O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1959

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PholO .

ll1lhony Arrigo A==opo

At the IlI re.llitllre held Oil 8111 eplelllher 1959 hy the Lord Prior in the Hall oj'SI. Michael St. George, the ancient Chapler Hall of'lhe Grane! \IIoslers in Ihe Palace 01 Valella. 111 the l'1~hl foreground are H.E. Ihe Gorernor and La(h- Granlham.


III TOlllf'

1~\'r .:STITUllES

OF ]959

The [11\'eslilllre held h.l Ihe Lord Prior ill Ihe pre e/ICe of HE. Ihe GOl'ernor and Lady FOOl, wilhin Ihe precillclI 0/ Kolossi Caslle, C\'PI'/IS, 011 181h September 1Y59.

"obert!gn ~tllb




Field-Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, K.G., K.T., K.P., P.C., G.M.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.



The Lord Wakehurst, K.C.M.G.


His Grace The Archbishop of Canterbury,

P.c., G.c.v.O., D.D.

QtfJ8 ncdlot

Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.

j!}lllilitf of


Brigadier-General The Earl of Shaftesbury, K.P., P.C., G.C.V.O., C.B.E.

\rut otbtr

~aiIitf5 ~ranb ~to.!

H.R.H. The Duke of Wind or, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.B., etc. Lieut.-General Sir William Dobbie, G.C.M.G. K.C.B., D.S.O. The Marque of Cari brooke, G.C.B., G.C.V.O. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Jame Elliott, V.D. The Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, P.c., C.H. Group Captain Sir Hugh Poate, M. V.O., E.D. Charles H. C. Pirie-Gordon E q.) O.B.E., D.S.C., F.S.A.


tlriors of lElriorits Lieut-Colonel Sir Hugh Turnbull, K.C.V.0., K.B.E. (Scotland).

The Lord Aberdare (Wales) The Hon. Ernest George Jansen (South Africa). The Viscount Cobham (New Zealand). T~e Rt. Hon. Vincent Ma sey, P.C., C.H. (Canada). Fjeld -Ma rs hIS' a lr W'II' J lam Sl'1m, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.c.v.O., C.B.E., D.S.O. M.C. (Australia).

* AI! appointments are shown as at St. John's Day 24th June, 1959



\!rue QExecutibe ®fficerf(



Lieut.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K. C. B., K.B.E ., D.s .a., M.e. ~tcretar!, . @tntral

C. T. Evan, E q., C.M.G . Lewis G . Whyte, Esq. ~t. 3/'O~1l ~ll1ulIlanct

Great Officers. other Bailiff~ q-rand Cross. Priors of Pnones. Executive Officers. ~~t

JRl'ctibtr ·@tllttlll


The The The The




of jUltict

The Earl of Halifax, K .G. , P.C., a.M., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. Colonel Sir James L. Sleeman, C.B ., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.v.a. Sir Harry Luke, K .C.M.G., D.LlTT., LL.? Major Sir Thomas G . L. Lumley-Srruth, D.S.O.

Horace F. Par ha ll, Esq., T.D.

'1knigfJts of 3f ustice


Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, G . c.v.a., M.D ., F.R. C.S. ~Illloner

Sir Gerald Crea y, K .C. M.G . K.C.V .O., O.B .E. JLiurariall

Major. R Williams, F.S.A. JRegistrar

Sir Harry Luke, K . . M.G. , D .UTT., LL.D . @enealogist

The Hon. Sir George Bellew, K.C.V.O .

(who have served two terms of three years on Chapter-General) The Hon. John Bruce C.B.E. (Representative of the Priory for Wales)_ Major P. M. Beachcroft, O.B.E., LL.D . Commander E. A . Morrison, R .N. Surgeon Rear-Admiral Sir Cecil Wakeley, Bt., K .B.E., C.B. Major R. L. Loyd, a .B.E., M.e . Sir Alfred Bossom, Bt. Captain The Lord Harris, M. C. The Earl of Cranbrook, .B .E. Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Hornby Steer. Lieut.-Colonel W . W . Dove, C .B.E., T .D. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas Cook. Colonel the Rt. Hon. The Lord Robin K.B.E. , D.S.O .

19irector of QtertmOnit5

Major A. Urquhart, D.S.O. ~ommiS5ioner·in · ~bief, ~t.

3/'OPll %ll11uulance

itepresentati be ~ri\Jabe

Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C .B.E.


itnigu ts

!tnt W)ts of 3f ustice

Sir David Evan -Bevan, Bt. (Repre entative of the Priory for Wales). N. M. J ngledew, Esq. (Representative of the Priory for Wales).

%lssistant QExecutibe ®fficers Assistant Receiver-GeneralM. S. Barker, Esq. Deputy Directors-General, St. John Ambulance AssociationLieut.-Colonel E . C. Croft. D. C. Maclean, Esq. Assistant Directors of CeremoniesSir William Savory, Bt. Colonel P. H. Catt. Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance BrigadeRear-Admiral R. M. Dick, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.C. (lCro5s-uenrer

Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove, C.B.E. , T.D. ~!:norb·ueartr

Captain J. Docwra Rogers, M.B.E.




Sir Basil Mayhew, K.B.E. Sir William Savory, Bt. Brigadier-General J . G . Browne, C.M.G., C.B .E., D.S.O. Captain J . Docwra Roger, M.B .E. W. G. Pape, E q . O.B .E. Sir George Abbi s, O.B.E. W. E. C. Lazenby, E q. C.B .E. Major A. C. White Knox, O.B.E. M.C . Sir William Shenton. Sir Hugh Dow, G.C.J.E., K.C.S.I. Sir Gordon Lethem, K.C.M.G. (Representative of the Priory of Scotland) . The Lord Latham. Sir John Hathorn Hall, G.C.M.G. O.B.E., D.S.O., M. C. Lieut.-General The Lord Freyberg, v.c. G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O •• (Representative of the Priory in New Zealand). Lieut.-General The Lord Norrie, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., C.B., D.S.O., M.C.

4 5

l\.epresentatibe :Junior 1k.nigbts

~tprt5tntatibt ~Itrical ~rtt1.Jtrtn

l<.nigfJt; of

Major-General J. E. T. Younger, The Lord Cozens-Hardy.

The Rev. C. Perowne, T.D. The Venerable H. J. Matthews, Archdeacon of Hampstead. The Rev. M. F. Foxell, .v.o. The Venerabl e O. H. Gibbs-Smith, Archdeacon of London. The Venerable W. A. Parker, Archdeacon of Stafford.

3' u.etice


Jkni\Wt.8 of

~tpre5tntlltibt ~ommanbtr;


Sir George Wilkinson, Bt., K.C.V.O. T. de la Poer Beresford, Esq., Q.C. Lieut.-Colonel W. E. Pringle, M.C. Captain P. Reay, O.B.E., M.C. Sir Hugh Poynter, Bt. (Representative of the Priory in Australia). Captain F. L. Richard, O.B.E., Sir Andrew Wright, K.C.M.G., C.B.E., M.C. Major P. G. Darvil-Smith, C.B.E. 1. H. H. Pollock, E q., C.M.G., O.B.E. (Representative of the Commandery of Ards in Northern Ireland). Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, K.C.M.G., K.B.E., M.C., Q.C. Sir Philip Southwell, .B.E., M.C. 1. A. B. Palmer, Esq. Brigadier F. A . V. Copland-Griffiths, D.S.O., M. C. The Lord Crook. Sir Philip Warter. H. N. Bream, Esq.

Lieut.-Commander A. F. Inglefield, R.N. John Owston , Esq. M. S. Barker, Esq. Major Clive Bo som. Colonel P. H. Catt. Sir Harry Sinder on, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.V.O. The Hon. Deni Berry, T.D. lRrprt5tntatibt ®ffictU

F. H. D. Pritchard, E q. John Tennant, Esq., T.D. ~ecrttarp

Major J. F. C. Underhill,

The The The The The The The The The The The The The The

Rt. Rev. H. J. Buxton. Rt. Rev. & Rt. Hon. J. W. C. Wand, P.C., K.C.V.O. Rt. Rev. P. M. Herbert, K.C.V.O., D.D., Bishop of orwich. Rt. Rev. & Rt. Hon. H. C. Montgomery Campbell, P . . , M.C., Bishop of London. Rt. Rev. D. H. Crick, D.D. Rt. Rev. A. C. W. Rose. Very Rev. C. L. Warr, K.C.V.O., D.D. , LL.D. Very Rev. Alan C. Don, K.C.V.O., D.D., Dean of Westminster. Rev. A. Nevile Davidson, D.D. Rt. Rev. G. H. Ellison, Bishop of Chester. Very Rev. Edgar Rogers , O.B.E. Rt. Rev. W. H. Baddeley, D.S.O, M.C., Bishop of Blackburn. Rt. Rev. W. H. Stewart, C.B.E., D.D. Rt. Rev. W. H. Bradfield, D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells.


*tficilltinll C~llplllin.

The Rt. Rev. & Rt. Hon. H. C. Montgomery Campbell, Bishop of London. The Very Rev. Edgar Rogers, O.B.E.

P.C., M.C., D.O.)


\r:ren5Urtr nnb stlccountant

D. B. R. Swin tead E q.,

'O"0Jt ';'ub·llrtIatt5

of t1.Jt <ll'rbtr

F . . A.




The Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members and Associates of the Order its Report for the year 1959. ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER The Annual Festival of the Order was held on Saturday, 27th June, 1959. Holy Communion was celebrated in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church by the Most Rev. A. C. Macinnes D.D. , Archbishop in Jerusalem and Metropolitan. The General Assembly was held in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House by kind permission of Major the Rt. Hon. Sir Harold Gillett, M.e., Lord Mayor of London. The Commemoration Service was held in St. Paul's Cathedral, the sermon being preached by the Rt. Rev. Thomas Craske, B.A., F.K.C., Bishop of Gibraltar. The Lord Prior and a delegation from Chapter-General also were present at a service on 17th October in Exeter Cathedral which in spite of inclement weather was attended by a large congregation of members of the Order and the Brigade from the West Country. FOREIGN AFFAIRS Mention has been made in previous Reports of the steps taken in recent years to promote cio er relations between the European Orders of St. John and the Most Venerable Order which culminated in a conference held at Bubikon in 1958 under the chairmanship of Baron R . von Studer, Kommandator of the Swi s Association of Knights. That conference, which was necessarily of an experimental nature, proved so successful that it was unanimously decided to resume the conversations thus happily initiated with a smaller working committee. This met under the same chainnanship at St. John's Gate in January 1959. Principal amongst the subjects discussed was that of mutual help between branches of the Order represented at the conference; relations with other branches of the Order and with external bodies; and the possibility that the conference might consider some form of combined effort in the humanitarian field, more particularly in Jersualem. At the invitation of the Dutch delegates, a third conference was held at the Hague in June to coincide with the Golden Jubilee of the establishment of "The Order of St. John in the Netherlands" as an independent national Order. Following the conference the Lord Prior and the delegates of Chapter-General were privileged to be present at a brilliant ceremony in the historic mediaeval Ridderzaal-the "~all of Knights," presided over by H.R.H. the Prince of the Netherlands, Prmce Bernhard, the "Landcommandeur" of the Netherlands Order. The culminating point of this ceremony of celebration was the investiture by Prince Bernhard of his eldest daughter, the heiress to the throne, as an Honorary Commander.



MALTA A significant event during the year wa the celebration connected 'h the Golden J~bilee of the Brigade in Malta in September. The Lord p~:~ led a delegatIOn of Officers of the Order accompanied by over 300 m r bers of the Brigade from the United Kingdom. A busy programm emf eng,ageme~ts both formal and informal had been prepared for the w~o~e penod whIch extended from the 5th to 13th September. The e indud d the . observance. of Malta's ~ational pay (8th Sept~mber), which f~ll dunng the penod of. the Bngade JubIlee. An e pecially distinguish d fe~tur~ of the celebratIOns w~s the Investiture which was held by the LO~d Pnor m the Hall of St. Michael and St. George which i the ancie t Chapter Hall of th~ Grand Masters in the Palace at Valetta. Althoug~ t~e nun:bers to be mvested were mall compared with the Order's Inves. tItures m London, the historic surroundings in which the ceremony wa held. and the presen~e .of ~is Excellency ~~e Governor the Heads o} ~ervIce~ and many dIstmgUlshed Malte e CItIzen gave it a particularl unpresslve character. There is in Val etta a part of the old fortificatio~ known as the St. James' Counterguard. Some years ago Chapter-General voted a sum of £~,500 .towards it reconditioning to serve as the Head. quarters of the Bngade m Malta. Those who saw it felt assured that the grant had been very welt spent. CYPRUS From Malta the Lord Prior and some of the Executive Officers went on to Cyprus. His Excellen~J:' the Governor had su~ge ted that, while they v;rere not so far ,away, a VISIt to Cyprus would be tImely so that considera. tIOn .cou~d be given to the future of St. John activitie in the I land after th~ Immment change of regime. He also uggested that an Investiture mIg~t be ~eld there. The visit afforded a valuable opportunity for dis. c~~sIOns WIth the heads of the Greek,and Turkish communities and leading CItIzens of both of t~em ~ho were lIkely to play an influential part in the future y~ars. The dISCUSSIOns were fruitful and indicated that there was on. a!l, SIdes ~ general sympathy towards the continuance of St. John actIVItIes partIcularly in the direction of First Aid training in the schools, The Governor had proposed-most imaginatively- that the Investiture should )Je held at Kolossi. Castle which was the former Commanderyof the KnIghts of St. John m Cyprus, and of which the Most Venerable Or~e~-thou~h to a s~all, extent-is part owner and also part restorer, T~IS unpresslve Keep Ires m the open country some seven miles west of Lunasol. The Investiture took place out of doors at the foot of tbe ~astle .walls in the presence of .the Governor, some four hundred guests mcludmg the Heads of the SerVIces and all those interested in the work of St. John ..A large concourse of the inhabitants of the neighbouring village of KO}OSSI ,:"ere a~so assembled. As the Lord Prior said, in closing the ~n~est~ture, It was mdeed a moving experience to invest Cypriots with the mSl~a Of. our Order and to present them with medals and awards on Cypnot ~Oll against an .historic Cypriot background under the shadow of the IDlghty Keep whIch stood as a symbol of an association of 700 years. OVERSEAS The Order has co.nt~ued its policy of maintaining Headquarte~s Officers for the orgamsatIOn and development of St. John work in tew·



tories within the C0ll111?-0nwealth. Head9uarters Officer~ co.ntinued to erve during the year III the West IndIes, Uganda, Nigena, Ghana, Malaya and Cyprus. An. add~tional .Officer was app<?inted to the ~ew field of Sierra Leone. Flllancial aSSIstance also contmues to be gJVen where needed to assist those territori~s which are not able themselves to find the initial finance to expand theIr work. WORLD REFUGEE YEAR The Order is making its contribution towards the objectives of World Refugee Year. The purpose of this movement is the once and for all rehabilitation of . refug~es and Chapter-General felt by reasoJ?- of its historical connectIOn WIth Jerusalem and the presence there of ItS Ophthalmic Hospital its contribution would most usefully be directed towards the rehabilitation of Arab refugees in Jordan. A sum of £10,000 was accordingly voted from the Po t-War Fund to be employed through the resources of the Ho pital on the training of Arab nurses and mediCal orderlies over and above the normal requirements for the staff of the Hospital itself. LIFE SAVING AWARDS

Life Saving Medal in Bronze Div. Officer Gordon Albert Driver, Loddon Ambulance and Nursing Division , St. John Ambulance Brigade, Norfolk. For the rescue of a nine-year old child who had fallen into the Ri\·er Waveney. Divisional Officer Driver in spite of having no special swimming qualifications dived into about 12 feet of water with a strong current and deep undertow to reach the child. Leslie Ewart Morris, a serving member of the Eton Ambulance Divi ion, St. John Ambulance Brigade. For rescue of a boy who had fallen into the River Thames and was in grave danger of drowning. The very prompt and gallant action of Mr. Morris who is aged 58 years without doubt saved the life of the boy. Cadet Alan Baxter, No. C .12 (Dagenham) Ambulance Cadet Division. For the re cue of a young girl from drowning in a sand pit containing about six feet of water into which she had fallen. Cadet Alan Baxter displayed great initiative and determination in difficult sWImmmg conditions. Certificate of Honour Robert Rogers, Southern Africa. For the rescue at personal ri k of a fellow scholar from imminent peril of drowning.

REPORT OF THE HOSPITALLER AND HOSPITAL COMMITIEE The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their sixty-eighth report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General During the year 1959 the ever-increasing interests and activities of the Order of St. John in Jerusalem have prospered. In the early part of the year the two corner stones situated on either side of the main door of the

ST. 10






ne, ho pital \ re laid; at the end of the y ar t~ .building of the new ho pital had be n aIm t ompl ted and \-,"ork on It m~ rn~l con truction \ a far ad anc d. During th y ar our t mporar ~o plta~ m th Old City of Jeru alem, aIr adyapparentl tr t hed t capaclt dunng the pre\ious ear ao-ain creat d a record in the \ lum of it work' \-, hi Ie th r earch work oOn tra homa ha n e mor e ' d d I gitimat e ' pectation and how e er ign of arl and fruitful uc . It ha b en a year of con idera ble effort; but it ha b en a yea r f a hie emen t. THE


There ha e been no change in th per onn I of the Ho pital

omnUttee pre his gratitude to the m mber for their ntinued inter t and the a i tance they ha e given him in the condu t of the affair of the Ord r.

in the year under r jew and th Ho pitall r would like to



T\ 0 e ent during th year 1959 ha ever hado\ dour ho pital in Jeru al m-on tragic and one happ. On 0 emb r 2_nd, Dr. Elias Doan , th A i taut Surgeon to the ho pitai, di d udd nly and unpectedl . Dr. Doan , a oung Arab urg on train d in phthalmology in London \Va a popular and brilliant member of our taff; hi urgical kill and happy per onality ar or 1 mi cd in our h pita!. EI ev.here in thi report a hort obituar noti \ ill b found, but th Committee would, ish to xtend th ir de pe t ympath to hi \\ ido\\ and hi two children. The happ ev nt \ a the onf nnent b H r Maje t Th Qu en of the O.B.E. on Dr. KhaW Bud iri, th ub-Ward nand urg on to the ho pital. 0 e ent ould ha e gi en th ommitt e great r pI a ure and \ e all congratulate him armly on an hon ur v. 11 earn d. An e tract from the citation expre e the feeling of the ommittee in thi matter : , ... he ha no\ \ orked at the Ho pital f t. John for twent - even year and the debt of gratitude ov ed to him b thou and . b th in Jerualem and throughout th Middle Ea t, i ilTlmen e .. . .' The Committee recognises Dr. Budeiri a one of it 1110 t faithful and mo table en'ants and hope that hi er ice v. ill be continu d and e ' tended for many year to corne. To the entire taff Briti h and Arabic, from the Warden and the Matron down to the wa her-women the Committee wi h to e ' pr their thanks for another year' er ice to the Order during \\ hich th y have, one and all perfonned prodigie of work in the er ice of the ick of Jeru alem of Jordan and the urrounding Arab countrie . The difficultie of running a ho pital largely urgical in it a ti itie in the cramped and difficult environment of two old curiou ly con tructed hou c , mu t be seen to be belie ed. To our taff great credit i due for th ir achie\ement thi year, particularly a will be een from the Warden r port, that the a toni hing number of 164 155 pati nt ha e been een during the year, while 3 500 major surgical operation ha eben performed- an in rea e of 376 on the figure la t year, it elf a record in the hi tory of the Order's activities in Jeru alem. This medical acti ity has of cour e, been complicated b a orrespondingly heavy load of admini trati e \ ork resulting from the con truetion of our new building. In thi re pect the Committee would like particularly to record the zealou er ice of Mr. I a Marogi, our Chief

Clerk, \ ho e normal dutie ha e bec.n ollen out o~ recognition by the 'k connected ith the large con 19nment of eqUipment of all types wO ~ I ha been aui ing c ntinuou ly and r gularly in Jordan from lllC 1 w . , d 'Ili 1 ng coGreat Britain. In tlu he ha had the con ClentlOu an o eration of M r. azar ho ha re i ed and checked and ha had the P on ibility for many th u and of pound -worth of tore a they ha e re P at the ite of the new b.UI'Id'mg. arrived . ' Our Briti h iter ha e agam ened u well. Ml Shendan, who wa econd d from M orfield E .e Ho pital, complet d hcr term ~f office and r turned to Mo meld In March' for h .r help and er Ice. the Committe i grateful. h \ a replaced by MI ~. Berry and Ml S. M Carthy, 0 that thc number of iter at th ho pItal at the end of the ye~r \ a five . The ommittee \ i h~ them a happ,Y term of o~ce' and in thi regard it would one more lIke to pa a tnbute to the .munen e ,ice f :t-.1i Mackellar, the :t-.1atron of Moorfield Eye Ho pital.' ho. d~ pit her own cO.n iderable ?iffi.cultie in tafting. ha ne er falle? . to uppl u \: ith ffiClent, enthu !a tIc- and trern ly pre entable-Bnu h Si ter . THE


In la t year' report it \-\ a not d that the ~arden hou e .and . the Matron and iter' H me \\ er o.mpl.eted, furm I?ed and. occ,upled mce July 195 . The m t imp rtant thing 10 an ho pitat project 1 adequate nur e ' quarter; and th \: con tructed fir t. It \\a al 0 noted that in 0\ ember 195 . a mall but ignificant ~cremon took place \\ hen ir Ifred (n \ Lord) Bo ' m. together \\ Ith H..E. the Go\'er~or of Jeru alem, turn d \er the fir t hO\elful f earth III the. con tructt n. of the foundation of th nc\\ ho pital building. Fr m that tlme con tr,uctlOn progre d 0 rapidl) that in {arch 1959. the wall were on:e IX feet high and ufficiently ad\ an ed to alIo a ceremon .ror the la mg o~ the two mer t nc . The fir t remon took place III a and torm, the econd in a lizzard . . For thi pur the hancel10r of the Order. Lieut-G neral SIr Henry Pownall, K . . B., K .B . .. D . . . , M . . , th Ho pitaller the Secretary and a number of mem r f th Order tra\ elled from London to Jerualem. Thank to the pe d and fficienc of the Jordan Arab rm, a ma rquees di tingui hed com pan \\ a pr t cted ~r m the 1 ment whi h r i ted \\ ind and no\ and ram. The compan mcluded the Mini ter of Health, H.E . Dr. Tutunji. wh acted a the per onal repreentati of King Hu in H.E. the GOY rn r of Jeru alem, th Mayor.of that city, th Briti h Con ul- n raJ. a w. 11 a a large and repr entatl e numb r of Jordanian. The rchbI hop 1I1 J ru alem onducted a hort er ice the han eHor and the Ho pitaller both made peech , the former'dra ing particular att otion to the 1 ng a ciation of the Order with Jeru alem, th latter to the hope of th Order f<;,r the ~utur . . 'Ther. upon the Chanc 11 r laid a orner tone '\ ith a Ulta?l~ 10 cnptlOn 10 Encrli hat th rio-ht ide of the main door of th n w bwldmg, th latter a sin~lar ton atthe left of the door in cribed in Arabic, and H.E. ~e Governor of J ru alem thank d th Ord l' in moving term for thelr charitable er ice to th people of Jordan and , pre ed.the de p appreciation felt by hi countrym n. A bra band and a pIpe band of the Jordan Arab Arm contributed music before and after the ceremony. whereafter the Chancellor and the Ho pitaller rec i ed all the gue t at a reception and tea in the nearb Amba ador Hotel.




Sincc that time the building of the new ho pital ha progressed astoni hingly- con iderably in advance of chedule' at the end of the year the outer hell of the building wa completed, and at the time of writing thi report the in id fitting are rapidly going on apace. Uole some untoward ev nt happen th r eem no doubt that the. ent.ire building will be completed by October 1 Lth, 1960, when the ho pJtal .1 cheduled to be officially opened by H.M. King Hu ein and H.R.H. The Duke of Glouce ter the Grand Prior of the Order. The ho pital it elf tand on one of the mo t commanding ite of the modern Arab city of Jeru alen within a large compound which will be laid out a a garden containing th already built re earch laboratory, the Warden' hou e the Matron and Si ter ' 110m and a mall bungalow for re earch worker. A they appeared at th end of the year the e building were univer ally acclaimed by th people of Jcru alem a one ,of the out tanding landmark in the city; and any unbia ed ob erver would agre that their e timate i orrect. It i a group f building of which the Order may well be proud; and it will undoutedlyb b the ophthalmic centr of the Middle a t and will allow the rder to extend and increa e it charitable work in that part of the world wher it j so or ly needed both in the tr atment of ey di ea e and in re earch. Unfortunately the illu tration in thi report do not do the building ju tice for the urrounding environment make adequate photography difficult. To build a completely modern ho pital of thi type i no imple matter and the difficultie are increa cd out of all mea ure when much of the ,con tructional material, mo t of the fitting and all the medical and urgical equipment mu t be tran ported from Great Britain over cas. Trouble aro e which at one time threatened to become acute, but the Secretary paid vi it to Jordan in July and Augu t and again in November, remaining until the end of the year and beyond and by one means or another m othed them all out. The building i now ahead of chedule and all the equipment and fitting in the pipe-line. Apart from the eITort of our ecretary, thi programme could not have been accompli hed without three fact r. ir t, in reat Britain Lord Bo som ha given freely and lavi hly of hi time and experience in upervising the choice, the buying and the di patch of the many hiploads of material we have sent out from thi country. Without his help the Committee would many time have been at a 10 . Second , our Architect, Mr. J. E. Simp on has erved u well; the building will be a fitting tribute to hi profe ional ability. With him Mr. A. Shahin and hi brother, our contractor, have acted with quite unusual goodwill and enthu iasm. The credit for the speed with which the building ha progres ed i due to his efforts; the excellence of the materials is a tribute to hi good faith; and the quite unu ual per onal interest he ha taken in the con truction of the ho pital i a ref1ection of the attitude of grateful friendliness and pride with which the p ople of Jordan look upon our work. Lastly-a nd by no mean least- the help that Hi s Maje ty King Hussein, the Government and the lordan Arab Anny have given u is a matter which must be put on record . Month after month the Army have tran ported vast quantitie of material, varying from hundred of tons of -constructional steel to delicate surgical equipme nt , along the long and ·diffieult desert route from the port of Aqaba to our ite in Jeru alem.




This they have done with Army transport free of charge, thereby saving us thou sand of pounds; and everything has entered the country fre.e of duty. To His Majesty, the Government and the Army the Commlttee would convey its deep appreciation and thanks. The total co t of the hospital buildings, the furnishings and equipment will be in the region of £325,000. This sum has already been secured; to tho e who have contributed and made the project possible the Committee would once more like to express its appreciation. RESEAR H

During the year under review research has continued ap~ce and. is progres ing well. In the report of 1958 we recorded that the VIrus whIch cau es trachoma had been di covered, isolated and grown in the laboratory, whil aIr ady the other organisms which cause the devastating attack of eye infection in Jordan had been assessed. We also called attention to the difficultie inherent in the study of the virus of trachoma ince animal cannot be made to contract the typical disease. Our work mu t, therefore, be conducted largely on human volunteers in London. Despite the e dimcultie progre s ha been m~de; we now ~now th~ most efTective drug for treatment and the e expenment are berng contmued. ]11 the large cale treatment of a di ea e of thi type, oftcourse, the most efTectivc method would be by a prophylactic vaccine. If the infant and child population of a trachoma-ridden country could be protected in this way, it i not impo ible that the di ea e would be virtually made .to di appl:ar within two generation - a ha been done, f~r example WIth mallpo or diphtheria. It i alway dangerou to predIct the result of re earch, but it would cem that the re ult being obtained by the Medical Re earch ouncil Research Unit on trachoma ugge t that such an outcome may omeday be a practical propo ition. The importance of t~s hould be viewed in the per pecti e that a bout one quarter of the 111habitant of the w rId hav been infected with trachoma; hould it become po iblc to eliminate thi di a e a an endemic infection the entire jal face of the Middle Ea t and of large tract of the world beyond would be changed. UB-COMMITTEES

The Ladies' Linen Guild The activitie of the Ladie ' Linen Guild with it a ociated Guilds in Canada, N w Zealand and Au tralia ar noted by the Chairman o~ the Guild in London I wher in thi report. The Ho pital Comrmttee howev r, would lik to put on r cord it grateful apprecia.ti?n of the great int re t now bing taken in the new ho pital in tb DOffil~ons. ~or many year anada ha been an enthu ia tic upporter of the Lmen Gwld sending clothing, material and gift to the ho pital; but in the year ~D:der review it ha excelled it elf. The Hospitaller and Lady Duke-Elder vIslted Canada in connection with the Jubilee of the St. John AmbulanceBrigade in that counlry and told them of the ho pital and its need. The respon e, both in money and gift, ha been magnificent, and the Con:mittee would Ijke to thank th Officer of the Priory in Canada, and ill particular Mr . Willi 0' onnor, for their efforts. New Zealand ha alway b en good to u in thi re pect; for their continued intere t the ommittee would convey it thanks to Lady



Appleton; and of recent years Australia has contributed magnificently to the work of the hospital. To the organisation now set up in each state and particularly to their President, Lady Berryman, the Committee would express its deep appreciation.

The Ladies' Nursing Committee During the year Ull?er revi.ew the Ladies' Nursing Committee in London, . under t?-e chalrm~nshlp of Lady Duke-Elder, has happily discharged Its functIOns of canng for the comfort of the Sisters and Nurses in so far as this can be done in this country. Members of the British nursing staff have been seen before leaving for Jerusalem and helped to prepare for their adventure; those on leave in this country have been met and discussions have taken place regarding uniforms for the Arab nurses and the furnishing of the nurses' quarters in the new hospital. The Jerusalem Ladies' Hospital Committee No sub-committee of the Hospital Committee has given more enthusiastic service to the work of the Order than the Jerusalem Ladies' Hospital Committee working under the chairmanship of Mrs. MacInnes the wife of the Archbishop in Jerusalem. It has concerned itself with such activities .as the marking of hospital linen , advising on the domestic arrangements III the new hospital and as isting our Matron generally in th~ many puzzles that always turn up. The greatest value of the ComTI1ltte~, however, has been in instituting a publicity campaign for the local recrUItment. o~ nurses. In .a country .the population of which is largely Mosl~~, thi.S IS always a d~culty which perhaps may disappear in time. CondItIOns ill our new hospItal where there will be a residential nurses' home, and an active nurses' school recognised by the Jordan Government, will be more .attractive for the recruitment of young girls than they ar~ ~t present, and III these efforts we have the enthusiastic support of the Minister of Health. Our ideal is that the hospital should be taffed more and mor~ by ~ab nurses, and for this purpose no better propagandist could be lffiagmed than the Arab ladies on this Committee. To them the Hospital Committee tenders its appreciation and thanks. REFUGEE YEAR

On the occasion of Refugee Year the Order contributed £10 000 towards the rehabilitation of Arab refugees of which there are still s~me 500,000 in Jordan. The plight of these people is difficult to describe. Our purpose is to spend this sum of money over and above our normal hospItal account in. training y~)Ung men and girls to be nursing orderlies an~ n~rses, educatlllg t~em, if necessary, up to the required standard. It IS ~ifficult to accomplish much at the moment because of the strained and illadequate accommodation in our present hospital' it will be easy whe? the new building opens in the autumn of 1960. Ne~ertheless, plans are In hand for making a start. THE OLD HOSPITAL BUILDINGS, BETHLEHEM ROAD, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL

The condition of. the. old h~spital now sited in Israel- potentially a valuable propertY-Is still causmg the Committee considerable concern. The Secretary. has aga~ visited the property but up to the end of the year under reVIew no satlSfactory solution to our difficulties had emerged.




The Committee would like to thank for their support all those who have again contributed to the Hospital-Research Project, and in particular those who have done so by deed of covenant. It wishes also to extend its thanks to those who have helped the Hospital financial~y ~ 1959. Once again it is particularly grateful for the support of the Pnones of Scotland, Wales, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Commandery of Ards. It is very much to be hoped that the Priories and Commandery will convey the thanks of the Committee to all those who have kindly subscribed. The Committee wishes to give special acknowledgment to the Preceptories of the Masonic Order of Knights Templar of England, who have contributed so generously over a number of years that they have now supplied the furniture and equipment of the operating theatre suite in the new building ; also to the Clothworkers Company which has once more made a generous contribution to the funds of the Hospital. CONCLUSION

It is a great pleasure for the COIIllIDttee to express more than their usual thanks to the Warden, Dr. A. J. Boase, and the Sub-Warden, Dr. Khalil Budeiri, for their loyal and devoted services during the past year, augmented as they have been by the complications of building. To our Matron, Miss Katherine Stent, and our Assistant Matron, Miss B. A. Blewitt, the Committee is equally grateful for the extra load they have carried in a diQcult year : in the running of our present hospital, in the planning of the new one and in maintaining the most pleasant relations with the people of Jerusalem. They have served the Order with much zest and enthusiasm . The Committee feels it is equally in the debt of the British Sisters and the entire Arab staff, and once again it records its pleasure at the happy relationships that contjnue to exist within the family for which it is responsible. This year will be the last in which our present premises will be stretched beyond all reason and belief in our medical and surgical work; next year the Committees hopes that the staff will have material facilities much more adequate for carrying on the traditions of the Order in the care of the sick. Even so, it would seem impossible that the spiritual atmosphere of service could be improved. (Signed) STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospitaller.


The diary records the arrival in Jerusalem on the same day in February of snow and Major Underhill, the chill of the former tempered by the wannth of the latter. Thus heralded many distinguished visitors soon followed for the impressive ceremony of the laying of the corner stones of the new hospital by the Chancellor of the Order, Sir Henry Pownall, and the Hospitaller, Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, on March 5th. Despite most inclement weather there was a large gathering which included the Minister of Health, Dr. Tutunji, representing His Majesty King Hussein. On the platform the Chancellor was supported by our Consul-General





and Mrs. Charles Stewart, and the Archbishop and Mrs. MacInnes from Jerusalem, and from England the Lady Webb-Johnson, Lady Duke-Eld Sir Philip and Lady Southwell and Miss Reeves. After the ceremony Chancellor and Hospitaller received the many guests for tea at the Ambassador Hotel. e It was with much sa~isfacti~n. that we h:eard during the year that OUr Sub-Warden, Dr. Khahl Budelr}-, had receIVed the ~onour of the O.B.E. There can be few rew.a:ds so nch.ly deserved as th1s. The insignia Was pre ented to I?r. Budelfl by he actIng Consul-General Mr. Robert Brash at a ple~sant. lllformal cereJ?1ony when we were able to register our con~ gratulatIOns III the appropnate manner. Earlier in the year Dr. BUdeiri had been to England for medical attention and a subsequent period of three months' study-leave. On a very sad note we record the great loss of our as istant surgeon Dr. ~lias Doany, whose tragic and sudden death on November 22nd ha~ depnved us of a colleague of more than average merit. To hi widow we extend our deepe t sympathy. A similar sad mi fortune befell u early in the year. Our lawyer H~nna f\talla, who had been to the Order a valued coun elior and a good fnend, dIed sudde~ly on February 11 tho In his place we now have as our advocate Mr. Jamll 1. Habiby orne time ajudge of the High Court during the Mandate. St. John's "pay. was celebrated in the customary manner with an early mornmg serVIce m t~e crypt of the old church of St. John, an alfresco breakfast at the hospItal, and the Garden Party in the grounds of Watson House. The number of gue ts was, if anything, greater than in previous years. T~e Ch~istmas festivities for the Arab taff at the ho pital deserve specla~ pralse. The generosity of the Priory of Canada enabled the Matron and Slsters to arrange a more than usually lavish Christmas tree with pre ents for all and a remarkably good Chri tmas dinner. Could the donors but have seen the pleasure and enjoyment reali ed with their gift they w~uld.have felt. amply rewarded. A it is we are very grateful to them for theIr .kind. conslderatlOn. So, too , must we thank Major Underhill for allowmg himself to be conscripted as a waiter at the staff banquet.



I~ his Repo.rt fo: 1958 the Hospitaller referred to the formation of a Ladles Co~ttee .m Jerusalem. It is mo t satisfying to record that this ~ub -c~mmittee, whIch ~et for the fir t time in January, has fully justified Its eXl~tence. The chalrman, Mrs. MacInnes, has kindly supplied the followmg note on its activities:" The sub-committee met. at monthly intervals throughout the year except for a short break dunng the summer vacation when several member were away. Membership altered with the much regretted departure of J;1rs. Cha~les Stewart and Mrs. Franklin who were replaced by Mrs. Ma atouk, wife of a local doctor, and Mrs. Rickard of the Consulate of the U.S.A. "T~e main concern of the sub-committee has been with domestic plannmg for ~~e new hospital and the care and well-being of the nursing staff.. In a~dltlOn, .a go?d ~eal of propaganda has been undertaken with the aIm. of lllterestmg guls m nursing as a career while at the same time combatmg a recognised prejudice against this profession.

"A sewing guild has been formed which at its bi-monthly meetings carries out a great deal of u eful and essential work. "It has been most gratifying to note that the activities of the sub-committee and the ewjng guil.d hav~ c0!TI~ined to"increase the interest in the hospital and the esteem III whlch It 1S held. SE lOR STAFF

Miss P. Berry and Mi S. McCarthy arrived on March 3rd on first appointment as ur ing Si ters, and Miss B. Sheridan returned to London. We are grateful to Mis MacKellar, Matron of Moorfields, for having seconded Mi s Sheridan to us for nine months, and to Miss Sheridan for her service at the ho pital. The Secretary , Major Underhill paid us three visits during the year, spending altoge~he.r orne three months in Jerusal~m. His main conc.ern was with the bUlldmg programme of the new hospItal, but he found time to feature in Radio Jordan equivalent of "In Town Tonight" (when we admired the dip~macy with which he replied to leading questions). VISITORS

The remarkable increa e in the tourist traffic during the year has brought many more i itor to the hospital than usual. Among these we were plea ed to be able to welcome the Lord Mayor of Belfast and Mrs. McKee who were here for a few day in March; Herr von Cossel , the Chancellor of the G erman Order of St. John' Sir Charles and Lady Johnson of the Briti h Emba y in Amman; and Mr. Stewart Perowne, no stranger to Wat on Hou e. TATISTICS

The quinqu nnial figur for 1955- 59 are given in the accompanying table. The summer wa cool and so we were spared the usual iolent epidemic of conjunctiviti , a factor that may explain the slight fal} in the number of new ca e. Admi ion increa ed by 198, and operatIOns by 376 figures that probably represent the maximum attainable. Cataract cases continue to increa e in almost arithmetical progression, the annual total having nearly trebled itself in the five years. Retinal detachment, of which 28 case came to operation js a surprisingly common condition in Jordan. The continued expan ion in the work of the hospital is to be attributed in no small mea ure to the highly skilled nur ing the patients receive. But for this the a erag case would be many more days in hospital and the turn-over of case would be consid rably Ie s than it i at present. Therefore honour where honour is due-to our Matron and nursing staff. (Signed) ARTHUR BOASE,





Those who are interested in the Ophthalmic Hospital of St. John in Jerusalem will be distressed to know that Dr. Elias Doany died suddenly on November 22nd, 1959, at the early age of 35. Dr. Doany, a Palestinian, recei.ved his medical education .at the. ~meri. can University at Beirut and his postgraduate o~hthaimic tramlOg at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. He was apPolllted House Surgeon at our hospital in Jerusalem in Jul~ 1947. Shortly a.r~e~ joining the staff, the routine of the hospital was dIsturbed by hostllttles that gradually mounted towards the end of the British Mandate, and finally broke out in the Arab-Jewish war of 1948. In May 1948 the conditions in Jerusalem were such that the Warden, Dr. Manson, took the Matron to the Lebanon for safety, leaving Dr. Doany in charge of the hospital; Dr. Manson was unable to return owing to the intensity of the fighting, so that Dr. Doany was in sole charge of our hospital at a very difficult time. Eventually the area around the hospital was over-run by the Jewish Army when Dr. Doany allowed the military guards wJ:o has been left with him to escape and he himself remained to be taken prisoner by the Jews when they occupied the hospital. While he was awaiting trial, the Arab Governor in Jerusalem arranged for his exchange for a Jewish doctor in Arab hands, and thereafter he opened a small outpatient clinic in the Old City of Jerusalem at Watson House, the forerunner of our present temporary ho phal in that city. There he worked maintaining the services of the Order in the very hazardous conditions of war while the Warden remained in Amman making himself available a an oph· thalmic consultant for patients in that city or evacuated to it. When our temporary hospital was fully opened, Dr. Doany again joined the staff as House-Surgeon, and in September, 1952, he was made Surgical Registrar and was subsequently promoted to the post of Assistant Surgeon in July, 1955. Dr. Doany was well known in London where he had received his specialist education and whither he returned periodically on tudy-leave. He was an unusually good and adroit surgeon and endeared himself to everyone in the hospital for his enthusiasm, his cheerfulness and his ability. It is indeed sad that he has left us at a time when he was reaching the height of his professional attainments, for we were all looking forward confidently to his continued association in the work of the Order for many years. Both in Jerusalem and in London his loss will be severely felt, but the charm of his personality as well as his professional skill will long be remembered. In September, 1955, Dr. Doany married Miss Mona D. Mikhail, and to them in their home in Ramallah a son was born in 1956, and a daughter in 1958. Our sympathy goes out to them in their bereavement. Dr. Doany was admitted as an Associate O'jicer of the Order in July 1954, and the photograph shows his investiture by the Hospitaller in the hospital in Jerusalem.





a . considerable incr~s~ in .the number of men~ women and children exammed by the AssoclatIOn III England, and dunng 1959 this figure amounted to over 166,000. Classes increased by the magnificent figure of 674, which is a very remarkable achievement and redounds very greatly to the cr~d.it. of all those who worked for ~e devel?pment of the Association's activitles. The total number of certIficates ISSUed exceeded the previous year by over 4,500. One particularly interesting aspect is the increase in the r:umber of candidates for PrelimJna~ Nursing and Child Care courses. ThlS may well be due to the publicatlOn of our new attractive Manuals in these subjects. The figures for Preliminary First Aid have dropped, which is not surprising as classes would be awaiting the publication of our Preliminary First Aid Manual which had been hoped for in 1959. Generally, it would seem that the increase has been spread over many different fields, but naturally industry accounts for a larger proportion. The work of stimulating interest in First Aid throughout Industry continues. Employers are extending their appreciation of the value of First Aid. An employee who can look after himself or his family at home in the event of mishap is less likely to have to stay away from work. THERE HAS BEEN


Lt.-Colonel E. C. Croft resigned in June as a Deputy Director-General. a post which he had held since 1952. We are most grateful to Colonel Croft for an he did during the years he held office, and in particular for his assi tance in establi hing a sound County organisation. He gave unstintingly of his time to the St. John Ambulance Association and we are most grateful to him. The Association has twenty County Directors and we hope that this. number will increase. The value of these appointments has been abundantly proved by results . Sir Henry Studdy, formerly Chief Constable for the West Riding of Yorkshire, resigned as Director for that County and was succeeded by the new Chief Constable, Mr. G. E. Scott. Sir Harold Smith, County Director for Hampshire, resigned as Director for that County and was succeeded by Mr. C. H. Leach. Dr. C. Petvin Porter, who for many years has been County Director for Worcestershire, and indeed was one of the first to hold such an appointment, resigned and was succeeded by Mr. J. A. Willison, Chief Constable of the Worcestershire Constabulary. We are most grateful to these three retired County Directors for all they did and for the excellent way in which they set up an Association organisation in their counties. We also thank their successors for taking on this work. The Association Committee sustained a sad loss in the death of Dr. P. Pringle, Chief Medical Officer of the Central Electricity Authority, in November. Dr. Pringle had always been a very staunch supporter of the St. John Ambulance Association and contributed very greatly to the expansion of our work in the electricity industry. He will be a very grave



10 s, not only as a member of our Committee, but also as Chainnan of our Briti h Electricity Ambulance Centre. Mr. R. Bramley-Harker, formerly of the Ministry of Labour and National Service, re igned as member of the Committee and was succeeded by Mr. H . F. Ro etti in November. We are grateful to Mr. Ro etti for the help and advice he has given u not only on the Committee, but also on matters concerning the Mini try. On his promotion, Mr. Ro setti wa succeeded by Mr. H. F. B. Fane. Dr. J. Vaughan Jones, repre enting the Briti h Medical A ociation, resigned as a member of the Committee and was ucceeded by Dr. J. S. Noble. Our thanks are due to these and to all the other member of the Committee for their mo t valuable a sistance at all time. PUBLICATIONS AND COUR E

The two joint Manual publi hed in 1958 in collaboration with the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the Briti h Red Cros Society in Fir t Aid and Nursing have proved most popular and till receive a warm welcome from tho e who take our cour e . They have obviously been a development of the right sort, and to judge from the comparatively few criticisms and comment, it would seem that the three Societies have produced books which are up-to-date and in accordance with modern VIews. Preliminary First Aid Manual: This book wa , for variou rea ons, delayed, and will be publi hed in 1960. It very attracti e iilu trations and clearly set out text will, no doubt, meet the need for a manual in accordance with modem trends. It ha been planned so that it may be used in all parts of the world, and we hope that it will be found uitable lor translation to meet local needs in different countries. Preliminary Nursing Manual: This book wa published in October and received very favourable reviews. It is hoped that it will be found useful by anyone who wishes to secure a knowledge of nur ing at home, and possibly serve as a reference book even for those who do not take our courses. It is intended for adults as much as for young people. Preliminary Child Care Manual: This book wa published in April and also was a subject of much favourable comment. It is very attractively illustrated and it is hoped that it will be helpful to all tho e who have the care of small children, and find a place in many home as a book of reference. Catechisms of First Aid and Nursing: These are general publications and work proceeded on them throughout the year. It i hoped that they will both appear in 1960. They should be of considerable help to those who take our courses and be a handy mean of revision. We should like once again to record our thanks to Dr. White Knox, who is writing the Preliminary First Aid Manual, Miss Ottley , who wrote the Preliminary Nursing Manual and Mis Keene who wrote the Preliminary Child Care' Manual. These three author have given the Association books of which they may well be proud. We al 0 are very grateful to Mrs. Kirkham who drew the excellent illustrations for the e Preliminary books. .


It became clear that in order to keep in line with modem conditions needed to en ure that all those who held First Aid examination w~ards particularly in industry, should be up-to-date with their knowfedge. The Association Committee decided that a life of three years should be placed upon Medallion and Label. Holders of these who allow them to lap e are now required to take a full course of doctor's lectures before obtaining their next a:vard. A. "life" of three years has also ~een placed upon the Initial ur mg Certifica~e, so that there ma~ ?e eVIdence that holders of thi too were in po e lOn of up-to-date trailllllg .. The ystem of marking in Fir t Aid examinations was reVIewed, .and. a simpler arrangement brought into force at the end of the year. ThIS WIll not only be of assistance to examiners, but also ensure that standards are maintained and all candidates get the fairest possible treatment. A new cour e for Lay Demon trators in Nursing was instituted on the same line a that which exi t for First Aid. Thi was brought in to meet a general reque t, and it is hoped that it will be a success. A



The activities of the A ociation continue to extend in many spheres, amongst which Indu try howed an encouragin~ ~evelopmet. The cooperation received from H.M. Inspector of Factones I I?o.st welcome a~d of great a i tance to County Directors and AssocIatlOn Centres ill Indu trial ar a . We have re eived mo t encouraging upport from the Prison Commision and from the Fore try Commi sion. Fir t Aid training in prisonS' received full upport from the Pri on Commis ion and .tep ha-ye be~n taken to en ure that a good upply of textbook and eqUlpment IS available for the e cour e . In the Fore try Commis ion, classes are taking pl:lce fO.r th ir work r , and we are grateful for the co-operation which we receive. Whil it i till difficult to achieve the expan ion we would like to see in th teJching of ir t Aid on farm there ha been an increasing intere t, and on e ao-ain ware grateful to the Young Farmers' Clubs for their uupport. ati nal Competition for Young Farmers was instituted during the year and took place at the Royal Show at Oxford. It was so succe ful that plan were made for a further competition next year. This, with th upport given to County Competition run by Yo~ng Famler' Club, indicate how it i po ible to provide the farmmg indu try with a potential ba i of training in First Aid and we hope that this will continue. County Director continued with their cherne for development, and a number of new Centre were formed, including Stratford-on-Avon. Sherborne, Ba ing toke, Haltwhistle and Ferndown. The Stourbridge and Wareham Centres were recon tituted and the Chiche ter Centre reorgani ed. Reports received from Centres prove the great service which they and their Committee are rendering to the public in their areas. It is very good to read in their reports of the close touch which Centres are keeping with other organi ations uch as W.V.S., Boy Scouts, Girl Guide and Youth Clubs. There is al 0 a growing contact between Centres and the local Education Authorities in some area where the support given to our work has been most encouraging. In Su sex, the Centre Repre entative Scheme was in tituted' and is now well esta blished. It is receiving support in all areas of the County.



Th.e Club at East Grinstead continues to prove a very happy activity of this Centre. In London, the County Director has continued with his organisation of loca~ committees, and in the City. of London, the Lord Mayor very graCIOusly consented to present certlficates to successful candidates at a ceremony held in the Mansion House. In the so.uth-~ast area of London a number of very successful meetings were held In different boroughs to establish local borough committees These have alre~dy proved their value by the number of classes which ?ave been orgamsed as a r~ult of thei~ actiyities .. Th.e Committee set up 1n the E~st Area has e~ta~lished relatIOnships WIth Important industrial unde~~kings. An orgarusatIOn wa formed in Westminster, and as a result of this mterest has been aroused amongst building contractor which will we hope, s~0"Y devel~pments in ~ 960 with courses for contractors' em~ -ploy.ees. ThIS IS most Important smce First Aid on buildings ites can be -of vItal help. . Contact by Headquarters has been maintained with out ide organisat~ons. a?d we are very glad to rep0r.t that we have had very happy relatIOns WIth the Industnal Welfare SOCIety, the Duke of Edinburgh' Award Scheme, the W.V.S., and the Royal Life ~aving Society, amongst others. We are always grateful for the co-operatIOn and help which we receive froT? the St.. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross SO~lety, W~IC? makes the .w ork of the three voluntary Societie so much e~sler. and It IS of great a Istance when conducting di cu ing on training WIth Gov~m~ent. and Ministries. The fact that these three Societie are now worklI~g ~n lme ensures that the highest possible ervice is rendered to the publtc m the. matter of First Aid and Nursing training. w.e should also lIke to record our appreciation of the help which we receIve: ~rom the Armed Fo.rces. We are ~articularl~ grateful to the Army .authonttes for the help whIch they gave In promotmg Fir t Aid training both. at ho~e and overseas. A very happy development was the institutio~ of FlI"st Aid classes for Gurkhas at the Army Chest Clinic at Hindhead where alrea~y a number of men have received certificates. · . Once ag~In ~eports. fro~ Centres indicate the very large part competitIOns play In stImul~t.mg mterest and maintaining standards of First Aid. These. lo~al competitIOns are most valuable and reach a wide range of {)rgan~sat~ons. We are very grateful to all those who take part in their 'orgamsatIOn. A sc~eme for subscribing membership was introduced with the object of m3.kmg ~ull. use of lat~nt ~upport available to the Association and its local org3.ll1SatIOn, to n:amtam the interest of certificate-holder and to .encourage them to retam connection with the Centre or the Association :as a wh?le, and also to enable thos.e who wish to help the Association in a. m3.te~Ial way. Naturally, also, thIS scheme will provide valuable finan~lal asslsta~c.e for Centres to enable them to expand their activities Rules or Subscnbmg have now been adopted . A speCIa . 1· badge d . . . Membership was a I so mstitute whIch may be worn by Association members. VISUAL AIDS AND PUBLICITY

Further developmen.ts ~ave taken place in this field and we are very -gra.teful.to thos~ orgam.satIOns who have prepared Visual Aid material to ~SSISt WIth the InstructIOn of classes. The British Transport Commission ave prepared further film strips based on the new First Aid Manual




dealing with fractures in two parts. The National Coal Board have made a number of films which are prima.rily design~ .for the .m~ing industry, dealing with haemorrhage, asphYXIa and artIfiCIal resplratIOn, fractures and burns. The National Dock Labour Board have completed their film on Artificial Respiration in collaboration with the Association and this is noW available. The St. John Ambulance Association has produced a publicity film with professional actors entitled "The Long Wait." This film, which lasts for 20 minutes, will be a very great asset to all those who are striving to stimulate an interest .in ~e ~eed for First Aid and. it is expected to be available for general dlstnbutlOn through commerCIal channels and also for private showing in 1960. The Association continued to be fully alive to the need for display material at exhibitions, agricultural shows and other functions and they are very grateful to the Press Office of the Order of St. John for the fine material which is now being produced. Apart from photographic displays, ~here are av~ilable fann models ar:d int~rior s~nes of. hou.ses indicatmg where accldents can occur and stImulatIng an mterest m Flrst Aid on the farm and in the home. Publicity material has also been issued dealing with the activities of the Association and also its views on such current matters as the expired air, or "mouth to mouth," method of artificial respiration. A


MEDITERRANEAN Cyprus: The number of Fir t Aid Certificate i sued in 1959 shows a disappointing decline in comparison with the previous year, but it is offset by the number of children who qualified for Preliminary First Aid certificates. This is the highest ever and is mo t encouraging. Very uccessful Preliminary First Aid competitions were held in June, and were attended by over 300 children of all communities. The prizes were presented by the Mini ter of Health . The Teacher' Training Colleges and Turkish Elementary School are including First Aid in their permanent syllabus, while the Police Force Nurses' Training School and certain Government departments are continuing to make full use of the Association's courses. The work of the A ociation in industry increased when the Mining Company in addition to the Cyprus Mining Corporation and a Cement Factory instituted First Aid courses for their employees with satisfactory results. It is clear that the Association continue to play a large part in the acitivities of the island, and results reflect great credit upon all thos", who work for the Association in Cyprus.

Malta: A number of successful courses were run and 593 candidate qualified for certificates and awards in various subjects. THE MIDDLE EAST Aden: 191 candidates successfully obtained First Aid certificates and the Police Force found the Arabic translation most useful. First Aid training was given to members of the Aden Protectorate Levies on the same lines as is given at the Army First Aid Training Wing in England. The first Arab Officer First Aid instructors did excellent work.



The Sudan Railways continued their Fir t Aid training for employees ::md twelve classes were held during the year with a total of 250 candi~ date examined, 217 of whom were succe sful in obtaining certificates. Interest in the work of the A ociation and its publication continues. In the Middle Ea t, enquirie for help, advice and a i tance have been recei ed from United Nation Relief and Work. Ag~ncy, and requests for books have come from the French Force 111 LIbya, the National Sch 01 of Nursing in Beirut, the Lebanese ationa1 Scout and other bodies. This growing interest i worthy of con iderable upport and we are bearing in mind the possibility of Arabic translation of our First Aid Manuals. FRICA It was the most uccessful year ince th As ociation was e tablished in Ghana, and a total of 962 award i 450 more than the total for 1958, which was the pre ious record year. Much new ground has been covered, and cla ses have been held for a number of new organi ation which include the Builder' Brigade (Men c.nd Women), Civil Aviation (including the Airport Fire Service), nited Afnca Company of Ghana Ltd. , and two Teacher' Training Colleges. The ational First Aid Competition under the au pices of the St. John mbu1ance As ociation wa held on the 21st October, 1959. It was the fir t competition ·of the kind ever held in the country, and wa an out· , randing succes . Eight teams were entered for the men' eVt;nt and three for the ladies'. The trophies were presented to the winning team by the H n. Minister of Health. Prior to the ational Competition. the Ghana Police held their annual competition on the 19th October. Thi was also a lughly successful event. The Mines have al 0 held a competition during the year. During the year, the new National Headquarters has been e tablished in a building kindly made available by the Commi sioner of Police. It is centrally situated and provides fir t class accommodation for the Head· quarter's Officer and is also an excellent training centre and Fir t Aid po_to Dr. Coles, the St. John Headquarter's Officer, rendered mo t valuable assistance during the year, and it was largely due t her energetic approach that the teaching and instructional side has made uch headway. In Nigeria, Mr. Christie, the Order's Organiser, continue to do excel· lent work, and a number of Lay Lecturers have been training to meet the ~1ee~s for instructor~ for the increa ed number of cour es. Great upport IS glVen by the PolIce and Railways, who fully appreciate the value of the assistance given by Lay Lecturers. We are very grateful for the large num ber of men who help in this way. During his visit to Nigeria H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, Grand Prior of the Order of St. ] ohn, witnessed a c1~ss of L ay Lecturers in training, and saw how they deal with emer· gencles. He was accompanied by Sir Ralph Gray, K .C.V.O ., C .M.G., and Mr. Bovell, the Inspector-General, Nigerian Police. The class were much inspired by this visit. The Civil Aviation Authorities have been in touch with Mr. Christie and he has started training their employees. The first class oroved most succe sful. T~e .Nigerian Ports Authority have developed a strong organisation and It IS very encouraging to know that they have been able to arouse




enthusiasm among the family members of their African staff who have started training in First Aid. A further interesting development was a Preliminary Home Nursing Course for eight Policewomen, and the resul ts of examinations taken by members of the Police Force are remarkable, the number of successful candidates being double that of 1958. We were very glad to see Mr. Bank-Anthony, the Director of the Association in Nigeria in England, and are grateful to him for all he is doing. In Sierra Leone the Order now has an Organiser, and he has taken up his duties with great enthusiasm. He has already started his training of Lay Lecturers to form a ba i for the training organisation. Courses are run for the ports and for the general public. while great assistance is given by Dr. Caruan~ in ~o, who has been able to organise courses there, including one for sernor girls at a Convent School. The Police have considerably increased the number of men trained. and have been able to render Fir t Aid in road accidents, both during their duty time and off-duty period, thus putting into good practice what has been taught them at their cla es. They have al 0 given assistance at demon trations to cla es out ide the Force which has been a very valuable a et to the Headquarter Officer. We are glad to know that First Aid training is taking place in the British Cam eroon, and a free gift of books was ent to Miss Dawson of the CD.C. Ho pital, Tiko, for u e at classes for the Police and others. Kenya ha seen a va t increase over 1958, and the Police have started an nergetic drive for First-Aider. Over 200 non-Englishspeaking Eri ans pa sed the Preliminary First Aid examination, and many more adult both European and African passed the adult examination. Clas e held in chool in airobi how an increase, and in out ide areas the po ition remains atisfactory. It is good to know that the number of men, chiefly among the Police, who ha e taken reexaminations have increa ed and efficiency has thus been maintained.

The Ki llmu area ha opened up once again and classes have been started there. The greate t need is still for lecturers to meet the increased interest in our work. Everything possible is being done to obtain more help, and the assistance given by the Director of Medical Health and his staff wa invaluable and greatly appreciated. Successful efforts have been made to recon titute local committees in some areas and in general this has been done. The strong support of the Police, Railways and Prison Commi sion is very encouraging. and we are most grateful to them. Fundraising is well maintained in all parts of the Colony, although the Nairobi area made the most- £5,885. AIl workers are to be congratulated on a Successful year and on the heartening success which should inspire them to even greater progress in the future. In Mauritius there has been considerable progress and an increasing number of candidates have been successful in examinations. As a resu1t, new divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade are being formed. ~here is inspiring support from Government departments as well as outSide bodies, such as Boy Scouts.



In Uganda, the Headquarters building wa completed by the end of the year and the opening, together with the Annual General Meeting was planned to take place early in 1960. These Headquarter will be ~ very good asset to the A sociation in Uganda. The highlight of the year was the visit of H.M. the Queen Mother in February and there was con. iderable St. John acti ity during the week of the Royal visit. Her Majesty was able to ee the ite of the new Headquarter and the building under construction. Throughout th year, Lay Lecturer have been ex. tremely active and a large number of new one trained. New centres of activity have been opened in Ggaba, Soroti, Kyambogo T acher ' Train. ing College, Jinja Medical School, Tororo ollege, Bugema Seventh Day Adventist Training College and Luziru Central Pri on. A a re ult of the work of Lay Lectur rs and the cla s organi ed, new Divi ion of the St. John Ambulanc Brigade have been regi tered for Jinja and in the Kampala Fire Brigade. Three succe ful courses wer organi ed in the Kilembe Copper Nline . It is very encouraging to know that the Police Training School now include the adult cour e in the programme instead of the preliminary. A very intere ling de lopment wa an intensive cour e for A i tant Community Development Officer, and the establish. ment of a Branch of the A ociation in Saroti in lh Ea tern Province. It will be seen that the A sociation now has contact with a very wide range of organisations, and i well-e tabE hed in schools and training colleges as well as receiving splendid upport from the Police, Electricity Board, Railways and Fire Services. The thanks of the A ociation are due to all tho e who have worked so hard to achieve thi development and also to the great number of Lay Lecturers who are doing uch plendid work. The President of the Zan;..ibar Centre, Sir Henr Potter, K.C.M.G., and the Chairman, Dr. D. A. Baird, O.B.E .. left durin g the year, and we are very grateful to them for the great work they did to et up the now flourishing Centre of the Association. Sir George Mooring, CM.G., and Dr. 1. W. MacKichan have taken on the responsibilitie of Pre ident and Chairman. The student Lay Lecturer gave a tea party and presented Dr. Baird with a suitcase. This i a very clear indication of the happy state of affairs in the Centre. There are now seven Lay Lecturer trained and they have already held two classes with marked succes . The Centre is now well-established and looks forward to a successful future. ASIA

Ceylon has had another most successful year and 7,780 candidates passed examinations, which is an increase of nearly 3,000 as compared with 19?8. We should like to congratulate thi Centre upon such a splendld record and express our deep appreciation of the vast amount of work which has been done to achieve these results. The Centres in Trincomalee and Batticaloa have been revived, and course in First Aid, Nursing and Child Welfare have been organised in many schools, train· ing colleges and community centres where courses were not held before .. The co-operation of the Police and other Government departments is most encouraging, and we were greatly inspired by the addres of H.E. tbe Governor-General on the occasion of the Annual Inspection of the police Corps,. St. ~ ohn Ambulance Brigade, when he took the opportunity of recordmg hIS very personal thanks for the service they render to Ceylon as a result of their training. With such backing the Association in Ceylon




can look forward to yet further successes and we send our congratulations. to them. The Hongkong Centre had a successful year and 21 more classes were tarted than in 1958 . Nat~rally, I?-0st clas~es are conducted in Chinese, but there were a few ill EnglIsh. CandIdates were mostly from the Police, Education and Fire Brigade Departments of the Government, but everallarge ervice and various non-Government schools and welfare organisation were concerned. The disastrous floods which took place in June howed how valuable the training given by the Association can be on such occa ion and the St. John organisation in Hongkong was able to offer great as i tance with First Aid rescue work. An interesting development was the organisation of classes for Inspectors and Regulator of the Hongkong Tramways. These were very successful and the Hongkong Tramway gave pecial encouragement, including dinner parties to celebrate the succes of the candidates. The Association's First Aid arm badge is to be worn by the Inspector and Regulators who hold valid certificates. The Civil Aid Services gave special attention to First Aid training and organi ed special First Aid refresher courses with marked attention to Lay Lecturers. This should prove a very valuable ba is [or development in 1960. The St. John Ball in February and the St. John Flag Day in June were the As ociation's two fund-raising events in the y ar and were, a u uaL most uccessful. The A 0 iation Centre for the Federation of Malaya reports most encouraging development and new Headquarters have been opened at Selangor. The new Headquarter at Kuala Lumpur are nearly completed and will be opened by the Sultan of Selangor in 1960. These Headquarters are a wonderful as et to the St. John Ambulance Association in the Federation and congratulation are due to everyone who bas contributed towards the achievement of the e great result. Thi makes four Headquarter building completed within the la t two years and we consider this to be a magnificent record. During thi year, J ohore has also been given land for a Headquarter and it i hoped that building will start during 1960. It i int r ting to reali e from report that such Headquarter are u ed not only for Fir t Aid and ur ing cIa ses but also for a variety of actlvitie such a port, clas e in typewriting and music, dance and evening entertainment. Through these varied events the building are able to ju tify their exi tence and will prove very valuable assets to the A sociation in the various States of the Federation. An example of what can be done is the Demonstration Ward planned for the Headquarters building in Kuala Lumpur, which will assist the Home Nursing courses and will be opened when the building itself is completed. The Order's Organi er, Miss Checkley, who ha done such wonderful work to spread a knowledge of First Aid and the subjects taught by the A ociation throughout the Federation, visited many educational and other e tablishment during the year. For example, on the invitation of the Principal of the Malay Training College, she spoke to the students and later he called at the General Hospital and arranged for classes to be begun at once. The e visit resulted in the establishment of courses and the hope that tho e trained would form Nursing Divisions during the year. It was a happy indication of the international character of our movement that two world-famous Indian dancers gave a charity show in aid of the Training and the Building Fund. At the Annual General Meeting, H.E. the Prime Mini ter took the Chair and we are greatly



encouraged by the wonderful support which we received from His Majesty and members of the Federation Government. Schools throughout the Federation pay very great attention to the First Aid courses and this is a development which we hope to encourage. One special item of interest during the year was the distribution of Landrovers and other vehicles to Centres as a re ult of the disbandment of the Malayan Welfare teams, and these have proved extremely valuable in the various States to which they have been given. We were honoured by the interest of His Late Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and his Con ort, and are ..grateful for their inspiring support and al 0 to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister for all they have done to forward the work of the St. John Ambulance Association in the Federation. With this backing it has been pos ible to produce results which have been an example to the whole world. In North Borneo, there have been con iderable developments and -classes have been held in various organisations, including members of Model and Secondary Schools, the Fire Brigade and the Police. Generous contributions have been received from individuals and commercial undertakings. In North Borneo, however, the position continue to be difficult for the variou departments of the Government, including Railways, Customs and the Electricity Board, etc. Plan are being organised for First Aid training, in addition to tho e already organised, for the Police and Civil Aviation. It would al 0 seem important that refre her courses should be organised for the Public Work Department. There is a .shortage of voluntary welfare workers and this naturally affects the work of the Association in the territory. It had been hoped to end an organiser to the Colony at the end of the year, but this did not eventuate. We believe that the services of an organiser for a period will be of great value to North Borneo. Early in the year, the Association in the territory bought a new ambulance to serve Jesselton, which enabled the existing ambulance to be transferred to Papar and it has already been put to very good use. This is the kind of activity which the Association con iders to be of great value and we congratulate the Centre on its valuable aid to the welfare service of the territory. It must be appreciated that classes are .held not only in English, but also in Malay and Chinese and thus the translations of Association Manuals in these languages is very important.



use St. John books and up-to-date copies have been sent to them. It is most encouraging to know that the Association's publications are reaching into su~h a wide field and. we will investigate the need for translations when the time seems appropnate.

PACIFIC ISLANDS In Fiji. consideration is being given to the re-organisation of the Committee with a view to including a more representative range of citizen . A list of names has been prepared and is being submitted to the Pre ident, H.E. Sir Kenneth Maddocks, C.M.G., for approval and it is hoped that greater public interest in the work of the Association will result. Plan are in hand for a new building to serve as joint Headquarters for the t. John and the Fiji Branch of the British Red Cross Society_ There has been a very encouraging increase in the number of classes held and many more candidates were examined in First Aid and Nursing. The new books have been received with keen interest and are widely used by doctor and al 0 by other organisations. In the Gilb ert and Ellice Islands. as a result of the award of Adult Fir t Aid Certificates to 27 members of the Colony Constabulary, a unit of the Brigade was formed and this is an encouraging development of the Association's work. Throughout the year, First Aid training continued.

On Ocean Island. with lectures by a qualified Lay Lecturer and also on the islets of Bairiki and Betio on the attol of Tarawa with lectures given by A i tant Medical Officer . Training wa also given to members of the Pri on Service. We had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Hook, the Honorary ecretary of the A ociation's Centre, in England, and are very grateful to him and to all who have made such a uccessful year possible_ In the British Solomon Islands training in First Aid continues to be given to members of the Police Force and instructors are being trained. It is hop d to have the a S1 tance of a Lay Lecturer from the SeventhDay Adven ti t Mi ion at Beti Kama . Progress is slow, but with this assi tance training difficultie may gradually be overcome.

In Nepal, the First Aid Manual, which was made the medium of instruction for the World Health Assistants' School in Kathmandu in


1956, remained exclusively in use. Trainees all buy a copy for themselves .and the Nepali version is considered good, although the English version is also very popular. It is hoped that the Health Assistants when posted to remote areas, will be able to start First Aid classes. In Afghanistan, First Aid is taught and the School for Male Nurses at Aliabad Hospital uses a locally prepared and duplicated translation of the St. John Manual in Farsi. It is hoped that the new book will prove .of value to them. . In Blfr"}-'l. the First Aid Manual in English is the teaching medium of FIrst AId III the Government Central Health School in Rangoon. Instructors use the book with tutorials in Burmese and project relevant film .strips. The Health Assistants (400 of whom have graduated from the 27-montJ1. co~rse) nearl:y all purchase their own copies in English. The 1958 editlOn IS on sale III Rangoon. Other hospitals and training schools

In Barbados. the year has been a very busy one and classes were held continuou ly. While empha is is still on Adult First Aid, there has been growing intere t in the Preliminary First Aid, Nursing and Preliminary Child Care Cour es. An interesting development was the holding of a "Clean Handling of Food" class organised through the Director of Medical Services, Dr. M. A. Byer, O.B.E., who himself took part of the course. A serie of lectures were given in the Marine Hotel in the same way a in 1958. The respon e was good and 22 candidates were successful . As a result of this experiment, it is hoped that in 1960 two courses of lectures will be run, one each for the South and West Coast Hotels. It is very encouraging that 0 much support should have been given to this enterprising operation. Courses have been held for Lay Lecturers and two presentations of Certificates took place during the year. At one of these, in September, Certificates were presented by H.E. the Acting Governor.




In Bermuda, the year was disappointing, as the re-organisation did not prove as successful a ~ad been hoped. Plans are b~ing made for the appointment of a new Chairman, Secretary and Comrmttee. when volunteers have been found. We are very grateful to the ChaIrman of the St. John Council, Wing-Commander L. J. Fountain, for all he is doing to keep the As ociation alive in the island. In British GlliGlw, there wa a decrease in the number of persons trained but development continued ati factor~ly. Expan ion i c~:mtinu­ ing in the country di trict and con iderable as 1 ~nce has been gIven by Sickness Nur e/Di pensers who have been. appomted a . Lay Lecturers. The value of First Aid on i olated e tate IS now becommg more appreciated and we hope for development in the cO!lling year. We were very glad to know that Sir Donald Jackson, the Chalrm~n, ha formed a very useful and representative Committee and that there 1 a very great demand for the new textbooks. We were al 0 very glad to ee the ecretary, Mrs. Franker, when he was in London. In British Honduras developments continued but were hampered by the need for Lay Lecturers. It is hoped that course can be organi ed for the Police, Fire Brigade and Prison Warders as well as for the Corozal Sugar Factory. The Citru Factory at Pamoma takes a great interest and is well-equipped with First Aid boxes. Many of the employee are genuinely interested in First Aid and thi i of great encour~gement. ~e very interesting outside activity wa the Blood Donor Service, orgamsed on a voluntary basis, to which assistance was given by the Association.

Jamaica North East. First Aid cla se were conducted in variou districts and one of the most important of the e wa the course at the Moneague Training School for Teachers, when 53 candidate passed. These candidates will be taking up po ts as teachers all over Jamaica and three of them qualified as Lay Lecturer . Other activities include fundraising, of which the most successful wa a Ball at Shaw Park Hotel which realised £1,387, and a Competition. An ambulance wa ordered through the generosity of an anonymous donor in the U.S.A. Jamaica North West'. Although little progre s was reported during the year, plans have been made for the future and pecial empha i is to be placed on the training of school teachers. A number of cla es were organised in various districts, with special training for Lay Lecturers. In Jamaica South West the work of training has gone on steadily despite certain disappointments, which include the number of candidates who take the course but do not attend the examination. Considerable sums were raised through a dance and Flag Days. In Jamaica South East the usual courses in First Aid have been organised, including three for Lay Lecturers. There ha been an increase in the number of successful candidates as compared with that of 1958. First Aid courses were arranged as part of the rehabilitation programme for prisoners and had a high degree of success. Many of the prisoners purchased books from their earnings and declared their intention of co.ntinuing their studies after returning to normal life. A number of industnal concerns have arranged for members of their staff to be trained so tbat they may have skilled personnel on hand at all times. Special simple instructions in nursing have been given to the staff of two Homes for



the Aged so that they may be able to take proper care of the inmates. A course in Fi~s t Aid in the Home was given to women from . the Jamaica FederatIOn of Women and members of a club for Army Wives. Instruction in First Aid as it applies to air travel was given to the bostess e of British West Indies Airways and many troops of Scouts and Guides have trained for their badges requiring a knowledge of First Aid and Nursing. The Secretary supervised the building and equipping of a First Aid po t erected on the new racecourse at Caymanas and a new First Aid po t and life-saving apparatus was set up for the Government at a new public beach. It has once again been a year of encouraging and satisfactory development. In the Leeward Islands there has been considerable activity, with courses organised in ho pitals, a sugar factory, schools. at the airport and for the Police. There will have to be a re-organisation in view of the administrative changes in the Leeward Islands and this was under consideration at the end of the year. In the Windward Islands, Grenada shows activity and arrangements are being made to re-organise the Association . A number of men and women are being trained for Lay Lecturers' Certificates and these will be of great as i tance in view of the difficulties of transport. In S1. Vincent two cIa es were held, and in addition 22 candidates received training at the Regional Police Training Centre in Barbados, where all the troops are ent for training. The relation hip between the Police, St. John and the Red Cro s division i mo t ati factory . In Trinidad , activitie continued as usual, with little increase in lectures and examination in the Ie s accessible area, which is very satisfactory. A special feature wa a course at Golden Grove Prison, where 34 candidates were examined and 27 pa sed in First Aid. TRA




TranJation f the Ad lilt M anual is proceeding overseas and we received during the year the Greek tran lation from Cyprus. The Cypriot / Turkish tran lation i under preparation and i expected early in 1960. In Hongkong. Dr. F. 1. T eung i tran lating the Adult First Aid Manual and it is hoped thi will be publi hed in June 1960. A new Nursing Manual is also being translated in Hongkong by Chine e members of the nursing profession. They reali e thi work will take con iderable time but it is hoped that 1960 will ee it completion. A Turki h tran lation of the First Aid Manual is in preparation and i expected in 1960 from the Societe du Croissant Rouge Turc. A French translation of the First Aid Manual has been prepared in Canada and likewise is expected to be published in 1960. India reports that the new manual on Fir t Aid and Nursing are being tran lated into Hindi and that orders for the printing of these editions will be placed with suitable printers when the MSS are ready. Other translations of the e books will also be printed in due course. Arrangement were being made in Malaya with the Asia Foundation for the translation of the First Aid and Nursing manuals into Malay. We are very grateful to the tran lator for undertaking this work and we are glad to know the project has the co-operation of the Red Cross Society in Malaya. It is encouraging to know that Dr. Tseung has also kindly offered to undertake the translation of the new Preliminary First Aid



manual into Chinese. Negotiations proceed with Ceylon for the transla. tion of both Adult and Preliminary manuals into Tamil and Sinhalese Work is proceeding upon the Afrikaans translation in South Africa of th~ First Aid manual. It is hoped that it may be possible to arrange for a Swahili translation of First Aid manuals in Kenya and discussions are continuing. It will therefore be seen that our manuals are already being translated into a number of languages and we will continue this work wherever it is possible. As stated earlier in the report, there i a clear need for Arabic translation for our First Aid manuals and negotiations are proceeding to this end. There was also a possibility of the translation of our manuals into Italian for use in Somalia for the good office of Miss Mango World Health Adviser, who wa in Cypru and laterly was tranSferred to Somalia. We believe that both the Adult and Preliminary manuals can serve a useful purpo e abroad and if it i neces ary we will be glad to arrange for the rewriting of the book to suit overseas territories. COMPETITIO

Competition work continues to expand. During the year we were asked to organise the first competition for members of the National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs and this took place during the Royal Show at Oxford. The Dock and Harbour Authoritie ' As ociation extended their competitions to include a Junior event, a did the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. This encouragement to the newer fir t aiders i mo t important. During the year, the usual National Competition were held with an ever increasing number of teams and competitors taking part in the pre· liminary rounds. It is estimated that 2,300 teams, compri ing 11,500 competItors, took part. Winners of the ational Competition held under the auspices of the Association were a follows: Competitions for Men

Organisation: Police . . . . . . British Electricity Ambulance Centre . . . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) . . . British Transport Commission Police United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre . National Dock Labour Board Centre Gas Industry . Fire Brigades. . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association. . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre National Coal Board

Winning Team: Exeter ity Police Kettering Exmouth Junction Heysham Aldermaston R.R.E. Per hore London Upper Pool East Midl ands Gas Board City & County of Bristol Liverpool City Transport W.e. Di trict Office McLaren Colliery

Competitions for Women

British Electricity Ambulance Centre . . . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. . Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre Gas Industry. . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association. . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre

Bexleyheath Li verpool Street Aldermaston R.O.F. Chorley North Western Gas Board Liverpool City Transport Edinburgh




The winners of the above competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shields, took part on the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 19th November, at the Porche~ter Hall. We ha~ the privilege and honour on this occasion of we1commg the Lord Pnor of the Order (The Lord Wakehurst), who not only graciously presented the trophies and the medallions but also expressed his pleasure on the expansion of the work of the Association. The winning teams were: Men- St. John Ambulance Brigade (Dean and Chapter Colliery Ambulance Division); Women-British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (Liverpool Street). The Mayor and Mayoress of Paddington, Executive Officers of the Order and representative of all organisations which had teams competing, were present on the platfo~. . .. Once again we extend our smcere thanks to the ASSOCIated BntIsh Picture Corporation Ltd ., for their continued generosity in staging this and all other national competitions which we held during the year. The effectivenes of the tests i greatly enhanced by the realism and the colour provided by the scenery. Our warrne t appreciation and thanks are due to members of the medical prafes ion who have acted a judges at these competitions, and to the stewards and casualties who have so generou ly given up much of their time to a sist at these events. The co-operation and help received from these sources are an in pi ration to those concerned with the organisation of competitions. Finally, a word of thanks to the competitors who have worked so hard and who e enthusiasm has made the competitions an outstanding feature in our year's work. CONCLU 10

This i the 1a t Annual Report which I will have the honour to submit as Director-General and I should therefore like to thank the multitude of people who have helped to further the work of the Association in so many different way in all part of the world. We have the most wonderful support from doctor, nur es, lay instructors, laymen, and a variety of capacitie , and it is difficult to say enough to thank them for all they have done to make the work of the St. John Ambulance Association possible, whether in England or in territories overseas. It is upon the doctors, nurses and admini trative officers that the burden falls and without them we could not fulfil our duties. The work of the Association depends upon help given by men and women in all walks of life, whether in their official capacity or as officers of Centre, or as class secretaries, and I would wish to thank them most warmly for making my work so satisfying. I wish to thank our County Directors, Centre Chairmen, Secretaries of Committees and all who voluntarily form the backbone of the St. John Ambulance Association. I know how much work is done by so many people in an entirely voluntary capacity to forward the objects of the Association and in so doing to benefit their fellow men. Governments throughout the Commonwealth have shown their appreciation of the work of the Association, whilst at home Government Ministries receive our advice and help. With our nation-wide organisation we can, I believe, meet the demands to be made on us in the future. I would stress how much this country and territories overseas owe to those who give up


their spare time to teaching and organising classes fostered by the As ociation. I wish also to thank my most devoted supporters at Headquarters. The work done by Dr. A. C. White Knox, Principal Medical Officer, and his Deputy, Dr. J. S. McLintock, is outstanding. Mr. D. C. Maclean, the Deputy Director-General, has supported me throughout the year and I am deeply grateful to him for all he has done to lighten my burden. The only regret that he and I share i that, each having bu ines commitments outside the voluntary work of St. John, we have not been able to make as many visit to the Counties as we should have wi hed. Lastly, I wi h to put on record the deep debt we owe to the Secretary, the Competitions Secretary, and all the staff at Headquarters, who have gi en devoted and loyal service at all times. Once again we at Headquarter wi h to expre s our admiration of the wonderful work that i going on in 0 many places to achieve the objects which the Order has placed upon the St. John Ambulance A sociation and the unstinted voluntary aid which ha been given in 0 many different capacities by men and women in England and overseas. We can never thank them enough but I hope that this report will indicate in some small measure how much they are doing for humanity. HORACE PARSHALL, Director-General.




THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT This report covers the year 1959. It was, however, still being compiled when news was received of the tragic and sudden death on the night of February 20th, 1960, of the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, our much loved Superintendent-in-Chief, to which fuller reference wlll be ma~e in the Brigade Report for 1960. Her own report for 1959 had been wotten before she left for her tour of the Far East and it is, therefore, included herewith. Her death is felt as a personal loss by every Brigade unit and by every member. STRENGTH

It may be remembered that, during 1958, the Adult Ambulance strength of the Brigade in England increased for the first time since 1952. This satisfactory growth was well maintained during 1959. Indeed the total adult Ambulance and Nursing strength increased during the year by over 1000 at home and by slightly over 10,000 throughout the Commonwealth. The particularly satisfactory aspect of this latter figure is that the growth wa fairly well divided between the Grand Priory at home, and the Grand Priory over eas and the Independent Priories over eas, this showing that, in spite of the difficultie of voluntary organisations everywhere, the Brigade has in fact continued to grow nearly everywhere during the year 1959, and there seem every reason to suppo e that this will continue during 1960. ADULTS Ambulance Englandand Ireland Commandery in Central Africa Other Territories Overseas Priories: Wales . Southern Africa. • ew Zealand Canada Australia. India . Pakistan Grand Totals .

Divisions Comursing bined

..Personnel Total


Nursing Tatar





























263 158 125 16O 165

145 95 90 134 102

25 58 31 18 10

433 311 246 312 277

5,077 4,323 2,646 4,277 4,054

1,916 1,848 1,431 2,998 1,776

6,9936,171 4,071 7,275 5,830-

871 *591 54

566 ·129 7



20,377 16,127 1,936

9,969 2,811 123

30,34618,938 2,059-




-61 5,262

·1958 Figures (latest available)

107,334 36,365 143,702



CADETS Di visions ComAmbulance Nursing billed Englandand N. Ireland Commandery in CentraI Africa Other Territories Overseas

Priories : Wales . Southern Africa. *New Zealand Canada Australia . India . Pakistan Grand Totals .


Personnel Ambulance














1 267

















181 63 141 20 121

168 91 121 43 89

17 36

366 190 262 63 213

3,270 1,364 2, 372 514 2,890

4,155 2,287 2,214 1066 2,885

7,425 3,651 4,586 1,580 5,775

526 *271 6

512 *90


1,094 361 7

10,410 5,980 273

12,607 1,878 33

23,017 7,858 306





42, 659





* 1958 Figures (latest available). ROYAL OCCASIONS

Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret was pleased in 1959 to ~old her Cadet Rally at Guildford on Saturday, 4th July. In the morilln~ Her Royal Highness conducted an Enrolment Ceremony. for 47 Ca~ets 1ll the County School for Girls. In the afternoon she graclOusly ~arned out an Inspection of not less than 4,500 Cadets on the County Cncket Ground. The day was a very hot one, and I am coming to the conclusion tha~ there is an increasing tendency for Cadets to come from too far afield With the result that some of them find the day very tiring. Since Her Royal Highness is good enough to hold her Rallies in d~fferent p~rts of t~e country in successive years there is much to be saId for trymg to dIScourage the younger Cadets from travelling too far. in order to attend these exciting occasions. If they are still young there IS always the chance that the next Rally will be held in a part of England nearer to where they live. DUTIES

The figures of duties and cases for England and Northern Ireland were as follows:Duties Public Duties. . Transport Duties . Hospital Duties . Clinics . Nurseries . . . Blood Transfusion Nursing Aid . Miscellaneous .

Cases Treated: On Public Duty Off Public Duty . Invalids Removed . . No. of Road Accidents. No. of Other Accidents

1,001 ,795 904,506 263,045 45,495 19,237 31,469 146,266 476,993 219,190 196,026 364,737 16,918 19,848


There were a number of occasions during 1959 when special duties had to be carried out by the Brigade; either because of accidents or for other reasons. On the afternoon of the 17th February, 1959, an aircraft bringing the Turkish Prime Minister on a State Visit to this country crashed at Jordan's Wood between Rusper and Newdigate in Sussex. This was very close to the boundary between Sussex and Surrey in both of which counties the Brigade plays an important part in the County Ambulance Service. From both counties Brigade Ambulances were in action very quickly and speedily removed the injured passengers to local hospitals. A Brigade Ambulance with a doctor on board subsequently accompanied the Turkish Prime Minister, who had escaped from the crash, to London. It was of interest that this accident occurred within 14 days of the installation of radio control for the Ambulances in Sussex, and the benefits of this system were most noticeable. The aeroplane crashed in woody country and there was a good deal of fog. The use of radio control was a great help in getting ambulances to the scene quickly and in controlling the situation on the spot. Early in 1959 we were asked by the Foreign Office to be prepared to provide air escorts at a later date to fetch 16 British subjects who had for some time been patients in the Abbassieh Mental Hospital in Cairo, and to accompany them back to this country. The Foreign Office negotiations which were carried out through the Swiss Government took a good deal of time, and it was not until August that the operation was carried out. Few people realise the difficulties that face a voluntary organisation in carrying out a duty of this sort unless the date of the operation is precise from the outset. The long delay between the original request in January and the carrying out of the operation in August might well have presented a very great number of difficulties. In actual fact, due to the tremendous co-operation given by the Brigade members concerned, very few difficulties arose. One Surgeon, two Nursing Officers, and six trained Brigade Air Attendants left Blackbushe on the 10th August, flew to Cairo, collected their patients and got back to London in a rainstorm on the morning of the 13th August. Good co-operation was received when in Cairo both from Egyptian and Swiss authorities and the operation went very well, although there were a number of occasions when the margin of safety was narrow. Many useful lessons were learnt. There is no doubt that both our own Government in England and many Governments in British Territories Overseas are still extremely ignorant of the Brigade Air Attendants Service and all the great advantages that accrue to them by making use of it, particularly in countries overseas who can ill spare trained personnel of their own to accompany sick or injured persons to England. It is hoped that steps can be taken to get this useful service much more widely known. Another unusual and special duty was provided by the Brigade in connection with the News oj the World Organisation "March of the Century" for competitors from the Services who had to march in competition from Birmingham to London during December, 1959. The weather was very bad and many of the competitors were not really trained fo~ a competition of this sort. At the request of the newspaper, the Bngade provided 19 First Aid Posts at intervals all along the route. These posts were manned by members of the counties through which the route



passed. There were some 300 competitors taking part in the march under appalling weather conditions. The time which the march took and for which, therefore, the posts had to be manned was very much longer than had been anticipated and a very large number of the 300 competitors needed treatment at some time or other and mostly in the middle of the night. In many cases Brigade personnel remained on duty for over 24 hours and under very trying conditions. AWARDS AND COMPETITIO S

The outstanding award of the year were the Life Saving Medals of the Order in Bronze which were awarded to:.l?i~isional Officer G. A. priver, Lo~don Ambulance an~ Nursing DlvlslOn, Norfolk, who earned out a dIfficult re cue of a gIrl of nine who had fallen into a river. Private L. E. Morris Eton Ambulance Division, Buckinghamshire for rescuing a boy who had fallen from a boat into a river, although h~ himself is not a young man. Cadet Alan Baxter, Dagenham Ambulance Cadet Divi ion, London (Prince of Wales's) District who under very difficult swimming conditions saved a child from drowning. A full list of the Brigade Awards and Jubilee Certificates i given at the -end of this Report. The Brigade Final Competitions were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on Saturday, 20th June, 1959, the prizes being pre ented by The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Harold Gillett, who has himself been a member of the Brigade for between twenty and thirty years. The results were as follows :-De war Shield for Men (Adults): Dean & Chapter Colliery (Durham); Perrott Shield for Women adult): Spalding (Lincoln); White Knox Cup for boy cadets: Cefn Cribbwr (Priory for Wales); Dunbar-Nasmith Cup for girl cadets: Glynneath (Priory for Wales). I SPECTIO S

During 1959 Inspections were carried out by Senior Officers from Headquarters in the following Counties :-Commissioner-in-ChieI Northern Ireland, Durham, Birmingham, Northampton, Warwickshi re, Somersetshire, Bedfordshire. Also a Brigade Church Parade in Chester, where a service was held in the Cathedral. Superintendent-in-ChieI London (Prince of Wales's) District, Kent. Deputy Commissioner-inChief- No. 1 Area and No. 5 Area, Duke of Lancaster's District and Leicestershire. During 1959 the weather was nearly always excellent and indeed the problem of long parades in extremely hot conditions arose in many cases, but standards were well maintained . NURSI G DIVISIONS

The Inspections carried out by the late Superintendent-in-Chief and many other matters concerning the Nursing Divisions are included in her Annual Report which was written before her tragic death and which is 'printed separately.





During 1959 a number of National Conferences were held in addition to the Brigade Committee and the Women's Advisory Committee. The Commissioners' Conference was held as usual in the third week in June and was as usual most valuable. The County Superintendents' (N) Conference is referred to in the Superintendent-in-Chief's Report. The Surgeons' Conference was held late in October, and as usual provided a great deal of useful discussion. At the special request of those attending the Conference, a Surgeons' Conference in the North is planned for 1960, in addition to the normal Autumn Conference in London. Useful Nursing Officers', Training, and Cadet Officers' Conferences were held as usual. The Conference for County Secretaries was held for the first time since 1954 on the 6th November 1959, and was designed so that all the County Secretaries could get together and discuss all their various problems with the Brigade t~ff. It was an ex~remely useful Conference, but it wa not thought that It could be held III future more than every second year, ince too many Annual Conferences put too great a strain on the hard worked staff at Headquarters who have to organise the conference and take the minute. The same applies to Presidents' Conferences, of which a very uccessful one was held on the 24th November, 1959, there being over 250 Presidents attending. It is a tremendou encouragement to member of the Brigade that such a very great interest in their acti itie is taken by County Divi ional or other Presidents. The Conference in 1959 was held in the Merchant Taylors' Hall thus reviving in some mea ure the ery ancient link between the Merchant Taylors' Company and the Order of St. John which existed in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. SE lOR OFFICERS

In ovember 1959, Mr. Taylor-Young who had retired as Commi sioner in Wiltshire in 195 , became an Assi tant Commissioner-in-Chief and hi long experience of Bri gade work, particularly of County work, i invaluable at Headquarter . During the year the County of Durham suffered a ad 10 through the death of thei r Commi sioner Sir Myer Wayman who had been in ill-health for orne time and I received the re ignation of three ommi ioner. Mr. G. . Bullock of Herefordshire, Major-General J . M. S. Pa ley of Surrey and Mr. F. J. Somer of Worcestershire. The e four vacancies have been filled by the appointment of Lieut.-Colonel Sir Terence Falkiner, Bt., in Herefordshire; Brigadier E. E. Read C.B.E. M.C., in Surrey; Brigad ier D. H. ott, D.S.O. , O.B.E. , M.C. in Worce ter hire· and Dr. R. Rutherford, T.D., J.P., M.B. B.S. in Durham. SURGEO -I -CHIEF'S DEPARTME T

The Surgeon-in-Chief reports to me as follows:In 1958 I reported the figure of 2,840 Brigade Surgeons. In 1959 there were 203 new Surgeons who joined the Brigade. There were two deaths, two to Reserve, and 34 resignations, giving a net increase of 145 and giving a total of 2,985. I am confident that 1960 will see the achievement of the 3,000 figure. It is interesting ttlso to see that a great proportion of th~ surgeons coming in are young and full of new ideas which is a good ~hmg for teaching in the Brigade. It is a great asset to the Medical Depart-



ment to have the advice of uch a large ection of the medical community At the London Surgeons' Conference we invited representatives of th~ Third Air Force United States Air Force and a Senior Officer of the R.A.M.C. Training Centre to introduce the subject of mouth-to-mouth Artificial Respiration and new ideas on competitions were found. While accepting the idea that mouth-to-mouth Artificial R e piration is an efficient method it still pre ent many difficultie in its application and further investigation i required to decide it u e. Our association with the M edical Departments of the Forces continues to be cordial and I have paid two visit to Keogh Barrack during the year to witness Fir t Aid and Competition Exercises. Reports from the Counties and from Over eas how much interest in our training and all this is good for the tandard of our work. The Brigade Finals showed that thi standard i being well maintained. My Deputy and I have made many vi it to Counties on Teaching Weekends, etc., including an intere ting experiment on Save-a-Life Demonstration at the Sheffield Swimming Bath . Among areas visited were Surrey Chelmsford Southampton Newcastle, Coventry and the London areas. The production of training films and film strips continue. and we shall soon have a considerable library of the e available for di tribution. There are very few films of this character available and I feel the new ones will be a great asset in teaching. As always I have had the greatest help in the Department' work from my Deputy, Dr. Scott, my Assistant, Dr. Buchanan and my Staff Officer Mr. Craft, and to them I extend my sincere thanks. ' CIVIL DEFE CE

Several conferences ha~e been held with the Home Office and Ministry of Health, but a final polIcy f?r first aid work in Civil Defence has not yet been produced. There are SIgnS of a solution which would enable the Brigade, wit~ the British Red. Cross Society, to take an active part in the ~orkJor whIch .they are specI~lly .trained and uited , without losing their Identities. Until such a polIcy IS produced recruitment to the Civil Defence Corps. will no~ i~prove,. nor. are mem~ers of the Brigade likely to ~ho~ great .mt~rest m mstructlOn m the baSIC Civil Defence training, whIch IS essentIal If they are to take part in Civil Defence exerci es. The short concentrated courses for senior officers which have been held in London, have not been well attended and there are still some counties that have not sent any representatives. Vacancies at the Civil Defence Staff College and Training School have all been filled, and all who have attended these have ~enefited greatly; it is hoped they have been able to pass on .some of theIr knowledge to many Brigade member . RecrUItment for the National Hospital Service Reserve remains at a ~teady l.evel, though many feel that they would like more practical work In hospItals for these members. CADETS

The Cadet Rally for Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret at Guildford ~as been referred to in an earlier paragraph. She presented the Ame~lcan Cup for Gallantry to Cadet Terry Gotch, aged 14 years, for rescumg an 11 year old boy from a water-filled claypit and rendering




rtificial respiration. Her Royal Highness presented Meritorious Service

~ertificates to Ian Anderson , aged 13 years, who saved the life of a boy shot by a revolver bullet in the neck; to Stephen Hird, aged 12 years, who rescued a small gir~ from a canal, and to. Madelin.e Elvin, age? 16 years, who applied first ald to several pers.ons mvolved m a car aCCIdent. H er Royal Highness presented Grand Pnor Badges to five Ambulance ~ade.ts and 31 Nur ing Cadets, and also to ] 5 ex-Cadets who are now servmg 1D Adult Divisions. Twenty-three Cadets accompanied the large contingent of Brigade member which visited Malta .for ten days in September ~or the Jubilee Celebrations held by the Bngade there. There were SIX Ambulance Cadets and 17 Nursing Cadets from ten counties. Through the generosity of the King George's Jubilee Trust Grant some of these Cadets were able to make the visit who would not otherwise have been able to do so. In the Duke of Edinburgh s Award Scheme for Boys, a further five boy gained Certificates in the First Series, and four in the Second. T ' 0 adult members (ex-Cadets) of the st. Paul's Division, Birmingham, recently qualified for the Third Series ~nd received the 9"old Award from His Royal Highness The Duke of Edmburgh at Buckmgbam Palace on 3rd November. In the first year of the experiment of the Girls' Scheme, 58 Cadets from five counties entered at the Preliminary Level. Two King George VI Memorial Leadership Training Courses fo r Young Adult Members of the Brigade, Officer and Other Ran ks, Ambulance and Nursing, were held in Exeter and Oxford. A Brigade Training Course in the Leadership of Cadets was conducted by the Assi tant Commissioner-in-Chief at University College, London, on 18th/20th September and was attended by over 200 delegates from counties all over England, and from as far afield as Northern Ireland and Guernsey. The object of the Course was to study tbe "material" of the st. John Cadets , the characteristics and peculiarities of the adolescent, and to con ider the best means of leading and training that material to grow up into sound men and women .filled with the determination to serve mankind in the ranks of the Bngade. The Brigade National camp site at Bexhlll-on-Sea was open from 25th July to 29th August, and was attended by 970 Officers and Cadets. This was an increa e of 247 over the previous year. The Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief attended many Training Courses, Training Days, Enrolment Ceremonies, First Aid Competitions, Sports Events and Di trict Camps in many parts of the country. The Chief Officer for Cadets visited a Nursing Cadet Camp in Suffolk, opened Fetes and Bazaars in Cambridge and Kent, attended a Training Course in Northern Ireland , and an Open Evening in London. OVERSEAS

During 1959 the Brigade Overseas has continued to make ~xcellent progress in a great many territories. All are worthy of mentlOn, but shortage of space allows mention of only a few. A few areas have the advantage of Headquarter Officers. These areas are Cyprus, Malaya, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and the West In.dies .. All t.hese officers are continuing to give very great help to the Bngade III theIr are~s and pr~­ ~ress has been good. It is only fair to add, ~owever, that partIcular credIt IS due to those Commissioners and staffs III other areas where progress



has been made in pite of there being no Headquarter Officer at hand to hlp. elV Zealand.-A long vi it to th United Kingdom wa paid in the summer of 1959 by Mr. C. Meachen, the Deputy Commi ioner of the Brigade and Priory Secretary in New Zealand. Thi vi it gave a splendid opportunity of di cu ing mutual problem of intere t and wa most helpful. Malta.-The Brigad was intimately concerned with the vi it of the Lord Prior to Malta and to Cypru in September, 1959. The Brigade in Malta was celebrating its fiftieth anniversary and some 300 Brigade members from the United Kingdom and senior officer from Canada, Australia and Malaya were present in addition to the high officer of the Order. This provided a plendid opportunity for the Brigade in Malta to get to know their i itor , and it enabled the member from the nited Kingdom and elsewhere to learn much about one of the traditional homes of the Order. The vi itor were deeply grateful for all that the B6gade in Malta did to make their vi it both enjoyable and in tructive.

C)prus.-The visit of the Lord Prior to Cypru , in which 1 wa able to accompany him, wa of great value to the Brigade in Cypru . I was able to see much of the Brigade acti itie in the i land, which ha e kept going in pite of the greatest difficultie , and to ab orb a great deal of background which will it is hoped be of great alue in \i orking out the way in hich the Brigade can best continue it work when the i land becomes independent. Mauritius.-There wa , during 1959 a con iderabl incr a e in the number joining the Brigade from the Police Force. West Africa.-A Headquarter Officer was ent to Sierra Leone in 1959 for the first time. By the end of 1959 progres wa apparent in areas where St. John had not previou ly penetrated, and there i every rea on to believe that this expan ion will go on. In Ghana during 1959 excellent progress was made by the Brigade in thi independent country of the Commonwealth. In Nigeria the increa e in the number of Brigade members in the Police wa excellent. East Africa.-The Deputy Commis ioner-in-Chief wa able to vi it both East Africa and Central Africa in the pring of 1959 and wa able to help over a number of problems. Late in 1959, Miss Copeland, a Brigade member and a trained nurse who had erved with the Malayan teams, went out at the request of St. John in Kenya to promote our work in Nyanza province. The result of this will become apparent during 1960. West Indies.-The Brigade continue to make progre in the West Indies, Bermuda, British Guiana and British Hondura. In Jamaica extra public duties have been taken on at the request of the Government and at Monymusk a number of casualties resulting from a erious fire were dealt with. A new Headquarters is being planned in North East Jamaica. Senior Officers.-Sir John Stow, the Senior Commissioner in Jamaica, resigned on being appointed Governor of Barbados. Dr. R. D. K. Levy, the Commissioner for Jamaica S.E., became Senior Commissioner in his place. Changes in Commissioners also took place in Barbados, Jamaica S.W. and Trinidad, and are in the process of change in Jamaica N.E. and




Seychelle : A Co~mj ioner, M.L M. Hook, has been appointed for the first time 111 the GIlbert and Ellice I lands. I am most grateful to tho e Commissioner who have had to retire for all that they achieved during their tenure of the appointment and warmly welcome tho e who have been good enough to take on in their place.



The year 1959 with it unu ually fine ummer kept the Brigade thoroughly busy at home. "0ember at home earned three Life S.aving ~edals 11 Meritorious Certl.ficates and 25 Letters of CommendatlOn dunng the year. None of these award are giv~n lightly, o~ f~r o.ther than q~ite exceptional work and the e figures gIve a good 1I1dlcatlOn of the high standard that are now maintained. The increa ing n~mber of A~bulance and ur ing Cadet who e name are brought to notice for consplcuously good work i a plendi.d encouragement for the f~ture. . . In Over ea Territone the knowledge of first aId and nursmg contmue to spread . Many of the increas~d numbers n:ay be accounted for by certificate gained under the au pices of the Bngade rather than by new and full Brigade member. The important part however, is that there is a general inc rca e in th~ number . of people who. are capable of giving first aid in any ca e of accldent or dl tre s and an 1I1crea e of those who want to learn. Both at home and abroad I am deeply grateful to the large numbers of bu y Surgeon and tate Regi tered ur e who continue to give 0 much of their time to helping u in our work. and without whose help the whole que tion of e ami nation for certificate would be 0 much more difficult. t Headquarter I wa a ever, deeply grateful to the late Superintendent-in-Chief for her encouragement and ever willing help. Though her tragic death occurred after the period which thi report covers, I know that all member of the Brigade would wi h me to record here the tremendou and p ronal 10 felt by all at home and abroad as a result of her untimely death. he ha left an example for all to follow. A u ual plendid upport ha been given to the Brigade and to my elf as Commi sioner-in-Chief, by all the officer and taff at Headquarters and I would like particularly to mention Lady Brecknock's help in overseas affair and that of Admiral Dick in the difficult ta k of organising the move to Malta for 0 many member for the Malta Brigade Jubilee, a difficult operation that went without a hi.tch. The. credit h?wev~r, or anything that the Brigade may have achIeved dunng 1959 111 bnngmg help to other and in the eye of public re t with the rank and file in t~e districts , the countie and the Over ea Territories. It is their piendid keennes and their sen e of duty which alone make it po sible for us to maintain our high standard and our tradition of ervice for others. J. M. KIRKMAN, Major-General, Commissioner-in- Chief



Meritorious Service Certificates Private C. McCarthy, National Dock Labour Board (Liverpool), Dock Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter' District. . Nursing Member Miss E. Collins, Wandsworth & Southfields Nursmg Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District.



Private G. Wilson, GuerJ?-sey Ambulance Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey. Cadet Ian Anderson, LIverpool Transport Ambulance Cadet Division Duke of Lancaster's District. ' Cadet Stephen Hird, Burnley Ambulance Cadet Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Cadet Madeline Elvin, Ponders End Nursing Cadet Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District. Cadet Michael Welsh, Seaton Ambulance Cadet Division, East, South and North Devon. Cadet Lawrence Baker, Whitwell Colliery Ambulance Cadet Division Derbyshire. ' Cadet June Huggins, North Bierley Nursing Cadet Divi ion , West Riding of Yorkshire. Cadet Thomas Jones, Abertys wg Ambulance Cadet Division, Priory for Wales. Cadet Michael Barrett, Wychwood Ambulance Cadet Divi ion, Oxfordshire. American Trophy for Gallantry -Cadet Stephen Hird, Burnley Ambulance Cadet Division Duke of Lancaster's District. Grand Prior Badges 80 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 241 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets. Special Service Shields 186 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 338 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nursing Cadets. Jubilee Certificates The following Units have been issued with Jubilee Certificates indicating .50 years' continuous existence :-Oxford Clarendon Press Ambulance Division, Oxfordshire; North Bierley Nursing Division, West Riding of Yorkshire; Victoria Garesfield Colliery Ambulance Division, Durham; H~~b.urn Ambulance Division, Durham; Murton Colliery Ambulance DlvisIOn, Durham; Chopwell .Ambulance Division, Durham; Consett & District Ambulance Division, Durham; St. Hilda (South Shields) Ambulance Division; Durham, Reddish Nursing Division, Cheshire; Wolverton Ambulance Division, Buckinghamshire; Prestwich Nursing Division Duke -of Lancaster's District; Gorton (Belle Vue) Ambulance Division Duke of L~nc~ster's District; Manchester Nursing Division, Duke of L~ncaster's Dlstnct;. 9.rimsby Ambulance Division, Lincolnshire; Tyldesley Ambulance DIV!SIOn,. D~ke of Lancaster's District; Ellesmere Corps, Duke of Lancaster s DIstnct; Westhoughton Ambulance Division Duke of Lancaster's District; Swinton and Pendlebury Ambulance Di~ision Duke -of Lancaster's District; Walkden Ambulance Division Duke of Lan-· (ca.ste~'s District; Croydon Nursing Division, London (P;ince of Wales's) DIstnct; Colchester Ambulance Division Essex' Farnworth Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District.' ,




BRIGADE DUTIES:- In all fields of our work the calls upon our nursing members have continued to be extremely heavy but nevertheless they have been fully covered. Owing to the unusually warm and fine summer those of our members manning the Beach Huts in seaside resorts have had an exceptionally busy year and large numbers of casualties of all kinds have been dealt with. Escort duties show an upward trend and our Air Attendants are called on more frequently as the availability of the service becomes better known. That much valuable first aid service has been rendered by individual members during the year is apparent from the increasing number of Letters of Commendation sent out. INSPECTIONS AND VISITS:-Unfortunately, owing to illness, I was. unable this year to visit as many of the counties as I had hoped but it was a great pleasure to me to carry out the London District Inspection in Hyde Park, when approximately 5,000 ambulance, nursing and cadet personnel were on parade and also the Kent County Inspection at Folkestone when some 1,500 were present. I was also very happy to be present when Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret honoured us by a visit to Guildford for the Cadet Rally. It was a special happiness to me to have the privilege of undertaking the Jubilee Inspection of the Croydon Nursing Division which has such a nne record of service and to open the admirable new Headquarters of the Epsom and Ewell Divisions, to raise the necessary money for which all concerned have worked so indefatigably. I opened, also, the excellent new Hebburn Divisional Headquarters in Durham in connection with which so much is owed to their enthusiastic President, Mr. Thomas Smith. A memorable occasion for the County of Hampshire was a Cadet Inspection held at Broadlands when Field Marshal Lord Montgomery was the inspecting officer and during which the Commissioner, Colonel Curtis and I accompanied him. During an official visit to Canada in August with my husband I had the great pleasure of seeing a number of our St. John colleagues at their Headquarters in Ottawa also the the opportunity to appreciate the outstanding work being undertaken by the members at the First Aid Posts at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto and the Central Canadian Exhibition in Ottawa. In company with yourself, your Deputy or other representatives the following counties were visited by members of my staff on the nursing side :-Birrningham (Lady Brecknock), Bedfordshire (Miss Baird), Durham (Miss Baird), Lancashire (No.1 and No 5 Areas) (Miss Duff Grant), Leicestershire (Miss Duff Grant), Northamptonshire (Miss Baird), Northern Ireland (Mrs. Romer Lee), Somerset (Lady Brecknock),. Warwickshire (Miss Duff Grant). NATIONAL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE:-Recruiting for the Reserve has continued steadily throughout the year. At the end of December the number of St. John Nursing auxiliaries was 20,984, an increase of .1,712 since last year. Many Brigade Nursing Officers have joined the tramed nurse section of the Reserve.




The N.H.S.R. County Representatives have once more had a busy year and by their efforts have done much to encourage recruitment.

We were fortunate in having an outstandingly excellent speaker on Methods of Training- Mr. Penn, of the Home Office.

V.A.D.s:- The number of St. John member erving a full-time V.A.D.s at the end of the year wa 15 an increase of one on 1958. Only one now serve over ea , at R.N.H. Bighi, Malta, the Hong Kong Station having been do ed down. The number enrolled in the Re erve wa 21 , a decrease of two as compared with 1958. In my capacity of Vice-Chairman of the V.A.D. Committee, I visited the Naval hospitals at Plymouth, Ha lar and Chatham, and saw the V.A.D.s at each of them.

"ONE-IN-FIVE" SCHEME:-Members of the Brigade are c~ntiDy~ ng to assist the W.V.S. with their One-in-Five Scheme, and are st!l~ gL~~ng Talk "c"-" Caring for the Sick Person under Emergency CondItIOns in many parts of the country. The W.V.S. hoped that Talk "C" might be replaced by the Short Home Nursing Course and have sugges~ed that the One-in-Five. a~diences should attend this Course where possIble. However, the MIlllStry of Health recommend that Talk "C" should be continued wherever there is demand for it.

NURSING OFFICERS:- The number of Nur ing Officer appointments continue to show an increa e, the net increa e for 1958 being 120. I was very glad it was pos ible for me to be pre ent at the mo t uccessful HamiltonConference for Nur ing Officer again arranged by Mi Wedderburn, and to addres the 140 delegate who came from 37 counties. Miss Hamilton-Wedderburn is much to be congratulated on the high tandard of programme maintained, which timulate the intere t of all attending. To our Chief Nursing Officer and all our Nur ing Officer who give us so generously of their leisure and knowledge, we owe a very real debt of gratitude.

HOSPITAL CAR SERVICE:- The Hospital C~r Service co~t~nues to be admini tered by the St. John Ambulance Bngade, the BntIsh Red Cross Society and the W.V.S. The Service continues to run smoothly and there i no doubt that it i filling a great need throughout the country.


CONFERE CES A D TRAI I G COURSES:- At our County Superintendents' Conference which wa again extremely well attended, we were greatly privileged in having Mi s Pat Horn by-Smith, then Joint Parliamentary Secretary for State Home Office to addre u. Her inspiring talk on the needs for voluntary service in the Welfare State with its touches of humour, held the interest of us all. We were indeed most grateful to Miss Hornsby-Smith for paring u 0 much of her valuable time. At the Presidents' Conference held thi year at Merchant Taylor's Hall, we were also fortunate in being addres ed by a brilliant peaker. The Dowager Marchioness of Reading most generously found time in her overwhelmingly busy life to be with us and her talk held the u tained interest of all and was certainly an inspiration. It was a privilege as well as a pleasure to me to be able to attend and speak at the Surgeons' Conference Dinner. I was also plea ed to have the oPl?ortunity of saying a few words to those attending the County SecretarIes' Conference, one which I feel is of the utmost importance. ~n connection with training, I would like to pay a very special tribute to MISS ~u~. G~ant,. our Training Adviser, who has been indefatigable in her actlvltl~s III th~s field and has given so much valuable leadership and he~p. The II?-c~ea~Illg number of Staff Officer for Training appointments bemg made IS m Itself a testimony to the success of her work. There is a steady increase in the number of Training Week-ends and Days arranged in the counties, the themes for which have covered a wide range of sUbjects. Miss Duff Grant has herself been present and spoken at many of these. A highly successful Headquarter Conference for Staff Officers for Training was organised again this year by Miss Duff Grant. This was well attended and I was happy to have the opportunity to address the delegates.

HOSPITAL LIBRARIES:-The standard of the Library Service has been maintained during 1959 to both Service and Civilian hospitals. It is satisfactory to note that the overall expenditure of the Department has again been kept within the limits of the income. . . The figures of bed served in the case of SerVIce hospItals shows some variation owing to the reduction in the size of the armed forces. The number of bed served in thi type of hospital was 17,107 and 3,112 disabled ex-Service pensioner in ho pitals or in their own homes also received a Service. This figure also shows a drop owing to a reduction in the bed state of the Polish ho pital in Denbigh hire and a reduction in the number of pen ioner in tho e h~spitals w~ich, in the pa~t were the respon ibility of the Mini try of Pen Lons. Thl .latter f~ct?r IS probably the result of such patient being now more wIdely dIstrIbuted among other ho pitals throughout the country. . .. . Hospital library facilitie were provided to 1,128 CIvIlIan hospItal of all types totaUi ng 100 179 beds; to 23 Home~ run by t~e Order of St. John, the Briti h Red Cro Society or the Jomt COmmIttee, and to 17 ho pital in H.M. Pri on . . . The number of St. John County Organisers 1 now 11. There IS one Assistant County Organ i er and 441 librarians. These figures show an increase on those for the previous year. EX-SERVICES WAR DISABLED HELP DEPARTMENT:-The St. John and Red Cross Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department continues to meet a wide variety of needs connected with their war disablement among disability pensioner of the two World Wars or subs~quent hostilities such as Korea and also continues to care for many retIred Nur es of the Armed Force' who served during war-time and are now in need through age and infinnity. During the 12 months ended J~ne 195?, 49,600 cases were recorded of whom 17 300 were helped financIally or m kind at the cost of over £80 500 and the remainder were helped with services, and in connection with the infinite problems that arise through disablement. By helping the Department's County Committees and Offices and by undertaking home visiting to pensioners, S.J.A.B. Officers and members are giving very valuable services in this useful work.



SERVICES HOSPITALS WELFARE DEPARTMENT:- As Chairman of the Service Hospitals Welfare Department, I have pleasure in reporting that 110 Welfare Officers are now serving in United Kingdom and Overseas Command, of which 38 are Brigade members posted as follows:_ Headquarters 1, United Kingdom 18, B.A.O.R. 7, Middle East 6, Far Ea t 6. Three St. John Welfare Officers have resigned during the year, a total of 10 new Welfare Officers have been trained and one ex-Welfare Officer has rejoined. In April, accompanied by Miss Downing, Chief Welfare Officer, United Kingdom, a Brigade member, I visited the Royal Naval Hospitals at Plymouth, Haslar and Chatham. In the same month I visited the R.N. Sick Bays at H.M.S. Collingwood and R.N. Air Station, Lee-on-Solent· in May, the Royal Air Force Hospital, Nocton Hall , Lincolnshire; and ~ December, the Military Hospital, Shorncliffe, Kent. During her visit to Malta for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations, Lady Brecknock, Controller Overseas Department, visited the David Bruce Military Hospital, Imtarfa, and the Royal Naval Hospital Bighi. The Commissioner-in-Chief accompanied by the Chief Welfare Officer, Middle East, Miss Woolrich, S.l.A.B., visited the British Military Hospital Dhekelia, Cyprus, in September. ' There have been 45 Dilfor cases during the year and of the e 22 went to B.A.O.R., 7 to Middle East, 4 to Far East, and 12 to other Commands. HONO URS:-Her Majesty the Queen was graciously plea ed to confer the following awards :-O.B.E. on the Hon. Mrs. Cubitt County Superinte?-de,nt for H.ampshire (Reserve); M.B.E. on Mrs. Matthew, Deputy Dlstnct Supenntendent for London District (Retired); B.E.M. on Miss L~wton, Divisional Superintendent, Spalding Nursing Division, Lincolnshire. LIAISON WITH GOVERNMENT AND OTHER COMMITTEES:Members of the Nursing Corps and Divisions continue to represent the Order/Brigade on the following committees:British Council for Welfare of Spastics; Br~tish Council for Aid to Refugees; Bntish Rheumatic Association; Central Council for the Care of Cripples; Homecraft Advisory Association for the Disabled' National Council of Social Service-Council N~tional Old People's Welfare Committee, Women's Group on Public Welfare' National Consultative Council for the Recruitment of Nurses and Midwives. National Hospital Service Reserve-Advisory Council Ministry of Health Uniform Committee; Queen's In,stitute of District Nursing-Council; Royal SOCIety for Prevention of Accidents-Home Safety Committee; Women's Voluntary Services-Advisory Council Standing Committee. RESIGNATIONS:-Unfortunately two of my County Superintendents have been obliged to resign during the year. They are :- Lady Wayman, Durham (due to removing from the county) and Mrs. Greenway Oxford' , shire (due to ill-health).



APPOINTMENTS:- It was with much gratitude that I received Lady Starmer's agreement to accepting the appointment of County Superintendent (N) in succession to Lady Wayman. Lady Starmer has been associated with the Brigade since 1936 when she became Divisional President of Darlington Nursing Division. In 1942 she became County Vice-President for the North Riding, and in 1951 transferred to Durham in the same capacity. During this year she kindly accepted the executive appointment of Assistant County Superintendent (N). CONCLUSION:-To all my District/County Superintendents very particularly and to all officers and members I extend my deep appreciation of the splendid service they have again given during 1959, as well as my very real .gr~titude. T~eir . sel~ess devotion to the work of the Brigade at all times IS mdeed an msplratlOn. It was a great encouragement to find at the Brigade Final Competitions that the standard of the nursing work, amongst both the adults and cadets, showed most satisfactory improvement. With the introduction of the new Nursing Manual I am confident an even higher standard will be attained. A visit by Mrs. Grosvenor to London fortunately coincided with a meeting of my Women's Advisory Committee and the opportunity was taken prior to the meeting to present her with the gifts for which all Districts and Counties had so generously subscribed. I wish particularly also to convey to all the members of my Headquarters staff my very warm appreciation of all they have done over the past year. My Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, Mrs. Romer-Lee, has been of invaluable help over a wide field and I am more than grateful to her. Once again I want to extend my thanks to Lady Braithwaite, a stalwart at all times, and whose support I greatly value. I have been most fortunate in having on my staff again Miss Baird, with whom I have worked 0 closely in many different fields over these past years and whose wide experience is so helpful. To Miss HamiltonWedderburn, lowe much as Chief Nursing Officer, both in connection with the remarkable increase of Nursing Officers over the last twelve months and also the continuing strength and numbers of the N.H.S.R. In my report I have already paid a warm tribute to Miss Duff Grant, who is tireless in her work for "training" and in so many other fields as well. I feel most grateful to Lady Brecknock for all she has done for our Overseas work, particularly during a year when she has had so many personal anxieties and commitments. We have been glad to welcome back Miss de Mierre after her recent prolonged illness. Miss Harrison has had a particularly difficult year owing to shortages and changes in staff and especially heavy pressures of work. As always, however, she has surmounted all obstacles and challenges magnificently and has been a tower of strength to us all. I thank the Commissioner-in-Chief for his valuable help to me personally and for his interest and great encouragement to our Nursing personnel as a whole. To Admiral Dick I would also like to express my warm appreciation. EDWINA MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA, Superintendent-in-ChieJ



REPORT OF THE ALMONER report this year I propose to recall briefly the main. ~ctivities of the Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the Bntl h Red Cross Society. . . . The Committee's most lmportant work IS centred on the ex-ServIces War Disabled Help Department through which a~sistance. and advice are given to disabled ex-Servicemen i~div~dually. This work IS decentralised as far as possible to County Agencies, Lll whl~h members of.the C?rder and Brigade play a full part, and last y~ar assl tance ~a ~Iven III nearly 50,000 cases, of which orne 17,000 Lllvolve~ financial aid to a total of over £70,000. The provi ion of means of lOdependent travel between home and work, grants towards the co~t of su.i table hous.ing accomm.odation , help in the establishment of pensIOners Lll appropnate occupatlO.ns, and the provision of clothing and comfort fO.r tho e ~ho are now feelIng the burden of old age may be mentioned a lllu tratmg the cope of the Department's work. . ' In more specialised fields the Committee aSSl ts the Settlement for Paraplegic ex-Servicemen at Lyme Green, near Macclesfield , an~ at } ytes, near Watford . There i~ a c?n tan.t demand for the specIally designed accommodation which IS avalla?le 10 the e Set.tlements an~ also in the Norwich Settlement for severely di abled ex-Servicemen and ill the Barrowmore Colony, near Chester where acc~mmodation .and wo:~ are provided for those who, becau~e o~ tuberculosIs, need special condl.tlOn ~ . A sistance in many form 1S given to ex-officer. The Commlttee s Con ales cent Hospital at Brighton i available to all ex-o.ffic.ers and during the past year 271 patient took advantage of a re t m It un~ e r medical supervision. In my report la t year I referred to the conv~ rslOn of Scio House on Putney Heath into a ho pital for elderly and mfirm officers. This hospital has clearly met a pre ing need, and the number of officers in residence has been fully maintained . The Committee gives much needed help, often in the ~orm of reg~lar weekly grants, to retired nurse~ and V.A.D . .members .wlth ~ar ~rvlce. During the past year 230 apphcan ts , orne m . mo~t d 1 tre I~g circur:tstances, received help. Many nur e , after a lIfe-time of erVlce, are III urgent need of a permanent home where they c~n spend their years of retirement in congenial company and urroundmg. Such homes are provided by the Committee at Bramshott Lodge in Surrey and at Ern~st Burdon House at Bournemouth. The e home are alway fully occupied and together accommodate some 60 residents. The Committee also maintains Queen Alexandra House at Folkestone for nur e and for others such as women members of the Brigade and Society who may need a period of rest. . .. .. . . The Ambulance Department, the mam activity of which IS the admLDlstration of an Ambulance Service ancillary to that of the London County Council, places its specialist knowledge and experience at the call of the many ambulance stations staffed by the Brigade throu~hout the C? un try. During the year the Department's 35 ambulance earned approxImately 25,000 patients for the National Health Service, and covered ~0I11:e 400,000 miles. In the same period the Mobile X-ray equipme.nt, which IS also maintained by the Ambulance Department, was used 10 no fewer than 554 cases. . The Hospital Library Department continues to provide a library serVice for over 120,000 beds, in Service and civilian hospitals at home and




overseas. No fewer than 4,400 members of the Brigade and of the Society are actively engaged in this work. The independent survey to which I referred last year has now been completed and a report has been published. The conclusions and recommendations contained in the Survey are now being examined by all concerned, and it would be premature to suggest what action will be taken on them. I am glad, however, to quote the following paragraph from the Survey : "St. John Red Cross, the largest oldest established and most widely experienced ?f the vol.u ntary hospital-lib~ary ~uppliers, ha~ d?ne remarkable pioneenng work III the field of hospItal lIbrary orgamsatlOn. It may well be that this could become the foundation stone of a single nationwide hospital library ervice with the supply of books as a function of the public libraries ~nd .the t,~aining and supply of librarians a function of the voluntary orgamsatlOns. GERALD CREASY, Almoner.

THE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM publication brought to notice during the year was "The Piebald Standard" by Edith Simon- a biography of the Knights Templar. Though it contains a number of historical inaccuracies, this book makes exciting reading. Visitors to St. John's Gate and Church during 1959 numbered 2,685. This is the highest figure for 11 years ; it includes, as well as casual visitors 98 parties from different organi ations . Thirty of these parties were not associated with the Order or it Foundations. They included groups from school and colleges archaeological and rambling societies, heraldry ocieties and Town women' Guild . The re-organisation and re-arrangement of the exhibits in the Museum begun last year has continued during 1959. The display of the armour, the collection of seal and the Order's insignia have been improved. The armour ha been 0 arranged that it now occupie about half of one wall and can be seen much more easily. The eals and the Order's insignia have been re-labelled and are now exhibited in a more attractive manner. In the Library, the re-cataloguing of the Order' collection of tracts and pamphlets has been completed. This collection numbers over 1,100 items many of great rarity. The system of classification has been entirely revised. This new system will greatly facilitate reference and should encourage greater use of the interesting material in the Order's library. During the year, the public auction of a most outstanding illuminated manuscript relating to the Order of St. John took place. The manuscript was a Book of Hour of the Virgin. It originally belonged to Pierre de Bosredont, a French Knight of the Order. The Order's arms appear frequently in the volume; it also contains exquisite illustrations of a ~ght of St. John and of an Order galley. Unfortunately, the Order's bld was unsuccessful and it was later learnt that the manuscript had gone to America. However, in order that the Library should have some record of this outstanding manuscript, our confrere in America, Mr. L. McCormick-Goodhart, very generously arranged for the pages of the ~anuscript to be photographed. The photographs have been mounted III a beautifulleatherbound volume which Mr. McCormick-Goodhart has. presented to the Li brary. A RECENT



Other acquisitions during the year include an attractive necklace, consisting of twenty-six gold rosettes, each surmounted by the eight-pointed .cross in enamel. The necklace is believed to have been the property of the sister of Emmanuel de Rohan, an eighteenth-century Grand Master of the Order. This item was purchased with part of a donation from Dr. J. Gresty Billington. Another most unusual gift was a pair of Russian icons given to the late Princess Beatrice by the Empress Alexandra of Russia in 1894. These icons were presented by Lord Carisbrooke and now hang in the crypt of the Priory Church. During their visit to Malta for the fiftieth anniversary celebrations of the Malta District of the St. John Ambulance Brigade the Lord Prior and Sir Harry Luke purchased on behalf of the Library three items of particular interest to the Order. These were a gold pectoral cross of the Bishop of Malta in 1798, and two very attractive water-colour drawings of the eighteenth century Grand Masters of the Order Manoel de Vilhena and Marcantoine Zondadari. The two drawings are most interesting as they are considered to be the original sketches for two well-known oil paintings of these Grand Masters in Malta. Donors, to whom the thanks of Chapter-General have been conveyed, include:-Mr. H. Pirie-Gordon , Mr. H. J . Harri Wing Commander M. Dumbreck, Captain J. Docwra-Rogers, Dr. Brooke Moore, Mrs. V. Claridge, Colonel Catt, Mr. A. T. Luttrell, Mr. B. W. Beeley, Mr. M. Dunman and Mr. V. Denaro. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Librarian.

THE PRIORY OF SCOTLAND THOUGH IT cannot be claimed that there have been any pectacular ·developments in the work of the Order during the period covered by this report, Priory and the various Committees of the Order have pent the year usefully in endeavours to consolidate the activitie already under their control. Schemes for increasing and bringing to the notice of the public the beneficial work carried out by the Order are constantly under review. It is gratifying to record that since the revival of the Order in Scotland just over thirteen years ago, it has been possible to acquire asset to the very considerable sum of £130,000, most of which is represented by heritable property, furnishings and equipment, in our Foundations in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Lossiemouth. This is a remarkable achievement when it is realised that when the Order was reconstituted in Scotland, it had no assets whatsoever. The cost of our Homes in Aberdeen and Glasgow have been entirely met from either gifts of property or ,donations from friends of the Order. The beautiful Hospice in Lossiemouth was also the gift of a member of the Order. The Priory and its Committees are deeply indebted to the St. John Association and its various Branches, for their efforts in fund-raising, the result of which assists so materially the Foundations of the Order. THE FESTIVAL OF ST. JOHN The Festival of St. John, which was held in Edinburgh on Thursday, 15th June, commenced with the celebration of Holy Communion in the Moray Aisle Chapel of St. Giles' Cathedral.



After the meeting of Priory-Chapter, held in the City Chambers, the Members were en.tertained to lunch by the Lord Provost and Magistrates of the City of Edmburgh. In the afternoon Member of Priory-Chapter in their robes, together with the Cross Beare.r, Standard Bearer and Sword Bearer, walked. in procession from the CIty Chambers to attend the Annual CommemoratIOn Service in st. Giles' Cathedral, where the sermon was preached by The Very Reverend Dr. Charles L. Warr, Prelate of the Order in Scotland. On the return of the procession from the Cathedral to the City Chambers, the Annual General Assembly and Investiture were held , when postulant were inve. ted with the i~signia of their various Grades. by the Prior of Scotland, LIeut.-Colonel Su Hugh S. Turnbull, K.C.V.O., K.B.E. At the conclusion of the General Assembly and Investiture, Members of the Order and their friends were entertained to afternoon tea in the North Briti h Hotel, by Priory-Chapter. In the evening a reception sponsored by the Edinburgh Branch of the st. John As ociation of Scotland, was held in the Assembly Rooms, when there was a large attendance of Members and friends. GLASGOW COMMITTEE The work of the Glasgow Committee of the Priory which was previously to administer the management of the St. John Foundation Hospital, was transferred to a small committee of four, under the chairmanship of the Receiver-General , Sir Andrew Murray. A full report on the running of the Ho pital appears later in this report. EDINBURGH COMMITTEE During the year under review the Edinburgh Committee has made special efforts to pubticise and to increase the number of residents in the two Homes at Lennox Rowand Carberry. Thi has been done by the sending of letters to medical and welfare associations, and by personal approaches to doctors and hospital almoners . In addition, almoners and representatives of Women's Guilds have been encouraged to visit the Homes as guests of the Committee. In the past year there has been a marked advance in the occupancy rate at the Home at Lennox Row, in comparison with the previous year. In consequence of the better average the cost per guest per week dropped considerably. The House Committee organised a very successful Sale of Work in the Home, which apart from the financial reward, brought the existence of the Home to wider notice, especially to local residents of the area. By courtesy of the Minister, the Reverend Murdo MacDonald, and the Kirk Session, the Annual Church service was held in St. George's West; the Prior and Executive Officers of The Priory were in attendance. The chairman of the Edinburgh Committee desires to express his deep appreciation of the support he has received from the members of the Executive Committee and from the chairman and members of the House and Hospice Committees. ABERDEEN COMMlTTEE The St. John Nursing Home continues to be the sole interest of the Aberdeen Committee which celebrates its tenth anniversary in June, 1960.



The St. John Nursing Home meets the demand in Aberdeen among those members of the community who desire private nursing care and there is always a waiting list from this cla s of patient for the eighteen beds provided. The charitable ide of the Aberdeen Committee's work continues to be undertaken by the St. John Association (Aberdeen Branch). Under the -chairmanship of Mr . Scott Sutherland, this Branch has maintained its interest in the Nursing Home by ubsidising the fees , in part or in whole of patients who cannot afford the Nursing Home charges. Over the year~ the calls made upon the funds of the Branch how considerable fluctuation. MORA Y COMMITTEE

The Moray Committee suffered a evere 10 by the udden death in November of its Chairman, Major The Honourable Robert Bruce. At .a committee meeting held in December, the Pre ident of the Moray Committee paid tribute to the late Major Bruce for his services in the interests of the Order. Arising from the death of Major Bruce, PrioryCouncil appointed Colonel J. H. Souter a chairman of the parent Committee, while Miss 1. Brown of Dipple, ucceeded Colonel Souter as chairman of the House Committee. Mr. Wm. D. G. Chalmers was appointed Secretary of the Moray Committee, vice Mr. A. Macdonald who resigned for business rea ons. The Moray Branch of the St. John A ociation of Scotland was inaugurated during the year and a big effort i being made to enlarge its membership . The President i publishing a letter on the subject in the local press and the Chairman recorded a talk , which wa broadcast from the Rosemarkie B.B.C. tation. It is intended to make a big recruiting drive for new members throughout the county. The number of residents at Skerry brae during the summer months showed a distinct improvement on the previous year but it i still a problem how to attract more guests to the Ho pice during the winter months. It was decided to make a slight reduction in the winter charges for applications received through hospitals and this was notified to all .concerned. The Hospice is not yet self-supporting and the Committee are most .grateful to the Priory of Scotland for their continued financial support. Everything will be done to make known to a wider public the excellent facilities available at Skerrybrae and it is hoped that a larger number of .applications of admission will result. THE ORDER OF ST. JOH



During the year under review it was found desirable to place the

~anagement of the Foundation Hospital into the charge of a small

committee who would be responsible directly to the Priory, and who would be available at short notice to meet the demands of administration. We are indebted to Dr. J. B. HurH, the Gynaecologist, and Dr. A. A. F. Peel, the Consulting Physician, who have been associated with me as Members of the Committee, and all our thanks are due to the PriorySecretary, Captain A. F. D. Jamieson, for his careful scrutiny and wholehearted co-operation. The responsibility placed upon the Committee to maintain the high reputation of the Home for comfort and efficient nursing, and at the same



time to meet the ever-increasing cost of .mai~tenan~e withou.t a stiff increase in charges, appeared t.o be welllllgh ImpossI~le to discharg~. Nevertheless, with the co-operatIOn of the Matron, nursmg and domestlc staff, we have accomplished our tas~ ~nd the accoun~s for th.e year show, without taking into account depreciatIOn, a substantIal credIt balance. It has been necessary to carry out work of maintenance, renovation and repairs and it is ~ur intention in .rut~re to m~ke an annual allowance for decoration etc. tn order to mamtam the hIgh standard of acco~­ modation. It is desirable that alter.ations be made. for an alternatl~e heating plant within the next year, ]f funds can be mgathered for thiS purpose. . . . . It is plea ing to re~lve th~ ~pprecIat1ve tha~k of pat!ents and doctors for the facilitie provided wlthm our FoundatIOn HospItal, and to know that within our maternity unit as new lives are being introduced to the world equally within the helter of our wall , we give renewed health to those 'who eek the comfort of our accommodation. THE Ll E


Lady Warren, Chairman of the Linen Guild reports another ucces ful year, during which a number of fund rai ing ~unctions were ~eld. The Annual Whi t Drive and Bridge Party held III Messrs. PettIgrew and Stephens, Gla gow, through the genero ity of Mr. Hugh Fra~er, wa ~n out tanding ucce being well attended by member of the Pnory and It friends. The ingathering of il ver paper continue to be a source of considerable revenue. The Guild donated £100 for the installation of a new drying room in the St. John Foundation Ho pital and al 0 made itself responsible for th e renewing and replacing of linen and china throughout the year. t Christmas a beautiful tree gifted by the Rt. Hon. The Lord Provo t of Glasgow was decorated by gift given by Members of the Guild to patient and staff. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS DEPARTME T

The returns received from the variou Depots throughout Scotland show that the services given by thi important Foundation of the Priory have been well maintained during the year under review. The Department suffered a severe loss through the tragic death of Mr . E. A. Gordon, S.S.St.J., who operated the Depot at Skye since its inception in 1947. As thi ha always been one of our busiest centres it i all the more gratifying to report that Mr. Seton Gordon, C.B.E., S.B.St.J., has arranged for a succes or to undertake the work so ably carried out by his late wife. Stocks at the variou Centres have been implemented and replacement made where such were necessary. These in the main, were perishable goods which, from time to time require renewal. THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATIO


Fund raising began early with a jumble sale, and thanks .are due to Mr. R. L. Milne Auctioneer who let us have the use of hIS saleroom (and staff) free of charge. Bridge Drives run by Mrs. ~arnoch Mrs. MacRae and Mrs. Shinnie, again proved popular. In Apnl, through the



courtesy of Mr. Hugh Fraser, O.St.J., D.L. , J.P. , the department store of Watt & Grant was placed at our disposal for a Bridge Drive. This was well attended. Refreshments were provided and also some of the prizes, which were presented by Lord Aberdeen. !"Ir. E. MacRae acted as M.e. A successful Whist Drive was also orgalllsed by Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Kelsey. A Coffee Morning., opened by La~y Dunbar-Nasmith, C:.B:E., D.St.J. , held in October, raised the very satisfactory sum of £260 In Just over two hours. The figure of £408 was spent on subsidi ing patients' fee in the St. John Nursing Home, being an increase ~f £312 on last year. . . Gift Centre sales amount to £295, provmg once more that thIS IS one of the main sources of revenue. The Committee are indebted to the ladies who, every day throughout the year have been responsible for keeping this shop open. THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATION OF S OTLA 0 (EDINBURGH BRA CH)

During the past year a series of fund-raising activities were held. First. the annual coffee party and sale of work, under the convener hip of Lady Banks which together with a Model Hat Show at which Mr. Edward French very kindly showed his Autumn Collection raised the sum of £307. The sale of work was graciou ly opened by Lady Cameron, to whom we are deeply indebted. Our sincere thank go to the Ladies' Committee, conveners of stalls and helpers. The Flag Day, under the convenership of Mr. D. Macintyre-Keir, realised the sum of £262, and we are indeed grateful to him and his helpers-many of whom were not members of the Association- for their diligent work in improving upon last year's total. The Annual Whist Drive, held by the courtesy of Mr. Hugh Fraser, O.St.J., D.L., J.P., in Patrick Thomsons, was again one of our outstanding ventures. We have ingathered over £900 this year, but have paid over to the Edinburgh Committee of the Order the sum of £1,154 the differen~ being made up by accumulated funds. Although the total figure IS satisfactory from our point of view, it still does not meet the requirements of the Edinburgh Committee, and further efforts will require to be made during 1960 to increase the number of fund-raising activities. We held a series of most interesting and instructive lectures during the past year. The standard of these lectures has been of a very high level over a number of years and it is hoped that the programme arranged for 1960 will be equally so. In June of last year a Reception was given in connection with the Festival of St. John, which not only entertained the Members of the Order and of the Association, but helped considerably to publicise our organisation.


The summary of the results of the 1,201 classes in First Aid, Nursing and allied subjects examined or re-examined under the regulations of the Association shows that 19,086 persons attended courses of instruction, of whom 17,127 qualified by examination for efficiency awards. The table



below indicates that an increase in numbers has been maintained over the past few years. The large majority of those attending classes are members of the st. John Ambulance Brigade who keep their knowledge and skill up to date at a personal sacrifice of leisure and money in order to render voluntary service in accident or sickness. A high proportion of the remainder belong to the classes organised under the British Transport Commission, the National Coal Board, the Electricity and Gas Boards. First Aid and Nursing being progressive subjects, the textbooks are kept constantly under review. The current standard manuals are common to both the St. John Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society as well as the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association in Scotland. The Association had already limited the validity of all its First Aid awards to three years and on the 1st February, 1959, the initial Nursing certificate became valid for no more than three years from date of issue. Persistent endeavours to stimulate the study of First Aid in all phases of industry have been continued but the results of such efforts are not reflected entirely in statistics. The pilot drive initiated by the Ministry of Labour in collaboration with the headquarters of the two voluntary organisations provided an opportunity for exploring the need in factories in certain selected places and the true value of this campaign can only be assessed in relation to the potential benefit the presence of even one competent first aider can confer upon factory workers, particularly where the number of employees does not warrant full-time trained nurses. First Aid cla ses at H.M. Prisons have been continued, the standard of efficiency being relatively high. First Aid was introduced in 1959 .Lilto the Borstal section of the Cardiff prison where girls between the ages of 18 and 20 years are taking the Preliminary Course. There is evidence that the value of First Aid was never more highly rated in peace time than at pre ent. For instance, a Priory for Wales stand at the National Food Exhibition in Cardiff, featuring First Aid in the kitchen, attracted enquiries from a large number of persons, 35 of whom were actually linked up with First Aid classes near their homes. More attention could be given with advantage by class secretaries to the advertising of forthcoming clas es. Another notable addition to the publicity material now available at Priory Headquarters, arranged originally for the June Fe tival Dairy Exhibitions, is a unit depicting First Aid in Agriculture. This consists of a model farm with a background of photographs of First Aid incidents staged on a Glamorgan farm. STUDENTS WHO ATrENDED COURSES OF INSTRUCTION First Aid . . . Prelimmary First Aid Nursmg . . . . . Preliminary Nursing . Hyglene . . . . . Preliminary Hygiene . Lay Demonstrators . Child Welfare . . . . Preliminary Child Welfare Air Attendants . . . . . . . . . . . . M'tiling , . . .. ........ . Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food.




13,136 3,523 1,190 615 13 78 95

12,068 3,431 1,063 705 6 72 150

11,723 4,186 995 547


47 14 922




348 8 19,086

55 7 40




CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS GAINED First Aid Certificates. Preliminary First Aid Certificates Vouchers Marine Certificates Nursing Certificates. . . . Preliminary Nursing Certificates Hygiene Certificates. . . . Preliminary Hygiene Certificates Lay Demonstrators' Certificates Air Attendants' Certificates . Child Welfare Certificates Preliminary Child Welfare Certificates. . . . . Hygienic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food First Aid in Mines Certificates First Aid in Mines Labels Medallions . Labels . Pendants

1959 3,640 3,408 1,262 157 409 550 13 65 73

1958 3,483 3,024 1,086 130 334 609 3 66 133 14

75 7 230 34 836 5,744 624


5 42

765 56 780 5,753 664

203 39 720 5,808 585



1957 3,127 3,604 930 137 375 536 58

16,169 =



Anglesey Breconshire Caemarvonshire Cardiganshire . Carmarthenshire Denbighshire . Flintshire Glamorgan Merionethshire Monmou thshire Montgomeryshire . Pem brokeshire Radnorshire Aberdare Cardiff . Merthyr Tydfil Newport Rhondda Swansea Unattached Marine Candidates



17 103 377 121 424 448 119 2,626 103


70 426 806 333 1,205 1,060 358 5,165 210 3,145 423 390 61 923 1,341 350 694 956 946 67 157




5 (-) 27 (9) 46 (7) 24 (1) 77 (5) 56 (10) 19 (5) 280 (49) 14 (-) 170 (22) 32 (5) ]9 (1) 4 (1) 43 (3) 74 (11) 12 (11) 26 (8) 59 (4) 56 (4) 2 (-)


150 113 11 539 627 78 256 443 413 24 157


Total Awards



106 202 392 146 623 616 226 1,928 112 1,229 227 218 44 301 579 263 354 360 510 30

123 305 769 267 1,047 1,064 345 4,554 215 2,741 377 331 55 840 1,206 341 610 803 923 54 157

75 419 668 263 1,389 1,201 418 4,326 226 2,407 327 340 18 967 1,313 328 398 764 930 31 130




·Figures in parenthesis indicate Brigade Re-examinations.


The numerical strength of the Brigade in Wales shows a decrease of 1,217 on the number recorded as at the end of 1958. This does not reflect a large scale loss of membership within the past twelve months but is rather the effect of an unusually rigorous pruning of dead wood outweighing the normal new growth for the following reason. The problem


of financing the Brigade Department on the present scale when post-war funds become exhausted had for long exercised the mind of the Finance Committee, and early in 1959 it was decided that the moment had come for introducing a compulsory annual contribution from every unit to a Brigade Reserve Fund. Adult Divisions are now required to subscribe at the rate of 5s. Od., and Cadet Divisions at 2s. 6d. per member. It is not surprising to find that in preparing their annual returns of membership Divisions have been more ruthless than formerly in striking off the names of inactive members. There is, too, a tendency on the part of a large number of cadets to drop out on reaching the age for transfer to the adult section. This disquieting fact, coupled with the increasing difficulty of recruiting men and women for voluntary service in an age which sets material gain at a premium, calls for more determined efforts to attract and hold the allegiance of those still inspired by unselfish motives. Against the disbandment of five adult and 18 cadet divisions, two adult and 18 new cadet divisions were registered. The seven Ambulance and one Nursing Divisions named below celebrated their Golden Jubilee during 1959, each receiving the Jubilee certificate signed by the Commi sioner-in-Chief of the Brigade :-Cefn Coed, Barry Dock, Ffaldau In titute and Garw, Six Bells, Lewis Merthyr Colliery Yny hir and Cwmparc Ambulance and Cardiff Nursing Divisions. Special attention has been focused on the lack of surgeons at county, corp and divi ional levels. Methods of approach were considered by the medical officers of the Brigade and Association, the Priory being fortunate in having in these positions key officials of the WeI h Board of Health, the Welsh Regional Ho pital Board and the Welsh 1 ational School of Medicine. Towards the end of the year the attention of Commissioners and County Surgeons was called to the need for arousing the interest of more member of the medical profession in the work of instruction, examination and adjudication with a view to bringing up the present surgeon strength of the Brigade, now totalling 389, nearer to the potential establi hment of 892. AMBULA CE HALLS

The year has been marked by steady progress over the three counties, Carmarthen hire, Glamorgan and Monmouthshire, which figure predominantly because the generous grant-aid of the South Western Divisional Board, N.C.B., so much appreciated by the Priory, permits continued expansion. Outside the coalfield borrowing from the Priory unsupplemented from other sources too often proves an insufficient attraction to Divisions to proceed with plans. A practice such as that of the St. John Council for Monmouthshire in making outright gifts and interest-free advances improves the prospect of every sort of scheme in town and country, industrial and rural areas. There are a number of important places in north mid and we t Wales where the possession of a home W?~l~ enhance the prestige of the Brigade and secure the pelmanence of DlVlsIOns. The St. John Council for the Borough of Swansea is to be warmly congratulated on acquiring a residential house sufficiently near the city centre to focus activitie. Tills type of premises, as at Llanelly and Rhyl, comprising a number of rooms with caretaker's quarters, is more easily come by in towns where sites for the erection of a hall are rarely available. The cost, however, in such cases calls for a very con-





siderable loan on Priory account over a period of years, absorbing a large proportion of the £6,000 still ~n circulatioI?- at vary.ing rates of in~erest. The significance of the operung of a haUls the revIval of strength In the Ambulance Division with its associated Nursing and Cadet units or, where lacking their speedy formation. So, foremost among the year's achievements is to be counted the acquisition or completion of halls at (a) Saron and Penygroes (Carrn .), (b) Caerau and Fernhill (GIam.), and (c) Blaina and Waunlwyd (Mon.). A canteen has been bought on nominal terms from the N .C.B. for renovation at Gelliceidrim (Carm .). another is being adapted by the Division at Nantgarw Colliery (Glam.); a heating system was subsidised at Pontycymmer (Glam.); and premises were rented by the Machen Division (Mon.) for conversion at their expense. An enterprising scheme is nearing finality at Llanharry (GIam.) to house the Division on a freehold site by mean of a sub tantial grant from the N.C.B. fund and a generous donation from the Glamorgan Hermatite Iron and Ore Company for furnishing. Happily a welcome renewal of the £1 500 grant by the Souther Western Divisional Board will enable a full programme to be put in hand in 1960. CONFERE CES A D COURSES

The scope of the Cadet Training Officer was extended to embrace adult as well as cadet interests and the first major undertaking of the Training Officer for Wales in her new capacity was the organisation of a Youth Conference in Cardiff. The purpose was to stimulate the interest of Brigade members between the ages of 15-21 and invitation were issued to two young members of every adult division and two senior cadets from each cadet unit. It was a great encouragement to the 200 members present to hear an opening address by the Prior and the day's programme included demonstrations of competition work, drill and outdoor activities. Two training weekends for officers were held in the autumn, one at Barry and the other at Rhos-on-Sea. Some eminent lecturer gave their services and the attendance at the North Wales conference was such that the whole hotel has been reserved for the exclusive use of the conference in 1960. In November the Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief for Wales presided over a conference of County and Area Superintendents (N) at which the County Superintendent (N) for Somerset was the guest speaker. The Brigade in Wales was represented at the Civil Defence Staff College, Sunningdale, the County Superintendents' Conference London, and the Presidents' Conference in London. It was specially pleasing to have the opportunity of participating in the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Brigade in Malta, a Welsh contingent being included in the party ?f members of the Order and Brigade who travelled to Malta to take part III the celebrations. Subsequently the Council of the Priory received with gratitude from the Chief Commissioner for Wales, for the Priory Library and Museum, the souvenir medallion sent to him by the Commissioner for Malta. The following summary of routine duties recorded during 1959 gives an outline in statistical form of the types of service rendered by ~he Brigade as part of the normal duties voluntarily carried out as occaSIOn requires. Numerous calls for assistance in various other directions are

answered from time to time and go unrecorded. The World Refugee Year appeal found Brigade members among those ready to help in promoting local efforts mostly sponsored by civic authorities. Requests for talks on First Aid to such organisations as the Young Farmers' Clubs have been met despite these addresses being unlikely to achieve much in the way of practical results:Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Duties Clinics . Nursing Aid . . Blood Transfusion . Miscellaneous Duties

Hours 93,068 40,498 9,837 372 3,383 2,448 15,480

On Public Duty . Off Public Duty . . . Treated by Paid Personnel Transport:Invalids removed Road Accidents Other Accidents Mileage.

Cases 22,534 · 19,594 .227,193 · 20,361 466 · 1,020 · 105,484

165,086 Personnel engaged on full-time Personnel engaged on full-time 62 Transport Duties . Hospital Duties . . . . . Personnel enrolled in Civil Defence Corps . .. . .. .. (For National Hospital Service Reserve see paragraph below.)

114 345

Duties carried out during 1959 by Cadet members can be summarised as under:Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Duties Miscellaneous . . Blood Transfusion . Nurseries

Hours 15,550 109 3,209 2,865 757 961 23,451

Cadets Transferred to Adult Divi38 Boys) sions 39 Girls) Engaged in full-time Hos4 Girls pital Duties . . . . 4 Boys) Taking up Medical Training 8 Girls) Taking up Nursing Training 2 Boys) 18 Girls) 10 Boys) Cadets in N.H.S.R. . 31 Girls) No. of Proficiency Certificates 927 No . of Special Service Shields 43 No. of Grand Prior Badges . 4


An outstanding feature of the year was the signal success of both the ambulance and nursing teams in bringing back to Wales the White Knox and the Dunbar-Nasmith cups. Cefn Cribbwr Ambulance and Glynneath Nursing Cadet Divisions whose teams represented Wales in the National Cadet Finals in London may well be proud of this magnificent performance. The Chief Officer Nursing Cadets, Mrs. W. Crawshay, who took office only in November has already identified herself with cadets in North and South Wales and taken a most active part in all cadet activities. A less satisfactory feature is the number of cadets promoted to the adult divisions, 17 fewer than in 1958. However worthwhile in itself, the cadet movement must fulfil one of its main objects in preparing boys and girls for membership of the adult Brigade where their allegiance and knowledge can be turned to good account in the general interest. It is strikingly notable from the returns that the divisions in which cadets have the longest service are those which offer a wide scope of activities



by encouraging cadets to work for the qr~~d ~rior's badge and the Special Service shield. Boys of the Dy~an Dlvl,slOn III Barry County ~rea, who are working for the Duke of Edmburgh s Award, ha~ the thrill of demonstrating coastguard service training to His Royal HIghness when he visited St. Athans in October. Camping continues to be an important factor in cadet life. The Priory camp held at Hton Court was attended by 80 cadets. Caern~rvonshire arranged a camp for 98 cadets in Surrey whe~e the pr?gramme mc1uded a visit to st. John's Gate and other places of lllterest III London. Canvas camps were run also by Cardiff County, ~arry Doc~ and T~edegar . Ambu­ lance Cadet Divisions. A camping reUnIon held m CardIff provIded an opportunity for useful discussion on the way ahead. Two ~amping warrants Part II, one Part I (Indoor) , and one quarter-mastenng certificates were gained during the year. . . During the year 55 Service Medals were gamed on . comple~lOn of 15 years' efficient service in the Brigade, while t~e follo wmg S e~vIce Medal Bars were issued to medal holders completmg further penods of five years' efficiency:- 49 (lst Bars) , 35 (2nd Bars) 23 (3rd Bars), 15 (4th Bars), 15th Bar) 4 (6th Bars) and 17 (th Bar). These 1959 awards bring the total issues to 2,893 Medals, 1,424 1st Bars, 646 2nd Bars, 363 3rd Bars 86 4th Bars 57 5th Bars , 18 6th Bars and 17th Bar. A ~ERITORIOUS ~ERVICE CERTIFICATE wa awarded by the Commissionerin-Chief to Cadet Thomas Neville Jone , Abertysswg Ambulance Cadet Division for rendering artificial re piration to a South Wales Electricity Board's 'workman who was electrocuted whil t carrying out overhead repairs to a cable and fell 20 ft. to the ground. ~a?et Jon ~ s a.ccompanied the case to hospital, continuing to perform artlficlal reSpJratlOn, but the man died. A LETTER OF COMMENDATIO from the Commissioner-in-Chief was. received by Divisional Superintendent William Allen of the Crynant Ambulance Division for a gallant attempt to rescue a workmate who had been overcome by methane gas ; for this he had received the Queen's Commendation for Brave Conduct. The eight reviews arranged during the year were on a county .or county area scale. The Chief Commissioner for Wales was accompamed by the Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief for Wales and/or the Chief Officer Nursing Cadets in conducting reviews in Montgomeryshire, Aberdare County, Newport County, and the following county areas : -B.edwellty, Caerphilly, Silurian and Trevethin. Aberavon County Area was lllspected by the Assistant Chief Commissioner for Wales. COMPETITIONS There were ten entries for the Llandinam Shield for Ambulance teams and two for the Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup for Nursing teams in the Welsh Brigade Finals held at the City Hall, Cardiff. The panel of j.ud~es included a Brigade Surgeon from England with the object of ach.Iev~ng the greatest possible degree of uniformity of standard since the wmnmg teams have the honour of representing Wales in the London finals. The top placings were:Llandinam Shield (Men) 1st Cardiff City Police Ambulance 2nd Kenfig Hill Ambulance 3rd Pontypool

Arthur Griffiths Memorial (Men} 1st Ebbw Vale Nursing 2nd Caersws Nursing



In the Welsh Cadet Finals no fewer ~han 21 teams competed, comprising nine ambulance cadet, seven nursmg cadet, four 16-20 ambulance and one 16-20 nursing teams. Reference has been made above to the remarkable success of the Cefn Cribbwr Ambulat,lce Cadet. and Glynneath Nursing Cadet teams who represented Wales m t~~ NatlOn~l Cadet Finals in London. In the North Wales Cadet CompetltlOns, which have done much to promote competitive work in the northern counties, the Bangor Nursing and John Summers and Deeside Ambulance teams were successful. The programme of the Royal National Eis~eddfod o~ Wales held at Caernarvon during the first week of August mcluded eIght ambulance competitions and attracted teams from all parts of the country. The successful competitors were : -Lady Lewis Cup (male teams, open), Kenfig Hill S.J .A.B.; Lady Bute Cup (female teams, open), Ebbw Vale SJ.A.B.; Trevethin Shield (male teams, Wales), Kenfig Hill, S.J.A.B.; Silurian Shield (female teams, Wales) Bangor S.J.A.B.; Doctors' Cup (dual), Mr. & Mrs . Emlyn Ph~llips S.J .A.B.; Dr. R .. J. Isaac, Shield (boys' team under 15), Cefn Cnbbwr S.J.A.B.; Isca ShIeld (boys teams under 15), Cefn Cribbwr S.J .A .B. Certain county competitions which had lapsed have been revived, and one county area at least finds league competitions which have been organised among cadet units a well as senior divisions a profitable means of stimulating interest and efficiency. ATIO AL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE This Reserve, of which Her Majesty the Queen is head, was created in November 1949 to provide a war-time staff for an expanded hospital casualty and first aid ervice including the Forward Medical Aid Units. Its purpose is to recruit and organi e in peace-time a reserve of men .and women trained in fir t aid and nursing care and aloof fully tramed nurses no longer in whole-time nursing work in hospital or the public serVlce. The enrolment and training of the nursing auxiliary section of the Reserve was delegated to the St. John Ambulance Brigade and British Red Cross Society and the challenge of this recognition by t~e ~inistry of Health of the effectiveness of the two voluntary orgamsatlOns to undertake responsibility in a national scheme of vital importance to the community has been taken up very creditably by the Brig.a de .in W~les. A varying degree of achievement throughout the countles IS mamly dependent upon the merits of those who have been good enough to become county and county area representatives, but Wales. as a . wh?le has made a very good contribution over the 10 years and s.tlll ma~~taI.ns the lead in numbers. Towards the official target of 6750 nursmg aUXIlianes for Wales the present strength i 6,107, of which 3,~43 a~e St. John auxiliaries. While the first call of the Reserve on the Bngade IS the enrolment of as many as possible of its own members who are el~gible to join, recruiting drives have been organised in a number of places wlth advantage to the Brigade as well as the Reserve. Not all of those enrolled elected to join one or other of the voluntary organisations and without this contact it is inevitable that some of them drop out from year to year, but at least the training given in First Aid and Nursing even in these cases is of some value to the community.



