. T . C. TRESIDDER, Dartington, R ada nnack, Truro (Transport). Mrs. E. TREWREN, S.R .N., Godreavy Headland, Carbis Bay, l . G. BARRETT, Silver Bow, Mount Ambrose, R edruth. "V. T. ALLEN, 8, R obert Kitchins Road, Falmouth. Mrs. B. McKE:-\ZIE, IS, Claremont Road, Redruth.
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND County Office: 39, Harrison Street, Currock, Carlisle, Cumberland . County Presidents: Sir Robert CHANCE, L ord Lieu tenant of Cumberland Major J . W. CROPPER, Lord Lieutenant of \Vestmorland. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. MCGRIGOR-PHILLIPS (Nursing) \Vestmorlanci Mrs. M. L. B ARRACLOUGH (Nursing) Cumi>erland Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers
County Sergeant Major
County Surgeons
ursing Officer
County Cadet Officer (A) County Welfare Officer County Secretary County Staff Officers
J. J. lACKMAN, Hazlemere, Albany R oad, Falmouth. Miss F. W . PAUL, 4, Park Roan, Redruth. Mrs. M. RODGER, \Voodside, Western Terrace, Falmouth
County County County County County County
County Superint.endent (N)
Capt. J. L. JOHNS, R.N. (R etd.), Lockville, Main Stre _t, Sedbergh, Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 67). Vacant. J. J. BEVERLY, 18, Woodsghyll Drive, Harraby, Carh Ie. Mrs. M. A. C. AT 'scow, M.B ., CH.B., The Howe Troutbe ,k, Windermere . (Tel. Windermere 228 7). N. L. BIRKETT , M.A., M.B., B.cn., 3 Thorny Hills, Ken d 1. Miss G. LAYCOCK, S.R .N., Cumberland Infirmary, Carh~ . J. W. LOWTHIAN, 18, Grace Street, Carlisle. Miss D. TROTTER , The Gowans, Sedbergh. D. KEELAN, 39, Harrison Street, Carlisle. C. H . STEPHENSON, 25, Nook Street, Workington . J. STILLING, 34, Romney Road, Kendal. Mrs. NEWMAN, 51, Holmriggs Avenue, P enrith . D. GRAHAM, Park View, Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carh~le. (Treasurer) . A. HUSBAND, I, Fairfield Gardens, Wigton Road, Carlisl e.
Ared. Commissioner Area ::'uperintencient (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area . urgeon An
Cadet Officer (A)
Ana Cadet Officlr (N) Area Staff Officer
Northern Area 1. Baikie JAMES, I, Market Square, Ch3.pel-en-Ie~Frith. J. ATKINSON, White-Knowle Cottage, ChIllley, Near Stockport. 1iss N . START, 56, Br<?wn Edge Road, !3uxton. F. \V. l 'UR.'J S, M.A., M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., Elm\\ood, Old \Vh; tti ngton. _ r. Che'lt erfield. R. MILLWARD, 39, Searston Avenue, Holme'vYood, Nr. Chesterfleld. Mrs . C. 1. MARGERRlSON, The Cottage, vVilday Green, Barlow, r. Sheffield. T. Co VERLEY, Carr Cottage, Vhitehough, Chinley. National Coal Board No. 1 Area
ArCl Commisioner Are Superint.endent (A) Are l Superintendent. (N) An .. Surgeon Ar 1 ursing Officer ArLtJ. Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officers
\V . V . SHEPPARD, Elmsley House, Rainworth, Nr. Mansfield . B . KDIDALL, Bonnevienne, Inkersall Rd ., Duckmanton, Nr. Ches terfield. Mrs. McKAY, Brereton House, Bolsover. Dr. W. . F. HURST, Heathfield, Tibshelf. Mrs. 1. MILLWARD, S.R.N., 39, Searston Avenue, Holmewood, r. Chest.erfield. P . E. HIBBARD, Markham R oad, Duckmanton . F. ORMAN, IS, Private Drive, Hollingwood . T. M. COPE, NeLherton House, Glapwell. National Coal Board No. 5 Area
Area Comm issioner Area Area ArCl An a Area Ar(;J.
Superintendent (A) Superintendent. (N) Surgeon ursing Officer Cadet Officer ( Staff Officers
Area Area Area Area Area A.n'!. Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (N) Surgeon. . Nursing Officer Cadet Offi cer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
W. U:-1SWORTH, N.C.B. East Midlands Division , NO.5 Area Headquarters, Eastwood, Notts. G. H. BOWMER, 12, High Street, Loscoe. Mrs. H. \VILLIAMSON, Moorlands, Brinsley, Notts . Dr. \V . V. ROACHE, Rutland House, Ilkeston. :\1rs. M. RIGLEY, S.R.N., ~1ingoyo, Cossall, Ilkeston. A. E. \Y. DILKS, 13, Kingsway, Ilkeston, Derbyshire . W. AILMORE, 41, Heath R oad, Ripley. . \Y . A. HUDSON, Middleton Avenue, CrosshIll, Codnar.
DERBYSHIRE County Office: Hill Cottage, London R oad, Buxton.
Southern Area
T el. Buxton 395 .
County President: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE . County Vice-Presidents: D . N. TURNER Her Grace The DUCHESS of RU'TLAND
Colonel F. Arnot BEARN, C.B.E., D.S.O. , M.C., M.D., II, Broad Walk, Buxton. (Tel. 5 8 7). Miss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, Mickleover, Derby. (Tel D erby 53 12 4)' J. B. McKAY, M.B., CH .B., Brereton House, Bolsover, Near Chesterfield. . Mrs. Clara STEWART, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., 3, HardwIck Mount, Buxt.on . . . 1 f Mi s L. PETTITT, S.R .N., c/o Derbyshue HOSplta or Women, Derby. C. 1. MARGERRISON, The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlow, r. Sheffield . Mrs. G. E. H. WEATHERBY, 28, Kingston Street, Derby. P. CUBITT, Hill Cottage, London R oad, Buxto~. F. 1. SHIMWELL, "The L a urels", 53, Station Road, Brimington, r. Chesterfield. . . W. F. RIGLEY, "Mingoyo", Cossall, Ilkeston. (Trammg) . R. RINGHAM, J.P . , Markham House, Duckmanton, r. Chesterfield.
Dr. 1. MACKENZIE, 6, Eastwood Drive, Derby. Miss G. H . WALTON, 9, Kingston Street, Derby. Dr. \V. H. DINWOODIE, 32, Swinburne Street, D erby . Mrs. M. F. HALLETT, ~q8, Burton R oad, Derby. T . L. HUTTON, 46a, Uttoxeter Kew Road, Derby. Miss DRURY, 13. Derwent Avenue, Allestree. Major H. L. B. ~IILI.s, 212, vVal\dck Avenue, Derby. R. NALL, 12, Lawrence Street, Long Eaton.
County Office: ulver Drive, Chudleigh. Tel. Chudleigh
County Vice-President: Lady IMBERI' TERRY (Nursing Cadets)
County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers
l\Iajor T . \ V. GRACEY, l\Ielrose, Ashburton, S. Devon. Mrs. C. DE B. DE! lNG, Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. J oh n (Tel. Ottery St. Mary 27). l\Iajor General N. 'vV. \VILSON, l'Il.R.C'.5., L.R.C . P., H wher Mead, Chagford, ewton Abbot. Mrs. M. D. ICHOLLS, S.R.N., Glencarron, Exeter R oad, H oniton. Major-General R . DENI 'G, C.B., M.V.O., M.C., Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John . Mrs. Stuart NICHOLSON, Prispen House, Silverton. Miss D. BOURCHIER-\VREY, Tawstock, hudleigh. E. H.. HOOPER, Highway H0use, Tedburn. r. St. :\lary. Exeter (Treasurer) S. 'vV. H. PONSFORD, Moorlands, OUery Moor Lane, Honit l D (Publicity). Col. C. H . CONGDO , 7, Richmond Road. Exeter. W. C. JOHNSON, 2, The Broadway, Llttleham Cross, Exmouth (Am bulance Liaison). East Devon Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) .
County Office: 10, Do rchester Road, Weymouth. Tel. Weymouth 227 0 .
County President: Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY, BT., D.S.O., M. t.: .
Commissioner County Superintendent
Major R. A. P . GRAY, M.B., 23, Souihernhay East, Exeter. C. c. V.,rOO D, 40, Kings\\ay, IIeavitree. Exeter. Mrs. BOLT, \Vendtholme, l\Iarylield Avenue, Exeter. Dr. M. Y. PAGET, B;).rnfield End, picer Roau. Exeter W. J. B. PERRIAM, latford, Hulhum Road, Exmouth. Miss M. MARTIN, 51, Elmside, Exeter.
County President: DOROTHY, LADY ELLENBOROUGH. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. M. M. WARRE (Nursing). LORD ELLE BOROUGH (Cade t Ambulance). Lady LETTICE ASHLEY COOPER (Cadet Nursing). Dr. R. V. S. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, Weymouth . (Tel. WeyCommissioner mouth 800). Mrs. A. M. C. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, Weymouth. County Superintendent (N) Dr. E. J . Gordon \VALLACE, Health Centre, Weymouth. County Surgeons Dr. Laura Maule HORNE, The Grange, 2, Mount Road, Parkstone. Sister Miss D. Su DERLAND, S.R.N., Health Centre, WeyCounty Nursing Officer mouth, (i/c N.H.S.R.) . K. H. M. ALDRIDGE, "Hove Dene", Cranford Avenue, Cou nly Officer i/c Cadets Weymouth. Miss M. R. PEACH, 59, High Street, Shaftesbury, Dorset. County Cadet Offi cer (N) Miss F. B. LoNG, 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. County Secretary J. M. O'HARA, 42, Palmerston R oad, Parkstone. County Staff Officers A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, Weymouth. E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow , Plantation Road, Waterloo, Poole. E. W . CUFF, "Sydco", 67, Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester. Mrs. D. R. GALTON, 6, Elgin Road, Parkstone. J . B. SPENCER, 422, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. D. G. F. ACUTT, " Cambrai", Cranford Avenue, Weymouth. (Publicity) . J . SANDFORD, 435, D orchester Road , ·Weymouth. (Treasurer)
County Office: Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne,
North Devon
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A)
Area Staff Officer
Lieut.-Colonel K. G. W. SAUNDERS, O.B.E., F.R.C.S . , Elmfield, Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple. R. G. ROGERS, 17, Marlborough Road, Ilfracombe. Miss F. VALENTINE, Little Close, Braunton . Dr. W . B . BOONE, I Hillesborough Terrace, Ilfracom be E. A. WELLS, North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple. Dr. J. P. BUSH, Heathfield House, Old Torrington R oad, Barnstaple . R. J . BRADDON, I, Commercial Road, Barnstaple. South Devon Area
Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Nursing Officer
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
W. UNDERHILL, H.E .M., London House, Ashburton . P . BAKER, 14, King's Avenue, Paignton. Mrs. K. M . EVANS, Holly Bank Nursing Home, Paignton . Dr. G. E . SAWDON, Stoke House, Stoke Gabriel , Totnes. Mrs. E. M. HARVEY, S.R.N., 6, Derwent Road, Babbacombe, Torquay. M. E. G. STEDHAM, Prim ley Cottage.. Battersway Road, Paignton . Miss M. A. STOWE, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., Dartmoor Cottage, Lestleigh. Miss C. B. GOLDING, 38, Primley Park, P aignton . Mrs . L. A. R. NICHOLLS, 4, Bearnes Lane, Newton Abbot.
Tel. J esmond 646 .
County President: S. EMBLETON, Esq., O.B.E. County Vice-President: LADY STARMER
Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursin g Officer County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers
Colonel Sir Myers \VAYMAN , K.B.E., F.S.S., J.P., Coanwood , Sunderland. (Tel. Whitburn 3332). S. BUNKER, 38, Glenesk R oad, Sunderland. Lady WAYMAN, Coanwood, Sunderland. K. M. MACDONALD, M.B., CH .n., Bankfield, Com;ett, Co Durham. Mrs. F. M. J. DUNCAN, S.R.N., 12, Garcia Terrace, Sunderland. Miss O. ADDISON, 80, Croft T errace, Jarrow . Mrs. R . WATSON, 40, Brandling Place South, Newcastle. P . S. BLUNDEN, Cross House, Pelton. W. MATHER, 4, Glebe Houses , Ferryhill, Co. Durham. Miss E. SCURLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Breamish Street, Jarrow-onTyne. J. J. D . KERRY, 4, Office Row , Malton Colliery, Esh, Co. Durham . H. CA.RR, 88, Barningham Street, Darlington. A . B . HOGGETT, 29, Great North Road, Brunton Park, Gosforth. (Treasurer).
ST .
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (1 ) Area Staff Officers
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Cadet 0 fficer Area Staff Officer
Dr. A. BURNS, O.B .E., R ainton Lodge, West Rain .on, Houghton -Ie-Sp ring. S. F. STOKOE, Boundary Cottage, Burnmoor, Houghton-leSpring. Miss D. A. HALL, B.SC., I, Greenbank Villas, Jarrow . A. K. MACRAE, M.D., CH.B., Red Gables, Murton , Co. Durham . Mrs. M. CREWE, 20, St. Andrew's Tce., Roker, underland. Miss E. P. GRAY, 2, Summerhill, Sundedand. Mrs. N. DAGLEAS, 24, Beaumont Terrace, Jarrow-on -T 'ne. (Cadets).
County Staff Officers
Southern Area R. RUTHERFORD, T.D., J.P., M.B, B.S., Th e Firs, Lan nley Park , Co. Durham. E S. SMITH, 34, Tunstall Avenue, West Hartlepool , Co. Durham. Vacant. H. COULSO , 74, Starmer Crescent, Darlinr;:ton. H. C. H. FRANces, The Chorister, chool, Durham . (Secretary For Cadets).
Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
R oya:
County Presiden ts:
S. DAVISON, Heathfield, Burnopfield, Newcatle-onTyne. Mrs. M. H. ROCHE STER, 5, Pikesyde , Dipton, Co. Durham. Dr. M. F. St. ]. V. COSGRAVE, Felling Lodge, Felling-ooTyne. lVliss E . D. SHAW, "Holmlea," Nursery L ane, Felling W . YOUNGER, 23, Townley Street, Stanley. Mrs. E. A. YOUNGER, 23, Townley Street, tanley . (Cad ts)
Deputy CommiSSioner Tel Chelmsford 557
County President : Colonel Sir Francis WHITMORE, BART ., K.C. B., C.M.G ., D.S. O., T.D . L ord-Lieutenant of Essex. County Vice-Presidents: Lady WHITMORE (N ursillg). Lady Joan NEWMAN (Nursing). Mrs. J . T. WHITLEY (Cadet Nursing) . Commissioner
County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons County Nursing Officer. County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N)
County Vice-Presidents: Lady CRIPPS, M.B .E. (Nursing). Earl ST. ALDWYN, T.D., D.L. (Cadet Ambulance) . Lady GWYNNE EVANS (Cadet Nursing). CommiSSIO ner
Deputy Commissioner
County Office: rf'srent, Cheltenham. Tel. Cheltenham 53610.
Co lonel Sir James SLEEMAN, C.B ., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O . THE COUNTESS ST. ALDWYN.
County Office : Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay R oad, Chelmsford .
Western Area
Area Commissioner
G. H. BROWN, 40, Rutland Road, Patching Hill Lane , Chelmsford. Miss W . K. ARGENT, "Shirley," Writtle. (Tel. Writtl~ ~89)· E. A. POOLE, 178, Cowdray Av enue, Colchester. (Trammg). F. E . BROOKS, 144, Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford. (Treasurer). W . J. SMITH. 39, Forest Drive, Westlands Estate , Chelms:ord, (Transport). . Mrs. E. M. HART, " Paigles," Links Lane, Bradwell, BraIntree. ( .H.S.R.). Mrs . E. \V AKELAND-Sr.UTH, Richmond Cottage, Highwood, Nr. Chelmsford (Hospital Libraries). W. R. UNWIN, 14, Mouisham Drive, Chelmsford (Public Dntips and ivi! Defence). R . IRWIN, The Caravan, Broomfield. (Cadets). J. PUR SLOW, 6, Winston Avenue, Colchester. (Cadets).
