~bc <Brant> IPriot\? in the :fonttsb lReaLlll of rl)c !Jnost IDencrabLc @rber of the 1bospitaL of
st. 30bn of 3erusalclll
Report of the Chapter-General for the year
ended 31st December, 1961
Telegra phic Addrt'
: Fir.tnid. L ol1dol1
Trlrphone: ('\erke-l1wc-11 ()()4~
Page 9
14 19
The Mo -t Rev. The Lord Fisher of Lambeth P.c., G.C.V.O., D.D.
Horace F. Parshall, Esq ..
Jlailiff of ~g[t Sir Harry Luke, K.C.M.G .. D.LlIT.,
LL.D .
'loth llrior The Lord Wakehurst, K.G.,
~rBnh ~riot
Field-Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucestet K.G., K.T., K.P., P.C., G.M.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.
97 99
Qf)tI)tr ~ailiff5 ~tanb (,t055 H.R.H. The Duke of Windsor, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.B., etc. Lieut.-General Sir William Dobbie, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., D.S.O. The Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, P.C., C.H. Charles H. C. Pirie-Gordon, Esq., O.B.E., D.S.C., F.S.A. Dr. Richard Williams, F . . A. Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, G.C.V.O. The Lord Bossom, LL.D.
103 1
\n:fJt li'rior5 of ,tlriotie5 Lieut.-Colonel Sir Hugh Turnbull, K.C.V.O., K.B.E . (Scotland). The Lord Aberdare (Wales). Brigadier C. M. Hoffe, C.B.E. (South Africa) H.E. The Viscount Cobham, G.C.M.G., T.D. (New Zealand). H.E. Major-General G. P. Vanier, D.S.O., M.C., LL.D. (Canada). H.E. The Viscount De L'Isle, v.c., G.C.M.G., P.C. (Australia). *All appointments are shown as at 19th June, 1962.
he Great Officers. be other Bailiff~ qrand Cross. he Priors of Pnones. 1'he Executi ve Officers.
C!f),mceIIor Horace F. Parshall, Esq., T.D .
~riginaI l.knigfJt ot Justice
Colonel Sir James L. Sleeman, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M .V.O.
C. T. Evans. Esq., C.M.G. l\e(eiber-~eneraI
1knigl)ts of 31 ustice
Lewis G. Whyte, Esq., F.F.A. iBtre(tor-~enenll, ~t. Jobn ~mbttltmct ~550(iation
Sir Philip Southwell, C.B.E., M.C. ~ospitaUer
Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, G.c.v.O., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R .S. ~{moner
Sir Gerald Creasy, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., O.B .E.
JUbrarian Dr. Richard William s,
Sir Harry Luke, K.C.M.G., D.UTT.,
o terms of three years on Chapter-General and (who have served tw . h ) wish to contmue t. ereon . for Wales). The Han. ] ohn Bruce, C.B.E. (representatIve of the Pnory , Major P. M. Beachcro~t, O.B.E., LL.D. Commander E. A. Momson ' R'~l' W keley Bt K .B.E., C.B. Surgeon Rear-Admiral .Sir C eCI a . ., Captain The Lord HarrIs, M.e. The Earl of Cranbrook, C.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Hornby Steer. Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove, C.B.E., T.D. The Lord Cozens-Hardy. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas Cook. Major-General J. E. T. Younger, C.B. Major R. L. Loyd, O.B.E., M .e. The Hon. ir George Bellew, K . . v.o.
l\epre.sentatibe eenior 1RntgfJt~
JRnigIJts of jfustite tative of the Priory for Wales). Sir David Evans-Bevan, Bt. (repre.sen f the Priory for Wales). . M. Ingledew, Esq. (repreRsenb~atlve ~ E 0 S 0 (representative of the Colonel The Rt. Hon. Lord 0 illS, K . . . , . . , Priory for South Africa).
Qgenealogi5t Sir Anthony Wagner.
K.C. Y.O.
lJBirertor of Q[rremonies Major A. Urquhart, D.S.O.
1knigi)ts of
<!omI1115sionrr-in-Q[bief, ~t. Jobn ~mbttIRn(c ~rigRbr Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E.
q!;xecutibe ~fficet.s
Assistant Receiver-GeneralM. S. Barker, Esq. Deputy HospitallerAjr Commodore T. Keith Lyle, C.B.E .. M.D., M.R.C.P. , F.R.C.S. Deputy Director -General, St. John Ambulance AssociationD. C. Maclean, Esq. Lieut.-General ir Alexander Drummond. K.n.E., c.n .. LL.D .. Assistant Directors of CeremoniesCaptain J. Docwra Rogers. M.B .E. (Sword Bearer). Lieut.-Colonel W. W . Dove, C.B.E. (Cross Bearer). Colonel P. H. Catt. Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance BrigadeRear-Admiral R. M. Dick, C.B .. C.B .E .. D.S.C.
Sir Basil Mayhew, K.B.E. Brigadier-General J. G. Browne, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. Captain J. Docwra Rogers, M.B.E. ~. G. Pape, Esq., O.B.E. Sir George Abbiss, O.B.E. W. E. C. Lazenby, Esq., C.B.E. S~r Hugh Dow, a.C.LE., K.C.S.I.( t tive of the Priory of Scotland). Sir Gordon Lethem, K.C.M.G. represen a T.he Lord Latham. MC Sir John Hathorn Hall, G.C.M.G., O.B.E., D.S.O., . , K B E D.S.O. Lieut.-General The Lord Freyberg, V.C., G.C ·M.G ·), K.C.B., . . . , . . N ew Zea1an d . (representative of the Pnory III MC Lieut.-General The Lord Norrie, a.C.M.G., G.C.V .O., C.B., D.S .O., . . S~r George Wilkinson, Bt., K.C.V.O., LL.D. Sir Andrew Wright, K.e.M.G., C.B.E., M.C. Major P. G. Darvil-Smith, C.B.E. \~ajor-General Sir Ralph Hone, K.C.M.G., K.B .E., M.C., T .D., Q.C. Sir Alexander Grantham, G.C.M.G.
3Junior 1itnirruts
li\niu1Jt5 of jU.s'tice 1. H. H. Pollock, Esq., C.M.G., O.B.E. Brigadier F. A. V. Copland-Griffiths, D. S.O,. M.C. Sir Andrew Murray, O.B.E. (representative of the Sir Austin Strutt, K.C.V.O., C.B. D . C. Maclean, Esq. Sir Harry Sinderson, K.B .E., C.M.G., M.V.O. Colonel P. H. Catt. The Lord Crook. Lieut.-Commander A. F. Inglefield , R.N.
<l&fficiating <tC.f)aplnin.s'
The Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon . H. C. Montgomery Campbell , K.C.Y.O., P . . , M.e., D. O.
The Rev. Dr. Alan C. Don ,
i'epre.s'entfttibe <[leriw{ ~reUJren
i~~ t~~~~bfee~~f.eiJ~~thews,
1knigiJt.s' of ~rMe T. de la Poer Beresford, Esq., Q.C. Colonel W. E. Pringle, M.C., T.D., n.L. Captain P. Reay, O.B.E., M.e. Captain F. L. Richard, O.B.E. ]. A. B. Palmer, Esq. Sir Philip Warter. H. N. Bream, Esq. Colonel Sir Cullum Welch, O.B.E., M.e. C. S. C. Prance, Esq., O.B.E. Sir Percy Spender, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., Q.c. Air Commodore T. Keith Lyle, C.B.E. Rear-Admiral R. M. Dick, C.B., e.B.E., D.S.C. Air Vice-Marshal Sir Robert George, K.C.M.G., (representative of the Priory in Australia). Sir Edwin Chapman-Andrews, K.C.M.G., o. R.E. Major The Hon. Clive Bossom, M.P. Sir John Buchanan , K.C.M.G.
S y Bishop of Rochester. The Rt. Rev . R . D . a , B' h f Peterborough. . . Rt Rev C. Eastaugh, M.C., IS op 0 The Very . R'ev. 0 . H . Gibbs-Smith , Dean of WlIlche tel. The
The Rev. M. F. Foxell,
Archdeacon of Hampstead.
:l\epresentatibe QCommanbers M.S. Barker, Esq. The Hon. Denis Berry.
( resentative of the Commandery of Sir Francis Evans, G.B.E., K.C.M.G. rep Ards in Northern Ireland). John Tennant, Esq ., T.D. 1~epn5entt\tibt
K.C'.V .O., K.B. E. , C. B., M.e.
F. H. D. Pritchard, Esq.,
of tIJe <l&rber
Major 1. F. C. Underhill, T .D.
m:rea.s'met ilnb %{C(Ollntant The The The The
Rt. Rt. Rt. Rt.
Rev. H. J. Buxton. Rev. & Rt. Hon. J. W. C. Wand, P.e., K.C.V.O. Rev. P. M. Herbert, K.C.V.O., D.D. Rev. & Rt. Hon. H. C. Montgomery Campbell,
D. B. R. Swinstead. Esq ., K.C. V.O ., P. C..
M.C., D.D.
The Rt. Rev. D. H. Crick, D.D. The Rt. Rev. A. C. W. Rose. The Very Rev. C. L. WaIT, K.C.V.O., D .D., LL.D. The Rev. Dr. Alan C. Don, K.C.V.O. The Rev. A . Nevile Davidson, D.D. The Rt. Rev. G. H. Ellison, Bishop of Chester. The Rt. Rev. W. H. Stewart, C.B.E., D .D. The Rt. Rev. W. A. Parker, Bishop of Shrewsbury. The Rt. Rev. J . D. McKie. The Rt. Rev. W. A. E. Westall, Bi hop of Crediton . . The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Frederick Donald Coggan, D.D., ArchbisboP of York. The Rt. Rev . Stanley A. H . Eley, Bishop of Gibraltar. Th Mo t Rev. A. C. MacInnes. C.M.Goo Anglican Archbi hop in JenI salem.
THE REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL FOR THE YEAR 1961 The Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members and Associates of the Order its Report for the year 1961. THE DEATH OF THE CHA CELLOR, LT.-GE ERAL SIR HENRY POWNALL
K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.
The sudden death of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Pownall , K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., Chancellor of the Order came as a very great shock to members of the Order, both home and overseas. To say that Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall was the keystone of the Order of St. John's administrative structure is no exaggeration. When he retired from the Army in 1946 he at once interested himself in the St. John Ambulance Brigade and became Commissioner-in-Chief in 1947. He first became associated with the Chancery in 1949 during Sir Edwin King's last illness, and he succeeded him as Chancellor in 1951. Sir Henry Pownall was admirably equipped to carry out these duties. During his tenure of office he piloted an important revision of the Statutes. He also played a large part in developing the Order's organization overseas. These and other matters often presented complex problems , but they seemed to melt away at his touch because he dealt with them all without hurry, excitement, or impatience. He invariably had some sensible line of action to suggest but never minded whether he got the credit for it or not. He was an exemplar of that unselfish and single minded loyalty and devotion which makes it possible, without presumption, still to call the Order of St. John an Order of Chivalry. His name will always be honoured in connection with the critical post-war period of the Order's history. He twice visited Jerusalem to see the work of the Order's Ophthalmic Hospital. His first visit was on the occasion of the laying of the Corner St.one, and his second visit was in March, just before he died; he went WIth the Secretary-General to see the new hospital finished and under working conditions. It is nice to feel that he was able to see the completion of the Order's most ambitious project in Jerusalem and the Middle East. Other obituary notices appear on pages 11-12 . APPOINTMENTS
Mr. Horace Field Parshall , T.D. , was appointed Chancellor of thc Order in succession to the late Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall , with effect from St. John's Day, 1961. Mr. Parshall had previously held the office of Director-General of the St. John Ambulance Association from which he retired in 1960 after ten years in office. Sir Harry Luke in addition to his present office of Regi trar, was appointed Bailiff of Egle with effect from St. John's Day, 1961 . Mr. H. S. Taylor-Young, F.R.C.S., Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief, and ~or many years, Commissioner of the Brigade in Wiltshire, wa aKPPolOted Surgeon-in-Chief on the retirement of the late Major White nox.
The Annual Festival of the Order was held on Saturday, 24th June 1961. Holy Communion was celebrated in the Crypt of the Grand Prior~ Church by The Rt. Rev. Horace W. B. Donegan, C.B.E., D.D. , D.C.L:, Bishop of New York, Associate Chaplain and Sub-Prelate of the Order. The General Assembly was held in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House by kind permission of the Lord Mayor, Sir Bernard Wal ey-Cohen. The Lord Mayor kindly entertained the Lord Prior, Bailiffs Grand Cross, Executive Officers and distinguished overseas visitors to luncheon after. wards. The Commemoration Service was held in the afterno on at St. Paul's Cathedral, the sermon being preached by the Bishop of N ew York. The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs attended in state. FORElGN AFFAIRS H.R.H. THE GRA D PRIOR VISITS RHODE
On May 22nd H.R.H. The Grand Prior, accompanied by the Ducbes of Gloucester, arrived in Rhodes for a two day visit. The Grand Prior was received by King Paul of the Hellenes, an Associate Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order, who was accompanied by other members of the Greek Royal Family. The Duke and Duchess visited the Auberge of England, a mediaeval building in the centre of the city of Rhodes and at a short ceremony held in the auberge, King Paul handed to the Grand Prior a scroll containing the Greek approval of the transfer of the building to the Most Venerable Order. In September 1958 at the Castle of Bubikon in Switzerland there took place a conference unique in the history of St. John. During the Middle Ages, the thirteenth century Commandery at the north easterly end of the lake of Zurich was one of the most important of the Swiss properties of the Order; it has recently been beauti fully restored to its original condition. This ancient Hospitaller M onu ment was chosen as the highly appropriate venue for a conference between t~e Most Venerable Order, the Johanniterorden of Germany (with its SWISS and other national associations), and the Orders of St. John in the Nether· lands and in Sweden, to consider matters of common interest. The cO,n' vener of the conference was Baron der StUrIer, Commander of the SWISS Association, an autonomous branch of the Johanniterorden. This first conference was of an exploratory nature designed to discover jf the four Orders could usefully be brought into closer and more regular contact and , if 0, how and to what extent they could collaborate for purposes common to them all. The meeting proved, in the event, so promising that the conversations thus happily initiated at Bubikon were resumed in January 1959 at St. John's Gate and again in June of the same year at the Hague. The e meetings, all of which Baron der StUrier \ova Chai rman, revealed a growing consciousness of common objectives an~ a growing de ire for more intimate and sustained association in pLII:SUII of the e objective. Subsequent correspondence, in formal meetIng between the Lord Prior Baron der StUrier and others concerned and other individual contact, led grad ually to the conclusion that the wor~. of St. John in general would gain jf there could be devi ed ome form 0 a ociation, provided that the independence of the four orders co ncerned under their re pective overeign heads wa in no way impaired. The happy outcome of nearly two years of study and negotiations \Va
61 in the J ohanniter "Commandr~,Chul:;;h" the signature ~n June 13~1'J~a~hei11l in the Western German 1an1 ?f of Nieder-WeIsel, near. a fAll' ce" of the four Orders of St. Jo 111 In Hessen of a "ConventIOn 0 Ian bly was the Herrenmeister of the , 'd' er the as em . h '1 H R H question. Presl 1l1g ov .' ce Wilhelm Carl of Prussia, w ] e .. ,; . Johannitero rden , H .. R.H. r~~n Netherlands and "Landc0111mand~u[ of Prince Bernard, Pnnce. 0 Ie H Ie to attend it. The Conven~lOn wa the Dutch Order flew flom t le . a.gl. Orders by the Lord Pnor (who signed on behalf of the four par~lc6atll1g 1 and Registrar); the Chancellor was accompanied by the Secretary- e~~~~ Jonkheer van Beijma on behal f of the Johanniterorden, Herr von ~o nilton on behalf of that of Sweden of the Netherlands Order ; .. ~a~on at as well as by Baron der Studer.
I .' f the Chapter-General that the tota It w~s noted 111 last yeat ~ \~P~~~rch Restoration Fur~d still fell short subscnbed to the Grand Pno y work of restoration whIch was £89 OO~. by some £20,000 of the cost <;>f the . tended to launch a further appeal In It was then announced that It was m f g this deficit Response ha the autumn of 1961 with a view to me~ ~~ised at the time of going to been most encour~ging and tho~gr:oh~~h reduced the deficit to £8 ,000. press was approxlln~telY £12, b the end of the year 1962 the target It is to be hoped very much tl~~ ~ --General is indeed grateful to all will have been reach~d. Th~ .1ap er enerous manner. those who have contnbuted 111 such a g GRAND PRlORY CHUR CH
Life Saving Medal in Sih'er Peter Pitts (South Africa). . frol11 the Umgeni River, Durban . The For the rescue of three Indlans . a I' ll a very strong cu rrent. M 1' , . .lITImmen . t d aI1ger of drownm ' own I'1fe JIl . men were 1t1 l _ s and placed hIS Pitts entered the dangerous waters t 11 ee Ime jeopardy. Life Saving Medal in Bron::;e
Royden Webb Wilmot (South Afri~a) f man who had been pitched , For the attempted rescue in r~ug 1 J~~:dO Ul~consciou . The man was. at Illto the sea by heavy waves ~l re~ll '1g brought him to land applted the bottom of a poo1. Me 11m~ la~;lr out result. Mr. Wilmot had artificial respi ration unfortunate y WI 1 d ' d . cued a secon man, previously entered the seas an 1 e Af-' ). P ul Klaus Chal up ky (South Edward Albert Anderson (Sout.h 1lca, a Africa); Brown Mlazi (Sout~ Afnca)ci 1ember of the crew of a fi hing For the rescue of the s~lpper an. n sea off Du rban. They v7ssel which had cap ized 111 excep.tlOnally ~l~~_~y to their own afety in dIsplayed considerable courage WIthout r g effecting the rescues. OBiTUARY
The Bailiff' of Egle, Brigadier-Genera I T"11e E ai -t of , Sha/i ' esbury, K.P. P.e., . C.c. v.a., C.B,E. k
. h Order wa concerned was bro en ,A very important Imk s~ ar as t e B ' d'er-General The Earl f WIth the death of the Balhff of Eg le, nga 1 Shaftesbury, at the age of 92 years.
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their seventieth report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. GENERAL
It will be remembered that the year 1960 saw the fulfilmen t of one of the most important projects of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in the completion and opening of the new Ophthalmic Hospital and its ancillary buildings, events which marked the culmination of several years of planning and endeavour. The year 1961 , the first year of the hospital's activities, has been one of expectation and experiment. The Committee are glad to report that its expectations have been realized and most of its experiments have been successful. During the entire year the hospital has been working to its full capacity ; it has integrated itself into the life of Jerusalem; and in its humanitarian work among the people of Jordan and the surrounding countries of the Middle East it has become much more effective than its predecessor could ever have been. The provision of every modern facility in the new building and the possibility of increasing the surgical and nursing staff have offered new opportunities, and, as will be seen from the Warden's Report, the treatment of trivial illnesses has largely given place to major surgery carried out on a much larger scale than hitherto. These increased opportunities, however, carry with them increased responsibilities. At the beginning of the year the Committee fou nd itself possessed of a large new hospital, a Sisters' Home, a Nurses' Home, a Warden's lodge, and a research laboratory, all fully equipped and furnished , and was confronted with the problem of estimating the cost of running this hospital-city and providing financially for it. The co~t, of course, has been much greater than we incurred in previous years m our temporary hospital in the Old City of Jerusalem. With the number of in-patients and the number of major operations almost doubled, ~ith the staff increased and with the addition of a nursing school, all occurnng at a time of increased prices and rising salaries according to scales to which we must keep, it is to be expected that our expenditure has risen. Moreover, a modern operating theatre, a modern kitchen and a modern laundry, while more efficient, are more expensive to run than the makeshift expedients we had to adapt during the last few years. It is ~ot ind eed surprising that, whereas hitherto the total expense of the hospItal was in the region of £40,000, during the past year it has been slightly above £60,000, and although this fi gure includes some extra items that a new in titution always requires, it is unlikely to decrease in the future; on the contrary it will increase when our research activities expand. We
are in Jerusalem, however, to help the si~k and t<? undertake researc~ .so that sickness may be prevented; even WIth our mcreased .0pport~mtIes we are merely skirting the fringe of the problem of eye dlsease~ m the Middle East; and the Commi~tee f~els confident t~at, through theIr many well-wishers, financial proviSIOn wIll become avaIlable ~ot o~ly to. cont' e but to extend these activities of the Order. It IS qUIte eVIdent, ~~~ever that the Committee will require the generous support that has been giv~n in the past, and it is to be hoped that as the work of t~e. new hospital becomes better known both at home and overseas, addIt~onal support will be given by others wh? may b~come more fully acquamted with the Order's ophthalmic work m the MId~l~ East. In April the Hospitaller paid his ann~al VISIt. to Je: usalem and was very impressed with the speed and e.ffi.c~e.ncy WIth w~Ich the. staff had settled down to their heavier responSIbIlItIes after theIr first SIX months in the new building. Teething troub~es the~e naturally were, but non~ of these was serious and they were rapIdly bemg outgrown. In companson with previous years the greater ease of working was pateI!t, the standard of the work done was higher and the comfort of the patIents was much improved. . Apart from the Hospitaller, the Chancellor, the late Gene~al SIr ~.enry Pownall and the Secretary-General, Mr. C. T . Evans, paId a VISIt to Jerusale~ in the early spring; and in the autumn they were followed by Mr. D. B. R. Swinstead, the Treasurer and Accountant of ~he Orde.r, who was able to ensure that the accountancy of the new hospIt~1 was m every way satisfactory. It was indeed sad that shortly after hIS ret~rn from visiting the Hospital the ~hancell.or should h~ve ~o suddenly dIed. He had always had an intense Interest In .the HospItalm !erusale~ a~d , because of his wide knowledge of the MIddle East and hIS appreCIatIC~n of local difficulties, he had always been a most useful and. sympathetIc adviser when difficulties arose. In his death the CommIttee and all connected with the Hospital have lost a great friend.
In each Annual Report an outline of the progress of research, fin.anced in part by the Order, has been given: In the Report .of la.st year It was Pointed out that, following the isolatIOn of the causatIve VIrus, the most useful drugs had been determined for ~he treatmen~ of tr~chon:a , a~d that work was proceeding on the evolutIOn of a vaccme which. mIg.ht aId in the treatment and possibly prevent the occurrence of thIS .dlsease. Previous research work on monkeys has. now been to a con~~derable extent confirmed in man ; and the MedIcal Research CouncIl s. team Working in the Gambia have found that after three doses of thIS new vaccine the virus was eliminated from the eyes of sufferers from the disease.' This is indeed a promising start, an~ i~ is hoped !hat fu!ure research will show that the vaccine has a SImIlar preventlve actl?n, particularly on a child populati0!l' To ~ork out the d~gree of protectIOn a.nd the length of the period of Immumty, however, WIll take ~ o~~ conSIderable time; but it can confidently be stated that t~e p?sslbJhtIe~ of m.aking real progress in diminishing the ~avages of thIS dIsease WhICh, WIth its complications, produces more blindness than any other, have greatly increased during the past year.
\yhile there ha,ve, bee,n no changes in the membership of the Committee dunng the year, It IS WIth very great regret that it has to report the d th of ~u~y, ,Countes,s of Cromer, who for eight years was Chairman ofe~he Ladles , Lmen GUIld, and for several years was a member of the Hos 't I ComlIDttee where she acted a~ liaiso~ between the two Committees, P~~e was d,evoted to the OJ?hthalIDlc HospItal which she had visited on several occaSIOns when she dId much to help the nursing staff with their va ' problems, nous HOSPITAL STAFF
D~ring the ye~r there have been a number of changes both in the medIcal and nu~smg staff, but these have mostly been routine in nature' they are noted m the, Wa~den's Report. The seconding of sisters fro~ ~oor:fi,elds Eye, HospItal In London is working out very satisfactorily'
It provIdes us WIth a constant suc~ession of sisters well trained in ophthal~ miC work and th~ added expenence of nursing in Jerusalem with its abundance of senous occular diseases, makes the advantages of this arrangement mutual. The Committee are grateful to Miss MacKellar the ~atron, of, ~oorfi~lds Eye Hospital, for her continued enthusiasti~ help m maIntaInmg thIS ,very successful system, A start has now been made to supplement, this ~rra?-gement by accepting Registrars from ~oorfields Eye HospItal as Juruor surgeons in Jerusalem for periods of SIX to twelve months; the Committee hopes that this will be the first of many such secondments for the opportunities provided by our Hospital to the young surgeon are unique, Arrangements have also been made that,next yea,r ~ ~oung American surgeon from Johns Hopkins Hospital, B~ltImore, WIll Jom our staff for one year; this also, the Committee hopes WIll, J:>e the first of m~ny such contacts in the future, That similar oppor!urutIes are now, avaIlable to and are accepted by young Arab surgeons IS, of co,urse, still more valuable. Two such men have served on our staff dunng the, y,ear 1961, one from civil life and one from the Jordan Army: The traInI?g of young Arab surgeons in this way is one of the most Important t,hm&s our hosp,it~l can do, and one of the greatest assets of our new ~ospltal IS the proYIslOn of facilities to make this possible, ~he most Important change ~n ~)Ur staff, however, during the year under reVIew has been more domestic m nature-the marriage of our Matron to ~n Of!icer of the Canadian Army attached to the staff of the United N~tIons m Jord~n, her succession by our previous Assistant Matron, Miss ~, A, BleWItt, an~ the recruitment to our staff as Assistant Matron and SIster T,u tor of a SIster ';Vho has in the past given us excellent service. ~ the runrung of any hospItal one of the most important people is the atro~; ou~ past Matron served us well and our new Matron is an old and tned fnend whose capabilities and devotion to the hospital have been we~l proved. To the former the Committee extends its thanks for her servIces; to the latter it extends a warm welcome. To the Ward~n and the surgical staff, the Matron and all the nursing staff, t~e Supennten~ent ~nd the administrative and domestic staff, the Con:lIDttee once ag~m ~shes to offer its thanks for maintaining their efficI~ncy a~d enth~sIasm m the service of the Hospital and for continuing and lllcreaslllg theIr usual happy relationship with the peoples of Jordan,
One of the most valuable things that the facilities of our new buildings has made possible is the establishment of a sch~ol for the t~aining of A~ab nurses and orderlies in the treatment of eye dIseases. ThIS school WhICh admits some 12 new students each year is now fully operative; it provides a reservoir for nurses and orderlies for our own requirements and has now begun to export trained men and women to o~h~r in,stitutions in Jor,dan and elsewhere in the Middle East. The tramlllg IS largely practIcal, liberally supplemented by lectures, and i~ of ,a st~n.dard bas~d on that obtaining in London; as a statutory qualIficatIOn It IS recogruzed by the Ministry of Health of Jordan. REFUGEES
As reported last year, special efforts are being made by our staff to assist in the permanent rehabilitation of Arab refugees of whom there are still some half million in Jordan. Apart from the subsidy given to UNRWA in this connection, four refugees (three female and one male) have been admitted to the nursing school annually since October 1960 from the funds allocated by the Order as a contribution to Refugee Year. During 1961 we have therefore provided accommodation, board and living expenses and training for eight of these people. It is a pleasure to record that these, despite in some cases the handicap of language, are showing every promise and are rapidly being equipped to take a useful place in life. LADIES' SUB-COMMITTEES
The Ladies' Linen Guild, under the Chairmanship of the Countess of Scarbrough, D.C.V.O. , has continued its work for the provisio,n of nurses' uniforms, hospital linen, amenities for the staff and the patIents, and toys and clothes for the children. The Committee would like ~o J?ut on record its sincere thanks to this Sub-Committee for thus reltevlllg hospital funds and for providing the extra things which do not fit easily into an official hospital budget but mean so much to the happiness of the hospital and are so greatly appreciated by the poor of Jordan. Its th~nk.s, however, must be particularly extended to the branches of the GUIld In Canada Australia and New Zealand, which have been extremely liberal in this ;espect. It is delightful that the senior members of the Commonwealth co-operate with us so happily. The Jerusalem Ladies' Sub-Committee, under the Chairmanship of Mrs. MacInnes, has continued ~ ts activities of repairing the linen in the hospital and providing amenities for the patients. These are noted in the Warden's Report as well as its work to rehabilitate the blind. Perhaps its most useful permanent contribution has been the propaganda it has carried out to interest Arab girls in taking up nursing as a profession, by means of talks by the Matron, the Assistant Matron and officials of the training School in Amman, films and approaches to the headmistresses of schools. For all this the Hospitaller and the Hospital Committee would like to extend their special thanks to Mrs. MacInnes and all the members of the SUb-Committee, as well as to all those who have helped during the year. THE PROPERTY OF THE ORDER IN THE OLD CITY
Now that we are happily installed in our new hospital we have no further use for our property in the Old City of Jerusalem. Watson and
Strathearn Houses served us well after we were compelled to leave the hospital buildings in which we worked from 1883 to 1948, now in Israel. It is true that these two traditional Arab houses were extremely unsatisfactory and difficult to run as a hospital; nevertheless, they provided a means whereby the humanitarian activities of the Order in Jordan could be maintained without intermission. The success with which it did so can be realised when it is remembered that 1,700,000 patients passed through their doors in the few years of their existence. We are glad that their usefulness is not to cease, for they have been taken over by the Lutherans for the extension of the school which they run in an adjoining building; in this way we have been of service to the Johanniterorden in Germany with which we are historically and sentimentally related. The remaining property held by the Order in the Old City is an open space adjacent to the garden of Watson House, the Muristan, traditionally the site of the first hospital of the Crusaders in Jerusalem. At present the Order has given permission for its excavation by the Palestine Exploration Fund and during the spring of 1961 a team of archaeologists under Dr. Kathleen Kenyon started on this work, and it is hoped that some results of interest will emerge. The ultimate fate of this ground has not yet been settled, but it would be good if some permanent memorial were erected here to commemorate its historical connection with the Knights Hospitaller of St. John as well as the more recent activities of the Order in the Old City. THA KS
The Committee would once again like to thank all those who have so loyally supported and contributed financially to the funds of the Hospital and the Hospital-Research Project, and among them it would wish to mention three large oil companies working in the Middle East-th,e Kuwait Oil Company, the Iraq Petroleum Company and Iranian 011 Participants Ltd. It is particularly grateful for the ever-increasing supp~rt of the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, and the Commandery of Ards. It is very much hoped that the p riories and Commanderies will convey the thanks of the Committee to all those who have contributed financial support. Again the Committee wishes to give especial thanks to the Preceptories of the Masonic Order of Knights Templar and to the Clothworkers' Company who have subscribed so generously over a number of years. Their thanks are also due to Mrs. Vincent Astor for her kindness in endowing a bed at the Hospital-the first such gesture which the Committee hopes win be followed by others of a similar nature. THE ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL OF SOUTH AFRICA
As an addendum to this report it will be of interest to record that in December the Hospitaller visited the St. John Ophthalmic Hos12 ital a} Baragwanath, near Johannesburg. This hospital is run by the PrIory 0 St. John in South Africa and was then celebrating the tenth anniversary of its founding. The hospital, which contains 100 beds and caters fO.r the ophthalmic needs of the native popUlation, is closely associated WIth a large general hospital of 2,000 beds, to which, indeed, it acts as the ey~ department. The ceremony of the anniversary attracted a large an influential assembly and was conducted by the Prior of the Priory for
.' d"t This is the only other ophtha~mic WIth Jr~:; a~~n:/~ntirelY the res~onsibilitY of the Pr~ory hospItal run by the . ~ t f on the work carned out there, superVIsed for South Afnca; ~I~ o~ M~~~~~l Superintendent and Matron as~is~ed by by an extremely e cIeJ? I t ff is of a very high standard and IS III the a large honorary surglca sa, highest traditions of the Order. STEWART DUKE-ELDER,
Sout~ A~nca
WARDEN'S REPORT . h ' t I 's no longer the exciting After !ifteen months in servI~:ffo~~d o~~li~ ~like. We can now lo.ok novelty It so recently w~s to Ski and 1ake stock of the position. LIke back on ~ complete year s. wor ng -made suit we have found our new one donmng for th~ first. t~fe a rea~~here inclined to chafe in this spot garment ti~ht here If }avls Y rOfm . '~adequacies to which we shall while hanglll~ loose m that-:-al, mIll~h~ ear's experience has yielded no doubt adjust oU1's~lves ~n tImetest bei~g reflected in the statistical more than one surpr~se, t e . gre~ had been surmised that the better table appended to thIS ~e)OIt. {d ttract a far greater attendance than facilities of the new hosplta YV~~ed athey have in respect of new cases, at 'Ya~son House. A~d s~ 111 ross total of attendances shows ,a admisslOns and operatIOns.' but tthe g d Various reasons explain thIS d remarkable fall from prevIOUS s an ar s. was situated practically on the
anomaly. In the first ~lace iiats~n t~OtU~~uld visit and revisit the hospital doorstep of a large p~tIent-c e?te e ad 0 expense' the new hospital at with a minimum of mconveme~lce an n d C' ' A ain very many om Sheikh Jarrah is a piastre bus-nde t~e ~!rge I;~fuge~ c;lony in the of the Watson House cases came rom' 1 It is no longer necessary for t former Jewish quarter close to ~~hosPI , a. vides facilities for treatment no these to come to us as U.N.R ... 'h ; ,~~~ of the summer epidemics of at t~e ca~11p: Furtherm~re, dunng t e e~Othree or more times in a day, conjUnctIVItIs manY'patIents would co~ Now these patients either each visit being registered as ap atten ~~~\reatments or depart with a wait about in the quadrangle or repea C the ratio of new cases tr prescription for home use. For t~ese reasons fi ures have decreased by total attendances has doubled w~Ile the gro~s . g e1come development, abo~t a third: S~~n from the nur"slL1 g altlgdle t~:~ ~~~ ~aste and with greater for It allows mdlvldual cases to b e. trea e WI satisfaction to both nu~s~ and p~tlen\l [ rttle comment. Admissions The rest of the statIstIcal tab e ca s ?r 1 ore than in revious (2,381) and operations (4,610), b~t~ c~n~I~era~~s;te this, how~ver, the years, reflect the gr~a~ly enhance e s a ~h ahead It is disappointing waiting list for admlSSIOn .extends so~e mo~ thS very ~omfortable private that only 47 persons avaIled them~~ ves [0 the general wards provide a rooms, but it should not be surpnsmg, or e ct in their own homes. degree of comfort that few p~tlen~ woult ex p; prescriptions issued for The table shows for the first tIme t ~ num ~r. 0 clude the many refracted Spectacles. At 3,658, a figure that oes ~o 111 f the revious and foun d not to need gl.ass~s, ~his was tWIce the .aver.ag~l~e work of the four years. It is a fair mdlcatlOn of the expanSIOn 111
out-patient clinic.. 1 f 'th the Warden or Sub-Warden. There was no change 111 personne 0 el er
The Registrar Dr R E Di I 1f . Dr. John Anderso~ o~ si'x m~~t~' s:c~~~ Oc\o~er a~ was replaced by ~hawwar was with us throughout the e men .rom .oorfields. Dr. A. g tlOusly passed from the fledgling status Yf art d';lnn whIch he unostentah competent surgeon. By arrangement 0 w~h ra~n~e-d~)Usema~ t.o that of a Jordan 1· 1·1 was seconded ngatoIer . Army ' MaJ·or Adnan J aJu us MaJali, t . D.M:S., e~penence before going to Moorfields' 1962 ~ 0 ~aIn practIcal SIX months' service was great! . III or academIc study. His During the year Mr. Issa Ma~oaI?preclated and of much assistance to us. Superintendent. One can re orf i was upgraded to ~he rank of Hospital less under the burden of hiP In dall tr~t~l that hIS shadow grows no octo b er 14th was one of those s exa t e posItIOn d th '. for on that day Miss Kath· ~yS at appear III red in the calendar, Matron those of a married !~~e teW added . to her responsibilities as Canadian Force serving with th an-& .te~ mar~Iage to Col. Haley, of the n general satisfaction , a feelin th~t w ; e . NatIOns, w~s an occasion for the many friends who attengded the ~e~~~n approP.nate expression by te~m of office as Matron ended with th In~ ~eceptIOn. Although her wIll be in Jerusalem for some f e y~ar It IS good to know that she In taking an official leave of 0 Ime yet, Indeed a ve~y near neighbour. hospital, and who for more t~e w~~ gave of her best In the service of the esteemed colleague we turn t an I ree y~ars proved herself a loyal and as our new Matro'n She w·~hw~~ome I~ her place Miss An n Blewitt assume o~ce on Ja~uary ' 1st: 1962I.SS SheIla McCarthy as her deputy, Of the SIsters Miss JIles and Mi M be~ng re-appoi~ted in 'Decembe ss. cCarthy left in M~rch, the latter Miss E. Browne arrived in Febr~a as ~~er-jutor an~ assIstant matron. ~. Buxton in October. Miss Seath,r y, IS.S. Seath III M~rch, .and ~iss IS an experimental innovati shappoIlltment as full-hme mght SIster Greene was with us from M~~' per ~ps an unnecessary one. Miss F. sister-tutor. We are grateful t~h~~ SI~ m~ths loan from MOOl'fields as for helping us in this way. Miss B IS~ll. ac ellar, Matron of ~oorfields, Musallam and Miss Cubeisi r : IS, and the two Arab SIsters, Mrs. Staff-nurse (male) Hanna Suie·emaIlled on the staff throughout the year. three months' training in met~~~n ~as sent to ~ondon in November for nurses have left on com lef s 0 .anaest~esIa. The three other staffophthalmic nursing ; one his g~nnge :~e: year. s postgraduate. training in Amman for service with the publi h ur~alia, on~ ~o KuwaIt and one to The first batch of student n c ea t authontIes. September, and of the eleve~rs~~fomplete~ their first year at the end of standard at examination Th y one faIled to reach a satisfactory students" with all the ' . . e successful ten are now "second year supenonty over newcom th h .. ers at t at status Implies. Th e new class that comme cd· The training given is modell~de I~ Novfember also has eleven entrants. high standard. on at 0 Moorfields and is therefo re of a The Jerusalem Ladies' Committ business concerned main1 . ee met at monthly intervals. Its b~nd ~elfare. Under the ~r~~~~~~ldr~p~ganda, the sewing guild, a~d FIrst Aid conducted by M M e In~luded a successful course W the assistance of Mrs Joh~~t acI~ne~, chalrf!1 an of the committee, with potential recruits. The ro r~n, an t e ~hoWIng of a film on Nursing to of talks by prominent ~ers~ mme f0r.blmd welfare provided fo r a series which were very well atten~sd rec~rdIngs, and informal concerts, all of e an appeared to be much enjoyed. A
summer picnic at Qubeibi for over fifty pupils and teachers from the Shaofat school, and two very successful Christmas parties for 180 adults and children, were highlights in the entertainment programme. In March we were honoured with a visit by the Chancellor, Sir Henry pownall, and the Secretary-General, Mr. C. T. Evans. They both had very full programmes and were kept hard at it throughout their stay, which was for us a most memorable one. It was, therefore, a particularly sad blow to hear so soon after his visit of the sudden death of Sir Henry in June. He had endeared himself to everyone here and his passing was felt as a personal loss. We hope it will not be long before Mr. Evans pays us another visit. The H ospitaller, accompanied by Lady Duke-Elder, made his welcome annual inspection at the end of April and early May. Among the recipients of honours at an investiture held by Sir Stewart was our Hospital Superintendent, Mr. Issa Marogi, who was promoted to be an Officer in the Order. In N ovember the Treasurer and Accountant, Mr. D. B. R. Swinstead, spent some days with us and carried out a most thorough examination of the books and methods of administration of the hospital. To us this visit was an extremely valuable one, and it cannot be too strongly urged that it should be repeated at frequent intervals. It is a pleasure to record our thanks to Mr. Swinstead for the kindly and practical advice he gave us on many of our problems. During the year the tennis court was completed and put to good use. Our young student nurses show considerable enthusiasm for the game though none as yet looks like an embryo Wimbledon star. This amenity is the ~ft of Lady Plender, to whom we cannot be too grateful for her geAerosity. The celebration of st. John's Day on June 24th was noteworthy for a departure from custom. This year the Service was held in the St. John c~apel in St. George's Cathedral instead of in the ancient crypt in the Old City. The customary garden party in the afternoon was held in the "Cloisters" of the hospital. This quadrangle is admirably suited to the purpose of a garden party but it can never attain the old world charm of the garden at Watson House. The year came to its close with the annual dinner and dance for the staff an event that is eagerly looked forward to as a big social occasion. Thi~ one was in every respect as enjoyable as that of last year. To those members of the Linen Guilds in Britain and the Commonwealth whose generosity ensured the success of the evening we extend the gratitude of the staff. (Signed) ARTHUR BOASE, Warden.
REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL THE DEATH of Dr: White Knox on 13th November, ]961 , at the age of 72 affected us all wIth a sense of per onal loss not only in the A ssociatio~ b.u t th~o~ghout St. John and the many national organisations wh ose fi rst aId traIn~ng h~ had been con.nected with for so long. We had all come to reg~r~ him wIth great affectIOn and to value both his friendship and his untInng energy. Dr. White Kn~x .was .appointed Principal Medical Officer, St. John Ambula.nce ~ssociatIOn, III 1950. One of his main achievements was the productIOn, 111 1958, of a Joint First Aid Manual in collaboratio n with the St.. Andrew 's Ambulanc~ Association and the British Red C ross Society. ~nbutes. have been receIved from many organisations and p rivate individual~ In many parts of the world ; tokens of ho w much his work is apprecIated. Th.e honour of Commander of the Most Excellent Order of th e British EmpIre ~a~ conferred on him by Her Majesty in the New Year H onours of 1961 gIVIng great pleasure to his many friends and admirer. . The honour conferred upon Mr. G. E. Craft by Her Majesty tb e Queen 111 the New Year l!0nours of 1961 of the M .B.E., which he received at the h~nds of Her MaJ~s.ty th~ Que~n Mother, gave great pleasure to us all. HIS ~ork. of orgamslllg FIrst AId Competitions has been a most valuable contnbutIOn to First Aid Training. The eve~ incre~sing number of accidents in homes, on the roads and elsewhere IS creating a greater awareness of the need for First Aid and a demand for the help of the St. John Ambulance Association. It is well th.at each year sees an !nc~easing number taking St. John courses and a wIder range. of orgamsatIOns seek advice from the Association. In England dunng .1 961 , 185,144 men, women and children were examined und~r the auspices of the Association, an increase of 8,873 over the prevIOUS ye~r. Classes for new certificates increased by 388, a total of 11 ,0~3. ThIS. follows the trend sin~e 1953 when each year has shown a consIderable ~n~reas~ of people tramed. The same situation exists overseas ~nd. a SImIlar mcrease in activities is taking place. Not on ly are ?rgamsa.tIOns and gov~rnment dep~rtments training more and more men 111 first aId but the publIc also are bemg brouoht to a oreater understandin[ of the value to the community ~f first aid a;d homebnursing. v . The ~reat vo~untary work wh.Ich th~ ~~ctors of this country perform in Flfst AId lectunng and other alhed actIvItIes has received much encouragement from the acceptance by Sir Arthur Porritt President of th e Royal College of Surgeons, of the position of Consult~nt to the Association. .In May 1961 the ~ssociation was fortunate in enlisting the help of Lleutenant-.General SIr Alexander Drummond, who had just relinquished o~ce of DIrector-General of the Army Medical Services as a Deputy Dlre.ctor-General. !'Ie has already given much assistanc~ both in the medIcal field and wIth our overseas activities. No new. County Directors were appointed during the year and the County Dlr~ctor for Berkshire, resigned. Change 111 tbe Association Committee have taken place during the year; Mr. H. Adams Clarke, who had been a member for so many year,
. d O[} the grounds of ill-health. We are greatly indebted to him for reswne . . . b f 1 C all the help he has given to the A~sociatIOn. New m~.m ers 0 ~}~ ommittee include Miss M. George , DIrector of the Electllcal ASSOCiatIOn fo r Women; Dr. G. O. Hughes, of the N?rth Western Gas Board, who replaced Dr. Badger, of the Gas Counc!l; Mr. .R. D. V. Ro.berts , who 'oined the Committee to .r~present tbe ~lectncal In~u s try , . and NIr. Jp . J. C . Honey of the BntIsb Employers Confeder~tIOn . LI~utenant General H. E . Knott, Director-General , Army MedIcal ServIces succeeded Sir Alexander Drummond. Mr. D . Taylor suc~e~ded Mr. Fane of the Ministry of Labour, and Dr. N .. Langdon Lloyd Jomed the Committee representing the Civ~lian EstablIshments of the _War Office. . The Association extend s Its thanks to all the .membel s of the Comm,Ittee fo r their time and ad vice given so freely at meetll1gs and on other occaSIOns. AS OCIATION
An important event during the year was the First AidWe~k .held in April, a co-operative effort of the St. John Ambulance i:s.SOCIatIOll and Brigade , St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the BntIsh Red Cross Society. The Lady Mayoress of the City of London , Lady Waley Cohen , was patron and graciously attended a number of the events and thr?u~h out the country there was a very enc<:)Uraging .r~sponse. AssocIat.IOn Centres and Brigade units co-operated WIth the B~ItlSh Red <;=ross SOCIety and many other organisation~ ~~ run demonstratIOn s a~d dIsplays of all kinds. The variety of the actIVItIeS and the re~ul~s obtame? by the many local efforts made it very desirable to hold.a sl1T~Ilar week ill 1962. . . Report from Centres give an encouragll1g plc~ure of. the A~sociatIOn activities and it is gratifying to hear of close rel~tIOns wI~h NatI~nal and other interested bodies. Increased courses are bemg <:>rgam.sed for mdustry and great help is being given by Centres in c~nnectIOn WIth the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme for Boy.s and GIrlS .. A numbe~ of Centres report co-operation with s~hools; thI.S , however, IS I:ot .as wldesprea? as one would wish but many give help WIth youth org~l1l~atIOns. Tal~s ~Iven to women's organisation , parent/teacher assoc~atIOns , etc. , mdlcate Centres are stimulating a practical interest in first aId through the work of the Association. . . . Activities differ in the various Centres. The transportmg of ll1vabd.s to, and from their holidays, visits to villages giving pr~c.tical demOl~stratIOns in conjunction with road and home safety, compehtI<?l1s, first aId bo~es , Patients' comforts and help to the aged , all play an Import~nt part If a Centre is to fulfil its object to supplement the work of the NatIOnal Health Service in the care of the sick and aged. The house badge s~heme ~here this operates is proving its value and Warwickshire report ItS cOI!-tll1ued ~uccess and development. One Centre report~d that 205 .recruIts. had Joined Brigade Divisions from. courses org~mse~ under Lt~ au~pIce.s. Congratulations are due to thiS Centre. FmancIally the situatl?n. 111 Centres seems sound and use is being made of the scheme for SUbSCrIptIOn membership. It is urged that as many pe?ple as. po~sible should be persuaded to join as subscribing member~ Slllce thIS WIll n~t only l~elp funds but also ensure a wider range of publIc support. Industnal or~amsa tions should be encouraged to join as corporate members. WIth the adVance of visual aids techniques it is important that Centres should ha,,:e the necessary equipment to help with training and this cannot be done If
money is lacking. Those Centres with film projectors or training a'd have clearly m,ade good us~ of them and their enterprise has been reward~ds .In Lancas?~re preparatIOns were made for a County Individual First AId CompetitIOn, open to an~~ne who holds a valid First Aid Certificate T~e date fixed for this competitIOn was 3rd January 1962 and we welco ' thIS valuab~e and enterprising experiment. " me The NatIOnal, Coll~g~ for the Training of Youth Leaders in Leicester has mad~ first a~d tramm~ par~ of the s~llabus for its students. The Army has contmued Its campaIgn m first aId training and many units take c0':lrses regularly, New examples are the Household Brigade and Provost UnIts of the Women',s Royal Army Corps. Similar interest was shown by the Army overseas, m Germany, Cyprus, Aden and the Far East. The ,War Department establ~shed a Centre of the Association for Civil Es~a?hshments, many of WhICh had previously been covered by the MInIStry. of Supply Ambulan~e Centre. The new Centre has already b~ought m a numbe,r ?f estabhs~m,ents which did not formerly have first aId courses. The MInIstry of AVIatIOn Centre set up in 1960 records good progress, One of our great problems, is the ever increasing demand for doctors as lecturers a~d exa?lmers; ~It~ the ~ncreased, training for industry the problem WIll contmue and It IS particularly dIfficult in rural areas. The suppo~t ~nd encouragement of the British Medical Association and the AssocI~tIO~ of Ind~strial Medical Officers has resulted in a very enc0.ur~gmg mcrease ~n the number of doctors on our panel; but despite thI~ mcrease t?ere IS an ever growing need for more lecturers and exammers to relIeve the increasing load of those already doing this work.
the work of the Visual Aids Sub-Com~ittee in addition to cO?1pet~ti~n activities. As a first step all matter relatmg to films and film stnps WIthIn the Order was centralised at Association Headquarters ~nd Mr. Coles took over responsibility for this field of work. At a mee~mg of the SubCommittee on the 27th November, a furth~r Sub-CommIttee w~s set .uP to consider aids other than film and film stnp. The reports on vIsu~1 aIds have already proved of great value to Centres and members of the Bngade, as well as many national organisations. It was clearly necessary to prepare a teaching aid in anticip~tion of the adoption of respiratory resuscitation early in 1962. The ~atIon~1 Do.ck Labour Board very generously offered to make a. film stnp ~ealIng WIth respiratory resuscitation and this was prepared wIth the adVIce and help of Dr. J. S. McLintock and Mr. H. S. Taylor-Young. We are also very grateful for the supp~rt of Major-General F. ~. Hilton-Sergeant ?f the British Red Cross SOCIety. Work advanced rapIdly and the film stnp was ready for issue early in 1962. PUBLICATIONS
Occupational First Aid Manual
, .
