(Pranb [prior\? in tbe :fl3rittab 1Realln ~be most \[)enerable ~rber of tbe lbospital of st. Jobn of 3erusalem.
Printed by the Swindon Press Ltd. 100, Victoria Road, Swindon. Wilts
Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1955
Telegraphic Address: Firstaid, London
Telephone : Clerkenwell 6644
Co pies of this R eport (price Is.) may be obtained from the Stores Manager, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.I.
Ube $ranb lPrtor}? tn tbe JEntisb lRealm of Ube fIDost IDenerahle ®r()er of tbe 1J)ospita[ of St. Jobn of Jernsalem
9 1955
(as at 23rd June, 1956)
<Bnml> \prior:
1Lorb lP1'10r :
!pr e Inte : HI
86 90
Ube otber :fl3ailitf5 a;ranl> (tro56 :
4 5 5~nior lRepresenttttive 1knigbts
Secretll r}?:::<Belle ra l :
1klllgb ts of Justice:
T. EVANS, Esq., C.M.G.
JDirectOl':::<Beneral, St. Jobn :ambulance :Els6oclatlon H.
'!kn igbt £3 of <Brace:
1bospltllllcr: BRIGADIER SIR STEWART DUKE-ELDER, K.C.V.O., M.D., F.R.C . .
'Blmoner : MAJOR R. L. LoYD, O.B.E., M.C.
JLlbrartall : R. WILLIAMS, Esq., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F . . A.
lRegistrar: SIR
W. G.
D.. 0 .
Junior lRcprescl1tatt"e 1knigbts : <Beneal\.1gist : THE HON. SIR GEORGE B ELLEW, K.e.VtO.
JDirector of <!erelllol1fes C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq., O.B.E., D.S.C.
1TW igbts of Justice: T HE EARL OF CRA BROOK
W. W.
R. W.
<!ommissioner:::in:::(tbief St. Jobn :Elmbulance J8riga()e : LIEUT-GENERAL SIR OTTO LUND, K.C.B., D.S.O.
\rbe original 1kntgbts of Justice' THE LORD STANMORE, P.C., K.C.V.O. THE EARL OF HALIFAX, K.G., O.M.,
C. H . C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq., O.B.E. , D.S.C.
6 'ttbe SlIb:::jprellltes:
n:be ®mcillt1ng <!bllplll111S :
1Repre sen til ti\'e 0fffce r : FREDERICK H. D. PRITCHARD, Esq.
1Represcntatl\?': ClcnCt\1 1J3retbrel1 : THE REV. C. PEROWNE, T.D. THE VENERABLE H. J. MATTHEWS, ARCHDEACO OF HAMP TEAD THE REV. M. F. FOXELL, c.v.o. THE REV. CANO A. L. E. WILLIAMS THE VENERABLE O. H. GIBBS-SMlTH, ARCHDEACO OF Lo DON Members or (!ouncil 011 Cbnptcr:::<Bcncral : (in addition to those shown under other headings) THE HON. H. A. COZENS-HARDY
£l:3s1stant JE!eClItI\1 e ®mcers : . Assi~tant Receiver-General: M. S. BARKER, Esq. Assistan~ DIrector of Ceremonies: MAJOR A. URQUHART 0 S Deputy Dlrect~r-9"ener~l, S.!-A.A.: LIEUT.-COLONEL E. C. CRg~T Deputy Commlsswner-In-Chlef, S.J.A.B.: BRIGADIER T. D. DALY, C.B.E, M.C. (!ross .1Searer : LIEUT.-COLONEL W. W. DOVE, C.B.E., T.D.
S",orb :r8enrer : CAPTAIN J. DOCWRA ROGERS, M.B.E.
Secretar\? : MAJOR J. F. C. UNDERHILL, T.D.
REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL FOR THE YEAR 1955 The Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members and Associates of the Order its Report for the year 1955. ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER. The Annual Festival took place on Saturday, 25th June. As in past years the Festival began with Holy Communion which was celebrated in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church. The General As embly was once again held in the Mansion House, by invitation of the Lord Mayor, who attended in state. The Commemoration Service was held in the afternoon in St. Paul's Cathedral, the sermon being preached by the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem. During the Service the ceremony took place of the Removal of the Banner of the late Colonel The Lord Courtauld-Thomson, former Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order. On 14th May the Lord Prior, Chancellor, Executive Officers and Members of Chapter-General were present at a Service in falisbury Cathedral. Arrangements for the service were made by the St. John Council for Wiltshire and the St. John Councils of adjoining counties had been invited to participate. The Mayor and Corporation of Salisbury attended. The Service was preceded by an impressive procession through the Close to the West Door of the Cathedral where the Lord Prior was greeted by the Dean. After the conclusion of the Service, the Lord Prior presented Service Medal in the Close. The Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire was with the Lord Prior at the saluting base for the march past of Brigade units.
Reception and Investiture of Baill(ffs Grand Cross and Knights. His Royal Highness The Grand Prior held a Reception and Investiture of Bailiffs Grand Cross and Knights on the 18th October in the impressive setting of st. James's Palace. Appointments Sir Ernest Burdon was obliged, on account of ill health, to resign in October, the Executive Office of Receiver-General of the Order which he had held with great distinction since 1947. Mr. Lewis G. Whyte, who had previously been Assistant ReceiverGeneral, was appointed to succeed him. Grand Priory Church A fresh appeal was launched in March for contributions for the Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund. The modified rebuilding scheme as approved by Chapter-General provided for three main features:(a) The roofing of the existing shell of the Church so as to provide a building which could be used alternatively as a Church and as an Assembly Hall for the Order;
(b) ~~e building, on the site owned by the Order adjacent to th urch, of a War Memorial Cloister and Gateway surroundin e a Garden o.f Remembr~nce to commemorate the Members of t g Order and Its FoundatIOns-the St. John Ophthalmic Hos ital ~~ Jerusalem, the. St. John Ambulance Association and the J oh Ambulance BrIgade-who lost their lives in the two Wo Id .w n and r ars ;
(c) Tfhethimpro~ement of the entrance to, and general embellishment o , e anCIent Crypt. fi . . The cost of the scheme was estimated at £70000 creased to £80,000 owing to the rise in cost of ' a . gure Slnce Inthe appeal.£36,558 was e en 0 t e year approxunately £15600 had b . d . and allowing for the su scnptIOns made under covenant. It will be Ii d h for~, that at that date approximately £27,800 was still re r~fre~ , t ere~ :-vhi1e Chapter-General has agreed that the whole schem~ . Mean
~~ ~~e inc~ptlf'onhof }~~~~;i~}ion~ an~ ~onations
availa~ea~~~~r~~~~:bc~~~' esti~~~eJe~~~~ i~r~~
~~~o ~~:~'ria?~l~~~!~r!n~ega~~~~~d~~~yw~ntaged for t~e fi~~yst~~/~} this selctiobn. The iI?provement and general h as a so een put III hand.
New Charter and Statutes Following the approval b H M" . and Statutes in March 1955 Yste e~ aJe~t:y .m ~ouncil .of the new Charter under the Statutes and al;o ~eg:~~~i~~;la;~ pt~ r~vIew t~ Regulat~ons what f~rther consequent steps were required. nones, an to consideI An held'm J une wIth . representatives of the ' . mformal meeting was . Pn ones overseas to consIder pro d . ce ure. m regard to the convening of the new Grand Prior's Ad .
f~~6it was decided to hold ~~~~~a~~~~~il':~;ti;:~r t~~a~~~';ct ;~o;~~~ Overseas Development
M~~e a~~d;~'sh Welfare Teams continued to operate during the year in in
0:1: ;J::t:;~atd~e~r':!eS~~le consequent upon changes
policyg of
St. Jolm Headquarters Offi Uganda and Nigeria. The ex ce~s were also operating in Jamaica, Nigeria suggested the need ftenence. o~ the Headquarters Officer in . r appolntmg a second such Officer in West Africa and end of the year. O~e 6&.~ntJ?1e~t ~as acc<?rdi~gly made towards the Gold Coast which also takers I~ Sa~e on Nigena and the other on the III lerra L eone. A number of grants have b d . also be mentioned here that een ma e to ternto~Ies o~erseas and it may to £1 000 to the St J h the kOrde~ gave finanCIal aSSIstance amounting , . 0 n wor ers ill those W tId' . were principally afflicted by the H ' "Janet." es n Ian Islands which urncane St. John Councils A new Council was formed in Shr h' b' . in England up to 31. ops Ire, nngmg the total of Councils
Div. Officer Charles E. Froome, SJ.A.B., Guernsey-For rescuing a 15-year-old boy who fell 50 feet down a cliff at La Rosse, St. Martin's. police Sergt. H. P. Edwin, Ratnapura Police, Ceylon-For the rescue of a woman who had fallen from a steep precipice on "Adam's Peak'" Thomas John Storey, S.J.A.B., Northumberland-For the rescue of a man trapped under the bilge keel of MIT "Vardefjell" which had heeled over when in dry dock at North Shields. CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR
Mi s Mary Anderson, Aberdeen hire-For making an extremely difficult and perilous descent in darkness on foot to render assistance when a motor car hurtled 200 ft. down a steep, precipitou embankment l'1tO the River Dee near Braemar, two people being killed and two a iously injured. Patrick O'Connor, Canada- For the rescue from asphyxia of a fellow workman who had been overcome by a sudden unexpected blow of hydrogen ulphide gas at an oil well in Alberta. Cadet Alan Grainger, S.J.A.B., Derbyshire (aged 14 years)-For the re cue of three small boys who had fallen from a rubber dinghy into a dlS U ed canal. Cadet Knight, S.J.A.B., Lancashire (aged 15 years)- For going to the re cue of three workmen who were overcome by gas when working on a main in an excavation in a street in Eccles.
REPORT OF THE HOSPITALLER AND HOSPITAL COMMITTEE FOR 1955 THE COMMITTEE The Co;nmiltee report with regret the death of Colonel A. M. O. Anwyl-Pa singham, C.B.E. Colonel Anwyl-Passingham had served on the Committee for nearly 20 year and had always shown the keenest interest in the welfare of the Hospital during this period. It is with regret that the Committee have to report the resignation of Sir Ernest Burdon, Receiver-General, as a result of a serious illness. They are pleased to learn that Sir Ernest has made a good recovery but regret that it is necessary for him to give up a certain amount of his wo rk for the Order. Sir Ernest became a member of the Committee on assuming the office of Receiver-General. He has always been a most active member of the Committee and his advice and help over financial matter have always been of the greatest value. The Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking him for all that he has done and to wish him a speedy recovery. H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of Mr. Lewis G. Whyte as Receiver-General in succession to Sir Ernest Burdon, and the Committee welcome him and wish him every success in his new appointment. The Grand Prior has also approved the appointment of Air Commodore K. Lyle as a Member of the Committee for the remainder of the triennial period. In June the Hospitaller, accompanied by the Secretary, had an audience in London with H.M. King Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
HOSPITAL STAFF At the end of June the tour of duty of Surgeon-Commander D. P. ~urd, R.N., the ":'arden, was completed. In 1952 the Lords Commi SIOners of the AdmIralty consented to second Surgeon-Commander Gurd for a tour of duty at the O.phthalm~c Ho pital in Jeru alem for a period of thre~ years. Th~ CommIttee deSIre to express their gratitude to thei r Lordships, and theIr thanks to Surgeon-Commander Gurd for all th at he h~s done. to m~int~in the high tandard and be t traditions of the HospItal dun~g this. dIfficult transition period. The .Committee WIsh to. expre s their thank to the Air Ministry fo r secondIng for .one ye~r Wmg-Commander Grahame Price as Warden to the OphthalJ'!lIc HospItal. They wish him eery ucce s during this tou r of duty. W!ng-Commander Grahame Price sen ed during the secon d WO.rld War In the Far East, and in the Middle Ea t from 1950-1953 0 he IS conver a~1t with the local conditions which prevail in Jordan. ' T.he CommIttee would like .to congratulate Dr. E. B. Doany, th e ASSIstant S,!rgeon ?~ the HospItal, on the occasion of hi marriage. Dr. KhalIl Budelr~ ca.me to Europe in the Spring for three months' study leave. He studIed In London, France and Spain. Whil t in London h~ had the opportunity of discu sing hospital problem with the HospI taller and of meeting the new Warden. The Matron came on leave to the United Kingdom in Augu t and return~d to the ~ospital at the end of October. She attended the October C?mmlttee meetmg, and it was not only a great plea ure for the Comrmttee to have the opportunity of meeting her again but it a al 0 oj gre~t value to have her advice on local staff and nur ing problem. SIster ~. B. Fox's tour of duty ~ith the Briti h Nursing Staff termi nated dunng. the year, ar:d she has returned to the United Kingdom The CommIttee are partIcularly grateful to Si ter Fox for all her hel p when ~he staff be.came so depleted through illness. Dunng the spnng and summer, Sisters 1. Vanstone 1. Howard and E. P.opham joined the British Nursing Staff. Mis~ Vanstone ~ a~ appomted Assistant Matron. OFFICIAL VISIT In ~iew of Chapte~-qeneral's decision on the policy of the future of the Hosplt~l a~d the buIldmg of the Research Institute as mentioned in the Comn:uttee s las~ report, and als~ ~s a. result ?f various meetings held with th~ 011 Compames and other BntIsh mdustnal firms with interests in the M~ddle East, the Hospitaller accompanied by the Secretary, left for the MIddle East at the end of Februa~y returning to England in April. The purpose of th~ tour was to consolIdate arrangements for the building of the new Hosplta.l and Research Institute in Jerusalem, and to co-ordinate plans for an antI-trachoma campaign in the Middle East. The Hospitaller visited Bahrein, Kuwait, Baghdad, Beirut, Amman,. J~~usa~em (Jorda.n) an? Jerusalem (Israel), and Tel-aviv; the latter two CItIes In connectIOn ~lth the old Hospital buildings on the Bethlehem Road. .All the countnes and states visited were very enthusiastic about the p:oJec~, so much so that several gave financial support whilst others proffilsed It when the scheme materialised. .While in ~he Middle East, the Hospitaller had an audience with H.M . Kmg H,!sse~n of Jordan, and was presented to the Lebanese President and TheIr HIghnesses the Rulers of Kuwait and Bahrein. The Hospitaller
also had discussions with the Prime Minister and other Ministers of Jordan and also those of other states. He had consultations with Lieut.Gener~l ]. B. Glubb Pasha, the Chief of Staff, Arab Legion, and representatives of D.N.R.W.A. Many consultations were held with H.M. British Amba sadors to the Lebanon and Jordan as well as with the British Political Representative and British Political Agents in the Persian Gulf. THE NEW HOSPITAL-RESEARCH PROJECT TRACHOMA RESEARCH IN THE MIDDLE EAST As a re ult of the official tour of the Middle East and in view of the rapid development arising out of it, the Committee feel that their report should not on this occa ion be concluded on 31st December, 1955, but should gi e the latest new regarding the new project up to the time of going to pre . Direction of the Scheme In 1952, Chapter-General decided to appoint a Committee to consider and make recommendations on the future Hospital policy of the Order, and that the Lord Prior, in con ultation with the Hospitaller, should appoint member to serve thereon. The Committee was also empowered to co-ordinate the general direction and financial supervision of the " Hospit~l-Rc , e~rch' project. . . On the Ho pitaller' return from the MIddle East the Comrruttee confirmed the purcha e of a ite just out ide the Old City of Jerusalem on the Nablus Road, on which to build the new hospital, the research laboratorie and acce ory building. This Committee et up a Building Committee which is supervising the plan for the con truction of the Hospital with it a.ssociated R~search Institute. The Committee i compo ed of the Hospltaller (ChaIrman), Mr. Llewellyn Davie (Chief Architect to the Nuffield Hospital Trust), 1r. R. N. Wakelin (Architect to Moorfields Eye Hospital), Sir Alfred Bos om, Bt., Profe sor Sir A. E. Richardson (Pre ident of the Royal Academy), Mr. Frank Law and Mr. Keith Lyle (Ophthalmic Surgeons and member of the Hospital Committee). A further Committee, the Scientific Advisory Committee, was formed to supervise the research programme both in London and Jordan. It is composed of the Hospitaller (Chairman), Sir Landsborough Thomson (Medical Research Council), Dr. R. Lewthwaite (Director of Colonial Medical Research), Profe sor A. A. Miles (Director of the Lister Institute), Professor C. F. Barwell (Profes or of Bacteriology, University of London). Research work has commenced in London at two Institutes. A virus laboratory has been equipped at the In titute of Ophthalmology, University of London, under the direction of the Hospitaller, where research work has been in progress for some time on the tissue-culture techniques required to grow the virus of trachoma. The virus laboratories of the Lister Institute, Chelsea, are to be devoted to research work on trachoma. Dr. Collier, the virologist of that Institute, has spent three months in the U.S.A. acquainting himself with the most up-to-date techniques in research on this problem and, financed by the World Health Organisation, left at the end of February to study the aspects of trachoma as seen in North Africa from Morocco to Egypt, to stimulate research in this area and to collect any information which may be of value to our research effort.
Mr. M. J. Gilkes, F.R.C.S., left for Jordan in January to contact the workers of the World Heath Organisation and U.N.R.W.A. in the refugee camp in Jordan, and to start clinical research work in these camps in association with our pre ent Ho pital in Jerusalem. At th ~ end of March he was joined by Dr. C. H. Smith, the virologist from the Institute of Ophthalmology in London. The remainder of the re earch team will reach Jordan in May. Building Progres
The recently purchased site is ufficiently large to build the new Hospital and Research Laboratories. The building of the Research Laboratories will be completed in April, 1956. It compl;ses pathological bacteriological and virus laboratOl;es, equipped on the mo t mode rn lines. Until the new Hospital is built, this laboratory will \vork in a oci ation with our present Hospital. The plans for the Hospital building are under review. It is hoped that building will start later in the year, and it i anticipa ted that it will bt finished in about two years. The new Hospital will be de igned to givl every modern facility for the conduct of research a well as the treatment of ocular diseases. Finance
To finance the new project, the Order has set aside £185,000 for capital expenditure and has budgeted for an annual maintenance grant of £15,000 Early in February a private appeal was launched to Briti hindu tria firms with interests in the Middle East, which met with a very generou response, particularly from the Iranian Oil Consortium the Iraq Petroleum Company Limited, and the Kuwait Oil Company Limited, and also from H.H. the Ruler of Bahrein, H.H. the Ruler of Kuwait, and the Govern ment of Jordan; this together with the Order's contribution totals appro xi mately £700,000 and will cover immediate capital expenditure and it is hoped will meet the cost of maintenance over the next seven year. Tht.: Committee is deeply grateful to those who have contributed either b) means of donations or subscriptions. This amount represents a very considerable sum of money; but the cost of the building of the Hospital, its ancillary buildings and the Laboratory will come to within the region of £300,000 and the running cost will be high. The Committee hope for continued financial support to enable this project to prosper and particularly to allow for the launching of a campaign for the prevention of blindness which it is hoped to extend to other countries in the Middle East. THE OLD HOSPITAL BUILDINGS BETHLEHEM ROAD, JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) There is nothing further to report on the situation since the Committee's last report. VISITORS TO THE PRESENT HOSPITAL The Hospital has had many visitors during the year; amongst those whom the Warden and staff welcomed were the late Archbishop of York (the Very Rev. Cyril Garbett, G.C.V.O., P.C., D.D.), Lady Alexandra Metcalfe, Mrs. Cyntia Bruce from the Priory of Wales, Mr. Gregg, Canadian Minister of Labour, Brigadier K. B. FrCtser, Hospitaller of the Priory of Australia, the late Mr. K. H. Falconer, then Secretary to the
Priory of New Zealand, Mr. Keith Lyle, a member of th~ Committee and of the Building Committee, Dr. Hanna Marshall, MedIcal Officer from U. N.R.W.A., and Dr. Magda Valz from Aachen. THANKS In addition to those who have contributed to the Hospital-Research Project, the Committee would like to t~ank th?se well-wishers who ~ave fi nancially supported the present HospItal dunng 1955. The CO.ffiI?Ittee are, as always, deeply grateful for the continued help of the Pnones of Scotland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand and the Commandery of A~ds. Continued assistance from the Provincial Priory of Northamptonshire, Huntingdon hire and Bedfordshire, and of t?e St. John Ambulance Brigade in Nottingham are also much apprecIated. . The Great Priory of Masonic Knights Templar has agam made a m.ost generous and highly appreciated donation to the funds ~f the HospItal and a aluable contribution has once more been receIVed from the Clothworkers' Company. The donation of M r. E. Howard i most gratefully acknowledged. CONCLUSION Finally the Committee would like to express to the Warden, the Medical staff the Matron, the Nursing staff, and all the other members of the Hospital staff, their ery deep appreciation for their loyal and devoted service during the past year when at times the situation in Jerusalem has been difficult and anxious. Further, the Committee would like to express their very great admiration for the staff's unceasing efforts to maintain 10d enhance in every possible way the reputation of the Hospital and the prestige of the Order. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospitaller.
WARDEN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1955 After the severe summer of 1954 and the mild winter of 1954/55 this country has experienced a water shortage never before known . In Jerusalem the main supply was turned on in each quarter once every fo ur days and those fortunate enough to have large storage tanks were able to exist, with care, until the next ration was due. This Hospital, ha ving reasonable storage space and large undergrou nd rainwater cisterns, was more fortunate than most, but it was a frequent occurrence for the taps to run dry, this being particularly noticeable and irritating during an operating session when scrubbing up had to be completed in bowls of six months' old rainwater treated with sterll i....ing fluid. Despite these limitations, no case of post-operative ep is or los of an eye has occurred during the year; whether thi is a result of th care of the staff or an expression of the resistance of the patient to infecti on cannot be decided. As a compensation, perhaps, for the hot, dry and waterless ummer, the rains, when they came, were torrential. Roads were washed away, buildings flooded and in the out-patients' operating theatre a morning's surgery was carried on with a shallow stream flowing acros the floo r. As a result, perhaps, of the bad climatic conditions, the incidence of acute inflammatory eye disease has risen sharply. The total number of cases of acute conjunctivitis this year reached 15,380, with th e astounding number during the month of September of 4, 83 5- a total [or one month just over half the total cases for the whole of 1954. This r1 e is also reflected in the number of corneal ulcers of all type seen, a number this year of 1,263 as against 881 in the year 1954. As has been seen during past years, the rising trend of new attendances continues. This year the number of new patients attending the Hospital was 32,801; and increase of 1,563 on last year's figure. The number of operations performed totalled 2, 146; thi fall was in part accounted for by the absence of Dr. Budeiri on study leave, followed by the arrival of a new Warden, and the absence of Dr. Doany on honeymoon-leave in October. One point of interest is the continuing increase in the number of cases of retinal detachment coming for surgery. The incidence of this condition, which is usually considered uncommon in the Middle East, despite the number of highly myopic eyes, appears to be increasing and this year 15 cases have been operated on; both diathermy and scleral resection operations have been performed. The waiting list for surgery is still formidable. At present men are being booked for admission in September 1956, and women for admission in February 1957. The inhabitants of Jerusalem are, perhaps, a little more fortunate than patients from outlying districts, as those living near the Hospital have learnt that beds unclaimed by noon on admission days will
be given to the first applicant, and it is. ~athetic to see the queue of h~peful patients with advanced cataract waltlllg to se~ wheth~r they' ~ill be fo rtunate "this time." It is even more pathetlc and disappomtlllg to have to turn away a booked patient from far away and who has, therefore, arrived late, only to find that the bed that had been looked forward to for over a year had been given to a case of Glaucoma or other emergency. . As the waiting list for outpatIent ?urgery had also reached July 1.9 56 , and extra operating session has been mtroduced on Wednesda~ morrungs, the Duty Surgeon during hi weeks'. to~r of duty ~hus bemg ab~e to dispose of approximately 40 cases of tnchiases, chalaZIOn and pterygIUm. However after only a few months this list, too, has increased to a fourweeks' w'ait ; and it appears that, with the present number of staff and sterili ing facilities, satur.ation has ~ee.n ~eached: . In the field of cosmettc sUL'aery It lS lllterestmg to note the contmued increase of quint surgery in °women.' .a nd also the number of patie.nts with high degrees of squint who are wIllIng to undergo a second operatIOn for correction of a mall residual angle. Of far more importance, however, is the number of children who are being brought to the Hospital for squint treatment, and although it will be many years before the foundation ?f an Orthoptic Clinic need be considered, a start h~s at leas~ been made m the prevention of what is virtually a cause .of uOllateral bl!ndne~s . . The cau es and numbers of cases of blindness show httle slgOlfica nt change from other years, except that ~he incidence of reti~itis pigment?sa hows an increa e. The cau es of bllOdness are shown In the follOWIng table :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Corneal opacity . Primary Glaucom a Secondary Glaucoma Absolute Glaucoma Shrunken globe . Fundal condition Cataract Injury . . ., Total Blind Eyes- 2,319 including 236 bilateral
786 315 90 308 581 89 102 48
The training of Orderlies from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and from departments of the Ministry of Health, continues, an? this winter we have started to accept trainees from other Welfare Orgamsations. This work is considered to be of the greatest importance, as it is only by the provi ion of adequate numbers of trained personnel throughout the country that an impression can be made upon the large number of cases of preventable blindness. Despite the language difficulties and despite the lack of time and opportunity for adequate teaching during the busy summer months, both the Nursing Sisters and the trainees have persevered with this important task with enthusiasm and interest. We continue to receive much-needed supplies from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and we are truly grateful for these gifts, and also for the speed and efficiency with which Refugee patients are given forms of treatment that we cannot supply. Non-refugee patients requiring radio-therapy are still given this form of treatment free by Professor Diab at the American University, Beirut,
ST. JOR 16
and we greatly appreciate this generosity, and also that of the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem whose fund has provided the travelling and accommodation expenses for these destitute patients in the past. Many visitors have been welcomed at the Hospital this year, including Sir Stewart Duke-Elder and Major Underhill in March, during whose visit Dr. Elias Doany was invested as an Associate Serving Brother of the Order and three Orderlies, Daoud Ali Hassan, Hassan Ibrahim and Saleh Ali Saleh were granted Long Service Certificates for ten years' service to the Hospital. It is hoped that visits to the Hospital by all interested in its work will continue, as it is quite impossible to convey in writing any idea of the work done and the benefit provided by such a small band labouring under such difficulties. In June this year Surgeon-Commander Gurd left after three years' service as Warden of the Hospital. He came at a time when conditions were unsettled and bad, and it is partly due to his tenacity and devotion to his medical duties that the Hospital is such an efficiently functionin g unit today. His is a name that will long be remembered here. In tbis, my first and last report from Jerusalem I find it difficult to express the impact that a Hospital such as this make upon a new-comer. I have travelled fairly extensively in the Middle East, but in no other Hospital, Service or Civilian, have I met such loyalty or een so much hard work done under such adverse conditions. It is known to all that this state is due entirely to the leadership of the permanent members of the Hospital Staff, Dr. Budeiri, Dr. Doany and Mi s Wood to the adaptability of the Nursing Sisters- Miss Van tone, who has been so unfortunate this year, Miss Howard and Mrs . Popham- and to the faithfulness of all the other members of the nursing, clerical and domestic staff. It is stimulating to know that this attitude will continue into the Research Institute and new Hospital so that the adventure into the realms of preventive medicine and research, which are of such importance here, will progress with the sense of service so long associated with the name of this ancient Foundation. (Signed) J. G. PRICE, Wing-Commander, Warden .
It is with very great regret that the death of Sir Bertram Ford i~ J~ly reported. The work which he did as Director-General of the A~s~cIatlOn is well known and our debt of gratitude to him is very great. HIS mterest in the Association continued until the end and he was a regular attendant at many of our functions. We also regret to report that Captain A. N. Cahusac, O.1~.E., M.C., died in November after a long illness gallan~ly .borne. Captam Cahusac served the Order as Secretary of the AssoclatlOn for 35 y~ars; he ~as known to people throughout the world as a courteous and km~ly adVIser on all matters appertaining to our work and he gav~ a serVIce to the Association which will leave an impression for generatlOns to come.
ASSOCIA TIO COMMITIEE Mr. J. B. L. Munro, representing the Ministry of Supply, resigned fro m the Committee on his transfer to an other department: he has been succeeded by Mr. R. Burns. . The Committee met a usual once a quarter and we should h~e to ex pre our gratitude to the members for their loyal and co~tmued support and for the very useful advice which they have always gIVen so readily. APPOINTME TS Mrs. Stewart-Roberts resigned her appointment as Lady Principal ?f the Association which was accepted with very great regret. She dId splendid work in establishing .f~od hygiene courses a?d. its ~u~cess so far is very largely due to her untlnng efforts; the ASSocIatIOn IS mdebted to her for all she has done. . The Association is now fortunate in having 12 County Directors and there is no doubt that with their support our work will develop very rapidly in the new territory covered. . .' Mr. Sears, County Director for Northumberland, reSIgned hIS appomtment as County Director on his transfer to the South of England; he has not yet been replaced but we are hopin.g a successor will l?e found shortly. Sir Conrad Corfield, County. Direct~r for Ber~shire,. alsoresigned as he wi hed to concentrate hIS energies upon his ~utIes as Chairman of the St. John Council. Mrs. Hughes-Reckett reSIgned as County Director for Suffolk and has not y~t bee~ replaced~ and J:1r. MacIntosh, County Director for Glouc st~rshire, resIgn.ed on hIS appomtment to a post in Iraq. Mr. B. R. yY. ~Ill, Coun.ty DIrector for I?evon, resigned owing to the pressure of his pnvate affaIrs; the work w~ch he did established the Association in Devonshire on a very firm baSIS and we are very grateful to him for all that he ~id.. .' The following were appointed County DIrectors m 1954:-Bngadier C. E. A. Browning, C.B.E., M.C., Dev~n; Dr. J. ~ . Waycott, Surrey; and Colonel R. A. Bingley, Gloucestershire. In additlOn, Colonel L. K. Ledger, C.LE., O.B.E., The Viscount Scarsdale, Dr. D. W. Fryer and Sir Ronald Wingate, C.LE., O.B.E., kindly agreed to undertake the
duties of County Directors for Berkshire, Derbyshire, Suffolk and Wiltshire respectively, and their names will be submitted for the approval of His Royal Highness The Grand Prior. This was most encouraging and we are very grateful to all County Directors for the assistance they have given to us. ACTIVITIES AT HOME
Developments in Sussex continue most satisfactorily and new Centres were formed at Horsham and Worthing, making seven Centres in all. The County Director hopes to cover the remainder of the County with new Centres in 1956. In Surrey a Centre was formed at Sutton and Cheam, and in the West Riding of Yorkshire Centres were formed at Barnsley, Doncaster, Goole, Huddersfield, Selby and Shipley. In addition the County Director for the West Riding undertook considerable reorganisations and hopes to cover the whole County with Centres in due course. In Lancashire the Bacup Centre was reorganised and new Centres were formed at Blackpool and South Fylde. The Rural Representatives scheme in Lancashire has continucd to be successful and there are now over 60 Representatives in the County. These Representatives are not only of very great benefit to the Association locally, but are also a very valuable asset to the Order as a whole. During the year the Director-General visited Berk hire, Cheshire, Gloucestershire, Kent, Lancashire, Sussex and the West Riding of Yorkshire, and was very encouraged by all that he saw. Co-operation in Civil Defence matters continued and our as istance was sought by the War Office in matters of training for the Home Guard and advice regarding instruction for members of the Mobile Defence Corps. In addition, at the request of Australia House, a First Aid Cour e was organised at Headquarters for Civil Defence Officers, who would be returning to Australia and establish a Civil Defence Training Establishment for the Commonwealth. The Prisons Commission decided to train all new entry prison officers in First Aid for Civil Defence purposes under our auspices and a regular series of courses is being run a t the Imperial Training College for Prison Officers at Wakefield. Close relationships with the Armed Services are being continued and further developed. Regular classes are being held in many units of the Army in this country, in Germany, Cyprus and Japan. Co-operation in the matter of textbooks and instruction has been nost encouraging and the Association has been consulted by both the War Office and the Air Ministry regarding their new Manual. It is hoped that we will be able to obtain unanimity on all points so that practice in First Aid will be the same for all. Classes continue to be run at the R.A.M.C. depot at Crookham as usual and many of the students of the R.A.F. Medical Training Establishment obtain our Certificates. In order to arouse interest in First Aid, the St. John Ambulance Brigade held a series of "Save-a-Life" weeks throughout the country and the Association co-operated with them in this undertaking. Considerable assistance was also given by the National Farmers' Union in bringing the value of First Aid to the agricultural community and a series of notices were inserted in "The British Farmer." This help was much appreciated in view of the increasing need for First Aid on farms due to mechanisation. The interest of various other bodies was aroused in First Aid including Hunting Clan Airways and Airwork. We have been able to assist in
the training of Air Hostesses and it is hoped that this development will spread. The Food Hygiene campaign continued to dev~lop an? many Ce~tres ran courses or series of lectures. The co-operatIOn which we receI~ed from Medical Officers of Health and their staffs was most encouragmg and we are very grateful to them. The General Post Office was able ~o train numbers of supervisors in the long course and ~he bulk of. theIr canteen workers in London, as a result of an experImental serIes of short courses. They hope to extend this scheme to othe~ p.arts of ~he country. The Union Castle Shippin.g L~ne .decided to .traI~ Its caterIng staff on our courses and the instructIOn IS gIVen by theIr Ships Surgeons while at sea. This is a very valuable development. The Association took part in the Health Congress at Bourne.mouth organised by the Royal Sanitary Institute (now The Royal SOCIety of Health). The bookstall with its exhibits of Certificates, etc., a~o~sed considerable interest and the Congress was attended by the PrInCIpal Medical Officer and the Lady Principal, who were able to have very useful discussions with representatives of other organisations and Medical Officers of Health. The Church Appeal Fund which was launched by the Order .receiv~d much generous support from our Centres and w,e gr~at1y ~pprec13te this. The First Aid badge, worn by holders of valId FIrst AId awards, has been reduced in size and is now a very attractive article. The change has been greatly welcomed. Relations with the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society continue to be very friendly and we gre~tly appreciate the co-operation which we have received from the two bodIes. This happy relationship is likely to beco.me eve? clos~r as a result of the work we are doing together on OccupatIOnal FIrst Aid and the common First Aid te:\tbook. PUBLI CATIONS
The A sociation's Manual of Occupational First Aid was discussed at length with the Ministry of Labour and National Servi~e a?-d their assistance is very much appreciated. As a result of the adVIce given and the fe-drafting, we hope that we have ensured that this book will I?eet with requirements of. industry and also the approval of the vanous bodies concerned. As it was most important that the Course to be. based upon this m~n'-:1al was a national one and should have the co-operatlOn of the three SOCIeties affected, i.e. the St. John Ambulance Association, the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society, the text was submitted to the two latter and agreed with them. On completion of this it was sent to the printers at the end of the year. Regulations for the Course are now under discussion. The Principal Medical Officer has progressed well with the Illustrated Preliminary First Aid textbook and the bulk of this is now ready for the printers. It is hoped that it will be publi~hed in the s~mm~r of 1956 .. The revision of the Adult Home Nursmg textbook IS still under dIScussion and it is probable that the Association will co-operate with the British Red Cross Society to ensure uniformity of practice. The Adult Child Welfare textbook has been revised and the Association is most grateful to Dr. Hilda M. Davis, who undertook this very heavy work. It is hoped to publish the book in 1956.
"First ~d in Coal Mine( has been revised and we are most grateful to the Pnory for Wales which undertook this work and to the National Coal Board for their very useful help and advice.' This book will also be published in 1956. ~he Adul~ ~at~chism of First Aid was revised and brought up to date This new edItIon IS now available from the Stores Department. In order to ~elp l~cturers, instructors and lay-lecturers overseas, 'A- e have made avaIlable Interleaved copies of "First Aid to the Injured" so that notes may be made to assist with instruction. These b ooks are available from the Stores Department at St. John's Gate at a cost of 8s. 6d., plus postage. It has been suggested that there should be one common textbook fOl the three voluntary Societies concerned with the instruction of Fir t Aid and they ha~e all agreed in principle with this proposal. Discu siom are. progreSSIng an~ the Principal M~dical' Officer is preparing a text which can be conslde~ed by the SocIeties 0 that agreement may be reac~ed upon any pOInts where there is difference in practice. DisCUSSIOns have also been undertaken by the Secretary-General of th e Order of St. John regarding publication rights and other aspects of this question. The proposal was welcomed by the Home Office who ha e agreed, in conjunction wit? the Ministry of Health, to supp ly material for a chapter on the specIal requirements of Civil Defence. In .addition,. the Association issued a supplement to the textbook covenng certaIn aspects of First Aid in connection with Ci il Defence so that instruction for Civil Defence classes could be given on the St John book with the supplement. ..Until recentl~ the principal hazard in insensibility following brain ~nJury was conSIdered to be the possibility of cerebral hremorrhage, bUl In recent years Neuro-Surgeons have become increasingly aware tha t the more dapgero~s hazard in i~ sensibility is the pos ibility of pneumonia due to the InhalatIOn of secretIOns, blood or vomit into the respiratory passages, r.at~er tha~ the possibility of cerebral hc:emorrhage. As l' result of this InfOrmatIOn the Association decided to issue an amendmen t to t~e First Aid t~xtboo~ ~overing the treatment of insensibility pending the Issue of a revIsed edItIon of the textbook. This is now part of the syllabus for instruction and examination on the Adult and Preliminary courses in First Aid. VISUAL AIDS
The film-strip on the. H.olge.r Niel~en method of Artificial Respiration, prep'ared. by the ASSOCiatIOn In conjunction with the British Red Cross ~oclety, IS ready and the script has been prepared. It will be available In 1956 on sale from the Stores Department. The Flannelgraph prepared by the Central Council for Health Education after discussion with the Principal Medical Officer has been a very great success and proved very popular, especially overseas. TRANSLATIONS
The following translations were received from the St. John Ambulance Association, India, during the year:- Punjabi Telegu and also a Marathl translation of the Indian Manual on Motherc~aft.
Mr. McGill has continued to do excellent work in West Africa and Centres of the Association have been formed for the Police, Railways and Ports Authority. This ensures that the Association's affairs in Nigeria are on a very firm basis and it will be possible not only to form units of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, but also to expand into the \\ ider phere of public activities. In Sierra Leone Centres were formed for the Police Fl)rce and Prison Service. Mr. Christie's appointment to Nigeria will enable Mr. McGill to devote more attention to the Gold Coast and Sierra Leone, so in 1956 the Association may look forward to further expansion in those colonies. COMPETITIO S
During the year new competItIOns were introduced for members of the Nationai Dock Labour Board Centre. The Distillers Company Ltd. and the irls' Life Brigade (Inc.) have approached us to organise their national competitions in 1956. The winners of the national competitions held under the auspices of the As ociation, were as follows:COMPETITIONS FOR MEN Teams Competing National Police . British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks)
British Tran port Commission Police Miner' ational First Aid Competition Ministry of Supple Centre . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority ational Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association National Fire Brigade . Gas Industry General Post Office Centre National Dock Labour Board Centre
Winning Team Birmingham City Police Great Yarmouth
Exmouth Junction Liverpool Street Lewis Merthyr Colliery Fort Halstead A.R.D.E. Harwell Chiswick Great Yarmouth North Western Weymouth H.P.O. Grimsby and lrnmingham
COMPETITIONS FOR WOMEN British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) Ministry of Supply Centre . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . General Post Office Centre .
Swindon Eastleigh Accounts BIstow Aldermaston Chi~wick
North Area T.M.O.
The winners of the above competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields, took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 17th November at the Porchester Hall. The Director-General had the privilege
and honour on this occasion of welcoming His Royal Highness the Grand Prior, who not only graciously presented the trophies and medallions, but also expressed his pleasure at the excellence of the competition and on its arrangements. The winning teams were:MEN:-British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (Exmouth Junction). WOME :-British Transport Commis ion (Railways and Docks) (Eastleigh Accounts). The Mayor and Mayoress of Paddington, the Chancellor and Executive Officers of the Order, and representatives of all organisations which had teams competing, were present on the platform. We should like to extend our sincere thanks to the A sociated British Pict~re Corp<?ration for their continued generosity in arranging the stagIng for tIns and all the other national competitions which we held during the year. Without this help our competitions would lack much of the colour and realism which is one of their most striking features. There is again an encouraging increa e in the number of teams and competitors t~king part i~. competitions. In the various eliminating rounds of natIOnal competitIOns, over 11,000 competitor, representi ng 2,200 teams took part, as compared with 8,750 and 1,750 respectively in 1954. We take this opportunity of expressing our great appreciation to all who have acted as judges at these competitions and to the stewards and patients, who have so generously given of their time. Their co-operation and help are an inspiration to all concerned with the organi ation of these events, and we are most grateful to them. It was possible to organise a class in Gambia which we hope will mean the revival of our activities in that colony. Developments in East Africa were very encouraging and there was considerable progress in Tanganyika and Uganda. The appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Reeve as the Order's organisers in Uganda will do much to consolidate our work there. I.n the West Indies the reorganisation in Jamaica has proved most satIsfactory and numerous classes have been formed. Mrs. Davie-Smith was able to obtain the assistance of a number of persons who agreed to serve as Chairmen and Secretaries of local parish Committees in Jamaica. This is a very useful way of stimulating and maintaining interest and we are grateful to all these helpers. Lord Ronald Graham, Chairman of the Association in Jamaica North East, resigned owing to pressure of work and we would like to record our gratitude to him for the work he did in esta blishing our organisation in that part of the Island. The Leeward Islands have shown most encouraging progress and we also greatly appreciate the enthusiasm shown by our supporters in Trinidad and Tobago. In Cyprus there has been very great enthusiasm and a very large number of classes were organised. In the Sudan, Mr. Kifford, who for a number of years had worked for the Association on the Railways and organised a number of classes resigned owing to the changes in that country. His place was taken by Nasr. Eff. Ahmed, who has already done splendid work in organising classes. Our grateful thanks are due to him for this continued help and support.
ST. Joa
In British Somaliland we continue; to receive the support o~ the Po~ice and the Education Department and have the backing of the ChIef MedIcal Officer. The Aden Centre continues to be very active and results during this . . year were most encouraging. In Kuwait Mr. McCracken of the KuwaIt 011 Company has taken over the duties formerly carried out by tvir. Martin, ~ho resign~d. ~)ll his return to this country. A new development there IS the possIb~lty that apprentices will receive First Aid training, :which is most en~ouragmg. In addition the Port Medical Officer in KUWaIt hopes to orgamse classes for Kuwait government employees; in this he has received the support and assistance of Mr. McCracken. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees has taken great interest in our Courses and hopes to organise them in connection with a pilot scheme in Jordan. . The situation in Fiji is satisfactory and the constructIOn of a Headquarter building will do much to encourage further developments. We have obtained most encouraging support from the Police Authoritie in the Seychelles I~land and .th~ Britis~ S<?lom.on Is~and. Police Forces in these places WIll all obtam mstructIOn m FIrst AId under our auspices. . Reports from Malta are most satisfactory and it is particularly gratIfying to note that a large numb.er ~f cand~dates have come forward to learn Fir t Aid and Home N ur mg m the Island of Gozo. Other Centres overseas have continued to do excellent work and we are extremely grateful to all who have worked s.o hard on our behalf. Classes were a1 0 run in Nyasaland and MontevIdeo. The number of lay lecturers' certificates issued now exc~e~s 400 and there is no doubt that the work done by these lay lecturers IS lllvaluable. Our thanks are due to them. We were very glad to welcome a large number of visitors from oversea and hope that their example will be followed by many others,. as we greatly value these opportunitie of personal contact and of. hearmg news at fir t hand. Our visitors came from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, East Africa, West Africa, the Middle East, Malaya, Malta and the West Indies. HEADQUARTERS The year 1955 was a very difficult one for headquarters in London for various reasons. One of these was the loss of a number of staff who had been with us for a considerable time. At the end of the year the situation was that out of 14 of our staff, only five had been with the Association more than nine months. Changes continued to take place with bewildering rapidity and we hope that ill due course we will be able to replace the lost members of the sta~ and fill the vacancies which still exist. All this naturally had a detnmental effect upon the speed with which results of examinations could be issued, since this is dependent not only upon the number of clerks in the office, but also upo.n their experience. We appreciate the inconvenience caused to the orgamsers of classes and are grateful to them for their patience. The pro.blem is a national one, but we will do our utmost to ensure that our staff IS brought up to strength and our standards maintained. We would like to take
this opportunity of thanking the staff for the work they have done under conditions of great difficulty. There were many complaints at the delay in the issue of metal awards and we can appreciate the annoyance which this caused, but although orders had been placed well in advance, supplies were not received an d for several months we were completely out of stock. Indications are that the situation will be better in 1956, since the manufacturers are doing their utmost and we also have a second firm helping us in this matter. An organisation such as the Association is strictly limited by its finances. In order to obtain maximum efficiency we could po sibly employ a larger staff but this would not be economic. It must be remembered that the success of the A sociation means a hea, ier load of work at ~eadquarters and we would, therefore, request patience during peak penods. We can assure all organisers of classes that their requirements are fully appreciated and will be dealt with in the most sympathetic an d expedient manner possible.
CO CLUSION It is always a matter of great encouragement and inspiration to us to realise what wonderful support the Association receives from member of the medical and nursing profession who devote so much of thei r valuable t~e to the instruction and examination of classes; from our County DIrectors and Centre and Class Secretaries who, in the e busy d~ys, where there are so many other demands on time, give up thei r leIsure so generously to organise classes and develop the activities of th e Association. We are most grateful to them all and wish to record ou r appreciation of their self-sacrifice in so energetically forwarding th e objects of the Association.
HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.
COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT During the year there has been a net increase of 37 Adult and 88 Cadet Divisions in England and Northern Ireland an~ ~h.ere ~as been a net increase of 54 Adult Divisions and 9 Cadet DIVISIOns. In those overseas territories directly under my command, a total Increase of 188 Divisions. At home the personnel strength showed no great change but over eas there has been an increase of 3,875. The strength of the Brigade at 31st December, 1955, was:ADULTS Ambulance
Divisions ComNursing bined
Personnel Ambulance Nursing Total
Eng land and N. Ireland 1,680 Wales . 270
1, 178 147
149 19
3,007 436
35,405 5,550
19,088 2,308
54,493 7,858
\,950 610
1,325 434
168 63
3,443 1,107
40,955 13,561
21,396 8,358
62,351 21,919
Priorie Oversea Other Over eas Territories
1,881 95 5
5,002 557 51
76,024 12,266 1,608
32,498 108,522 1,929 14,195 1,702 94
1,98 1
34,521 124,419
Divisions Comursing bined
Personnel Ambulance Nursing Total
70 11
2,348 336
23,053 3,781
CADETS Ambulance, Eng land Ireland Wales .
N. 1,011 178
1,267 147
35,487 3,545
58,540 7,326
Overseas Priorie Other Overseas Territorie
1, 189 321
1,414 346
81 13
2,684 680
26,834 7,115
39,032 8,256
65,866 15,371
India . Pakistan
1,575 205 6
1,83 3 40 1
3,502 245 7
35,602 4,437 186
48,649 592 31
84,251 5,029 217
Grand Totals.
The above represents an overall increase of 371 Divisions and 5,740 personnel. ROY AL INSPECTIO The Brigade was greatly honoured on the occa~ion of the Cadet Rally at Southport on the 16th July when H.R.H. Prmc~ss Margaret, Commandant-in-Chief of Cadets, carried out the InspectIon. DUTIES Among the outstanding duties were those given on the occasion of the following disasters:-
Sutton Coldjield Railway Disaster, 23rd January , 1955. This disaster occurred when the York-Bristol Expres crashed at Sutton Cold field Station at 4.10 p.m. on Sunday, 23rd January 1955 causing much 10 s of life and injury. In spi.te of t~e fac.t th~t the em~rgency happened on Sunday afternoon the Bngade In BIrmIngham made a rapid respons.e t? .it bo~h. ~y .means of the County Emergency Schem e and through IndivIdual InItIatIve. Both at the scene of accident and in hospital members of the Brigade gave splendid service and again worthily upheld the traditions of St. John. Ascot, 14th July, 1955. On this occasion when a great many were injured a the re ult of a freak thunderstorm, members of the Bri gade on duty for the race responded to ~~e emergency in a wonderful way. In spite of th e adver e we<;tther condItIOns, the members on the pot immediately went into actIOn apd through the early app~eciation of the ituation by the Brigade Officer In charge of the FIrst AId arrangements, all Bri gade a i tan ce on the Course was brought into action a nd further am bulance ent for. The five Brigade Ambulances on dUly were on the cene withi n four minutes and a further six County Ambulances arrived within fifteen minutes. All the worst case were evacuated within half an hour and aft~r one. and a h~lf hours all patient had been taken to ho pital~ The ~ngade In Berkshire has every reason to be proud of it re pon e to tills emergency. Milton Bridge Railway Disaster, 20th November, 1955. The Brigade in Berkshire ag~in, as at .Ascot, responded magnificen tly to an emergency call. Followmg the railway crash and in response to a call from t~e Medical. Officer ?f Health, the County' Emergency Plan was put mto operatIOn, and In a very short space of time a total of 70 members were at the scene of the .disaster, complete with equipment and ambulances. A tot~l of ~O casualtIes were sent to hospital. A party of St. John members, IncludIng two Cadets, volunteered to remain on duty throughout the night to deal with any casualties which mi ght yet be discovered. The amount. of publicity attained by the Brigade in connection with suc~ emergencIe.s IS not nearly sufficient for the self-sacrificing ervice carned out. Tills,.I am convi~ced, is because the members on duty are solely concerned wIth the task In hand and do not seek to draw attention to the~r service, ~ndeed they often avoid pUblicity. I have urged all CountIes to cor:tlllue to make arrangements for the appointm ent of som~o.ne on theIr staffs whose sole task it would be to take charge of publIcIty arrangements in cases of emergency. Apart froJ? the duties give? in emergencies the Brigade continued to carry out ItS day.-to-day servIces to the public and the following figures of duty and cases In England and Northern Ireland are of interest. Duties Public Duties. . Transport Duties. Hospital Duties . Clinics. . Nurseries . . . Blood Transfusion Nursing Aid . Miscellaneous .
Hours. 1,961,379 871 ,530 348,394 35,223 17,726 32,291 150,022 364,402
Cases Treated On Public Duty Off Public Duty . Invalids removed. . No. of Road Accident . No . of Other Accidents .
227,544 270,384 370,757 16,246 15, 197
There has been an ever-growing demand for the services of members of the Brigade for Escort Duties by road and rail and members have continued their wonderful response to these requests. The Air Attendants scheme i also becoming more widely known and during the year patient were escorted by air on a number of occasions when nights were made to Jersey, Holland, Germany and Spain. The duti es were undertaken by both Ambulance and Nursing personnel. OVERSEAS TOURS
I had th e plea ure of making a further overseas tour from 11 th January to the 16th March . J vi ited Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Pakistan, Ceylon , Hong l o ng, Sin gapore and Fiji, during which journeys I covered a total of ome 37,000 miles. Generally peakin g, I found e erywhere great interest in St. John and an ever-increa in g acti\ ity on the part of our Brigade Units. There are, of cour e, difficultie and problems peculiar to each country but everywhere much progre i bein g made and I am confident that the value of the \\ o rk of th e Brigade is becoming more and more appreciated in all part of th e ommonwealth. I wa. ve ry glad that durin g an official visit to Canada, the Superintendent-in-Chi ef wa abl e to fit in meetings with the Brigade in Montreal, Kingston a nd Ottawa ; vi it which gave very great pleasure to our me mber. OTHER ] SPECTIONS
I carried out In pection Commi ioner-in-Chief, the in-Chief in pee ted in eleven Director-General of the As Glouce tershire.
in eight counties this year and the Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief and the Surgeonother countie. I wa also grateful to the ociation for carrying out the Inspection in COMPETITIO S
The Brigade Final Competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 9th July, 1955, the prizes being pre ented by The Countess Mountbatten of Burma, C.l., G .B.E. , D.C.V.O., Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions, St. John Ambula nce Brigade. The winner of the Dewar Shield were the Brighton Police Division (Su sex). The winners of the Perrott Shield were the Chelmsford Nursing Division (Essex). The above team represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions in the Porchester Hall on the 17th November, 1955, and were placed second and fourth in their respective sections. The Student/Cadet Final Competitions were held at the Central Hall on the 11 th June, 1955, the prizes being presented by Brigadier Sir John Hunt of "Everest" fame. The winners were as follows: Nursing Ambulance Harrow (London) Senior- Grays (London) Coalville (Leicester) Junior- Norwich No.1 (Norfolk)
Div. Supt. R. E. Sanderson, Nelson Transport Division, County of Birmingham. . Div. Officer F. W. W. Meredith, Birmingham (ChamberlaIn & Hookham), Division, County of Birmingham. . . Div. Officer A. V. Hunt, Sutton Cold field Division, County of Bmrungham. Private A. C. Dayman, Sutton Coldfiel? ~?ivision, County Bi.rmingham. Private F. Titmus, Sutton Coldfield DIvlsIOn~ ~~)Unty of BIrmIngham. , Div. Officer G. Parr, Liverpool (A.T.M.) DIVISIOn, Duke of Lancaster s District. Corporal H . Howard, Swinton & Pendlebury Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. . . Corporal L. C. Williams, Small Heath Division, ~~u.nty of ~~rrrung~am. Private A. Long, Mackenzie No. 1 Ambulance DIVISIOn, Bntlsh ~~I~na. Div. Supt. W. Mc. L. Stephenson, Mackenzie No.2 Ambulance DIVISIOn, Briti h Guiana. Sgt. B. 1. C. Subero, Mackenzie No. 2 Ambulance Division, British Guiana. Private S. S. K . S. Sarma, Jaffna Division, Ceylon. . . . In connection with the Ascot disaster special Mentonous CertIficates were awarded to the following Divisions whose members were on duty:Bracknell Ambulance Division. Ascot Ambulance Division. Wind or Ambulance Division. Bracknell Nursing Division Ascot Nursing Division.
A new feature of Brigade activity, "Save-a-Life" Weeks, was introduced into this country for the first time in 1955. The idea originally came from the Priory in Canada. The object is to make available to the public opportunities for free instruction in one aspect of first aid. This yea r the instruction was in Artificial Respiration and up and down the country by means of lectures, films, demonstrations, etc., a great many people were taught the principles of this subject with encouraging results. I hope to renew this activity during the coming year.
During the year the following Headquarter Conferences were held :The Commissioners' Conference. The County Superintendents' (N) Conference. The two Surgeons' Conferences. The Presidents Conference The Nursing Officers' Conference. TRAINING
The only Headquarter Training Courses apart from those organised in connection with the King George VI Fund, were as follows: N.C.O.'s Course at St. John House. National Cadet Officers' Course at Swanwick. Practical Camp Training Course at Firbeck. It is my desire that Training Courses shall be organised more and more on a County or Area basis and I am always prepared to arrange for Headquarter Representatives to attend. I was very pleased to welcome the appointment of Miss Duff Grant as Training Adviser. Miss Duff Grant was Matron of the Manchester Royal Infirmary for many years, is President of the National Council of Nurses of Great Britain and Ireland and also Vice-President of the International Council of Nurses. We have already found her keen interest and help of the utmost value.
Cadet Martin Attenborrow, Laindon Ambulance Cadet Division, L?t;t~on. Student Member Gerald Gray, Falmouth Ambulance Cadet DIVISIOn, Cornwall. ... Cadet Leader Michael O' Brian, Falmouth Ambulance Cadet DIVISIOn, Cornwall. . . . Student Member Arthur Roberts, Heyshaw Ambulance Cadet DIVISIOn, Duke of Lancaster's District. . Cadet Brian Perkin, Leek Ambulance Cadet Division, Staffordshire. Cadet/Sgt. Alan Jones, Birkenhead (North End) Ambulance Cadet Division. Cheshire. . Cadet Kevin Keyes, Auburn Cadet Ambulance Divisio?,. ~ustralia. Cadet K . Mankoo, Nairobi No.7 Cadet Ambulance DIVISIOn, Kenya.
I was very proud that the following awards were made by the Order to members of the Brigade during 1955:LIFE SAVING MEDALS
Div. Officer C. E. Froome, Guernsey Ambulance Division (Medal in Bronze).
Cadet Alan Grainger, Stanton Iron Works Ambulance Cadet Division, Derbyshire.
Cadet James Knight, Eccles Cadet Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Cadet Alan Grainger, Stanton Ironworks Cadet Division, Derbyshire.
65 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 240 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets.
The following awards of the Brigade Meritorious certificate have been made for outstanding service in rendering First Aid in difficult or dangerous circumstances:Corporal F. Goodman, Birmingham Rover M.O.S. Division, County of Birmingham.
241 Special Service Shields were awarded to Amb~lance Cadets. 436 Special Service Shields were awarded to NurSIng Cadets.
. ~he ,following Divisions have been issued with Jubilee Certificates IndIcatIng 50 years continuous existence:Streatham Nursing Division, London District. Todmorden Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Rotherham Corp, West Riding of Yorkshire. Ramsgate Town Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Ashburton Ambulance Division, East, South and North Devon. Southampton ~o. 1 ~?1.bulance Division, County of Ramp hire. Ramsgate NursIng DivislOn, County of Kent. Ilford Ambulance Division, London District. Wolverhampton Amb.ul.a~ce Division, County of Stafford. EIland Amb.ulanc~ ~~VI lOn, West Riding of Yorkshire. Elland NurSIng DlvislOn, West Riding of Yorkshire. North ~anche~ter ~n:b.ulance Divi ion, Duke of Lancaster' Di trict. Ecc1eshill Nursmg DivislOn, West Ridin o of Yorkshire. Ro~hdale Amb~lance. 1?~vision, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict. Ro...,hdale Nursmg DlvlslOn, Duke of Lancaster's District. Chorley Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Folkest~)lle Aml:mlance Division, County of Kent. Bath CIty Nursmg Division, County of Somerset. Bl.ackpool Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District Hmckley Ambulance Division, County of Leicester. . Cl~ckheaton Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. ":'Ills~ord Amb.ulance Division, County of Cheshire. BI~rrl1ngham CIty Ambulance Division, County of Birmingham Wlgan Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. . Totterdown Ambulance Division, County of Bristol. OVERSEAS
Bombay (Parsi) Ambulance Division, India. CIVIL DEFENCE
.. This has been ~noth~r. year of planning by all Ministries and Author~tIes connected wIth CIvIl Defence following the decision that all f III the country, both Military and Civil, not actually engaged in rep~rf;~ an armed attack, would be organised for Home Defence In the study of the new problems created by the Hydrogen Bomb and other nuc.lear weapons repres~ntativ.es of the Brigade have taken part as re~ar?mg the f~ture of FIrst AId organisation and training. The ASSOCIatlOn, .the Bngade and the British Red Cross Society were given al?- oPP?rtumty of expressing views on the proposed new syllabus for FIrst Aid dr~~n up by the Civil Defence departments of the Home Office a?d M~mstry of Health. The agreed new syllabus will it is hoped b e published In 1956. " F Th~1s~ociation is in ve~y. close touch with those responsible for lrst '11 or the Army and It IS hoped that the instruction given to the rmy w~ . run along pa~a~lellines to our own training. All CIvil Defence trammg manuals are being re-written and the first r;~9~~~phlet on Nuclear Weapons will be published and issued early
The decision to form First Aid Units in all concerns employing 200 persons and over implies that even more Brigade personnel will be connected with Industrial Civil Defence. One of the most striking results of recent studies at a high level is the increasing reali ation of the supreme importance of First Aid. Not only in the Armed Forces will instruction become general but schemes are being prepared to give the public elementary instruction in First Aid and Home Nur ing and schemes such as the W.V.S. "One-in-Five" and the Domiciliary Nur ing Scheme will come into effect in 1956. In all this the Brigade is most closely concerned and interested. ATIO AL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE
The total number of trained Nurses and Auxiliaries enrolled in the Reser e to the end of 1955 was 42,705, of which the Brigade had recruited 16,858; an increase of 1,180 during the year. A personal issue of uniform to members of the Reserve will commence in 1956. The work in connection with the N.H.S.R. is continually increasing and the Brigade in the counties has made most strenuous efforts. NURSING DIVISIO S
The following is an extract from the Report of the Superintendent-inChief:"Once again I have to report a year of steady, hard work and an increasing number of duties carried out by the Nursing Divisions. Unfortunately, during the year there were a number of major emergenciesSutton Coldfield, Didcot and Barnes railway disasters, and the Ascot race meeting catastrophe. On all these occasions outstanding work was done by members of Nursing Divisions, both at the scene of the accident and later in hospitals. "Particular reference should, I think, be made to escort duties in connection with which members have made such a wonderful response. The call often come at very short notice and are continually increasing in number. These duties frequently necessitate absence from home for whole days and sometimes nights as well. "The Hospital Car Service, which continues to do such excellent work, has now been in operation for ten years and Miss Hornsby-Smith, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health, attended a conference at st. John House in December at which she expressed gratitude for the magnificent service which is being given to the sick in this country. "It was with great regret that I received the resignation of Miss Page, County Superintendent for Oxfordshire. She had given admirable service covering a period of 12 years, to both the adults and cadets, having been County Cadet Officer prior to her appointment as County Superintendent. "The increasing duties to which I have already referred, naturally have put a greater burden on our County Superintendents and I do want to express my special gratitude for the wise guidance which they are giving to their counties and the great help which they give us here at Headquarters. "To all members of my staff, and very particularly to my Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations on another year's excellent work. I have also received fine support from Mrs. Romer-Lee, my Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief. A special mention must, I feel, be made of Miss Harrison who once again has
given a year of remarkably fine service and devotion and to whom we all owe very real gratitude." SURGEON-IN-CHlEF S DEPARTMENT
I would like to emphasise the great debt we owe to the members of the medical profession, without whom it would not be possible for the efficiency of the Brigade to be maintained. I am most grateful to the Surgeon-in-Chief, Major White Knox, for his continued and boundless enthusias.m in .all aspects of the work of the Brigade and to the Deputy Surgeon-m-Chief, Dr. M. M. Scott, and the Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. Buchanan. In reporting on the work of his Department for 1955 the Surgeon-inChlef says :"I was unfortunate enough to have to enter hospital in the beginnmg of the year for operation and was off duty for two months. I would like to express my gratitude to my Deputy, Dr. Scott, for carrying on the work of the Department during that time. I was sufficiently recovered to attend the Northern Surgeon's Conference in Harrogate in April. We had a very good attendance and a most successful conference. Among t the. things discussed were 'Head Injuries,' introduction by the NeurolOgIcal Surgeon from Leeds; 'First Aid in Coal Mines' ; 'First Aid in the Smaller Factory'; and 'Foreign Bodies in the Ear and upper Re piratory Tract,' "I attended and spoke at many meetings of different organi ation throughout the year; Royal Sanitary Institute Health Congress in Bournemouth; Queen's Institute of District Nurses; W.V.S. Headquarter , Woodbe:ry Down; Health ~entre ~insbury Park; County Hall, King ton . The bodIes all show keen mterest In our work and are anxious to hea r more of it. "I attended a number of First Aid Competitions where the standard remains extremely high. "The preparations for the 'Save-a-Life Week' demonstrations given, cre~te~ a fresh. de~and for instruction in the Holger-Nielsen method of ArtIficIal RespIratIOn and I believe the effort was well worth while. "The London Surgeons' Conference was well attended and we had th.e privilege. of l~stening to very interesting talks from Professor Ian Aird and seelDg his spectacular film; Dr. Gorsky on some 'Medico-Legal thou!?h~s on. First Aid'; 'The London Ambulance Service' by their Senior AdmlillstratIOn Officer; and the 'Implications of H-Bomb Attack' by the Principal Scientific Officer, Home Office. "It was a pleasure to attend the various Hostels of the Overseas Studen~s and to arrange the demonstrations which were given for their entertainment. ."It was also very e?joyable to attend the first competitions in First AId and Home Nursmg between Eire and Northern Ireland held in Dublin. It was a great success and they look forward to their next competition in Belfast. '.'1 am de~ighted to repo~t th~t 193 ne~. Brigade Surgeons were appomted d~rmg the y~ar, thIS, wIth 76 retInng or going on the Brigade ~eserve, gIves a net Increase of 117, so maintaining the regular annual Increase. "My Department has been in close touch with the Medical Branches
of the three Services, and a very happy relation exists to the advantage of all. " My Deputy and Assistant Surgeons-in-Chief have, as usual, been a great help during the year, and my staff have taken part in many of the Department's activities in lecturing, demonstrations, etc., and my thanks are due to them all for their unfailing support." NURSI G OFFICERS
I was very greatly encouraged by the increase in the appointment of N ursing Officers during the year when 161 appointments were made. r am very appreciative of the service so freely given to the Brigade by members of the Nursing profession. I would express my thanks to Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn, the Chief Nursing Officer, for her valued help in this appointment and also for her splendid efforts in dealing with the ever-increasing work in connection with National Hospital Service Reserve. SERVICE HOSPITALS WELFARE DEPARTMENT
The Superintendent-in-Chief, as Chairman of this Department, reports: ' In Commands in the United Kingdom and Overseas, 136 Welfare Officers are now serving of which 36 are Brigade members who are posted as follows :7 Far East United Kingdom 17 1 East Africa B.A.O.R. 5 1 West Africa. 3 Middle East Japan . . . . . . 1 " During the year I was able to visit our Welfare Officers in the R.N. Hospitals at Haslar, Chatham and Plymouth; the Military Hospitals at Catterick, MiUbank, Netley, Connaught at Hindhead, York, Cowglen and Waringfield ; and the R.A.F. Hospital at Halton. " In the summer the Director of the Department, Miss Nancy de Mierre, made an extensive tour in the Far East, visiting our Welfare Officers in hospitals in Japan, Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore. The work of our personnel was excellent and was obviously much appreciated by the Medical and Service authorities. " In the Middle East Command all hospitals, save one in the Canal Zone, have now closed and our St. John and Red Cross Headquarters have moved to Cyprus where our Chief Welfare Officer and staff have an office at General Headquarters, Episcopi. "Our work has increased with the additional troops drafted in to cope with the emergency in Cyprus, and the resultant casualties among Servicemen being admitted to the British Military Hospital, Nicosia. The two Welfare Officers there- one of whom is a Brigade member- have had a very busy time dealing not only with the welfare of patients but looking after relatives who have been flown out from England, under the DILFOR scheme, to visit critically injured men. " I must here record the great pleasure the award of the O.B.E. to Miss de Mierre in the Birthday Honours has given to all her colleagues. This recognition was very richly deserved." CADETS
Cadets numbering 4,000, from Lancashire, Cheshire, Cumberland and Westmorland, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, West Riding, Flintshire and Caemarvonshire, were Inspected by H.R.H.