County Secretary
Eastern Area
T. WHITLEY, O.B.E., M.B ., CH.B., 18, New London R oad, Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2194) . Major-General K. F. MACKAY LEWIS, Stamps and en \\'5, La yer Breton, N r. Colchester. W. E. NORFOLK, 84, Marconi Road, Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2726). Mrs. E. SMELLIE, M.B.E . , The Bridge House, L exden, Colchester. (Tel. Colchester 29 82 ). J. H. DIXON, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 257, Church Street, B ocking J. EWING, M.B., CH.B., "Cliffe House", Dover court. Miss M. RENNOLDSON, S.R .N., St . John 's Hospital, Weod Street, E.I7. Lieut.-Col. A. I. SHERTNGHAM, "Guivers", Little Bardfield, Essex . Mrs. E. M. HOWARD , 19, Victoria Road, Colchester.
Coun"y Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers .
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
A . BARRETT-CARDEW, M.C., M.B., F .R.C.S., Keynsham Lawn, Cheltenham. (Tel. Cheltenham 3I32). C. R . DE C. SADLER, M.R .C. S., L.R.C.P., 131, Old Bath Rd ., Cheltenham. Lt.-Col. F. \ VILLIAMSON, O.B.E ., go, Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. G. A. WILLANS, Oaklands, Shurdington, Nr. Cheltenham. C. H . DRAKE, M.R.C .S., L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester . Mrs. SADLER, I3I, Old Bath R oad, Cheltenham. R . A. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon R oad, Cheltenham. Miss D. TRIMMER, M.C.S.P., 2, Bournside Road , Cheltenham. Miss E. G. l\lARSHALL, (Secretary), I2, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. T. H. READ, Ellenville, Gordon Road, Cheltenham. Major E. A. McIVER, R eigate, R yeworth Road, Charlton Kings. Miss J. B. PARKER, Highfield House, Whitminster, Glos. Mrs. B . LAWRENCE, The Nappings, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. T. L. LONG, 68, Stroud R oad, Gloucester. Mrs. W . HAWKINS, "Wynville," 45, Elsdon R oad, Cheltenham.
Forest of Dean Area
Area Commissioner
Sir John PALMER, BT., Newland, Coleford, Glos.
GUERNSEY County Office: Headquarters , Rohais, St. Peter Port, Guernsey.
Miss N. READDY, 6, Upper High Street, Winchest er. A. L. AYMES, Abbey View. Abbey Passage, Winchester. Miss E. L. BATH, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. . . \V. R. IIARRIS, 88, Greenhill Road, Winchester. (Trammg). Mrs. B. V. SAcmERsoN, Long View, Roseberry Road , Alresford.
Area Area Area Area
O. J. FRANCIS, 26, Gordon Road, Gosport. F. B. FLE;\rING, 20, Chapel Street, Buckland, Portsmouth. ~Irs . L. ROPER, Bucklands, Durley , r. Southamptol'l. C. N . BURNHA I-SLIPPER, L.R.C .P., M.R.C.S., 100, Waverley R oad, Southsea. A. E. CLARRY, 43, Tintern Road, Gosport. Mrs. GILKS, 34, Cromwell Road, Southsea . \\'. T. WU_SO:-i, P olice Headquarters, Portsmo uth (Treasurer) . E. B. lIU\[PHRIES, _p. Bosmere Gardens, Emsworth. (Training) .
Assistant Commissioner. Bailiwick uperintendent (A) Bailiwick Superintendent (N) Bailiwick Surgeon Area Commissioner Baili wick Secretary District Staff Officer Bailiwick Staff Officers
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
Lieut.-Colonel S. H . HEARD, M.B E., 1Il .R.C.S .. L.R.C .P La Giffardiere Albecq. Castel, Guernsey. (Tel. Catel 750 J \V . T AYLOR, B.E.M., Quendon, Le l\1artival, La RU f te. St. fartins. R. A . LUFF, "Belize," Doyle Road . St. Peter Port . Mrs. R . M. THO IPSON, La Tourelle, Pierre. Percee . (1 el. Central 255). \V . R. CAMBRIDGE. 1.R .C .S .. L.R C.P., La Vallet, Ru e De Putron. St. rartins. R. H . BLANCHFORD, M.B .E., Le Croute. Herivel . Roh .is. st. Peter Port. Vacant. I. VI. DEAR. Earls Colne. Guelles R oad. Guernsey. T. R. 1ARQUA'D, "Maymyo," Les Amballes. t. Peter Port. ~lrs. T. R. M"'RQUAND. "Maymyo." Les Amballes, St. P eter Port. F. "V. BUSH, "Palma," Green Lanes. St. Peter Port. Miss l\IACKAY, Dolphin. St. Martins, Guernsey. H. C. ROW CLIFFE, Keival. Les Vardes. St. Peter Port. Guernsey. E. COLL, Colwyshe. 35, P ollet. t. Peter Port. H. TOUZEAU. Holmlea, R oute Miltarre Vale, Guernsey Miss E. S. BUSH. Wethersfield. Gu lles Road. St. P eter P 0rt.
HAMPSHIRE County Office: Wessex House, 6, Upper High Street. Win chester. Tel. 2 84. County President: The CoUNTESS MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA, C.I.. G.B.E .. D.C. v .0. County Vic e-Presiden ts: Mrs. M. L. HARCOURT (Nursing). William COATES. Esq., M.A. (Cadet Ambulance) . Admiral Sir Arthur POWER. G.B.E., K.C.13 .. c.v.o. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. WILLIS, G.C.B .. K.B.E .. D.S.O. Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N)
Colonel W. P. S. CURTIS, O.B.E., D.L., Knighton, Twyford. Hants. (Tel. Twyford 2130). N. R. TURNBULL. F.R.C.V.S., 65. Worting Road, Basingstoke. (T el. Basingstoke 409) . Lieut .-Col. H . N. COLE, O.B .E ., T.D., F.R.HIST.S. The Yaldens. Manor Road . Yongham , Surrey. The Hon . Mrs. S. R. CUBITT, Hall Place, West Meon . (Tel. West Meon 37). L. M. MAYBURY, M.A., M.B ., B.CHIR., M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P., "Kenwood", 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea. Miss P. NEWTON, S.R.N., S.C.M., Ophir L odge, Ophir R oad. B ournemou th. H. 1. MARRINER, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 18, Poole Rd . , Bournemouth. Miss L. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage, Shirley H olms. Lymington.
County Secretary Coun ty Staff Officers
Bailiwick Presid en t : Sir Ambrose SHERWILL, C.B .E. Bailiwick Vice-Preside n is : Dr. W. B. Fox. Dr. A. N. SYMONS, O.B.E. (Ambulance). Lady SHERWILL (Nursing). Jurat R. H. JOH S, O.B.E. (Amblliance Cadets).
Eastetn Area
Commissioner Superint.endent (A) Superintend ent (N) Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A) .'\n'a Cadet Officer (N) •\rca ~tarT Officers
Central Area
.\rra Commi"!'ionc r Arcl. Superi ntendent (A) Area Superintend ent ( ) An :l Surgeon •\n a Cad t Officer (l\ I h'1. Cadf't Offlcer (1') Hon .\rea Treasurer (Aux.) II O'l :\rea Pre s Rclations n Tcer ( uxiliary) An d. An An, Are:l
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintenclent ( ) Surgerm .
Lt .-Col. J. D. C. BROWNLOW, O.B.E., P enningto n House , Lyminoton. Capt. \Y. "\IrLLS, :-'I.B.E ., "Hilldale," Station Road, Chandlers Ford. ~1rs. V. \VALMSLEY, Green Cottage, Shawford, Nr. \Vin chcster. P . ,\. T. LO\\·DE~. M B., B.S., :-'!'R.C .S. , L.R.C.P. , Denstone, Christchurch Road. \Vinch ester. \Y . E. P BUTT, 91, Osbo rne Rd .. Portswood , Southampton . :\li s .\. E. ROLT,t2. Cecil A-v-enue, Shirley, Southampton. L. . DU:>IFORD . 7 ' St. James Road , Southampton. T A. \YIL TON, Odeo n Theatre, North \Valls, \Vin chester. Northern Area L. P. BOTT[ G, Lt, Kingsclere R oad, Basingstoke.
ArC'1. Cadet Officer (A) An Cadet Offic er ( ) .\ Tn Staff Officer
L. Cr IFFORD. 20. Oxford R oad, Farnborough. 1\1rs . D . \VILSO', Little Goddards, Hatherde n, Nr. Andover. ~Ir . Audrey CAREY, 1II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The \\'indmiIL Lower Wield, Alresford. E. \\' . S.\YER. 32, IIa\vley Lane, Sinehurst. Farnborough. ~lrs . G. EnNs, 35, Osborne R oad, Farnborough. II. N . SHORT, 31. Alexandra Road, Farnborough.
ArC'a Commissioner
Western Area
ArUl Superintend ent (A) Arpa Superintend ent (N) Area Surgeon Are1 Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
Heygate VERNON, M.B . . F.R.C.S., 18, Keswick Road, Bournemouth. H . \V . HOARE, 28, Palmerston R oad, Boscombe. 1\lrs. V. R. COLLYER, II , Solent Road, aish Estate, Ie\\' Milton. D . C. RENNIE, M.R.C .S., L.R.C.P ., R oyd Lodge, Rye Paddock Lane, Fawley. Miss D. BRODERICK, 14. Littledown Ave., Bournemouth. A . MAYBURY, Police Station, Fordingbridge .
County Office: Carlton Flats (2nd Fl oo r), All Saints Street, H ereford.
(Tel. H ereford 2837)
County Presidents: Th e Hon. Mrs. R. DEVEREUX . Brigadier F ..\ . V. COPLAND-GRIFFITHS, D.S.O., M.C., J.P. County Vice-Presidents: G. D. E. T ULLIS, Esq. (Amblllance). Mrs. H. FOLEY (Nursing). W . ROSSER, Esq. (Cadet AmbuI0l1ce). Mrs. Greville PHILLIPS (Cadet Nursing).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Cou nty County County County
Nur ing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
ST .
G. N. BULLOCK, J.P., Sarnia, Upper Ledbury Road, Herefo rd. (Tel. 3486). H. J. HARRIS, B.E.M .. Perivale. Old Eign Hill . Hereford Vacant. Miss A. L. ROMILLY. Bro-adfield Court. Bodenham. Hereford. (Tel. Bodenham 75). B. G. ScHOLEFIELD, M.D., M.CH., F.R .C.S., Lawnswood Hampton Park. Hereford. . ?l1iss C. M. \VHEELER, S.R.N .. County Hospital. Herefon1. R. RUCK, 51. Mill Street, Hereford. M~s. F. M. HARRIS, 70 . Old Eign Hill. Hereford . M1S5 E. LONG. 62. Breinton Road. Hereford . R. T. MORRIS, Stokesay. Upper Ledbury Road. Hereford.
HERTFORDSHIRE County Office: 7. Marlborough Road. St. Albans. Hertford.
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County County County County
Surgeons Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
County Officer . County Secretary County Staff Officers
L. R. N. PERCEY, M.B.E., J.P .. "Heath Brow ". \Vel\\'vn . (Tel. Welwyn 108). D. Hardy KINMONT, M.B .. 100, Clarence Road. St. Albans. T. C. FORBES. 54. High Street. ·W are. Miss D. SPARKES, 3. Brampton Road. St. Albans. (Tel. St Albans 983). C. P. CRAGGS. M.B., B.S., 506, Broadway. Letch\vorth M,s. C. P. CRAGGS, S.R.N., 506. Broadway. Letchwor1.h. G .. Henderson SMITH. 5. Polayn Garth. Welwyn Garden Ci y. MISS F. PICKERING. Friars Mead. St. Stephens Avenue, t. Albans. Mrs . Hilda MABER. S.R.N .• The Dale. Little Hadham R oad. BIShop's Stortford. (M.C.D.). T .. H. FLANAGAN. 104. Lower Luton Road. Harpenden . MIss WOOD. 14. Flora Grove. St. Albans. Mrs. TUCK. Boveney. Lynton Avenue. St. Albans. Mrs. B. 1. ROGERS, 14. Jennings Road. St. Albans. A . DONALD, II6. Clarence Road . St. Albans, H erts. (Treasurer) . Nor thern Area
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
W. E. DOUGLAS. 14. Souberie Avenue, Letchworth . Vacant. Miss E. ATKINS. 101. Old Hale Way, Hitchin. J. CLAY, M.B., B.S., 123, Norton Way, Letchworth. Sout hern Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) . Area Surgeon. Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officer .
T. H. BURGESS, "Coonor". 17. King Edwards Road, W are. 'vV. ApPLETON, Lyndhurst. Puckeridge, Nr. Ware. Mrs: M. C. BERGIN, 16, The Valley Green, Welwyn Garden C1ty. G. W. MAY, Denham Lodge. 83. New Road, Ware. W: HOWARD, 13. By the Moun t. Welwyn Gard en City . MISS I DAVIES. 109, London R oad, St. Al han ~
County Office: Chief Conslable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man.
Tel. Douglas 2121.
County President: LADY DUNDAS . County Vtce-Presidents: LADY COWLEY. Mrs. 1'.1. M. GILL \V. CU~Nl GHAM, ESQ.
CommlsslO ner Deputy Commissioner County Superinlendent (N) County Surgeon
C. C. BEATy-POWNALL, ESQ. ., Chief Constable's Office, Dou~las. Capt. T. H. IIALL, J.P., Eskham, Devonshire Road, Douglas. Vacant. A. R. MCPHERSON , M.B ., CH.B.. 46. Loch Promenade. Doo~~. . :\Iiss D. A. BRIGGS. obles Hosp1tal , Douglas. E. R . G. CAIN, A.I.A .C .. 18. Hawarden Avenue, Douglas.
Tel. St. Albans 4333.
County Vice-President : BLANCHE. LADY LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN (Nursing).
County ~ursing Officer Coun ty Secreta rv
County Presidents: H . Langley JONES . M.B.E. Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE ( lIrsing Caders) .
County Office: Wootton Lodge , Wootton Bridge , Isle of Wight.
Comnllssioner County Surgeon County Staff Officer i / c Nursing Divisions County Cadet. Officer (A) County Cadet Officer ( ) County Secretary County Staff Officers
Tel. Wootton Bridge 7 0
F. R. B. H . KENNEDY, M.B.E .. L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Wootton Lodge. Wootton Bridge. Isle of Wight. T. HAMBLY. M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P.. "Meadowcroft", Salisbury Road. Ryde. 'lIS. C. B. DUTFIELD, Fairhaven, Fishbourne, Isle of Wight. A. P. CO:lfPTON. 93. High Street. Sandown. 1\l,s. B . K . J ACORS, 39a. Esplanade. Shanklin. Miss E. M. E. CAWES. 9. Queen's Road. Ryde . E. F. MILLGATE. "Ferncotte", Castle Road. Newport. E. WILSON, Farnborough. High Park Rd., Ryde (Trec:s~Her). J . W . JOLLIFFE. 33. Prince Street, Ryde. (CompebtlOns). :t-.frs. B. B. E. O·DAY. 6. Seafield Terrace. Seaview (Hospital Lihrary).
JERSEY County Office: Midvale Road. Jersey. Tel. Cent. 206 3. County President: Sir ALEXANDER M. COUTANCHE. County Vice-Pl'esidents: Lady COUTANCHE (Nursing). Brigadier W. H. F. CROWE, (Cadet A1'T~bulance) THE MARCHIO. ESS OF AILESBURY. S.R.N., C.M.B. (Cadet Nursing). Capt. Guy Malet De CARTERET JURAT, St. Ouen's Manor. St. Commissioner Ouen. Jersey. H. E. STEPHE s, 89. St. Saviours Road. Jersey . Deputy Commissioner Mrs. M. H. GRAHAM, Maison du Coin, t. Aubin. Jersey. County Superinlendent (N) St. John BIRT. M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S .• Fontenelle, Millbrook. County Surgeon Jersey . Vacant. County Nursing Officer Dr. R. L. OSMONT, Dunderave, Hansfords Lane. Jersey. County Cadet Officer (A) Mrs. D . MACFADYEN, La Turbie . Claremont Road . St. Helier. County Cadet Officer (N) Jersey. Miss L. Du FEU, Tunbridge. Georgetown,. Jersey. County Secretary Mrs. G. DAWSON, La Ruette. Victoria Village. Jersey. County Staff Officer J. F. BARETTE, 67. Stopford Road. St. Helier, Jersey . Area Cadet Officers Miss B. Le HOQUET, "Elmore". St. Martin. J ersey.