This book was published in 1961 with a fore,w ord by the M.lllister of Labour. It gives guidance on the design and eqUlpm~nt of first aId centr~s as well as details of the work of men and women In charge of first aId posts and bases in factories. It is hoped that it wil112r~ve helpful ~ith the activities required by the First Aid (Standard of TraInmg) RegulatIOns of 1960. Hygiene Manual
A new edition of this book is being prepared by Dr. H. D. Chalke,
Mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose methods of artificial respiration have ~een under study throughout the year. A conference of Anaesthetists organIsed by the Norwegian Association of Anaesthetists in Stavanger in August 1961 was attended by Sir Alexander Drummond and Mr. H. S, Taylor-Young, ~urgeon-in-Chief, St. ~ohn Ambulance Brigade. The conf~rence ex~mI~ed the problems of expIratory resuscitation and external cardIac resus~It~tIOn and provided a most useful exchange of information. The .~sso~IatIOn has had under study various manikins now available f?r traI.nIng In the new methods of resuscitation and has been in consultatIO!l WIth ~anufacturers f~om Scandinavia and Great Britain, with the object of b~lllg able to adVIse those concerned in first aid on the types of mo?els avaIlable, as well as to examine new models which may become avaIlable from time to time . .Work also pro~eeded. on th~ production of supplements to the First AId 1:1anyal dealIng WIth expIratory resuscitation and external cardiac reSUSCItatIOn. It was th~ intention that these new techniques should "?ecome ~art of the teachmg syllabus as soon as possible and should be mcluded In the syllabus of examination by 1st January 1963 In the 19?0 annual report reference was made to the ~stablishment of a Su~-Commlttee to conSIder the question of Visual Aids. The Committee, whIch was set up during 1961, had given valuable assistance and advice, The ne~d for addition.al assistance in training and competitions h~S been ObVIOUS for. some t~~e, and Mr. J. F. G. Coles was appointed ~n October 1961. SInce he JOIned the staff he has been actively engaged In
O.B.E., T.D. , M.A., M.R.C.P. , D.P.H. , Medical <?fficer.of Health for the Metropolitan Borough of Camberwell, to be publIshed
Food Hygiene Manual . Work continued and we are very grateful for the help glVen by Dr. Betty Hobbs of the National Institute for Medical Research at Colindale, who has worked with Dr. J. S. McLintock on this book. We hope that it will be published in 1962. Emergency Resuscitation
Two supplements were drafted for inclusion in the First Aid Manual dealing with expiratory resuscitation, one on mouth-to-mouth and m?ut.hto-nose methods and the other on the Silvester methods of artIfiCIal respiration. These two supplements were planned for publication early in 1962. PUBLICITY
The Publicity Department of the Order, in addition to supplying advice and materials to local centres on 54 occasions, prepared stands at the Royal Agricultural Show, the Royal Society of Health Exhibition, ~h,e National School Boy's Own Exhibition and the Industrial Safety ExhIbl~ion, I am very happy to report that co-operation with other organisations In the field of Safety and First Aid has continued to develop and we have benefited by taking part in a number of campaigns organised by different bodies. The adoption by the First Aid organisations of the Emergency Resuscitation method, received much publicity and the introduction of the life-
like ~r~ining !l1 odeI , Resusci-Anne, produced a great amount of incidental pubhclty, qUIte apart from its use in training. Th.e provision o.f First Ai.d articles to specialised publications, encyclopaedIas, etc., contmued dunng the year. The. nymber of press cuttings from local papers gave a clear indication of actIVIty throughout the country and the great support which Centres c~n obt~m from the Press. Centres are congratulated on their relations wIth .Editors and are enc~uraged to m~intain these so that full reports of !l1eetmgs and demonstratIOns may be mcluded and the public thus kept mformed of what the Association is doing. NA TIONAL COMPETITIONS
During the year two new national competitions were inaugurated. The first was the National Finals for Policewomen for the Rose Bowl generously presented by the Corporation of the City of London, and the second was that for the newly-formed War Department Ambulance Centre. Trophies for this competition were presented by Sir Richard Way, K.C.B., C.B.E .. (PerI?anent Under-Secretary of State, War Office), for the men's champIOnshlp, ar~d Mr. R. Ratcliffe, C.B., M.B.E. (Controller of Royal O~dnance Fact~nes), or t,he wO.men's championship. It was also gratifYIng that the Flre Bngade s NatIOnal Competition was again held after a lapse of one year. T~e numbe~ of teams and competitors entering the preliminary rounds co?~mues to mcrease and it is estimated that nearly 2,500 teams compnsmg 1?,500 competitors took part in the 1961 events. It was again en~ouragmg to note ~hat a number ?~ new teams included young members. Wmners of the NatIOnal COmpetItIOns held under the auspices of the Association were as follows:-
Competitions for !l1en Organisation Winning Team Police. . . . . . . . . Exeter City Police Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre. . . . . Norwich/Chester Br!t!sh Transport Commission (Railway and Docks). Southampton . . . . Heysham BrItish Transport Commission Police United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre . R.R.E. Pershore National Dock Labour Board Centre . Upper Pool London ational Coal Board. Whitwich Colliery Gas Industry. . . . . . . . East Midlands General Post Office Ambulance Centre Bim1ingham & West Midlands Fire Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . Bristol alional Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association. . . . . . . . Liverpool War Department Ambulance Centre C.D.E.E. Port on Competitions for Women Organisation Wi/minK Team Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Birmingham City Police Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre. . . . . Manchester Bri~ish Tr!lnsport Com~ission (Railways and Docks) Liverpool Street United Kmgdom AtomiC Energy Authority . A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre . . H.Q. Chessington Gas Industry. . . . . . . . Scottish Gas Board ational Road Passenger Transport Ambulance As ociation. . . . . . . . Liverpool General Po t Office Ambulance Centre H.Q. No.1 Branch War Department Ambulance Centre . R.O .F. Chorley
The winners of these competitions) y)gether with the winners of the St John Ambulance Brigade CompetItIOns for the Dew~r. and Perrott l~ields took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy <:~mpetltIOns on 16th ~ovem'ber at the Porch ester Hall. We had the pnvIlege and honour ~f . the Lord Prior of the Order (the Lord Wakehurst) on thIS 1COlTIlllg we . d"d occasion who presented the trophies an d t h e m IVI ua I me d a 11'~o~~ and commented most favourably on the continued progress of the actlvitIes of the Association. M'dl d G The winning teams were:-Men:-Gas Industry (East I an s _ as B d)' Women '-Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre (Manchester). o~~e 'Mayor ~nd Mayoress of Pad?in~ton, E~ecutive Officers of ~he Order and representatives of all orgallls.atIOns whI.ch had teams comp~tmg were present, together with a large audIence of fnends of the competItors from all parts of the country. .,. . Sincere thanks are again offered to the ~ss.oclate~ BntIsh PI~ture Corporation Ltd. for their continued generosIty.m stagmg our NatIOnal Competitions throughout the year. The eff~ctIveness of t~e tests are greatly enhanced by the realistic repres~ntatIOns of the vanou~ scenes. To those members of the medical professIOn who have ~cted as Judges at these competitions, to stewards and casualties who have gIven so gene~0'l1:sly of their time to assist at these events, I express on behalf of the AssocmtlOn our warm appreciation and thanks. OVERSEAS
In Cyprus 1,005 certificates and awards were issued which c?mpared with 656 for 1960 shows a steady increase of development. Durll~g 1961 classes were again held in Greek Gymnasia ~nd for Boy Scouts m r~ral areas. Amonast the Public Services attendmg classes were the PolIce, Gendarmerie, b Cyprus Electricity Authority: Forestry I?epart.me~t ~nd Cyprus Inland Telecommunication Authonty. A specIally mtel estmg innovation was the Hygiene course for students ~t the Forestry College, where students from Ethiopia, Libya and Somahland took part. Other Courses were organised in the Copper Mines and Asbestos M.mes. . Within the Sovereign Base Area, members of the. Army FIre Bngade, the S.B.A. Police Force, the War Department ,PolIce and Clerk o~ ~he Ordnance Department completed the First AId Course. In additlon courses were organised by the R.A.M.C. . In Gibraltar there was steady development and more certificates were issued than in 1960. Lectures to school teachers started towards the ~nd of the year. It is hoped that they will qualify early ~n 1962 and that FIrst Aid will then be introduced into the school curnculum. As f~om the beginning of 1961 the Police have taken over the a!l1bulanc~ serVIce. In Malta there were 30 classes in First Aid and mcluded .Hl: them were the Admiralty Constabulary, the Cana Movement, CIVIl Defence, K.O.M.R. and the Police. . In Aden the activities of the Association were mamly confined to the POlice. 1961 having been declared a "First Aid Year" by t~1e. Commissioner of Police, an intensive programme of refresher .trammg for requalification for the adult certificate wa undertaken WIth cxcel.l~nt results. In addition there were a number of first aid courses for BntIsh Army personnel and for Trucial Oman Scouts .. In Iraq Mr. Law continued to help the IraqI Red Crescent Society.
At one time there was an average of seven classes per week with considerable numbers attending each. Certificates were presented by Dr. J. Russell Andrus, head of the I.C.A. in the Middle East at a successful party. During the Autumn courses were organised by the R~d Crescent for adult first aid, home nursing, lay demonstrators and a specIal practical course for girls who could not read or write. The~e were many. offe rs of help from trained nurses. M. and Mme. Al RadhI who hold .hIgh .office in Iraqi first aid visited competitions in London and were gIven mformation on our work. The Association sent a gift of diagrams and film strips to Mrs. F. MacInnes in Jerusalem where they would be used for first aid lectures and for the nurses lectures at the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital. Arabic translations of the Preliminary First Aid book were purchased by the Knox Memorial Hospital in Muscat where they were used by a class of 13 young Arab and Baloochi men and 10 girls. A gift of 155 copies of the Arabic translation of the Preliminary First Aid Manual was made to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Arab refugees and were to be used by medical officers to give first aid courses in the field to camp clinic personnel and ambulance drivers. . . In Gambia there were a number of first aId courses and also a hygIene course. There were many interesting developments in Ghana. These includ.ed a first aid course for Community Health Nurses at Tamali. The PolIce increased their training programme; special attention being paid to refresher courses and re-examinations. A group of Army wives took first aid and nursing courses were also arranged for them. The Builders Brigade have developed their training programme and h~ve over I? first aiders in every camp throughout the country. New recrUIts were gIven a course based on the Preliminary Manual. Other developments were first aid courses for the Ghana Army, the Draughting Training School of the Department of Public Construction, at Tema Harbour~ the Railways an,d the Harbour Fire Service at Takoradi. Mrs. Karstead, the Order s Organiser in Ghana, resigned in December. She did most excellent work there. In Nigeria activities continued with Centres for the Police Force, Railways, Ports Authority and Coal Corporation and a number of lay lecturers were trained. In Sierra Leone during the Royal visit, St. John members were very active, carrying out their first aid duties. The Association's wor.k CODtinues satisfactorily and besides courses run periodically for the police a~d prisons it has been possible to run courses for the general public both ~ n first aid and nursing. There was also a very good preliminary first ald course in Wellington, near Freetown, and it is hoped that furthe~ such classes may be run later on. There were increases in the number of Issued certificates and medallions, although one of the main difficulties was to find doctors who could spare the time to lecture and examine. This makes the training of lay lecturers all the more important. Mr. Pilbeam has the organisation well in hand. Kenya reports steady progress, all calls for the services of doctors, nurses and lay lecturers have met with a willing response. Continued support has been given by the Kenya Police, the .East African Railways and Harbours Administration and the Kenya p~lsonJ Service. It is most encouraging to note that 4,507 certificates were ISSue
. 7 in the previous year. The bulk of thes.e . 1961 as compared WIth 3,77 'th substantial number of candImere reliminary first aid ce~tificat~s WI l:ter on. Courses were held for ~ates~aking the adult ~rst aId certifi~~t~as received from lay lecturers; lay lecturers and conSIderable ~urp ce of this nature. We were very glad there is great need for mor~d~~~sa~~ Chairman of the Kenya Centre, and to welcome Mr. Reed, Presl . .. o blems which they have. to hear at first hand a~out the P: nd as a result of this a new DIVISI~:)ll Training continued m Maunt!us d~ was formed in the Muni?ipal FIfe of the St. John Ambulance ~ng~ the police Division was mc~ease~i. Brigade and the membelr~hIp ~ar1y and monthly lectures were gIven m Refresher courses were he regu home nursing. . S chelles was re-establishe~ and we are Association work 111 ~~~ef ?alice Officer and CommiSSIOner, St. John grateful to Mr. Healon, . d . Ambulance Brigade, for all he ~s ?mf~nganYika and we were glad to have The Association has been actIve m k there with the Chairman, Mr. an opportunity of dis~ussing I th~ wI~r is hoped that the scheme for the Wilson, when he was m Eng .an 'rove successful. A number of lay lecbuilding of a J:Ieadqucyte:fl ~~lloF great help in increasin~ the I?-umber of turers were tramed an WI. d d' 1961 is encouragmg WIth a ~on courses. The progress aC~Ieve u~m~ as compared with the prevIOUS siderable increase in certIficates game year. ade with classes in 1961 , but a setback In Uganda a good start was t . ed by Mr and Mrs. Reeves tor aCCIdent am . 'ffi l' . . E sus 1 was suffered by t h e m,o g nd. In view of the dl cu tIes m and their subsequ~nt SIck-leave m n ~ning and examination of classes, f t obtaining the serVIces of d?ctfrs. o~h:~lands of lay lecturers and so the training is now alII;lOst entI~e Yd I~or their qualifications cannot be over importance of a hIgh stan ar , . .' . Zanzibar had a full trammg prostressed. During the year the ASSO~I~~~n~rnary first aid courses .. In .the last gramme for both Adult an f I r courses and re-exammatIOns for quarter they conc~ntrated on re ~~St~~se had not had a course for several members of the Bngade as ~any 'ther gave lectures or conducted exyears. No fewe~ ~han 10 octorrss o~\he Police Force was carried out. ~nd aminations. Trammg o~ ~emb~l aroused so that there is a large waltmg the interest of the pl~bhc IS yve . n the New Year. A number of w?men list for courses star~111g agam I d three lady members of the ~ngade attended for first ald. classes an . anised by the Red Cross. Dunng the attended a ~ome nursmg c.oursde O1~nstration of first aid work proved the emergency m June a practIcal em value of the work of the Centre. ood ear and it is encouraging to s~e The Ceylon Cent~e h.ad another g b~rs take courses and the emphaSIS the variety of orgamsatIOns whose I?-e~ s schools and training colleges. which is placed upon y~uth organ~fa~~~ 'were held in Hong Kong, an One hundred and thIrty-seven t the organisations for whom classes increase of seven over 1960 . .Amongs Hawker Control Force, Red Cr~ss were organised were the 12 0lIce force, t District Watch Force, Socl,al Junior Link, Urba~l .Serv.lces Dep~:tmse~1~01 Teacher, Boy Scouts, GIrl Welfare Works, CIVIl AId Serv,lc de Recruits. One interesting develo~ Guides Factory Workers and Bnga 1 who held the lay lecturer s , .' f RAM C personne . ment was the tram1llg 0 . bl 't . 1 lp with training. It is encouragmg examination and who were a e 0 le
that 285 men, women and girls joined the Bri~ade as a result of the Centre's activities. The Annual Ball was held III March and the Flag Day appeal in June, both efforts raised funds for the Associ~tion. 1961 was an eventful year in Malaya and it was the first tIme that the Association was functioning in all the States. Up to 1961 there had been branches in all States except Perlis and Trengganu. Branches in both these States have now been established. There was a considerable increase in the number of certificates and awards gained during the year as compared with 1960 and this follows the trend which has been observed during the last few years, proving the successful development of the Association in Malaya. The value of lay lecturers' courses have been appreciated in some States and it is ho~ed that others wil~ follow their example. The Chairman called a meetlllg of all the chaIrmen of the 11 State Associations to discuss affairs and plans for development and this was the first of its kind to be held in Malaya. Congratulations are due to all those who have brought about this expanding organisation. North Borneo had a year of expansion and the appointment of a Hadequarters officer was of great assistance. New local committees were formed in Beaufort, Saindakan and Labuan, while Tawan and Kudat were in the process of forming separate ones for themselves. There were only three ambulances in the whole country before 1961 but thanks to the generous response of the public two new ones were presented ~nd have rendered excellent service to the public. Members of the medIcal profession have given fullest co-operation and enabled the Centre. to organise 12 first aid classes in Malay, five in Chinese and six in EnglIsh. Equipment was obtained from Australia for the teaching of mouth-tomouth resuscitation and external cardiac resuscitation. The Town Board of Jesselton provided funds for the purchase of further equipn: ent and four members of the public offered their services to teach life savl~g. Ten new lay lecturers were appointed during the year, most of them be~n.g members of the medical department in out-stations. Fund raising actI~I ties were most successful and it is encouraging to note that whereas In 1960 98 % of the donations came from Chinese fir.ms and clubs, in 1961 other communities joined in and sent special donatIOns. It was altogether a most successful year and North Borneo may well be proud of this record, The Singapore Centre concentrated on a membership campa!gn. and support was received from many different people and orgamsat.lOns, There was an encouraging response for the recruiting campaign, ordl~lary membership was booked at 1,251 at the end of the year compared Wlt~ a previous figure of 254. The Centre is to be congratulated on an active year. There were 58 classes in Fiji during 1961 covering both adult a~d preliminary courses. The outstanding event of the year was an offiCIal opening by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Kenneth Maddocks, o~ ~he joint headquarters of the St. John Ambulance Association and the BntI.sh Red Cross Society in October. His Excellency is President of the Assocla tion in Fiji, The Training Officer completed a very successful year an d covered courses for lay lecturers, the police and teachers~ training coIlegeJ as well as providing trained first aiders on the beach dunng weekends an public holidays, Many schools were visited and the response from these establishments and other organisations was most encouraging, In the Gilbert and Ellice Islands further training has continued .ror Police personnel and it is most encouraging that, despite the great dlfJi-
, . 1ved , this Centre continues ,to culties arising from the dIstances mvo flourish. ." ,, ere in the main, confined t? polIce In the Bahamas Fust Aid actIVItIes w on'siderable time to traimng and where t~e only ,lay , lectur~k~~;~t iiet~ods of artificial respiration to the covered InstructIOn In t~e ret Hospital. student nurses of the Pnncess .Marga ort is iven by His Excellency, the In Barbados most encouragIngh~u6~mmitte~ have been able to contInue Governor and Lady Stowe, and t training with a large number ,of c,lasses. ere held during the year with an In British Gufana 49, eXamInatIOns :red with 1960. A very successful increase in certificates Issu~d ~s c~mphen His Excellency the Governor function was held on 13~ 11' pr t w Constable Hanunila Khan of the presented the 1,00~th me a IOn 0 was a arade by members of the British Guia~a Poh?~ Force. h:~e~~Oth med~llion, His Excellency also Brigade and In a~dItlOn to t , rers Our thanks are due t~ Mrs. presented 23 certIficates to lay lectF th .Centre who although CircumFranker, the Honorary ,Secretary 0 'ed ~n until ~ succ~ssor can be found. stances caused her to. resIgr:, has carn h ve been held in 14 places in the In Jamaica the FI~St AId classes, a has been carried out in two and North East area" wh~le home ;:rs~n~as an increase in the number of preliminary nursmg m one. d n~mber of certificates issued fo~ the ye~r. classes undertaken and,a,recor f m Kingston which assIsted WIth The .chief laY:' le~ture~ }omed ~~~~~ {~e Cave Valley First Aid post was hurncane relief In BntIsh H~n An ' Congratulations are sent to the opened by the Custos of ~ C n Committee on their achievement. e~qr;arters building to serve both the Chairman and members of t In Jamaica Nort~ West.a e~ t Savanalamar was completed at a Association and Bngade, SItuate a e roved most successful and the cost of £5,000. Courses III ~chooi~ h~~r~ation of Cadet Divisions have demand exceeded the capacIty. e
resulted from the courses.p' t Aid and Nursing courses were co~duc~ed In Jamaica South East Irs. th ear Interest continues In FIrst every evening of the w~~\ ~U~Ifg or~:nisations. The Flag Day Appeal Aid in the Scouts a?d . Ir Ul es It achieved. The Association had realised £1 ,076, whIch IS the bes~ ~~~uCaribbean Trade Fair in Kingston an artistically arranged ?~unter a d has resulted in an increasing demand which attracted many vI~Itors an . ourses A new ambulance was by the public for first aId and nu~~~g c hich ~as no longer serviceable. purchased to replace ~he f~~~er ve IC :d; possible by the good response was The acquisition of thIS ve Idc e M m Rootes and the Royal Mail Lines given to the ambulance fun. essrs. gave every assistance. h h ve been encouraging signs and s<?me In Jamaica South West t. ~r,e a. e ard to first aid and nursmg. revival of interest and actIVltIdeS wIth1 r gers were found, In the Police C . t mmenced an new ect ur Ourses were reco " ' d 'th very encouragmg suppor . and Prisons Centre trammg ~onttnue :r~ made for first aid training and In the Grand Cayman IslandS p ~~s. whoped that 1962 will see the full IS a gift of equipment was rna e. establishment of this Centre h h been some progress in setting up In the Leeward Islands t ere 'il ~s f reat help to both the Association St. John Co~mittees and t~ese WI eo Tn first aid have been going on and the Bngade. In AntIgua lectures d for police fire brigade, the , throughout the year and courses arrange
Boys Brigade and students of secondary schools, etc. A feature of the year was a public lecture on "Traffic accidents and first aid". This created animated discussion and produced a number of new ideas. In Montserrat training continues but there is urgent need for lay lecturers. The position in St. Kitts is being reviewed and in Nevis there is considerable interest being shown in first aid so that with the help of the trai ned lay lecturer it should be possible to hold classes in addition to those already given to the police. There is considerable interest in Anguilla but urgent need of lecturers and examiners. The Centre in Trinidad has completed 10 years since its revival in 1951 with an average of 1,130 awards per year. The record for 1961 is most encouraging with the Police, Fire Services, Electricity Commission and Hotels Catering School making their usual demands on teaching facilities offered. Courses were also provided for students and priests at the Benedictine Abbey at Mount St. Benedict. In the Windward Islands St. John Committees are being set up and already have given excellent support. In Grenada there is considerable interest in first aid and valuable help is given by lay lecturers. In St. Vincent activities are mainly confined to the police but there are considerable plans for the future. In order to help with training a gift of equipment was sent. The support given by the medical profession is most encouraging. St. Lucia progresses well despite difficulties. Training is chiefly confined to the Police and Fire Brigade. It is hoped that it will be possible to establish a Committee in Dominica which will extend the activities of St. John beyond the present scope, which is mainly confined to the Police and Fire Brigade. More lay lecturers are needed. TRA SLATIONS
The Chinese translation of the Adult First Aid Manual prepared in Hong Kong was received during the year and has proved very valuable in other territories in the Far East. Work proceeded in Hong Kong on the translation of the Adult Nursing Manual and the Preliminary Home Nursing Manual into Chinese. In addition approval was given fo r the translation of the First Aid Catechism and the Preliminary First Aid Manual into Chinese. This work is being undertaken by Dr. F. 1. Tseung and Mr. Tsui Leung Hong, who prepared translation of the Adult Manual. Malta reports that work is proceeding on a Maltese translation of the Adult First Aid book; this will be awaited with interest. Correspondence ha continued with Ceylon regarding the translation of the First Aid Manual into Sinhalese and it is hoped that we will be able to assist them in the matter of blocks. A Turkish translation of the First Aid Manual prepared in Cyprus was received at the beginning of the year. An Arabic translation of the Preliminary First Aid Manual has been given wide publicity throughout the Middle East. A number of enquiries were received for the book and it is being used in many Arab countries, It has proved of great value and has stimulated First Aid training. The St. John Ambulance As ociation is most grateful to the generosity ?f tho e who made thi translation pos ible. In Cyprus work was put ~n hand for the preparation of the translation of the Preliminary First AId Manual in Greek. The work of translating the Preliminary First Aid Manual in Swahili was completed by the end of the year and it is hoped it will appear in 1962. The Welsh translation was completed and ready
for the printers by the end of the year. , d In South Africa work proceeded on the translatIOn of th~ Adult an Iiminary First Aid Manuals as well as on the ~du1t Nursmg ~anual. r:~s hoped these will be available in 19?2. I~dla prep,ared ~~p~m~ or Association Manuals on Occupational FIrst AI? and ~Irst Al m oa Mines They have plans to translate the books mto vanous langua~es, of India.' Other languages cover~d by the St. John Ambulance AssocIatIOn (India) were Bengali and TamIl.
The work of the Association continues to e,xpand. Fifteen years ago the number of first certificates issued annually m England was JUs~ un~~r 40000' in 1961 in England this number had been ne~rly treble . , e voium~ of voluntary work now required is ver~ c?nsiderable and IS reat credit upon all who work for the AssocIat~on. We are ?eep y ~rateful to them. We also thank the Class Secretanes who take t~me t~ organise courses and on whom depend the successful conclusIOn 0 training. , I' Complaints have been received that results and certificates are s ow m reaching Centre and Class Secretaries. We are well aware of ~he need,for candidates to know the result of their examinatioD: at the earlIest possIble date and are studying how this position can b~ Improved. The, greatly increased number of people taking o~r course,s IS most encouragmg and we are most anxious to give them effic1ent serv~c~, T~e v?l~mtar'y element of our work will , we hope, always remain and 1t IS t~l1S sp~nt whIch makes it possible for the Association to serve the co~mu111ty as 1t ?O~s. d h We wish to acknowledge the great debt wh1ch the AssocmtlOn an ~ e country at large owes to the doctors and nur~es ~ho lecture and examI~t at our various courses. Their devoted serVIce ~s an example to us ,a . Their deep interest and their willingness to g,lve ul? the1r spare, tl!lle indicates how high a value they place on the ~ervice :vhIch the AssocIat~on renders and the part which our courses play 111 the hfe of the com~umty. We are also deeply grateful to all those men and women who g1ve up their time to serve as Lay Instructors and Def!1onstrators. N? c~lls are ever made in vain and their work in schools, w1th youth, <?rgamsatlOns, or in industry meets the ever-growing need of modern cond1tIOns for serV1ce. It is on our members that the burden falls and we place on record the debt we owe to them. The happy co-operation which exists between th,e ~t. John Ambul~~ce Association, the St. Andrew's Ambulance ASSocl~tIOn and the Bntl,sh Red Cross Society is a conti~ual enc.ouragement as IS t~e helpful asso~m tion with the Royal Life Savll1g SocIety, the ~oyal SocIety of PreventlOn of Accidents and the Industrial Welfare SocIety. The help and suPP?rt given by the' British Medical A~sociati<?n, the Roya~ ~ollege of Nurs111g and the Association of Industnal MedIcal C?ffi.cers IS mvaluable and, we thank them for all they do for us. The AssocIatIOn has had clo~e ~elat1~n ship with the Duke of Edinburgh's Award ~cheme. Our assocIatIOn w1th Nationalised Industries, Industrial Undertakmgs and Gov,ernment Depar~ ments is an indication of the place which St. John takes with. these authonties. We take this opportunity of thanking them all for their support and cO-operation.
Sp,ecial recognition is due to Dr. J S M L' , , MedIcal Officer of the St John Am . . c mt?c~, Deputy PnncIpal long illness of Dr A C White K bulaSfe 1ssoclatlOn, who during the the many proble~s ~hi~h are th nox w y shoul?ered the burden of tower of strength. e concern 0 our medIcal adviser and is a
We are also grateful to M D C M I ' Alexander Drummond h r . · . ac, ean and LIeut.-General Sir help they have given. fh~i~ at:v~c Deputy DIrectors-General, for all the We also thank the County Direct~r~n1o:~hP?rt ha~e b~en of great value. Whay in whic~ they have stimulated interest i~I~h~n!~~~eof~~~;nd ~ort' the T e success III counties where h D' SSOCIa lOn, the splendid service they are renwdeerI'nagvet lrectors prove their value and 0 our cause ' , A report of thIS kmd can only b d h ', thousands of men and women e e m~ e O? t he baSIS of contributions of St. John may well be roud of veryw ere III t e, world, and the Order of the activities of the John A~hbe rlecordAof se:vI~e WhIC~ is indicated by . u ance ssoclatlOn dunng 1961.
COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT REPORT covers the year 1961. During that time St. John Ambulance Brigade has continued to carry out its day to day duties for the public on a vast number of occasions, both great and small, and in every country in the Commonwealth. In England there has been nothing spectacular but the standards maintained are well exemplified by the continuous flow of reports received of first class work done in helping the injured and the distressed whether in road accidents, on the beaches, on the cliffs, in the home or in all places where crowds gather. The very number of cases treated, which are given in a later paragraph, give some idea of the extent of the work done. The Cadet branch, both boys and girls, continue to thrive and we are proud to think, in an age when youth is so often criticised, that the St. John Cadets set a fine example of the splendid and often courageous work that is done, and of the initiative and responsibility shown, by the young people of this country once they are interested in their work and dedicated to service for others. Overseas our work grows apace, and further details are given in later paragraphs. During the period under review we were saddened by the death of two of our former Senior Officers who had done tremendous work for the Order and for the Brigade. These were the Chancellor of the Order, Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall, Chief Commissioner of the Brigade from 1947 until he became Chancellor in 1949, and Major A. C. White Knox who was Surgeon-in-Chief from 1951 to 1961 and who gave more than fifty years of his active life to the first-aid movement.
ROY AL OCCASIONS Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was pleased to take the salute at a Diamond Jubilee Review of the Norfolk Brigade held at Guist on the 22nd July, during which she presented county colours. Members of the Brigade in Surrey had the unusual honour of parading before H .R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands on 17th September When the annual county inspection was held at Guildford. Prince Bernhard also attended the annual ceremony of handing over the county colours at a special service in Guildford Cathedral. STRENGTH AND PUBLIC DUTIES The Brigade as a whole has during 1961 and in spite of many difficulties, sUcceeded in once again increasing its strength slightly above that at the end of 1960. In the United Kingdom the adult strength is almost exactly the same, but in territories overseas directly under the Grand Priory a fU,rther increase was made of nearly 1,500. In cadet strength there was a sh~ht, drop in the United Kingdom but a satisfactory increase in the Pnones. The total strength of the Brigade throughout the Commonw~a~th has now for the first time risen above the figure of a quarter of a mllhon adults and cadets, indeed it has exceeded that figure by nearly two thousand. The strength by counties in England and Northern Ireland is shown in Appendix "B". A striking fact in England and Northern Ireland has been that although
the n umber of Public Duties perf d' . slightly under four million hours t~:~~ ~n u~lform has remained at by members both on and off d ' m er 0 cases that were treated 362 000 to 381 000 A hi h uty. has shown a marked increase from ~er~ who were' not' on du~y ~~°th~r~I~~ of t~ese were d~alt with b~ memImportance of spreading a knowledge ;f Jh~s ~~ce adgam ~mphaslses the whole communit a d ' rs al an nursmg among the It also emphasis~s h~w n~t relymg sole~y on thos.e doing public duty. must occur in the home, o;~na t~;~~~~t~on of accIdents in modern life The value of the Brigade to th bl' d by the fact that in England and ~%r~h IC at I to Jh~ nation is ~xemplified on the average, with well over one thoern ~e an a one t~e Bngade dealt year.usan cases every smgle day of the STATISTICS
England & N. Ireland C0mn:tandery in Cen"trai Afnca. . . Other Territories Over~ea~
ADULTS Divisions AmbuComlance Nursing bined Total 1,481 1,076 314 2,871
Personnel Ambulance Nursing 33,553 19,001
Total 52,554
17 542
7 219
1 55
25 816
2,849 38,118
103 5,875
2,952 43,993
New Zealand . Canada. Australia
260 162 124 166 155
144 92 94 139 97
33 64 40 21 54
437 318 258 326 306
4,410 4,315 2,862 4,355 4,055
1,671 1,784 1,375 3,347 1,708
6,081 6,099 4,237 7,702 5,763
India Pakista~
867 625 61
566 150 5
1,645 775 66
19,997 17,090 2,098
9,885 3.010 86
29,882 20,100 2,184
6,198 113,705
Southe~ Afri~
Grand Totals
England & N. Ireland C0II1D!andery in Ce~trai Afnca. . . . Other Territories Overs~as :
CADETS Divisions AmbuComlance Nursing bined 1,051 1,288 117
Total 2,456
37,960 151,665
Personnel Ambulance Nursing 23,867 38,165
Total 62,032
2 128
6 114
8 258
23 2,888
108 2,578
131 5,466
Wales Southe~ Mri~ New Zealand . Canada. Australia
185 62 144 21 125
181 82 132 49 106
22 55
388 199 276 70 241
3,218 1,649 2,200 622 2,900
3,830 2,528 2,493 1,271 2,634
7,048 4,177 4,693 1,893 5,534
India Pakist~
537 293 10
550 123 1
1,174 416 11
10,589 6,442 279
12,756 2,398 33
23,345 8,840 312
56,038 100,126
Grand Totals
The fig ures of duties and cases for England and Northern Ireland were as follows:Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties . Clinics . Nurseries. . . . Blood Transfusions . Nursing Aid . Miscellaneous CASES TREATED On Public Duty . Off Public Duty. . Invalids Removed . . No. of Road Accidents. No. of Other Accidents.
1,779,227 873,465 233,123 35,886 24,391 35,593 130,615 609,941
194,698 186,938 430,525 36,055 19,716
During the year there has fortunately been no major disaster in the U.K. and the usual day to day public duties have been faithfully carried out by Brigade members throughout the country. The following special duties are reported: For the third year in succession the Brigade were asked by the Yorkshire/Lille Exchange Committee to provide escorts for English and French schoolchildren visiting England and France in an exchange holiday scheme. This year with larger parties travelling to and from France it was necessary for additional members of the Brigade from the West Riding of Yorkshire, London and Kent to travel as escorts to the children in special trains to and from Leeds, Bradford and Lille in Northern France. The services of the Brigade Air Attendan ts Scheme has been in constant demand during the year, and apart from the escort of sick and injured persons by air within the United Kingdom, there have also been escort duties to Kuwait, Jugoslavia, Italy and the Continent. The services of Air Attendants have been utilised from London and from the home counties. We were asked by the Enham-Alamein Village Settlement to arrange escorts for disabled men, crossing London between main line railway stations going to and from their homes on Christmas leave. This duty necessitated drawing personnel not only from London, but also from Kent, Surrey and Hertfordshire. . On the occasion of an all-night vigil for peace held on New Year's eve III Westminster Abbey, Brigade members were on duty from 11.30 p.m. until 7.30 a.m. AWARDS AND COMPETITIONS
A full list of the Brigade Awards and Jubilee Certificates is given at the end of this Report in Appendix "A". The Brigade Final Competitions Were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on Saturday, 1st July, 1961, the prizes being presented by the Minister of Health, The Right Hon. Mr. Enoch Powell.
The principal results were as follows:Dewar Shield for Men (Adults)-Bath City Police (Somerset). Perrott Shield for Women (Adults)-SherwelI, Plymouth S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall.
White Knox Cup for Ambulance Cadets-Wei beck Colliery (Nottingham). Dunbar-Nasmith Cup for Nursing Cadets-Harrow (London). INSPECTIONS
During 1961 Inspections were carried out by Senior Officers from H.eadquar~ers in the following counties :-Commissioner-in-Chief' Dorset, LmcolnshIre; Superintendent-in-Chief' Worcestershire Suffolk, Sussex; Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief' W.R. Yorkshire; Assistant Commissionerin-C,hief (Col. A. Goring): London (W. Area), London (S.W. Area); AssIstant Commissioner-in-Chief (Mr. H. S. Taylor Young): London (S.E. Area). CONFERENCES
During 1961 a number of National Conferences were held in addition to the Brigade Committee, the Women's Advisory Committee and the Cadet Advisory Committee. The Surgeon's Conference was held this year i.n Durham, the joint Conference of Commissioners and County Supen~tendents (~) ~ the first of its kind, was held at the County Hall, Westmmster, and It IS hoped to hold this joint Conference again in 1964. A very successful Brigade Training Course, held in Nottingham, is referred ~o later, whilst Nursing Officers and Training Officers courses were held In London. On the 29th November over 180 Presidents attended a Conference held at the County Hall, Westminster. We were greatly en coy raged by the presence of so many County, Divisional and other PresIdents who take such a lively and keen interest in all the activities of the Brigade. The next such Conference will be held in 1963. SENIOR OFFICERS
During the year I have been sorry to receive the following resignations o~ Headquarters Officers: Major A. C. White Knox, Surgeon-in-Chief (sInce deceased); Mr. M. G. H. Arbuthnot, Chief Staff Officer to the Brigade, owing to illness. The following appointments have been made at Brigade Headquarters: !"if. l-!. S. Taylor Young, Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief to SurgeonIn ChIef; Col. W. L. R. Benyon as Controller Overseas and Brigadier C. Cox, O.B.E..as an Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief; The Lady Joan Newman as ChaIrman of the Appeals Committee. I received the resignation of the following Commissioners: Captain Guy Malet De Carteret (Jersey); The Hon. Denis Berry (Northumberland); Dr. C. S. C. Prance (Plymouth, S. W. Devon and E. Cornwall); Lt.-Col. K. B.. Hicks (Syssex); Major-General G. D. Fanshawe (Wiltshire). The follOWing appoIntments have been made to fill vacancies: Mr. S. Bunker (Bucks), Dr. E. J. Gordon Wallace (Dorset), Mr. H. R. S. Pocock (Jersey), Lt.-Col. R. E. W. Johnson (Northumberland), Mr. V. O. Lewis (PIJ:mouth, S. W. Devon and E. Cornwall), Capt. J. M. Hodges (Sussex), Major General D. D. C. Tulloch (Wiltshire).
The Surgeon-in-Chief reports to me as follows:The Surgeons' Department has suffered the loss of two great leaders nd of a devoted Staff Officer. ' f a Ma'or White Knox retired on the eve of St. John. s Day an~ a ter. a Ion i1lness died on November 13th. His life was dedIcated .to FI~St Aid, anltributes to his work have been paid from all connected WIth th~s ~%kf In November Colonel C. I. Ellis died: he was our Sur~eon-me from 1932 to 1936, and then hel~ the ~pp<?intment of Inspectmg Officer on the Staff of the Commissioner-m-Chief tIll the outbreak of the war. k Eric Howard joined the brigade in 1925 and rose through every ran to District Officer, till in 1951 he was appointed Staff ~fficer. to my department. He ~nally ~eI~t on the. Reserve in 1957 but stIll retamed hIS interest in First Aid untIl hIS death m October. ., At your invitation I accepted the appointment of Surg~on-lll-Chief from St. John's Day and have, therefore, only been responsIble for the latter part of the year. U· .t In April a very successful conference was held at Dur~am h' ~lV~.S\Y under the chairmanship of Dr. Scott the Deputy Surgeon-m~C Ie. .lS1 s were made to a shipyard and a coalmine where a demonstratIOn wa~ gIv~n by a Colliery Rescue Team. No. attemI?t has been made to reVIve t e London Conference owing to the 1l1CreasIllg cost. . . . In August I attended an international ~onference on ResuscItatIOn III Stavanger Norway with Lieut.-General SIr Alexander Drum~ond ~r~m the Association. As a result of our report, the Vol~llltary Aid. So.cIetIes have adopted Mouth-to-Mouth and Exte!"nal CardiaC ResuscItatIOn. I visited many counties to give demonstratIOns and everywhere members of the Brigade have shown great enthusiasm f?r the ~ew methods. Visits were made to several counties by ~~Jor WhIte Knox. ~nd Dr. Scott for conferences and to judge at CompetItIOns, and a close liaIson. has been maintained with the medical side of the Armed Forces, the Pnory for Wales and the Brigade in Ireland. To all the Divisional Surgeons, and Surgeons on Area and County Staffs I tender my best thanks for their continuous. work. . My deputy Dr. Scott has been of the gre~test assIst~nce to me III t.he take-over of the Department: his long serVIce to preVI?US Surgeons-mChief has given him an inside knowledge that has b~en ~nyaluable to me and I wish to record my grateful thanks to him for hIS wIllmgness to help in all ways. . Sir John Buchanan has continued to advise on all overseas appoIlltments and without his assistance I could not help the Oversea~ Depar.tmen~. Finally, Mr. Craft has carrie~ out the many routme dutIes WIthout which records would cease to eXIst and conferences could not be run. CIVIL DEFENCE
This year has been the first year in which the new ?rganisati?~ in regard to the work of the Voluntary Aid Societies alongs.Ide the CIvIl Defe?ce Corps has been in action. It has therefore. nec~ssanly been a .y~ar ?unng Which the new arrangements have been gOl~g. mto force and It IS. dI.fficult yet to say to what extent recruiting fo~ ClvIl.Defence w?rk ~Ithm. the Brigade under the new scheme is provmg frUItful. Certalllly III vanous areas there have been reports of units formed under the new scheme but
~t ~S too early to say that there has been any real move forward and inde d It IS hardly to be expect~d in the first year. I expressed my hope last y: ' that m~mbers of the Bngade who did not wish to join the Civil Defen~~ C?rps Itself woul? take advantage of the new arrangements and I reiterate this ho~e to remInd members o~ ~~e Brigade that in time of emergenc ~arr:essIng the kn0V:'led~e and abIlitIes of the Brigade to help with casuaftIes IS a matter of hIgh Importance. A cer~ai.n number of officers have attended Civil Defence Staff College and TraIrung School courses and in view of what has been said above I should .be ~appy to see more applications for these courses. In this connectIOn In order. to encourage volunteers, I approved that the Brigade would bear the baSIC .cost of the course which amounts to 15/6d. a day and men:bers ~re remInded of this fact. Similarly lack of candidates has caused dlScOntInua.nce of the headquarters week-end courses for Senior Officers. Here agam I shol!-ld be happy to see more candidates. I ~m glad t~ note t~at this last year shows a satisfactory increase on the prevIOu~ year l.n recrUlt?lent for the N.H.S.R ..and trust that this improve~ent WIll co?tInue. ~t IS also a matter of partIcular satisfaction that there IS a ~arked. lI?-crease In the numbers of Nursing Auxiliaries taking optional hospItal traInIng. ~ore com~lete information on N.H.S.R. is given in the report of the Supermtendent-Ill-Chief. CADETS
Three. King Ge?rge VI Memorial Leadership Training Courses were held dunng 1961 , In Southampton, Manchester and London. These were attended by 24, 47 and 44 delegates respectively all between the ages of 18 and 25. ' There hav~ been t';o further Gold Awards to Boys in the Brigade in the Duke of EdII?burgh s A.ward Scheme. They were presented with their Awards by His Royal HIghness The Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace on 20th December, 1961. The Pilot Scheme for the Girl's A ward came to the end on 31 st December, 1961. The Brigade Camp at Bexhill-on-Sea was open during July and August and an overall total of 971 persons attended the Camp during the five weeks. The Comp~tition s for ~ainting and Poetry were held during the winter. The c~ps, pnzes and certificates were sent to the Commissioners for the ~ountIes conc~rned and presented locally. Miss Anna Zinkeisen who Judged the Pamters' Competition, gave a special book prize which was awarded to. Cadet Brenda Tay~or of St. Albans Nursing Cadet Division, Hertfor.dshire, who came fifth III the competition. ~ Bn~ade Traini.ng Course in the Leadership of Cadets was held at the Umverslty of Nottmgham . It was attended by 328 delegates, both men and women Officers and Other Ranks from 36 District and Counties and Wales . Delegates came from all corners of the British Isles including Jersey, the. Isle o.f Man, Isle of Wight, Devonshire and the North Riding of yorkshire. FIfty per cent of the delegates were from Adult Divisions, whIch showed a healthy adult interest in Cadet work and welfare. Sixty per cent of the delegates were ex-Cadets; 75 % of the delegates were under the age of 30. 0
The central theme of the course was the problem of Juvenile ~elin quency; and the principal study was to discover in :",h~t ways t~e Bngade, individually and collectively, could help the publIc 111 tIus VItal matter. Those who attended were fortunate to hear two expert talks. The first, by the Chief Constable ~f No.ttinghamshire, Mr. John Browne.' v;',as on the subject of "The RelatIOnship between the PublIc and the PolIce . The second talk was by Mr. Peter Paskell, Principal Pro?a~ion Offic~r for Nottinghamshire. He gave a s~imulati~g account. of hIS Job and his problems, and, in suggesting that, m real lIfe, ProbatIOn Officer~ .do not behave in quite the same way as they. are portraye~ on teleVISIOn , he shattered a few illusions about the serVIce. He explaIned that each c~se is an individual one and, therefore, it is not possible to make swe~pIllg generalisations ; but he had great faith i!l the you~h of today and believ~d that in their turn when bringing up theIr own children, they would aVOId some of the sho;tcomings of their parents. The Brigade, he said, was a great force for good, and he would welcome any efforts to capture the interest and imagination of boys in approved schools, so .th~t, w~en t~ey left with a clean sheet, they might have a healthy orgamsatIOn In whIch to make a new start. Three Meritorious Certificates and 14 Letters of Commendation have been awarded to Cadets during the year for outstanding displays of courage and efficiency in saving life or rende~ing First Aid after .accid~nts. Many inspections and enrolment ceremorues h~ve been ~eld 111 va~lOus counties and instruction has been continued In profiCIency subjects, camping and in helping to interest schools in providing First Aid classes. OVERSEAS
During the year the Brigade in Overseas :r~rritories has shown g~od progress and an increase in numbers. In addItIOn to the good work gomg forward in Districts where the Brigade has been established for many years, most praiseworthy keenness has been shown in those countries which have become independent nations. Encouraging, too, is the advance which has ~een made in units in the small island territories, many of which are very Isolated. In some ~slands joint Association and Brigade Committees have been formed , whIch are proving valuable in co-ordinating the work of St. John. Malta, where the Brigade has been ~stablished for over 50 years, has had the distinction of gaining 50 SerVIce Medals, a record number for any one year in the history of the D istrict. COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S TOUR My overseas tour in 1961 consisted of 18 days in the Commandery of Central Africa, and I was also able to pay fleeting visits to Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika on my way there and back. In Central Africa a considerable re-organisation is taking place both in the Brigade and in the Association. This is in large measure due to the fact that when the Commandery was first formed the main task was to continue and to expand the work of these two Foundations. The stage has now been reached for these activities to be more closely knit together under Commandery direction and there are many difficulties to be faced, particularly in view of the differing characteristics of the three
countries in the Federation. I saw a great many very keen units and smart parades. The visit was of great value to me in enabling me to appreciate the many problems on the ground that face the Order, the Association and the Brigade in Central Africa. I am certain that the Commandery is now on the way to making good progress, and I am most grateful to the Commandery Commissioner for all his help. My visits to the three countries in East Africa were extremely short. I was, however, able to see the encouraging progress that had been made in each territory since my visit to them in 1957, and discuss a number of the problems that they will have in the future. I saw excellent parades in each of them. EMERGENCIES In 1956 the Order of St. John instituted an Emergency Scheme in the Caribbean and North Atlantic area, owing to the frequency of severe hurricanes. This Scheme was linked to a local Government plan in which St. John and Red Cross were asked to participate. Recently it was felt that a scheme would be useful in other countries of the Commonwealth where St. John exists, in the event of national disasters or emergencies. In view of this a scheme similar to the previous one was drawn up by the Order and sent to all Overseas Territories for their guidance. In November the value of the Emergency Scheme in the Caribbean area was proved once more, when a disastrous hurricane struck British Honduras. Jamaica, being the nearest place to the scene of disaster, sent off a team of four St. John members to Belize, where they helped in the hospital and in the distribution of clothing. The Order flew out 750 blankets and an ambulance was sent to Belize, presented jointly by St. John and the Rotary Club in Jamaica. While not on such a major scale as the hurricane in British Honduras, Trinidad experienced severe flash floods in November, which caused damage over a wide area. The Emergency Scheme was put into action and members of the Brigade did most useful work in feeding schoolchildren and helped with the distribution of clothing and transport of water. Two First Aid Posts were set up in the worst areas and many casualties were treated. In Malaya a serious landslide occurred which overwhelmed the greater part of a village in a remote part of the country. A St. John team travelled 64 miles and worked for two days tending the injured and sick and rendering assistance to others searching for the victims. In Granada many Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet Student Divisions played their part in giving service to the survivors of vessel Bianchi C which caught fire and sank in the harbour. Six hundred passengers and crew were brought ashore and cared for until they could be transhipped, St. John members were on duty night and day looking after people suffering from delayed shock and caring for and feeding the babies and children, An American Vice-Consul who had flown in from Trinidad to Grenada, saw Brigade members at work and was full of praise for their efforts, , In Zanzibar, during the Emergency in June, the Brigade proved Its worth by members acting as stretcher bearers and carrying out other duties at the Hospital. In addition, Brigade members of the Police Force gave First Aid to casualties before they were brought in and, in many
cases save d the lives of persons who would have otherwise died for lack of skilled attention. PUBLIC DUTIES d' B' de members in several In addition, to carrying out nor'~~~nt~t~~~in~I~ational events, such as Districts carned out ex~ra c<?mm~ Leone and Tanganyika. During Independence, S:elebr~tIOns In Slerr~ Ghana St. John had a heavy task the Queen's VISIt to SIerra Leone an , wds which collected. In in ~irst Aid coverage o,f ~he ~~:;nf;s S~~~a Leone sent in a most partlcul,ar, the He;dqll:~I,tels, 0 detail the varied duties undertaken and ~~~er:;i~~~i~e~~;k ~~~~le~~~~ by all the Brigade members. , SENIOR OFFICERS There have been few changes in Co~~ssione~s thIS ye~r, ~nd ~~~~~ d ' the following Districts: Nigenan RaIlways, Nlgenan occurre, In 'k Two new Commissioners have been apAuthonty and TanganYI a, , d t them I extend a warm welcome. pointed in the last named cohuntCnes an, ?oners who have retired for the f ffi I am most grateful to t e om~IssI, service they gave to the Brigade dunng theIr term 0 0 ceo HEAD QUARTERS OFFICERS , d ' Gh ' t help to the Bnga e In ana, d These have continue to gIVe grea d the Caribbean and North Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Cyprus an h been made and numbers Atlantic areas, and in general good p~~ress ,;sGhana left in December have increased. The Headqu~rter~ A cer ~ Headquarters Officer was and so far has not been rep ace ., ne . ki od rogress appointed in North .B?~·neo and th~ Bngade there IS rna ng go p and several new DIVISIOns are bemg formed. FIRST AID CLASSES
t the The Overseas Department have .again helped to a~~a~g\ coul~e~h~ end Ywe A Central Club for the WIves of Overseas u en s: nted of th~ l~st course, successful candi.dates had the hO~~~h~~ b e~~~e~~~s~f the w~th their Certi~c~tes by Her MaJesty Th\ Que~ home an'd the respective Wives wished to JOIn St. John when t hey re urne . f d ' t ers Officers have b een 111 orme . . . CommISSIOners or H ea d quar THE BRIGADE IN EIRE
In recent years I have,. more than. once, ,h ad th~P:~~1~1eit~fe~:~~~i~;~~ Brigade i~ Eire,. and .see~ng som~thl~~ °lf~~~e~g~th year of its existence. all the ears maintained The Bngade III EIre .IS now In It became independent 111 1922 but has througbh . t~e Brigade in the the same standards and worked ~)ll the same liasis 'tas'n Dublin's famous G d P . Th first foundatIOn 0 f a sma Uill I s/arame~~~rbate ;rewery in 1903 has grown to the present strength of thirty-two adult and sixteen cadet divisions throughhou.tt,the cOdunttorwY'nsT~~ bI' e based on t e Cl les an . h B' ngade's serVIces to. t e I?u IC darM 11' Ding 1961 it carried out Dublin Cork Limenck, Sligo an u 111gar. ur f cident nearly 50,000' public duties and treated. nearly.10EOO~ c~:sn~ it~lso ha~ Its public duties are much on the same lines as III ng an
Appendix "A"
a Brigade Welfare Department which concentrates on making and distributing thousands of garments for the poor. Each year the Brigade in Eire competes against the Commandery of Ards for the Otto Lund Trophy and both show a splendid standard of first-aid and nursing in this Competition. CONCLUSION
During the year 1961 the Brigade continued to maintain its standards of efficiency and of work carried out. At home the Brigade did particularly well this year in the N.H.S.R. Competitions and there is no doubt that there will be further calls on them during 1962 for assistance to both local and Government authorities. In Overseas Territories very satisfactory progress has again been made and the Brigade's work continues very smoothly and satisfactorily in those countries which have, during 1961, become independent members of the Commonwealth. At Headquarters I am deeply grateful for the willing support given by the Superintendent-in-Chief and all our officers and staff. The reputation and efficiency of the Brigade, however, stems from the rank and file in Districts and Counties both at home and overseas, and to them I am deeply grateful for the high standards they have maintained and for the splendid enthusiasm that they have shown all over the Commonwealth. J. M. KIRKMAN, Major-General, Commissioner-in- Chief.