Under the revised arrangements hospital training is on a voluntary and optional basis for members of the Brigade who can be admitted to the Reserve without any requirement to undertake hospital or refresher training. Nevertheless the interesting planned course available to those so inclined can add considerable interest to Brigade routine. Also the growing practice of inviting members of the Reserve to social evenings at local hospitals can be stimulating to the divisions in the localities of the 106 hospitals in Wales approved for N.H.S.R. training. The result of the WeI h Regional N.H.S.R. Competition for Forward Medical Aid Units organised by the Welsh Regional Hospital Board was a triumph for the Brigade as the winning team, based on the Royal Gwent Hospital , Newport was composed entirely of St. John per onnel. For the second year in succession the name of the Royal Gwent team has been inscribed on the Chairman's Challenge Cup and those present at the competition heard the Chainnan express the gratitude of the Board for all the help received in connection with the N.H.S.R. RHOWNlAR CONFERENCE AND CAMPI G CENTRE This property situated between Towyn and Aberdovey in Merionethshire, is one of the South Africa Gift to Britain houses acquired for the purposes of the Standing Conference for Wales of Voluntary Youth Organisations. In 1953 it was taken over by the Priory and is providing excellent facilities for camping, holidays, training and conferences on an increasing scale year by year. The Sub-Committee, of which the Assistant Treasurer of the Priory is chairman, met in November to review the season's work and decide on future policy. During the 1959 season 32 organisations comprising 1,600 boys and girls used Rhowniar either as parties in the house or camping in the grounds. This is 200 more than the previous record figure. These included S.J.A.B. Cadets, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Boys' Brigades, school parties and Church groups, including a group of boys from Paris. A new project reported was the gradual conversion of the old barn into a chapel for interdenominational use, a church group from the Diocese of Southwell, under the leadership of their Archdeacon, having offered to provide voluntary labour. The Committee pledged their support. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS . At Priory House the Depot run as part of the Headquarter administration provides a good indication of the value of a loan service of surgical appliances and sick room comforts. During the year 2,376 articles were issued, an increase of 128 on 1959 and of these issues 1,322 were renewed for extended periods. A grant is received from the Cardiff Public Health Department to cover the liability for cases where even the small hire fees chargeable would present difficulty. Local health authorities are subscribing in certain other counties to depots being run under St. John auspices. This is an alternative to maintaining their own depots since some provision on these lines is among their obligations under the National Health Service Act. From the 56 Depots listed below, 2,577 articles were issued, 114 fewer than in 1958, bringing the combined figure for Priory House and the outlying Depots to 4,953. Gratitude is due to all who undertake Depot



duty at specified times to deal with applications and to keep the stock clean and in good condition. BREeo SHIRE: Abercrave (10), Brecon (45), Brynmawr (15), Builth Wells P5), Cefn Coed .(21), Clydach (2), Hay (13), Llanelly Hill (14), Pontsticill (5), Sennybndge (10), Ystradgynlais (5). CAERNARVO SHIRE: Caernarvon (115). CARDIGA SHIRE: Aberystwyth (29), Llanafan (Nil), Newcastle Emlyn (No report), Tregaron (34). CARMARTHENSHIRE: Pontyberem (25) .. DE BIGHSHIRE: Cefn Mawr (96), Chirk (10), Coed Digain (2), D~nbIgh (28) . Rhos (313), Ruthin (3), Pentrevolais (16). FLl TSHIRE: Flmt (11), Meltden (17), Shotton (No report). GLAMORGAN: Bedlinog (No report), Gilfa?h Goch (26), Llangeinor (12), Pontyclun (20), Pontardawe (1), Seven Sister (48), Tonyrefail (34), Trelewis (193), Ynysybwl (125). MERIO ETHSHJRE: Blaenau Ffestiniog (14), Cynwyd (9). MO TGOMERYSHlRE: Caersws (9), Maesbrook (Nil). PEMBROKESHlRE: Fishguard (59), Haverfordwest (98), Letterston (58), Milford Haven (111), Narbeth (36~, Newport (40) Pembroke Dock (94). RAD ORSHIRE: Rhayader (NIl). BOROUGH OF MERTHYR TYDFIL: Dowlais (350), Merthyr Tyd~l (162), Merthyr and Aberfan (No report), Treharris (63), Troedyrhlw (37). BOROUGH OF EWPORT: Newport (63). BOROUGH OF SWANSEA: Swansea (Nil). BOROUGH OF RHONDDA: Treorchy (41). JOINT COMMlTIEE ACTIVITIES Glamorgan Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society arranged an open meeting at the City Hall, Cardiff, in Octobe.r a~d per ~nnel of the two constituent bodies had the opportunity of hearm~ III terestl~g ac~oun ts from the Directors of the two Departments ?f the JOInt C?ffiIllIttee. III London on which the Priory is represented by Its Pnor. Ml Munel Watson, O.B.E., and Lieut.-Colonel J. H. Syde~ham commended the re pon ible officers on the work they were carrylllg out ~n be~alf the Ex-Service War Disabled Help Department and t~e Ho pltal Libranes Department re pectively. These two branches of Jomt COI?IDittee activitie are being maintained throughout Wales by means of J~lllt County Committee on which the Priory is represented. Another Important Department of the Joint Committee is the Ambulance Department. Re ponsibility in respect of the Welsh counties is delegate~ to a Welsh ~mbula?ce Committee representative of the Order and ~o.clety under WhICh a Jomt Ambulance Department is administered provldlllg ambulance transport services on an agency basis under the terms of the National Health Service Act in the counties of Brecon Denbigh ~embroke and ~adnor. The Joint Department was responsibl~ for operatIOnal. and mamtenance except the day-to-day ordering of conveyances WhICh was undertaken by the re pective Health Authority. In ~ontgomershire, Divi ions of the Brigade run a service of 6 Welsh Comm.lttee-owned a!llbulances at 6 stations as direct agents of the County CounCil, the operatIOn and manning of these ambulances being carried out on a voluntary basis by Brigade members while general running costs are met by the Council. Of the 48 ambulances functioning under the Welsh Committee 5 are owned by th~ ~~iory, 33 by the Welsh Ambulance Committee, 1 'by the ~rexham DI~lsIOn of the Brigade and 9 by local Health Authorities. hree COIDffilttee-owned ambulances were withdrawn from service and sold during the year. Twenty-five Headquarter Agency Stations and 6 Direct Agency




Stations were in operation at the close of th.e year, during which 43,614 patients were conveyed involving a tota} mIleage of 525,998. Of these figures 1,334 conveyance an~ .51 359 mIles. were recorded by the Montgomery hire station. In addltIO~, 7,09? mIles .were travelled by departmental taff in maintenance and 111 pectIOn dutle . . . Divisions of the Brigade in the counties of Brecon: Denblgh, Pembro~e and Radnor together with B.R.C.S. Deta~hment y~ Pembroke, ~uthm and Tenby rendered valuable as i tance I.n pro~ldmg the. erVlces of voluntary per onnel in support of the full-time paId. taff. FIve of the 8 stations in the county of Denbigh were manned entirely by volunteers, and 2 Radnorshire Stations were similarly staffed. STORES DEPARTME T

The number of textbooks and other publicatio~ sold . during the y~ar totalled 9 350. The tandard textbook - the First AId and ur mg manuals revised edition of which came out in 1958- accounted for l~ore than half of these sales and the Preliminary textbook on the e sU.bJects over a third. In the latter group the new edition of Hom~ Nur mg, a colourful pre entation profu ely illu tr~te.d, was ~ell receIved as was Preliminary Child Care, replacmg Prellmmary. ChIld yYelfare. A new edition of Preliminary Fir t Aid, expected early In 1.96~, 1 to b~ produced in similar attractive form. Two other revi ed publtcatIOn whIch became available during the year were the Cadet Booklet ir: JanuaTY, and the Presidents' Handbook in June. Sale of the latter wlll ~e tLm~lated by proposals for deepening the intere t of pre iden.t and vlce~pre Ldents at county corps and divisional level . The productIOn of pia tIC covers now available to fit the new standard textbooks, which are larger and necessarily higher priced add to their durability. Copies o.f the many St. !~hn textbooks and other publications are always on vlew ~t the tral~lllg courses and conferences and a list of the titles can be supplIed on application. . There was a considerable falling off in the sale of Brigade umform, due to the fact that large scale reviews in the preceding year had caused Divisions to spend more than usual on uniform requirement . .Most ~f the adult divisions are supporting Priory Headquarters by placmg thm orders with the Stores Department. In the Surgical Equipme~~ field trading was maintained at the average level despite keen competitlOn. ST. JOHN'S DAY CELEB RATIO S

The Priory was honoured by a visit of the Lord Wakehurst, K.C.M.G., G.C.St.J., Lord Prior of the Order, as guest of honour at the annual ceremonies held in Cardiff on Thursday, 25th June. Lord Aberdare presided as Prior over the Chapter Meeting at which the Executive Officers presented their reports. Chapter members were entertained to luncheon by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff (Alderman Helena Evans, J.P.), President of the St. John Council for Cardiff. In the afternoon 900 members and delegates from all parts of Wales attended the General Assembly at which the Lord Archbishop of Wales, sub-pr.elat~, and Canon T. M. Hughes, Officiating Chaplain of the Priory, offic~ate . The Lord Prior at the opening of a most interesting address saId he



regarded General Assembly as an important event since in gathering to do honour to those whose services were to be recognised at the Investiture they were commemorating at the same time those who had served the eight-pointed cross for the sake and service of mankind down the ages. Lord Wakehur t made gratifying reference to the work being done in the Welsh Priory and assured his audience that they were always conscious at Headquarters of the great Establishments of the Order which cover the Commonwealth and make the Order of St. John one of the most widespread and closely knit organisations in the world. The Ophthalmic Hospital project in Jerusalem and recent steps for active co-operation between the Most Venerable Order and the European Protestant Orders were the main ubjects of this informative talk. Priory Votes of Thanks were presented by the Prior, at whose hands also cadets qualified during the year for the Grand Prior's Badge received these awards.


The foregoing record represents a considerable volume of valuable activitie throughout Wales , for the performance of which the Priory is indebted to a large number of voluntary workers. The staff at Priory House comprises members who have given many years of devoted service; and for the first time departments with the names of their heads are listed in this Report. The administrative machinery is a happy blend of whole time direction with supervisory control on the part of the Prior, Executive Officers Chapter Council and Committees. An expression of sincere t gratitude i due year by year to those who give the benefit of their li~ long experience and technical knowledge so ungrudgingly at the expen e of time, energy and purse, the demands upon their good nature being by no means limited to a ingle good cause. Such atisfactory result could not be achieved without a devolution of respon ibility upon St. John Councils and County Area Committees, the officer and members of which make willing sacrifices in promotion of county and area organisation. Foremost among those enabling the Association and Brigade to function members of the medical profession render es ential service as lecturers, examiners adjudicators and Brigade Surgeons. Class secretaries, too , are in a key position to bring to fruition the basic need of instruction; and good results accrue where there are Association Organisers with or without a committee, in county and area. The Brigade is the ambulance movement in active operation and permanent state of readine s to deal with emergencies; and grateful thanks are due to the Chief Commissioner, Headquarters Staff County and ~ea Commissioners, Officers, N.C.O.s and all ranks. Presidents and VI~e-Presidents playa most important role in bridging the gap between Br!gade units and the outside public. Members of the Order on the Pnory Roll are drawn from all these categories embodying the ideals and aspirations of the Most Venerable Order, which deserves well of the country as one of the bulwarks of social security in humanitarian endeavour. THE HON. JOHN. H. BRUCE, C.B.E., Principal Secretary.





cripple without any legs at all, plunged into a swimming bath, in eight feet o~ water, to rescue a fellow scholar from the imminent peril of drownmg.


Brigade Membership:- The p~sition of the Brigade would appear ~o be in a more stable position than It ha been ~or many years. There IS an all-over increase of 16 Divisions and ~n In.crease of 334 Ambula~ce members and 64 Nursing Cadets. There IS a slIght decrea e of 13 ~urslllg.. Members and a decrease of 107 Ambulance , C~dets, -r: he consI?erable increase in Ambulance members is most gratlfYl~g and In analyslOg the figures I find that it i spread over the S.A,R, Bngade Command and all of the larger District - Natal Coastal and Northern Cape of Good Hope, orthern Witwatersrand and Southern Tran vaal and Pretona and Transvaal. Association Reports are atisfactory. There ?ave n~t been as, many classes held as in 1958 , and the number of certIficates 1 sued dunng the " , year has dropped proportio?~tely. There is a very healthy splnt of co-~peratlO,n 1[,1 eXI t~n~e today between the Association and the Brigade and til all dl tnct th1 1 very apparent. Throughout the country they are working a one unit and are thought of as "St. John Ambulance," The outlook augur well for the future of St. John in Southern Africa. , , In my last report I mentioned that t~e ~at~l I~lan~ Centre .and Dl, tfl~t were erecting a suitable Headquarter ~u~ldtilg In Pl,etermant~burg , till has now been completed and the As OClatlOn a[,ld Bngade are III occupation. It is in a central position and is mo t sUltabl~ for, the work of St. John. The activities in that area are already hOWlOg Impro~eI?en~ on account of suitable headquarters from which to work. The b,U1ldmg IS S? planned that it can be converted into a small emergency ho pItal hould It be necessary. Brigade:-During the month of May 1959, Natal wa overcome by floods. The speed with which personne,l o,f the St. John ~mbula~ce Brigade meet emergencies was once agam Il1ustrat~d on thl occaSIOn when members went to the assistance of those stncken by ~he floods, They worked through the night and many cases were ~ealt wIth, shelter provided and blankets and food made avaIlable to the dIstressed members of the community. . The personnel of the Brigade in Natal we~e also called ~pon an? dId. a great deal to assist the heavily pressed serVIces when senous natIve ,dISturbances broke out in the Cato Manor area. One. of the many ~hings that relieved the tension was the manner in which Divisional Supenntendents of Bantu Divisions pointed out to their members what was really involved. . d Apart from these two occurrences the work of the Brigad~ has re.mallle I on an even keel. Members were kept increasingly busy WIth their usua services to the public and they have on all occasions been able to meet the demands made for public duties. t It gives me great pleasure to report that a St. John Cadet, Robed Rogers, was awarded a Certificate of Honour, on Vellum, by the Gr~n I Prior, for saving the life of a fellow scholar. Robert Rogers, a congeOlta


The Call of St. John :-A I reported last year the publication of "The Call" was taken over by Priory as from the 1st January 1959. The finances of the magazine have not yet been stabilised. There has been a change in editorial control and effort are being made to increase the income as an offset against the los in working which was experienced during 1959. Civil D ~fence :-, Dr. E . .R: Hafner recently attended, in England , a ~ourse ?f In tructlOn o~ ClvII .Defence. He gave a most interesting and tnstructlve report of hIS findmgs to members of Priory Council and Chapter.

Annual Conference : -A mo t successful Ambulance Conference was held at Durban over the period 9th- lith September, 1959, and once again a fin e pirit of co-operation existed between the delegates from all part of the countr y. The annual Inter-Provincial Competitions held in conjunction with the Conference were of a high standard and the following were the result.s :,-. Selborne Shield: Johannesburg Transportation Railway Ambulance DlvlslOn. H elVat Shield: Durban Railway Nursing Division. The C. M . Hoffe Trophy: Salisbury Railway Ambulance Division. The M~r~el Walton Cup :. ~~li bury Railway Nur ing Divi ion. The Alpheus Wi/hams Trophy: DlVI lOnal Officer F. J. Howard of the Bloemfontein Railway Ambulance Divi ion. Th e Florence Thompson Bowl: Mrs. Dold of the Bulawayo Railway Nursing Divi ion (Re erve of the Salisbury Railway ursing Divi ion). Inter-District Cadet Competitions:- These were held for the first time in Cape T?wn in conjunction with a Cadet Training Camp, during the school holIdays at the end of September and the beginning of October. Only thr~e Di trict entered team but, neverthele s, it was a most successful occaSlOn. A lot was learnt both by the Cadets who competed and by th.ose who were ~nning the competitions. It is hoped that in 1960 there WIll be more entnes for the competitions which will be held in Johannesburg. It i reported by the three Districts who competed that these competitions have done much to timulate the intere t of Cadets in the work of St. John. , Gen~ral:-The relation hip between the Order and the three Foundahons .IS [,low . clearly laid down and the feeling that all belong to one ~rgamsatlOn IS now, more than ever, prevalent. Overall activities, partIcularly from the financial point of view have been very satisfactory, and progr~ss ,has. been made during 1959 with regard to getting general orgamsatlOn III order. Rules and Regulations of both Priory and Centres ha~e been completed and brought into line with the Statutes and a most satIsfactory .state of affairs exists throughout St. John in this country. I would like to extend my thanks once again to Mrs. M. A. Walton, A.R.R.C., D.St.J., for her continued support and help, and to Mr. A. G~rdner Williams, K.St.J., Deputy Director of Ambulance and Deputy Pnory Commissioner for his continued assistance throughout the year. W. H. DU PLESSIS, Director of Ambulance and Priory Commissioner.



The St. John Ophthalmic Ho pital ~ontinue t~ render s~rvices to those uffering from eye di ea e. The ho pita} tartcd In 1951 wIth 18 beds. for in-patients but thi was later increa ed to 30. As a result of repre entatlOns made by the Baragwanath Ho.spi~al authoritie the Committee dedided to build two further ward bnngmg the total number of bed accommodation available to 100. Thi accommodation allowed for a maximum of 60 beds that could be u ed by the Baragwanath Hospital , and the balance of 40 was thus available for the St. John patients. The new wards with the additional kitchen, storeroom and laundry facilitie were opened by His Honour the Admini trator of the Transvaal, Mr. F. H . Od endaal, on 3rd Jun~ 1959. A monthly average of 50 b d have been kept full by the Baragwanath Ho pital. . .. . The combination of the two ho pItal under one roof each retammg Its own identity, has given increa ed tatu ~o the hospit~l a a pecialist eye hospital with a taIT of 14 ophthalmolog.l ~ , three ~egl trar and a hou eman. The ho pital continue as a traln1l1g ho pltal for po t-graduate ophthalmologists and nurses. ., Since the inception of the hospltal 111 1951 to December 1959, the hospital has attended to 112,744 ~u~patient and performed 2,7?7 operations , whilst the Baragwanath cllnlC have seen 4 907 outpatlent and . their doctor have performed 360 opelatlOn .


Number of Classes held: First Aid . Home ursing Child Welfare . Health & Hygiene Others .

Ambulance Depots, First Aid Posts, First Aid Stations, etc. Number established during year.


Certificates Awarded: First Aid: Adult . . Preliminary Home ur ing : Adult . Preliminary Health & Hygiene: Adult . Preliminary Sanitation . . . Clean Food Handling Industrial Poisons . . . Ca ualty Make-up First Aid in Emergency hildbirth Child Welfare. . Occupational Therapy Demonstra tors. Lay L cturer . Lay Examiners Vouchers . Medallions . Label . Pendants



385 60 2 4 5

199 56 1O 3

456 268


65 3 68 15 826


Medical Comfort Depots . Number of articles loaned


Transport : Number of Ambulances . Number of Mobile Units . Number of Ranch Wagons Miles covered. . . Patients transported .

3 110,862 9,955


Number of cases treated



St. John Ambulance Brigade : Number of Divisions. . . Personnel: Ambulance: Men . Nurses. Cadets: Ambulance . Nursing.



501 4,323 1,848 1,364 2,287

4,009 2,659 440 722 56 15

774 635 2,691 992

] 71 ,663 49,847 32,730 16,929 1,526 364 21 18 15 22 377 1,436 96 1,453 80 33 22,913 23,445 68,864 34,080



51 87 107 9




724 2.

Since During formation 1959 o/Centre






Mernbership :-The overall member hip of the Nursing Division Senior and Cadet, ha remained fairly constant. There have been three new Divi ion regi tered during the year. There have also been nineteen Combined Divi ion regi tered , but as the e are frequently the outcome of two Ambulance and ur ing Divi ions which have fallen below strength joining together to form a Combined Division, they do not necessarily constitute an increa ed member hip. . Public Duties:- In pite of the fact that there has been no appreciable mcrease in number, the nur ing members have ucceeded in covering an ever-increasing variety of public dutie. The e are now 0 numerous that without the help of the mar Senior Officers of Districts they could not be adequately covered. In all Dj tricts attendance i made at cinemas, theatres, sports meeting, race, ice-rinks, public processions etc. In the large town there i usually an annual show or exhibition with a F.irst Aid. Post which ha to be staffed from early morning until late at rught dunng the period the how i open to the public, and frequently for Some week beforehand while it i being prepared. During the busy season tho e Divisions which are situated along the coast ~re in constant attendance at the beach huts, keeping a watchful eye on children in paddling pools, and giving as istance to the Life Savers When required. A n~rnber of members have assisted with vaccination and injections for whoopmg cough and diphtheria, and also at Blood Transfusion Centres. I In t~e ambulances which convey patient to and from hospitals and on ong d!stance trips, our members are in attendance. D:unng the outbreak of typhoid in Johannesburg an urgent request was ~eceIve~ from the Witwatersrand Agricultural Society to open the Milner ark First Aid Post so that the employees could be inoculated. Two.




Senior Officers assisted at the inoculation of members of the European and Non-European staff, together with their families.

Military Training:-Five nurses attended courses at Military Hospitals and an obtained their certificates. Cadets- European:-For the fir t time Inter-District competitions for Cadets were arranged and the winning teams were invited by the Cape District to attend the Cadet camp in Cape Town where the finals were to be held. This undertaking, which entailed a great deal of thought and preparation, proved to be a great success. The Cadets not only had the experience of competing against each other, but stayed a week at a seaside camp where many interesting and instructive events were arranged for them. It is hoped that next year more Districts will be able to enter teams for this competition, and it is intended to hold the finals in a different centre each year. The Cadet movement is increasing in strength and the members are giving valuable assistance to the Seniors in the field of public duty. During the year seven Grand Prior Badges have been awarded and 14 Special Service Shields while an increasing number of Proficiency Badges were gained. Non-Europeans:-There was a temporary decrease in membership last year owing to the closing down of some ho tels which were in European areas, but this seems to be righting itself and old members are finding their way back to us, as new units are being established. There is increasing activity in public duty among the Non-Europeans. It is now accepted that they can be of use in the wards of the N on-European Hospitals and more of them are being allowed to do duty there. They are always ministering to their own people in the townships and locations and are taking duties at their cinemas and sports meetings. A new Indian Division has been registered in Durban and it i hoped that they will be of assistance to their own people in that area. At Milner Park, Johannesburg, a new First Aid Post with excellent facilities has been allocated to the Non-European section and they are being given special training in the use of the new equipment provided for them. The Cadets are always enthusiastic when it is possible for them to meet and have instruction, but there are still difficulties over transport and lack of accommodation. There have been two Grand Prior Badges awarded. Conference :-During the period of the Annual Ambulance Conference held in Durban, there was the usual meeting of the Senior Officers (Nursing) Advisory Committee. The Districts were well represented and I took the opportunity of going through the new Nursing Manual with the members, discussing the proposed alterations and amendments whic.h have been considered necessary in order to conform to conditions in this country. The new manual will necessitate certain changes in Divisional routine and it was considered advisable for the Senior Officers to become familiar with the manual before it comes into operation. They were very grateful to be given this opportunity of studying it together. It was, a great pleasure to have Mrs. Lanning, District Superintendent in Rhodesia, with us as she was a former member of the Committee when Rhodesia was incorporated in the Priory in Southern Africa. She had come all the way


from Bulawayo for the express purpose of hearing the discussion on the neW manual. The Final Inter-Provincial Competitions were held at the conclusion of the, Ambulance COD;feren?e, ~nd the results were as follows :-Hewat Shield: Durban Nursmg DIVISIOn. Muriel Walton Curn'' SaIl'sbury N ursmg ' , " ('" DIVISIOn vIsItmg team). Florence Thompson Bo wl: Divisional member Mrs. Dold (Reserve for Salisbury). '

General:-In February of this year M}ss ,Champion, Di trict Superintendent, Natal C<:>ast and ,Northern DIstrIct, retired from office after fortY-,fou~ years wIth the BrIgade, during which time she made a notable cOD tnb~tlOn to th~ ?au~e of St. John. She served through two world ~ars wIth great dlstmctIOn and was untiring in her efforts durin th difficult post-war ~ear to maintain the strength of the Division~. personally? shall m,ls the loyal ~o-operation and support which she gav~ to, m~ dunng the time she was III charge of the Nursing Divisions in her Dlstnct. She ,ha been succeeded by Mrs. Jeffrey whom we welcome t her new appomtment. 0 The death of Mi s W ood, ~ f?rmer District Superintendent of the atal Coastal and Northern DIstnct, caused great sadness among all of us who had kno~n and worked with her when she was on the active stren~th of the Bngad ~. Her wO,rk for St. John filled the greater part of he~ hfe, and, he contmued untIl she was forced, by failing health to retire. S,he WIll long be remembered for the high standard she expe~ted and receIved from tho e who erved under her.


Visitors:-It, was the greatest, plea,sure to have a visit from Lady early part of the year. She Hospital where she spent a mormng, shewmg the greate t mterest 10 all its activities. Later in the day she met m~n,y St. John p~rsonalitie at a party at Glenshiel, where all who had the pnvllege of meetmg her were encouraged by her interest in every aspect of St. John work in thi country.

Wa~ehurst-~lfe of the Lord Pnor-m the paltI~ularly WI. hed to see th~ Ophth~lmic

PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND The following statistics have been received from the Priory in New Zealand. Strength :


Ambulance. ursing. . Combined Amb~la~ce 'and Cadet Ambulance Cadet Nursing .

N~rsi~g :

Members 2,668 1,450 2,333 2,150

8,601 Duties: Public duties ,Off public duty: FIrst Aid Posts-65.

Divisions 125 88 32 144 126 515

Hours Cases treated 168,417 71,379 49,746 75,264




THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION Classes held: First Aid Home Nursing . Hygiene. . . Industrial Hygiene. . Clean Food Handling. Air Attendants . Certificates Issued: First Aid Home Nursing . Hygiene. . Air Attendants.

227 78 6

2 2 2

Preliminary First Aid Preliminary Home Nursing Preliminary Hygiene . . Preliminary Child Welfare . Child Welfare Elementary First Aid and Home Nursing for Housewives

2,812 565 119


Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary

First Aid Home Nursing Hygiene . . Child Welfare.

305 117 29 8 I

18 2,608 938 301 131

AMBULANCE TRA SPORT Number Mileage Cases. umber

of Ambulances . . . . of Drivers: Voluntary Paid .

132 1,091,514 104,116

508 III


1959 WAS A MOME TOUS YEAR in the history of the Priory of Canada. Our Prior, H.E. the Right Honourable Vincent Mas ey P.C. , .H., after a notable term of more than even years a Governor~Gener~l of Cana~a, retired from this high office in Septembe~ and thus hI <?fficI~l connectlo.n with the Priory came to an end. To him, the Order In thl country IS deeply indebted for the leadership ~nd pU.blic suppor.t he so generously gave to our work over the yeal:s, dunng. whlch ou~ .affair howc:d remarkable growth. In accordance With establ1 hed tra~htlOn our new GovernorGeneral, H.E. Major-General Georges P. Vamer, D.S .O. M.e., CD., graciously accepted the mandate and wa duly recei ed into the Order a~d installed as Prior at a special ceremony held at Governmen~ Hous.e In Ottawa on 19th October, 1959. Thus the affairs of the Priory wIl~ co~tll1ue to benefit from the special guidance of Her Majesty s representative 111 our great country. Golden lubilee.-On 3rd May, 1959, the St. John Amb~lance ~rigade in Canada celebrated the 50th anniversary of the formatlOn of Its fi:st Ambulance Division in the City of London in the Province of.Ontano. In commemoration of this Golden Jubilee, special chur~h serylces were held in that city as well as a Brigade March-past at whIch HIS Hon?~r the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario took the salute. Also, a .ClVI~ Banquet was generously offered by the Mayor and Co~ncil of the <:1~X 0 London in appreciation of the services r.en~ered to the .CIty by t~e DIVISI°ft .over the years. The occasion was a slgnificant one 111 our hIstory, as . reflected the tremendous growth of this phase of our activitie~-from thiS .one Division with 19 members to 362 with 8,200 members m the short space of fifty years. It was particularly pleasing that three of ~he charteJ members of the original Division-William Loveday, W. H. Pmnock an F. H. Morton-were able to be present at these celebrations.


National Conference.-In conjunction with this Brigade Golden Jubilee celebration a two-day St. John National Conference was also held, the primary pu.rpose of which was to lo?~ to the future, i.e. the improvement and extensIOn of the St. John trammg programme to keep pace with Canada's growth and the adaptation of St. John service to new developments in health and welfare fields. The Conference was attended by St. John representatives from c?ast-to-coast who, I am pleased to report, derived much benefit from It and returned to their homes inspired by pripe in a great past and consciousness of a challenging future. Training.-For the sixth consecutive year, our training activities showed an increase, the splendid total of 102,354 individuals having qualified for first certificate (78,930) and higher awards (23,424) as a result of successful completion of courses in First Aid Home Nursing and Child Care (Senior and Junior). This repre ented an increase of 8.88 % over 1958, itself a record year. During the last decade 735,239 individuals have benefited from St. John training in Canada, clear evidence of public appreciation of and demand for our services. Brigade.- Brigade member hip also continued to increase in 1959. The number of members on strength as of 31st December totalled 8,855 as compared to 8,201 at the end of 1958 and the number of DivisionsAmbulance, Nur ing, Crusader and Cadet-totalled 375, or a net increase of 13 over the previous year. Among the many public duties rendered by Brigade members during the year, the most thrilling as well as in many places perhap the mo t strenuous were those resulting from the Royal Tour, during which Her Majesty and H.R.H. The Prince Philip travelled some 15 000 miles in our country. More Brigade members served on this tour than on any other, and the hot weather which prevailed throughout most of the period undoubtedly added to the number of casualties to be cared for. As in previous years, Brigade members were on duty at football and hockey game, large public gatherings, and dozens of fairs and exhibitions. Among these were the annual Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, the Central Canada Exhibition in Ottawa, the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver and the Calgary Stampede in Calgary. During the period of these four exhibition, each of which ran from one to two weeks, Brigade member were on duty for a total of 11,633 hours and ca:ed f?r a total of 4,531 sick and injured per ons. During the polio epldemlc which struck Canada hard last year and in particular Montreal and Quebec City, Brigade member in these two cities gave valiant service, both. at polio inoculation clinics and at ho pital. Brigade members also contmued to render invaluable assi tance at many of the ki resorts across Can~da, not only in providing competent fir t aid care for the injured but also III the training of ski patrols and the setting up of a system of first aid posts, communications and tran port in these areas. Competitions.-Although National First Aid Competitions were not held .in } 959, a total of 116 team from coast-to-coast competed for the Pr?vmclal- Senior Men, Junior and Military- Trophies and individual hnzes offered by Priory Headquarters. It was also not found possible to old National Home Nur ing Competitions during the year, but local competitions were arranged by several of the Provinces with worthwhile results. "S~ve-a-Life" Week.-This special promotional effort, held in May for the slxth year in succes ion, again met with favourable public response.



As a result, more than 35,000 people learned artificial respiration during the summer months, bringing the total so trained in the past three years to over 100,000, which should certainly have an effect in reducing the tragic toll of death caused by drowning each year.

Investiture.- His Excellency The Prior graciously held his first Investiture at Government House in Ottawa in October at which a total of 75 members of the Order, including the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick, were invested with the insignia of their grades. This impressive ceremony was followed by a receptioJ?- kindly offered. ~y Their Excellencies, Major-General and Madame Vamer, for the recIpIents of these honours and their guests, to which Members of Priory-Chapter were also invited. Appointments.-During the year two additional Priory Executive Officers were appointed as Officers-at-large: Major-General J. D. B. Smith, C.B.E., D.S.O., C.D., and Brigadier G. E. Beament, O.B.E., E.D ., Q.C., both of Ottawa; and in November, Commissioner L. H. Nicholson, M.B.E. (R.C.M.P. ret d.), also of Ottawa, who for some years as a Priory Executive Officer had been serving as Director of Ceremonies, was appointed Chief-Commissioner of the Brigade in Canada in which he will continue to serve in a voluntary capacity. Reports follow from our ten Provincial Councils and six Special Centres in Canada, to whose combined effol ts are due the splendid results attained during the year, undoubtedly one of the most successful in the annals of the Priory. ALBERTA

Changes in staff continued to have a disruptive influence during 1959, nevertheless enthusiastic team work enabled the Alberta Council to report improvement in training results over the previous year. Very good progress was made in Home Nursing training, 1959 results exceeding those of 1958 by approximately one-third. Progress, although slow, is being made in regard to the development of a proposed St. John Ambulance textbook for First Aid in Industry instruction which, it is hoped, will be ready early in 1960. In connection with Brigade matters, one Cadet Brigade Division was disbanded during 1959 so that there are now only 20 Brigade Divisions in this Province-5 Ambulance, 7 nursing, 1 Crusader and 7 Cadet. The total membership as at December 31 st was 577. Plans for the furth~r expansion of our work are being developed and it is hoped these WIll enable us to show still better results in 1960. The Alberta Council is now within sight of reaching its objective of lifting the mortgage on the Provincial Headquarters Training Cent~e building in Edmonton, it being anticipated that this encumbrance Will disappear completely during 1962. The death on December 16th of the Hon. Dr. John J. Bowlen, K.StJ., LL.D., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province and long-time friend an.d counsellor of the Provincial Council came as a great shock to ~lS confreres in Alberta, who will miss his ready willingness to assist In overcoming the difficulties that are encountered from time to time in the development of our affairs.




The reorganisation begun in 1958 is beginning to bear fruit in that OUf total awards issued in 1959 show an increase of 20.9 % over 1958. Great credit for this increase is due to the many voluntary workers throughout the Province, as well as the Provincial office staff, and it is hoped that with the completion of other plans even greater results will be achieved. The effect of the reorganisation is also showing in Brigade activities; through the Officers' and N.C.O.'s Training Course many Brigade members have now been qualified to hold various ranks, and this training will undoubtedly reflect in improvement in the many phases of Brigade activities. Good progress has been made in securing new headquarters in both Vancouver and Victoria and it is anticipated that the year 1960 will see st. John established in its own buildings in these two cities, both provincially and locally. During the year this Council completed a revision of the whole financial structure of both provincial and local branches through the introduction of a single class fee throughout the Province. The main purpose of this undertaking was to create a fair share-giving by local branches in support of Provincial and National Headquarters operating expenses. Also during the year, studies were made of the First Aid programme, particularly with reference to industry and whilst no definite steps have been taken as yet, it is hoped that the discussions during 1960 with the Provincial Workmen's Compensation Board will enable St. John to provide more first aiders within industry than ha been possible in the past. A considerable number of instructors has been added to the roster in 1959 through instructor training schools organi ed and conducted in conjunction with the Workmen's Compensation Board, the expenses of same being shared by the two organisation. It is hoped that this programme can be repeated in order to provide more instructors from time to time throughout the Province. The introduction of the new " First Aid" manual was successfully accomplished through the holding of workshop sessions in seven locations in the Province, while the method of conducting the Provincial Annual Meeting was changed in 1959 by making it a full day's conference attended by the representatives from all over the Province. This permitted the ~olding of workshop sessions during the morning for Brigade personnel, lDstructors and local branch secretaries, and for recommendations made at these sessions to be placed before the meeting of the General Council held in the afternoon for consideration and action. For the first time, First Aid competitions were held for ladies' teams in c?~junc~ion with the competitions held for men. The Province was dlVlded mto six districts, each conducting its own eliminations. The top ~en's and women's teams in each district were brought to a central point III the Province and competed for the trophies. These final examinations were held in public and created a considerable amount of interest in First Aid work. MANITOBA

The year 1959 was eventful for the Manitoba Council. Not only did the numbers trained in First Aid and Home Nursing reach an all time high, but there were also a number of features that contributed to making this a memorable year.



The visit in July of Her Majesty and H.R ..H. The P~ince P~ilip called on the services of Brigade members for t~e v.an~us pubh~ functIOns arranged for the Royal couple. Coming, as It dId, m the mldst of the summer vacation period, many members of the Brigade were away from home and consequently the demand for service placed on those avallable was greater than would normally be expected. It is a tribute to the loyalty and devotion of these that all commitments for the occasion both in Winnipeg and at the Head of the Lakes were effectively met. The number trained in First Aid and Home Nursing during 1959 approximated fifty-six hund~ed, an increase of a.I most OI~e thousand o~er the previous year and established a record for thls CounCIl. Co-operatLOn of the Industrial Accident Prevention Section of the Manitoba Department of Labour was of great assistance in reaching industrial workers in the Province and the assistance of the Manitoba Civil Defence organisation enabled many Civil Defence volunteer to be trained who otherwise might not have been reached. The campaign for "Save-a-Life" Week ~as ~gain . c~nducte~ ~ith vigour and over six thousand pe:sons w~re tral~ed .m art~ficlal resplratlOn. Efforts were largely directed to lllstructmg puplls 1ll senIOr school grades and response was very gratifying. . . .. Active interest continued in the operatIOn of Hlghway FIrst Aid Posts, supplies for which are now being furnished by this Co~ncil. . A development of major importance to the Marutoba CounCIl was Priory's decision to transfer admini tration of the Northwe t Ontario Area to the jurisdiction of the Ontario Council with effect from January 1st, 1960. This was arranged with the concurrence of all concerned and it is expected the new arrangement will provide more effective administration of the area than has been possible in the past. NEW BRUNSWICK

1959 was a most active year for those connected with St. John Ambulance activities in New Brunswick. The long distance invalid transport programme continued to be ~he biggest single activity of the Brigade, and in July when New BrunswIck entered the Hospital Insurance scheme an increase in the amount of transport was noted. Two new ambulances were added during the year, and it was found possible to retire two of the older models. .Much emphasis was placed on the training of Brigade members. Thl~ was partly due to the fact that with the long distance trips (average wleage 107.4 per trip), Brigade members were handling all types of patients and required a better understanding of the problems they might face. Furt~er training of Brigade personnel was made with the start of the HospItal Experience programme for Brigade members. At the present time, four Nursing Divisions are in the process of conducting this programme. In each case, the hospital has been most enthusiastic, members of theBrigade being well accepted by the members of the hospital staff: Two new Nursing Divisions were formed in 1959. These will be of asslstance to the Ambulance Divisions in these areas, particularly as far as tran~poJt is concerned. Public duties have remained very high, with Bnga e members covering the various fairs, exhibitions and sporting events throughout the Province. The Provincial Armual Instructors' Course was held in March and an



Instructor's Conference to acquaint instructors with the new First Aid textbook was held in November, both with excellent results. The New Brunswick Disaster Committee was formed under the chairmanship of the Provincial Civil Defence Co-ordinator, for the purpose of co-ordinating the activities of various agencies concerned with disaster work. This Committee, composed of seven persons only, respresenting Civil Defence, the Salvation Army, Red Cross, Canadian Legion, Canadian Army, R.C.M.P. and St. John Ambulance, is to provide the leadership required in the event of a disaster occurring that a local community or area is unable to handle from its own resources. Each organisation has definite responsibilities to perform and three special exercises were held to test the operation of the Committee. These were most successful and it is anticipated that the provision of this special assistance will prove of considerable value. EWFOUNDLAND

Due to reduced receipt from the Provincial 1959 Financial Campaign and unsettled condition in the logging industry, the Council was compelled to curtail its training programme for the year by some ten per cent. The year, however, produced many bright spots. 'Save-a-Life" Week, once again wa a great success in the Province, with more classes conducted in the smaller outpo t communities resulting in a total of over 1 500 persons receiving in truction. The Brigade showed a great increase in strength during the year with the formation of a second Cadet Ambulance Division in St. John's also a Cadet Nursing Division and another Cadet Ambulance Division on Bell Island. The Nursing Branch increased with the formation of two new ursing Divisions at Corner Brook, and the Division in St. John's increa ed its strength by 50 %. 1959 saw the units in the city of Corner Brook combined into a Corps, which received valuable assistance from Bowaters' Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd., the great industrial corporation which conducts its vast operations in that area. The highlight of the year for Brigade duties was the Royal Vi it to the Province when all members were on duty in various parts of the Province vi ited by Her Majesty and H.R.H. The Prince Philip. A second ambulance was added to the Brigade and stationed in the city of Corner Brook, thus providing service to the west coast of the island for the fir t time. Or~anisation improved during the year with two branches being reactlvated and the formation of two new branches in Deer Lake and ~tephenville, which will assist the development of our work considerably III the future. Co-operation with local welfare Red Cross and Civil Defence Services continued on a high level throughout the year, with some ~t. John members attending courses at the C.D. College at Arnprior, Ontano. NOVA SCOTIA

In the year 1959, St. John Ambulance in Nova Scotia continued to ~roaden its sc?pe and widen the area of its activities. A greatly increased emand for FIrst Aid and Home Nursing courses and an ever increasing demand ~or Brigade services give clear indication of the wide acceptance and pubh.c appreciation of this type of community service. The work of OUr full-tIme First Aid Instructor in the more remote rural and village



areas ·has given full meaning to t~e safety. cons~iousness of these people so often out of touch with immedIate medIcal ald. Brigade members in the Province carried out more public du.ties than in any previous year and more voluntary h<:>urs have been credIted ~o this service which, in itself, is an eloquent testImony to the selfless dedIcation of these community minded volunteers to our cause. Although the Brigade this year fortunately w~s not .called upon to s~are the limelight in such grim tragedy as had been Its lot 111 1956 and agam in 1958 it was however, to be singularly honoured when at a large public gath~ring i~ Springhill in O~tober, .the Sprin.ghill. Nursi~g Division received from the hands of thelr Supenntendent-m-Chlef MISS Margaret L. MacLaren of Ottawa the "Alice Alberta Ritchie Award" for the most outstanding public service rendered in a major disa ter in Canada by the St. John Ambulance Brigade. During the Royal Visit in August, the Brigade set up First Aid Posts wherever the Royal P.arty visited and some members were privileged to be presented to Her Majesty a-?d H.R.H. The Prince Philip. Although there were many large gatherIngs of people attending these functions, perhaps the most spectacular was. the Trooping the Colour by the Royal CanadIan Navy held on the Garnson Grounds at the foot of Citadel Hill in Halifax. Strong Brigade units with doctors, nurses, First Aid workers and stretcher bearers rendered First Aid to the many persons requiring such assistance at these events. Though National First Aid Competitions were not conducted during the year, Provincial Competitions for men and women were conducted as usual and proved highly successful. Training statistics for the year indicate increases in both the area of work and the number of persons qualifying for awards in Fir t Aid and Home Nursing. During "Save-a-Life" Week in May, some 3,500 persons were given instruction in artificial respiration , and public interest reached the point that over 15,000 pamphlet on the Holger-NieJsen method were distributed throughout the Province. Co-operation with the Nova Scotia Civil Defence authorities ~ontinues mutually satisfactory and our St. John Ambulance casualty sImulators have put on demonstrations of their skill at a number of Civil Defence gatherings. During the year the Council purchased a second ambulance for Brigade services. Present plans are to use this unit in the northern section of the Province. St. John Ambulance has accepted membership in the Community Chests in the Halifax Metropolitan Area as well as in Amherst, Trur? a~d Sydney. In areas not covered by the Community Chest, a ProvIDcIal Campaign was conducted, the results of which are most gratifying and significant. ONTARIO

1959 was a successful year, continuing the steady progress of the post· war years. New branches were formed in BrockviUe, Osha~~,. St. Catharines and Toronto; a new Corps was formed and six new DlVlSlOghDS were established. Against this gain two Divisions were lost, one thrall disbandment and the other through reduction to a Section, thus the net increase for the year was four Divisions. Improved staff work also.was reflected in a higher standard of efficiency throughout the whole Pro wce.



In the training field still another peacetime record was set 30 984 persons recei~ing aw~rds ~o~pared to 28,529 in 1958, and this desp{te a slight slackenIng off 111 tramIng for the Workmen's Compensation Board and Civil ?efer:c~. Another constru~tive factor was the development of an Officers TraInIng course for the Bngade, in the planning of which most generous support was lent by the Canadian Armed Forces. In addition, many Instructors' courses were held and the number of qualified instructors increased by 80, the total now rapidly approaching 400. Unfortunately it was again impractical to hold National First Aid Competitions during the year, but the usual Provincial Competitions were held which because of the number of teams participating, proved highly successful and worthwhile. Financially the year sounded a warning, with expenditures slightly exceeding income. With still greater expansion in prospect, it is expected that operating expenses will continue to increase, thus making it necessary not only to find new sources of income but also to seek larger contributions from existing ones. While this will be one of the major problems of the new year, there is every anticipation that it will not necessarily prove insurmountable. FEDERAL DISTRICT

Statistics show a continuing expansion of classes of instruction in First Aid and Home Nursing in the outlying areas of the District. Late in the year a Training Course for Fir t Aid Instructors and potential Instructors, was conducted. Training wa ba ed on the new "First Aid" manual and, as a result of the Cour e, everal new applications for Instructor's Certificates were received . Competi tions in First Aid and Horne Nursing were held and attracted a sub tantial number of competitors. Seven team entered the Junior First Aid Competition, a record entry for the District. The Brigade continues in loyal ervice and during the year undertook a very large number of widely varied public duties. One unusual duty was the p~ovi ion of First Aid coverage and assistance to handicapped and ?ed-ndden delegates to the Ontario Handicapped Groups convention held In Otta:va on 22nd-24th May, 1959. Due to the unu ually long skiing season III 1958-59 and the sharp increase in the membership of the Ottawa Ski Club, Brigade members on duty at the Gatineau Ski Zone were working at top pressure throughout the season. The total number of hour on duty was 1,926, during which 441 casualties, including 80 fra~turcs, were treated. With a membership of over 4,000, the Ottawa Ski Club is said to be the largest of its kind in the world. The establishment of permanent St. John Ambulance First Aid Posts at the National Capital Commission's Picnic Park and the Civil Service R~cr~ation Centre brings the number of permanent Posts in the Federal Dlstnct to seven . . Our drive for new recruits is being well maintained, with some difficulty III securing the desired number of recruits for Ambulance Divisions. There is, notwithstanding, very little change in the District's overall strength and it is hoped the unremitting efforts to attract new members to the Brigade will bear fruit in 1960. QUEBEC

Interest shown in St. John Ambulance in the Province has been more than maintained. Now the St. John Ambulance Brigade comprises 2,755



members as compared to 2,336 in 1958. Such representation is shown through 113 Divisions at December 31 st, 1959, as compared to 105 Divisions at the end of 1958. The most outstanding feature of the Brigade for the year ~ 959 was the tremendous increase in public and other duty hours re ultmg not only through increased membership but. in a ~onger skiin.g sea o~ the visit of Her Majesty the Queen in connectlOn wIth the .officla~ <:>penmg of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the various Salk Vaccme CIllliCS operated particularly in the City of Montreal. The volume of work undertaken by all members brought forth great praise, not only from the public at large but also from many outstanding institutions and organisation. In the field of training there was an increase in the number of awards, totalling 14,759 in 1959 as compared to 13250 in 1958. The. is uance of first certificates alone totalled 11 ,034 as compared to 10,040 III 1958 and included in those presented in 1959, 1 023 obtained by nurses through the various Schools of Nursing in 15 ho pitals , particularly in the Montreal area. In the field of Home Nursing an increase of 243 Certificates issued was recorded for the year over the previous year. Junior Home Nursing showed an increase of 92 over 1958. These outstanding results serve as a clear indication that St. John Ambulance in the Province is growing in stature and that there is a constantly greater appreciation of it work and services among the general public. SASKATCHEW AN

This Province is again able to report an increase in the training results for 1959 over the previous year, a most successful one from the overall training point of view, both as to total of courses held and numbers trained, the latter figure being over 4,500, a new record. As usual, close co-operation was maintained with Civil Defence both on the Provincial and local levels. First Aid and Home Nursing Instructors' courses, each of one week's duration, were conducted at the Civil Defence Training School as a combined effort, with the Red Cross also participating in the Home Nursing course. Other Civil Defence activities included eight "First Aid in Civil Defence" lectures at general courses, also Casualty Simulation and First Aid demonstrations at these courses as well as several similar demonstrations in localities where Civil Defence First Aid Courses were in progress. . The 1959 "Save-a-Life" Week was by far the most successful so far m Saskatchewan, with approximately 3,000 people taking the training in 43 different localities. In connection with the Brigade, there was an increase in the active Provincial strength for the year under review; the total enrolment noW stands at 260, which is the highest on record excluding the war ye~rs. Two of the Divisions are still in a precarious position strengthwlse; however, with the advent of competitive trophies being awarded for the year's efficiency and accomplishments, it is hoped that this and other minor difficulties will be resolved. In spite of the comparatively low numbers and the restricted areas being covered, it is most gratifying.~ know that the communities involved were particularly well served, WI the ~otal contribution in man-hours again showing an increase over the prevIOUS year.




The year 1959 witnes~ed one of the most extensive training programmes since the Centre was lllaugura~ed in 1922. Close to 6,000 telephone employees, men and women , III 125 Company localities completing regular First Aid or Home Nursing courses. The new edition of the First Aid manual was used in Fall First Aid classes. T~le. intr?duction of this new textbook required the preparation of new trall1111g aIds and Instructor's Guide, which were presented to the Centre's 350 Instructors in re-training classes. First Aid team competitions again held the interest of members. Seventy-five teams took part in the Company Championship contests held for Senior Men, Senior Women , Tyro Men and Tyro Women. Two men's teams wer~ entered in each of the Provincial trophy competitions held by the Ontano and que~ec ,Provincial Councils, with a Bell Telephone Centre team from Ontano. wmm.ng the. Ontario Provincial Trophy and one from Quebec placed thIrd- SiX pomts behind the winner-in the competition for the Quebec Provincial Trophy. With their usual devotion several members have administered First Aid to real liFe s.i tuation. Thirty-.three of these were honoured during 1959 for Mentonous Acts, receIvmg Letters of Commendation from our Company President. Bell T elephone Instructors are to be commended for giving unstintingly of their time in the furtherance of the work of the Order within the Centre's territory and in their communities. In March 1959 M~. J . A. Hobb assumed the appointment of President o~ the. Centre, re.placmg Mr. D . W. Ferrier who retired on pension after dlrectmg the affaIr of the Centre so capably since 1953. CA ADIAN


The fi~st aid :vork in the Canadian National Railways Centre has been very actIve dunng 1959. The organisation of classes and the number of employees receiving first aid training has broken all previous records. ~here were 178 cla e held during the year at which 1,812 lectures were glve~. 3 26~ employee succes fully passed their examinations and receIved. theIr re pecti ve a ward. During the year 1, 180 employees in :?e Mamtenance of ~ay Department were given a complete course in F~~damentals of Fust Aid" ~nd passed the examination. Special tramlOg cla scs for foremen of thiS arne department in Western Canada have c.ontinued in Winnipeg, ~nd t~e . e employee were given a complete fir~t aId course as part of thIS trammg. These special classes are now bemg extended to Toronto and Moncton. In the Motive Power and Car Depar~ment 904 employees received fir t aid training. Durmg ~he xear 14 classes were organised at various airports for TransCan~da AIr Lmes and 273 employees were issued first aid awards after passlOg their examinati.ons .. Special c?urses for Electrical Apprentices ~nd others concerned ~lt.h dIe~el opera~IOn were held i~ our main Motive f OWer sh?ps. The trammg gIven partIcularly emphaSIsed the treatment °hf electnc shock, artificial respiration, treatment for burns and general sock. . All nurses employed in Company clinics were given a refresher course In the ~olger-Nielsen method of artificial respiration. Uniformed personnel m the Investigation Department have been given special attention and all these employees have received a full course in first aid.




Company first aid competitions car~ied out in 1959 were. ~gain very successful. Thirty-three teams (17 Sentor and 16 Tyro) partIclpated for System, Regional and Local Champion~hips. In St.. John Ambulance First Aid competitions, teams representIng. our Sp~cIal Centr~ made a creditable showing, finishing in first pla~e m Manttoba and m second place in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontafl? and Qu.ebec .. As a public relations service, the S,;perv~s~)fs of FIrst AId gave first aid instruction to members of employees famIlies, sch<:>ol t~ach~rs.' students, etc., who were included in Company classes to obtam this trammg. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CENTRE

Continued efforts were made during the year to improve the Centre's first aid programme, to enlarge the field of first ~id training and to create a more competitive spirit in the teams entered .m .the Company's ann~al first aid competitions. Due to changes made WIthin the Company dUrIng 1959 a number of local voluntary classes were affected. It is hoped, how~ver, to have these groups reorganised before too long. During the year, 369 classes were held with an attendance ?~ 715 employees from various departments. Classes were held. by 48 pr?VI~IOnal instructors 23 of these being given cash bonus awards In appreCIatIOn of their volu~tary services in conducting eight or mO.re tw?-hour monthly classes during the previous year. Twenty-two qualIfied In tructors conducted 95 complete classes in standard fir t a~d, ~nd a total ~f 1,155 employees were successful in passing the exammatlOn and received St. John Ambulance awards. For the fir t time, a class composed of yardmen was held in Winnipeg and first aid certificates were awarded to this group. During their regular tours of inspection,. the Regional First ~d Instructors conducted brief lectures on first aid m the use and safe keepmg of first aid kits No.2. One thousand, nine hundred and ninety Maintenance of Way employees attended these lectures. In summary, a total of 5,165 employees received first aid instruction during the year. A total of 38 teams entered the Company's annual first aid competitions in 1959, and all teams made a creditable showing. During the St. John "Save-a-Life" Week, a total of } ,4.3 1 em~loy.ees and non-employees attended the display ofmethod.s of artlficIal resplfatlOn conducted by the Canadian Pacific Railway's SpeCIal Centre. The officer~, local first aid instructors and first aiders of the Eastern and Atlantic Regions deserve credit for the whole-hearted support they gave to "Savea-Life" Week. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CENTRE

Royal Canadian Navy.-The demand for first aid training among Naval personnel, their depend~nts, and Civil Se.rv~n~s attac~ed to. the Navy, hal continued to grow dunng the year. ThIS IS m keepmg WIth the genera feeling that a knowledge of first ai~ i~ an essential re9,uiref!1ent of mode~ life. A further extension of the trammg programme IS enVIsaged ~o! 19~ . The policy of requiring a St. John award as one of the prerequlSl~eS or advancement of medical assistants in the Reserve Force has contmued, as it makes possible readily available instruction through regular classe} of the Association and provides definite and recognised standards a attainment.


Canadian Army.-A common first aid training standard has been adopted for the Canadian Army (Regular and Militia). This standard is based on the syllabus for teaching "Fundamentals of First Aid." Command and Area Medical Officers have maintained a close liaison with local St. John Ambulance Association representatives and provided any assista~ce requested in f~rthering th.e ~ssociation's programme. Service medIcal officers and certIficated serVIce mstructors were provided, when requested, for the instruction and examination of first aid classes for civilians. The number of St. John Ambulance Association first aid awards issued in 1959 was higher than in previous years, and totalled 4,114 as compared to 2,623 in 1958. Forty-two teams competed in the Provincial Military Competitions for the trophies offered by the Priory. All Provinces were represented. The ten winning teams competed for the Mary Otter Trophy, also offered by the Priory, and was won by a military team from Ontario. Royal Canadian Air Force.-The R.C.A.F. has continued to provide first aid training to the Regular Re erve and Cadet components of the Service, many personnel having gained St. John Ambulance certification. This year has seen the introduction of training to the first certificate level for all personnel engaged in certain specific trades. NORTHER


Considerable effort wa expended during the year to stimulate interest in First Aid training and was hared in by management in all locations. It is worth noting that Company installation staffs have recognised the value of First Aid knowledge and are considering First Aid as a mandatory phase of their training courses. The principle that all watchmen and security guards should be trained in First Aid has been adopted and is working out quite satisfactorily. Plans are being made for the 1960 training programme which should produce equally satisfactory or better results than in 1959, during which a total of 470 St. John First Aid awards were gained by Company employees. ROYAL CA ADIA


Although during 1959 fewer classes were held than in 1958 and a smaller number of awards up to medallion level, earned by members of the Force, there was an appreciable increase- 475 to 578-in the number of candidates who received Labels . Additionally, many First Aid courses wer~ conducted by R.C.M.P. Instructors on behalf of Provincial Councils, particularly in isolated areas. Seven additional members obtained their Instructor's Certificates during the year.


that the most significant happening of the year was the announcement that our Prior, His Excellency Field-Marshal Sir William Slim, W ould be retiring in January 1960 from his appointment as GovernorGeneral of Australia and consequently as Prior. During the six years'





tenure of office he manife ted a very keen insight and under tanding of the many and varied aspects of t~le working.of the Or?er of St. l?hn in the Priory in Au tralia , and by hi per onal 1l1terest, WI e lea?er hip and helpful co un el timula.ted eve~y member of the Or~ er to give of their best in furthering the aim, object and general work1l1g of the Order of St. 10hn within the Priory in Au tralia. As the year pas by many change mu t occu~ and we had ~o ay farewell to His Excellency, The Right Honourable Sir Ronald Hibbert Cross, Deputy-Prior in Ta mania, who during his term of office gave unstinted support to the Order in that State. Hi ll:ccessor Lord Rowallan, .on assuming the office of Governo.r of Ta n:a~11a, als~ became D eputy-Pnor in that State and has already eVidenced his lOtere t 111 the work of St. 10hn. We ha e al 0 been able to welcome the newly appointed Archbishop of Sydney, Hi Grace the Mo t Revere~d H. R. G~ugh, who ha been elected Primate of Au tralia, and ha 111g been admitted to the Order in the grade of Chaplain become o~r Sub-Prelate. He i a man of striking personality and is most intere ted 10 th work of the Order. The announcement of the appointment of the new Governor-General for Australia Lord Dunros iI, was not made until near the end of the year, but the'Secr tary-General advises that he i to be admitted in ~he Grade of Knight of the Ord er of St. ] ohn and has agreed to act. as P:lOr in Australia during his tenure of office . We look forward to his arnval early in 1960 and to welcoming him as Prior. It was with great regret that the re ignation of Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. H. Ruusell had to be accepted for health rea ons, a he ha been one of the important mainstays of the Order in South Au tralia for many years and played a major part in the formation and de elopment of unity of work of St. John throughout Australia, first with the Commandery and later with the Priory. His place has be n taken by Lieutenant-Colonel F. K. Mugford, whom we welcome as a new member of Priory Executive, as Priory Librarian. We very much regret losing Sir Hugh Poynter as the Priory Representa· tive in the United Kingdom, again on account of ill-health, but we are indebted to him for holding this appointment for so many years and acting as a link between Grand Priory and the Pri.ory in Australia . . It is very pleasing to record the great succe s achieved by our Hospltaller and Almoner, Sir Kenneth Fraser, in launching the Linen Guild with the Priory, and already very substantial donations have been made towards equipment needed for the new St. John Hospital in Jerusalem to be opened shortly. . Congratulations have been extended to several members of Pnory who have received recognition by Her Majesty The Queen, in Birthday and New Year Civil Honours, chief of whom are His Excellency Lieutenant· General Sir Charles Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Command~ry in Western Australia, and the Priory Chief Commissioner, Brigadier W. W. S. Johnston, who was made a Knight Bachelor. It is also my great pleasure to record that one of our Knights of Grace, in the person of the Right Honourable R. G. Casey, P.C., C.H., I?'S,O., M.C., has been elevated to the Peerage, this being the first occasJOn on which a member of the Priory in Australia has been so honoured . . R eports from the Priory Executive Officers show a record of cont~nued ued progress in all departments and it is pleasing to record their contlD interest in their respective offices.


As 1959 w~s being c~lebrated as the Centenary Year for the State of It . was decld~d to hold the meetings of Priory Council and Chapter 111 Bn bane dunng !une 1959 . as a gesture of congratulations from the .Order of St. John m Au traha. The Priory Council meeting was held 111 the Chapter House of .St. John's Cathedral on Friday, 19th June, 1959, at 2.15 p.m. , when HiS Excellency Sir Henry Abel Smith Governor of Queen land and Deputy-Prior for that State presided and was wel~omed by all pre e~t. A very full bu iness agenda was dealt with and vanou .recommendatlO~ were dr.af~ed for submission to Priory Chapter and I.neluded a f ull 11 t of AdmlsslOns to and Promotions in the Order and Pnory Vote of Thank. The meeting of Priory Chapter was held at St. J~hn Cathedra~ on 20th June, 1959, at 10.15 a.m., when the full ceren:onlal of t.he CapItular Proces ion was carried out with their Excellencle , the Pr~or and the Deputy-Prior attending. The r~commendat.lOn forwa.rded by Priory Council were presented and af~er bnef explanatIOn an? dl cuss~on were approved by Chapter. As thl woul? be the last meetIng of Pnory at .which the Prior would attend, opportunlty wa taken to expre to the Pnor the deep affection in which he w~s held. by all mem~er of the Order in Au"tralia and our thanks for the tl~1Ulatl~g lead~r hlp he had given to us all. In reply, His Excellency T.he Pnor aId he Wl hed to t.hank all members of the Order for the many ktndne e they ha.d hown him and congratulated the Priory on the work th~y had accompll~hed for the Order in Australia. The appreciation of Pno:y wa conveyed to Archbi hop and Dean of St. John's Cathedral for ~akll1g .Churc~ Hou e available for the Priory meetings and for their mterest m helpmg and conducting the Cathedral ervice. I. would like to convey my per onal thanks to all Executive Officer for thel~ excellent co~operation during the year and to Major Martin for his mellculou attentIOn to the many detail of hi ecretarial duties. The St. !o.hn Council for Ta mania is to be congratulated on the increased actIVity of the Ord ~r in th.eir State under the enthusiastic guidance of Dr. Tr~vor lame , \ ho I Chairman of the Council and Commissioner of the Bngade. The official opening in Launce ton of a Headquarters building took place on 5th December, 1,959, the ceremony being conducted by His Excellency. the Deputy-Pnor and Governor of Tasmania, who was accompal1led by Lady Rowallan. The Chief Commi ioner of the Priory, Briaadier Sir William Johnston repre~ented the Priory and took part in th: proceedings. Sir Kingsley Noms and Colonel Christie also attended. Queensla~d

HUGH R. G . POATE, Chancellor.



caused by the death of the Commandery Lieutenant, Dr. r' ~ Holland, C.RE., on the 4th January, 1959, was filled by Colonel .' .. Dona.ldson, O.B.E., E.D., M.B.B.S., who had previously held the JOlllt appomtment of Commandery Commissioner and Director of AmbUlance. In view of the increased activity of both Brigade and



Association it was decided to fill each appointment. sep~rately and H.R:H. The Grand Prior approved the appoint:n~nt of Bngadier A. L. Dawkins, o BEE D. as Commandery Comml SlOoer and Dr. B. C. Cohen as Dir~ct~r o'f Ambulance. The retirement of Mr. A. G. ~all, C.LE., M.B.E., a Ho pitaller and Almoner owing to change of resIdence was accepted and Mr. A. F. Noonan was elected to fill the :,acancy. . een made in the teachmg of the Casualty Section M uc h progre s 11a b l' d of the Civil Defence Organi ation in the Metropo Itan area an country towns. . . d'1t . I11g ' 11 Sta nd ar d 0 f The Ambulance Tran port ServIce ha ' mamtame efficiency and the u e of the radio telephone ha avo id ed unnecessary delay and reduced c o s t s . . . h Her Majesty the Queen wa graclOu Iy pleased to anctlOn t e promotion in and admi sion to the Order of Dr. B: C. Cohen, M:B .B.S., and Bri adier A. L. Dawkins, O.B .E., E.D. a KnIght of Grace, ~our ~om­ gd e rs (Brothe r)', four Officers two Officer (Sl ter), ten man . (Brother); S. Serving Brothers' and two Servlllg 1 ter ' . . Hi Excellency the Knight Commander, Ll~ut.-General Ir Char!es Gairdner K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K .B.E., C.B. ,. mve Ited POt Gtulant Wltht the insig~ia of their grade at a combined love ttture 1e 1d a overnmen House Perth on the 4th August, 1959. . It is' with ~ery great regret that we report the death of the folloWIng bers of the Order during the year:- Dr. J. J. Holland, C.B.E., ~~~ht of Grace' D . J. Coleman, Commander St. . Joh,:' A . C. Stewart Commander St. John; Mrs. E. F. Pas ingha~, Servlllg SI ter' W. Farrow, Serving Brother; T. W. D . Smith, Servm g Brother ; L. Thomp on, Serving Brother; and J. F. Tomlin on, Officer Brother: The strength of the Commandery in Western AustralIa now numbers 149 member.

THE COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA THE YEAR 1959 was one of quiet progress and few o.ut t~nding event~. The work of the Order proceeded smoothly under the dlrectlOn of CounCil and Chapter. . Her Majesty the Queen was pleased to approve a number of promotJO~s in and admissions to the Order, but owing to the abse~ce from t ~ Federation of His Excellency the Knight Comma?der dunn.g ~he latte part of the year no investiture was held. Included m th~ ad':llSStOnS ~~;e Their Excellencies the Governors of Southern RhodeSia! Sir Hump } Gibbs, and of Northern Rhodesia, Sir Evelyn Hone I? the grad~ 0 Knight and their ladies in the grade of Commander (Sister), to w om .a very warm welcome is extended by Chapter. . f the Visitors to the Commandery included .Lady Wakehurst, ~If~ 0 -inLord Prior and Rear-Admiral Royer Dick, Deputy Commlsslon¥h 'r Chief who'visited the Federation in the early part of the year. f t~e visit ~as a source of great pleasure, and advantage was . taken Obi IDS presence of the Deputy Co~missi(:>Der-in-Chief to d.isc~ss vano~s p~o n ~d confronting the Brigade, WIth a VIew to strengthenmg ItS orgamsatlO further increasing its efficiency.



The year's work of the Association was very satisfactory, public interest in the Rhode ias was well maintained and despite the difficult conditions obtaining much. very valuable work was done, particularly among the African peoples 10 Nyasaland. The Brigade strength further improved to a figure now for the first time exceeding 3,000 and Divisions were fully extended on public duty. Some notable successes were again achieved in the competition field. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULA CE A D OMMA DERY OMMISSIO ER

Once again I am pleased to be able to report increases in both the numerical strength of the Brigade and the number of Divisions . For the first time the Brigade strength has exceeded the 3,000 mark and now stands at 3,033 , an inc rea e of 429. Two new Division , the 5th and 6th Bulawayo Municipal African Ambulance Di visions have been registered to bring the total to 48. The number of Africans, mainly in the Briti sh South Africa Police units and amongst municipal employees, joining the Brigade is entirely responsible for the increased tr ngth this year and recruiting amongst European unit ha barely sufficed to off et the normal wastage; in consequence there is great train upon Divisions to meet the continually increasing demands made upon them in connection with public duties. That all have been met r flect great credit upon all ranks and their unselfi h devotion to duty merit great praise. The standa rd of efficiency is very high a wa amply exemplified in the notable uccesses achieved at the South African Inter-Provincial Competitions held in Durban in September, when of the ix major trophies three were gained by the Salisbury Rail way Ambulance and Nursing Division who represented the Commandery. Association Centres continue to be very active, and the number of certificates awarded has improved till further to 2,487 to bring the number awarded to date to ju t under 40,000. Much work i being done in orthern Rhode ia and in Nya aland. In the latter country great progress i being made de pite the very disturbed conditions prevailing during and since the emergency and classe are being held in all Centres on the line of rail. It i hoped that befo 'e long the fir t units of the Brigade will make their appearance there. In Southern Rhodesia classes are regularly held in all Centre and public attendances have been gratifying. Permanent Fir t Aid Posts are being maintained and manned in the main Centre and all have had a bu y year. . Medical Comfort Depots provide a much needed and greatly apprecla~ed service to the community and a sistance is given to Blood TransfUSion Services. Notwithstanding the difficulties arising from an acute shortage of Officers, the work of the Brigade during the year has been of the highest order and I would congratulate all concerned on their loyalty and devotion. ~he progress made by the As ociation has been well maintained and, all In all the year has been very satisfactory.






doctors, nurses, demonstrators and Class Secretaries who have so generously given up much of their leisure time to the Association.

THE OUTSTANDING EVENT of the year was the visit of Major General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E. , making his first trip to Northern Ireland ACTIVITIES since his appointment as Commissi?ner-in-C~ef o~ the Brig;ade .. He was Adult accompanied by the Assistant Sup~nntendent-m-Chlef N':lrslll~ DIvisions, Certificates Preliminary Preliminary Adult Mrs. J. Romer Lee; details of theIr tour and the InspectlOns III LondonCertifiClasses Classes and Awards derry and Belfast will be found in the Brigade report. The Belfast cates Inspection which was held in the Ki~g's Hall Balmoral , on Sunday, 29 (38) 387 (428) 77 (66) 1,114 (981) 3rd May, included a Drumhead ServIce conducted by the Chaplains. First Aid 212(142) 436 (232) 20 (16) 38 (38) Among those present were the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress members Home Nursing. 52 (52) 14 (12) 5 (6) 1 (3) of the Order and their friends. Thi replaced the u ual St. John's Day Child Welfare . 2 (3) 75 (12) Service held in a provincial town ; the St. John's Day Service in Belfast Hygiene . took place in Fisherwick Presb~terian Church on ?8th June and was Hygienic Food 29 (16) 3 (2) honoured with the presence of Hls Excellency the Kmght Commander. Handling The Order Ball was held in the City Hall, Belfast, on 23rd January by permission of the Lord Mayor and it ~a attended by Lord Wakehurst; RE-EXAMINATION AWARDS many distinguished guests brought partle . Pendants Medallions Labels Vouchers The Midnight Matinee on 6th November attracted a large audience, 2 (7) 33 (28) 17 (22) 79 (44) who greatly enjoyed a display of ballet dancing by four young dancers from the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, as well as the Belfast premiere of the film "Yesterday's En~my." ~reddie Gilroy, th~ Belfast ST. JOH AMBULANCE BRIGADE boxer and Empire Flyweight ChamplOn receIved a great ovatIOn from As I write, the sad news of the tragic death of the Countess Mountthe audience when he made a personal appearance on the stage. The batten of Bunna has reached me and I feel I must record now the very Commandery is again indebted to Associated Briti h Cinemas both for great shock the Brigade received at the news of the loss of our highly the Midnight Matinee and for the foyer collection which the Brigade esteemed Superintendent-in-Chief. were permitted to take up in their cinemas in Northern Ireland. The officers and the member of the Brigade were delighted to have the His Excellency the Knight Commander presided at all meetings of opportunity of welcoming the Commissioner-in-Chief on his first visit to Commandery Chapter in Government House and held an Investiture orthern Ireland ince hi appointment as Commissioner-in-Chief, also there on 7th April. Commandery Council held four meeting in st. John the Assistant Superintendent-in-Chief, Mr. Romer-Lee, who accomHouse under the chairmanship of the Lieutenant. panied him. To mark the occasion, City and Province Inspections were Promotions in and admissions to the Order in Northern Ireland during arranged in Belfast and Londonderry at each of which the Brigade the past year included one Knight (Mf. R. S. Miller, Commandery Treasurer), four Commanders, two Officers, five Serving Sisters and five ' Personnel, adult and cadet, paraded in force for inspection. The Belfast parade, held in the King's Hall, Balmoral, on Sunday, 3rd May, included Serving Brothers. Nine Vellum Votes of Thanks were also awarded. aDrumhead Service, conducted by the Chaplains of the Commanderyof Ards, and attended by distinguished guests including the Lord Mayor of ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION Belfast and the Lady Mayore s as well as members of the Order. At During the year under review, 77 First Aid classes were held and 1,[34 ~ondonderry there were also many distinguished guests in attendance, mcluding the Mayor and Mayoress. certificates were issued. Home Nursing classes totalling 38 were held for The District suffered a severe loss this year by the retirement of Mrs. women and 436 certificates issued. These figures are greater than those of O. M. Logan , who had been on our administrative staff for 18 years and last year and there is no doubt that in 1960, by the legislation of th~ new Factories Act in Northern Ireland, they will be exceeded. The paUCIty of had during this period gained an unequalled knowledge of the work and lecturers and examiners is, however, making itself felt very considerably. per~onnel of the Brigade. She endeared herself to one and all by her patIence, charm of manner and readiness to impart her knowledge Nevertheless, our panel of lecturers and examiners are giving up more and whenever it was required. I take this opportunity of placing on record more of their spare time to the Association for which we are really most ~y tha.nks and gratitude for the excellent services rendered by Mrs. grateful. ~gan In the service of St. John in Northern Ireland and wish her the Preliminary First Aid and Preliminary Home Nursing clas.se~ for st ?f health and all happiness for the future. Cadets were held and 599 Certificates issued. In addition, Prel1mI?ary B,!gade Activities:-Adult members continued to carry out regular instruction was given in First Aid and Home Nursing to Girl GUIdes, public services. Boy Scouts, Girls' Life Brigade and Boys' Brigade. In addition, our ambulance and nursing cadets carried out a variety of The total of Certificates issued in Northern Ireland up to the end of other ~uties bringing relief to the needy. The Ambulance Cadets arranged 31st December, 1959, was 2,472. an OUting to Newcastle for an Old People's Fellowship which was much Once again, I must record my grateful thanks and appreciation to the





the Brigade, and of the others 95 % have been traine~ in firs.t aid and home nursing. An increasing number have completed theIr hospltal duty hours.


Brigade Dinner:-The Annual. Dinner which was well .attended by members and friends was most enjoyable and on the conclusion a presen· tation of a clock suitably inscribed was made to Mrs. O. M. Logan in recognition of her long and devoted service to the Brigade.


Competitions:-The District Competitions were held in the grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, on 6th June. The Strachan Cup Test was again the hardest as regards both ingenuity and knowledge of first aid. One team showed such.enthusiasm that they pressed a lorry into service which proceeded to hospital complete with the judge precariously perched on it. The Competition Committee expresses thanks to the Northern Ireland Hospitals Authority and the Belfast Hospital Management Committee for again permitting us to hold the competitions at the Royal Victoria Hospital, and to Mr. E. T. Green who presented the awards to the winning teams . Last year we attempted to form a class of members from various Divisions who would take a course of training under the Casualties Union so that they could act as casualties at competitions but our effor~ have failed completely for lack of volunteers. To simulate a casualty one must automatically learn all the various signs and symptoms of the emergencies. Quite apart from their usefulness as actor trained casualties also considerably augment their own knowledge. The Otto Lund Trophy was competed for in Dublin on 24th October and we sent down one fairly experienced team of ambulance and nursing members, also one which had done very little true competition work. It was obvious by the 1958 result that the teams from the Republic of Ireland had to be treated with respect, and in the 1959 te t-which was set and judged by the Surgeon-in-Chief-both our teams were beaten. The case was not an easy one and the treatment-e pecially transport of the casualty-called for special consideration. Though some rather critical observations might be made about com· petition work, from my own observation and from reports, the general standard of public first aid with actual emergencies is satisfactory and no adverse comments have been heard. Of course, by raising the standard in competitions our other standards are also raised.

The Account present the financial position of the Grand Priory of the Order as at 30 September, 1959, together with statements of Income and Expenditure during the year ended on that date. COMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH ESTIMATES

The Estimates for t~e year under review provided for Ordinary Expenditure of £111,385, which wa to have been met from Ordinary Income of £58,330, with the charge of the re ulting deficit of £53 055 to the Post-War Fund (General Allocation). ' The estimated and actual ordinary income and expenditure for the year is summarised below: Estimate £

Actual £

Actual More Less £ £


Central Admini tration . . St. John Ophthalmic Ho pital . St. John Ambulance A sociation . St. John Ambulance Brigade .

30,280 32,655 21,620 26,830

34,536 49,458 23,945 25 ,782

4,256 16,803 2,325




1,048 1,048

Net £22,336 INCOME

Central Administration . . . St. John Ophthalmic Hospital . St. John Ambulance Association . St. John Ambulance Brigade .



42,565 2,475 10,550 2,740

70,005 3,119 11,133 3,744

27,440 644 583 1,004


88 ,001





The estimated and actual income and expenditure of the Post-War Fund (General Allocation) for the year i ummarised below:

T. W. DAVIDSON, Brigadier, Commissioner , Northern Ireland District.

Actual Less More £ £

Estimate £

Actual £

53,055 27,375

45,720 35,393






N~t Ordinary Expenditure, above Direct Expenditure . . . .

7,335 7,335

Net £683 INCOME

Interest, etc.











The post-War Fund (Special Allocation) finances the Order's share of the cost of the welfare work in Service Ho pitals undertaken by the Service Ho pital Welfare Department Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society. The co t of this work i met from income from and proceeds of sale of inve tment . There are set out below notes on certain item appearing in the Accounts. BALANCE SHEET 1. Grand Prion' Church Rebuilding Fund In July 1955 'Chapter-General approved a loan from the General Fund of. the difference between the um available in the Fund and the c timated £80,000 required to complete the re toration cheme. Thi loan amounted to £16,040 on 30 September, 1959, and i repayable from fresh money to be raised to clear the debt. A fre h ubmi ion to Chapter-General to increase the loan by an additional £9 000 will be nece ary in order to finance the total co t finally incurred. New Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund Capital expenditure at Jerusalem is repre ented by the further expenditure of £82,734 incurred during the ye.ar on contractor' charge, building materials and equipment. The grant of £50000 from the Post-War Fund ha already been credited to the Fund, and in the year under review an initial loan of £50,000 out of an authorised loan of £100,000 ha been tran ferred from the Post-War Fund. This loan i repayable in the event of sale of the former Hospital buildings in Jerusalem (Israel).



Post- War Fund (General Allocation) War Organisation Liquidation Account During the year under review the Order and the Briti h Red Cross Society in con ultation with the Joint Committee each withdrew £4,000 as further provision for their individual expenditures within the objects of the Joint War Organisation. 4.

Investments The process of rearranging the Order' investments within the scope of the powers granted by the Supplemental Royal Charter of overnber, 1958, has been completed during the year under review. INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1. Stores Department The substantial increase in the profit has been due mainly to the publi· cation of the new First Aid and Nursing textbooks in September 1958, and it is unlikely that the profit for the present year will be as high. 2.

St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem The increase in the cost of salaries is due to the Whitley Council aw~rd for British nursing staff from 1 March 1959, increases for the JordanIan medical staff and increments for the Jordanian nursing staff in accordance with the official scale. The substantial increase 'in the cost of equipment includes medical a~d nursing equipment brought into use at the present temporary Hospital ~n anticipation of use later at the new Hospital to be opened officially 10 October 1960.



3. Interest on Investments post-War Fund (General Allocation) The i~terest for the year end~d 30 September, 1959, is £58,152, compared wIth £47,816 fo~ the k'revlOus year. Owing, however, to a change in the method of dealmg. w~th, accrued interest these two figures are not comparable. The true gam m mterest is approximately £5,000. CONCLUDING COMMENTS The results for 1959 show net ordinary expenditure of £45,720, a decrea~e of £8,132 ove.r t.he ~gure for 1958. The following figures, which

are adjusted by the ehmmatlOn of certain non-recurring items show the trend of income and expenditure:

Ordinary Expenditure Ordinary Income






£ 91,885 55,539

£ 94,623 54,405


£ 97,977 61,257

£ 108,783 64,312

£ 112,746 63,882

£ 133,721 84,947





£36,346 £40,21

,On 27 May 19~9 Chapter-General approved recommendations sublllitted by the Recelver-General on behalf of the Committee appointed in May 1958 to. revi~w the main aspects of the Order' finances. These recommendatIOn lllcluded the etting up of eparate capital Funds for the Headquarter o~ the St. John Ambulance A ociation and of the St. John Ambul~nce Bngade and the financing of the annual expenditure of tbe FoundatIon by means of block grant to be submitted for approval by Chapter-General at the commencement of each financial year.

LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General 18 February 1960



ACCOUNTS 30 September, 1959


BALANCE SHEET FUNDS £ GENERAL FUNDas at 30 September, 1958 Add: Legacies Less: St. George's Cathedral, Jerusalemgrant . Net loss on sale of investments . Loan to Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund










1958 £


!t.John's Gate . ,written off to date


. . . . . . . Ian Property, Jerusalem (Jordan) _ ~Titten off to date. . . . ~~ter.