County Office: Victory House. Queen's Road. Ashford. Tel. Ashford II39 .
Dist1ict Office: 15- 1 7, Mount Street, Preston. Tel. Preston 223(/·
County Vice-Presidents: The RL Rev. The Bishop of DOVER (Ambulance). The Lady DE LISLE AND DUDLEY (Nursing). Viscountess ALLENBY OF MEGGIDO (Nursing Cadets). Lady DOUGLAS-PENNANT The Lady BARBARA BOSSUM
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) Coun ty Surgeon County Nursing Officer Asst. County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers
:\.fajor-General. A .. H . HORNBY, C.B .. C.B.E.. M.C.. Splcers J:"arn:. Etchmghlll, Folkestone. (Tel. Lyminge 87 1 14) . Bngadler 1'1. S. TEVER"HAM. c.I.I~., 56. Woodbury Park Ro; i. Tunbridge Wells. Elspeth Lady TEl' 'HAl\I, 20. Alexander Square. ~ . \\'. J. ("I cl. Ken. 2650). R. H. PERCIVAL, M.A., :>1.CH .(OXO:-l). F.R C.S. (ENG), DC JI .. 74. Bower l\10unt Road. l\1aidstone. ~Irs. E. ROBERTS. Kentcroft. Main Road . Chestfield. \Vb t. stable. l\1rs. 1. I\I. HOBY, 219. ew Road. Chatham. H. F. LAW. 66. Linden Road. Ashford . Mrs. E. DOUGLASS, The Manor House. ·el1indge. Ashford . B. T. BEAU fONT, "Pembles". Doddington, Sittingbourne. (Tel. Doddington 230). c.. L. JENNINGS. Barclays Bank Ltd .. Maidstone (Tr asun r). MISS C. HIGHAM. 98. Maid tone Road. Rochester. No.1 Area
Area Commissioner SupE:rintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) . Cadet Officer (N) .
Col. \V. R. BRAZIER. M.C.. Spinnakers, Dartford R oa I, Sevenoaks . Mrs. J. M. LAIRD, Pimms Place, Peckham Bush, Tonbridge. Dr. H. J. HOBY, 219, ew Road. Chatham. S. NIGHTINGALE, 3, Elm Cottage, Edenbridge. Kent. Lady DENNING. Delmonden Grange. Hawkhurst, Kent. No.2 Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer
B. T. BEAUMONT, "Pembles". Doddington, Sittingbourne. Vacant. Dr. H. A. MADWAR. Mill House, Queenborough. C,. R. WALLACE. 13, St. Georges Road, R amsgate. MIS:' N. M. KEMP. 8. Gladston Road. Whitstable. Major B. T. SYNGE, 339, Queens Road. Maidstone.
Distncl l'tce-Prestdents: The Countess of SEFTON. The C01.J"NTESS PEEL (N71rsinr; Cade ts). . l'Ilajor E. S. Burt. HAMILTON, O.B.E., lILC., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S.E., (Ambulance)
C(,mmissioner .\C; istant to Commission( r Di. trict Superintendent (r-.;) Di~trict
District Nursing Officer Di.,trict Cadet Officer (A) Di,trict ad t Officer (N) DI trict ecretary District Sta IT Officers
Area Commissioner
,\Iea SupC'rintenc1ent (
11Ist rict Stall Officers Ar a Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) ,\r', 'taff Officer
An'a Commissioner Area Surgeons District Staff Officers Area Cadet Offi.cer (A) Arl a Cadet Officer (N) A ea Commissioner Dlstnct Staff Officers
No.3 Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Vacant . Mrs. 1. K. PAPWORTH, "Tregarthen," Vale View Road. Whitstable. Alex CHAMBERS. M.B .• CH.B ., 8. London Road, Sittingbourne. F. G. PERRY, 18. Castweazle, Tenterden. Mrs. D. M. BAILEY, "Maywood," New Road. Saltwood. Hythe. E. A. HERBERT, 48, Plains Avenue. Maidstone. Mrs. 1. PRING, "Mount Top." The Close, Saltwood, Hythe.
Dis trict President: The Earl of DERBY .
County President: The Lady VIOLET ASTOR J. H. DAY (Ambulance)
Area Area Area Area
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Assistant Commissioner County Surgeon
Colon(>1 V. F. ROYLE, T.D., E.R.D., 67, Church Street Lancaster. C. J. EASTWOOD, 42. Lune Street. Preston. :'IIiss M. R. MOORE. "Lyndhurst", Seafield Road, Lytham. (Tel. Lytham 6677)· Colonel I{. G. \V. OLLERE SHAW, T.D., M.A., B.M., B.CH., ;If.R.C S., 4, Pine Road. Didsbury. 1anchester 20. ;\liss N . LIVESEY. S.R.N., The Royal Infi.rmary. Preston. R. CHARLESWORTH, Rovenden, Audenshaw Hall, Droylsden, Manchester. :\1rs. E . NISBET, 53. Tatton Rd .• Orrell Park. Liverpool, 9· Major T. E. SPENCER, M.B .E.. T.D. 15, Mount St., Preston. Rev. B. A. READING, PH .D., F.PH.S . . The Manse, 14, Green Lane. Cherry Tree. Blackburn . (Treasurer). Capt. J . D. AlIIERO., lIf B.E., 26. Deepdale Road, Preston . No.1 Area R . O . DAVIDSON, M.B.. CH.B .. F R.C.S., 395, Padiham Road. Burnley. Dr. R . C. U. \VARRI:-IGTON, "Lethendry," Glebe Street. Great Hanvood. lrs. H. BROW , Hodey Bank. Todmorden. \V. MELLOR. 70, Heyes Lane. Livesey. Blackburn. Miss 1. M . SUTCLIFFE. Thorn Hill. Todmorden. E . V. MASON. 134. Blackburn Road, Great Hanvood. \1rs. . HEAP, 122 , Todmorden Road. Burnley. :'>1rs. 1\1. GASKELL, Saunder Brow , Newchurch-in-Rossendale . No.2 Area E. D . GREENWOOD. 42. Carlton Road , Heaton, Bolton. A. MACJ 'NES, M.B" eH.B .. II9, Henfold Rd., Tyldesley. Dr. J. PEARCE, Ston·~raise. Broadoak Road. \Vorsley. Walkden . . BURTO . 161. Old Clough Lane. \Vorsley , Manchester. T. W. LOWE, 60. King's Road, Prestwich, Nr. Manchester. L. J. EVANS, 74. Hazelhurst Road. Worsley. Mrs. B . HARWOOD. 135. Carrington Lane. Sale. No.3 Area G. HALBERT. 298, \Vaterloo Street, Oldham. J. SINCLAIR KERR. The Irlam Steel Corporation. Irlam, N r. Manchester. Miss K . LAMB. 7, Tenterden Street. Bury. Dr. E. W. M. SHAW, 7, Tenterden Street. Bury. Miss F. GARDNER, S.R.N., Fairfi.eld General Hospital, Bury. Vacant. Vacant.
No. 3 Manches,t er and Salford Sub-Area Colonel C. H. S. REDMOND, T.D .. M.B., CH.B., 77, Alexandra Road South. Manchester. 16. Dr. Marion M. REEK;E. 7. Rowslcy Ave., \\Test Didshury. Manchester.
District Staff O~cer Area Superintendent (A) Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officer
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
Area Superintendent (A) Area Staff Officers
Area Commissioner Area Surgeons .
Area Nursing Officer District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
Area Commissioner County Surgeon Area Nursing Officer District Staff Officers
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Cadet Officer
J. E. Fox, 67, SunningdaJe Drive:, Prestwich. N. R. KAY, "Cartre£," Catherine Rd ., IIigher Crumpsall, Manchester, 8. II. BARKER, 99, orris Road, Sale. Miss M. LEATIIERBARROW, 2.1, Milton Road, Choriton-cli 11Hardy.
Liverpool Sub-Area Major W. H . \VALKER, St. John Headquarters, 23, Houghton Street (Entrance: 18, Market St. ,), Liverpool, I. R. SKINNER, 41, Sunnyside Road, Crosby, Liverpool T. E. TAYLOR, 24, Latrigg Road, Aigburt.h, Liverpool. ]'. ANTHONY, 22, Upper Duke treet, Liverpool. G. G. W. KAY (Training). S. WOOD, 66, Ruskin, Street, Liverpool, ,1. (Secretary)
No.6 Area G. HADMAN, "Hazeldene," Hardhorn, Poullon-Je-Fyld r . J. MACKENZIE, M.D., 4, St. Annes Road West, St. Annes-c, Sea. Dr. ]. E. KING, 4, Yates Street, Off Dickson Rd ., Blackpool. G. B . HORROCKS, M.B., CH.B., I, Station Road, \Vesh am , Kirkham. Mrs. L. STEWART, S.R .N., 13, Argyll Road, Blackpool. Mrs. A. C. OWEN, "Eastcliffe", Park Road, Fulwood . Preston. Miss H. M. SMITH, 25, Beach Road, St. Annes-on-Sea . W. C. BURT, 14, Henry Street, Lytham . Mrs. R. M. DEWSE, 2, Kirkdale Avenue, St. Ann es-on-Se<l T· HALL, 96, Regent Road, Blackpool. N. H. COOPER, Wynward, Beechwood Drive, Carleton . Blackpool. R. V. ROGER SON, 30, Devonshire Road, Chorley. No.7 Area J . E. HELME, "Greeba", 34, Fairhope Avenue, The Vale Lancaster. Dr. W. W. M. McKINNEY, Hill Crest, 85, West End Road, Morecambe. Miss P . HYDE, Queen Victoria Hospital, Morecambe an d Heysham. Maior W. G. PEARSON, I, Crosland Park Road, Barrow-in . Furness. Dr. W. G. SOUTHERN, Park Stile, Broughton-in-Furness Mrs. G . M. NORMANTON, 46, Balmoral Road, Morecarnbe .T . CROSSFIELD, 9, Bristol Street, Walney, Barrow-in-Furness Mrs. GAWNE, 22, Lindal St., Barrow-in-Furness. Miss M. HERRINGTON, 22, Queen Street, Ulverston.
LEICESTER County Office: 6, Seymour Street, Leicester.
Tel. 5 8 345.
County President: Mrs . G. PHILLIPS
No.4 Area Major J. R. MIDDLEHUR!->T, ,19, Rivington Road . st. H elen. Dr. J. R. BURROW. 'allton , Rainford Road. Winell e. ~t. Helens. No.5 Area Lieut.-Colonel S. B. G. SIMMONS, M.C .. 4, Menlove Aven up, Liverpool. 18. E. M . N. MAcALPINE, M.B ., CH.B .. 108, Utting Avenue Ea , Liverpo01, II. W. E. SEARLE, 91. \Vaterpark Road , Prenton, Cheshire. Miss F. G. KIDso , 36, Rawlinson H.oad, outhport. W. A . LANGTON, 110, Queens Drive, Mossley Hill, Li\ [pool, 15. Miss A. SEDDON, 46. Parkside Drive, Liverpool. I I .
County Vice-Presidents: Miss M. I. PARTRIDGE (Nursing) E. J . L. COTTON (Ambulance Cadets). Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) County County Count.y County COl nty County
Surgeon ursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) ccretary Staff Offi cers
Lt.-Colonel A. W. S. ARMITAGE, II6, Regent Rd., Leicester . (Tel. Leicester 20946). . L. LEE, I99, Wicklow Drive, Liecester. (Tel. LeIcester ?7759). Miss E. FOLWELL, t/\Vistow", Southernhay Rd., LeIcester. (Tel. Leicester 74 68 5). Vacant. . Miss C. F. S. BELL, S.R .N. , The Royal Infirma~y, Leicester. E HEYWOOD- ;'\lITH, 4S, Homefield Avenue, Le~cester. M~s. B. B. COTTON. Beechrome, Earl ~hilton, Lelc.ester. R W W GEE 6 Seymour Street, Lelcester. (Wlgston 26 7 6 ) I\Iiss II. Bu'RN'S-HARTROPP, Burton House, Burton Lazars, Melto n Mowbray . . . Miss R. E. LORD, B.E.M., 53, Evington. Dnve, L~lcester. Miss C. \VARD, 21, Sycamore Road, Blrstall, LeIcester. Irs . . M . BREAM, 83, Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves,
Leicester. E 'ngton Drive :'liss E. L. \VOLLASTON, S.R.N., S.C.M., 53, VI Leicester (Cadet Training). H. I. ]ENK~, 25, Severn Street, Leices~er. (Cadet Secretary). :'liss A. GABRIEL, 53, Peter's Drive, LeIcester.
Area Cadet Officer
LINCOLNSHIRE County Office: Keiton Hall, Stamford, Lincolnshire. Tel. Ketton 25 6 . County President: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ANCASTER, T.D., J .P., County Vice-Presidents: The Lord BROWNLOW, J.P., D.L. Lady Cracroft AMCOTTS (Nursing) Commissioner Drputy Commissioner Co lOty Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Crunty Surgeon C( unty Nursing Officer C(JUnt.y Cadet Officer (A) Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) County Staff Officer Area Surgeon . Area Staff Officers
Air-Marshal Sir John BALDWIN, K.B .E., C.B., D.S.O., J.P., Ketton Hall, Stamford, Lincs. (Tel. Ketton 256). M. C. LAVIN, J .P., M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., III, Oxford treet, Cleethorpes. (Tel. Cleethorpes 61328). Vacant. . . I Mrs. E. M . EPTON, J.P., The Grange, Canwlck, LlllCO n. (Tel. Lincoln 1499)· J. A. HADLEY, M.D., F.R.C.S., 19, ettleham Road , Lincoln. Vacant. . R. P. WHITE, M.P.S., 3 , Morton Terrace, GalOsborough. Southern Area E. J. GARWELL, I, High Street, Spalding. (Tel. Spalding 2298). F. G. LATCHEM, I I Charles Street West. West Parade, Lincoln. F. F. GIBSON, 147, Doddington Road, Lincoln. Northern Area Dr . G. R. CUBITT, 58, Southgate, leaford. (Cadets). J. PADDISO , 65, Cambridge Street, Clee~horpes. . W. Gott. "Marianna", Laceby Road , Gnmsby, LlllCS.
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Staff Officers
District Staff Officers
North Western Area
Area Area Area Area
A. B. HUDSON, 12. Lydbrook Road. cunthorpe. Lines. 1\1rs. L. DOUGHTY, 22. burke Street, Scunthorpe. Dr. T. CULLEN, Oswald House. 'cunthorpe. P . HOLLAND. 27, Redbourne Way, Scunthorpe. Mrs . L. K. OBIEDZINSKI, 5. Abercorn Street. Scunthorpe.
LONDON (PRINCE OF WALES'S) DISTRICT Headquart ers: 23. St. Jobn 's Lane. Clerkenwell. E.C.I.