Meritorious Service Certificates Private D. G. Davies, Ammanford Ambulance Division, Prior.y for Wa~es. Divisional Superintendent Miss M. Lawton, B.E.M., Spaldlllg Nurslllg Division, County of Lincoln. . . . Corps Staff Officer F. J. Ellis, Barnsley Corps, West Rid~n~ .of Yor~~hi.re. Ambulance Member G. Blondel, Guernsey Ambulance DIVISIOn, BaIlIWIck of Guernsey, Mr. G. Blanchford (Junior), Guernsey. , The District of Trinidad and Tobago and the St. Mary s No.1 Ambulance (AguaUa Vale) Division, Jamaica. Cadet Corporal P. J. Rowden, Southampton (Totton) Ambulance Cadet Division, Hampshire. . .. Cadet P. R. Moran, Southampton (Totton) Ambulance Cadet DIVISIOn, Hampshire. Cadet T. Smelt, Derby Nursing Cadet Division. American Trophy for Gallantry Cadet Corporal Peter J. Rowden and Cadet Philip R. Moran, Southamp. ton (Totton) Ambulance Cadet Division, Hampshire. Grand Priory Badges 71 Ambulance. 312 Nursing.
Special Service Shields 222 Special Service Shields were awarded to Amb~lance Cadets. 409 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nurslllg Cadets. Jubilee Certificates The following units have been issued with Jubilee Certificates indicating 50 years' continuous existence:Durham City Nursing Division, Durham; .Whic~h~I? Ambulance Division Durham' Consett and District Nurslllg DIVISIOn, Durham; Ireland Colliery Ambulance Division, Derbyshire; Henley-on-Thames Ambulance Division Buckinghamshire; Slough Town Ambulance DiVision, Buckingha~shire; Woolston Nursing. Division, Hampshire; Bournemouth Nursing Division, Hampshire; Ashington Corps, Northumberland' Carl Ambulance Division, Northumberland; Duke Ambulance Divisio~ Northumberland' Woodhorn Ambulance Division, Northumberland" Bothal Ambulan~e Division, Northumberland; Ilford Nursing Divisio~, London (Prince of Wales) District; ~ossleY.1\~bulan~e Divisi.on, DUke of Lancaster's District; Lincoln Nursmg DIVISIOn, Llllcolnshlre; Shirebrook Colliery Ambulance Division, Nottingham.
Bedfordshire . Berkshire . Binningham : Bristol . . Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire. . Cornwall . Cumberland Derbyshire Devonshire Dorset Durham: Essex Glouceste~ Guernsey. Hampshire . Herefordshire Hertfordshire Isle of Man Isle of Wight : Jersey. . . Kent. Lancashir~ Leicester . Lincolnshire London Norfolk
Northumberland. N ottinghamshire . Oxfo rd . Plymouth . Sh ropshire Somerset. Staffordshire : Suffolk Surrey. Sussex. Warwickshire Wiltshire . W 0 rcestershir~ East Riding Yorksh~e : North Riding Yorkshire West Riding Yorkshire. Northern Ireland . .
A DULT A mbulance Nursing
250 391 775 567 432 155 596 504 l35 1,824 584 165 1,384 285 339 67 671 81 294 39 111 29 953 3,555 1,072 480 3,737 684 730 980 1,758 294 203 258 653 1,034 778 563 686 854 260 343 496 338 2,921 245
134 248 387 199 329 114 441 299 155 541 462 167 335 316 195 53 424 82 201 78 36 55 500 1,720 380 223 2,443 642 459 330 485 118 133 179 378 460 219 511 520 374 176 273 359 255 1,694 919
CA DET Amhulance N ursing
159 339 366 293 564 90 537 427 126 1,592 532 119 495 277 214 37 762 44 310 82 92 69 768 2,062 542 498 2,731 404 528 441 1,072 177 171 263 719 458 215 547 769 548 247 310 227 153 2,293 198
242 785 505 1,483 540 2,068 465 1,524884 2,209 262 621 943 2,517 683 1,913 314 730 1,532 5,489 959 2,537 329 780 737 2,951 525 1,403 323 1,071 95 252 1,281 3,138 223 430 527 1,332 186 385 283 44 156 309 1,181 3,402 3,093 10,430 734 2,728 1,770 569 4,263 13,1742,559 829 2,768 1,051 2,198 447 4,607 1,292 886 297 932 425 1,016 31 6 2,898 1, 148 2,782 830 1,769 557 2,500 879 3,200 1,225 2,550 774 1,241 558 1,442 516 1,593 311 1,088 342 10,452 3,544 2,391 1,029
FIRST AID AND NURSING:-The Nursing Divisions have given another year of fine service in meeting the many and varied demands made upon them. In addition to the routine first aid public duties, members have undertaken much transport and escort work with invalids, including Air Attendant duties, and have efficiently dealt with many accidents and emergencies. Regular nursing assistance in hospitals and clinics has been willingly increased to meet crises when normal nursing staff has been depleted by illness, and much nursing care has been provided for the sick and handicapped in their own homes under the Nursing Aid service. This service, initiated in wartime to provide auxiliary help under the District Nurses, has been reviewed in consultation with the Ministry of Health, the Queen's Institute of District Nurses and the British Red Cross Society and continues to fulfil widespread need. At the request of the Colonial Office, the Brigade shared with the British Red Cross Society the task of staffing the sick bay at the temporary camp in Surrey established for the families from Tristan da Cunha evacuated to this country after the volcanic eruption on their island. Other servi~s provided for the islanders included meeting and escorting them from Southampton to the Camp and the generous collection and gift by Surrey cadets of a splendid supply of toys for the children. Increased interest in the National Hospital Service Reserve has resulted in a further rise in St. John nursing auxiliaries membership which at the end of December totalled 24,760, of whom 20,118 were women and 4,642 men, and increase of 1,730 on the previous year. It is particularly satisfactory that many Nursing Officers have joined the trained nurse section of the Reserve and that a greater number of nursing auxiliaries has been undertaking optional hospital training. In November, the N.H.S.R. Final Competition for the Minister's Cup was held in London and was won by a St. John team based on Shotley Bridge Hospital, Durham. The work of the team was quite outstanding and very fine qualities of leadership and team spirit were shown by members. The traditional and long standing association of the Brigade with the Royal Naval Nursing Service is happily carried on by 14 St. John exV.A.D.'s who transferred to the Q.A.R.N.N.S. Auxiliary Section and by 11 members enrolled in the R.N. V.A.D. Reserve. These numbers are, however, regrettably small and it is greatly hoped that the coming year may bring an increase in recruitment.
WELFA RE SERVICES: There has been increased activity in welfare work especially among old people and the disabled. By visiting the homebound, helping at centres such as clubs for the old or disabled, accompanying them on outings, and being on duty at holiday camps for the handicapped, nursing personnel in these and other ways have made a great co ntribution to the happiness and welfare of many thousands. In many of these services they have been ably helped by the cadets. St. John is represented on the National Old People's Welfare Council fY District Staff Officer Miss Myrtle Tuckwell to whose outstanding work Or ?ld people's welfare in the City of Westminster I would like to pay SMP~Clal tribute. In this she was most ably hel ped by her sister, the late ISS Grace Tuckwell, who rendered devoted Brigade service for 46 years.
T~e Hospital Car Service, ,run by the B.R.C.S., W.V.S. and SJ.A.B provIdes a most .valua~le servIc.e both to patients and medical au thoritie~: T~e calls upon It contmue to Increase and no praise is too high for the dnvers who v.oluntarily undertake this work. That the scheme operate so sm.oothly IS due t~ efficient administration by the county and are! orgamsers. At a meetIng convened for all the County Organisers at St John House the Mi~ister of Health, ~he Rt. Hon. Enoch Powell, said that the ~ery close working of the HospItal Car Service with the Ambulance SerVIce was an example of. s~ccessful co-operative effort and in the fulfil. ment by voluntary aId socIeties of tasks that the statutory services could not fully cover. At Naval, Military and Air Force hospitals in the United Kingdom and .Overseas .St. John an~ R~d Cro.ss Service Hospitals Welfare Officers contmue ~o give .fine serVIce In canng for the welfare and recreational nee~s of sIck serVIcemen. At the end of the year 79 Welfare Officers were servmg, of whc:m 21 .are Brigade members posted as follows :-Head. quarters 1, Umted Kingdom 11, B.A.O.R. 1, Middle East 4 and Far East 4. In cases of seriously ill service patients overseas the Welfare Officers are ~lso responsible f?r caring for relatives who may be flown out by the SerVIces un~er the Dllfor scheme, through which in 1961 relatives were sen~ to. vanous de~tinations including Malta, Cyprus, Aden, Bahrain, NaIrobI,. Malay~, SIngapore, Hong Kong and Germany. As Vice-ChaIr~an of the Service Hospitals Welfare and V.A.D, D~partment I wIsh to express warm appreciation of the services as DIrector of the Department of Miss Conybeare who retired at the end of 19,61. I woul? like, toc:, to welcome Miss Downing on her appointment as DIrector. MISS Downmg became a St. John Service Hospitals Welfare Offic~r in 1945, and in recent months we have greatly valued her temporary help ill the Overseas Department. In the important service of library amenities for the sick provided by the St. .John and Red Cross Hospital Library Department I am glad to report Increased help by St. John personnel. There are now 11 St. John Cou,nty OrgaI?i.s~rs, 2 Assistant County Organisers and 693 Librarians. .LIbrary facilities are supp~ed to. ~26 Service Hospitals in the United Kingdo!ll and overseas and In addItion the service is extended to nearly 3,000 dIsabled ex-servicemen in their own homes or in civilian establish· ments. Under arran~ements with the Ministry of Health and Hospital Manag~I1!~nt Com,rruttees the ~ep~rtment. provides library services in 1 , ~ 14 CIVIlian hospItals on a. capItatIOn baSIS which during the year was ~aIsed to 13/6d .. per occupIed bed. This rise was necessary to meet mcreased op~ratmg cost~ ,and, as far as possible, to implement the r.eco~mendatIOn for ~ddltIonal bo.o~s made in the survey of hospital libranes. Other establIshments reCeIVIng the library service are 28 Homes ru.n by the Order of St: Joh.n, British Red Cross Society or Joint CommIttee. and to 17 hospItals In H.M. Prisons. Overall, reckoned on the establishments bed-state, the Library Department is now serving approximately 115,000 patients. Duri~g the 12 months ended June 1961, the St. John and Red Cross ~x-S.ervIce . War Disabled Help Department gave assistance with tbe Infirnte vanety of problems and ne~ds that arise through disablement in m.ore than 43 , ~00 cases to war dIsabled ex-service men and women, WIdows and retired nurses of the armed forces who nursed during war-
time, Of these nearly 16,~00 r~ceived ~nancial ai~, amount.ing to alm?st £80,000, the remainder beIn.g gry~n servI~es accordIng to th~Ir need. W:Ith the increasing age of war dIsabIlIty pensIOn~rs there .was hI~her spendIng on winter comforts; and also some increase In help WIth vehIcles t~ enab~e men who cannot use public transport to get to work and retaIn theIr mobility and independence. . ' . . By helping on E.W.D.H. County C~11?-I?lttees , In t~e County admlillstration, and by undertaking home visItmg to pen~IOn.ers ~nd elde~ly nurses, S.J.A.B. members are giving invalu~ble servI~e In thIS essential work. The nursing cadets, too , have co~tmued theIr gOO? and. much appreciated efforts in knitting and donatmg knee rugs whIch thIS year amounted to the excellent number of 145 rugs.
TRAINING AND CONFERENCES: The wide scope of Brigade activities calls for constant training at all levels and many ~aluable training days and courses have been held throughout the counties, t.w o of which I was glad personally to attend in Herefordshire aI?-d C~esillre. Headquarters was represented by Miss Harrison at courses m LeIcester, Northumberland and Surrey and by Miss Morison in Northern Ireland. Miss Duff Grant attended a course in Essex on the theme of Mental Health and as Training Adviser has frequently been consulted on the planni~g of' courses. Under her chairmanship ~nother successful conference of Staff Officers for Training was held In London whe~ I was glad to have the opportunity of meet!~g many of those responSIble for the all-important development of tramIng.. . ., The close co-operation that is so es~entIal WIth st~tutory autho.ntles and other voluntary organisations entaIls repr.esentatIOn on commIttees and attendance at conferences covering subjects of ~lutu.al ~onc~rn. Officers and members have given much valuable help In thIS ?lrectIOn, and, too, by undertaking instruction iI?- fi~st aid and home nurS1l1g to the public and to members of other orgarusatIOns. , It was a great pleasure to welcome the W.V,S . .Advisory Co:uncII, who on the invitation of the Order, held one of theIr 1~61 meetmgs at St. John's Gate. A tour was made of the Gate, includmg the Muse:um,. a film was shown by the Hospitaller of the new Ophthalmic HospItal In Jerusalem and talks were given on all aspects of St. John work. The Dowager Lady Hillingdon, D.B.E. , Vice-Chairman of the W.V.S. , ~ol leagues from her Headquarters and a large number of represent~tlves from other women's organisations, who sit ~n the W .V.~, AdVIsory Council, expressed much appreciati<:m and gratitude for seelllg so. ll:l:lch of rustorical interest as well as heanng about present St. John actiVIties. NUR SING OFFICERS:- The Chief Nursing Officer reports a satisractory and continued increase in the number of State Registe~ed Nurs~s JOining the Brigade many of whom had been St. J ohn cadet~ prIor to .theIr training. The help of the Trained Nurses whether as executive or adV1 S?ry officers is of the highest value in raising the standard of members' nurslllg skill and the Brigade is greatly indebted to them. U nfortunat~ly there are still a number of counties with vacancies for County Nursmg Officers Which it is hoped may soon be filled. The number of Nursing Officer apPointments rose by 107 in the year. . ' A successful Conference for Nursing Officers was agaIn ?rgamse.d by Miss Duff Grant and was well attended. Subjects included mternatIOnal
aspects of nursing and the new method of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The cont~nued sati sfa~t?ry. devel?pment of co-operation in nursing spheres, the Increased actIvIty 111 relatIOn to the N .H .S. R ., and the stimulus to training, show how fortu nate we are in having Miss Duff Grant as Chief Nursin g Officer and Training Adviser and I would again express our most grateful thanks to her. With the increased volume of work in the Chief Nursing Officer's department an assistant to her has been appointed, Mrs . Bayley, S.R.N. , whose help, especially with N.H.S.R. matters, is most valuable.
INSPECTIONS AND VISITS:-With you, Sir, I was present at the Diamond Jubilee Review in Norfolk when the Brigade had the honour of being inspected by H.M. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother ; also at the ceremony of the transfer of the County Colours in Surrey on which occasion H .R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands inspected the Brigade personnel on parade; and at the St. John's Day Order functions of the Priory for Wales and subsequently at the Review of the Priory Brigade Divisions by H .R .H . Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent. It was a very great pleasure to be able to carry out the County Inspections in Worcestershire, Suffolk and Sussex, at each of which I was greatly impressed by the smart bearing and turn-out of all on parade. I welcomed the opportunity of meeting the members of the Horsley Nursing Division when I opened their excellent new Headquarters. Accompanying you or the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, members of my staff visited the following counties :-D orset (Miss Baird), Lincolnshire (Miss Watson), West Riding of Yorkshire, Midland Area (Lady Braithwaite). The Chief Nursing Offi cer judged at the Regional Competition for No.7 Region and was much impressed by the knowledge and practical skill of those taking part. H ON OURS:- Her Majesty the Queen was graciously pleased to confer the M.B.E. on Miss N. L. Moore, Area Superintendent, Eastern Area, London District, in the Birthday Honours. CHANGES IN APPOINTMENTS :-By the sudden death of Mrs. Courtney, County Superintendent for Sussex, the Brigade and particularly the Nursing Divisions in the county suffered a grievous loss. She was held in great affection by all who knew her and her devoted service to St. John covered a period of eight years. We are fortunate in having Miss Noble Mathews as her successor. The following resignations from County Superintendents have been received with much regret:The Hon. Lady Gamage, Berkshire, 18 years' service; Miss Deedes, Shropshire, 33 years' Brigade service; Mrs. Coventry, Staffordshire, .9t years' service, and Mrs. Messenger, Suffolk, 4 years' service, hav~ng previously held the appointment of County Vice-President (Nursmg Cadets) for eleven years. To each of them I would express my appreciation and gratitude. We have been happy to welcome Lady Stirling as County Superintend~I1t for Berkshire; Mrs. Hewat-Jaboor, S.R.N., formerly County NU~SIDg Officer, as County Superintendent for Shropshire; and Miss MIller, S.R.N., promoted from Assistant County Superintendent to County Superintendent for Suffolk.
CONCLUSION:-The year just ended h~s been one of steady ad.vance and satisfactory achievement. To a~l I?-ursmg per.sonnel I would like t o . my admiration and appreCIatIOn of therr selfless and devoted express . d . . th 11 .' I fully realise the sacnfice so often demande m meetmg e ca s ~~1~~pon them. To all my District/County Superintendents.and County/ A Staff Officers I am more than grateful for the splendId le~derslup th~~ give to their personnel and for the unfailing ~upport they gIve to ~s at Headquarters. To the Regional Represe~tatIves on my Women s Advisory Committee I am also grateful ; theIr helpful adVIce and coo eration is of great value. I have. been much touc~ed by the genen:)Us c~ntributions which have been receIVed from the Bngade to the Edwma Mountbatten Trust. .. Once again I am deeply indebted to my personal staff who by tl-:elI devoted and efficient service have rendered my t~sk so TI?-uch eaSIer. I would particularly mention Miss Watson and MISS Harnso~l for the unfailing help they have always given me. I h~ve already mentIOned the valuable work done by Miss Duff Grant dunng the year. Mrs .. MacKinnon's experience and co-operation have been of tremendous aSSIstance to me and I am most grateful to her as I am to my Staff Officers for the willing and efficient way in which they have carned out the many and varied activities which they undertake. To them and to everyone of my staff I offer my most heartfelt thanks. . Lastly, I would like to thank you, SIr, and all you~ staff for the very great help and consideration given to me on all nursmg matters . M . BRECKNOCK, Superintendent-in-ChieJ
REPORT OF THE ALMONER GENERAL it can be said that the work of the Joint Committee of the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society has proceeded smoothly and satisfactorily during the past year on the lines described in my previous Reports. IN
The Joint Committee's most important activity remains centred on the Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department, through which assistance and advice are given to disabled ex-service men individually. The past year has seen a slight reduction in the number of applications for help or advice, a total of more than 43,000 being dealt with as compared with 45,000 during the previous year. Of these, nearly 16,000 were given financial help or assistance in kind, involving a total expenditure of some £91,000, while some 27,000 were advised or helped in numerous other ways as compared with approximately 29,000 during the previous year. It should be noted that the increasing cost of relief, and also a higher living standard, more than offset any fall in spending due to the natural decrease in the number of disability pensioners. It may be noted, too, that the grant-loan expenditure for this year showed an increase in the help given towards transport to enable pensioners to get to their work. This trend may be expected to continue as the age of pensioners increases. Similarly, expenditure on winter help for the elderly has shown an increase during the present year, and a survey showed clearly that this form of help is most valuable and comforting for elderly pensioners, especially as the long-term effect of disablement increases. In previous reports I have referred to the adaptation of Scio House, Putney, which was at one time used for T.B. cases, to be a hospital for elderly and infirm retired Officers. The amenities and comforts provided at Scio House have been greatly appreciated, but experience has shown that more single rooms are required than can be provided with the acco~ modation as it is at present, and plans are now being made to meet thIS need. In my Report last year I referred to the Joint Committee's decision to review the funds at its disposal in relation to future commitments. Although some of the estimates contained in the Survey were necessari!y somewhat arbitrary, the Committee are satisfied that sufficient fu nds WIll be at their disposal to ensure that any essential demands can be met ~or at least another ten years after 1975 (which is the date to which the Jomt Committee had previously planned), and that there will be a surplu~ available for use after 1985. Under a scheme approved by the Charity Commissioners the Joi~t Committee have been given authority to invest part of their fund~ In equities, and , as an initial step, Government securities have been realIsed to an approximate value of £275,000 for reinvestment in selected ordinary shares. It ha recently been decided that Lord Woolton, Chairman of the British Red Cross Society, and the Lord Prior, who have hitherto been Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee, should in future be Joint Chairmen. It may also be noted that the Secretaries-General of the two Parent Bodies have ceased to be Joint Secretaries-General to the J oint Committee, although retaining their membership of the Committee.
h been serving for many years as Finance Mr. T. L. Somersca~es, who ~s . w Secretary, with Mr. G. W. Secretary to the J omt CommIttee, IS no Barker as Deputy Secretary. GERALD CREASY, Almoner.
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LmRARY AND MUSEUM, 1961 . ' b en brought to notice during the year:-;: publicatIOns h~vel e St John of Jerusalem in Norfolk. "The Order of the Hosplta 0 f . Eric Puddy. Dereham ' Nl05r6~0!~. F~:~~esco Balbi. (Translated by H. A. "The SIege of Malta, . Balbi). Copenhagen. 35/-. d London 25/-. "The Great Siege." ErnIe Brat~or.. Picture~" The Countess of "Edwina Mountbatten: Her em· Brecknock. Londo.n: 15/-. S J h 's Gate and Church during 1961 was The number of VISItors to t. 0 n r the revious year. Tours of St. 2228 a slight increase on the figur~ fo pulir especially those arranged J~hn"s Gate continue to be extreme y poSaturday afternoons, and it is, for groups of up to forty persons lf~ advance Seventy-four different therefore, still necessary to bO<:,k w~ mear and ~bout one-third of the.se groups were sho~n ~ound ~unn~;e :~ connection with the Order or ItS were from orgamsatIOns ~hlch h k 11 charge for tours by these Foundations. It ~as decId~d ~o m~n~ ~;i~~rrangement was introduced parties from outSIde orgamsatIOn~ t appear to deter applicants for at the beginnin.g of thedy.eari9~i t~:St~t~1 sum obtained from admission Saturday boo.kings, an £m This sum has been passed to the Church charges was Just under 40 . Rebuilding F~nd. .. . theme "The Knights of st. John An interestmg exh~bIt~~n o~ei~eat the Palace of Versailles from. J':lne through Eight Centunes, was . d b the French Museums ASSOCiatIOn until November. It wa~ o~gallls; th y Sovereign Order of Malta. Art and the Fren~h ASs<:,CIatIOn 0 oef St John were loaned by a number treasures assoclate.d ~l~h the Most Venerable Order was asked to of museums and mdivIdua~s.. 1 olicy to allow items to be participate, and althou~h It IS ~o~~so~:~d!cI that in view of the Or?er's borrowed from St. .Joh~ s Gate, It e resented at Versailles. Accordmgly outstanding collectIOn, It should b~ r and Museum. They included 170 items were sent on loan from t e . I rarbooks and manuscripts. The coins and medals, seals, armour'dsIlver, . 'ted by over 200000 people. . .. t success an was VISI ' . d exhIbIt.IOn was a grea k f re-cataloguing has been contmue , Dunng the y~ar the wor 0 eks when the department was although it was mterru~ted for sev~~~ie~e the contents of the Museum re-decorated ~~ t?e Spnng. rev~rn" hav~ been completely re-catalogue? known as the MIscellan~ous f e~IO t f ur hundred items including furmand indexed. They conSIst hO a ~u f ~e-cataloguing the manuscripts was ture, silver and armour. ~ e ft~~ 0 r about two-thirds had been come ~e~ogued rather superficially in the also begun and by the. en 0 pleted. The manuscnpts wfere Ct~ a B itish Museum but a much more 'thirties by a palaeographer . rom e r , detailed catalogue is now bemg pr~pafe~. d a considerable collection of Accessions to the department mc u e
THE following
coins of the Order and a number of framed prints bequeathed by Miss E. M. Rideout) Dame of Grace. Other donors to whom the thanks of Chapter-General have been conveyed are :-M. Bertrand de la Grassiere, Dr. V. Humphreys, Mrs. R. 1. Gardner, W. D. Cargill Thompson, Esq., Mrs. H. N. Fryer, H. Pirie-Gordon, Esq., Miss C. M. Jackson, Dr. E. Puddy, F. A. Hudson, Esq., Ilnd J. Everett, Esq. RICHARD vVILLIAMS, Librarian.
the Sub-Prelate, Dr. Nevile Davidson. The service was conducted by. H I Communion was celebratedAt the conclusion of the serV:lc~, 0 Yartake many members and g.uests remammg Ito &ember~ of Priory-Chapter proAfter the services m the Cathedr~h' were entertained to luncheon by ceded to the City Chambers, ;h~re t ind the Magistrates of Glasgow. the Lord Provost, Mrs. Jfanh l~ i~~~~ afternoon in the Council Chambers, At the General Assemb y, e 1 S' H gh S Turnbull K.C.V.O., Ir u . , af d Lt Colone the Prior of Scotlan , .- f the Priory and their guests, a~d ter K.BE Members 0 . Officers of the Priory, mvested : .. ' welcomed 1 ts of the Executlve reCeIV1l1g t le repor . . f 1 '. .ous grades. . 0 Postulants with the Inslgma 1~1I ~;~e entertained to afternoon tea In Members and guests of t he r ~r. of the General Assembly. the Satinwood L~unge at the ~on~~s~~n. The Lord Provost and ~agisWe are deeply mdebted t? t k~ d 'hospitality, to the Kirk SessIO.n. of trates of Glasgow for their pm d's Lordship Club, for provldmg Glas crow Cathedral, and to. rovan b ceremonies. accommodation for our vanous
THE PRIORY OF SCOTLAND THE OUTSTA DING EVENT during the year was the formation of a Glasgow Branch of The St. John Association of Scotland, under the Chairmanship of Mr. Herbert J. Green. It is not proposed to give a report on the work of this new Branch until it has had a full year of activity, but we feel sure that the example set by the existing Branches of The St. John Association will prove to be an inspiration to the new Committee. It was with great reluctance that The Prior and Chapter accepted the resignations of the Rev. Dr. Charles L. Warr, as Prelate, and Sir Gordon Lethem as Hospitaller. We record our deep appreciation and sincere thanks to both these Executive Officers for their loyal and outstanding services to The Priory. We are fortunate indeed, that Dr. Nevile Davidson, Moderator-designate of the Church of Scotland, has accepted the honour of succeeding Dr. Warr as Prelate, and that Captain J. Shand Sivewright wiU take over the duties of Hospitaller and Almoner in place of S~r Gordon Lethem. Dr. Warr has agreed to act as Sub-Prelate under hIS successor. The work of our Committees in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Moray, continues in maintaining and supervising the various Hospitals Hospices for the Aged and Convalescent Homes in their respective centres. The charitable work being carried out so successfully could not be continued, were it not for the invaluable help received from the respective Branches of The St. John Association, who are mainly responsible for the fund raising so necessary to carryon the great work of service for othe~s, in continuance of a tradition of long standing, which they so worthIly maintain. May they continue in the same dedicated spirit of service, always evident in the past. . We take this opportunity of expressing our deep gratitude to the Chal~ men, Office Bearers and Members of all these Committees for thelr outstanding services to The Priory, and to express the hope that they continue their valuable work with the same enthusiasm and service as formerly. t
THE FESTIVAL OF ST. JOHN On the 23rd June, the Annual Commemoration Service, General Assembly and Investiture of The Priory of Scotland was held in GlasgoW, when a large number of members and guests attended the various ceremonies. The Festival of St. John commenced in the forenoon with the Commemoration Service which was held in the Glasgow Cathedral. The Order's procession from Provand's Lordship, the oldest house in Glasgow. to the Cathedral was preceded by a representation of the City Magistrates.
THE GLASGOW COMMITTEE OF THE PRIORY 11 C mmittee is now undertaken by a sma The work of the Glasgow 0 . later pages under the . A full report " Hospital Committee. h F appears dation111Hospital-Par k H orne. headi ng of "The Order of St. Jon oun THE ED! BURGH COMMITTEE OF THE PRIORY , . have been moderately successful, but The results of the year s wor~ng has fallen from the high figures of the occupancy rate of the two 0~~s9 guests compared with 276 in the last year. At Carberry there ~re 390 against a previous figure of 493. previous year, and at Len~o~d d~ing the year, but the Flag pay wa~ a £500 ross. Other fund 111gathenng No Sale of Work ~as e great success, and YI~ld.ed over ht in ; round total of £330, the outactivitie of the AssoclatlOn broug 1 cc t of Mrs Nicol a Strawberry t1 e persona euor s . , k . f J ble Sale and a Sale of Wor at standing items bemg rom ? Fair organised by th~ ~halfm~~, aD:mheld in Musselburgh was a great g y Lennox Row. In addItIOn, a succes and will be repea.ted. d't grateful thanks to the Association The Edinburgh <;on:mlttee r~co~ ~ 1 s - in articular to the Edinburgh and to other orgamsa.tlOns and ~~~v~~~alSgener~us help in furthering t~e Charity Day CommIttee for t e~I ~ 'shes to place on record Its work of the Order. The Cd omm~tt~etl~e s~u :~ommittees and the Matrons appreciation of the devote wor 0 and taff of the Homes. THE ABERDEE COMMITTEE OF THE PRIOR~ . . t 0 be the mam ll1terest of the The St. John Nursing Home contmues
Aberdee~ Committetthat the
Home meets a demand for private nur ing . statistics show:. There IS no doub care in ~?erdeen, as the. follOhWll1~ar giving an occupancy ratio of Just AdmIssIOns: 425 ~ur111.g t e ~f whom the majority were for X-ray under 80 %; OutpatIents.. 709, f hich 109 were major procedures. The in:vestigation; 345 o~~ratI~ns, ~s f4 It is of interest to record that 1,366. average monthly walt~ng 11 stHw e by their own doctors. patients were treated m t e om
The problem today is the difficulty experienced in recruiting nursing staff, a problem which faces Homes and Hospitals all over the country, The St. John Association has an ample fund for the subsidising of patients' fees , but despite efforts made to bring this to the notice of doctors using the Nursing Home, very few requests are made by patients for assistance to meet charges. The charitable side of the work continues to be maintained by the St. John Association and this report would be incomplete were mention not made of the Aberdeen Committee's appreciation of its good work.
. I d . g homes the overhead costs In common with other hospita s an, nurslI~ ver 'economy. Notwithof staff and maintena~ce constantly fIse d:shlt~a~ bien found possible .to sta~din,g these finanCial burte~s, ~~;r~v~he cost of the patient is heavIly mamtaIn an average of ten e s of a roximately £3,000 per ann~m. subsidised by the Order t1 t~ d~g:t~cati!n~ for the Foundation HospItal, As this is not the ~east 0 e JU eans even to the extent of the that we might aSSIst those of sle~der II?-t is disappointing that there is a complete cO,sts whil~bu~der t~U~h~ ~r;:pi~al Charitable Fund. slight drop In contn u IOn THE LINEN GUILD
During 1961 there was a gratifying increase of forty-nine bookings by residents, an increase of over 40 % on the previous year. The income from fees has increased by some six hundred pounds. This is encouraging, but the Hospice at Skerry brae is not yet self-supporting and the Moray Committee are much indebted to the Moray Association for their fin ancial aid to the extent of over five hundred pounds during 1961. An account of the activities of the Moray Association will be found later in the report. The House Committee continue their work of supervision of furnishings and property and have been able to carry out small improvements for the comforts of the guests-unfortunately the Committee has no fund s at its disposal for general maintenance and we are grateful to Priory for meeting the cost of painting the outside of the Hospice. On the afternoon of 22nd September, T.R.H. The Duke and D uchess of Gloucester visited the Hospice of Skerrybrae. They were received by the President and Lady Houldsworth and the Prior and Lady Turnbull, and met the office bearers of the Committee and the Associatio n. They were shown over the Hospice and talked to the residents and then took tea. They both signed the visitors' book and the Press took excellent photographs; on leaving the Duke and Duchess expressed their approval of all that was being done and were impressed by the high standard of comfort available to residents. The Committee look forward to an equally successful year in 1962. THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN FOUNDATION HOSPITAL-PARK HOME
The St. John Foundation Hospital- Park Home has contributed another year's essential service to the community. Throughout the year under review the total average daily bed state was 18.7 compared with 17.3 in the previous year. The births within the Maternity Section increased from 151 to 197, the highest recorded number since the Home was instituted, The operations undertaken within the theatre reached the record number of 385, It must give the greatest satisfaction to Confre,res and all associated with the Priory of Scotland that our FoundatIOn Hospital is so well regarded and provides so necessary and acceptable a provision, It has been the purpose of the Committee responsible for the management that the brightest and most modern facility should be available. Accordingly, the work of renovation and improvement continues ,and acknowledgment is made of the generous assistance of work and donatIOns from the Ladies ' Linen Guild who contributed £100 in addition to the provision of crockery and linen and the maintenance of the domesti,c equipment. Extensive redecoration and the renewal of the boiler and oIl firing equipment has been met from current account.
, ,
. ,, k I ce the most important being The usual fu~d raIdsI~g, ~ctI~tIe:y t~~ld Ynapettigrew & Stephens by kind the Annual Whis,t an n ge ar Bt to whom we are most indebted. d permission of SIr Hugh Fraser,., The Christmas Draw was TahlsoLwe~ ~u~e~~~efo~ a beautiful Christmas Tree We thank the Rt. Hon., e or r, d staff and all those who sent gIftshto ;he ,~atI~n~a~~ons M'embers of the Guild, Thanks are also duesto ,t eS , r~sl ~~r' their m~ch appreciated support Priory-Secretary and ellIor IS er throughout the year. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOT DEPARTMENT
. h D tment suffered a severe loss During the year under reVIew t e o~l~~nding helpers, Miss A. H. through the decease of tw~ of ou~ and Mr. Palmer, Estate Agent at Pettigrew of the St. Andrew s ~eaothe Inverlochy Depot on behalf of Inverlochy Castle, whO sUPker~se been maintained and replaced where Lt.-Cdr. J. W. Hobbs. Stoc s ave orne centres these have been badly necessary but, un~ortunately, at s erishable nature and to a lesser depleted by losses Incurred o~ g~odso~e~ Particles- this despite the close degree by the non-retur~ 0 orr me ears a few of our smaller Depots supervisio~ of I?epot officIaJ~' F?r ~~il"yreturns-doubtless this is due to have been InactIVe a,nd sen Ing Ill , 't are now provided by local health the fact that most slck-ro?m rt~lS~t~S Act or by District Nurses. Every authorities under the NatlOna ea Depots becoming redundant and to effort is being made to preven t such keep them open in case of emergency. THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND
(Aberdeen Branch) ful year's work by the St. The Chairman reports another most succes~ch which has carried out John Associat~~n of Scotland, dA~:~d::~e!~~ its' target of £1 ,000. T~e many fund ralsmg schemes a~ d Party held in our own grounds III highlight of ~he year was da , ar ,~n f the summer weather, realised the Albyn Place In August, an III Spl e 0 magnificent sum of £350. ver successful year and has con,Our Ballater Branch has al:~t~a~~e la~ies of Ballater are most 10Y,al tnbuted £103 4s. Od, to oubr if'il knitted goods for sale in our GIft and continue to produce eaut u y Centre.
(Moray Branch) After an encouraging start in 1960 the Moray Branch of the Association has co~tinued to progress in 1961. Membership has risen, but despite the energetIc efforts of the members of the Committee in this direction, it is felt that, in the main , fund-raising must rely more on special efforts of one kind or another rather than on sUbscriptions. In July the Association held a Garden Sale at Skerrybrae, which the Rev. Dr. ,Nevile Davidson kindly agreed to open. The response was most encouragmg and a sum of £326 was raised. This, of course, was due to the hard work and efficient organisation of a number of ladies- committee memb.ers and others- to whom we are very grateful. The steady work of ~nrolling members and collecting subscriptions, life and ordinary, brought 111 some £100, and various other functions run at Skerrybrae, again with the help of the ladies, brought in nearly £50. The efficient help of Miss Baxter, our Matron, is much appreciated in all these efforts. We are very grateful to our President, Sir Henry Houldsworth for all his in~aluable help and encouragement and also to Lady Houldsworth, who kin~ly arranged a Garden Opening at their home, Dallas Lodge, in May whIch also added to our funds. It will be seen from the accounts that the Association paid over sums amounting ,to approximately £524 to the M oray Committee during the year. Of thIS, some £124 was for particular items of capital expenditure for Skerrybrae and £400 was to assist with the general running of the Hospice. Our efforts for 1962 are still in the planning stage, but it is hoped that the income can again reach the level of 1961 so that similar help can be given to the Moray Committee in its heavy task of bridging the gap between income and expenditure on Skerrybrae. THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND
(Edinburgh Branch) It is fair to say that the Association has had quite a successful year. The sum of £713 18s. Id. has been handed over to the Edinburgh Committee of the Order. True, this is over £300 short of last year's amo unt, due to the fact that we were unable to hold a Sale of Work last autumnan event which, the previous year realised £479. As autumn is the best time to hold this function it was decided to cancel the Sale rather than change to another season thereby upsetting the rhythm for future years. Fortunately, individual activities helped to make amends and brought in £257 as against £83 the previous year. This proves once again the supreme importance of individual fund-raising efforts. The Flag Day especially lays a heavy burden on the Convenor, Mr. Maurice C, Kidd, W.S. , his Committee and busy band of collectors. It is, therefore, with a deep sense of gratitude that we express our grateful thanks for the loyal support given in so many different ways. Finally a tribute to our Secretary, Mr. Stuart Falconer for the keen and conscientious way he has guided the affairs of the Asso~iation during the pa t year. With a growing membership- it now totals 216-his labour tend to increase. His is a post calling for qualities of heart as well a of brain and we have learn~d to rely on them. The Association is fortunate in its Secretary.
PRIORY FOR WALES of the 43rd year's working of the Welsh Priory. re~ect~ a degree of St. John activities in every co~nty of the Pnncipahty. ~;~~~rivelY the picture is fairly impressive, but If the extent of dev~loPll t in the more highly organised areas were accepted as a target 111 a ~~ncounties the volume of service could be extended. UMMARY
Of the 19,141 students who attended courses ?f instruction in First Aid, Nursing and associated subjects, .17,,429 q~alified for awards o;~~~ St John Ambulance Association. ThIS IS an lllcrease of 301 on th~ugh the total number of persons who atte~ded the 1 , 30~ classes held in 1961 dropped by 433. TIns is satisfactory lllasm~ch ~s It proves, that a high proportion of those instructed sat for exam111,atIOn a?d sat~sfie~ the examiners. The comparative results ?f the, year s wo~~g pnn~e below show substantial increases in the FIrst AId and PrelImmary FIrst Aid awards. . d Some important changes have been effected dunng the y.ea~ un er review. In common with the St. Andrew's Ambulance AssociatIOl?- ~nd the British Red Cross Society, the St. John Ambulance A.SsOClatIOn decided to accept Respiratory Resuscitation, an~ External CardIac Resuscitation as methods for training and eXalmnatIOn. For some years th,e Association had been ~tudying the Mouth-to-Mouth method. ?f r~suscI tation and during 1960 when it received widespread publiCIty III the national press the need fo r an authoritativ~ st~tement ~ad been met by the publication of a leaflet writte~ by the ~nncipal MedIcal Officer of the Association for guidance and mformatIOn only. In 1961 th~ thr~e Organisations undertook t? draft a. supplen~ent to ~he standard FIrst ~Id manual giving the basic 111formatIOn for mstructIOnal purposes. whIch becomes compulsory as from 1st June, 1962. The new procedures 111v,?lve the use of training manikins as well as ~lms and film strIPS and .t he PIlory was able to secure the model (Resusci-Anne) for demonstratIOn at ~he autumn Brigade conferences il: No~th al!d South Wales. The exte~slve training programme involve~ 111 t~l1S major development cannot fall to stimulate public interest in FIrst Aid. . Another change, which became effectIve from ~an':lary 196.1, c?ncerned First Aid re-examinations. All those who qualIfy 111 exam111a.tIOns and re-examinations are now provided with writt~n evidence of theIr success, a move greatly welcomed by industrial first. alder~ who have to pro~u~e a token of their current efficiency when all FIrst AId awards have a ~lmI~ed validity of three years, In place of the old V.ou~her a s~al1 re-exarrur:at~on certificate in a pocket size plastic wal1e~ IS . Issued WIth further sImII~r certificates for each subsequent re-exammatIOn. Metal awards are stIll available for those who wish to purchase them. . . First Aid in Industry was further stimulated by the publicatIOn of the revised edition of "Occupational First Aid" . t has been acc~pt.ed as an improvement on the original manual and, WIth the les~ restnctIv.e reg:rlations governing the course, should encourage responsIble first alders 111 industry to carry out their du.ties with. greater effi~lency. A determined effort is be111g cont111ued at PrIory .Headquart~rs , to encourage St. John Councils to develop more exhaustIvely ASSOCIatIOn
activities. The issue of a memorandum for guidance on administration urging the appointment of county organisers, preferably persons not already committed to Brigade responsibilities, has already elicited some response as will be seen from the inclusion of the names of such organisers in the foregoing lists. It is hoped that in time there will be no area without some specific machinery for expansion on Association lines. County Organisers, with or without the support of Association Sub-Committees, are responsible for ensuring that the instructional facilities provided by the S.l.A.A. are brought constantly to the notice of all sections of the public-industrial, educational and social groups as well as the housewife and ordinary citizen. In addition to the main branches of training in First Aid, Nursing, Hygiene, Emergency Resuscitation, there are courses in the allied subjects such as Child Welfare, Clean Food Handling, etc., all capable of a wide appeal. Classes are already being held on demand in many special spheres, including teachers' training colleges, H.M. prisons, employees of the Forestry Commission, the farming community and various types of industry, but an energetic organiser will explore all possible avenues with a view to enlisting new students particularly among the numerically smaller units where no statutory obligation is imposed upon employers to ensure a minimum of training. In a changing world new methods of approach have to be applied and the bright idea of one progressive organiser in announcing the commencement of a "Teenagers' First Aid Class" proved a successful experiment. The Welsh translation of "Preliminary First Aid", referred to in last year's report, has not been completed as quickly as was hoped but there is every reason to expect the book to be in print in readiness for next autumn session. Personal contact with the Welsh representatives of the Special Centres of the Association and other national industrial undertakings is maintained through membership of the Ambulance Committee on which the Brigade also is represented and close links with the Ministry of Health, the Welsh Hospital Board and the Medical School ensure full co-operation in efforts to meet the ever-increasing demands for First Aid service.
STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED COURSES OF INSTRUCTION First Aid Preliminary First Aid Nursing· Preliminary Nursing Hygiene' Preliminary Hygiene Lay Demonstrators Child Welfare . Preliminary Child Welfare A ir Attendants . Mining· Hygien ic Food Handling and Clean Handling of Food
1961 12,843 3,826 1, 139 741 8 76 57 37 106
1960 12,939 3,830 1,428 810 20 52 14 125
1959 13,136 3,523 1,190 615 13 78 95 80
348 8
1961 First Aid Certificat~s ' '. . . Preliminary First AId Certific~tes. Vouchers . . . . : . . Marine Certificates' ' .. Nursing Certificates (Imtlal)' . Nursing Certificates (Adv~nced) . Preliminary ~ursing Cert~ca:es : Hygiene Certificates . . Preliminary Hygiene Cert.ificates . Lay Demonstrators' ~ertificates . Air Attendants' Ce~ificates : : . . . Child Welfare Certificates·. . . Prel~~ary ChiHld wdel~farea;J~~~t~andling Hyglemc Food an ID~ . . First Aid in M~es Certificate~ : : . . First Aid in Mmes Labels ' Medallions . . Labels . Pendants
3,792 3,588 1,065 160 468 178 690 7 80 55 . . . ... of Food .
1960 3,363 3,333 1,166 184 607 293 771
3,640 3,408 1,262 157 409 550 13 65 73
32 105
20 48 23 13 127
182 68 943 5,690 326
190 72 887 5,624 407
75 7 230 34 836 5,744 624
CLASSES, STUDENTS AND AWARDS IN COUN;IE~ d Cer Reota . Exam Awards No. of Stu ents Classes t~- Award~ 1961 County caes 133 56 77 151 (2) 5 Anglesey 195 169 364 419 35 (5) Breconshire 346 288 634 722 48 (6) Caernarvonshirc 163 198 361 387 (1) 27 Cardiganshire . 1,370 628 742 889 (9) 81 Carmarthenshire 563 620 1,183 1,238 74 (10) Denbighshire . 193 229 422 461 (3) 30 Flintshire . 2,791 1,759 4,550 5,219 (47) 294 Glamorgan 84 126 210 215 15 (-) Merionethshire 1 272 1 366 2,638 2,991 (28) 178 Monmou thshi re '227 '150 377 407 40 (5) Montgomeryshire . 128 253 381 444 (1) 22 Pembrokeshire 10 32 42 47 (2) 3 Radnorshire 613 245 858 1,012 (5) 50 Aberdare 684 472 1,156 1,367 73 (9) Cardiff . 138 246 384 376 (13) 17 Merthyr Tydfil 304 480 176 594 (6) 26 Newport 367 267 634 780 52 (-) Rhondda 533 500 1,033 1,181 (6) 70 Swansea 10 49 59 81 2 (-) Unattached 160 160 160 (-) Marine Candidates 7,027 ]7,429 9,337 1,142 (158) 19,141
1960 153 383 573 325 1,176 1,190 432 4,436 172 2,707 332 284 57 880 1,183 362 486 741 1,011 61 184 17,128
. St John Ambulance AssoclatlOn are Holders of certlficates of the I ' B 'gade which trains its members eligible to join the St: John Ambue~~ce wl~~rever the need arises. Ma~y to be ready to act III an em~rg theYBritish Commonwealth today, as m thousands of men an~ w0II!-en ~n . membership of a movement whose the past, find d~ep satlsfactlOn m t~etr. d since the days of the Crusaders. traditions of chIvalry have been mam ~~ne wearing the familiar black and In Wales 13,129 members are prou Y
white uniform of the Brigade, a privilege which commits them to the dedication of part of their leisure to a worthwhile service. This year for the first time the total number of Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Hon. Members and Auxiliary Members have been brought into the summary of numerical strength set out below. These categories add 1,051 to the total. The comparative figures for 1960 reveal a decrease of 946, almost equally divided between adult and cadet membership, men and boys being 359 fewer and women and girls down by 587. Despite this redu ction 20 new divisions were registered comprising 3 Nursing, 2 Ambulance and Nursing, 7 Ambulance Cadet, 4 Nursing Cadet and 4 Ambulance and Nursing Cadet. Against this expansion 5 units were disbanded as inactive -3 Nursing, 1 Ambulance and Nursing and 1 Ambulance Cadet, while 3 Ambulance Divisions were re-classified as Ambulance and Nursing Divisions, and 1 Cadet Ambulance Division as an Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Division.
CORPS AND DIVISIONS Corps ' . .. . .. . Ambulance 1?~vlSlons . .... sing DivlSlons . . . . . ur b' d Ambulance and Com me , , , Nursing .DlVlslOns ". Ambulance Cade~ 1?~vlslOn~ : . . . . . . Nursi~g CadetbDl1vlslOn:nd Nursing Cadet Divisions Combmed Am u ance
1960 56
54 260 144 33 185 181 22 -825
263 144 29 183
177 17 - 8 13
f h volunteer and one cannot affor~ to, be Tlus is not the golden .age 0 t ~ bt' .ng recruits to an orgamsatlOn complacent about the. drfficulty .ofa~tio~n~f service. Nevertheless it is whose only reward IS the ailS h' engaged in a greater vol~me heartening to find that a smaflle~ membeor:e~P to Brigade duties, classIfied ., Tl amount 0 tlme d ev l. , of actIvIty . 1e . f 20 000 hours on the prevIOUS year. below, reflects an mcrease 0 ,
Headquarter Staff . 8 8 Commissioners· 20 20 Deputy Commissioners 15 10 County Surgeons . 14 15 County Superintendents 7 10 County Staff Officers 40 53 County Staff Officers (Cadets) 24 24 Area Commissioners ]3 12 Assistant Area Commissioners 4 1 Area Surgeons . 7 6 Area Superintendents 8 9 Area Staff Officers . II 13 Area Staff Officers (Cadets) II 11 Corps Officers (including 38 Surgeons) . 150 156 Divisional Officers (including 237 Surgeons) 702 684 .C.O.'s· 297 315 Ambulance Members· . 3,036 3,353 4,410
Boys Cadets (including 323 Officers) .
6 15
6 12
9 1
9 3
· 82,050 · 38,528 · 20,162 675 · 2,294 · 2,228 '25,219
Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Duties' Clinics . Nursing Aid Blood Transfusion . Miscellaneous .
Cases On Public Duty' Off Public Duty' . . . Treated by Paid Personnel' Transport:Invalids removed, Road Accidents' Other Accidents' Mileage
. 21,053 '22,626 , 99,726 . 3,261 361 588 109,988
4 171 ,156
6 41 286
Personnel engaged on full-time Personnel enga.ged on full-tlffi~ 46 Transport Duties' . . . ' 114 Hospital Dut1l?s' . " 6' Bach Huts 14' Medical Comforts Depots , 58.) (Services maintamed: Road BI oxes'll d' m'e Civil Defenc~ Corps, 395. Personne enro e
GIRLS Cadets (including 253 Officers) •
SUMMAR Y OF PERSONNEL Men· Women Boys Girls .
Duties carried out during 19 61 by cadet members can be summarised as under:Cadets
4,681 . 3,218
Headquarter Staff 6 County Superintendents 12 County Nursing Officers 8 County Staff Officers 4 County Staff Officers (Cadets) 9 Area Surgeons . 2 Area Superintendents 10 Area Nursing Officers 5 Area Staff Officers . 3 Area Staff Officers (Cadets) 9 Corps Officers 39 Divisional Officers . 391 (including 82 Surgeons and 56 Nursing Officers) N.C.O.'s· 34 Nursing Members . 1,139
4,410 1,671 3,218 3,830
4,681 1,853 3,306 4,235
13, J29
Presidents Vice-Presidents . Hon. Members . Auxiliary Members .
528 446 34 43 1,051
1,853 • 3,830
Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties' Miscellaneous Duties Blood Transfusion . Nurseries
. 22,208
977 2,330 . 9,846 806 97 36,264
Transferred to Adult Divisions Engaged in Full-time Hospita~ Duties' . . . : . ' Taking up Medical Tramlllg Taking up Nursing Train ing Cadets in N,H,S.R . . Cadets in C.D. .
33 boys 31 girls
3 girl 3 boys 9 girls 3 boys 39 girls 3 boys 28 girls 7 boys 1 girl
b f the Brigade in Wales during the The services of some 200 mem ers dO the 11 th December when the fir t World War were commemorate ~~rs of the Priory to the memory Prior unveiled a plaque ~t the he~d(uar Attached to the 38th (Welsh) of the 130th St. John FIeld A~1 y a~ce'Brjtish Army which carried the DiVision, this was ,the. only um,t .m ~eC 0' and men being authori~ed name of the orgamsatlOn of ongm, I' . 'f the Army uniform. Major t . . b J 1 badge on the eeve 0 o wear t h e St. Oln I ) , the senior survlvlllg mem er A. W. Anderson, M.B. , Ch.B. ( A moner
of th~ Unit of which he was second-· -
carry~ng t~rough the idea of a memoriaf ~~and,
was responsible for w IC emerged at the last annual
re-umon dmner.
Reference was made in last
ear' R
~ompletion; and it is pleasing to ~eco:d t~~~rt
to I ~he~es in process of m North Wales at (a) HoI well orma pemngs of new Halls replaced on a more adequat/ scal~. one ?f ;ooden construction being d Tydfil, a brick building bein erect;d an m outh ~ales at (b) Merthyr to the good offices of the t t at a comparatIvely low cost thanks Ni~sen hut placed at the disp~~:t ~I' t~~dD~t. (~) Nantgarw Colliery, a bemg converted into aver · IVISlOn by the Management trouble with the rna Ie fioo ~ su~table ~eadquarters. At Merthyr Vale Hallam" prefabricat~d type r~; IS l~elaymg entry into a hall of the "Vi~ at a generously low figure Pre:se:r~ ground conveyed by the N.C.B. and are being adapted by a t ave been purchased at Ystalyfera only a small N .C.B. grant an~lO~ri~;mlmendable local effort requiring Progress was made with th y oan: . which the St. John Council f::e~~~~mes eli~Ible for. N.C.B . graint-aid stages at Bedwas Trethomas a d A outhshlre has. m hand at varying coun~y in 1961 a~d forecast fo~ 196~er~~n'C£500 ?emg .available for the an~ mterest-free loans, has commit' e ou~cIl, which makes grants RhI~derin, where the purchase at ments outSIde the coalfield, as at hall mvolves the expense of reno~~~i~nfig~e of a somewhat dilapidated newydd, however, has been sold t . ~ooden hutment at Pontsurrender of the site which was o~ a sma sum to the U.D.C. on no need for replacement as the D~e91:11red for development ; and there is Some halls require renovation IVlSIOn was on the way to disbandment. provided always that the var in ' s~:e at Blackw?o.d. and Hafodyrynys, of expenditur~ on its headqurrt:rs. ngth of a DIVISIOn justifies a degree The Comrruttee of Manageme t . . take steps to maintain a hall .n IS re.sponsIble for upkeep and should m weaknesses, a case in point bein g ~epaIr. The passage of time reveals the particular make of roof has b a Amr;;anford where the normal life must be incurred in 1962. Here e~~ exc~e ed and the .cost of replacement of t~e Gelliceidrim Colliery c~nte:re ~s money avaIlable from the sale nOffilnal sum and sold with th n ought from the N.C.B. for a Divisional Board at a profit fo ~ dconc.u~rence of the South Western of the Area Commissioner a ~ m . ustna uses on the recommendation c0.n~l?sion that the closing of ~he ~s l~fficers who finally came to the DIVISIOn midway in the Am VOII ery ruled out the formation of a E h . . man a ey. . ac new bUIldmg scheme is re d db· .. CIrcumstances and involves Ie PIce e . y. mvestIgatIOn into Divisional Plan~ing Authority permission g~ neg?tIatIOns followi?g U .D .C. a~d the lIght of senior and cad et here IS, too, the questIOn of finance 10 aid .from the N .C.B. fund is jU~t~~~~tg a~d resources, and what degree of UnIt. Rising costs are a serious d t y t e number of mineworkers in the over. . The Priory is called on t e errent when new halls cost £2,000 and sec~nty is if a lodge levy sup or~ l~:n fian y ~alance la.cking ; and its ?est penod .. The H on. Architect pMrs We Gnanc.Ial commItment over a gIve.n much mdebted, has a hard ' task· h . WIlson , to whom the Priory IS w en the style of structure he would
prefer to recommend is becoming too costly and beyond the means of the less well-to-do Units in the smaller mining towns and villages. For these reasons , the problem of replacement of a small hut at Llangeinor (Glam.) can only be solved in the coming year by means of voluntary labour and gifts of material towards the erection of a Western Disposals Ltd. prefabricated type of building. The situation at Pontyberem (Carrn.) is governed by the size of the leasehold site on which a hall will in the coming year replace a wooden building composed of two small rooms. The needs of the Rhondda have not been overlooked as freehold property on which the hall stands at Penygraig was bought by means of a Medical Aid Society gift of £150, with a N.C.B. grant of £100 going towards its renovation. The Ton Pentre hall has been re-roofed by means of a £75 grant from the N.C.B. Both gifts illustrate the value of aid by way of small subsidies, the need for which is likely to increase. It is, therefore, with the sincerest gratitude that the Priory has received a promise of renewal of the £1 ,500 grant in respect of 1962, so that existing schemes may be carried to completion and new ones put in hand of which several have come to notice; for instance, at Glynneath and Senghenydd. Fortunately, those outstanding should not entail such large borrowings from the Priory since the heavy load of over £8,000 on loan account is already straining its resources to the limit; yet such accommodation is given ungrudgingly in the best interests of the Divisions concerned. FIRST AID WEEK
First Aid Week held from April 10th to 16th provided a great opportunity for inducing people to learn First Aid. Association and Brigade personnel throughout the country participated in a national campaign to which the Readers' Digest Association Ltd. gave a vital impetus by publishing as a supplement to the April issue a Handbook on First Aid which brought the subject to the attention of over a million people. In Wales, as elsewhere, a number of organisations pooled their resources despite a shortage of time for preparation and every county observed the week with the kind of programme best suited to local conditions. In some of the seaside towns life-saving demonstrations were staged daily in the open air and special meetings, parades, first aid displays, tableaux and an exhibition featured in the Week's events. An immense amount of publicity at national level backed up local advertising, some thousands of posters ~nd leaflets being distributed in the counties. All this emphasis upon the Importance of First Aid contributed to a nation-wide alert which it is hoped will be repeated in the future. CONFERENCES AND COURSES
The two major Training Courses for Officers held annually at Barry and at Rhos-on-Sea were fully booked and applications had to be refused. At both weekends the Priory was fortunate in having the Surgeon-in-Chief, Mr. Taylor-Young, to speak on the Mouth-to-Mouth method of Artificial Respiration and demonstrate with the manikin " Resusci-Anne" . At the Barry course an evening exercise involving a train crash with 50 casualties and many stranded and shocked passengers was made possible through the magnificent co-operation of British Railways and the first-class organisation of the Barry County Area Commissioner.
A County/Area Superintendents' (N) C Ii where the guest speaker was Mrs M B o~ erence took place in . Cardiff (N) of Buckinghamshire. " oot man, County Superintendent The Deputy Chief Com . . ~ale? Cadet N.C.O. Confe~~~~o~~rC~~rk ~ale~ invited. the first North Blrmmgham gave a displa of rescu r .as~ e. A Bngade team from the year in Cardiff to th~ "Youth e ;ort ~ImIl~r to ~hat given earlier in annual event with the main ob'ect on.eI~nce ",:hIch has become an a~u!t~ together to help brid e~ the of brmgmg senlOr cadets and young DIvIsIOns . Outstanding am; t ~~p between the Cadet and Adult co.u~~ies were the Glamorga~gCa~~~l1~ days and weekends held in DIvIsIOnal Superintendents (N) h ld t weekend and a day for for Presidents have been . be a anharan House. "At Homes" shire, Rhondda and Flintsfi~~nwhY t~el;ounty P residents of Pembrokethe role of Presidents have bee en ha sl on the Order, the Brigade and R . . n muc va ued .. epresentatIves of the Brigade in W a l ' Cadet Leadership at Nottingh es attended a Trammg Course in am.
. CAMPING . ~amplI1g CommIttee received 'tl h . Its chaIrman Major A H G F' ld WI 1 muc regret the resIgnation of inception in ' 1949. The Chi~f gffi ' who had held the office since its succeeds him. cer Ambulance Cadets for Wales The highlight of the year was a P . C . co-operation from the Brigad . ~IOry amP.111 Guernsey. Welcome n ~ernsey,. wIth whom competitions were arranged, was marked b e compet~tion with visitors to ~h~eis)~~~entatIOn of a trophy for future Rhowmar, with County Staff Officer (C ci A second Pnory Camp at m~ndant, was much enjoyed Th ~ ets~ A. R. G. Pocock as Comgamed. . ree ampmg Warrants Part II were
. During the 1961 season over 2000 gIrls used Rhowniar either as ' ( y~:)Ung men and women, boys and grounds, an increase of ap par Ies m the House or campers in the . . proxImately 200 0 . fi orgamsatI?nS represented in the booki . n prevIOUS gures. The 40 Scouts, GIrl Guides, Boys' Bri ades ngs mc1ude? S.J.A.B. Cadets, Boy g , school partIes and church groups. COMPETITIONS
Th~ Welsh Brigade Finals for d . countIes of Wales took place at t~e ~~ teams repres~ntmg the various cu tomary to have a representat' I~y Hall, CardIff. It has become of)~dges and this year Major ~.e ~f -tng~e Headquarte.rs on the panel . :. rangham, Semor Area CommlssIO ner, London District k' dl The successful teams were:~ 10 y particIpated as principal adjudicator. Llandillam Shield (Men) iS~ Pent~ema:vr Colliery (Carms ) n CardIff CIty Police .
At the Brigade Finals in London the Welsh teams failed to bring back one of the premier trophies but they acquitted themselves exceptionally well. The Pentremawr Colliery team attained third place and the Ebbw Vale Nursing team fifth. Glynneath Ambulance Cadet team came third also, and the highlight of the result was the success of the Bangor Nursing Cadet team which came third winning three cups including that for the best team in bed-making and the smartest in uniform. The winners in the North Wales Cadet Competitions held at Llandudno were John Summers and Deeside Ambulance Cadets and Bangor Nursing Cadets. Only four competitions figured in the programme of the Royal National Eisteddfod staged this year at Duffryn Maelor (Denbighshire). These were open contests but the trophies were all won by St. John teams a under:Cefn Cribbwr Cefn Cribbwr Wrexham Glynneath
Lady Lewis Cup (men) Trevethin Shield (men) Isca Shield (boys) Gwent Shield (girls)
It was gratifying to the efforts of those encouraging the study of Fi rst Aid among the farmin g community to learn that a First A id competition for Young Farmers' Clubs had been included in the competitive events at the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show at Carmarthen, thanks being due to the Commissioner, Mr. D. Cecil Williams. BRIGADE AWARDS
During the year 105 Service Medals, awarded on completion of 15 years' efficiency, and 214 bars for additional periods of 5 years were awarded as shown below:Bars
1961 Awards' Total .
105 3,037
1st 107 1,573
2nd 50 717
3rd 36 419
4th 16 112
3 60
6th 2 22
Grand Prior Badges were gained by 18 N ur ing Cadets in the following Nursing Cadet Divisions :-Barry (1), Barry Hill (2) , Cefn Hengoed (5), Llandudno (1), Rhoose (3), Rhymney (3) and Trelewis (3). Special Service Shields were awarded to 10 Ambulance Cadet and 17 Nu rsing Cadets in 11 Divisions, viz. :-Nursing Cadet Divisions : Aberdare (5), Barry (2), Barry Hill (3), Duffryn Arnan (4), Gendros (1) , Llandudno (1) and Wrexham (1). Ambulance Cadet Divisions : Bridgend (2), Co1cot (Barry) (5), Rhiwbina (1) and Wrexharn (2). DUKE OF EDI BURGH'S A WARDS
C0trnEelbiubs Griffiths Memorial Shield (Women) 1s w Vale
2nd Bargoed and District
Ten Ambulance and nine N . Final, the winners being:ursmg Cadet teams competed in the Cadet Twistol1 Davies Cup (Boy Cadets) Lady (Herbert) Lewis Cup (Girl Cadets)
Glynneath. Bangor.
The first Cadet in Wales to qualify for the Gold Award was Cadet Allan Leslie Vick of Dyfan Ambulance Cadet Division , Barry County Area, who went to Buckingham Palace to receive it. Eleven Bronze Av:ards were won by 6 Nursing Cadets from Brecon and 5 from Ely and FaIrwater Nursing Cadet Division. Throughout Wales Brigade Officers are ~elping to train for examinations in First Aid and Home Nur ing candIdates from other National Youth organi ations.
A LETTER OF COMMENDATION, signed by the Commissionerin-Chief, was received by Cadet Alan Rideout, Oakdale Ambulance Cadet Division, in acknowledgement of outstanding First Aid service in an emergency. Two Divisions-Welshpool Ambulance and Welshpool Nursingreceived their Golden Jubilee Certificates in 1961. NATIONAL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE
The ~eserve is now twelve years old and the sequence of steadily rising figures m respect of the St. John contribution to this important branch of ~ivil Defence remains unbroken at the end of another year with a net mcrea~e of ] 86. The 3,735 St. John Nursing Auxiliaries now serving compnse 2,661 women and 1,074 men, as compared with 3,001 women and 125 men (totalling 3,126) enrolled through the British Red Cross Society. The total N.H.S.R. membership in Wales represents no more than 2.91 per 1,000 of the population and the 3,735 St. John auxiliaries (including a proportion unknown who are not full Brigade members) constitute only ?1.4 % of the Brig~d~ membership. This leaves wide scope for expansion m both fields. WIthm the Brigade advancement through the N. H.S.R. amounts to more than an increase in numbers; many a unit has been roused to renewed endeavour and achievement by the fresh horizon opened up through a link with the local hospital, training with Forward Medical Aid Units for the more adventurous, advanced planned courses for those who elect to take hospital training and a specially interesting na~ional competition. Among the general public local recruiting campaIgns for the Reserve, initiated or supported by the Brigade with the aid of all the resources available to the Local Co-ordinating Committees, including an attractive variety of posters, leaflets and display units, cannot fail to produce potential recruits to the Brigade when the basic theme of the official pUblicity material is the value in everyday life of the training in First Aid and Nursing provided by membership of the Reserve, Appreciation is recorded of the County and County Area N.H.S.R, Representatives who provide effective liaison between the Nursing Auxiliaries and the Local Co-ordinating Committees. A new form of competition was introduced in 1961 for the Minister'S Cup Contest based on the hospital procedures which form part of N.H.~.R. training. St. John Auxiliaries were well represented in all the HospItal Management Committee Group Eliminating Contests. Five teams took part in the Welsh Hospital Board Competition in Cardiff for the Chairman's Challenge Cup which was won for the third successive year by a team representing the Newport and East Monmouthshire Group, All the Nursing Auxiliaries were St. John members from Newport, Trevethin and Gwent County Areas. Unfortunately this team was not successful at the National Area Semi-Final in Bristol. A number of Nursing Auxiliaries have already qualified for the Civil De~ence Long Service Medal instituted in 1961 by command of Her Majesty for 15 years' efficient service in one or other of the Civil Defence Services including the N.H.S.R. BRIGADE REVIEWS
The Brigade in Wales had the honour of a visit of the Commandantin-Chief, H.R.H. Princess Marina, G.C.V.O., C.l., G.B,E., G.C.StJ"
who conducted a Review of 4,500 members drawn from all counties of the Principality at .Bute.Park o.n the 15th July. Th~ presence also of the Commissioner-m-ChIef, Major General J. M .. ~Irkman , C.B., C.B.E., K,St.J., and the Superintendent-in~Chief, MarJone, Countess of BreckDock, D.St.J., was most encouragmg. , ' . County Reviews were undertaken by the Ch~ef Comm~ss~oner at Welshpool (Montgomeryshire), the Assistant ChIef ComffilssIOner at Aberdare and the Deputy Chief Commissioner supported by the Lord Lieutenant in a review of West Denbighshire. MEDICAL COMFORTS DEPOTS
A Medical Comforts Depot has been maintaiI.led ~t Pri.ory He~~quarters from earliest times and the scheme for supplymg mvalI? reqUISItes on ~ loan basis was expanded progressively over all the count~es of Wales u~tII with the implementation of the National Health SerVIce Act a serVIce which had been pioneered by voluntary effort became a ~tatutory provision with the result that the number of Depots operatmg ~nder ,St. John auspices is gradually diminishing. During the :V~lOle of thIS penod the name of Miss E. B. Hurman, S,S.St.J. , was famIlIar to the Officersin-Charge of the outlying Depots who were glad t? avail themselves. of her advice based on nursing training and long expenence. On compl~tIOn of forty-one years' devoted service with the Priory, Miss Hurman wIll be retiring early in 1962. . .. Priory House Depot caters for the need of C~r~~ff CItIzens apd the Cardiff Public Health Department accepts responsIbIlity for the hIre fees for those whose income is below a certain level. During 1961 the number of articles issued on loan from this Depot totalled 2,721, many of these loans being renewed for extended periods. . , , . . In many counties the Heal~h Authon,ty ~s provldmg such serv,Ice independently of voluntary aSSIstance whIle 111 others they are relymg upon St. John personnel to assist in maintainin~ Depots on ~~ agr~ed basis with a County Council grant towards housmg and adIDlms~ratIO,n and replenishment of stock. A ~arying arrangeme~t on these ~mes IS working satisfactorily in the countIes of Pembrokeshire, B~econshIre, the Borough of Merthyr, and possibly others. In Monmouthshire the <:ounty Council maintains a chain of Depots throughout the county whIch ,are staffed entirely by members of the Brigade or the B.R.C.S. The MedIcal Officer of Health Dr. Gwyn Rocyn-Jones, K.St.J. , kindly acknowled ~es the contribution 'of the Brigade in continuing ever since the Authonty assumed responsibility in 1948 to unde~ta~e t~e staffing of t~e depots at 50 centres attending to the care and dIstnbutIOn of all eqUIpment. An allowance for rental is to be increased in January from £10 to £15 ,Per depot, the County Council providing al~ t~e e9uipment and replem hments. He writes :- "The clerical and dIstnbutIOn work has b,een done entirely by the Divisions, and has proved most su~cessfu1. It IS a most cordial arrangement between the Co~nty CouncIl ~nd the St. John Ambulance Brigade; the County CouncIl has valu,ed hIghly the voluntary work undertaken , irrespective of the fact that It has reduced Coun~y Council expenditure on clerical staff. " These depots are not reflected 111 the returns of those summarised below from which an aggregate of 1,731 articles were issued during the year. A poster has been des~gned for use in Cardiff and other districts where it is felt that a depot IS capable of
REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL m eeting a greater demand ~ . " sources. or serVIce which IS n ot available from other BRECONSHIRE: Abercrave (Nil) B Builth Wells (18) Cefn Coed (22) , recon (No return), Brynmawr (41) Pontsticill (Nil), 'Sennybridge (8)' <fYtda~h (6), .H ay (1 7), Llanelly Hill (8)' Caernarvon (57). CARDIGA SHIRE: A s ra gynlaIs 7). CAERNARVO SHIRE ~ Newcastle Emlyn (No return) T ' berys(w th (2 /), Llanafan (No return) P<?nt~berem (35). DE TBIGHS~IR~eg~ot MO return). CAR~RTHE SHIRE~ Dlgam (No return), Denbi h (4) . R e ~ awr (114), C~rk (45), Coed FLI TSIDRE : Flint (3), MeLfden (8) ~~hin (10), Pentrevoials (No return). qoch (48), Llangeinor (Inactive) 10tton (35) . GLAMORGAN: Gilfach SIsters (48), Tonyrefail (25) Trelon~Yc1(un (20), Pontardawe (1 ), Seven MERIONETHSHlRE: Blaenau Ffestini~WIS 6 No return), Yn~syowl (198). G?MERYSHIRE, Caersws (22) Maes~ro~)' Cynw~d (InactIve). MONTFishguard (32) Haverfordwe;'" (28) L k (Inactlve) . PEMBROKESHIRE' Narberth (33): Newport (19) P' bett1:ston (62), Milford Haven (84)' Rhayader (Nil). BOROUGH OF em ro e Dock (60). RAD ORSHIRE~ ~d)fil (141), Merthyr and Aberfa~RO:~tiTYD) FfL : ~?~lais (36), lVlerthyr . BOROUGH OF NEWPORT' N ve, re alns (33), Troedyrhiw Swansea (Nil). BOROUGH OF ewport (52). BOROUGH OF SWANSEA : ONDDA: Treorchy (30) .
STORES DEPARTMENT The textbooks and other bli . ~otalled 10,397, a slight decre.is~ o~~~~ns s~ld through tlllS Department mfIated by the demand for the revised ed ' prevIOUS year ~h.en the figu re was .There was a steep rise in the u . ItIons the Prelimlllary textbooks. stImulated by the Royal R e . q a~~y of umform sold, these sales being £1,000 and cad~t uniform b/~e6~~ ult uniform sales were up by over Sales. ~f surgical equipment were m" . " competItIOn in this field beCOlTI ' aI~tallled WIth a slIght mcrease but of fi· hi h es mcreasmoly keen Th . ' . rms W. c continue to give the Prior 0 . e ~ontmued custom theIr req~l~'ements is greatly valued. y the opp ortumty of quoting for I n addItIOn to the main sources f r: venue,. attention is called to the fact that the D epartment can su categories of St. Joh n personnel 1?P ~. e offiCIal badges for the various cates, brooches and cuff links ~ ,t m~ u lllg holders of Association certlfiand a variety of individual troepah~nn~g the St. J~~n em?lem, St. John ties s l or competItIOn wmners.
AMBULANCE TRANSPORT The Welsh Am bulance Com' . St. John and British Red C nustt.ee IS representative of the Order of of th e A m b ulance Department rossof th oCIety . W ales on behalf J . and funct'.IOns m o therwi?e in the Principality b ~ ~nnt Comnuttee. T.his is represented respon SIble for certain activit' y JO~t county commIttees which are Ex-Service War Disabled De ~~~mun er delegati?n ar.rangements, e.g. The Welsh Committee co~tin ~n\ and HospItal LIbraries. am~ulance transport services on ~~ hrough~ut the year to provide atIOnal Health Service Act ' t1 agency baSIS under the terms of the Ten stations are in operation d~ h 1e counties of Brecon and Radnor. with one and two with two amb o~rs of the day, eight being equipped available one is owned by th P ' u ances each . . Of the 24 ambulances mittee and five by the associ~te~lf~~' I ~ b1yhthe Wel~~ Ambulance Com· a ea t authontIes. Seven of these
vehicles are being m anned and operated by st. John D ivisions in Montgomeryshire under independent agency arrangements with the county health authority. In Breconshire one of the six ambulance stations is manned by three paid drivers and the others operate on a garage arrangement basis, St . John and Red Cross members being available for ambulance attendant duties as and when required . In the county of Radnor two stations are staffed entirely by voluntary drivers and attendants drawn from St. John Divisions, one station working on a garage arrangement basis and another manned part-time by two hospital employees . The numb er of conveyances and mileage travelled during 1961 was :Welsh Committee agencies Independent agency
Patients . 5,705 . 1,272
Mileage 112,902 51,991
PRIORY FESTIVAL The P riory celebrated st. John's Day under the most favourable auspices, members assembling in Cardiff from all counties to welcome H.R.H . Princess M arina, Duchess of Kent, to whose visit reference is made in the concluding paragraph of tlus report. The Prior presided over the annual meeting of the Priory Chapter held in the morning of the 15th July which was attended by distinguished guests from the Grand Priory in the persons of the Commissioner-in-Chief and the Superintendent-in-Chief, with the D istrict Commissioner, Malta. Luncheon at Cardiff Castle was followed by the General Assembly at the City Hall. Her Royal H igh ness carried out a nu mber of presentations and the Prior conducted an investiture of m embers promoted in and admitted to the Order during the year. The last event in a crowded royal programme was the Royal Review in th e Castle grounds where the P rincess recalled conducting a previous inspection of the Brigade on the 15th July. 1939. PRIORY LIBRARY The collection was enriched through visits made by the Lib rarian to the Library at st. John's Gate resulting in the gift to the P riory of a number of duplicate volumes in French, Italian and German as well as English works relating to the Order. Thanks were recorded by the Priory Council to the Librarian of the Order and Curato r for their trouble and kindness in extracting these valued additions to the Priory Library . CONCLUSION The year was made memorable by the visit of H.R.H. Princes Marina who rendered once again a great service to the Priory by the inspira tion of her presence. "All Wales" Reviews can only be staged at inte rvals, but it is good for the Brigade memberslup, senior and cadet, to gather occasionally in full strength from all over the Principality. Her Royal Highness increased that indebtedness by gracing a Dress Show for the promotion of which the Priory had to thank Lady Dunsany in conjunction with Miss Sybil Connolly of the well-known House in Dublin bearing
her name; and as a result the Prio b fi . ry ene ted l!latenally at a most opportune moment since heav e repairs to Priory House. A uIrte~pense had been I~curred on essential preservation of Slebech Old qChurchO! t~e pr~ceeds ~Ill be devoted to the Dunsany, holder of the office of Co~ em rokeshrre by de.sire of Lady gratuitous but sentimental obligation t ander of Slebech., m dlsc~arge of a home of the Order from fallin . t . 0 prevent the rums of thIS ancient N f' g m 0 Irreparable decay ego latIOns were proceeding in the I t h If f h . of Rhowniar in Merioneth to the Outw!:d"; 0 d t e year fOT the transfer use of the house and grounds all th oun Trust, WhICh can make only able to devote the Confererice edyear r~und whereas the Priory is youth for the three summer months a¥h ~aI?pmg Centre to t~e service of to finance administration in the . e n.ory recovers momes advanced trusteeship passed out of the ha~~~r~~ o~ m~e yea.rs since ~953 wh.en the Wales and Monmouthshire as t ~ e ouncI! of SocIal SerVIce for Conference for Wales of VoluntarCU~odIan on ~eh~lf of the Standing acquired for that body in 1949 b Y .outh OrgamsatIOns. Rhowniar was di~posal of. t~e King George J~{i~~:II?ir~f a sum of £25,~00 placed at the ffilttee admIll1stering the South Africa (A'd st bY.th.e ParlIamentary ComWhen the grant was exhausted t . I to Bntam) Fund after the War. only constituent membership opeSP~IWya~~ed responsibility as the shoulder a burden which' d d . . . . . . favourably placed to be regret, however, at the ~os~~g a~~~ed /xtremel y . oner~us. There will so popular with parties from En I dO: ~mp SIte which has become Wales after one more season. g an an orthern Ireland as well as The conversion of Itton C t ' . completed with a most im or~ur mto. SlX separate houses has been the Priory This munificentb ant t beanng upon the future finances of Will the P~iory was designate~~~~fd by the late ~ady ~urre under whose payment of annuities which defers u~~y l~gate~ IS subject to a long-term e the only possible scheme for th/ : I~atIOn 0 full benefit. Meanwhile, generously handed back b es use ?f house and grounds so Estate, must be revenue- r:du~~ J. R. Renme? purchaser of the Itton and assist to bridge the ~ap wh g ~ ~nsu~e mamtenance of the property recurrent surplus war funds of t~n or~ry I~come ~alls short of the nonmeet rising costs and to de I e r er w ereby It has .been enabled to Occurs in 1963 after which v~o~1. .~ C.a det Departm~nt smce 1946. This will have to be treated as i n utIOns to the Bngade Reserve Fund upon to meet the cost of the ~o.med anDd even the capital fund be drawn N nga e epartment o report can end without a most g t f l ' · . . ra fe u appr~CIatIOn of the voluntary services of supporters in all cate Order of St John t' gones 0 our vaned work in Wales The f . . con mues to command the 11' h ' d a egIanc~ 0 those who seek . a practical method of tran laf mumty into the simplest terms ~f ~nT ft Ie 1 eal of s~rvIce to the comwomen . e p u ness to theIr fellow men and THE HON. JOHN M. BRUCE, C.B.E. , Principal Secretary
PRIORY FOR SOUTH AFRICA REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF AMBULANCE AND CHIEF COMMISSIONER AMBULANCE DEPARTMENT PRESENTING this, my last Annual Report as Director of Ambulance and Chief Commissioner I would like to record my very sincere appreciation for the efforts of all concerned and for their whole-hearted and loyal support during my term of office. It has been my privilege to meet many persons whose interest in the work of the Association and the Brigade is a very vital part of their daily life. I am certain that this spirit of keenness and enthusiasm which I have met in the movement throughout the Union will continue to carryon the St. John tradition through the centuries to come. Brigade Membership:- It is gratifying to report that the strength of the Brigade has been well maintained, the total number of divisions has increased from 454 to 517, the S.A.R. Brigade Command being responsible for 18 of this number. Ambulance members total 4,315, Nursing members 1,784, Cadet Ambulance 1,649 and Cadet Nursing 2,528. In analysing the figures I note that there is a decrease of 171 Ambulance members but the Nursing personnel show an increase of 108 members and the Cadet numbers are very pleasing. There is an overall increase of 135 Ambulance Cadets and 335 Nursing Cadets, the districts are to be congratulated on this excellent increase of Cadet membership, the men and women of the future. Association Reports:- Association reports are very satisfactory and in many of the Centres there has been a good increase in the number of certificates issued. The extracts from the reports of Centres and Districts show an excellent record of the work of the Association and Brigade, the spirit of co-operation between the Association and the Brigade continues and between city and railway divisions in the same manner as in the past years. An outstanding event during 1961 was the opening of the St. John Ambulance Hall in St. John's Road, East London, during the early part of the year and it was in this hall that the 1961 Ambulance Conference was held in October. The Oral (Expired Air) resuscitation has been approved by London Headquarters for inclusion in the syllabus of instruction, several of our Centres have already commenced training in this method of artificial respiration and have purchased a manikin and a film.
Snakebite:-For some years the treatment for snakebite has been ?i~cussed and members of the public can buy ante-venom and syringe for Injecting the serum themselves, whereas under the regulation of the Nursing Council a trained nurse must notify her Council in case she is obliged to give an injection in an emergency. We have accordingly been cautious in training First Aiders to give intra-muscular injections of ante-snakebite serum and still use the ordinary first aid methods for snakebite, advising the services of a doctor to be obtained as early as possible but not the use of injections as part of St. John training.
Brigade:-During the year it was my pleasure to issue ten Director of Ambulance's Special Votes of Thanks. Two of these awards were in respect of applying mouth-to-mouth resuscitation-after street accidents. -which saved two lives. Three others were for non-Europeans who rendered outstanding assistance to a European motor-cyclist whose leg was completely severed and whose right arm was all but severed. The other five were awarded to Ambulance Cadets in recognition of sterling work for St. John. Cadet G. E. Cheater, who was the first cadet to obtain three Special Service Shields in the Union, has now been awarded his fourth shield : his Division and District must feel very proud of such an achievement. "The Call of St. John":-The statement of accounts for the financial year ended 31.12.61 reflect an excess of expenditure over income but the amount involved is considerably less than the previous year. The standard of production has undoubtedly improved with the result that the magazine is now more attractive than formally. Various proposals have been made with the object of making the magazine self-supporting; these have received careful consideration. It is always difficult when dealing with a domestic magazine to balance accounts but the year just ended has very clearly indicated the efforts which have been made in this respect. Annual Ambulance Conference:-The Conference was held in the new St. John Ambulance Hall at East London, the districts were very well rep res ented, the arrangements were well organised and there was a fine spirit of co-operation. The delegates attended a civic reception in the City Hall and a successful dance at which the competition trophies were presented was the last event of a busy week. Competitions:-The annual Inter-Provincial Competitions held in conjunction with the Conference were once again of a high standard and the following were the results :-Selborne Shield: Johannesburg Railway Transportation Ambulance Division; Hewat Shield: Bulawayo Railway Nursing Division; C. M. Hoffe Trophy: Uitenhage Railway Ambulance Division; The Muriel Walton Cup: Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal Nursing Division; The Alpheus Williams Trophy: Divisional Officer C. F. Cornelius of the Johannesburg Railway TranspOl"tation Ambulance Division; The Florence Thompson Bowl: Divisional Superintendent Mrs. D. Fyfe of Bulawayo Railway Nursing Division. Inter-District Cadet Competitions:-The Inter-District Cadet Competitions were held at Durban on 28th September, teams representing the Cape of Good Hope District, Natal Coastal and Northern District and the Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal District being present. All Officers and Cadets were given a wonderful welcome by the Natal District and the programme of entertainment was really outstanding. The results were as follows:-Team events: Ambulance: Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal District; Nursing: Witwatersrand and Southern Tran vaal District; Best Individual: Ambulance: Witwatersrand and Southern Tran vaal District; Best Individual: Nursing: Cape of Good Hope District. It i hoped that in 1962 there will be more entries for these competitions from other District ; it wa disappointing that there were no further team entered in 1961 as these competitions have proved to be very
successful and instr~ctional. All cadets who have taken part have returned home full of enthUSiasm. nounce that my appointment General:-It gives me gre~ple~ur~~~d~~r Williams, M.~.(Cantab.), has been taken over. b; d r. "et accepted the resignatIOn of Mrs. K.StJ., and I have ~1~ ~e§t ~e ~rom the position of SuperintendentM. A. Wa1t?n, A.R. .., . .., ears. The st. John Amb.ulance . in-Chief WhICh she has held f~r 1~e Yin obtaining the able serVIces of Brigade has, however? beMen f or U1\he Johannesburg General Hospital, Miss E. M. Payn, Cluef atron 0 as Mrs. Walton's successor. MAW lton A.R.R.C. ,. ' d y thanks to Mrs. . . a, S J Once agam I exten mW'lli K St J and Col. J. J. Kruger, K. t. ., D St J Mr. A. Gardner 1 a~s, . .., fo~' th~ir loyalty and support dunng the year. W. H. DU PLESSIS, , ' Director of Ambulance and Chief CommlSSLOner.
, d b a n d 13 701 out-patients The clinics at the hospital h a ve ~e:ea~:w c~:{; and 7,276 revisits. The 42 S were attended to of wh<?m 6, h d was 922 the largest number of number of patients ad~tt~d to t e war s The 'number of operations ward patients dealt whI~hh 1~ ~n~e~n;l(ref~~ cataract extraction, and five performed was 408 w IC mc u for corneal graft. , or less the same and continued to The h~)llorary staff remamed mO~he re istrar resigned at the e,nd of give theIr serVIces free of cha,rge. d' ' ~ngland and two new registrars December 1961 to complete hIS stu Ies m , , b" g of December were appointed at the egmmn . " t I the same as the The financial position has hremab~~~ ~~~~o~ft~ne bounds. previous year and expenses, ave , during December. A The hospital cel~brated Its t:!!~lOa:a~~v~~~a~ccasion, and a function brochure was publishedlJo cO~'ch 200 guests were present. Sir Stewart was held on De~e,mber at w U G C.V.O., M.D., and La~y DukeDuke-Elder, BaIliff Grand Cross, : d' C M Hoffe Pnor of the Elder were guests of ~10nour ~nd B~~g~h~erfun·ctio~. Lord Wakehu~s~, Order for South Afnc,a, prfetshideOd der honoured the hospital by a VISlt K C M G the Lord Pnor 0 e r, . ' , o~ Dec~~ber 30, nearly 10 years after his prevIOUS VlSIt.
d' t 0 foundations the st. John Arnbu~n .New Zdeatlhandst~o~~s A~nbulance Brig~de, have had a most lance ASSOCIatIOn an e . satisfactory year of steady progress.
One hundred and tw t . h for 106,057 cases and ~~s~-~Iagt· t amlbulances travelled 1,221,787 miles , IOn c asses were held as follows: Classes
First Aid N ursing (initi~l): : Nur~ing (Advanced). Hyglene .
