in tbe :J13ritisb 1Realnt of
the most l!)enerRble
of tbe lbospitaI of st. 30bn of JeruSal€ln
Printed by the Swindon Press Ltd. 100, Victoria Road, Swindon, Wilts.
REPORT of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1957
Telegraphic Address:
Firstaid, London
Clerkenwell 6644
Copies 0/ this Report (price is.) may be obtained from the Stores Manager, St. John's Gate, Clerk en weI!, London, E.C.i.
~ o bereign
Field-Mar 'hal Hi s Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, K.G .. K.T., K.P. P.C .. G.M.B .. G.e.M.G., G.C .V.O.
J[orb .l)nor
,p relate
Hi Grace The Archbi hop of Canterbury P.e., G.e.v.O., D.D.
The lord Wakehur t, K.C .M.G.
Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pown all, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.e.
jLlillftff of <eg(e
Brigadier-General The Earl of Shafte bury. K.P., P.e. . G.e.v.O., C.B.E.
61 '[;1)£ oti)£'l' IHiliflffs' @mllb <Cros's'
H.R.H . The Duke of Wind or K.G., K.T., K.P. G.C.B., etc. Lieut.-General Sir William Dobbie G.C.M.G., K.C.B., D.. 0. The Marque of Cari brooke, G.C.B., G.C.V.O. Colonel The Lord Webb-John on, G.C.V.O., e.B.E., D.S.O., T.D. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Jame Elliott, V.D. The Rt. Hon. Vincent Ma ey, P.e., C.H. Group Captain Sir Hugh Poate , M.V.O., E.D. Charle H. C. Pirie-Gordon. E q., O.n.E., D.. e., F.S.A.
'[;1)1' 'priors' of
Lieut-Colonel Sir Hugh Turnbull, K.C.V.O., K.B.E. (Scotland). The Lord Aberdare (Wales) The Hon. Erne t George Jansen (South Africa). The Viscount Cobham (New Zealand) . The Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, P.C., C.H. (Canada). Field-Marshal Sir William Slim, G.C'.8., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., e.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. (Australia).
2 ~be
(fxecutibe Q&tficers CCfjilllCe({or
Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.e. &5>Urrtil rt·);~elll'ra [
C. T. Evan, Esq., e.M.G. lReceilJer = ~l'lIerR r
Lewis G. Whyte, E q. j3irector · ~eneri1r. ~t.
~11lUllrilnce ~SSOCtRttOll
Horace F. Par hall, E q. T.D. jf)OSpitilller
Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder G.C.v.O., M.D., F.R.e. . ~rll\oller
Sir Gerald Crea y, K.C.M.G., !".C.V.O. O.B.E. J[tUrilttlln
Major R. William,
F . . A.
Great Officers. other Bailiffs Grand Cro Priors of Priories. Executive Officer . \l::1)e Il&riginal
of .lustiet
The Earl of Halifax , K.G., P.C., O.M., G.e.s.l., G.C.I.E. Colonel Sir Jame L. Sleeman, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O. Sir Harry Luke, K.C.M.G., D.UTT., LL.D. Major Sir Thomas G. L. Lumley-Smith, D.S.O .
1knigbts of l' ustice (who have erved two term of three years on Chapter-General) The Hon . John Bruce , C.B.E. (Representative of the Priory for Wales). Colonel E. W. Gold worthy. Major P . M. Beachcroft O.B.E. LL.D. Commander E. A. Morri on, R . . Surgeon Rear-Admiral Sir Cecil Wakeley, Bt. , K.B.E. , C.B. Sir Alfred Bo som, Bt. Captain The Lord Harri s, M . . The Earl of Cran brook C.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel W. R . Hornby Steer. Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove. e.B .E., T.D. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas Cook.
Sir Harry Luke K.e.M.G.,D . UTT. LL.D. ~eneillogt.st
The Hon. Sir George Bellew, K.C.V.O. Llirector of CCerelllOllll'S
Major A. Urquhart, D.S.O. ctommissionet =in =CCf,)ief,
3Tof)n £lllluu(anc£ JlJrigabe
Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E. ~ssistant (fxecutibe Q&tficers Assistant Recei ver-GeneralM. S. Barker, Esq. Assistant Directors of CeremoniesSir William Savory, Bt. Colonel P. H. Catt. Deputy Directors-General, St. John Ambulance A ssociationLieut.-Colonel E. C. Croft. Major-General W. E. Tyndall, C.B., C.B.E., M.C. Assistant Director-General, St. John Ambulance AssociationD. C. Maclean, Esq. Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance BrigadeRear-Admiral R. M. Dick, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.C.
JL\epresentatibe &enior 1RnigfJts hlligfJts o( lustict
D . M. Evan - Beva n E q. (Repre entative of the Priory for Wales). N. M. Ingle-dew, E q. (Repre entative of the Priory for Wales). Major R . L. Loyd. O.B.E., M.e
Sir Basil Mayhew, K.B.E. SirWidiam Savory, Bt. Brigadier-General J. G . Browne, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. Captain J. Docwra Roger, M.B .E. W. G. Pape, E q., O.B.E. Sir George Abbis , O.B.E. W . E. C. Lazenby, Esq. e.B.E. Major A. C. White Knox O.B.E., M.e Sir William Shenton. Sir Hugh Dow, G.C.I.E., K.e.S.I. Sir Gordon Lethem , K .C.M.G. (Representative of the Priory of Scotland). The Lord Latham. Colonel Sir Ellis Robins K.B.E. , D.S.O. Sir John Hathorn Hall , G.C.M.G. , O.B.E. , D.S.O., M.e. Lieut.-General The Lord Freyberg, V.e., G.C.M.G., K.e.B·., K.B.E. , DoS.O., (Representative of the Priory in New Zealand). Lieut.-General The Lord Norrie, G.C.M.G. , G.C.V.O., C.B .. D.S.O., M.e .
3RepresentRtine 3f unior hnigbts l"ninuts of 31ll9'ticc
Major-General J. E. T. Younger, The Lord Cozens-Hardy.
1,ntnDts of
The Bishop of London. The Very Rev. Edgar Rogers,
F. H. D. Pritchard , E q. John Tennant, Esq., T.D. The Hon. Deni Berry, T.D.
Sir George Wilkin on, Bt. , K.C.V.O. T. de la Poer Bere ford, Esq., Q.C. Lieut.-Colonel W. E. Pringle, M.C . Captain P. Reay, O.B.E., M.C. Captain R. V. Steele, Sir Hugh Poynter Bt. eRepre entative of the Priory in All tralia). Captain F. L. Richard, O.B.E., Sir Andrew Wright, K.C.M.G., C.n.E., I.e. Major P. G. Darvil-Smith, C.B.E. J. H. H. Pollock, E q., C. foG., O.B.E. (Repre entative of the Commandery of Ards in Northern Ireland). Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, K.C.M.G., K.13.E., M.C., Q.C. C. A. P. Southwell, Esq., C.B.E., M.C. J. A. B. Palmer, Esq. Brigadier F. A. V. Copland-Griffith, D.S.O .. M. The Lord Crook. Sir Philip Warter.
Bishop H. J. Buxton. Bishop J. W. C. Wand. The Bishop of Norwich, K.C.V.O. The Bishop of London. Bishop D. H. Crick. Bishop A. C. W. Rose. The Very Rev. C. L. Wan, K.C.V.O., The Dean of Westminster. The Rev. A. Nevile Davidson, D.D. The Bishop of Chester. The Very Rev. Edgar Rogers, O.B.E. The Bishop of Blackburn. The Rt. Rev. W. H. Stewart, C.B.E.
lhpresentattue <C(ema( 1J3rrtfJren
The The The The The
Rev. C. Perowne, T.D. Venerable H. J. Matthew , Archdeacon of Hamp tead. Rev. M. F. Foxell, c.v.o. Venerable O. H. Gibb -Smith , Archdeacon of London. Venerable W. A. Parker Archdeacon of Stafford.
member of ClCouncil on ClCvapter =~eneral (in addition to tho e shown under other headings) H. N. Bream E q.
Sword Bearer: Captain J. Docwra Roger, Cro Bearer: Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove
I.B.E. c.n.E., T.D.
D.D. LL.D.
Major J. F. C. Underhill
of tf)e
m:rCn.surer ftllb
D. B. R. Swin tead, Esq., l\.epre.sentatibe Ql:ollllllunbers
Lieut.-Commander A. F. Inglefield, R.N: John Owston, Esq. M. S. Barker, Esq. Major Clive Bossom. Colone.l P. H. Catt. Sir Harry Sinderson, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.V.O.
A . . A.
The Chapter-General ha the honour to submit to Members and Associate of the Order its Report for the year 1957. ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER The Annual Festival of the Order was held on Saturday, 22nd June, commencing as is customary with Holy Communion in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church which was celebrated by the Rt. Rev. Bishop W. H. Stewart a Sub-Prelate of the Order. The General Assembly was once again held in the Mansion House by invitation of the Lord Mayor who attended in state. The Commemoration Ser ice was held in St. Paul's Cathedral, the ermon being preached by the Bishop of Chester, who is also a Sub-Prelate of the Order. During the Service there took place the ceremony of the laying up of the Banner of two departed Bailiffs Grand Cross, the late Earl of Athlone and the late Sir Heaton Rhodes. Triennial Appointments St. John Day. 1957, also marked the commencement of a new triennial period, which is the period for which the majority of the appointments to offices within the Order are made. Two changes occurred amongst the Executive Officer by the retirement of Mr. H. Pirie-Gordon from the office of Director of Ceremonies, and of Major R. L. Loyd from the office of Almoner. They were succeeded by Major A. Urquhart and Sir Gerald Creasy re pectively. Mr. Pirie-Gordon enjoyed the unusual distinction of having served in an executive office ufficiently long (15 years) to qualify for the Order' Service Medal. The following new member were appointed to Chapter-General:N. M. Ingledew, Esq., Colonel Sir Ellis Robins, Sir John Hathorn Hall, Lieut.-General The Lord Norrie, Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, C. A. P. Southwell, Esq., J. A. B. Palmer, Esq. , Brigadier F. A. V. CoplandGriffiths, The Lord Crook, Sir Philip Warter, The Rt. Rev. W. H. Stewart, Colonel P. H. Catt, Sir Harry Sinderson, John Tennant, Esq., The Hon. Denis Berry and H. N. Bream Esq. Following the resignation of Lord Norrie as Prior of the Priory in New Zealand on his relinquishing the office of Governor-General, His Royal Highness The Grand Prior appointed The Viscount Cobham, the incoming Governor-General as Prior in his place. During the year also the Order lost by death Lord Inverclyde, the Prior of Scotland; Lord Aberdare, the Prior of Wales; and Lord Llewellin, the Knight-Commander of the Commandery in Central Mrica. Lieut.Colonel Sir Hugh Turnbull, the new lord Aberdare, and the Earl of Dalhousie were appointed as their successors. Grand Priory Church Steady progress was made throughout the year with the Church Rebuilding Scheme. The cloister and garden were finished. The Church itself was roofed and the windows put in. It is confidently expected that
the whole scheme will be completed in the ummel' of 1958 and it j proposed that a Service of Rededication hOllld be hel d on the 17th October next. On the financial side the appeal fund till fall hort by omc £25 ,000 of the to tal of £80,000 required. Foreign AIlairs The Order continues to maintain friendly contact with European Branches of the Order of St. John through it Liai on Officer. Indeed durin~ th e year one entirely fresh contact wa made namely, with the Austnan Pri ory of the Sovereign Military Order. A wa mentioned in the Report fo r 1956, our Order played an active part (which on the ide ?f the Brigade continued during] 957) in a isting Hungarian relief. Thi mcluded providing financial assi tance to varioll bodie actively engaged on the. Austrian-Hungarian frontier, among them the Au trian Priory. The Pn ory appealed for financial help to the Order which ent a total of £1,000. Subsequently the Lord Prior during a vi it to the Continent, took the opportunity of meeting personally the officer of the Priory in Vienna . Duri ng the same visit the Lord Prior al 0 renewed contact with the Chancellor of the Johanniterorden in German y, and the Commendator of the Swiss Association of Knights. American Society of th e Order A development of importance in the foreign field ha been t he creation of a Society of Members and Associate of the Order who are American citizens or reside in the United States. It had long been feIt that it would be desirable if these Members could be formed into a Society which would enable them to keep more closely in touch with the Order and it work but it had been found difficult to bring such a body into exi tence. Th~ Lord Pri or, h owever, during a visit to America in September, wa able to consult with certain of the American Member. and As ociate with the result that it was decided to form such a Society and a constitution was drawn up. Steps have recently been taken to obtain the nece ar legal incorporation u nder the title "The American Society of the Mot Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jeru alem". Overseas Development The policy of appointing Headquarters' officers to organi e and develop St. John work in territories in the Commonwealth wa continued during the ,Yea,r and such officers were operating in the West Indies , Uganda, N Igena, Ghana, Malaya and Cyprus. Financial assistance has also been given in a number of cases to assist the development of thi work or to provi de headquarters. In N[alaya the Welfare Team ponsored by the Order continued to work in resettlement areas. These teams were first provided at the request of tbe Malayan Government which be~rs 90 % of their cost, in 1952. Originally 25 teams, each comp'rising a tramed nurse and a welfare officer were appointed an d the intention wa that they would be required only for a period of two years. The Order has, however, at the request of the Malayan Government continued its co-operation in this important aspect of' social welfare over the ensuing years, although the number an d constitution of the teams have changed
from time to time, and recently the Order has agreed to retain the services of the 12 remalning nurses until the end of 1958. Obituary Si r Ernest Burdon, K .C.I.E. , C.S.!. , LL.D. By the death of Sir Ernest Burdon the Chapter-General lost a wise adviser and a valued colleague who held with distinction the office of Receiver-Gene ral of the Order from 1947 to 1955. Sir Ernest first became connected with the work of the Order in India where he had a distinguished career in the Indian Civil Service, culminating in his appointment as Auditor-General to the Go vernment. In the latter part of that career he beca me Chairman of the Indian Council of the St. John Ambulance Association and was from ] 936- 1940 also Chief Commissioner of the Brigade. On his retirement from India in 1940 he identified himself wholeheartedl y with the work of the Joint War Organisation and 'houldered the very onerous duties of controlling its expenditure which ran into many millions of pounds. It was natural, therefore, that when peace returned he hould be invited by both the Order and the Society to adapt their War Organi sation to its peace-time role. As Honorary Treasurer of th e Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society and the Chairman of its Finance and General Purposes Committee, he was predominantly responsible for establishing the se rvices and institution for the assistance of Disabled Ex-Service Men which th at Commi ttee administers and he continued to guide them until ill-health latterly forced him to relinquish office. As Receive r-General of the Order of St. John from 1947 to 1956 he played an equally distin guished part in shapin g lts post-war policy to meel the requirements of the present day. To all this work the late Sir Ernest brought the wisdom and judgment of an able administrator infused with a broad human sympathy and in his eUless devotion to the ca uses he had at heart he exemplified the two Mottoes af the Order : " Pro F ide" and " Pro Utilitate Hominum."
Reginald Herbert Blanchford, Area Commissioner, S.J.A.B ., Guernsey - For outstanding courage displayed in the rescue at great personal risk of a boy who had fallen over a 220-ft. high cliff. The rescue entailed Mr. Blanchford's descending in bad weather and in the dark the dangerous cliff face , and after a two-hour's wait, helping to transfer the boy to a rub1x.r dinghy for removal to the Brigade Ambulance launch , "The Flying Christine). LIFE SAVING MEDAL I N SILVER
Div. Offr. Charles Edward Froome, St. John Ambulance Brigade : Coxswain Arthur Hamon, St. John Ambulance Brigade; and Cadet Offr. Roy Harold Le Mesurier, St. John Ambulance Brigade- Members of the crew of the "Flying Christine," who assisted in the rescue carried out by Mr. Blanchford, under most hazardous conditions and heavy sea. LIFE SAVING MEDAL IN BRONZE
Private Gregory William Peters, St. John Ambulance Brigade, New South Wales District- For going to the assistance of two men who were separately and violently attacked by an armed criminal.
Cadet Judith Sherratt, Kendal Nur illg Cadet Division- For .the rescue of a child from drownin a in a river with a trong current flowing. A. Triebner, South West Africa-For attempting to ave the life of an African lorry driver who had fallen into a whirll?ool and wa drowned while helping to push a lorry ove~ a flooded ~ndge . . Mrs. Leoni Paarman, South Afnca-For avmg the ltve of two men from drowning in heavy seas at Bakoven , Capetown , S. Africa .
M.R.C.P., The Hon. Jv1. R. Bridgeman, C.B.E. , Lieut.-Colonel J. W. Chitty, M.B.E. , Dr. G. L. C. Colen so-Jones, B.Sc., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Mr. J. E. Coomber, and Dr. R. H. Scott, M.R.C.~. , L.R.C::.P., who joined the Committee in June, 1957. Each of these bnngs speCial knowledge and attainments to the service of the Committee, some of them in a medical capacity, others for their knowledge of res.earch, and oth~rs because of their experience of the Middle East. TheIr help and adVice now that the construction of the new Hospital is in hand will be invaluable.
HOSPITAL STAFF There have been seve ral changes in the staff of the Hospital, the most notable of which i the retirement of Miss D. G. Wood as Matron. Mi Wood was appointed Matron in September, 1951, and. left ~he Hospital on 30th November this year. She has served the HospItal With great loyalty and devotion. During her term of office, Watson and Strathearn Hou e were converted into a temporary hospital and the plan of the new ho pital-research project came in.to being. Miss Wo?d's help in both these undertaking is deeply apprecIated by the CommIttee and they wi h her every uccess in the future. A new Matron has not yet been appointed. . . . The A istant Matron Miss Vanstone, who Jomed the Hospital staff in February, 1955, ha also re igned and the Committee are very grate,ful to her for her help. particularly during the Matron's absence on SIck leave. Si ter Oakley and Howe completed their appointments to the Nursing Staff at the end of March and May respectively. The Committee are very grateful to them for maintaining the high standard of nursi~g and for enhancing the pre tige of the Hospital in Jerusalem and t~e Mld?le East. Si ter O. M. Goodman and Sister Iles have taken up theIr appOIntments a N ur ing Sisters. Si ter Ile was originally appointed in ] 954, but had to return to England on account of ill-health in Decembe~, 19~4. The Committee i alad to know that he is fully recovered and IS qUIte fit to re ume her d~tie. They welcome her and Si ter Goodman and wish them every ucces and happine s whil t at the Hospital in Jerusalem. The Committee would like to congratulate Sister Howard, who served on the Ho pital staff from 1955-56, on her marriage to M~. Weaver in 1957 and are very glad to know that he has ettled down 111 Jerusalem where she will doubtless be of service to the Hospital in the future. The Arab staff-nur e orderlies and domestic- has, a usual, served the interests of the Ord~r and of their patients with devotion; their harmony and efficiency have given every cause for satisfaction. . The influence of the recently appointed Warden is constantly bemg reflected in the increased efficiency of the Hospital; while the Sub-Warden , Dr. Budeiri , remains a pillar of strength to the w!101e organisation. . Dr. Doany, the Assi tant Surgeon to the HospItal, came to England III February, 1957, for three months' study leave. He ha now returned to the Hospital after a profitable stay in this country.
In general the work of the Hosp.ital h.a gOIl:e ,,:,ell d~rin~ ~he pa t. year despite the administrative and medIcal dlfficultle III maIlltalnl~g efficiency in a building representing the conver ion of two old .dwellI.n~. hou e . Indeed, not only has its efficiency been maintained but It actlvltIe have been increased' the number of patient seen ha been greater than the previous year 'and the number of n:~jor ?peration l:a . been almo t doubled with the result that the waltmg lIst for adml IOn ha been reduced by more than half. In the past it ha been di tre i ng that we have been unable (except in cases of surgical urgency) to render he.lp to the blind without an undue delay, and it i now good that our efficIency has been increased. It will be good when the modern facilitie of. our new Hospital are available. This has been largely ~ue to the ~nt~1U la m and administrative ability of our new Warden. It 1 also gratlfYll1g that from the political point of view thing went very well indeed during 19~7; the disturbances associated with the Suez crisis in the previou year, which of themselves did not seriously embarras the activitie of the Order in Jordan, are entirely things of the pa t and our relation, officially and unofficially, with the Jordanians are of the happiest. THE COMMITTEE The Committee report with deep regret the death of Sir Erne t Burdon , K .C.I.E., C.S.!. , LL.D. , Bailiff Grand Cross Receiver-General fro~ 1947-1955. He served on the Hospital Committee from June, ] 948 , untIl July, 1955. His wise counsel was always at the disposal. of the Co~mittee and his advice and great experience was invaluable, partIcularly dunng the transition period which the Hospital has been going through since the end of the Mandate in 1948 until the present day. There have been several changes amongst the members of the Hospital Committee. Owing to her many commitments, the Countess of S.carbrough invited Lady Webb-Johnson to take her place. on the .Comrr:uttee and to act as liaison between the Committee and the Lmen GUlld. Lleut.Colonel Sir Albert Stern, K.B.E. , C.M.G. , after many years of service on the Hospital Committee, has retired, as have Captain The Lord Teynham, D .S.O., D .S.C., R.N. (Retd.), Major H. B. Stallard, M.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S., and Mr. John Owston. The Hospitaller and the Committee wish to thank them for their help and counsel in guiding the interests and welfare of the Hospital and its staff during the difficult period through which it has gone. The Hospitaller and the Committee welcome Lord Evans of Merthyr Tydfil, G.C.V.O., M.D., F.R.C.P., Sir Arthur Porritt, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B.E., F.R.C.S., Professor Norman Ashton, M.R.C.S.,
OFFICIAL VISIT The HospitaUer's official tours of the Middle East in ] 955 and in 1956 were in the nature of reconnaissance and planning to organise and coordinate the work of the new hospital- research project in general and of the research team in particular, together with planning the building of the
Research Institute and preparing and discussing in detail with the Architect the plans for the new Ophthalmic Hospital. In 1957 in view of the interest taken by the various countries and States in the Middle East previously visited, and the very generous financial upport given by some of them as well as the oil companies in the Middle Ea t the Hospitaller, accompanied by Lady Duke-Elder and the Secretary vi ited Jordan and the Lebanon in March with a view to con olidating the position and to finalising all arrangements in connection with the actual construction of the new Ophthalmic Hospital, the post-graduate school for Arab doctor and the training school for Arab nurses. The tour proved to be both useful and intere ting. The political situation in the later part of 1956 had become particularly strained and it was, therefore, of further importance for the Hospitaller to asses the political situation in Jordan in view of the fact that plans for the new project had reached a state when the commencement of construction was imminent. Their reception on arrival in Jordan was one of great friendline sand kindliness from the highest officials to the mo t humble citizen and it was quite obvious that the Order and jts Hospital were held in very high esteem and were not considered in any political context. Whilst in Jerusalem the Hospitaller was received by the Governor and the Mayor, who were both anxious to help and facilitate the commencement of building operations on the new Hospital in every way. The Supreme Moslem Council assured the Hospitaller not only of their deep appreciation of the work the Hospital had done in the past and was now doing, but also of the gratitude of the inhabitants of Jordan. The Greek and Latin Patriarchs expressed their appreciation of the work that the Order was doing in Jerusalem and the whole of Jordan. The new British ConsulGeneral who had only recently arrived in Jerusalem offered encouragement, with promises of every possible aid and also his advice. Dr. Stewart, the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, who had ju t retired, gave the Hospitaller every confidence with his encouragement to go forward with the scheme. The work at the Hospital itself was inspiring and gave deep satisfaction in every sense. Whilst in Jerusalem the Hospitaller held many conferences, not only with the officials already mentioned, but with Dr. Ross-Smith, the Chief Medical Officer of U.N.R.W.A. in the area and witb the Warden, Dr. A. J. Boase, O.B.E., the Architect and the Municipal Engineer; these enabled him to give instructions for the final plans to be sent out for cost-accounting and instructions were given to the Architect to commence building the Warden's House and the Matron's and Sisters' Home as soon as it was possible. In view of the fact that all final details and negotiations regarding the main building would not in all probability be completed until the autumn, it was decided not to commence the actual construction of the new Hospital until the spring of 1958 when the rainy season had passed. On leaving Jerusalem, the Hospitaller and his party went to Amman, where their reception was no less genuine than in Jerusalem, although the visit was more restricted. The arrival coincided with the day that the British Government's Treaty with Jordan was abrogated and the Jordan Government announced a three-days' holiday which rendered it impossible to see the members of the Cabinet in their offices. Thanks, however, to
His Excellency the British Ambassador, who gave a luncheon party to which were invited the Prime Minister of Jordan and other prominent persons in Amman to meet the Hospitaller, and to H.E. The Iraqi Ambassador who gave an evening reception for many members of the Jordan Government to meet the Hospitaller, it was possible to hold discussions in connection with the Hospital in Jerusalem. The Prime Minister of Jordan invited the Hospitaller and Secretary to a dinner given in honour of H.M. King Hussein to which past and present members of the Cabinet and Parliament were invited as well as all the members of the Diplomatic Corps in Amman. These discussions confirmed the HospitaUer's opinion that the project must proceed as soon as possible. Whilst in Amman the Hospitaller had an audience with H.M. King Hussein who presented him with the Star of Jordan (First Class) in recognition of the great humanitarian work that was being done by the Order in Jordan . THE
A a result of the visit to the Middle East and the instructions given to the architect, progress has been made with the building of the Warden's house and the Matron's and Sisters' home. These should be completed and occupied by June 1958, whilst it is hoped that the construction of the main building will be started by the end of March 1958. The research team which was taken from Jordan just before the Suez crisis and transferred to Gambia i still working in that country and research i al 0 continuing in the laboratories in London which are participating in this work at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University of London, and the Lister Institute. These researches are going well and show prospects of early results. At present our objective is to isolate and grow the virus which causes trachoma (the distressing disease which is responsible for most of the blindness in the Middle East); it is, of course, immateri,:Ll in which of the many countries where trachoma is prevalent this part of the research i conducted so long as the results are (if and when obtained) immediately made available in Jordan. The Medical Research Council and the Colonial Office have decided that insofar as the research work is progressing satisfactorily in Gambia it would be more economic to continue with it at its present phase in that country. It. seems probable, however, that before our new Hospital is built we Will once more require to open up our new laboratories in Jerusalem to exploit the results which are now emerging from the laboratories in Gambia and London. Meanwhile part of the research institute in Jerusalem has been leased to the architect as his offices and the fiats originally rented for the research team have been taken over by Dr. Ross-Smith, the Chief Medical Officer of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and by Mr. Simpson the architect who is building the new hospital. THE OLD HOSPITAL BUILDINGS
The situation remains the same. THANKS
The Committee would like to thank for their continued support all ~hose ~ho have again contributed to the hospital-research project, and III partIcular those who have done so by means of deed of covenant.
The Committee would also like to thank tho e who have financially supported the present Hospital in 1957. They are particularly grateful for the continued support of the Priories of Scotland, Wale , Australia, New Zealand and the Commandery of Ards. The Committee very much hope that the Priories and Commandery will convey the Committee' personal thanks to all those who have so kindly su bscribed . The Committee wishes to give special acknowledgment to the Preceptories of the Masonic Order of Knights Templars of England who have given most generously over the years. Once again thi year the Masonic Order of Knights Templars of England have given their unfailing financial support and the Committee offers the Masonic Order their grateful thanks and deep appreciation. Another mo t valued benefactor is the Clothworkers' Company who have made a further valuable contribution for which the Committee would like to offer their incere t thank and record their indebtedness.
Operatiol1s. - A steep. rise in the n.umber ?f operations is acco:unted for in part by an increase In the operatlllg seSSlOns, but ~o~tly by Improved team-work in the theatre leading to greater economy In tIme. The charge orderly, Hassan Ibrahim, ha been trained in the technique of local and retrobulbar anaesthesia and facial nerve block, so the surgeon can now pass from one ca e to the next without the delay formerly entailed by these procedures.
The Committee wishes to express to the Ward en, Dr. A . J. Boa c , O.B.E. , F.R.C.S., the Sub-Warden , Dr. Kh. Budeiri and the A istant Surgeon to the Hospital, Dr. E. Doany, to the Matron and the nursing and domestic staff of the Hospital their gratitude for loyal and devoted service during the past year. The Committee would like to record thei r very deep appreciation and sense of pleasure in the relation hip between the British and Arab staff, which i what would be expected between medical colleagues, and the general atmosphere of the Ho pital which is one of calm and genuine friendship. Finally, the Committee wishe to express its admiration of the unfailing loyalty of all at the Hospital and their efforts to enhance in every possible way the reputation of the Hospital, the prestige of the Order and the usefulne s of the Hospital to the people of Jordan and neighbouring Arab States in the Middle
(Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospital/er. WARDEN'S REPORT A rather severe and prolonged winter and the uncertallltles of the p~litical situation marked the first half of the year. For the record, be it saId that snow fell heavily on 1st and 2nd February to a measured depth of twe~ve inches; that the rains continued into May; that a thunderstorm. In June and a short, sharp shower on St. Swithun's day in July were Just as unexpected. The political climate was likewise not without its surprises, the most incommoding of which was an immobilising curfew that commenced to the accompaniment of an earth tremor on 24th April and lasted with remission for sixteen days. By contrast, the second half of the year was singularly free of any disturbing influence. Att~ndances.-For the foregoing reasons the attendances during the first SIX months were the lowest for any year of the quinquennium 19531957, and those for the second, the highest. September with the record figure of 37,132 was much above the average. The total for the year was 158,002, of which 31,631 were new cases.
Surgery. - In the la t year, lid operations and pterygium, both norma,uy out-patient procedures, account for nearly half the total.of 2,671 major (or theatre) operations. Innovations were the operat~ons. of da.cryocystorhinostomy, corneal grafting and myectomy of the Infenor obhq~e muscle. There ha been rather an embarrassing demand for plastIC surgery involving lid-recon truction. Tersely entered as Wolfe grafts in the return these tedious operations may take two or more hours for a si ngle ca e. Cataracts exceeded last year's figure by mo:e than a hundred. Thi i due to some extent to the fact that where feaSIble both eyes are operated upon at the same e sion, thus reducing demand o.n our beds. Squint remains a major problem. The demand for surgery IS such that where the patient can find accommodation nearby he i~ operated on as. an out-patient. In 435 cases where the primary complaInt was the sqUInt, the age and ex di tribution were:Age ill years . Male . Female Total .
0-7 46 47
O l'er 21 52 27 79
Tolal 204 231 435
The influence of the marriage factor on the female puberty group, and of the labour market on the male adult group, is revealed. But the tragic significance of this analysis is that less than a quarter of the cases are below the age of seven years . It was possible to meet only one-third of the request for operation.
Admissiol7s.- The speed-up in the operating theatre has led to a quicker turn-over in the ward. Thus the admissions at 1,141 were 221 more than last year. The Matroll. - After six years as matron, during the last of which her health had given some cause for anxiety Miss Wood resigned at the end of November. It is to her credit that the present temporary hospital is well organised and runs smoothly. She is greatly missed by staff and patients alike. The establishment of Sisters was below strength for the greater part of the year. Miss Oakley and Miss Howes left at the end of March and May respectively, and Miss Goodman arrived on 8th June. Miss Iles who was with us in 1955 for a few months, rejoined the staff on 29th December. Dr. Doany went to England in February for three months' study leave. The Hospitaller, accompanied by Lady Duke-Elder and Major Underhill, paid his annual visit of inspection during March. Despite a heavy programme of engagements he found time to present a certificate of merit to Hassan Abu Teen, who had completed nine years service as
an orderly, and to address the assembled staff. The staff were gratified to learn that His Majesty King Hussein had invested Sir Stewart with the highest honour in the State of Jordan. In addition to the many who attended the reception on St. John s Day the following were among those who vi ited the hospital during the year : Bishop Stewart (PPC), Archbishop and Mrs . MacInnes , General Giannantoni of the Knights of Malta, Professor and Mrs . Franceschetti , H.E. the Danish Ambassador to Egypt and Mrs. Holten-Eggert, Dr. Mackenzie-Pollock of U.N.R.W.A. , and Mr. Delapenha from Jamaica . (Signed) A. J. BOASE,
The year 1957 has been a record for peace-time. Over 150,000 men , women and children have been examined in England by the Association. Classes have increased by over 400, certificates by nearly 4,000, and reexaminations by over 6,500. The figure of over 89,600 certificates in England alone compares with the previous record of 87,500 in 1952 which included certificates gained in Northern Ireland, no longer included in thi s total. These re ult are an indication of the increasing value which is placed on First Aid both in industry and in agriculture, and the very valuable work which our County Directors and Centres are doing in bringing the need for Fir t Aid training to the attention of employers as well as to the general public. It i with sjncere appreciation that the Association gives thanks to the Commi ioner-in-Chief and members of the st. John Ambulance Brigade for the very valued and continued help which they give to the Association in connection w ith it clas e . ASSOCIATIO
The new triennial period started in June, and there were very considerable chan ge in the compo ition of the Committee. We are very grateful to those who served and we welcome the new members who have taken office. The cope of the Committee was considerably increased and we are v~ry glad to have Surgeon Vice-Admiral Sir R. C. May, Lieut.-General Sir Alexander Drummond and Air Marshal Sir P. B. Lee Potter repreenting the Medical Services of the Armed Forces, Mr. R. BramleyHarker, Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories, and Dr. J. A . L. Vaughan Jones of the British Medical Association. The Committee can now be con idered as increasingly representative of the many spheres of the Association's activities . A further strengthening was the addition of four ~ssociati~n County Directors whose advice will be extremely valuable III presentlllg the views of county organisations and keeping us informed of problems experienced by County Committees. The Committee met, as usual , quarterly and we express our gratitude to the members for giving us their time and for their most valuable assistance. It has been a busy year, particularly in connection with the preparation of the new joint manuals. APPOINTMENTS
. Major-General W. E. Tyndall, C.B., C.B.E., M.C., M.B. , D.P.H. , very kmdly agreed to undertake the duties of Deputy Director-General so that we are now fortunate in having two officers of this grade. General Tyndall has given special attention to the preparation of the First Aid Manual and our organisation in the counties . .Mr. D .. C. Maclean has been appointed Assistant Director-General , wIth speCIal responsibilities for expanding our activities in agriculture.
We are mo t grateful to Mr. Maclean for undertaking this work and already through his activitie we have formed close link \",ith the National Farmers' Union and other Agricultural bodie . Dr. J. S. McLintock, of the National Coal Board, ha been appointed to the vacant office of Deputy Principal Medical Officer, and we much appreciate the as istance which he has been able to give u . The Association now ha 17 County Directors and we greatly value their help. As a result of the activitie of the .Director. and their C~m mittees we have been able to expand very con Iderably III many countle . We have to report the retirement of Colonel Macphail of Lanca hire, Mr. Tennant of Kent, and Sir Ronald Wingate of Wilt hire. We thank them all for what they did while holding office, and very special app.reci~ tion is due to Colonel Macphail who for 0 many year wa untmng In his campaign to e tabli h the A sociation organi ation in Lancashire on a firm and wide basi. The re ult which he achieved can be een from the number of Centre formed, the succe of the Rural Repre entative Scheme and in endles ways reflecting hi in pired director hip . ASSOCIATlO
Our campaign for First Aid instruction for the Agricultural community has received great impetus from the i ue of regulation made under the Aariculture (Safety, Health and Welfare Provi ion) Act , 1956 and our representatives attended a conference with the Ministry of Agriculture at which members of many organisation connected with the indu try were present. This was very valuaDle in enabling u to establi h fur~her conta~t and to make known the facilitie which we can offer. Special fir t aId boxes for use on farms have been prepared in accordance with the Ministry's regulations and are available from the Store Departme!lt. Co-operation in the counties has been freely ecured from the NatIOnal Farmers' Union, the National Union of Agricultural Worker and the National Federation of Young Farmer' Club. In many area these organisations will be represented on our Centre or County Committees. Classes are being run for farm worker in several place. In industry the Association continues to offer valuable service and we maintain close touch with the Ministry of Labour and National Service. The Ministry held conferences during the year to consider how best to bring the value of First Aid to the attention of employer and to make them aware of the services available to them for the instruction of employees. The discussions are still continuing on this point and in the meantime we are obtaining local support from H.M. Factory Inspectors. The new Occupational First Aid Course was inaugurated in January 1957, at a special meeting at St. John's Gate at which the St. John Ambulance Association, the st. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society were joint hosts. We were greatly honoured to have the Minister of Labour and National Service present on this occasion and to have him address the gathering of representatives of all branches of industry. The course, based on the Occupational First Ai d Manual, has met with considerable interest and there have been an encouraging number of classes. We have also introduced a Course for Lay Demonstrators. The purpose of this is to enable as many people as possible to learn how to demonstrate and , so assist the professional medical lecturer as well as
instruct at preliminary courses. The St. John Ambulance Brigade have adopted thi certificate in place of their existing certificates, "First Aid Instructors" and "Methods of Teaching." The Lay Demonstrator's Certificate has a life of three years and holders are expected to keep their knowledge up to date. It is hoped that ultimately we will be able to establi h a recognised standard for Demonstrators so that class secretarie and organiser of course will have every a surance of the best pos ible teaching. A the result of a recommendation by the Medical Whitley Council, the fee for lectures given by medical practitioner for courses organised by local authorities was increa ed to £2 2s. Od. per lecture. Mter discussion with the British Medical Association and the other societies, it was reali ed that we mu t adopt the same scale. For ome time pa t it has been con idered that the Association should have a Director for London who would co-ordinate our activities throughout the Metropolitan Police Di trict. Group-Captain N . M. Heath has undertaken thi work and we are grateful for all he has done so far. It wa decided to divide the di trict into six areas which would coincide with tho e of No . 1 District, St. John Ambulance Brigade, and Committee have already been formed in the West and North with a Centre in the City of London. We are very fortunate in the case of the latter that the Lord Mayor for the time being has agreed to be President and the Lady Mayore for the time being to be Vice-President. .In the countie the po ition i continually improving. The County DIrector for Warwickshire has been very succes ful in his scheme for the e tabli hment of Centre throughout the county and we now have new Centre for Leamington and Warwick , Rugby and Nuneaton. Gloucesterhire aloha been reorgani ed and a new Centre formed to cover the whole county excluding the areas dealt with by the Cheltenham and Glouce ter Centre. The County Director has the support of a number of enthusia tic deputies and ha organised a very comprehensive programme of cia e covering the rural areas. In thi work he has received very material a istance from the Police and Civil Defence Authorities. In .addition hi approach to land owners in respect of First Aid for agncultural workers ha been very successful. In Sussex the established Centres have proved their value and the work done by the County Director and his Committee has shown that the Association can offer a very important service in expanding the scope of the Order's activities through the very happy co-operation of the Association and Brigade working in their own pheres, as well as helping each other on all possible occasion. In Lancashire new Centres have been formed in Bolton and in Ulverston, and the new County Director has the a istance of deputie who give particular attention to special areas and a pects of our work. The Rural Repre entatives Scheme is now well esta~lished and has proved a most effective way of bringing help to the pUblrc. In Dorset the County Director has been uccessful in hi s approaches to agriculture and has enlisted the very valuable assistance of the District Nurses' Association . In Devon the County Director was able to bring the activities of the Association to the attention of a large Conference organi ed by the Young Farmers' Clubs. Throughout the country, therefore, where we have County Directors
there is steady progress and we are continually seeking; ne",:, County Directors for the counties where we are not represented In this way. Our relations with the Armed Forces continue to be extremely happy and we are most grateful for the assistance which we have received on 0 many occasions. The Courses organised at Crookham, the Field Training Centre R.A.M.C., and the Q.A.R.A.N.C. Preliminary Training Centre have proved increasingly popular and successful. ~irst Aid. cl~ ~ are run by a large number of units of the Army and theIr cope 1 1l1dlcated by the fact that the candidates in one of these included Chaplains, Military Police and members of the Army Fire Service. It is encouraging that the value of an Association First Aid certificate to men in the ervices i appreciated in this way and that it i realised how 1.1 eful it can be to them when they are demobilised. Our thanks are due to all tho e who, as member of our Centre Committees or as class secretaries or as organisers in nationali ed industrie have so wholeheartedly co-operated with us in making Fir t Aid training available to as large a number of people as possible and in improving the standard of service which we wish to give. PUBLICATIONS
Joint First Aid Manual.-Work has continued on thi book and a Committee consisting of representatives of the St. John Ambulance Association the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the Briti h Red Cross Society have considered many drafts of the text. All major points of technique have been agreed and illustration approved . Dr. L. S. Potter, of the British Medical Association, very generously undertook the work of editorship and has given many hour of hard work to the preparation of the material for the printers. Our thank are due to our own medical advisers as well as to all those members of the medical profession who have assisted by comments and suggestion. Joint Home Nursing Manual.-As for the First Aid book, a Joint Committee consisting of representatives of the three Societie ha considered and approved the final text. Illustration are being prepared and will be ready early in 1958. In this case the work of preparation i in the hands of the British Red Cross Society and our thanks are due to Miss Gravelius for the text and for undertaking the work of editorship. Illustrated Preliminary First Aid Manual.-Work on thi book is held up until the text and illustrations for the Adult manual are agreed. Every effort will be made to press on with the publication of this much needed preliminary book for use at home and overseas. Preliminary Home Nursing Manual.-This will have to be prepared in 1958 based upon the new Adult manual and will consist very largely of pictures with the minimum of text. First Aid in Coal Mines.-This book has received favourable welcome and is being used both in this country and overseas. It is interesting to note that the coal mines in Nigeria have found it useful. Adult Child Welfare textbook.-This book was issued in 1957 and received a warm welcome. We are very grateful to Dr. Hilda M. Davis for all she did in preparing it for publication.
Preliminary Child Welfare textbook.-Work started on the preparation of new text and we are greatly indebted to Miss B. R. Keene, Assistant Health Education Organiser of the Buckinghamshire County Council, who has undertaken this work for us. This book will also consist of many i11u trations and a short text. TRANSLA nONS
We received from India a Gurkhali translation of "First Aid to the lnjured." This is an interesting example of the international nature of the As ociation's influence, since the book was translated in India at the request of the Technical Co-operative Administration of the United States and was ultimately published in Nepal for use in that country. There i no doubt that the book will be of great value, since schemes are being organi ed for training health workers in rural areas who will need a knowledge of First Aid. We al 0 received a translation of the First Aid textbook in Kannada . ASSOCIATION OVERSEAS
WEST AFRICA The position in West Africa i encouraging and the work of the Order's Organi er in Nigeria and Ghana is showing excellent results over a wide field. In Nigeria classes have been organised for the Coal Mines and a number of lay lecturers have already been trained. Those who have attended the cour e include medical orderlies, mining attendants, safety and welfare officer a well a other , and already the benefits of having efficient First Aiders are becoming apparent. The Ports Authority has adopted First Aid mo t enthusiastically and a Trophy for competition was presented by. Mr . ~. A. Dove, the wife of the Chairman. Many employees are be1l1g traIned. An approach to the Amalgamated Tin Mines has met with a warm welcome and there are great hopes of considerable development ~~re. The Police have continued and intensified their programme ?f tra~nll1g and large numbers from all over the country have attended mtenslve cour es of one month's duration to qualify as lay lecturers. The Railways are a further source of staunch support and their employees are being trained in increasing numbers with potential lay lecturers also receiving special instruction. The range of interest is a token of the value now bei~g placed upon First Aid and we are indeed fortunate in having the backing of so many influential officials in the various organisations. Our warmest thanks are due to them for their support and co-operation. A ~urther cause of gratification is the large number of lay lecturers being tr~ll1ed and passing their examination. This means that the organisation WIll have at their disposal a cadre of instruction amongst their own staff so that they can become ever increasingly self-supporting in the matter of training. This is the ideal pattern and congratulations are due to those who b~ought about this result. Thanks are also due to the lay lecturers who wlll make possible the continued expansion of our work in Nigeria. In Ghana the change in status of this country has not affected the work of ~h~ Association and warm support has been given by the Government. Thi~ IS most encouraging and we are very grateful for this help. The Po~ce have throughout been the mainstay and, in addition to continuing theIr policy of training personnel in First Aid, they r.ave given practical
and material assi tance. The Association 10 t a staunch friend through the death of the Inspector-General Mr. M. K. N. Collens, C.M.G. who will be greatly missed. The Association were able to play their part in the Independence Celebrations and trained men and women were on duty at First Aid Posts, thus giving a practical demon tration of the public service which we can offer. The Gold Mine have taken a continually increasing intere t in First Aid and support has been given at all levels as well a by the London Office. As a result, classes are now being held regularly and lay lecturer are being trained. There is vast scope here and we are grateful to all those who give up their time to organising cla se and developing our work. Other departments and organisation are beginning to appreciate the value of First Aid and amongst them is the Electricity Department for whom classes have been organised. In Sierra Leone the Police and Prisons have continued to give u excellent support and many men have been trained. Among t out ide activitie have been duties during Health Sunday and on H.M. Birthday Celebrations. First Aid was also rendered during dots and di turbances in the province. The Police have been able to help the United Africa Company and First Aid lectures have been organised for their employees. In Gambia classes have started for training the Police and it i hoped that this will prove to be a regular activity. EAST AFRICA In Uganda, in addition to normal First Aid cia se the training of lay lecturers has been a very important feature of the year's work . The range of organisations covered is most encouraging and it i satisfactory that so many have appreciated the value of having their own regular course in First Aid organised by their own qualified lay lecturer . Ordinary First Aid classes have been run by the Police educational establishments, including training colleges and mission school, Railways, Fire Service, electricity undertakings and, of course, the general pUblic. It is the regular policy at the Police and Railway Training Centres that all recruits and students should study First Aid as part of their normal programme. Lay lecturers have been trained for all the above and in addition the Community Development Officer in Gulu , Northern Province, has now lay lecturers who will be organising c1as es at his Training Centre. The Kampala Technical Institute now has a number of lay lecturers trained. These students are completing a three-year course for teachers in technical subjects and it is hoped that when they are posted to different parts of the country they will be able to organise classes amongst their own students. The management of the Kilembe Copper Mines have given very great support and courses for Jay lecturers have been arranged. They consist of many nationalities so that each national group can be instructed in their own language. The standard of First Aid reached is very satisfactory and it is particularly encouraging that the Company have introduced a rule that a man cannot be in charge of a gang of miners unless he holds a St. John First Aid Certificate. A programme in Luganda has been broadcast locally and consists mainly of simple talks to housewives on First Aid. This has proved very popular.
It will be seen therefore, that the training programme has covered a wide range of undertakings and also, through the co-operation of training schools and colleges, trained lay lecturers will be going Ollt all over the country. In this way a very satisfactory foundation has been laid for future expan ion. It is gratifying that the Government continue to make a grant towards the work of the Association and Brigade in Uganda and that organisations and firms have made many generous donations, thus further indicating their appreciation of our work. In Kenya and Tangany ika activities continue and support is given by the major organisation , which include the Police, Railways and Harbours, Fire Brigade and Airport Personnel. In the former, intensive courses for lay lecturers on the Uganda pattern are being instituted so that the range of clas e can be extended. In the latter, also, further lay lecturers have been trained. In Somaliland there have been courses for the police and these now eem to be well e tabli hed. We were also fortunate in obtaining the help of a State F egi tered Nurse who took the lay lecturer's certificate and now assi t with instructions. Fir t Aid cla e are a1 0 now being organised by the Police in the Seychelles Islands and are planned a a regular part of their training.
MIDDLE EA T In Cypru the year tarted in a very ati factory manner and a large number of cla e were held for all communities. It is particularly encouraging that pecial attention was paid to preliminary classes for chool . The propo ed cherne for providing Fir t Aid Boxes for qualified First Aiders in village arou ed considerable interest and haversacks containing equipment provided from Centre funds were distributed to suitably qualified persons. On one occasion a First Aid Box was presented for use under the Village Fir t Aid Po t Scheme by Lady Harding. The villagers gave an enthu ia tic welcome to Lady Harding and a Greek House Badge will be di played on the Convent gates. Refresher cour e were held for the Police lay lecturer and also a number of new lay lecturer were appointed. These will be of very great help. The enthusiasm with which week-end courses are attended is one of the encouraging aspects of our work in Cyprus. Towards the end of the year the political situation affected the classes but progress still continued. There are plans for further deVelopment in 1958. The Aden Centre continues to flourish, but Mr. Bhatt, who has been ecretary for 30 years, has resigned. The Association owe a great debt to him for the work he has done in spreading a knowledge of First Aid amongst various communities in the colony. He is still remaining a member of the Centre Committee. We are grateful to his successor Mr. M. A. Lokman, for taking over the work which Mr. Bhatt has done for so many years. The Sudan Railways continue their programme of training employees and at seven classes held during the year 118 candidates were successful in obtaining certificates. Competitions are held to stimulate interest and special medallions are issued to the winners. The State Police in Bahrain are being trained in the fundamentals of First Aid and our textbooks in
English and Arabic are used. Examinations for certificates will be considered later on when the first part of the scheme has been completed. CEYLON The Ceylon Centre had another record year and we offer our congratulations and thanks to them. It is particularly encouraging to note that First Aid, Home Nursing and Child Welfare have been taken up with so much enthusiasm by Community Centres and Social Service Societies in the Island. This is a particularly fruitful field in which the Association can work. At one Rural Development Training Centre 25 Buddhist priests took a course of lectures and all passed. Their assistance in spreading a knowledge of First Aid will be greatly welcomed. All district and organisations showed how much they appreciate the work done by the Centre in Ceylon and large numbers of men, women boys and girl continually seek training in First Aid and Home Nursing. Lectures in First Aid were delivered at a great number of Rural Development Training Centres, Training Colleges and Schools. Our congratulations are due to the Chairman and Committee of this very active Centre which is serving the community in such a practical manner. FAR EAST The Association Centre for the Federation of Malaya continues its magnificent work and throughout the country there is considerable activity. Items of special interest include the preparation of a revised Malay version of the First Aid textbook and the introduction of the Air Attendants' Course. Singapore also continues to train a large number of men and women from a great variety of organisations and in this are helped by the new temporary Headquarters which they have been lent by the Government until the permanent Headquarters has been built. In order to ensure that training is up to standard special refresher courses have been instituted for lay lecturers. In Hong Kong there have been a number of very valuable developments amongst which is the organisation of a series of First Aid classes for factory workers with the co-operation of the Chinese Manufacturers' Union, the Employers' Federation of Hong Kong and the Labour Department of the Hong Kong Government. It will be seen that this follows the same line as the scheme in this country for courses in First Aid for industrial workers. There were also courses for the Air Stewards and Stewardesses of Cathay Pacific Airways, Women Police and "House Mothers" in a large new orphanage. Intensive First Aid courses were organised for the Auxiliary Police Service during their annual camp. In addition there were, of course, the usual classes of the Police, Fire Brigade, Prison and Public Utilities. Lay lecturers have been trained in the Police and these will greatly facilitate further expansion. There was a campaign for new ljfe members and this proved remarkably successful. In addition, nurses and doctors who had voluntarily given up their time to asist in dental work in the remote villages were made Auxiliaries of St. John and the badges were presented by H.E. the Governor at a public ceremony.
PACIFIC ISLANDS Training in Fiji of the Police continues and hsa been assisted by a gjft of equipment which included diagrams , skeletons, flannelgraphs and books. The Centre is active and we greatly appreciate the co-operation received from H.E. The Governor and the Police. In the Solomon Islands also the programme of training Police proceeds. It is encouraging that the Government have recognised the value of First Aid in a material way by a grant towards costs of the scheme. The Superintendent of Police in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands has qualified as a lay lecturer and classes have been organised in a number of the island . A gift of books and flannelgraphs was made to assist in establishing the scheme on a firm footing. WEST INDIES The year has been marked by considerable activity in all the Centres of the Association. In Jamaica the Police, Fire Brigades and Prison services have continued with their training programme and results have been very encouraging. The Bauxite Companies are taking keen interest and personnel are being trained in each case by their own lay lecturer. In all four areas classes have been organised and the value of First Aid was made very apparent by the help which trained men and women were able to give after the tragic railway accident which took place in September at Kendal. In addition , St. John rendered considerable help on the occasion of the earthquake in the Montego Bay area in March and the explosion of a "Texaco" container carrying I ,500 gallons of high octane gas at Runaway Bay on Christmas Day. All over the i land more and more lay lecturers are being trained and at present there are approximately 35 with whose assistance most of the country districts where doctors are not avilable can now be covered. The retirement of Lieut.-Colonel E. M. V. James, O.B.E., Commissioner of Police in the Leelvard Islands, was a great loss to the Association and our thanks are due to him for the excellent work he did in organising classes in so many of the outlying islands. We also acknowledge the debt which we owe to Major A. A. M. Hill, to whom a great deal of credit is due in training First Aiders in all the Islands of this group. There are now trained First Aiders in Antigua, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Nevis , Anguilla and Barbuda. In the Windward Islands we are grateful to the Reverend Francis W. M. Lamb, M.D., Assistant Curate of the Cathedral, St. Vincent, who assisted the Police so materially by organising courses for their personnel. In St. Lucia, also, the Police, Fire Brigades and Prison services have held course and trained personnel in First Aid. Sir Donald Jackson, Chief Justice of Grenada, who was President of our Centre, resigned and our thanks are due to him for all his help. We are also grateful to the Hon. Mr. Munro, Member of the Legislative Assembly and Chairman of our Centre, who has done so much to make possible the expansion of our training and for the development of St. John work as a whole. There has been considerable activity in the island and a display was organised by Brigade units to bring in recruits and to raise funds for the Association. This was backed by a broadcast on the local radio
station by the Chairman of the Centre. Lay lecturer have been trained and will be a great help in expanding our work. Throughout the colony of British Guiana' Save a Life Sunday" ha become an annual event. It is very popular with the public and has aroused great interest in First Aid. Classe have been tarted in the Transport and Harbour Department. We are grateful for the upport of H.E. the Governor and so many industrial organisations. In British Honduras training is confined mostly to the Police Fire Service · and Prisons staffs, but we have the support of M r. J. P. Ru h which should be very valuable. We are being greatly helped by the Police Training School in Barbados where First Aid is included in the training of recruits. The e men eventually return to their own islands where they can put their knowledge to good use. We are mo t grateful to Mr. A. Beresford, M .B.E., Chairman of the Centre, for his enthusiastic support and pecial help in thi matter. Youth Clubs and Centres continue to how intere t in our Preliminar certificate. In the Bahamas training is confined mo tly to the Police Fire Service and Prison Staffs and we are grateful for their help and co-operation. Trinidad has another fine record of achievement and it i encouraging to note that an increasing number of trained men and women are taking regular courses and qualifying at re-examination. Further cour e have been held by lay lecturers with the object of making Fir. t Aid training available in the remotest parts of the island. The Association sent most hearty congratulation to Major R . G. Cox, Chairman of our Centre, on the award of the George 1edal for his gallantry in connection with a fire on board the wooden chooner "May Olive" which carried a highly dangerous cargo. We are glad to welcome back Mr. Hanlon who has done 0 much for the A . ociation . COMPETITIONS
Although no new national competition were in tituted thi year by the Association, we can report continued increase in the number of teams and competitors taking part. In the various eliminating rounds of our competitions 2,270 teams took part representing 13,350 competitor in all, as compared with 11,250 in 1956. Winners of the national competitions held under the auspices of the Association were a follow :COMPETITIONS FOR MEN Teams Competing: Winning Team : Police . . . . . . . . . Exeter City Police British Electricity Amblliance Centre. . . . London (Fulham) British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks). . . . . . . . . Exmouth Junction British Transport Commission Police . . . Dover Marine United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. . Harwell National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . . . . . . . Chiswick Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre R.R.E. Defford National Dock Labour Board. Grimsby Fire Brigades. City of Manchester Gas Industry. . . . . . . . Eastern Gas Board General Post Office Ambulance Centre Inland Section, Mount Pleasant National Coal Board Great Mountain Colliery
COMPETITIONS FOR WOMEN British Electricity Ambulance Centre. . . . Southern (Swindon) British Transport Commission (Railways and Dock ) . . . . . . . . . . . Newton Abbot United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . . Harwell National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool St. Giles Court Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre Gas Industry . . . . . . . " North Western Gas Board General Post Office Ambulance Centre . H.Q. No. I Branch
The winner of these competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shield took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 14th November, 1957, at the Porchester Hall , London. We were privileged to . have The Lord Wakehur t, K.C.M.G. , Lord Prior of the Order, at thl ceremony and he very kindly presented the trophies and medallions. The winning team were: -
Mel1 :- St. John Ambulance Brigade (Whitwick Colliery). IFolllen : -General Po t Office Ambulance Centre (H.Q. No. ] Branch, P.O .A.C.) . The Mayor of Paddington , Executive Officers of the Order and repreentative of all Organi ation which had teams competing were present on the platform. We are very grateful to them for their support and encouragement. Once again our very sincere thanks are due to the Associated British Picture Corporation Ltd . for their continued generosity in staging this and all the other national competitions which we held during the year. With?ut thi help our competitions would lack one of their most striking and lmportant feature, namely, realism, and the colour which the cenery provides greatly enhance the effectiveness of the tests. To all tho e who have acted a judges at these competitions, and to the steward and patients who have 0 generously given up much of their time to a si t at the e events, we express our warm appreciation and thank. Their co-operation and help are an inspiration to all those who are concerned with the organi ation of these competitions which without them could not, of course, take place. It would also be proper to thank the competitors who have worked so hard and whose enthusiasm has made the competition an outstanding feature in our year's work.
This report give an indication of the scope of the As ociation's work ~nd .the wonderful assi tance which it receives from people in all walk of life III so many parts of the world. We can never sufficiently thank those member of the medical and nursing profession who have given so much of their time to instruction and examination. On them depends the whole success of the Association's work. We also thank most warmly our County Directors, our Centre Chairmen, Secretaries and Committees and all who have so unstintingly worked to build up an efficient organisation. We are most grateful to all class secretaries and demonstrators who at considerable sacrifice to themselves have provided the basis upon which the whole structure i built.
We, therefore, express our gratitude to everyone at home and overseas who has worked for the benefit of the Association and of their fellow men and who, by their service, make possible the continual expansion of our work. HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.
THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEFS REPORT There has been no marked change in effective membership during] 957. The number of Divisions in England and Northern Ireland increased by four Adult Divisions and 62 Cadet Divisions and those in Overseas Territories administered by Brigade Headquarters increased by 42 Adult Division s and 22 Cadet Divisions. The strength of the Brigade at 31 st December, 1957, is given below :ADULTS Divisions ComAmbulance Nursing bined E ngland a nd N . Ireland Wales
Personnel Ambulance Nursing Total
1,654 267
1,171 145
200 22
3,025 434
33,854 5,523
18,700 2,233
52,554 7,756
1,921 585
1,316 430
222 88
3,459 1, 103
39,377 14,269
20,933 8,283
60,310 22,552
3, 111
2,903 507 44
1,895 116 5
· In dia · Pa kista n .
5,138 623 49
80,590 13,609 1,642
32,327 112,917 2,369 15,978 1,704 62
Grand Tot al
34,758 130,599
Prio ries Overseas Other O verse as Te r ritorie
CADETS Divisions ComAmbulance Nursing bined Engl a nd a nd N . Ireland Wales Priories Overseas Other Oversea s Territories · India · Pakistan . Grand Totals
Personnel Total
1,060 183
1,336 159
83 16
2,479 358
23,883 3,682
40,275 4,179
64,158 7,861
1,243 333
1,495 322
99 46
2,837 701
27,565 7,095
44,454 8,251
72,019 15,346
1,658 230 6
1,906 63 1
3,711 293 7
36,520 4,813 218
54,288 1,423 32
90,808 6,236 250
·1956 figures .
ROY AL OCCASIONS The Brigade was once again greatly honoured when H.R.H. Princess Margaret as Commandant-in-Chief of Cadets, carried out an Inspection of Cadets and personally conducted an Enrolment Ceremony on the occasion of the Cadet Rally on the 6th July at Taunton . DUTIES As in past years, both our Ambulance and Nursing members responded magnificently to the many and varied calls that they received. Owing to a very hot early summer, the casualties dealt with at many events, such
as Wimbledon Tennis and the Whit Friday procession in Manchester, were greater than ever before. Towards the end of the year came the tragic railway disaster at Lewisham, when, although fog greatly hampered movement, our members from London District were quickly on the scene and rendered valuable help both on the spot and in ho pita! . There is an ever-increasing demand for the service of our member quite apart from the special duties in connection with refugee, which arose during 1957. The following figures of dutie and ca e in England and Northern Ireland for 1957 are of interest:-
appreciation to those w~o wel:e appointed as Wardens, who had many and varied problems With wIuch to deal. . . For their handling of these refugee problems, great credIt IS due to Lady Braithwaite who dealt with Hun~arian~;. to Lady Brecknock who dealt with Briti h Nationals from Egypt m addItIOn to her normal overseas work; to their respective staff and helpers, and to the Assistant ~rigade Secretary, Mr. Nunn. I should also like to thank Col. J. C. Snut~ who though not a full member of the Brigade, gave a great deal of help m the office and out of it in dealing with refugee problems.
Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Duties Clinics . Nurseries . . . Blood Transfusion . Nursing Aid . Miscellaneous .
1,905,746 1,001,028 356,788 47,266 21,609 28,373 154,353 391,941
Cases treated On Public Duty Off Public Duty Invalids removed . . No. of Road Accidents No. of Other Accidents
205,769 186,374 480,335 17,922 12,6 9 7
The duties undertaken by the Brigade in 1956 in connection with Hungarian refugees and British Nationals from Egypt continued during ~ the year. Among t?e duties performed were those of air attendants on the plane from Austna, and escorts on the trains from Vienna and to the Reception Centres and Hostels. When the time came for the departure of orne of the refugees to Canada, Brigade members co-operated with the B.R.e.S. in escorting them and seeing them off at London Airport. The sick bays in the Hostels were staffed and maintained by member of the Brigade and the Society. On October 1st, 1957, the British Council for Aid to Refugees handed over the responsibility for the Hungarian refugees remaining in this country to the National Assistance Board. By the end of the year, most of the Hostels had closed down, and there was only a very small number of refugees left in hostel accommodation. A~ regards Br~tish N~tionals from Egypt, the Brigade has given great ser~lce .n?t only In meetmg and escorting evacuees, but in organising and mamtammg hostels. At the beginning of the year evacuees were arriving at the rate of 200 to 250 a week, and eventually some 7000 had reached this co~ntry. The Brigade, at the turn of the year, had' set up hostels at Henstndge Camp, Son:erset; Beacon School, Crowborough, Sussex; and at Eaves Brow, Warnngton, Lancashire. In the event the Hostel at Henstridge Camp was not used, but those at Crowbor~ugh and Eaves ~row were used extensively and were of the greatest value. Much credit IS due to the Com~issioners and the Superintendents (N) of Somerset, Sus~ex and Lancashire for the great efforts they made in organising the settll1g up of these hostels an d I should like to add a special word of
My ta k, after the tragic losses which the Brigade. suffered in 1?56, was greatly lightened early in the year when ~e~r Ad~111ral .R. M. DIck took over the appointment of Deputy ComrrussIOner-ll1-Chief. He has been an immen e help to me. We all in the Brigade felt.the weatest ~egr~t when per i tent ill-health cau ed the resignation of Bngadier A. RItchIe, who had worked 0 long and so untiringly for ?ur Cadets. w.e are fortun~te in having Lt.-Colonel A. Goring to take hIS place as ASSIstant COffiIDlSjoner-in-Chief. We were also sorry to lose Colonel Mostyn Owen becau e of pres ure of business. I am very glad that Mr. Renwick, who ha for long been helping us at Headquarters, has now accepted the appointment of Staff Officer for Special Duties. . I was very orry that four Commis ioners relinqui hed office dunng the year. The e were Capt. W. C. Knight of Bedford, Dr. Barrett Cardew of Glouce, ter hire Dr. G. A. Macdonald of Warwickshire, and Rear Admiral Sir Rowland Jerram of Cornwall. Each of these Commissioners had given mo t val uable ervice, and I was ex~re~ely sorry to lose th~m. I have been plea ed to welcome new COmnllSSlOners for BedfordshIre, Glouce tershire and Cornwall in the persons of Mr. R. C. Oakley, Dr. e. R. de C. Sadler, and Rear Admiral L. A. Boutwood. Pending the appointment of a new Commissioner for Wal~wickshire ,. the Brigade in that county j being administered by a speclal commIttee, under the Chairman hip of Mr. G. J. Fowler. I SPECTIONS
I wa able to carry out Inspections in 12 counties during the year, and also to visit other counties for Conferences and Courses. I am grateful to the Superintendent-in-Chief and the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief for undertaking a further nine inspections in other counties. Personal visits were also made to a number of counties by Senior Officers from Headquarters. . I was also very glad to be able to visit Dublin, on the occaSIOn of the Annual First Aid and Nursing Competitions between Northern Ireland and Eire which were held on the 26th October. They all gave me a very warm welcome. COMPETITIONS
The Brigade Final Competitions were held on the 13th July at the Central Hall , Westminster. The Trophies and Prizes were presented by Sir John Nott-Bower, K.C.V.O., Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. The results of the Competitions were as follows: -
Dewar Shield Perrott Shield Whitwick Colliery (Leicester) Clapham Common (London) White Knox Cup Dunbar-Nasmith Cup Fairbairn House (London) Palmers Green (London) In the Grand Prior's Trophy Competition the Brigade was represented by the Whitwick Colliery Team and the Clapham C?m~on .Nursing Team and the Whitwick Colliery Team were successful m wmnmg the Grand Prior's Trophy for Men. CONFERENCES
During the year the following National Conferences were held:Commissioners' Conference. County Superintendents' (N) Conference. Nursing Officers' Conference. Presidents' Conference. Surgeons' Conference. AWARDS LIFE SAVING MEDAL OF THE ORDER IN GOLD
Area Commissioner R. H. Blanchford, Bailiwick of Guernsey. LIFE SAVING MEDAL OF THE ORDER IN SILVER
Divisional Officer C. E. Froome, Guernsey Northern Ambulance Divi ion, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Cadet Officer R. H. Le Mesurier, Guernsey Cadet Ambulance Division. Bailiwick of Guernsey. Coxswain A. Hamon, Guernsey. LIFE SAVING MEDAL OF THE ORDER IN BRONZE
Cadet Judith Sherratt, Kendal Nursing Cadet Division, Westmorland. MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATES
Cpl. O. H. Gallienne, Guernsey Ambulance Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Sgt. S. T. Harris, Ilfracombe Ambulance Division, East South and North Devon. Pte. J. E. Herve, Guernsey Student Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Cadet Supt. Mrs. Byford, Welwyn Garden City Nursing Cadet Division , County of Hertford. Div. Supt. R. W. Woodger, Ilfracombe Division, East, South and North Devon. Pte. R. D. Booker, Ilfracombe Division, East, South and North Devon. The Metropolitan-Cammell Midland Works Ambulance Division, County of Birmingham. Sgt. A. G. Hanning, Shoreditch Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Pte. T. Monaghan, Sheffield Central Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. AMERICAN TROPHY FOR GALLANTRY
Cadet James Burt, Lytham Ambulance Cadet Division, Duke of Lancaster's District.
51 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 201 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets. SPECIAL SERVICE SHIELDS
148 Special Service Shields were awarded to Amb~lance Cadets. 511 Special Service Sruelds were awarded to Nursmg Cadets. JUBILEE CERTIFICATES
The following Divisions have been issued with the Jubilee Certificate. indicating 50 years' continuous existence:Leed Central Y.M .C.A. Nursing Division , West Riding of Yorkshire. Burnopfield Ambulance Division , Durham. Dean & Chapter Colliery Ambulance Division, Durh~m. Bingley Ambulance Divi ion , We t Riding of Yorks.hJr~. Lancaster Nur ing Division , Duke of Lancaster's DIstnct. Fleetwood Ambulance Divi ion , Duke of Lancaster's District. . .. . Leed Corp , We t Riding of Yorkshire. Burley Kirk tall and Headingley Ambulance DIVISIOn, West Riding of York hire. Hunslet and Holbeck Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. We t Oxford Ambulance Division, Oxfordshire. Ca tleford Ambulance Divi ion , West Riding of Yorkshire. Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Ambulance Division, Leicestersrure. I.C .I. Witton Nur ing Divi sion , Birmingham. Prestwich Ambulance Division , Duke of Lanca ter's District. Middleton Ambulance Division , Duke of Lancaster's District. Haslingden 'A' Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancas~er's District. Ard sley Ambulance Division, West Riding of YorkshIre. Olney Ambulance Division Buckinghamshire. Shipley and District Corps, We t Riding of Yorkshir~. Shipley Ambulance Divisioll West Riding of York~hlre . Otley Ambulance Division , West Riding of YorkshIre. Nuneaton Nursing Division, \\'arwickshire. . . Burley in Wharfedale Ambulance Division, West Riding of YorkshIre. Barton Hill Ambulance Division Bristol. Boston Ambulance Division , Lincolnshire. Plymouth Co-operative Nursing Division , Plymouth, S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall. Stockport Nursing Division, Cheshire. Torquay Ambulance Division, East, South and Nort~1 Devon. Dewsbury Nur ing Division , West Riding of Yorkshire. CIVIL DEFENCE
During the past year the Brigade has .cont~n~ed its co-oper~tion with the Civil Defence Corps and the IndustrIal CIVIl Defence SerVIce. In all parts of the country its qualified instructors have trained members of the Ambulance and Casualty Collecting sections in the Basic First Aid Course, and members of the Brigade have assisted as practical demonstrators in the Full Course. The Basic Course has recently been replaced by a new Standard Course. In view of the growing importance of this instruction , the Brigade Regulations in regard to instructors in Civil Defence First
Aid have been slightly amended to ensure that the high tandard of in truction is maintained. Commi ioner have al 0 been a ked to recruit a many in tructors for Civil Defence a po ible, in order that we and the Briti h Red Cro Society, who hould be the main ource of in truction, in Fir t Aid, may be able to meet the increa ing requirement of local authorities for this purpo e. Member of the Brigade have al 0 taken part in Civil Defence exerci e in many place. The Home Office ire-con idering it plan for the organi ation of the Ambulance and Ca ualty Collecting ection, and i in con ultation with the voluntary societie in thi connection. It i hoped that in the outco.m.e, it will be pos ible for division of the Brigade, or group of them, to Jom Civil Defence a unit under their own officer ~ or to be at the di po al of the Civil Defence Corp a auxiliarie. Thi hould be a great encouragement to member of the Brigade to play their full part in Civil Defence. During the year, three week-end Civil Defence cour e - for Senior Officers were held by the Brigade; two in the pring and one in the autumn . The programme wa drawn up by the Home Office Training Divi ion, and the in truction was given by them, with the help of the Ministry of Health and instructor from the Civil Defence Staff College, Sunningdale. The e courses were well attended and were mo t valuable in preading knowledge of the tremendous problems and immense importance of Civil Defence. A number of Senior Officer and other with pecial qualifications have attended course at the Civil Defence Staff College at Sunningdale, and several Brigade members attended instructor' cour e at the Home Office School at Falfield with ati factory re ult. The Civil Defence Syllabu for Cadets, as an additional proficiency ubject for the Grand Prior's Badge, was is ued in March and thi hould en ure that the younger generation are made aware of the great value of Civil Defence to the community. ATIO AL HOSPITAL
Throughout 1957 the total number of auxiliarie in the Re erve remained round about 40,000, the re ignation cancelling out the new recruits. During the year the Ministry of Health decided to review completely the set-up of the Reserve, as a result of which the whole scheme has been re-organised. The conditions of service have been modified and Brigade personnel are allowed to join without any further commitments. The new regulations will come into force early in 1958. URSI G DIVISIONS
The following is an extract from the Superintendent-in-Chief' report: "This has been a year of steady progress in which much excellent work has been carried out. Over and above the usual routine duties which cover so wide a field, in the early part of the year the work in connection with the reception and settlement of the Hungarian refugees and British nationals from Egypt continued with unabated vigour. On the occasion of the disastrous railway accident at Lewisham, nursing members from the locality were quickly on the spot, in spite of transport difficulties owing to the fog, and gave every assistance possible both at the scene of the accident and in the hospitals to which the injured were taken. "In the influenza epidemic of the autumn quite invaluable help was given in the hospitals in many of which large numbers of the staff were, themselves, patients.