Tel. Clerkenwell 3753
District President: The Countess Mountbatten of BURMA, c.r.. G.D.E .. D.C. v.o. District Vice-Presidents: Lord Nathan of CHURT Doreen Lady BRABOURNE, C.r. Edwin BAYLISS, ESQ., D.L., J.P., L.C.C . County President (Middlesex): Marie, Marchioness of \Villin gdon. C.I., G.B .E. CommissifJn~r
Deputy Commissioners District Superintendent (A) District Superintendent (N) Deputy Superintendent (N) District Surgeon Deputy District Surgeon District Nursing Officer Asst. District Nursing Officer District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer (N) District Secretary District Staff Officers
Colonel G. F. PAGE. D.S.O., 13, Dorset Street. W . l . (Tel. WeI beck B452). Sir. De~ys LOWSON. BT .• 56, Gresham Street. £.C.2. BrIgadier J . \V. HINCHCLIFFE. D.S.O., 20a. Petersham ;\1<: s. Elvaston Place. S.W.7. C. E. BOWER. O.B .E.. 74. Roslyn Gardens. Gidea P ark. Essex. (Tel. Romford 3317). Mrs. M. CAVE DISH. 12, Hyde Park Gardens Mews \\" (Tel. Amb. 35 2). . .2. Mrs. N . MATTHEWS. 15. Pembroke IIall. Mulberry lc e. Hendon. N.W+ H'HC: ' STNEWART. M.D .. M.R.C .P .• 12. Creighton Ave .. Mus~ rll IU . .10. D:-. E. J. SELBY, O.l:l- E., 52. Castlebar Road. Eating. \\ .j. MISS M. M. DURRANT. S.R.N .. 30. High Street. Thorn on Heath. Surrey. Miss M. F. GOUGH, 12. Grosvenor Gardens. Kingston -onThames. G .. \V. WOODHILL, 10. Bromley Road. Beckenham. K ent MISS D. E. WHITE, loB, Warwick Road. Thornton Heath. Surrey. G. C. PITTS . 12. Vincent Road, N+ F. W. G. DINES. 46. Twyford Avenue. London. N.2 (Treasurer) . E. W'. HAINES. 17. Ashlyn Grove. Hornchurch. Essex (public Duties). A. G. WIDDICOMBE. M.B.E .. 20. Clarence Rd .. HarpendLn. Herts. (Civil Defence). L. F. ELVIN, 25. Liphook Crescent. Forest Hill. S.E .23. (Stores). S. NJ· STILLWELL, 10, Falkland Avenue. Finchley. London. ·3· G. S. LEAR, 7. Spencer Close. West Twyford. N.W.lO. A .. E. DICKINSON. 45. Monastery Gardens. Enfield. Midux. MISS M. R. M. TUCKWELL. M.B.E.. 296. Leigham Court Road. S.W.16. M!ss W. BUTTON, 6B. Watford Road . Croxley Green. \Vatford. MISS M. A. VICARY. St. Ronans. Beech Hill. Hadley W ood. Herts. Miss M. C. CALVERT. 5. Longridge Road. S.W.5. Mrs. D. BUTANOWICH. I I, Manor Gardens. Merton P ark, S.W.20. (Commissioner's Secretary) Miss M. L. PRENTICE, 109, Belmont Roa'd, N.17. Mrs. D. HOADLEY. 40, Wavertree Road, S.W.2.
Miss M. D. GROOM, II, Manor Gardens, S.W.20. L. R. ALLUM, 17, Greenwood Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey. S. C. DEARMER, 4, College Road, Winchmore Hill, N.2I. (Competitions). Dr. D. D. TOWLE, Lee Park Lodge, Blackheath, S.E·3· A. T. BANDY, B.E.M., 43, Grosvenor Road, lIford, Essex. J. E. BROWN, 42, Sutton Road, N.lO. F. G. GRICE, 65, Munster Gardens, Palmers Green, N.13· H. A. BENNETT, 12, The Highway, Sutton, Surrey. J. SMITH. 17, Lulworth Road, Welling, Kent. S. W. BROOM, lB. Fairlop Road, Leytonstone, E.lI A. FREE~{AN, 34, Bonford Avenue, Bexley Heath, Kent. E. l. PANNELL, I I Gilda Court, Watford Way, N.W·7· Miss E. G. CRESSWELL, 43, Grosvenor Road. Ilford, Essex . H . F. MULLIGAN. Bo, Rosslyn Avenue, Harold Wood, Essex. (Camp Adviser). C. W. M. HOBDAY, 100. Glennie Rd., W. Norwood. S.E.27· J . A . BORROWS, 21, Curthwaite Gardens, Enfield. Miss B . JOHNSON, 5, Hutch Road. Jorbury, S.W. T . J. HORRY, lsledon chool. N·7. J. NUTT, 46. Donneraile Street, Fulham, S.W.6. (Cadets) J. STO~E. 77. Mount Pleasant. South Ruislip. Middlesex . (Cadets). . Miss G. LARSEN. 6, Meadow Way. Rlckmansworth, Herts. (Cadets). Miss W. N. CLARKE, 2Ia. Lancaster Road, S.E.25. (Cadets). :\Iiss G. O. TUCKWELL, 296. Leigham Court Road, S. \V .I6. Northern Area
ArE. 1 Commissioner And Superintendent (A) Are~
Superintendent (N)
An:l Surgeon Ar J. 3L1rsing Officer.
Area Cadet Officer (A)
Dr. G. 1\1. SHAW SMITH, 434, We!'t Green R oad. N.15· F. J . MIDDLETON, 2, Melbourne Way, Bush Hill Park Enfield, 11iddlesex . Mrs . A. F . MANLEY, LA .. 9. Burgess Hill. N.\V.2 . Dr. R. L. MACQUEEN, 155, Hertford Road, Edmonton, N·9. D. C. CRESWELL, S.R.N., Tutors' House, Friern Hospital. e\\ 'outhgate. C. ANDREWS, 4, Hardwick Villas, Bounds Green Road. . I 1.
Area Cadet Officer (N) An a Staff Officers
Area Sergeant 11ajor
Miss D. D . DENTON. 2,), Stanley Road, New Southgate, N.lI. 1\1rs. E. HOBBS, 37, Bruce Grove, N.17. (Cadets) W. A. REYNOLDS. 3B. Addington Mansions, Highbury, N ·S· (Cadets). Mrs. V. M. JENKINS. 214, Alexandra Park Road, N.22 . (Cadets). Lt.-Col. R. A. PAY 'E, 4. Wentworth Park, Church End , Finchley, N.3. (Civil Defence). A. S. WEYMOUTH. 30, Dorset Road, Tottenham, N .22. (Competitions). Miss 1. S. BURLEY, 26. Makepeace Road, Highgate. .6. (Cadets). F. A. G. PAYNE, 5, Wentworth Park. Church End. Finchley, N·3· F. H. ADAMS, The Cottage, Glendale Grammar School, Wood Green, N.22. South Eastern Area
Area Area Area Asst. Area Asst. Area Asst. Area
Comm issioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Area Superintendent (N) . Surgeon. . Area Surgeon Nursing Officer . Area Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) .
Dr. W. \V. KING-BROWN, 12. Asylum Rd., Peckham , S.E.I5 · E. A. \\THEBLE , IB, Silecroft Road, Bexley Heath, Kent. Miss E. A. Golding, II6. Mottingham Road. S.E·9· Mrs. R. KELLY, 46. Hazelbank Road, Catford. Dr. £. HOMI, Cairngale, Belvedere. Kent. Dr. J. H . CHA:V1BERS, 147, Wickham Way. Beckenham. Miss F. E. ELLIS. Lambeth Hospital. S.E. Miss D. M. BLYTH, 113, St. John's Park, Blackheath. Vacant.
Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant Major
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE Mrs. G. M. ELLIOTT, 65, \Vellersley Avenue, Sidcup, K ent. T. R. W. MASON, 23, Colyers Lane, Erith, Kent. H. E. CHAPLI T, 5, l\Iottinghnrn Gardens, S.E.9. (Finane.) H. ]. GARDINER, 6. Pinnell Roau. Eltham. (Cadets) R. S. NORTH, 148, Grieson Road, Forest Hill. M~ss D . . PEARCE, I, Holwood Road, Bromley. (Cauets) MISS W. E. WILLIS, 179, Hazelbank Road. S.E.6. (Cadets) F. C. ANDRE,\, , 2 r, Gro venor Road, \V. \Vickham , I{ent. (Cadets). A. R. WILLIS, 27, Worsley Bridge Road , .E. 26. (Caul·ts) A. C. PALMER, 257, Burnt Oak Lane. ' iucup. (Cadets). N. P. HELPS, 48, Chudleigh Road, S.E'4'
Eastern Area
Are,! Commissioner ArN Superintendent (A) Are~ Superintendent (N) Arfl Are. Afo Area
Surgeons . NursIng Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
Arn Staff Officers
South Western Area
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (1) Surgeons .
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant Major .
Dr. D . A. B. HOPKIN, 26, Girdwood Road, S.W.I8. C,. \V. HIP,KI s, 24, Amis Avenue, Ewell, Surrey. MIss A. \\EST, 13. Selwyn Avenue, Richmond, Surrey . Dr. J. NEWTON HUDSON, 391, Lower Addiscombc: R oad. Croydon. Surrey. Dr. A . CO)l, , I, Thorndon Gardens, EweU, Surrey. Mrs. D. ROGERS, S.R.N .• Flat 8, 34, Palace Road, Streatham Hill , S.W.2. R : RANDALL STEPHENS, 19, Avenue Road, orbury. S.\V.I6 1ISS A. E . CLARK, 5, Langdale Avenue. 11tcharn, Surre y. D. G. GOLDIE, 10, \Vel~esley Road , Croydon. Surrey . G. A. LOCKE, 29. DlCkerage Road, Kmgston, Su rrey. (Finance). J. E . DANE, 31, South W a\,. Shirlty, Surrey. (Competitions). L. M. CROTON, 242a, Whickham Road, ~hirley, roydon, (Competitions). F. A. BOWMAN. 4, Dunstable Road, West Molesley, Surre} (Civil Defence) Mrs. V. E. WOOLFORD, 13. Fairlawn Grove, Bansleau. (Cadets). E. C. SUMPTER, 47. Pitcairn Road. Mitcham. (Cauets) Miss D. A. G. VVATTS, 32. Beue House, i\lanorfields. Pu tne\' Heath. (Cadets). ' Vacant.
Area Sergean l Major
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeons . Area Area Area Area
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Area Sergeant Major
Dr. G . R . H. WRANGHAM, J .P., 26, The Avenue, Eali ug, W.I3· A. E. VAUGHAN, 13, Pembroke Road. Greenford , Middlesex. or1.hwood Hills. Miss. D. SHELLEY, 13, Norwich Road, MIddlesex. Dr. G. E. PAYNE, 12. South Close, Woodhill Gate, P inner. Dr. C. J. P. SECCO~IBE, 20, 'Western Road, Southall. Miss D. M. LEE, S.R.N., 7, St. Annes Road. Barnes, S.W 13 L.. W. TAYLOR, 76, Flamborough Road, Rui slip. Midcllesex MISS W. AYRES, 5, Sheen Court, Richm ond, Surrey. F. 1. JONES, 5, Bowes Road, East Acto n. \V .l. Mrs. E. NORFORD, 14, Scotts Road. Southall, Middlesex. J. Boss, 77. Salisbury Road, Ealing, W.I3. (Civil Defence). C. E: PEARMAN, IIO, Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middx. (Flllance) . E. H. A. BECK, 127. Ruislip Road, Hanwell, W .7. (Competitions) . J. G. WARNER, 21, Holden Avenue. Kingsbury, N.W . 9· (Finance) P. J. STEVENS, 27a, Haven Lane. Ealing, W.5. (Cadets) Miss K. BARRY, 56, Cardington Square, Hounslow Heath. (N.H.S. R.). J. HARRIS, 106, Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middlesex.
Major T. M. WILKS, O.B.E., M.R,C.S., L.R.C.P .• The Cottage, Kiln Road, Thundersley, Essex. S. CLARKE, 2, Leigh Park Close, Leigh-o.n-Sea, Essex .. Miss N. L. MOORE, 105, South Park Dnve, Seven Kings, Essex. Dr . A. F. Mc DONALD. 76, Longbridge Rd., Barking, Essex. Vacant. H, T. G, \VARE, 32. Clare Gardens, Barking, Essex. Mrs. F. M. JAMIESON, 65, Waterloo Road, Barkingside, Essex. L. B. WrLLs, 31, Belmont Road, Hornchurch, Essex . (Cadets) 1iss V. MALYAN, 21, Parkside Avenue. Romford , Essex. Mrs. J. LANG, 40, Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex. (Cadets). W . j . BROG:.l, 18, Fairlop Road, Leytonstone, E.Il. (Finance). R . D. BROWSE, B.E.M" 55, First Avenue. Manor Park, E.I2. (Comot'tit.ions) . R. T. BAX, 34, Naseby Road, liford, Essex. G. F. ATKI 's, 72. Hillside Avenue, \Voodford Green, Essex. (Cadets). Dr. J. L. McK. BROWN, 3. Hempstead Road, Walthamstow , E.I7· W , T. ELL! 'GFORD, 36. Southborough Drive, Westc1iff-onSea. L. DICK, 15, Alma Avenue, Highams Park, E+ S. J . \\TESTON, 74, Morris Avenue, Manor Park, E .I2. Central Area
Are 1 Ar( Af( Ar( An
Commi sioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon Nursing Officer
Ar a Cadet Officer (A) • Arr Cadet Officer (N) Ar Staff Officers
Western Area
Area Commissioner
Sergeant Major
Dr. R. V. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, N.W.I. H. DUNFORD. 30, \Venlock Road, Edgware, Middlesex. Miss E. F. 1ILNE, 109, Belmont Road, N . 17· Dr. B . L. STEELE, P enrhyn Lodge , Gloucester Gate, N.\V.!. Miss . E. DEAN. S.R.N., Orpington Hospital, Orpington. . Kent . B. \VHYTE. 23, Turner Street. E .I . Miss A. NORTH , 100, In151ehurst Gardens, lIford, Essex. T. J. A. CA\1ERON. 14. Hallem Gardens, Hatch End, Middsx. N. T. \VARE, 62, Perth Road , N.22. (Finance). K . F. O. STALLARD, 16. Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill , N.W·7· (Competitions). Miss F. A. MORSHEAD, 14, Ashchurch Terrace , Shepherds Bush. W.I4· W. A. J. SHEE , 181. Liverpool Buildings, N.!. \V , W. PACKE . 21, Gospatrick Road, Tottenham. N.l?
NORFOLK County Office: 20, Castle Meadow, Norwich. Tel. Norwich 2 T6 49· County Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ALBEMARLE. M.C., n Lady COOK (Nursing).
L .•
J .r .. c.c.
County Vice-Presidents: Sir Basil MAYHEW, K.B.E. The Rt. Rev . The Lord Bishop of NORWICH. Mrs. G. E. PORTAL (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon .
Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas COOK, J.P .. Sennowe Park, Guist, Dereham, Norfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). Mrs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B.E ., Scottow Hall, Nr. Norwich. (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226). T. RUDDOCK-WEST, M.D., B,S., D.P.H., 9, Eaton Road, Norwich.
County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers
Major-General H. H. RICH, C.B., Rushm ere, Cley-by- '''a, Holt, Norfolk. Mrs . R. G. ETTRrDGE, The Limes Bungalow, Forncett ' t. Peter, Norwich. Mrs. J. H. YULL, The Beeches, Dereharn. (Tel. Dereharn .\8) Lt.-Colonel Sir Richard Barrett LEN ARO, BT., J .1'., lIors nl M8nor, Norwich . (Treasurer).
Area Commissioner
No.2 Area (Wymondham)
Area Commissioner Area Staff Officer
Lord AMHERST OF HACKNEY, Foulden Hall, Thetford . G. S. ELWI ,6, The Ouse Avenue, Thetford.
Area Commissioner
Dr. E. 1. PUDDY, The Mill House, Gre enhall. No.5 Area (King's Lynn) Dr. W. E. H . BULL, Waverley House, Hunstanton . The H on. Mrs . G. DAW AY, Hillington Hall, King 's Lyn n . 1\1rs. R. OTTER, elson 't., King's Lynn, oriolk.