229 88 84
Ind~str!al Hygie~e: : . . HY~lell1c/Clean Food Handling
Child Welfare Air Attendants . . Prel~~ary First Aid . Prel~ary Home Nursing· Prel~ary Hygiene. . Prehmmary Child Welfare :
10 1 1 2 1
297 124 51 6
Certificates issued
3,092 648
1,074 115 15 75 28 10 2,800 996 430 80
The strength of the St. John Ambulance Bngade . . IS:Ambulance Nursing . : . Ambulance Cadet Nursing Cadet . Combined Ambulan~e ~nd Nu~sing
2,862 1,375 2,200
Di visions
124 94 144 132
40 8,930
. Thr0':lghout New Zealand there are se . --InstructIOnal purposes and s t v~nty-six St. John halls used [01 valu~ of this property is £44~~I 5 or garagIng of ambulances. The capital Bngade public duty hours' rec~rded were treated; the total for "off dut" were ~25,919 when 61,544 cases A~ present Priory is negotiatin ~it~ases beIng 34,~31. and IS .co.nfident of establishing na~ional ~ number of Important industries ASSOCIatH:)il based on the national Cen entres of. the St. J o?n Ambulance . . tre pattern In the Umted Kingdom The Pnory records its a staff at ~t. John's Gate, toPf;:chatIOn .to. the ~ecret~ry General and hi~ tendent-In-Chief and their staff o~mtssioner-In-Chief and the SuperinR?d to the Dir~ctor General of f~~ ~~~ ;~ y the Staff Officer for. O~erseas, hIS staff for theIr assistance throughout th~ny~~bulance ASSOCIatIOn and C. MEACHEN Chief Se~retary. PRIORY OF CANADA
REPORT OF THE CHANCELLOR 1961 MARKED A MILESTONE for St J . .. . greate.t training year St. John ·· ohn In traInIng activity. It was the ~anadians from every Province a ~nT Ca.nada has experienced, 134 350 In First Aid, Home Nursing or ~hilde~Itory successfully ~assing co~rses the seventh consecutive year in which t are. ~ompared wIth 1960, itself had been exceeded 1961 h d ~e prevIO':lS year's accomplishment better than 16 %. A nota~leo;e t an Incr~as~ In training of 18,600 or ea ure of this Increase was the First Aid
training carried on by the Department of National Defence, 23,677 Regular and Militia personnel qualifying for St. John Certificates or higher awards in a programme adopted by the Department which is still expanding. Halfway through the year, His Excellency the Governor General informed me that he desired the services of our Priory Secretary, Col. A. G. Cherrier, to fill a vacancy on his secretarial staff. All of us were well aware of the great loss the Order in Canada would face in losing Col. Cherrier's services but we were also very conscious of the honour being paid to st. John, as well as to our Priory Secretary, by His Excellency's choice. We had, of course, hoped that Col Cherrier would be with us for many years but, in acceding to His Excellency's request with mixed feelings of pleasure in Col Cherrier's new honour and regret at losing him we were also very pleased to know that in his new position he would still continue his interest in the Order. On 23rd June a very fine tribute was paid to our former Chancellor, Charles Albert Gray, when at a special ceremony at St. John's Gate, a tablet to his memory was unveiled and dedicated in the Council Chamber. This is the first occasion on which a distinguished Chancellor of an overseas Priory has been honoured in tIus manner. Present and taking part in this impressive and moving dedication ceremony, which Mrs. Gray and three members of her family attended, was the Lord Prior and members of Chapter General. Guests included Earl Alexander of Tunis and the Countess Alexander, the Dowager Countess of Bessborough, Lady Clutterbuck, Lady Duke-Elder and His Excellency Hon. George Drew. We are proud indeed of the great honour brought to the Order in Canada by Mr. Gray and will ever revere the memory of this man for Ius kindliness, wisdom and long and dedicated work for our Order. Investitures:-On 12th May in Victoria, B.C. , I received and invested His Honour Maj.-Gen. G. R. Pearkes, V.C., the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, as a Knight of Grace. In the beautiful setting of Government House in Victoria the Lieutenant Governor in turn invested some 40 members of the Order in the province who, during the past three years, had been unable to attend His Exellency's investiture at Ottawa. . On 10th November, His Excellency the Prior graciously held an investlture at Government House in Ottawa at which some 96 members of the Order including four Knights and one Dame of Grace were invested with th.e insignia of their grades before an audience of some three hundred fnends and members of the Order to whom His Excellency had graciously extended invitations to be present. .c0mpetitions:-Again in 1961 it was found impracticable to hold First Al~. competitions on a national basis except in connection with the MIlItary Trophies where the area winners of Provincial Military Trophies, for which 75 teams competed, were examined for the National Military ~h~~pionship. In all 124 teams entered for Provincial trophies and mdividual prizes put up by the Priory. In addition many teams across the country entered First Aid and Home Nursing competitions organised by Provincial Councils and Special Centres. "Save-a-Life" Week:-This annual promotion, now in its eighth consecutive year, had its most successful year in 1961 when 116,000
citizens were given instruction in artific· 1 .. two-hour classes conducted by St J h /a respIratIOn at special free held throughout the summer at· °bl~ bnstrll!ctors. These classes were roo ms, et c. , In · an endeavour to pu d IC hat lIng pools ' beac hes, classdrownings annually in Canad· re uce t e heavy toll of life taken by Ian waters. .. Appointments:-Early this year Lt C I appointment of Provincial Co . .~ o. Ian SInclaIr relinquished the filled so very ably since 1952 ~nussIOner for Ontario which he had would hold the appointment '. an w~~ replaced by Brig. Eric Snow who to the Order. Also in Ontari~nG~~.a~i~n~~i~p~ity 'pending his admission of St. John, was elected Provincial P·d tchie, a staunch supporter ~ent from that office of Brig. Ian r~~ e~t consequent upon the retiredIrected .the affairs of the Ontario Cou m·l erla~d who had so capably At Pnory Headquarters Bri nCI dunng the past three years. Secretary and Deputy com'missf~n!· ~t~o~nston was appointed Priory and Lt.-Col A J Baker was . r WI ~ ect from 15th January 1962 and Staff Offi;er· (Training) ~fg~~!edffiCht~f Training Officer Asso~iatio~ latter appointment filled an . e ec Ive st December, 1961. This which a need had long eXiste~st~llsh~e~t. not previously filled but for C~errier our former Prior Se~reta~O a nory !lead quarters Col. A. G. DIrector of Ceremonies rn ffi y was appoInt~d to the Executive as appointment of the for~er in~u~~;~:t ~ad remaIned v.acant since the office of Chief Commissioner , omm. L. H. NIcholson, to the In Ottawa, Dr. A. C. Hard~an Chief f E the F~d~ral Department of Natio~al He ~ h mergency .Health S~rvices in t~e CIvIl Service Special Centre a ~ , was appoInted ChaIrman of duect and co-ordinate the F t' 1dSpeciai Centre rec~ntly fo rmed to Federal Civil Servants in theirFsed 1 aD~d ~ome NurSIng Training of era lstnct. Survival Planning:- The role of S J . e~ergency and in the event of an t. tual ohn In. preparatory planning for given con iderable thought by the ~atIOn~l emeq~ency. has been been held with Army and Federal nory ouncd ~~d dIscussIOns have Some prog ress has been mad He.alth authontIes on this subject. to note that at the Provinciall~v~r s~ NatIfnallevel a~d I am very pleased have worked out in some detail w· me 0 our C~u?cils and local branches role St. John might be called Ith the local CIVIl authorities the actual cises of preparation . Disc ~pon to assume,. and have engaged in exerAgain I welcome the 0 ~~~~~s on . a NatIOnal level are continuing. sinc~re thanks and appr~~iatio~Itrot~~ report affords me to eXI?ress my nu rsIng professions, the ress . e memb~r~ of the medIcal and Support a nd a sistance du~ing th radIO and teleVISIOn for their valuable e Order, Priory officials Provincial year, as .well as to the members of the In tructor , Brigade ~embe :nd SpeCIal Centre officials, all St. John who. e devo tion and unstintr~ an members of t~e administrative staffs, attall1ed ill 1961. g efforts made pOSSIble the splendid results
During 1961 there has bee II Ii hed taff and voluntar : exce ent co-operation between the estabAmbulance Divisions hav~ no~rterSt the gr~atest drawback being that ep pace WIth the rapid growth of our
major cities; difficulty is experienced in furnishing first aiders for all public duty requests. Effort is being made to recruit more members in order to cope with this situation. Many thousand hours of voluntary service have been given. This, in a few cases is outstanding. Some of the Cadets have received the Special Service Shield, and a number have been awarded the Grand Prior's Badge. A number of Nursing members have completed the 44-hour special hospital training, and a number of the Ambulance members have completed the Civil Defence Rescue Course. With the assistance of the Provincial Department of Public Health a considerable number of the Provincial Public Health Nurses qualified as first aid instructors. This has been of great assistance in providing instructors for remote areas. A large number of Municipalities were visited and classes organised, which in the sparsely settled areas of the Province necessitates much time and travel. One such trip covered some 800 miles. Use has been made of air transport to Northern areas, where classes have been given "on the spot" to oil rigs and lumber camps. St. John in Alberta has continued to enjoy the best of relations with the Emergency Measures Organisation ; with the Canadian Red Cross there has been amicable relations and an exchange of instructors in assisting with the overall training. Two highlights of 1961 were the clearance of the mortgage on the St. John Training Centre at Edmonton, and the passing of the 10,000 mark in awards issued. The Annual Instructors' Seminar held each F all has created considerable interest. Qualified Instructors, Doctors and Nurses from outside points were in attendance. This seminar appears to have created a new feeling between the St. John and the professions, and is considered well worthwhile. BRITISH COLUMBIA
His Honour the Lieutenant Governor held an Investiture of the Order at Government House, Victoria, on May 12th, at which time some ~hirty-eight members were invested by the Cha ncellor and His Honour m the various grades. This was a most successful function and not only contributed greatly to stimulation of interest among people in St. John activities, but provided an excellent opportunity for the Order to show its appreciation to those who have worked for St. John in British Columbia. First Aid Competitions were again held on a Provincial basis in cO-operation with the Workmen's Compensation Board , and the number of teams competing in their own district competitions was greater than the previous year. The winning team from each of the district competitions competed in Nanaimo in June. The winning men's team receiving the Workme n'S Compensation Board trophy was the Metropolita n Ambulance Company, Vancouver, and the St. John Ladies' Provincial tro phy Was won by the First Aid Ski Patrol team (Vancouver). While this is ~ather an expensive undertaking, it is believed that it is well warranted y the enthusiasm which is created by competition work, all leading to greater efficiency. .We were most gratified with the introduction of " Fundamentals of Flrst Aid" as a compulsory part of the Health Programme for all grade ten stUdents in the Province of British Columbia. This came into effect on September 1st when the Department purchased 28 000 copies of the
First Aid manual for the use of school students. There is every indication that when this programme is introduced completely in the various schools students will be qualified for the "Fundamentals of First Aid" Certificate, which will undoubtedly be of tremendous advantage to the youth of Our country when graduating from school and applying for employment, in that it will contribute to their safety in their daily employment as adults, Last year we reported the successful opening of the new Headquarters building in Victoria, and on September 8th, 1961, a sod-turning ceremony for our new building in Vancouver was conducted, at which time the first sod was turned by Mr. W. C. Koerner, the Honorary Treasurer, assisted by the Provincial President, the Honourable S. S. McKeen, and His Worship, Mayor T. Alsbury, of the City of Vancouver. It is expected that we will occupy this new building, for both Provincial Headquarters and Vancouver activities, in April 1962. From experience in Victoria, there is no doubt that with these new facilities the activities and work of St. John in the Vancouver area will increase to a considerable extent. The success of the year is due to the unstinting contributions made by the various members of the Advisory Boards and Provincial Executive. The Building and Finance Advisory Board, under the chairmanship of Mr. W. C. Koerner, and ably assisted by Mr. F. B. Brown and Mr. D. N. W. Grubb, have made possible the construction of the two Headquarters buildings in Victoria and Vancouver, as well as bringing about a better financial position of the Provincial organisation. To bring about closer contact between the many members of the medical profession throughout the Province, invitations were extended ,to 212 doctors who have been active in various ways in St. John First AId, to become affiliated members of the Medical Advisory Board, and to date over 150 have accepted the invitation, with additional acceptances being received daily. This action will certainly bring about improved standards in training as well as enable interested medical men to ~e aware of the assistance being given to St. John by members of theIr profession. MA ITOBA
The year 1961 has been the most successful year since the formation of the Manitoba Council, the total numbers trained in First Aid and Home Nursing showing an increase of approximately 33 %. The number of awards earned reached our highest total on record, over 6,000. In teaching of artificial respiration, "Save a Life" Week showed returns of 13,313, an increase of more than 5,350 over the previous year. T~ese increases, to a great extent, reflect the excellent co-operation with vanous high schools of the Province and the teaching staffs of these schools, with the approval of the Department of Education. A close liaison has been maintained with Civil Defence in training and we have increased the numbers trained in First Aid and Home Nursing for Civil Defence over previous years. . With the co-operation of Civil Defence, four very successful HospItal Experience courses were held during the past year, in which more t~an 40 nursing members received 44 hours of hospital experience and pract~c~i St. John Instructors also conducted and supplied teachers for a CIv~ Defence "Techniques of Instruction" course where more than 30 cal:dldate graduated. Highway First Aid posts continued in effective operatIOn in Manitoba during 1961.
. "blic duties were met during the year. AU calls on the Bngade for pu one considerable training and, the The officers and members have u~der~ved which reflects to the credIt .of quality of instructors h~s weatlY/~~Ir training in service to the pubhc. st. John in better apphca~IOnb °c ncil exercised its option to purchase , 1. ar the Mamto a ou DUrIng t ;11S yle d d occupied for the past six years. the premIses ease an EW BRUNSWICK
. . " .. amounted to approximately 13 %, This year the 111crease 111 tr.am111g . . Ie of trying to do as many and the Council is still followmg th~ pnncip SSI'bIe In New Brunswick . I of the Provmce as po . . c classes m the rura area~ d examiners have receIved no lees for the past ten years mstruc t~rs an tio the training ranks well with the yet we not~ce that on a popu i a IOn ra . . other Provm~e~ of Canada. d ted with the Provincial CIvil Defel~ce In Maya Jomt effort was con uc Divisions consisting of a SupennOrganisation and St. John AmbuJanc~ Course 'which was open to the tendent and Officers Conference an 1 Dl'VI's'I'on in the Province. This . from eacnducted 1 . . 1 C· '1 Supenntendent an d one officer . by the ProvmcIa IVI consisted of an OrientatIOn Cour~e co t and St John Ambulance Defence Co-Ordinator ~nd his ;a~o~s ~xFt~r :ind in the Province and a Provincial Officers. Th1.s was t. e ~~s ~onference and Course. great deal w,as accomplIshed :lth I;e which is the biggest effort .in N.ew The InvalId ~ransp?rt Pr~b~am 'th the average transport tnp bemg Brunswick contmued 111 g.oo 0Jc~ ~e last recorded period had travelled one hundred and seven mIles an a. 'ce is designed not to compete one hundred thousa~ld miles. Thl\ s~r2 e Plan in New Brunswick .is with p.rivate enterl?nse. Th~ .~oi;da the;: has been a ~reat increa~e m free WIth no premIUms re~~~r~ of which there are few 111 the Pr~)v1l1ce. requests for travel to specIa ~s s Council has been co-operating v.:1th the Over the last few year~ t e. su ervising First AId operatIOns at government of the ~rovmce 111 d dP 1961 and the Provincial GovernProvincial Pa~ks: ThIS was ex~a:t. ela~~er Provincial Parks for the use of ment built bmldmgs at .three 0 M e bers of the Brigade have been a~ke.d the members of the Bngade ... em t -four Provincial Parks and Pl~mc to make a survey' of the rema1111~g ~ y. 'bIe future First Aid serVIce. Sites and give th~lr recommend~tIOns or POSSI ill be largely expanded and I~ is anticipa~ed m 1962 that ~~IS PI1~~~t~~~~vince it is hoped that they SInce these SItes are spread t 1.~Ug 'd Posts in the future. . might also serve as highwa IJISt AId courses for members of the Bngade A training programme 0 a vance embers of all of the Divi ions. has been used and completed by some m . Use and Care of the Some of these courses were: Oxygen h frapfa'l First Aid A simple In~ubator; Transport o~ Infant:; ;;dco~o e~~~l course and those p~s ing objective type test was ~ven ~t. t le d sheets a form designed 111 .the have it recorded on then" tram111J recor of the Divisions immedIate Province to give the officers an mem b er s. t . , t .. n g and past 1lIS Oly. answers to a person s ..ralJ:u . e have asked St. John to conduct Civil Defe~ce au~llO[Jtl~S ~n the Pro::::~e for the Province and two uch a Casualty SImulatIOn tramID.g progr .n to note that besides request COurses have been held. I~ ~s mterestl ~ the Divisio~s of the Brigade, from Civil Defence Autho~lt~es and use yd ted by the Canadian Army dUring the first survival traml11g course con uc
they requested members to do Casualty Simulation for the graduation programme of the candidates. NEWFOUNDLAND
1961 was a successful year for St. John in Newfoundland . The Association commenced their programme of establishing Highway First Aid Posts across the Island. Seven of these were installed, which was their objective for 1961. Keen interest was shown in Save-a-Life week and 1,400 persons were trained in artificial respiration; training in other fields increased over the previous year. The Brigade was very active and had a full programme of public duties, especially at its permanent First Aid Posts at Bowring Park and St. John's Memorial Stadium. They did long duty during the opening of the Newfoundland Memorial University and also played an active part in the forest fire which occurred outside St. John's. First Aid Posts were also set up during the fire at Botwood. Two new divisions were formed during the year, one ambulance division and one cadet ambulance division. NOVA SCOTIA
St. John Ambulance is now in its 70th year of public service in Nova Scotia, as it was in June of 1892 that a branch of the St. John Ambulance Association was first established in Halifax. At that time it was hoped at least two classes a year could be organised. How well this organisation has flourished may be seen from the fact that during this year over 300 classes were completed in the Province, qualifying some 4,500 persons in First Aid and Home Nursing. The movement extended throughout the whole of Nova Scotia with classes being completed in some 91 comnunities in 1961. As usual, members of the Brigade with their auxiliaries gave unstintingly of their time and talents during the year setting something of a service record in the number of hours of public duties performed and casualties treated when 1,491 cases were treated in over 75 public events by 675 members in 6, 150 hours of voluntary service. At least two newly organised nursing divisions will have been registered during the year, thereby adding reserves to our hard-pressed units. The usual type of events were given First Aid cover during the year with perhaps one new one worthy of mention. During the winter mont~s the ski slopes in the Wentworth Valley were patrolled by First Aid Instructors from Truro. The usual casualties expected from such a sport were skilfully treated . Save-a-Life week was very successfully observed with an increasing number of individuals and groups taking advantage of this type of training. We are proud to say that three of our workers who were responsible ~or the saving of two lives from drowning were awarded St. John Meritonus Certifica tes . ONTARIO
1961 marked another year of progress for St. John Ambulance in this Province. New branches were formed in Prince Edward County, SchreiberTerrace Bay, Goderich and Orillia. The overall training figures increased from 35 527 to 38,055 during the year.
to the training of instr~ctors and ~ 1 . . Much attentIOn. has be~n 1~~~n There are 456 qualified Illstru~tors III received their certificates In . fully completed the Techmque of . an dover 300 have success Ontano Instruction course. . d· artificial respiration, despite the fact that Almost 60,000 wer.e t:aIne ~nh Red Cross Water Safety Week. More Save-a-Life week COInCIded .WI~ iration during the summer mont~,s than 40,000 were .ta~¥ht art~fiCIa}e~esLeague Better Boating Progr~mme .. in co-operation WIth Ontano Sa y. ntered the International FIrst AId The St.John Ambulance team:-gat~~: under the auspices of the InterCompetitIOn held at ~oano~~, As~r;ciati~n in November. The team c~me national Rescue and FI:St Ai h t ms from Canada and the Umted third in competition WIth 37 ot er ea States. . . . med in 1961: Belleville Am.b':ll~lllce Five new DIVISIOns have been · fork d Gesto Combined DIVISIOns, b g h Eto ICO e, an The Garson NurSIng . Sec t·IOn Division, the Scar b orou ' . D ·vision and the WeIland Cad.e t Nu~s~~g ~as di~banded. of the Sudbury Nursmg. DlvI~IOnO t . . 3 111 at 31st December, 1961 , The strength of the Bngade In n ano IS , at 31st December, 1960. compare d WI·th 2801 , FEDERAL DISTRICT
. . .
. . in Federal District activIties. A 1961 saw a number of I?no.vatIOns tr " iven to the female employees Pilot course of "Home Nursmg m Idndus y fugl and will shortly be extended . d ustna . I con cern , prove of a local In 0 h success Ott wa firms have expresse d·Intest er to the wives of male employees. t er a in this activity. . ted to ensure the closest collaboratio~ A Liaison Officer has. be~n appom ocal Emergency Measures Orgambetween the Federal DIstnct ~nd ~t~l; resources which we could place at sation. A study has been ~a . ec~mstances of local or national. e~.ergency. the disposal of the ~.M.O. In Clr embers from our Nursing DlvlslOn~ and A group of specIally select~~ m d in a 44-hour Hospital Expenence Home Nursing classes :p~rt~clpate h Civic Hospital, Ottawa. A second Course for Nursing Auxiltanes at t e COurse is at present in progress.C ·t Police are receiving instruction on the For the fi~st tim.e, the Ottawad tl1eir example is being follo wed by t.he St. John FIrst Ald. c?~rse an. d Gloucester-Nepean TownshIp. police forces of adjommg EastVIew an QUEBEC
. d
were carried out by members of the Over 360,000 hours ~f pub~lc ~t~rovince of Quebec as against 34? ,000 St. John Ambulance Bngade I~ th I 1960 the total strength of Bngade in 1960, an increase of 15,000 ou~sIr ~ . while in 1961 the personnel personnel totalled 2,934 un~~r.11 1~~If:;;ease in public duties in 1961 reached 3,224 under 120 DIVISIOns. t ~f the Ski Patrol in the Laurentians was largely due to the develogm~1!- 1 r ht of Brigade activity. The past and looked upon today as t e . Ig111ween the Brigade and Army and year also saw a clo~e co-operatIOr:t ~ 0 erations. . Civilian authoritie~ ~~ NatIOnal DI~as ~~at0 with an increase of four m The Nursing DIVISIOns develope fgn d two special 44-hour cour.ses number while in Montreal members 0 ~we f the Province the nursmg in hospital procedure. In various PI a\s yO Hospital duty.' An increase members devoted many hours to vo un ar
in the nun?-ber. of awards was re orted' h . " . awards bemg Issued in 1961 p . m t e fi~ld of tIammg wIth 14741 . Radio and television broa~~a~~~nst 14,056 In 1~60. ' m the life of St. John in the Provi~c:re now playmg ~I?- important part res~l~ there is every indication the yea r ~~~Jro~ll enqUInes received as a trammg. WI prove a heavy year for SASKATCHEWAN
Fr?m. the training point of view 1961 wa ProvmcIaI. Office was opened in 1947 the s the m~st ~ucc.essful s~nce the of apprmomately 10% over 1960 in th figures, In~Icatm~ an mcrease N~rsmg courses held and the tot~l f e nd~dmber of .FIrst AId and Home 'Save-a-Life" Week r esuIts were0 also can I ates tramed.. . . very encouragmg with reports sh owmg a total of 7 200 tra' d It.I~ k nown that several ' me , anaddif mcrease1of 30 %0 over. the 1960 figures, hundred dunng the week when reports wo t IOnba people receIved the training re 1961 was another year of ei / IO su mltte~ to P~ovincial Office , bo~h at, the 'provincial and localefe~v~ co~o:erat~on wIth, Civil Defence, tramed m First Aid and Ho N ~ s WIt an mcrease 111 the numbers fi~e-day Casualty Simulatio~ecou~~~m;. St. J?l~n personnel conducted a w~th t~enty-four candidates attend' n~r fiCIVIl Defence arran~ements FIrst AId Instructors course was I mg. , ve-day Home Nursmg and ments with the Red Cross partic' a ~? ca,rned out under similar arrangeIpa The presentation of a s eciall I?g 111 th.e H~me Nursing portion, the ,Kin~tte Club of Saskaioon t~ bu~lt Mob~l~ ~lrst Aid Post trailer by settmg In which Brigade ,Bngade D~vIsIOns has transformed the ommunity. serVIces are provIded to the public in that u
The year was one of substantial ". b~ the Bell Telephone Centre ov pr50~~~ss 111 FIrst AId activities directed FIrst Aid or Home Nursing ' Th ~r , ' employees obtaining awards in in, view ,of all the out-of-ho~r ac~~'~' a v~ry fa,:,our~ble l~vel of training wIth whIch First Aid traI'n ' lies, 111cludmg Job onented courses, ' . mg must com pet D.unng the period 1957-61 over 2 e. receIved awards in First Aid H 8,000 Bel~ Telephone Co. employees persons trained went from 12 %o~f tho~e ~ursIn~. The total number of m 1~61. Thirty-seven per cent 0 of th e ota staff m 1957, to a high of 17 % qualIfied in First Aid or Ho . N e. total staff, male and female are noW I ' me ursmg , nstruc~ors courses, consistin of fi . . . days. of First Aid teaching and ~ne d~e days of ,:,oca.tIOnal teachll1g, four medIcal boards were provided :C y .of exam111atIOn of candidates by courses, 38 new In tructors w or ne~ Instructors. As a result of these now 407 certified First Aid I e~e qualI~ed t? teach First Aid. There are In the field of First A 'd ns ru~~ors 111 thiS Centre. 1 competItIOn C ' o~pany emI?loyees had the best year ev~~, seventy-nine teams taki comp~tltIons. Six of these teams wng part m ~he vano,us Bell Company Ontano Provincial com etif ere entered m the Pnory's Quebec and J n Ontario, Bell Telephtne ~~n~ ~nd made a most creditable showing. the women's teams also place~ sl ~am~placed 1st and 2nd. In Quebec, and 4th. an 2nd and the men's teams 2nd During t~e year, an employee re . d . . cate for savmg a life due to his k cet~ a St. Jo~n Mentorious CertIfinow e ge of practIcal First Aid. During
the same period, 21 employees received letters of commendation from the President of the Company for acts of courage and resourcefulness and the application of First Aid treatment in emergency situations, Many of the employees were honoured by the Priory of Canada in recognition of their efforts in promoting the work of the Order. Five members were invested with the insignia of their grades and 18 received Priory Votes of Thanks. CANADIAN
The first aid work in the Canadian National Railway Centre has been very active during 1961. The organisation of classes and the number of employees receiving first aid training has broken all previous records. There were 191 classes held during the year at which 1,935 lectures were given and 2,630 employees successfully passed their examinations and received their respective awards. These included 1,025 employees in the Maintenance of Way Department, 743 in the Motive Power and Car Department and 443 at various Trans-Canada Airlines airports. Special courses for electrical apprentices and others concerned with diesel operation, were held in our main Motive power Shops. The training given particularly emphasised the treatment for electric shock, artificial respiration, treatment for burns and general shock. All nurses employed in Company clinics were given a refresher course in the HolgerNielsen back pressure method of artificial respiration. During the summer months Supervisors of First Aid travelled 3,620 miles by track motor car to contact 423 section gangs and give short lectures to 1,834 employees in the Maintenance of Way Department. Company first aid competitions carried out in 1961 were again very successful. Thirty-seven teams (18 Senior and 19 Tyro) participated for System, Regional and Local Championships. The Senior System Championship represented by the Sir Henry Thornton Cup was won by the Transcona Car Shops first aid team. The System Tyro Championship represented by the Hutchison Memorial Trophy was won by the Moncton M.P. and Car Shops Team No. 1. Regional Senior and Tyro championships were also declared. In recognition of their heroic action in saving the life of Mr. Allan Wright from electrocution at Moncton, N.B., on November 17th, 1960 Messrs. D. MacDonald, J. P. Saulnier and H. K. Black were presented with Royal Canadian Humane Society Life Saving Awards. Also for saving the life of Rickey Leclair, age 8, from drowning in the Seine River St. Boniface, Man., on May lith, 1961, recommendation has been made for Life Saving Certificates from the Royal Canadian Humane Society for Messrs. S. G. Petrow, D. R. Munro and F. F. Rinella. . As a public relations service, the Supervisors of First Aid gave first aid Instruction to members of employees' families, school teachers, students etc. , who were included in Company classes to obtain this training. CANADIA
Interest in First Aid work on the part of Company employees continued a satisfactory level in 1961. A total of 1,132 attended classes of which 1,016 obtained awards, 272 being first certificates and 744 higher awards.
Four thousand, eight hundred and thirty-five other employees received instruction on general principles of First Aid, such as control of bleeding, treatment of fractures and wounds and the practical use of First Aid kits. "Save-a-Life" Week programme resulted in a total of 4,786 employees receiving practical instruction in the use of the Holger Nielsen and other methods of artificial respiration. A total of 42 teams entered the Company's annual first aid competitions both in the Senior and Tyro classes, and once again it was gratifying to note a high standard of efficiency. The Weston Shop team won the Grand Challenge Cup emblem of the Company championship. This same team also Won the Manitoba Provincial Shield. In Quebec our Angus Shops team won the Provincial Shield. Credit is due to Regional Supervisors and local instructors who have made these results possible.
DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CENTRE First Aid continued to hold an important place in the training of personnel of the Department of National Defence. There was a significant increase in the number of awards won in each of the three Services. Personnel of the Special Militia Training Programme were trained to certificate level, but the results of the course which concluded in D ecember were not received early enough to be reflected in this report. The annual competition to select the best military team in each Province was conducted with a record number of 75 teams entered. Command and area medical officers conducted eliminations to determine the best team in each Command. An officer, selected by the Surgeon General, was appointed by the Order to examine the four finalists for the M ary Otter Trophy. The Army team from Headquarters Alberta Area won the final competition with the team from The 3rd Battalion Royal 22e R egiment placed second. With a greater number of RCN and RCAF personnel in possession of at least the certificate, it is anticipated that the number of entries will increase in future.
PRIORY IN AUSTRALIA CHANCELLOR'S 15TH ANNUAL REPORT e 1 rna'or changes. There has been THIS YEAR has been one marke~ by s::a;: ani close links with the .Order. the severance of several very Impo death of H.E. the Prior, The Viscoupt Namely, the ~nexpe~ted and s~dge~ll members of the Order in AustralI~. Dunrossil. HIS loss IS mo~rne y t our Chancellor, Group Capt. SIr cted illness. He had devoted a A few days prior to. thIS sad even Hu h R. G . Poate, dIed af~er a pro ra e advancement and developme~t maTor part of his aw. will be sadly missed and hIS ofSt. John III AustralIa. IS nument to his memory. . works will long serve as a mo. M h 1961 and notified of my appoIlltI was appointed Ch~n~ellor In arc monwealth, Sir Dallas ~rooks. ment by H .E. the Adm.InIstrator of th~ C~fs"count De L 'Isle as Pnor was The subsequent appoIntment o~ H. ~nd an opportunity was afforde~ to particularly good news to the ~r~~~t him at the Annual Priory MeetIngs some members of the Order t . . . Hobart in November 1961. and Interstate Brigade CompetI.tIOn~nnera1 was announced, and we are The appointment of a R~ceIv7M e Neville Pixley in this regard. fortunate in having the serVIces 0 r. . t d Director of Ambulance, .' . 1 E A Daley was appoIn e Air Vice-M':lrsha. . :. . knowledge to bear III thIS part.. . and he will brmg hIS admInIstratIVe . f rding his deep appreCiatIOn The Chancellor takes this opportu~~t! r~c~~~~d from the Members of the of the support. and c?-operatIO~rh~nd Council and also from all the State Priory ExecutIve, Pnory Chap Councils and Centres. GEORGE STENING, Chancellor.
NORTHERN ELECTRIC CENTRE A number of First Aid classes were disrupted during the year when it became necessary to place some employees on shift work thus upsetting the schedule set for training in First Aid. A new schedule worked out for 1962 should produce much better results.
ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE CENTRE First Aid was again emphasised in R.C.M.P. training programmes and 1961 showed an increase of approximately 25 %in the number of personnel taking first or advanced Courses in First Aid. The year saw eight additional First Aid Instructors added to the roll, and these helped the previously established R.C.M.P. Instructors with the ever-expanding training activity carried on within the Force and , in many outlying districts, with the general public on behalf of the vario us provincial St. John Councils.
INSTRUCTION . , had another successful year which is INSTRUCTION. The ~SSOCIatI~n the number of classes held, the n~mber reflected in the marked mcrease In . . d to successful candIdates. . d d the certificates Issue . of of candidates mstructe a.n . d was 10 036 showing an lllcrease. The total number of certificates Iss~e. I des ' an increase of 310 JunIOr 1,646 over the previous yea~. TA~~;Jc ~al in Braille have been donated Certificates. Six sets of the FIrst . 1 an to the Royal Institute for the BlInd... f th N S W Department of It is pleasing to repor~ the ~ffilI~~lO~ a~ a B~an~h' of' the Associatio~. Government Transport FIrst Ald .C p f with this Department WIll All certificates and awards issued lllAconn~c t~~~ in lieu of Departmental now be the St. John Ambulance SSOCla I Certificates and Awards. . b uired for circulation to the . . g aIds have een acq F' l s A number of new tralOIn . I These include 16 mm. 1m , Country, City and ~etroPodl1tOan IC ~~~~s;citation Training Aids. COloured 35 mm. SlIdes an ra
Difficulties have been experienced throughout the year, mainly because of changing personnel. However, since the close of the year, the opportunity has been given to the Executive of meeting in Sydney, the Principal of one of the Health Education Schools in his Territory, and who brought to the Executive an up-to-date picture of existing conditions. As a result of this the Executive has submitted to the Administration a number of changes of policy which will ensure continuity of St. John activities. HEALTH WEEK. The Association again had the privilege of having a demonstration by invitation of the Sydney City Council Health Week Committee during Health Week, 17th-21st October. The Association Exhibition took the form of movie films, lectures and demonstration in conjunction with film slides and was entirely conducted with the assistance and by courtesy of the N.S.W. Police Department, by the two St. John Lecturers of the Police Training College. AWARD OF HIGHER PROFICIENCY. The Examination of this Certificate was held on 11 th November at S1. John House. Four candidates presented themselves before the panel of five examiners-Drs. W. E. George, W. A. Conolly, L. W. Wing, Sister E. Roache and Sup1. A. M. C. Purdie. It is pleasing that two candidates, viz. Mrs. Margaret Hudson and Mr. Robert Webster, were successful in attaining the high standard required. A number of S1. John Ambulance Cadets acted as patients. PUBLICITY. During the year the Sydney Morning Herald included a supplement on First Aid in the Home, the material for which was supplied by and acknowledgment given to the S1. John Ambulance Association. Similarly, Kellogg (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. saw fit to inaugurate a panel on t~e packet of one of their products covering First Aid. Again, the matenal was supplied by and acknowledgment made to the St. John Ambulance Association. The recordings made by the Secretary for Artransa Ltd. during the previous year are in circulation in every state of Australia over Commercial Broadcasting stations. Valuable assistance has been given to the Association's activities by the Australian Broadcasting Commission, Commercial Broadcasting stations and the Press, all of which have been most beneficial. Members qualifying for Certificates for year ended 31st December, 1961, in First Aid, Home Nursing, Hygiene and Child Care:-
1,507 Senior First Aid 4,784
Junior Hygiene
Junior Child Care
Senior Hygiene
Senior Child Care
5,466 Vouchers
Senior Home Nursing 578 Medallions
40 Labels
1,838 Senior First Aid
, ' ' d Home Nursing combined: 244,096. Since FormatlOn: FJrst AId an d II ' Labels Pendants Vouchers Me a IOns 4,256 11,755 21,110 16,688
Junior Hygiene
Junior Child Care
Senior Home Nursing 447
Senior Hygiene
Senior Child Care
289 59
Students Instructed 6,264 1,015
Students Examined 4,845 791
Students Certificated 4,663 757
1,569 236
1,553 236
1,532 228
Adult First Aid Adult Home Nursing
Preliminary First Aid , Preliminary Home Nursmg
(a) For the year ended 31st December, 1961:HOME NURSING
Adult 4,663
Preli rni nary 1,532
Adult 757
Preliminary 228
Medallions 279
Labels 104
Pendants 24
Included jn the above are:-
In addition: gained at Brigade annual re-examination:Medallions 48
Labels 119
Pendants ]4
' . ' 0 fthe Centre in 1883 to 31st December, 1961:(b) S1I1ce the InCeptIOn FIRST AID
Total Certs. Issued 319,828
Vouch ers 331
Junior Home Nursing 210
Total Certs. Issued 10,036
Junior Home Nursing 200
Junior First Aid
Junior First Aid
Total Certs. Issued 8,412
Adult 118664 Vou~hers 3,046
Preliminary 16,460 Medallions 16,615
Adult 32,528 Labels 8,313
Preliminary 4,874 Pendants 2,330
442 Total 203,272
SOUTH AUSTRALIA CLASSES. Again satisfactory progress in Association work for the year 1961 can be reported. An upsurge in teaching to selected groups of employees in industry in Adelaide, and a series of successful classes conducted in Darwin and Alice Springs (in the Northern Territory) has helped to bring about the increase in figures. Interest is centred in the promotion of first aid teaching in the Northern Territory, and particular tribute is paid to St. John Ambulance Brigade Members in Darwin and Alice Springs, and a certain number of citizens outside of the Brigade for their assistance in this direction. ' South Australian country districts, too, have shown stimulated interest, and there now exist in most towns of any size groups of people qualified in first aid and/or home nursing. This in turn has been responsible for introducing more members of the medical and nursing profession to lecturing and examining, and appreciation is expressed to these people for their support. A number of positive cases of revival after drowning and electrocution are known to be the direct result of our instruction in this oral sesuscitain. Classes organised in 1961 totalled 222 (an increase of 17 over the previous year), and 3,218 people completed the course. Of this number 2.453 candidates qualified, an increase of 560 as compared with 1960. The number of people who qualified by re-examination rose from 1,057 in 1960 to 1,147 in 1961. Close and pleasant liaison with the South Australian Railways, Commonwealth Railways, St. John Ambulance Brigade and Australian Red Cross Society resulted in a most satisfactory year's operations, with an attendant increase in the Association's all-round efforts, as is indicated by the above figures. COMPETITIONS. St. John Ambulance Brigade and South Australian Railway members competed for the trophies donated by the Association for each organisation, the results being:Association Shield (Brigade aggregate three events)-West Torrens Ambulance Transport Division. Association Cups-Edwardstown Ambulance and Norwood Nursing Cadet Divisions. Railway Junior Individual-Mr. K. Moroney. Preliminary First Aid 478 Senior Nursing 169 Medallion Course 167
Preliminary Home Nursing 150
Preliminary Child Welfare
Senior Hygiene
Senior Child Welfare
1,656 Voucher Course 231
Labels 229
TASMANIA . . he President, Mr. Basil Osborne, Lord AppreciatlOn IS express.ed to t . .th the St. John Ambulance art for hIS co-operatlOn WI Mayor 0 f Hob . ' . . Association agam thIS yefar. ttending First Aid and Home Nurs~ng The over-all number 0 pe~sonsha. sed and the teaching of FIrst . . an d semor classes both Jumor . . ' as dmcrea d Classes for school ch.ld 1 ren Aid th~oughout the .State IS m grea~ S~~~ns~hools, and our appreci~tion are held in most HIgh Schoo ls ~n f the St John Ambulance Bngade must be expressed to those ~em erts.o of first aid to these children. . t · e to the mstruc lOn . M L who devote t h elr lID . th the Director of EducatlOn, r. ong, It is hoped that.a conferendc~ WI the instruction of First Aid to student will be held early 111 1962 to lSCUSS teachers. . .. . ced in obtaining doctors to lecture at Difficulty I~ stIli bemg ;xh~ne~oblem seems to be a universal one, but adult First AId c~asse~ an t IS remed this situation. every endeavour IS be~ng ~~g~ petiti~n for the Doctor Gregory Sprott The State Annual FIrst 1 om Hobart in September last. Shield was held at st. John Headqu~~~~~, was wo~ by the Electrolytic Five teams competed and the compe 1 1
Zinc Co. of Hobart. . H b t in November, with members atte~d~ng Priory week was held 111 ~ d During this week an ASSOClatlOn from intra-state an~ New ea a~e~s discussed. meeting was held WIth many prob its gratitude to the doctors and The Tasmania Centre wishes .to expr~s~ecturers and to members of the nurses who have acted a~ eXdamfme~~e~~ assistance' with the classes. St. John Ambulance Bnga e or TASMANIA CENTRE Number of Certificates and Awards issued as at 31st December, 1961:J unwr . H .N. Senior 536F.A. Senior 66H.N. 26 Lab I Pendant TOTAL Voucher Medallion e 18 1,134 48 38 79 . fi t ·011 0/ Centre ·-37,303. Total Certificates issued since orma I .
. F.. A JunIOr 323
QUEENSLAND Senior First Aid
Further Courses 749
Medallions 73
Pendants 9
For Year ended 31st December, 1961 Vouchers M edallions H.H. F.A. Jnr. F.A. H.N. 263 166 46 3,156 490 337 TOTALS Air Attnt. Jnr. H.N. Pendants 4,790 107 35 CLASSES HELD FOR YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER,
First Aid .. Home Nursing Home Hygiene
Metropolitan 62 15
Country 182 35 7
1961. Total 244
50 7 301
Labels 190
Number of Certificates: Adults Preliminary .. Vouchers Medallions .. Labels. . Pendants
THE COMMANDERY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA COlnmand~ry Chapter has the honour to report to Priory Cha ter and
pres~nt to Its members
this,. the fifteenth Annual Report. p to f:IIS Excellency, The Kmght Commander Lieut.-General Sir Charles G~Hrdner, K.C.M.G:, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., was absent in the United Kmgdom f<?r a portIOn of the year and his duties were carried out bY the Deputy KI?-lght Commander, The Hon. Sir John Dwyer, K.C.M.G. It was ~Ith very deep regret that Chapter learned of the death of Lieut General SIr Henry Pownall, Chancellor of the Order in June last . Th~ att~ndance of ~rigadier J. H. Stubbs, E.D~, at Priory Chapter Meetmgs In Ho?art. thIS. year. was of. great value and the desirability of uch r~presen~atIOn IS bemg gIven senous consideration by Commandery ExecutIve ~lavmg re~ard to the benefit of closer and personal relationship UP<?n hIS. return III September His Excellency the Governor held a~ InvestIture m the Governm~nt House Ballroom at which the followin Members of the Order were mvested with the insignia of their rank:- g Officer (Brother): Mr. A. G. Hughes, Mr. N. P. Forrester Mrs S C Scott, Dr.. S. L. Mainland, Dr. B. N. Buttsworth, Dr. L. 'D. Hod'by: Officer (Szster): Mrs. B. M. Hagg; Serving Brothers: Mr. E. H. Shotton: Mr. N. Wells. Mr. T. E. Bellas, Mr. K. Mitchell Mr F E Wilkes Mr: F. J. Patters~n, Mr. R. !. Hancock, Dr. L. G. Cump~to~, Mr. H. Smlth, Mr. H .. HIlton; Servmg Sisters: The late 1,,1rs. M. L. Auld Mrs 1. St. C. Tomlm, Mrs. 1. M. Chinnery. ' .
HONOURS 1961 O.wing to the .Ia~eness of Priory Chapter Meetings this year no promotIOns or admIssIOns for 1961 have yet been promulgated. OBITUARY Chapter reports with regret the death of three of its Members during 196.1, all of whom have. given invaluable assistance to the Order. They are . ~Dr.. Roberts, Hel:r~etta Jull, Serving Sister; Mrs. Maud Louise Auld. Servmg SIster; Mr. 'NIllIam J.oseph Henneker, Serving Brother. C~apter met on one occaSIOn during the year and the St Joh n Day Serv.Ice held at St. George's Cathedral was well attended. . A hIgh standard .has been maintained by both Brigade and Association. Report by the DIrector of Ambulance is forwarded herewith. J. R. DONALDSON, Commandery Lieutenant. AMBULA CE ASSOCIATIO
REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1961 T~e r Jmber of classes h~ld during the year exceeded that of the pre-
ceedmg year and the followmg table reveals details of the year's resultS:N UMBER OF CLASSES First Aid .. Home ursing .. umber Instructed umber Examined
211 54 265 .. 4,670 4,319
. , 1,945 789 261 227 822 197
Since the Association commenced teaching in 1891, 111,300 passes, made up of 89,656 First Aid and 21 ,604 Home Nursing and 40 Hygiene have been obtained. Although Civil Defence instruction continued during the year there was not quite so much activity as in previous years but it is anticipated that more activity will be evident during 1962. The ambulance service in Perth attended 11 ,257 calls and transported 12,040 cases, 2,023 of which were traffic accidents. In an the Perth ambulance fleet travelled 97,541 miles. Further extension of the ambulance service throughout the State was evident, and there are now in addition to the Perth centre, 75 metropolitan and country sub-centres operating 105 ambulance vehicles. This means that an additional seven ambulance vehicles were commissioned in 1961. Building activity continues in country district , and during the year extensions to existing buildings were completed at both Midland Junction and Pingelly. New buildings were completed at Armadale, Geraldton and Waroona and at Serpentine, Northcliffe and Nornalup building is in progress . Brigadier J. H. Stubbs , M.B.B.S., S.B.St.J., was re-elected President for the ensuing year' and the Vice-President, Mr. T. Tetterington, C.St.].; Honorary General Secretary, Mr. J . A. Faulkner, O.St.J.; and the Honorary Treasurer, Mr. A. B. Krug, K.St.J., were also fe-eJected. Once again assistance was freely given by the medical and nursing professions by way of lectures and examination of classes. Bri gade members also assisted freely in this direction. The Association extends its sincere thanks to all of those people and to the Committees of Sub-Centres and voluntary drivers of Country Ambulance and to the st. John Ambulance Brigade. B. C . COHEN, Director of Ambulance, Commandery in Jif1estern Australia. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE, WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DISTRICT Report of the Commissioner for the year ended 31st December, 1961: Organisation
District Headquarters
Officers Female Male
Other Ranks Female Male
DiViSions, Adult:
Ambulance ursing .. Combined ..
123 22
35 6
16 20
26 6
41 14 17
Estimated strength Total Female Male
235 65
270 71
326 6
DiViSions, Cadet :
Ambulance ursing .. Combined .. TOTAL
76 1
Divisions: Adult: Combined Ambulance Nursing ..
24 32 19
4 11
4 37 14
17 41 14
6 2
39 34
37 23 3
8 15 7
21 11
16 20
4 3
125 106 10
35 37
Cadet: Ambulance Nursing .. Combined
Total 54 155 97
Adult: Ambulance Nursing .. Cadet: Ambulance Nursing . . Staff: Corps and District : Ambulance Nursing . .
745 443
962 346
109 190
912 264
1,044 341
143 62
3,915 1,646
860 704
900 475
258 610
491 270
332 493
59 82
2,900 2,634
34 18
38 9
13 12
29 ]2
20 8
6 3
140 62
Brigade H. Q. Australia: Chief Commissioner-l Chief Surgeon-l
C~ef Superintendent-1 ChIef Staff Officer-I
Royal Perth Hospital Ambulance' H Safety Bay Combined' Co I d" ~rvey. Ambulance; RockinghamNursing; Norseman Cadet A~~~~a Ie . ~mbbmed; Mt. Magnet Cadet nce, s orne Park Student Division. COMPETITIONS
State Championship (Tymms C u ) ' . . Busselton Division. Holland Shield d FIrst A:Id-ThIs was won by Cadet Nursing Division. Donald a .et Nursmg~Won by Maylands Cadet Ambulance Division. son Shleld Cadet FIrst Aid-Maylands .
A.gam members of the Ambulance d . . .. pamed the drivers of ambulances i t~n :-ursm g . DIVISIOns have accomunder the St. John Ambulance An. e. etropohtan Area and operated ' d . ssocIatIOn P ubl IC utles at sports and a . 1 . been efficiently and willl'ngly c gr~cud tural shows and other activities have arne out. OBITUARY
I r.egret to report the death f . Nursmg Divi ion Mrs MAId 0 [the Supenntendent of Perth No.3 " u ,a ter 20 years of service. ,
\. In January 1961 a very large bushfire burned a large tract of country south of Perth and the township of Dwellingup and several smaller centres were destroyed. Members of the Pinjarra Combined Division rendered very valuable assistance to both the firefighters and to those whose houses had been destroyed-often at some significant physical risk to themselves. Five members of the Division were awarded the Brigade Meritorious service certificates. 2. Floods: Carnarvon. In February 1961 a severe flooding occurred at and around Carnarvon so that the town had to be evacuated. In the centres established for the evacuees, members of the Geraldton Combined Division, Geraldton Cadet Ambulance and Geraldton Cadet Nursing Division did outstanding work in assisting in the care for these unfortunate people. 3. During the year Perth No.1 Ambulance Division was awarded the Jubilee Certificate after rather more than 50 years of continuous service. 4. During the year, for a period of six months commencing in April, the Commissioner was on leave while visiting Great Britain, Europe and Russia. During his absence the Assistant Commissioner, Dr. B. C. Cohen, K.St.J., administered the Command of the Brigade in Western Australia. A Student Division was formed during the year as an experiment and seems to be working quite well. In conclusion, I wish to thank the District Superintendent and the District Staff for their work and wholehearted co-operation during the year. I also wish to thank the staff of the st. John Ambulance Association for their willing help and co-operation. A. L. DAWKINS, Commandery Commissioner. THE COMMANDERY OF ARDS IN NORTHERN IRELAND
in Northern Ireland has had another successful year, marked by the usual annual events and by steady progress in training and service to the public. Church Services in observance of St. John's Day were held in Belfast at Fisherwick Presbyterian Church on Sunday, 25th June, and at Clogher at St. Macartan's Cathedral on Sunday 7th May. Both were attended by His Excellency The Lord Prior, and that in Belfast by the Baron de StUrler, of the Swiss Branch of the Order, and Colonel H. N. Fryer, Liaison Officer of the Order in Northern Europe. Despite adverse weather conditions, the attendance by members of the Order's Establishments was very satisfactory. At Clogher, hospitality was provided by local authorities and residents, to whom the gratitude of the Order is due. The preacher at the Belfast Service was the Chaplain of the Order, the Rev. J. H. Withers, B.A., B.D., and at the country service, the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Clogher. The Order Ball was held at the Plaza Ballroom on Wednesday, 10th May. His Excellency the Lord Prior attended, Lady Wakehurst being prevented from doing so by illness. About four hundred members and guests were present, considerably fewer than on the last similar occasion, but the Ball, nevertheless, was very successful.
