O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1958

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St. 30bn of 3erusalelll






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Report of the Chapter-General


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for the year ended 31st December, 1958

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Telegraphic Address: Fir taid, London


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Telephone: Clerkenwell 6644

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Copies of this Report (price is.) may be obtained from the Stores Manager, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.i











1957 .
































ARDs .








Photo : P lanet.

The Crand Prior, H.R .H. Th e Duk e oj Cloll ' ,> • Tablel during Ihe cerem ony oj R e- Decl' I' ee ~ lea \ t s t he ~/olSI er a/I er Ull \'eiIi Ilg t he M em orial lea 1011 OJ {I e C rand Priory Chureh 0 11 Oerober 171h, [958 .

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ilIolJereign J[)eab




Field-Mar hal His Royal Highness the Duke of Glouce ter, K.G. K.T., K.P., P.C., G.M.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.Y.O.

J[orb 'prior

The Lord Wakehur t,

K.C.M.G .


Hi Grace The Archbi hop of Canterbury,

P.c., G.c.v.o., D.D.


Lieut.- leneral

ir Henry Pownall,

wlll[ I tf



K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.

~gl e

he Earl of Shaftesbury,

K.P., P.C., G.c.v.f)., C.B.E.

I!::fJe otfJet Waifl ffs @ranb ([ross

H.R.H. The Duke of Wind or K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.B. etc. Lieut.-General Sir William Dobbie, G . . M.G., K . . B., D.S.O. The Marque of Cari brooke, G . . B. G . . v.o. Lieut.-Colonel ir Jam Elliott, V.D. The Rt. Hon. Vincent Ma ey, P.. .H. Group Captain Sir Hugh Poate M.V.O . E.D. Charle H. C. Pirie-Gordon. E q. O.B.E., D . . c. F.S.A.

I!::be .priors of -Priories

Lieut-CoJonel Sir Hugh Turnbull, K . . v.O., K.B.E. (Scotland). The Lord Aberdare (Wale) The Hon. Erne t George Jan en (South Africa). The Vi count Cobham ( ew Zealand). The Rt. Hon. Vincent Ma ey, P.e., C.H. (Canada). Field-Mar hal Sir William Slim, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. C.B.E., M.C. (Australia).




-m:f)e (fxccutiue ®fficets <!C~nllccTIor

Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall

K.e.B., K.B.E., D . . 0., M . .

~ecrcta rp -@cIIHnl

C. T. Evan, E q.


Lewi G. Whyte E q. 13ircctor-@enera[, ~t. jfofJIl gllluIIlance ~ssocintioll

The Earl of Halifax, K.G., P . . , O.M., G.c.s.I., G.C.LE. Colonel Sir Jame L. Skcman, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.Y.O. Sir Harry Luke, K.C.M.G., D.UTT. , LL.D. Major Si r Thoma G. L. Lumley-Smith, O.S.O.

1kniguts of JJ ustice G.c.Y.o. M.D. F.R.


Sir Gerald Crea y

®riginn[ 1&nig[)ts o( 3{ustice



Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder,

CHAPTER-GENERAL Great Officers. other Bailiffs Grand Cross . Priors of Priorie . Executive Officers. 1I::~e

3!.teceiuH -@elleral

Horace F. Par hall E q.,

The The The The

K . . M.G., K.C.Y.O., O.n.E.


Major. R William



Sir Harry Luke, K. . M.G.

D.UTT., LL.D .


The Hon. Sir George Bellew,


111 irecto r of <!Ceremoni rs

Major A. Urquhart,

(who have served two term of three years on Chapter-General) The. Hon. John Bruce, .B . . (Repre entative of the Priory for Wales). Major P. M. Beachcroft O.B.L, LL.D. Commander E. A. Morri on R. . Surgeon Rear-Admiral Sir Cecil Wakeley, Bt., K.B.E., C.B. Sir Alfred Bos om, Bt. Captain The Lord Harri M . . The Earl of Cranbrook, C.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel W. R . Horn by Steer. Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove, C.B.E. T.O. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thoma Cook. Colonel the Rt. Hon. The Lord Robin, K.B.E., o.s.o.

neprest>ntatibe ~eniot JRniguts



(:.ommissloner .in -<Cbief. ~t. jfoun ~mbtl[ance J!3ngnbe

Major-General J. M. Kirkman, ~ssistant





Sir David E an -Be an Bt. (Repre entati e of the Priory for Wales) . . ~. Ingledew, q. (Repre entative of the Priory for Wales). Major R. LLoyd O.B . . M.e.

(!Cxecutibe ®fficets

Assistan t Recei ver-GeneralM. S. Barker, Esq. Deputy Directors-General, St. John Ambulance AssociationLieut.-Colonel E. C. Croft. D. C. Maclean, Esq. Assistant Directors of CeremoniesSir William Savory, Bt. Colonel P. H. Catt. Deputy Commissioner-in-C~ief, St. John Ambulance BrigadeRear-Admiral R. M. Dlck, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.C. <!Cross-bearer

Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove,

C.B.E., T.D.

~I:oorb -bearrr

Captain J. Docwra Rogers,


i{lug-btS of @rnce

Sir Basil Mayhew K.B.E. Sir Wilham Savory, Bt. Brigadier-General J. G. Browne c. LG ., C.B.E., D.S.O. Captain J. Docwra Roger, M.B.E. W. G. Pape, E q. O.B.E. Sir George Abbi ,O.B.E. W ..E. C. Lazenby E q., C.B.E. Major A. C. White Knox, O .B.E. M.C. Sir William Shenton. S~r Hugh Dow, G.C.LE., K.C.S.r. SIr Gordon Lethem K . . M.G. (Repre entative of the Priory of Scotland). The Lord Latham. Si.r John Hathorn Hall, G . . M.G., O.B.E., D.S.O., M.e. LIeut.-General Tl:e Lord Freyberg, .C., G.C.M.G., K.C.B. K.B.E., D.S.D., . (Repre entatlve of the Priory in New Zealand). LIeut.-General The Lord Norrie G.C .M.G. G.c.Y.o., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.



l\epre.sentatiue Junior 1K.nigbt.s

LJeut.-Commander A. John Owston , E q. M. S. Barker, E g. Major Clive Bo om. Colonel P. H. Catt. Sir Harry Sinder on, K.B .E. The Hon. Deni Berry, T.D:

l,nigi)t5 of :Justice

Major-General J. E. T. Younger, The Lord Cozens-Hardy.


Itnigbt5 of


Sir George Wilkinson Bt., K.C.V.O. T. de la Poer Beresford, Esq. , Q.C Lieut.-Colonel W. E. Pringle, M.C. Captain P. Reay, O.B.E., M . e . . .' . Sir H ugh Poynter, Bt. (Representatlve of the Priory m Au traha). Captain F. L. Richard, O.B.E., Sir Andrew Wright, K.C.M.G., C.B.E., M.e. Major P. G. Darvil-Smith, C.B.E. J. H. H. Pollock, Esq., C.M.G., O.B.E. (Repre entative of the Commandery of Ards in Northern Ireland). Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, K .C. M.G., K.B .E., M.C .. Q.C. Sir Philip Southwell C.B.E., M.e. J. A. B. Palmer, Esq. Brigadier F. A. V. Copland-Griffiths, D.S.O., M.C. The Lord Crook. Sir Philip Warter.

Bishop H. J. Buxton. Bishop J. W. C. Wand. The Bishop of Norwich, K.C.V.O. The Bishop of London. Bishop D. H. Crick. Bishop A. C. W. Rose. The Very Rev. C. L. Warr, K.C.V.O., The Dean of Westminster. The Rev. A. Nevile Davidson, D.D. The Bishop of Chester. The Very Rev. Edgar Rogers, O.B.E. The Bishop of Blackburn. The Rt. Rev. W. H. Stewart, C.B.E. The Bishop of Bath and Wells. Q!)fficillti n g

The Bishop of London. The Very Rev. Edgar Rogers,


D.D., LL.D.


;illJ1ember of Q[oundI on Q[bapter = ~eneraI (in addition to tho e shown under othe r h ea d In ' gs H . N . Bream, E g.

Major J. F. C. Underhill


The Rev. C. Perowne, T.D. The Venerable H. J. Matthews, Archdeacon of Hampstead. The Rev. M. F. Foxel1, c.v.o. The Venerable O. H. Gibbs-Smith, Archdeacon of London. The Venerable W. A. Parker, Archdeacon of Stafford.

of tf)e ~rber


D. B. R. Swinstead, E g.,



F. H. D. Pritchard, E g. John Tennant, E q., T.D.


~baprll in5


C.M.G. M V 0 , ...




~tprtstlltlltilJt q[olHl1111nbtts F. Inglefield R N



anb £{ccotlntant




The Chapter-General ha the honour to submit to Members and A sociate of the Order it Report for the year 1958. ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER The Annual Fe tival of the Order \Va held on Saturday 21st June, commencing a i cu tomary with Holy Communion in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church, which wa celebrated by The Mo t Rev. A. C. MacInne D .D ., rchbi hop in Jeru alem and Metropolitan. The General A embly \ a held in the Grocer Hall, by invitation of the Wor hipful Company of Grocer. The Commemoration Service wa held in St. Paul s Cathedral the ermon being preached by the Archbi hop in Jeru alem. During the ervice there took place the ceremony of the laying up of the Banner of His Majesty Haakon VII, King of orway, A ociate Bailiff Grand ero and tho e of the late Sir Erne t Burdon, Bailiff Grand Cross and Receiver-General from 1947 to 1955 and Colonel the Lord WebbJohn on Bailiff Grand ro and Ho pitaller from 1946 to 1954. RE EPTIO


On the 20th May, 195 Hi Royal Highne The Grand Prior held an Inve titure of a Bailiff Grand Cro and Reception and lnve titure of Knight at St. Jame Palace.


It i gratifying to be able to record that the rebuilding of the Grand Priory Church, with the Cloi ter and Memorial Gateway wa completed during the year and the hurch was rededicated in a memorable service by the Archbi hop of anterbury, Prelate of the Order, in the pre ence of Their Royal Highne e The Grand Prior and the Duchess of Glouce ter. The Grand Prior' proce ion mo ed from the Gate across St. John Square to the 10i ter where Hi R oyal Highne un eiled the Memorial Tablet commemorating tho e members of the Order and of the ociation and Brigade who had given their live in St. John Ambulance the two world war. The proce ion then proceeded into the Church which was packed to capacity for the Service of Rededication. It is appropriate to pay a tribute to tho e who in addition to ub cribing to the appeal fund had pre ented both the altar furnishing, the Great Officer' chair and fald tool and orne five hundred chair for the congregation. The great majority of the e were donated by members and D ivi ion of the Brigade at home and over ea. Gift were also received from the Priorie over ea and from the Council and member of the Order in Hong Kong. otwith tanding, however, all this genero ity the appeal fund till fall hort by orne £20,000 of the target of £80 000. Investitures of the Order ar now held in the re tored Church, to which also have been rno ed the Banners of the Bailiff Grand Cro s and the




Standard of the Priorie and Commanderic di played in the Chapter Hall. FOREIG




which were formerly


The ar under re iew witn ed intere ting development in the Order" contact \ ith the European brancbe of th Order of St. John. For ome time pa t the Lord Prior ha been an iou to e tabli h cio er relation with the Order on the Continent of Europ and to e plore th e po ibility of mutual co-operation in practical humanitarian \ ork. The e effort culminated in an in itation by the Kommendator of the S\ i s ociation of Knight to the Europ an Ord r , including our own , to a conference in S\ itzerland. Thi took place in September in a ca tie at Bubikon, the ite of an ancient Commandery of the Order near Zurich. ight nation were repr ented, including the Order' delegation which \\a led by the Lord Prior. This unique Conference, under the chairman hip of the Kommendator, Baron R. on Sturler la ted two and a half da ,and though nece arily of an experimental nature proved ucce ful that it \Va unanimou ly decided to re ume the conver ation with a mailer committee which \vould meet at t. John' Gate in 1959, again under the chairman hip of Baron on StUrler. Further u eful progre wa made at the re umed conference in con idering the que tion of mutual help between the branche of the Order repre ented, relation with other branche of the Order and of external bodie . a further practical step toward co-operation the Order ha appointed Lieut.- olonel H. Fryer (at pre ent its Liai on Officer with the Swi Order) to be Liai on Officer at large between the Venerable Ord er and the oth r Order repre ented at the Conference. The is it to London in ovember la t of the Lieutenant of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order, Fra Prince Paterno a tello di CarcacL together with the head of National As ociation of that Order, for the purpo e of a Conference afforded another opportunity for th resumption of friendly contact between that Order and our 0\\ n. The Lieutenant and hi colleague \ ere entertained to tea by the Lord Prior and the Executive Officers at St. John' Gate. OVERSEAS DEVELOPMC T

St. John Headquarter Officers who e ta k it i to organi e and de\elop St. John work in territories in the Commonwealth were er ing during the year in the West Indies Uganda, igeria, Ghana, Malaya and ypru, and financial a istance continue to be given where needed to encourage development and provide headquarter. A new a pect in the over ea field is the need to adapt the tructure particularly of St. John Council to conform with the constitutional requirement of tho e countrie V\ hich have achieved independence. Negotiation on thi a pect ha e been conducted both in Ghana and tialaya. It is very sati factory that the work of the Association and the Brigade in such countrie i so well esteemed that the Governments welcomed their continuance in the new conditions of independence. The Order' welfare team which have been working in the resettlement areas in Malaya since 1952 were finally withdrawn at the end of 1958. A generous tribute ha been paid to the Order by the Malayan Government to the value of the work of the e team.




L(fe Saving M eda/ il7 Silver Gerrit de ,wet (~ged 10 year ), South Africa. For rescull1g hI five-year old si ter from drownin water at the bottom of a well 18 feet deep. g ~orporal hIre.


seven feet of

Life Saving Medal in Bron:;e. Ivor Price, New Tredegar Ambulance D'IVlSlOn .. Monmouth-

For outstanding bravery in the re cue operat' . Elliot Colliery. IOns 10 an accident at Mr . Elizabeth Jacoba (South Africa).

ytenbogaardt (South Af' ). S .. flca, ydney Vlelra,

Sydney Vieira, although a non- wimmer t brother in difficultie in a deep urf water A a ~~mpted to rescue his been drowned. By hi bra e action S dne . Vi ler yout.h had. already peril but fortunately hi crie for l~elp Yw elr~ pI~ced him elf m grave bogaardt a woman of 53 year of age enteree~eth ear and Mrs. Uytensucceeded in bringing him afely to the h e water fully clothed and Gordon Park Whitehead (cotland). ore. For the re cue of a man from the Ri er D ee when the ri er was in heavy spate with ice-floe and pack-ice Bernard Meyer (aged 17 year ), South ·Africa. For the re cue of a \\oman and her dau ht f " where there wa dangerou and wiftly movmg g. ercurrent. rom drowOlng 111 the sea





The year ] 95 ha been marked b h . hi t?ry of the activitie of the Order o~ ~t r~e hOu~ t~nd1l1g event in the ple~lOn of the Warden' ne\\> hou e and th ~. n m, eru alem-the compatlOn of the e building by our Ward ed Ihte~ home and the occunur ing taff, the commencement en an .t ~ atran and her Briti h building it elf, and the fact that d~f p\J~ t~Uilg.l~g f~ the new ~o pital temporary ho pital in the Old Cit of J L cu tle of. runn1l1g our been complet d than er bee y. eru a em, m.ore urgLcal work ha activitie of that city. That thi 0!ee tl~ t~ whole hi t?ry of the Order's the vi ion and drive of the Ward: . a een a~c.omph hed i . a tribute to the ho pital and the incre . n 111 reorgam tng the medical work of largely due t~ the enthu ia ~ :n~n. the r:umber of pat~ent admitted i can ay that the a\ kward and mgenUltyyf our nur 1I1g taff. 0 one in .oyr. temporary ho pital are c~~~S:·d faclhtle which are at our di po a1 Pl~l~ 111 which thi work i bein I~g dU ed ~o the full. Moreover, the polttlcal cri e that took lac . g carne out 1 up.erb; and de pit the 111. the Middle Ea t durin Pthe e ~~ Jordan and the neIghbouring countrie WIthout the lighte t int g r y r 19 5 , the worl of the Order continued ] b erlerence an d our relat'o 'th h 1a ve een in every re pect the ha . t ] 1 n. 1 . t e Jordanian pple t 1at can be Imagmed.



The Committee report with dee Webb-Johnson, G.C.V.O., C B E ~r gret the death of S:?lonel the Lord . .., .S.O. , F.R.C.S., Balllff Grand Cross




of the Order. He occupied the po t of Hospit~Her fr~m 1946 until.1 9,54, a very difficult period in the hi tory ~f t,he Ho plt~l wluch aw the eVictIOn f the Order from it ho pital butldmg now tn I raet. ~ord Wcbb~ h on saw to it that the activitie of the Order were contmued at first a~~ng the multitude of Arab !efugee and the~ in Wat on ,a nd Strathearn Houses two adjacent propertle of the Order m the Old CIty, Moreove~ , through hi vi ion and imagination the whole conc,e pt of the <?rder activities in Jeru alem was expanded from pure~y ho pltal work to mclude research into the eye di ease so prevalent m thl part of the world, Lo~d Webb-Johnson wa in the highest ense a great e~'vant of ~he Order m whose work and tradition he always took much pnde and hi service a Hospitaller will alway be remembered, " There ha e been no change in the per onnei of, the Commltt~e dunng the year under review but the Committee would like to t~ke thl, ?pportunity to congratulate Sir Philip Southwell, C,B,E, upon hi recelvmg the dignity of Knighthood, HOSPITAL STAFF

After a lap e of nearly a year, the Commit~ee i ,glad to report that a new Matron and As i tant Matron were appomted In September" 1958Miss K, Stent and Mi A, Blewitt. Both of thell!- enter oy~ erv,lce after much experience of ophthalmic nur ing and ho pltal ~dmInl tratlO~ , and both of them have had previous experience of work wIth the Order In t~e Ophthalmic Ho pital in South Africa , Both of t~em have entere~ ha,Ppdy and enthu iastically in to the work of the Ho pltal and the oClal ltfe of Jerusalem, The Committee wi he to offer them eery ucce and happiness in their appointmen~ , , ' At the same time the Conuruttee would hke to thal!~ ~~ ter IIes, ~ho still remains with us, for undertaking th~ respon Ibtlltle of ctmg Matron during the period before the app~Intment of the , Matron and Assistant Matron; in this capacity she car ned out h~r dutle mo t ,conscientiously and with great ucces, We would al 0 like, to tha~k SI ter Goodman and Dale for their good and loyal work dunng their term of duty at the Hospital during the pa t year. , Mr. Issa Marogi, the Chief Clerk of the Ho plt,al spent the, greater part of the year in LOI?-don on a tud~ cour ,e learnmg ~h~ tec~nlque ~f administration of hospItals at home with a View. to quallfymg h~~ for ~I duties in our new hospital. He worked in the finance and, admml trat,lve departments of Moorfields Eye Hospita~ and the We tmm ter Ho pltal where he studied most branches of ho pltal management., He, ~l 0 sp~nt some time in the Treasury of the O,rder and , in est~bl~ hmg hal o,n with our shippers to enable him to appreciate the d,lfficultle In tr~n portmg ~he large amounts of materials we are ~ow endmg to ! ordan In connect,lOn with the new building, He was also gIVen a general picture 0\ the orgaI1l~a­ tion of the Chancery and attended mo t of the Order s ce,r~moI1lal occasions, The Committee is indeed grateful to the authontle and particularly the House Gove~nors of 000rfiel~s Eye, Hospi~al al!d the Westminster Hospital for theIr great kmdness m helpmg us :n thiS way and also to the British Council who made a grant towards hiS expenses, Finally, the Committee wishes to express its grateful thanks, to the Matron of Moorfields Eye Hospital for all the help and co-operatiOn she has given in providing our hospital in Jerusalem with a continual supply of young and excellent Sisters from her staff in London,




~he Ho pital,ler did n.ot pay an official visit during the year under reView, but m hi place Sir Alfred Bossom volunteered to go to Jerusalem to c~mplet~ t~e fir t contra~t for ~he construction of the shell of the new hospital buddIng- a matter In wh,lch h~ j so eminently qualified, AccompaOled by the Secretary, he arr~ved In, Jerusalem i? the beginning of November had many c<:>n ultatlOns With our architect, examined the tender for the con tructl<:>nal w?rk, met the contractors involved and trave~led around Jordan I,?-spectlf~g , their work, He accomplished an amazmg am<:>unt ?f work ,In a mInimum of time, galvanised everyone concerned, w~th hi enthusla m, and on November 19th witnessed the Warde,n Ignmg the c?ntract, for the stone shell of the new hospital, a pha e JI1 the con tructlOn whlc~ hould be completed within ten working months, The Or~er ha acqUIred the ervices of the best contractor in Jordan, Mr. Sha~m and a~ a very atisfactory figure , modified considerably by the latter genero Ity, On Saturday> Novembe: 22nd a small but significant ceremony took place on the lte when , Sir Alfred , B~ som turned the first shovelful of earth, to mark the occa IOn of the slgnmg of the first contract, while H,E, the Governor Jeru alem turned the econd, In addition to His Excellency, the occa Ion wa honoured by the presence of H,M, British ConsulGene,ral the Mayor of Jeru ale~ and many of the prominent residents of the CI~y , The ceremony wa lIghtly marred by bitter weather and took place lI1 a and torm, but when it wa completed the Warden and Mrs Boa e gave very welcome refre hment to the gue ts and staff, The con~ tr~ctor commence~ work on, December 1 t; it i hoped the econd contract will be ready for Ignature In March 1959, and the ho pital will be completed by the autumn of the following year. The Ho pitaller an? the ~ommittee are indeed grateful to Sir Alfred Bo s~m fo~ ~nd~rtakJng thiS arduou journey and completing a highly t~chI1lcal ml sl?n lI1 a ~anner , 0 pro,mpt and efficient. Further they would ltke to than~ ~Im for hi c<:>ntlI1ued mtere t and the invaluable advice he is con t~ntly glvI,ng, on technIcal point uch a the buying of con tructional ~atenal lI1 B~ltalI1 for the new building, To con truct any hospital is a dlfficu,It technIcal ta k; to con truct one in Jordan for which much of the mat~nal mu t ~e procure,d i~ England, without easy reference to our ar~hlte~t ~who 1 nece anly m Jordan) j very difficult; and the Com1ttee IS mdeed ~ort\lnate to have the able and enthusiastic services of Sir Alfred at their dl po al. The Co~mittee would al 0 like to thank Ruby Counte s of Cromer forn:- er Chalrman of ~he Ladie ' Linen Guild and Mr , Willis O'Connor' ChaIrJ:nan ~f the ,L adle' Linen Guild in ,Canada for vi iting the Ho pitai and dlscus~LOg With the Matron her vanou need, Vi its uch a the e are a we~t J~y and enco~r~gement to our taff abroad, and liaison betwee~ the Pnones lI1 the DomLOlOn and our Ho pital i particularly valuable,





The new Warden' , Hou e and the Matron's and Sisters' Home have

b~en. completed, furI1l hed and occupied ince July 1958, The houses are w~t~~ the compoun~ of the new ,ho pital; they are built in modern style

;It, ocal sto~e which blend WIth the local architecture, The internal thngs are bnght, and mode~n in col?ur- a tyle not seen before in J eru alem and which ha eXCIted conSiderable interest.







T\ 0 new ub-committee were formed toward the end of the y ar, the fir t in London, the econd in Jeru alem. The fir t j thc Ladie ' ur inao Committee, th purpo e of which i to h lp the Briti h N ur ing . . Staff befor they 1 a for Jeru alem, aid them hen In thl country on lea e, and attend to any of th ir need that can be t be m t from London. The per onn 1 of the Committee i : Lady Duke-Eld r ( hairman), The Lady Webb-John on, Dame Katherine Watt, D.B.E., Lady outhwell and Mr . MacKellar the Matron of Moorfield Eye Ho pi tal. The econd Committee will act locally a the "Fri nd of the Ho pital" in Jeru alem. It function i to a i t the Warden and the Matron in furthering the ell-being and the happine of the patient and nur ing taff of the Ho pital. It per onnel i : Mr . MacInne , the wife of the Archbi hop in Jeru alem (Chairman); Mr . Boa e, the wife of the Warden (Secretary)' Mr . Franklin, the \ ife of the merican Con ul-General; Mr . V. Kalbian, the wife of a prominent local phy ician; Mr . George Khadder, the \ ife of a prominent chartered accountant; Mr . Rawiel Khatib the wife of the Mayor of Jeru alem; Mr . Labib a ier, the wife of the Secretary of the Y.W.C.A.; and Mr . Charle Stewart the wife of the Briti h Consul-General, while our Matron a a co-opted member. It i hoped that the e t\ 0 ub-committee will be of great alue to the Ho pital Committee in the furtherance of it de ire to promote the happine of the taff and patient for which they are re pon ible . RE EARCH

The research on trachoma ha progre ed much more rapidly than could legitimately have been anticipated. A wa explained in the la t report, trachoma is the deva tating eye di ea e which cau e 0 much blindne not only in the Middle Ea t but throughout va t tract of the world. In the last report we recorded that the Re earch Team wa tran ferred from Jordan to the Gambia, following the political trouble ub equent to the Suez incident, and that it had been decided that it would be more economic to keep it working during the pre ent pha e of the re earch in the latter country. This team financed by the Colonial Office and the Wellcome Trustees, in a sociation with laboratorie in London, ha continued it activities, and utilising and modifying a technique inaugurated in Peking, has succeeded in isolating and growing in culture the viru which cau e trachoma. For decades scienti ts in many countrie have endea oured to achieve this; and for the fir t time the viru has been grown, the re ult checked in two separate laboratorie in London and Li erpooI, and the disease ha been given experimentally to everal human olunteer in London. In view of the fact that one quarter of the inhabitant of the world are infected with trachoma and that it cau e much more blindne than any other disease the isolation of thi viru mu t rank a a medical event of first-class importance. To discover the cause of a di ea e, however, doe not mean that it can be cured-although a cure cannot ordinarily be achieved without fir t establishing the causal agent. Our endeavour are, therefore, now being turned to devise ways and means-by drug vaccine or otherwi e- to kill the virus. For this purpose the Medical Research Council are mobilising a formidable scientific effort in everal scientific in titution In this country, an effort which is also being carried out in the U.S.A.





One of the mo t difficult a pect of re earch wk ' . the fact that, 0 far a i known , no animal is usceorr on this pr?blem IS that large- cale experimentation i difficult It · / Jbl~ to the disease so be mad~ to affect ome monkey and ape but i~ t~~e t at t~ach0J'!la c~n ~nd rapIdly tend spontaneou ly to cure- fortunat the dl ea e I mild unfortunate [or our purpo e. We have there e or the monkey but human volunteer for our work. It i no mall t ~~re to rely largely on that we have had no difficulty in getting ex er' n ut~ to o.ur own people who uffer no mall amount of di comforf· l~ent~ subJects; to them, and science, we are more than u uaJJy gratef~l~ he mtere t of humanity



Over the pa t few year the Committee h old ho pitat building in the Bethlehem R ~ , b~en concerned about the Arab war the Government of I rael re ~a. t' m drael. After the Israeliw~ic~ ha been occupied for a numberq~~ I lOne mo t. of the byilding pnncIpal tenant being the Ozar Hatorah- a y~ar. ~ vanou, b?dle, the run orphanage and chool The A c anta . e organ! atlOn which let to another o~gani ation, ' The per~~~x~fo~ the. F:I? pital ha been ubThe rent now paid for the building f eq,ul YlOn ha now lap ed. I raeli currency, The ecretar i it~dOth COUf e I J': the form of blocked y and found that the building y of th 0 edPropert 1\1 th~ autumn of 1958 d~t~riofation. The whole po ition o~ th; er were uffenng con iderable ' t y.once very valuable property i glvmg the Committee con iderable anx Ie THA KS

The C.omrnittec \ ould like to thank for h ' . have agal\1 contributed to the Ho p' tal R t ~Jr ~pport all those who tho e who have done 0 by d ed 0/ co - e earc Pr?Ject and in particular tha~k , t? tho e Y\ ho ha \Ie hel ed the ~~an.t. It WJ h~ a1.0 to extend it agam It I particularly gratefutfor th pital ~nancla~IY .m 1958. Once Wale Au tralia, ew Zealand and ~heUt~ort 0 the Pnone of Scotland much to be hoped that the Priorie mmandery of A:ds. It i very thank , of the Committee to all tho e a:~ ~omma!1dery WIll ~on\'ey the Commlttee wi he to gi\ pecial a k 0 a e kmdly ub cnbed. The the Ma onic Ord r of th Kn' ht ~ nO~ledgment to the Preceptorie of tinued the upport they have I~ emp ar of England who ha e conthe Clothworker Company g~\v~!1 h 0 hgenerou ly for many year . al 0 to contribution to th fund of th IC a. once more made a generou e H 0 pita!. CO TL


The Committee wi he t O.B.E., F.R.C.S., the ub_~a~d~~e to the .W arde,:, . Dr. A. J. Boa e to the Ho pi tal Dr E D . ' Dr. Khalil Budelfl, and the Surgeon ervices during the pa't y~:rnYT~~l~gratltyde for thei~ loyal and devoted the Matron Mi K St t' d h omn~lttee would ltke to congratulate . en an teA I ta t M ' upon the way both of them have ' .n atr,on MI . B. Blewitt 1 ? qUickly e,ttled mto theIr new life in Jeru alem and thrown the and enthu ia m To th B~ ~ lve ,mto theIr difficult ta k with uch ze t ' E ye H 0 pltal on' tour eof ntl h r1t SI d ter . who come out f rom Moorfield appreciation of their adaptabil?t ~atflOhn, the Committee expre e it 1 Y an 0 tee cellence of the relation hips


14 maintained between the British and Arab taft'; once more the latter havc erved the Order and the patient under their care with unfailing devotion and cheerfulnes. Con idering the unavoidable difficultie in carrying out efficient medicine and urgery in our pre ent premi e , the Committee wishes to expre it admiration to all the taff, medical and adm.ini trative for the effective manner in which they have not only carned out their dutie in the pirit of ervice and in an atmosphere of enthu ia m, but have maintained the age-old tradition of the Order in the ervice of the sick and the suffering. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospital/er.

WARDEN'S REPORT Retrospect:-The geophysical year in Jeru alem will be remembered for a particularly mild winter with rain inadequate to prevent a harve t failure, and for a disa trou drought that la ted beyond the year' end. In other respects the year had its ups and down, but apart from the inconvenience of interrupted supplie, chiefly oil, due largely to the intransigence of our neighbours, we had no real cau e for anxiety. The quarters newly erected at Sheikh Jarrah for the Warden and for the Nursing Sisters were occupied in July. But of greater ignificance wa the inauguration of the construction of the new ho pital by Sir Alfred Bossom who, in the presence of the Governor and the Mayor of Jeru alem, ceremoniously turned the first sod on November 22nd, a day memorable for an unprecedented dust storm and bitterly keen ea t wind. By the end of the year the wall of the new building were ri ing above the foundation. It was a pleasure to be able to welcome our new Matron, Mi K . Stent, and her deputy, Miss A. Blewitt, on their fir t appointment in September. Prior to their arrival, and ub equent to the departure of Miss Vanstone at the end of January the dutie and re pon ibilitie of Sister-in-Charge were discharged by Mi s J. Ile with commendable satisfaction. During the year the e tabli hment of nur ing iter al 0 included Miss O. Goodman (to 8th June), Mi 1. Dale (1 t March to 30th September), and Miss B. Sheridan (22nd June to end of year). The hospital was represented by Dr. Budeiri at the Afro-A ian Congre in Ophthalmology held in Cairo in March. Our hospital accountant, Mr. Issa Marogi, wa enabled by a Briti h Council scholarship to undertake a nine months' course in London in the principles of hospital management and finance. During April, Ruby, Countess of Cromer, former Chairman of the Linen Guild, paid us a welcome visit of inspection. We are grateful to her for advice on many points. It was with particular pleasure that we received a vi it from Mr . Willis-O'Connor, Chairman of the Linen Guild in Canada, who showed an interest gratifyingly great and encouraging. Our Annual Garden Party on St. John's Day was a sati factory event, which this year was honoured by the attendance in person of the Mini ter of Health, His Excellency Dr. Jamil Toutonji. In November we had the unique privilege of an extended vi it by Dr. Charles Iliff, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at the John Hopkin University, Baltimore. This visit under the aegis of the charitable organisation "Medico" was of the greatest value to us. We hope that it is the first of others to come.



Statistics:-New ca e and total aUe d 32,278 and 156,225 re pectively. In-pa~ie~~c(~ 3~~e) kept fairly steady at 2?6 over last year, a tribute to the in . ' . ho,,:", an Increase of dJspose the available bed. The numberg~?~~ wIth wh.Ich the Matron by ~45. There wa an increase in almo t eve(or operatIOns (3,124) rose Igmficance wa the ri e in operation f r 'J y category, but of special (156), quint (193) and pterygium (606f enl e cataract (564), glaucoma (Signed) ARTHUR J. BOASE, Warden.






ce ful year and activities have The As ociation ha had a~~th~~o u~en women and children were increased. In England . o~er Cl e I hav~ increased by over 200 ~nd examined by the A OClatLOn. ault are an indication of the developmg certificates by over 5,0~ .. The e ~~ value of Fir t Aid by indu try ~nd the and continui~g app~ec!atIO~t~~ ~f gratification that the ;vork whl~h our general publtc. It IS a rna d CI Secretarie are domg ha brought County Directors, Centre an a about such re ult . APPO! 1ME TS

. . . eral W. E. Tyndall C.B ., C.B .E ..' M.C. , The ASSOCIatIOn 10 t MaJ~~-Gen G r al who took up an appomtm~nt M.B. D.P.H., a Deputy DlIe~tor- he.nceh he wi hed to hi St. John dutles. ' . l' 'ving the attentIOn \ 1 preventmg lIS gl . ' nation wa accepted. . It was with great regret that hIS re Ig . t d .n 1957 as A istant DlrectorMr. D. C. Maclean who w~\ aaP~~~~ty lDirector-General in General General, has now been app01l1 e Tyndall's place. . nit of thanking General Tyndall We would ~ike to take thl d?aPaort~ha(;.man of the Joint Con:mitte~, for the magmficent work he 1. the text for the new Joint Fir t Id charged with the duty 0 f prepanng Manual. .' C nt Directors and we are .very [orThe AssoclatiOn now has 20 ~u Y f Dr D J Acre 111 Es ex' · btained the assistance 0 . . . G 1 h tunate in av.mg? . . K B E jn Somer et, and Major- ~nera Lt.-General SIr Bnan Kunmms, B·.E·. in Wiltshire . The exp.an Ion ~f S.O ., . ' G. D. Fanshawe, C.B., h~re we have County DIrector IS the Association's. work m f c~u~~les ~ue of these appointment and the more than suffiCIent J?roo 0 . e v 0 magnificent work which the Duectors n'ation a Chief Nur ing Officer Dame Elizabeth Cockayne, .on ~e~ re 19the Association Committee and of the Ministry of Health, ~es~gne hrorror the help and advice which he we wish to record our gr~tltu e to er r rateful to Mi s K. Raven, so willingly gave at all times' We are .ve Yt; J'oin the Committee as a Dam e Elizabeth's successor, f or agreemg · . t ry 0 f Health . representative of the M lillS





th blication of two joint Manual The chief ~vent ?f the year was ew\P~mbulance Association and t~e in collaboratiOn WIth th.e St. Andr d ta es which accrue from thl British Red Cross SOCIety. dT~e a ~~ti~n of joint book will increase co-operation are very great an t . e pro. . the influence of the Voluntary AId Societies. b ' b k was published on 1 st Septem er Adult First Aid Manua 1: Th lS 0 0 By the end of the year about . ed a very warm we1come. Th b k . h db sold in st. John covers. e 00 1958 ,and recelv. . a quarter of a ffililton copies a een d we may feel satisfied that the has reached many parts of ~e wtorl~ a~ work which will be the basis of three Societies have produce a ~ an a:nts or criticisms are recorded by a

~t~~[~~ ~~:rJi~~:! ~~ ~~;~~ent~~:s

of the three Societie .


Adult Nursing Manual: This book was published on 15th September, 1958 and it also received a very warm welcome. It provides a useful basis' for training, not only in the home, but for those who wish to join the National Hospital Service Reserve. In this way it is serving a valuable national purpose. A Standing Committee of representatives of the three Societies has been appointed to deal with the comments received on this book also. Preliminary First Aid Manual: This book will not appear until] 959, but it will be an excellent aid to instruction since its colourful pictures will encourage the study of First Aid and will be available in all parts of the world where such a book is required. Preliminary Nursing Manual: The text and illustrations for this were completed by the end of the year and it is hoped that it will be published in the Spring of 1959. Preliminary Child Care Manual: This book was completed during the year and publication is due in April, 1959. Catechisms oj First Aid and Nursing: These, based on the two Adult Manual are to be joint publications and work is proceeding on them. It will, however, be some time before they appear. The text will have to be agreed by the three Societies, but it is hoped that they will not be too long delayed. The thanks of the St. John Ambulance Association are due to all those who gave up so much time to the preparation of these books and we should like to mention be ide tho e referred to in our Report for 1957 the work done by Dr. A. C. White Knox O.B.E., M.C., the Principal Medical Officer of the Association, in respect of the Adult and Preliminary First Aid Manuals, Mis Ottley who wrote the Preliminary Nursing Manual, and Miss Keene who wrote the Preliminary Child Care Manual. In order that full u e might be made of the new Nur ing Manual which covers somewhat more ground than our previous book it was decided to institute two Nursing Cour e in place of the one original Home Nursing Course. The A sociation therefore, now has the Initial Nursing Course ba ed on Part I of the new Nur ing book, and the Advanced Nursing Cour e based on Part I, II and Chapter 19 and 20 of Part III. There are two separate Certificates for the two course and they are covered by separate regulation. The Committee decided that there should be a life of three year placed upon the Initial Nur ing Certificate, thus bringing it on to a level with the Ad ult First Aid Certificate and ensuring that holders of our Certificates keep their knowledge up to date. In January the Committee decided that the age limit for the Adult Courses of the A sociation should be reduced from 16 to 15 years so that anyone over the age of 15 can now take the Certificate examinations for these courses. In addition, it was decided that there hould be a different standard in First Aid examinations for candidates sitting for Certificates and Vouchers and for candidate itting for medallions and labels. It was felt that this would ensure that holders of these higher awards were able to show the efficiency which one would expect of them. The above indicates, we believe, that the Association is continually alive to the need for keeping in line with modern trends and for meeting new needs as they may arise. In these modern times it is necessary to be



18 progressive and to be willing to change or improve a circumstance may




Reference wa made in the Report for 1957 to discus ion which were taking place with the Mini try of Labour and National Service to consider how best to bring the value of Fir t Aid to the attention of employers and to make them aware of the ervice available to them for the in truction of employee. The e discu sion continued in 1958, and ultimately 39 places were chosen in England for a special effort involving co-operation between the Factory Inspectorate and the local representatives of the Voluntary Aid Societies. In operation, the scheme howed the advantage of active collaboration between the In pectorate and our Centre. We are glad to say that the Factory Inspector are now in many ca e member of our Centre Committee . We continued the campaign for the training of agricultural worker in First Aid and although result have not yet been as good a we wi h them to be, the co-operation received from Young Farmer' Clubs wa most encouraging. Many young farmers are taking Fir t Aid and Nur ing Certificates and competitions have been organi ed , a for example in the West Riding of Yorkshire and in Devon hire. We are very grateful to all those who have made this happy co-operation possible. Further efforts were made to increa e the number of First Aid clas e held in prisons and these proved succe sful. A valuable example of what can be done is the Dorche ter Centre where a number of uch cla e have been held. There were considerable changes in connection with Civil Defence and new circulars were issued by the Home Office dealing with Fir t Aid and Nursing training setting out requirement for cour es and al 0 permitting the wearing of the badge of the St. John Ambulance As ociation in Civil Defence uniform, by holders of valid First Aid Certificate and awards, There was also a further circular dealing with administrative fees, The e arrangements have been the subject of negotiation for a considerable time and it was very gratifying that our discussion should have reached a satisfactory conclusion, There was considerable activity in the Counties, ew Centre were formed in Wigan and Blyth and the County Director for the We t Riding of Yorkshire has continued his reorganisation so that the boundaries of many Centres were increased to include new areas and other Centres were revived and re-activated, The Association County Director for London was able to put into force his plans for development and Committees were set up covering the City of London, the Western Area, orthern Area and South Eastern Area. These Committees have done magnificent work in co-ordinating existing classes as well as meeting new demands and stimulating greater interest. In the Western Area a circular was issued to a large number of firms and it received an encouraging response; in the South Eastern Area plans developed for organising meetings locally to form Borough Committees. The House Badge Scheme was instituted in Warwickshire and ha been successful in Nuneaton, Rugby and Leamington and Warwick. The East Grinstead Centre of the Association has sponsored an Evergr~en Club to provide care and social entertainment for the aged, and this has proved a very happy form of service.


A pecial event of intere t was the visi f . , , CouncIL Chamber in Halifax at the b ,t 0 , the Pnme MInIster to the Meeting held on 21 t March 1958 wI e;l~nl~g of the Annual General and officials present. ' , len e a a few words with mem bers

!'few headqu~rters have been established in BrIdge ; these WIll be a very great help to b th tly~outh and Sowerby 0 ,t ~ entres. The Rugby Centre i particularl . School , where there i a keen sup~osr~c~ess~l In It,S contacts with Rugby D~y for the School Cadet Force roved o~ v Irst AId courses and a Field atIOn badge are worn on Cadetu 'f ery successful event. AssociOt~e~ public schools are taking inc~a~~m ?y hold~rs ~f our. certificate, ThIs IS aI 0 the ca e with a number ofl~;g lr:-tr;st 111 FIrst AId training. Many Centre are working cIo eI ~~ glr s schools. providing lecturer for talks or g' ,y wAl h women's organisations and ~ork, SiI?i~ar1y, many Centres hetVJ~th m shows cO,nn~cted with our III th~ trammg of Boy Scout Girt G 'd youth orgams,atIOr:t s and assist Nur mg. This is a very irnp;rtant Ul es and others 111 Flfst Aid and encouragin,g to know that develo mfnat~t.of ~ent:e's ~ctivitie~ and it is At Poole, m Dorset, the Local E~ t' l~hlS dl,r~ctIOn are 1I1creasing. grant of £4 10 . ad. per clas whic~~~ Ion uthontles agreed to make a work done by the A sociation. a very welcome recognition of the One branch of the A ociation recentl f ' function of a Centre raised cons'd b[ formed , wIthout taking on the from .which it financed its class ~n~r~a~ und as t?e result of a dance donatIOn to Headquarter, Such .ab,le to gIve a very generous ociation, an event IS m the best traditions of the Report from C ntre indicate th ' method of arou ing intere t and rna' \ l!TIportance ~f competitions as a run local competition of varying siz;na~~l~~ e~thuslasm. Many Centres and serve a very valuable ur ose 1 IS ~ ~ar that these are popular range of interest including i~dJ t1'i 'I Coml?etI~IOns cover a very wide v?!untary bodie, They are a t~ orgam atIOns of all sizes and also FIrst Aid an? provide a timul:e~~gh place f?r all those ~nterested in The AssocIation i A sistin Auth \ IS obVIOusly apprecIated, Award S~heme and our Centr~s haveO~~[n ~~der the D~ke of Edinburgh's the runnmg of cour e or adv' . F ' , Ie to help m many ways with ,! ' Ice 111 Ir t Aid a d N ' ~Ir operatmg under the Award Sche E n , urs,mg for boys and tmually growing and we are very glad ~e't nthhusla m IS obviously conpart. a we ave been able to play our A Conference of County Director wa h S,W,I , on 22nd June 1958 d eld .a t 10, Grosvenor Crescent opportunity for the ex~hange o~n " as U~U~I" It proved a very valuabl~ the, Association. Such matters a v~~~ a; , 1 cu SIOns o,n future policy of atl,on and local finance f atured la crt l~g member hlP, county organim~m benefits which accrued was ~~e y 111 the a~end~ and one of the DIrectors to compare their robl e opportumty gIven for County who attended. p ems. We are very grateful to all those ,


WIth the pUblication of the ne M ' }ad to consider the preparation o~ ne~~tl of Fdlrfit Aid" the A sociation ransport Commission has m~ an, lm-stnps. The British colour covering Asphyxia aI;A:t~~d ,fiimR-stnps ~n black and white and in 1 CIa esplfatlOn, Shock and Haemorr-



hage which were discussed with the Principal Medical Officer at all stages. The e film- trip can be obtained on very generous terms either on purchase or on loan free of charge and the Association is most grateful to the British Tran port Commi ion for the wonderful assistance it ha given in this matter to the First Aid movement and for making the e film-strip available to our member. The National Dock Labour Board undertook the preparation of films starting with one on Artificial Respiration. It i hoped that this win be completed early in the spring of 1959. New posters and publicity leaflets have been prepared for the Association and are available on purchase. The e are colourful and should meet a much felt need. As regards film, the British Transport Commis ion ha two excellent films for publicity purposes entitled, 'It's a Dangerous World," and "Why Bother," which are also available either for purchase or on loan free of charge; they can be most u eful for recruiting meetings, etc. We are always glad to see how much publicity our Centres receive in the local press and we congratulate them on their obviously very happy relations with local editors. Publicity of thi kind is mo t important and should always be fostered. A further interesting item of equipment for exhibition or conferences is the model farm indicating where accidents can take place on farms and bringing home the need for First Aid should accident occur. Thi wa made in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and has already proved very popular. ASSOCIA TIO


MEDITERRANEAN Cyprus: Despite the very difficult political situation, First Aid clas es continued and the Police Force had special refresher cour es for lay lecturers. There were also courses organised for the staff at the civil airport and First Aid has been included in the syllabus for health in pector . First Aid boxes have been issued under the Village First Aid Post Scheme. Other activities included a First Aid Competition in Nico ia for children for which there were 64 competitors; between 250-300 children were present and Lady Foot presented the prizes. There was al 0 a ca ualty faking demonstration by the R.A.M.C., at Famagusta, attended by Police and members of the Fire Services. There were a number of very uccessful fund-raising activities including a play and garden party. The Association badge is worn with great pride by student nur es of an communities at the Nurses' Training School and the General Hospital, Nicosia, who have qualified for their First Aid Certificates. First Aid i an essential part of the training programme and students devote many hours to the theory and practice of this important subject. Great assistance was given to the Centre by Miss Mary Mango, the World Health Organisation'S Adviser on Nurses' Training, and Miss Bouyouka, the Sister Tutor. The Association'S Home Nursing Manual is used as a manual for the first-year students and the Child Welfare Manual is used by the Senior Health Visitor in training Health Visitors and Midwives. The Association'S manuals have thus fulfilled an extremely useful function in the training of nurses in Cyprus. A further development was the introduction of First Aid classes at evening institutes which are a valuable aid to expansion, as they reach young villagers in their late


teens and early twenties. Considerable interest in Fi t A'd' the Cyprus Mme Corporation which has su rs J IS shown by ye~r~. Courses of instruction have now beenPit~;::~ ~ur ~orkh for ma~y Mmmg Company and the Amiandos Asbestos Mini a ~o y t e Hellen~c employees. Even where no formal classe were ng ompany f<;>r t~eJr could be organised, it i believed that trainin hel~ and no exar.nmatIOn baSIS. Further, the magnificent su ort ive g ~ontmued <;>n an mformal Services and others who organisedP~once~ts ~n~n t~ fin~nclIal way by the shows great promise for the future. leatnca performances Gibraltar: During the past year th A " . Gibraltar undertook the training in First Aid of manual ~nds~o~lat~o.nlm n ment and private firms . As the majori: ~s t~a employees of GovernEng.li 11 the lectures were given in S anis y 0 e. students d.o not. speak certIficates were gained in this first ~ta h·ltlr:- sl:lte of the dIfficultIes, 49 will continue as a new law has been ;e. IS . ~ped that ~he campaign shops to .have qualified Fir t Aiders Po~s~~erequ~mg f~cton~s. an~ workencouragmg and we are grateful to those wh stha . T.hls actl~Ity IS most . 0 ave given theIr help. Malta. In Malta, classes were organised for the b. H.M. Dockyard , Civil Defence and the M It P r pu hc as well as for F~ to~~~. There was a steady development in spreading a knowledge throughout the Island. Irs I and Home Nursing


MIDDLE EAST Aden: In Aden Mr. M. A Lokma k from Mr. A. Bhatt, who e res'i nation:' too over the work of secretary ~;eported last yea~ and classes were continued chiefly for th; Pol" . ere were also FIrst Aid and Home Nursing clas e in the Civit:r o Mr. Tucker the Surgical Specialist and Jltab li"J are very grateful to Ahmed who made these activities possibl:' 0 e ge and Dr. Mohamed

The Sudan Railways continue First Aid . . . and five classes were held during the ~r~l11l11g for theu employees, 101 of whom were uccessful in obta· year WI~ a total of 118 candidates their annual competition in First Ai~~lllg certificates. They also organised It is interesting to note that the As o · . from Police Force in the Persian Gulf a~~t~~nt ~~d ~ ~umber of enquiries p~reha ed a large num ber of co ies Of a . e e ane.se Government AId Manual for their Civil D t:' P D the ArabIC translatIOn of the First elence epartment. WEST AFRICA Early in 1958 it wa decid d t 1 to make it more repre entatfv °in arge the Centre Committee of Ghana of Government and other inet ·t fare ylt nearly. all t.hose departments U nominated repre entatives to s\t ~~n~hl11tgested m Flr .t Aid Training already had a very happy effi t d ' e . ~ntre Co~mlttee. This has shown in the work of th A ec ~n . m addltl~)u there IS growing interest e !llercial bodies. The total nu~~~~at7~. by p~lvate, educa~ional and comm 1958 is the highest figure 10 d ~r t AId awar~s gamed by students established and it is roof· reac le III any year smce the Centre was Police continued to g~in th 1~~e~d of the Centre's activities. The Ghana are making great headwa e 11g.lest number of awar~s. The Gold Mines Works Department and y nd . mte~est h~s been re-kmdled in the Public a so III t e RaIlways and Harbours. A very





d ' . . , wa or anised for police teams an It IS . succe sful First AId CompetitIOn t't'on ~n a much broader basis 0 a to ho ed also to tage further compe 1 1 .. foim a foundation for a national competItIOn. . ., 0 d ' Or aniser has been domg ex~ellent In igeria, Mr. Chnstle, the r .er g ort from the Police RaIlway work and ~ecei es most enco~agm~r u)fank Anthony wa appointe.d and Nigenan Ports .A':lthonty.. i'a and we are very grateful for hIS Director of. the A.ssocla.tIOn fo~:ci~~~d as a mark-earning ubject ~n the support. Smce. FIrst. ~ld ~a~ . t at the Police Colleges and m the syllabus of ba lC tramlllg or recr.tll five month' cour e at Refre her syllabus for all constabl~~ atttl~~I?; truction was given on promotional Course School and as Irs even eater increa e can be expected courses, motor tra~c cour~es et?" a~any p~licemen and policewomen ha o in the future. The m t~~ftl~n °thSe large increase in the number of lay only been made POSSI e f y 1 y lecturers are planned for 1959. In the lecturers. Further cours~s or a have been organi ed and it ha been coal mines a number 0 cou:ses 'dent are receiving better and more found tha~ mine~s who sus tam :~~1 the received before cours~s were prompt. FIrst Aid .treatment t at in a~dition to relieving uffenng and started m 1957. It IS [eporte.d th ccidents it is likely that in many case reducing the effect of ess senou~ a d efficient treatment by employees on lives have been saved by ~r~m¥' r at Aid Course. Refresher cour. e are the spot who ha e ~t~e~ e Ids to set up an orgaril ation covenng the planned for 1959 an It IS h ope a1 0 been organi ed for employee coal mines as a whole. Courses ~ave been trained At a ceremony held in the tin mi?es and lay l~~~~re~ertf~~ates were pr~ ented to ucce ful at Bukuru m August, 1 M' . t of Labour and Welfare who a1 0 llllS er dd 1 d 'd a t es b y the Federa can . A'd F ur ther classes are planned an eve opspoke1 on the value of FIrst 1. ments continue.

. I d . th ' r . . g and mc u e m el In Sierra. Leone the police co~tm~~~e~sr f~~n~~ctures in First Aid. to g L' 'ted The A ociatIOn classes Sarutary Inspe~tors, PO.lIce employees of the Umted Afr~ca Comp~ny l~S chairman Mr. W. B. Centre for the Sierra ~eone Pr}s~n~ Servl~~lo~tel are grateful' to the new Wright, the fo:mer Dldre~tor 0 t ns?~s;isons for taking on the duties of Director of Pnsons an nspec ?r 0 . ' tere t i taken in First President and Chairman respecttv~ly'. I~':t~a~~~~{~rlY both in the colony Aid; as a result, cla~ses ar~ I?-0w ~mg Lven to lay lecturers. With the and pro.tectorfate , Wl~ tfa~~ft~i::l~r i~ expected that the training procompletIOn 0 t h e sc 00 "dl Our thanks are due to Mr. '11 proceed even more rapl y. . fr~~~~~obi, who has organised lectures for ~ersons m bthe C[IO~y. ~! well as in the provinces. The Centre took part manum er 0 ou SI activities. ~~A~~


h ' t


I~ Kenya. the year 195~ showed. very satis~~!~~\Jerr~g~e~s p~~rt~~n:~~ certificates Issued as agamst 795 m 1957. . . . . A'd Home classes and 69 Adult classes, which included tra~nmg m ~lf~t ~; to the Nursing Child Welfare and miscellan~ous subjects. ThhLS IS b~ d the . d. hich is being taken m our work by t e pu c an ~~~~fs~ f:ef~~t :Umber of qualified lay lecturers increases, the prese~~ shortage of lecturers will be overcome and more classes can be arrange



There is a particularly atisfying response from school teachers, many of whom will be organising Preliminary classes in their schools during 1959. Over £6,000 wa raised by various fund-raising activities and we offer our congratulations upon this remarkable success. In So m.ali/an d, First Aid classes were held in all districts and from these c1asse men were cho en for a two-weeks course at Police Headquarters before taking their Preliminary and Adult First Aid examinations. This has proved a very atisfactory arrangement and we are very grateful to those who have made this possible. In Tangan) ika, up-country Centres have been encouraged during the year and it i pleasing to note that St. John Ambulance facilities are now available at five up-country station , in addition to those Police Officers and airport personnel who have qualified and are still efficient in First Aid. Correspondence and di cus ions still continue regarding the plot of land on which to build A ociation Headquarter in Dar-es-Salaam. There was a drop in the number of Preliminary Certificates due to the curtailment of recruiting of African con table and therefore fewer recruits pass through the Training School. Lay Lecturers' Courses were carried out at Tabora Railway Training School and member of the East African Railways and Harbours joined a Brigade Division after passing their Adult Fir t Aid examination in May, thus making a further up-country Centre. Thi i a very encouraging development and holds good promise for the future. In Uganda lay lecturer have been active during the year particularly at the Police Training School, the Police College, the Namilyango College and the K ibuli Teacher Training Centre: also at the Kampala Technical Institute and the Railway Training School. As a result of these classes, new divi ions of the Brigade were registered during the year. Mr. E. R. Reeve the Headquarters' Officer, relinqui hed his appointment at the end of May after a ucce ful tour of more than two years; he was relieved by Lt.-Colonel E. M. V. Jame , O.B.E. , who recently retired from the West Indies where he had been active in the St. John field for a number of years. Work on the new St. John building which will be the future headquarters of the A ociation Centre Brigade and the Council for Uganda, commenced during the month of November and should be completed by the end of April 1959. This will be a very great a set to our work. The Kilembe Copper Mines have continued to give support and during the year orgaril ed some very uccessful first aid competitions. Arua has also been active in holding fir t aid demonstration in some of the more remote tribal area of the protectorate. Again thi was a very promising situation and proves the great value of the work done by lay lecturers. In Zanzibar there ha been a re-organisation and Dr. D. A. Baird, O.B.E. , Director of Medical Services, wa invited to be chairman of the Centre of the As ociation which was to be formed under the Presidency of His Excellency Sir Henry Potter, K.C.M.G. Dr. Baird accepted this invitation and has formed a Committee. It is expected that the Committee will be in full operation early in 1959 and we know that it will make a very valuable contribution to the development of First Aid training in Zanzibar. We were very pleased to have the opportunity of meeting Dr. Baird and Mrs. Paul, the Centre Secretary, when they were in England.



CEYLON Once again Ceylon reports a record total of First Aid Certificates is ued during the year. In addition a considerable number of Home Nursing classes were held for women and there were al 0 Child Welfare classes. We congratulate Ceylon on this achievement. It is very encouraging that they hope to revive their Centre in Trincomalee and Batticaloa. Teachers in Government Training Colleges, particularly in the North, are qualifying in First Aid through the Association and thus leaders are being provided for the First Aid movement who can spread a knowledge of First Aid far and wide after they leave their training colleges. A knowledge of First Aid is being spread in the rural areas of Ceylon, both in the North where the instruction has been in Tamil, and in the South where the instruction has been in Sinhalese. This all indicates how alive the Association is in Ceylon. FAR EAST The Association Centre for the Federation 0/ Malaya continues to flourish and we were greatly encouraged to know that the Federal Competitions were honoured by the presence of His Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. The new Headquarters now planned wilt give very great impetus to the work of St. John in the Federation and we offer our good wishes for all success in the future. Mr. A. E. Perera, M.B .E., who has done so much for the Association as Secretary, retired during the year and was succeeded by Mr. E. Paramasivam. We are grateful to both of them for all they have done and are doing. The various Centres of the Association throughout the Federation show considerable activity and most encouraging enthusiasm for the development of First Aid cla e . During the year, classes were held in most areas and regular re-examinations took place. Membership was increased and special mention hould be made of Perak where the number of members has been increased from 561 to 1,139. Negri Sembi/an and Perak have both completed their new headquarters and the latter have a particularly fine building. The Association in Kelantan and lohore have also started work on similar project . A new area Association has been established in M alacca and is doing well. The Order's Organiser, Miss 1. M. Checkley, took a keen intere t in the work of the Association in Malaya and assisted with the first Air Attendants' Course held in Malaya at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. We are grateful to all the doctors, lay lecturers, members of the A sociation and Brigade and other supporters who have made these developments possible. . In Singapore, there was steady progress and a campaign was started to mcrease the number of members. One of the objects was to obtain further funds for the new headquarters building which it is hoped to start in 1959. Very great help has been given both by doctors and lay lecturers in the instruction of classes and the Association is grateful to them for this. The Centre co-operates very closely with Civil Defence Headquarters and gives all possible assistance in the matter of First Aid training. Mr. M. A. Lewi resigned as secretary as he was leaving Singapore in January, 1959. In Hong Kong, it was a busy year for the Centre and the number of classes started, 118, was a record. Most of them were conducted in Chinese, but nine were in English and one in Pakistani. Candidates were from various Government departments (including Police, Fire Brigade,


P . 25 nsons, Education and Social Welfare D e ar t Schools, Girl Guides, Cathay Pacific Alr ments) ,. <;ivil Aid Services, organisat~ons, etc., and the public generall wa§'s, rel~glOus and ~elfare encouraglllg and there is no doubt that th y. U~h WIde support IS most completed in 1958 will be a great incentive\ new e;dquarters. ~hich were head~ua~ters contain fine lecture rooms a 0 e~e~ urth~r actIvIty. These 10catlOn IS most convenient for lectures ' m~ e hospItal ward and the conwatulations go to all those who w~~~::mers and ca.ndidates. Our pOSSIble. to make thIS achievement Miss Checkley, the Order' Or ani .. were very pl~ased to see the Chai~mane~f ~~~t~ North Borneo. and we London dunng the year. The Annual Genera entre, . Mr. AtkInson, in June and was the first ince 1955 H ' E 1 Meetmg took place in Roland Turnbull, K .C.M.G. , add~es e~ xcellency the ~overnor, Sir successful and at which a strong C . the meetIng whIch was very the A sociation have thu been re 0omm. Itt~e was formed. The affairs of has been formed at Keningau as a -rer~~~1 e ~nd trength~ne? . A branch are run for the Police and in conseque of r~ss Checkley s VISIt. Courses Headquarter to the appointment f Qce ~ t e agree.ment by Association lecturers, there is now greater scopoe fo~~~~~e~ HospItal Assistants as lay Day and Dance was held and this w·u nbIng. A very successful Flag I now e an annual event. PACIFIC ISLANDS The Centre in Fiji continues to b . Excellency the Governor for the s e actlv~ and w.e are grateful to His for the building of new headquar~~~ortd wh~Ch he .gl~es. Plans developed doubt that it will give great impetus t ~n . ~ en thIS IS erected there is no for uccess with this project. 0 raInmg. We offer our good wishes ~n

the Solomon Islands plan f

. .



atJsfa~torily. The fir t St. John ~~ut;~~Ing POlIC~ In First Aid continued place m Honiara and was complet d d v~r held In the Protectorate took 1 sued locally to succe sful candid:tes. unng the year. Certificates were In the Gilbert and Ellice Islands F . " ed satisfactorily and classes ~~r~ ~I~d t~ammg for the Police a~awa. We are very grateful to the S . e In Ocean Island and dOIng so much for St. John in the col upen!1tend~nt of Police, who is place for the Boy Scout and thu th o~y. FlfS! AI~ training also takes ere IS growmg Interest in this work


WEST INDIES AND CARIBBEAN . In Ma~ch the approval of the H R H he . ~e ~ppoIntment of The Hon J. St'o: Grand Pno~ wa conveyed to hal~man of the St. John Council' , CJ\~.G. ChIef Secretary and In thIS. capacity he exercises overall as Ass~c~atlOn D irector for Jamaica. co~ord~nate their activitie W uperVlSlOn over the four areas and dOIng In this capacity. . e are very g:-ateful to him for all he is


In Jamaica Nursin h' South-Eas!, apart from course . F . g w lch were conducted thr In Irst AId and Home ~~urses were arranged in prisons as oug~o~t ~he y.ear, special First Aid cIOgra!llme and the Centre was par 0 t e Pnsoners' Rehabilitation . ~mml.ttee. The Secretary of th ~epresented on. the Aid-to-Pri oners 10 ustnal health nurse in settin; u en~~e also. as Isted the Government p lrst AId boxes in factories and




industrial works. As a result of their joint efforts many employee are beinO' trained in First Aid. The King ton and St. Andrew Corporation invit~d the Centre Secretary to repre ent St. John on their Clean Food CampaiO'n Committee. The campaign wa 1110 t ucce ful and a number of empl~yees of re taurant baker, etc., took the Clean Handii.n g . of Food Course. Till indicates the wide range of inter ts and a fiounshmg Centre. It was with regret that the Centre recorded the resignation of Dr. E. Hoerman, who was chairman for many years. Hi place has been taken by the Hon. G. C. Gunter, C.B.E. and we are 1110 t grateful to Dr. Hoerman for all the work he did for us [or such a long period. In Jamaica orth-East the work of the Association i expanding rapidly and the public showed a great intere l in the various pu blic functions which took place. Very valuable work is being done by lay lecturers and doctors and nur es who assist at examination . Some very ucce sful fund-raising activities were organised, including a Charity Ball at which the sum of £491 was raised. In Jamaica North- West the Committee was strengthened by the addition of important persons in the fields o[ Education, the Church. Boy Scout and Girl Guide movements. CIa es were organi ed in Fir t Aid and Nursing and a number of fund-rai ing activities were organised for the new headquarters building. In Jamaica South- West there was increa ing inlere t throughout the district and the various parishes reported a very encouraging number of classes. An innovation was the inclu ion of First Aid lecture in the curriculum of trainees at the Industrial Training Centre Monymusk. Another experiment of interest was First Aid clas es at the Cobbla Youth Camp which may produce promising re ults in the future. The service rendered by doctors, nurses and lay lecturers is mo t valuable in making these developments possible. Once again, there was some remarkable fund-raising activities and we congratulate the organiser . In the Windward Islands there was considerable activity and cla e were organised for the Police in the various islands of the group. In Grenada there was a variety of classes and valuable work was done by lay lecturers. In St. Vincent the Reverend Dr. Franci Lamb did remarkable work as a lecturer and organiser of classes. He ha now gone to Dominica where he is helping the Association in the same way. His support is very greatly appreciated. In Antigua there have been a number of courses and for the purpo e of St. John work the island has been divided into four areas. Each area has its own Committee. A number of lay lecturers have been trained and they are rendering very valuable service. In British Guiana there was a special campaign to interest firms in having their staff trained in First Aid and Nursing and we would congratulate the Centre upon the very fine total of candidates examined for certificates and subsequent awards. It has now been agreed that Government sick nurse dispensers who are suitably qualified may be granted certificates as lay lecturers. It is hoped with their assistance to penetrate further into the remote country districts. The Committee of the Centre was reorganised and we are very glad to welcome Sir Donald Jackson as chairman.



In British Honduras, First Aid trainin f ' . ~~ring the year Major R. G . Cox PO~lce was cont.mued. Tm71dad Centre Committee on his t' . C'" resIgned as chaJrman of the th . . . ransJer to Hong Ko A n~. s usual ere was an a~tIV? trammg programme and there on the re-exammatJOn of members of th P r ce F was specIal emphasis all possible areas there was a drive f e1 0 orce. In order to cover qualified lay ]ect~rer in every divisiono~f ~h e~t~~ers and t~ere is now a . e 0 lee Force, Including the Island of Tobago which i aver grateful to those ~ho have made tYh · sat1sfa~btol ry development: we are IS POSSI e.


. TRA SLA TIO S OF MA UALS CARRIED OUT .Dunng the year we received from Ind ' . OVERSEAS AId ~anual in Tamil and Punjabi and t~a transiat~ons of the Adult First Nur ~ng Manual in Gujerati. A translatioentf~l~ atJOn of the Adult Home NurSlllg Manual wa prepared' C rench of the Adult Home Preliminary Hom e Nur ing Man~:l . an~1~' and a translation of the Kong. Both these book were rece' md .1111ese was prepared in Hong 40th edition in Malay wa preparedl~e ~n :958. A translation of the the .end 1958. The Preliminar }~rs ua .a Lumpur ~nd received at reprmted III Kenya to meet an ex~ . t ~d Manual m Swahili was Already tran lation of the new e~ . lv~ ;.mand. oversea . ; Hong Kong have undertake~r: .ld Manual ~re proceeding hope WIll be r ady in 1959 and C ChInese tra~slat1on which they Greek ~nd Turki h; it i hoped that 6~[~S hare p~eparlllg t~anslations in The Pn?ry .o[ the Ord er of St. John in S tee WIll b~ publIshed in 1959. translat10n III Afrikaans. outhern Afnca are preparing a


OMPETITlO S . No n~w nat10nal competitions were ins tit . hown In the variou events continu d t uted thIS year, but the interest teams and co~petitor . It i estimaeted °th~ttract a greater number of 11 ,~75 competltor , took part in the " t 2,275 teams, comprising natIOnal competition held unde th prellIl!mary rounds. Winners of the follow :_ r e auspices of the Association were as Competitions lor Men

Organisation ' Police . . Brit~sh El~ctri~ity A~b~lan~e entre I a~lOnal Coal Board '. . . UnIted Kingdom At : . . . . . . . . British Transport Co~~f ~nergy ~uthority . . . British Transport Com ~ I~n (CRail.ways and Docks) M' . mISSIOn Poltce) ~~Istr~ 0Df Supply mbulancc Centre . . . . . °Bn~ ock Labour Board FIre ngades . . . Gas Industry . . . . General Post Office Ami)UI~nc~ C~nt;e

Winning Team' Exeter City Police . Fulham Dean and Chapter Colliery Harwell Worksop Liverpool Street Royal Arsenal, Woolwich Great Yarmouth Oty & County of Bristol North Thames Gas Board W.e. District Office

British Electricity Amb I C017 1Pelitions lor Women Ullited Kin do l:l ance C entre . . . . . Swindon Bntish Tran~po~ ~~~ml,? ~nergy ~uthority . . . Aldermaston Ministry of Supply A ~lsflOn (Ratlways and Docks) Baker Street Gas Industry m u ancc Centre " R 0 F Ch I Nati I R . . . . .. . ' . ' or ey ona. . oad Passenger Transpo;t A' b' I' . ScottIsh Gas Board m u ance AssoclatlOn T~ener.al Post Offi'ce Ambul~nc~ C~ntr~ . . . . Liverpool e wmners of the above . : '" H.Q. o. 1 Branch the St. John Ambulance Briga~~~;tIt1O~s~ together with the winners of mpe 1t1Ons for the Dewar and Perrott



Shields took part in the Grand Prior' Trophy Competitions on 27th Noven{ber at the Porchester Hall. We had the privilege and honour on this occasion of welcoming His Royal Highnes The Grand Prior, who not only graciously pre ented the trophie and medallion, but also expressed his pleasure at the excellence of the competition and on its arrangements. The winning team were :-ME : Police (Exeter City Police); WOME : General Post Office Ambulance Centre (H.Q. 1 Branch). The Mayor of Paddington, the Chancellor and Executive Officers of the Order and representatives of all organisation which had teams competing were present on the platform. To the Associated British Picture Corporation Ltd. we extend our sincere thanks for their continued genero ity in staging this and all other national competitions which we held during the year. The reali m and the colour which the scenery provides greatly enhances the efTectivene s of the tests. To tbpse member of the medical profe ion who have acted a judges at these competitions and to the steward and patients who have 0 generously given up much of their time to assist at tbe e event , we express our warm appreciation and thank. Their co-operation and help are an inspiration to those concerned with the organi ation of competitions. Finally, it would be proper to thank the competitors who have worked 0 hard and whose enthusiasm has made the competitions an out tanding feature in our year's work. CO CLUSIO The Annual Report gives u a ery happy opportunity of thanking thousands of people throughout the world who give up so much time and effort to advance the work of the As ociation. We can never sufficiently thank those members of the medical and nursing profe sion who 0 generously give time as lecturers and examiners for our cour e . Without them our work would be impossible. We are most grateful to our County Directors, our Centre Chairmen, Secretaries and Committees and all who have worked indefatigably to ensure that we have an organisation capable of meeting the many demand which are placed upon us. We also thank most warmly all cla ecretaries and demonstrators who have by their ungrudging efforts provided training for the ever-increasing numbers of those who wish to learn the subjects which the Association offers; on them depends very greatly the continued success of our work. We would also wish to take this opportunity of recogni ing the debt which the Order of St. John owes to the officers at A sociation Headquarters, particularly to Dr. A. C. White Knox, the Principal Medical Officer, who never spares himself, also to Lt.-Colonel J. E. F. Gueritz, the Secretary, and staff for the loyal and devoted service which they give at all times. We, therefore, once again wish to express our very deep appreciation of the inspiring support and unstinted aid which is given to the Association by men and women in England and overseas and to thank them for all they have done to make possible the results referred to in this Report. HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.

ST. JOlf



THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT The number of Over eas Divi ions continue t o . . England and Northern Ireland have deer ad increfse, whtle those in amalgamation of weak divisions and th~ s~ , arge'y becau~e of the \~tr01u~tJOn .of Improved documentation. The actual numerical st December, 1958, is given below and h reng C? t e BrIgade at 31st the previous year:ow a net mcrease of 5.198 since ADULTS Divisions AmbuComlance Nursing bined To/al

England and Ireland . Wales.

Grand Totals

England and Ireland . Wales .

Grand Totals



1,143 145

229 24

2,972 436

34,222 5,491

18,744 2,250

52,966 7,741



1,288 420

253 106

3,408 1,109

39,713 14,198

20,994 7,972

60,707 22,170








2,879 591 52

1,872 129 7


5,145 720 59

82,925 J5,053 1,863

32,341 2,724 131

115,266 17,777 1,994

. 3,522









CADETS Dil'isions Coming bined Total

Personnel Ambullance



. 1 049 186

1,302 164

90 16

2,441 366

23 ,536 3,737

40,068 4,157

63,604 7,894

1,235 339

1,466 351

106 25

2,807 715

27,273 7, 147

44,225 7,640

7 J,498 14,787








665 271 6

J,915 90 1


3,717 361 7

36,726 5,602 263

53 ,594 1,836 33

90,320 7,438 296

. 1,942







Priories Overseas Other Oversea~ Territories . . . India . Pakistan


. 1,600 267

Priories Overseas Other Terri torjc ~ Overseas India . Pakistan


ROYAL OCCASIO S H.R.H. Princess Margaret I Northampton. She conducte~a p ~ase~ to hold the 1958 Cadet Rally at and carried out an Inspection i:~he ~ro ment Ceremony in the morning present, representing 25 d·ffi fternoon. Over 4,500 Cadet were afiel~ as Hampshire, SomeJrs~~e:~dco untie , and they came from a far also mspected our Cadet . N h Northumberland. Princes Margaret there during the month o~~c~or~ ernihreland during the course of a visit er. e parade went very well indeed.

A DUTIES . s usual our members both A b mamtained a fine record 'Of publ· ~ ~l.ance and Nur ing, adult and cadet JC u les performed and of cases treated',

ST. 30


e work i immen ely vari~d-hul on . thc both off duty and on duty. ('h d ide attendance dunng pr~cc lOn beache fir t-aid po t . on t le roa t" n event and at enterlawment . nd public demon tratlOn., at E~r I.~ 0 t and keeping them ma~ncd ~ll these thing. i~volv~ s~ttlIl~ f d~~~e ~part from all thi , which so while the public 1 enJoym.g 1 e . t Countie nowaday have at lea lone often looked upon as r?utme, m~r an inten ive period of duty an~ need big e ent each year wh~c? call ~en aU tho e concerned ha e their own h k Example of the e event great deal of orgamsmg, w 11 t1 ' St Jon wor . . h a living to earn as we a ~el\ .. 1958) the Great Yorkslllre S.how, l e are the Royal S}1ow (at Bn to mhree Co untie Show, the Wln:bledon Royal Lancashtre Sh.ow, the T and the Goose Fair at Nottln~bam. d ca e among the publtc run f ortniaht Whit-Week 111 Manche terl ,· b t the ca ua tIe an . .. t" e At many of the e even s d" t the e more normal actlvltle ller Ilga de well into three fi gures. In ad. ItlOn1 0 ghout the country w 1len B·' were, of course, many occa lOn ~J~o;r t aid facilitie among the crow~ members were called upon to provi d ther member of the Royal Family ., 0 f H . M . Queen an 0 during the VISI~S. . to provincial cltle o.r townds. for the whole country dunng 195 were The figures of dutle an ca e as follows:Duties

Uf 1


H ours 1,889,888 929, 1 334,812 42,5 2 31,614 34,676 169,45 1 425 , 169

Public Duties .. Transport D~tles Hospital DutIes Clinics . Nurseries . .. . Blood TransfusIOn . Nursing Aid Miscellaneous .



necks in water. The local authorities expressed great gratitude for the initiative taken by the Brigade in an area where the local authorities' organi ation was itself over-strained. AWARDS

The out tanding award of the year was the George Medal awarded by H.M. The Queen to Area Commi ioner R. H. Blanchford for a very gallant cliff rescue in Ouern ey. The full Ii t of Brigade Awards, Badges and Jubilee Certificate granted during] 958 is given later in this report. In addition to the Meritorious Certificates shown therein, I issued, during 1958, thirty official Jetter of commendation for outstanding first aid work. I have no doubt whatever that there have been many other cases, equally outstanding, by members of the Brigade which have never become known to their own Commi ioner, far less to me a Commissioner-in-Chief. I SPECTrO S

Inspections were carried out by Senior Officer of the Brigade during 1958 in the following Countie :-Commissioner-in-Chief: North Riding of Yorkshire Devon (Ea t South and North) Bristol, Suffolk Plymouth and Cornwall, Nottingham hire, Kent Shrop hire, Essex Herefordshire Glouce ter hire and Worce ter hire. Superintendent-in-Chief: I Ie of Man, Wilt hire, WaJe , Hertford hire Lancashire. Surgeon-tn-Chief' London (S.E. Area). Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief: Cumberland and Westmorland, Dorset Channel I land. Assistant COl71l17issioner-in-Chief: London (Central Area) London ( orthern Area) Ea t Riding of York hire. The weather wa in everal ca e deplorable but this in no way Ie ened the obviou keenne and high morale of tho e on parade. The standard were consi tently good.