Princess Margaret on the Football Ground at Southport on the 16th July. In the morning Her Royal Highness enrolIed 60 Cadets from these counties and, after reviewing the Parade in a Land Rover, presented the American Trophy for Gallantry and five Cadet Meritorious Certificates for Life Saving, together with some 60 awards. Her Royal Highnesss's subsequent address to the Parade was a great inspiration. The first two pilot courses of the King George VI Leadership Courses were held at Bristol from June 3rd-5th, and at Harrogate from July 1 t3rd, followed by a third course at S1. John House from December 2nd4th. It is felt that these courses have been a great success, jUdging by the enthusiasm of the delegates, and that they are fulfilling a very real need in encouraging and training our young Cadet Officers and Cadet Leaders. An Ambulance Cadet Officer from Northern Ireland ha been chosen to go to British Guiana in the late spring under the King George VI Bursary scheme. It is expected that the officer concerned will spend about nine months or a year in the Colony and that the experience gain ed will be most valuable. The National Cadet Camp Site near Bexhill-on-Sea wa again open from the end of July until the beginning of September, durin g which time some 1,000 Cadets visited the Camp. Thi has been one of the most successful seasons the Camp has e er had and booking are a lread y being received for next year. Great credit is due to Mrs. Ro e for all the hard work she has done during the past summer. There are now 137 Ambulance and Nursin g C adet Divisions for med within Saturday Morning Cinema Clubs. I visited se eral Cinema Clubs in the West Country during the summer and I am most grateful to the Hon. Mrs. Earl for helping me in these visits and for the great interest she is showing in this aspect of our youth work. The Arts Competitions for Music, Painting, Poetry and Short Story Writing were held in the autumn, the trophies being presented at St. John's Gate, after which the Cadet Chri tmas Party was held . Prizes were again donated by the Youth's Friends Association, who also ga \ e a Bursary which was awarded to the winner of the Mu ic Competition for further musical education. The Cadet Department under the leadership of Brigadier Ritchie, suffered a severe loss in the departure of Miss Cunard, to whom I shall refer later in this Report. I greatly appreciate the services of Miss M . Morison who has been appointed Chief Staff Officer for Cadets and I should like to mention the splendid help given to this Department by Mr. D. Renwick. OVERSEAS STUDENTS
In 1955 we have carried on the attempt to interest Overseas Students in this country in our work and I am most grateful to the Hon. Mrs. Michael Henderson for her help and interest. This year we have found that the Students appreciated very much the series of Demonstrations given in various hostels. These have been very effectively organised and presented by the Surgeon-in-Chief who has had the greatest help from his Department and particularly from the Camden British Railways Ambulance Division, whose members have carried out the demonstrations wit h the utmost efficiency. OVERSEAS
] am glad to report that there has been a continued increase in the stn.:ngth of the Brigade Overseas and I am deeply grateful to Lady
Brecknock, the Controller of the Overseas Department, for her continued help and interest. . With regard to the work III each country:-
COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA The new Headquarters at Bulawayo was completed and the formal opening by H.E. The Governor took place on N~vember 12th. ~he Cadets celebrated Cadet Day on 18th June by ho~dIllg a Parade which was inspected by His Worship the Mayo: (Cha1rman of the Centre Committee) and the President of the AssocIatIon. It was a pa!ade full of ceremony and very impressive. The C.o~mandery contmues to m..lintain its high standard in all S1. John actIVItIes. BRITISH EAST AFRICA Kenr a . M New Adult and Cadet Division s were formed d~n.ng the yea.r. r. ~ 1. S. O ' Rorke ha b een a pp ointed Deputy CommISSIOner. Major and :Mr. Gerrity, who a rri ved in December, 1954, have ~one extr~mely good work first at Gil gil Pri on and later a t other pnsons. MISS . E. Lamb, S.R~N . , who al ? went out in DeceI?b~r, 195~, has been wor~ng at an Africa n Reserve In the M achakos DIs~nct. MISS D. Reev.es, who arrived in July, 1955, is workin g at the Pollce Reserve at Nyen. Tangany ika I am plea ed to note the teady expansion o~ our work amongst the East African R a ilway and H a rbours. SplendId work has been ~one by our Commi ioner for Tan ganyika , but I re.gret very m~ch th~t sm~e the clo e of the year I have received news of hIS death. HIS passmg WIll be a severe 10 . Uganda It i with regret tha t I ha e to report the sudden death of ?ur Commissioner for U ga nda, Dr. J . M. Candwell, whereby the Bngade h~s suffered the loss of one of its most earnest supporters: The Order. s Headqu a rte r Officer has done most val.uable :vork dunng ~he year m the out-lying districts of Uganda. Pubhc Duties were carned out by our member on the occasion of the return of the Kabaka and they assisted at an incident involving escaped prisoners. Z anzibar . I am pleased to welcome as the new Commissioner, Mr. J. V. Mullin, on the retirement of Lieut-Colonel A. M. Bell who gave so many years of valuable service to the Brigade.
BRITISH WEST AFRICA The Overseas Development Committee agreed that .a s~cond Headquarter's Officer should be sen.t out to Bri.tish West Af~·l~a III order that our activities may grow as rapIdly as possIble and so dIVIde ~he arduous duties of the present Headquarter's Officer, Mr. P. J. McGIll. Gold Coast . . .. The Police are now receiving St. John training and eIght DI~!SlOnS were formed. Mr. McGill visited the Gold Coast and repor;~d there is ample scope for our work and good progress can be made.
Nigeria .Ch~pter-General has approved the formation of the Nigeria Police
Dlstnct as from 20th July, 1955, and nine Police Divis ons have been registered. Mr. R. J. P. McLaughlan has been appointed Commissioner. Plans are going ahead for the formation of a Railways Di trict. Sierra Leone I. am happy to report that our strength among the Police is increa in g. It IS hoped that further progress will be made- with the aid of ou r Headquarter's Officer-not only in the Police but also in the Mine and Industry and also amongst the civilian community.
BRITISH WEST INDIES . A gre~t deal o~ work was done by the St. John organisation to relieve dIstress m the stncken areas caused by hurricane " Janet" in September. In Grenada, under the leadership of Brother Kelly, St. John Student Members and ~ther St. ~ohn units did magnificent work in strugglin g thro~gh t? the Isolated VIllages and houses to carry out fir t aid . Mr . Davle~~Illlth, the St. John Headquarter's Officer, flew from Jamaica ~nd VIsited Grenada, Barbados and Trinidad, and gave great a istance m. orgamsm.g. relief work which was carried out in close co-operation ~Ith t~e Bn.tIsh Red Cross Society. In London, the Deputy CommissIOner-m-Chief of the Brigade, Brigadier T. D. Daly, and the Controller of the Overseas. DepartI?ent, The Countess of Brecknock, we re a ppointed to the West IndIes Hurncane Relief Committee and to the Sub-Committee dealing with supplies and gifts. A gift of £1',000 was sent immediately by the Order ~or relief w~rk and the purchase and replacement of nece sa ry St. John eqUIpment, whIle 250 blankets were sent as a gift to Barbado and a statIOn :vagon to Grenada. A plan is now being prepared to ensure even qUIcker and more efficient organisation in the event of any future emergencies. . Brig~de me!llbers w~r:e very proud to be able to carry out the fir t aId dutIes dunng the VISit of H.R.H. The Princess Margaret to the West Indies. Mrs. Davie-Smith, the Brigade Headquarter's Organiser, has given splendid service and enthusiasm and efficiency have had outstanding results. Bahamas. Mr. E. M. V. Colchester-Wemyss, Commissioner of Police, ha kindly agreed to undertake the Commissionership of the Brigade, vice Colonel Wyndham-Verrall. I was glad to be able to meet Mr. Colchester-Wemyss before he left and have a talk with him about the Brigade in the Bahamas. Barbados ~h~ Order donated the sum of £1,500 for the purchase of an ambulance. T~s IS to be a Landrover ambulance with a body built to specifications SUItable to the cou~try and climate .and it is hoped that it will be shipped to Bar?ados early m 1~56. The ~~lgade in Barbados was responsible fo r collectmg and forwardmg quantitIes of clothing and food to St. Lucia for the sufferers of the Soufriere fire. Bermuda Miss. Mona Carle has been appointed District Superintendent (N) in sUC?eSSIOn to Mrs. Campbell Wilkinson. Great progress has been made dUrIng the past year and six Lay Lecturers have been appointed.
British Guiana Sir Peter and Lady Bell, Commissioner and District Superintendent (N) respectively, have left the Colony on transfer of appointment to orthern Rhodesia. Mr. J. W. Gregory has been appointed Commissioner and Mrs. Steele, District Superintendent (N). Three Meritorious Certificates were presented during the year to members of the Brigade who were in trumental in saving the life of a woman. A gift was also made of First Aid kits, a stretcher and a skeleton ; items selected as most helpful III training. The King George VI Bursary has been granted to a Cadet Superintendent from the United Kingdom who is to go to British Guiana for a period to learn conditions in that country and assist in Brigade training, etc. Great progress has been made in every sphere both during he time of Sir Peter Bell and the new Commissioner. It is hoped that .ocal fund will shortly be available for the purchase of an ambulance and al 0 po ibly for the Headquarter's Officer. Brit ish Honduras Mr. Outram i very keen and active as Commissioner and it is hoped ha t our activitie will spread not only among the Police, Fire Brigade 1nd Prison Services but also to Industry and the civilian population. Good work was done during the hurricane. Jrenada Brother Kell y of Pre entation College, (who was in charge of the sc ue partie organi ed for the hurricane), was appointed Deputy ""ommi ioner. I was pleased to approve the award of Meritorious __ ertificate to the St. George's Nursing Division and the Grenada Presentation College) Student Ambulance Division, for the part they I \ayed during hurricane " Janet."
'amaica Mrs. Davie-Smith has done very fine work in Jamaica and thanks to her untirin g efforts, good progress has been made in all Districts. ""-'he Over eas Development Committee made a gift of 36 First Aid kits o Jamaica. Jamaica S. W. House Badges are now in use. The Clarendon No.1 Nursing Division as formed. Mr. C. C. Michelin has been appointed Commissioner. lamaica S.E. A new Nursing Division and Police Division were formed during the year. A First Aid post was established for the Jamaica 300 celebrations and 148 cases were treated. Duties were also carried out at cricket matches during the year. It is hoped that it will be possible in the very near future to form a Cadet Division. Jamaica N.E. Aqualta Vale Ambulance Division was formed. Jamaica N. W. Montego Bay Nursing Division was formed. Lee ward Islands The registration of members in the Brigade progressed satisfactorily throughout the year and the work of the Order has extended to include all the Islands in the Leeward Group. The amount of $258.66 was. credited to Brigade funds as a result of a dance held by the Association.
During the vi it of H.R.H. Princess Margaret, the Brigade took an active part in the rehear al parade and on the actual day of the visit attended many casualties. Public Duties were al 0 performed during the country tour of H.R.H. There was a general parade marking the observance of the birthday of H.M. The Queen in June, and Divi ions took part in the March Past and Cadets also joined in the parade. During the year th e Brigade suffered the loss of two prominent officers: Di trict Superintenden t (N), Miss 1. Mearman, and the Di trict Surgeon, Dr. A. J. Keevill. It is hoped that during 1956 the number of Cadets will be increased greatly. Trinidad and Tobago It is most encouraging to see the number of Divisions that have been formed during the year. Plans are being made for the erection of a Headquarters and it is hoped that they will be finished in the forthcomin g year. CEYLON I am glad to welcome Dr. S. Ramanathan as Deputy Commi ioner. The strength of the Brigade is growing rapidly. A Meritorious Certificate was awarded to Mr. S. S. K. S. Sarma and presented during my vi it to Ceylon early in the year. The government gave a grant of Rs. I 6,000 with which to buy an ambulance. FAR EAST
Fiji House Badges are now being used. Plan are nearly completed for the building of a Headquarters in Fiji and it is hoped that thi project will be accomplished in 1956. Hong Kong This District continued its high tandard of service under the Co mmissionership of Fung Ping Fan. Dr. Tseung Fat In has been appointed Deputy Commissioner. The Penetration Squads continue to carry o ut their all-important job. Mrs. Hogan (wife of the Chief Ju tice of Hon g Kong) has been appointed District Superintendent (N) in succe ion to Miss L. Fearon. Plans are going ahead for the erection of a new Headquarters. At a ceremony at Government House, Mrs. Aw Boon H aw (wife of the late Commissioner) presented a cheque for £20,000 to go towards the cost of a new Headquarters to perpetuate the memory of her husband. Malaya The Malayan Relief Teams are still doing excellent work and Miss I. D. Irven, the Teams' Supervisor, has been replaced by Miss M. D . Millman who has worked in the field. Miss. E. Taylor was awarded the M.B.E. for her magnificent work in the field. There has been a most encouraging increase in our strength in the local Brigade. A most successful Cadet N.C.O.'s Training Camp was held at Port Dickson, organised by Miss Checkley whose services to the Brigade have been invaluable. North Borneo A new Headquarters was opened and we may now expect the Brigade to go from strength to strength. Singapore Plans are being made for a new Headquarters as the lease of the present
Headquarters is expiring. The Nursing Divisions. continue to do excellent work in the 16 Clinics attached to Youth Soctal Centres. The Cadet Movement maintains its strength. MAURITIUS Unfortunately the Brigade lost its Commissioner, Mr. N. P. Hadow, who has been transferred to Uganda. However, Mr. R. Desvaux has very kindly offered to act as Commissioner, for which I am most grateful. Three Vellum Votes of Thanks were awarded to members of the Brigad~ during the year by Chapter-General. MEDITERRANEAN AREA Cyprus. At the reque t of H.E. The Governor, The Countess of Brecknock vi ited Cyprus in December, 1955. The Order has agreed to cover the co t of a paid secretary for two years and has al 0 presented a Bedford Pilcher ambulance to the Island. House Badges printed in both Turkish a nd Greek have been sent out. Many Nursing Divisions were for~ed during the year largely due to the untiring energy of Mrs. Robms, District Superintendent (N). Malta G.C. The Brigade in Malta under the leadership of Colonel Abela has continued to maintain its high tandard and has no":,, reac~ed ~ stre~gth of 1 200. The pre ence of a strong and efficient. Bngade 111 thIS ancIent home of the Order i an in piration and a remmder of how the Order ha continued its traditional work in the present day. The Headquarters of the Brigad in St. James' Counterguard is a great asset to the work of the Di trict. Gibraltar I am happy to report the fo rmation of tw,o Ambulance Divisions and I hope tha t our activitie will be increased m 1956. SE lOR OFFICERS
I ha e aIr ady referred to the appointments of Miss Duff Grant as Training Advi er and Miss P. Morison as Chief Staff Officer for Cadets. I wa al 0 plea ed to welcome the appointment to my staff of The Hon. Mrs. Michael Henderson as Staff Officer for Overseas Students, Dr. Pringle a President and Mr. E. J .. \yillott a ~taff Officer for Brigade Division within the Central Electncity Authonty. I regret that two Commissioner - Viscount Curzon of Buckinghamshire and Colonel E. C. Routh of East, South and North Devonre igned during the year after giving sp~endid service t~ t~e Brigade. I was pleased to welcome the follow1l1~ new C~mID1SSlOners: Brigadier G. A. Fenton, Buckmghamshlre. Major T. W. Gracey, East, South and North Devon. C. C. Beaty-Pownall, Isle of Ma~1. .. . It was with great regret that I had to receIVe the reslgnatlOn of MISS V. Cunard as Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets. Miss Cunard had held this responsible position since 1944 and had the satisfaction of seeing the Cadet Movement grow by leaps and bounds. into one of the leadi~g Youth Organisations of the country. There IS no doubt that MI. s Cunard's enthusiasm and ability were among the fnremost factors 111
the outstanding success of the Cadet Movement. Miss Cunard was most highly este~med by the C~dets and Cadet Officers throughout the country and, Indeed, by all wIth whom she came in contact and her d~parture. is a great loss to us all. I am glad to say that Miss Cunard WIll re.mam a permanent member of the Cadet Advisory Committee and the Kmg George VI Memorial Fund Committee.
REPORT OF THE ALMONER The work of the Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society is not financed by either of the Parent Bodies; its funds come from a capital sum which was handed over to it by the Joint War Organisation on 31st October, 1944. This sum is finally expendable, both as to capital and interest, but it is estimated that calls will be made on it for at least thirty years, the calls being greater in the early years and getting less as time progresses. The needs of the disabled are very varied and every aspect of them is covered by the Joint Committee. The Ex-Service War Disabled Help Department-gave assistance in approximately 74,700 cases of which 26,200 were helped financially or with goods in kind and 48,500 had other problems involving a wide variety of services, winter comforts, clothing, invalid foods, handicraft materials, as well as sympathy, understanding and advice in many t roubles. In addition to the above, many patients were visited in hospitals and anatoria, and such things as armchairs, billiards cues, walking sticks, games, etc., have been supplied. Independence and mobility is given to many disabled ex-service men by the supply to them of motor attachments and invalid tricycles. The number of machines on loan to these pensioners is 276-over 70 of which are the property of the Joint Committee, the rest being owned jointly with the Ministry of Health. Certain cases suffering from tubercula is have again been sent to sanatoria in Switzerland. It is interesting to note that an increasing demand has been met from pe n ioner and nur e of the 1914/18 World War who now have needs resulting from old age as well as from war disablement-which shows that the calls on the Joint Committee from the first war still continue, even after forty year. A most comprehen ive library service is supplied free of charge to over 390 Service Hospitals, including Medical Units, Hospital Ships and Air Ambulances, and the number of beds served is 28,635. One thousand, two hundred and five civilian ho pitals also receive our library service on the ba is of a capitation fee of lOs. 6d. per occupied bed per annum. The number of beds served is 107,140. Fifteen Prison Hospitals also receive the service-an increase of three since last year. Two important aspects of this service are the training of librarians and the training of bookbinders and repairers-a very high standard of efficiency has to be reached in both of these categories, and courses are held at the headquarters of the Hospital Library Department. Many of the ex-service men and women need hospital or rehabilitation treatment. To meet the e needs, the Joint Committee runs and supports a number of Hospitals and Homes throughout the country. These include a hospital for Officers at Brighton, where a proportion of the beds are reserved for women officers and members of the Order, Brigade and Society, and women employees of the Parent Bodies of the Joint Committee. This hospital has earned a high reputation. Two hundred and sixty-one patients were admitted during the year. Scio House Hospital on Putney Heath, has been doing valuable work for officers suffering from tuberculosis. During the last year, the number requiring treatment has fortunately been falling. If it is found that our future requirements can be met by admission to Midhurst or similar establishments, Scio House will be utilised for some other us fu1 and needed
I am most grat~ful to ~y Deputy, Brigadier T. D. Daly, for his help and support, partIcularly In matters such as Civil Defence in which he takes the greatest interest and also for his work as Chairman of St. John House. . At ~he beginning of the year I was glad to welcome the Superintendent~n-C~ef, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, who was again resident In this. c~untry after her ~bsence in ~alta. I should like to express my apI?r~~IatIOn of her C(:>ntInued enthusIasm and great interest in all the actI".ltIes of the NurSIng Corps and Divisions. I am grateful for her contInued loyal support and I should like to be associated with the tribute she has paid in her own report to the most valuable services given by her Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, and her Assistant, Mrs. Romer-Lee. I congratulate the Assistant Co~mission.er-in-Chief, Brigadier Ritchie, on an?ther year of excellent serVIce. Bngadier Ritchie ha not only supervIsed the work of the Cadet Movement but in spite of many handica~s has also ma~aged to t.ake on a great many other activities aJl of which he. has car ned out WIth the greatest efficiency. The outstanding and co?tInued succe~s o~ t~e Brigade Appeals is entirely due to the unfiag!p.ng work and InSpIratIOn of Lady Braithwaite from whose efforts the Bngade in all counties in England as well as Overseas, has derived so much benefit.. Colo?el M?styn Owen has been away for a good part of the year on his .offiCIal dutIes, but I was pleased to welcome him back recently and he will be resuming his Brigade activities during the coming year. . To those other Staff Officers on my Headquarters Staff who have gIven valuable service. i~ the matters for which they are responsible, I extend my best aPI?reciatIOn .and thanks, and also Captain E. Fitzclarence w~o has hel~ed WIth. t~~ Air Attendants Scheme and representation on J ?Int Comlllltt~e a~tIV1t!es. I should particularly like to refer to the ki?dness .of. MISS ZInke!sen who, this year, has presented the Brigade WIth a p~mtmg from which a new Adult Poster has been made. This is a most fittmg companion to the Cadet Poster previously given by her. I would also express ~y appreciation of the work of the Brigade Secretary, ~r. G. F. QUIlter, and the staff at Brigade Headquarters who have gIven loyal and devoted service. As I have reported earlier, the Brigade was called upon in several cases of emergency, and as always, responded magnificently. I extend to all. o~cers an~ memb~rs-Adult an~ Cadet-my recognition and apprecIatIOn of theIr devotIOn to duty which has created and maintained the goodwill which is extended to the Brigade by the public at home and overseas. (Signed) O. M. LUND, Lt.-General, Commissioner-in- Chief.
purpose. Other tuberculosis cases ar treated and cared for in a large and happy colony at Barrowmore in Che bire. Thi village ettIemcnt covers over 100 acres and now compri e 36 hou e for married ettIer, modern ho tel accommodation for 50 ingle mcn, a farm, village hall and shop. At pre ent nearly 150 people benefit from thi ettIement in the way of living accommodation and employment. Ileavy head injury cases are looked after at the Rehabilitation Centre at I leadin gton Hill, Oxford, where such trades a carpentry, poultry keeping, ba ket making, cane work and woven good are tau ght and practi ed. In the early Spring of 1955, 2,000 Chri. tma tree were planted, who e care will provide useful and, it i ho!,ed, profitable rehabilitation work. Many of the article made here have b n in demand out ide the Home, and such ales are a great encouragement to the maker. There arc two ettlement f r !,araple~ic. one at me Jrc n in Che hire and the o ther at Kytes, ncar Watf('\rd. The c nsi l fa numbbel' of bungalO\: ,and Lyme reen po c sc al a" illagc hall." The bungalows '-have garage attached 0 that the occupant can go traight to hi motor vehicle in hi wheel d chair. The ettler at Lyme Green have established a reputation for proficiency in outdoor games, such a archery, netball and even polo. About twenty of the teuant at Kytc~ go out each day to full-time local employment. There is also a prosperou ettlement at Non ich for everely di abled ex-service men. Ther are at pre ent 12 hou e , all of which arc occupied by men with 100 o~ disability or thercabout. hi . ettlement i und er the supervi ion of the Norfolk Joint Hou ing Committee. State Registered Nur e and women offic rand membcr of the Order, the Brigade and the Soci ty, and women employees of the Paren t Bodies and the Joint Committee are not forgotten. Bram hott Lod ge at Hindhead was opened officially la t September by the Counte Mountbatten of Burma. This house has taken the place of ur forme r home at Weybridge, and it is a very great improvement. I t has central heating, hot and cold water in the bedrooms-a sick bay and other facilities which were not available at Weybridge-be ide 'v\ hich it is a fine house tanding in lovely ground. Queen Alexandra Hou e at Folkestone is maintained a a "rest house." During the year ended 30th June, 1955, 447 guests made use of it. They were compo ed of 243 State Registered Nur e , 64 St. John Ambulance Brigadc, 111 Briti h Red Cross Society and 29 S.C.M. and Miscellaneous. Thi house also has a beach hut, which was greatly appreciated during last ummer. Our Ambulance Department has had another succe sful year. The number of patients carricd has increased and the mileage returns sho\'. an increase of nearly one million miles. Apart from the work which we carry out on an agency basis for the London County Council and in the Counties under the National Health Service, there are 129 ambulances manned by St. John and Red Cross personnel which are stationed in various parts of the country. The personnel gives entirely voluntary service and their activities embrace First Aid, Blood Transfusion Services and Civil Defence training activities. The Mobile X-Ray Section has continued to visit a number of Hospitals and Chest Clinics in the Metropolitan and Outer London area. Patients are also visited in their homes in cases where it is difficult or inexpedien t move them to hospital.
There are many other aspects of the work of the Joint Committee which have not been mentioned, but it is hoped that this short report will give some idea of the thorough and also sympathetic manner in which the need of our disabled ex-service men and women and those who look after them are being met. R. L. LOYD. MUS UM AND LIBRARY REPORT The number of vi itors this year has fallen to 1,872, but thi seems to he due to the fact that caller now, for some rea on, tend to arrive in onc and two in tead of in large partie. Re earch and "paper work" have hown an enormou increa e during the last few years, and the J1 UmerOli enquirie from abroad are a ignificant indication of the I ibrary's growing world-wide popUlarity. Sir llannibal Scicluna' long expected encyclopaedic History of the Order's Church at Valetta has been published and is now in the hands of the ub cribers. Profu 'cly illu trated (many of the plates being in 'o lour) and with much new information, Sir Hannibal has expended ;> rofound rescarch extending over many years, and eem to have said the lasl word about thi beautiful Church. Anothcr of Ollr picture ha been cleaned- that of Qucen Victoria, in the uncil hambcr, and has revealed much fine detail, in addition to a po rtrait f the Prince on ort in the top left-hand corner. It is worthy of rccord that our pre ent re torer has succeeded where the /Tort or t w pre iou craft men failed. Foil 0\\ ing thc rede oration of the Chapter Hall and the Chancery i 1 ugu , t- eptember last, it was di covered that the case of coins given bv a late hancellor, Lt.-Gcn. Sir Aylmer Hunter Weston, had been fo rced open and 010 t of the gold and silver coin abstracted. The police \ ere notilled, but no clue a to the thief has yet been forthcoming. A claim \! a lodged with the In urance Company based on the rough \a luation of Me rs. Baldwin, and wa immediately met. Messrs. Baldwin have ince been able to replace most of the mi ing pieces and arc hopeful of filling in all the remaining blank spaces. All the coins lost were duplicates of the specimen already in the Order's collection in the M u eum, but the term of the bequest did not allow us to incorpo rate them in the Mu eum showcases. We have acquired an interesting Breviary formerly used by members of the Order. It was publi hed in 1517 by Cyriacus Hochperg in Lyon, Lin d contain two full page woodcuts and numerous vignette initial le tters in the text. The type is fine and clear and well rubricated. The bi nding- po sib ly early 17th century- is in excellent condition, with a ri nely tooled and gilded spine. Another much needed acquisition is a et of three articulated figures for the uniforms in the Museum. I have to report with great gratification a generous gift of £250 by Dr. J. Gresty Billington, of Birmingham, to be devoted to the purchase of some item of outstanding interest to the Library or !\1useum. Dr. Billington is an old friend of the Library, and, until other duties overwhelmed him, was an active member of the Brigade. It is with profound regret that I have to report the death of Mrs. Helen Man Stuart on the 2nd September last at the age of 92. Mrs. Man Stuart, a Dame of Grace and widow of Col. J. A. Man Stuart, C.B., C.M.G.,
Knight of Justice, was for many years a most generous friend an~ benefactor to the Library-and, indeed, to the whole Order. Her last Important contribution was the sum of £100 towards the cost of the famous "Stabilimenta" of Caoursin, of which we are all so proud. The thanks of Chapter-General have been sent to :Nless:s. Odharns Ltd., Count H. C. Zeininger de Borja, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. RIce, Charles E. Town, Esq., Sir Harry Luke, F. E. Dickinson, Esq., Lady Ford and the Rev. Christopher Perowne. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Librarian.
measure of public recognition and support, both directly and through the medium of the Friends of St. John, Edinburgh. In its sixth year the Hospice continues to fulfil its purpose of giving rest and sanctuary to those in need of physical and mental relief. The ideal surroundings contribute considerably to its benefits and throughout the year under review, 297 persons have been resident for varying periods of one to three weeks. The cost per resident per week is rising and a review of the charges for board is under consideration. Throughout the year the premises have been substantially redecorated, repairs have been necessary to the central heating system, and some replenishment of stocks of linen, etc., has been found expedient. Over the years the cost of repairs, decoration and replenishment have been most moderate and the expenditure this year is to ensure that the highest standards of comfort and amenity are maintained. The Hospice works in the closest association with voluntary organisations and almoner attached to Regional Boards. It ensures convalescence to those in need of rest and quiet as well as offering a health-giving relaxation to the elderly popUlation when problems tend to overwhelm and hurt. It is a wholehearted tribute to the staff that guests depart from the Hospice with regret and avail themselves of every opportunity to make an early return. The St. John' House is now established and the mothers and their children have earned their own welcome to the community of which they are now an accepted part. The House is now running almost to capacity, thereby enabling the cost per resident to fall to £4 19s. 6d. per week as opposed to the figure of £7 5s. I d. last year. The cost of running the House amounted to £2,300 and the contributions of the re idents amounted to £],126. Each payment is individual and bears relationship to the amount earned. Satisfactory arrangements are made for personal allowances and a weekly saving is laid aside for each child. Thanks are due to the many who have responded to the desire of the mother for an occupational interest in their leisure hours, and who have given their services at the weekly series of lectures on a widely diverse number of topics. No report would be complete without acknowledgment being made to the Matron and her staff and to those whose help and encouragement has been so freely given in the intimate management of the House.
On the 21st June the Annual Commemoration Service, the General Assembly and Investiture of the Priory of Scotland wa held in Glasgow, when a large number of members and guests attended the various ser ices. The Festival of St. John began in the forenoon with the Annual Commemoration Service which was held in the Glasgow Cathedral. The City Magistrates led the Order's robed proces~ion from Provand's Lordship, followed by the Cross Bearer, Chaplams, Standard Bea:er, Members of Chapter, Executive Officers, Sword Bearer and the PnC?r. The service was conducted by the Sub-Prelate, the Rev. Dr. Ne de Davidson, assisted by the Rev. P. H. R. Mackay, ~he Rev. L. L. L. Cameron and the Rev. R. G. Lawrie. Holy Commumon was celebrated after the Commemoration Service, many members remaining to partake. At the conclusion of the services in the Cathedral, the Prior and Members of Chapter, proceeded to the City Chambe~s where they were entertained to lunch by the Lord Provost and MagIstrates of G.lasgow. In the evening, on the invitation of the Lord Provost an.d MagIstrates, members of the Order and their guests attended a receptlOn and dance in the Banqueting Hall of the City Cha.mbe.rs. We ~re .indebted to the Lord Provost and Magistrates for theIr kmd hospItalIty, ~nd to t~e Kirk Session of the Glasgow Cathedral, and to the Provand s Lordshlp Club for providing accommodation for our ceremonies. THE GLASGOW COMMITTEE OF THE PRIORY
The Committee have continued to maintain and equip two Medical Comforts Denots in the Glasgow district during the past year. In August "the Priory of Scotland received a magnificent gift from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, for the purchase of the Park Nursing Home in Claremont Terrace. A House Committ~e, composed of members of the Glasgow Committee under the chairmanshlp of Mr. Douglas MacNaughton, have agre~d to un~ertake the runr:in~ of this Home and are at present engaged m arrangmg the modermsatlOn, improvement and decoration of the Home prior to the opening in the summer of 1956. The Home which has its own operating theatre and X-Ray unit will accommodate approximately 35-40 patients. THE EDINBURGH COMMITTEE OF THE PRIORY
The Edinburgh Committee continues its work at St. J0I:n's. House and at the Hospice at Carberry. These two valuable contn~utlOns. to the social and charitable needs they meet, have commanded an mcreasmg
The Aberdeen Committee report that the outstanding event of the year was the opening of their new Headquarters by the Grand Prior, H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, on the 20th August, 1955. This short, but impressive ceremony marked the fulfilment of an ambition, namely to provide in the N.E. of Scotland a Committee Headquarters worthy of the Order. After declaring the headquarters open, His Royal Highness inspected the buildings and was impressed by the new committee room, the St. John room, so suitably decorated in the tradition of the Order. Another important occasion was the holding of the Golden Anniversary Ball of the Rotary Club, the entire proceeds of which went towards the Rotary Club's £1,000 fund in aid of the St. John Nursing Home. This magnificent gift was handed over by the President to Lord Aberdeen at a luncheon to which members of the Committee were invited. The
spirit of giving seemed to be in the air, for a local amateur society, the Cults Dramatic Society, put on "Full House," a most entertaining play, skilfully acted, again in aid of the Rotary Club's £1,000 fund. To state in detail what has been accomplished as a result of generous gifts of money, time and labour, would take up too much space. Suffice to say that because of gifts the Order has been able to purchase the hou se, 23, Albyn Place, at a cost of £3,750; to complete the adaptation of No. 24, Albyn Place as the headquarters of the Committee of the Order in the North East of Scotland, as a Nurses' Home and as the headquarters of the Friends of St. John; the granite face of the whole structure has been washed, presenting a facade which has added to the architectural beauty of one of the main streets in Aberdeen. This more than anything, perhaps with the exception of the fair name of the Nursing Home, has brought the Order and what it stands for to the notice of the citizens of Aberdeen.
amount in future, the stocks have been replenished. The Silver Paper Collection has not been quite so good and we do ask all those who can, to support this valuable source of revenue. £100 has been donated to the Hospital Funds. Once again the Rt. Honourable The Lord Provost of Glasgow, Mr. Andrew Hood, sent a beautiful Christmas tree for which we are most grateful. Presents were given to the patients, nursing and domestic staff.
It will be recalled that the number of admissions in ] 954 was the highest since the Hospital opened. We are glad to be able to repon that these numbers have been fully maintained during 1955. The numbers WOUld, no doubt, have been exceeded except for the fact that an epidemic of poliomyelitis during the late summer and early autumn compelled the cessation of tonsillectomies. The Hospital Committee, anxious to maintain the charitable and humanitarian characteristics of the Order's work, is pleased to have been able to maintain the fees charged to necessitous patients at their previous low level. Despite increasing expense it was not found necessar) to make an increase in the charges for maintenance to patient under the higher income group. The nursing staff salaries have again been upgraded to conform with the present \\'hilley Scale, while the domestic staff have had a further wage increase to n:eet the increa ed co t of living. Fund-raising still remains a very difficult problem and if we are to maintain the present low fees charged, we must look for furthe r sympathetic consideration from those able to contribute to our funds. The Hospital was honoured by a visit from the Countes Mountbatten of Burma, on Sunday, October 2nd., when she spent a con iderabk time in the Hospital and spoke individually with ev ry patient and member of the staff. The Hospital Committee records, with deep appreciation, it than ks to the medical, office, nursing and domcstic staffs for their services, and to all others who have in any way helped in the work of the Hospital. THE LI E
The Annual Bridge and Whist Party was held on the premises of Messrs. Pettigrew & Stephens, Ltd., in February and was very well patronised. We thank Mr. Hugh Fraser, D.L., J.P., for so generously giving his premises to us each year. Our thanks are also due to the staff for their hard work and unfailing courtesy. The Guild felt that November would be a better month in which to hold this function, therefore, we had another party last November. This was a greater success than ever, and we were delighted the Countess of Lindsay was with us to present the prizes. The linen has been repaired and knowing we shall require a larger
The policy of the Priory in maintaining all the Depots which were in existence at the inception of the Health Service Act has been more than justified by results. From the returns received for the year ended 31st October, 1955, it is gratifying to note that the majority of the Depots are being utilised to a growing extent and that there has been an increased demand for the use of sick room requisites. A number of Depots have been restocked and perishable goods replaced where necessary. The Edinburgh Depot, having become redundant, has been closed down. Arrangements have been made for the stocks to be transferred to the St. John Hospice at Carberry, and the St. John Home at Lennox Row, where they should prove useful not only to patients but to residents in the locality. THE LIBRARY
During the year the Library has been increased by some useful additio n. The Curator of the Library of the Order at St. John's Gate has most generously given us a number of books which we are very glad to have, and we have acquired by purchase some important works, notably a copy of the Bibliographic Methodique of the History of the Order enriched with manuscript annotations made by a former Grand Prior of the Sovereign Order. Efforts ha e been made to render the Library more useful to students. The Priory Secretary has prepared, in typescript, a new catalogue which includes the recent editions. We have acquired a typed copy of Dr. Angus McDonald's typescript "History of The Order of St. John in Scotland," which being the only thing of its kind, is in considerable demand among researchers. We are still without a set of the "Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society" and would especially welcome volume ii and volume iv, which contain important contributions by the late Dr. John Edwards. It becomes apparent that fresh light upon the history of the Order in Scotland is likely to be shed by incidental mentions of persons and place, made, not in formal histories, but in legal documents, relatin~ usually to the possession and transference of lands. The Librarian will be grateful if any member who finds incidental information of this kind would send him the necessary reference in order that a simple index may be compiled. THE FRIENDS OF ST. JOHN, ABERDEEN
The past year has been a specially important one for the Friends of St. John, as it as seen the realisation of a wish which has come true Sooner than had been expected. Due to the generosity of Mrs. J. A.
Ross, O.St.J., who presented to the Order the mansion No. 24, Albyn Place, it has been possible to convert the lower part into excellent selfcontained premises for the fund raising activities and office work of the Friends of St. John, who took possession of the new quarters in the summer of 1955. An unexpected source of encouragement arrived in 1955 in the shape of a legacy of A£500, from the estate of the late Mr. Richard on of Melbourne, through the Equity Trust Co. The Friends Committee has decided to make this legacy the nucleus of an Endowment Fund and accordingly the money has been invested in 3 % Savings Bond 1965-75. It is hoped to increase and build this Fund as opportunity permits. The Friends have donated £1,000 to the Aberdeen Committee of the Order for expenses in connection with the conversion of the Friends new premises, and in addition, over £1,200 of the Friends' Fund still remains in the account of the Aberdeen Committee of the Order, which is available in 1956 for the financial commitment of the Friend . On August 20th, H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester paid an informal visit to open the new House and to inspect the premise , includin g the Friends Headquarters. On this occasion, at his own reque t, member of the Order in the North East only, were pre ented to His Royal Hi ghness. These included several members of the Committee of the F rien ds of St. John.
The Ambulance Committee, which meets monthly to deal with Association and Brigade matters, is widely representative of many fields of Association activities and has the benefit of the advice and experience of officials concerned with the promotion of First Aid in the various branches of industry as well as among the membership of the Brigade. It was hoped that reference could have been made in this Report to t he publication of a revised edition of the manual "Firs~ Aid in Coal Mines," following the announcement last year that ~~e Pnory had b~en entrusted by the Association to undertake the reVISIOn. The draftmg committee of experts devoted considerable time to this work, bringing in to consultation eminent specialists to advise on certain chapters. The medical section of the South Western Division of the National Coal Board was well represented, and the Committee was also fortunate in having the services of a representative of the Chief Medical Officer of the N.C.B. , who was able to co-ordinate the views of the Board's Divisional Medical Officers in the effort to ensure that the book is acceptable as far as possible in all division of the coalfield. Publication can be expected in 1956.
During the past year our membership has steadily increased . Intere t has been stimulated by the holding of functions during the winter months which were much appreciated by the large numbers of members who attended. Funds have increased by the holding of two major enterprises and it is gratifying to see new members who have had no previous experience of such work, coming forward and acting as convenors and assistants. Present activities show marked progress in money raisin g and onr Coffee Party and Sale produced a record sum. Our grateful thanks go to the Edinburgh Charities Day Committee for their Committee Grant of £300 to the organisation.
STUDE TS WHO ATTENDED COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Fir t Aid . . Preliminary Fir t Aid Home Nursing . . Preliminary Home Nursing Preliminary Home Hygiene C hild Welfare . . . . . . Preliminary Child Welfare . . . . . Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food M ining Total
12,313 3,871 1,426 561 10 31
12,220 4,553 1,261 707 78
20 250
75 8 205
12,455 4,672 1,515 532 36 18 70 173 212
The summary of results of the 1,185 classes arranged throughout the Principality for awards of the St. John Ambulance Association shows an upward trend. The 1955 total of 16,575 successful examinees is 92 up on the previous twelve months' working. One satisfactory feature reflected in the statistics quoted below is the increase in the number of those taking re-examinations in both First Aid and Home Nursing and the higher proportion of students gaining awards.
. . F irst Aid Certificates . Preliminary First Aid Certificates . Vouchers Marine Certificates Home Nursing Certificates Preliminary Home Nursing Certificates. Preliminary Home Hygiene Certificates . Child Welfare Certificates Preliminary Child Welfare Certificates. . . Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food First Aid in Mines Certificates First Aid in Mines Labels Medallions Labels. Pendants Totals
3,318 3,309 879 133 328 491 4 27
2,856 3,742 1,108 127 350 591 72
6 178 44 909 6,008 941
66 34 189 18 890 5,790 750
2,762 3,814 1,141 125 594 425 34 10 64 109 169 16 821 5,929 712
No. 0/ Students
No. 0/ Classes Anglesey. Breconshire Caernarvonshire . Cardiganshire Carmarthenshire. Denbighshire. Flintshire . Glamorgan Merionethshire Monmouthshire . Montgomeryshire Pembrokeshire Radnorshire Aberdare. Cardiff Merthyr Tydfil Newport. Rhondda. Swansea . Unattached Marine Candidates
A wards Gained
1955 1954 1953
11 45 45 26 81 82 35 285 19 188 36 22 3 55 66 30 34 58 49
152 503 566 290 1,465 1,151 478 4,395 245 3,019 430 420 41 962 1,232 413 551 1,047 1,026 34
100 567 667 374 1,447 1,167 304 5,259 233 2,997 480 329 56 1,218 998 447 514 1,020 943 35
179 530 602 431 1,644 1,327 512 4,716 311 3,072 482 385 56 1,243 1,184 532 508 982 947 40
145 380 500 256 1,364 1,026 446 4, 172 236 2,504 353 344 36 838 1,075 368 578 871 914 36 133
149 487 575 321 1,273 1,049 274 4,571 184 2,434 383 269 37 1,025 957 445 318 768 809 28 127
157 449 515 344 1,315 1,140 422 4,149 266 2,583 431 232 48 1,030 1,026 439 449 750 735 29 125
9 50 35 24 96 78 34 307 14 187 36 21 4 52 67 23 28 61 61
9 50 45 24 97 72 27 309 15 175 36 11 5 59 67 30 25 57 51
1,188 1,165 1,171 18,402 19,155 19,683 16,575 16,483 16,759
The membership of the Brigade as at the 31st December is recorded at 15,184. The Juniors, who are now for the first time merged wit}1 Cadets, have increased by 22 boys and 94 girls, but the total Cadet figures show a net decrease of 235 boys and an increase of 42 girls. Adult male personnel dropped by 302, but on the nursing side there is a slight increase and the disparity in the year's figures between the Ambulance and Nursing sections may reflect the influence of recruitment for the National Hospital Service Reserve. This effort has brought in a large proportion of women from outside the Brigade, while the smaller male membership of the Reserve were almost aU recruited from within the Brigade. A highly satisfactory feature of the position is the large number of new units formed during the year- a total of 29, comprising four Am~u lance, seven Nursing, one Combined Ambulance and Nursing, six Cadet Ambulance, nine Cadet Nursing and two Combined Ambulance and Nursing. Against this, four Ambulance, three Nursing, three Cadet Ambulance and three Cadet Nursing Divisions were disbanded as inactive.
Men Headquarter Staff Commissioners . Centre Commissioners Deputy Commissioners . Deputy Centre Commissioners County Surgeons Centre Surgeons . County Superintendents Centre Superintendents County Staff Officers Centre Staff Officers . County Cadet Officers Centre Cadet Officers Area Comm sioners Area Surgeon . Area Superintendents Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officers . Area adet Officers Corp Officers Divisional Officers N.C.O's. Private .
7 18 2
8 I 14 2 3 1
37 9
9 2 13
Women Headquarter Staff . County Superintendents Centre Superintendents County Nursing Officers County Staff Officers County Cadet Officers Centre Cadet Officers Area Superintendents Area Nursing Officers Area Staff Officers . Area Cadet Officers Corps Officers. Divisional Officers N.C.O's. . Nursing Members
51 1956 3
5 2 2 8 8 2 6
3 5 9 27 361 44 1,815
7 1
16 11 200 753 431 3,999 5,550
Boys Cadets (including Officers)
Corps and Dil'isions Corps . . Ambulance Divi ion 270 Nursing Divisions. . 147 Co mbined Ambulance and Nursing Divi ion. . 19 Cadet Ambulance Divisions. . . . 178 Cadet Nur ing Divisions. 147 Combined Ambulance and II Nursing Division
Girls Cadets (including Officers)
Personnel Men Women Boys Girls
5,550 2,308 3,781 3,545 15,184
While the number of headquarters continues to increase, the position is being con olidated by a purchase of freeholds and a reconstruction of older buildings. There is bound to be a slowing down when Divisional funds are not available to the same extent as formerly. There are now 123 permanent premises, of which 21 are in the north and 102 in the south; and of these latter, 85 serve the interests of mineworker members of the Brigade, 15 being on colliery property. The total includes 86 vested in the Priory trustees, who hold another seven in conjunction with local trustees; and of these 48 are freeholds, the remainder being held on a reasonably secure tenure. It is an especial source of satisfaction when headquarters are acquired outside the -South Wales coalfield in spite of the absence of subsidy. At Builth, a valuable freehold property with multiple buildings has been purchased by means of monies accruing from the sale of an ambulance; and at Blaenau Ffestiniog more conveniently situated freehold premises than those now, let to advantage
have been acquired by means of a Priory loan. But the remarkable developments in the coalfield could only have occurred under the stimulus of a most generous provision of funds by the South Western Divisional Board, N.C.B., to whom the grateful thanks of the Priory are once more due. Pontardulais Division has been enabled to erect a fine hall on a site acquired some years ago, almost free of debt owing to the generosity of local firms; a reconstruction of the Celynen Colliery Di visional headquarters at Newbridge is being carried a stage further: a wooden structure at Llanharan is refronted in brickwork; the freehold of the Maerdy premises is now divisionally owned; and two new hall planned on an ambitious scale are nearing completion at Blaengarw and Maesteg. A number of tentative scheme of new construction on acquired sites are being explored; and another full year' work lie ahead. Any openings will be welcomed, particularly from the western coalfield where advantage has not as yet been taken of N.C.B. funds; but account must be had of the minimum cost being from £1,200 to £2,000, even with the use of prefabricated material. The Priory ha to pre ent a programme towards the end of the year to the South Western Divi ional Board, N.C.B., which has recently been allocating £1,500 a year; and it is important that Units connected with the mining indu try hall indicate their intentions at once even if cherne cannot mature immediately. Thanks largely to a loan at a low rate of intere t from the post-war funds of the Order, together with it own monie , the Priory is in a position to co-ordinate the financing of what at fir tight rna seem unpromising proposals. BRIGADE ACTIVITIES
Despite a drop in numerical strength on the male side the voluntary duties carried out during the course of the year have increa ed con iderably. Countless services rendered by this army of trained voluntary workers go unrecorded, but the following summary of the official returns present a statistical record of which any voluntary organisation may well be proud:Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Duties Nursing Aid Clinics . . . Blood Transfusion Miscellaneous Duties
Hours 85,815 54,834 11,689 2,244 521 2,010 12,521
On Public Duty Off Public Duty . . . . Treated by paid personnel . Transport :Invalids Removed Road Accidents Other Accidents Mileage .
Cases 25,558 29,481 176,457 24,236 523 1,247 240,052
169,634 Personnel engaged on full-time Hospital Duties- 28 Personnel engaged on full-time Transport Duties-86
Brigade Divisions are responsible for maintaining nine Road Boxes and eight Beach Huts. As regards Civil Defence, the Brigade has responded to the appeal for the National Hospital Service Reserve as shown below, while 288 members have enrolled in various sections of the Civil Defence Corps.
Cadet returns reflect the variety of ways in which useful service is being rendered. Public Duties . . Transport Duties . Hospital Duties Miscellaneous . Blood Transfu ion
Hours 18,741 625 3,057 3,290 20 25,733
Cadets Engaged on fuU-time Hospital 32 Duties . . . . . . 33 Transferred to Adult Divisions 33 Taking up Hospital Training . 3 Taking up Medical Training . 5 Taking up Nursery Training . 1 Taking up Therapy . . . . Called up for National Service in 5 Medical Service . . . . Called up for National Service in 6 non-Medical Service
Frequently incidents are brought to the notice of the Ambulance Committee of commendable service rendered by Brigade members in their pri ate capacitie. For gallant conduct and meritorious deeds lettel s or commendation written by the Chief Commissioner for Wales, on the authority of the Committee were addressed to: Divisional O~cer F. R . Pool Cardiff Railway Division; Corporal W. R. Jones, Rlsca Divi. ion; Cadet Keith Harry, Barry Ambulance Cadet Division; Miss Hilda Parry, Flint Nursing Division. The St. John Sa e-a-Life Week, organised by many counties throughout the holiday ea on, wa a ucces ful innovation both from. t~e poi.nt .of view or imparting in truction to large numbers of the publIc III artIfiCIal respiration and for the publicity value of these practical demonstrations of life-sa\ ing given in public places at seaside resorts and inland towns. There was no large scale review staged in "Vales this year, but the public had the opportunity of witnessing county reviews, conducted by the Chief Commi ioner for Wales, accompanied by the Assistant Superintendem-in-Chief for Wales. CADET TRAI I G OFFICER'S REPORT
It i a great pleasure to report the registration of 17 new Cadet Divisio,ns
an d a corre pondingly substantial increase in numbers, the general alID being to encourage the formation of a cadet unit alongside every adult divi ion. Grand Prior Badges, the highest award obtainable by Cadets, have been won by one Ambulance and six Nursing Cadets in Barry Dock, Barry Hill, Brecon, Pontypool, Rhoose and Tredegar Cadet Divisions, while nine Ambulance and four Nursing Cadets completed 200 hours' voluntary service thus winning the Special Service Shield. In the WeI h Cadet Competition Finals, twenty-two Cadet teams and seven Student Member teams competed. This is the last report in which separate competitions for Student Members will figure, for in accordance with a change of procedure introduced at Brigade Headquarters, they are to be merged with the Adult competitions, and it will be interesting to see whether any of the student members come through their county rounds to figure in the Welsh Brigade Finals. The winners for 1955 were:-"The Twiston-Davies Ambulance Cadet Cup"- Bryn (Glamorgan). "The Lady (Herbert) Lewis Nursing Cadet Cup" - Trehanis (Merthyr). "The Carol Lewi Senior Nursing Cadet Cup"-Tredegar (Monmouthshire). "The Twiston-Davies Student Ambulance Cadet Cup"- Glynneath (Glamorgan). "The County Cadet Officers' Uniform
Cup"-Treharris (Merthyr). "The Gwyn Morri Uniform Cup"Forden Ambulance (Montgomery hire). "The Lady Twi ton-Davie St~dent Nursing Members' Uniform Cup"- Caer w (Montgomeryslure), Tredegar (Monmouthsire). "The Sir Michael Duff Student Amhl:lla~ce M~mber~' Unifor~ Cup"- Glynneath (Glamorgan). It IS Impos Ible to underestimate the work of the Cadet Advi ory Committee, which meet twice a year a the North and outh Wales Cadet Executive, with one joint meeting at hrew bury. The effort of those County and Area Cadet Officer who travel long di tance to attend so regularly are deeply appr ciat d. The Sixth Annual Cadet Officer ' Trainin Oa Cour e wa held at Barry when the emphasis wa on Adventure a a mean to creating qualitie' of leadership, initiative and ob ervation. Two Ambulance Cadet from Tonyrefail and Barry gave an enthu ia tic account of an Ad enture Week they had attended at Na h Court, Ludlow, a repre entative of the Cadet Movement. The third combined Adult and adet Officer' Course, held at Colwyn Bay, wa well attended, in truction bing centred on Competition work and Teaching Method. Following the Cour e, one of the speakers, Major General H. H. Rich, . B., with Mi P. Morison, th~ newly appointed Chief StafT Officer, adct, who ha succeeded MISS Cunard, O.B.E., and the Cadet Training Officer made a tour of the six Northern Countie, attending meeting, rallie and enrolment. ceremonies, all ?f which were addre ed by the General. The policy of the Campmg Sub-Committee to run annual Training Camps for officers and insist on the highe t tandard for the a ard of Campin~ Warrants is bearing fruit, for the tandard of camping ha greatly Improv~d and excellent camp were run by officer from ardifT, Brecon and Bndgend, on which all three Commandant were awarded the Warrant. The Whitsuntid~ Training Camp at 0 wich, Gower, was attended by 17 Officers and Sl11cere thank are due to Mi s J . Thoma of the Cardiff Training College of Domestic Arts, who for the fifth yea~ undertook the training as Qua rterma ter. It was a perfect summer for camping and 122 Officer and Cadet camped at Rhowniar in the Priory Camp, while Cadet of Ea t Denbighshire and Newport ran County Camps. RHOWNIAR YOUTH CAMPING AND CO FERE
The Rhowniar Sub-Committee has met on several occa ion under the chairmanship of Mr. H. B. Meredith and received with ati faction repo~ts on a successful summer season, with Major H. Ware, ComffilSSlOner for Merionethshire, acting a Warden. The 900 young people accommodated were drawn from youth organisations in England as well as Wales, including St. John Cadets. NATIONAL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE
The co-operati?,: of the Brigade in Wales in the Ministry of Health scheme for recrUItmg volunteers for this branch of Civil Defence has demonstrat~d t.he effectivenes~ of a voluntary organisation in appealing to th~ best Instmcts of potentIal members. Obviously, the most valuable recru?ts to a Reserve created to provide staff for the expanded war-time hospI~a~, casualty an~ first aid services are those with the background of traImng and expenence to be found within the Brigade and the British
Red Cross Society, which was entrusted with similar responsibility. A large proportion of Brigade personnel committed themselves to memberhip of the Re erve involving the annual obligation to do a 48-hours' re fre her cour e in ho pita\. In addition the Brigade has used its resources in providing initial training for the men and women enrolled from outside the Brigade rank. Naturally, many of those who qualify in First Aid and Home Nursing feel inclined to pursue thi initial training and identify them elve with St. John; and in the county of Carmarthenshire the trength from this source comprises six new nur ing divisions. The Borough of Rhondda has stabili ed its position as the Wei h Brigade 'co unty' with the highest number of recruits to its credit by a net increase of 159 in 1955 to a total of 584 at 31st December. ot all countie have taken advantage of this opportunity for bringing in new member - trained and partly equipped with uniform free of cost to the Brigade-and for establishing valuable links with local hospitals, at the arne time enhancing the pre tige of the Brigade by its public participation in local recruiting campaigns. The Re erve i admini tered by local N.H.S.R. Committees on which the Brigade i repre ented by the appropriate N.H.S.R. County Repreen tati\c . In th competition for Mobile First Aid Units, organised under the au pice of th Mini try of Health, the Merthyr and Aberdare H.M.C. team v.a ucce ful in the Welsh eliminating rounds and repre ented the Wei h Region in London. It i gratifying to record that eight of the nine au iliarie in thi Unit wore the uniform of the Brigade. OM PETITIO S
Dc pite the difllcultie of travelling occasioned by a railway strike, the Priory wa again privileged in having the service of a District Staff Surgeon from the Brigade in England a guest judge on the panel of adjudicator appointed for the WeI h Brigade Final Competitions held in Cardiff on the 4th June. The team named below won the honours in the e conte t : Llandinam Shield (Men) I t Pentremawr olliery (Carmarthen hire) 2nd Pontypool (Monmouthshire) 3rd Kenfig Hill (Glamorgan)
Arthur Griffiths Memorial (Women) 1st Tredegar (Monmouthshire) 2nd Treharris (Merthyr Tydfil) 3rd Caersws (Montgomeryshire)
Another step taken to facilitate the greatest pos ible measure of uniformity in competition procedure throughout the country was the issue of a memorandum for the guidance of competition judge, patients and competitors. In thi matter an ad hoc sub-committee had the benefit of the co-operation and assistance of the Surgeon-in-Chief of the Brigade. There were seven competitions at the Royal National Ei teddfod of Wale, held this year at Pwllheli in Caernarvon hire, and identified with the Priory, through the association of the Brigade Secretary as Stewa rdin-charge. The winning team in these events were:Lady Lewis Cup (Open, male team): Great Mountain Colliery, Carmarthenshire. Lady Bule Cup (Open, female teams): Treharris S.J.A.B. (Merthyr Tydfil). Powell Du.frryn Challenge Cup (Mineworker teams): Kenfig Hill S.J.A.B. (Glamorgan). Trevelhin Shield (Male teams in Wales): Abergorki Colliery (Mountain Ash). Silurian Shield
(Boys' teams in Wales), Duffryn Aman SJ.A.B. Cadets (Aberdare). Gwent Shield (Girls' teams in Wales): Treharris S.J.A.B. Cadets. SERVICE MEDALS AND BARS
The 209 awards recorded bring the total number of recIpIents of Service Medals, granted on completion of fifteen years' efficiency, to 2,396 and the holders of Bars for subsequent five-year periods to 1,150 First Bars, 459 Second Bars, 240 Third Bars, 30 Fourth Bar, 34 Fifth Bars and six Sixth Bars since the e tabli hment of the Priory. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS
There is no change in the general pattern of activity under this headin g. Operating under the regis of the Priory there are 59 Depots from which sick-room requisites and invalid comforts are is ued on loan at nominal charges. A small proportion are sub idi ed to a varying extent by county medical authorities but the majority are staffed and maintained solely by St. John units. The Priory House Depot is recogni ed by the Cardiff Public Health Department a capable of catering adequately for needs within the City; and while that Committee decided against a free issue, for which authority is provided under the National Health Service Act, it accepts responsibility for payment of the hire charge in nece sitous cases according to a form of means test. The 3,336 article i sued from the Priory House Depot during the year demon trate the alue of the provision. The large majority of the borrower paid the small loan charges, while the payments due from 369 were undertaken by the City Health Authority. The Medical Comforts Depots in the countie dealt with 3,474 applications for equipment. Together with the Priory Hou e total, 6,810 sufferers were assisted through this means and enjoyed comforts which might otherwise have been denied them. AMBULANCE TRA SPORT
The Priory continued in active association, albeit on a diminishing scale, with the Welsh Ambulance Committee (formerly known a the Welsh Home Service Ambulance Committee) in administering a Join t Department whereby Ambulance Transport Services were provided under Headquarter agency arrangements on behalf of Local Health Authorities in the counties of Brecon, Carmarthen, Denbigh, Pembroke and Radnor. During the year 1955, a long-standing Priory activity in the field of Ambulance Transport work came to an end on termination of Headquarter Agency arrangements with the Carmarthenshire County Council with effect from 1st April of the year under review. Five of a total of nine Ambulance Stations transferred to direct control of the Council had been established by the Priory many years before the National Health Service Act became operative on the 5th July, 1948, and a sixth station set up under Priory auspices was brought into being to meet the needs of the Carmarthenshire County Council. The extent of the administrative and operational responsibility undertaken by the Ambulance Department on behalf of the Carmarthenshire County Council is indicated by the fact that during the term of the agency arrangements
115,951 patients were convey~d and 1.'531,970 mil.es travelled. puring the preceding 28 years the Pnory ran Its own Se~vlce ~n a contnbutory basis supported by employers and emp~oyees ~hke WIth benefit to all concerned. As a tribute to the loyal serVIces of Its Ambulance personnel from 1918 onwards and to mark the final break with its pre-Nati~nal Health Service Act Ambulance Stations, Priory Headquarters orgamsed a successful departmental social function held at Swansea on 31st March, 1955. . 27 At 31st December, 1955, the Joint Department was operatmg Ambulance Stations, one with four, and three with two A!I1bulan~es and 23 Stations each with one Ambulance-a total of 33 vehicles bemg available for duty. These figures show a reduction of 10 Stations and 14 service Ambulances on the previous year, as a result of Carmarthenhire dropping out, the closing down of one Station (Llangerny:w, Denbigh hire) and withdrawal of one of the two Ambulances statIOned at both the Brymbo and Rho llanerchrugog Stations (Denbighshire). Of 48 Ambulances registered with the Joint Department, seven were owned by the Priory for Wales and 41 by the Welsh Ambul.ance Committee. Two Priory and one Welsh Ambulance CommIttee-owned vehicles were withdrawn from service during the year and sold and three new ambulances were added to the fleet on Welsh Ambulance Committee account during the year. The 27 Headquarter agency Ambulance Stations are manned by 11 paid dri er and three paid attendants upported by voluntary perso~nel of St. John Divi ions and B.R.C.S. detachments. Voluntary ser Ices remain much to the fore in the County of Denbigh, in Radnorshire two of the four Station are taffed entirely by volunteers and in Pembrokeshire and Brecon hire voluntary effort is in evidence. In addition to Headquarter Agency arrang~ments, the . Ambulance Department ha a direct intere t in the opera~lOn an~ mamtenance of ix Station in the County of Montgomery, eqUIpped WIth Welsh Ambulance Committee-owned vehicles, manned and directly operated by Divi ions of the Brigade on a voluntary basis under Indep~ndent A&ency arrangement with the Montgomeryshir~ County Council, operatIOnal costs bein met by the latter Authonty . The Independent Agency arrangeme~t between the Rhyl and Prestatyn Divisions and the Flinthire County Council terminated officially on 31st December, 1954. (J
Reference i made under the preceding heading to one of the activities which provides a common ground for servi~e for mem?ers of the s>~~er of St. John and the British Red Cross SOCIety. Certam other actlvltIes of the Joint Committee in London, on which the Priory is represented by the Lord Aberdare,' G.B.E., LL.D:, ar~ carried <?u~ thr0l:lgh Joint County Committees, which function 10 d1rect. assocI~tIOn ~lth. headquarters. St. John personnel in Wales are m~kmg theIr ~ont.nbutIOn to the work on beha1f of ex-service sick and dIsabled, whIch IS financed from the residue of the Duke of Gloucester's Fund, and in most counties the two main Departments of the Joint Committee are well represented. Glamorgan Joint Committee on the 8th December had the benefit of a visit of the Secretary of the Ex-Service War Disabled Help Department and of a representative of the Hospital Libraries Department who
addressed a large gathering of St. John and Red Cross workers from all parts of the county.
Sir Ernest Burdon, K.C.I.E., C.S.!., LL.D., one of the two distinguished guests expected from the Grand Priory, was prevented by illness from attending, but Major R. Williams, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.S.A., Librarian of the Order, brought greeting from Headquarters and gave a highly interesting talk on the Order's Library and Museum at St. John's Gate. Chapter Members were the guests of the Lord Mayor of Cardiff at luncheon in the Banqueting Hall of the Castle. The short journey to and from the Castle was made in procession. Nearly a thousand members and friends of the Priory from all parts of Wales attended General General A sembly in the afternoon at which the Prior carried out an Inve titure of members. The Priory had the pleasure of welcoming two representatives of Over eas Establishments- Mr. Keith A. Falconer, Secretary of the Priory in New Zealand, conveying greetings in English and Maori, and Miss Marjorie Higgins expre sing a message from the New South Wales Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association in Au tralia.
The sale of textbooks and publication came close to the ten thousand in 195.5. A new production was a reprint of "The Brigade Surgeon." Bngade umts would do well to ensure that this booklet is brought to the notice of their urgeon. Too few copie are sold of the President' Handbook and of the Nursing Officer's Handbook. Uniform sales were down by 40 o~ for the adults and] 6 o~ for Cadet, as a result of the special efforts made by Brigade unit in 1954 to become equipped for the Royal Reviews held in North and South Wale but although there is a decrease of £3,544 in turnover compared with i 954, the figures bear a favourable comparison with those for ] 953. It i the policy of the Priory to encourage unit to place their order [or uniform with this Department by giving the be t po ible quality and service at th~ lowest prices compatible with economical working; and ince the pnces were reduced in 1954 the Brigade has patronised the Department to a greater extent. The purchase of surgical equipment from the Priory Stores Department was stimulated by the issue of a revised price list to Brigade Di vi ions . Printed stationery has been added to the variety of goods available at competitive prices. m~rk
. Successive reports for many years past have recorded generou gifts III the name of Mr. A. W. S. Jones. It is with deepest regret that this Report acknowledges the final contribution from thi ardent collector who died on the 1st August, 1955. In association with his brother Capt. E. M. Jones, in Canada, the late Mr. Jone was joint donor of ~ v~luable 18th century line engraving and the Priory gratefully accepted his offer of a set of six hand-painted drawing at half the price he paid for them. A set of fine photographs of the interior and exterior of St. John' Gate was presented by Headquarters to the Priory Library. . The 1955 ~hristmas greeting card produced by the Priory for u e by Its membershlps, featured the Library and Museum by the reproduction of one of the paintings hung at Priory House which was a gift of Capt. E. M. Jones. NEW APPOINTME TS
.The lamented death of Capt. J. Elliot Seager, an Executive Officer WIth a long record of devoted service to the Priory as a member of Chapter and Committees, necessitated the appointment of a successor as D~rector .of Ambu~a~ce. The Prior was pleased to appoint Mr. H. Gethin LeWIS, ComffilsslOner for Glamorgan, to this office. To succeed Sir Rhys Llewellyn, Bt., whose permanent absence from Wal~s caused him to resign, the Priory was fortunate in securing the serVIces of the Hon. Anthony Berry as one of the three Priory Trustees, an appointment which maintains a close family connection with the Order. ST. JOHN'S DAY CELEBRATIONS
The Prior presided over the annual meeting of the Chapter at which the Archbishop of Wales officiated. It was a matter of regret that
Thi ear has seen the re-issue, after an interval, of the Priory Roll of the Order in the various grades memb~rship of which evaluates service of varying length and degree in promotion of the Objects defined in Priory Regulations. The greatest care is taken by the Investigation Committee of the Priory to submit nominations to the Chapter-General in maintenance of the high standards of admission and promotion to which the Grand Priory conform. In a earching scrutiny of individual records and by a strict comparison of relative claim, every endeavour is made to allot a fair proportion of award between countie , centres and county areas in accordance with their importance and numerical strength, but without the assignment of any quota a of right, merit being the sole criterion in conformity with rule of uniform application.
The pa sing of our revered Sub-Prior, Sir Herbert James Stanley, G.C.M.G., K.St.J., on the 5th June, 1955, was indeed a very severe blow not only to the Order, but to the Association and Brigade as well. Sir Herbert took a very keen interest in all the activities of St. John and was without doubt particularly interested in the general welfare and progress of the Brigade. May we on behalf of the Association and the Brigade extend our congratulations to Brigadier C. M. Hoffe, C.B.E., K.St.J., who has been appointed to succeed the late Sir Herbert as Chancellor (formerly Sub-Prior) of the Order in Southern Africa. I would like to assure Brigadier Hoffe of our wholehearted support and loyalty and wish him a long and successful term of office. We have also sustained another severe loss in the death of Lieut.-Col. C. G . L. van Dyk, M .B., Ch.B., C.St.J., Surgeon-in-Chief of the Brigade,
who passed away on the 17~h Augu.st, 1~~5. The late Col. van Dyk s~rved the Or~er. and the Bngade wIth dilIgence and efficiency during his long aSSocIatIOn with us. Priory Council and Chapter have been pleased to re~ommend Colonel G. D. English, E.D., M. B., C.St.J., of Durban, as his successor, and we wish him a long and successful association with us.
B!'igade Membership:---:T~e strength of the Brigade remains fairly statIc. throughout all DIstncts although there has been a noticeable ?rop 111 the adult male personnel. The total number of Divisions has ~ncreased. from 498 to 514. This is mainly due to the very satisfactory mcre~s~ .m the ~u~ber of Cadets, both in personnel and the number of DIVISIOns-thIs IS very gratifying and augurs well for the future welfare of the Brigade. Ass?ciation Returns are encouraging- 13,883 Certificate and Award were Issued during the year, bringing the total number of Certificates awarded since the inception of the Centres throughout the Union to 371,297. Once again we extend our grateful thanks to all the Doctor, Lecturers and Demonstrators who devote so much of their valuable time to thi aspect of our work. The various reports received from Centres and Di trict would eem to indicat~ t~at whilst no spectacular events took place during the year the orgamsatIOn was, nevertheles , kept busy with its u ual humanitarian services to t~e public, such as public dutie at all sporting e ent , transport of the SIck and feeble and the many other sen ices u ually expected from a First Aid organisation. Oph.thalmic Foundatlon:- The Hospital has now completed four year' work In the fight agamst preventable blindness, and during that period no less than 55,000 cases have been handled. Nearly two thou and persons have been admitted to the Ward, and 0 er 1,200 operations performed. Training of Staff has proceeded satisfactorily, and 15 nur e ha e pas.sed the St. John Ophthalmic Nursing examination and left to continue theIr ~ork elsewhere. The certificate covering this examination i now reco~sed by ~he !ransvaal Provincial Administration. The S.A. Nur ing Councl~ ?~ve mstItuted ~ Post-Graduate Ophthalmic Nursing Certificate and facilitIes are now avaIlable for registered nurses to train in ophthalmic work. Despite the increased attendances from those in need of assistance expenditure remains fairly constant at the Hospital and the Staff h~v~ been made fully aware of our ~ependence on the generosity of the public ~nd the need for the most stnngent economy. The question of finance IS one that causes the Executive Committee a great deal of concern. In o:~er to ~aintain the Hospital at its present standard we must have a mImm1:lm Income of £12,000 per annum, and unless this amount is forthcommg annual.ly we shall b.e compelled to draw on our capital resources, a step whIch the ExecutIve feels should be avoided at all costs. Prio1)' Council and Chapter have now appointed a special SubC?mffilttee to. explore. ways and means of providing the Foundation WIth a steady Income II?- order to meet its commitments and it is hoped that as a result of theIr efforts the whole question of finance will be
made somewhat easier in the future. In this connection, it is the Executive's intention to proceed with the construction of a Mobile Unit in order to pursue the work in the native territories and ~ther areas, ~nd to work in conjunction with the S.A. National CouncIl for the BlInd in connection with surveys, which are a very important adjunct in the fight again t preventable blindness.