No.3 Area (Thetford)
No.4 Area (Dereham)
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer (N)
No.6 Area (Fakenham)
Asst. Commissioner Area Commissioner
Peterborough Area
NORTHUMBERLAND County Office: 2, Osborne Terrace, Nc\\castle-upon-Ty ne, 2. Tel. County President: Colonel E. G. ANGUS , C B.E.,
C. B. ANDREWS, \J .B.E., Wavene ' House . Fakenharn. Brigadier G. D . HOL~lES, O.B.E., Thorpe Lodge, Burnham Thl)rpe, King's Lynn. W. J. BECK. The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham Mrs. W. J. BECK, The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham . V. R. JONAS, II, Lancaster Avenue, Fak nham.
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
Area Commissioner
Brigadier A. L. KENT-LEMON, C.B E., The Holt, Sheringh ,n o
Area Commissioner
Capt. D. , . GOWING, Holly Lodge, Blofic'ld,
No.8 Area (Aylsham) No.9 Area (Ade)
No. 10 Area (Yarmouth)
R. C. HANNANT, Poplar Avenue, Gorleston.
Commissioner County Superintendt! nt (t-/) Coun"y Surgeon County Nursing Officcr Co' nty Cadel Officer (A) Co' nty Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
NORTHAMPTON County Office: 21, York Road, Northampton. Tel. Northampton 1711. County President : The Hon. Mrs. C. MACDONALD-BuCHANAN. County Vice-Presidents: Captain R. H. D. BOLTON (Ambulance). Mrs. GARRARD (Nursing). Mrs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B .E. (Cadet Nursing) .
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) Asst. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon
County Vice-Prestdents:
\\'. J. !TARLTON, ESQ.
No.7 Area (Cromer)
S. E. DAY, "Maison", Cremcrs Drift, Sheringham. Mrs. H. H . RICH, RU5hmere, Cley-by- ea, Holt.
ewcastle-upon-Tyne 813646
Mrs. M . 1. KIRKUP (Nursing).
Assistant Commissioner Area Superintendent (N)
Area Commissioner
Area Cadet Officer
No. 1 Area (Norwich)
Area Commissioner
Miss C. E. ELSON, The Old School I-louse, Courtenhall. Miss G . GRANT·LAWSON, Cottesb rooke Grange, Northampton. C. W. CURTIS, 32, Reservoir Road, Kettering. E. J. HAYWARD, "Rushay", Booth Lane , Weston Favell, (Trcasu rer). Miss G. GAINSFORD, 107, Park Avenue North, Northampton. (Secretary Nursing Divisions). Irs . E. E. CARPENTER, 52, Bostock Avenue, Northampton . (N.H.S.R.). Miss M. HULL, 9, Billing Road, Northampton. (Secretary ursing Cadet Divisions) . Mrs. C. M. THORNTON, Brockhall, Nr. \Veedon. Northampton. T. EWELL, 2)3, Park Road, Peterborough. Mrs. K. MAGlir'RE, 66, Rushmere Road, orthampton. Mrs. . R. GILLETT, 204, Dogsthorpe Rd ., Peterborough.
County Nursing Officer Conn ty Cadet 0 fficer (N) County Staff Officers .
Dr. J. E. HILTON, 60 Yarmouth Road, Thorpe. of\\ ic h. Mrs. H. C. WATTS . The Dial House, Brooke, on\ich . Mrs. H. M. N. MORTON, 86, St. Philips Road, Norwict
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer (N)
Colonel H. M. P. HEWETT, T.D., The Court House, Chipp i':lg Warden, Nr. Banbury .(Tel. Chipping Warden 2(2) . Lieut.-Col. R. L. AGNEW, Pear Tree Cottage, Brackley, Northants. Mrs . G. GIBBONS, Tresham House, Rothwell, Nr. Kettering. (Tel. Rothwell 3(5). Mr~. C. BO~WICK, The Rectory, Kilmarsh, Nprthampton. Major G. Gibbons, O.B.E., M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Tresharo House, Rothwell, Nr. ;Kettering.
Ilon. Treasurer (Auxiliary) Area Cadet Officers
Vacant. i\Iiss E. 1. TEASDALE, 18, Eastfield, Monkseaton . J . BROWN, M.B., B.S., Hill Crest, Horton Road, Bebside, Bedlington. . Mi s M. J . FREEMAN, 55, HIghbury, Jesmond, Newc:astleupon-Tyn e, 2. E. ROBI :.0', 23, Stakeford Road, Bedlington Stc:tion. Miss E. HE, SON, 12, Derwentdale Gardens, HIgh Heaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 7· irs. B . H. DUNCAN, 7, Kingswood Avenue, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2. . Miss D . K . MUNRO, 57, Swaledale Garden, Hlgh Heaton, Newcastle-upan-Tyne,7· Miss J. FEARN SIDE, II9 , Marine Avenue, Monkseaton. C. G. BLACKLOCK, 13, Huntcliffe Gardens, H eaton, ewcastle, 6. M. HALLIDAY, A.S.A.A., Willowfield, Woodside Lane , Rytonon-Tyne. H. GrESON, 191, Stanton Street, Ne\vcastle-upon-Tyne, 4· W. H. COLLINGS, 8, Chessar Ave., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 5· Northern Area
Area Commissioner AfI'a Surgeon
Lt.-Col. A. S. E. RICHARDS, M.B.E., The Red House, Woodham Village, near Ashi~gton. " J. DOBSON, M.B., B.S., Tyneholm, Heatherleazes, Warkworth, Morpeth. Mid-Northumberland Area
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon
C. F. FAIRLIE, T.D., M.D., B.S ., 53, Ridley Avenue, Blyth. T . A. STEVENS, M.B., B.S., "Lanside", Nelson Village, Cramlington.
Area Commissioner
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)
Area Nursing Officer
R. LOGAN, 6, Jenison Avenue , Pend ower. Newcastleupon-Tyne, 4. H. R. PORTEOUS, M.B.E., M.D., CH.B., 67, Jesmond Park We t Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ' R. R. ROE, 33, vVhitgrave Road, Ne\\castle-upon-Tyne, 5.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Surgeon
Midland Area \\T . D . ALLISO " 14, Wan..,be.ck .Terrace, Ashington. Dr. J. S. OBLE, 73, New BIggm Road, Ashington.
Area \rea Ar 'a Area Area Area
Area Surgeon
Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer Sergeant-Major
NOITINGHAMSHIRE County Office: 20, Castle Gate, Nottingham. T el. Nottingham 10437. County Presidents: His Grace The DUKE OF PORTLAND, K.G. (Ambulance). Her Grace WINIFRED DUCJ;IESS of PORTLAND, D.B.E. (NurSLltl() County Vice-Presidents: Lieut . -Colonel Sir John JARDINE, Bt., O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (A 1J/blllalla). C. H. HEATHCOTE, Esq. (Ambulance). Lady STARKEY (Nursing). The COUNTESS MANVERS (Nursing Cadets).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer Asst. County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary County Staff Officers
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Staff Officers Area Cadet Officers
H. L. BOSWORTH, O.B.E., Bank Chamber", Sutton-in(Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 410). Ashfield, Notts. J. T. WATKINS, M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks," Bramcote L ane, W ollaton, Nottingham. Vacant. The Lady Anne Cavendish BENTlNCK, 'Yelbeck Woodh ouse, Worksop, Notts. (Tel. Worksop 2~60). P. M. GETTLESON, M.D., "Lane's End", Hi gh Oakh am, Mansfield, Notts. Miss H. B. EDWARDS, S.R.N., S . C.~f., "Maranath a", N~ncargate Road, East Kirkby , otts. MISS S. GRIFFITHS, S.R.N., S.C.M., Flat 2, 433, Mansfield Road, Nottingham J. A .. SWANWICK, 38, Kingswood Road, West Bridgford, NottIngham. Miss D. G. WOODALL, 12, Carlton Road, Worksop , Notts . Mrs. J. LEDGER , 10, Mapperley Hall Drive, Nottingh am. L. HOCKIN, 9, Ferndon Green, '''ollat on Park, Nottingh ulll. G. G. LODGE, 125, Haydn R oad, Sherwood, Nottingh am. W. A. WOOD, 204, Sutton Road, Mansfield. C. E. WEST, 18, Norman Road, Thorneywood, Nottingham. R. J .. R OPER, 13, Haileybury R oad, W est Bridgfod, NottIngham. L . E. . MORLAND, 42, H olme Road, West Bridgford. NottIngham . \V. W. KEY, 42, George Rd. , West Bridgford, N ottingham Northet'n Area J. T. RICE, M.B .E., "Gillifields", Oak Tree Lane, Mansfield. G. H . KEVERNE, Oakengate, 49, Blyth Rd., Worksop, N ot t'i. Mrs. M. A. BARTLE, 29, Bl):"th Road, Worksop, Notts . Dr. O. P. ~DMONDS, NatIonal Coal Board, Edwinsto we Hall, EdwlDstowe, Notts. H. CU:SWORTH, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe H all, EdwlDstowe, Notts . J. HASLEGRAVE, 57, Walesby Lane, New Ollerton, No tts. O . T .. STORRS, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe H all, EdwlDstowe, Notts. Mrs. E. MAJOR, 275, Sandy Lane, Worksop.
Area Commissioner An d Surgeon Area Superintend ent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Cadet Officer (A) .\rea Cadet Officer (N) '\ rea Staff Officers
Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Asst Area
ursing Officer
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff 0 fficers
Area Sergeant-Major
Southern Area A HILL, O.B .E., Bagnall House, Cinderhill. TottS . W. JACKSON, Glen Dale, Mansfield Road, Papplewick. i\liss S. J. BISHOP, S.R.N., S.C.M., c/o Cinderhill and Babbington Colliery, Cinderhill, otts. Dr. J. F. D. BOYD, 97, Derby Road , Stapleford, Notts. Vacant. J . W. STEVENSON, 24, Shanklin Drive, Stapleford, Notts . Vacant. E. R. F. POGMORE, Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield, Notts . G. CRELLIN, 5, Grange Crescent, Gedling, Notts . Midland Area F. D. SEVERN, Green Gables, Alfreton, Derbyshire . Dr. R. H. P. FERNANDEZ, Medical Centre, Braokhill Colliery, Pinxton, Derbyshire. C. BARROWCLIFFE, II, Huthwaite Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, oUs. Mrs. E. LEIVERS, 15 Stain forth St., Mansfield Woodhouse, otts. A. DRABBLE, .13, Cambria Road, Ma nsfield, Notts. Mrs. 1. BUTTERY, 22, King Street, Mansfield \Yoodhouse, Nolts. T. L. MOULTON, 164, Diamond Ave., East Kirkby, Notts. A. L . MIDDLETON, "Green Gables", Wingfield Rd., Al£reton, Derbyshire. H. SHORE, 22, Bath Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts . A. PORTER, Victoria Road, Selston, Notts. City of Nottingham Area Dr. R. G. SPRE GER, The Manse, Church Street, Bramcote, otts. S. IBBOTSON, 39, Lady Bay Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Miss G. E. CLOW, 10, Grimsby Terrace, Watkin Street, Nottingham. Dr. A. G. 1ASCARI, I, Victoria Embankment, Nottingham. Miss E . JEW, S.R.N., S.C.M., City Hospital, Hucknall Road, ottingham. Miss E. PINDER, 2, Padstow Road. Bestwood Estate, Nottingham. C. LEWENDON, 25, Austrey Avenue, Lenton Abbey, Nottingham. Mrs. E. M. MARTI , 48, Dovecote Lane, Beeston, Notts . A. BURROWS, 24, Aston Avenue, Lenton Abbey, Nottingham. E. PERRY, 97, Saxondale Drive, Bullwell, Nottingham. N. V . WRIGHT, 28, Grange View Road, Gedling, Notts. F. CARRIER, 10, Grover Avenue, Mapperley, Nottingham. H. F. FOULSTONE, 2l, Brora Road, Bulwell. Nottingham. Miss A. SLANEY, 98, ottingham Rd ., Basford, Nottingham. H. BACON, 53, Hillbeck Crescent, Vlollaton, Nottingham . E. H. HAY, 13, Seely Road, Nottingham.
OXFORDSHIRE County Office: Gloucester Green , Oxford. Tel. Oxford 2061. County President: Colonel A. V . G. DOWER, T.D. County Vice-Presidents: Dr. W. RITCHIE RUSSELL, C.B.E., (Ambulance) Lady BROOKE-POPHAM; Lady Dugan of VICTORIA (Nwrsing) Mrs. GARDINER-HILL (Cadet Nursing). Lt.-General Sir Edward GRASETT
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons County County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff 0 fficers
C. GARDINER-HILL, M.B., B.CH., Fircroft, Banbury, Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2625). T. F. BRIGGS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 39, The Green, Banbury, Oxon. H. E. HOWARD, The School House, Nether Swell, Cheltenham. Miss L. BAIRD, Langston House, Chadlington, Oxford. H. R. WYNNE, M.B., B.CH., The Paddocks, Bodicote, Banburv. Miss G. RILEY, Oxford Eye Hospital, Walton St., Oxford. G .. H. SHRIMPTON, 17, Rymer's Lane, Cowley, Oxford . Miss D. M. CANDY, 5, Burdell Avenue, Headington, Oxford. Mrs. I. M. CLIBBORN, 8, Lonsdale Road , Oxford . H. T. BENNETT, Asphodel, Third Acre Rise , Cumnor, Oxford. E. LAMBOURN, M.B.E ., 419, Banbury Road , Oxford MISS J. E. M. FANSHAWE . Cotmore Well, Thame, Oxon . C. LAWRENCE, Churchill Hospital, Headington . Oxford . J. WOODLEY, 60, Henley Street, Oxford. Mrs. BEASLEY, Tudor Cottage, Tiddington, Milton Comm on. Oxon. M~s. V. PARISH, 14, orreys Avenue, Oxford . MISS C. WALDOCK. 7, Arran Grove, Banbury. E. F. BAZLEY, c/o Westminster Bank, High Street. Oxford.
Area Commissioner Asst. County Surgeon Area Staff Officer
Area Cadet Officers
SHROPSHIRE County Office: Ty Maen, L owe r Brook Street, Oswestry .
County Office: The Prysten House, Finewell Street. Plymouth.
Tel. Plymouth 65 02.
County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. F. VELLACOTT (Nursing). Mrs. M. MOD LEY (Nursing). G. S. THOMPSON, ESQ . (Arllbulance Cadets).
Cc nty Superintendent (A) C( nty Superintendent (N) Co .nty Surgeon 1
ursing Officer
County Cadet Officer (A) Col rty Cadet Officer ( C Cl. ty Staff Officers
The COUNTESS OF MOUNT EDGCUMBE (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Assistant County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary
S. C. PRANCE, J .P., M.B., B.S., D.L.O., The Prysten House, Finewell Street, Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 62598) Colonel G. THOMSON, D.S.O., M.C., Catchfrench, St. Germans, Saltash. Mrs. R. BALSDON, O.B.E., 163, New Road, Saltash. (Tel. Saltash 2102). T. E. WOOD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 8I, Priory Road, Lower Compton, Plymouth .. S. DAVIDSON, M.A., M.B., "Glengarry", Hartley, Plymouth Mrs. E. A. BAYLEY, S.R.N., 8g, Beaumont Street, Stoke, Plymouth. G. S. THOMPSON, "Lane End", Wembury Point, S. Devon Mrs. E. M. WOOD, 81, Priory Road, Lower Compton, Pl ymouth. Mrs. G. M. BASCOMBE, The Prysten House, Finewell Street Plymouth.
County Presidents: ir Alexander TA. fER, Bt., D.S.O . , M.C ., J .P., The Lady FORESTER (Nursing).