Cases Treated:

On Public Duty Off Public Duty Invalids Removed . No. of Road Acc.idents o. of other Accldents DISASTERS

181,657 193,017 459,169 29,664 18,565



1958 there wa a eriou railway On the evening of 30th JaI?-~arYi thick' fog no fewer than 96 of .our accident at Dag~nham. In Spl ~ ~wo surgeons, arrived at the c~ne 1Il a members, includmg 21 nurses an bl to give a great deal of a 1 tance. remarkably short. time and wfe~,~~, ~ivision Metropolitan Police wrote The Chief Supenntendent 0 . . ft flYI'ng on charter from the Isle Personally to express his appreCtatlO? .. f ry 1958 an alrcra b F h On the 27t e rua., H''u Bolton in atrocious condltlOns 0 of Man crashed at Wl?-ter ~, near 'v~n by two Brigade Surgeon snow and fog. ImmedIate assflsthan~ wa 'c1 and A Hey Bridge Divi ions, and by individual members 0 t e orWl . and great credit is due to all concer~~d. ailway accident at Eastbourne On 25th Aug1:1 st there was ano w:;e ~n their way within two minu~es Station. Two Bngade Ambufl~nl ces d within the next ten minutes, whlch of the call and three more 0 owe . shows a very satisfactory standard ?f effi~le~Y~g in the County of Essex On 6th September there was senous ~.o 1 all night often up to their and a number of our members were wor mg ,

The organisation of training continue to make useful progress and benefits to a marked extent from the help of our Training Advi er, Miss Duff-Grant. During the year everal countie were able to take part in large-scale exerci e in conjunction with British Railways Civil Defence or other local organi ation. Such exerci es are of great value. Most of our member are fully competent to handle with skill the individual casualty, however unusual or complicated. The problem of dealing with large numbers of ca uaHie i something quite different involving, as it does, decision a to priority of treatment among many and various cases. It is a question of organisation as well a of first aid, and the more such exercises are held the better. COl FERE CE

~~ring the year the following National Conference were held in addltlO.n ~o the ~rigade Committee and the Women' Advisory Committee: Com~11IsslOners Conference, County Superintendents' (N) Conference, Nu~sl1lg Officer' Conference Surgeon' Conference, Training Conference Semor Cadet Officer ' Conference. In nearly every ca e application to attend greatly exceed expectations. Great keennes was hown and valuabl di cu ion took place. They were aU well worth while.

ST. JOll






. at re et of the re IgnatIOll of The whole of t~e Brigade.l~arn.te WI~rg~eGro ~nor, at t~e cIo e. of the the Deputy Supennt~ndent-111 Cl~ f, uidance and her practical advlc~ and year. Her long expenenc~ her \~Ir:a~ level. Mr. Taylor-Y ou~g reoJgned knO\ ledge will be . adly.ml .ed a t i y till helping the Brigade 111 l~l n~w a Commissioner m Wlltslure, b u . t d 'n Warwick hire WIlt hire ew Comrnis ioners were appom e 1 N ty coun . th very warm l Y . and Kent, and e welcome e: ad 10 s by' the death of the Comrru The Brigade 111 Kent suffere a sb ho in pite of many other comsioner, Major-qeneral. A. ~. Horn y ~ managed to devote boundle rnitments and mcreasmg Ill-he~t.h Another 10 which wa. greatly enthusiasm to the cau e of the ng: ~a that of Mr. G. F. QUllt~r, the felt and particularly at H~agquar~ddenlY in Augu t ju.t arter gomg on Brigade Secretary. ~ho d~ 3~der's Staff in 1922 in a JUnLor grad~ and holiday. He had Jomed t e . f r the next 36 year to the effiCiency devoted all his intere t and. en~hu l~ mh~ been ucceeded by Mr. G. W. and well-being of the Br~ga. e. e W oodhill from London dlstnct.




Meritorious Service Certificates Private E. Taylor, Ollerton Colliery Ambulance Divi ion , County of Nottingham. P t I Bridge Ambulance Divi ion We t Riding of Private C. Lawson, a e ey Yorkshire. A A A 1 tt Grim by ur ing Divi ion, Divisional Superintendent Mrs. . . yo, County of Lincoln: M L M Hay thorne Winche ter City Acting Cadet Supenntendent rs. . . . Nursing Cadet Division, Hamplshir~bulance Cadet Divi ion, Duke of Cadet Officer B. Boardman, Burn ey Lancaster's District. G t (Plymouth) Cinema Ambulance Cadet Offi~e~ !- F. Lamerton aum~vnon and E. Cornwall. .. Cadet DIVISIOn, Plymouth, SS,W . 's Nursing Cadet Divi ion BlrmmgStudent Member S. Downes, t. p e er


~am. A. I. Durman, L y nton and Lynmouth Division , East, South and Pnvate North Devon. . M E Winchester Nursing Divi ion, HampNursing Member MISS . ames, shire. W llsend Boro' Ambulance Divi ion and Divisional Officer F. E. Bowell, a b 1 ce Division, Northumberland. Private J. George, TynemoGu~h A~t u~~lfrun Nursing Divi ion, StaffordNursing Member Mrs. G. nmme,


Malcolm Gotch, Wel~ingborough Headquarter Ambulance Cadet Division, Northamptonshire.

Am.erican Trophy Jor Gallantry . C a d e t D'IVl'sion , Westmorland. Cadet Judith Sherratt, Kendal Nursmg Grand Prior Badges 55 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambu~ance Ca~ets. 210 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursmg Cade .




Special Service Shields 199 Special Service Shield were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 375 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nursing Cadets. Jubilee Certificates The following Divisions have been i ued with the Jubilee Certificate indicating 50 year' continuous exi tence :-Pontefract Ambulance Division, We t Riding of York hire; Waterloo Nursing Division, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict; Fail worth Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster s Di trict; Amble ide Ambulance Division, Cumberland and We tmorland; Kendal Nur ing Divi ion, Cumberland and Westmorland; Cleethorpe and Di trict Ambulance Division, Lincolnshire; Swinton and Kilnhur t Ambulance Divi ion West Riding of Yorkshire; Wath-onDearne Ambulance Divi ion, We t Riding of Yorkshire; Mexborough Ambulance Divi ion, We t Riding of York hire; Hanwood Ambulance Divi ion Shropshire; Bedminster Ambulance Division, Bristol; Southampton Nur ing Divi ion Hamp hire; Cadeby Ambulance Division; West Riding of York hire; Denaby Main Nursing Division, West Riding of York hire; Denaby Main Corp , We t Riding of Yorkshire; Sunderland Nursing Divi ion, Durham; Plymouth (Co-operative) Ambulance Divi ion, Plymouth S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall; Darwen Nursing Divi ion, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict; Darwen Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict; Scunthorpe Ambulance Division, Lincolnhire; Gain borough Ambulance Divi ion, Lincoln hire; Che hunt and Ea tern Enfield Ambulance Di i ion, London (Prince of Wales's) District; Nelon Nur ing Divi ion, Birmingham' Stoke Newington Nursing Divi ion, London (Prince of Wale's) District; Littlehampton Ambulance Divi ion, Su e ; Bri tol No. 1 N ur ing Divi ion, Bristol; War op Colliery Ambulance Division, Nottingham hire; Castleton Nur ing Divi ion , Duke of Lanca ter Di trict; Ca tieton Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict. URGEO -I -CHIEF'S DEPARTME T

The Surgeon-in-Chief report to me as follows: "The continued flow of doctor into the work of St. John i mo t encouraging. In 1958 there were 237 new appointment, four deaths, 57 resignation five tran ferred to Re erve and 56 promotion. In England and Northern Ireland alone there were a total of 2,840 Surgeon at the end of 195 an increa e of 140 over the previous year. "The ad ent of the new Fir t Aid Manual ha naturally created a great deal of intere t and I would like to place on record my appreciation of the many suggestion from Brigade Surgeon which have helped to make the book a popular a it i . My deputy Dr. Scott and I have vi ited many parts of the country explaining the new idea in the book and the e t~a!ning week-ends have proved mo t popular and valuable. They include VISIts to Middlesbrough, Leed , Liverpool, Manchester, Stafford, Cardiff, Northfleet, Norfolk, Buck, Che hire and numerou centres in London. The attendances of doctors at the e meeting e peciaUy at my meeting in Norfol~, shows their keen intere t in the coming training session. Already s~ggestIOns for improving still further the new Manual are in hand and wIll be discussed in due cour e with the other two organisations.



"A most ucce ful Surgeon' Conference w'!- held in. B.M.A . .Hou e London in Nov mber when a large a embly 11 tened with .great mtere t to the i~tri()'uing talk of Dr. Camp on 'To Live or not to Live,' and aw the fascinating film 'The Red River of Life" we were grat f~l fo~' y<:>ur presence over the whole period of the Cont rence and .for the . l~ plra~LOn of your Addre . I have been actively ~ng.aged in ge.ttmg Tratnll1g FIlm and Film Strip being prepared by bodle ~ntere ted m .our work and feel that when they are made available to the Brigade they Will prove a valuable asset to efficiency in our work. "The Brigade Competitions showed the value of the clo e link betw~en the medical and administrative branche of ou~ Headquarler~, which resulted in thi intricate combination of te t gomg through Without a hitch. I visited Belfa t in October to take the competitioI: between N~rth and South and found a very high tandard of Fir t Aid and N ur mg, resulting in a tie for fir t place. "1958 wa a busy year for my Department and I am immen ely grateful to my staff for their complete co-oper.ation. My Deputy, Dr. Sco.tt, a always is a tower of strength and an mvalu~ble help , a!1 d my A 1 tant Surgeon-in-Chief Dr. Buchanan, keep me m. to:rch wI~h the Over e~ Department to an extent which would be qUlte lmpo l?le but for h1 interest and help. Finally the Department could not run ~lth the moothness that it does without the enthu ia tic help of my ChIef Staff Officer, Mr. Craft." CIVIL DEFE CE

The routine training and in truction in Civil Defence ha continued during the year a usual, that i to ay, Week-end Civil D fence cour .e have been held in Grosvenor Cre cent, a heretofore, and the vacanCle provided at the Civil Defence Staff College and the Civil Defence Train!n~ School have been taken up. Moreover, there i a steady tream of CI 11 Defence exercise taking place throughout the country in which ?ur members who belong to Civil Defence participate and a1 0 on occa Ion Brigade Units take part in the exercise a such. There has not, however, been great progre s made on policy matter. Despite conferences with the Hom~ Offi~e ~nd Mi.ni try of He.alth, the Ministries have not yet succeeded m fim hmg their future polIcy. Provisional agreement has been reached with the Voluntary Service that the aim should be to allow units of the Brigade, and of the Briti h Red Cro s Society, to join complete as such while retaining their uniform. Furthermore, the intention appears to be to form specific First Aid Unit attached to the Ambulance and Casualty Collecting Sections and the e would be of a type ideally suited to the knowledge and experience of our meI?ber . Unfortunately, while this arrangement has been agreed as a b~si , the Ministries have not yet brought forward a scheme on the e lme . In consequence, while our policy continues to be to encourage members to join the Civil Defence Corps, and while it is also our policy to explain that the Brigade must do everything possible to assist Civil Defence from the point of view of citizenship, recruiting i unlikely to improve until the new scheme is available from the Ministries. Another factor which hould be mentioned is that the field has been widened in regard to recruiting in the National Hospital Service Reserve which is closely related to Civil Defence in time of emergency, though not directly part of it.





The Cadet Rally for H.R.H. Princess Margaret at Northampton has been referred to in an earlier paragraph. The main Cadet problem during 1958 wa the need for some reorgani ation in order to achieve closer integration between Cadet and Adult. In the year following the war it had been the custom for those Cadets, and particularly Ambulance Cadets, who stayed on after schoolleaving age to remain with the Cadet until they were called up for National Service, quite irre pective of whether they had reached the age and technical qualifications required for the adult ranks. During their National Service their link with the Brigade were largely broken, and when it was over they had no Brigade unit to rejoin, and often never rejoined at all. With the virtual disappearance of National Service it seemed wise to take teps to lower the upper age limit for Cadet service from the National Service age to the age of .16 at which. the keen cadet will already have had the chance to take their full fir t aId or home nursing certificate and will be fully qualified to play their part in the adult ranks. The new regulation . were i ued by th.e end of the year. It is confidently believed that they Will produce the de Ired re ult of knitting the Cadets and Adults more clo .ely into o~e family with the same mottoe and the same objects. The Bngadc NatLOnal Cadet Camp ite at Bexhill was attended by 723 o~cer and cade~ between ~6th July and 30th Augu t. Quite apart from thl , many countle held theIr own cadet camp orne of them combined with both Ambulance and Nul' ing Cadets in variou parts of the country' This form of activity i of great. value to .all concerned. In many case~ young .adult member of the BrIgade as I ted, and it i hoped that an Illcrea 109 number of young adult will acquire the habit of attending and helping at the e St. John amp. Three King George VI Memorial Leader hip Course were held in Newca tie (Co. Down), Pulborough and London' the biennial National Cadet Offi~er ' Conference. wa held in October' and wa attended by repre entatlve of 32 countle , and the A i tant Commi sioner-in-Chief attended and addre ed local cour e in no Ie than even countie Cadet J.udit~ ~herratt wa awarded the Gallantry Cup and' eight ex-Cadet 111 BirmIngham gained the highest or gold Award of the Duke of Edinburgh' Award Scheme. PRIORY


An appeal was la~nched.to",,:,ards the end of 1957 for a Brigade Fund for ~he purpose of makIng a gl!t ll1 the name of the Brigade, to celebrate the le-Opel1lng of th~ Grand P~lo:y Ch.urch in October. 1958. The appeal was sent to all. Countle .an.d Dl tnct ~Ir~ctly under the Grand Priory and al 0 to the Chl.ef Comm! lOner of Pnone. The re pon e was quite magnifice!lt. Whd~ a few hundred pound had been hoped for the actual urn ralsed wa JU. t over five thou and pounds. With tm , the Altar Cro s and Candlestlck were given in the name of the Brigade throughout the Commonw~alth, .and nearly every other piece of furniture in the Church ha~ been gIVen III the name of individual unit or fomlation of the Bngade or by the General Fund to which so many contributed. ST. JOH


~his yea: has seen the re-opening in new premi es of St. John Hou e. ThIS club, llltended for members of the Order, A ociation and Brigade



is now estabE hed at 50 Eaton Place. It has clearly been shown that the new central location make the place of much more use to member , even though the premi e are maller from the point of view of leeping accommodation. A a re ult of a lightly lower ub cription and of the amenitie of the club the member hip ha increa ed by nearly three-fold. More members are till required, however ince a good ba ic revenue from ubscription i e ential to keep the 10 e down to a minimum. While the club i not run on a profit-making ba i the aim mu t be to go as nearly as po ible to balancing account. The aim i to keep price a low as possible while bearing thi point in mind. The club wa re-opened in June and a hou e-warming wa given by the Lord Prior of the Order on 16th October, 1958 to which repre entatives were a ked from all over the country in order to make the club known. Certain generous gift were al 0 given to improve the decoration and amenitie and indeed , such gifts will alway be welcome. Other event at St. John Hou e have been a vi it by Mr . Nixon the wife of the Vice-Pre ident of the United State who wa hown round the premises and saw an exhibition of the work of the A ociation and Brigade set up for the purpo e. Variou dinner partie and reception have also been given at the club, notably a dinner by the Lord Prior for the members of the Prote tant Order of St. John during their i it to thl country on 5th January, 1959. There have al 0 been a number of meeting held there, uch a the Women's Advi ory Committee Brigade Committee Commi ioner' Conference, and 0 on. It will be een, therefore that the club i performing a useful function a a centre for activitie of the Order and its Foundations as well as a club for tho e concerned with the work of St. John. COMPETITIO S

The Brigade Final Competitions were held at the Central Hall, We tminster, on July 5th, the prizes being pre ented by the Chancellor of the Order. The main results were as follow Perrott Shield Dewar Shield Guildford (Surrey) Bath City Police (Somer et) Dunbar- aSl71ith Cup White Knox Cup Hangleton (Su ex) South Kirkby Colliery (W.R. York) OVERSEAS

Tours:-During the first half of 1958 a number of over ea tours were carried out. The Superintendent-in-Chief visited Bermuda, Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, Trinidad, British Honduras and the Leeward Islands. In March, Lady Brecknock, the Controller of the Overseas Department, visited Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone. Slightly earlier I had, myself, visited Ceylon, Singapore, Malaya, orth Borneo and Hong Kong. In July the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, RearAdmiral Dick, visited Malta and Cyprus. In general, I think our impressions were much the same. We all received a very warm welcome and were met with keenness and enthusiasm everywhere. Efficiency is well maintained, and it is highly satisfactory in many countries to see the way in which our work is spreading beyond the big towns and the Government Services into industry and into rural areas. In Cyprus the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief was able to meet many of our members in spite of the difficult political situation at the time.



. Keenness for Brigade work is there all ri ht b to rem~in dormant while local tension regm~in:t rucrr of l~ ha.d pe:f.orce In pectmg Officer were able to see a number n ~J terntones vlsited, as other facets of our work. 0 exce ent parades as well


Developments:- In both Ghana and Mal . aka, /ountn~s tha.t have but recently achieved independent tatus th ~ith undiminished enthu ia m, a j~deeed~f~a 0 the Bng'l de I going on III the pa t. In Nigeria good progre is b elllg . s 0 ofte!? done e.lsewhere when that country, too, become jnde ende made III ensunng that, P can go forward without interruption. In ~; th~ work ?f the B.rigade officer has been appointed with the title of "S g~na and l.n JamaIca an to. en.sure. good co-ordination between t e . enlOr <:ommls lOner" so as Dlstncts III those countrie I am t h lhltherto llldependent Brigade gra ef u to Mr C S K B . re pectively for taking on thOIS extra.burden. . . . ovell and Mr. J . M. Stow . l!mergenCles:- Fortunately durin 1958 th . Bngade Overseas which called for lri ad ere were few events m the gency scale. In Ceylon however t~ e work on an u.nusual or emercommunal disturbance in May bot'h /re .were floods m January and particularly in regard to refug~es f 0 whlch ~alled for special measures there was a disastrou hotel fire .n r~m areas. III difficulty. In Berrnud~ were able to give u eful help. I w ch nursmg members of the Brigade Headquf!rte~'s Buildings:- Excellent ro . many terntone in providing new Heaa u~re ha. a~alll be~n made in ol~ ?ne. These are very valuable no q rter~ buddII?-g~ or m replacing trammg but al 0 a a vi ible ign of th t. only III provldlllg facilitie for Order,. As ociation and Bri ade and ~ eXI tence and .the enthu ia m of the more lmportant of the e d~v 1 , herefore a alds to recruiting The !lew!feadquarter completed i~ Uo~e~ during 1958 have been th~ fine III Smgapore, and the tart on th~ u~ng, a new one under con truction Uganda where none ha exi ted b f, gently needed. Headquarter in Tanganyika. In Malaya I wa bi e ore. The matter IS aloin hand in of one of the new Area H d a e, mys~lf,. to lay the foundation tone ea quarter butldIllg . Changes :-It i perhaps inevitabl h e t at . ch~nge of Senior Officers should be frequent in many 0 whe~e the appointment are helder~ea tern~one particularly in ca e are lIable to posting to other part f~l tho e III Gove~nment ervice who of Commissioners took place .0 le world . Certamly in 1958 change Uganda, Kenya Zanzibar igm. e e~~n dlfferent Districts, namely North Borr~eo and in Ja~aica ~r~ dana Singapore, Hong Kong, such spl~ndld service to the wo k . . an N.E. Where all have given to mentJOn individual I m ~ the Order of St. John it i invidious work of Sir Godfrey 'Rhod: , ~ow~ver make pecial mention of the ~nc~uraged t~e growing trengt~ ~f t~d Bf?r d O Jong, maintained and . oerrnan l~ ~amaica South East e ng~ e m Kenya, and of Dr. by the CommlssJOner who h . The Bngade ha been well served ~htohh~ve taken their place anda;~r fl~~:' ~hnd .1 am m? t grateful to tho e o elr task. n USlasm whIch they are bringing


Headquarter Officers ' -The B .


~ freely given by the 'Order's ~ga~e IS deeply grateful for the assistance a chpr~f' Ghana, Nigeria, Ugandea ~uJr~ ?fficers in the We t Indies, ec ey was able to visit North B

