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lDnot}? in U)e JSritisb 1Realnl of tbe nlost
\L)enerable Or()cr of tbe 1bospital of St. solJa of Jerllsalc111
·tReport of the <tl)apter::: Q;el1eral for tIJe \2ears 1956
cUt" 1957
in tbe :fBritisb lReallll of
of tbe 1bospital of $t. 30bn
of 3er nsalenl.
Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1956
Telegraphic Address: Firstaid, London
Telephone: Clerkenwell 6644
Copies of this Report (price Is.) may be obtained franz the Stores Manager, St. Johl/'s Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.I.
Page 3
1956 .
20 ST.
ARDs .
H.M. The Queen accompanied by The Grand Prior, at the Royal Review, Hyde Park, 1956. Photograph by courtesy of Sport and General Press Agency Ltd.
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CHAPTER-GENERAL Uf)c (I;reat Officers (l;tl1llt> !prtor: FIELD-MARSHAL HIS ROYAL HIGH ESS THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, K.G., K.T., K.P. P.c., G.M.B., G.C.M.G., G.c.v.O. {tbe JLort> J)rtor: THE LORI) WAKEHUR T K.C.M.G. 1Prcl~te
:1I3l'llllff ot JE~le: BRIGAJ)IER-GE lERAL THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY, K.P., P.e. G.c.v.o. C'.R.!-.
THE MARQUESS OF ABERDEEN, O.B. E. (Scotland). THE LORD ABERDARE, G.B.E. (Wales). THE HON. ERN EST GEORGE JANSEN (South Africa). LIEUT.-GENERAL SIR WILLOUGHBY NORRIE, G.C.M .G ., G.C.V.O., C.B., D.S.O .. M.e. (New Zealand). THE RT. Ho . VI TCENT MASSEY, P.c., C.H. (Canada). FIELD-MARSHAL SIR WILLIAM SUM, G.e.B., G.C.M.G ., G.C.V.O., C.B.E . O.S.O., M.e. (Australia).
7 IDepnt)2 \.JOllll11iS5ioller:::/Il:::ctbief. 5t. Jobn Embul1tllce .16ngaOe: REAR-ADMIRAL R. M. DICK, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.C.
UI)e ®nglll1tl 1klllgbt:3 of Justice:
Secretllr}? $elleral : C. T. EVA S, Esq., C.M.G.
lRecei\1cr (i;ener1t1 :
'U?epresell t1ttl\Je Scnlor 1I\nlgbts:
IDirector:::$encr1tl, St. Jobn £\lllolllflllCe BSSOCIl1tl'lI HORACE F. PARSHALL, Esq., T.D. 1bospitnller : BRIGADIER SIR STEWART DUKE-ELDER, K.C.V.O., M.D., f.R.CS.
:almoner: L. LOYD, O.I3.E., LC.
1fm1 9 bt S of Jus tice : THE Ho . JOH BRUCE, C.B.E., (Representative of the Priory for Wales) COLO EL E. W. GOLDSWORTHY MAJOR P . M. BEACHCROFT, O.B.E., LL.D. COMMA DER E. A. MORRISO , R.N. REAR-ADMIRAL SIR CECIL WAKELEY, Bt., K.B.E., C.B. LL.D. SIR ALFRED BOSSOM, Bt.
'lLibranlln : MAJOR R. WILLIAMS, F.S.A.
D. M. EVA S-BEVAN Esq., (Representative of the Priory for Wales).
lRegistrllr : SIR HARRY LUKE, K.C.M.G., D.UTT. LL.D.
$cllealogtst: THE Ho . SIR GEORGE BELLEW, K.C. V.O.
IDIt'ec tor of cteremonies : C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDO ,Esq., O.B,E., D.S.C., F.S.A.
(tommissioner:::in:::<!bief, St. Jobn :amblllmtce :fI3rtg1ttlc: MAJOR-GENERAL J. M. KIRKMAN, C.B., C.B.E.
'B:3f'lstant lRecei\,er (l;enernl:
MAJOR A. C. WHITE K OX, O.B.E., M.C. SIR WILLIAM SHE TO SIR HUGH Dow, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.1. LIEUT.-GENERAL THE LORD FREYBERG, V.C., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.R.E., D.S.O. (Representative of the Priory in New Zealand). SIR GORDON LETHEM, K.C.M.G. (Representative of the Prjory of Scotland). THE LORD LATHAM
1Representati\'e Junior 1knlobts :
1knigbts of Justlce : !Deput)2 !Director $encral , !!it. Jobn Bmbulllnce Bssociation: LIEUT.-COLONEL E. C. CROFT
'E\ssistant IDirectol' of cteremonies: MAJOR A. URQUHART, D.S.O.
8 'ltltlgbts of (!;rnce:
SIR GEORGE WILKINSON, Bt., K.C.V.O. THE LORD INVERCLYDE (Representative of the Priory of Scotland). T. DE LA POER BERESFORD, Esq., Q.C. LIEUT.-COLONEL W. E. PRINGLE, M.C. CAPTAIN P. REAY, O.B.E., M.e. CAPTAIN R. V. STEELE, M.B. SIR HUGH POYNTER, Bt. (Representative of the Priory in Australia).
SIR HAROLD SCOTT, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., K.B.E. THE RT. Ho . VISCOUNT SOULBURY, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., O.B.E., M.C. CAPTAI F . L. RI CHARD, M.B. SIR ANDREW WRIGHT, K.C.M.G., C.B.E., M.e. MAJOR A. URQUHART, D.S.O. MAJOR P. G. DARVIL SMITH, e.B.E. J. H. H. POLLOCK, Esq., C.M.G. , O.B.E. (Representative of the Commandery of Ards) .
THE BISHOP OF Lo DO THE VERY REV. EDGAR ROGERS, O.B .E. 1RepresclI ta U\1e Uom l11allb~rs
fJr.I e 11\ bet 0 f crull ncil Oil Ubllpte r:::(!;cnern ( :
(in addition to those shown under other headings) LORD COZENS-HARDY Swor~
Ur055 :fI3 ca rcr :
:mea rer :
LIEUT.-COLO EL W. W. ('.B.E., T.D.
tbe ®rtler:
REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL FOR THE YEAR 1956 The Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members and Associates of the Order its Report for the year 1956. ROYAL REVIEW The outstanding event of 1956 was the Review by Her Majesty The Queen, of the SL John Ambulance Brigade in Hyde Park on the 12th May, this being the first occasion since 1912 on which a reigning Sovereign had 0 honoured the Order and the Brigade. Her Majesty was accompanied by H.R.H. The Princess Margaret and was received by H. R. H. The Grand Prior and the Lord Prior. In the presence of a large and distinguished gathering she inspected more than 22,000 members of the Brigade, both adult and cadet, including detachments from the Commonwealth. Further information of this momentous occasion is given in the report of the Commissioner-in-Chief. Annual Festival of the Order The Annual Fe tival of the Order was held on Saturday, 23rd June Following cu tom, the Festival began with Holy Communion in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church. The General sembly was once again held in the Mansion House by invitation of the Lord Mayor who attended in state. The Commemoration Service was held in St. Paul' Cathedral, the ermon being preached by the Archdeacon of London. During the Service, the ceremony took place of the removal of the Banner of the late Lord Clarendon, a former Sub-Prior and Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order. The Order wa happy to welcome at these ceremonies an unusually. large number of vi~itors from the Commonwealth, including the delegates to the Grand Prior' Advisory Council and the members of the St. John South African Pilgrimage The latter, some 65 in number, reached London in time for St. John's Day after making a pilgrimage through countries and places associated with the Order in the Middle East and Europe. They, together with other overseas vi itors, were subsequently received by Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duches of Gloucester, at a reception given at St. John's Gate. Grand Prior's Advisory Council The new Statute of the Order provide for the con titution of a Grand Prior's Advisory Council comprising repre entatlves of the Grand Priory and of the Priories at home and overseas. This body was convened for the first time in the week following St. John's Day and its inaugural meeting was presided over by the Grand Prior, who defined its purposes as being:"To review from time to time the scope and activitie of the Order in its several parts, particularly so as to maintain its unitary character and to avoid divergencies of policy or practice which might otherwise undermine it; and secondly, to consider fresh ways whereby it may contribute, within its powers and means, to the welfare of the
peoples in the Commonwealth and elsewhere. In so rapidly changing a world, our Order must be dynamic in its outlook if it is to keep in step or indeed to survive." In sessions covering two days, the Council transacted much useful business particularly in regard to procedures to be followed arising out of the wider decentralisation of authority conferred on Priories by the Charter and Statutes of 1955. It also provided a much welcomed opportunity for the Officers of the Order in this country to make and renew contacts with their confreres from the Commonwealth.
Grants have been made from Order funds in a range of overseas Territories to assist the development of the Association and the Brigade as, for example, a grant of £1,500 to Trinidad towards a Headquarters Building; £2,000 towards the Headquarters building in North East Jamaica; and the gift of an ambulance to Barbados. The jurisdiction of the Commandery in Central Africa was enlarged to include Nyasaland where hitherto the work of the Order had been on a minor scaJe. Hungarian Relief A new field of humanitarian work opened in the latter part of 1956 in connection with the assistance and relief of Hungarian refugees. The matter belongs perhaps more to 1957 than 1956, but when the crisis arose in the latter part of 1956 the Order provided financial assistance to various bodie actively engaged in the relief of Hungarian refugees to the amount of £3,000. Apart from financial assistance from central funds the Brigade set in motion most admirable arrangements for meeting refugees evacuated by train or air and escorting them to the camps in which they were lodged. Thi work which wa continued into 1957 merits the highest praise. St. John Councils St. John Councils continued to operate to the general benefit of the work of the Order and its Foundations in the Counties during the year. The Council now number thirty-one. Obituaries The Order and c pe ially the Brigade, ustained a grievous double loss during the year by the deaths in office of Lieut.-General Sir Otto Lund, Commis ioner-in-Chief of the Brigade, and of hi deputy, Brigadier T. Denis Daly. The late Sir Otto was appointed Commissioner-in-Chief in 1951 after becomi ng Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Brigade in 1948 following a distinguished military career. He brought to this office high administrative ability and an unremitting vigour in promoting the expansion of the Brigade, whether at home or overseas. His extensive tours of inspection throughout the Commonwealth led to considerable development of St. John activities of all forms, particularly in the smaller territories; indeed there are few units of the Brigade to which he was not personally known. It is a measure of his success that the membership of the Brigade increased by 100,000 during his tenure of office. Brigadier Daly, who despite ill-health, had agreed to act as Commissioner-in-Chief following Sir Otto's death, himself died in November after collapsing at a meeting of Chapter-General. He had been Deputy Commi sioner-in-Chief since 1951 bringing to that office great integrity and a sympathetic understanding. He was particularly successful in discharging those of his responsibilities which related to liaison with Government Departments, Civil Defence and Aviation Authorities. His previous diplomatic experience and gift of languages was also of great value to the Order in maintaining contact with the European Branches, particularly the Johanniterorden.
Grand Priory Church Considerable progress was made during the year under review with the rebuilding of the Church. The first stage of the scheme (the building of the War Memorial Cloister and Gateway) was put in hand and had progressed a long way towards completion by the end of the year. The improvement to the ancient Crypt were also \irtually completed. At the present time work has already started on the actual roofing of the existing shell of the old Church. It is hoped that the whole scheme will be completed in the summer of 1958. On the financial side, the end of the year saw some £26,000 still required to meet the total estimated cost (£80,000) of the whole scheme. Appointments Major-General John Mather Kirkman, C.B., CB.E., was appointed in December to be Commissioner-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Foreign Affairs Friendly contact continued to be maintained during the year with other European Branches of the Order of St. John through the Order s Liai on Officers. The Lord Prior paid a visit to the Netherlands Branch of the Order when he was able to present to H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands the insignia of an Associate Bailiff Grand Cross which had been conferred on him with the approval of the Sovereign Head. The Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief of the Brigade represented the Order at the Congress of the German Branch of the Knights of Malta in August. Overseas Development The Order continued its policy of posting Headquarters Officer in territories overseas to develop St. John work. Such Officers were operating during the year in the Caribbean, Uganda, Nigeria and Ghana. In Malaya the welfare teams sponsored by the Order were working in the resettlement areas, though on an increasingly reduced scale in conformity with the changes in policy of the Malayan Government. It was felt that as this work decreased it was desirable that a Headquarters Officer should be posted to Malaya to promote specifically St. John activities and an appointment was accordingly made. Progress has also been made in Cyprus. Following consultations with the Governor a Headquarters Officer was appointed there also, while certain financial assistance was given to the development of St. John work, including the provision of an ambulance.
Master John Kunz (aged 13), Rondesbosch, South Africa-For rescuing a child, aged 5, who had fallen with his tricycle from a station platform in front of an oncoming train.
Cuthbert F. Thorpe, S.J.A.B., and Colin W. Thomson, Western Australia-For the rescue of a man who had fallen to the bott6m of an eighty-five foot well shaft. Cadet Miriam Stanley, aged 14, Launceston No.6 Nursing Division, Tasmania-For the rescue of a boy in difficulty in deep water following the capsizing of a canoe. John Nokas, Island of Lou, Australia- For the re cue of a fellow mission boy who was attacked by a shark whilst spear fishing . CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR
Gertrude Ndomeni, East London, South Africa- For attempting to rescue a child from a blazing house. Michael Alan Cutcliffe (aged 9), Swanwick, Hant .-For driving off a dangerous bull willch was attacking his father. Cadet Officer Roy Le Mesurier and Sergeant Mavi Stanford, S.l .A. B. , Guernsey-Members of the crew of the "Flying Chri tine" who removed in hazardous conditions a woman who had broken her leg on Brechou Island. REPORT OF THE HOSPITALLER AND HOSPIT L COMMITTEE FOR 1956 THE COMMITTEE The Committee report with regret the death of Dr. E. P. Scott. Dr. Scott served on the Committee since 1948 and had alway hown the keenest interest in the welfare of the Hospital during this period. He wa particularly interested in the Staff and often attended them profes ionally when they came home on leave. It is with regret that the Committee have to report the resignation of Major Sir Thomas Lumley-Smith, D.S.O. Sir Thoma Lumley-Smith had been a member of the Hospital Committee since 1933 and had beeu personally responsible for the collection of donations [rom the variou Preceptories of the Masonic Order of Knights Tempiar of England. During his term of office as Great Vice-Chancellor the donations collected by him for the Hospital totalled £8,593 8s. 6d. Sir Thoma was al 0 a member of the Jerusalem Hospital Working Committee. The Committee wishes to record their gratitude for all Sir Thomas Lumley-Smith did to further the welfare of the Hospital. HOSPITAL STAFF In 1954 the Air Ministry consented to second Wing-Commander Grahame Price, R.A.F., as Warden to the Ophthalmic Hospital iJ1 Jerusalem for a period of one year; at the end of June, 1956, his tour of duty was completed. The Committee desire to express their gratitude to the Ah Ministry and their very grateful thanks to Wing-Commander Price for the duties he performed as Warden during this difficult tansitionary period and for all he did to maintain the high standard and best traditions of the Hospital during this time. Wing-Commander Price made many friends whilst in Jordan and the Committee wish him every success on his return to the R.A. F. On 1st July, Dr. A. J. Boase, O.B.E., F.R.C.S ., took up the appointment of permanent Warden. Dr. Boase has served in the Colonial Service for
over thirty years. His service throughout has been spent in V ganda, where he held the rank of Senior Specialist (Ophthalmologist). On several occasions he acted as Medical Superintendent of Mulago Hospital, and as Principal of its Medical School. He brings with him a vast experience of ophthalmology and of administration; and the Committee welcome him on his appointment as Warden and wish him every success during his tenure of office. During the year Sister Howard and Sister Popham's tours of duty ended and the Committee would like to thank both Sisters for their Joyal service to the Hospital during their appointments. Sister Oakley and Sister Howes joined the British nursing staff in April and June respectively. In the autumn the Matron returned to England on leave and during this time the political events in the Middle East culmjnating in the Suez crisis took place. Thi pre ented the Matron from returning to the Hospital and the British Consul-General in Jerusalem instructed the remaining British taff (comprising the Warden, the Assistant Matron and two British Sister) 10 leave Jordan. Tills was probably unnecessary in view of the fact that the Order and the activities of the Hospital in particular, ha e never bcen regarded in a political context by the local population and have retained the goodwill of the Jordan Government throughout. In the event, howcver, the Staff soon returned to Jordan-the Warden shortly before Chri tmas, followed immediately afterwards by the Matron, Assistant Matron and British Sisters. During their absence, the Arab Staff under the ub-Warden Dr. Budeiri, carried on the work of the hospital with great efficiency so that its activities never ceased; and at the present time they, a \vell a the Briti 11 Staff, are working a happily and fully as they have done for three-quarters of a century. The Committee would like to take thi opportunity of thanking Drs. Budeiri and Doany and the Arab nursing taff [or maintaining the continuity of the work of the hospital at 0 high a level during this difficult period. OFFICIAL VISIT A a result of hi official tour of the Middle East in ) 955, and in view of the developments arising out of it, the Hospitaller, accompanied by the Secretary, paid a further visit to the Area at the end of February, remaining until the beginning of April, 1956. The main objects of the tour were to review the progress made on the construction of the Research Institute ince the previou visit, to organise and co-ordinate the work of the Research Team with the Medical and Health Officers of V.N.R.W.A., and to arrange for opportunities to visit the Refugee Camps; to discuss in detail with the architect the plan for the new Ophthalmic Hospital and to transmit ugge tions made by the Building Committee in London; to visit the various countries and States in the Middle East which already were or might be interested in the project and might care to participate in the anti-trachoma campaign; and, finally, to assess the political situation as regards the advisability of continuing the project. For these reasons Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrein, Qatar, Iraq, Iran and the Lebanon were visited. . Kuwait and Bahrein had already expressed their desire to participate In the research activities of the Order in the Middle East and had given gener~us support, as had also the Kuwait Oil Company. Whilst in Ku~alt, ~he Hospitaller presented to His Highness the Ruler of Kuwait, ShaIkh Su Abdulla-as-Salim al Subah, K.C.M.G., C.B.E., on behalf of the Order, his inSIgnia as an Associate Knight of Justice. On visiting
Qatar, the Deputy Ruler, on behalf of the Ruler, expressed keen interest in the work of the Order and, as a result of a later conversation with the Ruler, His Highness Shaikh Sir Ali bin Abdullah Al Thani, K.B.E., a very generous donation was sent to support the scheme. The Iraq Government officials expressed their desire to participate in a training scheme for Traqi doctors and nurses when the Hospital was completed, and Iran was also interested and its Oil Consortium had already contributed largely to the Order's appeal. The American University, Beirut, was also visited and was most anxious to co-operate, and the United Nations Organisation (U.N.R.W.A.) provided help in every possible way. To the Heads of States who were interested in the work of the Order, the Ministers in the variou) countries and to the British officials who rendered much help, the Hospital Committee express their sincere thanks for all the advice, co-operation and hospitality that was so freely given during the course of the tour.
An expedition was sent to Gambia where It was found that in the upcountry districts trachoma of a very florid and virulent type was extremely rife-much more common, indeed, than in Jordan. Moreover, the natives in this part of the country are completely untreated and, therefore, eminently suitable for our purpose. A research team has therefore been sent to Gambia as a temporary measure with the object of gathering a sufficient supply of the virus of trachoma to allow attempts to be made to culture it in the laboratories in London which are participating in this work-the Institute of Ophthalmology and the University of London and the Lister Institute. It is, of course, impossible to foretell the results of any particular piece of research, but the present scheme is that work on these lines will proceed in the meantime, while any results obtained will be exploited in the laboratories in Jordan; therefrom the fruits of the research work will be disseminated throughout the countries of the Middle East. It may well be, therefore, that although at the time political events seemed to be unfortunate from the point of view of the research project, in the end considerable advantage may accrue.
THE NEW HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE During 1956 the Committee proceeded with its plans for the new Hospital and Research Institute as if nothing had happened in our relations with the Arab countries; up to the time of writing, events have proved that their confidence has been abundantly justified. The re earch laboratories were completed in March la t year and have been fully equipped with the most modern apparatus for research on the problem of trachoma and its allied eye disea es. The buildings on the site of the new hospital have now been demolished, the site cleared and a boundary wall built. The Research Team left England for the Middle East on the completion of the laboratories in the Spring of 1956 and busied them elve with the immense problem that confronted them. They completed a survey of the general incidence of eye disease in the country and in the refugee camp, the types of germs present and their clinical manifestation, and did much of the preliminary laboratory work necessary to define the problems of future research. Unfortunately, towards the end of the year two circumstances combined to limit their activities. In the first place, the pol itical atmosphere in the refugee camps made it difficult for them to move about freely and to get the co-operation necessary for medical research. It will be reali ed that a team of research workers moving about the country were not accepted in the same way as the well-established staff of the Hospital in the Old City of Jerusalem itself. In the second place, it was found that the source of material for scientific study was not so fruitful as had been hoped, so far as isolating the trachoma virus was concerned. The excellent care given by the staff of U.N.R.W.A. in recent times to the refugees, and their free use of antibiotic drugs, considerably limited the number of freshly and virulently infected people. An attempt to culture this virus in the laboratory requires a large amount of material of this type, and it was found that only some 2 % of the patients examined met these requirements; the remainder had a sub-acute Ot chronic infection which was somewhat unsuitable for this immediate purpose. For these reasons the Medical Research Council decided to transfer thIS particular aspect of the research to another country where the political atmosphere was easier and suitable material for study more abundant.
THE OLD HOSPITAL BUILDINGS BETHLEHEM ROAD, JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) The situation remains the arne as reported last year. THANKS The Committee ¥, ould like to thank all those who have contributed to the Ho pital Research Project for their continued support, and in particular those who have done so by means of Deed of Covenant. The Committee would al 0 like to thank those well-wishers who have fiLancially supported the present hospital during 1956. They are always deeply grateful for the continued upport of the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Au tralia New Ze::tland and the Commandery of Ards. Once again the Preceptories of the Masonic Order of Knights Templar of England have given a most generous and greatly appreciated donation to the Ho pital. The Masonic Order of Knights Templar of England has conti nuously given annual donations to the Order since 1925 and their unfailing financial support i deeply appreciated by the Committee. The Committee is also again indebted to the Clothworkers' Company who have made a further most valuable contribution. CONCLUSION
The Committee would like to express gratitude both to the outgoing and the incoming Warden, the Medical Staff, the Matron and Nursing Staff, and all the other members of the Hospital Staff for their loyal and devoted service during the past year, when the political situation in Jerusalem has been anxious, tense and difficult. Perhaps this has been one of the mos~ difficult years in the history of the Hospital since 1948, and .the CommIttee would particularly like to express their very great adrruration for the unfailing loyalty of the Arab staff and their efforts to maintain and. enhance in every possible way the reputation of the Hospital and the prestige of the Order, and continue its usefulness to the people of Jordan. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospitaller.
WARDEN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR, 1956 On presenting the Report for 1956 I am very conscious of the debt that I owe to my predecessor, Wing-Commander Grahame Price, Royal Air Force, whose appointment as Warden covered the first six months of the year. His was a difficult task, as interim appointments always are, and it is greatly to his credit that his year in the Wardenship was one of rising prestige for the hospital and further consolidation of it work. It is with gratitude that I record the courtesy and kindness with which I was recei ed by Wing-Commander and Mrs. Price. That to many in Jeru alem their departure was a matter for regret, is a measure of the e teem in which they were held. For some years the hospital ha undertaken the training in ophthalmic nursing of medical personnel from U.N.R.W.A. and the Jordan Health department. In 1954 Surgeon-Commander Gurd was able to report that "most of these orderlies are now employed in refugee camps and are doing most valuable work." How valuable that work j , may be inferred from the general trend towards lower attendances. The fi gures for the pa~t five years have been 155,000, 165,000 161,000, 158 000 and 133 000 . The hospital has indeed sent out it ambassador to good effect. The fantastic attendance at the summer clinics fathers the hope that the downward trend will continue; a hope that is not buoyed up by analy i of the figures for the past two years. For in the second half of 1956 th attendances were 1·7 times as great a those for the first half, and thi despite the alarms and apprehensions of the international ituation in the Autumn. The comparative figure for 1955 wa 1·5. New cases numbered 27,805 which represents a decrea e of 5,000, compared with the previous year. As an index of "new" ca es these figures must be treated with considerable reserve; for a di tressingly high proportion of re-attending patients lose, or fail to bring, their reference cards and are registered as new attendances . An attempt to di ci pline these defaulters may account in some small part for the fall in new cases. There were 920 admissions averaging 13·7 days in hospital. There has been a steady increase in the surgical work of the hospital, as is shown in the following table:1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 . . . . . . . . . . . . . (*For several months in 1952 only one surgeon , available.)
Major Minor 998 293 965 355 579 266* 1,096 1,314 1,062 1,505 1,277 869 1,341 636 Dr. Budeiri , was
Of the major operations, 757 were performed in the second half of the year, as against 584 in the first half. The increase of 173 is evidence of the
need for additional theatre sessions which have now been increased to five per week, though the abnormal conditions in November and December necessitated a temporary return to the former time-table of two sessions per week. While the new schedule has allowed us to deploy our resources to greater advantage, it has unquestionably thrown cor:s iderably more work on the theatre staff. The unselfish and exemplary manner in which Sister Howes and Nurse Mary Jabra have responded to the added demands made of them is deserving of high commendation. Although the total number of anaesthetics for major surgery given during the year was 151, there is no specialist-anaesthetist in Jerusalem; the question of the several hospitals combining to share the services of one, has been tentatively mooted. Medico-legal considerations would seem to lend urgency to this matter. But of more immediate concern to us is that time spent in the giving of anaesthetics is time taken from work in the clinic. Trachoma. - l have not seen a ingle case which could be described as "florid." Pannus is surpri ~ ingly light and in most instances of the "tenuis" or even "micro-" variety. There is a high incidence of mirumal (healed) scarring of the upper tarsus, though not many such are afflicted with trIchiasis. Entropion from lid deformity is not common. Operations for the relief of trichiasis (261) are mostly on out-patients: one eye at a session so probably only about half this number represents the patients relieved by surgery. Even allowing for a waiting-list the incidence is remarkably low by Uganda tandards ( orne 2,000 tarsectomies per year). In strange contra t to this mild form of trachoma is the amazing amount of tarsal concretions (lithiasis). In not a few of these the evidence of associated trachoma i to say the least, doubtful. It is tempting to link this condition to abrasive dust in the atmosphere of this very stony ~an~ , a factor that undoubtedly has some connection with the high 1l1cldence of pterygium. Conjunctiritis. - The di a trous results of the summer epidemics have been repeatedly tressed in the annual report from this hospital. The past year has been no exception, but in one respect it has been more fortunate: we have had the immen e advantage of the co-operation of the Research Team in a bacteriological investigation. Why these epidemics should occur at the height of the summer is somewhat of a puzzle, for, apart from the children being home from school, Jiving conditions are not d~monstra?ly wor e;. in fact, the weather encourages open-air pursuits WIth less tIme spent In congested rooms. An explanation may lie in the seasonal prevalence of anthropod pests. It is possible that a disinfestation campaign during the summer months would be followed by a spectacular fall In attendance at our clinics. S9u~nt. -Of the cases corrected by surgery (l08) it may ce said that the s9~ll1tmg eye :vvas already amblyopic beyond the hope of regaining useful VISIOn; operatIOn has been purely cosmetic. It is the more serious in that the numbe~ treated is b,ut a proportion of the whole, for cases present mostly dUrIng the vacatIOns to compete for the limited accommodation we can offer. Corneal Graft.----:This leucomatous land provides prodigious scope for keratoplasty. It IS all the more to be regretted that for sociological reasons .don?~ eyes for the purposes of grafting are not readily available. The optIcal IrIdectomy (21) is a poor substitute.
Lacrimal.-The fact that 20 excisions of the lacrima 1 sac, and not one nasal anastomosis, were performed is explained by our chronic shortage of beds. We are well equipped and eager to carry out the dacryo-cystorhinostomy operation, but circumstances are against us. Retina.-The approach to retinal detachment has been by lamellar scleral resection (15), or the more conventional diathermy (4). Dr. Doany is our chief exponent of the former operation; at present rate of progres he should soon have sufficient material for a monograph on the subject. Glaucoma.-Iridencleisis (43), trephine (10), Preziozi (9) are no indications of the demand: many patients come too late, or no bed is available. Cataract.-Of the 296 extractions, 126 were intra-capsular. Vectis delivery was necessary five times. The formidable size of the waiting list reduces the expectation of the more aged patients survi ing until they can be admitted. The year saw the inauguration of the Trachoma Research Unit, a project of the Medical Research Council closely allied to the work of the hospital. The work of the Unit in the scientific field docs not fall within the province of this Report, but sincere appreciation is expressed of the generous assistance rendered to the hospital by the member of the Unit. The resources of a first-class laboratory were made available to us in no stinted manner, and largely through this co-operation we ha e been able to improve the standard of treatment in the hospital and olve a few of the many clinical puzzJes that confront us. But assistance did not stop at what "pathology" connmes: on several occa ions Dr. Charles Smi th came to our rescue in the role of anaesthetist for some of the longer and more intricate operations' and Dr. Gilke undertook many a ses ion in the theatre. It has been a great pleasure and privilege to work with such colleagues in so harmonious an atmosphere, and to be allowed to share in the histological examination of material from the hospital. The work of the Research Unit came to an abrupt end with the Suez crisis. It is greatly to be hoped that re umption will not be long delayed . It is a pleasure to record the continued and unfailing courte y shown to the hospital by the several departments of the Go vernment with which ~e have had dealings. Our thanks are especially due to the Jordanian Army for facilitating the transit of our supplies from Aqaba. To U.N.R.W.A., and in particular to Dr. Ross-Smith, we are grateful for continued support with drugs, without which our work for refugee patients would be gravely handicapped. We express our thanks to Dr. Farid S. Haddad and the Staff of the Orient Hospital, Beirut, for their services and kind attention to Mrs. David Mirza, the wife of our hospital Steward. There can be few ophthalmologists who do not owe much to the late A. Seymour Philps, whose gifts as a teacher, skill as a surgeon, and kindly personality are now so tragically lost to us. It is with deep appreciation of the honour that we acknowledge the gift by his widow of his professional books. A welcome visit of inspection was paid by the Hospitaller in March. He was accompanied by Lady Duke-Elder and the Secretary, Major Underhill. The number of guests who were able to accept the invitation to commemorate St. John's Day at the hospital was very gratifying. The visit of a fellow-ophthalmologist from Florida, U.S.A., Dr. William Y. Sayad and his daughter, was refreshing for its exchange of views on mutual problems. We were pleased to see again Miss M. Holloway, who was on our staff as a Sister in 1950 and is now in Beirut.
In August we were able to congratulate Dr. and Mrs. Doany on the birth of a son and heir. At the year's end we said farewell to Nurse Margot Malikian, who left us after eight years' service to get married. This report would be incomplete without a special word of praise for the staff, many of whom have been identified with the hospital for very long periods.
(Signed) ARTHUR BOASE, Warden.
The grave losses sustained by the St. John Ambulance Brigade in the death of Sir Otto Lund and Brigadier Daly were deeply felt by the Association. We always greatly appreciated the help and support which they gave us and the manner in which they continually worked to ensure the closest possible co-operation between the Association and the Brigade. The present happy relationship is largely due to their example and we remember them with gratitude. We offer a warm welcome to Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B ., C.B.E., the new Commi sioner-in-Chief, S.J.A.B., and take this opportunity of thanking all members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade for the continued and continuous help which they gi e to the Association through its classes. ASSOClA TIO
Mr. C. H. Brazier, Director of Industrial Relation) British Transport Commission, joined the Committee on the retirement of Mr. F. Gilbert from Railway service, but we were fortunate in being able to retain M r. Gilbert as a member and so have the continued benefit of hi long experience. Major-General F. Beaumont-Nesbitt resigned as Director of Ambulance for the Commandery of Ards, and his place on the Committee ha been taken by Brigadier J. Y. Calwell. The Committee met as usual quarterly and we should like to expre our gratitude to the members for giving us their time and for their most valuable help and advice. It has been a busy year and the support given by the Committee has greatly assisted the progress achieved. APPOl TME TS
Dr. G. Bousfield resigned his appointment as Deputy Principal Medical Officer, which was accepted with great regret. He did much to e tablish the Association's work in connection with food hygiene, particularly as regards children, for whom he wrote a book on which the Association's Preliminary Course of Hygiene induding Hygienic Food Handling, is based. The Association is greatly indebted to him for all he did whIle holding office. The Association now has 16 County Directors and as a result work is continually expanding. We greatly value the support we receive from them and the advice which they can give us as a result of their experience in establishing county organisations. Mr. J. W. Barnett, Chief Constable of Leeds, resigned as County Director for the West Riding of Yorkshire and has not yet been replaced. We are most grateful to Mr. Barnett for the work he did which is manifested in the flourishing state of affairs in the county. In the meantime Inspector R. Cass is dealing with correspondence and carrying out the functions of a County Director under the guidance of Sir Frank Brook, Chairman of the St. John Council for the West Riding of Yorkshire. Our thanks are due to both of them.
The Association's work in this country continues to expand. There was an increase of 154 in the number of certificate classes organised, and of 1,271 certificates as com pared with 1955. I t is interesting to note that a total of 140,594 candidates sat for examination during the year, which is an indication of the range covered. To meet the ever-expanding needs created by modern-day living there is increasing scope for teaching more and more members of the public and those who have taken their examinations need to be still further encouraged to keep their knowledge up to date by taking refresher courses and re-examinations. A Conference of County Directors was held at St. John House in London in April. There were most valuable discussions on the work in the counties at which Directors were able to profit from each other's successful experience as well as to study how problems in different counties had been overcome. In addition we were fortunate in having the privilege of hearing addresses from enior members of the Order, St. John Ambulance Brigade and national bodies. The Conference was considered very successful and it is intended to hold such meetings every two years. Developments in the counties contInue to be most encouraging. In Lancashire new Centres have been formed at Lancaster and Ulverston, and the Rural Representative Scheme has proved a great success. There are now 68 Rural Representatives and the service which they are rendering is much appreciated by the public. In Sussex, new Centres were formed at East Grin tead and Lewes and the County Director has established a most flourishing organisation which has the support of a wide range of intere ts. In Suffolk and the West Riding of York hire, Centres were re-organised and put on a more effective footing. In Gloucestershire the County Director is etting up a system whereby he can cover the county and en ure full co-operation between the Association and the bodies which it erves, as well as the general public. In Dorset, the County Director has been able to obtain the co-operation of the District Nurses' Association and thus bring our work to the attention of a wider public. From this it is clear that the As ociation is a living and growing body and that County Directors have rendered a very real service to the Order. Developments have also proved the value of active Centres, which can not only act as foci for our activities, but also, through the influence of their memb~rs, as well as by functions such as formal presentations of certificate , ll1crease the scope of the Association. We continued our campaign for First Aid instruction for the agricultur~l c?mmunity and this has received considerable impetus from recent legIslatIOn. We have received valuable encouragement from the National F~rmers' Union and our County Directors report excellent co-operation WIth the county organisations of that body. In addition to ordinary class~s for .farm workers, it has been possible to get agreement from certam AgnculturaJ Colleges and Institutes to start First Aid classes for their students. Our relations with the National Federation of Young ~armers' .Clubs . have also been excellent and they have now decided to mclude FIrs~ Aid and Home Nursing in the subjects which may count to.wards th~lr. M< st~r Cr~ftsman's Badge. We have also kept in touch WIth the Mlillstry of Agnculture, Fisheries and Food so that our views may be known when regulations are drafted under the new law. In Industry, the Association continues to play an important part and we are very grateful to the Ministry of Labour and National Service for the
help which we have received from the Ministry itself, as well as from H. M . Factory Inspectors in the counties. A new course was prepared on Occupational First Aid and was ready for introduction in January, 1957. We are deeply indebted to the many members of industry, as well as the medical staff of the Ministry, who helped and advised us regarding this cour e. The St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society accepted the book and the certificate issued to successful candidates will be a national one, recognised by each of the Societies. The Association has worked closely with the Armed Forces and many First Aid classes have been run by units both at home and overseas. ] n addition, the Association has been consulted regarding an elementary textbook for ~oldiers so that, as far as po si ble, instruction may be on the same lines as that given by ourselves. We have a close liai on v. ith the Field Training Centre, R.A.M.C., Aldershot, and candidate ucce sful in the First Aid examination held at the end of the course recei e our certificate, if they wish. First Aid courses are now run regularly for students at the Q.A.R.A.N.C. Preliminary Training School, Alder hot. The above much condensed account will give an idea of the extending scope of the Association's work. Our thanks are due to all those in 0 many organisation who have so wholeheartedly co-operated with u in making First Aid training available for an ever-increasing number of people.
First Aid in Coal Mines. - This book has been published and received favourable reviews. Our thanks are due to the Priory for Wales for having undertaken the revision and for all the work they did in bringing the matter to a successful conclusion. Adult Child Wef(are.-Dr. Hilda M. Davis, Senior Medical Officer, Buckinghamshire County Council, revised the text and the book will be published in early 1957. We are greatly indebted to Dr. Davis for the immense amount of work which she did in bringing this book up to date.
Joint First Aid texrbook.-Dr. A. C. White Knox and Dr. M. M. Scott prepared a draft for this book which was considered by the St. Andrew' Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society. It \ as also submitted for comment to other bodies and, after consideration 0f the material received, a ~econd draft was prepared and submitted for further comments. The draft was accepted by the Home Office, who wrote a chapter on First Aid in Civil Defence, and the Ministry of Health. We are grateful to the writers of the book for the immense amount of time and labour which they have given and are still giving to this project and al 0 to all those who assisted by supplying material or offering con tructive and most valuable criticisms. It is hoped that this book , which will provide a common basis for instruction in First Aid not only to member of the three Societies, but also to members of the Civil Defence Corp, will be published in 1957. Joint Home Nursing textbook. -Work on this book is progressing very satisfactorily and the draft text prepared by Miss E. M. Gravelius has been discussed. The British Red Cross Society has undertaken to deal with the preparation of this manual in the same way as the Association is dealing with the First Aid textbook. Illustrated Preliminary First Aid textbook.-Work on this project is held up until an agreed text for the Adult manual has been achieved. Illustrations have been prepared and it will be possible to proceed rapidly as soon as the Adult draft text is approved. Discussions are proceeding with the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society to ascertain whether it would be possible to produce a joint manual of this type. The intention of the book is to offer a manual consisting mainly of pictures supported by a minimum of text for use both in this country and overseas.
During the year various translations of the Association's textbooks were carried out overseas. In Hong Kong a translation of the 40th Edition of "Fir~t Ai~ to the Injured ," including the three supplements, has been made In Chmese. A booklet has also been prepared in Chinese including the supplements only. We received from India , Gujrati and Bengali translations of "First Aid to the Injured" and of a revi ed edition of the Manual of Mothercraft and Child Welfare . We were informed that the printing of the Gurkhali trar:slation of "First. Aid to the Injured" has been taken in hand by the UnIted States OperatIOns Mission to Nepal. The Mission have undertaken to sell the book at no profit to themselves and blocks for illustrations have been lent to them free of charge by the St. John Ambulance Association fndia. ' ASSOCIA TIO
Development .overseas have, as at home, shown very promising progre and the Influence of the Association has been felt in many parts of the world, both within and without the Commonwealth. .In ~est Africa the O.rde.r has two organising officers, Mr. Christie in NIgena and ~r. .McGIll In Ghana. In both territories there is good pro~ress. In Nigeria, the. Centres whi.ch were established for the Railways, Police and. Po~ts Aut~onty are worklllg satisfactorily. The support given by th.e Nlgena.n R~'h~ay Corporation is most encouraging and the ma~e~l.a l help given IS Invaluable. The Police are developing Firnt Aid actIVIties throughou~ the f?rcc and have consulted Mr. Christie upon the bes.t .method of dOIng thIS. The Ports Authority have plans for the traIm~g. of.a very consid~rable body of men. Another Important sphere ~f ~CtIvlt.Y 1~ the Coal. MI~~S, where Mr. Christie is arranging classes in FIrst Aid m Coal Mmes, as well as in the standard course. The a11round support and help given indicate how these national bodies appreciate the work of the Order and its foundations. ~n .Ghana, M.L. ~cGil1 has been able to do very substantial work in bnngmg .the ~ctlvitles o~ the Association to the attention of various key undertakmgs m the ternt?ry. He has been particularly successful in his approach to the Gold Mmes where .most encouraging support has been gIven bo.th on the spot and from theIr London Office. Other bodies who are 'partIcularly interested are the Public Works Department and the SOCIal Welfare and Community Development Department. Already classes have b~en ru.n for those Departments, including courses for Senior Scouts and GIrl GUId~s,. s.o that they may be qualified in First Aid before the Independe~ce FeStl.vItI.es. Rel~t~ons with ~he Railways are progressing and Mr. MCGl~ was lllvIted to Jom a speCIal Committee appointed in Accra to deal WIth the Health and Catering arrangements for the Indepen-
dence celebrations. The situation is altogether promising and there is a very high standard of interest and desire for knowledge, which we hope to be able to satisfy. In Sierra Leone, the Police assisted during a First Aid Demonstration run for a week by the British Council in Freetown, and First Aid classes were organised by the Police for men working in the United Africa Co., Ltd. These activities are in addition to the normal training, as a result of which over 200 men received Certificates. Courses have been started again in Gambia and the Police are to be trained throughout the Colony, which is encouraging. In East Africa, the Association's work progresses well in Kenya and Tanganyika. In Zanzibar there has been rene1Ved activity and training is given to Police and Scouts through the agency of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Reeve as Order organisers for Uganda has resulted in substantial results. There was a set-back owing to the temporary recall of Mr. Reeves for military service. The posItion of the Association has been greatly strengthened and the demand for classes is far in excess of the present organisation. To meet this demand, Lay Lecturers are being trained. Special attention is being given to the mining industry and classes are being organised both for instruction and ordinary First Aid workers. The future is full of promise. The West Indies continue to develop and the work of Mrs . Da ie-Smith, the Ord~r's organiser, is showing substantial results. Among the brightest spots are Trinidad and Tobago where, during the past year, the emphasi has been on courses for special groups. Such courses have been run for the senior staff of the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission and of the Port of Spain Electricity Board for ward attendants at the Port of Spain Colonial Hospital and officers of prisons, as well as for the senior Scouts and the staff at the Bel Air Hotel, Piarco Airport. Other parts of the island have not been neglected and a notable event was the opening of a First Aid hut at Blanchisseuse, where a number of cla se have been held. In Jamaica, the four Centres continue to flourish and the system of Parish Committees has proved very successful. A particularly satisfactory development has been the training of Police personnel in First Aid, and now 95 per cent. of the Force hold First Aid awards. Regular refresher courses and re-examinations are held to ensure the maintenance of efficiency. The Centre in the Leeward Islands has extended its activities to all the islands in the group and, as a result of the Association's work, units of the Brigade have, as elsewhere, been established. The pattern set by this Centre is a model and deserving of the warmest praise. In British Honduras we were unfortunate to lose Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Outram, who did so much to establish the Centre. Courses are run for the Police, Fire Brigade and Prisons. In the Middle East the Association continues to be widely represented by varied activities. In Aden, Sir Tom Hickinbotham, Chairman of our Centre, was succeeded by Sir William Luce. Our thanks are due to Sir Tom Hickinbotham for the help he gave the Centre while he was Governor in Aden, to which so much of the success of the Centre is due. We are also grateful to Sir William Luce for the interest he is taking in the Centre and for the help he has already given. It would be appropriate to mention
that Mr. Bhatt has now completed thirty years as Secretary of the Aden Centre and we offer him our warmest thanks for all he has done. Classes for the Police continue in British Somaliland. A large number of men have been trained in the Preliminary Course of First Aid and progress is now being made in the t,raining of selected personnel in the Adult Course. We are v~ry fortunate i!l having the support and help of Dr. W. D. Thorn, the DIrector of MedIcal Services, and the Association was able to present films, filmstrips and ftannelgraphs for use in instruction. These were taken out to Somaliland by Dr. Thorn. In. Tripolitani a , training in First Aid is organised for the Police and specIal courses have been organised for instructors. These include a considerable period of training in a hospital. The Association's Arabic textbook on First Aid is used for these courses. In the Sudan there were regular First Aid courses for Railway personnel and our thanks are due to Nasr Eff. Ahmed for the splendid way he is carrying on this work. In Kuwait, the Oil Company still gives keen support to our activities ' and a new development was the establishment of First Aid classes for children in the Oil Company s school. The first course was most successful and included both British and American children. In Cyprus, despite many difficulties, classes continue for both Greek ~nd T~rkish Cypriots. ~he support giv~n by all sections of the population IS particularly encouraglllg at such a time. It is some indication of the success achieved that awards gained in 1956 exceeded the figures for 1955 by 150 and that there was a most satisfactory response to courses held for Lay-Lecturers. In. the Far East, Centres in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaya flou.fIshed .and ~net with wide support. It was agreed that HospItal Assistants III ~en:or grades ~n ~alaya should be accepted as Lay-Lecturers for the AssocIatLOn and thiS wl11 be of great assistance in the running of classes when doctors are not available. It is interesting to note tl~at Fir~t Ai~ ~nstruction is now being given to stud~nts at the Health ASSistants TramIng School, organised under the ~uspIces .of W?rld Health ~rganisation m Nepal. The pattern laid down ~n o~r Flr.st Aid t~xtbook IS closely followed. In addition, a short course In FI,rSt Aid was g1Ven to memb~rs of the Kathmandu Women's Voluntary Serv~ce, a small group formed m Royal and Rani circles. The books on HYgIe?e and. Foo~ Ha.ndling have been found most helpful in supplying m.atenal for mclus~on In courses 011: Personal and Domestic Hygiene and tnbute has be~n pald.!.o them for theIr accuracy, simplicity and conciseness. In .the Pa?lfic, Fl)1 showed good progress and the Association has proffils~d assI~tance In the way of diagrams, filmstrips, flannelgraphs and other vlsual aIds for instruction. In the Solom?~ Islands ~pproval has now been given by the Colonial Offi~e to the trammg of PolIce personnel in First Aid and a similar gift of eqrupment has been given. The number of.I.~ay-~ecturers trained overseas now exceeds 500 and ~he help they are glVlllg IS a great asset to the Association. Our thanks are ~e to these .10y~1 an~ hardwor~ing supporters. In order that efficiency Illig~t be maIntaI.ned, It was decIded to place a life on the Lay-Lecturer's certIficate an~ t~s must now be renewed every three years. The AssocIatIOn welcomed visitors from all parts of the Commonwealth and was very pleased to be able to hear views of their work at
first hand . We owe a great debt of gratitude to all our workers overseas and, in particular, to Chairmen and Secretaries of Centres who have contributed so much to the success which has been reported. COMPETITIONS The number of competitions organised by the A sociation increase each ye~r. This year we inaugurated a National Competition for the women employee of the Gas Industry, and organised the London District, and Final, competitions in connection with the Distillers Company Ltd., the preliminary and final rounds of the Girls' Life Bri~~d~ (Inc.), the National finals of the Dock and Harbour Authontles Association and the individual championship for H. J. Heinz Co., Ltd. The winners of the National Competitions held under the auspices of the Association were as follows:COMPETITIONS FOR MEN 11 'inning Team Teams Competing Metropolitan Police (L Divi ' ion) National Police . . . . . Fulham British Electricity Ambulance Centre Yarmouth National Dock Labour Board Centre . Shotton Colliery Miners' National First Aid Competition . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) . . . . . . . . Bristol D.O.S.O. British Transport Commission Police Liverpool Street Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre . . R.R.E. Defford National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . Chi wick Fire Brigades . Bristol Gas Industry . . . . . . . . North Thame Gas Board United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Windscale Works General Post Office Ambulance Centre . North Area T. M .O . COMPETITIONS FOR WOMEN British Electricity Ambulance Centre . . . Swindon British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) . . . . . . . . . Baker Street Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre. . . S.D. Elstow National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . Reigate Gas Industry . . . . . . . . . orth We tern Ga~ Board United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . Aldermaston General Post Office Ambulance Centre. . North Area T .M.O.
The winners of the above competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields, took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 15th November, 1956, at the Porchester Hall. General Sir Sidney Kirkman, G.C.B., K.B.E., M.C. (Director-General, Civil Defence), kindly presented the Trophies and Medallions. The winning teams were:MEN:-Police (Metropolitan Police L Division). WOMEN:-The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Spalding Nursing Division). The Mayor of Paddington, the Chancellor and Executive Officers of the Order and representatives of all Organisations which had teams competing were present on the platform. Once again we report an increasing number of teams and competitors taking part in competitions. In the various eliminating rounds of national competitions, the number of competitors increased by over 250, representing a further 50 teams, bringing the total to over 11,250 competitors and 2,250 teams.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Associated British Picture Corporation Ltd., for their continued generosity in arranging the staging for this and the various national competitions wh1ch we held during the year. Without this help it would not be possible to present our competitions with so much colour and realism. We take this opportunity of expressing our great apprecIation to aU who acted as judges at these competitions and to the stewards and patient who have given so generously of their time. Their co-operation and help are an inspiration to all concerned with the organisation of these events and we are most grateful to them. HEADQUARTERS The staff situation which existed in 1955 continued in 1956 and was aggravated by sickness and continual changes of staff. This had its effect upon all departments of our work and resu lted in long delays in the issue of results and awards, which were the subject of many justified complaints from Centres and classes. Finally, the posit ion became so serious that we were given authority to engage as large a staff as might be needed to clear off arrears and to take whatever steps might be necessary to achieve this. We were very fortunate in o btaining the services of a large number of part-time worker, since full-time clerical staff was still unobtainable. We cleared all arrears by the beginning of the winter season and results and awa rd are now being issued promptly-a state of affairs which has been appreciated. We intend to maintain this service and the Order employed a firm of Consultants to advise upon conditions of service for staff and po sible methods of improving our internal office procedure. Their report was received at the end of December and will be considered III 1957. Our thanks are due to all our Centre and Class Secretaries who bore with our difficulties with such patienc. We also wish to record our gratitude to Lieut.-Colonel J. E. F. Gueritz, the A sQciation Secretary, and the staff at Headquarters, for the manner in which they worked under extreme difficulty and stress. . The debt due to the Principal Medical Officer, Dr. A . C. White Knox. 1S outstandil~g and. this report would not be complete without our recording the mann~r ~n whIch he has sacrificed so much of his time and energy to the As oClatLon and thus made possible the production of our publications and brought nearer the possibility of a joint First Aid manual. We are deeply grateful to him for all that he has done and for the devotion which he has so steadfastly given to our work. CONCLUSION This rel?Ol~t has, w.e believe, shown what magnificent help and support the ASSOCIatIOn recelves from people all over the world. We are deeply grat~fu~ to th.ose m~mbers of the medical and nursing professions who unstmtmgly gJve theIr valuable time to the instruction and examination of c1as~es. We also t~ank mo~t warmly our County Directors, our Centre c;hmrmen an? theIr Comm1ttees, and all Class Secretaries who, at conSIderable sacnfice to themselves, have organised our activities at home and abroad and have made possible the continued expansion of our activities. HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General. (For Appendices of Association Examinations and Certificates issued • see end of Report.)
THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT It is with much regret that we report the great losses sustained by the Brigade in the sudden deaths of the Commissioner-in-Chief, Lieut.General Sir Otto Lund, on the 15th August, and of the Acting Commissioner-in-Chief, Brigadier Daly, on the 21st November. Sir Otto Lund had been Commissioner-in-Chief since 1950, and Brigadier Daly had been Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief since 1951. It is well known how much the leadership of Sir Otto Lund and the services of Brigadier Daly meant to the Brigade which they served so well. During the year there has been a net increase of 14 Adult Divisions and 69 Cadet Divisions in England and Northern Ireland, and a net increa e of 79 Adult Divisions and 16 Cadet Divisions in those telTitories administered by these Headquarters. There has been a net i ncrea e of 6,7 2 in the total personnel figures so that the strength of the Brigade at 31 st December, 1956, was:Ambulance
England and N . Ireland. Wales
ADULTS Divisions Co 111Nursing bined
Personnel Total
1,673 267
1,178 146
170 21
3,021 434
34,500 5,292
19,316 2,322
53 ,8 16 7,614
1,940 598
1,324 442
191 84
3,455 1,124
39,792 14,269
21,638 8,463
61,430 22,732
2,906 507 44
India. Pakistan
],902 116 5
5, 110 623 49
79,227 13 ,609 1,642
33,050 112,277 2,369 15,978 62 1,704
Grand Totals
35,481 129,959
CADETS Di visions CO/llNursing billed
Priories Overseas Other Over sea Territories.
England and N . Ireland. Wales. Priories Overseas Other 0 verseas Territories . India. Pakistan Grand Totals
1,037 180
1,306 154
74 14
2,417 348
23,679 3,933
3 ,467 3,805
62,146 7,738
],217 333
1,460 348
88 21
2,765 702
27,612 6,703
42,272 8,341
69,884 15,044
1,887 63 1
1,625 230
3,621 293 7
35,990 4,813 218
51,946 1,432 32
87,936 6,236 250
The year 1956 was noteworthy for the important occasions on which the Brigade was honoured by members of the Royal Family. The most outstanding event of the year was the Royal Review on Saturday, 12th May, when, in Hyde Park, Her Majesty The Queen
graciously carried out a Review of the Brigade. The Parade which numbered some 22,000, included Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet personnel and a representative overseas contingent was also present. This ~oyal Review was the first Review of the Brigade by a reigning Sovereign smce the year 1912 and all ranks were deeply appreciative of the honour bestowed on the Brigade. After the Review the following message was received from Her Majesty:"Will you please convey to all members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. who took ,Part in the Parade this afternoon my warm congratul~tlOns 011 theIr smart appearance. It has given me much pleasure to ReVIew so great a number of them and I am confident that the fine t~aditi.on of vo~unta:y se~vice which has inspired the Brigade ever smce Its formatlOn SIxty-rune years ago is being worthily upheld and will be maintained in the future. "Elizabeth R." At the Brigade Competitions on the 30th June the Brigade was further honoured wh~n Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, Commandant-lll-Chl~f of the ~~~sing Corps and Divisions, graciously presented t~e Trc?phles aft~r VIS!tlllg the Competition Tests and seeing the Teams m a~tlOn; and It was also a great day for the Cadets when H.R.H. The PrIncess Margaret, Commandant-in-Chief Ambulance and Nursing Cadets, carried out an Inspection of Cadets at Southsea. DUTIES
Fortul:ately no .major disasters occurred in this country during the year whIch. necesslt~ted the services of the Brigade on a large scale. Outst~ndmg serVIce has, however, been given in connection with Hu.nganan refugees and Britis? NatlOnals expelled from Egypt. As soon as It ~as known th~t Hun~anan refugees would be coming to Englan.d, the Bn~ade offered Its serVIce and very soon it was engaged in the work of meet1l1g the refugees and escorting them to their various destinations. At one tage ~hen the refugee were arriving in large numbers by air the St. John Air A~tendants were cont~nuously utilised in escorting th~ refugees [rom ~u tna. Much <Yood .service has also been given at Refugee ~amps, Trans.It Centres and HospItals. The Brigade ha been brought 1I1tO consultation by the Home Office in the matter of the provision of hostels and has. been entr~sted with the complete organisation of those at Eaves Brow 111 ~a ncas.hIre and Crowborough in Sussex. Apart [rom specIal dutIes uch as those mentioned above, the Brigade has contmu.ed to carry out t~e ever-increasing demands made upon it. The [ollowmg !igures of dutIes and cases in England and Northern Ireland are of mterest:Duties
Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Duties Clinics . Nurseries . . . Blood Transfusion. Nursing Aid . Miscellaneous .
Hours 1,912,142 968,821 359,787 45,120 25,516 28,634 157,143 387.730
Cases Ti-eate.l On Public Duty Off Public Duty . Invalid Removed. . No. of Road Accidents No. of Other Accidents
184,581 202,674 447,846 19,438 8,829
As already mentioned, the Air Attendant Scheme, has been of particular value in the transport of Hungarian refugees. A further extension of the scheme is anticipated next year as a result of special arrangements with County and Borough Education Committees whereby, in cases of accident and sudd~n itlness among parties of school children visiting the continent, the services of a St. John Air Attendant can be made available. OVERSEAS TOURS
The late Commissioner-in-Chief visited Malta and Gibraltar during the ear but was unable to undertake a later visit to Cyprus \\ hi h he had proposed making. "The Superintendent-in-Chief \vas able to visit Malta, Hong Kong and Singapore where she undertook in p ctions of the Brigade and made many contacts with those working for the Order and it Found:ltions." OTHER I lSPECTIO S
The late Commissioner-in-Chief carried out Inspections in ix counties and the Superintendent-in-Chief inspected in four other countie. The Surgeon-in-Chief carried out an Inspection in E ex, while the DirectorGeneral of the Association kindly undertook an In pection in the East Riding of Yorkshire. The Deputy or Assistant Superintendent -in-Chief and the Training Adviser accompanied the Inspection Officers on some of the abO\e Tnspections. COMPETlTIO S
The Brigade Final Competitions were held on 30th June at the Central Hall, Westminster. For the first time the ,. Dewar" and "PerrOl/" Competitions were open to teams of Student Members, and the Cadet Competitions were held on the same day. The presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, who visited the variou Tests and afterwards graciously presented the Trophies to the winning teams, was most highly appreciated. The results of the Competitions were as follows: "Dewar" Shield "Perrott' Shield British RaHways (Camden) (London) Spalding Nursing (Lincs.) "White Knox" Cup "Dunbar-Nasmith" Cup Fairbairn House (London) Stockton & Thornaby (N.R. Yorkshire) The British Railways (Camden) Team and the Spalding Nursmg Team represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions and I am glad to report that the Spalding Nursing Team were successful in winning the Grand Prior's Trophy for Women. CONFERENCES
During the year the following Conferences were held:Commissioners' Conference. County Superintendents' (N) Conference. Northern Surgeons' Conference, Blackpool. London Surgeons' Conference. Nursing Officers' Conference. County/Area Cadet Officers' Conference.
The only Headquarter Training Course, apart from those organised in connection with the King George VI Memorial Fund, was the Cadet N.C.O.s Training Course held at St. John House. AWARDS
I am very proud that the following awards were made by the Order to members of the Brigade during 1956:CERTIFICATES OF HO OUR
Miss Mavis Stanford, Sergeant, Guernsey Nursing Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Mr. R. Lc Mesurier, Cadet Officer, Guernsey Student Division, Bailiwick of Guern ey. The following Brigade awards were made during 1956:MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATES
Bailiwick Staff Officer R. J. Herve, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Sgt. A. G. Hanning, Shoreditch Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wale's) District. Plivate T. Monaghan, Sheffield Central Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Corporal J. Crook, Liverpool (Invalid) Transport Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. OVERSEAS
Hong Kong: District Supt. (N.) Mrs. 1t1. J. Hogan, Hong Kong District. District Staff Officer Miss A. Unthank, Hong Kong District. District Staff Officer Dr. M. WyiIe, Hong Kong District. Area Commissioner H. F. Shields, Mainland Area. Area Supt. Mi s Z. el Arculli, Hong Kong (Island) Area. Corps Supt. R. Yuen, KO\,v loon No.1 Corps. Sgt. Tse Sing, Kowloon Ambulance Division. Cpl. Dudley Cleland, Sih Nan Ambulance Division. L/Cpl. Mi s Yau Sing Wah Chung Sing Nursing DiVIsion. New Zealand: Pte. G. Batchelor, Timaru Ambulance Division. CADET MERITORIOU
Student Member Graham Wanklyn, Bryn Ambulance Cadet Division, Wale. Cadet Terry Smith, Duffryn Ambulance Cadet Division, Wales. Cadet John Davies, Duffryn Ambulance Cadet Division Wales. Cadet Kenneth Stayley, Eccles Ambulance Cadet Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Cadet Gordon Eley, Gillingham Ambulance Division, Kent. Cadet Michael Billingham, Gillingham Ambulance Cadet Division, Kent. Cadet James Burt, Lytham Ambulance Cadet Division Duke of Lancaster's District. ' Probationary .Student MeI??~r Anne Templeman, Putney and Roehampton NurslIlg Cadet DIVISIOn, London (Prince of Wales's) Division. AMERICAN TROPHY FOR GALLA TRY
Cadet James Knight, Eccles Ambulance Cadet Division Duke of Lancaster's District. '
39 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 206 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets. SPECIAL SER ICE SHIELDS
179 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 349 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nursing Cadets. JUBILEE CERTlFJCATES
The following Divisions have been issued with Jubilee Certificates indicating 50 years continuous existence:Chesterton Ambulance Division, Stafford. Bootle Nursing Division, Duke of Lanca ter's District. Camborne Ambulance Divi ion, Cornwall. Willow Walk Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Leamington Spa Ambulance Division, Warwick. Westgate-on-Sea Nursing Division Kent. Sowerby Bridge Ambulance Division, West Riding of York hire. Sowerby Bridge Nursing Division, W st Riding of Yorkshire. Waterloo Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Coalville Ambulance Division, Leicester. St. Ives Ambulance Division, Cornwall. Whaley Bridge Nursing Division, Cheshire. Leyland Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Park Vale Ambulance Division, Leice ter. Leicester City Transport Ambulance Division, Leicester. Weston-super-Mare Ambulance Division Somerset. Felling Colliery Ambulance Division, Durham. Winlaton Ambulance Division, Durham. Creswell Colliery Ambulance Division, Derby. Blackpool Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict. Birmingham (Mitchell's & Butler'S) Ambulance Di",i ion, Birmingham. Victoria Hall Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict. Dover Town Ambulance Division, Kent. Clifton Ambulance Division, Bristol. Walthamstow Nursing Divjsion, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Erith and District Ambulance Division London (Prince of Wa.le 's) District. Barnsley Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Settle Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Wellingborough Headquarters Nursing Division, Northampton. CIVIL DEFE CE
ThIS was a year of steady progress in Civil Defence, in which the Brigade co-operated in many ways with the Ministries and Authorities concerned. As a result of the memorandum circulated in December, 1955, by the late Commissioner-in-Chief, liaison with Regional Directors of Civil Defence and their officers at lower levels has been more finnly established and members of the Brigade have played a valuable part in Civil Defence training and exercises. A number of Senior Officers and others with special qualifications have attended courses at the Civil Defence Staff College at Sunningdale and the applications to attend
courses at the Home Office schools at Falfield and Easingwold have exceeded the number of vacancies available. In response to a suggestion by the Home Office that young people .over ~he age of .15 might be us~f~l to Civil Defence as auxiliaries, especIally In evacuatIOn areas, a CIvil Defence Syllabus for Cadets has been drawn up and will be issued early m 1957. NATIO AL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE
The total number of trained Nurses and Auxiliaries enrolled in the Reserve at the end of 1956 was 43,444, of which the Brigade had recruited 16,738. The Brigade in the counties has continued to devote an enormous amount of time and energy on its efforts to increase the number of auxiliaries and in administering the Reserve as a whole. NURSING DIVISIO S
The following is an extract from the Report of the Superintendent-inChief:"The particular interest shown this year by the Royal Family in our work has been the greatest encouragement to us all. H.M. The Queen's I nspection in Hyde Park will live long in the memory of each one privileged to be present on that very special occasion. "The reports received on the work of the Nursing Divisions show that normal duties have been maintained and the many new demands have been fully met. In the latter part of the year came the call for help in connection \\ith the Hungarian refugees to which all ranks responded magnificently. 'Planes and trams were met at all times of the day and night, and long journeys were undertaken in escorting the refugees, on an-ivaI, to all parts of the country. Very fine work was carried out by members of the Air Unit who accompanied refugees travelling by air from Vienna to this country. In addition help has been given in staffing Sick Bays, preparing Hostels, and dealing with welfare problems. Over and above this came the further request for much assistance from the Brigade on similar lines in connection with British Nationals from Egypt. The assistancc given by the Nursing personnel has been beyond all praise. "At the reque t of the W.V.S., we have been collaborating in their 'One-in-Five' scheme which aims at informing one in five of the women of this nation of the dangers of nuclear warfare. Talk 'C' of the scheme entitled 'How to care for a sick person at home under emergency conditions' has been given in many counties by Brigade members qualified to do so. "This year has brought the resignation of five District/County Superintendents and these have been received with very real sadness. We owe the deepest debt of gratitude to these officers for the many years of outstanding service they have given to the work of the Brigade. The records of fine and unbroken service of so many of them bear testimony to their devotion to their St. John work. They are :-Mrs. Cooper, Dorset, 19 years' service; Mrs. Gibbons, Northamptonshire, 26 years' service; Miss Moore, Duke of Lancaster's District, 40 years' service; Miss Teasdale Northumberland, 34 years' service; Elspeth, Lady Teynham, Kent, 4 years' service. During 1956 a specially heavy burden has fallen upon my District/ County Superintendents and I am indeed grateful to each one of them !or their unfailing leadership and their practical work which so often has Involved much personal sacrifice. I would also like to make special
mention of those officers who have so ably assisted them at District/ County/Area and Divisional level. "All members of my Headquarters staff have put in a very fine year's work for which I am most grateful. "I offer my special thanks to my Deputy Mrs. Grosvenor, for her continued support and for the many responsibilities which she so competently and cheerfully shoulders. Also to Mrs. Romer-Lee who has given so much valuable assistance. Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn should, I think, be warmly congratulated on the remarkable number of 151 new Nursing Officers and on the fine progre made in her department generally. The training courses to which Miss Duff-Grant has made such a valuable contribution have been greatly appreciated throughout the country and we thank her for her sound and imaginative advice on so many matters. MISS Harrison's great competence, devoted work and cheerfulness at all times has been one of our greatest assets during a te ting year and I am truly grateful to her. "The death of our Commissioner-in-Chief, Sir Otto Lund foUO\., ed by that of his Deputy, Brigadier Daly, was a great shock and a real adnes to us all. I would like here to pay tribute to the splendid leadership given by them, not only to us here at Headquarters, but to the whole Brifade. "May I say how happy we have been to welcome you, Sir, as our new Commissioner-in-Chief, and stress our admiration for the truly remarkable manner in which you have houldered such a heavy burden with such wisdom and understanding."
tinued and I am grateful to my staff and to Superintendent Kirkham and his members for their continuous help in this work. "We have had the usual two Surgeons' Conferences during the year and both were m'Jst successful. At the Northern Conference in Blackpool, we concentrated OUI discussions mostly on the industrial side of our work and had a most interesting Field Demonstration by the R.A.M.C. 42nd Infantry Division, T.A. At the London Conference we had Sir Heneage Ogilvie to give us the last words on 'Shock,' but the vigorous discussions that fJllowed showed that the last words have not yet been spoken. During the Conference the Brigade Surgeons took the opportunity of presenting me with my portrait painted by Miss Anna Zinkeisen to record fifty years of active interest in First Aid. I am most conscious of the honour and take this opportunity of thanking the Brigade Surgeons for this magnificent gift. "Once again I was invited to give one of the special lectures to Medical Students at one of the Teaching Hospitals and again found the experience both interesting and robust. The first occa ion in which the Brigade First Aid finals combined both Senior and Junior Sections passed off with great success and it would appear that thi experiment has been successful. Once again I must thank my Deputy, Dr. Scott, for the enthusiastic work which he puts in with the Brigade Se:retary and staff to make these finals the vastly interesting pectacJe which they are. "The deaths of Sir Otto Lund and Brigadier Daly were deeply felt by me per onally and by all Brigade Surgeons for the great interest which both took in the Surgeon's Department and the tremendous encouragement which thei r continued presence at our functions gave. "I am increa ingly grateful to my staff for their loyal and enthusiastic support at all times. My Deputy, Dr. Scott, is ready at all times to help in any sections of the work of the Department. My Assistant Surgeonin-Chief, Dr. Buchanan. is of immense help in the overseas group of Surgeons. My Staff Officer, Mr. Rodway, has given many Courses throughout the country on different subjects. My Chief Staff 0fficer,. Mr. Craft, combines this office with that of Surgeons' Conference Secretary, and the cheerful manner in which he tackles both these duties proves his boundle s enthusiasm for our work."
The Brigade is greatly indebted to members of the Medical profession, without whose training and interest th~ Brigade could not have reached the position it has today. We extend to Major White Knox, the Surgeonin-Chief, our appreciation of the work of our Surgeons as indicated in hi report. The following is an extract from the Surgeon-in-Chief' Report:"It has again been a most successful year for recruitment. Two hundred and forty new Surgeons joined the Brigade, which, with eighty-three resignations, transfers to Reserve, and deaths, gives a net increase of one hundred and fifty-seven. "There were thirty-seven Promotions during the year. "Lately I have felt that I was not in close enough touch with Brigade Surgeons overseas, and during the year I wrote to two hundred and three Surgeons sending them a copy of the booklet, 'The Brigade Surgeon,' and asking them to contact me at any time. The response has been most gratifying and some extremely interesting reports have come in from different parts of the world. I propose to keep this inter-association as active as possible. "The Reports from Ccunty Surgeons at home show that training throughout the counties continues satisfactorily, and visits to Training week-ends have shown in many cases great enterprise and drive and the numbers attending have proved the value of these efforts. "Our association with the medical Branches of the three Services has been materially helped in the advancement of our work. "Many visits were made both by my staff and myself to demonstrations at Keogh Barracks, Storrington, and other places where common interests were fruitfully discussed. "The Demonstrations to overseas students in this country were con·
The Superintendent-in-Chief, as Chairman of this Department, reports: "In the United Kingdom and Overseas Commands, 125 Welfare Officers are now serving, of which 30 are Brigade members posted as follows:United Kingdom 13 Far East 7 B.A.O.R.. 6 East Africa 1 Middle East . 2 West Africa 1 "In February the late Commissioner-in-Chief visited the Royal Navy a!l~ David Bruce Military Hospitals in Malta, while I paid extensive VISIts y) t~em, as well as to the Royal Air Force Sick Quarters, during my V~Slt .m the month of August. Sir Otto also visited the Military HospItal m Gibraltar and both he and I brought back excellent reports on the work done by the Welfare Officers. I was also able in February to visit the three Service Hospitals in Hong Kong in company with our Chief Welfare Officer for the Far East, Miss Peggy Downing, who is a Brigade
member. From Hong Kong I flew to Tokyo and there wa met by our Senior Welfare Officer, 1\1iss de Conrcy, and went with her to Kure to see the Commonwealth Hospital; and then on to Korea where I aw the Commonwealth Medical Units, including the Canadian Field Ambulance. I also visited the American Military Hospital. From these visits I was able to get a picture of what Service Ho pitals Welfare commitments would be when the Commonwealth Hospital in Kure closed down. Excellent work is being done by all the Welfare Officers. On tr.e way back to the United Kingdom in April, I was able to visit the Royal Naval Sick Quarters and the Military and Royal Air Force Hospitals in Singapore. "Later in the year I saw the nine Service Hospitals in B.A.O.R. together with many of the smaller Medical Units and the new Joint Headquarter at Munchen Gladbach where the Chief Welfare Officer, Miss Eileen Woolrich, another Brigade member, and her staff, have been given very good accommodation. In the hospitals, too, Servic~ Hospit.al W.elfare has been given particularly good departments and tbelr work IS ObvIOusly appreciated by the medical authorities. "In the U.K. Command I was able to visit the Cambridge Military Hospital at Aldershot. "Our work in Cyprus began to increase in June when two e tra Welfare Officers were sent out for Nicosia and fo r the new Royal Air Force Hospital. Later on two more Welfare Officer were sent to a new hospital which opened during the Suez emergency. Splendid work wa d.one by the Chief Welfare Officer at the Headquarters and all her staff, particularly with the relatIves of the many tragic casualties. "Miss de Mierre, who had been Director of Service Ho. pitals Welfare for three years and was previously Deputy Director, fin is hed her most successful term of office in May. Her place has been taken by Mis Dorothea Aplin who, like Miss de Mierre, is a Brigade member and has held the appointment of Chief Welfare Officer in the Far Ea t, in B.A.O.R. and in the U.K. Miss de Mierre is now working as Staff Officer to the Controller of the Overseas Department of the Brigade."
Devonshire, West Rjding of Yorkshire London and the Priory for Wales. Cadet Leader Ronald King of the Lower Sydenham Ambulance Cadet Division, London, had the considerable distinction of being one of the first two boys in the country to gain the silver award. As mdicated elsewhere in this report the student First Aid Competitions have been amalgamated with the Adult Competitions and although no student team reached the Finals, in County and Regional Competitions Student Teams made a good showing. The Cadet Arts Competitions were held in the autumn and the Trophies and Prizes were presented at St. John's Gate on 15th December. These included prizes kindly given by the Youths Friends' Association who also gave a Bursary. St. John Juniors are now allowed to enter these competitions at County level with a pro nise that any entry of exceptional merit may be forwarded for inclu3ion in the National Competition. 1 he National Cadet Drama Competiti on, which is held in alternate years, took place at Toynbee Hall Theatre on Saturday 24th November, 19 ~ 6. The winners were a combined team of the Stafford Odeon Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Division. Many St. John Cadet Camp were J,eld throughout the country from the end of July until September. The National Cadet Camp site near Bexhill was attended during the summer by 884 Cadets with their Officers. Those attending came from Di isions throughout the country, including many from the North. An N.C.O.s Training Cour e was held in March a t St. John House, and was well attended by representatives from 13 counties.