Two theatrical events were held from which the Order benefited: the first, a variety entertainment at the Empire Theatre, Belfast, on June 2nd (during the last week of its existence), the proceeds being shared with the British Red Cross Society; and the second, a film, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" at the Ritz Theatre on November 10th. On the latter occasion, the Band of the Royal Ulster Constabulary gave an excellent performance, supported by a variety programme contributed by local artists. The total financial benefit accruing to the Commandery was approximately £400, for which the Order acknowledges warm thanks to the proprietors of the two theatres and to the performers. In late March, the Hospitaller of the Order, Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, G.C.V.O. , Kt.St.J., M.D. , F.R.C.S., visited Northern Ireland and in the course of his stay delivered a most interesting lecture at the Royal Victoria Hospital on the Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem, illustrated by a film in colour showing the proceedings at the dedication of the hospital. A brief visit was paid also by Sir Philip Southwell, C.B.E., M.C. , DirectorGeneral of the St. John Ambulance Association, in August. The death of the Chancellor of the Order, Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry Pownall, K.C.B. , K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., G.C.St.J., who so recently as 1960 had paid a very helpful visit to the Order in Northern Ireland, occurred in June. He has been succeeded by Mr. Horace F. Parshall, T.D. , Kt.StJ., a former Director-General of the St. John Ambulance Association. Another death, of one closely connected with Northern Ireland , was that of the Bailiff of Egle, the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.P., G.C.V.O. , C.B.E., G.C.St.J. His successor is the former Registrar, Sir Harry Luke, K.C.M.G., Kt.St.J. , who possesses a wide knowledge of the history of the Order. Within the Commandery of Ards, the death is mourned of Mr. R. Stewart Miller, Kt.St.J., the Treasurer. Developments in the organisation of the Commandery include the creation of a Finance Committee, under the Chairmanship of Mr. J. Elliott Forde, C.B .E. , O.St.J., who has been appointed also to the office of Treasurer in succession to the late Mr. Stewart Miller. Mr. 1. H. H. Pollock, C.M.G. , O.B.E., Kt.St.J., who had held the appointment of Lieutenant from the inception of the Commandery, resigned on June 24th, 1961 , being succeeded by Sir Francis Evans, G.B .E., K.C. M.G. C.St.J. The resignation of Mr. Pollock, whose knowledge of the Holy Land and particularly of Jerusalem gave his appointment singular appropriateness, is much regretted; the Comrnandery owes its strengt.h in great degree to his devoted service and deep interest throughout hIS ten years in the lieutenancy. Other appointments and promotions in the Commandery include three promotions to the grade of Officer, three admissions in the same grade, and ten admissions in the grades of Serving Brother and Sister. The only appointment to a higher grade was that of the new Lieutenant, as Commander. The Museum received from Mrs. Ivan Neill a case containing the medals of the late Mrs. Herson, of the West Belfast Nursing Division and the Library acquired a number of books of interest. Pictures 0 t Grand Masters of the Order were examined and repaired.
REPORT OF THE RECEIVER-GENERAL THE ACCOUNTS 'al osition of the Grand Priory of the The Accounts present the finantc~ e&er with statements of Income and Order a.s at 3O s.ePt~t~~ey~a~ ge~\jed ~n that date. ExpendIture d unng SO
expenditure by The Estimates for the, year under r~~~on~ of £149 195, which was to the Central AdministratlOn all~ 1~°:S~ (including B10~k Grants from the 11ave been met from Income, , d fi 't of £32 741 being charged or d £51 500) the net e CI , Post-War Fun , .' '. 1 Accounts as indicated below. . credited to the relatIve Capl~a and expenditure for the year IS: The estimated and actual 1l1come COMPARI
Central Association Brigade Administration Hospital --A-t al Actual Est. Actual Est. cu Est. Actual Est. £ £ £ £ £ £000 58 148 26780 26,927 31 ,245 30,237 £ £ 36,170 42,202 55, _ '_' = _ ~-
Block grants Other
0 - 18,0°50 31,665 38,203 2, 9
1~,~~ ,
8 500 8 500 25000 25,000 21' 107 25:037 9:232 13,953 _ '_ __
31 ,665 38,203 20,950 22,463 29,607 33,537 34,232 38,953 ~-
Credited to Headquarters' Funds ET EXPENDITURE
Charged to General Fund , New Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund
4505 '
_ _
_ _
34,050 35,685
=== =
_ _~
~- . d enditure of the Post-War Fund The estimated and actuallllcom~ an exp . ed below: (General Allocation) for the year IS summans Estimate Actual EXPL DlTURE
Block Grants to FoundatiOns Other Expenditure .
Dividends and Interest . I ET CHARGE TO POST- W AR
51,500 35,715
51,500 24,829
£35,715 £28,724
. . ) finances the Order's share of The Post-War Fund (SpeCIal ~llocat~~~ Hos itals undertaken by the the cost of the welfare work m Se~vbrder St. John and British Red Service Hospitals Welfare Departmen ,
Cross Society. The cost of this work is met from interest from and proceeds of sale of investments. There are set out below notes on certain items appearing in the Accounts: BALANCE SHEET 1. Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund Since 1955 Chapter-General has approved loans from the General Fund totalling £24,055, the amount by which the sum available in the Fund fell short of the £89,000 estimated to be required to finance the restoration scheme. Surplus revenue of £142 during the year has been transferred to the General Fund and thus reduces the loan to £23,913 at 30 September, 1961. It is hoped that the Appeal launched last autumn will enable the outstanding debt to be repaid. 2.
Ophthalmic Hospital Endowment Fund Negotiations for the sale of Strathearn House and Watson House at a satisfactory book profit continued during the year and it is anticipated that the matter will be completed shortly. 3.
New Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund There is included within the Fund the loan of £100,000 from the PostWar Fund. This loan is repayable in whole or in part from the proceeds of the sale of the former Hospital buildings in Jerusalem (Israel). 4. Investments No substantial change has been made in the composition of the Order's investments apart from transactions yielding on balance approximately £64,500 needed in essence to meet expenditure directly chargeable to the Post-War Fund and to augment working capital. 5.
Jordanian Staff Pension Fund The effect of Jordan law upon the pension arrangements proposed for locally recruited staff at the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem, has been carefully considered and it is evident that the matter should be dealt with separately from other pension arrangements instituted by the Order. A separate Fund has accordingly been set up for this purpose.
Income from Investments d t' f £3 517 from that of 'The o~erall income <?bf £t8~i4~;i~~ya :; t~~ I~~e~ of investments menthe prevIOUS year, attn u a e
tianed ~bove., f th w financial system necessitated a careful The mtroductIOn 0 e ne, the three Funds concerned. adjustment of investment h?ldmfs Bb~:.;:e~orporation Stock was transAccordingly part of ~ ho~m~ (Ge::r~l Allocation) to the General ,Fund fer red from the Post- ar un t' I movement in income is reflected m the during 1960 and the consequen Ia Accounts., . d n t was estimated at £5 15s. 4d. % at The overall mcome Ylel °d ~o; £5 11 lId % at 30 September, 1960. 30 September, 1961, compare WIt s.. 0 CONCLUDING COMMENTS ' expenditure of the central The results for 1961 show net or d mary, f £5 317 over , d f d f of £75 858 an mcrease 0 , administratIOn an oun a IOns, fi' 'which are adjusted by the the figu re for 1960: The follow~ng 't gure:how the trend of expenditure: elimination of certam non-recurnng I ems 1956
, ' h fi . I reorganisation. I can but This year was the second smce t e. na~~~ I ointed out that the new emphasise my co~ents of last ye~r m w duc~ economies and greater system cannot, by Itself, ~ut~~tl~~~y ~~~vent expenditure from rising efficiency. It contmues to e I cu ,0 which can be dispensed with and it is all the more necessary. to aV~lt a~~e Order and its foundations without prejudice to the servIce w IC provide. h facilitate the raising of The financial rearrangem~nt, does, ov:~~~r'and legacies and the first fresh money throug~ subscn~tIOns, don~~ b shown by the response to practical demonstratIOn of thIS aspect WI R ~ 'ld' F nd the Appeal for the Grand Priory Church e Ul mg u . LEWIS G. WHYTE Receiver-General
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS General The Income and Expenditure Accounts give effect to the arrangement whereby block grants are made to each of the three Foundations fro m the Post-War Fund. In the case of the Hospital the grant was made in two parts: a fixed grant of £15,000 and an additional grant for the year of £3 ,000. The block grants to the Association and Brigade were deliberately augmented to build up the respective Headquarters' Funds to the present satisfactory figures. 1.
Stores Department , ' The amount of the surplus considerably exceeded expectations and It IS hoped that the results of the current year will also be satisfactory, particularly as financial stability is to a great extent dependent UDon this item,
14 February, 1962
GENERAL FUNDas at 30 September, 1960 Add: Legacies ...... Grand Priory Church Rebuilding FundLoan repaid (1960 Loan to) Net profit on sale of investments
263 ,472
Net cost of Central Administration year to date. . . . . . . . Grant in aid- Clergy overseas . Building Lease negotiations (site at St. John's Gate)
51,449 25,449
51,449 25,449
50 34
50 34
FundProperty at and adjacent to St.
John's Gate
8,015 (Dr.) 8,386
. written off to date. I
3,999 150
GRAND PRlORY CHuRCH REBUll..DING FUNDas at 30 September, 1960 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Legacy.
(at cos t less amounts written off)
site of Guard House and Cloister Property, Jerusalem (Jordan) . 4, 149
: written off to date.
3,698 3,648
Rights in Kolossi Castle, Cyprus
3,698 3,648
986 66,823
Furnishings and Equipment. Architect's fees and expenses Interest Sundry expenses . General FundLoan repaid (1960 Loan from)
576 63 110 95
PRIORY CHuRCH REBUILDING FUNDFreehold Property: Guard House and Cloister and Church Restoration .
142 986
OPFITHALMIC HOSPITAL ENDOWMENT FUNDas at 30 September, 1960 Add: Donations.
70,177 HOSPITAL ENDOWMENT FUNDFreehold Property: Jerusalem (Israel). Less: written off to date.
225 70,402
Less: Expenditure
NEW OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH FUNDas at 30 September, 1960 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest Post-War Fund (General Allocation), Loan from.
39,108 4,985
39,108 4,985
1,583 15,578
1,583 15,499
70,1 77
367,153 33,714 2,705
Strathearn House and Watson House, Jerusalem (Jordan) Freehold Property: Ramallah (Jordan)
51 ,284
452,91 1
Less: Net cost of Hospital Maintenance year to date. . . . . . . . Other Expenditure (net) (Jordan) Sundry Expenses . Architect's fees and expenses
35,685 JO,733 2,199
48,617 354,955
749, 132
OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH FUNDFreehold Land Buildings and Equipment, Jerusalem (Jb rdan) . . . . . .
Subscriptions and Donations Interest
. AllocationProperty: John Ambulance Brigade Camp, Bexhill, Sussex .
1,123 96 2,646
attached. . . . Value: 1961-£1,469,376 1960--£1,554,268)
Donation. Interest
14,643 BRANCHES-
4 395
41,847 6,009 22,169 1,288
KING GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP TRAINING MEMORIALas at 30 September, 1960 14,643 Add: Donation . 30 Interest 718 Final Grant
£ 17,640 8,820 8,820 - 41,847 5,401 36,446 - 22,169 920 21,249 - -
35,838 8,019
9,216 8,716 4,402 589 22,923
Crescent, S.W.1 15,186
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS FUNDas at 30 September, 1960 . . . . . . Surplus Revenue, year to 30 September, 1961 Legacies. Interest
£ 17,640 9,408
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE AsSOCIAnON HEADQUARTERS FUNDas at 30 September, 1960 8,019 Surplus Revenue, year to 30 September, 1961 6,610 Legacies. 153 Interest 404
fo rward
lO September, 1960 Advanced during year
24,704 32,500
27,118 6,20U
Repayable during year .
57,204 5,751
33,318 8,614 51,453
45 8,261
--POST-WAR FUND(Funds allocated by Joint War Organisation) GENERAL ALLOCATION of £2,099,625 (I 960-£2,094,000) as at 30 September, 1960 Add:
Profit on sale of investments. . . . War Organisation Liquidation Accountsum allocated therefrom
36,459 4,462 1,705
36,379 4,081 1,750
Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year . . . . . . . . . 28,724 New Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund, Loan to
28,724 forward
28,789 194,536
£840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitalsas at 30 September, 1960 . 366,293 Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income for the year. 17,585
1,967 658
Less: Loss on sale of investments .
117,301 34275
30,222 2,263
32,485 4,935 ---343,773 1,244,428
34,275 88,913
Balance Sheet and the allnexed Income and . 11:xpellditul'e Accounts present the financial positioll ions 0/ the Headquarters both ~f the I and of its Foundations, They do ~1Ot Incor, the assets liabilities and transactIOns of the local Units of the Order and of its Foundati~ns, l/ie Accollnts of which are maintained and alldlted locally under Regulations authorized by the ,Ordel,'. 1/1 addition to the properties included In tl1l Balance Sheet certain other properties have been lested in the Order either as part of its corporate property 01' upon Trusts in. connection with the St, Jolm Ambulance Association and Brigade, These properties are onlv realizable with the consent of Ihe Charity Comn;issiol1ers or the Trustees or local COlllmittees of Management, , 01130 September 1961 the Grand PrIOry Church Rebuilding Fund I~as indebted to the General Fund II~ the slim of £23,913 (1960: £24,055) ana' the \elY Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund was Indebted to the Post- War Fund (General AI/oeolion) in the slim of £100,000 (1960: £100,000),
LEWIS G. WHYTE, Reed ver-General D. B. R. SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant
f:Iaving examined the above Balance. Sheet and annexed Income and Expendl'ture ACOUU"I-""'I , ' h B" h R I or the Mo t Venerable Order of the t 1 f S J hn and vouchers of the Jrand Priory In t e nlls ea m d E d't t. 0 ,<;If Jerusalem an~ With the returns received from Jerusalem, we repor~ lpeclfied in the Notes on the Balance Sheet, the aid Balance Sheet and In,come an xpen lure ~~~~~~~tl~ our opmlOn, and accordmg to the best of Our infonnation, show a true and fair If affai rs of the Order as at 30 September, 1961, and of its income and expendlture for the year ended
OSPI a 0,
3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C.2, 10th
pril, 1962.
PRICE WATERHOUSE & Co" Chartered Accountants
Foundation Dues . Annual Oblations. . Co mmuted Oblations .
£ 1,241 4,597 41 [ 6,249
Dividends and Interest on Investments Other Jnterest (nct) . . . . . :
15, 108 266
Less: ceded to Special Funds (nel)
15,374 5,907 9,467 922 J,092 33
Invest1'!1e,:t Underwriting-profit Sl:IbscnptlOns and Donations . 1. lbrary and Museum : Donations Rents, less outgoings. . . .
Deduct : Sala.ries, Pensions and Lunch Vouchers atlOnal [ns urance Superannuation cont~ib~tio~s' . Rates and Insurance . Light!ng, Heating and Ciea~ing Re pairs and Maintenance Po.st<1:ge and Telephone. . . Pnntmg and Stationery. Office Equipment . . Stock Removal expenses Sundry expenses .
11,76 3,002 8,767 - -
373 1,053 5 122 16,533
6 1,099
£ 14,043 422 2, 108 404 631 68 1,001 858 32 12 640 - 20,219
10,220 10,220 20,440
NET COST, tran fer red to General Fund
6,865 129 778 949 135 1,820 192 795 1,517 1,956 419 849 421 528 276 910 1,705 28 96 121 290 4,026 562
5,552 96
ling and other costs.
and Lunch Vouche~s Insurance and Supera~ n u'ati~n
Sales and Advertising £
762 787 1,404 1,809
328 804
288 469
844 1,347 178
0 ~
195 140 135 /,040
> 'Z
>< .."
'Z C' ,.... ~
532 C 227 ~ ttl 135 303
(j (j
170 J18
57 C ..., 315 'Z '"rj
161 ::0 8,015
Cost of Production £ 3,80 1 1,391 149 405 12
873 135
4,930 103
5,200 120 561 234 135 334 347 264 60 525 72 30 133
Less: Share of Surplus allocated to Income and Expenditure Accounts: St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade .
-< trl > ::0 tTl
....., 1,474 '"0 146 ~ 197 ~ 172 t:l:l ttl
1,820 163 211 159 240 402 198 169 104 302 178 132
162 405
144 106
338 781
76 4,078
a d L' . . . . . . . . . . . nal ~ unch Vouchers. . . . . . . . . and ~surance and Superannuation contributions . nsurance g, Heating and Cle~ni~g ~~d Maintenance . arm. . expenses
£42.202 £36,391
3,642 266
15 1,206 133 363 400 550 40 229
164 265 376 226 46 162 2,936
£42,202 £36,391
ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, JERUSALEM 1960 EXPENDITURE £ £ HOSPITALSubscriptions and Donations 1,967 2,105 Salaries and Pension National Insurance . Annual Endowment Gifl 1,074 Superannuation contributions. Nurses' Uniforms and Allowances 3,041 2,105 Food and Housekeeping Drugs Private Patients' Fees. 3,197 Equipment Ramallah Property : rent, less outgoings 401 Freight fnterest . J,021 683 Linen Room Lighting, Heating and Water. 7,660 2,788 Repairs and Maintenance . Travelling and car expenses GRANT from Post-War Fund 18,000 15,000 Postage and Telephone Printing, Stationery and Office 25,660 17,788 Equipment Rent . BALANCE, transferred to Insurance New Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund 35,685 Removal expenses Post-War Fund . 28,69 7 Sundry expenses INCOME
LONDON OFFICESalaries and Lunch Vouchers . National Insurance . Superannuation contributions. Rates and Insurance Lighting, Heating a nd C lean ing Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses . Su n d l' Y expenses
32,755 54 786 101 5,466 1,879 2,327 549 543 5,398 1,665 1,934 379
588 550 842 520 900
508 300 252 806
41 ,047
£ 1,761 34 156 47 87
27, 170
1 8,132 9,773
11 ,477
80 1
Stores Department, share of surplus
14,817 10,220
11 ,064 8,438
GRANT from Post-War Fund
25 ,037 8,500
19,502 11 ,000
Cen tres a n d C l asses for ins lr uclion and exam in at ions . . . . . . . . . . (,S.I': Lect urers' and Examiners' fees and expenses 10
Awards (net) Subscriptions and Donations
29 1,527 85 4,311 1,352 1,689 723 315 593 2,656 2,630 327
£ 1,579 34 160 45 99 444
225 355 1,140 304 4. 109
1960 £
399 2,149 236
5,145 - -
Salaries a nd L unch Vouchers Na tional Insurance : '. . Superann uation contnbutJons G round R ent, Rates and I nsurance . Lease- amount written off: . . Lighting, Heatin.g and Cleanmg . Repairs and Mamtenance . . Postage and Tele~hone Printing and StatIOnery Travelling expenses Entertaining expenses. Office Equipment Sundry expenses Competitions (net) Grants to County . . . Film- "The Long Wait" .
1 5,258
/ 2,97 1
5 10
462 270 681 87 1,703 4,441 119 [93 436 343
44 7 270 6/5 6 1,698 2,559 121 198 256 363
25 ,449 1,449 29
20,882 1,341 84 2.959
26,927 6.610
25,266 5,236
w 0
'"0 ....,
trl ~
y;; \0
BALANCE, transferred to Headquarters Fund
£33 ,537 £30.502
£33 ,537 £30,502
transferred to Balance Shee t
17, 585
£ 37,730
Wel fare Work in Service H os pi tals .
£37,730 £42,158
£ 42,158
£37,730 £42,158
30 SEPTEMBER, 1961
SL \.J."fARY OF f:'li' EST\l E 'iTS
Mark er Valu e
19,8 13
48,02 1
Cost £
MarkeT Value
ldarke r
J\lfarke{ Valli e
Cost £
ValliI' £
C OS (
24 ,596
48,02 1
27, 134
19, 845
174,0 [4
J 18,712
10 1,677
550,39 1
208 ,894
220,28 3
34 1,497
1,269 ,376
2 16,981
55 ,000
55 ,000
45 ,000
1,469,3 76
321 ,802
. 1,446,553
861 ,453
935,3 11
30 SEPTEMBER , 1960
) free of all duties to the Grand Priory in the British Realm
of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, of St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.l , such sum to be applicable to the general purposes of the said Order. And I declare that the receipt
of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Order shall be a full discharge therefor.
Name .. .... ...... .. (Block letters)
..... .. .. . . . . ... . ..... .. ... .. . . ........ .............. . ..................
Rank or Order .................. ... .............. .. . Address ............. ......... .. .. ... ........ ..... ........ ... .. ...... ................. .. .. .
......... .. ....................... . ............ . ......... . ..........................
............ . ...... ........... ....... .. ...... ... .. ................................. .
Signature .......... ... ....................... ··.·· ········· .
Date ................. · .. .
®pbtbalnlir T!)ospital (Founded 1882) of
m;ije ~ranh 19riorp in tfJe jiritisU ~ealm of m:ije ;§Most 1-Jtnerablt ether of tue ~ospitaI of ~t. 3Jou n of 3Jettt5alem.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR 1961 including the
E. C. I.
lbospitaL of ~be most \l)enerable ~rber of $t. 30bn, 3eru5illcill
50\1ereign 1beab of tbe
crommtttee: (24th June, 1960)
EXTRACT FROM THE RULE AND CUSTOM OF RAYMOND DU PUY GRAND MASTER OF THE KNIGHTS HOSPITALLER OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN (1120-1160) That [he Knights who should make their profession in it should adorn their Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues, with hospital serl'ice, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in the e various functions, should only seek to distinguish themselves by a course of virtue. Soldiers of Jesu Christ are designed only to fight for His Glory, to maintain Hi worship, to love, reverence and preserve justice, to favow', support and defend such as are oppressed, without neglecting the duties 0/ holy hospital service.
'Ibospi tal Ler WART DUKE-E LDE R, G.C.V.0 ., PH.D., D.SC., LL.D., M.D., TE F.R.C.S .. F.A.C.., F .R.A.C.S .• F.R.C.P .. F.R.S. !Deput'1 1f)ospitll[{cr
AIR COMMODORE T. K EITH LYLE, C.B.E. , M.D. , F.R.C.S. 11)011 .
G . WHYTE, ESQ. Members.
0 .. D.SC., M.D., F.R .C.P. RT. HON. LORD VA S, .. K' C V 0 C.B.E., F.R.C.S. SIR ARTHUR PORRITT, K.C.M.G ., . . . ., ScOTT M.R.C.S ., L.R.C.P. D R . H. , M 0 F RCS 1. R.H. DOGGART, ESQ. , M.A., .., . . . . S. J. H . MILLER, ESQ. , M.D ., F.R.C.S. THE
MAJOR J. F. C. UNDERHILL, T.D. "OtIlarbCll .
A. J. BOASE, ESQ. , O.B.E .. F.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P., D.O.M.S Sub::1lmarbcll anb Surgeon to tbe 1\)ospltal.
KHALIL M. BUDEIRI, O.B.E., M.D.(GEN.), D.O.M .S. 1IDatron,
/prior)? of Scotlanb 1bospitnlln nnb :almoner C APT.
/prior}? for 'UUla les 1bospitaller THE EARL OF PLYMOUTH
Hospitaller of Bridgend
IPrtor)? for Soutf) ~lfrica 1bospitaller C OLONEL
L. O.
.B.E., E.D., M.P. , L.R . C.P.
& S .(Edin. )
lDriorp In 1Hew Xealanb
Report of the Hospitaller and I-Iospital Committee for 1961 including the REPORT OF THE HOSPITAL SUB-COMMITTEE
1bospitaller Vaca nt
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their seventieth report for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General.
lDriorp tn <Ianaba 1bospitaHer J.
N . B. CRAWFORD , E SQ ., M. B.E., E.D.
Ii)riorp of tf)e Rustralian (tollllltonwealtb (excIUSi\?e. of 1Rllestern Bustralta) 1bospltaUer I1l1b :almoner BRIGADIER SIR K E NNETH FRASER, C.B.E ., E .D .
. ~Olltl1laJ1ber}? tn 1Wlestern Rustralia (\"ltblll tbe !Prior"~ of tb e -",ustralian '7.:l (tOllll11oltwealtb) 1bospitaller anb :almoner A. K.
<IoIltIlHlnber)? of :arbs in 1Aortbern 3-relan~ 1bospitaller anb :t\lmone r SrR CECIL M c KEE, E.R.D.
<Ienrral africa
1bospitnller anO :almoner EDW RD MlL N
It will be remembered that the year 1960 saw the fulfilment of one of the most important projects of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in the completion and opening of the new Ophthalmic Hospital and its ancillary buildings, events which marked the culmination of several years of planning and endeavour. The year 1961 , the first year of the hospital's activities, has been one of expectation and experiment. The Committee ~re glad to report that its expectations have been realized and most of lts experiments have been successful. During the entire year the hospital has been working to its full capacity; it has integrated itself into the life of Jerusalem ; and in its humanitarian work among the people of Jordan and the surrounding countries of the Middle East it has become much more effective than its predecessor could ever have been. The provision ?f every modern facility in the new building and the possibility of increastn~ the surgical and nursing staff have offered new opportunities, and , as will be seen from the Warden's Report, the treatment of trivial illne ses has largely given place to major surgery carried out on a much larger scale than hitherto. These increased opportunities, however, carry with them increa ed responsibilities. At the beginning of the year the Committee found itself possessed of a large new hospital, a Sisters' Home, a Nurses' Home, a ~arden's lodge, and a research laboratory, all fully equipped and fUrnIshed , and was confronted with the problem of estimating the cost o~ running this hospital-city and providing financially for it. The cost, o course, has been much greater than we incurred in previous years in ou~ temporary hospital in the Old City of Jerusalem . With the number of Ill-patients and the number of major operations almost doubled , with the st~ff increased and with the addition of a nursing chool , all occurring at a time of increased prices and rising salaries according to cales to
which we must keep, it is to be expected that our expenditure has risen. Moreover, a modern operating theatre, a modern kitchen and a modern laundry, while more efficient, are more expensive to run than the makeshift expedients we had to adapt during the last few years. It is not indeed surprising that, whereas hitherto the total expense of the hospital was in the region of £40,000, during the past year it has been slightly above £60,000, and although this figure includes some extra items that a new institution always requires, it is unlikely to decrease in the future; on the contrary it will increase when our research activities expand. We are in Jerusalem, however, to help the sick and to undertake research so that sickness may be prevented; even with our increased opportunities we are merely skirting the fringe of the problem of eye diseases in the Middle East; and the Committee feels confident that, through their many well-wishers, financial provision will become available not only to continue but to extend these activities of the Order. It is quite evident, however, that the Committee will require the generous support that has been given in the past, and it is to be hoped that as the work of the new hospital becomes better known both at home and overseas, additional support will be given by others who may become more fully acquainted with the Order's ophthalmic work in the Middle East. In April the Hospitaller paid his annual visit to Jerusalem and was very impressed with the speed and efficiency with which the staff had settled down to their heavier responsibilities after their first six months in the new building. Teething troubles there naturally were, but none of these was serious and they were rapidly being outgrown. In comparison with previous years the greater ease of working was patent, the standard of the work done was higher and the comfort of the patients was much improved. Apart from the Hospitaller, the Chancellor, the late General Sir Henry Pownall, and the Secretary-General, Mr. C. T. Evans, paid a visit to Jerusalem in the early spring; and in the autumn they were followed by Mr. D. B. R. Swinstead, the Treasurer and Accountant of the Order, who was able to ensure that the accountancy of the new hospital was in every way satisfactory. It was indeed sad that shortly after his ret~rn from visiting the Hospital the Chancellor should have so suddenly dIed. He had always had an intense interest in the Hospital in Jerusale~ a~d, because of his wide knowledge of the Middle East and his appreclatlO.n of local difficulties, he had always been a most useful and sympathetIC adviser when difficulties arose. In his death the Committee and all connected with the Hospital have lost a great friend. RESEARCH
In each Annual Report an outline of the progress of research, fin,anced in part by the Order, has been given. In the Report of last year It was pointed out that, following the isolation of the causative virus, the mo~ useful drugs had been determined for the treatment of trachoma, a~ that work was proceeding on the evolution of a vaccine which mi~ht aId in the treatment and possibly prevent the occurrence of this dIsease, Previous research work on monkeys has now been to a considerable extent confirmed in man; and the Medical Research Council's team working in the Gambia have found that after three doses of this n~w vaccine, the virus was eliminated from the eyes of sufferers from t e
. . . . in start, and it is hoped ~hat fu~ure disease. ThIS IS mdeed a promls . g h s a similar preventIve actIOn, research will show. that the yaccI~e w~rk out the degree of protection particularly on a chIld populatIO~. o't however will take some conand the le~gth of th~ perIod ~~m~u~~, stated th~t the possibilitie~ of siderable tIme; but It ~and .co. . gy the ravages of this disease whIch, blindness than any other, have making real pr.ogr~ss m ImmlS m with its complIcatIons, produces more greatly increased during the past year.
. th membership of the Committee While there ha.ve. bee.n no changes m e~ that it has to report the death during the year, It IS WIth very gr~at ~~;reight years was Chairman of the of Ruby, Countes.s of Cromer, w 0 was a member of the Hospital Ladies' Linen GUlld, and for se~e:al y~a:t~een the two Committees. She Committee where she acte~ a~ li~ISOI\ I which she had visited on several was devoted to the 01?htha ~~ ~:fI ~e nursing staff with their various. occasions when she dId muc 0 p problems. HOSPITAL STAFF
been a number of changes both in the the ye~r there have these have mostly been routine. in nature ; medIcal and nu~smg st~, ~ut, R port The seconding of SIsters fr?m they are noted m the . a~ en s d e is 'working out very satisfactorIly ; Moorfields Eye. HospItal t m t LO~ce~~ion of sisters well trained in ophth~lit provides us WIth a cons an su . of nursing in Jerusalem with ItS. mic work and the added expe~~nce makes the advantages of this. abundance of serious occularmr:~~::s~re grateful to Miss MacK~lla~, o arrangement mutual. ~~e H pital for her continued enthUSIastIc the Matro~ of. ~oorfi~ s ye oSssful 's stem. A start has now been help in mamtallllng thIS .very succ~ent ~y accepting Registrars from made to supplement. thIS ~rra!lge eons in Jerusalem for periods of Moorfields Eye HospItal a~ JUlllO'~t sur~opes that this will be the first of six to twelve months; th~ o~ml e~rtunities provided by our Hospital many such secondments or t. e oppArran ements have also been ~ade to the young surgeon are u~que. eon 1rom Johns Hopkins HospItal , that next yea.r ~ ~oung AmerIcan surg ar' this also the Committee hopes B~ltimore, wIll Jom our staff:or o~~lsein 'the futur~. That similar opporWIll be the first of m~ny suc co~ a accepted by youn a Arab surgeons tunities are now aVallable to an ar~ such men hav~ served on our is, of cO,tlfse, still more valuab~. m ~~il life and one from the Jordan staff durmg the year 1961, one ro ons in this way is one of the Army. The traini~g of young ~rab su~~e and one of the greatest assets most important t.hm~s our hosp~t~l c~~ fa~ilities to make this possible. of our new hospItal IS the proYIsIOn t ff however during the year under The most important change ~n ~)Ur s ~r~-the m~rriage of our Matron review has been more do~~St1C~n na~ttached to the staff of the United to an Officer of the Cana Ian . rmy our revious Assistant Matron . Natio ns in Jordan, her successI~nt b Y to oP staff as Assistant Matron ur )..... B A Bl 'tt and the recrUl men t . IVJ.lSS . ' • eWI,. h h in the past given us excellent se~vlce. and SIster Tutor of a SIster ~ as f the most important people IS the In the running of any bosPlta one 0 II and our new Matron is an old Matron; our past Matron served us we
and tried friend whose capabilitie d d . been well proved. To the former :h:nC ev<;>tIon to the ?ospital have her services; to the latter it extends a ommlttele extends Its thanks for To th W d warm we come . e ar en and the surgical staff the M 'Staff, the Superintendent and the admi'· t f atron and all the nursing COIT,lmittee once again wishes to offe ~IS ra lve and dom.esti~ staff, the efficl~ncy and enthusiasm in the ser' r Its thanks. for mamtaming their and mcreasing their usual happy re~~~~oof ~~e H?shPlthal and for continuing ns Ip WIt t e peoples of Jordan.
and providing amenities for the patients. These are noted in the Warden's Report as well as its work to rehabilitate the blind. Perhaps its most useful permanent contribution has been the propaganda it has carried out to interest Arab girls in taking up nursing as a profession, by means of talks by the Matron, the Assistant Matron and officials of the training school in Amman, films and approaches to the headmistresses of schools. For all this the Hospitaller and the Hospital ComInittee would like to extend their special thanks to Mrs. MacInnes and all the members of the Sub-Committee, as well as to all those who have helped during the year.
One of the most valuable things th t th t: '" has made possible is the establishmen: of e ~Iliil~S of our ~e~ buildings nurs~s and orderlies in the treatment f a sc d<;>0 or the t~ammg of Arab admIts some 12 new students each o. eye lseases. ThIs school which a reservoir for nurses and orderlies ~~~r IS now fully ?perative; it provides begun to export trained men and wo our own req~reI?ents and has now ~nd elsewhere in the Middle E t ~~ eto o~h~r m.stItutions in Jordan lIberally supplemented by lecture~s. d. t~almng IS largely practical, obtaining in London' as a statut ,an l~ 0 .a st~n.dard based on that Ministry of Health of Jo d ory qualIficatIOn It IS recognized by the ran. REFUGEES
~s ~eported last year, special efforts are b . assIst m the permanent rehabilitaf f A ~mg made by our staff to are still some half million in J ord IOn ~ ra. refugees of .who~ there UNRWA in this connection four a.n. part from the subSIdy gIven to have been admitted to the ' . lefugees (three female and one male) from the funds allocated by ~u:~~~ school ann~ally. since October 1960 During 1961 we have therefo e er ~s a contnbutIOn to Refugee Year. living expenses and training f:r elr~td~d haccommodation? board and g to record that these, des ite in som 0 t ese people. It IS a pleasure showing every promise fnd are ~ d~as~s .the han.dlcap of language, are place in life. rapI y emg eqUIpped to take a useful
The Ladies' Linen Guild under th Ch' . t' e d .alrmanship of the Countess of Scarbrough D C V 0 ha' , ...., s con mue Its k f nurses' uniforms hospital linen .. wor or the provision of and toys and clothes for the Chil;mem¥~s for the .staff and the patients, on r~cord its sincere thanks to ;~~. I S be CCOmIT,lIttee would like ~o ~ut hospItal funds and for provid' n th " u - o.mmlttee for thus relievmg into an official hospital budgelt ~ t e extra thmgs which do not fit easily hospital and are so greatl a ~ mean so much to the happiness of the however, must be particJlaX~r:c~at~ ~y the poor of Jordan. Its thanks, Canada, Australia and New Z ~ end e t? the branches of the Guild in in this respect. It is delightful ~~:tn th whIc.h have been extremely liberal wealth co-operate with us so h appI'1y. e semor members of the Commo nThe Jerusalem Ladies' Sub-Committe . MacInnes, has continued its act"'f e und~r. the ChaIrmanship of Mrs. IV] les 0 f repalnng the linen in the hospital
Now that we are happily installed in our new hospital we have no further use for our property in the Old City of Jerusalem. Watson and Strathearn Houses served us well after we were compelled to leave the hospital buildings in which we worked from 1883 to 1948, now in Israel. It is true that these two traditional Arab houses were extremely unsatisfactory and difficult to run as a hospital; nevertheless, they provided a means whereby the humanitarian activities of the Order in Jordan could be maintained without intermission. The success with which it did so can be realised when it is remembered that 1,700,000 patients passed through their doors in the few years of their existence. We are glad that their usefulness is not to cease, for they have been taken over by the Lutherans for the extension of the school which they run in an adjoining building; in this way we have been of service to the Johanniterorden in Germany with which we are historically and sentimentally related. The remaining property held by the Order in the Old City is an open space adjacent to the garden of Watson House, the Muristan, traditionally the site of the first hospital of the Crusaders in Jerusalem. At present the Order has given permission for its excavation by the Palestine Exploration Fund and during the spring of 1961 a team of archaeologists under Dr. Kathleen Kenyon started on this work, and it is hoped that some results of interest will emerge. The ultimate fate of this ground has not yet been settled, but it would be good if some permanent memorial were erected here to commemorate its historical connection with the Knights Hospitaller of St. John as well as the more recent activities of the Order in the Old City. THANKS
The Committee would once again like to thank all those who have so loyally supported and contributed financially to the funds of the Hospital and the Hospital-Research Project, and among them it would wish to mention three large oil companies working in the Middle East- the Kuwait Oil Company, the Iraq Petroleum Company and Iranian Oil Participants Ltd. It is particularly grateful for the ever-increasing support of the Priories of Scotland, Wales, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, and the Commandery of Ards. It is very much hoped that the Priories and Commanderies will convey the thanks of the Committee to all those v.: ho have contributed financial support. Again the Committee wishes to gIve especial thanks to the Preceptories of the Masonic Order of Knights Templar and to the Clothworkers' Company who have subscribed so g~nerously over a number of years. Their thanks are also due to Mrs. Vmcent Astor for her kindness in endowing a bed at the Hospital- the
nrst such gesture which the C . .of a similar nature. omffilttee hopes will be followed by others A
S an addendum to this report it will b . December the Hospitaller visited the e of lllterest to !ecord that in ~aragwa~ath, near Johannesburg ThiStbJo~n C?phthaImic Hospital at t. . John m South Africa and . s osplt~l IS run by the Prior of ,o f ItS founding. The hospital cel.ebratmg the tenth (}phthalmic needs of the native con.tams.IOO beds and caters for the large general hospital of 2 000 bP~pulatlOn? IS ?losely associated with a ?epartment. The ceremo~ e s, to ~hlch, mdeed, it acts as the e e assembly and attracted a large out~ Afnca with great di nit . 't the Pnor of the Priory for hospItal run by the Order an~ . y. !his IS the only other ophthalmic for South Africa; without questI~ e~~IrelY the responsibility of the Priory by an extremely efficient Medical ~ e 'York carried out there, supervised a. large honorary surgical staff . uperllltende?t and Matron assisted by highest traditions of the Order.' IS of a very high standard and is in the
wIs ~~n~t;:'ct:~~versary
STEWART DUKE-ELDER Hospitaller. WARDEN'S REPORT After .fifteen mo n th s m ' serVIce . our h . l ' nove1ty It so recently was to t ff d ospita IS no longer the exciting back on ~ complete year's wo:J'n an public alike. We can now look one donnmg for the first t' g and take stock of the position Like . Ime a ready-mad . . gar:nent tl&ht here if lavishly room t e. SU1~ we have found our new while hanglllg loose in that- all ):' he~e, mclined to chafe in this spot no doubt adjust ourselves in f mmor madequacies to which we shall more than one surprise th lme. The. year's experience has yielded tab!~ .appended to this 're ~rtgreatest bemg reflected in the statistical facllitles of the new hospitiI . l~ had been surmised that the better at Watson House. And so ~odu d attract a far greater attendance than d . . m ee they h . a ffilSSlOns and operations ' but th ave m respect of new cases remarkable fall from pre .' e gross total of attendances shows ~ a noma1y. In the first placeVlOUS ' W t standard s. V anous reasons explain this d<:>orstep ?f.a large patient-clie~t~~~ t~ouse was ~i~uated practically on the wIth a ffilmmum of incon ' at could VISIt and revisit the hospital Sh ' a piastre bus-ride vemence fro and no expens~; the new hospital at f el'kh J arrah IS o the Wat~on House cases came f m the Old CIty. Again, very many former JewIsh quarter close to the h~om. the la~ge refugee colony in the these to come to us as U.N.R.W.A spItal. I~ IS no l?~~er necessary for at t~e camp. Furthermore du' 'hnowyrovldes facIlitIes for treatment conJun~~ivitis. many patien'ts ;~~Ydt ce heIght of the summ~r epidemics of ea~h VISIt b~mg registered as an at orne three or more tImes in a day, walt ~bo.ut m the quadran Ie fo tendance. Now these patients either prescnptlOn for home use gF ~ repeated treatments or depart with a total attendances has double~r ~.~se reasons the ratio of new cases to about a third . Seen from the w. 1 e the gross figures have decreased by ~or. It . a 11 ows mdividual ' nursmg a ngIe till . a welcome development, cases to b . s IS satIsfaction to both nurse a d e. treated wIth less haste and with greater n patIent.
The rest of the statistical table calls for little comment. Admissions (2,381) and operations (4,610), both considerably more than in previous years, reflect the greatly enhanced bed state. Despite this, however, the waiting list for admission extends some months ahead. It is disappointing that only 47 persons availed themselves of the very comfortable private rooms, but it should not be surprising, for the general wards provide a degree of comfort that few patients would expect in their own homes. The table shows for the first time the number of prescriptions issued for spectacles. At 3,658 , a figure that does not include the many refracted and found not to need glasses, this was twice the average of the previous four years. It is a fair indication of the expansion in the work of the out-patient clinic. There was no change in personnel of either the Warden or Sub-Warden. The Registrar, Dr. R. E. Dingley, left in October and was replaced by Dr. John Anderson on six months secondment from Moorfields. Dr. A. Shawwar was with us throughout the year during which he unostentatiously passed from the fledgling status of a trainee-houseman to that of a competent surgeon. By arrangement with Brigadier Majali, D.M.S., Jordan Army, Major Adnan Jaljuli was seconded to us to gain practical experience before going to Moorfields in 1962 for academic study. His six months' service was greatly appreciated and of much assistance to us. During the year Mr. Issa Marogi was upgraded to the rank of Hospital Superintendent. One can report in all truth that his shadow grows no less under the burden of his exalted position. October 14th was one of those days that appear in red in the calend ar, for on that day Miss Katharine Stent added to her responsibilities as Matron those of a married woman. Her marriage to Col. Haley, of the Canadian Force serving with the United Nations, was an occasion for general satisfaction, a feeling that was given appropriate expression by the many friends who attended the wedding reception. Although her term of office as Matron ended with the year it is good to know that she will be in Jerusalem for some time yet, indeed a very near neighbour. In taking an official leave of one who gave of her best in the service of the hospital, and who for more than three years proved herself a loyal and esteemed colleague, we turn to welcome in her place Miss Ann Blewitt as our new Matron. She, with Miss Sheila McCarthy as her deputy, assume office on January 1st, 1962. Of the Sisters, Miss J. Iles and Miss McCarthy left in March, the latter be~ng re-appointed in December as sister-tutor and assistant matron. MISS E. Browne arrived in February, Miss J. Seath in March, and Miss ~. Buxton in October. Miss Seath's appointment as full-time night sister IS an experimental innovation, perhaps an unnecessary one. Miss F . Greene was with us from March on six months loan from Moorfields a sister-tutor. We are grateful to Miss MacKeller, Matron of Moorfields, for helping us in this way. Miss B. Ellis, and the two Arab Sisters, Mrs. Musallam and Miss Cubeisi, remained on the staff throughout the year. Staff-nurse (male) Hanna Suleiman was sent to London in November for three months' training in methods of anaesthesia. The three other staffnurses have left on completing their year's postgraduate training in ophthalmic nursing; one has gone to Australia, one to Kuwait and one to Amman for service with the public health authorities. S The fi rst batch of student nurses completed their first year at the end of eptember and of the eleven only one failed to reach a sati factory
standard at examination. The successful ten are now "second year students" with all the superiority over newcomers that that status implies. The new class that commenced in November also has eleven entrants. The training given is modelled on that of Moorfields and is therefore of a high standard. The Jerusalem Ladies ' Committee met at monthly intervals. Its business concerned mainly nursing propaganda, the sewing guild, and blind welfare. Under the first should be included a successful Course in First Aid conducted by Mrs. MacInnes, chairman of the committee, with the assistance of Mrs. Johnston, and the showing of a film on Nursing to potential recruits. The programme for blind welfare provided fo r a series of talks by prominent persons, recordings, and informal concerts, all of which were very well attended and appeared to be much enjoyed. A summer picnic at Qubeibi for over fifty pupils and teachers from the Shaofat school, and two very successful Christmas parties for 180 adults and children, were highlights in the entertainment programme. In March we were honoured with a visit by the Chancellor, Sir Henry Pownall, and the Secretary-General, Mr. C. T. Evans. They both had very full programmes and were kept hard at it throughout their stay, which was for us a most memorable one. It was, therefore, a particularly sad blow to hear so soon after his visit of the sudden death of Sir Henry in June. He had endeared himself to everyone here and his passing was felt as a personal loss. We hope it will not be long before Mr. Evans pays us another visit. The Hospitaller, accompanied by Lady Duke-Elder, made his welcome annual inspection at the end of April and early May. Among the recipients of honours at an investiture held by Sir Stewart was our Hospital Superintendent, Mr. Issa Marogi, who was promoted to be an Officer in the Order. In November the Treasurer and Accountant, Mr. D. B. R. Swinstead, spent some days with us and carried out a most thorough examination of the books and methods of administration of the hospital. To us tllis vis~t was an extremely valuable one, and it cannot be too strongly urged that It should be repeated at frequent intervals. It is a pleasure to record our thanks to Mr. Swinstead for the kindly and practical advice he gave us on many of our problems. During the year the tennis court was completed and put to good use. Our young student nurses show considerable enthusiasm for the gaI?e though none as yet looks like an embryo Wimbledon star. This ame11lty is the gift of Lady Plender, to Whom we cannot be too grateful for her generosity. The celebration of St. John's Day on June 24th was noteworthy for a departure from custom. This year the Service was held in the St. John chapel in St. George's Cathedral instead of in the ancient crypt in the Old City. The customary garden party in the afternoon was held in the "Cloisters" of the hospital. This quadrangle is admirably suited to the purpose of a garden party but it can never attain the old world charm of the garden at Watson House. The year came to its close with the annual dinner and dance for the sta~, an event that is eagerly looked forward to as a big social occasion. ThIS one was in every respect as enjoyable as that of last year. To those members of the Linen Guilds in Britain and the Commonwealth whose generosity ensured the success of the evening we extend the gratitude of the staff. (Sign ed) ARTHUR BOASE,
-:S '-
Patients in the consulting-room of the Out-Patient Department.