J. JOHNSON, M.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Ty Maen, Lower Brook treet, O.3westry. (Tel. Oswestry 144 / 426). Major R. DEEDES, G.C., Brymore, Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury . lTel. Shrewsbury 4363). E . IRWIN, Hilbrae, Ellerdine, Wellington, Shropshire. Mrs . A. J. BROW, B.E.M., 66/68, Willow Street, Oswestry . \V. KING HAY, M.B., B.CH., Brooklyn House, Market Drayton. l\liss B . A. BURR, The R. Jones and A . Hunt Orthopaedic H ospital, Oswestry. Captain C. L. TARRANT, 55, Grasmere Road, Harlscott, Shrewsbury. Vacant. G. H. DAVIES, Bodhyfryd, 48, Meole Rise, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury. J. PHIPPS, 3, Red Lake Cottage, Ketley, Wellington, Shropshire. Mrs. D. M. WILLIAMS, Delbury, Lyth Hill, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury . Miss M. DEEDES, "Brymore", Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury. Mrs. A. G. CRAMPTON PYM, "Highfield," Oakhurst Road, Oswestry. Miss A . M . PUGH, Derwent Dene, Queens Park, Oswestry . E. L. PRICE, 6, Coton Mount, Shrewsbury. (Training). H. GRIFFITHS, Ty Maen, Lower Brook St., Oswestry. W. THOMAS, 3, Newhall Gardens, Abbey Foregate, Shmw~ bury. D.
(ol.lnty County Presidents: The Rt. Hon. Lord ROBOROUGH (Ambulance) NANCY, Lady Astor, C.H. (Nursing)
Tel. Oswestry 144 / 426 .
County Vice-Presidents: The Earl of POWIS , O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). The Hon . Mrs. ORMSBY GORE (Nursing Cadets).
Deputy Commissioner
R. W. SKINNER, 13, Conrad Rd., Chaucer Way, Honicknowle, Plymouth. R . G. PARR, 17, Slone Hall Flats, Stonehouse, Plymouth. J. H. SARGENT, 20, Foulston Ave. St. Budeaux, Plymouth. A. J. HERBERT, 2, Greatfield Road, Higher Compton, Plymouth . G. LETTY, 38a, Alexandra Road, Plymouth. Mrs. P . V. E. WAY, 142, Pasley St., Stoke, Plymouth. (Cadets). VI. H . STRA~G, II, Carfrae Terrace, Lipson , Plymouth. A . H . ATKI:-<S, 14, Chaddlewood Ave, St. Judes, Plymouth.
COUIlty Staff Officers
City of Oxford Area J. FINCH, 6, Lonsdale Road, Oxford . H . D . DARCUS, B.M., B.CH .. 153, 'W oodstock Rd . . Oxford J. G. WADDLE, 108, North Hinskey Lane, Botley .
County Secretary County Sergeant Major
Eastern Area
Area Surgeons .
A. GLANDON WILLIAMS, M.B., F.R.C.S., Castle Gate House, Shrewsbury . D. JONES, 20, Mount Pleasant, Ketley Pa.rk, Oakengates.
Area Staff Officer
Western Area An~a
D. A. IRELAND, B.A., M.B., CH.B., ?I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P ., Council House Court, Shrewsbury. A. V. LLOYD, 21, Canon Street, Shrewsbury.
ST .
SOMERSET County Office: St. John House , Park Street. Taunton.
County Presidents: Lieut .-Colonel The LORD HYLTON. Mrs . A . A. \V . LUTTRELL. County Vice-Presldellls: M.B.E., (A JIluulullClce and Cadet Ll IJ/bulance) Mrs. A. L. DOVEY, M.B., CH .B. (Nllrsing). Mrs. D. S. VERNON (Nursing). Miss M. SMITH (Cadet Nursing).
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
Dr. W. J. COLLINS, Woodstock House, Staplegrovc Road , Taunton. G. J . DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road, \Vesto n- super-Mare Mr.. D. E. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road, \Veston-super-Mare .
Area Are, Are Area
Southern Area A. WEVELL, 100. Wembdc,n H.oad, Bridgwater. R. TR1M, 54, Manor House Road, Glastonbury. :'IIiss G . A. M. GILLESPIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater. Dr. J. F. COATES, Friars Gate, Bridgwater.
Area Su rgeon Tel. Taunton 7 28 5.
Commissioner Superint endent (A) Superintendent ( ) . Surgeon
Dr. Hugh POWELL,
Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Coun ty Surgeons
County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (N) Coun ty Staff Officers
County Sergeant -Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Commissioner AT'ea Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. Area Cadet Officer (A)
Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) A rea Superintendent (N)
Colonel C. T. l\fITFORD- LADE, Monty's Court, N or)n Fitzwarren, Taunton . (Tel. Bishops L ydeard 255). Vacant. Miss BRUCE- TEER, "Lydstep" , :\lartlett Road, :\1 e. head. (Tel. Minehead 49 2 ). Dr. W. B.\1:-1, Brook House, l\Iinehead. Dr. P. l\1."'RTIN, II, Victoria Ql!adrant, \\' eston-super-i'lI re Dr. J. F . DAVIDSON, O.B.E., M.O.H ., HilicroH, Kings on St. Mary, Taunton. B. A. Astley \VESTON, lILO.H., M.B., ClI .B . , M.R.C.S., L.R .C P., " \Vansdyke", Claverton Down, Bath. Miss. C. NEAL, Quantock Chest Hospital, Over Sto w y, Bnd gwater. Miss V. YANDLE, St. Aundries chool, \Vest Quantoxhe Taunton . T. E. LINDFIELD, M.A.; The Beeches, 29, Elmsleigh R o I. \Veston-super-Mare. S/Ldr. E. B. MOORE, 17, Moorland Road, W eston-sup .rMare. (Treasurer). Mrs. G. G. SELWYN, 134, ew Bridge Road, Lower \Vesbn. Bath. (Welfare). W. J. TOTTLE, I, \Vhitting Road, Weston-super-Mare . C. T. H. HOWE, "Waycott", Uphill Way, Weston-sup,' r. Mare. (Transport). Mrs. V . E. L. HUSBANDS, " Wilmanstone," Street, ~ omers .t. G. D. BUTCHER, Orchard Close, East Brent. Northern Area D. O. CLARK, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Mendip Croft, Bleadon, Weston-super-Mare. N. W'. THILL, 120, Quantock Road, Weston-super-Ma e. Mrs. Bmgham HALL, Glebe House, Weston-supei-i\Iare. Dr. W. KIRKWOOD, 66, vValliscote Road, Weston-sup rMare. Miss 1. M. GOVIER, Royal vVest of E'ngland Sanitoriu 1, Weston-super-Mare. Mrs. E. M. ATKINSON, Wraxleigh, Street. Eastern Area G. T. PLATT, "~abrina", North R oad, Midsomer N or to 1. E. VV. SMITH, HIgh Street Comer, Bath . Mrs. E. W. M. PLATT, "Sabrina", North Road, Midsomer Norton. D. I:IALL BROOKS, M.A., B.M., B.CH., 13, Macaulay, Widcom be HIll, Bath . Miss F. 1. Hall BROOKS, 13, Macaulay, Widcombe Hill, Ba th. D. J. M<;):~~AN, M.A., "Cranbrook", Laverton Lane, Norton St. Phillp , Nr. B ath. Western Area Vacant. R. E. l?R.AY, 5, West Villas, Tone Vale, Taunton. Mrs. VIVIan NEAL, Poundisford Park, Taunton.
STAFFORD County Office: _, l\Iarkct Square, tafford. T el. Stafford 16 57. County Vice-Prestdents: Lady JOSEPH (NursinR). Diana MATTHEWS (Cadet Nursing). Lady Capt. F. L. RICHARD, M.B, eR.B., 19, Lichfield Street, Comm issioner WalsalL Staffordshire. (Tel. Walsall 3780). 1rs. 1. V. PENNY, Claremont, Porthill, Stoke-on-Trent. (Tel. Cou nh' Supenntendent (N) Stoke-on-Trent 88180). K. A. BOUGHTON THOMAS, 1I1.B., CH.B. , Holly Bank, Norton Coun ty Surgeon. Road, Stourbridge. A. \\'ALKER, ;\1.B ., CH .B., "Tree Tops", Stafford Rd ., Coven Cou nty Cadet Officer (A) Heath. Vacant. County Cadet Officer (N) \". CHANCELLOR, 29, Cac;tle Bank, tafford. cr·~l. Staf!'or<l Cou n ty ecretary 1886). Captain E . P. PEEL, c / o :\Iessrs. john ankey and Sons County Staff Officers Ltd . , Albert Street, Bilstoll. (Treasurer). J. R. RUSSELL, na, Primley Avenue, Walsall. Lt.Col. G. B. BRIDG\L\', Vicarage Flat, Christchurch Lane, Lichfield. Northern Area Vacant. Area Commissioner Vacant. Area Superintendent (A) Irs . E. F . COVENTRY, 57, Balance Street, Uttoxeter. Arl"a Superintendent ( ) J. S. HA'IILTON, M.B., CH.B., High Lane , Burslem, StokeArea Surgeon on-Trent. F. E. S. JONES, 283, Chaplin R oad, Longton, Stoke . Area Cadet Officer (A) V. C. VEITCH, M.B., CR .B., vVestlands , Newcastle, Staffs Miss Corps Surgeon (attached) Southern Area A. BYRNE-QUINN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Darmody An'a Commissioner House, Stafford Street, \Volverhampton. H. \VATKINS, 41, Thornycroft Lane, Wolverhampton. Area Superintendent (A) Mrs. 1. DELA EY, 2, ine Elms Lane, \ Volverhampton. Area Superintendent (N) D. G. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Castle View House, T ipton. Area Surgeon Staffs. Area Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. Mrs. L. RUSHTON, 196, St. J oh n's Road , Cannock, Staffs. Area Cadet Officer ( )
SUFFOLK County Office: I, Woodbridge Road , Ipswich. Tel. 4005. County President: Lady Blanche COBBOLD. County Vice-Presiden ts : Countess of CRANBROOK (Ambu lance). Miss E. WEBBER (Nursing). Mrs. R. MESSENGER, M.B.E., (Cadet Ambulance) Mrs. G. M. CLOSE (Cadet Nursing).
Commissioner Coun ty Superinten dent (N) Assistant County Superintendent County Surgeon County Cou nty Coun ty County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary
Connly Staff Officers
ST. J OHN A mULA CE BRIGADE Major R. S. SCHREIBER, Campsea Ashe House, \Voodbn dge. (Tel. Wickham 'larket 420). Miss A. PARKER, M.B.E., Dickon, Walberswick, ,outhw(lld (Tel. Southwold. 23(1). Mrs. G. H. L. PAUL, Parham lIall, \ Voodbridge. T . D. ,V. FRYER, 1I1.B., B.CH., :ll.R.C S., L.R c. r ., 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. Vacant. , V. C. MAYHEW, 2, evern Road, Ipswich. ML. P. E. T.A'l' LOR, "Tcemore," London Road, BeL< les II. G. EADE, .10(l, \Yoodbriclge Road, Ips\\ ich. (TC'1. IpS\\ lC h 7 62 39). l\Iiss ill. H. l\IILLER, S.R ... , Orchard Coti.agc, I Iolbrook, l' r. Ipswich. A. B. ilIoRTT\IER, 31), Ilig1lftelcl R oad, Ipswich. B. ]. REID, County Hall, Ipswich. (Training-l. Miss E. G. ANDERS, S.R.N., "Cartref", The' T errace, Walberswick. South\\'old. ( .1I.~ .R.). Miss V. D. GEE, 171, \Voodhridge Road. Ip"w ich (ASSista nt Secretary) . Miss B. HOSSACK. 55, Tuddenham Road . Ipswich. \ V. C. \V.UTS, The Lodge, London Rond. nccc1es. 1\1rs. E. S. 1. CATTO:-1. 116, RlI shmef(- ROld, IpS\\,lCh. (N.H.S.R. and Blood Transfusion). Dr. D. 'V. RYDER RICHARDSON, The Beechec;, Saxmllndham. Mrs. M. EALE, 39, herboume Avenue, If' wich. Lord DICKI SO" 7, Locarne Road. Ipc;\\ ich. (Puhl icity). Commander G. PACKARD, R.N. (rtd.), 2, The G:llJl s, Bramford. (Publicity). Miss A. M. HARDWICK, . Hervey SlrpE't. Ipswich . A . .T. ENGLISH, 75, Clapgate Lane. Ipswich F. \V. RUFFORD, 18, Geneva Road, Ipsw ic h . W. LAMBERT, 33, lIolland Road, Ipswich . P. R. \VOOLLARD, Ambulance Hall, Samuel R oad, IpsWIch Mrs. C. _ V. SA.'DERS. 27, Crorton Road. Ipswich . A. H. NICIIOLLS, 56, Round\\ood Hoad, Ips\\ich . Western Area
Area Commission er Area Superint ende nt (N ) Area Su rgeon Area Nursing Officer.
D. ]. MARTIN, F.R .C.S., M.B., B.S., The Beeches. Ixw orth , Bury St. Edmunds. Dr.(M,s.) MARTIN, The Beeches, Ixworth, Bury St. Edmun IS. Dr. D. A. MCCRACKEN, 32, Westbury Avenue, Bury St Edmunds. lis~ W. CAFFY " Holland Cottages, Coney Weston, Bury St. Edmunds.
Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Offi cer
Lt.-Col. J. E. M. BLAi 0, O.B.E., "Hillside," Freston , Nr. I pswich . Dr. M. MACEWAN, D.S.O, O.B.E. , D.F.C., 33, Berners Strert, I pswich. Mrs. E. B . FRYER, 52, Derby Road, I pswich . A . E. R UST, 22, Copton R oad. I pswich . H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington Road, Ipswich. Northern Area
Area Commissioner Area Cadet Officer
Capt. J. C. T AYLOR, M.R.C.V.S., London Road, B eccles . F . ]. \VILLEARD, 43, Fair Close, Beccles.
SURREY County Office: 9- IO • WC'llinglon Place, Woodbridge Road, Guildford.
Tel. Guildford 67 103
County Vice-Prestdents: C. II. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq. (Amb ulance). Lady OSBORN (Cadet Nursing) Mrs. PASLEY ( 11 YS In g)
(omm i sioner
Dc pll ty Com missioner Coun ty Surgeon • Coun ty Superintendent (/\.) County ~ uperintendent ( ) ou nty .I. ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (i\) ou nty Cadet Officer ( ) lou nty Starr Officers
:\Iajor-G<>neral .I. M. S. P AS LEY, C.B., C .B.E., 1\1.\,:0., Flat I, "R('\\allan," Farnham Lane, Haslemerc. Tel. HlOdhead 3 2 . Brigadier E. E. HEAD, C.B.E., M.C., Pilgrims Way, Beavers lIill, Farnham \\'. II. C. RO\fANIS, M.C., :,\1.B., CR.B., F.R.C.S., The Rough, IIurlmore, Godalming. CaptalO P . H. ELLIS, 6, Chatley Court, Co~ham . Lady IIuLD. O.B.E., Chil\\'orth :'.Ianor, r. GUlldford. Mis" 1\1. C. LEIGH-PEMBERTON, 9, \Valden House, l\larylebone High ~trect, W. I. . Colonel R. E. FAIRBAIRN, M.C., T.D ., "Uplands", The Dnve, obbam. l\liss V . BARLOW, Killinghurst House, Haslemere. C. E. CHAPLI:-I", 13, Wodeland Ave., Guildford. Mi.s R. COHEN, Pnved Ways, ightingale Road, E. Horsley. (Training) . H. s. S1I1ITH, 60, '\'arren Road, e\\' Haw, 'Yeybridge. (Transport) . T. r. RELL. "Chillir>gbln", IS, Ca.rall Avenue, Merrow, . Gulldford. (Cadets). W estern Area
.\rea CommiSSIOner Mea Superintendent (A) /\ea uperintendent ( Area urgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) t\rea Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officer
R . ]. GRI5TOCK, East View, Pinewood Grove, ew Ha'", , Weybridge, A. I~;\, IG HT, 21, Bridge R oad, IIaslemere. l\liss . l\10RRISH, "Aros", Haslemere, Surrey. H . ]\1. LAWSON, M.A., B.CR., lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Three Gables, Bridge Road, Chertsey. F. J. AYLING, -10 , Conquest Road, Addlestone. l\1iss V. ::'1. LEATHER, M.B.E., Tudor Cottage, Ewshott, Nr. Farnham. ]. l\1. BALL, 129, New Haw Road , Addlestone. Eas t ern Area
Area Area '\rea Area \rea Area .\ rea
Commissioner Surgeon uperintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) tail 0 fficers
Sou the rn Area
Area Commissioner
B. ROBINSON, B.E.:'\r., "Hothfield", Russells Crescent , Horley. K. \ VATSO., M.D., F.R.C.S., Greystone House, Redhill. Vacant. Miss M. R. M. CALLOW, Batts Hill Cottage, Redhill. D. ]. SHOPLAND, Little House, Shepherds Hill, i\1ertsham. Miss E . M. LEIGHTON, 2, Southfields Avenue, Horley. B. E. OR~fAN, 13, Albert Road orth, Reigate . Mrs. D. COVELL. Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hill, East Grinstead. L. W. ]. RICIL\RDS, II, St. Martin's Place, Dorking. North West Are a
Area Su rgeon Area Staff Officer
R . G. \ V. SOUTHERN, M.B., B.S., lII.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Sedgley House, Horsley . Mrs . D. R. BOOTH, Holly Lodge, High Street, Cobham . South W est Area
Area Surgeon Area Staff O fficer
A. H. M . RICHARDS, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.R., Munstead Lawn, Godalming. Mrs. L. M. FARLER, 25, Stocton R oad, Guildford .