H.R.H. Princess Margaret inspected 7,500 Officers a nd Cadets on Southsea Common on Saturday, 7th July. Contingents from 23 Counties were present, including one from Northern Ireland numbering 117. In the morning H.R.H. opened the new Headquarters of the Brigade and personally conducted a Cadet Enrolment Ceremony. In the afternoon H.R. H. reviewed the Parade and presented the American Trophy for Gallantry and 60 Grand Prior Badges. All present were greatly encouraged by H.R.H.'s concluding Address to the Parade. . There was an increase of 20 in the total number of delegates attendlllg the King George VI Leadership Courses, at Rhowniar in Wales, Windermere and St. John House. This year, for the first time, outdoor exercises were included whenever possible and added responsibilities in the working of the course were given to the delegates, as a result of which all delegates were able to contribute to the Course as well as receiving training from the Course. It is highly satisfactory that the Cadet Branch has had the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. During the 'pilot' stage of the scheme participation has been limited to Birmingham,
There has been a continued increase in the strength of the Brigade overseas where there has been a net increase of 79 adult and 16 Cadet divisions. At the Royal Review an overseas contingent took part, led by the Countess of Brecknock, Controller of the Overseas Department, which was war-n:1y applauded by the crowds watching the Review. The contingent consl s t~d. of 45 r~presentatives of the following countries :- Australia, Canada, .~ntl~h GUIana, Kenya, Malaya, Malta, Hong Kong, Sierra Leor: e , FIJI, Smgapore, Southern Rhodesia and Uganda. WIth regard to the work in each country:-
COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA The Brigade in the Commandery has shown continuous progress over the past few years and there are now some 40 Divisions with a membership of 2,,300 .. We .regret .that after many years of outstanding and devoted servIce,. Sir ~IlI~ Robms has retired. His place as Commissioner of the Rhod.esIa DIstnct will be taken by Colonel Hickman. One of the outstandI1g functions of the year was the Second Annual Conference held at Fam<?na, Bulawayo, where also a new Headquarters building was opened by HIS Excellency the Governor-General of the Federation. BERMUDA .E~orts are being made towards the building of a Headquarters which will ~ ulfil a long. felt want, and also for the purchase of a new ambulance. It was encouraglllg that over £200 was raised by a Flag Day, and a further
£150 throuoh the kindness of Sir Harold Mitchell in opening his gardens for the be;efit of the Brigade. The activities of the Brigade hav~ b.een extended by the opening of a new First Aid Post on one of the prmcIpal beaches. BRITISH EAST AFRICA }(enya . The Brigade in Kenya was called upon ~o perform duty .at allyublic functions during the visit of H.R.H. The Prmcess M argaret, mcludmg.the Garden Party, the Royal Show, and the Nairobi Children's Gathenng, where 600 st. John Cadets were present. It is of great interest that the building of a n~w Headq~arter ~as been started in Nairobi, the foundation stone of which was laId by HIS Excellency the Governor. Miss E. Lamb has had to relinquish her duties in the Machako District on marriage and her place has been taken by Miss Irven, who wa preyiou ly Supervisor of the Malaya Relief Teams.
duty during the visit of Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. Follow~ng .th~ departure for Ghana. o~ Mr. McGill, the Headquarters Officer Nigena IS now Mr. R. F. Chnstie who reports that considerable progress is being made, particularly among the Police and Railways. Sierra Leone No great development has. ta~en place in Sier.ra Leone during the year but the work among the PolIce IS bemg well mamtained.
Tanganyika . . . The outstanding event of the year was the VI Sit of H.R.H. The Pnnces Margaret when, in addition to the carrying out of First Aid duties, t~e Brigade was honoured by the presentation to H .R.H. of several of It members. Mr. C. W. Leverett has been appointed Commissioner in charge of the Tanganyika District in place of the late Commander Fisher and i.t wa a great encouragement to him and the Brigade that a Flag D ay rea ll cd the amount of £400. Uganda . Following the much regretted death of Dr. Ca.ldwell lil l. 9~5, Mr. L. Sharp has kindly agreed to return to office as Actll1g CommISSIOner. The Headquarters Officer for Uganda, Mrs. E . Waters , who .has done such splendid work in difficult circumstances, returned home III June on the termination of contract. She has been replaced by Mr. E. R . Reeves who, with the assistance of his wife, a trained nurse, is already making every endeavour to promote the work of the Association and Brigade. Zanzibar The Brigade in Zanzibar has suff~~ed los.s by the d eat~ of As i.stant Commissioner R. E. Thorne. In addltlOn to ItS normal dutIes the Bngade welcomed the opportunity to carry out duties during the vjsi~ c:~ H.R.H . The Princess Margaret. The strength of the ~mbulance DIvIsIOns ~as been well maintained but it has not been pOSSIble to form any Nursmg Divisions. BRITISH WEST AFRICA Ghana We have every confidence that, with the coming c:f Indep~ndenc~ to the Gold Coast, the Brigade although not long establis.hed, wlll contmue to function and indeed to increase. Mr. P. J. McGIll, the Headquarters Officer, who did splendid work in Nigeria is now active in Ghana and he reports growing enthusiasm and interest in St. John work throughout the country. Nigeria It was a memorable event in the life of the Brigade to be able to perform
BRITISH WEST INDIES An Emergenc.y ScheI?e has n?w been drawn up which in the event of any fu~ure hur~lcane dIsaster wIll ensure prompt and efficient action. Dunng a crUIse to the Caribbean, a party of prominent St. John people were able to :,isit several of the Islands and see the St. John Headquarters and meet . Bngad~ members. The party consisted of The Earl of Beauchamp (VIce-Presl.dent of the Brigade in Worcestershire), the Countess of Be~uchaI?p (ChaIrman of the St. John Council and President of the Bngade I.n Worcestershire), Major A. Urquhart (Assistant Director of Cere~ollles o~ the Order and Chairman of the St. John Council for Bucklllgh~mshlre), . Mrs. ~rquhart (A.--rea Vice-President of the Brigade for Buckl~ghamshire), SIr Harry Smderson Pasha (now Association County DIrector of Sussex) and Lady Sinderson. Such unofficial visits are of the greatest value to the Bri~ade in ~he overseas territories. They he~p our overseas members to realIse the link which they have with the Bngade and th~ Ord~r in all parts of the Commonwealth. Mrs. F. DavIe-S~lth, the Headquarters Officer, has continued to give most valuable servI~e and her efforts are being reflected in the growing strength and expansIOn of activities. Bahamas The strength of the Ambulance Divisions is being maintained. Barbados ~t is a matter of satisfaction that there has been an increase in membership of both Ambulance and Nursing Divisions' that the Ambulance given by the Order and dedicated in August has aI'ready proved of immense value. Colo.nel ~. G. S. McAlester has been appointed Deputy Commissioner and Bngadler P: J. T. Pickthall has now resumed the Chairmanship of the St. John CounCIl. British Guiana S It is very g<?o.d. to know that considerable progress has been made . everal new ~lvIsIOns have been fonned and there has been an increas~ III membershIp. Th~ Brigade was honoured when H.E. The Governor pres~nted the trophies at the Annual Competitions and when Lady Rellisbo n presented Colours to the Brigade at a ceremony when over 500 mem ers were present. hMr . C. Graham, the Cadet Superintendent from the United Kingdom W 0 ;vas c.h?sen t~ receive the King George VI Bursary spent most of the year III BntIsh GUIana and during his stay was able to 'organise and train a g~cat mdan y young people from whom it is hoped Cadet Divisions will b e tonne.
.... 40
British H Ol1duras
The BriGade in British Honduras has suffered the loss of its Commissioner, M; L. Outram, on his transfer to the Colonial Service in Kenya. but the A/Superintendent of Police, Mr. W. M. A. Price, has become Acting Commissioner for the Brigade pending the appointment of a Commissioner. Grenada
A St. John and Red Cross Committee has been established to meet the conditionil resulting from the hurricane "Janet" and to prepare plans for any future emergency. An unusual feature of our work is the 'adoption' of the Leper Settlement at which splendid work is being done by our members. A station wagon has been presented by the Order and it is hoped the possession of this will help to overcome the transport difficulties which have been one of the factors hindering expansion. Jamaica
Progress is being made in all four Districts in the Island and there ha ' been an increase in the number of Divisions and personnel. In the North East District, progress has been made towards the building of a Headquarters on land generously given by Sir Harold Mitchell who has also most kindly given the instruments and uniform for the newly-fo rmed Cadet Band. In the North West District the death of Colonel Quayle, the Deputy Commissioner, was a great loss, but Mr. L. R. Reed has agreed to accept this appointment. Leeward Islands
The first District Church Parade was held which H.E. Sir Kenneth Blackburne and Lady Blackburne attended. His Excellency took the Salute at the March Past after the Service. Trinidad and Tabogo
Following her visit, Mrs. Davie-Smith, the Headquarters Officer, reported that the development of the Brigade during the last few years had been most striking, that there is no lack of recruits and the standard of efficiency is high. During her visit the "Frances Davie-Smith" Ambulance Station was opened by H.E. The Acting Governor. CEYLON
The Superintendent-in-Chief visited Ceylon in April. During her visit, Lady Mountbatten presided at the Annual General Meeting and Inspected a parade of the Brigade. There has been a considerable increase in the strength of the Brigade during the past year and expansion is taking place in the most rural areas. The Commissioner, Colonel Jayawardana, in his report, states that 1~56 has been a record year, the total strength now being some 6,900 adults and 236 cadets. On the 13th October, 1956, H.E. The Governor-General, Sir Oliver Goonetilleke inspected the Police Corps of the Brigade and after the Parade, presented awards. It was with much regret that the Brigade in Ceylon said farewell to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Turner who had served the Brigade so well for many years-Mr. Turner as District Superintendent (A) and Mrs. Turner as District Treasurer of the Nursing Divisions.
There has, of course, been great difficulty in keeping any Brigade activities functioning in Cyprus but we are glad to say that the efficiency and interest of the members has been maintained as far as possible. Some success has already been achieved in reviving the Nursing Divisions in Nicosia. The Headquarters Organising Officer, Miss DonavourRickie, is doing splendid work and has succeeded not only in keeping some Brigade activities going but has succeeded in spite of all difficulties in extending the organisation of Association Classes. The Divisions of the Cyprus Police and the Cyprus Mines Corporation are being well maintained. Following the retirement of Dr. Sleight, Brigadier Pickthall kindly undertook the charge of the District until the appointment of Mr. Taylor as Commissioner. Other changes of senior officers have taken place by the appointment of Mr. Williams as Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Venglis as District Superintendent (A), and Mrs. Clifford as District Superintendent (N) vice Mrs. Robins who gave such splendid service until her retirement on leaving the Island. FIJI
An impressive ceremony was held on Cadet Day when Mr. W. E. Donovan, who has been appointed as Commissioner in succession to Dr. J. M. Cruickshank, enrolled 30 Cadets. It is expected that a start will soon be made in the provision of a long awaited Headquarters Building which will be a great asset to our work. GIBRALTAR
On his return from his visit to Gibraltar, the late Commissioner-inChief spoke of the marked interest in the Ambulance Division and of the intention to increase the Nursing Divisions and to form Cadet Divisions. The Brigade, unfortunately, lost the services, through retirement, of Mrs. Cararra as District Superintendent (N) but her place has been taken by Mrs. Ellicott. HONG KONG
A c?:dial welco~e was extended to 1h~ Superintendent-in-Chief during her VISIt. ~plendId work was given by Brigade members during the Kowloon Riots and we are glad that the Order was able to recognise this w?rk. by the aw~:d of a Vote of Thanks on Vellum to the Rong Kong DIstrICt. In addItion, nine Brigade Meritorious Certificates were awarded to individual. members. The Penetration Squads continue to give most excellent serVIce. Th~ bravery o~ a member of the Brigade-Corporal Kwok Chi-in resc';1mg ~ drowmng man at sea has been recognised by the award of the TestImorual on Vellum of the Royal Humane Society. The work of the Brigade will be further helped by the gift of a new ambulance by Mrs. Aw Boon Haw. MALAYA
It was an out~tanding .event in the life of the Brigade when H.R.H The Duke of Edmburgh mspected the Brigade in Penang and witnessed demonstrations in First Aid.
The resignation of Dr. R. E. Anderson was a great loss to the Brigade as he had given much valuable service. His place has been taken by Dr. Chang Hoey Chan. Miss 1. Check ley, the Headquarters Officer, ha been re-appointed for a further period of Service. Splendid progress conti 1Ues to be made and the total number of Divisions i now almost double the 1953 figures.
Headquarters, and indeed throughout the country, the Colonies and the Commonwealth. The Countess Mountbatten of Burma who, as Superintendent-in-Chief, is always a tower of strength to the Nursing Corps and Divisions, was ever-ready to give support, advice and encouragement in the much wider problems th at inevitably faced a new Commissioner-inChief. For this I am deeply grateful and I would like to endorse the tributes she has paid in her own report to her Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, her As istant, Mrs . Romer-Lee, and all others of her staff, to all of whom r am grateful for the support and help they gave me. r congratulate the Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief, Brigadier Ritchie. on the continued success and the increasing strength of the Cadet movement which has been so largely due to his own efforts handicapped as he so often is by phy ical di ability and pain. At the end of J 956 we were suddenly faced with the problem of refugees, first from Hungary and then from Egypt. Lady Braithwaite, in addition to her other work at Headquarters , at once took on much testing and important work in co-operation with the British Red Cross Society for the reception and accommodation of Hungarians. At the same time the Countess of Brecknock, althou gh already fully occupied in the work of the Oversea Department, did invaluable work in the organi5'ation of hostels for tho e coming from Egypt. My thank a re due also to Miss de Mierre for her tireles and often difficult work on problems of reception and travel in connection with the Red Cross and to Mr. Nunn for his untiring work in arranging air e corts and other similar duties. Invaluable, however, as the work of the e Headquarter Officers has been, it is on the counties them elves and on the individual workers at ports, airfields, reception centre and hostels that so much of the burden has faUen. I am deeply consciou of the long hours which they so willingly gave up to this work. Their re pon e was magnificent. To Lady Braithwaite we are also indebted for her invaluable work as Chairman of the Appeals Committee. Her great efforts and outstanding success have been of immen e value to all counties in England as well as in over eas territories and are, I know, deeply appreciated by all who have benefited so much from the way in which she has enabled them to meet their current expenses. I would also like to express my thanks to the Brigade Secretary, Mr. G. F. Quilter, and to my own Secretary, Miss Law, and to all the staff at Brigade Headquarters not only for their fine work during the year but more particularly for the great support they one and all gave to me personally in all the problems with which I was confronted. Finally, I would like to extend to all officers and members ambulance and nur~ing? adult a!ld cadet, my appreciation of the high standard that they mamtamed dunng 1956 and which would, I know, have been given to them by Sir Otto Lund had he lived to write this report himself. (Signed) J. M. KIRKMAN, Major-General, Commissioner-in-Chief.
MALTA G.c. The last overseas tour of the late Commissioner-in-Chief was to Malta and Gibraltar and he was greatly encouraged by the continued growth and efficiency of the Brigade. The Superintendent-in-Chief was al 0 able to visit Malta in August and during her vi it inspected a parade of Cadets and presented a Grand Prior's Cadet Badge to a Nursing Cadet- the first of these Badges to be gained in Malta. A contingent of 22, under the command of Colonel Abela, the Commissioner, came to London for the Royal Review and were the largest overseas contingent 0'11 parade. Mrs. K. Gulia, District Superintendent (N) has retired after many years of valuable and devoted service. MAURITIUS The Brigade is continuing its activity and there has been an increase in membership. The visit of H.R.H. The Prinoess Margaret was the outstanding event of the year. SINGAPORE The strength of the Brigade has increased by the formation of new Divisions and a scheme for the re-organistaion of the District into Area is being introduced. The services of the Brigade are greatly in demand and much assistance has been given by Nursing personnel in the various Welfare Centres and Clinics. The Brigade was very happy to have a vi it from the Superintendent-in-Chief who was able to visit the Headquarters and meet the senior members of the Ambulance and Nursing Division . SENIOR OFFICERS
During the early part of the year the Brigade suffered the loss by resignation from the active list of Dr. Johnson, the Commissioner for Shropshire, and Dr. Gardiner-Hill, the Commissioner for Oxfordshire. A welcome was extended to the following new Commissioners who were appointed in their places :-Colonel West (Shropshire) and Dr. Brigg (Oxfordshire). In addition, the Hon. Denis Berry was appointed Commissioner for Northumberland. CONCLUSION
I should again like to pay tribute to the tremendous achievements of Sir Otto Lund during his six years as Commissioner-in-Chief, and to the way in which Brigadier Daly, himself by no means physically fit, so readily stepped into the breach on General Lund's death and devoted aU his energies to the welfare of the Brigade during the few months left to him to live. When I myself took over during the closing weeks of 1956 my work was at once made easier by the loyal and spontaneous support of all at
REPORT OF THE ALMONER The Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the Briti~h Red Cross Society has continued its work on behalf of those who w~re disabled in the two Great Wars, and also those who have suffered m post-war hostilities. The needs of these ex-Service men and women are many and ?omplex. The Joint Committee meets these needs with sympathy and practical help, by means of its various departments, not only in ~ondon, but t~rough~ut the Country. It ministers to the comfort o~ patle~ts who ~re m service hospitals at home and overseas, for w~om it. provld~s a s~IJled and free Library Service. Three hund~ed and e~ghty-slx hospItals, sick bays, etc., are included under this headmg, totallmg 26,780 beds. . .. . The Library Service is extended to patients in 1,206. Clvll.lan hOSpitalS, on an agency basis, covering 10?,684 beds, .an~ to hospltal m 17 of ~.M . Prisons. This comprehensive LIbrary SerVIce lOcludes books, magazmes, periodicals, micro-films and page-turnerf>, ~tc .. Cours~s a~e held at ~e~d quarters, both to train Librarians and to gIve mstructlOn m book bmdmg and repairing, and these courses have proved to be of grea t value. The Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department has given help to about 70,300 cases, of whom 24,100 were helped financially or with goods in kind, to the value of £85,457, and 46,200 with many other proble~s. There has been a falling off in the number of case ~ as. compared wIth last year, but in a time of full employment, an~ at thiS distance from the 1939/45 War, this is to be expected. It was, m fact, foreseen ~hat the greatest cost would com~ in the first te.n. years, and that thereafter It would gradually decrease in spIte of the additlOnal calls made by the more aged . A most useful ;onference of County Administrative Officers was held at Caxton Hall, under the chairmanship .of Sir Ralph Eastwood when the many aspects of the work were conSidered, and many helpful sug,gestions were made. . . . The policy of supplying weather-prot~cted m."ahd. tncycles ~as be.en extended to all pensioners who use their machines 1n connectlO? WIth their work. The number of motor tricycles, etc., on Joan to disabled pensioners is 244, of which 180 are jointly owned with the Ministry of Health. The Hospitals and Medical Services Departm~nt .is charged with the duty of administering the following health InstltutlOns:The Convalescent Hospital for Officers at Brighton, whi~h has had another successful and busy year-Nursing facilities are p~ovlded, and a proportion of heavy cases can be accepted. The ~ospltal, theref~)fe, . forms a useful bridge between the time when a pa~lent lea~es hospital, before returning home. There have been 287 admlssIOns dunng. the year. Six beds are reserved for Women Officers and members of the Bngade a!ld Society, and women employees of the Parent Bodies and of the JOlI~t Committee. Scio House Hospital for Officers (T.B) at P~tney. This Sanatorium has now completed the work for which It was mstItutedany further T.B. cases will be admitted t~ the Kin& Edward .VII Sanatorium or some similar establishment. SClO House IS now bemg closed, and ce;tain necessary repairs and renovations are being carried out, after which it will become a permanent home for ex-Officers (other than ~.B. cases) who require care and nursing attention. Bramshott Lodge, Hmdhead, which is a home for elderly Nurses, most of whom were transferred
to it from our former Home at Weybridge, which had to be closed d.o.wn in 1955, as being no longer suitable. Bramshot~ Lodge has many amerutles, such as central heating, hot and cold water m each bedroom, et~. The surroundings provide pleasant walks in woodland country, while the garden produces a plentiful supply of vegetables and flowers. Ernest Burdon House, Bournemouth. This beautifully appointed Home for elderly Nurses was opened on 22n~ C?ctobe.r, 195?, by H.R.~. The Princess Royal. It had begun to recelve ItS reSIdents m May, and IS now fully occupied. Its finely appointed rooms, lounges . and sun parlou~, overlook the sea and it has a secluded garden. It IS named after Slr Ernest Burdon as' a token of appreciation of his long and devoted service to the Order and the Society, both in India and in this country. Queen Alexandra House at Folkestone, which is used for nurses and women members of the Order, Brigade, Society and women personnel of the Parent Bodies and the Joint Committee who are in need of a period of rest. Four hundred and forty-three guests were received during the year, of whom 255 were State Registered Nurses, 65 St. John Ambulance Brigade, 103 British Red Cross, and 20 miscella?eous. This Ho~e also has a Beach Hut, which is in constant use, and IS greatly apprecIated. The Joint Committee maintains on behalf of the Ministry of Health:Headington Hill Hall, Oxford, which is a re-habilitation centre for heavy head injuries. Practical outdoor and indoor work is taught here; and most beneficial results are obtained. Lately, the demand for vacancies for war disability pensioners has been falling off. So well equipped is the Centre for its purpose, that discussions are in progress with the Ministry of Health as to the advisability of admitting civilian head injuries to fill any vacancies which may occur. The Hospital and Medical Services Department also represents and advises the Joint Committee on the following:The St. John and Red Cross Settlement for Paraplegics at Lyme Green in Cheshire (administered by the Cheshire Joint County Committee). The chief industries undertaken here are carpentry, boot rer airs and clock and watch repairs. The inmates have a great reputation for sport, and run highly successful teams for Netball, Archery, etc. A n ~w recreation hall has been built for them. The St. John and Red Cross Settlement for Paraplegics at Kytes, near Watford (administered by a local Committee on behalf of the Joint Committee). This Settlement has 40 Bungalows, and 30 of the tenants are in full-time employment in local industries, while four of the others are able to work at home. The Red Cross and St. John East Lancashire Tuberculosis Colony at Barrowmore in Cheshire (administered by the East Lancashire Joint County Committee). The Colonists are all employed on suitable and remunerative work, which includes packaging of aircraft equipment, manufacture of portable buildings, etc., as well as general maintenance work on the estate and its premises. The old Hostel has been altered to provide improved accommodation, and it is estimated that any demand for accommodation in the next few years can be adequately met. The St. John and Red Cross Settlement for Severely Disabled ex-Servicemen, near Norwich (administered by a local Committee on behalf of the Joint Committee. This Sett1e~ent. ~onsists of 12 houses, whose occupants have 85 to 100 per cent. disabIlity. Three more garages have been completed, making six in all. The great majority of the settlers are constantly employed.
Other Health Institutions which have received recognition and support from the Joint Committee include:-Florence Nightingale House, S.W.5, which is a hostel for Post-Graduate Nur e Students. Star and Garter Home for Disabled Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen, Richmond. Queen Mary's (Roehampton) Hospital, S.W.15. Queen Alexandra Hospital Home at Worthing. Another Department which has continued its invaluable work is The Ambulance Department, whose ambulances have carried a record number of patients, both in relation to the National Health Service and to other transport duties, including First Aid, which fall out ide the National Health Service. The Mobile X-ray Section has made regular weekly and bi-weekly visits to 24 hospitals during the year, and also to chest clinic, and to patients who are too ill to leave their own homes. One other activity of the Joint Committee should be mentioned, namely, the Training Scheme, which grants scholarshi ps to State Regi tered Nurses for training in such subjects as Nursing Administration Oi trict Nurse Tutor, Midwife Teacher, Health Visitor, Sister Tutor etc. Twentytwo scholarships were awarded during the year. On 31st October, 1956, Sir Ernest Burdon retired from the Joint Committee, and from the Chairmanship of the Finance and General Purposes Committee. His outstanding services, both to the Order and the Society, date back to 1936. His insight and wisdom and his charm of personality, will be greatly missed by all who have been privileged to work with him. This brief summary of some of the main activitie of the Joint Committee constitutes my final Annual Report. I would wi h my uccessor as happy and as interesting a time as I have had. I cannot end without expressing my sincere thanks to my colleagues on the Joint Committee and in the Order and the Society, for the great kindnes and friendship which I have received during the time that I have had the honour to hold the office of Almoner. R. L. LOYD.
Assistant Curator. Miss M. Martin has now joined the Staff as Library and Museum Assistant. The cleaning and restoration of the pictures continues. Three small portraits of Grand Master Pinto, St. Ubaldesca and Abbe Venot were completed during the year, as well as a large painting of Joseph de Lim~rie des Choisy, Grand Hospita~ler, 1729. In the summer we were pJeased to welcome Mr. L. McCormIck Goodhart, of the United States whose generous donation has already enabled us to have 24 pictures clea~ed and restored. He expressed complete satisfaction with the work already carried out. An outstanding purcha~e o~ the Library was an early printed missal of tb~ Order. The volume I~ WIthout date or place of origin but there is eVldence to support the VIew that the work was printed about 1505 in Strasburg. Ano~her intere ting acquisition was an early 18th century framed engravmg C?f ~alta and Gozo, the gift of Major-General Hugh Stott. The enwavmg IS hand-coloured, with an inset view of Valletta and plan of that CIty. The list of donors to the Library and Museum during the year. to whom the thanks of Chapter-General have been conveyed, is as follows:J. T. Spence, Esq.; W. J. Perri am , Esq.; Commander J. V. Farrow; T. H. Read, Esq.; Major-General Hugh Stott; Major E. S. Burt Hamilton; G. Savastano, Esq.; A. C. Yate, Esq.; Miss E. Mason; Mrs. E. M. Kemp; A. B. Archer, Esq.;. Mrs. R. Jamieson, Miss E. Ferguson; Mrs. E. Wynd.ha.m; W. M. F. Hmton, Esq.; V. Denaro, Esq.; Lieut-Colonel R. 1. WIlkll1son, and the Librarian. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Librarian. THE PRIORY IN SCOTLAND THE FESTIVAL OF ST. JOHN
. The Annual Cor:1memoration Service, General Assembly and Inves-
MUSEUM AND LIBRARY REPORT. A new publication brought to notice during the year was "The Building of Malta, 1530-1795," by J. Quentin Hughes. This work de cribes [he buildings of the Knights in detail and with great clarity. There are numerous illustrations and many are quite original; the rendering of architectural detail is very impressive. The number of visitors to the Library and Museum during 1956 was about 2,000. This figure is similar to that of the previous year. Saturday is the most popular day for large groups of visitors, and bookings are usually made six months in advance. The efforts of the staff and the voluntary he:pers who give up their Saturday afternoons in order to conduct these parties round St. John's Gate and the Church are greatly appreciated. The Curator of the Library and Museum, Mr. T. Veevers-Thompson, was unfortunately force.d to retire in November oWing to ill-health. Mr. Veevers-Thompson joined the Staff in 1936 and was appointed Curator in 1954. He was particularly interested in numismatics and paleography and the work he did, especially in those spheres, is of great value. He has been succeeded by Miss D. B. Edmonds, B.Sc., who was previously
tltur~ of the Order 111 Scotland were held in Edinburgh on the 26th June, 1956, over 3~0 members ar:d guests attended the various services. The
day beg.an WIth. the celebratIon of Holy Communion in the Moray Aisle
Ch~pel m St. GIL' Cathedral, th~ s rvic" b~ing cO:1iuct~d by the Pr~l at"
assisted by Chap1air:s of the ~rder. In the forenoon, a meeting of Prior;~ Chapter was held 111 the City Chambers, following which members of Chapter and Office Bear~rs of the Priory were entertained to lunch by the Lord Provost and MagIstrates of tr.e Ciry of Edinburgh. After lunch me!llbers o~ Chal?ter, preceded by the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edmburgh 111 thelF robes of office, processed to St. Giles' Cathedral for the ;ommemoratIOn Service. The Annual Commemoration Service was con ucted by the. Prelate, The Very Rev. Charles L. Warr K C V 0 D.D., LL.D., assIsted by The Rev. P. H. R. Mackay, The 'Re~. 'L~wi~ L. L. Cameron, O.B:E.:, and the Rev. A. M. Giltespie, O.B.E. In his ~~dress Dr. W~rr sa!d that while t~ some people who did not reflect v' ry deeply, ~hIS anCIent Order. of Chivalry might be an antiquated surIv~l o.f medIeval pageantry. WIth no relation to modern actualities, its ~spidratIOns, were. ~hey practlsed world-wide, could rid this earth of the on age of SuspIcIOn, envy, greed and fear."
At the conclusion of the Service the procession returned to the City Chambers for the General Assembly and Investiture. After welcoming members of the Order and their guests and receiving the reports of the Executive Officers, the Marquis of Aberdeen, Prior of Scotland, invested postulants with the insignia of their various grades. On the invitation of the Lord Provost and Magistrates, Members of the Order and their friends attended a Reception and D ance, which was held in the Banqueting Hall of the City Chambers. We are deeply indebted once again to the Lord Provost and Magi trates of the City of Edinburgh for their very kind hospitality to Priory-Chapter and al1 members and guests of the Priory of Scotland.
children is fully required and an investi gation is being undertaken. The oppe>rtunities provi~ed at St. John's Hou~e have been f!lade known to the social workers In Scotland, but the Intake has dWlJ1dled to three mothers and three children. Meantime, the vacant accommodation has been offered to Hungarian Refugee mothers and their children and the Edinburgh Committee would be very proud to undertake to provide and care for the victims of tyranny. The Committee records its thanks to the Friends of St. John. This organisation, so closely linked to the Order, °has arranged a series of Lectures, Outings and Functions whIch have interested all members of the Order. It also de ires to acknowledge the voluntary service given by Confreres as members of Committees and the generosity of the pubJic towards the schemes of the Order.
The Committee have continued to maintain and equip two Medical Comforts Depots in the Glasgow District during the past year. A House Committee composed of Members of the Glasgow Committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Douglas Macnaughton have been very busy throughout the year arranging the modernisation, impro ement and decoration of the Park Nursing Home in Claremont Terrace. The anonymous donor who made possible the purchase of the Park Nursing Home, made a further magnificent gift to help towards the cost of the modernisation and equipping of the Home. The Home, which is known as the St. John Foundation Hospital (Park Home), opened on the 1st December. 1956, and is run by Miss Dawson who was the Matron of the old St. John Foundation Hospital in Park Circus Place. Thi Home has now been closed. The new Home accommodates approximately 35-40 patients and has its own operating theatre and X-ray unit and can deal with general, surgical and maternity cases. THE EDINBURGH COMMITTEE
The Edinburgh Committee of the Order has maintained its activitie at St. John's House and the Hospice at Carberry, and through the energy of the Edinburgh Friends of St. John, steady progres has been made with the collection of funds. The Annual Church Service was held in July when the members of the Order and the Friends attended Divine Service within the Church of Greyfriars. This service is eagerly anticipated by the Members of the Edinburgh Committee, and its benefits to the Order as well as its indIvidual and personal contribution has been so favourably remarked upon, that it is intended to make it an esta blished feature in the Order's calendar of events. The Hospice at Carberry has had an attendance of 286 persons. Adult patients recovering from operation and illness continue to represent the major need although in the summer months every attempt is made to meet the growing demand for accommodation for elderly people in need of rest under holiday conditions. The inaccessibility of the Hospice has been shown up by the restrictions on the use of petrol and the consequent curtailment of bus services. Should these continue they may have an adverse effect on the occupation of the Hospice, but the Edinburgh Committee are considering plans to meet the emergency. Changes in the social outlook and an increase in the material CIrcumstances of the family have affected the attendance at St. John's House. It is doubtful If the provision provided for working mothers and their
As foreseen in the 1955 report, further expansion of the St. John Nursing Home ha been postponed because of the adverse economic position In the country generally. Inside the Home, however, work has not remained at a standstill. The purchase of several essential and valuable items of surgical equipment has been made po sible through the generosity of many who still feel that the demand for the amenities of private nursing must continue to be met. A new battery of sterillsers was installed and before this was done, the sterili ing room was renovated. This modernisation of the operation theatre has been greatly appreciated by the surgeons who use it. During the year Mr. Jas. Macdonnell, O.St.J., was appointed ViceChairman of the Aberdeen Committee of the Order for the remainder of the current triennial period. THE ORDER OF ST. JOH
The Hospital Committee reports the continued success of the Order of St. John Foundation Hospital, during its final year in the building at 7, Pa rk Circus Place. The number of admissions up to the ti me of transferring to the new Home were: 387 patients admitted and 390 discharged; 24 out-patient~ received treatment. Patients remai ning in the Hospital on the 29th November, were transferred to the new Home, together with the Nursing Staff and many items of equipment. The new premises at 12, Claremont Terrace, acquired through the generosity of an anonymous donor, have been extensively modernised, renovated .and redecorated. New lighting and central heating systems hav~ been mstalled and all room, includmg the Staff quuters, have teen eqUIpped with H. & C. water supply. The lighting and interior decoration are m the modern trend, varying the effect by the use of muted pastel shades, giving a light and cheerful, but restful atmosphere in all rooms and wards throughout the Home and breaking away from the accepted standard associated with Hospitals and Nursing Homes. The furniture has been completely re~odelled and modernised in keeping with the general.scheme of decoratIOn. The existing X-ray plant requires extensive renova~IOn and modernisation, for which funds will be required, in order that this department be brought into line with the other modern features. Wh~I?- finally equipped the !f0me, which will deal with maternity in addItIOn to medIcal and surgIcal cases, will be one of the most complete and up-to-date of its kind in the City.
The financial position of the old Hospital at ~h.e cl?se of the year was satisfactory, and the balance of the funds remalnlllg III the hands o~ the Committee, will in due course be transferred to the Glasgow CommIttee. This year the annual donation from the Ladies' Linen Guild wa.s gifted to the new Hospital and earmarked for the purchase of electnc food containers and floor polishers. The existing Hospital Committee has been merged with the Glasgow Committee, from which has been appointed a "House" Committee and a "Finance" Committee, who are responsible for the continuing work of the Hospital in its new quarters.. . To the Medical, Nursing and Domestic Staffs, and all who have m any way helped in the work of the Ho.spital, the Committe~ records its deep appreciation and gratitude for thelr excellent work dUrIng the year.
Knight of Malta, in the United States, one of the fe~ copies. of th~ catalogue of the great collection he has made of matenal dealing wlth the Order of St. John everywhere; and directly from St. John's Gate we have received copies of two works by the late Chancellor of the Order, Sir Edward King namely, "The Rule, Statutes and Customs of the Hospitaller," 1099~13l0; and "The Se~ls of the Order ofSt. John in ~e~usaI~m." For the history of the Order III Scotland most of the fugItIve pIeces have now been collected, though we are still without the "Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society," of which volume II is of particular interest to us. A beginning has been made in the collection of odd references to the Order scattered throughout records and histories. Most of these are concerned with the lands of the Order, but in the "Calendar of Scottish Supplications to Rome" (Scottish History Society: 19'56) appears a document" orthy of notice. This is an appeal (1626) by William HullIs, Prior of the Hospital of St. John in England, that the Pope would restore to the English Priory the Preceptory of Scotland; and the an wer given was: "Let it be done as is petitioned if without scandal." The document is important because it shows that the Preceptory of Scotland had actually been held for some time quite apart from the English Priory; that the petitioner himself was not at all sure that the Preceptory was "a member" of the Priory; and that the Pope was uncertain of the position. Incidentally, it shows that there was only one Preceptory of Scotland. The Librarian is grateful to scholars who have supplied him with references to the lands of the Order in Scotland and will welcome references to any other pieces of information which appear incidentally to researchers engaged upon the history of Scotland.
The Chairman reports another succes~ful year for the Guild. By kind permission of the R.N.V.R. Club, two very successful Coffee Mornings were held on board their Club Ship, Carrick. The Guild are much indebted for this privilege which was thoroughly enjoyed by aU those present. It has been found necessary to purchase much extra linen for the new Hospital, while the existing stocks have been repaired and kept in good order. The Silver Paper collection, which is a most valuable source of revenue, has been well maintained during the past year. The £100 which is annually donated by the Guild to the Hospital has been used to buy three electric food containers and two electric floor polishers. Once again the Rt. Honourable The Lord Provost of Glasgow, Mr. Andrew Hood, sent a beautiful Christmas Tree, for which the Guild were most grateful. Presents were given to the patients, nursing and domestic staffs at Christmas. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS DEPARTME T
It is gratifying to report that this important branch of the work of the Order in Scotland, continues to be maintained through the medium of over thirty Depots in widely scattered areas throughout the country. During the year, substantial additions were made to a number of Depots and perishable articles were replaced where necessary, in order that a wide range of sick room requisites be available for those in need of such articles. While a few of the smaller Depots have been little used, the majority of our centres report increased activity. The Priory is deeply grateful to all members and associates who have given so generously of their leisure time in operating and maintaining the Depots. THE LIBRARY
The books are in good order and the catalogue has been rearranged. The Library has been of service to scholars who have sought its help, but relatively little use has been made of the collection. The section dealing with the General History of the Order has received some notable additions. We have acquired by purchase, on advantageous terms, the very handsome volume by the Cavaliere Scicluna on "The Church of St. John in Valetta." Through the good offices of the library of the Order at St. John's Gate, we have been given, by Mr. Foster Stearns,
The Committee has responded to every call made on it from the St. John Nursing Home to supplement or pay fully the fees of patients requiring such help, and it is a matter of some regret that it has not been called upon this year for more substantial assistance. Last year, just on £700 was given for this purpose; this year the sum amounts to £300. Many patients during the recent months have come under the Nuffield Scheme of assistance and in addition the Committee has been able to help the Nursing Home by donating the sum of £250 for new sterilising equipment in the Operating Theatre. The sums just mentioned come from a Fund held by the Aberdeen Committee of the Order and lent to them free of interest for six years by the Friends of St. John. At one time it amounted to several thousands of pounds. Today, after deducting the subsidies for 1956 and the donation for the theatre equipment, the sum of £950 remains, which will be available during 1957 for further fee subsidies as required. It is encouraging to note that the Gift Centre has made just on £500 since it was opened sixteen months ago. TRE FRIENDS OF ST. JOHN, EDINBURGH
A series of lectures were held during the winter months, and proved most interesting and informative. Thanks go to all the speakers who gave so much of their time in the interest of the work of the Friends. The Flag Day this year was held in June with very successful results. An experiment in using another hall for the Coffee Party was not so successful as had been hoped, but thanks go to all the convenors for their
hard work. Sir Andrew Murray and Miss Rodney Murray held an excellent Strawberry Fair-this innovation proved most popular. Once again our grateful thanks go to the Edinburgh Charities Day Committee for {heir Committee Grant of £200 to the organisation. The Edinburgh Friends of St. John have now collected £2,111 gross in the last three years, which is most gratifying.
caters. With the Superintending Inspector of Factories for Wales and the Medical Inspector serving on the Ambulance Committee, official support of Priory efforts can be anticipated. There is some tardiness in the attitude of St. John Councils in Wales towards the appointment of County Organisers for Association purposes. With so many new fields to explore, it is hoped that every county and county area will in time have its Association representative who will see that the various Courses, including those on Food Hygiene, are brought to the notice of all groups and individuals in industry and elsewhere.
PRIORY FOR WALES The first VlSlt of the Grand Prior, H. R. H. the Duke of Gloucester, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., P.C. made 1956 a notable year in the annals of the Priory for Wales. There was no material change in activities or achievement, but good progress was made in the youth section of s ociation and Brigade services. ASSOCIATIO DEPARTME T The 1,206 classes examined shows an increase of 21 0 er the previou year and it is therefore surprising to find that there wa a light drop in the 18,308 persons who attended courses of instruction and in the] 6,221 awards gained. Classes for Preliminary First Aid, Home Nur ing and Child Welfare certificates show a total of 708 more tudents with a corresponding increase of 577 successful examinees. A further attempt was made to arouse the interest of the agricultural community in view of the increasing need for First Aid on farms owing to mechanisation. By arrangement with the Welsh Committee of the National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs, a letter was addres ed to all their County Organisers offering to put the Club Secretarie in touch with local St. John representatives with a view to their receiving a sistance in arranging instructional facilities for farm workers . Classes for the inmates of H.M. Prisons continued to be held . Brigade personnel in the areas concerned are to be commended on thei r readiness to give their services as class secretaries and demonstrators at weekly meetings held in the prisons throughout the whole year and the Priory has not failed to form a class for lack of a qualified lecturer de pite the inability of the Prison Governors to make payment for such lectures. The manual "First Aid in Coal Mines" was revised for the St. John Ambulance Association by a committee appointed by the Priory for Wales, with the collaboration of the Medical Service, National Coal Board, and the new publication became available at the end of the year. It was decided to mark the announcement of the new textbook by a renewed campaign to stimulate the study of First Aid and the advanced course First Aid in Coal Mines among mineworkers in the South Wales Coalfield, and it was gratifying to read in the Divisional Coal Board's Statement of First Aid Policy that the reconstituted First Aid in Mines Committee of the Priory for Wales "is to be regarded as a close and effective link between the Industry and the Order of St. John." At the close of the year the Association's new manual, "Occupational Fjrst Aid," was on the point of publication and the Ambulance Committee was already considering possible avenues of approach to enlist the interest of those concerned in the various industries for whom the book
STUDENTS WHO A TTE OED COURSES OF INSTRUCTION First Aid Preliminary First Aid Home Nursing Preliminary Home Nursing Preliminary Home Hygiene . Child Welfare . Preliminary Child Welfare . Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food. Mining Total
11,848 4,315 1,079 727 7 27 98 10 189
12,313 3,871 1,426 561 10 31
12,220 4,553 1,261 707 78
20 250
75 8 205
CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS GAINED Fir t Aid Certificates . Preliminary Fir t Aid Certificate Vouchers Marine Certificates Home Nursing Certificates Preliminary Home Nursing Certificates Preliminary Home Hygiene Certificates Child Welfare Certificates Preliminary Child Welfare Certificates. . . . . . Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food . First Aid in Mines Certificates First Aid in Mines Labels Medallions. Labels. Pendants
2,853 3,627 964 150 296 658 6 21 92 5 173 8 709 5,98§ 674
3,318 3,309 879 133 328 491 4 27
2,856 3,742 1,108 127 350 591 72
6 178 44 909 6,008 941
66 34 189 18 890 5,790 750
No. of Classes.
1956 1955 1954 9 14 9 Anglesey 50 50 46 Breconshire . 45 35 52 Caernarvonshire 24 24 21 Card igansh ire 97 96 99 Cannarthenshire 72 78 75 Den bighshi re 27 34 27 F1intshire 307 309 308 Glamorgan . 15 14 17 Merionethshire . 187 175 189 Monmouthshire 36 36 35 Mon tgomerysrure 11 21 25 Pembrokeshire . 5 4 4 Radnorshire 52 59 52 Aberdare 67 67 64 Cardiff 30 27 23 Merthyr Tydfil 25 26 28 Newport. 57 61 64 Rbondda 61 51 60 Swansea. Unattached .
No. of Students.
1956 238 453 717 334 1,377 1,221 425 4,567 242 2,873 417 485 52 884 1,121 323 478 1,077 977 39
1955 152 503 566 290 1,465 1,151 478 4,395 245 3,019 430 420 41 962 1,232 413 551 1,047 1,026 34
Marine Candidates .
1954 100 567 667 374 1,447 1,167 304 5,259 233 2,997 480 329 56 1,218 998 447 514 1,020 943 35
Men Awards Gained.
1956 213 389 613 284 1,251 1,156 374 4,183 222 2,394 366 457 44 695 971 329 420 841 838 31 150
1955 145 380 500 256 1,364 1,026 446 4,172 236 2,504 353 344 36 838 1,075 368 578 871 914 36 133
1954 149 487 575 321 1,273 1,049 274 4,571 184 2,434 383 269 37 1,025 957 445 318 768 809 28 127
1,206 1,188 1,165 18,300 18,402 19,155 16,221 16,575 16,483
1956 6 20 9 16 3 45
Headquarter Staff . Commissioners . Deputy Commissioners County Surgeons County Superintendents County Staff Officers County Cadet Officers. Area Commissioners Area Surgeons . Area Superintendents Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officers . Area Cadet Officers Corps Officers . Divisional Officers . N.C.O's. Privates .
14 7 8 I
16 II
1956 Headquarter Staff County Superintendents . County Nursing Officers County Staff Officers County Cadet Officers Area Superintendents Area Nursing Officers Area Staff Officers Area Cadet Officers . Corps Officers Divisional Officers N.C.O's Nursing Members
167 762 385 3,809
5 11 4 8 9 7 3 5 9 41 380 48 1,792
1956 3,933
Cadets (including Officers)
Corps and Divisions Corps Ambulance Divisions . Nursing Divisions . Combined Ambulance and Nursing Divisions Cadet Ambulance Di'Jisions Cadet Nursing Divisions . Combined Ambulance and Nursing Divisions .
Girls Cadets (including Officers)
1956 3,805
54 267 146 21 180 154
Men Women Boys Girls
5,292 2,322 3,933 3,805 15,352
14 782
It is heartening to record an increase of 168 in the membership of t~e St. John Ambulance Brigade in Wales which now stands at 15,352. T.his shows two promising features-a net increase of 15,2 boys and 2?0 girls with 20 new cadet units formed during th~ year agaInst only 12 dlsbandments, and a slight increase in th~ adult N,:rsing strength. None~heless disconcerting, however, is the contInued fall In the male membership. During the year 27 new Divisions w~re f~rmed-three Ambulance, two Nursing, two Ambulance and Nursmg, SlX Cade~ Ambula!1ce, te.n Cadet Nursing, and four Cadet Ambulance and Nu.rsmg. Agall!st thIS influx of new members, units disbanded after conSIderable pen ods of inactivity numbered five Ambulance, three Nursi~g, four ~adet Ambulance, three Cadet Nursing-a total of 15. There IS a net mcrease of 10 Divisions compared with December, 1955.
AMBULANCE HALLS This customary heading is not strictly accurate for the reason that a few so-called halls are not adapted to the holding of large assemblies, but of classes and practices only. All of them are, however, headquarters; the tenure of which is securely guaranteed, whether vested solely in the Priory Trustees or held jointly with other Trustees or placed at the dis- ' posa] of a Division by an owner, and in particular by the National Coal Board. Most are properly adapted to the purposes of an Ambulance Han, whether built latterly to a standard design or acquired by purchase, and a few are roomy street premises but lacking a large meeting place. There are now 130 such headquarters for some 250 Divisions with their associated units, Nursing and Cadet, after excepting those in city and town where a central building can serve a Corps. It is the more creditable w~en a new Hall is erected in spite of current prices, while much may shU be done by way of securing existing premises at no great cost. A feature of t~e year's work has been the opening of four headquarters, two fine new bUlldmgs at Maesteg and Blaengarw, and two commodious
premises purchased at Ferndale and Ystradgynlais. The Priory is once again indebted to the South Western Divisional Board, N.C.B., for the provision of £1,500 In 1956, the balance of whlch went towards putting in hand the rebuilding of Abersychan Ambulance Hall and renovations at Newbridge, Tynybedw/Pentre, Cwmcarn and Risca. There was also an allocation to the Cefn Coed Ambulance Divi ion. Plans at Saron and Penygroes in Carmarthenshire; at Fernhill and Aberfan/Merthyr Vale in Glamorgan; and at Blaina, Cross Keys and Waunlwyd in Monmouthshire, have to be carried over to 1957. Such a programme represents a very considerable outlay towards which application has been made to the Board for a further subsidy, which, however, is kept to the lowe t possible figure consistent with the financing of each a scheme from Divi ional funds and Priory loans. This practice has been pursued since 1951 \\ith the result that six Divisions in the coalfield alone are still carrying loan accounts with the Priory to the extent of £3,000 over periods extending in some cases to 1965. Considering that the amount loaned by the Priory at times exceeds £10,000 for terms varying from five to 15 year in respect of repayments of capital and interest by equal annual instalments, it is exceedingly creditable that no Unit has ever been in default. At the same time, though each financial project has been devised to leave the Di iSlOn with a little in hand for uniform, equipment and maintenance expen es, a heavy handicap is imposed upon Units to liquidate their indebtedness in years to come. Divisions outside the coalfield which ha\e had to manage without grant-aid and to rely on Priory loans are to be congratulated upon their enterprise. Grateful thanks are due to Divisional Committees for initiating schemes which the Priory i. always ready to help promote, and especially to those which have anticipated the final date for repayment of loans in a remarkably short time. ROY AL REVIEWS
On May 12th the Sovereign Head of the Order, Her Majesty the Queen, reviewed 22,000 members of the Brigade in Hyde Park, and among tho e who took part was a contingent from \Va1es of approximately 1,000 men, women and cadets. A parade of Brigade personnel from four counties in West Wales was reviewed by H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent at Pembroke Dock, in the course of her visit to Pem brokeshire. Local reviews were carried out by the Chief Commissioner for Wales. accompanied by the Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief for Wales, at Mountain Ash and Newport (Mon.); and the Deputy Chief Commis ioner for Wales conducted a review of divisions in Montgomeryshire at Machynlleth, combined with a Church Parade. BRIGADE ACTIVITIES
The wide range of humanitarian activities undertaken on behalf of the sick and suffering testifies to the innumerable calls still met by voluntary personnel. The amount of publicity obtained by the Brigade for these services is not nearly sufficient mainly because the members on duty do not seek to draw attention to their services and, in fact, often avoid publicity. It is most desirable that all counties shall appoint someone who will take charge of publicity arrangements. Apart from duties undertaken in emergencies, the Brigade continued to
carry out its regular services to the public and such activities are classified in the following tables of hours and cases:Hours 94,551~
Public Duties. . Transport Duties . Hospital Duties . Clinics. . . Nursing Aid . . Blood Transfusion . Miscellaneous Duties . .
18,446 1,572 3,564 1,871 16,438
On Public Duty. Off Public Duty . . . . Treated by paid Personnel. Tran port:Invalids removed. Road Accidents Other accidents Mileage .
Cases 22,320 22,566 .248,065
. 20,288 456 893 . .209,839
197,232t Personnel engaged on full-time Hospital Duties
Personnel engaged on full-time Transport Duties .
Brigade units are maintaining 19 Road Boxes and five Beach Huts. . The .appeal to the Brigade in respect of Civil Defence is gaining an IllcreasIllg response-the number of members having enrolled in the Civil Defence Corps having reached a total of 270. . Ca~et ~em.bers are making a useful contribution of service in the directIOns mdlcated below:Public Duties. . Transport Duties . Hospital Duties . Miscellaneous. . Blood Transfusion
Hours 17,7761 907 4,080 5,586 223
Cadets Engaged on full-time Hospital Duties . . . . . . . 39 Cadets transferred to Adult Divisions. . . . . . . . 39 Cadets taking up Hospital training 33 Cadets taking up Medical training 4 Cadets taking up Nursery training 3 Cadets called up for National Service in Medical Service. . . 8 Cadets called up for National Service in non-Medical Service. 1 12 Cadets in N.H.S.R.
:\-t th~ invitation of Brigade Headquarters, representatives of the Bnga.de 1Il Wales. attended the Civil Defence Staff College Courses SunnI~gdale; Semor Officers' Training Course, Rhos-on-Sea; County Supenntendents' Conference, London; and Nursin cr Officers' Conference London. b ' An appreciable amount of service is unrecorded in statistics. Frequent requests. are met fo~ talks to other organisations and a speciaJ call in this co~nectIOn came thIS year from the W.V.S. whose "One-in-Five" scheme ~hiCh has the appro~~l of the .Home Office. includes a talk on "Care of ~ hck P~rson at Home to be gIven only by trained nurses and members of ~e~ Bngade and ~ed Cross. In most counties a panel of speakers has n set ~p for. thIS pu.rpose. The Brigade has responded to appeals for c<?-~peratIOn wlth public health authorities in various schemes concerned ~l.t thedcare of ol? people and apart from the Medical Comforts opera .mg un. er the .aegls of the Priory, St. John personnel in certain areas are ~htill plafficm g theIr :,o]untary services at the disposal of local authorities in e sta ng of thelr depots. "Save-a-Life W ee kcampaIgns "· . I were well orgalUsed in many of the coas.t~ towns where ~ectures and demonstrations of artificial respirations ~ar;~e ou.t by the Bngade brought the value of instruction on life-saving o e notice of many thousands of spectators.
Assistance given to the National Blood Transfusion Service was gratefully acknowledged by the Welsh Regi~nal Donor Or~aniser wh? expressed appreciation of the amount of time. and help given by Bngade members in the organisation of blood sessions throughout the Welsh . ' region. The Priory is proud to record the follOWIng award ~or outstandIng service in rendering First Aid in difficult or dangerous clrcumstances:-
Treharris Nursing Cadets won the "Mountbatten" cup and the "Cunard" cup. The North Wales Cadet Competitions were held at Newtown, Montgomeryshire, the winning teams being:-Pari Huw~ Cup-Newtown Ambulance Cadets; Earl of Powis Cup-Forden Nursmg Cadets. The Commissioner for Aberdare undertook responsibility for organising the nine competitions at the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales held this year at Aberdare, with the following results :-Lady Lewis Cup (teams of men): Kenfig Hill S.J.A.B. Division. Lady Bute Cup (teams of women): Tredcgar S.J.A.B. Nursing Division. Trevethin Shield (teams of men in Wales): Glamorgan County Police No.1 Team. Silurian Shield (teams of women in Wales): Tredegar S.l.A.B. Nursing Division. Powell Du{fryn Cup (teams of men employed in fiVe Ish Mines): Pentre Colliery. [sea Shield (teams of boys under 17 years of age): Duffryn Aman S.l.A.B. Cadet Division. The Dr. R. 1. Isaac Shield (teams of boys under 15): Cefn Cribbwr S.J.A.B. Cadet Division. Gwent Shield (teams of girls under 17 years of aae): Treharris S.J .A.B. Cadet Division. The Balmain Shield (teams of girls under 15 year. oj age): Cardiff Emergency S.l.A.B. Cadet Division.
CADET MERITORIOUS CERTIFICATES Cadet Graham Wanklyn, Bryn Ambulance Cadet Division, Bridgend County Area, Glamorgan. . .. Cadet John Davies, Duffryn Aman Cadet Ambulance D~v~ ~on, Aberdare . Cadet Terry Smith Duffryn Aman Cadet Ambulance DIVISIOn, Aberdare. LETTERS OF CO~ME 0 TIO were awarded to Div. Supt. Walter H. Johns, Nantymoel Division, Bridgend, and Pte. Willi~m Walters, Blackwood Division, Bedwellty County Area, MonmouthshJre. NATIO AL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE The highlight of the year wa~ the. succe~s of ~he Welsh .Regi.on in the National Competition for MobIle Flrst Aid Umts. The vlctonous team was based on St. Tydfil's Hospital, MenhyI'. With eight of the nine nursing auxiliaries in St. John ynifo:m, a me~i~a l officer who a . a. ~orp surgeon has cons.iderable expenenc~ m competltJon wo~k, an~ a DIVl IOnal Nursing Officer III the role of Tramed Nurse, the Urnt s tnumph was a great vicwry for the Brigade in the Borough of Merrhyr T~dfiI.. On the whole the Brigade in Wales has made a good contn.butIOn to the Reserve which as a form of Civil Defence, has fir t claIm upon the nursing' person~el, while male members who are also eligible to join can be expected to give first consideration to the Ambulance an~ Casua~t.Y Collecting Section of the Civil Defence C?rps. The 2,751 nur~Lng auxIliaries enrolled into the N.H.S.R. and tramed under the auspices of the Brigade are 926 more than the number credited to the .British Red Cro Society and the Welsh Region comes second on ~he lIst of the fO'-,lrteen Regional Hospital Areas according to the proportIOnate membership per 1,000 of the population. COMPETITIONS The panel of adjudicators appointed f?r the Welsh Bri&ade Final Competitions held in the City Hall, CardIff, on June 21?-d, In,cluded a Headquarters judge in the person of the Deputy Surgeon-m-Chief of the Brigade. The first three teams proved to be as under:Llandinam Shield (Men) 1st Cardiff Fire Service Ambulance Division 2nd Glynneath Ambulance Division 3rd Swansea Police Ambulance Division
Arthur Gr(ffichs Memorial (Women) 1st Machynlleth Nurc;ing Division 2nd Tredegar Nu,rsing .o.i~isi on 3rd Brecon NurSing DIVISIon
Six Ambulance and seven Nursing Cadet teams competed in the Welsh Cadet Final Competition, the trophies being won by the f<;mr teams as follows:-Twiston-Davies Ambulance Cadet Cup-Cefn Cnbbwr; Lady Herbert Lewis Nursing Cadet Cup-Treharris; pwyn Morris D.ni/orm Cup -Duffryn Aman; County/Area Cadet Officers Cup-Treharns. . Subsequently at the Brigade Finals in London the Cefn Cnbbwr Ambulance Cadets won the "Schooling," "Barne" and "New Zealand" cups and were chosen to demonstrate before the Queen Mother; whilst
CADET TRAINI G OFFICER'S REPORT Record progres in membership is referred to above and cadets have distinguished themselves in many sphere. Grand Prior Badges, the highest award obtainable by Cadets have been won by three Ambulance and 13 Nur ing Cadets in Brynmenyn (Student Amb.), Rhiwbina (A), Brecon (N), Brynmenyn (N), Cwmbran (N) and Pontypool (N) Cadet Divisions. One Ambulance and six Nursing Cadets completed 200 hours voluntary service, thus winning the Special Service Shield. Cadet Meritorious Certificates have been awarded to three Ambulance Cadets named above. To the outstanding performance of the Welsh Cadet teams in the Cadet Final Competitions can be added an account of success in the National Arts Cups competitions. Three Cadets from Monmouthshire won awards; Nursing Cadets from Risca and Griffithstown in the Poetry and Author's Cup Competitions respectively and an Ambulance Cadet from Machen in the Music Competition. The highlight of the 1956 Training Courses was the King George VI Leadership Training Course held during Whitsuntide at Rhowniar, and attended by 50 young Cadet Officers and Leaders, the majority being between the ages of 17-25 years. The Outward Bound Sea School staged ~our realistic accidents. Gratitude to the Warden, Captain l. F. Fuller, IS recorded for arranging this first-class exercise which thoroughly tested the resourcefulness of the teams. A most uccessful Training Day for 40 N.C.O's was held in June, a very high standard being shown in tr.e Discussion Groups with which the day ended. The seventh Annual Cadet Officers' Training Course held at Barry, was attended by over 80 delegates and it was very encouraging to see a large number of young Officers present for the first time. The fourth combined Adult and Cadet Officers' Course at Colwyn Bay was well attended and proved once again a very happy and worth while event.
There were no official Training and Priory Camps this year, but successful County and Area Camps were held by Breconsbire, Bridgend, Cae.rnarvonshire and Swansea. At Priory level, St. John Ambulance Bngade Cadets made history by participating for the fir t time in a holiday abroad. Twenty-nine Cadets and 10 Officers took part a~d the venue was Stans in Switzerland. The organisation and co-operatIOn amongst all concerned was first-class and a very encouraging result has been the renewed interest in Cadet activities by those who were chose.n to go a.nd who on their return have infused new enthu iasm into thelr respectIve Divisions. . Wales was chosen as one of the five experimental areas in whIch the Pilot Scheme for the Duke of Edinburgh' Award is being ~r~ed out within the Brigade. Four Divisions were selected, and the 'pr~vllege of participation at this stage was greatly appreciated because It I on the findings of the Pilot Scheme that the final pattern of the Award Scheme will be based. During the past year the Cadet Movement has been t~ki ng part in an enquiry sponsored by the Standing Co~ference of Nanonal Voluntary Youth Organisations to find out the attitude of young pcople towards Work and Leisure. RHOW IAR YOUTH CAMPING A 0 CO FERE
The death is recorded with deep regret of Major Henry W~re who v.ent to Merionethshire from Newport in 1953 to become the ac.tlr:t~ warden of Rhowniar. The Cadet Department took over responsIbllny for the booking arrangements at the house and camping grounds. Ejg~lt hundre~ and fifty-two young people, including partles of Scouts, GUIde, Boy Brigade and schools from all parts of the . cou!ltry, as well as St. John Cadets, benefited by holidays-596 campIng m the grounds a nd 256 indoors. The Rhowniar Sub-Committee met at the close of the season and in the light of experience made a number of suggestio~s subseq uently approved by the Fmance Committee, which should ~esult 111 a thoroughly economical usage of all sections of the property durmg 1957. SERVICE MEDALS AND BARS
Awards for Brigade efficiency totalling 36~, bring the recipients of Service Medals on completion of 15 years' effiCIency to 2,587; FLrst Bars, for 20 years', to 1,218; Second Bars (25 years.') to 509, Third Bars (30 years) to 271; Fourth Bars (35 ;:ears) to 41; FIfth Bars (40 years) to, 40, and Sixth Bars (45 years) to mne. In the aggregate, 47,840 years of efficient service are represented by these Medals and Bars awarded to members of the Brigade in Wales. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS
The Depot which is part of the ~riory .Headquartel: administration, sets the pattern for this branch of serVIce. It IS to the credIt of a num.b.er of Units that they are continuing to maintain a depot for the addltl(?~al benefit of the local public. In some counties the publIc health authon.nes are subsidising St. John Depots by annual grants towards. the reple.mshment of stocks while others are utilising the voluntary serVIces of Bngade members in staffing their own Depots. The Priory House Depot is regarded officially as adequately meeting the need in Car~iff, whe~e the City Council accepts responsibility for payment of the hIre fees In all
necessitous cases. Compared with the previous year, there is a decrease of 686 in the 6,190 articles of invalid equipment issued on loan from the 59 Depots. JOINT COMMITTEES
St. John personnel are co-operating in the work undertaken by some of the Departments of the Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society through the Joint County Committees formed during the Second World War. The Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department and the Hospital Library Department are carried out under county administration, while the Ambulance Department of the Joint Committee is represented in Wales by a Committee operating for the WeI h counties directly concerned. AMBULA CE TRANSPORT
The Priory continues to play its part, in conjunction with the Welsh Ambulance Committee, which is representative of the Order and British Red Cross Society, in administering a Joint Ambulance Department. Under the terms of the National Health Service Act, 1946, this Department is providing ambulance transport services on an agency basis for the local health authorities in the counties of Brecon, Denbigh, Pembroke and Radnor, with re ponsibility for operation and maintenance apart from the ordering of conveyances, In the county of Montgomery~ Division of the Brigade operate a service with six Welsh Committee ambulance as direct agents of the County Council, under conditions which are unique throughout the country, inasmuch as the manning of the vehicle is carried out on a voluntary basis by Brigade members only, operational cost being met by the County Council. Of the 48 ambulances registered with the Joint Department, six are owned by the Priory and 42 by the Welsh Ambulance Committee. Four ambulances owned by local authorities and placed at the disposal of the Department for operational purposes, bring the total number of vehicles available to 52. At the close of the year, 27 stations, equipped with one or more article each, are operating in addition to the six independent stations in Montgomeryshire. Four new cars were purchased to replace one Priory, and three Welsh Committee, owned ambulances withdrawn as unsuitable for further use. During the year 53,023 patients were conveyed and the aggregate mileage was 619,875, of which the Montgomeryshire stations were responsible for 1,135 and 46,658 respectively. The continued co-operation of Brigade Divisions in the counties of Brecon, Denbigh, Montgomery, Pembroke and Radnor, and of Detachments of the British Red Cross S~ciety at Ruthin and Tenby, and in particular the services of volunteer dnve~s a~d attendants in supplementation of paid staff are a valuable contnbutIOn to the service of the Joint Ambulance Department. STORES DEPARTMENT
Briga?e Unit~ and ~rganisers of classes can support Priory funds by purcha~l1:g th~lr reqUIrements from the Stores Department at truly ~ompetlt1ve pnces. The turnover during the year under review showed u~creas~d bus~ness in all three categories-Publications, Uniform and FIrst AId eqUIpment-and so produced some contribution towards the loss. o,n th.e Association Department and the high cost of Brigade adnumstratIOn.
Sales of textbooks were stimulated by the production of three Supplements which are now included in the latest impression of the Fortieth Editio'n of "First Aid to the Injured." Then the long awaited publication in November of the re ised First Aid in Coal Mines manual was greeted with a quick demand, and for ~adets two new bo.oklets- Road and Home Safety and National HIstory-became avaIlable. Altogether 17,586 copies of 26 books and publications were sold: While the Brigade units are free to purchase requirements from any source, the view is gaining ground that it i in their best interests to give Priory Headquarters the opportunity of supplying uniform. The ter.ms compare favourably with any obtainable locally for ~ rea ona~ly high grade quality. Royal Reviews caused a great man~ Ul11ts to c0!l tder ~he replenishment of uniform, with the result that tradIng under thIS headIng showed an increase of over £5,000. The sale of surgical equipment appears to be on the upward tr~nd; .the loss of orders formerly received from private firms under pre-natIOn~hsa tion conditions now tending to be offset by a greater measure of Bngade custom.
D. T. Williams, O.B.E., O.St.J., J.P., D.L.) for lunch at Cardiff Castle. In the Assembly Room of the City Hall over a thousand members and supporters were presented in the afternoon for the General Assembly at which a Reception of Knights and Investiture was carried out by H.R.H. the Grand Prior, who presented also Vellum Votes of Thanks and other awards.
The library benefited by the gift of a volume from Professor William Rees, C.St.J., bnnging the Priory's collection of books to 295. SPECIAL TRIBUTE
The Priory for Wales was the Charity selected by Messrs. Warner Bros., and the Management of the Olympia Cinema, Cardiff, to benefit from the proceed5 of the "Helen of Troy" Global Film Premiere on the 26t.h January. Tickets were sold at special prices and the sale of a s~)Uvelllr programme added to the receipts; a net sum of £1,077 was recel ed by the Priory. NEW APPOINTMENT
The resignation of Miss S. C. Bovill, O.St.J., as Chief Nursing Officer, consequent upon her removal fro!ll Wale.s ~as accepte~ with grea.t regret. Ih~ Priory has been fortunate m obtalllIng the serVices of MISS Jane Thomas, S.R.N., S.C.M., whose status as Hospitals Nursing Officer under the Welsh Regional Hospital Board will provide opportunities for cl?se contact with the Nursing Officers of the Brigade in all the Welsh countIes.
The Priory not only stands possessed of the freehold of its own Headquarters but has assumed resJ: 0 lsibility for the maintenance of two ancient homes of the Order in Wales, namely that of the Hospice of Bridgend presented in 1919 by the Sub-Prior, Sir Owen Philipps, Bart. (afterwards Lord Kylsant), the authenticity of which as a St. John property can neither be proved nor disproved, and the Old Church of the Commandery of Siebech vested in the Priory Trustees by the Representative Body of the Church in Wales as recently as 1955, together with two tumuli (on one of which the sword now carried in procession was unearthed) presented by the de Rutzen family. The death of Lady Curre, D.B.E., D.St.J., last October, brought to the notice of the public a munificent gift whereby ten years previously Itton Court with fifty acres of garden and park had been placed in trust for the Priory; and by her Will, Lady Curre made the Priory residuary legatees of her estate. It wa hoped in 1946 that Itton Court could be used by the Priory as a Conference Centre and for Training Courses and that the grounds could be made use of for camping purposes. Owing to the fact that it may be some considerable time before Lady Curre's estate can be wound up and any part of her residuary estate made available to the Priory, and owing to other circumstances which could not have been foreseen in 1946, it has been decided that Itton Court cannot be made use of in the way Lady Curre would have wished. In consequence, it has b~en .decided with great regret that Itton Court and the land that goes WIth It, as. well as the estate, will have to be put up for sale to provide for death duties, and to meet the legacies and annuities given by her Will. If, however, a suitable sale cannot be effected, the house and grounds will be held by the Priory on a caretaker basis for such functions and future activities as funds permit.
A loyal welcome was accorded to the Grand Prior on his first visit to the Priory, by members of the Order who came from all parts of the Principality to the annual Priory gathe~ings h~ld in Cardi~ on the 12th July. Two historic developments assocIated With the occaSIOn were the acquisition of a Priory for Wales Standard and the app,roval by the Grand Prior of new Priory Regulations revised on the baSIS of the new Charter and Statutes of the Order 1955. The Standard was the gift of the Hon. Mrs . R. A. H. Plunkett in memory of her late husband, Baron de Rutzen, killed in World War ~I. An inspiring service was arranged at the Church of St. J ?hn the Baptlst for the dedication of the Standard by His Grace the ArchbIshop of Wales, at which the Right Rev. the Bishop of Monmouth preached the sermon. The Prior presided over the annual meeting of the Chapter held in the morning, after which H .R. H. the Grand Prior and Chapter members were the guests of the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of CardIff (Alderman
~rigCfde Mem~er.s~ip:-T~e strength of the Brigade has been well mamtamed and It IS mterestmg to note the increasing interest of Cadets. A number of. Grand. Prior's Badges have been is ued throughout the year and the mnovatIOn of Proficiency Badges has certainly enhanced the keenness of Cadets in their work. The year 1956 w~s fortunately free from any major disaster in this country, bu.t the routme work of the Brigade was performed with efficiency .and enthusla~m. St. John members were seen on duty on the sporting fields, at agncultural shows, places of entertainment-in fact , wherever
they were required. This year has been one of ste~dy progre.ss and St. John members have been ready at all times to do theIr duty as m the past and will continue so to do in the future. The Association returns are gratifying and contain several items .of interest. In the Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal area, 53 Certificates have been issued for "Emergency Childbirth," and in the Cape Town Centre 18 Certificates have been is ued for "Clean Food Handling." As training in these subjects is in the nature o~ an innovati~n .it is encouraging to note the interest which has been dl p~ayed a~d It IS h?ped that in the future both these very neces ary subjects WIll be actively supported. . Both the new Association Headquarters at Durban and Port Elizabeth w",re ready for occupation during the year. This is a real ~tep f<?rward and today all the larger Centres in this country are ~ouse~ In the~r own very fine buildings which have been built or acqUIred Wltl~ ~ lew . to expansion in the future. The finances of the . two new bUIldI~gs, like those acquired in the past, are on a sound baSIS and are a credIt .to t~e men and women who have worked so hard for many years to attalll thIS goal. The highlight of the year was, of course, the . Sl. John Ar:nb~lance Pilgrimage, which reached a successful conclUSIOn. The Pllgnmage started officially on its way from Priory Headquarte~s on the 15th May when the Pilgrimage Banner was blessed by the BIshop of ] ohanne burg, the Rt. Rev. A. R. Reeves. The Pilgrims were wished "Godspeed" by many well-wishers, and a very pleasant aft~rnoon e~sued. -:vter a happy and interesting three months of travellmg .and slght-seemg_ t~1e Pilgrimage terminated in London where the Pilgnms acted as oft]~lal representatives of this Priory at the impressive AlUlUal Comme~orat~on Service at St. Paul's Cathedral. The Pilgrimage was the first of ItS kmd to be arranged in this country and the organisers all of whom were from the O.F.S. Centre and District, are to be congratulated on the succe s of their venture. It is not too much to hope that, in the not too far di tant future, another such pilgrima~e will be orfSanised. ,. During the year under reVIew seven DIrector of Ambulance s speCial Votes of Thanks have been issued. Five of these were to members of the S.A.R. Brigade Command, Natal District, for their commen~a?le services at a train collision at Park Rynie, when 55 persons were mJurc~i. The sixth was issued to a Native Police Constable who was re ponslble for saving the life of a European child who had fallen down a well, and the seventh was issued to a Non-European female who attempted to save t~e life of a Native child who had also fallen down a well. Unfortunately III the latter case the child was drowned. During the year two publications were produced to meet South African conditions-Brigade Regulations and a Cadet Manual. Both these had been badly needed for some years. Ophthalmic Hospital:-The value of a commodity is determined large~y by the demand and supply, and in the case of the St. John Ophth.almIc Hospital the value of the services rendered to sufferers from eye dIsease has increased considerably if we judge by the increase in demand over the last five years. The total number of patients attended during the year is 14,508, i.e. an average of over 1,000 patients per month. The numb~r seen since the opening of the hospital doors on 3rd December, 1951, IS 72,155. The majority of patients are natives with a smaller number of
Coloured Asiatics and Europeans. Three hundred and ninety-four patients were admitted to the ward during the year and operations were performed on 294, b~inging the total since ].951 to 2,410 and 1:616 respectively. The hospItal h~s now been r.ecogruse~ by the South Afncan Medical and Dental CouncIl as a teaching hospItal for undergraduate and post-graduate medic~l .stud.ents. This means ~hat it is pro:,iding a.n additional avenue for trammg In ophthalmology m South Afnca. This honour win also benefit the hospital in making the position of Registrar comparable with that of other teaching hospitals. "The Call":- The "Call of St. John" has been in severe financial straits, but drastic action has been taken to alleviate the position, primarily by reducing the printing costs and advertising canvassers' commission. The Editorial Committee has taken on new members, and an aU-out effort has been made to increase the advertisements and SUbscriptions. It is most gratifying to see the over-all improvements, both in the financial situation and revived interest in the magazine, the latter being made apparent by the increase in subscriptions. Unfortunately the balance sheet for 1956 showed a deficit, but it is hoped, in view of the foregoing, the balance sheet for 1957 will show an improvement. Annual Con!erence:- The twenty-first Annual Ambulance Conference was held at Cape Town from 3rd to 5th October, 1956. The subjects discussed were many and varied, and delegates returned to their home towns feeling that much had heen accomplished. The annual Inter-Provincial Competitions were held in conjunction with the Conference, the usual fine team spirit prevailing. All successful competitors are to be congratulated on their fine performance. The Selborne Shield was won by the Johanne burg Transportation Railway Ambulance Division, and the He1\'a/ Shield by the Bulawayo Railway Nursing Division. It is an intere ting feature of these competitions that for the first time ill many year two "Town" Divisions reached the finals of these competitions-an Ambulance Division from Rhodesia and the Cape Town No . 1 Nursing Di ision- the latter is to be highly commended on winning the "Muriel H"a/ton" Cup as runners-up in the Hewat Shield Competition. In the past, railways divisions were generally the winners. Our thanks are once again extended to Mrs. M. A. Walton, A.R.R.C., D.St.J., for her continued support and her successful handling of the nursing side of the Brigade, and to Mr. A. Gardner Williams, K.St.J. Deputy Director of Ambulance and Deputy Priory Commissionerwhose able assistance has been of inestimable value throughout 1956. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES DURING THE YEAR 1956 (I) Number of Classes held:
First Aid. . . Home Nursing . Child Welfare . . Health and Hygiene . Others.