Out-patient awaiting treatment in the courtyard of the cloisters.
A patient in the Out-Patient Department.
A class of student rccei ing instru tion in the
ur ing School.
New cases.
Total attendances. Admissions Theatre sessions Glasses ordered
1957 31,631 158,002 1,141 2,679 245 1,614
1958 32,278 156,225 1,367 3,124 262 1,436
1961 36,567 89,949 2,381 4,610 255 3,658
1959 30,538 164,155 1,565 3,500 259 1,903
32,963 123,505 1,387 2,622 237 2,409
Lids and Adnexa: Tarsectomy Snellen's operation. Chalazion Lacrimal: Cystectomy D-C-Rhinostomy . Muscles: Horizontal adjustment Oblique adjustment
853 158 87
871 60 121
945 33 123
514 9 136
24 20
34 23
to 19
149 9
183 10
159 6
120 3
521 17
31 40
52 17
41 35
23 51
27 88
Cornea: Tattooing Corneal grafts .
19 4
27 5
40 4
iris: Optical iridectomy Prolapse
27 15
50 21
89 40
56 29
14D 32
417 32
564 51
751 97
643 83
Retina: Diathermy. Scleral resection
5 21
4 24
5 32
Globe and Orbit: Evisceration Enucleation Conjunctiva: Pterygium.
Lens: Senile cataract. Discission
30 4
41 2
Priory in Australia Collected by Lt.-Col.
O. B. Willi'am~, V'ict~ria:
. 88 7 0 £A.139 7 0
Sterling equivalent .
PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND Auckland Centre Canterbury and West 'Co~st Cen'tre : Hausmann C Investiture 'Se~vice; W~lli~gt~n . Manawatu District Mount Maunganui Su"b-Cent're : Nelson Sub-District South Auckland Cent~e: . . South Otago Sub-Centre. Southland District Taranaki Centre . Wellington District
47 8 2 33 11 11 2 41 3 25
s. d.
19 8 2 2 0 11 6 4 18 12
7 8 0 6 0 0 9 8 4
0 37 4 I
35 6 8 £NZ.259 16
Sterling equivalent
£257 4
Bilton, Mrs. E. . . . . . cThe Bunnah Oil Co. Ltd. Carpenters, Worshipful Company of Cowell, C. W. . . . (Cozens-Hardy, Lord . . . . (Davis, J. H. (Devon Leathercrafts Ltd. Doha Ladies' Guild. . cEngelhard Hanovia Ltd . . Gabriel, Lady. . . . . cThe General Electric Co. Ltd. cHiggins, M. F .. cHoward , E. . Ingram, Miss F. . . . . clranian Oil Participants Ltd .. c1raq Petroleum Co. Ltd. . cJohn Birch & Co. Ltd. . cKaylene Chemicals Ltd.. . . . King Solomon's Mark Lodge No . 828 cKuwait Oil Co. Ltd.. . . . . Masonic Order of Knights ' Templar Mobbs, Sir Noel , Executors of . cRobins, Lord, K.B.E. , D.S .O . Roche Products Ltd.. . . . . . Rubery Owen Group Charitable Trust . cShell lnternational Petroleum Co. Ltd .. cSir William Halcrow & Partners cUnicam Instruments Ltd.
£ s. d. 10 10 0
408 10 25
3 3 0 0
0 0
J6 6 6 40 16 4 1 14 224 4
4 3
163 5 4 8 17 2 81 12 8 3 87
16 6 6 2 15 0 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 114 5 9 1 14 4 52 10 0 10,000 0 0 681 14 11 100 0 0 8 33 10 10 0 550 1,632 13 0 8 1 12 8 12 0 0
8 10
NO le:-The letter "c" indicates that the subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant,
thus enabling the Hospital to reclaim the relative income tax.
Linen Guild ctbllirman: THE COUNTESS OF SCARBROUGH, D.C.V.O.
lDeputl2 cthairman : THE DOWAGER LADY LLOYD
YEAR 1961 It is with deep regret that I have to report the death of our ViceChairman, Susanna, Duchess of Grafton, and also of Ruby, Countess of Cromer. Susanna, Duchess of Grafton, had been a member of the Linen Guild since 1932, and was appointed Vice-Chairman in 1939. She was very generous to the Linen Guild, and attended meetings whenever she could. Ruby, Countess of Cromer, was Chairman for eight years and was made Dame Grand Cross in 1947. She was devoted to the Order, she visited Jerusalem several times, and recently attended the opening of the new Hospital. During the past year four new members have joined the Ladies' Committee, and we are all delighted to welcome Viscountess Slim, Dorothy Lady Ellenborough, Miss MacKellar, who is Matron of Moorfields Hospital, and Mrs. Cresswell. Lady Slim will in future represent Australia on the Linen Guild and be the connecting link between us and the Linen Guild of Australia. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking Lady Duke-Elder for the excellent preliminary work she did in Australia in getting the Linen Guild started there. Lady Norris, wife of Major-General Sir Kingsley Norris, who is Chief Surgeon to the Order in Tasmania, attended our meeting in the summer. It is always a pleasure to welcome to our meetings any member of the Linen Guilds in the Dominions, when they happen to be over in thi country. I would like to thank Australia, Canada and New Zealand for their very valuable help in money and kind to the Hospital. Their gifts are most generous and of the greatest value. Some of the money was allocated for Christmas presents and to nurse ' comforts. New Zealand continues to send us crates of splendid and useful clothes and comforts, all of which are greatly appreciated.
We provide the British Sisters w'th th . . . to set aside £200 per annum for t~e re elr umform a~d we have decided ou~ funds have enabled us to also c ~l~~eme~\ of lmen, and this year umforms ~f the Jordanian staff. on n ute 00 a year towards the Every gIft that we receive in this count f . . deeply appreciated, and they all contribute to 7h rom /he DOmll11011S is Df both nurses and patients. e com ort and well-being
Chairman. cBessborough, Dowager Countess of Bessemer, Mrs. J. C. B. . . . . . . cBolitho, Sir Edward, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O .. Brabourne, Doreen Lady, C.l. cBridglan d. Lady . . Byrne, Miss V. J., O.B.E. Cadbury. Mrs. W. A. Crawford. Mrs. M. . . cCresswell, Mrs. M. A. B . . Cromer, Ruby Countess of cDu ke-Elder, Lady . . . Fren h. Lady Essex, O.B.E. cFreyberg. Lady, G .B.E. . . cGrafton . Dowager Duchess of . . Halifax, Coumess of, C.I., D.C.V.O. . . . HO'vvard de Walden and Seaford, Lady, C.B.E. James, Lady Serena Lascelles, Mrs. Edward cLaw, Mr . Frank. . Lechmere. Mrs. C. M . Lilley, Mrs. V.. . Linds.ay, Countess of. cLloyd , Dowager Lady eLoraine, Lady. . . Luttrell, Mrs. G. F. . Lyle, Mrs. Keith. . Malcolm. Lady, M.B.E.. . . . . Milnes-Gaskell, Lady Constance, C.V.O. 1 unbumholme, Dowager Lady, M .B .E. Overend, Miss L.. . . , ., Perowne, Ho n. Lady. Pirie-Gordo n, Mrs. H. A. Plender, Lady. . . . Porritt, Lady. . . Rice, Hon. Mrs. Talbot . Scarbrough, Countess of . eScott, Mrs. C. E. M.. . . Smith, Miss H. M., A.R.R.C. cSouthwell, LadY . . . . . . Swaythli ng , Dowager Lady, O.B.E .. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D. . . . . . Vernon. Mrs. Robert . eVicker~ , Mrs . E. M. . . . cWalker, Miss A. M ., M.B.E .. Wat on. Mrs. D. B., O.B.E .. Weaver, Mrs . . . . . . Webb-Johnson, Lady . . Whitaker Hon Mrs H G Wollaston, Lady . ' . . . .
£ s. d. 3 5 4 3 3 0 J 4 6 3 0 0 28 11 5 1 1 0 3 0 0 2 2 0 8 3 3 1 1 0 4 18 0 1 1 0 3 8 7 3 8 7 1 1 0 10 0 l 0 10 0 8 3 3 1 1 0 5 5 0 3 I 0 9 15 11 6 10 7 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 J 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 3 3 0
1 1 10 0 16 1 1 3 8 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 14 1 14 10
7 0 0 0 4 4 0 to 6 12 3 0 1 1 0
10 0 £157 11
No[e:_ The letter "c"
0 0 4 0
indicates that the Subscriber has igned a Deed of Covenant, enabling the Linen Guild to reclaim the relative income tax .
DONATIONS Ladies' Linen Guild of Australia (£A.426/10/0). Ladies' Linen Guild of Canada (Can. $1 ,000.00) St. John Council for Berkshire . . . . . . . . . St. John Council for Buckinghamshire (including 1959/ 60 £10) St. John Council for Cheshire. . St. John Council for Devonshire. St. John Council for Dorset . . . St. John Council for Gloucestershire. St. John Council for Guernsey . St. John Council for Hampshire. St. John Council for Herefordshire St. John Council for Jersey . . St. John Council for Lancashire . St. John Council for Leicestershire . St. John Council for Northumberland . . St. John Council for Plymouth and District . St. John Council for Shropshire . St. John Council for Somerset St. John Council for Sussex . . St. John Council for Warwickshire . . . . St. John Council for North Riding of Yorkshire St. John Council for West Riding of Yorkshire. Astor of Hever, Lady . Aykroyd, Mrs. M. R. . Beauchamp, Lady. Beaufort, Duke of . . . . Dawson of Penn, Viscountess . Dingley, Miss A. E. Hayes, Miss A. C. G. Lucas, E. . Norris, Lady . Wells, Miss A. C.
£ s. d. 139 15 7 363 7 0 15 15 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 5 5 0 5 0 0 500 5 5 0
35 0 0 10 0 0
10 10 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0
2 2 0 20 0 0 20 0 0
15 10 IS 1
0 0 0 I
0 0 0 0
10 0 0 6 0 0 1 i 0 [ I 0
10 0 I
1 I 0 5 5 0 1 1 0
£975 0
Subscriptions and donations from the following St. John Councils have been received since the end of the financial year, 30th September, 1961. These win be ackno\vledged in the Report for 1962. St. John Council for Berkshire Gloucestershire " Hampshire " Jersey Leicestershire Northumberland Somerset Sussex Warwickshire Worcestersh ire
abe (5ranb lPrior\? tn {I;be J8ritisb 1Realm of tbe ~05t IDenel'able E)rber of tbe 1bospital of
Jobn of Jerusalem
'[be 5t. 30bn Btnbnlance tlssociatton (as from 24th June , 1962) lPRtron : H ER MAJESTY THE QUEE
(Sovereign Head of the Order)
lPresibent : FIELD-MARSHAL
H.R.H .
(Gra nd Prior of the Order)
IDirecror::::(l;elleral: SIR PHTUP SOUTHWELL, C.B.E., M.e.
IDeput}2 IDlrector5::::(l;eneral
IDeput\? \principal ,Mebica( ®tftcer: J. S. McLINTOCK, ESQ., M.B ., CR. B., D .P . H .
Secretal'\?: J . E. F . GUERITZ ,
M.A . (OXON.)
lln~ 'E\CCOlllltllllt:
D. B. R .
:association (tollllltittee
(as from 24th June, 1962) REPORT OF THE DJRECTOR-GE ERAL
Ubairmall :
SIR PHILIP SOUTHWELL, C.B.E., M.e'. (Director-General)
'/J.lomilHtteb b2 tbe IDirector:::a;ellerI11 J.
R. L.
J. H. K. C.
M.D., F.R.C.S.
F. J. C.
G. O . HUGHES, ESQ ., M. C., M.B., CH.B., D.P .1-!. LlEUT.-GE ERAL H. E. KNOTT, C. B., O.B.E., Q.H.P., LANG, ESQ. M.D .
H. C.
D.P.H .
C. S. McLEOD, ESQ., O.B.E., M.A. J. S. NOBLE, ESQ ., M.B., B.S. L. G . NORMAN, ESQ., M.D., F.R.C.P. J. W. NUTT, ESQ.
R. D. V.
A. E. ROWSELL, ESQ., O.B.E. SIR H. C. SrNDERSO PAHA, S K.B.E., C.M.G., M.V .O ., M.D., F.R .C. P.(E .) ALEX J. WEBB, ESQ .
1Represelltlllg Suborulllate ..lEstablisbl11fllts of tbe ~rber : PROVO T
A. TREVOR JONES, Priory for Wales J. Y. ALWELL, C.B.E., M.V.O., ommandery of Ard
rHI:, DEATH of Dr. White Knox on 13th November, 1961, at the age of 72 affected us all with a sense of personal loss not only in the Association but throughout St. John and the many national organisations whose first aid training he had been connected with for so long. We had all come to regard him with great affection and to value both his friendship and his untiring energy. Dr. White Knox was appointed Principal Medical Officer, st. John Ambulance Association, in 1950. One of his main achievements was the production, in 1958, of a Joint First Aid Manual in collaboration with the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society. Tributes have been received from many organisations and private individuals in many parts of the world; tokens of how much his work is appreciated. The honour of Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire was conferred on him by Her Majesty in the New Year Honours of 1961 giving great pleasure to his many friends and admirers. The honour conferred upon Mr. G. E. Craft by Her Majesty the Queen in the New Year Honours of 1961 of the M.B.E. , which he received at the hands of Her Majesty the Queen Mother, gave great pleasure to us all. His work of organising First Aid Competitions has been a most valuable contribution to First Aid Training. The ever increasing number of accidents in homes, on the roads and elsewhere is creating a greater awareness of the need for First Aid and a demand for the help of the st. John Ambulance Association. It is well that each year sees an increasing number taking St. John courses and a wider range of organisations seek advice from the Association. In England during 1961, 185,144 men, women and children were examined under the auspices of the Association, an increase of 8,873 over the previous year. Classes for new certificates increased by 388 , a total of 11,083. This follows the trend since 1953 when each year has shown a considerable increase of people trained. The same situation exists overseas and a similar increase in activities is taking place. Not only are ~rganisations and government departments training more and more men In first aid but the public also are being brought to a greater understanding of the value to the community of first aid and home nursing. .The great voluntary work which the doctors of this country perform in First Aid lecturing and other allied activities has received much encouragement fro m the acceptance by Sir Arthur Porritt, President of the Royal College of Surgeons, of the position of Consultant to the Association. .In May 1961 the Association was fortunate in enlisting the help of Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Drummond , who had just relinquished o~ce of Director-General of the Army Medical Services, as a Deputy Dlre~tor-Genera1. He has already given much assistance both in the medlcal field and with our overseas activities. C No new County Directors were appointed during the year and the Ounty Director for Berkshire, resigned. Changes in the Association Committee have taken place during the year; Mr. H. Adams Clarke, who had been a member for so many years,
4 resigned on the grounds of ill-health. We are greatly indebted to him for all the help he has given to the Association. New members of the Com. mittee include Miss M. George, Director of the Electrical Association for Women; Dr. G. O. Hughes, of the North Western Gas Board, who replaced Dr. Badger, of the Gas Councjl; Mr. R. D. V. Ro berts who joined the Committee to represent the Electrical Industry; and Mr. F. J. C. Honey of the British Employers' Confederation. Lieutenant. General H. E. Knott, Director-General , Army Medical Services suc. ceeded Sir Alexander Drummond. Mr. D. Taylor succeeded Mr.' Fane of the Ministry of Labour, and Dr. N. Langdon Lloyd joined the Com· mittee representing the Civilian Establishments of the War Office. The Association extends its thanks to all the members of the Committee for their time and advice given so freely at meetings and on other occasions. ASSOCIA TlO
An important event during the year was the First Aid Week held in April, a co-operative effort of the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross Society. The Lady Mayoress of the City of London, Lady Waley Cohen, was patron and graciously attended a number of the events and throughout the country there was a very encouraging response. Association Centres and Brigade units co-operated with the British Red Cross Society and many other organisations to run demonstrations and displ ays of all kinds. The variety of the activities and the results obtained by the many local efforts made it very desirable to hold a similar week in 1962. Reports from Centres give an encouraging picture of the Association activities and it is gratifying to hear of close relations with National and other interested bodies. Increased courses are being organised for industry and great help is being given by Centres in connection with the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme for Boys and Girls. A number of Centres report co-operation with schools; this, however, is not as widespread as one would wish but many give help with youth organisations. Talks given to women's organisations, parent/teacher associations, etc. , indicate Centres are stimulating a practical interest in first aid through the work of the Association. Activities differ in the various Centres. The transporting of invalids to and from their holidays, visits to villages giving practical demonstrations in conjunction with road and home safety, competitions, first aid bo~es, Patients' comforts and help to the aged, all play an important part If a Centre is to fulfil its object to supplement the work of the National Health Service in the care of the sick and aged. The house badge scheme where this operates is proving its value and Warwickshire report its continued uccess and development. One Centre reported that 205 recruits had joined Brigade Divisions from courses organised under its auspice,S, Congratulations are due to this Centre. Financially the situation. In Centres seems sound and use is being made of the scheme for subscriptIOn membership. It is urged that as many people as possible should be per uaded to join as subscribing members since this will not only l:eJp f~ll1ds but also ensure a wider range of public support. Industrial organIsatIOn should be encouraged to join as corporate members. With the advance of visual aids techniques it is important that Centres should hav,e the necessary equipment to help with training and this cannot be done If
rooney is lacking. Those Centres with fil!U projec.tor~ o~ training ~i~S nave clearly made good us~ of them and theIr enterpnse as e~n. rewar ~ In Lancashire preparatIOns were made for a C:oun.ty In~hvldua~ FIrst Aid Competition, open to an~~ne who holds a vahd FIrst AId Certificate. The date fixed for this competltIOn ~as 3rd January, 1962, and we welcome this valuable and enterprising expenment. . ' The National College for the Training of You~h Leaders m LeIcester has made first aid training part of the sJ:'llabu~ f?r Its students. Th.e Army has continued its campaign in first aId tram111g and. many Ul1lts take courses regularly. New examples are the Ho~se.hol~ Bngade and Provost units of the Women's Royal Army Corps. SImIlar mterest was shown by the Army overseas, in Germany, Cyprus, Aden and the F.ar .East. " The War Department established a Centr~ of the ASSOCIatIOn for CIVIl Establishments, many of which had preVIOusly been covered by the Ministry of Supply Ambulance Centre. !he .new Centre has already brought in a number of estab1is~m~nts whIch dId n~t formerly have first aid courses. The Ministry of AVIatIOn Centre set up m 1960 records good progress . . . , df ~d . One of our great problems IS the e,:,er ll1creasmg.d~man ~.L octors as lecturers and examiners; with the mcreased, trall1lr:g for mdustry the problem will continue and it is partic':1l~rly dlffi.cult 111 ru~al. areas. The support and encourageJ?ent of ,the Bntlsh Medlc~l Assoc~atIOn and tl~~ Association of Industnal MedIcal Officers has resulted In a very e,IJ. couraging increase in the number C?f doctors on our panel; but despIte this increase there is an ever growmg need for more lec~urers .and examiners to relieve the increasing load of those already domg thIS work. TRAINING AND VISUAL AIDS
Mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose methods of artificial respirat~on have been under study throughout the year. A confereI~ce ~f AnaesthetIs~s organised by the Norwegian Ass.ociation of Anaesthettsts 111 Stavanger 111 August 1961 was attended by SIr Alexander Drummond and. Mr. H . S. Taylor-Young, Surgeon-in-Chief, St. ~ohn Ambul~nc~ Bngade. The conference examined the problems of expiratory resuscItatIOn .and exte~nal cardiac resuscitation and provided a most us~ful excha?~e of ll1fOrm~tlOn . The Association has had under study vanous mamkins no.w avaIlable for training in the new methods of res~sci~ation and has bc~n.1l1 cO~1su1ta tion with manufacturers from ScandmavIa and Great Bnta111, WIth the object of being able to advise those c~:H1cerned in first ai~ on the types of models available, as well as to examme new models whIch may become available from time to time. , Work also proceeded on the production .of ~upplements to the FI.rst Aid Manual dealing with expiratory resu CItatIOn and ext~rnal cardIac resuscitation. It was the intention that these new .techmques should ~ecome part of the teaching syll,abu~ as soon as pOSSible and should be Included in the syllabus of eXamll1atIOn by 1st January, 1963: In the 1960 annual report reference was ma,de to t0e establIshment, of a Sub-Committee to consider the question of VIsual A ld~. The Commlt~ce, Which was set up during 1961, had giv~n val~~ble assIstance ar:~ adVIce. The need for additional a sistance 111 trall1IDg and competltI~)[1S h~s been obvious for some time, and Mr. J. F. G. Coles w,as apPOInted ~n October 1961. Since he joined the staff he has been actIVely en gaged 111
6 the. "Y<?rk of the Visual Aids Sub-Com~ittee in addition to competition actIVItIeS. As a first step all matter relatmg to films and film strips within the Order was ce~t~~lised at f\ssociation Headquarters and Mr. Coles took oyer responsIbilIty for thIS field of work. At a meeting of the SubCommI~tee o? the 27th November, a furth~r Sub-Committee was set up to conSIder aIds other than film and film stnp. The reports on visual aids have already proved of great value to Centres and members of the Brigade as well as many national organisations. ' It ¥.:'as clearly ~ecessary to p:ep~re a teaching aid in anticipation of the adoptIOn of respIratory resUscItatIOn early in 1962. The National Dock Lab?ur Board ve~y &enerously .offered to make a film strip dealing with respIratory reSUSCItatIOn and thIS was prepared with the advice and help of Dr. J. S. McLintock and Mr. H. S. Taylor-Young. We are also very gr~t~ful for the supp~rt of Major-General F. C. Hilton-Sergeant of the BntIsh Red Cross SOCIety. Work advanced rapidly and the film strip was ready for issue early in 1962. PUBLICATIONS
Occupational First Aid Manual This book. was p~blished in 1961.with a foreword by the Minister of Labour. It gIV~S gUIdance on the deSIgn and equipment of first aid centres as well as details of the work of men and women in charge of first aid po~ts. ~nd bas~s in factories. It is hoped that it will prove helpful with the actIVItIes reqUIred by the First Aid (Standard of Training) Regulations of 1960. Hygiene Manual A new edition of this book is being prepared by Dr. H. D. Chalke, O.B.E., T.D., M.A., M.R.C.P., D.P.H., Medical Officer of Health for the Metropolitan Borough of CamberwelI, to be published in 1962. Food Hygiene Manual Work continued and. we are very grateful for the help given by Dr. Betty Hobbs of the NatIOnal Institute for Medical Research at Colindale, who has worked with Dr. J. S. McLintock on this book. We hope that it will be published in 1962. Emergency Resuscitation Two supplements were drafted for inclusion in the First Aid Manual dealing with expiratory resuscitation, one on mouth-to-mouth and mouthto-nose methods and the other on the Silvester methods of artificial respiration. These two supplements were planned for pUblication early in 1962. PUBLICITY
The Pub~icity Department of the Order, in addition to supplying advice and maten.als to local centres on 54 occasions, prepared stands at the Ro~al Agncultural Show, the Royal Society of Health Exhibition, th.e ~atlOnal School Boy's Own Exhibition and the Industrial Safety Exhibl~lOn. I am very happy to report that co-operation with other organisations m the field of S~fety and. First Aid has continued to develop and we have ben~fited by takmg part III a number of campaigns organised by different bodIes. 'The adoption by ~he First Aid organisations of the Emergency Resu~ci tatIOn method, receIved much publicity and the introduction of the lIfe-
7 like training model, Resusci-Anne, produced a great amount of incidental publicity, quite apart from its use in training. The provision of First Aid articles to specialised publications, encyclopaedias, etc., continued during the year. . . . The number of press cuttings from local papers gave a clear IlldIcatIOn of activity throughout the country and the great support whi~h Ce~tres can obtain from the Press. Centres are congratulated on theIr relatIOns with Editors and are encouraged to maintain these so that full reports of meetings and demonstrations may be included and the public thus kept informed of what the Association is doing. NATIONAL COMPETITIONS
During the year two new national competitions were inaugurated. The first was the National Finals for Policewomen for the Rose Bowl generously presented by the Corporation of the City of London, and the second was that for the newly-formed War Department Ambulance Centre. Trophies for this competition were presented by Sir Richard Way, K.C.B. ~ C.B.E. (Permanent Under-Secretary of State, War Office), for the men's. championship, and Mr. R. Ratcliffe, C.B., M.B.E. (Controller of Royal Ordnance Factories), for the women's championship. It was also gratifying that the Fire Brigade's National Competition was again held after a lapse of one year. The number of teams and competitors entering the preliminary rounds continues to increase and it is estimated that nearly 2,500 teams comprising 12,500 competitors took part in the 1961 events. It was again encouraging to note that a number of new teams included young members. Winners of the National Competitions held under the auspices of the Association were as follows:Competitions for Men Organisation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ele~tricity Supply Ambulance Centre. . . . . Br~tlsh Transport Commission (Railway and Docks) . Bn~ish Transport Conunission Police . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre National Dock Labour Board Centre . ational Coal Board. Gas Industry. . . . . . . . GF.eneral Post Office Ambulance Centre Ire Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . ational Road Passenger Transport Ambulance .. Association. . . . . . . . \ r Department Ambulance Centre Call/petitions for Women Organisation
EI~~trici'ty Supply 'A~buian~e C'ent~e:
. .
. .
. .
~1~ISh Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) M~lt.ed Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
GInlstry of Aviation Ambulance Centre .
';as. Industry. . . . . . alIonal Road Passenger Transport Ambulance GAssociation . . . . . . . . \Veneral Post Office Ambulance Centre ar Department Ambulance Centre .
Winning Team Exeter City Police Norwich/Chester Southampton Heysham A.W.R.E. Aldermaston R. R.E. Pershore London Upper Pool Whitwich Colliery East Midlands Birmingham & " 'f": ;V : .' I' !.ds. Bristol
Liverpool C.D.E.E. Porton Winning Team Birmingham City Police Manchester Liverpool Street A.W.R.E. Alder maston H .Q. Ches ington Scottish Gas Board
Liverpool H.Q. No.1 Branch R.O.F. Chorley
8 The winners of these .competitions, together with the winners of th St.. John Ambulan~e Bngade Competitions for the Dewar and Perrot~ ShIelds, took part 111 the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 16th Novem?er at the Porch~ster Hall. We had the privilege and honour of welco:111111g the Lord Pnor of the .Order (the Lord Wakehurst) on this occaSIOn, who presented the trophIes and the individual medallions and comment~d !l1ost favourably on the continued progress of the activities of the ASSOCiatIOn. The :vinning teams w~r~:-Men:-Gas Industry (East Midlands Gas Board), Women:-Electncity Supply A,mbulance Centre (Manchester). The Mayor and ~ayoress of Paddlllgton, Executive Officers of the Order and representatIve.s of all organis.ations which had teams competing were present, together wIth a large audIence of friends of the competitors fro~ all parts of the country. Smcere. thanks are again offered to the Associated British Picture Corpor~t~on Ltd. for their continued generosity in staging our National CompetItIOns throughout the year. The effectiveness of the tests are greatly enhanced by the reali~tic representations of the various scenes. To those meJ?bers of the medIcal professi~m who have acted as judges at these ~o~petltIons ,. to stewards and casualtIes who have given so generously of theIr tIme to a~sIs.t at these events, I express on behalf of the Association our warm apprecIatIOn and thanks. OVERSEAS
.In Cyprus 1,005 certificates and awards were issued which compared wIth 656 for 196~ shows. a steady increase of development. During 1961 cl~sses were agam held m .Greek .Gymnasia and for Boy Scouts in rural aI eas. Am~mgst the PublIc ?~rVICes attending classes were the police, Gendarmene, Cyprus Electr~cIt~ Authority, Forestry Department and ~yprus . Inland TelecommumcatIOn Authority. A specially interesting mnovatIOl1 was the Hygi~ne .cour~e for students at the Forestry College, where students froI? Et.hIOPIa, LIbya and Somaliland took part. Other cour~es. were orgal1ls~d m the Copper Mines and Asbestos Mines. Withm the S.overeIgn Base Area, members of the Army Fire Brigade, the S.B.A. PolIce Force, the War Department Police and Clerk of the Ordnance Departn:-ent completed the First Aid Course. In addition courses were orgamsed by the R.A.M.C. . In Gibraltr:r there was steady development and more certificates were Issued than m ~960. Lectures to school teachers started towards tl'e end o~ the year. It IS h.oped that t1~ey will qualify early in 1962 and that First Ald. w~1l then be mtroduced mto the school curriculum. As from the begll1mng of 1961 the Police have taken over the ambulance servicf In Maltr: there were 30 classes in First Aid and included in them were the Admu'alty Constabulary, the Can a Movement Civil Defence, K.O.M.R. and the Police. ' II! Aden the act,ivities of the Association were mainly confined to the P~ ll~e. ~ 961 ha~ll1g bee? dec~ared a "First Aid Year" by the Commlsslo~el ~f Pollee, an mtensIVe programme of refresher training for requallficatIOJ1 .r<?r the adult certificate was undertaken with excellent result. In addItIOn there were a number of first aid courses for Briti h Army personnel and for Trucial Oman Scouts. In Iraq Mr. Law continued to help the Iraqi Red Crescent society.
9 At one time there was an average of seven classes per week with considerable numbers attending each. Certificates were presented by Dr. J. Russell Andrus, head of the I.C.A. in the Middle East at a successful party. During the Autumn courses were organised by the Red Crescent for adult first aid, home nursing, lay demonstrators and a special practical course for girls who could not read or write. There were many offers of help from trained nurses. M. and Mme. Al Radhi who hold high office in Iraqi first aid visited competitions in London and were given information on our work. The Association sent a gift of diagrams and film strips to Mrs. F. MacInnes in Jerusalem where they would be used for first aid lectures and for the nurses lectures at the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital. Arabic translations of the Preliminary First Aid book were purchased by the Knox Memorial Hospital in Muscat where they were used by a class of 13 young Arab and Baloochi men and 10 girls. A gift of 155 copies of the Arabic translation of the Preliminary First Aid Manual was made to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Arab refugees and were to be used by medical officers to give first aid courses in the field to camp clinic personnel and ambulance drivers. In Gambia there were a number of first aid courses and also a hygiene course. There were many interesting developments in Ghana. These included a first aid course for Community Health Nurses at Tamali. The Police increased their training programme; special attention being paid to refresher courses and re-examinations. A group of Army wives took first aid and nursing courses were also arranged for them. The Builders Brigade have developed their training programme and have over 15 first aiders in every camp throughout the country. New recruits were given a course based on the Preliminary Manual. Other developments were first aid courses for the Ghana Army, the Draughting Training School of the Department of Public Construction, at Tema Harbour, the Railways and the Harbour Fire Service at Takoradi. Mrs. Karstead, the Order's Organiser in Ghana, resigned in December. She did most excellent work there. In Nigeria activities continued with Centres for the Police Force, Railways, Ports Authority and Coal Corporation and a number of lay lecturers were trained. In Sierra Leone during the Royal visit, St. John members were very a.ctive, carrying out their first aid duties. The Association's work contl~ues satisfactorily and besides courses run periodically for the police and pnsons it has been possible to run courses for the general public both in first aid and nursing. There was also a very good preliminary first aid course in Wellington, near Freetown, and it is hoped that further such classes may be run later on. There were increases in the number of issued certificates and medallions, although one of the main difficulties was to find doctors who could spare the time to lecture and examine. This makes the training of Jay lecturers all the more important. Mr. Pilbeam has the organisation well in hand. Kenya reports steady progress, all calls for the services of doctors, nurses and lay lecturers have met with a willing response. Continued support has been given by the Kenya Police, the East African Railways and Harbours Administration and the Kenya Prisons Service. It is most encouraging to note that 4,507 certificates were issued
10 in 1961 a.s ~ompared with 3,777 in the previous year. The bulk of th were prel~mmary first aid certificates with a substantial number of can~i~ dates takmg the adult ~rst aid certificate later on. Courses were held for lay le?turers and consIderable support was received from lay lecturers' there IS great need for more assistance of this nature. We were very glad to welcome Mr. Reed, President and Chairman of the Kenya Centre and to hea,r ~t first h.and a~out the problems which they have. ' Trammg contmued m Mauritius and as a result of this a new Division of.the St. John Ambulance ~rigade was formed in the Municipal Fire Bngade and the membershIp of the Police Division was increased. Refresher ?ourses were held regularly and monthly lectures were given in home nursmg. Association work in the Seychelles was re-established and we are grateful to Mr: Healon , Chief Police Officer and Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Bngade, for all he is doing. The Associ~tion ha~ bee~ active in Tanganyika and we were glad to have an. opportunIty of dlscussmg the work there with the Chairman, Mr. W~s~n, when he was in England. It is hoped that the scheme for the buildmg of a ~eadquarte~'s 'will prove successful. A number of lay lecturers were tramed and wIll be of great help in increasing the number of c~)Urses. ~he prog:ess ac~ieved du~ing 1961 is encouraging with a consIderable mcrease III certIficates gamed as compared with the previous year. In Uganda a good start was made with classes in 1961 but a setback was su~ered by the motor accident sustained by Mr. an'd Mrs. Reeves and ~h.elr subsequent sick-leave in England. In view of the difficulties in ob~aI.nIn~ the services of doctors for training and examination of classes, ~raIllIllg IS now aln,Iost entirely in the hands of lay lecturers and so the Importance of a hIgh standard for their qualifications cannot be over stressed. During the year the Association in Zanzibar had a full training programme for both Adult and Preliminary first aid courses. In the last quarter they concentrated on refresher courses and re-examinations for members of the Brigade as many of these had not had a course for several yea,rs .. No fewe~ ~han 10 doctors either gave lectures or conducted exaffi11?atlOns. Trammg of members of the Police Force was carried out and t~e Illterest of the public is well aroused so that there is a large waiting lIst for courses starting again in the New Year. A number of women attended for first ai~ classes and three lady members of the Brigade attended a ~ome nursIllg course organised by the Red Cross. During the emergency III June a practical demonstration of first aid work proved the value of the work of the Centre. The ~eylon Cent~e h,ad another good year and it is encouraging to see the. var~ety of orgallIsatlOns whose members take courses and the emphasis whIch IS placed upon y~uth organisations, schools and training colleges. . One hundred and thIrty-seven classes were held in Hong Kong, an mcrease of ~even over 1960. Amongst the organisations for whom classes wer~ org~llIsed were the l?olice force, Hawker Control Force, Red Cr~sS JUlllor Lmk, Urban ServIces Department, District Watch Force SOCIal We~fare Works, Civil Aid Services, School Teacher, Boy Scouts, Girl Gmdes, Factory Workers and Brigade Recruits. One interesting development .was. the training of R.A.M.C. personnel who held the lay lecturer's exarrunatlOn and who were able to help with training. It is encouraging
that 285 men, women and girls joined the Brigade as a result of the Centre's activities. The Annual Ball was held in March and the Flag Day appeal in June, both efforts raised funds for the Association. 1961 was an eventful year in Malaya and it was the first time that the Association was functioning in all the States. Up to 1961 there had been branches in all States except Perlis and Trengganu. Branches in both these States have now been established. There was a considerable increase in the number of certificates and awards gained during the year as compared with 1960 and this follows the trend which has been observed during the last few years, proving the successful development of the Association in Malaya. The value of lay lecturers' courses have been appreciated in some States and it is hoped that others will follow their example. The Chairman called a meeting of all the chairmen of the 11 State Associations to discuss affairs and plans for development and this was the first of its kind to be held in Malaya. Congratulations are due to all those who have brought about this expanding organisation. North Borneo had a year of expansion and the appointment of a Headquarters officer was of great assistance. New local committees were formed in Beaufort, Saindakan and Labuan, while Tawan and Kudat were in the process of forming separate ones for themselves. There were only three ambulances in the whole country before 1961 but thanks to the generous response of the public two new ones were presented and have rendered excellent service to the public. Members of the medical profession have given fullest co-operation and enabled the Centre to organise 12 first aid classes in Malay, five in Chinese and six in English. Equipment was obtained from Australia for the teaching of mouth-tomouth resuscitation and external cardiac resuscitation. The Town Board of Jesselton provided funds for the purchase of further equipment and four members of the public offered their services to teach life saving. Ten new lay lecturers were appointed during the year, most of them being ~embers of the medical department in out-stations. Fund raising activibes were most successful and it is encouraging to note that whereas in 1960 98 % of the donations came from Chinese firms and clubs, in 1961 other communities joined in and sent special donations. It was altogether amost successful year and North Borneo may well be proud of this record. The Singapore Centre concentrated on a membership campaign and Support was received from many different people and organisations. There was an encouraging response for the recruiting campaign, ordinary membership was booked at 1,251 at the end of the year compared with a previous figure of 254. The Centre is to be congratulated on an active year. There were 58 classes in Fiji during 1961 covering both adult and preliminary courses. The outstanding event of the year was an official ?~ening by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Kenneth Maddocks, of the JRlllt headquarters of the St. John Ambulance Association and the British .ed ~ross Society in October. His Excellency is President of the Association III Fiji. The Training Officer completed a very successful year and covered courses for lay lecturers, the police and teachers' training colleges as w~ll as providing trained first aiders on the beach during weekends and pub!Jc holidays. Many schools were visited and the response from these establishments and other organisations was most encouraging. p I~ the Gilbert and Ellice Islands further training has continued for ohce personnel and it is most encouraging that, despite the great diffi-
12 culties ansmg from the distances involved, this Centre continues flourish. In the Bahamas First Aid activities were, in the main, confined to police where the only lay lecturer gave up considerable time to training and covered instruction in the different methods of artificial respiration to the student nurses of the Princess Margaret Hospital. In Barbados most encouraging support is given by His Excellency the Governor and Lady Stowe, and the Committee have been able to continue training with a large number of classes. In British Guiana 49 examinations were held during the year with an increase in certificates issued as compared with 1960. A very successful function was held on 13th April when His Excellency the Governor presented the 1,000th medallion to Constable Hanunila Khan of the British Guiana Police Force. There was a parade by members of the Brigade and in addition to the 1,000th medallion, His Excellency also presented 23 certificates to lay lecturers. Our thanks are due to Mrs. Franker, the Honorary Secretary of the Centre, who, although circumstances caused her to resign, has carried on until a successor can be found. In Jamaica the First Aid classes have been held in 14 places in the North East area, while home nursing has been carried out in two and preliminary nursing in one. There was an increase in the number of classes undertaken and a record number of certificates issued for the year. The chief lay lecturer joined a team from Kingston which assisted with hurricane relief in British Honduras. The Cave Valley First Aid post was opened by the Custos of St. Ann's. Congratulations are sent to the Chairman and members of the Centre Committee on their achievement. In Jamaica North West a Headquarters building to serve both the Association and Brigade situated at Savanalamar was completed at a cost of £5 ,000. Courses in schools have proved most successful and the demand exceeded the capacity. The formation of Cadet Divisions have resulted from the courses. In Jamaica South East First Aid and Nursing courses were conducted every evening of the week during the year. Interest continues in First Aid in the Scouts and Girl Guides organisations. The Flag Day Appeal realised £1 ,076, which is the best result achieved. The Association had an artistically arranged counter at the Caribbean Trade Fair in Kingston which attracted many visitors and has resulted in an increasing demand by the public for first aid and nursing courses. A new ambulance was purchased to replace the former vehicle which was no longer serviceable. ~he acquisition of this vehicle was made possible by the good resp~nse gIven to the ambulance fund. Messrs. Rootes and the Royal Mail LJl1es gave every assistance. In Jamaica South West there have been encouraging signs and s~D1e revival of interest and activities with regard to first aid and nursmg· Courses were recommenced and new lecturers were found. In the police and Prisons Centre training continued with very encouraging S~lp'port. d I~1 the Gran.d Cayman Islands plans were made for first aid trallllng an I a gIft of eqUIpment was made. It is hoped that 1962 will see the [ul establi hment of this Centre. In the L eeward Islands there has been some progress in setti~g ,up St. John Co:nmittee and these will be of great help to both the ASSo~latlOO and the Bngade. In Antigua lectures in first aid have been gomg 00 throughout the year and courses arranged for police, fire brigade, the
Brigade and students of secondary schools, etc. A feature of the was a public lecture on "Traffic accidents and first aid". This animated discussion and produced a number of new ideas. In rat training continues but there is urgent need for lay lecturers. position in St. Kitts is being reviewed and in Nevis there is considerinterest being shown in first aid so that with the help of the trained it should be possible to hold classes in addition to those given to the police. There is considerable interest in Anguilla out urgent need of lecturers and examiners. The Centre in Trinidad has completed 10 years since its revival in 1951 with an average of 1,130 awards per year. The record for 1961 is most encouraging with the Police, Fire Services, Electricity Commission and Hotels Catering School making their usual demands on teaching facilities offered. Courses were also provided for students and priests at the Benedictine Abbey at Mount St. Benedict. In the Windward Islands St. John Committees are being set up and have given excellent support. In Grenada there is considerable in first aid and valuable help is given by lay lecturers. In st. activities are mainly confined to the police but there are considerable plans for the future. In order to help with training a gift of equipment was sent. The support given by the medical profession is most encouragmg. St. Lucia progresses well despite difficulties. Training is chiefly confined to the Police and Fire Brigade. It is hoped that it will be possible to establish a Committee in Dominica which will extend the activities of ~t. John beyond the present scope, which is mainly confined to the Police and Fire Brigade. M ore lay lecturers are needed. TRANSLATIONS
The Chinese translation of the Adult First Aid M anual prepared in Hong Kong was received during the year and has proved very valuable In other territories in the Far East. Work proceeded in Hong Kong on tbe translation of the Adult Nursing Manual and the Preliminary Home ~ursing Manual into Chinese. In addition approval was given for the translation of the First Aid Catechism and the Preliminary First Aid Manual into Chinese. This work is being undertaken by Dr. F. 1. Tseung andMr. Tsui Leung Hong, who prepared translation of the Adult Manual. Malta reports that work is proceeding on a Maltese translation of the Adult First Aid book; this will be awaited with interest. Correspondence ~s continued with Ceylon regarding the translation of the First Aid anual into Sinhalese and it is hoped that we will be able to assist them In the matter of blocks. A Turkish translation of the First Aid Manual prepared in Cyprus was received at the beginning of the year. ,An Arabic translation of the Preliminary First Aid Manual has been given wide pUblicity throughout the Middle East. A number of enquiries ;~e[e received for the book and it is being used in many Arab countries. St las proved of great value and has stimulated First Aid training. The thO John Ambulance Association is most grateful to the generosity of hose Who made this translation possible. In Cyprus work was put in Mnd for .the preparation of the translation of the Preliminary First Aid ~ anual .111 Greek. The work of translating the Preliminary First Aid :t a~lual m Swahili was completed by the end of the year and it is hoped I \VJ 1 appear in 1962. The Welsh translation was completed and ready j
14 for the printers by the end of the year. In South Africa work proceeded on the translation of the Adult an Preliminary First Aid Manuals as well as on the Adult Nursing Manual. It is hoped these will be available in 1962. India prepared repnnts of Association Manuals on Occupational First Aid and First Aid in Coal Mines. They have plans to translate the books into various languages of India. Other languages covered by the St. John Ambulance Association (India) were Bengali and Tamil.
The work of the Association continues to expand. Fifteen years ago the number of first certificates issued annually in England was just under 40,000; in 1961 in England this number had been nearly trebled. The volume of voluntary work now required is very considera ble and is a great credit upon all who work for the Association. We are deeply grateful to them. We also thank the Class Secretaries who take time to organise courses and on whom depend the successful conclusion of training. Complaints have been received that results and certificates are slow in reaching Centre and Class Secretaries. We are well aware of the need for candidates to know the result of their examination at the earliest possible date and are studying how this position can be improved. The greatly increased number of people taking our courses is most encouraging and we are most anxious to give them efficient service. The voluntary element of our work will, we hope, always remain and it is this spirit which makes it possible for the Association to serve the community as it does. We wish to acknowledge the great debt which the Association and ~he country at large owes to the doctors and nurses who lecture and examlll e at our various courses. Their devoted service is an example to us ,all. Their deep interest and their willingness to give up their spare, t~e indicates how high a value they place on the service which the AssocIat~on renders and the part which our courses play in the life of the comn~ulllty, We are also deeply grateful to all those men and women who gIve up their time to serve as Lay Instructors and Demonstrators. No calls are ever made in vain and their work in schools, with youth organisations, or in industry meets the ever-growing need of modern conditions for serVIce, It is on our members that the burden falls and we place on record the debt we owe to them. The happy co-operation which exists between the St. John Ambul~~c~ Association, the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the Bnt~s Red Cross Society is a continual encouragement as is the helpful asso~la tion with the Royal Life Saving Society, the Royal Society of PreventIOn of Accidents, and the Industrial Welfare Society. The help and suPP?rt given by the British Medical Association, the Royal College of Nursmg and the Association of Industrial Medical Officers is invaluable and, we thank them for all they do for us. The Association has had close relatI~~ shiP. with, the Duke C?f Edinburgh's Award Scheme. Our association Wlr\~ NatIOnalIsed Industnes, Industrial Undertakings and Govern ment Depa , ments is an indication of the place which St. John takes with these auth or ties. We take this opportunity of thanking them all for their support an co-operation.
Special recognition is due to Dr. J. S. McLint?c~, Deputy Pr.incipal Medical Officer of the St. John Ambulance ASSOCiatIOn, who dunng the long illness of Dr. A. C. White Knox willingly shoul~ered th.e burdel1: of the many problems which are the concern of our medIcal adVIser and IS a tower of strength. . ' We are also grateful to Mr. D. C. Maclean and LIeut.-General SIr Alexander Drummond, the two Deputy Directors-General, for all the help they have given. Their advice and suPP?rt ha~e been of great value. We also thank the County Directors for theu unstmted help and ~or. the way in which they have stimulated interest i,n the work of the ~ssociatIOn. The success in counties where we have DIrectors prove theIr value and the splendid service they are rendering to our cause. . . , A report of this kind can only be made on the baSIS of contnbutIOns of thousands of men and women everywhere in the world. an~ ~he .Order of st. John may well be proud of the record of se:vi~e WhlC~ IS mdicated by the activities of the St. John Ambulance ASSOCIatIOn dunng 1961. PHILIP SOUTHWELL, Director-General.
Number of Candidates successful in No. of No. of Classes C l a s s e s l l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lay N. I P.H.N. I Hyg. I P.Hyg. IH.F.H. I C.H.F. C.W. IP.C.W. I Total Total II Passed I Failed C.D. (1st (R eF.A. I P.F.A . Occ. Passed Failed F .A. D em. Cert.) Exam.)
- - - - - -11- -
- - -11 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1- - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 1 - - - 1 - --
January .. .... ... . February . ... . .. . March ......... . April ........... . May .... . ......... . June .............. . July ............. . August ......... . September. ..... . . . October ......... . November .. .... . . December ....... .
348 400 981 605 639 547 577 133 182 218 553 1,059
2 85 129 1 2,382 .", 316 4,932 3,706 227 207 3,373 3,266 99 49 2,535 23 937 33 808 932 86 3,416 183 6,514 219
489 672 2,026 1,133 1,440 1, 176 2,049 304 317 609 871 1,868
11 1
TOTALS ....... .