"Our officers and members are continuing to give much needed help to the W. V.S. with their One-in-Five Scheme which is expanding in all parts of the country. "It has been a great plea ure to me to be able to visit so many of the counties and I have been tremendously encouraged wherever I have been to find so many new young members working alongside their older colleagues and all, older and younger alike, so evidently keen and efficient and giving splendid service to the community. "It is with the greatest regret that I have received the resignations of three of my County Superintendents and I am truly grateful to them for the fine service they have given to our work over so many long years. They are: Mrs. Brown, Shropshire, 18 years' service; Mrs. Cubitt, Hampshire, 16 years' service; Mi s Baird, Oxfordshire, 11 years' service. "I am happy to welcome Mi s Deedes as County Superintendent in succe ion to Mrs. Brown; Mis Cooper as successor to Mrs. Cubitt; and Lady Grasett a Assistant County Superintendent for Oxfordshire. "I would like here to record my deep gratitude to all my District/ County Superintendents for their devoted service and fine leadership. Ever increasing calls are made upon them and their colleagues at all levels, which at times it can be no easy matter to meet but always they respond mo t willingly and loyally. "To all members of my Headquarters staff and very particularly to Mrs. Gro enor, my Deputy, I want to express my deep gratitude for the unfailing support given to me throughout the year, and especially for her unique grasp of our work, and for her cheerfulness at all times. My sincere appreciation is also extended to Mrs. Romer-Lee, my Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, and to Lady Braithwaite. Both of them have given me very great help over a wide field. "Once again the number of Nursing Officer appointments has been most atisfactory the figure showing an increase of 113 net. The assistance given by our Nursing Officers is of the utmost value and I look forward to the day when every Division has the benefit of such an appointment. Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn is much to be congratulated on this further increase and on the admirable leadership she has shown. "During the year under review, Miss Duff-Grant has again made a great contribution in the field of training, and in connection with the revision of the Home Nursing textbooks, work which has been of particular importance. "I am grateful to Lady Brecknock for her fine support on overseas matters, as well as for the excellent contribution she has made on the home front. With this tribute I would like to link the name of Mis de Mierre, who is so understanding and helpful at all times. "As always, our pillar of strength continues to be Miss Harri on, to Whom I offer once again my most heartfelt thanks. In this report I would like also to mention the fine support and increasing contribution given by Miss Jean R ussell." SURGEON-IN-CHIEF'S DEPARTMENT
. I am very glad that the number of Brigade Surgeons continues to Increase. There were 192 new appointments during the year as against a !oss through resignation, death or transfer to the Reserve of 71; a net Increase of 121. This continued growth in the number of Surgeons is of
vital importance to the Brigade and is a very great help to the Surgeonin-Chief in his aims of ever improving the standard of training in the Brigade. The following is an extract from the Surgeon-in-Chief' report: "A recent survey shows that at the present time there are approxjmately 2 700 Brigade Surgeons in England. This is most encouraging especially as many of the elder men retiring are being replaced by younger men, including those who have completed their National Service and who ha e met St. John in the Services and have become intere ted. "There are still some Divisions without Surgeon and every effort i being made to find Surgeons for them, for an enthu ia tic Surgeon i essential for a well-trained Division. "Reports from the County Surgeon are encouraging and they are naturally all anxious to see the new Joint First Aid Book. Thi will be available for the autumn session and will, I am ure, he of interest to all. The Brigade Surgeons have contributed much useful material to it. composition. "First Aid Demonstrations to overseas student. were continued during the early part of the year, and it is hoped they will create ome intere t in the countries concerned. "My staff and I have attended many training Conferences and County Competitions, passing on the latest information on teaching and competition work. This is essential if we are to keep up the high standard of our work throughout the country_ "The Northern Surgeons' Conference in Harrogate wa a 1110 t ucce ful meeting and the vexed question of shock had its final hake-up before incorporation into the new textbook. "Owing to increasing costs it was found impossible to run the London Surgeons' Conference, but investigations continue to try and find a suitable venue. "My Deputy, Dr. Scott, continued to be of immen e help to me in all directions and my Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief Dr. Buchanan, help greatly in the Overseas Department. My staff officer, M r. Craft and Mr. Rodway are invaluable in the realms of Competition and Civjl Defence. "I believe that the Department is functioning well and am mo t grateful for the willing co-operation of all at Brigade Headquarter. " SERVICE HOSPITALS WELFARE DEPARTMEr T
The Superintendent-in-Chief, as Chairman of this Department reports: "The average number of Service Hospitals Welfare Officers during 1957 was 121, of which 33 are Brigade members, posted as follows: United Kingdom B.A.O.R. Middle East
6 4
Far East East Africa. West Africa
"In February I saw our Welfare Officers in Cyprus and visited both the Military Hospital at Nicosia and the R.A.F. Hospital at Akrotiri, where a remarkably fine job was being done in spite of many difficulties. Later in the year, during an official visit to Malta, I went to the R.N. Hospital at Bighi and the David Bruce Military Hospital, also to the R.A.F. Sick Quarters at Luqa, and was well satisfied with all I saw.
, The COInmi ioner-in-Chief, whilst in Kenya in December, visited the Department at the British Military Hospital, Nairobi, where he met the Welfare Officer. "Througbout the year I was able to visit a number of the hospitals in the United Kingdom:-The R.A.F. Hospital, Uxbridge; The Military Ho pital, Wheatley; The Louise Margaret Families Hospital, Aldershot; The Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Millbank; Waringiield Military Ho pital, Northern Ireland; The Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar, and The Royal aval Ho pital, Chatham. I also visited the new B.M.H. in Paris. "Fourteen new welfare officers were trained during 1957, in Library, Handcraft and Welfare duties. "The Department assi ted with 74 ca es for the DILFOR scheme, which send the next-of-kin of dangerously ill patients to visit them over ea :- Germany 38, Holland and Belgium 3, Far East 6, Middle Ea t 20, and one each to Nairobi, Bombay, South America and Syracuse and three to Gibraltar. Similar arrangements were made for 39 funeral partie to go to Germany. "Over 300 Welfare cases were dealt with by the H.Q. staff and many other by the welfare officers in their hospitals. "The welfare officer at the Cambridge Military Hospital at Aldershot did plendid work at the time of the Blackbushe air disaster in May, when they looked after the relatives of the injured men who visited the patients in hospital. "J n many of the other large hospitals there is a constant need for their help in looking after the relatives of D.I. and S.I. patients. "In June the fir t party of Gurkha T.B. patients was brought over from Malaya for operations at the Connaught Military Hospital, so the welfare officers had a very pecial job in helping them to adjust themselves to the new surrounding, and ending messages back to Malaya through our welfare officers tationed out there. "The East Africa Command 'ran down' early in the year so the Seni.or Welfare Officer in East Africa returned to the U.K. in May, leavlllg only one welfare officer at BMH Nairobi. She can keep in touch with all the small and scattered medical units as well as carrying out a bu y programme for the patients in hospital. "In co-operation with the local Branch of the B.R.C.S. she helped to arrange for Briti h patients to spend convalescent leave in the homes of Settler. "After Ghana became independent it was agreed with the Military authorities to leave one welfare officer there for the time being. "In Nigeria one welfare officer is stationed at BMH Kaduna and visits BMH Lagos. "In the Far East the welfare officer wa withdrawn from Korea early in August and our number in Hong Kong reduced from five to four. At the hospitals in Malaya and Singapore an increasing amount of very good work is being done. Although the R.N. Hospital at Trincomalee and the R.A.F. Hospital at Negombo have been handed over to the ~eylon Government our Chief Welfare Officer, a Brigade member, keeps 111 touch and we continue to give assistance as required; she visited them both in October."
Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret graciously carried out the Inspection at the Cadet Rally at Taunton on the 6th July and personally conducted an enrolme~t Ceremony of 61 Cadets. This was held at Bishop Fox ~chool, Taunton, In the morning and the Inspection in the afternoon was In t~e grounds of Queen's College. Following the Inspection, Her Royal HIghness presented the American Trophy for Gallantry to Cadet James Burt, of Lytham Ambulance Cadet Division Lancashire. Although 2,238 Cadets attended from 20 counties, the attendance would have been much .higher had. n?t Cadets from some counties been prevented from travelling by restnctIOns on travel imposed in connection with polio . Three. of the "King George VI Memorial" Leadership Cour es were held this year. These were held at Birmingham (lOth- 12th May)' Swanwick, D~rbyshire (4th-6th October); and Durham (l5th- 17tl~ Novemb~r), WIth attendances of 49, 47 and 34 respectively. A NatIOnal Practical Camp Training Course was held at Sunbury from the 17th to 19th May, and 48 Cadet Camps were held throughout the country. The biennial National Cadet Officers' Training Course wa held at Wills Hall, Bristol, from 20th to 22nd September, and wa attended by 128 delegates. The Brigade National Cadet Camp site near Bexhill wa open from the 27th J~ly . to 31?t Au?ust.. This Camp, which was visited by the Assistant CommIssIOner-tn-Chief, IS proving very popular and was used by 787 members during the period it was open. It wa also very well managed by the Committee responsible. .T?~ gallantry of Cadet Judith Sherratt of the Kendal Nursing Cadet ~IvlslOn, Westmorland, in rescuing a child from drowning with complete dls:ega~d for ~er own safety, was recognised by the Order by the award of ItS LIfe SavIng Medal in Bronze. . In connection ,:"ith H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme, eIght Cadets receIved the Silver Award and two received the Certificate of Commendation. Consideratio~ has beeI~ given to a vital change in the organisation of the Cadets, and It was deCIded at the Brigade Committee held in November that the maximum age for membership of the Cadet Branch of the Brigade sh.o~l~ be 17, apd that Cadets who have not been promoted to Adult DIvIs~ons by theIr. 18th bi.rthday should cease to be members. Explanation of thIS c~ange wII.I be cIrculated to all concerned during 1958, and the change WIll come Into effect as from 1st January, 1959. The intention is to ensure that members are no longer held in Cadet Divisions after they have reached adult age. ST. JOHN HOUSE
The existing St. John House, for which the Brigade has responsibility on behalf of the Order, was closed on the 30th July, and since then great efforts have been made to prepare other premises. During the year arrangem~nts. we.re completed for the purchase of premises at 50, Eaton Place, .which IS sItuated near to Brigade Headquarters. Under the chairmanshIp of the Deputy. Commissioner-in-Chief every effort is being made to complete the alteratIOns and re-decoration necessary to make the new home of St. John House thoroughly up-to-date and comfortable. It is hoped that the new premises wiU open early in the summ~r of 1958.
While the Brigade undertakes the responsibility for management on behalf of the Order, St. John House is, of course, primarily intended for members of the Order, Association and Brigade, and concurrently with the opening of the new premises it is intended to make a drive to draw the attention of all those eligible for membership to the existence and value of thi meeting place of those connected with the work of St. John. A greatly increa ed membership is most desirable as insufficient use has hitherto been made of the Club possibly due to lack of knowledge of its amenities. OVERSEAS
The Brigade ha acquired a new headquarters in a derelict bastion which, with the help of the Royal Engineers, has been converted into a suitable office, lecture and recreation rooms . There has been an increase in both Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Divisions. Malta G.c.
The Brigade in Malta has made steady progress and has, as usual , admirably met the many calls for public duties. The Superintendent-inChief vi ited the I land in September. Through the co-operation of the Admiral Superintendent of H.M . Dockyard, a building at Salina Bay has been acquired which is being converted into a seaside chalet for the use of St. John members and Brigade visitor from abroad. Co-operation with the Civil Defence Corps continues. The Commissioner, Colonel Abela , had the honour of being made a Knight of Magi tral Grace in the Sovereign and Military Order of Malta. Cyprus
The vi it of the Superintendent-in-Chief to Cyprus early in the year gave great encouragement to St. John activities. Although the situation has improved, difficulties are still present, but in spite of these the Brigade is making progre s and the strength has increased. The Cadet Divisions are going well and there is a great enthusiasm among the young people. At the Annual Inspection of the English School (Ambulance) Cadet Corps in Nico ia, 90 members were on parade and following the inspection by the Commissioner, 40 new members were enrolled. The H.Q. Officer, Mis M. Donavour-Hickie, has continued to give invaluable service both with the Brigade and in organising First Aid Association courses.
Uganda was the first of the four East African territories that I was able to visit in December. The Brigade there is in good heart and has profited greatly from the presence of the H.Q. Officer, Mr. E. R. Reeves, and his wife, who have been untiring in arranging classes and encouraging our members. He is likely to be replaced shortly, but the time is approaching when the Brigade in Uganda should be ready to carryon on its own. During my tour I visited Entebbe, Kampala, Jinja, Fort Portal and the Kilembe Copper Mines, many of whose employees are St. John trained. I inspected a parade in Kampala. Satisfactory progress is being made. The opportunities are enormous.
Kenya The number of Divisions in Kenya continues to increase and St. John ~ouse, the new headquarters of the Association and Brigade, was opened In November. During my tour in December, I visited Kitale, Eldoret, Nakuru South Kinangop, Nairobi and Mombasa. I held parades in each place' except South Kinangop and saw a number of demonstrations. Much keenne s was shown everywhere.
MIDDLE AND FAR EAST Aden The first Divi. ion of the Brigade in Aden will be formed very shortly.
Zanzibar I paid a short visit to Zanzibar and inspected a parade. The Brigade seem to be doing well within the limitation of numbers and of finance imposed by so small a population. I hope that a Nursing Division will start shortly. There are no Cadet in Zanzibar. The population is inadequate to support Cadet in addition to Scouts and Guides. Tanganyika The Brigade is doing well in Tanganyika under the enthu ia tic leadership of the Commissioner, Mr. Leverett. J in pected a parade in Dar-e Sala.am and was well satisfied with the turn-out, bearing, a nd general effiCIency. The .Brigade, originally concentrated in Dar-es-Salaam, i continualIy spreadmg elsewhere through the Railways, the Police and the Airport . The territory is vast and the opportunities, as the country develop , are enormous. WEST AFRICA Nigeria There are now 13 Divisions in the country and it i expected that thi number will increase shortly. Work amongst the Nigerian Police and th~ Nigerian Railway Corporation is making sound progre s and in the NIgerian Ports Authority District new units of the Brigade will be formed soon. The H.Q. Officer, Mr. R. F. Christie, has given valuable service in organising many First Aid classes and also courses for lay lecturer . It is expected shortly to start courses among employees of the Amalgamated Tin Mines on Jos Plateau. Ghana Duri.ng t~e Independence Celebrations, members of the Brigade were much In eVIdence and made a good impression in the performance of many pu~lic duties. Mr.~. J. ~cGill, the H.Q. Officer, has worked very hard dunng the year and In spIte of many problems and difficulties has made good h~a~~ay in pro~oting the :work of St. John in various parts of Ghana. DIvISIOns are bemg started III the Gold Mines at Tarkwa and Prestea and it is hoped that other areas will follow suit. Sierra Leone -.r:he H.Q. Officer, Mr. McGill, paid a visit in August. Progress in the Police had been well maintained and the Commissioner, Mr. W. G. Syer, hoped to develop our activities in other directions such as the Prisons the United Africa Company and the Mines. '
Sey chelles The fir t Division of the Brigade in the Seychelles will al so start before long. Cey lon The Annual Inspection of the Ceylon Police Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade was taken on the 9th November by the GovernorGeneral , H .E. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke. Other Annual Inspections were held by the Commissioner in GalJe and Jaffna. The Nursing Divi ions are making steady progress. Mrs . Ross-Bell, who left Ceylon in April , will be much missed, but the Brigade is most fortunate in the appointment of Mrs . Jainu-Deen , the Head of the Public Health Nurses to take over as District Superintendent (N). There ha been an overall increase in the number of Cadets throughout Ceylon and it i encouraging to ee the number of schools which are becoming interested in th e work . Singapore The cheme for the re-organisation of the Di trict into Areas is progressin g and St. John activities are now extending. The Annu al Parade of the Brigade was held in Singapore in June, the alute bein g tak en by H .E. Sir Robert Black. Through the generosity of Mr. Aw Cheng Chye, an ambulance has been presented to the Brigade. Before he left Singapore, H .E. The Governor, Sir Robert Black, laid the Foundation Stone of the new St. John headquarters . Malay a Good progres has been made in the Brigade in 1957 and the strength of Divisional per onnel has been increased. The H .Q. Officer, Miss I. M . Checkley, continues to do excellent work and travels all over the country vi iting Brigade units and organising Association Classes. The third Annual Federal Conference for Officers was held in July and at the end of the year the first Federal Cadet Ambulance Camp was held in Penang; 110 boys attending from all over the Federation. During the Merdeka Celebrations, Brigade members were among those who took part in the Review of troops and high praise was given for their martness and bearing. Other members did man y public duties at the same time. North Borneo Dr. K . H. Blaauw was appointed Commissioner of the Brigade on the 20th November, 1957, in succession to Mr. C. Evans who had left North Borneo. Hong Kong The splendid work of Brigade members in the Penetration Squads has continued throughout the year. In May, H.E. The Governor, Sir Alexander Grantham, laid the Foundation Stone of the new headquarters for the St. John Council , Association
and Brigade. The Committee appointed to rai e fund and endow the new building, has now obtained a total of $962,050, including a donation of $300,000 from Mrs. Aw Boon Haw who opened the fund . The Band of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Hong Kong paid a visit to Macao, where it gave a serie of five succe ful concert.
BRITISH WEST INDIES The Brigade is growing in strength and there ha been a great development in activities throughout the islands in the Caribbean area. Mr. F. Davie-Smith, the H.Q. Officer, continue to give plendid ervice and during the year toured the various Districts. Colonel Jame the Commissioner in the Leeward Islands, where he ha done great work, ha now left Antigua on his retirement from the Police. He i ucceeded by Mr. H. G . Seward, the new Police Commissioner. Barbados After years of excellent service, the Commi sioner Mr. William and his wife (who was District Superintendent (N)) have re igned, although they are still serving on the St. John Council. In their place Colonel McAlester was appointed Commissioner and Mr . Challoner as Di trict Superintendent (N). Trinidad and Tobago Mr. Ackbarali was appointed to succeed Mr. Struther a Commi ioner who resigned after four years of excellent service. A new headquarter for the Brigade and the Association has been acquired. Jamaica On September 1st, one of the most terrible rail di aster of recent time occurred when an excursion train was derailed at Kendal , 70 miles from Kingston. St. John Ambulance and Nursing members were among the first on the scene and also staff and students of the Training College at Mandeville, many of whom had only recently gained their First Aid Certificates. All personnel rendered outstanding ervice in giving First Aid to the injured, and organising stretcher parties under most difficult conditions. The excellent work of the Brigade both during and after the disaster was much appreciated and as a result many member of the public applied for particulars of Brigade membership. The Brigade in Jamaica was again called into action on Christmas Day, when a tanker wagon skidded, overturned and caught fire in the main road at Runaway Bay Village. The accident happened close to the St. John First Aid Post and the Officer in Charge quickly organised help at the post, assisted by other members of the local Division, and treated many casualties for burns; afterwards helping to get the serious cases off to St. Ann's Bay, Hospital. British Guiana The Brigade has made splendid progress' eight adult and 10 Cadet Divisions being formed in 1957.
Mr. 1. W . Gregory, whose fine service for the Brigade resulted in expansion of St. John activities into the interior, left British Guiana when he retired from Government service and his place as Commissioner has been taken by Mr. J. Durey. The District Superintendent (N), Mrs. Steele, who did excellent work in developing the Nursing Divisions , has resigned and ha been ucceeded by Mrs. Shaw. In Mackenzie, the Demerera Bauxite Company has 200 Ambulance and Nursing Members . There are four well-equipped dressing stations at the plant continually manned by Ambulance Members who, during the year, treated 394 case . Nursing Members are on daily duty at the Mackenzie Clinic. Two St. John Ambulances are also in constant use. CO CLUSIO
By the end of 1957, 1 had been able to VISIt , for inspections or conference , over 20 counties at home and four countries overseas. I was everywhere impre. ed with the keenness of all concerned and with the tandard maintained. That the efficiency remains highly satisfactory would eem to be hown by the way the Brigade took in its stride a number of unu ual commitments, such as the problem of Hungarian refugee a nd of British National from Egypt, the unexpectedly high ca ualtie to be dealt with on public occasions during the heat wave of the early ummer, the Boy Scout Jamboree at Sutton Coldfield, and other work of a imilar sort. In the Brigade at home, the main problem remains to recruit more young adult both to replace normal wastage in the older groups and to compete with the many call for assi tance by the public. To assist in thi , a certain amount of re-organi ation i taking place in the Cadet movement 0 a to integrate it more closely with the Brigade as a whole and to make it a true re ervoir of new blood for the Adult divisions , rather than a youth movement which often looked ahead no further than the chool-Ieaving or National Service age. In the Brigade over ea , our work continue to go ahead and to reach out into new and untapped area. Every sort of problem is involved from the growing pain of newly-formed districts to the need, in areas reaching political maturity of getting the Brigade to stand on its own feet, independent where neces ary, of detailed control from London. In all the e problems, the support and enthusiasm of all the members of the Headquarter Staff have, as ever, been quite splendid. The Superintendent-in-Chief, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, has continued to be an example and an inspiration far beyond the range of the nursing divisions and particularly during the many inspections and visit which she has so readily undertaken both at home and abroad. I am most grateful to her, to her Deputy, Mr . Grosvenor, and to all tho e of her staff to whom she herself pays tribute in her own report. My own Deputy, Admiral Dick, has been a great support to me, not only in the complicated fields of Civil Defence and of St. John House, which have been his special care, but in all the wider problems of the Brigade. My gratitude is also due to Colonel Goring and Miss Morison for their enthusiastic work for our Cadets, and to the Brigade Secretary, and to all the clerical staff at Headquarters for all they have done. As ever, I am most grateful to Lady Braithwaite for her mo t valuable work in running our Appeals so successfully.
Finally, it is to the Commissioner, Officers and Members of the Brigade at home and overseas, be they Ambulance or Nursing, Adult or Cadet, that the real credit is due for the splendid standards that are being maintained, on duty and off duty, at home and abroad. (Signed) J. M. KIRKMAN ,
Major-General, Commissioner-in-Chie(:
REPORT OF THE ALMONER The duty entrusted to me as Almoner is to serve on the Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the Briti h Red Cross Society and on sub-committees, and to keep in close touch with the work carried out under its supervision on behalf of those who were di abled in the two Great Wars, and also those who have suffered in post-war ho tilities . Towards the end of 1944 the Order and the Society agreed that the Joint Committee should be responsible for the control and administration of funds and property of the Joint War Committee and of the Joint Council, and also of such assets as were transferred to it by the Red Cross and St. John War Organisation. The great bulk of the funds under the control of the Joint Committee is derived from the allocation of £6t million from the War Organisation t? c.0.v~r eXJ?~ndit~re for a period of roughly thirty years in discharging lIabIlitIes ansmg dIrectly from the War of 1939-45, and the main activity of the Joint Committee is the relief of ex-Service men and women disa~led in the Wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45. These moneys, which constItute the General Fund of the Joint Committee are expendable a to both interest and capital. The .following summary shows the gross expenditure of the Joint Comffi1ttee for the last completed year, the sources from which thi wa met, and the balance, representing the depletion of the General Fund:£ Gross expenditure of Departments . . . . . . . 430,492 Depreciation of freehold property sold. . . . . . 12,908 Loss on exchange of investments with the War Organisation Liquidation account . 15,869
£ Income received by Depart190,206 ments . . . . . 131,537 Interest on investments . 4,928 Donations, legacies, etc.. . Transfer of deficit of Ambulance Department from ear3,930 marked fund . . . Balance, being depletion of 128,668 General Fund .
~o cover t~e gap between cash receipts and outgoings, including ?apItal expendIture, a sum of £117,000 was realised by the sale of mvestments. The Committee's Finance Department makes an annual survey of the progress of expenditure in relation to the original allocations made by th~ War Org.anis~tio~. The survey made for the first eleven years of the Jomt ~on:mIttee s ex~s~ence show~ that expenditure, in general, has been kept withm the prOVISIOns made m the thirty year budget. Portions of
original allocations which have been fOliuitously released are held in reserve for reappropriation to other headings of approved expenditure when necessary. An admirable survey of the Joint Committee's work was given by my predecessor in his report of last year, and there is no need for me to do more than to refer to certain developments and changes that have taken place during the past year. As regards the Hospitals and other institutions maintained by the Committee, Scio House at Putney has ceased to be a sanatorium and, after extensive alterations and redecoration, has been reopened as a permanent Home for ex-officers requiring nursing attention. The first ca e were admitted early in 1958, and there is no doubt that the Home will soon be full. Headington Hill Hall, near Oxford, has now been closed. Magnificent work wa done at this centre in connection with heavy head injuries, but the number of ex-Service cases requiring treatment became so small that there was no longer justification for retaining the centre and it was decided to close it. Suitable treatment has been found elsewhere for the cases for which the Joint Committee are responsible. As wa expected, the number of cases in which individual help has been given through the Committee's Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department has again shown a slight decline, but this work still remains the mo t important branch of the Joint Committee's activities. In one direction, however, the number of cases dealt with by the Department j increa ing, and that is among elderly nurses, especially of the 1914-18 War. These nurses were unable to save for old age from their extremely low salarie and often no superannuation schemes were available for them, and now forty years later, many of them find themselves in great distress and poverty. The Joint Committee are giving much-needed assistance to many of these nurses, but it is hoped that later the need amongst nurses of the Second War will be very considerably less as they have been better provided for by pension and superannuation schemes. I cannot conclude this brief Report without referring to the great sorrow felt by all connected in any way with the Joint Committee on Sir Ernest Burdon's death in August 1957. His devotion to the work of the Joint Committee and the cause it was designed to serve, his wisdom, and his humanity have left a memory which will stay for ever with those who had the honour to work with him. GERALD CREASY.
THE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM The following new publications have been brought to notice during the past year:"Histoire politi que de l'Ordre souverain de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem de 1789 a 1955," vol. I, Comte Michel de Pierredon. This volume covering the period 1789-1801, makes use of much new material on the Order's last days in Malta. "De Johanniter-Orde in het Heilige Land," C. H. C. F. van Aspermont. A well-presented book with original illustrations but little fresh material in the text.
'.'L'Ordre de. Malte en Mediterranee," Clair-Eliane Engel. An interestmg book wIth some original material and illustration. ."The Heraldry C?f the ~nights of St. John," G. R. Gayre. lllu trated wIth many armonals whIch are well-drawn but the book contains a number of inaccuracies and ambiguities and cannot be regarded a reliable. The nUT?ber of visitors to the Library and Mu eum during 1957 wa 2,104, an lll?reaSe of ~bout 300 compared with the previous year. The total figure lllcludes Sixty-four parties of ten to forty-five person , not only.from the St. John Ambulance Brigade but al 0 from literary antiq uanan and heraldic societies. A~ the beginning of the year, the Historical Manu cript Commi ion publJshed a report on the manuscript collection in the Library. The repo~t was made by the ~ational Register of Archive and mClke pecial mentIOn of 295 separate Items selected from an accumulation of manuscripts numbering several thousand. These concern the Order in Enaland and on th~ Continent from the twelfth to the twentieth century. Thi i the first tIme that a catalogue of the Order's manu cripts ha been published. ~he cleaning and restoration of the pictures continue. An oval portraIt of t~e Emperor Leopold I and a fine portrait of Sir Andrew Wi e, Grand Pnor of England, 1593-1631 , have been re tored. The latter wa ' purchased at the beginning of the year. The Order learnt of the exi tence of th}s P?rtrait of A.ndrew Wise about fifty years ago but wa unable to acqUIre It at that time. Part of a donation generou ly made by Dr. G~est.Y Billington, of Birmingham, enabled the recent purcha e of the pallltlllg. Through the ~ational Art-Collections Fund, Sir Alec Martin generously pres~nted .a :pal~ of Maltese paintings of the Grand Master and highranklllg digrutan.es .of the Ord~r of St. John in Malta in the eighteenth century. The pamtmgs are believed to be the work of Fran90is Antoine ~e Favray or .his school. Favray was a member of the Order and worked In Malta dunng the second half of the eighteenth century. Other donors to whom the thanks of Chapter-General have been conveyed are:~ ..Hotz, Esq., V. Denaro, Esq., Major E. H. Honeywill, Colonel R. J. WIlki.n~on, A. C. Meaker, Esq., The Rev. C. Perowne, Mrs. M. J. Tayler, H. PIne-Gordon, ~sq., J. Fra~klyn, Esq:, J. H. H. Pollock, Esq., R. Faulk~er, Esq., MISS Wyatt-Wlllgrave, MIss G. Tate, L. Planner, Esq., Captam O. Gollcher, L. McCormick-Goodhart, Esq. and Mrs. G. Evan.
by The Prior, The Preceptor of Torphichen, The Receiver-General, The Director of Ceremonies and the Priory-Secretary. The resignation of the Most Honourable The Marquis of Aberdeen and Temair , the Lord Prior of Scotland since 1950, has also to be recorded with deep regret. At the meeting of Priory-Chapter he~d on the 21~t October, 19?7 Lt.-Colonel Sir Hugh S. Turnbull, was mstalled and mducted as Pnor of the Scotti h Priory, by H.R.H. The Grand Prior's Mandator--:-C. H. C. Pirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, O.B.E., D.S.C. Thereafter, Sir Guthne Ru.ssell and Sir Andrew Murray were installed as Chancellor and RecelverGeneral respectively, by the new Lord Prior. . A notable extension of the work of the Order In Scotland has been made pos ible by the magnificent gift of a large and beautiful house, almo t completely furnished from Mr. G. Boyd Anderson. The. house, known a "Skerrybrae," i ituated at Lossiemouth overiooklllg the Moray Firth. At the expre wi h of the donor, the Home is t? be used a a convale cent home during the winter months, for those dlscharged from ho pital preferably in the North of Scotland, and in the summer months a a Holiday Home, mainly for elderly people of both sexes. Preference is to be given to retired clergy, teachers, service officers, ~r others of moderate means, and to parents who have had to make theIr home with their children to enable the latter to have a holiday elsewhere on their own. A repre entative Moray Committee has been appointed from re ident in the surrounding district, under the Chairmanship of Major The Hon. Robert Bruce of Glenerney, C.B.E. , and it is hoped that the H 0 pice will be opened early in 1958.
RICHARD WILLIAMS Librarian. THE PRIORY IN SCOTLAND During the ye~r the Order in Scotland sustained a grievous loss in the sud~en and untImely death of Lord Inverclyde, Chancellor and Prior ~esIgnate. ~ord Inverclyde had en.deared himself to all his Confreres by hIS unassu!Dmg manner and devotIOn to all the activities of the Order. He was laId to rest in the family vault in the beautiful little Episcopal Church at Wemyss Bay. The funeral service was conducted by the Prelate, The Very Rev. Dr. Charles L. Warr, the Priory being represented
The Fe tivai of St. John was held in Aberdeen on the 26th June, 1957. Although overshadowed by the death of Lord Inverclyde, the programme for the day was carried through, with the exception of the evening reception and dance, which was cancelled as a token of respect to our late Confrere. Holy Communion was celebrated in the West Kirk of st. Nichola" and was attended by Members of Chapter, Members of the Order and friend. A Chapter Meeting was held in the forenoon, after which Chapter Members and Executive Officers of the Priory, were entertained to luncheon by the Lord Provost and Magistrates of the City of Aberdeen. In the afternoon the Annual Commemoration Service was held in the beautiful Cathedral Church of St. Macher. Members of Chapter robed in Chanonry Lodge and progressed to the Cathedral preceeded by the Lord Provost and Magistrates of the City of Aberdeen. In the unavoidable absence of The Very Rev. Dr. Charles L. Warr, The Prelate and Dr. Nevile Davidson, The Sub-Prelate, who were officiating at a memorial service to the late Lord Inverclyde in Glasgow Cathedral, the service, which wa largely attended, was conducted by the Rev. P. H. R. MacKay, M.A., Assistant Chaplain, assisted by the Rev. L. L. L. Cameron, M.B.E., D.D. , the Rev. J. Wilson Baird, D.D., and the Rev. R. G. Lawrie, M.A. At the conclusion of the Commemoration Service, Members of the Order and friends were conveyed to the Town and County Hall for the General Assembly and Investiture, after which afternoon tea was served in the Council Chambers. We are deeply indebted to the Lord Provost and Magistrate of the City of Aberdeen, for their very kind
hospitality to Priory-Chapter, members of the Order and gue ts of the Priory in Scotland.
widely known, the accommodation was not fully utilised. This applied in particular to the maternity unit , a new venture for which a reputation had to be built up, and it is gratifying to know that this unit is now considered first class by the local medical practitioners. The nursing staff have settled down well in their new quarters and give the impression that the Home can be described as a happy one. It i a plea ure to acknowledge with grateful thanks the gift of electric food trolley, from the Ladies' Linen Guild. These have proved a coniderable help in the serving of meals to patients- the gift is deeply appreciated. It is the aim of the Committee to keep the fees for necessitous patient at the lowe t possible level and to make only such charges for non-nece itous patients as wilt cover the co t of maintenance and nur ing.
Priory-Chapter, having obtained the views of the variou Committees of the Order, resolved that the Branches of these Committees, previously known as "The Friends of S1. John," revert to the name of and be known in future, as "The S1. John Association of Scotland (-'-- Branch)". A new draft Constitution for The St. John Association of Scotland and j~s Bra!1ches was prepared and submitted to Priory-Chapter for its consIderatIOn and was finally approved at the December meeting of PrioryChapter. THE GLASGOW COMMITTEE
The Glasgow Committee of the Priory under the chairmanship of M r. Douglas Macnaughton, have been fully engaged in admini tering the management of the S1. John Foundation Hospital (Park Home) during t~~ past year. .nuri~g the year an X-ray Department under the superVISIOD; of ~ ~adIOloglst has been opened. A report on the running of the HospItal IS gIVen by the Warden later in this Report. THE EDINBURGH COMMITTEE
The !ast year has not bee~ uneventful in the hi tory of the Edinburgh COffiIlllttee of the Order. SIr Andrew Murray, who had been Chairman since the inceJ?tion of the Edinburgh Committee resigned on his appointment as .ReceJ.ver-General t? the Priory. He is succeeded by Captain J. Shand SJvewngh1. The Pnory decided that St. John's House Lennox Row, be purchased for the Order, so that similar work to that already undertaken at St. John's Hospice, Carberry, could be carried out. This was ~one at a cost of £1,750. The Hospice at Carberry continues to fulfil ItS purpose, though transport difficulties due to petrol rationing and the remoteness of the Hospice had, as expected, an adver e effect on the number of residents. THE ABERDEE
Arrangements for the Annual Festival of St. John were dealt with by a small sub-committee. The Festival was a great success, but all was overc1ou~ed by the sad death of Lord Inverclyde, our Prior Elect. At a meetIng WIth the Lord Chancellor, the Receiver-General and the PriorySe.c~etary, held at 24, Albyn Place, the members of the Aberdeen Comffiltt~e for the next triennial period, 1957-60, were appointed. At this meetIng the question of the relationship of the "Friends of St. John," n?w the Aberdeen Branch of the St. John Association of Scotland, was dIscussed,. and the Honorary Secretary was asked to explain the decisions on the vanous matters to the Friends, which he did on the 21st August, 1957. On the 14t? May, the Lord and Lady Provost visited Headquarters of the Order In Aberdeen and were received by Lord Aberdeen and those members of the Committee who could attend. THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN FOUNDATION HOSPITAL-PARK HOME
The F?undation Hospital has now completed its first full year in its commodIOUS and comfortable new premises at 12 Claremont Terrace Glasgow, C.3. During the first few months, when the facilities were not
The Chairman is very glad to report the continued success of the Linen Guild, and our ati faction in extending the membership. We regret that owing to ill-health, Mr. Patterson has had to resign as Vice-Chairman, and a welcome wa extended to Mrs. Peel, wife of the Hospital Warden , as Mr. Patter on' succe or. Once again through the generosity of Mr. Hugh Fra er, a mo t ucce sful Bridge and Whist Drive was held in the restaurant of one of Mr. Fraser' large stores and this annual function wa enjoyed by all who attended . The Guild donated an electric fire for the Ho pital Entrance Hall, while china and linen were also given. At Christma time, The Lord Provo t of Glasgow very kindly donated a beautiful Christmas Tree which wa decorated and placed in the entrance hall pre ent were given to the patients. nur ing and domestic staffs as formerly. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS DEPARTME T
The Medical Comfort Depot Department, which is one of the original foundation of the Priory, continue to carry out the traditional work of the Order, by taking much needed aid to the home of the sick, especially in the outlying district of Scotland. Since the inception of the National Health Service Act there ha been a slight tendency in certain districts for the demand on our Depots to diminish, due to the fact that sick-room requisite are now supplied by local Health Authorities under the Act. It is gratifying to record however, that in the majority of the outlying districts and in orne of the smaller towns , our Centres continue to render useful ervice. The Priory is deeply indebted and tenders sincere thanks to all those worker who devote so much of their lei ure time and give voluntary service in operating the va rious Depots throughout Scotland. TH"E LIBRARY
The books in the Library have been consulted by seriou student interested in the history of the Order, but more use could be made of them. It is worth while to point out that the library contain a number of extremely interesting and valuable books, dealing with the history of other religious Orders. During the year some additions have been made to our collection including a list of the Temple lands in King's Kyle and Kyle Stewart in the superiority of the Lairds of Caprington granted by Lord Torphichen. This list, which was generously supplied by Mr.
McLeod of Irvine, who had been given acces to it by Colonel Cuninghame of Caprington, includes lands in a dozen parishes, and contains the n~mes of sixty tenements and many of the holder in the year] 601 . It wIll be of great service to those interested in the land of Ayr hire.
October. During nine years tenure of office, Lord Aberdare, who devoted much of his life to the welfare of youth, had become endeared to the Priory member hip and his inspiring leadership will always be remembered with gratitude. The readiness of the fourth Baron Aberdare to continue the family connection in the office of Prior satisfies a general desire.
Fo~merly known as The Friends of St. John , the change of title became
e!fectlve as from the 21st August, 1957, at the request of the Priory. No sIzeable functions were organised during 1957. Thi was mainly due to the fact that the then existing Committee was dis olved at the end of the triennial period, and that four months elapsed before the appointment of the new Co:nmittee, which commenced its work on the 18th September. The Comrruttee report that they have since drawn up a winter yllabu, and look forward with enthusiasm to a full programme for 1958. The Gift Centre sales, which amount to £266 6 . lOd., how a light increa e over the previous year. It is gratifying to report that during 1957 patient' fees were subsidised to the extent of £491-an increa e of £ 195 on la t year. This clearly indicates that the work undertaken is till of the utmost value to those who require our assi tance . The pre ent member hip of the Association stands at 627. THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATIO
Thi~ has been a somewhat difficult year particularly due to the reorgamsation going on ~i~I:in the Edinburgh Committee, both with regard to personnel and to actIvItIes. Lectures were again held during the winter and were well attended. An excellent Whist Drive wa held under the convenorship of Mrs. W. A. W. Sivewright. We are mo t grateful to Mr. Hugh Fraser, for his generosity in allowing us free accommodation for t.he holding of t.his func~ion in Patrick Thomson's and also for the kindly help and attentIOn. of hIS staff. An experimenlal effort of holding a Sale and C?ffee Party In the Central Halls proved disappointing though we apprecIate ver~ much Lady.Banks, the then Lady Provost of Edinburgh, klll.dly consen~lllg to open It for us. The Flag Day was di appointing OWlllg. to the .lllclement weather on the day allotted to us. Though the effort IS exactmg for all who take part, it must be realised that it is a most we~come ingathe.ri.ng of funds. Our grateful thanks go once more to the Edmburgh ChantIes Day Committee for their generous grant of £300 to The St. John Association of Scotland (Edinburgh Branch).
PRIORY FOR WALES . This report marks the close of an era during which the office of Princlpal Secretary and Chief Commissioner for Wales have been combined in accordan~e wit~ the original Priory Regulations drafted forty years ago on the m~eptIOn of the first ;Establishment then functioning under the Grand Pnory. For the corrung year will see a division of these responsibilities more in keeping with the provisions of the new Statutes of the Order, with consequent changes in the presentation of the annual repo~'t to Members and Associates of the Priory for Wales. WIth great regret the death is recorded of the late Prior the Lord Aberdare, G.B.E., LL.D., in a motoring accident abroad ~n the 4th
With the concurrence of the Director-General of the St. John Ambulance Association, two medical posts have been created as part of a determined effort to develop class work as a fundamental activity. The Priory ha been fortunate in obtaining the services of Dr. A. Trevor Jone Provost of the Welsh School of Medicine, and Dr. P. AlwynSmith, Deputy Senior Administrative Medical Officer, Welsh Re~onal Ho pital Board, as Principal Medical Officer and Deputy respectIvely. These officers will act mainly in an advisory capacity in matters relating to fir t aid, home nursing and kindred courses set by the Association, in no way affecting the re pon ihilities of the Surgeon-in-Chief of the Brigade in Wale. . The ummary printed below of the results of the 1,194 classes exammed during 1957 how that 16,169 students were successful out of the 17,791 who attended cour es of in truction, a decrease of 52 on the total award gained in 1956. The mo t progre ive range of activity has been the South Wales coalfield where following the publication of the revised First Aid in Mines manual a dri e to recruit more mineworkers into first aid classes was promoted by the South We tern Division of the National Coal Board with the co-operation of the Priory. By the end of the year a larger number of colliery workers was attending classes than ever before and in commenting on the position, the Chairman of the Divisional Board wrote: "I know you will be a pleased as we ourselves are with the improvement achieved. At the same time I should like to say how very grateful I am for the help and a sistance we have had in obt~ining these result from the Priory for Wale." The setting up of a specIal panel of lecturer and examiners with knowledge of first aid as applied to mines has been the mean of introducing additional members of the medical profe ion to St. John work. The success of the South Western Division in the national N.C.B. competition was gratifying to the Priory, particularly as the winning team was composed of Brigade members. It i. of intere t to record that over two-thirds of the adult male members of the Brigade living in the area of the South Wales coalfield are mineworkers. The coming into force on the 1st August, 1957, or the Ministry of Agriculture's First Aid Regulations Act requiring a first aid box to be available on all farms was welcomed as affording an opportunity for assisting farm workers to derive the fullest possible benefit from the new provision. Conferences held between representatives of the vario~ agricultural organisations and the Association were followed up In Wales by approaches to the county branch organisers of these bodies and the distribution among their membership of some thousands of the publicity leaflet each bearing the name and address of a local St. John representative. Reports from Commissioner and Area Commissio~ers indicate that while much has been done to prepare the ground for frUItful cultivation in this field there is little enthusiasm S0 far for attendance at
clas e and examinations. The mo t promi ing re pon e ha come from the Young Farmer' Cl ubs, many of whom have requc ted talk and demonstration . It had been hoped that the publication of the new manual "Occupational Fir t Aid" would have arou ed greater interest in indu try. Nearly 300 copies of the book were purcha ed by indu trial undertaking in Wale but no cla e were examined and there i rea on to u pect that the regulation which make the po e ion of a Home nur ing certificate a prerequi ite to examination in Occupational Fir t Aid i acting a a deterrent. H.M. Medical Inspector of Mine, who co-operated with the Priory in bringing the book to the notice of tho e concerned, reported a trong di inclination on the part of potential tudent to taking Home Nursing. Intere t in the subject of Fir t Aid in the chool wa carried a ' tage further in two direction. A Mini try of Education pamphlet prompted an enquiry into the possibility of clo er co-operation between headma ters and headmi tre e of chool in Wale and the Priory with a view to encouraging the introduction of St. John cadet unit into the activities advocated by the Mini try even where there i no opening in the curriculum for the study of First Aid . The arne pamphlet emphasi ed the importance of teacher being trained to render fir t aid in any accident occurring in school, and the Priory approached the Principal of the Training College in Wales offering to a i t in running cla 'e for tudent teachers. Practical contact ha been made with four of the e college. A large number of the classes are organi ed under the county council as part of their further education scheme. The attendance fee are being increased a a re ult of Government economy drive, but in the two mo t populous countie of Wales special conce sion are made to tudent taking First Aid course -Glamorgan charging no more than 2 . 6d. per course and examination with a free i ue of award up to the fir t label to successful candidates; and so far Monmouth hire Education Authority continues to give free entrance to First Aid tudent. The variable terms offered in other countie are all more or less advantageou , especially to classes which do not benefit by the generou help of the medical profession in providing honorary lecture.
1957 First Aid Preliminary First Aid Home Nursing Preliminary Home Nursing Preliminary Home Hygiene . Child Welfare. Preliminary Child Welfare
1955 12,3J3 3,871 J,426 561 10 31
1956 J1,848 4,3J5 1,079 727 7 27 98 10 189
J 1,723
4,186 995 547 55 7 40
Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food Mining
203 39 720 5,808 585
5 173 8 709 5,985 674
909 6,008 941
Medallion ~.
Label Pendants
1955 3,318 3,309 879 133 328 491 4 27
1956 2,853 3,627 964 150 296 658 6 2J
1957 3,127 3,604 930 137 375 536 58
First Aid Certificates. Preliminary irst Aid Certificates Vouchers . Marine ertificates . Home Nursing Certificate Preliminary Home Nursing Certificate Preliminary Home Hygiene Certificates Child Welfare Certificates Preliminary hild Welfare Certificates. Hygienic Food Handling and lean Handling of Food Fir t Aid in Mine Certificates First Aid in Mines Labels
6 178 44
No. 0/ Students
o. 0/ Classes
1957 1956 1955 COllllt)': Anglesey . Brecon hire Caernarvon hire . Cardiganshire Carmarthenshire. Denbigh hire . Flintshire . Glamorgan Merioneth hire Monmouth hire. Montgomeryshire Pembrokeshire Radnorshire Aberdare . Cardiff Merthyr Tydfil Newport. Rhondda . Swansea . Unattached Marine Candidate . Re-Examinations*
5 28 47 20 76 75 18 272 12 140 18 17 6 46 61 6 19 61 49 1
14 46 52 21 99 75 27 308 17 189 35 25 4 52 64 27 26 64 60 1
50 35 24 96 78 34 307 14 187 36 21 4 52 67 23 28 61 61
A I"lards Gained
238 453 717 334 1,377 1,221 425 4,567 242 2,873 417 485 52 884 1,121 323 478 1,000 1,077 977 865 39 J5
152 503 566 290 1,465 1,151 478 4,395 245 3,019 430 420 41 962 1,232 413 551 1,047 1,026 34
90 363 674 279 1,230 1,157 333 4,254 202 2,349 320 370 53 824 1,055 296 434 894 830 25
213 389 613 284 1,25 1 1,156 374 4,183 222 2,394 366 457 44 695 971 329 420 841 838 31
145 380 500 256 1,364 1,026 446 4,172 236 2,504 353 344 36 838 1,075 368 578 871 914 36
1957 105 386 797 328 1,269 1,274 361 4,799 206 2,778 339 378 64 906 1,163 299 459
217 1,194 1,206 1,188 17,791 18,300 18,402 16,169 16,221 16,575
20 250
*As from April. Brigade re-examinations were arranged ~y .the Brigade Department · these and re-examinations dealt with by the ASSOCiatIOn Department are included in this total. (In former years re-examinations were shown under the respective county class totals.)
. The classified table of membership below reveal a net increa e of 265 Jl1 the total strength, now standing at 15,617. For the first time in the past five years an improvement on the adult male member hip i recorded In this section the 5,523 men are 231 up on the 1956 fi gure, though th~ 2,233 women are 8? fewer. On the ~adet ide a drop of 251 boy i more than offset by the mcrease of 374 gIrlS, the cadet total bein g 3,682 and 4,179 respectively. During the year 24 new divisions were regi tered: four ambulance two nur~ing, three comt:>ined ambulance and nur ing, four cadet ambu ~ lanc~, eight cadet nursmg and three combined cadet ambulance and nursIng. Against this 14 units were struck off a inactive viz. two ambulance, three nursing, four c?mbined ambulance and nursing, one cadet amb~lance, three cadet nursmg and one combined cadet ambul a nce a nd nursmg. M en Headquarter Staff Commissioners. . . Deputy Commissioners. County Surgeons . . County Superintendents County Staff Officers County Cadet Officers Area Commissioners Area Surgeons . . Area Superintendents Area Nursing Officers Area Staff Officers . Area Cadet Officers . Corps Officers . Divisional Officers N.C.O's . Privates .
1957 6 20
8 14
6 46 12 14
6 6 I 17
173 765 .
I Vall/ell
Headquarter Staff . . County Superintendent County Nur ing Officer County Staff Officers . County Cadet Officers Area Superintendents. Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer') Corps Officers . Divisional Officer N .C.O's . . Nursing Member
6 II 4
6 9 7 4
5 10
32 365 37 . J ,73 7
Boys Cadets (including Officers) .
1957 . 3,682
Girls Cadets (including Officer. )
1957 . 4, 179
SUMMARY OF PERSONNEL Men. Women Boys Girls Total
CORPS AND DIVISIONS Corps . . . . . Ambulance Divisions. Nursing Divisions . . . . . . . . Combined Ambulance and Nursing Divisions Cadet Ambul~nce Divisions. . . . . . Cadet Nursing Divisions. . . . . . . Combined Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Divisi~ns :
5,523 2,233 3,682 4,179
145 22 183 159 16
The number of headquarters in which the Priory has a vested interest with security of tenure is now] 31 , an increase of but one on the 1957 figure ; but a great deal of good work has been put into the conversion of unsatisfactory premises to guarantee permanency, notably in Monmouthshire. It is pleasing to record the co-operation of St. John Councils, whose funds can be made available for gifts or advances in conjunction with divijonal resources and Priory loans; also in the coalfield, with the invaluable assistance of N.C.B. grants from the annual sum placed at the di sposal of the Priory by the South-Western Divisional Board. Two Area Genera l Managers, who are also high-ranking Brigade officers, have played a decisive part in co-ordinating divisional needs for a meetingplace with the furtherance of colliery interests in First Aid. Mr. D. J. Skidmore (chairman of the St. John Council's Executive Committee) and Mr. G. A. Watson (Area Commissioner) have brought to bear their expert knowledge and that of their officials upon the financial and technical problems of project in Monmouthshire and North Carmarthenhire re pectively. The provi ion of headquarters has always been to the fore in Glamorgan and Monmouthshire but the western coalfield in Carmarthenshire has lagged behind; and willIe the Priory has to strike a balance proportionate to strength in assignment of N.C.B . grand-aid between the three counties this indication that the less favourable situation in the west may be remedied is most welcome. True, a number of plan have hung fire pending legal completion before they can materialise in brick and mortar or buildings be taken over for adaptation, for in tance at Penygroes Saron and Gelliceidrim Colliery ; and, in Glamorgan , at Merthyr Vale following a surrender of premises at nearby Aberfan. The one official opening in 1957 took place at Cefn Coed, where the Divi ion wa as isted in the purchase of a suitable hall by the St. John Council for Breconshire, a Priory loan and a small N.C.B. grant commensurate with the number of mineworker members . In Monmouthhire, the problem has been to put old halls into a permanent state of preservation, as at Newbridge where much voluntary labour has acilleved 1110 t creditable results, at Abersychan by means of a complete rebuilding on the arne site, and at Waunlwyd in course of reconstruction. An extension to the Hall at Risca facilitates its use as a health clinic; and internal improvements have been found necessary at Cwmcarn. The provision of a site at Crosskeys by the N.C.B. at last enables the erection of a wooden structure with brick frontage; and the Six Bells Division carried out improvements with the help of the St. John Council. New proposals affect Abertillery, Abercarn , Cwmbran and Pontnewydd headquarters. In Glamorgan , Morriston Ambulance and Nursing Divisions are to be congratulated on acquiring the lease of a hall at their sole expense; and an important development is envisaged at Swansea. Most welcome gifts by transfer of existing premises at Taffs Well and Cilfynydd fall properly into next year's Report. The South-Western Divisional Board, N .C.B. , to whom our grateful thanks are due, assured a continuance of the build-up of Brigade establishment in mining towns by the outstanding gift of £2,000 in 1957; and while some curtailment is enforced by the need for economy in public spending, there is a substantial assignment for 1958 .
Six divi ion s celebrated their jubilee during 1957 and the presentation of the Certificate signed by the Commissioner-in-Chief of the Brigade was made an occasion for a special function: Cro Keys Ambulance Division, Monmouthshire. Cymmer Ambulance and Nursing Division, Borough of Rhondda. LIanharen and Brynna Ambulance Division, Glamorgan. Maindee and Eastern Ambulance Division , Borough of Rhondda. Newport Police Ambulance Division , Borough of Newport. Tynybedw and Pentre Ambulance Division, Borough of Rhondda. There wa no large-scale Review in Wales during this year but the Commis ioner for Wales, accompanied by the Assistant Superintendentin-Chief for Wales , conducted reviews of Divisions in the Bridgend County Area, Glamorgan, the Caerphilly County Area, Glamorgan , and in Aberdare County. The Commissioner for Monmouthshire (the late Col. J. P. Jenkins, O.B.E. , K .St.J. T.D . D .L. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.) carried out a review of the Brigade in the Newport county and the divisions in Montgomeryshire were reviewed by the Deputy Chief Commissioner for Wales. The County Review and Church Service arranged by the Commissioner for Flint hire was conducted by the Commissioner for Glamorgan.
The voluntary duties carried out last year by Brigade members a part of their honorary obligation are classified under the following main headings. The magnitude of the number of hours devoted to these activities is an effective denial of the modern assertion that voluntary service is a thing of the past. Assuredly the Brigade is one of the charitable organisations whose call for selfless service still finds an echo in the hearts of men and women of goodwill. In this country and throughout the Commonwealth the Brigade has a total membership of 130,000 adults and 95,000 cadets. Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties . Clinics . . Nursing Aid. . Blood Transfusion Miscellaneous duties
Hours 84,780153,808t 16,019-!681 5,864 2,2061 13,748
On Public Duty . Off Public Duty . . . Treated by paid Per onnel Transport :Invalids removed . Road Accidents Other Accident Mileage
Cases 22,538 . 16,190 . 254,536
· 24,496 537 · 1,411 · 200,247
Personnel engaged on full-time Personnel engaged on full-time Hospital Duties . 48 Transport Duties (See " Ambulance Tran port," page 64)
Duties carried out during 1957 by cadet members can be ummarised as under:Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties . Miscellaneous Blood Transfusion Nursing Aid . Nurseries . Total .
Hours 26,129 625 2,840 5,510
282 40 405 35,831
Engaged in Full-time Ho pital Duties Cadets transferred to Adult Divisions . . . . Cadets taking up Hospital Training . . . . Cadets taking up Medical Training . . . . Cadets taking up Nursery Training Cadets in N.H.S.R ..
8 55
42 28 5
The staffing of Medical Comforts Depots, specifically reported upon below, represents a c?~siderable c<:H~tribution of service by Brigade me~bers .and the p~ovlslOn and servIclllg of beach huts at eight coastal resorts WIth the mamtenance of 13 road boxes add their claims to the definite commitments undertaken. In ~ddition to the "public duties" which are mainly concerned with organIsed a~t~~dance at outdoor and indoor sports gatherings, entertainments, exhlbltlO!lS and any events where the safety of the public is hazarded, the B~Igade .rendered useful service at a public school and other places wh.ere difficu!tles had ?een created by the influenza epidemic. C~-operatI?n was gl~en also III the Hungarian Relief plans, members ?el~g ~etatled to aSSIst at hostels opened to receive refugees. At the lllVIt~tlO~ of the W.V.S. t~e. Brigade continued to co-operate in the C?ne-m-Flve scheme by provIdmg speakers for the talk on "Caring for a SIck person under emergency conditions."
The number of Brigade members enrolled in the Civil Defence Services (excluding the N.H.S .R.) increased by 63 during the year to 333 , and a number of Brigade Officers in Wales took advantage of invitations afforded for attending Civil Defence Courses at St. John House, the CD . Training School at Falfield and the Staff College at Sunningdale. In the National Ho pital Service Reserve there are 2,761 nursing auxiliaries recruited and trained by the Brigade in Wales, alongside 1,882 enrolled through the British Red Cross Society. Once again the Welsh Regional trophy was won by the Mobile First Aid Unit based on Cefn Coed Hospital , Merthyr. This unit, composed almost entirely of St. John per onnel had been successful in the national competition for the Minister of Health cup in 1956 and came second in 1957. It is of intere t to note that one-third of the 2,761 St. John auxiliaries are male and only about two-fifths of the total were recruited from the Brigade membership. Consultations are proceeding at headquarter level with a view to the revision of the scheme in such manner that a greater proportion of the trained personnel of the voluntary organisations may be persuaded to enrol as at the end of eight years' campaign the present membership of the Reserve in the whole country is no more than 43,000 toward the target figure of 100000. COMPETITIONS
The Brigade in Wales wa honoured by the presence of the Surgeonin-Chief, Major A. C. White Knox, O.B.E., M.C., M.B. , Ch.B., at the annual Welsh Brigade Final competitions where he took part in the adjudication. There were 13 male entries and three nur ing the winning teams being:LlandillQI7l Shield (Men) 1st Swansea Police Ambulance Division. 2nd Glynneath Ambulance Division. 3rd Pontypool Ambulance Division.
Arthur Griffiths Memorial (Women) 1st Tredegar Nursing Division. 2nd Caersws Nursing Division . 3rd Brecon Nursing Division.
In the WeI h Cadet finals, 15 team competed, the cups being won by:- TlViston-Davies Ambulance Cadet Cup-Duffryn Arnan; Lady (Herbert) Lewis Nursing Cadet Cup- Ystradgynlais; Gwyn Morris Uniform Cup- Newtown Ambulance Cadets; County/Area Cadet Officers' Uniform Cup- Cardiff Emergency Nursing Cadet . There were 13 entrants in the North Wales Cadet Competition in which the Pari Huws cup was won by Buckley Ambulance Cadet and the Forden Nur ing Cadets were the winner of the Earl of Powi cup. The trophie vested in the Priory for annual competition at the Royal National Eisteddfod were competed for at Llangefni, Angle ey, the winning teams being:- Lady Lewis Cup for Men- I.C.J ., Northwich; Lady Lewis Cup for Women-Mostyn B.R.C.S.; Powell DuffrYI1 Cup (Nursing)- Great Mountain Colliery; Trel'ethin Shield for Men- Kenfig Hill S.lA.B. ; Silurian Shield for Women- Mo tyn B.R.C .S. · [sea Shield or Boys under 17- Cefn Cribbwr S.J.A.B.; GlI'ent Shield for Girls und er 17-Glynneath S.J.A.B.; Dr. J. Isaac Shield for Boys under I5- Bangor S.J.A.B. A cup given by the B.R.C.S. for Individual contest wa won by Joseph Hier, Kenfig Hill Division, S.J.A.B . CADET ITEMS The year under review was a record one in respect of Grand Prior Badges, 18 cadets having merited this award while 29 cadet won the Special Service Shield on completion of 200 hours' ser ice. A new venture was the Chief Cadet Officer' "Challenge to Achievement' which attracted 22 successful participant . In the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme some of the cadets taking part in the Pilot Scheme have nearly completed Series I. Training Courses in North and South Wale were well attended and the chief guest speakers, the Surgeon-in-Chief and the As i tant Commissioner-in-Chief, were accorded an enthusiastic welcome. Cadet Officer Training Days were arranged in several counties with marked success. The Cadet Training Officer poke at King George VI Training Courses at Derby and Durham and at the Biennial Cadet Officer ' Training Course at Bristol. A contingent of 200 cadets and officers from Wales took part in the Cadet Rally at Taunton inspected by the Commandant-in-Chief, and 12 of the Welsh cadets had the honour of receiving their Grand Prior badges at the hands of Her Royal Highness. In the sphere of camping a training camp was well attended by Cadet officers. The Priory Camp at Rhowniar, where cadets from 21 cadet divisions enjoyed a camping holiday, was a success from all points of view. Separate camps were organised by the cadet officers in eight counties or county areas. RHOW lAR YOUTH CAMPING A D CO FERENCE CENTRE A record was achieved in the extent of usage of the accommodation a vailable to the youth of all organisations including the Brigade at this delightful house and grounds situated between Barmouth and DolgeUey in Merionethshire. Altogether holiday periods were enjoyed by 1,307 young people, 437 in 13 organisations staying in the house and 870 in 25 groups using the camp sites. Two of the three cottages had been
furnished for summer letting to produce revenue towards the cost of maintaining the Centre. Income from this source exceeded £300 and a number of advance bookings have been arranged for the year i958. SERVICE MEDALS AND BARS During the year, 318 members of the Brigade became eligible for the awar~ of the. ~ervice M.edal on completion of 15 years' service, or Bars denotlllg additIOnal pen ods of five years' efficiency. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS T~e 57 Dep?ts operating under the aegis of the Priory provided 6,426 !lledlc~l reqUISIte. on loan, an increase of 236 in the aggregate number of Issue.s In. the prevIOUS year: The Depot at Priory House dealt with 2,833 apJ?l.lcatlOn and the Cardiff ~ublic Heal~h Department accepted respons~blllty for payment of the hire charges In all necessitous cases. A conSIderable amoun~ of.time and servi~e is devoted to this branch of activity, the. value of which IS fully apprecIated by some of the local authorities which are contributing financial aid towards administrative expenses and the cost of renewal of equipment. The county returns below show the number of articles issued in parenthesis alongside each Depot:HEADQUARTER: Priory House, Cardiff (2,833). BRECONSHIRE: Abercrave (38) , Brecon (66), Brynmawr (Nil), Builth Wells (7), Cefn Coed (23), Clydach (3~) , Hay (I2), Pontsticill (30), Sennybridge (3), Talgarth (4), Ystradgunial (19). CAERNARVO SHIRE: Caernarvon (86), CARDIGANSHlRE : Aberystwyth (88), Crosswood (Nil), Newcastle Emlyn (17), Tregaron (14). CARM~RTHENSHIRE: Pontyberem (26). DENBIGHSHIRE: Cefn Mawr. (121) , ChIrk (24)? Coed Digain (9), Denbigh (25), Rhos (300), Ruthm (7), Pentrevoeials (33). FUNTSHIRE: Flint (26), Meliden (4), Shotton. (41). GLAMORGAN: Bedlinog (No report), Gilfach Goch (66) Lla~ge1ll0r (25), Pontyc1un (20), Pontardawe 0), Seven Sisters (39), Tonyrefall (34) Y ny ybwl (82), Trelewis (207). MERIONETHSHIRE· Blaenau Ffestiniog (6) Cynwyd (No report). MONTGOMERYSlllRE~ Caersws (46), Maesbrook (5). PEMBROKESHIRE: Fishguard (32) Haverfordwest (116), Letterston (67) , Milford Haven (120), Narb~th (38), Newport (36), Pembroke Dock (744). RADNORSlllRE: Rhayader (7). BOROUGH OF MERTHYR TYDFIL: Dowlais (317), Merthyr Tydfil (228), Merthyr and Aberfan (No report), Treharris (52), Troedyrhiw (47). BOROUGH OF NEWPORT: Newport (181). BOROUGH OF RHONDDA: Treorchy (19). BOROUGH OF SWAJ. SEA: Swansea (2). JOI T COMMITTEE Two department of service for which the Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society is responsible are administere.d on a c0l:lnty basis-the Hospital Library Service and the ExSerVIces War DI~abled Department. Joint County Committees mayor may ~ot be active. throug~ou~ .Wales, but every county has its subcomffilttees or offiCIals mamtamlflg these two branches of service and mem.bers of .the tW? Organisations are helping the Joint Committee to prOVIde a WIde vanety of services according to the individual needs of the war disabled.
The di stingui hed visitor from Headquarters was the Receiver-General of the Order (Mr. Lewis Whyte, F.F.A.) and a cordial welcome was extended also to the Secretary of the Association , Colonel J . E. F. Glleritz, M .A .
The Ambulance Department of the Joint Committee has its counterpart in Wales in the Welsh Ambulance Committee with which the Priory for Wales continues in active association. The Welsh Committee administers from Priory House ambulance transport ervice on an agency ba i under the terms of the National Health Service Act in the countie of Brecon, Denbigh, Pembroke and Radnor, being re ponsible for all aspects of operation and maintenance of ambulances and station except the day-to-day ordering of conveyance. In all of these cOllntie Brigade personnel, with members of the Ruthin and Tenby Detachments of the British Red Cross Society, render valuable assi tance in upport of the paid personnel, seven of the ten ambulance tations in Denbigh hire and two in Radnorshire being manned entirely by volunteer . In Montgomeryshire the Brigade operate a service of ix WeI h Committee ambulances as direct agents of the County Council , the operation and manning being carried out on an entirely voluntary ba i , general running costs being met by the local health authority. Of the 51 ambulance registered with the Joint Department, ix are owned by the Priory. At the end of the year 27 Headq uarter agency and six Independent stations were operating. The patient con veyed numbered 50,236, the total mileage being 590236 ; the ix Montgomeryshire stations accounting for 1,103 conveyance and 46,605 mile . The retirement of the Secretary of the Department, Mi G . E . Ro . M.B.E. , is recorded with appreciation of her 37 year' er ice with the Priory. STORES DEPARTM ENT
The sale of textbooks and other publication reached a total of 14019 of which the 5,237 First Aid manuals constitutes a record for the pa t five years. The next highest contributory figure i 3,958 copie of the 1956 edition of First Aid in Coal Mines, purcha ed mainly by the South Western Division, N .C.B. New publications handled in 1957 were Occupational First Aid and the A.B.C. of Home Nursing a revised edition of Adult Child Welfare and a new cadet syllabus on Civil Defence. It is satisfactory to note that considerably more copie of the Pre ident's Handbook and the Surgeon's Handbook are being purchased. Less uniform was sold than in the previous year, when ale were stimulated by a Royal Review, which accounts mainly for a decrea e of £1,356 in the year's turnover. It may well be mentioned here that members of the Order, Brigade and Association are entitled to wear the St. John tie, available in two qualities. Particulars of uniform manuals publicity material and first aid equipment, miniature trophie~, etc., ca~ always be supplied on application. ST. JOH
The e Report contain no reference to one essential , the state of Priory finance the bare figure s of a Revenue Account and Balance Sheet being i ued eparately without comment. Yet the Finance Committee is re pon ible for making possible year by year the record of achievement in every department of Priory activities . It must not be taken for granted that all i plain sailing because the Committee deals in large figures and make both end meet. Sound finance requires the long view in the best intere t of those who come after. The Priory was fortunate enough in the earlY day to receive a substantial bequest, the income from which is till the main tay without which it would be far more difficult to keep goi ng. A great deal of time and energy at headquarters could otherwise be ab orbed by pecial efforts the weakness of which is the duplication of appeal to tho e who already contribute in a more direct and remunerative manner. The last War furnished a non-recurrent legacy in a urn v hich has to be pent within a given time and is serving temporarily to cu hion the general ri e of co t and to render possible an extension of Brigade ervice to Cadet. It al 0 enabled the Priory to borrow at St. John' Gate at a low rate of interest in order to pass the benefit to Oi i ion for acqui ition of headquarters, the capital of which falls due to be repaid by the Priory in a few years time. The Priory lends money on it own account; and it may not be realised how much is spent to enable the A ociation and the Brigade to play their part on the wider field of St. John activities under the aegis of the Order. For these reasons a Brigade Re erve Fund was recently instituted to forestall the lean years ahead when War fund have been exhausted. The gift of Itton Court lay the Priory under an obligation primarily to carry out a pecific purpo e of the donor, for which the means will not be forthcoming for many year and may then prove inadequate. Generous a wa the original intention a dozen years ago , circumstances have changed materially in the intervening time ; and the ultimate benefit is bound to fall hort of what published figures might lead anyone to uppo e. There is nothing to warrant complacency, if measures of selfhelp are not taken in time to forestall a drastic curtailment of Priory activitie . The measure of the indebtedness to well-wishers for unfailing financial up port is the soundness of the present position and the deferment of a more anxiou period.