a aya. F!om Malaya, Miss orneo and to gIve useful help and




. d . th t country where a new cnthu la m IS encouragement to the Bnga e m a co LU 10 apparent. 8 though it contained no pectacular event or major The year 195 th B' gadc thoroughly bu Y both at home di a ter nonethele kept e 1 n h' h tandard we are accu tomed to and overseas, ~nd. howed. that t le ifhere i every indication that. the were well mamtamed thlOUghou~. . d at home and it i certainly Brigade's strength wa well mamtame increa ing over ea . . that of ensuring that our adult At home our main anxiety re~all1 . 19 call that are made upon u . strength is adequate to dmeet. :he ~~~~~~ I~O help and to encourage Cadet To this end the new Ca et aua;g brought to completion by the end to move up into the. addult ra~ f \~er~ecoming effective on I t January, of the year, the rev 1 e regu a 10 1959. .' d dare beina well maintained i~ .the In oversea terntones stan ar bI" h d a aw my elf when I VI Ited countries where we are firmly eSJa e Kong In a number of other Cey10n~ S~ngap?re, Mal~ya a~ ~f~. or i ~f more recent foundation, territones m which. the J?ngadeJe : t only in expanding our trength but excell.ent progr~ss I bemg ma of u efuine out ide the main town or also m expandl1!-g 0.ur area r rural ar a and into indu try. government serVIce mto new 0 d ' J e 1958 in it new location at 50 St. John Hou e wa re-opene m ~n Commi ioner-in-Chief and the Eaton Place, a.nd thanks tO t~~ Dep~~r~ to be well on it way to achieving 1 d various CommIttees concerne d 1. ap d b ship and It meet a rea nee . dee ly grateful to the Superinten enta satisfactory mem er At Headquarters I was, a ever, fh a for her help and encouragein-Chief, the Counte s Mountb~en ~all ur~~tlY mi her deputy, Mr. ment throughout the year. et 01 trength to u in the pa t and uch a t o;:~re from active work with u at the Grosvenor, who has. been St . . Eire We uffered who was forced by CIrcum an~e ~ end of 1958 in view of her resldentl~1 C~~~lt~~~S ;~e udden death in a particularly severe bQIO~t at ~~aB;~ade Secretary, who e. enthu ia m 1 d e of Brigade affair were 0 August of Mr. G. F. til ~r, e and whose long and det;li \~~Wh~lpg given to me at that time ~y all valuable. I am most grate u or . lar! b the A istant Bngade the staff at Headquarters, bu~art~u thY w~o both helped 0 much




~~~I~~~e ~~c~~~r~:~~tnYthe 1~~w ~~ig~de Secretary, Mr.

Woodhill ,

had been appoi~ted. 1 t f 1 to the large number of urgeon and As ever I am Immense y grahe u . uch of their time to a i ting of State Registered Nurses w 0 give so m and encour~g~ng our wor~ at all l~vel ~mber in Di tricts and Countie , Finally, It IS t~ the 0 cer~h~~ th~ real credit is due for the plen~id ~~~ i~t !~~ ~~~ ~:e:~e~! the Brigade has been carried out, and It traditions mall1tamed, dunng 1958. (Signed) J. M. KIRKMAN, Major-General, Commissioner-in-Chief.



REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT-IN-CHIEF Before all el e I mu t r fer to my deep sadne at Mrs. Grosvenor's recent re ignation and record the tremendous debt of gratitude which I very specially, and we all owe to her for the wonderful service he has given to St. John during the last 20 year. This ervice ha covered a very wide field and since 1945 when he came to Brigade Headquarters, first a my As i tant Superintendent-in-Chief and later as my Deputy, her wisdom and fine leader hip have been an in piration to al1. To me, per onaJly her loyal support and under tanding have been invaluable and she ha been a tower of trength to me at all times. Mrs. Grosvenor has endeared herself to everyone and he will be sadly missed by all her colleagues and many friend throughout the Brigade a well as by a host of people in widely different fields of work and walks of life. All will, I know, wi h to join in my tribute to her. We are happy that she will maintain her clo e a ociation with st. John in the years to come.

BRIGADE DUTIES:-Although, most fortunately, no call was made on the nur ing per onnel in connection with any major disaster, the usual heavy demands were maintained and in all ca e were fully met. Great credit j due to all tho e member who have given so generously of their increa ingly limited lei ure in carrying out the many duties which have to be co ered. The e include not only the routine Brigade duties, but a large number of hour devoted to ho pi tal duty, the nursing aid service, old people' welfare, e corting patient and tho e under innumerable other heading . INSPECTIO SAD VISITS:-H.R.H. Prince Margaret again howed her great intere t in our cadet when he honoured u by inspecting a large contingent of them at Northampton. Thi was a very succes ful event and a real encouragement to all. It wa a great happine to me to have the opportunity of visiting the Priory for Wale and al 0 a number of Di trict and Countie and I was much encouraged by all law. I wa very happy to accept the invitation of the Priory for Wale to be pre ent at a meeting of their Chapter and ub equently to walk in the proce ion to the Church of St. John the Baptist where a special ervice was held and the in tallation ceremony of their new Prior Lord Aberdare, took plaee; after a civic lunch at Cardiff Ca tIe to attend the General Assembly and pre ent a number of Grand Prior Badge. Finally it wa my privilege to inspect orne 6 000 of the per onnel from all part of the Priory. Early in the year I undertook a trenuou and mo t interesting tour in the West Indies when I covered orne 20,000 mile. The island vi ited are detailed in the Commi ioner-in-Chief' report. In the cour e of my tour I carried out 20 eparate in pection varying in ize from 2 000 to a few hundreds. The turn-out and marching was exceptionally good and I wa . greatly impre ed by the imagination and competence shown in staglllg and executing Fir t Aid demon tration . It was with much plea ure that I opened four excellent new Headquarters- two in Jamaica one in Trinidad and one in Grenada. In addition to innumerable talk to St. John members, pre s interviews and .broadcasts, I attended many St. John function and also vi ited hospItals sanatoria nur erie , chool and other in titutions.




ha made amazing progre s in the t few The main wo~k of St. J~~~ has been given in the unfortunate d~ a ter years and magmficent erVI I . deb ted to all tho e re pon Ible for which have occu.rred. We are ~~i~t Ya~~ e pecially to our Hcadguar.ter de uch a tremendou contnbutlOJ1. St. John work m the .West I h Officer, Mr . Davie-Sll11th, who a ma . VICE RESERVE:-The reVl ed conNATIO AL. HOSP/TAL SE?-- t force at the beginning of the year ditions of serVIce which came m 0.. tl e Re erve without any further allow efficient Brigad~ me~ber t? )0111 T11e re pon e ha been excellent obligations in connectIOn wIth trammg. some Divisions having enrol~d e~ b/~~xiliarie at the end of December The number of St. J oh~ 1~r~~~gwomen) a compared with 16 979 at was 19,236 (3,277 men an , the end of December,. 1957. h extra work for N.H.S.R. County The new. sche:ne mvo~ved :ru~ivi ion were fully cogni ant of the Representatives m ensunng a . changes. . Nursmg . Officer has poken at everal N. H.S. R. meeting m The ChIef different parts of the country. . . 1 ad 14 member servmg full tIme V.A.D.s:-At the end of the year;~ 1 of whom one wa tationed in (a decrease of two o~ t~ 957 {!~e n~'mber enrolled in the Re erve fell Hong Kong and one m a t~·s are enrolled in the W.R.~.F.V.R. ~n­ from 29 to 23. Two membe . d 'th the Admiralty m connectIOn . d' s· ons have cont111ue WI . Wh c~urag111g I.SCUS I A R N.N.S. Auxiliary Nursing S~rvlce. en h 1 V A D tructure wtll be affected. wIth the settlllg up. of a Q: . h' this Service comes 111tO bemg t e woe . . . d t end in the number of NURSING 0F.F{C.ERS:-T~e ste~dy ~~;:~courraging. The year 1958 Nursing Offic~rs Jomlllg/f~lBnfta1e ~~:; largely due to Mi .H amiltonshows a net 111crease 0 l" 'f f and drive a Chief Nur mg Officer Wedderburn's own. persona Ull 1':- Ive increase in the number of our d that this very satIsfactory c.ontl.nu~ A mo t succes ful Conference for Nurs~ng Officers has beelnd mahl.n~111~s· attended by 148 delegate from 34 Nurs111g Officers was he w IC w counties. . . The ast ear has been one of con Iderab1e TRAINING COURSES·d---:-,w Pk d XTral'nI'ng Conference have been. .. M "Day" an ee en d d b actiVIty. any . h' h' most cases have been atten e y organised by the cou?t~es wAdlc'se~n personally or by some other HeadMiss Duff Grant, Tra111111g VI ,


quarters representative. f S ff Officers for Training which wa held at The first Conference or ta I and was attended by St. John's Gate in No~ember prov~d most PO!~~~r for Wale. I had 78 delegates represent111g ~8 co~~tie~o~~~r:~ce but Yagain illnes unforhoped to. attend and spea at ha much to be congratulated on a nt tunately 111terfered. MIss Duff Ghi h has proved rno t encouraging and convening the Conference, one w c ., helpful to all those responsible for our tra111111g. .


R SERVICE '-The St. John Ambulance Bn~ade, HOSPITA L CA . S· d th W V S cont111ues together with the Briti~h Red Cros~ oCIety a~'or ~obl~~s 'have ari en to administer the HospItal Car Se~vlce. No rn J p umber of counties during 19.58 and the s~rvicde .is runn111~~rngO~~~~ie~~ ~~rk carrying pastic the HospItal Car SerVIce flvers are




children to ho pital and clinics for treatment, a well as maintaining their u ual journeys to and from hospitals with patients.

, ONE-IN-FIVE" SCHEME:- Member of the Brigade continue to a i t the W.V.S. with their "One-in-Five" Scheme by giving the third and la t talk of the erie - Caring for the Sick Person under Emergency Condition. HOSPITAL LIBRARIES:- There has been no marked variation in the Ho pital Library Service during 1958, but the following figures are of intere t. The total number of beds erved in Service Hospitals at home and abroad wa 20,617, whil t 3,954 disabled ex-Service pensioners in hospital, or in their own home, received a library service. Hospital Library facilitie were provided in 1,142 Civilian Hospitals of all types with a total of 10 l,O 13 bed, a well as to 25 Homes run by the Order of St. John, the Briti h Red ro Society or the Joint Committee. The overall exp nditure of the Department ha been maintained within the limit of it income for the econd year in ucces ion which is atisfactory. The number of St. John County Organi er and Librarian remains approximately the arne a in 1957, i.e. 10 County Organiser and 407 Librarian. SERVICE HOSPITAL vVELFARE DEPARTMENT:-As Chairman of the ervice Ho pital Welfare Department I have plea ure in reporting that 112 Welfare Officer are now erving in the United Kingdom and Over ea Comm1nd of which 32 are Brigade members, po ted as follow :- Headquarter I, United Kingdom 17 B.O.A.R. 4, Middle Ea t 6, Far Ea t 4. Five St. John Welfare Officer have re ign d during the year; a total of 20 new W Ifare Officer have been trained. Early in the year, when on my tour of the We t Indies I wa able to vi it the Military Ho pital at King ton in Jamaica. In April I visited the Briti h Military Ho pital in Pari and the Royal Air Force Sick Quarters at Fontainebleau, accompanied by the Senior Welfare Officer. Accompanied by Mi s Downing Chief Welfare Officer United Kingdom Command, who i a Brigade member I vi ited the following hospitals:Royal Naval Ho pital, Plymouth; Military Hospital, York; Royal Herbert Ho pita1, Woolwich' Royal Air Force Ho pita!, Ely; Military Hospital, Tidworth. In February the Commis ioner-in-Chief, whit t on a St. John tour in the Far Ea t, vi ited the Department in the Briti h Military Ho pitals in Singapore, Kinrara and Hong Kong. There have been 90 DILFOR ca e during the year; of the e 44 went to B.A.O.R., 27 to Cypru and 29 to other part of the world. Miss Dorothea Aplin, a Brigade member, who had mo t succe fully carried out the dutie of Director of the S"rvice Ho pital Welfare Department for two and a half year, terminated her contract on her marriage in September. Her place ha been taken by Mi B. M. Conybeare, M.B.E., a member of the B.R.C.S., who ha a long and excellent record of service with the Department in both the Home and Over eas Commands. Her la t as ignment before coming to Headquarters was Chief Welfare Officer in the Far Ea t. EX-SERVICES WAR DISABLED HELP DEPARTME T:-The Joint Committee Ex-Service War Disabled Help Department continues



42 to deal with many call upon it ervice and fund from di ability penioner who ha e need and problem due to their war di ablement. 1n the twelve month end d Jun 195, om 55 000 ca e were recorded, of \ hom 19 00 e - er ice men and women w re help d financially or in kind to the alue of 0 er £91 500 and the remainder wer helped with problem or provided with ser ice according to individual need. By undertaking home and ho pital i iting, by helping in the Dcpartment' County Office and with the ca ework, St. John Ambulance Brigade Officers and Member are rendering valued ervice toward the welfare of those who uffer through their war di ablement.

VISIT OF MRS. IXO :-We were delighted to welcome Mr . Richard Nixon wife of the Vice-Pre ident of the U.S.A., at St. John House. She had expre ed a pecial de ire to ee omething of our \. ork and that of the Briti h Red Cro Society and the Joint Committee during her brief i it to thi country. She e inced the greate t intere t in meeting some of our member and in the mall exhibition which had been staged mo t effecti ely by the Publicity Department. Mr. i on al 0 met the Director of the Service Ho pital Welfare Department and several Welfare Officer in who e work he howed much intere t. RESIG ATIO S:-It was with very great regret that I received the resignation of three of my County Superintendent to whom we owe a deep debt of gratitude for the plendid contribution they ha e made to the work of the Brigade. They are:-Mi A. M. Parker, M .B.E., Suffolk, 42 year' service; Mrs. M. H. Graham, Jer ey, 8 year' er ice' Mis A. L. Romilly, Hereford hire 8 year er ice. Parker' truly magnificient Special mention must be made of Mi record of service covering such a long period. Having joined a a member she held appointments at all level up to County Superintendent; and her high sense of duty progressive thinking and human under tanding will never be forgotten. We have also sustained a very grievou 10 S by the re ignation of Mr . N. Matthews, Deputy Di trict Superintendent London Di trict, owing to her removal from London. I mu t put on record my heartfelt gratitude for her splendid and outstanding leader hip and ervice which cover a period of 22 years. APPOINTMENTS:-It ha been with much plea ure that I have welcomed Mrs. Messenger as County Superintendent for uffolk in succession to Miss Parker; Mr . Malet de Carteret as ucce or to Mr . Graham and Lady Biddulph as successor to Mi Romilly. I have a1 0 been happy to welcome Lady Cumberbatch as County Superintendent for Kent and Mrs. Greenway as County Superintendent for Oxford hire. CONCLUSION:-Although there is no spectacular work to record the nursing personnel have put in an excellent year work and a number of cases have been reported where outstanding fir t aid a i tance has been given by individual members. These reports make one immensely proud. I am indeed grateful to all my District/County Superintendent in particular, and to their colleagues, for their devoted ervice and for the loyal and unfailing support they give to me at all times. I would like to express my very real gratitude to all member of my Headquarters staff. Mrs. Romer Lee, my Assistant Superintendent-in-



Chief, ha given me invaluable up ort in m . appreciated. lowe much af 0 to my a~hi!f~t~~ wh1ch I have Th Offi~er, Lady Bralthwa1te and am incereJy grateful to h Northampton' tenure of office a an addif le~ . e Marc~lOnes of in-Chief wa unfortunately all too b . f lOn~ Sl tant Supenntendentever, during the hort time' he wa wf;~ owmg to her marriage. Howplendid contribution to our work us at Headquarters she made a ' . My incere appreciation and gratitude al Wedderburn and to Mi Duff Grant both o~ go to Ml s ~amdtonvaluable ervlce not only in their own p~ f 1 ~hom hav~ given ~ost with the revi ion of the nur ing textboo~ ICU ark p ereh.but m conn~ctlOn throughout the year. ,wor on w lch has contmued


Lady Brecknock Controller Over ea D problem with energy and wi dom and epartment has tackled many d' t . h' . we owe much to her It ha b 1 re mg t at 11 de Mlerre through ill-health h b . een a een away from work for 0 many month and we wish h ~re pigny ha done much valuable work e[o~ theedoy recoverDy · Mrs. de In her absence. e verseas epartment It i again to Mi Harri on ably a i ted b M' . to pay a pecial tri buteo She ha com I y ISS Ru ell, that I WI b and dedicated \.\ ork and I have val d p eteld yet another year of ceaseless tandard. ue a a way, her fine loyalty and high

I am mo t grateful to the Commi io . Ch' f . and upport and for all hi encoura ner-ll1- le for h~s under tanding home and o\er a . I would al F~ment to the ur mg per onnel at i Admiral Dick \\ho i 0 helpful atOall t~~~. extend my thanks to Rear(Signed) ED WI A MOD TBATTE OF BURMA Superintendent-In-Chief



REPORT OF THE ALMONER The work of the Joint Committee of the Order of St. J?hn and ~he British Red Cro Society has proceeded moothly and efficl~ntly dunng the past year under the supervi ion of it very ~~le and e penenced taff. It is probably true to say that the matter giVIng most conc~rn to .the member of the Committee at pre ent i that of finance , not for Immediate purpo es but for the future. When the Committee tar ted operati?n after the Second World War it plan were framed on the a umptlOn that pro vi ion would ha e to be ma~e for a thirty-year budget; that i to cover the period up to 1975. It 1 already clear however, that. t~e need for the Committee' ervice will continue after that year, and It 1 very necessary, therefore, that a mo t careful watch shoul~ be kept on all expenditure now in order to en ure, 0 far a may be po Ible, that fund will till be available to carryon the work after the end of the pre ent budget period. . . With this in view an annual survey I made of the progre of J omt Committee expenditure in relation to the original allocation, while ixmonthly estimates of all expenditure are ubmitted by department for examination by the Finance Sub-Committee and ':lb eguent approval ~y the full Committee. This measure of trict controll regarded a e entlal if the funds entrusted to the Committee are to be adeg uate for the ariou schemes and purpose for which they were allocated. In my report for 1957 I referred to the conver ion of Scio Hou e Ho pital on Putney Heath from a sanatorium to be a permanent Home for Exofficers in need of care and nursing attention . The Hospital wa re-opened in its new form in February 1958, and the number in re idence ha e steadily risen during the year. It i clear that the Ho pital meet a real need, and applications for admission are teadily coming in. Another interesting development during recent month ha been the institution of a urvey of hospital library ervices in a elected area of the country. This survey, which is spon ored and financed by the Ki.ng Edward's Hospital Fund for London, is in charge of a fully repre en.tatlve Committee, and the Joint Committee hopes to receive valuabl~ mformation and guidance from it in connection with the work of 1t own Hospital Library Department. The ervice of that Department cO.ntinue to be widely used and appreciated as is hown by the fact that It 4,500 voluntary workers throughout the country have been reopon ible during the year for issuing over 3,916,000 books at the ho pltal they serve, as well as for re-binding many thousands of book at the numerous book-binding centres. GERALD CREASY, Almoner. THE LmRARY AND MUSEUM A new publication brought to notice during the year was ' Malta" by Sacheverell Sitwell and Tony Armstrong Jone . Thi book is an intere ting record of a month spent in Malta, and contains many unusual photographs of both buildings and people. The number of visitors to the Library and Museum during 1958 was about 2,000. This figure approximates clo ely to that of the previous year. There was a marked increase in the number of visitors after the re-opening of the Grand Priory Church in October.



The cleaning and re toration of the pictures has continued. The work completed during the year included a full-length portrait of Jacques de Vachon, Grand Comm~ndcr in 1760, and the two panels of the Weston Triptych. The re toratlOn of the latter wa a difficult task but the work was carried out. by Dr. Johann Hell most ucce fully. The restoration wa com1?leted In Oct?be~ and the panels were in po ition over the altar of the Pnory Church In time for the re-dedication. I?uring the year the coll~ction of photograph , print and pictures was entIrely re-catalogued. Thl collectIOn has been built up over the past 70 years and the catalogue had never been revised. The new catalogue will facilitate reference and reduce the time pent on research. The total colle~tion , including phot<?graph , engravings, oil paintings, water-colours and lIthograph now con 1 t of nearly 5 000 item. Work in the Museum has included a number of improvements to the showcase. The manu cript , binding and early-printed books have been re-~rranged an~ re-Iabelled. The ca~es containing the coin collection, which now con I t of over 1 8.00 speCimens, have also been re-organised and new label have been provided for all the coin. An important acgui ition of the year wa the ilk banner of Ferdinand von Hompesch, la t Grand Ma ter in Malta. Thi was purchased with part of a generou donation to the Library and Mu eum of Dr. J. Gresty Billington. Other donor t.o whom the thank of Chapter-General have been conveyed are:- Lleut.-Commander Aubrey Inglefield Dr. J. Johnston A.braham C: ount H. . Zeininger ~e Borja Mr. E. Adams, The Royal L.lbrary, ~Ind o~, Dr. John P:entlce The Re . Chri topher Perowne, SI.r Hannibal SCIcluna, The Vi count Crook hank Mi s O. Griffiths, Vlc.tor Denaro, E g., M. Deut eh, E q. , F. Steer, E q. Mrs. Byrd F. Smith, E q. , M. Dunman , E q ., H. C. Pirie-Gordon, E g., Miss J. Auden, G. Sava tano E g., Dr. John Edward, H. Whittern E g. and Commander O. Leve on-Gower. RICHARD WILLIAMS Librarian.

THE PRIORY FOR SCOTLA D T~e <?ut tanding event during the year wa the Official Openino- and DedIcatIOn. of Skerrybrae Lo iemouth intimation of the gift of ~hich was made ill la t year's report. The hou e, which wa gifted by Mr. G. Boyd Ander on M.C. , O.St.J. B.A., to the Priory of Scotland ha been adapted a a convale cent and re thorne. The c~remony was held on the 23rd September and in addition to the Lord Pnor, Executive Officer of the Order and Members of Chapter there was a large attendance of local dignitarie. The opening ceremony ~as performed by th~ Lord .P rior of Scotland and the dedication ervice y the ~ev. Dr. NevIle DaVid on of Gla gow Cathedral. In his addre s ~rt Davlds<?n traced the hi tory of the Ord~r and outlined it function he twentIeth century. He aId that at a tIme when ecular humanism ~as prevalent throughout Europe there wa a need in the world of our time for a. c~usa~e, a piritual one- and in thi the Order of St. John ~Ia~ed a dIstmctlve part for the Order in it elf wa a symbol of Chri' _ tlalllty · "Th'IS l lOme'IS open to all ' lrre . pectlve of race class or creed" dec1ared Dr. Davidson. ' At the conclusion of the ceremony the Lord Prior of Scotland invested




Major the Hon. Robert Bruce, of Glenerney, a an Officer of the Order. Members and aue t were entertained to afternoon tea and later the house was opened to the general public for in pection.

public may be under the mi apprehension that the Homes are run on an "in titutional basis" and we shall endeavour to let it be known that our two Ho pice are run on very comfortable and homeJy lines. The e limated co t of running the Homes, ba ed on pre ent expenditure, will be £1,300 per annum. The Edinburgh Committee acknowledge with grateful thanks the large sums of money which have been handed over by the Edinburgh Branch of the St. John Association and al 0 wish to expres their sincere appreciation of the genero ity of those member whose donations and subscriptions amounted to over £140. Thank are al 0 due to the Edinburgh Charities Day Committee for having so generou ly donated the sum of £200 for the work of the Edinburgh Committee.




The Festival of St. John was celebrated in Gla gow on 25th June. The Annual Commemoration Service held in Gla gow Cathedral wa conducted by the Very Rev. Charle L. Warr, the Pr late. Afterward, Members of Priory Chapter were entertained by the Lord Provo t and Magistrates of Glasgow in the City Chamber, and at . the Gene~al As embly and Investiture which followed, po tulant . were mve ted wlt.h the insignia of their various arades by the Lord Pnor, Lt.- olonel Sir Hugh S. Turnbull K.C.V.O., b K .B.E. At the conelu i<:>11 of the ~eneral Assembly and Inve titure afternoon tea wa erved m the ~atmwood Lounge. We are deeply indebted to .the Lor~ P~ovost a0d Magi trate of the City of Gla gow for their very kmd ho ,Pltahty to Pnory-Chapter and members of the Order and guest of the Pnory of Scotland. GLASGOW COMMITTEE

The Glasgow Committee of the Priory ha continued to admini ter the management of the st. John Foundation Ho pi~al GI~ gow. The brochure incorporating an appeal for fund ha been .wl~ely clrculated to member of the medical profes ion in Gla gow and dl tnct. ED! BURGH COMMITTEE

During 1958 an opportunity was taken to re-organi e the Ho pice Committee, thereby giving a wider repre entation of member a~d, together with the newly-formed House Committee, created to upervl e the Home at 7 Lennox Row, Edinburgh, it i fair to ay that almo t without exception-and these due to bu ine or health reason -.every member of the Edinburgh Committee has undertaken orne e entlal duty in helping with the maintenance of our two e tabli hment or a i ted with fund-raising activities. It is also gratifying to report that e eral members of the St. John Association have been co-opted to the e committees. The expense of renovating St. John's House was greater than original~y anticipated as it was found that the roof required to be re- lated and thl work cost approximately £800. . St. John's Hospice has continued to fulfil its purpo e, though agam, the average number of residents has been between four and five per week. The low average in this case is entirely due to the fact that few applications for residence are received during the winter months. Many almoners from the various hospitals in Edinburgh area have had an opportunity of visiting the Home and we are grateful to them for the number of residents which they have sent us. All the doctors in Edinburgh and district have been informed of our work through their own organisa· tions. Thanks must be given to the local Press for their con tant interest in our activities which they so faithfully report. Other scheme are noW being considered for bringing our Homes to the notice of the general public, as it is felt that one of the main objects of the Home, namely giving a holiday to an elderly parent normally dependent on young relatives for accommodation, has by no means been fully achieved. The



The maintenance of the St. John Nur ing Home continues to be the main interest of the Aberdeen ommittee, and the subsidising of fees in part or in whole of patient who cannot afford to pay the full nursing home charge , is the main intere t of the Aberdeen Branch of the St. John A ociation. The Nursing Home continue to meet an ever-increasing demand for private nur ing care. A con tant waiting Ii t, of around 30 patient, is evidence of the dire lack of bed and the in ufficiency of the available eighteen. In an endeavour to remedy thi condition of affair and if possible, increase opportunity to help tho e who cannot help them elve , an approach for financial help to extend [acilitie ha been made, through the British United Provident A ociation, to the newly-formed Nursing Home Charitable Tru t Ltd. Thi reque t i receiving consideration. Through the benefaction of friend new equipment continues to be added to the ur ing Home 0 that a very high standard of medical and nur ing care i maintained. A new Con titution and Rule for the Aberdeen Branch of the St. John A ociation have been drawn up and approved by Priory-Chapter. Thes~ have proved of value in dealing with controver ial problems. Thl year ha een the fonnation of the Ballater Branch of the St. John Association, the re ult of devoted labour and a "great deal of enthu ia m for the work of the Order. MORAY COMMITTEE

The Moray Committee ha been actively engaged in admini tering Sker~y?rae Ho pice during it fir t year. The number of applications for admts ~on, partIcularly from ho pital , has been di appointing and the CommIttee have been concerned to publici e the facilities available at Skerrybrae without incurring exce ive adverti ing co t. An illu trated brochure of the Hospice ha been well received and it i hoped will help to spread the news of the Ho pice further afield. In December the Moray Branch of the St. John A ociation of Scotland was c0!lstituted, the founder member being the members of the Moray CommIttee of the Priory. . Except for certain improvement till to be carried out capital expendlture on the H.ospice and it equipment may now be con idered complete and the Commlttee look forward to the coming year in the hope that the




Ho pice with the he~p of the local Branch of the A ociation, will gra dually become elf- upportmg. 'b d b th In order to attempt to improve what ha been de .cn e a ?~f a f- e d ' a ointing number of admi ion to the Ho pice, e pecla.y rom I ~f 1 durin the winter month, the Committ~e have decided to ~n~r~~~ce a y t~m of periodical invitation to the Chairman .and Secretary f th Moray Ho pita 1 Board and to Matron and Supenntendent , to ~isit ~he Ho pice so that the facilitie offered to convale cent may be more widely known. THE ORDER OF ST. JOH



Another year has pa ed and the Foun~ation ~o pital ha co~tll1Ued to provide much needed nur ing and medical ervlce. A re,PutatlOn for comfort and efficient nur ing ha been earned, and the Ho pltal ha ?een much a reciated both by patient and doctor. The ~eman~ for Il1g1e rooms ~~d ward bed in the general medical and urglcal Ul1lt ha been sufficient to keep them well filled throughout the y~ar: on. the other hand, share-rooms have been Ie popular.. The Maternity Unl~ ha had orne busy months with quieter spell which are expecte~ .t<:> disappear ~ ~he service becomes more widely known. The X-ray faclht~e ar~ ~unctJOnlllg smoothly and a steadily expanding demand for .them 1 an~lclpated. Unfortunately maintenance co ts have c.ontmued to n e and now amount to approximately £2 lOs. Od. per patlent per day, or £17 10 . Od. per week, exclusive of items which. ~re charged extra uc~ a th atre charges and expensive drugs. In addltlOn expen e h~ been mcrea ed .by reason of flooding in the basement, renewal ?f 11ft b~ake , defecll.e plumbing and gas pipe leak. This has re ulted m a ~on Iderabl defiCit for the year and the Committee, havi?g ta~en all pos Ible .t ep to reduce expenditure to the minimum compattble With efficient erVlce h.ave been reluctantly compelled to make an in.crease in. charges to all patient .. I.n the case of necessitous patients the mcrea e IS £1 1 . ~d. per week, thl still leaves a deficit in the co t of maintenance amountll1g to £ 12 12 . Od. weekly to be met out of the Hospital Charitable Fund. THE LI E


The Linen Guild continues to extend its member hip and ha had another successful year. . . A coffee morning was held in Rowalla.n J:Iou . e (Glffnock). In May, and a Christmas draw in December, both bnngmg m a very atlsfactory urn of money. . ' d The Linen Guild donated £100 to the Ho pltal. This urn wa u e towards buying the new stair carpet. Thanks are due to the Rt. Hon. The Lord Provost of Gla gow for again sending a beautiful Christmas tree which. added greatly to . the Christmas decoration in the entrance hall. The patients and taff recel ved . gifts from the Guild. Members enjoyed the privilege of attendmg the Annual Co~memo~a­ tion Service at Glasgow Cathedral and the General As embly m the CIty Chambers. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS

Arising from last year's report that there had been a tendency In certain districts for the demand on our Medical Comforts Depots to




diminish, du e to the fact that ick room rcq uisites are now upplied by local Health uthorities under the National Health Act, Priory-Chapter reviewed the whole po ition of tlli branch of our work. The Lady Marjorie Dalrymple kindly made a survey of D epots in the Western .H ighlands and thereafter submitted her views and finding to Priory-Chapter. After careful co~sideration of thi report and also the po ition a a whole of the Medical Comfort D epartment throughout Scotland, Priory-Chapter rc olved that, where D epot have been consistently howing a ' nil" return, and where there i no efficient controller, uch Depot would be con idercd redundant. It wa further resolved that no new Depots would be opened unle they could be operated by an efficient local organi cr or an intere ted member of the Order. Mr. Cameron-Head of In verai lort, ha kindly con ented to co-operate with the Priory in co-ordinating the u e of tock and uper i ing the numerous maIler Depot in In verne - hire, formerly upervi ed by the late Mr. Cameron-Head. TilE LIBRARY

The Library i ' les used than it might be but it re ources, available to any genuine scho lar, teadily increa e. Of late there ha been no new general work of out tanding importance, but new light on the history of the Order can be gleaned from collections of contemporary documents which from time to time appear. Many of the; piece d eal with the tran ference f land, and tho')e are of intere t mainly to tudent of genealogy or topography; but occa ionally information of importance appear. In the Calendar of CO If ish upplicatio17s to Rome, 1423-1428, recently publi hed by the Scolti h Hi tory Society by the genero ity of Dr. Annie Dunlop , there appears on page 137 a ignificant document. Thi i a upplication by the Prior of the I-Io pital of St. John in England that he might ha e the Prcccptory of Scotland either a a member of the Engli h body, if it were found to be a m mber; or, if not to hold in life rent to him elf "in commend' (a benefice held "in commend" wa granted although it t nur w r ally incompatible with the tenure of a benefice already held). Se\eral point arL; of intere 1. The Eng1i h Prior alleged that the Scotti h Preceptory had been eparated from the Engli h Hou e at the time of the Great Schi m when cotland followed one rival Pope and England another. The upplicant wa evident ly quite uncertain if he could claim the Scotti h Ilou e a of right. The Papal Chancery agreed to a "commend' only, and on ly ' if the gra nt could be made without candal' (Fiat ul petitur si sine scandalo) . Th document showed that as Scotland emerged a di tinct nation, it wa impo ible that the Scotti h Branch of the Order hould be ub er ient to the English House, and thi fact was r cogni ed. An.interesting acquisition recently made 1 the obtaining of photo tat of thirty-two of the earli , t charter and document concerned with Torphich en. TIlE ST. JOE





The year ha been one of fulfilment, industry and activity. Moreover we are on the borderli ne of our target of £ 1,000, th:ll1k to the genero ity of the Aberdeen public. The gift centre ale are up by £122 l7s. 8d. on the previous year and





the hop continues to pro per, thank to all the ladi who give 0 elf1e ly of their time every week throughout the year. , ' The u ual fund-rai ing activitie took place, The e ll1cluded bodge dri e organised by member, Ther~ wer~ al 0 film how and " A Matter of Opinion.' Two coffee mornlllg ral ed the um of £365 15 . Od. Patient' fee were ub idi ed to the extent of £1 4 11 . Od. , a drop of £306 9s. Od. on la t year. It i regretted that more call have not been made on the fund. The membership of the Friend i 656. On 30th Septemb r 1958, history wa m~de at Ba~later. Afte.r 400 years the Order returned to the di trict o~ Tulltch where .It once ~oun hed. This memorable date marked the occa Ion of the officwl opemng of the Ballater Branch of the A ociation under the chairman hip of Lady Pao-et who i well known for her charitable work on upper Dee ide. Th~ person re ponsible for setting the wheel in motion i Mr. M. L. McFarlane, Secretary and Trea urer of the newly-formed Branch. The formation of the Ballater Branch wa the fir t of a number of subsidiary branche, v hich it i our intention to e tabli h a opportunity an es. u) Owing to the change in our financial year thi report cover a p riod of fifteen month, during which time two ale of work and coffee morning were held in the As embly Rooms. The fir t wa graciou ly opened by the Rt. Hon. The Countes of Lind ay, and a record urn of £291 wa rai ed, while at the Sale of Work held in September the urn ingathered again produced a record of over £300. Through the courtesy of Mr. Hugh Fra er, O.St.J., D.L., J.P., a very successful whi t drive was held in Mes r . Patrick Thorn on ' The Flag Day held in July was more succe ful than that held in the previous year in spite of the fact that the weather on the day wa unfavourable and that there was a hortage of helper, but it i hoped that with the steady increa e in membership thi ad lack will oon be rectified. Lectures were again held during the year and were well attended. For the year ending 30th November, 1958, £ 1 208 18 , 4d, wa handed over to the Edinburgh Committee of the Order. Our aim and object mu t be to raise £1,500 per year and fresh endeavours in fund rai ing mu 1 be undertaken if we are to reach our target. THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATIO




PRIORY FOR WALES ' ''A wonderful year" may fittingly describe 1958 in the WeI h hi torian'S annals. The British Empire and Commonwealth Game, staged in the City of Cardiff, was the highlight of the programme of the Festival of Wales, with the announcement by H.M. the Queen that the Principality had again a Prince of her own as the crowning moment at the end of a memorable week. It was under such favourable auspices that the Priory embarked upon a new stage in its history. After 39 years of progressive work on the line of the original pattern, a division of the offices of Principal Secretary and Chief Commissioner for Wales involved changes in the constitution of the Ambulance Committee consequent upon the setting up of a Brigade Committee under the chairmanship of the new Chief Commissioner for



Wales. An All~Wale Re~iew, by the Cou.nles Mountbatten of Burma was nol only a 19n~1 contn~utlon b~ the Pnory to Festival Year in Wales but also an occa 1O.n for . mtrod uClllg the Chief COlTImis loner to th~ per onnel of the Bngade 111 Wale . T . JOH


The Ambulance , ommittee of the Priory will be concentrating more c10 ell' upon th~ <?bJec~ and purpose of the As ociation since the details of Bngade a,dmml trahon ,now devolve upon a Brigade Committee. With ~ membership reprlesendtat,lve of ~Il the "Special" Centres of the Associatlon~ governmenta an . llld,u stnal undertaking concerned in the promotIon ~f ~ tud o~FJr t ~Id a,nd, a ociated ubject as well as Brigade repld'e fel~ ~tlOtn , tt ' e 10fmn:ll, t~ee IS ll1 a po itio,n to assess the scope and nee or l~. rue lona aCI Itle. The pro ecutlOn of mea ures to explore l?c~~ requllemen~ , ,howe er, mu t dep nd upon a delegation of res onlbdI~y for ,As.soclatlOll development at county level. p I~ 1 grallfYll1g t~ record in the summary of cla re ult printed below an mcrease of 769 111 the total .a~ard gained over 1957. Of these, 16938 0 award .' abo~lt ~5 , 0 of the ~eclple~t ar~ B,rigade members, mineworkers a~d private Illdlvldual , 25 ~ CO~l111g ~lthll1 the specified groups named WIth the n~mber of award, pflnted 111 parenthesi :- British Railways (2, 115), ~?llce (508), Ind u trial other than mining (449), Electricity Boards 0.42), Ct~d Defence ,orp (231) , Po t Office (154), R.O.F. (109) , ational FIre ServIce ( ), . a~lOnal Dock Labour Board (36), Government Department (36) ,, ~ , M . .Pr.l on (28), Mobile Defence Corps (26) H.M Transport and Ctvll la~lOn , (15) Wale Ga Board (9), . The ,I ,2J 0 e am1l1atlOl1 and re-examinations arranged throughout Wale~ I ,16 more , than t~e previo,us ye~r' total. They compri e 560 exam~nat~on , 333 Ic-e amlllatJOn (IncludIng 186 Brigade) and 317 ' . examll1atlOn . JUlllor ~ landmark il: ir t id \Va, the publication in September of the fir t edItIOn of the lOln~ ~anual which wa the combined effort of the St. John Ambu~~nce A sociatlOl1 , ,t he St. Andrew' Ambulance As ociation and t~le Bntr h ~ed Cro OCl~ty. The text i the same for all three organi atIO~ , pubii hed under their own .c o\er. Thi production had a timulatll1g e!fect upon t.he autumn e lon, change in the new textbook be in ~~~ ~bJect of . pectal lecture given by the Deputy Medical Officer of th~ ?I y and. others t? St. John p l' onnel in many area. Another item :-vhlc~ po , Ibly contnbutcd to the turn of the tide in the number of award Issue durll1g, 1958 wa ,t he deci ion of the S,l.A.A. to reduce the minimum age for candIdate takIng e amination for adult Fir t Aid Certificates f rom 16 to 15 year . t1 The vdalue of Fir t Aid wa never more highly rated in official circles lan, to ay. Se eral of the local education committee in Wale have cO~ltl11ued to run cIa e under e erring technical cheme in thi ubject ~l~~ at t.he low figu.re of 2 . 6d., or even without any attendance fee and in o y areafif the Bngade arrange all their cIa e under these authorities. Ever O!le- th of ~l~e award were gained in cla e held under Count th~ucatlOn Authofl,tI,e . The majority of the demon trator employed b~ be' coun~ authontte to act are Brigade member and every effort is laymdg ma e to ensure ~hat such become holder of the new A ocia tion T em0l!s~rators certIficate, he PnolY welcomed the opportunity of co-operating in the drive





initiated by the Mini try of Labour to recruit and train more fir t aiders in indu try. For ome year H.M. Factory In pectorate had been reprcented on the Ambulance Committee and tep had been taken from timc to time to interest factory occupier in the value of adeq uatc fir t aid pro isions. The publication of "Occupational Fir t Aid" wa a mom nt for renewing contact with all the factorie in Wale employing 250 and more persons but it required mini terial backing to launch effectively a Fir t Aid appeal. The Mini try called the Headquarter of thc two Voluntary Organi ations into consultation and it wa decided to concentrate experimentally upon forty-two town in th country, three of the places selected being in Wale. The official communications sent out by the Divisional In pector of Factories at Cardiff Swan a and e\ port advised factory occupier that the Order of St. John and the Briti h Red Cross Society could place in tructional facilitie at their di po a1. Followup letters from Priory Headquarter ga e detail of the \ariou e ening classes and for volunteer, who could not take advantage of thc e, p cial day and evening cla e were arranged. A the year close there are indications of a sati factory re pon e, not only from the firm officially approached but al 0 from some of the mailer concern employing under 50 persons. As forecast last year, the campaign to improve the Fir t id condition in the mines of the South Western Di i ion, National Coal Board, re ulted jn a large increa e in the number of mineworker taking Fir t id a w 11 as the special Fir t Aid in Mines cour e. .C.B. tudent for Preliminary First Aid certificate dropped by 580 mainly a the re ult of a decline in the number of young entrants into the mining indu try. Other special approaches, which require to be rene-wed periodicalty, include the Forestry Commission, the chool and training college and the agricultural community, but no out tanding development occurr d in these direction during 1958.


First Aid . Preliminary First Aid Home Nursing Preliminary Home Nursing Hygiene Preliminary Hygiene Lay Demonstrators .

1958 12,068 3,431 1,063 705 6 72 150

Child Welfare Preliminary Child Welfare.

Air Attendants Mining Hygienic Food Handltng and Clean Handling of Food

47 14 922




Anglesey . Breconshire Caernarvonsh'ire : Cardiganshire . Carmarthenshire. Denbighshire . Flintshire . Glamorgan Merionethshi;e Monmouthshire : Montgomeryshire Pembroke hire Radnorshire . . Aberdare . Cardiff Merthyr Tydfil ewport . Rhondda. Swansea . Unattached Marine Candidat~s





0 435 681 297 1457 1,286 457 4,725 275 2, 15 349 373 26 1,054 1,454 348 424 964 951 27

105 386 797 328 1,269 1274 361 4,799 206 2,778 339 378 64 906 J,163 299 459 1, ()()() 865 15

1956 ll, 48 4,315 1,079 727



7 40

27 98



189 10



1958 3,483 3,024 1,086 130 334 609 3 66 133 ]4

First Aid Certincates Preliminary First Aid ertincates . Voucher Marine Cerlincates. . . Home ur ing Cerlincates . Preliminary Home ursing Certin~at~s Hygiene ertincates. Preliminary Hygiene ertincales Lay Demonstrator' erti ficate Air Attendant' erti ncatcs Child Welfare Certincalc Preliminary hild Welfare . ertinc~te . H.ygien~c .food. Handling and lean Handlin'g of F~od Fir lAid 1I1 Mine erlincales. . . . . . First Aid in Mine Label Medallion Labels Pendants .

1957 11,723 4,186 995 547






res~~~~~rst~:O~~hfan;i~~r l~i~~rm


1956 2,853 3,627 964 150 296 658




5 42

765 56 780 5,753 664

203 39 720 5,808 585

21 92 5 173 8 709 5,985 674


] 6,1 69



Certificates Adult Preliminar)'

]0 65 87 78 429 234 119 1 579 33 544 23 19 1 216 594 19 71 249 359 3

1957 3,127 3,604 930 137 375 536

125 213 25 173 318 38 923 96 646 73 66 458 209 46 14 193 121


ReExam. Awards

Total Awards



65 229 368 160 787 649 261 1,824 97 1,217 231 255 17 293 510 263 313 322 450 28

75 419 668 263 1,389 1,201 418 4,326 226 2,407 327 340 18 967 1,313 328 398 764 930 31 130

90 363 674 279 1,230 1,157 333 4,254 202 2,349 320 370 53 824 1,055 296 434 894 830 25 137





of the Brigade, which is recognised and regular practices a~~ d e. r~tl h Common":Veal.th, co~mit themselve to organised Fir t A'd u~le III order to maIllt~Ill efficIency for rendering s 1 serVlce wherever the publtc afety is hazarded. In a





wide variety of way Brigade member are de oting ~i1l1e and . kill ~o humanitarian acti iti in an entir Iy voluntary capacIty, . 0Il1et.11l1e In upplementation of official er ice, v orking in partner hip, . a, It ~~re, with certain Governm nt department. Eery county of ~ale, I benefit\l1g by the exi tence of trained and di ~cip.lin d unit of the Brtgadc r~ady to go into action in any m rgency affecting the health and well-beIng of the public. . The numerical trength of the Bngad now tanding at 15,635 cia ified below hm an i ncrea e of J on 1957. AMB LA CE II LL

If the number of Ambulance headquarter in which Oi\ i ion can function undi turb d ha ri en by no 1l10re than one in the cour e of the year to 132, thi i not for lack of a gr at deal of activity more particularly in the coalfield under the timulu of a generou grant made annually by the South We tern Divi ional Board of th . , B. The ub idy enabled work to proceed on variou chen:~ car~i d 0 r fro~ the pre~iou year one of which wa brought to frUltlOn with the opentng of a fine hall at Aber ychan in r placement of a larger timber building on an e i ting ite. Thi and other con truction ha often in 01 ed the con iderabk amount of voluntary labour which is such a ignificant featur of Di i. ional planning and symptomatic of the pirit of elf-help. In Carmarthen hire work on new hall at Penygro and aron I nearing completion under direction of Mr. G. A. Wat on rea General Manager and our Area Comm issioner. The departure of another Area General Manager, Mr. O. J. kid~110:e, Commi sioner for 10nmouth hire, wa a eriou blow to the conttnUity of an ambitiou programme which however is being carried on in the competent hands of the Assistant Area General Mal~ager, Dr. . W. E. Harris , who succeeded him as chairman of the Executive C01l1mlttee of the St. John Council for the county. Work ha continued at Waunlwyd; and plans are under con ideration at Cro I ey , Blaina and Pontne\\ydd, subject to some modification of the original proposal. The grant-aId of the N .C.B. has been scaled down from a peak of £2 000 in 1956 under the exigencies of economic retrenchment; and Divi ional fund are nol av~il­ able to the same extent as in time pa t. The co t of building even with prefabricated material is ery high, and while a brick hall could be built before the War for as little as £750 or even £500 with voluntary labour and a gift of materials, the price of any con truction now range from £1,750 to £5,000. It is for this reason that negotiation ha e been held up over the past year at Merthyr Vale, following the surrender of lea ehold premises in nearby Aberfan, and at Llanharry where it i hoped that headquarters will be available for the fir t time on behalf of a Di i ion of recent origin. The acquisition of a leasehold at Fernhill (Rhondda) in 1957 ha enabled a gradual reconstruction of the premi es by mean of N.C.B. grant-aid and work on the part of the Division. A new project was initiated at Caerau (Maesteg) which has since re ulted in the purcha e of a leasehold premises and conversion at low cost. The position allhe end of the year is one of continuous activity on a dozen schemes in various stages of development thanks to the continued aid of the N.C.B. and the keenness of Divisional memberships.





The 1110 t pectacular occa iO!l for public du~ies wa the Briti h Empire and Commonwealth Gal:le. wJ:lch brought an lI1f1ux of vi itors to Cardiff from all part of the . Pnnclpallty and beyond. The arrangement which had been made well 111 advance by a repre entative Comml'tte t t 'd r fi 'd r '1" e e up 0 provi e or. r 1 al .Jaci Itle and per onnel , to meet the need of the general pUb!lC atte!ldlng . the v~riou events, were put to the te t and not found Wa!ltmg. Ir t AI~ dutle had been carried out at all the practice venue pnor to the openIng of the Game by H.R. H. the Duke of Edinbu.rgh on July I th . and throughout the week daily attendances were at d thei M ard 1fT the Empire d arranged ·1' ' rm Park . . Pool , the So p h' . la G arens P aVl ~on an t 1e amdy StadIUm , a well a the event held out ide CardIff. The pre ence o~ B~igade member at the Empire Village St Atl:an made a .real eontfl butlOn to the welfare of athletes and whIch wa publicly a knowledged. personne The ea onal ervice at eoa tal re ort were well mal'nta' d ' I fi r tal'd l b " me b, an dd a l't IOna taffed m CarmartJlen hl're . Th ere can . . '11 lut ell1g . e no more convll1cmg I u tratlOn o.r the ~eed. for thi type of provision than at Barry I land ~here the fir t aid tatlOn 1 tarred continuously by Brigade per onne~ dunng the ummer month from 9 a.m. to un et 3 276 t tment bemg r corded during 1958. " rea The more routine duti are cia ifled below in a ummary of 176 305 1 hour recorded ervice on the part of adult and cadet Brigade membe'r :~


Public Dutie . Transport Dutie Ho pital Duties Clinic . . . ursing Aid . . . Blood Tran fu ion Miscellaneous Duties .

Hours 94,997 49,259 10,225 275 3,210 2,199t 16,071 176,305t

Personnel engaged on full-time Hospital Dutie


Dutie carried out during 195 as under:Public Duties . . Transport Duties Hospital Duties . Miscellaneous. : Blood Tran fusion ursing Aid Nurseries .

On Public Duty. Off Public Duty. . . . Treated by paid Personnel.

Tran port: Invalids removed . . 21,455 Road Accidents . 504 Ot.her Accidents . 1 123 Mileage . . . . . . 18 174 Per onnel engaged on full-time ' Transport Duties . 107

by Cadet member can be ummarl' ed

Hours 19722 1,163 4,762 5,746 243 229 238

Engag~d in full-time Hospital




ad~t~ . transferred


DIvIsions. . . Cadets taking up Training. . Cadets taking Training.


Cases 24,472 22689 . 226,543

up .

Cadets taking up Training . . . Cadets in .H.S.R.


. . . 3 to Adult 41 . . . 53 Hospital . 5 45 Medical

Girls Boys Girls Boy Girls

2 Boys 2 Girls Nursery . 9 Girls .19 Girls

Golden Jubilee certificate d Ambulance Divi ions which were pre ente to the following eleven completed 50 year ervice in 1958:-




elynen -dare Aber ychan Blaenavon, ' , - V I d Abercarn, Ab ercynon, Abel Cwmanlan, Gilfach Goch, New Trcdegar, Ogmorc a e an Coliieries, i a f ature of the Brigade in which it i not Cont{~Ul,ty ~~lb:;Vlt~e devote much of their lifetime lei ur thr?ugh the . un~l ua ~Ial~ult rank. Th award of 125 Service Med a~ dur~ng 1958 Tylor t?wr:.


~~i;~S ~~e1 t'number of med~ls i ~led to n~embt er? ~i8theR~~\gp~~~tJl~f~~~ on of 15 year effiCIent er Ice o~, . .

o.n ~0r:1P efl 1 . d of fi year' efficiency now number 1,375 Fir t Ignrfymg urt le r Bpe~lO 348 Third Bar 71 Fourth Bar 56 Fifth Bar and Bar,611Secon d ars, , 14 Sixth Bar . . B d d 26 qualified D . a the year 11 cadets won the Grand PnOI: a. g an . ur~nS cial Service Shield. The Cadet Mentonou ertlfica~e . ~'a for t~ d Cadet Robert Haaer of Bangor Ambulance Cadet DI. I .1On ~~~r:a i~strumental in a\ ing hi father' life in a fire and tl:e reClpl nt had the honour of receiving. the certificate at the hand of E~lzabeth tr~ Queen Mother at the in pectlOn at aynol. T~vel e cadet wei ucce , u in the Chief Cadet Officer's Challenge to chlevement. The trainina course in both North and South Wale were each attend~d b over 100 officers. It wa the fir t time for the South Wale . cour e to e tl;rown 0 en to adult as "V ell a cadet offic~r and the e'(p~nment wa successfuf that it has been decided to contlOu on these ll\1e next yea~r Tl hief gue t speaker were Mr. Ru coe Clarke, M.B.E., F.R.C. ., th~e ~irmingham Accident Ho pital at Rho -on-Sea; ~nd . Dr.. H. C. Stewart, D istrict Surgeon of the London Prince of Wal DI tnct at the



Barry course. . ' . t d b the ounte Over 1,000 cadet participated m the re lew.1I1 pec e y Mountbatten of Burma in Bute Park, Cardiff Ca tle, and they w re congratulated on their splendid turn-out. . .' f The Officers' Training Camp at Rhowl1lar. at Whit untld \Va .0 exce tional interest, being grant-aided by the Kmg George VI Memo~tal Funa Thirty-eight trainees benefited from the excellent programme \ hlch included exercises arranged by the Staff of the Outward Bound S a School at Aberdovey. . did ' A record number of application for the Pnor,Y Ca . et amp re u le I~ the camp being divided, half camping at Rhownlar ~lth . rea Staff Office! (Cadets) P. Harries as Commandant; and th~ rema1l1der m the hou e and under canvas at Itton Court. An increa mg number of county and divisional camps have also been ~eld . During the year P~rt I of the camping warrant was awarded to SIX Cadet Officers and a pnv~te. For the second time a holiday abroad wa arranged an~ thiS ye~r 32 cadets and officers went to Weggis in Switzerland. Mounta1l1 excur Ion, visits to places of interest and swimming in Lake Lucerne made the week pass all too quickly. . d T he South and North Wales Cadet Executives met d':lnng the year an much valuable work and planning have been a~co:np1r hed. The Cadet Training Officer would like to record her appreCIation of th~ loyalty and team work of the county and area cadet officers wh.o have given .0 much time and help to planning and carryi?~ through w:t~ such devotion and success Priory events such as competitIOns and tralr:-mg day .. The sudden death in June of Lady (Dorothy) TWlston-Davles D.St.J., J .P. , who was known and beloved by cadet per~onnel thr0l:lghout W~les, was deeply mourned. As Chief Officer for Nursll1g Cadets m Wale smce



1946 following active participation in Brigade activities on the ad ul t side, Lady Twi ton-Davies had acted a ho te s at rno t of the training courses where her pre ence radiated friendlines and good cheer. The Priory wa honoured by a vi sit of the Superintendent-in-Chief, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, who carried out a review io the beautiful etting of the Bute Park , Cardiff Castle Ground s. Over 6,000 ambulance nur iog and cad et p ersonnel of the Brigade from all parts of Wale were on parade under the command of th e new Chief ommi ss ioner for Wale on the first day of his assumption of office. H.M. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother reviewed a parade of J,000 member of the Brigade in the grounds of Vaynol, the re idence of Sir Michael Duff, Bart. , Commi sioner for Caernarvonshire and Chief Officer Ambulance Cadet , Wale. Repre entative contingents from Angle ey, West Denbigh hire , Caernarvon hire and Merioneth hire had the privilege of participation. ATTO AL HO PITAL SERVICE RE ERVE

The Priory ha ob erved the 11igh priority ass igned by Brigade Headquarters to the N.S. H. R. in relation to the i il Defcnce services and at the close of the ninth year of the campaign continued to hold the lead in the recruitment and training of nursing auxiliarie , re ponsibility for which is shared by the two voluntary organisation , Red Cro and St. John. A revi ion of the cheme de igned to bring in a greater proportion of the trained per onnel of the two bodie \ a introduced in 1958 whereby member can be admitted to the Reserve \.vithout any obligation to undertake hospital training and refre her cour e , although talk and lectures and a u eful cour e of ho pital experience are available on an optional ba i . Those enrolled a nur iog au iliarie who are not member of the Brigade are required to take a hart introductory ix-hours ho pital course in tead of the former 60 hour ho pital training. Under the e relaxed rule the St. John .H.S.R. member hip in Wales ro e by ]99 to 2,960, but a pecial appeal by the Superintendent-in-Chief which ha been placed in the hand of eery adult Brigade member at the do e of thi year will , it i hoped, be reflected in a con iderably increa ed figure in next year report. Gratitude i recorded to the County and County rea .H .. R. representatives who e per onal contribution of enthu ia m and effort is the m.ea ure of ucce in their respective territorie. The WeI h Regional H~spltal Board ha\ e taken over re ponsibility for the Reserve under the M~nl~try of Health and the Priory i fortunate in ha ing a Deputy Prmcipal Medical Offic r the Deputy Senior Admini",trative Medical Offi~er ~f the Welsh Regional Ho pital Board, whose department i p1acll1.g I! resource unstintingly at the di po al of the Priory in the orgal11satlOn of local recruiting effort undertaken by Brigade unit. Th~ Regional Competition for Mobile F;r t Aid Units took place in CardIff where the three unit which had \Yon their way through eliminatina u 0 c~nt~st had to deal wi th reali tically taged war-time incident. The wll1.nmg unit was that ba ed on tbe Royal Gwent Ho pita], Newport, and then' SLlcce s was particularly gratifying a all the au iliarie in the Unit were St. John per onne!. OMPETrTIO


At the Welsh Brigade Finals the panel of judges wa headed by the Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief of the Brigade from London, Dr. M . M. Scott,




who kindly travelled to Cardiff fr?m Lo.ndon for the event. Of the 14 teams which competed, the followmg gamed fir t three place Liandinam Shield (lvrell) 1 t Cardiff City Police 2nd Swansea Police 3rd Kenfig Hill

Arthur Griffith Memorial (Womell) J t Caersws (Montgomery hire) 2nd Tredegar 3rd Brecon

At the London Brigade Final the Cardiff team gained third plac~ in the Dewar hield competition, thereby winnin.g .the Ho~g Kong hle~d and the Trimble shield awarded to the team gammg the hlghe t mark In the individual section. The leader of the Caer ws Nursi~g tean: w.0l!- the Ellis cup for the team leader gaining the highe t mark m the mdlvld ual h' section. In the WeI h Cadet Final Competition 15 team competed the trop les being won by:-Twi ton-Davie Ambulance Cadet up-9Iyn~eath. Lady (Herbert) Lewi Nur ing Cup-Cwmaman. Gwyn M~r~l. Untform Cup-John Summer and Dee ide Ambulance Cadet Dlvi .lOn. The County/Area Cadet Officers' Uniform CU'p'-Glynneath. ursmg Cadet Division. The 16-20 Ambulance CompetltiOn-Cefn Cnbbwr. At the Cadet Finals in London the Glynneath Ambulance team won the Schooling cup awarded to the team gaining econd highe t aggregate marks in all section . The fourth annual competition for cadet team in . o~th Wale attracted seven ambulance and five nur ing teams, the wmnmg team being:-Pari-Huws Cup-John Summer and .D ee ide Am?u.l~nce Cadet Division. Earl of Powis Cup-Bangor Nur mg Cadet Dl ISIO~. As usual the Royal National Ei teddfod, held at Ebb~ yale m. 1958, gave prominence in its week's events to ambulance competltlOn . Wmner in the nine contests were :-Lady Lewis Cup (male team , open) Great Mountain Colliery; Lady Bute Cup (female teams open), Tredegar; Trevethin Shield (male teams, Wales) , Pontypool; Silurian Shield (female teams, Wales), Tredegar; Isca Shield (boy' team, Wale ), Glynneath' Gwent Shield (girls' teams , Wales) , Pontnewynydd' Powell Duffryn Cup (teams mineworkers) , Hafodyrynys; Dr. R. J. Isaac Shield (team boys under 15), Trelewis; Balmain Shield (teams girl under 15) Glynneath. There are some 80 trophies vested in the Priory Trustees for headquarter and county competitions while some are held for open contest run by local Brigade units and it is good to record increasing activity in the latter respect. RHOW JAR YOUTH HOLIDAY A D CAMPI G CE TRE A new level of achievement was reached in the number of vi itors who were accommodated at Rhowniar in 1958. The facilities for holidays in this beautiful setting between Barmouth and Dolgelly were enjoyed by 1,400 young people, an increase of 97 on previous record. During the season which extended from April to August, 400 stayed in the house and the remainder camped on the eight main camping sites. The organisations represented included St. John cadets from Northern Ireland , England a.nd Wales, Schools, Boys' Brigades, Scouts, Guides and a party from Gronm· gen School , Holland. The two furnished cottages available for summer letting proved to be a substantial source of revenue to help towards the cost of maintaining this holiday centre for youth.





MEDICAL OMFORTS DePOTS The provision of medical requi . ites and invalid comfort on loan for sick people nursed in their own homes i one of the ervices covered under the National Health Service Act. In ome places this purpose is being fulfilled through Brigade unit a agent to local authorities and in other the Brigade ha continued a ervice formerly rendered to the public and ,till continued as a St. lohn activity. There are 56 depot operating under the aegi of the Priory, on~ fewer than la t year, two having closed, namely Talgarth and DowlaJs, and one new one opened at L1anelly Hill, Breconshirc. The olde t of the e depot j located at Priory House, where a large stock of equipment i hou ed to meet the calls of the residents in the C~ty of Ca~d!~. The Ca~diff Publi~ Health Department accept financlal re po~ IblIJty f~r the hire char.ges 111 aJl nece itous case. During 1958 2248 artIcle were I ued from Pnory House for varying periods and from the 55 Depot hown in the county Ii t below a total of 2691 issue were made, bringing the total number of per on benefiting' from this service to 4,939:BREco SHIRE: bercrave (40), Brecon (65), Brynmawr (temporarily cl?sed), Builth ~ell (21), Cefn .Coed (25) Clydach (4), Hay (9) Llanelly HIll (2), Pont tlCllI (6), Sennybndge (3) Y tradgynlai (24). CAER ARVO SHI.RE: Caernarvon (75). ARDIGA SHIRE: Aberystwyth (32), Llanafan (Nil), Newea tIe Emlyn (23), Tregaron (18). CAR 1ARTHE SHIRE: Pontyberea: (37). D E]\BIGHSIIIRE: Cefn .Mawr (87), Chirk (9), Coed Digain (8), Denblgh (37), Rho (334), Ruthm (4), Pentrevoelai (21). FLI~TSHIRE: FI.int (18), Meliden (15), Shot~on (1). GLAMORGA : Bedlinog ( 0 report) Gdfach Goch ~22), L1angelnor (19), Pontyclun (25), Tonrefail (24), Pontardawe (NIl), Seven Si te~ . (45), Trelewi (192) Ynysybwl (73). MERlO ETHSHIRE: Blaenau Ffe tll1lOg ( 0 report), Cynwyd (13), Mo TGOMERYSHTRE: Caer w (19), Mae brook (9). PEMBROKESHIRE: Fishguard (51), Letterston (68) Ha erfordwe t (86), Milford Haven (80) Narbeth (31), Newport (33) Pembroke Dock (612). RAD 'ORSHIRE: Rhayader (Nil). BOROUGII OF ME~THYR TYr;>FIL: Merthyr Tydfil ( 0 report), Merthyr and Aberfan ( 11), Treharn (71), Troedyrhiw (32). BOROUGH OF EWPORT: ewport (121). BOROUGH OF RHO DDA: Treorchy (14), BOROUGH OF SWA EA: Swan ea (3). JOI T OMMITTEE ACTIVJTIE The .Priory continue to have direct repre entation upon the Joint C~mITIlttee of the Order of St. John and Briti h Red Cro s Society the Pnor, the ~ord Aberdare, having been appointed to fill the vacancy on the death ~f hIS father who had erved ince 1946. The function of the Joint Com~ltte.e are the di charge of certain po t-war obligation of the War OrganIsatiOn a~d. the admini tration of the expenditure on uch purpo es of ~l?~ey remammg from. t~e Duke of Glouce ter' Fund. Certain joint ~ctlvltles are .delegated to Jomt county committee and Priory repre entatLves ~re servmg on uch committee wherever they are active. Generally speakl?g there are two department functioning under every joint county commIttee throughout the country: (1) the Ex-Services War Disabled Help and (2) the Hospital Libraries ub-committee. WThe Ambulance Department of the Joint Committee i repre entcd in les by the Welsh Ambula?ce CO~lmittee which i administered from lOry Hou e under the chaIrman hlP of the Principal Secretary. The ambulance transport service set up by the Priory forty years ago and




. ffil t d to the Ambulance Department on expanded progr ~I 'l~ ;:~ intaal~ticipation of the dut~ I.aid upon local ambulance tran port proVI Ion un.der U:e th outbreak ~f. or health authontl\:: to .make a a reement were negotlat d IQ National ~ealth Service AC~. eri~edn~ th~ e operation (1950/ 1952) the mo t countte and at th pea p 'ng over 0000 conveyance and Wei h Ambulance . Committee wa co en 11 Sub 'equently rrogre ive . 'Ilion per annUl . '. a mileage of over one 1111 I .t' of the policy of direct operatIOn has adoption bv local health aut 10n .le t I 500 of the e figure. f II' off to approxi ma e Y o . [B' re ulted m a a tng . t'll efTecti\e in the counties 0 . 1 con, Agency arrangem nt al e s I I ' all a pect of operatton and . P b' k and Radnor \ lele De~blgh, em 10 e " I b the WeI h Ambulance Depart.ment ~cept ma1l1tenance are dea lt.~ It 1 Y e [n the e countle, Bngade of ociety a~ Ruthin and the day-to-day ordenng f l cO;ri~t~n~ed Cro per onnel and ~ernber 0 t 1.e in su ort of the paid per onnel, Tenby render mvalua~le a. I tanc~ I h'r:~nd t\\O tation in Radnoreven of the eight tatl~)l1 m De~ bl~ 1 lIn the county of Montgomery hire being manned entlrely ~y °fun. eeWr'el 11· Committee ambulance a . b' . d at a erVlce 0 IX the Bnga e oper '1 general runnin a and manning elOg direct agents of the county c~un~~h an co t met byOthe council. carried out on a voluntar~ ba .~ .IV 1 fi e ~ re owned by the Priory, nine by Of the 51 a.l~b~~'l~Cye thl; ~~t~eAn~bulance Committee and one by thde " Two new am bulan e w re pu rc ha e county coun~l. . \\Trexham DIVl Ion of the Br.\gade. d l1icle were placed in ervice, five and four new ~ount~ c?~ncI -owne old ~nd one tran ferred to Di i ional in Denbigh hire reduced the ambulances belllg wlt~alaWt and t t' ownership. The do mg .o two a I~~tion to 25 with i, independent Welsh Ambulance Comml~tee agency , stations in Montgomeryshlre. b . f atl'ent conveyed totalled 46040, the year the num er 0 P I ' t' D .' ur.mg . f 578 067 the Montgomery lire ta Ion invol m.g an aggregate mll~age 0 and 52466 mile. The l11a.intena~ce n aceountmg [or 1 391 beol \ eyanCc~mmittee t~avelled 9,501 mile In dealll1g staff of the Welsh A m u ance . with the i sue and withdrawal of ambulance, te tlng, elc.





. 1 . 'n thi department due The year 19~8 was an excePtlOna~ Y ~ctl~e s~~~tI Hi tory of the Order. to the productIOn of two new text 00 . , scale Review which and Cadet Prayerbook, and to ~fe effeci~~ t~~a1a~t~~ber of publication stimulated the purc~a e of u~I30~~1' on 1957. The Department wa ~b~e sold was 17,567, an mcrease 0 . . . f adult uniform and lt IS to effect a consid~rable re~uctl?l~ IJ? th~h~r~~~sr~ Department the benefit hoped that all Bngade umt~ WI ~flve d surgical equipment for their of their custom when ordenng um orm an haversacks. ST. JOR



The Priory .was honoured by the vi it of ~1~ C~~1~31.~r~~~.I~ea~~dt~~~ Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K:C.B., K. .., t Mountbatten of Superintendent-in-Chief of th~ BI{l~' t1~tec;o~ns~0~.t meeting of the Burma c.r., G.B.E., D.C.V.. .. . . f t1 . City Hall Chapt~r, the distinguished gues~s ~alked l~ P:eo~~sf~~~l{a~~n ~f the Lord to the Church of St. John Baptist or a sel VI . d out with great Aberdare as Prior. The traditional ceremony was carne




dignity. A proclamation by the Grand Prior's Mand~tor, Sir Henry Pownall , that in the name and on behalf of the Soverel~n .Head of the Order, Mory George Lynd0urst Bruce, Baron Aberdare, IS mducted and installed as Prior of the Pflory for Wale wa followed by a fanfare of trumpet. An add:e s giv~n by t~1 e Lord Bi hop of St. David's added inspiration to an Impre slve ervlce. Chapter member were the gue t of ~he Lord v1ayo~' of Cardiff (Alde.rman A. J. Williams, J.P.) at luncheon 111 the Banquetmg Hall of CardIff Ca tIc. In the afternoon over J, 100 members and upporters of the Priory from all part 0.[ Wale attended Gene:al A S~l11 bly in the City Hall at which an lnve tllure wa held by the; Pnor. Tnbutes to the work of the Priory were paid by Sir Henry Pownall and the Countess Mountbatten, who later carried out a Brigade review in the Castle Ground. CO'l LUSfOI\

Tili y ar ha witne seu the fir t di ociation of the post of Chief Com111i ioner for Wale from that of Principal Secretary; and I lay down direct re pon ibility for til Brigade in Wale with incere t regret, but every confidence in the 'uitabil ity of my ucce or. ft eemed only proper to give up the command before reaching the age of three score years and ten 0 that a younger man cOLtid have adeq uate time in which to leave hi mark on Brigade admini tration with the backing of a newly e tablished Brigade Committ e and to win the loyal upport of uch a fine body of Officer, Ambulance and ur ing 1ember and Cadet. My wife, at the same time, un'ender her po ition a i tant to the Superintendent-inChief for Wale in fa\our of a worthy leader of the ur ing Section. All ranks \\ ill join with me in gratitud for the "i ifying influence ofa charming per onality. She ha b en my con tant companion throughout the length and breadth ofWal in making fruitful contact at every level of comradeship. We have gained far morc than we have given in an a sociation la ting over a quarter o[ a century, during which it ha been our proud privilege to share in the er ice of the community in a r ally worth while cau e. Many worker ha e pa ed away whom we were happy to number a our friend ; and we are deeply grateful for the opportunity of haring their devoted enice in a labour of love. To tho e who remain I would say that the be t intere t of the Brigade will alway be neare t to my heart 0 long as I have the trenglh to enjoy the confidence of the Prior, Executive Officers and Chapter, \ ith the upport of indi p n able colleague in committee and a fir t-rate tafr at Priory Hou e. There i an even greater and more gloriou future before the Order of St. John, its A ociation and Brigade, to which th be t ndeavour ofu all may well be dedicated. THE HO . JOHN H. BRUCE, C.B.E., Principal Secretary.



Br!gade Menzbership:- There i a decrea e of ix divi ion over the year, and 111 all section there i a decrea e of member hip. Thi i accounted for, to a great extent, by a deere a e of 466 member of th S.A.R. Brigade




Command which i mainly due to the triking off of inactive member. Thi would appear to be in eery way ati factory a the number now hown repre ent the active trength of the Brigade. Association Reports are encouraging- 13,650 Certificate were i ued during the year, bringing the total number of Certificate awarded inee the inception of Centre throughout the Union to 412 665 a p r the detailed chedule which appear at the end of thi report. Once again it is my pri ilege to extend the grateful thank and appreciation of the Priory in Southern Africa to all the doctor, lecturer and demon trator who devote 0 much of their time to thi a pect of the work. Whil t no pectacular event or di a ter took place during the year the member were kept increa ingly bu y with their u ual humanitarian ervice to the public and the increa ing demand for the public dutie i making it in orne in tance , difficult to cope. The Brigade ha , however, continued to function in an efficient manner and all demand. ha e been met. Two more Centre have decided to acquire their own Headquarter buildings-Pietermaritzburg and Ea t London. Pietermaritzburg entre have bought ground in a central po ition and are now in the proce of erecting a suitable building. East London Centre ha acquired land with a building already erected thereon which i being altered to uit the specific need of the Centre. The financial arrangement for the two building like tho e already purcha ed, are on a ound ba i and the men and women who have worked for 0 many year to attain thi ' end are to be congratulated. Ophthalmic Hospital:-The report on the Ho pital i once again on of progress. The first item is one of great and far-reaching importance- the building exten ion to the Ho pitat to hou e the eye patient from the Baragwanath Non-European Hospital. The new ward which i alma t completed will house 64 in-patient. A further call wa made by the Transvaal Provincial Admini tration reque ting permi ion to hold thei r clinic at the St. John Eye Hospital and to u e the available equipment This is already being done and the clinic i running very moothly. The identity of the hospital will not be 10 t and the control remain unaltered. The status and pre tige of the Ho pital wilt be enhanced by thi clo er co-operation with the Provincial Admini tration. Already the hospital is a training chool for registered and other trained nurses in Ophthalmic Nursing and since 1953 the nul' e in training fo r general nursing at Coronation Hospital all receive training in Ophthalmic Nursing at this hospital for periods of one month each. Now all the nurses in training in general nursing at the Baragwanath Ho pitat will also be trained in ophthalmic nursing at our ho pital. In addition the St. John Eye Hospital will provide training facilitie for medical student . for its own registrars as well as for the registrar at the Baragwanath Hospital. During the year under review the need for the Mobile Unit has been adequately proved, and five trips into the country were com· pleted. During the last trip, 22 operation were performed and 572 patients attended to. "The Call of St. fohn" :-Since my report at the end of 1957, the financial position of "The Call," which, as you know, has been unsati factory for some years, was thoroughly examined and it was decided by PriOf)




Council and Chapter that "The Call" hould b " of Priory. ecorne part and parcel"

Annual Conference :-A mo t ucce sful A b I held at Pre~01'ia over the period J7th- 19th ~e ~ean~e Conference w~s Confere~~e It wa decided to hold, for the fir t emr er, 19?8 .. At thiS Competition. The e will be held in Cape Town r:t , nt.er-D~stnct.Cadet Cadet Training Camp, during the chool h o 111 ~ollJunctlOn WIth the annual Inter-Provincial Competition held ~n ay l~ Septernbe~. The Conference, were once again of a high' standad c~llJ~ncilOn ':"lth the t~e re ult :- Selborne Shield: Koedoe poort Raif; t e 01l0W111g w.er:e IOn. Hewat Shield: Bulawayo Railway N . D~~ ~mbulance DIVItime in ucces ion). The C. M. Hoffe T/~r ll1~ IVlSlon (f~r the .third Ambulance Divi ion. The Muriel Walton C P~";? Blo~mfo~tell1 Railway y Divi ion. The Alpheu 11Iilliams Trophy' P~~~t/~or~ Ratlwba Nur ing Koe doe poort Railway Ambulance D :v' . . auten ach, of the BOII'I: Divj ional up rintendent D ~ ~ lon' Th'he Florence Thory!pson ur Ing Divi ion. . yeo f t e Bulawayo Railway



General:-For the fir t time in thi c . were awarded by the Commi ioner-in-C~i~try t~r.e~ Jublle~ Certificate in exi tence for fifty year . The Divi ion W11C 1 .t~ DI~I. IOn W~llCh have been were: "The Salt Ri er In titute Railwa ~cllevedt~s.qua1ification Joha~ne burg Raih ay mbulance Di ~ u adnce Dl;,lslOn," 'The Nur mg Di i ion." Ion an the Cape Town

Th~~ve ~~:~Iy i u~d t\\ 0 Director of Ambulance' Special Vote of

re pect of out tanding fi t 'd k T .r al wor w~en the Pleter and Edmund Fritz Lud!ig Seh hey wk~re fl ued to Dennl Solly Di trict. uman I, 0 the South We t Africa .



~affolding of a building colla ed

During 1958 a "Handbook on Drill" b h ' d ' wa roug t I11tO operation in both official Ian u long felt want. g age an thl ha proved rno t ucce ful and fill a

A.iW~~d lbk~tt~

extend my

th~nk once again to Mr . M. A. Walton

Gardi~er' Wiliia~' ~rs:lr~ontmued . upport and help and to Priory Commi io~er' ~ho ~eputt~ Dlr~ctor of Ambulan.ce and po ible a i tance.


Mr. A: Deputy roug lout the year gl\'en me every


N,umber of Classes held: FJrSt Aid Home ~rsi~g' . Child Welfare . ~ealth and Hygiene' . . . . Flrst Aid in Emergency Childbirth O thers



397 75

170 84 5 4

3 12 6

493 263


756 2.

Ambulance Dep t F.' . Number establis~~d d1rs( Aid Posts, First Aid Stations etc. unng year. . . . . . '

51 Nil



64 3.

l\,fedical COIl!fo.rtls D1epots . umber of artlc e oane d


Tran port: umber of mbulanc .s umber of Mobile UOIt umber of Ranch Wagons Miles covered . . '~ Patient transported



30 2

3 11 7,927 7,097 143 ,576

limber of case treated

St. John AJI1bllIOl~ce Brigade: Number of Di iSJOn . . Personnel: mbulance: Men urses Cadets: mbulance ur ~ ing .



4 5 3,989 I, 61 1,471 2,223

illce DUI'IlIg forma tion 1958 oj Centre

Certificates A Ivarded: First Aid: Adult . Preliminary Home ursing: Adu.lt . . . Prelumnary Health and Hygiene: Adu.lt .. PrehmlOary Sanitation . . . Clean Food Handling Industrial Poisons . Casualty Make-up . . '. '. . First Aid in Emergency ChIldbIrth Child Welfare . Occupational Therapy . Demonstrators Lay Lecturers Lay Examiners Vouchers Medallions Labels Pendants

4,975 2,157 471 1,070 29 16

167,654 47,1 8 32,290 16,207 1,4-70 349 21 I

491 32

15 22 326 1,349


695 596 2,460 942

1,346 71 33 22,139 22, 10 66,173 33,0



101 11


M b' h' '-There have been 16 new Divisions fo,rmed during the ear e:nJJ:e~~~ of the established Divi ions have been dl banded. Of ~he dew Divisions there are 10 containing both ~f!lbula~c? .and ur l.ng personnel. The overall member hip ~f t.h e eXlstlng DIVl IOn rem~nd about the same, although in three Dl tncts there ha been a mar e increase in numbers, particularly among the Cadet. Public Duties:-On the occasion of the funeral of the late Pri:ne


Minister the Hon. J. G. Strydom , public duty was performed by nur m~ member~ from the Pretoria District, Eastern and Y'!e ter~ T~a~ . vaa Districts (S.A.R. Command) and the Johannesburg ~o.w n DlVI IOns. The area allocated to the Brigade was. very large, comp.n Ing the grou~~~ of the Union Buildings and surrounding suburbs, and_It was kn~wn~ . .. 0 fi S h Wit (or" atients transported" and th e mileage cover~d,

*In addltLOIl.t the gureds b °Ca 'e TOIPVJ1 Centre's In valid Transport Service in volVIng p.J 0 . . ·ted are the pattellts conveye Y a total of more than 50,000 miles covered and more than 4,00 patIents tlOnspOJ . I


there would be large crowd of people from early morning until late afternoon. More member were required than Pretoria could supply, and in re pon e to their reque t for a istance, a contingent from Johannesburg went over and hared the duty with them. In June a call wa received for nur ing a i tance from St. John's College, lohanne burg, a 80 pupil were uffering from influenza. Five member re ponded immediately and carried out day and night duty for 10 days. Throughout the country attendance at all Sports Meetings, Cinemas Theatre, Agricultural Show Beach Hut, Race Track , Gymkhanas, etc. , have been maintained and a great deal of time has been devoted to functions which were held to rai e funds for Centre and the Ophthalmic Ho pita!. Many ur ing member work regularly in the wards of the General Ho pital and a number of them a i t at the Blood Transfusion Centre.

13 710



Cadets- European :-The con iderable increa e in member hip and the number of new Di i ion formed during the year are indicative of the appeal which the Cadet movement make to the a erage child. There have been 37 Grand Prior Badge and 13 Special Service Shield awarded this year. A Cadet in Pretoria ha already gained her econd Special Service Shield. Many Cadet are corre ponding with pen friends overseas and in all Di trict they are working for their Proficiency Badge. A mo t ucce ful Training Camp wa again held at Glencairn, Cape of Good Hope Di trict, in October. It wa attended by 60 Cadet Ambulance and ur ing. They ""ere given inten ive training in Stretcher and Squad Drill, and daily e ion were held on the two Preliminary Manual. In addition, they were gi en a cour e of ignalling by the Chief Yeoman of Signal who wa kindly loaned to the camp by the S.N.A.F. There were al 0 di play of Fir Fighting and Life Saving by the local service. Military Training: - Two Military Training cour e have been held at Voortrekkerhoogte and Wynberg Ho pita! re pectively which were attended by I! member of the Nur ing Divi ion, all of whom obtained their certificate. on-Europeans:-Owing to the compul ory cIo ing of the Bantu Ho tel in Pretoria and the St. Thoma Training College in Johanne burg, we have lost two very active Divi ion which for many year have provided training for a large number of girl. Our work in native areas i greatly hampered by the lack of uitab!e building in which to hold ctas e . . Some of the more enior member are being employed a "Nurse-Aide" 111 private home where a fully trained nur e i not required, but where there i a need for orne a i tance with a bed patient. Thi scheme i proving mo t ucce ful and good report have been received of the work of the e Nur e-Aide . The Non-European Cadet, in pite of the difficultie under which they have to work, are gaining Proficiency Badge and two Grand Prior Badge have been awarded thi year.

Annual Conference:- The Annual Ambulance Conference held in Pretoria in September wa well repre ented on the Nur ing ide, and at the meeting of the Senior Officer (Nur ing) Advisory Committee, only one ~i trict wa not repre ented. There wa a di cu ion on the new NurslOg Manual, and a ub-committee ha been formed to S'tudy it.



Linen Guilds:-In her report upon the ~in~n Guild of thc' bOPt~lthalmict Ho ital, the matron expre e her appreclatlOn o! ~ h.e contn u Ion en to h~r from the St. John Member of Nur ing DIVl Lon th.roughout the country. A pecial effort wa made e~rlier in the year to ~al e ~und and to upply linen, to equip the 64 bed 111 the ne~ ward .whlch will hortly be opened to accommodate patient the from nelghbounng .Non-European Ho pita1. The re ult h.a b~en er~ ati factory and gift of money clothing and linen are till bemg receLved. General:-On the 5th Augu t, 1958, the C~petown Nur ing J.?ivi ion completed 50 year of service wi~hin th~ Bn~a~~, a~d 0 qualtfi~d to receive the Jubilee Certificate. Thl Nur II1g D~Vl lOn L the ol~e t 111 the country and, therefore, the fir t t'? c~lebrate It Golden JU.~llee. O~er the years it ha a fine record of serVIce m every category of B[)gade :work, and there mu t be many people who owe their knowledg of nur 1l1g t.o the instruction received at the cla e which were held 0 regularly by this Division. During two world war it was ~ul1y ex.tended to mee~ the ~~avy demands made upon it and the nur e It provIded for duty III mtll~ary hospitals worked with distinction both at home. and abroad. It 1 . a pleasure to report that the .Divisi~n i. till a active, and that the high tradition of the past are bemg m~1l1tatned. . Warm tribute i due to the Semor Officer for their loyal upport and to the Divi ional Officers and Member for their ready re pon e to the demands made upon them in the field of public duty.

THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALA D His Excellency the Governor-General , the Right Honourable the Viscount Cobham, G.C.M.G. T.D., who is Prior of our Venerable Ord~r in New Zealand, was welcomed to a meeting of Priory Chapter he~d 111 November of last year, and during the pa t twelve month ~a kmdly opened the Papatoetoe Sub-C:;entr~' attract~ve hall the new wll1g of the Dunedin Sub-Centre's buildmg 111 Duned1l1 and a new well-planned . building on behalf of the Hastings Sub-Centre. His Excellency's first Investiture Service ~as held 111. the ~athedral at Christchurch on Sunday 9th November. Pnory CouncIl Pnory Chapter and Members of our Ve~erable Order are most grateful to Hi Exce~len~y the Prior and to the Viscountess Cobham for the part they are playmg lfi the work of our Order. In reviewing the report for the year I feel that reference s.hould be made to our late Chancellor Sir William Appleton and I th1l1k no greater testimony can be recorded than the following comment made by the Reverend D. W . Storkey at the service held in the Kent Terrace Presbyterian Church, Wellington: "In a day when we are inclined to regard w.o.rk as a necessary evil and to avoid it wherever possible, where dep~ndablht.Y and devotion to duty are all too often regarded as outmode? virtues, Sir William's life is a timely reminder that the path of self sacnfice and elf discipline is still the path to greatness and that in Pope's word an h?n~st man is still the noblest work of God. Sir William had brought to hiS lIfe a great enthusiasm. Whether it was the welfare of the city he loved so much, the inspired philanthropy of the noble Order of ~t. John, the excitement of an election campaign, the enjoyment of watchmg a game of football, Sir William gave all that there was of himself with a boyish




delight that wa irre istibly attractive. Will Appleton was what we would call a ucce ful bu iness man , but ucce s never turned his head and , if he did walk with king he never lost the common touch. He had been a devoted father and hu band , and one virtue that had come to the fore in the la t year of hi life wa high courage. He had refused to lie down under the grievou affliction that dogged him and had faced tbe end with calm. Courage for Sir William wa no accident. It was born of faith in God. He wa alway quick to acknowledge his debt to God and his Church. He believed implicitly and hi life showed it, that man's highest duty was to do justly love mcrcy and walk humbly with hi God. ' All of our Venerable Order who knew Sir William Appleton will ay " Amen" to the sentiment which have been 0 ably expressed above. A mo t helpful conference of Chairmen of Centre was held on Friday, 7th March and dealt with the organi ation for the introduction of a national St. Jobn Ea ter cal Campaign and other matter of general intere t to our Venerable Order. Meeting of Priory ouncil were held on the 7th March and 9th ovember ] 958. A meeting of Priory Chapter was held on 7th March and the Annual Meeting of Priory Chapter wa held on 13th June, which was presided over by Hi Excellency the Prior. featur of the progre made during the year was the setting up of a Board of Director for the organisation of a co-operative building which will provide the n w headquarter for our Venerable Order in New Zealand on the Terrace , Wellington. The building make provi ion for two floor to be a ailable entirely for the work of Priory Headquarters and will include a Chapter Room which it i confidently expected will materially add to tbe dignity and pre tig of St. John in New Zealand. It is anticipated that the building will be ready for occupation early in ] 960. With a iew to pro iding the public with up-to-date information on a national ba i , Mr. L 0 Fanning, our Public Relation Officer, arranged for the Pre relea e of article dealing with "St. John and the Public, " "The ew Zealand ontribution to Trachoma Re earch" and "The St. John Service for the Public.' 1 am mo t grateful to the Pre of New Zealand for tbeir upport in reporting 0 fully any matter of national interest and al 0 [or the a i tance given to Centre of the St. John Ambulance A ociation and Di trict of the St. John Ambulance Brigade . During the year our Chief Secretary visited Christchurch on two occasion, Waiuku, Papatoetoe, Southland and Hawkes Bay. The e visits have been mo t appreciated. Our Chief Commi ioner, Brigadier J . M. Mitchell , ha vi ited each Brigade Di trict and he bas taken the opportunity of di cus ing Brigade matters at local level and has al 0 met member of A ociation Committee. I want to record my personal thank to the Chief Commi ioner for the out tanding part he i playing in connection with our work. Our Staff at Priory Headquarter and the ervice rendered by them to both foundations is recorded in thi report and I want to personally thank Mrs. G. Tanzer, Brigade administration, Mi 1. Taylor, A sociation admini tration, Miss M. Furkert, Record and Library, and Mi L. Edwards, shorthand-typing. I convey my sincere appreciation of the v.aluable help given me by member of Priory Council and Priory Chapter smce my appointment a Acting Chancellor. Confreres throughout New Zealand are ever ready to let me have the benefit of their wide knowledge and experience. I would al 0 thank on behalf of Priory Headquarter the



Secretary-General and members of his staff at the headquarters of our Grand Priory in London. My thank are also e tended to ali member of our Venerable Order in New Zealand. tho e men and women who comprise the Committee of our Centre and Sub-Centre of the St. John Ambulance As ociation, the 5,000 men and women who repre ent our Ambulance and Nur ing Divi ion of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, and our 4 OOO-odd Cadet boys and girl who are learning good citizen hip and how to help in the community and to the Linen Guild .' ~ur ing Guilds and Hospitaller Clubs throughout the country. To Mini ter of the Crown, Heads of Government Department, the Pre s, municipal and sporting organisations who work in clo e co-operation with our Venera~le Order and to the citizens of New Zealand generaIly I extend my cordial thanks. R. D . MOORE, A cling Chancellor.

attendance the e figures reveal that 90 % of tho e attending the lectures completed the course and were successful in pa sing the required examination tandard. Thi report would not be compi te without placing on record our incere thank to Mr. Ian Mathe on, Chairman and members of the Worker ' Com pen ation Board, ~r. W. Cowan of the Forestry Service and Officer of the Fore try Service and Department of Labour all of who e co-operation and practical help have been available at all tim'es and also to the ational Safety A ociation for their support and interest.'



There were 35 clas es of in truction held up to and including 31 t December 1958, and the total of 8,4 3 per on were ucce ful in qualifying for certificates. Since the Air Attendant' Cour e conducted by the Hawkes Bay/Ea t Coa t Centre, other succe ful cour e have been held under the au pice of the Auckland and Wanganui Centre. During the year a new Fir t Aid to the Injured Training Manual wa received from our headquarters in London. Thi will take the place of all previous issues and will be the ba is of Fir t Aid training [or the public and members of Government Department \\ ho in some ca e mu t hold a St. John First Aid Certificate. Training on the new manual will commence throughout New Zealand as from 1st January, 1959. A feature of tuition this year wa a "Clean Food Handling Cour e." conducted by the Papatoetoe Sub-Centre. This wa the fir t clas of it kind to be held by the St. John Ambulance Association in ew Zealand and proved most interesting. The Papatoetoe Sub-Centre i to be congratulated upon this forward step. An attractive badge i i ued to all persons who qualify in this course. The work of the Field Officer, Mr. Arthur Kennedy, ha now entered the fourth year of operation and continue to expand. During the period under review it has again amply demonstrated to the Fore try Community the usefulness of first aid training for its personnel. Cour e were given mainly in the Rotorua-Taupo area, Ngongotaha, Kinleith Whakamaru, Ngaroma, Murupara, etc., to loggers and timber worker. The opportunity was also taken whenever possible to address uch organi ation a Rotary clubs and Junior Chambers of Commerce, as it i felt that such talks are good publicity for the Order generally, and more particularly for the work in the Forestry areas. Outside of his normal working area, Mr. Kennedy gave an inten ive course of theoretical and practical First Aid during a week-end in June to the National Park Board Rangers and volunteer ski patrol, and a course was undertaken for the second year in succession at the Forestry Department's training school for woodsmen at Golden Downs in Nelson. The possibility of giving first aid instruction to the staff at the Rangipo and Hautu prison farms is being considered , and the prisoners themselve have expressed keenness to participate in first aid instruction. Statistics of classes held, attendances and examination results for the year ended 31st December 1958, are given below. Based on average



During H.M. the Queen Mother's vi it, Brigade members performed their allotted ta k a expected, cheerfully efficiently and without fu s. We are. thankful t~at, de pite large crowd in many places. there were 0 few enou ca ualtle there were, ~owever ma.ny case of fainting due to the heat and many other. other mmor ca ualtles. At a garden party at Government Hou e, Wellln~ton our late Chancellor, Sir William Appleto!\ ~xpre ed to Her MaJe ty . the Comman.d ant-in-Chief of Nursing Divi Ion, the loyalty and afTcctlOn of the Brigade in New Zealand in general, and of our Nursing mem ber in particular. During tl:e year . new Divi ion . and four Sections were registered. Two Combined Dlvl lon, one SectIOn and two Cadet Divisions were di banded. ..While. there i J~O doubt of the keenne and efficiency of our Divisions, It I o.bvlOu that In orne c~ ~. we mu t concentrate on finding additional supenntendent . . Ever~ .D~ J"lOn mu t have it own Superintendent, it cannot work effiCiently If It I remotely controlled" by a enior officer who hold another appointment. T~e yllabu for the 60-hour practical training for voluntary aids in ho pltal drawn up ~y our Superlntendent-i.n-Chief, Mi s N. M. Knight, and approved by M I J. . Cameron, Director of Nur ing Division Depar.tment of Health, ha been circulated to all Di trict. Durin o the ye.ar ~Ine v?luntary aid qualified in two Di trict . We are confident ~ore DI tnct will enc?urage voluntary aid training in the coming year. We are encouraged With the aurance of the co-operation of ho pital matron throughout New Zealand. I note with ple.a ure the fo~mation of ten Cadet Division (even of the Ambul~nce) ~unng 1958, with a combined total of 108 cadet. Miss A~q~etd, Chief Officer for Nur ing Cadet, attended the Manawatu Dlstnct Training School, which. he described a an outstanding achievem~nt and an example of the UUlty of the youth and adult divisions of the Bngade. I am al 0 happy that Mi Anquetil wa able to conduct enrolment ceremonie for a~et in O~maru a well as in the Wellington area, these ~er . greatly app~eclated ..MI. s Anquetil al 0 attended the Wairarapa Sub-DI tnct .aI?-d Wellmgton DI tnct Cadet Competition. The DominIOn Cadet ompetitions were held in Dunedin, 29th and 30th Au~ust, 1958. These competitions may be considered as one of the out.stand111g functions of the Brigade for orne years and their succes was ~ntlrely due t~ the excellent prepa.ration, organ~ ation and admini tration dy~he Dunedm members re ponsl.ble. For their efficient handling of this ~ cult task I o.ffe~ my congratulatIOns and thank to the Officer-in-Charge o 6~e Otago DI?tnct, Mr. H. M. Smith, and t~ Cor~s Officer N. Waldren. oup CaptaIll A. H. Marsh, our Surgeon-Ill-ChIef once again wishes