"The Call oj St. 10hn" :-We are still experiencing a great deal of difficulty in obtaining suitable advertising for ' The Call," v.: ith the re ult that the journal is now operating under a very substanttal loss. It reserve are gradually being absorbed and unless there is a very decided improvement in revenue it may be necessary in the not too distant future to give serious consideration to the question of its continuance. Annual ConJerellce:-The Twentieth Annual Conference was held at Kimberley 0 er the period 21st to 23rd September, 1955. Centres and Di trict were well represented by 32 delegates, in addition to which three ob er er , representing the South African Railways and Harbours Command and one repre entative from Rhodesia, were also present. The Agenda covered a fairly wide field and the discussions were conducted on a very high level and in a very harmonious spirit. The Annual Inter-Provincial Competitions were held at Kimberley on 24th eptember, 1955, and were conducted in a very fine team spirit. The efficiency of the competitors again reflected the measure of the ound ba ic training they had received. The Selborne Shield was won by Uitenhage Railway Ambulance Division, and the Rewat Shield by the Johannesburg Central Railway Nursing Division. SUMMARY OF ACT[YITIES DURING THE YEAR 1955 Adults (\) Number of Clas e held: First Aid . . . Home Nur ing . Child WeLfare . Health and Hygiene Others
440 50 1 2 1
172 77 6
494 255
(2) Ambulance Depots, First Aid Posts, First Aid Station , etc. : No. in existence . . . No. established during year
54 1
(3) Medical Comfort Depots: No. in existence . . . No. of articles loaned, etc.
23 432
(4) Transport: No. of Ambulances No. of Mobile Units No. of Ranch Wagons Miles covered . Patients transported
23 1 1 109,111 7,890
(5) No. of cases treated .
(6) St. John Ambulance Brigade: No. of Divisions Personnel: Ambula~ce~ Men. Nurses . Cadets: Ambulance Nursing.
Adults 514 4,596 2,176 1,756 2,664
During 1955
(7) Certificates Awarded: First Aid: Adult. . Preliminary Home Nursing: Adult. . Preliminary Health and Hygiene: Adult . Preliminary Sanitation . . Industrial Poisons Child Welfare Occupational Th~rapy Demonstrators . . Lay Lecturers Lay Examiners Vouchers. Medallions Labels . Pendants .
5,566 2634 513 1,076 3 6
ince Formation 0/ Centre
546 616 1,883 903
152,814 40,161 30,637 J3,J02 1,391 318 21 13 1,135 96 1,J04 40 32 20,189 21,112 5 ,835 30,297
62 56 19
.T~~re is very little change in the numerical strength of the established D~v~s~ons, but we are pleased to report that 10 Senior and eight Cadet
~IvisIOns ~ave ~e~~ form~d ~nd regIstered during the year. Thi number Includes mne .DIvisIOns WIthin the S.A.R. & H. Command. It has been found con.vement to have a number of Divisions consisting of Ambulance and Nu~sH~g members, on a~count of transport difficulties after dark. All DIstncts are endeavounng to obtain recruits from the Association classes, but only very few come forward to join the Brigade and most of the new m~mbers. are transferred from the Cadet Divisiods. All the routIne dutIe~ have ~een carried out, and the members continue to I attefds~ports MeetIngs, CInemas, Blood Transfusion Centres Agricu t~rad ows, and any public gathering where their services ~ay be reqUIre . In the ~arly part of the year, an urgent caB for help came from Adding~~n ~~spital, ~urba.n, whe~e a large number of the Nursing Staff became I ~lt an umdentlfie~ dIsease. ~t was .difficult to respond with the re~UIred nu.mber~, as It was c.onsldered Inadvisable to send members w 0 were III d~Ily cont~ct WIth young children. Thirteen members we;t to ~he hospItal and dId day and night duty for a period of six weeks d re~na had a busy year,. as the city was celebrating its centenary an t ere were many fun~tlons :v~ere our members were re uired. There. was also an Industnal ExhIbItion where a First Aid Po~t was. estabhshe~ .and staffed by Adults and Senior Cadets. Durin the tour of the Bntlsh Rugby Team, two matches-one a Test mat~h- were
played in Pretoria. There were thousands of spectators present and our people were kept very busy. The Witwatersrand District sent over members to assist with the Test match. The Medical Comforts Depots throughout the country continue to be of use to the community. The Witwatersrand Di trict supplied members for duty during the whole period of the University Towns' Festival. The First Aid Post at Milner Park is now opened two months before the Annual Agricultural Show in order to deal with casualties among the workers who are preparing the stands. Every District in the Union has many and varied calls for assistance, and the number of Public Duties performed annually is worthy of high com mend a tion. With eight new Cadet Di isions established during the year and increased membership in the old Divisions, the Cadet movement is in a very healthy condition. Nearly all the Cadets are now working for their Proficiency Badges, and in one District alone there have been over 200 gained during the year. There have not been so many Grand Prior awards but .a large number will be due next year. A Cadet in the Witwatersrand District performed an outstanding act of er ice in reviving a native child who was apparently drowned. The Cadet wa awarded the Priory Commissioner's Special Vote of Thanks. A Pretoria Cadet was pre ented with the Special Service Shield for giving 200 hours of voluntary ser ice. She is one of the few to win the Shield in thi country. Senior Cadets are helping Adult members on Public Duty, and it is a plea ure to note that a number of them are continuing to take up general training in the Nursing service. The Senior Non-Europeans are taking a greater part in Public Duty among their own people, and their standard of work is improving. Four members are on the permanent staff of the Livingstone Hospital, Port Elizabeth, and they still retain membership of their Nursing Division. One Divisional member in the Cape, who works for her living as a Nurse Aid, gives her services free at a Students' Dental Clinic, which deals with coloured and native people. The Non-European Cadets, who are always keen and enthusiastic in their work, are now studying in greater numbers for Proficiency Badges, and several have already gained their Grand Prior Badges. At the Annual Ambulance Conference held in Kimberley in September, a meeting of the Senior Officer (Nursing) Advisory Committee was held. Each District-with one exception-was represented at the meeting and matters of interest pertaining to the Nursing side of the work were discussed at length. The Matron of the Ophthalmic Hospital expresses her gratitude for all the gifts that have come to the Hospital through the Linen Guilds. Hundreds of articles of clothing have been made or collected, toys have been donated and theatre linen has been supplied. It can be assumed that the Nursing members have shouldered the responsibility of keeping the Hospital supplied with these articles, and they are thereby saving the Foundation considerable expense.
THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND It was a pleasu~e to the Priory to receive advice that Her Majesty the Queen, SovereIgn Head of the Order of St. John, had graciously granted a new ~oyal Charter to the Order and we are most appreciative to the Grand Pnory for the number of copies that were made available. The Priory is now awaiting receipt of the revised Priory Regulation mad~ necessary ~y the granting of the new Royal Charter and Statute, and I.t expresses ItS. tha~ks for the a~si ~ance given by the Grand Priory and .ItS Legal AdvIser I!1 the compllatIOn of these Regulation. HIS Excellency the Pnor, ~ieutena?t General Sir Willoughby Norrie, has. been mos.t closely ass?cIated wIth all the activitie of the Priory dunng the penod under reVIew. He conducted three Investiture Services ~t Dunedin, Napier and ~uckland. These. ervices arou ed much publi~ mterest a?d support. HIS Excellency presIded at the Annual Meeting of t~e PrIory Chapter and attended the St. John's Day Ser ice in St. Paul s Pro-Cathedral, Wellington. APPOINTME TS
It :vas necessary to make further appointment owing to the r tirement of SIr James EllIOt, and consequent upon the promotion of Stronach Paterson, Esq., C.M.G., to the position of Chancellor. Mr. .Henry L. Paterson, K.St.J., was appointed Director of Association, Mr. Richard D. Moore, CSt.J., was appointed Almoner, and Mr. David F. Mackay, M.B.E., took over the dutie of Registrar. Two important appointments were made to the Headquarter Staff of the St. J?hn ~mbulance Bri~ade when Miss N. Knight, formerly the ~atron-m-C:hlef .of the Wellmgton Public Hospital, was appointed Supenntende~t-m-Chlef of the Nursing Divisions of the Brigade, and Group Captam A. Howard Marsh (Director of Medical Services Air) was appointed Surgeon-in-Chief. ' OBITUARY
The Pri~)[y in New Zealand sustained a great loss with the passing of two promment me!llbers, namely, Lady Elliot, wife of the former Chancellor, and the PrIory Secretary, Mr. Keith A. Falconer. L.ady Elli?t ~erved the Order of St. John most loyally and zealously ~un?g her lIfetlme. The enthusiastic work of the Guilds is, undoubtedly, mspired by the personality of its former leader. All members of St. J o~~ who. knew her will especially miss her gracious presence and brIlliant WIt at gatherings and meetings. Mr. Falc~mer, who was Deputy Chief Commissioner and Priory Secretary, WIll a~ways hold ~n honoured place in the history of the Order of St. John. HIS unusual gifts of organisation and administration were of ~reat benefit to the Order, while his courtesy, modesty, patience and fo~tltude endeared him to those with whom and for whom he worked. HIS sudden ~eath was a great shock to all, and we owe him an infinite deb.t of gratltude for having done so much for the well being and prosperIty of the Order of St. John in New Zealand. VISIT OF COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF
. I?uring t~e two weeks that Sir Otto Lund spent in New Zealand he VISIted ChrIstchurch, Ashburton, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, Inver-
cargill, Blenheim, Wellington, Levin, Palmerston North, Woodville, Dannevirke, Waipukurau, Hastings, Taupo, Rotorua, Matamata, Te Awamutu, Hamilton and Auckland. At each of these places, no matter how short the stop, Sir Otto conducted an Inspection, presented Brigade Awards and met local dignitaries. Our thanks are due to the Grand Priory in making possible the issue of outstanding Service Medals and Bars and Grand Prior Badges in time for presentation by Sir Otto. From the statistics available it would appear that Sir Otto met at least 7,395 people, and, of this figure, at least 3,199 were Brigade personnel. It was most gratifying to see the sacrifices made by Officers and Members to attend Parades and functions, and they must have been rewarded by the interest the Commissioner-in-Chief displayed in their individual contribution, which he appreciated as being important and vital to the well being of the Order. In addition, Sir Otto attended a Priory Dinner at vVellington, a Public Reception at the Art Gallery and an In e titure at Auckland, and broadcast over the National stations. There i no doubt that Sir Otto's visit, in addition to giving all Officers and Member a fresh approach and a new viewpoint together with further idea for expan ion and co-ordination, also called nationwide attention to the quiet service and the volume of the Order's contribution to New Zealand. We are indebted to Sir Otto personally for giving his time to visit us, and it i our hope that uch visits will be regularly undertaken by the Grand Priory Superior Officers. HO OURS
It was a mattcr of supreme satisfaction that on the recommendation of Hi Excellency the Prior, Her Majesty the Queen created Sir James Elliot, Bailiff Grand Cro s in recognition of his conspicuously valuable and long ervice to the Order. VISIT TO THE GRA D PRIORY
A visit to the Grand Priory wa undertaken by Mr. R. D. Moore and thc late Mr. Falconer, for the purpose of discussing problems of moment, and these officers received from the Priory much courtesy and assistance. FINANCIAL APPEALS BY GRA D PRIORY
The New Zealand Priory, although itself facing heavy capital expenditure, supported the campaign initiated by the Grand Priory for the rebuilding of the Priory Church, and £161 was remitted. At the Annual Meeting of Priory Chapter it was resolved that the New Zealand Priory would assist the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem, both financially and otherwise, and a sum of £657 was collected. An appeal for clothing and hospital linen was well supported, showing that members fully realise the noble work undertaken by our Ophthalmic Hospital. ASSOCIA TION
The Field Officer, Mr. A. Kennedy, has given much valuable tuition to isolated communities in New Zealand. The Ambulance Transport Service has continued to develop and the Order of St. John is now operating 65 per cent. of all Services in New Zealand. 1t is noteworthy
that the Government, through the Health Department, has announced its policy of handing over Ambulance Transport Services to the Order of St. John, which it regards as the body best suited to operate these services. An interesting development is the provision of roadside First Aid Posts and it is the aim of this Headquarters that First Aid material will be available for motorists at ten-mile intervals.
Nova Scotia, in conducting Investitures at St. John's and at Halifax for those who had been unable to come to Ottawa. In the rating for the Special Brigade Trophies, the following were the winners: Dent Bowl-(Nursing Divisions) won by No. 179 N,1~~treal (W.V.S.C.) Nursing Division; Wright Shield-(Ambulance DI~I~I~)llS) won by No. 50 Montreal (Lt.-Col. Herbert M.olson). ~I?bulance DIVISIOn; Alice Vincent Massey Shield-(Cadet Nursmg DIVISIOns) won b~ No. 32c Ottawa Central Cadet Nursing Division; Vincent Massey Shleld(Cadet Ambulance Divisions) won by No. 179c Montreal (Acme) Cadet Ambulance Division. We feel highly honoured that a number of very important offici~ls of St. John visited Canada during the year and we had the opporturuty of entertaining them. The first to arrive was Si.r Otto .Lu~d, who landed in Vancouver and visited Edmonton, Regma, Wmrupeg, Toronto" Ottawa and Montreal. In March the Hon. Mrs. Leslie Gamage paid an all too short visit. In October, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma spent three days as ague t at Governme!lt House, du~ng which time she isited Kingston. A very large meetmg was ~eld m ~h.e. Chateau Laurier at which the Countess inspected the Bngade DIVISIOns and afterward gave a most interesting address covering the work of St. John throughout the Commonwealth. In the late summer, '!'Ie had a vi it from Mis Higgins, of New Zealand. vVe were able to gIVe her .a!1 outline of the work in Canada and fortunately she was able to VISIt Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Van~ouver. Visits uch a these are of great assistance, not only to the Pnory of Canada, but I am ure to the other Priories as well, as we have an apportunity of di cussing the work throughout the Co~monwe~lth. . The Priory suffered a severe loss when the ChIef MedIcal Advlser, Dr. W. P. Warner, died suddenly. He contributed substantially to the permanent improvement in the work of St. John.. . I offer my sincere thanks to all members of the Medical profeSSIOn, the nurses, members of the press, radio and television for the continued support which they have given the organisati?n .. To the. members ?f the Order, to the Officials of the Priory, ProvIllcral OffiCIals, those III Special Centres, Br1gade members of all ranks and all memb~r . of the Administrative staffs, I extend my sincere thank and appreclatIOn for their devotion in carrying on the work of the Order.
The Brigade members have again given outstanding service, not only in the provision of public duty but through the Ambulance Transport Service. It is pleasing to note that the Association has assumed responsibility for financing all activities of the Brigade in this country, thus freeing members for the carrying out of their onerous duties and responsibilities. CO-OPERATIO
Acknowledgment is made of the courte ies received from the Grand Priory and the Priories of Australia, Canada, South Africa, Wales and Scotland.
PRIORY IN CANADA CHANCELLOR'S REPORT DUling 1955, the work of the Priory was carried on successfully. The were somehwat improved over 1954. There was also Brigade personnel. Participation of St. John in Commuruty Chest IS extending with very gratifying results. Campaigns for funds were held in all sections of the country where we were not in ~ommunity Chest and the results enabled the organisation to carryon Its work. The booklet "Fundamentals of First Aid" was submitted to the printers for publication. It is anticipated that it will meet with general approval an.d will be used particularly in training Civil Defence throughout Canada. Smcere appreciation is extended to Dr. Robert Mustard of Toronto for producing this book. Domjnion . Competitions were held in the early part of the year, in bot~ ~Irst Aid. and Home Nursing, senior and junior. The results were gratIfymg. Ellminations were held in the various Provinces and the Chief-~ommissioner conducted the examinations of the top ranking teams III each Province. The Home Nursing competitions were conducted by the Chief Nursing Officer. "Sa,:,e A Life Week" was again conducted in the early spring and met WIth very much greater enthusiasm than in 1954. As a matter of fact, "Save A Life \Veek" has been adopted in many sections of the Commonwealth. His Excellency, the Prior, held an Investiture for members from all Provinces at Government House in the fall of the year. This was very successful and it was televised for the first time. In addition to this Investiture, I assisted the Lieutenant-Governors of Newfoundland and res~lts of tr~ining an lI~crease m ~he
One Ambulance Division was disbanded because the ponsors of thi Division had transferred mo t of the members to other parts of Canada and their po itions have not since been filled. Thirty-two new in?truct<?rs obtained their First Instructor's Certificates and 12 renewed theIr certificate for a further period of five years. Eleven allowed their certificate to lap e. There are now 208 Instructors in Alberta. The Industrial First Aid certificates obtained in 1955 totalled almost as many a in the previous four years. The importance of this type of St. John special First Aid training is gradually being recogI?-is~d. The Medical Advisory Board now has 53 members and their mterest and value is proving of great help in maintaining the high standard of training in First Aid and Home Nursing. Emergency Regulations and an Emergency Operation Plan have been initiated which provide for the efficient use of all holding First Aid and
!fome Nursipg ce~tificates and. hi~her awar~s. in this Province. Working co-operatIOn wIth the Provmcial AuthontIes, the Safety Council and the Police, a plan to establish First Aid Highway Posts at strategic points throughout Alberta is now being developed. During 1955, 11,541 persons made use of the Training Centre. The accommodation provided has proved most satisfactory. On March 8th, 1955, we were privileged to have with us Sir Otto Lun~, who in that year made a world tour of St. John. Although his stay m Edmonton and Calgary was brief we were able to show him a little of St. John in action. The highlight of his visit was the pre entation of awards to members of the Edmonton City Police in their new drill hall. The interest in First Aid and Home Nursing in the North West Territories in incr~asing '!ery fast and t? cope succe sfully with the calls upon us taxes our mgenUlty; for long dIstances, infrequent transportation and weather conditions impose difficulties which have to be overcome.
sponsorship of local branches. The Council furnis~e~ problems and judges for many of these an~ also for several compet1tIOn~ ~eld by the various industries in the Provmce. B.C. teams entered Dorrumon Trophy Competitions in 1955. The MO!1tizambe:t. Trophy was. won by the Sullivan Mine team of the ConsolIdated Mirung and Smeltmg Company of Canada, Limited, Kimberley, who also placed .secopd for the Wall~ce Nesbitt General Trophy. B.C. teams placed thIrd In two ?ther FIrst Aid e ents and second for the Lady Drummond ~ome NursI~g trophy. Brigade Nursing and Ambulance personnel contmued an actIve rou!1d of public duties, whic~ are now increased b~ events held at the new Emp~re Stadium. Beach dutIes were kept up dunng the summer months whIle nur ing personnel, in addition to. their regular duti~s,. assiste~ at Salk Vaccine Clinic held for school chIldren. The baby-slttmg serVIce at the Pacific National Exhibition was continued in 1955 with some 200 toddlers under supervision. The Surrey Nursing Division, No. 3~5, w~~ ~ormed in 1955 under the New Westminster Corps and two nursmg dIVISIOns of the Vancou er Corps were re-organised as combined divisions.
During the year 1955, St. John Council for British Columbia put into effect a large part of the programme drawn up in pre iou year. Although not all .the. Coyncil's plans materialised, the following concrete advances are an mdicatIOn of expanding St. John activities in the Pro ince. More instructor~ w~re available in 19?5 and increased pressure wa appli d to the o.rgarusatIOp C?f Home .Nursmg classes through the appointment of a fUll-tIJ?1e Provmcial Nursmg Officer, who visited more than twenty es~ablished branches as well as various unorganised di tricts to further this part of St. John work. It is expected that 1956 will show the results of the interest created in Home Nursing and Child Welfare courses. Incomplete returns for 1955 show that awards in St. John and Indu trial Firs~ Ai.d w~re well. up to. the st~ndard of previous years, with large classes contmUlng m Juruor FIrst AId, for which the Council provides free textbooks, and various other supplies. The Forest First Aid Committee, jointly sponsored by St. John and the workmen's Compensation Board, sent two instructors into thirteen diffe:ent sections of the PrC?~ince, giving a total of twenty-four classes, despIte severe weather .c~mditIOns which hampered the progress of some classes. Clas~es f<?r CIVIl Defen~e were continued. Incomplete returns show 4?9 tramed m Advanced FIrst Aid, while a total of 71 completed the baSIC course. Close co-operation has been maintained with the Civil Defence organisation at all times and several St. John members have completed courses at Arnprior. Much interest has been aroused in the casualty simulation courses and those trained in this method are available to apply their knowledge to demonstrations and competition work for both St. John and Civil Defence. Three new branches of th~ Association were organised during the y~ar,. and two others re-orgamsed to meet changing conditions in their dIstncts. Over 30 Centres were visited by Provincial Officers durina 0 the year. Considerab1~ exp.ansion was shown in the Highway First Aid Posts programme, WIth eIght new Posts established in 1955. There are now 24 Posts in operation in the province, all equipped by St. John and in charge of fully qualified First Aiders. Competitions were held at many points in the Province under the
The Brigade maintains its strength and all c~lls for servic~ .hav~ been filled. We are particularly pleased with the. m~reased actIvI.ty ~n. ~)Ur industrial divi ion, representing the meat packmg mdustry. This dlvI~IO.n has added to its efficiency by special training ~n. ~isaster w~rk and It IS intended to pa s this experience on to other dIvIsIOns .. Dun~g the year there were 450 nursing members called on general dutIes whic~ tota~l~d 1 269 hours. A special duty was performed for the Salk VaccIlle Chmc \~hen 142 nurses gave 238 hours. Extra activities of the nursing me~b~rs incl uded working with arthritic patients. Some members are also gIv~ng volunteer aid in hospitals. In the month of June one .Cade~ N~rs~ng Division put on an evening:s ente.rtain~ent for the ~eedy m theIr dlstn.ct. Visitor included three pOlIO patIents III wheel chans, three ad~lts WIth multiple sclerosis and three members from the Home for DIsturbed Children. The vi itors were entertained by a concert and lunch and each given a little gift to take home. Tr~nsporta~ion was also provided. With the beginning of 1956 our new speCIally deSIgned home on P?r~age Avenue will house all units which formerly used the old buildm&. Considerable credit is due to the various Divisions for their overcoming the difficulties created by lack of headquarters for the most of the year. Nursing Auxiliaries continue to give a good. aC?ount of the~selves. The inclusion of St. John in the Greater Wmrupeg Commuruty Chest has proved very successful, relieving the Executive of the very considerable amount of work involved in conducting an annual appeal and permitting them to give their ~tter:tion to .the practical work of the <?rder. A campaign through the malls IS held m the fall of each year III the rural areas of the District. Owing to lack of cash, due to heavy wheat carry-overs, this has not been quite as successful as i.n former years. Sir Otto Lund paid us a visit in March. After makmg an appearar:-ce on television the General attended a reception in his honour at which Brigade me~bers were given an opportunity to meet him ... He ~lso exchanged views with senior officers on mutual problems of admlmstratlOn. Following the sale of our building in January, attempts were made .to purchase a suitable property. Many large houses and stores w~re. mspected but prices were either prohibitive or city zoning restnctIOns
would not permit purchase for the use of an institution. Arrangements were then made with a contractor to erect a building to our specifications which we now occupy on a long lease rental basis. During the year Post No. 42 was installed at Clearwater Bay, Ontario, on Number 17 Highway. The Highway Post project is a joint effort on the part of st. John, Manitoba Red Cross, Provincial Departments of Highways, R.C.M.P. and Ontario Provincial Police. NEW BRUNSWICK
The plan for 1955 in New Brunswick was to consolidate the rapid expansion of previous years, both in the field and at Provincial Headquarters. This was accomplished by a change in existing procedures, new systems and additional staff. The second Annual Instructor's Course was a highlight during the year which saw 42 individuals representing industry attend the three-day course at Saint John. It has been clearly shown that there is a need for this type of course and it will now be an annual event. Three new Divisions were formed and two more are in the proces of being registered. Training in First Aid and Home Nursing continued at the same pace as 1954. One out of every 56 persons in New Brunswick holds a valid St. John Award. The programmes of rural clas instruction have gone forward, but the difficulties of funds and instructors still remain. Last year for the first time the New Brunswick Council offered a St. John Ambulance spoon to the student in each High School who got the highest marks in the First Aid examination. This has definitely created interest on the part of the schools. Presentations were usually made at school functions by members of the Provincial Council. This programme provides incentive and has a good public relations value. We plan to do this each year. The usual public duties were carried out and in addition Division did a good deal of long distance Invalid Transport. Sixty-seven cases were transported. The average mileage per trip was 280 mile. We now have four ambulances in New Brunswick. With a successful year of consolidation and an impro ed financial picture, we are looking forward to a busy year in 1956. NEWFOUNDLAND
The actIVItIes of the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade continued to show steady progress during the year. A record number of persons were enrolled in First Aid and Home Nursing classes in various communities throughout the Province from Trepassey in the South East of Newfoundland to Happy Valley, Labrador. A growing interest in First Aid training was very evident among industrial organisations, and also among youth groups such as Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and Military Cadets. Brigade services were greatly extended as the Ambulance and Nursing Divisions organised in St. John's undertook to provide First Aid cover for major sporting events at the Memorial Stadium, and once again equipped and staffed a First Aid Post at Bowring Park on holidays and weekends throughout the summer. The ever increasing demands for more and more first aid services for public gatherings may be regarded
as tangible evidence of the growing appreciation of St. John Ambulance contribution to community welfare. His Honour Lt.-Col. Sir Leonard Outerbridge, Lt.-Governor of Newfoundland, and Provincial Patron, assisted by the Chancellor and Chief Commissioner, conducted an Investiture of the Order at Government House S1. John's. At this ceremony four members of the Order were invested with the Insignia of their rank includ~ng Lt.-<:=ol. Cluny Macpherson, M.D., who was made Knig~t of Jus~Ice. ThIS ~as the first St. John Investiture in Canada at which a Krught of JustIce was . invested with the Insignia of his rank. During February the Council conducted its ~nnual Campal~n for funds with very encouraging results. The camp.aI~n effort ~as gIVen a special boost by a visit from the Chief-ComIDlssIOner dunng the last week of January. The work of the St. John Ambulance in Newfoundland could not have been pos ible without the generous assistance. of lay instruct?rs, nurses and medical doctors who lecture and examme Wlth very little recognition of their splendid contribution to this worthy cause. NOVA SCOTIA
The activities of St. John Ambulance throughout the Province ?f Nova Scotia during the year 1955 show continued pro.gress ~oth ~n training and First Aid duties. The incre~sing c~l~s. for tr~1O~d PlfSt ~Id units to taff posts at a wide variety of fal~s, exhlbIt~ol1~, plcmcs.' paraaes, etc., indicate a general acceptance of thIS humamtanan servIc~ by an appreciative public. During the ummer and autumn our umts ere on almo t continuous duty throughout the whole area of the Provu~ce. Perhap the most out tanding du~y in po~nt of size of the operatlOn v. as the Fir t Aid et-up at the offiCIal opemng. of th~ Canso Caus.ew~y in August. More than fifty Brigade members lOcludmg our Provm~Ial Surgeon, Dr. C. B. Weld, and our Provincial Superintendent of Nu.r~mg Service, Dr. E. P. Hopgood, were on duty a well as a number of auxili~ry per onnel. Sharing in this public duty were members. froI? the Nursmg and Ambulance Di\isions in Halifax, Amher tl Spnnghill, Glace Bay and Dominion. Some forty thou and persons gathered at the Strait to witne s thi memorable ceremony. Five main First Aid posts were established together with a number of foot patrols. Incidentally, our amb ulance was the fir t motor vehicle to cross the Causeway after the official opening, it following immediately after. the officials and special gue ts who walked the "Scottish ~ile.". Happily the ceremony was so well organised and carried out that 10 spIte of the great t~rong of people, there was a minimum of confusion and very few aCCIdents occurred, the greater number of these being faints ~nd heart att~cks, none of which was serious. Letters of commendatIOn were received from the Minister of Transport and other departmental officials. . Other outstanding events were the celebration of the 35~th anmvers~ry of the founding of Annapolis Royal and the French AcadIan celebra.tIOn at Grand Pre'. In all these events the Brigade members worked qUIetly and efficiently. . . There has been a noticeable increase in the nwnber of FIrst Aid and Home Nursing classes as well as in the number of localities benefiting from this training. Since training is the backbone of the St. John programme, full emphasis is given this phase of our work.
More and more important Nova Scotia industries are setting up safety programmes based on a sound kn~wledge ?f Firs~ Aid. Recently that , great eastern industry, th~ spr~whng Ha~lf~x shlpyards, have begun classes in First Aid. Startmg wIth the trammg of foremen and supervisors, it is planned that it will increase in scope to embrace a large portion of the working force. It is intere ting to note here that the General Manager together with his Superintendent have attended many of the classes. The Nova Scotia Council is in a very healthy financial position. The officers of the Council are thriftily husbanding it resources toward the time when we shall be in a position to purchase or even build a St. John House to serve as a nerve centre and headquarters for stores, services, training, etc. . . A visit late in November from the Chancellor of the Pnory m Canada, Mr. C. A. Gray, gave encouragement to all who were privileged to hear him address a general meeting of the Provincial Executive Committee in Halifax. Mr. Gray was kind enough to say that he was well pleased with the kind of work being done by the Nova Scotia Council. Once again the officers and members of the Council pay public tribute to the devoted voluntary service so willingly rendered by member of the Medical and Nursing professions for their co-operation and support. We owe, too, a debt of gratitude to the many instructors, teachers, Brigade members and to an appreciative and co-operative public for their co-operation in this work.
Nursing Officer. Steps are being taken to fill the former vacancy, but we regret that the latter is still too ill to resume her duties. The consistent progress in the Training branch continued, 18,511 persons being trained in the year, an increase of 8 % over 1954, while the number of Qualified In tructors increased from 170 to 194. Civil Defence training was again a weak spot but a recent financial agreement between the different levels of Government is expected to remedy this situation at long last. The Highway First Aid System again functioned well and nearly double the usual number of Post personnel were given refresher courses. Among events to remember was one of his all too infrequent visits by the Commissioner-in-Chief, Sir Otto Lund, who gave an entrancing description of St. John work in the Far East. Other events worth mentioning were the successful completion by one of our members of a cJass for Air Force children in West Germany, and the provision of First Aid by our Niagara Corps at the Boy Scouts' World Jamboree at Nffigara-on -the- Lake.
The year 1955 got off to a good start with the election at the Annual Meeting of an extremely strong committee, followed subsequently by equally capable sub-committees, proving the value of the policy adopted several years ago of frequent change at the Executive level. ?-ach year has seen more enthusiasm and ability in evidence and, a l1ke draws like more and more able personnel are being attracted to the Executive with the result that this year has seen considerable improvement in finances and in the strengthening of the whole organisation throughout the Province. The Brigade, while showing little change in numbers, has during the year seen many replacements in the senior ranks, boding well for the future as younger personnel bring new ideas and ent.husiasms t? t,he work. It has taken some time to overcome the old Idea of semonty and service as the prime qualification for promotion, but the principle of leadership and ability, irrespective of other considerations, is becoming generally accepted and should bear fruit in the near future. The Transport sections have shown steady growth and the purchase of a. motor ambulance by the Hamilton Branch and most generous presentatlOns of others by Volkswagen Limited and the B'Nai Brith, a Jewish society, brings the total of these vehicles in the Province to sixteen, adding materially to the usefulness of the units operating them. A very noteworthy achievement was the Kingston Nursing Division winning the Dominion Home Nursing Championship (Lady Drummond Trophy) by a single point after losing it by the same narrow margin the previous year, and being greatly honoured by having it presented by the Co,untess Mountbatten during her visit to Canada. A serious weakness m the Nursing Branch was the lack of both Provincial Superintendent and
The year 1955 could be considered one of the most successful years in the history of the Federal District, both in training and Brigade activities, the number of classes and attendance has shown a decided upward trend. These classes have been held for the general public, Civil Defence personnel, high school students, military cadet, industry, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and members of church organisations. One of the new activities included in our programme this year which met with considerable success was "Save a Life Week" held 16th May to 22nd May for the purpose of teaching the Holger-Nielsen method of artificial re piration. We trained 516 people-the highest in the Dominion. Thi programme was extended beyond the official date set and was also carried on at one of the public beaches during the summer. There has been an increased demand for First Aid coverage at many varied public functions which has required the full resources of our Brigade personnel. In the Gatineau Park Ski Zone four First Aid posts were maintained during the skiing season by members of the Ambulance and Nursing Divisions. The members of the Brigade took care of 286 cases, 86 of which were fractures. The First Aid Posts are now open nightly in addition to all day Saturday and Sunday. There are approximately 40 auxiliary members on patrol. Members of the Nursing and Crusader Divisions attended the Veterans' Pavilion, Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa General Hospital and Sacred Heart Hospital. These duties amounted to approximately 8,000 hours. The usual coverage was given at the Central Canada Exhibition and 1,400 cases were treated. First Aid coverage was also given at the Ottawa Boys' Camp, Armistice Day Parade, football and baseball games, Minto Skating Club, public playgrounds, winter carnivals, swimming pools, Civil Service picnics, the Dr. Billy Graham Rally, Gatineau Summer Theatre and many picnics of various organisations. Members of the Brigade were congratulated on their work at a Sports Car Race Meeting when two people were killed and eleven seriously injured. A doctor on the scene stated that the Brigade personnel deserved the highest commendation and very favourable comments on the efficiency of their work appeared in an editorial of one of our local newspaper~.
A valuable activity carried on by members of the Crusad r ' Division writing letters for the blind. Thi work was greatly appreciated by representatives of the Blind Institute. Our two ambulances have been in constant use on a voluntary basis throughout the year. We are glad to report that the Alice Vincent Massey Shield for the top Cadet Nursing Division was won by the Ottawa Central Cadet Nursing Division. Medals were presented to the Ottawa Central Cadet Nursing Division in connection with the Murray Maclaren Trophy. The Leonard Trophy was also won by this division. During the visit of Countess Mountbatten the Alice Vincent Massey Shield wa presented to the Ottawa Central Cadet Nursing Division. The Federal District covers an area of approximately 25 miles, within this area there are four ambulance divisions 10 nursing division, one crusader division and five cadet nur ing divi ions with another cadet nursing division in process of organisation. The combined trength of these divisions is approximately 658. We wish to record our sincere appreciation to the doctors, nurses and instructors for their diligence in maintaining a high standard of teaching, also to our Pro incial Officers, Divisional Superintendents and member of the Brigade for th ir unselfish and devoted voluntary service rendered through the year.
While a reduction has been reported in the number of persons qualified in either First Aid or Home Nursing, neverthele , the intere t taken in the work of the St. John Ambulance has not flagged during the year 1955. Through the efforts of the Council's Chief Instructor, 551 nur es in various hospitals in the City of Montreal alone, qualified in Fir t Aid, with 451 industrial workers, 158 members of the Provincial Police, 33 University students and 25 Priests obtaining their First Aid Certificates. It has been most gratifying to the Council to note the interest taken by the hospitals in having their student nurse follow First Aid cia ses and indications point to 1956 being a much heavier period towards the training of hospital nurses. Increased efforts on the part of members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade are shown in the increase in the number of hours devoted to public duty over the previous year. These duties have covered all types of activity and it is to be assumed that the increased demands made upon the Brigade members are due to the work and aims and objects of the St. John Ambulance having received greater publicity as the result of the annual St. John Ambulance campaign for funds. The publicity received during 1955 has been considerably greater than in previous years and more factual than hitherto. Before a decrease in the activities of the Civil Defence set-up, the St. John Ambulance undertook the manning of First Aid Posts as organised under Civil Defence and these have been so arranged that should an emergency occur they can be easily put into effect as powerful units. Eight new Divisions of the Brigade were organised through a combined Division at Mackayville, and Ambulance and Nursing Divisions at Bic, Matane, Victoriaville, Jonquiere and Chicoutimi. All in all, 299 new members were admitted to the ranks of the Brigade bringing the total to 2,192 members. During the year three Divisions were disbanded.
The year has also seen the organis~tion set-up for th.e creation of .t\-\'o new Divisions in Manseau and NIcolet but these WIll not come mto effect until 1956. An interesting development took place in 1955 through the Laurenti.a n Zone of the Canadian Ski Patrol System reaching an agreement WIth the St. John Ambulance Brigade whereby their combined services could be put to better use. By combining their efforts these organisations would render the best service possible, both in the prevention of accidents and in the proper care of injured persons. . All in all, the work of the St. John Ambulance has been steadIly forging ahead with the public realising more than ever that the. St. .John Ambulance Brigade has become an integral part of communIty hfe. SASKATCHEW AN
A joint arrangement wa made this year with the Saskatchewan Motor Club, Department of Highways, Provincial Ci il Defence, Red Cro sand St. John Ambulance whereby First Aid Posts would be set up at trategic points in the Province. On the steel sign-plates the device or badge of each of the five organisations appears. Some 15 of these First id Post were set up. The matter of training the personnel at the e Po tithe duty of St. John Ambulance. In March, Sir Otto lund visited Regina and inspected the Nursing Divi ion and two Ambulance Divisions, after which he addressed those pre ent. "Sa\ e-a-Life We k' ~hich i promoted by the St. John Ambulance Brigade, \ a again observed in May. This has mainly to do with educating the public in performing artificial respiration. Some progress was made in training in Saskatchewan during 1955, although finances are still a serious problem; the fund-raising efforts during the year were not too successful, additional methods of securing funds are, however, being planned for 1956. The totals of instructional clas e and numbers taught showed a slight increase, with several courses held at points where classes had not previously been conducted. Owing to lack of the proper local leadership several of our Branches became inactive during the year; steps are being taken to remedy this situation during 1956. Most excellent co-operation and assistance in teaching and examining classes by members of the Medical and Nursing Professions also the R.C.M.P. Without this type of help our efforts would be greatly curtailed. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMP A Y CE TRE
There are over 11,900 employees of the Bell Telephone Company who have completed examinations for First Aid. Of the total male staff, 72 % are First Aiders. During 1955, 2,741 employees attended classes and received awards. Included in this total are 33 who received the 10-year award, 17 who received the 20-year award, and four who received the 30-year award. It was necessary to train 37 new instructors to provide for additional classes and instructor losses. We now have 242 qualified instructors located at strategic points in our territory. Competitions provide a means for increasing proficiency and stimulating interest. In 1955, there were 25 senior teams and 14 tyro teams,
both men and ladies, entered in Company competitions. Teams from this Centre also participated in Provincial and Dominion competitions.
CANADIAN PAClFIC RAILWAY CENTRE The Company's Centre of St. John Ambulance Association once again completed a very active year in First Aid work .. Classes of instruction in "First Aid to the Injured" were conducted 10 48 places across the System. A total of 1,033 employees were instructed by a group of 17 qualified instructors, and out of thi? number 250 qualified for ~he first year certificate and 711 succeeded 10 the refresher course; maklllg a total of 961 employees who received First Aid awards for the year. This was an increase of 139 from the previous year. A series of lectures in basic First Aid was given to over 1,476 Maintenance of Way employees by our Regional First Aid Supervisors who had to cover 6,763 miles by track motor. The modified course was also given to 1,216 employees located in places where the standard co ur e has not yet been introduced. The usual activities, such as inspection of first aid equipment, Hygiene and Sanitation by First Aid Supervi or , were carried out. Company competitions were successfully carried out in 1955 with a total entry of 31 teams as against only 11 teams in 1954. The Grand Challenge Trophy, representing the System Senior Championship, was won by the Locomotive Shop team from Angus Works in Montreal. The Dr. Beatty Tyro Trophies were won by the Angus Shop Passenger Sho p team in the Eastern Region and by the Vancouver Police team in the We tern Region. Regional and District Championships were also declared.
CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL WAYS CENTRE A review of the work carried out by this Centre during the year 1955 shows a progressive increase and compares favourably with previous years. In line with our policy in the past, members of employees' families or outsiders interested in taking a course of instruction in First Aid were included in the classes at places where there is no St. John Ambulance Centre. First Aid classes were also held at a number of Trans-Canada Air Lines stations where emergency First Aid equipment was periodically inspected. During the year First Aid instruction was given to 836 employees in the Maintenance of Way Department, the majority of whom are working in remote sections of the country where medical attention is not immediately available. During the past II years, 7,925 Sectionmen, B. & B. and Signal Department employees have received First Aid awards after passing the required examination. Our Supervisors travelled nearly 6,000 miles by track motor car during the summer months, to contact 919 Section Gangs and give short talks on First Aid treatment of injuries most common to trackmen to 4,102 employees. First Aid competitions during 1955 were very successful. There were 19 senior teams and 22 tyro teams entered in last year's competitions. The Thornton Cup, representing the Senior System Championship, was won by the Winnipeg Investigation Department, and the Hutchinson Memorial Cup, representing the System Tyro Championship, was won by the Chauvigny Car Department at Jonquiere, Que. Regional and local championships were also declared. In the St. John Ambulance Competition the Transcona Car Shops' team won the Wallace Nesbitt General Trophy and the Provincial Championship of Manitoba. The Nutana Car Department team in Saskatoon, Sask., and the Moncton Motive Power Shops team in Moncton, N.B., were also successful in winning Provincial Championships. A large number of First Aiders from this Centre cover many public duties and various events and we continue to encourage them to assist the Brigade in this respect whenever possible. A course of instruction in First Aid was given to members of the Smithers, B.C., Volunteer Fire Department, the Police and Fire Department at Riviere du Loup, Que., and to nurses attached to hospitals in various communities. Lectures were also given to high school students at McBride, B.C., under their course on "Effective Living." During the past year special courses were again given to several hundred electrical apprentices covering the treatment for electrical shock. All nurses employed in Company clinics have been trained in up-to-date methods of artificial respiration and these demonstrations will be held annually. This Centre has received considerable publicity through numerous articles and photographs published in the Company magazine and also many news items regarding our activities have appeared in newspapers throughout Canada. A close liaison is maintained with the National Headquarters of the St. John Ambulance Association and a representative from this Centre attended Priory Council meetings as regularly as possible.
DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CE TRE Royal Canadian avy.-First Aid i an important and integral part of the training of medical assistants of the Naval Reserve Force. The St. John Ambulance Association through close liaison at unit level continues to provide this portion of the training. In addition, a substantial number of Naval personnel, their dependants, and Civil Service personnel attached to Naval establishments have obtained similar training. The readily available facilities of the St. John Ambulance Association have materially aided in carrying out this most desirable and widespread programme.
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.-Personnel and units of the R.C.A.M.C., both regular and militia, participated to a much greater extent in activities and competitions of the St. John Ambulance Association during the past year. Increased interest, due in part to the resumption of the Mary Otter trophy competitions for military teams, is evidenced by the larger number of R.C.A.M.C. teams and personnel who have entered the various First Aid competitions. In all commands of the Army senior medical officers continued their close association, serving on both advisory committees and Provincial Executives. Assistance has been given in every way possible by all members of the R.C.A.M.C. as instructors and examiners. The numbers of Army personnel who have attained St. John Ambulance preliminary and higher First Aid and Life Saving qualification indicates a general and enthusiastic participation. Royal Canadian Air Force.- The R.C.A.F. has continued to support First Aid training in co-operation with the St. John Ambulance Association at all levels. During the past year several R.C.A.F. personnel ha\e applied and are awaiting instructors' examinations. Several R.C.A.F.
unit with dependants resident on the unit have continued to sponsor Home Nursing classes.
Early in the year there were disastrous floods in New South Wales, and also forest fires in South Australia. Members of St. John rendered magnificent personal service and in addition considerable financial aid was tendered for flood relief which was helped by a timely and welcome donation from the Grand Priory. We also had an appeal to help towards the Priory Church Rebuilding Fund and, although the amount collected was not as much as we would have wished for, it wa a token of our interest in this project. Our Hospital.ler and Almoner was al 0 able to send a contribution to the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem. A meeting of Priory Council was held on Friday, 24th June, in the Church office of Sl. Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide, and on Saturday, 25 th June, the meeting of Priory Chapter was held with the usual ceremonial Capitular Proce sion. The meeting of Council was conducted by the Chancellor, whil t that of Chapter was presided over by our Prior, Hi xcellency Sir William Slim. Both meetings were well attended and a long programme of busine wa simplified by the meetings of the vari u Standing Committee held on Thursday, 23rd June, as only their final recommendation came to Council and Chapter. We were much indebted to the Archbi hop and Dean of St. Peter's Cathedral for their courU:: y in allowing the meetings to be held in the Church office and for their help in the arrangements which necessitate much detail. The I fo pitaller lub held a Reception for the members of Priory Co uncil and Chapter on Friday evening, 24th June, which proved a \ery happy function. On Saturday after the hapter Meeting, His Excellency the Governor General held an Investiture at Government HOll e for outh Au tralian po tulants to which Delegates to Priory Co uncil and members of Chapter were invited, and afterwards the visi tor were entertained by Their Excellencie . On Saturday afternoon the Interstate Brigade Ambulance Competition wa held and won by the Ta manian team; the trophy wa presented by the Priory Commi ioner, Sir Samuel Burston. Once again we e pre s our gratitude and thanks to His Grace, Archbi hop Mowll, our Sub-Prelate, for hi s continued interest in the worle of the Priory and for allowing us valuable pace in Church Hou e, Sydney, for our Priory Office. Our Prior has maintained the keene t interest in all Priory matters and has given us all added enthusiasm and stimulus not only to carryon but to achieve still further success in extending the tenets, principles and work of the Order of St. John in the Priory in Australia.
The year 1955 saw a ub tantial increase in the number of cia e held and the number of awards received. Generally peaking, irst Aid work within the Force wa carried on with a fre h vigour dUlin g 1955, and we are looking forward to a continued increa e during 1956.
The reports by the several Executive Officers of the Priory how that we are teadily forging ahead with the objects and purpo e of the Order of St. John in Australia, and there is every rea on to believe th a t each year will show a record of still further advancement. Probably the most important development for the Order a a whole has been the granting of a new Royal Charter and Statute of th e Order, 1955, by Her Majesty the Queen, Sovereign Head of the Order. It ha~ involved an enormous amount of thought, planning and \'vork by the Officers of Grand Priory, who have con ulted the 0 er a PriOl-ie on many occasion. The new Charter has now confirmed and authoried a greater autonomy for the Priories than has existed in the pa~t, and this will lead to increased efficiency all round a well a more economical working. The Lord Prior has instituted a triennial Conference of Priorie , but, as there was not sufficient time to have the first meeting in 1955, it is to be held in June, 1956, in London, and our Prior ha nominated Colonel G. G. L. Stening, Director of Ceremonies, a representative of the Priory in Australia. Our Director of Ambulance, Dr. T. H . Goddard, wa in London at the end of the year and was able to discu many matters of importance with the Secretary-General, but, a he i not due back in Au tralia until about March 1956, only brief reference can be made in thi report. One alteration in the new Statute has been that the e tablishmen t for the number of appointments as Bailiff Grand Cro s has been increased from eight to ten, and the excellent work being done by members of th e Order and of the ancillary services of St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade have been recognised by the allocation for the fir t time of this distinguished rank to one of our number, and I feel honoured and grateful in being the one selected on behalf of the Priory in Australia. Our Prior, His Excellency the Governor-General of Australia, held a special Investiture at Admiralty House, Sydney, in December, which was attended by Her Excellency Lady Slim; the Governor of New South Wales, Deputy Priory; His Grace Archbishop ~v1owll, Sub-Prelate; members of Chapter in robes; relatives and friends. It is with real regret, however, that we find so many of our good friends and loyal supporters have passed away-sympathy has been extended on behalf of the Priory to their relatives.
New South Wales.-As the General Secretary had arranged to go overseas, the A sociation Executive Committee asked her to enquire where possible into such matters that would be of interest to the Association in N.S.W. Colombo was the prelude to an extensive and instructive tour throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, where information for progress and development within New South W ales was gained which will assist in future expansion of activities. Travelling through Canada all possible assistance and hospitality was given throughout. In Canada many problems were found to be similar to those in New South Wales. The analysis of the General Secretary's report upon
this section of the tour has given the Association Executive much useful information.
Queensland.- Statistics show that 2,997 Certificates were awarded for the year 1955. This shows an increase on the previous year.
Award of Higher Proficiency.-In August, notice was circulated throughout all Association Branches and the Brigade, that the examination for this award would be held in Sydney during November. Twenty-five applications were received, of which 16 only were eligible. The examination was held on 26th November before a panel of three Medical, one Nu.rsing and one Lay Examiner. The highest standard was expected, which was borne out by the fact that one candidate only qualified for the Award. Following the initial examination, it is anticipated that a great number of applications will be received next year.
Tasmania.- The Tasmanian Centre reports that the number of Adult Certificates issued in 1955 compares very favourably with the total for the preceding year. The Association continues to conduct First Aid training for probationary nurses, police recruits, National Service trai nees and employees of large industrial organisations. Congratulations are extended to the ~hairman (Dr. T. H. Goddard, C.B.E., K.St.J.) who, on the eve of hlS departure for France, was notified that he had been made a Knight of the Legion of Honour, France's most honoured decoration for a civilian. The Executive of the Tasmanian Centre donated £10 to the N.S.W. Flood Relief Appeal as the result of a request made by the Chancellor, Group Captain Sir Hugh Poate, Kt., M.V.O., G.C. ,. St. J.
Instruction.-Analysis of the year's activities shows that in the Junior section, whilst a slight increase wa made with schools, more intensive organisation is needed for public junior clas es. The initial Certificates in the senior subjects have shown a slight decrea e but it i pleasing to note by comparison the higher awards taken by members of the public during the past year. The slight decrease in the issue of Certificates calls for more intensive organisation in this field, a matter which has been noted for action. Pacific Islands. -Continued development shown by the issue of 436 certificates during of note that 30 nationals qualified for the Voucher. This progress is due entirely to Pastor Hare throughout the Islands, much also affecting the Priory in New Zealand.
in the Pacific Island i the pa t year. It i worthy Medallion and 55 for the the continued activities of of the results of his work
Civil Defence.-Association representatives have had several conferences with State Government Civil Defence Authorities regardi ng training. Dr. W. E. George has been appointed the Association' s Liaison Officer. Victoria. - Satisfactory results in classes and examinations and resultan t awards have been achieved. This is due to the support and zeal of the Honorary Lecturers and Instructors. South Australia.- Members who attended the Annual Meeting at Claridge House, Adelaide, expressed satisfaction on the expansion and progress taking place in the Association's activities. The 69th Annual Report, having been distributed to members, was taken as read and adopted. The Officers and Members of the Committee were re-elected for the ensuing year. Classes.-The issue of Certificates for 1955 gave satisfaction in that although classes organised were 15 less than the previous year, 234 more gained Certificates. It is significant that as well as the general public, industries and business firms are becoming aware of the value of first aid instruction to their employees. Divisions of the Brigade have been very active in organising classes in an effort to secure recruits. Members of classes totalled 1,662, of these 1,501 sat for the examination, and 1,402 were successful in gaining certificates. In addition, 853 passed re-examina tio ns.
ew South Wales. Victoria out h Au tralia ,)ueensland Tasmania
, ew South Wale Victoria ~o uth Australia. Queens land Tasmania .
Firsl Aid Home Nursing Child Welfare Hygiene Senior Junior Senior Junior Senior Junior Senior Junior 2,611 1,473 254 301 10 7 69 1,860 644 309 99 1,263 139 ]88 1,985 396 65 344 50 65 185 32 20 Vouchers
358 163
408 141
728 299
40 71
Tolal Certificates 6,259 3,586
109 20
136 22
104 16
14 48
2,997 1,404
N umber ofAmbulance Divi ions Nursi ng Divisions . Com bined Divisions . . . Cadet Ambulance Divisions Cadet Nursing Divisions Total PersonnelAdults Cadets
39 42 38 39
33 17 8 27 10
1,816 2,094
34 14 17
1,1 06 950
282 200
891 510
45 15
6 5
10 8
6 7
157 104 8 98 78
220 356
5,396 4,586
1,081 476
There has been a steady growth in the strength of the Brigade throughou t the year. ~he number of Divisions has increased by 28 and the personnel have Increased by nearly 1,000. This is a reflection of the &rowing int~rest of the community generally to the Brigade. It is par~lc':llarly satIsfactory to see that such a large proportion of the increase lS In the Cadet Divisions.
Public Duties have been carried out in all Districts with the usual efficiency; in all, over 200,000 members of ~he commynity have received First Aid treatment by members of the Bngade dunng the year. It is anticipated that the Brigade in Victoria will have a great deal of extra work when the Olympic Games are held in Melbourne nex t November as a tremendous influx of visitors then i expected. The Commissioner and Staff are already well forward with their plan fo r this period.
their guests were entertained at morning tea by His Excellency and the Hon. Lady Gairdner.
"The Herald Cup" was contested in ~delaide ~hi year, coincid~n g with the meeting of the Priory Chapter in that CIty: . The usual ~lg h standard was displayed by all teams and the CompetltlOn re ulted in a win for Tasmania. Inspections.-His Excellency the Prior, Field-.Mar . ha~ Sir William Slim, inspected the Brigade in the South Au traha. Dlstnct on Sunday, 26th June, 1955, immediately following the combIned Chu~ch. Parade and Service at St. Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide. In other Dl tnct , the Brigade was inspected by Their Excellencies, the Deputy Priors. Floods in New South VVales.-Members of the Brigade r nd ered outstanding service in the Maitland Flood disaster. Letter igned by ~lS Excellency the Prior and the Chancellor were presented to those renderi ng service during the period. Visit of the Commission-in-Chief- The vi it of Li ut.~General Sir .C?tto
Lund was greatly appreciated by all member of the Bn~ade. He VI lted every State in the Dominion and was able to see the Bngade on parade in some Districts a nd also to see member of the Brigade at work on the beaches and at public gatherings. In all States he attended, social functions were held at which he was able to meet many members of thl Brigade in an informal manner and also to tell them of the work of the Brigade in other parts of the British Commonwealth. In conclusion, I desire to express my appreciation of the good wor k done by all members of the Brigade in Australia throughout the year
COMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA A quiet year on the whole during which Chapter was held a~ the St. John Headquarters, Wellington Street, Perth, on the 29th AprIl, 1955, and a meeting of Commandery Council held on the 26th Octob~r, 1955. In February the Commandery, in conjunction with the ~ou~cll of the St. John Ambulance Association, had the pleasure of meetmg informally the Commissioner-in-Chief, Lieut.-General Sir Otto Lund, K.C.B., D .S. O . At a colourful cer.emony held at Government House on Thursd ~y, 10th November, His Excellency the Governor of Western Austraila, Lieut.-General Sir Charles Gairdner, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B. , C.B.E., wearing the robes of the Order and supported by members of the Commandery Chapter, headed by the Deputy Knight Commander, The Hon. Sir John Dwyer, K.C.M.G., also in regalia, invested 19 postulants with the insignia of their rank. After the ceremony recipients and
St. John' s Day .- The anniversary of the revival of the Order in England was celebrated by churches throughout the State. In the Metropolitan area on Sunday, 19th June, His Excellency The Knight Commander attended a special Mass held in St. Marys Cathedral and later the Commemoration Service held at St. George's Cathedral which was well attended by members of Chapter in Capitular Procession, Members of the Order and A sociation. The Brigades held a parade and marched to the Cathedral, the uniformed attendance being particularly commendable. The address wa given by the Archbishop of Perth, The Mo t Rev. R. W. H. Moline, M.C., M.A., D.D. The work carried out by the Association and Brigades during the year has been most commendable and the increased strength of the Brigade together with the opening of three new Centres, is indicative of the increa ing interest in the work of the Order in Western Australia. Commandery Chapter would like to express its appreciation of the generou respon e of Members of the Order and of the Association to the Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund Appeal.
The approximate strength of the Brigade i 1,557, as against 1,255 for the year 1954, an inc rea e of approximately 300. This is the result of formation of new Divisions, particularly Cadet Ambulance. In the Metropolitan area, members of Nursing Divisions accompany the drivers of ambulances operated by the St. John Ambulance Association. During the week-ends members of the Ambulance Divisions perform this work-much valuable experience in the treatment of cases from road accidents is thus obtained. Members of Country Divisions have again performed valuable work in manning ambulances operated by the St. John Centres in their respective townships. Public duties in Sports and Agricultural Shows and other activities have again been carried out in an efficient manner.
The Tymms Cup was again an object of keen competition amongst the Ambulance Divisions. This year another country Division from Kalgoorlie won it. Margaret River Ambulance Division, who had won it for three years entered a younger team and then were runners-up. The Donaldson Cup for Nursing Divisions was also keenly competed forPerth No. 1 Nursing Division won it by a narrow margin from Maylands Nursing Division-Busselton Nursing Division took part for the first time, travelling about 150 miles to do so . Collie Nursing Division sent a team approximately 120 miles to observe and will probably enter next year. Barrow Shield, for competition in Home Nursing, was won by Maylands Nursing Division, with Perth No. 2 Division second. The Holland Shield competition for Cadet Nursing Divisions was won by Perth No. 2 Cadet Nursing Division, with Perth No. 1 second. I regret to report the deaths of Ambulance Officer Christianson and Pte. R. Hughes, both of Perth No. 1 Ambu lance Divi ion. Both have
done stirling work for the Brigade. Sympathy has been expres ed to their relatives. Owing to the increase in numbers of Cadets, Cadet Officer Delamere has been promoted to Staff Officer, Grade IV, to assist in the routine work. In conclusion, I would like to pay tribute to members of my Staff for their loyalty and efficiency during the year and particularly does this apply to District Superintendent, D. G. White, who has been tireless in carrying out his work; unfortunately, he is not able to carryon this position and during December, tendered his resignation. Up to the present, no replacement has been made. DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE'S REPORT
The interest in class work was maintained during the year in regard to adults, but the interest in Preliminary Classes has increased. The Perth and Suburbs Transport Service answered 9,386 calls and conveyed 10,061 cases to or from hospitals. Of these 7,430 were medi cal and 2,631 accident cases. The mileage covered was 90,820.7 miles. During the year, three new Sub-Centres have been formed at G oomaIling, Corrigin and Victoria Park, but to date only Goomallin g have acquired an ambulance, and Corrigin have one ordered. Owing to lack of interest in the community, Dwellingup Sub-Centre was di ba nded and disposed of the ancient ambulance, thereby leaving the numbe r of Sub-Centres operating an Ambulance Service, still at 54. Dr. B. C. Cohen was re-elected as President of the Association , and Mr. T. Tetterington as Vice-President. Mr. J. A. F aulkner remains a Honorary General Secretary, and Mr. A. B. Krug as Honorary Treasurer. Dr. K. W. H. Harris was elected to the Council to fill a vacancy when Dr. B. O. Bladen resigned. The Centre is extremely grateful to the members of the medical profession for their voluntary services in lecturing and examining clas es, the class instructors and demonstrators for their help with the practical side of the instruction and the Sub-Centre Committees, officials and voluntary drivers of the country ambulances for their good work.
THE COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA Undoubtedly the most outstanding event of the year was the opening of the new Bulawayo Headquarters of the Rhodesia Centre and District, which took place on the 12th November, 1955. The Opening Ceremony was performed by His Excellency the Knight Commander, the Rt. Hon. the Lord Llewellin, G.B.E., M.C., T.D., D.L., Governor-General of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, in the presence of Commandery Chapter and a very large and distinguished gathering. At the conclusion of the ceremony, His Excellency held an Investiture and invested some 16 members of the Order. His Excellency the Knight Commander presided at meeting~ of Commandery Chapter held at St. John Headquarters, Salisbury, on 22nd February and 19th July. Meetings of the Commandery Council were held at St. John Head-
quarters, Salisbury, on 11 th February and 17th June, the former being presided over by the Lieutenant Colonel Sir Ellis Robins, K.B.E., D.S.O., K.SLJ., E.D., and the latter by His Excellency the Knight Commander. His Excellency the Knight Commander held an Investiture of members of the Order at St. John Headquarters, Salisbury, on the 22nd February when many distinguishod guests and members of the Order were present: The Commandery gratefully acknowledges receipt of the third and final instalment ?f £1,000 of the Grant of Chapter-General, and likewise acknowledges WIth thanks the continued response from members of the Order within the Commandery area to the special appeal for voluntary a nnual oblations to the Commandery.
The strength of the Brigade continues to increase in numbers last year's figure of 2,111 having increased slightly to 2,215. The incre~se is again largely due to expansion of the British South Africa Police African pi vi ion, but the position in Ambulance Divisions generally as well as 10 Nursing and Cadet Divisions has been well maintained. ~ne Ambulance Division and one Nursing Division were resuscitated d unng the year after having been in recess for some years.
A full programme of Competitions was held at which a high standard of efficiency was maintained. Two Divisions took part in the Finals of the Competiti<?ns held by the Pri~ry in Southern Africa in Kimberley, where they acqUItted themselves WIth credit to the Commandery. The number of Public Duties carried out continues to increase and in the reception and care en route of train, and it is pleasing to report in this connectIOn the wholehearted co-operation of the South African Railways Brigade Command in the Priory in Southern Mrica who have so read~ly co?tinued the care of the patients travelling through their area. Fl~~t Aid Posts have a.lso handled a very large number of patients and addltIOnal Posts are bemg established. ~ uc~ good work has been done lll~ahd pass~ngers travelling by
Th~ Second An~ual Ambulance Conference of the Commandery was held In Bulawayo 1ll November, 1955, in conjunction with the opening of the new Bulawayo Headquarters, under the Chairmanship of the Commandery Commissioner, Dr. S. G. H. Gasson, M.B., C.St.J. The Conference was opened by His Excellency the Knight Commander in the presence of a large number of guests. The Priory in Southern Africa was represented on this occasion by Lieut.-Colonel C. Graham Botha V.D., LL.D., M.A., K.St.J. Delegates from all Centres and Districts i~ the Commandery were present and topics of interest to the Association and Brigade were discussed. Classes of instructions have been held throughout Southern and N orthern Rhodesia but reports so far to hand indicate a drop both in the I!umber .of classes held and Certificates gained, the total number of Certificates Issued during the year being 1,320.
given during the year to provide interest to Association and Brigade Members and to the Public. It is intended, during the ensuing year, to augment these lectures with "Brains-trust quizzes" and debates. The year showed a definite increase in interest in the Association, although the actual numbers of certificates issued does not reflect this as some clas e were started late in the year. Industry is becoming more and more First-Aid-conscious, and if plans now under way work out as expected, more qualified First Aiders will be available to industry and the public generally.
The outstanding event of the year was the acquisition, at a low cost, of an excellent and centrally located building in Ballymena, an important town in County Antrim. The building which was officially taken over by His Excellency, The Knight Commander, The Lord Wakehur t, on behalf of the Order, on 13th September, 1955, will provide excellent accommodation for the Headquarters of the Council, Associatio n Classes and Brigade meetings. The Mass Radiography and Blood Transfusion Units of Northern Ireland are already using the premises for their work, thereby enhancing St. John values in the County of Antrim. It is hoped that, in the near future, a suitable building will be acqui red in the City of Londonderry. A portion of the property in Belfast purchased last year as the Headquarters of the Commandery of Ards was occupied on 14th No vember and is proving satisfactory in every respect. St. John's Day was commemorated by ervices in the Church of Ireland, Enniskillen, on 8th May, 1955, and the Presb~terian Church of Fisherwick in Belfast, on 26th June, 1955. The Lord Pnor was present at both services which were carried out with the customary procc sion followed by a March Past by the Brigade. The churches were filled to capacity and the lesson was read by His Excellency. The four meetings of Chapter during the year were wcll attended. The Annual Ball took place this year in the Crawford burn Coun try Club, situated about eight miles East of Belfast. Thanks to the generosity of the Council of the Club, the ballroom and ancillary rooms were placed at our disposal free of charge which resulted in a con iderable profit to us. Once again we are indebted to the Associated British Cinemas Limited for its kindness in arranging a midnight matinee, the entire proceeds from which were allocated to our funds. In addition to the midnight matinee, the Brigade was permitted to take up, for one week, a Foyer Collection in all A.B.C. cinemas in Northern Ireland. An Investiture by His Excellency The Knight Commander was held in Government House on the 29th April, 1956. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION
There will be general regret at the departure of Major-General Beaumont-Nesbitt from the office of Director of Association. During the short period of his tenure of office, General Beaumont-Nesbitt spared no pains to extend the activities of the Association throu gh<;mt the Province. He appreciated very quickly that with the increasmg expansion of the work of the Association that there existed a tendency towards over-centralisation. He formed a new plan on a county basIs by which the direction of the work was delegated from Headquarters to Counties. From the standpoint of training, the past year has been an encouraging one. Classes in First Aid, Home Nursing, Child Welfare and Clean l<'ood Handling were organised in most areas within the Province. T he total number of awards issued compare favourably with results in previous years. A series of advanced lectures on varying subjects by specialists were
Activities of the Association:(1)
Number oj Classes held: First Aid Home Nursing Child Welfare Hygiene Hygienic Food-Handling
78 29 2 2 2 113 Adults
(2) Certificates awarded: First Aid Home Nursing Child Welfare Hygiene Hygienic Food-Handling Vouchers 18
236 42 25
240 43 31
M edalliol1s 28
1125 Labels
821 Pendants
The past year has been one of undiminished activity and members, wi th their usual efficiency and loyalty, have conformed to all demands made upon them . We were delighted to have with us again our Superintendent-in-Chief, The Countess Mountbatten of Burma. Lady Mountbatten was able to spend two days with us and, during that time, carried out Inspections of Divisions in the Province. The Superintendent-in-Chief was delighted with all she saw and we, on our part, were greatly stimulated by her vi sit. The revival of a combined First Aid and Home Nursing Competition against Eire, for a Trophy presented by the Commissioner-in-Chief, produced intense keenness. The Competition was won by Eire by a close margin. It is with deep regret that we report the retirement of our District Surgeon, Doctor (Miss) Muriel Frazer. Miss Frazer during her 16 years' service gave inestimable service and her loss, particularly as Chairman of the Competitions Committee, will be keenly felt for many years. It is gratifying, however, to know that Doctor Frazer has elected to be transferred to the Reserve.
Doctor George Gregg, has succeeded as District Surgeon and Competition Chairman and has already proved himself a worthy successor. The personnel strength of the Brigade remains much the same as last year but the number of Divisions has increased by one Ambulanca, one Mixed Division, two Nursing Cadet Divisions. The personnel strength of the Ambulance members is low, and a recruiting scheme to offset this deficiency is being prepared and success is envisaged in 195 9.