Th~ Prior preside~ over the annual meeting of the Chapter held in CardIff on the morrung of the 20th June, after which members in their robes walked in procession from the City Hall to the Castle where they were the guests of the Lord Mayor at luncheon. In the afternoon close on ~ tho,;!sand members and supporters assembled at the City Hall. An Investlture of members promoted in and admitted to the Order in 1957 was the main item in the programme of the General Assembly.
Brigade Membership; - The strength of the Brigade has been well maintained and although there is a decrease of 14 Divisions over the year there is a slight increase in all sections of the personnel with the exception of the Nursing Cadets. The most noticeable increase is that of Ambulance members which amounts to 57.
It is pleasing to report the continued interest of Cadets. A feature of note in this regard is the number of Cadets who now qualify for the Cadet Special Service Shield which is awarded for 200 hours voluntary service. Several Grand Prior Badges have been issued throughout the year and the Cadets' interest in obtaining their proficiency badges has meant that a further badge for "International Friend hip' ha been
It was agreed during the discussions at the Conference that Interprovincial Competitions for City Cadets should be held in the future. Railway Divisions already have Interprovincial Competitions for Cadets and the gracious offer of Assistant Commissioner D. S. Huskisson to pre ent a trophy for this purpose was accepted. This is a great step forward in the Cadet movement and we look forward with intere t to the fir t occa ion when the e Competition are held- thi will probahly be at Ea ter 1959.
produced. Many of the Cadets are joining the Senior Divi ions and it is hoped that in the future this source will serve to welL even further, the number of recruits in the Senior Divisions.
Certificates:-It is gratifying to note that during the year 14,229 Certificates were issued-an increase of 740 over the previou year. Last year it was reported that, at the request of the S.A. Nur ing Council, lectures for Male Nurses on "Emergency Childbirth" were commenced in the Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal District and 53 Certificates were issued. This phase of the work has gone ahead during 1957 and 182 Certificates were issued. Ophthalmic Hospital:-The St. John Eye Hospital at Baragwanath continues to do sterling work. The total number of patients attended during 1957 was 13,599 and the total number of patients attended ince the opening of the hospital in 1951 is 87,982. The hospital train nur es in ophthalmology-the only institution in South Africa which does thi . The Mobile Unit for the Union was dedicated by the Bi hop of Johannesburg .and sent off by the Mayor of Johanne burg on 8th May, 1957. Th~ Uillt has completed several tours into the country where 1,100 patIents have been attended and 22 operations performed. The Unit i. completely equipped with operating tables and all facilitie for thi wonderful work. An important operation took place in Augu t at the Ho pilal when the first pair of donated eyes were used for corneal grafts for two patient. One of each was grafted to two native girls and both are now able to ee. "The Call of St. John" :-Since last year the financial po ition of " The Call" has greatly improved. An all-out effort has been made to ohtain new subscribers and new advertisements with considerable ucce . Annual Conference:-The twenty-second Annual Ambulance Conference was held at Port Elizabeth over the period 16th- 18th October, 1957 .. T~e Confere~ce was h~ld in the new Headquarters' Building of the ASSOCiatIOn and thIS Centre IS to be congratulated on the completion of a task of many years' standing. The building which now houses them is worthy of the work and money which have been put into it and will be a fitting home for St. John for many years to come. The annual Interprovincial Competitions were held in conjunction with the Confer~nce and a fine spirit prevailed throughout the Competitions. The followlllg were the well deserving winners of the various awards:Selborne Shield: Johannesburg Transportation Railway Ambulance Division. flewat Shield: Bulawayo Railway Nursing Division. The Muriel Wal!o~ Cup: Johannes,hurg Central~ spoorwegverp1eging afdeling. Alpheus Wtlhams Trophy: PrIvate W. P. Prinsloo of the Johannesburg Rallw~y Transportation Division. Florence Thompson Bowl: Divisional S~p~r:ntendent Mrs. M. Ramsay of the East London Railway Nursing DIVISIOn. Lady Price Trophy: Cadet Officer Doreen Collingwood.
General:- During 1957 the only event which occurred outside the normal duties of members was the outbreak of Asian Influenza. Elaborate organi ations were brought into being in the larger centres and, although the actual extent of the epidemic did not warrant bringing them all into operation , gratifying reports were received of the part played by St. John member in combating the emergency. One thing to be noted with pleasure is the intere t taken during the year in the iv1ilitary Training Courses. The e have been well attended 19 Nul' ing Member and 44 Ambulance Members having applied to attend the cour es. A Director of Ambulance's Special Vote of Thanks was awarded to Corporal E. Hlope of the Industrial Non-European Railway Ambulance Divi ion in recognition of his meritoriou conduct on the occasion of a railway accident on the 26th June. So far a the on-European members are concerned it is gratifying to note the number who are qualifying for the Service Medal. One appreciates that 12 year' efficient service for a Non-European is omething to be greatly admired. Our thanks are extended, once again, to Mr . M. A. Walton, A.R.R.C. , D.SLJ., for her continued support and her successful handling of the Nur ing ide of the Brigade and to Mr. A. Gardner Williams K.St.J. Deputy Director of Ambulance and Deputy Priory Commissioner- who ha , at all time , rendered able assi tance throughout the year.
( I)
SUMMARY OF ACTIVITTES DURING THE YEAR 1957. Adult /Imber of Classes held: First Aid . 362 Home Nursing . 52 2 Child Welfare Health and Hygiene. 5 Others. 11 432 286 718
(2) Ambulance Depots, First Aid Posts, First Aid Statiolls, etc. : No. in existence . No. established during year (3) Medical Con~rort Depots: No. in existence . No. of articles loaned
50 4
19 606
Prelim . 200 84
(4) Transport:
27 4 I 81 ,707 6,934
No. of Ambulances . No. of Ranch Wagons No. of Mobile Units Miles covered . . Patients transported .
130, 150
(5) No. of cases treated. (6) St. John Ambu/allCf Brigade :
No. of Divisions. . Personnel: Ambulance: Men Nurses Cadet: Ambulance Nursing .
491 4,658 2,068 1,690 2380
Since During f ormation 1957 of Centre (7) Certificat es Awarded:
619 581 2,555 913
162,679 45,031 31,819 15,137 1,441 333 21 I 15 18 235 1,317 96 1,245 60 33 21,444 22,214 63,713 32,146
4,911 2,554 590 1, 104 40 15
First Aid: Adult. . Preliminary Home Nursing: Adult. . Preliminary Health and Hygiene: Adult. . Preliminary Sanitation. . . Clean Food Handling Industrial Poisons Casualty Make-up . Emergency Childbirth Child Welfare . . Occupational Therapy Demonstrators Lay Lecturers Lay Examiners Vouchers. Medallions Labels. Pendants .
18 182 64 72 II
There has been no appreciable increase or decrease in th~ membership of the Senior Nursing Divisions. First Aid and Home N ursmg classes are held regularly and every effort is made to gain recruits from them, but most of the new members come up from the Cadet Divisions. Some new Cadet Divisions have been formed and most Districts report a general increase in the total membership. The Non-European strength varies very much throughout the country as it is influenced by local conditions in. the native townships. If conditions were more settled and there were sufilclent officers available to staff the Divisions the response would be most rewarding.
Public Duties:-When it became known that there might be an outbreak of Asian Influenza during the winter, committees were set up throughout the country to co-ordinate the various organisations who would be able
to give assistance during an epidemic. Classes were also held for both Europeans and Non-Europeans, where trained nurses gave instruction and our members acted as demonstrators. Although in some places there were no more than the normal number of ordinary Influenza cases expected at that time of year, in other places the epidemic was fairly severe. In Cape Town 17 members from local Divisions did daily duty at Groote Schuur Hospital from the l] th-23rd August, while others went to St. Cyprian's School for girls, where most of the boarders were min bed. In Durban both Railway and City Divisions worked continuously in the many dispensaries set up by the City Health Department and they also looked after the staff of firms where they were employed. In Pretoria an urgent call for help came from the Louis Botha Orphanage where the matron , c..S istant matron and a member of the staff were ill and 150 ch ildren j n residence were going down one after the other with the disease. They were all nur ed and cared for until things returned to normal. Throughout the country there were many cases nursed in private homes and assistance was given generally wherever it was needed. The routine Public Duties have all been faithfully performed and also innumerable calls for pecial duties have been answered.
Cadets-European :- A training camp for Cadets was organised over the Easter week-end in the Cape of Good Hope District. The camp site belonged to the Rotary Organisation and was fully equipped with beds, mattres e , etc., and had eparate accommodation for males and females, whIch made it po ible to hold a combined camp for boys and girls. Fifty-six Cadet and twelve adult upervi ors attended. The whole venture :-va~ an out tanding success and was greatly enjoyed by all who took part In
A new Proficiency Badge for International Friendship has been added to the exi ting list and already one or two Cadets have qualified for it. Twenty- ix Grand Prior Badges have been awarded during the year.
Non-Europeans- Senior:- During the Influenza epidemic the Non-
E~ropean Senior were able to be of real assistance to their own people.
F1ve of them went on daily duty at the Bruwels Kloof Sanatorium in W?rce ter (Cap~) and two assisted at Grassy Park Health Centre (Cape) ~aIly. .Many ynvate cases were nursed in their homes. It is becoming mcreasmgly dlfncult to maintain the membership of Divisions in Johannesburg because of the un ettled conditions in the native townships. Quite a number of women have been attacked after attending parades and they are afraid to turn out after dark.
. Non-Europeans-:-Cadets:-The strength of the Non-European Cadets 1S largely determmed by the number of European Officers available for taking charge of their Divisions. There has been a general increase in membership. and we are finding that some of the Senior Non-Europeans are now qUIte capable of helping with the training of these children. Three Grand Prior Badges have been awarded during the year. I acc.ompanied the Inspecting Officer to the following inspections:WItwatersrand and Southern Transvaal District: . European Johannesburg and West Rand Corps Johannesburg Divisions. Non-Europeans
Pretoria and Northern Transvaal: Pretoria Cadet Divisions . European Pretoria Bantu and Indian Divi ion Non-European COI1(erence:-During the week of the Annual Conference in Port Elizabeth wa al 0 held a meeting of the Senior Officer (Nur ing) Advisory Committee, when matters concerning the welfare of the Nur ing Divisions were discussed. General:-Through the Linen Guilds e tabli hed in the St. John Di tricts the Nursing personnel have contributed very generou ly to the Ophthalmic Hospital. They have ent parcels of clothing bed linen eye shades, theatre gowns, face cloth, children's toy, etc., and from ome Divisions there have been donation in cash. It has been a busy year for all the Nur ing per onnel and they are to be commended for their unfailing re ponse to all the call that are made upon them.
Mr. F. W. Ward, in June 1957, Brigadier Mitchell was appointed Chief Commis ioner.
THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND The year ha been marred by the personal and grievou 10 ' that the Priory has suffered through the sudden passing of our late hancellor. Mr. Stronach Paterson. The late Chancellor, apart from hi admini trative ability. energy and drive, was a most generous benefactor to the Order, a during hi lifetime he pre ented us with £5,000 anonymou ly; and he left a further £10,000 to the Order in his Will. Sir Wmiam Appleton, who has had long and wide e perience a Receiver-General, has succeeded him a Chancellor. The Cadet Movement is continuing to grow. Thi i one of the most important sides of our work, we all reali e that the boy and girl in our Cadet Ambulance and Cadet Nursing Divi ions will be our leader in the future. PRESE TATIO TO HIS Ex ELLE TCY THE PRIOR The Chancellor, Sir William Appleton, in addressing the meeting on June 23rd, 1957, said , "His Excellency Lord Norrie arrived in New Zealand on the 2nd December, 1952, as Prior of our Venerable Order. During the period His Excellency has given outstanding ervice to the Order and apart from his high office as Governor General of New Zealand, we in the Order have come to look upon him as a very great friend." As a small token of the love and affection which our Order has throughout New Zealand, I want this morning to present Their Excellencie this hand carved occasional table made by craftsmen of the Disabled Servicemen's Re-Establishment League in Wellington. The table is of mahogany with the cross of our Order inlaid in White A 11., and on the stand of the table an inscription reads: "To His Excellency the Prior Lord Norrie and Lady Norrie, from members in New Zealand Venerable Order of St. John, dated 23rd June, 1957." APPOINTMENTS
During the year, His Excellency the Prior received advice that H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester had approved the appointment of Brigadier J. M. Mitchell, D.S .O. , E.D., as Deputy Chief Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in New Zealand . On the retirement of
T.here were 815 classes of instruction up to and including the year ending 31st December, 1957 and a total of 8,083 persons were successful in qualifying for certificates. The Hawke's Bay-East Coast Centre was the first Centre in New Zealand to conduct an Air Attendants Course and sub equently the Auckland Centre held a course. ' The Ambulance Transport Service continues to render outstanding ser~jce throughout New Zealand. The total number of cases transported dunng the year was 97,992, using a fleet of 97 ambulances, which is eq~al to 57 ~{, of the entire Ambulance Services throughout New Zealand. ThIS was undertaken by a staff of 72 salaried drivers, and 287 volunteers. . The mbulance Transport Advisory Board has been giving consideratlOn to special cour e of instruction for ambulance drivers, both salaried staff and voluntary driver. One of the object of the Board is to provide a yUa bu for those men engaged in ambulance transport to receive advanced training 0 a to equip themselves for the various stages of ambulance tran po~t, particularly with a view to offering training for ubsequent promotlOn as Staff Officer and Superintendents. A number of Centre are gradually extending the establishment of road ide fir t aid post throughout the country and at the present time ther~ are 65 fir t aid po t where fir t aid equipment and supplies may be obtamed by motorists u ing our main highways. This scheme has the full support. of automobile associations and the Transport Department. In~~ try 111 New Zealand is rapidly appreciating the need for the provl Ion of Ca ualty Room, where in some instances a trained nurse is on .d~~y during working hours, and in some larger industries, as a result of InItIal fir t aid training Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade have been formed and per onnel as i t in the Casualty Room on a roster ystem. BRIGADE
Unlik~ ~he pre IOU year which held for the Brigade uch busy occasions as the V~Slt of the Countes Mountbatten of Burma and the Springbok's
tour, thiS year has been a relatively quiet and uneventful one so far as special dutie are concerned. During the year 21 new Division and one Section have been formed with a membership of 322. Members~p ?f A~bulance Divisi?ns continues to how an upward trend the ~lstnct WIth the greatest 111crease being Wellington. During the year Bngade members attended 50,250 ca e on Public Duty and 45,881 cases not on Public Duty. During the year four Dominion Conferences were held. On the 22nd June 'Yas the C~nfere~ce of Officer~ in Charge of Districts. Miss Knight, Supenntendent-lll-Chief (N) preSIded at the Conference of District Supe~i~tendents (N)-the. ~rst ever held-on 21 st June. Following the DOffilmon Cadet CompetItIOns in August, the Dominion Cadet Officers' Conference was held under the chairmanship of Dr. D. P. Kennedy, Chief Officer for Ambulance Cadets. A District Secretarie ' Conference wa held (for the first time) on the 15th November the Chief Secretary presiding. '
PRIORY OF CANADA CHANCELLOR'S REPORT The year 1957 wa one o[ excellent progress [or the affair of the Priory in Canada. Public demand for our services continued unabated during the year. The figures on the numbers of Certificate and higher awards issued by Priory Headquarters as the result of classes in First Aid, Home N ur ing and Child Care both Senior and Junior, which totalled 82,148, indicated that 1957 wa our best year since the peak year of 1941 - 44 and represented an increase of 17.3 % over 1956. It is particularly gratifying that this splendid showing was not due to increa ed activity in one or two Province only but the result of a concerted effort by every Province and Special Centre from coa t to coast. Sixty-two thou and and sixty- even of the total number represented fir t Certificate thi wa an increase of 20 0 u over the previous year. Brigade member hip, orne 8,000, was approximately the arne a in 1956. Our 352 Divi ions- Ambulance Nur ing, Cru adcr and Cadetserved a total of 145 communities and their member play an important part in the life of these communities. The visit to Canada's capital of Her Majesty and H.R.H. Prince Philip in October was the highlight of the year for the members of Brigade unit in the Ottawa area who undertook one of the biggest public dutie in their history, manning the numerous Fir t Aid Post e tab Ii hed and kept open during the five-day period of the Royal Vi it. Cadets of the area also participated in these activities. Among the many duties pelformed by Brigade members every year is the caring for the ick and injured at Canada's three largest annual exhibitions, the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, the Central Canada Exhibition at Ottawa and the Pacific National Exhibition at Vancouver, as well as at the unique Calgary Stampede in Alberta. At these four events in 1957, some 500 Ambulance , Nursing and Cadet members of the Brigade rendered assi ta nce to a total of 4,549 persons. National First Aid Competitions for the everal trophie put up by Priory Headquarters were held during the year, with team entered by all Provinces and most Special Centres. "Save-a-Life" Week which was held during May met with better response than ever. The results of this special annual promotion are difficult to assess in terms of numbers of lives saved, but the increasing demand for it from year to year is proof of its value. The Prior, His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada, held an Investiture at Government House in Ottawa in October, and there were two Provincial Investitures held in November by the Lieutenant-Governors of Alberta and British Columbia in Edmonton and Vancouver respectively. In September the Lord Prior, The Lord Wakehurst, visited the Provinces of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, where he met many members of the Order, the Association and the Brigade. This was his first official visit to the Atlantic Provinces. Three Priory Executive Officers resigned: Mr. C. L. Burton, C.B.E., of Toronto, Brig.-Gen. C. H. MacLaren, C.N.G., D.S.O. , V.D., of Ottawa, and Mr. A. J. Major, also of Ottawa; all of whom had given so generously of their time. They were succeeded by Mr. P. Bienvenu of Montreal, Col.
G. W. Cavey, O.B.E., M.C., M.M., of Ottawa, and Mr. G. H. Craig of Toronto. After 14 years as Chief Commissioner and Priory Secretary, M r. W. 1. Bennett retired at the end of June, and many tributes were paid to him for his great contribution to the progress of the organisation. He was succeeded by Colonel A. G. Cherrier, O.B.E. , C.D., as Executive Commi sioner and Priory Secretary. Reports follow from our ten Provincial Councils and six Special Centre in Canada, to whose combined effort are due the splendid results o[ the year and the development of each department of our activities. ALBERTA
Reviewing the development of cla ses in First Aid and Home Nursing in this Province, it is of interest to note that in 1957 a total of 670 Senior and Junior Home Nursing awards were is ued as against 430 in 1956. Two employees of the Regent Drilling Company Limited Fdmonton, were awarded Meritoriou Certificates (Non-Risk). Indu try is taking a greater interest in First Aid and Home Nursing training. In co-operation with St. John Ambulance in British Columbia and with the Workmen's Compensation Board in B.C. and Alberta, a "Fir t Aid in Industry" plan is under di cussion to provide training to meet thi demand . The work in the Northwest Territories continues to expand. Highway Fir t Aid Posts established in 1957 have proved really valuable, and the a istance of the Alberta Government Authorities and the Alberta Motor As ociation , have contributed to the success of this venture. Further expansion of this service is under consideration. The tandard of the training of In tructors is being maintained through the development of special training course. Three cour e have been completed and re ults obtained ju tify the continuance of the plan. In the Brigade, the Officer' Training Courses, coupled with the examination of all applicants by a Board of Officer have continued to ensure that the tandard set were being maintained. In June, Asst. Comm. H. Darling, R .C. M.P.(Ret'd.) , PresidentCommissioner for the Province since 1946 relinquished the appointment of Commis ioner on transfer to the Brigade Retired Li t. He continues as Pre ident of the Council for Alberta. BRITISH COLU1\-lBIA
Classes in Fir t Aid, Home Nursing, Child Care and Indu trial First Aid were conducted in all sections of the Province. St. John awards again show a rise while industrial certificates have increased nearly 20 % over 1a t year's totals. During the year the organisation was set up for a St. John Instructors' School which it is planned will be financed between St. John and the ~orkmen' Compensation Board. Its purpose is to bring together ll1structors from all parts of the Province for an inten sive course on teaching methods and their application to First Aid training. The Forest First Aid Committee, sponsored jointly by the St. John Council and the Workmen's Compensation Board, sent travelling First Aid instructors to 23 points in British Columbia. Over 400 candidates passed examinations in Advanced First Aid for Civil Defence in ] 957. Since these classes were inaugurated in 1952 over
2,000 persons have gained certificates in Civil Defence Advanced First Aid. Twenty-one highway First Aid Post continued in operation throughout the province.. Brigade members continued to fulfil a large number of public and pecial duties, despite a drop in membership. In June changes in the two senior Provincial appointment ' took place. The Hon. Stanley S. McKeen, O.B.E., was elected Pre ident of the Provincial Council vice The Hon Mr. Ju bce J. V. Clyne who had held the appointment since 1953. Lieut.-Col. H. Roy Mustard , M.C., E.D. M.D., who had so ably filled the appointment of Provincial Commi ioner ince 1948, was placed on the Brigade Retired List and ucceeded by Mr. John J. Carson.
A Women's Auxiliary recently organised in Portage Ja Prairie is doing splendid work. No new highway First Aid Posts were established but tho c in service were well maintained. The major portion of funds needed to finance the work in this Province have continued to be secured through Community Chests. Additional funds were raised by collection in the smaller towns and rural areas. Doctor and nurses in many communities have continued to give generou ly of their time in training classes, while branches of the Canadian Legion , Women's Institute and other similar organisations have assisted in organi sing and conducting classes.
1957 was an eventful year for the Federal District, involving . everal changes in administration. In June, Mr. D. Kemp Edward ' , Pre identCommissioner, retired after many years of distinguished service. We have been fortunate in securing the ervices of Mr. D. M. Coolican, Reeve of Rockcliffe, to succeed him as Provincial Pre ide nt , a nd Mr. J. A. Stewart has been appointed Provincial Commi ioner. Recent changes in the regulations of the Workmen' s Compen ation Board of Ontario resulted in many requests from local Firm for in struction in First Aid to selected employees. Units of the Brigade in the District, in addition to the u ual hea y demands for First Aid coverage, set up 31 First Aid posts in :.he OttawaHull area during the five-day Royal Visit and 216 Bri gade member worked 2,064 hours during this period. The Annual Church Parade and March-Past took place on ] une 23rd. Services being held at St. John's Anglican Church and St. Theresa' Roman Catholic Church. At St. John's Church, service was attended by the Prior in Canada, His Excellency the Governor-General , and member of Priory-Chapter. His Excellency unveiled in the Warrior' Chapel a plaque dedicated in the recognition of the services of nursing member of St. John Ambulance who served as V.A.D.'s during the Second World War. Nine hundred and thirty-three residents in the Federal District received training in artificial respiration during 1957, following intere t aroused during "Save-a-Life" week. MANITOBA
A moderate increase was shown in the numbers trained in Home Nursing and First Aid and to assist in promoting these a registered nurse was engaged for a limited time, who toured the Province extensively, meeting organisations interp.sted in forming classes and arranging for qualified instructors to be available as needed. Over 7,200 persons were given training in artificial respiration during the annual "Save-a-Life" Week, which was substantially greater than in previous years. Interest in this feature appears to be increasing. Public duties required of the Brigade have been discharged in a creditable manner. Due to the efforts of the Provincial Commissioner, three new Ambulance Divisions have been recently organised composed of Canadian National Railway employees highly skilled in First Aid.
De pite the fact that our organisation functions in a sparsely settled Province made, up of small communities, it is most gratifying that training activitie during the year resulted in an increase of 32 % in the number of Fir t Aid and Horne Nur ing Certificates and higher awards issued over J 956. 1n tructor ' cour e have continued to be held, with highly satisfactory re ult . Four new Divi ions were formed in the Province and their biggest acti vity ha been the Invalid Transport programme, designed to meet the tremendou need in New Brunswick for transport of indigent persons to peciali t and institutions , located mostly in the larger centres. Two training chemes with the emergency hospital unit were conducted in the pa t year. In the first , ] 70 persons took part, which included the Ll e of Ca ualty Simulation . The second scheme wa held in connection with the evacuation of 500 resident of a section of the City of Lancaster to St. Stephen , 90 mile away. A First Aid post was set up at st. Stephen and a Field Dressing station at St. George. There wa an ambulance at each' another ambulance followed the convoy. Since ew Brun wick has the highest infant mortality rate in Canada and since thi figure is somewhat caused by the lack of care of premature and RH infa nts , we have provided, in co-operation with the Federal and Provincial Government , eight portable incubators for the transport of thi type of ca e. EWFOUNDLA 0
An expansion of St. John Ambulance activities throughout Newfoundland was again noted in 1957. Major increases were recorded in numbers trained in Fir t Aid as the Council continued its Industrial Safety and First Aid schools in co-operation with Industry and the Workmen's Compen ation Board, and also continued to provide special classes for Nurses-in-training, Nursing Assistants, Teachers-in-training, Vocational Students, Policemen and Firemen. Junior classes were also processed for a record number of Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Military Cadets, and other youth organisations. Senior Home Nursing classes declined slightly, but this was off-set to some extent by a renewed interest in the revised Child Care course. The value of training in Artificial Respiration and other First Aid skill cannot be over emphasised in a province such as Newfoundland. During the year persons trained by St. John Ambulance in Artificial Respiration applied their knowledge successfully to restore the breathing of four victims of asphyxiation-three involving water accidents and one electric shock. During "Save-a-Life" Week last May, over twelve hundred were
given a full two-hour course of instruction in the Holger-Neilsen Method of Artificial Respiration, the week being officially opened with a message from the Honourable Dr. James MacGrath, Provincial Minister of Health. Earlier planning for the extension of Brigade service resulted in the formation of a fully ulliformed Ambulance Division at Corner Brook. The new Division has been well received in our econd city and has received numerous commendations in the local pre s for the public duties performed in connection with Civil Defence exerci e and the First Aid Post at the Humber Gardens.
the early months there was every indication of a great increase in num bers trained due to new Workmen's Compensation Board regulations and while this wa borne out in results, it was for quite a different reason as the pub~ic demand for classes far outran that of Industry. In th~ final analYSIS a new record was set for numbers trained, even eclipsing the peak year of 1942, when war requirements called for almost universal First Aid training. !he Brigade also experienced further expansion , four new Divisions bemg formed,. while the appointment of a Provincial Cadet Officer (N) brought new life to the Cadet Nursing Divisions. Ontario again did well in the competition field, a Brigade team from S~u!t. Ste. Marie winning the Dominion Championship, while a Nursing DIVl JOn of Tor.o.n to came s.ec~nd in both the major contests open to women. In additIOn , a ProvIncial Ambulance Division won the Brigade champion hip for the best administered Ambulance Division.
The St. John Council for Nova Scotia ha had another very uccessful year during 1957. An increasing number of reque ts for Fir t Aid and Home Nursing classes, together with an ever increasin g number of calls for First Aid and Home Nursing duties, indicates the wide acceptance of this type of service in the community, and we were able to extend the area of our operations to more and more communi tie. The number of First Aid and Home Nursing Certificate and higher award earned by residents of the Province during the year totalled 2,600, an increa e (17.8 %) over 1956. For some time there has been an urgent need for day-time c1asse . With only a staff of voluntary instructors it was difficult to meet all requests. In November, therefore, the Board of Man agement recommended and the Council approved the appointment of a full -time Fir t Aid Instructor. A wholehearted co-operation exists between St. John and the Nova Scotia Accident Prevention Association. The Manager of thi A sociation has accepted membership on our Board of Management, and our fulltime First Aid Instructor has been asked to address and demon trate to the Supervisors and Foremen of heavy industries meeting in Halifax. Some 99 public events attracting large crowds were covered by members of the Brigade, the members of our nine Nursing Di vi ion and four Ambulance Divisions being kept quite busy especially during the summer and fall months. The organisation of a fully trained squad of men for duty anywhere has been under consideration for some time. It is planned to train these men beyond the usual scope of First Aid, provide them with good equipment and use them as a flying squad on call for any emergency anywhere in the Province. It is hoped that next year the plan may become fully operational. During the past year much discussion was held on the subject of St. John and the Community Chest. It was felt by the Nova Scotia Council that the principle of United Appeals was sound and so as to give leadership to other perhaps less known charities, the Council endorsed the entry of St. John Ambulance in the Halifax Community Chest. Discussions are presently underway to widen the scope of the Halifax Community Chest to embrace the Metropolitan Area including the growing town of Dartmouth. The Council has indicated to Community Chest its acceptance of this proposition. ONTARIO
We are happy to record that in 1957 St. John Ambulance in this Province has expanded and developed to a most satisfactory degree. In
A more consolidated intere t in the work of the St. John Ambulance in its various field of endeavour has been clearly indicated by the results of the year. In the training field an excellent showing was made which resulted in a 13.4 % increase in the number of First Aid Celiificates and higher award being issued over the previous year. . A renewed interest in the subject of Home Nursing training has been dl played both amongst members of the various Nursing Divisions of the BrIgade and the public in general. During the past year five Nursing Officers were appointed, all determined to advance the knowledge of the ubject among t Brigade members. A proof of the work of Nursing Division members with their know!edge ?f H?me Nursing principles '7'as reported when during the Asian flu epideffilc 75 per cent of the pupIls at a Montreal Convent, including many ~f the nU!ls c.ontracted the disease, the Brigade was called in to cope With the ItuatlOn . The trained members staffed the infirmary in shlfts---:-around the clock- until the epidemic was over. DUrIng the year, 11 new Ambulance Divisions and one Cadet Ambulance Divi ion w~re formed, bringing in around 254 additional Brigade member. Also, It was found necessary to organise a new area for the purpo e of co-ordinating the work of St. John. An increa e in the number of teams entering the various National and Provincial Competitions was also evident with the final results showin a a higher standard of knowledge in both subjects of First Aid and Ho~e Nursing In the field of public service, man-hours greatly exceeded that of the pl~e~i?us year and judging from the demands made upon the services of DIVISIOns througho~t the Province of Quebec, the coming year will prove even greater III ~oth the fields of service and training. In J~n~, Col. K . S. Bjorn, O.B.E., vacated the appointment of Provincial CommlssIOne~ on transfer to the Brigade Reserve, and was succeeded by Mr. E. L. Mignault, who had served as Provincial Superintendent (A) since 1948. SASKATCHEW A
The greatest number of classes in First Aid and Home Nursin a ever taught in this Province in a single year was recorded during 1957. A;'ards
issued as a result of these classes totalled over 3,500, an increa e of 13 % over the previous year. As in previous years St. John again worked in close co-operation with Provincial and Local Civil Defence authoritie , all First Aid and Home Nursing courses requested were successfully completed. Entries for the National First Aid Competitions were not large, however, a team of Grade VIn girls from a Kamsack public chool succeeded in winning not only the Provincial Leonard Trophy for Junior teams but also the National Wallace Rankine Nesbitt Junior Trophy, thereby bringing considerable honour to this Province. Although definite figures regarding Public Duties are not yet available, it is quite evident that Brigade members in Saskatchewan put forth their usual splendid effort to fulfil the aims of the age-old motto of the Order. Last June after more than 40 years of faithful St. John ervice in Saskatchewan, our Provincial Commissioner, Dr. F. C. Middleton, resigned. Since 1916, Dr. Middleton had been untiring in his efforts for the cause of St. John Ambulance in Saskatchewan, over the years teaching several hundred First Aid courses and examining many thousands for First Aid Certificates. Some reorganisation was carried out within the Brigade re ulting in a slight decrease in total membership by comparison with 1956. However, it is felt that present figures reflect the actual active member hip, with plans under way whereby the numbers will be increased during 1958. In addition to Public Duties and the regular training mo t Divisions have included Casualty Simulation, which has proved to be both interesting and helpful. Divisional members who have attended Casualty Simulation courses at the Civil Defence College at Arnprio, have assisted the Provincial Civil Defence effort by giving demonstration at Provincial Civil Defence Courses; they also prepared the casualties for an A.T.C. Demonstration at the University of Saskatchewan in July, and everal other similar local demonstrations.
Prevention programmes is well recognised by management and this has contributed materially to the increased participation in 1957.
First Aid activity in the Centre reached the highest level ever during the year 1957. Training courses were conducted throughout our territory and both men and women took part. Thirty-eight teams competed in the various series of contests for Company and St. John Ambulance trophies. Several of our first aiders were commended during the year for act of public service. The concerted effort of our five Areas in furthering the work of the Order of St. John resulted in 4,787 employees attending classes and receiving awards during 1957. This represents an increase of 41 % over the previous year. Sixty-two new instructors were trained to provide for the increase in training programme and losses in the instructor staff. A total of 350 qualified instructors, located at strategic points in our territory throughout the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, have given generously of their time to keep pace with the needs of our Company in First Aid training. There is a growing appreciation in our Company of the value of First Aid training. Its relationship to our Company's Safety and Accident
The work of the Canadian National Railway Centre has continued with the arne intensity as in previous years. The organisation of classes and the number of employees receiving first aid training during 1957 has broken all previous records. There were 188 classes held during the year. Two thousand, seven hundred and forty-two employees successfully passed their examinations and obtained their respective awards. During the year 1,272 employees in the Maintenance of Way Department were given a course and passed the examination in the Fundamental of First Aid. Special training classes for B. & B. Foremen on the western region continued to be held at Winnipeg, Manitoba and these employees were given a complete first aid course as part of this training. In the Motive Power and Car Department, 1,108 employees received fir t aid training. During the year 16 classes were orgalllsed at various airports for the Trans-Canada Air Lines and 252 employees were i ued first aid awards after passing their examinations. SpeciaJ courses for Electrical Apprentices and others concerned with diesel operation, were held at various points across the System. Training particularly emphasised the treatment for electric shock, artificial respiration, treatment for burns and general shock. All nurses employed in Company Clinic were given the annual refresher course in the HolgerNiel en method of artificial respiration. We have continued to give pecial attention to the uniformed personnel in the Investigation Department and practically all the e employees have received a full course in first aid. Company fir t aid competitions carried out in 1957 were again very uccessful 45 teams (20 Senior and 25 Tyro) participating in these competition. Although none of our teams won National Championships in St. John Ambulance First Aid competitions, our teams from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario were successful in winning the Provincial Championship in these province. A a public relations service, the Supervisors of First Aid gave first aid instruction to many members of employees' families, school teachers, students, members of Police and Fire Departments, etc., who were either included in Company classes or attended special evening classes to obtain this training. 1957 was the first complete year in which the new textbook, "Fundamentals of First Aid," was used by our Supervisors. The entire course is now given in six two-hour weekly lectures. This has enabled the Supervisors to conduct an additional schedule of classes each year and consequently a greater number of employees are given this training and the Supervisors are able to cover their territories more adequately. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CENTRE
The results obtained during the year 1957 in the various phases of our First Aid programme were very gratifying. In the competition field 36 teams took part in the Company's first aid competitions. In the St. John National Competitions, eight teams from various places across the system were entered, one of which won the
Montizambert Trophy, emblematic of the First Aid Championship of Canada. A group of 23 qualified instructors cond~cted 86 cia e with. 250 employees qualifying for the First Year Certificate, and 675 for higher awards making a total of 925 qualified employees for the year 1957 .. Tn addHion , a total of 56 provisional in tructors held 415 monthly meetIng in the modified course with an attendance of 804 employee. In the Maintenance of Way Department, 1,214 employees were given brief talks in first aid regarding the use and care of first aid kit, No.2. During the year a total of 2,943 employees have received first aid instructions. Inspections of first aid equipment, Hygiene and Sanitation were carried out throughout the System and general improvement ha been ob .erve~. The continued interest and effort of officers and employees 111 thl work has resulted in making everyone more careful and re ulting in Ie injuries. DEPARTMENT OF
Royal Canadian Navy.-First Aid has continued to be an important and integral part of the training of medical assistant of the R .C.N. (Re erve) . First Aid training for this group has been provided at the unit level by the St. John Ambulance Association. A lib tantial number of Na y personnel, their dependants, and Civil Service personnel attached to Naval establishments have also obtained similar training. The new textbook, "Fundamentals of First Aid," ha been taken into general use as the official reference book in ba ic fir t aid training in the fleet. Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. - With the adoption of the textbook, "Fundamentals of First Aid," early in the year and the increased importance being placed on fir t aid training throughout the Army, the interest and activities in this field have been far greater than in any previous year. In each Army Command, enior rnedic~l . officer have maintained close liaison with St. John Ambulance authontle . By the end of the year, approximately 90 per cent of the member of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps (Regular), less medical officer , and some 50 per cent of all ranks of the Royal Canadian Dental Corp (Regular) had obtained First Aid Certificate qualifications. 1ncrea ed numbers of Militia personnel also obtained First Aid Certificate during the year. . . Thirty-one Regular and Militia Army teams competed for the ProvIncJal Military Trophies and four teams entered the Mary Otter Trophy competition. Royal Canadian Air FOJ·ce.-The R.C.A.F. has continued to provide First Aid training both to the R.C.A.F. Regular component, and the Reserve and Cadet Units during the past year; and further efforts have been made to increase proficiency to the St. John Ambulance Certification standard. There has been a noticeable growth in interest in relation to the survival problem which will arise in the event of a nuclear war, and it is anticipated that much more interest will be forthcoming in 1958. The "Fundamentals of First Aid" textbook has been adopted as the standard text for training throughout the service and is presently under issue to all units in the Air Force. It is hoped, therefore in the year
ahead that we shall continue and improve our connection with the St. John A111 bulance Association. ORTHER
] 957 proved to be one of the best in t.he history ?f the Centre, a total of 307 Certificates and higher awards havmg been gamed by <?ur p~r~onnel a the re ult of the First Aid classes held during the year. It IS antICIpated that we will be able to report further progress in the coming. year, as the value of First Aid training becomes more and more appreciated by our employee. ROY AL CA ADIA
Another rno t sati factory year was recorded in the number of classes held and award earned by members of thc Royal Canadian Mounted Police. A total of 151 cla e were held and 2,066 awards earned, of '¥ hich 1,344 were Voucher, Medallions and Labels . This represented an increa e of 7.3 % over 1956 which had been a record year for the Centre ince it formation in the ~arIy 'twenties, and there is every indication that I:;imilar progress will re ult in 1958.
The year under review ha brought many major changes in the personnel and management of the P r i o r y . . . The untimely death of our ReceIver-General , SIr John NewmanMorri , Kt., C.M.G. , K.St.J., very early in the year has removed one of the be t-known figure in public life in Australia and one who has been a ociated with the establishment first of the Commandery and later the Priory of St. John in Australia. His untiring energy, breadth .of view, knowledge of procedure, great discernment ~nd !lot least his. never failing courte y and friendlines has bee~ of mestlm~ble val~e 111 the ucce ful founding and progress of our Pnory, for whIch we wIll always . have grateful memories of him. The Chief Commissioner, Major-General SIr Samuel Bursto~, had intimated that he wished to be relieved of this position in the PrIory at the end of the Triennial period of appointment in Jun~ 1957; al~o, the Director of Ambulance, Dr. T. H. Goddard, tendered hI resIg?atlOn f~r personal rea ons. Priory Chapter agreed to place on record theIr appreCIation of the long and valuable service rendered by Dr. Goddard and wished him happiness in his retirement. It thus became necessary. to reorganise the Priory Executive and the Prior recommended the followmg appointments to Grand Prior for confirmation:. Sir Samuel Burston as Receiver-General; Colonel G. G. L. Stenmg as Director of Ambulance; Dr. T. C. James as Director of Ceremonies, ~nd Brigadier W. W. S. Johnston as Chief Commissioner, with the reappomtment of the remaining Priory Executive Officers. Before the year ended, however, came the sad news that His Excellency Lieut.-General Sir John Lavarack, on 30th September, 1957, felt compelled to resign his position as Governor of Queensland, owin~ to illhealth, and consequently as Deputy Prior for Queensland. HIS death
shortly .afterwards brought to a close the career of a very distinguished AustralIan and one who had been closely connected with the activities of the Order of St. John in Queensland for many years. Hi ucce sor ~s Gov~rnor of Queensland is ~ir Henry Abel Smith, and it i expected that h~ w,lll come from England III February 1958 to take up his dutie which will Illclude that of Deputy Prior in that State. Still another. loss to Priory was occasioned by the re ignation of Com~a~der ~. Gnffiths Bowen, who. had been Registrar of the Priory since Its lllceptlOn and also Secretary. The serious illness of his wife necessita.ted hi.s movin~ to li~e in ~~nberra and he could no longer carryon WIth Pnory duties. f:IIS untInng energy and detailed knowledge of the St~tutes and RegulatIOns of the Order of St. John was given to our Pn?ry <?ver many years, including the period of Commandery, and was of mestImable value to all Executive Officers. After full di cu ion and consideration of his position, a recommendation was made to the Prior that he be gran~ed a ~etiring allowance, and this was agreed to as it was largely du~ to his meticulous attention to detail that the financial position of the Pnory has been able to consolidate and attain the ati factory state in which it stands today. After consul~ation with the Priory Executive , a recommendation was made to the Pr~o~, and approved. by him , that Dr. Robert Steel, O.B.E. , C.St.J., COffiIDlsslOner of the Bngade in New South Wale Di trict be appointed .as Registrar and that 1:1r. Noel Hayton , K .St.l. , hould c~rry on. as Act111g Secretary to the Pnory on a part-time ba j for the time belllg. With the retirement of His Excellency Lieut.-General Sir John Northcott from the I?ost. of Governor of New South Wales, and consequently as Deputy Pnor III that State, we have lost the sound advice and interest of one who helped the Priory S? ~hole-hea.rtedly for the long period he held office, but we trust that hIS mterest wlll be retained in the Order for many years to come. The announcement that Lieut.-General Eric Woodward C. B. , C.B.E. , D:S.O., was to be the new Governor of New South Wale was received w.lth ~eat pleasure and his. adm~ssion to the Order as a Knight, and of ?IS WIfe .as a Commander SIster, 111 December 1957, gave promise of their mterest III and support of the work being carried out in New South Wales by St. John organi~ati~ns. According to Priory Regulations, he now becomes DeP1!ty Pnor 111 New South Wales, and congratulations were exten.ded to him by o~r Priory on his appointment. It was particularly pleasmg that Her Majesty The Queen has also conferred upon him the honour of K.C.M.G. in the New Year Honours . O~ 21st June, 1957, a ~eeting of Prior~ Council was held at the newly acqUIred St. John House III Melbourne wlth the Chancellor as Chairman. There was a very represent~tive gathering of delegates from all States, other than .'Yestern Austraha, and a very full agenda was dealt with most expedItIOusly due to concrete submissions from the various subcommitte~s which had met the previous day. One of the most important matter~ dIscussed was that of Industrial First Aid and the basis on which a .CertIficate of Proficiency in this subject in Austraha was to be determmed: !t was a.lso decided to convene a meeting of Secretaries of the Asso~latlOn to dIs.cuss standardis~tion of Association Regulations. This meetmg was held m Sydney early 111 December and will be referred to by
the Director of Ambulance in his report. Reference was made to the new Regulations for the Priory in Australia which had been under discussion for some time and that the suggestions put forward by the Priory had been accepted by Grand Priory and now stand. The meeting of Priory Chapter was held on Saturday, 22nd June, at 11 a.m. , in the Chapter House, St. Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, under the Chairmanship of our Prior, His Excellency Field-Marshal Sir William J. Slim, Governor-General of Australia. The usual ceremonial capitular procession was carried out. The main business was the approval of submission for admissions to and promotions in the Order within the Priory in Australia and the notification of the Triennial appointments approved by Grand Priory as from 24th June, 1957. Also, the Prior's appointments to the various Standing Committees and approval of delegate to Priory Council from the various States were announced. The variou s recommendations submitted from Priory Council were put forward and formally approved by Chapter. Following the meeting of Chapter, His Excellency the Prior held an Investiture of Victorian members admitted to and promoted in the Order, at Government House, Melbourne, at which all members of Chapter attended and were subsequently entertained by the Acting Deputy Prior or Victoria , His Excellency Sir Edmund Herring. On Sunday, 23rd June 1957, a most colourful Church Parade was held at St. Paul's Cathedral , when the ceremonial procession was carried out by members of Priory Chapter. Also in attendance were members of Priory Council , the St. John Ambulance Association of Victoria, the St. John Bri gade, Victorian District. The Ho pitallers' Club also arranged entertainment for Inter-state member of Chapter and Council and our thanks are extended to the Club for their kind thought in this direction. Our Sub-Prelate, His Grace Archbishop Mowll, continues his interest in the Priory and allows us to continue in the offices made available by rum for our headquarters office in Church House, Sydney, and we again extend our grateful thanks to him for this privilege. Just before Christmas, His Grace uffered the irreparable loss of his wife, who had been so active for many years in Church affairs, and a letter of condolence was sent to him from Priory. We are grateful to Commander Bowen for having finalised so many details before his retirement and Mr. Noel Hayton has since carried on the duties of Acting Secretary in a capable fashion. I would like to express my personal thanks to all members of Priory Executive for their helpful co-operation over the year. HUGH R. G. POATE, Chancellor.
PRIORY DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE REPORT Following the resolutions passed at the last Priory Chapter Meeting in June 1957, a conference was convened in Sydney on the 7th and 8th December, 1957, for the Secretaries of the St. John Ambulance Associa~ion of e~ch State. At this meeting the Association Regulations and the mtroductlOll of Industrial First Aid with particular reference to Australian conditions in the syllabus and teaching, awarding of certific'ltes were the particular items for discussion .
The recommendations arising from these will be submitted at the next Priory meeting. This was the first such meeting ever held. To each Association in each State, my thank are expressed for making it possible and to each delegate for this co-operation and interchange of ideas and helpful uggestions. Nell South rVales.-Annual Meeting. The 66th Annual General Meeting was held at the Pickwick Club, Bligh Street Sydney, on 12th March, 1957. In the absence, through illness, of the Pre ident, the Hon. Sir Kenneth Street, Sir Frank Berryman presided. A on previou occasions the Association was honoured by the presence of H is Excellency the Governor, Sir John Northcott. The Association wa further honoured by the presence of the Hon. W. Sheahan Mini ter for Health representing the Premier of N.S.W., Mr. E. Hearn haw M .L.A., representing the Leader of the Opposition, and Sir Hugh Poate. Chancellor of the Order. Priory Votes of Thanks Certificates of Merit and Awards for Higher Proficiency were presented by His Excellency the Go ernor.
Instruction. It is pleasing to report an increase in both the number of classes and candidates who attended. The number of Certificate is ued also increased by 392. The use of 35 m.m. Film Strips for in tructional purposes has continued to advantage. The additional u e of the 16 m.m. English version and U.S. Navy version of the Holger Neil en method of Artificial Respiration has proved of value. An anonymous donor paid for a Bell & Howell 16 m.m. sound projector, which ha proved of inestimable value in instructional work. During the year Honorary Lecturers and In tructor ' A ociation ha met regularly at St. John House. A number of well attended instructional lectures and demonstrations were given by Medical Officer on particular subjects for instruction, and one hy an accredited public speaker on the "Art of Lecturing." A It'ard of Higher Proficiency. The annual examination for this Certificate was held at St. John House on 23rd November. Of the seven applicants approved by the Executive, five attended the Examination which was conducted by a panel of three Medical Officers a Nursing Sister and an Ambulance Transport Superintendent. Two candidates, Mrs. Violet Winkler and Mr. Richard Cochrane, were successful in attaining the very high standard required for this award. Pacific Islands.-Progress in training has continued throughout the Pacific Islands. One hundred and eighty-seven Certificates were issued, of those issued, 112 were for First Aid, nine Home Nursing, 28 Vouchers, 20 Medallions and 18 Labels. The first two natives to qualify for Instructor's Certificates came from the Solomon Islands. Patron. On the 30th June, His Excellency, Sir John Northcott, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B., M.V.O., K.St.J., retired as Governor of N.S.W., and also Patron of the St. John Ambulance Association, New South Wales Centre. The Executive is honoured to announce that His Excellency, Sir Eric Woodward, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., Governor of N.S.W., and Lady Woodward, have seen fit to grant their Patronage to the Centre.
Save a Lite '-Veek. Following the success of the 1956 Campaign to demonstrate throughout the State the Holger Neilson method of Artificial Respiration it has been decided to hold a further campaign in 1958. The three Services, a number of Government Departments and kindred or~anisati?ns h.ave joined again with the Association to ~peed the CampaIgn, whIch will be held from 14th to 19th April, ]958. Vicloria. - Administration. There have been no changes in administration during the year just ended. Accommodation. Early in April, the Association moved into the premises purchased in October] 956. Owing to the generous assistance forthcoming from members of St. John Ambulance Brigade, there was no break in the continuity of activities. The Association is now established with ample accommodation for its requirements. Activities. The number of classes conducted wa 268 which was 00 more than in 1956. !he number of certificates gained was 4,540 which was 771 more than 111 the previous year. The extension of the work nece .sitated great effort on the part of the office staff in securing lecturers and 111structors but again with the continued support and co-operation of the Honorary Instructors, it was possible to meet requirements. Queel1.s1al1d.- It is noted with pleasure that there are increasing numbers takIng St. John Classes and obtaining Awards. Four thousand and eventy Certificate were issued during the year, an increase of 597 over last year. There conti~ues to be very considerable interest displayed in the wo~k of the Or~er 10 Queensland. The Competition for the Thynne Memona,l wa~ ~gaIn held. Sev~n. hundred and twelve pupils of the Teachers Trammg College qualIfYIng for First Aid Certificates. The St. John Cup which is presented to the Queensland Railway Ambulance Corp for individual competition was won by Mr. J. R. McIntosh of Mayne Railway. . Obituary.- It j with regret we refer to the passing of His Excellency SIr John Lavarack, our Queensland Governor and Patron of St. John Ambulance Ass?ciation for many years. An earnest believer and supporter of St. Joh~ , H~s. Excellen~y h~d endeared himself to all by his kindly courtesy, ImplJcIty and slllcenty of conduct. A worthy representative of the Order has passed on. With equal sincerity we refer to the passing of Mr. Geo. Rees, Officer of the Order of St. John, a member of. the Association for many years, ex-~reasurer and C~a~ter Representatlve. He gave long and faithful serVIce to our ASsocJatlOn and always had the interest of the Order at heart. South Auslralia.-Although some disappointment is shown over the fact that classes organised dropped from 200 in 1956 to 186 the members ?f suc~ classes were greater, with the result that First Cou/se Certificates Iss~ed ~ncreased by 57 t? 1,5.29 for the year. The upward trend is being m~untamed. The classIficatIOn shows that Senior Certificates issued faIled to reach 1956 figures, but has been offset by Junior Certificate holders for both. Fir~t Aid and Home Nursing reaching a total of 395, a most enco~~a~lOg SIgn, as I?any of the~e certificate holders have joined the Cadet DIVISIOns of the BrIgade. The lIst of classes organised embraces
a large number in country districts, and an expre ion of appreciation i extended to the various Divisions of the Brigade and South Au tralian Railways for their co-operation in areas where personal contact. with Headquarters i not always possible. Industrial firm are al 0 tak1l1g a greater interest and realising the advantage of employees holding First Aid Certificate. In addition to Fir t Course Certificates i sued, 85 received a voucher for their Second Course, 41 Third Cour e and 104 passed their Fourth or more course.
Mr . Ro.bson was a very keen worker for the Association and was awarded the SerVIce Medal of ~he Order for her services as Honorary Secretary of t~1e Northern Tasmama Centre from 1928 to ] 942. After the amalgamat10n of the Southern and Northern Tasmania Centres in ] 942 Mrs Robson was apP?inted..Honorary Secretary of the Launcesto~ Sub~ Centre and held t~lS poslt1On until her death. Sincere thanks are extended to Mr. B. W. Gnffiths, Secretary of the Launceston General Hospital who has undertaken the duties of Acting Honorary Secretary of Laun~ ceston Sub-Centre. !he State An~ual Fir t Aid Competition for the Dr. Gregory Sprott ShIeld \~as held III ~aun~eston on the 19th October, the results being as follows . -Electrolyt~c Zmc Co., Hobart, 488; Launceston Railway, 479; Mt. Ly.eIl MmIng Co. Queenstown 456; A.P.P.M. & Community Team, BurnIe 448 .
Competitions. Railway and Brigade Competitions for trophie donated by the Association resulted as follow :--Railway Junior Individual, Mr. J. F. Maroney; Association Cups Colonel Light Ambulance and Adelaide; Nur ing Division, Shield for highe t aggregate in Senior Events, Thebarton Ambulance Division. Western Australia.-During the year there ha been an increa ed interest in clas work. Since 1891, when the We t Australian Centre of the Association was established, 96,017 pa e have been obtained from tudents comprising 76,540 in First Aid, 19,437 in Home Nur ing and 40 in Hygiene. Included in these passe are 6,479 medallion, 16 254 label and 5,224 pendants. The Perth and Suburbs Ambulance Transport Service answered 9 476 calls and conveyed 10,332 cases to and from ho pital of the e 8,341 were medical and 1,991 accident. The mileage covered was 0,476.4 mile which showed a saving of mileage ince fitting the vehicles with two-way radio. The total number of Sub-Centre which operate an ambulance transport service has now increased to 60 in addition to the Perth and Suburbs. The Council ha gone into the matter of making the Transport Service complete by including Aerial transport facilities. Whole-hearted cooperation by the Flying Doctor Service and the Aero Club has been promised and steps are now being taken to arrange the finances. Again Dr. B. C. Cohen was re-elected a President of the A ociation, with Mr. T. Tetterington as Vice-President. Messrs. J. A. Faulkner and A. B. Krug were re-elected to the positions of Honorary General Secretary and Honorary Treasurer respectively. Tasmania.-Although a decrease of 86 is shown in the total number of certificates issued during the year, due to the decline in the number of Junior Home Nursing classes held, it is pleasing to note an increa e in the issue of adult first aid certificates and vouchers. The publicity gained by the launching of a State-wide Appeal for funds by the St. John Council for Tasmania assisted the Association in the formation of new classes, particularly in the Western and North-Eastern districts. Industrial organisations are becoming increasingly aware of the value of first-aid training to the employees and in many cases steps are being taken to ensure that certificate holders are re-examined annually. During the year the Ulverstone Sub-Centre on the North West Coast was reformed, with the Warden, Mr. C. M. Moore, as President and Miss E. C . Riggs as Honorary Secretary. Our thanks are extended to Mr. C. L. Pickett, O.St.J., as Honorary Secretary of the Devonport SubCentre who had previously arranged classes and examinations in U]verstone. We regret to record the death of Mrs. T. K. Robson, M.B.E., O.St.J.
CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS ISSUED FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1957 JUllior Junior First First Home Home Hy- V'eller M'd- Label Pen- Total Aid Aid Nllr- Nllr- giene aI/ion dant sing sing NewSouth Wale · 3,362 1,438 388 206 56 399 282 687 93 6,911 Victoria 917 348 · 2,562 105 164 200 220 24 4,540 Queen land · 2,607 344 450 114 27 ]68 160 160 40 4,070 South Au tralia 1,018 309 116 86 85 41 104 I 759 We tern Australia
Ta mania .
Preli minOJ,)'
1,234 647 Junior Junior First First HOllie Home Aid Aid Nur- Nursing sing 443 354 44 31
262 165 736 162 Junior Child V'eller M'd- Label PenWelallion dant fare ]0 I 18 157 39
BRIGADE STRENGTH IN VARIOUS DISTRICTS N.S.W. Vic. Q'ld. S.A. W.A. TaslII. Ambulance Division 38 34 33 39 6 Nursing Divisions 39 22 12 14 13 3 Combined Divisions 8 6 Cadet Amb. Divions 32 29 7 20 14 6 Cadet Nursing Divisions' 33 ]3 9 10 14 3 Cadet Combined Divs .. 3 I Total
Personnel: Adult: Ambulance. Nursing. Cadet: Ambulance . Nursing. Staff
Total 150 103 14 108 82 4 461
864 537
886 327
716 214
907 287
111 44
3,484 1,680
853 736 56
870 280 44
176 660 14
405 237 40
413 418 23
116 90 9
2,833 2,421 186
Total: Ambulance (exc. Staff)-6~ Total: Nursing (exc. Staff)-4,101.
The period since the last Annual Report has shown a continuous expansion of activities, together with a significant increase in numbers throughout Australia, including the Commandery of Western Australia. The Inter-State First Aid Competition for Ambulance Division teams , for which representatives from all Districts except Queensland entered, was held in Melbourne on 22nd June, 1957, during the Priory meeting. A team from the Kalgoorlie Division , Western Australia, won a well deserved victory. The presence of the Prior, His Excellency Field-Marshal Sir Willi am Slim, G.C.B. , G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. , G.B.E., D.S.O. , M.C., K .St.J. , and of Her Excellency Lady Slim, C.(S.)St.J. , at the competition was greatly welcomed. It is worthy of note that for the first time in Australia, the Priory Council meeting in June was held in a building belon ging to the Order recently acquired by the St. John Council for Victoria. During the year, the Victorian Brigade Women's Auxiliary contributed a further amount of £1 ,246 to assist in providing the furnishing and alteration s for this , thus demonstrating another aspect of the value of women's part in the work of the Brigade. Throughout the same period, a group of volunteer workers from the Brigade have given valuable honorary service on Saturdays in order to complete the reconstruction and decora tion of the building. The Brigade in Queensland has suffered a grievous loss in the death of Lieut.-General Sir John Lavarack, K .C.M.G. , K.C.V.O., K .B.E., C.B. , D .S.O. , K.St.J., Deputy Prior, who throughout his long period of office as Governor of the State had always displayed keen interest in the affair of the Brigade. In this District the increase in members of Cadet Divisions, both Ambulance and Nursing, is commendable, and the wide ran ge of du tie carried out by members of Nursing Divisions, including such activities as the Salk injection and the free Tuberculosis X-ray Campai gn i noteworthy. In South Australia the progress and efficiency of the Transport Service has been a notable feature of the year's work. It is evident that the additional responsibility entailed in taking over the administration and staffing of the Transport Service has been admirably coped with. During the year in Tasmania a request was received from the State Government, that the Brigade should take over executive responsibility of the Southern Tasmania Ambulance Transport Service, commencing in 1958, finance being met by the municipalities involved. It is hoped that despite the additional burden of work entailed, this will result in more practical first aid experience as well as a means of encouragin g recruits. In the Commandery of Western Australia, the high level of training in Brigade work is indicated by the success of the Kalgoorlie Division team in the annual First Aid Competition. Nursing Cadets have also distinguished themselves by forming a considerable number of new Divisions and by gaining the award of four Grand Prior Badges for the Perth No. 1 Division. Throughout the Brigade evidence of enthusiasm is shown by the readiness of members to travel great distances in order to undertake particular duties.
In. the South Pacific District, Pastor Reuben E. Hare, C.St.J. , has contmued to administer this area with great energy during the year.
Appointments and Promotions. -Major-General Sir Samuel Burston , K.B.E. ? <;.B. , D .S.O. , K.St.J., V.D., retired from the position of Chief COmlTIlSSlOner and. was appointed Receiver-General following the lam~nted death of SIr John Newman-Morris, Kt. , C.N.G. , K.St.J. SIr Samuel Burston had held the office of Chief Commissioner for 10 year.s .and. had se.en the Brigade increase greatly in numbers while fully r~tammg ~ts . effi~I~ncy and keenness. For this, great credit must go to hIm for his mspInng and talented leadership. Brigadier W. W. S. !~hnston , C .. B.E. , D.S.O., M.C. , K .St.J., E.D., was promoted to the positlOn of Chief Commissioner on 24/6/ 1957. Dr. Trevor James, C.St.J. , was appointed Commissioner Tasmania District having acted in that capacity since the retirement i~ June 1956 of Dr: T. H. Goddard, C.B.E. , K.St.J. In copclusion ,. I desire to con~ratulate .all members of the Brigade in Au traha on theIr excellent serVIce and hIgh level of efficiency. W. W. S. JOHNSTON, Chief Commissioner .
COMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA A steady. progress. in the work of the Order has been made again this year. The mcrease III the number of Sub-Centres and enrolments in the Brigade, t ogethe~ with the award of an ever increasing number of certifica tes ~ nd medallIons mark an increased activity throughout. Dunng the year Chapt~r-General approved a new design for the Cornma.ndery Standard wherem the Black Swan Emblem has been embodied. ThIS Standard was raised for the first time during the St. John Day ceremonies i~ London and it was fortunate that our Standard Bearer (Inspector R. H. HIckson) was able to carry it on this occasion. An investiture was h~ld at Government House on Thursday, 14th November, 1957, by HIS Excellency the Knight Commander when 11 members received the insignia of their rank. There was one posthumous a~ard and the Honourable R. G. Hawke, M.L.A., received the Grand Pnory Award of Thanks on Vellum. Chapter reports with regret the deaths during the year of Sir Ernest Lee-~teer~, K.B., K.St.J. , and E. Boakes, O.St.J., and extends to their relatIves Its deepest sympathy. Both have rendered great service to the Order.
St. John',s Day .- St. Jo~'s Day was observed by a Special Service in St. George s Cathedral which was attended by His Excellency the Knight Commander and Members ?f Chapter in ceremonial dress together with Members of the Order, Bngade and Association. His Excellency also attended an early Mass held at St. Mary's Cathedral, supported by Members of Chapter.
One Combined Cadet Division at Goomalling, an inland town in the wheat belt, was registered during the year. It is hoped to split this into an Ambulance and a Nursing Division in the near future. Ten Service Medals were awarded, 12 first bars, four second bars, two third bar, and one fourth bar. Those re iding in the Metropolitan Area were presented with their awards by His Excellency, The Knight Commander, Sir Charles Gairdner, K.C.M.G. , K.C.V.O., C.B. , C.B.E. , K.St.J. , at the Annual Inspection on 10th November.
During the year there has been an increased interest in cla work. The summary of classe and pa se to the 31st December 1957 is a follows :-Number of classes: Fir t Aid, 299; Home Nur ing, 45; Total 344;. Number Instructed, 4,007; Number examined, 3 711. Number of CertIficates: Adult, 1,234; Preliminary, 647' Voucher, 262, Medallion , 165; Labels, 736; Pendants, 162. Since 1891 when the West Au tralian Cent.re of the Association was established' 96,017 passes have been obtaI.ned from s~udents, comprising 76,540 in First Aid, 19,437 in Home NursIng, and 40 m Hygiene. Included in these passes are 6479 medallions 16,254 labels and 5,224 pendants. " The Perth and Suburbs Ambulance Transport Service answered 9 476 calls. and conveyed 10,332 cases to and from hospitals, of the e 8,341 were me~Ical and 1,991 accident. The mileage covered wa 90,476.4 mile, whI~h showed a saving of mileage ince fitting the vehicle with two-way radIO. T~e total num~er of Sub-Centres which operate an ambulance tran port serVIce has now mcreased to 60, in addition to the Perth and Suburb. The C0unc.il has .gone iI?-to the matter of making our tran port ervice cO.mplete by Inc~udmg aenal tr~nsport facilitie. Wholehearted co-operatIOn by the FlYIng Doctor SerVIce and the Aero Club ha been promi ed and st~ps are now being taken to arrange the finance . .Agam Dr. B. C. Cohen was re-elected as Pre ident of the A ociation WIth Mr. T. Tetterington as Vice-Pre ident. Messr. J. A. Faulkner and A. B. Krug were re-elected to the positions of Honorary General Secretary and Honorary Treasurer respectlvely. The As ociation i once more extremely. grateful t? me~bers o~ the medical and nur ing p:'ofe sion fo; the gratUItous serVIces In lectunng and examining, the class instructors an.d demonstrators, the Sub-Centre Committees, officials and voluntary dn~ers of the ~ountry Ambulanc~, ~he S~. John Ambulance Brigade for theIr co-operatIOn. To the adrrulllstrative taff, driver and Station C?fficer, Mr. Adams, ~ed by. the Secreta~·y. Mr. Hilton , the Council pay SIncere thanks for theIr effiCIency and wIllmgness. ST. JOH
Th~ Bri~a~~'s strength is:- Ambulance Divisions, 39, Strength 816;
Nursmg DIvISIOns, l3, Strength 259; Combined Divisions 6, Strength 91 (Am~ulance), 28 (Nursing); Cadet Ambulance, 14, Strength 391; Cadet NurSIng, 14, Strength, 409; Cadet Combined Division 1 Strength 22 (Ambulance), 9 (Nursing). ' , .Quairading.Ambulance Division is in recess but hopes are held that it WIll be resuscItated. Th.ere has ~een a small increase in strength. There has been a ~ery s~~ll. mcrease III strength in Nursing Divisions. Two mo~e Combl~ed DIVISIOns, Murray Districts and Wanneroo, have been re~Istered dunng the xeaI:. Both are in areas not previously served by the Bn~ade. The former IS sItuated at a popular seaside town and has raised eqUIPI?-e?t for rescue work and its members are very enthusiastic. The latter 1.S III an area largely populated by Italians and is composed mostly of Italians. There have been.several n.ew Cadet NiIrsing Divisions registered and a general a~-round Illcrease III strength. Our main difficulty is to find enough SUItable officers to take charge.
AlI'ards.-At the Annual In pection on 10th November, His Excellency, Sir Charle Gairdner, K.C.M.G. , K.C.V.O. C.B. , C.B.E. , K.St.J. preented four Nur ing Cadets with their Grand Prior's Badge. Obituary.-We regret to have to report the deaths of three valued member of the Brigade: Pte. H. E. Braine (Perth Water Supply Division), Pte. H . R gler (Perth No.1 Ambulance Division) and Pte. Chas. Wasley (Perth Railway Ambulance Divi ion). St. John s Day.-Again a large number of the Brigade marched through Perth and preceded a Capitular Procession of members of the Commandery Chapter into St. George' Cathedral. Members of the Brigade in uniform and members of the Commandery Chapter in their mantles attended early rna at St. Mary' Cathedral. Special ervices were held in mo t di trict where a centre of St. John operate . ill pecliol7.- The Annual In pection was held on Perth Esplanade on the 10th November. There was a very satisfactory number on the parade, which Hi Excellency, Sir Charles Gairdner, K .C.M.G. , K.C.V.O ., C.B. , C.B.E.. K.SLJ., in pected and took the salute during the March Past. Tn a hort addre Hi Excellency thanked the members for their work for the Order and encouraged them to further effort. Owing to the Cadets having their own Parade the total numbers were nece arily smaller than previously.
Cadet Day.-Cadet Day thi year was celebrated by a parade on the Perth E planade on l3th October. In addition to the inspection and March Past , everal very well- taged working tableaux of various proficiency subjects were shown. His Excellency Sir Charles Gairdner, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B., C.B.E., K.St.J., inspected the parade, took the alute during the march past and was very enthusiastic about the tableaux, in which he took a keen interest. He gave the Cadets a spirited talk. There were 800 Cadets on Parade. Competitions.- The Kalgoorlie Ambulance Division has very properly received numerous congratulations on winning the Priory Competition: T)'mms Cup (Ambulance Divisions): 1, KalgoorIie; 2, Margaret River; 3, Merredin Districts. (All these teams come from Country Districts.) Donaldson Cup (Nursing Divisions-First Aid and Home Nursing): 1, Perth No.2; 2, Perth No. 1. BarrolV Shield (Home Nursing): 1, Perth No.2; 2, GosneIls; 3, Perth No. 1. Cadets: Donaldson Shield (Al11bulance Cadets): 1 Osborne Park' 2, Victoria Park; 3, Kalgoorlie. That a team of Cadets should travel
375 miles to take part in a competition speaks for itself. The Kalgoorlie boys are evidently trying hard to emulate their bigger brothers. The general standard of work was excellent.
lance and one Cadet Nursing Division having been formed during the year. A further two African Ambulance Divisions are also in course of formation. The number of Association certificates awarded remains at the same high level as in 1956, at the time of writing this report the final figures are not yet to hand but the total will be close to the 2,000 mark. All Centre have been very active, and much work is being done amongst the African peoples. The Nyasaland Centre is making good progress and in Northern Rhodesia steps are being taken to form units of the Brigade within the framework of the Northern Rhodesia Police. Recruiting for the adult European Divisions is still slow, and determined efforts are being made in Salisbury and Bulawayo, where the need i greatest, to increase the strength during the coming year; the press and radio are giving strong support to the appeal. We welcome Colonel A. S. Hickman , M.B.E., C.St.J., as Commissioner of the Rhodesia District in succession to Colonel Sir Ellis Robins, K.B.E. , D.S.O. E.D. and wish him every success and happiness in his appointment. In March 1957, the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, Vice-Admiral Royer Dick paid a short visit to the Federation, and we were pleased to be able to welcome him at St. John Headquarters in Salisbury and to afford him the opportunity of meeting members of the Brigade there. The Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief also spent a short while in Northern Rhodesia. These personal visits are of the greatest value and help to cement the very good relations that have always existed between the Brigade within the Commandery and Headquarters in London. The Competition Season was again a very successful one for the Commandery, and we heartily congratulate the Bulawayo Railway Nursing Division on winning the Hewat Shield for the second year in succession in competition with the best teams in the Priory in Southern Africa. This is the premier Nursing Trophy in Southern and Central Africa and the greatest credit is due to this Division on it uccess . The Salisbury Railway Ambulance Division took third place in the Selborne Shield, the senior award for Ambulance Divisions, at the same competitions. The Brigade has had a strenuous year, and all members are to be congratulated on the splendid way in which they have stood up to the heavy demands made upon them.