House and. Cloi ter and Re toratLOn . - 'c Hospital Endowment Fund44,9U dProperty: Jeru alcm (Israel) !Titten off to date. . . .

2,305 50 16,040

7,266 3,698 3,648

50 34

50 34






39,108 4,985

39,108 4,985








Wat on Je,Jerusalem (Jordan) !dilure on Doctor' House, -llah (Jordan) .

- 'cam House and 50,6~

£ 3,657 597 220 782


5,256 57,238


69,727 100 250 70,077


6,2/: :nand, Buildings and EquipI,Jerusalem (Jordan) . Fund: General A/location69,61 lProperty: un Ambulance Brigade Camp 100 .'I, Sussex. . . . . : - Properties: v~nor Creseen t, S. W.1. wntten off to date. .





4,000 5,648 1,786 2,817

8,751 '

14,251 311,032



---]/J 718 /J

407 20


1,108 354 754



16J .--







£ 17,640 7,644

17,640 8,232 9,408

.1OSvenor Creseen t S. W. I . . 32,6ro written off to da te 3,5~ . . . . ~to~ Place, S. W.1. . - WIItten off to date . 25/JfJ

34,9 14 4,042


Hospital and Research




Less: Expenditure






OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL Lr EN GurLDas at 30 September, 1958 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest.


44,9Y 'old Property:


Less: Grant to Institute of Ophthalmology (London) Architect's fees and expenses Net Expenditure (Jordan) Sundry Expenses

Castle Cyprus

rrwryChurch Rebuilding Fund-

NEW OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL A D RES EARCH Fu Das at 30 September, 1958 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest. Post-War Fund (General Allocation), Loan from Grant from




OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL E DOWME T Fu Das at 30 September, 1958 Add: Donation Legacy.

51,449 25,449

3,698 3,648

51,558 ~in Kolossi

Less : Furnishings and Equipment Architect's fees and expenses Salaries and sundry expenses Interest .

5) ,449 25,449


_ old site of Guard House and


Add: Subscriptions and Donations Legacy . Loan from General Fund


(at cost Jess amounts written ~IFllndold Property at and adjacent

200 35,318

GRANO PRIORY CHURCH REBUILDING FUNDas at 30 September, 1958 Excess provision for capital e penditure




41,847 4,794

41,847 4,186 37,053


22,169 552

22,169 184 21,617

21,985 78,738





forward KING GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP TRAl ING MEMORIALGrant (long term) . Grants (short term)1,172 as at 30 September, 1958


649,225 IENTS-



hedule attached.

f jar

.1 958 : Advanced dunng year

1m Jepayable .during year

1,071 11 ,071






2~ (tI:






Departmen t

4,000 52,178







33,531 2,743 683

36,345 132,548 40,000

36,957 92,211


85,000 9,956 24,147





159,596 UATIO



31,317 128,279

50,000 72,961


Add: 23,301 413,821

Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year .

33,369 2,272 704



Profit on sale of investment


52,577 2,986



1,008,658 SPECIAL ALLOCATIO of £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitalsas at 30 September, 1958



Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year . . . . New Ophthalmic Ho pital and Research FundLoan to Grant to





45,499 4,805



Add: War Organisation Liquidation Account-sum allocated therefrom Profit on sale of investments.




'. RS .

POST-WAR FUND(Funds allocated by Joint War Organisation)GENERAL ALLOCATIO OF £2,094,000 (1958: £2,090,(00) as at 30 September, 1958


41,949 3,550





Loans remitted

40,694 3,000 9,076 7,500

7,m ~Ignia and Medals







1958- £1,569,404)




1,553,304 1,543,999


1110 September,




0,000 le ketValue: 1959- £1,616,249





24,354 389,467



This Balance Sheet and the annexed Income :nd Expenditure Accounts present the financial 53,933 'l)silion and transactions of the Headquarters oolh of the Order and of its Foundations. 1,025,441 They do not incorporate the assets, liabilities JlIIi transactions of the local units of the Order and of its Foundations, the Accounts ~rwhich are maintained and audited locally Jlder Regulations authorised by the Order. (10n:' ' In addition to the properties included in this Balance Sheet certain other properties have leen \'ested in the Order either as part of its corpor~te property or upon Trusts in conneclion With the St . John Ambulance Association 390,520 Il/id, Brigade. These properties are only 1,398,125 1,415,961 --- leallsable with the consent of the Charity COllilllissioners or the Trustees or local Committees of Management.

Assistant Receiver-General D. B. R. SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant

£2,110,715 £2,083,954




£2,110,715 £2,083,954


I:Iaving examined the above Sheet and Income and .vouchers of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Most Venerable Order the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and With the returns received from Jerusalem, we reg fair0eia~ra[fi~d In the Notes on the Balance Sheet, the said Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts, in our opinion, and according to the best of our information, show a true an airS of the Order as at 30 September, 1959, and of its income and expenditure for the year ended on that date. PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO., Chartered Accountants



£ 1,242 4,254 167

Foundation Dues Annual Oblations . Commuted Oblations

5,663 11,318 7,310

Interest on Investments . Other Interest

18,628 4,701 - - 13,927 594 82 1,954 1

Less: ceded to Special Funds (net) Investment Underwriting-profit . Rents, Ie s outgoings . . . Subscription and Donations . Library and Museum: Donations.


Gross Profi t Deduct:

Salarie and Lunch Vouchers. National In urance . . . . Superannuation contributions. Rate and In urance . . . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance. Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Sund ry expense


£ 1204 375 2,021 446 614 721 953 579 184

£ 1,158 4,242 225



£ CI~Ypensions and Lunch Vouchers es, onl Insurance. .' .' . U~onuation contnbutlOns. IRates and In.surance . 5,625 .'_amount wntten off .' 9' . g Lfeating and CleanlOg " 110 , n . 8, irs and MalOtenance . . -....., . eand Telephone 17,81';!g and Stationery 5,r 1\ll1ing expenses. 12,641 -""" 'maining expense Jhn's Day . . . · · · · . . 130 ;orriory Church Rededication Service. 1,991 ~Ulures.. 2 . of Ihe Ordcr ·Ies . . 20,389 mia. . . . . . 'Isand Vellum Votes. 44,[. ,'/Stead Church expenses '110rs' Cha rges >~ History . ICharter . Standards ~ expenses


1958 £


5,154 93 717 878 135 1,687 740 729 1,164 2,296 530 753 514 337 339 310 663 1,550 169 69 100

4,973 85 698 832 135 1,473 1,251 710 1,271 728 272 769



656 439 178 818 1,629 121 89 250 253 257 566

19,734 18,453 1Y-

17,941 - - 47,784

. and Lunch Vouchers. al Insurance . . . 16,l)1 nnuation contributions 27,510 Rates and Insurance --amount written off . .iJlg, Heating and leaning f) and Maintenance . :ge and Telephone mg and Stationery ~lIing ex pen es . .: Fee . ;ue Books . ~ Expenses

·mo:--.IlVo/the Order of t. Jo17I1"]ting and other co ts . ~[Jes and Lunch oucher . . . ~onal Insurance and Superannuation eUpkeep . . . . . . . ~dry expenses .


Cost of Production £ 3,104 1,214 141 178 225

Sales and Adverti ing Revenue £


4,243 95 464 212 135 357 756 325 242 154 315 75 160 7,533 -






1,243 136 365 136 79 145 157 107 118 114 94 121 2,815 -


1,110 126 415 230 300 552 2,733 -

4,397 103 566 222 135 357 12 336 289 55 315 81 141


1S and

Lunch Vouchers . lnal Insurance and Superann~ation 'co~tributi~ns Upkeep . . . . . . . . . . . CuttingS and ewspapers . graphs . . . . . . ~.eleases, Posters and Leaflets Dillon expenses . . . . '!e and Telephone r~ and Stationery (llin~ expenses . IJalOmg expenses . l1Y expenses : v AND


l'~nal 'les and Lunch l ~ Hsur~nce

Vo uc hers. . . . . . . . and Superannuation contributions I't ng, eatmg and Cleaning ·.ar Alarm ~~n TriptYch re~tor~tia'n l1Yexpenses . . .


1,318 143 180 132 159 376 136 129 150 195 163 153

t ~ rans erred to Post-War Fund

1,184 153 384 38 453



INCOME HOSPITALSubscriptions and Donations Interest .

ISRAELRents, Jess outgoings . Interest. Less: Agent's Fees and expenses






1,934 717





£ 521 40

377 37


561 93

414 73 468




HOSPITALSalaries and Pension National Insurance . . . Superannuation contributions. . Nurses' Uniforms and Allowances Food and Housekeeping Drugs . . Equipment . Freight . . Linen Room Light and Water . . . Repairs and Maintenance. Travelling expenses. . . Postage and Telephone Printing, Stationery and Office Equipment . . . Furniture and Fittings. Motor ar . . . . . . . St. George's Cathedral, lerusalemgrant . Rent . . . . . . Accommodation charges Sundry expenses


21,965 18,646 61 37 992 570 165 145 4,027 3,695 1,968 1,789 6,418 822 1,336 207 295 244 658 576 737 295 2,092 2,036 238 182


506 1,261 643



611 312 531





44,323 31,118

NET COST, transferred to Post-War Fund.



Lo DO OFFICESalarie and Lunch Vouchers. ationa! Insurance . . . Superannuation contributions Rates and Insurance . . . Lighting Heating and Cleaning Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Hospital Film . Sundry expenses

1,490 32 148 45 83 353 242 2,588


31 141 45 89 174 235 63 105


53 5,135





1958 £

Charges to Centres and D etached Classes for


7,676 2,340 1,117

7,151 2,644 685



Awards (net) Subscriptions and Donations .

NET COST, transferred to Post-War Fund





ational Insurance Superannuation contributions Rent Rates and Insurance . Lease-amount written off . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling ex pen es Entertaining e penses Office Equipment . System investigation Sundry expenses .

Competitions (net) Grants to ounties Fi!m-"The Long Wait" £23,945 £20,762


439 887 439 270 723 17 1,652 3,015 131 195 461 333 20,548 1,581 358 1,458



8 § .....






~ trl


£49.458 £33.474

Salaries and Lunch Vouchers

instruction and examinations . 17,174 Less: Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses. 9,498



£ 11,079

386 844 434 270 707

1,531 1,771 1,467 113 172 146 188 318 19,426 1,169 167

£23,945 £20,762

-= ~



~ ~ w








:F ~





INCOME Interest on Investments NET









Welfare Work in Service Hospitals.





E PE DITURE for the year transferred to

Balance Sheet

£44,489 £47,244


£44,489 £47,244

30 SEPTElVlBER, 1959









£ 196,7 5

fad et Va/lie £ 20 ,500

19, 14










of £

Value £

Cost £ 98,402

Market Va/lie £ 107500






Market Vallie


9 ,383









536,6 1



4 ,700

357, 73





15 ,694










273,5 9





797, 30












967, 30










\l)phtbal111ic lrJOSpital (Founded 1882)


'[be <Branb


in tbe 1Sritisb 1Realm of n:be f1l)os t

\l)ellcrable @rber of the ll)ospitaI of St. 30hn of 3eruealenl.

Printed by SWlndon Press Ltd , Vi ctor ia Road , Swindon , Wilts.

Report of the Committee for 1959 includ ing the

Reports of the Hospital Sub-Committees






1bospital of ~be Most \Dellerabl e QDrber of St. john, 3erusalcIll

S o\")e r eign 1beab of n) e <Drbet' : HER MAJESTY T HE QUEEN (Io mlll ttte e: 24th June, 1960)




1b spltRl ler TEWART D UKE-ELDER, O.C.V .O. , PH.D., D.SC., LL.D., M.D., F.R.C.. , F.A.C . ., F.R.A.C.. , F.R.S. E>.: put~

That [he Knights who should make their profe ioo in it hould adorn their K nighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues, with hospital sel'l'ice, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in these various functions, hould only seek to di tingui h them elves by a course of virtue. Soldier of Jesus Chri t are de igned only to fight for Hi Glory to maintain His worship, to love, revereoce and preserve justice, to favour, support and defend such as are op pressed, without neglecting the duties 0/ holy hospital sen 'ice.


1l)0s pltnllcr

0 1MODORE T. KEITH LYLE, C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C. 1boll. 1:rcasuret·.


G . WHYTE, ESQ. fl1)emb ers .

C. T . E A , E Q ., C.M.O., ecretary-Geoeral (ex-officio) THE LADY WEBB-JOH 0 LEWl G . flYTl::., Q., Receiver-General Til l::. RT. H . LORD 80 0 1. LL.D .. J.P.. F.R.LB .A. Il~ T.- Ot O'll.L W. R . HOR BY TEER, D.L. IR HUGH Dow, O.C.LE., K.C. .I. IR HARRY I DER 0 , P A H , K.B.E., C. LO., M.V.O. , F.R.C.P·CE.) R K W. LAW, E Q ., M.D., F.R.C.. tR PHILIP OUTIIWLLL, .B.E., LC. PROFE OR . H . A HTO , M.R.C .. , M.R.C.P. THE Ho. 1. R . BRIDGE 'fA , C.B.E. LrEuT.- OLONEL J . W. HITTY, LB.E. DR. . L. . OL o-Jo E , B. C., 'f .R.C.. , L.R.C.P. 1. E. 00 1BER, E Q ., M.A., LL.B. THE RT. Ho . LORD EVA , G.. V.O ., M.D., F.R.C.P. tR ARTlT R PORRITT, K.. M.G., K.C . .0., C.B.E., F.R.C.. D R. R . H. OTT, l.R . . . , L.R .C.P. J . H . DOGc, \ RT. E. Q ., ,\ 1.., 1.0 .. F.R.C. . J. H. l iLLER, E Q ., M.D., F.R . . .

Secrc till'\?

MAJOR J . F. C. UNDERHILL, T.D. 'tClnrl:>cII .

A. J . BOA E, E


O.B.E .. F.R.C . ., L. R.C.P., D.O.M.S.

S ub",'OOlarN:n /l n l:>

Surgeo n to t be 1bosPltlll.

K HALIL M. BUDEIRI, O.B.E., M.D.(GEN.), D.O.M.S . Matron.


IPrion] of Scotlanb 1)ospltnllcr SIR GORDO

LETHE I, K.C . 1.G .

{pl'lorp for l1Ulfl Ies 1f) 15pftRilcr

THE EARL OF Pu MO TH Hospitaller of Bridgend

Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Committee for 1959

IPnol')? ill SOlltbcrn llfl'l a

including the

1f)lSplrRllcr COLONEL L. O. HEARER,



{pl'lor}] III lHew Zefllalll 1f) spltnller TOH



{prior}] ill aflllEtl Et 1bospltn[[er J. N. B. CRAWFORD , E Q ., M.B.E. , E.D.,


IPrivl'}] of tbe Bllstrfllial1 (!ollllllol1wcaltb (erc[1l51\7C of 'tUlc5tcrn £\llBtralfn) BRIGADIER

1b 5~)(rR![er IR KE fETH FR R, C.B.E., E .D.

The Ho pitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Ho pital have the honour to ubmit their i ty-eighth report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General During the year 1959 the c er-increa ing intere t and acti itie of the Order of t. John in Jeru alem ha e pro p red. In the early part of the year the two corner ton ituated on either ide of the main door of the new ho pital v.. r laid· at the end of the year the building of the new ho pital had be n almo t completed and',: ork on it internal con truction was far ad anced. During the y ar our temporary ho pital in the Old City ofJeru al m, already apparently tr tched to capacity during the pre iou year, again created a re ord in the olume of it ork· while the research work on trachoma ha onc more e ceeded legitimate expectation and show eery ign of early and fruitful ucce . It ha been a year of considerable ffort; but it ha be n a ear of acme ement. TH

(to IllIllEt nbe r}? (Witblll tbe IPnol"}2 of

til 11"([1 este r It :Elll 5 tra ria tbe

BllfHrRlutll aOllllll~111\\Jen[tb)

1bospltllll er A. K. 00 A , E

There ha e been no change in the per onnel of the Ho pital Committee in the year under review and the Ho pitaller would like to expre his gratitude to the member for their continued intere t and the a i tance they have gi en him in the conduct of the affair of the Order.



aOllllllftltber}? of arbs tn lHortbern Jrelanb 1bOSpltR[[er SIR D UDLEY MCCORKELL, M .B.E., D.L.

(tOI1l111anber)] in (tenrral Bfl'lca 1bospiraller EDWARD MILNE BAINBRIDGE



ESQ., O.B.E.



One event during the year 1959 ha 0 er hado',: ed our ho pital in Jeru alem. On 0 ember 22nd, Dr. Elia Doany the A i tant Surgeon to the ho pital died suddenly and une pectedly. Dr. Doany, a young Arab surgeon trained in ophthalmology in London, wa a popular and brilliant member of our taff; hi urgical kill and happy per onality are sorely mi ed in our hospital. E1 ewhere in thi report a hort obituary notice will be found, but the Committee would wi h to extend their deepest ympathy to hi widow and hi two children. A happy event was the conferment by Her Majesty The Queen of the O.B.E. on Dr. Khalil Bud iri, the Sub-Warden and Surgeon to the hospital. No event could have given the Committee greater pleasure and




we all con~ra~ulate him warmly o~ an honour well ~arnc~. An extract from the CItatIOn expre e the feelll1g of the CommIttee In thi matt ' " . . . he has now worked at the Ho pital of St. John for twenty-seve:~ years and the debt of gratitu.de owed to, hjm by thou and, both in Jerualem ~nd througho':lt, the MIddle Ea t, I Immen e, ... " The Committee recogm e Dr. Budelfl a one of it mo t faithful and rno t able ~ ervant and hope that hi ervices will be continued and extended for rnan~ years to come. To the entire taff, Briti h and Arabic from the Warden and th Matron down to the washer-w?men the Committee wi h to expre s thei~ thank for another year er~l~e to the Order during which they have, one and all, perfonned prodlgle of work in the er ice of the ick of Jeru ale.ill, of Jord~n and the urrounding Arab countrie . The difficulties runmng ~ ho pltal largely urgical in it activitie in the cramped and dIfficult en lr?nment of two old, curiou ly con tructed hou ,mu t be se~n to be beli~ved. To our taff great credit i due for th ir achievement thi y.ea~, partlcularly a will be een from the Ward n report, that the ast?mshing nUI?ber of.164 155 p~tient ha e been een during the year while 3 500 major urglcal operatIOn have been performed- an increase of ~~6. on .the figure la t year it elf a record in the hi tory of the Order's actIvltIes m Jerusalem. Th~s medical activity has . co~r e, been complicated by a corres~ondmgly heavy load of admmL tratIve work re ulting from the con tructIOn. of our new building. In this re pect the Committee would like partIcularly to record the. zealou ervices of Mr. I a Marogi, our Chief Clerk, whose no~al duties ha e be~n wollen out of recognition by the wo~k connected wIth. t~e large .con Ignment of equipment of all types whIch ha~e. been arn.vlllg contmuou ly and regularly in Jordan from Great .Bntam. In this he has had the con cientiou and willing cooperatI?ll. ?f Mr. Nazar, who has received and checked and ha had the responsIbIlIty f?r many thousands of pounds-worth of tore a they have arnved at. ~he sI~e of the new building. Our Bntish SIsters have again served us well. Mi Sheridan, who was seconded from Moorfields Eye Hospital, completed her term of office and re~urne~ to Moorfields in March; for her help and services the Comffilttee IS grateful. She was replaced by Miss P. Berry and Miss S. McCarthy, so that the number of Sisters at the hospital at the end of the year .was five .. The Committee wishes them a happy term of office; and m tl;lls regar~ It would once more like to pay a tribute to the immense servI~es of MISS Mac~ellar, the ~atron of Moorfields Eye Ho pital, who, despIte her .o wn c~nsiderable difficulties in staffing, has never failed to s':lpply us wIth effiCIent, enthusiastic-and extremely presentable- British SIsters .




In last year.'s report it was noted that the Warden' house and the Matron and SIsters ~ome were c~mpl.eted, furnished and occupied since July 1?58. The most Important thing In any hospital project is adequate ?urses quarters; and these we constructed first. It was also noted that ~ November 1958, a small but significant ceremony took place when SIr Alfred (now Lord) Bossom, together with H.E. the Governor of Jerusalem, turned over the first shovelful of earth in the construction of



the foundation of the new hospital building. From that time construction progres ed so ~apidly that in March 1959, the walls were some six feet high and suffiCIently advanced to allow a ceremony for the laying of the tWO corner stone . The first ceremony took place in a sand stonn; the second in a blizzard. For this purpo e the Chancellor of the Order Lieut-General Sir Henry pownall, K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., the Ho pitaller, the Secretary and a number of member of the Order travelled from London to Jerusalem. Thank to the speed and efficiency of the Jordan Arab Anny, a distinguished company wa protected from the elements by marquees which re i ted wind and now and rain. The company included the Minister of Health, H.E. Dr. Tutunji who acted as the personal representative of H.M . King Hu ein, H .E. the Governor of Jerusalem, the Mayor of that city the Briti h on ul-G n ral, as well a a large and repre entative number of ] ordanian . The Archbi hop in Jeru alem conducted a short smice, the hanceJlor and the Ho pitaller both made speeches, the former drawing particular attention to the long a sociation of the Order \Iith Jerusalem the latter to the hopes of the Order for the future. Thereupon the hancellor laid a corner stone with a uitable inscription in Engli hat the right ide of the main door of the new building, the Hospitaller a similar tone at the left of the door in cribed in rabic, and H.E. the Governor of Jeru alem thanked the Order in moving term for their charitable crvic to the people of Jordan and expre sed the deep appreciation felt by hi countrymen. brass band and a pipe band of the Jordan Arab rmy contributed mu ic before and after the ceremony, whereafter the hancellor and the Ho pitaller received all the guests at a reception and tea in the nearby mbas ador Hotel. Since that time the building of the new ho pita1 has progres ed astoni hingly- con iderably in ad ance of chedule' at the end of the year th~ outer hell of the building wa completed, and at the time of writing thiS report the in ide fitting are rapidly going on apac. Dnle some u~toward e ent happen there eem no doubt that the entire building \\'111 be completed by October 11th, 1960 \\ hen the hospital i scheduled to be officially opened by H.M. King Hu sein and H.R.H. The Duke of Glouce ter the Grand Prior of the Order. The hospital it elf tand on one of the mo t commanding sites of the m?dern Arab city of Jeru alen ithin a large compound which will be laid out a a garden containing the already built re earch laboratory the Warden' hou e, the Matron and Si ter ' Home and a mall bungalow fo~ r~search worker. s they appeared at the end of the year the e building were univer ally acclaimed by the people of Jerusalem a one of the outstanding landmark in the city; and any unbia ed ob er er wo~ld agree that their e timate i correct. It i a group of buildings of which the Order may well be proud' and it will undoubtedly be the ophthalmic centre of the Middle East and will allow the Order to extend and increase it charitable work in that part of the world where it is so sorely needed both in the treatment of eye disea e and in research. ~ru:ortunately the iIlu tration in this reDort do not do the building J~stJce for the surrounding environment make adequate photography difficult. To build a completely modern hospital of tIllS type i no simple matter and the difficulties are increa ed out of all mea ure when much of the constructional material, most of the fitting and all the medical and



surgical equipmen~ mu t be t~an ported [rom Great Britain overseas, Troubles ar? e ~hICh at one ,tmle threat ned to become acute, but the Secretary paId VI It to Jordan ill July and Augu t and again in November remaining until the end of the year and beyond and by one means 0' another smoothed them all out. The building i now ahead of schedul~ and all the equipment and fitting in the pipe-line. Apart from ,the effo~·t of our Secretary, thl , pro~ramme could not have been accompl~ hed wIthout three [actor. FIr t m Great Britain Lord B,o~s om has wven freely a~d lavi hly of,hi time and experience in SupervIsmg, the choIce, the buymg and ,the dl patch of the many shiploads of matenal we have sent out from thl country. Without hi help the Committee would many tinles have been at a 10 s. ~e~ond, .our Archit~ct, ~r. J. E. ~imp on, ,ha erved u well; the buildmg WJll, be a fitt,mg tnbute to hI profe slOnal ability, With him Mr, A. Shahin, and his brot~er, our contractor have acted with quite unusu~l ~oodwill and enthus~asm, The credit for the peed with which the buildmg has progressed IS due to his effort ; the excellence of the ~aterials is a tribute ,to his good fai~h; and the quite unu ual personal mterest he has taken m the con tructlOn of the hospital i a reflection of the attitude of grateful friendlines and pride with which the people of Jordan look upon our work. Las~ly-and by no means least-the help that His Maje ty King Hussem the Government and the Jordan Arab Army have given us is a matter which must be put on record, Month after month the Army have transport~d vast quantities of material, varying from hundred of tons of c':)l1structlOnal steel to delicate surgical equipment along the long and difficult desert route from the port of Aqaba. This they have done with Army transport free of charge, thereby saving u thou and of pounds; and everything has entered the country free o[ duty, To Hi Majesty, the G<?v~rnment and the Army the Committee would convey its deep appreCiatIOn and thanks. ,The t?tal cost the hospital buildings, the furni hings and equipment WIll be m the regIOn of ~325,OOO. This sum has already been secured; to, those who have contnbuted and made the project possible the ComIllittee would once more like to express its appreciation,



Durin~ the year under review research has continued apace and is progressmg well, In the report of 1958 we recorded that the virus which causes tra~homa had been discovered, isolated and grown in the laboratory, while already the other organisms which cau e the devastating attac~s of eye infections in Jordan had been assessed. We also called a,ttentlO~ to the difficulties inherent in the study of the virus of trachoma Sillce ammals cannot be made to contract the typical disease. Our work must" therefore: be conducted largely on human volunteers in London, Desp~te these dIfficulties progress has been made; we now know the most effectIve drugs for treatment and these experiments are being continued, In ~he large scale treatment of a disease of this type, of course, the most eff~ctIve met~od would be by a prophylactic vaccine. If the infant and child .po.pulatIo~ of a t.rachoma-ridde~ country could be protected in this w,ay, It IS n?t .rrnposslble that the dIsease would be virtually made to dIsappear WIthin two generations- as has been done, for example with



smallpox or diphtheria, It j always dangerous to predict the result of research, but it would eem that the results being obtained by the Medical Research Council Research Unit on trachoma uggest that such an outcome may omeday be a practical proposition. The importance of this should be viewed in the perspective that about one quarter of the inhabitant of the world have been infected with trachoma' should it become po sible to elim inate this di ease as an endemic i~fection the entire social [ace of the Middle East and of large tracts of the world beyond would be changed. SUB-COMMITTEES

The Ladies Linen Guild The activities of the Ladies' Linen Guild with its associated Guilds in Canada, ew Zealand and Australia are noted by the Chairman of the Guild in London el ewhere in this report. The Hospital Committee however would like to put on record it grateful appreciation of the great intere t now being taken in the new hospital in the Dominions. For many year Canada ha been an enthusiastic supporter of the Linen Guild sen~in~ clothing mat~rial and gift to the hospital' but in the year unde; reView it ha excelled Itself. The Ho pi taller and Lady Duke-Elder visited Canada in connection with the Jubilee of the St. John AmbulanceBrigade in that country and told them of the ho pital and its needs, The re pan e both in money and gift, has been magnificent and the Committee would like to thank the Officers of the Priory in Canada and in particular Mr , Willi 0 Connor, for their efforts, ' N~w Ze~land ha always been good to us in thi respect; for their contmued mtere t the Committee would convey it thanks to Lady Appleton; and of recent year Au tralia has contributed magnificently to the wor~ of the ho pi~aI. T? the organi ation now et up in each state and particularly to theIr Pre Ident, Lady Berryman the Committee would expres it deep appreciation, The Ladies' ursing Committee During the year under review the Ladie' Nursing Committee in London" under t~e chairm~n hip of Lady Duke-Elder has happily dis~harged It functIOns of canng for the comfort of the Si ters and Nurses m s~ far as this can be done in thi country, Members of the British nursmg staff h~ve been een before I aving for Jerusalem and helped to prepa:e for, theIr adventure; tho e on leave in thi country have been met and dlSCU lon have taken place regarding uniforms for the Arab nurses and the furnishing of the nur e ' quarters in the new hospital. The Jerusalem Ladies' Hospital Committee , N? sub-c,ommittee of the Hospital Committee has given more enthuslashc serVlce to the work of the Order than the Jerusalem Ladies' Hospi,tal Committee working under the chairman hip of Mrs. MacInnes, the wife of the Archbishop in Jerusalem. It has concerned itself with Such activities .as the marking of ho pital linen, advising on the domestic arrangements ill the new ho pital and assisting our Matron generally in th~ many puzzles that alway turn up, The greatest value of the Commltte~, however, has been in instituting a publicity campaign for the local recruItment of nurses. In a country the population of which is largely





Moslem this i alway a difficulty which perhap may di appear in time Condition in our ne\ ho pita I where there will be a re id ntial nurses; home, and an acti e nul' e chool recogni ed by the Jordan Government will be more attractive for the recruitm nt of young girl than they are at pre ent, and in the e efforts we ha the enthu ia tic llpport of the Mini ter of Health. Our ideal i that the ho pital hould be taffed more and more by Arab nul' e and for thi purpo e no better propagandist could be imagined than the Arab ladie on thi Committee. To them the Hospital Committee tenders it appr ciation and thank. REF GEE


On the ocea ion of Refugee Year the Order contributed £10000 towards the rehabilitation of Arab refuge of which there are till s;me 500,000 in Jordan. The plight of th e p ople i difficult to de cribe. Our purpose i to pend thi urn of money over and abo e oLlr normal hospital account in training young men and girl to be nur ing orderlies and nurse, educating them if nece ary up to the required tandard. It is difficult to accomplish much at the moment becau e or the trained and inadequate accommodation in our pre ent ho pital; it v. ill be easy when the new building open in the autumn of 1960. e erthele plans are in hand for making a tart. THE OLD HO PIT AL BillLDI GS, BETHLEHEM ROAD, JERU ALEM, ISRAEL

The condition of the old hospital now ited in I rael- potentially a valuable property-is still cau ing the Committee con iderable concern. The Secretary has again visited the property but up to the end of the year under review no satisfactory olution to our difficultie had emerged. THA KS

~he Co~mittee would like to thank for their upport all tho e who have

agam contnbuted to the Hospital-Re earch Project and in particular those who have done so by deed of covenant. It wi hes a1 0 to extend it thanks ~o tho~e who have helped the Ho pi tal financially in 1959. Once again it IS partIcularly grateful for the support of the PriOl'ie of Scotland , Wales, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Commandery of Ards. It is very much to be hoped that the Priories and Commandery will convey the thanks of the Committee to all those who have kindly subscribed. Th~ Committee wishes to give pecial acknowledgment to the Preceptones. of the Masonic Order of Knights Templar of England who have contr~buted so g~nerously over a number of year that they have now supplie~ t~e furmture and equipment of the operating theatre suite in the new buildmg; also to the Clothworkers Company which has once more made a generous contribution to the funds of the Hospital. CO CLUSION

It is a great pleasure for the Committee to express more than their usual tha.nks to. t?e Warden, Dr. A. J. Boase, and the Sub-Warden, Dr. Khalil Budelfl, for their loyal and devoted services during the past year, augmented as they have been by the complications of building. To our Matron, Miss Katherine Stent, and our Assistant Matron, Miss B. A.



Blewitt, the ~ommittee i ~q ually gra~eful for the extra load. they. have carried in a difficult y ar: 111 th runntng of our pre ent hospItal, III the planning of the new one and in maintaining the most pleasant relations with the pcople of Jcru alem. They have erved the Order with much zest and enthu ia m. Th omrnittee feel it is equally in the debt of the British i tcr and the cn tire Arab taff and once again it records its plea LIre at tl:c ~appy relati.on hip .that con.tinue to exi ~ wit~in the family for whl.ch I I I re pon Ible . ThiS year wlll be the la tIll whtch our pre ent premi e :-vill b tr tched beyond all rea ~m and belief in our medical and L1rglcal work; next year the Committee hopes that the taff will have material facilitie much more adequate for carrying on the trad ition of the Order in the car or the ick. Even 0 it would seem impos ible that the piritual atmo phere of er ice could be impro ed. (Signed)



KE-ELDER, Hospi/al/er.



The diary record the arri al in Jeru alem on the arne day in February of snow and Major nderhill, the chill of the former tempered by the wa rmth of the latter. Thu heralded many di tinguished visitor soon followed for the impre i e ceremony of the laying of the corner stones of the new ho pital by the hanc Ilor of the Order Sir Henry Pownall, and the Ho pitaller, Sir te\ art Duke-Elder, on March 5th. Despite mo t inclement weather there wa a large gath ring which included the Mini tel' or Health, Dr. Tutunji, repre enting Hi Maje ty King Hussein. On the platform the Chancellor wa upported by our Con ul-General and Mr . Charle Stewart and th rchbi hop and Mr . MacInne from Jeru alem and from England the Lady W bb-John on Lady Duke-Elder, Sir Philip and Lady Southwell and Mi R ee e. After the ceremony the Chancellor and Ho pitaller received the many gue t for tea at the Amba ador Hotel. It wa with much ati faction that we heard during the year that our Sub-Warden, Dr. Khalil Budeiri, had rec i ed the honour of the O.B .E. There can be few reward 0 richly d er ed a thi. The in ignia wa pre ented to Dr. Budeiri by the acting Con. ul-General, Mr. Robert Brash, at a plea ant informal ceremony when we were able to register our congratulation in the appropriat manner. Earlier in the year Dr. Budeiri had been to England for medical attention and a ubsequent period of three month tudy-l ave. On a very ad note w record the great 10 of our a i tant surgeon, Dr. Elias Doany, whose tragic and sudden death on November 22nd has deprived u of a colleague of more than average merit. To his widow we extend our deepe t ympathy. A similar ad mi fortune befell u early in the year. Our lawyer, H~nna Atalla, who had been to the Order a valued coun ellor and a good fnend, died suddenly on February 11 tho In hi place we now have a our advocate Mr. Jamil 1. Habiby, orne time ajudge of the High Court during the Mandate.



St. John' Day was celebrated in the cu tomary manner with an early morning ervice in the crypt of the old church of St. John, an alfresco breakfa t at the ho pita I, and the Garden Party in the ground of Watson House. The number of guests wa , jf anything, greater than in previous years. The Chri tma fe tivitie for the Arab staff at the ho pital deserve pecial prai e. The genero ity of the Priory of Canada enablc-d the Matron and Si ter to arrange a more than u ually lavi h Chri tma tree with presents for all and a remarkably good Chri tma dinner. Could the donors but have een the plea ure and enjoyment reali ed with their gift they would ha e felt amply rewarded. A it i we are ery grateful to them for their kind con ideration. So, too, mu t we thank Major Underhill for allowing him elf to be conscripted a a waiter at the taff banquet. JERU ALE f LADlE' HO PITAL COMMITTEE

In his Report for 1958 the Ho pitaller referred to the formation of a Ladies Committee in Jeru alem. It i rno t sati fying to record that this sub-committee, which met for the fir t time in January, has fully ju tified its existence. The chairman Mr. MacInne ,ha kindly upplied the following note on its activitie :"The ub-committee met at monthly interval throughout the year except for a short break during the ummer vacation when everal members were away. Member hip altered with the much regretted departure of Mrs. Charles Stewart and Mr . Franklin who were replaced by Mrs. Ma'atouk wife of a local doctor, and Mr . Rickard of the Con ulate of the U.S.A. "The main concern of the sub-committee has been with domestic planning for the new hospital and the care and well-being of the nursing staff. In addition, a good deal of propaganda ha been undertaken with the aim of interesting girls in nursing as a career while at the arne time combating a recognised prejudice again t this profes ion. "A sewing guild has been formed which at its bi-monthly meetings carries out a great deal of useful and e ential work. "It has been most gratifying to note that the activities of the sub-committee and the sewing guild have combined to increa e the interest in the hospital and the esteem in which it is held." SENIOR STAFF

Miss P. Berry and Miss S. McCarthy arrived on March 3rd on first appointment as Nursing Sisters, and Miss B. Sheridan returned to London. We are grateful to Miss MacKellar, Matron of Moorfield , for having seconded Miss Sheridan to us for nine months, and to Mi s Sheridan for her service at the hospital. The Secretary, Major Underhill, paid us three visits during the year, spending altogether some three months in Jerusalem. Hi main concern was with the building programme of the new hospital but he found time to feature in Radio Jordan's equivalent of "In Town Tonight" (when we admired the diplomacy with which he replied to leading que tions). VISITORS

The remarkable increase in the tourist traffic during the year has brought many more visitors to the hospital than usual. Among these we




, m'1111



were pleased to be able to welcome the Lord Mayor of Belfast and Mrs. McKee who were here for a few days in March; Herr von Cossel, the Chancellor of the German Order of St. John; Sir Charles and Lady Johnson of the British Emba y in Amman; and Mr. Stewart Perowne, no stranger to Watson House. STATISTlCS

The quinquennial figure [or 1955-59 are given in the accompanying table. The ummer wa cool and so we were spared the usual violent epidemic of conjun::tivitis, a factor that may explain the slight fall in the number of new ca es. Admis ions increased by 198, and operations by 376, figures that probably represent the maximum attainable. Cataract cases continue to increa e in almo t arithmetical progression, the annual total having nearly trebled it elf in the five years. Retinal detachment, of which 2 ca es came to operation is a not uncommon condition in Jordan. The continued expansion in the work of the hospital is to be attributed in no mall mea ure to the highly skilled nursing the patients receive. But for thi the a erage case would be many more days in hospital and the turn-over of ca es would be con iderably les than it is at present. Therefore honour where honour i due-to our Matron and nursing staff. (Signed) ARTHUR BOASE, Warden



Tho e who are intere ted in the Ophthalmic Ho pitat of St. John in J ru alem will be di tre ed to know that Dr. Elia Doany died Uddenly all ovember 22nd, 1959 at the early age of 35 . Dr. Doany, a Pale tinian received hi medical education at the Ameri. can Univer ity at Beirut and hi po tgraduate ophthalmic training at Moorfield Eye Hospital in London . He wa appointed Hou e Surgeon at our hospital in Jeru alem in July 1947. Shortly after joining the staff the routine of the hospital wa di turbed by ho tilitie that gradually mounted toward the end of the Briti h Mandate and finaJly broke out in the Arab- Jewi h war of 1948. In May 194 the condition in Jeru salem were such that the Warden, Dr. Man on took the Matron to th e Lebanon for safety leaving Dr. Doany in charge of the ho pital' Dr. Man on was unable to return owing to the inten ity of the fightin g, a that Dr. Doany was in sale charge of our ho pital at a very difficult time. Eventually the area around the ho pital was a er-run by the Jewish Army when Dr. Doany allowed the military guard who had been left with hin1 to escape and he himself remajned to be taken prj oner by tbe Jews when they occupied the ho pita!. While he wa awaiting trial , the Arab Governor in Jerusalem arranged for hi exchange for a Jewish doctor in Arab hand , and thereafter he opened a mall outpatient clinic in the Old City of Jeru alem at Wat on Hou e, the forerunner of our present temporary ho pital in that city. There he worked maintaining the service of the Order in the very hazardou condition of war while the Warden remained in Amman making him elf a ailable a an ophthalmic consultant for patients in that city or evacuated to it. When our temporary hospital wa fully opened Dr. Doany again joined the staff as House-Surgeon , and in September 1952, he wa made Surgical Regi trar and was sub equently promoted to the po t of As istant Surgeon in JUly, 1955. Dr. Doany was well known in London where he had recei ved his specialist education and whither he returned periodically on tudy-Ieave. He was an unusually good and adrojt surgeon and endeared him elf to everyone in the hospital for his enthu iasm, his cheerfulne s and his ability. It is indeed sad that he has left u at a time when he wa reaching the height of his professional attainments, for we were all looking forward confidently to his continued association in the work of the Order for many years. Both in Jerusalem and in London his 10 will be severely felt, but the charm of his personality as well as ills profes ional skill will long be remembered. In September, 1955, Dr. Doany married Mi s Mona D. Mikhail, and to them in their home in Ramallah a son wa born in ] 956 and a daughter in 1958. Our sympathy goes out to them in their bereavement.




New cases . Tolal attendance Admission Major operations. Theatre ession


1955 32,801 158,745 945 1,277 174

1956 31,353 133,537 920 1,341 210

1959 30,538 164,155 1,565 3,500 259

1958 32,278 156,225 1,367 3,124 262

1957 31,631 158,002 1,141 2,679 245





















Lacrimal Cy tectomy









1955 Lids and Adnexa Tarsectomy Snellen's opn ..

D-C-Rhinostomy . Muscles Horizontal adjustment Oblique adjustment Globe and Orbit Evi ceralion Enucleation Conjlinet i I'a Pterygium



149 9

183 10

159 6

38 21



31 40

52 17

41 35













Cornea Tattooing Corneal grafts jrjs

Optical iridectomy












283 75

296 25

417 32

564 51

751 97







Retina Diathermy Scleral resection







5 21

4 24

Lens Senile cataract Discission






GRAND PRIORY Subscriptions Donations £ s. d . £ s. d.

Abbey Chapter Preceptory . Ann, Captain H. T.. . . . 1 0 Archer, Lieut.-Colonel G. L., T.D. 1 0 Beachcroft, Major P . M . O .B.E. Bermuda, Bishop of 1 1 0 Bilton, Mrs. E. l. I I 0 Borron, l. R . E .. 2 2 0 Bouchier-Wrey, Mi D.. . . . . . . . . . Browne, Brigadier-General l. G., CM.G., CB.E., D.S.O. 2 2 0 cCadbury, Mr . W. A 3 3 Catt, Colonel P. H. '. : : : : : : . . . . 1 0 Cecil, Commander The Hon. Henry O.B .E. R. I 0 Chamberlain l. H. H. . . . . . Clot~workers Wor hipfu! Company of cCodnngton, Colonel J. A. . . . . 14 9 Cresswell, Rev. C M. & Mrs. . . . . . Dalton, Major-General C l . G., CB., CB.E. I 1 0 F~rguson, J. S. . . . . . . . . . 5 0 0 Gillett, Major Sir Sydney H., M.C I I 0 Grantham , W. Ivor, O.B.E.. . . . 5 5 0 Haberdashers, Worshipful Company of . cHail, Rear-Admiral Sir Arthur, K.B.E., CB. 16 6 Hartley, G. A. . . . . . . Harri~, Captain The Lord, M.C . : 0 Hospltal Car Service, County of London. . . Ho.ward de Walden and Seaford, The Lady, CB.E. 2 0 0 Kelth Roach P.B. 1 0 0 Leather, Mis; Y. M ., ·M.B.E: : . 5 0 0 Lullingstone Preceptory o. 155 . . Lyme ~egis Preceptory: o. 330 . . : : : : : . MasonIc 9rder of Knights TempJar in England and Wales : May, Major F., M.B.E., T.D. . 0 Mayhew, W. C . . . . . . Morrison, Commander E. A., R . . 0 0 Morrison, N. G.. . . . 0 0 National Dock Labour Board . ort?ern Ireland District, S.l.A·.B. : . . ott~gham No.6 .CB. Corps, S.l .A.B. . . . Nottmgham Am~ulance and ursing Cadets, S.l.A.B. Onward and Invlcta Lodge. . . . Pamham, H. W.. . . " . 2 2 0 Pa.trick, Sir Paul , KCI.E., C.S.I. : I 1 0 Pnory for Wales, Order of St. John Provincial Priory of .East Anglia of the 'United' Order~ of' th~ Temple and HospItal. . . Provincial Priory of Knights Templa; of D~vo~shire ~nd' Cornwall . . . . Prov~cial Priory of Masoni~ ~ights Te~pla~ in' India ~nd' PakIstan . Stewart, Miss R. : I I 0 Stitcher, B. . . . 5 5 0 Suffolk Ca~e~ Officers' C~m~ittee, ·s.iA.B. . UOIted RelIglO~S .and ~ilitary Orders of the T~mple ~nd Malta-ProvlOcIaI Pnory of Kent and Surrey cYerey, Colonel H. E., D .S. O. . . . . I 12 8 cWalker, Miss A . M., M.B.E. 3 I3 1 cWebb-lohnson, Lady. 17 8 5 Wheble, E. A. . . . Collected at Jerusalem

78 16 £78 16


3 3 0

2 2 0

I 0

I I 0 200 0 0

5 5 0

5 0 0

o 10 0 0

5 5 0

Aberdeen, The Most HOD . The Marquis of, O.B.E., K.SU., LL.D ., J.P. ~Barclay-Harvey of Dinnet, Sir Malcolm, K . .M .G. K.St.J . . . . eBrown, Mr . Jane P . H. Graham, O.SU .. (Brown, R . G . A ., CSt.J., .A .. eCowie, Thoma P. , O.B. ., . t.J .. . . . . . . . . eCruickshank, olonel M. M. , .I.E., CSt.J., B.Sc., M.D ., F.R.CS. (Grant-Suttie, olonel H . F ., .B.E., D .S.O ., M.C, CSU .. Green, G. & H. . . . . . . . . eHamilton, Major John Forrest, KSU., M.D . Hobb , Lieut.-Cdr. J. W., KSt.J. . . Lethem, ir Gordon, K . . M.G. , K .SU . . eLi ndsay, The Rt. Hon . The Earl of, K .SU. Macdonell , Jame, .SU . . . . . . . . . (MacKenzie, olonel Eric D., .M.G ., D.S.O ., O .St.J. . . cMackie, Profe sor, J . D., CB . . , M . . , K.SU. M .A ., LL.D. Manclark, orman M ., O . U .. cMitchell, Dr. J . P., .B. . , . U.. . cMurray, Lieut.- olonel R. L. T ., O.SU. . . . . . . . ePirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, . H. C, O .B.E. , D.S .C , G.CSU .. Price, t rs. Margaret, O . U . . . cRose, Lieut.- olonel1. . S., O .SU . Ross, Mr. & Mrs. l. A.. . . . . . . Rus ell, ir uthrie, K. .S.I., K. .I.E., K.SU. eScott , Mrs. Agne B., S .. U. eScott, Michael, O .SU ., M .A. t.J . Sivewright, aptain J . hand cStark, Mrs. M . J., S.S. U . . . . . . . . eSwapp, George, C tJ ., D . . M ., M .M ., M .B., h .B. . . . eTurnbull , Lieut.- olonel ir Hugh S., K.CY.O ., K.B.E., K.SU. cYoung, olone! Alexander G ., D.S.O., .SU., T.D ., D.L. . The Aberdeen ommittec of the Order The Edinburgh ommittee of the Order The Glasgow ommittee of the Order.

2 2 0


£ s. d. 3 8 7 1 14 4 3 0 0 3 5 4 3 8 7 3 5 4 1 12 8 10 10 0 1 12 8 5 0 0 3 3 0 8 3 3 3 3 0 3 5 4 16 4 2 2 0 1 12 8 1 14 4 3 13 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 17 2 8 3 3 5 0 0 4 18 0 17 2 2 12 8 3 8 7 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 £113

5 4

579 18 0 0

3 9 0 0 2 2 0

3 25 14 10

3 15 13 0

50 0 0 7 5 0 3 3 0 10 10 0 2 2 0 5 5 0



951 18 0 397 7 11

8 £1,349 5 11

Vote:- The letter "c" indicate that the Subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant. thus enabling the Hospital to reclaim the relative income tax.





Campbell, A. J. . . . Fraser, Brigadier Sir Kenneth Hospitaller's Club, Hobart . Hospitaller's Club, Melbourne . . Hospitaller's Club, ew South Wales Hospitaller's Club, South Au tralia . Order of St. John Victoria . . . . . . St. John Ambulance Association, Queensland . St. John Ambulance As ociation, Victoria. . St. John Ambulance Brigade, Queen land. . . Sydney Church of England Grammar School for Girl

£A 10 2 50 91

50 25 80 30 JO

30 2

s. d.

Linen Guild

10 0 2 0

0 10 0 0 17 0 10 0 2

0 6

0 0 0 0




0 0

.£304 16 8


Mount Maunganui Labour Week-end Camp orth Otago Sub-District. . . . . . South Auckland Centre South Otago Centre Taranaki Centre . Wanganui Centre .

lDepu t}] Uba j rma 11 :


A, D






c.v.O. £ Z s. 6 0 6 16 26 9 2 19 31 j

d. 0 0 3


0 6

5 5 8

£ Z.88 10 11 Sterling equivalent.


lIJice::<r ba irma 1\ :

£A382 II 6

Sterling equivalent.


. £87 13 2

Secretar},) : MAJ R J. REPORT OF THE






The Linen Guild met twic in 1959 and can report a successful year of work. Some generou and hand orne gift of money and of kind have been made by the three Linen Guild of u tralia, Canada and New Zealand . Both Canada and ew Zealand each al 0 ent a plendid consignment of mo t u eful and aluable thing, con i ting of clothe bandages, operation stocking oap, etc., and Matron wa delighted with all he received. The Guild decided to set a ide £100 for the renewal of linen, and hopes to do thi eery year. The Guild al 0 donated £15 to be ent to Matron to spend at Christmas for pabent and taff. Later £60 of Canada' gift wa also sent to Matron to be used by her for Chri tmas. Doreen, Lady Brabourne, Lady Loraine and Lady Scarbrough were very plea ed to meet the new Si ter Ml s Barbara Ellis, before he left for Jerusalem. The attendance at the meeting ha been very good and several of the members are hoping to be able to go out to Jeru alem for the opening of the new Ho pital. The Linen Guild is making plans to raise more money in order to be able to meet the greater demand which will inevitably be made upon them When the new Hospital open (Signed) KATHARINE SCARBROUGH





R AS 0





s. d . 10 0


Las celle , Mr . dward ,Scott, Mrs. .~. M ..

17 10

5 0

£1 17


Wollasto n, Lady



s. d.

£ eBe sborough, Dowage r ountess of Be semer, Mr . J . . B. ... eBolitho, Sir Edward, K . B. . , .B., D . . 0. Brabourne, Doreen Lady, .J. eBridgland, Lady . Byrne, Mi V. J ., O . B.E. Cadbury, Mrs . W . A . Crawford, Mr . M . . Cromer, Ruby ountess of cDuke-Elder, Lady. French, Lady Es e , 0 B.E .. eFreyberg, Lady, G . B.E. . Gamage, Hon . Lady . . . eG rafton , Dowager Duchess of Graham , Mr . M . B .. Halifax , ou nte of, . 1. , D . . V.O. James , Lady Se rena . cLaw, Mrs . Frank. Lechmere, Mr . . M . . Lilley, Mrs. Y. Lindsay, Countess of cLloyd, Dowager Lady cLoraine, Lady. . . Luttrell, Mrs . G . F. . Lyle, Mrs . Keith . . Malcom , Lady, M.B.E. . . . . . . cMountbatten of Burma, Countess, .J., .B.E., D . . Y.O Nunburnholme, Dowager Lady, M .B . . Overend , Miss L. . . Perowne, H on. Lady . . Pirie-Gordon , Mrs. H . A . Plender Lady. Porritt, Lady . . . . Rice, Hon . Mrs. Talbot . Scarbrough , ou n less of. . Smith , Miss H . M., A.R.R . . cSouthwell, Lady . . . . . Swaythling, Dowager Lady, O .B.E. Tufnell, Mrs . E. D. . Vernon, Mrs. Robert. cVickers, Mrs. E . M. . . . cWalker, Miss A. M. , M .B .E. Webb-Johnson, Lady. . . Whitaker, Hon. Mrs. H. G . . ~

3 3 1 3 9 1 3 2 J

4 I 3 3 3 I

I 1 8 I 5

9 3 4 0 2 1 0 2 1 18 I 13 3 13 I

7 0 6 0 7 0

Howard de Walden and eaford, Lady, Lo\\ry- orry, Lady M argaret \Iilne - askell, ady on tance, Watson, Mr . D . B., O.B . . . \\caver, Mr ..

.B.E. 1 1

.0 .

10 0 1 0 0 0

10 0 10 6 £3 11


0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0

J 0

I J3 I 5 3 I 9 15 6 19 J I J I 2 0 16 6 J I J 1 1 1 I 1 3 3 3 3 J J J I 1 1 3 8 1 1 J 1 I I 1 14 J 16 3 3 1 1


0 II 0 0 0

II 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 7 0 0 0 4 6 0 0

£129 18 9




Ladies' Linen u II J of anada. 1[. John ouncll for Berk hire . 5t. John uncil for Buckingham hire . 5t. John ounei! for Jerey . It. John ouneil for u se . 5t. John ouned f r WarWick hire . 5t. John ouneil for W orcester hire l.slor of Hever, Lady Daw on of Penn,



Lucas, C. . Wells, Mi A.

Priory in Au lralia Sterling equivalent .


S £ 73 10 10 10 10 20 10

s. d. 11 6 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 I 1 0 1 1 0 1 I 0

£148 15


£A154 17





Tolal-£407 10 . 10d. - The letter "e" indicate that the ub criber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enabling th e Linen uild to reclaim the relative income tax .




trbe $rnlll IPriot)? til Ubc .1f3t1tlsb lRealm of tbe

e rvcr

~ st IDell~rab(e

or tbe 1bospltal of Sr. 3-obn of 3-eru5a[~11l

Ubc St. 30bn Rlnbnlallcc E\s50ciation !patron: HER MAJESTY THE QUEE '

(Sovereign Head of the Order) lPresluer t : FJELD-MAR HAL



K.G., ETC.

(Grand Prior of the Order) IDlrector:::(5encral: HORACE


PAR HALL, ESQ. ; T.D., M.A., (0 0


{pl'Inclpal MelllCl'l1 Of[iccr: A. C. WHIrr Kox, E Q., O.B.E., M.C., M.B., Cl-l.B

IDepllt\] IDlre -tcr:::(5cllera!

D . C.


IDCPllt)] !pl'InelpR[ .MelIO'\! Officer:


S. McLTNTOCK, EsQ., M.B., CH.B., D.P.H.


5cererar}2 : J. E. F. GUERITZ,

M.A. (OXO .)










:as50ciation (tol11ll1ittee (as from 24th June 1960) <!1J~it'llHllt



THERE HAS BEEN a considerable increase in the number of men, women


and children examined by the Association in England, and during 1959 this figure amounted to over 166,000. Classes increased by the magnificent figure of 674, which is a very remarkable achievement and redounds very greatly to the credit of all those who worked for the development of the Association's activities. The total number of certificates issued exceed ed the previou year by over 4,500. One particularly interesting aspect i the increase in the number of candidates for Preliminary Nursing and Child Care course. This may well be due to the publication of our new attractive Manual in the e subjects. The figures fOT Preliminary First Aid have dropped, which is not surprising as classes would be awaiting the publication of our Preliminary First Aid Manual which had been hoped for in 1959. Generally. it would seem that the increase has been spread over many different fields, but naturally industry accounts for a larger proportion . The work of stimulating interest in First Aid throughout Industry continues. Employers are extending their appreciation of the value of Fir t Aid. An employee who can look after himself or hi family at home in the event of mi hap is less likely to have to staY away from work.


.Members: Ex,officio





'IHol11tltateb b\] tbe IDltcct0r;::::0clter~[: A. B. R. L.



C. E.

A. BROWNING, C.B.E., \i.C.


J. C. R. BUCHA A , EsQ., C.M.G., M.D., CH.B.



K. C.



F. L. J.








S. McLEO D, ESQ., M.A.

J . S. NOBLE, ESQ., M.B., B.S.







K.B.E. C.M.G. M.V 0 M D F R C P (E) "'" .., . . . . •

lRepresenting Suborbmtlte JEstablisbmellts of tbe IDrber: PROVOST A. TREVOR JONES, Priory for Wales BRIGADIER

J. Y.

CALWELL, C.B.E., M.V.O., Commandery of Ards

D S.D.

Lt.-Colonel E. C. Croft re igned in June as a Deputy Director-General, a post which he had held since 1952. We are most grateful to Colonel Croft for all he did during the years he held office, and in particular for his assi tance in e tabli hing a sound County organisation. He gave unstintingly of his time to the t. John Ambulance Association and we are most grateful to him. The A ociation ha twenty County Director and we hope that thi~ number will increa e. The alue of these appointments has been abundantly proved by re ults. Sir Henry tucJdy, formerly Chief Con table for the West Riding of Yorkshire, re igned as Director for that County and was succeeded by the new Chief on table, Mr. G. E. Scott. Sir Harold mi th, County Director for Hampshire, resigned as Director for that County and was ucceeded by Mr. C. H. Leach. Dr. C. Petvin Porter, who for many year has been County Director for Worcester hire, and indeed was one of the first to hold such an appointment, re igned and was ucceeded by Mr. J. A. Willison, Chief Constable of the Worce ter hire Constabulary. We are 1110 t grateful to the e three retired County Directors for all they did and for the excellent way in which they set up an A sociation organisation in their counties. We also thank their successors for taking on this work . The As ociation Committee sustained a sad 10 in the death of Dr. P. Pringle, Chief Medical Officer of the Central Electricity Authority, in November. Dr. Pringle had always been a very staunch supporter of the St. John Ambulance Association and contributed very greatly to the expansion of our work in the electricity industry. He will be a very grave


10ss. not only as a member of our Committee, but also as Chairman of our British Electricity Ambulance Centre. Mr. R. Bramley-Harker, formerly of the Ministry of Labour and National Service resigned as a member of the Committee and was succeeded by Mr. H. F. Rossetti in November. We are grateful to Mr Rossetti for the help and advice he has given us not only on th~ Committee, but also on matters concerning the Mini try. On his promotion, Mr. Ro setti was succeeded by Mr. H. F. B. Fane. Dr. J. Vaughan Jones, repre enting the Briti h Medical A ociation resigned as a member of the Committee and wa ucceeded by Dr. 1. S: Noble. Our thank are due to these and to all the other member of the Committee for their most valuable assistance at all time . PUBLICATIO


The two joint Manuals published in 1958 in collaboration with the ~ndre"Y's Ambulan~e A sociation and the British Red Cro s Society m FIrst Aid and Nursillg have proved rno t popular and till receive a warm welcome from those. who take our c?urse . They have obviously been a. ~e.velopment of the ngh.t sort, and to Judge from the comparatively few cnllClsms and comments, It would eem that the three ocieties have p~oduced books which are up-to-date and in accordance with modern lews.


It became clear that in order to keep in line with modern conditions: we needed to ensure that all those who held First Aid examination awards, particularly in industry, should be up-to-date with their knowledge. The As ociation Committee decided that a life of three years should be placed upon Medallion and Labels. Holders of these who allow them to lapse are now required to take a full course of doctor's lectures before obtaining their next award. A life of three years ha also been placed upon the Initial ursing Certificate, so that there may be evidence that holder of thi too were in po ses ion of up-to-date training. The sy tern of marking in Fir t Aid examinations was reviewed, and a simpler arrangement brought into force at the end of the year. This will not only be of assistance to examiners, but also ensure that standards are maintained and all candidate get the fairest possible treatment. A new cour e for Lay Demon trators in Nursing was instituted on the ame line a that which exi ts for First Aid. This was brought in tOI meet a general request, and it is hoped that it will be a success.


Preliminary First Aid Manual: This book wa , for variou rea ons dclayed, and will be published in 1960. It very attracti e i1lu tration~ and clearly et out text will, no doubt, meet the need for a manual in accor?ance with modern trends. It ha been planned 0 thut it may be used III all parts of the world, and we hope that it will be found suitable for translation to meet local needs in different countries. P,:eliminary Nursing Manual: This book was publi hed in October and receIved very favourable review. It is hoped that it will b found useful by anyone who wishes to secure a knowledae of nur ing at home and possibly serve as a reference book even for tho e who do not t:lk~ our courses. It is intended for adults as much a for young people. Preliminary Chi/~ Care Manual: This book was published in April a.nd al~o was a subJe~t .of much favo~rable comment. It i very attractIvely illustrated and It IS ~oped that It will be helpful to all those who have the care of small chIldren, and find a place in many homes as a book of reference. Catechisms of First Aid and Nursing: These are general publications

a~d work proceed.ed on them throughout the year. It is hoped that they

both appear ill 1960. They should be of considerable help to those who take our courses and be a handy means of revision. W~ sho.u~d like once again to record our thanks to Dr. White Knox, who IS v:n~mg the Pr~liminary First Aid Manual, Miss Ottley, who wrote t~e. PrehmLl!-ary Nursillg Manual and Miss Keene, who wrote the Prel~mmary ChIld C~re Manual. These three authors have given the AssociatlOn bo?ks of whIch they may well be proud. We also are very grateful to Mrs. Kirkham who drew the excellent illustrations for these Preliminary books. WIll




The activities of the A ociation continue to extend in many spheres,. among -t which Indu try showed an encouraging development. The cooperation received from H.M. Inspector of Factories is most welcome and of great a i tance to County Director and Association Centres in Ind u trial area . We ha received most encouraging support from the Prison Commision and from the Fore try Commission. First Aid training in prisons received full support from the Pri on Commission and steps have been taken to en ure that a good upply of manual and equipment is available for the e course . In the Forestry Commission, classes are taking place for their work r , and we are grateful for the co-operation which we rec i c. Wh ile it i till difficult to achieve the expan ion we would like to see in the t aching of First Aid on farms, there has been an increasing intere t, and once again we are grateful to the Young Farmers' Oubs for their upport. A National Competition for Young Farmers was instituted during the year and took place at the Royal Show at Oxford. It was so succe sful that plans were made for a further competition next year. This, with the upport given to County Competition run by Young Farmer ' Clubs, indicate how it is possible to provide the farming industry with a potential basi of training in First Aid and we hope that this will continue. County Directors continued with their schemes for development, and a number of new Centre were formed, including Stratford-on-Avon, Sherborne, Basing toke, Haltwhi tIe and Ferndown. The Stourbridge and Wareham Centre were reconstituted and the Chichester Centre reorganised. Reports received from Centres prove the great service which ~ey and their Committees are rendering to the public in their areas. It IS very good to read in their reports of the close touch which Centres are keeping with other organisations uch as W.V.S., Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and Youth Oubs. There is also a growing contact between Centres and the local Education Authorities in some areas where the support given to OUr work has been most encouraging. In Sussex. the Centre Representative Scheme was instituted and is now well established. It is receiving support in all areas of the County.



Th Club at a t Glin t ad mtinu ~ to pr a ry happ a tivity f thi' entre. In Lond n. the e unt) Dire t r has ontinued with hi~ <. f!1.ani ation of al c mmitte , . and in th it · of L ndon. th' L n.l Ma r ery gra i u 1)' n ented t pr '- ent ertific tc ' t) ' UCe. ful andidate at a 'er m ny held in th ~ Man ' i n He us ". In th s uth- a ' t ar"<J. of L nd n a numb 'r c f v'ry su' es ful m etinn ,er h Id in differ~nt b r ughs to tat Ii, h Ie .al b n ugh cc mmittee . The, e hay~ alread~ pr ved th"ir lu by the numler of las es whi h ~a, e been rganiscd a 3 r ' U.lt f tlh:ir. a 'ti, .ities .. h~ ommitk ' ct up II1 the Ea , t m [ea ha ' c-tabhshed relat I )l1shlps \\ lth Important indu ,trial und rtaking . An rgani ' ati n, as fc rmed in Westminst 'r. anc.! as a f" ult of thi ' inter t ha ' be n ar u ed among ' t building ntra t rs, hi h \ ill. \ e h p. h \ de, dopm nt in 19 ,itJ1 ur ' c f r ntra t r ' empI e . Thi ' i ' m ,t imp rtant sin e id on but! i l11g . itcs can be of vital help . C nta t b I H '<J.dqu rter ' ha been maintain d \ ith ut ide rgani a. t! n . a.nd ware vcr . gl d t repor.t th. t w h \ hac.! yeT) h. PP) relatl n with the Industnal \Velfare oelet,'. th~ llh.e f [dmburgh' \\ard h me. th \\1. . .. and th" Royal if a\ing ' iel). among ' t thers. W ar al\\ay grateful fc r the c -operation and help whi 'h \ e re el\e from the t. ndrew's mbulance : iati )n and th' Bntl:-.h Rec.! ro. a i t.. whi h make the w)rk. f th'" thrc \( luntary Idie,. mu h ea i r. and it i of great as i. tan e \\ hen conducting di~ 1I ~ic)(1 . l)(1 training \ ith G \' mment and Ministri . h~ f:l t that lht: three ) letl', n w \ orking in line en ' ure that th highe t po . ible , e[\ ICC i rendcred to th publi in th matt r f Fir. t id and ur in ... trainin!1;. W,e hould al ' o like to rc rd our ap re iati n )f the help which we re 1 . ~r m the rmed F e . Ware p rti ularl, grateful II the rmy auth ntl f r th help \ hi h th ga c in prc moting irst Aid tr ining, b tho at ho~ne and r ea . ery h pp de\ el pmcnt" a:-. the institution f FJr t Aid cIa e for Gurkha at the ml) he::.t lini at Hindhcad. wh r lread a number of men ha\ c recei\ cd erti!l .lte:. . On e ag~in ~eport. fr ~l entre ' incii ate the \ 'ry large part (')mpeti. tl n pia 111 tImulatlI1g mtert:: t and maint ining -tandard'i )f Fir. t - id. The e 1 cal mp tition ar most \ aluable and rc ch a \ ide rang of organi ation . We arc \ ery grat ful to all th se \ h tah.' ~ art in their organi ation. A ~ 111 f r ubscribing Membership \ as intn III eU "ith Ihe )bjc(t of makmg full u c f lat nt upp rt \ailable to the A sociati 11 and it local organi ati n, to maintain th intcrc_t of rtifi ate-holder, and to enc urage them to retain conne ti n \ ith the enlr or Lh" iation a a wh.le. and al t nab1c th ' e \ ho \ Lh t help th $. 0 iati n in a. mat ~lal wa. aturully. al o. thi ' hem \i ill prm ic.!e \ aluatl finan· clal a I ta~c. for C ntr tenable th m t ., pand th ir a ti\ itic . Rul for Subs~nbl.ng Mem~ r hip ha e now been ad pted . A SPe ial badge wa also tn tJtuted whleh may be w mbA eiation member '.


' 1' l~ \ ith (r ture in twe pa.rt. he ati 1 I 0 1 Board hu e made M·I lll... . . f h . . . t num-ber f (ilm ' \ hi h ar' pnm nly d 19nec.! or t e ml~lng 111 u ry. ~'llinl!. \\ lth haemorrhage. a ph Xi,l and artillcial re'>pimtlOn. fra ture J~ld burns . hc ~tic:n, 1 ) 1-.. b ur Bard h e mpleted their film (1II Arlili 'ial Re . plrat10ll 111 )Ibb ratil n \ Lth the ialion nd thi ' i 11llW 3\ ail, ble . 1'11' 1..1 )hn Ambui,l1lcc .. a publi it t11m \l ilh pr [ ~::.tnl1.11 a t )rs entitled .. he ong \\ alt. hl ' film. \ hi. h lastS [or _0 llltl1Ut s. Will b a \cry gfl: t as et 10 .lll tl1 'e ~vho ar . tn\-lOll to ::.l1l11ul,11c an intcr st tl1 t.h, ~le 'd f r Ir. t Aid ,Ind. It lS '~pc ted to ~; ;l\.lii.lblc ft)r gencral dt. tnbutl)n through Ol11tner lal ch nne!. and Jh1 for pn\ tile ~hc'l\\'ing 111 196 . . Th , " l '1 (111)11 ' )I1tinued t be fllll~ a\t\c tt th' need fc r dt pI !1IJtcri.JI .11 n.hlbllion . . ,1gnuJltural shc \\s and th r fUll'tl n: and the 3f' \CI) gr,lldul te th I rc~~ fli ' c of the rc.!er c f t. J hn for tl:c fi~e ~IJI'n ~ll "hl ' h I~ no helnl!. pwdu cd . \pa0 fr m ph t graphl dl -playS. there .Ire .\\ Jtiabk f.mll m kb at: i Inlcnor. '~ne~ , f . h u:e lIldlGlling "here ~h. clc.!enh :111 OL ur JI:~ stimula~lllg al1 tnkrc t 11: if- t \10 on the Llrtn ,1I1<J in th' home . Pulltclt, m, ten. 1 ha~ a1 ~ teen 1 -ued dealing \ Itll Lh" [I li\ Ilies of the . SS) iatlon and al -e Its VIe\\ ' n u h 'urrcnl matters a the c rlrc i ,11[. C r "111 llth tc momh." method of :lrtitl tal re"pirJtl )11 .







Further developmen.t ~a e taken pIa e in thi field and we are very gra.tefuJ .to tho ~ orgam. atlOn who hav prepared Vi ual Aid mat rial 10 a I t With the JI1 tmetlOn of c~a e . The Briti h Tran p rt mmi ion have prepared further film tnp ba ed on th new Fir t Aid Manuaf

t \



\f Ff) I r r R R t £. -4 (YW/I\" he number f ir I \id rt it1catc. I :lIed In 1q:9 : h?"" a tl l appoinling Ie '1111" In 'ornpansol1 wllh t~1e pr'\\(. us ~ . ~~r. but I.t ,1:-' )~­ ~d b\ Ihe number of chtllrel1 \Vh'1 lualttlcd fc r Prclll11ll:~H If. t . Id ' Ttille. le~ [hiS is the hi l!.hesl e\ cr .WU I" mo t en 'ouragll1g. VCr) su ~~ . ful Pr 11111111.11', 11r,,1 \IU u mpdltl 'Ins \\ 'r' h Ii in Jun" . .and \\ 're

;l!tcnd I b\ ~)\er .Ol hll1r ' n cf all 'l l11l1111l1tic . fhe pnzes \VcrI.' prcscnt' i l~y the 1ll1t "llr l f I 'alth . ._ fh eaehers' r.ll l. ing l )lI 'ge ' and TlIfh.tsh 1 1' !11enlar. ' 'hc l'1b re 1ll·lulln e. -II' I i I ill thu r I erm:ln 'n( s. 1I,1ius. whll' Ihe 1 lice Ft reI.'. ur,c ' -Tr; Il line. . 'hool nd " rtatl1 H \ erntnenl dep.lrtl11 'nl: ar" cc tl11l1lllne.ll) n1.l h. e~ fullll'" )[ the A .so~ i Jtion's ~lJr.eS . . ThL \\ 1rk t)f the ,,() 'i~l ti n 1I1 1I1c.! \1 '1r in '[ .l~e I \Vh n the 1II) me. Compan\ in ac.!dilt 11 tl the )prus ti1ing orp)ralion .and a . .cm'llt Factl f 'll1sti tlllc I ir t id Cl)llrSC for their empl ye .- With atL fa to~y r\ults. It is cl ar (h. t Ih A~ :o l.ltit)l1 ' ( tllinues tc pla~ a L\rgc part 1I1 theaeitl\ttie ' f the i, l- nL and r'~llib r'tk ' t gr'at 'I' Jit ufon all tlw:' who \\'orh. [ r tJle . S. l 'iatLL111 111 -.) pms . ,)~ 'aniidat's Ma/ra: qualified for c'rtin .:It . and awards 111 \ 3ri )u: <


I 110

T Adell: 191 'andiiate. su ". sfully obtain"d ir.l id ~niti'at' and Ule Pllic' r f lll1d th" r hi- tmn:lation most us'fu1. Fir, t Aid training \::1 gi "n to mcmb rs f the den Pr t torate Lc\ ie- c n the arne lin ' a i gi cn at th' ml irst Ai i . r'linin h Wing in ngland . The fir tAra b Officer Fi r t Aid in_ tru t r. itd c · llent \ rk. ,4 .

9 The Sudan Railways continued their Fir. t Aid training for mpJoyees and twelve cla ses were held during the year with a total of 250 candi~ dates examined, 217 of whom wer successful in obtaining certificates. Intere t in the work of the A sociation and its publications continues. In th Middle Ea f, enquirie for help. advice and as i tance have been received from United Nations Relief and Work Agency, and requests for book have come from the French Force in Libya, the National School of Nursing in Beirut, the Lebane e National couts and other bodies. This growing interest i worthy of can iderable upport and We are bearing in mind the pas ibility of Arabic tran lation of our First Aid Manuals . AFRICA It wa the mo t successful year ince the Association was stabli hed in Ghana, and a total of 962 award i 450 more than the total for 1958, which was the previous record year. Much new ground has been covered, and das es have been held for a number of new organL ations which include the Builder Brigade (Men and Women), Civil Aviation (including the Airport Fire ervice), United Africa Company of Ghana Ltd ., and two Teacher' Training alleges. The National First Aid Competition under the auspice of the St. John Ambulance Association was held on the 21st October, 1959. It wa the first competition of the kind ever held in the country, and wa an out. standing success. Eight teams were entered for the men' event and three for the ladies'. The trophies were presentccl to the winning teams by the Han. Minister of Health. Prior to the ationa1 Competition, the Ghana Police held their annual competition on the 19th October. Till was also a highly successful event. The Mines have also held a competition during the year. During the year, the new National Headquarters has been e tablished in a building kindly made available by the Commi s ioner of Police. It is centrally situated and provides fir t cla s accommodation for the Headquarter's Officer and i also an excellent training centre and Fir t Aid post. Dr. Coles, the St. John Headquarter's Officer, rendered rna t aluable assistance during the year, and it was largely due to her energetic approach that the teaching and instructional side has made uch headway. In Nigeria, Mr. Christie, the Order's Organi er, continue to do excel· lent work, and a number of Lay Lecturers have been training to meet the needs for instructors for the increased number of courses. Great support is given by the Police and Railways, who fully appreciate the value of the assistance given by Lay Lecturers. We are very grateful for the large number of men who help in this way. During hi visit to igeria, H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, Grand Prior of the Order of S1. John, witnessed a class of Lay Lecturers in training, and saw how they deal with emergencies. He was accompanied by Sir Ralph Gray, K .C.V.O., C .M.G., and Mr. Bovell, the Inspector-General, Nigerian Police. The class were much inspired by this visit. The Civil Aviation Authorities have been in touch with Mr. Christie and he has started training their employees. The first cla s proved most successful. T~e .Nigerian Ports ~uthority have developed a strong organisation and It IS very encouragmg to know that they have been able to arouse

enthusia m among the family members of their African staff who have started training in Fir t Aid. . A further intere ting development was a Preliminary ~ome Nursmg Course for eight Policewomen, and the results of exammatIOns taken by member of the Police Force are remarkable, the number of successful candidate being double that of 1958. We were very glad to ee Mr. Bank-Anthony, the J?irector of t~e As oeiation in igeria, in England, and are grateful to hIm for all he IS doing. In ierra Leone the Order now ha an Organ iser, and he .has ~~en up his dutie~ wi th great enthu ia m. He ha . a~ready ta.rt~ hIS trammg of Lay Lecturers to form a basi for the tra1l1111g org~msatlOn. C~urses a~e run for the port and for the general public, while gr.eat aSSIstance IS iven b\ Dr. Caruana in Bo, who has been able to orgamse courses there, ~c1L1dil;g one for enior girl at a Convent School. The Polic ha e can iderably increa ed the numb.er of men train~d. and ha\ c been able to render Fir t Aid in r?ad . aCCidents, bot~ dunng their dut time and off-duty p riod , thus puttlllg 1I1to g,?od pra~tlce what ha been' taught them at their cla e. They ha".e al a given aSSIstance at demon .lration t cla , e Lit ide the Forc~ whIch ha s been a very valuable a ct to the Headquarter' Officer. We are

lad to know that Fir t Aid training i taking place in the British C(IJ~(/,OOI1S', and a free gift of book wa sen t to ~iss Daw on of the CD .C. Ho pitaL Tiko. for ue at cla e for th e Pollce and others. l)

K em ([ ha een a a t increa e over 1958, and the Police h.ave started' an cnen!etic drive for Fir t-Aider. Over 200 non-Enghshspeaking Africa; pa ed the Preliminary Fir t Aid examination, ~nd many more adult both European and ~fncan pa. ed the adult. examll!alion. CIa e held in chool,) in a1robi how an lUcrea e, and 1U outSide area th po,>ition remain ati factory. It .is good to know that the number of men, chiefly among the Pollc. who have. ta~en ree'{aminati n ha\ e incr a ed and efficiency ha thu been mamtamed

The Ki. lll17li area ha opened up once again and clas e h~ve been tarted there. Th great . t need is till for lecturer to meet the ~creased interest in our work. very thing pas ible i being done to obtam mo~e help, and the a istance given by the Director of Medical Health and hiS staff \Va invaluable and greatly appreciated. Successful eff?rts have beep made to r can titute local committee in some area and m general thIS ha been done. The trong upport o[ the Police. Railways and Prison Commi sian i very encouraging, and we are rna t grateful to them. F~nd: rai ina j well maintained in all parts of the Colony, although the NairobI area ~Hde the rnost- £5,885. All workers are to be congratulated on a SUcces ful year and on the heartening Jucces which should inspire them to even grt;1ter progres in the future. In Mauritills there has been can iderable progress and an increasing number of candidate have been uccessful in examinations. As a result. new divi ion of the St. John Ambulance Brigade are being formed. ~here i in piring support from Government department as well as outslde bodies, such as Boy Scouts.



In Uganda, the Headquarters building was completed by the end of the year and the opening, together with the Annual General Meeting, was planned to take place early in 1960. These Headquarters will be a very good asset to the A sociation in Ug~nda. The highlight of the year was the visit of H.M. the Queen Mother m February and there was COn. siderable St. John activity during the week of the Royal visit. Her Majesty was able to see the site of the new Headquarter and the building under con truction. Throughout the year, Lay Lecturers have been ex. tremely active and a large .number of new. ones trained. N ew ce~tres .of activity have been opened m Ggaba, SorotJ., Kyambogo Teacher Tram. ing Colleges, Jinja Medical School, Tororo College! Bugema Seventh Day Adventist Training College and Luziru Central Pnson. As a result of the work of Lay Lecturers and the cla ses organised, new Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade have been registered for Jinja and in the Kampala Fire Brigade. Three successful course were organised in the Kilembe Copper Mines. It is very encouraging to know that the Police Training School now include the adult course in the programme instead of the preliminary. A very interesting development was an intensive course for Assistant Community Development Officers, and the e tablishment of a Branch of the Association in Saroti in the Ea tern Province. It will be se n that the Association now has contact with a very wide range of organisations, and is well-establi hed in chool and training colleges as well as receiving splendid upport from the Police, Electricity Board, Railways and Fire Services. The thanks of the Association are due to all those who have worked so hard to achieve this developm ent and also to the great number of Lay Lecturers who are doing such splendi d work. The President of the Zanzibar Centre, Sir Henry Potter, K.C.M.G., and the Chairman, Dr. D. A . Baird, O.B.E ., left during th e ye r, and we are very grateful to them for the great work they did to et up the now flourishing Centre of the Association. Sir G eorge Mooring, C.M.G., and Dr. I. W. M acKichan have taken on the responsibilities of Pre. ident and Chairman. The student Lay Lecturer gave a tea party and presented Dr. Baird with a suitcase. This is a very clear indication of the happy tate of affairs in the Centre. There are now even La y Lecturers tra in ed and they have already held two classes with marked uccess. The Centre is now well-established and looks forward to a successful future.