1 0 79 6
3 1 6 450 265 Total
Adults (2) Ambulance Depots, First Aid Posts, First Aid Stations, etc.: No. in existence. . . No. established during year (3) Medical Comfort Depots: No. in existence. . No. of articles loaned (4) Transport: No. of Ambulances . No. of Mobile Units No. of Ranch Wagons Miles covered . . Patients transported. (5) No. of cases treated . . (6) St. John Ambulance Brigade: No. of Divisions . . . . Personnel: Ambulance: Men Nurses Cadets: Am bulance Nursing .
(7) Certificates Awarded: First Aid: Adult. Preliminary Home Nursing: Adult Preliminary Health and Hygiene: Adult. Preliminary Sanitation . Clean Food Handling Industrial Poisons Child Welfare Occupational Therapy Demonstrators Lay Lecturers Lay Examiners Vouchers. Medallions Labels Pendants Emergency Childbirth
63 5 21 646 24 1
1 96,934 13,170 109,971 505 4,601 2,065 1,575 2,545 Since During formation 1956 of Centre 4,954 2,316 592 931 10
9 1 636 521 2,323 936 53
157,768 42,477 31,229 14,033 1,401 318 21 18 15 1,253 96 1,173 49 33 20,825 21,633 61,158 31,233 53
18 2 ] 18 69
There has not been any noticeable increase in the strength of the old Divisions, as the new members who have been enrolled have taken the place of those who for various reasons have had to resign, but it is encouraging to know that 22 new Divisions have been registered dming the year, a number of which contain both Ambulance and Nursing personnel. There has been no large scale emergency call for the services of nursing members during this year, but the number of routine duties has in no way decreased. The Beach Huts maintained by coastal Divisions have been kept busy, and many duties have been undertaken at the various camps run by other organisations. Port Elizabeth and Witwatersrand have their permanent First Aid Posts at the two Agricultural Shows; while Pretoria once again staffed a First Aid Post at the Industrial Exhibition. Many members in the Cape continue to accompany patients taken by ambulance
on long distance trips, and all Districts throughout the country help with the Blood Transfusion Service. Cadets- Europeans:-The Cadets are making progress and in most Districts are increasing in numbers. They are working steadily for their Proficiency Badges and 15 Grand Prior's Badges have been awarded during the year. They are frequently in attendance at First Aid Posts where they can be of use in many ways, and they are allowed to accompany senior members on Public Duty. They are coming up well into the Senior Divisions and anum ber of them join the Nursing Service for their general training. Non-Europeans- Senior :-The work among the Non-Europeans varies very much throughout the country and the numbers fluctuate all the time. Where there are European Officers available for training purposes the response is usually good, but difficulties of transport and accommodation have to be overcome. However, the standard of work is improving and there are many members who have been in the Divisions for a long time. They do Public Duty at their own cinemas and sports meetings, and a great deal of useful work is being done privately among their neighbours and friends. More of them are qualifying for the Special Service Badge and quite a number now wear the Service Medal. It is quite obvious that the training they receive and the discipline to which they submit have an uplifting effect on their lives and must tend to make them better citizens. NOI1-European - Cadets:-The Non-European Cadets are eager to learn all w~ can teach them and they, too, are working hard for their Proficiency Badg vs. Three Grand Prior Badges were acquired during the year. Where Di , isions are attached to schools there is no problem of accommodation, but other Divisions often have great difficulty in finding a suitable room to house their equipment and in which to practise. There is a Division of 65 children in a coloured township near Johannesburg which has only the occasional use of a room 10ft. by 10ft., and at other times they meet under a lamp post in the street. In spite of this handicap the children are working well, their uniforms are neat and clean, and a happier lot of children could not be found anywhere. It is hoped that in the near future they will have the use of a suitable room in a community centre which has yet to be built. General.-The Ophthalmic Hospital has received many articles of clothing, toys, money and bed linen from the Divisions, and Matron, in her. Annual Report,. once again expresses her gratitude for these gifts which save the Hospltal considerable expense. The Linen Guilds throughout the country are largely supported by the Nursing Divisions and are to .be cong.ratulated on their success in maintaining a continual flow of artlcles whlch are always in demand. There has been a marked revival of interest in competition work, and more teams are taking part in District events. A~ eve~t of outstanding interest to all of us was the Pilgrimage overseas to histonc places connected with the Order. It was enthusiastically suPP?rted by a lar~e ~umber of :r:rursing members. I had the pleasure of meet111g .th~m agal!l 111 London 111 June, and was greatly interested to hear .thelr lmpreSSlOns of the many places they had visited. On the occaSlOn of the Annual Commemoration Service in St. Paul's Cathedral the Pilgrims formed one of the many processions of that afternoon and marched up the aisle behind the Banner which had accompanied 'them
throughout their journeyings. It was a wonderful moment for those of us in the congregation who had come from South Africa and as they pa~sed I thought how distinguished our nurses looked in their smart grey uniforms. The year under review has been one of progress on the Nursing side, and with the establishment of the new Divisions and the pro pect of more in the coming year, we can reasonably hope to increase our membership. We are grateful to all Officers who have worked 0 hard to extend our work to new areas, and congratulate all ranks for so faithfully carrying out the heavy commitments of the Brigade in the field of public service.
THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND During the period under review, the New Zealand Priory was honoured by a visit from the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, Superintendent-inChief of Nursing Divisions. Our Venerable Order suffered a great 10 in the pas ing of the Priory Secretary, Mr. Keith Alexander Falconer who died on 19th November 1955. He was appointed Secretary in 1937 and also held the office of Deputy Chief Commissioner, Deputy Director of Association and Director of Ceremonies, and was responsible for a great deal of the planning and re-organisation when New Zealand was granted the Status of a Priory. A presentation was made to our Assistant Secretary Mrs. B. Menara, at the last Annual Meeting on the occasion of her marriage. Mrs. Menara's services to our Order will be long remembered: she joined Headquarters Staff in January, 1947, ostensibly as a shorthand-typist. When the then Chancellor (Sir James Elliott) and the Priory Secretary went over eas in 1949 they had such confidence in her, she was appointed A sistant Secretary. In 1949, Mrs. Menara assumed a large measure of personal responsibility for the smooth running of Dominion Competitions, both adult and cadet-she has been of invaluable assistance to the Linen Guild, ha visited Association Centres and Sub-Centres and assisted them in the setting-up of efficient office systems. The Priory in New Zealand owes a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Menara. Following the untimely death of the Priory Secretary it was necessary for us to consider the claims and qualifications of senior St. John personnel in seeking a successor, and His Excellency the Prior approved the appointment of Mr. Clarence Meachen. Mr. Meachen is a Commander of our Order and commenced his duties on 1st March, 1956. At a meeting of Priory Chapter held in October 1956, our Chief Commissioner, Mr. F. W. Ward, intimated that he had tendered his resignation to His Excellency the Prior, to take effect from St. John's Day, 1957. Mr. Ward enrolled in the Wellington Ambulance Division forty-six years ago. Apart from three years' active service during the First World War, and
four years on Reserve during the time of the Second World War, Mr. Ward has been continuously an active Brigade member. He has served in almost all possible grades, from rank-and-file member, up. Our Headquarters records show him as Divisional Secretary in 1913, Sergeant in 1915, Officer 1924-in that year he was also awarded the Service Medal. He was promoted Corps Superintendent in 1927. From 1930 to 1937 he was at first Acting and then Officer-in-Charge of the Wellington District. In 1943, Mr. Ward became Commandery Commissioner, then on the formation of the Priory in 1946, Priory Commissioner, being promoted Chief Commissioner in 1950. Mr. Ward was admitted to the Order as Serving Brother in 1932, promoted to Officer in 1937, and Knight of Grace in 1945. Apart from St. John, Mr. Ward has rendered voluntary service in other worthy organisations and in 1953 he was awarded the O.B.E. Mr. Leo S. Fanning, a Wellington journalist, has kindly agreed to accept the position at Priory Headquarters as a Public Relations Officer. We are grateful to Mr. Fanning who has agreed to assist us on an entirely voluntary basis. CHIEF COMMISSIO ER'S REPORT
Impressive evidence of the value of the voluntary skilled service by Ambulance and Nursing Members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade has been recorded ~t Brigade J:feadquarters. The total of trained personnel on duty dU:ll1g the plaYIng days for the various Rugby matches (All Blacks v. Spnngboks) was 729. The casualties attended to were: 907 spectators and 199 players, including some injured in the early g~mes .. In the hu~e crowds St. John personnel had to work under great dlffi.cult.les. Expenence ha.s proved the need of the best possible coord~natIOn and co-operatIOn of St. John Ambulance personnel with PolIce, Traffic Officers and controlling authorities on parks and other grounds to which numerous people are drawn. Our. ~urgeon-in-Chief, Group Captain Howard Marsh, is rightly of the.opl?-lOn that the standard of our re-examinations must at all times be maIn tamed at a high lev~l and artificial resuscitation has, of necessity, become a compulsory subject for all re-examinations of Brigade personnel. TRAINING COURSES
Successful tra.i~ing. courses have been conducted by some Districts and all Offic~r~ partlclpatmg have expressed their appreciation of the value of suc~ trammg. We are most grateful for the special grant which was made avallabl,e by .t~e J. R. McKenzie Trust Board which has enabled these Officers Trammg Courses to be conducted. NURSING DIVISIONS
K I?uring the year our Superintendent-in-Chief (Nursing), Miss N. M. mg~t, has stressed ~he advantage of all Districts appointing District S~pef~ntendents (:t:rursmg), and has also emphasised that Nursing Officers s ou be responsIble for Home Nursing and Voluntary Aid training. CADETS
One hundred and thirty-eight Grand Prior Badges were awarded during th e past 18 months.
The Venerable Order of St. John, established in the Dominion in 1885 has, under its constitution, devoted much of its activity in rendering nursing and allied service to aged people. During the 70 years of the establishment of the Order, approximately 220,000 certificate have been gained by New Zealanders in First Aid, Home Nursing and Hygiene. A high percentage of the train'ed nurses of today received their initial train~ng through St. John classes of instructions and throughout the DominIOn approximately 3,700 adults annually qualify to render First Aid. Seven skilled District Nurses are serving under the auspices of the A ociation in Auckland, and in Wellington the Nursing Guild of St. John ha rendered services in this field for over 60 years. An ancillary to the District Nurses' work has been organised in Wellington over the past three years, to render domestic and nursing aid, to cater for the major wants of the elderly bed-ridden, sick, infirm and lonely people over 65 years of age and comprising 326 cases. These functions and responsibilities are regarded b. ' the Order a humane and most important and the Priory feels that it is a duty to encourage its ten centres to render such services to the aged folk concerned. The Wellington Centre is filling a great need, aiming as it docs to render aid in the home-nursing aid, counselling, training in occupational and diversional therapy providing raw material and equipment, outing, etc. Specially appreciated are the regular visits made to the lonely, \ ho comprise the bulk of the group who are found to be without relatives or friends. In Auckland and Dunedin this special er ice varies somewhat, Auckland has District Nurses working under the auspice~ of the Association and in Dunedin a hostess has her headquarters at the hospital. In the three Centres, Linen Guild members make up garments and other comforts for free distribution. On the medical, the Auckland Centre has provided a Night Medical Service, available between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. All aged folk are given a bedside card with the telephone number and they are enjoined to communicate with the doctor direct for any urgent emergency after-hour call. One Ambulance Division provides a hot meal for a large group of Auckland elderly citizens each Sunday at midday. RECEIVER-GENERAL'S REPORT
The Board of Governors of the T. G. Macarthy Trust granted the Priory £470 and this amount was distributed to the five Districts in the Wellington/Manawatu area. Two grants were gratefully acknowledged from the l. R. McKenzie Trust, one for educational purposes (£500). A special grant was made available from Art Union Funds to be specifically used for buildings and equipment for our Branches (£6,000), These generous grants have greatly aided the work of the Order in New Zealand and had it not been for them our activities would have been very seriously curtailed. CHAPLAIN'S REPORT
A St. lohn's Day Service was held in St. Paul's Cathedral Church, Wellington, when the usual offering for the Ophthalmic Hospital was taken. An Investiture Service was also held in St. lames's Church, Lower Hutt, when 44 Postulants were received and invested. Late in 1955 the Priory sustained the loss of the Rev. G. E. Moreton, Chaplain of the Order. Mr. Moreton gave devoted Christian service to our Order in New Zealand for many years.
CHANCELLOR'S REPORT For the first time in several years, the numbers trained exceeded 70,000; 70,034 ha ving passed examinations. First Aid training was the chief cause of the increase, there being an increase of 3,495 during the year. There was little change in the total Brigade membership. Participation in Community Chests and United Appeals is continuing to increase. As this increases, the number of campaigns for funds will decrease. Early in the year, the textbook "Fundamentals of First Aid" in English was available for use, the French translation also became available in the Autumn. Dominion First Aid and Home Nursing Competitions were held during the year. An increased number of teams entered in the First Aid competitions. "Save a Life Week" was again held in the early Summer. Increased interest was apparent by the numbers trained in artificial respiration. Dr. l. N. B. Crawford, M.B.E., E.D., was appointed Medical Advisor, replacing the late Dr. Warner. Early in the year, the Chancellor represented the Priory at the meetings of the Grand Pricr's Advisory Council in England. This resulted in cementing closer relationships between the Priories and the Grand Priory. In April, the Chancellor assisted the Lieutenant-Governors in Manitoba and British Columbia in conducting Investitures in Winnipeg and Victoria for those who had been unable to attend the Investiture at Ottawa the preceding Autumn. His Excellency, the Prior, held an Investiture at Rideau Hall for members who had been admitted to or promoted in the Order. This was very successful. The ceremony was televised and resulted in good publicity for the Order. At a meeting of the St. lohn-Red Cross Committee, Dr. G. D. W. Cameron was unanimously chosen as Chairman. A St. John-Red Cross Committee for the Province of Ontario was established in the early Autumn to co-ordinate the work of the two organisations in the Province. It was ~ith sincere regret that the resignation of the Chief Nursing Officer, MISS M. Acland, was accepted. During her association with St. loh~,. she advanced the work of the Order, particularly Home Nursing Trammg, and very successfully carried out liaison with the nursing profession. Our sincere appreciation and thanks go to the members of the medical and nursing professions, the press, radio and television for their valuable assistance during the year. The mem~ers of, the Order, Priory Officials, Provincial and Special Centres OffiCIals, Bngade members and all members of the administrative staffs deserve the highest commendation and sincere thanks for their continued devotion in carrying on the work of the Order. ALBERTA
Again, th~ t~aining programme carried out during the year resulted in a fUrIher gam m the numbers trained. This included the training of Civil .Defence workers. There was a slight increase in the number of certificated Inst~uctors. Efforts are being made to enlarge this group still further durmg 1957.
During the year there, a a decrease in the number of active members of the Brigade. However, it is felt that this will be improvcd. The usual in pection of the variou unit of the Brigade were carried out. A pecial Brigade Officer training course wa held during November. This was so ucce ful that it i planned to hold other ones at [utur date. Tv 0 memb r of General Petroleums were presented v ith life a ing award during the year. In co-operation ith the Pro incial Authorities and the A lberta Motor A ociation, highway Fir t Aid posts were e tabli hed at . i different place in the Province. With the experience gained it i hoped to extend thi in the future. The work in the Northwe t Territorie i continuing to grow. A number of cla se w re held in 1956 and everal teams entered ir t Aid competition. "Save a Life Week" wa carried out again. The r ult. obtained were not as great a de ired but were encouraging. Special Fir t Aid c1as es for fir t year medical students were tarted in the ni\er ity of iberta. The re ponse and attendance were very good. The policy of e tablishing local branches throughout the Province i being continued. It is found that the e are building up greater i ntere t.
interest is being shown in these classes and it is hoped that this interest will continue to grow as the need for women trained in Home Nursing is now evident in all communities in the Province. Following this plan of expan ion the St. John Council this year appointed ~ Provincial Repre entative, who since June, has been touring the Province to contact Centres, organisations and civic bodies to arouse interest in Fir t Aid assist. wherever possible with the St. John training programme and to e tabbsh St. John Centres in hitherto unorganised district. ~~mbers of Brigade performed their usual public and special duties, assl tlng whenever called upon by the general public and Civil Defence. Special dutie included assi tance to the blind and infirm, voluntary hours at baby and blood donor clinics, and the instruction of junior and senior classes. Se eral Brigade members gained their in tructors' certificates and have been teaching classes in various sections of the lower mainland. C~de~s and. Crusaders assisted their seniors in public duties while contll1ulng theIr own programmes of training and practice. In the Victoria area ex-cadets are taking over the superintendencies of cadet divisions. .A. !lew. ambulance division on Vancouver Island and a new Nursing DLVISL0n. L~ the Vanco~ver Corps were approved. The Brigade in British C?I~I?bIa IS pleas~d t~IS year by the success of No. 176 Oak Bay Nursing DIvlSlon of the VIctOrIa Corps who won the Ladv Drummond Trophy for senior Home Nursing. ~
Awards gained by St. John candidate in Brili h Columbia h,l\e been gradually increasing during the last few years. The figure of the e years ha e increa ed lightly in 1956. Special clas e \ ere conducted by many St. John Centre for nurses in training, policemen, firemen ski patrol, junior clas es for Boy Scout, Girl Guide, Fore t Rangers and local schools and in tructional periods in artificial respiration for the general public. The British Columbia Council donated free textbooks for all junior classes and pro ided teaching aids. A this acti ity ha become a heavy responsibility, the Council ha in tituted the practice of putting a supply of junior text into school libraries or in charge of a youth organisation leader. These are used for a series of classes and returned by the pupils at the end of the course. A drop was shown in Civil Defence classe , \vith 406 trained in Advanced First Aid, and none in Basic First Aid. The Forest First Aid Committee, jointly spon ored by the St. John Council and the Workmen's Compensation Board of British Columbia, conducted classes at 25 localities, examining a total of 555 candidates in st. John First Aid and 504 in Industrial First Aid. These totals would have been greater but that the hot weather forest closure shut down many camps. Approximately 1,500 candidates had applied for the Industrial First Aid examination at the end of the year under review, an increase of almost 400 over 1955. This course is shortly to be revised in accordance with the new industrial textbook and is expected to include complete instruction in oxygen therapy. Considerable interest has been shown in competitions with the increased use of casualty simulation adding realism to local contests. The Provincial Nursing Officer, appointed last year, visited St. John Centres in all parts of the Province, meeting with nurses' organisations, Civil Defence officials and officers of health units to interest them in aiding with instruction of Home Nursing classes in their districts. Increased
The year 1956 wa eventful for the Manitoba Council of St. John. In some respects it was a happy and challenging period and in others brought regret and sorrow. ' Dedication of the ne:v h~adquar~ers took place Saturday, February 25th,. under t~e. able dLrectIOn of Immediate past president, Gardner EI~gll~h. Officlatlllg at the cerem~~)Jly were their Worships (he Mayors of WL~rupeg and St. James. F,olloWlr:~ the formal proceedings refreshments were served by the Women s ~uxlltary under the capable supervision of !"frs. Ne~tlefield. Many fta~tenng comments were received on the building and equipment and experIence throughout the year has demonstrated that these were well founded. . The sudde~ death of Dr. H. T. ~utchinson in May, at the Lakehead, IS recorded ,WIth regre.t. Dr. Hutc~ms~n .had the crusading spirit that set the '7'0:k ot St. Joh!lIr: first place m hIS mterests and his passing has left a vOld m our orgamsatIOn that cannot easily be filled. .D:. K ..C. McGibbon retired from the position of Provincial CommlsslO~er m June, and ~~s succeeded by Dr. Emmet Dwyer. ~he Impass.able condItIOn of Pro:vincial roads due to heavy snow-fall d,:nn g ~he Wmter 1955-56 resulted m the cancellation of many classes in F . rural areas and a consequent reduction . 1rst h AId a n d H o.me N" Ulsmg m In t e nu~be~ tramed .as compared to recent years. There was, however a substantla~ mcrease m the number trained in industrial classes and w~ reb greatly md~bted tc? instructors from the Provincial Department of a our for ass~stance m organising and teaching many of these b I ~MCarhch, HIs Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba ~ssisted t e ancellor of the Order in Canada, conducted an Inve~titure at overnment House, Winnipeg. Twelve persons were invested on thI'S occasion.
No new highway First Aid Posts were opened during the year but those established, a total of 42, were regularly inspected and found to be well maintained and supervised. With the horrible record of accidents on our highways, this contribution to public welfare deserves the wholehearted support of public-spirited citizens. In this District this service is a joint effort on the part of St. John Ambulance, the Manitoba Red Cross Society, Provincial Department of Highways, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Provincial Police forces. The faithful services of our office staff under the capable direction of our Provincial Secretary, are worthy of the highest commendation. During the fall we were fortunate in securing the services of Mr. F. M. Murray. He has had wide experience as an instructor of First Aid and in his position of Provincial Superintendent and Assistant Secretary will be able to contribute substantially to the work in the area we serve. Our grateful thanks are extended to all who have helped us in our work during the year.
Members of Brigade Divisions participated in a Training Scheme with the twenty-five bed mobile emergency hospital in June. This was the first time all the units in the Province participated. Remarks of the inspecting party, which included the Minister of Health, Provincial Civil Defence Co-ordinator, Provincial CommIssioner, Provincial Nursing Officer and others, showed that they were greatly surprised and pleased by the efforts of the Divisions. Three new Divisions of the Brigade were formed in 1956. The Annual Provincial Instructors' Course was held with 54 persons attending. Training in First Aid and Home Nursing showed an increase. The emphasis in ] 956 was placed once again on rural classes. A Home Nursing room was built and equipped at Provincial Headquarters which will provide an impetus to this stage of the work. St. John Ambulance has been steadily progressing in New Brunswick and we are now operating all branches of the work in all counties of the Province. This aggressive programme has placed a great strain on members and finances. It is with a feeling of achievement that 1956 draws to a close.
In last year's annual report, we stated that we were expecting a busy year during 1956 and our assessment was conservative, as the pa t year has been the busiest we have ever experienced. The biggest activity of the Brigade Divisions has been the Invalid Transport programme. There has been and still is, a great need in New Brunswick for facilities to transport patients over long distances, to polio, mental, cancer and T.B. institutions as well as to specialist who are located in the larger centres. Providing these facilities has been a major project of St. John Ambulance in New Brunswick. Nine vehicles are operated in the Province, six of which are ambulances. Eight permanent First Aid posts have been set up and equipped in rinks in the Province. Brigade members cover activities on an average of three nights per week. The usual public duty coverage of fairs, exhibitions, sporting events and parades has been carried out. Units from Fredericton, Saint John and Moncton assisted during the Springhill disaster. Seven doctors, six nurses and sixty-one ambulance and nursing members participated for five days. Part of the emergency mobile hospital and six vehicles were used. Over half of the transport was carried out by our vehicles. Sixty-eight cases were treated by our unit, which was set up at the Legion Hall. A number of these cases were of a psychiatric nature and members gained a great deal of experience and knowledge in working with the four psychiatrists. The psychiatrists treated these patients from our headquarters as well as supervised our members in conducting the nursing service in the homes of those concerned. One patient was transported to hospital in Halifax by one of our ambulances. In addition, four ambulance sisters were on duty at All Saints' Hospital, ten ambulance sisters were on dHty at the emergency unit set up at the Springhill Armouries and we were responsible for setting up the morgue in the machine shop of the company. Besides transport, personnel who were on duty at the pithead, were in charge of the stretchers, blankets, etc. Our personnel arranged their own billeting and messing facilities. Two members of the 275 Ambulance Division worked with others in giving artificial res{:iration and successfully revived two patients.
St. John Ambulance extended its services in Newfoundland in three important directions during 1957- First Aid Competitions were inaugurated, "Sav~ a Life Week" ~as car,ried out for the first time, and a system ?f Industnal Safety and FIrst Aid Schools introduced. Brigade duties I~creased althou~h t~ere ~as a slight decline in membership. A record ~gh enrolment III FIrst AId and Home Nursing classes resulted in the hlghes~ number of. awar~s issued to the Council in one year. punn~ 195? FIrst Aid teams from Newfoundland participated in PrIory FIrst Aid Competitions for the first time. Three Senior and three l,unior teams were examined for the competitions by the Chief-CommisSIOner who visi~ed the Province for that purpose during February. Althoug~ no Nat.IO~al award was obtained the results were very gratifying. The Senior ProvlI1cral Trophy was awarded to the Wabana Miners Bell Island. The Junior Provincial Competition was won by St. Tho~as's B~y Scouts,. ~t. John's. But Priory did not provide the usual trophy for this competItIOn, consequently no award was made. I~ an attempt to cope with the ever-increasing incidence of industrial a~ld~nts throughout the Province, the St. John Council, in co-operation WIth H~dustr~ and the Workmen's Compensation Board, instituted a fiveyear FIrst AId Instructor's traini.ng ,Plan. Under t]~IS plan it is proposed to cond~ct five-day. schools penodIcally at strategrc centres throughout the Provlllce to wluch key-personnel from a large firm, or from several smaller firms, may be brought to receive instruction in First Aid from the St. John ~mbulance and in Safety from the Workmen's Compensation ~oard. It!s hope? ~hat from these schools a number of persons will be mter~s~ed m. qualIfYIng as First Aid instructors so that in addition to p~ovldmg skilled First Aid assistance at their place of employment they ~~ll also carryon First Aid and Safety classes regularly among'their e low workers. Seven such schools were held in 1956 and many more have been planned for 1957. The Council's fi~st observance of "Save a Life Week" in May was very ~.c~essful. Over SlX ht:n~red persons received instruction in the HolgerIe sen method of artIficlal respiration during the week. One of them,
who had also been trained in Water Safety by Red Cross, rescued a drowning child from a pond on Bell Island and successfully applied the Holger-Nielsen method of artificial respiration to re tore the victim's life. Brigade member hip declined through the year although ser ice to the public showed a decided increase. Lack of a convenient meeting room has had a very deterring influence on the growth of the Brigade in St. John. A few faithful members continued to render highly commendable service at First Aid po ts and other public duties. In addition to the First Aid Schools referred to above, the St. John Council continued to expand its teaching programme and early in December the 1000th Candidate for the year was examined succes fully for a St. John Ambulance award. In retrospect we may say that 1956 was progres ive and successful. Brigade development has been much slower than had been hoped, but with the training programme in First Aid and Home Nursing howing continued expansion, we may look forward to increa ing return in the annual financial campaign from which we may be able to obtain more congenial headquarters for Association and Brigade purposes.
members of the St. John Ambulance Association on the occasion of the explosion at No. 4 Colliery, Springhill. Your generosi ty in supplying ambulance and First Aid supplies and the untiring and effective efforts of your trained personnel are greatly to be admired." From the training point-of-view we have had a good year, with both Home Nur ing and First Aid classes on the increase. Several large and important companies employing large numbers of men are now being organi ed for First Aid classes. The Nm a Scotia Power Commission is one of the newest companies to undertake the programme of First Aid training. While the Financial Campaign for 1956 was not the success we had hoped, enough was realised to carry us through the year wilhout dipping into our modest reserves. During the year several meetings were held wIth a view to joining the Community Chest in the Greater Halifax area, which re ulted in our joining the Chest in the Halifax area. The Officers were prompted to join not by the thought of getting more money for we could do much better on our own in this area, but by the feeling that the general public would wi h St. John Ambulance to give leadership to the many other organisation ha ing a lesser individual appeal. Special thank go to all the members of the Brigade, the Instructors in First Aid and Home Nursing, the Doctors and the Nurses for tl-eir co-operation. Also to Colonel E. J. Young, Command Medical Officer, Eastern <:=omman~; and ~o Dr. T. E . Kirk, Medical Superintendent, Camp . HIll H? pital, Hahf2x, for theIr wholehearted co-operation in provldmg medical officers to carry out the many examinations in First Aid classes in this area.
The year 1956 has been one full of pride and satisfaction in the life of St. John Ambulance in Nova Scotia. We take pride in the high e teem the public accords St. John as a community service and sali faction in the quality and standards of the work of St. John personnel. Truly St. John has come into its own in Nova Scotia and ha been accepted a an integral part of our everyday community life. Testifying to our acceptance by an appreciative public is the fact that our services were requested at more than 75 outstanding functions. Outstanding in point of service was the assistance rendered by St. John Ambulance in the tragic disaster in Springhill. An underground explo ion deep in the mineshaft trapped some 125 coal miners. Immediately thi dreadful news was made known, rescue services were mobili ed. Within minutes, the Superintendent of the Springhill Nursing Division, Mr. A. J. Mason, had mobilised her sixty members for duty. In les than an hour an emergency hospital had been set up in the Springhill Armories, and a roster of attendants detailed to stand by to receive the first of the rescued miners. In the meanwhile, our ambulance with four experienced officer left Halifax to assist the Springhill Division. Dr. E. P. Hopgood, Superintendent of Nursing Divisions in Nova Scotia, and her Provincial Officer, Mrs. 1. D. MacAuley, were soon on the scene to ascertain further needs. An Ambulance Division and a Nursing Division from nearby Amherst with their surgeons, Dr. H. A. Myers and Dr. R. E. Price, were at the scene soon after the tragic news became known. Ambulance Divisions and Nursing Divisions from Moncton, Saint John and Fredericton sped to Springhill to assist. Elsewhere in Nova Scotia, personnel stood by on call. From Thursday evening, November 1st, to Monday, November 5th, the rescue work continued while a tense world waited. Eighty-eight men were rescued alive. We, of St. John Ambulance, take pride in the fact that we were prepared for such an emergency. We are proud, too, of the appreciation expressed by Mr. H. C. M. Gordon, Vice-President and General Manager of the Dominion Coal Company, Limited, when he said: "I write to express my personal thanks and those of the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company for the very real assistance given by various
T.h~ progres reported in 1955 was continued through 1956. The ~rallllJlg pr~gramme ~ontinued. to expand, another record for a peace-
tIme year .bel.ng estab.hshed. Thls was primarily in First Aid, as the lack of a Provmual Nur mg Officer was reflected in a small decrease in the number ~rained in Home Nursing. Training for Civil Defence showed a m~rked Illcr.ease, due mainly .to an effective Civil Defence plan finally belllg orgalllsed for MetropolItan Toronto. The .Brigade increased by two Senior Divisions, in London and St. Cathannes respec.tively, while spirit, organisation and efficiency aU Showed. marke<;i Improvement. This was particularly noticeable on InspectIOn.s, which have become quite a public occasion in all the larger centres, WIth smart parades, well planned demonstrations and a Service band to add colour and brightness. The Head.quarters Staff w.as .strength~ned by finding capable persons for the app~)ln~ments .of Provmcml Sup~nnt~ndent and Provincial Nursing Offi~er, whIle a full-time ambulance dnver IS now employed to cope with daytime deI~~nds beyond any volunteer effort during working hours. In the ?ompetltIO!l ryeld, the Arnprior Division brought honour to the P~o~I!lce .by wll1nmg the Wright Shield as the most useful Ambulance DlvlsIOn m the Dominion, while the Sudbury Ambulance Division and (Toro.nto) Humewood Nursing Division won the Lieutenant-Governor's trophies. for the .bes~ First Aid and Home Nursing teams respectively from Bngade Ullits m Ontario. Financially, t~le. year ended without any great surplus, but as new headquarters bUIldmgs were obtained in Toronto, Windsor and Kingston,
the Council's equity increased considerably. All three buildings are substantial and attractive and should make for a happier and more efficient existence for Branches and Brigade unit. Another factor worth mentioning was that the Council joined for the first time in a United Appeal in both Toronto and Hamilton and is now in either an Appe~l or Community Chest in twenty-five cities or towns in the Province, materIally reducing the necessity for financial campaigns and permitting the Committee to concentrate on other equally important activitie. A a result, a new Branch has been established in Stratford and the grant from a number of Community Chests put on a more equitable basis. Another favourable factor was the establishment of a Provmcial St. John-Red Cross Committee, which it is hoped will rectify a situation that has been rather an irritation for several years past. It is a matter of some satisfaction to this Council that, in a period of rapidly increasing cost of every commodity we use, we are not only a~le to make ends meet but also steadily to expand every phase of our servIce to the public.
and a First Aid post wa~ established ~t the City centre. A St. John display booth was erected dunng the holdmg of the Ottawa Junior Board of Trade exhibition in the Coliseum, and St. John literature was distributed by our Cadets. The display booth was in service again at the annual meeting of the St. Lawrence division of the Industrial Accident Prevention Association h~l.d in the Chateau Laurier Hotel, manned by Cadets under the super~ vlSlon. of the Cadet Staff Officer: the booth attracted considerable public attentIOn. The number of senior and cadet divisions in the District remained consta~t durin~ ~he year, with little change in numerical strength, but an energetlc recrUltmg effort, made necessary by the increasing demands upon existing personnel, is in progress. Our thanks are again due to those doctors and nurses who devote so much of their valuable time to the teaching and examination of classes and to the activities of the divi ions to which they are attached as divisional surgeons and nursing officers.
The year 1956 has been a busy one in the Federal District and progres , particularly in First Aid, has been well maintained. There has been an increase both in the number of instruction classes organised al d in the attendance of men and women seeking tuition in First A'd , It is gratifying to note the greater interest now being shown by industrial concerns in the facilities available to their personnel for training in efficient First Aid and Home Nursing. Several firms are now, for the first time, sending members of their office staffs, in addition to units of thei r plant workers to attend the instruction courses open to the general public at District Headquarters, Others are org1nising First Aid training classes within their own premises. As a result of a request made by the local manager of a nationally known firm of soft drink manufacturers to his Head Office for authority to ha e two men trained in First Aid, the firm has decided to send selected employees from its many depots across Canada to St. John Ambulance for First Aid instruction. Large classes continue to be taught in Junior First Aid by our instructors or by qualified school teachers. In addition to the many schools conducting classes, such youth organisations as Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and the Army and Air Force Cadets are receiving tuition in First Aid. The number of pupils constituting one Senior First Aid class held at a local college was 130. First Aid coverage at public functions continues to make heavy demands upon the time of our members who respond so willingly to the duties requested of them. First Aid posts were maintained throughout the ski-ing season in the Gatineau Park district, close upon 200 persons receiving First Aid treatment from the St. John personnel on duty. The wide vari~ty of other public duties performed included First Aid coverage at the Central Canada Exhibition, at which much valuable assistance in telephone, catering and other duties was given by our Crusader and Cadet Divisions under the supervision of senior members. Other outstanding functions covered by the Brigade were the Progressive Conservative Convention, football and baseball games, summer picnics, ice rinks, public playground, children's Christmas panies, religious ceremonies and the Armistice Day observances, at which our ambulances were on duty
~n increas~d interest in the work of the St. John Ambulance was in
eVI?enC,e dUrIng the year 1956 when eight new divisions were formed whIch mclyded fo~r ambulance, one nursing, one combined and two cadet nursmg. Durmg the year steps were taken to consolidate the work of St. ! ohn throughout the Province of Quebec, which resulted in the formatIOn of these new divisions. Public duties on a high standard were carried out and during the course of.the year, 1,546 major cases were treated as compared to 885 in 1955; while .the treatmeJ?-t of mi nor injuries showed a slight decrease as ~ompared wlth the prevIOUS year. It is also interestina to note that an !~creas~ over. th,~ previous year in our duties unde; the heading of H?SpItal. duties. was recorded, as was also time spent in clinic and varIOUS dispensarIes. As ~egards training c~rried out under the auspices of the St. John CounCIl for Quebec, a .slIght decrease was shown in numbers qualified as compared. to the prevIOUS year although according to both instructors and exammer.s, those qualifi~d were of a high calibre, it being the policy of the Coyncll, to h~ve. qualIty rather than quantity. .The chIef Fust AId mstructor ?f the Council reported a banner year ~Ith a total of 39 groups covenng 1,401 qualified first-aiders. These c ~sses covered such branches as Industry, Hospitals, Policemen and FIremen, Colleges and Convents, and general groups. It is gratifying to note t.hat 471 nurses from the various hospitals undertook courses in fi rst ald. w.~ll, in all, t~e ~t. John Council for Quebec reports a successful year It mterest m Its wor,k being maintained and new territories being opened up, thus spreadmg the gospel of St. John into areas hitherto untouched by the organisation. SASKATCHEWAN
traThed~ea~.1956 ~howed a slight advance over 1955 in the total number
nu ~ III fIrst AId and Home Nursing, although there was a drop in the N m . er °h co.urses held, the average attendance was up with Home ursmg s owmg the largest increase. '
During the year St. John in Saskatchewan worked in very close cooperation with Civil Defence, both locally and through Provincial Office. Other First Aid and Home Nursing courses were organised by Provincial Office throughout the Province. Six St. John member attended Casualty Simulation courses at the Civil Defence College at Arnprior with two qualifying as in tructors . The Provincial Secretary gave a lecture on the part St. John play in Civil Defence at seven Provincial Civil Defence courses, with Brigade members from Saskatoon, Moose Ja\ , Weybum and Regina al 0 participating with demonstration of Casualty Simulation and First Aid. Brigade members also assi ted with Civil Defence exercises in Regina and Saskatoon. The Provincial Secretary as isted by other Brigade members, also conducted everal demon strations and short courses for nurses through Civil Defence arrangements. Although 'Save a Life Week" was ob erved in May, the general public does not take full advantage of it. A committee on Public Health of the Canadian Medical Association has recommended that more in terest be taken in resuscitation and that the Department of Education hould ha e such training included as a compulsory part of chool curricula . It is encouraging to note that the Workmen's Compen a tion Board is making it possible to give first aid training in some of the outlying northern parts of the Province. Some of the Oil Companies are a rranging for their crews to have training. A committee of the Canadian Medical As ociation on traffic accidents presents a challenge to St. John Ambulance when it sta te "that the improved handling of injured persons a t the cene of accident during transportation, and on arrival at hospital is very importa nt." The new book, 'Fundamentals of First Aid," which i appa rently primarily for mass teaching for Civil Defence purposes, doe not m eet the requirements of a rural population such as ours, to th e extent that the standard and familiar little black book, "First Aid to the Injured" doe. This new book is prepared on the assumption that profes ional medical help will be available within a few minutes or a few hours . A fir t aider is usually required to do much more for a patient than this text call for. We pay tribute to the members of the Medical and Nursing profe ions, who each year give so generously of their time in teaching and examining First Aid and Home Nursing classes, also to the R.C.M .P . whose members render such valuable service to the cause of St. John , chiefly in the more rural areas by teaching First Aid clas es when no other instructions are available. Our Brigade members have co-operated very closely with Civil Defence in connection with Civil Defence courses given at Valley Centre and at a mock raid staged by Civil Defence in Regina. THE BELL TELEPHONE CE TRE
A review of the Centre's First Aid and Home Nursing activities for the past year has been gratifying. With the growing importance of accident prevention, a greater emphasis has been placed on the value of a knowledge of First Aid as a preventative rather than a "What to do when the accident happens." With the ever increasing hazards of modern-day living, this, we feel, is very important. Administrative control of the Centre was augmented to conform to the Company's multi-area organisation and this and other stimulative
measures hadve resu!ted din hincrea.se.d particip~tion in the First Aid programme an neceSSItate t e traInlllg of addItional instructor staff T~e Pre~ident' ~ Cup emblematic of the Company championship i~ the Men s Senior senes, was won by the Toll Area Plant group in Mo t I and the Toll Area Plant Ladies' Tea!ll won. the Ladies' Senior Rose Bowl. Pete.rborough Tr~ffic a~am was III the spotlight: their Ladies' Tyr0 T~a~ was Judged the WInner m the Ladies' Beginner series, winning the Ladles Tyro Company Rose B~wl. The Men's Company Tyro honours went to the Montreal ConstructIOn Team which won the Me' T Company Cup. n s yro In the Prov.inc!al and National Competition, our teams made themselves kno~~ by wu:mmg the. C?ntario Provincial Shield with our other entries obtalI~lllg envla?le p.oSItl<;)llS. Our Toronto Plant Men's Team won the Ontano ChampIOnshIp, :VIth ~ewmarket and Hamilton capturing second ~d fifth places respectlvely- m the Quebec Provincial Competition and ontreal . Toll Plant Team tied for second place, while the Montreal C<;mstructIOn Team was placed fifth. The results of the National examin~on ~ec1ared the Ontano Team from Toronto Plant in sixth place for the Te~nflza;:bert Trophy . We :vere especially proud of our Home Nursing m w .lch placed . second m the Lady Drummond Competition. It was the first hme that thIS team from our Dining Services in Toronto had ever ~o~pe~~d, ~s ~?st of. them only received their certificate last year The di~ Ies II e3 IOrp Irs~ Aid Tea ms competing for the Sir George Burn irophy we.' le rOVlllce of Quebec Team from Montreal obtained second f~~~s ~~h ~~e bPet~rborough. group l?lacing fifth. The Captains of these ou e gIven speCIal mentIOn as three of them were tied f
~~Oc~ds~~~~~ ~~~ ?o~et~~~ !e~~:r;t~ :~~:I i~~~the M DuntgarretITrDph~:
fir~:iIg1;~~t~~c:~~ t~ye ~~~uf~~n~h~tralacstticyalearapplicati?~ offa knowledge of . 3 recogllltIOn r(lm the Centre
was glven to 0 e~ployees. for Meritorious Acts performed. th;I~~~~~~~~~r~tIOn c0I?-tmues to. be maintained between our Centre and District entres !n Ontan.o. and. Quebec and with the Federal these C~n~~r f~~~~~~~:~ :r~ a~~stmg III teaching classes organised by Departments,' and the Boy ~co °t eGr WloGuP~d' such as the Police and Fire · u s, Ir UI es and Sea Cadets etc Mr . A . M . M ac k enzle who had b ' .1951 , retired; and Dr D C B ee~ S ecre.t ary of the Centre since position. 'Vord· of·M; ~wsk our. ~e11cal Duector, was appointed to this received with great reg·ret abC enzle.s ea~h sh.ortly after his retirement was y aSSOCIates 111 thIS work. . . .
ActiVIties during the yea 1956 h b by the record number of ~ 1 ave ~en well maint.ained as evidenced a~ards after completin a oyees w 0 were exam~ned fc: r First ~d AId equipment has bee; ca . dcourse, a nd also. the mspectlOn of FIrst In the M . t rne on regu l arly dunng the year am enance of Way Depart e t 1 . a~d 1,360 employees were trained m ~ , c asses were held at 70 points VIsors travelled 5 365 mil b . kDunng the summer months, Super, es y trac motor car to t 696 . gangs and give short lectures to 4 168 1con act sectIOn to record that we now have t . ' . emp ?yees. It may be of interest Pr?vince of British Columbo ra~~~d FIrst Aiders . on every section in the bnng to Winnipeg each yea/~·n th IS no~ th~ policy for the Company to ree or OUI occaSIOns, groups consisting
of ten to twelve Bridge and Building Foremen for job instruction training, and at that time these Supervisors are given a full course in First Aid. First Aid competitions continued to create great interest and enthusiasm and are of considerable benefit in promoting training. In 1956, twenty Senior and twemy-three Tyro teams entered competition. The Thornton Cup emblematic of the System Senior Champion hip was won by the Saskatoon Car Department team. The Doctor Hutchison Memorial Trophy , representing the Tyro System Championship, was won by the Quebec City (Limoilou) team. Regional and local championship were also declared. In the St. John Ambulance Association competition our First Aid team from the Saskatoon Motive Power Department was successful in winning the Provincial Championship of Saskatchewan, The Tyro Championship , The Wallace Nesbitt General Trophy and the M cntizambert Trophy . We are very proud of this team's achievement as it is very seldom that one team has been able to accompli h a "grand slam" of the major championships in St. John Ambulance Association Competition. Teams in Quebec and New Brun wick were successful in winning Provincial Championships. During the ten-year period, 1947 to 1956 inclusive, 20,058 employees have received First Aid instruction and passed their examinations succe sfully. Our Supervisors of First Aid continue to give Fir t Aid training to many isolated communities, particularly in BritIsh Columbia Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec. During the year member of employees' families, school teachers, high school students, members of police and fire departments and nurses were included in this Centre's clas es. A number of our employees have been commended by local doctor for the excellent First Aid treatment rendered to injured employee which prevented further aggravation of injury, promoted early recovery and in one particular case prevented a badly burned employee from having considerable scar tissue on his face.
In the Maintenance of Way Department, co-operating with Safety Supervisors, Regional First Aid Supervisors have attended several meetings and also personally contacted other employees of this department. A total of 1,438. employees ~ere given instruction in the application of bandages and dressmgs as supplied to them in their first aid kits No.2. This consisted of the arrest of haemorrhage and the treatment of wounds usually associated with maintenance of way work. First Aid competitions for 1956 were again very successful. The Grand C~allel1ge Cup , representing the System Senior Championship, was won thIS year by t~e M ~ose Jaw ~o.undh~use team. Two new trophies were donated for FHst Aid CompeutJOn thIS year. Mr. W. A . Mather, Chairman of the Boa rd, presented a cup for competition among teams on the Prairie Region . 1t was won by the Moose Jaw Roundhouse Team and the presentation was made by the donor. Mr. D. S. Thomson, Vice-President presented a cup for T~ro .Competition by teams from the Prairie Region: It was won by the Wmnlpeg Baggage Room team and again the donor made the presentation . The year 1956 howed an increase in interest in First Aid with more teams enter~ng the various competitions, and more employe~s qualified. The Supervisors are to be congratulated, for without their whole hearted support and continuous interest, the gratifying results obtained could not have been achieved.
A history-making event took place during the year 1956. For the first time.in th~ history Canadian Pacific Railway Centre, a two-day meeting of FIrst Aid SuperVIsors from across the System was held in Montreal to discuss various aspects of the practice and application of First Aid throughout the system. The meeting proved of great value to those attending as it offered an opportunity to "put our heads together" and discuss a number of first aid problems that are common throughout the System. The regular standard First Aid course was given in 53 cities across the System by some 20 qualified instructors. A course on fundamentals of First Aid was inaugurated this year at Kentville? ~.S., and .Yar~outh, N.S., where a number of employees of the Dorruruon Atlantlc Rallway Company were successful in the examination. This new course was well received by all concerned and they have expressed their desire to further it at the first opportunity. It is intended to promote this course at other places during the year 1957. . The m~di?ed course of First Aid to selected employees on Company tlm.e con.slstlI~g o~ a tw?-h<;mr monthly lecture and practice covering the mam pomts 111 FIrst AId, I.e. arrest of haemorrhage, immobilization of f~acture, and transport of injured persons to a doctor, was given to 62 different groups with an attendance of 1,056 individual employees.
Royal Canadian a vy . - Fi~ t Aid training in the Regular and Reserve For~es of the Royal Can~~lan Nav~ has received particular emphasis dunng the year. In addltlOn, conslderable numbers of Civil Service personnel attached to Na~~l e tablishments and the dependants of naval persOl:mel have taken trall1ll1g. Provision is being made for the official a?Optl?n. of "Fundamentals of First Aid" as the standard text for first ald trall1ll1g throughout the Naval Service. . The require~e!lt of various awards of the St. John Ambulance Associa~on as prer.equlsltes for. advanc~ment of me.dical assistants in the Reserve horce cont1l1~es. Medical ASSIstants receIve the requisite training for t ese awards 111 regular classes of the Association. Ro.yal Canadian Arm)' Medical Corps.-The Royal Canadian Army M~dlcal .Corps personnel and units both Regular and Militia have ~~~yed 1I1creased (.l.c~ivities with the S.t. John Ambulance Association h nng the year. ASSIstance has been gIven where possible to help with t e~t St. J ohn A~bulance Association in its programme of training and p ormance of ltS role. Close co-operation has been given in mutual suPPdort throughout the country in events from mine disasters to garrison para e coverage. co A la~~~r nU~.ber of Army First Aid teams entered St. John Ambulance mbPe I lOn.sdt IS year and a general increase of enthusiastic participation has een eVI ent. In each and . A rmy medIcal . tained th' Command I d ' A rea s~ruor officers have mainon med·el~ c ~s~ an acnve I?art 111 St. John Ambulance affairs by serving men of ~~~ ~ 2'lsor y cOI?rruttees or Provi~cial councils. Officers and possible as .. t .A.M.C. 111 all ar~as have glven able assistance wherever has been I~S ~uc~ors and e.xam1l1ers for various groups. Every effort rna e 0 1I1crease FIrst Aid training and proficiency among all
Army personnel leading to certifications or higher St. John Ambulance Qualifications with a good response. Royal Canadian Air Force.-The usual normal First Aid training has been carried out by R.C.A.F. Regular, Reserve and Cadet units, during the past year. It has been noticed, however, that with the slowly increasing numbers of instructors there is a noticeable increa e in the interest in extending this training to dependent groups. It is reported, further, that certain efforts are now being made to start junior First Aid courses, particularly in our overseas units amongst the dependent children. We will encourage such action wherever possible. An innovation this year has been the giving of First Aid training to women personnel joining the R.C.A.F. The~e girls all enter the R.C.A.F. through a single Manning Depot, and time has been made available during their few weeks there for each to receive a full course of training. This recent policy will result in stimulation of interest among all service personnel. NORTHERN ELECTRIC CENTRE
There was a slight decline in the number of awards received by employees in 1956. It is hoped that this will be improved in 1957. ROY AL CA ADIAN MOUNTED POLICE CE TRE
There was a general increase in the number of classes held and awards earned during 1956. In fact, the year was the best since the Centre was formed in the early twenties, there being almost 500 more awards earned during the year than any other year on record. It undoubtedly will continue in 1937.
The past year has been one of continued progress throughout the Priory in Australia. The first Conference of Priories instituted by the Lord Prior was held at St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, in June, 1956, and Colonel G. G. L. Stening, Director of Ceremonies, attended as the representative of the Priory in Australia. It is with deep regret that we have to record the passing of so many members of the Order, both in Australia and overseas, and letters of sympathy have been extended to their relatives on behalf of the Priory in Austraua. Our Prior was absent from Australia on leaves to England for some three months and His Excellency Lieut-General Sir John Northcott acted as his Deputy. A meeting of Priory Council was held in Church House, St. David's Cathedral, Hobart, on Friday, 22nd June, 1946, when the Chancellor presided over a very representative gathering of Priory Executive Officers and delegates to Council from all States, excepting Western Australia.
On 23rd June, 1956, Priory Chapter met in Church House, St. David's Cathedral, Hobart. This was the first occasion that Chapter had assembled in this historic city and the arrangements made by Dean Fewtrel1 at the Cathedral, assisted by Dr. T. H. Goddard, Director of Ambulance and his ass~ciate~, were all t~at could be desired. The ceremonial Capitular ProceSSIOn w~th full regalia was held and, after the opening prayers in the Cathedral, HIS Excellency Field Marshal Sir William Slim Prior conducted the meeting of Priory Chapter. There was a very full atte~dance of m~mbers of Priory Chapter and the various submissions put forward by Pnory Council were approved for submission to Chapter General as far as admissions to and promotion in the Order were concerned and for necessary action in the various States as regards other matters. It was pleasing to report that Grand Priory had sanctioned the award of the Life Saving Me~aJ to. MessT~' C. F. Thorpe and C. W. Thomson, of Western Australia; ~ISS Mlflam Stanley, of Tasmania; and Mr. John Nokas, of the AdmIralty Islands, for an amazing rescue from a shark attack. Revised Priory Regulations to conform with the new Charter of th~ Order were submitted and after a few amendments were approved for submission to Chapter-General. <?r: Saturday a~terno<:)T1:' .23rd June, 1956, the Interstate Brigade CompetltlOn for Nursmg DlvlslOns was held in the Hobart Town Hall and after very keen competition was won by the Tasmanian team. ' On Sunday, 24th June, 1956, a most colourful Church Parade was held at St. .D~vid's Catl:edral, when the Prior, Members of Chapter, Council ~ssoclatlOn and Bngade were pres.ent. Th~ Hospitallers Club was responsIble for several v~ry pleasant SOCIal functIOns, at which we were able to meet many old fnends and to make new ones. Once agair: we wish to express our thanks to our Sub-Prelate, His Gr~ce Ar?hblshop Mowll, for allowing us to continue in the office made avaIlable l~ C~urch House, Sydney, and for the interest he shows in our O~der. It IS difficult to express our appreciation of the keen interest in all Pn<:~>IY matters shown. by our Pr~or, and .our grateful thanks go to the vanous officers of Pnory. Exec.u~lve and m particular to our Secretary, Commander Bowen, for his untInng and enthusiastic work for the Priory. The general expen?es ran much as usual, with some increases in labour cost~. Income ha~ nsen very slightly and has helped to offset the costs. Dunng 1956 our mvest.ments may be regarded a8 satisfactory and they ~ere a~gmcnted b'y takmg up certain new shares offered by some of the ~~~~na.l compallles an? by distri~ution of bonus shares, the benefits of WIll be reflected m the commg year. Increase in expenditure has to some extent been due to increases in State awards which added to ~~feral ~osts .. On the whole, we have continued to economise considerY'. an agam show a ~mall surplus on the year's working which is ~~et~mg ~hen one tak~s mto consideration the volume of wo~k carried y P.noryhOffice dunng the year in Sydney and for the Priory Executive Offi cers 111 ot er States. PRIORY DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE REPORT
New South Wales .-Whils t th e num ber 0 f ' . . Juruor CertIficates Issued sh d of. 360' the num b er 0 f S · Certificates . 620owe in a d ecrease . eruor increased by recel'vedc~mpt ans~:m With last year. The total number of candidates who 1I1S ructlOn totalled 7,819.
The Executive records its pride and congratulations on the honour bestowed by Her Majest the Queen on two of it long standing member in the June Birthday Honours List-The Hon. Sir Kenneth Street, K.C.M.G., K.St.J., President, and Sir Harold Alderson, M.B.E., C.St.J .. Hon. Treasurer. In May the first Civil Defence Training School wa held at Macedon, Victoria, and was attended by Dr. W. E. George, your Association' accredited representative. Dr. George spoke in glowing terms of the organisation and stated much benefit was gained by all who were privileged to attend, the knowledge gained placing the As ociation in the forefront as eventualities arise. In March the General Secretary visited Broken Hill when the Branch, which had been inoperative for some time wa re-formed. It was \ery gratifying that several businessmen from that City accepted office in the newly constituted Branch. Visits were made also to Gilgandra, Dubbo, Wellington, Orange, Bathurst, Lithgow, Canberra Queanbeyan, Goulburn, Bowral and Camden. At each town opportunity \Va afforded to discuss the advancement of the As ociation activitie and appreciation i recorded to Branch Officials and Ambulance Tran port Superintenden for their assistance in this work. Following the example of St. John in the United Kingdom and Canada, the Executive decided to hold a "Save a Life Week" throughout N .S. W. from 17th to 22nd September for the purpose of demon trating Artificial Respiration by Holger Neilsen method. On Friday evening 1st June, His Excellency, the Governor, graciously con enred to attend a meeting at St. John House, presided over by the President and to which a number of kindred organisations were invited to attend to discu the holding of this "Week." Subsequently active participation was given by Navy, Army, Air Force, Police, Departments of Government Transport and Railways, Electricity Commission, St. John Ambulance Brigade, Royal and Australian Life Saving Societies, Boy Scouts Association and Ambulance Transport Service. Following much representative committee work and with the co-operation of Metropolitan and Country Municipalitie and Shires, demonstrations were held throughout the State. Report from all sections throughout N.S.W. showed keen public interest. Within the City demonstrations were held daily in the parks, these being supported by Bands from the Navy, Army, Air Force and Police, whit t many business houses in the City and suburbs arranged daily and periodical demonstrations . Financial assistance was given by many City busines houses, banks and insurance companies, whilst the Commonwealth Savings Bank provided the means for the printing of 200,000 Instructional Brochures. Amplifying systems for use in parks were provided by Standard Telephones and Cables, whilst films and operators were made available by the R.A.A.F. and National Film Council. In all, many thousands of citizens witnessed the demonstrations and took part in practice of Artificial Respiration, which must be of public benefit. It is hoped to make "Save a Life Week" an annual event, upon themes to be regularly decided. It is with much pleasure that the Report of Pastor R. E. Hare, C.St.J., on activities in the Pacific Islands is presented: "While our report from the South West Pacific for 1956 is somewhat smaller than usual this does not show any lessening in the interest of the work of St. John, but was largely caused by the lack of examination
facilities. The major portion of the credit for this report must be given to Dr. Lyle Buchanan who took a walkabout holiday to New Guinea and the Solomons during the month of June and while there was indefatigable in his efforts to forward the work of St. John. We are certain that his visit will give a great impetus to the work. While there he examined classes at Honiara, B.S.I.P. , Inus on Bougainville, Rabaul, Mt. Hagen, Wewak, Madang, Goroka and Kabiufa. The men from these areas write enthusiastically of his visit and the inspiration he left with them. A total of 109 certificates issued by the New South Wales Centre; of these certificates, 79 were for First Aid, 24 for Voucher, 16 for Medallion and four for Label. In addition to these the New Zealand Priory, through the Auckland Centre, issued 39 Certificates. These, together with those issued from New South Wales make a total for the year of 162. We hope to do better during 1957. We are gratified to see the increasing number of Voucher, Medallion and Label certificates being issued; this proves that to these native people First Aid is not a passing phase. On December 9th, at a colourful parade of the students of the Jones Missionary College, Kambubu, New Britain, Mr. J. R. Foldi, the District Commissioner, was pleased, on behalf of His Excellency the Prior, to present the St. John Life Saving Medal to John Nokas, of Manus Island district, native, for bravery and efficiency in Fir t Aid when saving his companion, Sindilin, from a shark."
Vicforia. - There have been no changes in administration during the year. Teaching has proceeded along norma] lines. In comparison with the previous year, there was an increase of 41 in the overall number of classes and an increase of 455 in the number of certificates issued. The securing of lecturers and instructors has required con tant effort on the ~art of the office staff, and it is gratifying to know that, due to the contmu~d loyal support of so many of our honorary instrucLOrs, it was possIble to meet aU requirements. Du~ing the year the Association was informed that the premises occupIed would be sold at a not very distant date. Action was taken in co-operation with the Brigade to acquire other accommodation and as a result a building has been purchased which will accommodate all activities of the Order in Victoria and permit expansion. It is expected that we will enter into occupation early in 1957. . During June the Priory Council and Chapter held its annual meeting 111 Hobar.t. B~th our repr~se.ntatives attended the meetings. Complete co-operatlOn With the ASSOCIatl~n has been extended by the Commissioner, Officers and M.embers .of the Br~gade throughout the period of this report. The most cordIal relatlOns contmue to exist between the two Foundations in Victori~. The Comm~tte~ wishes to record its deep appreciation of the loyal serVIce and ent.huslastlc support given by the Honorary Instructors, Lecturers and Exammers, and also to thank all those who contributed to the funds of the Association. . South Australia.-It is pleasing to report that greater interest prevailed ~ 956 for requests to conduct classes, the figures showing a total of 200; an m~rease of 39 from 1955, and the certificates issued gained 70 to 1472. The. It:lter~st sho~n ~y b1!sines~ firms and the like results in employees recelvmg 111strucnon 111 First Aid, and Yatala Labour Prison conducted three classes for the benefit of warders and staff. A greater number of certlficates were issued to female members of classes. The St. John III
Ambulance Brigade organised a recruiting drive, and after reCelVIng certificates the Brigade benefited by enrolments of new members. With some thought being given to Civil Defence preparations, it is anticipated that considerable expansion will take place in the teaching of First Aid and Home Nursing amongst the public generally in the future. In addition to members gaining first course certificates, 121 passed their second course, 86 their Medallion course, 501 fourth or more. The Association provided the usual trophies for competition within the Brigade and Railways, the results being as follows :- Trophy for Junior Individual Railways- Mr. L. Nagy. Cups for Cadet Events- Thebarton Ambulance and Norwood Nursing Division. Shield for highest aggregate in Brigade Senior Division-West Torrens Transport Division. Gratitude is expressed to Doctors and Nurses for their time and knowledge given in lecturing to classes, which assists materially in raising the standard of the resultant examination, and to members of the Brigade for their co-operation in teaching the practical work . Without their assistance little could be done. Queensland.-Statistics show that 3,473 Certificates were awarded for the year 1956. This shows an increase on the previous year. Tasmania.- The Tasmania Centre reports a continued increase in the number of Adult First Aid Certificates issued. However, attendance at Home Nursing lectures has been very disappointing. The decrease in the number of preliminary certificates issued is due largely to the ill-health of members of the Nursing Division who in the past have given so much of their time lecturing to pupils at the State and Private School in Hobart and Launceston. Adult classes held during the year were attended by employees of industrial organisations, the Tasmanian Government Railways, Hydro-Electric Commission, Department of Civil Aviation, Police recruits, Army National Service Trainees, members of the C.M.F. at Anglesea Barracks, Area School trainee teachers, Boy Scout and Girl Guide Leaders, P.M.G. trainee technicians, members of the staff of the Department of Physical Education, nurses from the Royal Hobart Hosp~tal, Devon Preliminary Training School, Burnie Hospital, Calvary HospItal, and st. John's Hospital, V.A.D .s, University students, attendants at the New Town Rest Home, and other interested citizens. As it is anticipated that the demand for instruction in First Aid and Home Nursing will increase considerably during the coming year an appeal is to be made to medical men and members of the nursing profession throughout the State to assist the St. John Ambulance Association by conducting lectures and examinations. As the result of a request received, 685 employees of the HydroElectric Commission were given instruction in the Holger Neilsen method of artificial respiration. The State Annual FJfst Aid Competition for the Dr. Gregory Sprott Shield was held in the City Hall, Hobart on Saturday, 6th October, the results being as follows :-Hobart Railway, 498; Mt. Lyell Co., Queenstown, 4541; E. Zinc Co., Risdon, 449; A.P.P.M. & Community, Burnie 448; Launceston Railway, 441. ' Mr. R. Ball of the Australian Newsprint Mills, Boyer, was voted a Life Member of the Tasmania Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association at a meeting held on the 19th May, 1956. The Centre is indebted to the members of the Medical and Nursing professions who have assisted in
conducting and examining classes and adjudicating at competItIOns. Once again thanks are extended to the members of the Brigade throughout the State who, in addition to their normal duties, gave practical instruction in First Aid and Home Nursing at Association classes. The Centre is very appreciative of the untiring service rendered by the members of the Brigade. Wester,: Australia.- The interest in class work was maintained during the year 111 regard to adults and the interest in preliminary passes have once again been on the increase. Since 1891, when the West Australian Centre of the Association was established, 92,454 passes have been obtained by students, comprising 73,514 in First Aid, 18 900 in Home Nursing and 40 in Hygiene. Included in passes are 6,312 medallions, 15,518 labels and 5,062 pendants. The Perth and Suburbs Ambulance Transport ~ervice answered 9,298 calls and conveyed 10,661 cases to and from hosp1tal~. Of these, 8,665 were medical and 1,976 were accident cases. The mileage covered was 95,244.4 miles. During the year new Su?-Ce~tres were formed at Cunderdin, Kwinana, Mannup and Walpole. T.hls bnngs the total number of Sub-Centres to sixty-six, of which fiftyrune operate ambulance transport services with seventy-four ambulances. In addition, Perth Centre has ten ambulances for Perth and suburbs. The building programme for the year has been at a high level. Buildings have been comple~ed and opened at Perth, to accommodate country ambulanc:s and dnvers, also at Goomalling, Kellerberrin, Phillips River, Three Spnngs, Wyalkatchen and Northam as garages, First Aid training c ~ ntres and offices. Dr. Cohen was again re-elected as President of the Association and Mr. T. Tetterington as Vice-President. Mr. J. A. Faulkner rernai~s as Honorary General Secretary, and Mr. A. B. Krug as Honorary Treasurer. Mr. J. A. Faulkner was. elected to the Council to fill a vacancy and Mr. K. D. Reeves was nommated by the Railways Commission to fill the vacancy of Mr. J. A. Faulkner, retired. Agai!l the Cent.re is extremely grateful to members of the medical profe~s~on and trame~ nurses for the gratuitous services in lecturing and exaIDlrung, the class mstructors and demonstrators for their assistance and .the Sub-Centre Committees, officials and voluntary drivers for th~ sterling work they are carrying out.
New South Wales Victoria South Aus'tral'ia Queensland Tasmania.
New South Wales Victoria South Aus'tralia Queensland Tasmania .
First Aid Senior Junior 3,182 1,287
1,342 2,145 372
354 343
Home Nursing Senior Junior 326 191
130 309 44
Child We((are Senior Junior
179 166
Hygiene Senior Junior 15
47 2
Total Certificates 6,519
116 8
41 177 29
270 125 168
32 21 46
3,473 1,183
N.S.W. Vic. Number of32 37 Ambulance Divs. 20 40 Nursing Divs. JO Combined Divs. 27 Cadet Amb. Divs. . 37 10 Cadet Nursing Divs. 41 Cadet Combd. Divs.
PersonneiAdult: Ambulance Nursing Cadet: Ambulance Nursing Staff .
33 J5
6 3
5 5 3
17 10
3 15 9
7 5
148 103 13 108 80 3
455 Total Ambulance Nursing
984 785
884 292
678 212
848 259
115 51
902 978 52
625 247 35
144 364 10
360 210 40
412 301 19
124 213 10
768 1,500 1,539
3,701 2,083
1,849 2,313
166 4,162
Though the number of Divisions has decreased, this is to a great extent due to reorganisation and in many cases to combining two weak Divisions. Actually, the strength of the Brigade has been increased by nearly 500. Efficiency has remained at a high level and members of the Brigade throughout Australia have carried out their public duties well and have rendered First Aid treatment to a very large number of patients. In Victoria, the Olympic Games held in Melbourne in the latter part of November imposed a heavy task on the Brigade-in all, 2,710 cases were treated during the fortnight. The outstanding event of the year was the visit to Australia of the Superintendent-in-Chief, The Countess Mountbatten of Burma. Though her visit was brief and her itinerary very exacting, she managed to make time to visit a large number of members of the Brigade in aU the Districts she visited. Her great knowledge of the work of the Brigade, her obvious interest in all our local problems together with the helpful advice she was able to give was greatly appreciated. It was possible to arrange a large parade in her honour in both Melbourne and Perth. In each case after inspecting the parade she gave a most interesting and stirring address. The Sleeman Cup, for Competition between the champion teams of the Nursing Division of each District, was competed for in Hobart this year at the time of the Priory Chapter Meeting. The Competition resulted in a clear cut win for the Tasmanian team. A new District to be known as the South West Pacific District came under the Brigade in Australia during the year and the registration of the first division in this District was sanctioned in December. This Division is to be known as the Pitcairn Island Mixed Division. It was with great regreat that the resignation of Dr. T. H. Goddard, C.B.E., K.St.J., Commissioner Tas-mania District, was accepted as from 24th June, 1956. He had given outstanding service to the Brigade for 21 years as well as the Association and the Order generally in Tasmania.
During the year Brigadier W. W. S. Johnston, C.B.E., D.S:O., M.C., Commissioner Victoria District, was promoted to the appomtment of Chief Surgeon, and Dr. Francis McKay, C.B.E., District Superintendent (N), New South Wales, was p:omoted to Chief Superinte.ndent (N). Major General F. Kingsley Norns, C.B.E., D.S.O., was app.omted CO.mmissioner Victoria District. Dr. Trevor James was appomted Actmg Commissioner, vice Dr. T. H. Goddard, C.B.E. Pastor Reuben E. Hare, O.St.J., was appointed a Staff Officer to the Chief Commissioner and will be responsible for the administration of the South West Pacific District. The gallantry of Cadet Miriam Stanley in saving the life of a 1O-year~old boy at Beauty Point, Tasmania, on 8th January, 1955, was recogrused by the award by The Grand Prior of the St. John Life Saving Medal in Bronze. The death of our Commissioner-in-Chief, Sir Otto Lund, came as a great shock to members of the Brigade in Australia. His two visits to this country in which he was able to visit all Districts and see a great deal of the work of the Brigade, were a great stimulus to all ranks. In conclusion, we desire to express our keen appreciation of the good work done by all members of the Brigade in Australia throughout the year.
COMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA The establishment of six new Sub-Centres and the maintenance of class instruction are indicative of the steady increase of the work of the Association which together with the Brigade activIties as demonstrated by the excellent parade on the occasion of the Annual Inspection by His Excellency Sir Charles Gairdner, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B., C.B.E., shows that interest in the work of the Order is steadily increasing and that the relatively high standard is being maintained. It is regretted that the brief visit of the Superintendent-in-Chief, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, did not permit of her meeting a greater number of members of the Order, but her inspection of the St. John Ambulance Brigade and Red Cross Companies at the Perth Oval on the 14th April was well attended. St. John's Day.-As in previous years services were held throughout the State and attended by members of the Association and Brigade. In Perth, a service was held in St. George's Cathedral by the Chaplain, the M~st Reverend R. H. Moline, M.C., D.D., M.A., Archbishop of Perth, which was attended by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and members of Commandery Chapter, wearing the mantles of the Order. At the commencement of the service, His Grace blessed the Commandery Ceremonial Sword- generously presented by Mr. G. N. Truman, of Wundowie-which was carried for the first time in this Ceremony. Members in uniform and the Knight Commander with members of Commandery Chapter also attended an early Mass held at St. Mary's Cathedral.
An Investiture was held at Government House on Wednesday, 20th June, at which His Excellency the Governor invested seventeen postulants with the insignia of their rank. Members of the Commandery in Western Australia were profoundly shocked to learn of the sudden deaths of Lieutenant-General Sir Otto Lund, K.C.B., D.S.O., in August; and of Brig. T. D. Daly in November. Our deepest sympathy goes to the Grand Priory in the loss of two distinguished officers. It is with very deep regret that we report the death of Mr. R . Connell, O.B.E., and Mr. J. A. Bartlett, and our deepest sympathy is extended to their relatives and friends. .
The decrease in number of Ambulance Divisions is due to are-check, when it was found that several Divisions that had previously been disbanded were still carried in the List of Active Divisions. Norseman Ambulance Division has now been converted into a combined Division. Scarborough Surf Life Saving Ambulance Division is still in recess, but hopes are held that it will be resuscitated. There is actually a small increase in Ambulance personnel. North Perth Nursing Division is still in recess, but hopes are held that it will be built up from the North Perth Cadet Nursing Division. Two new Combined Divisions, Medina and Cunderdin, were registered during the year and though the strength of each is not strong, the members are keen. Personnel in Cadet Ambulance Divisions has jumped from 232 to 412 during the year. The following Divisions were registered during the year: Victoria Park, South Perth No.1, South Perth No.2, Collie, Midland Junction. There is a healthy prospect for the registration of several more Divisions during the coming year. With this in mind, early in the New Year these Divisions will be formed into four Corps. As yet Corps Superintendents only will be appointed and these Officers will also be allotted staff duties. Cadet Nur ing Di isions have not grown as rapidly as the Cadet Ambulance but the members are showing great keenness in endeavouring to qualify for th" Grand Prior's Badge. These Divisions will also be organised into three Corps early in the New Year and the Corps Superintendents will al 0 be allotted Staff Duties. Seventeen Service Medal and 20 Bars were received during the year. Those residin g in the Metropolitan Area were presented with their Awards by His Excellency ' the Knight Commander Sir Charles Gairdner, K.CM.G., K.C.V.O., CB. , CB.E. , at the Annual Inspection on the 16th December.