Holland Shield (Cadet Nursing): 1, North Perth; 2, Perth No.2; 3, S.D.A. In the Metropolitan area members of Nursing Divisions have again filled a roster to accompany the drivers of ambulances operated by the Perth Centre of the Association. Members of country Divisions have again performed very valuable service as voluntary driver of ambulances operated by centres of the St. John Ambulance Association in their various districts. Public duties at sports meetings, agricultural hows and in other activities have again been very efficiently and willingly undertaken. Thanks are due to members of the District staff for the work they have done during the year and for their loyalty and efficiency, particularly District Superintendent W. Brown for his work for the year' al 0 to the staff of the St. John Ambulance Association for their co-operation and help during the year.
THE COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA The start of the year found the Commandery in the difficult ituation of being without a Knight Commander, Lieutenant or Chaplain which was occasioned by the lamented death of His Excellency the Rt. Hon. the Lord Llewellin, the departure of Colonel Sir Ellis Robins for the United Kingdom and the resignation of the Most Rev. Dr. Paget, from the Archbishopric of the Province of Central Africa. It was, therefore, with very great pleasure that members of Chapter learnt of the appointment of His Excellency the Earl of Dalhousie, G.B.E., M.C., as GovernorGeneral of the Federation and Knight Commander of the Commandery in Central Africa. The Earl of Dalhousie is warmly welcomed to the Federation and assumed his duties as Knight Commander early in January 1958. Sir William Murphy, K.C.M.G. , Knight of the Order, has been appointed to succeed Sir Ellis Robins as Lieutenant, and in the absence of a Krught Commander has been the executive head of the Commandery during the year. The Most Rev. Dr. William James H1lghes, D.D., Sub-Chaplain of the Order, has been elected to succeed Dr. Paget as Archbishop of the Province of Central Africa and has acted as Chaplain. The work of the Order has proceeded in an orderly if unspectacular manner in the three Territories of the Federation, and there are signs of healthy expansion. Chapter gratefully acknowledges the continued valuable support of members of the Order and the response to the appeal for Voluntary Annual Oblations. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE AND COMMANDERY COMMISSIONER
The strength of the Brigade again shows a slight improvement, the total for the year having risen from 2,357 to 2,475, an increase of 118. The number of Divisions has also increased from 41 to 43, one Ambu-
THE COMMANDERY OF ARDS The year 1957 marked the fifth anniversary of the re-establishment of the Commandery of Ards, which was inaugurated in 1952 by His Royal Highness the Grand Prior. It was a happy coincidence that, in this anniversary year, His Royal Highness, accompanied by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, again visited Northern Ireland. Their Royal Highnesses, together with Their Excellencies the Lord Prior and the Lady Wakehurst, honoured with their presence the Gala Performance given at the Ritz Cinema, Belfast, on Friday the 25th October, in aid of the funds of the Commandery. Four meetings of Chapter, which were well attended, took place in Government House, at which His Excellency the Knight Commander presided. Commandery Council meetings, under the chairmanship of
the Lieutenant, took place at the pre cribed time throughout the year and proved of considerable value. Members o~ Counc~l conti~ued to show much enthusia m and were of great a 1 tance m hapmg the policy of the Commander), during the year. An Tnve t!ture ~y Hi Excellency the Lord Prior wa held in Government HOll e 1.n Apnl. The Order Ball, attended by over 300 per on and held In the Crawfordsburn Country Club, was a great ucce . Hi Excellency the L?rd Prior and Her Excellency the Lady Wakehur t honoured the occaSlOn with their presence. St. John' Day Service were held in Armagh Cathedral on 26th May, and in Fisherwick Presbyterian Church on 23rd June. Members of the Order and Association attended a well a repre entative detachments of the Brigade. The Commandery wa repre en ted at the ervice in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, on the 22nd June, by the Lieutenant and the Commandery Commissioner. Additions to the Library and Museum during the year included a photograph of H.R.H. The Duchess of Glollce ter; hield displa~ing the Arms of the Earl of Granville and of the Lord Wakehur t KnIght Commanders; a 16th century two-handed word; a pike from ~he Ma~or of Linlithgow and a two-handed battle axe. T.he Mu e~lJn I ~rowmg both in interest and size and its resources are beIng II ed mcrea mgly by . those taking an interest in the hi tory and object of the Order. This report provides an opportunity to plac~ on recor? the. peclal work carried out by members of the Brigade 111 connectIon wIth the Hungarian Refugees. When the call to duty came the re pon e and effort by the Brigade were up to the be t tradition of the Order and involved constant work for nearly three week . The e effort were well rewarded, however, by the thanks and gratitude of the refugee themselve and by letters gratefully acknowledging this ervice from the Governmental Department responsible for the care of these di placed individual . ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATIO
The interest in class work was maintained during the year in regard to adult and preliminary subjects. During the year three meeting for the Association Council were held. These meeting were of the greatest value. The Association Councils in Londonderry, Antrim, Fermanagh and Belfast are flourishing. The situation in Tyrone, Armagh and Down counties is not so satisfactory as in the e Areas the A sociation i not yet established. . Belfast Council must receive a special mention a very great tnde have been made by it, and this is undoubtedly due to the Chairman ably assisted by a live Committee and by the Secretary. . The method of ensuring a good attendance at the Pre entatlOn of Certificates adopted by Belfast Council is worthy of mention as it produces excellent results: An invitation to each successful candidate to receive his/her award and enjoy a musical evening, is sent. The Presentation is preceded by a Concert, Film Show, followed by light refreshments. Senior Ambulance and Nursing Officers of the Brigade attend and "on-the-spot" recruitment is made. The Director is extremely grateful to the Members of the Medical and Nursing Profession for their gratuitous service in lecturing and examining classes. The Class Instructors and Demonstrator, for their help with the practical side of the instruction.
First Aid. Home Nursing Child Welfare Hygiene. Hygiene Food Handling ST. JOH
Adult Classes 63 (76) 38 (30) 3 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4)
Adult Certificates 1,022 (1,069) 442 (318) 34 (42) 44 (33) 70 (lOS)
91 Preliminary Certificates 442 (297) 200 (165) 68 (39) 78 (15)
During the year, the Brigade suffered grievous losses by the death .of Mr. William Allen Mr. J . B. Johnstone, Mr. H. Palmer and Mrs. LeslIe. Mr. Allen, a member of the Brigade for over 30 years, was the Belfast area Commis ioner. Apart from his professional work, Mr. Allen gave all his spare time to the betterment of the Brigade in his Area. Mr. J. B. Johnstone wa a very keen supporter of St. John and a President of the District Transport Division. He was meticulous about attendance and he kept the Division alert and efficient.... Mr. H. Palmer, President of the Windsor Ambulance DIVIsIOn, though living in Dublin , took a very active interest in his Division and never failed to attend the District Competition . Mr. I.e lie, Pre ident of Londonderry Nursing Division, was an ardent upporter of the Brigade and could always be relied upon to fulfil any call made upon her. . . All duties undertaken by the Bngade were carned out, as usual, very willingly and efficiently. The lack of Ambulance personnel still makes the complete cover of all Public Duties extremely difficult. . The Co~ missioner hopes that by the abolition of Student Members 111 1959 this deficiency will be reduced. Hungarian Re/iej- The as i tance given by the Brigade to the Hungarian at Donaghadee, Bangor and Newcastle was tremendous. M,embers were on duty 24 hours of the day and the acknowledgment receIved for this assistance was most encouraging. The credit for the organisation in its initial stages and for the maintenance of the highly efficient standard, was due to District Superintendent Mrs. Ivan Neill . Mental Health Exhibition.- An Exhibition of Mental Health was arranged throughout the Province under. the auspices of. the ~ospital Authority. Nursing members of the Bngade gr~at1y aSSIsted l~. e.ach Exhibition by manning stalls throughout the penod of the ExhibItIOn. Save-a-Life Week.-Demonstrations in various methods of saving life were given between 23rd and 29th June in Portrush, Belfast, Bangor and Newcastle. Demonstrations in the parks of Belfast were well attended, but owing to inclement weather conditions those in the City Hall environment were abandoned. Competitions.- The Brigade entered two t~ams ~or the London Fin.als, but did not display a very high standard of FIrst Aid and Home NurSIng. The District Competitions took place in Belfast or: 11 th M~y, but attendance by visitors was small. Post Office: The Bngade, as IS cu~tomary, organised the First Aid Competitions for the Post Office, which were highly successful. Sir Otto Lund Trophy: This trophy, competed for by
teams from the Republic of Eire and Northern Irland, took place in Dublin on the 26th October, and I am delighted to report was won by Northern Ireland by a team consisting of four Ambulance and four Stuoent Nursing Division personnel. The standard of the Home Nursing was extremely high and, therefore, the effort of a Student Division competing against adults is worthy of special mention. Ambulance Cadets went into a camp at Ardrossan for a period of two weeks. The report from the Inspecting Officer was excellent and drew attention to the good deportment, efficiency and enthusiasm of the boys. The Nursing Cadets held a successful camp in Greyabbey during July, and was attended by Cadets from all over the Province. During the year three Adult Divisions have been formed: Two Nur ing Cadet and One Ambulance Cadet Division, making a total of six new Divisions. Unfortunately two Adult (one Nursing Section and one Ambulance) Divisions have been disbanded. The Annual Training Course this year took place in the Strand Hotel Portstewart, between lith and 13th October. Over 100 attended this very successful Course. The Annual Reunion Dinner, attended by the Commissioner-in-Chief, was held in the Orpheus Restaurant on 28th October 1957.
REPORT OF THE RECEIVER-GENERAL ON THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER, 1957 THE ACCOUNTS The Account present the financial position of the Grand Priory of the Order as at 30 September, 1957, together with statements of Income and Expenditure during the year ended on that date. COMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH ESTIMATES The Estimates for the year under review provided for Ordinary Expenditure of £100,370, which was to have been met from Ordinary Income of £66,220, with the charge of the resulting deficit of £34,150 to the Po t-War Fund (General Allocation). The estimated and actual ordinary income and expenditure for the year is summarised below:
EXPENDITURE Central Administration St. John Ophthalmic Hospital St. John Ambulance Association Sf. John Ambulance Brigade .
INCOME Central Administration St. John Ophthalmic Hospital St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade .
Estimate £
Actual £
Actual Le , More £ £
27, 150 29,955 19,065 24,200
31. 788 33,627 21,179 26,965
4,63 8 3,672 2, 114 2,765
13, 189
51 ,030 2,590 9,910 2,690
48,848 2750 9,994 2,796
160 84 106
et £1,832 £15 ,021
Red Cross Society. The cost of this work is I?et from in~?me from investments and funds derived from the realisatIOn of secuntles. There are et out below notes on certain items appearing in the Accounts . BALANCE SHEET 1.
General Fund
The loss of £13 894 was incurred upon the sale of gilt edged stock to finance the purcha'se of £60,000 of ordinary stocks in accordance with the investment policy approved hy Chapter-General. The um of £2,158 was transferred to the Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund out of the gift by Mrs. Man Stuart to meet the cost of the Memorial Window to her husband . The Order i building a property to accommodate a member of the Jordanian medical taff at the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem. The sum of £2, 631 represents initial expenditure on this project. 2.
New Ophthalmic Hospital and R esearch Fund
Post- rVar Fund (General Allocation)
The st. John House premises at 15/ 16, Collingham Gardens, S.W.5, were sold for £30,000 during the year, yielding a net profit of £3,51l. The lea e of new premi es at 50, Eaton Place, S.W.l , has been pyrchased at a co t of £ 12,466 inclusive of professional fees. (AlteratIOns and equipment are expected to co t approximately £13 ,500, making the total co t approximately £26,000) . 2, 182
Central A dminis tration InCOlJl e
Estimate £
Actual £
Actual More Le £ £
34,]50 34,600
49,171 41,939
15,021 7,339
233 £22,593
The Post-War Fund (Special Allocation) serves to finance the Order's share of the cost of the Welfare Work in Service Hospitals undertaken by the Service Hospitals Welfare Department, Order of St. John and British
Other Tnterest
Cash resources temporarily surplus to requirements have been retained on deposit with three leading finance houses at favourable rates of interest. (b)
INCOME Interest
Capital development on the Hospital-Research project at Jerusalem IS repre ented by the further sums totalling £10,552 incurred as contractor's charges during the year.
The estimated and actual income and expenditure of the Post-War Fund (General Allocation) for the year is summarised below:
EXPENDITURE Net Ordinary Expenditure, above Direct Expenditure .
Subscriptions and Donations
The increase of income reflects the increa ing benefit accrumg to the Order from income tax recovered relative to Deeds of Covenant executed in respect of oblations. 2.
St. John Ambulance Brigade E xpenditure
Training Centre and Club, £5,599. This charge consists mainly of the operating loss at 15/ 16, Collingham Gardens up to the date of closure, 31 July, 1957, the elimination of an outbreak of dry rot at these premises and the purchase of equipment for the new St. John House from the vendor of 50, Eaton Place. SPECIAL MATTERS CALLING FOR COMMENT The rebuilding of the Grand Priory Church will be completed in 1958, but the shortfall at 30 September, 1957, between the Building Fund and the target of £80,000 is approximately £25,000. Chapter-General has authorised a loan to cover this deficit, the loan being provided by the General Fund and not by the Post-War Fund. It is hoped that a deter-
mined effort will be made to repay a substantial part of this loan during the current year and to payoff the balance within a few years. It will be recollected that the Order has agreed to make a grant from the Post-War Fund of £150,000 to the new Ophthalmic Hospitc:l and Research Fund. (In the unlikely circumstances of the hospital buildings in Jerusalem, Israel, being sold at an acceptable price, the Po t-War Fund may be relieved of this commitment to some limited extent). A sum of £25,000 was transferred in 1955 and no further sum has been transferred in the year under review. The building of the main hospital is expected to start within a few months and further sums will accordingly be transferred from the Post-War Fund during the current year. The direct expenditure of the Post-War Fund on development of overseas territories amounted to the sum of £19,029. The sum of money voted by Chapter-General in 1950-52 for this purpose are now exhau ted and no further monies are at present available without a further anction from Chapter-General. The agreement with the British Red Cross Society under which each Body would hold intact a sum of £500,000 as a provi ion for initial finance in the event of war was due for reconsideration last year. It wa agreed to renew this arrangement for a further period of three years' the Order indicating that at the end of this further period the matter hould then be reviewed ab initio. This earmarking does not appear in the Accounts but is dealt with as an internal hypothecation . Careful consideration has been given to the problem of inve tment and a start was made during the year in exchanging from Briti h Government Stocks into ordinary shares. Chapter-General has approved the petition for a Supplemental Royal Charter which, if granted, will give wider investment powers for all the Order's funds , including the Po t-War Fund . CONCLUDING COMMENTS The results for 1957 show net ordinary expenditure of £49, 171, an increase of £9,805 on the figure for 1956. The degree of stability in the level of net expenditure which had been achieved in the previous few years has thus not been maintained. After making allowance for increase in salaries and wages and for increased costs of goods and ervices, the results give ground for a certain degree of anxiety. The reasons are due to a multiplicity of instances of increased expenditure rather than to any few specific items. In order to give a truer picture of the trend of income and expenditure certain non-recurring items of expenditure have been eliminated and the reSUlting figures are as follows: Ordinary Expenditure Ordinary Income
1952 1953 £ £ 96,331 102,145 46,836 55,233
1954 £ 91,885 55,539
1955 £ 94,623 54,405
1956 1957 £ £ 97,977 109,059 61,257 64,388
£49,495 £46,912 £36,346 £40,218 £36,720 £44,671
Chapter-General has stipulated that income and expenditure should be equated well before the time the Post-War Fund is finally exhausted. It is essential, therefore, that there should be a determined and sustained move towards this goal, and not away from it, as has been the case last year. LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General 21 April, 1958.
30 September, 1957
BALANCE SHEET FUNDS GE ERAL FUND as at 30 September, 1956 Add: Legacies Profit on redemption of investment Rhodes---expense advance recovered
2,158 16,052
2,158 1,203 716
Rights in Kolos i
3,199 1,344
2,158 1,209 760 1,089
1}68 550 808
OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL ENDOWMENT Fu Das at 30 September, 1956 Add: Donation. Legacy .
100 500
OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL A D RESEARCH FUNDas at 30 September, 1956 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest
J 57,526
34,850 3,196
51,449 25,449
51,449 25,449
26,000 7,266
3,698 3,648
a tie, Cypru
Grand Priory hllrch R ehuildillg FundFreehold Property: Fxpenditure on Guard House and Cloi ter and hurch Restoration Ophthalmic H ospital Endowmenl FUl1dFreehold Property: Jeru alem (fsrael). Lefs: writen off to date
Strathearn HOLl -e and Wat on Hou e, Jerusalem (Jordan) . . . . . . . . . . . Freehold land for Doctor's House, Jeru alem (Jordan)
St. John Ambulance Brigade Camp, Bexhill, Su sex
4,000 2,080 5,693
573 21,679
11,773 183,799
Leasehold Propertie : 8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.I Less: written off to date.
3,698 3,648 50 34
50 34
39,108 4,985
2,631 38,337
26,144 144
274 4
131 1
141 ]13
17,640 7,05 9
6,468 11,172 - 41,847 2,971 38,876 - -
10,584 10, Grosvenor Cre cent, S.W.1 Less: wri tten off to date. .
41,847 3,579 38,268 12,466
50, Eaton Place S.W.l forward
14,000 7,106
650 650
New Ophthalmic Hospital and Research FlIlldFreehold Land and Buildings: Jeru alem (Jordan) . . . . Post- War FUlld: General AI/ocafiollFreehold Propertie : 15/16, Collingham Gardens, S.W.5 (sold during year). . . . Less: written off to date
Mun tan Properly, Jerusalem (Jordan) Less: written off to date
Less: Expenditure
Freehold Land adjacent to Grand Priory Church Lea ehoJd Property: 33/34, Wilton Row, S.W.l (su rrende-red during year) . Less: written off to date
GRAND PRIORY CHURCH REBUILDING Fu Das at 30 September, 1956 Add: Transfer from General Fund Subscriptions and Donations Interest
OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL LINEN GUlLDas at 30 September, 1956 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest
PROPERTIES (at co t less amounts written off)General FundFreehold Properly al and adjacent to St. John's . . .. Gate Less: written off to date
10 26
Less: Loss on realisation of investments. Transfer to Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund
Less: Grant to Institute of Ophthalmology (Ldn.) Expenditure (Jordan) Sundry Expenditure.
Less: Man Stuart Window. Works at Crypt Architects' fees and expenses Salaries and sundry expenses
1956 £
forward KING GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP TRAI ING MEMORIALGrant (long tern1) Grants (short tenn)3,762 as at 30 September, J 956 Add: 466 Interest.
forward 10,000
Less: Expenditure
3, 76 '
3.223 13,223
ST JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE BENEYOLE T FUND-as at 30 September, 1956 Add: Interest Subscription
Less: Grants.
7,468 256 2
7,5.' 67
POST-W AR FUND(Funds allocated by Joint War Organisation)GENERAL ALLOCATION OF £2,090,000as at 30 September, 1956 Add: Profit on sale of 15/ 16, Collingham Garden , S.W.5 Profit on realisation of investment War Organisation Liquidation AccountSum allocated therefrom
Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year
Less: Loss on realisation of investment
J ,253,2 I
1,127,810 3,5J I 417
1, 131,738
22,8 h
J ,088835
1,/27,8 1')
1.61 1,513
36,633 9,550
31,610 8,700
l.ess: I epayabJe during year
46,183 4,234
40,310 3,677
Star\;' Department lnsigllla and Medal Sunc. "y DEBTO S
11 2,59 (loss)
TO BRANCHESas at 30 September, 1956 . Add: Adva nced during year
37,628 2,837 476
36,601 3,315 531
40,941 62,981 160,000 19,927
40,447 64,974 160,000 20,000 27,010
248,151 25 ,469
285,912 24,566 222,682
T IS Balance heer and rhe allnexed incollle a, II Expenditure Accounts present the fillancial po ition and transactions of the Headquarters both of the Order and of its Foundations. T} ey do nor incorporate the assets, liabilities m I transactions of the local Units of the C 'der and of its Foundations, the Accounts oj which are maintained and audited locally /I ,ler Regulations authorised bv the Order . It addition to the properties included ill this
446,731 1,510,769
i ,574,543
LEWIS G. WHYTE, Recei ver-General D. B. R. SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant
B,ilance Sheet certain other properties have b ell vested in the Order either as part of its corporate property or upon Trusts ill con1/<ction with the St. John Ambulance AssociatIL n and Brigade. These properties are onlv r€(l/fsable with the consent of the Charit'y C'Immissioners or the Trustees or local C"mmittees of Management TJre. General and Post- War Funds are sl/bject II, Investment depreciation of £85,848.
£2,121,412 £2,170,794
Haying examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure ACCO ll nts Hospital of st. John of Jerusalem and with the returns received from Jerusalem, we report tha" on Accounts, in our opinion, and according to the best of our information, show a true and fair V1cW of on that date. 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C.2. 16 May, 1958.
. . . (Market Value: 1957- £ 1,525,665 1956- £1 ,570,235)
SPEClAL ALLOCATION of £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitals. 446,733 as at 30 September, 1956 Less: Excess of Expenditure over lncome for 24,498 the year 422,235 301
per Sched ule attached.
books. and .vouchers of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Most Venerable Order of the sPeclfi~d 10 the Notes on the Balance Sheet, the said Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Qf affalrs of the Order a at 30 September, 1957, and of its income and expenditure for the year ended PRICE WATERHOUSE & Co., Chartered Accountants
'£' A ·, -_ a.",
'11KAllU l'I'U 1'l J"' ... .....
Foundation Dues Annual Oblations Commuted Oblations Interest on Investments Other Interest
£ 1,320 4,034 173
3,961 197
8,741 10,894
19,635 5,878
Less: ceded to Special Funds
Rents, less outgoings . . Subscriptions and Donations. . Library and Museum: Donations
13 ,7 57 127 824 5
12,623 - 249 688
Gross Profit on sale of stores Deduct : Salaries and National Insurance . Superannuation contributions Rates . . . . . . . . I igbting, Heating and Cleaning. Postage and Telephone . . . Printing and Stationery Sundry expenses .
43 ,544
£ . 10,461 1,722 387 580 855 737 194
14,936 28,608
27,540 -
1957 £
Salaries, Pensions and National Insurance Superann uation contributions. . . . Rent and Rates . . . . Lease-a moun~ written off '. Lighting, Heatll1.g and Cleantng Repairs and Matntenance . . postage and Telephone . Printing an d Stationery . TravelllOg expenses . Entertaining expense St. John's Day Investitures . Roll of the Order Insignia . . . Medals an d Vellum Votes Maplestead Church expense Solicitors' Charges . Priory Standard. . . Roll of the Order (printed). . Grand Prior's Advisory Council Sundry expense .
4,7 10 628 678 ]35 1,191 274 692 1,225 845 368 580 485 483 870 ],794 121 174 317 1,757
4,295 422 599 135 1,126 306 580 810
477 266 592 516 469 1,007
2,655 121 111 247
314 446
15494 3,555 591 169 135 335 176 184
3,837 395 189 135 365 327 237 70 315 63 557
Sa lanes an d ational [n urance Superannua tion contributions . Rent and Rate . . . . Leaseamollnt written off . . LightlOg, Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone . PrintlI1g an d Stationery . Travelling expenses Audit .-:'ee. . Chequ Books Sundr, expen es
368 49 250
5,962 - -
6,490 Sales and Cost Advertising of Production Revenue
<\TIO -
Johll Rel'iew": Pri r.ting Cha rges . . . . Salaries and ational1n urance. Sundry expense
4,505 1, 140 481 6,126
Salaries and National Insurance Press Cuttings and Newspapers Photograph ..... . Press Releases, Posters and Leaflets Festival of Women . . . . . po.st~ge and Telephone . Prmtmg and Stationery . Travelling expenses . Entertaining expenses . . . . Lord Mayor's Show- participation Sundry expenses . . . . . .
1,189 116 47 386
1,231 126 143 172 133 107 118 135 88
59 38 138 Il7
96 432 2,618 - -
324 2577
rchases Salaries and Nati~nai In~ur~nc~ S~perannuation contributions . ~I~hting, Heating and Cleaning DIsPlay Case . . . . . . ummies for Uniform . Sundry expenses. . .
64 976 84 340
169 314 92 45 340 2,034 - -
744 2,208 9
31,788 17,060
-----£48,848 £46,362
ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, JERUSALEM INCOME HOSPITALSubscriptions and Donations Interest" " " Medical Fees "
ISRAELRents, less outgoings Less: Attorney's Fees and expense.
1956 £
£ 1,047 ],208 161
1,130 1,186 83
2,399 £ 343
£ 403
NET CoST, transferred to Post-War Fund
1956 £
£ HOSPITALSalaries, Pensions and National Insurance . . . . . Superannuation contributions Food and Housekeeping Drugs. " Equipment Rent . . . . Light and Water" " " Repairs and Maintenance Travelling expenses " Postage and Telephone " Printing and Stationery " Furniture and Fittings Sundry expenses . LONDO OFFICE£ Salaries and National Insurance 1,298 Superannuation contributions 131 Postage and Telephone . 162 Printing and Stationery . 116 Travelling expen es 1, 105 Sundry expen e 199
17,771 1,268 3,591 1,706 370 950 518 262 2,174 158 313 741 794
15,687 291 3,584 1,583 596 950 476 820 1,365 166 274 266 664
:2(j 0
£ 1,238 121 177 81 701 245 2,563 - -
> Z t::j
"'0 t'!l
£33,627 £29,285
£33,627 £29,285
'~ """ ~ ~
(j (j
~ '7'
~ J
Chal"ges to Centres and Det'lchcd Classes for instruction and examinations . . . " . Less: Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and e'penses .
Awards (net) . . . " Subscriptions and Donation ET COST, transferred to Po t-War Fund
Salaries and
6,899 2,441 654
6,680 2,453
9,994 11 , 185
9,405 8,10i
alional In 'urancc
9,567 728
Superannuallon contributions .
Rent and Rate
270 738 1,398 2,954 90 161 736 945
270 680 i,030 2,209 J6i
18,992 1 367 820
15,714 1312 450 30
£ 10,802 939 737 588 912 107 1,056 1,706 1,625 184 355 157 804
£ 10,127 616 819 588 814 237 1,143 1,596 1,974 211 471 229 915
19,972 1,099 5,599 300
19,740 980 2,554
Lea c amount \\ rilten off Lightll1g, lleating and leaning Postage and Telephone Printing and tationery Tra\clling cxpen e . Entertaining expen. e. y tern inve tigation undry expen. e. Competition (net) . Grants to ountie Arabic textbook (net)
184 475
£2 1, 179 £17,506 ST. JOHN AMBULA CE BRIGADE Subscriptions and Donations . Ministry of Education grant . . . . National Hospital Service Reserve grant.
272 1,440 J ,084
157 i,440 1,208
NET COST, transferred to Post-War Fund
2,796 24, 169
2,805 22,730
Salaries and ational In urance Superannuation contribution . Rent and Rates . Lease- amount written off Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance . Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses. Entertaining expen e Conferences and Meetings. Awards Sundry expense Competitions (net). . . Training Centre and Club . Cadet Rally- Taunton . Royal Review- Hyde Park Banstead Division- dilapidation Deduct : Bexhill Camp, Surplu - Season 1957
£26,965 £25,535
2,646 247 27,217
£26,965 £25,535
POST-WAR FUND INCOME Interest on Investment . 1nterest on Loans N ET EXPE DITUR E for the year tra nsferred to Balance Sheet .
GENERAL ALLOCATION 1956 EXPENDITURE £ £ 47,446 40,827 N ET COST761 499 FoundationsSt. John Ophthalmic Hospital , 48 ,207 41 ,326 Jerusalem . . . . . St. John Ambulance Association 42,903 22,816 St. John Ambulance Brigade
Deduct: Central Administrationsurplus income DIRECT EXP ENDITURECrants: Priory of ScotlandLossiemouth Convales ent Home . . . . Admini tration gran t Priory in New Zeala ndAmbula nce Transport Service St. John Hcadqua rtersFiji Jamaica, No rth East Kenya Sheffield . Taunton . Trinidad . St. John CouncilsSecretarial grants Portsmouth Corps, SJ .A .B.. St. John Home, Tankerton , Kent . . . . . . . Development of O\'erseas Units. R elie/Hun ary -L,J Welfare work in Malaya . "0
yprus mer'gencymbulancc ~ " I
Barbados-ambu lance aribbean Hurricane . . D. Standmg ommittee Hospital of t. John and St. Elizabeth
1956 £
30,877 11,185 24,169
26,600 8,101 22,730
49, 171
1,200 2,000 4,000 2,000 120 325
> '2. C:l
>< ~
J, 125 103
C:l .....
11 ,054
3,500 9,644
" tfl
> (j
2f' ~
~ .....,
66 435
1,741 135
1,425 921 496
....., tfl
41,939 £9 1,1 /0 £64,142
52 24,776 - -
£9 1,1 10 £64,14::
> ~ tr1 2
"""l trl
\C VI -.l
1 COM E Interest on fnvestment . ET EXPENDITURE for the year transferred to Balance Sheet . . ..
£ 20,540
1956 £ 18,840
£45,038 £49,637
E XPEl DITU RE Welfa re Work in Service Ho pit3.ls
£ 45,038
1956 £ 49,637
£45,038 £49,637
30 September, 1957
30 SEPTEMBER, 1957
A. BRITISH GOVER MENT GUARANTEED STOCKS (a) with a fixed date for redell1ptiol12t % Saving Bonds, 1964/ 67 4-!-% British Electricity Stock, 1967/69 . 3 % Savings Bonds, 1960/70 3 % Savings Bond, 1965/75 3 Q.~ British Transport Stock, 1978/ 88 .
Boo/\ Vallie
Olllillal Vallie £ s.
°° ° °° 9
£1,39 ,827
£1 , ,66,632
71,493 3 7 26,560 14 II 36,129 9 8
71,260 24,199 30,926
£ 126,385
150 11,339
AND COLONIAL GOVERNMENT B. DOMI 10 GUARA TEED STOCKS with a fixed date for redemption2i % Australia Stock, 1967/71 2-1 % Au tralia Stock, 1970/75 3 % Federated Malay States Stock, 1960/70 3t o~ Sierra Leone Stock, 1958/63
18,000 3,300 3,000 1,980 £26,280
TOTAL: FIXED 1 TEREST STOCKS with a fixed date for redemption with no fixed date for redemption
1. 18,351
1,424,709 126,3 5
I 84,983
100 2,500 750
432 5,194 3,618
1,700 4,000
2,000 1,000
5,369 2,229
5,000 2,012
1,500 500 ],600 2,000
5,178 2,614 5,033 5,180
° £
Post- var FundGeneral Allocation Special Allocation
J ,055,359 436,436
965,199 399,367
949,823 392,793
15,376 6,574
Gene )1 Fund
1,491,795 215,875
1,364,566 246,947
1,342,616 J83,049
21,950 63,898
£ 1,707,670
2lffi 4,560 5,000
3,125 4,406
4.9 6} 3,125 4, 46
Mark et Vallie
Book Vallie
500 375
Nominal Value
17,l}40 3.309 2,817 I, 16
7 2
A. Reyrolle & Co. Ltd., Ordinary Stock The Sterling Trust Ltd., Ordinary Stock The Winterbottom Tru t Ltd., Ordinary Stock
D . UN QUOTED SHARESLansdowne Club Ltd ., 2/- Shares, fu lly paid
°° °° °° °° °°
103 6,804
I 8
The Army and avy Investment Trust Co. Ltd., Deferred Stock. .... . . The Bankers' Investment Trust Ltd ., Ordinary Stock . The British South Africa Co., Stock Units of 15/City and International Trust Ltd ., Ordinary Stock £1 New Ordinary Shares, fully paid Dorman Long & Co. Ltd., £1 Ordinary Shares, fully paid . Employers' Liability Assurance Corp. Ltd ., £1 Share, fully p~d . . . . Guardian Assurance Co. Ltd., 5/- Shares, fully paid . Guest, Keen & etUefolds Ltd. , £1 New Ordinary Share , fully paid . . . . .. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Ordinary Stock The Nineteen Twenty-Eight Investment Trust Ltd ., Ordinary Stock . The Nineteen Twenty- ine Investment Trust Ltd ., Ordinary
Relationship between Market Value and Book Vallie
1,552,358 134,183
C. QUOTED ORDII AR Y STOCKS AND SHARESAlfred Herbert, Ltd., £1 Ordinary Shares, fully paid .
1,142,616 11,791
30 SEPTEMBER, 1957
Market J allle £
4,282 1,364,566 18,5 12 150 11,317
4,282 1,491,795 18,511 14
£ I ,526,078
(b) with no fixed date for redell1ptiollJt 0. 0. War Stock, 1952 or after 4 % Consolidated Stock, 1957 or after 3-1 Q~ Conversion Stock, 1961 or after
1,686,541 2],093 36
1,551 ,094 60,419
£ 1 470,389 55,276
--£1 ,525,665
(Fo unded 1882)
'[be <Branb lJ)riol'\? in the lSritisb 1Realm of '[ be lDenerable
of tbe 1bospital of
of 3erusn lent.
Printed by The Sw indon Press Ltd ., 100 Victoria Road, Swindon.
Report of the Committee for 1957 includ ing the
Report of the Ladies' Linen Guild
E. C.1.
most lDcnerable <'rber of st. 30bll, 3erusalenl
So\')ereign lbeal) of tbe \l)rl)cr: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN
<tom mtttee: (24th June, 1957)
1:)ospitaller BRIGADI ER SIR STEWART D UKE-ELDER, G.c.v.o., PH.D., D .SC., LL.D., M.D. , F.R .C.S ., F.A .C.S. , F.R.A .C.S .
l)on. "ttreasurer.
L. G . WHYTE, Esq. .members .
That the Knights who should make their profession in it should adorn their Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of aU virtues, with hospital service, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in these various functions, should only seek to distinguish themselves by a course of virtue. Soldiers of Jesus Christ are designed only to fight for His Glory, to maintain His worship, to love, reverence and preserve justice, to favour, support and defend such as are oppressed, without neglecting the duties of holy hospital service.
C. T.
EVANS , EsQ., C.M.G., Secretary-General THE LADY WEBB-JOHNSON
SeCl't: tar~.
J. F. C.
·(lmar~clI .
A . J. BOASE, ESQ. , O.B .E., F.R ;C.S. , L.R.C.P. , D .O.M .S. Sub::'Wlarben an~ Surgeon to tbe bospit:t[.
R:3sistant SlIr\l(ol\ to tbe bospitllL
DR. E . B. DOANY. M .D .(BEIRUT), D .O .
]prion: of ScotlanD 1T)OSPltl'lI It.:r SIR GORDON LETHEM, K.C.M.G.
for 1IUlR les
1bospl tn He t
Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Committee for 1957
Hospitaller of Bridgend
)priorr in Sontbern Bfrica 1bospitnller COLONEL L. O. SHEARER,
lPrior}? In lHcw
1bospltnller fOHN H. RHODES, E Q.
IDriOr}? tn <Ianaba 1bospita[(el' J. N.
lPrL'rr of tIJe australian (Iommonwealtb (erc[usilJe of 'U.1estern :Bu5tralia) 1bosPI tn [[e r BRIGADIER K. B. FRASER, C.B.E., E.D.
<Iommanber)1 ill 1I'(1lestern australia (witbin tbe iPrior}? of tbe :Bustralinll (tOIl1l1l0Ilwea[tb) 1bospitn [lel'
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their sixty-sixth annual report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. In general the work of the Hospital has gone well during the past year despite the administrative and medical difficulties in maintaining efficiency in a building representing the conversion of two old dwelling houses. Ind eed, not only has its efficiency been maintained but its activities have been increased; the number of patients seen has been greater than the prcviou year and the number of major operations has been almost doubled with the result that the waiting list for admissions has been reduced by more than half. In the past it has been distressing that we have be n unable (except in cases of surgical urgency) to render help to the blind without an undue delay, and it is now good that our efficiency ha been increa ed. It will be good when the modem facilities of our new hospital are available. Thi has been largely due to the enthusiasm and admini trative ability of our new Warden. It is also gratifying that from the political point of view things went very well indeed during 1957; the disturbances associated with the Suez crisis in the previous year, which of them-elves did not seriously embarrass the activities of the Order in Jordan, are entirely things of the past and our relations, officially and unofficially, with the Jordanians are of the happiest.
<IommanDer)1 of BrDs in lRortbern
1bospltn ller SIR DUDLEY. MCCORKELL, M.B.E., D.L.
<IommanDer)2 in (Ientral africa '(bospi ta [[ e l' EDWARD MILNE BAINBRIDGE WEST, ESQ., O.B.E.
The Committee report with deep regret the death of Sir Ernest Burdon, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., LL.D., Bailiff Grand Cross, Receiver-General from 19471955. He served on the Hospital Committee from June, 1948 until July, 1955. His wise counsel was always at the disposal of the Committee and his advice and great experience was invaluable, particularly during the transition period which the Hospital has been going through since the end of the Mandate in 1948 until the present day. There have been several changes amongst the members of the Hospital Committee. Due to her many commitments, the Countess of Scarbrough invited Lady Webb-Johnson to take her place on the Committee and to act as liaison between the Committee and the Linen Guild. Lieut.-Colonel
Sir ~bert Sterl?, K.B.E., C:M.G., after many years of service on the HospItal Committee, has retIred, as have Captain The Lord Teynham D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N. (Rtd.), Major H. B. Stallard, M.B.E., M.D.: F..R.C.S., and Mr. John Owston. The Hospitaller and the Committee Wish to thank them for t~eir help ~nd counsel in guiding the interests and welfare of the HospItal and ItS Staff durin a the difficult period t:> through which it has gone. Th~ Hospitaller and the Committee w~Icome Lord Evans of Merthyr Tydvll, G.C.V.O., M.D., F.R.C.P., SIr Arthur Porritt, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B.E., F.R.C.S., Professor Norman Ashton, M.R.C.S., M.~.C.P., The Hon. M. R. Bridgeman, C.B.E., Lieut.-Colonel J. W. ChItty, M.B.E., Dr. G. L. C. Colenso-Jones, B.Sc., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Mr. J. E. C;oom?er, and Dr. R. H. Scott, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., who joined the Co~mlttee III June, 1957. Each of these brings special knowledge and . attalllmen~s to the servIce of the Committee, some of them in a medIcal capacIty, others for their knowledae of re earch and others because of their experie?ce of the Middle East. Their help and advice !low that the con tructlOn of the new Hospital is in hand will be Illvaluable. HOSPITAL STAFF There have .bee!l several.changes in the Staff of the Hospital, the most notable of which IS the retIrement of Miss D. G. Wood as Matron. Miss Wood was appointed J:v1atron in September, 1951, and left the Hospital on 30th November thIs year. She has served the Hospital with great loyalty and devotion. DUling ber term of office Watson and Strathearn Houses we!e converted into. a temporary hospital and the plan of the New Hospltal-Resea~cb ~roJect came into. being. Miss Wood's help in both t~ese undertakIllgs IS deeply apprecIated by the Committee and they .wIsh her every success in the future. A new Matron ha not yet been appomted. . The Assistant Matron, Miss. Vanstone, who joined the Ho pital Staff III February, 1955, has ~lso resign~ and the Committee are very grateful to her for her help, partIcularly durmg the Matron's absence on sick leave. Sisters Oakley and Howes completed the~r appointments to the Nursing Staff at the end of Marc~ an~ .May resp~ctively. The Committee are very gratefu~ to them fO.r mamtamlllg ~he ~lgh standard of nursing and for e1:lhancmg the prestige of the HospItal 1ll Jerusalem and the Middle East. SIster 0: M ..Goodm~n and Sister ne~ ?ave taken. up their appointments as Nursmg Sisters. SIster lIes was ongmally appomted in 1954, but had to retu.rn to. England on account of ill-health in December, 1954. The Committee IS gl~d to know that she is fully recovered and is quite fit to resume her dutIes. They welcome her and Sister Goodman and wish them every success and happiness whilst at the Hospital in Jerusalem. The Com~ittee would like to congratulate Sister Howard, who served on the HospItal Staff from 1955-56, on her marriage to Mr. Weaver in 1957 and ar~ v~ry glad to know th~t she has settled down in Jerusalem where she WIll Qoubtless be of serVIce to the Hospital in the future. T~e Arab staff-nurses, orderlies and domestic-has, as usual, served the lllterests of ~e Order an.d of their patients with devotion; their harmony and effiCIency have gIven every cause for satisfaction
The influence of the recently appointed Warden is constantly being reflected in the increased efficiency of the Hospital; while the Sub-Warden, Dr. Budeiri, remains a pillar of strength to the whole organisation. Dr. Doany, the Assistant Surgeon to the Hospial, came to England in February, 1957, for three months' study leave. He has now returned to the Hospital after a profitable stay in this country. OFFICIAL VISIT The Ho pitaller's official tours of the Middle East in 1955 and in 1956 were in the nature of reconnaissance and planning to organise and coordinate the work of the New Hospital-Research Project in general and of the Research team in particular, together with planning the building of the Research Institute and preparing and discussing in detail with the architect the plans for the new Ophthalmic Hospital. In 1957, in view of the intere t taken by the various countries and states in the Middle East previously visited, and the very generous financial support given by some of them as well as the Oil Companies in the Middle East, the HospitaIler, accompanied by Lady Duke-Elder and the Secretary, visited Jordan and the Lebanon in March with a view to consolidating the position and to finalising all arrangements in connection with the actual construction of the new Ophthalmic Hospital, the post-graduate school for Arab doctors and the training school for Arab nurses. The tour proved to be both useful and interesting. The political situation in the later part of 1956 had become particularly strained and it was therefore of further importance for the Hospitaller to assess the political situation in Jordan in view of the fact that plans for the new project had reached a state when the commencement of construction was imminent. Their reception on arrival in Jordan was one of great friendliness and kindliness from the highest officials to the most humble citizen and it was quite obvious that the Order and its Hospital were held in very high esteem and were not considered in any political context. Whilst in Jerusalem the Hospitaller was received by the Governor and the Mayor, who were both anxious to help and facilitate the comm~ncement of building operations on the new Hospital in every way. The Supreme Moslem Council assured the Hospitaller not only of their deep appreciation of the work the Hospital had done in the past and was now doing, but also of the gratitude of the inhabitants of Jordan. The Greek and Latin Patriarchs expressed their appreciation of the work that the Order was doing in Jerusalem and the whole of Jordan. The new British ConsulGeneral who had only recently arrived in Jerusalem offered encouragement, with promises of every possible aid and also his advice. Dr. Stewart, the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, who had just retired, gave the Hospitaller every confidence with his encouragement to go forward with the scheme. The work at the Hospital itself was inspiring and g1ve deep satisfaction in every sense. Whilst in Jerusalem the Hospitaller held many conferences not only with the officials already mentioned, but with Dr. Ross-Smith, the Chief Medical Officer of V.N.R.W.A. in the area and with the Warden, Dr. A. J. Boase, O.B.E., the Architect, and the Municipal Engineer; these enabled him to give instructions for the final plans to be sent out for costaccounting and instructions were given to the Architect to comm",nce building the Warden's House and the Matron's and Sisters' Home as
soon as it was possible. In view of the fact that all final details and negotiations regarding the main building would not in all probability be completed until the autumn, it was decided not to commence the act~al construction of the new Hospital until the spring of 1958 when the ramy season had passed. On leaving Jerusalem the Hospitallcr and his party went to Amman where their reception wa no less genuine than in J eru alem although the visit was more restricted. The arrival coincided with the day that the British Government's Treaty with Jordan wa abrogated and the Jordan Government announced a three days' holiday which rendered it impossible to see the members of the Cabinet in their offices. Thanks, however, to His Excellency the British Ambassador, who gave a luncheon-party to which were invited the Prime Minister of Jordan and other prominent persons in Amman to meet the Hospitaller, and to H.E. the Iraqi Ambassador, who gave an evening reception for many member of the Jordan Government to meet the Hospitaller, it wa po ible to hold di cussions in connection with the Hospital in Jerusalem. The Prime Mini ter of Jordan invited the Hospitaller and Secretary to a dinner given in honour of H.M. King Hussein to which past and present member of the Cabinet and Parliament were invited a well as all the members of the Diplomatic Corps in Amman. These discussions confinned the Hospitaller's opinion that the project must proceed a oon as po ible. Whilst in Amman the Hospitaller had an audience with H.M. King Hussein, who presented him with the Star of Jordan (Fir t Class) in recognition of the great humanitarian work that wa being done by the Order in Jordan.
Meanwhile part of the Research Institute in Jerusalem has been leased to the Architect a his offices and the flats originally rented for the Re earch Team have been taken over by Dr. Ross-Smith, the Chief Medical Officer of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and by Mr. Simpson, the Architect who is building the new hospital.
THE NEW HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE As a result of the visit to the Middle East and the instructions given to the Architect, progress has been made with the building of the Warden's House and the Matron's and Si ters' Home. These should be completed and occupied by June, 1958, whilst it is hoped that the construction of the main building will be tarted by the end of March , 1958. The Research Team which was taken from Jordan just before the Suez crisis and transferred to Gambia is still working in that country and research is also continuing in the laboratories in London which are participating in this work at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University of London, and the Lister Institute. These researches are going well and show prospects of early results. At present our objective is to isolate and grow the virus which causes trachoma (the distressing disease which is responsible for most of the blindness in the Middle East); it is, of course, immaterial in which of the many countries where trachoma is prevalent this part of the research is conducted so long as the results are (if and when obtained) immediately made available in Jordan. The Medical R esearch Council and the Colonial Office have decided that insofar as the research work is progressing satisfactorily in Gambia it would be more economic to continue with it at its present phase in that country. It seems probable, however, that before our new Hospital is built we will once more require to open up our new laboratories in Jerusalem to exploit the results which are now emerging from the laboratories in Gambia and London.
THE OLD HOSPITAL BUILDINGS BETHLEHEM ROAD, JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) The situation remains the same as reported last year. THANKS The Committee would like to thank for their continued support all tho e who have again contributed to the Hospital-Research Project, and in particular those who have done so by means of Deed of Covenant. The Committee would also like to thank those who have financially supported the present Hospital in 1957. They are particularly grateful for the continued support of the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand and the Commandery of Ards. The Committee very much hope that the Priorie and Commandery will convey the Committee's personal thanks to all those who have 0 kindly subscribed. The Committee wishes to give special acknowledgement to the Preceptories of the Masonic Order of Knights Templars of England who have given most generously over the years. Once again this year the Ma onic Order of Knights Templars of England have given their unfailing financial support and the Committee offers the Masonic Order their grateful thank and deep appreciation. Another most valued benefactor is the Clothworkers' Company who have made a further valuable contribu tion for which the Committee would like to offer their sincerest thank and record their indebtedness. CONCLUSION The Committee wishes to express to the Warden, Dr. A. J. Boase, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., the Sub-Warden, Dr. Kh. Budeiri and the Assistant Surgeon to the Hospital, Dr. E. Doany, to the Matron and the nursing and dome tic staff of the Hospital their gratitude for loyal and devoted service during the past year. The Committee would like to record their very deep appreciation and sense of pleasure in the relationship between the British and Arab Staff which is what would be expected between medical colleague , and the general atmo phere of the Hospital which is one of calm and genuine friendship. Finally the Committee wishes to express its admiration of the unfailing loyalty of all at the Hospital and their efforts to enhance in every possible way the reputation of the Hospital, the pre tige of the Order and the usefulne s of the Hospital to the people of Jordan and neighbouring Arab States in the Middle East. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospital/er.
The influence of the marriage factor on the female puberty group, and o.f t~e labour ma~ket on t~e male adult group, is revealed. But the tragic slglllficance of thIS analYSIS is that less than a quarter of the cases are below the age of 7 years. It was possible to meet only one-third of the requests for operation.
A rather severe and prolonged winter and the uncertainties of th.e political situation marked the first half of the year. For the record be It said that snow fell heavily on 1st and 2nd of February to a measured depth of twelve inches; that the rains continued into . Ma~; that. a thunderstorm in June and a short sharp shower on St. SWlth~n spay m July were just as unexpected. The poli.tical dim.ate wa It~ewlse .~ot without its surprises, the most incommodmg of whIch was an ImmobilIzinG curfew that commenced to the accompaniment of an earth tremor on 24°th April and lasted with remission for sixteen dax . By. co~trast the second half of the year was singularly free of any dlsturbrng mfluence. Attendances. For the foregoing reasons the attendances during the first six months were the lowest for any year of the quinquennium 19531957, and those for the second, the highest. September with the record figure of 37,132, was much above the average. The tot~l for the year was 158,002, of which 31,631 were new cases. (Compara tlve figures for the quinquennium are shown in Tables I and ID· Operations. A steep rise in the number of operations is acco~nted for in part by an increase in the ?perating sessions, but I?os~ly by Improved team-work in the theatre leadlllg to greater economy III time. The charge orderly, Hassan Ibrahim, has been trained in the technique of local and retrobulbar anaesthesia and facial nerve block, so the surgeon can now pass from one case to the next without the delay formerly entailed by these procedures. Surgery. Table II shows the trend in surgery over the past ~ve years. For the last year it will be seen that lid operatlOns and pteryglUm , both normally out-patient procedures, account f<?r nearly half the t?tal of 2,671 major (or theatre) operations. InnovatlOns were the operat.IOns.of dacryocystorhinostomy, corneal grafting, and myectomy. of the wfenor oblique muscles. There has been rather an embarrassmg demand for plastic surgery involving lid-re~onstruction: Tersely entered as Wolfe grafts in the Returns these tedIOUS operatIOns may take two or more hours for a single case. Cataracts exceeded last year's figure by more than a hundred. This is due to some extent to the fact that where feasible both eyes are operated upon at the same session, thus reducing demand on our beds. Squint remains a major problem. The demand for surgery is such that where the patient can find accommodation nearby he is operated on as an out-patient. In 435 cases where the primaIY complaint was the squint the age and sex distribution were:Age in year 0-7 Male
over 21
204 231 435
11 '
Admisslr;Jns. The speed-up in the operating theatre has led to a quicker turn-over III the wards. Thus the admissions at 1,141 were 221 more than last year. The Matr?n. After six years as matron, during the last of which her health had given some cause for anxiety, Miss Wood resigned at the end of Novem~er. It is to her credit that the present temporary hospital is wel.l organ!zed and runs smoothly. She is greatly missed by staff and patients altke. The establi hment of Sisters was below strength for the greater part of the year. Miss Oakley and Miss Howe left at the end of March and May respectively, and Miss Goodman arrived on 8th June. Miss TIes who was with us in 1955 for a few months rejoined the staff o~ December 29th. Dr. Doany went to England in February for three months study leave. . The ~osI?ital1er, acc<?I?panied by Lady Duke-Elder and Major Underhill, paId hiS annual VlSIt of inspection during March. Despite a heavy prog.ramme of engagements he found time to present a Certificate of Ment to Hassan Abu Teen, who had completed nine years service as an orderly, and to address the assembled staff. The staff were Gratified to learn that Hi Majesty King Hussein had invested Sir Stewart with the highest honour in the State of Jordan. In addi~ion to the many who attended the reception on St. John's Day t~e followrng were among those who visited the hospital during the year: B~shop Ste~vart (P.P.C.), Archbishop and Mrs. MacInnes, General Gtannantolll of the Knights of Malta, Professor and Mrs. Franceschetti, H.E. the. Danish Ambassador to Egypt and Mrs. Holten-Eggert, Dr. MackenZie-Pollock of V.N.R.W.A., and Mr. Delapenha from Jamaica.
(Signed) A. J . BOASE, Warden. 8th February, 1958.
New Cases Total Attendances Admissions Major Operations Minor Operations Total Operations Theatre Sessions
1953 30,135 165,150 731 1,096 1,314 2,410 160
1957 31,631 158,002 1.141 2671 546 3,217 245
1956 31,353 133,537
1955 32,801 158,745 945 1,277 869 2,146 174
1954 31,238 161 ,401 838 1,062 1,505 2,567 159
R esearch /n stitl/t e.
no 1,341 636 1,977 210
Lids and Adnexa Sneller's operation Tarsectomy Lid grafts Skin (Wolfe) grafts Ocular muscles Horizontal adjustments Myectomy (Inf. Oblique) Globe Evisceration Enucleation Conjunctiva Pterygium
158 786
82 24 5
Lens Intracapsular extraction Extracapsular extraction Capsulotomy-Discission Glaucoma Fistulization Iris-Inclusion Retina Diathermy Scleral resection Miscellaneous TOTAL ...
149 9
50 21
36 14
38 21
31 40
Cornea Tattooing Corneal graft (penetrating) Iris Optical iridectomy Abscission of prolapse
27 17
49 15
41 14
21 11
27 15
67 188 88
67 142 60
95 172
126 165 25
231 177 32
12 57
3 2
15 189
13 333
Research Instit/lft'.
CorllC'r oj Lo/Joralon' ill R e,\('{/rch 1lI,lfilltle .
Gilt Palients' D eportm ent, Watson and Strathearn Hous e.
ViC'\\' oj Wordell '.1 H OI/,H' aerO.I.1 lie II ' Ho .lpita/ life.
Viell ' oj
isters' HOlli e.
Co JU CTlVA Conjunctivitis including trachoma .10,508 75 Phlyctenular Disease 97 Pinguecula 1,459 Pterygium 43 Symblepharon 99 Injury 324 Other conditions
EYE LIDS Trichiasi and Entropion Ectropion Ecchymosis Bleph a ritis Ptosi Hordeolum ha la zion Ab cc Cellulitis Tumour Injuries Other Di ea e of the lids
-, Z
P.'l >.:;
« r0.. U)
0 I
" "
-:2 ..J
« :r: r-
CORNEA Ulcer Pannus ebula or Leucoma Adherent Leucoma Opaque ornea Xerosi Staphyloma and Ectasia Keratitis Injury Other orneal conditions .
W U)
LIMBUS Phlycten Tumours Foreign Body
0 ex: 0..
i r;l ~.-~ ~ifo':""~
"' .•
2,823 67 74 1,041 35 930 327 53 45 131 114 522
699 521 5,834 1,797 218 41 270 270 533 18
LENS Cataract Aphakia Dislocated lens Subluxated lens RETI A Retinopathies Degenerations Haemorrhage and Vascular Occlusions Detachment Tumours Injury VITREOUS Opacities Haemorrhage
32 44 29 2,660 674 42 15 67 60 30 45
43 9
GLOBE Shrunken Anophthalmos Panophthalmitis Injuries Proptosis Sympathetic Opthalmitis Other conditions
521 271 37 19 8 5 52
ORBIT Tumour Cellulitis Injury
4 4 1
SCLERA General Anterior Staphyloma Episcleri ti Injury
109 42 10
IRIS I ritis and Irido-Cyclitis Injury and Prolapse of Iris Other condition
281 40 22
CHOROID Choroid is Degeneration
OPTIC NERVE Neuritis Atrophy O~her conditions
27 41
Dacryocystitis Epiphora MUSCLE CONDITIONS Strabismus Nystagmus Bu D ONE EYE . Bu
CAUSES OF Bu DNESS (a) Corneal Opacities (b) Secondary Glaucoma (c) Shrunken Globe (d) Fundal Conditions. (e) Glaucoma (f) Cataract (g) Injury
2,021 10 849 ]Cl7 1.121 435 218 163 521 999 352 236 102
GRAND PRIORY Ann , Captai n H. T. . . . Archer, Lieut.-Colonel G . L. , T.D . Bermuda, Bishop of Bilton, Mrs. E. J . . . Brandling Preceptory No. 239 . Browne, Brigadier J . G ., C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O . cCadbury, Mrs. W. A. . . . Catt, Colonel P . H. . . . Cecil , Comma nder The Hon. Henry, O .B.E., R .N . Clot~workers. Worshipful Company of cCodnngton, Colonel J. A. ... Commandery of Ards, Order of St. John Crawford Rose Croix Chapter. . Dalton , Brigadier C. J. G ., C .B.E. D alton, Mrs. J. C. Ft?rguson, J. S. . . . . Gtllett, Major Sir Sydney H ., M.C. Grantham, W. Ivor, O .B.E. . Haberdashers Trust . . cHall,. Rear Admiral Sir Arthur, K .B.·E ., C.B. Hams, Captain The Lord , M.e. . Howard de Walden and Seaford The Lady, C.B.E. Keith Roach, P. B. . . : Leather, Miss V. M. , M.B.E. May, Major F. , M.B.E. , T.D. Morrison , Commander E. A ., R .N . Morrison, N. G.. . . Norton, Mrs. J . J. , M.B.E. . . Nott~ngham, County of, S.J.A.B., ·No. 6 N.C.B. Corp~ NottIngham Ambulance and Nursing Divisions Onward and Invicta Lodge . . Parnham, H. W . Patr!ck, Sir Paui, K.C.I.E.,· c.s.i. cPernns, C. W. Dyson Pr~tt, Eldon , M .D., M.R.C.S. : Pnory ~or Wales, Order of St. John . Prov~nc~ al Pri.ory of India and Pakistan Prov.lllcIaI Pnory of Northamptonshire, H~ntingdon~ shIre and Bedfordshire Royal Marine Benevolent I~stitute . Stewart, Miss R . . cVerey, Colonel H. E., D.S.a. cWalker, Miss A . M. , M.B.E. . cWebb-Johnson, Colonel The Lord G·.c.v.a., C.B.E. D.S .O. '
Subscriptiolls .£ s. d . 1
1 1
1 1
Donalions .£ s.
0 0 0 0 5
:? 2 0 8 13 11 1 1 0 1 1 0 14
9 71 3 10 10 10 0 0 0
I 5
I 5
0 0
2 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 1 0 0 I 1 0 0 I
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 21 :? 2 2. 1 1 18 5 2 2
1 14 3 13
9 0 2
0 0 0
0 0 3 0 50 0 10 10
0 0
6 11 10 10 1 1
6 0 0
9 ]
.£393 15 10
Note:- The letter "c" indi~ates that th.e Subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enablIng the HospItal to reclaim the relative income tax.
cAberdeen, Th e Most Hon . The M a rquis of, O .B.E. , K.SU ., H.M.L. , LL.D ., J .P. . . . . . . . . cBa lfour PauL Lt.-Col. J . W ., D.S.O. , O .SU., V.D .. D .L. cBarclay-H arvey of D innett, Sir M alcolm , K .e. M.G., K .SU. c Brov. n, Mrs. Jane P. H. Graha m, O.SU. . cBrow n, R . G. A ., O .SU., C.A. . . . . . cCowie. Thomas P., O .B.E., O .SU. cCruiks hank, Colonel M. M. , e.LE., O.SU. , B.Sc., M.D ., F.R .C.S. (late 1. 1.S.) . . . . . . . cGra nt-Suttie, Colonel H. F., C.B.E., D.S.O. , M .C., C.SU. cForrest- Hami lton. Ma jor John , K .SU., M .D . . cfnvercl yde, The Rt. H o n. Th e Lord , K .SU. , D.L. Lethem, Sir Gordon, K.e.M .G ., K .SU. . cLindsay, The Rt. H o n. The E a rl of, K .SU. MacDonell, James. O .SU. . . . . . cMacKenz.ie, Colonel Eric D ., C.M.G., D .S.n. , O .SU. c 1acK enzie. Ivy. .SU ., M.D., B. c., F.R.F.P.S. . . 1ackie, Profc or J . D ., C.B.E. M .C., K.SU. , M.A., LL.D. Manclark. Norman M., O.SU. cM itchell, D r. J . P ., e. B.E .. C.SU. . . Murray. ir Andrew, O .B.E., K .SU., LL.D ., J.P . cMurra), Lieul.- olonel R . L. T ., O .St. J. . Pettigrew, Miss A . H., S.S.SU. . . cPirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, C.H.C., O .B.E., D .S.C., G.e.SU., F.S.A. cRo c, Lieut.- olonel 1. C. S ., O.SU. Ros, 1r. & Mrs. J. A. . c cott, Mr . Agnes B., S.S.SU. eScott. 1ichael, O . U., M.A. c impson. R obcrt G., O.SU., e.A. c tark. Mrs. 1. J.. . .S U . . . . . c wapp. George. O.SU .. D.C.M., M .M .. M .B. . . . cTurnbu l1. Licut- o lonel Sir Hugh S., K.C.V .O ., K .B.E., K.SU. cYou ng, olone l Alexander G .. D .S.O ., C.SU., T.D. , D.L. . Aberdeen ommittee of the Order .., Edinburgh ommittee of the Order Glasgow Commi ttee of the Order
3 13
1 1 16 6 1 16 6 300 397 3 13 1
3 9 7 1 14 9 1 14 9 1 16 6 220 8 13 11 3 3 0 397 1 16 6 1 1 0 220 1 14 9 500 1 16 6 110 3 13 1 3 3 0 200 18 3 8 13 11 3 13 1
18 3 1 14 9 3 13 1 5 5 0 5 5 0 550 £107 11
Nole:-The 1 tter "c" indicates that the Subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant. thus ena bling the Hospital to reclaim the relative income tax.
Appleton. Miss E. M. . Bowen, Commander R. G. Campbell, Alan J. . Chapman, Colonel James A. Fraser, Brigadier K. B. . Hart, Dr. D. . . . . . HospitaUer's Club, New South Wales Hospitaller's Club , South Australia Murphy, Dr. Ellis. . . . . No.3 Corps St. John Ambulance, Victoria Order of St. John , South Au tralia . St. John Ambulance Association, Victori a . . Sydney Church of England Grammar School for Girl
s. 0 4 0 0 6 2 0 15 3 1 10 1 2
d. 0 0
124 4 '25 5
0 3
£98 18
6 2 50 15 3 1 10 1 2
Linen Guild
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
'Ul ice:::<!ba i r mzt 11:
IDepnt}? <!bairmal1:
<!omllllttee: D educt: Loss on Exch ange
PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND Auckland District. . . . . . Canterbury and West Coast District . . Collection at Investiture and Keith Memorial Service, Church, Wellington: June 1956 June 1957 Hawkes Bay, E ast Coast District Manawatu District Nystram, Miss M. . Otago District Reid, Mrs. A. . South Auckland District Southland District . Taranaki District . Wanganui District . Warburton, Miss C. E. Wellington District . Dedllct : Loss on Exchange
t. Andrew'
£ d. 59 10 10 66 8 4 59 50 2 6 1 44 2 69 11 20 24 3 32
0 1 11 3 0 15 0 18 6 18 4 3 1
5 3 3 0 0 1 0 6 2
6 10 6 4
453 3 0 4 10 0 £448 13
Secretllr2: MAJOR
J. F.
1956. The Committee report with deep regret the death of the Hon. Mrs. Copland-Griffiths, Dame of Ju tice. Mrs. Copland-Griffiths whilst holding the appointment of Superintendent-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas from 1939- 1950 combined her many duties with being a member of the Linen Guild Committee from 1946 until she died during the current year. She always took an immense interest in the work of the hospital and was a regular attendant at the Committee meetings until her long illness prevented her from being in London. The Committee was very sorry when Matron, Miss Wood, resigned, and look forward to meeting the new Matron when she is appointed, before she goes out to Jerusalem. In view of the policy adopted by the Committee during 1956 as a result of the plans for the new Hospital and Research Institute, the Committee was reorganised and the number of members was increased to sixteen, and the Dowager Lady Bessborough and Lady Freyberg undertook to represent the Priories in Canada and New Zealand respectively and provide most valuable links with the Linen Guilds of both these overseas Priories. As part of the general reorganisation of the Linen Guild the Committee considered it necessary to co-ordinate all the Matron's requirements purchased in England and the linen and clothing which was sent both by New Zealand and Canada. It was decided to appoint a Secretary of the Linen R oom and the Committee are indeed most grateful to Lady Loraine for undertaking this task. Lady Webb-Johnson has been ap-
pointed the Linen Guild representative on the Hospital Committee and the Linen Guild are very grateful to her for undertaking to act as liaison between both Committees. Finally, the Committee decided that in view of the extra commitments involved as a result of the new hospital, additional fund would be required and the income of the Committee should be increa ed. It was agreed that an appeal should be made by the Chairman to the St. John Councils in England and, where there was no Council, the appeal should be sent to the County President of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Forty-three Counties have been approached, many of whom have generously responded, and at the time of going to pre s the total had reached £223 8s. Od. Subscriptions and donations thi year have risen by £43 more than last year, and to those who have so kindly given financial support the Committee is very grateful. The Committee, however, reali e that the annual income of the Linen Guild is still not yet ufIicient to meet all the needs of the hospital and they are con idcring way ~nd means to raise sufficient fund to keep the hospital fully tocked with linen and clothing. The Committee would like to offer its sincere thanks to the Linen Guilds in New Zealand and Canada for not only their gift of clothing and toys for the children at the hospital but al 0 for their continued financial support. It is hoped that in due course the ladies of the Order in other Priories overseas will find it possible to form Linen Guild in their own Priories and thereby help to co-operate with the exi ling Linen Guilds to supply the needs of the new hospital in Jeru alem 0 that in time the Linen Guilds of the Order may undertake to relieve the Hospital Committee of the responsibility for the provision of linen and clothing for the patients at the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jeru alem .
VICE-PRESfDENTS Beachcroft, Mrs. J. . . Beauchamp. Countess, M.B.E. . c Bessborough. Dowager Countess of Bessemer. Mr . J. C. B. . . . cBolitho, Sir Edward, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O. Brabourne, Doreen Lady C.r. c Bridgland. Mrs. K. D. . Byrne, Mi s V . J., O.B.E. Cadbury. Mrs. W. A . . Crawford, Mrs. M. C romer. Ruby Countess of . Dawson oE Penn, Viscountess, O.B.E. Duke-Elder, Lady . " French. Lady Essex, O.B.E. . r Freyberg , Lady, G. B. E. Gamage, Hon. Mrs. Leslie . cGraEton, Dowager Duchess of Graham, Mrs. M. B. . . Halifax, Countess oE. C.r., D . . V.O. Hayes, Miss A. C. G.. . James, Lady Serena . Kemsley, Viscountess, O.B.E. Lechmere, Mrs. C . M. . . Lilley, Mrs. V. . . L indsay. Countess of . . cLloyd , Dowager Lady. Lowry-Corry, Lady Margaret Luttrell. Mrs. G. F. Lyle, Mrs. Keith Lythall , Miss A. E. . . Malcolm, Lady, M.B.E. . . . . cMountbatten of Burma, Countess, C.r.. G.B.E., D.C.V.O. Nunburnholme, Dowager Lady. Overend, Miss L. . . Perowne, Hon. Lady Pirie-Gordon, Mr. H. Plender, Lady Porritt, Lady . . Rice, Hon. Mrs. Talbot Sca.rbrough, Countess of . Smith, Miss H. M., A.R.R.C. cSouthwell, Mrs. M. B. . . S~aythling , Dowager Lady, O.B.E. rTildsley, Hon. Mrs. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D. Vernon, Mrs. Robert rV ickers, Mrs. E. M. . cWalker, Miss A. M., M.B.E. W~itaker, Hon. Mrs. . Wills, Lady (the late)
£ s. d.
110 3 3 0 397
330 1 6 1 3 0 0 550
110 300 220
110 110 544 110
3 13 1 1 1 0 21 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 100 1 1 0 15 15 0
110 5 5 0 2
8 8
1 1 0 110 1 1 0 1 1 0
500 17 7 10 110 110 1 1 0 1 1 0
330 3 3 0 110 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 13 1 1 1 0 1 16 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 16 6 1 16 6 1
110 £153 17
s. d. 10 0 10 0 17 5 10 0
Heald, Lady Lascelles Mrs. Edward eScott, Mrs. C. E. M. Wollaston, Lady £2 HONORARY MEMBERS Gaskell, Howard Watson, Weaver,
Lady Constance Milnes-, C.Y.O. . de Walden and Seaford, Lady, C.B.E. Mrs. D . B., O.B.E. Mrs.
£ s. d. 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 6 £2 10
DONATIONS St. John Council for Buckinghamshire St. John Council for Hampshire St. John Council for Sussex St. John Ambulance Brigade, Lincolnshire. St. John Ambulance Brigade, Gloucestershire (Benevolent and . . . . . . Welfare Fund) Aubrey-Fletcher, Bart., Sir H., D .S.O., M.V.O. Beaufort, Duke of, K.G. , P.C., G.C.V.O. Dower, Colonel Alan, T.D. . . . . . Fairhaven, Lord . Fortescue, Earl, K.G., P.C., C.B., O.B.E., M.e. Knight, Captain W. C., M.B.E. ( an. ' 150) Labatt, Mrs. John Lawson, Lord, P.C. Shaftesbury, Earl of, K.P., P.e., G.C.V.O., C.B.E. o
s. d . £ 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 5 1
1 1 2 1 1 58 2 2
0 1
0 0
1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 13 11 0 0 2 0
£115 12 11
Total-£274 8s. Od. Note:-The letter "e" indicates that the Subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enabling the Linen Guild to reclaim the relative income tax.
Printed by The Swindon Press Ltd., 100 Victoria Road, Swindon. Wilts.
Ube a;rallb IPrI or)? 111 ~be :16rttisb 1Realm l'f tbe .Most \Venerable ®rber of tbe 1bo~piUIl of St. JOb11 of Jerusal em
Ube St. 30hn Eilnbulnnce :tlSBOciation lPa trOll : HER MAJ ESTY THE QUEE
(Sovereign Head of the Order)
(Grand Prior of the Order) IDlrcctor==(i;el1era( : HORACE
PARSHALL, ESQ. , T.D., M.A., (OXO .)
IPrtl1Cipn l .tJDeul cn l @fficer: A. C.
JDcput\] IDlrcctort'==a;el1ent( LIEUT.-COLONEL E. C. CROFf. MAJOR:G E ERAL W. E. Ty DALL, C.B., C.B.E., M.C., M. B., D.P.H. IDeput)? If)rtl1clpn( ,M ,. :blcn( ®ffker: J . S. M cL! TOCK, ESQ., M.B., CH.B., D.P.H.
BSsIstallt IDircctor==fficlIern(: D. C. MACLEAN, ESQ.
Secret~H\] : 1. E. F. GUERlTZ, M.A. (OXO .)
nnb T:\ccOlllltnllt:
D. B. R.
:association (Iommittee
Ul)n i rnUlll ;
T.D., M.A., COXO I ).