ASIA Ceylon has had another most succe siul year and 7,780 candidates passed examinations, which is an increase of nearly 3,000 as compared with 1958. We should like to congratulate this Centre upon such a splendid record and express our deep appreciation of the va t amount of work which has been done to achieve these results. Th e Centres in Trincomalee and Batticaloa have been revived , and cour e in First Aid, Nursing and Child Welfare have been organised in many schools, train· ing colleges and community centres where courses were not held before .. The co-operation of the Police and other Government departments if> most encouraging, and we were greatly inspired by the address of H.E. tbl~ Governor-General on the occasion of the Annual Inspection of the police Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade, when he took the opportunity of recording his very personal thanks for the service they rend er to Ceylon as a result of their training. With such backing the Association in Ceylon

can look forward to yet further successes and we send our congratulation . 10 them . The Hongkong Centre had a succe sful year and 21 more classes. were tarted than in 1958 . Naturally, most clas. es are conducted in Chine e, but there ~ere a fe:v in ~nglish . CandIdates were mostly from the Police, EducatlOn and FIre Bngade Departments of the Governt but several large ervices and various non-Government sch?ols and meFta're organisations were concerned. The disastrous . floods whIch. t~ok ~~ce in June showed how valuable the training giv~n by th~ ASSOCiatIOn P be on uch occasions and the St. John organISatIOn m H~ngkong ca~ able to offer areat assistance with First Aid rescue work. An mterest:~~ devel opment was the organisation of classes for In peetors and Regulato r of the Hongkong Tramways. The e were very suc~essfu~ and the Hon gkong Tramway gave special encouragement, Illcl~dI.ng ,dlIl!ler artie celebrate the succe s of the candidates. The AssoclatlOn s FIrst ~id am1 bad ge is to be worn by the Inspector and ~egulato~s who h?ld valid certifi cate . The Civil Aid S.ervic~s gav~ speCIal attentIOn to F~st ~id trai n ing and organi ed specIal FI.rst AId refresher courses WIth marked a ttention to Lay L ecturer . Thls should p~ove a very valuable basis for d evelopment in 1960. The St. ~oh.n ~all III Febru~ry and the SI. Joh n Fl ag Day in Jun e were the ASSOCiatIOn s two fund-ralsmg events In the year and were, as u ual , most successful.


The As ocia tion' entre for the Federation of Malaya reports most encouraging d e elopment and new Headquarters have been opened at Sela noo r. Th e new Headquarter at Kuala Lumpur are nearly completed and \~ill be opened by the ultan of Selangor in 1960. These ~e.adq~arters are a wond rful as t to the St. John Ambulance AssocIatIOn ~n the Federation a nd congratulation are due to everyone. who has contnbuted toward ' th e achi evem ent of the e great results. Thl makes four H~d­ quarter buildings completed within ~he la?t two years and we consIder Ihis to be a magnificent record . Dunng thl year, J ohor~ ~as aI~o been oiven land for a Headquarter and it is hoped that bUlldmg WIll start during 1960. It i intere ting to reali e from report that such Headqua rter a re used not only for Fir t Aid and .u r ing cla.s~es but also f?r a variet\' of activities such a ports, classes m typewnt~ng and mUSIC. dance a nd evening enterta inment . Through th~se vaned events the buildings are able to ju tify their exis.tence and wlll prove very ~aluable asset to the A sociation in the vanous State of the FederatIOn. An example of what can be done i the Demonstr~tion ,ward. planned for Ihe Headq uarter building in Kuala Lumpur, whIch :Vl~l aS~lst th~ Home Nursing course and will be opened when the bUlldmg Itself IS completed . T he Order's Organiser, Mis Checkley, who has done. such wonderful work to spread a knowledge of FITs~ Aid .a~d the subjects t~ught by the A ociation throughout the FederatIOn, VISIted many edyc~tJ.o~ar and other establishments during the year. For example. on the mVItatJ.on of the Principal of the Mala Training College, she poke to the students and later he called at the General Hospital and arranged for classes to be begun at once. The e visits resulted in the e.stab1i~h~ent of ~ourses and the hope that those trained would form Nursmg DIVISIons dunng the year. It was a happy indication of the international chara~ter of o~r movement that two world-famous Indian dancer gave a chanty show ill aid of the Training and the Building Fund. At. the Annual General Meeting. H.E. the Prime Mini ter took the Chal-r and we are greatly



encouraged by the wonderful support which we received from His Maje ty and member of the Federation Government. Schools throughout the Federation pay very great attention to the Fir t Aid course and this is a development which we hope to encourage. One sp cial item of intere t during the year was the distribution of Landrovers and other vehicles to Centr a a re ult of the disbandment of the Malayan Welfare tams, and the e have proved extremely valuable in the variou States to which they have been gi en. We were honoured by tbe interest of Hi Late Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and his on ort, and are grateful for their inspiring upport and al 0 to the Prime Mini ter and Deputy Prime Minister for all they have done to forward the work of the St. John Ambulance A sociation in the Federation. With this backing it has been po sible to produce re ult which have been an example to the whole world. In North Borneo, there have been con iderable development and classes have been held in variou organi ations including members of Model and Secondary Schools, the Fire Brigade and the Police. Generous contributions have been received from individual and commercial under· takings. In orth Borneo, however, the po ition continue to be difficult for the various departments of the Government, including Railways, Customs and the Electricity Board, etc. Plans are being organi ed for First Aid training, in addition to tho e already organi ed, for the Police and Civil Aviation. It would al 0 eem important that refre her courses should be organi ed for the Public Work Department. There is a shortage of voluntary welfare worker and thi naturally affect the work of the Association in the territory. It had been hoped to . end an organiser to the Colony at the end of the year, but thi did not eventuate. We believe that the ervices of an organi er for a period will be of great value to North Borneo. Early in the year, the As ociation in the territory bought a new ambulance to erve Je elton, which enabled the exi ting ambulance to be transferred to Papar and it ha already been put to very good use. This is the kind of activity which the As ociation con iders to be of great value and we congratulate the Centre on it valuable aid to the welfare service of the territory. It mu t be appreciated that classe are held not only in Engli h, but aloin Malay and Chine e and thus the translations of A sociation Manuals in the e language i ery important. In Nepal, the First Aid Manual, which was made the medium of instruction for the World Health A sistant' School in Kathmandu in 1956, remained exclusively in use. Trainee all buy a copy for themselves and the Nepali version is considered good, although the Eng}i h version is also very popular. It is hoped that the Health A si tants when posted to remote areas, will be able to start Fir t Aid classes. In Afghanistan, First Aid is taught and the School for Male Nurses at Aliabad Hospital uses a locally prepared and duplicated tran lation of the 5t. John Manual in Farsi. It is hoped that the new book will prove of value to them. .In Bl!-rrr!a, the First Aid Manual in English is the teaching medium of FIrst AId m the Government Central Health School in Rangoon. Instruc· tors use the book with tutorials in Burmese and project relevant film strips. The Health Assistants (400 of whom have graduated from the 27-mont?-. co~rse) nearl~ all purchase their own copies in English. The 1958 edItIOn IS on sale III Rangoon. Other hospitals and training schools

use St. John books and up-to-date copies have been sent to them. It is most encouraging to know that the Association's publications are reaching into su~h a wide field and. we will investigate the need for translations when the tIme seems appropnate. PACIFIC ISLANDS

In Fiji, consideration is being given to the re-organisation of the Committee with a view to including a more representative range of citizens. Alit of names has been prepared and is being submitted to the President, H . . Sir Kenneth Maddocks, C.M.G., for approval and it is hoped that greater pu bEe interest in the work of the Association will result. Plans are in hand for a new building to serve as joint Headquarters for the t. John and the Fiji Branch of the British Red Cross Society. There has been a very encouraging increase in the number of classes held and many more candidates were examined in First Aid and Nursing. The new books have been received with keen interest and are widely used by doctor and al 0 by other organisations.

Tn the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, as a result of the award of Adult Fir t Aid Certificates to 27 members of the Colony Constabulary, a unit of the Brigade was formed and this is an encouraging development of the A~ ociation' work . On OcealZ hlal1d, throughout the year Fir t Aid training continued with lecture by a qualified Lay Lecturer and also on the islets of Bairiki and Betio on th alt01 f Tarawa with lecture gi en by Assistant Medical Officer. Training wa al 0 given to members of the Prison Service. We had the plea ure of ceing Mr. Hook, the Honorary Secretary of the As ociation' Centre, in ngland, and are v ry grateful to him and to all who have made uch a ucce ful year po ible. In the British Solomon Islands training in Fir t Aid continues to be given to members of the Police Force and in tructor are being trained. It i hoped to have the a sistance of a Lay Lecturer from the SeventhDay Adventi t Mi ion at Beti Kama. Progress is slow, but with this a si tance training difficultie may gradually be overcome.

WEST 1 DIES AND CARIBBEAN In Barbados, the year has been a very bu y one and classes were held continuously. While emphasis is still on Adult First Aid, there has been growing intere t in the Preliminary First Aid, Nursing and Preliminary Child Care Courses. An interesting development was the holding of a "Clean Handling of Food" cIa s organised through the Director of Medical Service , Dr. M. A. Byer, O.B.E., who himself took part of the course. A serie of lectures were given in the Marine Hotel in the same way as in 1958. The respon e was good and 22 candidates were succe sful. As a result of this experiment, it is hoped that in 1960 two courses of lectures will be run, one each for the South and West Coast Hotels. It is very encouraging that so much support should have been given to this enterpri ing operation. Courses have been held for Lay Lecturers and two presentations of Certificates took place during the year. At one of these, in September, Certificates were presented by H.E. the Acting Governor.


In Bermuda, the year was disappointing, as the re-organisation did not prove as successful as had been hoped. Plans are being made for the appointment of a new Chairman, Secretary and Committee when volunteers have been found. We are very grateful to the Chairman of the St. John Council, Wing-Commander L. J. Fountain. for all he is doing to keep the A ociation alive in the island. In British Guiana, there was a decrea e in the number of person& trained, but developments continued satisfactorily. Expansion is continuo ing in the country di tricts and considerable as istance has been given by Sicknur e Di pen er who have been appointed a Lay Lecturers. The value of First Aid on isolated estates is now becoming more appre· ciated and we hope for developments in the coming year. We were very glad to know that Sir Donald Jackson, the Chairman, ha formed a very useful and representative Committee and that there is a very great demand for the new textbooks. We were al 0 very glad to ee the Secretary. Mr . Franker, when she was in London. In British Honduras developments continued but were hampered by the need for Lay Lecturers. It is hoped that course can be organised for the Police, Fire Brigade and Prison Warders as well as for the Corozal Sugar Factory. The Citrus Factory at Pamoma takes a great interest and is well-equipped with First Aid boxes. Many of the employees are genuinely interested in First Aid and this is of great encouragement. One very interesting out ide activity was the Blood Donor' Servic , organised on a voluntary basis, to which as istance was given by the As oeiation.

Jamaica North East. First Aid cla ses were conducted in various districts and one of the most important of these wa the course at the Moneague Training School for Teacher, when 53 candidates passed. These candidates will be taking up po t as teachers all 0 er Jamaica and three of them qualified as Lay Lecturers. Other activitie include fundraising, of which the most successful was a Ba1l at haw Park Hotel which realised £1,387, and a Competition. An ambulance wa ordered through the generosity of an anonymous donor in the U .. A. I amaica North West. Although little progress was reported during the year, plans have been made for the future and special empha i is to be placed on the training of school teachers. A number of cla ses were organised in various districts, with special training for Lay Lecturer. In I amaica South West the work of training has gone on steadily despite certain disappointments, which include the number of candidates who take the course but do not attend the examination. Considerable sums were raised through a dance and Flag Day. In Jamaica South East the usual courses in First Aid have been ?rganised, including three for Lay Lecturers. There has been an increase l~ the I!-umber of successful candidates as compared with that of 1958. FIrst ~d courses were arranged as part of the rehabilitation programme for pnsoners and had a high degree of success. Many of the prisoners purchased books from their earnings and declared their intention of con· tinuing their studies after returning to norrnallife. A number of industrial concerns have arranged for members of their staff to be trained so that ~hey m~y h~ve skilled personnel on hand at all times. Special simple lllstructlOns In nursing have been given to the staff of two Homes for


the Aged so that they may be able to take proper care of the inmates. A course in First Aid in the Home was given to women from the Jamaica Federation of Women and members of a club for Army wives. Instruction in First Aid as it applies to air travel was given to the hostes e of British West Indies Airways and many troops of Scouts and Guides have trained for their badges requiring a knowledge of First Aid and Nursing. The Secretary supervised the building and equipping of a Fir t Aid post erected on the new racecourse at Caymanas and a new First Aid post and life-saving apparatus was set up for the Government at a new public beach. It has once again been a year of encouraging and satisfactory development. In the Leeward Islands there has been considerable activity, with cour e organi ed in ho pitals, a sugar factory, schools, at the airport and for the Police. There will have to be a re-organi ation in view of the administrative changes in the Leeward Islands and this was under consideration at the end of the year. In the Windward Islands , Grenada hows activity and arrangements are being made to re-organise the Association. A number of men and women are being trained for Lay Lecturer' Certificates and these will be of great as i tance in iew of the difficulties of tran port. In St. Vincent two cla es were held, and in addition 22 candidates received training at the Regional Police Training Centre in Barbados, where all the troops are ent for training. The relationship between the Police, St. John and the Red Cro divi ion i mo t sati factory. In Trinidad. acti itie continued a usual , with little increase in lecture and examination in the Ie s accessible areas, which is very satisfactory. A pecial feature wa a course at Golden Grove Prison, where 34 candidate were examined and 27 passed in First Aid. TRA





Transbtion of the Ad ult Manuals is proceeding 0 erseas and we receIved d uri ng the year the Greek transla tion from Cyprus. The Cypriot / Turki h tran lation is under preparation and is expected early in 1960. In Hongkong, Dr. F. 1. Tung i tran lating the Adult First Aid Manual and it is hoped thi will be pubJi hed in June 1960. A new Nursing Manual is also being tran lated in Hongkong by Chinese members of the nursing profession. They realise tbi work will take considerable time but it is hoped that 1960 will ee its completion. A Turkish tran lation of the First Aid Manual is in preparation and is expected in 1960 from the Societe du Crais ant Rouge Turc. A French tranGlation of the First Aid Manual has been prepared in Canada and likewi e is expected to be published in 1960. India reports that the new manuals on Fir t Aid and Nursing are being translated into Hindi and that orders for the printing of these editions will be placed with suitable printers when the MSS are ready. Other translations of these books will also be printed in due course. Arrangements were being made in Malaya with the Asia Foundation for the translation of the First Aid and Nursing manuals into Malay. We are very grateful to the translator for undertaking this work and we are glad to know the project has the co-operation of the Red Cross Society in. Malaya. It is encouraging to know that Dr. Tseung has also kindly offered to undertake the translation of the new Preliminary First Aid



manual into Chinese. Negotiation proceed with Ceylon for the translation of both Adult and Preliminary manuals into Tamil and Sinhalese. Work is proceeding upon the Afrikaans translation in South Africa of the First Aid manual. It is hoped that it may be possible to arrange for a Swahili tran lation of First Aid manual in Kenya and di cu ions are continuing. It will therefore be een that our manual are already being translated into a number of languages and we will continue this work wherever it is po sible. As stated earlier in the report, there i a clear need for Arabic translation for our First Aid manual and negotiation are proceeding to this end. There was al 0 a po ibility of the tran lation of our manuals into Italian for use in Somalia for the good office of Mis Mango World Health Advi er, who wa in Cypru and laterly wa tran ferred to Somalia. We believe that both the Adult and Preliminary manuals can serve a useful purpose abroad and if it i neces ary we will be glad to arrange for the rewriting of the book to suit over eas territorie . COMPETITIO S

Competition work continues to expand. During the year we were a ked to organise the first competition for members of the ational Federation of Young Farmer' Clubs and this took place during the Roya l Show at Oxford. The Dock and Harbour Authoritie ' Association extended their com~titions to includ~ a Ju?ior event, as did the United Kingdom AtomIC Energy Authonty. ThiS encouragement to the newer fir t aiders is most important. Du.ring t~e year, the usual National Competition were held with an ~ve~ mcreasmg numb~r of .teams and competitors taking part in the prehmmary rounds. It IS e~tImated that 2,300 team, compri ing 11,500 competItors, took part. Wmners of the National Competition held under the auspices of the Association were as follows: Competitions for Men Organisation: Police . . . . . . British Electricity Ambula nce Centre . . . Br~~sh Transport Commission (Railway and Docks) Bntlsh Transport Commission Police . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre . National Dock Labour Board Centre Gas Industry . Fire Brigades. . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambul a nce Association. . . . . General Post Office Ambul ance Ce nt re National Coal Board Competitions for Women British Electricity Ambulance Centre . . . Bri~ish Tr~nsport Commission (Railways and Docks) U~ll~ed KlOgdom Atomic Energy Authority . . . MlOlstry of Supply Ambulance Centre. Gas Industry. . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre

Winning Team : Exeter City Police Kettering Exmouth Junction Heysham Alderm as ton R.R.E. Pershore London Upper Pool East Midland Gas Board City & County of Bristol Liverpool City Transport W . . District Office McLaren Colli ery

Bexleyheath Li verpool Street Aldermaston R .O.F. Chorley North Western Gas Board Liverpool City Transport Edinburgh

The winners of the above competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Competitions for the De~a~ and Perrott Shields, took part on the Grand Prior's Trophy ~?mpetltlOns on 19th November, at the Porche. ter Hall. We ha~ the pnvllege and honour on this occasion of we1commg the Lord Pnor of the Order . (The Lord Wakehurst), who not only graciously presented the tr?phleS and the edallion but also expressed his plea ure on the expanslOn of the work ill . . of the AssocLatlOn. The winning team were: Men t. John Ambulance .~rigade (Dean and Chapter Colliery Ambulance Divi. ion); Women- Bntlsh Transport Commi ion (Railways and Docks) (LIverpool Street). The Mayor and Mayores of Pad~ing~on, Ex~cutive Officers of the Order and representative of all orgalllsatlOns which had teams competing, were present on the plattorJ? ... Once again we extend our mcere thanks to the ~SS?CIated. Bntls.h Picture Corporation Ltd ., for their continued generosl~y m stagmg thIS and all other national competitions which we held du~ng the year. The effectivene of the test i greatly enhanced by the reahsm and the colour provided by the scenery. . Our warm st appreciation and thanks are due to mem?~rs of the medIcal profes ion who have acted a judges at these co.mpetlilons, and to t~e steward and ca uaHie who have so generously gIven up much of theIr time to a S1 t at the e e ent . The co-operation and .help receiv~ fr?m the e source are an in piration to those concerned WIth tJ:1e orgamsatIOn of competition. Finally, a word of thanks to the competitors ~~o have worked so hard and who e enthusiasm has made the competltlOns an outstanding feature in our year's work. CO CLUSIO

This i the la t Annual Report which I will have the honour to. submit as Director-General and I hould therefore like to thank the multitude of people who have helped to further the work of the A sociation in so many different way in all parts of the world. We have the most won~er­ ful upport from doctor, nur e , lay instructors, laymen, and a vanety of capacities, and it i difficult to say enough to thank them for al~ t~ey have done to make the work of the St. John Ambulance AssoclatlOn possible, whether in England or in territorie overseas. It is upon .the doctors nurses and admini trative officers that the burden falls and WIthout the~ we could not fulfil our duties. The work of the Association depends upon help given by men and women in all walks of life, whet~er in their official capacity or a officer of Centre, or as ~lass secretanes, and I would wish to thank them most warmly for makmg my work so satisfying. I wi h to thank our County Directors, Centre Chairmen, Secretaries of Committee and all who voluntarily form the backbone of the St. John Ambulance Association. I know how much work is done by so many people in an entirely voluntary capacity. to forward the objects of the Association and in so doing to benefit theIr fellow men. Governments throughout the Commonwealth have shown their appreci~ti.on .of the work of the Association, whilst at home Government Mmistnes receive our advice and help. With our nation-wide organisation we can, I believe meet the demands to be made on us in the future. I would stress how m~ch this country and territories overseas owe to those who give up


their spare time to teaching and organi ing cIa es fostered by the Association. I wish also to thank my most devoted upporter at Headquarter. The work done by Dr. A. C. White Knox, Principal Medical Officer. and bis Deputy, Dr. J. S. McLintock, is out tanding. Mr. D. . Maclean, the Deputy Director-General, has upported me thr ughoul the year and I am deeply grateful to him for all he ba done to lighten my burden. The only regret that be and I share i that, each having bu ine commitments outside tbe voluntary work of St. John, we have not been able to make as many visits to the Countie a we hould have wi hed . Lastly, I wi h to put on record the deep debt we owe l the e retary, the Competition Secretary, and all the taff at Headquarter. who have given devoted and loyal service at all time. Once again we at Headquarter wi h to expre our admiration of the wonderful work that i going on in 0 many place tach iev the objects which the Order ha placed upon the t. John Ambulance ociation and the unstinted voluntary aid which ha been given in so many different capacities by men and women in ngland and 0\ cr eas. We can never thank them enough but I hop that thi rep rt will indicate in orne small mea ure how much they are doing for humanity. HORACE PAR HALL,


A PPE?-'l)IX 1.

A :-;ALY S I S OF EX AMI N ATIO N 1st Janu ary to 3 1lit December , 195 ~.

" Aft THRO lJG H cr?'-lRES RE-EXA MIN A TIO~S :-'umber of


-------- -------- -------- -------- ------Lay CD :-. . P. F. A. OCC. F.A. Classes Month Dem FA . - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- --of

280 353 753 727 520 471 520 126 151 202 399 952

January ............. . February ........... . March .............. . Apnl ................ . .\1a) ................. . June ...... . .......... . July .........•......... August September October ~ovember




273 318 487 497

J anuary .............. . F ebruary .......•.... M arch ..........•..•. A pril ................. . May ................. . June ......••.......••. J uly .....•........... August .............. . September ....... . October ........•.... November .......•• December ........ .


537 973 1.390





----- -

79 56 95 3 18 18 31 35 30

27 4

2 I 3





71 236 20

· c .)..,


19 171 69 68 115 201


32 24 11


------- -------- -------- -------Total Failed

No. of Classes Passed


71 44

3,160 8,624 8,400 5,107 2,270 1,202 548

82 206 220 157 55 85 28

14 15 15 5

21 o 11 153 14 --------'" -------- -------- -------113 225 7 7


92 118 82 370 22 53 72 178 262


23 22 246 3.18







21 15 __

19 I

34 --






97 4 3,295 5,300

57 150







500 274 24 1 489 92 122 120

326 580


40 66

93 34

689 424

2 I


5 4

104 490 1,400 2,560



5 I





1,216 1,603 2,17 2,15 1,504

16 19 34 40 38 17 15 I 8 18 32 47


3,071 5,1OC 5,197 4,20 4,08 4.593 1,156 1,271 1,914 4,048 7,244





















1958. . .















J ,902


9 68




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,- j l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - -!

88 72 87 291 823 3,924

60 91 101 95 118 44 120 12 49 103 80 214


7 17






280 276 234 82 41 26 36 64 169 208


239 25

271 658 474 318 210

3,182 7,581 6,907 5,038 4 ,673 5,706 1,361 1,523 1,900 4,478 ,871




350 386 450 312 361

Tolal Passed

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --24 5 56 198 2,933 o 3,316 80

5 20



e.w . P. e. W.


167 215 441 359 52 29 677 72 1 18 198 382 1,068

174 136 347 273 428 422 241 80


--------------- -------- ------- ------P Hyg. H . F. H. C H.F.

19<;9 ..... ...


:;. .

3 17 45& 467 367 345 173 35 46 43

2,060 3,460




186 359 704




292 454 1,099 1,275 1,142 1,190 1,744 201 330


97 124

397 366

104 125 599 477 497 360 290 49 I 17 94 420 850


1,95 1,901 2,599 2,583 1,495 1,600 1,886 805 670

-----------.--4,220 21,851 TOTALS .. GRA~D TOTALS,

252 298 337 437 158 278 217 190 25 I 102 I 407 429


1,847 463 1,792 565 4,001 1,512 3,871 1,412 2,400 1,210 2,171 1,327 2,050 1,881 628 400 725 414 735 565 1,980 960 5,380 1,680 ------- -------27,580 12,38



P. H .;-".


0.. 1 \0 00 VI 00



England and N. Ireland (including Eire up to Year 1944) Up to 1945 3,230,196 1946 39,250 1947 45,177 1948 55,552 1949 61,] 94 1950 64,707 1951 68,405 1952 87,564 ]953 80,796 1954 85,1 J 5 1955 84,502 1956 .............................................. 5,773 nglanu 89,674 95,20J 99,918

1957 1958 1959


Wales 181,006* 4,463 3,765 4,797 4,888 6,350 7,228 11,178 8,106 7,927 7,794 7,881

Northern Ireland

Wales 9,017 8,599 8,627

Northern Ireland 2,308 1,875 2,350



Overseas 2,075,324 97,647 78,036 86,520 103,] 28 104,869 140,423 146,626 153,677 182,410 185,845 198,783

Total 5,486,526 141,360 126,978 146,869 169,210 ] 75,926 216,056 245,368 242,579 275,452 278,141 292,437

Overseas 200,847 206,109 244,050

Total 301,846 311,784 354,945


(0 (0



Year: Up to 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956

1957 1958 1959

MEDALLIO England, Treland Northern and rreland Wales Overseas 32,8] 6 600,947 554 6,500 323 6,179 446 6,304 464 8,442 692 9,648 676 10,874 952 10,964 821 13,199 890 13,315 909 14,063 709 14,803 England and Overseas 15,] 85 16,087 15,283 761,793


L B L ngland, Ireland and Overseas 1,081,115 36,916 43,119 46,266 44,652 53,137 47,540 44,206 44,449 48,288 44,983 62,702

Wale 137,587 6,436 5,956 6,302 5,925 5,806 5,960 6,069 5,929 5,790 6,052 5,985

orthern Ireland

Wales 720 780 836

Northern Ireland 18 53 33

England and Overseas 49,728 59,091 52,891

Wales 5,847 5,753 5,744

Northern Ireland 7 30 17






England, Ireland and Over eas 160,383 16,283 9,356 6,949 6,400 7,131 5,419 4,910 7,900 5,972 5,555 5,252

Wales 8,781 678 660 409 528 534 633 650 712 750 94] 674

England and Oversea 5,162 6,059 5,170

Wale 585 664 624

Northern lreland 3 14 2




orthern Ireland







ASSOCIATION NATIONAL COMPETITIONS HELD DURING THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW Police ational Competition wa held at the Porchester HaU,W.2 on 26th February, 1959. Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General) presided and the trophie and plaques were pre ented by Sir Charles Cunningham K.B.E., C.B. C.Y.O. (Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Home Office): The Judges were:Dr. E. J. Gordon Wallace . Team Test Dr. J. Munro Sherriff. . Individual Practical Test .and they placed the team in the following order:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Exeter City Police. . . We t Sussex Constabulary. . . Metropolitan Police (H Division). Dudley Borough Police Cardiff City Police. . Edinburgh City Police. . . . Blackpool County Borough Police Derbyshire Constabulary . Bedfordshire Constabulary . . orthumberland County Police . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained 344

29 294t 288 275


254t 250 229t 223

British Electricity Ambulance Centre Competilions for Men and Women -were held at the Porchester Hall, W.2, on 25th March, 1959. Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Di~ector-Genera~) pre ided and the trophie and plaque were presented by Slf Ian Horobm, M.A., If.P. (Parliamentary ecretary to the Minister of Power).

The Judges were for the men' team :_ Dr. M. N. Booth . . Team Te t Dr. J. Fairlee . Dual Practical Te ts For the women's teams:Dr. J. A. Hanraty . Team Te t Dr. D. N. Swan Dual Practical Te t and they placed the teams in the following order:ME

1. East Midlands (Kettering) . . . . . 2. Merseyside and North Wales ( orthwich) 3. London (Fulham) . . . . 4. South Western (Barnstaple) 5. Southern (Earley) . . 6. orth Western (Oldham) 7. South Eastern (Brighton) 8. South Wales (Brccon) . 9. Midlands (Gloucester) . 10. Yorkshire (Sculcoates) . 11. Eastern (Peterborough) . . . . 12. North Eastern ( ewcastle-upon-Tyne) Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained

331t 321 317t 297+ 297 289 282+ 280+ 272

271 263+ 262

Marks Obtained

339 322 313 308 306 305 299 293 291 284 279 250

1. London (Bexleyheath) . 2. South Wales (Cardiff) . 3. Southern (Portsmouth). 4. Eastern (Fens and Cambridge) 5. Merseyside and North Wales (Chester) 6. South Western (Bristol) 7. South Eastern (Kingston-upon-Thames) . 8. North Western (Burnley) . 9. East Midlands (Nottingham) . 10. North Eastern (NewcastIe-upon-Tyne) 11. Midlands (Gloucester) . J 2. Yorkshire (Rotherham) Maximum marks obtainable: 400

British Transport Commission (Raihmys and P~cks) c.0mpetitions. (or

Men and Women and British Transport CommiSSIOn Police Competztzon were held at the Central Hall, S.W.!, on 5th June, ~959. Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General) pre ided and the troph]e~ and plaques ,,:,,~re pre ented by General Sir Brian Robertson, Bart. (ChaIrman of the BntIsh Tran port Commi ion). The Judge were, for the men's teams:. . Team Test Dr. AUan Walker. Dual Practical and Dr. A. E erard } Oral Tests Dr. Michael Cohen For the women' team :Dr. J. T. Daly . . . Dr. W. M. M. Dougla s} . Dr. T. E. Wood

. . Team Test Dual Practical and Oral Tests

and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. 12. 13.

Southern (Exmouth Junction M.P.) London Midland (St. Pancras Goods) London Midland (Dublin). Ea tern (Worksop) . Southern (Horsham o. 1) We tern (Bristol D.O.S.O.) North Eastern (Newcastle Central) Eastern (yarnl0uth) Scottish (MotherweIl) . Western (Banbury 'A') . Scottish (Bridgeton) North Eastern (York C. & W.) London Transport (Manor House) Maximum marks obtainable: 600

534 516+

478 471 438 418 417 397

390 386t 370 362 343




Marks Obtained I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

462 461 44 408t 407

Eastern (Liverpool Street) . Western ( ewton Abbot) . . . London Transport (Baker Street) . Southern (East leigh Accounts) Scottish (Falkirk) . . . . . orth Eastern (Hull Policewomen) . . . . London Midland (Manche ter, London Road) . Ma imum marks obtainable : 600

3 8

3 5t


Marks Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

London Midland (Hcysham) Ea tern (Liverpool Street) . Southern (Dover Marine) . orth Eastern (Darlington). Scottish (Edinburgh) . Western (E eter) . . . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable : 600

463-1 428t 424

403 3671 362t

and they placed the teams in the following order:ME

Marks Obtained


R. R.E. Pershore 2. .0. Elstow. . . 3. R.O.F. horley ( ). . 4. A. R.D . . Fort Hal tead 5. .D . . . Porton . . . 6. R. . Woolwich (W.O. Po Ii e) 7. .0 . Hereford . . 8. R.A.E. Famborough . 9. R.O. . horley (E). . 10. . .T.E. pye tock (A). II . R.O .F. Blackburn . 12. R .O.F. Bi hopton . I.

2 7

280t 277

268t 258 228 226 222t 218 217t 217t

Ma>.tmum marks obtainable: -100 OMEr

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Competitions for Men and Women were held at Harwell, Berk , on 12th June, 1959. Mr.. S. White (Head of Chemical Engineering Di ision) pre ided and the trophie and plaques were presented by Mr. D. C. Maclean (Deputy Director-General. St. John Ambulance A ociation).

The Judge were:Dr. Monica Latto . Dr. W. G. Tait

. Team Te t Dual Practical Te t

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Marks Obtained Aldermaston Harwell 'A' . Harwell 'B'. . Windscale Works . . . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

328 309 283 266

Aldermaston Harwell .




. . .





Marks Obtained 337

Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Women were held at Metropole Building Whitehall Place, S.W.1, on 26th June. 1959. Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. W. J. Taylor, C.B.E. D.L., J.P., M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply).


Dr. F. H. Taylor, O.B.E .. Dr. A. H. Jone

. Team Te t Dual Practical Te t


Maximum marks obtainable: 400

The Judges were:Dr. L. K. Wills Dr. Monica Latto . Dr. H. Temple Phillips Dr. A. Conn

National Dock. Labour Board Ambulance Centre Competition for Dock Workers \\ a held at ueen Mary College E.l on 11 tll July, 1959. The Rt. Hon. Lord CrooK, J.P. (Chairman of the ational Dock Labour Board and Pre id nt of the entre) pre ided and pre ented the trophy and plaque.

The Judge v,·ere:-


1. 2.

329t 318t 315t 2 8 283t 270t 25 t 25

R . . . horley (A) H.Q. London . R.O. . horley (8). H.Q. he ington . H.Q. Lj\erpool . R .O.. la coed . R. . . Farnborough R.O. . Blackburn . Maximum marJ..s obtainable: 400

and they placed the teams in the following order:-

1. 2. 3. 4.

.'vfarks Obtained

. Men's Team Test Women's Team Test Dual Practical Tests

and they placed the team in the [0110\ ing order:lUarks Obtained I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. I\.

London pper Pool Liverpool Docks Swansea . Grim by . Southampton M idd Ie brough' , King Lynn . Manchester . GrangemoLlth o. 1 Barry 'B' . Glasgow . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

314 _99 2 7 2 6 27 261 251 231 218 216 169


28 Gas Industry Competitions for Men and Women were held at Friends Hou e, N.W.I, on 25th September, 1959. Mr. Horace F. ParshaU (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaque were pre ented by Colonel Sir Harold Smith, K.B.E., D.L. (Chairman Gas Council). The Judge 'V ere for the men' team : . Team Te t Dr. J. H. Chamber Dual Practical Te t Dr. J. J. Morley For the women's teams : . Team Te t Dr. 1. Munro Sherriff. Dual Practical Te t Dr. S. Hulme .

and they placed the teams in the following order:ME

Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

Ea t Midland Ga Board. orth Thames Gas Board . North Western Gas Board North Eastern Gas Board. Eastern Ga Board . Scottish Gas Board . . . South Eastern Gas Board . South We tern Gas Board . We t Midland Gas Board Wales Ga Board . . Northern Gas Board . Southern Gas Board . . . . . . . . Ma imum mark obtainable : 400

310 2991 297 292 2 0 276 2701 262 261-!25n



ldarks Ob/ail/ed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

North Western Gas Board Scottish Gas Board. . West Midlands Gas Board Northern Gas Board . . North Eastern Gas Board . East Midlands Gas Board . South We tern Gas Board. Southern Gas Board . . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

325-!316 298-!-

NaliOllal Road Passenger Trallsport Ambulance Association Competilions

for Men and Women were held at Aldenham Works (L.T.), Elstree, Herts, on 11th October, 1959. Mr. J. B. Burnell, C.B.E., J .P. (President of the Association and Operating Manager (Central Road Services) London Tran port) pre ided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Major-General J. M . Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E. (Commi sioner-in-Chief. S!. John Ambulance Brigade). The 1 udges were:Dr. 1. Munro Sherriff. Dr. G. M. Shaw mith Dr. A. H. Jones, and Dr. 1. C. Graham. Dr. E. W. Tapl y, and Dr. Erica lone

Fire Brigades Competition was held in Fire Brigade Headquarters. Brighton, on 2nd October, 1959. Mr. E. S. Calvert (Chief Fir Officer, Brighton) pre ided and the trophy and plaque were pre ented by Mr. Horace F. Parshall (Director-General, St. John Ambulance A ociation). The Judges were:Dr. R. Matthews . . . . . . Team Test ~v1r. H. S. Taylor-Young, F.R.C.S. Dual Practical Test

and they placed the teams in the following order: Marks

Dual Practical Tests . Oral Te ts

and they placed the team in the following order: ME

Marks Obtained

J. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

Li\crpool ity Tran port London Tran port . Lelcc ter ity Tran port Pl ymouth ity Tran port Birmingham City Tran port oltingham ity Tran port dinburgh ity Tran port. Maximum marks obtainable: 600

27Jt 2704

256249 157

. Men's Team Test Women's Team Test

398 394{363 346-!343-!314-!306t


Mark 1. 2.

3. 4.

Livcrpool City Tran port London Tran port . ovcntry ity Tran port ardiff City Transport. Maximum marks obtainable: 600

Obtailled 377

353 258 241+

General Po I Office AlI7bulance Centre Competitions/or Men and Women were held at the Porche ter HaIL W .2, on 21 t October, 1959. Mr. Horace F. Par hall (Director-General) pre ided and the trophies and plaque were pre ented by ir Gordon Radley (Director-General, General Po t Office).

Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

City and County of Bristol City of Cardiff. . City of Manchester. County of Hereford . . . . . City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull County Borough of Middlesbrough . Isle of Ely . . . County of Surrey . . . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

351 328 317 29712961292t 290t 275

The Judges were, for the men' team :. Team Test Mr. V. C. J. Harri , F.R.C.S. Dual Practical Tests Dr. J. S. Binni ng . For the women' team : Dr. Gordon Gillie Dr. J. Munro Sherriff.

. Team Te t Dual Practical Test


30 and they placed the team in th following order:ME

farks Obtained I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14.

London Po tal Regi n (W. . Di trict Office) Midland Rcgion (Birmingham P.O. ..) . . . . Headquartcr Group B (Factoric Dcpt., Birmingham) Sa ing Department ( . . D . Manor arden). . . London Tele ommunication Region ( orth rea TM .O.) Home ountie Region (Rcigatc and Redhill H .P.O.) . . Headquarter Group (Engincl.:r -in- hief' Offi e ( ity)) orth C tern Region (Lanca ter and 01 trict P.O. . .) outh We tern Region (Taunton T.A.) . Northern lreland (Belfa t H.P . . ) . Headquarter Group A. (H.Q. o. J Branch P.O. . .) orth Ea tern Region (Halifa H .P .O.). . Wale' and Border Countic ' ( hc ter P.O. . .) Scotland (Falkirk H.P.O.) . . . . . . Maximum mark. obtainablc: 400

304 272 2.70

265 251 249 2461 243 242 _38

_4 _07

13. 14.

enerabJe Order of St. John).

The judge were, for the men' Dr. M. M. cott Dr. E. H. Ea tcott

team Team Te t Dual Practical Test

For the women' team :Dr. J. . Graham Dr. J. S. McLintock

Team Test Dual Practical Te ts

and they placed the team in the following order:IE


l. John mbulan e Bngade (Dean & Chapter Colliery). 'ational Road Pa enger Tran port mbulance A oClation (Liverpool). . 3. Police (xcter ity Police) . . . . . . . . . 4. Bnll h Tran port ommi ion (Railway & Docks) (Exm uth Junction M .P.) . . . . . Ire Bngade. ( ity & ounty of Bristol) . . . . . 5. ational oal Board Miner' ompetition (McLaren Col6. Ilcr)) . . , ..... . ,\' Indu try ( ast Midland Gas Board) . ., 7. ntted Ktngd m tomic nergy uthonl (. IdermasLOn) t • 9. Brill h Ie lricily mbulan e entre (Kettenng) . ational Dock.. Labour Bard (London pper Poo\) . 10. II. Mtni try of upply mbulancc entre (R.R.E. Per hore) . L . Briti h Transport ommi ion Police (Hey ham) . . cneral PO '1 Office mbulancc entre (\ . . District 13


\far/" s

11. 12.

Mo t




pre ented by The Lord W akehur t, K.C.M.G. (The Lord Pnor of the

201 165


I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porche ter Hall , W.2, on. 19th November, 1.9 59 . Mr. Horace F. par hall (Director-General) pre Ided and the trophIes and pla9. ues were

upplic Department (Edinburgh) . London Telecommunication Region ( Ity rea TM . . ) Saving Department (S.B.D. Harrogate). . . . . Eternal Telecommunication :\ccutive ( Ie tra Hou e) . Headquarters Group (H.Q. o . I Bran h P.O. . .) cotland (Dundee TM .O.) . . . . . . . outh \ e tern Region (Bristol TM.O. and H.P.O .) orthern Ireland (Belfa t T . .) . . . . . . orth y e tern Region (Li\crpool T .). Midland Region (Birmingham P.O . ..) . Wales and Border Countie ( wan ca P.O. . .) . . Headquarter Group B (Factorie ' Dept., Birmingham Home Counties Region (Tunbridge ell T.M.O .) . orth Ea tern Regi on (Halifa, H .P.O .). . . . Ma imum mark obtainable: 400


_9ot 2 4

281 _76 274t 273 269 264

260 _60 253 236 19't


e) .



The Judges \ ere:Dr. H. R . F. Macdonald. Dr. J. Fi tzgerald and Dr. J. McGavin Dr. T. A. Appleby

. Team Te t Indi idual Te t Oral Te t

and they placed the teams in the following order:Uar/"s Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

McLaren Colliery . Haunchwood Colliery Brackley Colliery Brancepeth Colliery Auchincruive Colliery Tilmaostone Colliery Dinningtoo Colliery West Wylam Colliery Grassmoor Colliery . . . . . . . Maximum mark obtainable:

419 417-t 414+


39 1-t

3 8~

383354! 351 00

295t 293

29 2 3126 0 1 258 252124912461243t 2401


Ma ' imum mark obtainable: 400 \ 0 IE

alional Coal Board COl7lpetilioJl for Afitlers \\a h Jd at the Winter Garden, Blackpool, on 7th member, 1959. Dr. J. 1. Rogan (Chief Medical Officer) pre ided and the tr phy and plaque \ cre pre ented by M r. H. E. Collin C. B.E. ( ational Board Member).


_\[ar/..s Obtained

). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ,

Briti h Tran port omml ion (Rat!\\ay & Dock) (Liverpool trcet) .., ". . . . . nited I ingdom tomic Energy uthonty (Alderma ton) _ ational Roc d Pa enger Tran port Ambulance A ociat ion (Liverpool). . . . . . . St. John Ambulance Brigade (Spalding). . . . Briti h Electricity mbulanc Centre (Bexleyheath) a Indu try ( orth We tern Gas Board) . . . . . lini try of Supply mbulance entre (R.O.F. Chorley) . eneral Po t Office mbulan e Centre (Scotland) . Ma,imum mark obtainable: 400

297 287-} 2871 26 2601259 24O-t 234

ASSOCIATION COUNTY DIRECTORS (Corr cted lip lo lolh .Jul) ,


C. StulcI

herilT, E:-q



\lil cll.ll'lIlll lUlllt !l ut I.


Plcladilh-. W .1.

F. L . Gordon, Esq., hcnstone House , baUont St. Gile . :'ILl jor E. R. F. 1'. Barn, :lLB .1... 13, ;ro \'e ParI" Knut ~(ord, (h Thc \ ' is ounl ~earsdale, K l'Jleston I[,tll. K die 'lon, Derb\.


BrigdJicr C. E . .A. Bro\\nin g, C.B.F., M.C., Great Brah, W est lIill, ttcr~ t.;\1 ry. Brig dier V . F. S. Hawkins , D .0, M .C , Athelleaze, Atbelhampton, Dorehc ter Dr. D. 1. .\ crcs, Pendley Iiou c, LonJon Road, Gt. TarpoL, outh B nflrt't olonel R. ,:\.. Bingley, C.V.O., D.S.O., O.B.E. Peggie \\orth, near hdtenham


IIMOld Leach. Esq " ~I..\,.


. ~ook, E.q.,


1·.·.,\ ..


Above Bar, ~ollthal11ptlll Ilamp:,hlre.


John II'1.dquari. c, 15 '17, ;,Iount trert, Pre ton. Group aptaHl .... I'll H eath, O.B.E., 3 Duke treet, Gros\' nor quare, \v .1. H 1.. Fklh\tIU I, E -q., T.V , 'I':, ;\lo~lc\ ~t( 't't, :\ l'\\L 1~1I -lll1-TYlll', I. llllont'l.A \ '. T. Dower, LD . • . !.F.H .. N \\ingtoll lluu' . \ arburough. Lt.-Gc ner,\l SIr BII 11 Kim mins. K.B.!> , Hod\\'dl I lou 'c. \\. -t Lambrook. ~ollth Petherton.







U ··E.L

1 C \

I' n 'r. 5."!. Ikrb\- Road. Tp \\ teh


A . W aycott. o/ro. Wellin

tr II .

on Place. W oodbridO'e R

IOder on Pasha , K.B.E., C. M.G., ~I.V.O .. ~{

0 •

d. CuildforJ.

Little · tC'ddings. rorest Ro\\.


[) '> u .• Church Farlll IllJll~t' . Shet borne. \\ an\ ickshire. ;\l;1Jlll-GL'nt.!ral l;. D. Fan 'l1,t\\ l'. '.11 .• D . . 0., O.U.L. 7-, I'i h erton ~treet, Sali burT. \\ 'tlh~un. Esq .. - hie! Ct)l1~labk . l-lindhp H all. \ \ 'P1Ll'stl'r



l~ng,\dlt r H .• \ . ['haYle.

.r "\.

RKSHIRE (West Ridmg)

F \ \ il

~l'nlt. Esq. ll.U r . Chid Con.lahlt'. \\ c;::t

k(' lll 1<1 .

lasses In the are.:ts of Centres marked \\ It It an astcris\, arc arranged


idtng Cl'nstabulan'.

P . l . Hox


In alrect comrouoicaboo "ith Headqu il.'Cters as Detacbed



Gounty and Gelltle BERKSHIREBracknell


Cllfl'(' l

1 up


luth Jt1I ~.


IIt.1/ uu\, . cClctnl.\'

Gil (ll rm a II


. r . G lbblOS , ReadlO C1 •


t . John House ,



*~' indsor

The J\layor

Hcy. Dawson-\\'alkc(

11. C. \\' . Hobbs. 14 a. St. Leonard

18 0



\ T. Everard, J.P.

A . A . Lloyd

E_. \\' ' \ [a r t'In ,



Thc Dcan 01 Bristol


BUCKI 'G HA !SHIRECounty Centre ...

19 22





\. P. Gorhal1l

Ro d, \VlOt! or

E. t·. Baril It, 33, .\lc o\ e 1 .Ill. Fishponds. Bri,tol

t . ..John H .Q., 79, Buckingham

:'[i ~s \\'. F. Boyden. 7. Oakroyd Cresc nt. Wisbed)

A. C. Blaylock , Rirkcnhead W . E. R oberts , t~,


Lvndon Road ,

T_.ioocl Street. Bilmin(Vharn, _

1 00,

:'11 1-;. \ 'v ' . \ \ ' a t son, ~tn:d, 1\' Ie bury

W. Stewart Elgood



t. \ Tioccnt R oad.

st. Peter's

langhton ,

~ ql1are, 'to kport

County and




CI!(llrman ] . W. Badger


.1 .

II. Pollard, 4, High Hill, Keswick J. H. Holmes. 185, Devonshire Road. Millom



Cumberland Mines and Quarries :;Keswick




Irs. Bromley J. I ewton


H on orary Secretary G. Stewart. 34, L ov.rther Street, Whitehaven




Gran b y & Ilkeston

. :\Iidd leton,


Dr. A. Morrison

G. E. Johnson, 146, Burton Road, Derby

18 9 8

1. A. A. :'IIacdonald

W. F. Rigley

W. II. Sheldon, 78 Little Hallam Lane, Ilkeston.


The Right H a n . Lord Roborough

N. S. lOX,

G. Howard,s, Fariogdon R oad, Plymouth

J94 8


E. L.


Plymouth & District .. .



Dorchest er

fa \'or


Mrs. E. ,LT. Allen, 3, Alexandra Road, Victoria Park, Dorchester C. Young, IIolmdal e. Barrack Road, \Vest Parley , Wimborne, Dorset

T9Go Poole

19 2 9

Sherborne Wareham

1959 194 8



:'1rs . D. Galto n


Dowse Dr. Cunningham

Mrs. E. O. Park, "Rondf'tte," 12, \Vaverley Crescent. Oakda.le, Poole II. R. F. Young, Te\\·stead. Coldharbour, Sherborne ;\[rs. LIf . Bond. S.R.~., TTolme Prior\', \Van'ham. Dorset




D. Edgar, J.P.

D. Edgar, J.P.

R. Robson, P .O. Uartlepool

South Shields Stockton & Thornaby

188 3 19 14

W. P. Webster Col. H. E. Kitching,

Grey R. Pickersgill

:'Tajor T. A. Page, 75, King Street, _ outh Shields R. J.. :\1cDowell, 33, Kings Terrace, Wolviston R oad, BIllmgham, Co. Durham.

18 9 3

\V . O. Kirkwood,

D . L. RenDison

H. R. Gray, Sunderland

M.B.E., D.L . ,





Col. Sir


J ames

J P. J.P.



C.B., C.M.G., C.B.L., 1. \" .0.

Dr .



Box -I.

B.E.M .•



Church Street,




Hendop ,

Mrs. E . G. Botting, 36, Cambray Court, Cheltenham


Chipping Sod bury Gloucester City


Gloucester County South Gloucestershire ...

1957 195 8

H. C. Adams, M.e.

C. Gray, St. 1\largarets, 17, Upton Lane, Barnwood, Gloucester Ess 1\1. K. Oswell, 12, Royal Crescent. Cheltenham A. L . Shilling, 248, Stati on Road, Yate, near Bristol

1949 1959

1'. McCaa R. Turnbull.

t-.Irs . Wilson, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Andover R. G. Ehlen , Ardie, 2 Abbott Close, Basingstoke


Andover Basingstokc


Dr. C. II. Drak

Dr. A. Alcock

The Mayor




The Mayo r

Gosport & Fareham

E. J.

Dr . Hey ga t e Vernon G. Albray


\\'.1\. \Vtl son

Portsmo uth




The Dowager Swaythling


Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Dover

Lady Fisher

Col. G. G. H. Bolton,

A. Brown, J.P.


M .B. E.

Dr. II. C. Maurice\Nilliams, O.B.E.

A. R . G.

lartin. 2 , Palmerston Road, B ascombe, Bournemouth Lt. omdr. \V . II. Parker. 15, Felix Road. Hardway, - 0 port I. 1\1. Hobbins, G.E.C. Ltd.. pplied Electronics Laboratories, Th Airport. Portsmouth 1iss F. M. Tutte, M . B.E., 4, Archers R oad, Southampton


*Folkestone & Hythe ... LANCASHIRE-


M.B.E .• lIf.C., D.L., J . P.


The Mayor

Ald. J. R. IIoward,

A. D. Bond



19 1 9

A. Aked,

Barrow-in-Furness Blackburn



188 5

J . A. Clark The Mayor



I. Gibrail

C. II. Needham

M.A., LL.B.,

B . E.M.

IIolgate D. G. Hartley,


J . W . Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Brldge, ccrington T. P . O'Donnell, 27, Gam brel Grove, A hton-underL\'o R . Heyworth, 12, C 1CII rc ent, Stackstead. Bacup T. Clark. B.E.M., 14, Durham Street, Barrow-in-Furness E. Bury, c/ a Education Office, Library treet, Blackburn W . S. Halsall , 42 Leys Road , Blackpool




COllnt y and Ce ntre

Frcsuie ll t The J\la yor

B olton




B urnley


L. Massey,




11 onorary Secre tary

Ch airm an

Dr. P. D. Drinkwater

E. Cortman, 2gb, Sefton Street, Brierfield

W. E. Rawstro n

L. Jakeway, Ell rnley

The Mayor

E. Smalley,

L. Perkins, 4 Manchester Road, Bury


G. E. Wilmore, J.P.




J. \Val on

.1· T. Coorer,



Councillor son

Great Harwood


Mrs .

Lancashire Headquarters

195 0

Lancaster Atherton Leigh, Tyldesley




J. W.


;\Irs. :\1. ~I. l\Icggilt, "Havendale," Turncroft Road, ])a rwen .1. ( . Cross, 73, Bramley Avcnup, Flpptwood

l\!.C •

P. F. Piercc


E. C. Cook,

:'I1ajor T. E. Spencer, M.B.E., St. J ohn Headquarters, 15/ 17, Mount Street, Preston B. ]. IIopkins, I , Castle Park, Lancaster


C. B. Mann

Dr. j. A. Tomb

195 6 195 0

Victor Burrell, 130, IIarrison Drive, Colne

E. Driver, J.P.

T. E. Blackburn


Rosehill Mount, Manchester Road,


. Gregory,

A. lIigham, B.E.M.,

\\'. Hobmson, chester



Prospprit\·, Tddes1p\" -




Rt. lIon. the Earl of Derby, M.C., D.t..

\V. J. Lewis

w. I.



Lt.- am. E. 'IT. Hoare

E. I·. Thornley, 55, Cross Street,



Profes"Of W. ::'Iansfield oopl'r, LL.::'IL H. I . Roberts, J.P.


\\'. IT :'Ifnrgan, 3Q, Beaufort Strect, ,'elson


188 4


P reston


A. IIarrison

Rawtenst a ll

I95 0



hief Con table

I r('ap





.,qa, Rodnc\ .treet, Livcrpool,



1anchester, 2.

:'Iris" E. :'.1. Bailey, 56, Roman Road, Fails\\'orth, I ear 1\1:1 nchester r T. S\\ arbrick, 3:2, .\ bingdon Drive, Ashton-an-Ribble, Preston

T. Keddie

W. Taylor, J.P.

\frs. Gaskell.

l\1rs. E. Eastwood







Saunder Brow,

J . P,






.\1. JI-lc:'.la,., l.,r

Lord Cozens-] lardy,

St. Helens







Road ,



I I. Greenall.

Pem berton


Broad Oak Road, Parr, St. Helens

D.L., J.P.

South l'ylde Southport. Todmorden


The ;,Iayor Lieu t..-Col. R. F. lIesketh, ::'11.1'. The ~layor



Councillor W.


T95 8




oUllcillor J. Faulkner D. C. }linn, F.C.I.l.


]. r\. Wild, M.B.E.

II. ::.racRae,

Re\' ..\1. D. Grieve \th('rton,




I >,

Lttrkin, 6, River leigh Road, Lytham ~ tobbs, T20, I ['athficld Ro~d, outhport

I, Pleasant View, Longficld Road, Todmorden \. '. 'ollins, chool House, Broughton Beck, Ulverston, Lane. \lls.., T. Reclford, q2, :wan ~Ieado\\' Road, \Vigan


The Lord

Co u n ty Cen tre



:'IriS.., ('. \Van!,




Regent Road, Leicc. tcr


County Centre

The Rt.. Hon. The Lord Bro\\ nlow

Dr. :'II.

The Lord Mayor

Si r Irving Gane,


\. 8. Hudson,


Lnlbrook Roau,



City of London


The :'1ayor

City of Westminster

Lt.-Col. Ronald Ward 1\. T. Band\',

Eastern Area Torthern Area



Brown, J.P.



lunie Harvev,

M.D., D.P.H.

F. G. Thomas,

South East Area South West Area Western A rca ...

Admiral Sir Alexander I ngle by-Maclcenzie,

W ell ingb orough




1886 1888


S. Parker

E. TO. J. Towers, 03, Old Park Road, Palmers Green,



H. V. Coutts, Hay's Wh,11'f Ltd .. Gear Dept.: Tooley Strect., Bf'rl11ond cy, S.E. T.

W. I\nderson, Park Ro,·al Brewery,

K.B.E., C.B.


N ortham pton


\Jan S. Lambol!, c.c., Torth Audl \ House, Gros\'cnor "'quarp, \\'. T. I>. L. Hobinson, A.R.r.n.A., 29, Chpsh:lIll Place, Belgrave Sq 11 a re, S . \ V . I. J..1· Cobaill, Tttte l - L\'Il' Ltd., ThaJlle~ Rf'finer~,



IIttywarcl, , ' Booth Lane South, Weston Favel,

~ortl1'1mpton ~ Pnrkpr, f2,

(,hl1r('h .'trcPt., Wellinghorol1gh


~ouhty and Centre

!Jonorary Secretary





W. Gibson


Blyth Haltwhistle

195 8 1959

Dr. C. F. Fairlie, T.D.

Dr. A. S. Urquhart Lt.-Col. J. lark. T.D.

Newcastle-u pon-T yne I orth Shields

19 10 1888

S. Embleton, O.B.E. The l\layor

Dr. Gavin Muir Dr. G. 1acAlister Do\\son

Col. A. V. G. Dower, T .D., l\LF.II.

Col. A. V. G. Dower, T.D., l\LF.H.

H. T. Bennett, "Asphodel." Third Acre Rise, Oxford

Dr. D. A. Ireland

W. \Valker, Ambulance Service Headquarters, Central


The Rt. Hon. Earl of Powis





Ambulance Station, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury Dr. F. L . Richard

SUFFOLKIpswich North East Suffolk


01. 1r. MacEwen, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., M.B. 'ir Gervase Blois. Bt.

West Suffolk

195 6

W. T. Aitken,




The 1\layor



Dr. D. ,\.

raig, F.R.C.S. ~lcCracken

J. E.

Bank Chambers,




1954 1955

. Eato, Ambulance Station, Samuel Road, Ipswich

Chippcrfield, 17, 'hurchill Road, Halesworth, SuLTolk O. Cole, " rosswynds," 1lildenhall, near Bury ' to Edmunds

S. T. Denning.


8 Arlington Gardens, Saltdean,







Crawley & Three Bridges


Eastbourne & District...






,Vuo<.1ing<.lea"l...... ,

Air Vice-Marshal T. A. Langford-Sainsbury , C.B., O.B.E., D.F.C. A.F.C. Mrs. Knight

1rs. A. F. Eastland

E. Stanford, C.B.E. G.


nderson, B.SC.

Sir H. C. Sinderson Pasha, K.B.E., etc D. L. Bro\\ n

att, F.R.C.S., Lavender Cottage, Fe1pham. Bognor Regis, ussex

Colonel P. II.

\\' . \

Benkel. 7. !\lilton Road, Pound Hill, Crawley

\V. H. Sharpe, 10, \Vharf Road, Eastbourne E. D. Ascroft, I.P.S.,


IIoltye Road, East Grinstead

Hastings & St. Leonards


The Rt. Hon. the Earl De La Warr The layor



D. Bryce, O.B.E., J.P.

F. G. Holme .. J.P.


Lewes, Haywards Heath & District

R. E. Br ffitt. O.B.E.

. A. \Vebb, 30 Firle Crescent, Le\ves


Major P. G. Dan' il1Smith, C.B.I.



1\Irs. G. PuckE'rl1\ Ton e\'

E. T. Milburn



The Lord Mayor

E. W .

East Grinstead & District 1956








The 1ayor



The Mayor



1rs. Howe D. L. Hoilman Dr.

J. B. Bramwell,




lose, Hastings

apper, .13, Trafalgar Road , Horsham

~ri E. Barrett, The Lime, 127, Findon Road, \ orihing

. E. Ward, 52, Dunchurch Highway, Coventry


P . Varley

Leamington & Warwick

G. H. \Vren,



Brod€'st, 32, Henley Road, Leamington

W. G. Hart, 381,

amp Hill Road,



u perintendent A. J. Burton, Ambulance Depot, Temple treet, Rugby . V. Lane, 255, Alcester Road, tratford-on-Avon


WORCESTERSHIRE"'Stourbridge Worcester

Major E. Wright, J.P.


B. Cavenagh, M.C.

Dr. C. T. Mill




1\lrs. Ruddock, County Headquarters, 9/10 Wellington Place, \Yoodbridge Road, Guildford. Mrs. G. R. Hamley, 5 t. Saviour's Road, Croydon l\Iiss \ . 1\1. Ariss, I Longley Road, Farnham

County Secretary


Chancellor, Lloyds Square, StafIord





R. E. Lawler

SURREYCounty Secretary Croydon Farnham Sutton & Cheam

L. T. Wedderburn, Medical Centre N.C.B., Ashingtotl Colliery, Ashington F. S . Parsons, 21, Hunter Avenue, Blyth T. Kelly, Garden IIouse, Wapping, Haltwhistle, orthumberland CLaws, 2, Osborne Terrace, ewcastle-upon-Tyne, 2. R essworthy, 6 South Preston Grove, North Shields

E. WaUeson, 4 ' High Street, Wolla ton, tourbridge E. J. Bayliss, 36, Lyttelton Street, Barbourne, Worcester

County and Centre




Honorary Secretary


Hull and East Riding County Centre


Lt .-Col. D. Bellamy,

G. Hampson

S. L. Fairclough, g, Southfield Road, Bricknell Avenue, Hull (Classes) A. R. Walsh, 54, New Bridge Road, Hull

. Sadler

G. Richardson, "Woodleighton," 16, Emerson Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrougb

O.B.E., D .L.



The l\Iarq uess of Zetland. K.G ., etc.

19 19

F. Widdup, J .P .

R. R. J . Chaney

Barnsley & District


The Mayor

G. Parfitt

B radford


Dr. J . Douglas

W. Thomas,

orth Riding County Centre YOR.KSHIRE (WEST)-

• Barnoldswick

]. Pilkington, 25, Federation Street, Barnoldswick, via olne E. Oxley, Station Officer, Fire & Ambulance Dept., Town Hall, Barnsley



E. Soar

W. T. Davis



The :'I1a ,'or

Supt. T. Todd

Inspector T. F. Pearson, 3, Pendragon Lane, Bolton, Bradfon], 2. W. E. Marriott, 88, Laughton Road, Dinnington, near Sheffield ergt. P. G. Saxton, Borough Police Training Room, The Guildhall, Doncaster T. J . Daniels, 5, Jacksonville, Goole



The illayor

IT. Woodhead

II. Hudson, Health Dept., Halifax Corporation, Powell

C. J. Simpson

'treet, Halifax R. C. Sage, 9, Beechwood Grove, Harrogate

« Dinnington Main

Harrogate and

J . T. E. Jones


1952 83

Dr. D. D. Payne Dr.




Heavy '\Voollen District


He bden Bridge

18 7

]. W. Cockcroft

E. 1\10

Huddersfield & District






Miss A. Scatterty





raws haw





~Saddl eworth

H. Greenfield, 89, Ravenskno\de Road, Dalton, Huddersfield Mrs. M. A. Cook, 41, Redcliffe Street, Keighley H. Johnson, I3, Armley Grange Oval, Leeds, PI

B.L .

S ha,\\..


J .. P.




xforu. Street.



A. II olland

:\lrs . Redfearn, 3, Platting Road, Lydgate, Nr. Oldham

\V . Hardwick


Col. F. A.

Shipley & District




Lee View Road, Hebden Bridge

S. Brierlev


\,\'. F. 'eed

The Mayor

A. T. Thomson,

O.B.E .



'mith, 5, Charles

It., Otley, Yorks.


elby, Yorks.

R. G. Beard, 45, Bank Stre t,

\ . Firlcling






]. W . Thomas,




Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane,


H . Hudson

H. B . Powell





D. l.Iar-rison




hadwi ck

M.A ..



H. Blakeley, Batley E. tansfield,


Dr. J. Prentice, ] .P.

J. W. Silversides, J.P.

*Sowerby Bridge



,\. \Vatson

E E. Bishop, 23, Valley Drive, Ilkley,

W . F. Seed

J. II.

1I. B. Kearsley

D. 'locks,

W. Wright

C. 11. 11 rct\. rs,

\ . T . Thomson,



Wade, 14, Edwards Road, Pre 16,

Rigg Drive,



r. Leeds

est, Halifax


cwton Lane, Outwood,


W. Poole, IC), harles Road, Hnt.herham F. Stead, 35, Park Grove, York

r. Wakefield

Wath -on-Dearne.



Sir Aiex::tnder 1I10ncrieiI Coutanche

P. Le Masurier

W. Gale, g, WinJsor ]er ey

1I. E. Sir Ronal cI 1I. Garvey, K.C.M.G.,

A. E. Kitto

C. C. Beaty-Pownall, Douglas

illas, Val Plaisant,

t. Helier,


Isle of Man

188 5

K.C.V.O., M.B.E.








H. C. Johnson, O.B.E.

P. Armstrong

London Midland R egion

D. Blee, C.B.E.

H . Aidley, M.B.E .

North East ern Region ...

H. A. Short


Southern Region

C. P . H opkins

H . C. Lang

G. Kirkham. The British Railways (Southern Region), Hegional Establishment and Staff Office, 39. Craven Street. \V .C.2

\Vestern Region

.T . R.

S. G. Ward

J. A. Martin. The British Railways (Western Region). Rcgional Establishment and Staff Office, Paddington "tation. \V.2 S. W Harden, L o ndon Transport Ambulance Centre. Griffith House. 280 Marylebone Road. N.W.!





A. B. B. Valentine

Alex J. Webb



Dr. E. M. AndersoD




The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, K.B .E., LL B.


S. BakPr

L ... BoU R



The R t . Hon . Lord

195 3



T. O'Lear\",





I1.E. The Governor


I f.E. The Governor


C h alrman

H. E. The Governor

National Dock Labour Board,



H onorarv Secre tary ;\Iohamed Ali Lokm3.n. Advocate. Esplanade Road, r ter. Adcn

i\lrs. Fountain. Willoughby. Bailey's Bay. Bermuda Ir Donald Jackson


i\Ir. C. 1. Franker, BriLish Guiana


Camp Street. GeorgetowIl.

T . Handford, II.Q. olomons Police Force. P.O. B ox o. 37, Honiara. Guadalcanal. B .. .I.P. [he hid of Police. :,omahland Pollce II. .. P.O. Box i\o. ,Harg isa. Somaliland Protectorate




26. Albert Embankment. S.E.rI

Pres Ident H.E. The Governor


. R. Bird. l'Ilinisln of Aviation. Room 422, The ,\d('lphl. John dam treet, W . . 2

F. G. Thomas,



British West IndiesB ARBADOS

J. S. Weatherley, First Aid Adviser. PD /T & W.B., G.P.O. Armour House, London, E.C.1




H . C. Healey. The British Railways (London Midland Region). Regional Establishment and Staff Office, Euston Station. .W.I. F. R. Charlton, The British Railways ( orth Eastern Region). Rcgional Establishment and Stall Office, York.

P . A. Crouch. British Electricity Ambulance Centre, Electricity Council. \\,insley Street, W.I



'. Greenwood, The British Railways (Eastern Region), Regional Establishment and Staff Office, 13, Norton Folgate, E. I.

H .E. T he Governor

Major R. A. Stoute

His [fonour Thc Administrator Mr. Jack Rose H.E. The Governor

Lady Mitchell


H.E. The Governor

L. R. Reed


H.E. The Governor

The lIon. G. C. Gunter. C.B.E. C. C. Michclin \. Cro55\\('I1, M .B.E.


I ~.


. King

L eeward Islands : ANTIGUA

H.E. T h e Governor

Dr. K . Uttley


H .E. The Governor

E. L. Hanlon

!'IIrs. II. . Parsons, Staff Officers' Quarters, Garrison, t. 1\Iichacl, Barbados . r !'IIr . :\Iary Bell, Box T27. Grand Clyman I lands. \\ c t Indies ' ,\-lrs. (. Nathan, French Leave. Llllghiand', St. Ann . Jamaica . Dale. West Indies Sugar Co. Ltd .• Frome P.O .• \\'e5tmoreland. Jamaica. Miss E. 1\1. Stephcns. St. John Headquarters. 2E. Camp Road. Kingston 5. Jamaica . . , 1rs \V. P. leanv. Ionymllsk. LlOnel Town, Jamalc <L Tnsl~('ctor R. L. 'fil1('r. c/o P.olice Traffic Dept .. Ellctson Road. King.lon. Jamaica. . . C('orge Davis. c/o The (:en ral PCOll ntIan . Towcr Slrcct. KingsLon. Jnlll (\ICa Major A. A. M. Hill. E.D., Offic~ of th~ Commissioner. Police Headq uarters. St. John 5, AntIgua E. Morris. D.S.C., A.C.A., Fire l?rigad~ .Headquarters. Wrightson Road. Port of Spam. T nmdad





Honorary Secretary

Windward I sland:,: DOMINICA GRENADA

II.E. The Governor

G. L. Munro

The lIon . Sl!cretary, S.] .A.A., c/o G o. 1'. lluggins & Co. (C'da) Ltd., Grenada Chief of Polier, Police IIeadquarters, aslries, Sl. Lucia

H.E. The Adminis-

Lt.- 01. S. A. Anderson Prof. \V. \. h . r-aru nH ,ltIw, C.M.G., o.n, !:.

Th ' hief of Police, S t. Vin e ' nl P o lice, IGngstowD, Sl. Vincent, B. \V. I. Col. C. P. ]aya\\an]ana, C.~l.G., C.V.O., O.B.E., Lower Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo, 3


trator IJ.E. Sir Oliver Goonetill ke, G.C .lILG., K.C.V.O., K.B.E. YPRUS

II. E. The Governor

\ll ~S


'1 he Assoc iation Secrelary,

ie osia, (\ rrl\~

S. Y('ghiav ian, P .O. B o x 719,

East Africa:I(ENYA

. need,



II .E. The Governor






The Governor

c . :.

renya entre, S.] .A.A., P .O. Box 1<169, airobi, I\: cnya 1\1Is . .r <.; \\ llson, ["' .n. Box tutl, Dar-es-Salaam, 'I angallvil I 1[011. 'l'llt:lar', P .O. Box 15 6, Kampa la , Uga nda

Wil son

Tlw n O ll . ~ w . Kulub\ a, c. . 11. 1,.

I I. E. The British Hcsid nt

Dr. 1. \\' . i-facl{lchal1

I I.E . The Governor

\\'. E

11.E. The Governor

r\. L

Don ova n,l. s.o.

Trs. ].:\1

P aul, P.O. Box



J. 13arnes, c/o Inland R eve nu e Dept., Government Build ings , Suva, Fiji


I ~, I3alba n , Poli ce H earlqllar t'rs, Gibrallar

\brah In,





H .E. The Governor


1> 1. ]) . H .. 10I1t'S, ',IL l, ..

1.1.. 1> .

'I .C.,


1\1. J\ . \Y. II ook, lI1wrinlendent, Ileadq uarL rs olony P oli (', Ocean I sland. \\'es tt'rn Pacific \ ()l'1 Brag-l. S.J \ \ I It l.dquarters, 2, IacDonn II H oad, 1 [all" ] 11" \


The IIon'bl '. Data Abdul Razak bin

Th e Jlun 'ble". Mr . S. T. Yong, LL .B., J.P.

V . Mc racken, c/o K\l wait Oil Kuwait, P L!fs ian Gulf


P ,lId lll .1Si \.l Ill • ...,

I \ \.


o. Ltd ., Ahm cd i,

:. / .I\ . IL . atinnal

Shr· llt ·\ Hoad. KII .t1a Lllll ljlllr: Mid;!,




Dato fTu ssa in, O.K.l.S.

l\lAl TA



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.I t'ssl'l lllll,


II . E. The CO\'('fIlor

I r. I{ . II .

I~ \a


O.Il .E,


W e t Africa'-

I >I

(ylf \:-.I A

1', \ \ 111 ,1Il


Poli ce Force

( . ~ }( . H ov('II, C ..\I.G.

\ ss isia III 1)1 .., 1rit l ( Olllllliss io l1t'1 IC I(

R a ilways


Ports AuLhority

.I .

'1'111' () III t'l ('tJII1II1:llldillg I'olin' I lI'\lI>I, I'.(). Htl'\. 7 Ill, \ l'lld, (,halla I> . C

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\\ '. Z. 'okt'r- Di ( lU·IlS. l ~c'lHlll l ~ll\IH'll ! Offl!t'r, Igt li,lll I'olls \lIlhorll\' Il t'adqll:trl t 1':-;, Lagos, " 19t·ll,l.

All1algaIll<ltC'd Tin Min es igeri<l Ltd. SIERRA L EONE:-

Police Force Prison Service


H. Llo y d

J rpuLy ( ommis ion r

'I'll(' Ollllll.lntianlo ')il'I[:1. LC'C)Il C


i\1ohall1l1l( 't! I.;t lilill 1.,\ t1lka , 1'llSlll1 11t-;\{lqllill1t'ls, I ~ llgland. I;rcl'tu\\ 11, ~ i( '1 ra 1.('O llt·

T . 1< 0\ :'\la <IlIk)'



Training School,

Il as till gs,




H eadq uarter Address

SOUTHERN AFRICA (ad ministered by THE PRIORY OF TilE ORDER OF ST. JOH N) P.O. Bo~, 7I37, J ohannesburg, Sou th Africa

CENTRAL AFRICA (adminis t ered by THE COMMANOERY OF TIlE ORDER OF ST. JOHN) P.O. Box 536, Sahsbury, S. Rhodesia

AUSTRALIA (ad mini stered b y THE PRIORY OF





st Floor, Blashki B uilding, 61, H u nt er Street, Sy dn ey , N.S. \V ., Australia


\V ellington Street, P erth, W . Australia ~



ST. Jom.:)

N E W Z EA LAND (administered by THE PRIORY OF THE ORDER OF Sr. jOl-I\; )

INDI A (administ ered by the

P A KISTAN (administererl ASSOCIATION)

WALES (administered by

by the

.1 OH;-;

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P .O. Box

i\.\IBUl. ,\;-;CE l\ ~::'UCT.\·1 10:'\)




A RDS (administered by th e




J 011:,\)


T r·'39,

\\'cllington, Ne\\ Zealand

Hcd Cross Road , New Delhi, India

. \\fRUl.A;-; CE :\ it tiona I



3 2T , Chapel Street, Ollal\'a, Canada


H ('adq Ull riC' rs, Fre re Street, Ka rach i, 4

Prillry HOllsc .. " Cathedral Hoad, Cardiff




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J .::x~lfast.


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Pages 1 to 4 amended to 24th June, 1960. ~be

~mbulan(e ~tigabe

&t. 3Sobn



GROSVENOR CRESCENT, LONDON, S.W.I. ~ommi.ssiontr-in-~Vitf





j§l uperi ntenbtnt -i n-~fJi tf

THE COUNTESS OF BRECKNOCK- Dame &urgton-in-~fJitf


OX, O.B.E., M.C., M.B.,




REAR ADMIRAL ROYER DICK, C.B., C.B.E., D.s.c.-Commander ~urgton-in-<tfJitf



M. M. SCOTT, M.R.C.S.,

%!s.sistllnt ({oml1li.ssiomrs-i n-({vie! LT.-COL. ARTHUR GORING-Officer H. S. TAYLOR-YOU G F.R.c.s.-Knight ~lIptrintenbtnt-i n-~fJitf

%!ssista nt

ERRATUM For Di trict/ County/ Area Cadet Officer shown on page read:District/ County/ Area Staff Officer (Cadets).

J. ROMER-LEE-Commander


4 to 68




tor ®btrSellS

C. R. BUCHANA , C.M.G., M.D., CH.B.,


llrindpa£ !llbministratibe QE>ffictr (.~) MISS MURIEL WATSO ,

Q::Vitf MISS









<tfJie! Q&ffieer for MISS

(v irt




P. MORISON-Officer

ji)tftff ~tfiCtr to &ltperintenbent-in-~uit! anb (tvairman !ll.ppeaIs ~ommittet LADY


j[)ellbqllarters ~tatf ® tfieer to j;uperintenbent-in-~fJief

L. BAIRD-Officer


%lttacf)eb to J)eabquarter.s j;)tatf AsSISTANT COMMISSIONER H.





j;tatf efticer

G. E. CRAFT (Surgeon-in-Chie!'s Department)-Commander Jilrigabe Jitecrdarp

G. W. WOODIDLL-Officer ~ssi.stant ~rigabe


A. F. NUNN-Officer ~s5i!tlllTt ~rigabe 6ecretarp llnb "untarp to &uperiRtenbellt-in-~bid


M. HARRISON, M.B.E.-Commander Jittatf



(fieer (or *ber.seas






~HE COUNT S OF BRECKN CK Superintendent- in-Chief ursing Corps and Divisions.

Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B. C.B.E. ComIni sioner-in-Chlef St. John Ambulance Brigade

Ex-officio Members The The The The The The The The The The The The The The

Secretary-General. Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association. Superintendent-in-Chief ursing Corps and Di isions . Surgeon-in-Chief. Deputy Commisioner-in-Chief. Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief ur ing Corps and D ivisions. Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. Assi tant Commi sioners-in-Chief. Assistant Superintendent -in-Chief Nursing Corp and Di visions. Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. Chief ursing Officer. Chief Commis ioner Priory for Wale . Commissioner for orthern Ireland. Chief Officer for Cadets.

Members R . Rutherford. Esq. T.D .. J.P. M.B. B.S., Commi ioner, DurbamNo.1 Region . E. M. Dearn E q., LB ., CH.B., D.L.O ., Commi ioner. Ea t Riding of Yorkshire- o. 2 Region. Air Mar hal Sir John Baldwin K.B.E., C.B ., D.S.O .. Commissioner, Lincolnshireo. 3 Region . J. T. Whitley, Esq. , O.B.E., M.B. CH.B. Commi ioner E ex-No.4 Region. Group Captain G. H. Pirie. O.B.E., Commis ioner London (Prince of Wales's) District- o. 5 R egion. Brigadier G. A. Fenton O.B.E. Commissioner BuckinghamshireNo.6 Region. Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex Lewi D.C. f., T.D. Comrni ioner BristolNo.7 Region. Brigadier M. L. Hayne, C.B.E., Commi sioner Birmingham-No.9 Region. , Colonel V. F. Royle, T.D., E.R.D., Commissioner, Duke of Lancaster s District-No. 10 Region. Brigadier E. E. Read, C.B.E., M.C. Commissioner, Surrey-No. 12 Region. . Mrs. Cavendish, District Superintendent (N), London (Pnnce of Wales's) District. Mrs. Courtney, County Superintendent (N), Sussex. Lady Fuller, M.B.E., County Superintendent (N) Wilt hire. . W. A. J. Reynolds, Esq., District Cadet Officer (A) London (Pnnce of Wales's) District. Miss R. I. Leeks, County Cadet Officer (N), Essex.