which la ted until 6th November, perforn:- ing a number o~ dutie oyer and above those of normal fir t aid. De ervmg of very pectal menllO.n a~d the highe t praise, a they were in 1956, are the. member of tl~e Spfln~htll Nursing Divi ion, nearly all of whom had. relative employed. In the mme, who were on duty within minute after dl ~ ter tru~k .. A great boo t to th morale of the miners and all tho e who aided at thl tt:me ~f emergency, r St John member wa the vi it paid to Sprmghlll by H .R.H. . e d' mc lu mg ou . . . . fHR H The Prince Philip on 31 t October. The VI It III July and Augu t o . . . The Princess Margaret, Commandant-in-Chief of S.t. John .Ambulance Cadets throughout the Commonwealth, had a peclal me~I1Ing for our Cadets in Canada as, wherever the oc~a ion offered ~e m pec~ed and spoke to them. For ~any, it wa theIr fir t opportul1lty of eemg Her Royal Highne s and will long be remembered by them. . .' . National Fir t Aid Competition for the evera.l trophle al.ld mdlvldual prizes offered by Priory Headquarter w~re agam held dUrIng the year. A total of 179 team, including 49 Canadian Army team , from coa t-tocoast competed, this being ~y far t~e ~arg t nu.mber of team entered for these annual competition smce thel~ lI:auguratlOn. . "Save-a-Life" Week was held agam m May for the fifth ye~r In uccesion. It is estimated that a a re ult of thi pecial promotl~nal effort, which is an important part of the erviee o~ered by the s:>rder m Canada, over 100000 Canadians of all age ha e gamed a workmg knowle~ge of artificial 'respiration, which hould aid in reducing the annual tragic toll of deaths caused by drowning. . Close co-operation continue to eXI t between the O.rd~r a~d the Canadian Civil Defence authoritie, Fed~ral an.d . Pro mClal, m the development of Fir t Aid and .Home N~r mg traInmg for member of Civil Defence. A most intere tmg and highly valuable four-day Cour eConference for some 75 St. John Fir t Aid In tructor from c~a t-to-c~a t was held in September at the Canadian Civil Defence College m ~rnpnor , Ontario. The agenda dealt primarily with the general technl~ ue . ~f instruction St. John training problem, recent de elopment m CIVJl Defence a~d the part of first aid in Civil D efence. It. wa the ~r t ueh conference to be held in this country, and the Order 1 . greatly Indebted to the Civil Defence Division of the Department of NatIOnal Health and Welfare for its kindnes and generosity in making it po ible. A meeting of the St. John A~bulance-C:anadian Red Cro . Joint Operational Committee was held. III Ot.ta~a In December, ~t whIch the Joint Agreement of 1951, with Its objectIve of co-operatlOn. and the avoidance of duplication of effort, wa reaffirme~. The Committee a.l 0 adopted a report setting forth a joint offer of a Sl tance t.o the .C~nadLan Nurses' Association in its recommended programme of Fir t AId In truction in Schools of Nursing, and containing pro.cedure fo~ the further development of such instruction within the nursmg profe Ion. The Prior, His Excellency the Governor-General of ~anada, h~ld tW? Investitures during the year, the first in September whlle he wa m re~l­ dence at the Citadel in the ancient city of Quebec, and the second In October at Government House in Ottawa, at which a total of 72 member of the Order, including the Lieutenant-Governor of ~he Provin.ce of Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland were Invested WIth the insignia of their grades. . . ' . During the year, two of our Provmc~al Councl.1s, Nova ScotIa an.d Newfoundland, suffered a grievous loss m the untlmely deaths of their



President: Mr. Arnold A. Dunphy of Kentville, N.S., and The Hon Sir Albert J. Wal h, Kt., Q.c. , of St. John, Newfoundland, both of whon: had erved the Order well and faithfully for a number of years and contnbuted much to the progress of our work in the e Province. In April, Dr. C. B. Weld of Halifax a umed the appointment of Provincial Pre ident-Commi ioner for Nova Scotia while Col. The Hon. Sir Leonard Outerbridge, Kt., C.B.E., D.S.O., former Lieutenant-Governor of Newfoundland, ha con ented to a sume the po t of President of our Council for the Province in January 1959. Repor~ follow from our len Provincial Councils and ix Special Centre m Canada, to who e combined efforts are due the splendid re ult of the year a well a the development of our activities. ALBERTA

Reviewing the volume of work in the Province during the year the total number of award i ued in 1958 how a light increa e over 19'578445 a again t 376 a gain of 69. Thi i a very creditable showing on the part of our Cia Organi er , particularly in view of the difficultie encountered a a result of the everal taff change made in April 1958. The e change , the tran fer of the Deputy Commi ioner to Vancouver hi replacement by the promotion of the Provincial Superintendent to Deputy Commi ioner and the engagement of a new Provincial Officer in c~arge of the <:al~ary Provincial Office all contributed to making it very dIfficult to ma1l1tam the volume of work to keep pace with the previou year's figure. In the field of Home ur ing, which wa not di turbed by any staff change, the work of the ur ing Officer re ulted in the number of award i sued [or Home Nur ing increa ing from 598 to 764 in 1958, a gain of 176. Dunng the pa t year, in co-operation with the St. John Ambulance of B.C. and the Workmen' Compen ation Board in that Province and the Province of Alberta, thi Council ha been engaged in the development of a ~t. John Ambulance textbook to include all the ubjects required for a trall1l11g cour e in "Fir t Aid in Indu try.' The cour e planned when approved will it i hoped, fully meet the need of industry. The. Pr?vincial Headquarter and Training Centre in Edmonton occupIed smce 195? ha unque tionably proved an a et, a hown by the num.ber ?f .cIa e It ha been po ible to hold in this building. The cost ~nt~I1e~ m It con truction i being progres ively reduced and from pre ent IOdlcatlOn , the clearance of the indebtedne hould not take 10n a er than from two to three more year. l::> .T~~ Brigade active trength, a of December 31 t, 1958 con i ts of 21 DlVlslOn with a per onnel of 532, an increa e of member hip of 33 over that of 1957. There wa no change in the number of Divi ions from 1957 as the formation of one new Cadet Ambulance Divi ion in Edmonto~ off et the di bandment of a Nur ing Divi ion on December 31st, 1957, at Taber, Alberta. Th~ continued good result that have been achieved in 1958 are unquestIOnably the result of the good work and co-operation extended by a.ll member~ of the Provincial Staff a well a by members of the A sociatIOn and Bngade Section throughout the Province. BRITISH COLUMBIA

1958 was a momentou year for St. John Council for British Columbia



with innovation initiated that will undoubtedly guide policy for many year to come. At the beginning of the year i.n co-oper~tion with the W<;>rkmen Com pen ation Board, the indu. tnal fir ~ aId cour e wa reVl ed and inaugurated. The cour e wa entIrely reV;'ntten, a .new chedule made and training aid dra tically altered. Followmg the pilot c<?ur e ~he need for further training of instructor (a matter lon~ ~nder ~l cu lOn), became imperative and in the spring the eagerly antlclpated l~ tru~tor chool commenced. Three e ions were held in accon:modatlOn kmdly loaned by the B.C. Electric Company, and a total o~ 82 ~nstruct<?rs completed the course. The e in tructor were granted mtenm, certificate ,to teach industrial first aid in B.C. with" permanent" certIficates proml ed after the instructor had completed a ucce ful cour e. Re ult of the fir, t "school" were excellent and plan are being made for other e lOn tn 1959 and it i hoped in ubsequent year. During this period the busine of St. John Cou.n~il wa und rgo.ing reoraanisation and the Provincial Officer took a deci Ive tep by appomting ~n Executive-Director/Deputy Commi sioner. The. ~ouncil wa fortunate in securing for this po t the Deputy Comml loner. from ~he Province of Alberta who took office on 1 t May, 1958. Another mnovatLOn was the appointme'nt of Advisory Boa~d . to initi,ate and direct th.e St. John programme and advi e the Provmclal Pre Ident and CouncLl on matters of policy. The year under review wa of. pecial i];:por~ance to St. John in British Columbia as this was "Centenmal Year. WIth the pro pect of greatly enlarged Public Duties for Brigade member an inten ive recruiting campaign was launched early in the year with call. for volunt~er made by press , radio and television. More than 500 rephe were receIved fr?m those anxious to know more about St. John and a large proportlOn enrolled in free classes. As a result, the Brigade gained a number of new recruits whose ervices were particularly welcome during the um,mer months. Most duties were concentrated in July and Augu t e pecJally in the period of the visit of H.R.H. The .Prin~es .Mar~aret when a highlight for St. John Cadets was the ReVIew 10 VIctona by H.R.H.. their Commandant-in-Chief. Additional expansion in the lower mainland led to the e tabli hment of a new Combined Division in Burnaby, and at the close of the year proceedings were under way to organise two new Cadet Nur ing Divisions, St. John branches all over the Province engaged in Centennial activities with Association members providing First Aid ervice at public events and St. John groups participating as far as possible in Centennial projects. The Highway First Aid Post system continued in operation and another Post was established at McLeod Lake. A further change in the St. John programme was the di bandment, towards the end of the year, of the Forest First Aid Committee, a body jointly sponsored by the St. John Council and the Workmen' Comp~n­ sation Board of B.C. , which for more than ten years had sent travelltng instructors into areas where qualified teachers were not available. Wit~ increased numbers of instructors turned out by the St. John "schools," It has been found possible to dissolve the Committee and divert Committee funds to the training school.





Su tained effort to promote the ervices of St. John Ambulance were maintained throughout 1958 and re ulted in an increase in the number of those trained in Fir t ~id and Home Nur ing of about ten per cent as compared to. t~~ prevlOU year: ~he opportunity to hare in the promotl<?nal ,actlvltle .of t~e Pr.ovmclal CIvJi Defence Organisation was a contflbut1l1g. fa~tor I~ ~hl achievement and thi Council i greatly indebted to the Pr?vlnclal CIV.II Defence Co-Ordinator and his deputy, for their co-operatIOn and a I tance. Training in Fir t ~id for ind~ trial worker wa continued throughout the year and the a I tance receIved from the Industrial Accident Prevention Section of the Provincial Department of Labour in respect to actIVIty i gratefully acknowledged, In ~onnection "\ ith "Save-a-Life" Week training in artificial respiration wa glven to orne 6,000 per on . Although thi i a reduction in number a compared. to, tho e traine~ in the campaign of the previou year, it neverthele Indlcate a credItable effort on the part of tho e actively engaged in thi undertaking. All call on the Brigade for public dutie were met satisfactorily. The voluntary work performed by it member is a credit to St. John Ambulance and i in trumental to a great degree in bringing the services available to the att,ent.ion or the public. A number of Brigade personnel attended the WInnipeg Control Centre for a period of twenty-four hour ~a~ 3rd and 4th, in connection wi~h a National Exercise conducted by CIVIl Defence. Member of the Bngade al 0 attended training course and conference arranged at Arnprior, Ontario, for Civil Defence per onnel. Reorgani ation of Highway Fir t Aid po t wa con idered during the ye~r and the .Counci l i co-operating with various other organisation in ~lllS undertakIng. A n urn ber of new po t have recently been e tabli hed In the Lakehead area and the need for additional po t throughout Manitoba i recogni ed. A~ in recent.year financing continue to be arranged through Com~Untty Ch~ ~, 1': cen~re where it i e tabli hed, and by local campaign In commumtle In which the Che t i not organi ed and rural areas. Thi method of obtaining fund continue to be ati factory.



Expan ion wa noted in all activities of St. John Ambulance in the Provlllce la t year. There wa an increa e in training a well a in Brigade ~trength.. There wa al 0 a greater demand for Brigade service and thus the pubhc duty hour increa ed considerably. The portable incubator put into ervice at the beginning of la t year pr~v~d to be uccessful and it i hoped will be even more 0 in the aim of asslstm~ to ~ut down the high infant mortality rate of the Province. The In,vahd tran port programme continued to be one of the largest undertakIng and requests for thi type of ervice were met quite succe fu~ly. A ne~ ambulance was added during the year. La t year the average miles p~r tnp wa 137.4. In, order to assist Brigade members in handling Fany different type of patIents encountered in tran port work pecial ~~t~r,es were started. The e i~clude prepared material used by the IV1SlOnai Surgeon and/or Nul' mg Officer to supplement their lecture.




Some of the ubject covered ~re: Oxyg~n therapy, tran port of infant,

ac~~:~~rt~~s~~~e~atdi~~~~~~';",~r~h~ a;~~r wa

the jJroviding of


New Brun wick Boy Scout Jamboree which aw o~e , ~o th~c~~tst camp on Wood tock I land i~ the St. John ri er for mne da~ . Th~ee hundred and eventy-eight ca ualtle re ulted. Part o~ the MobIle Hos ital Unit wa u ed. The average bed occupan~y wa. eight per on . Tw!nty-three member of the Brigade :vorked on thl proJect, bccau e of which no training cherne wa held as III past yea~.. . The other main highlight wa the Springhill ~me dL a ter III Octob.~ when the Brioade in the Province of New Brun wI~k wa a .ked th~ )rovi ~ e ui ment t;' as i t. Some $30,000 worth of eq ulpment, IX ve . LC e an q p went to Springhill to handle the vehLcle and twenty- even person . 1 k d t uartermaster the equipment. On arrival tlu ,Per onne wa a e a {ake on other duties namely to provide a phy lcal plant a.n d Je~ on~el for the psychiatric centre so that doct.or from Dalhou le nt er lty would be able to function efficiently. Nmety-one ca .e were handled by this Centre. Brigade members were al 0 a ked to a SISt at the morgue. .


First Aid training continued to how an increa e i~ the Provi~ce during the year in all aspect. Clas e were conducted III co-operatl?n with the Workmen s Compensation Boar~ S~fe~y School an~ In~u tnal Organisations throughout the Province, with Jumor cla .e bemg ~L ~n to Boy Scouts Girl Guides, Military Cadet and other youth orga~l atIOn . "Save-a-Life" Week, once agai~ ho~e~ excelle~t r~ ult with om~ 1 500 persons being instructed l~ Arttficl~l Re p~ratl~m by the lay instructors of the organisation. Thl type of III tructIOn 1 very nece ary in a Province such as Newfoundland where a large number of the people are employed in the fishing industry. . ' . The Brigade experienced further expansIO.n dunng 195~ Wlt~ ~he formation of a Boys' Cadet Divi ion . in th~ city of S~. John s, bnngmg to a total of four divisions now established III the .Provl.nce. The ca~l on the services of the Brigade were many and vaned with the cont.mued operation of three First Aid posts in the city of St. John' and one III the city of Corner Brook. These activities involved the trea~ment of orne 1,200 persons and the transporting of 43 of these to hospLtal for further medical care. OVA SCOTIA

Through the appointment of a full-time First Aid In tructor, it has been possible for classes to be held in many areas out of reach of 10c~1 instructors, as well as to ready potential l?cal instr~ctor to carry ?n this work on their own in these areas. ThLs expanSIOn, coupled. with t~e work of some 80 instructors located in the more popula.ted mdu .t~lal areas, has provided new impetus which is receiving p,ublLc reco~mtlOn and making the populace in general more s~fety c.onscIOus. Durmg ~he year 3000 persons in the Province earned First Aid and Home Nursmg Certifi~ates an increase of 19% over 1957. . During '~Save-a-Life" Week in 1958, sOJ?e. 2,800 pers~>n were glv~n instruction in the various methods of artifiCial respiratIOn and publtc interest was such that some 10,000 pamphlets on the Holger~Nlel~e~ method were distributed. Co-operation with the. Nova Scotia CIVil Defence authorities continued on very mutually satIsfactory grounds.


The members of the five Ambulance and nine Nursing Divisions in the Province ~ere kept quite actively employed in a mUltiplicity of public duties ~unng the year. Th~ bla.ck and white. uniform is becoming an increa mgly . more popular sight m Nova Scotia at a lengthening list of public ~unctIOn and m?re ~nd mor~ pers0!ls are being treated at Brigade First Aid Po t ,thu widemng pubhc relations. Perhaps the mo ~ outstanding Brigade duty performed during the year was the work done m the Springhill mine disaster in October and November of 1958. Working round the clock for twelve day, orne 150 members of the Brigade from Nova Scotia and New Brun wick, together with six ambulance and other vehicles accompli hed by plendid team work and dedication dutie and ervice far beyond the cope of First Aid. H.R.H. Prince Philip when vi iting Springhill, a ked e pecially to meet the Superintendent of the Springhill Nur ing Division whose members were on duty within mi~u.te after their offer of service wa gratefully accepted by the local authontte , a well a the Nova Scotia Provincial Staff Officer who wa in charge of St. John members at the cene and had warm word of prai e for the work of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in this disaster which again had truck Springhill. A a con equence of this work, many more people have a wider appreciation of the ervice rendered by the Brigade. On the financial ide member hip of St. John Ambulance in the Ha.lifax-D~rtmout~ ~nite~ .Appeal, approved in 1957, is working out atl factonly and It 1 anticipated that the St. John Branch in Amherst will jo~n t~e local United Appeal next year. A Provincia] campaign for fund I till nece ary, howe er to provide the monie required to meet the increa ing demand for ervice .



The year 1958 wa a mo t ucce sful one for St. John Ambulance in O~tario and wa ~arked by the revival of an ancient custom through HIS Honour, The LIeutenant Governor graciou ly con enting to become the ~ouncil' Patron during hi tenure of office. Al 0, following an electIOn of officer, Brigadier Ian Cumberland, D.S .O. O.B.E. E.D., replaced Mr. Ian MacLaren, M.C., after the latter' three mo t successful years a Pre ident, while General Sir eil Ritchie became a Vice-President. The.Or.der therefore, continue to have a trong team in charge of its affairs 10 the Province. . Training aw till further expan ion with the number of qualified ~nstructor pa sing the 300 mark. However, as the number of those mstructed e~ceeded 28,000 an increa e of 25 % in which First Aid and !-I0me Nu~ mg hared equally, many more in tructors mu t be developed 1~ the commg year to cope with till greater numbers expected. Organisation a.1 0 w~s materially improved by the addition of strong Branch COffiffilttee.s m Belleville, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury and Toronto. The Bngade remained constant at 100 Divi ion, but there was a number of changes with strong new Divisions replacing ineffective one. Further, the new policy of periodic change in staffs proved its worth, as new blood and new idea brought great improvement 'i n both esprit de corps and administration. In the National Fir t Aid Competition, Ontario again did well, a C.N.R. team from London winning the National Championship, while a Canada Cement Company team from Belleville won the Tyro competi-




tion. The Brigade team were not quite o. ucce ful, but the Algoma Steel Ambulance Divi ion of Sault Ste. Mane wa only. beaten out ~y a Manitoba team by the narrowe t of margin for the BrIgade ~hamplonhip. In Provincial competition, the "Soo" te~m wo~ the ~I.e~tenant­ Governor' trophy for Fir t Aid, while th .Barne Nul' l.n.g Divi lO!l.v.:- 0n the corresponding trophy for Home Nur l~g. In addl~JOn, a DIVI tOn from the Province again wa awarded the Bngade Proficiency Award for the best admini tered Ambulance Divi ion. FEDERAL 01 TRI T

There was a marked increa e in the number of cla e. held duri~g the latter part of 1958 , due to an energetic drive ~o e tab~l h cla e m ~he outlying area of the Di trict. The grO\ th of lf~tere t 111 Home u.r l~g course wa mo t gratifying and under the gUldance of the .Pro mClal Nur ina Officer and of the Provincial Superintendent (N), the Imp tu of the Ho~e Nursing programme promi e to be well maintai ned. Twice during the year Brigade member made emergency turnout, the first on the occa ion of the explo ion in the Centre of down-town Ottawa on 25th October, 1958. The explo ion, which cau ed heavy damage to building over a wide area, took pla~e at .15 a.m., and fifteen minutes later the fir t member went on duty m the bla t area. By 9.30 a.m. a First Aid Post had been e tabli hed with 20 men, 10 wo~el1 a~d one ambulance and crew on duty. Later in the day a econd FIr t ld Post was et up member fina1ly going off duty at 7 p.m. Oper~tio.n were directed throughout the day from the Di trict O~~e ,by the Pro ,mclal Superintendent (A) and in the field by one ~f the Dlvl tOnal Sup nntendents. The train derailment at Var , Ontano, on 6th December, 1958, called for another fa t turnout by Brigade member. The accident took place shortly before noon and by 12.30 p.m. two ambulance , with five men and three women were en route from Ottawa to Var . Many me ages of appreciation and thank were received for the ervice rendered to the public by Brigade personnel on both occa ion . The Nursina Cadet continued to how good progre and rendered much valuablel:> assistance to the enior divi ions at many public function during the year, such a the vi it to Ottawa of H.R.H. The Prince Margaret, the Central Canada Exhibition and other major event. In the field of public service the demand for First Aid coverage greatly exceeded that of the previous year and it became increa ingly difficult for the hard working personnel to meet all the call on their pare time. There are now six permanent Fir t Aid Po t under St. John juri diction in the Federal District. Entries for the National First Aid competition were not large, but the success gained by the Ottawa Central Nur ing Cadet Divi ion team, which had originally entered for an Intermediate trophy, in ecuring second place in the Senator McKeen Trophy for Senior Women i worthy of special mention. QUEBEC

It has been evident over the past two year that the public throughout the Province of Quebec has become more and more interested in the value of First Aid and Home Nursing as a means of conserving life. This state is clearly indicated through increased membership in the St. John


Ambulance Brigade and an increa e in award is ued to those following c1as e organi ed by St. John. In the year] 958 133 di trict , including Metropolitan Montreal, were covered by ,t he St. JO~ln Amb~la~ce through training in First Aid and Home Nur mg, a agam t 88 dl tnct in 1957, an increa e of 45 districts which.in it elf be pe~~ well for the increa ed intere t This is substan~ tiate~ m the 1958 t~ammg result which how that during the year, 13,250 Cert~ficate an~ higher a.wa rd . were granted (of which 10,040 Fir t CertIficate ), thl repre entmg ~n Jl1c~ease of 2,046 over the previous year. , The St. John Ambul~nce Bngade 111 t~e ~rovince progressed constantly In all depart~lent dunng the year. DJstnbuted amongst 60 cities and town the Bnga.de strength ha wown to l05 Division of all types with a total memb~r hlP of 2,33,6, an 111~rea. e of 255 over the previous year. Due to the Jl1crea e of BrIgade Ul1lt 111 the Temi cousta and Matapedia Di trict , two new Corp \ ere formed. With their u ual z~al and devotion to the cause of humanity, Brigade merr:tber ha e a~qUltted them elve of their variou dutie in a mo t efficle,nt and atl factory manner. The e dutie - Public, Tran port !1ospltal and other -.repre ented more than 300,000 man-hours, an mcreas~ of o~er 6,300.111 1957. A total of 17 409 per on were admini tered ~lr t Ald. Of thl num ber, 798 required further medical or ho pital attentIOn. In June 1958 at the annual meeting of the Pro incial Council Lt.-Col. Kenn~th M. Ca e . E.D. wa elected Pre ident to replace Mr. Charles J. DUpUl who had directed the affair of the Council 0 capably durin a the past two year. I:> KATCHEWA l

Another year of record


e tabli hed in thi

Province in 1958.

Th~ number of cl~ e held wa the highe t ever, and in number trained an ln~rea e of 23 % o. er 1957 wa obtained, a total of 4,360 Certificate

and higher award bell1g granted to ucce ful candidate in Fir t Aid and Home ur ing examination. C~-operation with Pro incial and local Ci il Defence authoritie c?ntll1u~d on a mutual~y ati factory ba i .duri~g the year, with Casualty SimulatIOn dem.o n tratlOn and COUL e bell1g given by qualified St. John per onne\. A 1 tance wa al 0 given Civil Defence in conducting two RO.me Nur ing In tructor ' cour e, A concerted effort wa made to enh~t th~ help of local ,branche of the Ladie ' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legl~n 111 t.he expan 100- of the St. !ohn training programme in the Provll1ce, With encouragll1g re ult whIch promi e well for the future. J\l,though the number of team entering the ational First Aid CompetJtlOn wa not large, intere t ran high with a team from the C.N.R. N~tana Car Dept. o.f Sa katoon finishing in runner-up po ition for the P~lOry Wall~ce Ne bIt.t General Trophy the enior men' National Fir t Aid In.du tnal Champion hip. Dunng the year, the Brigade membership in the Province was increased b~ some 25 new member , thu off etting the light decrea e which oc~urred 111 .1957. The 251 member on strength again made very worthWhile contnbutlOn to their communitie by ama sing a total of over 1~,000 man-hours of public d~~ie a sub tantia1 increa e over the pre~~~s ye~r. ~orm ?~ competl~lve effort ~a been introduced in Brigade k which, It IS anticIpated, wIll tend to Improve general efficiency.





_. g 1958 the Bell Telephone Centre carried out it Fir t Aid and D UIm , ··fi · . th Nur in<Y programme very ucce fully, a Igm cant mcre~ e 111 e to~~~umber ~f employees trained being record d over t~e p~·evlO~ y~ar. Altogether 6 04 Bell Telephone men:bers p~ ed examma~l?n III First Aid or Home Nur ing, thi repre entmg an mcrea e .o f 26 / 0 over 1957. In the competition field, a total of 57 Tyro and Semor team too.k part in competition organised in the Co~p~ny. Ten teal? from Onta:lO a~d Quebec were entered in the Provmctal and NatlOnal Cha~p.lOn hip Competition conducted by the St. John Ambulan~e A~ o~latlOn. ~ women's team from Walkerton, Ontario, ucceeded m wmlllng the Su George Burn National trophy a Senior Men' team, from Montreal won the Quebec Provincial trophy and a Montreal Men Tyro team placed econd for the National Tyro trophy. The MO~llltgarr~tt trophy wa. ~on by one of thi Centre' team captain. ~t I partlcul.a~ly .gra~lfYlng that thi plendid howing was not due to ll1crea ed partlclpatlOn III one or two areas only, but the re ult of concerted effort by Areas throughout the Bell territory. H




During the year, first aid activitie in the Canad~an National Railway Centre once again re ulted in a record year as eVidenced by the large t number of employee ever to be examined for fir t aid award after completing a full course, 202 elas e held at which 2,118 lecture we~e given. Three thousand and for~y-nine e~ployee ucce fully pa. ed their examinations and obtained their re pectlve award. In the Mamtenance of Way Department, elasse were held at 82 point and 1,556 employee trained. During the ummer month Supervi or travelled almo t 3,000 miles by track motor car to contact 517 ection gangs ~nd. gave h?rt .fir t aid lectures to nearly 2,000 employee. The policy of bnngmg to Wmlll~eg small groups consisting of ] 0 to 1~ Fo.remen for th~ purpo e of Job instruction training continued, at whIch time they are given a full cour e in first aid. . Company First Aid Compet.itions continued .to create g.reat m~e~e t and enthusiasm and were of consIderable benefit m promotmg trammg. I.n 1958, 41 teams (20 Senior and 21 Tyro) participated. Team frol? thiS Centre, as in previous years, entered St. John Ambulan.ce CompetitiOn . Our first aid team from the Car Shops of London, Ontano, wa ucce ful in winning the Provincial Championship of Ontario, a well as the Wal~ace Nesbitt General Trophy and the Monttzambert Trophy put up by Pnory Headquarters for National competit~on .. C ..N.R. team .m .Sa katche~an and New Brunswick were succe sful III wmnmg the Provmclal ChampiOnship in these two Province~. .. During the ten-year penod, 1949-58 melus.lve, 22,?33.employee have received first aid instruction and passed theIr exammatlOn~cce s~u~ly. Our Supervisors of First Aid conti!lued in .1958. ~o give first. aId trammg to many isolated communities, partIcularly III Bntish ColumbIa, Nort?~rn Ontario Northern Quebec and Newfoundland. In smaller commullltles, High S;hool students, school bus drivers, housewives, Army cadets, etc., have taken advantage of this training. A number of our employees have been commended by local doctors for the excellent first aid treatme.nt rendered to injured employees and others. As in previous years, special



courses were given to "everal hundred Electrical Apprentices, covering the treatment for electric hock and al 0 to nurse employed in Company clinics who were given a refre her cour e in the H olger-Nielsen method of artificial re piration. CA ADIAN PA IF!


During the year 28 qualified in tructor conducted a total of ] 55 Fir t Aid classes in 49 different citie acros Canada with an attendance of 1,132 employee and with 1,032 qualifying for Certificate or higher awards, this being an increae of ]09 over 1957. In addition to the stand.ard Fir t Aid cour e, a group of 51 non-qualified instructors held a total of 367 two-hour monthly meetings in the modified course with an attendance of 603 more employee preparing them elve for the tandard cour e. Special fir t aid in truction and advice applicable to Maintenance of Way work were given to 1,241 employee working along the right-ofway, in tation and terminal. In conjunction with the St. John " Save-a-Life ' Week, 1,420 employees at We ton Shop were given a demonstration and practical in truction in the Holger-Niel en method of artificial re piration. A similar programme wa carried out on the Pacific Region with 500 employees participating making a total of 1,920 employee. taking part in these very important demon tration. The member of the Fir t Aid team at Weston Shops, Winnipeg, the 1958 winner of the Priory Manitoba Provincial Shield, emblematic of the Open Fir t Aid Championship of Manitoba were pre ent and ga e demon tration in the Rolger-Nielsen method of artificial re piration at the medical convention of the College of General Practitioner of Canada held at the Royal Alexandra Hotel in April, 1958. A total of 4 896 employee therefore of thi Centre received First Aid instruction during the year. Other activitie. uch a Competition , Inspection of Fir t Aid equipment, anitation and hygiene in pection , etc., on trains and at all point vi ited by Regional Fir t Aid Supervisor wer~ included in the Company' Fir t Aid programme, succe fully carned out throughout the year a a re ult of the continued co-operation and as istance of all officer, medical examiner, upervi or and in tructor in tILis work. DEPARTME T OF


Royal Canadian av)'.- The textbook "Fundamental of First Aid ., which was ad~pted officially by the Royal Canadian avy in 1957, h~ prove~ well s~Ited to the need of the Navy for uch training. An mcrea mg desire for training in fir t aid ha been noted among N.av~l per onnel and their dependants. The arne enthusiasm exi t Within the Civil Service group attached to aval e tabli hment. Step were ta~en to ensure that adequate means were provided to fo ter and :n~et t~1 demand. An even more rewarding year i expected in 1959 a It IS eVIdent that first aid training has been accepted throu<Yhout the Navy as an es ential in preparedne for the future. 0 Canadian Army.-The empha i on first aid training for the Canadian Army has been maintained and large number of Regular and Militia personnel have qualified for St. John Ambulance Fir t Aid Certificate

REPORT OF THE CIIAPTER-G ERAL 2 and hio-her award. A number of per onnel have becomc Certificated · At:d I tructor of St John Ambulancc. F lr t t nd d A M~dical Offic r have kept up a clo e liai on with Cornman an r a . . t f and hav . e heir local St. John Ambulance. A OClatLOn repre en a Ive . t ' furthenng the programme. Service medical t . taken an actIve par In .d d . t lCC when officer and certificated ervice in tructor prov~ ~. a I al. ' re ue ted. in the jn~ truction and e amination of. ~lyllIan fir t aId c1a e. . q . 'l'tary team (Regular and M Ilttla) competed for the Forty-nme mt I . dIM . Otter Trophy Provincial Jv1ilitary Trophie. EIght team entere t le. ary.. Competl't'Ion. Th'1 repre ent a ub tantial increa e In activIty over last year. . Ro 'a! Canadian Air Force.-The R.C.A.F. ha continued to pro\ Ide fir t ~id training to the Regular, Re erve and Cadet compon~nt b o{ the Service, and many per onnel ha e been awarde~ the St.. John. m.u .a~ce Certificate. Thi year ha seen the introductLOn of mten Ive tl alOmg es for per onnel of tho e branche of the Regular ~orcc wh? would ~~u~ore directly involved in provi~ing emergency fir t aid and fil t treat· ment service in the event of a major cat a trophe. ORTHER


During the year a total of 274 Certificate and high~r aw~rd were ained by employee of thi Centre a a result of the FI r. t AI~ cia se ~eld. While thi figure i lightl~ loy er tha~ that attalned.In 1957. interest in First Aid training contmue at a hIgh Ie el and thl augur well for the future. ROYAL CA ADIA



1958 proved to be another sati factory year for thi Cen~re. A total of 134 First Aid c1as e were held, with 1,821. award being earned by members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. OF the total, 1 156 were Vouchers, Medallions and Label , indicati e of the lmpo~tance placed on the continued study of the subject to en ure greater proficiency among the members of the Force.


During the year under review, ~here. has been . mo t gratifyin1? progre. s throughout the Priory in Austraha, wIth extenslOn of general mter~ t In the aims, objects and general working of the Orde~ of St. J.ohn 111 ~1I States. Particular mention may be made of the keen mterest dl played In Papua and New Guinea with the establishment of a Sub-Centre of .the Association in that area following the excellent ground-work and orgalllsa· tion carved out by Pastor Hare and Mis Higgins of ~he New South ~al.es Association and brought to finality by the intere.st given by the AdmInts· trator, Brigadier The Honourable Donald Mackmnon Cleland, C.B.E:. . It is with very deep regret that we have to record the death of our Pno f ) Chaplain the Most Reverend H. W. K. Mowll, C.M.G., D .D., Ar~h· bishop of Sydney, Sub-prelate of the Order and Primate of Au tral1a. Although his health had been indifferent for the gre~ter .part of the ye:J and precluded his attendance at the Chapter Meetmg m June, he h



rc umed activc d utie and his udden death was not anticipated. A memorable funeral service wa held at Sl. Andrcw' Cathedral, when all section of the community were pre ent to pay their last respect to one who by hi integrity, tolerancc, wide vi ion, ca y approach and intense intere t in a wide range of ubject had endeared him elf to everybody who came into contact with him. He had alway taken a keen interest in the Order of St. John and this never flagged in hi many years of as oeiation with our original Commandery and ubsequently the Priory. It was he who suggc ted and arranged for Priory Headquarters to be situated in Church Hou e, Sydney, an a oeiation with the Cathedral of which the Priory i justly proud and which ha had many beneficial repercu ions. Hi . memory and influence will remain with Priory for all time. Our new Secretary Major J. F. Martin, M.V.O. M.B.E. E.D. took over his dutie in July and ha hown by diligent and keen study of past activitie of the Priory an appreciation of our manifold interests which augur well for hi future ervices with u. Following Commander Bowen' re ignation Mr. Noel Hayton carried on a Acting Secretary in a part-time po ition and we are very much indebted to him for the efficient manner in which he coped with the dutie involved and for his helpful advice to our new Secretary. We were very plea ed to , ee that Commander Bowen and Colonel Chri tie received recognition for their service to the Order by the award of O.B.E. in the recent ew Year Honour. The report of individual Priory Executive Officer contain many item of intere t, but to ave duplication will not be mentioned in this report other than a reference to the inter-State vi it of in pection paid by our Chief Commi ioner of the Brigade, which stimulated great intere t in the capital citie he vi , ited. The recon titution of Priory Executive ha been most ucce ful and all the officer concerned have coped with their dutie in a very capable fashion. It i very ati factory to our Priory that in con idering the quinquennial complement and quota, Grand Priory ha a sented to the uggestion ubmitted after our June Chapter Meeting increa ing the complement in senior grade of the Order for both Priory and Commandery as well as the annual quota a from 1 t January 1959. Thi will enable the Priory to build up the admi sion to and promotion in the Order over the next five year and 0 increa e the pre tige and growth of the Order in Au tralia. Investiture have been held by the Deputy-Prior in each State during the year, but a it wa not po ible to hold the 1957 Inve titure in New South Wale tlus wa carried out on 8th February, 1958 and the usual one on 1st October, ] 958. All Member of Chapter attending Inve titure now wear their robe of office. A Meeting of Priory Council wa held in Dioce an Church House, Sydney, on Friday 20th June 1958, at 2.15 p.m., when the Deputy-Prior for New South Wale Hi Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Eric Woodward, presided. There wa a very ati factory attendance of delegate from all the Ea tern State and the Commandery in Western Australia. The actual bu ine wa expedited by the concrete propo al put forward by the everal Standing Committee which had met over the 36 hour prior to the meeting, and which will be covered in the Executive Officers' reports.



The meeting of Priory Chapter was held in the Chapter Hou e St. Andrew' Cathedral, Sydney, on Satur~ay, 21 t June 1958, at 10 a.m. The full Ceremonial Capitular Proces ~on wa held, .when member of Chapter in robe and carrying full regatta proceeded flom Churc.h House to the Cathedral for the opening prayer . and. t~en to. Chapt~[ House. Hi Excellency the Prior, Field-Mar hal Sir Wllha~ Sltm pre l~e~ over a very repre entative gathering. The recommendatlOn for Adml. Ion to and Promotion in the Order and Priory Vote of Thank a ubmltted by Priory Council were ubmitted and ~pproved as were the sev.er~l matters as ed on from Council. It was decIded to record the appr~clatlOn of ~he p. d red by Commander Bowen over hi long penod of crVlce services ren e 1 . R· t and a to Commandery and then Priory in hi dua capacity a egl rar s Secretary. The sugge ted increase in ~omplement and annual quota were approved for ubmission to Grand Pnory. . . The thanks of Priory were recorded to H~ Gr~ce the Archbl hop ~nd to the Very Reverend E. A. Pitt. Dean for their a Istance and co-oper.atlOn in making Church Hou e, the Chapter Hou e and the Cathedral available for the Priory meeting . . . On Sunday 22nd June 1958 a combined ervice of Pnory and Bngade was held in St. Andrew' Cathedral at 11 a.~. when the New South Wale Brigade Band a isted in. musical rer:denng o~ some of the hymn. The Lessons were read by Their Excellencle the Pnor, and the DeputyPrior of New South Wales. . . . In conclusion I wish to express my appreclatlOn .of the ser Ice rendered by all Priory Officers during the year and ~ould l~ke to ay how ~rateful I am for their loyal and efficient co-operatIOn dunng the year, which has lightened my responsibilitie considerably. HUGH R. G. POATE, Chancellor.

held in St. George's and St. Mary's Cathedrals which were attended by the Knight Commander and Chapter in ceremonial dress together with members of the Order and Association and Brigade. Commandery Chapter and Council ha met on two occasions during the year.


COMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA Progress in the work of the Order in ~his State has been teadily mai~­ tained and in addition this year the Bngade has commenced cour e III Civil Defence organisation in the Metropolitan and country area under the supervision of H. Hilton. . . Commandery had the pleasure of welcoming the Chief Comml loner for Australia, Brigadier W. W. S. Johnston, C.B.E., D.S ..O., M.~. , K.St.J., who paid a visit to Perth in September last and found time dunng his very active tour to meet members informally at. Headquarter .. Owing to the absence of His Excellency, Sir c;harle . Galrdner, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., C.B., C.B.E., on leave in the Ulllted Kmgdom no investiture was held. Her Majesty the Queen, Sovereign He.ad ?f the Ord~r, . has been graciously pleased to sanction the promotlOn 1ll and admLsslOn to the Order of four Commanders (Brother), three Officers (Brother), one Officer (Sister), five Serving Brothers and one Servi~g Sister. We report with regret the deaths of the followmg members of the Order: J. F. Tomlinson, O.St.J.; W. A. Re teaux, O.St.J.; W. A. K. Judge, S.B.St.J . Special services were held throughout the State on Sunday 29th June to commemorate the 127th Anniversary of the Revival of the Order in the British Realm. In the Metropolitan area Special Services were



The interest in cla s work has been maintained for the year and although fewer classes have been held the number of pas es have increased. The summary of cla se and passes to the 31st December 1958 with 1957 figures in parenthesi , i a follow :-Number of class~s held 227 (344); First Aid, 183 (199); ~ome Nursing, 44 (45); Number instr~cted, 3,554 (4 007); Number exammed, 3,456 (3 711); Number of Certificates: Adult, 1,246 (l234)· Preliminary, 849 (647); Voucher, 205 (262); Me~allion , 186 (165); Label , 737 (7.36); Pendants, 191 (162). Smce 1891, when the We t Australian Centre of the Association was e tabli ~ed , ~9 431'pa e have. been obtained from students comprising 79,420 m. FIr t Aid, ]9971 m Home ursing and 40 in Hygiene. Included m the e pa e are 6665 Medallions, 16,791 Labels and 5,415 Pendant. The Perth and Suburb Ambulance Tran port Service answered 10,391 call . and conveyed J 1,~73 ca e to and from Ho pitals, of these 9,428 were medical and 2,045 aCCident. The mileage covered was 95 197.6 miles. T~e total num~er of Sub-Centre which operate an ambulance transport serVIce h~ n~w m~rea ed to 67 in addition to the Perth and Suburbs. • In conjUnctIOn wIth the St. !~hn Ambulance Brigade, and at the reque t of the State Government a CIvil Defence Committee has been formed for the purpo e of giving indoctrination cour e to Brigade and Association per onnel on ~a ualty Clearing and Ambulance Tran port. All instructor are tho e havll1g attended the Commonwealth School of Civil Defence at Mt. Macedon with the exception of Dr . Cohen. Thorburn and Le Souef who do the lecture on Biological and Chemical Warfare and Burns with emphasi on R~diation Sicknes. The cour e i in keeping with th~ Mt. Ma~edon teachm~ and note are i ued to the pupil attending, permission havmg been obtamed from the Commonwealth to reproduce them. Four two-day cour e have b en held in the Metropolitan area and 145 tudents have attended. Wes.tern f\ustralia i ~ec0!l1ing Civil Defence minded and are realising that First Aid and Nur mg I.S the first ba ic training required so that the 1959 cia s ~gure hould be mcrea ed quite a lot. . Once. agam, Dr. B. C. Cohen wa re-elected as President of the Associat1On, WIth Mr. T. Tetterington a Vice-President, Mes r . J. A. Faulkner and A. B. Krug were again re-elected a Honorary General Secretary and Honorary Trea urer, re pectively. To. the me~bers. of the medical and nur ing profe sions for their gratUItous serVIces m lecturing and examini ng; the class instructors and demonstrators for their help with the practical side of the instruction· the SUb-Centre Committees; officials and voluntary drivers of the Cou'ntry Amh bulan~es. and the St. John Ambulance Brigade for their co-operation, t e AssocIatlOn extends grateful thanks. he C.ouncil also give sincere thanks to the administrative staff, drivers and st~t~on officer, led by the Secretary, Mr. Hilton, for their efficiency an WIllIngness.









The Bri ade' strength now i :-Ambulance. I?~vi ion, 40 Stre.nglh _ fS D " 'on 14 (25 ). Combined Divi IOn , 7, (A., 106, N., 844; ~UI .Jntg IffVI (lA 16 4)' Cadet Ambulance Di vi ion , 21 (448); 49)', Dl tnc . Sta, . S ta, ff (A ." 5 N ., 3) . D '" ., ,18 ."(400)' Cadet Dl. tnct Cadet Nur Jnbg . hI .1 l?nA'nlbulanc; 966 Nur ina 311, Ambulance Cadets Total mem er Ip 1 :::>

55~ ~u~~~~u?:~ce; rifJ'ion

include Perth Ai~port. a.n~ Pertl~ st. John Ban~. The latter replacing Sev nth Day Adventl t DlVl IOn. Hilton Park D' . .on ha gone into reces . . W ~ew Combined Divi ion ha tarted at Nar:nup In the South e~t d h the Commis ioner vi ited them dunng the year the n~embels area an wken N w Cadet Nur ing Divi ion have been e tablI hed at were very een. e T C d t l i d Lathlain Park Northam and Geraldton. wo new a e ;!~~l~~C~ Divi ion hav'e been e tabli hed at Northam and al 0 at Victoria Park. . d Id b The strength of the Cad~t h~w a. steady Increa e an wou e greater but for the difficulty In findmg Ultable officer .


Service Awards :-Eighteen service medal were awarded, 15 fir t bars, five second bar and three third bar. . Unfortunately these medals and ~ar arrived. 0 late.m the year a to preclude a uitable o~ca ion for theu pre entatlOn. It I hoped to make an opportunity early In 1959. . d b h Ten nursing cadets were presented with the Grand Pnor Ba ge y t ~ Chief Commissioner, Brig. John ton, at the Annual Parade on 14t September, 1958. Obituary ' -We regret to have to report the death of two tal.wart of the Brigad~: Div. Supt. (Retd.) W. A. Restieau (O.StJ.) and Dlv. Supt. J. Pearse. St John's Day:-Once again a large number ~f the Brigade marched thro~gh Perth and preceded a Capitular ProceSSlOn of member of the Commandery Chapter into St. George' Cathedral. Memb~r of the Bri ade in uniform and member of the Commande~y Cha~ter m mantle att;nded early mass at St. Mary's Cathedral. Spectal ervlce were held in most towns throughout the State, in which a centre of St. John operates. Annual Inspection : -The Annual Inspection wa held on. the E planade on Sunday, 14th September. On this para~e there were Just o~er 1,000 adults and cadets present. The parade was mspected by the Chief Commissioner, Brig. W. W. S. Johnston, C.~.E., D.S.O. , M.C., leStJ., .E.~ .. who had a chat with many present. Thls parade wa the fir t occa lOn 10 which the new St. John Band appeared in full uni[orm. They gave a very creditable performance. Many came from long distance to be pre ent. Visit of Chief Commissioner:-The Chief Commissioner, Brig. John ton. C.B.E., D.S.O. , M.C. , K.St.J., E.D., ~rrived in Perth on 7th September, and in addition to acting as Inspectmg Officer at t~e parade had ~ opportunity of meeting members of the Order and semor members of t e Brigade. He also visited the Osborne Park Centre of St. John and saW the Cadet Ambulance Divi~ion at practice t~er~, and m~t member~ of t~~ Ambulance Division and mspected the bUlldmg. WhIle o.n hol~d~y s Albany he inspected Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet Nursmg DIV1SlO n



there and also the Denmark Section of D enmark. Visits from high ranking Priory Officer help con iderably in stim ulating the interest of member of the Brigade. The Chief Commissioner has promi ed to return in two year' time when it i hoped that he can see more of the work in the country di trict .

Cadet Day:- A the Cadet paraded at the Annual In peclion so that the Chief Commi sioner could ee them, no special day for the cadets was held. Compe'ili~l7s.-The Tymms C;:~p. (Ambulance Divisions) was won by Margaret River Ambulance DIVI lOn team, after being runner-up for several years. Merredin Ambulance Divi ion was econd and Lake View and Star Ambulance Division, third. The team from Kalgoorlie Ambulance Divi ion which won the Priory Cup had been split up and Kalgooriie, thi year, wa eliminated by Lake View and Star in the subdistrict competition. Donald on Cup wa won by Perth No.2 Nursing Division, and Barrow Shield by Perth No. 1 Nur ing Divi ion. Each competition wa won by only one point. The entry of teams from only two Divi ion wa very di appointing and the tandard wa not up to that usually hown. Donald on Shield (Ambulance Cadet) was won by Kalgoorlie Cadet Ambulance Divi ion with a very fine performance. Osborne Park Cadet Ambulance Divi ion wa econd. Holland Shield ( ur ing adet) wa held on July 6th. An entry of five team gave the adjudicator orne heavy work. Perth No. 1 Cadet Nur ing Divi ion were the winner from Perth No. 2 Cadet ursing Di vi ion by the small margin of eight point. Only 25 point . eparated the fir t from the fifth.

Public DUlies:- Again member of Nur ing Divi ion have accompanied the dri er of am bulance in the Metropolitan Area and operated under the St. John Ambulance A ociation. In country di trict many Brigade member are on ro ter of voluntary driver of ambulance. Thi often entail long di tance and after each ca e the vehicle ha to be made ready for the next trip. Rockingham Section of Medina Combined Divi ion ha e tabli hed a fir t aid po t near Rockingham beach and attended over 100 patient la t ummer. Wanneroo Combined Divi-ion was ?nly regi tered late in 1957, yet at Mullaloo beach (a fair-sized campmg area well away from other habitation and a good di tance from W~n~ero.o) they opened a fir t aid po t on Boxing Day, 1957. Thi bUlldmg I valued at £300. It provide not only a fir t aid post but living quarter for the per onnel on duty for the week-end. In the past year the member of thi Divi ion ha e travelled 1,434 mile on duty and attended 94 ca e , and have covered 375 man-hour. Public dutie at sport, agricultural how and other activitie have again been efficiently and willingly undertaken. Civil Defence:- Several Senior Officer of the Brigade and St. John Ambulance Association have attended the Civil Defence School at Mt. Mace.don. During the latter part of 1958 several week-end schools were held III Perth for Di trict Staff and Officer of the Brigade and Officer of the As ociation. Those who attended the Macedon school being the lecturer~. !he Murray Di trict Combined Divi ion under Div. Supt. (now Dlstnct Officer) Hope have given very efficient demonstrations in




'k Th South Perth Ambulance and N ur ing Divi ion have rescue \ 01. e ., '11 t b 11 d . d . 'Iar team 0 that Murray DI tnct WI no e ca e upon trame a l m I , ., b have to trav I o much in the New Year. Murray Dl . tnct .mem er e a roximately 60 mile to the Metropolitan area. . . p~ roaramme ha been drawn up for 1959 ex~endtng the teachtng to Cou!try °Centr and Divi ion in the Metropolttan Are~. Thank are d to the Di trict Superintendent and member of the DI tnct taff for t~e~r \ ork and whole-hearted co-operation during t~e y~a:, and to the taff of the St. John Ambulance A ociation for their willIng help and co-opera tion.



At a meetincr of Commandery Council held at St. John Headquarte: . Salisbury, on 10th January 1958 Hi E cellency the Earl of Dalhou .le, G B E M.C., Knight of the Order, Go ernor-General of the Fed~ratlon or" Rh~desia and Nya aland, wa formally welcomed on a ummg the office of Knight Commander. . Meetincrs of Commandery Chapter were pre ided 0 er by the Kl11ght Commander at St. John Headquarter, Sali bury, on 7th Febru~ry and 18th December, 1958, the latter being follow~d. by . an In e tlt,:re of Member of the Order attended by aery dl .tmgUl h~d gath nng. The work of the Order throughout the Feder~tlOn ~ontmue to expa~d and the improvement in the trength of the Bngade 1 a ourc of atl' faction Chapter gratefully acknowledge the valued uppor~ of member' of the Order throughout the three Territorie of the Federation.




of which Mr. Biggs trave~led many thousand of miles and was afforded the opportunity of ob ervmg at fir t hand ~ot .only the ~or~ of the 9.rder and its establi lunent but all a pect of ltfe m the terrItOrIes he VIsIted. To say that he was impres ed by what he aw would be a gro s understatement and there i no doubt that hi whole outlook was greatly broadened by hi experience. J am grateful to the Priory in Southern Africa and the S~. John . Council . in Kenya fo: their w~ol~-~earted cooperation and ass.l tance I~ prepanng and carrY1l1g out thiS V~S.It. Once again Bngade unit had a most ucces ful competitIOn eason , the BuJawayo Railway Nur ing Division winning for the third year in succession the Hewat Shield premier nur ing trophy in Southern Africa, as well a the Florence Thomp on Rose Bowl for the best individual. This Divi ion i to be congratulated on it fine achievement in competition with the be t team in Southern and Central Africa. The year ha on the whole been a ucce ful one and there are sign that the hard work put into the recruiting effort i having it effect. The Brigade ha been fully extended in meeting the call made upon it and I congratulate all unit upon the fine manner in which they have responded.

THE COMlVIA DERY OF ARD The out tanding event of 1958 wa the Review of the Cadets by H.R.H. The Prince Margaret in the King' Hall Balmoral Belfast, on 28th October, 1958 thi being the econd occa ion when a member of the Royal Family ha 0 honoured the Order and the Brigade in Northern Ireland. Her Royal Highne y a accompanied by Hi Excellency the Lord Prior, the Lord Wakehur t and the Commandery Commi sioner, Brigadier T. W. David on. In the pre ence of a large and di tingui hed REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF A mULA CE D gathering Her Royal Highne in pected more than 900 Cadet from COMMA I DERY COMMI SIO ER divi ion throughout Northern Ireland. The Brigade trength has increa ed by 129 to a total of 2,604, and ha' During the year much time and labour wa expended, especially by the thus maintained the upward trend of the previou year. The n umbe.r of Lord Prior, on the organi ation and production of a "Cavalcade of St. Divisions has also risen by three to 46 two A~bulance a~d one mixed John." Thank to Hi E cellency enthu ia m and untiring effort the Ambulance/Nursing Division having been r~g~s~ered dur~ng the year. text of eight epi ode repre enting the hi tory and work of the Order. whilst a further two African Ambulanc DlvislOn are m cour e of together with a connecting narrati\e, \ ere written by well-known script formation. I . . d Th writer. The production wa by Le lie J one and tho e taking part were The interest being shown by African ha been weI mamtame: e all member of local dramatic and mu ical ocietie. The Cavalcade, two Divisions registered this year have made. g<?o~ progre , and WIt~ the which ran for a week, opened at the Grand Opera Hou e Belfast, with a registration of the two now being form~d It IS mtende~ to e tablt h a Gala Performance in the pre ence of Their E cellencie The Governor Bulawayo African Ambulance Corp . Thi development 1 welcomed and and The Lady Wakehur t, the Prime Mini ter , the Lord Mayor and will, it is hoped, stimulate interest in other. centre. . Lady Mayore and practical! every member of the Commandery Recruiting for the Brigade show ome Improvement, but there I no Chapter. reason for complacency and a number of unit are still weak. . , The Order and the Brigade have uffered grievou 10 by the death of Association Centres have been very active and the number of certIficatel Elliott, Dr. Cunningham and Dr. Moffat, who took a deep per onal awarded during the year has inc rea ed to 2 383. . .' Interest in the welfare of the Order and it Foundation. The advent of the new First-Aid Manual ha gIven gre~t all factlO~. On 22nd June the Annual Commemoration Service wa held in St. and all training as from January 1959 will be ba~ed upon .1t. The pubh· Anne's Cathedral Belfa t, and the country ervice took place in West cation of the new Nursing Manual i eagerly awaited as thl ha been felt Presbyterian Church Ballymena on 4th May. A large number of me~bers and gue ts attended both ervice. to be long overdue. .. . . .. At the request of the Assistant Comml IOner-m-Chief an Itmerary was HIS Excellency the Knight Commander pre ided at all meeting of prepared to cover South, Centr~l and East Africa fo~ the vi it of ~a~et Commandery Chapter which were held at Government Hou e. Meeting Officer A. E. Biggs, under the King George VI Memonal Le~der TramlO~ of Co,mmandery Council held in St. John Hou e were pre ided over by Bursary scheme. The visit lasted from March to October, m the cours the Lieutenant Mr. J. H. H. Pollock. An Inve titure wa held in the l





Throne Room , Government Hou e, on 26th March by Hi Excellenc\. the Lord Prior. The re pon e of member of the Order, within the Commandery area to the appeal for payment of oblation by deed of Covenant, ha beer mo t gratif~ing. The Order Ball, through the genero ity of the Lord Mayor and Cor· poration, wa held in the City Hall, Belfast, on 24th January. It Wa attended by over 600 members and gue t and wa a great ucce s. Once again we are indebted to As ociated Briti 1:- Cinema Ltd. for it· kindnes in arranging a midnight matinee, the entire proceed of whict were allocated to our fund. In addition to the midnight matinee th, Brigade wa permitted to take up for one week, a foyer collection in a' A.B.C. cinema and one Rank cinema in Northern Ireland. Addition to the Museum during the year included photographs 0 H.R.H. The Princes Margaret and the Lord Prior, Lord Wakehurst 24 hand painting on glass of pa t Grand Ma ter of the Order wer· generously donated by Mrs. Bald, widow of the late Captain Bald, ~. and an antique library table wa pre ented by Mr. Burrow of Antnm. T. JOH


The intere t in the work of the A ociation during the year in regard t adult and preliminary ubject wa maintained in Belfa t Londonderr and Fermanagh, but the number of cla e held in Countie Armagh an Tyrone were fewer than last year. .., . The Director is confident, though, that the ItuatlOn III Countle Armag and Tyrone will improve as the u efulness of the A ociation becomr better understood, which it is beginning 0 to do in the e Countie . County Down, however, showed a great improvement from the previot year, which i mo t encouraging, as thi County ha alway proved ver difficult to cover. The Director and Chairmen of Council de ire to record their thanks t Medical , Nursing and Demonstrator Staff for their unfailing uppor!. Adult Certificates Preliminary Prelim ina' Adult Certifi· and A wards Classes Classes cates 428 (44: 38 (38) 981 (1 022) 66 (63) First Aid 142 (2a (21) 16 (442) 232 38 (38) Home Nursing 52 (& (5) 6 (34) 12 (3) 3 Child Welfare 12 ( ~ (8) 3 (44) (4) Hygiene. Hygienic Food ((- ) (70) 16 (3) 2 Handling. ST. JOH


The year's highlight was the review of our Cadets by their Commandan in-Chief, H.R.H. Princess Margaret. More than 900 Ambulance ar Nursing Cadets, who were transported by road and rail to Balmor. Belfast, paraded in the King's Hall on the 28th October. Her Roj. Highness in her closing address stated how delighted she was with ever thing she had witnessed and commended the cadets on their smartness ar turn-out. The success of the Parade was due to the detailed and oflk organisation by the officers concerned. To the District Cadet Officer


Mr. C. Murray ~nd Mi ~. Garrett and their Staff and Area Officers are due commendatIOn for their preparations for the attendance of so many cadet. Thanks are ~ue to the Parade Commander, Area Commissioner Dr. G. Gre~g, and hi Starr Officers and e pecially Sergeant Major Wm. Osborne, 1nsh Guard attached Queen's Univer ity O.T.c. , who instructed. the cadet at rehe~r al . The smartne s and efficiency of the parade which were mo t creditable, reflected the extent of the work put in by these officer . Th~ in pection was a great occasion and will not oon be forgotten , especially by. tho e Cadets who were enrolled or received awards from H~r Royal .Hlghn~ss. It was a matter of regret? ~owever, that Her Royal Hlghn~S dId not Jl1spect each rank as was antICIpated, and which would have given the Cadet a better chance of seeing her. . Training:- The A.nn~al Trai~ing Cour e for Nursing Divisions was held III Bangor. Our DI tnct Pre Ident, Lady Wakehurst, visited the course and pre ented a number of .,ervice med:als and .bars. Among other lecture, doctors lectured on Atmosphenc PollutlOn and its effect on Health" and "The New Fir t Aid Textbook." Thi very popular course was, a . u ual, we~l attended. Thanks are due to Mrs. Neill who was re pon Ible for thl excellently organised cour e. Th~ Annual Training Cour e for Ambulance Cadet Officers which took place In St. John Hou e Belfa t in December, wa mo t valuable and well attended. In July, Ambulance Cadet went i~to camp in Portru h for a fortnight. The weather turned out to ~e appallmgl,Y, wet and the camp was literally f1oo.ded o~t. The. boy de plte bad conditIOn , gave many demonstrations of life- avmg which were witne ed by big crowds. The Nur ing. Cadet thi y.ear had their Di trict Camp in Wales in a lovely camp lte at Rhowmar near Towyn. Sixty-three officers and cade~s spent a week there during which time in addition to chores tests bathmg, etc., they i i~ed Harlec.h Barmouth and the Dolgoch F~lls by the .sf!lall Tallyllyn Ratlway. Thl camp wa vi ited by Miss Z. Drewitt Trammg Officer for Wale. Offic~r . and N.C.O. were privileged to participate in a King George VI Trammg Course for Leader hip held in Newca tie, Co. Down. This proved most popular and w~ gre~tly appreciated by our younger officers an~ leaders. ~ debt o~ gratitude IS owed to Colonel Goring, the late Mr. Quilter and MJ Mon on for running an excellent cour e for our young officers and leader . Ambulance Tra,!sporl : -During the year activity in the field of ambulance ~ransport dId not dimini h. The extent of the administrative and ?pe.ratlOnal re pon ibility und.ertaken by the Ambulance Department i ~ndlcated by ~he fact that dunng the year 4.244 patients were conveyed, nd .37,612 miles travelled. The e figures show an mcrease of 331 patient ~~~ned a~d 4,.258 m.iles travell~d over the preceeding year. The work has but n vaned lllvolvlll.g long .d~stance und~r the mo t trying condition hi was completed WIth preci lOn and effiCIency, combined with courtesy w ch has been f~equently brought to notice by patients. to We are deeply llld~bted to Di trict Tran port Officer, Mr. Humphrey, G:een, Supenntendent Transport Divi ion and to the Ambulance ahn fursm~ Member of this Divi ion for the great erVIce 0 loyally and c eer ully given.





Inspections: - The unanimou opinion of inspecting officers wa that the turn-out , attendance and . maintenance of record . wa good and the tandard of work of a hIgh order. The growth lH number and the increased efficiency of the Division i largely due to the policy of individual Divisional In pections and the per onal touch maintained with Divisions by In pecting Officer . Strength:- There i little change in the numerical trength of the established Divi ion, but one Adult and five Cadet Division have been formed and regi tered during the year. Finding doctors willing to give adequate time to the training of Di isions i becoming increasingly difficult, as fewer doctors than ever have enough free time in the evenings to give satisfactory training. We are, however, fortunate in that mo t of our surgeon give full training and how a great intere t in the work of their Divi ion. The Cadet movement is gaining in popularity throughout the Province and without any doubt our trength would have been much greater had we been able to enli t the service of uitable person to take charge. The officer situation is acute, especially for Nur ing Cadet Divisions. We total only 59 officers for the 45 Divi ion. De pite being 0 understaffed all officer have continued to give talks and demon tration in Fir t Aid Home Nur ing and Life-Saving to other youth organi ations and school. One recent innovation by Cadet ha been " adoption' by Divi ions of handicapped children. Thi is a mo t commendable enterpri e and expresse the true spirit of St. John. I hope more adult Divi ion will follow suit. Brigade Activities:-The wide range of activitie undertaken on behalf of the sick and suffering testifies to the innumerable calls which continue to be met by voluntary personnel. Moreover, the extent of the e activitie is not adequately appreciated by the public because of the reluctance of our members to publicity. This modesty is to be commended but on the other hand it is of extreme importance that our work should be recognised by the public. Among the more important public dutie requiring the attendance of large numbers of ambulance and nursing personnel were the Review of Territorial Units in Northern Ireland in Belfast by H.M. The Queen Mother; the North-West 200, quite the most popular and important motor-cycle race; and nursing members were on duty continuou ly from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. for ten days during the period of the Ideal Homes Exhibition in Belfast. The duties involved in the Hospital Car Service have not Ie ened but the number of voluntary drivers has decreased, thereby making the work more arduous. However, despite this adverse condition no demand by the Ministry of Pensions or hospitals has been refu ed. The District Competitions were held in the grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital on the 7th June, and in spite of the year being very damp the rain held off until the distribution of the prizes. About the usual number of teams entered, and the standard of the adult teams was somewhat better than the average of past years. Sir Otto Lund Trophy:-This competition, which is an annual event between two teams from Northern Ireland and two team from Eire.


demand~ a hi~h standard of work for it i made up of three distinct parts; FIrst AId by the Ambulance team, liais~n with the Nursing members later, and eventually a test of J:Iome Nurslllg by the Nursing teams. The two Northern Ireland teams dLd well again t two very good teams from Eire. The result wa a tie between one of the Northern Ireland tea~~-made up of the G.P.O .. (Eng.) Ambulance and Y.W.C.A. Nursing Divl~I?nS-a~d one of . the EIre teams. Post Office : The organistion, pro~IslOn of Judges, patlen.t , stewards and setting of the tests, etc., were agam ~ndert~k~n by the Bngade. The entry from such a large organisation was disapp~l~tm~; . howev.er, there are distinct indications that interest in this competItlOn IS mcreaslllg and that the entries in 1959 will be considerably enhanced. The tandard of fir t aid was fairly high but not high enough to compete with tha.t displayed at the London finals. Royal Ulster. C?nstabu!a./T . The .B.ngade as umed full responsibility for the organISatlOn of thiS competlt~o.n. The entry again was disappointing due, unfortunately, to I.R.A. actlvLty throughout the Province.

.G!·qnd Priory Church :- The re pon e from individual members and DIVlSlOn for fund . for the purchase .of furniture and furni hings for this church was plendLd. The co -t of thirty-three chairs, representing a sum of £1~9 ~ . Od., pl~ £3 5 . Od. toward furnishing were subscribed by the DI trICt. ThL I a truly magnificent effort. Brigade J?inf1.er:-C?ne hundred and seventy gue t and members attended thL dmner III Thomp ~m' Re taurant Belfa t, on the 25th October; .1958. 'I."he date of the dmner synchroni ed with the Otto Lund Competlt.lOn , ,:",ruch w.a parti.cularly plea i,ng .a we were joined by the Surgeon-tn-ChLef, Major White Knox; DL tnct Nur ing Officer Mi s D. M .. Lee .from London; the Commi ioner, Dr. Montgome;y; the CouncIl Pre L~ent, Mr . .Seton .Pringle, and member of the competing teams from EI~e. The dmner wa a great ucce s and it was clear that more commodlou accommodation will be req uired in the future. Obifuary:-The Brigade ha uffered gri~vou ly by the deaths during the year of Area Surgeon, Dr. A. M. EllIOtt, and Divisional Surgeon Dr. F: Moffit~. The e officer, member of the Order, took a deep personalmter~ t m the welfare. of the Order and the work of the As ociation and the BrIgade. The tragLc death of Cadet A. Smyth in a car accident gav~ the ~ade~ movement throughout Northern Ireland a great shock. Alalstar, like hi. [ather, ,:",a devoted to the work of st. John to which he gave rno t of ~I p~r~ !Ime. Mr. V. L. Mitchell , Vice-President of the Osborne Nursmg DIVl IOn for many year, pas ed away in April. The vacancy cau ed by the death of thi lady will be hard to fill. Conclusion : -Thi ha been a mo t exacting year for Staff Surgeon Officers and othe: r~nk. I wi ~ to convey to them my thanks for the loyal a!ld seI~- acnficmg manner m which they have an wered the demand on their erVIce. T. W. DAVIDSON Brigadier, CommiSSioner, N.l. District.





The post-War Fund (Special Allocation) finances the Order's share of the cost of the welfare work in Service Hospitals undertake~. by the Service Hospitals Welfare De'partme~t, Order of .St. John and .Bntlsh Red CrosS Society. The cost .of ~hl work IS ~et from mcome from lllvestments . . and the proceeds of reall attOn of ecun.tie.s. There are set out below note on certam Items appeanng m the Account.

THE ACCOUNTS he Account pre ent the financial po iti~n of the Grand Priory of the Or~er as at 30 September 1958 together wIth tatement of Income and Expenditure during the year ended on that date. COMPARISO OF RESULTS WITH ESTIMATE The Estimates for the year under review provjded for qrdinary Expen· d· f £106745 which wa to have been met from Ordmary Income of £~~7e2g with the ~harge of the re ulting deficit of £46,025 to the Po t-War Fu~d (General Allocation). The estimated and actual ordinary income and expenditure for the year is summari ed below:

EXPE DITURE Central Administration St. John Ophthalmic Hospital St. John Ambulance Association . St. John Ambulance Brigade .

E timate £

ctual £

30,535 30,190 22,045 23975

34,635 33,474 20,762 2 ,813



A tual More Less £ £

Central Administration St. John Ophthalmic Hospital St. John Ambulance Association . St. John Ambulance Brigade.

BALANCE SHEET 1. Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund The reconstruction of the Grand Priory Church wa completed shortly before the Service of Rededication on ] 7 October, 1958, but the final cost has not yet been settled between the architects and the contractors. On 20 July 1955, Chapter-General authorized a loan by the General Fund to cov~r a shortfall between the rebuilding fund available and the estimated sum of £80,000 required to complete the project. During the year under review it became nece ary to draw on the loan to finance expenditure. It is anticipated that the total co t will be known in April 1959, and it i hoped that a determined effort will be made to repay the loan. Meanwhile, interest is being charged at 31 %per annum. 2.

Ophthalmic Hospital Endoll'ment Fund Further expenditure of £10087 ha been incurred in construction of a house to accommodate a member of the medical taff of the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jeru alem. Subject to certain re trictions the doctor has the right to purcha e the property at it co t in terling to the Order.

et £10,939 I COME


44,990 2,690 J0,200 2,840

47,899 2,703 10,4 2,750

2,909 13








elV Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund

Capital development on the Ho pital-Research project at Jerusalem, including completion of the Warden' Hou e and Si ters' Hou e, i represented by the further expenditure totalling £26,921 incurred during the year on contractor' charge and equipment. The contract for the structure % of the main 11.0 pital buildings wa igned in November 1958, at a price of £49,985. Work i proceeding rapidly and ub tantial capital expenditure !Xi will be incurred during the pr ent financial year.

ct £3,112 £7 27

4. Post-War Fund (General Allocation) St. John Hou e wa reopened in June 1958 at 50, Eaton Place, S.W.l, and the sum of £22,169 repre ent the cost of purchase and structural The estimated and actual income and expe~diture of the Po t-War Fund repairs and alterations. (General Allocation) for the year is ummansed below : ET ORDINARY EXPENDITURE .

EXPENDITURE Net Ordinary Expenditure, above Direct Expenditure.


£53, 52

Actual More Lesl £ £

Estimate £

Actual £

46,025 31,075

53,852 22,897





8,lii 8,Ii' et £3)






SPECIAL MATTERS CALLING FOR COMMENT It will be recollected that the Order ha approved finance from the Post-War Fund of £150000 to the ew Ophthalmic Ho pita] and Research F~nd. In the event of the former ho pital building in Jeru alem (I rael) bemg sold, however, the Po t-War Fund may be partially relieved of thi commitment. A further £25,000 (making £50,000) ha been tran ferred from the Post-War Fund during the year under review. The Supplemental Royal Charter of Novembel 1958, extended the scope the Order's powers for the inve tment of it fund. The Finance ComIDlttee h~s given careful con ideration to the matter and a proportion of the holdmgs of trustee stocks has been sold and the proceeds invested in debentures, preference and ordinary stocks.









The re ult for 1958 show net ordinary expenditure of £53,852, al increa e of £4,681 over the figure for 1957. The cau e are many but th main factor is the increasing co t of taff emolument . The followin figure, which are adjusted by the elimination of certain non-recurrin items, how the trend of income and expenditure:

Ordinary Expenditure Ordinary Income






91,885 55,539

94,623 54,405



£ 102,145 55,233

1957 £

97 ,977 108,783 61,257 64,3J2


of the


£ 112,7~


£46,912 £36,346 £40,218 £36,720 £44,471 £48,9.


In May 1958, Chapter-General appointed a Committee to make a fre i study and report on all the main a pect of the Order' finance. Th report together with the rearrangement of the Order' inve tment h been a lengthy task but it j hoped to pre ent it at an early date. LEWIS O. WHYTE, Receiver-GeneT 23 February, 1959.


30 September, 1958

forward KI G GEORGE I LEADER HIP TRAI I G MEM RIAL-10,000 Grant (long term) . Grant (hort term)3,223 a at 30 September, 1957 Add: 421 Tnterest




dule attached. . . . . .t Value: 1958- £1 ,569,404 1957- £1 ,525,665)

3,644 L ess: Expenditure


11 , 172

ST. JOHN AMB LA CE BRIGADE BE EVOLE T Fu as at 30 September, 1957 . Add: Intere t Subscription .


?ayable during year

45 ,499 4,805

46,183 4,234


7,516 260

POST-WAR Fu D (Fu nds allocated by Joint War Organisation)GE ERAL ALLOCATIO of £2,090,000-as at 30 September 1957 . Add: Profit on sale of 15/ 16 Collingham Garden. S.W .5



33,531 2,743 683

37,628 2,837 476


36,957 92,211 85,000 9,956 24, 147

40,941 62,981 160,000

248 ,271


41 ,707




I .








25,469 222,682

'alance Sheet alld the annexed In come penditure Accounts present the financial I and transactions 0/ the H eadquart ers the Order and 0/ its Foundations. '0 not incorporate the assets, liabilities .ansactions 0/ the local units 0/ the - its Foundations or 0/ the St . John 1,O, mce Brigade Appeals Fund, the accounts :h are maintained and audi ted localh' Regulations authorised by the Orde;.

2 ,933 9,461


25 ,000 63394 1,025 ,441

SPECIAL ALLOCATIO of £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitais421 ,934 as at 30 September, 1957. . . Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year . 27,285 Less : Loss on realisation of investment .




1,08 8,8 35

1,08 , 35 Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year . . . . . . Loss on realisation of investment . Transfer to New Ophthalmic Hospital and R esearch Fund .

41 ,949


Department . l and Medals

1 0 7,516


36,633 9 ,550



1,543 ,999

41 ,949 3,550

7,776 Less: Grant


BRA CHES;eptember, .1957 . vanced dunng year .

2,472 1,172


ilion to the propertie included in th is Sheet certain other properties ha ve 'sled in the Order either a parI of its lIe property or upon Trusts in connection e SI. John Ambulance A ssociation and 4:'· These properties are only realisable consent 0/ the Charity Commissioners rrustees or local Committees 0/ Manage!

394,649 4,129 390,520 1,415 ,961


LEWIS G . WHYTE, R ecei ver-General D. B. R. SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant £2,083,954 £2,121,41 2

£2,083 ,954 £2,121,411

Having examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditu re ~d .Vouchers of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital St. Jorn: C?f Jerusalem an~ with the returns rec~ived fro.m Jerusal em we repo'~~ the otes on the Balance Sheet , the said Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts, ill our oplOlon. and accordlOg to the be t of our lOformatlOn , show a true and r 0 the Order as at 30 September, 1958, and of its income and expenditure for the year ended on that date. 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E .C.2. PRICE WATERHOUSE & Co. , 26 M arch, 1959. Chartered Accountants






£ 1,158 4,242 225

Foundation Due Annual Oblations. Commuted OblatIOn

5,625 9,418 8,399

Interest on Investment Other Intcrest

17, 17 5,176

Less: ceded to Special Funds (net)

12,641 130 1,991 2

Rents, Ie s outgoings ' . ' . Subscriptions and DonatIOns: Library and Museum: Donations


Gross Profit on ale of stores Deduct:

Salaries and Lunch Vouchers National Insurance : : Superannuation contnbutlOn Rates . . . . . . : . Lighting, Heating and Cleafllng . Postage and Telephone Printing and StatIOnery Sundry Expenses .



11,500 349 1,920 412

£ 1,320 4,034 173


!"C~RYp sions and Lunch Vouchcrs

lanes'l I e~urance. . . . ltiOna nation contributions PerannuRates . . . . . nt an d . (f _amount wntten 0 . ' . . 5,527 lse. Beating and Cleanll1g Malf1tenan ' ce . . 8Ii,'htlng, ' and 10' pairs h ,1 ,lage and Telep one. . . --"oting and StatIOnery . 19,t.ve lling expenses. . 5,! ertaining expenses 13,757 --'J hn's Day . . 127 0, estllUreS . 82~ lor the Order gl1la . . . . . dais and Vellum Votes 20,240 lestead Church expen es fcitors' Charges . . . 43' lal Charter . Iry Standards. er History . '. . . 1of the Order (pnnted) . ,dry expenses




4,973 85 698 752 135 1,473 ],251 710 1,271

4,655 59


728 272

845 337

769 656 439 8]8 ] ,629 121 89 253 257 250

611 485

628 678 135 1,200 274


483 870 1,794 121

174 317 488

18,453 17,828


.ries and Lunch Vouchers ional Insurance ' . '. . 16,533 14.erannuation contn bullons 27,510 28,608 - t and Rates. . . . Ie-amount written off . airs and Maintenance lting, Heating and Cleaning :age and Telephone . . . ting and StatIOnery . felling expenses it Fee. que Books 1ry expenses :ATION-

John Rel'ielv" : inting Charges llaries and Lunch Voucher ational Insurance and Superannuation epairs and Maintenance mdry expenses

4,243 95 464 200


72 395 189 135

135 756 357 325 242 154

78 365 327 237

70 315 63

315 75 172

Cost of Production £

Sale and Advertising Revenue £

468 7,533




4,662 J ,158 135 189 407 6,551



'ies and Lunch Vouchers onallnsurance and uperannuation Contribution ; Cuttings and ew papers ographs , , . . . . . Releases, Po ters and Leaflets bition expenses . . . . . iUs and Maintenance ~ge and Telephone . tm~ and Stationery . 'eUmg expenses . rtaining expenses Iry expenses . I

1,243 136 136 79

1,212 125 126




157 189 107


23 107 118 135

118 114




195 2,8J 5


hases ?n Triptych ~est~ratio~ . . . . . . . ~es and Lunch Vouchers . . . . . . . r"allnsur~nce and Superannuation contributions mg, Heatmg and Cleaning lar Alarm "Y expenses: . . . ,

transferred to Post-War Fund




300 1,110 126

955 108 340 11 730

415 230 547 2,733



1,757 824

645 795 656 256




ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, J ERUSALEM INCOME HOSPlTAL. Subscriptions a nd D onations In terest .

ISRAELR ents less outgoings . . . . Less: Attorney' fees and expen es


1957 £

1,449 950

1,208 1,208



NET COST tran ferred to Po t-War Fund


£ 403 69

£ 377 73 304






]957 £

EX PENOlTU RE HOSPITAL. Salaries, Pension and National Insurance . . . . Superannuation contributions. Uniform Allowances Food and Housekeeping Drugs Equipment . Linen Room Rent . . . Accommodation charges Light and Water . . . Repairs and Maintenance. Travelling expenses. Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Furniture and Fittings. Sundry expense

18,683 17,771 1,268 570 45 145 3,591 3,695 1,706 1,789 370 822 196 244 61 ] 950 312 518 576 262 295 2,174 2,036 ]82 158 313 349 741 71 553 738







31,118 Lo DO 0 FICESalaries and Lunch Vouchers . ational J n urance . . Superannuation contribution Rate ..... . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Po tage and Telephone . . Printing and Stationery Travelling expense Ho pital Film Sundry expense

£ 1,275 24 131 39 72 162 J16 1 105

£ 1,420 31 ]41 42 89 174 235 63 105 56

87 2,356





0 trl







C :::0 trl


('j ('j



lLJ.s LruC [J o n and exa rnln a (l o n s . . . . . . Less: Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses Awards (nel)





Subscriptions and Donations

NET COST, tran ferred to Po t-War Fund .


16,0 37 8,886





8,642 6,899

2,441 654





National I nsurance . . . Superannuation contributions Ren t and Rates . . . . Lease- amount written off .


Lighting, Heating and Cleaning . Repairs and Maintenance

Po tage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling e pen es Entertaining expen e y tern inve tigation undry expen e ompetition (net) rant to ountie


NET COST, transferred to Post-War Fund .

£ 319 1,440 99 J

£ 272 1,440 1,084





386 844 4\5

270 707 1,531 \ ,771

.... V,L .., Y

355 747 378 270 738 198 1,398


~ > ~ t"l

Z 0


1,467 113 172 188 483

2,954 90

19,426 1, 169 167

18,992 1,367 820

O:i t:l

£20,762 £21,179


161 736 718






'"0 ,..., ~

~ ~

£20,762 £11,179

Sub cription and Donation Ministry of Education grant . . . ational Hospital Service Reserve grant

. . .,""-'

C 2}

Salarie and Lunch oucher ational In urance . Superannuation contribution Rent and Rates . . . . Lease-amount written off. . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning . Repair and Maintenance Postage and Telephone . Printing and tationery . Travelling expen e Entertaining expen e . onference and Meeting Award . . Sundrye pen e Competition (net) St. John Hou e Cadet Rally Ban tead Oivi ion- dilapidation

Deduct : Bexhill Camp, Surplus- Sea on 1958


\C (.Jl


£ 11,596 357 22 00 5 1.\14 226 1,103 1,627 3,192 11 33 141 1,500

£ 10,54l 303 939 737 588 9Jl 107 1,056 1,706 1,625 184 355 157 761

23,415 1,130 4,360 40

19,971 1,099 5,599 300 247

2 ,945


POST -WAR FUND GENERAL ALLOCATION INCOME Interest on Investments Interest on Loans . NET EXPENDITURE for the year transferred to Balance Sheet

£ 46,960 856

1957 £ 47,446 761










30,771 10,282 26,063

30,877 11,185 24,169









FoundationsSl. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem . . . . . . St. lohn Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade

Deduct : Central Administration surplus income .



GrantsPriory in New ZealandAmbulance Transport Service Priory of ScotlandMoray Hospice, Lossiemouth St. John H eadquartersFiji. . . . . Jamaica, orth East Kenya . Sheffield Taunton Trinidad . . St. John oUl1cilsSecretarial grants . Birmingham, S.J.A.B. Portsmouth, S.J.A.B. . .

Orerseas Headquarters' O/ficers R elie/W elfare work in Malaya aribbean Hurricane Anglo-Egyptians.

Hungary. POST-'VAR

FUND ..... ,...





Interest on Tnvestments





NET EXPE DITURE for the year tran ferred to Balance Sheet .

27,2 5


£47,244 £45,038



.,.-- ...... .


~; u .


1,200 2,000 4,000 2,000 120 325




~ :>



950 250

t'l1 X

103 11,054





0 .....

2,227 66 207

1,331 77 3





ambulance . ~ .
















Welfare Wor\-. in Service Hospitals .


£ 47,244



~ >-< ~ :>

"'Z trl

£47,244 £45,038





<:> Ul





3: C::l




\0 Vl 00




Nomillol Valli I! £, d.

. BRiTISH GOVER MENT STO KS (a) with a fixed elate for redemption2+ 0 0 Savings Bonds, 1964/67 . 3 0 0 avings Bond , 1960/70 . 3 0~ Sa ings Bond, 1965/7 5 . . 4 0 0 Briti h Tran port Stock, 1972/77 3 00 British Transport Stock , ] 978/

4,282 0 418,511 14 150 0 900,000 0 II, 39 6 £ 1,334,283

(b) lI'irh 110 fixed date for redell1ptioll31'° 0 War Stock, 1952 or after. . . 4 010 Consolidated Stock, 1957 or after 3+ o~ Conversion Stock 1961 or after .


4,2i 317,5 ' I)

708,4\WAR FUND: ~:neral Alloca.tion . 7 £ I 0 lCCial Allocation , 41,~


71,493 3 7 26,560 14 11 6,129 9 8

24,1~'RAL FUND. 30,9 '

2 £126,31:

1 ,000 3,300 3,000 1,9 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0






200,000 45,000 45,000

0 0 0

0 0 0

200,rn 45,0 45,OC





1,650,563 134,1 3

I 8

7 2

1,357.1 126.:



9 £ 1,484.u


D. QUOTED ORDI ARY STOCKS A D SHARE Alfred Herbert, Ltd., £1 Ordinary Share, fully paid . . The Army and avy Investment Trust Co. Ltd ., Deferred Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bankers' Investment Trust Ltd., Ordinary Stock . The British South Africa Co. Stock Units of 15/- . City and International Trust, Ltd., Ordinary Stock . . . Dorman, Long & Co. Ltd., £1 Ordinary Share, fully paid. The Employers' Liability Assurance Corp. Ltd., £1 Share. fully paid . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Guardian Assurance Co. Ltd" 5/- Ordinary Shares, fully paid . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds, Ltd., Ordinary Stock . Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Ordinary Stock . . . The Nineteen Twenty-Eight Investment Trust, Ltd., .... Ordinary Stock . . . . . . , The Nineteen Twenty-Nine Investment Trust, Ltd., Ordinary Stock . . . . . . . A. Reyrolle & Co. Ltd., Ordinary Stock. The Sterling Trust, Ltd., Ordinary Stock. . The Winterbottom Trust, Ltd., Ordinary Stock

3,000 £100 £2,500 1,000 £1,00 4,000

Relationship between Market Value and Book Value Excess Deficiency £ £

Book Value

Market Value



928,497 369,044

980,500 388,000

52,003 18,956










C. BRITISH CORPORA no LOANS (U QUOTED) with a fixed date for redemptio/l6ro Glasgow Corporation, 13/1 / 68 . . 6t /~ Southampton Corporation, 13/ I /59 . 6t % Southampton Corporation, ]3/7/59 .

30 SEPTEMBER, 1958



D COLONf L GOVER ME T STO KS B. DOMT 10 with a fixed date for redemptioll2t °0 Australia Stock ] 967/71 . 2tO~ Australia Stock, 1970/7 5 .... 3 0 0 Federated Malay States Stock, 1960/70. 3t % Sierra Leone Stock, 1958/63 .

TOTAL: FIXED INTEREST STOCKS A with a fixed date for redemption . with no fixed date for redemption .



Boo Va/u £


3,Y 2,!



5. 3.' 4, 4,



1,500 £2,600 £1,500




£1,500 £500 £1,600 £2,000



4,( 5"


E. UNQUOTED SHARES Lansdowne Club, Ltd.,

2/- Shares, fully paid



1,484 59,'


£1,569,404 £70,959 £45,554

@pbthalnlic lrJOSpftal (Founded 1882)


U:be (Branb lPrior\? in th e :1Sritish 1Realm of ~b e


lDellerable ~ rb c r of tb e lbospital of

st. 30hn

of 3erusal enl.

Report of the Committee for 1958 including the

Report of the Ladies' Linen Guild




@pbtbaltnlc 1bospttal of [be most IDenerable @rber of St. 30bn, 3erufhl[elll

50,'?ereign 1beab of tbe



(to11l111ittee: (24th June, 1957)



1bospttRll er IR STEWART DUKE-ELDER, O.c.v.o. , PH.D., D C LL D M D . . , . . , . ., F.R.C .. , F.A .C.S., F.R.A. 11)011.

LEWI That the Knight who hould make their profe sion in it should adorn their Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues, with hospital service, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in these various functions, should only seek to di tinguish them elve by a cour e of virtue. Soldiers of Jesus Christ are de igned only to fight for Hi Glory, to maintain His worship, to love, reverence and pre erve justice, to favour, upport and defend such as are oppressed. without neglecting the duties oj holy hospital service.


G . WHYTE, ESQ. fIDe III b.: rs.

. T. EVAN , E Q., C.M.O., S ecre tary- G eneral (ex-offf'cf'o) T HE L ADY W EBB-JOH 0 LEWAl G. WHYTE, E Q., Receiver-General S IR LFRED Bo OM, BT., M.P. HUMPHREY E. BOWMAN E Q COLONEL H. E. VEREY, , D.S.O:' C.M.G., O.B.E. LIEUT.-COLONEL W. R. HORNBy-STEER D L SIR HUGH Dow, O.. I.E., K.C . .1. , .. SIR HARRY S, DER ON, PA HA K B E C FRANK W. LAW E Q , . ", .M.O., M.V.O., F.R.C.P.(E.) , . , M.D., F R C BE· ·· · S IR P HlLlP OUTHWELL AIR COMMODORE T KEI~ L" 1.C. PROFE OR H AH YLE, C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C .. THE H 1" TO , M.R.C .. , M R C P ON. . R . BRIDOEMA C BE' . . . LIEUT.- OLONEL J. W. Hlrr~ ~'B'E DR. G . L. . OLE o-Jo E ' B . . . J. E. 00 1BER E Q . . C., M.R.C .. , L.R .. P. T R H ., M.A., LL.B . HE T. RO.PORRITT LORD EVA SIR ARTH K C ' 0 .. V.O., M.D., F.R .. P . DR R H ' .. M.G., K.C.V.O. C.B.E. F R C . . . OTT, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. . .. .

Seerc ta r'2,

MAJOR J . F. C. UNDERHILL, T.D . t1:!lar ell .




Q., 0 .B.E ..

F.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., D.O.M ..

Sub:U.'lar~cll RIll

Surgeon t

tbe lbospltllL

1:\5515tallt Sl1rgcOIl to tbe lb 05pital


DR. E. B. DOANY. M.D.(BEIRUT), D.O. fIDa tron.




{prior:J of ScotIan\) 1.Jo5pitnllcr L


TH H I. K . . M .G.

{prior!, for 'UUla les

Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Committee for 1958

'lbospitaller TH E EARL OF P LY~10 UTII

Ho pitaller of Bridgend

including the

{prtor)? in SontfJern Bfrica COLO

1:J05pitallcr EL L. O. SHEAR ER,


C. B.E.

lPrior)? In 1Re\\? Zealanb 1bOSPl ta lie r JOH




lPrior)? in (tanaba 1bospitaller J. N.

B. CRAWFORD , E Q ., 1\I.B .E. , L D ..

1.0 .

lPrior)? of tbe Bustralian (tolllll1onwealtb (e,te(usi\Je of 'UUlestern :australia) 1bospitaller BRIGADIE R SIR



.B ... 1:..0 .

(tOllllllanl)er!, tn 'U'illestern Bustralia (wltbin tbe jpriotg of tbe :australian (tol11moll\\?ealtb)

1bospitaller A. G . HALL, E Q.. C. I. E.,

The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their sixty-seventh report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. The year 1958 ha been marked by three out tanding events in the history of the activitie of the Order of St. John in Jerusalem- the completion of the Warden's new house and the Si ter ' home and the occupation of the e building by our Warden and the Matron and her British nursing staff, the commencement of the building of the new hospital building it elf, and the fact that, despite the difficulties of running our temporary ho pital in the Old City of Jeru alem, more surgical work has been completed than ever before in the whole history of the Order's activitie in that city. That thi feat ha been accomplished is a tribute to the vision and drive of the Warden in reorgani ing the medical work of the ho pital, and the increa e in the number of patients admitted is largely due to the enthu ia m and ingenuity of our nursing staff. No one can say that the awkward and cramped facilities which are at our disposal in our temporary hospital are not being u ed to the full. Moreover, the pirit in which this work i being carried out i uperb; and despite the political cri es that took place in Jordan and the neighbouring countries in the Middle East during the year 1958, the work of the Order continued without the slighte t interference and our relation with the Jordanian have been in every re pect the happiest that can be imagined.

M .B.E.


(tommanber}? of :arbs in 1Rortbern 3relanb 1bospitnllet SIR DUDLEY MCCORKELL, M.B .E. , D .L.

(tonllnanbet')? in (tentral Rfnca 1bospitaller EDWARD MILNE BAINBRIDGE WE T ,


Q. , O.B.E .

The Committee report with deep regret the death of Colonel the Lord Webb-Johnson, G.C.V.O., C.B.E. D.S.O., F.R.C.S., Bailiff Grand Cros of the Order. He occupied the po t of Hospitaller from 1946 until 1954, a very difficult period in the hi tory of the Ho pital which aw the eviction of the Order from it hospital buildings now in I rae!. Lord \VebbJohnson saw to it that the activities of the Order were continued at first among the multitude of Arab refugee and then in Wat on and Strath",arn Houses, two adjacent properties of the Order in the Old City. Moreover, through his vision and imagination the whole concept of the Order's activities in Jerusalem wa expanded from purely hospital work to include




re earch into the eye di ea e 0 prevalent in thi part of the world. LO~d Webb-John on wa in the highe t en e a great e~vant of ~he Or.der In who e work and tradition he alway took much pnde and hi erVlces as Ho pitaller will alway b remembered. " There have b en no change in the per onnel of,the Commltt~e dunng the year under re iew but the Committee would like to t~ke thl, ?pportunity to congratulate Sir Philip Southwell, C. B.E., upon hi recelVmg the dignity of Knighthood. HOSPITAL




After a lap e of nearly a year, the Commit~ee i .glad to report that a new Matron and A istant Matron were appomted m September,. 1958Mi s K. Stent and Mi A. Blewitt. Both of them enter oy~ erv.lce after much e perience of ophthalmic nur ing and ho pitat ~dmml tratiO~, and both of them have had previou experience of work with the Order m t~e Ophthalmic Ho pital in South Africa. Both of t~em have entere~ ha,ppIly and enthusia tically in to the work of the Ho pltal and the oClal hfe of Jerusalem. The Committee wi he to offer them every ucce and happine in their appointment. , . At the arne time the Committee would like to thank Sl ter He , who still remains with u , for undertaking th~ re pon ibilitie of Acting Matron during the period before the app~mtment of the. Matron and Assi tant Matron; in this capacity he carned out h~r dutJe mo t .conscientiously and with great succe . We would al 0 lIke. to tha!lk SI tefs Goodman and Dale for their good and loyal work dunng their term of duty at the Ho pital during the pa t year. , Mr. Issa Marogi, the Chief Clerk of the Ho plt.al, spent the, greater part of the year in London on a stud~ cour.e learnmg ~h~ tec~l11ques ~f administration of ho pitals at home with a view to quahfYll1g h~n:- for ~IS duties in our new hospital. He worked in the finance an~ admml trat,lve departments of Moorfields Eye Ho pita~ and the We tmm ter Ho pltal where he studied mo t branches of ho pltal management. He al 0 pent some time in the Trea ury of the Order and in e tabli hing liai o,n with our shippers to enable him to appreciate the d.ifficultie in tr~n port1l1g ~he large amounts of materials we are now endmg to ,Jordan m connect.lOn with the new building. He was also given a general pIcture of the organisation of the Chancery and attended mo t of the Order' ce,r~monial occasions. The Committee is indeed grateful to the authontle and particularly the House Gove~nors of ~oorfiel~ Eye , Hospi~al a~d th~ Westminster Hospital for their great kmdne s 111 helpmg u ~n thl way and also to the British Council who made a grant toward hi expen es, Finally, the Committee wishes to expre its grateful thank . to the Matron of Moorfields Eye Hospital for all the help and co-operatiOn he has given in providing our hospital in Jerusalem with a continual upply of young and excellent sisters from her staff in London. OFFICIAL VISITS