COMMITTEE ON THE ACCOUNTS OF THE ORDER FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER, 1955, AND ON OTHER FINANCIAL MATTERS The Estimates for the year ended 30 September, 1956, together with the revision of the Financial Survey of the Po t-War Fund (General Allocation) were examined by the Finance Committee in October, 1955, and were approved by Chapter-General on 16 November, 1955. The Estimates showed an excess of ordinary expenditure over ordinary income of £44,550, compared with £40,241 incurred in the previous year. It was noted that as regards the overall expenditure of the Central Admipjstration, the Association and the Brigade, a con iderable degree of stability had been reached and that no further substantial reduction of expenditure could be foreseen without far-reaching changes of policy. The revised Financial Survey forecasts that the Fund will la t some 20 years upon the assumptions that all expenditure for which pecific provision has already been made will be di bur ed at an early date and that the sum of £500,000, which is at pre ent required to be retained unallocated to provide initial finance in the event of war, will eventually be available for other purposes. Although this forecast still conforms to the intention of the Joint War Organisation that the funds should be expended both as to capital and income over a period of about 30 years from the end of the war, it is necessary to b ever mindful of the extent to which the present scale of activities is dependent upon the resources of the Post-War Fund; also of the desirability now and later on of the absolute necessity to equate expenditure to income well before the Post-War Fund is exhausted. The first phase of Post-War expenditure ha ended. In the second and current phase the policy is that the Post-War Fund monies should, as far as possible, be spent on direct relief of suffering and distres and to a lessening extent on administrative expenditure. During the year the Hospitaller launched an appeal on behalf of the Order for funds to finance research work to eradicate trachoma and other eye diseases prevalent in the Middle Ea t and elsewhere. The response was immensely encouraging and the Order bas received, or has been promised, money which together with its own contributions should ensure that the financial commitments will be met for several years to come. The sums of money involved are substantial and a system has been devised under which estimates covering both short and long term expenditure will be prepared and scrutinised at regular intervals. At the meeting of Chapter-General on 20 July, 1955, it was reported that the result of the appeal for funds for rebuilding the Grand Priory Church still fell far short of what was required. In order that the work should proceed without delay Chapter-General agreed that the General Fund should guarantee the difference between the funds then available and a maximum sum of £80,000. This guarantee will operate by way of an interest-bearing loan from the General Fund and adequate safeguards have been taken to ensure that no charge in respect of this commitment will fall, directly or indirectly, on the Post-War Fund. During the past few years many charitable bodies have been granted
powers to invest their funds outside the scope of trustee securities, and as a consequence ordinary shares are no longer an unusual feature of their inve tment portfolios. The investments of the Post-War Fund of the Order are confined to 4 % Victory Bonds which are repayable by annual drawing at par during the next 20 years. No change of investment policy is suggested here. In the case of the General Fund, however, careful consideration is being given by the Finance Committee to the question of investing part of the Fund in ordinary shares, and a report on the subject is being prepared.
The Post-War Fund (Special Allocation) exists to finance the Order's hare of the co t of the Welfare Work in Service Hospitals undertaken by the Service Hospitals Welfare Department, Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society. The cost of this work is met from income from investments and funds derived from the realisation of securities. There are set out below notes on certain items appearing in the Accounts.
The Accounts submitted herewith, which are subject to audit, pre ent the financial position of the Grand Priory of the Order as at 30 September, 1955, together with statements of Income and Expenditure during the year ended on that dat~ .
COMPARISO! OF RESULTS WITH ESTIMATES The Estimates for the year under review provided for Ordinary Expenditure of £91,076, which was to have been met from Ordinary Income of £49,460, with the charge of the resulting deficit of £41,616 to the Post-War Fund (General Allocation). The estimated and actual ordinary income and expenditure for the year is summarised below: EXPENDITURE Central Administration . St. John Ophthalmic Hospital. St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade
Estimate £ 25,552 25,405 15,260 24,859
Actual £ 28,199 26,754 14,5 18 25,175
Excess £ 2,647 1,349
Actual Deficiency £ 742
316 742 et £3,570
INCOME Central Administration. . . St. John Ophthalmic Hospital. St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade .
35,170 3,070 9,730 1,490
39,853 2,958 8,791 2,803
. £41 ,6 16
112 939 1,313 1,051
The estimated and actual income and expenditure of the Post-War Fund (General Allocation) for the year is summarised below:
EXPENDITURE Net Ordinary Expenditure, above. Direct Expenditure .
Actual £
Excess £
41,616 17,200
40,241 18,004
. £15,416
Actual Deficiency £ 1,375 1,375
el1' Ophthalmic Hospital and R esearch Fund. Early in 1955 the Hospitaller launched an appeal on behalf of the Order for fund to finance research work to eradicate trachoma and other eye di ea e prevalent in the Middle East and elsewhere. A re earch laboratory is being built at Jerusalem (Jordan) upon land purcha ed during the year by the Order. This research project is being integrated with the plan to build a new Hospital of St. John at Jerusalem. The um or £50,000 ha been allocated within the Post-vVar Fund (General Allocation) as a grant toward the cost of construction of the new Ho pital and one-half of that sum has now been transferred to the new Fund to finance initial capital expenditure on the purchase of land and erection of buildings. Most of the land to be acquired had been purchased by September 1955, at a cost of £39,608. King George VI. Leadership Training Memorial. Grants totalling £14,500 have been received during the year under the leadership training memorial scheme sponsored by the King George VI Foundation. The grants were to finance leadership training schemes to be organised by the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The long term grant of £ 10,000 is to endow a series of training projects, while the short term grants of £4,500 are expendable upon such projects within the period to December 1959. 3.
Net £4,945 £1,375
Estimate £
Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund. It may be mentioned that the first phase of work on the War Memorial Cloi ter and Gateway is now in progress and in consequence the earmarked proportion of the Centenary Fund, which had been credited to the General Fund at 30 September, 1953, has b en transferred to the Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund in the financial year 1955/1956.
Post- rVar Fund (General Allocation) War Organisation Liquidation Account During the year under review the Order and the British Red Cross Society in consultation with the Joint Committee have each withdrawn £20,000 from this Account as further provision for their individual expenditures within the objects of the Joint War Organisation. 5.
Investments. It will be observed that the market value of the Order's Investments was £166,680 below book value at 30 September, 1955, and since that date a further substantial fall in market value has taken place.
No provision has been made in the Accounts in respect of this diminution in value for the following reasons:(a) General Fund Investments (diminution £48 ,233).
These Investments are permanent in character and any need to realise them under unfavourable conditions is unlikely to ari e.
(b) Post- War Fund Investments (diminution £118,447). It is anticipated that the proceeds of annual drawings at par of
the 4 % Victory Bonds held on account of the Fund will suffice for several years to finance the net expenditure of that Fund . During 1955, £56,450 4 % Victory Bonds were drawn and repaid .
Deposits lVith Finance Companies. In pursuance of Minute 4 of the Finance Committee dated 24 February, 1955, sums not immediately required for capital and revenue expenditure have been placed on deposit at favourable term with three leading finance houses.
Central Administration. (a) Publications.
The "St. John Cadet" ceased publication with its i ue of January~ 1955, and has now been merged with the " St. John Re iew. "
The reduced cost to the Order of staff superannuation provision where indicated is due to the abnormally heavy charge borne in 1954 arising from entry into membership of the Social Workers' Pension Fund of certain members of the staff. CONCLUDING COMMENTS The results of the year under review exhibit net ordinary expenditure of £40,241, an increase of £2,523 on the figure for 1954, but a decrease of £19,443 and £13,499 on the figures for 1953 and ] 952 respectively. The Finance Committee at its meeting on 26 October, 1955, was of opinion that a considerable degree of stability had been reached in the figure of net ordinary expenditure and that no further substantial economies could be effected without far-reaching changes of policy. This remains the position, but it is clearly incumbent upon all to eliminate waste wherever found and to ensure that fun value is obtained for money spent. LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General.
21 February, 1956.
30 September, 1955
1954 £
£ as at 30 September, 1954 Add: Legacies . . . . . Compensation for losses: Ophthalmic Hospital staff
(at cost, less amounts written off)General FundFreehold Premises at and adjacent to St. John's (ate . . . . . Le s: written off to date Fre' ho ld Land adjacent to Grand Priory Church Le;,1 ehold Premises: 33/34 Wilton Row, S.W.1 LeSl' written off to date
520 200 10
198 Cr.) 5,873
21,81 '1
11 ,522 100 879
37' Str~
hea rn House and Wat on House, Jerusalem ( ordan)
1,054 1,230 32 1,073 31,514
22,402 68,53b
as at 30 September, 1954 Add: Legacies Donations
27 68,927
Transfer from Post-War Fund (General Allocation) Subscriptions and Donations
25,000 37,116
Less: Architect's and Legal charges Appeal and Travelling expenses
New Ophthalmic Hospital and Reuarch FundFreehold Land: Jerusalem (Jordan) . Post-War Fund: General AllocationFrc"hold Premi es: 15/16 Collingham Gardens, S.W.5 Less: written off to date
55 1
26,000 7,266 650 520
Fr, ... hold Property : St. John Ambulance Brigade Camp, Bexhill, Sussex Lea ~eho ld
50 34
50 34
33,480 39,108 4,985
1 583
Premises: 8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.1 Las: written off to date
£ 17,640 5,880
10, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.l Lrss: written off to date .
4],847 2,364
26,144 144
26,144 144
36,660 £ 17,640 5,292
1 ],760
12,348 41,847 1,757
1,391 755 59,970
Less: Expendi ture
40,090 87,903
2,146 as at 30 September, 1954 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest
130 3,698 3,648
108 443 3,389
26,000 7,266
166 2
122 3
1NVESTMENTSper Schedule attached . . . (Market Value: 1955- £1,686,579 L 1954-£1,951,566) OANS TO BRANCHES-
as at 30 September, 1954
. Add: Advanced during year
32,840 2,000
Ltss: Repayable during year
34,840 3,230
206 9
39,]08 4,985
Less: Works, including demolition Architects' fees and plans . Legal charges Salaries and sundry expenses
51,449 25,449
3,698 3,648
Ophthalmic Hospital Endowment FundFn':l.hold Premises: Jerusalem (Israel) Les. written off to date
5],449 25,449
650 585
RIghts in Kolossi Castle, Cyprus .
as at 30 September, 1954 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Legacy Interest
65 Munstan Property, Jerusalem (Jordan) Le 's written off to date
87 730
4,663 (Dr .)
Less: Grand Prior's Portrait (balance) . St. Paul's Cathedral Campaign-donation Adjustment of previous credits Works at St. John's Gate. Transfer to Post-War Fund (General Allocation) - to reverse transfer in 1946
36,952 3,250
40,202 7,362 3t,610
£T CURRE T AsSET3STOCKS: Stores Department Insignia and Medals Sundry
KING GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP TRAINING MEMORIALGrant (long term) . Grants (short term) Add: Interest
10,000 4,500 252
4,752 Less : Expenditure
471 4,281 14,28 1
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE BENEVOLENT F UNDas at 30 September, 1954 Add: Subscription Interest L ess: Grants
7,1 57
2 250
7,28 1
P OST-WAR FUND(Funds allocated by Joint War O rganisation )G ENERAL ALLOCATION OF £2,080,000 (1954 : £2,060,000)as at 30 September, 1954 . 1,273,OO l Add: War Organisation Liq uidation Accou ntSum allocated therefrom . . . 20,000 Adjustment on realisa ti on of assets in Israel 253 St. John Ambula nce Br igade CampGrant and expenditure capi talised . Transfer from General Fund, a bove
2,08' ( Dr. ) 8,150 87 1,251,200
1,293,254 L ess: Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year . . . . . . . . 14,176 Transfer to New Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund . . . . 25 ,000 Loss on realisat ion of In vestment . 857
17,/97 38,998 (Profit) 40,033
SPECIAL ALLOCATION of £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitalsas at 30 September, 1954 . . . . 558,674 Less : Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year . . 28,335
530,339 1,482
520,896 (Net Profit) 37,778
Less: Loss on realisation of investment
43,307 4,605 648
38,034 45,453 135,000 21 ,745
48,560 36,930 88,656
25,45 8
214,774 21 ,251
149,810 18,529 193,523
34,902 2,786 346
OT£5(1) This Balance Sheet and the annexed Income alld Expenditure Accounts present the financial posiflOn and transactions of the H eadquarters both 0/ the Order alU/ of its Founda tions. Th ey do flo t incorporate the assets, liabilities and transactions o f the local Units of th e Order and of irs FOlllulat LOl/s, the Accounts 0/ which are maintained 01/(/ audited locally under RefIlilations aurhorised by the Order. (2) In addirion to the properties included in this Balance Sheet certain other properties have been rested if! the Order either as part of its corporate pruperty or upon Trusrs in connecrion with the St. John Ambulallce Associarion and Brigade . These properties are only realisable with the consent of the CharilY Commissioners or the Trustees or local Committees of Management . (3) The General and Post- War Funds are subj ect to investment depreciation of £ 166,680. (4) Net current assets in Israel of 1£1 ,369 (1954, 1£21,435) are held subject to exchange restriclions. They are converted at the exchange rate of 1£5.38 (1954, 1£5.88) to £ fo r block ed accounts at 30 S eptember, 1955.
528,857 1,782,078
LEWIS G. WHYTE, Recei ver-General D . B. R. SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant. £2,275,024 £2,234,453
£2,275 ,024 £2,234,453
Having examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Accounts basi:ns d ,,:ouc~ers of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and with the returns received from Jerusalem, we hereby report of aft . peclfied III the Notes on the Balance Sheet, the said Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts, in our opinion, and according to the best of our information, show a true and fair VieW airs of the Order as at 30 September, 1955, and of its income and expenditure for the year ended on that date. 3, Frederick's Place, PRICE WATERHOUSE & Co., Old Jewry, E.C.2. Chartered Accountants. 13 March, 1956
£ Foundation Dues Annual Oblations Commuted' Oblations
Less: ceded to Priories and Commanderies Interest on Investments Other J n terest
Less: ceded to Special Funds
1,621 5,785 319
5,955 469
7,725 1,506
5,4 6
11 , 158 2,544
9,202 2.2.54
SalaricS, Pensions and National Insurance Superan nuatio n contributions. Rent an d Rates. . . . . Lease amou nt written off . Ligh ting, Heating an~ Cleaning RepaIrs and Decoration . . postav:c a nd Telephone Prin ting and Stationery Travelli ng e pense Entertlini ng expense St. John's Day Invest tu res Roll of the Order InSIgnIa . . Medals, Vellum Vote and Diplomas Map 'stead hurch expen e Solicl or ' Charge Royal Charter and tatutes DCp,l tmen tal tran fer expense Sund 'I ex pen es .
6,948 118
158 568
13,93 3
8,614 228 61
8,811 2,347
Rents, less outgoings Donations . . . . Proceeds of sale of cars
£ 1,530 4,253
4,680 198 561 135 747 599 603 1,249 513 167 568 310 336 940 2,817 121 49 635
543 686 135 779 73
6]3 878 540 265 521 313
467 684 1,937
321 251 771
Gross Profit on sale of stores Deduct : Salaries and National Insurance Superannuation contributions . Rates ...... . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Sundry expenses.
£ 8,416 1,404 330 356
£ 7,913 1,427 305 340
~ ~
6V 732
11 ,46 7
12542 25,920
3,462 543 166 135 359 187 209 174 315 86 229
Salanes and National Imurance Supe Innuation contribution Rent Clnd Rate Leas\. amount written ofT Lightlllg, Heating and leaning Posta e and Telephone Printing and Stationery . Tra\ lIing cxpen c Aud t lee Chc~u Book Sun r c pen e'
3,201 413 169 135
326 196
259 331 289 5,865
PURLI A1 [0'\5-
o t "SI fohn Rel'i ew" :
p, ntll1g harges Sail Ie and ational Insurance Su dry expen es
of Production 3,848 1,052 449
Sales and Advertising Revenue
"SI. John Cadet":
Pn lung Charge Su Jry expen e
5 177
Salarll:s and National Insurance Pre s Cutting and Newspapers Press Re lea es and Leaflets . Po.stage and Telephone Pnn tll1g and Stationery. Travelling expenses. . Entertaining expen es . Sundry expenses. . . MusEUMPurchases . . . . . . . Salaries and National Insurance Su~eran nuation . contrib~tions . ul glar Alarm lOstallatlOn Equipt:nent and Furnishings . PrOVIsion for cleaning pictures Sundry expenses. . . . .
1,141 147 168 90 154 89 142 425
Sundry expenses.
NET INCOME transferred to Post-War Fund
£39,853 £40,380
30 2,356
1,306 245 68
243 1,102 146 41
169 398
36 212 372
28,199 11,654
28,009 12,371
£39,853 £40,380
INCOME HOSPITALSubscriptions and Donations Interest. Medical Fees .
£ 1,166 1,170 60 2,396
2,562 200
Proceeds of sale of car ISRAELRents, less Rates and Taxes
NET COST, transferred to Post-War Fund
1954 £ 1,257 1,243 62
EXPENDITURE HOSPITALSalaries. Pensions and National Insurance Superannuation contri butions Food and Housekeeping Drugs . quipment. Rent Light and Water. Repairs and Maintenance Travelling expenses Po tage and Telephone . Printing and Stationery Warden's and Sisters' FlatsFurnishing and ingoing decorations . Surveyors' Fees Sundry expense
1954 £
£ 12,949 137 3,207 1,780 302 923 457 1,015 1,570 188 287
11,465 48 3,161 1,980 825 525 1,040 1,314 168 408
409 617
21,960 618
o.st of new car Lo DON OFFICESalaries and National In urance Superannuation contribution Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Sundry expenses
£ 1,145 110 165 282 765 199
:> Z 0
£ 1,035 458 110 112 946 107 2,666
I ...... '"""1
Attorney'll Fees and expen es
(') (')
Charges to Centres and Detached Classes for instruction and examinations . . . . .. Less: Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses
14,M)S 8,286
Awards (net) Subscriptions and Donations
6,269 2,206 316
6,322 2,455 160
NET COST, transferred to Post-War Fund
8,791 5,727
8,937 4,9L
£26,754 £25,481
£26,754 £25,481
Salaries and National Insurance Superannu::ltion contributions. Rent and Rates. Lea.c-amount written off . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses . Entertaining expen es Sundry expenses
6,880 942 337
270 660 933 1,531 211 87 363
270 653 1,087 1,988 256 30 161
-< rn
:> ~
Z 0 tn t:1 w
Trophy: Northern Ireland. Grants to Countle Competitions (net) Arabic textbook (net)
12,342 12,604 50 300 200 1,356 1,250 470 (Cr.)205
£14,518 £13,849
£14,518 £13,849
Donations .... Ministry of Education grant . . . . National Hospital Service Reserve grant NET CoST, transferred to Post-War Fund
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE 249 68 Salaries and National Insurance 1,440 1,440 Superannuation contributions . 1,114 1,381 Rent and Rates . Lease-amount written off . 2,803 2,889 Lighting, Heating and Cleaning 22,372 22,824 Repairs and Maintenance Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses . Entertaining expense Conferences and Meetings Awards Sundry expenses Competitions (net). . Training Centre and Club Air Attendants Cadet Rally-Hyde Park, 1954 Deduct: Bexhill Camp, Surplus-Season 1955 . £2~,175
Vl Vl
10,403 679 579 588 443 2,307 1,080 1,46 1 2,616 311 25t 212 1,215
10,673 1,530 579 588 869 98 1,176 1,714 2,548 245 298 144 740
22,]45 1,317 1,900 105 23
21,202 1,387 2,576
£25,175 £25,713
POST -WAR FUND GENERAL ALLOCATION EXPENDITURE £ £ 1954 NET COST43,649 44,020 Foundations430 420 St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem . . . . . . 44,069 44,450 St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade
INCOME Interest on Investment. Interest on Loans
NET EXPENDITURE for the year transferred to Balance Sheet
Deduct : Central Administrationsurplus income EXPENDITUREGrants : Priory of ScotlandAdministration grant Home for Working Mothers, Edinburgh . . . . . Commandery in Central Africa St. lohn HeadquartersKenya North Borneo Ceylon Singapore St. John Councils. . .. Secretarial grants St. lohn Home, Tankerton, Kent Edmonton Division, S.l.A.B. Brierley Hill Division, S.l .A.B . Cyprus- local officer Development of Overseas Units R eliefWelfare work in Malaya. Australian Floods . Caribbean H urricane Korea East Coa t Floods V .A .D . Standing Committee Finsbury mplo'yment Scheme for th Fll erly .
23,796 5,727 22,372
22,353 4,912 22,824
11 ,654
5,000 1,000
1,000 1,000
2,500 500 1,972
1,012 1,000 150
300 120 2,750
3,801 1,000 1,284 474
,100 18.~
Interest on Investment . . . . NET EXPENDITURE for the year transferred to Balance Sheet
1954 £ 21,175
£49,386 £48,877
EXPENDITURE Welfare Work in Service Hospital
> Z 0
m X
2,500 40 913
3: m
AssocliJ,tion .
£ 49,386
1954 £ 48,877
£49,386 £48,877
Z 0
OF INVESTMENTS 30 September, 1955
30 SEPTEMBER, 1955
Book Value
Nominal Value
£ s. A.
BRITfSH GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED STOCKS (a) with a fixed date Jor redemption3 % Defence Bonds, 1956 . 3 % Savings Bond, 1955/65 4 % Victory Bonds, by 1976 2!- % Savings Bond, 1964/67 3 % Funding Stock, 1959/69 3 % Savings Bonds, 1960{70 3 % Savings Bonds, 1965{75 3 % British Transport Stock, 1978/ 88 .
(b) with no fix ed date l or redemption3!- % War Stock, 1952 or after. . . 4 % Consolidated Stock, 1957 or after 3!- % Conversion Stock, 1961 or after.
DOMINION AND COLONIAL GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED STOCKS with a fixed date Jor redemption21 % Australia Stock, 1967{7 1 . 2!-% Australia Stock, 1970{75 . . . . 3 % Federated Malay States Stock, 1960{70 3!- % Sierra Leone Stock, 1958/63 .
SUNDRY STOCKS3 % Nottingham Corporation, 1/9/57 . Lansdowne Club, Ltd . 364 Shares of 2/- each, fully paid
SUMMARY With a fixed date for redemption With no fixed date for redemption
Nominal Value
Book Value
Market Value
1,000 post-War FundGeneral Allocation 2,595 1 475,192 SpCI iill AJlocation . 3,447 56,889 15,087 I General f und
0 0 0 0 0 14 0 6
0 0 0 4 10 6 0 9
1,000 3,000 1,593 ,639 4,282 68,292 18,5 12 150 11 ,317
£1 ,669, 135
£1 ,700, 192
71 ,493 3 7 26,560 14 II 36, 129 9 8
7 1,260 24, 199 30,926
£ 126,385
£1 ,803,3 18 10
£ 1,826,577
18,000 0 0 3,300 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,980 0 0
17,940 3,309 2,817 J ,816
£1 ,8 30,435
£1 ,853,259
1,696,215 134,220
£ 1,726,874 126,385
£] ,830,435
£1,853 ,259
Relationship between Market Value and Book Value Excess
1,000 3,000 1,561,050 4,282 69,802 18, 511 150 11 ,339
£1 34, 1 3
Market Value
Deficiency £
1,068,140 492,910
1,091,026 502,613
1,009,392 465,800
81,634 36,813
1,561 ,050 269,385
1,593,639 259,620
1,475,192 211 ,387
118,447 48,233
£1 ,830,435
@phthaI1l1ic 1fJospitai (Founded 1882)
[/)e <Sranl) [prior\? in tbe 113ritiso lRealnl of ~be
of tbe 1bospitnl of $t. Joon
of 3erusnlenl.
Report of the Committee for 1955 including the
Report of the Ladies' Linen Guild
@p h t hnt111 i c
"II) 05Pit nI of '[ I)e (lD IS t \Oellcl'a ble ® rbel' of sr. 301)11, 3c l'nsRie1l 1
50y'erei ~1 1l
1beab of tf)e @rt'ler :
HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (1011l11l ittee : (24 th June, 1955) · rrp 5~)\t("l[( e r.
BRIGADIER SIR STEWART D UKE-EL DER , K.C.V.O., PH.D. ,D.SC ., LL.D. , M.D., f.R.C.S., F.A.C.S. lI) on 1:l"(flSUl"Cl".
EXTRACT FROM THE RULE AND CUSTOM OF RAYMOND DU P UY, GRAND MASTER OF THE KNIGHTS HOSPITALLER OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN (1120-1160). That the Knights who should make their profes ion in it should adorn their Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues, with hospital service, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in these various functions, should only seek to di tinguish themselves by a cour e of virtue. Soldiers of Jesus Christ are designed only to fight for Hi glory, to maintai n His worship, to lo ve, reverence and preserve ju tice, to favour, support and defen d such as are oppressed, without neglecting the duties 0/ holy hospital serl'icC!.
L. G .
Secrctflr~ .
J . F.
I\s!3is tant Surgeo n to tbe 1J)ospitaI.
Surgeo l1 t" tb e lI')ospital.
BUDEIRI, M.D. (GEN.), D .O. M.S.
J. G.
lPrtor}? of 5corlanb 1f:)ospirIlller SIR GORDO
lPrior}? for 1llllales
Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Conlmittee for 1955 including the
Hospitaller of Bridgend
lPrior}? tn 50ntlJern Bfnca 1f:) 1SPItIlllct COLONEL SIR ELLIS ROBl S, D .S.O.
{prior}? In 1Hew Zea Ia ltb 'If:)ospltRller JOHN H . RHODES, Esq.
lPriorr in eta naba 1f:)ospltIlller BRIGADIER W. P . WARNER, C.B.E., D.S.O. , M.B. , F.R.C.P.Cc.)
lPriot}? of tbe Bus tra Ita n (tom mon wea 1tl) (e,Iclnai"e of Wlestern :allstrRlia) bospitRller COLONEL
(to11l11lanber}? in 1lmestern nustralta (witbin tbe lPrior}? of tbe BllstrRlian UommoHwealtb) -rr)ospitaUer A.
G. HALL, Esq., C.LE., M.B.E.
<tomnHlnber\? in <rentral Bfrica 1f:)ospitaller SIR WILLIAM MURPHY, K.C.M.G .
The Ho pitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to ubmit their sixty-fourth annual report for the information of H. R. H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. THE COMMITTEE The Committee report ,\ith regret the death of Colonel A. M. O. All\\yl-Pa ingham, C.B.E. Colonel Anwyl-Passingham had served on the Committee for nearly 20 years and had always shown the keenest intere t in the \\elfare of the Hospital during this period. It i with regret that the Committee have to report the resignation of Sir Erne 1 Burdon Receiver-General, as a result of a serious illness. They are pleased to learn that Sir Ernest has made a good recovery but regret that It i necessary for him to give up a certain amount of his work for the Order. Sir Ernest became a member of the Committee on a uming the office of Receiver-General. He has always been a most active member of the Committee and his advice and help over financial matter hm e ah,yaj been of the greatest value. The Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking him for all that he has done and to wish him a speedy recovery. H.R.H. The Grand Prior has approved the appointment of Mr. Lewis G. Whyte a Receiver-General in succession to Sir Ernest Burdon, and the Committee welcome him and wish him every success in his new appointment. The Grand Prior has also approved the appointment of Air Commodore K. Lyle as a Member of the Committee for the remainder of the triennial period. In June the Hospitaller, accompanied by the Secretary, had an audience in Londonwith H.M. King Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. HOSPITAL STAFF At the end of June the tour of duty of Surgeon-Commander D. P. Gurd, R.N., the Warden, was completed. In 1952 the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty consented to second Surgeon-Commander Gurd for a tour of duty at the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem for a period of three years. The Committee desire to express their gratitude to their Lordships, and their thanks to Surgeon-Commander Gurd for all that he has done to maintain the high standard and best traditions of the Hospital during this difficult transition period.
The Committee wish to express their thank to the Air Ministry for seconding for one year Wing-Commander Grahame Price as Warden to the Ophthalmic Hospital. They wi h him every success during this tour of duty. Wing-Commander Grahame Price erved during the second World War in the Far East, and in the Middle East from 1950-1953, so he is conversant with the local condition which prevail in Jordan. The Committee would like to congratulate Dr. E. B. Doany, the Assistant Surgeon of the Hospital, on the occasion of hi marriage. Dr. Khalil Budeiri came to Europe in the Spring for three month' study leave. He studied in London, France and Spain. Whilst in London he had the opportunity of discussing ho pital problem \ ith the Hospitailer and of meeting the new Warden. The Matron came on leave to the United Kingdom in Augu t and returned to the Hospital at the end of October. She attended the October Committee meeting, and it wa not only a gr at plea ure for the Committee to have the opportunity of meeting her again but it wa also of great value to have her advice on local staff and nursing problems. Sister E. B. Fox's tour of duty with the British Nur ing Staff terminated during the year, and she has returned to the United Kingdom . The Committee are particularly grateful to Sister Fox for all her help when the staff became so depleted through illnes . During the spring and summer, Sisters 1. Vanstone, I. Howard and E. Popham joined the British Nursing Staff. Mi an tone wa appointed Assistant Matron. OFFICIAL VISIT In view of Chapter-General's decision on the policy of the future of the Hospital and the building of the Re earch Institute a mentioned in the Committee's last report, and also as a result of various meeting held with the Oil Companies and other British industrial firms with illtere t in the M~ddle East, the Hospitaller accompanied by the Secretary, 1 ft for the MIddle East at the end of February returning to England in April. The purpose of the tour was to consolidate arrangement for the building of the new Hospital and Research Institute in Jerusalem, and to co-ordinate plans for an anti-trachoma campaign in the Middle East. The Hospitaller visited Bahrein, Kuwait, Baghdad, Beirut, Amman , Jerusalem (Jordan) and Jerusalem (Israel), and Tel-aviv; the latter two cities in connection with the old Hospital buildings on the Bethlehem Road. All the countries and states visited were very enthusiastic about the project, so much so that several gave financial support whilst others promised it when the scheme materialised. While in the Middle East, the Hospitaller had an audience with H.M. King Hussein of Jordan, and was presented to the Lebanese President and Their Highnesses the Rulers of Kuwait and Bahrein. The Hospitaller also had discussions with the Prime Minister and other Ministers of Jordan, and also those of other states. He had consultations with Lieut.Gener.al J. B. Glubb Pasha, the Chief of Staff, Arab Legion, and representatIves of U.N.R.W.A. Many consultations were held with H.M. British Ambassadors to the Lebanon and Jordan as well as with the British Political Representative and British Political Agents in the Persian Gulf.
THE NEW HOSPITAL-RESEARCH PROJECT TRACHOMA RESEARCH IN THE MIDDLE EAST As a result of the official tour of the Middle East and in view of the rapid developments arising out of it, the Committee feel that their report should not on this occasion be concluded on 31st December, 1955, but should give the latest news regarding the new project up to the time of going to press. Direction of the Scheme In 1952, Chapter-General decided to appoint a Committee to consider and make recommendations on the future Hospital policy of the Order, and that the Lord Prior, in consultation with the Hospitaller, should appoint members to serve thereon. The Committee was also empowered to co-ordinate the general direction and financial supervision of the "Hospital-Research" project. On the Hospitaller's return from the Middle East, the Committee confirmed the purchase of a site just outside the Old City of Jerusalem on the Nablus Road, on which to build the new hospital, the research laboratories and accessory buildings. This Committee set up a Building Committee which is supervising the plans for the construction of the Hospital with its associated Research Institute. The Committee is composed of the Hospitaller (Chairman), ]vIr. Llewellyn Davies (Chief Architect to the Nuffield Hospital Trust), Mr. R. N. Wakelin (Architect to Moorfields Eye Hospital), Sir Alfred Bossom, Bt., Professor Sir A. E. Richardson (President of the Royal Academy), Mr. Frank Law and Air Commodore Keith Lyle (Ophthalmic Surgeon and members of the Hospital Committee). A further Committee, the Scientific Advisory Committee, was formed to supervise the research programme both in London and Jordan. It is composed of the Hospitaller (Chairman), Sir Landsborough Thomson (Medical Research Council), Dr. R. Lewthwaite (Director of Colonial Medical Research), Professor A. A. Miles (Director of the Lister Institute), Professor C. F. Barwell (Professor of Bacteriology, University of London). Re earch work has commenced in London at two Institutes. A virus laboratory has been equipped at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University of London, under the direction of the Hospitaller, where research work has been in progress for some time on the tissue-culture techniques required to grow the virus of trachoma. The virus laboratories of the Lister Institute, Chelsea, are to be devoted to research work on trachoma. Dr. Collier, the virologist of that Institute, has spent three months in the U.S.A. acquainting himself with the most up-to-date techniques in research on this problem and, financed by the World Health Organisation, left at the end of February to study the aspects of trachoma as seen in North Africa from Morocco to Egypt, to stimulate research in this area and to collect any information which may be of value to our research effort. Mr. M. J. Gilkes, F.R.C.S., left for Jordan in January to contact the workers of the World Health Organisation and U.N.R.W.A. in the refugee camps in Jordan, and to start clinical research work in these camps in association with our present Hospital in Jerusalem. At the end of March he was joined by Dr. C. H. Smith, the virologist from the Institute of Ophthalmology in London. The remainder of the research team will reach Jordan in May.
Building Progress
The recently purcha ed ite i ulliciently large to build the new Hospital and Re earch Laboratorie. The building of the Re earch Laboratorie will be completed in April, 1956. It comprises pathological, bacteriological and viru laboratOIie, equipped on the 1110 t modern lines. Until the new Ho pital i built, thi laboratory will work in a ociation with our pre ent Hospital. The plans for the Hospital building are under review. It i hoped that building will start later in the year, and it is anticipated that it will be finished in about two years. The new Ho pital will be de igned to gi e every modern facility for the conduct of re earch a well a the treatment of ocular di eases. Finance
To finance the new project, the Order ha et a ide £185,000 for capital expenditure and has budgeted for an annual maintenance grant of £ 15,000. Early in February a private appeal was launched to Briti hindu trial firms with interests in the Middle Ea t, which met with a very generou response, particularly from the Iranian Oil Consortium, the I raq Petroleum Company Limited, and the Kuwait Oil Company Limited, and al 0 from H .H. the Ruler of Bahrein, H.H. the Ruler of 1 uwait, and the Government of Jordan; this together with the Order's contribution total approximately £700,000 and will cover immediate capital expenditure and it i hoped .will ~eet the cost of maintenance over the next e en year. The Comlllttee IS deeply grateful to those who have contributed either by means of donations Of subscriptions. This amouI?-t .represents a very considerable sum of money; but the cost of the bUIldmg of the Hospital, its ancillary building and the Laborat.ory wil~ come to within .the region of £300,000 and the funning co t will be l11gh. The Committee hope for continued financial upport to enable this 12roject to prosper an.d particularly to allow for the launching of a campaIgn for the preventIOn of blindness which it i hoped to extend to other countries in the Middle East. THE OLD HOSPITAL BUILDINGS BETHLEHEM ROAD, JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) There is nothing further to report on the situation since the Committee's last report. VISITORS TO THE PRESENT HOSPITAL The Hospital has had many visitors during the year; amongst those whom the Warden and staff welcomed were the late Archbishop of York (the Very Rev. Cyril Garbett, G.C.V.O., P.C., D.D.), Lady Alexandra Metcalfe, M.rs: Cynthia Bruce f~om. the Priory of Wales, Mr. Gregg, CanadIan MInIster of Labour, BrIgadier K. B. Fra.ser, Hospitaller of the Pr~ory of Australia, the late Mr. K. H. Falconer, then Secretary to the PrIory of New Zealand, Air Commodore Keith Lyle, a member of the Committee and of the Building Committee, Dr. Hanna Marshall, Medical Officer from V.N.R.W.A., and Dr. Magda Valz from Aachen. THANKS Ir: addition to t~ose who ha.ve contributed to the Hospital-Research ProJect, the Comlllttee would like to thank those well-wishers who have financially supported the present Hospital during 1955. The Committee
are, as always, deeply grateful for the continued help of the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand and the Commandery of Ards. Continued a istance from the Provincial Priory of Northamptonshire, Huntingdon hire and Bedfordshire, and from the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Nottingham are also much appreciated. The Great Priory of Masonic Knights Templar has again made a most generous and highly appreciated donation to the fund of the Hospital and a valuable contribution has once more been received from the Clothworkers' ompany. The donation of Mr. E. Howard is most gratefully acknowledged. CONCLUSION .Finally, the ommittee woul~ like to express their very deep appreciatIon to the Warden, the MedIcal staff, the Matron, the Nursing staff, and all the other members of the Hospital staff for their loyal and devoted ser ice during the past year when at times the situation in Jerusalem has been difficult and anxious. Further, the Committee would like to express their very great admiration for the staff's unceasing efforts to maintain and enhance in every possible way the reputation of the Hospital and the pre tige of the Order. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospital/er.
WARDEN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 195 5 After the severe summer of 1954 and the mild winter of 1954/55 this country has experienced a water shortage never before known. In Jerusalem the main supply was turned on in each quarter once every four days and those fortunate enough to have large storage tanks were able to exist, with care, until the next ration was due. This Hospital, having reasonable storage space and large underground rainwater cisterns, was more fortunate than most, but it was a frequent occurrence for the taps to run dry, this being particularly noticeable and irritating during an operating session when scrubbing up had to be completed in bowls of six months' old rainwater treated with sterilising fluid. Despite these limitations, no case of post-operative sepsis or loss of an eye has occurred during the year ; whether this is a result of the care of the staff or an expression of the resistance of the patients to infection cannot be decided. As a compensation, perhaps, for the hot, dry and waterless summer, the rains, when they came, were torrential. Roads were washed away, buildings flooded and in the out-patients' operating theatre, a morning's surgery was carried on with a shallow stream flowing across the floor. As a result, perhaps, of the bad climatic conditions, the incidence of acute inflammatory eye disease has risen sharply. The total number of cases of acute conjunctivitis this year reached 15,380, with the astounding number during the month of September of 4,835-a total for one month just over half the total cases for the whole of 1954. This rise is also reflected in the number of corneal ulcers of all types seen, a number this year of 1,261 as against 881 in the year 1954. As has been seen during past years, the rising trend of new attendances continues. This year the number of new patients attending the Hospital was 32,801; and increase of 1,563 on last year's figure. The number of operations performed totalled 2,146 ; this fall was in part accounted for by the absence of Dr. Budeiri on study leave, followed by the arrival of a new Warden, and the absence of D r. Doany on honeymoon-leave in October. One point of interest is the continuing increase in the number of cases of retinal detachment coming for surgery. The incidence of this condition , which is usually considered uncommon in the Middle East, despite the number of highly myopic eyes, appears to be increasing and this year 15 cases have been operated on; both diathermy and scleral resection operations have been performed. The waiting list for surgery is still formidable. At present men are being booked for admission in September 1956, and women for admission in February 1957. The inhabitants of Jerusalem are, perhaps, a little more fortunate than patients from outlying districts, as those living near the Hospital have learnt that beds unclaimed by noon on admission days will
be given to the firsl applicant, and it isyathetic to see the queue of h~peful patients with ad vanced ca~aract waltmg to se~ wheth~r the~ ~ill be fortunate " this time." It IS even more pathetIc and dlsappomtmg to have to turn away a booked patient from far away and who has, therefore, arrived late, only to find that the bed that had been looked for ward lo for over a year had been given to a case of glaucoma or other emergency. As the waiting list for outpatient surgery had also reached July 1956, and extra operating session has been introduced on Wednesday mornings, the D uly Surgeon during his weeks' tour of duty thus being able to dispose of approximately 40 cases of trichiases, chalazion and pterygium. However, after only a few months this list, too, has increased to a fo urweek ' wait ; and it appears that, with the present number of staff and terili ing facilities, saturation ha been reached. In the fi eld of cosmelic surgery it is interesting to note the continued increa e of squint urgery in women, and also the number of patients with high degrees of squint who are willing to undergo a second operation for correction of a mall residual angle. Of far more importance, however, is the number of children who are bein g brought to the Hospital for squint treatment, and although it will be many years before the foundation of an Orthoptic Clinic need be considered, a start has at least been made in the pre ention of what is virtually a cause of unilateral blindness. The cau e and numbers of cases of blindness show little significant change from other years, except that the incidence of retinitis pigmentosa shows an increase. The causes of blindness are shown in the following table:I.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Corneal opacity . Primary Glaucoma Secondary Glaucom a Absolute Glaucoma Shrunken globe . Fund al conditions Cataract Injury . . .. Total Blind Eyes- 2,319 including 236 bilateral
786 315 90 308 581 89 102 48
The training of Orderlies from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and from departments of the Ministry of Health, continues, and this winter we have started to accept trainees from other Welfare Organisations. Thi work is considered to be of the greatest importance, as it is only by the provision of adequate numbers of trained personnel throughout the country that an impression can be made upon the large number of cases of preventable blindness. Despite the language difficulties and despite the lack of time and opportunity for adequate teaching during the busy summer months, both the Nursing Sisters and the trainees have persevered with this important task with enthusiasm and interest. We continue to receive much-needed supplies from the United N ations Relief and Works Agency, and we are truly grateful for these gifts, and also for the speed and efficiency with which Refugee patients are given forms of treatment that we cannot supply. N on-refugee patients requiring radio-therapy are still given this form of treatment free by Professor Diab at the American University, Beirut,
and we greatly appreciate this generosity, and a1 0 that of the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem whose fund has provided the travelling and accommodation expenses for these destitute paticnt in the past. Many visitors have been welcomed at the Ho pital thi year, including Sir Stewart Duke-Elder and Major Underhill in March, during whose visit Dr. Elias Doany was invested as an Associate Serving Brother of the Order and three Orderlies, Daoud Ali Ha san, Hassan Ibrahim and Saleh Ali Saleh were granted Long S rvice Certificates for ten years' service to the Hospital. It is hoped that visits to the Hospital by all interested in its work will continue, as it is quite impossible to con ey in writing any idea of the work done and the benefit provided by uch a small band labouring under such difficulties. In June this year Surgeon-Commander Gurd left after three year' service as Warden of the Hospital. He came at a time when condition were unsettled and bad, and it is partly due to his tenacity and de otion to his medical duties that the Hospital i uch an efficiently functioning unit today. His is a name that will long be remembered here. In this, my first and last report from Jeru alem, I find it difficult to express the impact that a Hospital such as thi make upon a new-comer. I have travelled fairly extensively in the Middle East, but in no other Hospital, Service or Civilian, have I met uch loyalty, or ecn 0 much hard work done under such adverse conditions. It i known to all that this state is due entirely to the leadership of the permanent member of the Hospital Staff, Dr. Budeiri, Dr. Doany and Miss Wood to the adaptability of the Nursing Sisters-Miss Vanstone, who ha been 0 unfortunate this year, Miss Howard and Mr. Popham-and to the faithfulness of all the other members of the nursing, clerical and dome tic staff. It is stimulating to know that this attitude will continue into the Research Institute and new Hospital so that the adventure into the realm of preventive medicine and research, which are of such importance here, will progress with the sense of service so long associated with the name of this ancient Foundation. (Signed) J. G. PRICE, Wing-Commander, Wardell.
Eyelid Lacrimal . Conjunctiva Cornea. . . Lens (Cataract) Iris. . . . . Retinal Detachment
DETAILS OF OPERATIONS, 1955. 353 Glaucoma... 42 Globes and Sockets . . . 285 Total major operations . 6 Total minor operations. 368 55 TOTAL 15 Total general anaesthetics
STATISTICS OF DISEASES, 1955. Di ease of the Eye Lids Glaucoma . Trichia is and Entropion . 2,156 Other disea es . 3,050 Diseases of the Optic Nerve Di ea e of the Lacrimal ApparDiseases of the Orbit . atu 362 Di ea of the onjunctha Trachoma . Conjunctivitis Other disease
· 30,413 · 17,281 4,933
Disea e of the Cornea Ulcer. Opacitie Pannu Other diseases
J,261 · JO,040 738 J,328
Di ea e of the Iri Inflammation Other di ea e Disea e of the Len Cataract. Oi located Len Prolapse of Len Vitreou Opacitie Haemorrhage Choroid
cr nflammatlOl1. ) .
Retina Retinopathies Degenerations Detachmen t . Pseudo-glioma
147 276 3,573 85 25 53 6 91 49 132 26 3
62 157 1,277 869 2,146 171
1,014 144 22
Muscles Strabismus ystagmus Paralyses
783 97 36
Diseases of the Sclera.
Globe Shrunken Eye-ball . 1nflamrnations Other diseases
581 19 403
Refractire Errors
Causes of Blindnes (a) Corneal Opacities . (b) Secondary Glaucoma. (c) Shrunken Globe . Fundal Condition Glaucoma (primary) Absolute Glaucoma Cataract Injury . Blind in one eye Blind in both eyes
48 1,847 236
786 90 581 89 315 308 102
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Abela, Lieut.-Colonel J. Abraham, Mrs . Ann, Captain H. T. Archer, Lieut.-Colonel G. L., T.D. Beachcroft, Major P. M., O.B.£. Bilton, Mr. & Mrs . F. Browne, Brigadier J. G., e.M.G., .B.E. D.S .O. Bryce, D. , O.B.E. cCadbury, Mr . W . A. Catt, Colonel P . H. Cecil, Commander The Hon. Henry, O.B.E., R. Cham berlain , J. H. H. (South Africa) Clothworkers, Worshipful Company of cCodrington, Colonel J. A. . . . Dalton, Major-General e. J. G., e.B., e.B.E. Dalton, Mrs. J. e. . . . . Gillett, Major Sir Sydney H., M.e. . Grant ham, W . Ivor, O.B.E. cHall, In tructor Rear Admiral Sir Arthur Harris, Captain The Lord, M.e. Howard, E. . . . . Howard de Walden and Seaford, The Lady, e.B.E .. Jeru alem, Gifts at the Ho pital Keith Roach , P.B. . . . Leather, Mi V. M. M.B.E. Marcheri, Mi N .. May Major F. M.B.E., T.D. Morrison, Commander E. A., R. . Morri on, N. G. ew Temple Preceptory o. 117 Norton, Mr . J. J., M.B.E. . Nottingham City Area, S.J.A.B. : Transport Divi ion Robin Hood Nursing Division Nottingham, County of, S.J.A.B. o. 6 .e.B. Corp Onward and Invicta Lodge No. 2912 . . Order of the Temple, Great Priory of England and Wales . Parnham, H. W . . . . Patrick, Sir Paul, K.e.1.E., e.S.I. cPcrrins, e. W. Dyson . . Pratt, Eldon, M.D ., M.R.e.S. . . Priory for Wales, Order of St. John Provin~ial Priory of Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshlre and Bedfordshire . . Simpson, John E. . Steer, Lieut.-Colonel W. R . Hornby Stewart, Miss . Stitcher, B. . Strickland, Hon. Mabel Talbot, Mrs. . . . cVerey, Colonel H . E., D.S.O . '" cWalker, Miss A. M., M.B .£. . cWebb-Johnson, Colonel The Lord, G.e. V.O. , e.B.E. , D.S.O. . . . . Wilkinson, Colonel R. J. L., O.B .E. Williams, The Rev. Canon A. L. E.
Subscriptions £ s. d.
o o
Donations £ s. d. 100 500
220 220 220 I 1 0 8 13 11 110 J 1 0 1
1 16
100 0 0 1 1 1
I 0 1 0 1 0
550 1 18 I
1 0
50 0 0 8 11
1 0
1 17
I 0 1 0
0 220
7 10 0 100 660
220 39L
220 I
1 0
18 5 3 220
0 0
7 14
o 550
500 1 14 3 16 19
9 4 10
o £96
£624 13 4
£720 14 11
Note:-The letter .c indicates that the sub criber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enablmg the Hospital to reclaim the relative income tax.
£ s. d.
Collected by Sir Gordon Lethem, I .C.M.G., K.St.l. Ho pi taller and Almoner for Scotland. £
cAberdeen, The Most Hon. The Marqui of, O.B.E., K.St.J., H.M.L., LL.D., J.P. . . . . . . . cBalfour, Paul, Lt.-Col. J. W., D.S.O., O.SU. , v.D ., D .L. cBarclay-Harvey of Dinnet, Sir Malcolm, K .CM.G., K.StJ. Brown, Mrs. Jane P. H. Graham, O.StJ. . . . . cBrown, R. G. A., O.SU. , CA. cCameron-Head of Inverailort, FS.C, K.SU . . eCowie, Thomas P., O.B.E., O.SU. . . . . . . (late eCruikshank, Colonel M . M., CLE., O.SU ., B. c., M.D., F.R. I.M.S.) . . . . ., . eGrant-Suttie, Col. H. F, CB.E., D.S.O., M.., .SU. eForrest-Hamilton, Major John, K.SU., M.D. . cInverclyde, The Rt. Hon. The Lord, K.SU., D .L. . cLethem, Sir Gordon , K.CM.G., K.SU. eLindsay, The Rt. Hon . The Earl of, K.SU. Macdonell, James, O.SU. . . . . eMacKenzie, Colonel Eric D., CM.G., D.S.O., O.SU. eMacKenzie, Ivy, CSU., M.D ., B.Sc. , F.R.F.P.S. . Mackie, Professor J. D., CB.E., M.C , K.SLJ. , M.A., LL.D . . Manclark, Norman M., O.SU. eMitchell, Dr. J. P. , CB.E., CSU. . cMurray, Lieut.-Col. R. L. T., O.SU. . .,. cPirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, CH.C , O.B.E., D.S . ., K.SU .. F.S . . Rose, Lt.-Col. 1. C S., O.SU. . . Ross, Mr. & Mrs. J . A. eScott, Mrs. Agnes B., M.SU .. eScott, Frank M., M.C . . eScott, Michael, O.SU., M.A. . eSimpson, Robert G ., O.SU., CA. cStark, Mrs. M. J., M.SU. . . . eSwapp, George, O.SU., D.CM.,M.M., M.B. eTurnbull, Lt.-Colonel Sir Hugh S., K.CV.O., K.B.E. , K.St.J . eYoung, Colonel Alexander G., D.S.O., CSU. T.D. Aberdeen Committee of the Order . Edinburgh Committee of the Order . Glasgow Committee of the Order .
3 13 1 ]8 1 16
3 0 0 3 9 7 1 16
3 13
39 7 I 14 1 14
9 9
116 6 I 16 6
13 11 330 3 9 7 1 16 ()
1 10 0 2
2 0
14 9 1 16
3 16 .f
330 2
18 3 3 12 8 9 1 10 3 13 1 5 4 4
18 3 1 14 9 3 13 1 330
550 550
£105 13 10
Austin, Mr . R. A. Baker, E. O. Brown, Captain A. G. Cairns-Lloyd, Mi L. Casey, Rt. Hon . R. G . . . . . Church of England Grammar School for Girl , Cremorne, Sydney Creswick, Mrs. Alice Daley, Air vic~-Mar hal E. A .. Disher, Brigadier H. C Donald, Lieut.-Colonel D . Downes, Mrs. R. M. Fra er, olonel K. B. Gifford, Mr . A. S. H . Hamilton, Mr . K . Hart, Mi s D .. Herring, Sir Edmund and Lady Ho pitallers' Club ( ew South Wale) Ho pi taller ' lub ( outh Australia) Ho pi taller ' lub ( ictoria) Ince, Mr . John ton, Brigadier W. W. S. Lind ay, W. R . Long, Dr. Martin, M. D .. Martin, . W. . . ev,man -Morri , G. . . ewman-Morri, ir John . ewton -Daly, immo, J. A. orris Major-General F. Kin g ley Pearce, T. A. Peverill, Mis L. E. . Pixley, Commander . D. Queen land, St. John Ambulance As ociation Ru sell, Lieut.-Colonel H. . Scantlebury, Mrs. L. South Au (ralia, St. John Council for Staff- o. 3 (Victoria) Thoma, olonel C M. Victoria entre, St. John Ambulance A ociation White, Dr. E. R. Williams, Colonel Williams, Lieut.-Colonel O. B. Wishart, Dr. W . B . . Deduct: Loss on Exchange
Note:-The letter e indicates that the subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enabling the Hospital to reclaim the relative income tax.
100 440 220 440 220 220 JO 0 0 220 330 830 1 1 0 230 330 220 110 500 50 0 0 15 15 0 432 440 330 220 110 220 220 110 I
1 0
220 220 110 110 1 1 0 1 10 0
25 0 0 500 220 10 10 0 110
220 10 JO
220 320 10
220 213
6 1
£169 18
PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND Auckland Canterbury Manawatu Otago . . South Auckland Southland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Deduct.' Loss on Exchange
£ s. d.
31 0 0 34 14 11 520 529 23 7 3 110
25 12 1 13 5 0 22 0 6 161 5 6 1 13 0
£159 12 6
HOSPITAL- RESEARCH PROJECT Donations and Sub criptions Received or Promised up to 30th June, - Hi Highness the Ruler of Kuwait, Shaikh Sir Abdulla as-Sal im al Subah, KC.M.G ., C.B.E. ... . - Hi Highness the Ruler of Qatar Shaikh Sir All bm Abdullah £10,000 Al Thani, KB.E. - Government of the Ha hemite Kingdom of Jordan. £5,000 - His Highness the Ruler of Bahrein, Shaikh Sir Sulman bin Hamad £2,000 . Alkhalifah, K.C.M .G ., K.c.I.E. £25,000 plu £10,000 per annum each- Iranian Oil Consortium thro~gh ~rantan Ot! Participants Ltd .; Iraq Petroleum Co., Ltd .; Kuwait Oil Co., Ltd. £12 173 18s. 1d. hell Group of Oil Companies. £1,739 2s. 6d. - Hanovia Lamp Division of Engelhard Tndu trie Ltd .; H . J . Stoddard, Esq. - Sir Noel Mobbs. £1,200 - Anonymous ; D. McCormick-Goodhart, E q . £1,000 - John Birch & Co. Ltd . £852 3s. 3d. - Priory in New Zealand, Order of St. John . £613 18s. 5d. - Sir William Halcrow & Partners. £608 14s. 2d. - Ahmed Juffali ; Genera l Electric Co. Ltd . £500 - Imperial Chemical Industrie Ltd . £250 £121 ]4s. 10d. - The Hon . H. A . Cozen -Hardy. - Pilkington Brothers Ltd. . £110 - Associated British Picture CorporatIOn Ltd. Ottoman Bank. £105 - Netherlands Section, Order of St. John . £100 lOs. 6d . - Barc1ays Bank D.C.O.; The Eastern Bank Ltd .; Stewart & Llo yd . £100 Charitable Benefactions Trust · Vickers Ltd . - Unicam Instruments Ltd . £89 9s. 8d . - The Ladies in Doha. £60 - John Thompson Ltd. ; Roche Product Ltd . £50 - Staveley Coal & Iron Co. Ltd . £40 - Bovril Ltd. £35 - Commandery of Ard , Order of St. John. £26 lOs . 3d . - Barrow Hepburn & Gale Ltd .; Lewis Berger (Gt. Britain) Ltd . . £25 St. John Council for North Riding of Yorkshire : St. John Councd for orthumberl and. - British Paints Ltd .' W. T. Glo ver & Co. Ltd .; Steel Brother & £21 Co. Ltd . - Ruston-Bucyrus Charitable Trust ; Thomas de la Rue & Co . Ltd . £20 - Rubery Owen Group Charitable Tru t. £15 15s. Od. - Devon Leathercrafts Ltd . £14 17s. 6d. - Brigadier D . V. Phelps. . . £14 14s. Od . - Bitulac Ltd. ; Cochran & Co. (Annan) Ltd .; D. & c. & Wtlha m £10 lOs. Od . Press Ltd. ; Matthew Hall & Co. Ltd.; Hickson & We~ch Ltd .; Projectile & Engineering Co. Ltd. ' Ransomes & Rapier Ltd .; Colonel Sir Ellis Robins, K.B.E., D.S.O.; R. P. Scherer Ltd .: St. John Council for Sussex ; Stream-Line Filters Ltd . - The Worshipful Company of Carpenters; Miss E. K Hooper, £10 St. John Council for Guernsey. - Associated British Machine Tool Maker Ltd .; Incandescen.t £5 5s. Od. Heat Co. Ltd. ; Mining Engineering Co. Ltd.; St. John Coun.cd for Gloucestershire; J. E. Simpson, Esq. ; J. Stone Group Chanty Trust· Walters 'Palm' Toffee Ltd. -Duro~ Brake Linings Ltd. ; Hospital Car Service (County of £5 London); St. John Council for Dorset. - Harbens Ltd.; W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co. Ltd .; £4 4s. Od . Horlicks Ltd.; W. Pearce & Co. (Northampton) Ltd. - Brown & Forth Ltd.; Nahum's Union Mills (Yarns) Ltd. £3 3s. Od. - Alperson Products Ltd.; Kaylene (Chemicals) Ltd.; Messrs. £2 2s. Od. Albert V. Martin; Stein & Atkinson Ltd. - Suffolk Cadet Committee; Miss E. Tedder. £1 Is . Od. - Solosigns Ltd.; Wigglesworth & Co. Ltd. £1 For the Hospital. - United Nations Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. £10,000 For Specific Research Purposes. . - Her Majesty's Government through Colomal Development & £58,000 Welfare Funds (over a period of five years). £25,000 - Wellcome Trustees (over a period of five years). £357 - World Health Organisation (U.S. $1,000). £142 (paint) - Lewis Berger (Ot. Britain) .Ltd .. £50 (Scientific equipment)-Electrothermal Engmeenng Ltd.
Linen Guild
1Lllce-<!ba I rill a 11: A, D HESS OF GRAFTO
IDeputp <!bairlllall: THE DOWAGER LADY LLOYD
5ecretarp: MAJOR J.
F. C.
The Linen Guild met on 1J th july and Sir Stewart Duke-Elder very kindly attended the meeting. He spoke about the new Hospital and what would be required for its equipment. The member were all deeply interested in what he had to say, and the meeting was unanimous in their thanks to him for the intere ting inform ation he had given them about the future plans for the new ho pital and Research In titute, and assured him of their support in carrying out to the best of their ability their share of supplying the needs of the Linen Room. It wa unanimously agreed that the Committee should be enlarged and the aim of the Committee hould be to raise enough money to supply the linen required for the new Hospital, to maintain this linen, and to provide the nur es' uniforms and the small sum required by the Matron for the day-to-day need of the Linen Room. The deepest regret was expressed at the death of Viscountess Elibank, a member of the Committee; and also of Lady Elliott, Chairman of the Linen Guild in New Zealand, and it was recalled that under her Chairmanship many generous gifts of clothes and money had been sent to the Hospital, and a friendly correspondence between the two Guilds had always been maintained. It was agreed to send a letter of condolence from the Chairman on behalf of the Committee to the Ladies' Linen Guild in New Zealand. The Linen Guilds in Canada and New Zealand very generously sent gifts of £50 and £20 and these gifts were greatly appreciated. The Committee had the pleasure of meeting the Matron, Miss Wood, when she was home on leave, and the members were very glad to have the opportunity to ask many questions about her work-.
I ~O PI r L
Gaskell, Lady Constance Milnes, e. V.O .. Hardy, Lady Katherine. . . . . . Howard de Walden and Seaford, The Lady, e.B.E .. Watson, Mrs. D. B., O.8.E. . . Weaver, Mrs ..
£ s. 1 0 1 1 10 10 10
d. 0 0 0 0 6
£3 11
dam, Mr . Hugh. . .0 ., .B. Airlie, The Dowager Counte of, G. tor of He er, The Lady . Be sborough The ountc S of. Be emer Mr. l . . . Byrne, Mi . J., O.B.E. Cad bury, Mr . W . A. . cCopland-Griffith , The Hon . Mr . Crawford, Mrs. M .. Cromer, The Counte of Daw on of Penn The i counte , O .B. French, Lady E ex, O.B.E. cG rafton, The Dowager Duche of. Graham, Mr . M. B. . . . . Halifax, The Counte of, C.I., D .e. .0. Hambleden, The Dowager Vi counte (the late) lame, Lady Serena Lechmere, Mr . e. M. Lindsay, The Countes of Luttrell, Mrs. G. F. Lythall, Mi A. E. Magniac, Mr . Claude Malcolm Lady, M.B.E. Mills, Mr . J. H. . . Norton, Mrs . J. J ., M.B.E. . . Nunburnbolme, The Dowager Lady. Overend, Miss L.. . Perowne, The Hon. Lady Pirie-Gordon, Mrs. H. Plender, The Lady. . Rice, The Hon. Mrs. Talbot Scarbrough, The Countess of Smith, Miss H . M ., A.R.R.e. Stuart, Mrs. Man (the late) . Swaythling, The Dowager Lady, O.B .E. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D. Vernon, Mrs. Robert . cWalker, Miss A. M., M.B.E. Whitaker, The Hon. Mrs. Wills, Lady (the late)
£ 1
d. 1 0
1 0 I 0 I 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 16 6 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 16 6 1 1 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 I 1 0 I I 0 1 1 0 I 1 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 I I 0 I 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 J 1 1 0 I 18 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
I I I 3 I
£54 11
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Heald, Lady. . Lascelles, Mrs. Edward Wollaston, Lady
£ s. d. 1 0 0 50 0 0 55 9 2
Elibank, Viscounte (the late) . Ladies' Linen Guild of Canada Mrs. John Labatt (Canada)
£ s. d. 10 0 10 0 10 0 £1 10
£106 Total
£166 Is. 10d.
ofe:The letter c before a subscriber's name indicates that she has signed a Deed of
Covenant, thus enabling the Linen Guild to reclaim the relative income tax.
~be a;ran~
11\ ~be :1I3ritisb 'IRealm of tbe of tbe 1bospltal of St. 50bn of 5enlbalem
Ubc St. jOf)n Rlnblllancc tlssociation !patron: HER :\IA]E TY THE Q UEEN
(Sover ign I lead of the Order)
lPrcslllent : FIELD-:\L\R II.\L H.
R. H .
THE D l'KE OF GLO T E - TER, l{ .G., ETC.
(Grand Prior of the Order)
IDlrecror:::a;e1leral: r fOR .\CE F. P \ RSH.\LL, ESQ., T.D . ,
iPrt1lcipal ffiellical @fftcer: :'.I AjOR
A. C.
\\' HTJE
O.B.E., :,>t. C .. :'>1.B., CH.B .
IDeplltr IDlrector:::a;e1lenll LIEUT.-COLOXEL
IDeplI t}2 If.\ri1lcipal !Il)eNcal ®H1cer: GUY \V . J. BOUSFIELD, ESQ., M.D., B.S.
Secretar}? : J. E. F. G ERITZ,
:manners: THE \\'ES DUl'STER B"C\'K LTIlfl TED. CLER K ENWELL,
E.C' .1
Bssocmtil11l (.tol1llllittee
<! bftIr1 ll ftll : HORACE
PARSHALL, ESQ., T.D ., :'1.A. (
It is \vith ery great regret that the death of Sir Bertram Ford in July i reported. The work which he did as Director-General of the Association is well known and our debt of gratitude to him is ,ery great. His interest m the A sociation continued until the end and he was a regular attendant at many of our functions . We al 0 regret to report that Captain A. N. Cahusac, O.B.E., M.C., died in o\ember after a long illness gallantly borne. Captain Cahusac sef\ed the Order as Secretary of the Association for 35 years; he was knO\-\ n to people throughout the world as a courteous and kindly adviser n all matter appertaining to our work and he gave a service to the <\ ociation \\ hich \\ ill 1eaye an impression for generations to come.
THE CO;\DUSSIO ER-IN-CHIEF, -. J .A.B. UPERI:"TE:-rDE:"T-I:\-CHU F, {\L'R'>J:\C, e:\lTS, ~.J.
\. B.
1Homlllatcb IJ}? tlJe Blrector::::ffiel1Cl"RI : A. J. A:\lOR, ESQ., CB.E.,
~['D , :lL::-,C.
J. R.
C. R . BUCRA;\'A;\', E!-,Q., L.\!.G., BURGOYNE, ESQ .
J. SHARP GRANT, ESQ., ;'I.D., F.R.C.S. J. S. McLINTOCK, ESQ ., :lLB., C II.B ., D . P . R. G. T. MILNE, ESQ.
1R ~ pt ese lltill g
5 uborblll a te JE s ta bli s bme nts of tb e \$)rbe r :
\LD., lH.B.
Mr. J. B. L. Munro representing the Ministry of Supply, resigned from the Committee on hi transfer to another department: he has been llcce ded b) ~1r. R. Burns. The Committee met as usual once a quarter and we should like to xpre llr gratitude to the members for their loyal and continued '>lIpport and for the \ ery L1 eful ad\ice which they have always given so readil) .
BEAUMONT-NESBITT, C.V.O., C.B.E., Commandery at
Ste\\art-Roberts re igned her appointment as Lady Principal of the As ociation \\ hich was accepted with very great regret. She did . plendid work in establishing food hygiene courses and its success so far j \ erl' largely due to her untiring efforts' the Association i indebted to her for all he has done. The A sociation i no\\ fortunare in having 12 County Directors and 1here is no doubt that with their support our work will develop very rapidly in the new territory co ered. Mr. Sear, County Director for Northumberland, re igned his appointment as County Director on his transfer to the South of England; he has not yet been replaced, but we are hoping a succes or will be found shortly. Sir Conrad COffield, County D irector for Berkshire, also resigned a he wished to concentrate his energies upon his duties as Chairman of the St. John Council. Mrs. Hughes-Reckett resigned as County Director for Suffolk and has not yet been replaced, and Mr. Madnto h, County Director for Gloucestershire, resigned on his appointment to a po t in Iraq. Mr. B. R. W. Hill, County Director for Devon, resigned owing to the pressure of his private affairs; the work which he did established the Association in Devonshire on a very firm basis and we are very grateful to him for a ll that he did. T he following were appointed County D irectors in 1954:-Brigadier C. E. A. Browning, C .B.E., M.C., D evon ; D r. J. A. Waycott, Surrey; and Colonel R . A . Bingley, G loucestershire. In addition, Colonel L. K. Ledger, C .I.E., O .B.E., The Viscount Scarsdale, Dr. D. W. Fryer and Sir Rona ld Wingate, C.I.E., O.B.E., kindly agreed to undertake the
4 duties of County Directors for Berkshire, Derbyshire, Wiltshire respectively, and their names will be submitted for of His Royal Highness The Grand Prior. Thi wa mo t and we are very grateful to all County Director for the a have given to us.
Suffolk and the approval encouraging istance they
Developments in Sus ex continue most satisfactorily and ne,,\' Centre;) were formed at Horsham and Worthing, making even Centres in all The County Director hopes to cover the remainder of the County with new Centres in 1956. In Surrey a Centre wa formed at Sutton and Cheam, and in the West Riding of Yorkshire Centre were formed at Barnsley, Doncaster, Goole, Huddersfield, Selby and Shipley. In addition the County Director for the West Riding undertook con iderable reorganisations and hopes to cover the whole County with Centre in due course. In Lancashire the Bacup Centre was reorgani ed and new Centres were formed at Blackpool and South Fylde. The Rural Representatives scheme in Lancashire ha continued to be successful and there are now 0 er 60 Repre entati e in the County These Representatives are not only of \ery great benefit to the As ociation locally, but are also a very valuable asset to the Order as a whole. During the year the Director-General visited Berk hire, Che hire Gloucestershire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Lanca hire, Su ex and the Vie ~ Riding of Yorkshire, and was very encouraged by all that he aw. Co-operation in Civil Defence matter continued and our a i tan ~ was sought by the War Office in matter of training for the Home Guard and advice regarding instruction for members of the Mobile Defence Corps. In addition, at the reque t of Au tralia Hou e, a Fir t Aid Cour e was organised at Headquarters for Ci"il Defence Officer, who would be returning to Australia and establi h a Civil Defence Training E tablishment for the Commonwealth The Prisons Commis ion decided to train all new entry prison officers in First Aid for Ci vil Defence purpo e under our auspices and a regular eries of cour es i being run at the Imperial Training College for Prison Officers at Wakefield. Close relationships with the Armed Services are being continued an d further developed. Regular classes are being held in many unit of the Army in this country, in Germany, Cyprus and Japa n. Co-operation in the matter of textbooks and instruction has been no t encouraging and the Association has been consulted by both the War Office and the Air Ministry regarding their new Manual. It is hoped that we will be able to obtain unanimity on all points so that practice in First Aid will be the same for all. Classes continue to be run at the R.A.M.C. depot at Crookham as usual and many of the students of the R.A.F. Medical Training Establishment obtain our Certificates. In order to arouse interest in First Aid, the St. John Ambulance Brigade held a series of "Save-a-Life" weeks throughout the country and the Association co-operated with them in this undertaking. Con siderable assistance was also given by the National Farmers' Union in bringing the value of First Aid to the agricultural community and a series of notices were inserted in "The British Farmer." This help was much appreciated in view of the increasing need for First Aid on farm s due to mechanisation. The interest of various other bodies was aroused in First Aid including Hunting Clan Airways and Airwork . We have been able to assist in
the training of Air Hostesses and it is hoped that this development will spread . The Food Hygiene campaign continued to develop and many Centres ran courses or series of lectures. The co-operation which we received from Medical Officers of Health and their staffs was most encouraging and v, e are very grateful to them. The General Post Office was able to train numbers of supervisors in the long course and the bulk of their canteen workers in London, as a result of an experimental series of short course. They hope to extend this scheme to other parts of the countr~ . The Union Castle Shipping Line decided to train its catering taff on our courses and the instruction is given by their Ships Surgeons while at ea. This i a very valuable development. The A sociation took part in the Health Congress at Bournemouth organised by the Royal Sanitary Institute (now The Royal Society of Health). The bookstall with its exhibits of Certificates, etc., aroused con iderable intere t and the Congress was attended by the Principal Medical Officer and the Lady Principal, who \\fere able to have very useful discus ion with repre entatives of other organisations and Medical Officer of Health . The Church Appeal Fund which was launched by the Order received much generou support from our Centres and we greatly appreciate this. The Fir t Aid bad ge, worn by holders of valid First Aid awards, has been reduced in size and i now a very attrac tive article. The change ha been greatly welcomed. Relation with the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the Briti h Red Cross Society continue to be very friendly and we greatly appreciate tbe co-operation which we have received from the two bodies. This happy relationship is likely to become even closer as a result of the work we are doing together on Occupational First Aid and the common Fir t Aid textbook . PUBLICATIO S
The A ociation's Manual of Occupational First Aid was discussed at length v.. ith the Ministry of Labour and National Service and their a si tance i very much appreciated. As a result of the advice given and the fe-drafting, we hope that we have ensured that this book will meet with requirements of industry and also the approval of the various bodies concerned. As it was most important that the Course to be based upon this manual was a national one and should have the co-operation of the three Societies. affected, i.e. the St. John Ambulance Association, the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society, the text was submitted to the two latter and agreed with them. On completion of this it was sent to the printers at the end of the year. Regulations for' the Course are now under discussion. The Principal Medical Officer has progressed well with the Illustrated Preliminary First Aid textbook and the bulk of this is now ready for the printers. It is hoped that it will be pub Ii hed in the summer of 1956. The revision of the Adult Home Nursing textbook is still under discussion and it is probable that the Association will co-operate with the British Red Cross Society to ensure uniformity of practice. The Adult Child Welfare textbook has been revised and the Association is most grateful to Dr. Hilda M. Davis, who undertook this very heavy work. It is hoped to publish the book in 1956.