Ex-officio Members The Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief. The A istant Superintendents-in-Chief. Principal Admini trati, e Officer (N). The Chief ur ing Officer. The Trallling Ad\ iseL Tbe Controller Over ea Department. The Chief Officer for Cadet. The Repre entati e for Wales (Mrs. O. R. Traherne) . . The Di trict uperintendent for orthern Ireland (Mrs. Neill).

Regional Representatives ~1rs. F. C. Burton, County Superintendent (

,North Riding of

:ork hire- o. 1 Region. Mr . G. W . Lodge O.B.E. District Superintendent ( West Riding of ork hire- o. 2 Region. ~lr . E. M. Epton County Superintendent ) Lincolnshire-No.3 kgion. Mr . G. R . D . Shaw 1.B.E., County Superintendent Norfolk'0. 4 Region . Mr . M. Ca endish Di trict Superintendent ( London (Prince of ¥ale ' ) Di trict- o. 5 Region. . . Mi L. Cooper, County Superintendent ( ) Hampshlie-. ? 6 ReglOn Lady Fuller, M.B.E. County Superintendent W1ltshire-No. 7 Region. . . Mr . D . C. icol, County Superintendent ( ), Blrmrngham- 0.9 Region. The Lady Mary Hesketh, District Superintendent ,Duke of Lancaster' Di trict- o. 10 Region. Mrs. E . M. Courtney County Superintendent Sussex-No. 12 Region . CADET ADVISORY COMMITTEE

Chairman Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Goring Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief.


Mrs. B. M. Salter County Cadet Officer Northumberland-No: 1 RegionL. Mason, District Cadet Officer West Riding of Yorkshue-No. 2 Region.







H. A. BrO\ n County Cadet Officer Lincoln hire- No.3 Region. Mis R. I. Leek, County adet Officer, E e - No . 4 Region. THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE W. A. J. Reynold, Di trict adet Officer, L ndon (Prince of Wales's) Di trict- No . 5 Region. COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEFS REPORT Brig. B. W. Webb-Carter D . .0., O.B.E., County Cadet fficer, Hamp. hire-No.6 Region. [his report covers the year 1959. It wa s, however till being co~piled Mrs. E. M. Wood County Cadet Officer, Plymouth, outh-We t Devon '0 news was received of the tragic and udden d ath on the mght of and Ea t Corm allo. 7 Region. . . "ruary 20th, 1960, of the Counte MOlliltbatten of Bu~a , our mu~h R. Ruck, <;ounty <;a~et ffic r. H reford hlreo . 9 ReglO~. . ed Superintendent-in-Chief, to which full er reference , III be ma~e III Mr . E. 1 bet, Dl tnct Cadet fficer, Duke of Lanca t r Dlstnct_ Brigade Report for 1960. Her own report for 1959 had been VvTltten o. Region. . . 'o re he left for her tour of the Far Ea t and it j , ther~fore in~luded MIS E. M. Trill, County Cadet Offic~r , Su ex- No. 12 ReglOn. ewitb. Her death is felt as a per onal los by every Bngade UIDt and Chief Cadet Officer (A. & N .) Pnory for Wale. every member. Mi E. Garrett, Commander adet Officer, rthem Ireland.



may be remembered that, during 195 , the Adu1.t


strengt? lllee 1952. This .sfactory grO\ th was well maintained during 1959. Indeed the total i1t Ambulance and Nur ing trength increa ed during the year by 0 er )() at home, and by lightly 0 er 10,000 throughout the Commonwealth. ! particularly ati factory a pect of thi la~ter figure i that the gro th fairly, ell divided bet een the rand Pnory at horne, and the Grand Jry 0 er ea and the Independent Priorie o\~r e.a ,thi hO\ ing that , spite of the difficultie of voluntary orgam atIOn ever. where. the gade has in fact continued to gro\ nearly every' here dunng the ear 9, and there eems e ery rea on to uppose that thi will continue 109 1960. .I

the Brigade in England increa ed for the fir t tIme

AD LTS Divisions ComAmbulance Nursing bined

landandN. tland lmandery ill en11 Africa ler T err ito r i e s "erseas

Personnel Total


Nursing Total












2 711






31 409


35 441





6, 94



263 158 125 160 165

145 95 90 134 102

25 5 31 18 10

433 311 246 312 277

871 -591 54

566 -129 7








ales . .aluthem Africa . ew Zealand anada ustralia . ldia . 'a kistan

Grand Totals.

- 61 5,262

-19-58 Fiiures Oatest available)

6,993 6,171 4,077 7275 5, 30 20,377 16,127 1,936

9,969 2,811 123

30,346 18,938 2,059






CADETS Divisions ComAmbulance Nursing bined England and N. Ireland Commandery in Central Africa Other Territories Overseas

Priories : Wales . Southern Africa . *New Zealand Canada Australia . India. Pakistan Grand Totals .
























2,71 L










181 63 141 20 121

168 91 121 43 89

17 36

366 190 262 63 213

3,270 1,364 2,372 514 2,890

4,155 2,287 2,214 1,066 2,885

7,425 3,651 4,586 1,580

526 *271 6

512 *90 1


1,094 361 7

10,410 5,980 273

12,607 1,878 33

23,017 7,858 306










*1958 Figures (latest available) . ROYAL OC ASIONS

Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret was pleased in 1959 to hold her Cadet R~lly at Guildford on Saturday, 4th July. In the morning Her Royal HIghness conducted an Enrolment Ceremony for 47 Cadets in the County School for Girls. In the afternoon she graciously carried out an Inspection of not less than 4,500 Cadets on the County Cricket Ground. The day was a very hot one, and I am coming to the conclu ion that there is an increasing tendency for Cadets to come from too far afield with the re~ult tha~ some of them find the day very tiring. Since Her Royal HIghness. IS good ~nough to hold her Rallie in different parts of the country III succeSSIve years there i much to be said for trying to discourage the younger Cadets from travelling too far in order to attend these exciting occasions. If they are still young there i always the chance that the next Rally will be held in a part of England nearer to where they

live. DUTIES

The figures of duties and cases for England and Northern Ireland were as follows:Dulies Public Duties . . Transport Duties. Hospital Duties . Clinics . Nurseries . . . Blood Transfusion Nursing Aid . Miscellaneous .

Cases Treated: On Public Duty Off Public Duty Invalids Removed . No. of Road Accident No. of Other Accidents

1,001,795 904,506 263,045 45,495 19,237 31,469 146,266 476,993 219,190 196,026 364,737 16,918 19,848


There were a number of occasions during 1959 when special duties had Jbe carried out by the Brigade; either because of accidents or for other 'aso ns . 'On the afternoon of the 17th February, 1959, an aircraft bringing the urkish Prime Minister on a State Visit to this country crashed at Jordan's ~aod between Rusper and Newdigate in Sussex. This was very close to Je boundary between Sussex and Surrey in both of which counties the !rigade play an important part in the County Ambulance Service. From oth countie Brigade Ambulances were in action very quickly and ,eedily removed the injured pas engers to local hospitals. A Brigade Imbulance with a doctor on board subsequently accompanied the 'urkish Prime Minister, who had e caped from the crash, to London. :was of interest that this accident occurred within 14 days of the installtion of radio control for the Ambulances in Su sex, and the benefits of nis sy tem v.ere mo t noticeable. The aeroplane crashed in \ oody ountry and there was a good deal of fog. The use of radio control was a reat help in getting ambulance to the scene quickly and in controlling le situation on the spot. Early in 1959 we were a ked by the Foreign Office to be prepared to rovide air e corts at a later date to fetch 16 Briti h subject who had for Jme time been patient in the Abbassieh Mental Ho pital in Cairo, and Jaccompany them back to thi country. The Foreign Office negotiations Ilich were carried out through the Swi Government took a good deal ;time, and it wa not until Augu t that the operation was carried out. m people reali e the difficulties that face a oluntary organi ation in rrying out a duty of thi ort unles the date of the operation is precise 'o m the out ct. The long d lay between the original request in January .nd the carryi ng out of the operation in August might well have presented very great number of difficultie. In actual fact, due to the tremendous o·operation given by the Brigade members concerned, very few difficulties ra e. One urgeon t\\O ur il1g Officers, and ix trained Brigade Air Ittendant left Blackbu he on the 10th Augu t flew to Cairo collected ~eir patient and got back to London in a rain torm on the morning of ne 13th ugu t. Good co-operation wa received when in Cairo both rom Egyptian and Svvi authorities and the operation went very well, Ilthough there v,'ere a number of occa ion when the margin of safety was larrow. Many useful le sons were learnt. There i no doubt that both our own Government in England and many :lovernment in Briti h Territorie Over ea are still extremely ignorant of :ne Brigade Air Attendant Service and all the great advantages that .ccrue to them by making u of it, particularly in countries overseas who .an ill spa re trained person nel of their own to accompany sick or injured persons to England. It i hoped that steps can be taken to get this u efu1 -ervice much more VI idely known. Another unusual and pecial duty wa provided by the Brigade in connection with the News of the World Organisation " larch of the Century" for competitor from the Services who had to march in COlTI~etition from Birmingham to London during December, 1959. The lVeather was very bad and many of the competitors were not really trained fo~ a competition of this sort. At the request of the new paper, the Bngade provided 19 First Aid Posts at intervals all along the route. These posts were manned by member of the countie through which the route




passed: There were so~e. 300 competitors taking part in the march Und ap~al1mg weather condItIons. The time which the march took and whIch, therefore, the post had to be manned was very much longer th or had been anticipated and ~ very large number of the 300 competito~n n~eded treatment at some. time or other and mo tly in the middle of th S mght. In many cases Bngade personnel remained on duty for ave 2: hours and under very trying condition. r



CONFERENCES During 1959 a number of National Conferences were held in addition Jthe .J3r.igade ,Committee and the Women's ~dvisory ~ommitte~. The 'omffilssLOners Conference was held as usualm the thu.d week m June nd was a usual most valuable. The County Supenntendents' (N) ;onference is referred to in the Superintendent-in-Chief's Report. The ,u rgeons' Conference wa held late in October, and as usual provided a reat deal of useful discussion. At the special request of those attending le Conference a Surgeons' Conference in the North is planned for 1960, 1 addition to ,the J?0.rmal Autumn Confer~nce in London. Useful lursing Officers, Trammg, and Cadet Officers Conferences were held as sua\. The Conference for County Secretaries was held for the first time nee 1954 on th~ 6th November, 1959, and was. designed so t~at all. the 'o unty Secretanes could get together and dISCUSS all theIr vanous roblem with the Brigade staff. It was an extremely useful Conference, ut it wa not thought that it could be held in future more than every ~ond year, ince too many Annual Conferences put too great a strain n the hard worked staff at , Headquarters who hav~ to organi.se th~ mference and t~ke the mmutes. The same applIes to Presldentg onference , of wh,lch a very success~ul one was h~ld on t~e 24th Novem:r, 1959, there belllg over 250 PresIdents attendmg. It IS a tremendous lcouragement to members of the Brigade that such a very great interest their acti~iti e i taken by , County, Divisional or ?ther Presiden~s_. T~e onference m 1959 was held 1~ the I'1erchant Taylors Hall thus revlVmg l~ )me mea ure the very ancIent Imk ~etwe~n th~ Merchant Taylors I) mpany and ~he Order of St. John whIch eXIsted III the fourteenth and :teenth centunes.

AWARDS AND COMPETITIONS The ~)Utstanding awards of the year were the Life Saving Medals of th Order m Bronze which were awarded to:e Divisional Officer G. A. Driver Loddon Ambulance and N . Division, Norfolk, who carried out a difficult re cue of a girl o~rsl,ng who had falJen into a river. rune Private L. E. Morris Eton Ambulance Division Buckingha h' for rescuing a boy who had fallen from a boat into ~ river althoillghsI~ ' u himself is not a young man. c;adet Alan Ba;ter, Dagenham Ambulance Cadet Division, London (~r.mce of Wales~) Di trict who under very difficult wimming candltLOns ,saved a chII? from drowning. A fullltst of the Bngade Award and Jubilee Certificate i given at th end of this Report. e .The Brigade Final Competition were held at the Central Hall, WestIDlllster, on Saturday, 20th June, 1959, the prize being presented by T.he Rt. HOD. The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Harold Gillett who has himself been a member of the Brigade for between twenty and thirty years. The results. were as follows :- Dewar Shield for Men (Adult): Dean & SENIOR OFFICERS C~apter ~ollle~y (Durham); Perrott Shield for Women (adult): Spalding (Lmcol?), Whlte Knox. Cup for boy . cadet : Cefn Cribbwr (Priory for In November 1959, Mr. Taylor-Young, who had retired as CommisWales), Dunbar-Nasmlth Cup for gIrl cadets: Glynneath (Priory for oner in Wiltshire in 195 , became an Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief Wales). nd hi long experience of Brigade work, particularly of County work, i& lI'a luable at Headquarters. During the year the County of Durham INSPECTIO S jffered a ad loss through the death of their Commissioner, Sir Myers During 1959 ,Inspections were carried out by Senior Officers from V ayman, who had been in ill-health for some time and I received the Headquarters ill the [ollo~jn!S Counties :- Commissioner-in-Chief: :signation of three Commissioners, Mr. G. N. Bullock of Herefordshire, Northern I~eland , Durha.m, Blrmmgham, Northampton, Warwickshire, lajor-General J. M. S. Pasley of Surrey, and Mr. F. J. Somers of SomersetshIre,. Bedfordshlre. Also a Brigade Church Parade in Chester, Vorcestershire . These four vacancies have been filled by the appointment where a se~vlce was held in the Cathedral. Superintendent-in-Chief: f Lieut.-Colonel Sir Terence Falkiner, Bt., in Herefordshire; Brigadier Lo~don (Prmce of Wales's) District, Kent. Deputy Commissioner·in- , E. Read, C.B.E., M.C., in Surrey; Brigadier D. H. Nott, D.S.O., Ch!ej: No .. 1 Area and No. 5 Area, Duke of Lancaster's District and l,B,E., M.C. in Worcestershire; and Dr. R. Rutherford, T.D., J.P .• Leicestershire. a., B.S., in Durham. During 1959 the weat~er was nearly always excellent and indeed the problem of long parades III extremely hot conditions arose in many cases, SURGEON-IN-CHIEF'S DEPARTMENT but standards were well maintained. The Surgeon-in-Chief reports to me as follows:In 1958 I reported the figure of 2,840 Brigade Surgeons. In 1959 there iere 203 new Surgeons who joined the Brigade. There were two deaths l NURSING DIVISIONS w~ to Reserve, and 34 resignations, giving a net increase of 145 ana The Inspections carried <?ut by the late Superintendent-in-Chief and ~VlUg a total of 2,985. I am confident that 1960 will see the achievement many other matters. concernmg the Nursing Divisions are included in her )f the 3,000 figure. It is interesting also to see that a great proportion of At:mual Report whIch was written before her tragic death and which is n~ surgeon coming in are young and full of new ideas which is a good pnnted separately. lUng for teaching in the Brigade. It is a great asset to the Medical Depart-






ment to have the advice of uch a large section of the medical community At the London Surgeons' Conference we invited representatives of th~ Third Air Force United State Air Force and a Senior Officer of the R.A.M.C. Training Centre to introduce the subject of mouth-to-mouth Artificial Re piration and new ideas on competi.tio!ls were ~ouI?-d. While accepting the idea that mouth-to-mou~h Ar~Jficl.al . Re pIr~tlOJ?- is an efficient method it still presents many difficultIes 1ll It apphcatlOn and further investigation is required to decide its use. Our association with the Medical Departments of the Force continues to be cordial and I have paid two visits to Keogh Barrack during the year to witness First Aid and Competition Exercises. . Reports from the Counties and from Overseas show much Interest in our training and all this is good for th~ st~ndard of ~ur ~ork. The Brigade Finals showed that this standard IS bemg well mamtamed. My Deputy and I ha.ve made, many, vi its to ~ounties on Teachi~g Weekend etc. includmg an Interestmg expenment on Save-a-Llfe Demonstr~tion at the Sheffield Swimming Baths. Among area visited were Surrey, Chelmsford, Southampton, New· castle, Coventry and the London areas. , , The production of training ~lms and film StflpS contmu~s, ,and, we shall soon have a considerable hbrary of these avaIlable for dl tnbutlOD. There are very few films of this character a vailable and I feel the new ones will be a great asset in teaching. As always I have had the greate t help in the Department' work from my Deputy, Dr. Scott, my Assistant, Dr. Buchanan, and my Staff Officer, Mr. Craft, and to them I extend my sincere thanks.


Irtificial re piration. Her Royal Highness presented Meritor~ous Service 'ertificate Lo Ian Ande~ on, aged 13 years, who ~aved the lIfe of a boy hot by a revolver bullet m the neck; to Stephen ~'l1 rd , a~ed 12 years, who ,cued a small girl from a canal, and to, Madelm,e ElvlD, age~ 16 years, :ho applied fir t aid to everal pers.ons mvolved m a car aCCIdent. Her\oyal Highnes. pre entcd rand Pnor Badges to five Ambulance c;ade.ts Uld 31 Nur ing Cadet and also to 15 ex-Cadets who are now servmg m \dult Divi ion , . , Twenty-three Cadet accompanied the l,arge contmgent of Bng~de nember which vi ited Malta, for ten days m September ~or the JubIlee :elebrations held by the Bngade there. ~here were SIX AmbulaIl:ce 'adets and 17 ursing Cadets from ten countIes. Through the generosIty ;fthe King George' Jubilee Trust Gra~t some of these Cadets were able Qmake the vi it who would not otherwIse have been able to do so. In the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme for ~oys, a further five 'Oys gained ertificates in the First Series, an~ fou~ I.n . the Se~on? Two !dult member (ex-Cadets) of t~e St. Paul, s DIVISIOn, BIrmmgham, ecently qualified for the Third Senes ~nd receIved the 90ld Award from iis Royal Highne The Duke of Edmburgh at Buckmgham Palace on Id November. In the first year of the experiID:en,t of the Girls' Scheme, : ~ Cadet from five counties entered at the Prel~mmarx ~evel. Two King George VI Memorial Leadership Trammg Courses for 'oung Adult Members of the Br~gade, Officers and Other Ranks, \mbulance and Nursing, were held m Exete~ and Oxford. A Brigade Training C~)U~se in ,the L~adershlp , of c;adets was conducted 'v the A istant Commissloner-m-Chief at Ulllversity College, London, n 18th/20th September and was attended by over 200 delegates from :ounties all over England, and from as far afield as Nor:pern I~el~nd and CIVIL DEFENCE Juern ey, The object of the Cour e was to st~d~ .the matenal of the Several conferences have been held with the Home Office and Ministry It. John Cadets the characteristics and peculIant~e~ of the adole~cent, of Health, but a final policy for first aid work in Civil D efence has not yet ,nd to consider the best means of leading and trammg that n:ate~lal to been produced. There are signs of a s,olution which wo~ld eDab~e the JOW up into ound men and women .filled with the determrnatIOn to Brigade, with the British Red Cross SOCIety to take an, act! ve pa,rt In t~e <rye mankind in the ranks of the Bngade. work for which they are specially trained and suited, WIthout losmg t~e~ The Brigade National camp site at Bexhill-on-Sea was open from 25t~ identities. Until such a policy is produced , recruitment to the elVl! luly to 29th Augu t, and wa attend~d by 970 Officers and Cadets. This, Defence Corps will not improve, nor are members of the Brigade ~j~ely ias an increase of 247 over the prevIOUS year. , , to show great interest in instruction in the basic Civil D efence trallllDg, The Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief attended many TraI?~ng Courses, which is essential if they are to take part in Civil Defence exercises, fraining Days, Enrolment Ceremonies, First Aid CompetItIOns, Sports The short concentrated courses for senior officers which have been held :vents and District Camps in many parts of the country. , In London, have not been well attended and there are till some counties The Chief Officer for Cadets visited a Nursing Cadet Camp m Su~~lk, that have not sent any representatives. Vacancie at the Civil Defence lpened Fetes and Bazaars in Camb~jdge and K~nt, .attended a Tralll111g Staff College and Training School have all been filled, and all who have ~ourse in Northern Ireland, and an Open Evenmg m London. attended these have benefited greatly; it is hoped they have been able to pass on some of their knowledge to many Brigade member, , Recruitment for the National Hospital Service Reserve remams at a OVERSEAS steady level, though many feel that they would like more practical work During 1959 the Brigade O:,ers,eas has continued to make ~xcellent In hospitals for these members, Jrogress in a great many terntones, All are worthy of mentIOn, but ihortage of space allows mention of only a few. A few areas have the CADETS ldvantage of Headquarter Officers. These ~reas are Cyprus, Malaya, The Cadet Rally for Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret at Guild- Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and the West In,dIes. , All t,hese officers are ford has been referred to in an earlier paragraph. She presented the :ontinuing to give very great help to the Bngade m theIr are~s and pr~­ American Cup for Gallantry to Cadet Terry Gotch, aged 14 years, or ~ess has been good. It is only fair to add, ?owever, that partlcular credIt rescuing an 11 year old boy from a water-filled claypit and rendenng s due to those Commissioners and staffs m other areas where progress










has been made in spite of there being no Headquarter Officer at hand to (ychelles: A Con:missioner, M. Hook, has been appointed for the help. 'rst time 1ll the GIlbert and Elllce I slands. New Zealand.- A long vi it to the United Kingdom was paid in the . I am most grateful to those Commi ssioners who have had to retire for summer of 1959 by Mr. C. Meachen, the D eputy Commi ioner of the ~ that they achieved during their tenure of the appointment, and warmly Brigade and Priory Secretary in New Zealand. Thi vi it gave a splendid ,elcome those who have been good enough to take on in their places. opportunity of di cu ing mutual problems of intere t and was most o CLUSIO helpful. The year 1959 with its unu ually fin e summer kept the Brigade thorough. . . ' . . Malta.- The Bngade was mtlmat~ly concerned WIth the VI It~ of the busy at home. Members at home earned three Life Saving Medals, Lord Prior to Malta. and. to Cyprus 111 ~eptember ] 959. The Bnga~e in II Meritoriou Certificates and 25 Letters of Commendation during the Malta wa celebratmg. It fi~tleth anlllversar:y and some 300 Bngade ear. None of these awards are given lightly, or for other than quite membe~s from the Umted KlllgdOJ.l1 and. ~enlOr office.r from Canada,xceptional work and the e figures give a good indication of the high Australta a?d Mal.aya were pres.e nt III addltI.on to the hlg~ offic~rs of the tandard that are now maintained . The increasing number of Ambulance Order. ThIS prov~de~!l plendl~ opportulllty for the Bngade In M~lta J1d ur in g Cadets whose nam es are brought to notice for conspicuously to. get to know theIr VISItor , and It enabled the member from the ~~lted .ood work i a plendid encourage ment for the future. Kingdom and elsewhere to .l~arn much about one of the tradItIOnal In Ove r ea Territories th e knowledge of fir t aid and nursing continues hO!lles O! the Orde~. The vIsItor. w~r~ deeply ~rateful for ~1l that .the J spread. Many of the increa ed numbers may be accounted for by Bngade m Malta dId to make their VISIt both enjoyabl e and In tructIVe, ~rtificate gained under the au pices of the Brigade rather than by new Cyprus.-The vi it of the Lord Prior to Cypru , in which I wa able to nd full .Brigade ~ember. The important part, however, is that.t~ere is a accompany him, was of great value to the Brigade in Cyprus. I was able m~ ral IOcrea e In th~ num ber. of people who. are capable of glVIng first to see much of the Brigade activitie in the i land , which have kept going .d In any case of aCCIdent or distress, and an Increase of those who want in spite of the greatest difficultie and to ab orb a great deal of back· lIearn. ground which will, it is hoped , be of great value in working out the ways Both at home and abroad! am deeply grateful to ~he large .numbers of in which the Brigade can best continue its work when the i land becomes usy Surgeon and State Regl tered urses who contInue to give so much independent. their time to helping u in our work, and without who e help the. whole ~f There was, durIng · 1959 , a conSI'd era bl e lI1crease · . th e Jeslion of examinations for certificate bef so lYlauntLUS.In I d would 1 1 much hmore I SdIfficult. . b ... th B· d f th P r At Headq uarter wa ,a ever eep y grate u to t e ate upennnum er JOInIng e nga e rom e 0 Ice orce. :ndent-in- hief for her encouragement and ever willing help. Though West Africa.-A Headquarter Officer was sent to Sierra Leone in 1959 er tragic death occurred after the period which this report covers, I for the first time. By the end of 1959 progre s wa apparent in areas now that all member of the Brigade would wish me to record here the where St. John had not previously penetrated, and there i every reason to 'emendou and per onal 10 felt by all at home and abroad a a result believe that this expansion will go on. In Ghana during 1959 excellent 'her untimely death. She ha left an example for all to follow. progress was made by the Brigade in this independent country of the As usual plendid upport ha been given to the Brigade and to myself Commonwealth. In Nigeria the increase in the number of Brigade )Commi ioner-in-Chief, by all the officer and taff at Headquarter , members in the Police was excellent. ad I would like particularly to mention Lady Brecknock's help in overEast Africa.-The Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief was able to visit both :as affairs and that of Admiral Dick in the difficult ta k of organising the East Africa and Central Africa in the spring of 1959 and wa able to help love to Malta for so many member for the Malta Brigade Jubilee, a over a number of problems. Late in 1959, Mi s Copeland , a Brigade ,ifficult operation that went without a hitch. The credit, however, for member and a trained nurse who had served with the Malayan teams, .nything that the ~rigade may have. achieve~ during 1959 in bri?ging went out at the request of St. John in Kenya to promote our work in elp .to others and ~n the eyes of pubhc rests ~lt~ the ra~k an~ file m t~e Nyanza province. The result of this will become apparent during 1960, Istnct, the cou?tles and the Over . eas Terntone . .It IS t~eIr splendId lenne and theIr sense of duty whIch alone makes It posslble for us to . . . . West Indzes.-The Bngade contmues to make progress 10 the W~st 1aintain our high standards and our tradition of service for others. Indies, B~rmud~, British Guiana and British Honduras. In JamaIca J M KIRKMAN extra publIc dutIes have been taken on at the request of the Government . . M· G ' 1 and at Monymusk a number of casualties resulting from a serious fire C ~Jo~- e~er~h.j. were dealt with. A new Headquarters is being planned in North East ommISSlO17er-ln- Ie. Jamaica. BRIGADE AWARDS AND JUBILEE CERTIFICATES Senior Officers.-Sir John Stow, the Senior Commissioner in Jamaica, Meritorious Service Certificates resigned on being appointed Governor of Barbados. Dr. R. D. K. ~ey~, lrivate C. McCarthy, National Dock Labour Board (Liverpool), DOCK the Commissioner for Jarna.ica S.E., became Senior Commissioner 1D ~s Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. place. Changes in Commissioners also took place in Barbados, Jamalc~ ~ursing Member Miss E. Collins, Wandsworth & Southfields Nursing S.W. and Trinidad, and are in the process of change in Jamaica N.B. an DiVision, London (Prince of Wales's) District. ••









REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT-IN-CHIEF Private G. Wilson, Guernsey Ambulance Division, Bailiwick of Guern Cadet Ian Anderson, Liverpool Transport Ambulance Cadet Divisi/' Duke of Lancaster's District. n, BRIGADE DUTIES:- In all fields of our work the calls upon our Cadet Stephen Hird, Burnley Ambulance Cadet Division Duke members have continued to be extremely heavy but nevertheless Lancaster's District. ' ve been fully covered. Cadet Madeline Elvin, Ponders End Nursing Cadet Division to the unusually warm and fine summer those of our members (Prince of Wales's) District. ' ning the Beach Huts in seaside resorts have had an exceptionally Cadet Michael Welsh, Seaton Ambulance Cadet Division East year and large numbers of casualties of all kinds have been dealt and North Devon. " Escort duties show an upward trend and our Air Attendants are Cadet La~rence Baker, Whitwell Colliery Ambulance Cadet Divisi on more frequently as the availability of the service becomes better Derbyshire. much valuable first aid service has been rendered by individual Cadet June Huggins, North Bierley Nursing Cadet Division West during the year is apparent from the increasing number of of Yorkshire. ' of Commendation sent out. Cadet Thomas Jones, Abertysswg Ambulance Cadet Division, Priory Wales. INSPECTIONS AND VISITS:- Unfortunately , owing to illness, I was Cad~t Michael Barrett, Wychwood Ambulance Cadet Division, Ox~ this year to visit as many of the counties as I had hoped but it was a shire. pleasure to me to carry out the London District Inspection in Hyde , when approximately 5,000 ambulance, nursing and cadet personnel American Trophy for Gallantry on parade and also the Kent County Inspection at Folkestone when Cadet Stephen Hird, Burnley Ambulance Cadet Division Duke of Lan1,500 were present. caster's District. ' was also very happy to be present when Her Royal Highness Princess garet honoured us by a visit to Guildford for the Cadet Rally. Grand Prior Badges It was a special happiness to me to have the privilege of undertaking Jubilee Inspection of the Croydon Nursing Division which has such a 80 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. record of service and to open the admirable new Headquarters of the 241 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to Nursing Cadets. and Ewell Divisions, to raise the necessary money for which all I""""...", ,,.ri have worked so indefatigably. I opened, also, the excellent bburn Divisional Headquarters in Durham in connection with Special Service Shields so much is owed to their enthusiastic President, Mr. Thomas Smith. 186 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. A memorable occasion for the County of Hampshire was a Cadet 338 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nursing Cadets. IllSPI;!cu'on held at Broadlands when Field Marshal Lord Montgomery the inspecting officer and during which the Commissioner, Colonel Jubilee Certificates .s and I accompanied him. The following Units have been issued with Jubilee Certificates indicating During an official visit to Canada in August with my husband I had the 50 years' continuous existence :- Oxford Clarendon Press Ambulance pleasure of seeing a number of our St. John colleagues at their Divisior:, Oxf?rdsl:lire; North Bierley Nursing Division, West Riding uarters in Ottawa also the the opportunity to appreciate the outYorkshIre; Vlctona Garesfield Colliery Ambulance Division Durham; work being undertaken by the members at the First Aid Posts at H~~b.urn Ambulance Division, Durham; Murton Colliery Ambulance Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto and the Central Canadian DIVISIOn, Durham; Chopwell Ambulance Division Durham' Consett & 'bition in Ottawa. District .~bulance Division, Durham; St. Hilda (South Shi~lds) Ambu- , company with yourself, your Deputy or other representatives the lance DIVISIOn; Durham, Reddish Nursing Division Cheshire' Wol"oetnnl oumwl'!n(1 counties were visited by members of my staff on the nursing . gham (Lady Brecknock), Bedfordshire (Miss Baird), Ambulance J?ivis.ion! Buckinghamshire; Prestwich Nursing Di~ision, of Lancaster s Dlstnct; Gorton (Belle Vue) Ambulance Division (Miss Baird), Lancashire (No. 1 and No 5 Areas) (Miss Duff L~nc~ster's ~istrict; Manchester Nursing Division, Duke of L~ncas , Leicestershire (Miss Duff Grant), Northamptonshire (Miss DIstnct;. 9"~lmsby Ambulance Division, Lincolnshire; Tyldesley Am , Northern Ireland (Mrs. Romer Lee), Somerset (Lady Brecknock), arwickshire (Miss Duff Grant). lance DlV~sIOn, . D~ke of Lancaster's District; Ellesmere Corps, Duke Lancaster s DIstnct; Westhoughton Ambulance Division Duke of Lancaster's District; Swinton and Pendlebury Ambulance Di~ision, Duke NATIONAL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE:-Recruiting for the has continued steadily throughout the year. At the end of Decemof Lancaster's District; Walkden Ambulance Division Duke of Lanca.ste~'s District; Croydon Nursing Division, London (P;ince of Wales'S) the number of St. John Nursing auxiliaries was 20,984, an increase Dlstnct; Colchester Ambulance Division Essex' Farnworth AmbuJa e ,1,71 2 since last year. Many Brigade Nursing Officers have joined the nurse section of the Reserve. , Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. ' I





The N.H.S.R. County Representative have once more had a b We were fortunate in having an outstandingly excellent speaker on year and by their efforts have done much to encourage recruitment. usy Methods of Training- Mr. Penn, of the Home Office.

Y.A.D.s:-The number of St. John member

serving as fUll-time V.A.D.s at the end of the year wa 15, an increa e of one on 1958. O?ly one .now serves over ea , at R.N. H. Bighi , Malta, the Hong Kon StatIOn havmg been closed down. g The number enrolled in the Reserve wa 21 , a decrea e of two as com pared with 1958. . In my capacity of Vice-Chairman of the V.A.D. Committee I visited the Naval hospitals at Plymouth, Haslar and Chatham, and saw the V.A.D.s at each of them.

NflRSI G OFFICE,RS:- The number of

ur ing Officer appointments contmues to show an lQcrea e, the net increa e for 1958 being 120. I wa very glad it wa. possible for m ~o b pre ent at the mo t uccessful Conference for Nursmg Officer , agam arranged by Mi s Hamilton. Wedderburn and to addres the 140 delegates who came from 37 counties Miss Hamilton-Wedderbur~ j .much t<? be ~ongratulated on the high standa.rd of programme mamtamed, which tlmulate the interest of all attendmg. To our Chief Nur ing Officer and all our ur ing Officer who give us so g~nerously of their leisure and knowledge, w owe a ery real debt of gratItude.

CO!'fFERENC;ES AND TRA!NI G CO.URSES:-At our County Supenntendents Conference, which was agam extremely well attended we ~ere greatly privileged in having Mi Pat Horn by-Smith then Joint ~ar~a.mentary Secretary for State, Home Office, to addre us. Her m.spI~mg talk on the needs for voluntary ervice in the Welfare State, WIth Its touches of humour, held the intere t of u al l. We were indeed most grateful to Miss Horn by-Smith for paring u so much of her valuable time. At the Presidents' Con.reren~e held this year at Merchant Taylor's Hall, we were also fo~tunate 1ll bem~ addre ed by a brilliant peaker. The Dowager ~rchlOness. of Readm g mo t generou ly found time in her ?verwhelmingly busy lIfe to be with u and her talk held the sustained mterest of all and was certainly an inspiration. It was a privilege as well as a pleasure to me to be able to attend and speak at ~he Surge~ns' Conference Dinn er. I was also pleased to have the opJ?ortumty of saymg a few words to those attending the County Secretanes' Confe~ence,. one ",,:,h!-ch I feel i of the utmo t importance. ~n connectIOn With tralm~~, I woul? like to pay a very special tribute ~o MISS ~u.ff: G~ant, . our Trammg AdVIser, who has been indefatigable m her act1Vlh~s III th!-s field and has given so much valuable leadership and he~p. The lI:lc~ea~mg number of Staff Officer for Training appointments bemg ma?e IS III Itself a testimony to the success of her work. There IS a st~ady increase in the number of Training Week-eflds and Days arranged 1ll the counties, the themes for which have covered a wide range of SUbjects. Miss Duff Grant has herself been present and spoken at many of these. ~ ~ighly successful Headquarte[ Conference for Staff Officers for Trammg was organised again this year by Miss Duff Grant. This was well attended and I was happy to have the opportunity to address the delegates.

"ONE-IN-FIVE" SCHEME:-Members of the Brigade are continuing

to as ist the W.V.S. with the.ir One-in-Five Scheme, and are st~~ gi~~ng Talk "C"-"Caring [or the SIck Person under Emergency CondItions in many parts of the country. The W.V.S. hoped that Talk "C" might be replaced by the Short Home Nursing Cour e and have ugges~ed that the One-in-Five. a~diences should attend this Course where possIb1e. However, the MllllStry of Health recommend that Talk "e" hould be continued wherever there is demand for it.

HO SPITAL CA R SERVICE:- The Hospital Car Service continues to be admini tered by the St. John Ambulance Brigade, the British Red Cross Society and the W.V.S. The Service continues to run smoothly and there is no doubt that it i filling a great need throughout the country.

HOSPITAL LIBRARIES:- The standard of the Library Service has been maintained during 1959 to both Service and Civilian hospitals. It is

~atisfactory to note that the overall expenditure of the Department has

again been kept within the limits of the income. The figures of beds served in the case of Service hospitals shows some variation, owing to the reduction in the size of the armed forces. The number of beds served in this type of ho pital was 17,107 and 3,112 di abled e -Service pensioners in hospitals or in thei~ own homes a.lso received a Service. Thi figure al 0 shows a drop owmg to a reductIOn in the bed state of the Polish ho pital in Denbighshire, and a reduction in the numb~r of pensioners in those h~spitals w~ch, in the pa~t, were the respon ibility of the Ministry of PenSIOns. ThIS .latter f~ct?r IS probably the result o[ such patient being now more WIdely dIstnbuted among other ho pitals throughout the country. . .. . Hospital library facilities were provided to 1,128 CIVIlian hospItals of all types totalling 100,179 beds; to 23 Home~ run by t~e Order of St. John, the British Red Cross Society or the JOlllt Comnuttee, and to 17 hospitals in H.M. Pri ons. The number of St. John County Organisers is now 11. There is one Assistant County Organiser and 441 librarians. These figures show an increase on those for the previous year.

EX-SERVICES WAR DISABLED HELP DEPARTMENT:-The St. John and Red Cross Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department continues to meet a wide variety of needs connected with their war disablement among disability pensioners of the two World Wars or subs~quent hostilities such as Korea and also continues to care for many retired Nurses of the Armed Force; who served during war-time and are now in need through age and infirmity. During the 12 months ended June 1959, 49,600 cases were recorded of whom 17,300 were helped financially or. in kind at the cost of over £80,500, and the remainder were ~elped WIth services, and in connection with the infinite problems that anse through disablement. By helping the Department's County Committees and Offices and by undertaking home visiting to pensioners, S.J .A.B. Officers and members. are giving very valuable services in this useful work.





SERVICE HOSPITALS WELFARE DEPARTMENT:-As Chairman of the Service Hospitals Welfare Department, I have pleasure in reporting that 110 Welfare Officer are now serving in United Kingdom and Overseas Command, of which 38 are Brigade members po ted as follows:_ Headquarters 1, United Kingdom 18, B.A.O.R. 7, Middle East 6, Far East 6. Three St. John Welfare Officer have resigned during the year, a total of 10 new Welfare Officers have been trained and one ex-Welfare Officer has rejoined. In April, accompanied by Mi s Downing, ChieiWelfare Officer, United Kingdom, a Brigade member, I visited the Royal Naval Hospitals at Plymouth, Haslar and Chatham. In the same month I visited the R.N. Sick Bays at H.M.S. Collingwood and R.N. Air Station Lee-on-Solent; in May, the Royal Air Force Hospital, octon Hall Lincoln hire; and in December, the Military Hospital, Shorncliffe, Kent. During her visit to Malta for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations, Lady Brecknock, Controller Overseas Department, visited the David Bruce Military Hospital, Imtarfa, and the Royal Naval Hospital, Bighi. The Commissioner-in-Chief, accompanied by the Chief Welfare Officer, Middle East, Miss Woolrich, S.l.A.B., visited the British Military Hospital, Dhekelia, Cyprus, in September. There have been 45 Dilfor cases during the year and of these 22 went to B.A.O.R., 7 to Middle East, 4 to Far East, and 12 to other Commands. HONO URS:-Her Majesty the Queen was graciously plea ed to confer the following awards :-O.B.E. on the Hon. Mrs. Cubitt, County Superintendent for Hampshire (Reserve); M.B.E. on Mrs. Matthews, Deputy District Superintendent for London District (Retired); B.E.M. on Miss Lawton, Divisional Superintendent, Spalding Nursing Division, Lincolnshire. LIAISON WITH GOVERNMENT AND OTHER COMMITTEES:Members of the Nursing Corps and Divisions continue to represent the Order/Brigade on the following committees:British Council for Welfare of Spastics; British Council for Aid to Refugees; British Rheumatic Association; Central Council for the Care of Cripples; Homecraft Advisory Association for the Disabled; National Council of Social Service-Council National Old People's Welfare Committee, Women's Group on Public Welfare; National Consultative Council for the Recruitment of Nurses and Midwives. National Hospital Service Reserve-Advisory Council Ministry of Health Uniform Committee; Queen's Institute of District Nursing-Council; Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents-Home Safety Committee; Women's Voluntary Services-Advisory Council Standing Committee. RESIGNATIONS:-Unfortunately two of my County Superintendents have been obliged to resign during the year. They are :-Lady Wayman, Durham (due to removing from the county), and Mrs. Greenway, Oxfordshire (due to ill-health).





APPOINTMENTS:-It was with much gratitude that I received Lady Starmer's agreement to accepting the appointment of County Superintendent (N) in successi~m to ~ady Wayman. Lady Starmer ~a~ .been associated with the Bngade Slllce 1936 when she became DIvISIOnal President of Darlington Nursing Division. In 1942 she became County Vice-President for the North Riding, and in 1951 transferred to Durham in the same capacity. During this year she kindly accepted the executive appointment of Assistant County Superintendent (N). CONCLUSION:-To all my District/County Superintendents very particularly and to all officers and meI!lbe~s I exte~d my deep appreciation of the splendid service they have agam gIVen dunng 1959, as well as my very real gratitude. Their selfless devotion to the work of the Brigade at all times is indeed an inspiration. It was a great encouragement to find at the Brigade Final Competitions that the standard of the nursing work amongst both the adults and cadets, showed mo t satisfactory improvement. With the introduction of the new Nursing Manual I am confident an even higher standard ~ill.be atta~ned_ A visit by Mrs. Grosvenor to London fortunately comcided WIth a meeting of my Women's Advisory Committe~ and the. opportuni~y was taken prior to the meeting to present her WIth ~he gifts for which all Districts and Counties had so generously ubscnbed. I wish particularly al 0 to convey to all the members of my Headquarters staff my very warm appreciation. of al~ they have done over the past year. My Assi tant Supenntendent-m-Chlef, Mrs. Romer-Lee, has been of invaluable help over a wide field and I am more than grateful to her. Once again I want to extend my thanks to Lady Braithwaite, a stalwart at all times and who e support I greatly value. r have been mo t fortunate in having on my staff again Miss Baird, with whom I have \ orked so cIo ely in many different fields over these past year and whose wide experience is so helpful. To Miss HamiltonWedderburn lowe much as Chief Nursing Officer both in connection with the remarkable increase of ursing Officers 0 er the last twelve months and also the continuing strength and numbers of the N.H.S.R. In my report I have already paid a warm tribute to Miss Duff Grant, who is tirele s in her work for "training" and in so many other fields as lVell. r feel most grateful to Lady Brecknock for all she has done for our Overseas work, particularly during a year when she has had so many personal anxieties and commitments. We have been glad to welcome back Miss de Mierre after her recent prolonged illness. Miss Harrison ha had a particularly difficult year owing to shortages and change in staff and especially heavy pressures of work. As always, however , she has surmounted all obstacles and challenges magnificently and has been a tower of strength to us all. I thank the Commissioner-in-Chief for his valuable help to me personally and for his interest and great encouragement to our Nursing personnel as a whole. To Admiral Dick I would also like to express my warm appreciation. EDWINA MOUNTBATIEN OF BURMA, Superintendent-in-Chief.

Pages 23 to 7 THE


amended to 24th June 1960.



BEDFORDSHIRE County Office: 6, Lansdowne Road, Luton.

County President: Zia WER HER, C.B.E.

The Lad

COllnty Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Lord L KE, M.A., D.L., J.P. Mr . R . PHIPPS ( ursing) The Hon. Pearl Lawson JOH STO , O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance and


'sioner . Commi ioner.

, Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Cou nty uperintendent ( ur JOg Offi er Cadet Officer ( ). Cadet ffi er ( ) Staff Offi er ecretary Surgeon upe rintendent ( ) upenn tendent (0.) 'adet Offi cr ( laff Officer .


R. . OAKLEY, 6. Lansdowne Rd., Luton (Tel. Luton 1882). Major-General F. D . MOORE, C.B., C.B.E., "Com Close," Felmersham, Bedford (Tel. Sharnbrook 440). R . McEvoy, 64, hakespeare Road, Luton. Mi 1. M . PE IBERTON, 2, Brook Street Luton. (Tel. Luton 7113) MI D . RCHER, 34, Langley treet, Luton. MI D. ED DO:-.r , Luton and Dun table Hospital, Luton. E. \VHIT , 3, Shernood Road, Luton . MI H. GR1M IER, 3, Station Road. Ampthill, Beds. R. LLl ON, 6, Ktngsway, Luton (Treasurer). Mr . R. L. FIELD, ] 2, George treet, Bedford . Mi D. \ ooDHEAD, 34, Langley Street, Luton . H. BA , K , 26, Bishops ote Road, Luton.

!':orthem Area H. W. ROUND, l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Richmond House, Tur ey, Beds . (Tel. Turve 206). \\1. J. POCLTER, C, o. 4, Faldo Road Bedford. Mi T. E. \ HITBREAD, 20, Hardwick Road , Bedford . Va ant. E. . MILLWARD e\vton-Blossomville Turvey, Beds.

outbem Area upenntendenl (A) urgeon Cadet Offi er ( ) Cadet Offi er ( ) laff om er .

G. OBLE, 12, Sunridge Avenue Luton. Dr. 1. Kel all THO\I S, "The Briars," Tottemhoe, Dunstable (Tel. Dun table 10). a ant. ir . M. Ball, 54, Weatherb Road. Luton. V-,I. R. KE, DALL, 4 , Bancroft Road, Luton.

BERKSHIRE Count)' Office : t. John House, 101, London Road, Reading.

Tel. Reading 54671.

County President : The Lady FREYBERG G.B.E.

Count)' Vice-Presidents: Lad LORAINE ( ursing) The Lad) FORRES (Cadet ursiflg). ilSsioner . . . \' Commis ioner . . ~. Superintendent (A) ) Superintendent ( ) ) SUrgeon ety. Superintendent

Major P. J. GOLD, Warfield House, Nr. Bracknell acant. \ . G. THOMA, 27 Berekele Avenue Reading. The Hon Lady GA i GE Springmead, Ascot, Berks. (Tel. cot 315). D. J. T R B LL, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. "Spring Lodge," Castle Hill, Maidenhead, Berks. Lad Joubert de la FERTE, 6, Orchard Wood, Windsor Road, cot.


24 .



Miss D. E. BRA E, S.R.N., Battle Hospital, Oxford Roac Reading. L. E. HEDLEY, 16, College Glen, Maidenhead . Mrs. D. ROSE, 47, Chilton Crescent, Earley. Mrs. THOMAS, 27, Berekeley Avenue, Reading. Mrs. BARTON, 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. P. R . HILLS, 41, Larkhill Road , Abingdon. (Cadets). G. L. Ro E, 47, Chilte~ Cre ce nt ,,, ~rley. \Training). Mrs. R. J. D. WHiTELEY, Ea tways, Tltlark HIll, Sunningdal( Miss D. K . GmBl , 33, South View Avenue, Caversham.

County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary



Nelson Memorial Hall, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3.

County President: Alderman J. C. BURMAN,

County Office: County President: His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O.

County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. L. BURGESS.

;stant Commissioner :ounty Secretary) Tel. Birmingham Central 666(JDty Superintendent (N) .Dty Surgeon

J .P.

County Vice-Presidents: Alderman W. T. BOWE (Ambulance). Mrs. W. A. CADBURY ( ursing). J. P. EAMES, O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance). Mrs. P. CADBURY (Cadet ursing). Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. County Superintendent . County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A) . County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Sergeant Major County Secretary .




Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol 2. Tel. 22431.

uty Commissioner.

County Office:






nty ursing Officer . nty adet Officer (A). nty Cadet Officer ( ) .nty Staff Office rs .

R . L. CHEVERTON, Esq., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. N. FROST, Esq., C.B.E. Rev. R . F. CARTWRIGHT, M.A. Lieut.-Colonel H. ESSEX LEWIS, D.C.M., T.D., D.L., 11 , Clifton H ill Bristol 8. (Tel. 33808). R . L. CHEVERTO , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "The Garth," Station Road, ailsea, Bristol. G. J. CREECH, M.R.S.H., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol,


Miss B. J. GRIFFITHS, S.R. ., Cossham Memorial Hospital, Kingswood, Bristol. Dr. J. A. Lanson R OBERTS, 46, Chamhill Drive, Mangotsfield, Bri tol. Mi B. H. C. SAMMO S, S.R.N., 4, Westbury Park, Bristol, 6. Vacant. M rs. E. F. P ULLIN, B.E.M., 138, Monks Park Avenue, Horfield, Bristol, 7. M. 0 . , 10, Redland Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. (press Relations). . G. ARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, Filton , Bristol (public Duties) . A. R. HARDT G, "Hillside," Larkleaze Road, Longwell Green, r. Bristol (Asst. County Secretary) . C. GRIBBLE, B.E.M., 7, Stanley Road , Redland, Bristol , 6. ( ompclitions). E. J. FOLEY, 2, Highfield Grove, Horfield, Bristol, 7. ( .H.S.R .. Mrs. M. C. CREECH, 30, Fir Tre~ Lane, St. George, Bristol, 5. Mi s L. G. GORMA , 12, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bristol, 3. (Cadets). D. A. ORTO ', 23, Balmoral Road , St. Andrews, Bristol, 7. (Training). H. J. CROKER, I, Marguerite Road , Uplands, Bristol, 3. (Civil Defence). C. Vr CE T, I, Dryleaze, Chand os Road, Somerdale, Keynsham, Bristol.

6a:ydon, Warwic rnr t. Agnes Roa( Brigadier . L. CARl S, O.B.E., Moseley, Birmingham, 13. W. R. LLOYD, 66, Bleakhill Road , Birmingham 23. Mrs. D. C. ICOL, 28, Westfield Road , dgbaston, Birminl ham, 15. (Tel. Edgbaston 0286). W. H. SHILVOCK, M.B., CH.B., B.. , 86, Fitzroy Avenue, Ha bourne, Birmingham, 17. Miss G. M. FI LEY, 29, High Street, Solihull, Warks. Mrs . C. E. GREE ,S.R . ., 23, Hunton Hill, Erdington, Birminl ham, 23. A. E. GREE , 23, Hunton Hill, Erdington, Birmingham, 2Jnty Sergeant-Major Mrs . D. OWEN, 16, Cranmore Avenue, Handsworth, Birminl ham. A. C. FORD, 85, Woodleigh Avenue, Harborne, BirminghaD 17. (Stores). J. E. MATTHEWS, 304, Bordesley Green East, Birmingham, 2 BUCKINGHAMSlllRE Miss E. M. ROGERS, 72, Balsall Heath Road, Edgbastol COllnty Office: Birmingham,S. 79, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Bucks. Tel. Aylesbury 3886. F. GRIFFITHS, Midland Bank, Newhall Street, Birmingham, County Presidents: (Treasurer). . M. C. LEGGETT, 48, Parkdale Road, Birmingham, 26. (Specl The Lady CHATFIELD ( ursing). Major P . G. D ARVIL-SMITH, C.B.E. (Cadets). Duties). Mrs. Fraser BROWN, 273, Yardley Wood Road, Mosele County Vice-Presidents: Birmingham. Brigadier J . N. CHENEY, O.B.E. (Ambulance). Mrs. J. MILLER, 78, Woodford Avenue, Castle Bromwid Lady Aubrey FLETCHER (Nursing). (Administrative). . Th ~ Vi count CURZO , J.P. (Ambulance Cadets). W. R. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford Lane, Ward End, BinD1D1 The Vi countess CURZO (Nursing Cadets). ham, 8. B Brigadier G. A. FENTON, O.B.E., Moor Lane Cottage, Sarratt, K. FLOWERS, 53, Frampton Way, Pheasey Estate, Great ar.mmissioner Nr. Rickmansworth. (Tel. King's Lar gley 2194). Birmingham, 22a. Vacant. R. C. N. DAY, 297, Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham, 29. l'puty Commissioner S. BUNKER, 10, Winchfield Way, Rickmansworth, Herts. Mrs. F. E. HAMMOND, 7, Ravenshaw Road, Edgbasto n, unty Superintendent (A) Mrs. M. BOOTHMAN, "Lynton Chase," Datchet, Bucks. (Tel. (Tel. Bearwood 2802). nty Superintendent (N) Datchet 302).




County Surgeon (Executive) . County Surgeon

Asst. County Superintendent (N) . County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary


Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Area Area Area

Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Nursing Officer Staff Officers.

Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers .

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . . Area Area Area Area

Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officers .






CAMBRIDGE R. H. KIpPING, M.B., CH.B., Leigh House, Beaconsfield Dr. G. W . H. TOWNSEND, County M.O.H., County offi~ County Office: Aylesbury. 35, St. Mary's Street, Ely. Tel. Ely 2678. Miss N. M. SALE, The Croft, Wal~on Road, Aylesbury. Mrs. W. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., Bndge House, Baring Road County Presidents: Beaconsfield, Bucks. ' The Lord FAIRHAVEN, D.L., J.P. D. ORLIK, Stratton Cottage, Stratton Road, BeaconSfield Mrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK. Miss M. E. WHTTE, "Cleveland," Claremont Gardens, Marl~w County Vice-Presidents : J . O. BOLDERO, The Manager, Lloyd Bank, Aylesbury, Bucks: Major G. M. MACFARLANE-GRIEVE. (Treasurer). Miss G. M. ~v~, Rylmer, Limmer Lane, High Wycombe, K. S. MAURICE-SMITH, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Etheldreda House," Bucks. (TrailllOg). IDissioner Ely. (Tel. Ely 2678) . A. ~NGSBURY, Hen haw, Bierton, Aylesbury. (Publicity . . C. W. WALKER, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road, Advlsory). ty CommLSSLOner and Act. Cambridge. R . F. POPE, "Balnacraig," Burgess Wood Road, Beaconsfieldlllllty Surgeon . . . G. WALKER, PH.D., M.SC., "Kersell," Sedley Taylor Road, Mrs. A. M. HOOD, 148, Wellington Street, Slough. . ty Superintendent (A) Cambridge. Mrs: E. HA DCOCK, "Winford," Upper Ickneild Way, Princes Mrs. H. C. GRAIN, "Belmont," 43, Prickwillow Road, Ely. Risborough. ~IY Superintendent (N) (Tel. 2695). . R. J. GOVES, 176, Desborough Avenue, High Wycombe. Mrs. E. Ellis LEWIS, S.R. ., S.C.M., R.F.N., 19, BrooksIde, Mrs . G. M. DAY, Station House, Saunderton. Ity ursing Officer Cambridge. r. T. GOMM, "St. GOITan," Green Lane, Chesham, Bois. Miss M. C. D. K.E ETT, S.R.N., C.M.B., Long Stanton Rectory, Mrs. Z. BOTSFORD, 79, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Bucks.lty Staff Officers Cambridge. . Lieut.-Col. G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., 49, Silver Street, Ely. Northern Area (Treasurer). Capt. F. W. WORKER, 56, Windsor Street, Wolverton, Bucks. S. P. DICKER, 11, Belgrave Road, Cambridge. (Training). A. H. GRIMSHAW, 152, Elm Road, March, Cambs. Vacant. Cad Offi W. M. M . DOUG LA ,M.A., M.B., B.CH., Wolverton St. Mary,' Cadett Officer . C. HA YLETI, 225, Mill Road, Cambridge. Stoney Stratford. e cer. S. J. COMPTO , 22a, Silver Street, ewport Pagnell, Bucks. Ely Area Mrs. S. J. GUR EY, 13, Osborne treet, Wolverton. . d Vacant. Super~nten ent (A) Vacant. Mrs. G. TUR ER, 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Cambs. (N) R. G. ALDERTO , 12, Bedford Street, Wolverton . (Area Cadet· Supenntendent F. G. A. BECKETI, M.A., M.B., CH.B., 14, Egremont Street, Training). Surgeon . . Ely, Cambs. A. E. F . WHITE, 3, School Hill, Chamdon, Bicester. Vacant. ursing Officer . Mrs. J. M . VAWSER, 8, Regent Avenue March . ,Cadet Officer (A) Central Area Cambridge Area C. DAY, Station House, Saunderton, High Wycombe. . Miss B. M. WHTTE, "Hillview," Loudwater, High Wycombe Commissioner Vacant. D~. M. F. GILLI 0 , "The Old Boot," Dinton, Aylesbury. I Superintendent (A) Vacant. MLSs M. F. M . STEP HE so , S.R . . , 65, Upton Park, Slough'j Superintendent (N) Vacant. C. A. SARGEANT, (Training), "Chesterfield," Coldhams Lane, Vacant. Staff Officers. Vacant. Cherryhinton. Miss D. LrNTO ,68, Cavendish Drive, Cambridge. (Secretary). T. SHORT, 11, Hill View Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. Mrs. E. J. PIGOTT, 76, Akeman Street, Cambridge. (TransF. G. BIGNELL, 24, Carrington Road, Southcourt, Aylesbury, C. F. A. LAM BOURNE, The Anchor Inn, Wingrove, r. Ayles· port). R. T. WOOMBWELL, 62, Marshall Road, Cambridge. bury. Miss M. STERRETI, 27, Clarendon Road, Pinions, Higb Wycombe. D. G. ANSTEAD, 111, Whitelands Road, High Wycombe CHESlllRE Miss P. M. TULLETI, "Dukeholme," Mitchell Walk, Amersham. Miss A. L. EVANS, 171, Buckingham Road, Aylesbury. County Office: A. GOVES, 234, Desborough A venue, High Wycombe, County H.Q., Tabley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. C. HAYNES, 14, Hughenden Road, High Wycombe. (Trans· Tel. Knutsford 346. port) . County Vice-President: A. C. BE. TLEY (Cadet Ambulance). Southern Area L. STEPHENS, 3, Mundesley Spur, Slough, Bucks. W. Cecil ROBINSON, "Woodeaves," Dale Brow, Prestbury, Mrs. E. E. F. GOMM, 35, Bath Road, Slough. mmissioner Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 89357). . Lieut.-Col. L. D. M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH.B., 33, Sussex Place, N. S. MUMBY, "Glendyne," Prenton Lane, Prenton, BrrkenSlough, Bucks. :puty Commissioner head. (Tel. Mountwood 1372). Vacant. Vacant. . R . G. EVANS, 17, Salisbury Avenue, Slough. 1iInty Superintendent (N) H. C. W. BAKER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 16, The Wlend, Rock Ferry. Vacant. l.!nty Surgeon Birkenhead. . A. L. HALL, 138, Albert Street, Slough (Transport). Miss A. McCuLLY, S.R.N., 73, Blagg Avenue, Nantwlch. Mrs. J. E. CALDWELL, 32, Waterbeach Road, Slough. IU nty Nursing Officer


28 County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Secretary . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon




Area Nursing Officer

H. N. BECKETI, 28, Stalbridge Road, Crewe. Mrs. A. LAWRENCE, 13, Albert Road, Cheadle HUlme. Mrs. E. SfNGLETON, County H.Q., Knutsford.

Commissioner ursing Officer . superintendent (A ) superintendent ( ) Eastern Area Surgeon . . . H. B. BfNGHAM, 56, Greg Street, South Reddish, StOCkpo Cadet Officer (A ) Mrs. J. J. BOMFORD, 37, BeechfieJd Road, Davenport, Stock Cadet Officer ( ) port. Staff Officers . J. M:>-CFIE, M.B., CH.B., SunoinghilI, Towoscliffe Lane, Marpl Bndge. Mrs. R. ALLAN, S.R.N., High Stacks, Poynton. Centra] Area

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . Area ursing Officer Area Staff Officer .

,Commissioner Superintendent (N) Vacant. ~ursing Officer . . Miss M . E. DEA , 13, De Quincey Road, West Timperley~ Cadet Officer for , rca Altrincham, Cheshire. Cadet Officer ( ) Vacant. Cadet Officer ( ) Mis M . Jo ES, S.R. ., Pre wylfa, Givemsfield nr. Mold, FiintStaff Officers . Miss B. FUR lYALL, 14, Dalton Gardens, Davyhulme, Man chester.

Eastern Area W . G. MOONEY, J.P., Broomhill, Tavistock Road, Launceston. Mrs. J. POLLARD, S.R.N., Flat 2, Tredethy, Nr. Helland, Bodmin . J. J. PEARCE, "Seldon," Bosven Road, Newquay. Mrs. M. E. GOULD, 2, Glamis Road, Newquay J . D . BRUCE, M.B., B.S., D.R.C.D.G., The Friaries, Bodmin. H. C. PENDER, 10, Bond Street, Redruth. Miss K . GOYIER, 12, High Street, Launceston. F. A. CUTLER, "Gresham," 100, Mount Wise, Newquay. E. JENKIN, 9, St. Mary's Crescent, Bodmin. Western Area Vacant. Miss F. W. PAUL, 4, Park Road, Redruth. Mrs. E . TREWREN, S.R.N., 152, Albany Road, Redruth. J. G . BARRETI, Silver Bow, Mount Ambrose, Redruth. Vacant. Mrs . J. S. DONEY, "Hazledene," Mabe, Penryn. R. J. RlCHARDS, B.E.M., 101, Agar Road, Illogan Highway. Redruth. (Cadets). C . C. PELLOWE, 3, Tolgus·Wartha, Redruth.

Western Area CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND Area Superintendent (A) E. Allen SMITH, 5, Claremont Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. Area Superintendent (N) Miss W. A. LAMB, 28, Highgreen Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire County Office: Area Surgeon H. L. GARSO , M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., "Woodlands," ew Cbeste) "Park View," Cardew, Dalston , Nr. Carlisle, Cumberland. (Tel. Dalston 327). Road, Bromborough, Wirral, Cheshire. County Presidents : Area Cadet Officer J. HAR EY, 53, Woodyear Road, Bromborough, Wirrall. Sir Robert CHA CE, Lord·Lieutenant of Cumberland. Earl of Lo SDALE, Westmorland. County Vice-Presidents : CORNWALL Mrs . M . L. BARRACLOUGH (Nursing), Cumberland. The Countess of Lo SDALE (Nursing), Westmorland. County Office: 18, Dean Street, Liskeard. Tel. Liskeard 2010. 'sioner Capt. J. L. JOHNS, R. . (Retd.), Lockville, Main Street. Sed bergh, Yorks . (Tel. Sedbergh 267) . County Presidents: I Commissioner . . J . S. MOFFAT, M.B., CH.B., 136, Wigton Road, Carlisle. Colonel Sir Edward H. W. BOLITHO, K.B.E., C.B., D.S .O. , Lord·Lieutenant of Cornwall. ~ Superintendent (A) T. H. ABBOTI, 10, Scaws Drive, Penrith. Lady Mary PAWLE (Nursing) . 1 Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. A. C. ArNscow, M.B., CH.B., The Howe, Troutbeck. County Vice·Presidents: Windermere. (Tel. Ambleside 2287). C. E. H. LLOYD, Esq., and H.R.H. Prince CHULA OF THAILA 0, G.C.Y.O. (Ambulance). Su geo N. L. BIRKETT, M.A., M.B., B.CH., 3, Thorny Hills, KendaL Mrs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, C.A. , Mrs. C. H. AsHER ( ursing). tty Sf pen. te'nd~nt ('N) ' Mrs. V. E. RAVE , Stancroft, Carlisle. A. V. BAKER, Esq. (Cadet Ambulance). . u nn . :y ursing Officer . Miss G. LAYCOCK, S.R.N., Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle. y Cadet Officer (A) . Mrs. Y. THOMAS (Cadet Nursing) . J. W. LoWTHIA , 18, Grace Street, Carlisle. Commissioner . Rear Admiral L. A. BOUTWOOD, C.B., O.B.E., Golden Cap,~ Cadet Officer (N) Miss D. TROTTER, The Gowans, Sedbergh. ~ Staff Officers Tideford , Saltash. (Tel. Landrake 237) . C. H. STEPHENSO , 25, Nook Street, Workington. Deputy Commissioner. . W . L. STEWART, M.B., CH.B., Tremethick, Grampound. J. STILLING, 34, Romney Road, Kendal. County Superintendent (N) Princess Chula CHAKRABONGSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. (Tel, Mrs. NEWMAN, 51, Holmriggs Avenue, Penrith. St. Mabyn 232). J. H. SMITH, 89, Dunmail Drive, Carlisle. (press Relations). County Surgeon . . . Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, Gwel Marten, Probus, Nr. Truro. A. E. SPRfNG, 43, Beck Road, Belle Vue, Carlisle. Assistant Commissioner . . . T . C. TRESlDDER, Dartington, Radannack, Truro. (Transpo.rt),~ Sergeant Major A. HUSBAND, 1, Fairfield Gardens, Wigton Road, Carlisle. Asst. County Superintendent (N) Miss N. K . KELLARD, M.B.E., Outlands, ] 8, Northfield Dnve") Secretary . . D. GRAHAM, "Park View," Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carlisle. Truro. County Secretary Miss A. M. SMITH, Goody Raise, Grasmere, Westmorland. County Nursing Officer . Miss N. K. DEAN, S.R.N., Wadham House, Liskeard. County Cadet Officer (A). Vacant. DERBYSlllRE County Cadet Officer (N) Vacant. County Staff Officers . Mrs. C. H. AsHER, Ellenglaze Manor, Cubert, Newquay. County Office: (N.H.S.R.) The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlow, via Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362). J. J. JACKMAN, "Hazlemere," Albany Road, Falmouth. County President: E. S. SEYMOUR, 60, Trefusis Road, Redruth. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEYONSHIRE. A. T. MOSSMAN, 9, Killerton Road, Bude. W. H. MAYCOCK, "Lyndale," Tresillian, Truro. (APpealSb)· County Vice·President: F. POLKINGHORNE, "Hyland," Heanton Terrace, Redrut. Viscoun t SCARSDALE. (Competitions). Jissioner Colonel F. Arnot BEARN, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., M.D., "BrookP. PEARCE, Barclays Bank, Redruth. (Treasurer). lands" Temple Road, Buxton. (Tel. 587). J. B. BENNETT, 31 , Albany Road, Redruth. (Admin.), ~ COmmissioner. Capt. l ATKINSON, M.B.E., White Knowle Cottage, Chinley. (Publicity) . Nr. Stockport. County Secretary Miss G. MORCOM, 18, Dean Street, Liskeard.









Southern Area

County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons

County Nursing Officer . County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers

County Secretary


Miss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, Mickleover, Derby. (Te,I Del .. R. L. BROWN, M.B" CH.B., "Ranmoor," 4, Burton Road, 53124). CommlSJOner. . Derby. 1. MACKENZIE, M.B., B.S. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 141, ManorR. E. G . FLORENCE, 266, Osmaston Park Road, Derby. Derby. 0" superintendent (A) Miss G. H . WALTON, 9, Kingston Street, Derby. Mrs. Clara STEWART, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., 3, Hardwick Mou superintendent (N) 1. COLLINS, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 7, Crich Avenue, Buxton. Surgeon . . . Littleover, Derby. Vacant. MIS. M. F. HALLETT, 398, Burton Road, Derby. C. 1. MARGERRlSON, The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlow 11 UISing Officer . W . 1. HOLBROOK , 20, Kendon Avenue, Sunnyhill, Derby. Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362). ' 1 Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. Mrs. C. B . WRJGHT, 2a, Gurney Avenue, Sunny HiU Der Cadet Officer (N) R . NALL, 12, Lawrence Street, Long Eaton . F. 1. SHlMWELL, 151, Manor Road, Brimington, Nr, 'CbestuStaff Officers . . H. FARNSWORTH, "Melita," 13 , Holt Avenue, Derby field. Mrs. FARNSWORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Avenue, Derby. W. F. RIGLEY, 6a, King way, IIkeston . (Training). Miss D. TRA TER, 33 , Grange Street, Derby. (Treasurer). R. RINGHAM, J.P ., Markham House, Duckmanton, Nr. Chest field. Mrs. G. E. H. WEATHERBY, 28, Kingston Street, Derby Mrs. C. 1. MARGERRlSO , The Cottage, Wilday Green, Ba;1c EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON via Sheffield . C. 1. MARGERRISO , The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlow County Office : Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362). ' The Hut, Culver Drive, Chudleigh, Newton Abbot. Tel. Chudleigh 2262.

County President : Northern Area Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Cadet Officer (A)

Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers.

Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY, BT., D.S.O., M.C.

Vacant. Vacant. Miss N. START, 56, Brown Edge Road, Buxton, Dr. W. E. MARSHALL, Manchester Road, Chapel-en·le·PQ R. ~rLLwARD, "Clovelly," Little Morton Road, NO m1ssioner , . . . Wmgfield. 1tV Superintendent (N) Vacant. . T. COVERLEY, 16, Derwent Square, ChinJey. Ity Surgeon . . Ity UIsi ng Officer

National Coal Board No. 1 Area B. KENDALL, Bonnevienne, Inkersall Road, Duckrnant?ty Cadet Officer (A). Area Commissioner Nr. Chesterfield. I Cad Offi (N) T. M . COPE, Sandbourne House, King George V Aven 'Y et cer Area Superintendent (A) Mansfield. nt S ff Offi Mrs. E. A. COPE, Sand bourne House, King George V Aven y ta cers Area Superintendent (N) Mansfield. Dr. W. A . F. HURST, Heathfield, Tibshelf. Area Surgeon . . Mrs. C. L. MAIZEL, S.R.N., "Carmel," Mill Lane, WhitVl Area Nursing Officer Nr. Worksop. t S Mrs. V. W . NAYLOR, 1, North Crescent, Duckmanton, Chesf Y ecretary Asst. Area Nursing Officer field. S. C. CARTER, York House, Creswell, Nr. Worksop, Area Cadet Officer (A) . W. S. BUCK, 1, Ringwood Avenue, Staveley, Cbesterfield Commissioner Asst. Area Cadet Officer (A) Mrs, M . DENT, 133, Whitecotes Lane, Walton, Chesterfitl Superintendent (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) F. NORMAN, 15, Private Drive, Hollingwood. Superintendent (N) Area Staff Officers . E. HURSTHOUSE, 54, Walton Road, Chesterfield. J Surgeon L. GROSS, 196, Ashgate Road, Chesterfield. G. F. GARDNER, White House, Morton. ursing Officer . Miss V. SOUTHERN, The Laurels, 67, Main Road, MortO~l Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) 2 Staff Officers . . National Coal Board No. 5 Area H. F. PARKER, 377, Derby Road, Nottingham. Area Commissioner . G. H. BOWMER, 12, High Street, Loscoe. Area Superintendent (A) Mrs. M. RrGLEY, S.R.N., 6a, Kings way., Ilkeston , j Area Superintendent (N) .. J . L . W . JOHNSON, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P. & S., "Beechcro 2 C Area Surgeon . Church Lane, Brinsley, Notts. ommlSSloner . Mrs. K . MORLEY, "Morwood," 216, Heanor Road? Jlkestl . Area Nursing Officer . 2 A. E. W. DILKS, 13, Kingsway, Ilkeston, DerbyshJIe, Super~ntendent (A) Area Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. ~ Supenntendent (N) Area Cadet Officer (N) W. AILMORE, 41, Heath Road, Ripley. . dn~ ~urg~on . . Area Staff Officers . W. A. HUDSON, 24, Middleton A venue, Crossbill, Co n uIsmg Officer H. HYDE, Sye Lane House, Ilkeston Road South, Hea

County Vice-Presidents: Lady RAy ER (Nursing). Lady IMBERT TERRY (Nursing Cadets). Major T. W . GRACEY, Melrose, Ashburton, S. Devon. ..1rs . C. De B. DENlNG, Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John. (Tel. Ottery St. Mary 27). Vacant. Mrs. M. D. ICHOLLS, S.R . . , Bracken Howe, Sidcliffe, Sidmouth. Major-General R. DE I G, C.B" M.V.O., M.C., Tipton Lodge, Tipton St. John. Mrs. L. J. TOWNSEND, "Brooke House," Ipplepen, Newton Abbot. W . C. JOHNSO , 2, The Broadway, Littleham Cross, Exmouth. (Ambulance Liaison), T . T. HAY, S.R . . , Wonford House Hospital, Exeter. (Training). A. C. TAYLOR, 18, Bridgetown, Totnes. (press Relations). Miss D. BOURCHlER-WREY, Tawstock, Chudleigh.

Ea t Devon Area Major R. A. P. GRAY, M.B., 23, Southernhay East, Exeter. C. J . WOOD, 40, Kingsway, Heavitree, Exeter. Mrs. BOLT, Little Copse, Newcourt Road, Topsham. L. G. A DERSON, M.B. CH.B., M.D., D.P.H., 26, Cranford Avenue, Exmouth. W. J. WRIGHT, S.R.N., 14, Walpole Close, Whipton, Exeter. Dr. R. L. JILLETT, Digby Hospital, Nr. Exeter. Miss M . E. HOWES, 27, Brookside Crescent, Whipton, Exeter. Miss C. B. GOLDING, St. Olaves, 32, Bartholomew St. East, Exeter. Miss M. MARTI , 176, Pinhoe Road, Exeter.

North Devon Area Lieut-Colonel K. G, W. SAUNDERS, O,B.E., F.R.C.S., Elmfield, Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple. R. BRADDON, "St. John," Yelland Road, Fremington. Mrs. M. H. KING, Mulberry House, Barnstaple. F. H . HOLLINGSHEAD, M.B., CH.B., Middleton, Combe Martin. Mrs. C. H. M. HARDy, S.R.N., Dean House, Old Sticklepath Hill, Barnstaple.


32 Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Asst. Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer .




Dr. J. P . BUSH, Heathfield House, Old Torrington R Barn taple. oad~UIY Mrs. . J . H. SAUNDERS, Elmfield, Barnstaple. onlY outh Devon Area Vacant. Inly P. BAKER, 14, King's Avenue, Paignton . Jnly Mrs. K. M. EVA ,S.R . . , Hollybank, Paignton . A. EVERARD, M.B ., H.B., 26, Keyberry Park, Newton Abb mty Devon . ot')llty Mrs. E. M . HARVEY, S.R . . , 6, Derwent Road, Babbacombe JnlY Torquay. ' M. E. C. STEDHAM, Lavender Collage, oach Road, Newton Abbot. Miss M .. A. STOWE, M.B., CH.B., M.R . . . , Dartmoor Cotta Lustlelgh. ge, Mi s H. G. HARLE WORTH, Barton, [pplepen , ewton Abbot Mrs . L. A. R . rCHOLLS, 4, Bearnes Lane, Newton Abbot:

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . g Nursm Officer . Cadet ffieer (N) Staff Officers


DORSET County Office : 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth .

Tel. Weymouth 2270.

County President: Dorothy, Lady ELL NBOROUGH.







Vacant. A . BURNS, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., Rainton Lodge, WeI3t Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring. Lady STARMER, Danby Lodge, Darlington. K. M. MACDo ALD, M.B., CH.B., Bankfield, Consett, Co. Durham. Mrs. F. M. J . DUNCAN, S.R.N., 12, Garcia Terrace, Sunderland. Miss O . ADDISO , 80, Croft Terrace, Jarrow. P. S. BLU DE , Cross House, Pelton, Chester Ie Street. W. M ATH[R, 4, Glebe Houses, FerryhilI, Co. Durham. Mi s . SCURLOCK, I.B.E., 6, Breamish Street, Jarrow-on-Tyne. (Training). J. J . D. KERRY , 95, Deneside, Lanchester, Durham . H. CARR, 88, Barningham Street, Darlington. A. B. HOGGETT, 29, Great 'o rth Road, Brunton Park, Gosforth. (Treasurer). 1rs. M. JARRETT, S.R.N., 90, Marine Avenue, Whitley Bay, Monkseaton. Miss. . P . Gnw, 2, Summerhill, Sunderland. T. HOPKI , 22, Farndale A venue, South Bents, Wrutburn. H . S. D. HAE E" , 32, Claremont Road, Darlington . (Civil Defen e). Mr. R. WATSON, 40, Brandling Place South, 1 ewcastle. (Tel. ewcastlc-upon-Tyne 81-1515).

County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. A. M. C. OOPER (Nursing). Lord ELLE BOROUGH (Cadet Ambulance). 1 Commissioner Lady Lettice Ashley COOPER (Cadet IIrsillg) . Dr. R. V. S. COOPER, 16, Belvidere, Weymouth. (Tel. Wey- Superintendent (A) Commissioner . mouth 800) . County Superintendent (N) Mrs. D. R . GALTO , 6, Elgin Road , Parkstone. (Tel. Park- Superintendent ( ) stone 928). Dr. E. J . Gordon WALLACE Health Cen tre Weymouth l Surg~on . . County Surgeons (Tel. Weymouth J6 4 5 ) . ' , . t-.ur Ing Officer Dr. Laura Maule HORNE, The Grange, 2, Mount Road, Parkstone. (Tel. Parkstone 188). 2 Cadet !TIcer ( Asst. County Superintendent (N) M.rs. M. SEYMO UR, orthfield House, Crichel, Wimbourne. :a StafT Officers . County Nursing Officer. . MISS D . Su DERLAND, S.R. ., Health Centre, Weymouth. County Officer ilc Cadets . K .. H. M . ALDRIDGE, 58, St. Thomas Street, Weymouth. County Cadet Officer (N) . . MISS M. R . P EACH, 59, High Street, Shaftesbury, Dorset. Asst. County Cadet Officer (N) . M:s. A . M . SWABEY, liS, King's Road, West Swanage. Asst. County Cadet Officer (N) . Mlss P . M . PADDOCK, 17, St. Edmund Street Weymouth. A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, Weymouth. :a Commissioner County Staff Officers . E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow, Plantation Road, Waterloo, Poole. :a Superintendent (A) E. W . CUFF, " Sydco," 67, Prince of Wal es Road Dorchester. J . B. SPENCER, 422, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. :a Superintendent (N) la D. G. F. ACUIT, "Cambrai," Cranford Avenue Weymouth. Surgeon (publicity). ' Mrs . D . R. BOOTH, 7 Mount Joy Burton Road Bridport.:a ursing Officer (N.H.S.R.) " : a Cadet Officer F. C. BRYANT, 12, Garland Road, Poole. r.I Staff Officer G .. KIDNER, 20, Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth . (Treasurer). County Secretary . MISS F. B. LONG, 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. (Tel. Weymouth 2270). ~a Commissioner


County Office : 2, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2.

Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 81-3646.

County President: S. EMBLETON, Esq., O.B.E. Commissioner


Superintendent (A)

~a Superintendent (N) ta Surgeon . . .

County Vice-President: ~a urslOg . Off]1cer. R. RUTHERFORD, T.D., M.B., B.S., J.P ., The Firs, Langley Park, :ea Cadet Officer (A) Co. Durham. :ea Cadet Officer (N) ea Staff Offieer .