SUSSEX 19, North
County Office: treet, Horsham, Sussex.
Tel. Horsham
T 556.
County County County Co.un ty County
Nursing Officer. Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary Staff Officers
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area Area
Surgeon Nursing Officer. Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A)
Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Tel. Byfield 462 .
County President: The Hon. Mrs . L. C. S. FITzRoy NEWDEGATE County Vice-Pre sidents: i\Iartin SAUNDERS, ESQ., M.B.E. (Ambulance). The Lady WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE (Nu rsing). Mrs. BUCKMASTER (Cade t Nursing). Major E. S. PHILLIPS, D.S.O. (Cade t Ambulance). ].1'.
County Surgeon
County Vice-Prcstdents: Mildred Viscountess HAILSHAM . The Lord Rup ert NEVILL (A mblilance Cadets). The Countess CAIRNS (Nursing Cadets). 1ajor-General J. M. L. RE~TON, C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E.,
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N)
County Office: "Gable End", Priors Marston, Nr. Rugby.
County Presidents: The Countess of BESSBOROUGH, ] .P. David BRYCE, Esq., O.B.E., ].1'.
Lieut.-Colonel K. B. HICKS, O.B.E., Stone H ouse, Bolney, Sus ex. (Tel. Bolney 214). l\Iajor P. A. UNIAC'KE, Chyll Manor, Rusper, r. Horsham. Vacant. Mrs. E. :\1. COURT 'El.', Park Cottage, IIalnaker , J. 'r. Chichester. H. ROSENBERG, B.A., M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., 2, BulklOgton Ave , Worthing. Mrs. D. MCPHERSON, 35, Croft Avenue , _ outhwick. F. W. T. DALLEN, 92, Elphinstone Road, H astings. Miss E. 'I. TRILL. I28a, Church Roao , IIove. C. SIMPSO~ , 19. North t.reet. Horsham. Miss W. M. BARKER. 10. Hurst A\·en ue. Horsham. H. L. GREGORY , tanway, 70. Guildford Road. Horsham . (Treasurer). W. L. HANCORN, 43. The Gardens, Southwick. Miss G. E. STO EHAM. 47, MOlcombe Road , Easth ourne D. H. F. BURCHELL, 9, Landseer Road, Hove . (Caoets).
\ssistanl Commissioner (ou nty Superintendent (A) <. oun ty Su perin tenden t
County lounty
urgeon ursing Officer
'ou nty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer ( ) Cou nt.y Secretary (ou nty Staff Officers
Eastern Area F. H. STUITAFORD. :Ii.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., "LasceIlt>s", Portland Place, Brighton. Vacant. Mrs. M. ROYLE. The Vihite Cottage, Steyne Road, SeaJonl A. J. BURNAGE, "\Vearde", Bed£ordwell Rd ., Ea tbourn ' Mrs. K. KIRKLEY, 18. Hove Villas. Hove. F. J. MILLER, I, Oak Terrace, Gillsmans Hill, :t. Leonardson-Sea. Mrs. A. D. HICKS, B.E.M., Stone House. Bolney. G. H. WREN, "Byway", 22, Priory Close, Hastings . S. T. DENNING, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton L. W. MOWER, 74a, Cross Roads, Southwick. (Cadets). R. T. HOLLANDS, 17, Winchelsea Road, Rye. (Cadets). Mrs. STRIBLING, 238, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne. Western Area W. E. Jupp , IS, Barttelot Road, Horsham. Capt. J. M. BUCKLEY, The King Alfred, Kingsway, Hove Vacant. S. R. MATTHEWS, M.A., M.B ., CH.B., J.P., The White House, lfield. H. G. NEWMAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. Mrs. E. A. BRODIE, Flat 3, 6, Arundel Terrace, Marint Parade, Brighton 7. Mrs. BUTCHER, 77, Sompting Road, \iVorthing. O. E. LAKE, 50, Whyke Lane , Chichester. (Cadets). R. MORRIS, Ashford House, Victoria Road, Bognor Regis (Cadets). Miss M. E. YOUNG. Kent lIouse, Broadbridges Heath , Nr Horsham. Mrs. K. M. JOHNSTON, 8, Gloucester Court, George V Avenu c Worthing.
G. A. MACDOl'<ALD, M.B., CH.B., D.M .R.D., "Gable End", Priors l\larston, rIr. Rugby. (Tel. Byfield 462). G. J. FOWLER, 3I, Dillotford Avenue, Styvechale, Coventry. A. E RUSSELL, 54, Browett Road, Coventry. (Tel. Coventry 3289). l\liss C. M . ORTON, B.E.M., The Beeches, Staverton, Nr. Daventry, I orthants. (Tel . Daventry 196). . L. ROLLASON, M.D ., CH.B., 74, Stoneleigh Ave .. Coventry. C. L. \VORTHINGTON, M.B., M.R .C .S., L.R.C.P., 37, Jury St... \\'J.rwick. Mrs . 1. L. E. MACDONALD, S.R.N., "Gable End", Priors :'Ilarston, Nr. Rugby. Vaca nt. Vacant. II K. PERRY, 123, Blachvell Road, Coventry. 1,. W . JE~NINGS, 78, Bea nfield Avenue, Coventry. (Training) . ~Irs . A . WORTHINGTON, 37, Jury Street, Warwick. W . B. 1\1. WYLEY, 73, Kenilworth Road, Coventry. r.1rs. L. A . \VESTERN, 55, Stoney Stanton R oad, Coventry. J. H . HARRIS, 35, Nicholls Street, Stoke, Coventry. 1\1rs . S. M. CADWALLADER, 50, Radford Road, Leamington pa. A. H . BOOTH, 270, Windmill Road, Longford, Coventry. J. F, HAYES, 329, Smorrell Lane, Bedworth, Nuneaton . E. O. ORME, 4, Orchard Crescent. Coventry. ~1rs. J. EWALL, IS, Lavender Avenue, Coventry. (County Cadet ecretary (A)). Mrs. G. A . KTNi\ER, 87, \Vheelwright Lane, Coventry . (County Cadet Secretary (N) ).
WILTSHIRE County Office: 72, Fi herton Street, Salisbury. Tel. Salisbury 4810. County President: TOWERZEY, ESQ.
A. R
County Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel H . A. GOLDEN, O.B.E., D.S.O. L. F. Mos~., ESQ. Lady FULLER, M.B.E. (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner (ounty Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer
H . S. TAYLOR-YOUNG, F.R.C .S., The Red House, Park Lane. Salisbury). (Tel. Salisbury 3I52). Lady FULLER, I1I.B.E., Neston Park, Corsham. (Tel. Corsham 220I). S. C. H. LANE, O.B.E., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., West Lodge, Wilton, Salisbury , Miss B. PATTERSON, St. Georges Hospital, Semington. Nr. Trowbridge.
54 County County County Co unty
Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) Secretary Staff Officer
O. E . HYDE, II, Burford Avenue, windon. Vacant . Miss M. ]. MORTON PAD1 ER, 72, Fisherton 'treet, Salisbury. A. J. JE~KINS, ih'erdale, Croft. Road, orlh Wroughtcr. r . windon. 1\Ir. 1\Ioss, Walchficlcl. Rowd en lIill. Chippenham. (Pn R elations). Miss C. TUR\IER. Mill Vale House. Bratton. Wilts . Irs. . A. TAYLOR-YOUNG, The R ed Hou se. Park La ne. aJisbury. Mrs. . LA 'E. 65. Plymouth St.reet. Sw indon . Miss E. A. DT\[OI T, 35, ThE' Close. Salisbury.
Miss M. E. FEARN SIDE, 97, Alexandra Road, Halesowen . Dr. R. BARR'ON, Amuleside, Hall St., Dudley. K. H. BrLLINGHAM, 94, J ohn Street, Brierley Hill. ;'Iiss H. M. BID MEAD, Trafford, Manor Lane, Halesowen. H. S. BENNETT. 52, Harcourt Road, Old Hill. . Miss A. E. WITCOMBE, Oldfield,S, Somery R oad, Pnory Dudley. A. C. WOOTTON, 87. Long Lane. Blackheath, Nr. Dudley. (P ublicity). P. C. BEl\'NETT (senior), 20, Millard Rd., Coseley, St;:..ffs. Miss S. \\'AKEFIELD, Theodosia,.Enville Rd., Kinver. Staffs. P. C. BENNETT (junior), 10, School Street, Sedgley, Nr. Dudley. J. S. TAYLOR. 23. Summerfield Avenue, Hurst Green, Blackheath, r. Birmingham.
Area Superintendent ( Arca Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Arca Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officers
Western Area
Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area taff Officer
Miss:'ll. owell. Queens quare, Box, \\'dls. C. F. J. A)iDREWS, g, The Clo<;e, Melksham
Area Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) A,ea Cadet Officer ( )
F. 'vV. KIRKBRIDE. 6, Ru sell Road. alisbury. H . 1I0u:--;smm, -10, \Vat.erIoo R oad, Sali<;!Jury. Mrs. LANE, \Vest Lodge, \ Vest :t .. Wilton. Salisbu~y.
ergeant :'IIajor
Southern Area
Southern Area :\rea Commissioner
Mel SuperintL'ndl'nt (.\)
Northern Area
Area Staff Officer
C. SHAW, Brumvillc. IIighworlh R oad. Slratton Margaret. A. R. KING, 43, Richmond R oad. 'wIndon. l\Its. 1\1. HALL, 54, Devizes Road, windon.
Area Cadet Officer (A) A,ea C;cdet Officer ( J)
Air Commodore A. L. GREGORY, M.B.E., The Close, Uptonon- evern. Vacant. :VIrs. ~1. E. HODGES, 123. Birch~ie ld Road, Redditcb. Dr. F. H. VOLLA\f, The Old House, Alvechurch, r. Birmingham. Vacant. :'IIi,s II. ;'1. 1\1. WISDO:'\, Chawson. Droitwich Spa. ~liss D. W. JO:'\ES, Dal tOT}, 64. "\Vorcec;ter Road, 1\Ialve~n I. F. ("R \'1T, 74 ' Evesham Hoad, Crabbs Cross, ReddItch . (TreasLlrerj. P. S. P.\Li\rER. 202, Birmingham Road. Redditch. (Secretary).
Area Superintendcnt ( ) Area Surgeon :\re3. Cadet OfIic('r
Area 'taff
WORCESTERSHIRE County Office: 37. Foregate Street, Worcester. (Tel. '1503) County Presidents: The Countess BEAUCIIA;\lP, l\LB.E. F. L. EWTON, Esq ., M.B., eH.B.
County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. lIon. Earl BEAUCHAMP (Ambulance). Mrs. A. H. LECH;\lERE (Nllrsing). Lady SANDYS (Cadet Nursing). Sir Ronald LECHMERE (Cadet Ambulance).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Coun ty County County County County
Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) Secretary Staff Officers
County Sergeant Maj or
F. J. SOMERS. T.D., The Camp Farm, Great Witley. W orcs (Tel. Great Witley 295). T. C. LENCII, May£ord, 63, Halesowen Road, Quinton , Birmingham. F. PRICE, M.B.E .. Cross \Vay , Hawne Lane, Haleso\\en Mrs. M. G. O. OMERS, Highfield House, Blackwell. Nr Bromsgrove. Dr. J. T. DALY, 380, Ridgacre Rd., Quinton. Birmingham. R. R . HINES, 3. Wolverhampton Street, Dudley. Mrs. O. LAMB, Tylands, Grange Hill. Halesowen, Worcs. Miss A. E. DI 'GLEY, 6, Lower Wilton Road, Malvern. E: PREECE, 1~4, Ross Hoad, Blackheath, Nr. Birmingham . MISS H. M. WALTON, Mount Pleasant. Cowleigh R oad, Malvern. Miss P. WHITFIELD, Kenwyn, West Malvern. (N.H.S.R.) . E. F. PREECE, 124, R oss Rd. , Blackheath, Nr. Birmingham Northern Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)
Major A . L. ATWJLL, 109, Harborne Rd., Edgbaston, Bir l1ingham. D. H. BURNS, ISS, The Broadway, Dudley.
HOllse. 2(j,
County Office: Cottingham Road, Hull. T el. 43 0 3 8
County PreSident: The LORD LIOTHAM . County T'ice-Preslderzts: . LAWRENCE (A mbulance). R. G. TARRAN (Cadet Ambu lance). 1\Irs. D. M. RYMER (Cade t Nursillg). ;'1rs . BETHEL (Nursing)
Commissione.r COllnty Superintendent (A)
E. M. DEARN, M.B., CH.B., D.L.O., Holme Lodge, 197, Cottingham R oad. Hull. (Tel. Hull 43840). (Tel. lIulJ A. R. LlDGLEY, g2, Etherington Road, Hull. 46201 ).
County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officcr (N)
Vacant. Miss E. M. STONEHOUSE, 63. \Velwyn Park R oad, Hull. N. A. RYMER, M.B., CH .B., I, Bricknell Avenue, Hull. Miss P. M. WATSOl, S.R.N., Hull Royal Infirmary, Prospect Street, I-I ull. R. BERRY~1AN, 2. Snainton Grove. Derringham Bank, Hull. :\liss L. F. LEPPINGTON, "Aytona", 8, Belle Vue Crescent,
County Secretary (A)
County Superintendent (N) Asst. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursiilg Officer
Filey. 207.
Hall Road, Hull.
County Staff Officers
T . MACKAY. 143. Fairfax Avenue . Hull. C. JACKSO • 230. Hawthorn Aven ue. Hull. G·H;f~WARD. "Beaumaris". 71. Ganstead Lane,
Bilton .
1rs. D. M. LIDGLEY, 92. Etherington Road. Hull. \ V. PARSONS. chool House. Barnby Moor. Yorks. Mrs. G. JACK ON. 8. Lynton Ave .. Anlaby P<1lk Road South. Hull.
Area Cadet Officer (N)
Area ~ursing Officer
Asst. Area Area Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) District Staff Officer (i / c Nursing Di vision~) Area Surgeon Ar('a ursing Offic('r Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
County Office: Cornfield Road , Middlesbrough. Yorks. Area Commissio ner
County PrestdeJlt: The LADY SERENA J A~lES. Commissioner
Colonel Sir Leonard ROPNER Perrow. Bedale. Yorks. ,M.e .•
Deputy Commissioner
D.L ..
M.P .•
T horp
PEARSON. Alandale. 19. The rescent .• 'unthorpe. i\Iid lies brough. (Tel. 56287). C. F. PEDDIE . Harrowgate Cottage. Norton Hardw ick. Stockton-on-Tees. (Tel. 67614). Mrs. F. C . .BURTON. 2. Upper Westbrook. Darlington . (Tel. Darlmgto n 5764). F. \V. HEBBIETHWAITE. M.B .• CH.B .• II. The Avenue 1 in· thorpe. Middlesbrough . ~ Dr. S. E. JACKSO. ,20. tepney Drive. ·carborough. W . E. DANK. 1 27. MansfIeld Avenue. Thornaby-on-Tees. Mrs. T. E. KIRK. 3r. t. Barnabas Road. Middlesbro ugh. cwby. Scarboro ugh. P . P. S\fITH. II. \Vest Park Ave.. ] .. \V . RENAHAN. 12. Alton Road. Middlesbrough. (Tramlllg). MCCULLUM .. 2. Gasworks Cottages. ormanby R oad. .~outh Bank. Mlddlesbrough. (Transport). MISS M. MOORHOUSE. 93. Trafalgar Hoad. Scarborough .