6 "First Aid in Coal Mines" has been revised and \\ e are most gr~tefu l to the Priory for Wales which undertook this w.ork, an~ to the N~tlOn al Coal Board for their yery useful help and advice. ThIS book will also be published in 1956. The Adult Catechism of First Aid was re ised and brought up to da te This new edition i now available from the Stores Department. In order to help lecturers, instru~tors a,~d. lay-l~cturers ove:sea ~, v. e have made available interleaved copIes of FIrst AId to the Injured so that notes may be made to assist with instruction. The e book are available from the Stores Department at St. John's Gate at a co t of 8s. 6d., plus postage. It has been suggested that there should. be on~ comm?n texlb? ok f?r the three voluntary Societies concerned wIth the mstructlOn of .FIrs t .AId and they have all agreed i~ p.rinciple ~ith this propo al. ~ISC U SlOns are progressing and the Pnncipal M~dl~al Officer IS prepan ng a teAt which can be considered by the Socletles so th at awee m en~ may reached upon any points where there is difference In practlce. DIScussions have also been undertaken by the Secretary-General of th.e Order of St. John regarding publication rights and other a p cts of thIS question. The proposal ~as welco.rr:ed by the Home Office wh o ha.ve agreed, in conjunction wIth the ~InIstry of He~l~h , to supply ma tenal for a chapter on the special reqUlrements of CIVIl Defence. In addition, the Association issued a suppl~ment. to t~e. te lbook covering certain aspects of First Aid in connectlOn wlt~ CIVIl Defence so that instruction for Civil Defence classes could be gIven on tke St John book with the supplement. Until recently the principal hazard in insensibility fol1ovying brain injury was considered to be the possibility of ce~ebral 0cemorrhage, but in recent years Neuro-Surgeons have become mcr~a~I.ngly aware th~t the more dangerous hazard in insensibility is the po~sI.bll1ty of pne~m oma due to the inhalation of secretions, blood or vorrut mto the respIratory passages, rather than the possibil.ity. of ce~ebral ~cemorrha ge . As a result of this information the AssociatlOn deCIded to !ssue ~n. ~mendm ~nt to the First Aid textbook covering the treatment of III ensIblllty pendmg the issue of a revised edition of the textbook. This is now par~ o! the syllabus for instruction and examination on the Adult and Prehmmary courses in First Aid.
The film-strip on the Holger Nielsen metho~ of Artifi~i~l Respiration, prepared by the Association.in conjunction WIth the Bn~I h Red ~ross Society, is ready and the scnpt has been prepared. It WIll be avaIlable in 1956 on sale from the Stores Department. . The Flannelgraph prepared by th.e <:entral C.ouncd for Health Education after discussion with the Pnncipal MedIcal Officer has been a very great success and proved very popular, especially overseas. TRANSLATIONS
The following translations were receive~ fr?m the St. John Ambulanc~ Association, India, during the year:- PunJabI, Telegu and also a Marathl translation of the Indian Manual on Mothercraft.
Mr. McGill has continued to do excellent work in West Africa and Centres of the Association have been formed for the Police, Railways and Ports Authority. This ensures that the Association's affairs in Nigeria are on a very firm basis and it will be possible not only to form units of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, but also to expand into the wider sphere of public activities. In Sierra Leone Centres were formed for the Police FI)rce and Prison Service. M r. Chri tie's a ppointment to Nigeria will enable Mr. McGill to devote more a ttention to the Gold Coast and Sierra Leone, so in 1956 the Association may look forward to further expansion in those colonies. It \Va po ible to organise a class in Gambia which we hope will mea n th e revival of our activities in that colony. Developments in East Africa were very encouraging and tl;ere was considera ble progress in Tanganyika and Uganda. The appointment of Mr. and Mr . Reeve as the Order's organisers in Uganda will do much to consolidate our work there. In the West Indies the reorganisation in Jamaica has proved most satisfactory and numerous classes have been formed . Mrs. Davie-Smith was able to obtain the assistance of a number of persons who agreed to serve as Chairmen and Secretaries of local parish Committees in Jamaica. This is a ery useful way of stimulating and maintaining interest and we are grateful to all these helpers. Lord Ronald Graham, Chairman of the Association in Jamaica North East, resigned owing to pressure of work and we would like to record our gratitude to him for the work he did in establishing our organisation in that part of the Island. The Leeward I lands have shown most encouraging progress and we also greatly appreciate the enthusiasm shown by our supporters in Trinidad and Tobago . In Cyprus there has been very great enthusiasm and a very large number of classes were organised. In the Sudan, Mr. Kifford, who for a number of years had worked for the Association on the Railways and organised a number of classes, resigned owing to the change in that country. His place was taken by Nasr. Eff. Ahmed, who has already done splendid work in organising classes. Our grateful thanks are due to him for this continued help and support. In British Somaliland we continue to receive the support of the Police and the Education Department and have the backing of the Chief Medical Officer. The Aden Centre continues to be very active and results during this year were most encouraging. In Kuwait, Mr. McCracken of the Kuwait Oil Company has taken over the duties formerly carried out by Mr. Martin, who resigned on his return to this country. A new development there is the possibility that apprentices will receive First Aid training, which is most encouraging. In addition, the Port Medical Officer in Kuwait hopes to organise classes for Kuwait government employees; in this he has received the support and assi tance of Mr. McCracken. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees has taken great interest in our Courses and hopes to organise them in connection with a pilot scheme in Jordan.
The situation in Fiji is satisfactory and the construction of a Headquarters building will do much to encourage further de,:,elopments. We have obtained most encouraging support from the PolIce Auth?rities in the Seychelles Island and .th~ Britis~ S,?lom.on Is~and. PolIce Forces in these places will all obtam 111structlOn 111 FIrst AId under our auspices. . , . . l' I " Reports from Malta are most satisfactory and It IS particu ar y gratifying to note that a large numb.er ~f cand~dates have come forward to learn First Aid and Home Nurs111g In the Island of Gozo. O ther Cen tres overseas have continued to do excellent work and we are extremely grateful to all who have worked s.o hard on our behalf. Classes were also run in Nyasaland and MontevIdeo. The number of lay lecturers' certificates issued now exc~e~ ~ 400 and there is no doubt that the work done by these lay lecturer I 1m al uable. Our thanks are due to them. . . We were very glad to welcome a large number of VisItor fr m O\crseas and hope that their example will be followed by many others,. as we greatly value these opportunities of personal contact and of. heann g news at first hand. Our visitors came from Canada, Aus~raha, New Zealand, South Africa, East Africa, West Africa, the MIddle Ea t, Malaya, Malta and the West Indies. COM PETITIO IS
During the year new competitions were intro~u~ed for member of the National Dock Labour Board Centre. The Dlstliler Comp~n y Lt~ . and the Girls' Life Brigade (Inc.) have approached us to organl e their national competitions in 1956. The winners of the national competitions held under the auspice" of the Association, were as follows: COMPETITIONS FOR MEN Teams Competing National Police . British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks)
British Transport Commission Police Miners' National First Aid Competition Ministry of Supply Centre . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association National Fire Brigade . Gas Industry General Post Office Centre National Dock Labour Board Centre
Winning Team Birmingham City Pol ice Great Yarmouth
Exmouth Junction Liverpool Street Lewis Merthyr Colliery Fort Halstead A .R. D .E. Harwell 01iswick Great Yarmouth North Western Weymouth H.P.O. Grimsby and Immi ngham
COMPETITIONS FOR WOMEN British Electricity Ambulance Centre British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) Ministry f)f Supply Centre .
Swindoo EastIeigh Accounts Elstow
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association General Post Office Centre
Aldermaston Chiswick North Area T.M.O.
The \ inners of the a bove competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shield, took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 17th November at the Porchester Hall. The Director-General had the privilege and honour on thi occasion of welcoming His Royal Highness the Grand Prior, who not only graciously presented the trophies and medallion, but al 0 expres ed hi plea ure at the excellence of the competition an d on it arrangements. The winning teams were:M ":- British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (E.x.mouth Junction). WO~1l:·. :- Briti h Tran port Commission (Railways and Docks) (Ea tleigh Account ). The Mayor and Mayore s of Paddington, the Chancellor and Executive Officer of the Order and representatives of all organisations which had team competing, were pre ent on the platform. We hould like to extend our incere thanks to the Associated British Picture Corporation for their continued generosity in arranging the taging for thi and all the other national competitions which we held during the year. Without this help our competitions would lack much f the colour and reali m \\ hich is one of their most striking features. There j again an encouraging increase in the number of teams and compe titors taking part in competitions. In the various eliminating ro und of national competition, 0 er 11,000 competitors, representing 2,200 team took part, a compared with 8,750 and 1,750 respectively in 1954. We take thi opportunity of expressing our great appreciation to all ~ ho ha e acted a judges at the e competitions and to the stewards and pa tient \~ ho ha e so generou ly given of their time. Their co-operation an d help are an inspiration to all concerned with the organisation of these e ents, and we are mo t grateful to them. Particular thanks are due to Mr. G. E. Craft the Competition Secretary, for hi excellent organi ation and the \\ ork Jle has done towards making our competitions a Success. HEADQUARTERS
The year 1955 wa a ery difficult one for headquarters in London for various reasons . One of these was the loss of a number of staff who had been with us for a considerable time. At the end of the year the situation was that out of 14 of our staff, only five had been with the Association more than nine months. Changes continued to take place with bewildering rapidity and we hope that in due course we will be able to replace the lost members of the staff and fill the vacancies which still exist. All this naturally had a detrimental effect upon the speed with which results of examination could be issued, since this is dependent not only upon the number of clerks in the office, but also upon their experience. We appreciate the inconvenience caused to the organisers of classes and are grateful to them for their patience. The problem is a national one, but we will do our utmost to ensure that our staff is brought up to strength and our standards maintained. \Ve would like to take
HORACE PARSHALL, DirecTor-General.
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It is always a matter of great encouragement and in piration to u to realise what wonderful support the Association receive from member of the medical and nursing professions who de\ ote 0 much of their valuable time to the instruction and examination of clas e ; from our County Directors and Centre and Class Secretarie \V ho, in th bu days, where there are so many other demands on time, give up their leisure so generously to organise cla es and develop the activities of the Association. We are mo t grateful to them all and \\ i h to record our appreciation of their self-sacrifice 111 0 energetically fonvarding the objects of the Association.
_~.MM~_·~_-_ I O I
this opportunity of thanking the staff for the work they have done under conditions of great difficulty. There were many complaint at the delay in the i ue of metal awards and we can appreciate the annoyance which this caused, but although orders had been placed well in advance, supplie \.verc not received and for several months we were completely out of stock. Indications are that the situation will be better in 1956, since the manufacturer are doing their utmost and we also have a econd firm helping us in thi matter. An organisation such as the As ociation i trictly limited by it finances. In order to obtain maximum efficiency V\e could po sibly employ a larger staff but this would not be economic. It 111U t be remembered that the succe of the A sociation mean a heavier load of work at headquarters and \ve would, therefore, req ue t patience during peak periods. We can assure all organi ers of clas e that their requirements are fully appreciated and will be dealt v,itll in the 1110 t ympathetic and expedient manner possible.
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Aden B ermuda British Guiana British Hondura British Somaliland B ritish West Indies: The Bahamas Barbados Jamaica: North Ea"t ~ orth West South East South West Leeward Islands Trinidad and Tobago \Vindward Islands: St. Vincent Grenada Ceylon Cyprus East Africa: Kenya Tanganyika Uganda Zanzibar Fiji Gibraltar Hong Kong Kuwait. " Malaya. Federation o£ Malta and Gozo . Mauritius North Borneo Singapore Sudan \Vest Africa: Gold Coast igeria (Police and Railway Centres) . Sierra Leone (Police and Prison Centres)
17 12
Priory in Southern Africa . Priory in Australia . Commandery in W estern A ustra lia Priory in Canada Priory in New Zealand Commander y in Centra l Africa India Pakistan
England and N . I reland (in-
37 66
37 3 2
211 1.053
19'25 1926 19 2 7 1,)23 19 2 9 1930 193 r IC)j2 [Q33
1.-1 II)
601 16
7 167 73 1.7 6 1
5 In 10,
3" 2·-13']
257 -13 6
21 7
ORDE R 9,798 12,927 49 ,668 6 ,686 909 81,32:3 8 ,197
eluding EtrF'
Wal es
Ove rseas
1931 1935 193 6 1937 19j~
1939 19'1° 194 1 I94 2 190 1944 1945
1.5 10 .3 13 25. 006 26.17 2 3 2 .597 3 I.3 9 3I. 749 35.5 0 5 37·'215 4 2 . 2II 11·97·) 3 3 ,0,] 3 J)07 j .2j I 3 6 100j p.OjI 43. 12 9 6') 3513 27°.292')0 .8 ::lJ 13 6 . I55 133. l l j 11 0 .999 5.7 1 9 53. 10 7
10.5 60 '" 5. 0 5 1 * 5.488 $ 5.477· 5.7 0 7* 5.5 06 * 5. 881 * 6.13 2* 6. 10 5* 7. 0 70 * 8.188* 6.5 2 3 5·9 45. 6 5 1 5·7 '] 5·545 7. 6 76 16.157 13. 882 10.998 II.9 6 9 10 .04 3 6. 82 7
3 00 .000 2.3. 062 23. 6 4 2 23 . 15 2 26.84 6 33. 60 4 23.7 2 7 3 2 • 60 1)
3 3 .0 3 1 36 .4 19 3 6 . 016 3 1 • 696 4 0 .7 12 47. 061 55. 608 53. 6 96 59 . 62 5 II5. 862 147.33 0 159 .7 86 16 5. 0 74
86.347 88.459 82.9 13 77 . 126
275.3 8
53 II9 55·3 0Z 61.226
63.9'12 7 0 . 3 59 65 . II3 75.9 8 3
84.9jO 89. II 5 102 .4 .28 102.370 133. 6 59 402 ·3 I I 45 2 . 0 95 3 06 .939 3 10 . 156 4 26 .43 0 28 5.9 88
19304-41 13 2 .939
188.843126.97 8
194 6
39. 2 5 0
2·797 4.4 6 3
1947 194 8
45. In
3.7 6 5
97. 6 17 7 8 •0 3 6
55.55 2
86.5 20
14 6 . 869
1°3. 128
104. 86 9
1949 195 0
14 1 .3 60
64.7°7 68.1 0 5
195 1
7. 22
qO ·42 3
195 2
87.5 6 4
245.3 68
1953 1954 1955
80 .796
8 . 106
85. I I 5 84.5 02
7,9 2 7
14 6 . 626 153. 6 77 182.4 10
7· 794
5.8 .15
24 2 .579 275.45 2 27 .Ql
---3.90 2 ,45
247.5 0 '2
3.354.5 0 5 ----
185, 845
Yearly T otals
up to 1944) 19 22 IGrand Totals) 19 2J 19 2.1
Num ber issued thro ugh Branches and Centres
Including \rouchers
7.5 0 4.4 6 .:
RE-EXAMINATION AWARDS ( ot including Vouchers) 1I.IED,\LLlONS
England, Ireland and
Tr ales
Overseas 1922 (Grand Totals)
Ell g lalld, [relalld and
2-1 6 ,03 0
19 2 3
7,6 7
19 2 4 19 2 5 19 26
,247 g,:!2.2
r.OOj 1,311
19 2 7
I I ,I 69
19 2 8 19 2 9
1[, '
193 0
Ellgland. h elalld Tr'a hs and Overs.> r.'
1V {(les
[3 .519
] J.l)t)~
T ,1)25
2,5) )
Is/·3 20
::: ,5 10
2 ,fj; ()
1 ::; 2
7,7> J.I';{J
I I ,551
1,19 2
29, I 13
4,37 0
3 0 .75 2
3 22 1,3;.1.
J11 JUJ JU()
193 1
Q,5 0 1
1, 26 1
3 6 .5 21
5· 1:)9
33 0
193 2
14.5 26
1,33 6
37 ·79 5
5. '5 1
1933 1<)34
14 .5 61
I. 5.')<)
·12,6 j
13· 155
'14 .6 , 6
5,01" 5 .)')2
13,03 6
,3 J 5
46. T02
6.95 1
193 6
I, I
1937 193 8
r,o 9
16, 063
5 0 ,°37
17 ,995
1 . 17 0
5 1 ,1l]2
194 0
22,4 0 5
1,7 1 3
5 0 ,000
6,9 13
6, ~..!-
16 .,)01)
5.jl 1
194 1
3 2 , 58
3 .y)..!
33. 620
'16.3 8
L(,.5 7 _,
22, 89
1,7 0 2
,14. 2 36
7, 70
16,67 2
I, T (
3 8 ,5 66
7 .663
l,r) I :;
1945 194 6
3 2 ,0 .54-
6, 73
6,5 0 0
36 ,9 16
4J, TI9
5,95 6
6,3 0 -1-
44 6
'1 6 . 266
6,3 02
8 ,-1--1 2
46 4
4-1,65 2
195 0
9. 6 4 8
5, 06
7,13 I
195 1
47,54 0
5,9 60
5,·P 9
53·' 633
195 2
10,96 4
4-1 ,2 06
6,0 69
65 0
44,449 4 8 .288
5,929 5,79 0
75 0
44,9 8 3
6,05 2
94 1
197 ,8 12
13,3 1 5
14, 06 3
90 9
J. ).
,. 10.
Birmingham ity Police . Metropolitan Police (L Division) . Exeter it\· Police Brighton Borough Police . Royal Ulster Constabulary Cardiff City Police orth Riding Con tabulary ':\.' Edinburgh it)' Police . Cam bridge Ci ty P olice . Wallasey County Borough Police D rbyshir· Constabulary . :;\laximum marks obtainable: 4 00
Obtained 33 6 30 9 3 06 29 8
296 28 5 266 26-1 255 25 0 235
B rit:sh Electricity Ambulance Centre National First Aid Competitions for Mell and WomeJl \.... ere held at the Porchester Hall, W.2, on 3 0th
.March, 1955· Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided and the trophi s and plaque ' were pre ented by lVIr. ] . Eccles, C.B.E., M.M. , B. c. (Deputy hainnan (Operation) British Electricity Authority). The Judges were, for the men's teams:Dr. G. M. haw Smith Team Test Dr. R. G. prenger Individual Test For the women's teams: Team Test Dr. R. H. Kipping . Dr. E. ]. Selby Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-
19-1 8
J1ark s 1.
£953 1954
The Judges were:~1r. V. C. ]. Harri , F .R.C .. . Team Test Dr. ]. Kelsall Thoma Individual Tests and th ey placed the team in the following order: _
5 12
194 2
95 2 821 890
T he Police National Competition was held at the Porchester Hall, \\'.2. , on 25th February, 1955. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (DirectorGeneral ), presid d and the trophies and plaques were presented by The Rt. Hon . G\'vilym Lloyd-George, M.P. (Secretary of State for Home Affair ).
3· 4·
5· 6. 7· 8. 9· 1 o. II.
12. 13 ·
Eastern (Great Yarmouth) Merseyside and North Wal e (Northwich) South Eastern (Worthing) Midlands (tourport) . London (Fulham) . East Midlands (Kettering) North Western (Barton) Southern (Lyndhurst) South Western (Pool) Yorkshire (Kirkstall) . . North Eastern (Ne\\,ca.stle-on-Tyne) South Wales (Tir John) . . South West Scotland (Cly<)es Mill) . Maximum marks obtainable:
Marks Obtained 297 296 290
277 276 237 227
223 211
199 198 192 16,5.
4· 5·
Mark Obtained I. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 9.
outhern (- windon) . . South Eastern (Kingston-on-Thanw~) ~Iidlands (Gloucester) . Eastern (Milton Hall and Cambridge) East :\lidlands (Kettering) North \Vestern (Blackburn) Yorkshire (Sheffield) . North Eastern (Newcastle-on-Tyne) outh \\'estern (Bristol) . . . Maximum marks obtainable: -100
3 16 t
27 1 1
2594 25 ~
9. 10. I I .
12. I
,-outhern (Horsham ... Yo. I) London Midland (Camden Goods) Eastern (King's Cross :\LP.) . Western ( windon 'B' ) . LastE'rn (Worksop) . Scottish (Bridgeton) . London Transport (Lots Road) ::\orth Ea tern (Newcastle Central) North Ea tern (De\\'sbury Central) . ~cottish Edinburgh, \\'a\' rley) . :\'laximum marks obtainable: 600
3· 4·
'). /j.
:outhern (Ea rleigh Ace unt ) Ea. t rn (:\Iardcbone Xo . I) ~ Torth Ea t ni (Hull D.O ... ) London Tran port (Baker treet) ~cottish (G lasgo\\') . . Lontlon ~1idland (Han\ ich Accounts) We. tern ( T }\'1on Abbot) . . ~Iaximum marks obtainable : 600
Ubtalt/ 'd
3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.
marks obtainable: 400
295 279 26 3 ~ 234 23 1 223 21 5 195
British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks ) National COI1lpet£tions for Men and TVomen and British Transport Commission Poba National Competition were held at the Central Hall, S.\" .1, on 20th May, I955. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided , and the trophies and plaques were presented by General ir Brian Robertson , Bt., G.C.B., G.B.E., R.C.M.G., R.C.V.O., D.S.O., ~f.C., (Chairman of the British Transport Commission). The Judges were, for the men's teams: Dr. Allan Walker Team Test Dr. Robert Piper . Individual and Dr. A. Conn. .} Oral Tests For the women's and B.T.C. Police teams:Dr. R. V. S. Cooper Team Test Dr. E. H. Eastcott Individual and Dr. D. F. Barrett . .} Oral Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN Mark s Obtain ed 1.
Southern (Exmouth Junction M.P. No. I) Western (Bristol D.O.S.O.). . . London Midland (Derby M. & E.E. Erecting Shop)
4 01
3 84t 337
495t 479 47 8t
Jfarks Obtained
42 3t 39 8 394 394 3 84t
3 6I ± 32 4
B T.e. POLICE Marks Obtained
MClIk $
Grimsby Yarmouth Middlesbrough Liverpool Docks Grangemouth Southampton Swansea Aberdeen Ayrshire Glasgo\\'
45 1 444 414 40 4
The Nat1'onal Dock Labour Board Ambulance Cel/lre Competition for Dock Workers was held at the Toynbee Hall, E.1., on 14th May, 1955 · The Rt. Hon. Lord Crook (Pre ident of the Centre and Chairman , National Dock Labour Board), pre. ided and pre en ted the trophie- and plaques. The Judge were:Team Te t Dr. J. L. Fyfe Individual Test Dr. J. C. Graham and they placed the team in the following order:I. 2.
471 461t 460
I. 2
London (Li\' rpool tr t '.\') ~litlland (Pre on) outh \Ye. tern (Do\'er) ~ orthern (Darlington) . cotti h (Etlinburgh). . . Ea tern (Parkston Quay) . . .\Iaximum marks obtainable:
4 08 406:
3 87 373t 3 69! 345t
Ministryof upply National F1'rst Aid Competitions for Men and Women \ere held at th~ Central Hall, .'~T.I., on 24th June, I955, :JIr. Horace F, Par hall (Dlrector-General) pre ided and the trophies and plaques \er presented by ir Jame H elmore, R.C.B., K.C.::'I1.G. (Permanent - cr tary, ::'IIini.Jry of , upply). The Judge \\cre, for the men'.;. teams:Dr. K. P. Duncan. Team Test Dr. J. A. Hanraty . Individual Te ts For the" omen' · tea~s:Dr. C. J1. H. Rotm an Team Test Dr. J. H. Dixon. . , . . Individual Te ts -< nd they placed the teams in the following order: _ ::\lEN
3· 4·
.'). 6. 7· 8. 9· 10. II. 12.
A.R.D.E. Fort Halstead. R.O.F. Bishop ton S.D. Elstow , H.Q. hessington. R.A .E. Farnborough R.R.E. Def£ord . R.O .F. Llanishen , C.D.E.E. Porton . R.O .F. Swynnerton R.O.F. Fazakerley R.O.F. Birtl ey . R.O.F. Blackburn Maximum marks obtainable: 4 00
J[arks Obfailled
3 20
31 3 30 7 3c3 ;'01
3 00
29 Bt
279 276 259 24-1 206
18 3.
J[arl? ,
Obtuln.>d .D. Elsto\\" H.Q. St. Giles Court R.A.U. Hereford. R.O.F. Wigan R .O.F. Blackburn Maximum mark
I. 2.
3. 4. 5.
27 T 2 1' 21
obtainable : -loo
The Miners' N atio11al First Aid Competition wa- held at Blackpool. 2nd July, 1955. Mr. A. H. A. ¥lynn (Member of th e ~ational Coal Board presided and pre-ented the trophy and plaque
The Judges were:Team T -t Dr. 1. R. Robert on Individual Te t Dr. J. M. Brown ral Te b Dr. W. C. Sharp and they placed the teams in the following order:-
.1J(//"Jo OlJtlll11'>'/
I. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
Lewis l\lerthyr Colliery . South Kirkby Collien' Dean and Chapter' A" Colliery Littleton Colliery . Rawdon Colliery . Victoria Colliery . Ellington Colliery Tilrnanstone CollienBowhill Colliery . ' Maximum marks obtainable :
12 ~
40 7
3 (~
37 o }
-.,1 3 )-~ 313
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority r.lational First Aid Competitions for Men and Women were held at Aldermaston, Berks., on 9 th eptember, 1955. Brigadier J. S. W. Stone presided, the trophies being presented by Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General of the St. J oho Ambulance A ociation). The Judges were: Team Test Dr. H. S. Samuel Individual Test Dr. J. J. }Iorland and th -y plac d the teams in th following order: :\1£);"
.'v1arks 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Harw 11 (Civil Defence) 'A' Wind cale Works. Aid rrna ton (Police) . .-\ldt'n11a ton ( ivil Defence) Harwell (Civil Defence) 'B ' .\ld rrna ton (Fire Brigade) ;,Iaximum marks obtainable : -loo
Obtained 422~ 40 ~
I. 2.
393~ 34"2
3 21 30 5 600
Mark s
Obtained 34 0
3 2 41-
Obtain ed 27 8 27 8 243 21 3 196 I
\VO.\I£:\" Jlark
Obtained 1. 2.
London Transport . Liverpool City Transport
Canliff City Transport. . Midland Red Motor . en'ice Birmingham City Transl?ort ':\laximum marks obtainable:
and they placed the teams in the following order: -
I. 2.
36 . 362 1
National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association CompetItions for Men and Women were held at Aldenham (L.T.) ~Tork:3, Elstre~ Herts., on 3rd July, 1955. 1\1r. J. E. Burnell (President of the As ociatior and Operating Manager (Central Road Services) London Tran port) pr sided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by "JIr . John Clit (Deputy Chairman, London Tran port) . The Judges were: }Ien's Team Te t Dr. C. M. H. Rotman. \tYomen's Team Te t Dr. G. M. Shaw Smith Dr. J. C. Graham and Individual Test Dr. L. K. Wills. Dr. E. W. Tapley and Oral Te ts Dr. R. Renwick.
London Transport Birmingham City Transport 3. Liverpool City Transport 4. Nottingham City Transport 5. Preston Corporation Transport 6. Coventry City Transport. . . Maximum marks obtainable: WOMEN
Alderma ton ( ivi1 D fence) "X ' Alrlt'rrna ton ( ivil Defence) 'B' . :Maximum marks obtainable:
'·2.+9 I
Fire Brigade's X ational F1'rst Aid Competition wa held at Folke tone on 23rd eptember. 1955. Chi f Fire Officer Lt. Colonel J. H. Fordham, .B.E., R.N. (Retd), (Kent Fire Brigade) presided, and the trophy and plaque wer pre ented by ~Ir. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General). The J udge - were:Team Test Dr. D. D. Towle Individual Tests Dr. D. M. Beaugi and they placed the teams in the following order:Jlark s 1.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
County Borough of Great Yarmouth City of Cardiff . City of Manchester County of Surrey . City of Kingston-upon-Hull City and County of Bristol Ci ty of Birmingham . County Borough of outh hields . Maximum marks obtainable: 4 00
Obtain ed 3 61 357~
35 0 i
33 2 ! 32 3
3 16t
3 01 1
Gas Industry National First Aid Competition was held at the Conway Hall, W.C.l, on 4th October, 1955. Lt.-General Sir Otto Lund (Commissioner-in-Chiet St. John Ambulance Brigade) presided, and the trophy and plaques were presented by Mr. Henry F. H. Jones (Deputy Chairman of the Gas Council). The judges were:Team Test Dr. J. C. Graham Individual Tests Dr. M. Cohen.
and the~' placed th team in the following order:-
M(/rks I. 2.
3· 4· 5·
6. 7· 9· 10. II.
Xorth \\'e tern Gas Board ~ orth Thames Ga. Board Ea tern Gas Board . outh 'Ve h'rn Ga Board East :\1idland Ga Board Southern Gas Board Scottish Ga Boa rd . ~'ou th Ea. tern Gas Boa rd . 'Vest :'I1idland Gas Board ~ orth Eastern Gas Boa rd Wales Gas Board . Northern Ga Board :\laximunl mark
( )lJt(/lI1cd 2
26 ~
26 26d 25 1 2·15
213 23 8
2291 229 I()()~
obtainable: 4 00
General Post Office National First Aid Com petitio liS fvr .lIen ({Jld TVomen \-\ere held at the Po~chester Hall, \\'.2, on 26th Octob r, IC)55 . Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Dlrector-General) pre ided, and the trophie and placques were pre ented by Mrs. harles Hill (wife of the Postmaster General). The Judges ,\"ere, for the men'. team Dr. K. F. Duncan. Team Tr t Dr. J. S. Binning Individual Te t For the women's teams:Dr. Sheila jI. jI. ~iall Team Tc. t Dr. A. Conn. . Inc1i,"idual Te. ts and they placed the team in the following order: _ .1Jarks
3· 4· 5· 6.
7· 8. 9· 10. II. 12.
13· 14· IS· ]6.
T '
outh \-\estern ReglOn (\Veymouth H.P.O.). . Londo~ Telecommunications Region (~ orth Area T .:'L(}. ) Factones Department (Edinburgh) Savings Departmefl;t (Acton .. B.D .) London Postal RegIon (Inland Section) Headquarters Building (A. & P.R.D.) Northern Ireland (B Hast T.:\1.0.) Scotland (Perth P.O.A.C.) . ' . Hon: e C<?unties Region (Reigate,Redhill H.P.O. ) E~glOeenng Department (London Test Section ) Midland Region (Birmingham P.O.A.C.) . North Western Region (Liverpool H.P.O.) Wales. and Border Counties (Cardiff P.O.A.C.) SupplIes Department (Edinburgh) . . . External Telecommunications Executive (E.T.E. H.Q.) North Eastern Region (Bradford T.M.O.) . ~ . ::vIaximum marks obtainable: 4 00
13· 14· 15·
Ob/aw ed
3· 5-
7· 9· JO.
235 234t 23 1
23 1
21 9
3· 4· 5· 6. 7· 8.
British Tran_port Commission (Railway and Docks) (Exmouth Junction :\1.P . ~ o. I) . The st. John Ambulanc€' Brigade (Brighton Police) ~ ational Police (Birmingham) . British Transport Commis ion Police (Li\'erpool trcet 'A').
29 2
~ Tational
Road Pa engf'r Transport Ambulance .\ SOClatinn (Chi \\'ick L.T.) . J. ational Fire Brigade (Great Yarmouth) General Po t Office Ambulance Centre (\\'eymouth H.P.O.) . . . Gas Indu _try ( 'orth \\'e tern Gas Board) . . :'IIiner · · aLlonal Fir t Aid Competition (Le\\is :"IIerthyr Colliery) . . . . . . Briti h Electricity Ambulance Centre (Great Yarmouth) :"I1ini try of upply Ambulance Centre (A.R.D.E. Fort Hal tead) ational Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre (Grimsb\- and Immingham) . . . . United Kin-gdom Atomic Energy Authority (Harw ell) ::VIaximul11 marks obtainable: 400
253 244
21 5 21 3
193 19 1 173
\\'0:' IE
Marks Obtained I.
Marks 2.
198! 18g-
262 24 1 ~
259 24 6 24 0
279 271 257
Dr. D. J. Johnson. . !eam Test Dr. Ian Mackenzi Indlvldual Tests . nd they placcd th tams in the following order:-
25 6
F or the women's teams:-
Engine('ring Department. (Engineer-in-Chiefs Office, City) orthern Ireland (BeHast T.:\1.0.) . . . cotland (Dundee P.O.A.C.) . Wales and Bord€"r Counties (Cardiff P.O ,,\..c.) upplie Departm 'nt (London Depot) . . . External Telecommunications Executive (E.T.E. II.Q.) . Home Counties Region (Ipswich H.P.O.) Maximum marks obtainable: 4 00
The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions f01' Men alld lV0111en were held at the Porche t r Hall, \/1/.2, on 17th November, 1955· Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided, and the trophies and medallions v,ere presented by Field-Mar hal H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, K.G., etc. (Grand Prior of the Order of t. John). The Judge ,,·ere, for the men's teams:Team Test Dr. A. . \\'hite Knox . Individual Tests Dr. E. J. Gordon YVallace
:\JEK I. 2.
10. JI.
. Obtained Lon.don Telecommumcations Region (North Area T.:"II.O.) 359~ Sc:VlOgS DepCl;rtment (Morecambe S.C.D.) 34 6 t Mldland ReglOn (Birmingham P.O.A.C.) 3331South Western Region (Bristol T.M.O.) ' . 32 3 Accountant General's Department (H.Q. Building) 30 7 North Eastern Region (York H.P.O.) ' . 30 North .Western Region (Manchester T.M.O.) 29: Factones Department (Birmingham) 292
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
British Transport Commi sion (Railways and Dock) (Eastleigh Accounts) . ., Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre (S.D. Elstow) General Post Office Ambulance Centre (..Jorth Area T.M.O.) . . ., . The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Chelmsford N.D.). National Road Passenger Tr?-nsport Ambulance Association (Chiswick L.T.) . . .. British Electricity Ambulance Centre (S\\indon) . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (AId rmaston) Maximum mark ohtainable: 400
3 00 28 7
280 26 4
Colonel L. K. Ledger,
55, Oxford Road, Abingdon.
C.LE., O.B.E.,
Viscount Scarsdale, Kedleston Hall, K ed leslon, Derby.
Brigadier C. E. A. Browni ng,
Brigad ier V. 1,. S. Ha\ kins,
(Acting) E. A. Parish, Esq.,
ILE.\I., J.P.,
C.B.E., M.e.,
Colonel R. A. Bingley,
John Tennant, E q. ,
Lieut .-Colonel A. J. Macphail, ton, Preston. Hrigadie, .J. Y. Ca I\\'(-11 , C.B.E.,
St. fohn Hous(' , Gold:,milh Stre-f't, Exder. Dorchf'ste-r.
.4 r, Coggeshall Roa d, Brainlrpe-.
C.v.O., D.3.0., O.B.E.,
Pt'gglt'sIVorth , Ancloversford.
Budds Faml, Witte r ham.
Colone-l A. V. C. Uc)\\ er,
f. C.,
Or hard
IIoII sf',
Liv(' rpool Hoad, Long-
N :\1.
v .0.,
(, I,
Crt-at Victoria S(rc'pt, Bplfast.
NC'\I'illg(OIl I [OIlSI' , \Varborou gh.
Dr. D. W . Fryer, Ambu]an cf' lIall , Samuel Road , Ips\\ ilh.
Dr. J .
. Way cott, 9/10, Wellington Pl aef', Woodbridgf' Hoad , Gllildford.
Sir Harry SinUt'rson Pa ha ,
Brigadi er R. A. Phayre, Park H ou.e, Bridgf' End, Warwi ck.
K.B.!':., C.M.G., :\f.\'.0., M.D.,
Liltlf' Slf'dding , Forest Ho\\ .
Sir Honald Wingate,
Dr. C. P etvin Porler, 27, Church Street, Kiddt'rmin -ter.
YORKSHIRE (W est Riding)
(Acting) In spt'('lor Havll.ond ( a'i. , f) oliCt· Ill';ulqllarlt'rs. :'Iluilit iral Hllildings. Lf'pd"
.I.E., O.B.E.,
(he areas uf Centre markod \\ltll an ""ten"" are arranged
:\Ianor Hou se, \\'ilton, nf'ar :alisbllf\·.
rllrf'Ct commlln il ,ltlnn \\Ith Hr"r\qll ,lIttl ~ a:-; Uf'laLileU
CENTRES OF THE ASSOCIATION (('ouellet! lILJ lo Isl July, lCJ5u) County ami Celltre
Chairm an
/lul/ (I },(IIT •
*\Vind sor
131R,\t tNGHA.\[
V. Everard
.\ . A. Lloyd
E . \\' . :\far( In , roo, Lioncl
The Bishop of Bristol
\\'. I \\'inlersOll,
,\ . I", L. Simmollns
I,: . I;: . Woole
A. YOllng,
lligh :-,ll{'cl, E(nn, \\ 'ill
,\ 1iss D. ]\' . C;ibbins, Sl. John IloLlsc, R(' ading.
A. P . Gorham
L01ldon Road ,
Birmingham, 3
r, ('aen H()lId, St. John 's Lane,
[1r'i!' lui, J
Counly Cenlre
,\lr~. Bol~Jord, St. }dlll J l.~2., 7CJ , Buckingham Sl lc t.'l.
i\ ylf'sllury C,\MBRIDGESHIRE-
W. Ste\\ art Elgood.
\V . .N II rsc
I". E . Fernie, 30, Lc:vt'ritl"lOIl Hoad, \\ 'isIJl:ch
]. H. Woodward
Col. \V. Chaloncr. Sin kport
Birkenheacl Stockport
A. K
. Blaylock, 259, Storeton l~oad, Prenton, Birkcl1head O.B . F..,
~ L.
County and Centre
Honorary S ec retary
Presicie nt
Cumberland Mines and Quarries
18 95
B . Spencer
A . Litt le , Colliery Office , 51, Duke Street, Whitehaven
188 4
Mrs . Bromley
P . S . Todd
H . Pollard, 6 , High I-EI!, Keswick
18 6
Capt. H . T. Ann, J .P . ,
Dr. A . Mo rrison
The Right Hon . th e L o rd Roborough
C . S. C. P ran ce,
Dr. J . L . Lon gland
II . G. Longman
R. J . Brackst on , .. Ma rl ow ," Ma nor Road, Dorchester
Mrs. D . Galton
!'IIrs. P a rk, " 1< o nd eH l',"
D erb y
H . Holmes, 185, Devonshire Road, Millom
G . E . Johnson, 146, Burton Road, Derby
Plymouth & District .. .
G. Ho ward, 5, Furingdon Road , Plymouth
M .B.
\ Va \ ("r lf'Y C re. c(" nt, Ouk-
D r. Cunningham
I ~.
D . Edgar, J.P.
D. Edgar ,
South Shields
\V . P . W ebster
T B . Humphrey
Stockton & Thornaby ...
Col. H . E . Kitching,
]. C H udso n ,
r ~obson. P.O B ox I, 70, CIlll rch treet. \V ("st 11 <utlepoo l Major T . A . Page, 75, King Street . South Shields
J. P.
B ucklt'), u7. Craig\\('il Crf'scpn t , Durha m R oa d , Stockton- on -T ees H . H. . Gray , B E. M ., J, Comm ercia l R oad , Hendon , ",unde rl and
J. P .
i.B . E. , D . L. , J . P .
1 2.
d .llt"' , P ool(·
\\'. O. 1\irk\\()oc1, J.p.
D. L
R en n i on
D r. C. R. Sad ler ] . . FIeldi ng
Dr. A . Alcoc k
:\ liss :\ 1. U. l~ icke tls, 7, I mpe ri a l .'q ua re, J
h eltenha m
C . Gray, St . Margarets. Upto n Lane, Barnwood, Gloucestf' r
Andover B o urn emouth
The Mayor
Gosport & Fareham
E . Crossland
The Marq uis of Caris- \Y . N. W ilso n , :-LB.E. b rooke, G .C. v .0., et c. The Dowager L tiy D r. II . C. Ma uricewaytbling W i lliam., O.H.E.>
T . McCaa
'\f rs. \ Vilso n . Little Goddarcls, Hatherden , AndO\,E'r
Dr . II e y ga t (' \ ' t'rno n G. Alb ray
I . I , COClk, 10. Orclw . . toll I{oad, BOll r ne mo llth
C. A. J. B ehrendt, 3 . Bramley House, Crescent Road , Al verstoke, Gosport D . '. J o nes , City Police Headquarters , Quee n ' s Crescent, P orts mo uth Miss F. :\-1. T utte, ;-.r. B.£., -\ ' Archers R oa d, .o uthampto n
Folkestone & Hythe Maidstone
1954 195}
Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Do ve r Sir Alfred Bossom
Lad .v Fi h er
:\[ iss
T . E. C. B a k e r,
B.SC .
LL . D ., M . P .
:'1. ;\1. MccGw ire, 3-,
ud ley R O:ld, F olke-st on e
:\ Irs. I). Wallace, c/o A y\('~ro rd Pa ~)p r l\JiIL , L a rldi f' hl , IW:l r .'.Jaidst o ne, K f' nt. .
Col. G. G. H. Bolton,
Bacup Barrow-in -Furness Blackburn Blackpool o Brierfield Burnley
, \ . n l'O\\ n , J. I'.
M . B . E ., M .C . , D . L. , J .P.
The Mayor 19 1 9
A . Aked,
M . A. , L L. B. ,
A ldrrillan j . H . TI O\\ ard H . Ashworth
B. E . M . I
188 5 1955 1889
Wm . Killingbeck, The Mayor
J . P.
H olgate H. H . Miller, H . D . Bickerstaffe, J .P. H . Barnes J. R . Binney G . Lindow
M.B . E .
\V . E. R uwst w n
W . Halliw ell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge. Acc ringt on T . K elsa ll , 27, l{ ,ecroft St r pt , !\shtol1 -und e r-L\,ne
R . IIey worth , 3, Moorla nd s T errace, B ac up T. Cla rk, B .E .M ., 14 , Durham Street , Barrow-in-I. urnes~ l\ frs. If . II . l\Iill e r , 37 1, H vid g(' l~oa d , Bb ck h ulO W . S. H ulsan , 42 Leys R oad . Blackpool
W . Whalley, r7, Albert Street, Brierfield C. Eke, I 78 , Todmorden Road , Burnley
tv VI
COllnty and Celltl e
fJ onorary 5u1'tJ tary
I. Harper, 33, Fieldbead Avcnuc, Bury
The Mayor
E . S malley, M .B.
G. E. Wilmore
E. Driver
Victor Burrell, 130, IIarrison Drive, Colne
Colne Dar\\'en
T. Cooper
Great Harwood
W. E:. P. Lloyd
:\[rs. ;\1. M. Meggitt , "Havendalc," TurncroH .i{oad, D,lr\\'en T. H. Thomason, 18, Westwood Avenue, Poulton-leFylcle E. V. Mason, 134, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood.
Lancashire Headquarters
195 0
}\Iajor T. E. Spencer, M.B.E., St. John Headquarters, IS / 17, l\Iount Street, Preston \V. Ellis, 5 ycamore Road, Alhert.on, Manchesler
Leigh, Atherton Tyldesley
A. Higham, J.P.,
Lieul.-Col. A. J. l\lacpba iJ, O.B.E., T.D. C. '. Gregory, lILP.S.
TIt. Hon. the Earl of Derby, ~l.L., D.L.
\\' .
\\'. J.
Liverpool l\lancbest.er
:-:,ir John Stopford,
U . Brown
Col. C- H . ~. He<lInoncl, M.n. J. anderson
188 4
Preston .. ,
1\. Harrison
Ra \V tens tall
195 0
L. Lye
St. Helens
[lon. II. A. Cozens Harcly, J.P.
T. E. Blackburn
Councillor J. W. H.obinson A. Boardman
J. A .
Chid Conslable
J. J.
W . ra)- lor, J.P.
Phillips l>embertoll
The :\Iayor
Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hesketh, :11 P.
N. A . Briscoe
A. Wild,
Heap, I!' Brunswick Street,
• lis,:; E. :\1. l3~ile)', 56, Roman I-{oad, Fail!mort.h, Near \ h nc hc'<; te:Assistant Secretary, Dr. Strang, 102, High Street, Oldham InslJ('l"lor .T. I' arm\ urlh, Burough PuliLe Uffice, La 11 caster l~oad, Pr ton :\\r<;. Ga kelt. :11.'\. , J . P, S'l\Indcr Bro\\", .l e\\church-inRO'sendale .J. E. 1 hornhill, 3, Queen's Avenue, Wardle Road, l<.uthJale 1< (.tbSlll1, j. Kilslw.\\ Hoad, Off Chapel Lanc , BlIft.on\\ood, Ilear \\'arrington
:\[r5. E. Easl\\ooJ
South Fylde
Inglis, .J ..\ .,\ ., Hos(oe Lane, Hoscoe St.reet, Livcrpool, 1. :\ <.;si<.;tanl S cretary, J. AnthOl1'v E. F. Thornley, 55, Cross Street, Manchester, 2.
\[iss P. l ~l1i::;,
Lindale C;ar<!('ns, Rlackpoo\,
.\. :'II. Ilall, J11orc1t'i1
I (
Farnhorongh Street, \Valsden, Tod-
County Centre
The T.onl Mayor
C. Bowlt\
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Brownlow
Dr. \f. C. Lavin
Leicester City
i\[i...;s \\"uJ, :\mhlll anc 11.~1., Parke St.reet, Loughi)t)rout:h Tlw SC'cretary, 6, Seymour Sireet.. Leicestc'r
County Centre
19 1 7
The Marq lIe5S of Exeter. K.G ., C.M.G.
Dr. W. S. Stephenson
Col. J.
Dr. Gavin Muir
J. Ibywar<l , 18 , Boot.h Lanp South, We ton Fawl ;:\[ortllampion ' S. P.Hkt>r.
Church S( reet, Wellin gborollg h
Ashington e\Vcastle-upon-Tyne
G. W . Rll(ldi ck. C. La\\s ,
I. Ocpan Vip\\",
Osborne Terrace',
e'wcastle-upon-Tyne, ..,
C.B.E., lIToB.
orth Shields
Thr- Mayor
Dr. I . ./. Gordon
pss\\'orthy, 6 South Preston Grove, North _ hields
Honorary SUl'ctal'Y
01. A. V. G. Dower,
H. T . Bennett, "Asphodel ", Third Acre Rise, Botley, Berks
County and Centre OXF'ORDSHIRE-
Coun ty Cen tre ...
Col. A. V. G. Dower,
The Rt. lIon. Eilrl of Powis
County Centre
Dr. D. J. Johnslln
W . \Valker, Ambulance Service Headquarters, Central
Amhulance Station, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury
County Centre
Dr. F. L Richard
Chancellor, Lloyds Square, Stafford
H.H . Princess Marie Louise
Miss Hossack
North East Suffolk
Sir Gervase Blois, Bt.
C. Craig,
J. Tampin, Ambulallce Station , SamLiel Ipswich. As!'istant Sflcretary, Miss V . Gee W . G. Jude, ecretary's OHicc, LO\\l'stolt and folk JIo pital, Lowest.oft
Hoad , N 00
. Su£-
Mrs . Ruddock, County Headquarters, 9/10 Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road, GuiJdford. Irs. C. R. Hamley, 5 t. Saviour's Road, Croydon
County Secretary
] . E. Dane
Sutton & Cheam
The Mayor
The Mayor
1. Ariss,
Longley Road, Farnham
H . A. Bennett, 12, The Highway, Sutton
Brighton, District
Crawley & Three Bridges
Eastbourne & District ...
l\Iayor o( 110\ e
Irs . A. F. Eastland
Mrs. Knight
The Hl. Ilun. t.he Earl of De La Warr
Hastings & St. Leonards
The :\1(1) or
Le\Ves, IIay\\'ards IIeath & District
\Tls . COllrin,,)" , llokkns, Slinfoid. near Horsham
G. Andef30n
East Grinstead & Dist.rict 1956
T. D nOlng, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Sussex
I larry Silllicrs()11 1 asha, X.H . E., el
W . H . Sharpe , E.
I) .
I· raser,
Wharf Road, Eastbourne
21 ' ,
Ilultyc' l{oad, EasL Crinstcat.l
York Buildings , Hastings
I\appcr, 13, Trafalgar Hoad, Ilorshalll
1< . Blcf1it
C. 1\. Webb , 30 Firle Crescent, L
1)1 . . 1 . •\ilk c·1\
Mrs . Rosenberg ,
\\(.' S
Bulkington Avenue , Worthing
The Lord Mayor
AIt.lefillCln \Y. 11. ton, J.P.
Dr. G. A.
IT . i3isllOP, IJ7, CO\'('ntry Hoad, Coleshill, W arks.
*Stourbridge Worcester
C. T. l\lills
E . .1. I~ ,\yliss,
I.ytlidol\ Sllc'd, l3<lrUUlIIIIC', \\'1II-
Hull and East Riding County Centre
Lt.-Col. D. Bella.my, O.B.E ., D . L.
F. Bilton
S. L . Fairclough, 9, Southfield Road , Bricknell Avenuf', Hull
188 I
The Marquess of Zetland. K .G., etc.
R. Brooke Dorman
North Riding County Centre
l~i hardson, "vVood leighton," 16, Emerson Avenut , Linthorpe, Middlesbrough
IIonorary Secretary
F. Widdup , J.P .
R. R . J. Chaney
Barnsley & District
The Mayor
G. Parfitt
Dr . J . DOllglas
\V. Thomas,
.. Barnoldswick
C . B.E.
W. C. Brown , 29, Lo .vcr E ,l':it Avenne . Barnolclswick, via Colne E. Oxley, Chief Fire & Ambulance Officer, Fire Brigade Headq uarters, Barnsley :\1iss I . Young, 20 H:gil Pa;:!\: Drive, Heaton, Uradfo:-d
A. E . Needham
The' 1\bynr
If aliIax
The ?vla.yor
Jr . Hudson , Health Dept., IIalif;tx Corpo rat ion , Powell
195 2
Dr. D. D. Payne
J. S impson
Street, 11a lifax H . C. Sage, 9, Bee hwood Grove, Harrogate
Heavy \Yoollen District
188 3
Dr .
1 88 7
J . W . Cockcroft
::' Dinnington 1\h.in
Harrogate and
r. Walker
W. E. Marriott, 88, Laughton Road, Dinnington, near Sh effield Police Sergt'ant C. II. Ken yon, Borough Police, (;\lildhall, Dun caster T. J. Daniels,s, Jacksonville, Goole
T. E. Jones
H . Blakeley, .., Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane, Batley E . Stansfield , 22 Lee View Road , Hebden Bridge
I;. Redman
II . (;n'c·nlic'ld.
TIlldclersfiflcl & District
1 88 3
:\fiss A. Scati.erly
18 7 8
Dr. J . W . Silversides,
9, IhveI1sknc)\\ Ic'
[~()ad ,
Dalton, Hlld-
t/rrsfipld 1)r. Pn'ntire , J .P.
;\frs .
\T. A. Cook, II, RC'dclifk Street, Keighlt'y
II. John son, 13,
rmlC'y (;rangc· ()\' a l, Leeds,
J .P .
II . Hinchcliffe
\\ '. Banhalll
\ . A.ddinell , 27, St.
S. E . Cro\\e
H . TIudson
J r. P. R W
~Saddlew orth
18 7 8
Shipley & District
100 2
Wakefield '.<\Vath-on-Dearne York
111!'1H'c(m A.
• Sowerby Bridge
Col. F. A. Neill
W. F. Seed
The Ma or
A. T . Thomson,
G . Dickinson
Slrrei, Castleford, Yorks.
1< t'drl';Hll. 3. Plattill g HCJaJ. Lydgate,
r . Oldham
J\:I\U\\ Ie'S
.\. Hoebuck
1\ . C. R"ard , 45, B<lnk . trcC't, Sht'ffield
A. \Vatson
W. F. Seed
J. W.
r8~ b
W . [homas ,
1 ichol~s
E. Bishop, 23, Vall y Drive, llkley, Nr. Leed \\ ' lIght, Bridge
(; . Barlholomew
\\,~Ik('r ,
Tdlob-o n A\ ('nun, R('ech \\'ood . 'owerby
lJ. [Ii 1111('1<1 ]{cnd, "'\\inlo n ~t~nlc').
\\'. Wllgllt . ,. Lake Lock HO:lcI
\\'. P()ol(' , l (j, ·h ~rl t·:-. ?-.o<lcl, \\' ath -oo - Dearnt' , R nt. he,ham ,\11C:5 E. D . K t"l ll Y, :c, Colbllrn I [Oll~(, . St. George' Place. York
O . B . It .
Ulster (Belfast)
Ih ig. L . I':. l\lacgn'gur. U.II.F ..
(;rc't1 l \ 'ict.uria StrC'd,
Relffl ~ t
Sir Alexander Moncrieff Coutancbe.
P . Le Masuf)er
Lf' Hrdon , Bramh nr(', Jerc::('y
\lhf'1 L Road . Georgetown,
Isle of Man
H.E. The LieutenantGovernor
Sir Percy Cowley
C.B . E.,
C. C . Bcaiy-Po\\uall , Douglas
Cun table"
Priory of t he Order
Pcincipal Secretary: The Hon. John Bruce ,
C.B.E., .~.
Cathedral Road , Cardiff
w o
C. K . Bird,
M .M .
C. Greenwood. The British Railways (East~rn Region). l{ oom 5, West Block, King's Cross Statton, N. 1.
C. S . McLeod
London Midland Region
D. Blee, C.B.E.
II. Aidley,
North Eastern Region .,.
H. A. Short
C. Cooper, M.B .E.
Southern Region
C. P . Hopkins
11. C. Lang
M .B.E.
F. A. Trott, The British Railways (Southern R~gion),
I{q~i()nal Esiablishlllt'lll and Staff Office, 39, (raw'll
K . W . C. G rand
R . Burgoyne
Si r John Elliot
Dr. E. M. Andersoo
\i\' estern R egion
H. C. Healey, The British Railways (London Midland Region), 'Regional Establishment and Staff Office, Ellston Station, .'vV.r. . . . F R. Charlton, Regional Staff Office, The Bnttsh Rall\\ ays (North Eas tern Region). York.
\\' .l.2
A . Martin, The British Hailways (W~stern Regl?n ,
. Staff a nd Establishment Office. Paddmgton Station, W .2 S . W Harden, London Transpcrt Ambulance Centre. G riffi th House, 280 Marylebone Road , N .W.!
J. W ebb
V . Crf'pn\aw
S. W eatberley , First Aid Adviser, PD/T & W.B ., Arm o ur I fOllse, London, £ .C.1.
The He v . J. II. S . Burlon, !.A., Church Lads' Brigade (lnc. ) aLional Headq uarl rs, 58, Gloucester Place. London, W.I
The Rt . Hon. Lord Citrine, K.B .E., LL.B.,
Dr. P
195 0
Sir James Helmore, K.C. B. , K.C .M.G.
H . Burn., c ..\!.( ~ .
The Rt. Hon. Lord Crook, J . P.
J. Willolt, British Electri city Ambulan~e. Centre, Cf'ntral Electricity HOLlse , Trafalgar BulldlOgs, I, Channg Cro s, S. W .1
C . W. Bayley, Ministry of Supply, Roorr: 70 '! , C. , Sl. Giles Court, 1-13, St . Giles High treet, W .C.2 F. C . Thom a, :\LA . , National Dock Labour Board, 2~ .! (l , \1I )(' rt Emba nkm e nt , "' .E . ll
H . E . [he G O~' ernor
Il o ll o /al V S er r e /ar),
,\ . l~ll a lt ,
13..\ . ,
Barn sh 'r-at-Law, Bohra Bazaar, Crater,
H .E . The Governor
La d y Il a ll ,
H . E . The Governor
II .E . r1 lt'
.\I . Il.!..
(;0\ (
I'I1 o r
11nilsh CUlana
1,. 11 . 0ulram
'\Irs . ()ulram, Police and lmmigration IIeadquarters, 13t' lizc, Briti h l[ondura~ A J. B . Temple, omaliland Police H.Q., Hargeisa , ' omaliland Protectorate. :'Ifr . Ian Cale , Blue Wate r., i\Ii hat'I , Barbados
H .E . The Governor
,\ . B t' I"l's for<l , .\[ . [1.1:.
H.E . The Governor H .E. The Governor
Lady Mit clwl! L. IL H(,pd
H.E. The Governor
Dr. E . ITot" I'ma n
H.E. The Governor
l. l. l\Ticlll'lin
Leeward Islands: ANTIGUA
H.E. The Governor
Dr. K. 1 Tt tky
H .E. The Governor
R G. Cox, J.P.
Wind ward Islands : GRENADA
Sir Donald Jackson
(~ . 1,.
:'IIr-.;. lL Hdftun . c () H .E . L .P . & Co . , Ltd ., erpe nt ine H o,u l, Pf'milruKl' , Bennlld. L \Irs . I) . I' ranker , 2 T" Ca mp Street, C; eorgeto\\ n,
Enterprise Road,
:'ITiss V . D . A . Cooch\ in , Ocho Rio. P.O., Jamai ca A . Dale, West Indies Sugar Co . Ltd . , Frome P .O., Westmoreland, Jamaica. Miss E. M. Stephens, II, Cargi ll Avenue, Half Way Tree, Jamaica. l\frs. ]) . .I . IT. 1 eat e , Lion e l Tolon Po t Office, Jamaica Lt . Col. E . l\f. V . Jame , O . Il . E . , Polic e ITeadquarters , St. John's, Antigua E . L . Hanlon, J.P ., Fire Brigade Headquarters, Hart Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Sm ith The Hon. Secretary, S.J.A.A., c .' o Ceo . F. Hu ggi ns & Co . (C.'c1a) T~td. , G renada W . M . Lopey, Grammar School, St. Vincent, B .W .I. upt. W . Fanne r, Poli ce Headquart~rs, St. Lucia
County and Centre CEYLON
Presidellt H.E. The GovernorGeneral
ClLalVIIUW Hon. the Minister fOf nealth !\Irs. Sinclair
llonorary Secretary Col. C. P. Jayawardana, O.B.E., Lower L ake Road , Galle Face, Colombo, 3 IVlrs. V. Woodward, 3, Euclides Street, Nicosia, yprus
Sir Vin cent Glenday, K.C.M.G ., O.B.E. H.E. The Governor
Sir Vincent Glenday, K.C.M.G., O.B.E. R. E. Foulger, C.l\I.G.
The AssociaLion Secretary, Kenya Centre, S.J.A.A., P.O. Box 1469, airobi, Kenya Mrs. 'L E. Thompson, P.O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam,
H.E. The Governor
Tanganyika SCf\\'cwo Kuluoyu, C.B.E. lIon. 'ecretary, P.O. Box
H.E. T h e Governor
H.E. T h e Govern or
A. II. Summerfield
H.E. The Governor
"[he lIon. J{\\uk ' han
AND Gozo
D . .T. Barnes, c/o Inland Revenue Dept., Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji L J. Payas, c/o Central Police Staiion, Gibraltar , orl Braga, S.J.A.A. Headquarters, 2, Tai Hang Hoad, J long Kong .\ . V. ~[c racken, c / o Kuwait Oil Co. Ltd., Ahmcdi, KU\\'ait, Pc>rsian Gulf
E. E. Anderson, B.Sc ., M.B., CILB., D.T'.H. ILE. The Governor
lh jur J T. Daru\\'alla, P.O. Bux 763, Zanzibar
V . l'vlullin
r 586,
Il.E. The Go\' ' rnor
.\. E . Perera , M.B.E., c / o Civil ])drllce, Central Hrgion I I.Q .. Rifl e Rangr Road, Ku(\la Lumpur, l\lalaya Dr. H . 1 f . Bland , O . II.r:. D . E . Pollard, ,'. ].A. I\ . I feadquarters, St. Pel<-r ' s (,hlltch. St a mford Road , Singapor . Lt. -Col. J. V . Abel a, E. II. \\' . Borg, 10C), ;\lain ~tre i, St . Julian's, :'lalta
ILE . The (;O\'ernor
Dr. R . Len oipi e rre
[·'oong Suon Seng
o . B . J' .
() PI 11 11 kl'! L
\\ ' J!ltaill s, Pulicc' 11( '; lIlc[lla d (' rs , \ ' idoria, :-;('\ (111' 111'" ],..;Ia nd o:;
,\I ."
West Africa:GOLD COAST
II .E. The Govprnor
Dr . E . Ak\\ i
B . 1\ . Lane , c/o P o lice Depot. P.O. Box 710, Gnld Coast
IGERIA : P olice Force
Deputy Commissioner
The StafF Officer , Nigeria Police H.Q .• Lagos, Nigeria
R a ilwa ys
E . W . Franklin
\. O . Telson- ole, General l\Ianager's Office, Railway Corporation , Ebuie letta, igeria
Ports Authority
W. Z. Cokerdickens, Establishment Officer, igerian Ports Authority Headquarters, Lago , Nig(·ria.
SIERRA L EONE:Police Force . . . Prison Service SUDAN
J. '1Icungard , :'ILB.E .. l' o[(,l1si c Scien ce Laboratory, I< t' duit, :'Ilallritills ,JIS:; [) . l'>I()llisOJl, P.O. r~()X ,~2, .I ('sst']ton , I orth Burneo 1) • .
cti ng Assistan l Commissioner
W . R . Wright
The ommandant, Police Training Sierra Leone
Hastings ,
;\Tohammed L min Fadika, Prison Headquarters, Freetown, Sierra Leone 1
asr. Eff. Ahmed , c/o General 1\lunager's Office, Sudan I~ailways , Atbara, _ ndan
lleadq uartcr A dd,'ess
SOUTHERN AFRICA (ad mini stered b y THE PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN) P.O. Box , 7137, Johannes burg, Sou t h Africa
Diocesan Church House, Ceorgc Street, Sydney, N.S.W ., Australia
INDIA (administered by the INDUN
29', Wellinglon Street, Perth ,
\V. Auslralia
321, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada
CANADA (administered by TIlE PRIORY OF THE ORDER or· Sr. JOHN)
P.O. Box 530, Sali~l>ury, S. HhoJes ia
r .0.
9, \\ ellington,
A ~~OCL\TIO ) Red Cross Road,
ew Zealand
ew Delhi, India
ationa! Ileadquarters, Road, Karachi, 3
Kalrak Buildings,
'lIbe Gtanb prior\? In tbe :l3rltfeb 'Wtcalm of tbe Jl)oet lD.:nerablc ~l'ber of tb.: bospltal of St. Jobn of Jerusalem
30bn Blnbulance lSrioabe
Annual Report of The Commissioner-in-Chief for the year ending 31st December~ 1955
to 4 amended to 30th September, 1956.
Ube St. 30bn Bmblliance J13rigabe Headquarters:
(tom ma nba nt::=i n-(t bief
SUpertllrellbellr·in <!biet
Dame Grand Cross
~be $t.
<!ollllllissioller::::ill::::Ubtef * M.A.-Knight
1Rursing (torps
30bn Bmbulance :tSrigabe
SU roeoll::::ill:;<!bie! . WHITE KNOX, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B.-Knight
IDepn r}2 5npel'l 11 renben r::::I11::::<!blet C.B.E.-Commander
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed May, 1928
ID,ptltl? Surgeoll"'IIl::::<Iblef LR.C.S., L.R.C.p.-Commander
'B5S 15 ra II t UOllllll 166ioll e r5::::11l::::<!bief COLONEL H. IOSTYN OWEN- Officer BRIGADIER A. RITCHIE , D.s.o.-Commander
<!ollrroller, G)\?er5eaS !Department oCK-Commander
IDeput)2 <tomlnantlant==tn-(tbief H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER
'El6!31:3 ttm r Stipe rill re Ill' en t::::\ll::::Cblef MRS. J. ROMER-LEE-Commander
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed February, 1937
1:\56 i6 ra n t Su rgeoll::::l1\::::<!bief F.R.c.p.-Officer (Overseas)
C. R. BUCHANAN, C.M.G., M.D .. CH.B.,
<!hief 1Aursing MISS
Ubief Staff ~mcer tor <!abets MISS P. MORIsoN~erving Sister
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed May, 1935
Bttacbeb to 1b,abquarters Staff H. J. VVRIGGLESWORTH, M.B.E.-Commander
beabqulll't,rs Staff
E. HOWARD-Officer (Surgeon-in-Chief's Department)
(to In uta n"a nt::=i n-(t bief
A. C. ROD WAY (Surgeon-in-Chief's Department) Serving Brother LADY BRAITHWAITE-Officer (Chairman Appeals Committee)
Bmbulance an~ 1Rurstng <ta~ets H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed February, 1948
G. E. CRAFT-Officer (Surgeon-in-C hief' s Department) THE HON. MRS. EARL-(Cadets) WILLoTT~erving Brother MISS DUFF-GRANT, R.R.C., S.R.N., D.N.-Officer (Training Adviser) THE HON. MRS. MICHAEL HENDERSON-(Overseas Students)
:fi3rigabe Sccretnr)? M.B.E.-Comntander 'E\ssistant :1Sriga~e Secretarp A. F. NUNN~erving Brother
G. F.
1:\s5ii5tnllt :1Srtgab, SeCrehll'l?