Ea t Durham Area S. F. SroKOE, 2, Brook.slde Villas, Dene House Road, Seaham, o. Durham. J . S. He T[R, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P.S., 3, West Park, East Herrington, Sunderland. Mi s D. A. HALL, B.SC., 1, Greenbank illas, Jarrow. A. K. MACRAE, 1.0 .. CH.B., Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham. Miss O. HODGSO,<-LAWS, .R.l., Stonegate Cottage Reeth, Richmond, Yorks. acnnt. \1rs. T. DAGLEA , 24 Beaumont Terrace, Jarrow-on-Tyne. (Cadets). 1i J. H TCHJ:--SO , 43, Bede Street, Roker, Sunderland. (Cadets). outh Durham Area E. S. S'v1ITH, 34, Tunstall A enue, West Hartlepool, Co. Durham. \ . F. HALL, M.B., B.S., B.HY., D.P.H., 142, Elwick Road, West Hartlepool Vacant. R. K. BROWN, M.B., CH. B. , Kelvin House, Bearpark, Co. Durham . Vacant. H COULSON, 74, Starmer Crescent, Darlington H. C. H . FRA 'CIS, 9, Palatine View, Durham . (Secretary for Cadets). \Vestern Area A. S. D A (SO , "Ashlyn,"' Mayfield, Whickham, Newcastle-onTyne. R. M. ARCHIBALD, M.B., CH.B., D.I.H ., Westfield, Harelow Stanley. Mrs. M. H. ROCHESTER, S, Pikesyde, Dipton , Co. Durham. Mrs. M. F. St. J. U . COSGRAVE, M.B., B.. , Felling Lodge, Felling-on-Tyne. Vacant. W. You GER, 90, Wear Road, South Stanley. Mrs. E. A. YOUNGER, 90, Wear Road, South Stanley. J. T. DRUMMOND, 267, Windsor Avenue, Gateshead, 8.





Iy Surgeon

ESSEX County Office: Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay Road, Chelmsford.

Tel. Chelmsford 55789.

County President: Colonel Sir Francis WHITMORE, BART., K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., T.D.

, ety. Superintendent (N) . ;nly Cadet Officer (A). ;:nty Cadet Officer ( ) )Illy Staff Officers ~IY Nursing Officer

County Vice-Presidents : The Lady Joan NEWMAN (Nursing). Mrs. J. T. WHITLEY (Cadet Nursing). Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer . County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretaries .

!Stant Commissioner 'wick Superintendent (A) . iliwick Superintendent (N)

GLOUCESTERSHIRE County Office : 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Tel. Cheltenham 53610. County Presidents : The Countess St. ALDWYN.

Jiwick Surgeon . ta Commissioner

liwick Staff Officers

County Vice-Presidents: Colonel R. A. G . BINGLEY, C.v.O., D.S.O., O.B.E. (Ambulance). Miss Ariadne RODocANAcm (Nursing). Earl St. ALDWYN, T.D., D.L. (Cadet Ambulance).

County Superintendent (N)



. H . DRAKE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester. Miss D. M. TRJMMER, 2, Bournside Road, Cheltenham. Mrs . DRAKE, S.R.N., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester. R . A. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. T . H. READ, "Ellenville," Gordon Road, Cheltenham. Miss J. B. PARKER, Highfield House, Whitminster, Glos. (N.H.S.R.) Mrs. B. LAWRENCE, The Nappings, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. (County Welfare). Miss M . K. OSWELL, 7, Eldorada Road, Cheltenham. (Admin. - Medical Comforts). Rev. E. J . M. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James's Vicarage, Tivoli Road, Cheltenham. W. LE GRESLEY, 92, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham. (Cadets). Squadron Leader J. E. G. HA COCK, D.F.C., Officers' Mess, R.A.F., Barnwood, Glos. Mrs. M. A. COTTEE, S.R . . , 23, Honyatt Road, Gloucester. (Training Adviser, Nursing). Miss E. G . MARSHALL, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham.

J. T . WHITLEY, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., 56, New London Roao Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2194). Capt. R. J . WENLEY, T.D., J . P ., 96, Galleywood Road, Chelms ford . (Tel. Chelmsford 2704). W. E. NORFOLK, 84, Marconi Road, Chelmsford. (Tel Chelmsford 2726) . Mrs. E. SMELLIE, M.B.E., The Bridge House, Lexden, Colchestel (Tel. Colchester 2982). F. P. WALLI , M.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., "Gower," Galleywood Roal.nly Secretary Great Baddow. Forest of Dean Area Mrs. TRAIN, Chipping Hill House, Hal tead. Sir John PALMER, BT., Newland, Coleford, Glos. Miss M. RENNOLDSON, S.R . . , St. John's Ho pitai, Chelmsfor~j Commissioner E. A. POOLE, 178, Cowdray Avenue, Colchester. Miss R. I. LEEKS, "lvydene," Stock Road, Galleywooo Chelmsford. Miss W. K. ARGE T, "Shirley,". Writtle. (Tel. Writtle 289) F. E. BROOKS, 144, Moulsham Dnve, Chelmsford. (Treasurer' W. J. SMITH, 39, Forest Drive, Westlands Estate, Cbelmsfore (Transport). GUERNSEY W. R. UNWI , 14, Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford. (Dulie Officer). County Office : Mrs. M . A. SPURGEON, 3, Alderton Road, Colchester. (Cadets: F. THOR DIKE, Elm Tree Hou e, Fox Street, Ardleigh, Col Headquarters, Rohais, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. Tel. Guernsey Central 3700. chester. (Cadets). Bailiwick President: Mrs. V. F. HEDGES, 98, Dorset Avenue, Chelmsford. (N.H,S.R. W. SCHOFIELD, 45, Victoria Street, Braintree. (Cadets). Mrs. J. M. NORTON, St. Clere's Hall, Danbury, Chelmsford Bailiwick Vice-Presidents: A. MAYHEW, "St. Leonards," Wash Road, LaindoD, Esse~ Dr. W. B. Fox. (Ambulance) . Jurat R. H. JOHNS, O.B .E. (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs . HARROLD, 54/56, The Green, Writtle. (Nursing). nmissioner

Commissioner . . . . County Superintendent (A)


H. L. St. G. CAREY, M.V.O., Hawling Manor, Andoversforc Lieut.-Colonel F. WILLIAMSON, O.B.E., 90, Leckhampton Roadla Cadet Officer (A) Cheltenham. ~ ~det Officer (N) Mrs. G. A. WILLANS, Oaklands, Shurdington, Nr. Cbeltenharnhwlck Secretary. .

Colonel R. B. BROADBENT, O.B.E., La Ruette, St. Martins, Guernsey. (Tel. St. Martins 8436). W. TAYLOR, B.E.M., Quendon, Le Martival, La Ruette, St. Martins. (Tel. St. Martins 8247). R . A. LUFF, "Belize," Doyle Road, St. Peter Port. Mrs. R. M. THOMPSON, La Tourelle, Pierre Percee. (Tel. Central 255). W. R. CAMBRIDGE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 31, High Street, St. Peter Port. (Tel. Central 3090). R. H. BLANCHFORD, M.B.E., G.M., Le Croute Herivel, Rohais, St. Peter Port. F. W. BUSH, "Palma," Green Lanes, St. Peter Port. E. COLL, Colwyshe, Les Mourants, St. Martins. H. FALLA, Durrington, Les Banques, St. Sampsons, Guernsey. (Cadets). R. J. HERVE, "Beau Soleil," Saumarez Lane, Castel. (Treasurer). H. P. SAUNDERS, Cleaton, Foulon Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. (Stores). W. G. BAKER, 22, St. George's Esplanade, St. Peter Port. (Competitions). H. TOUZEAU, Holmlea, Route Militaire, Vale, Guernsey. Miss E. S. BUSH, Wethersfield, Guelles Road, St. Peter Port. Miss D. AESCHIMANN, Oriana, Le Gouffre, Guernsey.



HAMPSIllRE County Office: Wessex House, 6, Upper High Street, Winche ter. Tel. 2884. COllnty President : The Hon. Mr . Sonia Rosemary C UBITI. COlillt \. Vice-President : Admiral of the Fleet Sir Ai gernon U . WILLI, G.C. B., K.B.E., D.S.O. Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon

Asst. Cty. Superrntendect ( County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer County Staff Officer

County Secretary

Area Area Area Area


Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendem ( ') Surgeon . .

Area Nursing Officer . Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers .


.\rea Press Relation 'er (A ~l X iliary)

N . A . WILTON, Odeon Theatre, North Walls, Winchester.

orthern Area Commi sioner superintendent (A) superintendent ( ) urgco n

L. P . BOTTr G, J3, Esher Close, Basingstoke. S. WILDE, 4, Nom Hill, Basingstoke. Mrs . D. WILSON, Little Godda rds, Hatherden, Nr. Andover. Mrs. Audrey CAREY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Dials Close, Lower Wi e ld. Alresford. D. C. GRESSWELL, S.R . . , Park Prewett Hospital, Basingstoke. Vacant. Mr . . EVANS, Myn s ter, Church Avenue, Famborough. H. N . SHORT, 31, Alexandra Road, Farnborough. (Training).

Colonel W. P. S. C RTI , O.B.E., D.L. , Brydge's Aere Itch ";ursing Officer . Abl?as, r. Winche ter. (Tel. Itchen Abbas 207). ' (Cade t Officer (A) Captam H. HE DERSO , (R . . ), C.B .F., D.S.O., Hamlet HousCadet Office r ( ) Hambledon, Hants . Staff Officer Western Area Colon~l E. G . DUTrrELD, T.A., "Southwinds, " Holly Hill Lan .' Major L. TALBOT, D.A ., O.A.E., A.T.O ., " Greensleeves," Avon Sansbury Green . Comml lone r as tle Drive, Ringwood . Miss L. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage , Shirley Holms L. . J EA S, 70 Wheaton Road, Bournemouth. Lymington . (Tel. way 220) . Superin tendent (A) Miss D . BRODERICK, 14, Littledown Avenue, Bournemouth. L. M. MAYB URY, 1. A., M.B. , B.CHIR ., M.R. C. . , L. R.C.P., "Ke/Superintendent ( ) F. A . H ElMA " M.D., L.R.C.P., 12a, Crabton Close Road, wood ," 97, Goldsmith Avenue, outh ea. Surgeo n Boscombe . Mrs . C. B. D UTFIELD, "Southwinds ," Holly Hill Lane, Sarisblll . Mrs . H. W. T UC K, S.R. . , 6, Elmsway, Southbourne, Green . 'iurslI1 g Offi e r Bournemouth . Mrs. E. A . PURKESS, J.P. , S. R. . , " Glenleigh ," Avenue Roal R . G. RA FORD, 30, Cloughs Road, Ringwood . Brocken h u r t. Cadet Officer ( ) Mr . E . E . Symes, 34, Coombe Gardens, Bournemouth. Brigadier B. W . W EBB-CARTER, O. . . , O. B.C., Ashton CottagCadct Officer ( ) A . M YBURY, Police Station, Ringwood. (Training). Bishops Waltham . Stafr Ofllcer Vacant. A . L. AYM ES, J, Wolversdene Gardens, And over. (Treasurer R . W . HARRIS, "Three Lawn ," Lytton Road Basingstokl (Training) . ' HEREFORDSHIRE Mrs. B. V. SA DISO. , Long View, Roseberry Road Alresfon (Hospital Librarie ). ' COlIllty Office : Mrs. E. E. Yo 'G, J62, Stockbridge Road , Wincheste S.J . .B. Headquarter. Widemar h Street, Hereford. Tel. Hereford 2837. ( .H.S .R .) COlIllty Presidents : T. W . BULPITT, "Invicta," 165 , London Roa d Horndear The Hon . Mrs . R . DEVEREUX. (Public Relations and Press) . ' Brigadie r F . A. V. COPLA D-GRIFFlTH, D.S.O., M.C., l.P Miss . READDY , 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. COllllt)' Vic e-Presidents : Mrs . H. FOLEY, (Nursing). Eastern Area A. B. BLO SETT, (Cadet Ambulance) Dr. C. N . BURNHAM-SUPPER, 100, Waverley Road, Southsea Mr . Grcville PHLLLIPS (Cadet lIrsing). B. A. HAWKEY, 40, Northcroft Road Gosport. Mrs . M . BEEMA , 5, Connaught Road , Havant. ~IS ioner Lieut.-Colonel Sir Terence FALKINER, BT., Kingsthorne House. C. . SUTER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P ., "Leventhorpe," J, Elmhurs Nr. Hereford. (Te\. Wormelow 343). H. J. HARRIS, B.E.M., 38, Underhill Road, Thpsley, Hereford. Road, Gosport. :\ Commi ioner . . Mrs. E. F. COULTER, A.R.R.C., 19, The Avenue, Alverstoke j Superintendent (N) The Lady BIDDULPH, Underdown, Ledbury, Herefordshire. G . M. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P ., The New House, Ross-on-Wye. 9osport, Havant. . .j Surgeon . . Mlss M. M. ROGERS, S.R. . , Royal Portsmouth Hosplta1lY ursing Officer Mrs . M. E. C. PORTCH, S.R . . , Leominster Cottage Hospital. Portsmouth. Leominster. C. W. TOZER, 22, Penk Ridge, Bedhampton . 1:f Cadet Officer (A) . R. RUCK, 51, Mill Street, Hereford. Mrs. F . E. M. BARNICOAT, 7, BruneI Road, Northend, Ports y Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. F. M. HARRIS, 38, Underhill Road, Tupsley, Hereford. Miss E . Lo G, 62, Breinton Road, Hereford. mouth. :y Staff Officers W. . WIL 0 ,Police Headquarters, Portsmouth. (Treasurer) R. T. MORRIS, Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. T. C. GOLDSMITH, 79, Orchard Road, Southsea. (Training}Jy Secretary Mrs. 1. C. LOCHHEAD. 28, Millbrook Street, Hereford.

Central Area Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer .


Lieut-Colonel J. D. C. BROWNLOW, O.B.E., Pennington House Lymington. HERTFORDSlllRE Capt. W. MILLS, M.B.E., "Hilldale," Station Lane, Chandlers COllnty Office: Ford. 7, Marlborough Road, St. Albans, Herts. Tel. L.N.6-54333. Mrs. V. WALMSLEY, Green Cottage, Shawford, Nr. Winchester Vacant. County Presidents: R. M. WARREN, B.A., M.B., CH.B., D.P.H. , Teviotdale, etie) The Hon. Sir David BOWES-LYON, K.C.V.O., Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire. Abbey. H. Langley JONES, Esq., M.B.E. Mrs. A. E. ALFORD, 8, Obelisk Road, Woolston, Southampton, County Vice-Presidents : W. G. RUSSELL, "Bridaimer" 55 Dell Road Bitterne Park. Blanche, Lady LLOYD OF DOLOBRAN (Nursing). Southampton. (Training ~nd C.D.). ' Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets) .




Commissioner Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary


Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A)



J .P.,

(Tel. Welwyn 108). County Office: D. Hardy KINMONT, M.B., CH.B., 100, larence Road, S Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. Tel. Wootton Bridge 70. Albans. County President : T. C. FORBES, 54, High Street, Ware. His Grace The Duke of WELLINGTON, K.O. Miss D . SPARKES, B.A., 21, Park Avenue , St. Albans (Te L.N.6-53983) . . .' F. R. B. H. KENNEDY, M.B.E., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Wootton Lodge G . W . MAY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R . . P., Denham Lcd mJIIlSSlOner Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. ' 83, ew Road , Ware. gl T. HAMBLY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., " Meadowcroft," Salisbury Road, Mrs. . BILK B.SC., riars Mead, St. Stephens Avenue slot y Surgeon Ryde. Albans . ' A. A. Ex ELL, S.R.N., 17, Ashley Road, Ryde. G. Henderson SMITH, 97, Haymeads, Digswell Hill, Wei JOry NursingOffiOfficer( )' A. P. COMPTON, 93, High Street, Sandown. Garden ity. WYmty adet lcer A. Mrs . B. K. JACOBS, The Grange, Alverstone. Miss l. DAVIES, 109, London Road , t. Albans. loty Cadet Officer (N) G. M . HOMAN, M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., "Monkspath," Limsterone, y Mr. Hilda MABER, S.R.N., "Crossways," Point Clear slot Staff Officers r. Newport. (i/c Ambulance Divisions). Osyth, Essex. ' E. F. MlLLGATE, " emcotte," Castle Road, Newport. Miss WOOD, 19, Park Avenue, t. Alban . J . W . JOLLIFFE, 33, Prince Street, Ryde. (Competitions). Mrs. B. 1. R GER, 14, Jennings Road, St. Albans. Mrs. . 1. RAMSDE , J .P., Norcott Cottage, Mitton Lane, Mr . D . . BLEW JlAMP, S.R . . , 32, Souberie Avenue, Letc1 Bembridge. (Hospital Libraries). worth. (M . . D .) Mrs. B. B. E. O'DAY, 6, Seafield Terrace, Seaview. E. A. R USCH, 7, olgrove, Welwyn Garden ity. E. H . RJCHARDSO , A.S.A.A., Regal Chambers, Shanklin. (Treasurer-Admin.). Ea tern Area J. S. Mu RO, The Chalet, Whippingham. (Admin.). W . ApPLET N, "Lyndhurst," Puckeridge, r. Ware. Mi ss E. M . E. CAWS, "Seacroft," Queen's Road, Ryde. S. F. POR IIIR, .. olville" 44 t. John A venue, Harlow. illty Secretary Mrs: M. . BERGI , 16, The Valley reen, Welwyn Gardt 1ty. JERSEY J . Munro SHERRJFF, B.S ., L.R.C.P.(w.), L.R .e.S.( EO.), L.R.F.P. County Office : (GLA .), 23, Sal! bury Avenue, Harpenden. Midvale Road , Jersey. Tel. Cent. 24163. Miss B. . RAWLEY, S.R . . , 23, Uplands Avenue, Hitchi W. H OWARD, J3, By-the-Mount, We1wyn Garden City. County President : Sir Alexander M . COUTA CHE. We tern Area

County Vice-Presidents:

dwards Road, War (Tel. Ware 345). K. . WARNER, 92, Bur land, Letchworth. Miss E. ATKl s, 101 , Old Hale Way, Hltchin. G. M . MIALL-SM1TH , M.B., B.S., M.R . . S., L.R.C.P., D.nmmis ioner ~, ues ens Walk, Welwyn Garden ity. MISS O . M . DAVI ES, S.R . . , t. Albans ity Ho pital, onnan( uty ommis loner ~oad , St. Albans. .nty Superintendent ( ) MI S W. M . HART, Blue Stile, Priory Jose, Royston . Jnty Surgeon . . Jnty ur ing Officcr . unty adel om cr CA) . Dty adel Officer ( )

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (N)

Lady OUTA CHE ( ursing). Lady TRE T (Cadet Nursing).


unty Staff Officers

County Office : Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man. Lady GARVEY.

:a Cadet Officer unty Secretary & Treasurer

County Vice-Presidents : Lady OWLEY (Nursing). F. M . UBBON, Esq. (Ambulance). Mrs. M . M . GILL (Cadet Nursing). S. J . KNEALE, sq., O.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance).

County County County County County

Surgeon . . ursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A). Cadet Officer eN) Secretary .

apt. Guy MALET DE CARTERET (Jruat), St. Ouen's Manor, St. Ouen, Jer ey. Vacant. Mrs. . MALET DE ARTERET, St. Ouen's Manor, St. Ouen, Jer ey. t. John BrRT, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Fontenelle, Millbrook, Jersey. acant. Dr. J. G. MILLAR, 3 J, Roseville Street St. Heller. Mrs . D. MACFADYE , La Turbie, Claremont Road, St. Heller, J e r ey. Mr . G. DAWSON, La Ruelle, Victoria Village, Jersey. A. J . Le Mo fER, 12, Princess Place, Greve d'Azette, Jersey. Miss B. Le HUQUET, Lc halet, Bagatelle Road, St. Saviour, Jer cy. Mi S L. Du FEU, Tunbridge, Georgetown, Jersey. l

Tel. Douglas 2121.

County President:

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (N)



"Heath Brow," WelWYI

T. H . BURGESS, J.P.," oonor," 17, King

Area Commissioner


C. C. B EATy- POWNALL, Esq., hief Constable's Office, Dougl 1 Capt. T. H . HALL, J.P., Eskham, Devonshire Road, Doug l! Mrs . V . E. K ELLY, J.P., " Redpath," Little Switzerlan Douglas. (Tcl. Dougla 3006). A. R. MCPIIERSON, M.B., CH.B., 46, Loch Promenade, Dougl! Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. E. R. G. CAIN, F.r.A.C., J8, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas.

KENT County Office: 40, -a rl Street, Maid tone.

Tel. Maidstone 55924.

County Presidents : The Lady AsTOR OF HEVER. J. H. DAY, Esq., M.B.E. (Ambulance).

County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Rev. Dr. A. W. Ro E (A/Ilbulance). The Lady De L']sLE D DUDLEY (Nursing). Viscounte s ALLENBY OF MEGlDDO (Nursing Cadets). J. H . H. DAVIS, E q. (Ambulance Cadets). Lady Eileen V. DENNING.




Commissioner Deputy Commis ioner . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. County Superintendent (N). County Nursing Officer . County Cadet Officer (A) . County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary

Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area


Commissioner Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) ursing Officer Commissioner Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer .

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer .






Major-General G . BRUN K1LL, .8., M . . , The Chant ilrict Superintendent Hawkhurst. (Tel. Hawkhur t 22 3). ry, Brigadier M. S'. TEVERSHAM, C.I.F., M.C., 56, WOOdbury Pa kilriet Surgeon Road, Tunbndge Wells . r. Lady CUMBERBATCH, "Monk' Park" Wadhur t, Sussex. ,I. Oi trict Superintendent (N) R. H. PERCIVAL, M.A., M.CH.(OXO .), f.R.C.S. (E G.) DCH 74 , Bower Mount Road, Maid tone . ' '. '''Iriet ursmg Officer MIs. A. L. ROMILLY, 1 , Calverley Park, Tunbridge Well ,(rlet Cadet Officer (A) Mrs. J. M . HOBY, S.R. ., 219, ew Road, hatham. s. C. G. D . SMITH, 67, Sidney treel, Folke tone. llnet Cadet Officer ( Mrs. E. D UGL ,The Manor Hou e, ellindge, Ashford C,. L. lEN I G , Barclays ~ank Ltd., Maid tone . (Treasureri ,tnet Staff Officers MISS C. HIGH ~I, 98, Maldstone Road, Roche ter. . T . L. ISAAC, 238, Maidstone Road, Ro he ter. (Training), Mrs. PRl G, Mount Top, The lose, Saltwood Hythe ~.H.S . R.) , . Miss V. CAMPB LL, 191, Southland, Bickley, Bromley (County Library Organiser- Admin.) . . Mrs. M. KEL EY, Brocks Ghyll, Wadhur t, Su ex. (Appeab) M. 10 ES, 171, Sutton Street, Maid tone . . B. T. BEAUMO T, M.B.E. , "Pemble ," Doddington, Sittingbourne. (Tel. Doddington 230) . No.1 Area Major B. T. Y GF, 339, Queen' Road, Maid tone . l\.li L. H. BLJRNS-H\RTOPP, Dalby Lodge, Hawkhur t. Dr. H. J. HOBY, 219, e\ Road, hatham. S. IGHTING LE, 3, 1m ottage, denbridge. Kent. Mr . V. A. WI TFR, -W, Meadow Road, Ru thall, Tunbndge Wells. Mr . 1. A . Jf:.WISS, 19, Grange Road, Kipplngton, Sevenoaks. 1 o. 2 Area B. T. BEAUMONT, M.B.E., "Pembles," Doddington, Sittingbourne Mrs. 1. PA PV ORTH, "Tregarthen," Vale Road, Whit table, Alex HALMERS, M.B ., H.B., 8, London R ad, Slttingbourne' lriet Secretary F. C. ROLFF, II, King' Road, Birchington. I Mrs. E. M. Heywood, 15, Sali bury R oad, Herne Bay. C. R. L. WALLACE, 96, Hugin venue , . t Peter ' , Broadstairs 'ta CommlsSloner ., No.3 Area E. A. HERBERT, "Brynmawr," 4 ,Plain venue, Maidstone.-.a Superintendent (A) Mrs. A. JAY, 33, Audley Road, Folke tone . Dr. Gertrude I HOl 0".,2, Dunedin ourt, heriton Gardens,~a uperintendent (N) Folkestone. -ea Surgeon 1. G. PERRY, 18, Ca tweazle, Tenterden. Mrs. D. M. B ArLEY, "Maywood," New Road, Saltwood.'ea ursing Officer . Hythe. ~a Cadet Officer (A) Mrs. J. M. PERCIVAL, S.R . . , 74, Bower Mount Road, Maidstonetea Cadet Officer (N) 'ta Staff Officers.

DUKE OF LANCASTER'S DISTRICT District Office : 15-17, Mount Street, Preston.

Tel. Preston 2239.

District President : The Earl of DERBY.

District Vice-Presidents:

iea Commis ioner rea Surgeon . . . rea Superintendent (N) 'ea Nursing Officer .

Major E. S. Burt HAMILTON, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S.E. (Ambulance). The Countess of SEFTON (Nursing). .rea Cadet Officer (A) Lord SHUTI'LEWORTH, M.C. (Ambulance Cadets). lea Cadet Officer (N) The Countess PEEL (Nursing Cadets). rea Staff Officer . Commissioner . . Colonel V. F. ROYLE, E.R.D., 67 Church Street, Lancaster. Deputy Commissioners Lie~t.-Colonel S. B. G. SIMMONS: M.C., 4, Menlove Avenue, LIverpool, 18. Ilea Commissioner Major S. NEWSOM, T.D., J.P., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S., 34, PrincUJea Superintendent (A) Way, Fleetwood, Lancs. )~trict Staff Officer . Assistant to Commissioner C. J. EASTWOOD, 42, Lune Street, Preston. Irea Nursing Officer .




The Lady Mary HE KETH, J.P ., Meols Hall, Southport. (Tel. Southport 88171). Colonel R. G. W. OLLERE SHAW, T.D., Q.H.S., M.A., B.M., M.R.C.S., D.M.R.D., 4, Pine Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. Dr. M . M. REEKIE, 7, Rowsley Avenue, West Didsbury, Manche ter. Mi s . LlVESEY, S.R.N., 6, Mollington Road, Blackburn. R . CHARLESWORTH, Rovenden, Audenshaw Hall, Droylsden, Manchester. Mrs. E. ISBET, 4, etherton Park Road, Litherland, Liverpool, 21. Major J. D. AMERON, M.B.E., T.D., Kings Fold, Pope Lane, Penwortham, Preston. J . W. LOWE, 60, King's Road, Prestwich, Nr. Manchester. J. TABERNACLE, "Sloneycroft," Manor Lane, Garstang, r. Preston. (Competitions). F. W. Lo GWORTH, 102, Abbey Hey Lane, Nr. Openshaw, Manchester, 11 . (Cadets) . . S. HELMORE, 8, East Terrace, Euxton Lane, Chorley. (C.D.). MIS J . B. M. LOUDE , 2a, Lord Street West, Southport. (Competitions). W . . SEARL, 91, Water Park Road, Prenton , Cheshire. Major 1. M. GIS ON, Lloyds Bank, St. Annes on Sea. (Trea urer- Auxiliary). . G . CRO SLEY, "Colinton," Church Lane, Farington Moss, Leyland. (Publ ic Relation ). Lieut.-Colonel G. A. STEEL, LB., CH.B., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., " The Beeches," Tabby' look, ewburgh, nr. Wigan. (Training). M i K. L. THOMAS, I, Withnell Close, Liverpool 13. (Camp Adviser). Mr . J . WEB TER 68, Devonshire Road, Atherton. (Training) . Mrs. B. HARWOOD, 7, Tipping Street, Altrincham. (Competition ). Major T. E. SPE CER, M.B.E., T.D., 15, Mount Street, Preston.

o. 1 Area R . C. U. WARRINGTON, M.B., "Let hendry," Glebe Street, G rea t Harwood. H. SMALLEY, S.R.N., Hill View, Hospital Cottages, Ribchester, r. Preston. Mrs. H . BROW, Harley Bank, Todmorden. Colonel R . C. W EBSTER, B.SC., M.B., B.CH., D.P.H., D.CH., I, Harley Villas, Todmorden. F. L. BARNES, 4, Park Lane, Brierfield. E. V. MASO , 134, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood. Mrs . O . DAWE , " Belgrave," 475, Revidge Road, Blackburn. Mr . M. M. MEGGITI, 'Ravendale," Turncroft Road, Darwen . G. WooTTO , 38, Westboume Avenue, Burnley. (C.D.). No.2 Area Major H. L. T HERWooD, T.D., "Wenallt," 12, New Church Road, Bolton . J. R . A. Luckas, M.B., "Ingleside," Tyldesley, Manchester. Miss A. RIGBY, 60, Cemetery Road, Swinton. J. E. CAPES, S.R.N., Western House, Western Road, Flixton, Urmston. L. 1. EVANS, 74, Hazelhurst Road, Worsley. Vacant. E. MASON, IS, Wood Road North, Manchester, 16. (Secretary). No.3 Area G. HALBERT, 298, Waterloo Street, Oldham. G. IMESON, "Thorncliffe," 83, Houghton Lane, Swinton. Miss K. LAMB, 7, Tenterden Street, Bury. Miss F . GARDNER, S.R.N., Fairfield General Hospital, Bury.


42 Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer eN) Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers .

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . . Area Nursing Officer . District Staff Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers .

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeons .

Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers .

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent eN) County Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . District Staff Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)




J. DIGGLE, 22, Baildon Road, Passmonds, Rocbdale. Mrs. N. SMITH, 19, The Avenue, Seedfieled, Bury.

Jtll Nursing Officer .

Jea Cadet Officer (A) No.4 Area S )ell Cadet Officer (N) Major J. R. MlDDLEHURST, 49, Rivington Road t. Helens. N. WHITE, 24, Ashurst Drive, Parr, St. Helens.' )ea Staff Officers . Miss E. BROWN, S.R.N., 33, Columbia Road, Prescott. Lieut.-Colonel A. R. EDWARDS, L.M.S.S.A., "The Mount" Birchfield Road, Widnes. ' Mrs. D. MALTMAN, S.R.N., 6, Evelyn Avenue, Prescot N. PIMBLEIT, 5, Carnegie Crescent, Sutton, St. Helen~. Mrs. A,. R . WILLIAMSO , 112, Chester Road, Grappenhall Warnngton . ' W . CLOUGH, 184 WeJlfield Street, Warrington. H. FERNLEY, 5, Elkan Road , Crow Wood, Widnes. (Civil Defence). H. GREE ALL, 124, Broadoak Road , Parr, St. Helens. R. E. HARDMA, 15, Peelhouse Lane, Widnes. (Civil Defence).




Mrs . E. G. ISBISTER, S.R.N., Oak Dene, Chatham Road, Manchester, 16. H. BARKER, 99, Norris Road, Sale. Mrs. E. CHARLESWORTH, "Rovenden," Audenshaw Hall, Droylsden, Manchester. Mrs. E. GASKILL, 50, Turnbull Road, Longsight, Manchester. F. M. BAKER, 10, Waverly Road, Sale, Manchester. J . H. BROWN, 27, Moorcroft Drive, Burnage, Manchester, 19. (Civil Defence).


County Office: 112, Regent Road, Leicester. Tel. 58345. County President: Mrs. G. PHILLIPS. County Vice-Presidents: Miss M . 1. PARTRIDGE (Nursing). E. J. L. COITO (Ambulance Cadets). No.5 Area Lieut.-Colonel A . W. S. ARMITAGE, 116, Regent Road, Major W. H . WALKER, 35, Brookside Avenue, Liverpool 14 ommissioner . Leice ter. (Tel. Leice ter 20946). S. WOOD, 66, Ruskin Street, Liverpool 4. ' . L. LEE, 55, Weiland Vale Road , Spencefield Lane, Leicester. Miss M . . BA KS, 7, Lancefield Road, Liverpool, 9. ounty Superintendent (A) (Tel. Thurnby 5739) . Vacant. Miss E. FOLWELL, "Wistow," Southemhay Road, Leicester. Vacant. ounty Superintendent (N) (Tel. Leicester 74685). W . E. SEARL, 9 J Waterpark Road, Prenton, Cheshire. H . A. KOR , M.D., L.R.C.P. & S., 188, London Road, Leicester. ounty Surgeon . . W. A. LANGTON, 24, Paignton Road, Liverpool, 16. Mi s C. F. S. BELL, S.R.N., S.C.M ., The Royal Infirmary, Miss A. SEDDO , 46, Parkside Drive, Liverpool, 12. ounty Nursing Officer Leicester. J . A. LUCAS, 2nd Floor, 102, Princes Road , Liverpool, 8. E. HEYWOOD-S HTH, 9, Shanklin Avenue, Leicester. ounty adet Officer (A). T. E. TAYLOR, 24, Latrigg Road Aigburth, Liverpool. Mrs. B. B. COITO , Beechrome, Earl Shilton, Leicester. ounty Cadet Officer (N) Miss C. WARD, 21, Sycamore Road, Birstall, Leicester. No.6 Area ounty Staff Officers . Mrs . . M. BREAM, 83, Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves, J. HALL, 41, Windermere Road, South Shore, Blackpool. Leicester. R. V. ROGER ON, 30, Devonshire Road, Chorley. Mis V. M. V. L SCOMBE, O.B.E., S.R . . , S.C.M., 87, HumberMrs . 1. HAIGH, 37 Blenheim Avenue, Blackpool. stone Drive, Leicester. J. MACKE Z1E, M.D., 4, St. Annes Road West , St. Annes·on·Sea. Mi s A. GABRIEL, 53, Peter's Drive, Leicester. J. E. KING, M.B., CH.B., 4, Yates Street, Off Dickson Road, Miss M. J . FREER, 112, Regent Road, Leicester. Blackpool. .ounty Secretary . Mrs. J. McD . STEVE S, S.R. . ,23, Stanley Grove, Penwortham, Eastern Area Preston . C ., Vacant. H. EEDHAM, 34, Bent Lane, Leyland, Preston . \rea omn:l1sslOner . C. R. TOWELL, Palel House, Gladstone Avenue, Melton Miss C. BA K, 207, Cunliffe Road, South Shore, Blackpool. \rea Supenntendent (A) Mowbray. N. H. COOPER, 9, Grange Avenue, Thornton u S ' t d t (N) Vacant. Mrs. E. WRIGHT, 212, Poulton Road , Fleetw'ood . l.ea Superm T . M. GIBSON, M.B., CH.B., 176, Leicester Road, Mountsorrel, \lea urgeon en en Leicester. No.7 Area City of Leicester Area J. E. H ELME, "Greeba," 34, Fairhope Avenue, The Vale, Vacant. Lancaster. uea Commissioner . J . M. Jo ES, 48, St. Michaels Avenue, Leicester. . Vacant. \rea Superintendent (A) Miss M. J. FREER, 103, Narborough Road, South L~lce ter. Miss M. ROGERS 48, Brunswick Road , Morecambe. \rea Superintendent (N) A. R. BRADLY, M.B.B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 335, Humberstone W. W. M. McKIN EY, M.B., CH. B., Hill Crest, 85, West End Area Surgeon Road , Leicester. . ' Road , Morecambe. Miss P . GOODALL, S.R . . , S.C.M., The Royal InfIrmary, LeIcester. Miss E. M c GrLL, S.R . . , 24, Thornc1iffe Road, Barrow·in· \rea ursing Officer J. F. G. WARD, 54, Shirley Street, Leicester.. Furness. \rea Staff Officers . Miss C. SHOOTER, 9, Oakthorpe Avenue Leicester. W. G . SOUTHER , M:B., Park Stile, Broughton-in-.Furness. R . CREWE, 75, Moores Road , Leicester. J. CROSSFTELD, 9, Bri stol Street, Walney, Barrow-lO-Furness. . R . JULIA , 81, Hazel Street, Leicester. Mrs . GAWNE, 22, Lindal Street, Barrow-in-Furness. D. B. WYE, 6, Hoball Close, New Parks, LeIcester. W. H. BURNS, 48, Provincial Street, Barrow-in-Furness. E. E. HUDSON, 77, Hazel Street, Leicester. . . J . H. HOLMES, 185, Devonshire Road Millom Cumberland. A . E. SPE CER, 10, Hillsborough Road, Glen Mills, LeIcester. (Civil Defence). " P. W. JACKSO , 53, Myrtle Road, Leicester. . Miss D. G. HAMPSON, 90 Upperton Road, LeIcester. No.8 Area J . S. HORNER, M.B., CH.B.(B'HAM.), "Strathmore," 2 , Namen Major R. L. S. RAFFLES, Dene House, Dene Road , Didsbury, Road, Leicester. (Training). Manchester, 20. National Coal Board Area . N . R . KAY, M.B.E., 24, Sunningdale Drive, Prestwich, Nr. S. A. MCKEE, "Ivanhoe," 112, Broomleys Road, CoalVllle. Manchesler. Area Superintendent (A)



Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer Area Area r a rea r a

Commi sioner Superintendent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . . Staff ORleer .






A. H. M. AMP BELL, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., Green Hedges, Moir Road, Ashby-de-la-Zouch . a H. SAVAGE, Ivanhoe Villa, Moira Road, Donisthorpe. We tern Area Vacant. H. A. JOH STO , 114, Holly roft, Hinckley. acant. . HA liLT , M.B., CH.B., D.P. H., 48, London Road, Coalville J. T. K E Y, 73, airfield Road, Hugglescote, Coalville. E. J. F RNELL, 20, Slation Road, Hinckley.

Commi ioner


Deputy Commissioner. Deputy Commi.ssioner . County Superintendenl ( ) County County County County County

Surgeon . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A). Cadet Officer ( ) Staff Officer

County Sergeant-Major Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Area Area Area

Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer,

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Area Area Area

Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer .

Area Area A rea Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

Air-Mar hal ir Joh~ BALDWI ,K.B .E., .B., D.. 0., J.P., Kelton Hall, Stamford, LInes. (Tel. Kelton 256) . M. C. LAV! , J.P., M.B., B.. , L.R.C.P., I.R.C.S., 11 I, Oxford Street, Cleelhorpes. (Tel. leelhorpe 61328). Vacant. PTO, J.P., The Grangl.:, anwick, Lincoln. Mrs. E. M. (Tel. Lincoln 21973). J. A. HADLEY, M.D ., F.R.C .. , 19, cllleham Road, Lincoln. Mrs. D. ROGER, .R. . , 221, Boultham Park Road, Lincoln. H. A. BROW , 93, Ea tgale, leaford . Vacant. J. PADDT 0 , 65, Cambridge Street, Icethorpe . (Secretary). Squadron Leader W. J. BA GAY, M.B.E ., The oltage, CranwelJ Village, Sleaford. H. DICK! s, 37, Moorland Crescent, Lincoln. Northern Area A. B. H UD 0 , 12, Lydbrook Road , Scunthorpe. Mrs. L. DOUGHTY, 22, Burke Street, Scunthorpe. R . G. ALLE , M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., M.D., 3, Cromwell Road, Cleethorpes. Vacant. W. . COLEBROOK, 9, Simons Place, Cleethorpe . Mrs. P. I. C. STORRER, 38 I , Hainton Avenue, Grimsby. Mr . L. OBIEDZI SKY, 5, Abercorn Street, Scunthorpe. Central Area Major R . G. CUBITT, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., L.M., DfF. OBST.U.C.C., D.OBST.R.C.O.G., 58, Southgate, Sleaford. F. G. LATCH EM, 47, Swallowbeck Avenue, Doddington Road, Lincoln. Mrs. W. V. JUBB, 99, Chaucer Drive, St. Giles, Lincoln. T. F. GREENWOOD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 30, West Street, Horn· castle. Vacant. Vacant. Mrs. A. K. RADFORD, 32, Boundary Street, Bracebridge, Lincoln. W. GREEN, 138, Scorer Street, Lincoln. Southern Area N. V. M. DODDS, M.B., CR.B., 15a, High Street, Spalding. J. W. SHORT, 125, Ryhall Road, Stamford . Mrs. 1. START, Stonegate, Spalding. R. E. CROCKATI, M.B., CH.B., "Sudeley House" Sutton Bridge, Spalding. ' Mrs. P. V. GALL, "Heverlee," Clay Hall Drive, Spalding. Vacant. Mrs. M. E. PLEDGER, Tinwell House, Stamford.




l. John's Lane,

Headquarters: lerkenwell, E.C.1. Tel.

lerkenwell 3753.

District President: District Vice-Presidents : Lord athan of CHURT. Doreen, Lady BRABOUR E, C.1. Edwin BAYLISS, Esq., D.L., J.P., L.c.c.

LINCOLN l-lIRE COlillty Office: Ketton Half, Stamford, Lincoln hire. Tel. Kellon 256. COllnt)' President : The Rt. Hon. The Earl of A A TER, T.D., J.P. Counl)' Vice-Presidents: The Lord BROW LOW, J.P., D.L. Lady racroft AlCOTT ( lIrsing) .


County President (Middlesex): JmffilS loner


ipU ty Comml ioner

~trict Superintendent (

strict Surgeon lit. Di tri t

urgeon .

5trict ursing Officer . . ~l. District ursing Officer ·triet adet Officer (A) ·triet Cadet Officer ( ) stnct Staff Officer

Group Captain G . H. PIRIE, C.B.F.., 7, Carysfort House, West Halkin Street, S.W.1. (Tel. Bel. 1561). Sir Denys Lowso , BT., 56, Gresham Street, E.C.2. Brigadier J . W. HI CHCLIFFE, D.S.O., 20, Petersham Mews, Elvaslon Place, S.W .7. . BOWER, O.B.E., 74, Roslyn Gardens, Gidea Park, Essex. (Tel. Romford 433 I 7). Mrs. M. AVE DISH, 12, H yde Park Gardens Mews, W .2. (Tel. Amb. 35 2). H. . STEWART, t-t.D., B.CH., M.R.C.P., Wilson House, 54/70, u sex Gardens, W.2. Squadron Leader K. . BOUGHTO -THOMAS, M.B., CH.B., .. nderhill" The Drive, Rickmansworth. Mis D. 1. LEE, S.R . . , 21, The Common, Ealing, W.5. Mr . EAR, 46, Parkhurst Gardens, Twickenham. W. A. J. REY'.:OLDS, 24, Ashley Walk, Mill Hill, N.W.7. Ml D. E. WHITE, 110, Warwick Road, Thornton Heath, urrey. L. F. ELVIN, 25, Liphook Crescent, Forest Hill, S.E.23. (Store ). S. J. STILLWELL, 10, Falkland Avenue, Finchley, London, N.3. A. C. DICKl so , 120, Mackie Avenue, Patcham, Brighton, Sus ex. Miss M. R. M. TUCKWELL, M.B.E., 296, Leigham Court Road, S.W.16. Miss M. A. lCARY, 4, Etchingham Park Road , 1.3. Miss M. . CALVERT, 5, Longridge Road , S.W.5. Mrs. D. BUTA OWICH, 1 I, Manor Gardens, Merton Park, S.W.20. (Commissioner's Secretary). Mrs. D. HOADLEY, 38, Heatherset Gardens, S.W.16. Mi s M. D. GROOM, 11, Manor Gardens, S.W.20. L. R. ALLUM, 17, Greenwood Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey. S. C. DEARMER, 4, College Road, Winchmore Hi)), N.21. (Competitions). Dr. D. D. TOWLE, Lee Park Lodge, Blackheath, S.E.3. A. T. BA DY, B.E.M., 43, Grosvenor Road, IU'ord, Essex. F. G. GRICE, 65, Munster Gardens, Palmers Green, N.13. H. A. BENNETT, 12, The Highway, Sutton, Surrey. J. SMITH, 17, Lulworth Road , Welling, Kent. S. W. BROOM, 18, Fairlop Road, Leytonstone, E.ll. A. FREEMAN, 34, Bowford Avenue, Bexleyheath, Kent. Miss E. G. CRESSWELL, 43, Grosvenor Road, llford, Essex . C. W. M. HOBDAY, 2, Chancellor Grove, West Dulwich, S.E.21. (Stores). Miss B. JOHNSON, 5, Hatch Road, Norbury, S.'Y.l? J. NUTI, 46, Fairway, Raynes Park, S.W.20. (Dlstnct Camp Adviser). . Miss G. Co ANT, The Chalet, 113, StatIOn Road, Amersham, Bucks. (Cadets). Miss W . N. CAVERLY, 50, Norhyrst Avenue, S.E.25. (Cadets). Miss G. O. TUCKWELL, 296, Leigham Court Road, S.W.l6. E. H. KNILL, 24, Merton Hall Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W.20. (Stores).



District Sergeant-Major District Secretary .




Dorothy, Lady ~LL~NBOROUGH, 30, Ashley Gardens, S.W1 ta Nursing Officer . Mrs . CLARlDGE, ' Wlnthorpe," Roxborough Ave~ue, Harro'w' ta Cadet Officer (A) R. A ..P~YN E, 4, Wentworth Park, Churchend, Fmchley, NJ' -ea Cadet Officer (N) (Training). . ta Staff Officers . . H. S. H E WOOD, 3, McLeod Road , Abbey Wood, S.EJ Mrs. Dow H M, The Cottage, Littleworth Close, Littlew~rth Avenue, E her, Surrey. F. J. HAWKES, 96, Sutton Dwellings, N.!. (Records). F. RAI E- LLE , 9, Radnor Avenue, Harrow. (Civil Defence) Miss E. A . BLUNT, 16, Kempsford Gardens, Earls Court' S.W .5. (Cadets). . H. A .. BIG ELL, 13, King ley Avenue, Hounslow. (public Duties) . L. A . HARRT , 16, Sylvan Clo e, Selsdon, Surrey. H. A. BOLGER, 113 , Farmer Road, Ley ton, E.I0. H. M. PHIPP , 75, Durham Road , Bromley. 'ea Sergeant-Major S. L. FORDHAM, 4, Shelbury Road , Dulwich, S.E.22. (Ass!. Treasurer) . E . N. CL RK, 144, Brownspring Drive, New Eltham, S.E.9. Mrs. F. M . JAMI E ON, 65, Waterloo Road, Barking ide, lIford.:ea Commissioner A. C. PALM ER 257, Burnt Oak Lane, idcup, Kent. (Stores). M . H . SEA RLE, 373, Long Lane, Ea t inchley, . 2 . e a Superintendent (A) Miss A. M . KI G, 368 Hale End Road, Higham Park, U ta Superintendent (N) (Training). ta Surgeon . . . D. R. Fenton, 54, Hill ide Road , Southall, Middlesex. (Public~t. Area Surgeon Dutie ). A. GILSTO ,21, SL John's Park Man ions, N.19 . (Treasurer).ta ur ing Officer . . F. H. HALLS, 14, Laver Road, . 16. (Public Duties). ~t. Area ursing Officer H. J. BURCHELL, 4, Endymion Road, .4. (Cadets). 'ea Cadet Officer (A) S. SMlTH, 4, He lop Road, Balham, S.W.12. (Stores). ta Cadet Officer (N) F. R. DEACO , 88, Vancouver Road, S.E.23. (Stores). ~a Staff Officers. Mrs. A. F. M A LEY, 9, Burges Hill , .W .2. . 17. W. W . PACKE, 21, Gospatrick Road, G. C. PITTS, 12, Vincent Road, N.15.

Northern Area Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer .

Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers .

Dr. G. M. SHAW SMITH, 434, West Green Road, N.IS. F. D . KEEFE, I, Lawn Close, Edmonton, N .9. Mrs. V. M. JENKI s, 214, Alexandra Park Road, .22. Dr. R . L. MACQUEE , 155, Hertford Road , Edmonton, .9. Miss E. M. MOORE, S.R . . , Camden House Nur ery, 103, Chase Road, .14. Mrs. G. M. ICHOLLS, 46, Woodland Rise, MusweU Hill, N.IO. L. F. H. CHAPMAN, 159, Farm Road, Edgware, Middlesex. Miss 1. S. BURLEY, St. Francis Cottage, 49, Asmuns Place, rea Sergeant-Major N .W.II. Mrs. E. HOBBS, 93, Park Drive, Winchmore Hill, N.21. (Cadets) A. S. WEYMOUTH, 30, Dorset Road, Tottenham, N.1S . (CiviJrea Commissioner Defence). P. STACEY, 23, ew River Crescent, Palmers Green, N.13. uea Superintendent (A) :rea Superintendent (N) (Competitions). R. W. SEABRIDGE, 21, Mansfield Road, N .W .3. (Cadets) . .rea Surgeons . T. W. WEST, 93, Pembury Road, Tottenham, N . 17. (Publicity). c. F. WOODWARD, 58, Parliament Hill , N.W.3. (Cadets). \Tea Nursing Officer . .1St. Area Nursing Officer

South Eastern Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon .

E. A. WHEBLE, 18, Silecroft Road, Bexleyheath. H. E. CHAPLIN, 5, Mottingham Gardens, S.E.9. Miss E. A. GOLDING, 116, Mottingham Road, S.E.9. J. H. CHAMBERS, M.B., CH.B., D.I.H., 147, Wickham Way, Beckenham.

kea Cadet Officer (A) Jea Cadet Officer (N) \rea Staff Officers. .



H. BUGG, 74, Maxwell Gardens, Orpington, Kent. H. J. GARDINER, 6, Pinnell Road, Eltham, S.E.9. Miss W. E. WILLIS, 179, Hazelbank Road, Catford, S.E.6. A. R . WILLIS, 27, Worsley Bridge Road, S.E.26. (Cadets). Mrs . R. KELLY, 50 Castle Drive, Kernsing, Kent. W. J. WADE, 20, Harvard Road, Lewisham, S.E.13. (Competitions). L. J. FIELD, 31, Tiverton Drive, ew Eltham, S.E.9. (publicity). H. WRlGHT, 192, Avenue Road, Erith, Kent. (Civil Defence). H. G . H . FARROW, 8, Spa Close, South Norwood Hill, S.E.25. (Treasurer). Mr . A. E. JAKINS, 6, Ardberg Road, Herne Hill, S.E.24. (N.H.S.R.) R . A . FLETCHER, " Bellevue" 9, Warren Road, Bexleyheath, Kent. (Cadets). D . J. MURFITT, 27, Cole Street, Borough, S.E.1. outh Western Area Dr. D . A. B. HOPK! , 23, Herondale Avenue, Wandsworth Common, S.W.I S. . W. HIPKl s, 24, Amis Avenue, West Ewell, Surrey. Mrs . O. K . RUSSELL, 39, Thornlaw Road, W. orwood, S.E.27. Dr. A . CONN, 1, Thorndon Gardens, Ewell, Surrey. Dr. Ian FLETCHER, 51 , Avondale Avenue, Hinchley Wood, Surrey. Mis B. DEVANEY, S.R.N., 41, Whitgift Avenue, South Croydon. Mrs. E. R. HAsTE, S.R . . , 11, Ruttish Road, Merton Park, S.W.19. F. W. HILL, 20, Sunnymead Road, Roehampton, S.W.I5. Mis D. A. G. WATTS, 32, Bede House, Manorfields, S.W.15. D. G. GOLDIE, 48, Heathfield Gardens, South Croydon, Surrey. G. A . LOCKE, 29, Dickerage Road, Kingston , Surrey. (Finance). L. M . CROTO , 242a, Wickham Road, Shirley, Croydon. Mrs. V. E. WOOLFORD, 13, Fairlawn Grove, Banstead. (Cadets). E. C. SUMPTER, 45, Pitcairn Road, Mitcham. (Cadets). F. R. FREWI , 84, Toynbee Road, S.W.20. (C.D. and Publicity). Miss C. FRAMPTO ,63, Stamford Green Road, Epsom, Surrey. T. HAYES, 23, Worcester Close, Shirley, Croydon, Surrey . S. J. DEAR, 15, Carlingford Road, Morden Park, Surrey. Miss L. E. Oakley, S.R.N., 50, Norhyrst Avenue, S.E.27. Miss M. A. NEVILLE-KAYE, 104, Clyde Road, Addiscombe, Croydon. E. B. HAMLEY, 55, St. Saviours Road, Croydon. Mrs. J. FORBES, 25, Ipswich Road, S.W.17. (Cadets). Vacant. Western Area Dr. G. R. H. WRANGHAM, J.P., 26, The Avenue, Ealing, W.13. (Tel. Peri vale 4086). F. I. Jo ES, 5, Bowes Road, East Acton, W.3. Mrs. E. NORFORD, 14, Scotts Road, Southall. Dr. G. E. PAYNE, 3, Old Hall Close, Pinner. Dr. C. J. P. SECCOMBE, 20, Western Road, Southall. Miss C. N. LALL, S.R.N., 83, Sinclair Road, W. Kensington, W.14. Mrs. J. C. MACKENZIE, 22, Dukes Avenue, Nortbolt, Middlesex. L. W. TAYLOR, 76, Flamborough Road, Ruislip, Middlesex. Miss I. L. ROBINSO ,16, BRANKSOME Way, Kenton, Middlesex. J. Boss, 77, Salisbury Road, Ealing, W.13. J. G. WARNER, 21, Holden Avenue, Kingsbury, N.W.9. (Finance). Miss K. BARRIE, 56 Cardigan Square, Hounslow Heath. (N.H.S.R.)



Area Sergeant-Major .

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . Asst. rea Surgeon Area Asst. Area Area Area

ur Ing Officer Area ursing Officer Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer ( ) Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major .






Mrs . H . K . -VA S, 77, Gunner bury Avenue, Ealing W5 G. L. S\1ITH, 113, litherow Avenue, Boston Manor, W.7.· A. F. 0 K, 49, Ro ebery Road, 110un lo w, Middlesex ( adct). A . . HILL, 27, est ourt, embley, Middlesex. (Com. petition ). G. H. orLL, "King land," 20, hat worth AYen Wemblcy, Middle ex. ( 1VI1 Defence) . ue. Mis . M . DEA', 22, handos Road, I farrow, Middlesex B. L. H UMPHIU. YS, 58a, High Street, Pinner, Middlesex L. VAr--S, 8, Worple "',lay, Harrow. . nmissioner

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N)

Area Staff Officers

Area Sergeant-Major .


County Office : Tel. Norwich 21649.

20, Castle Meadow, Norwich.

County Presidents : The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ALBEMARLE, M.C., D.L., J.P., c.c. Lady COOK (Nursing).

Superintendent ( )

Central Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area



Jnty Superintendent ( Ea5.tern Area Major T. M. WILKS, O.B.E., ~1 R e.s., L.R.r.p, The ottageJllty Surgeon Kiln Road, Thundersley, sex. R . D . BROW 'I, 13.1:."1, 55, hrSl Avenue, Manor Park EI2Jnty urslng Officer Mi s . L. MOOR E, 105, outh Park Drive, Seven Krngs ' E~x ' County Nursing Officer Dr. . F. M Do ALD, 76, Longbridge Road , Barking: Essex nty adet Officer (A). D. L. Pr or RSL , .1.B., B.S., M.R . . . , L.R.C.P., Pear Tree House';nty Cadet Officer ( ) outh ckendon. . 11 5S S. P. HirE, 5..R . . , DOIIC ottage, 9, Jun iper Dnve,.my Staff Officers Moul ham state, helmsford, sex. Mi s G. W,," CK I, S.R. '., 143, Endlesham Road, S.W.12. H . T G. \ ARE, 32, lare Garden, Barking, ssex. Mi s~ . M LYA , 7, Tawney A vcnue, pminsler, Essex L. B. WILLS, S.LA . . , 31, Belmon t Road, J Iornchurch, Essex ( adets). R. T. B\ , 34, I a eby Road, liford, sscx. .nty Secretary G. F. ATKI S, 72, Hillside vcnue, oodford reen, Essex ( adet). Dr. J . . McK. BROw;--,;, 3, Hempstead Road, althamstow ea CommIssioner. E . 17. . Supenntendcnt (A) Mrs. P RKISS, 63, Southchurch Boulc ard, outhend-on-Sea. Superintendent ( ) ( .H .. R.) l Surgeon W. ~. ELLI GfORD, 36, Southborough Drive, Westcliffe-on·Sea. ( mance) . Cadet Officer (A) L. F.. PICK, 15, Alma Avenue, Hlghams Park, EA. (Com·! Staff Officer ( ). petitions) . -a Staff fficers. Miss V. M. SMITH, 119, King wood Road , Leigh-on-Sea. Essex. ( adets). H .. F. MULLIGA , 0, Rosslyn Avenue, Harold Wood, Essex. MISS M. V. BELfiELD, 37, Maidstone Avenue, CollIer Row Lane, Romford, Es ex. ( adet). A . G . R. Bo E, 12, Abercorn Garden Barley Lane Romford. (Civil Defence) . " S. J. WESTO , 74, Morris Avenuc, Manor Park, E.12 ~a CommiSSioner ~


Lieut.-Colonel A . M. BELL, 59, St. George's Square, S.W.I. ~ Commis ioner J. J. A. AMERO, 14, Hallem Gardens Hatch End Middlesex. Miss A. ORTH, 100, Inglehurst Gardens, Jlford,' Essex. ~ Superintendent ( ) D~. B. L. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, N.W.I. MISS K. M. PFISTER, S.R.N., 12, Ridgmonl Gardens, W.c.I.!a Staff Officer Vacant. Miss P. D. R. STUBBS, 20, Middleton House Regency Street, S. W.l. ' ! a Commissioner N. J. WARE, 62, Perth Road, N.22. (Finance) . K. F. O. STALLARD, ] 6, Longfield Avenue Mill Hill, N.W.7.:a Surgeon . . Miss F. A. MORSHEAD, 1, Flanchford Road W .12. (N.H.S.R.):a ursing Officer W. A. T. SHEEN, 181, Liverpool Buildings, N~ I. (Competit.ions).:a Staff Officer . Mrs. H. C. BIGNELL, 13, Kingsley Avenue, Hounslow, MIddlesex. . . :a Commissioner . S. H. SMITH, 11, Rothesay Avenue, Greenford. (elVll Defence)';a Superintendent (N) L. ADLER, 15 Oakley Drive, Harold Hill, Romford.

County Vice-Presidents : Mrs. G. E. PORTAL (Nursing Cadets). Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas COOK, J.P., Sennowe Park, Guist, Dereham, orfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). Mrs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B.E., Scottow Hall, r. orwich. (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226). D. SCOTI- APTER, M.B., CH.B., "HllJcroft," Eaton Hill, Norwich. (Tel. Eaton 2000). Miss 1. M. L. SYER, S.R . . , High Street, Holt. Miss M. WRIGHT, S.R.N., High Silver, Holt. Vacant. Mrs. R. G. ETIRlDGE, Flat 2, The Mount, 91, Rosary Road, orwich. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Richard BARRETI-LE 'ARD, BT., J.P., Horsford Manor, Norwich. (Treasurer). Mrs. J. M . HEWITT, 10, Western Avenue, Thorpe St. Andrew, orwich. J. M. WILTO , 10, Daniels Road, orwich. (Admin.). orwich. (Admin.). J. . Do ALD, "Cropwella," Holt Road, Fakenham. Mr . J. H. YULL, The Beeches, Dereham. (Tel. Dereham 48). TO_ 1 Area (Norwich) J . M. WILTO!'., 10, Daniels Road, orwich. R. C. COOPER, 26, Hansell Road, Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich. Mr . H. C. WATIS, The Dial House, Brooke, Norwich. J. E. HILTO , M.B., CH.B., 133, Yarmouth Road, Thorpe, Norwich. W. H. PEARSO , 95, Gladstone Street, Norwich. Vacant. H. G. LINDER, 48, Charles Avenue, Thorpe. (Training). Miss T. MELBOURSE, 333, Earlham Road, orwich. (Training). F. J. HARVEY, 8, Brian Avenue, orwich. Mrs. M. A. STO EHOUSE, 192, Plumstead Road, East Thorpe, Norwich. TO.

2 Area (Wymondham)

Squadron-Leader N. A. LINDLEY, "Shrublands," Brans Lane, Long Stratton, Norwich. (Tel. L.S. 389). Mrs. L. M. ROPER, Ellesmere House, Wortham, Nr. Diss.

No. 3 Area (Thetford) Lord AMHERST OF HACK EY, Foulden Hall, Thetford. (Tel. Mundford 243). Mrs. E. M. CORY , "Greenlaw," Thetford Road, Walton, Thetford. G. S. ELWI "Gayton," Hempstead Road, Holt. (Secretary).

o. 4 Area (Dereham) E. I. PUDDY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Mill House, G ressenhall. (Tel. G ressenhall 240). Dr. P. D. R. SHANKS, Harvey House, Watton, Thetford. Mrs. J. HIGHET, S.R.N., Dereham Hospital, Dereham. Mrs. P. D. M. BATIYSHAW, Appleacre, Barford, Norwich.

o. 5. Area (King's Lynn) Vacant. Vacant.





Miss J ..HUGHES, S.R.N., W. Norfolk and King's Lynn General Peterborough Area Hospital . , a Commissioner . Vacant. Area Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. R. OTTER, Nelson Street, King S Lynn, NorfOlk. Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. Mrs. N. R. GTLLETT, 204, Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough. No. 6 Area (Fakenham) lfea Cadet Officer (N) T. SEWELL, 253, Park Road, Peterborough. Brigadier G . D. HOLMES, O.B.E., Thorpe Lodge, BUrnhamlrea Staff Officer . Area Commissioner Thorpe, King's Lynn. (Tel. Burnham Market 287). NORTHUMBERLAND M . J . FROST, The Green, Ea t Rudham, King's LYtln. Area Superintendent (A) County Office: T~e Hon. Mr . R . COKE, The White House, Kin~'s Lynn. Area Superintendent (N) MISS K. M . ALL! 0 , S.R. ., W. orfolk and Ktng's Lynn Area Nursing Officer . St. John House, Grainger Park Road, Newcastle upon Tyne 4. General Hospital. Tel. Newcastle upon Tyne 37938. Vacant. County President: Area Cadet Officer (A) Vacant. Area Cadet Officer (N) Colonel E. G. A GUS, C.B.E., M.C. V. R. JONAS, 11, Lancaster Avenue, Fakenham . County Vice-President: Area Staff Officer . Mrs. M. 1. KIRK UP (Nursing). No. 7 Area (Cromer) The Hon. Denis G. BERRY, T.D., Oakwood House, Wylarn on Assistant Commissioner S. E. DAY, "Maison," Cremers Drift, Sheringham. (Tel..ommissioner . Sheringham 406). Tyne. (Tel. Wylam 3200). G. H. CROWTHER, 165, SilverhiU Drive, Denton Burn, NewMrs. H . H. RICH, Rushmere, Cley-by-Sea, Holt. Area Superintendent (N) )eputy Commissioner Area Nursing Officer Miss K. LUCK RAFT, S.R. ., Cromer Hospital, Cromer. castle upon Tyne, 5. 1. R. LOGA ,47, Balmain Road, North Kenton, Newcastle on (A) No. 8 Area (Ayl ham) :ounty Superintendent Tyne 3. Area Commissioner Brigadier A. J . ROPES, O.B.E., Field House, Blakeney, Holt. . Miss M. JACKSO ,S.R . . , S.C.M., D. . , Royal Victoria Infirmary, (Tel. Cley 273) . .ounty Supenntendent (N) Newcastle upon Tyne . 1. E . KETT, The School Hou e, au ton , orwich. Area Superintendent (A) J . BROWN, M.B., B.S., Hill Crest, Horton Road, Bebside, Blyth. 'ounty Surgeon Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. G. E. PORTAL, "Halfway," Blakeney. (Tel. Bedlington 2149). No. 9 Area (Acle) 'ounty Nursing Officer . Vacant. Area Commissioner Capt. D. S. GOWING, Holly Lodge, Blofield, orwich. (Tel"ounty Cadet Officer (A) . H . B. WATKINS, B.SC., 2, Valley Gardens, Monkseaton, Whitley BrundaU 103). Bay. Mrs. B. M. SALTER, 2a, Windsor Crescent, Jesmond, Newcastle No. 10 Area (Yarmouth) ounty Cadet Officer (N) upon Tyne 2. Area Commissioner R. C. HA ANT, 24, Poplar A venue Gorleston. (Tel. Gorleston T . H. DALES, 52, Bath Terrace, Gosforth. (Records). 762). :ounty Staff Officers E. B. DOWNEY, J 2, Ridgewood Crescent, Newcastle-uponArea Nursing Officer Miss G. C. MOORE, S.R.N., 22, St. Hilda's reseent GorlestonTyne. (public Duties). on-Sea, Great Yarmouth. J. D. DUNN, 41, Fairless Street, Newcastle upon Tyne 6. Miss J. FEAR SIDE, J5, Vicars Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne. NORTHAMPTON (Training). . . County Office : C. A. HIGGINS, 3, Mitford Gardens, Howden. (Trarnmg). 21, York Road, Northampton. Tel. Northampton 17 J l. Miss F. E. M. NEWTO , S.R . . , S.C.M., M.R.S.H., 9, Hoyle County President: Avenue ewcastle upon Tyne 5. (N.H.S.R.). The Hon. Mrs. C. MACDONALD-BuCHA A G . A. ~FFERTY, 29, Melrose Avenue, Bedlington Station. (Competitions). County Vice-Presidents : Miss M. CUMMI GS, 37 Fox and Hounds Lane, Newcastle ~ounty Secretary . Captain R. H. D. BOLTO (Ambulance). upon Tyne 4. (Auxiliary). Commissioner . Lieut.-Colonel R. L. Fr DLAY, Naseby Wooleys, aseby, r. o. 1 (Southern) Area Rugby . . . -\rea Commi sioner Vacant. Deputy Commissioner . Capt. J . S. PARKER, 12, Church Street, Welhngborough. \rea S D. GRIEVE, M.B., CH.B., Deneholme, Jesmond Park East, County Superintendent (N) Mrs. C. BORWICK, Haselbeck Hill, Northampton . urgeon . . Newcastle upon Tyne. County Surgeon . . . W. E. LoCK, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Leys Furlong, Desborough'\rea Nursing Officer Mrs. A. M. HAY ES S.R . . , C.M.B., "Kintail," New Ridley Northants. Road, Stocksfield. County Nursing Officer Miss E. M. EDMONDS, Manfield Orthopaedic Hospital'-\rea Cadet Officer Mrs. C. E. Jo ES, 16, Lesbury Avenue, Rosehill, Wallsend. ~orthampton. ~rea Staff Officers. G. W. BROOK, Town Farm House, Earsdon, Whitley Bay. County Cadet Officer (A). Major Hereward WAKE, Courteenhall. K. W. HOLLIER, 8, Bellister Grove, Fenham, Newcastle upon County Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. HALFORD, The Coombes, Mar ton Trussell. Tyne 5. County Staff Officers . E. J. HAYWARD, "Rushay," Booth Lane, Weston Favell. No. 2 (Midland) Area ~Treasurer). t -\rea Commissioner C. F . FAIRLIE, T.D., M.D. B.S., 128, Bondicar Terrace, Blyth. MISS G. GAINS FORD , 107, Park Avenue North, Nortbamp on. (Tel. Blyth 3147). Mrs. E. E. CARPENTER, 52, Bostock Avenue, orthampton"_ea S .' t d t (A) J. HEPBUR , 1, Sixth Avenue, Blyth. (N H S R) "\1 upelJO en en Dr. J. S. NOBLE, 73, Newbiggin Road, Ashington. · . M' 'H' 9 B'll' Area Surgeon M ISS . ULL, , I mg Road, Northampton. .!.rea Nursin Offic~r . Miss J. SMITH, S.R.N., Thomas Knight Memorial Hospital, Blyth Mrs. C. M. THORNTON, Brockhall, Nr. Weedon, Northampton' Area Cad t ~ffi T. ALDUS, 9, Hortendale Grove, Cowpen Estate, Blyth. H. BLAND, Birchfield Road, Northampton. e cer No. 3 (Northern) Area Mrs. P. B. HARRISON, 11, Rothersthorpe Road, Far Cotton'~rea C .. W. D. ALuso , 14, Wansbeck Terrace, Ashington. Northampton (Sec eta -Admin) ommlSSlOner . r ry .. Area Surgeon J. DOBSO , M.B., B.S., "Tyneholm," Heatherleazes, Warkwortb, W. DYSON, 50, Dryden Street, Kettering. . . Morpeth. . . C. H. DICKENS, 36, Kingsley Road, Northampton. (TralOWg)'Area N . Offi Miss O. TANNER, S.R.N., Ashington General Hospital, Ashington. hampton. ursmg cer Mrs. . M: E . N ORTH" 4 Hill crest A venue, N or t Area Staff Offi L. T. WEDDERBURN, 29, Westfield Crescent, Newbiggin-by-Sea. (Trammg). cer . (Secretary). Area Nursing Officer








NOTIINGHAMSIDRE County Office: 20, Castle Gate, Nottingham .

Tel. Nottingham 50437.

County President: His Grace The Duke of PORTLAND, K.G.

County Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel Sir John JARDINE, BT., O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (Ambulance). C. H. HEATHCOTE, Esq. (Ambulance). Lady STARKEY (Nursing). The Countess MANVERS ( ursing Cadets). Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary


Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon .

Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers . . Area Sergeant-Major .

J . T. RICE, M.B.E., "Gillifields," Oak Tree Lane, Mansfield. G. H. KEVERNE, Oakengate, 49, Blyth Road, Worksop, otts. Mrs. M . A. BARTLE, 29, Blyth Road, Worksop, Notts. D . S. KERR, M.A., M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Main Road, Farnfield, Newark. Vacant. O. T. STORRS, National Coal Board, Edwinstowe HaU, Edwinstowe, Notts. Mrs. E. MAJOR, 275, Sandy Lane, Worksop. J. HASLEGRAVE, 57, Walesby Lane, New Ollerton, Natts. W. A. INSLEY, 13, The Crescent, Blidworth, Nr. Mansfield. J. R. CULLEN, 19, Carisbrook Avenue, Mansfield. Southern Area

AI Area

Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)

Area Area Area Asst. Area Area

Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) . Area Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) . Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major

-ea Superintendent (A) 'fa

Superintendent (N)



ta Cadet Officer (A) ta Cadet Officer (N) ta Staff Officers .

H. L. BOSWORTH, O.B.E., Bank Chambers, Sutton-in-Ashfield ott. (Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 2705). ' J. T. WATKIN, M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks," Bramcote Lane Wollaton, Nottingham. ' J. A. SWANWICK, 222, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford Nottingham. ' la Sergeant-Major . The Lady Anne BENTI CK Wei beck Woodhouse, Worksop, Notts. (Tel. Worksop 2460). R. G. SPRE GER, M.B., CH.B. 170, ottingham Road, Staple. ford, Notts. !Cl Commissioner Miss H. B. EDWARDS, S.R . . , S.C.M., "Maranatha," Nuncargate Road, East Kirkby, Notts. !Cl Superintendent (A) R. J . ROPER, 13, Haileybury Road, West Bridgford, Notting. :a Superintendent (N) ham. Mis D . G. Woodall, ]2, Carlton Road, Worksop, ot~.:a Surgeon . . . L. HOCKIN, 9, Femdon Green, Wol1aton Park, Nottingham. :a ursing Officer . W. A. WOOD, 7, Stoke Lane, Gedling, Notts. W. W. KEy, 107, Musters Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. It. Area ursing Officer C. CuMBERLA 0,17, Blake Road West Bridgford, Nottingham. L. H. BIDD ULPH, Lea Hurst, Southwell Road, East Rainworth. :a Cadet Officer (A) W. L. AsHMORE, 21, Fenton Drive, Bulwell Hall Estate, :a Cadet Officer ) ottingham. :a Staff Officers. Mrs. J. LEDGER, 10, Mapperley Hall Drive, Nottingham. Northern Area

Area Area Area Area

-ea Commissioner

Midland Area L. F. M. ACKROYD, "Sithney," Station Road, Sutton-inAshfield. J. BLACKHAM, 8, Bulwer Road, Kirby-in-Ashfield. Mrs. E. LEIVERS, 15, Stainforth Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts. Dr. R. H. P. FERNANDEZ, Medical Centre, Brookbill Colliery, Pinxton, Derbyshire. A. DRABBLE, 43, Cambria Road, Mansfield, Notls. Mrs. I. BUTTERY, 22, King Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notls. T. L. MOULTON, ] 64, Diamond Avenue, East Kirkby, Notls. A. L. MIDDLETON, "Green Gables," Wingfield Road, AlfretoD, Derbyshire. H. SHORE, 22, Bath Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, oUs. F. G. VERNO , 46, Derbyshire Lane, HucknaU. A. PORTER, 69, Victoria Road, Selston. (Training). H. BARBER, 29, Balmoral Drive, Mansfield. R. G. MASON, Widmerpool Street, Pinxton, Derbyshire. City of Nottingham Area A. J. MASCARI, 1.0., L. i .C.C., "The Brown berries, " Loughborough Road, Ruddington, ottingham. S. IBBOTSO ,39, Lady Bay Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Mis G. E. CLOW, 10, Grirnsby Terrace, Watkin Street, ottingham. Dr. M. SHERRARD, 32J, Aspley Lane, Aspley, Nottingham. Miss E. JEW, S.R . . , S.C.M., City Hospital, Hucknall Road, ottingham. Miss F. PINDER, 2, Pads tow Road, Bestwood Estate, Nottingham. M. IBBOTSO , 59, Julian Road, West Bridgford, ottingham. Mrs. E. M. MARTIN, 48, Dovecote Lane, Beeston, Notts. F. CARRIER, 10, Grover Avenue, Mapperley, Nottingham. H. F. FOUUHO E, 23, Brora Road, Bulwell, Nottingham. Mi s A. SLANEY, 98, Nottingham Road, Basford, Nottingham. J. J. MARSDE , 122, Wrenthorpe Vale, Clifton, Nottingham. E. H. HAY 4, Barrack Lane, Nottingham. S. B. SUM ER, 80, Mansfield Road, ottingham. (Area Secretary).

OXFORDSHIRE COllnt)' Office: 14, Church Street, St. Ebbes, Oxford.

Tel. Oxford 42061.

County President:

Colonel A. V. G. DOWER T.D., M.F.H. E. R. F. POGMORE, 4, Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield, Natts. Vacant. Miss S. J. BISHOP, S.R.N., S.C.M., Gedling Colliery, Gedling, County Vice-Presidents: Notts. Lieut.-General Sir Edward GRASETT, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O. M.C. (Ambulance). J. F. D. BoYD, M.B., CH.B., 97, Derby Road, Stapleford, Nolls. W. Ritchie RUSSELL, Esq., C.B.E., F.R.C.P. (Ambulance). Mrs. C. BEVIS, 117, Balderton Gate, Newark-on-Trent. The Lady BICESTER ( ursillg). J. W . STEVENSON, 24, Shanklin Drive, Stapleford, Notts. Major-General C. W. GREENWAY, C.B., C.B.E. (Cadet Ambulance). H. JENNINGS, 26, Ellesmere Road, Forest Town, Mansfield .. Mrs. GARDINER-HILL (Cadet Nursing). Vacant. L. C. HOGG, "The Oaks," Moor Road, Bestwood, Notts. T. F. BRIGGS, O.B.E., T.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 39, The Green, mmissioner . A. R. HILL, 33, Exton Road, Sherwood, Nottingham. Banbury, Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2153). W. MORRELL, " Oakworth," Watnall Road, Hucknall. A. L. ALEXANDER, C.B.E., Baltic Cottage, Henley-on-Thames :puty Commissioner. . G. CRELLIN, 42, Wilford Lane, West Bridgford. Vacant. IUnty Superintendent (N)









SHROPSIDRE H. R. WYNNE, M.B., B.CR., The Paddocks, Bodicote, Banbury Lady GRASElT, St. Amands, Adderbury, Banbury. (Tel' County Office : Adderbury 288). . S.J .A .B. Headquarters, Priory Road, Shrewsbury. Tel. Shrewsbury 2391 . Miss G. RILEY, Oxford Eye Hospital, Walton Street, Oxford County Nursing Officer . County Presidents : Vacant. . County Cadet Officer (A). Viscount Boy E M. CANDY, 5, Burdell Avenue, Headington, Oxford Miss D . County Cadet Officer (N) The Lady FORESTER (Nursing). E. LAMBOURN, M.B.E., "Overdowns," Foxcombe Road, Bo~ W. County Staff Officers . Hill, Oxford. County Vice-Presidents: H . T. BE NElT, "Asphodel," Third Acre Rise, Botley, Oxford Mrs. K. M. W EST (Nursing). Miss J. E. M. FA HAWE, Cotmore Wells, Thame, O~on .. Colonel The Earl of POWlS, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets) . C. R . LAWRENCE, Ambulance Depot, Churchill Drive Old The Hon. Mrs. ORMSBY GORE (Nursing Cadets). Road, Headington, Oxford ' J . WOODLEY, 60, Henley Street, Oxford . Colonel J . M. WEST, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., Willow Field, Ford Miss C. W ALDOCK, 7, Arran Grove, Banbury. IlUIllSSlOner Heath, Shrewsbury. (Tel. Yockleton 52). E. F. BAZLEY, 62, Town Furze, Headington, Oxford. . . Lieut.-Col. Sir John CORBET, BT., J.P., Acton Reynald, Nr, J. R. O WEN, 63, Yarnells Hill, Ferry Hinksey, Oxford.lUry ComrrusslOner . Shrewsbury. (publicity-Admin.). . G. H. DAVIES, "Bodhyffryd," 48, Meole Rise, Shrewsbury. Mrs. 1. M. CUBBOR , 8, Lon dale Road, Oxford. JIlly Super~tendent (A) County Secretary . Miss M. D EEDES, "Brymore," Bank Farm Road, Shrewsbury, f 0 f d Ar .iDly Supenntendent (N) · (Tel. Shrewsbury 4363). X or ea C lty 0 W. KI G HAY, M.B., B.CH., Brooklyn House, Market Drayton, J. FINCH, 6, Lonsdale Road, Oxford. JIlly Surgeon . . Area Commissioner Mrs. A. P . HEwAT-JABOOR, S.R.N., Sutton Grange, Admaston , Mrs. E. G. RlCHARDSO , S.R . . ,37, Observatory Street, Oxford. IDly Nursing Officer . Area Staff Officer . Vacant. lIlty Cadet Officer (A). Vacant. lfily Cadet Officer (N) J . PHIPPS, 3, Red Lake Cottage, Ketley, Wellington, Shrop , Jlly Staff Officers . PLYMOUTH, SOUTH-WEST DEVON, AND EAST CORNWALL shire. County Office: Mrs. A. G. CRAMPTON PYM, "Highfield," Oakhurst Road ~ St. John House, 2, Bedford Terrace. Plymouth. Oswestry. Tel. Plymouth 65802. Miss A. M. P UGH, Derwent Dene, Queens Park, Oswestry. E. L. PRICE, 6, Coton Mount, Shrewsbury. (Training). County President: Mrs. 1. A. BALL, Orchard House, Adrnaston, Nr. Wellington. The Rt. Hon. Lord ROBOROUGH. Mrs. P . CRO S, 10, Swan Hill, Oswestry. (County Orgaruser, County Vice-Presidents : Hospital Library D ept.). Mrs. H. F. VELLACOlT (Nursing). THOMAS, 3, Newhall Gardens, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury . W. .nly Sergeant-Major Mrs . C. M. RODD (Nursing). L. H. TRE THAM, S.J.A.B ., H .Q ., Priory Road, Shrewsbury . JDly Secretary G. S. THOMPSO , Esq. (Ambulance Cadets) . The Countess of MOUNT EDGCUMBE (Nursing Cadets). Eastern Area A GLANDON WILLIAMS, M.B.,F .R.C.S., Castle Gate House, C. S. C. PRANCE, O.B.E., J.P., M.B., B.S., D.L.O., "Moorlands."~ Surgeon Commissioner . Shrewsbury. Down Road, Tavistock. (Tel. Tavi tock 3188). Mrs. M. E. MALLElT, S.R.N., 2, Shrewsbury Road, Much Colonel G. THOMSO , D.S.O., M.C., D.L., Catchfrench, SLa ursing Officer Deputy Commissioner . Wenlock. Germans, Saltash. D . Jo ES, 20, Mount Plea ant, Ketley Park, Oakengates. Mrs . R. BALSDO , O.B.E., 163, New Road , Saltash. (Tel.~ Staff Officer County Superintendent (N) W. B. AR OLD, "Tham en" Daddtebrook, Alve1ey, Bridgnorth . Saltash 2102). T. E. WOOD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 81, Priory Road, Lower County Surgeon Western Area Compton, Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 6ooJ2). Vacant. Miss s. L. LUXTON, S.R.N., "Leighwinney," Hillside Avenue,/a Superintendent (A) County Nursing Officer D . A. IRELAND, M.A., B.M., B.CH. , Council House Court, Saltash. ~ Surgeon . . . Shrewsbury . G. S. THOMPSON, "Lane End," Wembury Point, S. Devon. County Cadet Officer (A) . Vacant. Mrs. E. M . WOOD, 81, Priory Road , Lower Compton, Plymouth1. a ursing Officer County Cadet Officer (N) E. J . WILLIAMS, 13, Grinshill Drive, Crowmoor, Shrewsbury. A. E. 1. PARKIN, 39, Roseberry Avenue, St. Judes, Plymouth'1a Staff Officer County Staff Officers . (Training). J. H. SARGENT, 382, St. Peters Road, Manadon, Plymouth. A. H. ATKINS, 14, Chaddlewood Avenue, St. Judes, Plymouth. SOMERSET (Cadets). R. E. STANTON, 79, West Down Road, Beacon Park, Plymouth. County Office: (press Relations) . St. John House, Park Street, Taunton. Tel. Taunton 7285. Mrs. P. WAY, 142, Pasley Street, Stoke, Devonport. (Cadels County Presidents : F. BLATCHER, 35, Salisbury Road, St. Judes, Plyroout . Lieut.-Colonel The Right Hon. Lord HYLTON, Lord Lieutenant of Somerset. (Transport). Mrs. A. A. W. LUlTRELL. A . J . HERBERT, 20, Fort Austen Avenue, Plymouth. (Slores1 Miss 1. AUSTIN, Downs Way, ChoUacott Estate, Whitchurc County Vice-Presidents: Road, Tavistock. (Library Service). Dr. Hugh POWELL, M.B.E. (Ambulance and Cadet Ambulance). W. H. STRANG, 11, Carfrae Terrace, Lipson, Plymouth. Mrs. A. L. DOVEY, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B. (Nursing). Area Cadet Officer. . R. W. SKINNER, 13, Conrad Road, Chaucer Way, Honickn owle , Mrs. R. VERNON (Nursing). County Sergeant-Major Plymouth. Colonel C. T. MrrFORD-SLADE, D.L., J.P., Montys Court, Mrs. G. M. BASCOMBE, St. John House, 2, Bedford Terrace')mmissioner County Secretary . Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton. (Tel. Bishops Lydeard 2S5)~ Plymouth. County Surgeon . . . . Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N)


56 Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon

Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) Asst. County Surgeon. County Nursing Officer . County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

'County Sergeant-Major County Secretary .