The interest in class work was maintained during the year in regard to adults and the interest in preliminary passes has once again been on the increase. Following is a summary of classes and pa es to the 31 st December, 1956:-Number of classes: First Aid, 188; Home Nur ing, 41 -229; Number instructed, 3,211; Number examined, 3,151; Number of Certificates: Adult, 1,216; Preliminary, 740; Vouchers, 176; Medallions, 151 ' Labels, 646; Pendants, 181. Since 1891, when the We t Australian centre of the Association was established, 92,454 pa es have been obtained by students, comprising 73,514 in First Aid , 18,900 in H.ome Nursing and 40 in Hygiene. Included in passes are 6.312 medalliOns 15 518 labels and 5,062 pendants. The Perth and Suburbs Ambulance Transport Service an wered 9,29 calls and conveyed 10,661 cases to and from hospital . Of these 8,665 were medical and 1,976 were accident cases. The mileage covered was 95,244.4 miles. . . During the year new Sub-Centres were formed at Cunderd1l1, KWlllana, Nannup and Walpole. This brings the total number of Sub-Centres to 66 of which 59 operate ambulance transport services with 74 ambulance. In addition Perth centre has 10 ambulances for Perth and suburbs. The building programme for the year has been at a high level. Building have been completed and opened at Perth, to accommodate country ambulances and drivers, also at Goomalling, Kellerberrin , Phillips River, Three Springs, Wyalkatchem and Northam as garages, first aid training centres and offices. Dr. Cohen was again re-elected as President of the As ociation and Mr. T. Tetterington as Vice-President. Mr. J. A. Faulkner remains as Honorary General Secretary, and Mr. A. B. Krug as Honorary Trea-surer. Mr. A. J. Faulkner was elected to the Council to fill a vacancy and Mr. K. D. Reeves was nominated by Railways Commission to filJ the vacancy of Mr. J. A. Faulkner, retired. Again the Centre is extremely grateful to members of the medical profession and trained nurses for their unpaid services in lecturing and examining the class instructors and demonstrators for their ass;stance and the Sub-Centre Committee, officials and voluntary drivers for the sterling work they are carrying out. COMMA DERY COMMISSIONERS REPORT
The strength of the Brigade is: Ambulance Divisions, 40, Strength 810; Nursing Divisions, 13, Strength 247; Combined Divisions, 3, Strength: (Ambulance 38, Nursing 12); Cadet Ambulance, 15, Strength, 412; Cade.t Nursing, 9, Strength, 301.
Honours: Life Saving Medal of the Order in Bron:-e:-This Medal was awarded to Driver C. F. Thorpe, of Perth St. John Ambulance Association Station and Perth No. 1 Division, for conspicuous gallantry in rescuing a severely injured well-sinking contractor from the bottom of an eighty-five foot well. The wells around Perth go through sand and are riveted with timber; when this becomes rotten, as in this instance, a cave-in of the well is very likely to occur without warning. On the 14th April an excellent parade of personnel of St. John Ambulance Brigade and Red Cross Companies was held on the Perth Oval on the occasion of the short visit of the Superin[endent-in-Chief, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, C.l., G.B .E., D.C.V.O. The attendance was la!,ge but Lady Mountbatten scorned the use of a jeep and shook hands wIth every person on parade and had a word to say to many. There were several on parade whom she had previously met in Burma where they had been Prisoners of War and for these men she had a special word. Visit~ s,uch a~ this .by the Superintendent-in-Chief and, last year, by the ComlllisslOner-m-Chlef, make the members of the Brigade realise more that th.ey belong to at; Empire-wide organisation and that their work is appreclat~d by the Semor Officers of the Brigade in London. They provide a great stlmulus for the members.
The news of the death of Sir Otto Lund during the year shocked the members of the Brigade and after his visit last year when his very friendly manner endeared him to all, a very personal sense of loss was experienced.
Inspection.-The Annual Inspection was held on Perth Esplanade on 16th December. There was a record number on the parade which His Excellency Sir Charles Gairdner, K.C.M.G., K.C.V .O. C.B., C.B.E., K.St.J., inspected. He took the salute during the March Pa t. In a short address His Excellency thanked the members for the work they were doing and added words of encouragement. As the number of cadets on parade is growing steadily it is intended in future to give them their own Inspection Parade, and thus allow Hi Excellency more time for conversing with individuals during the inspection. Cadet Day.-On 29th April a very impressive ceremony wa held at Wundowie, about 40 miles from Perth. The occasion was an enrolment ceremony of members of the Wundowie Cadet Ambulance Division. A special train allowed a large number of cadet from the Metropolitan Area to be present and form up in a Parad_. A special flag was presented to the Division during the afternoon . The Rt. Hon. the Premier, Mr . Hawke, was present. It is intended to make a Cadet Dayan annual cvent. Competitions.-Again a high standard was provided in all competition . Tymms Cup (Ambulan ce Divisions): 1, Kalgoorlie Ambulance Di i ion 467 points; 2, Margaret River Ambulance Division, 417 points; 3, Fremantle Railway Ambulance Division. This is the second year in succe ion that this cup has been won by Kalgoorlie. Margaret River ha ve been runners-up during the past two years and previously held it for four year . In eleven years in which the Tymms Cup has been competed for, Country Divisions have won it on nine occasions. Donaldson Cup (Nursing Divisions) (First Aid and Home Nursing): 1, Perth No.2 Nursing Division 586 points; 2, Maylands Nursing Division, 561 points ; 3, Perth No.1 Nursing Division, 556 points. BarrolV Shield (Hom e f lasing): 1, Perth No.2 Nursing Division; 2, Mayland Nursing Divi ion' 3, Perth No. I Nursing Division. Cadets: Donaldson Shield (Ambulance).-l, Osborne Park Cadet Ambulance Division; 2, Perth No.1 Cadet Ambulance Division; 3, Wundowie Cadet Ambulance Division. The piece set for this competition wa very hard and would have taxed many teams from Adult Divisions. The Cadets acquitted themselves very creditably. Holland Shield (Nursing): 1, Seventh Day Adventist Cadet Nursing DivisIOn; 2, North Perth Cadet Nursing Division. Twelve points only separated the first and fourth teams. In the Metropolitan Area members of Nursing Divi ions have again accompanied and ably assisted the drivers of ambulances operated by the St. John Ambulance Association. During week-ends members of Ambulance Divisions take over thIs duty. Members of Country Divisions have again performed valuable work in voluntarily manning ambulances operated by Centres of the St. John Ambulance Association in their respective townships. Public Duties at sports meetings, Agricultural Shows, and in other activities have again been efficiently and very willingly undertaken. In Western Australia there is a very close liaison between members of the Association and of the Brigade.
The news of the sudden death of the Commissioner-in-Chief, Lt.General Sir Otto Lund, K.C.B., D.S.O., came as a very great shock to the Commandery, where he was very well remembered from his visit early in 1953 when he immediately found his way to the hearts of all with whom he came into contact. Sir Otto had proved a very good friend and had earned the gratitude of all here for his ever-ready help and advice in time of difficulty. His loss is indeed a great one, and the sympathy of the Commandery Chapter goes out to the Grand Priory, both on his account and on the death of his uccessor, Brigadier Daly, which occurred so soon afterwards. Meetings of Commandery Chapter were presided over by His Excellency the Rt. Hon . the Lord Llewellin, Knight Commander at St. John Headquarters, Salisbury, on 31st January and 14th December, 1956, the latter being followed by an Investiture, when eight members of the Order were invested in the presence of a very distinguished gathering. The occasion was unique in that, in addition to the Governor-General of the Federation in the person of the Knight Commander, His Excellency Vice-Admiral Sir Peveril William-Powlett, K.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., K.St.J., Governor of Southern Rhodesia, His Excellency Sir Arthur Benson, K.C.M.G., K.St.J., Governor of Northern Rhodesia, and His Excellency Sir Robert Armitage, K.C. M.G., M.B.E., K .St.J., Governor of Nyasaland, were present as members of Commandery Chapter, as was the Rt. Hon. Lord Malvern, K.C.M .G., F.R.C.S. , D .C.L., M.P., K.St.J., until recently Prime Minister of the Federation. Meetings of Commandery Council took place at St. John Headquarters, Salisbury, on January 24th and December 10th, 1956, at which His Excellency the Knight Commander also presided. It was with very great regret that Chapter learned of tne pending transfer to London of the Commandery Lieutenant, Colonel Sir Ellis Robins.' K .B.E., D.S.O., E.D., K.St.J., and of his consequent resignation from his office as of 31 st December, 1956. Sir Ellis was appointed Lieutenant on the inauguration of the Commandery in 1952 and had been Commissioner of the Rhodesia District of the Brigade since January, 193?; he was President of the Rhodesia Centre from its inception in 1941 until he took up his appointment as Lieutenant in 1952. He had been the gui~ing sp~rit in the work of St. John during the whole of his service, dunng whlch he had earned the respect and high esteem of all in the Order, the Association and the Brigade. He will ever be remembered with gratitude f~r his wise guidance and for his many acts of generosity, an~ the good WIshes of the Chapter go with him and Lady Robins for thelr future happiness .in the United Kingdom and the hope that he will be able to contmue his valuable services to the Order with the Grand Priory. Sir Ellis will be succeeded as Lieutenant by Sir William Murphy K.C.M.G., K.St.J., to whom the Commandery Chapter extends a war~ welcome. C:hapter reports with regret the sudden death of one of its members, Ma)or General W. Revell Smith, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., K.St.J., whlCh took place in London, where he was on leave on the 4th June 1956. ' It i~ a great s0.ur~e of satisfaction that the territory of Nyasaland has been mcluded wlthm the Commandery area, and a warm welcome is
extended to His Excellency Sir Robert Armitage, K.C.M.G. , M.B.E:, K .StJ., Governor of Nyasaland, and. Lady Armitage, C.St.J., on theIr inclusion in the Commandery Roll. SIr Robert, n.ow a m.emb.er of Commandery Chapter, recently presided over a pu~hc meeting m Blantyre when a unanimous decision was taken to estabhsh a Nyasaland Cent:e, and Chapter looks forward to ~ts f~ture success. The Ny~saland PolIce and the Nyasaland Railways wIll gIve the new Centre theIr full support and there are good prospects for the expan ion of the work of the Order in this territory. . Commandery Chapter gratefully acknowledges the gIft .of a ~ew Standard from Grand Priory. The new Standard bears upon It the LIOn and Tusk emblem denoting Central Africa and was first used at the General Assembly in June 1956, when the Knight Commander repre.. sented the Commandery. . The continued response from members of the Order resIdent within the Commandery Order to the special appeal for Voluntary Annual Donations is gratefully acknowledged. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULA CE AND COMMA DER Y COMMISSIONER
The strength of the Brigade has been well maintained and indeed sh?ws an improvement, the present ~trength being 2,357 all ranks as .a$a.mst 2,215 for the previous year, an mcrease of 142 .. The r:u.n:ber of DI YI Ions remains as before at 41, but whilst one Nursll1g Dlvlslon was formed, one Ambulance Division was disbanded. . . It is pleasing to repor.t that t~ere has be~n a con lderable Imp,rovem~nt in the number of Certlficates Issued dUrIng the year the total havmg risen to 2,075 as against 1,320 for 1955. Classes have been ~eld a us~aJ throughout Southern and Northern Rhodesia, and a consistently hI gh percentage of passes has been obtained. There has been a very welcome addition to the number of Centres within the Commandery in the formation of a Nyasaland Centre, to whom a very hearty welcome to the St. John ~amily is exten?ed. It ca n confidently be expected that with the esta~hshmeI?-t of thl.S new Centre. tl~e number of Certificates issued yearly WIll contmue to I!lcrease.' a~d It IS hoped that in due time units of ~he Brigade will come m~o bemg Ill. th~t country. The Northern RhodeSia Centre under energetiC: leaders~lp .IS making progress and efforts are bein~ -o::ade to form Bngade umts III Lusaka as the nucleus of a future DIstnct. Whilst recruiting for the Brigade appears to be on the upgrade there is still a very serious shortage of officers o~ ~l~ grades, and young memb.ers are being urged to accept greater responslblhty to fit them for promotIon to fill the vacancies caused by transfers to the Reserve of officer who have borne the burden of leadership over the past years. The Cadet movement in particular is suffering from a very. s~vere shortage of officers, and in some instances Divisions have had to Jom forces to enable work to continue. The Competition Season has been a. very .s~c.cessful ~:)lle for the Co~ mandery, the Bulawayo Railway Nursmg DIVISiOn havmg ~'epeated theIr success of 1954 by winning the Hewat Shield, th~ premIer award for Nursing Division Teams at the finals .of the CompetltIOns held. un~e~ ~he auspices of the Priory in Southern Afnca at Cape Town, and thIS DiVISIOn won for the first time for Rhodesia the Florence Thompson Rose Bowl
for Individual Nursing Members at the same competition. Heartiest congratulations go to this Division upon their well merited success. It was found that insufficient items were submitted for discussion at the Annual Ambulance Conference to warrant its being held this year, but it is hoped to convene the Third Ambulance Conference next year. The Brigade has been severely extended in meeting the ever-increasing number of public duties, and it is pleasing to record the continued wholehearted co-operation of Districts within the Commandery and with the South African Railways Brigade Command, which has once again been most helpful in the care of invalid passengers travelling between the Commandery and the Priory in Southern Africa. The Brigade learned with great sorrow of the death of the Commissioner-in-Chief, Lt.-General Sir Otto Lund, and his successor, Brigadier Daly. Sir Otto's genial personality and directness of approach to the many qu estions submitted to him were very highly esteemed, and his visit to the Rhodesias in 1953 will long be remembered by the hundreds of members, young and old , who then had the pleasure of meeting him. Major-General Kirkman is assured of a warm welcome should he visit the Commandery, and he may expect the same loyalty from the Brigade as was accorded to his predecessor. The Rhodesia District has suffered a severe blow in the retirement of the Commissioner, Colonel Sir Ellis Robins, K.B .E., D.S.O., E.D., K.St.J. Sir Ellis had been Commissioner of the Di trict since its formation in 1939, and to his leadership must be attributed the success it has attained . The good wishe of all members of the Brigade will go with him when he leaves Rhodesia for the United Kingdom early next year.
THE COMMANDERY OF ARDS During the year, Chapter suffered a grievous loss in the death of its Hospitaller and Almoner, the Lord DunIeath. Lord DunIeath, a Knight of Justice, had for many years taken a great interest in the Order in Northern Ireland. Throughout the war years he was Chairman of the Ulster Joint Commi ttee. Brigadier J. Y. Calwell, C.B.E., M.V.O., assumed the dutie of Director of the Association in the place of Major-General Beaumont Nesbitt, who has taken up residence in England. The Lieutenant, Senator J. H. H. Pollock, C.iv1.G., O.B.E., was appointed a Member of Chapter-General representing the Comrnandery of Ards. St. John's Day Services were held in St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, on 6th May, and in Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, Bangor, Co. Down, on 1st JUly. The Bangor service was particularly noteworthy, as both the Mayor and Members of the Borough Council, and Members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association attended the Commemorati~:m Servic~. The Kni~ht Commander, Lord Wakehurst, inspected tho Bngade, whlch paraded 111 the grounds of the Church before the service. At the conclusion of the service, Lord Wakehurst took the Salute at a March Past. The service in the Cathedral was well attended by Members of the B~l~ast Corporation, Commandery Chapter and many distinguished personalItIes. The sermOl?- which was given by Frere Chaplain, the Very Rev. Dean R. C. H. Elliott (now the Very Rev. The Lord Bishop of
Connor), portrayed the services rendered to mankind by the Order of StJohn with special reference to the work of the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem. The lessons at both services were read by the Knight Commander. The Midnight Matinee which, through the generosity of Sir Philip Warter and the Associated British Cinemas, was held in the Ritz Cinema, Belfast, resulted in considerable benefit to the fund of the Commander),. We are sorry to report the departure, on retirement, of Mr. Lewi~, District Manager of Associated Briti h Cinemas in Northern Ireland who for the past six years has given of his best in the service to the Commandery by ensuring the success of the Midnight Matinee. By kind permission of the Council the Annual Ball was again held in the Crawfordsburn Country Club. Despite petrol rationing the attendance was excellent and the function in its entirety wa unanimously adjudged the best to date. During the year four meetings of Commandery Chapter took piace in the Throne Room, Government House, including an Investiture by His Excellency, the Knight Commander, on 28th March. The following additions were made during the year to the Library and Museum: Photographs of H.M. King George VI, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. A suit of armour from Scottish Castle; Model Galleon bearing on the sails the badge of the Order and the arms of the Spanish Tbngue of Castile; Model Galleon as used by the Knights of St. John; two words of Mohammedan origin bearing arabic inscriptions; two long-handled battle axe . collection of heraldic shields, bearing the arms of the Grand Prior of England; and the book, "The Church of St. John in Valetta," by the Chevalier Hannibal P. Scicluna, M.B.E., M.A.(Oxon.), Knight of Malta and Knight of St. John of Jerusalem. Received as gifts from the Lieutenant Senator J. H. H. Pollock, C.M.G., O.B.E.-Print by David Robert (1839); Ruins of the Church of St. John at Sabastia in Palestine, built on the site of the Palace of Herod where, traditionally, St. John the Baptist was beheaded; and an early 17th century map of North Palestine. We expanded our property holdings in 1956 by the addition of an Army Hut which, being erected on the West side of Belfast, will provide excellent accommodation for that quarter of the city. It is hoped ultimately to acquire similar accommodation in the North, Ea t and South sides of Belfast.
grateful to Headquarters for an initial grant made to meet enhanced expenditure and the promise of further help should such become necessary. The demand for training in all subjects has been most encouraging. A Food Handling Class was arranged specifically for firms dealing with foodstuffs. This proved an outslanding success and 75 candidates took the written examination, and 22 the oral Lst. The support given to the Association throughout the year by the Medical and Nursing Professions who devoted so much of their time to instruction and examinatIOn of clas es was a source of great inspiration, for which we are most grateful. The advanced monthly lectures in subjects such as Head Injuries; Eye, Ear and Throat Injuries; Heart Conditions; Scalds and Burns; etc., outside the scope of the Association were most popular and will be continued in the en u ; n~ year. In order to stimulate interest and ensure further First Aid Training and xpericnce the idea of forming Association Divisions in Counties is under consideration. These Divisions would participate with the Brigade in public dutie and help to fill the inc rea ing demand for First Aiders.
The work of the Association during the year has greatly expanded and difficulty is now being experienced in finding lecturers and demonstrators for classes. The cost to persons wishing to obtain an Association Certificate is rising very rapidly and is the cause of much concern as it is this factor which militates against larger numbers availing themselves of these awards. In September the Association in Northern Ireland assumed full responsibility for the administration and conduct of all types of classes. There is no doubt that this take-over from Headquarters has expedited the publication of results and the issue of certificates but the cost to the Association in Northern Ireland is yet to be appreciated. We are most
ssociation ;-
Adult Classes Fir t Aid 76 Home Nur ing 30 Child Welfare. 2 Hygiene 3 Hygienic Food Handling 4 Vouchers, 30; Medallions 26' Labels, 56;
Adult Certifs. 1069 318 16
Preliminary Certificates 297 165 39 15
lOS Pendants II.
The year 1956 will be remembered as one of steady progress and hard work with an increasi ng number of duties carried out to the full in the usual loyal and efficient manner. During the year there were a number of memorable occasions. The most important were the Royal Review in Hyde Park and the Review of Cadets in Southsea by H.R.H. Princess Margaret at which Northern Ireland was represented by contingents of 70 and 116 respective Iv. The passing of Sir Otto Lund was a sad blow to all of us. The Commissioner-in-Chief took a very keen interest in all our activities and his visits to u~, both as a friend and commander, were intimate and stimUlating. Followmg so soon on the death of Sir Otto came the sudden demise of Brigadier Daly, and the loss to us of this distinguished officer who had endeared hin~self to. us d~ring his only visit, will also be greatly felt. !he C?mbmed Flrst AId and Home Nursing Competitions between the B.ngade m Northern Ireland and the RepUblic of Ireland, inaugurated by SIr Otto Lund, were held in Belfast on the 20th October, and after a very ~een contest the Trophy was won by Northern Ireland. The events were Judged by. the S~rgeon-in-Chief, Major White Knox, and Area Nursing Officer, MISS EllIS, both of whom reported the work to be of a very high standard.
The Annual Brigade Dinner, which synchronised with the Sir Otto Lund Competition, was supported to capacity by Brigade members and proved of the greatest value as a social event. We were delighted to have with us Mrs. Grosvenor, Major White Knox and Miss Elli , as well as the Commissioner for the Republic, Mr. Montgomery, the Superintendent, Miss Overend, and many officers and members from the South. The Annual Training Course for Nursing members, organised by Mrs. Neill, our District Superintendent, held in Whitehead, wa very well attended and most instructive. Our District President, Her Excellency the Lady Wakehur t, a isted by Area Presidents and Vice-Presidents, organised a very succe sful Mammoth Fair in Belfast on 27th April. The object of tbis Fair was to raise funds for the Commandery. The Fair, a one-day event, wa opened by Miss Phyllis Calvert, of film and stage fame, who through the kindness of Associated Briti h Cinemas, made a special journey to Northern Ireland for the purpose. Save-a-Life Week, during which a series of very impressi e resu citation and rescue demonstrations were given by the Brigade in close co-operation with the National Fire Service, took place b tween the 22nd and 24th August. The Lord Mayor of Belfast, Alderman R. J. R. Harcourt, J.P., opened the Week in Belfast. Members of the Brigade took an active part in the "Prevention of Accidents in the Home" campaign launched by the Government of Northern Ireland. At the request of the Northern Ireland Hospital Amhority our Di trict Cadet Officer (Nursing), Miss E. Garrett, and her cadet organised and supervised a Holiday Camp for diabetic children. The personnel of the Brigade in Northern Ireland ba increased appreciably during 1956 as the result of an extensive recruiting drive; one ambulance Division alone increased by 36 new members. In addition one ambulance section, one mixed Division, four ambulance cadet Divisions and five nursing cadet Divisions were formed. The strength of Ambulance Divisions still remains ~mall but our aim for 1957 is to recruit more men so that the scope of our activities may be expanded and the ever-increasing demand for public duties adequately co ered. During the year our ambulances, which are efficiently maintained, carried 4,069 patients, the mileage involved being 32,216. A new diesel ambulance, the only one of its kind in Northern Ireland , and the first of the motor-cycle combinations for road patrols, will come into service during 1957.
reduce the balance of money in the Post-War Fund and accordingly the income to be derived from it. Chapter-General has stipulated that income and expenditure should be equated well before the time when the PostWar Fund IS finally exhausted. The Committee is aware that these two objectives require a delicate balance between spending and conserving. It would be just as wrong to curtail too soon the present activities of the Order and its Foundations as to refrain from anticipating the neces~ary steps to meet the radical change in circumstances which wiil arise when the Post-War Fund is exhausted. The Order is, of course, not a commercial undertaking, but in all its activities it is necessary to observe one of the cardinal principles of wise business administration: that good value should be obtained for money spent.
COMMITTEE ON THE ACCOUNTS OF THE ORDER FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER. \956, AND ON OTHER FIN NCI L MATTERS The Estimates for the year ended 30 September, 1957, together V\ith the revision of the Financial Survey of the Post-War Fund (General Allocation) were examined by the Finance Committee in October. 1956 and were approved by Chapter-General on 21 November. 1956. The Estimate show an excess of ordinary expenditure over ordin ary income of £34,150 compared with £39,366 actually incurred in the pre\ iou year. It V\ a noted that the anticipated improvement ari. e primarily from increased income, of which the profit of the Stores Department and higher interest receipts are the chief contributors' expenditure continues to ri e due to the increasing cost of salaries, goods and service .. Progress has been made In the rebuilding of the Grand Priory Church . It will be recalled that Chapter-General ha authorised the granting of a loan from the General Fund to the Rebuilding Fund ufficient to make good any shortfall of the target of £80,000. The shortfall at 30 eptember, 1956, was approximately £27,000. It i expected that the General Fund will be called upon in 1958 to implement its guarantee and the Building Fund will thereafter be charged with intere t on the amount of loan outstanding until such loan is repaid out of lIbsequent ub criptions and donations. The cost of maintaining the Ophthalmic Ho pital i~ estimated at £29,880 for the current year. Chapter-General ha. determined that the Order's responsibility for maintenance when the ne\ Ho pi tal is built must be limited to £15,000 per annum, the balance being provided by the Fund already being built up by contributions from Arab Rulers and Governments, Oil Companies and others. Moneys collected for the new Hospital and Research project are at present earning interest and it is estimated that when all financial factors are taken into consideration the net expenditure by the Order when the Hospital i built will be about £4,000 per annum less than at present. Opportunity was taken during the year to rna kc an exchange in the investments of the Post-War Fund on terms which give an appreciable increase in income at the expense of a very small potential loss of capital. The question of seeking powers to widen the scope of investment beyond the limit of trustee securities, and to include a portfolio of ordinary shares, is still under examination and opinion is being sought as to the best method of achieving this end. The Finance Committee once again noted that a measure of stability appeared to have been reached in the net balance of ordinary income and expenditure. Chapter-General has from time to time affirmed that the main purpose of the Post-War Fund should be to finance the direct relief of sl:lffering and distress and should to a lessening extent be spent on administration expenditure. The pursuance of this policy must inevitably
The Post-War Fund (Special Allocation) exists to finance the Order's share of the cost of the Welfare Work in Service Hospitals undertaken by the Service Hospitals Welfare Department, Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society. The cost of this work is met from income from investments and funds derived from the realisation of securities.
There are set out below notes on certain items appearing in the Accounts.
The Accounts submitted herewith, which are subject to audit , present the financial position of the Grand Priory of the Order as ~t 30 Sep~ember, 1956, together with statements of Income and E pendlture dunng the year ended on that date.
The Estimates for the year under review pro ided for O rd~nary Expenditure of £91,460, which was to have b~en met .from Ordlllary Income of £46,910, with the charge of the resultin g deficlt of £44,550 to the Post-War Fund (General Allocation). The estimated and actual ordinary income and expenditure for the year is summarised below: Estimate £
Actua l £
Actu al Exce s Deficiency £ £
25,770 28,630 14,965 22,095
28,297 29,285 17,506 25,535
2,527 655 2,541 3,440
31,825 2,600 9,760 2,725
46.362 2,68 5 9,405 2,805
14,537 5
Central Administration. . St. John Ophthalmic Hospital. St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade .
JNCOME Central Admini tration. . . St. John Ophthalmic Hospital. St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade .
Progress on the construction of the Guard House and Memorial Cloister as the fir t phase of the rebuilding scheme is indicated by the asset £ 16,641 representing the contractor s charges. As was mentioned in the Report last year, the earmarked proportion of the Centenary Fund , which had been credited to the General Fund at 30 September, 1953, was duly transferred to the Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund upon the commencement of building operations.
355 80 355
Net £14,347 £5,184
3. Post- War Fund (General A !location) War Organisation Liquidation Account During the year under review the Order and the British Red Cro s Society in consultation with the Joint Committee each withdrew £10,000 as further provision for their individual expenditure within the objects of the Joint War Organisation.
Net Ordinary Expenditure, above . Direct Expenditure .
Actual £ 39,366 24,776
Actual Excess Deficiency
5,184 5,151 5,151
5, ]84
Net £33 INCOME-Interest
1,789 £1,756
Nelv Ophthalmic Hospital alld Research Fund
The sum of £150,000 has been allocated within the Post-War Fund (General Allocation) as a grant towards the cost of construction of the new Hospital and of that sum £25,000 has been applied to date towards the purchase ofland and the erection of the Research building in Jerusalem. The cost of the land and the building contractor's charge appear on the Balance Sheet.
The estimated and actual income and expenditure of the Post-W~r Fund (General Allocation) for the year is summarised below: Estimate £ 44,550 19,625
Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund
In July 1956, the holding of 4 % Victory Bonds on account of the Post-War Fund was exchanged into 41 % British Electricity Stock, 1967/69 upon favourable terms. The Accounts under review record the usual slight fall in the interest income of the Post-War Fund due partly t<? Victo~y Bond redemptions in September 1955, and partly to the ~lfferent lllterest dates of the two stocks . The exchange is yielding an Immediate increase of over £7,000 in the annual income of the Post-War Fund at the expense of a possible small reduction in the capital ultimately realised. .No pr?vision has been made in the Accounts for investment depreciatIon as It is not anticipated that the need will arise to realise them under unfavourable conditions.
Central Administration Income (a) Other Interest Cash resources temporarily surplus to requirements have been retained on deposit with three leading finance houses at favourable rates of interest.
(b) Subscriptions and Donations The increase of income reflects the benefit deriving from income tax repayment claims relative to Deeds of Covenant executed in respect of oblations.
CONCLUDING COMMENTS The results exhibit net ordinary expenditure of £39,366, a decrease of £875 on the figure for 1955, but an increase of £1,648 on that for 1954. While these figures may suggest that a considerable degree of stability has been reached, the 1956 results would, in fact, have shown a substantial rise in net costs but for the temporary benefit from depo it interest mentioned above and the profit of the Stores Department which while remaining at a satisfactory level, is inherently subject to considerable fluctuation. The following figures, which have been adjusted to eliminate certain non-recurring items of expenditure, disclose the trend of ordinary income and expenditure:
Ordinary Expenditure Ordinary Income .
£ 96,331 46,836
£ 102,145 55,233
£ 91,885 55,539
£ 94,623 54,405
£ 97,977 61,257
£40,2J 8
The general rise in the cost of goods and ervices must cause unavoidable increases in some items of expenditure. It is, therefore, more than ever necessary to be watchful for any opportunity to increase efficiency and thus to contain and reduce the cost of administrative expenditure.
LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General 15 March, 1957.
ACCOUNTS 30 September, 1956
310,964 4,011 10 26
Less: Transfer to Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund . Grand Prior's Portrait (balance). St. Paul's Cathedral Campaign- donation . Adju tment of previous credit
13, 142
520 200
10 13 , 142
13,142 3,199 1,344
51,449 25,449
51,449 25,449
7,266 650 585
650 650
3,698 3,648
3,698 3,648
Kolo si Castle, Cypru
Grand Priory Church R ebuildinf!: FU/ldF reehold Property: Expenditure on Guard House and Cloister Ophthalmic Hospital Eruiowlllellf FUlldreehold Property: Jerusalem U rael) Less: written off to date .
50 34
39,108 4,985
39,108 4,985
1,768 Strathearn House and Wat on HOllse, Jerusalem (Jordan) ......... .
550 808
3,389 46,073
Oi>HTHALMTC HOSPITAL E DOWMENT FUNDas at 30 September, 1955 Add: Legacy. Donation NEW OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AND R ESEA RCH FUNDas at 30 September, 1955 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest. Transfer from Post-War Fund (General Allocation)
500 100
111 69527
37,1 16
115,594 3,641
25,000 62,116
179,205 14,000 7,106 573
Ne w Ophthalmic Hospital and Research FundF reehold Land and Buildings: Jerusalem (Jordan) . .. Post-War Fund: General Allocaliol/F reehold Properties: 15/16, Collingham Garden, S.W.5 Less: written off to date .. St. John Ambulance Brigade Sus<;ex. . . . . .
1,583 35,706
26,144 144
26,144 144
amp, BexhiU ,
Leasehold Properties: 8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.I. Less: written off to date . .
17,640 6,468
10, Grosyenor Crescent, S.W.l Less: wntten off to date
41 ,847 2,971
£ 17,640 5,880
11 , 172
41 ,847 2,364
21,679 157,526
Less: Expenditure
uristan Property, Jerusalem (Jordan) . Less: 'Mitten off to date Rights
/IYL 79 100
OPHTIIALMTC HOSPITAL Lr EN GUlLDas at 30 September, 1955 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest .
reehold Land adjacent to Grand Church Leasehold Property: 33/34, Wilton Row, S.W . I . ss: written off to date
Less: Grants to Instituteof Ophthalmology (London) Research Expenditure (Jordan) Sundry Expenses
PROPERTIES (at cost, less amounts written off)General FundF reehold Property at and adjacent to St. John's Gate. Less: written off to date
Less: Works at Crypt Sundry Works, including demolition Architects' fees and plans Salaries and sundry expenses
43 3\5,011
GENERAL FUND as at 30 September, 1955 Add: Legacies Profit on redemption of Investment. Rhodes-expense advanced recovered Compensation for losses: Ophthalmic Ho pital staff
GRAND PRIORY CHURCH REBU1LDl as at 30 September, 1955 Add: Transfer from General Fund. Subscriptions and Donations Interest. Legacy
166 2
206 26
fNVESTMENTSper Schedule attached . . . . (Market Value: 1956-£1,570,235 1955-£ 1,686,579)
39,483 86,708
~OANS TO BRANCHES-as at 30 September, 1955 . Add: Advanced during year
31 ,610 8,700
32,840 2,000
Less: Repayable during year
40,310 3,677
34,840 3,230 36,633
KING GEORGE YI LEADERSHIP TRAINING MEMORIALGrant (long term) Grants (short term)as at 30 September, 1955 . 4,281 Add: Interest . 483
Less: Expenditure
3,762 13,762
ST. JOHN AMBULA CE BRIGADE BENEVOLENT FUNDas at 30 September, 1955 Add: Interest. Subscription
Less: Grants
STOCKS: Stores Department Insignia and Medals Sundry
14,28 1
165 7,468
POST-WAR FUND(Funds allocated by Joint War Organi ation)GENERAL ALLOCATION of £2,090,000 (1955: £2,080,(00).1,253,221 as at 30 September, 1955 Add: War Organisation Liquidation Account10,000 Sum allocated therefrom . Adjustment on realisation of as ets in Tsrael
1,273,()U I
This Balance Sheet alld the annexed Income and Expenditure Accounts presentthejinancial position and transactions of the Headquarters hoth of the Order and of irs Foundation. They do not incorporate rhe assets, liabilities and trallsactions of the local Units of the Order and of its Foundations the Accounts of which are maintained and ~udited locally under RegulaJions authorised by the Order.
III addition to the properties illcluded ill thi:; Balance Sheet certaill other properties hal'e heell l'ested in the Order either as part of its corporate property or UPOIl Trusts in connection with the St. Johll Ambulance 4ssociation alld Brigade. These properties are onlv realisable with the consent of the Chari/v Commissioners or the Trust ees or local Committees of Management.
18, (3)
Th~ General alld Post- War FUllds are suhject to Investment depreciation of £76,124.
SPECIAL ALLOCATIO of £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitals: as at 30 September, 1955 Less: Excess of Expenditure o ver Income for the year
22,816 112,595 40,033
528,857 30,797
Less: Loss on realisation of investment
2,786 346
40,447 64,974 160,000 20,000 27,010
285,912 24,566
214,774 21,251
45,453 21,745
£ Less: Excess of Expenditme over Income for the year . Loss on realisation of Investment Transfer to New Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund
36,601 3,315 531
52885 7
446,733 1,574,543
LEWIS G . WHYTE, Receiver-General . D. B. R . SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant. £2,170,794 £2,275,024
£2,170,794 £2,275,024
Having examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Accounts ~~i~~oks· tnd .vouchers of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Most Venerable Orde of th Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and with the returns rec~ived fro.m Jerusalem, we repor~ th~t, o~.tate oF~ .ed ~he Notes on the Balance Sheet , the said Balance Sheet and Income and Exp;nd 't .e Accounts, in our opinion, and according to the best of our mformatlOn, show a true and faI r VIeW airs 0 t e Order as at 30 September, 1956, and of its income and expenditure for the year e~J~~ on that date.
3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C.2. 2 May, 1957.
PRICE WATERHOUSE & Co Chartered Accoun·tants.
1955 £ Foundation Dues . Annual Oblations . Commuted Oblations
4,253 172
Less: ceded to Priories and Com-
manderies .
5,257 Interest on Investments Other Interest
Less: ceded to Special Funds
8,798 10,729
8,811 2,347
19,527 6,904
11,158 2,544
Rents, less outgoings . Subscriptions and Donations . Library and Museum: Donations
STORES DEPARTMENT-Gross Profit on sale of stores, Deduct: Salaries and National Insurance Superannuation contributions . Rates. ... Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone . Printing and Stationery " Sundry expenses .
£ 1,099 3,961 197
12,623 249 688 5
228 (Dr.)
£ 9,015 1,519 345 363 740 608 293
:HANCERYSalaries, Pensions and National Insurance Superan nuation contributions . Rent and Rates . . Lease-amou nt written off . Lighting. Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance Postage and Telephone . Prin ting and Stationery . Travelling expenses Entertaining expense St. John's Day lnv stitures Roll of the Order Insignia Me als, Vellum Vot~ and Diploma Maple lead Church expenses Solicitors' Charge . . . Gra nd Prior's Advi ory Counci I Priory Standards. Royal Charter and. tatute Slindr) expense REASURY Salarie and National In Ul"anCe 8" Superann uation contributions J,' Ren t and Rates Lea e-amo unt written off " . Lig ting, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone. . , I Pri tlOg and Stationery , . Travelling expense.;; - Au it Fees Cheque Books Sundry expen. e<;
12,542 27,540
UBLI ATIONS"St. John R eriell"': Pnnting Charges. , . . , Salaries and National In urance. S ndr)' expenses ,
Sales and Advertising Revenue
198 561 135 747 599 603
1,249 513 167 568 310
336 940
2,817 121 49
15,762 3,462 543 166 135 359 187 209
174 315 86 229 5,865 - -
"Sf, .fohn Cadet" .
UBLle RELA TTONSSalaries and National In urance Press Cutt ings and Newspaper Photographs . . Press Release, Po tel' and Leaflet Lord Mayor' Show- participation PO,st~ge and Telephone . . . , Pnn tlllg and Stationery . Tra cHing expense . , Ent rtaini ng expense Sundry expenses. . IBRA Y A D MUSEUMPurchases. , Salaries and Nati~nai [n~ur~nc~ S~perannuation contributions . Display Case. , . . Du mies for Uniforms. Burglar Alarm installation Sundry expenses. . . RAND PRIORY CHURCHSundry expenses. . . ET
I COME transferred to Post-War Fund.
635 534
Co t of Production £ 4,150 1,098 446
1955 £
446 3,555 591 169 J35 335 J76 184 150 368 49 250
£ 4,570 422 599 135 851 306 580 810 477 266 592 516 469 1,007 2,655 121 III 314 247
2,150 1, 189 116 47 386 96 59 38 138 117 432
93 2,115 1,141 147
61 168 ·90
2,618 45 1,138 169
154 89 142 364 2,356 243 1,102 146
92 45
41 529
545 2,034 39
2,061 40
28,297 18,065
28,199 11,654
£46,362 £39,853
1955 £ 1,166 .
HOSPITALSubscriptions and Donations Interest. Medical Fees .
1,130 1,186 83
1,170 60 2,396
2,399 ISRAELRents, less Rates and Taxes. . . Less: Attorney's Fees and expenses
£ 562 74
£ 343 57
NET COST, transferred to Po t-War Fund .
EXPENDITURE HOSPITALSalaries, Pensions and National Insurance . . . . . Superannuation contributions Food and Housekeeping. . Drugs . Equipment . Rent . Light and Water. . . Repairs and Maintenance Travelling expense Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Furniture and Fittings Sundry expenses .
LONDON OFFICESalaries and National Insurance. Superannuation contributions Postage and Telephone . . Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Sundry expenses .
1955 £
£ 15,687 291 3,584 1,583 596 950 476 820 1,365 166 274 266 664
12,949 137
3,207 1,780 302 923 457
1,015 1,570 188 287 378 821
£ 1,145
£ 1,261 121 177 81 701 222
110 165 282 765 199 2,666
~ ~
~ ~ e
~ > (")
£29.285 £26,680
£29,285 £26,680
2 ""' INCOME
Charges to Cen tres and Detached Classes for instruction and examinations . . . . Less :Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses
14,930 8,250
14,330 8,061
Awards (net) . . . . Subscriptions and Donations
6,680 2,453 272
NET COST, transferred to Post-War Fund
9,405 ,101
8,791 5,7::7
EXPENDITURE Salaries and NatIOnal Insurance. Superannu a ti o n cont ribution s Rent and Rate. . . . Lease- amount written off . . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning . Po tage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Entertaining expense System investigation Sundry expense Competitions (net) Grants to ountie . Arabic textbook (net) . Trophy: onhern 1relanLi
Subscriptions and Donations Ministry of Education grant. . . . National Hospital Service Reserve grant NET COST, transferred to Post-War Fund
£ 9,567 728 338 270 680 1,030 2,209 161 72 184 475
1955 £ 7,189 767
33J 270 660 933 1,531 211 87 363
0::;c 0-3
10( ~
~ ~
15,714 1,312 450 30
12,342 1,356
300 470 50
IJ) ~
157 1,440 1,208
1,1 14
2,805 22,730
1,440 2,803
Salaries and National Insurance. Superannuation con tribution Rent and Rates . . . . Leas amount written off . . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning . Repairs and Maintenance Po tage and Telephone . Printing and Stationery . Travelling expenses Entertaining expenses . Conferences and Meeting. Awards . . . Sundry expenses . Competitions (net) . . Training Centre and Club Royal Review- Hyde Park Air Attendants
Deduct: Bexhill Camp, Surplus-Season 1956 £25,535
. ~")
10,439 616 819 588 502 237 1,143 1,596 1,974 211 471 229 915
19,740 980 2,554 2,646
22,168 1,317
679 579 588 443
2,307 1,080 1,461 2,616
3JJ 251 212 1,238
1,900 105
POST -WAR FUND INCOME Interest on Investments Interest on Loans . NET EXPENDITURE for the year transferred to Balance Sheet
GENERAL ALLOCATION EXPENDITURE 1955 £ £ £ NET COST43,649 40,827 Foundations420 499 St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem . . . . . . 44,069 41,326 St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade 14,176 22,816
1955 £
26,600 8,101 22,730
23,796 5,727 22,372
Central Administrationurplus income DIRECT EXPE DITUREGrants:
Priory of ScotlandAdmini tration grant. . ommandery in Central Africa St. John HeadquartersTrinidad Kenya orth Borneo . t. John Council ecretarial grants . St. John Home, Tankerton, Kent Edmonton Divi ion, S.J.A.B. Del'e /oplllent oj O\'('rseas Units
Relie{Welfare work in Malaya Caribbean Hurricane Barbado'i- ambulance . Cyprus Emergency: ambulance undry u tralian F looti .D. tanding ommittee Hospital of t. John and SI. lizabeth . mployment t:heme for } InsbUl thl., rlderl
1,000 1,000
1,000 1,500
1,000 1,000
2 ("')
1,175 3,500
1,012 1,000 150
0 ~
> Z
3, I 7 921 1,425 1,741 135
496 52
Z 0
e~ ~
10 24.776
("') ("')
1- ..--...... __
~ 10(
> :::0 ~
Z 0
~ fJJ
~ ~
PECIAL ALLOCATIO INCOME I ntere t on Investments lET
EXPE DITURE for the year transferred to Balance Sheet
£ ,840
£ Welfare Work in Service Ho pital
£ 49,637
1955 £ 49,386
£49,637 £49,386
trl ~
... ~
30 SEPTEMBER, 1956 Nominal Vallie £ " d.
A. BRITISH GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED STOCKS (a) with a fixed date for redemprion3,000 0 0 3 % Savings Bonds, 1955/65 4,282 0 4 2+% Savings Bonds, 1964/ 67 69,802 o 10 3 % Funding Stock, 1959/69 1,516,795 0 0 41 % British Electricity Stock, 1967/69. 18,511 14 6 3 % Sa vings Bonds, 1960/70 150 0 0 3 % Savings Bonds, 1965/75 11,339 6 9 3 % British Tran port Stock, 1978/ 88 . £1 ,623,8 80
(b) WiTh no fixed dat e f or redel1lption31'% War Stock, 1952 or after . 4 % Consolidated Stock, 1957 of after 31'% Conversion Stock, 1961 or after .
Book Vallie
3,000 4,282 68,292 1,387739 18,51 2 150 11 ,3 17 £1 ,493,292
7 1,493 3 7 26,560 14 11 36, 129 9
7 1,260 24,199 30,926
£ 126,385
30 SEPTEMBER, 1956
Nominal Value
Book Value
Marker Value
£ 134, 183
st-War Fund-
l,r General Allocation
£1 ,4;
Relationship between Market Value and Book Value Excess Deficiency £ £
Special Allocation
1,060,359 456,436
970,070 417,669
959,624 413,075
10,446 4,594
era! Fund
1,516,795 268,385
1,387,739 258,620
1,372,699 197,536
15,040 61,084
£1 ,785, 180
£1 ,570,235
£ 1,758 063 10
£ 1,6 19,677
18,000 3,300 3,000 1,980
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
17,940 3,309 2,8 17 1,8 16
£ 26,2 0
£25,8 :2
C. SUNDRY STOCKS3 % Nottingham Corporation, 1/9/ 57 .
Lansdowne Club, Ltd. 364 Shares of 2/- each , fully paid .
£ 1,785,180
£ 1,646,359
£ 1,650,960 134,220
£ 1,519,974 126,385
£1 ,785,180
£ 1,646,359
B. DOMINION A D COLONIAL GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED STOCKS with a f ixed date /01' redemptiotl2i % Australia Stock, 1967/7 1 2-!- % Australia Stock, 1970/75 3 % Federated Malay States Stock, 1960/70 3+ % Sierra Leone Stock. 1958/63
SUMMARY With a fixed date for redemption With no fixed date for redemption
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ANALYSIS OF EXAMINATION I ~t January to 31st December, J 956. "A" THROUGH
I Number l of
,~ Classes I~I P . F.A. I~I~I P. H . N· I~I P. HvG . I H .F. H. I
I I- - - ITOTAL I Numberl Number I No. of Candidates Failed I of C.H . F.I~ P .c'W·I ___ I _ _ _ I ~~1 Passed I Failed
Number of Candidates Successful in
January . . ... ..... .. ,. 334 1 1,576 I 353 I 77 I 182 I 131 I 21 I 18 14 I 20 I 1 49 2,441 205 85 2,779 44 1,790 I February·· ··········1 1 310 43 1 86 69 I 146 I 18 ! 50 1 9 I 35 I 8 I 52 2,694 157 126 3,701 63 March .............. 674 3,644 I 1,408 74 780 I 504 I I 68 1 70 I 39 1 JlJ I 210 i 6,836 1 504 259 7,464 109 April ... ..... ....... 535 I 2,838 93 1 168 453 I 305 1 4Q I 76 75 I 25 I I 87 1 5 ,007 1 267 228 5,663 I 118 May.................. 444 2,220 1,085 I 57 270 320 I 15 I 66 10 1 48 90 4,181 313 237 4,526 67 Ju ne .............. 1 373 1,874 978 112 326 40~ J4 1 83 34 25 III 3,965 273 74 1,527 43 July.. ... ...... 395 1 1,286 1,8 10 51 302 I 54_ 30 99 8 18 4,148 315 31 755 10 August .. , ........ 96 1 635 311 I III i II 6 12 I I 12 1,098 64 16 407 7 1 Septcmber..... .... 117 651 327 I 18 84 127 1 13 , , 26 1 23 1 579 5 '247 109 Octo ber ......... . 161 802 589 119 74 145 5 87 I 21 II 68 1.922 I JJ 70 1,311 26 November. . .... .. 325 1,824 866 63 I 296 283 107 21 28 1 210 3,701 262 125 2,567 66 D eccmber ........ 1 692 I 3,938 1,575 1 133 I 403 I 899 -' 37 106 I 95 7,196 522 173 3,914 88 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - tv TOTALS .. ....... 4,456 22,978 10,664 958 I 3.350 3,82 1 152 710 I 359 228 I 91 1.016 1 44.294 3,101 1.451 35,108 645 v.
I ., I
" B"
January ........ .. .. 11 270 1,561 375 February ............ 1 3 13 1,570 781 March. .............. 482 2,488 1,341 APril... .............. 11 396 2,022 1,192 Ma y ... · .. ·········. ·.11 430 1,974 1,361 I June .................. I 337 1,359 886 1 July .................. 366 1, 29 1 1,371 August .............. I 87 I 489 327 I September.... ...... 107 I 684 248 October ........... II 185 I 754 529 November. ........ 11 350 I 2,009 1,040 December ....... .. I~ ~I~
178 103 81 20 1 109 205 456 474 383 257 219 94 II 7 185 I 329 32 1 205 1 353 334 6 III I 237 518 JIl 87 1 6 84 15 83 I 91 82 I 89 172 229 I 124 I 190 499 I 1_18_ ~ ~ _~ _
14 83 153 124 93 103 64
~I_~ ~
_ 1_3_0 _1-",--- _ 1_10__
1 42,802
II 21,422
1 3,052
I 1,654
1 5 17
1955 .. .... .... .. ,1 8,213
3,26 1
3 15
30 14 35 53 18 30 5 I 7 10 42
1,307 886 1,974 1,948 1,085 736 313 1 47 146 I 272 1 1, 165
27 9 15 19 15 10 13 18 6 3 12
44 I 1, 107 I I 2R 117 1 1,333 45 16 130 1,964 124 29 17 I 44 4,077 I 1_1_3 _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ _- _ _ ~_I_ I ~ ~ ~ ~1--57-
GRAND OTALS 1956T....... , ... 1,
182 231 546 282 347 287 327 396 95 159 324
13 41
233 1 316
~ ~ ~I~
1 1,007
11) 0 SP ita I of {rbe most U)cnernble (fD rber of St. Jobn, 3erusalem ~ ph t b 11111 C
S O\1e re ig n 1beR b of tlJe ®rb cr : H ER MAJESTY T HE Q UEEN
c.to III lllittee : (24th June, 1957) SRIGADII-R
EXTRACT FROM TH E RULE AN D T O M OF R YMO DOL' P L'I , GRAND MASTER OF THE KNI GHTS HOSPITALLER OF T HE O R O OF T . JOHN (1120-1160) That the Knight who hould make their profe ion In it hould adorn thel Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all irtue with hospital serrice, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed II these various functions, hould only eek to distingui h them elvc by a cour e 0 virtue. Soldiers of Jesus Christ are designed only to fight for His Glory, to maintall His wors hip, to love, reverence and pre erve ju lice, to favour, support and defen d such as are oppres ed, without neglecting the duties o( holy hospital sen'ice.
1f) "'\ S Pit 1\ [ It: r IR STFWART DUKE-ELDER, K.C.V.O., PH.D. , D.SC., LL.D., M.D., f.R.C . r.A.C .. 11)"11. t:rcaSllrcr.
L. G. WHYTE, Esq. 1JI)emvcre.
C. T. b ' A ,E 'Q., C.M.G., Secretary-General (ex-officio) THE LADY WEBB-JOH 0 L. G. WHYTE, ESQ .. Receiver-General SIR ALFRED BOSSOM, ST .. M.P. HUMPHREY E . BOWMA , E Q., C.M.CJ., O.B.L. COLO EL H. E. VEREY, 0.5 .0. LlFUT.- OLO FL W. R. HORNBY- TEER, D.L. IR HUGH Dow, G.C.I.E., K.C .. r. SIR HARRY SINDFRSO " PASHA, K.B.E:.., CM.G., M.V.O. , F.R. C. P.(E.) FRA K W. LAW, E Q ., M.D ., F.R.Co . . A. P. SOUTHWELL, E Q., C.B.E., M.e. AIR OMMODORE T. KEITH LYLE, C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S. SIR HORACE EVA ,G.C .. 0., M.D., F.R.C.P, SIR ARTHUR PORRITT K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B.E., F.R.C.S . . H. ASHTO , E Q., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. THE Ho . M. R. BRlDGEMA , C.B.E. LIEUT.-COLO I:.L J. W. CHITTY, M.B.E. G. L. C. COLE SO-JONES, B.SC., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. J. E. COOMBER, ESQ., M.A ., LL.B. R. 1-1. SCOTT, ESQ., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. Sec rc tar~.
M AJOR J. F. C. U DERHfLL, T.D. IlUl ar~e1\ .
A. J. BOASE, EsQ., O.B.E., F. R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.O.M.S. S ub=IlUlarbc n a nb S urgeo n to t be 1I) 09 ~Jlt al.
l-lssis t a n t S Mrg con to th e b 05.,l tlll.
D R. E. B. D OANY, M.D.(SEIRUT), D.O. fU) a t r.:> 11.
lPrtor\] of ScotlanD bospiulller SIR GORDON LETHEM, K.C.M.G.
{prion? for llUlR Ies 'fbospitRller THE EARL OF PLYMOUTH Ho pitaller of Bridgend
IPrtol'); in Sonthern BfricR 1b0spitnller COLONEL
{prior)? JOH
O. L.
til 1HC\\1 ZeaIanb 1b JSPltR II e l' H. RHODES, ESQ.
{prior)? ill (!anRba 1bospitRlIer
{prior)? of tI)e BnstrRIiall <Io11l11lo11wealtb (exc[usive of 'UUlestern EustraltR) 1bospltR[[er BRIGADIER K. B. FRASER, C.B.E., E.D.
<IollllnanDer)] in ll,(llestern Bustralia (witbin tbe IPrior}2 of tbe :EhlstrRiinll croI1l1ll01l\\7ealtb) 1bospltnller A. G.
C.LE., M.B.E.
<IommanDer)? in <Ientral Bfrtca 1bospita[[er DR. EDWARD MILNS BAINBRIDGE WEST, O.B.E.
Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Committee for 1956 including the REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE LADIES' GUILD
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their sixty-fifth annual report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. THE COMMITTEE The Committee report with regret the death of Dr. E. P. Scott. Dr. Scott served on the Committee ince 1948 and had always shown the keenest interest in the welfare of the Hospital during this period. He was particularly interested in the Staff and often attended them professionally when they came home on leave. It is with regret that the Committee have to report the resignation of Major Sir Thomas Lumley-Smith, D.S.O. Sir Thomas Lumley-Smith had been a member of the Hospital Committee since 1933 and had been personally responsible for the collection of donations from the various Preceptories of the Ma onic Order of Knights Templar of England. During his term of office as Great Vice-Chancellor the donations collected by him for the Hospital totalled £8,593 8s. 6d. Sir Thomas was also a member of the Jerusalem Hospital Working Committee. The Committee wishes to record their gratitude for all Sir Thomas Lumley-Smith did to further the welfare of the Hospital. HOSPITAL STAFF In 1954 the Air Ministry consented to second Wing-Commander Grahame Price, R .A.F., as Warden to the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem for a period of one year; at the end of June 1956, his tour of duty was completed. The Committee desire to express their gratitude to the Air Ministry and their very grateful thanks to Wing-Commander Price for the duties he performed as Warden during this difficult transitionary period and for all he did to maintain the high standard and best traditions of the Hospital during this time. Wing-Commander Price made many friends whilst in Jordan and the Committee wish him every success on his return to the R.A.F. On 1st July, Dr. A. J. Boase, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., took up the appointment of permanent Warden. Dr. Boase has served in the Colonial Service for over thirty years. His service throughout has been spent in Uganda, where he held the rank of Senior Specialist (Ophthalmologist). On several occasions he acted as Medical Superintendent of Mulago Hospital and as
Principal of its Medical School. He brings with him a vast experience of ophthalmology and of administration; and the Committee would like to take this opportunity of welcoming him on his appointment as Warden and of wishing him every success during his tenure of office. The Committee would like to congratulate Dr. and Mrs. Doany on the birth of a son. During the year Sister Howard and Sister Popham's tours of duty ended and the Committee would like to thank both Sisters for their loyal service to the Hospital during their appointments. Sister Oakley and Sister Howes joined the British nursing staff in April and June respectively. In the autumn the Matron returned to England on leave and during this time the political events in the Middle East culminating in the Suez crisi took place. This prevented the Matron from returning to the Hospital and the British Consul-General in Jerusalem instructed the remaining British Staff (comprising the Warden, the Assistant Matron and two British Sisters) to leave Jordan. This was probably unnecessary in view of the fact that the Order and the activities of the Hospital in particular, have never been regarded in a political context by the local population and have retained the goodwill of the Jordan Government throughout. In the event, however, the Staff soon returned to Jordan- the Warden shortly before Christmas, followed immediately afterwards by the Matron, Assistant Matron and British Sisters. During their absence the Arab Staff under the Sub-Warden, Dr. Budeiri, carried on the work of the hospital ~ith great efficiency so that its activities never ceased; and at the present time they, as well as the British Staff, are working as happily and fully as they have done for three-quarters of a century. The Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking Dr. Budeiri and Doany and the Arab nursing staff for maintaining the continuity of the work of the hospital at so high a level during this difficult period.
work of the Order and, as a result of a later conversation with the Ruler, His Highness Shaikh Sir Ali bin Abdullah Al Thani, K.B.E., a very generous donation w~s sen~ to suppo~t. the s~heme. !~e Iraq Governmen~ officials expressed theIr deSIre to partiCIpate m a traIlllng scheme for IraqI doctors and nurses when the Hospital was completed, and Iran was also interested and its Oil Consortium had already contributed largely to the Order's appeal. The American University, Beirut, was also visited and was most anxious to co-operate, and the United Nations Organisation (U.N.R.W.A.) provided help in every possible way. To ~h~ Hea.ds of States who were interested in the work of the Order, the Mllllsters m the various countries and to the British officials who rendered much help, the Hospital Committee express their sincere thanks for all the advice, co-operation and hospitality that was so freely given during the course of the tour.
o FFI CIAL VISIT As a result of his official tour of the Middle East in 1955, and in view of the developments arising out of it, the Hospitaller, accompanied by the Sec~etary, pa~d ~ further visit to the Area at the end of February, remaining untIl the begmnmg of April, 1956. The main objects of the tour were to review the progress made on the construction of the Research Institute since the previous visit, to organise and co-ordinate the work of the Research Team with the Medical and Health Officers of U.N.R.W.A., and to a!ran,ge for opp<?rtunities to visit the Refugee Camps; to discuss in detaIl "Yith the ~rchitect the plans of the new Ophthalmic Hospital and transrmt suggestIOns made by the Building Committee in London' to visit the various countries and States in the Middle East which already' were or mi~ht be interested i~ the project and might care to participate in the antI-trachoma campaIgn; and, finally, to assess the political situation as regards the advisability of continuing the project. For these reasons Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrein, Qatar, Iraq, Iran and the Lebanon were visited. Kuwait and B~~r~in had already expressed their desire to participate in the research actiVIties of the Order in the Middle East and had given gener~us support? as had also the Kuwait Oil Company. Whilst in KuwaIt the Hospitaller presented to His Highness the Ruler of Kuwait Shaikh Sir Adulla-as-Salim al Subah, K.C.M.G., C.B.E., on behalf of th~ Order his insignia as an Associate Knight of Justice. On visiting Qatar the Deputy Ruler on behalf of the Ruler expressed keen interest in the
THE NEW HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE During 1956 the Committee proceeded with its plans for the new Hospital and Research Institute as if nothing had happened in our relations with the Arab countries; up to the time of the writing of this Report events have proved that their confidence has been abundantly justified. The research laboratories were completed in March last year and have been fully equipped with the most modern apparatus for research on the problem of trachoma and its allied eye diseases. The buildings on the site of the new hospital have now been demolished, the site cleared and a boundary wall built. The Research Team left England for the Middle East on the completion of the laboratories in the spring of 1956 and busied themselves with the immense problem that confronted them. They completed a survey of the general incidence of eye disease in the country and in the refugee camps, the types of germs present and their clinical manifestations, and did much of the preliminary laboratory work necessary to define the problems of future research . Unfortunately, towards the end of the year two circumstances combined to limit their activities. In the first place, the political atmosphere in the refugee camps made it difficult for them to move about freely and to get the co-operation necessary for medical research. It will be realised that a team of re earch workers moving about the country were not accepted in the same way as the well-established staff of the Hospital in the Old City of Jerusalem itself. In the second place, it was found that the source of material for scientific study was not so fruitful as had been hoped so far as isolating the trachoma virus was concerned. The excellent care given by the staff of U.N.R.W.A. in recent times to the refugees, and their free use of antibiotic drugs considerably lirnjted the number of freshly and virulently infected people. An attempt to culture this virus in the laboratory requires a large amount of material of this type, and it was found that only some 2 % of the patients examined met these requirements; the remainder had a sub-acute or chronic infection which was somewhat unsuitable for this immediate purpose. For these reasons the Medical Research Council decided to transfer this particular aspect of the research to another country where the political atmosphere was easier and suitable material for study more abundant.
An exped.itio.n was sent to Gambia w~ere it ~as found that in the upc~)Untry dIstncts trachoma of a very fIond and virulent type was extremely nfe-much more common, indeed, than in Jordan. Moreover the natives in this part of the country are completely untreated and the~efore eminently suit~ble for our purpose. A research team has, therefore, been 3ent to GambIa as a temporary measure with the object of gathering a sufficient supply of the virus of trachoma to allow attempts to be made to culture it in t~e laboratories in London which are participating in this work-the Institute of Ophthalmology and the University of London and the Lister Institute. It is, of course, impossible to foretell the results of any particular piece ?f research, ~ut the present scheme is that work on these lines will proceed m t~e D?-eantIme whIle any results obtained will be exploited in the laboratones m Jordan; therefrom the fruits of the research work will be disseminated throughout the countries of the Middle East. It may well be, therefore, that although at the time political events seemed to be unfortunate from the point of view of the research project, in the end considerable advantage may accrue. THE OLD HOSPITAL BUILDINGS BETHLEHEM ROAD, JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) The situation remains the same as reported last year. THANKS The Committee would like to thank for their continued support all those who have contributed to the Hospital Research Project and in particular those who have done so by means of Deed of Covenant. The Committee would also like to thank those well-wishers who have financially supported the p~esent hospital during 1956. They are always deeply grateful for the contmued support of the Priories of Scotland Wales ' , Australia, New Zealand and the Comrnandery of Ards. Once again the ~receptories of the Masonic Order of Knights Templar of England have glven a most generous and greatly appreciated donation to t~e Hospital: The Masonic Order of Knights Templar of England has contmuously gIVen annual donations to the Order since 1925 and their unfailing financial support is deeply appreciated by the Committee. The Committee is also again indebted to the Clothworkers Company who have made a further most valuable contribution. CONCLUSION . The. Committee would like to express both to the out-going and the mcommg Warden, the Medical Sta~, the Matron and Nursing Staff, and all the other ~embe~s of the HospItal Staff, gratitude for their loyal and devoted serVIce dunng the past year, when the political situation in Jerusalem has been anxious, tense and difficult. Perhaps this has been one of the mos~ difficult years i~ the hist?ry of the Hospital since 1948, and .the. Comrruttee wo:u~d particularly lIke to express their very great admlratIOn for the unfailing loyalty of the Arab staff and their efforts to maintain and. enhance in every possible way the reputation of the Hospital and the prestige of the Order, and continue its usefulness to the people of Jordan. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospital/er.
THE WARDEN'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1956 On presenting the Report for 1956 I am very conscious of the debt that lowe to my predecessor, Wing-Commander Grahame Price, Royal Air Force, whose appointment as Warden covered the first six months of the year. His was a difficult task, as interim appointments always are, and it is greatly to his credit that his year in the Wardenship was one of rising prestige for the ho pital and further consolidation of its work. It is with gratitude that I record the courtesy and kindness with which I was received by Wing-Commander and Mrs. Price. That to many in Jerusalem their departure wa a matter for regret is a measure of the esteem in which they were held. Senior Staff. Wing-Cdr. T. J. G. Price (to 30.6.56) Warden Dr. A. J. Boase, O.B.E. (from 1.7.56) Dr. Kh. Budeiri. Sub-Warden Dr. Elias Doany. Surgeon Miss D. G. Wood. Matron Miss 1. Vanstone. As istunt Matron Miss 1. Howard (to 31.3.56) Sisters (2) . Mrs. J. Popham (to 31.5.56) Miss J. Oakley (from 1.4.56) Miss B. Howes (from 1.6.56) Attendances. For some years the ho pital has undertaken the training in ophthalmic nursing of medical personnel from D.N.R.W.A. and the Jordan Health Department. In 1954, Surgeon-Commander Gurd was able to report that "most of these orderlies are now employed in refugee camps and are doing most valuable work." How valuable that work is may be inferred from the general trend towards lower attendances. The figures for the past five years (in thousands) have been 155, 165, 161, 158 and 133. The hospital has indeed sent out its ambassadors to good effect. The fantastic attendance at the summer clinics fathers the hope that the downward trend will continue; a hope that is not buoyed up by analysis of the figures for the past two years. For in the second half of 1956 the attendances were 1·7 times as great as those for the fir t half, and this despite the alarms and apprehensions of the international situation which marred the autumn. The comparative figure for 1955 was 1·5. New Cases. At 27,805 these represent a decrease of 5,000 compared with the previous year. As an index of "new" cases these figures must be treated with considerable reserve; for a distressingly high proportion of re-attending patients lose or fail to bring their reference cards and are registered as new attendances. One old chronic appeared before me during August at least ten times, on each occasion with a new card! An attempt to discipline these defaulters may account in some small part for the fall in new cases.
In-patients. There were 920 admissions averaging 13·7 days in hospital. (Last year, 945 and 12·7). Operations. There has been a steady increase in the surgical work of the hospital, as is shown in the following table:1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956
Major 998 965 579 1,096 1,062 1,277 1,341
Minor 293 355 266* 1,314 1,505 869 636
(*For several months in 1952 only one surgeon, Dr. Budeiri, was available.)
The "mino~" operations may be discontinued. Following precedent they merely lIst the one-hundred-and-one trivial procedures inseparable from any ophthalmic practice (simple foreign bodies, sac lavage, tonometry, etc.). Of the major operations, 757 were performed in the second half of the year as against 584 in the first half. The increase of 173 is evidence of the need for additional theatre sessions which have now been increased to five per week, though the abnormal condition in November and December necessitated a temporary return to the former time-table of two sessions per week. While the new schedule has allowed us to deploy our resources to greater advantage, it has unquestionably thrown considerable more work on the theatre staff. The unselfish and exemplary manner in which Sister Howes and Nurse Mary labra have responded to the added demands made of them is deserving of high commendation. How many theatres go "all out" with a staff of only two? Anaest~etics. ~though the total number of a.naesthetics for major surgery gIVen dunng the year was 151 (last year 171), there is no specialistanaesthetist in le~usalem; the question of the several hospitals combining to s~are t~e serVIces of one has been tentatively mooted . Medico-legal consIderatIOns would seem to lend urgency to this matter. But of more immediate concern to us is that time spent in the giving of anaesthetics is time taken from work in the clinic. Clinical. Because of my short local experience I am somewhat diffident about commenting on the clinical aspects of work here, but I do so against a background of more than thirty years' experience in tropical Africa. Trachoma. I have not seen a single case which could be described as "florid." Pannus is surprisingly light and in most instances of the "tenuis" or ev.en "micro-" variety. There is a high incidence of minimal (healed) scarrmg of the upper tarsus, though not many such are afflicted with trichi as.is. Entr?pi.on. from lid deformity is not common. Operations for the. relIef of tnchiasIs (261) are mostly on out-patients: one eye at a ses.slOn, so probably only about half this number represents the patients relieved by surgery. Even allowing for a waiting-list the incidence is remarkably low by Uganda standards (some 2,000 tarsectomies per year). In strange cont~ast to this mild form of trachoma is the amazing amount of tarsal concretIOns (lithiasis). In not a few of these the evidence of as~ociate~ .trachoma is~ to say ~he least, doubtful. It is tempting to link this condItIon to abrasIve dust 10 the atmosphere of this very stony land,
a factor that undoubtedly has some connection with the high incidence of pterygium. Conjunctivitis. The disastrous results of the summer epidemics have been repeatedly stressed in the annual report from this hospital. The past year has been no exception, but in one respect it has been more fortunate: we have had the immense advantage of the co-operation of the Research Team in a bacteriological investigation. This, however, is not the place to anticipa te publication of their work. Why these epidemics should occur at the height of the summer is somewhat of a puzzle, for apart from the children being home from school, living conditions are not demonstrably worse; in fact, the weather encourages open-air pursuits with less time spent in congested rooms. An explanation may lie in the seasonal prevalence of anthropod pests. The number of fleas that a surgeon can attract to himself in the course of a clinic was a revelation to me! When one sees a child with its face and eyes excoriated from the maddening scratching of a hot summer's night, and even more when its cornea reveals the freshly-made guttershaped trauma of a fingernail, inflicted in the twilight of sleep, then does the real culprit reveal itself. It is possible that a disinfestation campaign during the summer months would be followed by a spectacular fall in attendance at our clinics. Squint. Of the cases corrected by surgery (l08) it may be said that the squinting eye was already amblyopic beyond the hope of regaining useful vision; operation has been purely cosmetic. It is the more serious in that the number treated is but a proportion of the whole, for cases present mostly during the vacations to compete for the limited accommodation we can offer. Corneal Graft. This leucomatous land provides prodigious scope for keratoplasty. It is all the more to be regretted that for sociological reasons donor eyes for the purposes of grafting are not readily available. The optical iridectomy (21) is a poor substitute. (Since the above was written a fortuitous enucleation has allowed Dr. Doany to perform the first corneal graft in the history of the hospital.) Lacrimal. The fact that 20 excisions of the lacrjmal sac, and not one nasal anastomosis, were performed is explained by our chronic shortage of beds. We are well equipped and eager to carry out the dacryo-cystorhinostomy operation, but circumstances are against us. Retina. The approach to retinal detachment has been by lamellar scleral resection (15), or the more conventional diathermy (4). Dr. Doany is our chief exponent of the former operation; at present rate of progress he should soon have sufficient material for a monograph on the subject. Glaucoma. Iridencleisis (43), trephine (10), Preziozi (9) are no indications of the demand: many patients come too late, or no bed is available. Cataract. Of the 296 extractions, 126 were intra-capsular. Vectis delivery was necessary five times. The formidable size of the waiting list reduces the expectation of the more aged patients surviving until they can be admitted. The Research Unit. The year saw the inauguration of the Trachoma Research Unit, a project of the Medical Research Council closely allied
to the work of the hospital. The work of the Unit in the scientific field does not fall within the province of this Report, but here I should expres a sincere appreciation of the generous assistance rendered to the hospital by the members of the Unit. The resources of a first-class laboratory were made available to us in no stinted manner, and largely through this co-operation we have been able to improve the standard of treatment in the hospital and solve a few of the many clinical puzzles that confront u . But assistance did not stop at what "pathology" connotes: on several occasions Dr. Charles Smith came to our rescue in the role of anaesthetist for some of the longer and more intricate operations; and Dr. Gilkes undertook many a session in the theatre. It has been a great pleasure and privilege to work with such colleagues in so harmonious an atmosphere, and to be allowed to share in the histological examination of material from the hospital. The work of the Research Unit came to an abrupt end with the Suez Crisis. It is greatly to be hoped that resumption will not be long delayed.
Y. Sayad, and his daughter, was refreshing for its exchange of views on mutual problems. We were pleased to see again Miss M. Holloway, who was on our staff as a Sister in 1950 and is now in Beirut. The New Hospital. Of the many exciting happenings of this eventful year pride of place must surely be given to the unsung achieveme.nt of the crystallisation and final ~pproval of .t~e plans for the new hospItal. We await impatiently the still more excIt~ng cere~ony ?f th~ laymg of the foundation stone. We have watched WIth growmg satIsfactIOn the gradual clearing of the site, the piece-meal removal of the mo?-u!llental if inglorious and unfinished Nashashibi building, and the prehmmary work on the boundary wall: portents we hope of splendours to come. With crossed fingers we look ahead to 1959! Staff Matters. In August we were able to congratulate Dr. and Mrs. Doany on the birth of a son and heir. We hope that the ~enes of surgery will eventually lead him to follow his father's footsteps mto the fold of St. John. At the year's end we said farewell to Nurse Margot Malikian, who left us after eight years' service to get married. . This report would be incomplete without a special word of praIse for the staff, many of whom have been identified with ~he hospital. fo~ '!ery long periods. But where all have given of their best It would be InVIdIOUS to single out any for special mention. I refrain from doing so.
Evacuation. To the great regret of all it was considered advisable by H.M. Consul-General that in view of the threatening uncertainties of the international situation the British Staff should leave the country. Reluctantly we did so on November 3rd, arriving in London two days later. Our Matron was already there on leave. This sorry episode was concluded by my return on December 23rd, followed by that of the Matron, the Assistant Matron and the Sisters on January 3rd, 1957. The sadness and disappointment of our departure stands in marked contrast to the sincere welcome with which the staff greeted our return . But perhaps the greatest testimony to their loyalty to their hospital is the admirable way in which they, one and all, carried on its work under the direction of the Sub-Warden, Dr. Budeiri. For this, I hav.! nothing but the highest praise and gratitude. Acknowledgments. It is a pleasure to record the continued and unfailing courtesy shown to the hospital by the several departments of the Government with which we have had dealings. Our thanks are especially due to the Jordanian Army for facilitating the transit of our supplies from Aqaba. To U.N.R.W.A., and in particular to Dr. Ross-Smith, we are grateful for continued support with drugs, without which our work for refugee patients would be gravely handicapped. We express our thanks to Dr. Farid S. Haddad and the Staff of the Orient Hospital, Beirut, for their services and kind attention to Mrs . David Mirza, the wife of our hospital steward. There can be few ophthalmologists who do not owe much to the late A. Seymour Philps, whose gifts as a teacher, skill as a surgeon, and kindly personality are now so tragically lost to us. It is with deep appreciation of the honour that we acknowledge the gift by his widow of his professional books. Visitors. A welcome visit of inspection was paid by the Hospitaller in March. He was accompanied by Lady Duke-Elder and the Secretary, Major Underhill. The number of guests who were able to accept the invitation to commemorate St. John's Day at the hospital was very gratifying. The visit of a fellow-ophthalmologist from Florida, U.S.A., Dr. William
(Signed) ARTHUR BOASE, Warden.