Secretar}? to Superiltten~ellt::::in::::<!bier M.B.E.-Commander
*See page 4
WOMEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman (Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance Brigade) (ex-officio)
Chairman ounte s Mountbatten of Burma, C.l., G.B.E., D.C.V.O.·~ uperintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. (Ex-officio). The
Ex-officio Members The Secretary-General. The Director-General, St. John Ambulance A sociation. The Superintendent-in-Chief, Nur ing Corp and Divi ions. rhe Surgeon-in-Chief. The Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief. The Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing orps and Divisions. The Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. The Assistant Commissioners-in-Chief. The Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, N ur ing Corp and Di vi 'ioll The Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. The Commissioner for Wales - No.8 Region. The Commissioner for Northern Ireland. The Chief Nursing Officer. The Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets. The Chief Officer Nursing Cadet . lvlembers Colonel Sir Myers Wayman, K.B.E., F.S.S., ] .P., Commissioner, Durham-No. I Region. E. H. Lodge, Esq., :'\1.B., CH.B., Commi ::;ioncr, West Riding of Yorkshire-No .2 Region. Colonel H. M. P. Hewett, T.D., Commissioner, Northampton-No 3 Region. Dr. K. S. Maurice-Smith, Commissioner, Cambridge-No.4 Region. Colonel G. F. Page, D.S.O., Commissioner, London (Prince of Wales's) District-No. 5 Region. Dr. R. V. S. Cooper, Commissioner, Dorset- No. 6 Region. H. S. Taylor-Young, Esq.· F.R.C.S., Commissioner, Wiltshire-No.7 Region. Captain F. L. Richard, M.B., CH.B., Commissioner, Stafford- No.9 Region. Capt. P. Reay, O.B.E., M.C., J.P., Commissioner, Cheshire-No. 10 Region. Major-General A. H. Hornby, C.B., C.B.E., M.C., Commissioner, Kent -No 12 Region. Mrs . Lodge, District Superintendent (N), West Riding of Yorkshire. Lady Heald, O.B.E., County Superintendent (N), Surrey. Mrs. Cavendish, District Superintendent (N), London (Prince of Wales's) District.
The fhe The The The The
Ex-officio Members Deputy uperintendent-in-Chief. A sistant Superintendent-in-Chief. Chief N ur ing Officer. hief Officer Nursing Cadets. Repre entative for Wales (the Hon . Mrs. John Bruce). uperintendent for Northern Ireland.
Regional Representatives Mr. F. . Burton, County uperintendent (N), North Riding of Yorkshire- o. 1 Region. Mr. . W. Lodge, District uperintendent (N), West Riding of York hire-No.2 Region. Ii s E. Folwell, County uperintendent (N), Leicestershire-No. 3 Region. ~liss A. Parker, l.B.E., County uperintendent (N), Suffolk-No. 4 legion. Mrs. 11. avendish, Di trict uperintendent (N)· London (Prince of Wales's) District-No.5 Region. The Hon . Mrs. Leslie Gamage, County Superintendent (N), BerkshireNo.6 Region. I.iss M. E. E. Sarah, ounty Superintendent (N) Bristol - No. 7 ReglOn. Irs . 1. V. Penny, County uperintendent (N), Staffordshire-No.9 Region. ----No. 10 R egion. Lady Heald, O.B.E., Count" uperintendent (N), County of urrey2'l0. 12 R gion. . CADET ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chatfman
Brigadier A. Ritchie, D.S.O. Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief Members Miss V. Cuna~d, M.B.E., (Permanent member). Mrs. T. E. KIrk, County Cadet Officer, North Riding of YorkshireNO.1 R egion. Miss O. Addis~n, County. Cc:det Officer, Durham-No.1 Region . Mrs. J. Cu~mmg Bell, Dlstnct Cadet Officer, West Riding of Yorkshire NO.2 ReglOn. - - -- No.3 Region.
:YI~s. A. A. Ettri~ge, ~ou?-ty Cadet Officer, Norfolk-No.4 Region. MISS D. E. vVhIte, DIstnct Cadet Officer, London (Prince of Wales'-J Distrid-N o. 5 Region. K. H. M. Aldridge, Esq., County Cadet Officer, Dor ct-No. 6 Region :JIrs. E. M. Wood, County Cadet Officer, Plymouth, outh-\N t Devon, and East Corm,y all-No. 7 Region. Miss Z. D. Druitt, Cadet Training Officer, Priory for \Val '-No. c Re~on. Dr. A. Walker, County Cadet Officer, tafford hire-Xo. 9 Region. R. Charlesworth, Esq., Di trict adet Officer, Duke of Lancast r' ~ District-No. 10 Region . ----No. 12 Region. :Miss E. Garrett, Northern Ireland.
THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE CO M MISSIONER-IN-CHIEFS REPORT Duri ng the year there ha been a net increase of 37 Adult and 88 Cade[ Di\ i ion in England and Northern Ireland and there has been a net i ncrea e of 54 Adult Divi ion and 9 Cadet Divisions in those overea directly under my command, a total Increase of 188 Di\ i ion. t home the personnel trength showed no great change but over ea th ere has been an increa e of 3,875. The trenglh of the Brigade at 31 t December, 1955, was:ADULTS Dil'isiolls Co 111ursing billed
lance England and Irel and \ ale
Priories 0, er eas . Other Ovcr'iea Terntone.
Lieut. -General
Sir Otto Lund, on Wednesday, 15th August, 1956.
3007 436
35,405 5,550
] 9,088 2,308
54,493 7,858
1.950 610
J ,325
168 63
3,443 1,107
40,955 13,561
21,396 8,358
62,351 21,919
5,002 557 51
76,024 12,266 1,608
32498 108,522 I 929 14,195 1,702 94
34,521 124,419
DETS Dil'isions Co 111ursil1f{ bined
Personnel Ambulance Nursing To/al
149 19
of the Brigade have learned with sad-
1,178 147
rand Total.., .
Since this report went to press all ranks
1,6 270
*India Pakt Ld n
- ngland Ireland \ 'alc
P ersonnel Ambu-
Oversea'" Prtories . Othcr O,er ea Terrttone-. * lndi a Pakista Grand Total
1,011 178
,267 147
70 11
2,348 336
23,053 3,781
35,487 3,545
58,540 7,326
1.1 9 321
81 13
2,684 680
26,834 7,115
39,032 8,256
65,866 15,371
1,575 _05
1,833 40
3,502 245 7
35,602 4,437 186
48,649 592 31
84,251 5,029 217
1,7 6
The above repre ent an overall increa e of 371 Division and 5,740 per onne!. ROYAL 1 SPECTION
The Brigade was greatly honoured on the occasion of the Cadet Rally at Southport on the ] 6th July when H.R.H. Princess Maraaret Commandant-in-Chief of Cadets, carried out the Inspection. b , DUTIES
Among the out tanding duties were those given on the occasion of the following di a ters:*Later information from India gives an increase of 22 Ambulance Division 7 Nursing Division, 9 Cadet Ambulance Divi ions and 16 Cadet Nursing Divisions and an i!1crea e in trength of 523 men, 96 women, 39 Ambulance Cadet 576 Nur Lng Cadet.
Sutton Coldfield R ailway Disaster, 23rd January, 1955.
This disaster occurred when the York-Bristol Express crashed at Sutton Cold field Station at 4.10 p.m. on Sunday, 23rd January, 1955, causing much loss oflife and injury. In spite of the fact that the emergency happened on Sunday afternoon the Brigade in Birmingham made a rapid response to it both by means of the County Emergency Scheme and through individual initiative. Both at the scene of accident and in ho pital member of the Brigade gave splendid ervjce and again worthily upheld the traditions of St. John. Ascot, 14th July, 1955.
On this occasion when a great many were jnjured as the result of a freak thunderstorm, members of the Brigade on duty for the races responded to the emergency in a wonderful way. In spite of the adverse weather conditions, the member on the spot immediately went into action and through the early appreciation of the situation by the Brigade Officer in charge of the First Aid arrangements, all Brigade assi tance on the Course was brought into action and further ambulance ent for. The five Brigade Ambulances on duty were on the scene within four minutes and a further six County Ambulance arrived within fifteen minutes. All the worst cases were evacuated within half an hour, and after one and a half hours all patients had been taken to hospital. The Brigade in Berkshire has every reason to be proud of it re pon e to this emergency. Milton Bridge Raihvay Disaster, 20th November, 1955.
The Brigade in Berkshire again, as at Ascot, responded magnificently to an emergency call. Following the railway crash and in re ponse to a call from the Medical Officer of Health, the County' Emergency Plan was put into operation, and in a very short space of time a total -of 70 members were at the scene of the disaster, complete with equipment and ambulances. A total of 60 casualties were sent to hospital. A party of St. John members, including two Cadets, volunteered to remain on duty throughout the night to deal with any casualties which might yet be discovered. The amount of publicity attained by the Brigade in connection with such emergencies is not nearly sufficient for the self-sacrificing service carried out. This, I am convinced, is because the members on duty are solely concerned with the task in hand and do not seek to draw attention to their service, indeed they often avoid publicity. I have urged all Counties to continue to make arrangements for the appointment of 'Someone on their staff's whose sole task it would be to take charge of publicity arrangements in cases of emergency. Apart from the duties given in emergencies the Brigade continued to carry out its day-to-day services to the public and the following figures .of duty and cases in England and Northern Ireland are of interest. Duties Hours. *Public Duties. . 1,961,379 Transport Duties. 871,530 Hospital Duties . 348,394 Clinics. . 35,223 Nurseries . . . 17,726 Blood Transfusion 32,291 Nursing Aid . 150,022 Miscellaneous. 364,402 *Later information gives the number of hours of public duty as 2,061,379
Cases Treated On Public Duty . Off Public Duty . Invalids removed . . . No . of Road Accidents. No . of Other Accidents.
227,544 270,384 370,757 16,246 15,197
There ha been an ever-growing demand for the services of members of the Brigade for Escort Duties by road and rail and members have continued their wonderful response to these requests. The Air Attendants scheme is also becoming more widely known and during the year patient were escorted by air on a number of occasions when flights were made to Jersey, Holland, Germany and Spain. The duties were undertaken by both Ambulance and Nursing personnel. OVERSEAS TOURS
I had the pleasure of making a further overseas tour from 11 th January to the] 6th March. I visited Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Pakistan> Ceylon, Hong Kong, Singapore and Fiji, during which journeys I covered a total of orne 37,000 mile . Generally peaking, I found everywhere great interest in St. John and a n ever-increa ing activity on the part of our Brigade Units. There are> of course, difficultie and problems peculiar to each country but every\\ here much progress i being made and I am confident that the value of the work of th e Brigade is becoming more and more appreciated in all part of the Commonwealth. I wa ery glad that during an official visit to Canada, the Superintendent-in-Chief wa able to fit in meetings with the Brigade in Montreal, King ton and Ottawa; visits which gave very great pleasure to our member . OTHER I SPECTrO S
1 carried out In pections in eight counties thi year and the Deputy Commi sioner-in-Chief, the Superintendent-in-Chief and the Surgeonin-Chief inspected in eleven other counties. I was also grateful to the Director-General of the Association for carrying out the Inspection in Gloucester hire. COMPETITIO S
The Brigade Final Competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 9th July, 1955, the prize being presented by The Countess Mountbatten of Burma, C.L, G. B.E., D.C.V.O., Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions> St. John Ambulance Brigade. The winners of the Dewar Shield were the Brighton Police Division (Sussex). The winners of the Perrott Shield were the Chelmsford Nursin& Division (Essex). The above teams represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions in the Porche ter Hall on the 17th November, 1955, and were placed second and fourth in their respective sections. The Student/Cadet Final Competitions were held at the Central Hall on the lIth June, 1955, the prizes being presented by Brigadier Sir John Hunt of "Everest" fame. The winners were as follows;Ambulance
Senior-Grays (London) Junior-Norwich No.1 (Norfolk)
Harrow (London) Coalville (Leicester)
A new feature of Brigade activity, "Sa ve-a-Life" Week, was introd uced into this country for the first time in 1955. The idea originally came from the Priory in Canada. The object is to make a\aibble to the public opportunities for free instruction in one aspect of fir t aid. Thi year the instruction wa in Artificial Respiration and up and down the cOllntr) by means of lectures, films, demon trations, etc., a great many people were taught the principles of this subject with encouraging r . ults. r hope to renew this activity during the corning year. COl FERE CES
During the The The The The The
year the following Headquarter Conference \\ere ' eld :Commissioners' Conference. County Superintendents' (N) Conference. two Surgeons' Conference. Presidents Conference Nursing Officers' Conference. TRAI I G
The only Headquarter Training Courses apart from tho e or rani ed in connection with the King George VI Fund, \\ ere as follow :_ 0 N.C.O.'s Course at St. John Hou e. National Cadet Officers' Course at Sv. anv, ick. Practical Camp Training Cour e at Firbeck. It is my desire that Training Courses shall be organised mor~ and more on a County or Area basis and I am always prepared to arrange for Headquarter Representatives to attend. I was very pleased to welcome the appointment of Mi Duff Grant as Training Adviser. Miss Duff Grant wa Matron of the Manche ter Royal Infirmary for many years, i President of the ational Council of Nurses of Great Britain and Ireland and al 0 a Vice-Pre idenl of the International Council of Nurses. We have already found h r keen interest and help of the utmost value. AWARDS
I was very proud that the following awards were made by th" Order to members of the Brigade during 1955:LIFE SA VI TG MEDALS
Div. Officer C. E. Froome, Guernsey Ambulance Di vision ( 1 dal Bronze).
Cadet James Knight, Eccles Cadet Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Cadet Alan Grainger, Stanton Ironworks Cadet Division, Derby hire. MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATES
The following awards of the Brigade Meritorious certificate have been made .for outstanding service in rendering First Aid in difficult or dangerous cIrcumstances:Corporal F. Goodman, Birmingham Rover M.O.S. Division County of Birmingham. '
Div. Supt. R. E. Sanderson Nelson Transport Division, County of Birmingham. Div. Officer F. W. W. Meredith, Birmingham (Chamberlain & Hookham), Divi ion, County of Birmingham. Div. Officer A. V. Hunt, utton Coldfield Division, County of Birmingham. Pri ate A. C. Da) man, Sutton Coldfield Division, County of Birmingham. Pri\ate F. Titmu , Sutton Coldfield Division, County of Birmingham. Di\,. Officer G. Parr, Li erpool (A.T.M.) Di i ion, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict. Corporal H. H 0\\ ard, Swinton & Pendlebury Divi ion, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict. Corporal L. C. William , mall Heath Division, County of Birmingham. Pri, ate . Long, Mackenzie 0.] Ambulance Divi ion, British Guiana. Di\. Supt. W. Mc. L. Stephenson, Mackenzie No.2 Ambulance Division, Briti h Guiana. gt. B. I. C. Subero Mackenzie No. 2 Ambulance Division, British ~ Guiana. Pri\ ate S. . K. S. anna, laffna Divi ion, Ceylon. In connection with the A cot di aster special Meritorious Certificates \\ ere a\\ arded to the follov.ing Divisions whose members were on duty:Bracknell Ambulance Division. Ascot Ambulance Di\ ision. \ ind or Ambulance Division. Bracknell ur ing Di ision cot ur ing Di\l ion. ADET MERITORIOUS CERTIFICATES
\.....adet Martin ttenborrO\, Laindon Ambulance Cadet D ivision, London. tudent Member Gerald Gray, Falmouth Ambulance Cadet Division, Cornwall. Cadet Leader Michael O'Brian, Falmouth Ambulance Cadet Division, Cornwall. Student Member Arthur Robert, Heyshaw Ambulance Cadet Division, Duke of Lanca ter' District. Cadet Brian Perkin, Leek Ambulance Cadet Division, Stafford hire. Cadet/Sgt. Alan Jones, Birkenhead (North End) Ambulance Cadet Di i ion. Che hire. Cadet Kevin Keyes, Auburn Cadet Ambulance Division, Au tralia. Cadet K. Mankoo, Nairobi No.7 Cadet Ambulance Division, Kenya. AMERICA
Cadet Alan Grainger, Stanton Iron Works Ambulance Cadet Division, Derbyshire. GRAND PRIOR BADGES
65 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 240 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets. SPECIAL SERVICE SHIELDS
241 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 436 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nur ing Cadets.
The following Divisions have been issued with Jubilee Certificate. indicating 50 years continuous existence:Streatham Nursing Division, London District. Todmorden Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict. Rotherham Corps, West Riding of Yorkshire. Ramsgate Town Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Ashburton Ambulance Division, Ea t, South and North Devon. Southampton No. 1 Ambulance Division, County of Hampshire. Ramsgate Nursing Division, County of Kent. Ilford Ambulance Division, London District. Wolverhampton Ambulance Division County of Stafford. EIland Ambulance Divi ion, We t Riding of Yorkshire. EIland Nursing Division, West Riding of York hire. North ~anchester Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict. Eccleshill Nursing Division, West Riding of York hire. Rochdale Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict. Rochdale Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Chorley Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter's Di trict. Folkest~me Ambulance Division, County of Kent. Bath CIty Nursing Division, County of Somerset. Bl.ackpool Nursing Division, Duke of Lanca ter Di trict. Hmckley Ambulance Division, County of Leicester. Cl~ckheaton Nursing Diyision, We t Riding of York hire . ":'Ills~ord Ambulance Division, County of Cheshire. BI~mrngham City A~b~~ance Division, County of Birmingham. Wigan Ambulance DivislOn, Duke of Lancaster s District. Totterdown Ambulance Division, County of Bri tol. OVERSEAS
Bombay (Parsi) Ambulance Division, India. CIVIL DEFE CE
.. This has been ~noth~r. year of planning by all Mini trie and Author~tIes connected WIth CI.v~ Defence following the decision that all forces III the country, both MIlitary and Civil, not actually engaged in repellinoan armed attack, would be organised for Home Defence. 0 In the study of the new prob1em~ created by the Hydrogen Bomb and other nuc~ear weapons repres~ntahv.es of the Brigade have taken part as re&ar~Illg the f~ture of FIrst AI.d. organisation and training. The AssocIatIOn, .the Bngade and the Bnhsh Red Cross Society were given at?- oPP?rtumty of expressing views on the proposed new syllabus for Fust AId dr~V:'n up by the Civil Defence departments of the Home Office a?d M~ll1stry of Health. The agreed new syllabus will it is hoped be published m 1956. " .The ~ssociation is in ve~y. close touch with those responsible for " FIrst Ai~ for the Army and 1~ IS hoped that the instruction given to the Army w~ll. run along pa~a~lel hnes to our own training. All CIVIl Defence trammg manuals are being re-written and the first ?ew pamphlet on Nuclear Weapons will be published and issued early III 1956.
The decision to form First Aid Units in all concerns employing 200 persons and over implies that even more Brigade personnel will be connected with Industrial Civil Defence. One of the most striking re ults of recent studies at a high level is the increa ing reali ation of the supreme importance of First Aid. Not only in the Armed Forces will instruction become general but schemes are being prepared to give the public elementary instruction in First Aid and Home Tur ing and schemes such a the W.V.S. "One-in-Five" and the Domiciliary Nursing Scheme will come into effect in 1956. I n all thi the Brigade is rno t closely concerned and interested. ~ATIO,\AL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE
The total number of trained Nurses and Auxiliaries enrolled in the Re ene to the end of 1955 wa 42,705, of which the Brigade had recruited 16,85 : an increa e of 1,180 during the year. A personal issue of uniform to member of the Reserve will commence in 1956. The v. ork in connec[ion with the . H.S.R. is continually increasing and the Brigade in the counties ha made most strenuous efforts. '\
The rollo" i ng i an extract from the Report of the Superintendent-inChief:"Once again I ha\e to report a year of steady, hard work and an incr a ing number of dutie carried out by the ursing Divisions. Unfortunately, during the year there were a number of major emergenciesSutton Coldfield, Didcot and Barnes railway disasters, and the Ascot race meeting catastrophe. On all these occasions out tanding work was done by member of Nur ing Divi ions, both at the scene of the accident and later in hospitals. "Particular reference hould, I think, be made to escort duties in connection v. ith which members have made such a wonderful response. The call often come at very hort notice and are continually increasing in number. These dutie frequently nece sitate absence from home for \\ hole daIS and sometimes night as well. "The Ho pital Car Service, \\ hich continue to do uch excellent work, ha now been in operation for ten years and Miss Hornsby-Smith, Parliamentary Secretary to the Mini ter of Health, attended a conference at St. John House in December at which she expressed gratitude for the magnificent ervice which is being given to the sick in this country. "It 'V as with great regret that I received the resignation of Miss Page, County Superintendent for Oxford hire. She had given admirable service covering a period of 12 year, to both the adult and cadets, having been County Cadet Officer prior to her appointment a County Superintendent. "The increasing duties to which I have already referred, naturally have put a greater burden on our County Superintendents and I do want to express my pecial gratitude for the wise guidance which they are giving to their counties and the great help which they give us here at Headquarters. "To all members of my staff, and very particularly to my Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations on another year's excellent work. I have also received fine support from Mrs. Romer-Lee, my Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief. A special mention must, I feel, be made of Miss Harrison who once again has
gi en a year of remarkably fine service and devotion and to whom we all owe very real gra ti tude. " SURGEON-I -CHIEF'S DEPARTME T
I would like to emphasise the great debt we owe to the member of the med.ical profession, without whom it would not be po ible for the efficlency of the Brigade to be maintained. I am rno t O"rateful to the Surgeon-in-Chief, Major White Knox, for his continued ~nd boundle ' enthusias.m in .all aspects of the work of the Brigade and to the Deputy Surgeon-m-Chief, Dr. M. M. Scott, and the A i tant Surgeon-in-Chief Dr. Buchanan. .. , In reporting on the work of hi Department for 1955 the urgeon-inChief says : .... "I was unfortunate enough to have to enter ho pita! in the beginning of the year for operation and was off duty for two month. I would like to express my gratitude to my Deputy, Dr. Scott, for carrying on the work of the Department during that time. I was sufficiently recovered to attend the Northern Surgeon's Conference in Harrogate in pril We had a very good attendance and a most succes ful conference. monO". t the. things discussed were 'Head Inj uries,' introduction by the Neu;olOgIcal Surgeon from Leeds; 'First Aid in Coal Mine': 'Fir t id in the Smaller Factory'; and 'Foreign Bodie in the Ear and upper Re pira tory Tract,' "I attended and spoke at many meetings of different organi ation throughout the year; Royal Sanitary In tjtute Health Congre. in Bournemouth; Queen's Institute of District Nurses; W.V .. Headquarters, Woodbe:ry Down; Health ~entre ~insbury Park; County Hall, King ton . The bodIes all show keen mterest ll1 our work and are anxiou to hear more of it. "I attended a number of First Aid Competition where the tandard remains extremely high. "The preparations for th~ 'Save-.a-Li.fe Week' demon tration given, cre~te~ a fresh. deI?and for mstructlOn III the Holger-Nielsen method of Artificlal RespiratlOn and I believe the effort was well worth while. "The London Surgeons' Conference was well attended and we had th.e privilege. of ~stening to very interesting talks from Professor Ian Aird and seemg hIS spectacular film; Dr. Gorsky on some 'Medico-LeO"al thoui?h~s on. First Aid'; 'The London Ambulance Service' by their Senior AdmllllstratlOn Officer; and the 'Implications of H-Bomb Attack' by the Principal Scientific Officer Home Office. "It was a pleasure to atte~d the various Hostel of the Oversea Studen~s and to arrange the demonstrations which were given for their en tertallmen t. ."It was also very e?joyable to att~nd the first competitions in First AId ~nd Home Nursmg between EIre and Northern Ireland held in Dublin. It was a great success and they look forward to their next competition in Belfast. '.'1 am de~ighted to rep01:t th~t 193 ne:v. Brigade Surgeons were appomted d~nng the y~ar, this, WIth 76 retInng 0r going on the Brigade ~eserve, gIves a net lOcrease of 117, so maintaining the regular annual Increase. "My Department has been in close touch with the Medical Branches.
of the three Services, and a very happy relation exists to the advantage of all. " II) Deputy and Assistant Surgeons-in-Chief have, as usual, been a great help during the year, and my staff have taken part in many of the Depanment' activities in lecturing, demonstrations, etc., and my thanks are due to them all for their unfailing support." URSI G OFFICERS
J \'. a \er) greatly encouraged by the increase in the appointment of ur i!1~ Officers during the year when 161 appointments were made. am \ er~ app reciative of the service so freely given to the Brigade by m mbc ~ of the Nur ing profession. I would express my thanks to Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn, the Chief Nur ing Officer, for her valued help in this appointme nt and al 0 for her splendid efforts in dealing with the e\er-in rea tng \\ork in connection with National Hospital Service Re cr ~. ERVICE HO PITALS WELFARE
The.. up rintendent-in-Chief, as Chairman of this Department, reports: "In Commands in the United Kingdom and Overseas, 136 Welfare Officer<; are now en ing of which 36 are Brigade members who are po ted ~:" follow : C niled Ki ngdom 17 Far Ea t 7 B.A.O.R. ~ 5 East Africa 1 I 1iddlc Ea t 3 We t Africa. 1 Jaoan 1 "During the year I Vva able to visit our Welfare Officer in the R.N. Ho pita] at Haslar Chatham and Plymouth; the Military Hospitals at Catterick, \1illbank, Netley, Connaught at Hindhead, York, Cowglen and \V, ringfield; and the R.A.F. Hospital at Halton. ''In the ummer the Director of the Department, Miss Nancy de i\lierr , made an exten ive tour in the Far Ea t, visiting our Welfare Officer::, in ho pital in Japan, Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore. The work of our per onnel wa excellent and was obviously much appreciated by the Medical and Service authoritie . "In the . 1iddle East Command all hospitals, save one in the Canal Zone, ha\ e now closed and our St. John and Red Cro s Headquarters have moved to Cyprus where our Chief Welfare Officer and staff have an office at General Headquarters, Episcopi. "Our v. ork ha increased with the additional troops drafted in to cope with the emergency in Cypru , and the resultant casualties among Servicemen being admitted to the British Military Hospital, Nicosia. The two Welfare Officers there-one of whom is a Brigade member-have had a very bu y time dealing not only with the welfare of patients but looking after relative who have been flown out from England, under the DILFOR scheme, to \isit critically injured men. "I must here record the great pleasure the award of the O.B.E. to Miss de Mierre in the Birthday Honours has given to all her colleagues. This recognition was very richly deserved." CADETS
Cadets numbering 4,000, from Lancashire, Cheshire, Cumberland and Westmorland, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, West Riding, Flintshire and Caernarvonshire, were Inspected by H.R.H.
Princess Margaret on the Football Ground at Southport on the 16th JUly. In the morning Her Royal Highne s enrolled 60 Cadets from these counties ~nd, after reviewing the Parade in a Land Rover, presented the Amencan Trophy for Gallantry and five Cadet Meritoriou Certificate for Life Saving, together with some 60 award. Her Royal Highne ss s subsequent address to the Parade was a great in piration. The first two pilot courses of the King George VI Leader hip Courses were held at Bristol from June 3rd-5th, and at Harrogate from July 1st3rd, followed by a third course at St. John Hou e from December 2nd4th. I~ is felt that these courses have been a great succe s, judging by the enthUSIasm of the delegates, and that they are fulfilling a very real need in encouraging and training our young Cadet Officer and Cadet Leader. An Ambulance Cadet Officer from Northern Ireland ha been cho en to go to British Guiana in the late pring under the King George J Bursary scheme. It is expected that the officer concerned will pend about nine months or a year in the Colony and that the experience gained will be most valuable. The National Cadet Camp Site near Bexhill-on-Sea wa agai;, open from the end of July until the beginnin g of September, durinG \ hich time some 1,000 Cadets visited the Camp. Thi has been on: of the most successful seasons the Camp has ever had and booking are already being received for next year. Great credit is due to Mr . Ro e for all the hard work she ha done during the pa t ummer. There are now 137 Ambulance and ursing Cadet Di j ion formed within Saturday Morning Cinema Clubs. I \i ited everal Cinema Clubs in the West Country during the ummer and I am mo t grateful to the Hon. Mrs. Earl for helping me in these visit and for the great ~ interest she is showing in this aspect of our youth work. ~~e Arts Compe~itions for Music, Painting, Poetry and hort Story Wntmg were held 111 the autumn, the trophies being pre ented at St. John's Gate, after which the Cadet Christma Party 'v\a held. Prizes were again donated by the Youth's Friends Association who also Gave a Bursary which was awarded to the winner of the Mu' ic Compet~ion for further musical education. The Cadet Department under the leadership of Brigadier Ritchie, suffered a severe loss in the departure of Miss Cunard, to whom I hall refer later in this Report. I greatly appreciate the services of Mis M. Morison who has been appointed Chief Staff Officer for Cadet and I should like to mention the splendid help given to this Department by Mr. D. Renwick. OVERSEAS STUDENTS
In 1955 we have carried on the attempt to interest Oversea Students in this country in our work and I am most grateful to the Hon. Mrs. Michael Henderson for her help and interest. This year we have found that the Students appreciated very much the series of Demonstrations given in various hostels. These have been very effectively orGanised and p~(;sented by the Surgeon-~n-Chief who has had the greatest help from his Departme.n~ .and partIcularly from the Camden British Railways Ambulance DIVISIOn, whose members have carried out the demonstrations with the utmost efficiency. OVERSEAS
] am glad to report that there has been a continued increase in the stn:ngth of the Brigade Overseas and I am deeply grateful to Lady
Brecknock, the Controller of the Overseas Department, for her continued help and interest. With regard to the work in each country:COMMA DERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA The new Headquarters at Bulawayo was completed and the formal opening by H.E. The Governor took place on November 12th. The Cadet celebrated Cadet Day on 18th June by holding a Parade which wa in pected by His Worship the Mayor (Chairman of the Centre Committee) and the President of the Association. It was a parade full of ceremony and very impressive. The Commandery continues to maintain its high tandard in all St. John activities. BRITISH EAST AFRICA Kenya Ne\\ Adult and Cadet Divisions were formed during the year. Mr_ I. S. O'Rorke ha been appointed Deputy Commissioner. Major and 1r. Gerrity, who arrived in December, 1954, have done extremely good work, first at Gilgil Prison and later at other prisons. Miss E. Lamb, S.R.N., who also went out in December, 1954, has been working ht an African Re erve in the Machakos District. Miss D. Reeves, who arri\ed in ] uly, 1955, i working at the Police Reserve at Nyeri. Tanganyika I am plea ed to note the steady expansion of our work amongst the East African Railway and Harbours. Splendid work has been done by our Commissioner for Tanganyika, but I regret very much that since the close of the year I have received news of his death. His passing will be a severe los. Uganda It is with regret that I have to report the sudden death of our Commis ioner for Uganda, Dr. J. M. Candwell, whereby the Brigade has suffered the loss of one of it most earnest supporters. The Order's Headquarter's Officer has done most valuable work during the year in the out-lying districts of Uganda. Public Duties were carried out by our members on the occasion of the return of the Kabaka and they assisted at an incident involving escaped prisoners. Zan::ibar I am pleased to welcome as the new Commissioner, Mr. J. V. Mullin, on the retirement of Lieut-Colonel A. M. Bell who gave so many years of aluable service to the Brigade.
BRITISH WEST AFRICA The Overseas Development Committee agreed that a second Headquarter's Officer should be sent out to British West Africa in order that our activities may grow as rapidly as possible and so divide the arduous duties of the present Headquarter's Officer, Mr. P. J. McGill. Gold Coast The Police are now receiving St. John training and eight Divisions were formed. Mr. McGill visited the Gold Coast and reported "there is ample scope for our work and good progress can be made."
Nigeria Chapter-General has approved the formation of the Nigeria Police District as from 20th July, 1955, and nine Police Divi on ha\e been registered. Mr. R. J. P. McLaughlan has been appointed Commi ' ioner. Plans are going ahead for the formation of a Railway Oi trict. Sierra Leone I am happy to report that our trength among the Police is increa ing. It is hoped that further progre will be made-'0. ith the aid of our Headquarter's Officer-not only in the Police but aloin the lines and Industry and also amongst the civilian community. BRITISH WEST I DIES A great deal of work was done by the St. John organi ation to j'"lie\e distress in the stricken areas caused by hurricane "Janet" in eptember. In Grenada, under the leadership of Brother Kelly, St. John tudent Members and other St. John units did magnificent work in truggling through to the isolated villages and house to carry out first aid. Mrs. Davie-Smith, the St. John Headquarter's Officer, flew from Jamaica and visited Grenada, Barbados and Trinidad, and gave great assi tance in organising relief work which was carried out in c10 e co-opera lion with the British Red Cross Society. In London the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief of the Brigade, Brigadier T. D. Daly, and th Controller of the Overseas Department, The Countess of Brecknock, \- ere appointed to the West Indies Hurricane Relief Committee, and to the Sub-Committee dealing with supplies and gifts. A gift of £1,000 wa ent immediately by the Order for relief work and the purchase and replacement of nece ary St. John equipment, while 250 blankets were sent as a gift to Barbado and a station wagon to Grenada. A plan is now being prepared to ensure even quicker and more efficient organisation in the event of any future emergencies. Brigade members were very proud to be able to carry out the fir t aid duties during the visit of H.R.H. The Princess Margaret to the West Indies. Mrs. Davie-Smith, the Brigade Headquarter's Organiser, ha given splendid service and enthusiasm and efficiency have had outstanding results. Bahamas. Mr. E. M. V. Co1chester-Wemyss, Commissioner of Police, ha kindly agreed to undertake the Commissionership of the Brigade, vice Colonel Wyndham-Verrall. I was glad to be able to meet Mr. Co1chester-Wemyss before he left and have a talk with him about the Brigade in the Bahamas. Barbados The Order donated the sum of £1,500 for the purchase of an ambulance. This is to be a Landrover ambulance with a body built to specifications suitable to the country and climate and it is hoped that it will be shipped to Barbados early in 1956. The Brigade in Barbados was responsible for collecting and forwarding quantities of clothing and food to St. Lucia for the sufferers of the Soufriere fire. Bermuda Miss Mona Carle has been appointed District Superintendent (N) in succession to Mrs. Campbell Wilkinson. Great progress has been made during the past year and six Lay Lecturers have been appointed.
British Guiana Sir Peter and Lady Bell, Commissioner and District Superintendent (I ) re pectively, have left the Colony on transfer of appointment to Northern Rhodesia. Mr. J. W. Gregory has been appointed Commissioner and Mr . Steele, District Superintendent (N). Three Meritorious Certificate were presented during the year to member of the Brigade who were instrumental in saving the life of a woman. A gift was also made of First Aid kits, a stretcher and a skeleton; items selected as most helpful in training. The King George VI Bursary has been granted to a Cadet Superintendent from the United Kingdom who is to go to British Guiana for a period to learn conditions in that country and assist in Brigade training, etc. Great progress has been made in every sphere both during the time of Sir Peter Bell and the new Commissioner. It is hoped that local fund will hortly be available for the purchase of an ambulance and al 0 po ibly for the Headquarter's Officer. British Honduras M r. Outram i \ ery keen and active as Commissioner and it is hoped that our activitie will spread not only among the Police, Fire Brigade and Pri on er ice but also to Industry and the civilian popUlation. Good \\ ork wa done during the hurricane. Grenada Brother Kelly of Pre entation College, (YI ho was in charge of the re cue partie organised for the hurricane), was appointed Deputy Commi ioner. I was pleased to approve the award of Meritorious Certificate to the St. George's Nursing Division and the Grenada (Pre entation College) Student Ambulance Division, for the part they played during hurricane "Janet." Jamaica Mrs. Da\ie-Smith ha done very fine work in Jamaica and thanks to ber untiring effort, good progress has been made in all Districts. The 0 er ea De\ elopment Committee made a gift of 36 First Aid kits to Jamaica. Jamaica S. JtV. House Badge are now in use. The Clarendon No.1 Nursing Division was formed. Mr. C. C. Michelin has been appointed Commissioner. Jamaica S.E. A new Nursing Division and Police Division were formed during the year. A Fir t Aid post was established for the Jamaica 300 celebrations and 148 ca es were treated. Duties were· also carried out at cricket matches during the year. It is hoped that it will be possible in the very near future to form a Cadet Division. Jamaica N.E. Aqualta Vale Ambulance Division was formed. Jamaica N. W. Montego Bay Nursing Division was formed. Leeward Islands The registration of members in the Brigade progressed satisfactorily throughout the year and the work of the Order has extended to include all the Islands in the Leeward Group. The amount of $258.66 was -credited to Brigade funds as a result of a dance held by the Association.
During the visit of H.R.H. Princess Margaret, the Brigade took an acti e part in the rehearsal parade and on the actual day of the vi it attended many casualties. Public Duties were also performed during the country tour of H.R.H. There wa a general parade marking the ob ervance of the birthday of H.M. The Queen in June, and Di i ion took part in the March Past and Cadets also joined in the parade. During the year the Brigade suffered the loss of two prominent officer: District Superintendent (N), Miss I. Mearman, and the District Surgeon, Dr. A. J. Kee\ ill. It is hoped that during 1956 the number of Cadet will b increa ed greatly. Trinidad and Tobago It is most encouraging to see the number of Division that ha e been formed during the year. Plans are being made for the erection of a Headquarters and it is hoped that they will be tini hed in the forthcoming year. CEYLO I I am glad to welcome Dr. S. Ramanathan a Deputy Commi ioner. The strength of the Brigade is growing rapidly. A Meritoriou Certificate was awarded to Mr. S. S. K. S. Sarma and presented during my i it to Ceylon early in the year. The government ga e a grant of R .16,000 -. with which to buy an ambulance.
FAR EAST Fiji House Badges are now being used. Plan are nearly completed for the building of a Headquarters in Fiji and it is hoped that thi project will be accomplished in 1956.
Hong Kong This District continued its high standard of ervice under the Commissionership of Fung Ping Fan. Dr. Tseung Fat In has been appointed Deputy Commissioner. The Penetration Squad continue to carry out their all-important job. Mrs. Hogan (wife of the Chief Justice of Hong Kong) has been appointed District Superintendent (N) in ucce ion to Miss L. Fearon. Plans are going ahead for the erection of a new Headquarters. At a ceremony at Government House, Mrs. Aw Boon Haw (wife of the late Commissioner) presented a cheque for £20,000 to go towards the cost of a new Headquarters to perpetuate the memory of her husband. Malaya The Malayan Relief Teams are still doing excellent work and Miss 1. D. lrven, the Teams' Supervisor, has been replaced by Mi M. D. Millman who has worked in the field. Miss. E. Taylor was awarded the M.B.E. for her magnificent work in the field. There has been a most encouraging increase in our strength in the local Brigade. A most successful Cadet N.C.O.'s Training Camp was held at Port Dickson, organised by Miss Checkley whose services to the Brigade have been invaluable. North Borneo A new Headquarters was opened and we may now expect the Brigade to go from strength to strength. Singapore Plans are being made for a new Headquarters as the lease of the present
Headquarters is expiring. The Nursing Divisions continue to do excellent work in the 16 Clinics attached to Youth Social Centres. The Cadet Movement maintains its strength.
MAURITIUS Unfortunately the Brigade lost its Commissioner, Mr. N. P. Hadow, ho ha been tran ferred to Uganda. However, Mr. R. Desvaux has very kindly offered to act as Commissioner, for which I am most grateful. Three Vellum Vote of Thanks were awarded to members of the Brigade during the year by Chapter-General. MEDITERRA EAN AREA Cyprus. At the reque t of H.E. The Governor, The Countess of Brecknock i ited Cypr~s in December 1955. The Order has agreed to cover the c? t of a pald ecrdary for two years and has also presented a Bedford PIlcher ambulance to the I land. Hou e Badges printed in both Turkish and. Greek have been ent out. Many Nursing Divisions were formed d~nn.g the ye~r largely due to the untiring energy of Mrs. Robins, Dl tnct Supenntendent (N).
Malta G.c. The Brigade in Malta under the leadership of Colonel Abela has continued to maintain its high tandard and has now reached a strenath b of ] ,200. The presence of a trong and efficient Bligade in this ancient home of the Order is an in piration and a reminder of how the Order ha conti~ued i~s traditional, work in the pre ent day. The Headquarters of the BrIgade 111 St. lame Counterguard is a great asset to the work of the Di trict. Gihraltar I am happy to report the formation of two Ambulance Divisions and 1 hope that our acti ities will be increased in 1956. SE lOR OFFICERS
I have already referred to the appointments of Miss Duff Grant as Training Adviser and Miss P. Morison as Chief Staff Officer for Cadets. I was also pleased to welcome the appointment to my staff of The Hon. Mrs. Michael Henderson as Staff Officer for Overseas Students Dr. Pringle as President and Mr. E. J. Willott as Staff Officer for Briaadc Divisions within the Central Electricity Authority. b I regret that two Commis ioners-Viscount Curzon of Buckinghamshire and Colonel E. C. Routh of East, South and North Devonresigned during the year after giving splendid service to the Brigade. J was pleased to welcome the following new Commissioners:Brigadier G. A. Fenton, Buckinghamshire. Major T. W. Gracey, East, South and North Devon. C. C. Beaty-Pownall, Isle of Man. It was with great regret that I had to receive the resignation of Miss V. Cunard as Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets. Miss Cunard had held this responsible position since 1944 and had the satisfaction of seeing the Cadet Movement grow by leaps and bounds into one of the leadina Youth Organisations of the country. There is no doubt that Mis~ Cunard's enthusiasm and ability were among the foremost factors in
the outstanding succe of the Cadet Movement. Mi Cunard was most highly esteemed by the Cadet and Cadet Officer throughout the country and, indeed, by aU with whom he came in contact and her departure is a great los to u alL I am glad to ay that Mi Cunard will remain a permanent member of the Cadet Ad i ory Committee and the King Georg VI Memorial Fund Committee.
(Signed) O. M. LUND, Lt.-General, Commissioner-in-Chief.
to 66 amended to 30th September, 1956 .
BEDFORDSHIRE County Office : Dynevor Road, Bedford . Tel. 3560 . County President : The R t. H on . The LORD LUKE, M . A . , D.L., I,
J . P.
County Vice-President: Th e Lady Zia WERHNER, O.B.E. (N ursing) The Hon . Pearl Lawson Johns ton, O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance and Nursing) .
I am most grateful to my Deputy, Brigadier T. D. Daly, for hi help and support, particularly in matter such a Civil Defenc in 'v hich he takes the greate t intere t and also for hi work a Chairman of t. John House. At the beginning of the year I wa glad to welcome the Superintendentin-Chief, the Counte Mountbatten of Burma who" a again re ident in thi country after her absence in Malta. I hould like to expre 111) appreciation of her continued enthusia m and great intere t in all the activities of the Nursing Corp and Division. J am gratefu I for hel continued loyal support and I should like to be a ociated with th e tribute she has paid in her own report to the mo t valuable ervice gi en by her Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, and her A i tant, t r. Romer-Lee . I congratulate the Assistant Commis ioner-in-Chief, Brigadier Ritchie, on another year of excellent service. Brigadier Ritchie ha not onl) supervised the work of the Cadet Movement but in spite of many handicaps has also managed to take on a great many other acti\itie all of which he has carried out with the greate t efficiency. The out tanding and continued succe of the Brigade Appeals i entirely due to the unflagging work and in piration of Lady Braithwait from who e effort the Brigade in all counties in England a well as Over ea , ha deri ved so much benefit. Colonel Mostyn Owen has been away for a good part of the year on his official duties, but I wa plea ed to vvelcome him back recently and he will be resuming his Brigade activities during the comin g year. To those other Staff Officers on my Headquarters Staff who ha v given valuable service in the matters for which they are respon ible, I extend my best appreciation and thanks, and also Captain E. Fitzclarence who has helped with the Air Attendants Scheme and repre entation on Joint Committee activities. I should particularly like to refer to the kindness of Miss Zinkeisen who, thi year, has presented the Brigade with a painting from which a new Adult Poster has been made. This is a most fitting companion to the Cadet Poster previously given by her. I would also express my appreciation of the work of the Brigade Secretary, Mr. G. F. Quilter, and the staff at Brigade Headquarters who have given loyal and devoted service. As I have reported earlier, the Brigade was called upon in several cases of emergency, and as always, responded magnificently. I extend to all officers and members-Adult and Cadet- my recognition and appreciation of their devotion to duty which has created and maintained the goodwill which is extended to the Brigade by the public at home and overseas.
ommission er Dep uty Commissioner Cou nty Superi ntend ent (A) Cou nty Superintend nt (N ) County 'ounty Counly County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Offic r (N) StaH Officers
Capt. W . C. KNIGHT, M B.E., I, Dynevor Road, Bedford. (Tel: 3560). Vacant. 1{. ;VIcEvoy, 64, hakespeare Road , Luton . ~Iiss H. M. BROWN, 733, Dunstable Road, L uton (Tel. LutOD 357 6 ). :\Iiss D. SEDDON, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton . E. \V HITE, 3, Sherwood Road, Luton . Miss H. GRIMMER, 3, Station Road, Ampthill, B eds . G. J . PARSONS, 5, Oldfield Road, Bedford. (Training). E. LUCAS, 20, Clapham R oad, B edfo rd . N . H . JONES, 16b, St. Cuthbert's Street, B edford. H . BANKS, 26, Bishopscote Road, Luton . (Press Relations} :'IIiss T. E. WHITBREAD. 20, Hardwick Road , Bedford . Northern Area
Countv Surgeon
H. \V . ROU:-ID, M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., The Grange, TUf\,'e\', Beds.
.\ rea Staff Officer. ,-\n·(t Cadet Officer (A)
(Tel. Turvey 206) . . frs . R . L. FIELD, 12 , George Street, B edford . D. :\IULCOCK, 8, Ferrars Avenue, Eynesbury, St. Neots. Sou them
Arpa Sup rintendent (A)
Co unty Surgeon Ar a Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (~) Area ta:ff Officers
. \ ml
\ 'acant. Dr. J . Kelsall THO~IAS, 2-1, West Street, Dunstable. Dunstable 10). \ 'acant. Ylrs. M. BALL, 54, \\'eatherb y Road, Luton. Miss D. ARCHER, 34, Langley Street, Luton. :\Iis D. WOODHEAD, 34, Langley treet, Luton .
BERKSHIRE County Office : St. John House, 101, London Road, Reading . T el. Reading 54 6 7 1 County President : The Lady FREYBURG, G.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: Lady LORAINE (Nursing) Colonel G. Field, O.B.E., T.D ., (Cadet AmbulatLce ) Lady JOUBERT DE LA FERTE (Cadet Nursing)
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer
C. A. POOLE, M.A., "St. Adele," Old Bath Road Sonning. (Tel. Soillling 2193). ' Vacant. W. G. THOMAS, 69, Edgehill, Street, R eading. The Hon. Mrs. Leslie GAMAGE, Fox hill , Earley, Berks . (Tel. Reading 61400). D. J. TURNBULL, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., pring Lodge ," CastleHill, Maidenhead, Berks. Miss D. E. BRACE, S.R.N ., Battle Hospital Oxford Road Reading. ,~ <I
County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Coun ty Staff Officers
L. E. HEDLEY, 16, ollege Glen, Maidenhead. Miss A. K. CORDEROY, The Pollards, Theale, Berks. H. F. SKIDMORE, 324, Tilehurst Road, Reading . Mrs. THOMAS, 69, Edgehill Street, Reading. L. ]. BARTON, 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. Mrs. BARTON, 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. P .. R. HILLS, 34, Wootton Road, bingdon. (Cadets) MISS D. K. GIBBINS, 33, South View Avenue, Caversham
County Secretary
Commissioner Assistant Commissioner (County Secretary) County Superintendent (A) Co unty Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Co unty Nursing Officer
BIRMINGHAM County Office: Nelson Memorial Hall, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3.
Tel. Birmingham Central 666 .
County President: Alderman]. C. BURMAN, J.P.
County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Co unty Staff Officers
County Vice-Presidents: Alderman W. T. BOWEN (Ambulance). Mrs. W. A. CADBURY (Nursing). ] . P. Eames, O.B.E., (Cadet Ambulance) l\Irs. P. CAD BURY (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner A / Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Sergeant Major County Secretary
Brig. M. L. HAYNE, C.B.E., Oak Beams, Church La w, Gaydon, Warwickshire. (Tel. Kineton 4 28 ) Brigadier N. L. CARISS, O.B.E., T.D., 56, St.' gnes Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13. W. R. LLOY~, 66, Bleakhill Road, Birmingham 23. ~Irs. D. C. NIcol, 28, Westfield Road, Edgbaston, BirmJO,. . ham, 15. 'vV. H. SHILVOCK, M.B., CH.B., B.S., 86, Fitzroy .\ve ., H a.borne, Birmingham, 17. Vacant. A. E. GREEN, 23, Hunton Hill, Erdingt.on, Birmingham, _ . Mrs. D. OWEN, 16, Cranmore Avenue, Handsworth, Birminfham. A. C. FORD, 85, Wood leigh Avenue, Harborne, Birmingha m, 17. (Stores) ]' . E. MATTHEWS, 304, Bordesley Green East, Birmingham, Miss. E: M. ROGERS, 72, Balsall Heath Road, Edgbastor BIrmmgham, 5. F. GRIFFITHS, Midland Bank, Newhall Street, Birmingha m, 3· (Treasurer) M. C. :r-EGGETT, 48, Parkdale Road, Birmingham 26. (SpeCIal DutIes) Mrs. Fraser BROWN, 273, Yardley Wood Road Moselev, Birmingham. ' Mrs. ]. MILLER, 445, Bromford Lane, Ward End Birmingham, 8. (Administrative) , W .. R.. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford, Lane, Ward En J, Blrmmgham, 8. K. FLOWERS, 18, La~bourne Road, Birmingham, 23. R. C. N. Day, 297 , Gnsthorpe Road, Birmingham, 29. Mrs . F. E. HAMMOND, 7, Ravenshaw Road , Edgbaston , I,.
Tel. 2243 I -2.
County President: His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., G.C.v.o., P.C. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. L. BURGESS. R. L. CHEVERTON, Esg., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Rev. R. F. CARTWRIGHT
Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex LEWIS, D.C.M., T.D., Harley House, Clifton Down, Bristol, 8 . Tel. 33808 . G.]. REECH, M.R.S.H., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George ~ Bristol, 5. Vacant. ;vIi s M. E. E. SARAH. IS. Morley Square, Bishopston, Bristol , 7. (Tel. Bristol 43321). Dr. T. A. Lanson ROBERTS, 75, High Street, Kingswood. Bristol. :'>Iiss B. H. C. AMMONS, S.R.N., II, Blenheim Road, Redland, Bristol, 6. Dr. R. H. BUTCHER, 20, Elmgrove Road, Cotham, Bristol, 6. YIrs. E. F. PULLIN, B.E .M., 138, Monk Park Avenue, Horfi,eld. Bristol, 7. :'>1. Fox, 10, Redlanc1 Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. (Press Relations) J. F. SMITH, . ·St. Keyna", Knightcott, Road, Abbotts Leigh, Bristol, 8. W. G. CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, Filton, Bristol. A . R. HARDING, 189, Hillside Road, St. George, Bristol, 5· . GRIBBLE, B.E.M., 7, Stanley Road , Redland, Bristol, 6. E. J. FOLEY, 2. Highfield ' Grove, Horfield, Bristol 7· (N.H . . R.) H. R . H. PAGE, 45. Kingsway Ave., Kingswood, Bristol. ~Irs . M. . CREECH, 30 Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol, 5· ::Y1iss L. G. GOR 1~~, 12, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bristol, 3. (Cadets). C. VINCENT, I, Dryleaze, Chand os Road , Somerdale, Nr. Bristol.
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE County Office : treet, Aylesbury, Bucks. Tel. Aylesbury 10 33 . County Presidents: The LADY CHATFIELD (Nursing). Major P . G. DARVIL-SMITH, C.B. E. (Cadets). Brigadier J. N. CHENEY, O.B.E. (Ambulance).
79, Buckingham
County Vi ce-Presidents: The Viscountess Dawson of Penn, O.B. E. (Nursing). The Viscountess Kemsley, C.B.E. (Nursing Cadets). Co mmissioner Deputy Commissioner Co unty Superintendent (A) CO Ullty Superintendent (N) A ·t. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon (Executive) .
BRISTOL County Office: Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol
Counh' , ergeant Major.
County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) Asst . County Cadet Officer (A) Asst. County Cadet Officer (N)
Brigadier G. A. FENTON, O.B.E., Moor Lane Cottage, Sarratt, r. Rickmansworth. (Tel. King's Langley 2194). Vacant. E. A. ALLIOTT, "Rostherne", Hervines Road. Amersham, Bucks. (Tel. Amersham 222). Mrs. M . BOOTHMAN, "Lynton Chase," Datchet, Bucks. (Tel. Datchet 302). Miss N. M. SALE, The Croft, Walton Road, Aylesbury. E . R . WEAVER-ADAMS, B.A., M.B., B.CHIR., M.R .C .S., "Sutton Cottage", Stoke Park, Slough, Bucks. Dr. G. W. H. TOWNSEND, County M.O.H ., County Offices , Aylesbury. Mrs. W. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N ., Bridge House, Baring Road. Beaconsfield, Bucks. K . A. NATHAN, "Torwood". Clifton Road, Chesham Bois, Amersham, Bucks . D. ORLIK, Stratton Cottage, tratton Rd. , Beaconsfield. Miss M. E. WHITE, "Cleveland," Claremont Gardens, Marlow.
County Staff Officers
Co un ty
ST. ]
C. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, High W ycombe. J. U. BOLDERO, Tbe Manager, Lloyds Bank, Ayle ' bur\", Bucks. (Treasurer). irs . B. A. H. VAUGHAN, "Johns", Uxbridge Road , Stoke Poges, Bucks . Miss G. 1\1. I VES, 9, Ogilvie Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. (Training) . L. E. PIKE (Publicity), 17, The Broad\\'ay, Amersham, Buch A. KING BURY, Henshaw, Bierton, Aylesbury. (Publicity Advisory). R. F. POPE, "Balnacrctig", Burge s \\'ood Road, BeaulI1 sfield. :'Ir . A. :'1. HOOD, 1..) , W ellington Street, ~lough. Mrs. Z . BOTSFORD, 79, Buckingham St . , Aylesbury, BucKs . Northern Area
Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N ) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Surgeon
Area Staff Officer
Capt. F. W. \VORKER, 56, Windsor treet, Wolverton, Bucks 1iss E. M. SAVORY, "Emberton House", Olney, Bucks '. J. CO IPTON, 22a, ilver Street, Newport Pagnell, Buc ks. Miss J. ROSE, fission Hall, Newport Pagnell, Bu cks \\'. :'1. :'1. DOUGLASS, :\1...1.., :'I1.B., B.CH., \\'ol\"erton t. :'fan, 'ton y tratford . R. G. ALDERSON, 12, Bedford treet, \Volverton Arpa aclrt Training).
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N ) Area Surgeon Area Area Area Area
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Coullty Office: 35, .t. :\Iary's StrC'C't, Eh-. Tel. Ely 26 7 . Coun ty Presidents: Tl1{" LORD FAIRHAVEN, D.L., J.P.
':\lrs . .. R. FITZPATRICK. (,oUILly T"i ce-P residents: ;\lajor G. lid. MACFARLA E GRIEVE. K
CummlSS10nc-r lJeputy ommlSSlOlll'[ and Act. County urgeon County uperintendent (.l County Tur!:-ing Officer County Staff Officers
Area Cadet. Officer Area Cadet. Officer
S. MAURICE- MITH, M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., "Etheldreda House", Ely. (Tel. Ely 2678). C. \Y. WALKER, M.B., ?>f.R.C.S., L.R.C.P" 67, Milton Road , Camlmdgl" Vacant. :\1rs. E. Ellis LEWIS, S.R.N., S.C.M., R.F.~., 19, Brookside, Camhridge. .\11<:<: ~1. -. D. KENNETT, S.R.N., C.M.B., Long Stanton H.tctory. Cambridge . Lt.-Colonel G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., 49, Silver Street, Ely. (Treasurer) . ~ P. DICKER, 1I, Belgrave Road, Cambridge. (Training). .\. II. GRIMSHAW, 152, Elm R oad, March , Cambs. ( IIAYLETT, 225, Mill R oad, Cambridge. Ely Area
South Midland Area Vacant. Vacant. R. H. KIPPI:\G, :l1.B., B.CH., "Leigh House", BeaconSfield. Bucks. Vacant. \V. J. LUNNON, 29, Cressex R oad. High \Vycombe, Bucks Vacant. T. SHORT, II, Hill View R oad, High \Vycombe, Bucks . T. RI CHARDSON, "St. Davids", Station Rise, Marlow, Buck<: Mrs. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, nr. High W ycombe. F. R . REEDER, "Glamis," Kingsmead Road , High Wycombe :'Iiss B. M. WHITE, "Hill Vie\\''', Whinne\"s Road, Lo ud\Yater, r. High \Vycombe. " :\Irs. J. ::\1AC:\AB, IS Topland Road, halfont t. Pet('r. (Cadets) F. G. BIG:\ELL, 24, Carrington Road, Southcourt. Aylesbu["·.
Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) County Transport Officer I\.rea Staff Officer
Vacant. Mrs. E. R . WEAVER-ADAMS, "Sutton Cottage", Stoke Park, Nr. Slough, Bucks. Lt.-Col. L. D . M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH.B . , 33. Sussex Place, Slough, Bucks. Vacant. Vacant. J. D. PALMER, "Brentwood", 70, Carrington Crescent, Wendover, Bucks . L. STEPHENS, 3, Mundesley Spur, Slough, Bucks .
\\'. H. TUR~ER, 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Camb . ;\1rs. G. TURNER, 31 , The Vineyards, Ely, Cambs. ]'. G .. \. B ECKETT, :'IL\., \LB ., CH .B., 1..1 Egremont Street, Ely, ('amb.
Area. Superint.endent (A) Area Superintend nt (N) \rpf{
Cambridge Area (~.
\\'.\LKER, PH.D ., :'Ir,SC., "Ker ell", ,'edley Taylor Road, CambriJge. \'acant. C. A. SARGEANT, (Training), "Chesterfield", Coldhams Lane, Cherr\' hin ton. :'li s D. "LL'TO.'. 6", Cayendish Dri,'e, Cambridge. ( ecretary) :'Ir . E. ]. PIGOTT, 76, .-\keman'treet, Cambridge. (Transport) R. T. \\' OQ:'l[B\\ ELL, Cor-ner _~hop, London Road, Staple£ord.
Area Commissioner Area Supenntendent (N) Arpa _ ta IT Officer
CHESHIRE County Office: County H .Q., Tabley Road, Knutsford , Cheshire. Tel. Knutsford 346. C?un ty President: Lt. -Colon el \V. CHALONER, O.B .E., T.D., J.P.
Southern Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)
North Midland Area
E. F. O;\IERS, 4, Albert. treet, A\le bun'. Vacant. Hilda DAVIS, :\1.D., CH.B .. D.P.H., Pl ough Co dean, Princes Risborough, Bucks.
County Vice-Presidents: A. K . FERNS (Ambulance). A. C. BENTLEY (Cadet Ambulance).
Com m issioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A)
Capt. Percy REAY, O.B .E. , M.C., J.P., "Oakden e", Prestbury, Cheshire. Tel. Prestbury 8353. \ "1. Cecil ROBINSON, "Woodeav ef:," Dale Brow, Prestbury, Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 8357). . S. MUMBY, "Glendyne", Prenton Lane, Prenton, Birkenhead. (Tel. Mountwood 1372).
County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Secretary
Vacant. K. D. BEAK, ;l1.B., CH.B., D.P.H., Lo\\barro\\, ::'Iottram Road Aldedey Edge, Cheshire. Miss A. MCCULLY, S.R.N., District Memorial Hospital. Crewe . H. N. BECKETT, 28. Stalbridge Road . Crewe. 1\1rs. A. LAWRE CE, 13. Albert Road. headleholme Dr. Gladys E. WILKINSON, "Keri", Fulshaw Park . \Vilmslow. A . A. KERR. The Moorings, Cavendi h Avenue. Buxton (Publicity) . J. HARNEY, 53, \Voodyear Road . Bromborough, Wirrall (Cadets). Mrs. E. SINGLETON. County H.Q . Knutsford. Eastern Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)
Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
H. B. BINGHAM. 56. Greg Street, South Reddish. Stockport. 1\lr . J. J. BO;lIFORD, 37. Beechfield Road. Da ven port, ~ t o port. J. MACFIE, LB ., CR.B., Sunninghill, Townscliffe Lane. Marple Bridge. Vacant. Vacant. . V. DUNDA S. 12 , Park .\venu . Poynton. Central Area
Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Staff Officer
Assistant Commissioner Area Surgeon
C. S. MOYSE, Fore Street, Camelford. Miss L. C. WERREN, Cyprus House, Launceston . F. A. UTLER, "Gresham", IOO, Mount Wise, ewquay.
Area tail Officer
Western Area W. L. STEWART, M.B., CH.B., Tremethick, Grampound.
Assistant Commissioner Assistan t Com missioner Area Nur ing Officer ounty Cadet Officers (A) for Area County Cadet Officer (N) for Area County taff Officers
T. C. TRESIDDER, Dartington, Radannack, Truro (Transport). Mrs. E. TREWREN, S.R.N., Godreavy Headland, Carbis Bay, J. G . BARRETT, Silver Bow, Mount Ambrose, Redruth. W . T. ALLEN, 8, Robert Kitchins Road, Falmouth. :\Ir . B. :\.JcKE:"\ZIE, 7, Clinton Road, Redruth. J. J. :\Iiss iVlrs. C. C.
\rf'a Starr Orficer
J ACKMA " Hazlemere, Albany Road, Falmouth. F. W. PAUL, 4, Park Road, Redruth. M. RODGER, \Voodside, Western Terrace, Falmouth . PELLOWE, 3, Tolgus-\Vartha, Redruth.
E. Allen IIIITH, 5 , laremont Road, \\'alla ~e \ , Che hire Miss W. A. LAMB, 28, Highgreen Rd . , Birkenbead, Cheshir'" H. L. GARSON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "\\ oodland ", ~ Te Chester Road, Bromborough, \Virral, Cheshire.
County Office: arde\\", Dal ton, r.
arlisle, Cumberland.
County Presidents: Sir Robert CHA 'CE, Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland. Major J. W. CROPPER, Lord Lieu tenan t of Westmorland.
CORNWALL County Office: Tel. Liskeard 20TO . County Presidents: Colonel Sir Edward H. \V. BOLITHO, K.B.E., C.B ., D.S.O., Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall. Nancy, LADY VIVIAN, O.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: C. E. H. LLOYD; H.R.H. Prince CHULA of Thailand, G.C.V.O. (Ambulance) Mrs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, C.A.; Mrs. C. H. ASHER; Lady Mary PAWLE (Nw·sing) A. V. BAKER (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. Y. THOMAS (Cadet Nursing). CommisslOner Rear-Admiral Sir Rowland JERRAM, K.B.E., D.S.O., Golden Hill, Hannafore, West Looe. (Tel. Looe 133). County Superintendent (N) Princess Chula CHAK~ABONGSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. (Tel. St. Mabyn 32). County Surgeon Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, Gwel Marten, Probus, near Truro . County Nursing Officer Vacant. County Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. County Cadet Officer (N) Vacant. County Staff Officers A. B. VENNING , Grasmere, Dunheved Road, Launceston (Publicity). Mrs C. H. ASHER. Ellenglaze Manor, Cubert, Newquay. (N.R.S.R.) P. PEARCE, Barclays Bank, Redruth . (Treasurer). A. T. MOSSMAN, g, Killerton Road, Bude. E. S. SEYMOUR, 60, Trefusis Road , Redruth. W. H. MAYCOCK, L yndale. Tresillian, Truro (Civil Defence). County Secretary Miss G. MORCOM, 18, Dean Street, Liskeard.
W. G. MOONEY, J.P., Broomhill, Tavistock Rd ., Launceston. M. C. COOPER, M.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hollybank, The Downs, Looe. J. J. PEARCE, "Seldon", Bosven Road, Newquay. H C. PENDER, IS, Westheath Villas, Bodmin. Miss K. GOVlER, 12, High Street, Launceston.
ounty Cadet Officers (A) for Area {mnty adet Officer (N) for Area County Staff Officers
Vacant. Miss M. E. DEAN, I, Derbyshire Road. ' ale, heshire . H. C. \V. BAKER, :.'-I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 16. \\'iende . Rock Fern' C. JAMES , 24, Emmett Street, Barnton. orth\\·ich . (Training).
18, Dean Street. Liskeard .
Eastern Area
Western Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Mrs. Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Ast. County uperintendent ( County Surgeon County Nursing Officer. County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Sergeant Major County Secretary
Cou,nty Vice-Presidents: L L. BARRACLOUGH (Nursing) Cumberland Capt. ]. L. JOHNS, R.N. (Retd.), Lockville, Main Street, edbergh, Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 67). V::tcant. J. J . BEVERLY, 18, Woodsghyll Drive, Harraby, Carlisle. Mrs. 1\1. A. C., • IXSCOW, :;I1.B., CH.B., The Howe, Troutbeck, Windermere. (Tel. Windermere 2287). :\Irs. V. E. RAVE!\" tancroft, Carlisle. N. L. BIRKETT, M.A., M.B., B.CH., 3 Thorny Hills, Kendal . Miss G. LAYCOCK, S.R.N., Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle. J. W. LOWTHIAN, 18, Grace Street, Carlisle. Miss D. TROTTER, The Gowans, Sedbergh. C. H. STEPHENSON, 25, Nook Street, Workington. ]. STILLING, 34, Romney Road, Kendal. Mrs. NEWMAN, 51, Holmriggs Avenue, Penrith. ]. H. SMITH, 8g, Dunmail Drive, Carlisle. (Press Relations) A . HUSBAND, I, Fairfield Gardens, Wigton Road, Carlisle. D. GRAHAl\I, "Park View," Cardew, Dalston, N r. Carlisle.
DERBYSHIRE County Office: Hill Cottage, London Road, Buxton.
Tel. Buxton 395.
County President: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. County Vice-Presidents: Her Grace The DUCHESS of RUTLA D (Nursing) VISCOU! T SCARSDALE
Co mmission er County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons
County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Welfare Officer County Staff Officers
County Secretary
Colonel F. mot BEARN, C.B.E., D.S.O., tll.C , M.D. . II. Broad W alk, Buxto n . (Tel. 5 7)· fiss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, ::\Iickleo\" r, Derby. (Tel Derby 53 124), J. B. Mc KAY, M.B., CH.B., Brereton lIou-e, Bolsover. ear Chesterfield. l\Irs. Clara STEWART, LB., CH.S., B A.O , 3, IIa rd wick Mount Buxton. \ Tacant. C. 1. l\L\RGERRISOX, The Cottage, \\,iIJay Green, Barlow . r. Sheffleld. Mrs . G. E. H . \VEATHERBY. 2 , Kingston Street, Derby . F. I. SHIM WELL, "The Laurels", 53. tation Road Brimington, Nr . Chest.erfield. W. F . RIGLEY, "l\Iingoyo", os all, Ilkest.on. (Training) R . R r 'GHAM, J.P., Markham Hous. Duckmanton. Nr Chesterfiell I. P. CUBITT. Hill otlage. Londun Rna l. Buxton.
:'IIajor H. L. B. NIrLLS, 212. vValwick Avenue. Derby. R. ALL, I2. Lawrence Street. Long Eaton. H. FAR:'<SWORTH, "Melita". 13, Holt Avenue, Derby. YIrs. FAR.:\'SWORTH, "Melita". 13. Holt Avenue, Derby. E. G. FLORE~CE, 266, Osmaston Park Road, Derby . ( ecretary).
Staff Officers
EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON County Office: Tel. Chudleigh The llut. Culver Drive, Chudleigh .