U IT, S.J.A.B.
1Romimlteb IJ}2 tl)e IDirector::=(1;cner;1[: A. B. BADGER, ESQ., PH.D. R. BRAMLEy-HARKER, ESQ.
F. L.
The year 1957 has been a record for peace-time. Over 150,000 men, women and children have been examined in England by the Association . Classes have increased by over 400, certificates by nearly 4,000, and reexaminations by over 6,500. The figure of over 89,600 certificates in England alone compares with the previous record of 87,500 in 1952 which included certificates gained in Northern Ireland, no longer included in this total. These results are an indication of the increasing value which is placed on First Aid both in industry and in agriculture, and the very valuable work which our County Directors and Centres are doing in bringing the need for First Aid training to the attention of employers as well as to the general pUblic. It is with sincere appreciation that the Association gives thanks to the Commissioner-in-Chief and members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade for the very valued and continued help which they give to the Association in connection with its classes. ASSOCIA TIO
The new triennial period started in June, and there were very considerable changes in the composition of the Committee. We are very grateful to tho e who served and we welcome the new members who have taken office. The scope of the Committee was considera.bly increased and we are very glad to have Surgeon Vice-Admiral Sir R. C. May, Lieut.-General Sir Alexander Drummond and Air Marshal Sir P. B. Lee Potter representing the Medical Services of the Armed Forces, Mr. R. BramleyHarker Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories, and Dr. J. A. L. Vaughan J ones of the British Medical Association. The Committee can now be considered as increasingly representative of the many spheres of the Association's activities. A further strengthening was the addition of four Association County Director whose advice will be extremely valuable in presenting the views of county organisations and keeping us informed of problems experienced by County Committees. The Committee met, as usual, quarterly and we express our gratitude to the members for giving us their time and for their most valuable assistance. It has been a busy year, particularly in connection with the preparation of the new joint manuals.
lRepresentillg Suborblllate ..l!%tablisbments ot tbe ®rber: THE HON. JOHN BRUCE, C.B.E., Priory for Wales Brigadier J.
CALWELL, C.B.E., M.V.O., Commandery of Ards
Major-Gen.eral W. E. Tyndall, C.B.; C.B.E., M.C., M.B., D.P.H., very kindly agreed to undertake the duties of Deputy Director-General so that we are now fortunate in having two officers of this grade. General Tyndall has given special attention to the preparation of the First Aid Manual and our organisation in the counties. Mr. D. C. Maclean has been appointed Assistant Director-General with special responsibilities for expanding our activities in agriculture~
We are most grateful to Mr. Maclean for under~aking. this work. and already through his activities w~ have forme~ close lInks \'llth the NatlOnal . Farmers' Union and other Agncultural bodIes. Dr. J. S. McLintock, of the National Coal J:loard. has been appomted to the vacant office of Deputy Principal MedIcal Offi~er, and we much appreciate the assistance which he has been able to gIve u . The Association now has 17 County Directo~s and we great~y value their help. As a result of the activities of the .DIrector~ and theIr C~m rnittees we have been able to expand very consIderably I~ many count~es. We have to report the retirement of C~lonel Macp~aIl .of Lancashire, Mr. Tennant of Kent, and Sir Rona~d Wmgate of WIltshIre: We tha!lk them all for what they did while holdmg office, and very speCIal a~p.recI~ tion is due to Colonel Macphail, who for so mar:y ~ear . was untlr~ng 10 his campaign to establish the Associati~n's orga01~atlOn 10 Lancashire on a firm and wide basis. The results which he achieved can be een f~om the number of Centres formed, the .ucces.s ~f th.e Rur~l Repre. entatlve Scheme and in endle sways refiect1l1g hIS 10 plred dIrector hlp . ASSOCIATIO
Our campaign for First Aid instruc~ion for the Awiculturai community has received great impetus from the Issue of regulatIOns made under the Agriculture (Safety, Health and Welfar~ Provi i~n~) Act, 195~, and our representatives attended a conference wIth the M1llI~try of ~gnculture at which members of many organisations connected wIth. the 10du try were present. This was very valuaole in enabling u to estabh h furt.her conta~t and to make known the facilities which we can offer. SpeCIal fl.r t aId boxes for use on farms have been prepared in accordance WIth the Ministry's regulations and are available from the Stores Departme!lt. Co-operation in the cou?ties has .been freely. ecured from. ~he NatIOnal Farmers' Union the NatIOnal UnIOn of Agricultural Workers and the National Feder~tion of Young Farmers' Clubs. In many areas. these organisations will be represented on ou~ Centre or County CommIttee . Classes are being run for farm workers 10 several places. . In industry the Association continues to offer valuable s~rvice and .we maintain close touch with the Ministry of Labour and ~atIOnal SerVIce. The Ministry held conferences during the. year to consIder how best to bring the value of First Aid to the attentIOn of empl~yers an.d to make them aware of the services available to. th~m for th~ mst~·uctlon ~f employees. The discussi~:)I~.s are still contmumg on thIS P01ll.t and 10 the meantime we are obtaInmg local support from H:M. Factory ~nspectors. The new Occupational First Aid Course was maugu.rated m January 1957, at a special meeting at St. John's Gate at which th~ ~t. John Ambulance Association, the St. Andrew's Ambulance AssocIatIOn and the British Red Cross Society were joint hos~s. We we~e greatly honoure.d to have the Minister of Labour and NatIOI~al SerVIce prese~t on thIS occasion and to have him address the gathenng of repres.entatIv~s of ~ll branches of industry. The course, based on the OccupatIOnal FIrst AId Manual, has met with considerable interest and there have been an encouraging number of classes. We have also introduced a Course for Lay ~emonstrators. The purpose of this is to enable as many p~ople as p.ossIble to learn how to demonstrate and so assist the professIOnal medIcal lecturer as well as
instruct at preliminary courses. The St. John Ambulance Brigade have adopted this certificate in place of their existing certificates, "First Aid Instructor" and "Methods of Teaching." The Lay Demonstrator's Certificate has a life of three years and holders are expected to keep their knowledge up to date. It is hoped that ultimately we will be able to establish a recognised standard for Demonstrators so that class secretaries and organisers of courses will have every assurance of the best possible teaching. A the result of a recommendation by the Medical Whitley Council, the fee for lectures given by medical practitioners for courses organised by local authorities was increased to £2 2s. Od. per lecture. After discu sions with the British Medical Association and the other societies, it was reali ed that we must adopt the same scale. For some time past it has been considered that the Association should ha ve a Director for London who would co-ordinate our activities throughout the Metropolitan Police District. Group-Captain N. M. Heath has undertaken this work and we are grateful for all he has done so far. It was decided to divide the district into six areas which would coincide with tho e of No. 1 District, St. John Ambulance Brigade, and Committees have already been formed in the West and North, with a Centre in the City of London. We are very fortunate in the case of the latter that the Lord Mayor for the time being has agreed to be President and the Lady Mayore for the time being to be Vice-President. In the counties the position is continually improving. The County Director for Warwick hire has been very succes ful in his scheme for the e tabli hment of Centres throughout the county and we now have new Centres for Leamington and Warwick, Rugby and Nuneaton. Gloucesterhire al 0 has been reorganised and a new Centre formed to cover the whole county excluding the areas dealt with by the Cheltenham and Glouce ter Centres. The County Director has the support of a number of enthusiastic deputies and ha organi ed a very comprehensive programme of c1asse covering the rural areas. In this work he has received very material assistance from the Police and Civil Defence Authorities. In addition his approach to land owners in respect of First Aid for agricultural workers has been very successful. In Sussex the established Centres have proved their value and the work done by the County Director and his Committee has shown that the Association can offer a very important service in expanding the scope of the Order's activities through the very happy co-operation of the Association and Brigade working in their own spheres, as well as helping each other on all possible occasions. In Lancashire new Centres have been formed in Bolton and in Ulverston, and the new County Director has the assistance of deputies who give particular attention to special areas and aspects of our work. The Rural Representatives Scheme is now well e tahlished and has proved a most effective way of bringing help to the pUblic. In Dorset the County Director has been successful in his approaches to agriculture and has enlisted the very valuable assistance of the District Nurses' Association. In Devon the County Director was able to bring the activities of the Association to the attention of a large Conference organised by the Young Farmers' Clubs. Throughout the country, therefore, where we have County Directors
there is steady progress and we are continually seekin~ ne~ County Directors for the counties where we are not represented m thIS way. Our relations with the Armed Forces continue to be extremely happy and we are most grateful for the assistance which we have re.ceived <?n. so many occasions. The Courses organised at Crookham, the FIeld Trammg Centre R.A.M.C. , and the Q.A.R.A.N.C. Prelimina~y Tra.ining Centre, have proved increasingly popular and successful. ~Irst Ald. cl~ss~s are run by a large number of units of the Army.and theIr scope. I md~~ated by the fact that the candidates in on~ of thes~ mc1u~ed Chaplal~s, MIlItary Police and members of the Army FIre ServIce. It IS encouragmg that the value of an Association First Aid certificate to men in the services is appreciated in this way and that it is realised how useful it can be to them when they are demobilised. Our thanks are due to all those who, as members of our Centre Committees or as class secretaries or as organisers in nationalised industrie have so wholeheartedly co-operated with us in I?aking ~irs.t Aid t~aining available to as large a number of people as possIble and m Improvmg the standard of service which we wish to give.
Preliminary Child Welfare lex~book. -Work ~tarted on the preparation of new text an? we are weatly mdebted to MISS B. R. Keene, Assistant Health EducatIOn Orga.lllser of the Buckinghamshire County Council , who has undertaken thIS work for us. This book will also consist of many illustration s and a short text.
Joint First Aid Manual.-Work ha continued on this book and a Committee consisting of representatives of the . S~. John Ambul~~ce Association, the St. Andrew's Ambulance ASSOCIatIOn and the Bnt~ sh Red Cross Society have considered many drafts of the text. All major points of technique have been agreed and illustrations approved. Dr. L. S. Potter, of the British Medical Association, very generou ly undertook the work of editorship and has given many hours of hard work to the preparation of the material for the printers. Our thanks are du~ to our own medical advisers as well as to all those members of the medIcal profession who have assisted by comments and suggestion . Joint Nursing Manual.-As for the First Aid book a Joint Committee consisting of representatives of the. three Socie~ies has considered and approved the final text. IllustratIOns are bemg prepare.d and will be ready early in 1958. In this case the work of preparatIOn lS in the hands of the British Red Cross Society and our thanks are due to Miss Gravelius for the text and for undertaking the work of editorship. Illustrated Preliminary First Aid Manual. - Work on this book is held up until the text and illustrations ~or the Adu~t ~anual ar~ agreed. Every effort will be made to press on WIth the publicatIOn of thIS much needed preliminary book for use at home and overseas. Preliminary Nursing Manual.-This will have to be prepared in 1958 based upon the new Adult manual and will consist very largely of pictures with the minimum of text. First Aid in Coal Mines.-This book has received favourable welcome and is being used both in this country and overseas. It is interesting to note that the coal mines in Nigeria have found it useful. Adult Child Welfare textbook.-This book was issued. in 1957 an.d received a warm welcome. We are very grateful to Dr. HIlda M. DaVIS for all she did in preparing it for publication.
We received from India a Gurkhali translation of " First Aid to the Injured." Thi s j an interesting example of the international nature of the As ociation's influence, since the book was translated in India at the request of the Technical Co-operative Administration of the United States .and wa ultimately published. in Nepal for use in that country. There 1 no doubt that the book WIll be of great value since schemes are b"ing orga ni sed for training health workers in rural ' areas who will need a kno wledge of Fir t Aid. We also received a translation of the First Aid textbook in Kannada. ASSO CIATION OVERSEAS ~YEST
A FRICA The po ition in We t Africa is encouraging and the work of the Order's Organi se r in Ni ge ria and Ghan a is showing excellent results over a wide fi eld. In igeria ci a - e have been organised for the Coal Mines and a number of Jay lecturer have already been trained. Those who have attended the cour e in lude medical orderlies, mining attendants, safety and welfare o ~ce r a well a ?thers, and already the benefits of having efficient First ~d e rs are becon:un~ apparent. The Ports Authority has adopted First AId rno t enthusla tIcally and a Trophy for competition was presented by. Mrs. ~ . A. Dove, the wife of the Chairman. Many employees are b ~ mg tramed . An approach to the Amalgamated Tin Mines has met WIth a warm weJcom.e and there a~'e great hopes of considerable development ~l~re. The PolIce have contll1ued and intensified their programme ?f tra~l1In g and large numbers from all over the country have attended mtensIv.e cour es of one month' duration to qualify as lay lecturers. The R~Ilway . are ~ f~rther s.ource of staunch support and their employees are ?~mg traI~ed. In lI1c~ea smg numbers with potential lay lecturers also receIvmg speCIal InstructIOn. The range of interest is a token of the valuenow bei~g placed upon ~irst Ai? and ~e ar.e indeed fortunate in having the backmg of so many mfluentlal offiCIals m the various organisations. Our warmest thank ar~ du~ to .them for their support and co-operation. ~ ~urther cau se ?f gratl.ficatIOn. IS t.he large. number of lay lecturers being tl~med and pas ~lI1~ theIr exammatIOn. ThIS means that the organi. ation Will have at theIr dIsposal a cadre of instruction amongst their own staff so th~t. they ca? .becon~e ever increasingly self-supporting in the matter of trammg. ThIS IS the Ideal pattern and congratulation are due to those who b~ought about .this result. Thanks are also due to the lay lecturers who WIll make pOSSIble the continued expansion of our work in Nigeria. In Ghana ~he. change in status of this country has not affected the work of ~he. ASSOCIatIOn and .warm support has been given by the Government. ThI~ IS most encouraglllg and we ~re very grateful for this help. The Pol!ce h~ve throu!?h~)Ut been the n;tams.tay aI?d, in addition to continuing theIr polIcy of trammg personnel m First AId they have given practical
and material assistance. The Association lost a staunch friend through the death of the Inspector-General, Mr. M. K. N. Collens, C.~.G., w~o will be greatly missed. The Association were able to play theIr part In the Independence Celebrati.o~s and train.ed men and wo~nen were on du~y at First Aid Posts, thus gIVIng a practical demonstratIOn of the publIc service which we can offer. . . The Gold Mines have taken a continually increasing interest In FIrst Aid and support has been given at all levels as well as by the London Office. As a result, classes are now being held regularly and lay lecturers are being trained. There is va t scope here and we are gratefu.l to all those who give up their time to organising cla ses and developIng our work. . h Other departments and organisation. are beginni.n~ to apprecIate t e value of First Aid and amongst them I the Electncity Department for whom classes have been organised. . ' In Sierra Leone the Police and Prisons have contInued to g~ve u ~~c~l lent support and many men have been trained. Amongst ou~ Ide actlv1tle') have been duties during Health Sunday ~nd ~n H.M. ~lfthday Cel~ brations. First Aid was also rendered dunng riots and dl tur~ance In the province. The Police have been able to h~lp the Unit~d Africa Company and First Aid lectures have been orgam ed for .theJ r en:-pl.oyee . In Gambia classes have started for training the PolIce and It J hoped that this will prove to be a regular activity.
It will be seen, therefore, that the training programme has covered a wide range of undertakin!Ss and also, throug~ the co-operation of training chools and colleges, tramed lay lecturers WIll be going out all over the country. In this way a very satisfactory foundation has been laid for future expansion. It is gratifying that the Government continue to make a grant towards the work of the Association and Brigade in Uganda and that organisations and firms have made many generous donations, thus further indicating their appreciation of our work. In K,enya an~ T~nganyik~ a?tivities continue and support is given by t~e maJ~)I' orgaOlsatl.ons, whIch mclude the Police, Railways and Harbours, FJ re Bngade and AIrport Personnel. In the former, intensive courses for lay lecturers on the Uganda pattern are being instituted so that the range of classes can be extended. In the latter, also, further lay lecturers have been trained. In Somaliland there ha e been courses for the police and these now eem to be well e t~blished. We were also fortunate in obtaining the help of a State Registered Nurse who took the lay lecturer's certificate and now a sist with instructions. First Aid clas es are also now being organised by the Police in the Seychelles Islands and are planned as a regular part of their training. MIDDLE EAST In Cypru the year started in a very satisfactory manner and a large numbe~ of classes w~re held ~or all comn:unities. It is particularly encouraglOg that speCial attentJOn was paId to preliminary classes for schools. The propo ed scheme for providing First Aid Boxes for qualified First Aid~r in village. aroused con iderable interest and haversacks containing eqUlpment proVIded from Centre funds were distributed to suitably qualIfied person. On one occasion a First Aid Box was presented for use under the Villag~ F~rst Aid Post Scheme by Lady Harding. The villagers gave an enthusJastIc welcome to Lady Harding and a Greek House Badge will he displayed on the Convent gates. Refre her courses were held for the Police lay lecturers and also a number of new lay lectu~ers we!'e appointed. These will be of very great help. The enthUSIasm wIth which week-end courses are attended is one of the encouraging aspects of our work in Cyprus. Towards the end of the year the political situation affected the classes but progress still continued. There are plans for further development in 1958. The Aden Centre continues to flourish, but Mr. Bhatt, who has been secr~tary for 30 year, has resigned. The Association owes a great debt to hIn1 for the work he has done in spreading a knowledge of First Aid amongst various communities .in the colony. He is still remaining a member of the Centre CommIttee. We are grateful to his successor, Mr. M. A. Lokman, for taking over the work which Mr. Bhatt has done for so many years. The Sudan Railways continue their programme of training employees ~nd at seven classes held during the year 118 candidates were successful 10 obtaining certificates. Competitions are held to stimulate interest and special medallions are issued to the winners. The State Police in Bahrain are being trained in the fundamentals of First Aid and our textbooks in
EAST AFRICA In Uganda, in addition to normal First Aid clas e the training of lay lecturers has been a very important feature ?f the ye~r'~ wor~. The range of organisations covered is most encourawng an~ It IS atlsfactory that so many have appreciated the value of haVIng their own regular cour e in First Aid organised by their own qualified lay lectu~er . . Ordinary First Aid classes have been run by. t~e PolIce, educ~tlOnal establishments, including training colleges and ffilSSIOn schools, Radwa~ , Fire Service, electricity undertakings and, .of course., ~he general pu blJc. It is the regular policy at the Police and RaIlway TraInIng Centr.es that all recruits and students should study First Aid as part of their norm~l programme. Lay lecturers have been trained f?r all the above and m addition the Community Development Officer In Gulu, Nor~hern .p~o vince, has now lay lecturers who will be. organising clas es at hIS Trammg Centre. The Kampala Technical InstItute now has a number of lay lecturers trained. These students are completing a three-year course for teachers in technical subjects and it is hoped that when they are posted to different parts of the country they will be able to organise classes amongst their own students. . ' The management of the Kilembe Copper Mmes have gIven very great support and courses for lay lecturers h~ve been arranged. :rhey consi.st of many nationalities so that each nahOl~.al gr~up can be .Instructed .m their own language. The standard of FIrst AId reached lS very .satIsfactory and it is particularly encouraging that the Company.have 111troduced a rule that a man cannot be in charge of a gang of mmers unless he holds a St. John First Aid Certificate. A programme in Luganda h~s been ~road~ast 10~ally and consists mainly of simple talks to houseWIves on FIrst Aid. ThIS has proved very popular.
English and Arabic are used. Examinations for certificates will be considered later on when the first part of the scheme has been completed.
PACIFIC ISLANDS Training in Fiji of the Police continues and has been assisted by a gift
CEYLON The Ceylon Centre had anothe: recor~ year and we off~r our congratulations and thanks to them. It IS particularly encouragll1g to not~ tha t
First Aid, Home Nur ing and Child Welfare have .been ta~en up .wI.th ~o much enthusiasm by Commurjty Ce~tre and ~oclal .Servlce Soclet.les. 111 the Island. Thi is a particularly frUitful fiel~ ~n whIch the AssoClatl<;m can work. At one Rural Development Tralllmg Centr.e, 25 . Buddhl.st priests took a course of l.ectur~s al.1d all pa ed. TheIr a Ista~ce. 111 spreading a knowledge of FIr t AId Wilt be greatly ,:velcomed. All dIstnc~s and organisations showed how much they apprecIate the work done . ~y the Centre in Ceylon and large numbers of men, wome~ boys and gll.ls continually seek training in First Aid and Home Nurslllg. Lectur~s. 111 First Aid were delivered at a great number of Rural Development Trammg . ' Centres, Training Colleges and Schools. Our congratulation are due to the Chairman ~nd. Comnuttec of ~hl very active Centre which is serving the commurnty 10 uch a practical manner. FAR EAST
The Association Centre for the Federation of M alaJ~ conti~1ue il magnificent work and throughout the country there. I con lder~ble activity. Items of special interest include the pr.eparatlO~ of a re J e~ Malay version of the First Aid textbook and the mtroductlOn of the AIr Attendants' Course. Singapore also continues to. tra.in a larg~ nun:ber of men and women from a great variety of orgarnsatlOns and m thIS are helped by the new temporary Headquarters which they have been l~nt by the Go vernment until the permanent Headquarters has. been bUilt. In order to en ure that training is up to standard specIal refresher cour es have been instituted for lay lecturers. In Hong Kong there have been a number of ':Iery val':lable ~evelopment , amongst which is the organisation ?f a senes of ~lf t Aid classes fo~ factory workers with the co-operatlOn of the Chinese Manufacturer Union the Employers' Federation of Hong Kong and the Labour Department of the Hong Kong Gov.ernn~ent. It will be seen t~at ~his follows the same line as the scheme 111 this country for cour es 111 FIrst Aid for industrial workers. There were also courses for the Air Stewards and Stewardesses of Cathay Pacific Airways, Women Police and "House Mothers" in a large new orphanage. Intensi~e Firs.t Aid courses were organised for the Auxiliary Police Service dunng then' ~nnua~ camp. In addition there were of course the usual classes of the PolIce, FIre Bngade, Prison and Public Utilities. Lay lecturers have been trained in the Police and these will greatly facilitate further expansion. There was a campaign for new life members and this proved .rem~rkably successful. In addition, nurses and doctors who had voluntanly gwen up their time to asist in dental work in the remote villages were made Auxiliaries of st. John and the badges were presented by H.E. the Governor at a public ceremony.
of equipment which included diagrams, skeletons, flannelgraphs and books. The Centre is active and we greatly appreciate the co-operation received from H.E. The Governor and the Police. In the Solomon Islands also the programme of training Police proceeds. It is encouraging that the Government have recognised the value of First Aid in a material way by a grant towards costs of the scheme. The Superintendent of Police in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands has qualified as a lay lecturer and classes have been organised in a number of the i lands. A gift of books and flannelgraphs was made to assist in e tablishing the scheme on a firm footing. WEST INDIES
The year has been marked by considerable activity in all the Centres of the As ociation. In Jamaica the Police, Fire Brigades and Prison services have continued with their training programme and results have been very encouraging. The Bauxite Companies are taking keen interest and personnel are being trained in each ca e by their own lay lecturer. In all four areas classes ha e been orga~i ed a:ld the value of First Aid was made very apparent by the help which tramed men and women were able to give after the lragic railway accident which took place in September at Kendal. In addition , St. John rendered con iderable help on the occasion of the earthquake in the Montego Bay area in March and the explosion of a "Texaco" container carrying 1,500 gallons of high octane gas at Runaway Bay on Chri tma Day. All over the island more and more lay lecturers are being trained and at pre ent there are approximately 35 with whose assistance most of the country di trict where doctors are not avilable can now be covered. The retirement of Lieut.-Colonel E. M. V. James , O.B.E., Commissioner of Police in the Leell'ard Islands, was a great loss to the Association and our thanks are due to him for the excellent work he did in organising cla ses in 0 many of the outlying island. We also acknowledge the debt which we owe to Major A. A. M. Hill, to whom a great deal of credit is due in training First Aiders in all the Islands of tlus aroup. There are now ~raincd First Aiders in Antigua, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Nevis, AngUlUa and Barbuda. In the Windl vard Islands we are grateful to the Reverend Francis W. M. Lamb, M.D. , As istant Curate of the Cathedral, St. Vincent, who assisted the Police so materially by organising courses for their personnel. In St. Lucia, also, the Police, Fire Brigades and Prison services have held courses and trained personnel in First Aid. Sir Donald Jackson, Chief Justice of Grenada, who was President of our Centre, resigned and our thanks are due to lum for all his help. We are also grat~ful to the Hon. Mr. Munro, Member of the Legislative Assembly and C~aIrman of ou~ <:entre, who has done so much to make possible the expanslOn of our tra1llll1g and for the development of St. John work as a whole. T~ere has been considerable activity in the island and a display was orgamsed by Brigade units to bring in recruits and to rai e funds for the Association. This was backed by a broadcast on the local radio
station by the Chairman of the Centre. Lay lecturers have been trained and will be a great help in expanding our work. Throughout the colony of l!ritish Guiana " Saye a Life Sl~nday" ha become an annual event. It IS very popular wIth the publIc an.d has aroused great interest in First Aid. Classes have been started In th.e Transport and Harbour Department~. We .are grateFul .for the SUPPO! l of H.E. the Governor and so many Industnal organISatIon . . . In British Honduras training is confined mostly to the PolIce, FIre Service and Prisons staffs, but we have the support of Mr. J. P. Rush which should be very valuable. We are being greatly helped by th~ ~olice Train~ng School in Barbados where First Aid is included in the trainIng of recruIts: These men eventually return to their own islands where they can put theIr knowl~dge to good use. We are most grateful to Mr. A. Beresford, 0.B.E. , C:halr~an of the Centre, for his enthusiastic support and sp.eclal he.lp In thIs .m~tter. Youth Clubs and Centres continue to show Interest In our PrelllTIlnary certificate. In the Bahamas training is confined mostly t.o the Police, Fire Seryicc and Prison Staffs and we are grateful for theIr help and co-operatIOn . Trinidad has another fine record of achievement and it i encourag~n g to note that an increasing number of trained men and women are takm g regular courses and qualifying at re-examinations .. Furt~1er coyrses .h~ e been held by lay lecturers with the obj~ct of makmg Flrst Aid tram1l1 g a vailable in the remotest parts of the Island. The Association sent most hearty congratulation to Major R . G . Cox, Chairman of our Centre, on the award of the George "t\.1edal for his gallantry in connection with a fire on board the wooden schooner " May Olive" which carried a highly dangerous cargo. We are g.la~ to welcome back Mr. Hanlon who has done so much for the As OClatIOn .
13 COMPETITIONS FOR WOMEN British Electricity Ambulance Centre. . . . Southern (Swindon) British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks). . . . . . . . . . . Newton Abbot United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . . Harwell National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . . . . . . . Liverpool Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre st. Giles Court Gas Industry. . . . . . . . North Western Gas Board General Post Office Ambulance Centre H.Q. No . 1 Branch
The winners of these competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields, took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 14th November, 1957, at the Porchester Hall, London. We were privileged to have The Lord Wakehurst, K.C.M .G ., Lord Prior of the Order, at this ceremony and he very kindly presented the trophies and medallions. The winnin g teams were:Nf el1 :- St. John Ambulance Brigade (Whitwick Colliery). WOl71 ell :-General Post Office Ambulance Centre (H.Q. No. 1 Branch, P.O.A.C.).
Although no new national competi~ions ~ere insti~uted thi year by the Association we can report contInued lllcrease In the number of teams and competitors taking part. In the variou~ eliminating roun~ of our competitions 2,270 teams took part repr?sentLng 13,350 c.o mpetltor in an, as compared with 11 ,2?0 in 1956. W1l1l!er.s of the natIOnal cO.mpetitions held under the auspIces of the ASSOCIatIOn were as follows. -
The Mayor of Paddington, Executive Officers of the Order and repreentatives of all Organisations which had teams competing were present on the platform . We are very grateful to them for their support and encouragement. Once again our ery sincere thanks are due to the Associated British Picture Corporation Ltd. for their continued generosity in staging this and all the other national competitions which we held during the year. Without thi s help our competitions would lack one of their most striking and important features , namely, realism, and the colour which the scenery provide greatly enhances the effectiveness of the tests. To all those who have acted as judges at these competitions, and to the teward and patients who have so generously given up much of their time to a si t at these events, we express our warm appreciation and thank. Their co-operation and help are an inspiration to all those who are concern,'rt with the organisation of these competitions which without them could not, of course, take place. It would also be proper to thank the competitors who have worked so hard and whose enthusiasm has made the competitions an outstanding feature in our year's work.
COMPETITIONS FOR MEN Winning Team : Teams Competing: Exeter City Police Police . . . . . . . . London (Fulham) British Electricity Ambulance Centre. . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks). . . . . . . . . . . . Exmouth Junction British Transport Commission Police . . . Dover Marine United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . . Harwell National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Chiswick Association . . . . . . R.R.E. Defford Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre Grimsby National Dock Labour Board . City of Manchester Fire Brigades. Eastern Gas Board Gas Industry. . . . . . . Inland Section, Mount Pleasant General Post Office Ambulance Centre Great Mountain Colliery National Coal Board
This report gives an indication of the scope of the Association's work and the wonderful assistance which it receives from people in all walks of life in so many parts of the world. We can never sufficiently thank those members of the medical and nursing profession who have given so much of their time to instruction and examination. On them depends the whole success of the Association's work. We also thank most warmly our County Directors, our Centre Chairmen, Secretaries and Comrruttees and all who have so unstintingly worked to build up an efficient organisation. We are most grateful to all class secretaries and demonstrators who at considerable sacrifice to themselves have provided the basis upon which the whole structure is built.
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A 1'< A L"\ SIS 0 F E X A \1 I "'I A T l 0 N 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1957 . "A" THROUGH CENTRES CERTI FIC ATES
----------------1----- -------------------------------------------------------------.----- -----------------------------1 I
No. of Classes
Number of Candidates Successful in
F.A. F. A. ________
Occ. F.A.
January. .............. February... ..... .. ..... March ..... ............. April.. .. ........... ...... May.. ...... .. ........ .. . June ..................... July..... ......... .... ..... August ... ..... ... ....... September .. ........ .. October ....... ........ November ............. December .............
306 341 676 617 484 349 391 103 159 158 372 767
2,033 2,084 3,050 3,098 1,335 2,735 1,480 650 723 771 2,071 4,049
375 7 J9 1,001 1,407 1, 162 874 1.663 305 356 416 1,002 1,649
16 18
TOTALS ...............
C.D. J23 88 303 193 363 232 99 29 129
Lay Oem.
P . B .N.
230 102
36 28 20 26
J58 107 538 652 328 343 308 71 134 103 229 449
131 186 448 440 349 245 500 7 87 147 295 787
23 1 J3 5 6
B yg.
14 10 21 J4 4
P. Hyg. H.F.H. C.H.F. 17 44 101 52 30 44 J29 II 10 58 93 131
22 69 21
12 38 25 27 JI 3 19
Pa s~cd
Total Failed
139 15 96 266 J 19 37 202 9 68 46 92 139
3,009 3,327 5,536 6,214 3,781 4,553 4.454 1,105 1,557 1,593 4,120 7,390
210 201 254 355 333 300 247 57 100 79 284 468
ill 134 10 0 150 201 66 40 II 25 44 134 145
3,254 4,555 8,115 6,450 5,484 1,733 1,008 394 6">7 884 3,150 4,082
74 94 100 128 97 59 11 4 13 II 63
108 ....-l,228
163 221 393 518 351 217 347 91 104 71 233 487
14 30 32 36 34 9 12 2 6 12 39 44
1,497 1,287 2,347 2,3CO J,440 618 435 124 149 369 1,415 2,063
23 25 59 34 25 8 13
c.w. II I 9 J7 14 9
9 28
10 IS 37
7 40
P.C. W .
No. of Classes P assed
----------------·11- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 63
"8" THROUGH BRANCHES January February ............ .. March ............. . April .............. .. May June July ...................... . August ................ .. Seotember ............ . October .... ......... ... . . November ............ . Deccmbe~ ............ . TOTALS
273 316 476 518 430 350 112 120 159 311 639
1,873 1,737 2,396 2,301 2,056 1,718 1,430 743 789 710 1,835 3,482
45,149 122,440
348 627 1,151 1,894 1,139 922 1,452 561 372 383 875 1,787
1957 .............. . 1956
10 2 10 10 -9 32
Jl,5ll--10-l,82G - -7- 3-
183 166 263 221 229 145 125 28 25 60 145 236
I---:-II~ ---:--
122 144 410 457 312 253 167 90 54 75 150 270
117 364 313 495 404 314 410 33 105 196 346 630
98 102 141 75 92 87
10 34
5 40 71 169
- -7-5-
--~ ~ 282
19 9
10 16 II
8 -IS
--2-8- --6-8- I:2I3i42,985
--:- --:; ---:: 469
47 2,690 91 3,265 78 4,723 179 5,707 1254,350 133 3,605 200 3,9021 1,465 9 1,359 21 1,503 137 3,5681 193 6,848
3,196 ---;so
2,441 189. ,674. \ 6,084
1,601 153,810
I 22 53
989 859
APPENDIX II TOTALS OF CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION OVERSEAS THROUGH CENTRES AND BRANCHES Aden Bermuda British Guiana British Honduras . British Somaliland British West Indies The Bahamas Barbados Jamaica: North East North West South East South West Leeward Islands Trinidad and Tobago Windward Islands: St. Vincent Grenada Ceylon. Cyprus. East Africa : Kenya Tanganyika . Uganda . Zanzibar Fiji. Gilbraltar . Hong Kong Kuwait. . . . . Malaya, Federation of Malta and Gozo Mauritius North Borneo . Seychelles . Singapore. Sudan West Africa: Ghana Nigeria Sierra Leone
524 31 12 264 143 78 629 85 110
U 0
z -<
.... ......
1,770 1,141 767 99 52 21 2,352 103
0... A-.
CI) ~
~ l::
-< 0:: co :t
w ::> en ~ 0::
356 341 43]
Overseas: Priory in Southern Africa Priory in Australia. . . . . . Commandery in Western Australia . Priory in Canada . . Priory in New Zealand. . . . Commandery in Central Africa . India. . ------Pakistan.
1,095 544 622
British Isles: Priory for Wales . Commandery of Ards
59 3,144 857
9,017 2,308 9,351 14,393 881 62,067 8,083 2,000 82,492 4,591 195,183
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ASSOCIATION NATIONAL COMPETITIONS HELD DURING THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW The Police Competition was held at the Porchester Hall, W.2, on 21st February, 1957. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided and the trophie and plaques were presented by Sir Frank Newsam, K.C.B., K.B.E., C.Y.O. , M.C. (Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Home Office). The Judges were:Dr. R. Scott-Reid, M.B.E. Team Test D r. James Baker Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II .
Z ...
M 1M
(.I.l ~
00 HZ ~<0
~~ ~O
I I V)
0(.I.l ~
I '
Exeter City Police . . . We t Sus ex Constabulary . Liverpool City Police 'B' . Dudley Borough Police Edinburgh City Police. Royal Ulster Constabulary ity of London Police 'A' . Bradford ity Police 'B' . Swansea Borough Police . Metropolitan Police (J Div.) Ea t Riding Consta bulary . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained·
378 377 376 375 371 370 361 347 347 331 329
British Electricity Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Women were h Id at the Porchester Hall, W.2, on 27th March, 1957. Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General) pre ided and the trophies and plaques were pre ented by The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, P.C., K.B.E., LL.D. (Chairman Central Electricity Authority). The Judge were, for men' teams:Dr. L. K. Wills. Team Test Dr. R. Renwick. Dual Practical Tests For the women' teams:Dr. W. N. Booth Team Test Dr. S. Hulme . Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:ME
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ] O. ] l.
London (Fulham) . Eastern (Watford) . Southern (Swindon) . South Eastern (Brighton) . North Eastern (Darlington) Yorkshire (Hull) . . . East Midlands (Kettering) . South Western (pool) . Midlands (Stourport) . North Western (Lancaster) . . . . . . . South Wales (Tir John) Merseyside and North Wales (Clarence Dock) . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained
307 296
286t 285 277 273t 273 270 267 255 252t 207
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. to. 11.
Southern (Swindon) . . South Eastern (Kingston) . Midlands (Gloucester). . East Midlands (Kettering) . . . North Eastern (Newcastle-on-Tyne) Yorkshire (Sheffield) . South Western (Bristol) . North Western (Blackburn) Eastern (Milton Hall) . London (Bexley heath) . South Wales (Cardiff) .
For the women's and B.T.C. Police teams:Dr. J. Trefor Watkins . Team Test Dual Practical and Dr. S. E. Jackson } . Dr. Olive S. May . . . . Oral Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-
Marks Obtained
363 354 3361335 324t 315 314
I. 2. 3.
290t 237t
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
5. 6. 7.
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Competitions for Men and Women were held at Newchurch Hall, Risley, on 22nd May, 1957. Mr. R. Simpson, Esq., O.B.E. (Administration Manager, Industrial Group) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Lieut.-Colonel A. J. Macphail, O.B.E., T.D. (County Director, S.J.A.A.).
8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 13.
The Judges were:Dr. W. Duncan. Team Te t Dr. J. R. Burrows Dual Practical Test and they placed the teams in the following order:-
I. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Marks Obtained
287 278 2661241t
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Harwell' A'. . Aldermaston (C.D.) Harwell 'B' .
543 528t 4871487t 480t 470 4661459 448 426 4161412t 3761-
Western (Newton Abbot) . North Eastern (Hull) . . . . London Transport (Baker Street) . Southern (Eastleigh Accounts) . Eastern (Liverpool Street). . London Midland (Euston 'B') Scottish (Falkirk) . Maximum marks obtainable: 600
Marks Obtained
496 486 476 440 409 404t 335
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
1. 2. 3.
Marks Obtained
1. Harwell 'B' . 2. Harwell 'A' . . . 3. Windscale (Works) . 4. Aldermaston (C.D.)
Southern (Exmouth Junction M.P. No.1) London Midland (St. Pancras Goods) Western (Bristol D.O.S.O.) Southern( (Southampton Dock S.'M.E. No. 'J) E astern Worksop). . Western (Swindon 'B') . . London Midland (Camden) North Eastern (Darlington) . Eastern (Parkeston Quay) . . London Transport (Lots Road) . North Eastern (Newcastle Central) Scotti h (Motherwell). . . . Scottish (Edinburgh Waverley) Maximum marks obtainable: 600
Marks Obtained 270 228
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
South Western (Dover Marine) London (Liverpool Street 'A') Scotti h (Edinburgh) Midland (Heysham) Eastern (Nottingham) Northern (Newcastle) Maximum marks obtainable: 600
Marks Obtained
496 467t 451 441t 399t
:~ionaldRoad Passenger Transport Ambulance Association Compet;tions en an Women were held at Aldenham (L.T.) Works Elstree He t on 16.th. June, ] 957. M~. J. B. Burnell, C.B.E., J.P. (President of rt~~ ~ssoclatl.on an~ Operatmg Manager (Central Road Services) London I:
British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) Competitions for Men and Women and British Transport Commission Police Competitions were held at the Central Hall, S.W.I, on 5th June, 1957. Dr. A. C. White Knox, O.B.E., M.C. (Principal Medical Officer) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Sir John Benstead, C.B.E. (Deputy Chairman, British Transport Commission).
The Judges were, for the men's teams:Team Test Dr. G. M. Shaw Smith Dual Practical and Dr. Charles Sharp }. Oral Tests Dr. J. J. Morland .
ranspOl t) preSIded and presented the trophies and plaques. The Judges were:Dr. L. K. Wills . Men's Team Test Dr. J. C. Graham . . Women's Team Test Dr. R. Renwick and Dr. A. H. Jones . Dual Practical Tests Dr. E. W. Tapley and Dr. Michael Cohen. Oral Tests
22 and they placed the teams in the following ordcr:MEN
Marks Obtained
1. London Transport . 2. Liverpool City Tran port 3. Birmingham City Transport 4. Edinburgh City Transport. 5. Leicester City Transport . 6. Huddersfield Corporation Tran port . Maximum marks obtainable: 600
482 4691 421 -~
406 404
National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre Competition for Dock Workers wa held at Queen Mary College, E.1 , on 6th July, 1957. The Rt. Hon. Lord Crook, J.P. (Chairman of the National Board and President of the Centre) presided and presented the trophy and plaques.
The Judges were:Dr. J. H. Chamber Team Test Dr. L. K. Will . Dual Practical Tests and they placed the team in the followjng order:Marks Obtained
I. 2. 3. 4.
Liverpool City Transport London Transport . Cardiff City Transport . Coventry City Transport Maximum marks obtainable: 600
Nfarks Obtained 449\
398356 2 3
2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. [I. 12.
Grim by o. 2 . London Upper Pool Yarmouth Swan . ea. . Grimsby o. I . . M iddle brough 'A' . Li erpooJ Dock Southampton Greenock o. 1. Grangemouth o. 1 Blyth 'A'. Aberdeen o. J • Maximum marks obtainable: 400
336 322 293 288 279 2671,2641,263 240 238 228 177
Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre Competition for Jl1ell alld WOll1en were held at the Central Hall, S.W.l, on 21st June, 1957. Mr. Horace F . Parshall (Director-General) pre ided and the trophies and plaque were presented by Mrs. Aubrey Jones. The Judges were, for the men's teams:Dr. John T. Daly . . Team Te t Dr. A. H. Jones Dual Practical Te t
Fire Brigades Competition was held at the Cambridge Hall, Southport, on 13th September, 1957. Mr. J. A. Perkins (Chief Fjre Officer, Southport) pre ided, and the trophy and plaques were pre ented by Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General, The St. John Ambulance Association).
For the women's teams:Dr. J. Kelsall Thomas. . Team Te t Dr. A. Conn Dual Practical Te t and they placed the team in the following order: -
The Judge \\- ere:Dr. D. Osborne Hughes Team Test Dual Practical Test Dr. Charle Sharp . and they placed the team in the following order :-
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
R.R.E. Defford . R.O.F. Cardiff . C.D.E.B. Porton . . A.R.D.E. Fort Halstead R.O.F. Bishopton . S.D. Elstow. . Royal Arsenal Estate R.O.F. Chorley. S.D. Melmerby . R.O.F. Fazakerley R.O.F. Nottingham Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
Marks Marks Obtained 334i
327 314i 309
300 295~
291 ·1 272
2441 2271,225
Marks Obtained
I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
St. Giles Court . R.O.F. Chorley. R.O.F. Cardiff . S.D. Eastriggs . R.O.F. Nottingham Maximum marks obtainable: 400
348 340 298-4 262~
Obtained I.
2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
ity of Manchester . . . . ounty Borough of Great Yarmouth ity and County of King ton-upon-Hull City of Cardiff . . County of Surrey . . . . . County Borough of Middlesbrough County of Dor et . . . . . . . . . . . County Boroughs of Smethwick and West Bromwich . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
354 3501315 310
306 2961,278t 267
Gas Industry Competitions for Men and Women were held at Friends House, N.W.l , on 11 tll October, 1957. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (DirectorGeneral) presided, and the trophie and plaques were presented by Sir Henry Jones, M.B.E. (Deputy Chairman, Gas Council) .
The Judges were, for the men's team :-Dr. H. A. Hanraty . Team Test Dr. R. Renwick. Dual Practical Test For the women's teams:Dr. E. J. Selby . Dr. L. K. Wills .
Team Test Dual Practical Test
and they placed the team in tile following order:-
Marks ME I.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9.
10. 11.
Eastern Gas Board. . . North Eastern Gas Board. East Midlands Gas Board. North Thames Gas Board . North Western Gas Board Scottish Gas Board. . . South Eastern Gas Board. Southern Ga Board . . South Western Gas Board . West Midlands Gas Board Wales Gas Board . . Northern Gas Board . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
355 338 329 327 324 314 309 291
289 273 273
Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Headquarters Group A (H.Q. No. I Branch, P.O.A.C) . London Telecommunications Region (S.W. Area, T.M.O.) Wales and Border Counties (Cardiff P.O.A.C) . South Western Region (Weymouth H.P.O.). Savings Department (S.B.D. Blythe Road) . Midland Region (Birmingham P.O.A.C) . . . . External Telecommunications Executive (Electra House) Northern Ireland (Belfast T.E.) . . . . . . . . Home Counties Region (Reigate and Redhill, Horley S.O.) 10. Headquarters Group B (Supplies Department, Edinburgh) II. North Western Region (Liverpool Telephone Area) 12. Scotland (Stranraer H.P.O.) . . . . . . . . 13. Headquarters Group C (P.O. Contracts Department) . 14. North Eastern Region (Newcastle-on-Tyne, H.P.O.) Maximum marks obtainable : 400
322 3171-
311t 306 277 275t 267 261 260t 257t ]97 196t 191 177
Marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
North Western Gas Board North Eastern Gas Board. West Midlands Gas Board South Western Gas Board . East Midlands Gas Board. Scottish Gas Board. . Northern Gas Board . Maximum marks obtalOable : 400
Obtained 299 272
2691 265t 260 256 225
General Post Office Ambulance Centre Competitions for Mell and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, W.2, on 23rd October, 1957. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided and the trophie and plaques were presented by Mrs. Ernest Marple The Judges were, for the men's teams:Team Test Dr. Allan Walker . Dual Practical Test Dr. A. Conn F or the women's teams:Team Te t Dr. K. P. Duncan . Dual Practical Te t Dr. A. H. Jones and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN
ational Coal Board Competition for Miners was held at the Winter Garden Blackpool, on 2nd November, 1957. Dr. J. M. Rogan (Chief Medical Officer and Chairman of the Organising Committee) presided and the trophy and plaques were presented by Mr. J. Crawford, C.B.E. (Member of the National Coal Board). The Judge were:Mr. E. W. Meurig Williams F.R.C.S. Team Test Dr. J. Noble Oral Test Dr. H. J. Gilbert and Dr. J. R. Eden . Individual Tests and they placed the team in the following order:Marks I.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Great Mountain Colliery . Dean and Chapter Colliery Tilmanstone Colliery Whitwick Colliery . Cleworthhall Colliery Silverwood Colliery Dexter Colliery . Lynemouth Co1Jjery Arni ton Colliery . Maximum marks obtainable: 600
461i 459 422
384:t 371 369:1368 348
Obtained 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
London Postal Region (rnland Section, Mount Pleasant. London Telecommunications Region (West Area, T.M.O.) Headquarters Group B (Factories Department, Birmingham) . . . . . . . . . . Midland Region (Birmingham P.O.A.C) . . . . Headquarters Group A (H.Q. No.1 Branch, P.O.A.C) South Western Region (Plymouth H.P.O.) . Savings Department (Harrogate S.B.D.). . . . Wales and Border Counties (Oswestry P.O.A.C) . . . Headquarters Group C (Engineer-in-Chief's London Test Section) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Western Region (Lancaster and District P.O.A.C) . Northern Ireland (Belfast H.P.O.) . . . Horne Counties Region (Cambridge H.P.O.) North Eastern Region (Halifax H.P.O.) . Scotland (Ayr H.P.O.) . Maximum mark.s obtainable: 400
3141312 304 295
281 267 260 258 257 254t 254t 216
168t 131
The Grand Prior's Troph) Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, W.2, on ]4th November, 1957. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided and the trophies and medallions were presented by The Lord Wakehurst, K.C.M.G. (Lord Prior of the Order of St. John). The Judges were, for the men's team :Dr. F. H. Taylor, O.B.E. Team Test Dr. Ian M~ckenzie . Dual Practical Tests For the women's teams:Dr. W. L. M. Bigby and Dr. R. Renwick. Team Test Dr. D. D. Towle Dual Practical Tests
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ASSOCIATION COUNTY DIRECTORS (CorrE'cl.f'd up to 30th .1 IIl1e, J()S8)
Colonel R. A. Bingley, C.V.O., D.S.O., O.B.E., Peggles\\'orth, near Cheltenham.
Colonel Sir Harold Smith, K.B.E.,
Colonel L. K. Ledger, C.I.E., O.B.E., 55, OxfonJ Road, Abingdon. F. L. Gordon, Esq., Shenstone House, Chalfont St. Giles. Viscount Scarsdale, Kedleston Hall , Kcdleston, Derby. Brigadier C. E. A. Browning, C.B.E., M.C., Great Brake, W est Hill, Ottery St. :'IIary. Brigadier V. F. S. Hawkins, D.S.O., IIf.C., Aihelleaze, Athelhampton, Dorchester.
Gas Council, r, Gros \-enor Placr, London, S. W . 1.
K. C. Cook, Esq., F.C.A., 87, Lord Street, Liverpool, _. Group Captain N. M. H eath , O.B.E., 83 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, \V .I. R. L. Bellwood, Esq., -r.D., 42, Mosley StrE'et, Ne\\·castle-on-Tync. Colonel A. V. G. DowE'r, T.D., IIr.F .H ., Nc\\ington B ouse, \Yarborough.
Dr. ]. A. \Vaycott, g/ro, Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road, Guildford.
I",) -....)
Dr. D. \V . Fryer, Ambulance Hall, Samuel Road, Ipswich.
Sir H. C. Sinderson Pasha, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.V.O., III.D., Little St eddings, Forest Ro\\,.
Brigadier R. A. Phayre, D
Park HOllse, Bridge End, Warwick.
Dr. C. Petvin Porter, 27, Church Street, Kidderminster. Sir IIE'nry Studdy, C.B.F., Chief ConstablE', Wrst Riding ConstabuIHn' , P.O. Box Wakefield.
Classes in the areas of Centres marked with an asterisk are arranged in direct communication \vith Headq llartcr as Detached Cl;l"c;ps
CENTRES OF THE ASSOCIATION (Corrected up to 30th June, 195 8) County and Centre
Ilonorary Secrelary
~I'l .
Reinol<..l I iss D. K. Gibbins, St. John House, 101 Lundon Road, Reading.
*\ Vindsor
The Mayor
Rev . Da\\'son-\Valker
H. C. W. Hobbs, 143a, St. Leonards Road, Win<..lsor
V. Everard
A. A. Lloyd
E. W . Iartin, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3
The Dean of Bristol
Dr. A. P. Gortam
County Centre ...
W. I. Winterson, Bristol, 3
Caen Road, St. John's Lane,
:\[rs. W. Watson , St. John II .Q., 79, Sireet, Aylesbury
19 22
Wis bech
:'hs. W . E. Boyden, 7, Oakroy<..l Crescent, \Visbech
W. Stewart Elgood
B irkenhead
19 12
H . Woodward
W. E. Hob{'rts,
Cumberland Mines and Quarries
\ . C. Blaylock, Birkeuhead
18 95
:\lr . Bromley
\V . Badger
12 ,
incent Roa<..l, Claughton,
Peter' Square, Stockport
.\ . Little', Colliery Office', 5 r, Duke
Whiteha\'e n
J1. Pollar<..l, 6, High Hill, Keswick
T· Ne\\ ton
Dr. A. Morrison
(;. E. Johnson, 146, Burton Road, Derby
IT. Holme,
5, De\'on hire R oad, :\IilloIll
Capt. H. T. Ann, J.P.,
Granby & Ilkeston
18 9 8
H. C. Smit
W. F. Rigley
W . II.
DEVO ' SB1REPlymouth & District ...
The Right Hon . Lord Roborough
.r .
G. JIo\\ard , 5, Faringdon Road , Plymouth
194 8
Dr. J. L. Longland
1 r. M. C. Macleod
l\lrs. E. . Allen, 3, Alexandra Hoad, \'ictoria Park, Dorchester
192 9
The Mayor
Mrs. D. Galton
194 8
:\1rs. E. O. Park, " Rondf'ttr ," Oakdale, Poole
Cox, B.SC.
heldon, 78 Little Hallam Lane, Ilkc ton.
Dr. Cunningham
\Va\'erley Crescent,
D . Edgar,
D. Edgar,
R. Robson, P.O. IIartlepool
Box 4,
South Shields
188 3
W. P. Webster
T B. Humphrey
Major T. A. Page, 75, King Street, South Shiel<..ls
Stockton & Thornaby
J. Pickersgill
R . J. McDowell, 33, Kings Terrace, Wolviston Road, Billingham, Co. Durham.
18 93
Col. H. E. Kitching , M.B.E., D.L., J.P. W. O . Kirkwood , J.P.
D. L. Rennison
11. R. Gray, Sunderland
3, Cimlmercial Road , Hendon
County and C8utre GLOUCESTERSHIRE--
Dr. C. R. Sadler J. C. Fielding
Gloucester City
Dr. A. Alcock
Gloucester County
The Duke of Beaufort,
South Gloucestershirc .
195 8
K.C., P.C., G.C.V.O.
A. L. Shilling, 248, Station Road, Yate, near Bristol
E. Crossland
The Marquis of Caris- W. N. Wilson M.B.E. brooke, G.C. v .0., etc. The Dowager Lady Dr. H. C. MallriceSwaythling \"lilliams, O.B.E.
D. S. Jones, City Police Headquarters, Queen's Crescent,
1954 195]
Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Dover Sir Allred Bossom
188 4
Col. G. G. H. Bolton,
The ?\Iayor
19 19
A. Aked,
J. Behrendt, 37, Bury Road, AlverstokC', Gosport.
Southsea ;'IIiss F. ]\1. Tutte,
:'Il . A,
LL.B ..
Wm. Killingbeck, J.P.
188 5
The l\Iayor
1. Gibrail
.\. Brown, J.P.
R. Howard,
W . Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, .\ccrington 1'. Kelsall, 27, H yecro ft Street, Ashton-under-Lyne H. H eY'\or th, 3, l\Ioorlands Terrace, Bacup
lI. Ashworth
D. G. IIart.ley,
. 11. Needham
\\' .
burn W. S ITalsall, 12 Leys Road , Blackpool
E. Ra \\'s tron
L . .!ake\\a\',
Burnlr\' .
The Mayor
E. Wilmore
19 1 9
\V atson
J. T. Cooper
Councillor son
Great HarwooJ.
:\ . Boa rcl man
Lancashire Headq uarters
195 0
195 6
195 0
A. Higham, J .P. ,
C. S. Gregory,
Rt. lIon. the Earl of Derby, "I.C., D.L.
Col. C. II. S. Redmond, M.T'l . J. Sanderson
14, Durham Street, Barrow-in-Furness
E. Bun', c/o Euucation Office, Libran Street, Black-
The layor
~, Brierfield
Leigh, Atherton Tyldesley
4, Archers Road, SOllthampton
T. E. G. Baker, 13.~l'.
.\Id .
J.]> .
mouth C. A.
'Irs . D . Elliot., Caravan Cottage, Cannongate Hoau, t lyt.he :'IIrs. D. Wallace, c/o Aylesford Paper ::'Iills, Larkfield , ncar illaidstone, Kent .
M.B .E., lII.C . , D.L., J.P.
Lady f'isher
The Rt. Hon. Earl St. Aldwyn, T.D., J.P. H. C. Adams, M.C.
Gray, St. Margarets, 17 , Upton Lane, Barn\\ood, Gloucester Miss I'll. K. Oswell, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham
J. c.
F. L. Cook, 28. Palmerston Road, Boscombe, Bourne-
Gosport & Fareham
Mrs. E . G. Botting, 36, Cambray Court, Cheltenham
Dr. ' . I ley gat e Vernon G. Albray
The Mayor
1\lrs. 'vVilson, Little Goddards, Hathenlen, Andover
*Folkestone & Hythe
'f. McCaa
Andover Basingstoke Boumemouth
Honorary Secretary
E. Smalley,
;'1 p,
E. Driver
J. A. Tomb
\\' S\\(1rbrick, 2(1, Kenilworth .\\-enne, Fled\\oou
E. V. ~Iason, 134, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood. P.C.\
C. B. Mann M . P .S.
o rT. E . S pencer, M.B.E., St. John Headquarters .:\1a'J 15/17, l\Iount treet, Preston ' B. J. Hopkins, 18, Castle Park, Lancaster \V . Ellis,S Sycamore Roau, At.herton, ~Ianchester
\\'. J. Inglis, pool,
Professor VV. Mansfield Cooper, LL.M. H. N. Roberts, J.P.
188 4
The Cbief Constable
188 9
A. Harrison
Ra wtenstall
195 0
C. CllnliiIe,
L Perkin. , .1 ~ranchester Road, Bury \'lctor Burrell, 130, I-Iarri on Drive, Colne
I r. Dunkinson
Hos('hill ~Iount, ~Ianche ter Roau,
'1Irs. ::'1. ill. ~Ieggitt, "Ra\'enualc," Turncroft R Darwen \, oad,
J. W. HubiIl- T . E . Black burn
K. C. Cook,
J. T. Keddie
\Y. Taylor, J.I'.
l\Irs. E. Eastwood
S.].A .. \.,
E. F. Thornley, 55,
Roscoe Lane, Ro.coe 'trcC't Li\'C'r-
ross Street, Manchester,
IIeap, LI8 Brunswick Street, • 'elson
:VIiss E. 1\1. Bailey, 56, Roman Road, f'ails\\orth, Near Manchester
f'arn\\'orth, Ci\'il Defence Preston
en'ice, Glovers Court,
!\frs. Gaskeli, M.I\. , J.P., Sallncler Bro\\', N'el\'c hurch-inRossendale
Il onorary Secretary J. E. ThornhilL 3, Queen's Avenue, Wardle Road, Rochdale H. Greenall, 124, Broad Oak Road, Parr, St. Helens
President L. Lye
Chairman J. Phillips
188 4
Lord Cozens-Hardy,
J. Pemberton Councillor J. Faulkner J. . A. Briscoe
The Mayor Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hesketh, M.P. The Mayor
Councillor F. Smith
Rev. :'1. D. Grieve
County (lnd CeJltre Rochdale
St. Helens South Fylde Southport
T. Atherton
J. Larkin, 6, Riversleigh Road, Lytham G. E. Ramsden, "Harcourt," 34, Holmdale Avenue, Southport II. MacRae, I, Pleasant View, Longfield Road, Todmorden A. C. Collins, School House, Broughton Beck, Ul verston, Lancs. . Miss I. Redford, 92, Swan Meadow Road, Wlgan
The Lord Mayor
Miss \Vard, 6, Seymour Street, Leicester
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Brownlow
Dr. :\I. CLavin
The Lord Mayor
195 8
J. A. Wild, M.B.E.
County Centre LINCOLNSHIRECounty Centre
T Bream
City of London
\lan S. Lamboll, Square, S.\V. I
Irving Gan!', K.C.V.O.
County of LondonEastern Area Northern Area South East Area South West Area ... \Vestern Area
.C., 1
orth ,\udley Housc, Grosvenor
L. J. Towers, 63, Old Park Road, Palmers Green, N. 13
F. G. Thoma.,
:II. \.
\dmiral ir Alexander I ngleby-:'lacken zic, K.B.E., C.B.
1886 1888
,\. B. Hudson, ] 2, Lydbrook Road, Scunthorpe
J. Dobson
\\' ..\noerson , Park Itoyal Brcwery, ~. \V. 10
E. J. Hayward, .1 ' Booth Lane South, Weston Fa\'e], • ortham pton .T S. Parker, I2, Church 'treet, \Vellingborough
Ashington Blyth ewcastle-upon-Tyne North Shields OXFORDSHIRECounty ("'entre
Dr. W. S. Stephenson
195 8 1910 1888
~. Embleton, O.B.T.. Th e Mayor
Dr. Gavin Muir Dr. T. 1. Gordon
L. T. Wedderburn, r.ledical entre N . . B ., Ashington ('ollicf\', Ashington F . S. Parson, 2J, IIunter Avenue, Blyth CLaws, 2, Osborne Terrace, Tewcastle-upon-Tyne, 2. R Ness\\'orthy, 6 South Preston Grove, North Shields
Col. A. V. G. Dower,
II. T . Bennett, ".\sphodel, " Thiro Acre Rise, Oxford
T.D., I\l.F . H.
18 79
The Rt . Hon. Earl of Powis
V. G. Dower,
T . D ., :'II. F . II .
Dr. D. J. Johnson
W. \Valker, Ambulance Seryice Headquarlers, Central
194 8
Dr. F. L Richard
Col. r. MacEwen, D.S.O ., O.B.E., D.F.C.,
Sir Gervase Blois. Bt.
C. Craig, F.R.C.S.
West SufIolk 5URREYCounty Secretary
195 6
W . T. Aitken , !.P.
Dr . D. 1\. McCracken
Croydon Farnham Sutton & Cheam SUSSEX-
1954 1954 1955
The Mayor
The Mayor
Dr .
195 2
The Mayor of Brighton
Air Vice-Marshal T. A. Langford-Sainsbury, e.B., O.B.E., D.F ..C. A.F.e.
lUrs . A. F. Eastland
J. Tampin, Ips\\'ich.
Ambulance Station,
Samuel Road .
North East Suffolk
Brighton, District Chichester
Ambulance Station, Abbey Foregate, hre\\'sbury hancellor, Lloyds Bank Chambers, :2, Market quare, StaITord -
E. Dane
J. H. Ne\\'mark
W. G. Jude, Secretary's Office, Lo\\'estoft and folk Hospital. Lowe:;toft O. Cole, I, lVlili Roao, Bury St. Edmunds
Irs. Ruddock, County Headquarters, 9/10 Wellington Place. Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Mrs. G. R. Hamley, 5 St. Saviour's Road, Croydon Miss VV. M. Ariss, I Longley Road, Farnham H. A. Bennett, 71, Burdon Lane, Cheam T. Denning, 8, Arlington Gardens,
J. Pitt . 80, East Street, Chichester
altdean. Sussex
County and Cd/ltre FOYl1lrd Crawley & Three Bridges 1954
Eastbourne & District...
Chairman E. Stanford, C.B.E.
Pr~si dent
Mrs. K night
East Grinstead & District 195 6 Hastings & St. Leonards
1955 195 6
Worth ing
D . Bryce,
J.P., O.B.E .
\ \ 'am'ick
Nuneaton Rugby
E. D. Ascroft, 218, Holtyc Road, East Grinstead :\lrs. M. Fraser, 60, London Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea
F . Holmes
:'IIiss J.
R. E. Bre ffit
C. A. Webb, 30 Firle Crcscent, Lewes
apper, 43, Trafalgar Road, Horsham
E. Milburn
Mi s E. S. Barrett, The Limes, Findon Road, Worthing
O.B . E.
The Rt. Hon. the Earl Sir H. C. Sinderson Pasha, K.B.E., etc De La Warr J. Archer-Burton The Mayor
Elsie, Lady Shiffner,
Lewes, HaY\\'ards Heath & District
J. Anderson,
!lon orary Secretary D. A. G. Saunders, Barclays Bank Ltd., 50, High StrQct, Crawley W. H. Sharpc, 10, Wharf Road, Eastbouroe
19 12
The Lord Mayor
Col. R. J. Cash,
E. W. C.B.,
owpe-Pendleton N. E. Ward, 52, Dunchurch Highway , Coventry II. Bissell, 20, Brunswick
P. Varley
tree t , L eami ngton _ pa
c .n. E., M.C .. T.D.
195 8
l\Ir . H owe
W . G. IIart, 38r,
Supe rintend ent A. J. Burton, Trmple Street, Rugb\'
lay or
L. HoiTman
amp Hill Road,
Depot ,
Major Eric Wright,
1 883
Lt .- 01. D . B ellamy,
B . Cavenagh, M.e.
Dr. C. T . Mills
J. Bayli s, 36, L yttelton . trcct, Barbourne, Worcester
Hull and East Riding County Centre YORKSHIRE (
S. L. Fair lough, 9, ~oLlthftrld Road, Bricknell l'n'enue, Hull (C1nsse ) A . R . Wal h , 5 t, iTe\\' Bridge R oad, Hull
lIamp on
D.B.E., D.L.
The l\larquess of Zetland . K.G . etc.
C . N.
19 19
F. Widdup , J.P
R. R . J . Chaney
Barosley & District
The :'ITa yOI'
G. P arfitt
orth Riding County Centre
Richard o n , " \\' oodleig hto n ," 16, Em erson Avenue , Lin thorpe, l\liddlesbrollgh
,. . Barnoldsw ick
D ouglas
W . Thomas,
T. E. Jones
\\'. C. Brown, 29, LONer E t -;t Avenue. Barnolclswick, via Colne E. Oxl y, tation Officer, Fire L' Ambulance Dept. , To\\ n H a ll, Barnsley :-li5
J. Phillip, ..J, :\Iarlborough Road, Bradford,
E. Soar
W. T. Davis
P. B. Flohil
Th e Jlayor
W. E. ?\larriott, 88, Laughton Road, Dinnington, near heffield Sergt. J. A. Oldfield, Borough Police Training Room, Guildhall, Doncaster T. J. Daniels, 5, Jacksonville, Goole
The iI/l ayor
I I. Wood head
II . Hudson , Health Dept., Halifax Corporation, Po\\'ell
Dr. D. D. Payne
Heavy Woollen District
Dr. J. Walker
Dr. J. Walker
IT. Blakeley,
Batley E. tansfield, 22, Lee Vic\\' Road, Hebden Bridge
Harrogate and
Hebden Bridge
J. W. Cockcroft
F. R edman
Huddersfield & District
F. Crawshaw
Miss A. Scatterty
Dr . Prentice ,
18 78
Dr. J. W. Silversides,
' treet, Halifax R. C. age, 9, Beech\\'ood Grove, Harrogate
Fairview Av nue , Carlingho\'v Lane,
II . Greenfield , 89, Ravcnskno\\'lc Road, Dalton , IIuddersfield J.P.
J. Paterson , B.E.III.,
Mrs. I'lL A. Cook, 41, Redcliffe Street, Keighley II. Johnson, 13, Annley Grange O"al , Leeds,
III .A., B.L.
D. Harrison
W . Banham
Chief Inspec tor ford, Yorks.
S. E. Crowe
11. Hudson
J. W . Thomas,
S. Brierley
:-1 1'.. R edfearn, 3. Platting Road , Lydgatc , ~r . Oldham
E. Lazenby , P olice Station, Castk2,
Granville Mt ., Otley, Yorks .
County alld Centre Selby
Formed 1955
18 78
Shipley & District
:::\Vath-on-Dearne York
Honorary Secretary R. Leek, 68, Haig Street, Selby, Yorks .
Col. F. A. Neill
A. Roebuck
R. G. Beard, 45, Bank Street, Sheffield,
A. \Vatson
E . E. Bishop,
W. F. Seed
J. H .
J. W. Lonsdale
F . Walker, 43. Highfield Road, Swinton
G. Bartholomew
W . F.
W. Mustill
H. B . Powell
Valley Drive , Ilkley, Nr. Leeds
Wade, 1-1, Edwards Road, P ye
J. Senior, c/o Walton Colliery, Wak efield
est, Halifax
rown View, Crofton,
The ylayor
A. T. Thomson, O.B.E.
G. Dickinson
188 4
Sir Aiexander 1\1oncrieff Coutanche
P. Le Masurier
W. Gale, 9, Windsor Villas, Val Plaisant, Jersey
188 5
H .1':. The LieutenantGovern()r
A. E. Kitto
C'. C. BeaLy-Pownall. Douglas
W. Poole , 19, Charles Road, Rotherham F. Stead, 35, Park Grove, York
Wath -o n-Dearne,
ISLE OF MA~Isle of Man
t. JIelirr,
If. C. John~on, O.B. E.
C. S . McLeod
C. Creen\\ood, The British Railways (Eastern Region), Regional E tabli hm ent and tall Office, Room 44, :'\Ia,.rylebone ' tation, .\V.I
London Midland Region
D. Blee, C.B.E.
II . Aidley, lI1.B.E.
H. C. Healey, The BriLish Railways (London
North Eastern Region ...
H . A. Short
C. Cooper. M.B.E.
Southern Region
C. P. Hopkins
Western Region
K. W. C. Grand
. Lang
. G. Ward
lidland Region), Regional Establishment and Staff Office, Eu ·ton Station, N .W .I. F . H. harlton, Th British Railways (North Eastern Region), Regional Establishment and tail Office, York. (; . Kirkham, The British Railways (South ern Region), Hcgional Establishment and Staff Office, 39, Craven ' ireet, \\' .C'.2
A. Martin, The British Railways (Western Region ), Regional Establishment a nd taff Office, Paddington 'tation, \V.2
Sir John Elliot
Dr. E. M. AndersoD
The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, K.B.E., LL .B.
Dr. P. Pringle
195 0
Sir Cyril Musgrave, K.C.B.
H.. Burns, C.lIf. G.
R. C. W. Bayley, Minist ry of upplv, L.3, Room 702, St. Giles Court, 1-13, t. Giles High Street, W . . 2
The Rt. Hon. Lord Crook , T.P.
T. O ' L eary
F. G. Thomas, M.A., National Dock Labour Board , 26, Albert Embankment. .E.II
V. Greenlaw
S. W . Harden. L o ndon TracspC'It Ambulance Centre. Griffith House, 280 Marylebolle Road. N .W. I J . S. W eathe rley, First Aid Adviser, PD/T & \-V.B. , G.P.O. Armour House, London E.C.l. P. A. Crouch, British Electricity Ambulance Electricity Council, Winsl ey treet , W. I
en tre,
H. E. The Governor
Chairman H. E. The Go~ernor
Honorarv Sec,'etary Mohamed Ali Lokman, . AdYocate, Esplanade Hoad, Crater, Aden
H. E. The Governor
Lady lIall ,
H.E. The Governor
';\lrs. B. Barton, c/o B.E.L.P. &: Co., Ltd., SerpenLnc Road, Pembroke, Bermuda . :\'lrs. C. I. Franker. 214, Camp Street, Gcorgeto\\ n, Brilish Guiana
T. Handford, H.Q. Solomons Police Force, P.O. B ox No. 37, Honiara, GuadaJcanal, ~.S.I.P. A. J. B. Temple, ~omal~land Pollce H.Q ., P.O. Box o. 8, IIargeisa, Somallland Protectorate
H .E. The Governor
:\lajor R .. \ . -tout('
:\Ir . IT . A. Parsons, Staff Officers' Quarters, Garrison, St. Michael, Barbados
H.E. The Governor
H.E . The Governor
L. R. Reed
H.E. The Governor
Dr. E. IIoennan
H .E . The Governor
r. c.