Optic Nerve
Inflammations. Ectropian . . Entropion and Trichiasis . Cysts and Tumours Injuries and Foreign Bodies Other conditions Conjunctiva
Inflammations . Pterygium . Tumours . . . . . Injuries and Foreign Bodies Other conditions Cornea
Ulcers. . . Other inflammations Pannus. Opacities and laucoma . Injuries and Foreign Bodies Other conditions
2,822 68 1,649 167 156 386
Neuritis Atrophy
Phlyctencular disease . Foreign Bodies Cysts and Tumours Inflammations . Staphyloma Injuries. Iris Inflammations . Tumours Injuries. . . . . Congenital Colombona
Cataract . . . . . Dislocation and Prolapse . Vitreous
11,695 10 28 145 339
903 331
660 7,577 660 422 294 17 60
Retinal opacities Vascular conditions Inflammations. Degenerations . Detachment Other conditions
Opacities Haemorrhage Globe
Inflammations . Degenerations . Injuries and Rupture . Other conditions Glaucoma . Orbit
Inflammatio n Tumours Injuries . Inflammations of sac . Inflammations of gland Fistula. Other conditions
Ocular Muscles
Squint Ny tagmus . Nerve palsies
13 292 4
34 12
Choroid Retina
Inflammations . Degenerations .
8 72
Subscriptions £ s. d.
Ann, Captain H . T.
54 25
45 563 35 294 747 13
Lacrimal Apparatus
28 42 30 2 101
Refractive Errors . Causes of Blindness
Corneal Opacities . Secondary Glaucoma . Absolute Glaucoma Shrunken Globe Fundal Conditions Cataract Injury Blind in one eye Blind in both eyes. TOTAL NUMBER OF BLIND EyES
1,192 2
18 5 917
78 26
2,356 272
123 324
554 963 351 146 1,937 398 2,733
Eye Lids Lacrimal Sac . Conjunctiva Cornea
Tattooing For tumours Lens
Cataract Iris Iridectomy . Retinal detachments . Orbit Squint
Strabismus Glaucoma
385 37
305 13
336 32 19
69 108 74
Incision of Abscess of Fo~ head. Excision of Rodent Ulcer of Nose. Suturing of Scleral Wound Application of Magnet . . Injection for Haemangeoma . Total major operations Total minor operations TOTAL
Total general anaesthetics.
5 1 1
1,341 636 1,977 151
Archer, Lieut.-Colonel G. L. , T.D. Beachcroft, Major P. M., O.B.E. Bilton, Mr. & Mrs. F. . . . . . . . . . Browne, Brigadier J . G ., e.M.G., e.B.E., D.S.O . . Bryce, D. , O.B.E. cCadbury, Mrs. W. A .. Catt, Colonel P. H . . . . . . . . Cecil, Comma nder The Hon . Henry, O.B.E. , R .N . Clothworkers, Wor hipful Company of cCodrington , Colonel, J . A . Dalton, Brigad ier e. J . G ., e.B.E. D alton , Mrs. J . e.. . . . . Gillett, Major Sir Sydney H ., M .e. Grantham, W Ivor, O .B.E. Harris, Captai n The Lord, M .e. . Howard de Walden and Seaford, The Lady, e.B.E. Keith Roach, P .B.. Leather, Mi V. M ., M.B.E. . May, Majo r F, M .B.E., T.D. McCorkell, Si r Dudley, M.B .E. . Morri on, Co mmander E. A., R.N . Morrison , N . G . Newbould , Mrs. H. Norton, Mrs. J. J ., M.B.E. . . . . . . . . Nottingham, County of, S.J.AB., No . 6 N.e.B. Corps Order of the Temple, Great Priory of England and Wales. Owston , A . J . Parnham, H. W. . . . . . Patrick, Sir Paul, K.C.1.E., e.SJ . cPerrins, e. W. Dy on . . . . . Phelps, Brigadier D . V., T.D. , AD.e. Pratt, Eldon, M .D ., M.R.e.S. Priory for Wales, Order of St. John . . . . . . Provincial Priory of Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire. . . . . . . . . Radford and Wollaton Collieries Division, S.J.AB. Steer, Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Hornby. . . . . Stitcher, B.. . . Upton, Dr. John R. . . . cYerey, Colonel H. E., D.S.O . . cWalker, Miss A. M ., M .B.E.. cWebb-Johnson, Colonel The Lord, G.C.V.O., e.B.E., D.S.O. . . . . . . . . Williams, The Rev. Canon A L. E .. Worcestershire, St. John Council for
1 1 0 110
Donations £ s. d.
220 220 1 1 0 8 13 11
110 1
1 0
1 14 9 110 110 1 1 0 550 1
1 0
200 100 1
1 0
1 0
o 0 o
o 730 374 8 6 126
220 110 18 5 3 220 220 50
830 110 1
1 0
35 10 2
1 14 9 3 13 1
18 5 3 1
1 0
52 10 0 £636
£730 5 2
No te:-The letter " e" indicates that the subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enabling the Hospital to reclaim the relative income tax.
PRIORY OF SCOTLAND £ s. d. cAberdeen, The Mo t Hon. The Marquis of, O.B.E., K.SU., H.M.L., LL.D., J.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . cBalfour Paul, Lt.-Col. J. W., D.S.O., O.SU., V.D., D.L.. . cBarclay-Harvey of Dinnet, Sir Malcolm, K.CM.G., K.St.J .. cBrown, Mrs. Jane P. H. Graham, O.SU. . cBrown, R. G. A., O.SU., CA. . . . . . cCameron-Head of Inverailort, F.S.C, K.SU. . Cowie, Thomas P., O.B.E., O.SU. . eCowie, Thomas P., O.B.E., O.SU. . . . . . . . . . . . cCruikshank, Colonel M. M., CLE., O.SU., B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.S. (late LM.S.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cGrant-Sutti~, Col. H. F., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C, CSU. eForrest-Hamilton, Major John, K.SU., M.D.. . cInverclyde, The Rt. Hon. The Lord, K.SU., D.L.. eLethem, Sir Gordon, K.C.M.G., K.SU. Lethem, Sir Gordon, K.CM.G., K.SU. cLindsay, The Rt. Hon. The Earl of, K.SU. Macdonnel, James, O.St.J. . . . . . . . . eMacKenzie, Colonel Eric D., C.M.G., D.S.O., O.SU. cMacKenzie, Ivy, CSt., M.D., B.Sc., F.R.F.P.S. . . . . Mackie, Professor J. D., C.B.E., M.C, K.SU., M.A., LL.D. Manclark, Norman M., O.SU.. . . . . . . . . eMitcheU, Dr. J. P., CB.E., CSU. . . . . . Murray, Sir Andrew, O.B.E., K.SU., LL.D., J.P .. cMurray, Lieut.-Col. R. L. T., O.SU. Pettigrew, Miss A. H., S.S.SU.. . . . . . . . . . ePirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, CH.C., O.B.E., D.S.O., K.SU., F.S.A. cRose, Lt.-Col. 1. C S., O.SU. Ross, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. . eScott, Mrs. Agnes B., M.SU. eScott, Frank, M., M.C . . eScott, Michael, O.SU., M.A. . . eSimpson, Robert G., O.SU., CA. eStark, Mrs. M. J., M.St.J. . . . . . . eSwapp, George, O.SU., D.CM., M.M., M.B.. . . . eTumbull, Lt.-Col. Sir Hugh S., K.CV.O., K.B.E., K.SU . eYoung, Colonel Alexander G., D.S.O., CSU., T.D. Aberdeen Committee of the Order . . . . . Edinburgh Committee of the Order . Glasgow Committee of the Order
16 16 0 9 16 1 13
6 6 0
39 1 14 1 14
7 9 9
1 16
3 1 1 3 3 1 1 3
6 0 J
1 H; 6 15 6 8 13 11 330 397 1 16 6 1 10 0 220 1 14 9 500 1 16 1 1
6 0
3 13
200 18 3 397 8 13 11 3 13 1 544 18 3 1 14 9 3 13 1 330 550 550 £112 15
Australia, Priory in, Order of St. John Baker, E. 0.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonus Downs Pty. Ltd. (per J. W. Fletcher, Director) . Cairns-Lloyd, Miss L. . Casey, Rt. Hon. R. G .. Chapman, Colonel J. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counsell, Dr. W. D. Church of England Grammar School for Girls, Cremome, Sydney Creswick, Mrs . Alice . . . . . . . . . .. . Daley, Air Vice-Marshal E. A. Disher, Brigadier H. C. Donald, Dr. T. . Freeman, Mrs. 1. Gifford, A. S. H. Hart, Miss D. . Henderson, A. . . . . . . Hospitallers' Club, New South Wales Hospitallers' Club, South Australia 1nee, Miss E. . . . . . . Johnston, Brigadier W. W. S.. Martin, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mordialloc Divi ion, St. John Ambulance Brigade . Nimmo, J. A. . . . . . . . . . . . Pearce, T. A. . . . Peveri II, Miss L. E.. . . . . . . . Queensland, St. John Ambulance Association Ru ell, Lieut.-Colonel A.. . . . St. John Ambulan e Nurslng Divisions Smith, Mrs. S. G. . . . . . . South Australia, St. John Council for Suriano, P. . . . . . . . . . Victoria, St. John Ambulance Association Williams, Lieut.-Colonel O. B., M.C
£ 10 1 100 2 2 1 1 2 10 1 5 3 1 3 1 2 50 15 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 25 5 12 4 10 2 10 12
Deduct : Loss on Exchange
306 62
s. d. 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 2 10 1 0 3 1 3 1 2 0 15 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 10 2 0 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 6 6
£243 14
Note:-The letter "e" indicates that the subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enabling the Hospital to reclaim the relative income tax.
PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND s. d. 14 2 5 9 10 6 1 0
Canterbury and West Coa t .. . .. Taranaki Wanganui Wellington
£ 17 8 ]6 1
Deduct: Loss on Exchange
43 11 8
5 9
Linen Guild
Guild would be continuing the main object of the Guild as laid down on its foundations, "to provide the linen annually required for the Hospital, both for Patients and the Staff." The Committee would like to welcome its new members, who have so very kindly consented to join them. Their support is deeply appreciated. They are: The Countess Beauchamp, The Dowager Countess of Bessborough, Doreen, Lady Brabourne, Lady Duke-Elder, The Lady Freyberg, The Hon. Mrs. Leslie Gamage, The Viscountess Kemsley, Lady Loraine and Lady Constance Milnes-Gaskell. Lady Bessborough and Lady Freyberg both kindly undertook to represent the Linen Guilds of Canada and New Zealand respectively so that the closest link between them and the London Linen Guild should be maintained. During the course of the yea r the Matron, who was in London on leave, attended a meeting of the Committee and was able to inform the Committee of what was most urgently needed at the Hospital which could be supplied by the Linen Guild, and Matron promised that patterns of the articles required should be sent to London. Once again the Committee are deeply indebted to the generosity and co-operation of the Linen Guild in New Zealand and the Linen Guild in Canada, both of whom have supplied most useful and valuable gifts of clothing for the patients at the Hospital as well as giving financial aid to the Guild in London. Their support in this manner is deeply appreciated by the Committee.
(!bn trlll nil:
1ll1C!::::(!bn I rIlum:
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE LINEN GUILD FOR 1956. The Committee report with deep regret the death of the Dowager Countess of Airlie, G.B.E., G.C.V.O. Lady Airlie was one of the original members of the Linen Guild Committee when it was founded in 1927 under the Chairmanship of Robinia, Viscountess Mountgarret. For close on thirty years Lady Airlie took an active interest in all aspects of the work of the Hospital, and as Lady-in-Wiating to H.M. Queen Mary, the President of the Linen Guild, was able to keep her informed as to the work and progress of the Guild. In view of the progress made during 1956 with the plans for the new Hospital and Research Institute, as recorded in the Hospital Committee's Report of this issue, the Linen Guild considered its present policy in relation to its future activities, not only in preparation for the new Hospital, but the requirements of the new Hospital when it was completed. It was decided by the Committee that the membership of the Committee should be enlarged to a total of approximately sixteen. Further, it was decided that one of the first duties of the Committee was to increase its annual income in view of the number of beds the new Hospital would contain. It was agreed that at the present time the Guild was not in a position to buy the linen which would be initially required to stock the new Hospital, but that their aim should be to undertake to maintain it once it had been bought; further, that the Guild would continue to supply the outdoor uniforms for the Nursing Staff. In this way the
.... Astor of Hever, The Lady Bessborough, The Dowager Countess of Bessemer, Mrs. J. Byrne, Miss V. J., O.B.E.. Cadbury, Mrs. W. A .. eCopland-Griffiths, The Hon. Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. M. . Cromer, The Countess of. . . Dawson of Penn, The Viscountess, O.B.E .. French, Lady Essex, O.B.E. eGrafton, The Dowager Duchess of Graham, Mrs. M. B. . . . . . . Halifax, The Countess of, C. I., D.C.V.O. Hayes, Miss A. C. G .. James, Lady Serena Lechmere, Mrs. C. M .. Lindsay, The Countess of. Lowry-Corry, Lady Margaret Luttrell, Mrs. G. F. Malcolm, Lady, M.B.E. Norton, Mrs. J. J., M.B.E. Nunburnholme, The Dowager Lady. Overend, Miss L. Perowne, The Hon. Lady . Pirie-Gordon, Mrs. H. Plender, The Lady. Rice, The Hon. Mrs. Talbot. Scarbrough, The Countess of. Smith, Miss H. M., A.R.R.C. Swaything, The Dowager Lady, O.B.E.. eTildsley, The Hon. Mrs. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D. Vernon, Mrs. Robert . eWalker, Miss A. M., M.B.E .. Whitaker, The Hon. Mrs .. Wills, Lady (the late)
£ s. J ] 1 1 3 3 ]
3 I 1
1 1
1 1 1 J
3 1 1 2 3 1
Heald, Lady . . . Lascelles, Mrs. Edward eScott, Mrs. C. E. M. Woolaston, Lady .
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 16 6 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 16 6 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 3 0 ]
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 1
0 0 6
0 0
£ s. 10 10 17 10
d. 0 0 5 0
£ s. d. 1 0 0
1 1 0 10 10 10
0 0
£3 II
2 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 J 1
HONORARY MEMBERS Gaskell, Lady Constance Milne, c.Y.O. Hardy, Lady Katherine . . . . . . . . Howard de Walden and Seaford , The Lady, C.B.E. Watson, Mr . D. B., O.B.E. Weaver, Mr. .
Ladies' Linen uild of anada . . Ladie ' Linen Guild of New Zealand Attrill, Mi s A ..
£72 0 Total -
20 0 0 0
£131 I . lId.
vle:-The letter "e" before a ub criber' name indicate that he ha signed a Deed of ovcnant, thu enabling the Linen Guild to reclaim the relative income tax.
IP no r)? in lrbe 113 riris I) 1ReR [lll
lrlJc <SrItn b
of tb e f1~ost Wellerable @rber of tbe 'IbOSPltRl of St. 50bn of Jerusalem
'[f)e St.
tllnbnlRllCe tlB90ciRtion IPntron :
(Sovereign IIc>ad of the Order)
iPreslllclI t : FIEI.D- \1 \H~lI \L
H. R. H.
(Grand Prior of the Order)
IDlrcctor:::Gellera[ : IloR\CE
IPr illel~1R l A.
f1~c bieR [
®fftec r :
\\HITE KNOX, ESQ., O.B.E., M.C., :'II.B., CH.B.
!Depu t)~ !Dl rc c tor:::(l3cll c 1'8 ( LIEUT.-COLONEL E. C. CROFT
IDeputn !prIllcipal GUY \ V.
5 ec 1'et~H)? LIEUT.-COLONEL
E. F.
E.C . I
:tlSSOCltltion <rom mtttec
PARSHALL, ES Q ., T.D . , M.A.
(Oxo .)
( D i r ect o r - G ene r a l )
The grave losses sustained by the St. John Ambulance Brigade in the death of Sir Otto Lund and Brigadier Daly were deeply felt by the Association. We always greatly appreciated the help and support which they gave us and the manner in which they continually worked to ensure the closest possible co-operation between the Association and the Brigade. The present happy relationship is largely due to their example and we remember them with gratitude. We offer a warm welcome to Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E., the new Commissioner-in-Chief, S.J.A.B ., and take this opportunity of thanking all members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade for the continued and continuous help which they give to the Association through it classes.
URSING U?\1TS, S. ] . A.B.
1Rominatei) b}? tbe IDltector:::<13encraI A . ]. AIIIOR, ESQ., C . B.E., M.D . , M . SC.
B . B AD GE R, ESQ., P H . D .
A . B I RD, E SQ. C . H . BRAZI ER, ESQ. ]. C.
R. R.
Mr. C. H. Brazier Director of Industrial Relations, British Transport Commis ion, joined the Committee on the retirement of Mr. F. Gilbert from Railway ser ice, but we were fortunate in being able to retain Mr. Gilbert a a member and so have the continued benefit of his long experience. Major-General F . Beaumont-Nesbitt resigned as Director of Ambulance for the Commandery of Ards, and his place on the Committee has been taken by Brigadier J. Y. Calwell. The Committee met as usual quarterly and we should like to express our gratitude to the members for giving us their time and for their most valuable help and advice. It has been a busy year and the support given by the Committee has greatly assisted the progress achieved.
B UCHA:\' AN, ESQ., C.M.G., M.D., CH.B .
] . SHA RP G RANT, E SQ . , M.D . , F . R .C.S . ] . S. McLINTO CK, E SQ. , M . B., CH. B ., D . P . II . G . T. MIL NE , E S Q . L . G. N OR MAN, E S Q . , M. D. P. P RINGLE, ESQ. , M. R. C.S . , L .R.C. P., L L .B.
]. TENNANT, E SQ., T . D . ] . S . WEATHERLEY, E S Q. ALEX. ] . WEBB, E S Q. H. C. MAURICE WILLIAM S , E S Q. , O. B.E . , M .R.C.S.
lRcpresenting 5ubori)mate .ll%tablisbments of tbe
T H E HO N. ]OHN BRUCE, C .B.E., Priory for Wale s B RIG ADIER
J. Y.
CALWEL L , C .B.E. , M.V. O . , Cornm a nd e ry of Ards.
Dr. G. Bousfield resigned his appointment as Deputy Principal Medical Officer, which was accepted with great regret. He did much to establish the Association's work in connection with food hygiene, particularly as regards children, for whom he wrote a book on which the Association's Preliminary Course of Hygiene induding Hygienic Food Handling, is based. The Association is greatly indebted to him for all he did willIe holding office. The Association now has 16 County Directors and as a result work is continually expanding. We greatly value the support we receive from them and the advice which they can give us as a result of their experience in establishing county organisations. Mr. J. W. Barnett, Chief Constable of Leeds, resigned as County Director for the West Riding of Yorkshire and has not yet been replaced. We are most grateful to Mr. Barnett for the work he did which is manifested in the flourishing state of affairs in the county. In the meantime Inspector R. Cass is dealing with correspondence and carrying out the functions of a County Director under the guidance of Sir Frank Brook, Chairman of the St. John Council for the West Riding of Yorkshire. Our thanks are due to both of them.
The Association's work in thi country continues to expand. There was an incre~se of 154 in the number of certificate classes organised, and of 1,271 certIficates as compared with 1955. It is interesting to note that ~ tota.l o~ 14.0,594 candidates sat for examination during the year which IS an mdlcatlOn of the range covered. To meet the ever-expanding needs created by modern-day Ii ing there is increasing scope for teaching more and more member of the public and tho e who have taken their examinations need ~o be still further encouraged to keep their knowledge up to date by takmg refresher courses and re-examinations. A Conference of County Directors wa held at St. John Hou e in London in April. There were most valuable discussion on the work in the co untie at which Directors were able to profit from each other s succe~sful experiences as well as to study how problem in different co~r:tles had be~n overcome. In addition we were fortunate in ha ing the pnvIlege of heanng addres ~ es from senior members of the Order, St. John Ambulance Brigade and national bodie . The Conferenc wa con idered very successful aJ~d it is inten~ed to hold such meetings e\ery t.,: 0 year. Devel?pmems 111 the countles contmue to be most encouraging. In LancashIre new Centres have been formed at Lanca tcr and UI er ton and the Rural Representative Scheme has proved a great succes . Ther~ ~re now 68 Ru~al Representatives and the ervice which they are rendering IS much apprecIated by the pUblic. In Sus ex new Centre were formed at East Grinstead and Lewes and the County Director has e tablished a ~ost flourishing organisation which has the upport of a \ ide range of mterests. In Suffolk and the West Riding of Yorkshire Centres \ ere re-organised and put on a more effecti e footing. In Gloucester hire the County Director is setting yP a system whereby he can eo er the county and ensure full co-operatlOn between the Association and the bodie w~ch it serves, as well as the general pUblic. In Dorset the County DIrector has been able to obtain the co-operation of the District N ur e ' Associat~0J?- ~nd thus bring our. work to the attention of a widcr public. From thIS It IS c.lear that the Association is a living and growing body and that County DIrectors have rendered a very real service to the Order. Developments have also proved the value of active Centres which can not only act as foci for our activities, but also, through the influence of their memb~rs, as well as by functions such as formal presentations of certificates, Increase the scope of the Association. We continued our campaign for First Aid instruction for the agricultur~l c?mmunity and thi~ has received considerable impetus from recent legislatlOn. We have receIved valuable encouragement from the National F~rmers' Union and ol:r ~ounty Directors report excellent co-operation WIth the county orgamsatlOns of that body. In addition to ordinary class~s for .farm workers, it has been possible to get agreement from certam AgrIcultural Colleges and Institutes to start First Aid classes for their stu,dents. Our relations with the National Federation of Young ~armers .Clubs. have also been excellent and they have now decided to mclude FIrs~ Aid and Home Nursing in the subjects which may count t~wards th~lr. Master Cr~ftsman's !3adg.e. We have also kept in touch WIth the Mnustry of AgrIculture, Fishenes and Food so that our views may be known when regulations are drafted under the new law. In Industry, the Associat.iop continues to play an important part and we are very grateful to the MITIlstry of Labour and National Service for the
help which we have received from the Ministry itself, as well as from H.M. Factory Inspectors in the counties. A new course was prepared on Occupational First Aid afid was ready for introduction in January, 1957. We are deeply indebted to the many members of industry, as well as the medical staff of the Ministry, who helped and advised us regarding this course. The St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society accepted the book and the certificate issued to successful candidates will be a national one, recognised by each of the Societies. The Association has worked closely with the Armed Forces and many First Aid classes have ceen run by units both at home and overseas. In addition, the Association has been consulted regarding an elementary textbook for c:;oldiers so that, as far as possible, instruction may be on the same line as that given by our elves. We have a close liaison with the Field Training Centre, R.A.M.C., Aldershot, and candidates successful in the First Aid examination held at the end of the course receive our certificate, if they wi h. First Aid courses are now run regularly for student at the Q.A.R.A.N.C. Preliminary Training School, Aldershot. The above much condensed account will give an idea of the extending scope of the A ociation's work. OUf thanks are due to all those in so many organi ation who have . 0 wholeheartedly co-operated with us in making Fir t Aid training available for an ever-increa ing number of people. PUBLICATIONS
Joint First Aid textbook.- Dr. A. C. White Knox and Dr. M. M. Scott prepared a draft for this book which was considered by the St. Andrew's Ambulance A sociation and the British Red Cross Society. It was also subrrJtted for comment to other bodies and, after consideration 0f the material received, a c:;econd draft was prepared and submitted for further commtnts. The draft was accepted by the Home Office, who wrote a chapter on Fir t Aid in Civil Defence, and the Ministry of Health. We are grateful to the writers of the book for the immense amount of time and labour which they have given and are still giving to this project and also to all those who assisted by supplying material or offering constructive and most valuable criticisms. It is hoped that this book, which will provide a common basis for instruction in First Aid not only to members of the three Societies but also to members of the Civil Defence Corps, will be published in 1957. Joint Home Nursing textbook.- Work on this book is progressing very satisfactorily and the draft text prepared by Miss E. M. Gra~lius has been discussed. The British Red Cross Society has undertaken to deal with the preparation of tIllS manual in the same way as the Association is dealing with the First Aid textbook. Illustrated Preliminary First Aid textbook.-Work on this project is held up until an agreed text for the Adult manual has been achieved. Illustrations have been prepared and it will be possible to proceed rapidly as soon as the Adult draft text is approved. Discussions are proceeding with the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society to ascertain whether it would be possible to produce a joint manual of this type. The intention of the book is to offer a manual consisting mainly of pictures supported by a minimum of text for use both in this country and orerseas.
First Aid in Coal Mines.-Tlus book has been published and received favourable reviews. Our thanks are due to the Priory for Wales for having undertaken the revision and for all the work they did in bringing the matter to a successful conclusion. Adult Ch ild We((are.-Dr. Hilda M. Davi , Senior Medical Officer, Buckinghamshire County Council, revi ed the text and the book will be published in early 1957. We are greatly indebted to Dr. Davis for the immense amount of work wruch he did in bringing this book up to date.
dence celebrations. The situation is altogether promising and there is a very high standard of interest and desire for knowledge, wruch we hope to be able to satisfy. In Sierra Leone, the Police assisted during a First Aid Demonstration run for a week by the British Council in Freetown, and First Aid classes were organised by the Police for men working in the United Africa Co., Ltd. These activities are in addition to the normal training, as a result of which over 200 men received Certificates. Courses have been started again in Gambia and the Police are to be trained throughout the Colony, which is encouraging. In Ea t Africa , the Association's work progresses well in Kenya and Tanganyika. In Zanzibar there has been renewed activity and training is given to Police and Scouts through the agency of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Reeves as Order organisers for Uganda ha resulted in sub Lantial results. There was a set-back, owing to the temporary recall of Mr. Reeves for military service. The position of the A sociation has been greatly strengthened and the demand for cla es i far in excess of the present organisation. To meet this demand , Lay Lecturers are being trained. Special attention is being given to the mining industry and classes are being organised both for instruction and ordinary Fir t Aid workers . The future is full of promise. The We t Indies continue to develop and the work of Mrs. Davie-Smith, the Order's organi er is howing substantial results. Among the brightest spot are Trinidad and Tobago where, during the past year, the emphasis ha been on cour e for special groups. Such courses have been run for the enior taff of the Trinidad and ·Tobago Electricity Commission and of the Port of Spain Electricity Board for ward attendants at the Port of Spain Colonial Hospital and officers of prisons, as well as for the senior Scouts and the taff at the Bel Air Hotel, Piarco Airport. Other parts of the island have not been neglected and a notable event was the opening of a First Aid hut at Blanchisseuse, where a number of classes have been held . In Jamaica, the four Centre continue to flourish and the system of Parish Committees ha proved very successful. A particularly satisfactory development has been the training of Police personnel in First Aid, and now 95 per cent. of the Force hold First Aid awards. Regular refresher courses and re-examinations are held to ensure the maintenance of efficiency. The Centre in the Leeward Islands has extended its activities to all the islands in the group and, as a result of the Association's work, units of the Brigade have, as elsewhere, been established. The pattern set by this Centre is a model and deserving of the warmest praise. In British Honduras we were unfortunate to lose Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Outram, who did so much to establish the Centre. Courses are run for the Police, Fire Brigade and Prisons. In the Middle East the Association continues to be widely represented by varied activities. In Aden, Sir Tom Hickinbotham, Chairman of our Centre, was succeeded by Sir William Luce. Our thanks are due to Sir Tom Hickinbotham for the help he gave the Centre while he was Governor in Aden, to wluch so much of the success of the Centre is due. We are also grateful to Sir William Luce for the interest he is taking in the Centre and for the help he has already given. It would be appropriate to mention
During the year various translations of the Association' textbook were carried out overseas. In Hong Kong a translation of the 40th Edition of "First Aid to the Injured," including the three supplements, has been made in Chinese. A booklet has also been prepa red in Chinese including the supplements only. We received from India, GujeraLi and Bengali translations of " First Aid to the Injured" and of a revised edition of the Manual of Mothercraft and Child Welfare. We were informed that the printing of the Gurkhali translation of "First Aid to the Injured" has been taken in hand by the United States Operations Mission to Nepal. The Mission have undertaken to sell the book at no profit to themselves and block for iIlu trations have been lent to them free of charge by the St. John Ambul ulll,;c A". ociafi()n , India. ASSOCIA TlO
Developments overseas have, as at home, hown ery promising progress and the influence of the Association has been felt in many p.ut of the world, both within and without the Commonwealth. In West Africa the Order has two organising officers, Mr. Chri ~ tie in Nigeria and Mr. McGill in Ghana. In both territorie there L good progress. In Nigeria, the Centres which were establi hed for the Railways Police and Ports Authority are working satisfactorily. The support given by the Nigeria? R~ih~ay Corporation i . most encoura~ illg ~nd t~e material help gIven IS Invaluable. The Police are developIng Fu" t Aid activities throughout the force and have consulted Mr. Christie upon the best method of doing this. The Ports Authority have plan for the training of a very considerable body of men. Another Important sphere of activity is the Coal Mines, where Mr. Christie is arranging classes in "First Aid in Coal Mines," as well as in the standard course. The a11round support and help given indicate how these national bodies appreciate the work of t1e Order and its foundations. In Ghana, Mr. McGill has been able to do very sub tantial work in bringing the activities of the Association to the attention of various key undertakings in the territory. He has been particularly successful in his :Approach tJ the Gold Mines where most encouraging support has been given both on the spot and from their London Office. Other bodies who are particularly interested are the Public Works Department and the Social Wefare and Community Development Department. Already classes have been run for those Departments, including courses for Senior Scouts and Girl Guides, so that they may be qualified in First Aid before the IndeDendence Festivities. Relations with the Railways are progressing and Mr, McGill was invited to join a special Committee appointed in Accra to deal wit h the Hcalth and Catering arrangements fcr the Indepen-
that Mr. Bhatt has now completed thirty years as Secretary of the Aden Centre and we offer him our warmest thanks for all he has done. CIa ses for the Police continue in British Somaliland. A large number of men have been trained in the Preliminary Course of First Aid and progress is now bing made in the training of selected personnel in the Adult Cour e. We are very fortunate in having the support and help of Dr. W. D. Thorn, the Director of Medical Services, and the As ociation was able to pre ent film, filmstrips and ftannelgraph for use in in truction. These were taken out to Somaliland by Dr. Thorn. In Tripolitania, training in Fir t Aid i organised for the Police and special cour es have been organised for instructor. - The e include a considerable period of training in a hospital. The Association' Arabic textbook on Fir t Aid is used for these cour e . In the Sudan there were regular Fir t Aid courses for Railway per onnel and our thanks are due to Nasr Eff. Ahmed for the plendid way he is carrying on this work. In Kuwait, the Oil Company still give keen upport to our activitie and a new development was the establishment of First Aid classe for children in the Oil Company's school. The fir t cour was rno t successful and included both British and American children. In Cyprus, despite many difficulties, classes continue for both Greek and Turkish Cypriots. The support given by all section of the population is particularly encouraging at such a time. It is some indication of the success achieved that award gained in 1956 exceeded the figure for 1955 by 150 and that there was a most atisfactory respon e to cour e held for Lay-Lecturers. In the Far East, Centres in Hong Kong Singapore and Malaya flourished and met with wide support. ]t was agreed that HospItal Assistants in senior grades in Malaya hould be accepted as Lay-Lecturers for the Association and this will be of great assistance in the running of classes when doctors are not available. It is interesting to note that First Aid instruction is now being gi ven to students at the Health Assistants' Training School, organised under the auspices of World Health Organisation 111 Nepal. The pattern laid down in our First Aid textbook is closely followed. In addition, a short course in First Aid was given to members of the Kathmandu Women's Voluntary Service, a small group formed in Royal and Rani circles. The books on Hygiene and Food Handling have been found most helpful in supplying material for inclusion in courses on Personal and Domestic Hygiene and tribute has been paid to them for their accuracy, simplicity and conciseness. In the Pacific, Fiji showed good progress and the Association has promised assistance in the way of diagrams, filmstrips, ftannelgraphs and other visual aids for instruction. In the Solomon Islands approval has now been given by the Colonial Office to the training of Police personnel in First Aid and a similar gift of equipment has been given. The number of Lay-Lecturers trained overseas now exceeds 500 and the help they are giving is a great asset to the Association. Our thanks are due to these loyal and hardworking supporters. In order that efficiency might be maintained, it was decided to place a life on the Lay-Lecturer's certificate and this must now be renewed every three years. The Association welcomed visitors from all parts of the Commonwealth and was very pleased to be able to hear views of their work at
first hand. We owe a great debt of gratitude to all our workers overseas and, in particular, to Chairmen and Secretaries of Centres who have contributed so much to the success which has been reported. COM PETITIO S
The number of competitions organised by the Association increases each yea.r. This year we inaugurated a National Competition for the women employee of the Gas Industry, and organised the London District, and Final, competitions in connection with the Distillers Company Ltd., the preliminary and final rounds of the Girl' Life Brigade (Inc.), the National final of the Dock and Harbours Authorities' A sociation and the individual championship for H . J. Heinz Co., Ltd. The winner of the National Competitions held under the auspices of the As ociation were as follow :COMPETTTJO S FOR Teams Competing . ational Police . . . . . British Electricity Ambulance Centre National Dock Labour Board Centre . Miners' ational First Aid ompetition . Briti h Tran port Commi sion (Railways and Dock) . . . . . . . . British Tran port Commi ion Police . Ministry of Supply Ambulance entre. . . ational Road Pa enger Tran port Ambulance As ociation . Fire Brigade Ga Industrv . . . . . . . . United Kingdom tomic Energy Authority General Po t Office Ambulance Centre.
ME Winning Tealll Metropolitan Police (L Division) Fulham Yarmouth Shotton Colliery Bristol D.O.S.O. Liverpool Street R. R.E. Defford Chi wick Bri tol North Thames Gas Board Wind cale Works North Area T.M.O.
COMPETITJO S FOR WOMEN Briti h lectricity Ambulance Centre . . . Swindon Briti h Tran p rt Commis ion (Railways and Docks) . . . . . . . . . . Baker Street Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre. . . S.D . EI tow National Road Pa enger Tran port Ambulance As ociation . Reigate Gas Industry . . . . . . . . . orth Western Gas Board United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . Aldermaston General Po t Office Ambulance Centre. orth Area T.M.O.
The winners of the above competition, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields, took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 15th November, 1956, at the Porche ter Hall. General Sir Sidney Kirkman, G.C.B., K.B.E. M.C. (Director-General, Civil Defence), kindly presented the Trophies and Medallions. The winning teams were:MEN :-Police (Metropolitan Police L Division). WOMEN:-The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Spalding Nursing Division). The Mayor of Paddington, the Chancellor and Executive Officers of the Order and representatives of all Organisations which had teams competing were present on the platform. Once again we report an increasing number of teams and competitors taking part in competitions. In the various eliminating rounds of national competitions, the number of competitors increased by over 250, representing a further 50 teams, bringing the total to over 11,250 competitors and 2,250 teams.
::;~~~~:<l~~~~~:; ~
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Associated British Picture Corporation Ltd., for their continued generosity in arranging the staging fe>r this and the various national competitions whlch we held during the year. Without this help it would not be pos ible to pre ent our competitions with so much colour and realism. We take this opportunity of expressing our great appreclation to all who acted as judges at these competitions and to the steward and patients who have given so generously of their time. Their co-operation and help are an inspiration to all concerned with the organisation of these events and we are most grateful to them.
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This report has, we believe, shown wh.at magnificent help and support the Association receives from people all over the world. We are deeply grateful to those members of the medical and nursing professions who unstintingly give their valuable time to the instruction and examination of classes. We also thank most warmly our County Directors, our Centre Chairmen and their Committees, and all Class Secretaries who, at considerable sacrifice to themselves, have organised our activities at home and abroad and have made possible the continued expansion of our activities. HORACE PARSHALL, D irec tor-General.
~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~ I ~ ~I
The staff situation which existed in 1955 continued in 1956 and was aggravated by sickness and continual changes of staff. Thi had its effect upon all departments of our work and resulted in long delay in the i sue of results and awards, which were the subject of many justified complaints from Centres and classes. Finally, the position beca me 0 eriou s that we were given authority to engage as large a staff as might be needed to clear off arrears and to take whatever steps might be necessary to achieve this. We were very fortunate in obtaining the service of a large number of part-time workers, since full-time clerical staff wa till unobtainable. We cleared all arrears by the beginning of the winter sea on and results and awards are now being issued promptly-a state of affair which has been appreciated. We intend to maintain thi s service and the Order employed a firm of Consultants to advise upon condition of service for staff and possible methods of improving our internal office procedure. Their report was received at the end of December and will be considered m 1957. Our thanks are due to all our Centre and Class Secretaries who bore with our difficulties with such patience. We also wish to record our gratitude to Lieut.-Colonel J. E. F. Gueritz, the Association Secreta ry, and the staff at Headquarters, for the manner in which they worked under extreme difficulty and stress. The debt due to the Principal Medical Officer, Dr. A . C. White Knox, is outstanding and this- report would not be complete without our recording the manner in which he has sacrificed so much of his time and energy to the Association and thus made possible the production of our publications and brought nearer the possibility of a joint First Aid manual. We are deeply grateful to him for a,ll that he has done and for the devotion which he has so steadfastly given to our work.
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Aden B ermuda British Guiana. British Honduras British omaliland British W est Indies: The Bahamas Barbados Jamaica: North East orth \Yest South East South West Leeward Islands Trinidad and Tobago \Vindward Islands : St. Vincent Grenada Ceylon Cyprus East A :rica : Kenya Tanganyika Uganda Zanzibar Fiji Gilbraltar Hong Kong Kuwait Malaya . Federation of '. Malta and Gozo Mauritius North Borneo Singapore Sudan West Africa: Gold Coast Nigeria Sierra Leone
Number issued through Branches and Centres England and N . Ireland (in -
96 645 12 'II 75 115
Year 19 22 (G rand Totals) 192 3 19 2 4
120 5-1 54 2 17 2I..j 0
1925 1926
23 2. 80 3
193 1
1-13 1,7 37 0 76 7 II
19 G 1,4 0 4 31 T .40) 595 37 21
2,332 151 35 8 20 5 191
AND THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE ORDER Priory for Wales Priory in Southern Africa Priory in Australia. . . Commandery in Western Australia Priory in Canada . . . P.riory in New Zealand . Commandery in Central Africa Commandery of Ards
7,881 8 ,941 14,216 1,956 51,715 7,394 2,075 2,057
India . Pakistan
83,114 3,521
19 2 7 1928 19 2 9 193 0 193 2 1933 1934 1935 193 6 1937 193 8 1939 194 0 194 1 194 2 1943 1944 1945 194 6 1947 194 8
1, 5 10 .3 13 25,006 26,172 3 2 .597 3 1 .3 8 9 3 1 ,749 35.5 0 5
10.560 • 5,05 1 5,4 88 -
300 ,000 23 . 06 '2 23,64 2
5 ,477 5,7 0 7 5.5 06 * 5. 881 6,13 2 6, 105 . 7. 0 7 0 * 8,1886,5 2 3 5.9 8 4 5. 6 5 1 5.7 89
23 , 152 26.84 6 33, 60 4 23.7 2 7 32,606 3 8 ,03 1 3 6 ,4 19 3 6 . 016 3 1 . 6 96 4 0 .7 12 47. 061 55. 608 53 . 6 9 6 59. 62 5 II5 . 862 147,33 0 159. 786 16 5. 0 74 275.3 88 193.44 2 13 2 .939
86 ,347 88 .4 59 82 ,9 13 77,126 8".93 0 89. II 5 102.4 l8 102.37 0 133. 6 59 4 02 .3 11 45 2 . 0 95 3 06 .939 3 10 •15 6 426 .43 0 2 8 5.9 88 188.8.<13
4.4 6 3 3.7 6 5
97. 6 47 7 8 . 03 6
126,97 2
4·797 '1,R:38
86.5 20
37 ,2 45 42 ,2II 44,97 0 3 8 .7 0 9 3 8 .9 0 7 3 8 . 2 34 3 6 .403 41.03 1 43 . 12 9 66,35 8 27° ,2 9 2 290 ,883 13 6 . 155 133 . II 3 14 0 .999 85 .7 19 53 , 10 7 39. 2 5 0 45. 177 55 .55 2
5 .545 7. 6 76 16 .157 13 . 882 10.99 8 II,9 6 9 10.043 6,827
10 3 . 128
195 1 195 2
68,4°5 87.5 6 4
1953 1954 1955 195 6
80,796 85,II5 84,5 02 85,773
7,794 7. 881
153. 6 77 182.4 10 18 5,845 19 8 ,7 83
3,9 88 ,23 1
255,3 83
6.35 0 7. 228 II.n 8 8.106 7.9 2 7
10 4. 86 9
14°.4 2 3 146,626
1,820,873 53 . II9 55 .3 02 61 ,226 63 ,94 2 7 0 . 8 59 65. II 3 75.9 83
14 1 .3 60 146 . 869 169. 210 175.926 216.05 6 2-45 .3 68 24 2 ,579 275.45 2 27 8 •1 41 29 2 ,437
• Including Vouchers
Yearl." Totals
ciudlnr; Fiirc up to 1944)
._ - - -
7,79 6 ,9°2
(No t including Vouchers) i\IEDALLIONS
19 2 3
Ellgland, Ireland and Overseas 24 6 ,03 0 7. 68 7
19 2 4 19 2 5 [9 26
,247 9.222 10, 02 4
1,3 11
19.3 20 20,992
19 2 7
II, 169
1 ,260
II,55 1 II ,819
1,192 1,13 8
192 9
3 0 ,75 2
193 0
13 ,663
1, 406
193 1
14,5 0 1
1 , 26 4
193 2
14.5 26
1,33 6
Q,5 61
1 ,559
Year 1922 (Grand Totals)
Wales 1,955 749 1. 06 3
England, Ireland and Ov erseas 21 3 ,5 1 9 18,.p6
England. Ireland Wales and Ov erse as 5,074 13 . 668 1.9 2 5 2.,53 0
Wal es 3 68 16 5
2.77 3.100
192 168
3. 2 9 6
3 22
4·370 4,602
4,375 4. 100
3II 3 63
33,74 1
5·439 5. 8 5 1
4.34 6 4. 6 95
3 66
3 6 ,5 21
4.74 6
35 8
6.154 6.77 6
5,059 5.3 62
3 69
2.54 0 2,9·F ).4 68
42 , 68 3 44,67 6
19J5 193 6
1,3 [5
46 ,102
1, 18 4
,,6,9 0 9 48 ,008
7,090 6,8II
5.3 1I 5. 1 59
44 1 5 26
193 8
16, 063
5 0 ,937
5 .7 6 4
5 86
1,47 0
5 1 ,03 2
5.53 8
194 0
1,7 1 3
50 ,000
6 ,943
194 1
3 2 ,85 8
6,9 1 5
8,3 6 2
4 6 ,3 88
7. 80 7
14 .573
1,7 0 2
14,23 6
14 ,890
1 , 18 3
3 8 ,5 66
7. 8 70 7. 66 3
14 . 6 45
34 6
6 25
3 2 ,054
13 ,55 1
194 6
6,5 00
3 6 ,916
6.43 6
16. 283
32 3
43, 1I 9
5 ,956
19-1 8
6,3 0 4
44 6
4 6 ,266
6,3 0 2
40 9
8 ,44 2
46 4
44,65 2
5.9 2 5
195 0
9,64 8
195 1
47,54 0
5.9 6 0
195 2
10,96 4
6. 06 9
4.9 1 0
821 8go
44,449 4 8 . 288
5,929 5,790
13,199 13,3 15
1955 195 6
14, 06 3 14 , 803
909 709
44.9 8 3 62.702
6.05 2
7 1 5 ,238
40 ,252
203,7 2 7
The Police National Competition was held at the Porchester Hall, W.2 on 23rd February, 1956. Dr. A. C. White Knox, O.B.E. (Principal Medical Officer) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. James Henderson Stewart, M.P. (Joint Parliamentary Under Secretary for Scotland). The Judges were: Team Test Dr. T. P. Hawkins Dr. John T. Daly Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:Marks
Obtained Metropolitan Police (L Division) West Rid ing Constabulary 'A' 3. City of London Police . 4. Grimsby Borough Police 5. Birmingham City Police No . 6. Exeter City Police 7. Surrey onstabulary 'A' 8. Swansea Borough Police . 9. Edinburgh Ci ty Police No. 10. Liverpool City Police 'A' II. Roya l UI ter Constabulary 1.
358 355t 341t 334 334 328t 314t 306t 306t 299
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Bt:itish Electricity Ambulance Centre National Competitions for Men alld Wom en were held at the Porche ter Hall, W.2 on 28th March, 1956. Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General) presided and the trophies and ' plaques were presented by Sir Henry Self, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., K.B .E. Deputy Chairman (Administration) Central Electricity Authority). The Judge were, for the men's teams: Team Test Mr. V. C. J. Harris, F.R.C.S. Individual Tests Dr. J. A. Hanraty For the women's teams: Team Test Dr. Gordon Gillies Individual Tests Dr. Lancelot K. Wills and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN
Marks Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
5.4 1 9
5.97 2 5.555 5. 2 5 2 15.900
London (Fulham) North Western (Oldham) Midlands (Stourport) East Midlands (Derby) Yorkshire (Hull) South Eastern (Brighton) Eastern (Northmet) Southern (Swindon) Merseyside and North Wales (Northwich) 10. South Wales (Tir John) 11. South Western (Pool) ]2 . North Eastern (York) Maximum marks obtainable: 400
304 283t 275 273 272t 265t 264t 263 248 246t 245 244t
17 16
Obtained 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10. 11.
Southern (Swindon) . South Eastern (Kingston) South Western (Barnstaple) Midlands (Gloucester) . North Western (Blackburn) . North Ea tern (Newcastle-on-Tyne) East Midlands (Kettering) Eastern (Milton Hall) London (Bexleyheath) Yorkshire (Sheffield) . London Headquarters (Wins1ey Street) Maximum marks obtainable: 400
318 288 283 264 263 262t 258 255 241 196 191
National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre Competition for Dock Workers was held at the Toynbee Hall, E.1 on 7th April, 1956. The Rt. Hon. Lord Crook (President of the Centre and Chairman, National Dock Labour Board) presided and presented the trophies and plaques. The Judges were:Dr. G. M. Shaw Smith Team Test Dr. F. H. Taylor Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the following order: Marl..s
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Yarmouth Swansea . Middlesbrough 'A' Grimsby No.1. Southampton . . Liverpool 'A' Area No. 1 Grangemouth No. 1 Ayrshire Boston . Glasgow No. 1 11. Bo'ness No. 1 Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Obtained 310
268 256 253 250 245
194 188 169 153
British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) National Competitions for Men and Women and British Transport Commission Police National Competition were held at the Central Hall, S.W.l on 7th June, 1956. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented. ~y the. R.t. Hon. Harold Watkinson, M.P. (Minister of Transport and ClvlI AVlatIOn). The Judges were, for the men's teams:Team Test Dr. Ian Mackenzie Indi vid ual and Dr. T. E. Wood Oral Tests Dr. J. T. Daly. For the women's and B.T.C. Police teams: Team Test Dr. W. N. Booth Indi vid ual and Dr. C. H. Drake Oral Tests Dr. R. Cubitt . and they placed the teams in the following order: -
MEN 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 .
We tern (Bristol D .O.S.O .) Southern (Lancing No.1) London Midland (St. Pancra Good) We tern (Swindon 'B'). . Ea tern (Worksop Traffic 'A') . London Midland (Camden) . North Eastern (Newcastle Central) Southern (Salisbury M.P.) Eastern (Yarmouth) . . North Ea tern (Dewsbury Central) Scottish (Motherwell). . London Transport (Lots Road) . Scotti h (Bridgeton)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
London Transport (Baker Street) London Midland (Dublin) We tern (Newton Abbot) Southern (Eastleigh) North Eastern (Hull) Scottish (Glasgow) Eastern (Marylebone)
446 44 It
387 373t 359+
Obtained 482
480t 453 45H 450 425t 415
506t 472t 453+ 453
446 427 416-1-
Maximum marks obtainable: 600
Obtained 1. Shotton Colliery . 2. Littleton Colliery 3. Great Mountain Colliery 4. Ellington Colliery 5. Silverwood Colliery 6. Tilmanstone Colliery 7. Glapwell Colliery 8. Cronton Colliery 9. Polkemmet Colliery Maximum marks obtainable: 600
525t 518 50H 500t 483t 481+ 4714 454+ 4491
Maximum marks obtainable: 600 WOMEN
Miners' National First Aid Competition was held at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool on 26th May, 1956. Mr. W. H. Sales (Board Member) presided, the trophies and plaques being presented by Mr. James Bowman, C.B.E., J.P. (Chairman of the National Coal Board). The Judges were:Team Test Dr. J. H. Richmond . Oral Tests Dr. C. C. Bowley Mr. V. C. J. Harris, F.R.C.S. and Individual Tests Dr. A. Macdonald and they placed the teams in the following order:-
Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
London (Liverpool Street 'A') . South Western (Dover Marine) Northern (Darlington) Scottish (Edinburgh) Midland (Liverpool) Eastern (Nottingham) Maximum marks obtainable: 600
500t 457i457450t 41St 409+
Ministry ot Supply A mbulance Centre National Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Central Hall, S.W.l on 22nd June, 1956. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by the Rt. Hon. Reginald Maudling, M.P. (Minister of Supply). The Judges were, for the men's teams: Dr. F. H. Taylor Team Test Dr. L. K. Wills Individual Tests For the women's teams:Dr. E. J. Selby Team Te t . Individual Tests Dr. A. M. Pollock. and they placed the teams in the following order:-
295 283 275t 265+ 255253 250 244 236 220t
Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
Marks Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
S.D . Elstow . H.Q. St. Giles Court R .A .U. Hereford R .A.E. Farnborough R.O .F . Blackburn R.O.F. Chorley R.O.F. Nottingham R.O .F. Bishopton
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
London Transport Liverpool City Transport Birmingham City Transport Cardiff City Transport Plymouth City Transport Nottingham City Transport . H uddersfield Corporation Transport
497 487{ 462t 398 395 381t 366
Marks Obtained
Marks Obtained
Obtained R .R .E. Defford C.D.E.E. Porton R .O .F. Llanishen N.G.T.E. Pyestock R.A.E. Farnborough S.D. Elstow R.O .F. Bishopton R.O .F . Fazakeley R.O .F. Chorley R.O.F. Birtley . R.O.F. Nottingham
Maximum marks obtainable: 600
MEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
and they placed the teams in the following order: -
323t 321 272f
257t 256t 255+ 198 184t
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association National Competitions for Men and Women were held at Aldenham (L.T.) Works, Elstree, Herts. o~ 8th July, 1956. Mr. J. B. Burnell, C.B.E. (President of the ASSocIatIOn and. Operating Manager (Central Road Services) London Transport) presIded, and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General of the St. John Ambulance Association). The J udges were:Dr. J. C. Graham Men's Team Test Dr. Olive May Women's Team Test Dr. R. Renwick and Dr. L. K. Wills Individual Tests Dr. Sheila M. Niall and Dr. F. H. Taylor Oral Tests
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
London Transport . Liverpool City Transport Midland Red Motor Service oventry City Transport ardiff City Transport
382+ 3771-
297t 2611250
Maximum marks obtainable: 600
Fire Brigades National Competition was held at the White Rock Pavilion. Ha ting on 28th September, 1956. Mr. C. P. Kitchen (Chief Fire Officer, County Borough of Hastings) presided, and the trophy and plaques were pre ented by Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General, The St. John Ambulance A sociation). The Judge were: Team Test Dr. D. D. Towle Individual Tests Dr. S. R . Matthews and they placed the team in the following order:Marks Obtained I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
City and County of Bristol County of Surrey . ity of Kingston-upon-Hull . County Borough of Middlesbrough City of Cardiff . City of Birmingham County of Isle of Ely . County Borough of Preston Maximum marks obtainable: 400
334 326
316 314 308 302t 293 255
Gas Industry National Competition for Men was held at the Conway Hall, W.C.l on 2nd October, 1956. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (DirectorGeneral) presided, and the trophy and plaques were presented by Sir Harold Smith, K.B.E. (Chairman of the Gas Council). The Judges were: Dr. E. J. Selby Team Test Dr. A. W. Gilks Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the following order: Marks Obtained I. 2. 3.
North Thames Gas Board Scottish Gas Board . East Midlands Gas Board
322t 300 273
20 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
252 247 243 241t 235 233t 230t 228t
South Eastern Gas Board West Midlands Gas Board North Eastern Gas Board Northern Gas Board . North Western Gas Board Eastern Gas Board Southern Gas Board Wales Gas Board . South Western Gas Board
Marks Obtained I.
2. 3.
Aldermaston (C.D.) 'A' Harwell Aldermaston (C.D.) 'B'
213 166
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Gas Industry National Competition for Women was held at the Civic Hall, Nantwich on 5th October, 1956. Mr. D. P. WeIman (Chairman of the North Western Gas Board) presided, and the trophy and plaques were presented by Sir Harold Smith, K.B.E. (Chairman of the Gas Council). The Judges were:Dr. D. S. Johnson Team Test Dr. C. L. Barron and Individual Tests Dr. J. G. Mott and they placed the teams in the following order:Marks
Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
North Western Gas Board No. West Midlands Gas Board South Eastern Gas Board North Western Gas Board No. 2 North Eastern Gas Board North Western Gas Board No. 3 East Midlands Gas Board South Western Gas Board
334t 271t 254t 254 252t 23# 231 214t
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority National Competitions for Men and Women were held at Harwell on 10th October, 1956. Mr. H. 1. Grout (Deputy Chief Engineer) presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General of the St. John Ambulance Association). The Judges were:Dr. J. C. Dilley Team Test Dr. H. R. Wynne Individual Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-
General PO!)t Office Ambulance Centre National Competitions for Men and Women were held (tt the Porchester Hall, W.2 on 24th October, 1956. Major A. C. White Knox (Principal Medical Officer) presided, and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. S. D. Sargent, C.B. (Deputy Director-General of the Post Office). The Judges were, for the men's teams: Team Test Dr. Gordon Gillies Individual Tests Dr. J. A. Hanraty For the women's teams: Team Tests Dr. W. L. M . Bigby fndividual Tests Dr. R. Renwick and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN
Marks I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
Obtained London Telecommunications Region (North Area T.M.O.) 335-!Northern Ireland (Belfast Tel. Area). 319t Midland Region (Birmingham P.O.A.C.) . 310t London Postal Region (West Central D .O.) 309+ North We tern Region (Manchester H.P.O.) 305t South Western Region (Weymouth H.P.O.) . 30lt Sav ing Department (Blythe Road S.B.D.) . 303t H .Q. Group 'A' (H.Q, No. 1 Branch P.O.A.c.) '. . 291 H .Q . Group 'C' (Engineer-in-Chief's London Test SectIOn). 290 H.C . Group 'B' (Supplies Department, Edinburgh) . 283t Scotl a nd (Perth P.O.A.C.). ., 281t Home Counties Region (Reigate-Redhill H .P.O.) 277t North Eastern Region (York H.P .O . ) . 267t Wales and Border Counties (Swansea P.O.A.C.) 240 Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
MEN Marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Windscale Works Harwell 'A' Harwell 'B' . Aldermaston (C.D.) 'A' Aldermaston (C.D.) 'B' Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Obtained 313t
214t 182-!-
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Obtained London Telecommunications Region (North Area T.M.O.). 332 H.Q. Group 'A' (H.Q. No. 1 Branch P.O.A.C.) 293 Savings Department (Morecambe S.C.D.) . 288 Northern Ireland (Belfast Tel. Exchange) . 269 North Eastern Region (York H.P.O.). 267t Wales and Border Counties (Cardiff P.O.A.C.) . 267 Midland Region (Birmingham P.O.A.c.). . 254 246 H .Q. Group 'B' (Supplies Department, Edinburgh) . South Western Region (Weymouth H .P .O.) . 245 H.Q. Group 'C' (Engineer-in-Chiefs Office, City) 244+
22 11. 12. 13. 14.
240 239 233 214
Scotland (Dundee P.O.A.C.) . . North Western Region (Manchester Tel. Area) Factories Department (Birmingham Depot) Home Counties Region (Ipswich H.P.O.)
b.o d
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, W.2 on 15th November, 1956. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided, and the trophies and medallions were presented by General Sir Sidney Kirkman, G.C.B., K.B.E., M.C. (Director-General, Civil Defence). The Judges were, for the men's teams: Mr. H. S. Taylor-Young, F.R.C.S. Team Te t Individual Tests Dr. Allan Walker For the women's teams: Team Test Dr. G. M. Shaw Smith Individual Test Dr. R. H. Kipping and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. J 1. 12.
Marks Ohtained 337 302
Police (L Division Metropolitan) . British Electricity Ambulance Centre (Fulham) British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (Bristol) Miners' National First Aid Competition (Shotton Colliery) Fire Brigades (City and County of Bristol) . The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Camden B.R.) . . British Transport Commission Police (Liverpool Street 'A' General Post Office Ambulance Centre (North Area T.M.O.) Gas Industry (North Thames Gas Board) National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre (Yarmouth) Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre (R.R.E. Defford). National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association (Chiswick) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (Windscale Works)
301 293 29 L 287 283t 2831 278t 266 254 254 248
Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
Marks Obtained 333
The St. John Ambulance Brigade (Spalding N.D.) . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (Baker Street) General Post Office Ambulance Centre (North Area T.M.O.) Gas Industry (North Western Gas Board) . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association (Reigate) Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre (S.D. Elstow) British Electricity Ambulance Centre (Swindon) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (Aldermaston) Maximum marks obtainable: 400
306 297 278 274 269 263 198
<L C
CIa ses in the area of Centres marked with an asterisk are arranged in Qlrect communication \vith Headquarters as Detached
CENTRES OF THE ASSOCIA TION (Corrected up to 31St May, 1957)
County and Cent1'e
Honorary S ecretary
Mrs. ReinoId , 21 Windlesham Road, Bracknell.
K. M. Reinold
Miss D. K. Gibbins, St. John House, 101 Lundon Road, . Reading.
A. F. L. Simmonds
E. E. Woore
A. Young, 8Ia , High
V. Everard
A. A. Lloyd
E. W. Martin, 100, Lioncl Street, Birmingham, 3
The Bishop of Bristol
Dr A. P. Gorham
W. J. Winterson, Bristol, 3
treet, Eton, Windsor
Caen Road, St. John's Lane,
County Centre
;\Ir~ .
BOlsford, St . J o hn ILQ ., 79, Buckingham Street, .\yleshury
W. Stewart Elgood
F . E . F e rnic
\V , E . Boyden, 7, Oakrord ere. cent, Wisbcch
J. A. K .
H. Woodward
. Blaylock, 259, Storeton Road, Prenton, Birken head
O.B .E . ,
~ tockport
Cumberland Mines and Quarries
Mrs. Bromley
J . Newton
A . Little, Colliery Office, 5I, Duke Street, Whitehaven
W. Badger
H. Pollard. 6 , High Hill, Keswick
P S. Todd
J. H .
Holmes. 185. Devonshire Road. Millom
Dr. A . Morrison
G. E. Johnson. 146. Burton Road, Derby
H, C. Smit
W. F. Rigl Y
W. II .
The Right Hon. Lord Roborough
C. S . C. Prance,
Dr. J. L. Longland
H . G. Longman
The Mayor
Mrs. D. Galton
Granby & Ilkeston
195 6
Capt. H. T. Ann, J .P.,
,~ heldon .
7 Little Hallam Lan e . Ilkeston.
Plymouth & District . ..
M.B .
G. Howard,S, Faringdon Road. Plymouth
:,\Ir . E . O . Parl,. " Rondettc ." 12, Wa
rley Crescent .
Oakdale. Poole Dr. Cunningham
Wareham DURHAM-
D. Edgar, J.P.
D. Edgar, J.P.
South Shields
W. P. Webster
T B. Humphrey
Stockton & Thornaby ...
Col. H . E.
]. C. Hudson,
J.P .
M.B.E., D.L., J.P.
W . O . Kirkwood,
D. L. Rennison
R. Robson, P.O. Box 4, 76. Church Stre t. \\ est Hartlepool Major T. A . Page, 75. King Street, South Shields J. Buckley. 67. raigweil rescent . Durham Road, Stockton-on-Tees H. R. Gray, B.E.M . , 3. Commercial Road. Hendon. Sunderland
County and Csntre
Honorary Secretary
Gloucester County
Dr. C. R. Sadler J. C. Fielding
Dr. A. Alcock
Mrs. E. G. Botting, 36,
ambray Court,
. Gray, St. Margarets, 17, Upton Lane, Barnwood, Gloucester "'Ess :'Ii. K. Oswell, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham
Andover Bournemouth
1949 1926
T. McCaa Dr. C. Hey gat e Vernon G. Albray
The Mayor
Gosport & Fareham
E. Crossland
The Marquis of Caris- W. N. Wilson M.B .E. brooke, G.C.V.O., etc. The Dowager Lady Dr. H . C. MauriceSwaythling Williams , O.B.E.
Mrs. Wilson, Little Goddards , Hatherden, Andover F. L. Cook, 28, Palmerston Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth C. A. J. B ehrendt, 3, Bramley House, Crescent Road, Alverstoke, Gosport D. S. Jones, City Police Headquarters, Queen's Crescent, Portsmouth Miss F. M. Tutte, M.B.E., 4, Archers Road, Southampton
Folkestone & H ythe
Right Rev . The Lord Bishop of Dover Sir Alfred Bossom
Lady Fisher T. E. G. Baker,
Col. G. G . H . Bolton,
A. Brown,
M.B.E., M.e., D.L., J . P.
The Mayor
19 19
A. Aked,
M.A., LL.B.,
Alderman J. R. Howard H. Ashworth
:vIrs. D. Elliott, Caravan Cottage, Cannongate Road, Hythe ::'IIrs. D. Wallace, c/o Aylesford Paper Mills, Larkfield, near Maidstone, Kent. ]. W. Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, Accringt.on T. Kelsall, 27, Ryecroft Street, Ashton-under-Lyne R. Heyworth, 3, Moorlands Terrace, Bacup
Barrow-in-F urness Blackburn
Ib80 188 5
Wm . Killingbeck, The Mayor
BIackpool Bolton
1955 1957
H. D. Bickerstaffe, The l'IIayor
J.P .
D. G. Hartley, J.P.
H. Barnes J. G. Barber Lomax,
T. Clark, B.E.M., 14, Durham Street, Barrow-in-F urnes:!l E. Bury, The Education Offices, Librarv Street, Blackburn W. S. Halsall, .12 Leys Road, Blackpool J. Easton, 28, Linacre Avenue, Bolton
T.D., J.P., C.C.
G. Lindon
W . Whalley, 17, Albert Street, Brierfield
W . E. Rawstron
G. Eke, 178, Todmorden Road, Burnley L. Perkins, -4
The ;\Tayor
E. SmaUe',
G E. Wilmore
./. E. J)ri..- r
Victor Burrell, I30, Harrison Drive, Colne
19 1 9
Councillor son
Great Harwood
A. Boardman
Lancashire Headquarters
oop r
Rt. lIon. the Earl of Derby,
:\1. :'1. "\I('ggi tt, "Havcndal ,"
Turncroft Road,
I L Dunkinson
E. V. i\la on, 134, Blackburn Road. Great Harwood.
Lieut.-Col. A. J. Mac-
i\lajor T. E. Spencer, \LB.E., t. John Headquarters, I5 /17, l\Iount Street, Preston
c. '.
A. Higham,
Hoad, Bury
T. E. Blackburn
O.B.E., T.D.
,\\'('sh\ood .\\' nu , Poulton-
Hopkins, 18, C'a tIc Park, Lancaster
\Y. Ellis, 5
ycamore Road, i\therton, l'.Ianchester
\V.]. Lewis
\V. J. InO'\is, pool, l.
;If.C., D.L.
('. B . Mann
Dar" ('n T. ll. Tholll ilS0l1, J.P.,
ph_ il, The Mayor
Lancaster Leigh, Atherton Tyldesley
W . Robin-
M .B.
S.]. \ .1\.,
H.o coe Lane, Roscoe
lr('et, Liver-
Professor W. ::'I1ansfield ooper, LL.;\I.
Col. C. I I. S. Rcdmond, M.B.
E. F. Thornley, 55, Cross Street, Manchester,
H. N. Roberts,
Dr. Keddie
J\1iss E. M. Bailey, 56, Roman Road, Fail. \\ orth, ;\Innchester I,'a rnworth, (i\'il Defence Scn'ice, GlO\'crs . Pre ton
A. Harrison
195 0
C. Cunliffe
W. Taylor, J.P. E. Eastwood
:\1rs. Gaskell, \L .\ . Rossendale
'altnder Bro\\' ,
ear ourt,
e\\'church- in -
Formed 1886
County and Celltre Rochdale
188 4
St. Helens
President L. Lye·
Chairman Phillips
Lord Cozens-Hardy,
Honorary Secretary E . Thornhill, 3, Queen's Avenue, Wardle Road, Rochdale H. Latus, 20, Freckleton Road, Toll Bar, St, Helens
Miss P. Ellis, 121 Lindale Gardens, Blackpool, S.S.
South Fylde
195 6
The Mayor
188 7
N. A. Briscoe
Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hesketh, M.P. The Mayor
A. Wild,
Councillor F. Smith
Rev. M. D. Grieve
G. E. Ramsd en, " Harcourt, " 34, Holmdale Avenue, 'ou thport R. A . M. Hall, I I Farnborough Street, Walsden, Todmorden C. Collins, School House, Broughton Beck, Lancs.
The Lord Mayor
G. Bowley
Miss \Vard , 6,
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Brownlow
Dr. 1\I. CLavin
W. Gott, 294, Laceby Road, Grimsby
M .B.E.
County Centre
treet, L('icester
County Centre
195 6
L. ivIcKinla y, Principal, Technical College, St. Mary's Road, K etteri ng E. J. Hayward, 48, Booth Lane South, Weston Favel, l orthampto n
J. '
]. S. Parker, 12, Church Street, Wellingborough
Dr. W. S. Stephenson
N ewcastle- u po n -Tyne
J. Dobson
L. T. \Vedderburn, c / o ,'treet., Ashington
Dr. Gavin Muir
Dr. T. 1. Gordon
.B. :'Iedical Centre, John
Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
C .B.E., !ILB.
North Shields
s worthy, 6 South Preston Grove, North Shields
County Centre
Col. A . V G. Dower,
V . G. Dower,
II. T BC'1nf'tt. "Asphodel". Third Acre Berks
18 79
County Centre
The Rt. Hon. Earl of Powis
Dr. D. J . Johnsun
\Valk r, Ambulance er.·ice Headquarters , Central Ambulanct! tation. Abhey Foregate, Shrewsbury
Dr. F. L Richard
hancellor, Lloyd quare, tafforJ
Miss H ossac k
J. Tampin, Ipswich.
\V . G. Jud, ecretary' Office, Lowe toft and folk Hospital, Lo\\-estoft 0_ Cole. I, Mill Road. Bury St. E Imund,
County Centre
North East Suffolk
West Suffolk
195 6
Sir Gervase Blois, Bt.
mbulan e :tation,
County Secretary Croydon
The Mayor
J. E. Dane
Mrs. Ruddock, County Headquarters, g/ro Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road, Guild£ord. Mrs. G. R . Haml y, 5 St. Saviour's Road, roydon
Sutton & Cheam
The Mayor
The Mayor of Hove
Vice Air Marshal T. A . Langford -Sainsbury,
Mrs. A. F. Eastland
Miss W. M. Ariss,
Longley Road, Farnham
. B ennett, 71, Burdon Lane, Cheam
Brighton, District Chichester
C.B., O.B.E., A.F.C.
S T . Denning, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Su sex
Co un ty and Centre F ormed Crawley & Three Bridges 195 4
E astbourne & District .. .
H orsham
G. An derson
H onorary Sec retary D . A . G. Saund ers, Barclays B a nk L td., 50, High Street, Crawley W . H . Sharpe, la , Wharf Road, Eastbo urne
T h e Rt. H on . th e Earl of De La W a rr
Sir H . C. Sinderson Pasha, K.B.E., etc
E. D . Ascroft. 218, Holtye Road. East Grinstead
The Mayor
J . Archer-B urlon
"Mrs. M. Fraser,
D. Bryce,
F. Holmes
R. Breffii
C. A. Webb, 30 Firle Cresce nt, L ewes
\\' . A lamson
F. \\'.
East Grinstead & District 1956 Hastings & St.
Chairma'JI E. Stanford , C.B .E.
President Mrs. Knight
J.P., C.B.E .
Elsie, Lady Shiffncr,
Lewes, H ay\\"ards Heath & District
York Buildings, Hastings
appe.r, 43, Trafalgar Road, Horsha'ill
ewell, 37, Pines Avenue, \\'orthing
E. W. Cowpe-Pendleton J. H. Bi hop. G, Botteville Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham, 27
The Lord Mayor
L eamington & \\'arwick
P. Varley
C. :'lullard. 377, Tachbrook Road, Leamington
J. W. Taylor
:'Iic;s D. :'fatthe\\'s, Toft House, Dunchurch, near R ugb)
?lajor Eric Wright, J.P.
19 20
J. B.
(E .... sT) Hull and East Rid ing C0unty Centre
Lt.-Col. D. Bellamy. O.B.E., D .L .
The Marquess of Ze tla n d. K.G . • etc.
Dr. C. T. :'1ills
J. Ba\lis~ , 36. L\'tHtoll Sire ·t, Barbourne, \\'orce tcr
. L. Fairclough, 9, Hull
outhfield Road, Brick nell Avenue .
Norlh Riding County Cen tre
R. Brooke Dorma n
G. Hichard::;on, . '\\ oodleiahton." Lin thorpe, Midd lesbrough
16, Emerson Aven UL
F. Widclup, J .P.
R. R. J. Chaney
Barnsley & Di trict
The :'IIaror
G. Parfitt
B radford
" Barnoldswick
:~ D in nington
J. T. E. Jones \Y
T. Davis
P. B. Flohil
The ;\Iayor
The :'Iayor
A. lI1itchell
Dr. D. D. Payne
C. J.
Heavy \ Noollen D istrict
Harrogate and
~H ebden
H uddersfield & District
W. Cock croft
rawsh aw
Dr. J. Walker
l-;t Avenue . Barnolds\\'ick, via Colne E. O'de\'. 'tatioo Officer, Fire ,," _\mbulance Dept .. To\\ n "Hall, Barn Ie: :'li~s
D. Young,
. Scatterty
II. Blakele\',
Drive. Heato n , HraJfo:-d
H. Greenfleld, del' field
tans field , .."
fairview A\'enue.
arlinghow Lane.
Dr. J . W . Silve rsides,
II. Hut! on, Health Dept., Halifax Corporaticm, P owell Street, Halifax R. C. age, 9, Beechwood Grove, Harrogate
Dr. Prentice, J.P.
,Laughton Road, Dinnington, near 'heffield Con table G. Towe, Borough Police, Guildhall, Doncaster T. J. Daniel, 5, Jacksonville, Goole
F. Hedman Chad\\'ick
\\'. E. :'Iarriott,
K eighley Leed s
\V. C. Brown, 29, Loxer E
Lee View Road, Hebde n B ridge 9, Raven5knowle Road, Dalton. Hud-
1. A. Cook, 41, Redcliffe
treet , K eigh ley
H. John on. I3. Armley Grange O \'al, Leed ,
D. Harrison
\\T . B anham
S. E. Crowe
Ii. lIudso n
Dr. P . B . W ood
*Sad d lewo rth
ddinell, 27.
t. Nicholas -treet , Castleford, Yorks.
W. Thoma, _ Granville nIt .. Ot ley, Yorks.
:\I r~.
Redfearn, 3. Platting Hoad, Lydo-ate, r r. O ldham
Centre Selby
President H. B. Powell
Chairman Inspector A. Knowles
Honorary Secretary R. Leek, 68, Haig Street, Selby, Yorks.
18 7 8
Col. F. A. Neill
A. Roebuck
R. C;. Bea rd, lIS, Bank Street, Sheffield
Shipley & District
A. Watson
owerby Bridge
W. F. Seed
F. \\'right, 10, Tillotson Avenu ~, Beech 'W ood, Sowerby Bridge F. Walker, 43, HighfIeld Road, 'winton
\Y. F. 'eed
J. W. Lonsdale
1902 Wakefield '~ \;Yath -on-Dearne
G. Bartholomew
The Mayor
A. T. Thomson, O.B.X .
r S9 0
G. Dickinson
E. Bishop, 23, Valley Drive, Ilkley, Nr. Leeds
F. J. 'e nior , c/o Walton Colliery, Cro\\'n Vie\\', Crofton, Wakefield
W. Poole, 19, harles Road , Wath-on-Dearne. Rotherham :\Tic:s E. D. Kenny , '2, Colburn House, St. George's Place. York
CHANNEL ISLES'i r Aie.-::ander MoncdefI Coutanche . K.ST.J.