Area Superintendent Area Surgeon .

C. D. DREW, M.B., B.CH., M.R . . S., D.R.'C.O., B.O., J2, Brean

Area ursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer .

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Area Area Area

Surgeon . . Nursing Offieer . Cadet Offieer (A) Cadet Officer ( )

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Area Area .Area


Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer .


Lieut.-Colonel S. C. F. De SALIS, D.S.O., The Old C0urt H ta Commissioner Drayton , Nr. Langport. Ouse Miss BRUCE-STEER, Glenmoor Lodge Minehead (T ta superintendent (A) Minehead 492) . , . el ta superintendent (N) J. L T EMPLE, M.B., B.S., F. R.C.S., 23, Cecil Road, Weston-su ta Surgeon . . . Mare. per'ta ursing Officer . Mrs. E. 1. EVANS, The Grove, Stockehurch , nr. Ilminster ta Cadet Officer (A) W. J . COLLINS, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., Woodstock House 91:ea Cadet Officer (N) Staplegrove Road, Taunton . ' ':ea Staff Officer . Vacant. D. J. MORA , M.A ., 33, Holcombe Close, Bathampton Nr Bath 'ea Sergeant-Major G .. J. DAVI , 12, Whitting Road , We ton-super-M~re. · MISS V. Y A OLE, St. Aundries School, West Quantoxhead Taunton. . STAFFORD C. T. H . HOWE, "Waycot," Uphill Way, Weston-super-Mare County Office : (Tran port). 2, Market Square, Stafford. Tel. Stafford 1657. Mrs . V. E. L. HUSBA OS, " Wilmanstone," Street, Somel"3et (M.C.D.) County Vice-President : Mr . Ailsa WILSO , M.B., CH.B., "Fountains," Kingston St Lady Diana MATTHEWS (Cadet Nursing). Mary, Taunton. (Welfare). F. T . G. WEBB,. 1.22, Love Lane, Burnham-on- ea. (Camping) . , Capt. F. L. RICHARD , O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., 19, Lichfield Street, Mrs . . M. VIvian EAl:, Poundi ford Park , Taunton. mmJ SlOner . . . Walsall, Staffordshire. (Tel. Walsall 3780). Mrs . D. J. ROWLA OS, WlOdsor Lodge, Haines Hill , Taunton . . A. BYR E-QUINN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Darmody House, (Cadet ). .puty CommisSIOner. Stafford Street, Wolverhampton. G:. D. BUTCHER, M.M. , Orchard 10 e, East Brent. Mr . E. F. COV E TRY, 57, Balance Street, Uttoxeter. (Tel. unty Superintendent (N) LIeut.-Col. S. . ROGERS, Obridge House, Taunton. Uttoxeter 95.)

Area Superintendent (A) )


Southern Area Rear Admiral G. A . THRINO, C.B., D.S.O., Alford House, Castle Cary. R . TRIM, 54, Manor House Road, Glastonbury. Miss G. A. M. GILLESPIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater. W. S. WOLFE, M.B., B.CH., 25, Northfields, Bridgwater. Miss E. H . HUOHES, S.R.N., "Bibury," Walton, Nr. Street. H . DINHAM, 29, Kidsbury Road, Bridgwater. Mrs. E. M. ATKINSON, "Wraxleigh," Street. Mrs. G. PALMER , Over Stowey, Nr. Bridgwater. (Welfare Officer). L. C. BEllY, 60, Victoria Road , Bridgwater.

DO orthern Area ' unty Surgeon 'Hiil LARK, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., M endlp Croft, Bleador Weston- uper-Mare. (Tel. Bleadon 3 9). ~nt . Offi R. V. CRIDDLE, Sundorne urserie, Locking, r. Weston. y ur LOg cer

Area Commissioner


M~~.P~~~~ HALL, I , The Glebe House

un~y ~a~e~ g~cer((~~.

We ton-super-Mare un

Down Avenue, Weston-super-Mare . Vacant.



a e cer ff Offi ta cers: .

C. J. HARD[ G 26, Exeter Road, We ton-super-Mare. Mrs. E. DAVlS, J2 Whitting Road , We lon-super-Mare. Mrs. . M. FOWLES, Old M ixon Lodge Old Mixon Manor r. Weston-super-Mare. (adet). ' lunty ergeant Major ,unty e retary . . Ea tern Area m. County Treasurer . Lleut.-Colonel J. W . T. WOOLDRIDGE, Court Cottage, Shiptor Moyne, Tetbury, Glos . . . :eaea Comn:lIs loner R . L. RHYMER, 3, Henley Villas, We t End, Frome. Mrs. E. W . M. PLAll, "Sabrina," orth Road, Midsomd Supenntendent (A) Norton. A. . R. WILLIAMS, M.B. , CH.B., West Lodge, Frome. Jell Superintendent (N) MISS S. E. Jo ES, S.R . . , S.C.M., 4, Marlborough Street, Bat h S E. C. ASHMA , 3, Oak Terrace, Radstock. .rea urgeon Mrs .. M. K. TrLEY, S.R . . , Yew Tree House, Clutlon, r'rea Cad t Offi (A) BrIStol. e cer Ifea Cadet Officer (N) Western Area ~ea Staff Officer Rear Admiral H . W. FAULK ER, C.B., C. B.E., D.S.O., The Close. Hatch Beauchamp, r. Taunton. (Tel Hatch Beaucham~ 424). \rea Commissioner . R. E. BRAY, 5, West Villas, Tone Vale, Taunton. )lea Super!ntendent (A) Mrs. E. M. MORRISON, "Nethercombe" Wyndham Road,\rea Supenntendent (N) Taunton. ' O. S. J . REDMAN, M.A ., M.B., B.CH., B.A .O., Warwick House,~ea Surgeon Billetfield, Taunton. Mrs. M . MOORHOUSE, S.R.N., 62, Buckland Road, Taunto n.1rea Staff Officers. Vacant. Vacant. ~ea Cadet Officer (A) Mrs. F. B. BAILEY, Tone Vale House, Norton Filzwarren,lrea Cadet Officer (N) Taunton. (Welfare Officer).

A. WALKER, M.B., CH. B., " Tree Tops," Stafford Road, CoveD Heath. Mis P. LAWTO , 2, Littleworth Avenue, WoodsettoD, Nr. Dudley, Worcs. F. E. S. Jo ES, 283, Chaplin Road, Longton , Stoke-on-Trent. Mrs. D . M . TUR ER, "Lighteaves,' Cheddleton Heath, Nr. Leek. J . R . RUSSELL, 17a, Prirnley Avenue, Walsall. M . A. SLMMON , 154, Birches Road, Codsall Wolverhampton. Mrs. E. TITTE SOR, 40, Collis Avenue, Basford, Stoke-oaTrent. G. WATfERSO , 74, Hart Road, Wednesfield . V. HA CELLOR, 29, Castle Bank, Stafford. (Tel. Stafford 1886) A . E. L CAS, c/o Midland Bank, 8, Market Square, Stafford' Northern Area Vacant. G . E. HunON, 32 , Birchgate Grove, Bucknell, Stoke-onTrent. Mrs. L. A. HAMlLTO , S.R.N., High Lane, Burslem, Stoke-onTrent. J. S. HAMTLTO , M.B., CH.B., High Lane, Burslem, Stoke-onTrent. Vacant. Vacant. W. GwrLT, 62, Queen's Road, HartshiU, Stoke-on-Trent. (Training). Southern Area Vacant. J. W. CLARK, 45, Rookery Road, Lanesfield, Wolverhampton. Miss E. OATLEY, 164, Marsh Lane, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton. D . G. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Castle View House, Tipton, Staffs. R. W. LATHAM, "Lyndene," Westcroft, Cannock Road , Wolverhampton . Vacant. Mrs. L. RUSHTON, 196, St. John's Road, Cannock, Staffs.






SUFFOLK Northern Area County Office: Capt. J. C. TAYLOR, M.R.C.Y.S., "Teemore," London Road, Commissioner 1, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. Tel. 54005. Beccles. County President: Mrs. M. C. E. HARWOOD, S.R.N., "Redmay," Walberswick. Nursing Officer Lady Blanche COBBOLD. F. J. WILLEARD, 43, Fairclose, Beccles. Cadet Officer County Vice-Presidents: R. F. DYER, 302, Norrnanston Drive, Oulton Broad, Suffolk. Staff Officers . E. P. B. WHITE, Esq. (Ambulance). (Secretary). Countess of CRANBRooK (Nursing). Major J. F. MARR, 35, Beccles Road, Bungay. Mrs. R. V. SCHRlEBER (Cadet Nursing). MRS. MARR, 35, Beccles Road, Bungay. (Treasurer). Miss A. M. PARKER, M.B.E. Commissioner . Major R. S. SCHREIBER, Campsea Ashe House WoOdbridge. (Tel. Wickham Market 426). ' SURREY County Superintendent (N) Mrs. R. MESSENGER, M.B.E., J.P. Worth Cottage Bungay County Surgeon . . . County Office : T. D. VI· FRYER, M.B., ~.CH., M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., 52, Derby RO~d St. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Tel. Guildford 67163. IpSWIch. (Tel. IpswIch 77 J 02). ' Asst. County Superintendent. Miss M. H. MfLLER, S.R.N., Orchard Cottage Holbrook, Nr. County Vice-Presidents : Ipswich. ' Lady SWAYTHLING, C B.E. (Nursing). County Nursing Officer . Vacant. C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq. (Ambulance). County Cadet Officer (A). Walter C. MAYHEW, 82, Severn Road, Ipswich . Lady OSBOR (Cadet Nursing). County Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. P. E. TAYLOR, s.~ . . , "Teemore," London Road, Beccles . Brigadier E . E. READ, C.B.E., M.C., Red Bines, Beavers Hill, County Staff Officers . A. B. MORTIMER, 39, HIghfield Road, Ipswich. (County Auditor)' JlISSIOner Farnham. M~s. G. H. L. PAUL, Parham Hall, Woodbridge. . . . Capt. F. J. CARTWRIGHT, C.Y.O., O.B.E., R. . , Castle Hill House, MISS V. D. GEE, 471, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Assista t .ty ComrmsslOner . Farnham. n Secretary). W. H. C. ROMANIS, M.A., M.B., M.CHlR., F.R.C.S., The Rough, W. C. WATTS, The Lodge, London Road, Beccles. 'y Surgeon Hurtmore, Godalming. Mrs. E. S. M. CATTON, 124, Westerfield Road Ipswich R. J. GRISTOCK, "East View," Pinewood Grove, New Haw, Dr. D. W. RYDER RICHARDSON, The Beeches, Sax~undham: IY Superintendent (A) Weybridge. A. J. E GLISH, 75, Clapgate Lane, Ipswich . . Lady HEALD, O.B .E., Chilworth Manor, Nr. Guildford. (Tel. F. W. RUFFORD, 18, Geneva Road, Ipswich. ':f Supenntendent (N) Guildford 61414). A. H. ICHOLLS, 10, Ladywood Road, Ipswich. Miss M. C. LEIGH-PEMBERTO , Bam End, Enton Green, Mrs. A. R.ICHARDSO , S.R. " Stow Lodge Hospital Stow- Iy ursing Officer Godalming. market. ' Vacant. H. E. BOREHAM, M.B.E., 223, Main Road, Kesgrave, Ipswich. Iy Cadet Officer (A). Miss N. E. LAWRE CE, Cheapsyde, Ewhurst. G. A. READ, 84, Bucklesham Road, Ipswich. ~ Cadet Officer (N) Miss R. COHEN, Paved Ways, Nightingale Lane, E. Horsley. B. R. W. HILL, 20, Elsmere Road, Ipswich. (County Treasurer). 'Iy Staff Officers (Training). Cap~. M. BENDIX, The Manor House, Little Bealings WoodMiss V. BARLOW, "Springwood," Petworth Road, Haslemere. bndg~ , Miss P. SMITH, St. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Miss H. P. MORGAN-GRAY, 23, Stevenson Road, Ipswich. Iy Secretary . . S. R. CARTER, B.E.M., Surrey View, Fullers Road, Farnham. (N.H.S.R.). 'Iy Sergeant-Major County Secretary . H'7g'3~~E, 406, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich We tern Area J. M. BALL, 88, ew Haw Road, Addlestone. Commissioner . Western Area A. KNIGHT, 21, Bridge Road, Haslemere. Superintendent (A) Area Commissioner D. J. MARTIN, F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S., Buttons Close Ixworth Bury Miss U. MORRISH, "Meadland," Three Gates Lane, Haslemere, Superintendent (N) St. Edmunds. ' , Surrey. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. MARTI , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Button Close Txworth Bury Vacant. Surgeon . . . St. Edmunds. ' , Mrs. M . D . SOUTHERN, Sedgley House, East Horsley. Area Surgeon D. A. MCCRACKEN, M.D ., D.P.H., 32, Westbury Avenue Bury ursing Officer . C. P. Lo GLAND, 32, Green Lane, Addlestone. Cadet Officer (A) St. Edmunds. ' Mrs. M. D. PHILLIPS, The Brackens, Westwood Road, Area Cadet Officer (N) Cadet Officer ( ) Miss W. CAFFYN, S.R. ., Holland Cottage, Coney Weston, Windlesham. Bury St. Edmunds. G. WORTHY, 42, Tennyson Road, Addlestone, Surrey. Area Staff Officers . Mrs. PRAG ELL, 10, St. Michael's Close, Bury St. Edmunds. I Staff Officers. Miss V. M. LEATHER, M.B.E., Vine Cottage, Ewshott, Nr. (Secretary). Farnham. H. BURDO ,7a, College Lane, Bury St. Edmunds. (Treasurer). Southern Area Ea tern Area Area Commissioner Lieut.-Colonel J. E. M. BLAND, O.B.E., J.P., Little Hall, Stutton, B. ROBINSO , B.E.M., "Hothfield," Russells Crescent, Horley. Nr. Ipswich. (Tel. Holbrook 357). Commissioner R. G. FEAR, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Brooklag," Newdigate, Nr. Area Surgeon Colonel M. MACEWAN, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., M.B., CH.B., SUrgeon Dorking. 33, Berners Street, Ipswich. Mi s M. GRAY, Felbridge Copse, Woodcock Hill, Felbridge, ursing Officer Area Nursing Officer . Mrs. E. B. FRYER, S.R.N., 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. Nr. East Grinstead. Area Cadet Officer (A) A. E. RUST, 22, Copleston Road, Ipswich. B. E. NORMAN, 13, Albert Road North, Reigate. ,Superintendent (A) Area Staff Officers. . H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington Road, Ipswich. Miss M. R. M. CALLOW, "Wild Oaks," Eyhurst Close, KingsP. R. WOOLLARD, Ambulance Hall, Samuel Road, Ipswich .. Superintendent (N) wood. M. W. HOOD, 7, Chester Road, Felixstowe. D. C. BAYLIS, 6, Benham Drive, Horley . lea Cadet Officer (A) W. W. PECK, 31, Shafto Road, Ipswich. Mrs. GURTEE , Sunnyside Cottage, Copthorne Bank, Nr. . Cadet Officer eN) I. H. GILLINGS, 53, Digby Road, Ipswich. (Secretary). Crawley. c. J. TAMPIN, 77, Dale Hall Lane, Ipswich. (Treasurer). Staff Officers . Mrs. D. COVELL, Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hill, East Grinstead.






A. G . GUMRELL, "Haydens," Fordbridge, South. Merstha Mrs. M . BELFIELD, M.B.E., "Tangmere," Gatwlck, Stirn (Cadets). R. A. LoCKETT, 8, ~tation Approach, Earlswood, Redhill. J. E. SMITH, 104, MIddle Street, Brockham. Commissioner . North West Area Superintendent (A) R . G. W . SOUTHERN, M.B., B.S., M.R .. s., L.R.C.P., Sedgl superintendent (N) House East Horsley. Surgeon . . . South We t Area ursing Officer . A. H. M . RfCHARDS, M.B., .H.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.p.f Cadet Officer (A) Munstead Lawn, odalming. Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. L. M. FARLER, 25, Stocton Road, Guildford.

Area Surgeon

Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer


County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County ursing Officer . County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary


Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer. . Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers. .



J . W. LIMB, LustreJJs House, Lustrells Crescent, Saltdean, Brighton. Miss W . M . BUTTON, "Anton," Mill Lane, Wannock , Polegate. Western Area W. L. HANCOR , 43, The Gardens, Southwic~. R. HARTLEY, "Stirling," St. Mary's Close, Llttlehampton. Vacant. K. N. MAWSON, M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., Comewell House, North Street, Horsham. T. J EFFERY, "Grayljs," Arundel Road, Littlehampton. H. G. EWMAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. Mrs. E. A. BRODlE, Flat 3, 6, Arundel Terrace, Marine Parade, Brighton, 7. O. E. LAKE, 50, Whyke Lane, Chichester. (Cadets). G. PARKS, 265, Albion Street, Southwick. J. BUTLER, 33, Chichester Close, Tilgate, C,rawley. Mi s R. B. LAKER, J4, Gloucester Place, LIttlehampton.

Staff Officers .

County Office: 19, North Street, Horsham, Sussex. Tel. Horsham 4556. COllnty Presidents: The Dowager ountes of BESSBOROUGH David BRYCE, Esq., O.B.E., J.P . County Vice-Presidents: Mildred, Viscountess HATLSHAM. The Lord Rupert EVfLL (Ambulance Cadets) . Mrs. E. M . E. STEWART-RoBERT (Nursing Cadets). Major-General J. M. L. R E TO , C. B., D.S.O., O.B.E., J.P. Commissioner . Lieut.-Colonel K. B. HICKS, O.B.F., Stone Hou e, Bolne Sussex (Tel Bolney 2[4). Deputy Commissioner . Capt. J . M. HODGES, D.S.O., R.N.," hatfields," Colwood Lan Bolney. (Tel. Warninglid 219). . County Superintendent (A) w. E. JuPP, 15, Barttelot Road, Horsham . (Tel. HorsharnlSslOner


WARWICK County Office: 25, Middleton Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield. The Hon. Mrs . L.

County President: . S. FITZRoy ~EWDEGATE, O.B.E.

Countv Vice-Presidents: The Lady WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE ( ursing) Mr. N. E. EWALL (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs B KMASTER (Cadet Nursinf().

4561) . . ant Commissioner Mrs E. M. COURT EY, "Holdens," Shnfold, Nr. Horshan (Tel. Slinfold 460). ty Superintendent (A) W. S. PARKER, M.B., CH.B., M R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.ur Health Dept., Royal York Buildings, Brighton! 1. ;Iy Superintendent (N) Mrs. D . MCPHERSON, 35, roft Avenue, Southwick. F. W. T. DALLE , 92, Elphinstone Road, Hastings. "y Surgeon Mis E. M. TRILL, 128a, Church Road, Hove. ' Mi s W. M. BARKER, 10, .Hurst Avenue, Horsham. . ety. Superintendent (N) D. H . F. BURCHELL, 50, Fairfield Gardens, Portslade. (Spect: Duties). 'ty Nursing Officer Mrs. M . F. ~PACKMA , 134, Mano~ Way, Aldwick Ba~ty Cadet Officer (A): . Bognor Regis . ,,(County ,~amp A~vlser) . ,lUnty Cadet Officer (N) . F. C. ANDR EWS, Tawton, The Spinney, Hassocks. (Tre'lty Staff Officers. . . surer). c. SfMPSON, 19, North Street, Horsham. Eastern Area Capt. J . M. BUCKLEY, The King Alfred, Kingsway, Hovi A. J. BURNAGE, The Ambulance Station, Dursley Roa( Eastbourne. Mrs. K. KiRKLEY, 18, Hove Villas, Hove. R. G. B. YOUNG, M.B., C.H.B., D.P.H., 6, King Henrys Roa( Lewes. Mrs. K. JOHNSTON, S.R.N., 76, Princess Avenue, Worthing . Miss G. E. HUGHES, S.R.N., "Lovran" laxton Road, Bexhll on-Sea. Vacant. Mrs. A. D. HICKS, B.E.M., Stone House, Bolney. G. H . WREN, "Byway," 22, Priory Close, Hastings. S. T. DENNING, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton). L. W. MOWER, 7, Cross Road Clo~e, Southwick. (Cadets. R. T. HOLLANDS, 17, Winchelsea Road, Rye. (Cadets). ~ty Secretary . . Mrs. STRlBBLING, 238, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne. ~ty Sergeant-Major

T. K. ELLIOTT, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 25, Middleton Road , Streetly, Sutton Coldfield. (Tel. Streetly 1334). G. J . FOWLER, 31, Dillotford Avenue, Styvechale, Coventry. (Tel. Coventry 68741). A. E. RUSSELL, 54, Browett Road, Coventry. (Tel. Coventry 2594 ). Miss C. M. ORTO , B.E.M., The Beeches, Staverton, Nr. Daventry orthants. (Tel. Daventry 196). D . W. H E' DRY, B.SC., M.D., M.R.C.O.G., "Greenacres," 307, Lutterworth Road, Nuneaton. Mr . A. WORTHf GTO , 37, Jury Street, Warwick. (Tel. Warwick 869). Vacant. A. F. HrpWELL, 70, St. George's Road, Coventry. Mrs. V. M . CRO BY, 71, Forfield Road , Coundon, Coven.try. W. B. M. WYLEY, Watchbury House Barford-in-Warwlck. Mrs . L. A. WESTERN, 88, Frankton Avenue, Coventry. J. H. HARRfS, 35, icholls Street, Stoke, Coventry. . Mrs. S. M. CADWALLADER, 50, Radford Road, Leamrngton Spa . A. H. BOOTH, 270, Windmill Road, Longford, Coventry. E. O. ORME, 7, Asthill Grove, Coventry. Mrs. J. NEWALL, 36, Middlemarch Road, Radford, Coventry. P . H. JAMES, 80, orman Place Road, Coventry. (Cadet Secretary (A». . E. S. PALMER, 54, Paxton Road, Coventry. (Camp AdVIser). F. G. WARWTCK, 32, Botoner Road, Coventry. (Ambulance Service). D . HILL, S.R . . , 42, Wendover Rise, Alles1ey Park, Coventry. Mrs. E. L. READY, 8, Lord Lytton Avenue, Stoke, Coventry. Miss E. M. SELVESTER, 9, Cromwell Road, Rugby. L. F. HAZELL, 37, Faraday Road, Rugby. E. V. CROSBY, 71, Forfield Road, Coundon, Coventry. H. G. D. BUSTO , 101, Widdecombe Close, Coventry. D. SIMMONDS, M.B.E., "Colwyn," Alveston Hill, Stratford-onAvon.





WILTSHIRE County Office : 55, Milford Street. Salisbury. Tel. Salisbury 4810. County President : A . R. TOWERZEY, Esq . County Vice-Presidents : Lieut.-Colonel H . A. GOLDEN, O.B.E., D.S.O. (Ambulance). L. F . Moss, Esq. (Ambulance Cadets) . Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner. COlmty Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary


Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N)

Area Superintendent (A) Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (N) Cadet Officer (A) Cadet Officer (N) Staff Officer .

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Cadet Officer (A) Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officer .





WORCESTERSHIRE County Office : St. John House, 34, The Tything, Worcester.

Tel. 24503 .

County Presidents : The Countess BEAUCHAMP, M.B.E. F. L. EWTON, Esq, M.B ., CH.B.

County Vice-Presidents : The Rt. Hon . Earl BEAUCHAMP (Ambulance). Major-General G . D. FA SHAWE, C.B ., D.S.O., O.B.E., Fa. Mrs. C. L ECHMERE (Nursing). Farm, Farley, Wilts. (Tel. Farley 202) . Lady SANDYS; Mrs. F. J. SOMERS (Cadet Nursing). Major-General D . D. C. TULLOCH, .B., D.S.O., M.e., Rust House, Rushall, Pewsey, Wilts . (Tel. Upavon 29). Sir Ronald LECHMERE (Cadet Ambulance). Lady FULLER, M.B.E., Neston Park, Corsham . (Tel. Corsb 2201). ommis ione r Brigadier D. H. OTT, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C. , Four Seasons Battenhall Avenue, Worcester. (Tel. Worcester 27732). Surgeon Commander H . M . DARLOW, R. ., B.A., M.R.( . • T. C. LE CH, Mayford , 63, Halesowen Road, Quinton, L.R.C.P., Cuckoo Pen, Porton , Salisbury . ~puty Commissioners Birmingham. Miss S. G . STURMER, Mill Vale House, Bratton, Westbl Squadron Leader R. D . M. EVERS, D.F.C., Four Winds, WolverMiss B. PATTERSO , St. Johns Hospital , Trowbridge. ley, Nr. Kidderminster. O. E . HYDE, 11, Burford Avenue, Swindon . Junly Superintendent (N) Mrs . M. G . O . SOMERS, Highfield House, Blackwell, Nr. Vacant. Bromsgrove. J. T . DALY, M.B., CH.B ., 380, Ridgacre Road, Quinton, BirA . J . JENKlNS, Silverdale, Croft Road, North Wroughton Junty Surgeon mingham. Swindon. ' R. HINES, 3, Wolverhampton Street, Dudley. R. Mr. Moss, Watch field, Rowden Hill, Chippenham. (pIJUnty Cadet Officer (A) . Mis H . M . BIDMEAD, "Trafford," Manor Lane, Halesowen. Relations). Junty Cadet Officer ( ) Mi s H . M. WALTO , Mount Pleasant, Cowteigh Road, Mrs. A. H . HEMMING, Monkton Farleigh Manor, BI JUnty Staff Officers Malvern. (N.H.S .R . -Admin .). . . . lunty Sergean t - M aJor J . S. TAYLOR, 23, Summerfield Avenue, Hurst Green, Nr F. W . KIRKBRIDE, 72, FlSherton Street, Salisbury. (Trainir Birmingham. Miss M. J. MORTON PALMER, 72, Fisherton Street, Salisbl~u nty Sec retary Mis A. E. DINGLEY, 6, Lower Wilton Road, Malvern. (Tel. 2426). Western Area Northern Area C. F. J. ANDREWS, 9, The Close, Melksham. Vacant. -ea Commissioner J. H . HALDA E, M.C., F.R.F.P.S., M.R.C.P., The Mount, Church Road, Netherton, Nr. Dudley. . E. MOLONEY, M.B ., CH .B., Prospect Hou e, Bradford-on-Av Wilts. :ea Supenntendent (A) H . S. BE ETT, 52, Harcourt Road, Old Hill. Miss M. E. FEAR SIDE, 97, Alexandra Road, Halesowen. :ea Superintendent (N) G INGRAM 52 Station Road Westbury R. BARRO , M.B., CH.B., Ambleside, Hall Street, Dudley. V~cant. ' , , . :ea Surg~on . . . 'ea ursmg Officer . Mrs. E. A. WEBSTER, S.R . . , "The Firs," 28, Summer Hill, Hale owen :ea Cadet Officer (A) K. H. BILL! GHAM, 0, Court Crescent, Kingswinsford, Staffs. Southern Area Mrs. M. A. ROBERTS, "Thirteen," Dudley Wood Avenue, Far'ea Cadet Officer (N) Brigadier W. J. Norman WALKER, O.B.E., Barnwoo, d Cradley Heath. Nr. Salisbury. rea Staff Officers . Miss A. E. WlTCOMBE, Oldfield, 5, Somery Road, Priory Miss E. A . DIMONT, 3a, The Close, Salisbury. Dudley H. HOUNSOME, 40, Waterloo Road, Salisbury. P . C. BENNETT (Snr.), 20, Millard Road, Coseley, Staffs. P . C. B E EIT (Jnr.), 20, Millard Road, Coseley, Staffs. Vacant. J. F. E. BENT, 23, Rosemary Crescent West, Goldthorn Park, Mrs. D. E. FANSHAWE, Farley Farm, Farley, Wilts. Wolverhampton. (Secretary). 'ea Sergeant-Major T. E . DAVIS, 44, Knowle Road, Springfield, Nr. Dudley, Worcs. Northern Area Southern Area Majo~ L. J. T. G. BARTLETT, "Glenroyd," Folley View ROi Fanngdon, Berks. .~a Commissioner . Vacant. Mrs. N. LANE, 65, Plymouth Street, Swindon. rea Superinlendent (A) J. F. GRANT, 748, Evesham Road, Crabbs Cross, Redditch. Mrs. M. E. HODGES, 123, Birchfield Road, Redditch. J. K. MONRO, M.CH., F.R.C.S., "Highfields," The Comro(tea Superinlendent (N) Marlborough. rea Surgeon F. H . VOLLAM, M.B., CH.B., Bearhill House, Alvechurch, Nr. Birmingham. A. R. KING, 43, Richmond Road, Swindon. ea Miss D. PREECE, 338, Wylds Lane, Worcester. Mrs. M. C. HALL, 54, Devizes Road, Swindon. · Cadet Officer (N) 'ea Staff Officers. . Miss D. W. JONES, Dalston, 64, Worcester Road, Malvern. Mrs. L. E. A. BROAD, 81, Shriven ham Road, swindOD. Miss J. COLLEY, 23, Timberdine Avenue, Bath Road, Worcester.









District Office: Wetherby H o use, Wetherby . Tel. Wetherby 2574. Tel. 43038 District President : Coullty President : The Countess of SCA RBRO UGH The Lord HOTHAM. District Vice-Presidents: The Viscountess M ou TGARRET (Nursing ). Count v Vice- Presidents: G . R . H . SMITH, Esq . (Ambulance). S. LAWRE O.B.E. , (Ambulance) . Lord SAYILE (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. D. M. R YMER (Cadet Nursing) . Mrs. E . R ADCLIFFE (Nursing Cadets). Mrs. U . BETHEL ( ursing). Colonel R . A . ALEC-SMITH, T.D., D.L., J.P. (Cadet Ambulance). E. H . LODGE, M.B. , CH.B., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. Illlmissioner . (T el. W etherby 2832). E . M. D EAR , M.B., CH.B., D.L.O. Holme Lodge, 197, Cotting. Commissioner Lieut. -G eneral Sir Colin BARBER, K.B .E., C. B., D.S.O., Quarry ham Road , Hull. (Tel. Hull Central 43840). strict Superintendent (A) Moor Lodge, Rip on. A. R . LIDGLEY, 92, Etherington Road , Hul l. (Tel. Hull Deputy Commissioner Mr . G. W . LODGE, O. B.E., J.P., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. 46201). ltrict Superintendent ( ) (Tel. W etherby 2832). Miss E. M . STO EHOUSE, 63, Welwyn Park Road . Hull. County Superintendent (N) J. PRENTICE, M.B., CH.B.(EDI .), J.P. , " Malsis Mount," Malsis E. O . H ALLIWELL, M.R. C. P., M.R. C.. , 233, Hallga te, Cottingham ·trict Surgeon Coun ty Surgeon Roa d , Keighley. E. Yorks. Mrs . M. A. AYKROYD, The Priory, Nun Monkton, York . Miss P. M . WATSO , S.R.N., Hull Royal Infirmary, Prospeclilt. Dist. Superintendent ( County Nursing Officer MIS S. GRIFFITHS, S.R. . , S.C. M., Flat 6, Woodsley Terrace, Street, Hull. :trict ursing Officer . Clarendon Road , Leeds 2. Miss H . A . NICHOLSO , S.R. ., 657 James R eckitt Avenue Asst. County Nursing Officer L. M ASO , 5, Lynnwood Gardens, Pudsey, Nr. Leeds. Hull. itrict Cadet Officer (A) Mrs. J . CUMMI G BELL, Binham Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. R. BERRYMAN, 2, Snainton Grove, Derringham Bank, Hull. strict Cadet Officer (N) County Cadet Officer (A) . Mrs. M . WooLFE, 7, Kelso Road , Leeds 2. Miss L. F. L EPPINGTON, "Aytona," 8 Bell Vue Crescent, FileYltrict Staff Officers County Cadet Officer (N) J. WOODS, Lovat Lodge, Mountjoy Road , Huddersfield. C. JACKSO , 230, Hawthorn Avenue, Hull. County Staff Officers . J. G EO. W . ROCHESTER, Gawthorpe Cottage, Gawthorpe Lane, G. H EWARD , "Beaumaris," 74, Ganstead Lane, Bilton, Hulhtrict Secretary . Bingley. Mrs. M. R EFFOLD, The Bungalow, Sheepman Lane, Huttor Midland Area Cranswick, Driffield. G . THoMPso , M.B., CH.B., 58, Heath Crescent, Halifax. H. R EFFOLD, The Bungalow, Sheepman Lane, Hutton Crans-ea Commissioner . H. J . SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, 8. wick, Driffield. !a Superintendent (A) itrict Staff Officer (i jc W: PARSO S, School House, ~arnby Moor, Yorks . Mrs. O. M. G ELDARD , The Grange, Ilkley, Yorks. MISS D . M. H UZZARD, 20, Rlversdale Road, Hull. Nursing Divisions) F. A. BREAR, M.B., CH.B., Westerley Edge, Hawksworth Lane, Mrs. G. JACKSO , 8, Lynton Avenue, Anlaby Park Road ea Surgeon . . . Guiseley, r. Leeds . South, Hull . (Cadet Secretary) . Vacant. G . M . HINCH, 38, Windsor Road , County Road orthta ursing Officer . S. BRA SON, 8, Stone Street, Sticker Lane, Bradford 4. 'ea Cadet Officer (A) Hull. Mrs. K. M. JOH so , 140, Gledhow Wood Road, Leeds, 8. ~a Cadet Officer (N) T . P ENN, 37 Parks tone Road , Hull. County Secretary (A) . G. DACCUS, 49, Lumley Road, Leeds 4. 'ea Staff Officers . Mrs. E. M. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, 8. County Office: Priory House, 29, Cottingham Road , Hull.


NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE County Office : ] 1, Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough, Yorks . County President : The Lady SERENA J~ Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Cadet Officer (A). . County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (N) County Staff Officers .

'ea Commi ioner

. -ell Superintendent (A) :ea Superintendent ) rea Surgeon ~a

Nursing Officer

Colonel Sir Leonard ROPNER , BT., M .C., T.D., D.L. , M.P., Thorr:ea Cadet Officer (A) Perrow, Bedale Yorks. (Tel. Bedale 10). :ea Cadet Officer (N) J . PEARSON, M.B.E., "Alandale," 19, The Crescent , unthorpe1-ea Staff Officers. Middlesbrough. (Tel. 56287). Mrs. F. C. BURTON, 2, Upper Westbrook, Darlington . (Tel Darlington 5764). :ea Commis ioner F. W. HEBBLETHWAITE, M.B., CH.B., 11 , The Avenue, Linthorpe Middlesbrough. rea Superintendent (A) Miss M. MOORHOUSE, 93, Trafalgar Road, Scarborough. rea Superintendent (N) W. E. D ANKS, 127, Mansfield Avenue, Thornaby-on-Tees. lea Surgeon Mrs. E. M BIELBY, S.G.M., 27, St. Germains Lane Marske-By Sea. rea Nursing Officer . Mrs. T. E. KIRK, 31, St. Barnabas Road, Middlesbrough. P. P. SMITH, 11, West Park Avenue, Newby. scarbor~u~b.)rea Cadet Officer (A) J. W. RENAHAN, 12, Alton Road, Middlesbrough . (Training R. H. WRIGHT, 27, Grantham Road, Norton, Stockton-oOO unty Cadet Officer (N) Tees.

Northern Area J. E. BAIRD, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., Brow House, Haworth, Keighley. F . R. CHARLTO , 11, St. Swithins Walk, York. Miss G. E. MYALL, Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorks. J . M. A. CRITCHLEY, M.B., CH.B. , 15, Woodlands Drive, Harrogate. Mrs. 1. R. HYMAS, S.R . ., S.C.M., R.F.N., "Famdale," The Grove, Harrogate. T. BROUGHTON, Bracewell Lodge, Bracewell, Nr. Skipton. Vacant. Miss E. L. GILBERT, 15, Hill Rise Avenue, Harrogate. T. 1. McNISH, 96, Devonshire Street, Keighley.

Southern Area

J. MAIN RUSSELL, M.B., CH.B., B.HY., D.P.H., "Wemyss," Stockarth Lane, Oughtibridge, Sheffield. A. ELSO , M.B.E., 148, Oaks Avenue, Stocksbridge, Sheffield. Mrs. Y. D. LEE WOOD , S.R. . , 16a, Tapton Road, Sheffield, 10. C. B. BALL, L.M.S.S.A., Fern Lodge, 138, Dodworth Road, Barnsley. Mrs. M. E. SHlMELD, S.R.N., H.V.CERT., 10, Black Brook Avenue, Lodge Moor, Sheffield 10. H. SHOOMAN, M.B., CH.B., "Rosana," 101, Newstead, Havercroft, Nr. Wakefield. Mrs. H. BEVERLEY, The Haven, Worsborough Bridge, Nr. Barnsley.



District Staff Officer Area Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissi oner . . Areat Superintendent (A) . Area Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Area Surgeon . Assistant Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officers (A) Area Cadet Officers (N) County Staff Officers Area Staff Officers.

Assistant Commissioner Area Surgeon District Staff Officer . . O/c Nursing Divisions) Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (A) A rea Cadet Officer (N) Area Staff Officers .


C. H. FORSTER, 33, High Street, Sheffield, 1. omrnandery Commissioner. . H. HEMT GWA Y, St. Thomas's House, Worsboro' Dale, Nrorrunandery Dty. Commissioner Bamsley. J. SHAW, J.P., The Beeches, 27, Mill Hill, Pontefract. Jm rnandery Superintendent eN) Mrs. V. G. B TH, 4, Ranelagh Drive, EcclesalJ, Sheffield 11 C. C. BOWLEY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.O.G., 34, Hemper Lane, Sheffieldomrnandery Surgeon . J . ASKEW, 25, Pickup Crescent, Wombwell, r. Bamsley. . omrnandery ASSISt. Super. (N) South Ea tern Area E. SOAR, "Oak Lodge," Sprotborough, Doncaster. ursing Officer ommandery L. A. CLARKE Oaklca, Scawthorpe, Nr. Doncaster. Vacant. ommandery Cadet Officer (A) M . HAIN, M.B., CH. B., 22, Balby Road , Doncaster. Col. R. W . SCOTT, M.D., D.P.H., "Langley," antley Lane,ommandery Cadet Officer eN) Donca teL J . A. SCOTT, M.B., CH.B., 14, Middlefield Road, Bessacar ommandery Assist. adet Officer Doncaster. ' (N) . . . . Mrs. BALCO , S.R . . , 1, Park Terrace, Thryburgh, r. Rother-rea Commi sioner ham. W. HARGREAV , 198, Great North Road, Woodlands,ommandery Staff Officer Doncaster. J. HOWARD, 16, Dawood Villas , Bentley, Doncaster. Mrs. J. CROSBY, 58, hestnut Avenue, Wheatley Hills, Don. caster. C .. Mrs. TOWNSEND, 6, The Villas, Edlington, r. Doncaster. 'ea omnllSSJOner N. HULLEY, Wamington Lane, Bessacar, Doncaster. . D. G. BARBER, 104 Doncaster Road, Armthorpe, DODcaster.:ea Superintendent ( ) 1. DEARDE , The Beeches, Scawthorpe, Doncaster. (Transport).·ea Surg~on Offi . H. COATES, King ton House, CarJton-in-Lindrick, Nr. Worksop,'ea S uffr lIl g cer Notts. :ea ta O ffi cer L. TAGG, 67, Bawtry Road, Be sacarr, Nr. Doncaster. E . Po BERTH, "The Chase," Wamington Lane, Bessacar, Doncaster. C. F. PALMER, "The Chestnut," 28, Cantley Lane, Bessacar,lea Commissioner Doncaster. (Treasurer). A. S. CRABTREE, "Sheridan," 26, Ennerdale Road, Wheatley lea Superintendent eN) Hills, Doncaster. :ea Surgeon South We tern Area H. HARRTSO , M.B.E., "Riber," 40, Gledholt Road, Hudders-'ea ursing Officer field. W. BROWN, L.R.C.P.(LO D.) M.R.C.S.(E G.), 128, Halifax Old :ea Cadet Officer (A) Road, Birkby, Huddersfield. Miss A. E. U THA K, M.B.E., 25, Duchy Road, Harrogate. ea Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. E. CARRUTHERS, S.R.N., 6, Pennine Road , Dewsbury. lea Dr. Mustafa Rial EI SARRAFF, Shaftesbury House, York Road, Batley. Mrs. M. K. MITTON, 27, Wesley Street, Ossett, Yorks. J. BASSINDALE, 2, Bridley Drive, Siaithwaite, Huddersfield. Miss Z . E. HULL, 13, Cedar Avenue, Huddersfield. lea H. BOWER, 92, Savile Road, Savile Town, Dewsbury. (Cadets).lea L. CLEGG, 7, York Avenue, Fartown, Huddersfield. (Secre- lea tary). Mrs. D. LEACH, 864, Bradford Road, Birkenshaw, Nr. Brad-lea ford. lea Iea

Public Duty Officer .

. . ComnysslOoer Supenntendent (A) Surgeon Nursing Officer Cadet Officer (N) Secretary . .

COMMANDERY IN NORTHERN IRELAND District Office: 61, Great Victoria Street, Belfast, 2. Tel. Belfast 23970.

President: Her Excellency The Lady W AKEHURST.

District Vice-President: Mrs. G. N. WALLACE, M.B.E.

lea Commissioner lea Superintendent (N) lea Surgeon


Vacant. Lt.-Col. G . GREGG, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., D.PHYS.MED., 40, Elmwood Avenue Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 25586). Mrs. M . H. NEILL, 96, Circular Road, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 653789). F. E. FLETCHER, M.B., M.R.C.S., D.P.H., 4, My Lady's Mile, Holywood, Co. Down. (Tel. Holywood 2497). Miss Q. Q IGLEY, B.E.M., 19, Cabinhill Gardens, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 654866). Miss B. BOYCE, S.R . . , S.C.M., Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry. Mr. C. M URRAY, 92, Orangefield Crescent, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 59375). Miss E. GARRETT, Helen's Lea, Gilnahirk, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 654429). Miss V. K . HILL, 88, Donaghadee Road, Bangor, Co. Down. Mr. W. A. RYA , I.B.E., Glenartney, Cultra, Co. Down. (Tel. Holywood 3162). Brigadier L. E. MACGREGOR, O.B.E., 61, Great Victoria Street, Belfast. Belfast Area Mr. D. M . RODGERSO , 747, Crumlin Road, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 45804) . Mil. PERROTT, 3, re cent Gardens, Belfast. J . . LEW1, LB ., 202, West Circular Road, Belfa t. W . H. R YA .R . . , 32, Stranmillis Park, Belfast. Mr. S. T. SMYTH, Edelweiss, Station Road, Greenisland. (Tel. Whiteabbey 2046). Antrim Area W . N. Jo ES, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., The Crescent, Ballymena. (Tel. Ballymella 2377). Mrs. F. A. MORTON, Aghnaclare, Woodlands Avenue, Baliymena. (Tel. Ballymeana 2519). Mr. Hugh WILSO , F.R.C.S., "Lisnamoyle," The Roddens, Lame. Tel. Lame 2135. Mrs. M. J. F. CHAPLIN, 21, King's Road , Knock, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 657688). Mr. 1. H . JOH STO E, "Mena," Donegali Avenue, Whitehead. (Tel. Whitehead 3343). Mrs. A. HAM1LTO , "Cherryville," Kells, Co. Antrim. (Tel. Kells 298). Mr. J. M. RODGERS, 15, North Road, Carrickfergus. (Tel. Carrickfergus 3316). Armagh Area Vacant. Mr. H. BURROWES, Ulster Bank House, Lisbum. F . BELL, M.B., D.P.H., 'Woodlands," Armagh. (Tel. Armagh 173). Miss 1. CHAMBERS, Armagh County Health Committee, 2, Gosford Place, Armagh. (Tel. Armagh 297). Miss E. BERRYMAN, 64, Sandhurst Drive, Belfast. Mis E. MARSHALL, The Village, Loughgall. Down Area Mr. J. H. REA, F.R.S.A., The Friary, Banbridge. (Tel. Banbridge 2044) Miss S. H. JOHNSTONE, 38, Lancefield Road , Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 665491) . N. E. WILLIAMS, B.A., M.B., Downshire Road, Newry. (Tel. Newry 2043).









Breconshire Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Secretary .

Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Commissioner Area Superintendent Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . Area Cadet Officer (N) Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Cadet Officer


Mis M. Hawthorne, .R.N., S.C.M., Downe Hospital Down patrick. (Tel. Downpatrick 2358). ' Miss D. DUfF, II, Springfield Road, Bangor. Mrs. B. KELLY, 3 Chlorine Gardens, Belfast. (Tel. Belfas 660108.)

County President : Major General Sir Geoffrey T. RAIKES, C.B., D.S.O., D.L.

Lady President: Mrs. M. P. N. WlLSON .

County Vice-Presidents:

Fermanagb Area Mrs. A. MALO E, B.A., 10, Willoughby Place, Enniskillen.

Major V. D. JONES, M.B.E., M.M., T.D. (Ambulance). Brigadier G. YOUNGHUSBAND (Ambulance Cadets) .

Londonderry Area !IIUl1issioner Mr. W. J. WILLIAM, M.B.E., 20, Pump Street, Londonderry (Tel. Londonderry 2108). lunty Superintendent (A) Mrs . R. W. Cu INGHAM, 27, Clarendon Street, Londonderryuoty Superintendent (A) Dr. M. F. LESUE, Lisnagowan, Caw, Londonderry. (Tel Londonderry 2641). unty Surgeon Mrs. G. W . BROW ,S.R . . , 2, Daphne Gardens, Londonderry Mrs. G . G . SIMPSO , 55, Marlborough Road, LondonderryllDty Cadet Officer (A).

Brigadier V. J. L. NAPfER, M.C., D.L., St. John Hut, Church House, Lion Street, Brecon. (Tel. Sennybridge 278). T. G. DA IEL, Maes-y-Ffynon, Pontsticill, Merthyr Tydfil. Mrs. F. M. WILSON, 13, Broad Street, Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire. W. W. WlLSO , M.B., CH.B., 13, Broad Street, Hay-on-Wye, Herefordsh ire. G. A. D. HIBBERT, "Glansevyn," 25, Garth Road, Builth Wells, Brcconshire. Mrs. E. M. HUGHES," oddfa," St. David's Crescent, Brecon.

Tyrone Area uoty Staff Officer Mr. W. M. BRENNEN, F.R.C.S., Cranagh Dhu, Magherafelt Caernarvonshire (Tel. Magherafelt 2311). Mrs. A. E. MARTIN, Summer Hill, Clogher. County President : Mrs. A. MALONE, B.A., 10, Willoughby Place, Enniskillen. Brigadier W . H. Wy NE Fr CH, M.C., J.P., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President : The Lady Megan LLOYD GEORGE, M.P.


County Vice-President: Mrs. G. WYN E FINCH (Nursing).

Headquarters: Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Tel Cardiff 32131 .

Commandant-in-Chief of Nursing Corps and Divisions for Wales : H .R.H. The Duchess of KENT, G.C. V.O., C.l., G.B.E. Chief Commissioner for Wales . Chief Superintendent for Wales . Chief Surgeon for Wales . . . Deputy Chief Commissioner for Wales. . . . . . . . Deputy Chief Superintendent for Wales. . . . . . . . Deputy Chief Surgeon for Wales . Assistant Chief Commissioner for Wales. . . . . . . . Assistant Chief Superintendent for Wales . . . . . . . . Assistant Chief Surgeon for Wales Chief Nursing Officer for Wales . Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets for Wales. . . . . . . Chief Officer Nursing Cadets for Wales. . . . . . Brigade Secretary for Wales Training Officer for Wales

H . G. LEWIS. Margherita, Lady HOWARD DE WALDEN and SBAFORD, C.B.E. T. T. BAlRD, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., D.P.H. Colonel R . MYDDLETON, M.V.O., J.P., D.L.

JUty Superintendent (A) JUly Superintendent (N) mty Surgeon . JUty Cadet Officer (A). mty Staff Officers


County President : The Earl of LISBURNE.

Vacant. C. G. MACKAY, M.B., CH.B. Miss J. E. THOMAS, S.R.N., S.C.M ., T.A.

Lady President : Mrs. E. D. CHURCHILL.



Mrs. W. R. CRAWSHAY. Vacant. Miss Z. D. DRurrr.

.puty Commissioner .

Sir Richard WILLIAMS-BuLKELEY, BT., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President : Lad y WILLlAMS-B ULKELEY. Graham P. WILLIAMS, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Longford House, Holyhead . (Tel. Holyhead 109) .

Sir Michael D UFF, BT. , J.P., " aynol," Bangor, Caernarvonshire. (Tel. Bangor 2542). Lieut.-Colone l W. J . WILLIA is, O.B.E., LL.B., B.SC., cruef on table, Caernarvon. G . W . ROBERTS, "Clogwyn," Rockfield Drive, Deganwy, Caernarvonshire. Mrs. E. A. Jo ES, S.R . . , "Tegfan," 14, Terfyn Terrace, Portdinorwic, Caernarvonshire. I. H. LLOYD, LB., B.S., "Tan-y-Berllan, Penmaenmawr. R . P . PATEMA ,24, Ambro e Street, Bangor, Caernarvonshire. H . EVILLE, M.P.S., 3, Mostyn Street, L1andudno, Caernar onshire. T. O . PARRY, 22, Thomas Street, Caernarvon. Cardiganshire


County President :


1Uty Commissioner.





uoty Superintendent (A) uoty Staff Officer

Captain J. BEXT LEWES, O.B.E., R. .(RTD.), Lord Lieutenan t, L1anllyr, Nr. Lampeter, Cardiganshire. (Tel. Aeron 323). Rees Evans DAVIES, "Kingslyn," Penparcau Road, Aberystwyth. J. C. BLAYNEY, Ambulance Station, Queens Road Aberystwyth. H. DAVIES, 12, Baker Street, Aberystwyth. Carm:rrtbenshire

Countv President : Lieut.-Colonel Sir Grismond


PI-ITLIPPS, C.V.O., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President : The Hon. Mrs. FISHER BOCH, T.D.

Count)' Vice-President: Miss G. P. THYER-JONES, M.A., LL.B. ( IIrsing Cadets).


70 Commi6sioner County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N)

Area Commissioner




D . Cecil WILLIAM, J.P., "Lisvane," Felinfoel Road, Llanelly;puty Carmarthenshire. (Tel. Llanelly 255). ' Mrs. M . D . CAVE, A.R.R.C., "Brynhafod," Old Road, Llanelly 'u nty Carmarthenshire. ' Mrs. S. J. ThOMAS, S.R.N., C.M.B., 20, Stradley Park Avenue ,uOty Llanelly, Carmarthenshire. ' Lieut.-Colonel G. TREHAR E, 69, Queen Victoria Road ,unty L1anelly, armarthenshire. ' Mi A. D AVI ,80, Coleshill Terrace, Llanelly, Carmarthen. hire.

North Carmarthen hire County Area G . A. WATSON, J.P., "Wemoleu," Ammanford, Carmarthen. shire. (Tel. Ammanford 271).

Commissioner. Superintendent (N) Surgeon Cadet Officer (A).




County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Cadet Officer (A) . County Staff Officer (Cadets)

R . T. SMITH, F.C.A., "Craxton," Gronaot Road , Prestatyn, Flin tshire. Mrs . R. E. CAULFIELD, " Hazeldene," Maes-y-groes Prestatyn Flintshire. ' , G. H . COLLIER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Shandon," Brunswick Road, Buckley, Flintshire. G. MA SELL, 4, Sandy Lane, Queensferry, Flintshire.

Lady President:

.a Commt


Brigadier J. G. MORGA , C.B.E., T.D., M.B., B.S., M.R C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.L., The Cottage, Glais Road , Clydachon-Tawe Swansea. (Tel. Clydach Glam 2289). Mrs. G. M. WYLLIA 1" , Llanharan House, Llanharan, Glamorgan. l. R. S. R OBERT 0 , 1.B., B.. , Herons Hill, elson, Glamorgan . J. P. HARRIE, 49, Fairfield Road , Bridgend, Glamorgan.

Aberavon County Area R. W. EVA ,T.D., M.II1ET., F.I.M., Plas-y-Bryn, Pentyla, Port Talbot, Glamorgan. (Tel. Port Talbot 670). Barry County Area . D. Griffith, L.M.S .. A., 6, Kingsland Crescent, Barry Dock, Glamorgan. (Tel. Barry 353). Bridgcnd County Area . G. HOWELLS, I. I., 14, Hill View, Pontycymmer, Nr. Bridgend, Glamorgan (Tel. Pontycymmer 306). aerphilly County Area W. J . KYR fE, "Way ide," Nelson Road , Glamorgan. (Tel. Hengoed 2101).

strad Mynach,

C. MARSHALL-HUGHES, 36, Station Road , Llanrwst, Denbighshire. (Tel. Lianrwst 277). ~a Commi ioner E. ELLIS, 97, Parc-y-Dre, Ruthin, Denbighshire. Dr. Sheila R EID, The Old Rectory, Llanychan, Ruthin , Denbighshire. Meurig Wyn WILLIAMS, M.R.C.S ., L.R.C.P., Glasfryo, Llanrwst, . Denbighshire . .a Commt ioner S. TAYLOR, "Rydal Mere," Tanrallt Street, Mochdre, Colwyn Bay, Denbighshire. . . M. DAVIES, 16, St. David's Road, Old Colwyn, Denblghs hire .

Go\\er ounty Area W. J . JAMES, Mine Rescue Station, Loughor, Glamorgan . (Tel. Gorseinon 104).


E. P . COYNE, M.B., CH.B., Plasoewydd, Neath, Glamorgan. (Tel. eath 257).


Flintshire County President : Brigadier H. S. K. MAINWARING, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., Lord Lieutenant. Lady President : Mrs. A. B. PENNANT. County Vice-President : The Lady KENYON (Nursing Cadets). .


The Hon. Mrs. J . H. BRUCE.




Glamorgan County President: . G. TRAHER E, T.D., J.P., BARR., Lord Lieutenant.

South Carmarthen hire ounty Area mmt ioner Area Commissioner (Acting) . D. Cecil WILLIAM, J.P., "Lisvane," Felinfoel Road, Llanelly Carmarthen hire. (Tel. Llanelly 255). unty Superintendent Ea t Denbigh hire Jnty Surgeon Coullty President: Inty adet Officer (A) Colonel 1. . Wy E-FI CH C.B.E., M.C., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. Lady President: Lady WILLI MS-WYNN. :3 Commi ioner Captain R. G. Ev ,M.B.E., J.P., Fernyfield, Llay, Wrexham, Commissioner . Denbigh hire. (Tel. Gresford 292). W. E. Jo E. , "Westholme," We ton Rhyn, r. 0 westry. County Superintende nt (A) M. T. I LWY Jo, ES, 1.0., D.P.H., 16, Grosvenor Road, County Surgeon Wrexham, Denbigh hire. :l Commt lOner J. W. P. S\LT, 1.B. B.. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Htllcroft," Weston County Surgeon (Cadet) . Rhyn, r. 0 westr). S . ROBERTS, " Penynant," ewbridge, r. Wrexham, DenbtrhCounty Cadet Officer (A). shire. .a Commi. lOner We t Denbigh hire County President: Colonel J . C. WYNNE-FI CH, C.B.E., M.C., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. Lady President: Lady WILLIAMS-WYNN.


~ Commissioner (Acting) .

R. W. BANKES, C.B.E., Soughton Hall, Northop, Mold, Flint-:a C .. shire. (Tel. Northop 207) . OmrmSSlOner

L1antri ant County Area G. M. WILLIAMS, I.C., Llanharan House, Lianharan, Glamorgan. (Tel. L1anharan 253). Neath County Area

Pontardawe County Area Brigadier J. G. MORGAN, C.B.E., T.D., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.L., The Cottage, Glais Road, Clydachon-Tawe, Swansea. (Tel. Clydach Glam 2289). Pontypridd County Area H. CLIFT, 188, Merthyr Road, Pontypridd, Glamorgan.




County Cadet Officer


Deputy Commissioners County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . . . County Cadet Officer (A) . County Cadet Officer (N)

Vice-Presidents : The Lord MERTHYR, J.P., D.L. Lady Marion PffiLIPPS (Nursing).

,puty Commissioner.

Colonel A. J. CHASTO , O.B.E., M.C., T.D., D.L., Troedyrhil,1~nty Superintendent ( Farm , Ystrad Mynach, Glamorgan . (Tel. Hengoed 2175)unty Surgeon . N. GALBRAITH, Chief Constable, hief Constable's Office Abergavenny, Mon. (Tel. Abergavenny 770) . ~nty Cadet Officer . J. H. WILCOX, 11, Bournville Terrace, Tredegar, Mon. Radnorshire G. E. DAVIES, 13, Bryntirion, Bedwas, Mon. Mrs. George BAILEY, Three Springs, Monkswood, Nr. Usk County President: MGonM' C B C B 1 P til f 'th M Brigadier Sir Michael DILWY -YE ABLES-LLEWELLY , BT., M. V.O., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. A KAY, M.. , H.B., ryngo au, on an ral , on C. . Major-General R. S. LEWIS, C.B., O.B.E., "Y Neuadd," Rbayader E. PHILLIP, 19, Arnold Place, Tredegar, Mon. IIlmissioner . ~adnorshire. (Tel. Rbayader 27). ' Miss E. Kr EY, "Evadene," Park Row, Tredegar, Mon MlSS Mary HUNTER-WILLIAMS, 2, Caemelin, Rhayader, Rads. (Tel. Tredegar 3268). mty Nursing Officer Aberdare County County President : J . A. HAYNES, M.E., M.LM.E. Lady President: Lady WilLIAMS, J.P.

Area Commissioner

Area Commissioner

Gwent County Area T. C. WOODy ARD, aynor House, Pennant Street, Ebb", Vale, Mon.

Area Commissioner

Silurian County Area Rees MORGA , "Lynmore," The Gardens, H rcford Road IIlmJSSLOner .. . . Monmouth. (Tel. Monmouth 3 J6) . Juty Commissioner

Trevethin County Area mty Pontypool, MonJnty J. WRE , 32, Edward Street, Griffith town, Area Commissioner dnty unty Montgomery hire onty County President : unty Alderman Sir George F. HAM ER, C.B.E., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. Lady President : The Lady DAVIES. County Vice-Presidents : The Earl of POWIS, C.B.E., T.D. (Ambulance Cadets) . Mrs. F. GRIFfITHS (Nursing Cadets).


County Superintendent (A) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer (N)

G. W. R. TERRY, Chief Constable, Chief Constable's Office Haverfordwest, Pembs. (Tel. Haverfordwest 22). > W. GAYTON, O.B.E., "Lyndale," Rushy Lake, Saundersfoot> Pembs. Mrs. E. H. OWEN, J.P., Bryn-y-Mor, Fishguard Pembs. D. J. DAVIES, M.B.E., M.D., B.S., D.P.H., B.SC., "Rorkes Drift ,. Johnston, Pembs. ' S. MORRIS, 8, Dartmouth Gardens, Milford Haven, Pembs .


Bedwellty County Area W. C. BENNETT, 10 St. David's Avenue, Woodfieldside Blackwood, Mon.



Lady President : Mrs. BICKERTON EDWARDS.

H. EVANS Jo ES, LL.B., "Bryn Bella," Barons Road, Blaenal Festiniog, Merionethshire. (Tel. Blaenau .F~estiniog 6). J. O. WILLIAM, 15, Leeds Street, BJaenau FfestlnlOg, Merioneth shire. Monmouthshire County President : The Lord RAGLAN, Lord Lieutenant. Lady President: The Lady RAGLAN.



Pembrokeshire County President : The Hon. Richard H. PHILlPPS, M.B.E., J.P., Lord Lieutenant.

Merionethshire County President: Colonel J. F. WILLlAMS-WYNNE, D.S .O .. J.P., Lord Lieutenant.




Vice-Presidents: Dr. J. M. WlLSO , (Ambulance Cadets). Lady WilLIAMS, J.P. (Nursing).

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . Cadet Officer (A). Cadet Officer (N)

E. JAMES, 23, Tudor Terrace, Gadlys, Aberdare. H. B. PIERCE, M.B., CH.B., J.P., Bryncerdyn, Mountain Ash,. Aberdare. L. DAVIES, 115, Ty Fry, Aberdare. Mrs. R. M. PROTHEROE, 9, Tudor Terrace, Gacilys, Aberdare. H. BA KS, M.D., F.R.C.S., Ty Mawr, Aberdare. Mrs . D. STEE , Ardnalee, Aberdare. A. PARFITT, 8, Rock Street, Mountain Ash, Aberdare. Mrs. P . HARRISON RODERICK, Harrisonville, Cwmdare, Aberdare.

Cardiff County County President : The Rt. Hon. The Lord MAYOR of Cardiff.

Lady President: T. E. JONES, Severn Villa, Caersws, Montgomeryshire. (Tel The Marchioness of BUTE. Caersws 277). W . E. NEALE, 35, Pentrerhedyn Street, Machynlleth, Mont Vice-Presidents: gomershirc. Captain F. P. ROBATHAN, M.C. (Ambulance). D. R. B. MATHIAS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Park Lane, Welsh pool Mrs. Edgar LLEWELLYN, J.P. (Nursing). Mon tgomeryshire. Mrs . T. T. BAIRD, M.SC. (Nursing Cadets). Mrs. S. E. MATHIAS, S.R.N., Park Lane, Welshpool, Moo1 Major A . H. G. FIELD, M.B.E. , 5, Pencisely Rise, Cardiff_ gomeryshire. iIlmissioner D. N. MANUEL, "Holm1ea," Main Street, Caersws, Monf (Tel. Cardiff 73954). T. T. BAIRD, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., D.P.H., "Inishowen," Church gomeryshire. :puty Comm" (A') Mrs. K. E. SILVER, S.R.N., Stone House, WelshpooJ, Moof lSSloner ctlDg Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff. gomeryshire.


74 County Superintendent (N) County Superintendent (A) County Surgeon County Cadet Officer (N)




Lady President: Lady JENKrNs.

Lady President: Mrs. W. J. CANTON.

County County County County County


Swansea County County President: Sir Wiltiam A. JENKINS, J.P.

Mi s G. M. RICHARDS, "Brynbedw," Tongwynlais, Glamorgan R. DAVIES, 54, High Street, Llandaff, Cardiff. C. A. ~ENCE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Oaklands," Rumney Hill CardIff. Miss M. D. H. JONES, 89, Connaught Road, Roath, Cardifl

Merthyr Tydfil County County President: The Lord KEMSLEY, C.B.E.





Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Cadet Officer (A). Cadet Officer (N)

llllissioner uty Commissioner. . Jlty Superintendent (N)

Jlty Surgeon

Dty ursing Officer M. THOMAS, Chief Con table, Chief on table's Office Merthyr Tydf11. (Tel. Merthyr Tydfil 2541). 3ty Cadet Officer (A). D. W. Jo ES, 3, Windsor Place, The Walk, Merthyr TydfiJnty Cadet Officer (N) Mrs. M. E. THOMA, 31, Lancaster Villas, Merthyr Tydfil H. THOMA, M.B., B.S., St. Claire, Garth Villas, Merthyr Tydfil D. W. LEIGH, 6, Brynteg Terrace, Trehauis, Glamorgan. Miss E. JORDA , 4, Thomas Street, Treharri , Glamorgan,

H. C. LE'BATT HAVARD, "Glen View," Lon Towy, Sketty Swansea. (Tel. Swansea 32754). A. H. HAVARD, 57, Windmill Terrace, St. Thomas, Swansea. Miss Edith A. SMITH, S.R . . , S.C.M., Matron, Swansea General Hospital, Swansea. G. J. Van KLAVEREN, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., " Springfield," Clasemont, Swansea. Miss D. E. DAVrES, S.R . . , R.F.N., Swansea Hospital Nurses' Horne, Pare Beck, Sketty, Swansea. D. A. COOPER, 5, Lon Dan-y-Coed, Cwrngwyn, Swansea. Mrs. M. FRA CIS, 8, Gore Terrace, Swansea.

PRIORIES AND COMMA DERIES OVERSEAS Newport County County President: The Worshipful The MAYOR OF NEWPORT.

Lady President :

Commissioner ' Superintendent ( ) .

Mrs. D. M. BAILEY.

S. G. Commissioner


Vice-President: FIRTH (Ambulance Cadets).



Jty Commi sioner .

R. V. C. RICHARD, B.A., B.SC., 174, Commercial Road

Newport, Mon . (Tel. Newport 62270). Commissioner . A. 1. CRESSWELL, 5, Hawthorn Avenue, Newport, Mon. :utive Commissioner Mrs. W , M . HARBOURN, 25, Clevcdon Road, Newport, Man W. G. SMITH, M.D., "Green Gates" Clevedon Road, Newport~on-in-Chief . . Mon. .rin tendent-in-Chief M. E. DAVIES, L.M.S.S.A., 15, Shakespeare Crescent, Newport County Surgeon (Cadets) . Mon . A. R. G. POCOCK, 27, Lyndhurst Avenue, Newport, Monf Commissioner County Cadet Officer (A). Miss O . M. JONES, 4, Conway Place, Cwmbran, Monmouth County Cadet Officer (N) shire. Jly Chief Commissioner . :rintendent-in-Chief eN) . eon-in-Chief . . . . Rhondda County r Officer Ambulance Cadets rOfficer Nursing Cadets County President : The Worshipful The MAYOR OF RHONDDA . ry Commissioner . Lady President :

Deputy Commissioner . . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon


Vice-President: J. H . DAVIES, F.A.L.P.A. 'Commissioner . . . . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Cadet Officer (A). County Cadet Officer eN)

uty Priory Commissioner trintendent-in-Chief leon-in-Chief . . . . Superintendent-in-Chief.

G. MORRIS, 19, Matexa Street, Ton Pentre, Rhondda, Glam Mrs. R. S. MORRIS-THOMAS, J.P. , "Brynawel," MaerdYamissioner Rhondda, Glam. W. WATKlNS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Surgery, Tonypaody Rhondda, G lam. W. H. NEWBURY, 21, Hughes Street, Penygraig, Rhondda:r Commissioner Glam. Mrs. M. A. HARRIES, S.R.N., 5, Rheolau Terrace, Trehafodlrintendent-in-Chief Rhondda, G lam. leon-in-Chief . .

Priory in Au tralia Brigadier Sir. W. W. S. JOH STO ,C.B.E., D.S.O., M. C., E.D., M.D. , F.R.A.C.P., 194, Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria. Miss F. C. B. McKAY, M.B., CH.M. ommandery in We tern Australia Colonel J. R. Do lALDSO , E.D., M.B., 298-308 , Wellington Street, P erth. Dr. B. C. COHE . Priory in Canada Commander L. H . NICHOLSO , M.B.E., R.C.M.P.(RETD.). Colonel A. G. CHERRIER, St. John House, 321, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Ontario . Brigadier J . N. B. CRAWFORD, M.B.E., B.D., M.D. Miss M . J . L. MACLARE . Priory in New Zealand Brigadier J. MITCHELL, D.S.O., E.D., Druid's Chambers, Woodward Street, Wellington . C. MEACHE ,J.P. (Secretary). Miss N. M . KNIGHT, O.B.E. Group Captain A. H. MARSH, Q.H.P. Dr. D. P. KENNEDY. Miss V. P. L. A QUETIL, M.B.E. Priory in Southern Africa Brigadier W. H. du PLEsSIS, O.B.E., E.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Glensniel, Woolston Road , Westcliff, Johannesburg. A. G. WILLIAMS. Mrs. M . A. WALTO , A.R.R.C. Dr. G. D . ENGLISH. Miss K . E. POTGIETER. Commandery in Central Africa Dr. S. G. H. GASSON, P.O. Box 596, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. India The Hon. Rajkumari Amrit KAUR, S.J.A.B . Headquarters, Red Cross Road, New Delhi, 2. Miss T. K. AoRANWALA. Jivraj N. MEHTA, M.D., M.R.C.P.






Chief Commissioner Asst. Commissioner Surgeon-in-Chief Commissioner


District Superintendent (A) District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

THE Syed Wajid Ali SHAH, St. John Ambulance Brigade R( Frere Street, Karachi, 4, Sadar. Khan Safdar Ali Khan . Brigadier M . Sharif. :lllissioner Ceylon 1ct Superintendent (N) . . 1ct Surgeon Bngadler C. A . H. P. JAYAWARDANA, C.M.G., c.v.o., O.B.E., I! . St. John Ambulance Brigade Headquarters, Lower ~ Road, Galle Face, Colombo 3. missioner. . Major D . N. ROCKWOOD, J.P. :lct Superintendent (N) Mrs. M . A. Jainu DEEN. nct Surgeon Dr. N. F. GUNASEKERA.

Ghana !Ilissioner R. P. BAFFOUR, O.B.E., B.SC. , c/o Ghana Supply Comrnissi, Commissioner . P .O . Box M .35. Accra, Ghana. Vacant. Deputy Commissioner . missioner Malaya .ly Commissioner. . Brigade National Headquart ers: Shelley Road, Kuala Lumpur. t Superintendent (N) Commissioner . Dr. Chang Hoey CHAN. t Surgeon District Superintendent (N) Cbe Sadiah SARDO . District Surgeon Dr. Haji Megat K.HAs . nissio ner . . ct Superintendent (N) t Surgeon



District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon Commissioner

North Borneo Dr. K. H. BLAAUW, P .O . Box 559. Jesselton .

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commission er . . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

British Guiana J. DUREY, M.B.E., P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. F. A . D. CLEARE. Mrs. B. L. SHAw. Dr. L. H. WHARTON, M.B.E.


missioner . . . British Honduras 1ty J. P. RUSH, M.B.E., J.P ., Charlton Lodge, Cork Street, Beli Commissioner.


Deputy Commissioner . District Surgeon Commissioner District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon Commissioner

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioners District Superintendent (N)



Fiji W. E. DONOVAN, Box 18, G.P.O., Suva. Vacant. Dr. W. M . McDONALD.

Gibraltar Vacant. Mrs. D. ELLICOTT. Dr. J. A. DURRANT.

GiJbert and Ellice Islands M . HOOK, H .Q ., The Gilbert & Ellice Islands Colony Constabulary, Ocean Island , Western Pacific.

Grenada J . H. H OLLEY, M.B.E. Vacant. Mrs. MASCOLL. Dr. L. M. COMMISSIO G. Hong Kong Dr. TsEU G FAT IN, 2 Macdonnel LADY HOOA . Dr. Ip Kam Wah.


Road, Hong Kong .

Jamaica r Commissioner

Bahama Col. E. J. H. COLCHESTER-WEMYSS, O.B.E., Office of the Commmssioner . . . sioner of Police, Nassau. et Superintendent ( ) Major A . ROBERTS. Dr. N. McP. MACLENNAN. Barba does :nissio ner . C I I 0 F C W M' . ct Surgeon . . Lleut.- 0 one . . . ALCOTT, O.B.E., E.D., 18, lrusl t Superintendent ( of Social Services, Ministerial Building, Bay Street, B; badoes. Mrs. H. CHALLONER. nis ioner Dr. H. E. SKEET, O.B.E. .ty Commi ioner. Bermuda et Superintendent (N) Wing-Commander L. J. FOUNTAIN, D.F.C., B.O.A.e. Airwa House, 59, Front Street, Hamilton. Mrs. B . Barton. l1tssioner Dr. W. H. C. MASTERS.



Dr. R. D. K. LEVY, 2e, Camp Road , Kingston 5.


outb-Ea t

Dr. H. G. VYSE, O.B.E. Miss E. M. STEPHE S B.E.


Jamaica North-East Dr. O. A TOMLINSON. Dr. L. JACOBS. Mrs. K. HETH ERINGTO . . Jamaica North-We t H. C HUSAC, J.P., West Indian Sugar Co., Ltd., Frome. L. R. R EED, M. i., J.P., F.C.A . Mrs. M. STARKT GS, J.P. Jamaica South-West Commander C. W. HILLMA , O.B.E., R. . Kenya

missioner .ty Commissioner. et Superintendent (A) ct Superintendent (N) et Surgeon

Cyprus D. M. TAYLOR, O.B.E., K.P.M., P.O. Box 719, Nicosia. ;nissioner let Surgeon Dr. Z. G . PANOS. Dr. F. RAssrM. Vacant. niss ioner . . . . let Superintendent (N) let Surgeon

M . S. O'RORKE, C.B.E. Vacant. R . W. OSGATHORP. Mrs . V. KENT. Dr. J. A. CARME .

Leeward Islands Major A. M . M. HILL. Dr. K. H. UTTLEY.

Malta G.c. Lieut.-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B.E., 64, Amery Street, Sliema. Dr. R. CAucHI-I GLOTT, M.B.E. Mauritius R . M. Desvaux de MARlGNY, Police H.Q., Port Loeis. Miss G. DAVIES. Dr. J. MAINGARD, M.B.E.


78 Senior Commissioner .

Nigeria C. S. K. BOVELL, C.M.G., Office of the Inspector-Gene The Nigerian Police, Lagos.

Commissioner . . Deputy Commissioner .

Nigerian Police C. S. K. BOVELL, C.M.G. D. S. FOUNTAI

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner .

Nigeria Railways District R. INNES, Nigerian Railway Corporation, Ebutte Metta. Dr. J. A. DRYDEN .

Deputy Commissioner .

Nigeria Ports District C. A. DOVE, C.B.E., Nigeria Ports Authority, Private ~ Bag 2588, 216 Broad Street, Lagos. F. J. IVIMEV.


Seycbelles B. NEALO , O.B.E., Police H.Q., Victoria Mahe, Seychell

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner.

Sierra Leone W. G. SVER, C.B.E., Police Headquarters, Freetown. Dr. S. CARUA A.

Commissioner . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Singapore Dr. P. Mcl TYRE, 420, Beach Road, Singapore. Dato Syed Ahmad Mohammed AtsAGOFF. Mrs. H. REV OLDS. Dr. Essel TA .

Commissioner . District Surgeon

C. A. BRANSGROVE, Po . Box 1049, Dar-es-Salaam. Dr. A. A. LOVELL.


Truudad and Tobago B. J. L. JACKSON, St. John Headquarter, Wrightson Ro





Deputy Commissioner District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Port of Spain. V. de CASTRO. Mrs. M . J . J. BRVAN. Dr. A. B. ANTONT.

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner.



Zanzibar R. H. V. BILES, Police Headquarters, Zanzibar.



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