:\1r.. ;\1. I. 'l\lair, :\.gualta Vale Estate, "\nnotto Bay, Jamaica A. Dale, West Indies Sugar Co. Ltd ., Frome P.O .. \V estmoreland, ] amaica. :\Ii . E.:\I. -tephens, St. J O.hn II adquarters, 2E, Camp Hoad, Kingston 5, Jamaica 11rs. \ '. B. R (' se, 1\lon)'111usk, Lionel Town P.O., Jalllaica
Leeward Islands: ANTIGUA
H .E. The Governor
Dr. 1\:.
H . E . The Governor
E . L. J 1al11on
\Vindward Islands:GRE ADA
II.E. The l,o\ernur
C . L :'funro
:\Iajor .\ ..'\. 1'1. Hill. E.D., Office of th: Commissionrr. PullC'C' ] lcadq uarters, · t. lohn's, Anhgua. ]- '-Iorri, D.~.C., .\ .C.A., Fire Brigade .H eadquarters, " ,,"rightson Road, Port of Spain, Trimdad
rhe ITon. Secretary, S.J .A ..:\ , c 0 Ceo. F. Huggins Co. (C'da) Ltd:, Gr~nad~. . ) . I'hr Chid of Pol1c('. St. \ lDC'ent Iolice, Kingsto\\ n, t. Vin ent, B.W.I. SII pt \ \ ' Farmer, Police Headq uarters. St. Lucia
H.E . The General
The Minister [or lIealth :'Jrs. inclair
G. C. Reed , ~r.B.E.
G. C. Red,
H.E . The Governor
R. E. Foulger,
H.E. The Governor
ZANZIBAR H.E. The Governor
H. E . The Governor
. Baird
H.E . The Governor
\ . L. Abraham,
The Hon . K\\'ok Chan O.B.E.
E. Balban, Police Headquarters , Gibraltar 1\r. A . W. Hook, uperintendent, Headquarters Colony Police, Ocean Island, Western Pacific ~ Noel Braga, -. J .A . A . Headquarter, MacDonn 11 Road, Hong Kong A. V. McCracken, c/o Kuwait Oil Co. Ltd., Ahmedi ,
Kuwait , Persian Gulf The Hon. Mr . M. Yong, LL.B. H .E . The Governor
H .E . The Governor
H .E. The Governor
Burj or H . Daruwalla, P .O. B ox 763. Zanzibar D. J . Barnes, c/o Inland Revenue Dept., Government Buildings, uva, Fiji
The A sociation ecretary, Kenya Centre, .J .A.A .. P.O. Box q6g, Nairobi, Kenya ~lrs. :'1-1. E. Thompson, P .O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika 'er\\,a no Kulubya , C.B.E. Hon. -ecretary , P .O. Box 1586, Kampala, Uganda
Dr. D.
Col. C. P. jaya\\ardana, .~r.c •. , C.v.O., O.B.E., Lower Lake Road, Galle Fac', olomoo, 3 .\Ir . P. Chattey. 3. Euclide treet, Nico ia. C)'prus
H . E. The Governor
I [on. Ch ah Ewe K eat, J.P.
Paralllasivam, c/o Selangor Kuala Lumpur, Malaya
Dr. R. H. Bland , O.B.E. lIon . Secretary, S.J.A.A. Headquarters , 25, Gilstead Road, Singapore. 11. Lt.-Col. J . V. Abela, E. H . W. Borg, 109, l\Iain Street, t. Julian's, l\Ialta O.B.E. Dr. R. Lavoipierre Dr. J. Maingard. M.B.E., Forensic ~ cience Laboratory , R ed uit, Mauritius / . R. Atkinson Mrs. ] . P. Bass, P.O . Box 432, Jesselton, North Borneo
... M. T. Williams, Police Headquarters, Victoria , MahC , eychelles Islands
West Africa:GHANA
Honorary Sec retary
HE. The Governor
Dr. E. Alnvei
l\Iajor B. A. Lane, Officer Commanding Police Depot, P.O. B ox 740, Accra, Gh ana
c. . K . Bovell, C.M.C.
Assistant Di trict Commissioner
The Staff Officer, Nigeria Police H.Q., Lagos, Nigeria
J. Beattie
Ge neral Manager's Office, igerian Railway Corporation, Ebute Metta, Nigeria
Ports Authority
J . Ivimey
W. Z. Coker-Dickens, Establishment Officer, Nigerian Ports Authority Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria.
Deputy Commissioner
The Commandant, Police Training School, ierra Leone
W. B . Wright
:vIohammed Lamin Fadika, Prison Headquarters , Free- ~ tow n, Sierra Leone
NIGERIA:Police Force
SIERRA LEONE: Police Force ... Prison Service
... 'asr. Ahmed. General Ianager's Office (Personnel). Sudan Railways. Atbara. Sudan
Headq1laYter Address
CENTRAL AFRICA (administered by THE JOHN)
ORDER OF ST. Jom:) P . . Bo~; . 7137. Johanncsburg.
ali bury, _ . Rhode ia
Dio csan hurch HOllse. George Australia
treet , ydney, N.S. \V ..
INDIA (adminis t ered by the INDI A:>I
T. P . . Box 536.
outh Africa
29 , Wellington Street, Perth, W . Australia 32 I, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada
P. . Box n89, \Velli ngton , I
T. JOII~ AlIlBUL\NCE ASSOCIATION) Red Cross Road, New Delhi, India COUN IL, ST. JOHN AMBULA 'CE ational H eadquart.crs, Road, Karachi, 3
Katrak Builtling,
WALES (administered by THE PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOll~) ...
Priory Ilous , I, Cathedrnl Road.
ARDS (adm inistered by the COMMANDERY OF THE ORDER OF
61, Great Victoria
Man field
treet, Belfast, Northern Ireland
1:b .. Cran{l 1P1'l_'r'12 In tbe l3rltt6b ~eahl1 ~f
lIDost llcnerab(e O\'~t:l· cf tbe " )osIlital I)f 51 . .Jobn "f jcrusalt: m
\tbe st. 30bn Bmbulance lSrlga~e
Annual Report of The Commissioner-in-Chief for the year ending 31st Decembertt 1957
S.W.I. 52 3I )
(t0111111al1bant::::in.:.(tbief of
1Rursing (torps anb 1Oi\)i5ions of
'[be St. Jobn titnbulance :fi3rigabe HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed May, 1928
lDepnt}? <Iollunanbant:::ltl:::<tbtef H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed February, 1937
Superintenbent:::i1t:::<tI)ief for llUlales H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed May, 1935
(totn n18 nbant::::i n::::(tbief of
Bnlbulance anb 1Rursing (tabets H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed February, 1948
to 4 amended to 30th August, 1958.
-m:be &t. 3Jobn 8,
Headq uarters:
~mbulance ~tigabe
S. \t\!. I.
Ql:ommissioner-in-qrbid M. KIRKMAN, C.B.,
if> upeti Iltenbent-i n-~bi ef
c.r., Dame Grand Cross
G.B.E., D.C.V.O., LL.D.-
~upeti ntenbent-in-{:bief
13eputp ~utgeon-ill-(![~ief
~s5istant q[,ommis5ionet-i\1-~bief
~ssi5tant ~upetilltenbent5-ill-([bief
ROMER-LEE-Commander TEYNHAM-Officer
~ssistant ~lItgeon-in-{:bief
fot Q&bet5eas
C. R. BUCHANAN, C.M.G., M.D., CH.B.,
{:bief j}ut5illg Q&fficet
q[,onttoIIet, Q&btt5eas 1i:lepartment THE COUNTESS OF
'llCtaining Qlllbiser MI
Ilbief Q&fficer (Ot <Cabets
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anb q[,baitman
Qlttacljeb to
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(Special Duties)-Serving Brother (Surgeon-in-Chie!,s Department)-Serving Brother CRAFT (Surgeon-in-Chie!,s Department)-Commander
~tigabe ~ectttatp
~55istant ~tigabe ~ectetatp
A. F. NUNN-Serving Brother ~5si5tant ~tigabe ~ectetatp
allb if>ectetatp to
$fficet fot Q&berseas
Chairman '!:ajor-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E., Corr:l11:i loner-in-Chief t. John Ambulance Brigade (ex -off1ctO )
Chairman THE COU TESS MOUNTBATTE OF BURMA, C.l., G.B.E., D.C.V.O., LL.D.Superintendent-in -C hief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. (Ex-officio).
Ex-officio Members The Secretary-General. . . The Director-General St. John Ambulance Assoclah.ofol .. The Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corp and DIVI Ions. . . The Surgeon-in-Chi~f.. The Deputy CommlsSlOner-lI~-Chle.f. . The Deputy Superintendent-m-Chlef, Nur mg Corp and Divi ion. The Deputy Surgeon~in:Chief.. . The Assistant CommlsslOners-m-Chlef. The Assistant Superintendents-in-Chief, Nur ing Corp - and Divi ion..,. The Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. The Chief Commissioner, Priory for \~al es. The Commis ioner for Northern Ireland . The Chief Nursing Officer. The Chief Officer for Cadet .
Colonel Sir Leonard Ropner, M.C., T.D., D.L., M.P., omml 'Ion r, North Riding of Yorkshire-No. I Region. . E. H. Lodge, Esq., M.B., CH.B., Commi 'ion r, West Ridmg of Yorkshire-No.2 Region. . . Air Marshal Sir John Baldwin, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Comml Ion r, Lincolnshire-N o. 3 Region. . . J. T. Whitley, Esq., O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., CommlsslOner, E'sex-No. 4 Region. . f WI' ) Colonel G. F. Page, D.S.O., Commissioner, London (Pnnce 0 ae District-No. 5 Region. . . . Colonel W. P. S. Curtis, O.B.E., D.L., Commls lOner, HampshlreNo.6 Region. . . . I Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex Lewis, D.C.M., T.D., CommlsslOner, Bn to -No.7 Region. . F. L. Richard, Esq., O.B.E ., M.B., CH.B., Commis ion r, StaffordshIre -No.9 Region. , Colonel V. F. Royle, T.D., E.R.D., Commissioner, Duke of Lancaster s . . District- No. IO Region. Lieut.-Colonel K. B. Hicks, O.B.E., CommlsslOner, Sussex-No. I2 Region. . Mrs. Cavendish, District Supenntendent (N), London (Prince of Wales's) District. Mrs . Shaw, M.B.E., County Superintendent (N), Norfolk. Mrs. Courtney, County Superintendent (N), Suss.ex. . H. A. Brown, Esq., County Cadet Officer (A), Lmcolnshlre. Miss O. Addison, County Cadet Officer (N), Durham.
The The The The The The Th The
Ex-officio Members Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief. A~si .. tant :uperint nd ents-i n-Chief. hi £ N ur 'ing Officer. Training Adviser. Controller Ov r a Department. hid Offic r f r Cadets. R cprcrntative for \~al . ( Irs. O. R. Traherne). Di tri ct ,' uprrintend nt for orthern Ireland (Mrs.
Regional Representatives Mrs. F. Burton, County upcrintendent (N), Torth Riding of York -hir - '0 . I R egion . Ir . G. \ . Lodg , O.B.E., Di trict uperintendent (1 ), \Vest Riding of Yorkshir o. 2 Region. Irs. E. ~I. Epton, County up rintendent (N), Lincoln hire- To. 3 Region. 1\Irs. G. R. D. haw, ~I.B.E., County uperintendent (N), NorfolkNO.4 R egion. If. . 1. avendi h, Di tri.ct Superintendent ( ), London (Princ e of Wales's) District- No.5 Region. Mr . M. Boothman, County Superintendent ( ), Buckinghamshire_ . o. 6 Region. Lady Fuller, I.B.E., County uperintendent (N), \Viltshire- o. 7 Region. Mrs. 1. V. Penny, County Superintendent (N), Staffordshire-No. 9 Region. The Lady Mary Hesketh, Di trict Superintendent (N), Duke of Lancaster' s District-No. IO Region. Mrs. E. 1\1. COUliney, County uperintendent (N), Sussex-No. I2 Region. CADET ADVI ORY COM IITTEE
Chatrman Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Goring, Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief Members
Miss O. Addison, County Cadet Officer, Durham-No. I Region. Mrs. J. Cumming Bell, Di trict Cadet Officer, West Riding of Yorkshire -No.2 Region.
H. A. Brown, County Cadet Officer, Lincolnshire- No·3 R egion. 1\1rs. A. A. Ettridge , County Cadet Officer, Norfolk-No.4 Reaion . 1iss D. E. White, District Cadet Officer, London ( Prin~e of \Vales's) District-No . 5 R egion. L. E. Hedley, County Cadet Officer, Berkshire-No.6 Region . Mrs. E. M. Wood, County Cadet Officer, Plymouth, outh-\Ve t Devon, and East Cornwall- No.7 R egion . Mrs. F. 1. Harris , County Cadet Officer, H ereford hire-No.9 R egio n . H. N. Beckett, County Cadet Officer, Cheshire-No. 10 R egio n. J. C. Bell, County Cadet Officer, urrey- o. 12 R egion . Miss Z. D. Druitt, Cadet Training Officer, Priory for \Vale Miss E. Garrett, Northern Ireland .
learned wi th
udd n death of th' Brigad
adne s of the
ADULTS Dil'isions AmbuComlance Nursing bined
Personnel Ambulance Nursing Total
1,654 267
1,171 145
200 22
3,025 434
33,854 5,523
18,700 2,233
52,554 7,756
1,92 1 585
1,3 16 430
222 88
3,459 1, 103
39,377 14,269
20,933 8,283
60,310 22,552
*India *Paki tan.
2,903 507 44
1,895 116 5
5,13 8 623 49
80,590 13,609 1,642
32,327 112,917 2,369 15,978 62 1,704
Grand Tota l
95,84 1
34,758 130,599
Priorie Over ea Other Overseas Territories
all rank' of the Brigade ha e
THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT There has been !l~ ~ark~d change in effective membership during 1957. The number o~ p!VISIOnS III England and Northern Ireland increased by four Adult DIVIsIOns and 62 Cadet Divisions and those in Overseas T~r~i~orie admini tered by. ~r! gade Headquarters increased by 42 Adult DIVIsIOn and 22 Cadet DIV]SIOns. The strenath of the Brjgade at 31st b December, ] 957, i given below:-
England and N. Ireland Wale
Since this report went to pre
Secretary, 1\1r. George F. Quilter, on Tuesday, 12th Augu t, 1958 . England and land Wale
. Ire-
Priories Over eas Other Oversea Territories *India *Pakistan. Grand Totals
CADETS Dirisions AmbuComlance Nursing bined
Personnel Total
1,060 183
1,336 159
83 16
2,479 358
23,883 3,682
40,275 4,179
64,158 7,861
1,243 333
1,495 322
99 46
2,837 701
27,565 7,095
44,454 8,251
72,019 15,346
1,658 230 6
1,906 63 1
3,711 293 7
36,520 4,813 218
54,288 1,423 32
90,808 6,236 250
*1956 figures. ROYAL OCCASIO S
The Brjgade was once again greatly honoured when H.R.H. Princess Margaret as Commandant-in-Chief of Cadcts, carried out an Inspection of C~dets and personally conducted an Enrolment Ceremony on the occaSIOn of the Cadet Rally on the 6th July at Taunton. DUTIES
As ~n past years, both our Ambu~ance and Nursing members responded maglllficently to the many and vaned calls that they received. Owina to a very hot early summer, the casualties dealt with at many events, ;uch
as Wimbledon Tennis and the Whit Friday proce sions in Manchester, were greater than ever before. Towards the end of the year came the tragic railway di aster at Lewisham, when, although fog greatly hampered movement our members from London Di trict were quickly on the cene and rendered valuable help both on the pot and in ho pital . There i an ever-increasing demand for the ervice of our member quite apart from the special dutie in connection with refugee, which arose during 1957. The following figure of dutie and Cll e in England and Northern Ireland for 1957 are of intere t:Duties Hours 1,905,746 1,001,028 356,7 8 47,266 21,609 28,373 154,353 391,9-+1
Public Duties . Tran port Dutie Ho pital Dutie Clinics . Nurseries . . . Blood Transfusion . ursing Aid . Miscellaneous .
Cases treated On Public Duty Off Public Duty Invalids removed . . o. of Road Accidents o. of Other Accidents
205,769 1 6,374 4 0,335 17,922 12,697
The duties undertaken by the Brigade in 1956 in connection \\ilh Hungarian refugees and British National from Egypt continued during the year. Among the duties performed were tho e of air attendant on the plane from Austria, and escorts on the trains from Vienna and to the Reception Centres and Hostel. When the time came for the departure of ome of the refugees to Canada, Brigade member co-operated with the B.R.C.S. in escorting them and seeing them off at London Airport. The sick bays in the Hostels were staffed and maintained by member of the Brigade and the Society. On October 1st, 1957, the British Council for Aid to Refugees handed over the responsibility for the Hungarian refugee remaining in thi country to the National Assistance Board. By the end of the year mo t of the Hostels had closed down, and there wa only a very small number of refugees left in hostel accommodab on. As regards British Nationals from Egypt, the Brigade has given great service not only in meeting and escorting evacuees, but in organising and maintaining hostels. At the beginning of the year evacuees were arriving at the rate of 200 to 250 a week, and eventually some 7,000 had reached this country. The Brigade, at the turn of the year, had set up hostels at Henstridge Camp, Somerset; Beacon School, Crowborough, Sussex; and at Eaves Brow, Warrington, Lancashire. In the event, the Hostel at Henstridge Camp was not used, but those at Crowborough and Eaves Brow were used extensively and were of the greatest value. Much credit is due to the Commissioners and the Superintendents (N) of Somerset, Sussex and Lancashire for the great efforts they made in organising the setting up of these hostels and I should like to add a special word of
apprccia.tion to those who were appointed as Wardens, who had many and vaned problems with which to deal. For their handling of these refugee problems, great credit is due to Lady ~raith~~ite wh? dealt with Hungarians; to Lady Brecknock who dealt w]th Bntt h Natwnals from Egypt in addition to her normal overseas work' to their respective staff and helpers, and to the Assistant Brigade Secretary Mr. Nunn. I should also like to thank Col. J. C. Smith who though not a full member of the Brigade, gave a great deal of help in the office and out of it, in dealing with refugee problems. SE IOR OFFICERS
My La k, after the tragic losses which the Brigade suffered in 1956 was greatly lightened early in the year when Rear Admiral R. M. Dick 'took 0\ er the appointment of Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief. He has been an ir:nmen ~ help to me. We all in the Brigade felt the greatest regret when per I tent Ill-hcalth cau ed the resignation of Brigadier A. Ritchie who ~lad w?rked 0 long and 0 untiringly for our Cadets. We are fortunate I~ havI.ng Lt:-Colonel A. Goring to take his place as A si tant Commisloner-In-Chi ef. We were. al 0 .orry to lose Colonel Mostyn Owen becau e of pre ure of bu mess. I am very glad that Mr. Renwick, who ha ~or long been helping II at Headquarters, has now accepted the app01l1lment of taff Officer for Special Duties. I wa ery orr)' that four Commi ioners relinqui hed office durin a the car. The e were Capt. W. C. } night of Bedford, Dr. Barrett Carde;' of Glouce tcr hire, Dr. G. A. Macdonald of Warwickshire and Rear Admiral Sir Rowland Jerram of Cornwall. Each of these Co~missioners had given mo t valuab le ervice, and I was extremely sorry to lose them. I ha e been plea ed to welcome new Commis ioners for Bedfordshire Glouce tcr hire and Cornwall in the. per ons of Mr. R. C. Oakley, D/ C. R: de adler, and Real: 0-dlTIlral L. A. Boutwood. Pending the apPoIntment .of a .new C01:11l!1l lOner for Warwickshire, the Brigade in that county IS being admlnl tered by a special committee under the Chairmanship of Mr. G. J. Fowler. ' 1
I wa . ~b.le to carry ou~ Inspections in 12 countie during the year, and also to vI It ?ther cOll~tle f?r Conferences and Cour es. I am grateful to the Super.1l1tendent-1I1-Chlef and the Deputy Commi ioner-in-Chief f?r. undertakIng a further nine in pections in other counties. Personal V]SIt were a1 0 made to a number of counties by Senior Officers from Headquarter . I wa also very glad to be able to vi it Dublin on the occasion of the Annual Fir t Aid and Nul' ing Competitions between Northern Ireland and Eire which were held 011 the 26th October. They all gave me a very warm welcome. COMPETITIONS
The Brigade Final. Competitions were held on the 13th July at the ~entral Hall, Westmmster. The Trophies .a~d Prizes were presented by SIr. John Nott-Bower, K.C.V.O., ComnusslOner of the Metropolitan PolIce. The results of the Competitions were as follows:-
Perrott Shield Dewar Shield Clapham Common (London) Whitwick ColUery (Leicester) Dunbar-Nasmith Cup White Knox Cup Palmers Green (London) Fairbairn House (London) In the Grand Prior's Trophy Competition the Brigade was represented by the Whitwick Colliery Team and the Clapham Common Nur ing Team and the Whitwick Colliery Team were ucces ful in winning the Grand Prior's Trophy for Men. CO FERE CES
During the year the following National Conference were held:Commi ioners' Conference. County Superintendents' (N) Conference. Nursing Officer' Conference. Pre ident ' Conference. Surgeon ' Conference. AWARDS LIFE SA VI G MEDAL OF THE ORDER I
Area Commissioner R. H. Blanchford, Bailiwick of Guern ey. LIFE SA VI G MEDAL OF THE ORDER I
Divisional Officer C. E. Froome, Guern ey orthern Ambulance Di I lOn, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Cadet Officer R. H. Le Mesurier, Guernsey Cadet Ambulance Divi ion, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Coxswain A. Hamon, Guernsey. LIFE SAVING MEDAL OF THE ORDER I
Cadet Judith Sherratt, Kendal Nur ing Cadet Divi ion, We tmorland. MERITORIOUS SERVICE
Cpl. O. H. Gallienne, Guernsey Ambulance Divi ion Bailiwick of Guernsey. Sgt. S. T. Harris, Ilfracombe Ambulance Division, Ea t, South and North Devon. Pte. J. E. Herve, Guernsey Student Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Cadet Supt. Mrs. Byford, Welwyn Garden City Nursing Cadet Divi ion , County of Hertford. Div. Supt. R. W. Woodger, Ilfracombe Division, East, South and North Devon. Pte. R. D. Booker, Ilfracombe Division, Ea t, South and North Devon. The Metropolitan-Cammell Midland Works Ambulance Division, County of Birmingham. Sgt. A. G. Hanning, Shoreditch Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Pte. T. Monaghan, Sheffield Central Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. AMERICAN TROPHY FOR GALLANTRY
Cadet James Burt, Lytham Ambulance Cadet Division, Duke of Lancaster's District.
51 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 201 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets. SPECIAL SERVICE SHIELDS
148 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 511 Special Service Shield were awarded to Nursing Cadets. JUBILEE CERTIFICATES
The following Division have been issued with the Jubilee Certificate. indicating 50 years' continuous exi tence:Leed Central Y.M.C.A. Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Burnopfield Ambulance Divi ion, Durham. Dean & Chapter Colliery Ambulance Division, Durham. Bingley Ambulance Divi ion, We t Riding of Yorkshire. Lanca tel' ur ing Divi ion Duke of Lancaster' District. Fleetwood Ambulance Divi ion, Duke of Lancaster's District. Leeds Corp, We t Riding of York hire. Burley, Kirk tall and Headingley Ambulance Division, yVest Riding of York hire. Hun let and Holbeck AmbuJanc Division, We t Riding of Yorkshire. We t 0 ford Ambulance Di i ion, Oxfol'dshire. Ca tlefol'd Ambulance Divi ion, West Riding of Yorkshire. A hby-de-Ia-Zouch Ambulance Divi ion, Leice ter hire. 1. .r. Witton ur ing Divi ion, Birmingham. Pre twich Ambulance Di i ion Duke of Lancaster's District. Middleton Ambulance Divi ion, Duke of Lancaster's District. Ha lingden 'A' Ambulance Divi ion, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict. Ard ley Ambulance Divi ion, We t Riding of Yorkshire. Olney Ambulance Division , Buckinghamshire. Shipley and Di trict Corp , We t Riding of York hire. Shipley Ambulance Divi ion West Riding of Yorkshire. Otley Ambulance Divi ion, West Riding of York hire. Nuneaton ursing Division \\'arwick hire. Burley in Wharfedale Ambulance Division, We t Riding of Yorkshire. Barton Hill Ambulance Division, Bristol. Boston Ambulance Division, Lincolnshire. Plymouth Co-operative Nursing Division, Plymouth S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall. Stockport Nursing Divi ion, Che hire. Torquay Ambulance Division, East, South and North Devon. Dewsbury Nur ing Division, We t Riding of Yorkshire. CIVIL DEFE CE Du~ir;tg the past year the Brigade ha continued its co-operation with the CIVIl Defence Corps and the Indu trial Civil Defence Service. In all parts of the country its qualified instructors have trained members of the Ambulance and Casualty Collecting sections in the Basic First Aid Course and members of the Brigade have as isted as practical demonstrators i~ the Full Course. The Basic Course has recently been replaced by a new Standard Course. In view of the growing importance of thi instruction the Brigade Regulations in regard to instructors in Civil Defence Fir
Aid have been slightly amended to ensure that the high standard of in truction is maintained. Commissioners have also been asked to recruit as many in tructors for Civil Defence as po ible, in order that we and the British Red Cross Society, who hould be the main source of instruction in First Aid may be able to meet the increa ing requirement of local authorities for this purpose. Member of the Brigade have al 0 taken part in Civil Defence exercises in many places. The Home Office ire-considering it plans for the organi ation of the Ambulance and Casualty Collecting ection, and i in con uILation with the voluntary societies in this connection. It i hoped that in the outcome, it will be po sible for divisions of the Brigade, or group of them , to join Civil Defence a units under their own officer or to be at the di po al of the Civil Defence Corps as auxiliarie. Thi should be a great encouragement to member of the Brigade to play their full part in Civil Defence. During the year, three week-end Civil Defence cour e for Senior Officers were held by the Brigade' two in the pring and one in the autumn. The programme wa drawn up by the Home Office Training Divi ion, and the instruction was given by them, with the help of the Mini try of Health and instructors from the Civil Defence Staff College, Sunningdale. The e courses were well attended and were mo t valuable in spreading knowledge of the tremendous problems and immense importance of Civil Defence. A number of Senior Officer and others with pecial q ualifications have attended conrses at the Civil Defence Staff College at unningdale, and several Brigade member attended in tructor ' cour e at the Home Office School at Falfield with ati factory re ult. The ivil Defence Syllabus for Cadets, a an additional proficiency ubject for the Grand Prior's Badge, was issued in March and thi hould en ure that the younger generation are made aware of the great value of Civil Defence to the community. NATIO AL HOSPITAL SERViCE RESERVE
Throughout 1957 the total number of auxiJiarie in the Rc -erve remained round about 40,000, the re ignation cancelling out the new recruits. During the year the Ministry of Health decided to review completely the set-up of the Reserve, as a result of which the whole scheme has been re-organised. The conditions of ervice have been modified and Brigade personnel are allowed to join without any further commitments. The new regulations will come into force early in 1958. NURSING DIVISIO S
The following is an extract from the Superintendent-in-Chief' report: "This has been a year of steady progress in which much excellent work has been carried out. Over and above the usual routine duties which cover so wide a field, in the early part of the year the work in connection with the reception and settlement of the Hungarian refugees and British nationals from Egypt continued with unabated vigour. On the occasion of the disastrous railway accident at Lewisham, nursing members from the locality were quickly on the spot, in spite of transport difficulties owing to the fog, and gave every assistance possible both at the scene of the accident and in the hospitals to which the injured were taken. "In the influenza epidemic of the autumn quite invaluable help was given in the hospitals in many of which large numbers of the staff were, themselves, patients.
"Our officers and members are continuing to give much needed help to the W.V.S. with their One-in-Five Scheme which is expanding in all parts of the country. "It has been a great pleasure to me to be able to visit so many of the counties and I have been tremendously encouraged wherever I have been to find so many new young members working alongside their older colleagues and all, older and younger alike, so evidently keen and efficient and giving splendid service to the community. "It is with the greatest regret that I have received the resignations of three of my County Superintendents and I am truly grateful to them for the fine service they have given to our work over so many long years. They are: Mrs. Brown, Shropshire, 18 years' service; Mrs. Cubitt, Hampshire, 16 year' service; Miss Baird, Oxfordshire, 11 years' service. 'J am happy to welcome Miss Deedes as County Superintendent in uccession to Mrs. Brown; Miss Cooper as successor to Mrs. Cubitt; and Lady Gra ett as As istant County Superintendent for Oxfordshire. "I would like here to record my deep gratitude to all my District/County ~uperi~tendents for their devoted service and fine leadership. Ever lllcrea mg calls are made upon them and their colleagues at all levels which at time it can be no easy matter to meet but always they respond mo t willingly and loyally. 'To all member of my Headquarter staff and very particularly to Mrs. Oro venor, my Deputy, I want to express my deep gratitude for the un~ailing upport given to me throughout the year, and especially for her u.mque gra p ?f.our.work, and for her cheerfulness at all times. My mcere appreCiatIOn 1 also extended to Mrs. Romer-Lee, my Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief and to Lady Braithwaite. Both of them have given me very great help over a wide field. "Once again the number of Nursing Officer appointments has been most atisfactory, the figure showing an increase of 113 net. The assistance given by our N ur ing Officer is of the utmost value and I look forward to the day when every Division has the benefit of such an appointment. Mi Hamilton-Wedderburn is much to be congratulated on this further increase and on the admirable leadership she has shown. "During the year under review, Miss Duff-Grant has again made a great contribution in the field of training, and in connection with the revision of the Home Nursing textbooks, work which has been of particular importance. "I am grateful to Lady Brecknock for her fine support on overseas matters, a well as for the excellent contribution she has made on the home front. With this tribute I would like to link the name of Miss de Mierre, who is so understanding and helpful at all times. "As always, our pillar of strength continues to be Miss Harrison to whom .1 offer once ag~in my most heartfelt thanks. In this repo~t I would lIke also to mentIOn the fine support and increasing contribution given by Miss Jean Russell." SURGEON-I -CHIEF'S DEPARTMENT
. I am very glad that the number of Brigade Surgeons continues to lllcrease. There were 192 new appointments during the year as against a loss through resignation, death or transfer to the Reserve of 7 I' a net increase of 121. This continued growth in the number of Surgeo~s is of
vital importance to the Brigade and is a very great help to the Surgeonin-Chief in his aims of ever improving the standard of training in the Brigade. The following is an extract from the Surgeon-in-Chief's report: "A recent survey shows that at the present time there are approximately 2,700 Brigade Surgeons in England. This i mo t encouraging especially as many of the elder men retiring are being replaced by younger men , including those who have completed their National Service and who have met St. John in the Services and have become intere ted. "There are still some Divisions without Surgeons and every effort is being made to find Surgeons for them, for an enthusiastic Surgeon is essential for a well-trained Division. "Reports from the County Surgeons are encouraging and they are naturally all anxious to see the new Joint First Aid Book. This will be available for the autumn sessions and will, I am sure, he of intere t to all. The Brigade Surgeons have contributed much u eful material to its composition. "First Aid Demonstrations to overseas tudent were continued during the early part of the year, and it is hoped they will create some intere t in the countries concerned. "My staff and I have attended many training Conference and County Competitions, passing on the latest information on teaching and competition work. Tllis is essential if we are to keep up the high tandard of our work throughout the country. "The Northern Surgeons' Conference in Harrogate wa a most succe ful meeting and the vexed question of shock had it final hake-up before incorporation into the new textbook. "Owing to increasing costs it was found impo sible to run the London Surgeons' Conference, but investigations continue to try and find a suitable venue. "My Deputy, Dr. Scott, continued to be of immen e help to me in all directions and my Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. Buchanan, help greatly in the Overseas Department. My staff officer , Mr. Craft and Mr. Rodway are invaluable in the realms of Competitions and Civil Defence. "I believe that the Department is functioning well and am most grateful for the willing co-operation of all at Brigade Headquarters." SERVICE HOSPITALS WELFARE DEPARTMENT
The Superintendent-in-Chief, as Chairman of tills Department, reports: "The average number of Service Hospitals Welfare Officers during 1957 was 121, of willch 33 are Brigade members, posted as follows:United Kingdom B.A.O.R. Middle East
18 6 4
Far East East Africa. West Africa
3 1
"In February I saw our Welfare Officers in Cyprus and visited both the Military Hospital at Nicosia and the R.A.F. Hospital at Akrotiri, where a remarkably fine job was being done in spite of many difficulties. Later in the year, during an official visit to Malta, I went to the R.N. Hospital at Bighi and the David Bruce Military Hospital, also to the R.A.F. Sick Quarters at Luqa, and was well satisfied with all I saw.
"The Comnlissioner-in-Cillef, whilst in Kenya in December, visited the Department at the British Military Hospital, Nairobi, where he met the Welfare Officer. "Throughout the year I was able to visit a number of the hospitals in the United Kingdom:-The R.A.F. Hospital, Uxbridge; The Military Hospital Wheatley; The Louise Margaret Families Hospital , Aldershot; The Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Millbank; Waringfield Military Hospital, Northern Ireland; The Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar, and The Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham. I also visited the new B.M.H. in Paris. "Fourteen new welfare officers were trained during 1957, in Library, Handcrafts and Welfare duties. 'The Department assisted with 74 cases for the DILFOR scheme which end the next-of-kin of dangerously ill patients to visit the~ over ea :- Germany 38, Holland and Belgium 3, Far East 6, Middle Ea t 20, and one each to Nairobi, Bombay, South America and Syracuse and three to Gibraltar. Similar arrangements were made for 39 funeral parties to go to Germany. " Over 300 Welfare cases were dealt with by the H.Q. staff and many other by the welfare officers in their hospitals. " The welfare officers at the Cambridge Military Hospital at Aldershot did plendid work at the time of the Blackbushe air disaster in May, when they looked after the relatives of the injured men who visited the patients in ho pita!. , In many of the other large hospitals there is a constant need for their help in looking after the relatives of D .l. and S.I. patients. "In June the fir t party of Gurkha T.B. patients was brought over from Malaya for operations at the Connaught Military Hospital, so the welfare officers had a very special job in helping them to adjust themselves to the new urroundings and sending messages back to Malaya through our welfare officer stationed out there. "The Ea t Africa Command 'ran down' early in the year so the Seni.or Welfare Officer in East Africa returned to the U.K. in May, leavmg only one welfare officer at BMH Nairobi. She can keep in touch with all the small and scattered medical units as well as carrying out a busy programme for the patients in hospital. "In co-oper~t~on wit.h the local Branch of the B.R.C.S. she helped to arrange for Bntlsh patients to spend convalescent leave in the homes of Settler. "Aft.e : Ghana became independent it was agreed with the Military authontles to leave one welfare officer there for the time being. "In Nigeria one welfare officer is stationed at BMH Kaduna and visits BMH Lagos. "In the Far East the welfare officer was withdrawn from Korea early in August and our number in Hong Kong reduced from five to four. At the hospital~ in .Malaya and Singapore an increasing amount of very good work IS bemg done. Although the R.N. Hospital at Trincomalee and the R.A.F. Hospital at Negombo have been handed over to the ~eylon Government ?ur Chie~ Welf~re Officer, a Brigade member, keeps m touch and we contll1ue to gIve aSSIstance as required' she visited them both in October." '
Her Royal Highness Prince Margaret graciou ly carried out the Inspection at the Cadet Rally at Taunton on the 6th July and personalty conducted an enrolment Ceremony of 61 Cadet . Thi wa held at Bishop Fox School, Taunton, in the morning and the Inspection in the afternoon was in the grounds of Queen's College. Following the In pection, Her Royal Highness presented the American Trophy for Gallantry to Cadet James Burt, of Lytham Ambulance Cadet Division, Lanca hire. Although 2,238 Cadets attended from 20 countie , the attendance would have been much higher had not Cadets from some countie been prevented from travelling by restrictions on travel imposed in connection with polio. Three of the "King George VI Memorial" Leader hip Cour e were held this year. The e were held at Birmingham (10th-12th May); Swanwick, Derbyshire (4th-6th October); and Durham (15th-17th November), with attendances of 49, 47 and 34 re pectively. A National Practical Camp Training Course wa held at Sunbury from the 17th to 19th May, and 48 Cadet Camps were held throughout the country. The biennial National Cadet Officers' Training Course was held at Wills Hall, Bristol, from 20th to 22nd September, and was attended by 128 delegates. The Brigade National Cadet Camp site near Bexhill y\a open from the 27th July to 31 t August. This Camp, which wa \i ited by the A i tant Commissioner-in-Chief, is proving very popular and wa. u ed by 787 members during the period it was open. It was al 0 very well managed by the Committee re ponsible. The gallantry of Cadet Judith Sherratt of the Kendal Nur ing Cadet ~ivision, Westmorland, in rescuing a child from drowning ""ith complete dIsregard for her own safety, was recognised by the Order by the award . of its Life Saving Medal in Bronze. In connection with H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh' Award Scheme eight Cadets received the Silver Award and two received the Certificat~ of Commendation. Consideration has been given to a vital change in the organi ation of the Cadets, and it was decided at the Brigade Committee held in November that the maximum age for membership of the Cadet Branch of the Brigade should be 17, and that Cadets who have not been promoted to Adult Divisions by their 18th birthday should cease to be members. Explanation of this change will be circulated to all concerned during 1958, and the change will come into effect as from 1 t January, 1959. The intention is to ensure that members are no longer held in Cadet Divi ions after they have reached adult age. ST. JOHN HOUSE
The existing St. John House, for which the Brigade has responsibility on behalf of the Order, was closed on the 30th July, and since then great efforts have been made to prepare other premises. During the year arrangem~nts. we.re completed for the purchase of premises at 50, Eaton Place, which IS sItuated near to Brigade Headquarters. Under the chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief every effort is being made to complete the alterations and re-decoration necessary to make the new home of st. John House thoroughly up-to-date and comfortable. It is hoped that the new premises will open early in the summer of 1958.
While the Brigadc undertakes the responsibility for management on behalf of the Order, St. John House is, of course, primarily intended for members. of the Order, Ass?ciat.io.n .and Brigade, and concurrently with the openll1g of the new premIses It IS Intended to make a drive to draw the at~ention. of all those eligible for membership to the existence and value of ~lu meetmg place of.th? e connected with the work of St. John. A greatly 1l1crea ed mcmbershIp IS most desirable as insufficient use has hitherto been made of the Club possibly due to lack of knowledge of its amenities. OVERSEAS
MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar .The Brigade ha acquired a ne:v headquarters in a derelict bastion which, WIth the hel p of the Royal Engmeer , ha been converted into a suitable office, lecture and recreation room. There has been an increase in both Ambulance and Nur ing Cadet Divi ions. Malta, G.c. T~e Bri gade in Malta ha made steady progres and has, as usual adf!1lra~ly met the man~ calls for public duties. The Superintendent-in~ Chle~ Vl Ited tl~e I land 111 September. Through the co-operation of the Admiral S .uperll1 t~nde.nt o~ H .M . Dockyard, a building at Salina Bay has been acq Ul red which IS bemg converted into a seaside chalet for the use o~ St. John. I!lember and Brigade visitors from abroad. Co-operation wlth the CIvIl Defence Corp continues. ~he ommi. ioner, Col~nel Abela, had the honour of being made a Kni ght of Magi tral Grace In the Sovereign and Military Order of Malta. Cyprus The i it of the Superjntendent-in-Chi~f .t? Cyprus early in the year gav~ great el1co~ragen:ent to ~t. John actIVItIes. Although the situation ~a Im.proved, dlfficuitle are tIll present, but in spite of these the Brigade IS ma~mg progre and the strength has increased. The Cadet Divisions are gOIng well and ther~ is a great enthusiasm among the young people. At th~ A~nua.l In pectlOn of the English School (Ambulance) Cadet Corps 111 NIcosIa, 90 members were on parade and following the inspection by. the Commis ioner, .40. new memb~r were enrolled. The H.Q. Officer, ~l M. D?navour-H~ckie, has contmued to give invaluable service both WIth the BrIgade and m organising Fir t Aid Association courses.
EAST AFRICA Uganda U gand~ .w~s the first of the four East African territories that I was able to VISIt In December. The Brigade there is in good heart and has profit~d g.reatly from the presen~~ of.the H.Q .. Officer, Mr. E. R. Reeves, and hIS wlfe, who ~a~e been untInng ll1 arrangmg classes and encouraging ?ur members. ~e IS li~ely to be replaced shortly, but the time is approachmg wl~en the Bngade .u"~ Uganda should be ready to carryon on its own. .Dunng my tour I.vIsIted Entebbe, Kampala, Jinja, Fort Portal and the K~lembe Copper Mm~s, many of whose employees are .St. John trained. I mspected a p~rade m Kampala. Satisfactory progress is being made. The opportumtIes are enormous.
Kenya The number of Divisions in Kenya continue to increa e and St. John House, the new headquarters of the Association and Brigade, was opened in November. During my tour in December, I visited Kitale, Eld.oret, Nakuru, South Kinangop, Nairobi and Mombasa. I held parade. 111 each place except South Kinangop and saw a number of demonstratJOn. Much keenness was shown everywhere. Zanzibar I paid a short visit to Zanzibar and inspected a parade. The Brigade seem to be doing well within the limitation of numbers and of finance imposed by so small a population. I hope that a Nur ing Division will start hortly. There are no Cadet in Zanzibar. The population is inadequate to support Cadet in addition to Scouts and Guides. Tangany ika The Brigade is doing well in Tanganyika under the enthu ia tic leadership of the Commissioner, Mr. Leverett. I inspected a parade in Dar-e Salaam and was well satisfied with the turn-out, bearing, and general efficiency. The Brigade, originally concentrated in Dar-e -Salaam i continually spreading elsewhere through the Railways the Police and the Airports. The territory is vast and the opportunitie , as the country develop are enormous. WEST AFRICA Nigeria There are now 13 Divisions in the country and it is expected that thi number will increase shortly. Work amongst the Nigerian Police and the Nigerian Railway Corporation is making ound progres and in the Nigerian Ports Authority District new units of the Brigade will be formed soon. The H.Q. Officer, Mr. R. F. Christie, has given valuable service in organising many First Aid classes and also courses for lay lecturers. It is expected shortly to start courses among employees of the Amalgamated Tin Mines on Jos Plateau. Ghana During the Independence Celebrations, members of the Brigade were much in evidence and made a good impression in the performance of many public duties. Mr. P. J. McGill, the H.Q. Officer, has worked very hard during the year and in spite of many problems and difficulties has made good headway in promoting the work of St. John in various parts of Ghana. Divisions are being started in the Gold Mines at Tarkwa and Prestea and it is hoped that other areas will follow suit. Sierra Leone The H.Q. Officer, Mr. McGill, paid a visit in August. Progress in the Police had been well maintained and the Commissioner, Mr. W. G. Syer, hoped to develop our activities in other directions such as the Prisons, the United Mrica Company and the Mines.
MIDDLE AND FAR EAST Aden The first Divi ion of the Brigade in Aden will be formed very shortly. Sey chelles The first Divi ion of the Brigade in the Seychelles will also start before long. Cey lon The Annual Inspection of the Ceylon Police Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade was taken on the 9th November by the GovemorGeneral , H.E. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke. Other Annual Inspections were held by the Commissioner in Galle and J affna. The Nur ing Divisions are making steady progress. Mrs. Ross-Bell, who left Ceylon in April, will be much missed, but the Brigade is most fortunate in the appointment of Mr . Jainu-Deen, the Head of the Public Health ur e , to take over as District Superintendent (N). There ha been an overall increase in the number of Cadets throughout Ceylon and it i encouraging to see the number of schools which are becoming intere ted in the work. Singapore The cherne for the re-organi ation of the District into Areas is progre ing and St. John activities are now extending. The Annual Parade of the Bri gade wa held in Singapore in June, the alute bein g taken by H.E. Sir Robert Black. Through the generosity of Mr. Aw Cheng Chye, an ambulance has been presented to the Brigade. Before he left Singapore, H.E. The Governor, Sir Robert Black, laid the Foundation Stone of the new St. John headquarters. Malaya Good progress has been made in the Brigade in 1957 and the strength of Di visional per onnel has been increased. The H.Q. Officer, Miss 1. M. Checkley, continue to do excellent work and travels all over the country visiting Brigade units and organising Association Classes. The third Annual Federal Conference for Officers was held in July and at the end of the year the first Federal Cadet Ambulance Camp was held in Penang; 110 boys attending from all over the Federation. During the Merdeka Celebrations Brigade members were among those who took part in the Review of troop and high praise was given for their smartness and bearing. Other members did many public duties at the same time. North Borneo Dr. K. H. Blaauw was appointed Commissioner of the Bligade on the 20th November, 1957, in succession to Mr. C. Evans who had left North Borneo. Hong Kong The splendid work of Brigade members in the Penetration Squads has continued throughout the year. In May, H.E. The Governor, Sir Alexander Grantham, laid the Foundation Stone of the new headquarters for the st. John Council, Association
and Brigade. The Committee appointed to rai e f1:1nds a.nd endow ~he new building, has now obtained a total of $962,050, mcludIng a donatIOn of $300000 from Mrs. Aw Boon Haw who opened the fund. The Band of the St. John Ambulancc Brigade in Hong Kong paid a visit to Macao, where it gave a serie of five succes ful concerts. BRITISH TlIEST I DIES The Brigade is growing in strengt.h and ti:ere ha be~n a great development in activities throughout the 1.lands m the Canbbean area. Mrs. F. Davie-Smith the H.Q. Officer, continues to give splendid service and during the year'toured the various Districts. Colonel Jame the Commissioner in the Leeward Island , where he has done great work, has now left Antigua on his retirem~nt from ~he. Police. He is ucceeded by Mr. H. G. Seward, the new Pollee Comml SlOner. Barbados After years of excellent service the Commissioner, Mr: William , and his wife (who was District Superintendent (~)) have r~ Igned although they are still serving on the St. !o~n CouncIl. In theIr place Colonel McAlester was appointed CommIssIOner and Mrs. Challoner a Di trict Superintendent (N). Trinidad and Tobago . . Mr. Ackbarali was appointed to succeed Mr. Struther a CommI SlOner who resigned after four years. o~ excellent ervice.. A new headquarters for the Brigade and the AssocmtlOn has been acqmred. Jamaica On September 1st, one of the most terribl,e rail di a ter of rec~nt times occurred when an excursion train was deraIled at Kendal , 70 mlles from Kingston. St. John Ambulance and Nursing members were among the first on the scene and also staff and students of the Training College at Mandeville, many of whom had only recent.ly gain~d t~eir. ~irst ~id Certificates. All personnel rendered outstandmg serVlce III glVIll~ FIrst Aid to the injured, and organising stretcher parties un~er most dJfficult conditions. The excellent work of the Brigade both dunng and after the disaster was much appreciated and as a result many members of the . public applied for particulars of Brigade m~mbers~ip. The Brigade in Jamaica was again called mto actlOn on. Chnstm~s Day, when a tanker wagon skidded, overturned and caught fire 1n the mal n road at Runaway Bay Village. The ~ccident hap~ened close .to the St. John First Aid Post and the Officer m Charge qmckly orgalllsed help at the post, assisted by other members of th.e local Division, ~nd treated many casualties for burns; afterwards helpmg to get the senous cases off to St. Ann's Bay, Hospital. British Guiana The Brigade has made splendid progress; eight adult and 10 Cadet Divisions being formed in 1957.
Mr. J. W. Gregory, whose fine service for the Brigade resulted in expansion of St. John activities into the interior, left British Guiana when he retired from Government service and his place as Commissioner has been taken by Mr. J. Durey, The District Superintendent (N), Mrs. Steele, who did excellent work in developing the Nursing Divisions, has resigned and has been succeeded by Mrs. Shaw. In Mackenzie, the Demerera Bauxite Company has 200 Ambulance and Nur ing Members. There are four well-equipped dressing stations at the plant continually manned by Ambulance Members who, during the year, treated 394 cases, Nursing Members are on daily duty at the Mackenzie Clinic. Two St. John Ambulances are also in constant use. CO CLUSION
By the end of ] 957, I had been able to visit, for inspections or conference over 20 counties at home and four countries overseas. I was everywhere impre ed with the keenness of all concerned and with the tandard maintained. That the efficiency remains highly satisfactory would eem to be hown by the way the Brigade took in its stride a number of unu ual commitments, such as the problem of Hungarian refugee and of Briti h ationa1 from Egypt, the unexpectedly high ca ualtie to be dealt with on public occasions during the heat wave of the early ummer the Boy Scout Jamboree at Sutton Coldfield, and other work of a similar ort. In the Brigade at home, the main problem remains to recruit more young adult both to replace normal wa tage in the older groups and to compete with the many call for a i tance by the pUblic. To assist in thi , a certain amount of re-organi ation is taking place in the Cadet movement 0 as to integrate it more closely with the Brigade as a whole and to make it a true re ervoir of new blood for the Adult divisions, rather than a youth movement which often looked ahead no further than the chool-leaving or National Service age. rn the Brigade oversea , our work continues to go ahead and to reach out into new and untapped areas . Every sort of problem is involved from the growing pain of newly-formed di tricts to the need, in areas reaching political maturity, of getting the Brigade to stand on its own feet, independent, where neceS:iary, of detailed control from London. In all the e problems, the support and enthusiasm of all the members of the Headquarter Staff have, as ever, been quite splendid. The Superintendent-in-Chief, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, has continued to be an example and an inspiration far beyond the range of the nursing division and particularly during the many inspections and visits which she ha so readily undertaken both at home and abroad. I am most grateful to her, to her Deputy, Mrs. Grosvenor, and to all those of her staff to whom he herself pays tribute in her own report. My own Deputy, Admiral Dick, has been a great support to me, not only in the complicated fields of Civil Defence and of St. John House which have been his special care, but in all the wider problems of the Brigade. My gratitude is also due to Colonel Goring and Miss Morison for their enthusiastic work for our Cadets, and to the Brigade Secretary, and to all the clerical staff at Headquarters for all they have done. As ever, I am most grateful to Lady Braithwaite for her most valuable work in running our Appeals so successfully,
Pages 23 to 71 amended to 30 th August, 1958. 22
ST .
Finally, it is to the Commissioners, Officers and Members of the Brigade at home and overseas be they Ambulance or Nursing, Adult ?r Cad.et, that the real credit is due for the splendid standards that are bemg mamtained, on duty and off duty, at home and abroad. (Signed) J. M . KIRKMAN, Majo r-General,
County Offi ce: 6, Lansdowne Road, Luton County President: The Lady Zia WERNHER, C.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: The Rt . Hon . The Lor-d LUKE, M.A., D.L., J.p. J\Irs. R. U. PHIPPS (Nuysing). The lIon. Pearl Lawson Johnston, O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance and Nursing).
C:ommissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Co unty Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
Coun t y
ec retary
R. C. AKLEY, 6, Lansdowne Rd. , Luton (Tel. Luton 1882). .\1ajor-General F. D . MOORE, C.B., C.B.E., '.'Corn Close," Felmcrsham, Bedford (Tel. Sharnbrook 440). R. McEvoY, 64, Shakespeare Road , Luton. Miss H. M. BROWN, I, Stanton Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 5 1 777.
Miss D. SEDDO:-l", Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton. E. WIlITE, 3, Sherwood Road, Luton (T el. Luton 69 5). :\Ii s II. GRIMMER, 3, Station R oad, Ampthill, Bec1s. (T el. mpthill 31 I). :\Iiss T. E. WHITBREAD. 20, Hardwick Road, B edford. R. ELLISON, 86, Kingsway, Luton (Treasurer). \riss D . ARCHER, 3..J, Langley Street, Luton. :\Ir . R. L. FIELD, 12, George Street, B edford. 1 r. BA KS, 26, Bi hopscote Road , Luton (Tel.. Luton 263J). N o rthern Area
County Surgeon .\rea ~lIperinlel1denl (A) Area adet Officer (A) \rea ' tafI Officer
H. \V. ROUND, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Grange, Turvey, Beds. (Tel. Turvey 206). \V . J. POULTER, C I 0 4 Faldo R oad, B edford . Vacant. E. A. l\1rLLWARD, ewton-Blossomville, Turvey, B eds. Sou them Area
Area Superintendent (A) County Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (1 ) Area Staff Officers
Vacant. Dr. J. Kelsall THOMAS, "The Briars", Totternhoe, Dunstable (Tel. Dunstable 10). Vacant. J\Irs . M. BALL, 54, Weatherby Road, Luton. Miss D. WOODHEAD, 34, Langley Street, Luton. l\Ir ·. Fox, 152, \Vhipperley Way, Luton (Cadet s).
BERKSHIRE County Office: St . John House, 101, London Road, Reading. Tel. Reading 54671 County Pyesident: The Lady FREYBERG, G.B.E. County V ice-Presidents: Lady LORAINE (Nursing) Th e Lady FORRES (Cadet NuYsing)
Commissioner . Deputy Commissioner Cou nty Superintendent (A) Coun ty Superintendent (N) Asst. Cty. Superintendent County Surgeon Count y Nursing Officer . Co unty Cadet Officer (A)
C. A. POOLE, liLA., 101, London Road, Reading. Vacant. W. G. THOMAS, 69, Edgehill Street, Reading. The Hon. Mrs. Leslie GAMAGE, Foxhill, Earley, Berks. (Tel. Read ing 614 0 0). Lady Jou bert de la FERTE, 6, Orchard \Vood, Windsor Road. Aswt . D. J . TURNBULL, M.R.C.S ., L.R.C .P., "Spring Lodge," Castle Hill, Maidenhead, Berks. Miss D. E. BRACE, S.R.N., Battle Hospital, Oxford Road, Reading. L. E . H EDLEY, 16, College Glen, Maidenhead .
County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Secretary
ST. ]
Mrs. D. ROSE, ,-17, Chilton Crescent, Earley. H. F. SKIDMORE, 324, Tilehurst Road, Reading. Mrs. THOMAS, 69, Edgehill Street, Reading. L. J. BARTO , 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. Mrs. BARTON, 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. P. R. HILLS, 41, Larkhill Road, bingdon. (Cadets). G. L. ROSE, 47, Chiltern Cre ce nt. Earley. (Stores) 1iss D. K. GIBBINS, 33, South View Avenue, Caversham.
County Nursing Officer Tel. Birmingham
entral 6660.
County President: Alderman J. C. BUR fAN, J . P. County Vice-Presidents: Alderman W . T. BOWE (Amblilance). Mrs. W. A. CADBURY (Ntlrsing). J. P. Eames, O.B.E., (Cadet Ambulance) Mrs. P. CADBURY (Cadet Nursing). Brigadier M. L. lIAY 'E, C.B.E., Oak Beam .. Church Lnnt·. C:ommissioner Gaydon, \Varwickshire. (Tel. Kineton 428). Brigadier . L. CARISS, O.B.E., T.D. , 56, St. Agnes Road . Deputy Commissioner Moseley. Birmingham, 13. W. R. LLOYD, 66. Bleakhill Road. Birmingham 23. County Superintendent (A) Mrs. D. C. Nicol. 28. Westfield Road . Edgbaston. BirmingCounty Superintendent (N) ham. IS. (Tel. Edgbaston 02 '6). W. H . SHlLVOCK, M.B., CH.B., B.S.. 6. Fitzroy Ave .. lIarCounty Surgeon borne, Birmingham, 17. Mr. C. E. GREE , S.R. , 23. II unlon Hill. Erdinglon. County Nursing Officer Birmingham, 23. A. E. GREEN. 23, Hunton Hill , Erdington. Birmingham. 23. County Cadet Officer (A) Mrs. D. OWEN, 16. Cranmore Avenue, lIandsworlh , BirmingCounty Cadet Officer (N) ham. County Staff Officers A. C. FORD, 85, Woodleigh Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham, 17. (Stores) J. E .. MATTHEWS, 30-1, Bord esley Green Ea ·t, Birmingham, 23 Miss E. M. ROGERS, 72, Balsall H ea th Road. Edgba t on. Birmingham, 5. F. GRIFFITHS, Midland Bank, ewhall treet, Birmingham . 3. (Treasurer) M. C. LEGGETT, ,,8, Parkdale Road, Birmingham 26. (Special Duties) Mrs. Fraser BROWN, 273. Yardley Wood Road. Moseley, Birmingham. Mrs. J. MILLER, 78, Woodford Avenur. astle Bromwich . (Administrative). W. R. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford Lane . Ward End, Birmingham. 8. K. FLOWERS, 53, Frampton Way , Pheasey Estate, Great Barr, Birmingham, 22a. R. C. N. Day. 297. Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham. 29 . County Sergeant Major Mrs. F. E. HAMMOND, 7, Ravenshaw Road, Edgbaston, 17· County Secretary (Tel. Bearwood 2802).
BRISTOL County Office: Unity Street, St. Philip's, BriSltol 2.
.\ sst. County Superintendent ( County Surgeon
BIRMINGHAM County Office: Nelson Memorial Hall. 100. Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3.
Assistant Commissioner (County Secretary) County uperintendent (A) County Superintendent (N)
Tel. 2243J
County President: His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., P.C . , G.C.v.O. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H . L. BURGESS. R. L. CHEVERTON, Esg., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Rev. R. F. CARTWRIGHT, M.A.
County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
Lieut-Colonel H. ESSEX, LEWIS D.C.M., T.D., II, Clifton Hill, Bristol, 8. Tel. 33808. G. J. CREECH, M.R.S.H., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol, 5. Vacant. Miss M. E. E . SARAH, M.B.E., IS, Morley Square, Bishopston, Bristol. 7. (Tel. Bristol 43321). Miss B. J. GRIFFITHS, S.R.N., Cossham Memorial Hospital , Kingswood. Bristol. Dr. J. A. Lanson ROBERTS, 75, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol. Miss B. H. . SAM;\!O S, S.R.N., II, Blenheim Road, Redland, Bristol, 6. Dr. R. II. BUTCHER, 20, Elmgrove Road, Cotham, Bristol, 6. Mrs. E. F. PULLIN, B.E.M., 138, Monks Park Avenue, Horfield, Bristol, 7. M. Fox, 10, Redlanc1 Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. (Press Relations) J. F. ·;'.lfTH, " t . K eyna", Knightcott Road . Abbotts Leigh, Bristol, 8. W. G. CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, Filton. Bristol. A. R. U\RDING, "Hillside," Larkleaze Road, Longwell (~reen, r. Bristol. C. GRIBBLE, B.E.M., 7, Stanley Road, Redland, Bristol, 6. E. J. FOLEY, 2, Highfield Grove, Horfield, Bristol 7· ( .H .S. R.) . H. R. H . PAGE, 45, Kingsway Ave., Kingswood, Bristol. Mrs. M. C. REECH, 30 Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol, 5. 1iss L. G. GORMA:-<, 12, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bristol, 3. (adets). D. A. ~ ORTON, 23, Balmoral R oad, t. Andrews, Bristol , 6. (Training). H . J. CROKER, I. Marguerite Road , Uplands, Bristol , 3. (Civil Defence). C. VI CE T. I, Dryleaze, Chandos Road, Somerdale, Keynsham, Bristol.
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE County Office: 79, Buckingham ·1.ree1., Aylesbury. Bucks. Tel. Aylesbury 38 6. County Presidents: The LADY CHATFIELD (Nursing). Major P. G. DARVIL-SllfITH, C.B.E. (Cade ts) . County Vice-Presidents: Brigadier J. N. CHENEY, O.B.E. (Ambulan ce) . Lady AUBREY FLETCHER (Nursing). Th e Viscount CURZON, J.P. (Ambulance Cadets) The Viscountess CURZON (Nursing Cadets).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) Asst. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon (Executive) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A)
Brigadier G. A. FENTON, O.B.E., Moor Lane Cottage, Sarratt, r. Rickmansworth. (Tel. King's Langley 2194). Vacant. Vacant. Mrs. M. BOOTH fAN, "Lynton Chase," Datchet, Bucks. (Tel. Datchet 302). Miss N. M. SALE, The Croft, Walton Road, Aylesbury. R. H. KIPPING, M.B., CH.B., Leigh HQuse, Beaconsfield. Dr. G. W. H. TOWNSEND, County M.O.H., County Offices, Aylesbury. Mrs. VV. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., Bridge House, Baring Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks. K. A. NATHAN, "Torwood". Clifton Road, Chesham Bois, Amersham, Bucks .
Asst. County Cadet Officer (A) . Asst. County Cadet Officer (N) County
taft Officers .
County Secretary
D. ORLIK, tratton ottage, tratton Rd .. Beaconsfield. Miss M. E. \VHITE, " leveland." Claremont Gard ns. i\larlow. C. DAY, Station House. Saunderton, r. High Wycombe . J. O. BOLDERO, Tbe Manager, Lloyds Bank, Aylesbury, Bucks. (Treasurer). Miss G. M. IVES, 9, Ogilvie Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. (Training) . L. E. PIKE, 17. The Broadway. Amersham. Bucks . (Publicity) A . KINGSBURY. Henshaw, Bierton, Aylesbury. (Publicity Advisory). R. F. POPE, "Balnacraig", Burgess Wood Road. Beaconsfield. Mrs. A. M. HOOD, 148, Wellington treet. Slough. Mrs. E. HA DCOCK, "Winford". ppcr 1ckn ild Way Princes Risborough. R . J. GOVES, 176 Desborough Avenue. IIigh Wycom be . Mrs. Z. BOTSFORD. 79, Buckingham St., Aylesbury, Bucks
Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Surgeon
Area ursing Officer Area Staff Officer
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Area Area Area
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) County Transport Officer Area Staff Officers
Central Area Vacant. i\Iiss B. i\1. WHITE, "IIillvie\\", Louth ater, High Wycombe HILDA DAVIS, M.D .• ClI.H., D.P.II., Plough Coltages, Cads dean, Princes Ri sbo rough. Vacant. \V . J. LUNNON, 29, Cressex R oad, High Wycombe, Bucks , Vacant. T. SHORT, II, Hill View Road , High Wycombe, Bucks. J. RICHARDSON, "St. Davids", Station Rise . Marlow, Bucks Mrs. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, nr. High Wycombe . F. R. REEDER, "Glamis," Kingsmead Road, High Wycombe F. G. BIGNELL, 24, Carrington Road, Southcourt, Aylesbury. C . F. A. LAMBOURNE, The Anchor Inn, \Vingrove, Nr. Aylesbury. lVIiss lVI. STERRETT, 27. Clarendon Road. Pinion. High \\'y combe. r. T. GOM {, "St. Goran", Green Lane , Chesham Bois. D. G. A STEAD, III, \Vhitelands Road, High \Vycomhc. Miss P. M .. TULLETT, "Dukeholme," Mitchell Walk, Amersham. lVIiss A. L. EVANS, 171, Buckingham Road, Aylesbury . Southern Area Vacant. Vacant. Lt.-Col. L. D. M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH.B., 33, Sussex Place, Slough, Bucks. Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. J. D. PALMER, "Brentwood", 70, Carrington Crescent, Wendover, Bucks . L. STEPHENS. 3, Mundesley Spur. Slough. Bucks . Miss E. E. F. GOMM, 55. Bath Road, Slough.
CAMBRIDGE County Office: 35, St. Mary's Street, Ely. Tel. Ely 2678. County Presidents: The LORD FAIRHAVEN, D.L., J.P. Mrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK. County Vice-Presidents: Major G. M. MACFARLANE-GRIEVE.
S. MAURICE-SMITH, M.R.C .S., L.R.C. P., "Etbeldreda House", Ely. (Tel. Ely 2678). C. W. WALKER, M.B., M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road, Cambridge. G . WALKER, PH.D., M.SC., "Kersell", Sedley Taylor Road Cambridge. Mrs. II. C. GRAIN, "Belmont," 43 Prickwillow Roao, Ely. (Tel. 2695). 1\1rs. E. Ellis LEWIS, S . ~.N., S.C.M., R.F.N., I9, Brookside, Cambridge. :\1 iss M. C. D. KENNETT, S.R.N . , C.M.B., Long Stanton Rectory, Cambridge. Lt .-Colonel G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., 49, Silver Street, Ely . (Treasurer) . S. P. DICKER, II, Belgrave Road, Cambridge. (Training). A. H. GRIMSHAW, 152. Elm Road, March, Cambs. C. HAYLETT, 225, Mill Road, Cambridge.
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner and Act. County Surgeon County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer.
N orthe:rn Area Capt. F. \V. WORKER, 56. Windsor Street, Wolverton. Bucks Miss E. M. SAVORY, "Emberton House", Olney, Bucks S. J. COMPTON, 22a, Silver Street. Newport PagneIl, Bucks. Miss J. ROSE. Mission Hall. Newport Pagnell, Bucks . W. lVI. lVI. DOUGLASS, M.A., M.B., B.CR., Wolverton t. Mar y, Stony Stratford. Vacant. R. G. ALDERSON, 12. Bedford Street, \Volverton . (Area adet Training).
Coun ty Staff Officers
Area Cadet Officer Area Cadet Officer
Ely Area Vacant. Vacant. F. G. A. BECKETT, M.A., Cambs. Vacant.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer
CH.B., 14 Egremont Street, Ely.
Cambridge Area Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. C. A. SARGEANT, (Training), "Chesterfield", Cold hams Lane, Cherryhinton. Miss D. LINTON, 68, Cavendish Drive, Cambridge. (Secretary) i\1rs. E. J. PIGOTT, 76, Akeman treet. Cambridge. (Transport). R. T. WOOMBWELL, 62, Marshall Road, Cambridge.
Area Commissioner Area uperintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Staff Officers
CHESHIRE County Office: County H.Q., Tabley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. Tel. Knutsford 346. County Vice-Presidents: A. K. FERNS (Ambulance). A. C. BENTLEY (Cadet Ambulance).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) t:ounty Surgeon
Capt. Percy REAY. O.B.E., M.C., J.P., "Oakdene", Prestbury, Cheshire. Tel. Prestbury 8353. W. Cecil ROBINSON, "Woodeaves," Dale Brow, Prestbury, Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 8357). N. S. MUMBY, "Glendyne", Prenton Lane, Prenton, Birken· head. (Tel. Mountwood 1372). Vacant. K. D. BEAN, M.B., CH .B ., D.P.H., Lowbarrow, Mottram Road, Alderley Edge, Cheshire.
County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County taff Officer County Secretary Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( )
Miss A. MCCULLY. S.R .N.. District Memorial Hospital. Crewe. H. N. BECKETT. 28. Stalbridge Road . Crewe . Mrs. A. LAWRENCE, 13. Albert Road. headle Hulme . J. HARNEY, 53. Woodyear Road. Bromborough. Wirrall . (Cadets). Mrs. E. SIKGLETON. County H.Q .• Knutsford. Eastern Area H. B . BINGHAM. 56. Greg Street. South Reddish. Stockport.
Mrs. J. J. BOMFORD, 37. Beechlield Road. Davenport, tockport. J. MACFIE. M.B .. CH. B.. Sunninghill. TO\\l1scliiIc Lane . Marple Bridge. Mrs. R. ALLAN, S.R.N., High ·tacks. Poyn1.on. Vacant. Vacant. Central Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer
Vacant. fiss M. E. DEAN. I. Derbyshire Road .. ale. Cheshire . H. C. 'V. BAKER. M.R. C.S .• L.R. C.P .• 16. The Wiend . ROLk Ferry. C. JAMES, 24. Emmett Street. Barnton. Northwich . (Training) Western Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
County Secretary
F. POLKINGHORNE, "Hyland", Heanton Terrace, Redruth. (Competitions). P. PEARCE, Barclay Bank, Redruth. A. B. VENNING , Grasmere, Dunheved Road. Launceston. (P ublicity) . Miss G. MORCOM, 18, Dean Street, Liskeard.
Assistant Commissioner Area Surgeon
W. G. MOONEY, J.P., Broomhill, Tavistock Rd., Launceston. M. C. COOPER, M.C., !If.R.C.S., L.R.C. P., Hollybank, The
Area ursing Officer County Cadet Officer [or Area Area Cadet Officer (A) A rea adet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officer
Downs, Looe. Miss N. K. DEAN, S.R.N., Wadham House, Liskeard. J . J. PEARCE, "Seldon", Bosven Road, Newquay. H C. PENDER, 15, Westheath Villas. Bodmin. Miss K. GOVIER, 12, High Street, Launceston . F. A. CUTLER, "Gresham", 100, Mount Wise, Newquay.
Eastern Area
Western Area
Assistant Commissioner Area Nur ing Officer . rounty raclet Oflicer for Area -\rea adet ffic r (A) '\rea adet Officer ( ) ,\rpa Starr Ofiiccrs
E. All en SMITH, 5. Claremont Road. , alla. cy. ('11C'shirc . Miss W. A. LAMB, 28. Highgreen Rd .. Birkenhead. Cheshire. H. L. GARSON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "';Voodlands". 1 ew Chester Road, Bromborough. Wirral. heshirc.
\V. L. STEWART, M.B., CH .B., Tremethick, Grampound. illrs. E. TREWREN, S.R.N., 152, Albany Road, R ed ruth.
G. BARRETT. ' ilver Bo\\', Mount Ambrose Redruth W. T. ALLEN, 8, Robert Kitchins Road, Falmouth. . ~lrs. J. s. Do EY, "Hazledene," Mabe, Penryn. Mrs. M. RODGER, \Voodside, Western Terrace. Falmouth. C. C. PELLOWE, 3, Tolgus-Wartha, Redruth.
CORNWALL County Office: 18. Dean Street. Liskeard. Tel. Liskeard
20IO .
Cotmty Presidents: Colonel Sir Edward H. \V . BOLITHO. K.B.E .. C.B., D.S.O., Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall. ancy. Lady VIVIAN. O.B.E.