ISLE OF MANIsle of Man
188 5
H.E. The LieutenantGovernor
P. Le Masurier
\Y. Gale, 9, Windsor Villas . Val Plaisant ,
t. Relier.
Sir Percy Cowley C.B.E., C. C. Bcah'-Po\\'nall , c/o ugla '
C. K . Bird,
M .M .
C. S. McLeod
C. Greenwood, The British Railways (Eastern Region). l~oom 5. \\ est Block, King 's Cross 'tation, .1.
H . C. Healey, The British Rail~ays (London Midland Region), Regional Establishment and Staff Office, Ell 'ton :tatioD, N.W.I. F R. harlton, Hegional taff Office, The British Railways (North Eastern Region), York.
London Midland Region
D. Blee, C.B.E.
II. Aidle)', IILB.E.
North Eastern Region .,.
H. A. Short
C. Cooper, M.B .E
Southern Region
C. P. Hopkins
H. C. Lang
Western Region
K. W. C. Grand
S. G. Ward
Sir John Elliot
Alex J. Webb
Dr. E. M. AndersoD
The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, K.B.E., LL.B .,
Dr. P Pringle
The' Secretary, British Electricity Ambulance entrr, Central Electricity House. Trafalgar Buildings, 1. Charing Cross. S.W.!
195 0
Sir Cyril Musgrave, K.C.B.
R. Burns, C.M.G.
The lit. Hon. Lord Crook. T.P.
T. O'Leary
F. G. Thomas, M.A., National Dock Labour Board. 2226. Albert Embankment. S.E.11
V. Gr enla\\
F. A. Trott, The British Railways (Southern Region), Hcgional E lablishment and Staff lJice, 39, raven Street, \\' . .2
A. fartin, The British Railways (Western R gion). StalT and Establishment Office, Paddington Station, \\' .2
Hardrn. London Transport Ambulance Centre. Griffith IIouse , 280 Marylebone Road, N.W.!
. V
J , S. W eatberley, First Aid Adviser, PD IT & W.B., G.p.a. Armour IIoHse , London E.C.l.
C. W. Bayley, Ministry of 702, G.8, St. Giles Court, 1-13, Street, W.C.2
Supply, Roon: St. Giles High
Prestdent H.E. The Governor
Chairman H. E. The Governor
H.E . The Governor
Lady Hall,
H .E. The Governor
H.E. The Gowrnor
lIlrs. B. Barton, c/o B.E.L.P. & Co., Ltd., Serpentine Road, Pembroke, Bermuda :\Irs. C. I. Franker, 2Lt, Camp Street, Georgetown, British Guiana
Honorary Secretary A. Bhatt, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, Bohra Bazaar, Crater,
T. Handford, H.Q. Solomons Police Force, P.O. Box No. 37, Honiara, Guadalcanal, B.S.I.P. A J. B. Temple, Somaliland Police H.Q., Hargeisa, Somalilancl Protectorate.
Bri tish West IndiesH.E. The Governor
_\. Beresford,
H .E. The Governor H.E. The Governor
Lady :'IIitchell L. R. Reed
H.E. The Governor
Dr. E. IIoerman
H.E. The Governor
C. C. l\Iichclin
H.E. The Governor
Dr. K. l'ttley
H. E. The Governor
R. G. Cox,
Sir Donald Jackson
G. L. Munro
:\Irs. Ian Gale, Capri, Enterprise Road, Christ Church, Barbados
A. Dale, West Indies Sugar Co. Ltd., Frome P.O., \\' estmoreland, Jamaica. ;\Iic;s E. M. Stephens, II, Cargill Avenue, Half Way Tree, Tamaica. :\Tre:;. D. 'J . H . eate, Lion el Town Post Office, Jamaica
Major A. A. 1\1. II ill , E.D., Office of the Commissioner Police IIeadquarters, t . John's Antigua ' :"IlL. E. :\1. Smith, Fire Brigade Headquarters, Hart 'tred., Port of pain, Trinidad
Wi ndward Islands:GRENADA
The Hon. Secretary, S.J.A.A., c/o Geo. F. Huggins & Co. (G'da) Ltd., Gr nada W. M. Lopey, Grammar School, St. Vincent, B.W.I. upt. \Y . Farmer, Police Headquarters, St. Lucia
'. P . .lara\\ ardana, O.B.E., Lower Lake Road, (;"l1e Face, Colombo, 3 :\lrs. \T. Woodward, 3, Euclides Street, Nicosi.a, Cyprus
II.E. The GovernorGeneral
Hon. t.he ::'IIinL ter fur rll"alth :\lrs. Sinclair
~ir Vincent Glenday, K.C.M.G., O.B.E. R. E. Foulger, c.l\l.G.
H.E. The Governor
H .E. The Governor
The Associ.a tion Secretary, Kenya Centre, S.J.A .A .. P . . Box I~6g, airobi, Kenya ::'IIrs. 1\1. E. Thompson, P.O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Hon . :ecr tary, P.O. Box 15 6, Kampala, ganda
]. V. Mullin
BllfJor II. Daru\\ a lia, P .O. Box 763, Zanzibar
H.E. The Governor
H.E . The Governor
A. L. ,\braham
H.E . The Governor
The Hon . I-\:wok Cban
incent Glenday,
K.C.M.G., O.B.E.
J. Barnes, c/o Inland Revenue Dept., Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji E. Balban, Police Headquarter, Gibraltar
Noel Bxaga, S.J.A.A. Headquarters , 2, Tai Hang Road, Hong Kong A . V. l\IcCracken, c/o Kuwait Oil Co. Ltd., Ahmedi, Kuwait , Persian Gulf
The Hon. ]VIr. S. M. Young, LL.B.
lIon. Cheah Ewe Keat ,
H .E. The Governor
Dr. R. H. Bland ,
H.E. The Governor
A. E.. Perera, M.B.E., c/o Civil Defence, Central Region H.Q., Rifle Range Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya
lIon. ecretary, S.J.A .A. Headquarters, 25, Gilstead Road , ingapore, II. Abela . E. H. W. Borg, 109, Main Street, St. Julian'S, Malta O.B.E.
H.E. The Governor
Dr. R. Lavoipierre
H.E. The Governor
E. O. Plunkett
Dr. J. Maingard, I\LB . E., Forensic Science Laboratory, Reduit, Mauritius Miss D. Mollison, P.O. Box 432, Jesselton, North Borneo M. T. Williams, Police Headquarters, Victoria, Mahe, S<>ychelles Islands
w I.Jt
West Africa : GHANA
Honorary Secretary
Dr . E. Akwei
Major B . A. L ane, c/o Police D epot, P.O . Box 740, Accra, Ghana
Deputy Commissioner
T h e Staff Officer, Nigeria Police H .Q. , Lagos, Nigeria
B eattie
A. O. Nelson-Cole, General Manager's Office, Nigerian Railway Corporation, Ebute Metta, Nigeria
Ports A uthority
J. Ivimey
W. Z. Coker-Dickens, Establishmen t Officer, Nigerian Ports Authority Headquarters, L agos, Nigeria.
The Commandant, Police Traini ng School, Sierra Leone
H .E . The Governor
NIGERIA : Police Force
SIERRA LEONE : Police Force .. ,
ommission er
Mohammed L amin Fadika, Prison Headquarters , Freetown, Sierra Leone
W. B . Wright
Prison Service
H astings,
Nasr. Eff. Ahmed, Gen ral 11anager's Office (P erson· nel), Sudan Raih\'ay , Atbara, -udan
Headquarter .4.ddress
CENTRAL AFRICA (administered by THE JOHN)
JOII. ·) P.O. 130':, 7137, J ohann('~bllrg, South Africa
P . . Box 536,
T. JOH~)
alisbury, ,'. Hhode ia
Diocesan Church House, George .'treet, ,\ustralia
ydner,1.. -. \\ .,
ORDER OF 2<) ' ,
\V llington. trect. Perth, W . Australia Vol
CANADA (administered b y TIlE PRIORY OF
P.O. Box n8g, Wellington, ... cw Zealand
INDIA (administered by the INDIAN COUNCIL, ST. JOTT:\, !\\IBlJL.\:\CE ASSOCIATION) Red PAKISTAN (administered by the ASSOCIATION)
32 T, Chape l Street , Otta\\ a, (auada
ross Road,
e\\' Delhi, India
COUNCIL, ST, JOHN A:l1BULANCE ational Headquarter, Road, Karachi, 3
Katrak Buildings,
WALES (administered b y THE PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOlIN) ...
Priory lIou e, 'I, Cathedral HClad, CardiH
ARDS (admi nist ered by the COMMANDERY OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN)
6r, Great Victoria
treet, Belfa t, Northern Ireland
Itbe Granb Prior'!2 In tbe :t3ritfsb mealm of tbe OOOllt lPenerab(e G)rber of tbe 1)osplta[ of !:It. jobn of jerusalem
St. 30bn Bmbulance
Annual Report of The Commissioner-in-Chief for the year ending 31st December., 1956
H.M. The Queen accompanied by The Grand Prior, at the Royal Review, Hyde Park, 1956. Photograph by cour1esy of Sport and General Press Agency Ltd.
Pages I to 4 am ended to 30th Augus t, I957 .
st. 30bn Hmbulance :»3ngal)e
Headquarters: 8,
(to III 11l 15f3 10Iler::::ill",(tb Ie f MAJOR-GE ERAL
<!011111lanban t~in~('!hl ef
'OL'. TE S
(the St. 30hn "tlll1l1ulancc :ffinonbc
Mou TBATTEN OF BURMA, C. L, G.B.E., D .C .V.O .-
D ame .Grand Cross
lHnrslllg <torps nnb IDi"isions
Super! 11 t enbe n r- in ·(! ble!
Su rgeon:::il1:::abief IAjOR
A. C. WHITE K OX, O.B .E ., M.C., M.B., CH.B.-Knight ID ~ pu r}]
uo 1ll1ll1 5S 10 l1e r::: 1Il:::(!b fer
RE,\R AD~[fRAL R OYER DICK, C.B., C.B.E., ID e tHlr ~
Sup et'llltc nb ent:::ll1:::a bi ef
IDe pu 02 S u r geo ll::: lll:::(! bl ef
Dame Gra nd Cross of the Order of St . J ohn
'B 6 515 t a II t lro Ill1l11 S5 1 0 Il er ::: i n::a bu~
Appointed :'IIa)' , 192
A. GORING-O fficer R :H~ I:;rIlI1 t 5 np er tllt en t)c lI r 'Ill-a bl et IRS . J. R o. IER- LEE-Commander LT.-COLONEL
IDepu t\] <t()I1lll\~ nbfln t::::l n::::(L bI ef H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER
.J . C. R.
'E\S:3 1:3rnll t S ur nc011 "'111:::(t bl ef f or ®l?ereeas R UC HA.TA., c'-~r.G., ~.LD., CH.B., F.R.c.p.-Officer Cbld lH ll t'si ll q ($) tfi ce r
Dame Grand Cross of t he Order of S t . J ohn
:\ . H
Appointed February. 1937
lILTO -V,TEDDERBURN, S.R . .-Com mander <!l~ ll t r (' lIc r.
($) " et'seas ID ep artl1l enr
Superi Il tenben t::::t1\::::<I IJief for lllll a le5 H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St . John
FF-GRA T. R.R.C., s.n.N., D . . ,-Officer
Cblct ® ffi ce r f or aa bet 9
}1r rJb\(~t
Statf ®ft1cer ro
Appointed Ma y, 1935
(t0111nt! tre e
Bnlbulancc atlb 1Hul'stno <tabets H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John Appointed February. 1948
anb Il balrllUlIl
R~)P 01ls
'Et tr ac bcb
erving S1'ster
S np ertllrcnbc l1 r::o l n::oa bl ~r
[Ol1t 111 anba n t~i 1l~<Ihief
-cr ra 111111(1 :ttb"h;e r
'fb en bquart er s Stafl ' VRIGGLES'YORTH,
1b ~all qlllll't e r 5
Staff ®m ce rt3
E. D. RE WICK (.SPecial Duties )-Se1'vi Jlg Brother A. C. ROD WAY ( Ul'geon-ill-Chie!'s Departrnent)- erving Brothe?' J. S. \ VEATHERLEY (Post Office L iaison )-Officel' G. E. CRAFT ( urgeon-in- hief's Department )-Commander JSrI {l at)c 5 ecr etlll'}2 G.
LB.E .-Commander
R S'; l s tant Jl3nqabe S ecretarp-
A. F.
N U NN~e1'ving
B rother
:Ebs ISralt[ J131'1Qabe S ecretar\? llllt) secretarl? to 5u tle l'll1tenbent-ill -Cb ld M IS S M. H ARRIS ON,
M.B. E.-Commander
St aff ®ffic er for ®,'crsca s M IS S
N . DE M IERRE, o.B .E.- Officer
Chairman ~iajor-General J.
M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E., Co.~mi 'sioner-in-Chi f St. John Ambulance Brigade (ex-otflcW)
Ex-officio Members The Secretary-General. . . The Director-General St. John Ambulance Assoclat~o~ .. The Superintendent-in-Chief, Nur ing Corps and DlvIslOn .. The Surgeon-in-Chief. The Deputy Commissioner-i~-Chie.f. . . ... The Deputy uperintendent-Ill-Chtef, Nursmg Corps a nd DIVI lOn .. The Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. The Assistant Commissioners-in-Chief. The Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, 1 ursing Corps and Divi.'ions. The Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. The Chief Commissioner, Priory for \\Tales. The Commissioner for Northern Ireland. The Chief Nursing Officer. The Chief Officer Ambulance Cadet. The Chief Officer Nursing Cadet · . Members
Colonel Sir Leonard Ropner, M.C., T.D., D.L., ~1.P., Commission [", North Riding of Yorkshire-No. I Region. E. H. Lodge, Esq., :;\f.B., CH.B., Commissioner, \Vest Ridin g of Yorkshire-No.2 Region. . . Air Marshal Sir John Baldwin, K.B.E., C.B., D.. 0., Commls Ion r, Lincolnshire-No.3 Region. . . . J. T. Whitley, Esq., O.B.E., ~I.B., CR.B., CommIsSIoner, E. :'\.-l\o. 4 Region. Colonel G. F. Page, D.S.O., Commissioner, London (Prince of \ 'al 's ) District-No.5 Region. . . Colonel W. P. S. Curtis, O.B.E., D.L., Comrm 'SlOner, Hamp hirc~o. 6 Region. . . . . Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex LewI s, D.C.M., T.D., Comml lOner, Bnstol -No.7 Region. . . . F. L. RICHARD, ESQ., O.B.E., ;'1.B., CH.B., Comml Slon r, Staffordsbir - No.9 Region. . . , Colonel V. F. Royle, T.D., E.R.D., Commlssloner, Dllke of Lancaster s District-No. 10 Region. Lieut.-Colonel K. B. Hicks, O.B.E., Commissioner, u~sex-No. 12 Region. ..' Mrs. Cavendish, Dlstnct Supenntendent (N), London (Prince of \\Tales's) District. Mrs. Shaw, M.B.E., County Superintendent (N), Norfolk. Mrs. Courtney, County Superintendent (N), Sussex. H. A. Brown, Esq., County Cadet Officer (A), Lincolnshire. Miss O. Addison, County Cadet Officer (N), Durham.
The Countes Mountbatten of Burma, c.!., G.B.E., D.C.V.O.-Superintendent-in-C hief, N ur ing Corps and Divisions. (Ex-officio). Ex-officio Members
The The The The The The lhe The
Deputy uperintendent-in-Chief. Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief. hief Nursing Officer. Training Advi er. Controll rOver eas D partment. Chi f fficer for ad ts. Repre ntative for Wales (the Hon. Mrs. John Bruce). District uperintendent for Northern Ireland (Mrs. Neill). Regional Representatives
l\Ir·. F.
. Burton, County Superintendent (N), North Riding of '{ork hire-No. I E g:on. Irs. G. W. Lod a , O.B.E., D ~ trict Superintendent (N), West Riding of Yorkshire-No. 2 I~egion. ~rr . E. ~I. Eptan, ounty uperintendent (N), Lincoln hire-No.3 Region. Mr . G. R. D. haw, ~I.B.E., County uperintendent (N), NorfolkNO.4 Region. l\1r . M. avcndi 'h, District uperintendent (N), London (Prince of Wales 's) Di trict- No. 5 Region. Mrs. f.. Boothman, County uperintendent (N), Buckinghamshire~o. 6 R ~lo n. Lady Fuller, LB.E., County uperintendent (N), Wiltshire-No. 7 Region. Irs. M. V. Penny, County Superintendent (N), Staffordshire-No.9 Reg ion. The Lady Mary Hesketh, District Superintendent (N), Duke of Lancaster's District- No. 10 RegioN. Mrs. E. M. ourtney, County Superintendent (N), Sussex-No. 12 Region. CADET ADVISORY CO:.'lDIITTEE Chatnnan
Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Goring, Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief Members
l\1iss V. Cunard, O.B.E. (Permanent member). fss O. Addis~n, County. C~det Officer, Durham-No. I Region. Mrs. J . Cummmg Bell, DIstnct Cadet Officer, West Riding of Yorkshire -No.2 Region.
H. A. Brown, County Cadet Officer, Lincoln hire-No. 3 Regio~ . 1:rs. A. A. Ettridge, County Cadet Officer, Norfolk-~o . 4 ReglOn ., · D .E. White , District Cadet Officer, London ( Pnn~e of Wale ) MISS District-No.5 Region. . L . E. Hedley, County Cadet Officer, Berkshire-No.6 ReglOn . 1rs. E. M. Wood, County Cadet Officer, Plymouth, outh-Wc_t Devon, and East Cornwall-No.7 Region. . . Mrs. F. M. Harris, County Cadet Officer, Herefordshlre-No. 9 ReglOn . H. N. Beckett, County Cadet Officer, Cheshire-No. ~o ReglOn. J. C. Bell, County Cadet O~c~r, Surrey-N? 12 R gJ?n. Miss Z. D . Druitt, Cadet Trammg Officer, Pnory for \\ ale Mis5 E. Garrett, Northern Ireland.
THE ST. JGHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT It is with much regret that I report the great losses sustained by the Brigade in the sudden deaths of the Commissioner-in-Chief, Lieut.General Sir Otto Lund, on the 15th August, and of the Acting Commisioner-in-Chief, Brigadier Daly, on the 21st November. Sir Otto Lund had been Commissioner-in-Chief since 1950, and Brigadier Daly had been Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief since 1951. It is well known how much the leadershi p of Sir Otto Lund and the services of Brigadier Daly meant to the Brigade which they served so well. During the year there has been a net increase of 14 Adult Divisions and 69 Cadet Divisions in Eng]and and N orthem Ireland, and a net increase of 79 Adult Divisions and 16 Cadet Divisions in those territories administered by these Headq uarter . There ha been a net increase of 6,782 in the total personnel figures so that the strength of the Brigade at 31st December J 956 wa : ADULTS DiI'isions Comursing bined
Personnel Ambulance Nursing Total
]70 21
3,021 434
34,500 5,292
19,316 2,322
53,816 7,614
191 84
3,455 ] , 124
39,792 14,269
21,638 8,463
61,430 22,732
India. Pakistan
2,906 507 44
1,902 116 5
5,110 623 49
79.227 13,609 1,642
33,050 112,277 2,369 15,978 62 1,704
Grand Total s
35,481 129,959
Personnel Ambulance Nursing Total
England and N. Ireland. Wale Priorie Overseas Other Oversea Territorie
Eng land and N. freland . Wales. Priories Oversea Other Oversea Territories. Imlia . Pakistan Grand Totals
Amblllance 1,673 267
1,178 146
1,94D 598
1,324 442
CADETS Di l'isions Co 111IIrsing bined
1,037 180
1,306 ]54
74 14
2,417 348
23,679 3,933
38,467 3,805
62,146 7,738
1,217 333
1,460 348
88 21
2,765 702
27,612 6,703
42,272 8,341
69,884 15,044
1,625 230
1,887 63
3,621 293
35,990 4,813 218
51,946 1,432 32
87,936 6,236 250
The year 1956 was noteworthy for the important occasions on which the Brigade was honoured by members of the Royal Family. The most outstanding event af the year was the Royal Review on Saturday, 12th May, when, in Hyde Park, Her Majesty The Queen
graciously carried out a Review of the Brigade. The Parade, which numbered some 22,000, included Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet personnel and a representative overseas contingent was also present. This Royal Review was the first Review of the Brigade by a reigning Sovereign since the year 1912 and all ranks were deeply appreciati e of the honour bestowed on the Brigade. After the Review the following mes age wa received from Her Majesty:"Will you please convey to all member of the St. John Ambulance Brigade who took part in the Parade this afternoon my warm congratulations on their smart appearance. It has given me much plea ure to Review so great a number of them and I am confident that the fine tradition of voluntary service which has inspired the Brigade e er since its formation sixty-nine years ago i being worthily upheld and will be maintained in the future." "Elizabeth R." At the Brigade Competitions on the 30th June the Brigade wa further honoured when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, Commandant-in-Chlef of the Nursing Corps and Di i ion, graciou ly presented the Trophies after visiting the Competition Te ts and eeing the Teams in action; and it was also a great day for the Cadets when H.R. H. The Princess Margaret, Commandant-in-Chief, Ambulance and Nursing Cadets, carried out an In pection of Cadet at South ea. DUTIES
Fortunately no major disasters occurred in thi counlry during the year which necessitated the services of the Brigade on a large cale. Outstanding service has, however, been given in connection "ilh Hungarian refugees and British Natl0nals expelled from Egypt. As oon as it was known that Hungarian refugees would be comi ng to England, the Brigade offered its services and very soon it was engaged in the work of meeting the refugees and escorting them to thei r ariou destination . At one stage when the refugees were arriving in large number by air, the St. John Air Attendants were continuously utilised in e corting th e refugees from Austria. Much good service has also been given at Refugee Camps, Transit Centres and Hospitals. The Brigade has been brought into consultation by the Home Office in the matter of the provi ion of hostels and has been entrusted with the complete organi ation of those at Eaves Brow in Lancashire and Crowborough in Sussex. Apart from special duties such as those mentioned above, the Brigade has continued to carry out the ever-increasing demands made upon it. The following figures of duties and cases in England and Northern Ireland are of interest:Duties Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Duties Clinics . Nurseries Blood Transfusion. Nursing Aid Miscellaneous .
Cases Treated On Puhlic Duty Off Public Duty Invalids Removed . . No. of Road Accidents No. of Other Accident
184,581 202,674 447,846 19,438 8,829
As already mentioned, the Air Attendants Scheme, has been of particular value in the tran port of Hungarian refugees. A further extension of the scheme i anticipated next year as a result of special arrangements with County and Borough Education Committees whereby, in cases of accident and sudden illness among parties of school children visiting the continent the ervices of a St. John Air Attendant can be made available. OVERSEAS TOURS
The late Commissioner-in-Chief visited Malta and Gibraltar during the year but wa unable to undertake a later visit to Cyprus which he had proposed making. The Superintendent-in-Chief was able to visit Malta, Hong Kong and Singapore where she undertook inspections of the Brigade and made many contacts with those working for the Order and its Foundations. OTHER J SPECTIONS
The late Commissioner-in-Chief carried out Inspections in six counties, and the Superintendent-in-Chief in pected in four other counties. The Surgeon-in-Chief carried out an Inspection in Essex while the DirectorGeneral of the Association kindly undertook an Inspection in the East Riding of Yorkshire. The Deputy or A istant Superintendents-in-Chief and the Training Advi er accompanied the Inspecting Officers on orne of the above Tmpections. OMPETlTlO S
The Brigade Final Competitions were held on 30th June at the Central Hall We tmin ter. For the first time the" Dewar" and "Perrott" Competitions were open to teams of Student Members, and the Cadet Competition were held on the same day. The presence of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother who visited the various tests and afterwards graciously presented the Trophies to the winning teams, was most highly appreciated. The results of the Competitions were as follows: "Dewar" Shield "Perrott" Shield British Railways (Camden) (London) Spalding Nursing (Lincs.) "White Knox" Cup " Dunbar-Nasmith" Cup Fairbairn House (London) Stockton & Thornaby (N.R. Yorkshire) The British Railways (Camden) Team and the Spalding Nursmg Team represented the Brigade in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions and I am glad to report that the Spalding Nursing Team were successful in winning the Grand Prior's Trophy for Women. CONFERENCES
Hours 1,912,142 968,821 359,787 45 , 120 25,516 28,634 157,143 387,730
During the year the following Conferences were held:Commissioners' Conference. County Superintendents' (N) Conference. Northern Surgeons' Conference, Blackpool. London Surgeons' Conference. Nursing Officers' Conference. County/Area Cadet Officers' Conference.
The only Headquarter Training Course, apart from those organised in connection with the King George VI Memorial Fund, was the Cadet N.C.O.s Training Course held at St. John House. AWARDS
I am very proud that the following award were made by the Order to members of the Brigade during 1956:CERTIFICATES OF HONOUR
Miss Mavis Stanford, Sergeant, Guernsey Nursing Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Mr. R. Le Mesurier, Cadet Officer, Guernsey Student Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. The following Brigade awards were made during 1956:MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATES
Bailiwick Staff Officer R. J. Herve, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Sgt. A. G. Hanning, Shoreditch Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Private T. Monaghan, Sheffield Central Ambulance Divi ion, We t Riding of Yorkshire. Corporal J. Crook, Liverpool (Invalid) Transport Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. OVERSEAS
Hong Kong: District Supt. (N.) Mrs. M. J. Hogan, Hong Kong Di trict. District Staff Officer Miss A. Unthank, Hong Kong District. District Staff Officer Dr. M. Wyile, Hong Kong District. Area Commissioner H . F. Shields, Mainland Area. Area Supt. Miss Z. el Arculli, Hong Kong (Island) Area. Corps Supt. R. Yuen, Kowloon No.1 Corps. Sgt. Tse Sing, Kowloon Ambulance Divi ion. Cpl. Dudley Cleland, Sih Nan Ambulance Division. LjCpl. Miss Yau Sing Wah, Chung Sing Nursing Divl ion. New Zealand: Pte. G. Batchelor, Timaru Ambulance Division. CADET MERITORIOUS CERTIFICATES
Student Member Graham Wanklyn, Bryn Ambulance Cadet Division Wales. Cadet Terry Smith, Duffryn Ambulance Cadet Division, Wales. Cadet John Davies, Duffryn Ambulance Cadet Division, Wales. Cadet Kenneth Stayley, Eccles Ambulance Cadet Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Cadet Gordon Eley, Gillingham Ambulance Division, Kent. Cadet Michael Billingham, Gillingham Ambulance Cadet Division, Kent. Cadet James Burt, Lytham Ambulance Cadet Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Probationary Student Member Anne Templeman, Putney and Roehampton Nursing Cadet Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. AMERICAN TROPHY FOR GALLANTRY
Cadet James Knight, Eccles Ambulance Cadet Division, Duke of Lancas.~er's District.
39 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 206 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets. SPECIAL SERVICE SHIELDS
179 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 349 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nursing Cadets. JUBILEE CERTIFICATES
The following Divisions have been issued with Jubilee Certificates indicating 50 years continuous existence:Chesterton Ambulance Division, Stafford. BootIe ur ing Divi ion, Duke of Lancaster's District. Camborne Ambulance Division, Cornwall. Willo\\ Walk Ambulance Di"ision, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Leamington Spa Ambulance Division, Warwick. Westgate-on-Sea Nur ing Divi ion, Kent. So\.Verby Bridge Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. So\.Verby Bridge Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Waterloo Ambulance Division Duke of Lancaster's District. Coalville Ambulance Division Leicester. St. he mbulance Divisio n, Cornwall. Whaley Bridge Nursing Division, Cheshire. Leyland Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Park Vale Ambulance Division, Leicester. Leice ter Ci ty Transport Ambulance Division, Leicester. We ton- uper-Mare Ambulance Division, Somerset. Felling Colliery Ambulance Division, Durham. Winlaton Ambulance Division, Durham. Creswell Colliery Ambulance Division, Derby. Blackpool Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Birmingham (Mitchell's & Butler's) Ambulance Division, Birmingham. Victoria Hall Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Dover Town Ambulance Division, Kent. Clifton Ambulance Division, Bristol. Walthamstow Nursing Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Erith and District Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Barnsley Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Settle Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Wellingborough Headquarters Nursing Division, Northampton. CIVIL DEFE CE
ThIS was a year of steady progress in Civil Defence, in which the Brigade co-operated in many ways with the Ministries and Authorities concerned. As a result of the memorandum circulated in December, 1955, by the late Commissioner-in-Chief, liaison with Regional Directors of Civil Defence and their officers at lower levels has been more firmly established and members of the Brigade have played a valuable part in Civil Defence training and exercises. A number of Senior Officers and others with special qualifications have attended courses at the Civil Defence Staff College at SunningdaJe and the applicafons to attend
courses at the Home Office schools at Falfield and Easingwold have exceeded the number of vacancies available. In response to a suggestion by the Home Office that young people over the age of 15 might be u eful to Civil Defence as auxiliaries, especially in evacuation areas, a Civil Defence Syllabus for Cadets has been drawn up and will be i sued early in 1957. ATIO AL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE
The total number of trained Nurses and AuxiIiarie enrolled in the Reserve at the end of 1956 was 43,444, of which the Brigade had recruited 16,738. The Brigade in the countie ha continued to devote an enormou amount of time and energy on its effort to increa e the number of auxiliaries and in administering the Reserve a a whole. URSING Dl ISIO S
The following is an extract from the Report of the Superintendent-inChief:"The particular interest shown thi year by the Royal Family in ollr work has been the greatest encouragement to us all. H.M. The Queen' Inspection in Hyde Park will live long in the memory of each one privileged to be present on that very special occa ion. "The reports received on the work of the Nursing Divi ions how that normal duties have been maintained and the many new demand have been fully met. In the latter part of the year came the call for help in connection with the Hungarian refugees to which all ranks responded magnificently. 'Planes and trains were met at all times of the day and night, and long journeys were undertaken in escorting the refugees, on arrival, to all parts of the country. Very fine work wa carried out by members of the Air Unit who accompanied refugees travelling by air from Vienna to this country. In addition help ha been given in staffing Sick Bays, preparing Hostels, and dealing with welfare problems. Over and above this came the further request for much assistance from the Brigade on similar lines in connection with British Nationals from Egypt. The assistance given by the Nursing personnel ha been beyond all praise. "At the request of the W.V.S., we have been collaborating in their 'One-in-Five' scheme which aims at informing one in five of the women of this nation of the dangers of nuclear warfare. Talk 'C' of the cherne entitled 'How to care for a sick person at home under emergency conditions' has been given in many counties by Brigade members qualified to do so. "This year has brought the resignation of five Di trict/County Superintendents and these have been received with very real sadne s. We owe the deepest debt of gratitude to these officers for the many years of outstanding service they have given to the work of the Brigade. The records of fine and unbroken service of so many of them bear testimony to their devotion to their St. John work. They are:-Mrs. Cooper, Dorset, 19 years' service; Mrs. Gibbons, Northamptonshire, 26 years' service; Miss Moore, Duke of Lancaster's District, 40 years' service; Miss Teasdale, Northumberland, 34 years' service; Elspeth, Lady Teynham, Kent, 4 years' service. "During 1956 a specially heavy burden has fallen upon my District/ County Superintendents and I am indeed grateful to each one of them for their unfailing leadership and their practical work which so often has involved much personal sacrifice. I would also like to make special
mention of those officers who have so ably assisted them at District/ County/Area and Divisional level. "All members of my Headquarters staff have put in a very fine vear's work for which I am most grateful. ~ "I offer my pecial thanks to my Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, for her continued support and for the many responsibilities which she so competently and cheerfully shoulders. Also to Mrs. Romer-Lee who has given so much valuable assistance. Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn should Y think, be warmly congratulated on the remarkable number of 151 ne~ Nursing Officers and on the fine progress made in her department generally. The training cour es to which Miss Duff-Grant has made such a valuable contribution have been greatly appreciated throughout the country and we thank her for her ound and imaginative advice on so many matters. Ml Harrison's great competence, devoted work and cheerfulness at all times ha been one of our greatest a sets during a testing year and I am truly grateful to her. "Th death of our Commi sioner-in-Chief, Sir Otto Lund, followed by that of his Deputy, Brigadier Daly, was a great shock and a real sadness to us all. I would like here to pay tribute to the splendid leadership given by them, not only to us here at Headquarters, but to the whole Brigade. "May I say how happy we have been to welcome you, Sir, as our new Commi ioner-in-Cnief, and tre s our admiration for the truly remarkable manner in which you have shouldered such a heavy burden with such wisdom and understanding." SURGEO T-I -CHIEF'S DEPART ME T
The Brigade i greatly indebted to members of the Medical profession, without whose training and interest the Brigade could not have reached the po ition it ha today. We extend to Major White Knox, the Suroeonin-Chief, our appreciation of the work of our Surgeons as indicated in his report. The following i an extract from the Surgeon-in-Chief's Report:"It ha again been a rno t succe sful year for recruitment. Two hundred an~ for.ty new Surgeons joined the Brigade, which, with eighty-three reSIgnatIOns, transfers to Reserve, and deaths, gives a net increase of one hundred and fifty-seven. "There were thirty-seven Promotions during the year. "Lately I have felt that I was not in close enough touch with Brigade Surgeons over eas, and during the year I wrote to two hundred and three Surgeon.s sending them a copy of the booklet, 'The Brigade Surgeon,' and asking them to contact me at any time. The response has been most g:atifying and some extremely interesting reports have come in from dlfferent parts of the world. I propose to keep this inter-association as active as possible. "The Reports from County Surgeons at home show that training throughout the counties continues satisfactorily, and visits to Training week-ends have shown in many cases great enterprise and drive and the numbers attending have proved the value of these efforts. "Our association with the medical Branches of the three Services has been materially helped in the advancement of our work. "Many visits were made both by my staff and myself to demonstrations at.Keogh Barracks, Storrington, and other places where common interests were fruitfully discussed. "The Demonstrations to overseas students in this country were con-
tinued and I am grateful to my staff and to Superintendent Kirkham and his members for their continuous help in this work. "We have had the usual two Surgeons' Conferences during the year and both were m') t successful. At the Northern Conference in Blackpool, we concentrated oUI discussions mostly on the industrial side of our work and had a most interesting Field Demonstration by the R.A.M .C. 42nd Infantry Division, T.A. At the London Conference we had Sir Heneage Ogilvie to give us the last words on 'Shock' but the vigorous di cus ion that followed showed that the last words have not yet been poken. During the Conference the Brigade Surgeons took the opportunity of presenting me with my portrait painted by Miss Anna Zinkei e.n to record fifty years of active interest in First Aid. I am mo t con ClOUS of the honour and take this opportunity of thanking the Brigade Surgeons for this magnificent gift. "Once again I was invited to give one of the special lectures to Medi al Students at one of the Teaching Hospitals and again found the experieRce both interesting and robust. The first occasion in which the Brigade First Aid final combined both Senior and Junior Sections passed off with great success and it would appear that this experiment has been succes fui. Once again I mu t thank my Deputy, Dr. Scott, for the enthusia tic work which he puts in with the Brigade Secretary and staff to make the e final the vastly interesting spectacle which they are. "The deaths of Sir Otto Lund and Brigadier Daly were deeply felt by me personally and by all Brigade Surgeons for the great intere t which both took in the Surgeon's Department and the tremendous encouragement which their continued presence at our functions gave. "I am increasingly grateful to my staff for their loyal and enthu ia jjc support at all times. My Deputy, Dr. Scott, is ready at all times to help in any sections of the work of the Department. My Assistant Surgeonin-Chief, Dr. Buchanan, is of immense help in the overseas group of Surgeons. My Staff Officer, Mr. Rodway, has given many Courses throughout the country on different subjects. My Chief Staff Office r, Mr. Craft, combines this office with that of Surgeons' Conference Secretary, and the cheerful manner in which he tackles both the e duties prove his boundless enthusiasm for our work." SERVICE HOSPITALS WELFARE DEPARTME T
The Superintendent-in-Chief, as Chairman of this Department, reports: "In the United Kingdom and Overseas Commands, 125 Welfare Officers are now serving, of which 30 are Brigade members posted as follows: United Kingdom 13 Far East 7 B.A.O.R. 6 East Africa I Middle East . 2 West Africa I "In February the late Commissioner-in-Chief visited the Royal Navy and David Bruce Military Hospitals in Malta, while I paid extensive visits to them, as well as to the Royal Air Force Sick Quarters, during my visit in the month of August. Sir Otto also v·isited the Military Hospital in Gibraltar and both he and I brought back excellent reports on the work done by the Welfare Officers. I was also able in February to visit the three Service Hospitals in Hong Kong in company with our Chief Welfare Officer for the Far East, Miss Peggy Downing, who is a Brigade
member. From Hong Kong I flew to Tokyo and there was met by our Senior Welfare Officer, Miss de Courcy, and went with her to Kure to see the Commonwealth Hospital; and then on to Korea where I saw the Commonwealth Medical Units, including the Canadian Field Ambulance. I also visited the American Military Hospital. From these visits I was able to get a picture of what Service Hospitals Welfare commitments would be when the Commonwealth Hospital in Kure closed down. Excellent work is being done by all the Welfare Officers. On the way back to the United Kingdom in April, I was able to visit the Royal Naval Sick Quarters and the Military and Royal Air Force Hospitals in Singapore. "Later in the year I saw the nine Service Hospitals in B.A.O.R. together with many of the smaller Medical Units and the new Joint Headquarters at Munchen Gladbach where the Chief Welfare Officer, Miss Eileen Woolrich, another Brigade member, and her staff, have been given very good accommodation. In the hospitals, too, Service Hospitals Welfare has been gi en particularly good departments and their work is obviously appreciated by the medical authorities. " In the U.K. Command I was able to visit the Cambridge Military Hospital at Aldershot. " Our work in Cyprus began to increase in June when two extra Welfare Officer were sent out for Nicosia and for the new Royal Air Force Ho pital. Later on two more Welfare Officers were sent to a new hospital which opened during the Su ez emergency. Splendid work was done by the Chief Welfare Officer at the Headquarters and all her staff, particularly . with the relatives of the many tragic casualties. "Miss de Mierre who had been Director of Service Hospitals Welfare [or three years and was previously Deputy Director, finished her most succe sful term of office in May. Her place has been taken by Miss Dorothea Aplin who, like Miss de Mierre, is a Brigade member and has held the appoi ntment of Chief Welfare Officer in the Far East, in B.A.O. R . and in the U.K. Miss de Mierre i now working as Staff Officer to the Cont roller of the Overseas Department of the Brigade." CADETS
H.R.H. Prince Margaret inspected 7,500 Officer and Cadets on South ea Common on Saturday, 7th July. Contingents from 23 Countie were present including one from Northern Ireland numbering 117. In the morning Her Royal Highne s opened the new Headquarters of the Brigade, p r onally conducted a Cadet Enrolment Ceremony, and in the afternoon re iewed the Parade and presented the American Trophy for Gallantry and 60 Grand Prior Badges. All present were greatly encouraged by the Address given by Her Royal Highnes at the conclusion of the Parade. The.re was an increase of 20 in the total number of delegates attending the Kmg George VI Leadership Courses, at Rhowruar in Wales, Windermere and St. John House. This year, for the first time, outdoor exercises were included when~ver possible and added responsibilities in the working of the course were gIven to the delegates, as a result of which all delegates were able to contribute to the Course as well as receiving training from the Course. It is highly satisfactory that the Cadet Branch has had the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. During the 'pilot' stage of the scheme participation has been limited to Birmingham)
Devonshire, West Riding of Yorkshire, London and the Priory for Wales. Cadet Leader Ronald King of the Lower Sydenham Ambulance Cadet Division, London, had the considerable distinction of being one of the first two boys in the country to gain the silver award. As mdicated elsewhere in this report the student First Aid Competition have been amalgamated with the Adult Competitions and although no student team reached the Final, in County and Regional Competitions Student Teams made a good showing. The Cadet Art Competition were held in the autumn and the Trophies and Prizes were presented at St. John's Gate on 15th December. These included prizes kindly given by the Youths Friends' Association who also gave a Bursary. St. John Juniors are now allowed to enter these competitions at County level with a promise that any entry of exceptional merit may be forwarded for inclusion in the National Competition. The National Cadet Drama Competition, which is held in alternate years, took place at Toynbee Hall Theatre on Saturday, 24th November, 1956. The winners were a combined team of the Stafford Odeon Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Division. Many St. John Cadet Camps were held throughout the country from the end of July until September. The National Cadet amp site near Bexhill was attended during the summer by 884 Cadet \ ith their Officer . Those attending came from Divisions throughout the country, including many from the North. An N.C.O.s Training Course was held in March at t. John House, and \ as well attended by representatives from 13 countie . OVERSEAS
There has been a continued increase in the strength of the Brigade overseas where there has been a net increase of 79 adult and 16 Cadet divisions. At the Royal Review an overseas contingent took part led by the Countess of Brecknock, Controller of the Overseas Department, which was warmly applauded by the crowds watching the Review. The contingent consisted of 45 representatives of the following countrie :- Australia, Canada, British Guiana, Kenya, Malaya, Malta, Hong Kong, Sierra Leone, Fiji, Singapore, Southern Rhodesia and Uganda. With regard to the work in each country:-
COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA The Brigade in the Commandery has shown continuou progress over the past few years and there are now some 40 Divisions with a membership of 2,300. We regret that after many years of outstanding and devoted service, Sir Ellis Robins has retired. His place as Commissioner of the Rhodesia District will be taken by Colonel Hickman. One of the outstanding functions of the year was the Second Annual Conference held at Fam<?na, Bulawayo, where also a new Headquarters building was opened by HIS Excellency the Governor-General of the Federation. BERMUDA Efforts are being made towards the building of a Headquarters which will fulfil a long felt want, and also for the purchase of a new ambulance. It was encouraging that over £200 was raised by a Flag Day, and a further
£150 through the kindness of Sir Harold Mitchell in opening his gardens for the benefit of the Brigade. The activities of the Brigade have been extended by the opening of a new First Aid Post on one of the principal beache . BRITISH EAST AFRICA Kel1},a T'he Brigade in Kenya was called upon to perform duty at all public function during the vi it of H.R.H. The Princess Margaret, including the Garden Party, the Royal Show, and the Nairobi Children's Gathering, where 600 St. John Cadets were present. It is of great interest that the building of a new Headquarters has been tarted in Nairobi, the foundation stone of which was laid by His Excellency the Go ernor. Mis E. Lamb ha had to relinquish her duties in the Machakos District on marriage and her place ha been taken by Miss Irven, who was previou Iy Super isor of the Malaya Relief Teams. Tanganyika The outstanding event of the year was the visit of H.R.H. The Princess Margaret when, in addition to the carrying out of Fi rst Aid duties, the Brigade \ as honoured by the presentation to H.R.H. of several of its member. Mr. C. W. Le erett has been appointed Commissioner in charge of the Tanganyika Di trict in place of the late Commander Fisher and it was a great encouragement to him and the Brigade that a Flag Day realised the amount of £400. Uganda Following the much regretted death of Dr. Caldwell in 1955, Mr. L. Sharp ha ki ndly agreed to return to office as Acting Commissioner. The Headquarter Officer for Uganda, Mrs. E.Water , who has done such splendid work in difficult circumstances, returned home in June on the termination of contract. She ha been replaced by Mr. E. R. Reeves who, with the a i tance of his wife, a trained nurse, is already making every endeavour to promote the work of the Association and Brigade. Zan::ibar The Brigade in Zanzibar has suffered loss by the death of Assistant Commi ioner R. E. Thorne. In addition to its normal duties the Brigade welcomed the opportunity to carry out duties during the visit of H.R.H. The Princess Margaret. The strength of the Ambulance Divisions has been well maintained but it has not been possible to form any Nursing Division.
BRITISH WEST AFRICA Ghana We have every confidence that, with the coming of Independence to the Gold Coast, the Brigade although not long established, will continue to function and indeed to increase. Mr. P. J. McGill, the Headquarters Officer, who did splendid work in Nigeria is now active in Ghana and he reports growing enthusiasm and interest in St. John work throughout the country. Nigeria It was a memorable event in the life of the Brigade to be able to perform
duty during the visit of Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. Following the departure for Ghana of Mr. McGill, the Headquarters Officer Nigeria is now Mr. R. F. Christie who reports that considerable progress is being made, particularly among the Police and Railways. Sierra Leone No great development has taken place in Sierra Leone during the year but the work among the Police is being well maintained.
BRITISH WEST INDIES An Emergency Scheme has now been drawn up which in the event of any future hurricane disaster will ensure prompt and efficient action. During a cruise to the Caribbean, a party of prominent St. John people were able to visit several of the Islands and see the St. John Headquarters and meet Brigade members. The party consisted of The Earl of Beauchamp (Vice-President of the Brigade in Worcestershire), the Counte s of Beauchamp (Chairman of the St. John Council and President of the Brigade in Worcestershire), Major A. Urquhart (As istant Director of Ceremonies of the Order and Chairman of the St. John Council for Buckinghamshire), Mrs. Urquhart (Area Vice-President of the Brigade for Buckinghamshire), Sir Harry Sinderson Pasha (now A sociation County Director of Sussex) and Lady Sinderson. Such unofficial visits are of the greatest value to the Brigad~ in the over ea territorie. They help our overseas members to realise the link which they have with the Brigade and the Order in all parts of the Commonwealth. Mrs. F. Davie-Smith, the Headquarters Officer, has continued to give most valuable service and her efforts are being reflected in the growing strength and expansion of activities. Bahamas The strength of the Ambulance Divisions is being maintained. Barbados It is a matter of satisfaction that there has been an increa e in mem bership of both Ambulanc~ and ~ursing Divisions; that the Ambulance given by the Order and dedIcated m August has already proved of immen e value. Colonel C. G. S. McAlester has been appointed Deputy Commi ioner and Brigadier P. J. T. Pickthall has now resumed the Chairmanship of the St. John Council. British Guiana It is very good to know that considerable progress has been made. Several new Divisions have been formed and there has been an increase in membership. The Brigade was honoured when H.E. The Governor pres~nted the trophies at the Annual Competitions and when Lady Remson presented Colours to the Brigade at a ceremony when over 500 members were present. Mr. C. Graham, the Cadet Superintendent from the United Kingdom who was chosen to receive the King George VI Bursary, spent most of the year in British Guiana and during his stay was able to organise and train a great many young people from whom it is hoped Cadet Divisions will be formed.
British Honduras . . The Brigade in British Honduras has suffered the. loss 0\ ItS. CommISsioner, Mr. L. Outram, on his transfer to the Colomal S~rvlce m Kenya, but the A/Superintendent of Police, Mr. W .. M. A. Pnce,. has become Acting Commis ioner for the Brigade pendmg the appomtment of a Commi sioner. Grenada A St. John and Red Cross Committee has been estabUshed to meet the conditions resulti ng from the hurricane "Janet" and to prepare plans for any future emergency. An unusual feature of our work is the 'adoption' of the Leper Settlement at which splendid work is being done by our membe.rs .. A tation wagon has been presented by the Order and .It IS ~oped ~he posse ion of thi will help to overcome the transport d1fficuities wh1ch have been one of the factors hindering expansion. Jamaica Progress is bei ng made in all four. I?i~tricts in the Island and there has been an increa e in the number of DIVISIons and personnel. In the North East Di trict, progress has been made towards the building of a Headquarters on land generously gi en by Sir H~rold Mitchell who has also mo t kindly gi en the in truments and uruform for the newly-formed Cadet Band. In the North West District the death of Colonel Quayle, the Deputy Commis ioner, was a great loss, but Mr. L. R. Reed has agreed to accept thi appointment. Leeward Islands
The fir t Di trict Church Parade was held which H.E. Sir Kenneth Blackburne and Lady Blackburne attended. His Excellency took the Salute at the March Pa t after the Service. Trinidad and Tobago Following her vi it, Mrs. Davie-Smith, the Headquarters Officer, reported that the development of the Brigade during the last few years had been rno t triking, that there is no lack of recruits and the standard of efficiency is high. During her visit the "Frances Davie-Smith" Ambulance Station was opened by H .E. The Acting Governor.
CEYLON The Superintendent-in-Chief visited Ceylon in April. . During her visit, Lady Mountbatten presided at the Annual General Meetmg and Inspected . a parade of the Brigade. There has been a considerable increase in the strength of the Bngade during the pa t year and expansion is taking plac~ in. the most rural areas. The Commissioner, Colonel Jayawardana, m h1s report, states that 1956 has been a record year, the total strength now being some 6,900 adults and 236 cadets. On the 13th October, 1956, H.E. The Governor-General, Sir Oliver Goonetilleke inspected the Police Corps of the Brigade and after the Parade, presented awards. ., . It was with much regret that the Bngade In Ceylon saId farewell to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Turner who had served the Brigade so well for many years-Mr. Turner as District Superintendent (A) and Mrs. Turner as District Treasurer of the Nursing Divisions.
The resignation of Dr. R. E. Anderson was a great loss to the Brigade as he had given much valuable service. His place has been taken by Dr. Chang Hoey Chan. Miss 1. Checkley, the Headquarters Officer, has been re-appointed for a further period of Service. Splendid progress continues to be made and the total number of Divisions is now almost double the 1953 figures.
~~e~e has, .of .cou~se, been great difficulty in keeping any Brigade
actIv~tIes functlOnmg m Cyprus but we are g~ad .to say that the efficiency and mterest of the members has been mamtamed as far as possible. ~ome. suc~ess has already been achieved in reviving the Nursing Divisions m. ~Ico.sIa. .The Headquarter Organi ing Officer, Miss DonavourHickie, ~s dOIng ~~l~ndid .work and has succeeded nor only in keeping ~ome Bn~ade actIVItIes .gOJ?g but has succeeded in spite of all difficultie III extendlllg the orgarnsatlOn of Association Classes. The Divisions of the. Cyprus Police and the Cyprus Mines Corporation are being well mamtamed. Following the retiremem o.f J?r. Sl~ight, Brigadier Pickthall kindl y undertoo~ t~e charge of the DIstnct untIL the appointment of Mr. Taylo r as Comrr:usslOner. Other c?~nge of senior officers have taken place by the apP,?llltment .of Mr. WIlliams as Deputy Commissioner Mr. Vengli as DIstnct ~upenntenden~ (A), and Mrs. Clifford as Dj trict Superint ndent (N) VIce Mrs. Robms who gave such splendid ervicc until I' er retirement on leaving the Island.
MALTA G.c. The last overseas tour of the late Commissioner-in-Chief was to Malta and Gibraltar and he was greatly encouraged by the continued growth and efficiency of the Brigade. The Superintendent-in-Chief was also able to visit Malta in August and during her visit inspected a parade of Cadets and presented a Grand Prior s Cadet Badge to a Nursing Cadet-the first of the e Badges to be gained in Malta. A contingent of 22, under the command of Colonel Abela, the Commissioner, came to London for the Royal Review and were the largest overseas conti ngent em parade. Mrs. K. Gutia, District Superintendent (N) has retired after many years of valuable and devoted service.
FIJI An impressive ceremony was held on Cadet Day \\- hen Mr. W. . Donovan, .who has been appointed as Commi sioner in succes ion to Dr. J. lvi. CrUJcks~ank enroll.e? 30 Cadet. It i e pected that a tart will so~n be .made m the prOVISlOn of a long awaited Headquarters Building whIch WIll be a great asset to our work.
MAURITIUS The Brigade is continuing its activity and there ha been an increase in member hip. The" isit of H. R. H. The Prinoess Margaret was the outstanding e ent of the year.
GIBRALTAR <?n his return from his visit to Gibraltar, the late Commi Esioner-i n.C hief.spoke ?f the marked interest in the Ambulance Division and of the I ntentI~n to lllcrease the Nursing Divisions and to form Cadet Di"i ions. The Bngade, ~n~ortunately, lost the services, through retirement, of Mr . Cararra as DIstnct Superintendent (N) but her place ha been taken b Mrs. Ellicott.
Sf GAPORE The trength of the Brigade has increased by the formation of new Divi ion and a scheme for the re-organistaion of the District into Areas i being introduced . The services of the Brigade are greatly in demand and much a sistance ha been given by Nursing personnel in the various Welfare Centre and Clinic£. The Brigade was very happy to have a visit from the Superintendent-in-Chief who was able to visit the Headquarters and meet the senior member of the Ambulance and Nursing Divisions.
HONG KONG A c?~dial welco~e was extende~ to the Su~erjntendent-in-Chief duriug her VISIt. ~plendid work was gIVen by Bngade members during the Kowloon RlOts and we are glad that the Order was able to recognise thi w?rk. by the aw~:d of ~ Vot~ of Than~s <?n Vellum to the Hong Kong DIs.tn~t.. In addItIon, nme Bngade Mentonous Certificates were awarded to mdividual. members. The Penetration Squads continue to give most excellent serVIce. Th~ bravery o~ a member of the Brigade- Corporal K wok Chi- in resc~mg ~ drownmg man at sea has been recognised by the award of the TestImolllal on Vellum of the Royal Humane Society. The work of the Brigade will be further helped by the gift of a ne w ambulance by Mrs. Aw Boon Haw.
MALAYA It was an out~tanding .event in the life of the Brigade when H. R. H The Duke of Edlllburgh mspected the Brigade in Penang and witnessed demonstrations in First Aid.
During the early part of the year the Brigade suffered the loss by resignation from the active list of Dr. Johnson, the Commissioner for Shropshire, and Dr. Gardiner-Hill, the Commissioner for Oxfordshire. A welcome was extended to the following new Commissioners who were appointed in thei r places :- Colonel West (Shropshire) and Dr. Briggs (Oxfordshire). In addition, the Hon. Denis Berry was appointed Commissioner for Northumberland. CONCLUSION
I should again like to pay tribute to the tremendous achievements of Sir Otto Lund during his six years as Commissioner-in-Chief, and to the way in which Brigadier Daly, himself by no means physically fit , so readily stepped into the breach on General Lund's death and devoted all his energies to the welfare of the Brigade during the few months left to him to live. When I myself took over during the closing weeks of 1956 my work was at once made ~.ac;;ier by the loyal and spontaneous support of all at
Pages 22
Headquarters, and indeed throughout the country, the Colonies and the Commo~weal~h ..The Countess Mountbatten of Burma who, as Superinte~~e?-t-m-Chief, IS always a t~wer of strength to the Nursing Corps and DIVIsIOns, was ever-ready to give support, advice and encouragement in the much wider problems that inevitably faced a new Commissioner-inChief. For this I am deeply grateful and I would like to endorse the tributes she has paid in her own report to her Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor her Assistant, Mrs. Romer-Lee, and all others of her staff, to all of whom I am grateful for the support and help they gave me. I congratulate the Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief, Brigadier Ritchie, on the continued success and the increasing strength of the Cadet movement which has been so largely due to his own efforts handicapped as he so often is by physical disability and pain. At the end of 1956 we were suddenly faced with the problem of refugee , first from Hungary and then from Egypt. Lady Braithwaite, in addition ~o her other wo~k at Headquarters, at once took on much testing and Important. work m co-operatio.n with the British Red Cro Society for the receptIOn and accommodatIOn of Hungarians. At the arne time the Countess of Brecknock, although already fully occupied in the work of the Overseas Department, did invaluable work in the organi~ation of hostels for those corning from Egypt. My thanks are due also to Mis de Mierre for ~er tireles~ and ?ften difficult work on problem of reception and travel In connectIOn WIth the Red Cross, and to Mr. Nunn for his untiring work in arranging air escorts and other similar dutie . ] nvaluable, however, as the work of these Headquarter Officers ha been it is on the counti.es themselves and on the individual workers at por't , airfield, receptIOn centres and hostels that so much of the burden has fallen. I am deeply conscious of the long hours which they so willingly ga e up to thi work. Their response was magnificent. To Lady Braithwaite we are also indebted for her invaluable work a ' Chairman of the Ap~eals Committee. Her great efforts and outstanding ?uccess have be~n O.f Immense value to aU counties in England as well as m overseas terntones and are, I know, deeply appreciated by all who have benefited so much from the way in which she has enabled them to meet their current expenses. I woul~ also like to express my thanks to the Brigade Secretary, Mr. G .. F. QUIlter, and to my own Secretary, Miss Law, and to all the staff at Bngade Headquarters not only for their fine work during the year but more parti?ularly for the great support they one and all gave to me personally In all the problems with which I was confronted. Finally, I would like to extend to all officers and members ambulance and nur~ing? adult a?d cadet, my appreciation of the high standard that they mamtall:ed dunng 1956 and which would, I know, have been given to them by Sir Otto Lund had he lived to writ.e this report himself (Signed) J. M. KIRKMAN, Major-General, Commissioner-in-Chief~
to 66 amended to 30th August, 1957·
BEDFORDSHIRE County Office: 6, Lansdowne Road, Luton Count-v President: The Lady Zia WERNHER, C.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: Th Rt. Hon. The Lord LUKE, M.A., D.L., J.p. The Hon . ParI Lawson Johnston, O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance and Nursing) .
Cum missioner Deputy ommlSSlOner County Superintendent (A) county Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer (ounly Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Co unt y- taff Officer Cou nty Srcrptar\'
R. OAKLEY, 6, Lansdowne Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 1882). Vacant. R. McEvoy, 64, Shakespeare Road, Luton. Miss H. 1. BROWN, I, Stanton Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 37 20 ). Miss D. SEDDON, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton. E. WHITE, 3, Sherwood Road, Luton. Miss H. GRIMMER, 3, Station Road, Ampthill, Beds . E. LUCAS, 20, Clapham R oad, BedfoLd. N. H. JO NES, I6b, St. Cuthbert's Street, Bedford . Miss T. E. WHlTBREAD. 20, Hardwick Road, Bedford . I r. BANKS, 26, Bishopscote Road, Luton. Northern Area
Cou nty Surgeon AH'a
nl ( A )
Area Cadet Officer (A) , r a st 111 ()fftcer
II. W. ROUND, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Grange, Turvey, Beds. (Tel. Turvey 206). \Y. j. POULTER, c / o 4 Faldo Road, Bedford. D. :'Ill LCOCK, 8, Ferrars Avenue, Eynesbury, St. Neots. 1\1r5 R. L. FIELD, I2, George Street, Bedford. E . A . :\IILLWARD, e\\"ton-BI05somvill e , Bedford. Southern Area
Area Superintendent (A) County Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Arl'a Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Vacant. Dr. J. Kelsall THOMAS, "The Briars" , Totternboe, DlInstable (Tel. Dunstable IO). Vacant. Mrs. M. BALL, 54, Weatherby Road, Luton. Miss D. ARCHER, 34, Langley Street, Luton. :'I'lis D . WOODHEAD, 3<t, Langley Street, Luton .
BERKSHIRE County Office: St. John House, I01 , London Road, Reading . Tel. Reading 54 6 7 1 County President: The Lady FREYBERG, G.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: Lady LORAINE (Nursing) Colonel G. Field, O.B.E., T.D., (Cadet Ambulance) Lady JOUBERT DE LA FERTE (Cadet Nursing)
Com missioner Dep uty Comm issioner County Superintendent (A) Co unty Superintendent (N) A<;st. Cly. Superintend ent County Surgeon Co unty Nursing Officer. County Cadet Officer (A)
C. A. POOLE, M.A., "St. Adele," Old Bath Road , Sonning. (Tel. Sonning 2I93). Vacanl Vv. G. THOMAS, 69, Edgehill treet, Reading. The Hon. Mrs. Leslie GAMAGE, Foxhill, Earley, Berks. (Tel. Reading 6I400). Lad y Joubert de la FERTE, 6, Orchard 'Wood, Windsor Road. Ascot . D . J. TURNBULL, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Spring Lodge," Castle Hill , Maidenhead, B erks. Miss D: E. BRACE, S.R.N ., Battle Hospital, Oxford Road" R eading . L. E. HEDLEY, I6, College Glen, Maidenhead.
County Cadet Officer (N) Counly Staff Officers
Co unty Secretary
Mrs. D. Ro E, 47. Chilton Crescent, Earl y. H. F. SKIDMORE, 324, Tilehurst Road. R eading . Mrs. THO~fAS, 69. Edgehill Street. Reading . L. J. BARTON. 65, St. Peter' s R oad. Earley. Mrs. BARTON. 65. St. Peter's R oad. Earley. P. R. HILLS, 34, Wootton Road , Abingdon. (Cadets) G. L. ROSE, 47, Chiltcrn Crescent. Earley. ('tores) Miss D. K. GIBBINS. 33. outh View venue, Caversh am
Tel. Birmingham Central 6660
COlllLty Prestdent: Ald erman] . C. BUR~1 \N . J 1'. County rice-Presidents: Alderman W . T . BOWEN (Amblilance). Mrs. W. A. CADBURY (Nursing). J. P. Eames, O.B.E ., (Cadet Ambulance) Mrs. P. CADBURY (Cade t Nlirsing). Commissioner Brigadier M. L. HAYNE, C.B.E., Oak Beam, Church Lane, Gaydon, Warwickshire. (Tel. Kineton 428). Deputy Commissioner Brigadier N. L. CARISS, O.B.E., T.D., 56, St. Agnes R oad. Moseley, Birmingham, 13. County Superintendent (1\.) W. R. LLOYD, 66, Bleakhill Road , Birmingham 23 . County Superintendent (N) ico l, 28, W estfield Hoad. J:.dgbast.on, Birmingl\Irs. D. C. ham. IS. (Tel. Edgbaston o:! 6). County Surgeon \V. H. 'H1LVOC K, M.B ., CH.B., B.S, 86, Fitzroy Ave., Harborne. Birmingham, 17. County Nursing Officer Mrs. C. E. GREEN, S.R.N, 23, Hunton Hill, Erdington. Birmingham, 3. County Cadet Officer (A) A. E. GREEN, 23. Hunton Hill, Erdington, Birmmgham. 3. County Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. D. OWE.t"l, 16. Cranmore Avenue, LIands \\'orth. Birmingham. County Staff Officers A. C. FORD,S, Woodleigh Avenue. lIarborne. Birmingham. 17. (Stores) J. E. MATTHEWS. 304, Bordesley Green East, Birmingham . 9. .i\1iss E. 1. ROGE.R S, 72, Balsall H eath Road, Edgbaston. Birmin gham. 5. F. GRIFFITHS. Midland Bank, ewhall t.reet. Birmingham, 3. (Treasurer) M . C. LEGGETT. 48. Parkdale Road, Birmi ngha m 26 . (Special Duties) Mrs. Fraser BROWN, 273, Yardley \Vood Road. Iosele\'. Birmingham. Mrs. J. MILLER, 445. Bromford Lane, Ward End, Birmingham, 8. (Administrative) W. R. BECKWITH. 445. Bromford Lane. \Vard End. Birm ingham, 8. K. FLOWERS. 53. Frampton Way , Pheasey Estate. Great Barr , Birmingham. 22a. County Sergeant Major R. C. N. Day. 297, Gristhorpe Road. Birmingham. 29. Mrs. F. E. HAMMOND. 7. Ravenshaw Road, Edgbaston , 17· County Secretary (Tel. Bearwood 2802).
County Surgeon
County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Offi ce r (N) ( olln ty Starr Officer
( o.tn t\· S('rgcant-Major
County Vice-Presid ents: Mrs. H. L. BURGESS. R. L. CHEVERTO:--l. Esg., M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P. Rev. R. F. CARTWRIGHT. M.A.
Tel. Aylesbury 3 886 .
County Presidents : The LADY CHATFI ELD (Nil,. iI/g). lajor P . G. DARVIL-SMITH. C.B.E. (CaneIS). County Vice-Presidents: Brigadier J. N. CHENEY. O.B.E. (Ambulance). The Viscountess l(emsley, C.B.E. (Nllrsing Cadets).
Commissio ner Deputy Commis:5ioner County Superintendent (A) COl1 '1ty Superintendent (N)
County Nursing Officer P .C .
Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex LEWIS, D.C. M., T.D., Harl ey House, Clift.on Down, Bristol, 8. Tel. 33 808 . G. J. CREECH, IILR.S.H., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol,S· Vacant. :\liss :'1.1. E. E. SARAH, M.B.E .• IS, ~lorley Square, Bishopston., Bristol, 7. (Tel. Bristol 433 21 ). D •. J. A. Lanson ROBERTS, 75, High St.reet, Kingswood. Bristol . .:\,Iiss B. II. C. SAM;\lO~S, S.R. " II, Blenheim Road, Redland . Bristol, 6. Dr. H . H. BUTCHER, 20, ElmgroveRood, Cotham, Bristol. 6. Mrs. E. F. PULLIN, B.E.M., 138, 10nk Park Avenue, Horfield. Brist.ol, 7. ~l. I' ox. 10 . R ed lan(l Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. (Press Relations) J. F. MTTH, ". t. Keyna". Knightcott Road, Abbotts Leigh, Bristol, 8. W. G. CARTER, 16. Fairlawn Avenue, Filton, Bristol. A . R IlARDI. G. "Hillside", Larkleave Road, Longwell Grf'en. r. Bristol. C. GRIBBLE, B.E.M., 7, Stanley Road, Redland, Bristol, 6. E. J. FOLEY, 2. Highfield Grove, Horfield, Bristol 7· (N. H. S R.) H . R . II . PAGE, 45. Kingsway Ave., Kingswood ..Bristol. Mrs. M. C. CREECH. 30 Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bnstol, 5· Miss L . G. GORl\[A~, 12, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bristol, 3. (Cadets). D : .\ .• ORTON. 23, B almoral R oad, St. Andrews , Bri tol, 6 . (Training). C. Vr"lCE. 'T, I, Dryleaze, Chandos Road, Somerdale, Nt'. Bri. tol.
County 0fftce: 7c). Buckingham StrC'et , Aylesbury, Bucks .
Tel. 2243J-2.
County President: His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT. K.G .. G. C. V.0 . •
Asst. County Superintendent (N) Cou nty Surgeon (Executive) . Cou nty Surgeon
BRISTOL County Offir;e: Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol
Ao;sistant Commissioner (County Secretary) County Superintendent (A) Cou nty Superintendent (N)
County Nursing Officer
BIRMINGHAM County Office: Nf'J:son Memorial Hall. 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3 .
Com missioner
County Cadet Officer (A) Asst. County Cadet Officer (A) . Asst. County Cadet Officer (N) .
Brigadier G. A. FE~TON , O.B.E., Moor Lane Cottage, Sarratt. r. Rickmansworth. (Tel. King's Langley 2194). Vacant. E. A. ALLIOTT, "Rostherne", Hervines Road, Amersham. Bucks. (Tel. Amersham 222). Mrs. M. BOOTHMAN, "Lynton Cbase," Datchet, Bucks . (Tel. Datchet 302). Miss N . M. SALE, The Croft, Walton Road, Aylesbury. R. H. KIPPING, M.B., CH.B., Leigh House, Beaconsfield . Dr. G. W. H. TOWNSEND, County M.O.H., County Offices, Ayl esbury . Mrs. W. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., Bridge House, Baring Road. Beaconsfield, Bucks. K. A. NATHAN, "Torwood", Clifton Road, Chesham Bois. Am ersham, Bucks . D. ORLIK, Stratton Cottage, Stratton Rd., Beaconsfield. Miss M. E. \iVHITE, "Cleveland," Claremont Gardens, Mar-low.
County Staff Officers
County Secretary Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Surgeon
Area ( T U rsi ng Officer Area Staff Officer
Area uperintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area taff Officer
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) County Transport Officer r\rea Staff Officer
C. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, Nr. High Wycombe. J. O. BOLDERO, The Manager, Lloyds Bank. Aylesburv, Bucks. (Treasurer). Miss G. M. IVES, 9. Ogilvie Road, High Wycombe, Bucks (Training) . L. E. p[KE, 17, The Broad\\ay , Amersham, Buck (Publicity) A. KINGSBURY, Henshaw, Bierton, Aylesbury. (PublicityAdvisory). R. F. POPE, "Balnacraig", Burgess \Vood Road, Beacoll sfield. Mrs. A. M. HOOD, 148, Wellington Street, Slough. Mrs. E. HANDCOCK, "Winford ", UpP ' r I kn cild \\' a' , Princes Risborough . R. J. GOVES, 176 Desborough Ave nu e , Higb Wycombe. Mrs. Z. BOTSFORD. 79, Buckingham St . , Aylesbury, Buck, Northern Area Capt . F. W. WORKER, 56, Windsor Street, Wolverton, Bucks Miss E . M. SAVORY, "Emberton House", Olney, Bucks S. J. COMPTON, 22a, Silver Street, Newport Pagnell , Bucks. Miss J. ROSE, Mission Hall, Newport Pagnell, Bucks W. M. M. DOUGLASS , M.A., M.B., B.CR., Wolverton St. Mary, Stony Stratford. Vacant. R. G. ALDERSON, 12, Bedford Street, \Volverton . (Area ad ct Training). North Midland Area Vacant. Vacant. Hilda DAVIS, 1.0 . , CH.B., O.P.H . , Plo ugh Cottage. Cad dean, Princes Risborough, Bucks . Vacant. C. F. A. LA l\1BOURNE, The Anc hor Inn, \Vin g rove , r. A \ It- _ bury. South Midland Area Vacant. Miss B. M. WHITE, "Hillview", L o ud\\ at-er , IIigh \Vycombf>. Vacant. J. D. W. RANKIN, S.R .N., 7, Lucas R oad, High \\'y com bl' W. J. LUNNON, 29, Cressex Road, High Wycombe, Buck . Vacant. T. SHORT, II, Hill View Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. T· RICHARDSON , "St . Davids", Station Rise, Marlow, Bucks Mrs. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, nr. High Wycombe . F. R. REEDER, "Glamis," Kings mead Road, High Wycombe Mrs. J. MACNAB, IS Topland Road, Chalfont St. P et er. (Cadets) F. G. BIGNELL, 24, Carrington Road, Southcourt, Aylesb ur j' Miss M . STERRETT, 27 , Clarendon Road , Pinions, High 'vV\" combe. r. T. GOMM, "St. Goran" , Green Lan e, Chesham Bois . Southern Area Vacant. Mrs. E. R. WEAVER-ADAMS, "Sutton Cottage", Stoke Park , Nr. Slough, Bucks . Lt.-Col. L. D. M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH .B., 33, Sussex Place, Slough, Bucks . Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. J. D. PALMER, "Brentwood", 70, Carrington Crescent Wendover, Bucks . L. STEPHENS, 3, Mundesley Spur, Slough, Bucks .
CAMBRIDGE County Office: 35, S t . Mary ' s Street, Ely .
Tel. Ely 26 7 8 .
County Presidents: The LORD FAIRHAVEN, D.L., J.P. Mrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK.
County Vice-Presidents: l\Iajor G . M. MACFARLANE-GRIEVE. Com missi oner Dtp uty Commi ssioner and Act. Co unty Surgeon . Cfmnt}' Su pe rintende nt (/\ ) Cou nty Superintendent (N) County Tur ing Officer . Cou nty
ail Officers
Area Cadet Officer Area Cadet Officer
K . S . MAURICE-SMITH, M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P . , "Etbeldreda House", Ely. (Tel. Ely 2678). C. \V. WALKER, M.B., M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road, Ca mbridge . G . 'WALKER, PH.D ., M.SC ., "Kersell" , Sedley Taylor Road, ambridge. Vacant. :'.1rs. E . Ellis LEWIS, S.R.N. , S.C.M., R.F.N., 19, Brookside, Cambridge. j\Iiss 1\1. C . D. KENNETT, S.R.N., C.M .B., Long Stanton R ectory, Ca mbridge. Lt. -Colo nel G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., 49, Silver Street, Ely. (Treasurer) . S. P . DICKER, II, Belgrave Road, Cambridge. (Training). A. H. GRIMSHAW, 152, Elm Road, March, Cambs . C . IIAYLETT, 225, Mill Road, Cambridge. Ely Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Arf"a S urgeon Arpa Nursing Officer Staff Ollic r
• [('1.
Va cant . Vacant . F. G. A. BECKETT, M . A . , :\f.B ., CH.B., 14 Egremont Street, Ely, ambs. Vacant . Mrs . II . GRAIN, "Belmont" , 43, Prickwillow Road, El y . Cambridge Area
Area Commissioner A '€a u peri n l encl en t (A) Area Su perinte nd ent (N) t ea Staff Officers
Vacant . Vacant. Vacant . C. A . SARGEANT, (Training), "Chesterfield", Cold hams Lane, Cherryhinton. Miss D . -LINTON, 68, Cavendish Drive, Cambridge. (Secretary) Mrs. E . J. PIGOTT, 76, Akeman Street, Cambridge . (Transport). R . T . WOOMBWELL, 7 , Park Parade , Cambridge.
CHESHIRE County Office: County H .Q . , Tabley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. Tel. Knutsford 346.