The Hospitaller did not pay an official vi it during the year under review, but in his place Sir Alfred Bossom volunteered to go to Jerusalem to complete the first contract for the construction of the shell of the ne\\ hospital building-a matter in which he is 0 eminently qualified. Accom·


anied by the Secretary, he arrived in Jeru alem in the beginning of

~ovember had many con ultations with our architect, examined the

tenders fo~ the con tructional work, met the contractors involved and travelled around Jordan inspecting their work. He accomplished an amazing amount of work .in a minimum of time, galvanis~d everyone concerned with hi enthu la m, and on November 19th wltness~d the Warden signing the contract for the tone shell of the new hospltal, a phase in the con truction which should be completed within ten working months. The Order ha acquired the, services of the best, contract<:>r in Jordan, Mr. Shahin, and at a very satisfactory figure, modified con Iderably by the latter's generosity. On Saturday November 22nd, a small but ignificant ceremony took place on the ite when Sir Alfred Bos om turned the first shovelful of earth to mark the occasion of the signing of the fir t contract, while H.E, the Governor of Jerusalem turned the econd. In addition to His Excellency the occa ion wa honoured by the pre ence of H.M. British ConsulGeneral, the Mayor of Jeru alem and many of the prominent residents of the city. The ceremony wa lightly marred by bitter weather and took place in a andstorm, but when it wa completed the Warden and Mrs. Boa e gave very welcome refre hment to the guests and staff, The contractor commenced work on December It; it i hoped the second contract will be ready for signature in March 1959, and the ho pital will be completed by the autumn of the follow,ing year. , . The Ho pi taller and the Committee are mdeed grateful to Slr Alfred Bo som for undertaking thi arduou journey and completing a highly technical mis ion in a manner 0 prompt and efficient. Further, they would like to thank him for hi continued intere t and the invaluable advice he is can tantly giving on technical points uch a the buying of constructional material in Britain for the new building, To construct any hospital is a difficult technical task; to con truct one in Jordan for which much of the material mu t be procured in England, without easy reference to our architect (who i nece arily in Jordan) i very difficult; and the Committee i indeed fortunate to have the able and enthu ia tic services of Sir Alfred at their di po al. The Committee would al 0 like to thank Ruby, Countess of Cromer, former Chairman of the Ladie ' Linen Guild, and Mr . Willi O'Connor, Chairman of the Ladie ' Linen Guild in Canada for vi iting the Hospital and discu ing with the Matron her variou need. Visit, such as these, are a great joy and encouragement to our taff abroad, and liaison between the Priories in the Dominion and our Ho pital i particularly valuable. THE


The new Warden' Hou e and the Matron' and Si ter ' Home have been completed, furnished and occupied ince July 1958. The hou e are within the compound of the new ho pital; they are built in modern tyle with local tone which blend with the local architecture, The internal fittings are bright and modern in colour-a style not een before in Jerusalem and which ha excited con iderable intere t. W SUB- OMMIITEE

Two new sub-committees were formed toward the end of the year, the first in London, the second in Jerusalem. The fir tithe Ladie '





Nursin a Comrrutt e, the purpo e of which i to help the Briti h Nursing Staff b~fore they leave for Jeru a1cm, aid them when in thi country on leave, and att nd to any of their need that can be t be met fr?m London. The per onnei of the Committee i : Lady Duke-Elder (Chau"man), The Lady Webb-John on Dame Katherine Watt, D.B.E., Lady Southwell and Mr . MacKellar, the Matron of Moorfield Eye Ho pital. The econd Committe will act locally a the "Friend of the Ho pital" in Jeru alem. Its function i to a i t the Warden and the Matron in furthering the well-being and the happine of the patient and nursing staff of the Ho pita!. It per onnel i : Mr. Maclnne , the wife of the Archbi hop in Jeru alem (Chairman)' Mr . Boa e the wife of the Warden (Secretary); Mr . Franklin the wife of the American Con ul-General ; Mrs. V. Kalbian, the wiD of a prominent local phy ician; Mr . George Khadder the wife of a prominent chartered accountant; Mr . Rawiel Khatib the wife of the Mayor of Jeru alem; Mr . Labib Na ier, the wife of the Secretary of the Y.W.C.A., and Mr . Charle Stewart, the wife of the British Con ul-General, while our Matron erv a a co-opted member. It is hoped that the e two ub-committee will be of great value to the Ho pital Committee in the furtherance of it de ire to promote the happine s of the taff and patient for which they are re pon ible .


The research on trachoma ha progre ed much more rapidly than could legitimately have been anticipated. A was explained in the la t report. trachoma is the devastating eye di ea e which cau e 0 much blindness not only in the Middle Ea t but throughout va t tract of the world. In the last report we recorded that the Re earch Team wa tran ferred from Jordan to the Gambia, following the political trouble ub equent to the Suez incident and that it had been decided that it would be more economic to keep it working during the pre ent pha e of the re earch in the latter country. Thi team, financed by the Colonial Office and the Wellcome Trustees, in association with laboratorie in London, ha continued its activities, and, utilising and modifying a technique inaugurated in Peking, has succeeded in isolating and growing in culture the viru which causes trachoma. For decades scienti t in many countrie have endeavoured to achieve thi ; and for the first time the virus has been grown, the results checked in two separate laboratorie in London and Liverpool, and the disease has been given experimentally to everal human volunteer in London. In view of the fact that one quarter of the inhabitant of the world are infected with trachoma and that it cau e much more blindness than any other disease, the isolation of thi virus mu t rank a a medical event of first-class importance. To discover the cause of a disease, however, does not mean that it can be cured-although a cure cannot ordinarily be achieved without first establishing the causal agent. Our endeavours are, therefore, now being turned to devise ways and means-by drugs, vaccine or otherwi e-to kill the virus. For this purpose the Medical Re earch Council are mobilising a formidable scientific effort in everal cientific institutions in this country, an effort which is also being carried out in the U.S.A.



One of the most difficult a pects of research work on this problem is the fact that, 0 far a i known, no animal j su ceptiblc to the disease so that large- cale experimentation i difficult. It i true that trachoma can be made to affect some monkey and apes but in them the disease is mild and rapidly tend spontaneously to cure- fortunate for the monkeys but unfortunate [or our purpo e. We have, therefore, to rely largely on human volunteer for our work. It i no small tribute to our own people that we have had no dilliculty in getting experimental subjects; to them, who suffer no small amount of di comfort in the intere t of humanity and cience, we are more than u ually grateful. THE OLD HOSPITAL BUILDI GS, BETHLEllEM ROAD , JERUSALEM, ISRAEL

Over the past few year the Committee ha been concerned about the old hospital building in the Bethlehem Road in I rael. After the IsraeliArab war the Government of I rael requi itioned mo t of the building which ha been occupied for a number of year by various bodies the principal tenant being the Ozar Hatorah- a charitable organi ation which [un orphanages and school. The Annexe of the Ho pital has been sublet to another organi ation. The period of requi ition has now lapsed. The rent now paid for the building of cour e i in the form of blocked Israeli currency. The Secretary vi ited the property in the autumn of 1958 and found that the building of the Order were uffering considerable deterioration. The whole po ition of this once very valuable property is giving the Committee con iderable anxiety. THA KS

The Committee would like to thank for their upport all tho e who have again contributed to the Ho pital-Re earch Project, and in particular tho e who have done 0 by deed of covenant. It wi he al 0 to extend its thank to tho e who have helped the Ho pital financially in 1958. Once again it i particularly grateful for the upport of the Priories of Scotland, Wale Au tralia, ew Zealand and the Commandery of Ards. It i very much to be hoped that the Priorie and Commandery will convey the thank of the Committee to all tho e who have kindly ubscribed. The Committee wi he to give pecial acknowledgment to the Preceptories of t?e Ma onic Order of the Knight Templars of England, who have continued the upport they have given 0 generously for many years; al 0 to the c;lot~workers Company which ha once more made a generou contnbutlOn to the fund of the Ho pital. CO CLUSIO

The Committee wishe to expre s to the Warden, Dr. A. J. Boa e, the Sub- W~rden, Dr. Khalil Budeiri and the A istant Surgeon to t~e Ho p~tal, Dr. E. Doany their gratitude for their loyal and devoted serVIces dunng ~he pa t year. The Committee would like to congratulate the Matron, MISS K. Stent, and the A i tant Matron, Mi s B. Blewitt, upon the way both of them have so quickly ettled into their new life in Jerusalem, and thrown them elve into their difficult ta k with uch zest and enthu iasm. To the Briti h Si ter who come out from Moorfields Eye Hospital on tours of hort duration, the Committee expresses its





appreciation of their adaptability and of the excellence of the relation hips maintained between the Briti h and Arab taff; once more, the latter have served the Order and the patient under their care with unfailing devotion and cheerfulne . Con idering the unavoidable difficultie in carrying out efficient medicine and urgery in our pre ent premi e , the Committee wishe to e pre s it admiration to all the taff medical and admini tra· tive for the effective manner in which they have not only carried Qut their dutie in the pirit of ervice and in an atmo phere of enthu iasm, but have maintained the age-old tradition of the Order in the ervice of the sick and the uffering. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospital/er.

WARDEN S REPORT Retrospect:-The geophysical year in Jeru alem will be remembered for a particularly mild winter with rain inadequate to prevent a harvest failure, and for a disa trous drought that la ted beyond the year' end. In other respects the year had it up and down but apart from the inconvenience of interrupted upplie, chiefly oil , due largely to the intransigence of our neighbour, we had no real cau e for anxiety. The quarter newly erected at Sheikh Jarrah for the Warden and for the Nursing Si ter were occupied in July. But of greater ignificance was the inauguration of the construction of the new ho pitat by Sir Alfred Bos om who in the presence of H .E. the Governor and the Mayor of Jerusalem, ceremoniously turned the fir t od on November 22nd, a day memorable for an unprecedented dust torm and bitterly keen ea t wind. By the end of the year the wall of the new building were ri ing abo e the foundations. It was a pleasure to be able to welcome our new Matron Mi K. Stent, and her deputy, Miss A. Blewitt, on their fir t appointment in September. Prior to their arrival, and ub equent to the departure of Miss Vanstone at the end of January the dutie and re pon ibilitie of Acting-Matron were discharged by Mi J. Ile with commendable satisfaction. During the year the e tabli hment of nur ing iter also included Miss O. Goodman (to 8th June), Mi s I. Dale (1 t March to 30th September), and Miss B. Sheridan (22nd June to end of year). The hospital was represented by Dr. Budeiri at the Afro-A ian Congress in Ophthalmology held in Cairo in March. Our chief clerk, Mr. Issa Marogi, wa enabled by a British Council scholarship to undertake a nine months' cour e in London in the principles of hospital management and finance. During April, Ruby, Countes of Cromer, former Chairman of the Linen Guild, paid us a welcome vi it of inspection. We are grateful to her for advice on many points. It was with particular pleasure that we received a vi it from Mrs. Willis-O'Connor, Chairman of the Linen Guild in Canada, who hawed an interest gratifyingly great and encouraging. Our Annual Garden Party on st. John's Day wa a atisfactory event. which this year was honoured by the attendance in person of the Minister of Health. His Excellency Dr. Jamil Toutonji.



In November we had thc unique privilege of an extended visit by Dr Ch~rles .Jiiff, As~ocjatc Pro,fe ~ o.r of Ophthalmo.logy at the John Hopkin~ Umver lty, ~altlmore. Thl VI It under the aegIS of the charitable organisation "MedICO" was of the greatest value to us. We hope that it is the first of other to come. Statistics:-New case a~d total atten.dances have kept fairly steady at 32,278 and ] 56,225 resp~ctlvely. In-patients (1,367) show an increase of 226 over last y~ar, a tribute to the ingenuity with which the Matron disposes the avallable b~ds. The .n umber of major operations (3 ,124) rose b'y ~45. There was a.n J~crea e I~ almost every category, but of special slgmficance wa the n e m operatIOns for senile cataract (564) glaucoma (156), squints (193) and pterygium (606). ' (Signed) ARTHUR J. BOASE, Warden.




TADLE J. New Cases Total Attendances Admis ions ... Major Operations Theatre Sessions

1954 31,238 161,401 838 1 062 159

1955 32,801 15 ,745 945 1,277 174

1956 31,353 135,537 920 1,341 210

1957 31 ,631 158,002 1,141 2,679 245

1958 32,278 156,225 1,367 3,124 262

COMMONER AND MORE SIGNIFICANT OPERATIONS TABLE IT. MAJOR OPERATIONS Lids and Adnexa Tarsectomy Snellens' operation Mucous graft Dermal graft Lacrimal Cystectomy D.CR. (classical) D.CR. (Summerskill) ... Muscles Horizontal adjustments Oblique Myectomy Globe Evisceration Enucleation Conjunctiva Pterygium Cornea Tattooing Lamellar graft Penetrating graft Iris Optical Iridectomy Abscission of prolapse Lens Senile cataract Needling Glaucoma Fistulizing operation Iridectomy Iridencleisis Retina Diathermy Scleral resection Miscellaneous






170 24 5

226 30 1

82 174 5 3

53 15 2 25

871 60 5 17




28 10 3


149 9

183 10

31 40

52 17




c::; ~





36 14

38 21





-::: "-

.~ ;::,


--.-'" ~ -.





19 4

27 3 2



::t: 3

41 14

21 11

27 15

50 21

217 60

289 75

310 25

424 32

564 51

45 22 3

35 7

19 7

3 10



12 2 57


3 2 67


4 89

4 15 11 I

6 13 254

5 21 353





49 15



~ -::~

.:::: <.




Th e

Wardell' s H OIl e







Abbey Chapter Preceptory Ann Captain H. T . . . . . I J 0 Archer, Lie~t.-Colonel G . L., T . D. I I 0 Bermuda, BJ hop of . I I 0 Bilton Mrs. E. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . I I 0 Brow~e, Brigadier-General l. G. .N.G., CB.E. , D.S.O . . 220 cCadbury, Mrs. W. A. . " .. ... . . 8 13 11 CaU, Colonel P. H. . . . . . . . . . I 1 0 Cecil Commander The Hon . Henry, O .B.E. , R.N . I I 0 Clothworkers, Worshipful Company of . cCodrington, Colonel l. A. . . . . 14 9 Commandery of Ards, Order of St. John . Dalton, Major-General . J. G ., . B., CB. o Dalton, Mr . J. C . o Dixon, Rev. E. G .. Ferguson, J. S.. . . . . Gillett, Major Sir Sydney H. , M. I I 0 Grantham, W. Tvor, O.B.E. . 5 5 0 Guida V. . . . . . . . cHall, Rear-Admiral Sir Arthur, K .B. . , C.B . 16 6 Harris, Captain The Lord, M. " . . . . . I 0 Hospital Car Service, County of London . . . Howard de Walden and Seaford, The Lady, C.B .E. 200 Keith Roach , P. B. 100 Leather, Mi s V. M ., M . B. E . . I 1 0 Masonic Order of Knights Templar in England and Wale May, Major F., M .B.E., T.D. I 0 Morrison, Commander E. A ., R . .. o 0 Morrison, N . G . o 0 ottingham o. 6 .B. orps, S.l.A .B.. ottingham Ambulance and ursing adets, S.l .A .B Nottingham City Area Transport Ambulance Divi ion, S.J.A.B .. Onward and Jnvicta Lodge Pamham, H. W. 220 Patrick, Sir Paul, K. .1. E., . 1. 1 1 0 Phillips, J . Priory for Wales, Order of t. John . Provincial Priory of orthamptonshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire St. John Council for Devon Steer, Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Hornby Stewart, Mis R. Stitcher, B. . cVerey, Colonel H. E. D .. 0 . 1 J4 9 cWalker, Miss A. M ., M .B.E.. . 3 J3 1 Watford Grammar School for Girl cWebb-Johnson, Col. The Lord, G . .V.O., .B.E., D.S.O., (the late). . . . . . . 18 5 3 William de la More Preceptory Collected at Jerusalem .

Donations £ s. d . 3 3 0




39 12 0 6 10 0 5





10 0 0



430 12 1 0 J3



220 10


50 0 0 11



500 J



1 0 5 0


2 JO







688 16 3 191 8 10




£880 5 1

£944 5 4 NOle:-The letter "e" indicates that the subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enabling the Hospital to reclaim the relative income ta .







£ s. d, cAberdeen The Mo t Hon. The Marquis of, O .B.E. , K .SU ., H .M .L. , LL.D ., J.P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . cBarclay-Harvey of Dinnet, Sir Malcom, KC.M .G. , KSt.J. Bloch, Sir Maurice, O.St.J.(A) . . . . cBrown, Mrs. Jane P. H. Graham, O .SU . . cBrown , R . G . A. , O.SU ., c.A. . . cCowie, Thomas P. , O .B.E., C.SU . . . . . . . . . . eCruickshank, Colonel M. M., C.LE., C.St.1., B.Sc. , M.D. , F.R . .S. cGrant-Suttie, Colonel H . F., C.B.E., D .S.O ., M .C., C.SU. . . Green, G . and H. . . . . . . . . . cHamilton, Major John Forrest, KSt.J ., M.D .. Hobbs, Lieut-Cdr. J. W., K.St.J .. . . Lethen, Sir Gordon, KC.M.G ., K.SU .. . eLindsay, The Rt. Hon. The Earl of, KStJ .. Macdonell, James, C.St.J. . . . . . . . . cMacKenzie, Colonel Eric D ., C.M.G., D.S.O., O .SU. cMacKenzie, Ivy, C.SU., M .D., B.Sc., F.R.F.P.S. . . . . cMackie, Professor J. D., C.B.E., M.C., KSU., M .A., LL.D . Manclark, Norman M ., O.St.J. . . . . . . . . . cMitchell, Dr. J. P., C.B .E., C.SU. . . . . . . Murray, Sir Andrew, O.B.E., KSU., LL.D., D .L., J.P. cMurray, Lieut.-Colonel R. L. T ., O.SU . . . . . . . . . . cPirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, C. H . c. , O .B.E. , D.S .C. , G.C.SU., F.S.A . Price Mrs. Margaret, O.SU. . . . . .' .. ... cRose, Lieut.-Colonel 1. C. S., O.SU . Ross, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.. . . . . . . Russell, Sir Guthrie, KC.S .I. , KC.LE. , KSU . eScott, Mrs. Agnes B., S.S.SU . . . . . . eScott, Michael, O .SU., M .A .. . . eSimpson, Robert G ., O.SU., C.A . . Sivewright, Captain J. Shand , C.St.J . cStark, Mrs. M. J., S.S.SU. . . . . . . . . . . . eSwapp, George, C.SU. , D .C.M. , M .M ., M.B. . . . . . . eTurnbull, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Hugh S., K.C.V.O ., KB.E. , K.SU. eYoung, Colonel Alexander G ., D .S.O., C.SU., T.D ., D .L. The Aberdeen Committee of the Order.. .. , The Edinburgh Committee of the Order The Glasgow Committee of the Order .

3 13 \ 1 16 6 10 0 0 3 0 0

39 )

3 13 \ 3 9 )

1 14 9

55 0 1 14 9

50 0 33 0 8 13 1\

33 0 39 )

Dyring, Dr. V. C. English, Dr. . Hart, Dr. . . . . . . . HospitaJler's Club, South Au tralia Hospitaller's Club, Tasmania . McGuinness, Dr. . . . Russell , Lieut.-Colonel A. . St. John Ambulance Associati~n, Qu~ens'land St. John Ambulance Association Victoria St. John Ambulance Brigade, N~. 3 Corps Vict~ .. St. John Ambulance Brigade, Queensland ' na St. John Council, Tasmania . . '" St. John Council, Victoria . . . . . . Sy~~ey Chu.rch of England Grammar' Schooi fo~ d 'l WIlliams, Lieut.-Colonel O . B. II

2 17 6 17 4

£A261 12

22 0 1 14 9

33 0

£A s d. 5 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 21 0 0 50 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 55 0 0 10 10 0 I I 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 85 15 0 2 2 0 1 0 0

Sterling equivalent .



0 9

1 16 6 3 13 \

1 I 33 20 22

0 0 0


18 i 8 13 I

3 13 3 00 5 4~

18 l 1 14 9 313 1 5 50 5 5 I' 5 5

£129 6

Note:-The letter ."e" indicates. that the Subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant thus enablmg the HospItal to reclaim the relative income ta .

PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND Auckla nd Centre . Canterbury and West Otago Centre . Southland District Taranaki Centre Wanganui Centre Wellington Centre

Sterling equivalent

oast Centre

£ Z . s. d. 33 16 I 3 18 0 30 12 9 24 5 11 30 5 5 200 43 14 6 £ Z. 168 12


£166 19






Linen Guild <thairmnl1 : THE COU TES OF S


::IDcput}l (!bnirmnn :

U)ic~::(! ba j rma 11 :


A, Du H




secretaru : MAJOR J . F. C. U DERIllLL, T.D.



YEAR 1958 The Linen Guild met only twice during the year but the attendance wai good and the work and intere t ha been maintained. Owing to the initiative of Lady Duke-Elder a Linen Guild ha been inaugurated in Australia and Lady Berryman ha become it fir t Presi· dent. We welcome this new Guild which will widen the intere t and increase the number of friend of the Ophthalmic Ho pita\. Lady Webb-John on and Lady Duke-Elder organi ed a mo t ucces ful bridge drive at St. John' Gate which brought in a total of £264. The Linen Guilds of Canada and New Zealand have both ent valuable gifts in money and kind, aU of which have been much appreciated b! Matron, and we thank them for their genero ity. The Linen Guild is most grateful to Roberta , Lady Be borough, and to Lady Freyberg for representing the Linen Guild of Canada and Ne\1 Zealand respectively. In this way the Linen Guild of tho e countries are kept informed of the needs of the Hospital and also of the work of our own Guild and we avoid any overlapping in our work. Lady Duke-Elder has kindly consented to act a representative of the Australian Liner: Guild. We aim to build up a store of all the most obvious need of the Hospital. so that when Matron asks for linen or bandages, or clothe for patient). etc. , they will be able to be sent out at once .


We also hope to in?rea c our fund so as to be able to provide for the entire upkeep of the linen of the new ho pita!. The Guild i also m?st gr~tefu l to the St. John Councils who have so generou ly ent donatIOns In re ponse to the appeal made by Lad Scarbrough. y All t~e membeI~s of the Linen .Guild we~e very sorry that Miss Haye has re Igned. OWJl1 ~ to her new Job she will not be in London so much. As she wa at one tIme ~atron of the Hospital in Jeru aiem, she was a valued member of the GuIld.






Lascell es , Mrs. Edwa rd eScott, Mrs. C. E. M . . Wollaston , Lady

£ s. d. I

I 0

J 9 7 J J 0 1 6 I 3 0 0


I J I 3 I I I I II I 5 J 10 6

I 1 1 2


I 0 13 I

I 0 13 I

I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 16 II I 0 5 0 1 0 8 8 19 2 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0

17 7 10

I I I I 3 3 I I I

I I I I 3 J I I I

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

J 13 I

1 I 1 I 1 1 1

I 16 I I 16

0 6 0 0 6

16 6

I 0

£136 4 II

£1 17



s. d . 10 0 1 0 0 0 ]0 0 10 6

£3 11


54 4

d. 0 5 0

Howard de Walden and Seaford , Lady, .B. Lowry-Corry, Lady Margaret " Milnes Gaskell , Lady Constance, .V.O . Watson, Mrs. D. B., O .B.E . . Weaver, Mrs. .

927 I 0 3 0 0 2 2 0 I I 0

s. 10 17 10


SUBSCRlPTIONS AND DONATIONS YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER, 1958 VI E-PRESIDENTS Beachcroft, Mrs. J. . . , .' eBe borough , Dowager ounless of . Bessemer, Mrs. J . C. B. . .., eBolitho , Sir Edward , K .B.E., .B., D .S.O . Brabourne, Doreen Lady, .r. eBridgland, Mrs. K . O . . . Byrne, Mi s V. J ., O .B.E. . Cad bury, Mr . W . A . . Crawford. Mrs. M . . . Cromer, Rubey Counte s of cOuke-Elder, Lady . . . French, Lady E sex, O .B.E. cFreyberg, Lady, G.B.E . . Gamage, Hon. Mrs. Leslie . cGrafton, Dowager Duche s of Graham, Mr . M . B. . . . . Halifax Countes of, .r., D .C.V.O. Hayes, Miss A. C. G .. James, Lady Serena cLaw, Mrs. Frank . Lechmere, Mrs. C. M . . Lilley, Mrs. V.. . Lindsay, Countess of eLloyd, Dowager Lady . cLoraine, Lady . . Luttrell , Mrs. G. F . Lyle, Mrs. Keith . Lythall, Miss A . E. .. Malcolm, Lady, M.B .E . Mrs. K. Marshall. . . . . . . . . . . . cMountbatten of Burma, Countess, c.l., G.B . E. , D .C. V.O . unburnholme, Dowager Lady Overend, Miss L. . Perowne, Hon. Lady . Pirie-Gordon, Mrs . H. A . . Plender, Lady . Porritt, Lady . . Rice, HOD. Mrs. Talbot Scarbrough, Countess of . Smith, Miss H. M ., A.R.R.C. eSouthwell, Lady . . . . . Swaythling, Dowager Lady, O .B.E. cTildsley, Hon. Mrs. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D. Vernon, Mrs. Robert eVickers, Mrs. E. M. . . . cWalker, Miss A. M., M .B.E . . Whitaker, Hon . Mrs. H. G.




DONATIO S Ladies' Linen Guild of Ca nada . St. John Council for Berkshire . . St. John Council for Buckinghamshire . st. John Council for heshire St. John Council for Guern ey . St. John Council for Je r ey . . . . . . . . St. John Council fo r the County Palat ine o f Lanca ter St. John Council for Leicestershire . . . . . . . . St. John Council for North a mpton shire and Hunl ingdon shi re St. John Council for orthumbe rland . . St. John Council for Pl ymouth and Distric t St. John Council for Somerse t St. John Council fo r Sus ex . . St. John Council for Warwickshi re . St. John Council for Worcester hire . . . . St. John Council for Ea t Rid ing of Yorkshire . St. John Council for North Rid ing of York hire St. John Council for West R id ing of Yorkshire . St. John Ambulance Brigade, E e ade t Divi ions St. John Ambulance Briga de , ottingha mshire Astor of Hever, Lady . Aykroyd, Mrs. M . R .. . .0 . Beaufort, Duke of, K. ., P. ., G . Brown , Miss H . M. . . Dawson of Penn , Vi ountess Dower, Colonel Alan . . Grimmer, Miss H . P . A . . Lawson Johnston , Hon. Pearl Lucas, E. . Luke, Lord . Mayhew, Mis A. Middleton, Lord Wells, Miss A. c. . . . Whitbread, Major Simon .


--£ 100 10 10 10 5 10 10 20 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 10

s. 0 0 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0



I 1 1 I I I 1 2 1 I

10 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




Total- £45 8 2s. 10d.

Note:-The letter " e" indicates that the Subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant thus enabling the Linen Guild to reclaim the relative income tax .


.. Relief of

Fir l

id Post,


anadwn lndustrie

Fair, King lon , Jamaica.

Ube (I5rall() IPriot)? ill nbc 18ritisb ~eallll of tbe /Ir.Iost lVenerable ~r()er of tbe 1bo5pital of St. Job 11 or Jerusalem

{the St. 30hn RlnbnlRnce tls50ciRtion JPlI tron


H R MAJESTY THE QUEeN (Sovereign Head of the Order) IPre£\I{)clI t :




(Grand Prior of the Order) IDfrector:::<i3eneral: HORA CE


PARSHALL, E Q., T.D., M.A., (OXO .)

IPrinclpal /lr.)eOica[ 0fficer:

A. C.



ox, ESQ. O.B.E" M.C., M.B .• CH.B

lDeput)2 lDlrectors:::<Beneral LTEUT.-COLONEL

D . C.




IDeput)2 IPrinclpal /lr.)eOicni Officer:


S . McLTNTOCK, ESQ., M.B., CR.B., D.P.H.

Secretar)2: LIEUT.-COLO EL J. E. F. GUERITZ, M.A. (OXO .) ~rea6Uret

anb :accountant :


D. B. R.











:association (tommtttee


Ubnirmall ;





CD trector-G enera I)

The Association has had another succes ful year and activitIes have increased. In England over 158 ,000 men, women and children were examined by the A sociation. Classes have increased by over 200 and certificates by over 5,000. The ere ults are an indication of the developing and continuing appreciation of the valLIe of First Aid by industry and the general public. His a matter of gratification that the work which our County Directors, Centre and lass Secretarie are doing has brought about such results.

fficmbers; Ex-officio THE SEcRETARy-GENERAL





1ROlllillate() b}? tbe IDlrector::::<Bcllem(: A. B. BADGER, E Q., PH.D. R. BRAMLEy-HARKER, ESQ.




F. L.







H. O. HOOPER, EsQ., C.M .G.


J. A.

H. C.

JONES, EsQ., C.B.E., M.B.,

H.B., J.P .

LA G, EsQ.








SIR H. C. SlNDERSON PASHA, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.V.O ., M.D., F.R . . P .(E.) J. S. WEATHERLEY, EsQ. ALEX. J. WEBB, EsQ.

1Representing SubOl'()lIlate JEstablisbments of tbe @r()er: THE HON. JOHN BRUCE, C.B.E., J.P.,D.L., Priory for Wales Brigadier J.


CALWELL, C.B.E., M.V.O., Commandery of Ards

The Association lost Major-General W. E. Tyndall, C.B., C.B.E., M.C., M.B., D .P.H. , as Deputy Director-General who took up an appointment preventing his giving the atten.t ion ~hic~ he wished to his St. John duties. It was with great regret that his re IgnatlOl1 was accepted. Mr. D. C. Maclean, who was appointed in 1957 as Assistant DirectorGeneral, has now been appointed Deputy Director-General in General Tyndall's place. We would like to take thi opportunity of thanking General Tyndall for the magnificent work he did as Chairman of the Joint Committee, charged with the duty of preparing the text for the new joint Fir t Aid Manual. The Association now has 20 County Directors and we are very fortunate in having obtained the as istance of Dr. D. 1. Acres in Essex; Lt.-General Sir Brian Kimmin , K.B.E., in Somerset, and Major-General G. D. Fanshawe, C.B. D.S.O. O.B.E., in Wiltshire. The expansion of the Association' work in Countie where we have County Directors is more than sufficient proof of the val ue of the e appointments and the magnificent work which the Directors do. Dame Elizabeth Cockayne on her re ignation a Chief Nursing Officer of the Ministry of Health, re igned from the A ociation Committee and we wish to record our gratitude to her for the help and advice which she so willingly gave at all time. We are very grateful to Miss K. Raven Dame Elizabeth' succe sor, for agreeing to join the Committee as a representative of the Mini try of Health. PUBLICA no S AND COURSES

. The chief event of the year was the publication of two joint Manuals ill collaboration with the St. Andrew's Ambulance A sociation and the British Red Cross Society. The advantage which accrue from this co-~peration are very great and the production of joint book will increase the Influence of the Voluntary Aid Societies. Adult First Aid Manual: This book was published on 1st September 1958, and received a very warm welcome. By the end of the year about a quarter of a million copies had been sold in St. John cover. The book has reach.ed. many parts of the world and we may feel satisfied that the three SOCIetIes have produced a tandard work which will be the basis of study ,for many xears to come. Comments or criticisms are recorded by a StandIng CommIttee of representatives of the three Societies.


Adult Nursing Manual: Tlli book was published on 15th September 1958 and it al 0 received a very warm welcome. It provide. a Useful ba i for training, not only in the home but for tho e who wIsh to join the National Ho pital Service Re erve. In thi way it i crving a valuable national purpo e. A Standing Committee of repre entative of the three Societie ha been appointed to deal with the comment received on this book al o. Prelill7inarj' First Aiel Afanual: This book will not appear until 1959 but it will b-e an excellent aid to instruction sinc its colourful picture; will encourage the tudy of Fir t Aid and will be available in all parts of the world \: her such a book i r quired. Preliminary lIrsillg Manual: The te t and iIlu tration for thi were completed by the end of the year and it i hoped that it will be publi hed in the Spring of 1959. Preliminary Child Care Manual: Thi book wa, completed during the year and publication i due in April, 1959. Catechisms of First Aid and ursing: The e, ba ed on the two Adult Manual are to be joint publication and work i proceeding on them. It will, however, be orne time before they appear. The text will have to be agreed by the three Societie but it is hoped that they will not be too long delayed. The thanks of the St. John Ambulance A oClation are due to all those who ga e up 0 much time to the preparation of the e book and we should like to mention be ides those referred to in our Report for J 957 the work done by Dr. A. C. White Knox, O.B.E., M.C., the Principal Medical Officer of the As ociation, in re pect of the Adult and Preliminary First Aid Manuals, .tvfi s Ottley who wrote the Preliminary ur ing Manual, and Miss Keene who wrote the Preliminary Child Care Manual. In order that full use might be made of the new ur ing Manual which covers somewhat more ground than our previou book it wa decided to institute two Nursing Course in place of the one original Home Nursing Course. The A sociation, therefore, now ha the Initial ur ing Course based on Part I of the new Nursing book. and the Advanced Nursing Course based on Part I II and Chapters 19 and 20 of Part [II. There are two separate Certificates for the two courses and they are co ered b) separate regulations. The Committee decided that there hould be a life of three years placed upon the Initial Nursing Certificate, thus bringing it on to a level with the Adult Fir t Aid Certificate and en uring that holders of our Certificates keep their knowledge up to date. In January the Committee decided that the age limit for the Adult Courses of the Association should be reduced from 16 to 15 years 0 that anyone over the age of 15 can now take the Certificate e ami nation for these courses. In addition, it was decided that there should be a d iIferent standard in First Aid examinations for candidates sitting for Certificates and Vouchers and for candidates sitting for medallions and labels. It was felt that this would ensure that holders of these higher awards were able to show the efficiency which one would expect of them. The above indicates, we believe, that the Association is continually alive to the need for keeping in line with modern trends and for meeting new needs as they may arise. In these modern times it is necessary to be


progressive and to be willing to change or improve as circumstances may demand. ASSO LA nON AT HOME

Reference w~s made i~ t.he Report for 1957 to discussions which were taking place wIth the MIIlI try of Labour and National Service to conider how be t to bring the val ue of ~ir t Ai~ to the attention of employers and to make them aware of the ervlces available to them for the instruction of employee. T~e e di cus ions con.tinued ir: 1958, and ultimately 39 place were cho en 111 England for a peclal effort Involving co-operation between the. Facto.ry. 1n pectorate . and the local representatives of the Voluntary AId Socletle. Tn operatIOn, th e cheme showed the advantage of active collaboration between the In pectorate and our Centres. We are glad to say that th~ Factory] n pector are now in many cases mem bers of our Centre CommIttee. We c.ontinued the campaign for the training of agricultural worker in First AId and although result have not yet been as good a we wish them to be, th~ co-operation received from Young Farmer' Club was most enc.o.uragm g . Many y~u.ng farmer are takiI?-g Fir t Aid and ursing Cettlfic~t~s and compet.l tlon h~ve been orgal1lsed, a for example, in the We t Rldmg of York hlr~ and 111 Devon hire. We are very grateful to all those who have made thl happy co-operation po sible. Fu.rther. efforts were made to increase the number of First Aid ela e held m pn on and the e proved ucce fuI. A valuable example of what can be done i the Dorcbt: ter Centre where a number of uch clas e have been held. Th~rc were con i?erable chang in onnection with Civil Defence and new ~Ircula~ .w re I . ued by the Home Office dealing with First Aid and ursmg .trallllng ettIng alit requirement for cour e and also permitting the weartng. of the badge of the t. John Am bulance ociation in Civil Defence unIform by holder of valid Fir t Aid Certificates and award There was al 0 a further circular dealing with admini trative fees. Thes~ a.rrangem~nt have been . th.e ubject of negotiation for a con iderable tIme .and It wa very ~ratlfYll1g that our di cu ions hould have reached a satisfactory conelu lOn. There. wa . con iderable activity in the Counties. ew Centres were formed 111 :Wlgan and ~Iyth a~d the County Director for the We t Riding of York hIre ha contInued hI reorgani ation 0 that the boundaries of many C~ntre were increa ed to include new areas and other Centre were reVIved and re-activated. The .Association County Director for London wa able to put into force hIS plan for development and Committee were et up coverinCT the City of London, the. We tern rea orthern Area and South Ea '::>tern A~ea: The e CommIttee have. done magnificent work in co-ordinating ~XIStll1g c1a e a \: ell a meetm& new dema~d and timulating greater mterest. I,n the tern Area a ~lrcular wa 1 ued to a large number of firms and ]t receIved an encouragmg re ponse; in the South Eastern Area pl~n developed for organi ing meeting locally to form Borough CommIttees. The Ho,:- e Badge Scheme was in tituted in Warwick hire and ha been successful m N:llleaton, Rugby and Leamington and Warwick. The East Gnnstead Centre of the A sociation ha pon ored an Everf{~e~ Club to provide care and social entertainment for the aged and lIS as proved a very happy form of ervice.




. 1 event of intere t wa the vi it of the Prime Mini ter to the A specla . ., f tl A 1G .1 le nn~a enera Council Chamber in Halifax at the begmmog 0 Meeting held on 21 t March, 1958, wh n he had a few word wIth members and official pre ent. . . d S New headquart rs have been establi hed m Plymouth an owerby . Brid ae' these will be a very gr at he1 p to both. th~ Centr TI~e 'Rugby Centr i particularly succ s ' r~1ll1 It. contact WIth Ru~by School where there is a keen support for FIr t AId cour and a Flel~ D £ the School Cadet Forc proved a very ucce [ul event. ~SSOCl­ atf~n ~radges are worn on Cade~ uni[o~'m ?y hold~rs ~~ our. cer~l~c~te. Other public school are taking ll1creaSll1g \l~ter~st m Fll t AId tt all1tng. Thi is al 0 the ca e with a nwnber of lar~e gIrl ch,ool. . . Many Centre are working clo ely wIth women orgam atlo? and pro iding lecturer for talk or giving film how co.nn~cted wIth o~r work. Similarly, many Centres help with youth orgal1l .attO!": an~ a Slst in the training of Boy Scout Girl Guide and otl~ers l~ ~~r t AId .an,d · Thi i a ery important part .of Centre actl Itle . and It, IS N ur mg. . d" encouraging to know that developl11en~ 111 thl 1.r~cttOn .arc lOcreasmg. At P oole, in Dor et, the Local ~du~atlon Authontle ~gIced. t.o make a grant of £4 lOs. Od. per ~la.s , whIch 1 a very v elcome IecognlttOn of the work done by the AssociatlOn. . ' One branch of the A ociation recently formed WIthout takmg on the functions of a Centre raised considerable fund a t~le re ult of a dance from which it financed its cla and wa able to gIve a ve.r~ generous donation to Headquarters. Such an event is in the best tradlttOns of the Association. f .. R eport from Centre indicate tl:e i~portance ~ comp tlttOn as a method of arousing interest and mall1tamm~ enthu la m. Many Centres run local competitions of varying size and it I c.l~ar that the e are popu.lar and serve a very valuable purpos~. Coml?etl~tOns cover .a very Wide range of interests including industn~l organl attOns of all I~C and al~o voluntary bodies. They are a meetl~g ~lace f?r all tho e ~ntere ted In First Aid and provide a stimulu whl~h 1 obvlOU 1y appreclat~d. , The Association is Assisting Authonty under the Duke of Edmburg? s Award Scheme and our Centres have been able to help in. many way WIth the running of courses or advice in Fir t Aid and. Nur .mg fo~ boy and girls operating under the Award Scheme. Enthu!a m I obvlOu ly con· tinually growing and we are very glad that we have been able to play our part. A Conference of County Directors was held at 10, Gro venor Cre cent, S.W.l, on 22nd June, 1958, an~, as u ual.' it ~roved a very al~able opportunity for the exchange of VIews a~~ dlscus tOn o.n future polIcy ~f the Association. Such matters as subscnbmg member hlP, county organt· sation and local finance featured largely in the agenda and one of the main benefits which accrued was the opportunity given for County D irectors to compare their problems. We are very grateful to al1 those who attended.

bage, which w.ere discussed wi~h the Principal Medical Officer at all stages. These film- tnps can be obtalDed on very generous terms either on purchase or on loan free o[ charge and the Association i most grateful to the British Tran port COJl!mis ~on for the wonderful as i tance it has given in this matter to the Fust AId movement and for making these film-strips available to our member. The National Dock Labour Board undertook the preparation of films starting with one on Artificial Respiration. It is hoped that this will be completed early in the s~r!ng of 1959. New po ter and pu bllclty leaflets have been preparcd for the Association and are available on purcha e. These are colourful and should meet a much felt need. As regard film, the British Tran port Commis ion has two excellent films for publicity purpose entitled, "It' a Dangerous World," and "Why Bother," which are al 0 available either for purchase or on loan free of charge; they can be mo t useful for recruiting meetings, etc. We are ahvay glad to ce how much publicity our Centres receive in the local press and we congratulate them on their obviously very happy relation with local editors. Publicity of this kind i most important and should always be fo tcred. A further intere ling item of equipment for exhibition or conference is the model farm indicating here accident can take place on farms and bringing home the need for ir t Aid should accidents occur. Thi was made in the We t Riding of York hire and ha already proved very popular.


With the publication of the new Manual of First Aid,. the Associa.ti,on had to consider the preparation of new films and film-stnp . T~e Bntl~h Transport Commission ?as prepa~ed .film-strips ~n black and whIte and ~ colour covering AsphYXla and Artlficlal RespuattOn, Shock and Haemorr




MEDITERRA EA Cyprus: De pite the very difficult political ituation, First Aid classe continued and the Police Force had special refresher courses for lay lecturers. There were al 0 cour e organi ed for the staff at the civil airport and Fir tAid ha been included in the syllabu for health inspectors. First Aid boxe have been i ued under the Village Fir t Aid Post Scheme. Other activities included a ir t Aid Competition in icosia for children for which there were 64 comp titor ; between 250-300 children were pre. ent and Lady. Foot presented the prize. There was also a ca ualty fakmg demon trattOn by the R.A.M.C., at Famagu ta attended by Police and mem ber of the Fire Service . There were anum ber of very successful fund-raising acti itie including a play and garden party. The As ociation badge i worn with great pride by tudent nurse of all co.mmynitie at the ur e ' Training School and the General Hospital, ICO la, who ha e qualified for their Fir ·t Aid Certificates. Fir t Aid is an essential part of the training programme and student de ote many hours to the theory and practice of this important subject. Great a istance wa given to the Centre by Mi Mary Mango, the World Health Organi ation's Adviser on ur e Training and Miss ~ouyouka, the Sister Tutor. The A sociation's Home Nur ing Manual IS used as a manual for the fir t-year students and the Child Welfare Manu~l i . u ed by the Senior Health Visitor in training Health Vi itor and MIdWIves. The A ociation' manuals have thus fulfilled an extremely useful function in the training of nurse in Cyprus. A further development was the introduction of Fir t Aid clas es at evening institutes which are a valuable aid to expansion, as they reach young villagers in their late


and early twenties. Considerable intere t in First Aid i hown by up ported our work for ma~y y C . e of l'n truction have now been tar ted also by the Hellenic years M" C r t1' · .' CoUI M Illlllg om pany and the Amiando A be tos mmg dompany lor ' .1eJr ven where no formal cla e were held an no eXaJ?1matlOn emp1oyees. E . . t' d nfo' 1 could be organi ed it i beli ed that traJl}lI1g ~on mue ~n an I [ma b' F ther the magnificent upport gl\en In a fin~nclal way by the S~:~~~es :ld others who organised concerts and theatncal performances how great promise for the future. in Gibraltar undertook G I'b'/ aIt a/.., Durin 0a the pa t year the A . ociation 1 . 1 1 f G the training in Fir t Aid of manual ~nd. wc u,stna emp oyees 0 overnment and private firm. As the maJor!ty of the. students d.o not .speak English the lectures \ er~ gi\~11 in Spanl h. I~ plte of the dlfficultle .49 certificates were gained 111 thl first tage. It IS i~o'p d that ~he campaign and \VI'11 con t'nue I , a a new law ha b n pas ed requmng factone . ., . workshops to ha e qualified First Aiders on the taff. T.hl actl~Jty IS mo t encouraging and we are grateful to tho e who have given theIr help. t

t~~n~ prus Mine Corporation which ha

jVfalta: In Malta, cla es were organi ed for t~e public a well a for

H.M. Dockyard Civil Defence and the Ma1t~ PolJ~e. There wa a te~dy development in preading a knowledge of FIr t AId and Home NurSIng throughout the Island.

MIDDLE EAST Aden: In Aden, Mr. M. A. Lokman took over the work of ecretary

from Mr. A. Bhatt, who e re ignation wa reported la t yea~, and .classes were continued chiefly for the Polic. T~1ere were also Jrst Aid and Home Nursing classes in the. ~ivil Hospital. We a re very grateful to Mr. Tucker the Surgical Spec13l1st, and Dr. Golledge and Dr. Mohamed Ahmed , wh~ made these activities pos ible. . The Sudan Railways continue Fir t Aid training for theIr emp~oyees, and five cla ses were held during the year with a total of 118 candld~tes, 101 of whom were successful in obtaining certificate. They also organised their annual competition in First Aid. It is interesting to note that the Association had a number of enquiries from Police Forces in the Persian Gulf and that t~1e Lebane. e Governm~nt purchased a large number of copies of the ArabIc translatIon of the Fmt Aid Manual for their Civil Defence Department.

WEST AFRICA Early in 1958 it was decided to enlarge the Centre Committee of Ghana to make it more representative. As a result, nearly .all t~o e d~partn:e~ts of Government and other institutions interested III Fu. t Aid tr~tnIDg nominated representatives to sit on the <:~ntre Con:mlttee .. Tlys has already had a very happy effect ~n~ in addltl?n, there 1 ~rowU1g ll1teres~ shown in the work of the ASSOCIatIOn by pnvate, educatIOnal and com mercial bodies. The total number of First Aid awards gained by students in 1958 is the bjg~est figm:e reached in any ye,ar sir:c~. the Centre was established and It IS proof mdeed of the Centre s actIvIt Ie . The Gh~na Police continued to gain the highest number of award.s. The. Gold Mlll~S are making great headway and interest has been re-kmdled 111 the Public Works Department and also in the Railways and Harbours. A very

successful First Aid Competition was organised for police teams and it is hoped also to stage further competitions on a much broader basis so as to form a foundation for a national competition. In Nigeria, Mr. Christie, the Order's Organiser, has been doing excellent work and receives 1110 t encouraging support from the Police, Railways and Nigerian Ports Authority. Mr. Bank Anthony was appointed Director of the As ociation for Nigeria and we are very grateful for his support. Since. Fir t. ~id wa inclu?ed as a mar~-earning subject in the syllabus of baSIC tramtng for rccnuts at the Pollce Colleges and in the syllabus [or all con table attending five month' courses at Refresher Course School, and as First Aid instruction wa given on promotional cour es, motor traffic cour es etc., an even greater increase can be expected in the future. The in truction of 0 many policemen and policewomen has only been made pos ible by the large increase in the number of lay lecturer. Further cour e for lay lecturer are planned for 1959. In the coal mines a number of cour es have been organi ed and it has been found that miners who u tain accidents are receiving better and more prompt Fir t Aid treatment than they received before courses were started in 1957. It i reported that in addition to relieving suffering and reducing the effect of less serious accidents it is likely that in many cases live have been aved by prompt and efficient treatment by employees on the spot who have at! nded First Aid courses. Refresher courses are planned for] 959 and it i hoped to set up an organisation covering the coal mines a a whole. Cour e have also been organised for employee in the tin mine and lay lecturers have been trained. At a ceremony held at Bukuru in ugu t, 1958, certificate were pre ented to successful candidate by the ederal Mini ter of Labour and Welfare, who also spoke on the value of Fir t Aid. Further cla se are planned and developments continue. In Sierra Leolle the police continue their training and include in their classe Sanitary In pector . Police Officers give lectures in Fir t Aid to employee of the United Africa Company Limited. The A sociation Centre for the Sierra Leone Pri on Sen icc 10 t it chairman, Mr. W. B. Wright, the former Director of Pri on , and we are grateful to the new Director of Pri on and In pector of Prisons for taking on the duties of President and Chairman re pectiv Jy. Increa ing interest is taken in First Aid; a a re ult, clas es are now being held regularly both in the colony and protectorate, with training being given to lay lecturers. With the completion of the cho01 build ing, it i e pected that the training programme will proceed e\ en more rapidly. Our thanks are due to Mr. Frank M. J obi, who ha organised lectures for persons in the colony as well a in the province. The Centre took part in a number of outside activitic .

EAST AFRICA Tn Kenya the year 195~ showed very sati factory progress with 1,751 certificates i ued a against 795 in 1957. There were 62 Preliminary class~s and 69 dult cIa ses, which included training in First Aid, Home ~urslng, Child Welfare and mi cell an ou ubjects. This is due to the mcreased interest which i being taken in our work by the public and the schools. As the number of qualified lay lecturer increa e , the present shortage of lecturer will be overcome and more classes can be arranged.



There i a particularly ati fyin~ re pon e rr~m sc~ool tcacher ,.many of '1 \i\11'11 be oraani ina Prelim1l1ary cla e In thelr chool dUring 1959. \i\ 10m I:> I:> • • • 't' d rr Over £6000 wa rai d by ariou fund-ral l11g actlvl Ie an we oller Our congratulation upon thi remarkable uccess. In Somali/and, Fir t id cla e were held in all di tric~ and from these classes men were cho en for a two-weeks cO~lrse a.t PolIce. He~dquarte~s before taking their Preliminary and Adult FlI' t Ald exammatlo.n . TIllS has proved a very ati factory arrangement and we are very gl ateful to those who have made thi po ible. In TanuGI1),ika , up-country Centre 11a e been encourag~? during the year and it i plea ing to note that St. John ~.mbulance facJ1lt~e are now available at five up-country tations in addItIon to t~o e P~llce 9f1ic.ers and airport per onnel who have qualifi~d and. are ttll e~clent Jl1 FLfSt Aid. Corre pondence and discussions till cont1l1.u e regardJl1g the plot of land on which to build Association Headqua~ters 111 Dar-e -Salaam ..There wa a drop in the number of Preliminary CertIficate due to the c~rt.atlment of recruiting of African con , table, and, thereforc, fcw~r rC~I. Ults pass throuah the Training School. Lay Lecturer Cour es were car ned o~t at Tabo;a Railway Training School and mem?e,r. of the Ea t. Afnca.n Railwa s and Harbour joined a Brigade Dlv~sIon after pa tng theIr Adult Fil' t Aid examination in May thus makmg a further up-coun~l) Centre. Thi i a very encouraging development and holds good promise for the future.

In Uganda lay lecturers have been. acti\e during the ye.ar , particularl) at the Police Training School, the Pollce College, the amdyango Coll.ege and the Kibuli Teacher Training Centre: also at the I ampala Techl1Ical Institute and the Railway Training School. A a re ult of these c1as es, new divisions of the Brigade were regi tered durin~ th ye.ar. Mr. E. R. Reeves, the Headquarters' Officer, relinquished hI appoJl1tment a~ the end of May after a successful tour of more than two year ; h~ wa relteved by Lt.-Colonel E. M. V. Jame 9.~.E. who recently retlred from the West Indies where he had been actlve 111 the St. John field for a number of years. Work on the new st. John building which \ ill be th.e future head· quarters of the Association Centre, Brigade and the CouncIl for Uganda. commenced during the month of November and hould be completed b) the end of April, 1959. This will b.e a very gr.eat asset to our wor~. The Kilembe Copper Mines have contmued t? give sUI?I?ort and dUring the year organised some very succes ful first ~ld c~mpetltiOns. Arua has also been active in holding first aid demonstratiOns m some of th~ J!1ore. rem?te tribal areas of the protectorate. Again this was a very promt Ing ItuatlOn and proves the great value of the work done by lay lecturers.


In Zanzibar there has been a re-organisation and Dr. A. Baird, O.B .E., Director of Medical Services, was invited to be chalrm~n of the Centre of the Association which was to be formed under the Pre Idency ~f His Excellency Sir Henry Potter, K.C.M.G. Dr. Baird accepted .thi~ invitation and has formed a Committee. It is expected that the Comrruttee will be in full operation early in 1959 and we ~now ~hat i~ ~ill ~ake a.vel} valuable contribution to the development of FIrst AId trammg m Z~nzlbar. We were very pleased to have the opportunity of meeting Dr. BaIrd and Mrs. Paul, the Centre Secretary, when they were in England.

CEYLON Once again Ceylon reports a record total of Fi.rst Aid Certificates issued during the year. J n addition, a considerable num ber of Home Nursing classes were held for women and there were also Child Welfare classes. We congratulate Ceylon on thi achievement. It is very encouraging that they hope to revive their Centres in Trincom~lee al1~ Batticaloa. Teachc.rs . in .Go~ernm~nt Training Colleges, particularly J11 the North, ar.e quallf~Jl1g 10 FIrst Aid through the Association and thl! leaders are bemg prOVided for the First Aid movement who can pread a knowlcdgc of Fir t Aid far and wide after they leave their training college. A kn?wlcdge of First Aid is being spread in the rural areas of Ceylon both In the orth where the instruction has been in Tamil, and in the South whcre the instruction has been in Sinhalese. This all indicates how alive the A sociation i in Ceylon.

FAR EAST The A sociation Centre for the Federation of Malaya continues to flourish and we were greatly encouraged to know that the Federal C?mpetition wcre honoured by the pre ence of His Majesty the Yang DI-Pe~tuan Agong. The new Headquarters now planned will give very great Impetu to the work of St. John in the Federation and we offer our good wi he for all ucc s in t~e future. Mr. A. E. Perera, M.B.E., who has done so much for the As OClatiOn as Secretary, retired during the year and was succeeded by Mr. E. Paramasivam. We are grateful to both of them for all they have done and are doing. The various Centres of the Association th~oughout ~he Federation how con iderable activity and rno t encouragmg enthu lasm for the development of First Aid classes. . During the year cIa se \\ e ~e held ~n most areas and regular re-examinatlOns took place. Membership \ as Increased and pecial mention hould be made of Perak \ here the number of member has been increased from 561 to 1 139. Negri Sembi/an and Perak have both completed their new ~ead9uarter and the latter have a particularly fine building. The A ociatlon In Keiantall ~n~ lohore have also tarted work on similar projects. A new are~ A oCla.tiOn ha. been e tabli hed in Ma/acca and is doing well. The Order s Orgam er, Ml 1. M. Checkley, took a keen interest in the work of the As ociation in Malaya and a i ted with the first Air Attendants' Cour e held in Malaya at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. "'Ie are gra~eful to all the doctor, lay lecturer, members of the AssociatIOn .and Bngade and other supporter who have made these developments pOSSIble. . Tn Sillgapore there was teady progres and a campaign was started to Increase the number of member. One of the objects wa to obtain further funds for the new headquarter building which it i hoped to start in 1959. yery gr~at he1p has been given both by doctor and lay lecturer in the InstructIOn of clas es and the A ociation i grateful to them for this. The Centre ~o-oper~te very closely with Civil Defence Headquarters and gives all POSSI ble aSSl tance ill the matter of First Aid training. Mr. M. A. Lewi resIgned as secretary as he was leaving Singapore in January, 1959. In Hong Kong it was a bu y year for the Centre and the number of cla~ses started, 118, wa a record. Most of them were conducted in Chmese, ?ut nine were in Engli h and one in Pakistani. Candidates were from vanous Government departments (including Police, Fire Brigade,


Pri on Education and Social Welfare Departments),. c;ivil Aid Services, School, Girl Guide, Cathay Pacific Airways, reli.glou and :vel fare organi ation , etc., and. the public generally. Such wide upport. ) most encouraging and there 1 no doub.t that .the new headq uarter . v.: hlch were completed in 195 will be a great mcenttve to ev n furth~r activIty. These headquarter contain fine lecture room , a m~del ho pi tal w~rd and the location i ]l10 t convenient for lecture , amtn rs and ca.ndlda~es. OUf congratulation go to all tho e who worked to make thl achIevement possible. Miss Checkley, the Order s Organi er vi ited North Born eo. and We were very plea ed to ee the Chairman of th Centre, . Mr. Atkll1son, ~n London during the ear. The Annual . General Meetmg took place I.n June and wa the fir t ince ] 955. HI Excellency the Governor, Sir Roland Turnbull, K.C. M.G. , addre ed the meeting which wa very ucce ful and at which a trong Committee wa formed . The afTairs of the A sociation have thus been re-organi ed and trcngthcned . branch ha been formed at Keningau as a re ult of Mi s Checkley' vi it. Courses are run for the Police and in consequence of thc agreement by A OClatLOn Headquarters to th appointment of Quali~e~ Ho pital A i tant as lay lecturer, there i now greater , cope for tralllmg. A very uccessful Flag Day and Dance was held and thi will now be an annual event. PA CfFIC ISLA D The Centre in Fiji continue to be active and we are grateful to Hi Excellency the Governor for the upport which he .gi~e . Plans devel?ped for the building of new headquarter and. v.: hen thIs 1 erected there 1. no doubt that it will give great impetu to tramtng. We offer our good WI he for succe s with this project. In the Solomon Islands plan for training Police in Fir t Aid continued satisfactorily. The first St. John course ev~r held in the Prote~torate took place in Honiara and was compl~ted dunng the year. Certificate were issued locally to uccessful candidate . In the Gilbert and Ellice Islands , Fir t Aid training for the Police progressed satisfactorily and classes were held in Ocean I land and Tarawa. We are very grateful to the Superintendent of Police, who i doing so much for St. John in the colony. Firs~ Ai~ traini~g al . 0 takes place for the Boy Scouts and thus there IS growmg mtere t m thl work. WEST INDIES AND CARIBBEAN In March the approval of the H.R.H. The Grand Prior wa conveyed to the appointment of The Hon J. M. Stow, C.M.G. , Chief Secretary, ~nd Chairman of the St. John Council, as As ociation Director for JamaIca. I n this capacity he exercises overall super vi ion over the four areas an.d co-ordinates their activities. We are very grateful to him for all he IS doing in this capacity. In Jamaica South-East, apart from courses in First Aid and Hon:e Nursing which were conducted throughout the year, special First ~Id Courses were arranged in prisons as part of the Prisoner ' RehabilitatlOn Programme and the Centre was represented on the Aid-to-Prisoners Committee. The Secretary of the Centre also assisted the Government industrial health nurse in setting up First Aid boxes in factories and

industrial wor~s. !,- s a ~·es ult of t~ejr joint efforts many employees are being trained In First Ald. Tl1 e Ktngston and St. Andrew Corporation invited the Centr~ Secretary to represe nt St. John on their Clean Food Campaign Committee. The campalgn was most succes ful and a number of employees oC ~es ~au:ant , bak.er , etc. , too.k tl1e Clean Handling of Food Course. 1 h~ IJ1dlcate a WIde range of lI1terests and a flourishing Centre. It was with regret th~t th e Centre recorded the resignation of Dr. E. Hoerman , who wa chalflllan for many years. His place has been taken by the Hon. G . C. Gunter,. C. B.E., and we arc most grateful to Dr. Hocrman for all th e work he did for u for such a long period. In Jamaica .N orth-East the wor~ of th e ~ ss ociatior: is expanding rapidly and the publIc showed a great Interes t In th e vanous public functions which took place. Very valuabl e work is being done by Jay lecturers and doctors. ~nd nu.r .e ~ who as i t a.t exa:ninati.on s. Some very successful fund-raIsIng activitie were organi sed, Ill cludm g a harity Ball at which the sum of £491 was rai ed. In Jamaica Norlh-~~es t the oml11ittee wa strength ened by the addition of imp?rtant per on IJ1 the fi elds of d ucati on, the hurch , Boy Scouts and GIrl GUIde mov ment. la sses were organi sed in First Aid and Nur ing and a num~e r. of fund -raisin g activitie were organi sed for the new headquarter budding. . Tn. Jamaica o ut~- W est t.here wa increa ing intere t throughout the dl tnct and t~ e van o.u ~ part he · r~ ported a very encouraging number of cIa e . An Inno vatIOn wa th IJ1clu ion of First id lectures in the curriculum of. train ee . at th e Indu .trial !raining Centre Monymu k. Another e~penll1ent of mtere twa FIr t Atd cia e.., at the Cobbla Youth Camp which may produce promi sing re ult in the future. The ervices rendered by doctor nure and lay lecturer is mo t valuable in making these development po ible. Once again, th ere wa ome remarkable fund-rai ing activitie and we congratulat th e organi s rs. Tn t.he Windward Is/al7 ~/s th ere 'v\a con id rabl e activity and cIa organl ed for the Police IJ1 th e variou isl a nd of th c group.

v ere

In Grenada ther \. a . a ariety of cla and alLIable work wa done by lay lecturer. In t. Vlll cellt the Re verend Dr. ranci Lamb did remarkable :,,?rk a a lectu~·e r and. organi er of cia ~ e . He has now gone to Dom/lllc~ wher he J helpm.g the A ociation in the ame \ ay. Hi support IS very gr atly appreciated. In Antigua ther .ha e bel:n a number of cour e and for the purpo e of John work the Island ha been divided into four area. Each area ha Its own C~mmittee . A number of lay lecturer have been trained and they are rendenng very alLIable ervice. ~t.

I~ Britis.h Guiana there wa a special campaign to intere t firms in havmg theIr staff trained in Fir t Aid and ursing and we would congrat.ulate the Centre upon the very fin total of candidates examined for certLfic~tes and sub. equent awards. It has now been agreed that Governme~t SIck nur e dlspen er w~o are uit~bly qualified may be granted certJfica~e a lay lecturers. It 1 h.op~d With their a i tance to penetrate further mto .the remote country dl tncts. The Committee of the Centre was. reorgal1lsed and we are very glad to welcome Sir Donald Jack on a chaIrman.



In British Honduras, Fir t Aid training for Po~ice wa cont.inued. During th year, Major R. G. ~ox, G.C. resIgned as chalflnan of the Trinidad Centre Committee on hi tran fer to Hong Kon~. A usu~l there wa an active training programme and. there wa pecIal emphaSIS on the re-examination of member of the PolIce Force. I n order .to COYer aU po sible areas, there was a ~r~v~ for lay lectu.r er and tl~ere 1 . . now a qualified lay lecturer in. eve:y dlviSlOn 0[. the PO.hce Forcc, tncl~dlOg the Island of Tobago, whIch IS a very .satl fa~to[y development. we are crrateful to those who have made thl pos Ible. b TRA SLATlO S OF MA UALS CARRIED OUT OV RSEA During the year we received. fr?m India tran lat~ons of the Adult First Aid Manual in Tamil and PunJabl, and t~1e t~anslatlOn of the Ad ult Home Nursing Manual in Gujerati. A tran latlOn tn French of the A.dult Home Nur ing Manual was prepared in ~anad~, and a tran latlO~ of the Preliminary Home Nur ing Manual. tn ~hlOe e wa prepare~ 111 Hong Kong. Both the e books were recel~ed m 1958. A tran tatton . of the 40th edition in Malay was prepared l~ Kua~a Lumpur ~nd rece~v.ed at the end of 1958. The Preliminary Fl.r t AId Manual 111 Swahtli was reprinted in Kenya to meet an extens.tve de.mand. .' Already tran lations of the new FIrst Aid Manual ~re pI ~ceedmg overseas; Hong Kong have undertaken a Chine e tral~ latlOn whl~h th~y hope will be ready in 1959 and Cyprus are p~epanng t~an la~lOns III Greek and Turkish; it is hoped that both the e Will be. publI hed In ~959. The Priory of the Order of St. John in Southern Afnca are prepanng a translation in Afrikaan . COMPETITlO S No new national competitions were in tituted thi year, but the interest shown in the various events continued to attract a greater numb~r . of teams and competitors. It is e timate~ t.hat 2,275 teams,. compnsmg 11,375 competitor, took part in the prelil~ll1ary round . ~l~ners of the national competitions held under the auspIce of the As oClatlon were as follows:-

Shields, took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 27th November at the Porchester Hall. We had the privilege and honour on this occasion of welcoming His Royal Highness The Grand Prior, who not only graciously presented the trophies and medallions, but also expressed his pleasure at the excellence of the competition and on its arrangemen ts. The winning teams were :- ME : Police (Exeter City Police); WOME General Post Office Ambulance Centre (H.Q. I Branch). The Mayor of Paddington, the Chancellor and Executive Officers or the Order and repre entatives of all organisations which had teams competing were prescnt on the platform. To the Associated British Picture Corporation Ltd. we extend our sincere thanks for their continued generosity in staging this and all other national competitions which we held during the year. The realism and the colour which the scenery provide greatly enhances the effectiveness of the tests. To those mem?~r of the medical profession who have acted as judges at these competItlOns, and to the steward and patients who have so generously given up much . . of their time to assist at these events , we expres~ ou~ w~rm appreCIatIon and tb.anks. Their co-operation and help are an msplratLOn to tho e concerned WIth the organisation of competitions. Finally, it would be proper to thank the competitors who have worked so hard and whose enthu ia m has made the competitions an outstanding feature in oLlr year' work.

Competitions Jor Men Organi ation: Police. . . . . . . . . British Electricity Ambulance Centre . National Coal Board . . . . . . . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . . . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) British Transport Commission (police) Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre National Dock Labour Board . Fire Brigades. Gas Industry.







Winning Team: Exeter City Police Fulham Dean and Chapter Collier) Harwell Worksop Liverpool Street Royal Arsenal, Woolwich Great Yarmouth City & ounty of Bristol orth Thames Ga Board

National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance . t'lOn London Transport . . . . . . . A SSOCla General Post Office Ambulance Centre . . , W.e. District Office Competitions Jor Women Swindon British Electricity Ambulance Centre. . . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . . . Alderma ton British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) Baker Street Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre . . . . R .O.F. Chorley Scottish Gas Board Gas Industry. . . . . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . . . . . . , . . Liverpool General Post Office Ambulance Centre . . . . H .Q. ~o. 1 Bran.ch

The winners of the above competitions, together WIth the wmners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Competitions for the Dewar and Perrot!

CO CLUSIO The Annual Report give u a very happy opportunity of thanking thousand of people throughout the world who give up so much time and effort to advance the work of the Association. We can never sufficiently thank those. meI?bers of the medical and nur ing profession who so generously gIve tIme as lecturers and examiners for our courses. Without them our work would be impos ible. We are most grateful to our County Directors our Centre Chairmen Secretaries and Committee . an? all who have ~orked indefatigably t~ ens.ure that we have an orgallJ atLOn capable of meeting the many demands whIch are placed upon us. We also thank mo t warmly all cia secretaries and demonst:ator ,:"ho have by their ungrudging effort provided training for. the ever-mcr.ea . mg numbers of those who wi h to learn the subjects which the AssocIatlOn offers; on them depend very greatly the continued success of our work. V!e would also wi h to take thi opportunity of recognising the debt which the Order of St. John owe to the officers at A sociation Headquarters, particularly to Dr: A. C. White Knox, the Principal Medical Officer, who never spares htm elf, also to Lt.-Colonel J. E. F. Gueritz, the Sec~etary, and staff for the loyal and devoted service which they give at all times. We,. the:e,fore, once again wi.h to expre s our very deep appreciation of the mspmng support and unstll1ted aid which is given to the Association by men and women in England and over ea and to thank them for all they have done to make possible the results referred to in this Report. HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.



ANALYSISOF EXAMINATION lSi January to 31st December, ]958 . "A" THROUGH CENTRES CER Tl FICA TES No. of Classes

Month J anuary .............. . . February ............ .. . March ...... ... .... .. .. . April ........... .. ..... . May .... .. ............... June ..................... July ..................... August. ............... . . September . ........... . . October .............. . November ............ D ecember .............

289 327 725 517 497 412 467 97 132 214 380 850

TOTALj) . '-' .-,-,-"~ . ..



Number of Ca ndid a tes Successful in P.F. A.

F.A. 2, 170 1,766 4,050 2,808 2,369 1,988 1,689 406 581 858 2,299 5,459

348 562 1,278 1,208 1,362 1,190 1,773 341 296 628 903 1,928

Oee. F.A.

223 83 400 166 332 197 208 9 163 89 326 261





21 14 13



2~,443_ ~1-,-817


H .N .

Lay Dem.

C.D .


26 I





163 57 SIS 253 420 233 323 67 176 138 321 421

8 20 9 6 7 28 54 19


P . B . N . Hyg. 179 185 510 25 1 242 333 489 92 84 254 294 1,062

P .Hyg. H . F .H. C . H . F.

- 16



8 -




--- --- -3,975



27 49 58 48 86 12 160 34 4 71 59 60



4 26 47 -

12 42 44






35 82 67


11 10 6

--- ---





--44 80 188 110 45 88 314 46 26 62 76 161

21 44 18 15 15 17



P . C.W.



5 6


- --

8 9

- --



12 23 6 20 6 6

45 42 11 2 133 136 117 144 7 31 89 125 142

- --

- --

Total Passed

Total Failed


No. of Classes Passed



--- - --

3,178 2,840 7, 166 4,915 4,939 4,117 5,054 1,029 1,347 2,150 4,390 9,573

178 186 501 389 259 324 285 77 73 130 283 618

92 126 301 257 187 90 55 27 29 55 160 203

- - - - -----50,698


2,616 3.077 6,265 4,689 4,250 3,944 4,120 1, 174 1,596 2,036 3,650 7,086

170 211 398 338 319 321 352 97 115 158 249 513

- --

3,049 3,966 8,905 6,664 4,589 2,151 1,180 496 582 1,092 3,569 5,131

45 51 147 122 70 27 30 6 14 35 64 114

- - - ---

I 1,582 I 41,374

...... 0\


"B" THROUGH BRANCHES January ............... February ............. March .. .............. April .................... May .................... June .............. o. JUly ............. .. August September .......... .. . October ............. November ........... December ......... •••••••••••


TOTALS ..............

15 14 16 36






4 .680



7,547 / 138









12 5



5.9 2 4







8 9 .674



455 548 1,606 1,278 1,265 1, 151 1,434 378 382 608 887 1,528







47 ,854

23 ,337

8 . 80';

4~ . 14C)

22. 440




44 155 79 46 44 78 43 14 90

65 14J 445 272 307 362 5 37 46 68 262 33 5 730

755 1,853 3,160 2,360 1,900 1,625 1,572 657 899 804 1,715 4,1 J I

125 148 331 191 229 248


112 68 386 246 305 308 214 39 56 65 184 351

255 293 551 427 411 373 381 83 139 185 323 672





3i 16 JI 28 13 49



26 47 76 250 436


2 16


5 19 33

-- -



108 112 24 7











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1,305 1,075 2,691 2,221 1,280 622 461 40 231 498 1,380 2,198

--- --- - --

3 44,503 153 - 1, ]3 - --- --

GRAND TOTALS GR.ANO To-r=J~':..:.s· ··· 1957 ....

7 6

22 30 50 52 28 18 15 3












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Year Up to 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956

England and N . Ireland (including Eire up to 1944) 3,230,196 39,250 45,177 55,552 61 , 194 64,707 68,405 87,564 80,796 ....................................... 85,115 84,502 85,773

Wales 181,006* 4,463 3,765 4,797 4,888 6,350 7,228 11,178 8,106 7,927 7,794 7,881

1957 1958

England 89,674 95,201

Wales 9,017 8,599



Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland 2,308 1,875 4,183

Overseas 2,075 ,324 97,647 78,036 86,520 103 , 128 104,869 140,423 146,626 153,677 182,410 185,845 198,78 3

Total 5,486,526 141,360 126,978 146,869 169,210 175,926 216,056 245,368 242,579 275,452 278,141 292,437

Overseas 200,847 206,109

Total 301,846 311,784




*lncluding Vouchers up lo f 932 .




Year : Up to 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956


.......... ............ ............ . . .......... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

England, Ireland and Overseas 600,947 6,500 6,179 6,304 8,442 9,648 10,874 10,964 13,199 13,3 J 5 14,063 14,803

Wales 32,816 554 323 446 464 692 676 952 821 890 909 709

England and Overseas 1957 ............ 15,185 1958 ............ 16,087

Wales 720 780



LABELS Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland 18 53 71

England, Ireland and Overseas 1,081 ,1 15 36,9 16 43,119 46,266 44,652 53,137 47,540 44,206 44,449 48,288 44,983 62,702

Wales 137,587 6,436 5,956 6,302 5,925 5,806 5,960 6,069 5,929 5,790 6,052 5,985

England and Overseas 49,728 59,091

Wales 5,847 5,753



PENDANTS Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland 7 30 37

England, Ireland and Overseas 160,383 16,283 9,356 6,949 6,400 7,131 5,4 19 4,910 7,900 5,972 5,555 5,252

Wales 8,781 678 660 409 528 534 633 650 712 750 941 674

England and Overseas 5,162 6,059

Wales 585 664



Northern Ireland


Northern Ireland 3 14 17






Police ationa! Competition wa held at the P?rchester Hall W. 2.' on 27th February, 1958. Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General) presIded and the trophie and plaque were pre ented by The Rt. Hon. J. S. Maclay (Secretary of State for Scotland). The Judges were:. . . Team Te t Dr. K. P . Duncan Dual Practical Test Dr. K. . Mawson .

and they placed the team in the following order:-

MarAs Ohtained

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Exeter City Police . . . :. . Metropolitan Police CL' DIllOn) West Riding Con tabulary' , Dudley Borough Police . Edinburgh City Police . Liverpool City Police 'A' . . Buckinghamshire Constabulary Cardi.ff City Police . . Grimsby Borough Police . . . . Southampton County Borough Police Ma imum mark obtainable : 400


322t 322 294t 289-t 278 274 272

2591 253

British Electricit \' Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall W.2, on 26th March, 1958 . Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaques ,were presented by The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, P.C" K.B.E., LL.D . (President of the British Electricity Ambulance Centre).

The Judges were, [or the men' team Dr. J. S. Binning Dr. J. H. Chambers

Team Test Dual Practical Te t

For the women's team Dr. J. T. Daly . Dr. R. Renwick .

. Team Test Dual Practical Te t

Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

London (Fulham) . . South Eastern (Brighton) . . . Merseyside and North Wales ( orthwlch) Eastern (Watford) . . . North Western (Oldham) . 6. Midlands (Gloucester) 7. East Midlands (Northampton) 8. South Western (pool, Redruth) 9. North Eastern (Newcastle-on-Tyne) 10. Yorkshire (Sheffield) . 11. Southern (Salisbury). . 12. South Wales (Tir John) . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

I . Southern (Swindon) . 2. London (Bexleyheath) 3. South Eastern (Kingston) 4. Midlands (Gloucester) . 5. North Western (Blackburn) 6. South Western (Barnstaple) 7. East Midlands (Kettering) 8. Eastern (Milton Hall). 9. Yorkshire (Sheffield) . . . . 10. North Eastern (Newcastle-on-Tyne) II . South Wales (Cardiff). Maximum marks obtainable: 400


330t 3291 317 304 292

2871 286 258 2521 234

National Coal Board Competition for Miners wa held at the Winter Garden Blackpool on JOth May 1958. Dr. J. M. Rogan (Chief Medical Officer and Chairman of the Organi ing Committee) presided , and the ere pre ented by Mr. J. Latham, C.B.E. (Deputy trophy and plaque Chairman of the NatIonal Coal Board) . The Judges were:Dr. W. W. Ballardie Team Test Dr. A. J. McKendrick . Oral Tests Dr. J. R. S. Robert on, and Dr. Maurice Brown Individual Tests and they placed the team in the following order:Marks


Obtained J. 2. J.

4. 5. 6. 7. R. 9.

Dean and Chapter oiliery South Kirkby olliery Hafodyrynys olliery . Burghlee Colliery . Ollerton Colliery . Weetslade Colliery Haunchwood olltery Wood Colliery . . . TiJmanstone Colliery . M aximum mark obtainable : 600

470t 4191414 392

3841355+ 333 328 30H

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Competitions for Men and

and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN


260 221 214 211

Women were held on 16th May, 1958 at Aldermaston, Berks. Admiral P. W. B. Brooking, C.B ., D.S .O. (R.N. Rtd.), (Deputy Director, A.W.R.E.) pre. ided and the trophie and plaques were presented by Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General St. John Ambulance Association). The Judge were:Dr. Monica Latto . Team Te t Dr. J. 1. Morland . Dual Practical Test and they placed the team in the following order:-





198 197

194 190



Obtained I. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Harwell 'A' Aldermaston Windscale 'A' Harwell 'B' . WindscaJe 'B'

297 296 284 279 273 Maximum marks obtainable: 400


.. 2 B.T.

WOMEN 1. 2.

Obtained 300

Aldermaston Harwell.


Ma imum mark obtainable: 400

British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) Competitions for Men and Women and British Transport Commission Police Competitions were held at the Central Hall, S.W.l, on 4th June, 1958. Dr. A. C. White Knox, O.B.E., M.C., (principal Medical Officer) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by The Rt. Hon Lord Rusholme (a member of the Briti h Tran port Commission).

The Judges were for the men steam Dr. E. J. Gordon Wallace . Dr. W. King Hay } . Dr. R. H. Kipping .

Team Te t Dual Practical and Oral Te ts

For the women's and B.T.C. Police team :Team Te t Dr. L. K. Wills . Dual Practical and Dr. D. Osborne Hughe } Oral Te t Dr. R. G. Sprenger and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN

Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13.

Eastern (Worksop) . . . Southern (Southampton Docks o. I) Western (Bristol D.O.S.O.) . . London Midland (St. Pancras Goods) London Midland (Derby C.M. & E.E. Southern (Horsham o. 1) . Western (Shrewsbury Loco.) . Eastern (Yarmouth) . . . North Eastern (Darlington) . . . North Eastern (Newcastle Central) . London Transport (Manor House) . Scottish (Bridgeton) . . . . Scottish (Edinburgh, Waverley) .




. . . . . (Loco.) 'A')

543 541 524 519 519 499 499 478 471 425 402

397 383

Maximum marks obtainable : 600

Marks I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

London (Liverpool Street 'A') Midland (Heysham) . Eastern (Nottingham). Northern (Darlington) . . South Western (Dover Marine) Scottish (Edinburgh) . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable : 600


484146It 453t 422t 381t 330

Ministry 0/ Supply Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Fnends Hou e, N.W.] , on 20th June, 1958. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr . Aubrey Jones. The Judges were, for the men's teams:Dr. Allan Walker . Team Test Dr. S. Hulme Dual Practical Tests

For the women's teams : Dr. E. J. Selby . Dr. M. Cohen .

Team Test Dual Practical Tests

and they placed the teams in the following order:ME

Marks I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

R.A. WoolwIch Fire Brigade R.R .E. Pershore . . A.R.D.E. Fort Halstead R.O.F. Cardiff. . . Storade Depot, Elstow R.O.F. Bi hop ton . R.O.F. Chorley . Storage Depot, Rotherwa R.O.F. Poole . . R .O.F. Glascoed . II. R.A.E. Farnborough 12. .G.T.E. Pye tock ..... . MaXImum mark obtainable: 400


345t 344 321+



307 299 278

278 274 262



Marks I.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

R.O.F. Chorley . R.O.F. Blackburn . St. Giles Court Chessington . Derby House . R.O.F. Cardiff . . . . . . . . . . MaXlmum marks obtainable: 400


2791269-!261-!242 228 227


Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

London Transport (Baker Street) Western (Newton Abbot) . . . London Midland (Horwich Accounts) Eastern (Liverpool Street) . . . Southern (London Policewomen) Scottish (Glasgow) . . . North Eastern (Darlington) . Maximum marks obtainable: 600

454 454 454 447t 403t 38It 346

WNational Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre Competition for Dock orkers was held at Queen Mary .College, E.l , on 12th July, 1958. The Rt. Han . Lord. Crook, J.P. (ChaIrman of the National Dock Labour B10ard and PreSIdent of the Centre) pre ided and presented the trophy and p aques. The Judges were:Dr. J. S. McLintock Team Tests Dr. J. C. Graham . Dual Practical Tests

25 24

d they placed the teams in the following order:and they placed the teams in the following order:Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


315 2921 291 280 256 254 235

armouth. Southampton Grangemouth Liverpool Dock Swan ca Middlesbrough Liverpool 'A' Hull . Aberdeen Gla gow

232 197 189



Marks North Tham~s gas ~oar1 East Midlan a~ oar Scottish Gas o~r B ' d North Western G as B oa~ North Easter~ aJ oar Eastern Gas oadr . . Welsh Gas Boar . . 8. Northern Gas Boar~ . d ' 9. South Eastern Gas Boar d 10. South Western Gas Boar d II. West MidJands Gas oar 12. Southern Gas Board . Maximum marks obtainable : 400

J. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ma imum mark" obtainable : 400


299 298 284 278 262 255 253 240 232 230 218 209



Marks Obtained

Fire Brif{ades Competition wa held in the Torre Abbey, Torquay, on 3rd Octob~r, 1958. Mr. W. H. Barker O.B.E. (Chief Officer, Devon Fire Brigade) presided and the trophy and plaque were pre ented ~Y . Mr. Horace F. Mar hall (Director~General, St. John mbulance As oelatlOn).

The Judges were:Dr. Richard Gray Dr. Angus Everard.

Tcam Te t Dual Practical Te t

and they placed the team in the following order:Marb Obtained


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


349 340 3301 326 3171

City and County of Bristol City of Birmingham City of Mancheste r City of Cardiff . Isle of Ely . County Borough of Southampton County Borough of Middlesbrough . City and County of Kingston~upon~Hull


308 29

Maximum marks obtainable : 400

Gas Industry Competitions Jor Men and Women were held at Friendi House, N.W.I, on 10th October, 1958. Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director· General) presided and the trophie and plaques were pre ented by Mr Wilfrid Bailey (Secretary, Gas Council).

The Judges were for the men' teams : Team Test Dr. L. K. Wills . Dual Practical Test Dr. A. H. Jones For the women's teams:Dr. Monica Latto Dr. M. Cohen .


2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team Test Dual Practical Tests

306 293-t 285t 2821 269

Scottish Gas Board . . East Midlands Gas Boan.! orth Western Gas Board South Western Ga Board orth Eastern Gas Board Northern Gas Board . . West Midlands Gas Board outhern Gas Board . Maximum mark.s obtainable: 400

244 235


National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association Competitions for Men and Women were held at Aldenham Works (L.T.), Elstree, Herts., on 12th October, 1958. Mr. J. B. Burnell, C.B.E., J.P. (President of the Association and Operating Manager (Central Road Services) London Tran port) pre idcd , the trophie and plaques being presented by Lt.~ General Sir Henry Pownall , K . . B., K.B.E., D .S.O., M.C. (Chancellor of the Order of St. John).

The Judge were:Dr. G. M. Shaw mith Dr. F. H . Taylor, O.B.E. Dr. 1. C. Graham and Dr. R. Renwick. Dr. M. Cohen anJ Dr. E. W. Tapley

Men" Team Test Women' Team Test Dual Practical Test Oral Te t

and they placed the team in the following order:MEN

Marks I. 2.

London Transport . . Liverpool City Tran port. . 3. Birmingham City Tran port . 4. Plymouth City Tran port. 5. Leice ter City Transport . 6. Edinburgh City Transport 7. ottingham City Transport Maximum marks obtainable : 600

Obtained 453

429 427 409 388 376 360



2. 3.

Liverpool City Transport . London Tran port Cardiff City Transport Maximum mark obtainable: 600

Marks Obtained 500! 415! 3721

General Post Office Ambulance Centre Competitionsfor Men alld WOflien were held at Porchester Hall W.2 on 13th November, 1958. Mr. D. C Maclean (Deputy Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaque; were presented by Mr. K. P . Thompson, M.P. (H. M. Assistant Postmaster. General). The Judges were, for the men' teams: Team Te t Dr. F. H. Taylor, O.B.E. Practical Te ts Dual Dr. R. Renwick. For the women's team Dr. J. A. Hanraty Dr. D. N. Swan

Team Test Dual Practical Te ts

and they placed the teams in the following order: Marks Obtained 342 1. London Postal Region (W.e. Di tricl Office). . . 339 2. Headquarters Group B (Factories Dept., Birmingham) . 3. Headquarters Group B (Headquarlers No.1 Branch P.O.A. .) 32(}! 316 4. London Telecommunications Regions (North Area T.M .O .) 304 5. Savings Department (S.B.D., Blythe Road) 299 6. Northern Ireland (Belfast T.A. Engineers) . 298 7. Midland Region (Birmingham P.O .A.C.) . .... 8. Headquarters Group C (Engineer-in-Chief ' London 1 t!!>l 297 Section) . . . . . . . . . . . 276 9. Wales and Border Counties (Cardiff P.O.A.e.) 269 10. North Eastern Region (Bradford T.A.). . . . . 2541 II. North Western Region (Lancaster and District P.O.A. .) 214112. Scotland (Aberdeen P.O.A .e.) . . . . . 214 13. Home Counties Region (Guildford T.M.O.) . 207~ 14. South Western Region (Taunton T .A.) . Maximum marks obtainable : 400

Headquarters Group A (Headquarters No. 1 Branch P.O.A.e.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. London Telecommunications Region (S.W. Area T.M.O.) 3. External Telecommunications Executive (Electra Hou e) 4. Home Counties Region (Reigate and Redhill-Horley S.O .) 5. Midlands Region (Birmingham P.O.A.e.) . 6. Northern Ireland (Belfast T.A.). . . . . . . . . 7. Headquarters Group B (Factories Department, Birmingham) 8. South Western Region (Bristol T.M.O.) 9. North Western Region (Liverpool T.A.) 10. Savings Department (S.B.D. Harrogate) 11. Supplies Department (Edinburgh Depot) 12. North Eastern Region (York H.P.O.) . 13. Scotland (Stranraer H.P.O.). . . . . . 14. Wales and Border Counties (Cardiff P.O.A.e.) Maximum marks obtainable: 400

For the women's teams:Dr. Gordon Gillies . Dr. A. Conn

Marks Obtained


356 333 325 323 3181317 317 3061 306 3021-

298 288 261 257

Team Test Dual Practical Tests

and they placed the team in the foUowing order : MEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall , W.2, OJ?- 27th November, 1958. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Direc~or-General) preSided and the trophies and medallions were presented by FIeld Marshal H. R.H. The Duke of Gloucester (Grand Prior of the Venerable Order of st. John) . The Judges were, for the men's teams:Mr. V. C. J. Harris, F .R.C.S . . Team Test Dr. S. E. Jackson . Dual Practical Tests

7. 8. 9. 10. II .

12. 13.

Police (Exeter City Police) . . . ... . Briti h Transport Commission Police (Liverpool Streel) . Gas Industry (Pulham) . . . . . . . G~n.eral Post Office Ambula!1c~ Centre (W.e. District officej Bntlsh Tran port ommlSSlon (Railways and Docks) .... .: (Worksop) . . . . National Coal Board Miners' Competitions (Dean and Chapter Colliery) . . . . . . . British Electricity Ambulance entre (Pulliam) S~. Joh~ Ambul~nce Brigade (Bath City Police) . . Fu~ Bflg~des (City and. County of Bristol) . . Ulll~ed KIngdom AtomIC Energy Authority (Harwell) . . NatJOnal Road Pa senger Transport Ambulance Association ........ . (Peckham) . National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre · (G~eat Yarmouth) . . . . . . . . . . . Ministry of upply Ambulance entre (Royal Arse"ual: Woolwich) Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained 313

292 2901 280 278 277

271 269 263+ 262 259

247+ 245+


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

General Post Office Ambulance entre (H.Q. No. I Branch P.O.A.e.) . . ... Uni~ed Kingdom Atomic Energy A~th~rity (J\Jde·rm~sto~) : atI~)Dal Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association (Liverpool) . . . . . . . . St.. ~ohn Am~u.lance Brigade (Guildford) . . BrItish ElectrICity Ambulance Centre (Swindon) Gas Industry (Scotti h Gas Board). . M~istry of Supply Ambulance Centre (R.O.F: Choriey) · : BrItish Transport Commi sion (Railways and Docks) (Baker Street) , Maximum marks obtainable : 400

Marks Obtained 327 320 305

304 299+ 297 283+


ASSOCIATION COUNTY DIRECTORS (Corrected up to 30th Jun , 1959)

Colonel L. K. Ledger, C.I.E., O.B.E ., 55, Oxford Road , Abingdon. F. L. Gordon, Esq., Shenstone House , Chalfont St. Giles. The \'iscount ' carsdale, Kc>dleston lIall, Kedleston, Derby. Brigadier . E. A. Browning, C.B.E., M.C., Gn-at Brake, West Hill, Ottery St. Mary. Brigadier V. F. S. Hawkins, D.S.O., M.C., Athelleaze, Athelbampton , Dorchester. Dr. D. 1. Acres, Pendley House, London Road, Gt. Tarpots, South Benflect. Colonel R. A. Bingley, C.V.O., D.S.O., O.B .E., Peggles\\'orth, near Cheltenham.


Colonel ' ir Harold Smith,


K.B.E., D.L.,

Gas Council,


(;rosvenor Plac p , London, S.\V. I. tv



K. C. Cook, E"q.,

F.C.A., :t. John Headquarters, 15 17, :\Iount tn-et, Preston. Group Captain N. M. Heath, O.B . E., 83 Duke Street , Grosvenor Square, W.l. H. L. Bellwood, Esq., T.D., 42, Mosley treet, e\\ca tle-on-Tyne. Culonel A. V. G. Dower, T.D., lI!.F.H., ~ewington House, Warborough. Lt.-GenC'ral ~ir Brian Kimmins, K.B.l ., Rod\\ ell House , West Lambrook, outh Petherton. Dr. D. W. Fryer, Ambulance Hall, Samuel Road, Ipswich.


Dr. J. A. Waycott , 9, 10, Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road . Guildford.


~ ir H.


inderson Pasha ,

K.B E ., C.M.G., M.V.O ., M .D.,

Littl e '-,teddings, Forest Row.

Brigadlc>r R. A. Phayre, D 5.0., Park House . Bridge End. Wan\ ick. ::\IaJor-Genc>ral r;. D. Fan ha\\ , C.h., D.S.O., O.B.E., 7'2, Fi hc>rton Dr. C. Petvin Porter. 27, Church Street , Kidderminster.


~Jr TJenn' .... tudth·, '-"v .. k"("'1, I .

YORKSHIRE (West Ric11Dg)


hieI Constable.

treet , . ali bury.

\\'est Riding Constablllary, P.O.

Box ').

Classes in the areas of Centres marked with an asterisk are arraneed in <11rect communl'catl' o n v"ith Headquarters as Detached Classes ~

CENTRES OF THE ASSOCIATION ( orrected up to 30th June. IC)S9)

County and









195 0










K. :'II. Reinolu IIss D. K. Gibbins, St. John House, 101 L0ndon Road, Readmg. :\layor

Rev. Daw'on-\Valk'r


V. Ever r I, J.P.

A A. Lloyd

E . \V . :\[artlO , 100, Lionel

The D> n of Bristol

Dr. .\ . P. Gorbam


. \\". Hobbs, Q3a,

t. Leonards Road, Wind or treet, Birmingham, 3

'. Bartlt"tt, 33 . . \.lco\' e Road, Fi hrond , Bristol


County Centre ...

19 2 2

:\Ir,;. W. Watson, St. John H.Q., 79, Buckingham ~tr t, .\ylesbury




W. Stewart Elgood


W . E. Boyden, 7, Oakroyd Cre cent, Wisbech


B i:rkenhead Stockport


A. C. Blaylock, Birkenheau \\'. E. Roberts,



~t .

Vincent Road,

t. Peter's



to kport

Coun ty (w d Ce n tr,; Bolto n

For med 1957

G. Lindon

·Brierfie ld


Burn ley



B ury


The Mayo r

E. Smalley,



G, E. W ilmore, J.P.

Dan.ve u

19 19


J. J.

F leet wood


Co uncillor son

Grea t Harwood



L ancashire Headquarters

195 0

L ancaster

195 6


195 0

:\. Higham,

Leigh, Atherton Tyldesley


H ono ra ry Sec re tary

ChaIrma n

Pres'i de " t T he Mayor



o ble,





W. Robin-


L. P erkins, 4 Manchester Road, Bury

M,B .

E. Driver, J.P.

Victor Burrell, 130, Harrison Drive, Colne

T. Cooper

T. E. Blackburn

Mrs. M. M. Meggitt, "Ravendale," Turncroft Road, Darwen J, C. ross, 73, Bramley venue, Flee twood

H. Dunkinson

II. Clegg. 5 Thorn Street, Great Harwood, Blackburn

K. C. Cook,


L. Jakeway, 10, Rosehill Mount, Manchester Road,

W. E. Raws tro n



C. B . Mann

Tomb B.E.'l.,

~ .P.

C. S, Gregory,

Major T . E. Spencer , M.B.E., St . J ohn Headquarters, IS / 17. :Ylount Street, Preston B . J. Hopkins, 18, Castle Park, Lancaster \\' . £lli~, 5 Sycamore Road, Atherton, Manchester



\\' . J.

Ingli , pool. 1.



Rt. Hon. the Earl of Derby, M.e., D .L,




Lt.-Com, K ..



Professor W. Mans£ielJ ooper, LL.'1. H. N. Roberts. J P.

Oldham ..

188 4

The Chip£ Constable




A. IIarnson

J. W. Taylor,


X95 0

( •



St. Hejens

C' u n t itT (~.

.\ . n







Ho re




T. Keddie J.P.


L. Lye


Lord Cozens-Hard y,

J . Pemberton

Roscoe Lane, Roscoe Street, Liver-

E. F. Thornley, 55, Cross Street, Manchester,







\8 Brunswick - treet, Nelson

E. \1. Bailey, 56, R oman Road , Failsl\'orth, Near .:vIa nchcster H. warbrick, Civil Defence Centre, Glovers Court, Preston. ;"11<;"


Gaske ll.

M.\., l . P ..

Saunder Bro\v, Nevvchurcb-in-

l~ o:-o::--('ncJ ..... le:

J. E. Thornhil1. 3. Queen's Avenue. vVardle Road. Rochdale H. Greena11, 124, Broad Oak Road, Parr, St. Helens


D.L., J.P.

South Fylde Southport


Councillor]. Faulkner D. Flinn. F.C.I.!.

Larkin, 6, Riversleigh Road, Lytham H. L. Harker, 14, :'1arlborough Road, Southport




The Mayor Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hesketh. 1I1 p. The l\Iayor



Cou ncillor W,



D. Aitken

T. "Uhertun, B.r..:-!.

II . MacRae, I, Pleasant View, Longfield Road, Todmordcn \ . C. ollins, School House, Broughton Beck, Ulverton, Lanes. :'Iiss 1. Redford, 92, wan ~1ead o\\' Road, Wigan

The Lord ilIa yor


'Ii s C. \Y ard, 112, Regent Road , Leicester

The Rt. Hon. The Lord Brown10\\

Dr. 1\1. C. La\'in

A. B. Hudson. 12, L yd brook Road, Scunthorpe

The Lord Mayor


. \];10 ~.


K ott


A . WIld,


Hev . :'It. D . Grieve


County lentre

. Bream


County Centre LONDON-

City 01 London



K.C . V.O.


City of Westminster Eastern Area Northern Area


Lt.-Col. Ronald Ward


1unie Harvey,



F. G. Thomas,

South East Area South West Area W estern Area ...


Admiral ir Alexander Ingleby-Mackenzie.

Lamboll , c .c., !'lorth Audle\' House, Grosyenor Square, ' .\V.I . D . L. Robinson, A.R.LB .A., 29, Che~ham Place, Belgraye Square, _ .\V.I.



T. H . \ '. outts, Hay's Wharf Ltd. , Gear Dept.: Tooley . ~trcet, Bermondsey, c:..E.l. W . . \ nderson, Park R oyal Brewery,

K.B.E., C.B.


Northam pt on


W ellin gb o rough



J. .

TOIlers, 63, Old Park Road , Palmers Green, T.13