County Office:
"Park Vip\\, ,"
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon Assistant Commissioner County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Rear Admiral L. A. BOUTWOOD, C.B., O.B.E., Gold ' n Cap. Tideford. Saltash. (Tel. Landrake 237). Vacant. Princess Chula CHAK~ABONGSE, Tredethy. Bodmin. (Tel. St. Mabyn 232). Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, G,vel Marten, Probus, near Truro. T. C. TRESIDDER. Dartington. Radannack. Truro. (Transport). Vacant. Vacant. Vacant . Mrs C. H. ASHER, Ellenglaze Manor, Cubert, Newquay. (N.H.S.R.) J. J. JACKMAN. "Hazlemere," Albany Road , Falmouth. E. S. SEYMOUR, 60, Trefusis Road. Redruth. C. S. MOYSE. Fore Street, Camelford. A. T. MOSSMAN, 9. Killerton Road. Bude. Miss L. C. WERREN, Cyprus House, Launceston. Miss F. W. PAUL , 4. Park Road, R edruth. W. H. M4YCOCK, Lyndale, Tre~illi;tn, Truro (Civil D efence).
(Tel. Dalston 3 2 7)
County Presidents: ir Robert CHANCE, Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland .
County Vice -Presidents: C. E. H. LLOYD, ESQ., and H.R.H. Prince CHULA of THAILAND, (,.C. V .O. (/1 IIIbulalL{ c). Mrs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, c. n.., Mrs. C. H. ASHER and Lady Mary PAWLE ( !lysI ng). A. V. BAKER, ESQ. (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. Y. THOMAS (Cadet Nursing).
..artIe\\', Dulston, Nr. Carlisle, Cumberland.
County Vice-Presidents:
Mrs. M. L. BARRACLOUGH (Nursing) Cumberland The Countess of LONSDALE (Nursing) Westmorland. Commissioner Dep uty Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Asst . Cty. Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . Asst. County urgeon. County Nursing Officer. County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Sergeant Major County Secretary
Capt. J. L. JOHNS. R.N. (Retd.), Lockville, Main Street. 'edbergh, Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 267). Vacant. J. T. BEVERLY. 18. Woodsghyll Dri\'e, Harraby, Carlisle. (Tel. Carlisle 23294). Mrs .. M. A. C., AI, scow, M.B., CH.B., The Howe, Troutbeck, Wmdermere . (Tel. Windermere 228 7). Mrs. V. E. RAVE, Stancroft, Carlisle. N. L. BIRKETT, M.A., ~f.B., B.CH., 3 Thorny Hills, Kendal. J .. S. MOFFAT, M.B., CH .B ., 136, Wigton Road , Carlisle. MISS G. LAYCOCK, S.R .N., Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle. J. W. LOWTHIAN, 18, Grace Street, Carlisle. Miss D. TROTTER , The Gowans, Sedbergh. C. H. STEPHENSON, 25, Nook Street, Workington. J. STILLING, 3-1, Romney Road, Kendal. Mrs. NEWMAN. 51, Holmriggs Avenue, Penrith. J. H. SMITH, 89, D,unmail Drive, Car~isle. (Press Relations) A. HUSBAND, I. FalI'field Gardens. WIgton Road . Carlisle. D. GRAHAM, "Park View ," Cardew. Dalston. Nr. Carlisle.
DERBYSHIRE County Office: The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlow , Via. Sheffield. (Tel.: Holm esfleld 3 62 ) County President: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE County Vice-Presidents: VISCOU, T SCARSDALE
Commissioner Deputy Comnussioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons
County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Staff Officers
County Secretary
Colonel F. Arnot BEARN, C.B.E., D.S .O., M.C., M.D., "Brooklands", Temple Road, Buxton. (T 1. 5 7) · Capt. J . ATKINSON, M.B.E., ·W hite I{nowlc Cottage, Chinley , r. Stockport. l\1iss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, Mickleover, Derby. (Tel Derby 53 12 4)' I. i\IACKEKZ!E, M.B. , B.S., l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., I II Manor Road , Derby. Mrs. Clara STEWART, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., 3, Hardwick Mount, Buxton. Vacant C. 1. l\1ARGERRISO , The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlow , Via Sheffield. (Tel. IIolmesfield 362). F. I. SHDIWELL, 151, l\lanor Road, Briminglon, r. Chesterfield. W. F. RIGLEY, 6A, Kingsway, llkeston . (Training). R. RI 'G HAM, J .P. , Markham House, Duckmanton, Nr Chesterfield. Mrs. G . E. H. WEATHERBY, 28, Kingston Street, Derby . . I. MARGERRJSO , The Cottage , \ ilday Gn'('n, Barlow, Via. heffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362).
Commissio ner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A)
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superin tendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Area \rea Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (l\) uperintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
National Coal Board No. 1 Area B. KENDALL, Bonnevienne, Inkersall Rd., Duckmanton, Nr. Chesterfield. T. M. COPE, "Hill Close", Arkwright Town, r. Chesterfield . Superintendent (A) Mrs. McKAY, Brereton House, Bolsover . Superintendent (N) Dr. W. A. F. HURST, Heathfield, Tibshelf. Surgeon Mrs. C. L. MATZEL, S.R.N., "Carmel", lVlill Lane , Whitw ell, Nursing Officer Nr. Worksop. Mrs . V. vV. NAYLOR, I, North Crescent, Duckmanton , Area Nursing Officer Chesterfield. S. C. CARTER, York House, Creswell, Nr. Worksop. Cadet Officer (A) . Area Cadet Officer (A) W. S. BUCK, I Ringwood Avenue, Staveley, Chest erfield. Cadet Officer (N) Miss U. TESH, Lyn Croft, Tibshelf Road, Holmwood, Nr . Chesterfield. F. NORMAN, I,), Private Drive, Hollingwood. Staff Officers Mrs. E . A. COPE, "Hill Close", Arkwright Town, Nr . Chesterfield. E. HURSTHOUSE, 54. Walton Road, Chesterfield. L. GROSS, Ig6, Ashgate Road, Chesterfield. G. F. GARDNER, \ Vhite House, Morton.
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area Asst. Area Asst. Area Area
MILLWARD, "Clovelly," Little lorton Road, Nort h \ Vingfield. Mrs. C. I. MARGERRISON, The Cottage, Wilday Green , Barlow, via Sheffield. T. COVERLEY, 16, Derwent Square, Chinle-y.
H. F. PARKER, 377, Derby Road, Nottingham . G. H . BOWMER, 12, High Street, Loscoe. Mrs. M. RIGLEY, S.R.N., 6a, Kingsway, Ilkeston . Dr. W. V. ROACHE. Rutland Houst, llkeston. Mrs. K. MORLEY, "Morwood," 216, Heanor Road, Ilkeston. A. E. \Y. DILKS, 13, Kingsway, Ilkeston, Derbyshire . Mrs. G. lV!. HUDSON, 24, Middleton Avenue, Crosshill, Codnor W. AILMORE, 41, Heath Road, Ripl ey. \V. A. HUDSON, 24, Middleton Avenue, CrosshilL Cod nor. II. HYDE, Sye Lane House, Ilkeston Road South, IIeanor. Southern Area \V . II. Dr ' WOODIE, M.B., CH.B., 32, winburne treet, Derby . E. G. FLORENCE, 266, Osmaston Park R oad, Derby. Miss G. H . WALTON, g, Kingston Street, Derby. Vacant. l\1rs. M . F. HALLETT, 398, Burton R oad, Derby. \V. J. HOLBROOK, 20, Kendon Avenue, Sunnyhill, Deruy. Miss DRURY, 13, Derwent Avenue. Allestree. R. NALL, 12. Lawrtnce Street, Long Eaton. H. FAR:-ISWORTH, "Melita", 13, Holt Avenue, D erby. 1rs. FAR:-ISWORTII, "Melita", 13, Holt Avenue, Derby. A. E . SPR1NG, '"' I, :t. Wystan Road. D erby.
EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON County Office: The Hut, Culver Drive, Chudleigh. Tel. Ch udl eigh 2262. County Pyesident: Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY, BT., D.S.O., IIf.C.
Vacant. C. V. DUNDAS, 12, Park Avenue, Poynton, Cheshire. Miss N. START, 56, Brown Edge Road , Buxton. Vacant. . R.
National Coal Board No. 5 Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
Northern Area
Area Area Area Area
County Vice-Presidents: Lady RAYNER (Nursing) Lady IMBERI' TERRY (Nursing Cadets)
Commissioner Co unty Superinlcndent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Co unty Staff Officers
Co un ty Secretary
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Major T. W. GRACEY, Melrose, Ashburton, S. Devon. Mrs. C. DE B. DE. lNG, Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John . (Tel. Ottery St. Mary 27). Vacant. Mrs. M. D. NICHOLLS, S.R . . , Carron Glen, Salcombe Hill Road, Sidmouth. Major-General R . DENING, C.B., IILV .O., IILC., Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John. Mrs. Stuart NICHOLSON, Prispen House, Silverton. W . C. JOHNSON, 2, The B roadway, Littleham Cross, Exmouth (Ambulance Liaison). A. C. TAYLOR, 55, Blatchcombe Road, Paignton. (Press R elations). Miss D. BOURCHIER-\VREY, Tawstock, Chudleigh. East Devon Area Major R . A . P. GRAY, I1I.B ., 23. Southernhay East, Exeter. C. J. VVOOD, 40, Kingswav. H eavitree . Exeter. Mrs. BOLT, Little Copse, N ewcourt Road, Topsham. L . G. ANDERSON, II1.B., CH.B., M.D., D.P.II., 26, Cranford Avenue, Exmouth. W. J. B. PERRIAM, Matford, Hulham Road , Exmouth . Miss M. E. HOWES, 27, Brookside Crescent, Whipton, Exeter. Miss C. B. GOLDING, 375, Topsham Road, Countess Weir, Exeter. Miss M. MARTIN, 176, Pinhoe Road, Exeter. (Cadets).
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer
Area Cadet Officer (A) rea Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
Area Area Area Area
ST. JOHN A rBULA CE BRIGADE North Devon Area Lieut .-Colonel K. G. W. SAUNDERS, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., Elmfield, Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple. R. BRADDO -, "St . J ohn," Yelland Road, I"remington. Miss F. VALENTINE, Little Close, Braunton. M. P. MOREL, M.B., CH.B., Beech Hill, Barnstaple. Irs. C. H. M. HARDY, S.R.:N., "Bramley," Broadclo_e Road , Barnstaple. Dr. J. P. BUSH, Heathfield House, Old Torrington Road, Barnstaple. 1\lrs. C. J. H. AUNDERS, Elmfield, Barnstaple.
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Asst. Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officer
South Devon Area \V . U mERRILL, lLE.M., London House, Ashburton. P. BAKER, 1~, King's Avenue, Paignton. 1\lrs. K. l\1. EVANS, S.R.N., Hollybank, Paignton A. EVERARD, 1I1.B., CH.B., 26, Keyberry Park, ('\\ton .\lJbot, Devon. Mrs. E. :vI. HARVEY, S.R.N., 6, Derwent Road, Babbacombe. Torquay. M. E. C. TEDHA [, Lavender Cottage, Coach Road, ewton Abbot. Miss M. A. STOWE, M.B., CH.B ., M.R.C.S., Dartmoor ottage Lustleigh. Mrs. L. 1. TOWNSEND, Brooke House, Ipplepen. Mrs. L. A. R. NICHOLLS, 4, Bearnes Lane, Newton Abbot
0 borne T nacc,
County Vice-President: LADY STARMER
County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer nty Cadet Officer (N) Coun ty Stan Officers
227 0 .
Coun.ty President: DOROTHY, LADY ELLENBOROUGH. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. M. M. WARRE, Mrs. A. M. C. COOPER (Nurs!lllJ)· LORD ELLENBOROUGH (Cadet Ambulance). Lady LETTICE ASHLEY COOPER (Cadet N Llrsillg) .
Commissioner County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeons
County Nursing Officer County Officer i / c Cadets Coun ty Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .
County Secretary
Dr. R. V. S. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, Weymouth. (Tel. Weymouth 800). Mrs. D. R. GALTON, 6, Elgin Road, Parkstone. (Tel. Parkstone 928). Dr . E. J. Gordon WALLACE, Health Centre, Weymouth. (Tel. Weymouth 1645). Dr. Laura Maule HORNE, The Grange, 2, Mount Road, Parkstone. (Tel. Parkstone 18 ). Sister Miss D. SUNDERLAND, S.R.N., Health Centre, Weymouth. K. H. M. ALDRIDGE, 58, St. Thomas treet, Weymouth. Miss M. R. PEACH, 59, High Street, Shaftesbury, Dorset . A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, Weymouth . E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow, Plantation Road, Waterloo, Poole. E. W. CUFF, "Sydco", 67, Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester. J. B. SPENCER, 422, Dorchester Road, Weymouth . D. G. F. ACUTT, "Cambrai", Cranford Avenue, Weymouth . (Publicity). Mts. D. R. BOOTH, 7, Mount Joy, Burton Road, Bridport (N.H.S.R.). Miss F. B. LONG, 10, Dorchester R oad, Weymouth. (Tel. Weymouth 2270).
Coun.ty Office: ewcastJe-upon-Tyne 2. Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 81-3646 County President: S. EMBLETON, Esq., O.B.E.
DORSET County Office: Dorchester Road, Weymouth. Tel. Weymouth
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A)
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
County Secretary
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (N) 1\ rea Staff Officers
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officers
Colonel Sir Myers \VAY;\lAN, K.B.E., D.L., F.S.S., J.P., Coanwood, Sunderland. (Tel. Whitburn 3332). S. BUNKER, "Kelway", Langport Road, Sunderland. R. RUTaIERFORD, T.D., J.P., M.B., B.S ., The Firs, Langley Park, Co. Durham. Lady \VAYMAN, Coanwood, Sunderland. K. M. 1.>\cDoNALD, M.B., CH.B., Bankfreld, Consett, Co Durham. Mrs. F. M. J. DUNCAN, S.R.N., 1~, Garcia Terrace, Sunderland. Miss O. ADDISON, 80, Croft Terrace, Jarrow. P. S. BLU DEN, Cross House, Pelton. \V. MATHER, 4, Glebe Houses, Ferryhill, Co. Durham . Miss E. SCURLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Breamish Street, Jarrow -onTyne (Training). J. J. D. KERRY, 4, Malton Colliery, Lanchester, Co. Durham. H. C ... RR. 88, Barningham Street, Darlington. A. B. HOGGETT, 29, Great North Road, Brunton Park, Gosforth. (Treasurer). :\lrs. 1\1. JARRETT, S.R.N., 90, 1arine Avenue , Whitley Bay, l\Ionkseaton. Miss E. P. GRAY, 2, Summerhill, Sunderland. T. HOPKINS, 22 Farndale Avenue, South BenigJ, 'Vhitburn. H. S. D. HAE TENS, 35, Claremont Roa.d, Darlington. (Civil Defence). Mrs. R. 'W ATSON, 40, Brandling Place South, Newcastle. Tel. ewcastle upon Tyne 81-1515). East Durham Area A. BURNS, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., Rainton Lodge, West Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring. S. F. STOKOE, 18, Maureen Street, Seabam, Co. Durham. Miss D. A. HALL, B.SC., I, Greenbank Villas, Jarrow. A. K. MACRAE, M.D., CH.B., Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham. Miss O. HODGSON-LAWS, S.R.N., Stonegate Cottage, Reeth, Richmond, Yorks. Mrs. M. CREWE,' 20, St. Andrew's Tee., Roker, Sunderland. Mrs. N. DAGLE.\S, 24, Beaumont Terrace, Jarrow-on-Tyne. (Cadets). Miss J. HUTCHINSON, 43, Beade Street, Rokers, Sunderland. (Cadets). South Durham Area E S. SMITH, 34, Tunstall Avenue, West Hartlepool, Co. Durham. Vacant. Vacant. R. K. BROWN, M.B., CH.B., K elvin House, Bearpark, Co Durham. Vacant. H. COULSON, 74, Starmer Cre cent, Darlington. H. C. H. FRANCIS, The Chorister School, Durham. (Secretary for Cadets). Miss E. F. GRANT, 21, Thompson trect, 'Vest Darlington.
Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
S. DAVISON. Heat.hfield. Burnopfield. Newcastle-onTyne. 1\1rs. fir. H. ROCHESTER. 5. Pikesyde. Dipton. Co. Durham . Mrs. M. F. St. J. U. COSGRAVE. M.B., B.S., Felling Lodge Felling-on-Tyne. Vacant. \V. YOUNGER. 23. Townley Street. Stanley. Mrs. E. A. You GER, 23, Townley Street. Stanley. J. T. DRuMMmw, 267, Windsor Avenue, Gateshead, 8.
County Office: Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Tel. Cheltenham 53610. County Presidents: Colonel Sir James SLEEMAN. C.B., C.M.G .• C.B.E., ;\1. V.0 . THE COUNTESS ST. ALDWYN. County Vice-Presidents: Colonel R. A. G. BINGLEY, C. v . 0., D.S.O., O.B .E. (Ambulance) Earl ST. ALDWYN, T.D .. D.L. (Cadet Ambulance). 12,
Area Cadet Officer (A) Countv ecretary
C. R. DE C. SADLER, M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P .. 131, Old Bath Rd., heltcnham. (Tel. Cheltenham 2277). Vacant. Lt. -Col. F. V"ILLIAMSON, O.B .E., 90. Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. G. A. WILLANS. Oaklands, Shurdington, Nr. Cheltenham . l\Ii s D. flI. TRIMMER, 2. BoufDside Road. Cheltenham. C. H. DRAKE. M.R.C .S., L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54. Parton Lane, Glouce.ter. ~lrs. SADLER. 131. Old Bath Road. Cheltenham. R. A. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road. Cheltenham. Mrs. IIAWKIN , 45, Eldon Road. Cheltenham. T. H. READ, "Ellenville", Gordon R oad. Cheltenham. :\Iiss T. B. PARKER. Highfield House. Whitminster. Glos. ( .H .S. R.). :\1r<;. B . LAWRENCE. The appings, Charlton Kings. Cheltenham. (County Welfare). 1\1rs. DRAKE, S.R.N., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane. Gloucester ~liss M. K. OSWELL, 7, Eldorada Road , Cheltenham. (Admin .-l\Iedical Comforts). Rev. E. J. M. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James Vicarage, Tivoli Road. Cheltenham. W. Le GRESLEY, 92, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham. ~quadron L eader J . E. G. HA 'COCK, D.F.C., Officers' less, R.A .F., Barnwood. Glos. T . L. LONG. 68. Stroud Road, Gloucester. l\1iss E. G. MARSHALL, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham.
Area Commis ioner
Sir John PALMER. BT .. Newland. Coleford. Glos.
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A)
ESSEX County Office: Tel Chelmsford 557 g. Lancaster House, 140. Mildmay Road, Chelmsford . County President: Colonel Sir Francis WHITMORE, BART., K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., T.D. Lord-Lieutenant of Essex. County Vice-Presidents: Lady WHITMORE (Nursing). The Lady Joan NEW IAN (Nul'slnd· Mrs. J. T. WHITLEY (Cadet Nursing).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Asst. Cty. Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer. County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Secretaries
J. T. WHITLEY, O.B.E., M.B ., CH.B .. 18. l-ew London Roa d Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2194). Capt. R. J. \VENLEY, T.D .. J.P., 96. Gallc'y\\ood Roa d. Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2704)' \V. E. NORFOLK, 84, Marconi Road. Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2726). Mr-. E. S~JELLIE, M.B.E.. The Bridge lIouse. Lexd lll . Colchester. (Tel. Colchester 29 2). Mis. TRAIN, Chipping Hill House, Haist ad. F. P. WALLIS, lI1.R.C.P .. L.R.C.P .. "Gower". Galley\\ood Road. Great Baddow. Miss M. RENNOLDSON, S.R.N., St. John's Hospital. Chelmsford. Lieut.-Col. A. r. SHERINGHAM. "Guivcrs." Littlc Bartifi clJ. Essex. Mrs. E. M. HOWARD. 19. Victoria Road. Colchester. Miss W. K. ARGENT, "Shirley." Writtle. (Tel. Writtle 2 89). E. A . POOLE, 178, Cowdray Avenue. Colchester. (Training). F. E. BROOKS, 144, Moulsham Drive. Chelmsford. (Treasurer). W. J. SMITH. 39. Forest Drive. Westlands Estate. Chelmsford. (Transport) . W. R. UNWIN, 14, Moulsham Drive. Chelmsford. (Cadets) R. IRWIN, 187. Gloucester Avenue. Chelmsford. (Cadets). Miss R. r. LEEKS, "Ivydene", Stock Road, Galleywood, Chelmsford. (Cadets) . Mrs. M. A. SPURGEON, II, St. Annes Road, Colchester. (Cadets). F. THORNDIKE, Elm Tree House, Fox Street, Ardleigh. Colchester (Cadets). Miss M. E. JUDD, S.R.N .. St. John' s Hospital. Wood St.rrct. Chelmsford. (N.H.S.R.). W. SCHOFIELD. 45. Victoria Street. Braintree. (Cadets). A. MAYHEW, "St. Leonards", Wash Road, Laindon, Essex. (Ambulance) . Mrs. HARROLD, I Hunts Close, Writtle. (Nursing).
Western Area
Area Commissioner
County Superintendent (N) Asst. Cty. 'upcrin t cnd nt (r ) Co unty Surgeon County County C:o unty County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) ' taft Officcrs
Forest of Dean Area
GUERNSEY County Office: llcac.1 q ll a rters. Robai s. St. Peter Port. Guernsey. Tel. Guernsey 69 a nd 70. Bailiwick President: ir Ambrose SHERWILL. K.C.B.E .. M.C. Bailiwick Vice-Pr esidents : Dr. W. B. Fox. Lady SHERWILL (Nursing). Jurat R . H . JOH S, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets).
Commissioner Assistant Commissioner. Bailiwick Superintendent (A) Bailiwick Superintendent (N) Bailiwick Surgeon Area Commissioner
Lieut.-Colonel S . H. HEARD , M.B.E .. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P .. La Giffardiere Albecq. Castel. Guernsey. (Tel. Catel 7504). VV. TAYLOR, B.E.M.. Quendon. Le Martival, La Ruette . St. Martins . R. A. LUFF, "Belize," Doyle Road, St. Peter Port. Mrs. R. M. THOMPSON. La Tourelle. Pierre, Percee. (Tel. Central 255). W. R. CAMBRIDGE. !\I.R .C .S.. L.R.C.P.. 3r . High Strect , t. Peter Port. R. H. BLA CHFORD, M.B.E., Le Croute Herivel. Rohais, St. Peter Port.
Bailiwick Staff Officers
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Baili wick Secretary
Mrs. T. R. MARQUAND, "Maymyo," Les Amballes, St. Peter Port. F. \V . BUSH, "Palma," Green Lanes, ·t. Peter Port. E. COLL, Colwyshe, L es Mourants, t. Martins. H. FALLA, Durrington L es Banques, St. Sampsons, Guernsey. (Cadets). R. J. HERVE, "Beau Soleil," humarez Lanc, Castel. (Treasurer) . H. P. SAUNDERS, 29, fount Row, t. Peter Port, Gucrnsey. ( tores). \Y. G. BAKER, 22, St. George's Esplanade, St. Peter port . (Competitions) . H . TOUZEAU, Holmlea, Route Miltarre Vale, Guernsey . Miss E. S . BUSH, Wethersfield, Guelles Road , St. Peter Port. Miss D. AESCHI lAN, Hazely, Rohais.
HAMPSHIRE County Office: Wessex House, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Tel. 288 4' County President: THE COUNTESS l\10U~TBATTDI OF BURl\1A, C.l., G.B.I ~ ., U.L.\·.O., 1 L.U. County Vice-Presidents: Admiral of the Fleet Sir Arthur POWER, G.B.E., K. C.B., l v.u. Admiral of the Fleet ir Algernon . WILLIS, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.U. The Hon. Mrs. S. R. CUBITT (Nursing). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner A/County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
Coun ty Secretary
Colonel W. P. S. CURTIS, O.B.E., D.L ., Knighton, Twyford , Hants. (Tel. Twyford Hants 2130). N. R. TUR. BULL, F.R.C.V.S., 65, Worting Road, Basingstoke . (Tel. Basingstoke 409) Captain H. HENDERSON, (R . . ), <""13.E., l).S.U., I ramlet lIou:)C' , Hambledon, Hants. Miss L. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage, hirley HolmC's , Lymington. (Tel. Sway 220). L. M. MAYBURY, M.A., LB ., B.CHIR., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Kenwood", 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea. Miss P. EWTON, S.R.N., S.C. M., Ophir Lodge, Ophir Road , B ournemouth. H. 1. MARRINER, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 18, Poole Rd ., Bournemouth. Vacant. A. L. AYMES, 6, \Vinchester R oad, Anclover (Tr('asurer). R. W. HARRIS, 88, Greenhill Road, Win chest.er. (Training). Mrs. B. V. SANDISON, Long View, Rosch rry Road, AIresford. (Hospital Libraries). Mrs. W. JARVIS, 258, Middle Road, Southampton. Col. E. G. DUTFIELD, T.A., Chester Beach, layton Road, Selsey, Sussex. (Civil Defence). Mrs. E. E. YOUNG, 162, Stockbridge Road, Winchester. (N.H.S.R.). . T Mrs. M. C. J. BOND, 4, Pollce Headquarters, \\ est IIall. Winchester. (Assistant Secretary). Miss N. READDY, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Eastern Area
Area Area Area Area
CommisslOner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
O. J. FRANCIS, 26, Gordon Road, Gosport. B. A. HAWKEY, 40, Northcroft Road, Gosport. Mrs. C. B. DUTFIELD, Chester Beach, Selsey, Sussex. C. N. SUTER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Leventhorpe", I, Elmhurst Road , Gosport. Mrs. M. H. BROWN, S.R.N., 5, Park Crescent, Emsworth. A. E. CLARRY, 43, Tintern Road, Gosport. Mrs. GILKS, 34, Cromwell Road, Southsea.
Area Staff Officers
\V. N. WILSON, Police Headquarters, Portsmouth (Treasurer). T. . GOLDSMITH, 79, Orchard Road, Southsea. (Training). C. W. TOZER, 22, Penk Ridge, Bedhampton, Havant. (Civil Defence).
Area Commissioner
Lt.-Col. J. D. C. BROWNLOW, O.B.E., P ennington House, Lymington. Capt. W. MILLS, M.B.E., "Hilldale," Station Road, Chandlers Ford. Mrs. V. WALMSLEY, Green Cottage, Shawford, Nr. \Vi nchester. Kathleen E. SLANEY, M.D., CH.B., 10, Hulse Road , Southampton. R. M. \VARREN, B.A., M.B., ClI.B., D.P.H., Teviotdale, Netley Abbey. Miss A. E. ROLT, 42, Cecil Avenue, Shirley, Southampton. W. G. RUSSELL, "Bridaimer," 55, Dell Road, Bitterne Park, Southampton. (Training and C.D.). L. S. DUNFORD, 78, St. James Road, Southampton.
Central Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( T) Area tafI Officer Hon. Area Treasurer (Aux.) Hon. Area Press Relations Officer (Auxiliary) Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superinlendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon .
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
A. WILTON, Odeon Theatre , North Walls, \Vinchester. Northern Area L. P. BOTTING, 13, Esher Close, Basingstoke. S. WILDE, 4, orn Hill, Basingsioke. Mrs . D . \VI LSON, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Nr. Andover. Mrs. Audrey CAREY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Dials Close, Lo\\'er Wield, Alresford. Vacant. ;\1rs . G. EVANS, :vrynster, Church Avenue, Farnborough. II. . SHORT, 3I, Alexa ndra Road, Farnborough . (Training). Western Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
C. Hey'gate VERNON, LB ., F.- R.C.S., 20, Keswick Road, Boscombe. L. F . JEANS, 12, \Vindham Road, Bournemouth. Mrs. PURKESS, S.R.N., S.C.M., J.P., "Glenleigh," A\'cnllc Road, Brockenhurst. F. A. HEIMANN, M.D., L.R.C.P., 12a, Crabton Close Road, Boscombe. Mi s D . BRODERICK, 14, Littledown Ave., Bournemouth. A. MAYBURY, Police Station, Ringwood. (Training).
HEREFORDSHIRE County Office: S.] .A.B. IIeadquarters, Widemarsh Street, Hereford. (Tel. Hereford 28 37) County Presidents: The Hon. Mrs. R. DEVEREUX. Brigadier F. A. V. COPLAND-GRIFFITHS, D.S.O . , M.C., J .P. County Vice-Presidents: G. D. E. TULLIS, ESQ., M.B., CR.B. (Ambulance) . Mrs. H. FOLEY (Nursing). W. ROSSER, Esq. (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. Greville PHILLIPS (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) A / County Superintendent (
G. N. BULLOCK, J.P., The Three Counties IIotel, AyIestone Hill, Hereford. (Tel. Hereford 2 T5). Lt.-CoL Sir Terence FALKI 'ER, BT., Kingsthorne House, NI'. Hereford. (TeL \Vormelow 343). Vacant. Miss A. L. ROMILLY, Broadfield Court, Bodenham, Hereford. (T el. Bodenham 275). The .Lady Amy BIDDULPR, Underdown, L ed bury , HerefordshIre.
County County County County County County
Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers ecret:ary
Vacant. Miss E. M. KER-RAMSEY, S.R.N .. County Hospital, Hereford. R, RUCK, 37, Mill Street, Hereford, Mrs. F. M. HARRIS, 70, Old Eign Hill, Hereford . Miss E. LONG, 62, Breinton Road, Hereford. R . T. MORRIS, Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford . 1\1rs. 1. C. LOCHHEAD, 28, Millbrook Street, Hereford.
County Office: Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man. Tel. Douglas County President: LADY DUNDAS. County Vice-Presidents: LADY COWLEY (Nursing) F. M. CUBBON, ESQ. (Ambulance). Mrs. M. M. GILL (Cadet Nursing). S. J. KNEALE, ESQ. (C",det Ambulance).
HERTFORD SHIRE County Office: 7, Marlborough Road, St. Albans, Herts. Tel. L. .... 6- 5 \333·
County Presidents: The Hon. David Bowes-Lyon, Lord Lieatenant of IIertfordc:;hire . H. Langley Jones, ESQ., M.B .E . County VIce-Presidents: BLANCHE, LADY LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN (Nursing). Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) A/County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Officer . County Staff Officers
County Secretary
L. R. . PERCEY, M.B .E., J.P., "Heath Brow", \\'elw rn. (Tel. Welwy n 108). D. Hardy KINMONT, M.B., 100, Clarence Road, St. Albans T. C. FORBES, 54, High Street, Ware. iiss D. PARKES, B.A., 3, Brampton Road, St. Albans. (Tel. L.N.6-539 8 3)· G. W. MAY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C .S., L.R.C.P., Denham Lodge , 83, New Road, \Vare. G. Henderson SMITH, 97, Haymeads, Dig \\ ell IIill, \\'el\\ \'11 Garden City. Mrs. E. BILK, B.SC., Friars Mead, 't. Stephens \\'enue, St Albans. Mrs. Hilda MABF.R, S.R.N., "Crossways," Point Ckar, ,'L Osvth, Essex. Miss \VOOD, 14, Flora Grove, St. Albans. Mrs. B. 1. ROGERS, 14, Jennings Road, St. Albans. A. DONALD, II6, Clarence Road, St. Albans, Herts (Treasurer) . Miss 1. DAVIES, .r09, London Road, t. Albans. (Training). Mrs. D. C. BLEWCHAMP, S.R.~., 32, ouberie Aveoue, Letch , worth. (M . . D.). E. A. RUSCH, 7, Colgrove, Welwyn Garden Cib' .
Commissioner Deputy Comm issioner County Superintendent. ( T) County Surgeon Cou nty County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Secretary
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (N) .
Vacant. K, C. WARNER, 92, Bur land, Letchworth, IIerts. Miss E. ATKINS, 101, Old Hale Way, Hitchin, Vacant. Miss B. F, CRAWLEY, S.R.N., 29, Lancaster Road, Hitchi n. Miss W. M. HART, Blue Stile, Priory Close , Royston.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area. Cadet Officer (A)
T. H. BURGESS, J,P., "Coonor," 17, King Edward Roa d, Ware . (Tel. Ware 345). W. ApPLETON, Lyndhurst, Puckeridge, Nr. Ware. Mrs. M. C. BERGIN, r6, The Valley Green, Welwyn Garden City. Vacant. Mrs. F. Ross, 62, Pear Tree Lane, Welwyn Garden City. W. HOWARD, 13, By the Mount, Welwyn Garden City.
C. C. BEATy-POWNALL, ESQ., Chief Constable's Office, Douglas. Capt. T. H. HALL, J.P ., Eskham, Devonshire Road, D ouglas . ;\1rs. V. E. KELLY, "Redpaths", Little Switzerland, Douglas. (Tel. Douglas 3006). A. R. MCPHERSON, M.B., CH.B., 46, Loch Promenade, Douglas. \'acant. Vacant. Vacant. E. R. G. CAIN, A.I.A .C., 18, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas.
County Office: Wootton Lodge, Woottoo Bridge, Isle of Wight. Tel. Wootton Bridge 70 County President: His Grace The DUKE OF \VELLINGTON, K.G. Commissioner
F. R. B. H. KEl'."'NEDY, M.B.E., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. T. HAMBLY, M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., "Meadowcroft", Salisbury Road, Ryde. A. A. EXELL, S.R .N ., r7, Ashey Road, Ryde. A. P. COMPTON, 93, High Street, Sandown. frs. B. K. JACOBS, The Grange, Alverstone . G . M. HOMAN, M.R.C.P., !\f.R.C.S., "l\'Ionkspath," Limsteronc, r. ewport. (i / c . .Ambulance Divisions). E. F. MILLGATE, "Ferncotte", Castle Road, Newport. J. W. JOLLIFFE, 33, Prince Street, Ryde. (Competitions) Mrs. B. B. E. O'DAY, 6, Seafield Terrace, Seaview. (Hospital Libraries) II. STANGER, Longford Hospital, Havenstreet. (Publicity) E. H. RICHARDSON, "St. Aubins", Wroxall, r. Ventnor (Treasurer-Admin.) . .M. D. BREWER, II, Winton Street, Ryde. (Auditor-Admin.). Miss E. M. E. CAWS, "Seacraft," Queen's Road, Ryde.
Co unty Surgeon COllnty ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Cou nty Staff Officers
Coun ty Secretary
JERSEY County Office: Midvale Road, Jersey. T el. Cent. 2063. County President: Sir ALEXANDER M. COUTANCHE. County Vice-Presidents: Lady COUTANCHE (Nursing). Lady TRENT (Cadet Nursing).
Southern Area
Area Commissioner
Northern Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area
COIIlplissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N)
Capt. Guy Malet DE CARTERET (Jurat), St. Ouen's Manor, St. Ouen, Jersey. H. E. STEPHENS, 8g, St. Saviours Road, Jersey. Mrs. M. H. GRAHAM, Maison du Coin, St. Aubin, Jersey.
A jCounty Superintendent ( County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers Area Cadet Officers County Secretary
1\1rs. U . Malet DE C~RTERET, St. Ouen's Manor, ·t . Ouen, Jerse\'. St . Joh-n BIRT, M.B ., B.S., F.R.C.S., Fontenelle, Millbrook, J ersey. Vacant . Vacant. Mrs. D . MACFADYEN, La Turbie, Claremont Road, St. Helier, Jersey . Mrs. G. DAWSON, La Ru ette , Victoria Village, Jersey. E. T. BEA:-<, Lancresse, Georgetown Park Estat , Jersey. i-liss B. LE HUQUET, Le Chalet, Bagatelle Road, t. Martin, I erse\·. Miss L. -Du F EU, Tunbridge, Georgetown, Jerse y.
KENT County Office : 40 , Earl Street, Maidstone. Tel. Maid.:tonc 559 2 1. County Plesident: The Lady ASTOR OF IIEVER ]. H. DAY, ESQ., M.B.E., (Ambulance) County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. R ev. Dr. A. \V . ROSE (AlIlbulanc;c). The Lady DE L 'IsLE Al D DUDLEY (Nursing). Viscountess ALLE BY OF MEGGIDO (Nursing Cadets). J. H. H. DAVIS, ESQ.
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner A /County Superintendent. (N) County Surgeon County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
County Secretary
:\Iajor-General A. H. HORNBY, C.B., C.R E., M.C., 2, Lochmolc House, Cund~' Sir et, S.W.I. (Tel. :Ioane 16 97) . Brigadier 1\1. S. TEVERSHA;'[, C.I.E., M.C., 56, \Voodbury Park Road , Tunbridge Wells. Lady Cu 1BERBATCH, Monk 's \Vood, \Vadhur t, ~ ussex. R. H. PERCI YAL, M.A., ).{,CH.(OXON), F.R .C.S. (ENG), D.C. H. 74, Bower Mount Road , Maidstone. Mrs. r. M. HOBY, S.R . . , 219, New Road, hatham. C. G. D. SMITH, 67, idney Street, Folkest.one. Mrs. E. DOUGLASS, The Manor House, ellindge, Ashford. C. L. JENNINGS , Barclays Bank Ltd ., 1\Iaidstone (Treasurer) . Miss C. HIGHAM, 98, Maidstone Road, Rochester. T. L. ISAAC, 238, Maidstone Road, Roche ter. (Training). Mrs . PRING, Mount Top, The Close, Saltwood, Hythe . (N.H.S.R.). Miss V. CA 1PBELL, 191, Southlands , Bickley, Broml ey (County Library Organiser-Admin.). Mrs. M. KELSEY, Brocks Gh\'ll, W adhurst , Sussex. (Appeals) . B. T. BEAUMONT, M.B.E., " Pembles ", Doddington, Sittingbourne. (Tel. Doddington 230).
Commissioner Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet. Officer (N)
Area Nursing Officer
Major B. T. SYNGE, 339, Queen's Road, Maidstone. Miss L. H. BURNS-HARTOPP, Dalby Lodge, Hawkhurst. Dr. H . J. HOBY, 219, N ew R oad, Chatham. S. NIGHTINGALE, 3, Elm Cottage, Edenbridge, Kent . Mrs. V. A. WINTER, 44, Meadow Road, Rllsthall, Tunbridge Wells. Mrs. r. A. JEWISS, 19, Grange Road, Kippington, Sevenoaks.
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officcr (A) . Cadet Officer (N) .
E. A. HERBERT, "Brynmawr", 48, Plains Avenue, Maidstone. Mrs. A. JAY, 13, Audley Road, Folkestone. Alex CHALMERS, M.B., CH.B., 8, London Road, Sittingbourne. J. G. PERRY, 18, Castweazle, Tenterden. Mrs. D. M. BAILEY, "Maywood," New Road, Saltwood, Hythe.
DUKE OF LANCASTER'S DISTRICT Dist1ict Office: 15- 1 7. Mount Street., Preston. Tel. Preston 22]C,. District President: The Earl of DERBY. District Vice-Presidents: The Countess of SEFTON. The COUNTESS PEEL (Nursing Cadets). Major E. S. Burt I-Lo\MILTON, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S.E., (Ambulance) Commissioner Colonel V. F. ROYLE, T.D., E.R.D., 67, Church Street Lancaster. Deputy ommis ioners Lt. -Col. S. B. G. SIMMONS, M.C., 4 Menlove Avenue Liverpool, 18. ' :'Iajo.r ' . EWSO:lI, T.D., J.P., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S., 34, Pnnces \Vay, Fleetwood, Lanes. Assistant to Commissioner C. J. EASTWOOD, 42, Lune Street, Preston. Distnct ' uperintcndent ( ) The Lady Mary HESKETH, Meals Hall, ' outhport. (Tel. outhport 88171). District Surgeon Colonel R. G. \V. OLLERENSHAW, T.D., M.A., B.:'.1., M.R.C.S., .D.M.R.D., 4, Pine Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. District ursing Officer l\tIIss . LIVESEY, S.R.X., 6, Mollington Road, Blackburn. Di trict adet Officer (A) R. CHARLESWORTH, Rovend en, Aud ens haw Hall, Droylsden, ranchester. District Cadet Officer (N) i\Irs. E. ISBET, 4, 1 etherton Park Road, Litherland, Liver-
District Stall Officers
No.1 Area
Area Area Area Area Area
District Secretary
Capt. J. D. CAMERON, M.B.E., T.D., 26, Deepdale Road, Preston. Miss r. M. SUTCLIFFE, "Farnley", Sandybed Lane, Scarborough. J. W. LOWE, 60, King's Road, Prestwich, Nr. Manchester. J. TABER:-<ACLE, "Stoneycroft," Manor Lane, Garstang, r. Preston. (Competitions). F. \V. LONGWORTH, 102 Abbey Hey Lane, Nr. Opensha\\', Manchester, II (Cadets). Miss P. HYDE, Queen Victoria Hospital, Morecambe and Heysham. R. SKINNER, 41, Sunnyside Road, Liverpool, 3. (Civil Defence). V. . HEL lORE, 8, East Terrace, Flixton Lane, Chorley. (Training) . ~Iiss J. B. M. LOUDEN, n, Lord Street W est, outhport. W .. E. EARLE, 91, \Vater Park Road, Prenton, Che-shire. Major J. 1. GIBSOX, Lloyds Bank, St. Annes on ea, (T reas u rer- Auxiliary) . Major T. E. SPENCER, M.B. E., T.D, IS, Mount St., Preston. No.1 Area
No.2 Area
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
B. T. BEAUMONT, M.B.E., . 'Pembles", Doddington , Sittingbourne. Mrs. r. P AP WORTH, "Tregarthen ", Vale Road, Whitstable . Vacant. F. C. ROLFE, II, King's Road, Birchington. Mrs. E. M. Heywood, IS, Salisbury Road, Herne Bay.
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N: Area Surgeon . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
Vacant. H. SMALLEY, S.R.N., Hill View, Hospital Cottages, Ribchester, r. Preston. Mrs. H. BROWN, Harley Bank, Todmorden. R . C. U. WARRINGTO"'J M.B ., "Lethendry, " Glebe Street, Great Harwood. E. V. MASON, 134, Blackburn R oad, Great Harwood. Vacant.
Area. Staff Officer
A I Area Commissioner Area Surgeon District Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area CommisslOner Area Superintendent (A) District Staff Officer Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
A I Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer District Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeons .
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE Mrs. M. M. MEGGITT, "Ravendale", TurncroIt Road, Darwen. No.2 Area Lt .-Col. G. H. WINTERBURN, T.D., W es tfield, Albert Road , Bolton. Ellen W. M. SHAW, M.R.C.S ., L.R.C.P., 7, Tenterden Street , Bury. A. BURTON, 19, Old Clough Lane, Worsley, 1Ilanchester. L. J. EVA)1S, 74, Hazelhurst Road, Worsley. Mrs. B. HARWO OD. 135. Carrington Lane. ale. E. :MASON, IS. \Vood Road, North , Manchester. 16 (Secretary). Mrs. J. WEBSTER, 260, L eigh Road. Atherton. Lanes. Miss A. RIGBY, 60. Cemetery Road, Swinton. No.3 Area G. HALBERT, 29B, Waterloo Street, Oldham . G. IMESON, "Thorncliffe", 3, Hou ghton Lane. S\\ int.on. 1\liss K . LAMB, 7, T enterden Street, Bury . Miss F. GARDNER, S.R.N., Fairfield General Hospital, Bury . T. DIGGLE, 22, Baildon Road, Passmonds. Ho hllal€'. Mrs. N. SMITH, 19, The Avenue, Seedfield, Bury. No.4 Area Major J. R. MrDDLEHURST, 49, Rivington Road, S t. Hel ens . N. WHITE, 24, Ashurst Drive, Parr, St. Helens. Miss M. E. OWENS, 47, Kendal ' treet, \Vl gan. Lt.- 01. A. R. EDWARDS, L.M.S.S.A., "The ;\lount," Birchfield, r. Widnes. :1\1iss E. BROWN, S.R.:-;-., 33, Columbia Road, Pr('. cotto . PIMBLETT, 3, St. Andrew's Grove . Hares Finch, St . Helens. Vacant. W. CLOUGH, IB4, WeIIfield Street, Warrington. H. FERNLEY, 5, Elkan Road, Crow W ood, Widn rs. (Ci\ il Defence). No.5 Area Major W. H. WA,LKER, 35, Brookside Avenue, Liverpool , 14 · Vacant . Miss M. C. BANKS , 7, Lancefield Road, Liverpool. 9· W. DUNCAN, M.B., CH.B., 3, Rose Lane, Liverpool. lB. Mrs. R. THOMAS, S.R.N., 31, B ellefieid Avenue, \V es t Derby . Liverpool, 12. W. E . SEARLE, 91. Waterpark Road. Prenton, Chesllifl! W. A. LANGTON, 57. Parkfield Road, Liverpool, 17· Miss A. SEDDON, 46, Parkside Drive. Liverpool, II . J. A. LUCAS, 2nd Floor, 102, Princes Road. Liverpool. 8. T. E . TAYLOR, 2I, Latrigg Road , Aigburth, Liverpool. J. ANTHONY, 22, Upper Duke Street, Liverpool. S. WOOD, 66 , Ruskin Street, Liverpool, i· No.6 Area G. HADMAN, "Hazeldene," Hardhol'O, Poulton-Ie-Fylde. J. HALL, 4I, Windermere Road, South Shore, Blackpool. Mrs. L. STEWART, S.R.N., 13, Argyll Road . Blackpool. J. MACKENZIE, M.D., 4, St. Annes Road West, St. Annes-o nSea. J. E. KING, M.B., CH.B., 4, Yates Street, Off Dickson Rd ., Blackpool. Mrs. J. McD. STEVENS, S.R.N., 23, Stanley Grove . P enwortham, Preston. W. C. BURT, 14, Henry Street, Lytham . Miss G. BANKS , 207, Cunliffe Road, South Shore, Blackpool. N. H. COOPER, 9, Grange Avenue, Thornton. R. V. ROGERSON, 30, Devonshire Road, Chorley .
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintende nt (N) County Surgeon A rea Nursing Officer District Staff Officers Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Stall Officer rea Commissioner County Surgeon Area Superintend ent (A) Area
ursing Offieer
Area ade t Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area StafT Officer.
No.7 Ar£a E. HELME, "Greeba", 34, Fairhope Avenue, The Vale, Lancaster. Vacant . Miss M. ROGERS, 48, Brunswick Road, Morecambe. W. W. M. McKINNEY, M.B., CH.B., Hill Crest, 85, West End Road, Morecambe. Vacant. Major W. G. PEARSON, I, Crosland Park Road, Barrow-inFurness. V.I. G. OUTHERN, M.B., Park Stile, Broughton-in-Furness. J. CROSSFIELD. 9, Bristol Street, Walney, Barrow-in-Furness . Mrs. GAWNE, 22, Lindal St. , Barrow-in-Furness . \,y. H. BURNS, 48, Provincial Street, Barro,>v-in-Furness . No.8 Manchester and Salford Area Major R. L . S. RAFFLES, D ene H ouse, D en e R oad, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. ~Iarion 11. R EEKIE, ;'I.B., 7, Rowsley Ave., West Didsbury, Manchester. ~. R. KAY, 24, Sunningdale Drive, Prestwich, r. Manchester. 1\1rs. E. G. I SBISTER, S.R . . , Oak Dene, Chatham Road, 1anch est er, 16. H . BARKER, 99. Norris Road, Sale . Mrs. E. CHARLESWORTH, "Rovende~", Audensh aw H all. Droyl den. Manchester. ~Irs. E. GASKILL, 50, Turnbull Road, L ongsight, Manchester. F. M. BAKER, 10, \Vaverly Road, ale, Manchester. J. H. BROWN, 27, l\Ioorfield Drive, Burnage, Manchester. J9. ( ivil Defence).
LEICESTER County Office: 6. Seymo ur Street, Leicester. Tel. 5 8345 . County President: Mrs. G. PHILLIP S County Vice-Presidents: Nliss M . 1. PARTRIDGE (NurSing) E. J. L. COTTON (Ambulance Cadets). Commissioner Lt. -Colonel A. \V. S . ARMITAGE, II6, Regent Rd., Leicester . (Tel. Leicester 20946), County Superintendent (A) L. LEE, 55, W eIland Vale Road, Spencefield Lane, Leicester. (Tel. Spencefield 739). County Superintendent (N) Miss E . FOLWELL, " Wistow", Southernhay Rd ." Leicester. (Tel. Leicester 74685). Co un ty Surgeon H . A. KORN, 1\1.0., L.R.C.P ., & S., 188, London Road, L eicest er. County Nursing Officer . Miss C. F. S. B ELL, S.R.N., S.C.M., The Royal InfirlllClq" L eicest er . " ' County Cadet Officer (A) E. HEYWOOD-SMITH, 9, Shanklin Avenue, Knighton. County Cadet Officer (N) Mrs . B . B . COTTO , Beechrome, Earl Shilton Leicester Co unty Staff Officers Miss C . \V ARD, 2 I, Sycamore Road, Birstail, Leicest~r . Mrs .. N . M . BREAM, 83, Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves, LeIcester. Miss V. M .. V. LUSCOMBE, O.B.E. , S.R. :'-."., S.C.M., 7, Humberstone Dnve , Leicester. Area Cadet Officer Miss A. GABRIEL, 53, Peter's Drive. Leicester. County Secretary Miss M. J. FREER, 6, eymour treet, L eicester. rea Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)
Eastern Area Vacant. C. R. TOWELL, Palel HU llse. Gladstone Avenue, Melton Mowbray.
ST . ]
Miss M. C. CALVERT,S, Longridge Road, S .W·5 · Mrs. D. BUTANOWICH, II, Manor Gardens, Merton Park , S W 20 (Commissioner's Secretary). Mrs'. riEA~MER, 4. College Road, Winchmore Hill, N .21. Mrs. D. HOADLEY, 38, Heatherset Gardens, .W.16. Miss M. D. GROOM, II. Manor Gardens. S.W.20: L. R. ALLUM, 17, Greenwood Close. T~ames DlttO~. Surrey S. C. DEAR~1ER. 4. College Road. Wmchmore HIll. N .2I. (Competitions). E Dr D. D. TOWLE. Lee Park Lodge. Blackhcath. S. ·3· A .. T. BA DY. B.E.M .. 43. Grosvenor Road. lIford. EsseA J E BROWN, I.B.E ., 42. Sutton Road. .10. F'. C. GRICE. 65. Munster Gardens. Palmers Green, N ·J3· H. A. BENNETT, 12. The Highway. Su~ton. Surrey. J . SMITH. 17. Lulworth Road, WelllOg. Kent. S W BROOM. 18. Fairlop Road . Leytonstone. E}I. ~ F~EEMAN 34 Bowford Avenue . Bexleyheath. Kent . ' : E G CRE~SWELL 43. Grosvenor Road. lIford. Esse M N orwo od . S . E . 2" C.ISSW. .M. .HOBDAY, 100.• Glennie Rd .• H.T n. (Stores). ' \V 6 Miss B. JOHNSO . 5. Hatch Road. orbury. . .. 1. . T. J. HORRY, Spencer Park School House. Tnnlty Road.
Area Staff Officers
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Asst. Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
S.W.I8. W (D' t . t C UTT, ,16. Fairway. Raynes Park. S, ,20 . 1 fl C a.t1p Adviser). . rth IT ri Miss G, CO~A~T, 6. Meado\\ \V ay. Rlckl11ans\\o . r . (Cadets). SE (d t ) Miss W. N. LARKE, 50. Norhyrst Avenue. . ,25, .a e 5 M' G 0 TUCKWELL 296. Leigham ourt Road ... \\ ,16 E~s~, i{ ;LL, 24. Merton Hall Gardens. Wimbledon .•. W .~). ('tores), r; d \\ Dorothy Lady ELLE BOROUGH, 30. Ashley ,ar ens. . Mrs CL~RIDGE. "Winthorpe". Roxborough venu~. Harro ". Mis~ S, M. R. THO~lS0 , M,B " eH.B., 6 . Redbndge La ne. Wanstead, E.12. . hI N R. A. PAYNE, 4. Wentworth Park. Churchend, Fmc e '. ·3· (Training). V d S E H. S. HENWOOD. 3. McLeod Road, Abb~y \ 00 . : }. ( Irs. DOW~HA f, 50. Glendale Drive. Wllllbledon. S. \\ . \ J. F. T. HAWKES, 96. Sutton Dwellings. .1. (He.c~rds). , FRAINE-ALLEN, 9. Radnor Avenue. TT~rro\V ( Ivll D fpn cf', r.iiss E. A. BLUi'lT, 16. Kempsford Gardens. Earls Court. .W·5· (Cadets). IT 1 (Public H. A. BIGNELL, 13. Kingsley Avcnue . Louns ow. Duties). 1-. A, HARRIS, t6. Sy'lvan Close . elsdon. Surrey. H A. BOLGER, II3. Farmer Road. Ley ton. E,lO. H' M. PHIPPS. 75. Durham Road, Bromley. (Ca?cts). S.· L. FORDHAM, 'I. Shelbury Road. Duhnch . :.E .22. (Treasurer) . V\T. W, PACKE, 2T. Gospatrick Road. ·17· G. C. PITTS, 12, Vincent Road. N+
Northent Area G M SHAW SMITH. 434, West Green Road. ~ .I5· F~' J , . M;DDLETON. 2, Melbourne \Vay. Bush HIll Park. Enfield. Middlesex . . Mrs. A. F. MAl\TLEY, M,A" 9. Burgess HIll. N.W.2, D R L MACQUEEN ISS Hertford Road. Edmonton. N .9 M~' C~HE~, L.R.C,P.,' L.R.'C.S., 44. Ilolmdale Road, Wes
Hampstead. M'll H'll N W 7 F H WADE, S,R.N., 59. Sefton Avenue: 1. 1 . . . ' REYNOLDS, 24. Ashley Y'alk. MIll HIll. N.W·7 · ceo Miss 1. S. BURLEY, St. FranCIS Cottage. 49. Asmuns PIa N.W.II .
W. A.
Mrs. E. HOBBS, 93. Park Drive. Winchmore Hill, N.2r. (Cadets). Mrs. V. M. JENKINS, 214. Alexandra Park Road. N.22 . A. S. WEYMOUTH, 30, Dorset Road, Tottenham, N.I5. (Civil Defence). P. STACEY, 23. ew River Crescent, Palmers Green, N.I3. (Com peti tions) . R. W. SEABRIDGE, 21, Mansfield Road. N.vV.3. (Cadets). L. H. CHAPMAN, 1'59. Farm Road. Edgware (Cadets). Miss E. M. MOORE, S,R.i'I., Camden House ursery, 103. Chase Road. ,14. ( .H.S.R.). T. W , WEST, 93. Pembury Road. Tottenham. N.n (Publicily). F, H. ADAMS. The Cottage. Glendale Grammar School. \Vood Green. N.22. South Eastent Area
District Seq~eant-Major District Secretary
ST. ]
Area Area Area Area Asst. Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Area Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
,\rca ,'clgc'anl<\laJo\
Dr. W. W. KING-BROWN. 12. Asylum Rd .• Peckham. S.E.I5 ' Jr . E. CIIAPLl~, 5 . .i\Iottingham. Gardens. S.E.9, Mis E. A, Golding. II6. Mottingham Road. S.E.g. Dr. C. HOl\u. Cairngale. Belvedere. Kent. Dr. J. H. CHAMBERS, 147, Wickham Way, Beckenham . H . BUGG, 74. Maxwell Gardens. Orpington. Kent. H. J. GAROINER, 6. Pinnell Road. Eltham . S.E.9, Miss W. E. WILLIS. 17G. Hazelbank Road. Catford. S.E.6. F. C. ANDREWS, 41. Links Way. Eden Park. Beckenham. (Treasurer) . A. R. WILLIS, 27. Worsley Bridge Road. S.E. 26. (Cadets). A , C. PALMER, 257. Burnt Oak Lane. Sidcup. (Cadets). 1\1rs. KELLY. 50. Castle Drive, Kemsing. Kent. W. J. WADE, 20. Harvard Road. Lewisham. S.E.I3. (Competi tions). i\Irs. G. M. ELLIOTT, 65 \Viller ley Avenue. Sidcup ( .H . . R.) L. J, FIELD, 31. Tilverton Drive. ew Eltham. S,E.9. (Publicity) H. \VRIGHT, 192. Avenue Road. Erith, Kent. (Civil Defence). Vacant. South Western Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) '\ rea urgeon Asst, Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Dr. D . A. B, HOPKIN. 23. HerondaJe Avenue, \Vandsworth Common. .\V.I8 . C,. \V. HIPKINS, 24. Amis Avenue, \Vest Ewell, Surrey. 1\11SS A. \VEST, M.B .E., J3. eh\'yn Avenue, Richmond. 'urrey. Dr. A. CONN, I, Thorndon Gardens. Ewell. Surrey, R. ' t, J. BUXTON, M.B., B,S., M.R.C.S" L,R.C.P" 151. Banstead Road. Carshalton. Mrs. O. M. BUXTOi'l, S,R,i'I" 151. Banstead Road. Carshalton. Surrey, R. RANDALL STEPHENS, 19, Gauntlett Rd., Sutton. Surrey. Miss D , A. G. V\T ATTS , 32. Bede House. Manorfields, S.\i\T,I5. D. G. GOLDIE, 48. Heathfield Gardens, South Croydon. Surrey, G. A. LOCKE. 29, Dickerage Road. Kingston. Surrey. (Finance). J. E. DANE, 31. South Way, Shirley. Surrey. (Competitions), L. M. CROTON, 242a. Whickham Road. Shirley. Croydon. Mrs. V, E. WOOLFORD, 13. Fairlawn Grove, Banstead . (Cadets). E. C. SUMPTER, 45. Pitcairn Road. Mitcham. (Cadets). Mrs. O. K . RUSSELL, 39, Thornlaw Road, W. Norwood. S.E.27· F. R. FREWIN, 84. Toynbee Road. S.W.20, (C.D. and Publicity), Miss C. FRAMPTON, 63. Stamford Green Road. Epsom. Surrey. T. HAYES, 23. Worcester Close, Shirley. Croydon, Surrey.
Area Sergeant-lVlajor Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeons . Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Area Area Area Area
Surgeon Nursing 0 fficer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Area Staff Officer Area Sergeant-Major
S. J. DEAR, 15, Vacant.
arlingford Road,
lI ard n Park, Surr y.
Western Area Dr. G. R. H . WRANGHAM, J .P . , 26, The Avenue, E a ling, \V.13. (Perivale 4 086 ). F. 1. Jo. ES, 5, Bowes Road, East Acton, W·3· Mrs. E. ORFORD, 14 Scotts Road, Southall. Dr. G. E. Pn'NE, 3, Old IIall lose, Pinner Dr. C. J. P. SECCO;'lBE, 20, Western Road, Southall. Miss C. 1\. LALL, .R.~., 83, 'inclair Road, \ . Kensingtull, \V. 14 . L. W . TAYLOR, 7°, Flamborough Road, Ruislip, Midtllesex Miss \V. AYRES,S, Sheen Court, Richmond, Surrey. J. Bo 5, 77, Salisbury Road, Ealing, \ .13· C. E. PEARMAN, IIO. Greenway Gardens, Gre enford, Middx . (Fin ance). J. G. WARNER, 21, Holden Avenue, Kingsbury , N .W 9 (Finance) ;,Iiss K. BARRY, 56, Cardigan , quare, Houn 10\\' ITe lt h. (N.H.S. R .). 1\I[s. n. K. E\ .\'>s, 77, Gunncrsbuf\' "cnue, Ealing, \\' j, G. L. SMITH, II3, lithero\\ Avenue, Boston 1anor, \ ·7· ;\ . F. COOK, 49, Rosebery Road, IIounslo\\', ?lIidJles(' (Cadets) . 1\liss I. L. ROB1:-:SO~, 16 Brank ome \Vay, Kenlon, :'Iid dlt'sex. ,\ . E. Hll.L , 27, \Vc 't Court, Wembley, :;\liJdlese:-.. (COII'petitions) . G. II. CO":-;"LL, " King land," 20, Chat-\\orth \\ ('nul', Wemble\' , i\liddle ex. ( ivil Defence). L. EVA:-:S" Worple \Va\', Harrow. Eastern Area Major T. M. \VILKS , O.B .E., M.R.C.S., L.R C. P., The Cottage, Kiln Road, Thundersley, Essex. S. CLARKE, 2, Leigh Park Close, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Miss N. L. MOORE, 105, South Park Drive, Seven Kin gs, Essex . Dr. A. F . McDONALD, 76, Longbridge Rd ., Barking, E ssex. Miss S. P. WHITE, S.R.N., Bethnal Green IIospital, E.2. H. T . G. \VARE , 32, Clare Gardens, Barking, Essex. Vacant . L. B. WILLS, S.E.A.N., 31, Belmont Road, Hornchurch, Essex. (Cadets). Miss V. MALYAN, 23, Parkside Avenue, R omford , Essex. R. D. BROWSE, B.E.M., 'is, Fir t Avenue, Manor Park , E .12. R. T. BAX, 34, Naseby Road, Ilford, Essex. G. F. ATKIN~, 72, Hillside Avenue , Woodford Green, Essex. (Cadets). Dr. J. L. McK. BROWN, 3, Hempstead Road , \Valthamsto\\', E·17 · Mrs. PURKI SS, 63, Southchurch Boulevard, Southend-on-Sea. (N.H.S.R.). W. T . ELLINGFORD, 36, Southborough Drive, W estcliff-onSea. L. F. DICK , IS, Alma Avenue, Highams Park, E+ (Competitions) . B. E. GOODBODY, 53, Norman Road, Hornchurch, Essex. (Civil Defence). Mise; V. M. SMITH, g, Clievedon Road , Thorpe Bay, E ssex. (Cadets) . H. F. MULLIGAN, 80, ROSSlyn Avenue, Harold W ood, Essex (Finance). Miss M. V. BELFIELD , 37, Maidstone Avenue, Collier Rol\' Lane, Romford, Essex. S. J. WESTON, 74, Morris Avenue, Manor Park, E .I2.
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)
Area Staff Officers
A rea Sergean t-J\Ia jor
Central Area Lt.-Col. A. M. BELL, 59, St. George' s Square, S.W.I. H. DUNFORD, 16, Dean's Close, Dean 's Lane, Edgvvare, Middlesex. Miss E. F. MILNE, 109, Belmont Road, N .17. D:. B . L. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, N.W.I. MISS K. M. PFISTER, S.R.N., 12 , Ridgmont Gardens, W.C . l. B .. WHYTE, 24, Dongola Road, Totte nham, 1 .17. MISS P. D. R. STUBBS, 20, Middleton House, Regency Street, .W.I. J. J . A. CAMERON, 14, Hallem Gardens, Hatch End, Middsx. N. J. WARE, 62, P erth R oad, N .22. (Finance). K . F. O. STALLARD, 16, Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill , N.W.7. Miss F. A. MORSHEAD, 14, Ashchurch Terrace, Shepherds Bush , W.12. (N.II.S.R.). W. A. T. SHEE , 18r, Liverpool Buildings, .1. (Competi tions) . Mrs. H. C. BIG~ELL, 13, Kingsley Avenue, Hounslow, Middx. Miss A . ORTH, 100, Ingleh urst Gardens, Ilford, Essex. T . 'vV. BULPITT, 77, l\Iontrose Avenue , Welling , Kent . (Publicity and Civil Defence) Vacant.
NORFOLK County Office: 20, aslle Meadow, Norwich. Tel. Norwich 21649 . County Presidents: The Rt . Hon . The Earl of ALBEMARLE, M.e. , D.L., J . P ., e .c. Lady COOK (N ursing). County Vice-Presidents: Sir Basil MAYHEW, K.B.E. The Rt. R ev. The Lord Bishop of NORWICH . Mrs. G. E. PORTAL (Nursing Cadets) Commissio ner County Superintendent (N) Cou nty Surgeon . ursing Officer ( ounty County Cadet Officer (A) Co unty Cadet Officer (N) Co unty Staff Officers
Coun ty Secretary Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon. . Area Cadet Officer (A) . Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Lieut.-Col. ir Thomas COOK, J.P . , Sennowe Park, GUlSt, Dereham, Norfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). Mrs. G. R . D. HAW, M.B.E., Sco ttow Hall Nr. orwich. (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226). D. SCOTT- APIER, 1\1.8., CH.n. , "H illcroft," Eaton IIill, on\ ich. (Tel. Eaton 2000). Vacant. Vacant . ir . R .. G. ETTRIDGE, Flat 2, The Mount, gT, R osan' Road, on\'lch Lt .-Colonei Sir Richard Barrett LENNARD, BT., J.P ., Horsford Manor , orwich. (Treasurer). Mrs. J. M. HEWITT, 184: Earlham Road, Norwich (Admin.). J .. M. WILTO~, 10, Damels Road, orwich . (Admin.). M~ss 1. M. L. SYER, S.R.N., High ilver, Holt. I1ss M. \;YRIGHT, S.R ... , High Silver, Holt. Mrs. J. H. YULL, The Beeches, Dereham. (Tel. Dereham 4 8 ) No. 1 Area (Norwich) Lt.-Col. F. E. D. DRAKE-BRISCOE 86 e\\'market Road, orwich. (Tel. orwich 235 17). ' , R. C. .COOPER, 26, Hansell Road, Thorpe St. Andrew, orwlch. Mrs . H. C. WATTS The Dial House, Brooke, NOlwich. J. E. J:IILTON, M.B., CH.B., 60, Yarmouth Road, Thorpe, onvlch. W. H. PEARSON, 94, Gladstone Street, Norwich. Mrs . H. M. N. MORTON. 86, St. Philips Road . Norwich . H: G. LINDER, 48, Charles Avenue, Thorpe. (Training) Ml~S T. MELBOURNE, 333, Earlham Road, Norwich. (Trainmg).
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( )
Squadron-Leader . LI~DLEY, hrublands," Brans Lane, Long Stratton, orwich. Vacant. 1\lrs. L. 1\1. ROPER. Ellesmere Hou e, \v~tham, r. Dis . II
No. 3 Area (Thetford)
Area Commissioner Area Superintenclent ( ) Area Staff Officer
Lord A !HERST OF HACKNEY, Foulden Hall, Thetford. :'Ifr . E. M. CORY~, "Greenla\\," Thetford Roau, Walton, Thetford. G. S. ELWIN, 6, The Ouse venuf', Thetford (Secretary).
Area Nursing Officer
Area Commissioner Area adet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) \rea Staff Officer
Vacant. Vacant. :\lrs. . R. GILLETT, 204, Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough. T. EWELL, 253, Park Road, Peterborough.
County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer Count Cadet Officer (/\) County Cadet fficer ( ) County Staff Officers .
E. 1. PUDDY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Mill Hou se, Gressenhall. :\lrs. J. HIGHET, S.R.N., Dereham Hospital, Dereham. No.5 Area (King's Lynn)
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area ursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer
W. E. H. BULL, M.A., M.B., B.CH., \Vaverley IIouse, Hu nstanton. Vacant. ;\11ss J. HUGHES, S.R.:\., W. orfolk and King's Lynn General Hospital. !'.Irs. R. OTTER. Nelson St., King's Lynn, Torfolk. No.6 Area (Fakenham) l3rigadier G. n. HOLMES, O.B .E., Thorpe Lodge, Burnham Thorpe, King's Lynn. (Tel. Burnham :'IlarkPt 2 7) · :\1. J. FROST, The Green, East Roliham, King's L\nn. The Hon. Mrs. R. COKI:., \Yea nham IIall, King's L\ nn . l\Iiss K. M. ALLISON, S.R.N., W. Norfolk and King's L\ nn, General Hospital. \\. J. BECK, The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham . :'I1r'>. W . .T. BECK, The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham . V. R. J01 AS, II, Lanca ter Avenue. Fakenham.
Peterborough Area
No.7 Area (Cromer)
Assistant Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Nursing Officer
:-; . E. DAY, "Mai on," ('remers Drift, Sh ringham . (T l·. Sheringham 406). 'frs. H. H. RICH, Ru hmere, Cley-by- ea, Holt. Mrs. K. LUCKRAFT, S.R.N., romer Hospital, Cromer. No.8 Area (Aylsham)
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N)
No. 9 Area (Acle)
Area Commissioner
Capt. D. S. GOWING, Holly Lodge, Bloficld, Brundall 103).
or\\'ich. (Tf'l
R. C. HANNANT, Poplar Avenue, Gorleston. ~Irs. E. F. COULTER, A.R.R.C., Q.A.R.N.N.S., R. Great Yarmouth.
uperintendent (A)
County Superintend nt (.N) County Surgeon
County Cadet Officer (A) . Ho pita!.
County Nursing Officer
No. 10 Area (Yarmouth)
Area Commissioner Area Nursing Officer
County Office: John IIousc, Grainger Park Road, Nel,,\'castle upon Tyne -I Tel. ('wcastle upon Tyne 37938 County President: Colonel E. G. ANGUS, C.B.E., M.C. County Vice-President: Mrs. M. 1. KIRKUP (Nursing).
Brigadier A. L. KE:\T-LEMON, C.B.E., The Holt. Sheringham. (Tel. Sheringham 339)· :'I1rs. G. E. PORTAL, "Halfway," Blakeney .
County Office: 21, York Road, Northampton. Tel. Northampton I7Il. County President: The Hon. Mrs. C. MACDONALD-BuCHANAN. County Vice-Presidents: Captain R . H. D. BOLTON (Ambulance). Colonel H. M. P. HEWETT, T.D., The Court House, Chipping Warden, Nr. Banbury .(Tel. Chipping Warden 212).