County Vice-Presidents:
A . K. FERNS (Ambulance). A. C. BENTLEY (Cade t Ambulance). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon
Capt. Percy REAY, O.B .E., M.C ., J.P . , "0 a kdene", Prestbury, Cheshire. Tel. Prestbury 8353· W. Cecil ROBINSON, "Woodeaves," Dale Brow, Prestbury, Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 8357). N. S. MUMBY, "Glelldyne", Prenton Lane, Prenton, Birken· head. (Tel. Mountwood 1372). Vacant. K. D . BEAN, M.B., CH.B ., D.P.H., Lowbarrow, Mottram Road, Alderley Edge, Cheshire.
County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officer County Secretary
Miss A. MCCULLY. S.R.N.. District Memorial Hospital . Crewe. H. N. BECKETT. 2B. Stalbridge Road. Crewe . Mrs. A. LAWRENCE, 13, Albert Road, Cheadle Hulme. J. HARNEY, 53, Woodyear Road, Bromborough, Wirrall (Cadets). Mr . E. SI GLETO', County H .Q., Knutsford. Eastern Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( )
H. B. BINGHAM, 56, Greg Street, South Reddish, Stockport Mrs. J. J. BOMFORD, 37, Beechfield Road, Davenport, Stockport. J. MACFIE, M.B ., CH.B., Sunninghill, Townsc1iffe Lane, Marple Bridge. Mrs. R. ALLAN, S.R.N., High tacks . Poynton. Vacant. Vacant. Central Area
Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Staff Officer
Vacant. Miss M. E. DEAN, I, Derbyshire Road, Sale. heshire . H. C. \V. BAKER. l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 16. Wlende. Rock Ferry C. JAMES, 24, Emmett Street, Barnton. Northwich. (Training) Western Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
E: Allen SMITH, 5, Claremont Road . \Valla~ey, heshirc . MIss W. A. L .\MB, 2B, Highgreen Rd ., Birkcnhead, Cheshire H. L. GARSON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Woodland" New Chester Road, Bromborough, Wirral. Cheshire.
Eastern Area
Assistant Commissioner ..... rea Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Cou nty Cadet Officers (A) for Area County Cadet Officer (N) for Area County Staff Officers Area Staff Officer
W. G . Moo EY, J.P ., Broomhill, Tavistock Rd . . Launceston . M. C. COOPER, M.C., M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., Hollybank, The Downs. Lc.oe. ~1iss . K . DEAN, S.R.N., Wadham House, Lisk 'ard . J. J. PEARCE, "Seldon", Bosven Road, Newquay. H. C. PENDER, 15, Westheath Villas, Bodmin. Miss K. GOVIER, 12, High Street, Launceston. C. S. MOYSE. Fore Street. Camelford . Miss L. C. WERREN, Cyprus House, Launceston . F . A. CUTLER, "Gresham", 100, Mount \Vise, Newquay.
Western Area
Assista nt Commls ia ner Assistant Commls ioner Area uring Officer Coun ty Cadet Officers (A) for Area Co unty Cadet Officer (N) for Area lo unty Staff Officers
\Y. L . STEWART, M.B ., CH.B., Tremethick, Grampound. T. C. TRESlDDER, Dartington, Radannack, Truro (Transport). Mrs. E. TREWREN, S.R.N., Godreavy Headland, Carbis Bay, J . G . BARRETT, Silver Bow, Mount Ambrose, Redruth. W. T . ALLEN, B, Robert Kitchins Road, Falmouth. ;\lrs B . McKENZIE, 7, Clinton Road, Redruth.
J. J. J.\CKMAN, Hazlemere. Albany R oad. Falmouth. :-'Iiss F. W. PAUL, 4, Park Road, Redruth. :\lrs. 11. RODGER, \Voodside, Western Terrace. Falmouth. C. C. PELLOWE, 3, Tolgus-Wartha, Redruth.
\rn :taIT Officers
CORNWALL County Off tee: lB. Dean Street. Liskeard. Tel. Liskeard
County Presidents: Colonel Sir Edward H. \V. BOLITHO, K.B.E . • C.B .• D.S.O .. Lord-Lieutenant of Corm\'all Nancy, LADY VIVIAN , O.B. E.
County Vice-Presidents: C. E. H. LLOYD, ESQ., and H.R.H . Prince CHULA of THAILAND, (,.C.v.O. (Ambula/1Ct' ). Mrs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, C.A., Mrs. C. H . ASHER and Lady Mary PAWLE ( urstng). A. V. BAKER, ESQ. (Cadet A ·m bulance). Mrs. Y. THOMAS (Cadet Nursin g).
"Park View," Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carlisle, Cumberland.
CommissIOner Deputy Commissioner Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County County County County County
Surgeon . Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
County Secretd-.n"
Rear-Admiral Sir Rowland JERRAM, K.B.E., D.S.O ., Golden Hill, Hannafore, West Looe. (Tel. Looe 133). Rear Admiral L. A. BOUTWOOD, C.B .• O.B .E., Golden ap. Tideford. Saltash. Princess Chula CHAKRABONGSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. (Tel. St. Mabyn 32). Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, Gwel Marten, Probus, near Truro. Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. A. B. VENNING, Grasmere, Dunheved Road. Launceston . (Publicity) . Mrs C. H . ASHER, Ellenglaze Manor, Cubert, Newqua y. (N.H.S.R.) P. PEARCE. Barc1ays Bank, Redruth . (Treasurer). A. T. MOSSMAN, 9, Killerton Road, Bude. E. S. SEYMOUR, 60, Trefusis Road, Redruth. W. H. MAYCOCK, Lyndale. Tresillian, Truro (Civil Defence). F. POLKINGHORNE, "Hyland", Hcallton Terrace Redruth (Competitions). ' Miss ~ . MORCOM. 18. Dean Street, Liskeard.
County Presidents: Slr R ube rt CHANCE, L ord Lieutenant of Cumberland. County Vice-Presidents:
Mrs. M. L. BARRACLOUGH (Nursing) Cumberland The Countess of LONSDALE (NurSing) \Vestmorland . Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . County Nursing Officer. County Cadet Officer (A) Co unty Cadet Officer (N) Co unty Staff Officers
County Sergeant Major County Secretary .
Capt. J. L. JOHNS. R.N. (Retd.). Lockville, Main Street, Sedbergh, Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 67). Vacc.1.nt. T. J . BEVERLY, lB. Woodsgh y ll Drive. Harraby. Carlisle. Mrs. M. A. c., AINSCOW, M.B., CH.B., The Howe, Troutbeck, Windermere. (Tel. Windermere 22B7). Mrs. V. E. RAVEN, Stancroft, Carlisle. N . L. BIRKETT, M.A., M.B.. B.CH .• 3 Thorny Hills, Kendal. Miss G. LAYCOCK, S.R .N., Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle. J. W. LOWTHIAN, IB, Grace Street, Carlisle. Miss D. TROTTER, The Gowans, Sedbergh. C. H. STEPHENSON, 25. Nook Street, Workington. J . STILLING. 34, R omney Road, Kendal. Mrs. NEWMA . 51. Holmriggs Avenue . Penrith. J. H. SMITH, 89, Dunmail Drive, Carlisle. (Press Relations) A. HUSBAND, I . Fairfield Gardens. Wigton Road. Carlisle. D . GRAHAM, "Park View," Carde\\'. Dalston, Nr. Carlisle.
DERBYSHIRE County Office: The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlo\\, Nr. Sheffield. (T 1.: liolmesfi Id J62) County President: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE COU1t ty V ice-Presiden ts: VISCOUNT SCARSDALE
Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons
County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Welfare Officer County StafI Officers
County Secretary
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Colonel F. Arnot BEAR. , C.B.E., D ~.O., M.C., ;\1.0., "Brooklands", Temple Hoad, Buxton . (Tel. 587). 1iss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, lickleoyer, Derby. (Tel De rby 53 12 4)' J . 8. McKAY, M.B., CII.B., Brereton H ouse, Bolsover, ear hesterfield. Mrs. Clara STEWART, LB., CH. B ., B.A.O , 3, Hardw ic k Mou nt, Buxton. Yliss Q. V. GRAHAM, Ripl·y Ho IJltal, ~lac.k Lane, Riple . C. 1. MARGERRISON, The Cottage, Wilday Green. Barlow, r. Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362). Mrs. G. E. H. WEATHERBY, 28, Kingston Street, Derby F. 1. SurMwELL, "The Laur Is", 53, Station R o, Ii, Brimington. Nr. Chesterfield. W. F. RIGLEY, "Mingoyo", Cossall. Ilkesion . (Training). R. RINGHAM. J.P.. Markham House. Duckmanton. r. Chesterfield. C. 1. MARGERRISO ,The ottage, \\'iJday Gr('en. Barlo\\' . .. 'r. Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfi Id 362) . Northern Area J. ATKINSON, M.B.E., White-KnO\\ Ie Cottage. Chinle)" • 'r. Stockport. C. V. DUNDAS, 12. Park Av enue, Poynton, Cheshirt, . Miss N . START, 56, Brc;>wn Edge Road, Buxton. F. W. FURNISS, M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Elmwood. Old \\ hittington. Nr. Che<;tcrfield. R. MILLWARD, 39, Searston Avenue, Holmewood, Nr. Chest rfield . Mrs. C. I. MARGERRISON, The Cottage, Wilday Gre n. Barlow, Nr. Sheffield . T. COVERLEY, Carr Cottage, Whitehough, Chinley. A. J. KERR, The Moorings, Cav{'ndish Road. Buxton. (Publicity) National Coal Board No. 1 Area
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer
Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) . Asst. Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
B. KENDALL. Bonnevienne, Inkersall Rd . , Duckmanton , Nr. Chesterfield. T. M. COPE, "Hill Close", Arkwright Town, r. Chesterfield. Mrs. McKAY, Brereton House, Bolsover. Dr. W. A. F. HURST, Heathfield, TibshelL Mrs. C. L. MAIZEL, S.R.N., "Carmel", Mill Lane . Whi twell. Nr. Worksop. Mrs. V. W. NAYLOR, I. North Crescent. Duckmanton. Chesterfield. P. E. HIBBARD, Markham Road, Duckmanton. W. S. BUCK, I Ringwood Avenue, Staveley, Chesterfield Miss U. TESH, Lyn Croft, Tibshelf Road, Holmwood, Nr. Chesterfield. F . NORMAN, 15. Private Drive, Hollingwood. Mrs. E. A. COPE, "Hill Close" , Arkwright Town, Nr. Chesterfield. E. HURSTHOUSE, 54, Walton Road, Chesterfield.
National Coal Board No, 5 Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet mcer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Commissioner :-,uperi ntendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet mcer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Arpa Ana Area Area Arra Ar
II. F. PARKER, 377, Derby Road, Nottingham. G. H . BOWMER, I2. High Street, Loscoe. Mrs. M. RIGLEY, S.R.N., 6a, Kingsway, Derby. Dr. W. V. ROACHE, Rutland HOUSE:, Ilkeston. Vacant. A . E. W . DILKS, 13, Kingsway, Ilkeston, Derbyshire . Mrs. G. M. HUDSON, 24, Middleton Avenue, Crosshill, CodnoF W . AlL !ORE, 41, Heath R oad, Ripley. W. A. HUDSON, 24, ;\1iddleton Avenue, Crosshill, Codnof . Southern Area Dr. 1. MACKE ZIE. 6, Eastwood Drive, Derby . Miss G. H. WALTON, 9, Kingston Street, Derby. Dr. W. H. DrNWOODIE, 32, Swi nburne Street, Derby. Mrs . M . F. HALLETT. 393, Burton R oad. Derby. T. L. HUTTO~, 46a, Uttoxeter .Kew Road, Derby. IISS DRURY. 13, Derwent Avenue, Allestree. Major II. L. B. MILLS, 212, Vhlwick Avenue, Derby . R. NALL, 12. Lawrence Street, Long Eaton. H. FAR:-iSWORTH, "Melita", 13, Holt Avenue, Derby. Mrs. FARNSWORTH, "Melita", 13, Holt Avenue, DerbX' E. G. FLORENCE, 266, Osmaston Park Road, Derby. (Seer-€tar,,).
EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON County Office: The Hut, Culver Drive, Chudleigh. Tel. Chudleigh 2262. COLwty President: Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY. BT., D.S .O., M.C. County Vice-Presidents: Lady RAYNER (Nursing) Lady IMBERT TERRY (Nursing Cad,ts)
Commissioner . County Superintend nt (N) Asst. Cty. upcrintendent (. ) Cou nty Surgeon . . County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Cou nty Staff Officers
Coun ty Secretary Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
l\lajor T. W. GRACEY, Melrose, Ashburton, S . Devon . Mrs. C. DE B. DENING, Tipton Lodge, Tipton St . John . (Tel. Ottery St. Mary 27). Mrs. K. M. EVANS, S.R.N., Hollybank, Paignton. Vacant. Mrs. M. D. NICHOLLS, S.R.N., Carron Glen, Salcombe Hill Road, Sidmouth. Major-General R. DENI TG, C.B., M.V .O., M.C ., Tipton Lodge. Tipton St. John. Mrs. Stuart NICHOLSON, Prispen House, Silverton. E. R. HOOPER, Highway H(1use, Tedburn, Nr. St . Mary, Exeter (Treasurer) W. C. JOHNSON, 2. The Broadway, Littleham Cross, Exmouth (Ambulance Liaison). Miss D. BOURCHIER-WREY, Tawstock, Chudleigh. East Devon Area Major R. A. P. GRAY, M.B., 23, Southernhay East, Exeter. C. J. WOOD, 40, Kingsway, Heavitree, Exeter. Mrs. BOLT, vVendtholme, Maryfield Avenue, Exeter. L. G. ANDERSON, M.B., CH.B., M.D., D.P.H., 26, Cranford Avenue, Exmouth. W. J. B. PERRIAM, Matford, Hulham Road, Exmouth. Miss M. MARTIN, 51, Elmside. Exeter. Miss C. B. GOLDING, 375, Topsham Road, Countess \V eir. Exeter.
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Su rgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A)
Area Staff Officer
North Devon Lieut.-Colonel K. G. W. SAUNDERS , O.B.E., F.R.C.S., Elm· field, Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple. R . G. ROGERS, 17, Marlborough R oad, Ilfracombe . Miss F. VALENTINE, Little Close, Braunton. 1. P. MOREL, M.B., CH.B., Beech Hill, Barnstaple. Mrs. C. H. M. HARDY, S .R.:\l., 75 Bantport treet, Barostat '. Dr. J. P. BUSH, Heathfield House, Old Torrington Road , Barnstaple. R. J. BRADDON, "St. John", Yelland Road, Fremington . Devon.
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) :\ rea Staff Officer
\,y. UNDERHILL, H.E.M .• London House, Ahburton.
P . BAKER, 14, King's Avenue, Paignton. Vacant. A. EVERARD, M.B., CH.B ., 26, Keyb rry Park, N \\ ton ..\bbot, Devon. Mrs. E. M. HARVEY, S.R.N., 6, Den, ent Road. Babbacombe Torquay . M. E . G . STEDHAM, Lavender Cottage, Coach Road, Ne\\ton Abbot. Miss M. A. STOWE, M.B., CH.S , M.R.C .S .. Dartmoor Cottage Le$tleigh. Mrs . L. A . R . ICHOLLS. 4. Bearoes Lane. Tewton Ahhnt.
County President: S. EMBLETON, Esq ., O.B.E. County VIce-President: LADY STARMER
C Hnmlssioner Deputy Commissioner lounty SupennLendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County
ursing Officer
l,.(l(ln ty Cadet Officer (N) Coun ty taIT Officers
County Off tee: Dorchester Road, Weymouth . Tel. Weymouth 2270. County President: DOROTHY, LADY ELLENBOROUGli. County Viee-Prestdents: Mrs. M. M. \V ARRE ( lusing) . LORD ELLENBOROUGH (Cadet Ambulance). Lady LETTICE ASHLEY COOPER (Cade! Nursing).
Commissioner A/County Superintendent (1') Coun ty Surgeons County Nursing Officer County Officer ilc Cadets County Cadet Officer (N) Coun ty Staff Officers .
County Secretary
Dr. R. V. S. COOPER, 16, Belvidere. Weymouth. (Tel. Weymouth 800). Mrs. D . R . GALTON, 6, Elgin Road, Parkstone. (Tel. Parkstone 928). Dr. E. J. Gordon WALLACE, Health Centre, Weymouth . Dr. Laura Maule HORNE. The Grange, 2, Mount Road. Parkstone. Sister 1\1iss D. SUNDERLANO, S.R .N.. Health Centre, Wey· mouth. (i/c N H.S.R.). K. H. M. ALDRIDGE, 58. t. Thomas treet, Weymouth . Miss M. R. PEACH, 59, High Street, Shaftesbury. Dorset. J . M. O'HARA, 42, Palmerston Road, Parkstone. A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue. ·Weymouth. E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow, Plantation Road, Waterloo, Poole. E. vV. CUFF, "Sydco", 67. Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester. J. B. SPENCER, 422, Dorchester Road. \Veymouth . D. G. F. ACUTT, "Cambrai". Cranford Avenue, \Veymouth (Publicity). J. SANDFORD, 435, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. (Treasurer) Mrs. D. R. BOOTH, 7. Mount Joy, Burton Road, Bridport Miss F. B. LoNG, 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth.
County Office: Osborne T errace, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2. Tel. Newcastle-on-Tyne 81-3 6 4 6
L '.
South Devon Area
t oun ty Secretary
Area Commis ... iuner \r(,2 Superintendent (A) Area uperintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer .\rea . 'tnfT Officrr
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officer
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
' alan '1 Sir Myers WAYMAN, K.B.E ., F.~.~., D.L., J.P., Coanwood, underland. (Tel. Whitburn 333 2 ). S. BUNKER, "Kelway", Langport Road, Sunderland. R. RUTHERFORD, T.D., J.P., M.B., B.S., The Firs , Langley Park. Co. Durham. Lady WAYMAN, oanwood, Sunderland. 1 . 1\1. ;\IACDoNALD, I\I.B., CH.B., Banklield, Consett, Co Durham. \lrs. F. 1\1. J. DUNCAN, S.R.N . , 11, Garcia Terrace. Su nderland . ~Iiss O. ADDISON. 80, Croft Terrace, Jarrow . P. S. BLUNDEN, Cross House, Pelton . W . :VIATHER, 4, Glebe Houses. Ferryhil1, Co. Durham . Miss E. SCURLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Breamish Street, Jarrow-on Tyne (Training). J . J. D. KERRY, 4, Office Row. Ma.ton Colliery, Esh , Co. Durham. H. C.,RR, 88, Barningham treet, Darlington. A. B. HOGGETT, 29. Great North Road, Brunton Park, ('.·osforth. (Treasurer). Miss J. G. F. Ross, S.R.N., Freeman Road Hostel, Newcastle. upon-Tyne, 3. (N.H.S.R.) l\1rs. M. JARRETT, S.R.N., 82, Holywell Avenue, Monkseaton, Whitley Bay. Miss E. P . GRAY, 2, Summerhill, Sunderland. Mrs. R. WATSON, 40, Brandling Place South, Newcastle . Eastern Area A. BURNS, O.B.E., M.C., !\I.B., CR.B., Rainton Lodge. VVest Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring. S. F. TOKOE, Boundary Cottage, Burnmoor, Houghton-leSpring. ~Ii s D. A. HALL. B.SC., I, Greenbank Villas. Jarrow. A. K. MA CRAE. ~f.D., CH.B., Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham. :Miss O. HODGSON-LA\vs, S.R.N., 17, Sunniside Road, Sunniside, ewcastle-on-Tyne. 1\1rs. ::vI. CREWE, 20, St. Andrew's Tee., Raker. Sunderland . l\frs. . DAGLEAS, 24, Beaumont Terrace, Jarrow-on-Tyne . (Cadets) . Southern Area E . SMITH, 34. Tunstall Avenue. \Vest Hartlepool. Co . Durham . Vacant. Vacant. R. K. BROWN, I\I.B., CH.B., Keh' in House, B earpark. Co Durham. Vacant. H. COULSON. 74, Starmer Crescent, Darlington. H. C. H. FRANCIS, The Chorister School. Durham. (Secretary for Cadets). Western Area A. S. DAVISON, Heathfield, Burnopfield . N ewcastl e-o nTyne . Mrs . M. H. ROCHESTER, 'i. Pikesyde, Dipton, Co. Durham. Mrs. M. F. St. J. U. COSGRAVE, LB., B.S., Felling Lodge Felling-on-Tyne.
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
Vacant. W. YOUNGER. 23. Townley Street. Stanley . Mrs. E. A. You, GER, 23. Townley Street, Stanley. J. T. DRUMMOND, 267, Windsor Avenue. Gateshead, 8.
ESSEX County Office: Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay Road. Chelmsford. Tel helmsfo rd 55789. County President: Colonel Sir Francis WHITMORE, BART., K.C .B., C.M.G., D.S.O., T.D . Lord-Lieutenant of Essex. County Vice-Presidents : Lady WHITMORE (Nursing). The Lady Joan NEWMAN (Nursing). Mrs. J. T. WHITLEY (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Asst. ety. uperintendent ( County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) Sounty Cadet Officer (N) County taff Officers
WHITLEY, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., 18. Tew London Road (Tel. Chelmsford 2194). Major-General K. F. MACKAY LEWIS C B D S Stamps and Crows, Layer Breton, Nr. Coi~h~t~~" M.e. W. E. NORFOLK. 84. Marconi Road.helms£ord (T~I Chelmsford 2726). . Mrs. E. SMELLIE. M.B.E., The Bridge House Lexden Colchester. (Tel. Colchester 2982) . ' F·RP. WALLIS, M.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., "Gower", Galleywooct oad, Great Baddow. Miss M. RENNOLDSON, S.R.:>:., St. John's Hospital Cheln1" ford. ' . Lieut.Col. A. 1. SHERINGHAM, Yew Tree Cottaffe Little B I field. Essex. b ' an M~s . E. M . HOWARD. 19. Victoria Road. Colchester . MIss W. K. ARGENT, "Shirley." Writtle. (Tel. WrittJe 28 9) POOLE, 17 8 . Cowdray Avenue. Colchester. (Training) . . BROOKS, 144. Moulsham Drive , Chelmsford. (Treasurer) W. J . SMITH. 39. Forest Drive, Westlands Estate Chelmsford (Transport). . Mrs. E. M. HART. "Paigles," Links Lane Bradwell Brain tree. (N.H.S.R.). " Mrs . E:, \VAKELAND-SMI~H. Richmond Cottage. Hi hwood Nr . Chelmsford (HospItal Libraries). g : . R. UNWIN, 14. Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford. (Cadets) '. IRWIN, The Caravan. Broomfield . (Cadets). MICssh RI . fI. LEEKS, "I vydene", Stock Road Galleywood ems ord. (Cadets). . . M(ca;t~tst.· SPURGEON, II, St. Annes Road. Colchester
GLOUCESTERSHIRE County Office: Royal Crescent. Cheltenham. Tel. Ch e1ten ham 536ro. County Presidents: Colonel Sir James SLEEMAN. C.B .. C.M.G .. C.B E M. V.0. THE COUNTESS ST. ALDWYN . . ..
Mrs. D. FOLLEY, Hillside Cottage. Galleywood Common Essex. (Secretary to Commissioner). F. THORNDIKE, Elm Tree House, Fox Street ArdJeigh 01 chester (Cadets). " A. MAYHEW, "St. Leonards", Wash Road, Laindon Essex (Ambulance). ' Mrs. HARROLD, 1 Hunts Close, Writtle. (Nursing).
Cou n ty Secretaries
County Vice-Presidents' o onel R. A. G. BINGLEY, C.V.O .. D.S.O .,· O.B.E. (Ambulance) Lady CRIPPS. M.B .E. (Nursing) Earl ST. ALDWYN • T. D.• D. L. (C a d et A'mbulance).
An'a Cade t Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) County
ec retary
Are'1. Commissioner
C. R. DE C. SADLER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 131, Old Bath Rd., Cheltenham. (Tel. Cheltenham 2277)· Vacant. Lt.-Col. F. VVILLIAMSON, O.B.E., go, Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. G. A. WlLLANS, Oaklands, Shurdington, Nr. Cheltenham. Miss D. M. TRIMMER, 2, Bournside Road. Cheltenham. C. H . DRAKE, M.R.C .S ., L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane. Gloucester. ~lrs. SADLER, 131, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham. R . A . HAWKINS, 45. Eldon Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. HAWKINS, 45. Eldon Road, Cheltenham. T. H. READ, "Ellenville", Gordon Road. Cheltenham. Major E. A. McIVER, "Reigate", Ryeworth Road, Charlton Kings. Miss J. B. PARKER, Highfield House. Whitminster, Glos. ( .H.S.R.). :VIr. B. LAWRENCE. The Nappings, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. (County Welfare). Mrs. DRAKE, S.R.N., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester Miss M. K. OSWELL, 7. Eldorada Road, Cheltenham. (Admin.-Medical Comforts). Rev. E. J. M. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James Vicarage, Tivoli R oad, Cheltenham. W. Le GRESLEY, 92, Gloucester Road. Cheltenham. T. L. Lo G. 68, Stroud Road. Gloucester. Mrs. E. L. STIl'I'TOl'l', 30. Springwell Gardens. Cheltenham Road East. Gloucester. Miss E. G. MARSHALL, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Forest of Dean Area Sir John PALMER. BT., Newland, Coleford. Glos .
GUERNSEY Coun ty Office: t. P e ter Port, Guernsey. Tel. Guernsey 70 . Bailiwick President: Sir Ambrose HERWILL, C.B.E., M.C. Bailiwick Vice-Presidents: Dr. W . B . Fox. Lady SHERWILL (Nursing). Jural R. H . JOHNS, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). Lieut.-Colonel S. H . HEARD . M.B.E .. !Ii .R.C.S .. L R C. P.. La Commissioner Giffardiere Albecq. Castel, Guernsey. (Tel. Catel 75 0 4). vV. TAYLOR, B.E.M., Quendon, Le Martival. La Ruette, Assistant Commissioner. St. Martins. R. A . LUFF, "Belize," Doyle Road, St. Peter Port. Bailiwick Superintendent (A) Mrs. R. M. THOMPSON, La Tourelle, Pierre, Percee. (Tel. Bailiwick Superintendent (N) Central 255)· \Y. R . CAMBRIDGE, !Ii.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., La Vallet, Rue De Bailiwick Surgeon Putron. St. Martins. R. H . BLANCHFORD. M.B.E., Le Croute, Herivel, Rohais. Area Commissioner St. Peter Port. J . Vv. DEAR, Earls Colne. Guelles Road. Guernsey. District Staff Officer Mrs. T. R. MARQUA D, "Maymyo," Les Amballes, St . Peter Bailiwick Staff Officers Port F. W. BUSH, "Palma." Green Lanes. St. Peter Port. Miss MACKAY. Dolphin. St. Martins, Guernsey. H . C. ROWCLIFFE. Keival, Les Vardes. St. P eter Port. Guernsev. E. COLL, Colwyshe. Les Mourants. St. Martins. H. FALLA, Durrington Les Banques. St. Sampsons. Guernsey. (Cadets). R. T. HERVE, "Dinant." Croutes Lane . St. Martins. H . ·P . SAUNDERS, Annesvillc Bungalow, St. P eter Port. Gu ernsey (Stores). H ead quarters . Rohais.
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Bailiwick Secretary
H. TouzEAu , Holmlea, R o ute Miltarre Vale, Guernsey . Miss E. S. BUSH, Wethersfield . Guelles Road. St . Peter Port. :'\li_ D. AESCHIMAN, Hazely. Rohai .
HAMPSHIRE County Office: Wessex House. 6. Upper High Street, Winchester.
Tel. 288 4 .
County President : The Cou_ TESS :'\10UNTBATTEN OF BURMA, C.I., G.B.E., D.C.v.O. County Vice-Presidents: Admiral Sir Arthur POWER. G.B.E., K.C.B., c.v.o. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. \VILLIS. G.C.B .. K.B .E . D s.o . The Hon. Mrs. S. R. CUBITT (NllrSl/lg).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) Co unty Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Secretary
Colonel W. P. S. CURTIS, O.B.E., D.I.., I~nighton. Twyford, Hants. (Tel. T\\yford Hants 2IjOl. . R. TURNBULL. F.R.C. V.S., 6S. \\'ort.ing Road. Basingstoke. (Tel. Basingstoke 409) Vacant. Miss L. COOPER, The Thatched Col ti\gc . ."hirley I [alm( . Lymingt.on. (Tel. S\\ay 220). L. :;VI. MAYBURY. Jl1.A .• M.B .• B.CHIR .• M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P .• "Kenwood". 97. Goldsmith Avenue. Sout.hsea. Mis P. KEWTON. S.R .. -. . S c. ~f.. phlr Lodge. Ophir Road . Bournemouth. H. 1. "MARRINER. F.R.C.S .. L.R.l.P .. 18. Poolc Rd .. Bournemouth. Vacant. A. L. AYMES, Abbey View. Abbey Passage. Winchester. Miss E. L. BATH. 6. Upper High Street, WlOchester. R. W. HARRIS, 8. Greenhill Road . Winc.hester. (Trcllnil1")' :.\[rs. B. V. SA DERSON. Long \ ' lew. Roseberry Roa d. Alresford. 1\1rs. W. JARVIS, 2S8, Middle Road. Southampton. Col. E. G. DUTFIELD, T.A., c/o Tyre, (Portsmouth) Lt.d ., 23 2 , London Road. Portsmouth (Civil Def(·ncp) . Miss N. READDY. 6. Upper High Str ct. WlDchester. E astern Area
Area Area Area Area
CommiSSIOner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
O. J . FRANCIS. 26, Gordon Road. Gosport. B . A. HAWKEY, 40, orthcroft Road, Gosport. Mrs. C. B. DUTFIELD, Chester Beach, Selse". Sussex. C. N. SUTER, M.R.C.S., L.R .C.p., . ·Leventhorpe". I, Elmhurst Road. Gosport. Mrs. E. E. MACLF.AN, S.R.N., Knowle Hospital , Fareh am. A. E. CLARRY. 43. Tintern R oad, Gosport . Mrs. GILKS, 34 , Cromwell Road, Southsea. \V. N. WILSON. Police Headquarters, Portsm o uth (Treasure r) . T. C. GOLDSMITH, 79, Orchard Road. South sea. C. W. TOZER, 22. Penk Ridge . Bedhampton. Havant .
A rea Superintendent (A)
Area Su perintendent (N) An'a
A rea Cadet Officer (A) A .. ea Cadet Officer (N) Hon. Area Treasurer (Aux.) Hon. Area Press Relations Offi rer (Auxilia ry)
Lt.-Col. J. D. C. BROWNLOW, O.B.E., Pennington House. Lymington. Capt. W. MILLS, M.B.E .. "Hilldale," Station Road , Chandlers Ford. Mrs. V. WALMSLEY, Green Cottage, Shawford, Nr. Winchester. Kathleen E. SLANEY, M.D., CH.B., 10, Hulse Road, Southampton. Vacant. Miss A. E. ROLT, 42, Cecil Avenu e, Shirley, Southampton L. S. DUNFORD, 78, St. James Road, Southampton . N . A. WILTON. Odeo n Theatre. North Walls. Winchester.
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon .
Area Cadd Officer (A) rea Cadd Officer (N) \rra StafT Officer
L. P . BOTTING. 13, Esher CJose, Basingstoke. S. WILDE, 4, orn Hill, Basingstoke. Mrs. D. WILSON. Liltl e Goddards, Hatherden, Nr. Andover. '\1rs. Audrey CAREY, M.R .C.S .. L.R.C.P., The Windmill, Low er Wi eld, Alresford. E W. SAYER. 32. Hawl ey L ane, Sinehurst, Farnborough, :'I1rs. G. EVANS, Mynster, Church Avenue. Farnborough. H. N. SHORT, 31, Alexandra Road. Farnborough. W estern Area
:\r(,a COl11mis ioner
Area Supennlend .. t (A) I\rea c'l1pelinlend ent (N) A rea _ II rg('Cln
A.rea C'Hlel OITlcer (N) \rei\ ."tafT Officer
C. Heygaic VERNON, ~I.B., F.R.C.S., 20, Keswick Road. Boscombe. Capt. P. G. A. MANSFIELD, "Broadwaters", Wick Lane. Southbourne, Bournemouth . l\Irs. PURKESS, S.R .N., "Glenleigh", Avenue Road, Brockenhurst. D. . REN"'IE. M.R.C .S .. L.R.C.P ., Royd L odge. Rye Paddock Lane. Fawley. J\Iiss D. DRODERICK. 14. Littledown Ave ., B o urnemouth , A. J\fAYBL'RY, Police Station, Fordingbridge.
HEREFORDSHIRE County Office: ~
I \ .H lIedJquarters, Widcmarsh Street, Hereford. (Tel. Hereford
28 37)
County Presidents: The Hon . .l\Irs. R. DEVEREUX . 13rigadler F. A. V. COPLAND-GRIFFITHS. D.S .O., M.C., J.P. County Vice-Presidents: (; D. E . TULLIS, ESQ., ~1.B., CH.B. (Ambulance). Mrs. H. FOLEY (Nursing). W . R05 SER, Esq. (Cadet Ambulance). '\lrs. Greville PHILLIPS (Cadet Nursing).
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County S urgeon County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
(Ollnty Secretary
. BULLOCK, J.P., Sarnia, Upper Ledbury Road. Hereford , (Tel. Hereford 3337) . H. J. HARRIS, B.E.M .. Perivale, Old Eign Hill, Hereford Vacant. Miss A. L. ROMILLY. Braadfield Court. B odenham, Hereford . (Tel. Bodenham 27S). B. G. ScHOLEFIELD, M.D., M.CH., F.R .C.S .• Lawnswood , Hampton Park. Hereford. Miss C. M. WHEELER , S.R.N., County H ospital , Hereford , R. RUCK, 37, Mill Street, Hereford . Mrs. F. M. HARRIS . 70. Old Eign Hill. Hereford . Miss E. LONG . 62. Breinton Road, H ereford . R. T. MORRIS . Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road. Hereford . :'I1rs. 1. . LOCHHEAD, 28. Millbrook Street, Hereford.
Central Area
A rea Commissioner
County Office: 7. Marlborough Road, t. Albans, Herts. Tel. L. .6-S-1333. County Presidents: The Han. David Bowes-L yon. Lord Lieutenant of Hcrtfordshire. H . Langle y Jon es, ESQ., M.B.E. County Vice-Presidellts: BLANCHE . LADY LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN (Nursing). Mrs . H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets).
Commissioner Dep uty Commissioner County Superintendent (A)
L. R. . PERCEY, M.B .E., J.P .• "Heath Brow ", \ Vel wy n . (Tel. \iVelwyn r08). D . Hardy KIN~[QNT , ]\f .B .. 100. Clarence Roa d. St. Albans T. C. FORBES. S4, High Street. \Vare .
Cou nty Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Officer . County Staff Officers
County Secretary
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE Miss D. SPARKES, B.A., 3, Brampton Road, t. Albans. (Tel. L.N·6-539 83)· C. P. CRAGGS, M.B., B.S., 506, Broadway, Letchworth. Mrs. C. P. CRAGGS, S.R.N., 506, Broadway, Letchworth. G. Henderson SMITH, 97 . Haymeads, Digswell Hill, Welwyn Garden City . Mrs. E. BILK, B.SC ., Friars Mead, St . Stephen Avenue, t . Albans. Mrs. Hilda MABER, S.R.N., The Dale, Little Hadham Road , Bishop's Stortford. (M.C.D.). Miss WOOD, 14, Flora Grove, St. Albans. Mrs. B. 1. ROGERS, 14, Jennings Road, St. Albans . A. DONALD, II6, Clarence Road, St. Albans, Herts. (Treasurer). . . Miss I. DAVIES, 1109, Lond on Road, ' t . Albans . (Tra lOIn g) . E. A. RUSCH, 7, Colgrove, Welwyn Garde n City (Assist a nt Secretary) . T . H. FLANAGAN, 104 , Lower Luton Road , Harpenden.
Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer
County Office: Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight.
Commissioner County Surgeon (ou nty County County Co unty
Nursing ffi c('r Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
County Vice-President s: LADY COWLEY (Nursin g ) F. M. CUBBON, ESQ. (Ambulance) . Mrs. M. M. GILL (Cadet Nursing). S. J. KNEALE, ESQ. (Cade t Ambulance ).
County Office: Victory House, Queen's Road, Ashford. Tel. Ashford II39.
T. H . BURGESS, "Coona r", 17, King Edward R oad , \V a re (Tel. Ware 240) . W. ApPLETON, Lyndhurst, Puckeridge, Nr. \Vare . Mrs . M. C. BERGIN, 16, The Valley Green, \Velwyn Garden City . G. vV. MAY, M.B ., B.S., M.R.C. S., L.R . . P ., D enham Lod ge. 83, New Road, Ware. W. HOWARD, 13 , By the Mount, Welwyn Garden City.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A)
ISLE OF MAN County Office: Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, I sle of Man .
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner . A / County Superintendent (N)
County Secretary
County President : LADY DUNDAS .
Sou them Area
County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N)
Co unty Secretary
Tel. Wootton Bridge 70
F. R . B . H. KENNEDY, M.B.E., L.R.C.S ., L.R .C.P., Wootton Lod ge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. T. H AMB LY, M.R.C. S., L.R .C.P ., "Meadowcroft", Salisbury R oad , Ryd e. A . A . Ex ELL, S.R .N., " St. \Vilfreds", Playstreet Lane, Ryd e. A . P. C O ~IP T ON , 93, High Street, Sandown. Mrs. B . K. JACOBS, 39a, Esplanade, Shanklin. E . F . 1rLLGATE, "Ferncottc", Castle Road, Newport. J . W . J OLLIFFE, 33, Prince Street, Ryde . (Com petitions) Mrs. B . B . E . O'DAY, 6 , Seafield Terrace, Seaview. (Hospital Libra ries) H . TANGER, Lon gford Hospital , Havens treet. (P ublicity) E . H . RICHARD SON, " St. Aubins" , Wroxall, Nr . Ventnor (Treasu re r-Ad min .) . M. D . BREWER, II , Winton Street , R yd e. (Auditor-Admin .). Miss E . 1. E. CAWS, 9, Queen's Road, R yde.
County Office : Midva le R oad, J ersey. T el. Cent . 2063. Co un ~y President: ' ir ALEXANDER M. COUTANCHE . County Vice -Preside nts: Lady COUTAN CHE (Nursing). Lad y TRE~T (Cadet Nursing) . Co mrn issionc r Capt. Guy Malet De CARTERET JURAT, St . Ouen' s Manor, St . Ouen, Jersey. Df'p uty ommlSSloner H. E. STEPHENS, 89, St. Saviours Road, Jersey. lo unty Superinle nd ent (N ) Mrs . M. H . GRAHAM, Maison du Coin, St. Aubin, Jersey. Counly Surgeon St . J ohn BIRT , M.B., B.S ., F.R. C. S., Fontenelle, Millbrook, J ersev . ( ounty Nursing Officer Vacanf (o unty Cadet Officer (A) Dr. R . L. OSMONT, Dunderave, Hansfords Lane , Jersey . Co unty Cadet Officer (N) Mrs . D . lVlACFADYEN, La Turbie, laremont Road, St . H elier, Jersey . Cou nty Staff Officers Mrs . G . DAWSON, La Ruette, Victoria Village, Jersey. E. T . BEAN, Lancresse, Georgetown, Park Estate, Jersey . .-\rea Cadet Officer:; .T .. F . BARETTE, 67, Stopford R oad, St. Helier, Jersey. MISS B. Le HOQUET, "Elmore", St. Martin, Jersey. County Secretary Miss L. Du F EU, Tunbridge, Georgetown, Jersey.
Area Commissioner
County Surgeon
Northern Area
J. CLAY, M.B., B.S ., 1-3 , );o rton W ay , L<'tchw o rth. (Tel. Letchworth 777) · Vacant. Miss E. ATKINS, 101 , Old Hale Way, Hitchin. Vacant. Mrs. F. Ross, 62, Pear Tree Lane , \V el\\'y n Gard n i h -. Herts.
Area Commissioner
Tel. Douglas 2121 .
C. C. BEATy-POWNALL, ESQ. ., Chief Constable's Office, Douglas . Capt. T. H. HALL, J .P. , Eskham, D ev onshire R oad, D ouglas . Mrs. V. E. KELLY, "Redpaths", Little Switzerland, Douglas. (Tel. Douglas 3006). A. R. MCPHERSON, M.B., eH.B ., 46, Loch Promenade, Douglas. Miss D. A. BRrGGS, Nobles Hospital, Douglas. Vacant. Mrs. D . E. BEATy-POWNALL, The Dales, Ballanard Road , Douglas. E. R. G. CAIN, A.I.A.C., 18, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas.
County President: The Lady ASTOR OF HEVER J. H. DAY, ESQ., M.B.E., (Ambulan ce )
Co unty Vi ce-Presidents: The Rt. R ev . Dr. A . W. ROSE (Ambllia nce). The Lady DE L'IsLE AND DUDLEY (Nursing). Viscountess ALLENBY OF MEGGIDO (Nursing Cadets). .T . H. H. DAVIS, ESQ. Major-General A. H. HOR BY, C.B., C.B .E., M.e., 2, Lochmore House , Cundy Street , .W .I. (Tel. Sloan e 4 6 97 ).
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
County Secretary
Area Area A rea Area Area
Commissioner Supf:;rintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
Area Commissioner Area Area A rea Area
Superintendent (N ) Surgeon Cad et Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
Brigadier M. S. TEVERSHAM, C.I.E ., lI!.C., 56, Woodbury Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. Lady HALCROW, Milden House, Dix\veJ) Road , Falke. tOlW. (Tel. Folkestone 2492). R. H. PERCIVAL, lI1.A., lILCH.(OXON). F.R.C.S . (ENG). D.C-II .. 74. Bower Mount Road . Maidstone. Mrs. 1. M. HOBY, S.R.N., 219, New Road. Chatham. C. G. D. MITH, 67, Sidnev ,treet. rolke ton e . Mrs. E. DOUGLASS, The J\ianor House, Sellindge, Ashford. C. L. JE NI GS, Barclays Bank Ltd., l\laldstone (Treasurer). Miss C. HIGHAM , 98, :'I1aidstone Road, Rochester. T. L. ISAAC, 2 ~ , :\Iaidst.one Road , Hochester. (Training) . Mrs. PRING, Iount Top, The Close. Saltwood, Hythe. (N.H.S.R.). . Miss V. CAMPBELL, 191. outhlands , Bicklt,), Bromley (County Library Organiser-Admin.). B. T. BE.\UMO:-lT, ]lLB.E., "Pemble". Doddingto n . .'itti llgbourne. (Tel. Doddington 230). No.1 Area Major B. T. S'\~GE, 339. Queen's Road, Maiclstone . Miss L. II. BUR:-<S-HARTOPP, Dalby Lodge. Bawkhursl . Dr. H. J. HOBY, 219, New R oad. Chatham. S . NIGHTIW';ALE, 3, Elm ottage. Edenbridge, Kent. Mrs. V. A. WINTER, \-I, 1earlow Road. Hl1sthaJl , Tllnb ;, i d~f" Wells. No.2 Area B. T. BE.Au:-,wNT, M.B.E. , " Pe mb l(·~". Doddin gt on <"'ittl ngbourne. :\lrs.1. PAPWORTH, "Tregarth n ", Vale Road . \\'hitst<l bl f' . Vacant. F. C. ROLFE, II, King's Road . Birchington. Mrs. E. M. Heywood, IS. Sallsburv Roacl, Herne Ra\'. No.3 Area E. A. HERBERT, "Brynma\\'r", 4 • Plains Av nu C' , ':\[aidstone. Mrs. A. JAY, 13, Audley Road, Folkestone. Alex CHAL:lfERS, LB., CH .B., 8, London Road .. ittingbo urn r . J. G . PERRY, 18, Castweazle, Tenterd n. Mrs. D. M. BAILEY, "Maywood," Ne\V Road. , altw ood Hythe.
DUKE OF LANCASTER'S DISTRICT Dist1ict Office: J5-17, Mount Street, Preston. Tel. Preston 2:!JfJ. Dis trict President: The Earl of DERBY . D istrict Vice-Presidents: The Countess of SEFTON. The COUNTESS PEEL (Nursing Cadet s) Major E. S. Burt HA llLTON, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., F.R .C. S.E., (Ambulall ce )
Commissioner Depu ty Commissioners
Assistant to Commissioner District Superintendent ( J) District Surgeon District Nursing Officer Dis1 nct Cadet Officer (A)
Colonel V . F. ROYLE, T.D., E.R.D ., 67, Church Street Lan · caster. Lt.-Col. S. B . G. SnIMoNs, M.C., ,I l'Ilenlov ' Avenue, Liv E'rpool, 18. Major S. NEWSOM, T.D., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S ., 34. Prinf=es Way, Fleetwood. Lanes . e. J. EASTWOOD, 42, Lune Street, Preston. The Lady Mary HESKETH, Meol Hall, Southport . (T el. Southport 88171). Colonel R . G. W. OLLERENSHAW, T.D., M.A., B.M., B.CR ., M.R.C.S., 4, Pine Road, Didsbury, Manchester 20. Miss N. LIVESEY, S.R .N., The R oyal Infirmary, Preston . R . CHARLESWORTH, Rovenden, Aud enshaw Hall. Droylsden , Manchester.
District Cade t Officer (N) District Staff Officers
Distnct S cretary Area Commiss io ner
Area Sup rintendent Area ' urgeon I Jist nr t ~t il fT OfflU' 1 Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cldet ffrcer ( ) Area ' taff Officer
Mrs. E. NISBET, 4. Netherton Park Road, Litherland, Livel pool, 21. Capt. J . D. CAMERON, M. B.E., 26, Deepdale Road, Preston . Miss I. M. SUTCLIFFE, "Farnley", Sandybed Lane, Scarborough. J. W. LOWE, 60, King's Road, Prestwich, Nr. Manchester. J. SI:-<CLAIR KERR, The Irlam Steel Corporation, Irlam, Nr. Manchester. J. TABER:-<ACLE, 3, etherton Grange, Netherton, Liverpool. (Records). F. 'vV. LONGWORTH, 102 Abbey Hey Lane, Nr. Openshaw, Manchester, I I (Cadets). Miss P. HYDE, Queen Victoria Hospital, Morecambe and Heysham ( adets). :'\lrs. M . WOOLFE, 77, Norton Road, Morecambe (Publicity). R. SKI :-lER, 4 I, Sunnyside Road, Liverpool , 3· (Civil Defence ). ::\lajor T. E . SPENCER, :'I.B .E., T.D, IS, Mount St., Preston. No.1 Area Rev. B. A. READING, PH .D., F.PH .S. , The Manse. 14, Green Lane, Cherry Tree, Blackburn . l\1rs. H. BROW:-<, Harley Bank, Todmorden. Dr. R. . U. WARRINGTON, "LetJhendry," Glebe Street, Great Harwood. W. MELLOR, 70, Heyes Lane. Livesey, Blackburn. E. V. !\lASON, 134, Blackburn R oad, Great Harwood. Vacant. Mrs. ::\1. :.\1. MEGGITT, "Ravendale", Turncroft Road , Dar\\(,,0 .
Area Commissioner Area ~ urgcon Dis trict. ~t;lfI OfflU'[ \rea Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Aft-a Sta ff Offi ce r~
Area Commissioner \rea ~'lperintendent (.\ ) District Staff Officer Area ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) ,\ rea Cadet Officer (N) Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon. .
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer
No.2 Area E. D . GREENWOOD, 42, Carlton Road, Heaton, B olton. Ellen \V. 1\1. SHAW, M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., 7, Tenterden Street, Bun' . A . BURTO, ' , 19, Old Clough Lane, Worsley, Manchester. L. J. EVANS, 74, Hazelhurst Road, Worsley. :'I1rs. B . IIARWOOD, I3'i . Carringto n Lane, Sale. E . MASON , IS . Wood Roau , North, Manchester, 16 (Secretary ). Mrs. J. WEBSTER, 260 , L eigh Road , Atherto n, Lanes . Miss A. RIGBY, 60, Cemetery R oad, winton . No.3 Area G. HALBERT, 298, Waterloo Street, Oldham . G. IMESON, "Thorncliffe", 83, Houghton Lane. Swinton . Miss K. LAMB, 7, Tenterden Street, Bury. Miss F. GARDNER, S.R.N., Fairfield General Hospital, Bury. Vacant. Mrs. N. SMITH, 19, The Avenue, Seedfield, Bury. No.4 Area Major J. R. l\lJDDLEHURST, 49, Rivington Road, St . Helens. N. 'vVHITE, 24, Ashurst Drive, Parr, St. Helens. Mis 1. E. OWENS, J_7, K enda l tre et, \Vigan. J. R. BURROWS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., Carlton, Rainford Road , Windle, St. Helens. N. PIMBLETT, 3, St. Andrew's Grove. Hares Finch, St. Helens. Vacant. W. CLOUGH, 184, Wellfield Street, Warrington. No.5 Area Vacant. Major W. H. WA.LKER, 35, Brookside Avenue, Liverpool, 14· Miss M. C. BANKS. 7, Lancefield Road, Liverpool, 9· \V. Du CAN, M.B., CH.B., 3, Rose Lane, Liverpool, 18. Mrs. R. THOMAS, S.R.N., 31, Bellefield Avenue, 'vVest Derby, Liverpool, 12.
District Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeons .
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Area Nursing Officer District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer Area Commissioner County Surgeon District Staff Officer Area Superintendent (A) Area Nursing Officer Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
W. E. SEARLE, 91, Waterpark Road , Prenton, Cheshin W. A. LANGTON, 57, Parkfield Road, Liverpool, 17. Miss A. SEDDON, 46, Parkside Drive, Liverpool, II. J. A. LUCAS, 2nd Floor, 102, Princes Road, Liverpool, 8. T. E. TAYLOR, 21, Latrigg Road, Aigburth, Liverpool. J. ANTHONY, 22, Upper Duke Stre t, Liverpool. S. WOOD, 66, Ruskin Street, Liverpool, 4. No.6 Area G. HADMAN, "Hazeldene," Hardhorn, Poulton-Ie-Fylde . J. HALL, 4 I, Windermere Road, South Shore, Blackpool. Mrs. L. STEWART, S.R .N., 13, Argyll Road, Blackpool. J. MACKENZIE, M.D., 4, St. Annes Road West, St. Annes-onSea. J. E. KING, M.B., CH.B., 4, Yates Street, Oil Dickson R<.l , Blackpool. \V . C. BUR r. 14 , Henry Street, Lytham . Miss G. BA:-IKS, 207, Cunliffe Road, South Shore, Blackpool. N. H. COOPER, 9, Grange Avenue, Thornton. R. V. ROGERSON, 30, Devonshire Road, Chorley. No.7 Area J . E. HELME, "Grecbu", 34, Fairhope Avenue, The Vale, Lancaster. Vacant. Miss M. ROGERS, 48, Brunswick Road , Morecambe. W. W. M. McKIN EY, M.B ., CH.B., Hill Crest,s, West En d Road, Morecambe. Vacant. Major W. G . PEARSON, I, Crosland Park Road, Barro'n -inFurness. Dr. W. G. SOUTHERN, Park Stile, Broughton-in-Fume s J. CROSSFIELD, 9, Bristol Street, Walney, Barrow-in-Furness Mrs. GAWNE, 22, Lindal St., Barrow-in-Furness. W. H. BURNS, 48, Provincial treet, Barrow-in-Furness. No.8 Manchester and Salford Area Major R . L . S. RAFFLES , D en HOll~e, Den(' Road, Dids bury, Manch este r, 20. Dr. Marion M. REEKIE, 7, Rowsley Ave ., West Didsbury , Manchester. J. E. Fox, 67, Sunningdale Drive, Prestwich. N. R. KAY, 24, Sunningdale Drive, Pre twich, Nr. Man chester. Vacant. Mrs. E. G. ISBISTER, Oakdene, Chatham Road, Mancheste l . 16. (Cadets). H. BARKER, 99. Norris Road, Sale. Mrs. E. CHARLESWORTH, "Ro·vendpn", Audenshaw Hall , Droylsden, Manchester. Mrs. E. GASKILL, 50, Turnbull Road , Longsight, lVlancheste! , I3
LEICESTER County Office: 6, Seymour Street, Leicester. Tel. 5 8345. County President: Mrs. G. PHILLIPS County Vice -Presidents: Miss M. 1. PARTRIDGE (Nursing) E. J. L. COTTON (Ambulance Cadets). Commissioner
Lt.-Colonel A. '1./ . S. ARMITAGE, 116, Regent Rd., Leicester . (Tel. Leicester 20946).
County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County County Co unty
Nursing Officer. Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Sta ff Officers
Area Cadet Officer County Secretary Area :uperintendent (A) Area Surgeon Area
taff OffiCC'r
199, Wicklow Drive, Leicester.
43 (Tel. Leicester
"Wistow", Southernhay Rd., Leicester. (Tel. Leicester 74 68 5). H. A. KORN, M.D., L.R .C.P., & 5., 188, London Road, Leicester. . Miss C. F . S. BELL, S.R.N., The Royal Infirm~ry, Leicester. E. HEYWOOD-SMITH, 9, Shanklin Avenue, Klll~hton. Mrs . B . B. COTTON, Beechrome, Earl Shilton, Lelc~ster. Miss C. WARD, 21, Sycamore Road, Birstall, Leicester. Mrs . N . M. BREAM, 83, Ma plewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicester. Miss V. M. V. LUSCOMBE, S.R.N., 87, Humberstone Drive, Leicester. Miss M. M. GRAY, S.R . . , 20, Springfield Road, Leicester. Miss A. GABRIEL, 53, Peter's Drive. Leicester. Vacant. Ncrtional Coal Board Area . S. A . McKEE, "Ivanhoe", Il2, Broomleys Road, Coalvll.le. A. H . ::VI. CAMPBELL, M.R.C .S., L.R.C.P., Green Hedges, MOIra Road, Ash a y-de-la-Zouch. H . SAVAGE, Ivanhoe Villa , 10ira Road , Donisthorpe .
LINCOLNSHIRE County Office: Ketton Hall , Stamford , Lincolnshire. Tel Ketton 25 6 . County President: The Rt. H on. The Earl of ANCASTER. T.D., J.P., County Vice-Pyesidents: The Lord BROWNLOW, J.P., D.L. Lady Cracroft AMCOTTS (Nursing) ~Irs. WELBy-EvERARD (Cadet Nursing) Air-Marshal Sir John BALDWIN, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., J.P. , Commissioner Ketton Hall. Stamford, Lincs. (Tel. Ketton 25 6 ). M. C. LAVIN, J .P., M.B., B.S., L.R.C .P., M.R.C.S., III, Oxford Deputy Commissioner Street, Cleethorpes . (Tel. Cleethorpes 61 3 28 ). Vacant . County Superintendent (A) Mrs. E. M. EPTON, J.P., The Grange, Canwick, Lincoln . County Superintendent (N) (Tel. Lincoln 21973)· J. A . HADLEY, M.D., F.R.C.S., I9, Nettleham Road, Lincoln. County Surgeon Vacant. County Nursing Officer H. A. BROWN, 93, Eastgate, Sleaford . Co unty Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. Co unty Cadet Officer (N) J. PADDISON, 1)5, Cambridge Street, Cleethorpes. Co unty Staff Officer Southern Area .Ii. J. GARWELL, I, High Street, Spalding. (Tel. Spalding Area Commissioner 229 8). F. G. LATCHEM, 14 Charles Street West, West Parade, LinArea Superintendent (A) coln. Vacant. Area Superintendent (N) Dr. G. R. CUBITT, 58, Southgate, Sleaford. Area Surgeon Mrs. P. V. GALL, "Heverlee", Clay Hall Drive, Spalding. Area Nursing Officer Vacant. Area Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. Area Cadet Officer (N) F. F. GIBSON, 147 Doddington R oad, Lincoln. County Staff Officer Area Area Area Area
Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) An~a Staff Officers
Northern Area Vacant. Mrs. D. ROGERS, S.R.N., 2I, Boultham Park Road, Lincoln . H. E. SNELLING, 325, Brereton Avenue, Cleethorpes. Miss J. ROBINSON, I06b, Yarborough Road: Lincoln .. W . Gott, "Marianna", Laceby Road, Gnmsby, LlDcs.
Area uperintendent (A) Area Superinten d ent (N) Area urgeon Area Staff Officer
T. J OHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE N ort h Western A r ea
A. B. HUDSON, 12. Lydbrook Road, Scunthorp . Mrs. L. DOUGHTY, 22. Hu rke Street. Scunthorpe. T. CULLEN. M.B., eR.B., Oswald Housc. 'cu nthorpe. Mrs . L. K. OBIEDZINSKI, 5, Abercorn Street •. cunthorpe.
LONDON (PRINCE O F WALES'S) DISTRICT Headquarters: 2J, St. John ' s Lane. Clerkenwell. E .C.1. Tel. Clerkenwcll 3753. District Prt's ldent: The Countess Mountbatten of BURMA, C.l., G.D.E., D.C. v.o. District Vice-Preslden ts : Lord Tathan of CHURT Doreen. Lady BR.\BOUR:--;E. C.r. Edwin BAYLISS, ESQ., D.L ., J.P., L.C.C . County President ( 1iddl sex): ~larie . Marchioness of \Villingdon. C.I.. G.B.E.
A. T. BANDY, B.E .M. , 43, Grosvenor R oad. Ilford, E ssex . J. E. BROWN, M.B.E., 42, Sutton Road, .10. F. G. GRICE. 65, Munster Gardens, Pa:lmers Gr een. N .13 · H. A. BENNETT, 12. The Highway. Sutton, Surrey. J. SMITH, 17. Lulworth Road, Welling, Kent. S W. BROOM, IB, Fairlop Road. Leytonstone, E.lI. A'. FREE iAN, 34, Bowford Avenue, B exlcyheath, K ent. E. C. PANNELL, II Gilda Court, Watford Way, N.W·7· Miss E. G . CRESSWELL. 43. Grosvenor Road, Ilford. Essex . C. W. M. HOBDAY, 100, Glennie Rd .• W. Norwood, S.E.27. (Stores). Miss B . JOHNSON,S, Hatch Road, orbury. S.~.~6. T. J. HORRY, Spencer Park School House, Tnmty Road. S.W.lB. Di . C J. TUTT, 46. Fairway, Raynes Park, S.W. 20 ( stnct amp Adviser). . . J. STONE. 77. Mount Pleasant. South RUlslJp, 1iddlesex . (Cadets). Miss G. LARSEN. 6. Meadow Way. Rickmansworth. Herts. (Cadets). Miss W. . CLARKE, 50, Norhyrst Avenue, S.E.25· (sadets) Miss G. O. TUCKWELL, 296, Leigham Court Road, S.\\J .16. E. H. KNILL, 24, Merton Hall Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W.20. ( adets). Dorothy, Lady ELLENBOROUGH, 30, Ashley Gardens, .W.I. Mrs. CLARIDGE. "Winthorpe", Roxborough Avenu~. Harrow. .Miss S. ;\1. R . THO~!SO', M.B., CH.B., 6 , Redbndge Lane, \Van tead. E.12. . h N R . A. PAY:-<E, 4. \Venh\'orth Park, Churchend. Fmc ley, ·3· (Training) . H. . HE:-<WOOD, 3, McLeod Road, Abbey Wood, S.E·3· Irs. JECKS. 50, Glendale Drive, y.'imbledon, S .W.I9· F. T. HAWKES, 154, Sutton Dwellmgs, N .I. (Re.c~rds) F. i-{AI:-<E-ALLE~, 9. Radnor Avenue, Harrow (CIVIl D efe nce). Miss E. A . BLUNT, 246, Old Brompton Road, Earls Court, .W.5 (Cadets). H. . Bre 'ELL, 13, Kingsle\' Avenue. HounsIo-w. (Public Duties). W . W. PACKE, 21. Gospatrick Road, N.I7. G. C. PITTS, 12, Vincent Road. N+ T
Colonel G. F. PAGE. D.S.O., 13. Dorset trect. \\'.1. (Tel Welbeck B452). Sir Denys LOWSON. BT .• 56. Gresham treet. E .C.2. Brigadier J. W. HINCHCLIFFE, D.S.O .. 20a. Pelersham Mews . Elvaston Place, S.W.7. C. E. BOWER. O.B .E.• 74. Roslyn Gardens. Gidea Park. Essex. (Tel. Romford 33 17). District Superintendent (A) Vacant. District Superintendent (N) Mrs . l\1. CAVENDISH. 12. IIyde Park Gardt-ns ;\Jews, \V 2. (Tel. Amb. 35 2). Deputy District Superintendent Mrs. N . MATTHEWS, IS. Pembroke Hall. Mulberry Close, (N) Hendon. N.W .4. District Surgeon H. C. STEWART, ~.])., ~I.R.c.P .. \Vil on 1 [OllSP, 51' 70 . llSSl' .' Gardens. W.2 . Deputy District Surgeon D r . E. J . SELBY, O.I:LE., 52. Castle bar Road. Ealing. W .5 Di trict Nursing Officer .Miss D. 1\1. LEE" S.R.N., 21. Th' Common, Ealing, W 5 . Asst. District Nursing Offi cer Mrs. SEARS, 2B, Stanmore Gardens. Richmond . ·urrey. District Cadet Officer (A) G. W. WOODHILL, 10. Bromley Road. Beckenham. Kent . District Cadet Officer (N) Miss D. E. 'WHITE, loB. 'Warwick Road. Thornton Heath . Surrey. District Staff Officers F. W. G. DINES, 7, Alford Close, Worthing. ussex (Treasurer) . E. \V. HAINES. 17. Ashlyn Grove. IIornchurch. E sex (public Duties). A. G. WIDDICOMBE. M.B.E ., 20. Clarence Rd .• Harpenden . Herts. (Civil Defence). L. F. ELVIN, 25. Liphook Crescent. Forest Hill. S.E.23 . (Stores). S. J. STILLWELL. 10. Falkland Avenue. Finchley. London . N·3· A. C. DICKINSO , 45. Monastery Gardens, Enfield. Middx Miss M. R. 1\1. TUCKWELL. M.B.E., 296. Leigham Court Road. S.W.I6. Miss W. BUTTON, 6B. Watford Road. Croxley Green, Herts Miss M. A. VICARY. St. Ronans. Beech Hill. Hadley Wood , Herts. Miss M. C. CALVERT. 5, Lo n grid ge R oad, S.W.5. Mrs. D. BUTANowrcH, II, Manor Gardens. Merton Park , S.W.20. (Commissioner's Secretary). Mrs. DEARMER, 4, College Road. Winchmore Hill, N.2I. Mrs. D. HOADLEY, 3B. Heatherset Gardens, S.W.I6. Miss M. D. GROOM, II, Manor Gardens, S.W.20. L. R. ALLUM, 17. Greenwood Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey. S. C. DEARMER, 4, College Road, Winchmore Hill. N.2I. (Competitions). Dr. D . D. TOWLE, Lee P ark Lodge, Blackheath , S. E .3.
ST .
Deputy Commi sioners
District crgean t-;\la jor TJistrict Secretary
N o rthern A r ea
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
A.rea Staff Officers
Area Sergeant-Major
Dr. G. M. SHAW SMITH, 434. West Green Road, N.I'). F. J. MIDDLETON. 2. Melbou rne "Vay, Bush Hill Park, Enfield. Middlesex. Mrs. A. F. 1ANLEY, M.A., 9, Burgess Hill . N.W.2. Dr. R. L. MACQUEEN, ISS, Hertford Road, Ed.monton. N.9 . F. H. WADE, S.R.N., 59. Sefton Avenue, ]\fill Hlll, .W.!. W. A. REYNOLDS. 24, Ashley Walk. Mill Hill, N.W .7. Miss I. S. BURLEY, St. Francis Cottage, 49. Asmuns P lace. .\V.II. Mrs. E. HOBBS, 93. Park Drive, Winchmore Hill, N.2I. (Cadets). I\Irs . V . 1\1. JENKINS, 214 , Alexandra Park Road. N.22. A. S. WEYMOUTH, 30. Dorset Road, Tottenham, N.I5. (Civil Defence). P. STACEY. 23. New River Crescent, Palmers Green, N.I3. (Competitions) . R. W. SEABRIDGE, 21, Mansfield Road, N.W.3. L. H. CHAP;\1AN, 159. Farm Road, Edgware (Cadets). Mi ss E. M. MOORE, S.R . . , Camden House Nursery , Chase Road, .1..!-. (N.H.S.R.). T. W. WEST, 93, Pembury Road, Tottenham, N.17 (Publicity). F . H. ADAMS, The Cottage. Glendale Grammar School, \Vood Green, N.22.
South Eastern Area
Area Area Area Area Asst. Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Area Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
ergean t-Maj or
Dr. W. W . KING-BROWN. 12. Asylum Rd .• P eckham. S.E .I5 . E. A. WHEBLE, lB. Silecroft Road. Bexleyheath. Kent. Mis E. A. Golding. 116. Mottingham Road. S.E.9. Dr. C. HOMI, Cairngale. Belvedere. K ent. Dr. J. H . CHAMBERS, 147. Wickham Way. Beckenham . H. BUGG, 74. Maxwell Gardens. Orpington. Kent . H. J. GARDINER, 6. Pinnell Road. Eltham. S.E.9. Miss W. E. WILLIS. I7Q. Hazelbank Road. Catford. S.E.6. H. E. CHAPLI~, 5. Mottingham Gardens. S.E.9. (ivil Defence). F . C. ANDREWS, 41. Links Way. Eden Park. Beckenham (Treasurer) . A. R. WILLIS, 27. Worsley Bridge Road. .E. 26. (Cadets) A . C. PALMER, 257. Burnt Oak Lane. Sidcup. (Cadets). Mrs. KELLY, Bidborough Ridge. outhborough. Kent . \V. J. VVADE, 20. Har..:ard Road . Lewisham. S.E 13. ( om petitions). Mrs. G. M. ELLIOTT, 65 Willer ley Avenue, ' idcup (1 .H .. . R ) L. J. FIELD, 31. Ti"" erton lDriY. Te\\ Eltham. ..E <) (Publicity) N. P. HELPS , 4B, Chudl eigh Road, .E'I'
Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant-Major
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Asst. Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant-Major
Dr. D. A. B. HOPKIN, 2J. Herondale Avenu e. Wandswort h Common. S.W.IB. C. vV. HIPKINS, 24. Amis Avenue. \Vest Ewell. urre)'. Miss A. WEST, M.B.E. , 13. S·l"yn Av nu. Richmon d . Surrey. Dr. A. CONN, I. Thorndon Gardens. Ewell . urn'y. R. St. J. BUXTON. ;\LB ., B.S., :lLR .C.S., L.R.C P .• - 151, Ban stead Road , ar halton. Miss M. PETTS, S.R.N., 5, Beaco nsfi eld Road , N ew Malden . Surrey. R . RANDALL STEPHENS, 19. Gauntlett Rd .. Sutton. SUIT y Miss D. A. G. WATTS, 32. Bede House, Manorfields. .W.I5 D. G. GOLDIE, ,!B, Heathfield Gardens, _ outh royd on. Surrey. G. A. LOCKE, 29, Dickerage R oad, Kingston, Surrey (Finance). J. E. DANE, 31. South Way, Shirley, Surrey. (Competitions) L. M. CROTON, 242a, Whickham Road , hirley. Croydon (Civil Defence) . F. A. BOWMAN, 4, Dunstable Road, West Molesley, Surrey. (Civil Defence) Mrs. V. E. WOOLFORD, 13. Fairlawn Grov e, Banstead . (Cadets). E . C. SUMPTER, 45. Pitcairn Road. Mitcham . (Cadets). Mrs. O. K . RUSSELL, 39, Thornlaw Road, W. Norwood . S.E.27· F. R. FREWIN, B4. Toynbee Road. S.W .20. Miss C. FRAMPTON, 63, Stamford Green Road . Epsom, SUITPY . Vacant.
Area Su perin tend en t (A) Area Superintendent (N ) Area Area Area A rea
Surgeon N u rSlOg Officer Cadet Officer (Al Cadet Officer (N)
\rea . taff Officers
Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent eN) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
Area Staff Officers
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeons . Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
Dr. G. R. H . WRANGHAM, J .P., 26, The Avenue. Ealing. W.I3· (Perivale 40B6). F. 1. JONES, 5, Bowes Road. East Acton, W.3. Mrs. E. NORFORD, 14 Scotts Road, Southall. Dr. G. E . PAYNE . 12. South Close, Wood hill Gate, Pinner. Dr. C. J. P. SECCOMBE. 20, Western Road, Southall. Vacant. L. W. TAYLOR, 7e, Flamborougb Road, Ruislip, Midcllesex . Miss W. AYRES,S, Sheen Court, Richmond, Surrey.
J. Boss, 77, Salisbury Road, Ealing, W.I3 · (Civil Defence). C. E. PEARMAN, IIO. Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middx . (Finance) . ]. G. WARNER, 21, Holden Avenue , Kingsbury, N.W. 9· (Finance) Miss K . BARRY, 56, Cardigan Square, Hounslow H ea th. (N.H.S.R.). Mrs. II. K. EVANS, 8, Newton Grove, B edford Park, W·4. G. L. MITH, II3, Clitherow Avenue, Boston Manor, W·7 · A. F. COOK, 49, Rosebery Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. J. HARRIS, 106, Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middlesex. Major T . M. \VILKS, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Cottage, Kiln Road, Thundersley, Essex. . CLARKE, 2, Leigh Park Close, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex . Miss . L. MOORE, 105, South Park Drive, Seven Kings, Essex . Dr. A . F. Mc DONALD , 76, Longbridge Rd ., Bafking, Essex. Miss S. P . WHITE, S.R.:-.'., Bethnal Green Hospital, E.2. H. T . G. \\ ARE, 32, Clare Gardens, Barking, Essex. Mrs. F. M . JAMIESON, 65, \Vaterloo Road, Barkingside, E sex . L. B . \VJLLS , S.E.A.N., 31, Belmo nt Road, Hornchurch, Essex . (adets). Miss V. fALYAN, 23 , Parkside Avenue, R omford, Essex. R. D. BRO\VSE, B.E.!>!., ')5, First Avenue, Manor Park, E .I2. R. T. BAX, 34, Naseby Road , liford, Essex. G. F. ATKIN!', 72, Hillside Avenue, \Voodfo rd Green, Essex . (Cadets). Dr. J. L. McK . BROWN, 3, Hempstead Road , Walthamsto\\'. E .I 7· Mrs. PURKISS, 63, Southchurch Boulevard, Southend-on-Sea. (N.H.S.R.). W. T . ELLING FORD, 36, Southborough Drive, W estcliff-onSea . L. F. DICK , 15, Alma Avenue, Highams Park, E-4. (Competitions) . B . E. GOODBODY, 53, Norman Road, Hornchurch, Essex. (Civil Defence). 1iss V. 1. SMITH, 9, Clievedon R oad , Thorpe Bay, Essex. (Cadets) . H. F . MULLIGAN, Bo, Rosslyn venue, Harold Wood , E ssex (Finance). S . J . \VES TON, 74, Morris Avenue, Manor Park, E . I2. Central Area
Area Commissi oner Area Superintendent (A)
Western Area
Area Commissioner
Eastern Area
Area Commissioner
South Western Area
Area Commissioner
Area Sergeant-Major
Lt.-Col. A. M. BELL, 59, St. George's Square, S.W.I. H. DUNFORD, 16, Dean's Close, Dean's Lane, Edgware, Middlesex. Miss E. F. MILNE, 109, Belmont Road, N.I7. Dr. B. L. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, N.\V.r. Miss K . M. PFISTER, S.R .N., 12, Ridgmont Gardens, W.c.r. B. \VHYTE, 24, Dongola Road , Tottenham , N.!7. Miss P . D. R. STUBBS, 20, Middleton House, Regency ~treet, S.W.I. J. J . A. CAMERON, 14, Hallem Gardens, Hatch End, Middsx . N . J. WARE , 62, Perth Road, N .22. (Finance). K . F. O. STALLARD, 16, Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill , N.W .7. Miss F. A . MORSHEAD, 14 , Ashchurch Terrace, Shepherds Bush, W . I2. (N.H.S.R .). \V. A. T. SHEEN, rBI , Liverpool Buildings, N . r. (Competitions). Mrs. H. C. BIGNELL, 13, Kingsley Avenue, Hounslow, Middx. Miss A . NORTH, 100, lnglehurst Gardens, liford, Essex. T. W. BULPITT, 77, Montrose Avenue , Welling, Kent. (Publicity and Civil D efence) Vacant.
The Rt. Hon . The Earl of ALBEMARLE, M.C., D.L., J.P. , c.c. Lady COOlC (Nursing). County V~ce-Presldents: Sir Ba il MAYHEW, K.B.E. The Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of NORWI CH. 1\lrs. G. E. PORTAL (Nursing Cadets) Commis ioner Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas COOK, J.P., Sennowe Park, Guist. Dereham, Norfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). County Superintendent (N) Mrs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B.E ., Scottow Hall, Nr. Norwich (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226). County Surgeon. Vacant. County ursing Officer l\liss I. il-1. L. YER, S.R . . , High ' ilwr, H olt. Asst. County ursing Officer 1iss M. WRIGHT, S.R.N., High ~il\"('r lIoIt County Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. County Cadet Officer (N) 1\1rs . R . G. ETTRIDGE, Flat 2, Thl :\[Otlnt, C)I, RCJsar) Ho:td , Norwich. County Staff Officers Lt.-Colonel Sir Richard Barr t1.. LE. 'NARD, I3T., J.P . , Horsford M<:lnor, Norwich . (Treasurer). Mrs. J. M. HEWITT, 184, Earlham Ro"c1, on\ ich (l\dm in ) Coun ty Secretary Mrs. J. H. YULL, The Beeches , Dereham. (Tel. D reham 4 )
S. E. DAY, "l\1aison", Cremers Drift, Sheringham . Mrs. 1 r. I{' HrcII, Rushmere, ley-by-Sea, Holt. 1\Irs. K LUCKRAFT, S.R.N., romer Hospital, Cromer.