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
J. ATKIC\'SOC\', :lLB.E., \\'hite-Knmd ottag(', Chinle;, tockport. Vacant. Miss N. TART, 56, Br~\\'n Edg Road, Buxt.on. F. \V . FUR:->I S, :If ..\., :lLR .C.S., L.R.t . P. , £1111\\ ooJ . (>Ill \\'hi t tington."Xl'. he.;;tnrfield. R. MILLW.\RD. 39, Sear ton _\.\' enue, Holm wood. Tr. Chesterfield. :VIrs. C. I. i\IARGERRlSOX, The ott.agf> . \\'ilda y Grl! en, Barlow, r. Sh -ffi'ld. T. COVERLEY, Carr Cottage. \Vhi t.ehough. Chinley . National Coal Board No. 1 Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Asst. Area
ursing Officer
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
\\' . V. HEPPARD. Elmsley House, R alO\\·ort.h, Nr. Iansfield B. KE DALL, Bonnevicnne. Inkersall RC\ . Duckmanton. Nr. Chesterfield. ~1rs. 1\1cKAY. Brereton House. Bolso\'er Dr. W. A. F. HURST. Heathfield. Tibshelf. 1\1rs. 1. :''lILLWARD, S.R.K., 39. earston _\.\' nul'. Holmewood. Nr. Chesterfi 1c1. Mrs. C. L. ::\l.\TZEL, Cannel. Mill Lane, \Yhit\\,ell, ~r. W orksop. P . E. HIBBARD, Markham Road . Duckmanfon. Miss U. TEsH, Lyn Croft, Tib hel£ Road, Holm\\ ood . ~ • Chesterfield. F. NORMAN, 15. Private Drive, Hollingv,·ood . T . M. COPE. Netherton House, Glapwell. National Coal Board No.5 Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Sup erintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
H. F . PARKER, 377. Derb," Road, .I. ottingham. G. H . BOWMER. 12. High Street. Loscoe . Mrs. M. RrGLEY, S.R.:->., 6a, Kings\\'ay, Derb,-. Dr. \V. V. ROACHE. Rutland House. IIkeston. Vacant. A. E. \ V. DILKS. 13. Kingsway. Ilkesto n , Derbyshire Mrs. G. 1\1. HUDSO:'<, 24, Middleton Avenue, Crosshill. ocIno:\Y . AIUWRE. ';1. Heath R oad. Ripley. vV . A. HUDSON. Middleton Avenu e. Crosshill, CodnoL Southern Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A ) Cadet Officer (N )
Dr. I. MACKENZIE. 6. Eastwood Drive, D erby . Miss G. H. VVALTOK, 9. Kingston Street. Derby. Dr. \V . H . DI~WOODIE, 32. Swin burne Street. D erby . Mrs. M. F. HALLETT. 39B. Burton R oad. Derby. T. L. HUTTOC\', 46a, Uttoxeter Ke\\' R oa.d. Derby. Miss DRURY . 13. Derwent Avenue. Allestree.
CouILty PresidelLt: Lieut .-Colo nel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY, BT .. D.S .O., M.e. . COl/illy Vlce-Preside/lts : Lady RAYNER ( urslng) Lady IMBERT TERRY (1 ursing Cadets)
Norther n Area
Area Commissioner
Cf)llllD 15sioner Cou nty SupcnntLnJent. (N ) ( ollnt;; :,urgeon Count y
urslOg Officer
COllnty Cadet
fficer (A)
Co unl' Cadet Officer (N) .nunty taff Officers
ou nty
"\Jajor T. W. GRACEY. Ielrose, Ashburton. S. Devon. ;\lrs. . DE B. DENING. Tipton Lodge. Tipton St. J obn. (Tel. Ottery t. Mary 27). l\Iajor General . vV. \VILSO.:\', C.I.E., O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Higher Mead, Chagford, e\\'ton Abbot. ;\Irs. ;\1. D. ICHOLLS, S.R.C\'., Carron Glen, Salcombe Hill Road. idmouth. :'Iajor-General R . DENING. C.B., M . V.0 .• M.C .. Tipton Lodge. Tipton St. John. Mrs. Stuart NICHOLSON. Prispen House. Silverton. E. R . HOOPER, Highway House. Tedburn. Nr. St. Mary, Exeter (Treasurer) W. C. JOHNSON, 2. The Broadway. Littleham Cross. Exmouth (Am bulance Liaison). Miss D. BOURCHIER-\VREY. Tawstock. Chudleigh. East Devon Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commi ioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) .
;\L1jor R . A. P . GRAY. tlr .B .. 23. Southernhay East. Exeter. ( . C. \VOOD, ';0. Kings\\ ay. Heavitree. Exeter . !'IIr . BOLT, \Vendtholme. Maryfield Avenue. Exeter. Dr. 1\1. Y. PAGET. Barnfield End. Spicer Road. Exeter. W. J. B . PERRIAM, Matford. Hulham Road. Exmouth . ~Ii s 1\1. MARTIN . 51. Elmside, Exeter. North Devon
Area Commissioner Area An'a Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A)
A rea Staff Officer
Lieut.-Colonel K . G . \ V. SAUNDERS. O.B.E .. F .R.C.S .. Elmfield, Goodleigh R oad. Barnstaple . R. G. ROGERS. 17. Marlborough R oad. Ilfracombe. ;\1iss F. VALENTINE . Little Close, Bra unton . ~r. P. MOREL, M.B., CH.B., Beech Hill. Barnstaple. :'IIr. . H. M. HARDY, !O.R.N., 75 Bantport treet, Barnstaple. Dr. J . P . BUSH, Heathfield House, Old Torrington Road . Barnstaple. R. J. BRADDON, "St. John", Yelland Road , Fremington, "X. Devon. South Devon Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer
\V . UNDERHILL, H.E.M .. London House. Ashburton. P. BAKER, 14, King 's Avenue. Paignton . :'IIrs .. K. M. EVAN, S.R.N., Holly Bank Nur ing Home. Palgnton. Dr. G. E. SA WDON. Stoke House. Stoke Gabriel. Totnes . Mrs. E. M. HARVEY, S.R.N ., 6, Derwent Road. Babbacombe, Torquay.
M. E. G. TEDHAM, Lavender ottage, Coach Road, ewton Abbot. Miss M. A. STOWE, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., Dartmoor Cottage, Lestleigh. Miss C. B. GOLDING, 38, Primley Park, Paignton. Mrs. L. A. R. NICHOLLS, 4, Bearnes Lane, Newton Abbot
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
County Staff Officers
County OffIce: Dorchester Road, Weymouth. Tel. Weymouth
County Secretary
County Superintendent (N) Coun ty Surgeons County Nursing Officer County Officer i I c Cadets County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .
County Secretary
Area Superintendent (A)
Dr. R. V. S . COOPER, 16, Belvidere, Weymouth . (Tel. Weymouth 800). Mrs. A. M. C. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, ·W eymouth . Dr. E. J. Gordon \VALLACE, H ealth entre, Weymouth. Dr. Laura Maule HORNE, The Grange, 2, Iount R oad. Parkstone. Sister Miss D. Su, DERLAND, S.R.N., Health Centre, \\'eymouth, (i/c N .H.S.R.) . K. H. M. ALDRIDGE, "Hove Dene", Cranford Aven ue. Weymouth. l\1iss M. R. PEACH, 59, High treet, haftesbury, Dorset. J. M. O'HARA. 42, Palmerston Road, Parkstone. A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, \Veyrnouth E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow, Plantation Road. Waterloo, Poole. E. W. CUFF, "Sydco", 67, Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester. Mrs. D. R. GALTON, 6. Elgin Road. Parkstone. J. B. SPENCER. 422. Dorchester Road. Weymouth . D. G. F. ACUTT. "Cambrai". Cranford Avenue. \Veymoutb . (Publicity). J. SANDFORD, 435. Dorchester Road. Weymouth. (Treasurer) Miss F. B. LONG. 10. Dorchester Road. Weymouth .
County President: S. EMBLETON, Esq., O.B.E. County Vice-President: LADY STARMER
Commissioner Deputy County County County
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (N)
rea Superintendent ( ) rea Surg on ,\rea Area rea
'ur ing
adet Officer (N) taff Officers
P. S. BLUNDEN, Cross House, Pelton . \V. MATHER, 4, Glebe Houses, Ferryhill, Co. Durham. Miss E. SCURLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Breamish Street. Jarrow-onTyne. J. J. D. KERRY, 4, Office Row , Malton Colliery. Esh, Co . Durham. H. CARR. 88. Barningham Street, Darlington. A. B. HOGGETT, 29, Great North Road, Brunton Park, Gosforth. (Treasurer). 1\1iss J. G. F. Ross, S.R.N., Freeman Road Hostel , Newcastleupon-Tyne, 3. (N.H . . R.) 1\1rs. M. JARRETT, S.R.N., 82, Holywell Avenue, Monkseaton, Whitley Bay. Mrs. R. WATSON, 40, Brandling Place South, Newcastle.
Colonel Sir Myers WAYMAN, K.B .E., F.S.S., J .P., Coanwood, Sunderland. (Tel. Whitburn 3332). S. Bu KER, "Kelway". Langport Road, Sunderland. Vacant. Lady WAYMAN, Coanwood, Sunderland. K. M. MACDONALD, M.B., CH.B., Bankfield, Consett, Co. Durham. Mrs. F. M. J. DUNCAN, S.R.N., 12, Garcia Terrace, Sunderland. Miss O . ADDISON, 80, Croft Terrace. Jarrow.
A . B UR;-';S , O.B.E., ~r.C., M.B., CH.B., Rainton Lodge, West Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring. S. F. STOKOE, Boundary Cottage, Burnmoor, Houghton-Iepring. Miss D. A . HALL, B.SC., 1, Greenbank Villas, Jarrow. A. K . MACRAE, M.D., CH.B., Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham. Miss O. HODGSO. -LAWS. S.R.~., 17 , Sunniside Road, Sunniside, ewcastle-on-Tyne. Mrs. M. CREWE, 20, St. Andrew's Tce., Roker, Sunderland. IVliss E. P. GRAY, 2, Summerhill. Sunderland. 1\lrs. . DAGLEAS, 24, Beaumont Terrace, Jarrow-on-Tyne. (Cadets). Southern Area
Area Commissioner rea Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) rea adet Officer Area _tail Officer
R . RUTHERFORD, T.D., J.P ., M.B., B.S., The Firs, Langley Park. Co. Durham. E S . SMITH, 34, Tunstall Avenue, \Vest Hartlepool, Co. Durham . Vacant. H . COULSON. 74, Starmer Crescent, Darlington. H. C. H. FRANCIS, The Chorister School, Durham. (Secretary for Cadets). Wes tern Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) rea Surgeon Area ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area tall Officer
DURHAM County Office: Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2. Tel.
Eastern Area
Area Commissioner
County Vice-Pre sIden ts: Mrs. M. 1\1. W ARRE ( ursing). LORD ELLENBOROUGH (Cadet Ambulance). Lady LETTICE ASHLEY COOPER (Cadet Nursing).
S. DAVISON, Heathfield, Burnopfield, Newcastle-onTyne. Mrs. ?l1. H. ROCHESTER, 5. Pikesyde, Dipton, Co. Durham. Mrs. M. F. St. ]. U. COSGRAVE, M.B., B.S ., Felling Lodge. Felling -on-Tyne. 1iss E. D. SHAW, "Holmlea," Nursery Lane, Felling. W. YOUNGER. 23. Townley Street, Stanley. Mrs. E. A. YOUNGER, 23, To\-vnley Street, Stanley. J. T. DRUMMOND, 267. Windsor Avenue, Gateshead, 8.
ESSEX County Office: Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay R oad, Chelmsford . Tel Chelmsford 55789. County President: Colonel Sir Francis WHITMORE, BART., K.C.B., C.M .G., D.S. O., T.D . Lord-Lieutenant of Essex . County Vice-Presidents: Lady WHITMORE (Nursing). Lady Joan NEWMAN (Nursing) . Mrs. J. T. WHITLEY (Cadet Nursing). J . T. WHITLEY, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., 18, New London Road, Commissioner Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2194). Major-General K. F. MACKAY LEWIS, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., Deputy Commissioner Stamps and Crows, Layer Breton, Nr. Colchester. W. E. NORFOLK, 84. Marconi Road. Chelmsford. (Tel. Co unty Superintendent (A) Chelmsford 2726).
<county Superintendent (N) County Surgeons County
ursing Officer .
County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Secretaries
1\1rs. E. S~1ELLIE. :'I1.B.E., The Bridge House, Lexden, Colchester. (Tel. Colchester 29 82 ). J. H. DIXON, M.B., CH.B., :'I1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 257, Church Street, Bocking J. EWING, M.B., CH.B., "Cliffe House", Dovercourt. ~Iiss ~1. RE~NOLDSO". S.R.~., 't. John's Hospital. Ch hn5ford. Lieut.-Col. A. 1. HER! 'GHAlIl, "Guivers", Little Bardfield , Essex. ~1rs. E . .M. HOWARD. 19. VIctoria Road. Colchester. ~\Iiss W . K. ARGE T, "Shirley." Writtle. (Tel. Writtle 28g). E. A. POOLE, 178, owdray Avenue, olche ~ ter. (Training). F. E. BROOKS, 144, l\1oulsham Drive. helmsford. (Trea mer}. \V . l lIlITH. 39, Forest Dri·\,e. \Ve tlands E tate. Chelm30nl. (Transport) . ::VIrs. E. 1. HART, "Paigles," Links Lane. Bradwell, Brain tree. (N .H .S. R.). -;\1rs. E. \VAKELAND-SMITH, R ichmond Cottage. Highwood. Nr. '~helmsford (Hospital Libraries). \V. R. U:-n,vIN, 14, l1 0ulsham Drive, Chelmsford. (adet<;) R. IRWIN, The Caravan, Broomfield. (Cadets). 1. PUR SLOW, 6, Winston Avenue. Colchester. (Cadets). ~1iss R. 1. LEEKS, "Iv\'dene", tock Road. Gallev"ord. Chelmsford. (Cadets).. ~1rs. M. A. SPURGEON, II. t. Annes Road , olche teL (Cadets). ~Irs. D. FOLLEY, Hillside ottage, Galle\'\\'ooJ ommr>ll, Essex. ( ecretary to Commissioner). A. MAYHEW, "St. Leonards", vVash Road, LainJon, Es<;c. .. (Ambulance) . ~frs. HARROLD, I Hunts Close, Writtle. (T ur ing).
T . II. READ, Ellenville, Gordon Road, Cheltenham. ;\Iajor E. A. ;\IcIvER, Reigate, Ryeworth Road , Charlton Kings. Miss T. B. PARKER, Highfield House, Whitminster, Glos. (•. II . . R.). :\'Ir . B. LAWRE CE, The Nappings, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. (County ·W elfare). \Ii S D. :\1. TRDl:'1fER, 2, BE'aufort Road, Cheltenham. \Irs. DRAKI' , S.R.X., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane. Gloucester \1iss ~1. K. OSWELL, 7, Eldorada Road, Cheltenham. (;vIE'dical Comforts). RC'y. E. J. :\1. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James Vicarage, Tivoli Road, Cheltenham. \\'. Le GRESLEY, 92, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham. T. L. Lo 'G, 68. Stroud Road, Gloucester. \1r5. E. L. STIXTOX, 30, pringwell Gardens, Cheltenham Hoad Ea~ t. Gloucester. ,\fi <:, E. G. \IARSHALL, I2. Royal Crescent, Cheltenham.
County Staff Officers .
Area C.adet Officer (A) Area adet ffic'r ( ') \'UllD
Secn'tar .
Forest of Dean Area
Sir John PAL:lIER, BT., Newland, Coleford, Glos.
GUERNSEY CoulIly Office: Hea<iquartf'rs , Rohai .. - to Peter Port, Guernsey.
Te1. Guernsey 70 .
Bm.hwick President: Sir .-\m brose HER\\"ILL, C.B.E., :'ILC. Bailiwick Flc e-Presidents: Dr. W. B. Fox. Dr. A, N. YMOKS. O.B.E. (Ambulance). Lndy SHERWILL (Nursing). Jurat R . H. JOHNS, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets),
GLOUCESTERSHIRE County Office: 12 , Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Tel. Cheltenham 53610. County Presidents: Colonel Sir James SLEEMAN, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V .O. THE COUNTESS ST. ALDWYN . County Vice-Preside1 Its: Lady CRIPPS, M.B.E. (Nursing). Earl ST. ALDWYN, T.D., D.L. (Cadet Ambulance) . Lady GWYNNE EVANS (Cadet Nursing).
Commissioner Assi tant CommisSlOner . Bailiwick ~upe rintLnd nt ( A) Bailiwick Superintendent ( ) Baili wick Surgeon Area Commissioner
A. BARRETT-CARDEW. M.C., M.B., F.R.C.S., Keynsham Lawn , Cheltenham. (Tel. Cheltenham 3132). C. R. DE C. SADLER, M.R .C. S., L.R.C.P .. 131, Old Bath Rd ., Deputy Commissioner Cheltenham. Lt.-Col. F. VhLL1AMSON, O.B.E., 90, Leckhampton Road, County Superintendent (A) Cheltenham. Asst. County Superintendent (N) Mrs. G. A. WILLANS, Oaklands, Shurdington, Nr. Cheltenham . Ast. County Superintendent (N) Miss D. M. TRIMMER, 2, Bournside Road, Cheltenham. C. H. DRAKE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54, Parton County Surgeon Lane, Gloucester. Mrs. SADLER, 131, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham. County Nursing Officer R. A. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road. Cheltenham. County Cadet Officer (A) Mrs. HAWKINS, "Wynville" , 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. County Cadet Officer (N) Commissioner
District Staff Officer Bailiwick Staff Officefi
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Bailiwick Secretary
Lieut - nlonel S. H. HEARD , :'I1.B.E., ~1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P .. La Giffardiere Albecq, Cast 1. Guernsey. (Tel. Catel 75 0 4). \\-. TAYLOR, B.E.M., Quendon, Le l\lartival, La Ruette, ~t. ::\lartins. R. A . LUFF, "Belize," Doyle Road, St. Peter Port. ::\Irs. R. lVI. Tno iPSON, La Tourelle , Pierre, Percee. (Tel. entral 255)· \V . R. CAMBRIDGE, M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P., La Vallet, Rue De Putron, t. Martins. R. H. BLANCHFORD, M.B.E., Le Croute, Herivel, Rohais. St. Peter Port. J. W. DEAR, Earls Colne, Guelles R oad, Guernsey. T. R. MARQU ND, "Maymyo," Les Amballes, St. Peter Port. Mr<:,. T. R. 1\1 \RQUAND, "~1aymyo," Les Amballes, St. Peter Port F. \V. BUSH, "Palma," Green Lanes, St. Peter Port. Miss MACKAY, Dolphin. St. l\lartins, Guernsey. H. C. ROWCLIFFE, Keival, Les Vardes, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. E. COLL, Colwyshe, 35. Pollet, St. Peter Port. H. FALLA, Durrington Les Banques, St. Sampsons, Guernsey. (Cadets) . R. J. HERVE, "Dinant," Croutes Lane, St. Martins. H. TOUZEAU, Holmlea, Route Miltarre Vale, Guernsey. Miss E. S . BUSH, Wethersfield, Guelles Road, St. Peter Port. Vacant.
HAMPSHIRE County Office: Wessex House. 6, Upper High Street. Winchester.
Tel. 2884.
County President: The CoUNTESS MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA, C.r.. G.B.E .. D.C. V.O. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs . M. L. HARCOURT (Nursing). William COATES, Esq. , M.A. (Cadet Ambulance) . Admiral Sir Arthur POWER. G.B.E., K.C.B., c.v.o. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. 'WILLIS, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O. Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Secretary
Colonel W . P . S. CURTIS, O.B.E., D.L., Knighton. Twyford . Hants . (Tel. Twyford 2130). N. R. TURNBULL, F.R.C.V.S., 65. Worting Road, Basingstoke . (Tel. Basingstoke 409) Lieut.-Col. H. N . COLE, O.B .E., T.D., F.R.HIST .S. The Yaldens, Manor Road, Tongham, urre\·. The Hon. Mrs. S. R. CUBITT, Hall Place, West Meon (Tel. W est Meon 337). L. M. MAYBURY, M.A ., M.B. , B.CHIR ., !If.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "}(e • . wood", 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea. Miss P. NEWTON, S.R.N., S.C.M., Ophir Lodge, phir Ro ' d. B ournemouth. H. 1. MARRINER, F .R.C. S., L.R.C.P . . 18. Poole Rd . , Bournemouth. Miss L. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage, Shirley H oL1S. Lymington. A. L. AYMES, Abbey View, Abbey Passage, Winchester Miss E. L. BATH. 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. R. W. HARRIS, ,Greenhill Road, Winchester. (Traini ng). ANDERSON, Long Vie\\', Rosebe. ry 1 ad. Mrs. B . V. Alresford. M~s. W. JARVIS, 258, Middle Road. ·outhampton. M1SS N. READDY, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Eastern Area
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Area Area Area
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
O. J. FRANCIS, 26, Gordon Road, Gosport. B. A. HAWKEY, 40, orthcroft Road, Gosport. Mrs. C. B. DUTFIELD, Chester Beach, elsey, ussex. C. N. BURNHAM-SLIPPER, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. , 100, \VaverIey Road, Southsea. Mrs. E. E. MACLEAX, S.R.~., Knowle Hospital, Fareham. A. E. CLARRY, 43, Tintem Road, Gosport. Mrs. GILKS, 34, Cromwell Road, Soutnsea. W. N. WILSON, Police Headquarters, Portsmouth (Treasurer) E. B. HUMPHRIES, .p. Bosmere Gardens, Emsworth (Training) .
Northern Area L. P. BOTTING, 14, Kingsclere Road, Basingstoke. L. CLIFFORD, 20, Oxford Road, Famborough.
Area Commissioner Area Superintend nt (A) Area Su perintenden t (N) Area urgeon
Mrs. D . WILSON, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Nr. Andover. Mrs. Audrey CAREY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Windmill, L O\\'er Wield, Alresford . E . \V. SAYER, 32, Hawley Lane, Sinehurst, Famborough. Mrs. G. EVANS, 35, Osborne Road, Famborough. H. SHORT, 3 1 , Alexandra Road, Farnborougb.
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) r{'a StafI Officer
Western Area
C. Heygate VERNON, M.B., F.R.C.S., 18, Keswick R oad, Bournemouth. H. \V . HOARE, 28, Palmerston R oad. Boscombe. irs. V. R. COLLYER, II, Solent Road, aish Estate, e\\ Milton. D . C. RE NIE, M.R.C .S .. L.R.C.P., Royd Lodge, Rye Paddock Lane, Fawley. Miss D . BRODERICK, 14. Littledown Ave., Bournemouth. A . MAYBURY, Police Station, Fordingbridge.
nmm i sioner
Area _ uperintendent (A) Ar a Superintend ent (N) rea Surgeon rea Cadet Officer (N) rea ' ta ff Offic r
. J .. \ .B.
County Office: rleadquarter, Widemarsh Street, Hereford. (Tel. Hereford 2837)
County Presidents: The Hon . Mrs. R . DEVEREUX . Brigadier F. A. V. COPLAND-GRIFFITHS, D.S .O., M.C., J .P. County Vice-Presidents: G. D. E. TULLIS, ESQ., M.B., CH.B. (Ambulance). Mrs . H. FOLEY (Nursing). W . ROSSER, Esq. (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. Greville PHILLIPS (Cadet Nursing). Com missioner
Deputy Commis ioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
. BULLOCK, J.P ., Sarnia, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. (Tel. 3486). H. J. HARRIS, B.E.M., Perivale, Old Eign Hill, Hereford . Vacant. Miss A. L. ROMILLY, Broadfield Court, Bodenham, Hereford . (Tel. Bodenham 75). B. G. ScHOLEFIELD, M.D., M.CH., F .R.C.S., Lawnswood, Hampton Park, Hereford. Miss C. M. WHEELER, S.R.N., County Hospital, Hereford . R. RUCK, 37, Mill Street, Hereford. Mrs. F. M. HARRIS, 70, Old Eign Hill, Hereford. Miss E. LONG, 62, Breinton Road , Hereford. R. T. MORRIS, Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road , Hereford_
Central Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) . Hon . Area Treasurer (Aux.) Hon. Area Press Relations Officer (Auxiliary)
Lt .-Col. J. D. C. BROWNLOW, O.B.E., Pennington House , Lymington. Capt. W. MILLS, M.B.E., "Hilldale," Station Road, Chandlers Ford. Mrs . V. WALMSLEY, Green Cottage, Shawford, Nr. Winchester . P. A. T. LOWDEN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C .S., L.R.C.P .. D enstone, Christchurch Road, Winchester. Vacant. Miss A. E. ROI-T, 42, Cecil Avenue, Shirley, Southampton . L. S. DUNFORD, 78, St. James Road, Southampton. N. A. WILTON, Odeon Theatre, North Walls, Winchester .
HERTFORDSHIRE County Office: 7, Marlborough Road, St. Albans, Herts.
t. Albans 4333.
County Presidents: H. Langley Jones, ESQ., M.B.E. Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets). County Vice-President: BLANCHE, LADY LLOYD OF DOIJ.)BRAN (Nursing).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County uperintendent (N) County urgeon. County ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Officer . County Staff Officers
L. R. )J. PERCEY, I1I.B.E., ] .P., "Heath B:-o",", \Yelwy n Tel. Welwyn 108). D. Hardy E:IN~IONT, I1I.B., 100, Clarence Road, t. Albans. T. C. FORBES, 54, High 'treet, Ware . ;'\I! s D. SP.\RKES, 3, Brampton Road, St. "\lbans. \ Tel. _ t Albans g83). C. P. CRAGGS, M.B., B s, 506, Broadwd\', Letchworth. :\1;-s. . P. CRAGGS, S.R.~., 506, Broad"a\' Letch\\ortb. G. Henderson SMITH,,), Polayn Garth, \\'elwvn Garden Citv. ::\Iis E. PrcKERI:-\G, Friar :\Icad, ~t. "tf'l'h('ns \\ ~nll" , , -t Albans. ;\1rs. Hilda MABER, S.R . . , The Dale, Little Hadham Road, Bi hop's Stortford. (M.C.D.). 1\1iss \VOOD, L f , Flora Grove, t. Albans. Mrs. TUCK, Boveney, Lynton Avenue, St. lbans Mrs. B. 1. ROGERS, 14, Jennings Road, t. Albans A. DONALD, 116, Clarence Road, St. Albans, H ris. (Treasurer). :\Iiss 1. DAnES, 109, London Road. ~t . . \lban:-.. (Training ). T. II. FLA_-.\Go\:\, 104, Lower Luton Road. IIarpenuen.
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
\V. E. DOUGLAS, 14, Souberie A\'enue . Letchworth.
Vacant. Miss E. ATKINS, 101, Old Hale Way, Hltchin. J. CLAY, M.B., B.S., 123, Torton \\ray , Letrh\\ ort.h. S ou thern A rea
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon A rea Cadet Officer (A)
T. II. BURGESS, "Coon or" , 17, King Ed\\ards Roau , \\'drt. \\. ApPLETON, Lyndhurst. Puckeridge, Nr. \Vare. Mrs: 1\1. C. BERGIN, 16, The Valley Green, " 'elwyn Garden Clt\'. G. \iY. ::\L\y, :lLB., B.S., \l.H.C.S., L.l{'l 1' .. I)('nham Lodg. ·, 83, ~ 1.:\\ Road , \Vare. W. HOWARD, 13, By the Mount, V\lelwyn Garden City .
ISLE OF MAN County Office: Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man.
Tel. Douglas 2121.
County President: LADY DUNDAS.
ISLE OF WIGHT County Office: Wootton Lodge, \Yootton Bridge, Isle of \Vight.
Commissioner Count.y Surg on County Cadet Officer (A) Count.v Cadet Officer ( ) County StafT Officers
County S ·cret.ar '
Tel. Wootton Bridge 70
F. R. B. H. KENNEDY, J\l.B.E., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., \\'oo'.:'.:on Lodge, Wootton Bridge , Isle uf Wight. T. HA\lBLY, M.R.C.S., L.H..C.P., "Meadowcroft", Salisbury Road, Ryde. A. P. CO\IPTON, 93, IIigh t.reet, Sandown. :\1rs. B. K. JACOBS, 39a, ES}JJanade, Shanklin. E. F. l\lILLG:\TE, "Ferncotte", Cast.le Road, Newport. E. WIL SO.', Farnborough, High Park Rd., Ryde (Treasurer). J. W. JOLLIFFE, 33, Prince Street, Ryde. (Competitions). :i\1rs. B. B. E. O'DAY, 6, Seafield T errace, Seaview (Hospital Library). H. 'T.\_ 'GER, Longford Hospital. Han'nstreet (Publicity. ::\1iss E. ::\1. E. CAWS, g, Queen's Road, Ryde.
County Office: l\1id\'ale Road, Jersey. Tel. Cent. 206 3. Count)' President: Sir ALEXANDER ::\1. COUTANCHE. County J'ice-Preside nts: Lady COUTANCHE ( lIrsing). Brigadier W. H. F. CROWE, (Cadet Ambulance ) Lady TRE:-\T (Cadet. ursing). Capt. Guy :\1alet De CARTERET JUR AT, ~t. Ouen's :'tIanor, t. Commissioner Ouen, Jersey. H. E. STEPHENS, 8f), St. Sa\'iours Road , Jersey. Deputy Commissioner ?vIrs. 1\1. H. GRAHAM, Maison du Coin, St. Aubin, Jers~y . County Superintendent ( ) St. John BIRT, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Fontenelle, Millbrook, County Surgeon JersC:'y. \'acant. ounty ursing Officer Dr. R. L. OS?fONT, Dunderave, Hansfords Lane, Jersey. County Cad t Officer (A) Mrs. D. ::\!ACFADYEN, La Turbie, Claremont Road , t. Helier, County Cadet Officer (N) Jersey . Mrs . G. DAWSON, La Ruette, Victoria Village, Jersey. County tail Officers E. T. BEAN, Lancresse, Georgetown, Park Estate, Jersey . .T. F. BARETTE, 67, Stopford Road, St. Helier, Jersey. Area Cadet Officers Miss B. Le HOQUET, "Elmore", St. Martin, Jersey. ::\liss L. Du FEU, Tunbridge, Georgetown, Jersey. County Secretary
County Vice-Presidents: LADY COWLEY.
Mrs. M. M. GIL!. \V. Cm,," INGHAM, E~'Q. Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officer ilc Nursing Divs. . County Secretary
Nor thern Area
Area Area Area Area
C. C. BEATy-POWNALL, ESQ., Chief onstabIe's Office, Dougla::>. Capt . T. H. HALL, J.P., Eskham, Devonshire Road, D ouglas. Vacant. A. R. MCPHERSON, M.B., CH.B., 46, Loch Promenade, Douglas. Miss D. A. BRfGGS, Nobles Hospital, Douglas. Vacant. Mrs. D. E. BEATy-POWNALL, The Dales, Ballanard Road, Douglas. Mrs. V . E. KELLY, "Redpaths", Little Switzerland, Douglas . E. R. G. CAIN, A.LA.C., 18, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas.
KENT County Office: Victory House, Queen's Road, Ashford. Tel. Ashford 1139. County President: The Lady ASTOR OF HEEVER J. H . DAY, ESQ., M.B.E., (Ambulance) County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Rev. The Bishop of DOVER (Ambulance). The Lady DE LISLE A D DUDLEY (Nlll'ing). Viscountess ALLENBY OF MEGGIDO (Nursing Cadets). J. H. H. DAVIS, ESQ.
Co mm ission er Depu t y Com missioner County Sup erin tendent (N ) County Surgeo n County Co unty Coun ty Cou nty
N ursing Office r Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N ) Staff Officers
ecret ary
Maj or-Gen eral. A .. H . H ORNBY, C.B.. C.B.E.. M.C .. Spicers ~a rrr:. EtchIn~h l ll. Folkestone. (Tel. Lyminge B7II4). Bngadler M. . TEVER HAM. C.LE .. ;'.I.e .• 56. V..'ooubllrv Park Road. Tunbridge Wells. " Vacant. R. H. P ERCIVAL, M.A., l\LCH.(OXON). F.R.C.S. (ENG). D.C.H., 74. B o"ver Mount R oad. Maidst one. Mrs. 1. M. HOBY, S.R.;-;'., 219, ew Road. Chatham. Vacant. Mrs . E. D OUGLASS, The Manor H ouse. eUindge. Ashford. C,. L. J E INGS, Barclays Bank Ltd .. Maidstone (T reasurer) . MIss C. H IGHA M. 9B. Maidstone R oad. R ochester. T. L. ISAAC, 21B. Maidc;tone Road. Rochester. Mrs. PRING. Mount Top. The Close. Salt\\'ood. Ihthe. ( .H.S.R.). B . T. B EAUMONT, " P embles". Dodd ington. Sittingbourne (T el. Doddington 230). No.1 Area
A rea Area 1\ rea A rea Area
Commissioner Superintenden t (N) Su rgeon Cad et Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N )
Area Staff Officer
Vacant. Miss L. H. BUR:\S-HARTOPP, Dalb\' Lodge . TIawkhllr t. Dr. H. T. HOBY, 21Q . New R oad. Chatham. S. NTGHTTWiALE, 3. Elm Cottage. Fdenbridge. Kent. i\1r!'. V. A. WINTER, .H . Meado\\" Road. Rusthall. Tunbrid<T{'" Wells. Major B . T. SY;-;'GE, 339. Queen's Road. i\Iaidsion<'. No.2 Area
A rea Area Area Area Area
Commission er Su perintenden t (N ) Su rgeoD Cadet Office r (A) Cadet O fficer (N)
A rea Commissioner Area Area Ar ea Area
Superin tendent (N ) Su r~eo n Cadet Offi cer (A) Cad et Officer (N )
B . T . B EAUMO T, "Pemb les". D oddington. Sittin~bourne . ?vIrs. 1. PAPWORTH, "Tregarthen". V;:tl e Road . \\'hit tabl e_ Dr. H . A. MADWl\R. Mill Houc;e. Oueenhorough . F. C. ROLFE. II. King's Road. Birchington. Mrs . E. M. Heywood. IS. Salisbury Road. Herne Ba No.3 Area E. A. HERBERT. "Brynma\\"r". 4 . Plains venue. l\JdJOstone. Mrs. A. JAY, 13. Audle" Road. Folkestone. Alex CHALMERS. LB .. CH.B., B. London Road ittingbourn E'. ,T . G. PERRY, lB. Castweazle. Tenterden . . Mrs. D . M . B AILEY, "Maywood." New Road. Saltwood H yth e.
D istrict Staff Officers
District Secretary
Mrs. E. NISBET, 4, eth erton Park Road. Lith erland, Livelpool. 21. Capt. J . D. CAMERON, M.B.E., 26. Deepdale Road. Prest on . Miss 1. M. SUTCLIFFE, "Farnley". Sandybed Lane, Scarborough. W. LOW E. 60. King's Road. Prestwich, r. Manchester. j. Sr:-:CLAIR K ERR, The Irlam Steel Corporation. Irlam. r. ~1anchester . J. TABER:-: ACLE, 3. Netherton Grange. etherton. Liverpool. (Records). l\lajor T. E. SPENCER. M.B .E.. T.D. IS. Mount St., Prest on. No . 1 Area
Area Commissioner Area
Area l1perintendent (N) District taff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officer
Rev . B. A. READING. PH.D .• F.PH.S .• The Manse. 14. Green L :me. her,\! Tree. Blackburn. Dr. R. C. U. \VARRINGTON, "Lethendry." Glebe Street. Great Harwood. :'lrs . H. BROW:\ , Harley Bank. Todmorden. \V . :".IELLOR. 70, Heyes Lane. Livesey. Blackburn. E. V. MASON. 134. Blackburn Road, Great Harwood. Vacant. Vacant. No.2 Area
Area Commissioner ~ \ rea u rgeon District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
E . D . GREENWOOD. 42. Carlton Road. Heaton. Bolton. Ellen \V.:\1. HAW, :lLR.C.S., L.R.C.P., 7. Tenterde n treet. Bun'. A BU-RTO. -. 1<). Old Clough Lane. vVorsley, Manchester . L. J. EVA:-.1S, 74. Hazelhurst Road. Worsley. ~Irs . B. H.\R\>VOOD. 135 . Carrington Lane. Sale. N o . 3 Area
Area Commissioner District Staff Officer Area ursing Officer rea Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
G. HALBERT. 29B. Waterloo Street . Old ham . Miss K. LAlIrB. 7. T en terden Street, Bury. Miss F. GARDNER. S.R.N., Fairfield General H ospital. B u ry. Vacant. i\1rs. 1 . SMITH. 19. The Avenue. Seedfield. Bury.
Area . \rea J\ rea Area
Major J. R. l\IIDDLEHURST, 49. Rivington Road. St. Helens . I . VVHITE, 24. Ashurst Drive. Parr. St. Helens. Miss M. E. OWE:-.1S. 47. Kerual Street. Wigan. J. R. BURROWS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Carlton. Rainford Road, Windle. t. Helens. N. PrIlIBLETT, 3. St. Andrew's Grove. Hares Finch. t. Helens. Vacant. VV. CLOUGH, 1B4. Well field Street, \iV arrington.
No.4 Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A)
Dis trict P residen t : The E a rl of D ERBY.
Area Cadet Officer (N) Area taff Officer
Colonel V . F . ROYLE, T.D. , E. R.D., 67. Church Street Lancaster. Assistant to Commissioner . C. J. E~STWOOD. 42. Lune Street . Prest on. Ack. District Superintendent (N) Dr. Man on R EEKIE, 7. R owsley Avenue. W est Didsbury. Ma n ch est er. District S urgeon Colonel R. G . W . OLLERENSHAW, T.D ., M.A., B.M., B.CH. , .M.R.C .S ., 4. Pine Road. Didsbury. Ma nch ester 20 . D istrict Nursing Officer MISS N. L IVESEY. S. R.N. . The Royal Infirmary . Preston. District Cadet Officer (A) R. CHARLESWORTH, Rovenden, Audenshaw Hall, Droylsden, Manchester.
Dis t1i ct Office: 15-17. Mount Street. Preston . T el. Prest on 2231/.
Distric t Vice -Presiden t s: The Countess of SEFTON. The COUNTESS P EEL {Nuysin~ Cade ts). Major E . S. B urt H AMILTON. O.B .E., M.C., M.B., CH.B ., F. R.C.S.E., (Ambulan ce) Comm issioner
D istrict Cadet Officer (N )
ST .
No.5 Area
Area Commissio ner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( Surgeon Nursing Officer
District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N ) Area Staff Officers
Lieut.-Colonel S. B. G. SIMMO S, M.C .. 4. Menlove Av enue. Liverpool. lB. Major W . H. \ VA,LKER. 35 . Brookside Avenue. Liverpool, q. Miss M. C. BANKS, 7. Lancefield Road. Liverpool, 9· W. DUNCAL, II1.B., CH.B., 3, Rose Lane. Liverpool, 18. Mrs. R. THOMAS. S.R.N., 31. Bellefield Avenue. \ Ve t D erby. Liverpool, 12. W . E. SEARLE, 91. \ Vaterpark .R oad. P renton. Cheshire. W . A. LA:-.1GTON, 57. Parkfield Road. Liverpool, 17· Miss A. SEDDON. 46. P a rkside Drive. L iv erpOOl. I I . J. A. LUCAS, 2nd Floor. 102. Princes Road. L iverpool. R. SKIN, ER, 41. ' unnyside Road. Crosby. Liverpool. T. E. TAYLOR. 21. Latrigg Road . igburth. Liverpool. J. ANTHONY, 22. Upper Duke treet. Liverpool. S. WOOD, 66. Ruskin Street. Liverpool. 4.
Area Commissioner Area uperintendent (A) Area uperintendent C:-') Area urgeons.
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N J Area '::taE Officers
Area Commissioner Area uper intendent (.\) Area Superintendent (X) County Surgeon Area Nursing Officer District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area ~ taft Officers
As istant Commissioner County S urgeon District Staff Officer Area Superintendent (A) Area
Area X ursing Officer Arpa (';J.det Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
No.6 Area G. HAD MAN, "Hazeldene," Hardhorn, Poulton -le-Fylde. J. HALL, 41, \ Vindermere Road, outh ' hore, Blackpool. ~Irs. L. STEWART, S.R.N., 13, Argyll Road, Blackpool. J. iACKE 'ZIE, M.D., 4, St. Annes Road West. St. Annes-on· Sea. J. E. KL'\'G, ::II.B., CH.B., -+. Yates treet, Oil Dick on RJ. Blackpool. G. B. HORROCKS, 1I1.B., CH.B., I, Station RoaJ, \\'esham Kirkham. w . C. BURT, 14, Henry Street, Lytham. :\Iiss G. BAXK ,207, unliffe Road. outh hore. T31ackpool .. -. H. COOPER, 9. Grange Avenue, Thornton. R. V. ROGER SO).', 30. Devonshire Road. Chorley. No.7 Area J . E . HEL::I1E. "Greeba", 34, Fairhope Avenue. The Vale. Lancaster . Vacant. :\1iss M. ROGl:.RS, I " . Brun wick Road. :\Iorecamhe. w. \\'. M. ;\IcKl;-\;-\LY, ::II-B., CH.B., Hill Crest, 3. \\'e t En~ Road, J\lorecambe. ::'I1iss P. HYDE , Queen Victoria Hospital. Morecambl' and Heysham. ~1aior \Y . G. PE\RSO;-\. 1. Crosland Park Road. Barrow-in Furness. Dr. \ V. G. SOUTHER);'. Park Stile. Broughton-in-Furne"s . J . CROSSFIELD. 9, Bristol Street, Walney. Barrow-in-Furness . 1\1rs. GAW:-IE, 22, Lindal St., Barrow-in-Fumes. :\fIrs. M. \VOOLFE. 77. orton Road. ~1orecalllbe. \\'. H. BUR);,S, 4 ' Provincial Street. Barrow-in-Furnes. . No. 8 Manchester and Salford Area Colonel C. H. S. RED:vt:OND, T.D., ::I1.B .. eII B.. 77. Alexandra Road South. :Y1anchester, 16. Dr. Mari o n :'II. R EEKTE. 7, Rowsley Ave .. \Vest Didsbury. Manchester. .T. E. Fox, 67, Sunningdale Drive. Prestwich. ~. R. KAY, 24. Sunningdale Drive, Prest"ich. ~ -r. :\1anchester. Miss M. G. K.t~ox, 24, Wilton Road. Chorlton-cum-Harch , Manchester, 2 I . Mrs. E. G. ISBISTER, Oakdene, Chatham Road. :\1anch(' ter. 16. (Cadets). H. BARKER, 99, orris Road, ale. Mrs. E. CHARLESWORTH, 9, Tunstall treet, Higher Opensh aw. Manchester. I I . ;\[rs . E. GASKILL, 50, Turnbull Road. Longsight. :\Ianchester, I3
LEICESTER County Office: 6. Seymour Street. Leiceste r. Tel. 58345. County Presiden t : Mrs. G. PHILLIPS County Vice-Presidents: Miss M. 1. PARTRIDGE (Nursing) E . J . L. COTTON (Ambulance Cadets). Comm issioner Lt .-Colon el A. V\T. S. ARMITAGE, II6, Regent Rd., Leicester . (Tel. Leicester 20946) . County Superinten dent (A) L. LEE, 199. Wicklow Drive, Liecester. (Tel. L eicester 67759) County Superinten dent (N) Mi ss E. FOLWELL. "Wistow". So uth ernh ay Rd ., Leicester. (Tel . Leicester 74685) . County Su rgeon . H. A . Ko R:-l" , M.D., 188, London Road, Leicester. County Nursing Officer . Miss C. F. S. BELL, S.R.N .. The R oyal Infirmary. Leicester .
E. IILYWOOD- ·'lITH, 9, Shanklin Avenue. Knighton. Mrs. B. B. COTTON, Beechrome, Earl Shilton , Leicester. Miss R. E. LORD. B.E.M., 53, Evington Drive. Leicester. Mis . \V ARD. 21. 'ycamore Road, Bir tall. Leicester. ;\'lr:;. ~. 1\1. ERE.Uf, 3. i.\1aplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicester. :\li:,s E. L. \VOLLASTO);, S.R.N., S.C.M., 53, Evington Drive Leicester. (Cadet Training). :'IIi" V.:\T. ,-. LUSCO'\1BE, S.R.X., 7, Humberstone Drive . Leicester. ~liss A. GABRIEL, 53, Peter's Drive. Leicester. Vacant.
Count .... CaJel Officer (A) Coun tv Canct Officer ( ) C()unt~- StafT Officers
rea (adet Officer :--ecrctan·
(Oll!H '
LINCOLNSHIRE County Offtce: hf>tton Hall, Stamford, Lincolnshire.
Tel. Ketton 236.
County Presiden t: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of A;-\CASTER, T.D., J.P., County Vice-Presidents: The Lord BROWNLO\.V, J.P .. D .L. Lady Cracroft A~ICOTTS (Nursing) ::'II-s. \\'.LLBy-E,·ERARD (Cadet Nursmg) CommIssioner Deput,-
('ollnh· ~uperintendent (A) County Superintendent (~ ) County <':'urgeo n ursing Officer County Co unt y Cadet Officer CA) (-ounn auei Officer (.i. ) ( ' ounh ~ta II Officer
Air-.:Y1arshal ir John BALDWIN, K.B.E ., C.B., D.S.O., J .P., Ketton Hall. tamford, Lincs. (Tel. Ketton 256). ~l. C. LAVIN. J.P .. :-'LB., B.S., L.R.C.P., ::If.R.C.S .• III, Oxford Street., Cleethorpe. (Tel. Cleethorpes 6I32 ). \\1. A. ARCHE.R, 1.+7. :\1onks Road, Lincoln. lr:;. E. 1.. EPTON. J.P., The Grange, Canwick. Lincoln. (Tel. Lincoln 21973). J . •\ . H .\DLEY, :-'LD., F.R.C.S \9,.i. -ettleham Road . Lincoln. Vacant. R. P. \VHITE, M.P.S., 3. l\1orton Terrace. Gainsborough. Vacant. J. PADDI OX, 65, Cambridge Street, Cleethorpes. Sou them Area
\rea uperintendent (1 ) Area ~ urgeon . \.rea ~ursing Officer rea Cadet Officer (A) .\rea add Officer (N) County taff Officer
E. J. GARWELL, 1, High Street. Spalding. (Tel. Spalding 2298). F. G. LATCHEM, I I Charles Street \V est, \\'est P arade . Lincoln. Vacant. Dr. G. R. CUBITT, 58. outhgate. leaford. Mrs. P. V. GALL, "Hev-erlee", Clay Hall DriYe, Spalding . H. H. BROWN, 93. Eastgate, Sleaford. Vacant. F . F. GIBSON, I..J7 Doddington R oad, Lincoln.
Area urgeon Area ~llrsing Offi er Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (K) Area Staff Officers
Northern Area Vacant. :\1rs. D. ROGERS, S. R.);., 21, Boultham Park Road. Lincoln. H. E. ;-\ELLI:-IG, 325, Brereton Avenue. Cleethorpes. Miss J. ROBI); ox, I06b, Yarborough Road, Lincoln. W . Gott. "Marianna". Laceby Road , Grimsby. Lines.
rea Superintendent (A)
Area uperintende nt (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area ta ff Officers
North Westero Area A. B . HUD SON, 12, Lydbrook R oad, Scunthorpe. Lincs . Mrs . L. DOUGHTY, 22, Burke Street, Scu nthorpe. T. CULLEN. II1.B., CH.B., Oswald Hou e. cunth orpe. P . HOLLAND. 27. R edbo urne Way, Scunthorpe . Mrs. L. K. OBrEDZINSKI, 5. Abercorn Street. c unthorpe.
LONDON (PRINCE OF WALES'S) D ISTRICT Headquart ers: 23, St. John's Lane , Clerkenwell, E.C.I. Tel. Clerkenwell 3753. Dist"ict President: The Countess Mountbatten of BURMA, C.l., G.D.E., D.C. V. 0. District Vice-Presidents: Lord 1 athan of CHURT Doreen Lady BRABOURNE, C.l. Edwin BAYLISS, ESQ., D.L., J .P., L.C.C. County President (Middlesex): Marie, Marchioness of \Villingdon, C.l., G.B.E. Commissioner Deputy Commissioners
District Superintendent (A) District Superintendent (N) Deputy Superintendent (N) District Surgeon Deputy District Surgeon District Nursing Officer Asst. District Nursing Officer District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officers
Colonel G. F. PAGE, D.S.O., 13, Dorset Street, W.I. (Tel. Welbeck 8452). Sir Denys LOWSON, BT., 56, Gresham Street, E.C.2. Brigadier J . W. HINCHCLIFFE, D.S.O., 20a, Pelersham Mew:,;, Elvaston Place, S. W. 7. C. E. BOWER, O.B .E., 74, Roslyn Gardens. Gidea Park, Essex. (Tel. Romford 3317). Vacant. Mrs. M. CAVENDISH, 12, Hyde Park Gardens Iews . \\' 2 (Tel. Amb. 3582) . Mrs. N . MATTHEWS, 15, Pembroke Hall. Mulberry lose Hendon, N.W+ H. C. STEWART, M.D., M.R.C. P., 12, Creighton Ave., J\luswell Hill, .10. Dr. E. J. SELBY, O.B .E., 52, astlebar Road , Ealing. \V .5 :'IiI's. \VILLIA:llS, S.R N., c/o E.R.D.E., Waltham .\bb( Herts. Mrs. SEARS, 12, Grosvenor Gardens, Kingston-on-Tham G. W. WOODHILL, 10, Bromley Road. Beckenham. Kent. Miss D. E. \VHITE, lOB. Warwick Road, Thornt.on Heath . Surrey. F. W. G. DINES, 7, AHord lose. \Vorthing. ~us.e .. (Treasurer) . E. \V . HAINES. 17. Ashlyn Grove. Hornchurch. Essex (public Duties). A. G. WIDDICOMBE, M.B.E., 20. Clarence Rd., Harpenden , Herts. (Civil Defence). L. F. ELVIN, 25, Liphook Crescent. Forest Hill. S.E.23 (Stores). S. J. STILLWELL, 10, Falkland Avenue, Finchley. London , N·3· A. E. DICKINSON, 45, Monastery Gardens. Enfield. Middx . Miss M. R . M. TUCKWELL. M.B.E.. 296. L eigham Court Road. S.W.I6. Miss W. BUTTON, 6B, Watford Road. Croxley Green. Watford . Miss M. A. VICARY, St. Ronans. Beech Hill. Hadley Wood, Herts . Miss M. C. CALVERT, 5, Longridge Road . S.W.5. Mrs. D. BUTANOWICH. II, Manor Gardens, Merton Park , S.W.20. (Commissioner's Secretary). Mrs. DEAR MER, 4, College Road . Winch more Hill, _T.2I. Mrs. D. HOADLEY, 30, Heatherset Gardens. S.W.r6. Miss M. D. GROOM, II, Manor Gardens, S.W.20. L. R. ALLUM, 17. Greenwood Close. Thames Ditton. Surrey . S. C. DEARMER. 4. College Road, Winchmore Hill , N .2I. (Competitions) . Dr. D. D. TOWLE, Lee Park Lodge. Blackheath. S.E.3. A. T. BANDY. B.E.M., 43. Grosvenor Road. lIford. Essex . J. E. BROWN, 42, Sutton Road, N. ro. F. G. GRICE, 65, Munster Gardens, Palmers Green, N.I3 · H. A. BENNETT, 12. The Highway, Sutton, Surrey. J. SMITH, 17, Lulworth Road, Welling, Kent. S. W. BROOM, IB, Fairlop Road, Leytonstone, E. II.
_ ecretary
A. FREEMAN, 34, Bonford Avenue, Bexley Heath, Kent. E. C. PANNELL, II Gilda Court, Watford Way, N .W .7 . Miss E . G. CRESSWELL, 43, Grosvenor Road, lIford, Essex . H . F. MULLIGAN. Bo. Rosslyn Avenue, Harold Wood, Essex . C. W . M. HOBDAY, 100, Glennie Rd., \V. Norwood, S.E.27. ( to res) . .T. A. BORROWS, 21, Curthwaite Gardens, Enfield. Miss B. JOHNSON,S, Hutch Road. orbury, S.W.I6. T. J. HORRY, pencer Park School House, Trinity Road, S.W.IB. J. UTT, 46, Fairway, Raynes Park, S.W.20. (Cadets). J . STONE, 77. Mount Pleasa nt, South Ruislip, Middlesex . (Cadets). Miss G. LARSEN, 6, Meadow Way, Rickmansworth. Herts. (Cadets). :'Iii s \V . T. CLARKE, 50, orhyrst Avenue, S.E.25. (Cadets) ;\1iss G. O. TUCK WELL , 296. Leigham Court Road, S.\\".I6 . E. H. K TILL, 2-1. :\IIerton Hall Gardens , \Vimbledon, S.\V.20. (Cadets) . Dorothy, Lady ELLENBOROUGH, 30, Ashley Gardens , .\V.I. :Mrs. CLARIDGE, " \Vinthorpe", Roxborough Avenue, Harrow. Miss S. M. R. THo~rsoN, M.B., CR.B., 68, Redbridge Road, Wanstead, E.I2. R. A. PAYNE, 4, Wenb\'orth Park, Churchend, Finchley, N.3. (Training) . H. S. HENWOOD. 3, McLeod Road, Abbey Wood, S.E.3. J\Irs. ]ECK , 50. Glendale Drive, Wimbledon. S.\V.I9. F. T. HAWKES, 154. utton Dwellings, N.I. (Records) G. C. PITTS, 12, Vincent Road, 1 .4. Northent Area
Area Commissioner rea uperintendent (A) Area uperintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant Major
Dr. G. M. SHAW SMITH, 434, West Green Road, N .I5. F. J . MIDDLETON, 2, Melbourne Way, Bush Hill Park , Enfield, Middlesex . :'VIrs. A. F. MANLEY, M.A., 9. Burgess Hill. N.\V.2. Dr. R . L. MACQUEEN, 155, Hertford Road. Edmonton, N.9 . D. C. GRESWELL, S.R.N ., Tutors' House, Friern Hospital, e\\' Southgate. W. A. REYNOLDS, 24, Ashley Walk, Mill Hill, N.W.7. Miss 1. . BURLEY, St. Francis Cottage, 49, Assum's Place, 1.W.II. Mrs. E. HOBBS, 93, Park Drive, Winchmore Hill, .21. (Cadets). Mrs. V. M . JENKINS, 214, Alexandra Park Road, N.22 . . S. 'WEYMOUTH, 30. Dorset Road, Tottenham, N.I5. (Civil Defence). F. A. G. PAYNE, 5, "Wentworth Park, Church End , Finchley, N·3· P. STACEY, 23. New River Crescent, Palmers Green, N.I3. (Competitions) . R. vV. SEABRIDGE, 21, Mansfield Road , .\V.3. F. H . ADAMS, The Cottage. Glendale Grammar School, Wood Green, N .22. South Ea9tern Area
Area Area Area Area Asst. Area Asst. Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Area. Surgeon Nursing Officer Area. Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) .
Dr. W. W. KING-BROWN, 12, Asylum Rd., Peckham, S.E.15 . E. A. WHEBLE, IB, Silecroft R oad, Bexley Heath, Kent . Miss E. A. Golding, II6, Mottingham Road, S.E.9 . Dr. C. HOMI, Cairngale, Belvedere, Kent. Dr. ]. H. CHA:'vrBERS, 147, V\"ickham Way, Beckenham . Miss . K. D EAN, Orpington Hospital , Orpington, K ent . H. BOGG, 74, Maxwell Gardens, Orpington, K ent. H. J. GARDI ER, 6. Pinnell Road, Eltham.
Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant Major
:\liss \V . E. WILLIS, 179, IIazelbank Road, Catford, ~ 1:.0. T. R . \V . MASO , 23, Colyers Lane, Erith, Kent. H. E. CHt\PLI~, 5, ;\lottingham Gardens, S.E.". lei, il Defence). R. . ~ORTH, Lj8, Grie on Road, Forest Hill. (Compe i i')n ) :\li s D .• \. PEARCE, 6, Nursery Place, \\'ickenden Rd "n " noaks. (Cadet.). . F. . A:\DREWS, .p, Links \Va,', Eden Park, Beck ·nham . (Trea urer). A. R. 'WILLIS, 27, Wor ley Briuge Road , S.E. 26. Caclt't~ ) . A. C. FALMER, 257, Burnt Oak Lane, idcup. ( add ') . :\Irs. K ELLY, 46, Hazelbank Road, 'aiford, S.E. \\'. J. \V,\DE, 20. IIaf\'ard Hoad, Le\\isham, :-'.E.13 . . PHELPS, 4 ' Chudleigh Eoad , .E.4.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeons Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant
Dr. D. A. B. HOPK1:\, 23, J ferondale \\ enul', \Yan d ,,\\ ort h Common, :. \V.l . C. \\T. HrPKI:\S, 24, .\mi s .\, enu(', \\'('st E\\ell, 1':'P ' . l\1iss A. \VEST, 13, elwyn Avenue, Richm o nd, UIT y Dr. J. NEWTON HUDSON, 391. Lower Addi ·combl.' R "lad . Croydon , Surrey. Dr. .\. Co~):", 1, Thorndon Gardens. E\\('II, Surn', . :\Ii s :\1. PETTS, S.R.~., 5, B('acoJ1sfwld Hnad, .l'l'\\ , [.lIdell, Surrey. R. RANDALL :TEPHE):"S, 19, Gauntlett He!, utton '::- Il ITl' , :'IIi s D. A. G. WATT S, 32, Bede lIous(" \1<ll1orfields '" \\",1 5, D. G. GOLDIE, 10, \\'elle ley Road, Croydon. Surrey. G. A. LOCKE, 29, Diclcerage Road, Kingston, urrey , (Finance). T. E . DA~E, 31, South Way , Shirley, urrev. (Competitions) . L. M. CROTON, 242a, \Yhickham Road, ~hirley, Cr<)yJon , (Civil Defence). F. A . BOWMAN, 4, Dunstable Road, We t :'.101es\ey. Surr y. (Civil Defence) :\Irs. V. E. \VOOLFORD , 13. Fairlawn Gro\'(' , Ban~t.t'd d (Cadets). E. C. SmrPTER, 47, Pitcairn Road, :\Iitcham. (Caueh :\lrs. O. K. R u ELL, 39, Thornla\\ [{Clad, \\. . \(Jod , .E.27· F. R. FREWI?" I, Toynbl'e Hoad. .\\'.20. Vacant. Western Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeons . Area !\rea Area Area
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Area Sergea.nt Maior
Dr. G. R. H . \VRANGHAM, J .P., 26, The Avenue, Ealing, W .I3· F. 1. JO;\"ES, 5, Bowes Road, East Acton, 'N.3. :\Irs. E. NORFORD, 14 cotts Road, Southall. Dr. G. E. PAYNE , 12. South Close, Wood hill Gate, P inner. Dr. C. J. P. SECCO.\1BE, 20, 'W estern Road , Southall. Miss D. M. LEE, S.R . . ,7, St. Annes Road , Barne, -.W.I3 L. W. TAYLOR, 70, Flamborougb Road, Ruislip, Midcllesex Miss \V. AYRES, 5, Sheen Court, Richmond, urrey . J. Boss, 77. Salisbury Road, Ealing, \V.I3. (Civil Defence) . C. E . PEARMAN, IIO. Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middx . (Finance). E. H_ A. BECK. I27, Ruislip R oad, Hanwell, W .7. (Competitions). J. G. WARNER, 21, Holden Avenue, Kingsbury, N .W. 9· (Finance) P. J. STEVENS, 27a, Haven Lane, Ealing . W.5. (Cadets) Miss K. BARRY, 56, Cardington Square, Hounslov.' Heath, (N.H.S. R.). ::VIrs. H. K. EVA~S, 8, Newton Grove, Bedford Park , \\'.-t. G. L. SMITH, II3, Clitherow Avenue, Boston Manor . \\'·7· A. F. COOK, 49, Rosebery Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. J. HARRIS, 106, Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middlesex.
Eastern Area
Area Comm issioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Ar a Surgeons ursmg Officer Area Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area StafT Officers
South Western Area
Area Commissioner
Area Sergeant Major
:'.1ajor T. 1\1. \VILKS, O.B .E ., M.R .C.S ., L.R.C.P ., The Cottage, Kiln Roa d. Thundersley, Essex. S. CLARKE, 2, Leigh Park Close, Leigh-o.n-Sea, Essex.:. ~lis5 . L. MOORE, lOS, South Park Dnve, Seven KlDgS. Essex. Dr. A. F. ?\1cDo;-';ALD, 76, Longbridge Rd., Barking, Essex. :\li s S. P. WHITE, S.R.:-:., Bethnal Green Hospital, E.2. H. T. C. WARE, 32, Clare Gardens, Barking, E ssex. ;-'1rs. F. ~I. JAMIESON, 65, \Vaterloo Road, B arkingside, Essex. L. B. \\ 'ILLS, S.E.A.i"., 3I, Belmont Road , Hornchurch, Essex. (Cadets). 7'.liss \ '. ?\IALYAN, 23, Parkside Avenue, Romford , E se x . :\lrs . J. LA:-:G, 40, Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex. (Cadets). \\' . J. BROOM, 18, Fairlop R oad, Leyto nston e, E . II. (Fina nce) . R . D. BROWSE. R.E.M., 'is, First Avenue, Manor P ark, E.12. R. T. BAX, 34, aseby Road , liford, Essex. G . F. ATKINS, 72, Hillside Avenue, \Voodford Green. E<; ex. (Cadets). Dr. J. L. :\1cK . BROWN, 3, Hempstead Road, \Yaltham to\\, E.I7· :\frs. PURKI 5, 63, Southchurch Boulevard, Southend-on- ea. (N.H . . R.). W. T. ELLINGFORD, 36, Southborough Drive, \\'e tcliff·onSea. L. F. DICK, 15, Alma venue, Highams Park. E·4· (Competition) . B. E. GOODBODY, 53 , ~ Torman Road, Hornchurch , E sex. ( ivil Defence). :\Iiss V.:'.1. :IUTH, 9, Clivedon Road, Thorpe Ba\', E"'sex. (Cadets). . J . \\'ESTON , 74, Morris Avenue, Manor Park. E . 12 . Central Area
Area Commissloner Area uperintendent (A) Area uperintendent (N) Area urgeon Area ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
. Area Sergeant 11ajor
Dr. R . V. STEELE. Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate. .\V.I. H. DU~FORD, 16, Dean's lose, Dean's Lane , Edoware, Middlesex. i\1iss E. F. l\IILNE, 109, Belmont Road , I ·17· Dr. B. L. TEELE, Penrhyn Lodge , Gloucester Gate, N.\V.I. :\Iiss K. :\'1. PFISTER, 5.R.~., 12, Ridgmount Garden. \Y. C.r. B. \VHYTE, 27, Damien Court, Damien Street, E. I. \ Tacant. J. T- A. CA;\IERO , 14, Hallem Gardens, Hatch End , Middsx. (C ivil Defence). N. T. \V ARE, 62, Perth Road. N .22. (Finance). K. F. O. STALLARD, 16, Longfield Avenue , Mill Hill , I . \\ ·7· :\1iss F. A. MORSHEAD, 14, Ashchurch Terrace, Shepherds Bu h , W .12. (N.H . . R.). \V . .A. J. HEE:-:, I I, Liverpool Buildings, K. I. (Competitions). . :\Irs. H. C. BIG:-.'ELL, 13, Kingsle~' A,'enue, Hounslo\\, :\I1cI dx. \!iss A. NORTH, 100, lngleh urst Garden, Ilford . E st'x. \V. \V. PACKE, 21, Gospatrick Road , Tottenham, .17·
NORFOLK COU1lty Office: 20, Castle Meadow, Norwich. Tel. Norwich 21649. County Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ALBEMARLE, M.C., D.L., J.P., c.c. Lady COOK (Nu rsing). County Vice-Presidents: Sir Basil MAYHEW, K.B.E. The Rt. Rev . The Lord Bishop of NORWICH. ::\1:rs. G. E. PORTAL (Nu,rsing Cadets)
Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers County Secretary Area Commissioner Area Area
uperintendent (N) urgeon
Area Cadet Officer (N) Area taff Officers
Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas COOK, J.P., Sennowe Park, Guist Dereham, Norfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). Mrs. G. R. D . SHAW, M.B.E ., ScottO\\' Hall, Nr. Norwich (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226). Vacant. Major-General H. H. RICH, C.B., Rushmere, Cley-by-Sea. Holt, Norfolk. :'Irs. R. G. ETTRIDGE, The Lime Bungalow, Forncett P eter, orwich. Lt.-Colonel ir Richard Barrett LE.>:K\Ru, BT., J.P., Horsford M8nor, Norwich. (Treasurer). Mrs. J. H. YULL, The Beeches, Dereham. (Tel. Dereham 48) No. 1 Area (Norwich) J. E. HILTOK, LB., CH.B., 60, Yarmouth Road, Thorpe, 'orwich. Mrs. H. C. WATTS . The Dial House, Brooke. :Norwich. R. C. M. PEARSOK, M.D., M.R.C.S., D.P.H., I • Lim Tree Rd . Norwich. Mrs. H. M. N. MORTON, 86, St. Philips Road, Norwich . R. C. COOPER, 65, Thorpe Road. orwich. (ecretan Treasurer) . H. G. LIKDER, 48, Charles Avenue. Thorpe. (Trainin a ) Miss T. MELBOURNE, 333. Earlham Road. Norwich. (Train ing).
Area Commissioner Area taff Officer
Lord AMHERST OF HACKNEY, Foulden Hall. Thetford . G. S. ELWIN, 6, The Ouse :\venue, Thetford.
Area Commissioner
E. 1. PUDDY, 1.B., B.S., l\I.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., The :'1ill Hou e Gressenhall.
County Office: York Road, Northampton. Tel. Northampton
County Vice-Presidents: Captain R. H. D. BOLTON (Ambulance). Mrs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B.E. (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner Deputy C ounty
ommissioner uperintendent (A)
County Superintendent (N) Asst . County Superintendent County
ounty ursing Officer County adet Officer (N) ounty Staff fficers.
~ ounty
No. 5 Area (King's Lynn)
Area Commissioner Area SUFerintendent (N) Area ~ ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (N)
VV. E. H. BULL, M.A., M.B., B.CH., \\'averle\' House, Hun stanton. The Hon. frs. G. DAWNAY, Hillington Hall, King's Lynn . Miss J. HUGHES, S.R.:S-., W. orfolk and King's Lynn Genera l Hospital. Mrs. R. OTTER, Nelson St., King's Lynn, I orfolk. No. 6 Area (Fakenham)
Asst. Commissioner Area Commissioner Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
C. B. ANDREWS, M.B.E., Waveney House , Fakenham. Brigadier G. D. HOLMES, O.B .E., Thorpe Lodge, Burnham Th0rpe, King's Lynn . Miss K. M. ALLISO -, S.R.K., W. Norfolk and King's Lynn General Hospital. W. J. BECK. The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham. Mrs. W. J. BECK, The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham. V. R. JONAS, II, Lancaster Avenue, Fakenham.
Assistant Commissioner Area Superintendent (N)
S. E. DAY, "Maison", Cremers Drift, Sheringham. Mrs. H. H. RICH, Rushmere, Cley-by-Sea, Holt.
Area Commissioner
No. 8 Area (Aylsham) Brigadier A. L. KENT-LEMON, C.B.E. , The Holt, Sheringham No.9 Area (Acle)
Area Commissioner
Capt. D . S. GOWING, Holly Lodge, Blofield ,
Area Commissioner
R. C. HANNANT, Poplar Avenue, Gorleston .
No . 10 Area (Yarmouth)
Colonel H. M. P. HEWETT, T.D., The Court House, Chipping Warden, .I. r. Banbury .(Tel. Chipping Warden 212). Lieut.-Col. R. L. AGNEW, Pear Tree Cottage, Brackley, orthants . Lt. 01. R. L. Fl::-<DLAY, ~aseby \Vooleys, Naseby, Xr. Rugby. '\Irs. C. BORWICK, The Rectory , Kelmarsh, Northampton. '\1iss G. GRA;-<T-LAWSON, Cottesbrooke Grange, Cottesbrooke, .I. orthampton. \V. E. LOCK, l\LR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Leys Furlong, Desborough, orthants. \liss C. E. ELSON, The Old School House, Courtenhall . Vacant. C. W. CURTIS, 32, Reservoir Road, Kettering. E. J. HAYWARD, "Rushay", Booth Lane, \Veston FavelL (Treasurer) . Miss G. GAi:;-<SFORD, 107, Park Avenue North, orthampton . .vIrs. E. E. CARPENTER, 52, Bostock Avenue, orthampton. (N.H.S .R.). yEss 1. HULL, 9, Billing Road, Northampton. Mrs. C. L THOR~TON, Brockhall , Tr. \Veedon, Northampton. '\Irs. K. MAGUIRE, 66, Rushm erf' R oad , :Northampton . Peterborough Area
Area Area rea \rea
Commissioner Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) Staff fficer
Vacant. Vacant. :\Irs. . R. GILLETT, 204, Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough. T. SEWELL, 253, Park Road, Peterborough.