County Superintendent (A) Co unty Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. County Surgeon Co unty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Co unty Staff Officers
] . !3.
A .\r('a Surg<'on An'l 'ursing Offlcrf . Ar Cadet Officer (A) Ar a Cadet Officer ( ')
o\rpa Commissioner Ar(1 , uperintendellt (A) An I ' uperint('ndcnl ( Ar .o1 Surgeon Are'l Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) Cou nty Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officer Cml nty Staff Officer i\ re~ StafI Officers
WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE District Office: Castle Garth House. Wetherby . Tel. Weth erby
County Officer (if c Ambulance Division) Arl Superintendent (N) An t Surgeon
and 4 1 3.
District President: H . L. THORNTON. O.B.E . A-sistant Commissioner
District Vice-Presidents: The COUNTESS OF SCARBROUGH. The VISCOUNTESS MOUWfGARRET. Mrs. E. RAD CLIFFE (Cadets). Commission er District Sup erintendent (N) A~st.
,nist. Superintendent (N) . Dlstnct Surgeon .
District Nursing Officer District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer ( ) District Staff Officer
E. H. LODGE, M.B ., CH.B., (Tel. Wetherby 32). Mrs. G . W. LODGE, Castle Wetherby 32). ~rs·CM. A. AYKROYD, The 'B .HESTER, M.D., CH.B ..
Castle Garth House. Wetherby. Garth Hou se Wetherby.
County Staff Officer (i / c Nursing Divisions) County Surgeon . Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officers (A)
Priory. Nun Monkton. York. M.SC. Card rona West L ane. a~don. . Miss . E. BARRACLOUGH. S.R.N.. R ehabili tation Centre. Whiteley Wood. Sheffield. II. Vacant. Mrs. CUMMING BELL. Binham L odge . Egerton. Hudder~fi dd . G. HILL, 218. Stanhope Drive. H orsforth .
Ar('a Cadet Officers (N)
County Staff Officers Area Staff Officers
Midland Area G. THOMPSON. M.B .• eH.B .. 41. Free School Lane. Halifax. 1.,. MASON. 5. Lynwood Gardens. Pudsey. r. Leeds. Mrs. O. M. GELDARD, The Grange. Ilklcy. Yorks. E. \V. L. WHITE, ~f.B., CR.B., "Oakland". Meth ley. Leeds. :'Iiss K. A. RWE:-l, The General Infirmary . Leeds. Mrs. 1\1. E. SHIMELD. 7. Asket Gardens, L eeds 8. . BRA 'SON, 8. Stone Street. tricker Lane. Bradford . Miss J. COOK, 70. Emm Lane. Heaton. Bradford. G. DACCUS. 49. Lumley Road. Leeds. H .T. SEWARD, 6. Coppice Way. Leeds. 8.
Northern Area J. PRE:-lTICE. M.B., eH.B., "Mals>)s I\Iount··. Malsis Road. Keighley. J. G. ROCHESTER. Thornton's Yard. 34 a Keighley R oad. Skipt.on. . Ii s G. E. J\IYALL, Gawthorpe Hall. Bmgley. Yorks. J. E. BAIRD. :-.1 .B., B.CH .. B.A.O .. Brow House. Haworth. K ighley. Dr. J. :'1. A. CRITCHLEY, IS. \Voodlands Drive. Harrogate. Mrs. 1. R. HYMAS, Farndale. The Grove. Harrogate. F. R. CHARLTO, . II. St.. Swithin's Walk . York. 1\Ir.. 1. WILSON, IS. East Lane. Shipton-by-Beningbrough. York. Southern Area J\IAIN RUSSELL. ~LB., CH.B .. D.P.H., "Wemyss", Stockarth Law'. Oughtibridge. Sheffield. A. ELSON. \1.B.E .. 148. Oaks Avenue. Sheffield. ;\Ir . B. A. Duggan. 94. Park Grove. Barnsley . C. B. B .\LL, L.M.S.S.A .. Fern Lodge. 138. Dudworth Road. Barnsley. Miss M. E. BADDILEY, 120. Crosshill. Ecc1esfield. Nr. Sheffield. \V . BANHAM. Bell Lane. Ackworth. :'Iirs. II. BEVERLEY. The Haven. \Vorsboro' Dale. Nr. Barnsley. C. H. I·ORSTER. 33. High Street. Sheffield. I. H . A. \YE, 'T. 10. Dovecliffe Rd .. \Vombw ell. H. IIEMl:-:GWAY. St. Thomas's Honse. \Vorshoro' Dale. Nr. Barnsley. J. SHA w. The Beeches. 27. Mill Hill. Ponte£ract. Mrs V. G. BOOTH. 17. Barkers Rd .. Tether Edge. Sheffield 7 C. . BOWLEY. 3-1. Hcmper Lane. ·he ffi elcl.
South East Area R. HART. O.B.E .. L. ('S.S.A .. M.S.R .. Holmdene. Annthorpe. DoncastQr. Mrs. LE BRUN, "Elmhurst". Scawthorpe. Doncaster. Dr. M. HAIN. 22. Balby Road. Doncaster. K. O. BARRETT, L.R.C.P., 13. Salisbury Avenue. Goole. Vacant. W. HARGREAVES. 198. Great North R oad. Woodlands. Doncaster. ] . HOWARD, 16. Dawood Villas. Bentley. Doncaster. Mrs. J. CROSBY. 58. Chestnut Avenue. Doncaster. Mrs. TOWNSEND, 6. The Villas . Edlington. M. D . P. LE BRUN. "Elmhurst". Scawthorpe. Doncaster. N. HULLEY. Warning Tongue Lane. Doncaster. E. SOAR. Oak Lodge. Sprotborough. Doncaster. A. E. MOORE. 21. St. Patricks Road. Doncaster. (Secretary). C. G . MITCHELRILL. "Oaklea". Scawthorpe. Doncaster. D. G. B ARBER. 104. Doncaster Road. Armthorpe. Doncaster.
Mrs. R. M. SOAR, Oak Lodge, Sprot.borollgh, Doncaster ]. DEAR DE. , The Beeches, Scawthorpc Doncast"r (T·!·..,o' port). ' . '-' .
District. Nursing Office r
H . COATES, Kingston H ouse, Carlton-in-Lindrick r. Wor. sopp, o1..1..s. ' r. Donca"ttr L . TAGG, 67, Bawtry ROJcl, Bessacarr, (Treasurer).
DI!'it rict Cad et Officer ( ) ])i trict Se.cretary Deputv Disi. Cadet. Officer (A) ])('p ltv DisL. Cadet OffiCC'r ( T) Ana Commissioner
0l s1 rict CadE't Officer (A)
South W es t Area HARRISON, "Hazel Dene", Wyvern Avcnuc Ma h Hudd ersfield. ,1 , D. F. BARRETT, M.B., CH.B., 292, BractfC'tfcl l~ d. IIucldersfi lei A. RAOBERTSHAW, I i , Garlick Stn'et ')'1()U ~C . rvI" E U"1 , RaC1rlc'k , .~ ~ , 13r 19 ISS . ' . THANK, M.n.E., 25, Duchy Road, Harrogate. .
Assistant Commissioner
Miss B . BOYCE, S.R.N., S.C.M., City and ounty Hospital, Londonderry. C. MURRAY, 92, Orangefield Crescent, Beliast. 'Miss E. GARRETT, H elen's Lea, Gilnahirk, Belfast . Brigadier L. E. MACGREGOR, O.B .E., 28, Bedford St., Belfast. A C. TI!O:'li '\S, "Kijinma," Ca.rrowreagh, Dundonald. ;\1is' V . K . Ell.L, IT I, Donagha,dce Road, Bangor, Co. Down. W. A. RYAN, GJenartney, Clanbrassil Road, Cultra, Co. Down. (Public Relations).
Co unty Surgeon District Staff Officer District Staff Officer (i/c Nursing Divisions) County Staff Officer ( ) Area Cadet Officer (A) . Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
L] r . esc .
PRIORIES AND COMMANDERIES OVERSEAS Prlory in Australia i\lajor-General Sir Samuel BURSTON, K.B.E ., C.B., D,S.O., V.D., M.B., F.R .C. P., F.R.A.C.P .. K.H.P., Dioce an Church Hou se, George Street, Sydney, ew South \V ales.
(hief C()mmissioner
Mrs. 1\1. BALDEN, By\\cll House, Dcwsbury Vacant. . ('ommandery Commi sioner
PRIORY FOR WALES H eadquarters: Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardil1. Chief Commissioner for Wales. Superintendent _ in _ Chief for \ Vales . Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales . D eputy Chief Commissioner for Wal e s . . . Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief for Wales D epu t y S urgeon-in-Chief for \Vales Assistant Supe;intend~nt - in ~ Chief for Wales. . Ch~e£ ursing Officer for Wales Chief Officer for Ambulance ~adets (Wales) . . ChIef Officer for Nursing Cadets (Wales) Brigade Secretary Chief Staff Officer Cadet Training Officer
Td .
..'3 21 3 1 .
Commandery in W es tern Australia Colonel ]. R. DONALDSON, E.D., tred, Pcrth.
H eon . ] . H. BRUCE, C.B.E., J.P., D L.
C I I R 0 one irid l\IYDDLETON, 111. V.O., ] .P., D L. 1\1 h 1 arg erita, LADY HOWARD DE \VALD EN A~' D SE.AG'ORI), " - ,. G. Pari Huws, M.B., CH.B. T~e Hon. Mrs. ].
I .• B
298-308, W ellingto n
t. John Housc, 32I, Chapel Street,
Priory in New Zealand W. \\'ARD, Esq. , O.I3.E, Druid's Chambers, \Vood\\'ard lrcLi, \Vellington, c.l.
Cl jef Commissiuner
(,hi( f C mmissinner
Priory in South Africa Brigadier W. H. du PLESS[S, O.B.E., i\1.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., Box 7I37, Jobannesburg.
Com l11:lndery Commission r
Priory in Ca nad a BENNETT, Esq., Ot a\\ a, Ont.ario.
Commandery in Central Africa Dr . '. G. H. Gasson, P.O . Box 596, Bulawayo, Rhodesia.
Sir MIchael DUFF, Bt. Lady TWISTON-DAVTES, W. Mabon ABRAHAM Major H. WARE. . Miss Zoe D. DRUITT .
] . P.
Chid Commissioner
Pakistan SYED \V AJID LI SHAH, St. John Ambulance Brigade H .Q., Katrak Buildings, Mansfield Road, Karachi, 3, Sadar.
COMMANDERY IN NORTHERN IRELAND Distric t Office: Bryson HOll se, 28, Bedford Strect., Be'lfasi..
India The lIon . RA]KUtllARI A mIT KAUH , $t. John Ambulance Brigade H .Q., R ed Cross Road, ew Delhi, 2.
Td. Belfast. 23970.
President: Her Excellency The LADY \VAKEHURST. District Vice-Preside nt s: Mrs. G. N. WALLACE, 1\1.B.E. The Hon. Mrs. T. O'NEILL (Cade t Nursing).
Brigadier T. W. DAVIDSON, Park, B elfast.
Deputy Commissioner
Brcigadier R . ]. C. BROADHURST, Belvedere Ballyau glis " o. Down. Mrs. M. NEILL, 96, Circular Road Belfast. G. GREGG, O.R .E., M.D .. F.R.C.P.', D P 1\1 ,10, EllTI\V O()t1 Avenlle , Belfast. . . ., ' 1
District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
B.A.O., 26,
M I a one
Bahamas OLCHESTER-WE lYSS, Police IIeadquarters, Nassau.
Comm issioner
Barbados E. B. WILLIAMS, Box 170, Bridgetown.
Com m issioner
Bennuda W. T. 'WILSON, c/o Bank of Bermuda Ltd., Hamilton .
British Guiana OIl1Il1i ssio ner
J. \ .
COlllptrollel of Stores.
1)li ss(,llg('1
I< ();, I,
( 1l 1l1 llllSSl011l'r
Mauritius J . II AJ)ow, Commissioner Mallnlills.
British H nduras ommi
L. 11 . OUTRA
P ulice,
IT. Q., U liz.
t. Police ;lnd Imm igmlion
I. P.
( lllll llissiunl'l
J) .
(OU lIlIissiclIU'1
\V. (, .
( tltlll lli
McLAl l(.t1I. AN, ( .M .C . , Polit(, Ilc'a<iqllarlrrs, Lagos.
Ceylon Com 111 iss ion r
Commission r
Col. Lak
A. II. P. ]AYAWARDA A, c.v .O, O. II.E . , E, n ., L O\\ 'r RO;ld, Gall F;lC, Colombo J.
Cyprus (h . C . l' . SLFlt;l ll
North Borneo
n . B . L.
1. '\ "
1'11.1) . ,
()('(l al
l ( t1 l1lli ssiorll'J'
Fiji Dr . .J . 1\1. (RUIKSIlA K. ings, " \1\'<\.
t . \1 (, ,
O. B.1: ., COVCI nnlt'lll Hn ilJ
A. L. ABR .\IIAlIl, Central Poli {' Stalion,
'\1. I". Accra.
S, ( .!I.E., ()ffiu'
()f CUlllmi"sillllC'J' pf P<lli
0111111 issioner
fOld I{ oad, Singapo re.
U. -C()JJ1Ill<ir. II. I . FISlJl~R, P .O . Box 1 IjO, lJar-c:s-Salaam .
om rni ss ioner
I{ .
Trinidad W. StRUTHERS, P.O. Box 497, Port of
II. \Y. D.
' COTT, Gr y.lon 5,
B Imont, . l. ,org s.
Hong Kong Fu G PrNC FAN, St. John Ambulance 13IIg,\(\P I [ .Q . , lIang Road.
Dr. E. IIOER IA , 13, Duke 'lreet, Kingston .
Captain L. R. Bay Estate.
II . CAHUSAC, West Indian Sugar Co., Frome.
Com 111 issioner
C. C. 11 ' HELIN, c / o Wcsl Indics Sligar Co. Ltd ., Office', Alley Post Uffice.
Brigadier-General Sir Godfrey RH ODES , P.O. Box 1469, Nairobi.
'I ai
Jamaica North-East 1an leville ELLIS, J.P . , FOlt Ceorge, Annotto
Jamaica North-West
Jama ic a Soulh -W st lunyJllllsl,
Kenya ('.B.,
C.R.E ., 0 .5.0"
Commi sinner
Leeward Island Lt.-Col. E. M. V. JA~II~ S, Commissiuner o( Polic(" J\Jlt.igll tl
Dr. R. E. ANDERSON, Medical lI.Q., Federal House, Ku ala
Malaya Lumpur. Malta G.c. J. V. ABELA, D.B.E., 64, Amery Stree t , S liemll
(V,l(:1nt) Commllnicat.ions t.o ITC'adqllart.c' rs' Box l'i/'{(J, l{'lInpala.
Zan zi bar I ,
Jamaica South-East Commissioner
Comm issioner
Singapore J> C . ](WAN, Sl. John Ambulance Brigade lI. Q ., Slam .
OIll JllissioDer
lOll1 missionl'r
Grenada Commission r
PolIce 11 eadqu:ut.ers, Freetown.
(~ll)Jallar ,
Gold Cast ommi~sioner
':)VE lt,
Tan ga nyika
Gibraltar ommi sioner
.I t•sse ,llon.
Sie rra Leone .
mrnt, Nicosia .
EVANS, (. / n (~ ail\\'<t s,
Il oll1missiol1l'r
.I . H. Mut.J
IN, Commission!'r of Pulicc, Zanzibar.
P .() .