,\rea Commissioner ,\r(,1- Superintendent ( )
Brigadier A. L. KENT· LEMON , C.B.E., The Holt, Sberingham. Mrs. PORTAL, . 'H aLfway", Blakeney.
No.8 Area (Ay lsham)
No. 9 Arra ( cI€') .\J"(·a
Capt. D. S. GOW[NG, Holly Lodge, Blofield, Norwich.
No. 10 Area
Lt.-Col. F. E. D. DRAKE-BRI !->COF, (l, ~ TC\\ market ROiHl, ~() \\"ich . Mrs. H. C. \VATTS . The Dial House, Brooke, NOf\,ich. J. E. HILTON, M.B., CH.B., 60, Yarmouth Road, Thoqw , orwich. W. H. PEARSON, 9-1, Gladstone Str('('t ~ 0[\, ich. Mrs. H. M. N. MORTON, 86, t . Philips Road, NorWich R . C. COOPER, 65, Thorpe Road, orwich. (Secretar ', Treasurer) . H. G. LINDER, 48, Charles Avenue, Thorpe. (Training) Miss T. MELBOURNE, 333, Earlham Road, on\ich. (Train . ing). No.2 A r ea (W ymondham)
Area Commissi o ner Area Superintendent ( )
Vacant. Mrs. L. M. ROPER, EJI€'smerf' IIou!->(' , \Vortham,
Area Commissioner Area taff Officer
Lord AMHERST OF HACKNEY, Foulden TIa1l, Thetford. G. S. ELWIN, 6, The Ouse Avenue, Thetford.
Area Commissioner
E. I. PUDDY, M,B., B.S., M.R.C. S., L,R.C.P., The Mill HOllse, Gressenhall. Mrs. J. HIGHET, S.R.N., Dereham Hospital, Der('ham. N o.5 Area (Kin g's Lynn) W. E . H. BULL, M.A., M.B., B.CH., Waverley House, HUIl stanton, The H on. Mrs. G. DAWNAY, Hillington Hall, King's Lynn . Miss J. HUGHES, S.R.N., W. orfolk and King's Lynn General Hospital. Mrs. R. OTTER, Nelson t ., King's Lynn, orfolk. N o. 6 Area (Fak en ham) C. B. ANDREWS, M.B.E., Waveney House, Fakenham. Brigadier G. D. HOLMES, O.B .E., Thorpe Lodge, Burnham Th0rpe, King's Lynn. The Hon. Mrs. COKE, Weas nham Hall, King's L ynn. Miss K. M. ALLISON, S.R.N., W. Norfolk and King's L ynn, General Hospital. W. J. BECK. The Lodge, Ct. R yb urgh, Fakenham. Mr<;. W. J. BECK, The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham . V. ,. JONAS, II, Lancaster Avenue, Fakenham,
·r. Di.s .
No. 3 Area (Thetford )
County Office: YOlk Road, Northampton. Tel. Northampton I7 I I. Count)' Prcsuient: The Hon. Mrs. C. 1ACDOI ALD -Bu CHANAN. County I' u'e-Preside nts: Captain H . II. D. BOLTON (Ambulance). \lls. G H.. D. SIL\W, M.B.E. (Cadel Llrsing).
Co mmissioner Deputy
upcrintendent (A)
«()un!)' Superintend nt (N) .\s:t. County Superintenden t (L )
ursing Officer
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area 1 ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (N) Asst. Commissioner Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( ) Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
olonel II. M. P. HEWETT, T.D., The Court House, Chipping \ arden, Tr , Banbury .(Tel. Chipping Warden 212). Lt. Col. R. L. FI:--1DLAY, Naseby Wooleys, aseb y, Nr. Rugbv. Capt. f S. PARKER, TIopedene Cottage, Debdale Road, WelIingborough. Irs. C. BOR\'acK, The Rectory, Kelmarsh, Northampton.
County Secr(,tary
lis G. GRANT-LAWSO:-l, ottesbrooke Grange, Cottesbrook p , orthampton \V. E. Lo('lc, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Leys Furlong, Desborough, orthant '. liss C. E. 'ELSON, The Old School House , Courtenhall. :Ylajor Hereward \VAKE, Courtenhall. C. \Y . CURTIS, 32, Reservoir Road, Kettering . E. J. HAYWARD, "Rushay", Booth Lane, \Vest on Favell. (Tr('a urer). Miss G. GAINSFORD, 107, Park Avenue North, Northampton irs. E. E. ARPENTER, 52, B ostock A enue , orthampton. ( .H .S R.). Miss M. HULL, 9, Billing Road, Northampton. irs . C. M. TnOR:-ITON, Brockhall , Nr. W eedo n , North am pton. Mrs. K. MAGUIRE, 66, Rushm ere Road, Northampto·1.
\rea Area Area '\rt"a
Vacant. Vacant. Mrs. N. R. GlLLETT, 204, Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough. T. SEWELL, 253, Park Road, Peterborough.
Cuunty Sllrgeon County ursing Officer \ C()u nlv (add Officer (.\ ) County Staff Officer9 .
No.4 Area (D er eh am)
R . C I[A NNANT, Po plar Avenue, Gorleston . :--'frs. E. F. COULTER, A.R.R.C., Q.A.R.N.N.S., R . . Hospital, Great Yarmouth.
Area Com mission er ursing om,('! .\rea
N o. 1 Area (Norwich)
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Assistant Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) ,\rf'a ursing Officer
Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
N o.7 Area (Cromer)
County Office: 20, Castle Meadow, Norwich. Tel. Norwich 21649. County Presidents:
Area Commissioner
Peterborough Area
Commission('r Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Stall Officer
NORTHUMBER LAND County Office: Sl. John Hous , Grainger Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 4· Tel. Coun.ty Presiden t: Colonel E. G. ANGUS, C.B.E., M C.
ewcastle-upon-Tync 3793
County Vice-President: Mrs. 1\1. 1. KIRKUP (Nursing).
Com missioner
TIl€' TIon. Denis BERRY. T.D., Oakwood House, Wylam . (Tel. Wylam 3200).
County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Cou nty Staff Officers
County Secretary
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officer
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Surgeon . Cadet Officer (A)
Area Commissioner Area Surge«>n Area Staff Officer
J. R. LOGAN, 6, Jenison Avenue, Pendower, Newcastle-upo n Tyne. Vacant. J. BRO.WN, M.B., B.S., Hill Crest, Horton Road, Bebsid(', .BedlIngton. (Tel. Bedlington 2149). MISS M. J . FREEMA , 55, Highbury, Jesmond, Newcastleup on-Ty ne, 2. E. ROBINSON, 23, Stakeford Road, Bedlington Station. Mrs. B. M. SALTER 2a, Windsor Crescent, Jesmond , Nel\castle- upon -Tyne. Miss D.1\:. MUNRO, 57, Swaledale Garden, High H aton .N ewcasUe-upo n-Tyne, 7. MISS J. FEARNSIDE, II9, 11arin(' Avenue, \Vhitley Bay . G. H. CROWTHER, 165, Silver HiJl Drive, Denton Burn, e\\castle-upon-Tyne. (Treasurer). 'vV. G. TROTTER, 2B , Briar Edge , rore tHall, Ne\\'castle-uponTyne. T. H. DALE, 52, Bath Terrace, Gosforth. Mrs. B. H. Du~c\:>I, 7, Kingswood Avenue, J e mond, ,T II . castle-upon-Tyne, 7. No.1 (Southern) Area vYin g Commander J. M. TODD, V.F.C, T.D. " \Vaysi de ", North \Valbottle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 5. ' D. GRIEVE, til .B., CH .R., Oem-holme, J sn10nd Park E,lst , Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Vacant. H. B. Watkin, 2 Valley Garden. :'.Ionkseaton, Whitley Ba\ G. W . BROOKS, 3, Tynedale T('rrac . B enton. " P I\'C<lstlr' upon-Tyne, 12. No. 2 (Midland) Area C. F. FAIRLIE, T.D., M.D., B.S. , 53, Ridley Avenue, Blvth . W. D. ALLISON, 14, Wan~beck Terrace, Ashington . . Dr. J. S. NOBLE, 73, cwbiggin Road , shington. T. ALDUS, 9, Hortendalc Grove, CO\\'{Jen Etatc. Blyth . No.3 (Northern) Area . Lt.-Col. A . S. E. RICHARDS, M.B .E., The Red House, Wood ham Village, near Ashington . J. DOBSON, M.B., B.S ., "Tyneholm", Heatherleazes. Wark. worth. Morpeth. L . T. WEDDERBURN, 29, Westfield C'rescent. Ne\\'biggin -h ·. Sea (Secret:try). T
NOTTINGH t\MSHIRE County Office: 20, Castle Gate. Nottingham . Tel. Nottingham 404 37. County President: His Grace The DUKE OF PORTLAND , K.G. County Vice -Pre sidents: Lieut. -Colonel Sir John JARDINE. Bt., O.B.E., T.D .. J .P C. H. HEATHCOTE. E sq. (A mbulance). Lady STARKEY (N ursing). The COUNTESS MANVERS (Nursing Cadets)
Com missioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintende nt (N) rounty Surgeon
bula nee).
H . L. BOSWORTH. O.B.E . . Bank Chambers. Sutton-inAshfield. Notts. (Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 440). J . T. WATKINS, M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks" Bramcotc Lane. Wollaton. Nottingham. J . A. SWANWICK, 3B, Kings\\'ood Road. Bridgford. ottingham. The Lady Anne Cavendish BENTINCK. Welbeck Woodhouse. Worksop. Notts. (Tel. Worksop 2460). R . G . SPRENGER, M.B., CH.B., The Manse. Church Street. Bramcote. Notts.
County Nursing Officer Asst. County Nursing Officer Co unty Cadet Officer (A) Co unty Cadet Officer (N) Ca unty Staff Officers
Cou nty
Miss H. B. EDWARDS, S.R.N., S.C.M., • ·Maranatha". Nuncargate Road. East Kirkby, Notts. Miss S. GRIFFITHS. S.R.N ., S.C.M, Flat 2, 433, Mansfield Road. Nottingham R. J. ROPER, 13, Haileybury Road, West Bridgford. Nottingham. Miss D . G . WOODALL. 12. Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. L. HOCKIN. 9. Ferndon Green. Wollaton Park, Nottingham. W. A. WOOD. 20+, Sutton Road, Mansfield. C. E. WEST. lB. orman Road, Thorneywood, Nottingham. L. E. MORLAND . 42. Holme Road. West Bridgford . Nottingham (Training) . W . W. KEY. 42. Gorge Rd .• West Bridgford. N o ttingham. ~lrs. J. LEDGER. 10, Mapperley Hall Drive. Nottingham. Northern Area
Area Commisiontr Area upenntendent (A) Area uperinlendenl (N) Area Surgeon .\rea .\rea
ur ing Officer au t
fflcer (A)
Arn Cadet Officer ( .. ) Area St<l IT 0 fficers
Arf'i\ :ergeallt :'Ilajor .
J. T . RICE. M.B.E., "Gillifields", Oak Tree Lane. Mansfield. G. II . KEVERNE. Oakengate. 49. Blyth Rd ., Worksop, N otts. Mrs. M. A . BARTLE. 29, Blyth Road. Worksop, Notts . O. P. ED!lfO;-.;'DS, M.B., CH.B., National Coal Board, Edwinstowe Hall, Edwinstowe, Notts. Mrs. D. G. EDMONDS, S.R.N., 14, Melbourne Street, Mansfield \Voodhouse. O. T. STORRS, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe Hall • Edwinstowe. Notts . irs. E. MAJOR, 275. Sandy Lane. Worksop. H. CUSWORTH. National Coal Board, Edwinstowe Hall, Edwinstowe. Notts. J . IIASLEGRAVE, 57. \Vale by Lane. New Ollerton , Not+...s . \\'. A. bSLEY, 13, The Crescent, Blidworth. Nr. Mansfield. J. R. CULLE', 19. Carisbrook Avenue, Mansfield. Sou them Area
Area CommIssioner Area Superintend nt (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area
Area ur:-;ing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) '\rea StafI Officers Area Sergeant-Major
W. SHARPE, B. Albemarl e Road, Woodthorpe , Notts.
\ . ] ACKSON, Glen Dale. Mansfield Road. Papplewick. Miss S. J . BISHOP, S.R.N .• S.C. M.• c/o Cinderhill and Babbington CollielY. Cinderhill, otts. J. F. D . BOYD, M.B., CH.B., 97. Derby Road. Stapleford. otts. " aca nt. J. W . STEVENSON. 24, Shanklin Drive. Stapleford, Notts . Vacant. E. R . F. POGMORE. Shirburn Avenue. Mansfield, Notts . \V. L. ASHMORE, 15. Fenton Drive, Bulwell Hall Estate, Nottingham. G. CRELLIN. 5. Grange Crescent. Gedling, Notts. Midland Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Office r (A) Area Cadet Officer (N ) \rea Staff Officers
Area Sergeant-Major
L. F. :\1. ACKROYD, " ithney". tation Road , Sutton-inAshfield . C. BARROWCLIFFE. II. Huthwaite Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield. Notts. Mrs. E. LEIVERS. 15 Stainiorth St .• Mansfield Woodhouse , Notts . Dr. R. H . P . FERNANDEZ, Medical Centre. Brookhill Colliery. Pinxto n . Derby shire. A. DRABBLE. 43. Cambria Road , Ma nsfield. N otts. Mrs. 1. BUTTERY. 22. King Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts . T. L. 10ULTON. 164. Diam ond Ave .• East Kirkby. Notts. A. L. MIDDLETON. "Green Gables", Wingfi eld Rd ., Alireto n . Derbyshire. H. SHORE. 22. Bath Street. Sutton-in-Ashfield . Notts R. G. MASON, Widmerpool tree t . P inxton , Derb 'shire.
Area Commission er Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Asst. Area
ursing Officer
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) rea Staff Ofhcers
City of Nottingham Area C. Do ALD, 27, Cropwell Road , Radcliffe-on-Trent . S. I BBOTSON, 39, Lady Bay R oad, West Bridgford , Nottingham. Miss G. E. CLOW, 10, Grimsby Terrace, Watkin Street Nottingham. D~. A. G. MASCART, I, Victoria Embankment, Nottingham . MISS E. J EW, S.R.N., S.C.M., City Hospital, Hucknall Road . Nottingha m. Miss F. PC'IOER, 2, Padstow Road, Bestwood Estate, Nottin gham. Vacant. Mrs. E. M . MARTIN, 48, Dovecote Lane. Beeston, N otts F. CARRIER. 10. Grover Avenue, Mappcrley, ottingham H : F. FOULSTO E, 23. Brora Road, Bulwell, ottingham ilss A. SLA:-IEY, 98, ottingham Rd ., Ba ford. Nottingham . J. J. lARS DEN, 122. Wrenthorpe Vale, lifton,.l ottingham. L. C. \VOODWARD, 39, Monkham Crescent, Sherwood. E. H. HAY, 13, Seely Road, Nottingh am.
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County Coun ty County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers .
Co unty Secretary
T. F. B RIGGS, O.B.E . , T.D ., M.R.C.S., L.R.( .r , 39. The Gr en , Banbury , Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2153). Vacant. H . E. HOWARD, The School House, Nether Swell, helten ham. Miss L. BAIRD, Langston House, Chadl in gton, Oxford. (Tel. Chadlington 36). H. R . WYNNE, M.B., B.CH., The Paddocks, B udicote. Banburv. Miss G. RILEY, Oxford Eye Hospital, Walton St .. Oxford . G .. H. SHRIMPTON, 17, Rym er 's Lane, Cowley, Oxford. Miss D. M. CANDY,S. Burdell Avenue, Headington, Oxford. W . E. LA.MBOUR , M.B.E., "Overdowns ", Foxcombe Hill, Boars HIll, Oxford. H . T . BEN 'ETT, "Asphodel", Third Acre Rise Botlev Oxford. ' -' Miss J. E. M. FANSHAWE, Cotmore W ells. Thame, Oxon. C. R. LAWRENCE, Ambulance Depot, Churchill H ospital, H eadington, Oxford. J . WOODLEY. 60, Henley Street, Oxford. Miss C. WALDOCK, 7. Arran Grove, Banbury. E . F. B AZLEY, 62. Town Furze, H eadi ngton, Oxford. Mrs. I. M . CLIB130RN, 8. Lonsda le R oad, Oxford .
County C ldt·t Officer (A) Couni\r Cadet Officer (N) Counb S "fT Officer
City of Oxford Area Area Commissioner As~t. County Surgeon Area Staff Officer
J. FINCH. 6. Lonsdale R oad, Oxford . H . D . DARCUS . B.M.. B.CH., 153, W oodstock Rd ., Oxford. J . G. WADDLE, 108. North Hins key Lane, Batley.
A rea Cadet
~ C. PRANCE, O.B.E., J.P., M.B., B.S., D.L.O., The Pry-sten House, Finewell Street, Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 62598). Colonel G. THoCl1soN, D.S.O. , M.C., Catchfrench, St. Germans, Saltash. Mrs . R. BALSDON, O.B.E., 163. New Road, Saltash. (Tel. Saltash 2102). T. E. 'WOOD. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 81, Priory Road, Lower Compton, Plymouth . . S. DAVIDSON, M.A., M.B .. "Glengarry", Hartley, Plymouth . :VIrs. E. A. BAYLEY, S.R.N., 89, Beaumont Street, Stoke, Plymouth. G. S. THOMPSON, "Lane End", Wembury Point, S. Devon. Mrs. E . M. WOOD, 8r, Priory Road. Lower Compton, Plymouth. R . \ . SKINNER, 13 , Conrad Rd., Chaucer "'lay, Honicknowle , Plvmouth. R. G. PARR. I7 , Stone Hall Flats. Stonehouse , Plymouth . T. 11 . SARGE:-IT. 20, Foulston Ave. St. Budeaux. Plymouth . ·A . J. HERBERT, 2, Greatfield Road, Higher Compton, Plymouth. G. LETTY, 18a. Alexandra Road, Plymouth . . E. I. PARKIN, 39, Roseberry Avenue, St. Judes. Plymouth (Training) . 1\1rs. P. WAY, I42, Pasley Road, Stoke, D evonport. R . E. STA:-;'TO:-l, 70, West Down Road, Beacon Park, Plymonth. \V . H .. TRA, G. II. Carfrae Terrace, Lipson , Plymou th. A. H . ATKINS, 14 , Chaddlewood Ave, St. Judes, Plymouth. \1r . G. 1\1 . BASCOMBE. The Prysten Hou se. Finewell Street, Plymouth .
comm iSSIOner
County Vice-Presidents: Lt.-General Sir Edward GRASSETT, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., M.C., (Ambulance). W. Ritchie RUSSELL, ESQ ., C.B.E., F.R.C.P. (Ambulance). Mrs. GARDINER-HILL (Cade t Nursing). Commissioner
Tel. Plymouth 65 802 .
The COU~TESS OF :\10UNT EDGCUMBE (N w·sing Cadets).
Assistan ounty Surgeon County NurSing Officer
County President: Colonel A. V. G . DOWER, T.O., M.F.H.
County President: The Rt. Hon. Lord ROBOROUGH County Vice -Presidents: Mrs. E. F. VELLACOTT (Nursing). Irs. 1. MODLEY (N ursing) . G. S. THo:lfPSON, ESQ. (Al1'tbulance Cadets).
Co unt.y Surgeon
Tel. Oxford 20Cn.
County Office: The Pryst n House, Finewcll Street. Plymouth .
Cou nty Superintendent (N)
County Office: 14, Church Street, St. Ebbes. Oxford.
County _ ecretary
SHROPSHIRE County Office:
S.J..\ . B. Headquarters . Priory Road Shrewsbury.
T el. Shre\\" b:.Jry 239l.
County Presidents: Brigadier Sir Alexander STANIER, Bt., D.S.O ., M.C., J .P .. The Lady FORESTER (Nursing). County Vice-Presidents: Colonel The Earl of POWlS, O.B.E. (Am,bulance Cadets). The Han. Mrs. ORMSBY GORE (N ursing Cadets). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon
Colonel J . M. WEST, T.D., D.L., Ingrams Hall, Shre\\,sQury . Major R. DEEDES, G.C., Brymore, Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury. lTel. Shrewsbury 4363). E . IRWIN. Hilbrae , Ellerdine, Wellington, Shropshire . Miss M. DEEDES, "Brymore", Bank Farm Hoad, Shrewsbury. (Tel. Shre\\·sbury 4363). W . KING HAY, M.B., B.CH., Brooklyn House, Market Drayton.
54 County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .
County Sergeant Major County Secretary
Mrs . D. L. HAYES, S.R.N., Virginia Cottage, Ashford Road , Ludlow. Captain C. L. TARRANT, 55, GrasmePe Road, Harlscott, Shrew bury. Miss H. \VrSDoM, 142, Corve Street, Ludlow. G. H. DAVIES, Bodhyfryd, 48, Meole Rise, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury . J. PHIPPS, 3, Red Lake Cottage, Ketley, Wellington, Shropshire. Mrs. A. G. CRAMPTON PYM, "Highfield," Oakhurst Road . Oswestry. Miss A. M. PUGH, Derwent Dene. Queens Park. Oswestry E. L. PRICE, 6, Coton Mount, Shrewsbury . (Training) . Mrs. 1. A. BALL, Orchard House, Admaston , r. \\'ellington . \V. THOMAS, 3, ewhall Gardens, Abbey Foregate, Shn~\Y~bury. L. H. TRENTHAM, .J.A .B. HQ. , Priory Road, hrewsbury . Eastern Area
Area Surgeons . Area Staff Officer
County Cadet Officer (N) Co u n ty Staff Officers
(o unty Sergeant-Major ( ou nty Secretary
Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Western Area
Area ::,upenlltelldeut (A) Area Surgeon Area
ursing Officer
A. V. LLOYD, 21, anon Street, Shrewsbury . D. A. IRELAND, B.A., M.B ., CH .B., M.R .C.S ., L.R .C.P., Council House Court, Shrewsbury . irs. A. P. HEWAT-JABOOR, S.R.! " Sutton Grange , dma st on, \Vellington.
Miss V. YANDLE, St. Auodries School, West Quantoxhead, Taunton. W. J. TOTTLE, 1, Whitting Road, Weston-super-Mare. C. r. H. HOWE, "Waycott", Uphill Way, Weston-superMare. (Transport) . Mrs. V. E. L. HUSBANDS, "Wilmanstone," Street, Somerset. (M .C.D.). Ailsa WHITEHOUSE, M.B., CH.B., 6, Henley Road, Taunton (Welfare). Mrs. D . 1\1. LAMB, Little Browndreys, Carhampton. (Cadets). G. D. BUTCHER, M.M., Orchard Close, East Brent. T. E. LINDFIELD, M.A., The Beeches, 29, Elmsleigh Road, Weston-super-Mare. Northern Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (
A. GLANDON \VILLIAMS, r-1.B ., F. R.C .S., Castle Gate IIouse. Shrewsbury . D . JONES, 20, Mount Pleasant, Ketley Park, Oakengat s.
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Cadet Officer (N) ,\rea tail Officer
D . O. CLARK, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Mendip CroLt, Blea don Hill, Weston-super-Mare. (Tel. Bleadon 389). R. V . CRIDDLE, Sundorne urseries, Locking, nr. Westonsuper-;\Iare . Mrs. Bingham HALL, 1, The Glebe House, Weston-superMare. J. L. TEMPLE, :'>1.B., B.S ., F.R.C.S ., 23, Cecil Road, \Vestonsuper-Mare. Miss 1. M. GOVIER, Royal West of England Sanitorium, \ V eston-super-.Ylare. C. J. HARDING, 26, Exeter Road, \Veston-super-Mare. :\lrs. E . DAVIS, I2, \Vhitting Road, Weston-super-Mare. Mrs . T. M. FOWLES, Old Mixon Lodge, Old :M ixon Manor, nr. Weston-super-Mare. (Cadets). Eastern Area
Area Commissioner
SOMERSET County Office: St. John House, Park Street. Taunton .
Tel. Taunton 7285.
County Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel Th e LORD HYLTON, Lord Lieute na nt of Mrs. A. A. W. LUTTRELL.
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon AEst. Cty. Sur.geon County Nursing Officer
Colonel C. T. MrTFORD-SLADE, D.L., J .P, Monty's Court, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton. (Tel. Bishops Lydeard 255). Lt. Col. S. C. F. De SALIS, D.S.O., The Old Court House, Drayton, Nr. Langport. Vaca:1t. Miss BRUCE-STEER, "Lydstep", Martlett Road, Minehead. (Tel. Minehead 492). W. BAI~, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Brook House, Minehead. W. KIRKWOOD, M.B ., CH.B., 66, Walliscote Road, Weston super-Mare . Miss C. NEAL, Quantock Chest Hospital, Over Stowey, Brid~water .
County Cadet Officer (A)
T. MORAN, \1 . A . . "Cranbrook", Laverton Lane, Norton St . Philip, nr. Bath. G. J. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road, Weston-super-Mare.
Area Surgeon rea ursing Officer. Area Cadet Officer (l\ ) '\rea Cadet Officer (~) .
County Vice -Presidents: Dr. Hugh POWELL, M.B.E., (Ambulance and Cadet Ambulance) Mrs. A. L. DOVEY, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B. (Nursing). Mrs. D. S. VERNON (Nursing). Miss M. SMITH (Cadet Nursing).
Area Superintendent (A) rea Superintendent (N)
G . T . PLATT, "Sabrina", North Road. Midsomer Norton. (Tel. 333I). E. W . SMITH, High Street Corner, Bath. Irs . E . \Y. 1. PLATT, "Sabrina", North Road, Midsomer Norton. A. R. \VILLIAlI1S, M.B., CH.B., West Lodge, Frome. Vacant. E . G . ASHMAN, qo, Westfield Gardens, Radstock. Mrs. F. E. M. BARNICOAT, 14, Pulteney Grove, Bath.
Western Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
Re.'1r Admiral H. \V. FAULKNER, C.B.. C.B.E., D.S.O., 7-1, The lose, Hatch B ea uchamp, r. Taunton. (Tel. Hatch B e3.uchamp -+24)' R. E. BRAY, 5, West Villas, Tone Vale, Taunton. Mrs. Vivian EAL, Poundisford Park, Taunton. W. J. OLLINS, M.B., CH.B., Woodstock House, 91, Sta plegrove Road, Taunton. H. Dr. HAM, 29, Kidsbury Road, Bridg\.\'ater. Vacant. Southern Area
Area Commissioner Area Ar<'a Area Area Area <\rea
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Sergeant Major
A. \VEVELL, J.P ., 100 , \Ve mhdon Roa d, Bridg\\·ater. (Tel. Bridg\\'ater 23 72). R . TRIM. 54, Manor House Road, Glastonbury. Miss G. A. M. GILLESPIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater. .T. F. COATES, I\1.B., I\1.R.C.P., Friars Gate, Bridgwater. S . W. H. LONEY, 28, Fremantle Road, Taunton. Mrs. E. M. ATKINSO , "W raxleigh", Street . L. C'. BATTY, 88, West Street, Bridgwater.
County Office: Market Square, Stafford . Tel. Stafford 1657. County Vice-President: Lady JOSEPH ( ursiIlR). Lady Diana MATTHEWS (Cadet Nursing).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . County Nursing Officer. County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers County Sergeant IVIajor . County Secretary
Capt. F. L. HrcHARD, O.B.E., M.B., CH.13 , 1<), Llchfteld Stn'('{ , Walsall , Staffordshire. (Tel. Walsall 3780). A. BYRNE-QUINl', 1\1.13., B.S., )I.R.C.S., L.R .C. P., DarmOth House, ' tafford :t.rel't, \V oJverhampton. Mrs. M. V. PENNY, Claremont, Porthill, toke -on -Trent. (Tel Stoke-on-Trent 88180). A. WALKER, ~I.B., CH.B., "Tree Tops", Sttafford R \., o\.'('n Heath. Miss P. LA WTON, 2, Li ttleworth A yen ue, vVoodsetton, ... r Dudlev, \Vorcs. J. F. HAYES, 133 , Riclg Road, Kingswinford, Brif'rlPy }liJ l. Vacant. J. R. RUSSELL, na, Primley Avenue. \Valsall. A. E. LUCAS, c/o Midland Bank, ,?llarket Square., Stallord . G. WATTERSON, 74, Hart Road. \Vednesfielcl. \Voh:erhampton V. CHANCELLOR, 29, Castle Bank, Stafford. (T·'1. Staf!'or<1 1886).
Assistant County Superinlendent (N) County urgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Ofncer (A) Co unty adet Officer (N) County Staff Otl1cers
COlli I
Mrs. H. MESSENGER, M.B.E., Worth Cottage, Bungay. T. D. \V. FRYER, M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., 52, Derby Road, Ips\vich. (Tel. Ipswich 77 102 ). . ~Irs.:\1. EAL, S.R., ., 39, Sherbourne Avenue, Ipswlch. W . l. ;\IAYHEW, 82, Severn Road, Ipswich. ?l1rs. P. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., "Teemore", London Road, Beccles. :\Iiss :\1. H. :\lIU.ER, S.R.N., Orchard Cottage, Holbrook, r. Ipswich. . A. B. ?l-IORTIMER, 39, Highfield Road, Ipswich. . Miss V . D. GEE, 471. Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Asslstant Secret a ry). W. C. WATTS, The Lodge, London Road, Beccles. . :\Irs. E. S. 1. CATTON, 24, \Vcstemeld Road, Ipswlch. (Blood Transfusion). Dr. D. \\'. RYDER RICHARDSON, The Beeches, Saxmundham. . J . ENGI ISH, 75, Clap gate Lane, Ipswich. F . W. R HORD, 18, Geneva Road, Ipswich. W. LA:'IIBERT, 33, Holland Road, Ipswich. A. H. l-ICHOLLS, 56, Roundv,'ood Road, Ipswich. Mrs. A. RICHARDSON, S.R.N., Stow Lodge Hospital, Sto\\,market. Mrs. E. RUST, 130, Highfield Road, Ipswich. (Cadets). H. E. BOREHAM, M.B.E., County Police Station, Ipswich. H. G. EM)E, 406, \Voodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 762 39).
Northern Area
Vacant. G. E. HUYTO:\, J~, Birchgate (;ro\'c, Bucknc'l\ "tokC'-oll Trent. :'I1rs. E. F. lOVENTRY, 57. Balance Street. Uttoxeter. J. S. F-lA"ULTON, ~!.B .. OLB., High Lane, Burslem. Stok on-Trent. F. E. S. JONES. 283, Chaplin R oan, Longton, ,toke. :'IIrs. D. 1\1. TUR:-rER, "Lighteavcs". CheddJdon I fpath, :'-., Leek. 1:i s V. C. VETTeH. ~LB .. eH.B., \Vestlands, Newcastle, Staffs
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) . Area Cadet Officer (N) . Corps Surgeon (attached)
Southern Area
Area Area Area Area
Vacant. M. A. Sr 1MONS, 154, Birches Road, odsall, Wol\'erhampton . Mrs. M. DELANEY, 2, ine Elms Lane, \~Tolverhampton. D. G. LLOYD, M.R.C.S , L.R.C .P.. Castle View Houc;e, Tipton Staffs. Vacant. Mrs. L. RusHTo:-r, I96, St. John's Road, Cannock, Staffs
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A) A I.:a Cadet Officer (N)
County Office: Woodbridge Road. I[Js\\·ich . Tel. 5-1005.
Western Area
omml sioner
Area Sup rintendent (1 ) Area Surgeon A rea (aJet Officer
County Superintendent (N)
i\IARTlN. F.R.C.S., M.B ., B.S., The Beeches, Ixworth , Bury t . Edmunds. :VIrs. :\IARTlN, :.r.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Beeches, Ixworth, Bury St. Edmunds. D. A. :'I1cCRACKEN, M.D., D.P.H., 32, \Vestbury Avenue, Bury St. Edmunds. :"'Iiss \ . CAFF"r"N, S.R.l'., H olland Cottages. Coney 'Weston, Bury St. Edmunds. Mrs. PRAGNELL, 10, St. Michael's Close, Bury St. Edmunds. (Secretary) . H. BURDEN , 7a, College Lane, Bury St. Edmunds. (Treasurer) .
Southern Area
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area taff Officers
County Vice-Presidents: Countess of CRANBROOK (Ambulance). Miss E. WEBBER (Nursing). Mrs. G. M. CLOSE (Cadet Nursing) . Major R . S. SCHREIBER. Camp sea Ashe House, Woodbridge. (Tel. Wickham Market 420). Miss A. PARKER, M.B.E., Dickon , Walberswick, Southwold . (Tel. Southwold. 2391).
ta ff Officers
County President: Lady Blanche COBBOLD.
U. J
Lt.-Col. J. E. M. BLAND, O.B.E., "Hillside," Freston, Nr. Ipswich. ( Tel. Holbrook 357)· Col. M. MACEw~", D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., M.B., CH.B., 33, Bcrners Street, Ipswich. Mrs. E. B. FRYER, S.R.N., 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. A. E. RUST, 22, Copleston Road, Ipswich. H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington Road, Ipswich. P. R. WOOLLARD, Ambulance Hall, Samuel Road , Ipswich . M. W. HOOD, 7 Chester Road, F elixstowe. r. H. GILLINGS, 53, Digby Road, Ipswich . . J. TAMPLIN, 77, Dale H"all Lane, Ipswich. W. W. PECK, 3I , Shafto Road, Ipswich.
Northern Area
Area Commissioner Area Cadet Officer rea Staff Officers
Capt. J. C. TAYLOR, M.R.C.V.S., London Road , Beccles . F. T. WI LLEARD, 43, Fair Close, Beccles . R. F. DYER, 28, Marlborough Road, Oulton Broad, Suffolk. Major J. F. MARR, 4, B eccks Road. Bungay. 1\1rs. ~IARR, 4, Beccles Road, Bungay.
Deputy Commissioner County Surgeon County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers County
Major-General J. 1\1. S. PASLEY, C.B., C.B.E., M.V.O., "Mount PI asant", Tilford, Surrey. (Tel. Frencham 239) . Brigadier E. E. READ, C. B.E., M.C., Pilgrims Way, Beavers Hill, Farnham \V . H. C. RO\IANIS, M.C., M.B., CH.n., F.R.C.S., The Rough , Hurtmore, Godalming. R. J. GRISTOCK, "EastView", Pine\\ood GrO've, Tew Ha\l , Weybridge. Lady HEALD, O.B.E., Chilworth ?'.lanor, Nr. Guildford . Tel. Guild£ord 614 14· Miss M. C. LEIGH-PEMBERTON, Barn End, Enton Green. GoJalming. J. C. BELL, "Chillington ", 18, Carrall Ave., Merrow, Guild ford. Miss N. E. LAWRENCE, Cheapsydc. £\\hurst. :'lEss R. COHEN, Paved Ways , ightingal~ Road, E. Horsl·). (Training). Miss V. BARLOW, "'pringl\ood", Pct.worth Road, IIa lemprp. . S. R. CARTER, B.E.M., Vine Cottage, West St., Farnham.
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) A.rea Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
Vacant. A. KIGHT, 21, Bridge Road, Haslemere. Miss U. MORRISH, " Aros", Haslemerc, Surrey. H. M. LA)oVS0N, M.A., a .C H., M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., Three Gab :es, Bridge Road , Chertsey. Mrs. M. D. SOUTHERN, Sedgley House, Horsley. G. WORTHY, ,p, Tennyson Road, Addlestone, Surrey. Miss V. M. LEATHER, M.B E., Tudor Cottage, Ew hott, Nr. Farnham. J. M. BALL, 1"29, N ew Haw Road, Addlestone. Ea.tern Area
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) . Cadet Officer (N) . Staff Officers .
B. ROBINSON, B.E.M., "Hothfield ", Russells Crescent, Horlev . R. G. FEAR, ~I.R.C.S., L.R .C.P ., . 'Brockley", ewdigate,.l r. Dorking. Vacant. Miss M. R. M. CALLOW, Batts Hill Cottage, Redhill. D. J. SHOPLAND, Little House, Shepherds Hill, Mertsham Miss E. M. LEIGHTON , 2. Southfields Avenue, Horley. B. E. NORMAN, 13, Albert Road North, Reigate. Mrs. D. COVELL, Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hill, East Grinstead . L. W. J. RICHARDS. II , St. Martin's Place, Dorking. A. G. GUMRELL, "Haydens", Fordbridge, South Merstham . Mrs. M. B ELFIELD, M.B.E., "Tangmere ", Brighton Road , Horley, Surrey (Cadets). North West Area
A rea Surgeon
R . G . W. SOUTHERN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Sedgley House, Horsley . South West Area
Area Staff Officer
A. H. M. RICHARD S, M.I3., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P .. D.P.H ., Munstead Lawn, Godalming . Mrs. L. M. FARLER, 25, Stocton Road , Guildford.
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner . .\ coun t y Superint n<..leni (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Coun ty County County
Nursing Officer. Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Wester n Area
Area Area Area Area
County Office: 19, North Street, Horsham, Sussex. Tel. Horsham 455 6 . County Presidents: The Dowager Countess of BESSBOROUGH, J.P. David BRYCE, Esq., O.B .E., J.P. County Vice-Presldents: Mildred, Viscountess HAILSHAM. The Lord Rupert NEVILL; F. A. TROTT, ESQ. (Ambulance Cadets ). Mrs. E. M. E. STEwART-RgBERTS (Nursing Cadets). Major-General J. M. L. RENTON, C.B., D.S.O ., O.B.E., J.P .
County Office: 9- 1 0, Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road, Guild£ord. Tel. Guildford 67163 County Vice-Presidents: C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq. (Ambulana). Lady OSBORN (Cadet Nursing) Mrs. PASLEY (NuYSt1lg)
Commis ioner
\ Area ommi sioner Area Superintendent (A) Area uperintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Lieut.-Colonel K. B. HICKS, O.B.E., Stone House, Bolney, Sussex. (Tel. Bolney 214)' Major P. A. UNIACKE, Ghyll Manor, Rusper, Nr. Horsham. \V. E. JupP, IS, Barttelot Road, Horsham. (Tel. Horsham
Mr1~6J~ '1\1. COURT~EY,
"The Croft", Slinfold, Nr. Horsham, (Tel. linfold 460). F. H. TUTTAFORD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Lascelles", Portland Place, Brighton. Mrs. D. MCPHERSON, 35, Croft Avenue, Southwick. F. W. T. DALLEN, 92, Elphinstone Road, Hastings. Miss E. M. TRILL, u8a, Church Road, Have. MIS5 W. M. BARKER, 10, Hurst Avenue, Horsham. H. L. GREGORY, Stanway, 70, Guildford Road, Horsham. (Treasurer) . Miss G. E. STONEHAM, 47, Motcombe Road, Eastbc urne . D. H. F. BURCHELL, 50, Fairfield Gardens, Portslade (Cadets). C. SIMPSON, 19, orth Street, Horsham. Eastern Area Capt. T. M. BUCKLEY, The King Alfred, Kings\\'ay, Hove . A. 1. 'BURNAGE, "Wearde", Bedfordwell Rd ., Eastbourne. l\[rs~ J{. KIRKLEY, 18, Hove Villas, Hove . G. J. ROMANES, M.A., M.R.C.S., Coombe Bank, Uckfield. :\lrs. K . JOHNSTON, S.R.N., 8, Gloucester Court, George \ " Avenue, \Vorthing. F. ]. MILLER, I, Oak Terrace, Gillsmans Hill, St. Leonardson-Sea. 1\lrs . A . D. HICKS, B.E.M., Stone House , Bolney. G. H. WREN, "Byway", 22, Priory Close, Hasting~. S . T . DENNING, 8, Arlington Gardens, Salt.dean, Bnghton. L. W. MOWER, 74a , Cross Roads Close, Southwick. (Cadets) (Cadets). R . T. HOLLANDS, 17 , Wincbelsea Road, Rye. Mrs. STRIBLING, 238, Victoria Brive, Eastbourne. Miss C. A. SALES, 65, Willowfield Road, Eastbourn Western. Area
A I Area CamIlli ' ioner . Area Superintendent (A ) Area Superin ten dent (N)
Area Surgeon Area Nursin g Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
\\'. L. HA CORN, 43, The Gardens, South\yick. Vacant. :'Iiss M. E. YOUNG, Kent House, Broadbridge Heath, :l\r. Horsham. S. R. MATTHEWS, M.A., M.B., CH.B., J.P., The White House, lfield. Mrs. H. W. TUCK, 83, Buckingham Road, Shoreham. H. G. NEWMAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. Mrs. E. A. BRODIE, Flat 3, 6, Arundel T errace, Marine Parade, Brighton 7. Mrs. BUTCHER, 77, Sompting Road , Worthing . O. E . LAKE, 50 , Whyke Lane , Chichester. (Cadets). R . MORRIS, Ashford House, Victoria Road, Bognor Regis. (Cadets). Mrs. M. F. TOWNSEND, 134, Manor \\'ay, Bognar Regis. (Cadets).
WAR WICK Co un ty Office: "Gable E nd". Priors Marston, r. Rugby.
T el. Byfield .162.
County C'add Officer (A) Cou nly Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County President:
The Hon . 1\lrs. L. C. S. FnzHoy NEWDECATE, O.B.E. County Vice-Preside nts:
The Lady WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE (N ursing). Mrs. BUCKMA STER (Cade t ursing). Commissioner Assistan t Commissioner County Superintendent (A) Co unty Superintendent (N) Asst. Cty. Superintendent eX) County Surgeon County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
County Sergeant-Major County Secretary
G. A. MACDONALD, l\l.B ., CH.B., D.M.R.D., "Gable End". Priors J'l1arston. Nr. Rugby. (Tel. Byfield 462 ). G. J . FOWLER, 3I, Dillotford Av en ue. tyvechale, Coventry . A . E RUSSELL, 5~. Browett R oad. Coventry. (Tel Coventry 3289). :'liss C. M . OKroN. B EM .. The Beeches ~taVt·rton, Nr Daventry, Northants. (Tel . Daventry 196). lIlrs. A. WORTHINGTON, 37, Jury Street, \\'ar\\kk. C. L. \VORTHINGTON. l\I.B., 'l.R. C.S .• L.R t.p .• 37, Jury St .. Warwick . Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. \V . B . J\1. \V YLEY, \Vatcbbury HOll e, Ba rford- ln-\Van\·ick. Mrs. L. A. 'WESTERN, 55. toney Stanton R oad, o\-entry J . H . HARRIS, 35. Nicholls Street, Stoke. oventry. Mrs. S. M. CADWALLADER, 50, Radford Road . Leamington Spa. A. H. BOOTH. 270, Windnull Road, Longford. COy ntry . E. O. ORME. 4, Orchard Crescent. Coventry. Mrs. J. EWALL, 36, Middlemarch Road. Radford, Coventry P. H. JAMES, 80, Torma n Place Road, Coventry. (Count) Cadet Secretary A). E. S. PALMER, 54, Paxton Road. Coventry. (Camp Advisor) F. G. WARWICK, 32, Botoner Road, Coventry (Am bulance Service). Mrs. Y. M. CROSBY, 7I. Forfield Road. Counsdon. Covcntn (Cadet Secretary N). D. SIMMONDS, M.B.E., "Col\\ in" . .-\Iv e ton Hill. Stratfordon-Avon. JI K . PERRY . I2J, Blackwell R oad, Coven try.
Coun ty Secretary
Area Cadet Offic('r (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Area An'a Area Area Area
F. W. KIRKBRIDE, 6, Russell Road. Salisbury. Miss E. A. DIMONT, 35. The Close. Salisbury. D. . GRESSWELL, Old Manor Hospital, 'alisbury. H. Hou;-:so"fE. 40, Waterloo Road. Salisbury . Mrs . LANE. West Lodge. W est St .• Wilton . Salisbury . :\1r . D. E. FA 'SHAWE, Farley Farm, Farley, Wilts .
Southern Area
Superintend e nt (A) Superintendent (N) ); lrsing Offic('r Cadet Officer (A) Cad,'t Offic r ( ) tafI Officer
Northern Area
Area Superinlendent ( ) Area Superintendent (N) Area urgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cad t Officer (N) Area , taff Officer
County Office: ~t.
John HOli e. 34. The Tything. \ Vorcester.
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) Coun ty Surgeon . l.ountv Nursing Officer
H. S: TAYLOR-YOUNG . F.R.C.S., The Red House, Park Lane, Sahsbury). (Tel. Salisbury 3152) . Major-General G. D. FANSHAWE, C.B ., D.S.O., O.B .E., Farley Farm. Farley. Wilts. Lady FULLER, M.B.E., Neston Park, Corsham. (Tel. Corsham 2201). Miss S. G. STURMER, Mill Vale House. WestbulY. S. C. H. L ANE, 0 B.E. M.B ., B.S . • M.R.C.S., L R C p. West .Lodge, Wilton, Salisb ury . . Miss B. P.ATTERSON c;t . Georges Hospital . Semington, Nr . Trowbndge.
(Tel. 4503).
CouJlly Presidents:
The Countess BEAUCHAMP, l\LB.E. F. L. NEWTON. Esq .• M.B .. CH.B. Counly 1'ice-Presiden ts: The Rt. llon. Earl BEAUCHAMP (A II1bllla/1ce). Mrs. A. H. LECHMERE (N u rsin g). Lady ANDYS ; Mr . F. J. 'OMERS (Cadet Nursing). Sir R onald LECHMERE (Cade t Amblllance).
County Vice -Presidents:
Vacant. Mrs. . LA:-<E, 65. Plymouth Street, Swindon. ]. K. :\To 'RO, 1Il.CH., F.R.C.S., "Highfields", The Common , Marlborough. A. R . KING, 43. Richmond R oad, Swindon. frs. 1\1. HALL. 54. Devizes Road. Swindon. J\lrs. L. E. A. BROAD, r Shrivenham Road, Swindon .
Tel. Salisbury 48ro .
Lieut.-Colonel H. A. GOLDEN, O.B.E., D.S.O. (Ambulance). L . F. Moss, ESQ. (Ambulance Cadets) .
O. E . HYDE, II, Burford Avenue. Swindon. Vacant. A. J. JENKINS. Silverdale, Croft R oad. North Wroughton. r. Swindon. Mr. 1\105S, Watchfield, Rowden Hill, Chippenham. (Press Relations). Mrs . A . H. HEMMING, Chisenb ury Priory, Pewsey (N.H. '. R.Admin.). ~Iiss:\1 J. MORTON PAL:.IER, 72. Fisherton Street. Salisbury. We tern Area
County Office: County Pre sident: A. R. TOWERZEY, ESQ.
C. F. J. ANDREWS, 9, The Close, Melksham. Vacant. E. :vIALONEY, r.LB., CH.B., Prospect House. Bradford-on-Avon. Wilts. G. INGRAM, 52 . Station Road. W estbury. Miss M. owell, Queens Square. Box, Wilts.
Area Superint ndent (A) Area Superi ntendent (N) Area urgcon
WILTSHIRE 72, Fishe rton Street, Salisbury .
Deput y Commissioner
County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeo ~ Cou nty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
F. J. SO\fERS. 1'.0 .• The Camp Farm. Great Witley. Worcs. (Tel. Great Witley 295). T. C. LENCH, l\layford. 63. Halesowen Roa d. Quinton, Birmingham. Squadron Leader R. D . M. EVERS, D.F. C., Four Winds . Wol verley Road, Kidderminster. Vacant. Mrs. M . G. 0, SOMERS, Highfield House , Blackwell . Nr. Bromsgrove. ]. T. DALY, M.B., O LB ., 380 . Ridgacre R d., Quinton. Birmingh am. R. R. H[ 'ES, 3 . Wolverhampton Street, Dudley . Miss H. M. BIDMEAD, "Trafford". lVlanor Lane. Haleso\\ en. 1iss II . M. WALTON , Mount Pleasant, Cowleigh Road , Malvern. A. C. W OOTTEN, 87, Long Lane. Blackheath. Dr . Birmingham . (Tra in ing).
County Sergeant l\Iajor .
S. TAYLOR, -3. ummerfield Avenue, IIurst Gr en, nr. Birmingham. Miss A. E. DINGLEY, 6. Lower Wilton Road, Ialvern.
Cou nty Secretary
Mrs . G. JACKSON, 8. Lynton Ave., _ outh, Hull. (Cadet Secretary). T. PENN, 207. Hall Road, Hull.
Area Cadet Officer (N) County Sccretarv (A) .
Anlaby PaJk Road
Northern Area
Area Area I\rea Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer
F. G. PRICE, M.B.E., Crossways", Hawne Lane, Haleso ...ven D. H. BUR'S, ISS. The Broadway, Dudley . ~lis 1. E. FEARNSIOE. 97, Alexandra Road , Ilale owen . R . BARRON, M.B., CH.B., Ambleside, Hall St., Dudley. Mrs. E. A. W EBSTER, S.R.N., "Arcadia", Station Road, Old Hill, Stans. K. H. BILLINGHAM. 94. John Street, Brierley IIill. :vnss M. A. MITH, "Thirteen". Dudlev \Vood Avenue, Crad ley H eath. H . S. BEl\":"ETT. 52. Harcourt Road, Old Hill. Miss A. E . WITCOMBE. Oldfield. 5. Somery Road . Priory Dudley. P. C. BENNETT (senior). 20. Millard Rd .. Coseley. Staffs Miss S. VVAKEFTELD. Theodosia. Enville Rd .. IGnve r, Staffs P . C. BE:-.:NETT (junior), 10, School tr(,f't. dgley. Nr Dudley . Southern Area Air Commodore A . L. GREGORY, ;lLB.E., .\I.e . D.I., The Close. Upton-on- evern. J. F. GRANT, 748. Evesham Road, rabbs ross, Redditch . Mrs. 1\1. E. HODGES, 123. Birch5eld Hoad. Redditch . F. H. VOLLAM, M.B., CH.B., The Old House, Alvechurch, .J. r
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area
taft Officers
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent eN) A rea Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE County Office: II, Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough, Yorks. County Preside nt : Thi LADY SERENA JAMES.
olonel ' ir L eoq.ard ROP;-;'ER, Bt .. M.C., T.D., D.L., M.P., Thorp Perrow, B edale. Yorks. (Tel. Bedale 10). J. PEARSON, Alandale. 19, The Crescent, N unthorpe, :Middlesbrough. (Tel. 56287) . C F. PEDDIE. Harrowgate Cottage, Norton Hardwick, Stockto"1-on-Tees. (Tel . 676r.t). Irs. F. . BURTON. 2. Upper Westbrook, Darlington . (Tel. Darlington 5764). 1iss ~I. l\100RHOUSE, 93, Trafalgar Road. Scarborough. F. W . HEBBLEfHWAITE, M.B . . eR.B . , II . The Avenue. Lintho rpe. Middle orough. Dr. S. E. JACKSON, 20. Stepney Drive. Scarborough . W. E . DANKS, 127, Iansfield Avenue, Thornaby-on-Tees. :'vIrs. T. E. KIRK. 31. St. Barnabas Road, Middlesbrough. P . P . \1[TR. II, \Vest Park Ave .• Newby, Scarborough . J. W . RENAHAN . 12, Alton Road, Middlesb rough. (Tra ining). J . B . MCCULLUM. 2, Gasworks Cottages, Normanby Road. South Bank. Middlesbrough. (Tra nsport) .
CommiSSIOner Depu ty Com m issioner Coun ty Supenntendent (A) County
upcnntendent (N)
r\Sst. Ct y-. Sup rintendent COllI1ty -nrgeon
st. County ::,urgeon l ounty Cadet Officer (A) ( ( unty Cadet Officer (N) Co unt,· . tafT Officers
Miss D . PREECE. 388, Wylds Lane, Worcester. Miss D. \V . JONES. DaL t on. 6-\, Worcester Road. :"Iah·ern Miss J. COLLEY, 23. Timberdine r\v 'nue. Bat.h Road. \\'0 cester.
EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE County Office: Priory House . 29. Cottingham Road. Hull. Tel. -1303
C01mty President: The LORD H OTHAM. County Vice-Presidents: S. LAWRENCE. ESQ . (Ambulance). Mrs. D . M . RYMER (Cadet Nursing). Mrs. BETHEL (Nu rsin g) Colonel R. A. ALEC-SMITH (Cadet Am,bulan ce). E. M. DEARN. M.B .. CH.B .• D.L.O .. H olme Lodge . 197 . CotCommissionec tingham Road. Hull. (Tel. Hull 43840). A. R. LIDGLEY, 92. Etherington Road. Hull. (Tel. Hull County Superintendent (A)
D~strict Of/ice: \Vetherby House, \Veth erby . Tel. \Vetherby 574.
District President : The Countess of SCARBROUGH . Dis trict Vice -Presidents :
T he VISCOUNTESS MOUNTGARRET (Nursing). G. R. H. SMITH, ESQ. (Ambulance) . Lord SAVILE (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. E. RADCLIFFE (Nu rsing Cadets).
4 6201 ).
County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursiug Officer Co unty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Office:-s
Miss E . M . STONEHOUSE. 63. Welwyn Park R oad. Hull. E. O. HALLIWELL, ~I.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 233. Hall gate , Cotting ham, E. Yorks. ' Miss P. M . W ATS ON, S.R.N., Hull Royal Infirmary, Prospect Street, Hull. R . BERRYMAN, 2. Snainton Grove, p erringham B a nk , Hull. Miss L. F. LEPPINGTON, "Aytona", 8, Belle Vue Crescent, Filf'Y. C. TACKSON, 210, Hawthorn Avenue. Hull. G. H EWARD, " B eau maris", 74. Ganstead Lane , Bilton . Hull. W. PARSONS. School H ouse, Barnby Moor. York.,. H . REFFOLD, 4 I, Fairfield Avenue, Kirkella. Mrs. M. REFFOLD, 41, Fairfield Avenue, Kirkella. Miss E . TALLENTS, 17 Etherington Drive, Hull. Miss D . M. HUZZARD, 20, Riversdale Roa.d , Hull.
Commissioner District Superintendent (A) District Superintendent (N) A~st. pist. Superintendent (N) .
Dlstnct Surgeon District Nursing Officer District Cadet Office r (A) District Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officer
E. H. LODGE, M.B ., CH .B., Castle Garth House, Wetherby . (Tel. Wetherby 32). Lt.-General ir Colin BARBER, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Quarry Moor Lodge, Ripon. 'Irs. G. W. LODGE, O.B.E., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. (Tel. Wetherby 32). Mrs . M. A. AYKROYD, The Priory , Nun Monkton, York. R. CHESTER, M.D ., CH.B ., M.SC., Cardrona, West Lane, Baildon. Miss E. BARRACLOUGH. S.R.N., Rehabilitation Centre. Whi teley Wood. Sheffield. I I . L. MASO~, 5. L y nwood Gardens, Pudsey, Nr. L eeds . Mrs . CUMMING BELL. Binham Lodge. Egerton. Huddersfield. G . HILL. 218. Stanhope Drive . Horsforth.
Area CadC?t Officers (N)
Midland Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintemdent (A) District Staff Officer (i / c Nursing Divisions) rea Surgeon Area ursing Officer Asst . rea Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area taff Officers
G. THmfPsoN, M.B. , CH.B , 41, Free School Lane, Halifax H. J. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, 8. Mrs . O. M. GELDARD, The Grange, I1kley, Yorks. E. W . L. WHITE, M.B., ClI.B .,
"Oakland", Metbley Leeds . Miss K. A. R ,WE , The General Infirmary, Leeds. Mrs. M. E. SIIIMELD, 7, Asket Gardens, Leeds 8. S. BRANSON, 8, Stone Street, tricker Lane, Bradford . Mrs. K. M. ]OHNSO:-l, 1.(0, Gledhow Wood Rd., Leeds, 8. G. DACCUS, 49, Lumley Road, Leeds . Mrs. E. M. SE.WARD, b, Coppice \Y(\~', L <'ds, 8.
County Staff Officers Area Staff Officer
Mrs. J. CROSBY, 58, Chestnut Avenue, Doncaster. Mrs , TOWNSEND, 6, The Villas, Edlington. N. HULLEY, vVarning Tongue Lane, Doncaster. D. G. BARBER, 104, Doncaster Road, Armthorpe , Doncaster. ]. DEARDEN, The Beeches, Scawthorpe, Doncaster. (Tra nsport). H. OATES, Kingston House, Carlton-in-Lindrick, Nr. Worsopp , Notts. L. T AGG, 67, Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, r. Doncaster (Treasurer). E . Po 'BERTH, . 'The Chase ", Warning Tongue Lane, Bessacarr. Doncastc·r. C. F. PALMER, Scawthorpe Rouse, Scawthorpe, Doncaster. South West Area
Northern Area
Area Commi sioner County Officer (iJc Ambulance Divisions) Area Superintendent (N) A rea Surgeon A st. Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. Area Cadet Officer (A) An:a Cadf't Officer (N)
M . B., CH.B., . ' :'IIal~s ;-,10u n t", :'Ialsis H ORd, Keighl ey. J. G. R OCHE TER, Thornlon's Yard , 34a Keighley Road , Skipton. Miss G . E. l\IYALL, Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorks. J. E . BAIRD, M B., B.CH., B.A.O ., Brow House, Hawort h, Keighley. J. M. A. CRITCHLEY, M.B., CH.B., 15, Woodlands Dri\' , Harrogate. 1\lrs. 1. R. HYMAS, Farodale, The Grove, Har-rogate . F. R. CHARLTON, II, St. Swithin' Walk, York . 1rs . 1. \VrLso., 15, East Lane , Shipton-b'-Beningbrough York.
Area Commissiouer Area Superintendellt (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area ursing- Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officer County Staff Officer Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant Major
Area Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer§; (A)
Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area tafT Officer
II. IIARRISO:-:, "Riber", 40, Gledholt Road, Huddersfield. D. F . BARRETT, M.B ., CH.B., 292, Bradford Rd., Huddersfield. 1iss A . E . U 'THA K, M.B.E., 25, Duchy Road, Harrogate.
Dr. :\lustafa Rial EI SARRAFF, Shaftesbury House, York Road, Batl y, Iv lrs . 1\1. I~ \1 DEN. Bywell House. Dewshury .I. R.\SSr~DALE, 8 9, Manchester Road, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield. :'Iliss Z. E. HULL. 48, New North Road, Huddersfield II. BOWER, 13. Thornfield, 'avile To\"yn, Dewsbury . (Cadets) L . CI EGG, 7. York Avenue, Farto\\"n, Huddersfield (Secretan').
]. MAIN RUSSELL, M.B., CH.B., D.P .H .. "Wemyss", Stockcuth Lane, Oughtibridge. Sheffield. A. ELSON. M.B.E., 148, Oaks Av en ue, Sheffield. l\1rs. DEGENHARDT, 2). Sale lIill . ~hl'rfi('Jd. IO. e. B. BALL, L.M.S.S.A., Fern Lodge, I 313 , Dudworth R oad , Barnsley. Vacant. H. SHOOMAN, M.n., B.CH . . "Rosana", Ncwstead, Cow Larll', Havercroft, Nr. Barnsley. Mrs. H. BEVERLEY, The Haven, \Vorsboro' Dale . Nr Barnsley. C. H. FORSTER, 33, High Street , Sheffield, I. H. A. WENT, 10. Dovecliffe Rd ., Wombwell. H. HEMINGWAY, St. Thomas's House, Worsboro' Dale . ~r Barnsley. J. SMAW, The Beeches, 27, Mill Hill, P ontefract . Mrs . V . G. BOOTH. 17. Barkers Rd .. N ther Edge, Sheffield ' C. C. BOWLEY, H. Remper Lane . heffielo . ]. ASKEW, 25 Pickup Crescent, \Vombwell, Nr. Barnsley . South East Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)
ASSistant CommiSSioner Coun ty Surgeon District tafI Officer (i/c Nursing Divisions) Are'a Cadet Officer (A)
E. SOAR, 55. Haigh Road, Balby . A. E. MOORE, "Moredene", Main Road, Auckley, Nr. Don caster. Mrs. R. M. SOAR, 55, Haigh Road, Balby. M. HAI:-I, M .B., CH .B ., 22, Balby Road, Doncaster. Col. R. W. SCOTT, M.D., D.P.}T ., "Langley," Gantlip Lan e' Doncaster. Mrs. BALCON, S.R.N., I, Park T rrace, Thryburgh, r r. R oth erham. W. HARGREAVES, J98, Great North Road, Woodlands, Doncaster. .J . HOWARD, r6, Da.wood Villas , Bentley. Doncaster.
Grr> It \ Tic tori .l Street, Belfast.
Tel. Belfast 2397 0 .
Pres ident : Her E 'cellency The LADY \V AKEllURST. District Vice-Presidents: ]'lrrs . G. J. \VALLACE, M.B.E.
Brigadier T . W. DAVIDSON. M.B .. B.CH., B.A.O., 26, Malone Park , B elfa t . (Tel. B elfast 66 059). Brigadier R . J. C. BROADHURST, Belvedere, Ballyauglis, Deputy Commissioner Co. Down. Mrs . :'II. ~EILL, 96, Circular Road, B elfast. (Tel. Belfa t District Superintendent (N) 6537 9)· Lt .-Col. G. GREGG, O.B.E ., M.D ., F.R.C.P., D.P.M ., 40, ElmDistrict Su rgeon wood Avenue, Belfast. Miss B. BOYCE, S.R.N., S.C. 1., City and County Hospital, District Nursing Officer Londonderry. C. MURRAY , 92, Orangefield Crescent, Belfast. District Cadet Officer (A) Miss E. GARRETT, Helen's Lea, Gilnahirk, Belfast . District Cadet Officer (N) Deputy Dist. Cadet Officer (A) A. C. THOMAS, "Kilinma," Carrowreagh, Dundonald. Deputy Dist. Cadet Officer ( ) Mi s V. K. HILL, 88, Donaghadee Road, Bangor, Co. Down W . A. RYAN. Glenartney, Clanbrassil Road, Cultra, Co. Area ~ommissioner Down. (Public R elations). Brigadier L. E . ~IACGREGOR , O.D.E., 61, Great Victoria t., District Secretary Bplfast.
Comma ndery in Centra l Africa D r . S. C. H. Gasson, P.O . Box 596, Bu]awa yo, Rhod esia.
PRIORY FOR WALES Headquarters : Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, ardiff.
-bief Commissioner for Wales . -uperintendent - in - Chief for Wales Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales . Deputy Chief Commissioner for Wales . Deputy Superintendent-in-Chlef for Wales . Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales Assi tant Superintendent - in Chief for Wales Chief ursing Officer for \Vales Chief Officer for Ambulance Cadets (Wales) Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets (Wa les) Chief Staff Officer Cadet Training Officer Brigade Secretary
['omm ission('r
The lIon. J. H . BRUCE, C.B.R., J.P., D.L. II .R . ll. Th e DU CHESS OF KENT, G Edgar LI EWELLYN, M.B ., CH.B. olonel Ririd
l\lY[)l)FTTON, lit. \ .0.,
.V 0., CT.,
Margherita, LADY HOWARD DE \VALDEN AND Sl'"AFOHD, G . Pari Huws,
M.B . ,
Commandery Commissioner Deputy Commissioner .
C.B. I.
Superi n tendf'n t -i I1 -CI1 if'r :l1 rgcon-in-Ch ](' 1
'1Irgc'ol1-in-Chwf Sir MIchael DUFF, Bt. Lady TWfsTo '- DAVIES, J .P. Vacant . Miss Zoe D " DRurTT \V. Mabon ABRAHAM, M.B .E.
lkpu t Y COJl1mlssiOlwr
Chief Commissioner D epu t y Chief Com Tl.1issioner Superintendent-in-Chief ( ) urgeon-in-Chief . Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets Chief Officer ursing Cadcts Priory Commissioner Depu ty Priory Commissioner Su perin tendent-in-Chief Surgeon-in-Chief . Asst. Superintendent-in-Chief
Priory in Ca n a d a Vacant . Colonel A. G. CHERRIER. St" John 1Iouse, 321, Chapd "trc>ct , Ottawa, Ontario. Bri gadier J. N. B . CRAWFORD, M.B.E., E.n , M.D. '\11ss 1\1. J. L . MACLAREN. Priory in New Zea la nd Brigadier J. MITCHE.LL, D.S" O., E.n., Woodward Street, Wellington. C. MEACHEN, l.p" (Secretary). Miss "M. KNIGHT, O.B.E. Group Captain A. H. MARSH, Q.H.P. Dr. D. p" KENNEDY. Miss V. P. L. ANQUETIL, M.B.E"
Gha n a . COLLINS, C.B.E., Officf' of the M. K . Polic', ,-\ccra. I~ P. B.... FFOUR, O.H.E., B.SC.
Co mmissioner
Comm ander y in W es t ern Au st ra li a Colonel J. R. Do ALDSON, E.D , M.B", 298-30 , W lllingtoD Street, Perth. Dr. B. C. COHEN.
Surgeon-in-Chi f uperintendent-in-ChieI
P a k istan WAJIO ALl ·HAIl. St. John Ambulance Brigade H .Q., Kalrak Buildings, Mansfi eld Road, Karachi, 3, Sadar. Lic'llt Col. M. J AFAR, O.H. E. ~ Ylm
Chief Commis.lOner
The lIon . Mrs. J . H " BRUCE. l\1i s J . E. THOMAS, S.R . . , S"C.M., r ..\.
P r io ry in A u stra li a Briga dier W . \V . . JOHNSTON, L.B E., n.S 0", '1.l . F I) , M.D., F.lt.A.C.P., Dioc an Church llou !'(', George' 'tn,,,t ydney, New outh Wales" l\Tiss F. . B . l\IcKAY, M.B., CH.M.
Chief Commissioner Execu tive Commissioner
In.dia Thc' lI on" RAJKUMARI A;\IRfT KAUR, S. J .A. B . Headquarters, R ed ross Road, ew Delhi , 2. Miss T. K. ADRANVALA. .Iivraj . MElITA, M.n , M.R.C.P.
ChIef COlllmisioner
Chid Superintendcnt (N)
Tel. CardifT .'\213].
Chief Commi sioner
Dfllicl's Chambers,
Priory in S -:>u t hern Africa Brigadier \V . H. du PLESSIS, O.B .E., E.n., M. R.C.S., L.R.C Glenshiel, Woolston Road, Westcliff, Johannesburg . A. G. WILLIAMS. Mrs. M. A. WALTON, A.R .R.C. Dr. G. D. ENGLISH. Miss K. E. POTGIETER.
District Supcflllt('n(knt (.') I Istrict Slllg<'on
M a lay a Dr. Chang Hoey CHA,', c/o Tanglin Hospital, Young Road, Kualar Lumpur. (,h<, "'adiah ·AHDON. I r. 1 faji Megat KHA
OTHE R OVERSE AS TERRITORIES Commisc:ioner District Surgeon
B a hamas II. OLCHESTER-\VEMYSS, O.B .E., Office of th e' Commissioner of Police, assau. Dr. T ~1cP. MACLENNA
District Superintendent ( ) District Surgeon
B a rbad os Colonel C. G. ". "McALESTER, O.B.E., Jlf.C., Yeovilton, Lower Max\\ ell IIill , Christ Church. Mrs. E. \VILLlAlIIS, lILB.E. Dr. II. E. SKEET, O.B .E.
Comm issioner District . uperintenclent (N) District Surgeon
B ermud a W. T. W1LSON, c/o Bank of oermuda Ltd., Hamilton . Miss M. CARLE. Dr. \\' . H. C. l\1A. TERS.
Commission er
North Borneo Vacant.
ommi sion r
British Guiana P ,
ornmissioner of
Com mis5'ioner . Deputy Commission r District :luperintendent ( T) District '3urgeon
DUREY, P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. F. A. D . LEARE . Mrs . B . L. SHAW. Dr. L. H. WHARTON, M.B.E.
Comrn issione r
British H@nduras Vacant.
Deputy Commissioner . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
Ceylon Col. C. A. H. P. ]AYAWARDANA, C.M.G., C.V.O., O.B.E., E.D., St. John Ambulance Brigade Headquarters, Lower Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo 3· Dr. C. D. AMARASINHA. Mrs. M. A. JAINUDEEN. Dr. N. F. GUNASEKERA.
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent (N)
Cyprus D. M. TAYLOR, O.B.E., K.P.M., 3, Euclides Street, Nicosia S. \VILLIAMS. Mrs. M. CLIFFORD.
Commissioner District Superintendent ( ) District urgeon
Fiji W. E. DONOVAN, Box 18, G.P.O., Suva. Lady GARVEY. Dr. G. O. HALLMAN.
Commissioner District S uperin t en den t ( ) District Surgeon
Gibraltar A. L. ABRAHAM, Central Police Station, Gibraltar. Mrs. D. ELLICOTf. Dr. J. A . DURRt\:>IT.
Commissioner District u rgeon
Malta G,c. Lieut .-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B .E., 64, Amery Street , Sliema. Dr. R. c.. . C'C'JII-INGLOTT, M.B .E.
Commissioner District uperintendc l1 l ( ) I )istrict Surg on
J\llauritius H. S. Desvaux de .:vIARIGNY, Police H.Q ., Port Louis. Miss G. DA VIES. Dr. J. ~IA1. 'G.\RD, :I1:.B.E.
Commi~s ioner
Nigeria Police C. S. K. BOVLLL, Office of the Inspector-General, The .l Tigeria Policf'. Lagos.
Nigeria Railways District Colonel . ir Ralph EMERSON, C.I.E., O.B .E., .. -igf'rian Rail\\a1' CorporatIOn, Ebute Metta.
I )"puty Commi 'iull'r
Nigeria Ports District C. A. DOVE, M.B.E., igeria Ports Authoritv Private :'Iail Bag 25 - 8. 216, Broad Street, Lagos . -' F. J. IVB1EY .
Commi_sioner . A I Deputy Commi sion'i
\\'. G. YER, C.B.E., Police Headquarters, Freetown. Dr. T. P. EDln:.
CommiSSioner Deput.y CommiSSlOnl'r District Superintr'ndent District Sll rg<>on
S ingapore Dr. P. C K\\ A:-", 2). Gilstead RO'td, Singapore, Dato ~Y'd Ahmad :\IohammE'd .\ LSAGOFF. :'Irs. S.' JOH.'!->ON. Dr. P. :'khTYRE..
Commissio ner
Grenada TIu ggin~
Deputy Commissioner District uperintendent (.l ) District Surgeon
H. W. D. COTT, c/o G. f'. Grenada. Brother H . R. KELLY . irs. M . CLYNES. Dr. L. M. O:lIMISSIONG.
Commissioner Deputy Commissioncr District Superintendent ( )
Hong Kong FUNG PING FAN, 2 Tai Hang Road . Dr. TSEU G FAT IN . Mrs . P. HOGAN .
Commissioner District Superintendent (N)
Jamaica South-East Dr. E. HOERMAN, 43, Duke Street. Kingston. Miss E. M. STEPHENS, B.E.M.
(Grt'nada) Ltd .
i{>rra Lone
CommiSSIOner I>i ·t rict _ II rgf'o n
Tangnnyika C. \\', Lb\ [f<ETT, ~1.B.E., P.< >. Box ,6 . Dar-C:'s-:aJaam. Dr .\. :\. Lo\ ELL.
[)('puty ommissioner District SuperintE'nd nt (rT) 1J1~trict Surgeon
Trinidad and Tobago :'Iohamnwr] C,nll'aib .\c..KB.\RALf, :\['B.£., St. quartt'f". \\'rightson Road, Port of pain. B. L. J. JAc..KSOK. :\Ir , 1\1. I. T. BRYAN. Dr . :\ . B. ANTO!'!.
District Surgeon
Jamaica North-East Captain L. R. Mandeville ELLIS, J.P., Fort George, Annotto Bay Estate. Dr. L. JACOBS.
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent ( )
Jamaica North-West H. CAHUSAC, West Indian Sugar Co. Lt.d ., Frome. L. R. REED. Mrs. M. STARKINGS.
Commissio ner
N, P. HAOO\\', Police H eadquarters, Kampala.
Jamaica South-West C. C. MICHELIN, c/o West Indies Sugar Co. Ltd .. Monymusk.
Com missioner
Commissio ner Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent (1 ) District Surgeon
Commissioner District Surgeon
Leeward Isl ands H. G. SEWARD, Office of the Antigua. Dr. K . H. UTTLEY.
Com:-nissioner of
Kenya Brigadier-General Sir Godfrey RHODES, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., P.O. B ox 1469, Nairobi. M. S. O'RORKE, C.B.E. Countess of PORTSMOUTH. Dr. J. A . CARME:>I.
Zanzibar Police fIeadquart('rs. Zanzibar.