NORTHUMBERLAND County Office: . totes Hall, JesmQnd Dene Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2. Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne County President: Colonel E. G. ANGUS, C.B.E., M.C.
8 1-2093
County Vice-Presidents: D. HINDSON, ESQ., (National Coal Board Divisions) Mrs. M. r. KIRKUP ursing).
No. 7 Area (Cromer)
County President: The Hon. Mrs. C. MACDONALD-BuCliANA:S-.
No. 3 Area (Thetford)
No. 4 Area (Dereham)
No.2 Area (Wymondham)
Area Commissioner
County Superintendent (N) County Superintendent (A) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N)
The Hon. Denis BERRY, T.D., Oakwood House, Wylam. (Tel. Wylam 3200). Mrs. MARTISCHNIG, Haining Bank, Strathmore Road, Rowlands Hill, Co. Durham . J. R. LOGAN, 6, Jenison Avenue, Pendower, Newcastle-uponTyne. J. BROWN, M.B., B.S., Hill Crest, Horton Road, Bebside, Bedlington. (Tel. Bedlington 2149). Miss M. J. FREEMAN, 55, Highbury, J esmond, Newcastleupon-Tyne, 2. E. ROBINSON, 23, Stakeford Road, Bedlington Station. Mrs. B. M. SALTER 'la, Windsor Crescent, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
THE ~ taff
Area Commissioner Area
Area :;:-.Jursing Officer Area Cadet Officer Area Commissioner rea Superintendent (.-\ ) Area urgeon Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area
~ taff
Miss D. K. MUNRO, 57, waledale Gardens, High H eaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 7. Miss J. FEARN IDE, II9, Marine venue, ~lonkseaton. G. H. CROWTHER, 165, ilver Hill Drive, Denton Burn, ~e\\ castle-upon-Tyne. (Treasurer). \\'. G. TROTTER, 2 , Briar Edge , Forest IIall, Te\\ca tl e-uponTyne. T. H. DALES, 52, Bath Terrace, Gosforth. :\lrs. B. H. Du:-;c.\:-.;, 7, Kingswood l\venne, Je mond, >;"e\\castle-upon-Tyne, 7· No. 1 (Southern) Area Wing Command·r J. 1\1. TODD, D.F.C., T.D., "Way ide" , North Walbottll' , e\\ca tle-uiJon-Tyn<', 5· D. GRIEVE, 1>['B., CH.B., Deneholm , J smo nd Park East e\\'Castle- upon -T\'ne. R. R. ROE, 33, vVhitgrave Road, :N ",castle-upon-Tr ne , 5 H. B , Watkins , 2 \'alley Gardens, :\Ionk~('aton, Whitley B.n No. 2 (Midland) Area C. F. FAIRLIE, T.D., :lI.D., B. . , 53, Ridln' A'I: nu . Bldh. \\'. D. ALLISOK, 1-/. Wansbeck Terrace, Ashington. Dr. J. S. NOBLE, 73. New Biggin Road . Ashington.
Northet'n Area Area Commi sio ner Area , uperintend e nt (A) Area ' up erintendent (N) Area ' urgcon
,\rea Cadf't Officer (A) .\rea CaJf't Officer (>;") Area taff Officers
J. T. R[CE, M.B.E., "Gillifields", Oak Tree Lane. Mansfield. G. H. KEVERNE, Oakengate, 49, Blyth Rd., Worksop, Notts. Mrs. M. A. BARTLE, 29, Blyth Road, Worksop, Notts, O. P. EDMO:-';DS, :l1.B., CR.B., ~a tional Coal Board, Ed\\'instO\\'e Hall. Ed\\'insto\\'e, Notts, 1\Ir. D. G. ED:lW:-';D ,S.R.:-';., 14, Melbourne Street, Mansfield \Voodhouse. O. T. STORRS, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe Hall , Edwinstowe, Notts. Mrs. E. MAJOR, 275. Sandy Lane. vVorksop. II. CUSWORTH, ... ational Coal Board , Edwinstowe Hall. Edwinsto\'\-e, Notts. J . HASLEGRAVE. 57. \\'alesby Lane, New Ollerton, Notts \\' .. \ . hSLEY, 13, The Crescent, Blid worth, NT. },Ilansfield. Southern Area
Area Commi' 'io ner Area ~upen nt e nd ent (A) r a Superintend at (N)
No.3 (Northern) Area Lt.-Col. A . S. E. RICHARDS, :'1.B .E., The Red House. Woodham Village, near Ashi~gton. .. J. DOBSON, M.B., B.S ., Tyneholm. Heath rleazes, \\'ark worth. Iorpeth. L. T. WEDDERBUR:-';, 29, \\'estfield ere c('nt. ~'r.\ bigoin-1 J\'Sea ( ecretary).
Area S urgeon
Area Sergeant-Major
County Office: 20, Castle Gate, Nottingham . TeL Nottingham ,10 13 7. County Pre idelZt : His Grace The D UKE OF PORTLAND, K.G. County Vice-Presidents : Lieut.-Colonel ir John JARDINE, Bt .. O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (Ambulance). C. H. HEATHCOTE, Esq. (Ambulance). Lady STARKEY (Nursing). The COUNTESS MANVERS (Nursing Cadets). H. L. BOSWORTH. O.B.E., Bank hamber". Sutton -inCommissioner Ashfield. Notts. (Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 440). J. T. WATKINS, :I£.B., eR.B., "Greenbanks," Bramcote Lan e. Deputy Commissioner Wollaton, Nottingham. Vacant, County Superintendent (A) The Lady Anne Cavendish BENTINCK. \Velbeck \Voodhou se, County Superintendent (N) Worksop, Notts. (Tel. Worksop 24 60 ). P. M. GETTLESON. M.D . . "Lane's End", High Oakham , County Surgeon Mansfield. Notts. Miss H. B. EDWARDS, S.R.N., S.C.M., "Maranatha" , County Nursing Officer Nuncargate Road, East Kirkby, Notts. Miss S. GRIFFITHS. S.R.N ., S.C.M., Flat 2, 433, Mansfield Asst. County Nursing Officer Road, Nottingham . J, A. SWANWICK, 38, Kingswood Road, West Bndg£ord , Countv Cadet Officer (A) Nottingham. Miss D. G. WOODALL, 12, Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts . County Cadet Officer (N) L. HOCKIN. 9, Ferndon Green. Wollaton Park, Nottingham . County Staff Officers G. G . LODGE, US, Haydn Road. Sherwood, Nottingham . W. A. WOOD, 204, Sutton Road , Mansfield. C. E. WEST, 18, Nonnan Road, Thorneywood, Nottingham. R. J. ROPER, 13. Haileybury Road, West Bridg£ord , Nottingham. L. E. MORLAND, 42, Holme Road, \Vest Bridgford . Nottingham. W. W. KEY, 42, George Rd. , West Bridgford, Nottingham . Mrs. J. LEDGER, 10, Mapperley Hall Drive, Nottingham . County Secretary
ST .
r,ing Officcr Area Cad t Officer (A) rea adet Officer (N) \re'1 • tat Officer~
, Albemarle Road, \Voocttho:-pe, Notts. \\ .. JACKSON, Glen Dale, Mansfield Road, Papple\yick. MISS S'. J . BrsHoP, S.R.N., S.C.:'!., c /o Cinderhill anct B'1bbmgton Colliery, Cinderhill, Xotts. F. D. Bm.'n, :\1.B., CR.B., 97, Derb\' Road, tapleford Notts. ' \ 'acanL J . W . STEVENSON, 24. Shanklin Drive, Stapleford, Notts. Vacant. E. R . F. POGMORE, Shirburn Avenue. Mansfield, Notts . W. L. A R:lWR E, IS, Fenton Dri\'e, Buh\'ell Hall Estate ~ ottingham. G. CRELLIN. 5. Grange Crescent, Gedling. Notts .
Midland Area Area Com ml 'Ioner Area uperintendent (A) Area C:uperin tenden t (N) Area
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area adet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area S rgeant-Major
F. D . SEVERN, Green Gables, Alfreton, Derbyshire . C. BARROWCLIFFE, II, Huthwaite Road. Sutton-in-Ashfield , otts. Mrs. E . LEIVERS, 15 Stainforth St .. Mansfield Woodhouse , ntts . Dr. R. H. P . FERNANDEZ, Medical Centre, Braokhill Colliery, Pinxton, Derbyshire. A . DRABBLE. 43, Cambria Road, Mansfield , Notts . Mrs. I. BUTTERY. 22, King Street, Mansfield \Voodhouse,. otts. T . L. MOULTON. 164, Diamond Ave ., East Kirkby, Notts . A. L. MIDDLETON, "Green Gables", Wingfield Rd., Alfreton, Derbyshire. H . SHORE, 22, Bath Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield. Notts . L. F. M. CKROYD,' t ithney", tabon Road, Sutton-in.\'shfield. A. PORTER, Victoria Road, Selston, Notts. City of Nottingham Area
Area Commi sioner Area Su perin tenden t (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Asst. Area
ursing Officer
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
R. G. SPRE",GER, :\1.B., CH.B., The :\lanse, Church treet . Bramcote, TottS. S. IBBOTSON. 39. Lady Bay Road, West Bridgford. Nottingham. Miss G. E. CLaW, 10. Grimsby Terrace, Watkin Street,. Nottingham. D~. A. G. MASC.\RT, I, Victoria Embankment. Nottingham . MISS E: JEW, S.R.N., S.C.M., City Hospital, Hucknall Road , NottIngham. Miss F. PINDER, 2, Padsto\\' Road, Best"'ood Estate, NottinO' ham. 0 Vacant. Mrs. E. M. MARTIN. 48, Dovecote Lane, B eeston, Notts
Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant-Major
F. CARRIER. 10. Grover Avenue. Mapperley. Nottingham. H. F. FOULSTONE, 23. Brora Road. Bulwell. Nottingham. yEss A. SLANEY, 98. ottingbam Rd .. Basford. Nottingham. H. BACOl , 53. Hillbeck Crescent. Wol1aton. ottingham . J. J. MARSDEN, 122. \Vrenthorpe Vale. lifton, ottinghan . L. C. \VOODWARD, 39, Monkbam rescent, herwood. :;\1iss E. BADDILEY. 12. Vickers treet, ottingham. E. H. HAY, 13, Seely Road, Nottingham.
County Office: Gloucester Green. Oxford. Tel. Oxford 2061 . County President: Colonel A. V. G. DOWER. T.D., :lLF.H. County Vice-P,'esidents: Dr. W. RITCHIE RUSSELL, C.B.E., (Ambulance) Lady BROOKE-POPHAM; Lady Dugan of VICTORIA (Nursing) Mrs. GARDINER-HILL (Cadet Nursing). Lt.-General Sir Edward GRASETT T. F. BRIGGS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 39. The Green. Banbury . Commissioner Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2153). Vacant. Deputy Commissioner H. E. HOWARD. The School House, Xether Swell. Chelte County Superintendent (A) bam. ~Iiss L. BAIRD, Langston IIouse . hadlIngton, xford . Tt':. County Superintendent (N) Chadlington 36. H. R. ·WYNNE. M.B ., B.CH .. The Paddocks, Bodlcott" , County Surgeon Banburv. ~Iiss G. RILEY, Oxford Eye Hospital, Walton St .. Oxford County Nursing Officer G. H. SHRIMPTON, 17, Rymer's Lane, owley, Oxford . County Cadet Officer (A) Miss D. M. CANDY, 5, Burdell Avenue, IIeadington, Oxfor County Cadet Officer (N) W. E. LAMBOUR , M.B.E., 419. Banbury Road. Oxford . County Staff Officers Miss J. E. M. FANSHAWE. Cotmore Wells, Thame, Ox on. C. LAWRENCE, Churcbill Hospital, Headington, Oxford . J. WOODLEY, 60, Henley Street, Oxford. Mrs. V. PARISH, 14. Norreys Avenue. Oxford. Miss C. WALDOCK. 7. Arran Grove, Banbury. E. F. BAZLEY, c/o Westminster Bank, High Street. Oxford. Mrs. 1. M. CLIBBORN, 8. Lonsdale Road, Oxford. County Secretary City of Oxford Area J. FINCH, 6. Lonsdale Road. Oxford . H. D . DARCUS, B.M .. B.CH .. 153, Woodstock Rd .. Oxford . J. G. WADDLE, 108, North Hinskey Lane, Botley.
PLYMOUTH, SOUTH-WEST DEVON, AND EAST CORNWALL County Office: The Prysten House, Finewell Street. Plymouth.
Deputy Commissio n er County
uperintendent (N)
s.istaot County Surgeon County 'ursing Officer
Area Commissioner Asst. County Surgeon Area Staff Officer
Tel. Plymouth 65802.
County Presidents: The Rt. Hon. Lord ROBOROUGH (Ambulance) NANCY, Lady Astor, C.H. (Nursing) County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. F. VELLACOTT (Nursing). Mrs. M. MODLEY (Nursing). G. S. THOMPSON, ESQ. (Ambulance Cadets). Tbe COUNTESS OF MOUNT EDGCUMBE (Nursing Cadets).
Coun v Cadet Officer (A) Coun1 ,. adet Officer (N) olin! \' Staff Officers
Area County
«Jet Officers ~ecretary
C. S. C. PRA:-;Cc, O.B.E., J.P., ~I.B., B.S .. D.L.O., Tbe Pry-sten House, Finewell Street, Plymouth . (Tel. Plymouth 62 59 8 ). Colonel G. THOMSO~, D.S.O., M.C., Catchfrench, St. Germans. Saltash. Mrs . R. BALSDON, O.B.E., 163, ~e\V Road, Saltash. (Tel. Saltash 2102). T. E. \VOOD. M.R.C.S., L.R .C. P., I. Priory Road. Lower Compton, Plymouth .. S. DAVIDSON, M.A., M.B .. "Glengarry", Hartl ey, Plymouth. ~1rs. E. A. BAYLEY, S.R. -. , 89, Beaumont Street, Stoke. Plymouth. G. S. THO:\lPSON, "Lane End", \Vembury Point, S. Devon. Mrs. E. M. yVOOD, 81. Priory Road, L ower Compton, Plymouth. R. W. SKINNER, 13, Conrad Rd., Chaucer Way, Honicknowle. Plymoutb. R. G. PARR. 17. Stone Hall Flats. Stonehouse. Plymouth . J. H. SARGENT. 20, Foulston Ave. St. Budeaux, Plymouth. A. J. HERBERT, 2, Greatfield Road , Higher Compton, Plymouth. G. LETTY, 38a, ,-\lexandra Road , Plymouth. A. E. 1. PARKI:->, 39, Roseberry venue, St. Judes. Plymouth. ?lIrs. P. \VAY, 142, Pasley Road, Stoke, Devonport. R. E. ,'TA:->TOX, 70. \Vest Down Road, Beacon Park. Ply mouth. \V . H. TRANG, II. Carfrae Terrace. Lipson. Plymouth. A. H. ATKINS, q. Chaddlewood Ave. St . Judas, Plymouth. illr '. G. 1\1. BASCO;\IBE, The Prysten House, Finewell Street. Plymouth .
SHROPSHIRE County Office: S.J .. \ .13. 1 [eadquarters. Prior:-' Road Shre\\ bury. Tel. hre\\'s b u-y 239[· County Presidents: Brigadier Sir Alexander STANIER, Bt., D.S.O ., :lLC., J .P .. The Lady FORESTER (Nursing). County Vice-Presidents: The Earl of POWIS, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). The Hon. Mrs. ORMSBY GORE (Nursing Cadets). Colonel J. M. \\-E'T, T.D., D.L., Ingrams Hall, Shrc\\slYury. Commj~ Joner Major R. DEEDES, G.C., Brymore, Bank Farm Road, ShrewsDeputy Commissioner . bury. ~Tel. Shrewsbury 4363). E. IRWIN, Hilbrae. Ellerdine. Wellington, Shropshire . Cou nty Superintendent (A) Mrs. A. J. BRowx, B.E.M., Pear Tree Cottage, Babbins \Vood ~ Cou nty Superintendent (N) Whittington, Os,Yestry. YV . KING HAY, M.B., B.CH., Brooklyn House, Market County urgeon Drayton. irs D. L. HAYES, .R.N., Virginia Cottage. Ashford Road , County ursing Officer Ludlo,,·. Captain C. L. TARRANT, 55, Grasmere Road, Harlscott, County Cadet Officer (A) Shrewsbury. Miss H. WISDOM, 142, orve treet, Ludlo,,-. County Cadet Officer (N) G . H. DAVIES, Bodhyfryd, 48, Meole Rise. Meole Brace, County Staff Officers . Shrewsbury . J. PHIPPS, 3, Red Lake Cottage, Ketley, Wellington, Shropshire. Mrs. D. M. WILLIAMS, Delbury, Lyth Hill, Bayston Hill. Shrewsbury. Miss M. DEEDES, "Brymore", Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury . Mrs. A. G. CRAMPTON PYM, "Highfield," Oakhurst Road . Oswestry. Miss A. M. PUGH. Derwent Dene. Queens Park. Oswestry .. E. L. PRICE, 6, Coton Mount, Shrewsbury. (Training).
52 County Sergeant Major County
\V. THOMAS, 3, Tewhall Gardens, Abbey f'oregate, ~hr~\\<' bury . L. H. TR},:Hf!\\I, S.] ..\.B. IIQ., Priory I~uad, Sbre\\ :ibu!,-. Eastern Area
Area Staff Officer
Area Commissioner
Area Surgeon Area :::,upenntendeut (A)
D. A. IRELAND, B.A., M.B., CH.B., M.R C.S., L R.C.P , ( 'IDCil House Court, Shrewsbury. A. V. LLOYD, 21, Canon Street, Shrewsbury.
Area Surgeon Area
Western Area
ursing Officer
\rea Cadet Ofnc r (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) ommlSSlOner \re';! ~lIperint nd nt (A) Ar'a uperintendent ( T)
Coullly Of/tee: t. John House, Park Street. Taunton.
Area Surg on \ fe'a ~ ursing Officer. .\rea Cadet Officer (A) \rea adct Offic r ( .. ') Tel. Taunton 7': 5·
County Prestdents: Lieut.-Colonel The LORD HYLTO". Mrs. A. A. \V . LUTTRELL. County Fice-Presidents: Dr. Hugh POWELL, :'ILB.E., (Amblllance and Cadet AII/oll/tII/el') ::\lrs. A. L. DOVEY, O.B.L., M.B., ClI.B. (1 urslllg). 1\'lrs. D. S. VERNON (N ursing). Miss M. SMITH (Cadet Nursing).
C ommissioner D puty Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) 'County Surgeons
County Nursing Officer Count y Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Sergeant-Major . 'Cou nty Secretary
olontl C. T. l\1rnoRD·SLADE, :;"Iunty's ourt. ~ ) on Fitzwarren, Taunton. (Tel. Bishops Lydeard 255). Lt. Col. '. C. F. De 'ALIS, D.S.O., The' Old Court H eHl.t, Drayton, r. Langport. Vacant. Miss BRUCE-STEER, "Lydstep", l\Iartlett Road, :vItne· head. (Tel. Minehead 492). W. BAIX, !II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Brook House, :;"Iinehead. Dr. J. F. DAVIDSON, O.B.E., M.O.H., IIillcroit., KingsLon St. Mary, Taunton . B. A . Astley VVESTON, M.O.H., 1.B., CH .B., M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., "\Vansdyke", Claverton Down, Bath. Miss C. NEAL, Quantock Chest Hospital, Over Stowey, Bridgwater. D. T. MORAN, l\LA., "Cranbrook", Laverton Lane, Norton St. Philip, nr. Bath. l\liss V. YANDLE, St. Aundries School, \Vest Quantoxhead, Taunton. Mrs. G. G. SELWYN, 134, New Bridge Road, Lower Weston, Bath. (Welfare). W. J. TOTTLE, 1, Whitting Road, Weston-super-Mare. C. T. H. HOWE, "Waycott", Uphill Way, Weston-superMare. (Transport). Mrs. V. E. L. HUSBANDS, "Wilmanstone," Street, Somerset. (M.C.D.). Mrs. . M. FOWLES, Old ilixon Lodge, Old Mixon Manor, nr. vVeston-super-Mare. G. D. BUTCHER, Orchard Close, East Brent. T. E. LINDFIELD, M.A., The Beeches, 29, Elmsleigh Road, Weston-super-Mare.
Northern Area M.B.E., l\f.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Mendip (ro[1:, Bleadon, Weston-super-Mare. R. V. RIDDLE," unborne", Locking, nr. \Ye-.;ton-5uper:'IIan' . :\lrs. Bingham IbLL, I, The Glebe House, \Veston-superMare. \V. KIRK}VOOD, :\1.B., CH.B., 66, \\'alliscote Road, \Vf'stonsuper-:'IIare. Miss 1. :\1. GOVIER, Royal \ \' est. of England Sanitorium, vVeston-super-::\1are. C. HARDT:\'G, 26, Exeter Road, \Veston-super-Mare. Mrs. E. DAVIS, 12, \Vhiting Hoad, \\reston-super-:\Ia;:,·. Eastern Area
j\rra ~'L1perintendent (A)
\rra .:uperintendent
A. GLA:\'DO.· \VILLTAM S, 'I.B., F.R.C.S., a ·tle Gate iIou!:-t', Shrew hun'. D. ] aXES, 20, Mount Pleasant, K tley Park, Odken~lte s.
Area Surgeons .
r a
,\rea Sup rintendent (A) \rea Superintendent ( T) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) A rea adet Officer (N) Area Area Area Area Ar a :\re.a ,\r a
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon .ad t Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) Sergeant 1ajor
G. T. PLATT, "Sabrina", orth Road, Midsomer Norton. E. W. .\lITH, High Street Corner, Bath. Mrs. E. W. :'II. PLATT, "Sabrina", orth Road, l\11dsomer lorton. .\. R. \\rILLIA :I!<), )I.B., CH.B., \Vest Lodge, Frome. ::\Irs. F. 1. HALL BROOKS, I3, :\Iacaulav, Widcombe Hill , Bath E. G. i\SH\IAX, 2 , Oriel Grove, outhdown. :\1rs. F. E. ::\1. BARXICOAT, Lj, Pulteney Grove, Bath. We tern Area Rear Admiral H. \V. r.\ULKXER, C.B., C.B.E., D.,.,.U .. 71, The Close, Hatch Beauchamp, Nr. Taunton. R. E. BRAY, 5, \Vest Villas, Tone Vale, Taunton. 1\Irs. Vivian ... EAL, Poundisford Park, Taunton. \\'. J. COLLCXS. :\!.B., CH.B., \\'ood tock House, 9I, Stafol'~r'\'e Road, Taunton. II. Drxu.\\!, 29, Kidsbury Road, Bridgwater. Vacant. Sou them Area A. \VEVELL, 100. Wembdun Road, Bridgwater. R .. TRIM, 54, Manor House Road, Glastonbury. MiSS G. A. M. GILLESPIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater. J. F. OATES, M.B., M.R.C.P., Friars Gate, Bridgwater. . W. H. LOXEY, 28, Fremantle Road, Taunton. Mrs. E. M. ATKINSON, "Wraxleigh", treet. L. . BATTY, 8, "Vest Stre t, Bridg\yater.
STAFFORD County Office: 2, Market Square, Stafford. Tel. Stafford 16 57. County Vice-Presidents: Lady JOSEPH (Nursin[?). Lady Diana MATTHEWS (Cadet Nursing) . Commissioner Capt. F. L. RICHARD, M.B., CR.B., I9, Lichfield _ treet, Walsall, Staffordshire. (Tel. Walsall 37 80 ). County Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. V. PENNY, Claremont, Porthill, Stoke-on-Trent. (Tel. Stoke-on-Trent 88180). County Surgeon . K. A. BOUGHTON THOMAS, M.B., CH.B., Holly Bank, Norton Road, Stourbridge. County Nursing Officer . Miss P. LAWTON, 2, Little\yorth Avenue, \i\Toodsetton, Nr. Dudley, Worcs. County Cadet Officer (A) A. WALKER, l\1.B., CH.B., "Tree Tops", Stafford Rd ., Coven Heath. County Cadet Officer (N) Vacant. County Staff Officers J. R. RUSSELL, I7a, Prim ley Avenue, Walsall . A. E. LUCAS, c/o Midland Bank, 8, iarket Square, Stafford. Cou nty Sergeant Major. G. WATTERSON, 74, Hart Road , Wednesfield, Wolverhampton. County Secretary V. CHANCELLOR, 29, Castle Bank, Stafford. (Tel. StaEor(\ I886).
Northern Area \'acant . Vacant. :\lrs. E. F. COVENTRY, 57, Balance Street, Uttoxeter. J. . HA:>!ILTON, :>['B . , CR.B., High Lane, Burslem, Stokeon-Trent. F. E. S . J01"ES, :2 3, Chaplin R oad, Longton, Stoke . i\liss V. C. VEncIl, r,['B . , CH.B., \V stlands, Newcastle, Staffs
Area Commissioner Area uperintendent (A ) Area Superintendent (~) Area urgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Corp Surgeon (attached)
Southern Area A . BYRNE-QUINN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Darmody House, tafIord lreet, \\'olverhampton . :'1. A. nnw", J5-1, Birches Road, Codsall, \Voh,prhampton. :'Ir. 1. DELANEY, 2, Nine Elms Lane. \\'olve rhampton . D. G. LLOYD, :>{'R .C . . , L.R.C.P., Ca:tle V iew Hou e. Tipton Staffs. \'acant. l\lrs . L. RUSHTO". 196. t. Jobn's Road. Ca nn ock. Staff .
Area uperintendent (.-\ ) Area Superint endent (K) Area urgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cade Officer (N)
Co un ty Office: Woodbridge R oad, Ipswich.
.\rea Superintendent (N) urgeon
.\rC'a ...
ing Officer.
\rea 'tail Officers
\rf'a Nursing Officer. _ rea Cad t Officer (A) \rf'a <"'taff Officers
:\rea Commissioner :\ rea Cadet Officer \rea tail Officer
J. C. TAYLOR, ~r.R.C.V.S., London Road, Beccle_. \\'1HEARD, 43, Fair Close. Becc1es. R. F. DYFR, 2 , :\Iarlborough Road. Oulton Broad . Suffolk.
Tel. 4005·
County Superinten de nt (N) Assi. tant County Superintende nt (N) Coun ty Surgeon County Nursing Officer Co unty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N ) County Staff Officers
County Secretary
::'lajor R . S. SCHREIBER. Campsea Ashe HousC', W oodbridge. (Tel. Wickham Market 426). 1\1iss A. PARKER, ~LB .E., Dickon, \Valberswick, 'o uthw old (Tel. Southwold. 2391). Mrs. G. H. L. PAUL, Parham lIa ll. Woodbridge. T . D. \V . FRYER, ~['B .. B.CR., M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P .. 52, Derby Road. Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 77102). :\Irs. 1\1. NEAL, S.R.N., 39, herborne Avenue. Ip \\'ich. \\'. C. !AYHEW. 82, Severn Road, Ipswich. )'!Irs. P. E. TAYLOR , S.R.X., "Teemore", London Road . B eccles. YIiss NI. H. MILLER, S.R.N., Orchard Cottage, Holbrook , Kr. Ipswich. A. B. MORTIMER. 39, Highfield R oad, Ips wich. . Miss V. D. GEE, 471 , Woodbridge R oad, Ip wich. (ASSistan t Secre ta ry) . W. C. WATTS. The L od ge. London R oad. Beccles. Mrs. E. S. M. CATTON, 146, Ru shmere R oad, Ipswich . (Blood Transfusion). Dr. D. W. RYDER RICHARDSON, The Beeches, Saxmundham . Mrs . M. NEALE, 39, Sherbourne Avenue, Ipswich. A. J. ENGLISH. 75, Clap gate Lane, Ipswich. F. W. RUFFORD. 18, Geneva Road. Ipswich . W . LAMBERT, 33. Holland Road, Ipswich. Mrs. C. V . SANDERS, 27. Crofton Road, Ipswich . A. H. I-ICHOLLS, 56 , Roundvv'ood Road, Ipswich. Mrs. A. RI CHA RDSO~, S.R.N., Stow Lodge HospitaL Sto\\"marKet. Mrs. E. RUST, 130, Highfield Road, Ipswich. (Cadets). H. E. BOREHAM, M.B.E., County Police Station, Ipswich. H. G. EADE, 406, Woodb ridge Road, Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 7 62 39).
Southern Area Lt.,Col. .T. E. :\1. BLAXD, O.B.E., "Hillside," Fre ton, ::'-';r. Ip wich. ( Tel. Holbrook 357). Col. :\1. :'I1AcEwAX, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., ~I.B., CH.B., 33, Berners treet, Ipswich. :'1rs. E. B. FRYER, S.R ... , 52 , Derby Road, Ips\\·ich. :-\.. E. RUST, 22. Copleston Road. Ipswich. H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington ROCid, Ips\\·ich. P. R. \YO OLLARD, Ambulance Hall, amuel Road , Ipswich. T. F. :\1ARR, ,~, Beccles Road, Bungay. ~Irs. E. :'1. H. :'IARR, 4, Beccles Road, Bungar· :\1. W. HOOD, 7 Chester Road, Felixstowe. 1. H. GILLIXGS, 53, Digby Road, Ips\\'ich. C. .T. TA \lPLIX, 77. Dale Hall Lane, I ps\\'ich.
A rea Commissioner
Cou nty President : Lady Blanche COBBOLD. County Vice-Presidents: Countess of CRA BROOK (A mbulallce) . Miss E. WEBBER (NlI rs,ing). Mrs . R. MESSENGER, M.B.E., (Cadet AmbulaHce) Mrs. G. M. CLOSE (Cade t Nursing).
Western Area D. J. :'v1ARTIN, F.R.C.S., ~f.B., B.S., The Beeches, Ixworth, Bury St. Edmunds. . Irs. :\IARTIX, :\LR.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Beeches, Ix\\ orth. Bun' St. Edm unds. D. A. )'!1CCRACKEl', ~r.D., D.P.H., 32, \Vestbury Ay enu~, Bury St. Edmunds. :'1iss W . CAFFY.', Holland Cottages, Coney Weston . Bury st. Edmunds. :'I1rs. PRAG. 'ELL, 10, ·t. :\1ichael's Close, Bury t. Edmunds. (~ecreta[\') . I-T. BURDI:.X, 7a, College Lane, Bur~' St. Edmunds. (TreasL1r r).
Area Commissioner
Northern Area
SURREY County Ojjice: 9-10. Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road, Guildford.
Tel. Guildford 67163
County FLce-Presidents: C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq. (Amblilance). Lady OSBORN (Cadet Nursing) Mrs. PASLEY (Nursing) Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Surgeon Co unty Superintendent (A) County S u perintendent (N) County Nursing Officer Count y Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Cou n ty Staff Officers
'County Sergeant Major.
:\Iajor-General J. 1\1. . PASLEY, C.B., C.B.E.. ,,1.\'.0., "}lount Plea ant", Tilford, .'urrey. (Tel. Frencham 239L Brigadier E. E. READ, C.B.E ., ~r.c., Pilgrims \Yay. Beayers HilL Farnham . \V . H. C. ROMANIS, l\f.C., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S., The Rough, Hurtmore, Godalming. Captain P . H. ELLIS, 6. Chatley Court, Cobham. Lady HEALD, O.B.E., Chil\\'orth :\Ianor, Nr. GuildforJ . Tel. Guildford 61.F4. Mis M. C. LEIGH,PEMBERTO '. 9, \Va lden House. l\1arylebone High treet. W.1. J. . B ELL, "Chillington", 18, Carrall Ave., Merrow, Guildford. Miss V. BARLOW, Killinghurst House, Haslemere. Mis R . COHEN, Paved W ays, Nightingale Road, E . Horsley. (Training) . :\1rs. M. L. H. HESLOP, Garden Cottage. Tilford Road. Hindhead. . R. ARTER, B.E. I., Vine Cottage, \ Vest St ., Farnham.
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (NJ Area Surgeon Area ..:.' ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N ) Area Staff Officer Area Area A.rea Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Surgeon _ uperintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) ta ff Officers
taff Officer
T . j OH
Western Area R. J. GRISTOCK, East Vicw, Pinewoou Grove, New Haw . \ Veybridge. A. K.IGHT. 2I, Bridge R oad, Ha~l mere. l\liss U. ilIoRRI H, "Aros", Haslemcre, urre\'. H. :;\1. LA\\-'soN, :-1.,\., B.CH., :--r.R.C .::>. , L.R.C.P., -Thrl" G lbles, Bridge R oad, Chertsey. :\Irs. M. D. OUTHER:\" edgley House, Horsle\·. F. J. AYLT:\'G, -1(1, Conquest Road, .\ ddle-;tone :\Iiss V. :\1. LE.\THER, ~LB .E., Tudor Co ttagt', Ewr.,hott, Nr Farnham. J. ),1. BALL, 129, ew Haw Road, .\d dkstone. Eastern Area B. ROB[:\,~o:\', B.E. \1., "Hothfield", Rus ells Crecent, H orl \' K. \V\Tso,', 'LI)., I·.R C.S., Grevtone IIouse, Redhill. \Tacant. )'1iss 1\1. R. :'1. CALLOW, Batts Hill ottage, Redhill. D. J. SHOPU:\O, Little Hou e, hepherds Hill, illertsham Miss E. ),1. LEIGHTO:\, '2, Southfields Avenue, Horlcv. B. E. 'OR:\lAN, 13, Albert Road l'orth, Relgatl'. )'Irs. D. COVELL, Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hili, Ea t Grinstead. L. \V. J. RrCH\RO " II, St. :'Iartin's Plac(', Dorking A. G. GU'IRELL, "Hanlens", Fonlbridgp, I...,outh :\It-;-sth m L. \V. RICH \RDS, IT, St. ?lIartins Plan', Dorking . North West Area R . G. \\'. _ OUTHER', :'f.B., B.S., :lI.R. C.S., L.R.C,P., edgle:{ Honse, lTorslev . ~Irs. D. R. Boom, IIolly Lodac, IIi,.,h Street, Cobham .
,\.. II. l\1. RICHARDS, \LB ., CH B, 'L R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H .•
Area Staff Officer
}lunst(~ad Lawn, Godalming. }Irs. L. M. FARLER, 25, Stocton Road, Guildford.
Eastern Area
Area Superintendent (A) rea uperintendent (N) Area Surgeon rea 1ursing Officer. Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer A rea _ ta.ft Officers
Place, Brighton. A. ). BURN\CE, " " 'earde", Bedfordwell Rd., Eastbourne. :\lrs'. K. KIRKLEY, I , Hove Villas, Hove. G. J. RO,\Ii\);IS, ,\l.A., . l.R.C.S., Coomb€' Bank. Uckfield. ;\Irs. ::vI. ROYLE. The \Vhite Cottage, Steyne Road, Seaford. F. J. MILLER, I, Oak Terrace, Gillsmans Hill, St. Leonardson-Sea. :\Irs. A. D. IIICKS, B.E.\1., Stone House, Bolney. (~. II. WR E:--l , "Byway", 22, Priory Close, Hastings. S. T. DE;-;;-'HNG, 8 , Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton. L. "I\'. :'IOWER, 74a, Cross Roads Close, Southwick. (Cadets, R. T. HOLLANDS, 17, \Vinchelsea Road, Rye. (Cadets). :'Irs. STRIBLING, 238, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne. :'Iiss C. ;\. SALES, 65, Willo".. field Road, Eastbourne. Western Area
r a Ccmmissioner .\r('Cl
'-.uperintendent (A) uperintendent (- )
,\rea <;urgeon \rl '\ llr ing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Arc< StcliI Officers
SUSSEX County Office: 19, Xorth Street, Horsham, Sussex. Tel. Horsham -1556 . County Prestdents: The DO\\'agcr Counte~s of BESSBOROUGH, J.P. David BRYCE, Esq., O.B.E., J.P. Countv Vice-Prestdents: Mildred Viscountess HAILSHAM. The Lord Rup ert NEVILL (Ambulance Cadets) . )"Irs. E. M. E. STEWART-R9BERTS (Nursing Cadets). ).Iajor-General J. M. L. RENT O"", C.B., D.S .O., O.B.E., J.P. Lieut.-Colonel K. B. HICKS, O.B.E., Stone House, Botney . Commissioner Sussex. (Tel. Boiney 2H)' Major P . A. UNIACKE, Ghyll Manor, Rusper, r. Horsham. Deputy Commissioner Vacant. County Superintendent (A) )Irs. E. 1\[, COURD"EY, "Holdens", Slinfold, Tr. Horsham County Superintendent (N) Tel. Slinfold 460. H. ROSENBERG, B.A., 1II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 2, Bulkington Ave. , County Surgeon \ Vorthing. :'lrs. D. MCPHERSON, 35, Croft Avenue, Southwick. County Nursing Officer. F. "V. T. DALLEN, 92, Elphinstone Road, Hastings. County Cadet Officer (A) Miss E . M. TRILL, u8a, Church Road, Hove. County Cadet Officer (N) Miss W. M. BARKER, 10, Hurst Avenue, Horsham. County Staff Officers H. L. GREGORY , Stanway, 70, Guildford Road, Horsham (Treasurer) . W. L. HANCO RN, 43, The Gardens, Southwick. Miss G. E. STONEHAM, 47, Motcombe R oad, Eastbourne . D. H. F. BURCHELL, 50, Fairfield Garden s, Portslade. (Cadets). C. SIMPSON, 19, 1 orth l;treet, Horsham. County Secretary
F. II. STUTTAFORD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Lascelles", Portland
A rea Commissioner
South West Area
Area Surgeon
W. E. JuPP, IS, Barttelot Road, Horsham. (Tel. Horsham 45 6r ) . Capl. J. :'1. BUCKLEY, The King Alfred, Kingsway, Hove. :.ris. ;-'1. E. You. 'G, Kent HOLlse, Broaubridges Heath, 1\L Horsham. -. R. MATTHEWS, :'>1..-\., M.B., CH.B., J.P., The \Vhite House, lfield. :.rr . II. \V. TUCK, 3, Buckingham Road, Shoreham. H. G ... 'E W:\L-\:-I, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. \1:-5. E . A . BRODTE . Flat 3, 6, Arundel T errace, ).Iarine Parade, Brighton 7. :'lrs. BUTCHER, 77, Sompting Road, \Vorthing . O. E. LAKE . 50, \\-'byke Lane, Chichester. (Cadets) . R. . IORRIS, Ashford House, Victoria Road, Bognor R egis. (Cadets). Mrs. K . M. JOHNSTON, 8, Gloucester Court, George V Avenue , vVortbing. :'lrs. ilL F. TOW:\'SEi\'D, 13'1, ;\Ianor \Vay , Bognor Regis (Cadets).
WARWICK County Office: "G ble End", Priors :'Iarston, r. Rugby.
Tel. Byfield 462.
County President: The Hon. l\1rs. L. C. S. FITzRoy NEWDEGATE. County Vice-Presidents: :'Iartin AU DERS, ESQ., M.B.E. (Ambulance). The Lady \VILLOUGHBY DE BROKE (N ursing). Mrs. BUCKMASTER (Cade t Nursing). Maj or E. S. PHILLIPS, D.S.O. (Cadet Ambulance). Commissioner Assistant Commissioner County Superintendent (A) Co un ty Sup erintend ent (N) County Surgeon s County Nursing Officer Co unty Cadet' Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N)
G. A. MACDONALD, M.B ., CH.B., D.~1.R.D., "Gable End". Priors Marston, Kr. Rugby. (Tel. Byfield 4 62 ). G. J. FOWLER, 31, Dillotford Avenue, tyvechale, Coventry. A. E RUSSELL , 5,1, Browett Road, Coventry. (TeL Coventry 3289). 1\Iiss C. 1\1. ORTON, B.E.l\I., The Beeches, taverton, NT. Daventry, Northants. (Tel. Daventry 196 ). . L. ROLLASON, 1\1.0., CH.B., 74, Stoneleigh Ave., Coven try . C. L. \ VORTHINGTO , !\I.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., 37, Jury St., \\' arwick. 1\1rs . 1\1. L. E. MACDONALD, S.R.N., "Gable End", Priors Marston, Nr . Rugby. Vacant. Vacant.
58 County Staff Officers
County Secretary
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE F. \Y. JENNINGS, 78, Beanfield Avenue, Coventry (Training). . 1\lrs. A. \V ORTHINGTO', 37, Jury Street, \Varwlck \Y. B. 1\1. \YYLEY, 73, I\.enilworth Road , Coventry Mrs. L. A. \VESTERN, 55, Stoney Stanton R oad, Covenlry . J. H. HARRIS, 35, icholls Street, Stoke, oventI)'. . Mrs. S. 1\1. CADWALLADER, 50, Radford Road, Leamll1gton Spa. . ' A. II. BOOTH, 270, \Vindmlll Road, Longford, coventry. J. F. IIAYES, 329, Smorrell Lane, BC'dworth, 'uo '> J.ton E. O. ORME, 4, Orchard Crescent. Coventry. :\lrs. J. EWALL, 36, 1\1iddlemarch Road, Radford. Con'ntr y. J\1rs . G. A. SKI. NER. 87. \Vheelwright Lane, Covt'ntry (County Cadet Secretary ( )). P. H. JAMES, 80, .l orman Place Road, oventr:·. I ~oll n tY Cadet Secretary A). E. . PADIER, 54, Paxton Road, Coventry. (Camp A iVI or). F. G. \VARWICK, 32, Botoner Road, Coventry (.\ 1 b ula nc" ~ervice) . H. E. PERRY, 123. Blacl{\\"ell Road, Coventry.
Area C;>dr-t Officer (K)
r.ountv Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Secretary
S. C. H. LANE, O.B.E., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P .. \\,est Lodge, Wilton, Salisbury. . . Miss B . PATTERSON, St. Georges Hospital, SemlOgton , - or . Trowbridge. O. E. HYDE, II, Burford Avenue, Swindon. Vacant. A. J. JENKINS, Silverdale, Croft Road, North Wro ughton, Nr. Swindon. lr. Moss, Watchfield, Rowden II ill , Chippenham. ( Pre~s R elations) . . ~'. :YIiss M. J. MORTON PALMER, 72, Flsherton Street. altsbu I) . Western Area
Area Cadet Officer ( )
C. F. J. A 'DREWS, 9, The Close, Melksham. . Miss G. STURMER, Mill Vale House, Bratton, Wllts. E. MALDNEY, M.B., elI.B., Prospect House, Brad£orLl-on- .\ von, Wilts. Miss M. Nowell, Queens Square, Box, \Vilts.
Area Area Area Area
F. W. KIRKBRIDE, 6, Russell Road , Salisbury. Miss E. A . DIMONT, 35, The Close, Salisbu ry. H. HOUNSOME, 40, \Vaterloo R oad, Salisbury . :\1rs . LA 'E, West Lodge, West St., Wilton, Saltsbury .
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon
County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Hon. Earl BEAUCHAMP (A mbulal1ce). Mrs. A. H. LECHl\1ERE (N ursing). L<1(h ANDYS, Mrs. F. J. SOMERS (Cadet j'v'urszng) ir Ronald LECHMERE (Cadet Ambulance).
County _ uperintendent (A) ~ounty , llperintendent (N) Counry Surgeon County Cauet Officer (A) Coun t\· Caclc,t Officer (.l. T) County Staff Officers
J. ·O\[ERS. T.D., The Camp Farm, Great \\'itley, Worcs . (Tel. Great Witley 295). T. C. LENCH, Mayford, 63, Halesowen Road, Quinton, Birmingham. Squadron Leader R. D. M. EVERS, D.F.C., Four \Vinds , \\'01verley Road, Kidderminster. \Tacant. Mr . M. G. O. Q)[ERS, Highfield House, Blackwell, Nr. Bromsgrove. J. T. DALY, ;\1.B., CH.B., 3 0, Ridgacre Rd., Quinton, Birmingham. R. R. HINES, 3, \Yolnrhampton Street, Dudley. Mrs. O. LAMB, Little BrO\yndreys, Carhampton, Nr. Minehead. Miss H. 1. \YALTOi\, 1I10unt Pleasa nt, Cowleigh Road , Malvern. 1\1i s P. \VHITFIELD, Kenwyn , ''''est Malvern. (N.H . . R .). A. . WOOTTEN, 7, Long Lane, Blackheath, Dr. Birmingham. (Training) . J. . TAYLOR, 23, Summerfield Avenue, Hurst Green, nr. Birmingham. 1\1iss . E. DINGLEY, 6, Lower Wilton Road, ;V1alvern. F.
I1ep l:t\" Co mmi sion'r
l\Iajor .
County _ ecretary
Northern Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
(ommissioner Superintendent (A) Superin tendent (N) urgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Southern Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
County Office: treet, Worcester. (Tel. 4503)
County Presidents: The Countess BEAUCHA:\[P, ;\I.B.E. F. L. EWTON, Esq., M.B., CR.B.
2201) .
County Surgeon
.\[f·a (<1d t Officer (A)
WILTSHIRE County Office: 7 2 , Fisherton Street, Salisbury. T 1. Salisbury .1810 Count)1 PresuleILt: A. R. TOWER1.EY, E Q. County T'lce-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel H. A. GOLDE:\', O.B.E., D.S.O. (A1JlUlIlallt.e). L. F. Moss, ESQ. (Ambulance Cadets). Lady FULLER, M.B.E. (Nursing Cadets). II. S. TAYLOR-YOUNG, F.R.C.S., The Red House. Park Lane, Commissioner Salisbury). (Tel. Salisbury 3 1 52 ). _ G. D. FA _ '~HAWE, CB., D.S.O., O.B .E., }arley I' a rm, rark , Df'puty Commi sioner \Vilts. Lady FULLER, M.B.E., Neston Park, orsham. (Tel. orsbam County Superintendent (
Northern Area C. SHAW, Bramville, Highworth Road, Stratt<'ln St. Margaret. Mrs. N . LA:-;E, 65, Plymouth Street, windon. J. K. :\:10NRO, M.CH., F.R.C.S., "Highfield", The Common, :.v1arlborough. A. R. KING, 43, Richmond Road, Swindon. Mrs. M. HALL, 54, Devizes Road, Swindon.
.\rea _ uperi ntendent (A) _\rea Ilperintendent \rea '-,Ilrgeon
Area Nursi ng Officer
F. G. PRICE, M.B.E., Crossways", Hawne Lane, Halesowen. D. H. BUR 'S, 155, The Broadway, Dudley. Mis M. E . FEARN SIDE, 97, Alexandra R oad, Halesowen . R. BARRON, ;\1.B., CH.B., Ambleside, Hall St., Dudle,'. K . H. BILLI GHAM, 94, J ohn Street, Brierley Hill. . Miss H. M. BIDMEAD, Trafford, Manor Lane, Halesowen. H. S. BENNETT, 52, Harcourt Road, Old Hill. Miss A. E. WrTcoMBE, Oldfield,S, Somery Road, Priory Dudley. P. C. B ENNETT (senior), 20, Millard Rd ., Coseley, taRs. Miss S. WAKEFIELD, Theodosia, Enville Rd ., I-Cinver, Staffs. P . C. BENNETT (junior), 10, School Street, edgley, Nr. Dudley . Mrs. E. A. W EBSTER, S.R.N., "Arcadia", Station Road, Old Hill, Staffs.
Southern Area
Air Commodore A. L. GREGORY, ::ILB.E., The Close. Uptonon- e .... em . .T. F. GR:\~T, 7-1 . Eve ham Road, rabb Cross. Rr:dditch. ~Irs. ~r. E. HODGES, 123. Birch~leld l<.oad, Redditch . F. H. \ 'OLL.Uf, ::I['B .• CH.B., The Old Hou e, Ah·echnrch .• 'r. Birmingham. ~Ii D. PREI CL, 3 " \V\'lds Lane. \\Torc steT. ~Ii-;s II. ::'II. :\1. \\·I~DO". Ch<l\\<.;on. DrOlt\\ Ic.:.h Spa. ::'I1iss D. \\'. JO;\,ES. DalstoTl, 61. \\'orc.:.e"tt'r [~oa(l. :'Ia' \'ern. P ... PALMER, 262, Birmingham Road, ReddJt.ch. ( ecr~tary) ~Ii s J. COLLEY. 23, Timber Line .\\'enu(· Bath Ho,': \\\'rce ter.
An'8 Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . rea Cadet Officer (... ~) Area Staff Officers
Mrs. F. C. BURTON, 2, Upper Westbrook, Darlington . (Tel. Darlington 5764). F. \Y. HEBBLETHWAITE, M.B., CH.B., II, The Avenue. Linthorpe. Middlesbrough. Dr. '. E. J ACKSO';-';-, 20, Stepney Drive. Scarborough W. E. DANKS, 127, Mansfield Avenue, Thornaby-on-Tees. :\1rs. T. E. KIRK, 31. St. Barnabas Road, Middlesbrou gh. P. P. S!\1[TH , II, \Nest Park Ave., Newby, Scarborough . J. W . REI AHAX. 12, Alton Road, ~liddlesbrough. (Training). J . B. MCCULLUM, 2, Gasworks Cottages, ormanby R oad, South Bank, Middlesbrough. (Transport). ::'Ili~s ~I. ~'looHHousE, 93, Trafalgar Road. carborough .
County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon .\<;~t. County Surg'on Co unty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) (ounty Staff Offic rs
COl/llty OffIce: Priory House, 29, Cottingham Road. IIull. T 1. ,1303 COllllt)' PresIdent:
The LORD HOTHAM . County l'ice-Presidents: L.\WREXCr:, EsCJ. (.-Jl!lbll/((IICt'j. 1\1rs. D. M. RYMER (Cade t IIrsillg) . ~Ir . BETHEL (i\'lIrslng) E. ~I. DEAR.'. '!.Il ., l H.B .. D.L 0 • Holme Lodge . 1.7. ot'Commi sioner tingham Road, Hull. (Tel. Hull 43 40). A. R. LIDGLEY, 92, Etherington Road. Hull. (T.·:. Hull County Superintendent (A) 46201 ). :'Iliss E. ':-1. STO~EHOUSE, 63. \\'elwyn Park Road. Hull. County Superintendent (N) E. O. HALLIWELL, ?>1.R.C.P., 233, IIaHgat, o1..tinghLd 1, E. County Surgeon Yorks. :'Iliss P. ':-1. \\' ATSOX, S.R.N., Hull Royal Infirmary, P ['')spect County Jursiug Officer Street, Hull. R. BERRY;\IA '. 2. nainton Grove. Derringham Bank Hull. -Cou nty Cadet Officer (A) ~Iiss L. F. LEPPINGTON, "Aytona" , 8, Belle Vue Crescent, Cou nty Cadet Officer (N) Fil(,\,
C. TACKSO:-.l, 230, Hawthorn Avenue. Hull. G. HEWARD, "Beaumaris". 7-1. Gan t ad Lane. r-.i, (In. Hull. \ V. PARSONS, School House, Barnby Moor, Yorks. H. REFFORD, -1 I, Fairfield Avenue, Kirkella. :\1rs. M. REFFORD, 41, Fairfield Avenue, Kirkella. ::'Iliss E. TALLENTS, 17 Etherington Drive , Hull. :'Iliss D. :'II. HUZZARD, 20, Riversdale Hoau. fIllll. Mrs. G. ACKSON. 8, Lynton Ave., Anlaby Pal k Road South, Hull. (Cadet Secretary). T. PENN, 207. Hall Road. Hull.
County Staff Officers
Area Cadet Officer (N) 'County Secretan" (A) .
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Co unty Superintendent (A)
County Office: Cornfield R oad, Middlesbrough. Yorks. County P,'cside'Ylt: The L ADY SERENA JAMES.
Colonel Sir Leonard ROPNER , M.C., T.D .. D.L., M.P .. Thorp Perro\\', Bedale, Yorks. (Tel. Bedale TO). J. PEARSOX, Alandale, 19. The rescent, ~ unthorpe . ;,Il Id les brough. (Tel. 56287). C. F. PEDDlE, H arrowgate Cottage, Norton Hardwick, Stockton-o n-Tees. (T el. 67614).
Distnct Office: arth House, Wetherby. Tel. Wetherby 32 and 413. District Pl'esldent: The Countess of CARBRO GH. Distnct l'lce-Presidenls:
n 5S :\IOU:\TGARRET (.l ul'si ng). G. R. H. "UTH, ESQ. (Ambulance). Lord SAVILE (Ambula Jlce Cadets). :'Ilrs. E. RADCLIFFL (Nursing Cadets). VI5COU~
Commissioner Dl trict 'up rintendent (.\.) i t.rict. Superintendent (N) 1\ , t.. Dist. Superintendent (N) .
Di t.ri t Surgeon Di:t.rict. Nursing Officer 1 istrict Cadet Officer (A) District adet Officer (N) District Staff Officer
Area Commissioner Area ~uperinteEl.dent (A) District Staff Officer (i / c Nursing Divisions) Area SurgeoH Area Asst. Area Area . \rea.
Nursing Officer . Area Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer
E. H. LODGE, M.B., CH.B., Castle Garth House, \Vetherby. (Tel. Wetherby 32). Lt . Colonel'ir Colin BARBER, K.B.E., C.B., D.S. O.. Quarry :'IIoor Lodge, Ripon. ~1rs. G. W. LODGE, Castle Garth Hou e, \Vethe rby. (Tel. Wetherby 32). . Mrs . ::'II. A . AYKROYD, The Priory, Nun Monkton, York. R. HESTER, M.D ., CH.B., M.SC., Card rona, \Nest Lane, Baildon. Miss E. BARRACLOUGH, S.R.N., Rehabilitation Centre, Whitel ey W ood. Sheffield, II. L. MASO~, 5, Lynwood Gardens, Pudsey, ~r. Leed5. Mrs. U~[ [lNG BELL, Binham Lodge, Egerton, Hudden;field. G. HILL. 218, Stanhope Drive, Horsforth. Midland Area G. THOMPSON, M.B., CH.B., 41, Free School Lane. HaLifax. H. J. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, Mrs. O. M. GELDARD, The Grange, Ilkley, Yorks. E. \\T. L. \\'HITE, ::ILB., CH.B., "Oakland", Methley. Leeds. ;\1iss K. A. RA\'E , The General Infirmary, Leeds. Mrs. 1\1. E. SIIIMELD, 7, Asket Gardens, Leeds 8. S. BRANSON, 8. Stone treet , tricker Lane, Bradford . lVIrs. K. M. JOHNSO~, 140, Gledhow \Vood Rd., Leeds . G. D,ACCUS. 49, Lumley Road, Leeds.
Northern Area
A rea Commissioner County Officer (if c Ambulance Divisions) Area Superintendent (N)
M.B., elLB., ":'I fa ISo>s ~Iount" , Malsis R oad , Keigh ley. ]. G. RO CHE TER, Thornion 's Yard. 34a Keighl ey R oad, Skipton. Miss G. E. l\1YALL, Ga\\·thorpe Ha1l, Bingley, Yorks . J.
Area Surgeon A st. Area
Area 1 ursing Officer. Area Cadet Officer (A) An~a Cadet Officer (N)
E. BAIRD, M.B. , B.CH., B.A.O., Brow House, Haworth, Keighley. J. M. A. CRITCHLEY, ?II-B., CH.B., IS, Woodlands Drive, Harrogate. :\Irs. 1. R. HYMAS, Farndale, The Grove, Har-rogate. F. R. CHARLTO , II, St. Swithin's Walk , York . 1Irs. 1. VIrLSON, IS, East Lane , hipton-by-Beningbrough , York.
Area uperintende1J.t (A) Area, uperintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Jursing Officer _4..rea Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officer Cou nty Staff Officer Area ta:f.f Officers
ergeant ),I1aj or
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officers (A) Area Cadet Officers (N) County Staff Officers Area Staff Officers
Area Cadet Officer (N) .
District Office:
l\1A.IN RUSSELL, M.B ., CH.B ., D.P.H ., . 'Wemyss", Stockarth Lane, Oughtibridge. Sheffield. A . ELSON, I.B.E., !..t8, Oaks Avenue, Sheffield. :\1rs . B. A. Duggan , 94, Park Grove, Barnsley . C. B. BALL, L.~I.S.S.A., Fern Lodge , 138, Dudworth Road . Barnsley. Vacant. H. SHOO;\fA~, ;\1.3., B.CH., "Ro ana". :NP\\steau, 0\\ Lan /' Havercroft, Tr. Barnsley. Mrs. H. BEVERLEY, The Haven, vVorsboro' Dale. .l r Barnsley . C. H. FORSTER, 33, High Street, Sheffield, 1. H. A . WENT, 10, Dovecliffe Rd .. \\'ombwell. H. HEMINGWAY. St. Thomas's House. v\orsboro' Dale. 'r Barnsley . J. SHAW, The Be ches. 27. Mill Hill. Pontefract Mrs . V. G. BOOTH. 17, Barkers Rd .. Nether Edge, heffield 7 C. C. BOWLEY, 34. Hemper Lane . -heffield. J. ASKEW, 25 Pickup Crescent, \Vomb\\ ell, J. r. Barnsley.
E. SOAR, 55, Haigh Road , Balby. Mrs . R. 1\1. SOAR, 55, Haigh Road, Balb \-. :;\I. HAI~, I.1.B., CH.B., 22, Balby Road, Doncaster. P. J. SHIELDS, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Roxborough Hou c. ,kello\\Road, Carcroft. Vacant. 'VI'. HARGREAVES, 198, Great North Road, Woodlands. Doncaster. J. HOWARD, 16, Dawood Villas, Bentley. Doncaster. Mrs. J. CROSBY, 58. Chestnut Avenue. Doncaster. Mrs. TOWNSEND, 6, The Villas, Edlington. N. HULLEY, Warning Tongue Lane. Doncaster. A. E. MOORE, 21. St. Patricks Road, Doncaster. (Secretary) C. G. MITCHELHILL, "Oaklea", Scawthorpe. Doncaster. D. G. BARBER. 104. Doncaster Road . Arrnthorpe, Doncaster. J. DEARDEN, The Beeches, Scawthorpe. Doncaster. (Transport). H. COATES, Kingston House, Carlton-in-Lindrick, Nr Worsopp, N 0ttS. L. TAGG, 67, Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, Nr. Doncaster (Treasurer) .
South West Area
Assistant Commissioner Coun ty Surgeon District Staff Officer (i / c Nursing Divisions) Area Cadet Officer (A)
BASSI:-.'DALE, 889, Manchester Road, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield. ),I1iss M. K. BROW~, Caledion Road, Savile TO\yn, Dewsburv. (Cadets). YIiss Z. E. HULL, 48, ew North Road, Huddersfield H. BOWER, 13. Thornfield, Saville Town, Dewsbury . L. CLEGG, 7, York Avenue, Gartown, Huddersfield.
South East Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (1 ) Coun ty Surgeon Area Surgeon
H. HARRISON, "Riber", 40, Gledholt Road, Huddersfield. D. F. BARRETT, M.B., CH.B., 292. Bradford Rd., Huddersfiel d. Miss A. E. UNTHANK, M.B.E .. 25, Duchy Road, Harrogate . Dr. Mustafa Rial El SARRAFF, Shaftesbury Road, Batley. Mrs. M. BALDEN. Bywell House. Dewsbury.
Area Staff Officers
Southern Area
Area Commissioner
61. Great Victoria
treet, Belfast.
Tel. Belfast 23970.
President: Her Excellency The LADY W AKEHURST.
Dlstrict Vice-Presidents: ~rs. G. . \V ALLACE, M.B.E. The Hon. Mrs. T. O'NEILL (Cadet Nursing).
Commission r Depu ty Commissioner District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon Di trict Nursing Officer Di trict Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer (N) Deputy Dist. Cadet Officer (A) Deputy Dist. adet Officer (.r ) Area Commissioner District Secretary
Brigadier T. 'vV. DAVIDSON, M.B., B.CH .. B.A.O ., 26. Malone Park, B elfa t. Brigadier R. J. C. BROADHURST, Belvedere, Ballyauglis, Co. Down. :'Ilrs.),I1. T EILL, 96, Circular Road, Belfast. G. GREGG, O.B.E., M.D . . F.R.C.P., D.P.~.L, 40, Elmwood Avenne, B elfast . :\Iiss B . BOYCE, S.R.~., S.C.!lI., City and County Hospital. Londonderry. . C. MURRAY, 92. Orangefield Crescent, Belfast. Miss E. GARRETT, Helen's Lea. Gilnahirk, Belfast . A. C. THOMAS, "KiJinmCi.," Carrowreagh, Dundonald. YIiss V. K. HILL, 88, Donaghadee Road, Bangor, Co. DO\yn W. A. RYAN. Glenartney, Clanbrassil Road, Cultra, Co. Down. (Public Relations). Brigadier L. E. MACGREGOR, O.B .E., 61, Great \ Yictoria t .. Belfast.
PRIORY FOR WALES Headquarters: Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Chief Commissioner for Wales. Superintendent - in - Chief for Wales . . Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales . Deputy Chief Commissioner for Wales. . . Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief for Wales Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales .. Assistant Superintendent - in Chief for Wales . Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Chief Officer for Ambulance Cadets (W'ales) . . Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets (Wales) Chief Staff Officer Cadet Training Officer Brigade Secretary
The Hon.
Tel. Cardiff .32131.
H. BRUCE, C.B.E., J.P., D.L.
H .R.H. The DUCHESS OF KENT, G.C.V.O., C.l., G.B.E. Edgar LLEWELLYN, M.B., CH.B. Colonel Ririd MYDDLETON, M.V. O., J.P., D.L. Margherita, LADY HOWARD DE \VALDEN AND
G. Pari Huws, M.B., CR.B. The Hon. Mrs. J. H. BRUCE. Miss S. C. BOVILL, S.R.N., S.C.M. Sir 1ichael DUFF, Bt. Lady TWISTON-DAVIES, J.P. Major H. WARE. Miss Zoe D. DRUITT. W. Mabon ABRAHAM, M.B.E.
Priory in Australia :\lajor-General ir amuel BURSTON. K.B.E.' ('.B.. [) ~.() .. V.D .• lI1.B .. F.R .C. P., F.R.A.C.P .. K.H.P .. DI()c('!'an burch House, George St.reet.. Sydney, New :oulh \\'ales.
Chief Commissio ner
Commandery Commissione r
Commandery in W estern Au s tra lia Colonel J. R. DO:-:ALD~.O:-:, E.D. Street, Perth.
\f II •.
Chief C0mmissioner
Chief Commissioner
Priory in N ew Zea la nd f'. 'iY. 'i'i"ARD, Esq .. O.lLE., DrUid'.; Chamll('L. \Vooc!\\ ard trect. \'i'e lltngtoll , C I.
Chief C.ommissioner
Priory in South Africa Brigadier 'iY. H. du PLE SIS, O.R 71.37. Johannesburg.
Commandery Comm is ioner
John IIousC'. 321.
1: ..
Actinc. Commi sioI1er
hapel SLreet.
\1.R .l.S . L.R.l
Commandery in Ce ntr a l Africa Dr . S. G. IT. Gasc;on. PO . Bo'{ 'jql1, Bllla\\'ayo. R h odesia.
1' .,
Chief Commission er
Chief Commission er
P a k is t a n SYED 'iVAJID All SIBU, St. John .\.mbtdance Brigade H Q., Katrak Buildings. illansfield Road. Karachi, 3, Sadar.
A. L.
omJr: l ~~ionpr
OJl1JlJI ... io ner
(mn, l .... ~ioner
Commission er
B e rmuda 'iV. T. 'iNILSON, c/o Bank of Dermucia Ltd., Ham ilton.
British Guia na J. \V. GHE(;ORY, P.O. Box 198, GeorgdO\\'n, DC'm"ra ri' .
Com missione r
British Hondur as L. H. OUTRAM, Police a nd Im m igration II .Q., B elize.
Gibralta r Central Police
tation, Gibraltar.
G old Coas t :\1. K. X. COLLE:\ , C.R.E.. Office of Commi. sioner of Police_ .\ccra.
coG. F. Huggin
(Gn·nada) Ltd .
Hon g K on g FU:-:G PING FA, t. John Ambulance Brigade H.Q., I Tang Hoad. Hong Kong .
J a m a ica South-E as t Dr. E. HOER:\LV, -13, Duke Street, King ton. J a m aica N o r th-Eas t Captain L. R. :\Iandeville ELLIS, J.P., Fort George, Annotto Bay Estate. J a m a ica Nor th-Wes t
ugar Co., Frome.
Conrn i:,~io ncr
Jamaica S outh· We t C. C. :\IrcHELI:\, c '0 'iVest Indies Office, ~\'ll ey Post Office.
Com 111 is<:lOncr
K en ya Brigadie r-General ir Godfrey RHODES, C.B., C.B.E .. D.S.O .. P .O. Box 1,69 ..... airobi.
B a rbado s E. B. 'i'i'ILLrA:,!S, Box
II. CAHUS.\C, \Vest Indian
Nas~a ll
Commissio n er
~ -icosia.
Gre n a d a
Com:l1i""ioner B a h am as E. J. H. COLCHESTER-\'i'E:\lYSS. Police Headquarters.
II. \\. D .
I ndia The Hon. RAJKUMARf MRIT KAUI{, t. John Ambulance Brigade H .Q .. I. R ed Cross Road, • -P\\ Dplhi. 2.
D . :'II. T\YLOR, O.B.E., 3. Euclidc:
\\'. E.
-Jo , \ \ 'cllington
Priory in Ca n a d a \'i'. J. BEN ETT. Eq. , Otta\\'a, Ontario.
ugar Co. Ltd .. :\lonymusJ.:
Leeward I s lands Lt.-Col. E. :\1. V. JA~IES, Commissioner of Police, _\.ntigua. M a laya Dr. Chaag H oe," CH.\:-:, :\Iedical and Health Office, Ipoh Pcrak.
Ceylon Col. C. A. H. P. JAY.\WARDA:\.\, C.M.G., C.V.O., O.B.E., 1.JJ .. St . J oh n Ambulance Brigade Headquarters, Lo\\-e r Lake Road, Galle Fac~, Colombo 3.
Ma lta G.c. Lieut.-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B .E., 6-1, Am ery Street,
Commissio n er
Ma uritius R. 1\1. D Es \'AUX, Police Headquarter, Port Louis, Mauritius
Commis ioner
N ig eria R. J. P. l\lcLAUGHL.-\~, C. :\I.G . . Police Headquarters. Lagos. Nigeria Railwa ys District Colonel Sir Ralph E?>IERSO:\, C.l.E., O.B.E., c / o Railwa y D(:partment. Lagos.
T.] OH
Nigeria Ports Dis trict
C. A . DOVE, M.B.E., c/o Port
uthoriti s, Lagos.
C. D. EVAXS, P.O. Box IIB, Jesselton.
\ V. G.
Commission er
Dr. P. C. K\vAN. St. John Ambulance Brigade H.Q . ford Road, Singapore.
North Borneo
Sierra L eon e
YER, Pollce Headquarters, Freetown. Singapore
T a n ga n y ika C. \Y. LE\ ERETT, "I.B.E., Box 46 , Dar-es- aJaam.
R. J. \Y.
(Vacant). Communications to Heac1quart(>rs' OfficPf . Box 15 6, Kampala.
J. V. :'IuLLIx, Commi ioner of Poliu . I..anzibar.
tam -
Trinida d
TRUTHERS, P.O. Box 4. Port of 'pain. Ugand a
Z anzib a r
P O.
Printed bv The Swindon Press Ltd., 100 Victoria Road. Swindon.