County Secretary
County Superintendent (A)
No.4 Area (Dereham)
Area Commissioner
Lt. Col. R. L. FINDLAY, Naseby Wooleys, Naseby, Nr. Rugby. CaRt. J. S. PARKER, Hopedene Cottage, Debdale Road, Welhngborough. Mrs. C. BORWICK, The Rectory, Kelmarsh, Northampton. W. E. LOCK, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Leys Furlong, Desborough, Northants. :'IIiss C. E. NELSON, The Old School House, Courteenhall. Major Hereward \V AKE, Courieenhall. 'Irs. HALFORD, Pytchley Grange, r. Kettering. E. J. HAYWARD, "Rushay", Booth Lane, Weston Favell, (Treasurer). :Yliss G. GA'l:NSFORD, 107, Park Avenue North, Northampton. Mrs. E. E. CARPENTER, 52, Bostock Avenue, Northampton. (N.H.S.R.). Miss M. HULL, 9, Billing Road, Northampton. Mrs. C. 1\1. THORNTON, Brockhall, Nr. Weedon, Northampton. II. BLA,\,D, Birchfield Road, Northampton. Mrs. P. B. HARRISO~, II, Rothersthorpe Road, Far Cotton, i orthampton. (Asst. Secretan--At.lmin.). :'IIr . K. MAGUIRE, 66, Rushmere Road , Northampto71.
Deputy Commissioner .
No.2 Area (Wymondham)
County Staff Officer i / c.
County Cadet Officer (N) Cou nty Staff Officers
Cou nty Secretary
The Hon. Denis BERRY T D Oak\\'oot.l House, \Vylam on Tyne. (Tel. Wylarn 32'00)'.. , .1 . H.. LOGAN, 47, Balhath Road, Kehton, r e\\'castle upon Trne. Vacant. .1. BROWN, M.B., B.S., Hill Crest, Horton Road, Bebside, .Blyth. (Tel. Bedlington 2149). ewcastle upon :'IIlss M. J. FREEMA:>i, II, Claremont Place Tyne, 2. ' r. FLETCHER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Kensington Hotel, Osborne Road, Newcastle upon Tyne. irs. B. M. SALTER 2a, Windsor Crescent, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne. :'I1iss J. FEARNSIDE, IS, Vicars Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne. G. H. CROWTHER, 165, Silver Hill Drive, Denton Burn, -Newcastle upon Tyne. (Treasurer). W. G. TROTTER, 28, Briar Edrre Forest Hall, Newcastlf' upon Tyne. (Cadet Secretary).!::> ' T. H. DALES, 52, Bath .Terrace, Gosforth. (Records). E. B. DOWNE:, 12, Rldge\yood Crescent, Newcastle upon Tyne. (Pubhc Duties). G. A. RAFFERTY, 29, 1elrose Avenue, Bedlinoton Station Northumberland. (Training). !::> , Mrs. B. H. DUNCA. , 7, Kings\\'ood venue, e\\'castle upon Tyne, 2. (Tel. 53231).
Area S urgeon
No.1 (Southern) Area Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer A rea taff Officers
Wing Commander J. M. TODD, D.F.C., T.D., "\,yayside". orth Walbottle, I e\\'castle upon Tyne. 5. D. GRIEVE, M.B., CH.B., Deneholme, Jesmond Park East. e\\'castle upon T yne. ~ Miss F. E. 1. NEWTON, S.R.N., 9, Hoylc Avenue, l'enhum. ewcastle upon Tyne. . H. B. Watkins . 2 Valley Gardens. lonk ea ton. Whitley Bay. G. \V. BROOKS, "IIalsdon," Bardc'll IIill. lIexhalll. K. \V. HOLLIER, . Bellister Grove. F{,J1hUIll, c\\castlt' llpon T yne.
No. 2 (Midland) Area Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) .
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer
C. F. FAIRLIE, T.D., M.D., B.S., 53, Ridley AVI'J111I'. Rhth. (Tel. Blyth 1.+7). \V. D. ALLISON, 14. Wansbeck Terrace, Ashington. Dr. J. S. NOBLE, 73. e\\ biggin Road. Ashington. T. ALDUS, 9, Hortendale Grove. 0\\ prn Estutp. Blyth.
No.3 (Northern) Area Vacant. J. DOBSON, :r.r.B., B.S., "Tyneholm". Heatherleazes. Wark \-vorth. Morpeth. L. T . \ VEDDERBURN, 29, Westfield Crescent. e\\ biggin-bySc:>a (Secretary).
20, Castle Gate, Nottingham . Tel. Nottingham -10437. Cou.nty Preszdent: His Grace The DUKE OF PORTLA 'D, K.G. County Vice-Presidents:
Lieut.-Colonel Sir John JARDINE, Bt., O.B.E., T.D., J.P (/{lnbillallce). C. H. HEATHCOTE, Esq. (Ambulance). Lady STARKEY (Nllrsing). The COUNTESS MANVERS (Nursing Cadets) Com missione r
County Secretary
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)
N orthet'n Area J. T . RICE, M.B.E .. "Gillifields", Oak Tree L a ne. Mansfield. G. H . KEVERNE, Oakengate. 49 . Blyth Rd., Worksop. N otts. Mrs. M. A. BARTLE. 29, Blyth Road, Worksop. Notts .
County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Cou nty Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area ommissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Su rgeon Area ursing Officer I\rea Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadpt Officer (N) '\rca tail Officers
Area Sergeant-Major Area CommissIOner Area
uperinte.odent (A)
Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Ca(kt Officrr ,\rca Cadct Offlc(:'r
,\rca St.aff Officer
L. BOSWORTH, O.B.E., Bank Chambers. SuUon-inAshfield. Notts. (Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 440). J. T. WATKINS, M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks," Bramcote Lane. Wollaton, Nottingham. J. A. SWANWICK, 222, Loughborough Road, West Bridgforcl. Nottingham. The Lady Anne BENTINCK, WeI beck Woodhouse, W orksop. Notts. (Tel. Worksop 2460). R. G. SPRE, GER, r.B., CH.B., 170, ottingham Road. Stapl{'ford. N otts. ,," Miss H. B. EDWARDS, S.R.N., S.C.M., Maranatha, Nuncargate Road. East Kirkby, Notts. R. J. ROPER, 13. Haileybury Road, West Bridgford, ottingham. Miss D . G. WOOD ALL. 12. Carlton Road. Worksop. N otts. L. HOCKIN. 9. Ferndon Green. Wollaton Park, Nottingham . W. A. WOOD, 7. Stoke Lane. Gedling, Notts. C. E. W EST, lB. Norman Road. Thorneywood. Nottingham . W. W. KEY, 107. Musters Road, West Bridgford. Nottingh am. Mrs. J. LEDGER, 10. Mapperley H all Drive, N ottingh am.
Deputy Commissioner
,\rca Sergeant-Major
.\ I Area
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
O. P. EDMO. DS, M.B., CH.B., National Coal Board, Edwinsto we Hall. Edwinstowe, Notts. Mrs . D. G. EDMONDS, S.R.N., 14, Melbourne Street, Mansfield Woodhouse. O. T. STORRS, National Coal Board. Edwinstowe Hall, Edwinstowe, otts. Mrs. E. MAJOR, 275. Sandy Lane, Worksop. II. CUSWORTH. ational Coal Board, Edwinstowe Hall, Edwinstowe, otts. J. HASLEGRAVE. 57. \ Valesby Lane, New Ollerton, Notts . W. A. I 'SLEY, 13, The Crescent, Blidworth, Nr. Mansfield. J. R. UUEN, I9. Carisbrook Avenue. Mansfield. Sou them Area W . SHARPE, B. Albemarle Road. Woodthorpe. Notts. W. JACKSON, Glen Dale, Mansfield Road. Papplewick. ~1iss S. ]. BISHOP, S.R.X., S.C.M., Gedling Colliery, Gedling, 1 atts. F. D. BOYD, ~1.B., CH.B., 97, Derby Road, Stapleford, Notts. ;\1r5. . BEVIS, II7, Balderton Gate, Newark-on-Trent. ]. W . STEVENSO . 24, Shanklin Drive, Stapleford, Notts. Vacant. E. R. F. POGr-raRE, Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield, Notts . W . L. ASHMORE, 15. Fenton Drive, Bulwell Hall Estate, Nottingham. L. C. Hocc .. "The Oaks," Moor Road, Bestwood, Notts. (~. CRELLIN, 42. Wilford Lanc, \Nest Bridgford. Midland Area L. F. 1\1. ACKROYD, "Sithney", tation Road. Sutton-inAshfield. C. B<\RROWCLIFFE, II. Huthwaite Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. irs. E. LEIVERS. 15 Stainforth St., Mansfield Woodhouse. otts. Dr. R. H. P . FERNANDEZ, Medical Centre, Braokhill Colliery, Pinxton, Derbyshire. A . DRABBLE. 43, Cambria Road. Ma n sfield. N otts. irs. 1. BUTTERY. 22. King Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Natts. T. L. MOULTON, 164. Diamond Ave., East K irkby, Notts. A. L. MIDDLETON. "Green Gables", Wingfield R d., Al£reton, Derbyshire. H. SHORE. 22, Bath Street. Sutton-in-Ashfield , Notts . F. G. VER:-IOX, 46, Derbyshire Lane, Huclmall. A. PORTER, 69. Victoria Road. elston . R. G. MASON, Widmerpool Street. Pinxton, Derbyshire . City of Nottingham Area Dr. A. G. 'lASCARI, "The Brown B erries." Loughboraugh Road, Ruddington. Nottingham. S. IBBOTSON. 39, Lady Bay R oad, W est Bridgford, Nottingham. Miss G. E. CLOW, 10, Grimsby Terrace, Watkin Street, Jottingh am. Vacant. Miss E. JEW, S.R.N .. s.c.~r., City Hospital, Hucknall Road, Nottingham . Miss F. PINDER, 2, Padstow Road, Bestwood Estate, ottingha.m . Vacant. Mrs. E. M. MARTIN. 4B. Dovecote Lane, Beeston, N otts . F. CARRIER. 10. Grover Avenue, Mapperley, N ottingham. H . F. FOULSTONE. 23 , Brora R oad, Bulwell. Nottingham. Miss A. SLANEY, 9B, Nottingham Rd ., B asford, Nottingham. J. ]. MARSDEN, 122, Wrenthorpe Vale . Clifton, Nottingham . L. C. WOODWARD, 39, Markham Crescent. Sherwood . E. H. HAY, 4, B arrack Lane, Nottingham.
OXFORDSHIRE County Office: 14, Church treet, St. Ebbes, Oxford. Tel. Oxford 2061County President: Colonel A. V. G. DOWER, T.D., r.I.F.H. COU/tty Vice-Presidents: Lt.-General ir Edward GRASETT, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O ., M.C., (Ambulance). W. Ritchie RUSSELL, ESQ., C.B.E., F.R .C.P. (Ambulance). The Lady BICESTER (Nursing) Major-General C. W. GREENWAY, C.B., C.B.E. (Cade t Ambulance) Mrs. GARDINER-HILL (Cadet Nursing). T. F. BRIGGS, O.B.E., T.D., lIt.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., 39, The Green, Commissioner B anbury, Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 21 53). Vacant. Deputy Commissioner H. E. HOWARD, The School House, Nether Swell, CheltenCounty Superintendent (A) ham. ::\lrs. J. C. M. Greenway, R.G.::., S.C.M., R.r.I.l'\., The :.1anor County Superintendent (N) House, South Leigh, r. WItney. Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) Lady GRASETT, ' t. Amands, Adderbury, Banbury. (Tel. Adderbun' 2 8. H. R. NE, lILB., B.CH., The Paddocks, Bodicotc, County Surgeon Banbury. . Miss G. RILEY, Oxford Eye HOSPItal, Walton St., Oxford. County Nursing Officer G. H. SHRIMPTON, 17, Rym er's Lane, owley, Oxford_ County Cadet Officer (A) Miss D. M. CANDY, 5, Burdell Avenue , Headington, Oxford. County Cadet Officer (N) W. E. LA iBOURN, M.B.E., "Ovcrdowns", Foxcombe H Ill, County Staff Officers Boars Hill , Oxford. H. T . BENNETT, "Asphodel", Third Acre Rise, Botley, . ford. Miss J. E. M. FA ' SHAWE, Cotmore Wells. Thame . xon . C. R. LAWRE"'CE, Ambulance Depot, Churchill Drive, Old Road, Headington, Oxford. J . WOODLEY, 60, Henley Street, Oxford. Miss C. \VALDOCK, 7, Arran Grove, Banhury. E. F. BAZLEY, 62, Town Furze, Headington, Oxford. J. R. OWE"', 63, Yarnells Hill, Ferry Hinkse\-. Oxfo d. (Pu blicity-Admin.). Mrs. 1. M. CLIBBORN, 8, Lonsdale R oad. Oxford . County Secretary
Co unty Nursing Officer Co unty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Coun ty Staff Officers
,\rea Cadet Offic r COllnty Sergeant-Major County Secretary
City of Oxford Area J. FINCH, 6, Lonsdale R oad, Oxford.
Area Commissioner
County Office: St .. J ohn House, 2 Bedford T errace, Plymouth Tel. Plymouth 65802 County President: The Rt. Hon. Lord ROBOROUGH County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. F. VELLACOTT (Nursing). Mrs. M. MODLEY, Mrs. C. M. RODD (Nursing) G. S. TI-IOl\fPSON, ESQ. (Ambulance Cadets). The COUNTESS OF MOUNT EDGCUMBE (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) Gounty Surgeon Assistant County Surgeon
C. S. C. PRANCE, O.B.E., J.P., M.B., B.S., D.L.O., 28, Vapron Road, Mannamead, Plymouth. Col. G. THOMSON, D.S.O., M.C., D.L., Catchfrench, St. Germans, Saltash. Mrs. R . BALSDON, O.B.E., 163, N ew Road, Saltash. (Tel. Salt ash 2102). T. E. WOOD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 8r, Priory Road , Lower Compton, Plymouth . (Tel. Plymouth 60012). S. DAVIDSON, M.A ., M.B., "Glengarry", Hartley, Plymouth.
Mrs. E. A. BAYLEY, S.R.N., 89, Beaumont Street, Stoke, Plymouth. G. S. THOMPSON, "Lane End", Wembury Point, S. Devon. Mrs. E . M. WOOD, 81, Priory Road, Lower Compton, Plymouth. R. G. PARR, 17, Stonehall Flats, Stonehouse, Plymouth. A. E. 1. PARKIN, 39, Roseberry Avenue, St. Judes, Plymouth (Training). J. H. SARGE"'T, 382, St. P eters Road, Manadon, Plymouth. A. H . ATKINS, 14, Chaddlewood Ave, St. Judes, Plymouth. (Cadets) . R. E. STANTO"', 70, West Down R oad, Beacon Park, Plymouth. (Press R elations). G. LETTY, 38a, Alexandra Road, Ford, Plymouth. (Stores). ~1rs. P. WAY, 142, Pasley Street, Stoke, Devonport. (Cadets). F. BLATCHER, 35, alisbury Road, St Judes, Plymouth W. H. STRANG, I I, Carfrae Terrace , Lipson, Plymouth. R. W. SKINNER, 13, Conrad Rd., Chaucer Way, Honicknowle, Plymouth. 1\1rs. G. M. BASCOMBE, St. John House, 2, Bedford T errace, Plymouth.
County Office: .B . Headquarters, Priory Road Shrewsbury. Tel. Shrewsbury 2391. County Presidents: Brigadier Sir Alexander STANIER, Bt., D.S .O., M.C., J .P., The Lady FORESTER (Nursing). County Vice-Presidents: irs. K. M. WEST (Nursing) Colonel The Earl of PaWlS, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). The Hon . Mrs. ORMSBY GORE (Nursing Cadets).
Commissioner Dep u ty Commissioner Co unty Superintendent (A) Cou nty Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer.
County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Co un ty Staff Officers .
County Sergoant Major County Secretary Area Surgeon
Area Staff Officer
Colonel J . 1. \-VEST, T.D., D.L., Willow Field, Ford Heath, Shrewsbury. (Tel. Yockleton 52). Major R. DEEDES, G.C., Brymore, Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury. (Tel. Shrewsbury 4363). Vacant. Miss M. DEEDES, "Brymore", Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury. (Tcl. Shrewsbury 4363). \'Y. KING HAY, M.B., B.CR., Brooklyn House, Market Drayton. 1\1rs . b. L. HAYES, S.R.N., Virginia Cottage, Ashford Road, Ludlow . Captain C . L. TARRANT, 55, Grasmefe Road, Harlscott, Shrewsbury. Miss H. WISDOM, 142, Corve Street, Ludlow. G. H. DAVIES, Bodhyfryd, 48, Meole Rise, Meole Bract9, Shrewsbury . J . PHIPPS, 3, Red Lake Cottage, Ketley, Wellington, Shropshire. Mrs. A. G . CRAMPTON PYM, "Highfield," Oakhurst Road, Oswestry. Miss A . M. PUGH. Derwent Dene. Queens Park, Oswestry. E. L. PRrcE, 6, Coton Mount, Shrewsbury. (Training). Mrs. 1. A. BALL, Orchard House, Admaston , Nr. Wellington. Mrs. P. CROSS, 10, Swan Hill, Oswestry. (City Organiser. Hospital Library Dept.). W. THOMAS, 3, Newhall Gardens, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury. L. H. TREN'f1:U.M, S.J.A.B. HQ., Priory Road, Shrewsbury. Eastern Area A. GLANDON WILLIAMS, M.B., F.R .C. S., Castle Gate House, Shrewsbury . D. JONES, 20, Mount Pleasant, Ketley Park, Oakengates.
Western Area
Area Superintendent (1\) Area Surgeon Area
ursing Officer
Area Staff Officer
Vacant. D. 1\. IR1·.LA)lD, LA., n. r., B.CII., Council House Court , ShrE'\\ sbun·. Irs. A . P. HEWAT-JABOOR, S.R.N., utton Grange, Admaston. Wellington . E. J. \V[LLIA~l S, 13, Grinshill Drive, Cro\\ moor, Shrc\\sbu ry.
SOMERSET County Office: St. John House, Park Street. Taunton. Tel. Taunton 7 28 5. County Pres ide1~ts: Lieut.-Colonel The LORD HYLTON, Lord Lieutenant of 'omerset Mrs. A. A. \V. LUTTRELL. Coun ty V ice-PrestdeH ts: Dr . Hugh POWELL, M.B. E., (Anlbulance and Cadet Ambulallce) Mrs. A. L. DOVEY, O.B.E., ALB., CH .B. (Nw'smg). Mrs. D . S. VERNON (Nursing). Miss M. SMITH (Cadet Nursing).
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Sur.geon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Coun ty Staff Officers
County Sergeant-Major County Secretary
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)
Colonel C. T. 1lTFORD-SLADE, D.L., J.P., i\lont\'~ C() lIrl, orton Fitzwarren, Taunton. (Tel. Bishops Lydeard 255) Lt. Col. S. C. F. De SALIS, D.S.O., The ld ourt IlO llSf', Drayton, Nr. Langport. Vacant . Miss BRUCE-STEER, "Lydstep", Martlett Road , l\1ll1ehead. (Tel. Minehead 492). Mrs. J. \VARRENDER, Burton Pyn. ent, UITy Ri'"e!. W. BAI)I, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Brook House, 1\linehead . \V. KIRKWOOD, M.B ., CH.B., 66, \Valliscot(' R oad, " 'e_to super-Mare. Miss C. NEAL, Quantock Chest Hospital, Over StO\~ey, Bridgwater. D. J. MORA)I, M.A., 33, Holcombe lose, B atha11lptoll, J.'r, Bath. G. J. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road. W('sto n- uper-~l(\rc. Miss V. YANDLE, St. Auadries School, \Vest Quantoxh eLld, Taunton. C. T. H. HOWE, "Waycott", Uphill Way, Weston-superMare. (Transport). Mrs. V. E. L. HUSBANDS, "Wilmanstone," Street, Somerset. (M.C.D.). Mrs. Ailsa WILSON, M.B., CH.B., "Fountains," Kin gston St. Mary, Taunton. (Welfare). Mrs. O. M. LAMB, Little Browndreys, Carhampton. (Cadets). Mrs. E. M. MORISON, "Nethercombe," \Vy ndham R oad, Taunton. F. T. G . W EBB, 122, Love Lane, Burnham-on-Sea. (Camping). W. BRINKWORTH, 35, Grosvenor Place , London R oad, Bath. (Camping). Lt.-Col. S. . ROGERS, Bridge House, Taunton. G. D. BUTCHER, M.M ., Orchard Close, East Brent. T. E. LINDFIELD, M.A., The Beeches, 2g, Elmsleigh Road, \Veston-super-Mare. Northern Area D. O. CLARK, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S ., Mendip Croft, Bleadon Hill, Weston-super-Mare. (Tel. Bleadon 389). R. V. CRIDDLE, Sundorne Nurseries, Locking, nr. Westonsuper-Mare. Mrs. Bingham HALL, I, The Glebe House, Weston-superMare .
Area Surgeon
J. L. TEMPLE, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., 23, Cecil Road, W estonsuper-Mare. fiss I. M. GOVIER, Royal \Vest of England Sanitorium, 'vVeston-super-Mare. C. J. HARDING, 26, Exeter Road, \Veston-super-Mare. Mrs. E. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road, W eston-super-Mare. Mrs. . M. FOWLES, Old Mixon Lodge, Old Mixon Manor, or. Westo n-super-Mare. (Cadets).
Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) \rea Stall Officer
Eastern Area
Area Commissioner Area uperintend nt (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer. .\rea adet Officer (A) Area adet Officer ( ) Arf'a :--ta!I Officer
G. T . PLATT, "Sabrina", North Road, Midsomer Norton. (Tel. 3331). E. W. SMITH, High Street Comer, Bath. Mrs. E. W . M. PLATT, "Sabrina", North Road, Midsomer orton . A. R. \VILLIAMS, l\LB., CR.B., West Lodge, Frome. Vacant . E. G. ASHMAN, I fO, \Vestfield Gardens, R adstock. Vacant. Lt-Col. J. W. T. WOOLDRIDGE, oades House, Tormarton, r. Badminton, Glos. Western Area
Area Commissioner
Rear Admiral H. \V. FAULKNER C.B., C.B.E., D.S .O., 7-1. The lose, Hatch B eauch amp, ' r. Taunton. (Tel. H atch B eauchamp 42",). R. E. BRAY, 5, West Villas, Tone Vale, Taunton. ;"1rs. Vivian EAL, Poundisford Park, Taunton . \V. J . COLLINS, M.B., CH.B., \\'oodstock House, gI, Staplegrove Road, Taunton. ~lrs . 1\1. MOORHOUSE, S.R.N., 62, Buckland Road Taunton. H. DI.:-;rHA f, 2g, Kidsbury Road, Bridgwater. ' Vacant.
Area uperintenJent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area urgeon J\rca i\ur ing OffIcer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N )
Southern Area
Area Commissioner Area Area. Area \rea Area Area Area
A .. 'NEVELL, J.P ., 100, W embdon Roa d, Bridgwater. (Tel. Bndgwater 2372). R . TRIM, 54, Manor House Road, Glastonbury. Miss G. A. M. GILLESPIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater . J -. F . COATES, M.B., l\LR.C.P., Friars Gate, Bridgwater. 1\1IS E. n . HUGHES, S.R.N., "Bibury," Walton, r. Stref't. S. \V. H. LO)lEY, 28, Fremantle Road, Taunton. Mrs. E. M. ATKL SON, "'vVraxleigh", Street. L. C. BATTY, 88, 'vVest Street, Bridgwater.
Superintendent (A) uperintendent ( Surgeon ursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (~ ) Sergeant Major
COlmty Office: Market Square, Stafford. Tel. Stafford 16 57. County Vice -Presidents: Lad y JOSEPH (Nursing). Lady Diana MATTHEWS (Cadet Nursing).
Commissioner Depu ty Commissioner Co unty Superintendent (N) County Surgeon. ('ou nty Nursing Officer. County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
Capt. F_ L. RICHARD, O.B.E. , "I.B., CH. B., 19, Lichfield Street , Walsall, Staffordshire. (Tel. Walsall 37 80 ). A. BYR E-QUINN, M.B., B.S., l\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Darmod,House, Stafford Street, \Volverhampton. Mrs. M. V. PENNY, Claremont , Porthill, Ne\\'castle, Staffs. Tel. Newcastle, (Staffs.) 52830). A. \VALKER, M.B . , CH.B., "Tree Tops", Stafford Rd ., Coven Heath. Miss P. LAWTON, 2, Littleworth Avenue, Woodsetton, Nr. Dudley, Worcs. J. F. HAYES, 133, Ridge R oad, Kingswinford , Brierley I-Iill. Vacant. J. R. RUSSELL, I7a, P::-imley Avenue, Walsall. A. E. LUCAS, c/o Midland Bank, 8, Market Square, Stafford.
County Sergeant Major. County Secretary
G. 'WATTERSON, 74, Hart Road , Wednesfield, Wolverhampto n. V. CHA)lCELLOR, 29, astle Bank, Stafford. (Tel. tafford 1886).
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)
Vacant. G. E. HUYTON, 32, Birchgate Grove, Bucknell, Stoke-onTrent. illrs. E. F. COVENTRY, 57, Balance Stre t, Uttoxeter. J. S. HA:lrrLTON, M.B., CH.B., High Lane, Burslem, Stokeon-Trent. F. E. S. JONES, 283, Chaplin Ruad, Longton, Stoke. Mrs. D. 1. TURNER, "Lighteaves", Cheddleton Heath, Leek.
Northern Area
Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)
Vacant. M. A. SIMMONS, 154, Birches Road, Codsall, Wolverhampto r Vacant. D. G. LLOYD, M.R.C. S., L.R.C .P., Castle View Hou e, Tipto' Staffs. R. \V. LATI-I\M, "Lvndene," We tcroft, Cannock R oa i, vVolverhampton. Vacant. Mrs. L. RUSHTON, 196, St. John's R oad. annock. Staffs.
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Su perintenden t (N) Surgeon
Area Staff Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( )
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officers
Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers
County Secretary
Major R . S. SCHREtBER, Campsea Ashe House. \Voodbridg . (Tel. Wickham Market 426). Mrs. R. MESSE GER, M.B.E., J.P., \Vorth Cottage. Bunga T. D. \V. FRYER, M.B., B.eH .. M.R.C.S .. L.R.C .P.. 52. Derby Road. Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 77102). Vacant. Walter C. MAYHEW, 82. Severn Road, Ips\\'ich. Mrs. P. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., "Teem ore" . London Road, Beccles. Miss M. H. MILLER, S.R.N., Orchard Cottage, IIolbrook . Nr. Ipswich. A. B. MORTIMER, 39. Highfield Road , Ipswich. Mrs. G. H. L. PAUL, Parham Hall, Woodbridge. Miss V. D. GEE. 471, Woodbridge Road. Ipswich. (Assistant Secretary) . W. C. WATTS . The Lodge. London Road. Beccles. Mrs. E. S. M. CATTON, 124, Westerfield Road, Ipswich. (Blood Transfusion). Dr. D. W. RYDER RICHARDSON, The Beeches, Saxmundham. A . .T. ENGLISH, 75, Clap gate Lane, Ipswich. F. W. RUFFORD, 18, Geneva Road, Ip wich. W. LAMBERT, 33, Holland Road. Ipswich. A. H. NICHOLLS, 10, Ladywood Road, Ipswich. Mrs. A. RICHARDSON, S.R.N., Stow Lodge Hospital, Stowmarket. H. E. BOREHAM, M.B.E., 223, Main Road, Kesgrave, Ipswich. H. G. EADE, 406, \Voodbridge Road. Ipswich. (Tel. Ips wich 7 62 39).
D. J. MARTI:-<', F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S., Buttons Close, Ixworth, Bury St. Edmunds. Mrs. MARTIN, !\f.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Buttons Close, Ixworth, Bury St. Edmunds. D. A. MCCRACKEN, M.D., D.P.H., 32, \Vestbury Avenue, Bury St. Edmunds. Miss W. CAFFYN, S.R.X., Holland Cottage, Coney Weston, Bury St . Edmunds. Mrs. PRAG)I'ELL, 10, St. Michael's Close, Bury St. Edmunds. (Secretary) . n . BURDO:-<', 7a, ollege Lane, Bury St. Edmunds. (Treasurer). Sou them Area
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. Area Cadet Officer (A) A..rea Staff Officers
SUFFOLK County Office: I, Woodbridge R oad, Ipswich. Tel. 54005. County President: Lady Blanche COBBOLD. County Vice-Presidents: Countess of CRANBROOK (Ambulance) Miss E. C. WEBBER (Nursing) Mrs G. M. Clo e (Cadet Nursing) Miss A. M. PARKER, M.B.E.
Western Area
Southern Area
Area Area Area Area
Lt.-Col. J. E. 1. BLAND, O.B.E., J.P., Little Hall, Stutton, r. Ipswich. (Tel. Holbrook 357). 01. M. MACEwA., D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., M.B., CH.B., 33, Berners Street, Ipswich. 1\1rs. E. B. FRYER, S.R.N., 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. A. E. RUST, 22, Copleston Road, Ipswich. H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington Road. Ipswich. P. R. VVOOLLARD, Ambulance IIall, Samuel Road, Ipswich. M. \Y. HOOD, 7 Chester Road, Felixstowe. W. \Y. PECK, 31, hafto Road, Ipswich. I. H. GILLINGS, 53, Digby Road, Ipswich. (Secretary). C. J. TAMPIN, 77, Dale Hall Lane. Ipswich. (Treasurer). Northern Area
Area Commissioner Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officers
Capt. J. C. TAYLOR, M.R.C.V.S., "Teemore," London Road, Beccles. F . .T. WILLEARD, 43, Fairclose, Beccles. R. F. DYER, 302, Normanston Drive, Oulton Broad, Suffolk. ( ecretary). lajor J. F. MARR, 35. Beccles Road, Bungay. Mrs. MARR, 35, Beccles Road, Bungay. (Treasurer).
SURREY County Office: St. John House, 9-10. Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Tel. Guildford 67 163 County Vice-Presidents: C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq . (Ambulana). Lady OSBORN (Cadet Nursing) ]\tITs. PASLEY (Nursing)
Com missioner Dep uty Commissioner Co unty Surgeon County Superintendent (A) C:o unty Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N)
Major-General J. M. S. PASLEY, C.B., C.B.E., !\I.V.O .. "Mount Pleasant", Tilford, Surrey. (Tel. Frencham 239). Brigadier E. E . READ, C.B.E., M.C., Pilgrims Way, Beavers Hill, Farnham . W. H. C. ROMA IS, M.A., M.B., M.CHIR., F.R.C.S., The Rough, Hurtmore, Godalming . R J. GRISTOCK, "East View", Pinewood Grove. New Haw. Weybridge. Lady HEALD, O.B.E., Chilworth Manor, Nr. Guildlord. Tel. Guildford 61414. Miss M. C. LEIGH-PEMBERTON, Barn End, Enton Green. Godalming. J. C. BELL, "Chillington," 18, Carroll Avenue, Merrow, Guildford. Miss N. E. LAWRENCE, Cheapsyde. Ewhurst.
County Staff Officers
County Secretary County Sergeant-Major
ightingale Lane, E. IIorsley, Miss R. COHEN, Paved Ways, (Training) . Ess V . BARLOW, "Springwood", P etworth Road, IIaslemere . Mrs. M. D. PHILLIPS, "The Brackens," \Vest\Yood Hoacl , Windlesham. Miss P. UTH, St. John House, 9-10, Wellington Place, Wood bridge Road, Guildford. S. R. CARTER, B.E.M., Vine Cottage, West St., Farnham.
County Superintendent (N) Co unty Surgeon County Co unty Coun ty Co unty
Nursing Officer. Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
Western Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( )
]. M. BALL, , ew Haw Road, AddJcstone. A. KNIGHT, 21, Bridge R oad, Hasl mere. Miss U. MORRISH, "Aros", Haslemere, Surrey. Vacant. Mrs. 1\1. D. SOUTHER:\" Sedgley House, East IIarle\·. G. \VORTHY, 42, Tennyson Road, AJJles tone, 'urn'v. :\liss V. M. LEATHER, lIl.B .E., Tudor Cottage, Ewshott . Farnham. Eastern Area
Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
B. ROBINSON, B.E.JlL, "Hothfield", Rus ells Crescent, Harley. R. G. FEAR, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P ., "Brouklag," Nt'\\t!igatc', Tr. Dorking. B. E. OR\fAN, 13, Albert Road North, Reigate . Miss M. R. M. CALLOW, "Wild Oaks," E\ hursL CIa e, Kin uswood. D. J. SHOPLAND, Little IIouse, Shepherds Hill, fert:;ham Mrs. GURTEEN, Sunnysit!e ottag(', CupLhorne Bank . • 'r. Crawley. Mrs. D. COVELL, Cherry Wood, Balt!wins Hill, East Grin · stead. A. G. GmfRELL, "Haydens", Fordbridge, South Mer tha m Mrs. M. BELFIELD, M.B.E., "Tangmere," Horle\', ~Uln·\ . (Cadets). R. A. LOCKETT, 8, • tation Approach, Earls\\ood , Redhi ll. North West Area
Area Surgeon
R. G. \V . SOUTHERN, M.B . , B.S., M.R.C.S , L.R.C.P., Sedgl ey House, East IIorley.
Area Surgeon
A . H. M. RICHARDS , M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S ., L.R.C .P., Munstead Lawn, Godalming. Mrs . L . M. FARLER, 25, Stocton Road. GuildIord
South West Area
Area Staff Officer
D.P.H .,
Cou nty Secretary
.\rea uperintendent (N) \rea urgeon \rea ·ursing Officer. \rea Cadet Officer (A) \rea Cadet Officer (N) taff Officers
0\ rea
, \ J(
Area 'uperintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon \ rea ~ u rsi ng Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A)
Lieut.-Colonel K. B. HICKS, O.B .E., Stone House, Bolney, Sussex. (Tel. Bolney 214). Major P . A. UNIACKE, Ghyll Manor, Rusper, Nr. Horsham. W. E. JuPP, IS, Barttelot Road, Horsham. (Tel. Horsham 45 61 ).
Mrs. E. M. OURTNEY, "Hold ens, "Slinfold, r. Horsham. (Tel. Slinfold 460). F. H. TUTTAFORD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Lascelles", Portland Place, Brighton. Mrs. D. MCPHERSON, 35, Croft Avenue, South wick. F . YV . T. DALLEN, 92, Elphinstone Road, Hastings. Miss E. M. TRILL, u8a, Ch urch Road, Hove. Miss \V . M. BARKER, 10, Hurst Avenue, Horsham. H. L. GREGORY, Stanway, 70, Guildford Road, Horsham. (Treasurer) . D. H. F. BURCHELL, 50 , Fairfield Gardens, Portslade. (Special Duties) . C. SIMPSON, 19, orth Street, Horsham. Eastern Area
.\rea Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)
County Office: 19, North Street, Horsham, Sussex. Tel. Horsham 4556. County Preside nts: The Dowager Countess of BESSBOROUGH. David BRYCE, Esq., O.B.E., J.P. County Vice-Presidents: Mildred, Viscountess HAILSHAM. Th e Lord Rup ert NEVILL (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. E. M. E. STEWART-R9BERTS (Nursing Cadets). Major-General ]. M. L. RENTON, C.B ., D.S.O., O.B.E., J.P. Commissioner
Capt. J. J\1. BUCKLEY, The King Alfred, Kingsway, Hove. .\ . J. BUR:\'AGE, The Ambulance tation, Dursley R oad, Eastbourne. Mrs. K . KIRKLEY, 18, Hove Villas, Hove. G. J. RO)[ANES, M.A., M.R.C.S., Coombe Bank, Uckfield . Mrs. K. JOHNSTON, S.R.N., 8, Gloucester Court, George V Avenue, \Vorthing. F. J. fILLER, I, Oak Terrace, Gillsmans Hill, St. Leonardson-Sea. Mrs. A. D. HICKS, B.E.M., Stone House , Bolney. G. H . \\ REN, "Byway", 22, Priory Close, Hastings . S. T. DENNI G, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton. L. W. 10WER, 7, Cross Road Close, outhwick. (Cadets). R. T. HOLLANDS, 17, Winchelsea Road, Rye. (Cadets) . 'frs . ,'T RIBBLr:\'G, 23 , Victoria Drive, Ea tbourne. ~\Iiss C. A. SALES, 65, Willowfield Road, Eastbourne. Western Area \\. L. H .\:\'CO RN, 43 . The GanJcns, South\\ iek . R. HARTLEY, "Stirling," 't. Mary's Close, LittJehaI1lptoll. :'IIi 1\1. E. YOUNG, Kent House, Broadbridge Heath, 1r. Horsham. Vacant. 1\1rs. H. W . T UCK, 83, Buckingham Road, Shoreham. H. G. EWMAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. Mrs . E . A. BRODIE, Flat 3, 6, Arundel T errace, Marine Parade, Brighton 7. Mrs. BUTCHER, 77, Sompting Road, W orthing . O. E. LAKE, 50, Whyke Lane , Chichester. (Cadets). R. MORRIS, Ashford House, Victoria Road, Bognor R egis. (Cadets) . :'IIrs. M. F. Tow SEND, 134, Manor Way , Bognar Regis. (Cadets). G. PARKS, 265, Albion ~ treet, Southwick. J. BUTLER, 33, Chichester Close, Tilgate, Cra\\·ley.
WARWICK County Office: 25, ~lidt!l et.oll R oad, Streetly, Sutton Colt!11clt! County President: The lIon. Mrs. L. C. S. FITzRoy EWDEGATE, 0.13.£. County Vice-Presidents: The Lady WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE (Nu rsing). Mrs. BUCKMASTER (Cadet Nursing) . Commissioner
T. K. ELLIOTT, M.B., B.S., l.R.C.S., L.H.C.P., 25, Mitldleton Roat!, Strcetly, Sutton Coldfield.
Assistan t Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) Co un ty Surgeon County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
County Sergeant-:'IIajor County Secretary
G. ]. FOWLER, 31, Dillotford venue, 't.y\'echale, Coventr·. (Tel. Coventry 687.41). A. E RUSSELL, 54, Browett Road, Coventry. (Tel. Coventry 5948). taverton, TC. 1\Iiss C. 1\1. ORTO', B.E.M .. The Beeches. Daventry. I orthants. (Tel. Davent,ry 196 ). . Mrs. A. W ORTHI:-<GTO:-<, 37. Jury treet. WarwIck. (Trl. Warwick 244)' C. L. \\'ORTHINGTON . M.B .. l\1.R.C.S .• L.R .C .P .. 37. Jury St .. \\'arwick. Vacant. A. F. HIPWELL. 70. St. George 's Road. Coventn·. Vacant. W. B. 1\1. \VYLEY. W atchbury lIouse. Iktrfonl-in-War\\i ck. 1\1rs. L. A. \VESTER . 55 ... toney Stanton R oad. o\'ent ry. J. H. HARRIS, 35. icholls 'treet. toke. oventry. . l\Irs. S . .1\1. ADWALLADER. 50. Radford Road. Leamin gton Spa. A. H. BOOTH. 270. Windmill Road. Longford. Coven try. E. O. ORlI1E. 7. Asthil1 Gro\'e. Co\'entn. ~1rs. ]. EWALL, 36. Middlemarch Road, Radford. Coven try. P. H. JAMES. O. orman Plac ' Hoau . Co\·ent.ry. (C lurt ecretary ). E. '. PALlI1ER. 54. Paxton Road. Coventry. ( amfl .\<h iscrj. F. G. \VARWICK, 32. Botoner Road. Coventry (Ambulance ServY.:e). , Mrs. V. 1\1 . CROSBY. 71. Forfielu Road. Coundon. Coven try. (Cadet Secretary ) ' . , D. HILL, S.R.:-< .. 42. \V endo\'er Rise. All Ie\" Park. ( O\ell' tn'. ~1rs.' E. L. RLADY, . Loru L\ tton A\ cnue. :tokc. CO\ entry Miss E. ill. SlcL\'LSTF R, 9. Crol11\\('11 Hoad. Rugb\ . D. SII\I:\!O:-<DS. !\I .B.L.. " oh\yn ... · "\I\'c ton lIill . ,' trnl fonl, on-Avon. H. K. PERRY, 123. Blackwell Roau. Co\'{'ntn·. (Tel. C(J\f'Il' try 8 370).
Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer eN)
Western Area C. F. J. ANDREWS, 9. The Close. Melksham. Vacant. E. rv~ALONEY, ~I.B., CH.B., Prospect House. Bradford-on-Avon. WIlts. G: INGRAM, 52. St.ation Road . Westbury. MISS M . owell. Queens Square. Box. Wilts.
rea :\rea ,\rca Area Area \rea
Southern Area F .. W. KIRKBRIDE, 72. Fisherton Street. Salisbury. MISS E. A. DIl\IO:-<T, 35. The Close. Salisbury. D. C. GRESSWELL, Old Manor Hospital. Salisbury. H. IIOUNSOME. 40 , Waterloo Road. Salisbury . I\Irs. LA!'lE, West Lodge. West St .• Wilton. Salisbury. :'IIrs. D. E. FANSHAWE, Farley Farm, Farley. ·Wilts.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) u rsing ffic e r Cadet Officer (A) Cadl.'t Of[1£:er ( ) 'tafT Officer
Area Superintendent (A) A rea SuperiI;jtendent (
\rea Cadet Officer (A) \rea ,,-det OffIcer ( T) \rea :tafT Officer
Commissioner A / Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N)
Major-General G. D. FA 'SHAWE, C.B., D.S .O., O.B.E., F arlry Farm. Farley. Wilts. (Tel. Farley 202). Major- General D. D. C. TULLOCK. C.B .. D.S.O., M.e .• R ushall House. Rushall. Pewsey. Wilts. Lady FULLER, M.B.E ., Neston Park. Corsham. (Tel. CorsbalD 2201).
Asst. Cty. Superintendent ( County 'Surgeon County County County County
Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers
County Secretary
Miss S. G. STURMER, Mill Vale House. Westbury. S. C. H. LANE. O.B.E . . M.B .. B.S .• r.1.R.e.S .. L.R.C.P .. West Lodge. Wilton. Salisbury . . . Miss B. PATTERSON, St. Johns HospItal. Tro'vvbndge. O. E. HYDE. II. Burford Avenue. Swindon. Vacant. A. J. JENKINS. Silverdale. Croft Road. North Wroughton. N r. Swindon. Mr. Moss. Watchfield. Rowden Hill. Chippenham. (Press Relations). Mrs. A. H. HEMMING, Monkton FarJeigh Manor. Rath. ( .H.S.R.-Admin.). Miss M J. MORTON PALMER, 72. Fisherton Street. Salisbury·
Northern Area i\IaJor L. J. T. G. BARTLETT, " Glenro\'d. " Folley Vi ew Road. Faringdon. Berks. 1\1rs. N. LA:\E, 65. Plymouth Street. Swindon. J. K . MONRO, l\['CII., F.R.C.S., "Highfields". The Common, i\1arlborough. A. R. KING, 43. Richmond Road . Swindon. Mrs. 1. C. IIALL, 54. Devizes Road. windon. :'I1rs. L. E. A. BROAD, 81. Shrivenham Road. Swindon.
WORCESTERSHIRE County Offtce: ~t. John Ho use. 34. The Tything. ·W orces ter.
(Tel. 45 0 3). County Presidents: The Countess BEAUCIiAMP. el1.B .E . F. L. NEWTON. Esq .• M.B .• CH.B. County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Hon. Earl BEAUCHAMP (Ambu lal1ce). Mrs. C. LECHMERE (Nllrstng). Lauy ' A1"DYS ; :'IIrs. F. J , ' Q;\1ERS (Cade t Nursi ng) Ir R onald LECH:l1ERE (Cadet Ambulance).
WILTSHIRE County Office: 7 2 • Fisherton Street. Salisbury. Tel. Saltsbury 4 810 County President: A. R. TOWERZEY, ESQ. COlmty Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel H. A. GOLDEN, O.B.E., D.S.O. (Ambulance). L. F. Moss, ESQ. (Ambulance Cadet s) .
County Secretary
J. m..1ERS. T.D .• The Camp Farm , Great Witley. ,,\ orcs. (Tel. Great Witley 295). T. ~ . . LENCH. Mayford. 63. Halesowen Road, Quinton. Bmmngham. Squadron Leader R. D. M, EVERS, I).F.e., Four Winds. Wolverley. r. Kidderminster. Vacant. Mrs. M. G. O. SOMERS, Highfield House. Blackwell. Nr. Bromsgrove. J .. T. DALY, l\1.B., CH.B., 380, Ridgacre Rd .. Quinton. Birmmgham. R: R . HINES. 3. \Volverhampton Street. Dudley. MISS H. M. BIDMEAD, "Trafford". Manor Lane. Halesowen . Miss H. M. WALTO!'l. Mount Pleasant. Cowleigh Road. Malvern. J. S. TAYLOR, 23. Summerfield Avenue. Hurst Green. nr. Birmingham. Miss A. E. DINGLEY, 6. Lower Wilton Road . Malvern .
Area Commissioner
Deputy Commi sioners
County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Cou nty Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) Co unty Staff Officers County Sergeant Major.
Northern Area
Area Superintendent (A) A.rea Superintendent (N)
H. HALDA" E, M.C., F.R.F.P.S., l\I.R.C.P., The Iount. Church Road. etherton. r. Dudle\' . D. II. BURNS, 144. Oakham Road. Dudley. Miss M. E. FEARN SIDE. 97. Alexandra Road. Halesowe n .
Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant-Major
R. BARRO;-'<, ilLB., CH.B., Ambleside, Hall St., Dudley. l\Irs. E. A. WEBSTER, S.R.N., "Arcadia", Station Road, Old Hill, Stans. 1(. 11. BILLlNGHAill, 9-1, John Street, Brierley lIill. 1\1iss 1\1. A. ·:.lITH, "Thirteen", Dudley Wood .\v enue, Crad ley Heath. H. S. BENNETT, 52, Harcourt Road , Old H ill. . 1\1iss A. E. WITCOilIBE, Oldfield, 5, 'ornery R oad, Pnor) Dudley. P. C. BENNETT (enior) , 20, :\Iillarc.l Rd ., Coseley, taffs P. C. BEXXETT (junior), 10, chool treC't, Sedgley, lTr Dudley. T. E. DAVIS, .H, KnO\\le Road, Springficlc.l, ... r. Dudle j, \Vorc s . S o u t h ern Area
Are3 Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Sur geon Area Cadet Officer ( Area Staff Officers
Air Commodore .\. L. GRE(,ORY, :'I1.B.E., .\\.t ., D.L., The ClosC', Upton-on- e\." ern. J. F. GRANT, 74 , Evesham Road, rabbs Cross, R edditch ~lrs . 01. E. HODGES, 123, Birch5.eld Hoad, Redditch. F. H. VOLLAM, ?lLB., CH.B., The Old House, lvechurch, Tr Birmingham. Miss D. PRE] 0 ., 33 ' \\'dc.ls Lane, \V orce ter. 1iss D. W . JONES, Dalston, 6 \' W orcester R oad, :\Jalvem Miss J. COLLEY, 23, Timberdine .\n.'l1LH', Balh R nd d , \Y Cl cester.
NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE County Office: I I, Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough, Yorks . County Preslde nt : The LADY SERENA JAMES.
Co mmiSSIOner Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (A) Co unty Superintendent ( ) A<;sl. Cty. Superintendent (0:) aunty Surgeon
Asst. County urgeon (Juni\, adet Officer (A) (o uut v Cadet Officer (N) (ount)· 'tafT Officers
Colonel ' ir Leonard ROl'NER, Bt., tlLC., T.D., D.L., LP ., Thorp Perro\\', Bedale, Yorks . (Tel. Bedale 10). J. PEAR!::>OX, M.B.I>., Alandale, 19, The Crescent, unthorpe, ::\-Iiddlesbrough. (Tel. 56287). C. F. PEDDIE, Harrowgatft Cottage, Norton Hardwick, Stockton-on-Tees. (Tel. 67614). Mrs. F. C. BURTON, 2, Upper Westbrook, Darlington . (Tel. Darlington 5764). J\Iiss 1\1. 100RHOUSE, 93, Trafalgar R oad, Scarborough. F . \Y . HEBBLETHWAlTE, M.B., CH.B. , II, The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middle brough. Dr. S. E. JA CKSON, 20, Stepney Drive, Scarborough. \\T. E. DANKS, 127, Mansfield Avenue, Thornaby-on-Tees. !\Irs. T. E. KIRK, 31, St. Barnabas Road, Middlesbrough . P. P. S:\lITH, II, \Vest Park Ave., ewby, Scarborough. J .. W. RE. AHAN, 12, Alton Road, Middlesbrough. (Trainlllg). J . B. MCCULLUM, 2, Gasworks Cottages, Normanby R oad, ~{)lIth Bank, :\ficldlesbrollgh. (Tran port).
EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE County OffIce: Priory House , 29, Cottingham Road, Hull. Tel. 1303 County President: The LORD IIOTHA;\!. County 1'lce-Pres ldents: S. LAWRE, CE, O.B.E. (A III blllClIlC(,) :\1rs. D. 1. RYMER (Cadet Nllrsing). Mrs. BETHEL ( 'urs m g) Colonel R .. \ . ALEC-SilHTH, T.D., D.L., J.P. (Gacicl . 1J1lhu/(/Il LI') Commissionec E. 1. DEARN, "!.B., 'H.B., D.L.O , H o lm e Loc.lge, 197, ottingham Road, Hull. (Tel. Hull 43 40). County Superintendent (A) (Tel. H ull A. R. LIDGLEY, 92, Etherington Road, IIllll. 4 6201 ). County Superintendent (N) Miss E. 1\1. STONEHOUSE, 63, W elwy n Park R oad, Hull. County Su rgeon E. O. HALLlWELL, iII.R.C.P., il1.R.C.S., 233, I Iallgat.e, Cattin g:ham, E. Yorks. . County Nursi,lg Officer Miss P. M. WATSON, S.R.N., Hull Royal Infirmary, Prospect Street, Hull. Asst. County Nursing Officer. Miss H. A. NICHOLSON, S.R.N., 657, Jam es R cck iLt A\cn ll' Hull. County Cadet Officer (A) R . BERRY;\lAN, 2, Snainton Grove, Derringham Bank , Hu ll. County Cadet Officer (N ) Miss L. F. LEPPINGTON, "Aytona", 8, Belle Vue Crescent, Filey. County Staff Office:-s C. JACKSON, 230, HawthDrn Avenue, Hull. G. HEWARD, "Beaumaris", 74, Ganstead Lane , Bilton, H ull. Mrs. M. RI<:FFOLD, The Bungalo\\, ShcepIllan Lane, Huttun Crans wick, Driffield. II. REFFOL)) , The Bungalow, Shcepman Lane, Hulton CraIl Swick, Driffleld. Miss E. TALLENTS, 17 Etherington Drive , Hull. W. PARSONS, School House, Barnby Moo r , Yorks. Miss D. M. HUZZARD, 20, Riversdale Road, Hull. Mrs. G. JACKSON, 8, Lynton Ave., Anlaby Park R onel South, Hull. (Cadet Secretary). T. PENN, 207, Hall Road, Hull. County Secret ary (A) .
WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE Dis trict Office: \\'dherby House, Wethcruy. Tel. W etherhy 257 \. District President: The Countess of SCARBROUGH. Dis trict Vice-Presidents: The VISCOUNTESS MOU;-.<TGARRET (Nursing). G. R. H. SMITH, ESQ. (Ambulance). Lord AVILE (A mbula nce Cadets). Mrs. E. RADCLIFFE (N !lrsing Cade ts).
Commi ianer District Superintendent (A) Dis trict Superintendent (N) Asst. Dist. Superintendent (N) District urgeon Dis trict Nursing Officer District Cadet Officer (A) District Cadet Officer (N) District StaiI Offic fr District ecretar~ '
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) District Staff Officer (i / c NurSing Div isions)
E. H . LODGE, M.B ., CH.B., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. (T el. Wetherby 2832). Lt.-General ir Colin BARBER, K.B.E., C.B ., D.S.O., Quarry Moor Lodge, Ripon. !\Irs. G. vV. LOD GE, O.B.E., J.P., Castle Garth House, Wetherby, (Tel. W etherby 28 3 2 ). Mrs . M. A . AYKROYD, The Priory, Nun Monkton, York. R . CHESTER, M.D ., CH.B., M.SC., Cardrona, West Lane, Baildon. ~Iiss E. BARRACLOUGH, S.R.;-'<., .C.ilI., 66a, Clarkegrove Road, , h effield, 10. L. 1\IASO. , 5, Lynnwood Gardens, Pud ey, Nr. Leed . Mrs. Cu 1 lING B ELL, Binham Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. G. HILL. 218. Stanhope Drive, Horsforth. J. ~ . W. ROCHESTER, Gawthorpe Cottage, Beck Lane, BlOgley.
Midland Area G. THOMPSON, M.B., CH.B., 58, Heath Crescent, Halifax. H. J. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, 8. Mrs . O. M. G£LDARD, T h e Grange, Ilkley, Yorks.
Area Surgeofl Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area taft Officers
E. \V. L. \iVHITE, M.B., CH.B., "Oaklands," Methley, Leeds . Vacant . S. BRANSON, 8, Stone Street, Stricker Lane, Bradford. l\Irs. K. 1\1. ]OH:-1S0:-1, 140, Gledhow Wood Rd ., Leeds, 8. G. DAccus, 49, Lumley Road, Leeds. l\Irs. E. 1\1. EWARD, 6, Coppice W ay, Leeds,
Area Staff Officers
D. G. BARBER, r04, Doncaster Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster. DEARDEN, The Beeches, Scawthorpe, Doncaster. (Transport). H. COATES, Kingston House, Carlton-in-Lindrick, r. Wor. sopp , N0ttS. L . TAGG, 67, Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, J. r. Doncaster. (Treasurer). E. PONBERTH, "The Chase", Warning Tongue Lane, Bcssacarr, Doncaster. C'. F. PALII[ER, Sca\\ thorpe HOLlse, Scawthorpe, Doncaster.
Northern Area
Area Commissioner County Officer (iJc Ambulance Divisions) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Asst. Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) An~a Cadet Officer (N) rea Staff Officer
]. PRE TICE, ;.r.13., CH.B., l\Ial is Road, I cighley.
J .P.,
"l\lal i
Mount ,"
]. G. HOCIIFSTER, Ga\\'thorpe Cottage, Beck Lane, Bingl C'\'. Miss G. E. lYALL, Ga\\'tho rpe IIall , Bingley, Yorks. J. E . BAIRD, M B., B.CH., B.,\.O., Brow Ilouse, Hawort h, Keighley. ]. 1\1. A. CRITCHLEY, M.B., CH.B., IS, Woodlands Dri\ e, Harrogate. 1\1rs. 1. R. Ih'MAS, S.R.:-:., S.C.:'>!., R.F.:--:., Farndale, T he Grove, Harrogate. F. R. CHARLTON, II, st. Swithin's Walk, York . Mrs. 1. \VIL SON, IS, East Lane, hipton -by-Beningbrollgh York. Miss E. L. GILBERTS, 15, Hill Rise A \,enue, IIarrogate' .
South West Area
. ssiSitan t Commissioner
Area Superintendetlt (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) District Staff Officer County Staff Officer Area Staff Officers
Area Sergeant Major
]. MAIN RUSSELL, M.B., CH.B ., D.P .H., "\Vemyss", Stockarth Lane, Oughtibridge, Sheffield. A. ELSO:-:, :'>l.B.L., I I ' Oaks A\('nue, .'tocksbriJge, . heffi (·IJ. Mrs. DEGE:-iHARDT, 23, 'ale II ill , • heffield, 10. C. B. BALL, L.;\r.S.S .•\., Fern Lodg , '3 ', Dod\\'orth Hoad, Barnsley. l\Iiss M. E. SIIIMELD, 10, Black Brook Avenue, Lodge :"Io( r, S~e[field, 10. "" H. HOOMAN, M.B., B.CR., Hosana, c\\'stead, CO\\' Lan, Ha vercroft, r. Barnsley. Mrs. H. BEVERLEY, The Haven, Worsborollgh Bridge', 1 rr. Barnsley. C. H. FORSTER, 33, High Street, Sheffield, I. H. A. WE. T, 10, Dovecliffe Rd., Wombwell . H. HEMINGWAY, St. Thomas's House, \Vorsboro' Dale, ~ Barn ley. J. SHAW, The Beeches, 27, Mill Hill, Pontefract. Mrs. V. G. BOOTH, 4, Ranelagh Drive, Eccleshall, She'ffil'l d, II. C. C. BOWLEY, 34, H emper Lane, heffield. ]. ASKEW, 25 Pickup Crescent, Wombwell, Nr. Barnsl ey.
Area Superintendent (N) Coun ty Surgeon Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officers (A) Area
Officers (N)
Coun ty Staff Officers
Dr. I\Iu tafa Rial El SARRAFF haftesbury House, York Road, Batley. ' Mrs. M. BALDEN, Bywell House, Dewsbury . J. BAssmDALE, 889, Manchester Road, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield. i\Ii s Z. E. HULL, 13, Cedar Avenue, Huddersfield. II. BOWER, 13, Thornfield, Savile Town, De\\·sbury. (Cadets) L. LEGG, 7, York venue, Fartown, Huddersfield ( ecretary) .
Area Cadet Officer (N) A rea tafT Officl'rs
COMMANDERY IN NORTHERN IRELAND District Office: 61. Great \Tictoria Street, Belfast. Tel. Belfast 2397 0 . President: Her Excellency The LADY \VAKEHURST . DIstrict Vice-Presidents: :'irs. G. N. WALLACE, M.B.E. Comma ndery Commissioner
Bri~adier T. W. DAVIDSON, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., 26, Malone
i)eputy COlllmanuen' Com misioner ( omma nden' Superintendent
Park, BelIa t. (Tel. Belfast 668059). Brigadier R . J. C. BROADHURST, Belvedere, Ballyauglis, Co. Down. l\Irs. 1. I EILL, 96, Circular Road, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 6537 8 9).
)eputy District Superintendent (1 )
Commandery Nursing Officer (ommanden' Cadet Officer (A)
South East Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)
I-I. HARRrso:-J, M.B.E., "Riber," 40, Gledholt Road, HuddersfielcI. D. F. BARRETT, M.B., CH.B., 292, Bradford Rd ., Huddersfield. Miss A. E. UNTHANK, M.B .E., 25, Duchy Road, Harrogate.
Co unty Surgeon I)istrict Staff Officer 1/ cursing Divisions) Area Cadet Officer (A)
Southern Area
Area Commissioner
E. SOAR, "Oak Lodge," Sprotborough, Doncaster. A. E. MOORE, "Moredene", l\lain Road, Auckley, r. D o . caster, tIrs. R. M. SOAR, "Oak L odge" Sprotborough, Doncaster. M. HA1:-1, M.B., CH.B., 22, Balby Road, Doncaster. Col. R. W. SCOTT, M.D., D.P.H., "Langley," Gantlie Lane, Doncaster. Mrs. BALCON, S.R.N., I, Park Terrace, Thryburgh, r. Rotherham. W. HARGREAVES, 198, Great North Road, Woodlands, Doncaster . T. HOWARD, 16, Dawood Villas, Bentley, Doncaster. Mrs . .J. CROSBY, 58, Chestnut Avenue, Doncaster. Mrs. TOWNSEND, 6, The Villas, Edlington. N. HULLEY, Warnington Drive, B essacar, Doncaster.
(ommander~' Cadet Officer ( )
Dep ut\'
Commanclen' . Area Commissioner Offic~r (N)
l\li s Q. J. QUIGLEY, B.E.M., 19, Cabin Hill Gardens, Belfast. F. E. FLETCHER, M.B., CH.B., l\!'R.C .S., l\!.R.C.P., D.P.H ., 4, My Lady's Mile, Holywood, Co. Down. Miss B. BOYCE, S.R.N., S.C. L, City and County Hospital, Londonderry. C. MURRAY, 92, Orangefield Crescent, Belfast. Miss E. GARRETT, Helen's Lea, Gilnahirk, Belfast. Miss V. K. HILL, 88, Donaghadee Road, Bangor, Co. Down W. A. RYAN, Glenartney, Clanbrassil Road, Cultra, Co. Down. (Public Relations). Brigadier L. E . MACGREGOR, O.B.E., 6r, Great Victoria _ t., Belfast.
PRIORY FOR WALES H eadquar ters: Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Chief Commissioner for Wales . Superintendent - in - Chief for Wales . . Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales
Tel. Cardiff ,'3 2I 3I.
H. Gethin LEWIS, Esq. M.A., J.P. H.R.H. The DUCHESS OF KENT, G.C.V .o., C.I., G.B .E. Edgar LLEWELLYN, M.B., CH.n .
68 Deputy Chief for Wales
Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief for Wales Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales . . Assistant Superintendent - in Chief for Wales . Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Chief Officer for Ambulance Cadets (Wales) Chief Officer for Nursing Cadets (Wales) Chief Stafi Officer Cadet Training Officer Brigade Secretary
' lI.B.
Mr . C. G. TRAHERNE. I\Iiss j. E. THOMAS, S.R.N.,
Office of the Commissioner of Police, Accra. R. P. BAFFOUR, O.B.E., B.SC.
Deputy Commissioner S.C.!'>! ,
Surgeon-in-Chief Margherita, LADY HOWARD DE WALDEN AND SEAFORD, C.B .I. L. H.
Pakistan SYED WAJID ALI SHAH, St. john Ambulance Brigade H .Q., Katrak Buildings, Mansfield Road, Karachi, 3, Sadar. Lieut. Col. M. jAFAR, O.B.E.
Chief Commissioner
Colonel Ririd MYDDELTON, M. v .0., J. P., D.L.
Sir Michael DUFF, Bt.
Vacant. Vacant. Miss Zoe D. DRUIn. \V. Mabon ABRAHAM, M.B.E.
District ()istrict
uperintcndent. ( ) urgeon
Malaya Dr. Chang Hoey CHA=-:, St. john Ambulance Brigade Headquarters, c/o. T anglin Hospital, Young Road, Kuala Lumpur. Che Sadiah SARDON. Dr. Haji I\Iegat KHAS.
PRIORIES AND COMMANDERIES OVERSEAS Priory in Australia Brigadier W. W. . JOHN TON, C.B.E., n.s 0 . , \1.(' . . 'E n., M.D., F.R.A.C.!'., [9.1, Little Lonsdale' StrC'et, Melbollrnr, Victoria. Miss F. C. B. McKAY, M.B. , CH.M.
Chief Commissioner Chief Superintendent (I ) Commandery Commissioner Deputy Commissioner
Coounandery in W es tern Australia Colonel j. R. DONALDSON, E.D, M.B. , 29 -30 , Wellington Street, Perth. Dr. B. . COHEN.
Chief Commissionf>r Executive Commissioner Surgeon-in-Chief Superintendent-in-Chief Chief Commissioner Deputy Chief Commissioner Superintendent-in-Chief (N) Surgeon-in-Chief Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets Chief Officer Nursing Cadets Priory Commissioner Deputy Priory Commissioner Superintendent-in-Chief Surgeon-in-Chief Asst. Superintendent-in-Chief Commissioner
Chief Commissioner Superintendent-in-Chief Surgeon-in-Chief
Priory in Canada Vacant. Colonel A. G. CHERRIER, , t. john lIollsC' , 32 [. hapf'l Ottawa, Ontario. Brigadier j. N. B. RAWFORD , M.B.E., E . n , 1\[ D. Miss M. j. L. MACLAREN. Priory in New Zealand Brigadier J. MITCHELL, D 5. 0 ., E.n., Wood\\'ard Street, Wellington . C. MEACHEN, J.P. ( ecretary). Miss N. M. KNIGHT, O.B.E. Group Captain A. H. lARSH, Q.H. p. Dr. D. P. KE NEDY. Miss V. P. L. A QUETIL, M.B .E.
~tn ·t
Commandery in Central Africa Dr. S. G. H. Gasson, P .O. Box 596, Bulawayo, Rhodesia.
( ommis ioner
Bahan'las E. j. H. COLCHESTER-WEMYSS, O.B .E., Office of th e Com-
missioner of Police, Nassau. Dr. N. McP. MACLENNAN.
u rgeon
Commis ioner District Superin tenden t ( ) District Surgeon
DIstrict Superintend nt ( ) District urgeon
Com missioner
North Borneo Dr. K. H. BLAAUW, Medical Headquarters, ]esselton.
Commissioner . Deputy Commissioner . District Superintendent ( ) District Surgeon
British Guiana ]. DUREY, M.B.E., P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. F. A. D. CLEARE. Mrs. B. L. SHAW. Dr. L. H . WHARTON, M.B.E.
Com missioner
British H@nduras ]. P. RUSH, c/o. Storage Ltd., B elize.
District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
Ceylon Col. C. A. H. P. ]AYAWARDANA, C.M.G., c.v.o., O.B.E., E.D .. St. John Ambulance Brigade Headquarters, Lower Lake Road , Galle Face. Colombo 3. Mrs. M . A. jAINUDEEN. Dr. N. F. GUNASEKERA.
Commissioner . Dep uty Commissioner District Superintendent (N)
Cyprus D. M. TAYLOR, O.B.E., K.P.M., 3, Euclides Street, Nicosia. S. WILLIAMS. Mrs. M. CLIFFORD .
Com missioner Southern
India The Hon. RAJKUMARI AMRIT KAUR, S.j .A.B. Headquarters, R ed Cross Road , New Delhi, 2. Miss T. K. ADRANVALA. Jivraj N. MEHTA, M.D., M.R.C.P.
Barbados Colonel . G. S. McALESTER, O.B.E., M.C., Yeovilton, Lower Max\\'ell Hill, Christ Church. l\1rs. H. CHALLO. ER. Dr. H. E. SKEET, O.B .E. Bermuda Wing- ommander L. J. FOUNTAIN, D.F.C., B.O.A .C. Air\\'ays House, 59, Front treet, Hamilton. Mrs. B. BARTON. Dr. W. H. C. MASTERS.
Co mmissioner
Druid's Cha1l11w r.,.
Priory in Sou t h ern Africa Brigadier W. H. du PLESSIS, O.13.E., E.D., M.R.C.S., L.R C Glenshiel, Woolston Road, West.cliff, johannesburg . A. G. WILLIAMS. Mrs. M. A. WALTON, A.R.R.C. Dr. G. D. ENGLISH. Miss K. E. POTGIETER.
Commissioner District Superintendent ( T) District Surgeon
Fiji W. E. DONOVAN, Box 18, G.P.O ., Suva. Lady GARVEY. Dr. G. O . HALLMAN .
Commissioner District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
Gibra ltar A. L. ABRAHAM, Central Police Mrs. D. ELLICOTT. Dr. J. A. DURRANT.
Senior Commissioner
Co mmi~sioner
tation , Gibraltar.
Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent ( ) District Surgeon
Grenada H . W. D. COTT, c/o G. Grenada. Vacant. Mrs. MASCOLL. Dr. L. M. COMMISSIO 'G.
Commissioner District Superintendent ( )
Hong Kong Dr. TSEUNG FAT IN, Lady HOGAN.
Senior Commissioner
Commissioner Oeputy Commissioner
t. John Headquarters,
Commissioner District Superintendent (N)
Jamaica South-East Dr . E. HOERMAN, 43, Duke treet, Kingston. Miss E. M. STEPHENS, B.E.M.
Commissioner District Surgeon
Jamaica North-East Paul MILLER, Esq. Dr. L . JACOBS .
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent ( )
Jamaica North-West H . CAHUSAC, West Indian Sugar L. R . REED. Mrs. M. STARKINGS.
Jamaica South-West C. C. MICHELIN, c/o West Indies Sugar
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent ( ) District Surgeon
Nigeria C. S. K. BOVELL, C.M.G., Office of the Inspector-General, The 1 igeria Police, Lagos. Nigeria Police Vacant. Nigeria Railways District Colonel Sir Ralph EMERSON, C.LE., O.B.E., way Corporation, Ebute Metta.
igerian Rail-
Seychelles M. Trevor WILLIAMS, Police Headquarters, P.O. Box 4 6 , Victoria, Mahe.
Commissioner. . \ / Deputy Commissioner
Sierra Leone 'vV. G. SYER, C.B.E., Police Headquarters, Freeto\vn. Dr. T. P. EDDY.
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner . District uperintendent (N) District u rgeon
Singapore Dr. P. McINTYRE, 25, Gilstead Road, Singapore. Dato Syed Ahmad Mohammed ALSAGOFF. Mrs. . JOHNSON. Vacant.
Commissioner . )istrict Surgeon
Tanganyika C. W. LEVERETT, M.B.E., P.O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam. Dr. A. A . LOVELL.
Dep uty Commissioner . District Superintendent (N) L Istrict Surgeon
Trinidad and Tobago Mohammed Shu'aib ACKBARALI, M.B.E., St. quarters, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain. B . L. J. JACKSON. Mrs. M. J. J. BRYAN. Dr. A. B. ANTONI.
Uganda N . P . HADow, Police Headquarters, Kampala.
Zanzibar :R. H. V. BILES, P olice Headquarters, Zanzibar.
o. Ltd.,
Ionym L ·k.
Kenya Brigadier-General Sir Godfrey RHODES, C.B., C.B.E., D.S P.O . Box 1469, Nairobi . M. S. O'RORKE, C.B.E. Mrs. V. KE T. Dr. J. A. CARMEN.
District Surgeon
Commissioner District Surgeon
Malta G.e. Lieut .-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B.E., 64, Amery S-treet, Sliema. Dr. R. CAUCHI-INGLOTT, M.B.E.
Commissioner District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
Maurit ius R. M. Desvaux de MARIGNY, Police H.Q ., Port Louis . Miss G. DAVIES. Dr. J. MAINGARD, M.B.E .
om missioner of
Nigeria Ports District C. A. DOVE, M.B.E., Nigeria Ports Authority, Private Mail Bag 2588, 216, Broad Street, Lagos . F. J. IVIMEY.
(ommi sioner
o. Ltd . . From .
Leeward Islands H. G. SEWARD, Office of the' Antigua. Dr. K . H. UTTLEY.
F. Huggins (Grenada) Ltd.,
1acdonncl Road , lIong Kong .
Jamaica The Hon. J. M. STOW, Camp Road, Kingston.
Printed by The Swindon Press Ltd., 100 Victoria Road, Swindon.