.\ \'.10

Ha -ward, 4 ' Booth Lane South , \ Veston Favel,


P arker

.r. . Parker,

12, Church 'treet. W ellingborough

County and Centre NORTHUMBERLAND-Ashington Blyth Newcastle-upon-Ty n e North Shields

L. T. Wedderburn, Medical Centre N.C.B., Ashington olliery, Ashington F. S. Parsons, 21, Hunter Avenue, Blyth CLaws , 2, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2. R Nessworthy, 6 South Preston Grove, North Shields


W. Gibson

Dr. J . Dobson

195 8 19 10

Dr. C. F. Fairlie, T .D. S. Embleton, O.B.E. The Mayor

Dr. A. S. Urquhart Dr. Gavin Muir Dr. T. 1. Gordon

Col. A . V . G . Dower, T.D., ?It.F.H.

Col. A. V. G. Dower, T.D., M.F.H.

H. T. Bennett,

The Rt. Hon . Earl of Powis

Dr. D. J . Johnsun

\V . Walker, Ambulance Service Headquarters, Central

Dr. F. L . Richard


R . E. Lawler

T. G. Eato, Ambulance

C. Craig, F.R.C.S.

W . G. Jude, Secretary's Office, Lowestoft and N. Suffolk ITo pital, Lowe3toft O. Cole, I, ~Iil1 Road , Bury St. Edmunds


OXFORDSHIRE-County r'en tre SHROPSHIRE-County Centre

th e


H onorary Secretary





N orth East Suffolk


West Suffolk

195 6

M. MacEwen, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., M.B. ir Gervase Blois . Bt. 01.

IT . \ 'v

T • A'tk 1 en,

M .P.

Dr. D. A. McCracken

SURREY-County Secretary 1954

Croydon Farnham Sutton & Cheam




E. Dane

1954 1955

County Secretarv


District Chichester


Asphodel," Third Acre Rise, Oxford

Ambulance Station, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury Chancellor, Lloyds quare, StaHord

Bank Chambers,



tation, Samuel Road, Ipswich

Mrs. Ruddock, County Headquarters, 9/10 Wellington Place. Woodbridge Road, GuildIord. :\lr . G. R. Hamley,s St. Saviour's Road, Croydon Miss W. ~1. Ariss , 1 Longley Road, Farnham

S . T. Denning.




~\rljngton Gardens, Saltdean,



x95 2 J


Crawley & Three Bridges


Eastbourne & District ...


East Grinstead & District 195 6 Hastings & St. Leonards

r 880



Lewes, Haywards Heath & District





The Mayor of Brighton

Air Vice-Marshal T. A. Langford-Sainsbury , C.B., O.B.E., D.F.C . A.F .C. Mrs. Knight





J. Surnpter,


Farm Hill, Woodingdean,

Mrs. A. F. Eastland

Brighton Colonel P. H. Catt, Lavender Cottage, Bognor Regis, Sussex

E. Stanford, C.B.E.


G. ]. Anderson, B.SC. Sir H. C. Sinderson Pasha, K R.E., etc ]. Archer-Burton


1\1. Fraser, 60, London Road,

D. Bryce,



R r., J .1'.

F. G. Holmes

El.le, Lady O.B.E.


R. E. Breffit E . Milburn



R. Strange, 66 Deerswood Road, West Green. rawlcv W. H. "barpe , 10, \Vharf Road , Eastbourne

The Rt. Han. the Earl De La \Varr The Mayor 0


E. D.

scroft, M.P.S.,


lIoltye Road , East Grinstead t. Leonards-on-Sea

apper, 43, Trafalgar Road , Horsham

. A. Webb, 30 Firle Crescent, Le\ves

:\Ii s E. S. Barrett, The Limes, Worthing


Findon Road,



The Lord Mayor

E. W. Cowpe-Pendleton

LeamiI!gton & Warwick


P. Varley

11. Bissell,

195 8

ir R. J . ash, K.B.F., C.B., M.C ., T.D., D.L., J.P. The Mayor

Mr . Howe

W . G. IIart, 3



The Ma 'or

D . L. Hoilman




A. ]. Burton, Ambulance Depot, Temple treet, Rugby .\ . \ T. Lane, 255, Alcester Road , tratford-on-Avon

Dr. C. T . Mills

E. J . Bayliss , 36, L yttelton Street, Barbourne , Worcester




E. Ward, 52 , Duncburch Highway, Coventry 20,



treet, Leamington

'amp Hill Road,



VVORCESTERSHIRE-*Stourbridge Worcester


J . B . Cavenagh,

M .C.

w Vo

County and Centre

Form ed

H onorary Secre tary

Chairm an



Hull and East Riding Cou nty Centre


Lt .-Col. D . B ella m y,

G. Hampson

. L. Fairclough, 9, Southfield Road, Bricknell Aven ue. Hull ( lasses) A. R. Walsh. 54, New Bridge Road, Hull

. N. Sadler

G. Richardson, "Woodleighton," 16, Emerson Avenue, Lin thorpe , Middlesbrough

O. ILE., D .L.



The Marquess of Zet land. K.G., etc.


F. W iddup. J.P.

R. R. J. Chaney

Barnsley & District


The Mayor

G. Parfitt




North Riding Count y Centre YORKS HIRE ( W E ST)-



W. Thomas,



J. Pilkington,

25. Federation Street. Barnoldswick. via Colne E. Oxley. Station Officer, Fire & Ambulance Dept., Town Hall. Barnsley


:v1iss J. Phillips, 4, Marlborough Road, Bradford, 8



E. Soar

W. T. Davis



P. B. Flohil

The Mayor

W. E. Marriott, 88, Laughton Road, Dinnington. near Sheffield ergt. P. G. Saxton, Borough Police Training Room, uildhall, Doncaster T. J. Daniels, 5, Jacksonville, Goolf



The Mayor

II. Woodhead

H. Hudson, Health Dept., Halifax Corporation, Powell


195 2

Dr. D. D . Payne

C. J.

treet, Halifax R. C. Sage, 9, Beechwood Grove, Harrogate

Heavy Woollen District


Dr. J. Walker

Dr. J . \\alker

Hebden Bridge



E. :'Ilos,

H uddersfield & District


~ Dinnington


Harrogate and


W. Cock croft


F. Crawshaw


Miss A. Sca tterty



J . W. Silversides,

T. E. J on es


D . Harrison

H . Blakeley, Batley E. ~ tansfield,

Chad\\ ick

Dr. J. I renti e. J.P. l\.

T. Pat rson, 1\1







H. Johnson,





C. E. Lazenby,





Shipley & DIstrict


¢Sowerby BriJg Swinton




H. B . Powell Col. F



\\'. I . S ed




H . Hudson Dr. P. B. Wood

rhe :'Iayo r 1885

A. T. Thomson.


J. W. Thomas,

. Brierley


-1-8, Lo"er Oxford Street, Castleford,


Granville Mt., Otley, Yorks.

.vIrs. Redfearn, 3. Platting Road. Lydgate , Nr. Oldham

\\'. Hard wick

\V .

.:\. Roebuck

R. G. Beard. 45, Bank Street, S heffield ,

A. \\'atson


W . F. Seed

J. II.

H. B. 1\:L'J.r I 'Y

D. 'tock, r6, Rigg Drive,

<..;. Bal tholom

F. J.


'mith, 5, Charles Street, Selby, Yorks .

E. Bishop, 23, Valley Dri'l.·e, Ilkley,


r. Leeds

Wad e, 14, Edwards Road, Pye :Nest, Halifax winton

enior. c/o Walton Collier\' 'vVakefield -.


O.B.E .

ro\\ n View, Crofton,

\V. Poole , I9. harle:s Road. R otlwrham F. ,tead. 35. Park Grove, York


Arm/ey Grange Oval, Leeds,


'-V. Banharn


Lee View Road, Hebden Bridge

H . Greenfield, 89, Ravensknowle Road, Dalton, Huddersfield 1\1rs. M. A. Cook, .p, Redcliife Street. Keighley



Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane,


\\·ath-on-Dearn e.

LE -



P. Le

H.E. Sir Ambrose Dundas Flux Dund

.\. E. Kitto

Aie)(ander MoncrieiI outanch


\\'. Gale, 9, Windsor Villa- . "al Plaisant , , t. Helier, Jer ey


Isle of Ma n


K.C.I.E., C.S.I.

. C. Beaty-Pownall. Douglas





W '-l


II. C. Johnson, O.B.E.

C. S. McLeod

C. Greenwood, The British R ailwa ys (Eastern Region), Regional Establishment and St aff Office, LiverpOOl treet Station, E.C.2 .

London Midland Region

D. Blee , C.B.E.

H . Aidley, M.B.E.

North Eastern Region ...

H. A. Short

P. Steph enson

H . C. Healey, The British Railways (London Midland Region), Regional Establishment and Staff Office, Euston Station, N.W.I. F. R. Charlton, The British Railways ( orth Eastern Region), R egional Establishment and Staff Office, York.

Southern R egion

C. P. Hopkins

H. C. Lang

G. Kirkham, The British Railways (Southern Region). Regional Establishment and Staff Office, 39, Craven Slreet, W.C .2

Western Region

K . W . C. Grand

S. G. Ward

J. A. Martin, The British Rail ways (Western Region), Regional Establishment and Staff Office, Paddington Station, W.2


Sir J ohn Elliot

. lex


I90 Z

Dr. E. M. Andersoo

J. V. Greenlaw

J . S. Weatherley, First Aid Adviser, PD/T & W .B ., G.P.O. Annour House, London, E.C.I


The Rt. Hon . Lord Citri ne , K.B .E., LL

Dr. P Pringle

P. A. Crouch, British Electricity Ambulance Centre, Electricity Council, Winsley Street, \ . I

\V . ' trath, C.B.

H. O. Hooper, C.~LC;.


The Rt. Hon. Lord


F. G. Thomas.

.. ,




195 0








S. W . Hardf'n, London TranspC'ft Ambulance Centre, Griffith House, 280 Marylebone Road, N .W.I





. R. Bird, Ministry of Supply, The Adelphi, Room 422, Jobn Adam Street, W.C.2 M.A.,

National Dock Labour Board.


26. Albert EIDbankrnent. S E. r r






H.E. The Governor

H . E. The Governor


H.E. The GO\ em or

Major A. Elverson, R .A. 1.C. (Rtd.) _ ir Donald Jackson



Fountain, Willoughby. Bailey's Bay, Bennuda

Mrs. C. I. Franker, 214, Camp Street, Georgetown, Bnl1sh Guiana T. Handford, H.Q. olomons Police Force, P.O. Box No. 37, Honiara, Guadalcanal, B . . 1.P . A . .T. B . Temple, omaliland Police H.Q., P.O. Box o. ,Hargeisa, Somaliland Protectorate


H onoy{// v Secretary Mohamed Ali Lokman, . Advocate, Esplanade Road, Crater, Aden

H .E . The Governor

Major R. A. Stoutf'

::\1 rs. H. A. Parsons, tail Officer' Quarters, Garrison, t . Michael , Barbados


H .E. The Governor

Lady Mitchell


H .E . The Governor

L. R. R eed


H .E. The Governor

The lIon . G. C. Gunter, C.B.E. C. C. Michelin

:\1r. 1. 1. Hancock, I I I{ing treet, St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica A. Dale, West Indies Sugar Co. Ltd ., Frome P.O ., \\'estmoreland, Jamaica. Mi s E. M. tephens, t. John Headquarters, 2E , Camp Road. King ton 5, Jamaica ::\1rs. \Y . P. Meany, 1onymusk, Lionel Town, Jamaica

Leeward Island~: ANTIGUA

H .E . The Governor

Dr. K. Uttle)'


H .E. The Governor

E. L. Hanlon

Wind ward Islands:DOMINICA GRENADA

H .E. The Governor

G. L. Munro



Major A. A. M. Hill , E.D., Officf' of the Commissioner, Police Headquarters, St. John's, Antigua E. 1orris, D.S.C., A.C.A., Fire Brigade Headquarters , Wrightson R oad, Port of Spain , Trinidad The Hon. Secretary, S .J .A.A., c/o Geo. F. Huggins & Co. (G'da) Ltd., Grenad a Chief of Policf', Police Headquarters, Ca. tries, t. Lucia

w 00



H.E. The Governor H.E. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K.B.E. H. E. The Governor



Chairman Lt.-Col. S. A. Anderson Prof. W. A. E. Karunaratne, C.M.G., O.B.E. Mrs. Sinclair

Honorary Secret ary The Chief of Police, St. Vincent Police, Kingstc:>wn, St. Vincent, B.W.I. Col. C. P. Jayawardana, C.M.G., C.V.O., O.B.E., Lower Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo, 3

Mrs. P. Chattey, 3, Euclides Street, Nicosia, Cyprus

East Africa:KENYA

G. C. Reed, M.B.E.


H.E. The Governor


H.E. The Governor

The Association Secretary, Kenya Centre, S.J .A.A., P.O. Box 1469, Nairobi, Kenya G. S. Wilson Mrs. M . E. Thompson, P.O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Serwano Kulubya, C.B.E. Hon. Secretary, P .O. Box 1586, Kampala, Uganda


II. E. The British

Dr. D. A. Baird

:'Ilrs. J. M. Paul, P.O. Box

D . J. Barnes, c/o Inland Revenue Dept., Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji E . Balban, Police Headquarters, Gibraltar



Resident FIJI

H .E. Tho Governor

W. E. Donovan


H .E. The Governor

A. L. Abraham,



H.E. The Governor

The Hon. K\\ ok Chan O.B .E.

The Hon'ble. Dato Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussain, O.K.I.S. H .E . The Governor

The Hon'ble . Mr. S. ~1. Yong, LL .B., J.P.






::\11. A. W. Hook, Superintendent, Headquarters Colony Police, Ocean Island , Western Pacific 1 oel Braga, S.J .A.A. Headquarters, 2, MacDonnell Road , Hong Kong A. V. McCracken, c/o Kuwait Oil Co . Ltd., Ahmedi, Kuwait, Persian Gulf


Paramasivam, c/o Selangor Kuala Lumpur, ;'lalaya



Abela , E. H. W . Borg, Jog , :'IIain Street, St. Julian ' S, Malta

O . B.E.


:.'\frs .

11 E. Th e Govcrnor



K .


c /o

P .o.

B ox




'la uritjus

[I.E. The Governor

The' lI on . J. B . •\t.kinson, C.B.L.

I1.E. The Governor

Dr. R . II. Bland , O.B .E. lIon. ,'ecretary, .J. .A. H eadquarters. 25, Gilstead Road. inga pore, II. ~ 'a r. .\hmed, General :'IIanager's Ofnce (Per onn(1), Sudan Raihyay , Atbara, 'uda n


J . P.

Bass, P.O. Box 432, Jesselton, North Borneo

SEYC H ELLES :-.{~(, \ P() RI-.

UD.\N \\'e-t Alri la:GU.\N,\ ~

The ()lTlcer Commanding Police Depot, P.O. Box 71 0 , \ ccrel. C;hana


Poli e Force



K Bm'ell,

Haih\ a.y

C._\l.C .

\ ·si..; tant Di -trict ( o III III is:ioner


POlis ,\lIth oril y


lkattic hill1 c\'

The 'taff Officer,

~Tiae ria

Police H.Q .. L ago ,

(;pneral :-[anager' Office, i\ioerian Raihyay lion. Ebule :-lct a, ~igeria .



\\'. Z. oker-Dicken', E tabli hrnent Officer. ~Tiaerian Port .\ ulhority Headquarter. Lago , Niaeria.

,\ lllalga ll1at C' d Tin ;\lines :\igC'ria Ltd . ~ I f:..RR,\

L EONE'Police Force



J)eplIi \' Com mis ioner ./. K Ll onl

TI1' Commandant, Police Tral'ninl?: ' ierra Leone ~

chool ,

Ha tl' n t>a


:'Ilohal1l11H>d L amin }adik,t, Pri 'o n Headquarters, X e\\I ~ nglalld. Frel'to\\ n. ~ierra Leone


Pages 1 to 4 amended to 31st August, 1959.

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55>urgeon-in-QCbief MAJOR A. C . WHITE KNOX, O.B.E., M.C., M.B. ,


lBeputp iz,urgeon-in-QCDid


M. M. SCOTT, M.R.C.S.,




£lssistant 55>uperintenbent-in-QCbid £lssistant

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14 (:)


D.N.- Officer

MIss P. MORISON- Serving Sister


Ifl .~





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'arraining £lbbiser MISS DUFF-GRANT, R.R.C., S.R.N.,



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QControUer, eberseas Jlepartment













for eberseas





R. BUCHANAN, C.M.G. , M.D. , CH.B.,

QCbid jiursing effiter



ROMER - LEE-Commander









L.R.c.p.- Commander

£lssistant QCommissioner-in-QCbief

Cl H



D.s.c.- Commander





i1EIeputp QCommissioner-in-(lCbief REAR ADMIRAL ROYER DICK, C.B. , C.B.E.,




tL: Cd



o-l ;J




C.B. E.-Knight

Dame Grand Cross


m 'C





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F. NUNN- Serving Brother

~55i5tant ;/ilrigabe iz,ecretarp anb &5>uretarp to &5>uperintenbent-in-~bief MISS M. HARRISON, M.B.E.-Commander

iz,taff eWcer for eber5eas MISS









Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E. , Commissioner-in-Chief St. John Ambulance Brigade (ex-officio) .

THE COUNTESS MaUNTBATTEN aF BURMA, c.l., G.B.E., D.c.v.a., LL.D.Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. (Ex-officio.)

Ex-officio Members

The The The The The The The The The The The The The The

Ex-officio Members Secretary-General. Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association. Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Surgeon-in-Chief. Deputy Commisioner-in-Chief. Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. Assistant Commissioners-in-Chief. Assistant Superintendents-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. Chief Nursing Officer. Chief Commissioner, Priory for Wales. Commissioner for Northern Ireland. Chief Officer for Cadets. Members

Colonel Sir Leonard Ropner, M.C., T.D., D.L., M.P. , Commissioner, North Riding of Yorkshire- No . 1 Region. E. H. Lodge, Esq. , M.B. , CH.B. , Commissioner, West Riding of York· shire- No. 2 Region. Air Marshal Sir John Baldwin, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.a., Commissioner, Lincolnshire- No.3 Region. J. T. Whitley, Esq., a.B.E., M.B., CH.B., Commissioner, Essex-No.4 Region. Colonel G. F. Page, D.S.a., Commissioner, London (Prince of Wales's) District-No. 5 Region. Brigadier G. A. Fenton, a.B.E. , Commissioner, BuckinghamshireNo.6 Region. Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex Lewis, D.C.M., T.D. , Commissioner, BristolNo. 7 Region. F. L. Richard, Esq., a.B.E. , M.B. , CH.B., Commissioner, StaffordshireNo. 9 Region. Colonel V. F. Royle, T.D., E.R.D. , Commissioner, Duke of Lancaster's District-No. 10 Region. Lieut.-Colonel K . B. Hicks, a.B.E., Commissioner, Sussex-No. 12 Region. Mrs. Cavendish, District Superintendent (N), London (Prince of Wales's) District. Mrs. Shaw, M.B.E. , County Superintendent (N), Norfolk. Mrs. Courtney, County Superintendent (N), Sussex. H. A. Brown, Esq. , County Cadet Officer (A), Lincolnshire. Miss O. Addison, County Cadet Officer (N), Durham.

The The The The The The The The

Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief. Assistant Superintendents-in-Chief. Chief Nursing Officer. Training Adviser. Controller Overseas Department. Chief Officer for Cadets. Representative for Wales (Mrs. O. R. Traherne). District Superintendent for Northern Ireland (Mrs. Neill). Regional Representatives

Mrs. F. C. Burton, County Superintendent (N), North Riding of Yorkshire-No. 1 Region. Mrs. G. W. Lodge, a.B.E., District Superintendent (N), West Riding of Yorkshire- No. 2 Region. Mrs. E. M. Epton, County Superintendent (N), Lincolnshire- No.3 Region. Mrs. G. R. D. Shaw, M.B.E., County Superintendent (N), NorfolkNo. 4 Region. Mrs. M. Cavendish, District Superintendent (N), London (Prince of Wales's) District- No. 5 Region. Mrs. M. Boothman, County Superintendent (N), BuckinghamshireNo. 6 Region. Lady Fuller, M.B.E. , County Superintendent (N), Wiltshire- No. 7 Region. Mrs. M. V. Penny, County Superintendent (N), Staffordshire- No.9 Region. The Lady Mary Hesketh, District Superintendent (N), Duke of Lancaster's District-No. 10 Region. Mrs. E. M. Courtney, County Superintendent (N), Sussex- No. 12 Region. CADET ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman

Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Goring, Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief. Members

Miss O. Addison, County Cadet Officer, Durham- No. 1 Region. MNrs. J. Cumming Bell, District Cadet Officer, West Riding of Yorkshire - o. 2 Region.





H. A. Brown, County Cadet Officer, Lincolnshire-No.3 Region, Mrs. A. A. Ettridge, County Cadet Officer, Norfolk-.No.4 Region Miss D. E. White, District Cadet Officer, London CPrmce of Wales'~) District-No.5 Region. L. E. Hedley, County Cadet Officer, Berkshire- No.6 Region, Mrs. E. M. Wood, County Cadet Officer, Plymouth, South-West Devon and East Cornwall-No.7 Region. . Mrs. F. M. Harris. County Cadet Officer, Heref~rdshlre-No. 9 Region H. N. Beckett, County Cadet Officer, Cheshlfe- No. 10 Region, Vacant-No. 12 Region. Chief Cadet Officers CA. & N.), Priory for Wales. Miss E. Garrett, District Cadet Officer, Northern Ireland.





THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT The number of Oversea Divisions continues to increase, while those in I d and Northern Ireland have decreased, largely because of the Engt~mation of weak divi ion and the introduction of improved cim;!entation. Th~ actual numerical strength <:>f the Brigade at 31 st D~cernber, 1958, is given below and shows a net lllcrease of 5.198 Sl11ce the previouS year:ADULTS Divisions ComAmbulance Nursing bined

Personnel Total




England and N. . 1,600 Ireland, . 267 Wales,

1,143 145

229 24

2,972 436

34,222 5,491

18,744 2,250

52,966 7,741

1,867 583

1,288 420

253 106

3,408 1, 109

39,713 14,198

20,994 7,972

60,707 22,170








2,879 591 52

1,872 129 7


5,145 720 59

82,925 15,053 1,863

32,341 2,724 131

1] 5,266 17,777 1,994












priories Over~eas . ' Other TerntOfles Overseas India ' Pakistan ' Grand Totals

CADETS Divisions AmbuComlallce Nursing billed


England and N. . 1,049 Ireland. 186 Wales ,

1,302 164

90 16

2,441 366

23,536 3,737

40,068 4,157

63 ,604 7,894

1,235 339

1 466 351

106 25

2,807 715

27,273 7,147

44,225 7,640

71,498 14,787








665 271 6

1,915 90


3,717 361 7

36,726 5,602 263

53 ,594 1,836 33

90,320 7,438 296

. 1,942







Priories Overseas Other Overseas Territories , India , Pakistan . Grand Totals



H.R,R. Prince s Margaret wa pleased to hold the 1958 Cadet Rally at Northampton. She conducted an Enrolment Ceremony in the morning and carried out an In pection in the afternoon. Over 4,500 Cadets were present, representing 25 different counties, and they came from as far afield as Ramp hire, Somerset and Northumberland. Princess Margaret also inspected our Cadets in Northern Ireland during the course of a visit there during the month of October. The parade went very well indeed. DUTIES

As usual our member, both Ambulance and Nursing, adult and cadet, maintained a fine record of public duties performed, and of cases treated,





both off duty and on duty. The wor~ i immen ely varie,d- huts on the beach s, fir t-aid post on the road ~de, attendance dUflng pr~cessions and public demon tration,' at sporttr~g event and a~ entertamments, All the e thing involve settlllg up fir t-~Id po ts and keeplllg, them ,manned while the public is enjoying it ' elf, QUIte ~part from all this, which is So often looked upon a routin, mo t C~untte~ nowa~ay have at least one bio- event each year which call for an llltensive peflod of duty an~ nee~ a °!ITeat deal of organising when all tho e concerned have theIr OWn livings to earn as well a their St. John work. Examples o~ these eVentl are the Royal Show (at Bristol in 1958), the ,Great York hire S,how, the Royal Lancashire Show, the Three Countle Show, the Wll~bledon fortnight Whit-Week in Manche ter, and the Goo e Fair at Nottingham, At many' of the e events the ca ualtie and ca e among the, pU,blic run well into three figure, In addition to these mor normal activities there were, of cour e, many occa ion ~hrougho~t th~ ,c~)Untry when Brigade members were called upon to provide fir t aId faclhtJe among the crowdl during the vi it of H.M. Queen and other member of the Royal Pamil) to provincial cities or towns. , The figures of duties and cases for the whole country dUrIng 1958 were as follows:Duties Public Duties , Transport Duties Hospital Duties Clinics , Nurseries , , , Blood Transfu ion, Nursing Aid Miscellaneous ,

Cases Treated: On Public Duty Off Public Duty Invalids Removed, , No, of Road Accidents No, of other Accidents

Hours 1,889,888 929, 18 334,812 42,582 31 ,614 34,676 169,451 425.169 181 ,657 193.017 459,169 29,664 18,565


On the evening of 30th January, 1958, there was a serious rail\\'a~ accident at Dagenham. In spite of thick fog no f~wer than 96 of ,au: members, including 21 nurses and two surgeons, arnved at the sc~ne III remarkably short time and were able to give a great deal of asslstanCi The Chief Superintendent of "K" Division Metropolitan Police wfol: personally to express his appreciation. On the 27th February, 1958, an aircraft flying on charter from, ~he 1\1 of Man crashed at Winter Hill, near Bolton, in atrocious conditions . snow and fog. Immediate assistance was given by two Brigade S~~g,eon' and by individual members of the Horwich and Astley Bridge DiVISIOn) and great credit is due to all concerned. On 25th August there was another railway accident at Eastb?urnt Station. Two Brigade Ambulances were on their way within two IUlnu,lr of the call and three more followed within the next ten minutes, whie shows a very satisfactory standard of efficiency. On 6th September there was serious flooding in the County of ESIII and a number of our members were working all night, often up to the


k in water. The local authorities expressed great gratitude for the

~~Ct' Stl've taken by' Ithe Brigade in an area where the local authorities' 10J la ' d. 'sation was It e f over- trame orga nl


The outstanding award of the year was the George Medal awarded by H M The Queen to Area Commissioner R. H. Blanchford for a very 'J1a~t cliff rescue in Guernsey. The full list of Brigade Awards, Badges ~~d Jubilee Certificate? gr~nted du:ing 1958 is given l~ter ~n this rep<:,rt. In addition to the Mentonous CertIficates shown thereIn, I Issued, durmg 1958 thirty official letters of commendation for outstanding first aid work. I ha~e no doubt whatever that there have been many other cases, equally outstanding, by men:b~rs of the Brigade which have n~ve.r bec~me k~own to their own ComrUls loner, far les to me as Comrrus lOner-m-Chief. J SPECTIO S

Inspections were carried out by Senior Officer of the Brigade during 1958 in the following Counties :- Commissioner-i'!-Chief: North Riding of Yorkshire Devon (Ea t, South and North), Bnstol, Suffolk, Plymouth and Cornwall Nottinghamslure, Kent, ShIop hire, Essex, Herefordshire, Gloucester hire and Worce ter hire. Superintendent-in-Chief: Isle of Man, Wiltshire Wales Hertfordshire, Larrea hire. Surgeon-in-Chief: London (S,B. Area), Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief: Cumberland and Westmorland Dor et, Channel Island. Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief: London (Cedtral Area), London (Northern Area), East Riding of Yorkshire. The weather wa in everal ca es deplorable but this in no way lessened the obviou keenne and high morale of those on parade. The standards were consi tently good, TRAINI G

The organisation of training continues to make useful progress and benefits to a marked e tent from the help of our Training Adviser, Miss Duff-Grant. During the year several counties were able to take part in large-scale exerci e in conjunction with British Railways, Civil Defence, or other local organi ation, Such exerci es are of great value. Most of our member are fully competent to handle with skill the individual casualty, however unu ual or complicated. The problem of dealing with large number of ca ualties i something quite different involving as it does, decisions as to priority of treatment among many and various cases. It is a question of organi ation as well as of first aid, and the more such exercise are held the better. CONFERE CES

During the year the following National Conferences were held in addition to the Brigade Committee and the Women's Advisory Committee: Commissioners' Conference, County Superintendents' (N) Conference, NurSing Officers' Conference, Surgeon' Conference, Training Conference, Senior Cadet Officers' Conference. In nearly every case application to attend greatly exceed expectations. Great keenness was shown and valuable discussions took place. They were all well worth while.



The whole of the Brigade learnt with great regret of the re ignation of the Deputy Superintendent-in-Cl~ief ~r . Gro venor, at t~le close. of the year. Her long experienc~, her WI e gULdance and her practical advlc~ and knowledge will be adly nu sed at m~ny l~vel . ~r. Taylor.- You~g re~lgned as Commi sioner in Wiltshire, but I tl~l help.ll1g the ~nga~e In hjs new county. New Cornmi ioners were appolllted ill WarwIck hire, Wiltshire and Kent and we welcome them very warmly. The Brigade in Kent suffered a sad loss by th~ death of the Commis. sioner Major-General A. H. Hornby who , 111 plte of many other Com· mitment and increa ing ill-health, yet managed to de~ote boundless enthu ia m to the cau e of the Brigade. Another 10 which wa~ greatly felt and particularly at Headquarter wa ~hat of Mr.. G. F. Qut1t~r, the Brigade Secretary who died 0 uddenly ~n Augu . t J u .t arter gOIng on holiday. He had joined the Order' Staff III 1922 III a Jumor grad~ and devote'd all his intere t and enthu ia m for the next 36 year to the effiClenq and well-bein ba of the Brigade. He ha been ucceeded by Mr. G. W . . Woodhill from London dIstrICt. AWARDS

Meritorious Service Certificates Private E. Taylor Ollerton Colliery Ambulance Divi ion, County of Nottingham. . ., W R 'd' Private C. Law on, Pateley Bridge Ambulance DIVI Ion e t I 109 of Yorkshire. . N ' D' .. Divisional Superintendent Mrs. A. A. Aylott, Gnmsby ursmg IVISlOn. County of Lincoln. . . Acting Cadet Superintendent Mr . L. M. Hay thorne, Wmchester Cit~ Nursing Cadet Division, Hamp hire. . .. Cadet Officer B. Boardman Burnley Ambulance Cadet Dlvl lon , Duke 01 Lancaster's District. . Cadet Officer T. F. Lamerton, Gaumont (Plymouth) Cmema Ambulanci Cadet Divi ion, Plymouth, S.W. D", on and E. Cornw~l1: . Student Member S. Downes, St. Peter's Nur ing Cadet DIVI IOn Birmin~· ham. S h Private A. I. Durman, Lynton and Lynmouth Divi ion Ea t, out an~ North Devon. . . . . Nursing Member Miss M. Eames, Winchester Nursmg Divi IOn , Ham~ shire. . .. Divisional Officer F. E. Bowell, Wall end Boro' Ambulance DlvlSlon, ant Private J. George, Tynemouth Ambulance Divisio~ , No~t~':lmberland. Nursing Member Mrs. G. Grimmett, Wulfrun Nur ll1g DIVI IOn, Stafford· shire. bI Cadet Terry Malcolm Gotch, Wellingborough Headquarters Am u anc: Cadet Division, Northamptonshire.

American Trophy for Gallantry Cadet Judith Sherratt, Kendal Nursing Cadet Division, Westmorland. Grand Prior Badges 55 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 210 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets.



Special Service Shields 199 Special Serv~ce S~eld were awarded to Amb~lance Cadets. 375 Special SerVIce ShIelds were awarded to Nursmg Cadets. Jubilee Certificates The following Divi:ions h.ave been i~sued with the Jubilee Certificate indicating 50 y~a~s contmuou.s eXlstence :-Pon~efract. .~bulance Division West Ridmg of Yorkshire; Waterloo Nursmg DiVISIOn, Duke of Lanc~ster's District; Fail worth Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District; Ambleside Ambulance Division, Cumberland and Westmorland; Kendal Nursing Division, Cumberland and Westmorland; Cleethorpes and District ~?ulance Divis.iop, Lincolnshire; Swinton and Kilnhurst Ambulance . I?I~lslOn, West . ~Idmg of Yorkshire; Wath-onDearne Ambulance DIvI lOn , West Ridmg of Yorkshire; Mexborough Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire; Hanwood Ambulance Division, Shrops~ire; ..B.edminster !unbulance Division, Bristol; Southampton Nursmg DIVISIOn , Hampshire; Cadeby Ambulance Division; West Riding of Yorkshire; Denaby Main Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire; Denaby Main Corps West Riding of Yorkshire; Sunderland Nursing Divi ion, Durham; Plymouth (Co-operative) Ambulance Division, Plymouth S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall; Darwen Nursing Division, Duke of Lanca ter's District; Darwen Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict; Scunthorpe Ambulance Division, Lincolnshire; Gain borough Ambulance Division, Lincolnshire; Cheshunt and Eastern Enfield Ambulance Divi ion, London (Prince of Wales's) District; Nelson Nur ing Division, Birmingham; Stoke Newington Nursing Division, London (Prince of Wale' ) Dj trict; Littlehampton Ambulance Division, Sussex; Bri tol No. 1 ursing Divi ion, Bristol; Warsop Colliery Ambulance Divi ion, Nottingham hire; Castleton Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster' District; Castleton Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter's Di trict. SURGEO -IN-CHIEf'S DEPARTME T

The Surgeon-in-Chief report to me as follows:"The continued flow of doctor into the work of St. John is most encouraging. In 1958 there were 237 new appointments, four deaths, 57 resignation five tran ferred to Reserve and 56 promotions. In England and orthern Ireland alone there were a total of 2,840 Surgeons at the end of 1958, an increa e of 140 over the previou year. "The advent of the new Fir t Aid Manual has naturally created a great deal of intere t and I would like to place on record my appreciation of the many sugge tions from Brigade Surgeons which have helped to make the book as popular a it is. My deputy Dr. Scott and I have visited many pa~ts. of the country e plaining the new ideas in the book and these t~a~rung we~k-ends have proved most popular and valuable. They include VISits to MIddle brough, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Stafford, Cardiff, NorthReet, Norfolk, Bucks, Cheshire and numerous centres in London. The attendances of doctors at these meetings, especially at my meeting in Norfol~, show their keen intere t in the coming training sessions. Already s~ggestlOns for improving still further the new Manual are in hand and will be discussed in due course with the other two organisations.



"A most successful Surgeon' Conference w~s held in, B.M.A. Rous London, in November when a large a sembi!, 11 tened wIth ,great intere:l to the i~trig:uing talk, of Dr. Camp on 'To, L,Lve or not to LIve,' and saw the fasclI;1atlllg film The R~d RIver of Life; we were gratef~l for YOUr presence over the whole penod of the Conference and for the mspiration of your Addr:e s. ~ have been actively ~ng,aged in ge,tting Training Films and Film Stnp bemg prepared by bodIes 111tere ted 111 our work and feel that when they are made available to the Brigade they will prove a valuable asset to efficiency in our work. "The Brigade Competitions howed the value of the clo e link between the medical and administrative branches of our Headquarters, whico resulted 1[.1 ,thi intrica~e combination of tests going, ~hrough without a hitch. I VI Ited Belfast III October to take the comp tItlOn between Norto and South and found a very high standard of Fir t Aid and NurSing resulting in a tie for first place. ' "1958 was a bu y year for my Department and I am immensely grateful to my staff for their complete co-operation. My Deputy Dr. Scott al always is a tower of strength and an invaluable help, and my Assistani Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. Buchanan keep me in touch with the Overseas Department to an extent which would be quite impos ible but for hll interest and help. Finally, the Department could not run with the smootn, ness that it does without the enthu iastic help of my Chi f Staff Officer, Mr. Craft." CIVIL DEFENCE

The routine training and instruction in Civil Ddence has continuec during the year as usual, that is to say, Week-end Civil Defence COurSfI have been held in Grosvenor Crescent, as heretofore, and the vacancle; provided at the Civil Defence Staff College and the Civil Defence Trainin School have been taken up. Moreover, there is a steady tream of Cill Defence exercises taking place throughout the country in which ou members who belong to Civil Defence participate, and al 0 on occasio' Brigade Units take part in the exerci es as such. There has not, however, been great progress made on policy mattefl Despite conferences with the Home Office and Mini try of Health, tei Ministries have not yet succeeded in finishing their future policy, Pr~ visional agreement has been reached with the Voluntary Service that tn: aim should be to allow units of the Brigade, and of the Briti h Red CrOl' Society, to join complete as such while retaining their uniform, Further, more, the intention appears to be to form specific Fir t Aid Unit attache( to the Ambulance and Casualty Collecting Sections and these would ~ of a type ideally suited to the knowledge and experience of our membw Unfortunately, while this arrangement has been agreed as a basis, tn; Ministries have not yet brought forward a scheme on the e lines, It consequence, while our policy continues to be to encourage members Ir join the Civil Defence Corps, and while it is also our policy to explain thai the Brigade must do everything possible to assist Civil Defence from tnl point of view of citizenship, recruiting is unlikely to improve until tni new scheme is available from the Ministries. Another factor which shoull be mentioned is that the field has been widened in regard to recruitini in the National Hospital Service Reserve which is closely related to eil: Defence in time of emergency. though not directly part of it.




The Cadet RaJIY for H:R.H, Princess Margaret at Northampton has been referred to l1l an earlrer paragraph. The main ,Cadet problem, during 1958 was the need for some reorganisation m order to achieve clo er integration between Cadets and Adults, In the y~ar following the war it had been the custom for those Cadets, and partIc1:l larl y Ambulance Cadets, who stayed on after schoolleaving age ,to ~emam w,l th the Cadets until they were called up for National Service, q~Ite I~respectIv~ of whether they had reached the age and technical qualJ~ca,tlOns ~eqUIred f~)f the adult ranks, During their National Service theIr lmks WIth the Bngade were largely broken and when it was over they ~ad no ,Brigade unit to rejoin, and often nev'er rejoined at all. With the VIrtual dIsappearance of National Service it seemed wise to take steps to lower the upper age limit for Cadet service from the National Service age to the age of ~6 at which, the keen cadets will already have had the chance to ,take theIr full fir t aId or home nursing certificates and wiU be fully qua,hfied to play their part in the adult ranks. The new regulations, were Issued by th,e end of the year. It is confidently believed that they WIll produce the ~esl r~d results of knitting the Cadets and Adults more dos,ely l1lto o~e famJly WIth the same mottoes and the same objects. The Bngade NatIOnal Cadet Camp si te at Bexhill was attended by 723 o~cers and cade~ between ?6th July and 30th August. Quite apart from thIS, many countle held their own cadet camps, some of them combined with both Ambulance and ur ing Cadet , in variou parts of the country' This form of activity i of great ,value to ,all concerned. In many case~ young ,adult members of the Bnga~e a I ~ed and it is hoped that an Illcreasmg number of young adults WIll acqUIre the habit of attending and helping at the e St. John Camp, Three King George VI Memorial Leader hip Courses were held in Newcastle (Co; Down), Pulborough and London; the biennial National Cadet Offi?ers Conference, was held in O~tober and was attended by representatives of 32 counlies, and the As Istant Commissioner-in-Chief attended and ,addre ed local cour e in no Ie than seven counties. Cadet J,Udlt~ ~herratt w~ awarded the Gallantry Cup and eight ex-Ca~ets l1l BIrmIngham gamed the highest or gold Award of the Duke of Edmburgh's Award Scheme, PRIORY CHURCH

An appeal was la1:lnched ,to~ard the end of 1957 for a Brigade Fund for the pUfJ?ose of makmg a gift, In the name of the Brigade, to celebrate the re-operung of the, Grand P~io~y Ch~rch in October, 1958. The appeal was sent to all, CountIes ,an,d Dl tnct ~Ir~ctly under the Grand Priory and also to the ChI,ef COffiffil SlOner of Pnone. The respon e was quite magnifi.ce~t. Whil~ a few hundred pound had been hoped for, the actual sum raIsed was JU,st over five thou and pound. With this the Altar Cross and CandlestIcks were given in the name of the Brigade throughout the ~ommonw~alth, ,and nearly every ,ot~e~ piece o~ furniture in the Church Ba~ been gIven In the name of 1I1dIv~dual uruts or formations of the ngade or by the General Fund to which so many contributed. ST. JOHN HOUSE

ThTshis yea~ has seen the re-opening in new premise of St. John House. club, mtended for member of the Order, Association and Brigade,



is now e tabli hed at 50 Eaton Place. It ha clearly been hown that the new central location make th place of mu~h more. u e to men:bers, even though the premi e are smaller from the pomt ?f ~lew of leepl11g accom. modation. A a re ult of a lightly lower u b cnpt10n and o[ the amenities of the club, the member hip ha increa cd by nearly tl~ree-fold. More member are till required, however, ince a good ba 1~ .revenue from ub cription i e ential to keep the.10 e ~own to. a mlllimum. While the club i not run on a profit-makmg ba I the aIm mu t be to go as nearly a po sible to bal~ncing . acc~un~. ~he aim i to keep prices as low as po sible while b anng tIllS po~nt III mmd. The clu.b wa re-opened in June and a hou e-warming wa glven by the Lord Pnor o[ the Order on 16th October 195 to which r pre ntative were a ked from all Over the country in order to make the club .known. Cert~i~ genero~ gifts were al 0 given to impro e the decorat1On and amellltle and, mdeed, such gifts v ill alway be welcome. . . . Other event at St. John Hou e have been a VI It by Mr . Nlxon, the wife of th Vice-Pre ident of the United State, who wa hown round the premises and aw an exhibition of ~he w<?rk of th~ A oeiation .and Brigade set up for the purpo e. Vanous dl1:ner partie and rec~pt1ons have also been given at the club, notably a dllln r by the Lord Pnor for the member of the Prote tant Order of St. John during their visit to this country on 5th January, 1959. There ha e al 0 been a number of meeting held there, uch as the Women's Advi ory Committee Brigade Committee Commi ioners' Conference, and so on. It will be seen therefore, that the club is per· forming a u eful function as a centre for activitie of the Order and its Foundations as well a a club for tho e concerned with the work of St. John. COMPETITIO S

The Brigade Final Competition were held at the Central Hall , West· minster, on July 5th, the prize being pre ent d by the Chancellor of the Order. The main re ults were a follow Perrott Shield Dewar Shield Guildford (Surrey) Bath City Police (Somer et) Dunbar- aSl71ith CliP White Knox Cup Hangleton (Sussex) South Kirkby Colliery (W.R. York) OVERSEAS

Tours:-During the first half of 1958 a number of over ea tour were carried out. The Superintendent-in-Chief visited Bermuda Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada Trinidad, Briti h Hondura and the Leeward Islands. In March, Lady Brecknock, the Controller of the Overseas Department, visited Nigeria Ghana and Sierra Leone. Slightly earlier I had, myself, visited Ceylon, Singapore, Malaya orth Borneo and Hong Kong. In July the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, Rear· Admiral Dick, visited Malta and Cyprus. In general, I think our impres· sions were much the same. We all received a very warm welcome and were met with keenness and enthusiasm everywhere. Efficiency i well main· tained, and it is highly satisfactory in many countries to see the way in which our work is spreading beyond the big towns and the Government Services into industry and into rural areas. In Cyprus the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief was able to meet man) of our members in spite of the difficult political situation at the time,



Keenness for Brigade ~ork i there .all right,. but much of i~ ha~ pe:f?rce to remain dormant while local ten 10n remams. In all terntones vIslted, Inspecting Officer. were able to see a number of excellent parades as well as other facet of our work. Developments:-.In both Ghana and Malaya, countries that have but recently ac1~ie~ed llldepen~ent tat~, the ~ork of the Brigade is going on with undimllli hed .ent~u Ja 111, a l11dee ~ it l~a so often done elsewhere in the pa t. In Nlgena good pro~res IS be111g made in ensuring .that, when that country, too, becomes llldependent the work of the Bngade can go forward without interruption. In Nigeria and in Jamaica an officer ha been appointed with the title of "Senior Commis ioner" so as to en ure good co-ordin~tion between the hitherto ind"pendent Brigade Districts in those countne. I am grateful to Mr. C. S. K. Bovell and Mr. 1. M. Stow re pective]y for taking on this extra burden. Emergencies:-Fortunately during 1958 there were few events in the Brigade Oversea which called for Brigade work on an unusual or emergency scale. In Ceylon, however, there were floods in January and communal di turbances in May, both of which called for special mea ures, particularly in regard to refugee from areas in difficulty. In Bermuda there wa a di astrau hotel fire in which nur ing members of the Brigade were able to give u eful help. Headquarters Buildil1gs :-Excellent progress has again been made in many territorie in pro iding new Headquarters building or in replacing old one. The ar very valuable not only in providing facilities for training but al 0 a a i ible ign of the exi tence and the enthu iasm of the Order, A ociation and Brigade and, therefore, as aid to recruiting. The more important of the e developments during 1958 have been the fine new Headquarter completed in Hong Kong a new one under con truction in Singapore, and the tart on the urgently needed Headquarters in Uganda where none ha exi ted before. The matter i aloin hand in Tanganyika. Jn Malaya I wa able, my elf, to lay the foundation stone of one of the new Area Headquarter building. ChaJ/ges:-It is perhap inevitable that change of Senior Officer should be frequent in many over ea territorie particularly in ca e where the appointment are held by thos in Government service who are liable to posting to other part of the world. Certainly in 1958 changes of Commis ioner took place in eleven different Di tricts, namely, Uganda, Kenya, Zanzibar, igeria Ghana, Singapore Hong Kong, North Borneo and in Jamaica S.E. and N.E. Where all have given such splendid ervice to the work of the Order of S1. John it is invidious to mention individual. I mu t however make pecial mention of the work of Sir Godfrey Rhode who had for 0 long, maintained and encouraged the growing trength of the Brigade in Kenya, and of Dr. E. Hoerman in Jamaica South Ea t. The Brigade has been well served by the Commis ioner who have gone, and I am mo t grateful to tho e who h.ave taken their place and for the enthusiasm which they are bringing to their ta k. Headquarter Officers:- The Brigade i deeply grateful for the assi tance so freely given by the Order's Headquarter Officers in the West Indies, Cyprus, Ghan!i Nigeria Uganda and Malaya. From Malaya Miss Checkley was able to vi it North Borneo and to give useful help and





encouragemen t t 0 the Brl' gade in that country where a new enthusiasm is apparent.







The year 1958, though it contai~ed no spectacular events or major di asters none the less kept the Bngade thoroughly bu y both at home a:d ove;seas, and showed that the high tar:dard we. ar~ a~customed to aintained throughout. There 1 every mdlc~tl<?n that the were we11 m . . dId t t ' Brigade's strength was well mamtallle at lome an 1 1 cer alllly increasing oversea. . . 1 At home our main anxiety remams that of en unng t lat our adult strength is adequate to meet the increasing calls that are made upon us, To this end the new Cadet arrangements to help and to en~ourage Cadets to move up into the adult ranks. were brou~ht to cO~lpletlOn by the end of the year, the rev is d regulatlOn becommg effectIve on 1 t January, 1959. . ' . d' In over eas territories standards are bemg well mallltame I~ ,the countries where we are firmly established, as I aw myself when I VISIted Ce lon, Singapore, Malaya and Hong Ko?g. In a number of o~her ter~itories in which the Brigade is smaller, o~ IS of mo~e reccnt foundation, excellent progress is being made not only m exp~ndmg our. trength but also in expanding our area of u efulne s outs:de t.he mam towns or government services into new or rural area and. m~o mdustry. , St. John House was re-opened in June 1958 ~n ,It ne:v 10c~tlOn at 50 Eaton Place, and thanks to the Deputy Commis lOn~r-m-Chief a~d ~he various Committees concerned it appears to be well on It way to achievlllg a satisfactory membership and it meet a real need. , At Headquarters I was, as ever, deeply grateful to the Supermtendent· in-Chief, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, for h~r heI p and encourage· ment throughout the year. We shall greatly mi her. deputy, Mrs, Grosvenor, who has been such a towe~ of strengt~ to u m t~e past and who was forced by circumstances t~ retire fr<?m actI v~ wO.rk WIth us at the end of 1958 in view of her residential commItm~nt m EIre. We suffer~d a particularly severe blow at Headquarters WIth the udden deat~ tn August of Mr. G. F. Quilter, the Brigade Secret~ry, who e. enthUSiasm and whose long and detailed knowledge of Bngade affaIrs. were so valuable. I am most grateful for the help given to me at t~at time ~Y a~ the staff at Headquarters, but particularly by the As I tant Bngade Secretary, Mr. Nunn, and by Miss Nor~h, who both helped so mu~n during the difficult time until the new Bngade Secretary, Mr. WODdhi~, had been appointed. As ever I am immensely grateful to the large numb~rs ?f surgeon~ ~nd of State Registered Nurses who give so much of theIr time to asslstm~ and encouraging our work at all levels. , Finally it is to the officers and members in Districts and Countle,s, both at home and overseas, that the real credit is due .for the splen~~ way in which the work o.f the Brigade has been earned out, and It traditions maintained, dunng 1958.

(Signed) J. M. KIRKMAN, Major-General,


Before all else I must refer to my deep sadness at Mrs. Grosvenor's ent resignation and record the tremendous debt of gratitude which I re~y specially, and we all, owe to her for the wonderful service she has v~ven to st. John during the last 20 years. This service has covered a very ~ide field and since 19~5 when s~e ca~'ne to Brigade Headquarters, first s roy Assistant Supenntendent-m-Chtef and later as my Deputy, her ~isdorn and fine leader hip have been an inspiration to all. To me, personally her loyal support and understanding have been invaluable and she h~s been a tower of strength to me at all times. Mrs. Grosvenor has endeared herself to. everyone and she will ~e sadly missed by all her colleagues and. many rnends throughout the Bngade as we~l as by a ~ost of people in wl~e~y ~Iffercnt ~elds of work and walks of hfe. All WIll,. I know, wish to Jom 111 I!lY. tnbu.te to her. are happy that she WIll maintain her close assocIatIOn WIth St. John m the years to come. BRIGADE DUTIES:-Although, most fortunately, no call was made on the nur ing per onnel in connection with any major disaster, the usual heavy demand were maintained and in all cases were fully met. Great credit is due to all tho e members who have given so generously of their increa ingly limited leisure in carrying out the many duties which have to be covered. The e include not only the routine Brigade duties, but a large number of hour devoted to hospital duty, the nursing aid service, old people's welfare, e corting patients and those under innumerable other heading. INSPECTIONS AND VISITS:-H.R.H. Princess Margaret again showed her great intere t in our cadets when she honoured us by inspecting a large contingent of them at Northampton. This was a very successful event and a real encouragement to all. It was a great happiness to me to have the opportunity of visiting the Priory for Wales and also a number of Districts and Counties and I was much encouraged by all I aw. I was very happy to accept the invitation of the Priory for Wales to be present at a meeting of their Chapter and subsequently to walk in the procession to the Church of St. John the Baptist where a special service was held and the installation ceremony of their new Prior, Lord Aberdare, took place; after a civic lunch at Cardiff Castle to attend the General Assembly and present a number of Grand Prior Badges. Finally, it was my privilege to inspect some 6,000 of the per onnel from all parts of the Priory. Early in the year lund rtook a trenuous and most interesting tour in the West Indie when I covered some 20,000 miles. The islands visited are detailed in the Commi ioner-in-Chief's report. In the course of my tour I carried out 20 eparate in pections varying in size from 2,000 to a few hundred. The turn-out and marching was exceptionally good and I was greatly impressed by the imagination and competence shown in staging and executing First Aid demonstrations. It was with much pleasure that I opened four excellent new Headquarters-two in Jamaica, one in Trinidad and one in Grenada. In addition to innumerable talks to St. John members, press interviews and ,broadcasts, I attended many St. John functions and also visited hospItals, sanatoria, nurseries, schools and other institutions.







The main work of st. John ha made ~maz.ing progres in the I~st few year and magnificent ervicc ha bee~ gIven 111 the unfortunate d~ aster! which ha e occurred. We ar greatly mdebted to all tho e respon Ible for St. John work in the We t Indi and e pecially to our Headquarters Officer Mrs. Davi -Smith, who ha made uch a tremendou contribution.

NATIO AL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE:- . TJ~e r vi cd con. dition of ervice which came into force at the beg1l1111l1g of the year allow efficient Brigade members to join the Re erve without any further obliaation in connection with training. The re pon c ha been excellent o orne Divi ion ha ing enrolled en bloc. The number of St. John Nur ing Auxiliarie at the end of December wa.s 19,236 (3,277 men and 15,959 women) a compared with 16,979 at the end of Dec mber, 1957. The new cheme involved muc~ .e:c-tra work for .H ... R. County Representati e in en uring all Dlvl LOn were fully cogl1l. ant of the change. The ChiefNur ing Officer ha poken at everal N.H.S.R. meetings in different part of the country. l

erving full time (a decrea e of two on the 1957 figure) of whom on~ \ a tationed in Honao Kong and one in Malta. The number enrolled m the Re erve fell from 29 to 23. Two member are enrolled in the W.R.A.F.V.R. En· couraging di Cll sion have continued with the Admiralty in connection with the setting up of a Q.A.R. .N.S. Auxiliary ur ing S rvice. When this Service come into being the whol V.A.D. tructure will be affected.

VA.D.s:-At the end of the year we had 14 member

NURSING OFFICERS:-The teady upward trend in the number of Nursing Officers joining the Brigade i most encouraging. The year 195~ shows a net increa e of 121. It i very largely due to Mi Hamilton· Wedderburn's own per onal initiative and drive a Chi f ur ing Officer that this very ati factory continued increase in the number of our Nursing Officers ha been maintained. A mo t succe [ul Conference for Nursing Officers was held which wa attended by 148 delegate from }J counties.

TRAINING CO URSES:-The past year has been one of con iderable activity. Many "Day" and "Weekend" Training Conference have been organised by the counties which in most ca e have been attended bl Miss Duff Grant, Training Adviser, per onally, or by ome other Head· quarters representative. The first Conference for Staff Officers for Training which was held at St. John's Gate in November proved most popular and wa attended b) 78 delegates representing 38 counties and the Priory for Wale. I had hoped to attend and speak at this Conference, but again ilines') unfor· tunately interfered. Miss Duff Grant has much to be congratulated on convening the Conference, one which has proved mo t encouraging and helpful to all those responsible for our training. HOSPITAL CAR SERVICE:-The St. John Ambulance Brigade, together with the British Red Cross Society and the W.V.S., continue) to administer the Hospital Car Service. No major problem have aris.en during 1958 and the service is running smoothly. In a number of countl~\ the Hospital Car Service drivers are doing excellent work carrying spastiC




children to .hospitals and clinic for tr~atmen~, as ~cll as maintaining their usual Journeys to and from hospitals WIth patIents.

"ONE-IN-FIVE" SCfIEME:- Membcrs of the Brigade continue to assist the W. V.S. with. their "<?ne-in-Five". Scheme by giving the third and la t talk of the senes- Canng for the SIck Person under Emergency Condition. HOSPITAL LIBRARIES:- There has been no marked vanatlOn in the Hospital Library Service during 1958, but the following figures are of interest. The total number of bed served in Service Hospitals at home and abroa.d wa . 20,617, whilst 3,95~ di abl~d ex-Servi:e pensioners in hospital, or 111 theIr own homes, received a hbrary serVIce. Hospital Library facilitie were provided in I 142 Civilian Hospitals of all types with a total of 101 ,013 bed, a well as to 25 Homes run by the Order of st. John the Briti h Red Cro Society or the Joint Committee. The overall expenditure of the Department has been maintained within the limits of its income for the econd year in uccession which i satisfactory. The number of St. John County Organi er and Librarians remains approximately the arne a in 1957, i.e. 10 County Organisers and 407 Librarians.

SERVICE HO PITALS WELFARE DEPARTMENT:-As Chairman of the Service Ho pital Welfare Department I have plea ure in reporting that 112 Welfare Officer are now erving in the United Kingdom and Over ea Command of which 32 are Brigade members, posted as follows: - Headquarter 1, United Kingdom 17, B.O.A.R. 4, Middle East 6, Far East 4. Five St. John Welfare Officer have resigned during the year; a total of 20 new Welfare Officer have been trained. Early in the year, when on my tour of the We t Indies, I was able to visit the Military Ho pital at King ton in Jamaica. In April I visited the Briti h Military Ho pital in Pari and the Royal Air Force Sick Quarters at Fontainebleau, accompanied by the Senior Welfare Officer. Accompanied by Mi Downing, hief Welfare Officer United Kingdom Command, who i a Brigade member, I vi ited the following hospitals:Royal aval Ho pital, Plymouth; Military Ho pital, York; Royal Herbert Ho pital, Woolwich; Royal Air Force Ho pital, Ely; Military Hospital, Tidworth. In February the Commi ioner-in-Chief, whil t on a St. John tour in the Far Ea t, vi ited the Department in the Briti h Military Ho pitals in Singapore, Kinrara and Hong long. There have been 90 DILFOR ca e during the year' of the e, 44 went to B.A.O.R., 27 to Cypru and 29 to other part of the world. ~i Dorothea Aplin, a Brigade member, who had mo t ucces fully earned out the dutie of Director of the Service Hospitals Welfare Depart~ent for two and a half year terminated her contract on her marriage In September. Her place ha been taken by Miss B. M. Conybeare, M.B.E., a member of the B.R.C.S. , who has a long and excellent record of service with the Department in both the Home and Overseas Commands. Her last a signment before coming to Headquarters was Chief Welfare Officer in the Far Ea t.

. ~X-SERVICES WAR DISABLED HELP DEPARTMENT:-The Jomt Committee Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department continues





to deal with many calls upon its services and fun~s from ~isability pen. sioners who have needs and problems due to their war disablement. In the twelve months ended June 1958, some 55,000 case were re~orded, of whom 19,800 ex- ervice men and women were ~e1ped financially or in kind to the value of ove~ £91,5~0 and the ~emalll~er .w.ere helped with problems or provided with. ervl~~ . accordmg ~o IJ,1dlvidual need. By undertaking home and hospital vlsltmg by helplOg til the Department's County Offices and with the casework St. John Ambulance Brigade Officers and Members are rendering valued service towa rds the welfare of those who suffer through their war disablement.

VISIT OF MRS. NIXON:-We were delighted to welcome Mrs, Richard Nixon, wife of the Vice-President of the U.S.A., at St. John House. She had expre ed a special desire to see omething of our work and that of the British Red Cross Society and the Joint Committee during her brief vi it to this country. She evinced the greatest interest in meeting some of our member and in the small exhibition which had been staged most effectively by the Publicity Department. Mrs. Nixon also met the Director of the Service Ho pitals Welfare Department and several Welfare Officers in whose work she showed much interest. RESIGNATIONS:-It was with very great regret that I received the resignations of three of my County Superintendents to whom we owe a deep debt of gratitude for the splendid contribution they have made to the work of the Brigade. They are:-Miss A. M. Parker, M.B.E., Suffolk, 42 years' ser ice; Mrs. M. H. Graham, Jer ey 8 year' service; Miss A. L. Romilly, Hereford hire, 8 year' ervice. Special mention must be made of Miss Parker s truly magnificient record of service covering such a long period. Having joined a a member she held appointments at all levels up to County Superintendent; and her high sense of duty, progre ive thinking and human understanding will never be forgotten. We have also sustained a very grievou loss by the re ignation of Mrs. N. Matthews, Deputy Di trict Superintendent London Di trict, owing to her removal from London. I must put on record my heartfelt gratitude for her splendid and outstanding leadership and ervice which covers a period of 22 years. APPOINTMENTS:-It has been with much pleasure that I have welcomed Mrs. Messenger as County Superintendent for Suffolk in succession to Miss Parker; Mrs. Malet de Carteret as succes or to Mrs, Graham and Lady Biddulph as successor to Miss Romilly. I have also been happy to welcome Lady Cumberbatch as County Superintendent for Kent and Mrs. Greenway as County Superintendent for Oxfordshire. CONCLUSION:-Although there is no spectacular work to record the nursing personnel have put in an excellent year's work and a number of cases have been reported where outstanding first aid assistance has been given by individual members. These report make one immensely proud. I am indeed grateful to all my District/County Superintendents in particular, and to their colleagues, for their devoted service and for the loy~l and unfailing support they give to me at all times. -I would like- to express my very real gratitude to all members of my, HeadquarteIs staff. Mrs. Romer Lee, my Assistant Superintendent-in·

. f has given me invaluable upport in many. pheres which I have Clued appreciated. I owc much also to my Chlcf Staff Officer, Lady gre\twaite and am incercly grateful to her. The Marchioness of ~a\;ampt;n's tenure of office a an additional Assistant Superintendent. °bllief was unfortunately, all too brief owing to her marriage. HowIn- during 'the short time she wa with us at Headquarter she made a ever, . wor k . I ndid contn'b' utlOn t 0 our sp My sincere apprecia~ion and gratitude also go to Miss ~amiltonWedderburn and to Ml ~ Du~ Grant, b?th of whom hav~ glven m.ost valuable service not only 111 t~eJr own particular sphere .but 111 conn~ctlOn with the revision of the nur lUg textbook, work on whLch has contmued throughout the year. Lady Brecknock, Control~er Over eas Department, ha tackled many roblems with energy and WI dom and we owe much to her. It has been ~i tressin a that Mi de Mierre through ill-health has been away from work for b 0 many month, and we wi h her a peedy recovery. Mrs. de Crespigny ha done much valuable work for the Over eas Department in her ab e n c e . . . . , . It is again to MISS Rarn on, ably aSSl ted by MI S Russell, that I Wish to pay a special tribute. She bas completed yet another year of ceasel.ess and dedicated work and 1 have valu d, a always, her fine loyalty and high standard. I am mo t grateful to the Commi joner-in-Chief for his understanding and support and for all hi encouragement to the ur ing personnel at home and over ea. I would al 0 like to extend my thanks to RearAdmiral Dick who i 0 helpful at all times.

( igned) EDWINA MO



Pages 23 Lo 70 amended 10 3] sL August, ] 959. Tr--IE ST. JOlrN AMBULA CE BRIGADE


BEDFORDSIDRE County Office :

6, Lan downe Road, Luton. County President : The Lady Zia WERNHER, C.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Lord LUKE, M.A., D.L., J.P. Mrs. R. U. PHIPPS (Nursing) The Hon. Pearl Lawson JOHNSTON, O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance and Nursing). Commissioner . . . . . Deputy CommiSSIOner. County Superintendent (A) County superintenden t ( )

Asst. County Superintendent ( County ursing Officer . County Cadet Officer (A) . County Cadet Officer ( )


County Staff Officers County Secretary

R. C. OAKLEY, 6, Lansdowne Rd., Luton (Tel. Luton 1882). Major-General F. D. MOORE, C.B., C.B.E., "Corn Close," Felmersham, Bedford (Tel. Sharnbrook 440). R . Mc VOY, 64, Shakespeare Road, Luton. Miss H. M. BROWN, 1, Stanton Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 51777). Miss D. ARCHER, 34, Langley Street, Luton. Mis D. SEDOO , Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton. E. WHITE, 3, Sherwood Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 6985). Miss H. GRIMMER, 3, Station Road, Ampthill, Beds. (Tel. Ampthill 3181). Miss T. E. WHITBREAD, 20, Hardwick Road, Bedford. R. LLl 0"1, 86, Kingsway, Luton (Treasurer). Mrs. R. L. FIELD, 12, George Street, Bedford. H. BA KS, 26, Bishopscote Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 2631).

Northern Area H. W. Rou 0, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Grange, Turvey, Beds. (Tel. Turvey 206). W. J. POULTER, c/ o. 4, Faldo Road, Bedford. Vacant. E. A. MILLWARD, ewton-Blossom ilIe, Turvey, Beds.

County Surgeon Area Superintendent (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officer .

outhern Area OBLE, 12, Sunridge Avenue, Luton. Dr. J. Kelsall THOMAS, "The Briars," Totternhoe, Dunstable (Tel. Dunstable 10). Vacant. Mr . M. Ball, 54, Weatherby Road, Luton. Mis D. WOODHEAD, 34, Langley treet, Luton. Mrs. Fox, J52 Whipperley Way, Luton (Cadets). W. R. KE OALL, 47, Bancroft Road Luton.

A. G.

Area Superintenden t (A) County Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officers .

BERKSHIRE County Office : St. John House, J 0 I, London Road, Reading. Tel. Reading 5467l. County President: The Lady FREYBERG, G.B.E. COUllt)' Vice-Presidents: Lady LORAI E ( ursing) Major P. 1. GOLD (Ambulance Cadets). The Lady FORRES (Cadet ursing). Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ) Ass!. Cly. Superintendent


. A. POOLE, M.A., 101, London Road. Reading. Vacant. W. G. THOMAS, 27, Berekeley Avenue, Reading. The Hon Lady GAMAGE, Springhead, Ascot, Berks. (Tel. Ascot 3 J 5). Lady Joubert de la FERTE, 6, Orchard Wood, Windsor Road. Ascot.





D. J. TURNBULL, M.R .. S., L.R .. P., "Spring Lodge," CasUeB'ij Maidenhead, Berks. I, Miss p. E. BRACE, S.R.N., Battle Hospital, Oxford Roao Readmg. ~ L. E. HEDLEY, 16, College Glen, Maidenhead. Mrs. D. Ro E, 47, hilton Cre cent, Earley. H. F. SKlDMORE, 324, Tilehurst Road, Reading. Mrs. THOMAS, 27 Bcrekeley Avenue, Reading. L. J. Barton, 65, St. Peter's Road, arley. Mrs. BARTO , 65, St. Peter' Road, Earley. P. R. HILL, 41, Larkhill Road, Abingdon. (Cadets). G. L. Ro E 47, Chiltern Crescent.. arley. (Training). Miss D. K. GIBBIN , 33, South VIew Avenue, Caversham. commissioner

County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cad t Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary



BIRMINGHAM County Office: Nelson Memorial Hall, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3.

Tel. Birmingham Central 6'"


County President: Alderman J. C. BURMA , J.P. County Vice-Presidents: Alderman W. T. BOWE (Ambulance). Mrs. W. A. CADBURY ( fursing). J. P. EAMES, O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. P. CADBURY (Cadet ursing). Commissioner


D eputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) Asst. County Superintendent. County Surgeon County Nursing Offieer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Sergeant Major County Secretary .

Brigadier M. L. HAYNE, C.B.E., Oak Beam, Church L~ Gaydon, Warwickshire. (Tel. Kineton 428). Brigadier N. L. CARISS, O.B.E., T.D., 56, St. Agnes Roa: Moseley, Birmingham, 13. W. R. LLOYD, 66, Bleakhill Road, Birmingham 23. Mrs. D. C. ICOL, 28, We tfield Road, Edegbaston, Binninl' ham, 15. (Tel. Edgbaston 02 6). Miss G. M. F1NLEY, 29, High Street, Solihull, Warks. W. H. SHILVOCK, M.B., CH.B., B.. , 86, Fitzroy Avenue, Hi: bourne, Birmingham, 17. Mrs. C. E. GREE , .R. ., 23, Hunton Hill Erdington, Birmm; ham, 23. A. E. GREE , 23, Hunton Hill, Erdington, Birmingham, ): Mrs. D. OWEN, 16, Cranmore Avenue, Handsworth, BirmlDl ham. A. C. FORD, 85, Woodleigh Avenue, Harborne, Birminghar:: 17. (Stores). J. E. MATTHEWS, 304, Bordesley Green Ea t, Birmingham, 11 Miss E. M. ROGERS, 72, Balsali Heath Road, Edgbasto' Birmingham,S. F. GRIFFITHS, Midland Bank, ewhall Street, Birmingham,' (Treasurer). M. C. LEGGETT, 48, Parkdale Road, Birmingham, 26. (Spec Duties). Mrs. Fraser BROW , 273, Yardley Wood Road, Mosell!. Birmingham. Mrs. J. MILLER, 78, Woodford Avenue, Castle Bromllld (Administrative). . . W. R. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford Lane, Ward End, BmW!' ham, 8. K. FLOWERS, 53, Frampton Way, Pheasey E tate, Great Ban Birmingham, 22a. R. C. N. DAY, 297, Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham, 29. I" Mrs. F. E. HAMMO 0, 7, Ravenshaw Road, Edgbaston, (Tel. Bearwood 2802).





County Office: Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol 2. Tel. 22431. County President: His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. L. BURGESS. R. L. CHEVERTON, Esq., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. N. FROST, Esq., C.B.E. Lieut-Colonel H. EsSEX LEWIS, D.C.M., T.D., 11, Clifton Hill, . Bristol 8. (Tel. 33808). G. J. REECH, M.R.S.H., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol, Assistant Commissioner 5. (County Secretary) Vacant. County Superintendent (A) Miss M. E. E. SARAH, M.B.E., 15, Morley Square, Bishopston, County superintendent ( ) Bristol, 7. (Tel. Bristol 43321). Miss B. J. GRIFFITHS, S.R.N., Cossham Memorial Hospital, Ass. County Superintendent (N) Kingswood, Bristol. Dr. J. A. Lanson ROBERTS, 46, Charnhill Drive, Mangotsfield, County Surgeon Glos. Miss B. H. C. SAMMO S, S.R.N., 11, Blenheim Road, Redland, County Nursing Officer Bristol, 6. Vacant. County Cadet Officer (A) . Mrs. E. F. PULLI ,B.E.M., 138, Monks Park Avenue, Horfield, County Cadet Officer (N) Bristol, 7. M. Fox, 10, Redland Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. (press County Staff Officers . Relations). J. F. SMJTH, "St. Keyna," Knighteott Road, Abbotts Leigh, Bri tol, 8. W. G. CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, Filton, Bristol. A. R. HARDING, "Hillside," Larkleaze Road, Longwell Green, Nr. Bristol. C. GRIBBLE, B.E.M., 7, Stanley Road, Redland, Bristol, 6. E. J. FOLEY, 2, Highfield Grove, Horfield, Bristol, 7. (N.H.S. R .). Mrs. M. C. CREECH, 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol,S. Mis L. G. GORMA , 12, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bristol, 3. (Cadet ). D. A. ORTO, 23, Balmoral Road, St. Andrews, Bristol, 6. (Training). H. J. CROKER, 1, Marguerite Road, Uplands, Bristol, 3. (Civil Defence). C. VI CE T, 1, Dryleaze, Chandos Road, Somerdale, KeynCounty Sergeant-Major sham, Bristol.

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE County Office: 79, Buckingham Street, Ayle bury, Bucks. Tel. Aylesbury 3886. Count v Presidents : The Lady CHATFIELD ( ursing). Major P. G. DARVIL-SMlTH, C.B.E. (Cadets). County Vice-Presidents: Brigadier J. N. CHE EY, O.B.E. (Ambulance). Lady Aubrey FLETCHER ( ursing). The Viscount CURZO , J.P. (Ambulance Cadets). The Viscountess CURZO (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner . Brigadier G. A. FENTO , O.B.E., Moor Lane Cottage, Sarratt, Nr. Rickmansworth. (Tel. King's Langley 2194) . Deputy Commissioner . Vacant. County Superintendent (A) S. BUNKER, 10, Winchfield Way, Rickmansworth, Herts. County Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. BOOTHMAH, "Lynton Cha e," Datehet, Bucks. (Tel. Datchet 302). Asst. County Superintendent ) . Miss N. M. SALE, The Croft, Walton Road, Aylesbury.



County Surgeon (E 'ecutive) County Surgeon County

ursing Officer

County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Offi er

County S cretary Area Area Area Area Area


Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Surgeon

Area ursing Officer Area Staff Officers .

Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . ursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers.

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) . County Transport Officer . Area Staff Officer .









CAMBRIDGE R. H. KIPPING, M.B., H.B., Leigh 110u e, Beaconsfield Dr. G. W. H. TOWNSEND, County M.O.H., County O~ County Office: Aylesbury. 35, St. Mary's Street, Ely. Tel. Ely 2678. Mr. W. E. TAYLOR, .R . . , Bridge House, Baring R Beaconsfield, Bucks. oa County Presidents: D. ORLlK, Stratton ottage, Stratton Road, Bcaconsfi M The Lord AJRHAVEN, D.L., J.P. Miss M. E. WHITE, "Cleveland," Claremont ardcns 111: . Mrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK. J. O. BOLDERO, The Manager, Lloyds Bank, Aylesbury, B~I~r County Vice-Presidents: (Treasurer). Major G. M. MACFARLANE-GRIEVE. Miss <;1 .. M. IVE , 9, Ogilvie Road, High Wycombe, BUt, K. S. MAURI E-SM1TH, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Etheldreda House," (Tralllmg). missioner Ely. (Tel. Ely 2678). A. K~ GSBURY, Henshaw, Bicrton, Ayle bury. (Publit Com . Advi ory)." . " . Deputy CommissIOner and Act. C. W. WALKER, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road, ambridge. R. F. POPE, Balnacralg, Bur~e Wood Road, Beaconsnt County Surgeon . . . G. WALKER, PH.D., M.SC., "Kersell," Sedley Taylor Road, Mrs. A. M. HOOD, 148, Welltngton Street, Slough. C ty Superintendent (A) ambridge. Mrs: E. HA D 0 K, "Winford," Upper lckncild Way, PrlJ): oun Mrs. H. C. GRAI , " Belmont," 43, Prickwillow Road, Ely. Rlsborough . C nty Superintendent (N) R. J. GOVE , 176, Desborough Avenue, High Wycombe ou (Tel. 2695). Mrs. E. Ellis LEWIS, S.R . . , S.C.M., R.F.N., ]9, Brookside, Mrs. G. N. DAY, Station House, Saunderton. . Cunty ursing Officer r. T. GOMM, "St. Gorran," Green Lane, hcsham Bois 0 ambridge. Miss M. C. D. KE NETT, S.R.N., C.M.B., Long Stanton Rectory, Mr . Z. BOT FORD, 79, Buckingham Street, Aylcsb~ry, B~ County Staff Officers ambridge. Northern Area Lieut.- 01. G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., 49, Silver Street, Ely. Capt. F. W. WORKER, 56, Wind or Street, Wolverton, Bu& (Treasurer). Vacant. S. P. OlCKER, 11, Belgrave Road, Cambridge. (Training). S. J. COMPTO , 22a, Silver Street, ewport Pagnell, Bu Area Cadet Officer. A. H. GRIMSHAW, 152, Elm Road, March, Cambs. Mr . S. J. GUR EY, 13, Osborne Street, Wolverton. Area Cadet Officer . . HA YLETT, 225, Mill Road, Cambridge. W. M. M . DOUGLAS, M.A., M.B., B.CH., Wolverton St. Ma Stoney Stratford. Ely Area Vacant. Vacant. . Area Superintendent (A) R. G. ALDERTO 12 Bedford Street, Wolverton . (Area Co Area Superintendent ( ) Mrs. G. TURNER, 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Cambs. Training). F. G. A. BECKETT, M.A., M.B., CH.B., 14, Egremont Street, Area Surgeon A. E. F. WHITE, 3, School Hill, harndon, Bicesler. Ely, Cambs. Vacant. Area ursing Officer Central Area C. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, High Wycombe. Cambridge Area Miss B. M. WHITE, "Hillview, ' Loudwater, High Wycom . . Vacant. Dr. M. F. GILLISON, "The Old Boot," Dinton, Aylesbul) Area Comr~lIssJOner Vacant. Miss M. F. M. STEPHE SON S.R . ., 65, Upton Park, Slou,Area SuperIntendent (A) Vacant. Vacant. . Area Superintendent ( ) C. A . SARGEANT, (Training), "Chesterfield," Coldhams Lane, Vacant. Area Staff Officers. Cherry hin ton. T. SHORT, 1 J, Hill View Road High Wycombe, Bucks. Miss D. LI TO ,68, Cavendish Drive, Cambridge. (Secretary) . J. RrCHARDSO , "St. Davids," Station Ri e, Marlow, BlI( Mrs . E. J. PIGOTT, 76, Akeman Street, Cambridge. (TransF. R. REEDER, "Glamis," Kingsmead Road, High WycOIr port). F. G. BrG ELL, 24, Carrington Road, outhcourt, AylesbL R. T. WOOMBWELL, 62, Marshall Road, Cambridge. C. F. A. LAMBOUR E, The Anchor Tnn , Wingrove, r. A)., bury. Miss M. STERRETT, 27, Clarendon Road, Pinions, Hi Wycombe. CHESlllRE D. G. A STEAD, 111, Whitelands Road, High Wycom Miss P. M. TULLETT, "Dukeholme," Mitchell Walk, Amersh, County Office: Miss A. L. EVA s, 171, Buckingham Road, Aylesbury. County H.Q., Tabley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. A. GovES, 234, Desborough Avenue, High Wycombe. Tel. Knutsford 346. C. HAYNES, 14, Hughenden Road High Wycombe. (Tr< County Vice-Presidents: port). J. A. K. FER s (Ambulance). A. BENTLEY (Cadet Ambulance). Southern Area L. STEPHENS, 3, Mundesley Spur, Slough, Bucks. Commissioner. apt. Percy REAY, O.B.E., M.C., J.P., "Oakdene," Prestbury, Mrs. E. E. F. GOMM, 35, Bath Road, Slough. Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 8353). Lieut.-Col. L. D. M. GAYI ,M.D., M.B., CH.B., 33, SussexPI!~ Deputy Commissioner. W. Cecil ROBfNSO , "Woodeaves," Dale Brow, Prestbury, Slough, Bucks . Cheshi reo (Tel. Prestbury 8357). Counly Superintendent (A) Vacant. N. . MUMBY, "Glendyne," Prenton Lane, Prenton, BirkenR . G. EVA s, 17, Salisbury Avenue, Slough. head. (Tel. Mountwood 1372). County Superintendent (N) Vacant. Vacant. J. D. PALMER, "Brentwood," 70, Carrington Cresceo: County Surgeon . . . K. D. BEA , M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., Lowbarrow, Mottram Road, Wendover, Bucks. Alderley Edge, Cheshire. County ursing Officer A. L. HALL, 138, Albert Street, Slough. Miss A. MCCULLY, S.R . . , District Memorial Hospital, Crev.e.


28 County Cadet Offi er (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officer County Secretary


Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon


Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer



H. N. BECKETT, 28, Stalbridge Road, ' rewe. Assistant Commis loner Mrs. A. LAWREN E, 13, Albert Road, headle Bume J. HARNEY, 53, Woodyear Road , Bromborough w· Area Surgeon . . . (Cadets). ' 1m. Area ursing OfTicer. . . Mrs. E. SIN LETON, ounty H.Q., Knutsford. County Cadet Officer for Area Eastern Area Area Cadet Officer (A) H. B. BINGHAM, 56, Greg Street, South Reddish, Stock. Area Cadet Officer ( ) Mrs. J. J. BOMFORD, 37, Beechficld Road, Davenport, si~ Area Staff Officer port. J. BM:'dCFIE M.B., CH.B., Sunninghill, Towl1sclifTe lane, Mar n ge. . Assistant ~ommissioner Mrs. R. ALLAN S.R.N., High Stacks, Poynton. Area Nursing OfTiccr . . . Vacant. county Cadet OfTicer for Area Vacant. Area Cadet OfTicer (A) . Area Cadet OfTicer (N) Area Staff OfTicers . . Central Area Vacant. Miss M. E . DEA , J, Derbyshire Road, Sale, Cheshire H. C. W. BAKER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 16, The Wiend, ·R Ferry. C. JAMES, 24, Emmett Street, Barnton, orthwlch. (Train!

Western Area Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon





Eastern Area W. G . Moo EY, J.P., Broomhill, TaYistock Road La t M. C. OOPER M C M R C s H ,unces on. Looe. " . , . . . . , L.R .. P., ollybank, The Downs, Miss N. K DEAN S R N W dh J. J. PEAR'E "Seldo~;,'13 a aRm dHouse, Liskeard. H p' ,oven oa ewquay M'iss 'K E~DCR, 15, Wes~heath Villas, BOdmin. . F A C 0:lc~1 12, High Street, Launceston. . . UTLER, Gresham," I 00, Mount Wi e , ewquay. Western Area W. L.E STEWA RT , M.. B, c · Mrs T H . B.,T remethlck, Grampound J . G. BAR~;;;'~E~'lv~·;·B~J 5~0~lbtanAY Rboad, Redruth. Vacant. ' n m rose, Redruth. Mr . J. S. DONEY "Hazledene" Mab P Mrs. M. RODGCR' "w d 'd ,', e, enryn. , 0 0 SI e, Western Terrace Falm th P . ELLOWC, 3, Tolgus-Wartha, Rcdruth . ' ou.


." COllnty Office ' Park View, Cardew, Dals[on, r. Carlisle, Cumberland.

(Tel. Dalston 327). . County President · SIr Robert 0 fA CC, Lord-Lieutena·nt of Cumberland. COllnt)' Vice-Presidents: Mrs. f. L. BARRACLOUGH ( ursing), Cumberland. The ounte of Lo DALE ( IIrsing) , We tmorland.

E. Allen SMlTH 5, Claremont Road, Wallasey, Cheshu( Miss W. A. LA iE, 28, Highgreen Road, Birkenhead Chesf H. L. GARSON, M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. "Woodlands," N~w C~ Road, Bromborough , Wirral, Che hire. Commissioner



aSpt · J. L. JOH r , R. . (Retd.), Lockville Main Street e d bergh, Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 2 6 7 ) ' , Vacant. . J. J. BEVERLY J 8 Woodsgh 1l D· (Tel. arli le' 23244). y nve, Harraby, Carlisle. Mr. M. A A cow M B TI Winderm~re.· (Tel. A~bl~ ideC~';87) 1e Howe, Troutbeck, Mr . V. E. RA E , Stancroft, Cariisle.· BIRKETT A , M.. B , B.CH.,. 3 ' Thorny Hills Kendal J . SL. MorF T' M .. Mi' LAYCO~·~·' CILB. 136, Wigton Road, Cari'isle. . J W L ' .R . . , Cumberland Tnfirmary Carlisle Nt" .D O~II1A , 18, Grace Street Carlisle' . I . ROTTER The Gowans. S~dbergh .. . H . STEPHE 0, 25 ook treet W kin J . TfLL!. G, 34, R~m~ey Road Ke~dal or gton. . ' venue Penrl·th . M r · EW MA" 51 H olmnggs J H MITH 9 D '1 D . ' . Mi s · A. M. ' SM ' u2;mal fJ,:,e, Carlisle. (Press Relations). A. . PRJ G, ~T' Be~~d~o~JIS~ I?r~ mere, W.estmorland. . Hu B D 1 Fa ·rfi Id G 'd e eye, Carltsle. D. GRAHAM' "Park ~ieew" ~: dens, DWIIgton Road , Carlisle. , , r ew, aston, r. CarlisJe.

Deputy Commi ioner. . County Office: (ounty Superintendent (A) 18, Dean Street, Liskeard. Tel. Liskeard 2010. County Superintendent ( ) County Presidents: Colonel Sir Edward H. W . BOLITHO, K.B.E.: C.B., 0.5.0., Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall. Ass!. Cty. Superintendent ( ). Lady Mary PAWLE (Nursing). County Surgeon . . . COlmt v Vice-Presidents: (Arnbulance). Asst. County urgeon. C. E. H. LLOYD, Esq., and H.R.H. Prince CHULA OF THAILAND, G.C.Y.O. (ounty ur ing Oflke r Mrs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, C.A., Mrs. C. H. ASHER ( IIrsing). :ounty Cadet Omcer ( ). A. V. BAKER, Esq. (Cadet Ambulance). (ounty Cadet Officer ( ) Mrs. Y. THOMAS (Cadet Nursing). County Staff OtTicer Rear Admiral L. A. BOUTWOOD, C.B., O.B.E., Golden Commissioner . Tideford Saltash. (Tel. Land rake 237) . Vacant. Deputy Commissioner . Princess Chula CHAKRABO GSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. Ii County Superintendent ( ) St. Mabyn 232). weJ Marten, Probu, r. Truro. County Sergeant Major Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, County Surgeon . . T. C. TRESIDDER, Dartmgton, Radannack, Truro. (Transi>' County Secreta Assistant Commissioner Vacant. ry . . County Nursing Officer . Vacant. County Cadet Officer (A). Vacant. County Cadet Officer (N) DERBYSIllRE Mrs. C. H. ASHER, Ellenglaze Manor, Cubert, New County Staff Officers . ( .H.S.R.) County Office: J. J. JACKMAN, "Hazlemere," Albany Road , Falmouth. The Cottage, Wdday Green, Barlow, via Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362). E. S. SEYMOUR, 60, Trefusis Road, Redruth. County President : C. S. MOYSE, Fore Street, Camelford. HI GRACE THe DUKE OF DEYO SHIRE. A. T. MOSSMA , 9, Killerton Road, Bude. Miss L. C. WERREN, Cyprus House, Launceston. County Vice-President: Miss F. W . PAUL, 4, Park Road, Redruth. Viscount SCAR DALE. W. H. MAYCOCK, "Lyndale," Tresillian, Truro. (Civil Defe (ommissioner olonel "F. Arnot BEAR , C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. M D "BrookF. POLKINGHOR E, "Hyland," Heanton Terrace, RedP! land, Temple Road Buxton (Tel. 587). .., (Competitions). ~puty Comm· . Capt. J. ATKI ON, M.B:E., Whjt~ Knowle Cottage, Chinley, P. PEARCE, Barc1ays Bank, Redruth. Issloner . r. Stockport. Miss G. MORCOM, 18, Dean Street, Liskeard. County Secretary .










Mis E. F. BELL, Ivy Hou c, Mickleovcr, Derby. (Tel. Der~ outhern Area 53124). . R. L. BROWN, M.B., CH.B., "Ranmoor," 4, Burton Road, 1. MACKENZIE, M.B ., B.S., M.R . . S., L.R . . P., 141, Manor Roa~Area CommiSlO ner . County Surgeons Derby. Derby. d l (A) '. G. Fr ORENCE, 266, Osmaston Park Road, Derby. Mr . Clara STEWART, M.n., ClLB., B.A.O., 3, Hardwick MO\lnIArea super!nten en ( ) MISS G. H. WALTO , 9, Kingston Street, Derby. Buxton. Area Supenntcndenl J. ~OLLINS, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 7, Crich Avenue acant. Area Surgeon . . . County Nursing Officer . Liltleover, Derby. ' C. 1. MARGERRI 0 ,The otlage, Wilday Green, Barlow \ . ffi County Cadet Officer (A). Mrs. M. F. HALLETT, 398, Burton Road, Derby. Sheffield. (Tel. Holmcsficld 362). ' Area NurSing 0 cer . W: J. HOLBROOK, 20, Kendon Avenue, Sunnyhill, Derby. Mr . C. B. WRIGHT, 2a, Gurney Avenue, Sunny Bill, DerOi Area Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer ( MIS DRURY, 13, Derwent Avenue, Allcstree. F. 1. SHIMWELL, 151, Manor Road, Brimington, r. Cheslr Area Cadet Officer ( ) County Staff Offic rs . R. NALL, 12, Lawrence Street, Long Eaton. . . Area Staff Officers . . field . H. FARNSWORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Avenue Derby W. F. RIGLEY, 6a, Kingsway, like ton. (Training). M;s. FARNSWORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Aven~c, Derby. R. Rl GRAM, J.P., Markham House, Duckmanton, Nr. CheSlt MISS D. TRANTER, 33, Grange Street, Derby. (Treasurer). field. Mrs. G. E. H. WEATHERBY, 28, Kingston Street, Derby Mrs. C. 1. MARGERRISO ,The Cottage, Wilday Green, Ba;lo EAST, SOUTH A D NORTH DEVO via Sheffield . C. 1. MARGERRI 0 ,The ottage, Wilday Green, Barlow \ COllnty Office: County Secretary . ' Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362). The Hut, Culver Drive, Chudleigh. Tel. Chudleigh 2262. County President: Northern Area Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY, BT., D.S.O., M.C. acant. COllnty Vice-Presidents: Area Commissioner . C. V. DUNDAS, 12, Park Avenue, Poynton, Cheshire. Lady RAY ER (Nursing). Area Superintendent (A) Miss . START, 56, Brown Edge Road, Buxton. Lady IMBERT TERRY (Nursing Cadets). Area Superintendent ( ) Dr. W. E. MARSHALL, Manchester Road, Chapcl-en-Ie-Fm Area Surgeon . . . R. MILLWARD, "Clovelly," Little Morton Road, lOiCommissioner . . . Major T. W. GRACEY, Melrose, Ashburton, S. Devon. Area Cadet Officer (A) County Superintendcn t ( ) Wingfield. Mr. . De B. DE J G, Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John. (Tel. OUery St. Mary 27). Vacant. Area Cadet Officer ) Vacant. County Surgeon . . T. COVERLEY 16, Derwent Square, Chinley. Area Staff Officers . County Nursing Officer Mrs. M. D . rCHOLLS, S.R . . , Carron Glen, Salcombe Hill Road, Sidmouth. National Coal Board o. 1 Area County Cadet Officer (A). Maj.or-General R. DE J'IG, C.B., M.V.O., M.C., Tipton Lodge, B . KE DALL, Bonnevienne, Inkersall Road, Duckmanlo TIpton St. John. Area Commissioner County Cadet Officcr ( ) Nr. Chesterfield. Mrs. Stuart rCHOLSO, Pri pen House, Silverton. T. M. COPE, Sandbournc House, King George V Aven~County Staff Officers W. . JOH so ,2, The Broadway Littleham Cross Exmouth Area Superintendent (A) (Ambulance Liaison) . ' , . Mansfield. Mrs. E. A. COPE Sand bourne House, King George V AveD. A. . TAYLOR, 55, Blatchcombe Road, Paignton (Press Area Superintendent (N) Relations) . . Mansfield . Dr. W. A. F. H R T, Heathfield, Tib heir. T. T. HAY, S.R . . , Wonford House Hospital Exeter Area Surgeon . . Mrs. C. L. MAIZEL .R.., "Carmel,' Mill Lane, Whit\\; (Training). ' . Area Nursing Officer . r. Worksop. Mrs. L. J. TOWNSE D, "Brooke House" Ipplepen ewton Mrs. V. W. AYLOR, 1, orth Crescent, Duckmanton, Ches:Abbot. (Cadets). " Asst. Area Nursing Officer County Secretary field. Mi S D. BOURCHTER-WREY, Tawstock, Chudleigh. S. C. CARTER, York House, Creswell, I r. Worksop. Area Cadet Officer (A) W. S. BUCK, ], Ringwood Avenue, Staveley, Chesterfielo Asst. Area Cadet Officer (A) Ea t De, on Area Miss U. TE H, Lyn Croft, Tibshelf Road, Holmwood, \ Area C .. Area Cadet Officer (N) Major R. A. P. GRAY, M.B., 23, Southernhay East Exeter. Chesterfield. omn:llsslOner . C. J. WOOD, 40, Kingsway, Heavitree, Exeter. ' F. NORMA , IS, Private Drive, Hollingwood. t~~ sSuuper~ntendent (A) Area Staff Officers. Mrs. BOLT, Little Copse, ewcourt Road , Topsham. penntendent ) E . HURSTHOUSE , 54 , Walton Road Chesterfield . Area Surgeon L. G . A DERSO , M.B., CH.B., M.D., D.P.H., 26 Cranford L. GROSS, 196, Ashgate Road, Chesterfield. . Avenue, Exmouth. G. F. GARD ER, White House, Morton. Area Cadet Offi (A) W: J. B. PERRIAM, Matrord Hulham Road , Exmouth. Miss V. SOUTHERN, The Laurels, 67, Main Road, Marlo" Area Cadet Offi~~~ ( ) M~ss M . E. HOWES, 27, Brookside Crescent, Whipton, Exeter. Area Staff Officers . MLss C. B. GOLDI G, 375, Topsham Road Countess Weir National Coal Board No. 5 Area Exeter. " Miss M. MARTIN, 176, Pinhoe Road, Exeter. (Cadets). H_ F. PARKER, 377, Derby Road , Nottingham. Area Commissioner . G. H. BOWMER, 12, High Street, Loscoe. Area Superintendent (A) North Devon Area Mrs. M. RlGLEY, S.R.N., 6a, Kingsway, Ilkeston. Area Superintendent (N) Dr. W. V. ROACHE, Rutland House, Ilkeston. Area Commissioner Area Surgeon . . . Lieut-Colonel K. G. W. SAUNDERS, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., Elmfield, Mrs. K. MORLEY, "Morwood," 216, Heanor Road, Ilkesl0Area Nursing Officer . Goodleigh Road , Barnstaple. A. E. W. DILKS, 13, Kingsway, llkeston, Derbyshire. tea Superintendent (A) Area Cadet Officer (A) R .. BRADDON, "St. John," Yelland Road , Fremington. Vacant. ea Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer (N) MISS F. VALE TINE, Little Close, Braunton. W. NLMORE, 41, Heath Road, Ripley. Area Surgeon . . Area Staff Officers. M. P. MOREL, M.B., CH.B., Beech Hill, Barnstaple. W. A. HUDso , 24, Middleton Avenue, Cross hill, Co~ Area Nursing Officer Mrs. C. H. M. HARDy, S.R. ., "Bramley," Broadclose Road, H. HYDE, Sye Lane House, llkeston Road South, Hean, Barnstaple. County Superintendcnt (N)


32 Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officer . Area Area rea Area Area

Commi sioner Superintendent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . UfSing Officer

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) A t. Area Cadet Officer ( Area Staff Officer .




Dr. J. P. BUSI!, Healhfic\d House, Old Torringlo n R Commissioner. . Barnslaplc. ~ DepulY superintcnden t (A) Mrs. . J. H. SAU DER , ElmAeld, Barn lap Ie. County Mrs. M. H. Kl G, Mulberry Hou e, Barnslaple. superin tenden t (N) . . countCY unty Superintendent (N) South Devon Area Asst. 0 urgeon . . . . . County S W. U DERl-\ILL, B.E.M., London Hou e, A hburlon. P. BAKER, 14, King's Avenue, Paignlon. ursing Officer Mr . K. M. EVA S, S.R .. , Hollybank, Paignlo n. countlyY Cadet Officer ( A. EVER RD M.B., CH.n. 26, Keyberry Park, eWlon Ab~, Coun taff 0 m lcers . Coun ty S Devon. Mrs. E. M. HAR EY, .R. ., 6, Derwenl Road, Babbacom Torquay. M. E. C. STEDHAM, Lavender Collage, oach Road, Ne~ Abbot. Mi S M. . STOWE, LB., H.B., M.R.C.S., Dartmoor Calli. Lustleigh. liss H. G. CHARLESWORTH, Barlons, Ipplepen, ewlon Abl Mrs. L. . R. [CHOLL, 4, Beames Lane, ewton A~

DORSET COllnty Office : 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. Tel. Weymouth 2270. Co lin t \' President :

County Secretary


Dorothy, Lady ELLE BOROUGH. County Vice-Presidellts: Mrs. A. M. C. OOPER ( ursing). Area Commissioner Lord ELLE BOROUGH (Cadet Ambulance). Lady Lettice Ashley COOPER (Cadet ursing). Area Superintendent (A) ) Dr. R. V. S. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, Weymouth. (Tel. ~ Area Superintendent Commissioner . Area Surgeon . . mouth 800). Mrs. D. R. GALTO , 6, Elgin Road, Park tone. (Tel. ~ Area ursing Officer County Superintendent ( ) stone 928). Dr. E. J. Gordon WALLACE, Health entre, Weym~. Area Cadet Officer ) County Surgeons Area Staff Officers . (Tel. Weymouth 1645). Dr. Laura Maule HOR E, The Grange, 2 Mount R Parkstone. (Tel. Parkstone I ). Miss D. Su DERLA D, .R .. , Health entre, Weymou~ County Nursing Officer K. H. M. ALDRIDGIo, 5, t. Thomas treet, Weymout~ County Officer i/e Cadets. Miss M. R. PeAcH, 59, High Street, hafte bury, Do[\( ) County Cadet Officer A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, Weymouth. County Staff Officers . E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow, Plantation Road, Watll Area Commissioner Poole. E. W. CUFF, "Sydco," 67, Prince of Wale Road, Dorc~ Area Superintendent (A) J. B. SPE CER, 422, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. D. G. F. ACUIT, "Cambrai," Cranford Avenue, Weyroo Area Superintendent (N) (publicity). , Area Surgeon . Mrs. D. R. BOOTH, 7 Mount Joy, Burton Road, Bna: Area ursing Officer .H.S.R.) Area Cadet Officer F. C. BRYA T, 12, Garland Road, Poole. Miss F. B. Lo G, 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. Area Staff Officers . County Secretary . Weymouth 2270).

DURHAM County Office: 2, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2. Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 81-3646, County President: S. EMBLETON, Esq., O.B.E. County Vice-President:








Vacant. R. RUTIT RroRD, T.D., J.P., M.B., B.S., The Firs, Langley Park, o. Durham. Lady WAYMAN, c/o 2, Osborne Terrace, Newcastlc-on-Tyne. Lady STARMER, Danuy Lodge, Darlington. K. M. MACDo ALD, M.B., CH.B., Bankfield, Consett, Co. Durham. Mrs. F. M . J. DUNCAN, S.R.N., 12, Garcia Terrace, Sunderland. Miss O. ADDISON, 80, Croft Terrace, Jarrow. P. S. BLUNDE, ross House, Pellon . W. MATIfER, 4, Glebe Houses, Ferryhill, Co. Durham. Miss E. Sc RLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Breamish Street, Jarrow-on-Tyne. (Trai J1 ing). J. J. D. KLRRY, 4, Malton olliery, Lanchester, Co. Durham. H. CARR, 88, Barningham Street, Darlington. A. B. HOGGETT, 29, Great orth Road, Brunton Park, Gosforth. (Treasurer). Mrs. M. JARRETT, S.R. ., 90, Marine Avenue, Whitley Bay, Monkseaton. Miss. E. P. GRAY, 2, Summerhill, Sunderland. T. HOPKIN, 22, Farndale Avenue, South Bents, Whitburn. H. S. D. HAE E s, 35, Claremont Road, Darlington. (Civil Defence). Mrs. R. WATSO , 40, Brandling Place South, Newcastle. (Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 81-15]5). Ea t Durham Area

A. B RNS, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., Rainton Lodge, West Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring. . . STOKOE, 18, Maureen Street, Seaham, Co. Durham. Miss D. A. HALL, B.SC., 1, Greenbank Villas, Jarrow. A. K. MACRAE, M.D., CH.B., Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham. Miss O. HODGSO -LAWS, S.R. ., Stonegate Cottage, Reeth, Richmond, Yorks . Vacant. Mr . N. DAGLEAS, 24, Beaumont Terrace, Jarrow-on-Tyne. ( adets). Mi J. HUTCH! SO' 43, Bede Street, Rokers, Sunderland. ( adet). outh Durham Area C. S. S 11TH, 34, Tunstall Avenue, West Hartlepool, Co.

Durham. W. F. ffALL, M.B., B.S., B.HY., D.P.H., 142, Elswick Road, West Hartlcpool Vacant. R. K. BRow, 'f. B., CH.B., Kelvin House, Bearpark, Co. Durham. Vacant. H COUL 0 , 74, Starmer Crescent, Darlington H. . H. FRA 'CIS, The Chorister chool, Durham. (Secretary for adet). Miss E. F. GRA T, 21, Thompson Street, West Darlington. We tern Area

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent Area Surgeon . Area Area Area Area

Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer Staff Officer


A. S. DA VISO , Heathfield, Burnopfield, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Mrs. M. H. ROCHESTER, 5, Pikesyde, Dipton Co. Durham. Mrs. M. F. St. J. U. COSGRAVE, M.B., B.S., Felling Lodge, Felling-on-Tyne. Vacant. W. Yo GER, 23, Townley Street, Stanley. Mrs. E. A. You GER, 23, Townley Street, Stanley. J. T, DRUMMO D, 267, Windsor Avenue, Gateshead, 8.






ESSEX County Office: Lanca ter Hou e, 140, Mildmay Road, helmsford . Colonel Sir Franci

Count)' President : WHITMORE, BART., K.C.B., C.M.G., D.. 0., T.n .

Commissioner Deputy Commis ioner. County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent


Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretaries .

Area Commissioner

Fore t of Dean Area Sir John PALMER, BT. ,

County County County County

COllnty Vice-Presidents: The Lady Joan NEWMAN (Nursing). Mrs. J. T. WHITLEY (Code! Nursing). J. T. WHITLEY, O.B.E., M.B., H.B., 56, ew London Ri Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelm ford 2194). Capt. R. J. WE LEY, T.D., J.P., 96, Galleywood Road, Cne' ford. (Tel. helm ford 2704). W. E. NORFOLK, 84, Marconi Road , Chelmsford. Chelmsford 2726). Mrs. E. SMELLIE, M.B.E., The Bridge Hou e, Lexden, Colcile< (Tel. Colchester 2982). Mrs. TRA[ hipping Hill House, Hal tead. F. P. WALLI , M.R . . P., L.R .C.P., "Gower," GalJeywood R Great Baddow. Miss M. Rr:: OLOSO, .R . . , St. John's Hospital, Chelmsf Vacant. Mrs. E. M. HOWARD, 19, Victoria Road , Colchester. Miss W. K. ARGE T, "Shirley," WrittJe. (Tel. Writtle: E. A. POOLE, 178 Cowdray Avenue Colchester. (TralI!i. F. E. BROOKS, 144, Moulsham Drive, helmsford. (Treasl W. J. SMITH, 39, Fore t Drive, Westlands Estate, Chelms' (Transport) . W . R. UNWl , 14, Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford. (Ca~ Miss R. 1. LEEK "Ivydene," Stock Road, GaUm, Chelmsford. (Cadets). ' Mrs. M. A. SPURGEO ,3, Alderton Road, Colchester. (Ca~ F. THOR DIKE, Elm Tree House, Fox treet, Ardleigh, chester. (Cadets). Miss M. E. JUDD, .R.N., St. John's Ho pital, Wood Sr Chelmsford. ( .H.S.R.) W. SCHOFIELD, 45, Victoria Street, Braintree. (Cadets), A. MAYHEW, "St. Leonards," Wash Road , Laindon, Ii (Ambulance). Mrs. HARROLD, 1, Hunts Close, Writtle. ( u[sing),

Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) . Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers .

County Office: Headquarters, Rohais, St. Peter Port, Guernsey.

Bailiwick Vice-Presidents : Dr. W. B. Fox. Lady SHERWILL ( ursing) Jurat R. H. JOH S, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). Commissioner

IBailiwick Surgeon



Area Commissioner Bailiwick Staff Officers

County Presidents: Colonel Sir James SLEEMAN, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O. The Countess St. ALDWYN. County Vice-Presidents: Colonel R . A. G. BINGLEY, C.V.O" D.S.O., O.B.E. (Ambulance). Miss Ariadne RODOCANACHI (Nursing). Earl St. ALDWYN, T.D., D.L. (Cadet Ambulance). Commissioner


A/Deputy Commissioner

Tel. Guernsey 69 and 70.

Bailiwick President : Sir Ambrose SHERWILL, K.C.B.E" M.C.

Bailiwick Superintendent (A). Bailiwick Superintendent ).

County Office: 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Tel. Cheltenham 53610.

ewland, Coleford, Glos.


Assistant Commissioner



Area Cadet Officer (A) County Secretary .

t superintendent (N) . superintendent (N) County Surgeon ..,

~~~; tty.

helmsford 55789.


Lieut.-Colonel F. WILLIAMSON, O.B.E., 90, Leckhampton Road, heltenham. Mrs. G. A. WrLLANs, Oaklands, Shurdington , r. Cheltenham. Miss D. M. TRIMMER, 2, Boumside Road, Cheltenham. . H. DRAKE, M.R.C.S., L.R . . P., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester. Mrs. SADLER, 131, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham. R. A. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. T. H. READ, "Ellenville," Gordon Road, Cheltenham. Miss J. B. PARKER, Highfield House, Whitminster, Glos. (N.H.S.R.) Mr . B. LAWRENCE, The appings, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham . (County Welfare). Mrs. DRAKE, S.R.N., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester. Miss M. K. OSWELL, 7, Eldorada Road, Cheltenham. (Admin. - Medical Comforts). Rev. E. J. M. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James's Vicarage, Tivoli Road, Cheltenham, W. LE GRESLEY, 92, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham. quadron Leader J . E. G. HANCOCK, D.F.C., Officers' Mess, R.A.F., Barnwood, Glos. T. L. Lo G, 68 , Stroud Road, Gloucester. Miss E. G. MARSHALL, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham.

County superintendent (A) Tel.


C. R. De C. SADLER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 131, 01 d Bath R~ Area Ar Cadet C d Officer (A)

Cheltenham. (Tel. Cheltenham 2277). . ea a et Officer (N) H . L . St . G . C AREY, M.V.O., H awlin g M anor, An doverslc. Bailiwick Secretary.

Lieut.-Colonel S. H. HEARD, M.B.E., M.R.C.S" L.R.C.P., La Giffardierc Albecq, Castel, Guernsey. (Tel. Castel 7504). W. TAYLOR, B.E.M., Quendon, Le Martival, La Ruette, St. Martins. R. A. LUFF, "Belize," Doyle Road, St. Peter Port. Mr. R. M. THOMPSO , La Tourelle, Pierre, Percee. (Tel. entral 255). W. R. CAMBRIDGE, M,R.C.S., L.R.C,P., 31, High Street, St. Peter Port. R. H. BLA CHFORD, M,B.E., G.M., Le Croute Herivel, Rohais, St. Peter Port. Mrs. T. R. MARQUAND, "Maymyo," Les Amballes, St. Peter Port. F. W. BUSH "Palma," Green Lanes, St. Peter Port. E. COLL, Colwyshe, Les Mourants, St. Martins. H. FALLA Durrington Les Banques St. Sampsons, Guernsey. ( adets) . R. J. HERVE, "Beau Soleil, , Shumarez Lane, Castel. (Treasurer). H. P. SAUNDERS, 29, Mount Row, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. (Stores) . W. G. BAKER, 22, St. George's Esplanade, St. Peter Port. (Competitions). H. TOUZEAU, Holmlea, Route Miltarre Vale, Guernsey. Miss E. S. BUSH, Wethersfield, Guelles Road, St. Peter Port. Miss D. AEsCHIMA , Hazely, Rohai,>.








Area Press Relations officer (Auxi liary) . .

County Ojjjc(' : Wes ex House, 6, Upper High Street, Winche ter. Tel. 2884. Counfl' President : The Counte Mou TB TTE OF BURMA, C.l., G.B.E., D. . V. . , LL.D. CO/I/1!V J'ice-Presiden ts : Admiral of the Fleet Sir' Arthur POWER, ,.B.E., K . . B., c.v.o. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. WLLLT , G.C.B., K.B.!., D.S.O. The Hon. Mr . S. R. UBITT (Nursing). Commissioner


Deputy Commi sioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) Asst. Cty. Superintendent County Surgeon County


ursing Officer

County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer ( County Staff Officers

County Secretary


Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon


ursing Officer .

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ) Area Staff Officers .

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer . Hon Area Treasurer (Aux.) ..



N. A. WILTON, Odeon Theatre, North Walls, Winchester.

orthcrn Area Commissioner . superintendent (A) superintendent ( Surgeon

Colonel W. P. S. CURTI, O.B.C., D.L., Knighton , T Hant. (Tel. Twyford, Hant , 2130). aptain H. HE DERSON, (R . .), CB.r., D.S.O., Hamblcdon, Hant . Vacant. Mis L. CO PER, The Thatched Cottage, Lymington. (Tcl. Sway 220) . Mrs. C. B. DUTFI[LD, he ter Beach, el y. L. M. M ) BURY, M.A .. M.B., B.CIIIR., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., wood," 97, Gold mith venue, o';!th ea. Mi s P. C\VTO, .R . . , .c. 1., Ophir Lodge, Ophir Bournemouth. Brigadier B. W. WCBB- ARTER, D.S.O. o.n.r., Bishop Waltham. Vacant. A. L. AYME , 6, Winche ter load, Andover. (T R . W. HARRI , 88, Greenhill Road, Winche ter. Mrs. B. V. SA DI 0 , Long View, Roseberry Road, A (Hospital Librarie ). Colonel E. G. DUTFIELD, T.A., hester Beach layton Selsey, Sus ex. ( ivil Defence). Mrs. E. E. You G, ] 62, Stockbridge Road, (N.H.S.R.) Mrs. M. C. J. Bo 0, 4 Police Headquarter Winchester. (Assistant Secretary). Miss . READDY, 6, Upper High Street , Winche ter.

Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Ofllcer . Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( )

Cadet Ofllcer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) Staff Officer .

L. P. BOTTING, 13, Esher lose, Basingstoke. S. WILDf, 4, Nom Hill , Basingstoke. Mrs. D. WILSON, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Nr. Andover. Mrs .. Audrey CAR[Y, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Dials Close Lower Wield, Alresford . ' D. . CRESSWFLL, S.R . . , Park Prewett Hospital, Basingstoke. Vacant. Mrs. G. VANS, Mynster, Church Avenue, Farnborough. H. N. SHORT, 31, Alexandra Road , Famborough. (Training).

Western Area Major L. TALBOT, D.A., D.A.E., A.T.D., "Greensleeves" Avon astle Drive, Ringwood. ' L. F. JrA s, J 2, Windham Road, Bournemouth. Mr . PURKESS, 'i.R . . , S.C.M., J.P., "Glenleigh," Avenue Road Brockenhurst. ' F. A. HElMA N, M.D. L.R.C.P., J2a, Crabton Close Road Bo combe. ' R .. G . RA FORD, 184, Christchurch Road, Ringwood. MI . D. BRODERI~K, 14, pttledown Avenue, Bournemouth. A. MAYB RY, Poltce Station, Ringwood. (Training).


COllnty Office : S.J.A.B. Headquarters, Wldemar h Street, Hereford. Tel. Hereford 2837. COllntl' Presidents: The Hon. Mrs. R. DEVEREUX. Brigadier F. A. V. OPLA D-GR1FrITHS, D.S.O., M.C., J.P. COlillty Vice-Pre~idellts: G. D. E. T LLlS, Esq., M.B., CH.B. (Ambulance). Mr . H. FOLEY, ( ursing). W. Ro sm, E q. (Code! Ambulance). Ea tern Area Mrs. Greville PHlLLIPS (Cadet IIrsillg). Dr. C. N. BUR HAM-SLIPPER, 100, Waverley Road, oner B. A. HAWKEY, 40, orthcroft Road, 0 port. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Terence FALKI ER, BT., Kingsthorne House r. Hereford. (Tel. Wormelow 343). ' 1r . M. BEEMA , 5, Connaught Road, Ha\ant. Commissioner. . C. . SUTER, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., "Leventhorpe,' 1, H. J. HARRI , B.E.M., 3, nderhill Road, Tupsley, Hereford. Superintendent (A) Vacant. Road, Go port. """."ol'."JIIIY Superintendent ( ) Mrs. E. F. COULTER, A.R.R.C., 19, The The Lady BroDULPH Underdown, Ledbury, Herefordshire. Surgeon . . . G .. M. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The ew House, Ross-on-Wye. Gosport, Havant. Officer . ursing MI E. M. KER-RAMSEY, S.R . . , County Hospital Hereford Vacant. Cadet Officer (A). R. RUCK, 37, Mill Street, Hereford. ' . Mrs. F. E. M. BAR lCOAT, 7, Brunei Road Hil ea, Po ,~" Cadet Ofllcer ( ) W. . WILSO , Police Headquarters, Portsmouth. M~·s. F. M. HARRIS, 3 , Underhill Road , Tupsley, Hereford. Staff Officers . T. C. GOLDSMITH, 79, Orchard Road, Southsea. MI E. LOl'-G, 62, Breinton Road, Hereford. C. W. TOZER, 22, Penk Ridge, Bedhampton Havant. R. T. MORRI , Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. L. G. BARRI GTOl 50, Springfield Avenue, Belmont Estate Defence). Hereford. ' ty Secretary . Central Area Mr . J. . LOCHHEAD, 28, Millbrook Street, Hereford. Lieut-Colonel J. D. C. BROW LOW, O.B.E., Pennington HOll! Lymington. Capt. W. MILLS, M.B.E., "Hilldale," Station Road, Chanill HERTFORDSHIRE Ford. COllnty Office: Mrs. V. WALMSLEY, Green Cottage, Shawford, r. Winchesll 7, Marlborough Road, St. Albans, Herts. Tel. L.N.6-54333. Kathleen E. SLANEY, M.D., CH.B., 10, Hulse Road, Southamptoc . Count)' Presidents: R. M. WARREN, B.A., M.B., CH.B., D.P.H. , Teviotdale, Netlr The Hon. DaVid BOWES-Lyo , Lord Lieutel1ant of Hertfordshire. Abbey. H. Langley Jo ES, Esq., M.B.E. Mrs. A. E. ALFORD, 8, Obelisk Road , Southampton. W. G. Rus ELL, "Bridaimer," 55, Dell Road, Bitterne Par~ County Vice-Presidents: Southampton. (Training and C.D.). Blanche, Lady LLOYD OF DOLOBRA ( lIrsing). L. S. Dunford, 78, St. James Road, Southampton. Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets). I_L .... ' '''IIIV




Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) Asst. Cty. Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .


Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer




. PERCEY, M.B.E., J.P . "Heath Brow," Wen (Tel. Welwyn 108). D. Hardy KI MONT,. M.B., (00, larence Road, Sl. AI T. . FORBE , 54, High Street, Ware. Mi D . SPARK ES, B.A., 3, Brampton Road , Sl. All (Tel. L.N.6- 53983) . . Mr . E. BILK, B. C., Fnars Mead, St. Stephens AvenI!! Alban. G . W. MAY, M.B., B.. M.R.C.. L.R.C.P., Denham lr 83 New Road, Ware. . G. Henderson SMITH, 97, Haymeads, Dig well Hill, W~ Garden ity. Mi 1. DAVIES, 109, London Road, St. Albans. Mrs. Hilda MABER, S.R.N., "Crossway," Point Clear. yth, Essex. Miss WOOD 14 Flora Grove, St. Alban. Mrs. B. 1. ROG ER , 14, Jennings Road, St. Albans. Mrs. D . C. BLEWCHA (P , S.R . . , 32, Souberie Avenue, t worth. (M. .D .) E. A. Ru CR, 7, Colgrove, Welwyn Garden City.


Tel. Douglas 2121.

Tel. Wootlon Bridge 70.

COllllt v President : His conunissioner

M.B.F., L.R.C.S., L.R . . P., Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. T. HAMBLY, M.R . .S., L.R.C.P., " Meadowcroft," Salisbury Road, Ryde . A. A. EXELL, S.R. . , 17, Ashley Road , Ryde. A. P. COMPTO , 93, High Street, Sandown. Mrs. B. K. JACOBS, The Grange, Alverstone. G. M . HOM A , M.R.C.P., M.R .C.S., "Monkspath," Limsterone, r. ewport. (i /c Ambulance Divisions). F. F. MILLGATE, "Ferncotle," Castle Road, Newport. J . W . JOLLIFFE, 33, Prince Street, Ryde. (Competitions). Mrs. B . B. E. O'DAY, 6, Seafield Terrace, Seaview. (Hospital Libraries). H . STA GER, Longford Hospital, Havenstreet. (Publicity). . H . RI CHARDSO "S!. Aubins," Wroxall, Nr. Ventnor. (Treasurer-Admin.). Miss E. M . E. CAWS, " Seacroft," Queen's Road , Ryde.

County Surgeon County County County County

race The Duke of WELLI GTON, K.(,.

F. R . B. H . K ENNEDY,


Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet OfJicer ( ) Staff Officers .


JERSEY County Office : Midvale Road, Jersey.

Tel. Cent. 2063.

County President : Sir Alexander M . Co UTA CHE.

County Vice-Presidents : Lady COUTACHE ( ursing). Lady TRE T (Cadet ursing) . Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent ( County County County County

Surgeon . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A). Cadet OfJicer ( )

Area Cadet Officer.

County Office : Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man.

County Secretary & Treasurer

apt. Guy Malet De CARTERET (Jurat), S!. Ouen's Manor, t. Ouen , Jersey. H . . TEPHE, s, 89, St. Saviours Road, Jersey. Mr . U. Malet De CARTERET, St. Ouen's Manor, St. Ouen, Jersey. S!. John BJRT, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S. Fontenelle, Millbrook, Jersey. Vacant, Vacant. Mr . D. MACFADYE , La Turbie, Claremont Road, St. Helier, Jersey. Mr . G. DAWSO , La Ruette, Victoria Village, Jersey. A . J. Le Mo fER, 11, Princess Place Flats, Greve d'Azette. Mis B. Le HUQUET, Le Chalet, Bagatelle Road, St. Martin, Jersey. Miss L. Du FEU, Tunbridge, Georgetown, Jersey.

County Vice-Presidents: Lady COWLEY (Nursing). F. M. CUSBON, Esq. (Ambulance). Mrs. M. M. GILL (Cadet Nursing). S. J. KNEALE, Esq. (Cadet Ambulance). Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (N) County County County County County

Surgeon . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A). Cadet Officer (N) Secretary .

C. C. BEATy-POWNALL, Esq., Chief Constable's Office,D~" Capt. T. H. HALL, J.P., Eskham, Devonshire Road, Do,: Mrs. V. E. KELLY, "Redpaths," Little Switzerland, Do,: (Tel. Douglas 3006) . A. R. MCPHERSON, M.B., CR.B., 46, Loch Promenade, Do:: Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. E. R. G. CAIN, A.LA.C., 18, Hawarden Avenue, Dou~:


CO/Illty Office :

County Staff Officers



Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight.

Ea tern Area T . H. B URGE ,J.P., "Coonor," 17, King Edward Road,~ (Tel. Ware 345). County Secretary K. C. WAR ER, 92, Bursland, Letchworth, Herts. Miss E. ATKI S, 101 , Old Hale Way, Hitchin. G. M. MrALL-SMTTH, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., C 2 Gue seng Walk, Welwyn Garden ity. Mis B . F. CRAWLEY, S.R. . 29, Lanca ter Road, Hi W. HOWARD, 13, By-the-Mount, Welwyn Garden Cit) We tern Area H. S. TAYLOR-YOUNG, F.R.G.S., Latimer House, Gravel Berkhampsted. W. ApPLETO , Lyndhurst, Puckeridge, r. Ware. Mrs. M . C. B ERGIN, 16, The Valley Green, Welwyn Ga City. J. M. SHERRIFF, L.R.C.P. (ED.), L.R.C.S. (ED.), L.R.F.P.S.(Gl 23. Salisbury Avenue, Harpenden . Miss O. M . DAVIES, .R . . , St. Albans City Hospital, om; Road, St. Albans. Miss W . M. HART, Blue Stile, Priory Close, Royston.



L. R.

Commi sioner

County Secretary


KENT County Office: 40, Earl Street, Maidstone.

Tel. Maidstone 55924.

COUlltv Presidents: The Lady -ASTOR OF HEVER. J . H. DAY, Esq., M.B.E. (Ambulance).

County Vice-Presidents:

The Lady De L'ISLE A D DUDLEY l ursing). Viscountess ALLE BY OF MEGIDDO (Nursing Cadets). J. H. H. DAVIS, Esq. Lady Eileen V. DENNING.


40 Commi ioner Deputy

ommi ioner.

County Superintendent ( 1) st. County Superint ndent ( ). County Surgeon County Tur ing Officer ounty Cadet Offic r ( ). County Cadet Officer ( ) County Staff Officer

Couoty Secretary





Major-General G. BRU SKILL, .B., M. . , The Ch . 'Ct Superintendent (N) . Hawkhur 1. (Tel. Hawkhurst 2283). anlr Dlstn Brigadier M. S. TE [RSHAM, C.T.L, M. . , 56, Woodburyp. D 'strict Superintendent ( Road, Tunbridge Well . " Asst. I Lady IBERBAT H, "Monk' Park" Wood Wadh . ' t Surgeon Sussc'\. ' Ur Dlstn c Miss. Ap' L. ROMILLY, 18, Ca(lverle y ) Pa.rk, Tun( bridge We District ursing Offi~e(rA)' R. H. ER [VAL, M.A ., M.CH. ~ 0 ., !'.R . . s. E G.), D.c. D' t 'ct Cadet Officel 74, Bower Mount Road, MaLd tone. . IS fl Mr . 1. M. HOBY, .R.N., 219, ew Road, hatham. D' lriet Cadet Officer (N) e. G. D. SMITH, 67, idney Street, Folke tone. IS Mr. E. D GLAS, The Manor Hou e,. Sellindge, Ashr~ District Staff Officers e. L. JE 1 G , Barclays Bank Ltd., Maldstone. (TreasureMiss e. HIGHAM, 98, Maidstone Road, Rochester. T. L. I AAC, 238, Maid tone Road, Roche ler. (Training) Mr. PRING, Mount Top The 10 e, altwood, H;1~ .H. .R.) . Miss . C fPB ll, 191, Southland, Bickley, Brom (County Library Organi er-Admin.). Mr . M. KELSE'I, Brocks Ghyll, W.adhur t, Sussex. (Appea M. Jo ES, 171, Sutton Street. Maid tone. B. T. BEAUMONT, M.B.E., "Pembk ," Doddington, Sit~ bourne. (Tel. Doddington 230).

o. 1 Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

Major B. T. S'I GE, 339, Queen's Road, Maidstone. Miss L. H. BUR S-HARTOPP, Dalby Lodge, Hawkhurst. Dr. H. J. HOBY, 219, ew Road, hatham. S. IGHTI 'GA LE, 3, Elm otlage, Edcnbridge, Kent. Mrs. . A. WINTER, 44, Meadow Road, Ru thall, Tunbr Wells. Mrs. 1. A. JEWI s, 19, Grange Road, Kippington, Seven District Secretary

Commissioner Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . . . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) u ring Officer



Commissioner Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( )

B. T. BEAU [0 T, M.B.E., "Pemble "Doddington, Sillingbour Area Mrs. 1. PAP WORTH , "Tregarthen," Vale Road, WhitstabL Vacant. . . . Area F. C. ROLFE, ] 1, Kmg' Road, Blrchlngton. Mr . E. M. Heywood, 15, Sali bury Road Herne Bay. Area No. 3 Area Area

Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent Surgeon . . . Cadet O fficer (A) Cadet O fficer ( )

E. A. HERBERT, "Brynmawr," 4 ,Plain venue, Maids. Mrs. A. JAY 33, Audley Road, Folke tone. .. Alex CHALMERS, M.B., CH.B., 8, London Road, SlttlIlgboL. J. G. PERRY, 18, Castweazle, Tenterden. Mrs. D. M. BAILEY, "Maywood," w Road, Salt~, Hythe.

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon .

Area ursing Omcer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Omcer (N) Area Staff Omcers .


The Lady Mary 11 ESKFTH, Meols Hall, Southport. (Tel. Southport 88171). Dr. M. M. RLEKIE, 7, Rowslcy Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. Colonel R. G. W. OlLERE SHAW, T.D., Q.H.S., M.A., B.M., M.R.C.S., O.M.R.O., 4, Pine Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. Miss . LIVESEY, S.R . . , 6, Mollington Road, Blackburn. R. CHARLESWORTH, Rovenden, Audenshaw Hall, Droylsden, Manchester. Mrs. E. ISBET, 4, etherton Park Road, Litherland, Liverpool, 21. Capt. J. D. CAMERON, M.B.E., T.O., 26, Deepdale Road, Preston. Miss 1. M. SUTCLIFfE, "Farnley," Sandybed Lane, Scarborough. J. W. LOWE, 60, King's Road, Prestwich, r. Manchester. J. TABER ACLE, "Stoneycroft," Manor Lane, Garstang, r. Pre ton. (Competitions) . F. W. LONGWORTH, 102, Abbey Hey Lane, r. Openshaw, Manchester, 1 J. (Cadets). Mis P. HYDE, Queen Victoria Hospital, Morecambe and Heysham. V. S. HELMORE, 8, East Terrace, Flixton Lane, Chorley. (Training). Miss J. B. M. LOUDE , 2a, Lord Street West, Southport. W. E. SEARLE, 91, Water Park Road, Prenton, Cheshire. Major J. M. GIBSO , Lloyd Bank, St. Annes on Sea. (Treasurer-Auxiliary). . G. CROSLEY, "Colinton " Church Lane, Farington Moss, Leyland. Major G. A. STEELE, LB., CH.B., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., "The Beeches," Tabby' ook, ewburgh, nr. Wigan. (Training) Major T. E. SPENCER, M.B.E., T.D., IS, Mount Street, Preston.

No. 2 Area Area Area Area Area Area




'0. 1 Area U. WARRrNGTON, M.B., "Lethendry," Glebe Street

Great Har\o\.ood. H. S\I!ALLEY, S.R . . , Hill View, Hospital Cottages, Ribchester, r. Pre ton. Mr . H. BROWN, Harley Bank, Todmorden. R. C. WEBSTER, B.SC., M.B., B.CH., D.P.H., O.CH., ], Harley illas, Todmorden. F. L. B\R E , 4, Park Lane, Brierfield. E. . MA O~, 134, Blad.burn Road Great Harwood. acant. Mr . M. M. MEGGITT, "Ravendale" Tumcroft Road, Darwen. G. OOTIO, 38, Westboume Avenue Burnley.

o. 2 Area Area Commissioner


Area Surgeon


District Office: 15-17, Mount Street, Preston.

Tel. Pre ton 2239.

District President: The Earl of DERBY.

D istrict Vice-Presidents: The Countess of SEfTO . The Countess PEEL (Nursing Cadets). M ajor E. S. B urt HAMILTO , O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S.E. (Ambulance). Commissioner . . D epu ty Commissioners

Assistan t to Commissioner

Colonel V. F. R OYLE, E.R.O., 67, Lieut. -Colonel S. B. G. SIMMO S, Liverpool, 18. Major S. NEWSOM, T.O. J.P., M.B., Way, Fleetwood, Lancs. e. J. EASTWOOD, 42, Lune Street,

Church Street, Lan(li' M.C., 4, Menlove Aw:

Area Supermtendent ( ) Area ursing Officer District Staff Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers.

Area Commissioner . ~ea. Superintendent (A) CH.B., F.R.C.S., 34, Pr' DIStrIct Staff Officer Area ursing Officer Preston.

Major H. L. ISHERWOOD "Wenallt," 12, ew Church Road, Bolton. Ellen W. M. SHAW, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 7, Tenrerden Street, Bury. Miss A. RIGBY 60, Cemetery Road, Swinton. J. E. CAPES, S.R. ., \ estern House, Western Road, Flixton, rmston. A. BURTO , 19, Old Clough Lane, Worsley, Manchester. L. J. EVA ' , 74 Hazelhurst Road, Worsley. Mrs. B. HARWOOD, 135, Carrington Lane, Sale. E. MA 0 ,15, Wood Road, North, Manchester 16. (Secretary). Mrs. J. WEBSTER, 260, Leigh Road, Atherton, Lancs. 1'0. 3 Area G. HALBERT, 298, Waterloo Street, Oldham. G. TME 0 ,"Thorncliffe," 3, Houghton Lane, Swinton. Miss K. LAMB, 7, Tenterden Street, Bury. Miss F. GARD ER, S.R. ., Fairfield General Hospital Bury.


rea adet Officer (A) rea Cadet Offi er ( )






J. DIG ,LE. _2, Baildon Road. Pa mond, Rochdale Mrs. I MITH. 19. hc A\cnue. eedfieled. Bury . . ' 0. -'

r a Commi ioner Area uperinrendent ( ) Area uperintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area ur ing Offi er . Area Cadet Officer ( ) rea Cadet Officer ( ) Area Stafr Offi ers .

5 Area rajor W. H. \ LKER. 35. Br at... Ide \enue. Lherpoal · WOOD. 66, Ru t...in treel. Li\ ' [ nIDi , erpool d4. ' li 1. . BA 'I\., 7. Lane held Roa . LI\erpool, 9. W. D CA~. M.B.. H.B.. 3, Ro c Lanc, Li\crpool, I . \ 'a ant. W. E. EARLE. 91. y\ aterpark Road. Premon. Che hire. .:nt.Y W. . LA~ T • _4. Paignton Road. LL\Crp I. 16. Ii . EDDOS, 46. Part... ide Drhe. Ll\crpo 1. 11. . d FI oor, 10"-. P rlm:e - R oa, d L·I\erpool. · . \, t.:.nl)\ J · . L CCA. _n T. E. TAll R. 21. Latrigg R ad. Igburth. Liverpool. .illt, J. ITHO..... ) . .,., pper Dut...e Irt:et, Li\crpo I. r ty TO.

Area C mmi ioner Area uperintendent ( ) Area Superintendent (1 ) Area Surgeon . . rea ursing Oft1 er Di trict taff Officer Cadet Offieer ( ) Cadet Officer ( ) Staff Offi ers .






Mrs. . lSBI TER, .R ... , Oak. Dene. hatham Road, Manehc ' lcr. 16. H. B\RIZLR. 99, om Road. ale. 1rs. . H \RL \\ORTII. "RO\cnden," uden ha\ Hall, Did bury, lanche tel'. Mr . . A I\.ILL, 50. Turnbull Road. Long ight, lanche ter. . M. B·\K R. 10. \\ avcrl:,. Road, ale. Ian he ter. J . H . BRO\\ , _7, 100rfield Dmc. Burnage, Manchc ter, 19 . ( LvI! Defen e) .

Nursing Omeer

A~·l l

Cadet om er ) ~ c~del om er ( ) rea 1ajor J. R. r-.lIDDLCIIL R:T: 49, Rh ington R ad, t. tleleJ taft' O(lil,;cr . · \ HITE, 24, hur t DfI\e, Parr, t. Helen. 1i' E. BRo\\ . "R. .. 3. olumbia Road, Pre ott. Lieut.- 01 nel . R. D\\ \RD, 1... 1. . ' .A .• "The 1aun' Birchfield. fI'. Widncs. Mr . D. 11AL n l \ , , .R . "I .• 6. \el) n \'cnue, Pre Ot J . P1MBLETf, 3, t. ndrc\\ " r \ e, Hare Finch. t. Belt' \ a ant. W. LO GH. I 4. Well field (reet. Warrington. H. FER L ). ,Elkan Road. ro\\ \\ od, \\ idne . (c, Defen e). H. GREEN LL, L4. Broadoak Road. PMr. l. Heten R. E. H RDM \ . I , Peelhou c LJnc, Widne. ('Ci\ DeC nee).




A 0 RU


Co 1111 f I ' Office:

1 L, Regent R ad. Lei e ter. Tel. 5 34 . Co 1111 !I' Presidellf ~lr . .. PHILLIP . COI/Ilfl Vice-Pre idell(

11 1. 1. P\RTRIDG E (\/11 ~ill,?). E. J . L. OTT (-tll/blilan ce Cmlt! ,). Llcut.oloncl . W . . AR'tIT\ E. 116. Rcgent Road, ioner Leice ter. (Tel. Lci ter 20946) . L. Lrr, 5 . \\elland Vale Road, peneefield Lane. Lelc ter. up rintcndcnt (A) (Tel. penceficld 9). 11 ' . fOL\\[LL, "\\'I to\\," oUlhcmha:,. Road. Leice ter. . tend'nt ( ) upenn t: (Tcl. LeI e' ter 746 ~ 5). 1 ,London Road, Leice ter. rg~on H . 1\ . KOR , \I.D .. L.R.C P. U c ., .C ~!.. The Ro)al Infirmary, 11 . B LL. .R . I fur ing Offi 'er

Cadet O~eer ( ) .

wnue. Knighton .

t illlY Cadet Offi er ( )

Area Area Area Area

Commi ioner Superiot ndent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeons .



ur ing Officer

Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officer . Area Commi sioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent County Surgeon Area

ursiog Officer

District Staff Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer Area Staff Officers.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)

~o. 6 Ar a [mt) Staff Offi er J. HALL, 41. Windermere Road, h reo Bla kpoo R. V. Ro ER :-.:. 30. De\ on hire Road. horlc\ . Mr . 1. HAIGH. 37 Blenheim \enut:, Blact...p oi. J. 1ACIZL 'ZIE, M.D .. 4, t. Anne Road \\ c t. t. nne ·on·, J. E. KIG. M.B., CH.B., 4. ) ate trcct, ff Diet... on Rl 'rl Cadet Officer . Blaekpool. mt) e rewry . Mr . J. 1cD. TE\ E " .R." .. 23, tanle:,. roYe, Pem\oru..' Pre ton. W. C. B RT, 14. Hem) t reet, L) tham . ·eJ Commi ioner Mi G. B :-;IZ . 207. unliffc Road. outh hore, Bla. ::3 Superintendent ( ) 1 . H. COOPER. 9, Grange Avcnue. Pre Ion. ::3 uperintendent (1 ) .a urgeon No.7 Ar a J. E. HEL IE, "Grccba," 34, Fairh pe A\cnue, The \. Lan a ter. Vacant. i ioner Mi s M. ROGER. , 4 . Brun wi k Road, More ambe. L-ea Comn: tea \ uper~ntendent ( .)) · \J .M , M K I"'-IE) , ~I.B., CH.B.. H I'll re t . 5, "c·t E:1:ea upenntendent Road, Morecambe. ~ 1 Th Ornc 1'I\'Ie R oa. d Barro~" tea ',3 Surg~on . . :';urslllg Othcer M 1· S E . M CG ILL. .R. , ., _-to Fume. I. '1 B h . F .. 'ra Staff Offi er \ · G . SOUTHER~. M.B., P arre tl e, roug ton-Ill' urnes.\. J. CROSSFIELD, 9, Bri tol tre t, Walne)-. Barro\\·in·Fu~ Mrs. G \\ • 22. Lindal Street, Barro\\-in-Furne . W. H. BUR ' , 4 ,Provincial treet. BarrO\\-in-Fumess. J. H. HOUffiS, 1 5, De on hire Road, Millom, Cumber!:.:: (Civil Defence).

o. 8 Manch ter and alford Area Major R. L. S. RAFFLE, Dene Hou e, Dene Road, Dldi~. Manche ter, 20. · R. KAy, 24, Sunningdale Drive Pre t\\ ich r. 1an'hei::Mea Superintendent ( ) .

,Humber.B.E., .R.. .. .C.\I., e ter. . Peter' Drive, Leice ter. 6, C) mour treet. Leice ter. a tern Ar a '\ a ant. . R. TO\\ELL. Palel H II e. Glad tone venue. felton 1 \\ bra '. \ a ant. T . 1. IB 'O,', \I.B .. CH .B.. 176, Lell,;e ter Road, fount orrel, Lei c· ter.


it) of

eke ter Area

ant. J . M. Jo. ,4, t. 1 ii hael \' nue. Lei e ter. \ a ant. \ acant. P. G DALL. .R.. .. The Ro)al Infirmary. Lei e ter. . \\' RD. 54. hirle) treet. Lei e ter. H TER, 9. Oak.thorpe \Cnue. L i e-ter. R . RE\\ L, 75. 10 re - R ad, Lei e' ter. R. J U\'. 'I, Hazel trl.:et. Lei e ter. D. B. \\ YE. 6, Hoball 10 e, le\\ Part... ' , Lei e ter. E. . HLD O • • 77. Hazel treet. Lei e' ter. . PE"iC[ R, 10, Hill ' borough Road. Glen 1iU, Lei e ter. P. W. J \CK O"i, 3. I. rtl R ad, Lei e ter. 1i D. G. HAMP 0 ,90, pperton R ad. Lei e ter. 'ational

. M

oal Board Ar a

E, "hanh e," 112, Broornley

Road. Coalville.





A. H. M. AMPBELL, M.R .. S., L.R .. P., Green Hedges M Road, A hby-de-Ja-Zouch. ' ~ H. SAVAGE Ivanhoe Villa, Moira Road, Donisthorpe.

Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer

'''estern Area Area Area rea Area Area

Commi ioner Superintendent (A) Sup rintendent (N) Surgeon . . Staff Officers.

Vacant. H. A. JOH TO 114, Ho\lycrofl, Hinckley. Vacant. A. HAMlLTO , M.B., CIl.B., D.P.H. 48, London Road Coal J . T. KE Y, 73, Fairfield Road , Huggle cotc, C~alvil\ \ e. E. J. FAR ELL, 20, tation Road , Hinckley.


Kctton The

Commi sioner


Deputy Commissioner. Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (I ) Coun ty County County County County County Area Area Area Area Area Area

Surgeon . . ursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A). Cadet Officer ( ) Staff Officer . Sergeant-Major

Superintendent (A) Superintendent ) Surgeon . . . ursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer . Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon .

Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)



LONDON (PRrNCE OF WALES'S) DISTRICT H eadquarters: 23, St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, E.C.l. Tel. C1erkenwcll 3753. District President: The Countess MOUNTBATfE OF BURMA , C.l., G.B.E., D.C.V.O., LL.D. District Vice-Presidents: Lord Nathan of CHURT. Doreen, Lady BRABOURNE, C.l. Edwin BAYLISS, Esq., D.L., J.P., L.C.C.

County President (Middlesex): Marie , Marchioness of WILUNGDON, C.L, G.B.E. COllnty Office: Hall, Stamford, Lincolnshire. Tel. KeLlon 256. Colonel G. F. PAGE, D.S.O., 13, Dorset Street, W.l. (Tel. commissioner . COllnly Pre idelll: Wei beck 8452). Rl. Hon. The Earl of A CA TER, T.D. J.P. Sj~ Dc.nys LOWSON, BT., 56, Gresham Street, E.C.2. Deputy Commissioners COllllly Vice-Presidents: Bngadlcr J. W. HINCHCLIFFE, D.S.O., 20a, Petersham Mews The Lord BROW LOW, J .P., D.L. Elvaston Place, S.W.7. . Lady Cracroft AMCOTTS ( IIrsing). C. E. BOWER, O.B.E., 74, Roslyn Gardens Gidea Park Essex ' ,. (Tel. Romford 43317). Air-Marshal Sir Joh~ BALOW! ,K.B.r., (".a., D.. 0., J.P., Ket. . E. A. WHEBLE, 18, Silecroft Road Bexleyheath Kent (Tel. Hall, Stamford, Lll1cs. (Tel. Ketton 256). DistrIct Superintendent (A) ' ,. Bexley heath 5451). M. . LAVI , J.P ., M.B., B.. , L.R.C.P., 1.R.C.S., 111, O~.. . Mrs. M. CAVENDISH, 12, Hyde Park Ga rens d M ews, W .. 2 Street, Cleethorpe. (Tel. leethorpes 61328). Distnct Supenntendent (N) (Te I . A mb. 3582). Vacant. H. . STEWART, M.D., B.CH., M.R.C.P., Wilson House, 54/70, District Surgeon Vacant. Sus e.x Gardens, W.2. Mrs. E. M. EPTO , J.P., The Grange, anwick, Lino: Miss D . M. LEE S.R . . , 21, The Common, Ealing, W.5. (Tel. Lincoln 21973). . District ursing Officer . . Mr . SEARS, 28, Stanmore Gardens, Richmond, Surrey. ettleham Road, liDo:- Asst.. District ursing Officer J. A. HADLEY, M.D., F.R.C .. ,19, W : A. J. REY OLDS, 24, Ashley Walk, Mill Hill, N.W.7. Mrs. D. ROGER, S.R."<., 221, Boullham Park Road II Distnct Cadet Officer ( ) MI s D . E. WHITE 108, Warwick Road, Thornton Heath H. A . BROW , 93, Ea tgate, Skaford. 'D~trict Cadet Officer ( ) urrey. ' Vacant. E. W .. HAT ES, 17, Ashlyn Grove, Hornchurch, Essex. (publjc J. PADDI 0 , 65, Cambridge Street, leethorpe. (Secreta· District Staff Officers Dutle ). H. DICKI s, 37, Moorland Cre cent, Lincoln. L. F. ELVIN, 25, Liphook Crescent, Forest Hill, S.E.23. (Stores). orthern Area S. J. STILLWELL, 10, Falkland Avenue, Finchley, London, N.3. A. B. Hooso , 12, Lydbrook Road, cunthorpe. A .. C. DICKINSO , 45, Monastery Gardens, Enfield, Middx. Mrs. L. DOUGHTY, 22, Burke trcet, unthorpe. M1S M. R. M. TUCKWELL, M.B.E. 296 Leigham Court Road S.W.16. ' , , T. CULLE , M.B., CH.B., 0 wald Hou e, Scunthorpe. Vacant. M~ss W. Buno, , 68, Watford Road, Croxley Green, Herts. W. . COLEBROOK, 9, Sinlons Place, leethorpes. Ml s M. A. VICARY, St. Ronans, Beech Hill, Hadley Wood Mrs. L. OBfEDZl SKY, 5, Abercorn treet, Scunthorpe. Herts. Miss M. C. CALVERT, 5, Longridge Road, S.W.5. Central Area Mr. D. BUTA OWICH, 11, Manor Gardens Merton Park, R. G. CUBnt, M.B., B.CH., 55, Southgate, Slearord. S.W.20. (Commissioner's Secretary). ' F. G. LATCHEM, 47 Swallowbeck Avenue, Doddington R, Mrs. DEARMER, 4, College Road, Winchmore Hill, N.21. Lincoln. M~s. D. Ho DLEY, 38, Heatherset Gardens, S.W.16. Mrs. W. V. JUBB, 99, Chaucer Drive, St. Giles, Lincoln. Mlss M. D. GROOM, 11, Manor Gardens, S.W.20. T. F. GREENWOOD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 50, West Street, Hl L. R. ALLUM, 17, Greenwood Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey. castle. S. C. DEA.R.MER, 4, College Road, Winchmore Hill, N.2I. Vacant. (Competition ). Vacant. Dr. D. D. TOWLE Lee Park Lodge, Blackheath, S.E.3. Mrs. A. K. RADFORD, 32, Boundary Street, Bracebn' A. T. BA 'DY, B.E.M., 43, Grosvenor Road, Ilford, Essex. Lincoln. J. E. BROW , M.B.E., 42, Sutton Road, .10. W. GREEN, 138, Scorer Street, Lincoln . F . G. GRICE, 65, Munster Garden, Palmers Green, N.I3. H. A. BE 'ETT, 12, The Highway, Sutton, Surrey. Southern Area J. SMITH, 17, Lulworth Road, Welling, Kent. N. V. M. DODDS, M.B., CH.B., 15a, High Street, Spaldin; S. W . BROOM, 18, Fairlop Road, Leytonstone, E.ll. J. W. SHORT, 125, RyhaU Road, Stamford. A.. FREEMA . 34, Bowford Avenue, Bexleyheath, Kent. Mrs. 1. START, Stonegate, Spalding. , Mlss E. G. CRESSWELL, 43, Grosvenor Road, llford, Essex. R. E. CROCKAIT, M.B., CH.B., "Sudeley House," Sutton Bn C. W. M . HOBDAY, 100, Glennie Road W Norwood S E? 7 Spalding. . (Stores). , . , . _. . Mrs. P. V. GALL, "Heverlee," Clay Hall Drive, spaldini Miss B. JOHN 0 " 5, Hatch Road, Norbury, S.W.l6. Vacant. T. J. HORRY, Spencer Park School House Trinity Road Mrs. M. E. PLEDGER, Tinwell House, Stamford. S.W.I8. "








District Sergeant-Major District Secretary .

Area Area Area Area Asst. Area

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon Area Surgeon ursing Officer

Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major .

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon

UTT, 46, Fairway, Rayne Park, S.W.20. (District Calll sst Area Surgeon . Advi er). A . Nursing Officer . Mi s G. ON ANT, 6, Mcadow Way, Rickmansworth, He ~e~ Cadet OfTicer (A) It AI!a Cadet Officer (N) (Cadcts). Mis \Y. . CA [RLY, 50, orhy~ t Avenue, S.E.25. (Cade' A:ea Staff omcers . . Mi G. O. TUCKW[;LL, 296, Lelgham 0l!rt Road, S.WI Al E. H. K lLL, 24, Merton Hall Garden, Wimbledon, S.W·· ( tore). . Dorothy, Lady ELL[ BOROU~,H, 30, A hley Gardens, S.II Mr . CLARIDGE, "Win thorpe, Roxborough Avenue, Harr~ Mis S. M. R. THO 1S0 M.B., H.B., 6 , Redbridge lar Wanstead, .12. R. A. P Y E, 4, Wentworth Park, hurchend, Finchley, ~ (Training). H. S. HE WOOD, 3, McLeod Road, Ab~ey Wood, S.E.J. Area Sergeant-Major Mrs. Do H M, 50, Glendale Drive, Wimbledon, S.W.lj F. J. HAWKE, 96, Sutton Dwelling, .1. (Records). . RAINE-ALL[ , 9, Radnor Avenue, Harrow. (Civil Defeni Mi s E. A. BL T, 16, Kemp ford Garden, Earls COL Area Commissioner S.W.S. (Cadets) . H. A. BIG ELL, J3, Kingsley venue, Houn low. (Put Area Superintendent (A) Dutie ). Area Superintendent ( ) L. A. HARRI , 16, Sylvan Clo e, Sel don, Surrey. Area Surgeon . Ass!. Area Surgeon H. A. BOLGER, 113, armer Road, Ley ton, E.IO. H. M. PHIPP , 75, Durham Road, Br?mley. (Cadets). Area Nursing Officer . . S. L. FORDHAM, 4, helbury Ro~d, Dul.WICh, .E.22. (Treasul1 Ass!. Area ursing Officer E. . CLARK, 144, Brown prIng DrIve, ew ~lth~m, S1 Mrs. F. M. JAM1E. 0 , 65, Waterloo Road, BarkIng Ide, lIf( Area Cadet Officer (A) A. C. PALMER, 257, Burnt Oak Lane, Sld~up, Kent. (StoR Area Cadet Officer ( ) M. H. SEARLE, 373, Long Lane, Ea t r lOch ley, .2. Area Staff Officers . W. W. P CKE, 21, Go patrick Road, .17. G. C. PITT, 12, Vincent Road, .4.

Northern Area Dr. G. M. SHAW SMITH, 434, West Green Road, .15. Vacant. . Mrs. A. F. MA LEY, M.A., 9, Burge sHIll, .W.2. Dr. R. L. MI\,CQUEE , 155, Hertford Road, dmonton, \ M. COHE , L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., 44, Holmdale Road, West Ha stead. Miss E. M. MOORE, S.R. ., Camden House ursery, 103, (I Road, .14. L. F. H. CHAPMA , 159 Farm Road, Edgware, Middlfl,Area Sergeant-Major Miss I. S. BURLEY, St. Francis ottage, 49, Asmuns p. .W.!!. . \ Mrs. E. HOBBS, 93, Park Drive, Winch more HIli, . (Cadets) Area Commissioner Mrs. V. M. JE KI s, 214, Alexandra Park Road, .22. A. S. WEYMOUTH, 30, Dorset Road, Tottenham, .15. (CArea Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Defence). P. STACEY, 23, ew River Crescent, Palmers Green, ~ Area Surgeons. . (Competitions). R. W. SEABRlDGE, 21, Mansfield Road, . W.3. (Cade~1 Area NUrsing Officer T. W. WEST, 93, Pembury Road, Tottenham, .17. (Pubh C. F. WOODWARD, 5 , Parliament Hill, .W.3. (Cadeu Asst. Area ursing Officer F. D. KEEFE, I, Lawn Close, Edmonton, .9. . F. H. ADAMS, The Cottage, Glendale Grammar School, \\~ Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Offieer (N) Green, N.22. Area Staff Officers. . South Eastern Area Dr. W. W. KI G-BROW , 12, Asylum Road, Peckham, S1 H. E. CHAPLT , 5, Motlingham Gardens, S.E.9. Miss E. A. GOLDING, 116, Mottingham Road, S.£.9. Dr. C. HOMI, Cairn gale, Belvedere, Kent.




Dr. J. H.


HAMBERS, 147, Wickham Way, Beckenham.

I I. BUGG, 74, Maxwell Gardens, Orpinglon, Kent.

H. J. GARDINER, 6, Pinnell Road, Itham, S.E.9. Miss W. E. WILLIS, 179, Hazelbank Road, Catford, S.E.6. A. R. WILLIS, 27, Worsley Bridge Road, S.E.26. (Cadets). Mrs. Kf-LLY, 50 Castle Drive, Kemsing, Kent. W. J. WADE, 20, Harvard Road, Lewisham, S.E.13. (Competitions). L. J . FILLD, 31, Tiverton Drive, ew Eltham, S.E.9. (Publicity). H. WRIGIfT, 192, Avenue Road, Erith, Kent. (Civil Defence). H. G . 1 J. FARROW, 8, Spa Close, South Norwood Hill, S.E.2S. (Treasurer). Mrs. A. E. JAKINS, 6, Ardberg Road, Heme Hill, S.E.24. (N.H.S.R.) D. J. MURF1TT, 27, Cole Street, Borough, S.E.I. outh Western Area

Dr. D. A. B. HOPKI , 23, Herondale Avenue, Wandsworth ommon, S.W.IS. C. W. IIIPKJ s, 24, Amis Avenue, West Ewell, Surrey. Mrs. O. K. Rus ELL, 39, Thornlaw Road, W. orwood, S.E.27. , 1, Thorndon Gardens, Ewell, Surrey. Dr. A. Vacant. Miss B. DEVANEY, S.R .. ,41, Whitgirt Avenue, South Croydon. Mr. E. R. HASTE, S.R .. , 11, Rutlish Road, M rton Park, S.W.19. Vacant. Mi s D. A. G. WATTS, 32, Bede House, Manorfields, S.W.15. D. G. GOLDIE, 48, H~athfield Gardens, South Croydon, Surrey. G. A. LOCKE, 29, Dickerage Road, Kingston, Surrey. (Finance). L. M. ROTO, 242a, Wickham Road, Sbirley, Croydon. Mrs. V. E. WOOLFORD, 13, Fairlawn Grove, Banstead. (Cadets). . . SUMPTER, 45, Pitcairn Road, Mitcham. (Cadets). F. R. FREWI , 84, Toynbee Road S.W.20. (C.D. and Publicity). 1is . FRAVIPTO ,63, Stamford Green Road, Epsom, Surrey. T. HAY[<;, 23, Worcester Close, Shirley, Croydon, Surrey. S. J. DAR, 15, Carlingford Road, Morden Park, Surrey. Mi L. E. Oakley, S.R.N., 50, orbyrst Avenue, S.E.27. [VILLE-KAYE, 104 Clyde Road, Addiscombe, Mis M. A. roydon. E. B. HAMLEY, 5, St. Saviours Road, Croydon. Vacant. We tern Area

Dr. G. R. H. WRANGHAM, J.P., 26, The Avenue, Ealing, W.13. (Tel. Peri vale 4086). F. 1. Jo, E , 5, Bowes Road, East Acton, W.3. Mr . E. ORFORD, 14, Scotts Road, Southall. Dr. G. E. PAY 'E, 3, Old Hall Close, Pinner. Dr. C. J. P. SECCOMBE 20, Western Road, Soutball. Mi C. . LALL, S.R .. , 83, Sinclair Road, W. Kensington, W.14. Mrs. J. C. MACKE ZIE, 22, Dukes Avenue, Tortholt, Middlesex. L. W. TAYLOR, 76, Flamborough Road, Ruislip, Middlesex. Miss W. AYRES, 5, Sbeen Court, Richmond, Surrey. J. Boss, 77, Salisbury Road, Ealing, W.l3. C. . PEARMA , 110, Greenway Gardens, Greenford, Middlesex. (Finance). J. G. WAR ER, 21, Holden Avenue, Kingsbury, .W.9. (Finance). Miss K. BARRY, 56, Cardigan Square, Hounslow Heath. (N.H.S.R.)



Area Sergeant-Major .




Area Commis ioner Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major .


Mr . H. K. EVANS, 77, Gunnersbury Avenue Ealin G. L. SMYTH, 113, Clitherow Avenue, Boslon Manor &,v\: A. F. COOK, 49, Ro ebery Road, Hounslow, tliddi' (Cadets). (I Miss 1. L. ROBINSON, 16, Branksome Way, Kenlon Middl A. E: .HILL, 27, We t Court, Wembley, Middle;ex. (c petItIOn ). . G. H. Co NELL, "Kingsland," 20, hatsworth A Wembley, Middlesex. (Civil Defence) . It Miss F. M. DE ,22, Chando Road, Harrow, Midd~ L. S. EVA S, ,Worple Way, Harrow.

Eastern Area

County Office: Tel. Norwich 21649.

20, Castle Meadow, Norwich.

County Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ALBEMARLE, M.C., D.L., J.P., c.c. Lady COOK (Nursing).

Coullty Vice-Presidents: Sir Basil MAYHEW, K.B.E. The Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of OR WICH. Mrs. G. E. PORTAL (Nursing Cadets). .


Major T . M. WILK , O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The COI,;ounty superinlendent ( ) Kiln Road, Thundersley, E sex. acant. ounty Surgeon Miss N. L. MOORE, 105, South Park. Drive, Seven Kings, . . Dr. A. F. t1cDo ALD, 76, Longbndge Road, Barking, ECounty Nursmg O~cel ~ . Mis S. P. WHlTE, S.R . . , Bethnul Grecn Hospital EHISt. County urstng Oftlcer H. T. G. WARE, 32, Clare Gardens, Barking, Ess~x.· :ounty Cadet Officer (A). Miss V. V. MALYAN, 23, Park ide Avenue, Romford E;ounty Cadet Officer (N) L. B. WILLS, S.E.A.N., 31, Belmont Road , Hornchurch' (Cadets). ' panty Staff Officers R. D. BROW E, B.E.M., 55, First Avenue, Manor Park,[ R. T. B .', 34, aseby Road, liford, E ex. G. F. ATKINS, 72, Hillside Avenue, Woodford GreeD,~ (Cadets). Dr. J. L. McK. BROW , 3, Hempstead Road, Waltham·~uDty Secretary E.17. Mrs. PURKlSS, 63, Southchurch Boulevard, Southend·ot.\ . . .H.S.R.) lfea CommlsSloner W. T. ELLINGFORD, 36, Southborough Dri e, Westchffe-ol' . L. F. DICK, J 5, Alma Avenue, Highams Park, EA. Ie ea Super~ntendent (A) petitions). ea Supenntendent (N) B. E . GOODBODY, 53, orman Road , I lornchurch. ~lfea Surgeon . (Civil Defence). Miss V. M. SMITH, 9, Clie\'edo n Road , Thorpe Bay, [!lea Cadet Officer (A) (Cadets). lrea Cadet Officer (N) H. F. MULLIGA , 80, Rosslyn Avenue, Harold Wood, lrea Staff Officers . (Finance). Miss M. V. BELFIELD 37, Maidstone venue, Collier: Lane, Romford, Essex. S. J. WESTON, 74, Morris Avenue, Manor Park E.12 \rea Commissioner

Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

Area Staff Officers

Central Area ~ Superintendent ( ) Lieut.-Colonel A. M. BELL, 59, St. George's Square,) Vacant. Area Co " Miss A. ORTH, 100 In gkhurs t Garden, liford, Esseti.rea S mr~l1SSIOner Dr. B. L. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, 1\' upenntendent (N) Miss K. M. PFISTER, .R . . , 12, Ridgmont Gardens, \I Am St ff Offi B. WHYTE, 102, Small mead Road, S.E.6. a cer Miss P. D. R. STUBBS, 20, Middleton House, RegencySr S.W.I. Area Comm' . J . J. A. CAMERON, 14, Hallem Gardens, Hatch End, Mid~ ISSlOner N. J. WARE, 62, Perth Road, N .22. (Finance). . /.rea Surgeo K. F. O. STALLARD, 16, Longfield Avenue, Mill HiU, ~.iArea Nursin~ Miss F. A. MORSHEAD, 1, Flanchford Road, W.12. .HI~ea Staff Offi cer W. A. T. SHEEN, 181, Liverpool Buildings, . I. (CompebU~ cer . Mrs. H. C. BIGNELL, 13, Kingsley A venue, Hounslo w,~~sex. . . De!- Area Commissioner S. H. SMITH, 11, Rothesay Avenue, Greenford. (Civil (' Area Superintende t I ' ) L. ADLER, 15 Oakley Drive, Harold Hill, Rornford. n \

o'rn .

Area Sergeant-Major .


Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas OOK, J.P., Sennowe Park Guist Dereham, . orfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). ' , Mrs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B.E., Scottow Hall, r. Norwich. (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226). D . Scorr- APIER, M.B., CH.B., "Hillcroft " Eaton Hill Norwich (Tel. Eaton 2000). ' " M~ss L. M . L. SYER, S.R. ., High Silver, Holt. MISS M. WRIGHT, S.R.N., High Silver, Holt. Vacant. Mrs. R .. G. ErrRIDGE, Flat 2, The Mount, 91, Rosary Road NorWich. ' Lieut.-Colonel Sir Richard Barrett Lc ARD, BT., J.P., H ors f or d Manor, orwich. (Treasurer). Mrs . J . M. HEWITI, 184,Earlham Road, orwich. (Admin.). J. M. WILTO 10, Dantels Road , orwich. (Admin.). J . C. Do ALD, "Croppell a," Holt Road, Fakenham. Mrs . J. H. YULL, The Beeches, Dereham. (Tel. Dereham 48). o. 1 Area (Norwich) Lieut.-C?lonel F. E. D. DRAKE-BRISCOE, 86, Tewmarket Road, NorWich. (Tel. Norwich 23517). R. C. OOPER, 26, Hansell R~ad, Thorp~ St. Andrew, Norwich. Mrs. H. C. WATTS, The Dial House, Brooke, orwich. J . E. ~ILTO , M.B., CH.B., 133 , Yarmouth Road, Thorpe orwlch. ' W. H. PEARSO , 94, Gladstone Street, orwich. Mrs . H . M. . MORTO, , 86, St. Philips Road, orwich. H .. G . LINDER, 48, Charles Avenue, Thorpe. (Training). M~ss T. MELBOURE, 333, Earlham Road Torwich. (Train109). F. J. HARVEY, 8, Brian Avenue, orwich.

o. 2 Area (Wymondham) Squadron-Leader . A. LL DLEY, " Shrublands," Brans Lane, Long Stratton, orwich. Mrs. L. M. ROPER, Ellesmere House, Wortham, Nr. Diss.

o. 3 Area (Thetford) Lord AMHERST OF HACKNEY, Foulden Hall, Thetford. Mrs. E. M. CORY, "Greenla\.\," Thetford Road Walton Thetford . ' , G. S. ELWIN, 6, The Ouse Avenue, Thetford. (Secretary) . o. 4 Area (Dereham) E. 1. PUDDY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Mill House Gre senhall. ' Dr. P. D . R. SHA KS, Harvey Hou e, Watton, Thetford. Mrs. 1. HIGHET, S.R . . , Dereham Hospital Dereharn. Mr . P . D. M. BATIYSHAW, Appleacre, Barford, Norwich.

No. S. Area (King' Lynn) W. E. H . BULL, M.A., M.B., B.CH., Waverley House, Hunstanton. Va ant.


50 Area

ursing Officer .

Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Commi sioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer ( ) Area Staff Officer . Assistant Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area ursing Officer Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Commissioner

Area Commissioner Area ursing Officer







Peterborough Area Miss J. HUGf-IE , S.R.N ., W. Norfolk and King's Lynn G Vacant. . Ho pital eneral Area Commis ioner Vacant. Area Cadet Officer (A) Mr . R. OTTER Nelson Street, I ing' Lynn, Norfolk. Area Cadet Officer ( ) ~r~E~~L~' 2~~LL~~k 2R04, dDogsthorpe Road, Peterborough. No. 6 Area (Fakenham) Area Staff Officer , , r oa, Peterborough. Brigadier G. D. HOLME, O.B.E., Thorpe Lodge Bur h Thorpe, King' Lynn. (Tel. Burnham ~~rket '287). n a. M. J. FRO T, The Green, ast Rodham, King's Lynn NORTHUMBERLAND T~e Hon. Mrs. R. COKE, Weasenham Hall King's Lynn County O/fice' MI s K. M. ALLISON, S.R . . , W . orfolk and King's L' Sl. John Hou e, Grainger Park Road,' ewcastle General Ho pital. YQ Tel. ewcastle upon Tyne 37938. upon Tyne 4. W. J. BECK, The Lodge, Gt. Ryburgh, Fakenham. Mrs. W. J. BECK, The Lodge, Gt. RybuJ'gh, Fakenham County President : V. R. Jo A , 11, Lancaster Avenue Fakenham. . Colonel . G. A GUS, C.B.E., M.C. No. 7 Area (Cromer) Coullty Vice-President: S. E. DAY, "Mai on," Cremer Drift, heringham. (1 Mrs. M. r. KIRKUP (Nursing). Sberingham 406). The Hon. Deni BERRY TOO k Mrs. H. H. RICH, Rushmere, ley-by-Sea, Holt. Commissioner Tyne. (Tel. Wylam 3'200)." a wood House, Wylam on Mrs. K. LUCKRAFr S.R. . Cromer Hospital, Cromer. County Superintendent (A) lV' acant. R . LOGA ,47, Balbath Road " Kehton ewcastle upon Tyne. o. 8 Area (Ayl ham) County Superintendent ( ) Brigadier A. J. ROPE, O.B.L, Field House, Blakeney He Counly Surgeon J. BROW M B B S H il C ]J Mrs. G. E. PORTAL, "Halfway," Blakeney. ' ~Tel. B~dli'ngto~ ·2 I4~). rest, orton Road, Bebside, Blyth. No. 9 Area (Acle) County Nursing Officer MTIyne. M. JACKSON, Royal Victoria fnnrmary ' ewcastle upon Capt. D. S. GOWI G, Holly Lodge, Blofleld, orwich. IT County Cadet Officer (A). Vacant. Brundall 103). County Cadet Officer ( ) No. 10 Area (Yarmouth) M~SpoB~ ~nS:.LTER, 2a, Wind s')r Crescent, lesmond, ewcastle R. C. HA A T, Poplar Avenue, Gorle ton. Mi J. FEAR [DE, 15, Vicars Lane ' Miss G. C. MOORE, S.R . . , 22, St. Hilda's rescent, GOr\eli' County Staff Officers . G. H. ROWTHER, 165, Silver HI' 1'1 e~castle upon Tyne. on-Sea, Great Yarmouth. e tl Dflve, Denton Burn wcas e upon Tyne. (Trea urer) ,

r ~: ~~~L~2, I~at~i~e~race,

NORTHAMPTON County Office: orthampton 1711. 21, York Road, Northampton. Tel. County President: County Sec re ta ry . The Hon. Mrs. C. MACOO ALO-B CHA A County Vice-Presidents : Captain R . H. D. BOLTO (Ambulance). Colonel H. M. P. HEWETT, T.O., The ourt House, Chlp; Area Commissioner Commissioner . Warden, r. Banbury. (Tel. hipping Warden 212). Ar S Lieut.-Colonel R. L. Fr OLAY , aseby Wooleys, Naseby, ea urgeon Deputy Commissioner. Rugby. Area . Capt. J. S. PARKER, Hopedene otlage, Debdale R urstng Officer County Superintendent (A) Wellingborough. Area Cd 0 Mrs. C. BORWlCK, Haselbeck Hill, orthampton. Area Sta;tOffifficer. County Superintendent (N) W. E. LOCK, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Leys Furlong, Desbaro a cers . County Surgeon orthant. Miss E. M. EOMO os, Manfield Orthopaedic Hos; County Nursing Officer Northampton. Major Hereward WAKE, Courteenhall. Aiea Commissioner County Cadet Officer (A). Mrs. HALFORD, Pytchley Grange, r. Kettering. County Cadet Officer (N) E. J. HAYWARD, "Rushay," Booth Lane, Weston Fi Area Supe . t d County Staff Officers . (Treasurer). Area S nn en ent (A) Miss G. GAl SFORO, 107, Park Avenue orth, NorthalDi Area C~1~o~ffi' . . Mrs. E. E. CARPE TER, 52, Bostock Avenue, orthamy' e eer (A) (N.H.S.R.) Miss M. HULL, 9, Billing Road, orthampton. . Area Com m' . Mrs. C. M. THOR TO ,Brockhail, r. Weedon, orthamf Area SurgeolSSloner H. BLAND, Birchfield Road, orthampton. n . Mrs. P. B. HARRISO , 11, Rothersthorpe Road, Far C~ Area Staff Offi orthampton. (Secretary-Admin.). eer W. DYSON, 50, Dryden Street, Kettering.



(Records). ewcastle-upon-

(Publi~ D~ties). g wood Crescent,


Melro e A B ' orthumberland. (Training). venue, edltngton Station, F. . M. EWTO S R 9 H I ev.ca tie upon Tyne.' . . . , , oye Avenue, Fenham,

MTr . B.H 2' D CA, 7, Kingswood Avenue yne, . (Tel. 53231). '


tl wcas e upon

o. 1 ( outhern) Area Wing ommander J. M . TODD, O.F.C., T.O orth W a Ib ott Ie, ewca tie upon Tyne 5 ., "Wayside," D. GRIEVE , M.. B c Deneholme Jesmond ' . , H.B., Park Ea t, ewcast Ie upon Tyne. ' Mr. A. M HAYNE S R "Ktntall, ." Stock field. , . .., ew Ridley Road,

~: ev.~~~~lK s, ~H~~~~n ~a~~e~s, MH~nllksHeaton, Whitley Bay. KWH '8 , r on I exham ·Tyn·e. OLLIER, ,BeHister Grove, Fenham, e ..~castle upon TO.

2 (Midland) Area

C. (Tel. F. FAIRLIE TOLD 53' Blyth 147)'." . . , 8.S., ,RIdley Avenue, Blyth. brHEPBUR, I, Sixth Aven~e, . Blyth. T S. OBLE, 73, ewblgglO Road Ashington . LOU, 9, Hortenda1e Grove, Cowpen Estate , BI yth.


No. 3 (Northern) "rea W · D. ALLlSO , 14, Wan beck Terrace Ashinoton l . Morpeth. D OBSO M.., 8 8 .. S , "Tyne h i" ' to· 0 m, Heatherleazes, Warkworth, L.(Tecretary). · WEDOERBVR , 29, Westfield Crescent ' S








NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 0[(11 ty Office: 20, Castle Gate, Nottingham. Tel.


taff Officers . Ifea S

ottingham 50437.

rgeant-Major lea Se

County Presidcnt: Grace The Duke of PORT LA D, K.G.


lea ~ea Superintendent (A)

Coullty Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel Sir John JARDl E, BT., O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (Ambulallce). . H. HEATHCOTE, E q. (Ambulallce). Lady STARKEY (Nursing). The Countess MANVERS (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer County Staff Officers .

County Secretary

Area Area Area Area


Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon .

Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major .

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Area Area Asst. Area

Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) . Area Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

\rea superintenden t (N)



L. A. W. G.


.] 10GG, "The Oaks," Moor Road Bcstwood Notts. R. HILL, 3~i Exton Road, Sherwood, Nottingham. MORRELL, Oa~worth," WatnalJ Road , Hucknall. CRELLIN, 42, Wilford Lane, West Bridgfo rd .

Midland Area L. F. M. ACKROYD, "Sithney," Station Road, Sutton-inAshfield. C. BARRowcLlrFE, 1J, Huthwaite Road. Sutton-in-Ashfield Notts. ' Mrs. E. LEIVERS, J5, Stainforth Street, Mansfield Woodhouse Notts. ' Dr. R. H. P. FERNANDEZ, Medical Centre Brookbill Colliery Pinxton , Derbyshire. ' , A. DRABBLF, 43, Cambria Road, Mansfield, Notts. Mrs. 1. BUlTERY, 22, King Street, Mansfield Woodhouse Notts. T. L. MOULTON, I ?4, Diamond Avenue, East Kirkby, Notts. A. L. MJDl?LETON, 'Green Gables," Wingfield Road, Alfreton, Derbyshire . H. SHORE, 22, Bath Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. F. G. VERNO , 46, Derbyshire Lane Hucknall. A. PORTER, 69, Victoria Road, Selstbn. H. BARBER, 29, Balmoral Drive, Mansfield. R. G. MASO , Widmerpool Street, Pinxton, Derby hire.

lrea Surgeon . H. L. BOSWORTH, O.B.E., Bank Chambers, Sutton-in-Ashfiel otts. (Tel. Sulton-m-A hneld 440). ea Cadet Officer (A) J. T. WATKl S, M.B., CH.B., 'Greenbank ," Bramcote Lan~ea Cadet Officer ( ) Wollaton, oltingham. lIta Staff Officers . J. A. SWA WICK, 222, Loughborough Road, West Bridgfo' Nottmgham. . The Lady Anne BENT! CK, Wei beck Woodhouse, Worksc Notts. (Tel. Worksop 2460). R. G. SPRENGER, M.B., CH.B., 170, ottingham Road, Stai ford, otts. . Miss H. B. EDW RD ,S.R . . , s.c. 1., "Maranatha," Nuncar~llea Sergeant-Major Road, East Kirkby, Notts. City of Nottingham Area R. J. ROPER j 3, Haileybury Road , West Bridgford, Not!t;. . . A. J. MASCARI, M.D., L.M.C.C., "The Brown Berries" Loughham. !rea CommISSIOner borough Road, Ruddington, ottingham. ' Miss D. G. Woodall, 12, Carlton Road , Worksop, N~ . S. ,lBBOTSO ,39, Lady Bay Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. L. HOCKIN, 9, Ferndon Green, Wollaton Park, ollingh',rea Super~ntendenl (A) MISS G. E. CLOW, 10, Grimsby Terrace Watkin Street W. A. WOOD, 7, toke Lane, Gedling, otts. ,rea Supenntendent ( ) ottingham. " W. W. KEY, 107, Musters Road, We t Bridgford, Tottin~ D~. M. SIIERRARD, 321, Asp1ey Lane, Aspley, Nottingham. C. CUMBERL D, 17 Blake Road, West Bridgford, otlingh:Jea Surg:on . . M1S E. J EW, S.R. ., S.C.M., City Hospital Hucknall Road L. H. BIDDULPH Lea Hurst, Southwell Road , East Rainwo:Jea ursmg Officer . Nottingham. " W. L. A HMORE, J 5, Fenton Dri\' , Bulwell Hall EsL . Mi s F. PI DER, 2, Pads tow Road, Bestwood Estate ottingottingham. ,1St. Area ursmg Officer ham. Mrs. J. LEDGER, 10, Mapperley Hall Drive, ottingham. rea Cadet Officer (A) H . DOWN, 9, Scotts Avenue, Beeston, Notts. Jta Cadet Officer ( ) Mrs. E. M. MARTI , 48, Dovecote Lane, Beeston, Notts. Northern Area Uta Staff Officers . F. CARRIER, 10, Grover Avenue, Mapperley, ottingham. H.. . FOULSTO E, 23, Brora Road, Bulwell, ottingham. J. T. RICE, M.B.E., "Gillifields," Oak Tree Lane, Mans' MI A. STA LEY, 98, Nottingham Road, Basford, Nottingham. G. H. KEVERNE, Oaken gate, 49, Blyth Road, Worksop, ~\ J . J. MARSDE , 122, Wrenthorpe Vale, Clifton, Nottingham. Mrs. M. A . BARTLE, 29, Blyth Road, Worksop, oiLS. E. H . HAY, 4 Barrack Lane, ottingham. O. P. EDMO DS, M.B., CH.B., National Coal Board, Edwirut S. B. SUM ER, 80, Mansfield Road, ottingham. (Area Hall, Edwinstowe, oUs. Secretary). Mrs. D. G. EDMONDS, S.R . . , 14, Melbourne Street, Mant Woodhouse. O. T. STORRS, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe ~ Edwinstowe, Notts. OXFORDSHIRE Mrs. E. MAJOR, 275, Sandy Lane, Worksop. COllllty Office : H. CUSWORTH, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe H 14, Church Street, St. Ebbes, Oxford. Tel. Oxford 42061. Edwinstowe, Notts. J. HASLEGRAVE, 57, Walesby Lane, New Ollerton, TOt!i County President: W. A. INSLEY, 13, The Crescent, Blidworlh, r. Mans~ Colonel A. V. G. DOWER, T.D., M.F.H. J. R. CULLEN, 19, Carisbrook Avenue, Mansfield. . County Vice-Presidents: LIeut.-General ~ir ~dward GRASElT, K.B .E., C.B., D.S.O., M.C. (Ambulance). Southern Area W. RitchIe RUSSELL, Esq., C.B.E., F.R.C.P. (Ambulance). . The Lady BICESTER (Nursing). W. SHARPE, 8, Albemarle Road, Woodthorpe, otts. Major-General C. W. GREENWAY, C.B., C.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance). E. R. F. POGMORE, 4, Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield, Mrs. GARDINER-HILL (Cadet Nursing). Miss S. J. BISHOP, S.R.N., S.C.M., Gedling Colliery, G I Notts. ,.:ommissio T. F. BRIGGS, O.B.E., T.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 39, The Green, J. F. D. BoYD, M.B., CH.B., 97, Derby Road, StaplefordJ~1 ner Banbury, Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2153). Mrs. C. BEVIS, 117, Balderton Gate, Newark-on-Trent.. kpuly Co ' . A. L. ALEXA DER, Baltic Cottage, Henley-on-Thames. J. W. STEVE SON, 24, Shanklin Drive, Stapleford, Not~~unty Su m~lsslOner . . Vacant. H. JENNINGS, 26, Ellesmere Road, Forest Town, M3Jli;;:Uunly Suppeer~nttenddent (A) Mrs. J. C. M. GREENWAY, R.G . . , S.C.M., R.M.N., The Manor Vacant. nn en ent (N) House, South Leigh, Nr. Witney.











Lady GRASETI, St. Amands, Adderbury, Banbury. SHROPSHIRE Adderbury 288). County Office : H. R. Wy E, M.B., B.CH., The Paddocks, BOdicote B Count Surgeon . . SJ.A.B. Headqu a rters , Priory Road , Shrewsbury. Tel. Shrewsbury 2391. Miss G. RILEY, Oxford Eye Hospital, Walton Str~t ~n County Nursing Onker County Presidents: County Cadet Officer (A) . Vacant. ' • Mi s D. M. CANDY, 5, Burdell Avenuc, Headington 0 Brigadier Sir Alexander STANIER, BT., D.S.O., M.C. , J.P. County Cadet Officer ( ) W. E. LAMBOUR ,M.B.E., "Ovcrdown ," Foxcombe H" II Thc Lady FOR ESTER (Nursing) . County Staff Officers . Hill , Oxford. I, County Vice-Presidents: H. T. BE TI, "A phodel ," Third Acre Rise, Batley (flj Mrs. K . M . WEST (Nursing). Miss J. E. M. FA HAWE, Cotmore Wells, Thame 'OJ Colonel The Earl of POWIS, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). C. R. LAWRE CE, Ambulance Depot, Churchill Dri\' The Hon. Mrs. ORMSBY GORE (Nursing Cadets) . Road, Headington, Oxford t J. WOODLEY, 60, Henley Strcet, Oxford . Colonel J. M. WEST, T.D., D.L., Willow Field, Ford Heath, ommissioner Miss . WALDOCK, 7, Arran Grovc, Banbury. Shrewsbury. (Tel. Yockleton 52) . E. F. BAZLEY, 62, Town Furzc, Headington, Oxford . . Major R . DEEDES G.c., Brymore, Bank Farm Road, ShrewsJ. R. OWE , 63, Yarnells Hill, Ferry Hinksey . puty Commissioner . bury. (Tel. Shrewsbury 4363). (publicity- Admin.). ' d CA) G. H. DAVI ES, "Bohfryd ," 48, Meole Rise, Shrewsbury. Mrs. 1. M . CUBBOR , 8, Londale Road, Oxford. 'ounty Superinten ent County Secretary . Mis M. D EED ES, "Brymore," Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury. )unty Superintendent ( ) (Tel. Shrewsbury 4363) . City of Oxford Area W. KING HAY, M.B., B.CH., Brooklyn House, Market Drayton. County Surg~on . . J . PI CH, 6, Lonsdale Road, Oxford . Area Commissioner Mrs. A. P. H EwAT-JABOOR, S.R. . , Sutton Grange, Admaston. County urstng Officer . Vacant. "ounty Cadet Officer (A) . Mis H . W(SDOM, 142, Corve Street, Ludlow. :ounty Cadet Officer ( ) J. PH[PPS, 3, Red Lake Cottage, Ketley, Wellington, Shrop~ounty Staff Officers shire. Mrs. A. G . CRAMPTO PYM, "Highfield," Oakhurst Road, PLYMOUTH, SOUTH-WEST DEVO ,AND EAST COR WALL Oswestry. County Office : Mis A . M. PUGH, Derwent Dene, Queens Park, Oswestry. St. John House, 2, Bedford Terrace, Plymouth. E . L. PRICE, 6, Coton Mount, Shrewsbury. (Training). Tel. Plymouth 65802. Mrs. r. A . BALL, Orchard House, Admaston, Nr. Wellington. County President : Mrs. P. CROSS, 10 Swan Hill, Oswestry. (City Organiser, The Rt. Hon. Lord ROBOROUGH. Ho pital Library Dept.). W . THOMA, 3, ewhall Gardens, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury. :ounty Sergeant-Major County Vice-Presidents: L. H. TR ENTHAM, S.J.A.B., H.Q., Priory Road, Shrewsbury. :ounty Secretary Mrs. H. F. VELLACOTT (Nursing) . Mrs. M. MODLEY, Mrs. C. M RODD ( ursing) Eastern Area G . S. THOMPSON, E q. (Ambulance Cadets). A GLANDON WlLLIAMS, M.B.,F .R.C.S., Castle Gate House, \rea Surgeon . The Countess of Mou T EDGCUMBE ( ursing Cadets). Shrewsbury. Mr. M. E. MALLETT, S.R. ., 2, Shrewsbury Road, Much c. S. C. PRANCE, O.B.E., J.P. f.B ., B.S., D.L.O., "MoonArea ursing Officer Commissioner . Wenlock. Down Road , Tavistock . (Tel. Tavistock 31 88). D. Jo ES, 20, Mount Pleasant, Ketley Park, Oakengates. Colonel G. TH0'v1S0 , D.S.O., M.C., D.L. , Catchfre[Area Staff Officer . Deputy Commissioner. German , Saltash. We tern Area Mrs. R. BALSDO , O.B.E. 163, ew Road, Saltas~ County Superintendent Vacant. Sal tash 2102). /.rea Superintendent (A) D. A. IRELA D, M.A., B.M., B.CR., Council House Court, T. E. WOOD, if.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 81, Priory Road, ea Surgeon . County Surgeon Shrewsbury. Compton, Plymouth . (Tel. Plymouth 60012). . Vacant. S. DAVIDSO , M.A., M.B., "Glengarry," Hartley, Plym: ~ea ursmg Officer Assistant County Surgeon Vacant. Area Staff Officer . E . J . WILLIAMS, 13, Grinshill Drive, Crowmoor, Shrewsbury. County Nursing Officer . G. S. THOMPSON, "Lane End ," Wembury Point, S., County Cadet Officer (A) . Mrs. E. M . WOOD, 81, Priory Road, Lower Compton, P County Cadet Officer ( ) A. E. 1. PARKIN, 39, Roseberry Avenue, St. Judes, PI) County Staff Officers . (Training) . SOMERSET J. H. SARGENT, 382, St. Peters Road, Manadon, PI) County Office: A. H. ATKI s, 14, Chaddlewood Avenue, St. Judes, Ph St. John House, Park Street, Taunton. Tel. Taunton 7285. (Cadets) . R. E. STA TON, 79, West Down Road, Beacon Park, PI), County Presidents: (Press Relations). Lieut.-Colonel The Lord HYLTO , Lord Lieutenant of Somerset. G. LETTY, 38a, Alexandra Road, Ford, Plymouth. 1\ Mrs. A. A. W. LUTTRELL. Mrs. P. WAY, 142, Pasley Street, Stoke, Devonport. (C County Vice-Presidents: F. BLATCHER, 35, Salisbury Road , St. Judes, Plymouc Dr. Hugh POWELL, M.B.E. (Ambulanre and Cadet Ambulance). A. J. HERBERT, 20, Fort Austen Avenue, Plymouth. II Mrs. A. L. DOVEY, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B. (Nursing). W. H. STRANG, 11, Carfrae Terrace, Lipson, Plymo~, Area Cadet Officer . . Mrs. D. S. VER 0 (Nursing). R. W. SKINNER, 13, Conrad Road, Chaucer Way, HODIce County Sergeant-Major Miss M. SMITH (Cadet Nursing). Plymouth. Mrs. G. M. BASCOMBE, St. John House, 2, Bedford l(Commissioner County Secretary . Colonel C. T. MITFORD-SLADE, D.L., J.P., Montys Court, Plymouth. Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton. (TeL Bishops Lydeard 255). As t. Cty. Superintendent (N)


56 D puty

o0101i ioner.

County Superintendent (A) County uperintendent (N) A t. Cty. Superintendent (N) A/County Surgeon. As t. County Surgeon . County Nur ing Offi er County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Sergeant-Major County Secretary . Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer . Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Area Area Area

Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer )

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Area Area Area Area

Surgeon . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer. .









outbern Area ." Lieut.-Colonel S. . F. De SALlS, D.S.O., The Old COUrtB Vacant. Drayton, Nr. Langport. O>\.r CommIsSlOneI . R .. TRIM, 54, Manor House Road, Glastonbury. V<l:cant. ea superintendent (A) MISS G. A. M. GILLESPIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater. Ml . BRUCE-STEER, GIen0100r Lodge, Minehead ~:~ Superintendent (N) W: S. WOLFE, M.B., B.Cll., 25, Northficlds, Bridgwater. Mtnehead 492). . I ea Surg~on . ' . ' MISS E. H . HUGHES, S.R.N., "Bibury," Walton, Nr. Street. ceI · Mrs. E. 1. E , The Grove tockc~urch, nr. lImil\\~ea Nursmg Offi S. W. H. LONEY, 28, Fremantle Road, Taunton. A J. L. TEMPLE, M.B., B.S. F.R.C.S., 23, eCll Road, Weston. \rea Cadet Officer ( ) Mrs. E. M . ATKJNSO , "Wraxleigh," Street. \rea Cadet Officer (N) Mare. Mrs. G. PALMER, Over Stowey, Nr. Bridgwater. (Welfare W. J. COLLI S, M.B., H.B., B.A.O., Woodstock Ho \rea Staff Officer . Officer). Staplegrove Road, Taunton. USe L. C. BAITY, 88, West Street, Bridgwater. Miss. C. NEAL, Quantock hest Ho pital, Over SIArea Sergeant-Major Bndgwater. ~ D. J. MORAN, M.A. , 33,. H;olcombe Clo e, Bathampton, Nr G . J. DAVIS, 12, WhlttlOg Road, We ton- uper·Mare · Miss V. YANDLE, St. Aundrie School, West Quant~' STAFFORD Taunton. County Office : C. T. H. HOWE, "Waycot," Uphill Way, Weston·SUper.1 2, Market Square, Stafford. Tel. Stafford 1657. (Transport). Mrs. V. E. L. HUSBA 'OS, "Wilman tone" Street, SOIft County Vice-President: (M.C.D.) Lady Diana MAITHEWS (Cadet Nursing). Mrs. Ail a WTLSO M.B., CH.B., "Fountain ," Kingst~ Mary Taunton. (Welfare). .' er Capt. F. L. RICHARD, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., 19 Lichfield Street F. T . G. WEBB,. 1.22, Love Lane, BI!rnham-on-Sea. (Cam·CO/llIlllSSlOn ' Walsall, Staffordshire. (Tel. Walsall 3780). Mrs. . M. VlVlan EAL, Poundlsford Park, Taunton. Depu t Commissioner A. BYRNE-QLJINN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Darmody House Mrs. D. 1. ROWLANDS, Windsor Lodge, Haines Hill, Tat y . Stafford Street, Wolverhampton. • Mrs. M . V. PENNY, Claremont Porthill Newcastle, Staffs. (Cadets. Co t Superintendent (N) G. D. BUTCHER, M.M., Orchard Close, East Brent. uny ' (Tel. Newcastle (Staffs.) 52830). Lieut.-Col. S. C. ROGER, Bridge Hou e, Taunton. ~SSt. Cty. Superintendent ( Mrs. E. F. COVENTRY, 57, Balance Street, Uttoxeter. A . WALKER, M.B., CH.B., "Tree Tops," Stafford Road, Coven orthern Area :ounty Surgeon Heath. D. O. CL RK, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., f.R.C.S., Mendip Croft BL Miss P. LAWTO , 2, Littleworth Avenue, Woodsetton, Nr. Hill, Weston-super-Mare. (Tel. Bleadon 389). '~ounty ursing Officer Dudley, Worcs. R. V. CRIDDLE, Sundorne ur erie, Lo king, r. \\1 J. F. HAYES, 133, Ridge Road, Kingswinford, Brierley Hill. super-Mare. 20unty Cadet Officer (A). Vacant. Mrs. Bingham HALL, 1, The Glebe House, Weston·super.l"ounty Cadet Officer (N) J. R. RUSSELL, 17a, Primley Avenue, Walsall. C. D. DREW M.B., 13.CH., M.R.C .. , D.R.C.O., B.G., 12, f:ounty Staff Officers . A. E. LUCAS, c/o Midland Bank, 8, Market Square, Stafford. Down venue, Weston-super-Mare. M . A. Sr fMO s, 154, Birches Road, Codsall, Wolverhampton. Miss 1. M. GOVIER, Royal West of England Samt~ . G. WAITERSO ,74, Hart Road, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton. County Sergeant-Major Weston-super-Mare. V. CIJA CELLOR, 29, Castle Bank, Stafford. (Tel. Stafford C. J. HARDING, 26, Exeter Road, We ton-super-Mare County Secretary 1886). Mrs. E. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road, Weston-super·Marc Mrs. N. M. FOWLES, Old Mixon Lodge, Old Mixon M orthern Area r. Weston-super-Mare. (Cadets). Vacant. Ea tern Area Area Commissioner . G. E. HOYTO , 32, Birchgate Grove, Bucknell, Stoke-onLieut.-Colonel J. W. T. WOOLDRIDGE, oades House, Area Superintendent (A) Trent. marton, r. Badminton, Glos. . Vacant. R. L. RHYMER, 3, Henley Villas, West End, Frome. Area Supenntendent ) J. S. HAMILTON, M.B., CH.B., High Lane, Burslem, Stoke-onorth Road, MlmArea Surgeon . Mrs. E. W. M. PLAIT, "Sabrina," Trent. Norton. F. E. S. Jo ES, 283, Chaplin Road, Longton, Stoke. A. R. WILLIAMS, M.B., CH.B., West Lodge, Frome. Area Cadet Officer (A) Mrs. D. M. TURNER, "Lighteaves," Cheddleton Heath, Nr. Miss S. E. Jo ES, S.R. ., 4, Marlborough Street, Bath. Area Cadet Officer (N) Leek. E. G. AsHMA , 140, Westfield Gardens, Radstock. Area St ff Offi W. GWILT, 62, Queen's Road, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent. Mrs. M. K. TILEY, Yew Tree House, Clutton, r. B a cer (Training). Western Area Rear Admiral H. W. FAULKNER, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., )J. Southern Area Close, Hatch Beauchamp, Nr. Taunton. (Tel. f, Area Commissioner . Vacant. Beauchamp 424). . . Area Superintendent (A) J. W. CLARK, 45, Rookery Road, Lanesfield, Wolverhampton. R. E. BRAY, 5, West VIllas, Tone Vale, Taunton. Area Superintend t (N) Vacant. Mrs. E. M. MORRISON, "Nethercombe," Wyndham ~Area SUrgeon en D. G. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Castle View House, Tipton, Taunton. . . . Staffs. Area Staff Offic Vacan t. R. W. LATHAM, "Lyndene," Westcroft, Cannock Road, Mrs. M. MOORHOUSE, S.R.N., 62, Buckland Road, Ta~ ers . Wolverhampton. H. DINHAM, 29, Kidsbury Road, Bridgwater. C. M. SMITH, 316, Hednesford Road, Heath Hayes, Cannock. Area Cadet Offi ( Vacant. Vacant. Mrs. F. R BAll..EY, Tone Vale House, Norton Fitzv,:'Area Cadet Offi~~~ (NA)) Mrs. L. RUSHTO , 196, St. John's Road, Cannock, Staffs. Taunton. (Welfare Officer).






SUFFOLK Tel. 54005.

Coullty Presidellt : Lady Blanche COBBOLD.

County Vice-Presidents :

ommissioner rea C Nursing Officer rea Cadet Officer rea Staff Officers . rea

Countess of CRA BROOK (Ambulance). Mrs. R. V. SCHRI BER (Nursing). Miss A. M. PARKER, M.B.E. Commissioner


County Superintendent (N) Asst. County Superintendent . County Surgeon County County County County

Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A). Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers .

County Secretary


Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon


Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers.

D. J. MARTI , F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S. Button Close, lxworthlrea Commissioner . St. Edmund . ~ea Superintendent (A) Mrs. MARTI , M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., Button Close, IxwonnJrea Superintendent ) St. Edmunds. kea Surgeon . . . D. A. MCCRACKE , M.D., D.P.H., 32, Westbury Avenudrea ursing Officer . St. Edmunds. ~ea Cadet Officer (A) Miss W. CAFFY , S.R.N., Holland Cottage, Coney \k~ea Cadet Officer ) Bury St. Edmunds. Mrs. PRAG ELL, lOSt. Michael's Close, Bury St. EdeArea Staff Officers . (Secretary). H. BURDO ,7a, College Lane, Bury St. Edmunds. (Treas[

Southern Area Area Commissioner Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Staff Officers .


Capt. J. C. TAYLOR, M.R.C.Y.S., "Teemore," London Road, Becclcs. Mrs. M. C. E. HARWOOD, S.R.N., "Redmay," Walberswick. F. J. WfLLEARD, 43, Fairclose, BeccJes. R . F. OVER, 302, Normanston Drive, Oulton Broad, Suffolk. (Secretary). M ajor J. F. MARR, 35, Beccles Road, Bungay. MRS. MARR, 35, BeccJes Road , Bungay. (Treasurer).

SURREY Major R ..S. SCHREIBCR, Campsca Ashe House, Woodb t (Tel. Wickham Markel 426). County Office: M:s. R . M E SENGER, M.B.E., J.P., Worth Cottage, Bunt st. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildrord. Tel. Guildford 67163. MIS M. H. MILLER , .R. ., Orchard COllage, Holbrool County Vice-Presidents: Ipswich . C. H. C. PIRfE-GORDON, Esq. (Ambulance). T. D . W . FRYER, M.B., ~.CH., M.R.C .. L.R.C.P., 52, Derbn Lady OSBOR (Cadet Nursing). Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 77102). Brigadier E. E. READ, C.B.E., M.C. Pilgrims Way, Beavers Vacant. , nunissioner Hill, Farnham. Walter C. MAYHEW, 82, Severn Road, Ipswich. ,0 Capt. F. J. CARTVv'RIGHT, c.Y.o., O.B.E., R. . , Castle Hill House, Mrs . P. E. TAYLOR, .R . . , "Teemore," London Road BtljDeputy Commissioner Farnham. A . B. MORTIMER, 39, Highfield Road, Ipswich. ' W. H. C. ROMA NIS, M.A., M.B., M.CHIR., F.R.C.S., The Rough, Mr . G. H. L. PAUL, Parham Hall, Woodbridge. Qunty Surgeon Hurtmore, Godalming. Miss V. D . GEE, 471, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (As!' R . J. GRI TOCK, "East View," Pinewood Grove, New Haw, Secretary). 'ounty Superintendent (A) Weybridge. W. C. WATTS, The Lodge, London Road , Beccles. ' Lady HEALD, O.B.E., Chilworth Manor, Nr. Guildford. (Tel. Mrs. E. S. M . . ATTO , 124, Westerfield Road, lf punty Superintendent ( ) Guildford 61414). (Blood Tran fUSion). Miss M. C. LEIGH-PEMBERTO , Bam End, Enton Green, Dr. D . W. RYDER RICHARDSO , The Beeches, Saxrnunl,\Junty Nursing Officer Godalming. A. J. ENGLI H, 75, lapgate Lane, Ip wich. Vacant. F. W. R HORD, 18, Geneva Road , [p wich. buoty Cadet Officer (A). Mi s . E. LAWRE CE, Cheapsyde, Ewhurst. W. LAMBERT, 33, Holland Road , 1pswich. punty Cadet Officer ( ) Miss R. COHE , Paved Ways, ightingale Lane, E. Horsley. A. H. NICHOLLS, 10, Ladywood Road, Ip wich. :ounty Staff Officers (Training). Mrs. A. RICHARD ON, S.R . . , Stow Lodge Hospital, Miss V. BARLOW, " Springwood," Petworth Road, Haslemere. market. Mrs. M. D. PHILUPS, "The Brackens," Westwood Road, H. E. BOREHAM, M.B.E., 223, Main Road , Kesgrave, l~ Windle ham. G . A. READ, 84, Bucklesham Road , [p wich. Miss P. SMITH, St. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. H . G. EADE, 406, Woodbridge Road , Ipswich. (Tel.lr~unty Secretary . . S. R . CARTER, B.E.M., Vine Cottage, West Street, Farnham. 76239) . :ounty Sergeant-Major We tern Area

Area Commissioner


Northern Area

Coullty Office: I, Woodbridge Road , Ipswich.


Lieut.-Colonel J. E. M. BLAND, O.B.E., J.P., Little Hall,) Area Commissioner Nr. Ipswich. (Tel. Holbrook 357). Area Surgeon Colonel M. MACEWAN, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., M.B" I\r N . 33, Bemers Street, Ipswich. . . ea urslllg Officer . Mrs. E. B. FRYER, S.R.N., 52, Derby Road, Ipswich, \r . A. E. RUST, 22, Copleston Road, Ipswich . \r~a Super~ntendent (A) H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington Road, Ipswich. a Supermtendent (N) P. R. WOOLLARD, Ambulance Hall, Samuel Road,lr. !uea M. W. HOOD, 7, Chester Road, Felixstowe. \rea gaddet Officer (A) W. W. PECK, 31, Shafto Road, Ipswich. a et Officer ( ) 1. H. GILL! GS, 53, Digby Road, Ipswich. (SecretaQI, l\rea S C. J. TAMPIN, 77, Dale Hall Lane, Ipswich. (TreasW taff Officers .

Western Area J. M . BALL, 88 ew Haw Road, Addlestone. A. KIGHT, 21, Bridge Road, Ha lemere. Mis U. MORRISH "Aros," Haslemere, Surrey. acant. Mrs. M. D . SOUTHER , Sedgley House, East Horley. C. P . Lo GLA D, 32, Green Lane, Addlestone. Mrs. M. D. PHILLIPS, The Brackens, Westwood Road, Windlesham. G. WORTHY, 42, Tennyson Road, Addlestone, Surrey. Miss V. M. LEATHER, M.B.E., Tudor Cottage, Ewshott, Nr. Farnham.

Ea tern Area B . ROB I SON, B.E.M. "Hothfield," Russells Crescent, Horley. R. G. FEAR, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Brooklag,' Newdigate, Nr. Dorking. Miss M. GR Y Felbridge Copse, Woodcock Hill, Felbridge, Nr. East Gdnstead. B. E. NORMA , 13, Albert Road North, Reigate. Miss M. R. M. C T LOW, "Wild Oaks, ' Eyhurst Close, Kingswood. D. J. SHOPLA D, Little House, Shepherds Hill, Merstham. Mr. GURTEE , Sunnyside Cottage, Copthorne Bank, Nr. Crawley. Mrs. D. COVELL, Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hill, East Grinstead.


Area Surgeon

Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer




A. G. GUMRELL, "Haydens," Fordbridge, South M . Mrs. M. BELFIELD, M.B.E., "Tangmere," Barley en· . . (Cadets). ' S~ea Comn:llSSiOner A R. A. LOCKETT, 8, Station Approach, Earlswood RA.Area super~nten~en~ (N~ J. E. SMITH, 104, Middle Street, Brockham. ,e"l\rea supennten en North West Area ~rea Surgeon . . . R. G. W. SOUTHER , M.B., B. ., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.p., &~ea Nursing Officer . House, East Horley. 'I\rea Cadet Officer (A) ~rea Cadet Officer ( ) South We t Area A. H. M. RICHARDS, M.B., C.H.S., M. R.C.S., L.R.c p , . " ~rea Staff Officers . Munstead Lawn, Godalming. Mrs. L. M. FARLER, 25, Stoeton Road, Guildford.






Western Area W. L. HANCORN, 43, The Gardens, Southwick. R. HARTLEY, "Stirling," St. Mary's Close, Littlehampton. Miss M. E. YOUNG, Kent House, Broadbridge Heath, Nr. Horsham. Vacant. T. JEFfERY, "Graylis," Arundel Road, Littlehampton. H. G. NEWMAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. Mr . E. A. BRODIE, Flat 3, 6, Arundel Terrace, Marine Parade Brighton, 7. ' O. E. LAKE, 50, Whyke Lane, Chichester. (Cadets) . R. MORRIS, Ashford House, Victoria Road, Bognor Regis. (Cadets). G. PARKS, 265, Albion Street, Southwick. J. BUTLER, 33, Chichester Close, Tilgate, Crawley.

County Office: 19 North Street, Horsham, Susse. Tel. Horsham 4556. WARWICK County Presidents: County Office: The Dowager Countess of BESSBOROUGH David BRYCE, Esq., O.B.E., J.P. 25, Middleton Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfie1d. County Vice-Presidents: County President : Mildred, Viscountess HAILSHAM. The Hon. Mrs. L. . S. FITzRoy NEWDEGATE, O.B.E. The Lord Rupert NEVILL (Ambulance Cadl!rs). County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. E. M. E. STEWART-RoBERTS ( ursing Caders). The Lady WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE (Nursing) Major-General J. M. L. RENTO , C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., J.P. Mr. . E. EWALL (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs BUCKMASTER (Cadel IIrsing). Lieut.-Colonel K. B. HICKS, O.B.E., Stone House, b Commissioner . Sussex (Tel Bolney 214) :ommissioner T. K. ELLIOTT, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 25, Middleton Vacant. Road, Streetly, Sutton Cold field. (Tel. Streetly 1334). Deputy Commi sioner . . W. E. JUPP, 15, Barttelot Road, Horsham. (Tel. H:\ssistant Commissioner County Superintendent (A) G. J. FOWLER, 31, Dillotford Avenue, Styvechale, Coventry. 4561). (Tel. Coventry 68741). Mrs E. M. COURT EY, "Holden ," SLinfold, r. Ho ounty S\lperintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) A. E . RUSSELL, 54, Browett Road, Coventry. (Tel. Coventry 5948). (Tel. Slinfold 460). W. S. PARKER M.B., CH.B., M R.C . . , L.R.C.P., D.P.H., County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Miss C. M. ORTO , B.E.M., The Beeches, Staverton, r. Health Dept., Royal York Building, Brighton, I. Daventry, orthants. (Tel. Daventry 196). Mrs. D. MCPHERSO , 35, Croft Avenue, Southwick. !,sst. Cty. Superintendent ( County Nursing Officer . Mrs. A. WORTHl GTO , 37, Jury Street, Warwick. (Tel. F. W. T. DALLE , 92, Elphin tone Road, Hastings. Warwick 244). County Cadet Officer (A) . Miss E. M. TRILL, 128a, Church Road, Hove. County Surgeon County Cadet Officer (N) C. L. WORTHINGTON, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 37, Jury Street, Miss W. M. BARKER, 10, Hur t Avenue, Horsham. County Staff Officers . Warwick. H. L. GREGORY, Stanway, 70, Guildford Road, Ho:£ounty ursing Officer . acant. (Treasurer). County Cadet Officer (A). A. F. HrPWELL, 70, St. George's Road, Coventry. D. H. F. BURCHELL, 50, Fairfield Gardens, Portslade. ~County Cadet Officer ( ) acant. Duties). County Staff Officers W. B. M. WYLEY, Watchbury House, Barford-in-Warwick. Mrs. M. F. TOWNSE D, 134, Manor Way, AJdwK1 Mrs. L. A. WESTER , 55, Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry. Bognor Regis. (County Camp Adviser). J. H. HARRIS, 35, ieholls Street, Stoke, Coventry. F. C. ANDREWS, "Tawton," The Spinney, Hassocks Mr . S. M. CADWALLADER, 50, Radford Road, Leamington Treasurer). Spa. County Secretary . C. SIMPSON, 19, North Street, Horsham. A. H. BOOTH, 270, Windmill Road, Longford, Coventry. E. O. ORME, 7, Asthill Grove, Coventry. Eastern Area Mrs. J. EWALL, 36, Middlemarch Road, Radford, Coventry. Capt. J. M. BUCKLEY, The King Alfred, Kingsway, Area Commissioner . P. H. JAME, 80, orman Place Road, Coventry. (Cadet A. J. BUR AGE, The Ambulance Station, Dursle) Area Superintendent (A) Secretary (A». Eastbourne. E. S. PAL fER, 54, Paxton Road, Coventry. (Camp Adviser). Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. K. KIRKLEY, 18, Hove Villas, Hove. F. G. WARWICK, 32, Botoner Road, Coventry. (Ambulance Area Surgeon . . . G. J. ROMA ES, M.A., M.R.C.S., Coombe Bank, UckJie Service). Area Nursing Officer . Mrs. K. JOHNSTO , S.R . . , 8, Gloucester Court, G~ Mrs. . M. CROSBY, 71, Forfield Road, Coundon, Coventry. Avenue, Worthing. (Cadet Secretary (N». Area Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. D. HILL, S.R. ., 42, Wendover Rise, Allesley Park, Coventry. Area Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. A. D. HICKS, B.E.M., Stone House, Bolney. Mrs. E. L. READY, 8, Lord Lytton Avenue, Stoke, Coventry. Area Staff Officers. G. H. WREN, "Byway," 22, Priory Close, Hastings. . Miss E. M. SELVESTER, 9, Cromwell Road, Rugby. S. T. DENNING, 8, Arlington Gardens, Salldean, B~ L. F. HAZELL, 37, Faraday Road, Rugby. L. W. MOWER, 7, Cross Road Close, Southwick. ~ ~ H. G. D. BUSTON, 101, Widdecombe Close, Coventry. R. T. HOLLANDS, 17, Winchelsea Road, Rye. (Ca euCounty Sergeant M . D. SIMMONDS, M.B.E., "Colwyn," Alveston Hill, Stratford-onMrs. STRIBBLlNG, 238, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne. - aJor Avon. Miss C. A. SALES, 65, Willowfield Road, Eastbourne. County Secretary H. K. PERRY, 123, Blackwell Road, Coventry. (Tel. Coventry J. W. LIMB, 32, Bodiam Close, Seaford. 88370).






County Office : St. John House, 34, The Tything, Worcester.

County President : A. R. TOWERZEY E q.


Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent ( ) Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) A /County Surgeon. County County County County

Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (A). Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers .

County Secretary


Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer .

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer .

Tel. 4503 .

County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Hon. Earl BEAUCHAMP (Ambulance). Mrs. C. LECHMERE (Nursing). Lady SANDYS; Mr . F. J. SOMERS (Cadet Nursing) . Sir Ronald LECHMERE (Cadet Ambulance).

Major-General G. D. FANSHAWE, C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E. Farm, Farley, Wilts. (Tel. Farley 202). ' Major-General D. D. C. TULLO H, C.B., D.S.O., M.e., R House, Rushall, Pewesy, Wilt . Lady FULLER, M.D. E., Neston Park, or ham. (Tel. C~.. mmissioner 2201). Miss S. G. STURMER Mill Vale House Westbury. puty Commissioners Surgeon Commander H. M. DARLOVv, R • . , B.A., M L.R.C.P., uckoo Peo, Porton, Salisbury. Mis B. PATTERSON, St. Johns Hospit~l, Trowbridge. ~uDty Superintendent (A) O. E. HYDE, 11, Burford Avenue, SWlOdon. 'UDty Superintendent ) Vacant. A. J. JE KrNS, Silverdale, roft Road, orth Wrought nty Surgeon Swindon. Mr. Moss, Watchfield, Rowden Hill, hippenham ~uDty Cadet Officer (A). · ) . ~unty Cadet Officer ( ) I R c atlons . I. S If Offi Mrs. A. H. HEMMl G, Monkton Farleigh Manor, unty ta cers. (N.H.S.R.-Admin.). , Dty Sergeant-Major F. W. KIRKBRIDE, 72, Fi herton treet, Salisbury. (T Miss M. J. MORTO PALMER, 72, Fisherton Street, Sal ty Secretary .

Brigadier D. H. OTT, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C., "Four Seasons," Dattenhall Avenue, Worcester. (Tel. Foregate 732). T. . LECH, v1ayford, 63, Halesowen Road, Quinton Birmingham. ' Squadron Leader R. D. M. EVERS, D.F.C., "Four Winds," Wolverley, Nr. Kidderminster. Vacant. Mrs. M. G. O. SOMERS, Highfield House, Blackwell, Nr. Bromsgrove. J. T: DALY, M.B., CH.B., 380, Ridgacre Road, Quinton, BirmlOgham. R. R. HINES, 3, Wolverhampton Street, Dudley. Miss H. M. BIDMEAD, "Trafford," Manor Lane Halesowen. Mi s H. M. WALTO , Mount Pleasant, Cov.:leigh Road, Malvern. J. S. TAYLOR, 23, Summerfield Avenue, Hurst Green, Nr Birmingham. Miss A. E. DrNGLEY, 6 Lower Wilton Road, Malvern.

Southern Area N. WALKER, Bamwood, Farley, r. Salisbury. Staff Officers . Miss E. A. DIMONT, 35, The Close, Salisbury. D. C. GRESSWELL, Old Manor Hospital, Salisbury. H. Hou SOME, 40, Waterloo Road, Salisbury. Mrs. LA E, West Lodge, We t Street, Wilton, Salisb[ Mrs. D. E. FA SHAWE, Farley Farm, Farley, Wilts. ea Sergeant-Major

orthern Area J. H. HALDA E, M.C., F.R.F.P.S., M.R.C.P., The Mount, Church Road, etherton, lr. Dudley. H. S. BE ETT, 52, Harcourt Road, Old Hill. 1iss M. E. FEAR SIDE, 97, Alexandra Road, Halesowen. R. BARRON, M.B., CH.B., Ambleside, Hall Street, Dudley. Mrs. E. A. WEB TER, S.R . . , "Arcadia," Station Road, Old Hill, Staff:. K. H. BILLINGHAM, 94, John Street, Brierley Hill. Miss M. A. SMITH, "Thirteen," Dudley Wood Avenue, Cradley Heath. Miss . E. WITCOMBE, Oldfield, 5, Somery Road, Priory Dudley. P. . BE ETT (Snr.), 20, Millard Road, Coseley, Staffs. P. . BE'lNETT (Jnr.), 10, School Street, Sedgley, r. Dudley. J. F. E. BE T, 23, Rosemary Crescent West, Goldthorn Park, Wolverhampton. (Secretary). T. E. DAVIS, 44, Knowle Road, Springfield, Nr. Dudley, Wores.

Northern Area Major L. J. T. G. BARTLETT, "Glenroyd," Folley Viewi Faringdon, Berks. Mrs. N. LA E, 65, Plymouth Street, Swindoll. J. K. MONRO, M.CH., f.R.C.S., "Highfields," The CoMarlborough. A. R. KI G, 43, Richmond Road, Swindon. Mrs. M. C. HALL, 54, Devizes Road, Swindoll. . . Mrs. L. E. A. BROAD, 81, Shrivenham Road, SwwM.

Southern Area Air Commodore A. L. GREGORY, M.B.E., M.C., D.L., The Close, Upton-on-Severn. J. F. GRA T, 748, Evesham Road, Crabbs Cross, Redditch. Mrs. M. E. HODGES, 123, Birchfield Road, Redditch. F. H. VOLLAM, M.B., CH.B., The Old House, Alvechurch, Nr. Birmingham. Miss D. PREECE, 338, Wylds Lane, Worcester. Miss D. W. JONES, Dalston, 64, Worcester Road, Malvern. Miss J. COLLEY, 23, Tirnberdine Avenue, Bath Road, Worcester.

We tern Area C. F. J . ANDREWS, 9, The Close, Melksham. Vacant. E. MALO EY, M.B., CH.B., Prospect House, Bradford,oD' Wilts. G. I GRAM, 52, Station Road , Westbury. Miss M. Nowell, Queens Square, Box Wilts.

Commissioner Superintendent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . a Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( )

Area Area Area Area Area Area


County Presidents: The Countess BEAUCHAMP, M.B.E. F. L. NEWTON, sq, M.B., ClI.B.

OUf/t)' Vice-Presidents : Lieut.-Colonel H. A. GOLDE , O.B.E., D.. 0. (Ambulance). L. F. Moss, E q. (Ambulance Cadets). Commissioner



WILTSIDRE County Office: 72. Fisherton Street. Salisbury. Tel. Salisbury 4810.


a Commissioner

~ ~uper~tendenl (A) ea S~penntendent (N) rgeoll a Cadet Offi ( ea Staff Offi~~: .










County Office: Dis/ricl Office: Priory Hou c, 29, Cottingham Road Hull. Tel. 43038 Wetherby House, Wetherby. Tel. Wetherby 2574. County President: District President : The Lord HOTHAM. The Countess of SCARBROUGH County Via-Presidents: District Vice-Presidents: S. LAWRE CE, O.B.E., (Alllbufance). The Viscounte s MOUNTGARRET (Nursing). Mr . D. M. RYMER (Cadet lIrsing). G. R. H. SMITH, Esq. (Ambulance). Mr . BETHEL ( ursing). Lord SAVILE (Ambulance Cadets). Colonel R. A. ALEc-SMITH, T.D. D.L., J.P. (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. E. RADCLIFFE ( ursing Cae/etl} E. M. DEAR ,M.B. CH.B., D.L.O., Holme Lodge, J97, Cot Commissioner ham Road, Hull. (Tel. Hull entral 438+0). .'. E. H. LODGE, M.B., CH.B., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. A. R. LIDGLEY, 92, Etherington Road, Hull. (Tel. CoOln1ISSIOnel (Tel. Wetherby 2832). County Superintendent (A) 46201). . S erintendent (A) Lieut.-General Sir Colin BARBER, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Quarry Mi s E. M. STO EHOUSE, 63, Welwyn Park Road, Hull DistrtCI up Moor Lodge, Ripon. County Superintendent E. O. HALLIWELL l.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 233, Hallgate, COllin . S 'ntendent ) County Surgeon Mrs. G. W. LoDGE, O.B.E., J.P., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. ' DistrIct upen E . Y or k . (Tel. Wetherby 2832). Mi s P. M. W ,\T 0 , .R . . , Hull Royal Infirmary, Pr As5t Dist. Superintendent ( ) County Tursing Officer Mrs. M. A. AYKROYD, The Priory, un Monkton, York. Street, Hull. '. S rgeon J. PRE nCE, M.B., CH.B.(EDI .), J.P., 'Malsis Mount" Malsis Mi H. . lCHOLSO, S.R. ., 657 James Reckilt A D~ttlct u Road, Keighley. ' Asst. County 1 ursing Officer Hull. . . . . t ursin p Officer . Miss S. GRIffITHS, S.C.M., Flat 1, 20, Kelso Road, Leeds. R. BERRYMA , 2, Snamton Grove, Derrtngham Bank, HD!51~C Cadet 'Officer (A) County Cadet Officer (A). L. MASO , 5, Lynnwood Gardens, Pudsey, r. Leeds. Mi s L. F. LEPPI 'GTO , "Aytona," 8 Bell Vue Crescent,fD!5t~~~ Cadet Officer ( ) County Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. CUMMl G BELL, Binham Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. C. JACKSO , 230, Hawthorn Avenue, Hull. D!str! t Staff OfIicers County Staff Officers . Mrs. M. WOOL FE, 387a, Harrogate Road, Leeds, 17. G. HEWARD, "Beaumaris " 74, Gan tcad Lane, Bilton, D~trtC J. WOOD, Lovat Lodge, Mountjoy Road, Huddersfield. Mrs. M ..REFFOL~, The Bungalow hcepman Lane, H ,.trict Secretary . J. G. W. ROCHESTER, Gawthorpe Cottage, Beck Lane, Bingley Cran WIck, Dnffield. Midland Area H. REFFOLD, The Bungalow, Sheepman Lane, Hulton ( G. THOMPSO , LB., CH.B., 58, Heath Crescent, Halifax. wick Driffield. Area Commissioner . H. J. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, 8. Miss:E. TALLENT, 17, Etherington Drive, Hull. Area Superintendent (A) W. PAR 0 S School House, Barnby Moor, Yorks. D~trict Staff Officer (i/c Mrs. O. M. GELDARD, The Grange, Ilkley, Yorks. Miss D. M.' HUZZARD, 20, River dale Road, HulL ~ursing Divisions) F. A. BREAR, M.B., CH.B., Westerley Edge, Hawksworth Lane Mrs. G. JACKSO , 8, Lynton Avenue, Anlaby Park iArea Surgeon . Guiseiey. South, Hull. (Cadet Secretary). Vacant. G. M. HI CH, 38, Windsor Road, County Road \ a ursing Officer . /.rea Cadet Officer (A) S. BRA so , 8, Stone Street, Stricker Lane, Bradford. Hull. /.rea Cadet Officer ( ) Mr . K. M. JOH so , 140, Gledhow Wood Road, Leeds, 8. T. PE ,207, Hall Road, Hull. County Secretary (A) . .\rea Staff Officers . G. DAccus, 49, Lumley Road, Leeds . Mrs. E. M. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, 8. ORTH RIDING OF YORKSIDRE orthern Area County Office : A.lrea Commissioner. J. E. BAIRD, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., Brow House, Haworth, Keighley. 11, Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough, York. Area Superintendent (A) F. R. HARLTO, 11, St. Swithins Walk, York. County President: Superintendent ) Mi s G. E. MYALL Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorks. The Lady SERE A JAMES _ ea Surgeon . J. M. A. CRrrCHLEY, M.B. CH.B., IS, Woodlands Drive, Colonel Sir Leonard ROPNER, BT" M.C., T.D., D.L., \1.P., . Harrogate. Commissioner . Perrow, Bedale Yorks. (Tel. Bedale 10). Nursing Officer Mrs. 1. R. HYMAS, S.R . . , S.C.M. R.F . . , "Farndale," The J. PEARSO , M.B.E.," landale," 19, The Crcscent, unlh: Grove, Harrogate. Deputy Commissioner. Middlesbrough. (Tel. 56287). Cadet Officer (A) T. BROUGHTO , Bracewell Lodge, Bracewell, Nr. Skipton. C. F. PEDDIE, Harrowgate Cottage, Norton Hari.\rea Cadet Officer (N) County Superintendent (A) Mrs. 1. WILSO , 15, East Lane, Shipton-by-Beoingbrough, Stockton-on-Tees. (Tel. 67614). York. Mrs. F. C. BURTo , 2, Upper We tbrook, Darlington, Area Staff Officers . County Superintendent ( ) Miss E. L. GILBERTS, 15, Hill Rise Avenue, Harrogate. Darlington 5764). T. 1. Mc ISH, 96, Devonshire Street, Keighley. Miss M. MOORHOUSE, 93, Trafalgar Road, Scarboro Asst. Cty. Superintendent ( ) outhern Area F. W. HEBnLETHWAITE, M.B., CH.B., I I, The Avenue, LID County Surgeon J. MAIN RUSSELL, M.B., CH.B., D.F.H., "Wemyss," Stockarth Middlesborough. ~~ Commissioner Lane, Oughtibridge, Sheffield. Dr. S. E. JACKSO , 20, Stepney Drive, Scarborough, . Am ' Asst. County Surgeon. A. ELSO , M.B.E., 148, Oaks Avenue, Stocksbridge, Sheffield. W. E. DA KS, 127, Mansfield Avenue, Thornaby-on·TI6 Supermtendent (A) County Nursing Officer (A) Mrs. DEGENHARDT, 23, Sale Hill, Sheffield, 10. Mrs. E. M. BIELBY, S.G.M., 27, St. Germains Lane (N) County Nursing Officer C. B . BALL, L.M.S.S.A., Fern Lodge, 138, Dodworth Road, Sea. Bamsley. Mrs. T. E. KIRK, 31, St. Barnabas Road, M',u, County Cadet Officer (N) Nursing Officer Miss M. E. SHIMELD, 10, Black Brook Avenue, Lodge Moor, P. P. SMITH, 11 , West Park Avenue, ewby. County Staff Officers Sheffield 10. J. W. RE AHAN, 12, Alton Road, Middlesbrough. Cadet Officer (A) H. SHOOMA , M.B., B.CH., " Ro ana," Newstead, Cow Lane J. B. MCCULLUM, 2, Gasworks Cottages, N Havercroft, r. Barnsley. South Bank, Middlesbrough. (Transport). C R. H. WRIGHT, 27, Grantham Road, Norton, C',~,v"h~·U\Y adet Officer (N) Mrs. H. BEVERLEY, The Haven, Worsborough Bridge, r. Barnsley. Tees. UI'N'--'



Distri t Staff Officcr Area Staff Officer .

Area Sergeant-Major




Area Superintendent eN) County Surgeon Area Surgeon . Assistant Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officers (A) Area Cadet Officers (N) County Staff Officers Area Staff Officers .

Assistant Commissioner Area Surgeon District Staff Officer . . (i/c Nursing Divisions) Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A)


C. H. FOR TER, 33, High Street, Sh meld, I. andery Commissioner. . H. HEMINGWAY, t. Thomas's House, Worsboro'Dal \Comm Barosley. e, andery Superintendent (N) . Corom J. SH W, The Beechc 27, Mill Hill, Pontefract. Mrs. V. G. BOOTH. 4, Ranelagh Drive, Ecclcshall, Sheffiel~Deputy District Superintendent C. C. BOWLEY, ~4, Hemper Lane, heffield. (N) . . . . . J. ASKE , 25, Pickup Crescent, Wombwell, r. Barnsle,:oromandery Surgeon .

outh East Area Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)



ursing Officer

E. SOAR, "Oak Lodge," Sprotborough, Doncaster. Corom A. E. fOORE, "Moredene," Main Road, Auckley, q Commandery Cadet Officer (A) . ca ter. " , " . commandery Cadet Officer (N) .



Brigadier T. W. DAV[DSON, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., 26, Malone Park, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 668059). Mrs. M. NEILL, 96, Circular Road, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 653789).

Miss Q. 1. QUIGLEY, B.E.M., 19, Cabin Hill Gardens, Belfast. F. E. FLETCHER, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., D.P.H., 4, My !--ady's Mile, Holywood, C. Down. MISS B. BOYCE, S.R.N., S.C.M., ity and County Hospital Londonderry. ' c.. MURRAY, 92, Orangefield Crescent, Belfast. MISS E. GARRETr, Helen's Lea, Gilnahirk, Belfast.

Mrs. R. M. SOAR O,tk Lodge, SprotbolOugh, DonC1..jleputyCommandery Cadet Officer M. HAIN, M.B. H.B. 22, Balby R,~ad, Don,~aster. (N).:... Miss V. K. HILL, 88, Donaghadcc Road, Bangor, Co. Down. Col. R. W. SCOTr, M.D., D.P.H ., Langley, Ganllie rea CommisSiOner W. A. RYAN, Glenartney, Clanbrassil Road Cultra Co Donca ter. Down. (Public Relations). " . J. A. SCOTr M.D., CH.B., ]4 Middlefield Road, B ommandery Secretary Brigadier L. E. MACGREGOR, O.B.E., 61, Great Victoria Street Doncaster. Belfast. ' 1, Park Terrace, Thryburgh, r. R~ Mrs. BALCO " S.R. ham. W. HARGREAVES, 198, Great orth Road, Wooill PRIORY OF WALES Donca ter. Headquarters: J. HOWARD, 16, Dawood Villas, Bentlcy, Doncaster. Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Tel. Cardiff 32131. Mrs. J. CRO BY, 58, Chestnut Aycnue, Doncaster. Mrs. Tow E D, 6, The ilia, dlington Chief Commissioner for Wales . H. Gethin LEWIS, Esq., M.A., J.P. N HULLEY, Warnington Drive, Be sacar, Doncaster !uperintendent-in-Chief for Wales H.R.H. The Duchess of KE T, G.c.v.o., C.L, G.B.E. D. G. BARBER, 104, Donca ter Road, Armthorpe, Dondurgeon·in-Chief for Wales . . Edgar LLEWELLY , M.B., C.H.B. J. DEARDE , The Beeche , Scawthorpe, Doncaster. (Trans;beputy Chief Commissioner for . . . Colonel Ririd MYDDELTO , M.V.O., J.P., D.L. H. COATES Kingston Hou e, Carlton-l11-Lindrick, r. Wo Wales. . . . oUs. DeputySuperintendent-in-Chief for L. TAGG 67, Bawtry Road Be sacarr, r. Do Wales. . . . . . . . Margherita, Lady HOWARD DE WALDEN AND SEAFORD ' C.B.E. Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief for Wales L . H. DAVIES, M.B., CH.B. (Treasurer). E. Po BERTH, "The Chase," Warning Tongue Lane, B· sistant Superintendent-in-Chief for Wales. . . . . . . Mrs. C. G. TRAHERNE. Doncaster. C. F. PALMER, Scawthorpe Hou e, Scawthorpe, Doncas.ChiefNursing Officer for Wales. Miss J. E. THOMAS, S.R. ., S.C.M., T.A. Chief Officer for Ambulance Cadets South West Area 0Vales) . . . . . . . Sir Michael DCFF, BT. H. HARRISON, M.B.E., , Riber," 40, GJcdholt Road, HuKhlef Officer for Nursing Cadets ~Vales) . . . . . field. Mrs. W. R. CRAWSHAY. W. BROW, L.R.C.P.(LO D.), M.R.C.S.(L G.), 128, HalifalChiefStaff Officer . . . Vacant. T~ining Officer for Wales Road, Birl\.by, Huddersfield. Miss Zoe D. DRUIIT. Miss A. E. U , THA K, M.D.E., 25, Duchy Road, Harro, Bngade Secretary . W. Mabon ABRAHAM, M.B.E.

Mrs. E. CARRUTHERS, S.R. ., 6, Pennine Road, De\\~o. Dr. Mustafa Rial EI SARRAFF, Shafle~bury House, YorkR PRIORIES AND COMMANDERIES OVERSEAS Batley. Priory in Australia Mrs. M. K. MITrO , 27, Wesley Str et, Ossett. Chief C .. Area Cadet Officer (N) 1. BASSINDALE, 889, Manchester Road, Milnsbridge, Hu' ommlSSlOner Brigadier W. W. S . JOH STO , C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., E.D., M.D., Area Staff Officers. F.R.A.C.P., 194, LIttle Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria field. ChiefSu· d , . Miss F. C. B. McKAy, M.B., CH.M.' Miss Z. E. HULL, 13, Cedar Avenue, Huddersfield. pennten ent (N) . H. BOWER, 13, Thornfield, Savile Town, Dewsbury. (C Commandery in Western Australia L. CLEGG, 7, York Avenue, Fartown, Huddersfield. "Commandery C .. tary). ommlSSloner Colonel J. R. Do ALDSO , E.D., M.B., 298-308, Wellington Street, Perth. J. WOODS, Lovat Lodge, Mountjoy Road, Hudde; Deputy Comm· . Dr. B. C. COHEN. (Treasurer). I ISS lOner . Mrs. D. LEACH, 864, Bradford Road, Birkenshaw, Nl.• Priory in Canada ford. Executive Commissioner Colonel A. G. CHERRIER, St. John House 321 Chapel Street Ottawa, Ontario. '" Surgeon.in.Chief COMMANDER Y IN NO RTHERN IRE L AND Brigadier J. N. B. CRAWFORD, M.B.E., E.D., M.D. SUperintendent-ill_Chief Miss M. J. L. MACLARE . District Office: 61, Great Victoria Street, Belfast, 2. Tel. Belfast 23970. Priory in New Zealand Chief Commissioner President: Brigadier J. MITCHELL, D.S.O., E.D., Druid's Chambers WoodHer Excellency The Lady W AKEHURST. ward Street, Wellington. ' Deputy Ch· f S . Ie Commissioner District Vice-Presidents: C. MEACHE , J.P. (Secretary). upenntendent-ill_Chief (N) : Mrs. G. N. WALLACE, M.B.E. Miss N. M. KNIGHT, O.B.E.



Surgeon-in-Chief . . Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets Chief Officer Nur ing Cadets Priory Commissioner . Deputy Priory Commis ioner Superintendent-in-Chief Surgeon-in-Chief . . . Asst. Superintendent-in-Chief . Commissioner

Chief Commissioner Superintendent-in-Chief Surgeon-in-Chief

Surgeon-in-Chief .


District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Priory in Southern Africa Brigadier . W. H. du PLESSIS, O.B.E.,. E.D., M.R.C.S., l GJen hlel, Woolston Road, Westcl I IT, Johannesburg' ~sioner . A. G. WaUA~ . ' Mrs. M. A. WALTO , A.R.R.C. 'ct superintendent (A) Dr. G. D. ENGLISH. j superintendent (N) Wilhelmina Van HEERDEN LUDs£. ! II Surgeon ommandery in Central Africa Dr. S. G. H. GASSON, P .O. Box 596, Bulawayo, So. Rhodesia. 'ssiooer . , Commissioners India The Hon. Rajkumari Amrit KAUR, S.J.A.13. Headqulri superintendent (N) Red Cross Road, New Delhi, 2. 1" Miss T. K. ADRA WALA. Jivraj N. M EHTA, M.D., M.R.C.P.

Bahamas Col. E. J. H. COLCHESTER-WEMYSS, O.B.E. , Office of the sioner of Police, assau. Dr. N. McP. MACLENNA .

District Surgeon Commissioner


District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Barbadoes Lieut.-Colonel O. F. C. WALCOTT, O.B.E., E.D., 18, of Social Services, Ministerial Building, Bay Stret! badoes. Mrs. H. CHALLONER. Dr. H. E. SKEET, O.B.E.

District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Bermuda Wing-Commander L. J. FOUNTAIN, D.F.C., B.O.A.C. House, 59, Front Street, Hamilton. Mrs. B. Barton. Dr. W. H. C. MASTERS.


North Borneo Dr. K. H. BLAAUW, Medical Headquarters, Jesselton,



J. DUREY, M.B.E., P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. F. A. D. CLEARE. Mrs. B. L. SHAw. Dr. L. H. WHARTON, M.B.E.

Cyprus D . M. TAYLOR, O.B.E., K.P.M., 3, Euclides Street, Nicosia. Dr. Z. G. PANOS. Dr. F. RASSfM. Vacant. Fiji W . E. Do OYA , Box J 8, G .P .O., Suva. Vacant. Dr. W. M . McDo ALD.

Hong Dr. TSEU G LADY HOGA Dr. Ip Kam

Kong FAT I , Macdonnel Road, Hong Kong. . Wah.

Jamaica ioner


( )

Jamaica South-East Dr. R. D. K. LEVY, 2e, Camp Road Kingston, 5. Miss E. M. STEPHE S, B.E.M. ' Jamaica North-East Vacant. Dr. L. JACOBS. Jamaica North-West H. CAHU AC, West Indian Sugar Co., Ltd., Frome. L. R . REED. Mrs . M. STARK[ GS. Jamaica South-West Commander C. W . HILLMAN, O.B.E.

British Guiana Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Ceylon Colonel C. A. H. P . JAYAWARDANA, C.M.G., c.Y.o., O.B.E., E.D., St. John Ambulance Brigade Headquarters, Lower Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo 3. Major D. N. ROCKWOOD , J.P. Mrs. M. A. Jainu DEE . Dr. N. F. Gu ASEKERA.

Grenada Vacant. J. H. HOLLEY M.B.E. Mrs. MASCOLL. Dr. L. M . COMMISSIO G.




Gilbert and Ellice Islands M . HOOK, H .Q., The Gilbert & Ellice Islands Colony Constabulary, Ocean Island, Western Pacific.



Gibraltar A . L. ABRAHAM, Central Police Station, Gibraltar. Mrs . D. ELLICOTT. Dr. J . A . DURRA T.

Malaya Dr. Chang Hoey CHA , St. John Ambulance Brigade quarters, c/o. Tanglin Hospital, Young Road, Kuala Che Sadiah SARDO . Commissioner . Dr. Haji Megat KHAs . Superin ten den t Surgeon



British Honduras J. P. RUSH, c/o Storage Ltd., Belize.

Ghana R. P. BAFFOUR, O.B.E., B.SC., Ministry of Room M. 38, Ministry Branch Post Office, Accra, J. F. G. COLE.

Deputy Commissioner . Commissioner


Group Captain A. H. MARSH, Q.H.P. Dr. D. P. KENNEDY. Miss Y. P. L. ANQUETIL, M.B.E.

Pakistan Syed Wajid Ali SHAH, St. John Ambulance Brigade Frere Street, Karachi, 4, Sadar. Lieut.-Col. M. JAFAR, O.B.E.

Chief Commissjoner



. COmmis~io~er : . Super~tendent (A) Supermtendent (N) Surgeon

Kenya M. S. O'RoRKE, C.B.E. Vacant. R. W. OSGATHORP. Mrs. V. KENT. Dr. J. A. CARMEN.


70 Commissioner . District Surgeon

Leeward Island H. G. SEWARD, Office of the Commissioner of Police Dr. K. H. UTILEY. '

Commissioner . District Surgeon

Malta G.c. Lieut.-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B .E., 64, Amery Street, SI Dr. R. CAUCHI-INGLOIT, M.B.E.

Commissioner . . . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Mauritius R. M. Desvaux de MARIGNY, Police H.Q., Port Louij Miss G. DAVIES. ' Dr. J. MAINGARD, M.B.E.

Senior Commissioner

Nigeria C. S. K. BOVELL, C.M.G. Office of the Inspector.G The Nigerian Police, Lagos.

Commissioner . Deputy Commissioner.

Nigerian Police C. S. K. BOVELL, C.M.G. D. S. Fou TArN


Nigeria Railways District R. INNES, Nigerian Railways Corporation, Ebutle Melli

Deputy Commissioner.

Nigeria Ports District C. A. DOVE, M.B.E., Nigeria Ports Authority, Private Bag 2588, 216 Broad Street, Lagos. F. J. IVIMEY.


Seychelles R. A. P. H. DurroN, D.F.C., C.P.M.

Commissioner . . A /Deputy Commissioner

Sierra Leone W. G. SYER, C.B.E., Police Headquarters, Freetown. Dr. S. CARUANA.

Commissioner. . Deputy Commissioner. District Superintendent District Surgeon

Singapore Dr. P. MclNTYRE, 25, Gilstead Road, Singapore. Dato Syed Ahmad Mohammed ALsAGOFF. Mrs. S. JOHNSON. Dr. Essel TAN.

Commissioner . District Surgeon

Tanganyika C. W. LEYEREIT, M.B.E., P .O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam Dr. A. A. LOVELL.


Deputy Commissioner . . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Trlltidad and Tobago Mohammed Shu'aid ACKBARAU, M.B.E., St. John HeadqlJ)' Wrightson Road, Port of Spain . B. J. L. JACKSON. Mrs. M. J. J. BRYA Dr. A. B. ANTONI.

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner.

Uganda M. J. MACOUN. Dr. J. R. liAMERTON.


Zanzibar R. H. V. BILES, Police Headquarters, Zanzibar.




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