1,656 1135, 153
I 12,954
131 193 636 435 416 217 249 22 124 98 426 385
28 42 54 40 12 23 13 12 22 37 50 18
264 247 807 544 649 465 562 81 173 192 531 750
83 319 760 206 400 367 413 71 197 296 281 638
24 36 1
7 9
8 115 181 101 59 139 58 37 34 77 107 159
15 125 137 64 71 72 193 32 97 156
24 7
72 79 178 94 97 117 241 27 106 84 223 325
3,427 4,124 9,669 6,321 6,547 5,837 6,256 1,492 1,792 2,337 5,966 10,703
I 64,471
10 -
24 19 13
10 24 14 15 12 17 8 15
45 18Q 119 87 122 116 196 25 22 148 114
2,972 3,061 7,160 5,030 4,968 4,548 5,027 938 1,417 1,650 5,130
44 54
22 41 30 25 32 20
15 76 51
4 12 28 39
3,250 3,982 9,810 6,149 4,774 2,622 1,318 453 648 1,386 4,275 6,134
79 83 220 111 92 73 18 4 22 32 103 149
4,708 11 44,801
230 251 698 510 486 452 466 111 III 122 398 873
" B" THROUGH BRANCHES January . . .... . . .. February. ... .. ..... March . ...... . ... April... ..... .. .... May ............... June ... . .. . ........ July.. .... .. . .. . .. August .......... September... ...... October ...... .. .. November ........ . D ecember ... .. ... TOTALS ........
T~1961 ~ T O"tAL 1960
296 315 657 459 504 461 503 102 157 175 473 739
23 25 47 53 57 34 18 4 7 29 57 78
11 ,233
11 ,083
24, 187
10,695 \
2,120 1150, 163 \ 22,9 11 \
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49 23 8 53 37 45 7 3 2 13 44
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NUMBER ISSUED THROUGH BRANCHES AND CENTRES England and N. Ireland (including Eire up to 1944) 3,230,196 39,250 45,177 55,552 61,194 64,707 68,405 87,564 80,796 85,115 84,502 85,773
Year Up to 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956
1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
............ .. ....... . .. ...... ...... . .. .. ..... .... ...... . ... . .. ...... .. ... . .... . .. .. ... .. . .. .. . .. ..... ....... .. .. ... ....
........... . ... ....... ........
Northern Ireland
Wales 181,006* 4,463 3,765 4,797 4,888 6,350 7,228 11,178 8,106 7,927 7,794 7,881
Overseas 2,075,324 97,647 78,036 86,520 103,128 104,869 140,423 146,626 153,677 182,410 185,845 198,783
Total 5,486,526 141,360 126,978 146,869 169,210 175,926 216,056 245,368 242,579 275,452 278,141 292,437
England 89,674 95,201 99,918 108,105 113,676
Wales 9,017 8,599 8,627 8,972 9,337
Northern Ireland 2,308 1,875 2,350 2,794 2,415
Overseas 200,847 206,109 244,050 276,168 283,230
Total 301,846 311 ,784 354,945 397,039 408,658
Year: Up to 1945 1946 . ........ 1947 ..... . .. . 1948 .. .. .... . 1949 .. .. .. ... 1950 .. .. ..... 1951 .... ... .. 1952 .. ... .... 1953 ... ...... 1954 .. .. ..... 1955 ...... ... 1956 ...... .. .
1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
(NOT INCLUDING VOUCHERS) LABELS England, Ireland, and Wales Overseas 1,081,115 137,587 6,436 36,916 5,956 43 ,119 6,302 46,266 5,925 44,652 5,806 53 ,137 5,960 47,540 6,069 44,206 5,929 44,449 5,790 48,288 6,052 44,983 5,985 62,702
MEDALLIONS England, Ireland, Northern and Ireland Wales Overseas 32,8 16 600,947 554 6,500 323 6,179 446 6,304 464 8,442 692 9,648 676 10,874 952 10,964 821 13,199 890 13,315 909 14,063 709 14,803
England and Overseas 15,185 ......... 16,087 ... .. .... 15,283 ..... .. .. 14,193 12, 194 ........ . 788, 180
Wales 720 780 836 887 943
Northern Ireland 18 53 33 50 63
England and Overseas 49,728 59,091 52,891 52,969 36,592
Wales 5,847 5,753 5,744 5,624 5,690
44,41 8
PENDANTS Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland 7 30 17 30 47 131
England, Ireland, and Overseas 160,383 16,283 9,356 6,949 6,400 7,131 5,419 4,910 7,900 5,972 5,555 5,252
Wales 8,781 678 660 409 528 534 633 650 712 750 941 674
England and Overseas 5,162 6,059 5,170 4,208 4,776
Wales 585 664 624 407 326
43 ,109
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland 3 14 2
ASSOCIATION NATIONAL COMPETITIONS HELD DURING THE YEAR UNDER REVIEW Police National Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, London, on 22nd February, 1961. Mr. D. C. Maclean (Deputy Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. D. L. M. Renton (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State). The Judges were:Dr. N. V. Mackenzie Dodds. Team Test Dr. J. D. Cameron Dual Practical Tests
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12.
Merseyside and North Wales (Northwich/Chester). South Western (Barnstaple) . . . . . . . Southern (Salisbury) . . South Eastern (Brighton) . East Midlands (Kettering) . London (Battersea No.2) . North Western (Oldham) . Midlands (Gloucester). . Eastern (peterborough) . Yorkshire (Ferrybridge 'B') . North Eastern (Stella South) . South Wales (Carmarthen Bay) Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Marks Obtained 346t 330 325 319 308 305 300 297 290t 250
Exeter City Police . West Sussex Constabulary 'A' Metropolitan Police (Z Division) . Liverpool City Police 'I' . Derbyshire Constabulary 'A' . Edinburgh City Police No.1. Durham County Constabulary Bedfordshire Constabulary No.2. Birmingham City Police No.1 Mid-Wales Constabulary .
WOMEN Birmingham City Police Liverpool City Police .
Marks Obtained 323 254
North Western (Manchester) . East Midlands (Kettering) . . South Western (Bristol) . . . . Merseyside and North Wales (Chester) Southern (Portsmouth). . . . . 6. North Eastern (Newcastle upon Tyne) 7. South Wales (Cardiff) . 8. South Eastern (Hove) . 9. Yorkshire (Sheffield) . 10. Midlands (Gloucester) . 11. Eastern (Wherstead) . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
M' . t
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
267 248-!245
Marks Obtained 335 322t 318t 309t 296 284t 284 282 276 274t 239+
of Aviation Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and
Wo~:~ ~re held at the Board of Trade Building, Horse ~uards GAvenu~),
Team Test The judges were:Dr F H Taylor, O.B.E.. ". Dr: 1.' M.' Ramsden Dual Practlcal Tests and they placed the teams in the following order: MEN
Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Wom~n were held at the Porchester Hall, London , on 22nd March , 1961. SIr Philip Southwell (Director-General) presided and the trophies and pla9~es were presented by Sir Robertson King, C.B.E. (Chairman, The ElectncIty Council). The judges were:Dr. Charles Sharp. Dr. R. T. S. Henderson Dr. H. Taylor and Dr. A. Conn
272 272
4th May 1961. Sir Philip Southwell (DlIector- en era L d on on, and othe n , presided trophies and plaques were presented by Mrs . Peter Thorneycroft.
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
1. 2.
I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Marks Obtained 321-t 315t 312t 307 303t 296 293
Men's Team Test Women's Team Test
Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
R.R.E. Pershore . . S.R.D.E. Christchurch. R.O.F. Cardiff . R.P.E. Westcott. . Chessington H.Q. . . . E.R.D.E. Waltham Abbey. Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained 3541345 341-!325 297 239
WOMEN 1. 2. 3. 4.
Chessington H.Q. . R.P.E. Westcott . . R.A.E. Farnborough Prestwick Airport . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained 307 298 279 220
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Competitions for M en and Women were held at Aldermaston, Berks, on 11th May, 1961 . The Director, A.W.R.E., presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association). The judges were: Dr. Monica Latto . Team Test Dual Practical Tests Dr. I. G. Lennox . .and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Aldermaston C.D.I. Aldermaston C.D.2. Harwell Fire Service . Windscale Fire Service. Harwell C.D. Winfrith. . . . Winfrith Fire Service Harwell Police. . Woolwich Common Foulness. Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained 350 322 320
299 287 285
285 279 271
British Transport Commission (RailwD:Ys and. Docks) C?,:,-petitions for Women and British Transport Commisszon Polzce Competltzon were held at the Porchester Hall, London, on 8th June, 1961 .. Mr. D. C. Maclean (Deputy Director-General) presided and the trophIes an? 'plaques were presente d b yM r . K . W . C . Grand (Member of the BrItIsh Transport Commission). The judges were: Team Test Dr. Olive S. May. . . . ·Du~l Practical and Dr D N. Mackinnon and} Dr: Ja·mes W. Junor Orals Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:WOMEN 1.
2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
WOMEN 1. 2.
308 282 Maximum marks obtainable: 400
British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) Competitions for Men were held at the Porchester Hall, London, on 25th May, 1961. Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Sir John Benstead (Deputy Chairman, British Transport Commission). The judges were:Dr. J. A. Hanraty. . . Team Test Dr. Colin Wynne and }. Dual Practical and Dr. K. H. Walter Oral Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:1.
2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Marks Obtained
Aldermaston Winfrith.
Southern (Southampton Docks No.1) Southern (Lancing Works No. 1). Western (Bristol D.T.S.O.) Eastern (Worksop) . Eastern (Yarmouth) Scottish (Bridgeton) . . North Eastern (Darlington) . . London Midland (Camden Goods) Western (Newport R. & M.). . London Midland (Dublin No. 1) . North Eastern (Hull) . . . . London Transport (Manor House) Scottish (perth) . Maximum marks obtainable: 500
Marks Obtained
436 434t 430 429 427t 421 t 420+ 420 418t 399 385 37st 369
Eastern (Liverpool Street). . London Transport (Broadway) North Eastern (Hull) . Western (Newton Abbot) Southern (Dorking 'A') Scottish (Glasgow). . . . London Midland (Earlestown) Maximum marks obtainable: 500
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
London Midland (Heysham) Southern (Bricklayers Arms) Western (Cardiff Docks) . Eastern (Parkes ton Quay) . North Eastern (Darlington) Maximum marks obtainable: 500
Marks Obtained
380 366 353t 346+ 338t 319 313
Marks Obtained
390 301 301
296+ 262
National Coal Board Competitions for Miners were held in .the Wi~ter Gardens, Blackpool, on 22nd April, 196~. Dr. J. Rogan (ChIef Medical Officer) presided and the trophies and :prIzes were presented by Mr. E. H. Browne (Deputy Chairman of the NatIOnal Coal Board). The judges were:Team Test Dr. R. P. Graham Dr. W. Sharp and} Individual Tests Dr. D. Pick Oral Tests Dr. H. S. Spiller . and they placed the teams in the following order:Whitwick Colliery . Fauldhead Colliery. . . . Dean and Chapter Colliery 'A' Betteshanger Colliery Haunchwood Colliery . Wood Colliery . Ellington Colliery . . Great Mountain Colliery 9. Glasshoughton Colliery Maximum marks obtainable: 600
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Marks Obtained 448 441 435
434 430t 401t
399 378t 372t
25 National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre Competitions for Dock Workers were held at Queen Mary College, London, on 15th July, 1961. Lord Crook (Chairman of the National Dock Labour Board and President of the Centre) presided and presented the trophy and plaques.
The judges were:Dr. J. C. Graham. Dr. D. N. Swan
Team Test Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Marks Obtained
London Upper Pool 'C' Grirnsby. Liverpool 'B' Yarmouth London Upper Pool 'A' Barry. Swansea. Leith. Liverpool No.1 . Greenock Middlesbrough 'B'
341 340 319
290 284 279
270 249
246 185 179
Maximum marks obtainable: 400
WOMEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Scottish Gas Board. . North Western Gas Board Southern Gas Board . . South Western Gas Board. West Midlands Gas Board East Midlands Gas Board. North Eastern Gas Board. . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
The judges were:Dr. A. C. Mackay Dr. R. T. S. Henderson . Dr. H. L. Sparrow and } Dr. 1. G. Lennox
Men's Team Test Women's Team Test
MEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
East Midlands Gas Board. North Western Gas Board South Eastern Gas Board . orth Eastern Gas Board. West Midland Gas Board. Scotti h Gas Board. orth Thames Gas Board. Eastern Gas Board. South Western Gas Board. Southern Gas Board Northern Gas Board . Wales Gas Board . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained
353 323 318 306 306 305
303 302 291
288 281 264
Liverpool City Transport . Edinburgh City Transport .. London Transport Executive. Plymouth City Transport . Birmingham City Transport Preston Corporation Transport . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
Dual Practical Tests
and they placed the teams in the following order:-
304 297 291
280 274 269
t Ambulance Association Competitions National Road Passenger ~~~sp~r the Granby Halls, Leicester, on ~th for Men and Women were e (General Manager Leicester CIty October, 1961. Mr. John Cooper . . ) ided ~nd the trophies the f Transport and President °d b t~Src~~t]:ay~~e~f Leicester, Alderman and plaques were 'presente yeo Miss May Goodwll1. The judges were:Men's Team Test Dr. Gordon Gillies Women's Team Test Dr. A. J. A. Robertson . Dr. A. H. Campbell and} Dual Practjcal Tests Dr. A. Hamilton and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN
Gas Industry Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Friends House, London, on 28th September, 1961. Sir Philip Southwell (DirectorGeneral) presided and trophies and plaques being presented by Sir Henry Jones (Chairman of the Gas Council).
Marks Obtained 319
I. 2. 3. 4.
Liverpool City Transport . Cardiff City Transport. .' London Transport ExecutIVe. Coventry City Transport. . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained
339± 310
308 299± 289
Marks Obtained
257± 233± 230 212
General Post Office Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, Lon~on, on 19th Octobe~, l~~d Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) presIded a.nd the drophI~s Post plaques were presented by Sir Ronald German (Dlrector- enera, Office). The J'udges were for the men's teams:T t Team ' Dr K P. Duncan . ". 1 T es Dual Practlca ests Dr: H: Temple Phillips
For the women's teams:Team Test Dr G M Shaw Smith ". Dr: Mich~el Cohen Dual PractIcal Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-
MEN Marks 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
ttid~and -region (Birf!1in~ham and West Midland T M 0) Ob~~~ned OQn °Nn e}leBcommhUill catIOns Region (East Area T it 0)· 318 t ranc p .O.A.C.. . . . .. '[ H . . o.
London Post~l Regi(;)fi (West Central D.O.)· : . . Home CountIes Re~IOn (Reigate and Redhill H PO· South Western RegIOn (Taunton T A (Y .1))...) . Northern Ireland (Belfast T A ) . . eOVI . . . Engineering Department (City) . . . . Wales and Border Counties (Oswestry P 0 A C·) No~th Eastern Region (York H.P.O.) . . . . Savmgs Department (S.C.D. London) . . . Scotland (Edinburgh T.M.O.). . . . North .Western Region (Manchester H PO) Factones Department (Edinburgh) . . .. . . .
297 293 2901246-!242 228 226-!224 20612001198
The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, London, on 16th November, 1961. Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) presided and the trophies and medallions. were presented by the Lord Wakehurst (Lord Prior of the Most Venerable Order of St. John). The judges were, for the men's teams:Team Test Dr. H. C. Stewart. Dual Practical Tests Dr. D. Osborn Hughes
For the women's teams:Dr. Ian Fletcher Dr. E. Winifred Shaw
and they placed the teams in the following order:-
MaxLllmm marks obtainable: 400
WOMEN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Accountant General (H.q. No.1 Branch) . . . LOntdo~ TDelecommumcatIOns Region (North Area T M· 0)· a.c ones er?artme.nt (Birmingham) . . . . . . . .. . MIdland RegIOn (Bl!mmgham Outer Offices) North Western RegIOn (Liverpool T.A.). ... . . E.T.E. Electra House Savings Departmen~ (S"C.D. Mor~ca~b~) South Western RegIOn (Bristol T.M 0 ) Northern Ireland (Belfast T A ) ... Scotl~nd (Dundee T.M.O.)· : . . SupplIes Department (Ed.inburgh Depot)· : : . Wales and Border ~ountIes (Cardiff P.O.A.C.) . . North Easter~ Regl~n (Huddersfield H.P.O.) . Home Counties ~egIOn (Tunbridge Wells T.M.O.)· MaXimum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained 280
270 262 262 260 259
258 254
246 229 228 198 195
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12.
Fire Brigades National Com rr q':larters, Northampton, on 2lt~ l~~~~b:er~9held at Fire Briga~e He~d FIre Officer Northam ton) . r, 61. Mr. J. H. WeIr (Chlef presented by Lt.-Gen~ral sifr;:ll~ed ;nd he trophy and plaques were General St John Ambulance A xa? ~r ) rummond (Deputy Director, . ssoclatlOn . The judges were:-
Team Test Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:C.ity and County of Bristol L~ncolnshire (Lindsey). . CIty of Cardiff County of Heref~rd· C~unty Borough of Gr~at Ya;mo·uth· City of Manchester Northumberland . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained
36H 347
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
346 327
8. 9.
309 187
Marks Obtained
Gas Industry (East Midlands Gas Board, Derby). . . National Coal Board Miners' Competitions (Whitwick Colliery) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (Southampton) . . . . . . . . . . British Transport Commission Police (Heysham) . . National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre (London Upper Pool) . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom Atomic Energey Authority (A.W.R.E., Aldermaston) . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre (Birmingham and West Midland T.M.O.). . . . . . Fire Brigade (City and County of Bristol) . Police (Exeter City Police) . . . . . . . . . . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre (R.R.E. Pershore) War Department Ambulance Centre (C.D.E.E. Porton) . The Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre (Northwich/ Chester) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association (Liverpool). . . . . . . . . . . St. John Ambulance Brigade (Bath City Police Division) Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN
Dr. W. M. M. Douglass Dr. W. Drake Lee
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Team Test Dual Practical Tests
The Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre (Manchester) . United Kingdom Atomic Emergy Authority (A.W.R.E. Aldermaston) . . . . . . Police (Birmingham City Police). . . . . . . . St. John Ambulance Brigade (Sherwell Nursing Division) . War Department Ambulance Centre (R.O.F. Chorley 'A') British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (Liverpool Street) . . . . . . . . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre (Accountant General Department H.Q. No.1 Branch) . Gas Industry (Scottish Gas Board, Glasgow) . . . . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre (Headquarters, Chessington). . . . . . . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association, (Liverpool) . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
282t 279-!278t 277t 270t 266 262-!2601260 250t 248 2461246 222-!-
Marks Obtained
299 2901288t 284 282
275 272t 269 260 246
ASSOCIATION COUNTY DIRECTORS (Corrected up to 24th June, 1962)
F. L. Gordon, Esq., Shenstone House, Chalfont St. Giles. Major R. R. F. T. Barry, M.B.E., 13, Grove Park, Knutsford, Cheshire. The Viscount Scarsdale, Kedleston Hall, KedJeston, Derby. Brigadier C. E. A Browning, C.B.E., M.C., "Flagstones," East Budleigh Road, Budleigh Salterton. Brigadier V. F. S. Hawkins, D.S.O., M.C., Athelleaze, Athelhampton, Dorchester. Dr. D. I. Acres, Pendley House, London Road, Gt. Tarpots, South Benfleet. Colonel R. A. Bingley, c.Y.o., D.S.O., O.B.E. , Pegglesworth, near Cheltenham. tv
the areas
K. C. Cook, Esq., F.C.A., St. John Headquarters, 15/17, Mount Street, Preston. Group Captain N. M. Heath, o.n.E., 83, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, W.l. R. L. Bellwood, Esq., T.D., Heugh Mill, Stamfordham, Northumberland. (Correspondence to: 42, Mosley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1.) Colonel A. V. G. Dower, T.D., D.L., M.F.H., Newington House, Warborough. Lt.-General Sir Brian Kimmins, K.B.E., Rodwell House, West Lambrook, South Petherton. Dr. D. W. Fryer, 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. Dr. J. A. Waycott, 9/ 10, Wellington Place, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Sir H. C. Sinderson Pasha, IC.n.E., C.M.G., M.Y.O., M.D., Little Steddings, Forest Row. Brigadier R. A. Phayre, D.S.O., Church Farm H ouse, Sherborne, Warwickshire. J . A. Wi llison, Esq., Chief Constable, Hindlip Hall , Worcester.
G. E. Scott, Esq., O.B.E., Chief Constable, West Riding Constabulary, P.O. Box 9, Wakefield.
. . with Headqu arters as D e tach e d C lasses. f C ntres marked with an asterisk are arranged in direct commullIcatIOn
CENTRES OF THE ASSOCIATION (Corrected up to 24th June, 1962)
County and Centre
Miss D. K. Gibbins, St. John House, 101, London Road,
The Mayor
V. Everard,
The Dean of Bristol
Stockport .
Honorary Secretary
Rev. Dawson-Walker
A. A. Lloyd
E. W. Martin, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham 3.
Dr. A. P. Gorham
E. C. Bartlett, 33, Alcove Road, Fishponds, Bristol.
143a, St. Leonards Road, Windsor.
·M rs. E . P. Somers . " 2 Wendover Road, Aylesbury.
W. Stewart Elgood
M ·ISS W .E, Boyden , 7 , Oakroyd Crescent, Wisbech.
A. C. Blaylock, 12, St. Vincent Road, Claughton ,
Birkenhead W. E. Roberts, 12, St. Peter's Square, Stockport.
County and Centre Formed CUMBERLANDCumberland Mines and 1895 Quarries *Keswick 1884 *Millom . 1888 DERBYSHfREDerby Granby & llkeston
Honorary~ Secretary
J. W. Badger
I. G. Stewart, 34, Lowther Street, Whitehaven.
Mrs. Bromley J. Newton
J. Newton
H. Pollard, 4, High Hill, Keswick. J. H. Holmes, 185, Devonshire Road, Millom.
1886 1898
C. Middleton, M.A. 1. A. A. Macdonald
Dr. A. Morrison W. F. Rigley
G. E. Johnson, 146, Burton Road, Derby. W. H. Sheldon, 78, Little Hallam Lane, llkeston.
The Right Hon. Lord Roborough
N. S. Cox, B.SC.
G. Howard, 5, Faringdon Road, Plymouth.
DEVONSHTREPlymouth & District
DORsETDorchester . Poole
1948 1929
The Mayor The Mayor
E. L. Richards Mrs. D. Galton
The Mayor
Dr. A. M. Cunningham
D. Edgar,
D. Edgar,
South Shields Stockton & Thornaby
1883 1914
W . P. Webster Col. H. E. Kitching, M.B.E., D.L., J. P. W. O. Kirkwood, J.P .
Weymouth. DURHAMHartlepools
o R. D. Hodges, 29, Grosvenor Road, Dorchester. Mrs. E. O. Park, "Rondette," 12, Waverley Crescent Oakdale, Poole. ' Mrs. M. Bond, S.R.N., Holme Priory, Wareham, Dorset.
S. Grey R. PickersgiJI,
R. Robson, P.O. Box 4, 76, Church Street West Hartlepool. ' Major T. A. Page, 75, King Street, South Shields. R. J . McDowell , 152, Wolviston Road, Billingham C~ Dmham. ' H. R . Gray, B.E.M., 3, Commercial R oad, Hendon, Sunderland.
J.P .
D. L. Rennison
County Secretary
Gloucester City
Gloucester County South Gloucestershire
1957 1958
Col Sir James Sleeman, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O. Dr. A. Alcock
Dr. C. R. de C. Sadler
The Lady Violet Vernon
Lt.-Col. 1. W. T. Wooldridge
J. C. Gray, St. Margarets, 17, Upton Lane, Barnwood, Gloucester. Miss M. K. Oswell, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. W. E. Shepherd, Bayuda, Horse Street, Chipping Sodbury.
Dr. C. H. Drake
D. L. Hill, M.A., Southern Gas Board Training Centre, Yarmouth Road, Parks tone, Dorset. Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Andover. R. G. Ehlen, Ardie, 2, Abbott Close, Basingstoke.
County Secretary T. McCaa
The Mayor
The Mayor
Gosport & Fareham
E. J. Crossland
N. R. Turnbull, F.R.C.V.S. Dr. C. Heygate Vernon G. Albray
W. N. Wilson, M.B.E.
R. W. Bray
The Dowager Lady Swaythling
Dr. H. C. MauriceWilliams, O.B.E.
KE T*Folkestone & Hythe
Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Dover
Dr. C. E. McCausland
LANCASHlREAccrington .
Col. G. G. H. Bolton, C.B.E., M.C., D.L., J.P. The Mayor A. Aked, M.A., LL.B., B.E.M. 1. A. Clark The Mayor I. Gibrail
A. Brown,
Ashton-under-Lyne Bacup
1894 1919
Barrow-in-Furness Blackburn . Blackpool
1880 1885 1955
Ald. 1. R. Howard, A. D. Bond
Lt.-Col. F. W. Williamson, o.B.E., 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Mrs. Wilkin, Highworth, College Road, Cheltenham.
1. Holgate D. G . Hartley, B.A. C. H. Needham
A. R. G. Martin, 28, Palmerston Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. Lt.-Comdr. W. H. Parker, 15, Felix Road, Hardway, Gosport. K. Tomkins, Portsmouth City Fire Brigade, Copner Road, Portsmouth. Mrs. A. E. Alford, 8, Obelisk Road, Woolston, Southampton.
1. W. Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, Accrington. P. Baguley, 41, Carlton Road, Ashton-under-Lyne. D. G. C. Thorburn, Old Wambs Farm, Irwell Springs Weir, Bacup. G. Ashton, 107, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness. E. Bury, c/o Education Office, Library Street, Blackburn. W. S. Halsall, 42, Leys Road, BlackpooJ.
Dr. P. D. Drinkwater
Honorary Secretary D. T. Picton, B.E.M., 38, Kermoor Avenue, Sharples, Bolton. E. Cortman, 29b, Sefton Street, Brierfield.
L. Massey, M.B.E.
W. E. Rawstron
L. Jakeway, 10, Rosehill Mount, Manchester Road,
The Mayor
E. Smalley, M.B.
L. Perkins, 4, Manchester Road, Bury.
A. Exley
J. E. Driver, J.P.
Victor Burrell, 130, Harrison Drive, Colne.
Darwen .
J. Watson
J. T. Cooper, M.C.
T. E. Blackburn
Great Harwood
Councillor J. W. Robinson Mrs. J. Cunliffe
Mrs. M. M. Meggitt, "Ravendale," Turncroft Road, Darwen. J. C. Cross, 73, Bramley Avenue, Fleetwood.
County and Centre Bolton
Formed 1957
Burnley .
President The Mayor
Lancashire Headquarters 1950
P. F. Pierce K. C. Coole, F.C.A.
Dr. J. A. Tomb
Major T. E. Spencer, M.B.E., St. John Headquarters 15/17, Mount Street, Preston. B. J. Hopkins, 18, Castle Park, Lancaster.
Leigh, Atherton and Tyldesley
A. Higham, B.E.M.,
J. Benson, 15, Manchester Road, Leigh, Lancs.
Nelson. Oldham .
S. Gregory, M.P.S.
Rt. Hon. the Earl of Derby, M.C., D.L. Professor W. Mansfield Cooper, LL.M. H. N. Roberts, J.P.
The Chief Constable
A. Harrison
J. W. Taylor, J.P.
C. Cunliffe, A.R.S.H.
Mrs. E. Eastwood
A. M. McMaster
A. Tweedale
South Fylde Southport .
1956 1887
Lord Cozens-Hardy, D.L., J.P.
W. J. Clements
R. L. Ball, S.J.A.A ., 49a, Rodney Street, Liverpool, 1.
Lt.-Com. K. N. Hoare
F. R. Warren, 12, Mosley Street, Manchester, 2.
J. Heap
W. H. Morgan, 39, Beaufort Street, Nelson.
Dr. J. T. Keddie
Mrs. E. Fielding, 58, Hillside A venue, Grotton, near Oldham. H. Swarbrick, 32, Abingdon Drive, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston. Mrs. Gaskell, M.A., J.P., Saunder Brow, Newchurch-inRossendale. J. E. Thornhill, 3, Queen's Avenue, Wardle Road, Rochdale
H. Lalus, 20, Freckleton Road, Parr, St. Helens.
Councillor J . Faulkner D. G. Flinn, F.C.!'!.
The Mayor Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hesketh, M.P. The Mayor
E COX 47 Smithy Lane, St. Annes on Sea, Lanes. D. Stobbs, '120, Heathfield Road, Birkdale, Southport.
E. C. Hallam
Ulverston .
Councillor W. J. Nott
Rev. M. D. Grieve
Warrington Wigan .
1960 1958
D. Aitken
A. W. Hill, M.I.MECH.E. Dr. G. A. Steele
H. MacRae, 1, Pleasant View, Longfield Road, Todmorden. A. C. Collins, Hollowmire Cottage, Osmotherley, Ulverston, Lancs. J. A. Cameron, 4, East View, Grappenhall, L~llcs. Miss 1. Redford, 92, Swan Meadow Road, Wlgan.
The Lord Mayor
H. N. Bream
Miss M. J. Freer, 112, Regent Road, Leicester.
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Brownlow
Dr. M. C. Lavin
F. G. Latchem, 47, Swallowbeek Avenue, Doddington Road, Lincoln.
The Lord Mayor
Sir Irving Gane,
Alan S. Lamboll, C.C., Flat 32, 60, Park Lane, W.l.
Lo. DONCity of London
K.C .V.O.
City of Westminster
The Mayor
Eastern Area . Northern Area
F. J. Brown, J.P.
South East Area
Lt.-Col. W. R. Hornby Col R. J. Wilkinson, O.B.E., 24, Culross Street, W. 1. Steer, D.L. Miss E. G. Cresswell, 43, Grosvenor Road, Ilford, Essex. A. T. Bandy, B.E.M. L. J. Towers, 63, Old Park Road, Palmers Green, N.l3. Dr. W. Clunic Harvey D. J. HaI1ard, National Dock Labour Board, 22-26, F. G. Thomas, M.A. Albert Embankment, S.E.l.
South West Area. A. M. Mason
Western Area. ORTHAMPTO SH1REorthampton .
WeI Iingborough
J. S. Parker
H. M. Gentry, c/o Chiswick Products Ltd., Burlington Lane, Chiswick, WA. F. C. Gibbs, 45, Lansdown Drive, Westone, Northampton. . b h J. S. Parker, 12, Church Street, WeIlmg oroug .
COUllly and Cenlre ORTHUMBERL 0 Ashington
Honorary Secrelary
W. Gibson
Dr. J. Dobson
1958 1959
Dr. C. F. Fairlie, T.O.
Dr. A. S. Urquhart Lt.-Col. J. Clark, T.O.
S. Embleton, O.B.E.
Dr. Gavin Muir
orth Shields .
The Mayor
Dr. C. MacAlister Dowson
Col A. V. G. Dower, T.D., D.L., M.F.H.
Col. A. V. G. Dower, T.D., D.L., M.F.H.
Blyth Haltwhistle
Mrs. K. A. Woodward, 476, Banbury Road, Oxford.
Miss M. J. Freer, 112, Regent Road, Leicester.
SUFFOLKCounty Secretary Ipswich. . . .
North East Suffolk West Suffolk
The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Powis
Dr. D. A. Ireland
L. H. Trentham, St. John H.Q., Priory Road Shrewsbury. '
Dr. F. L. Richard
V. Chancellor, Park Lodge, 10, Victoria Road, Stafford.
R. E. Lawler
H. G. Eade, 1, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. R. E. Lawler, Ambulance Hall, Samuel Road, Ipswich.
Col M. MacEwan D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F~C., M.B. Sir Gervaise Blois, Bt.
C. Craig, F.R.C.S.
W. T. Aitken, M.P.
Dr. D. A. McCracken
Chipperfield, 17, Churchill Road Halesworth Suffolk. " O. Cole, 4, West Drive, Mildenhall, near Bury St. Edmunds.
1954 1962 1954
The Mayor
J . E. Dane
Mrs. Rud~ock, County Headquarters, St. John House Woodbndge Road, Guildford. ' Mrs. G. R. Hamley, 5, St. Saviour's Road, Croydon. G .. W. Lambeth.' 14, Dene Street Gardens, Dorking. MISS W. M. Anss, 1, Longley Road, Farnham.
SURREYCounty Secretary . Croydon Dorking Farnham
L. T. yvedderburn, Medical Centre N.C.B., Ashington CollIery, Ashington. F. S. Parsons, 21, Hunter Avenue, Blyth. T. Kelley, Garden House, Wapping, Haltwhistle Northumberland. ' J. H. Dales, 52, Bath Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastleupon-Tyne, 2. R. Nessworthy, 6, South Preston Grove, North Shields.
Dr. F. Caldecott
E. -
S. T. Denning,
County Secr etary.
Brighton, Hove and District Chichester .
Crawley & Three Bridges Eastbourne & District East Grinstead and District Hastings & St. Leonards Horsham . Lewes, Haywards Heath & District Worthing . WAR WICKSHrRECoventry Leamington and Warwick Nuneaton Oldbury
The Mayor of Brighton
W. F. Friend
Air Vice-Marshal T. A. Langford-Sainsbury, C.B., O.B.E., D.F.C., A.F.C. Mrs. Knight
Alderman Mrs. A. F. Eastland
1954 1954 1956 1880 1955 1956 1955 1912 1957 ] 958 1962
8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean,
E. Stanford, C.B.E. G. J. Anderson, B.SC. Sir H. C. Sinderson Pasha, K.B.E., etc. D. L. Brown F. G. Holmes, J.P. R. E. Breffit, O.B.E.
W. A. Benkel, 7, Milton Road, Pound Hill, Crawley. W. H. Sharpe, 10, Wharf Road, Eastbourne. E. D. Ascroft, M.P.S., 218, Holtye Road, East Grinstead.
W. G. Goldfinch
Miss E. S. Barrett, The Limes, 127, Findon Road, Worthing.
The Lord Mayor The Mayor of Leamington Spa The Mayor
E. W. Cowpe-Pendleton P. Varley
N. E. Ward, 52, Dunchurch Highway, Coventry. T. J. Brodest, 32, Henley Road, Leamington Spa.
Mrs. R. Howe
The Mayor
C. B. Bedford
W. G. Hart, 381, Camp Hill Road, Nuneaton. B. G. Bromwich, Safety Officer, Albright & Wilson (Mfg.) Ltd., Oldbury. W. R. Kempton, Ambulance Depot, Temple Street, Rugby. A. V. Lane, 255, Alcester Road, Stratford-on-Avon.
The Rt. Hon. the Earl De La Warr The Mayor D. Bryce, O.B.E., J.P. Major P. G. DarvilSmith, C.B.E.
Stratford-on-A von
Dr. J. B. Bramwell, M.A.
1961 1883 1920
F. Price, M.B.E. Major E. Wright, Dr. C. T . Mi1ls
WORCESTERSHIREHalesowen. *Stourbridge Worcester
near Brighton. Mrs. F. H. Denning, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, near Brighton. Colonel P. H. Catt, F.R.G.S., Lavender Cottage, Felpham, Bognor Regis, Sussex.
J. B. Cavcnagh, M.C.
G. H. Wren, 22, Priory Close, Hastings. Miss W. M. Barker, 19, North Street, Horsham. C. A. Webb, 30, Firle Crescent, Lewes.
Sergeant J. Jones, Police Office, Oldbury. J. E. Watteson, 48, High Street, Wollaston, Stourbridge. G . L . Woodward, 104, Spetchley Road, Worcester.
Coullty alld Centre Formed YORK::'HIRE (EAST)Hull and .ast Riding 1882 County entre
Lt.-Col. D. Bellamy, C.B.E., D.L.
G. Hampson
F. R. Charlton, Elm Cottage, Bewbolme Road, Seaton, Ncar Hornsea, Yorks.
YORKSHIRE ( ORTH)North Riding County Centre
The Marquess of Zetland, K.G., etc.
C. N. Sadler
G. Richardson, "Woodleighton," 16, Emerson Avenue, Lindthorpe, Middlesbrough.
R. R. J. Chaney
T. Cowgill, 11, Wellhouse Road, Barnoldswick. E. Oxley, Stat.ion Officer, Fire & Ambulance Dept., Town Hall, Barnsley. Inspector T. F. Pearson, 3, Pendragon Lane, Bolton, Bradford, 2. H. Gregory, 16, Kingswood Avenue, Laughton, near Sheffield. R. F. Parker, Borough Police Training Room, The Guildhall, Doncaster. T. J. Daniels, 5, Jacksonville, Goole.
YORKSHIRE (WEST)* Barnoldswick
Honorary Secretary
F. Widdup,
Barnsley & District
The Mayor
G. Parfitt
Dr. J. Douglas
W. Thomas, O.B.E.
1. T. E. Jones
T. Bacon
N. HulIey
W. T. Davis
The Mayor
Supt. T. Todd
The Mayor
H. Woodhead
Harrogate and District
Dr. E. C. Fear
C. J. Sinl pson
Heavy Woollen District 1883
Dr. J. Walker
Dr. J. Walker
Hebden Bridge
E. Moss
K. Greenwood
Huddersfield & District 1955
F . Crawshaw
J . Chadwick, M.B.E.
Miss A. Scattcrty
Dr. J. Prentice,
Dr. J. W. Silversides,
A. J. Paterson, B.E.M.,
*Dinnington Main.
J.P .
W . F . TunniC/ifre
H. Hudson, Health Dept., Halifax Corporation, Powell Street, Halifax. T. Gibby, West Riding Fire Service, Albert Street, Harrogate. H. Blakeley, 2, Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane, Batley. F. Mitchell, 27, Mount Pleasant Drive, Mytholmroyd, near Halifax. H . G reenfield, 89, Ravensknowle Road, Dalton, Huddersfield . Mrs. M. A. Cook, 41, R edcliffe Street, Keighley. F. Willshaw, 3, Ringwood Avenue, Leeds 14.
M.A., B.L.
J . Shaw,
C . E. Lazenby, 4 8 , Lowe s' Ox.ford Streel,
asllcfol-d .
Osgoldcros -
Rotherham .
S. Brierley
A. Holland
H. B. Powell
B. Powell
Mrs. E. Fielding, 58, Hillside Avenue, Grotten, near Oldham. W. Smith, S.J.A.A. H .Q., Flaxley Road, SeJby.
Col Sir Frederick A . Neill
G. W. Ashton
J. W. Webb, B.E.M., 23, Nesfield Way, Sheffield, 5.
Shipley & District .
A. Watson
E. E. Bishop, 23, Valley Drive, Ilkley, near Leeds.
W. F. Seed
J. H. Wade, 14, Edwards Road, pye Nest, Halifax .
H. B. Kearsley
D. Stocks, 16, Rigg Drive, Swinton.
W. Wright
C. H. Brears, .8, Newton Lane, Outwood, near Wakefield'
*Sowerby Bridge
H. Hudson
Yorks . J. W. Thomas, 2, Granville Mt., Otley, Yorks. B. Crosswaite, 96, Broom Valley Road, Rotherham .
W. F. Seed
The Mayor
F . Stead, 23, Dringthofpe Road, Dringhouses, York.
Jer ey
J.P .
Sir Alexander Moncrieff Coutanche
P . Le Masuriel
W. Gale, 9, Windsor Villa, Val Plaisant, St. Helier, Jersey.
H.E . Sir Ronald H . Garvey, K.C.M.G ., K.C.V.O., M.B .E.
A . Kelly, M.B."
Isle of Man
C. Beaty-Pownall, c/o Chief Constable's Offices. Douglas.
The Administrator The Rt. Hon. Earl of Oxford and Asquith H.E. The Administrator
H.E. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, G.C.M.G. , K.C. V.O., K.B.E. President of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios
A . G. W. Cousins
Honorary SecreTary Chief of Police, Dominica. Chief of Police, Police Headquarters, Castries, St. Lucia.
Lt.-Col. S. A. Anderson, M.B.E. Prof. W. A. E. Karunaratne, C.M.G., O .8.E.
The Chief of Police, St. Vincent Police, Kingstown, St. Vincent, B.W.T. Brig. C. P. Jayawardana, C.M.G., C.Y.o., O.8.E., The S .l.A.A., Lower Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo, 3.
Dr. Zenon G. Panos
Miss S. Yeghiayian, P.O. Box 719, Nicosia, Cyprus.
The Association Secretary, Kenya Centre, S .l.A.A., P.O. Box 1469, Nairobi, Kenya. Mrs. N . Grimble, P.O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika. Hon . Secretary, P .O. Box 1586, Kampala, Uganda.
G. C. Reed, M.B.E.
G. C. Reed, M.B.E.
H .E. The Governor
G . S. Wilson, C.M.G .
H. E. The Governor
H.E. The Bdtish Resident
The Hon. S. W. Kulubya, C.B.E. Dr. I. W. MacKichan
Mrs. P . Kenyon , P.O. Box 1128, Zanzibar.
H.E. The Governo r
W . E. Donovan, I.S.O.
D. J. Barnes, c/o lnland Revenue Dept., Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji .
H.E. The Governor
P. G. Owen
E. Balban, Police Headquarters, Gibraltar.
H. E. The Governor
Dr. l . R . lones, C. B.E., M.C. , LL.D.
Chief Police Officer, Constabulary H.Q. , Betio, Tarawa, Gilbert & Ellice Islands, Western Pacific. Mrs. A . K. Rudge, S.J .A.A. Headquarters, 2, MacDonnell Road , Hong Kong.
The Hon'ble. Dato Abdul Razak bin Da to
H. E. Th e Governor
& G aza
The Hon'ble. Mr. S. M. Yong, LL.B., J.P.
O. K .I.S.
Lt. -Co l. J . V . Abe la,
A. V. McCracken, c/ o Kuwait Oil Co. Ltd ., Ahmedi, Kuwait, Persian Gulf E. Paramasivam, S.l.A.A. & S.l .A.B. National H. Q ., 41, Shelley Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
E . H. W . R o rg, 109, M a in Street , Sl. Julian 's, Malta.
Miss M. Chaperon , c/o Police H.Q. , Line Barracks, Port Louis, Mauritius.
H.E. The Governor
H.E. The Governor
Andrew Lin
Mrs. J. Fryer, Lands and Survey Dept., Jesselton, orth Borneo .
H.E. Inche Yusof Bin Ishak
Dr. P. C. Kwan, O.B.E.
Hon. Secretary, S.J.A.A. Headquarters, 420, Beach Road, Singapore, 7.
asr. Ahmed, General Manager's Office (Personnel) , Sudan Railways , Atbara, Sudan.
Dr. E. W. Q. Bannerman
The Officer Commanding Police Depot, P.O . Box 740, Accra, Ghana.
G. C. E. Onoh
E. P. Nwasike
Sir Kerr Bovell, C.M.G.
Assistant District Commissioner R. K. Innes
J. O. M. Bolanle, A.M.INST.T.
J. Scanlon, Personnel Manager, Nigerian Coal Corporation , Enugu, Nigeria. Miss A. G. Turnbull , igeria Police H.Q. , Obalende, Lagos, Nigeria. Chief Medical Officer, Medical Dept. , Nigerian Railway Corporation, Ebute Metta, igeria. W. Z . Coker-Dicken, Establishment Officer, igerian Ports Authority Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria.
Deputy Commissioner
J. R. Lloyd
J. T. Roy-Macauley
The Commandant, Police Training School, Hastings, Sierra Leone. Frank M. Kobi , Prison Officers' Training School , ew England Freetown, Sierra Leone.
H eadquarters Address
P.O . Box, 7 137, Johannesburg, South Africa.
P.O . Box 536, Salisbury, S . Rhod esia.
298, New South H ead Ro ad, Doubl e Bay, Sydney,
298, W e llin g ton Street, P ert h , W. Australia. +:>.
321, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada.
P .O . Box 11 89, Wellington, New Zealand.
1, R ed Cross Road, New Delhi I , lndi a.
National Headquarters, Frere Street, K arachi , 4.
Priory House , 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff.
ARDS (admin istered by the
J O H N)
6 1, G rea t V icto ria S treet, Belfast, 2, Northern I reland.
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Pages 1
6 amended to 29/h May, 1962.
~be St. Headquarters: 8,
30bn Btnbulance 113rigabe GROSVENOR CRESCENT, LONDON,
ctom miss ioner -i It-ctbief
Superi II tellbell t::::j 11::::ctbie f MARJORIE, COUNTESS OF
H. S.
F. R. c .s.-Knight.
IDeputl? ctommt5sionel'::::ilt::::(!btef REAR ADMIRAL ROYER DICK, C.B., C.B. E.,
lDepllt}? Surgeon::::in::::ctbtef
M. M. SCOTT, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.-Knight H5si!3tnnt Uommis!3ionn5:::in::::ctbief LIEUT.-COLONEL ARTHUR GORINGBRIGADI ER C . F. Cox, O.B. E.-
COmmander Officer
ctontroller ®\7el'seas
R. BENYON-Officer
!\551stan t Superin teno en t-i It-ctbief
P. V. MACKINNON- Commander
<!bief 1Rursing ®tftcer anO \training Bb"t5er MISS DUFF GRANT, R.R.C., S.R.N.,
CItief Staff ®tftcer to CIommi5sioner -in -CIbtef BRIGADIER A. D. MILLER, D. S.O.
([bief ®fficer tor ([abets MISS
P. MORISON-Officer
NEWMAN- Commander ~uperilltenbent-in-<tfJief
®fficer to
LADY BRAITHWAITE- Dame ~eabqllarters ~taff
®fficers to
MISS L. BAIRD- Officer DOROTHY, LADY ELLENBOROUGH~l'abl}uarters ~taff
G. E.
CRAFT M.B.E.- Commander G. KIRKHAM- Officer j.8rigab~
G. W. WOODHlLL-Officer ~ssistallt ~rigabe ~ecretarp
A. F. NUNN-Officer ~s5{stant ~rigabe ~ecrctarp
M.B.E. - Commander
®fficer for ®berseas
O.B .E.-Officer
Chairman Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E., Commissioner-in-Chief St. John Ambulance Brigade (ex-officio)
Members Ex-officio The The The The The The The The The The The The The The
Secretary-General. Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association. Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Surgeon-in-Chief. Deputy Commisioner-in-Chief. Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. Assistant Commissioners-in-Chief. Assistant Superintendents-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. Chief Nursing Officer. Chief Commissioner, Priory for Wales. Commissioner for Northern Ireland. Chief Officer for Cadets.
Appointed by Commissioner-in-Chief R. Rutherford, Esq., T.D., J.P., M.B., B.S., Commissioner, DurhamNo.1 Region. E. M. Dearn, Esq., O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., D.L.O., Commissioner East Riding of Yorkshire-No.2 Region. ' Air Marshal Sir John Baldwin, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Commissioner, Lincolnshire-No. 3 Region. J. T. Whitley, Esq., O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., Commissioner, Essex-No.4 Region. Gr~up C;ap~ain G. H. Pirie, C.B.E., Commissioner, London (Prince of Wales s) DIstnct-No. 5 Region. T. F. Briggs, O.B.E., T.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.-Commissioner, Oxford No. 6 Region. Lieut.-Colonel H. Essex Lewis, D.C.M., T.D. Commissioner BristolNo.7 Region. " C?lonel J. M. West, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., Commissioner, Shropshire No.9 RegIOn . .Co~onel V. F. Royle, T.D., E.R.D., Commissioner, Duke of Lancaster's DIstnct-No. 10 Region. B~igadier E. E. Read, C.B.E., M.C., Commissioner, Surrey-No. 12 RegIOn. Mrs. R. Cavendish, District Superintendent (N) London (Prince of Wales's) District. ' Mrs. G. W. Lodge, O.B.E., J.P., County Superintendent (N) West Riding of Yorkshire. ' Lady Fuller, M.B.E., County Superintendent (N), Wiltshire. W. A. J. Reynolds, Esq., District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) London (Prince of Wales's) District. ' Miss R. r. LEEKS, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Essex.
Chairman MARJORIE, COUNTESS OF BRECKNOCK Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Ex-officio Members The Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief. The Assistant Superintendents-in-Chief. Principal Administrative Officer (N). The Chief Nursing Officer. The Training Adviser. The Chief Officer for Cadets. The Representative for Wales (Mrs. O. R. Traherne). The District Superintendent for Northern Ireland (Mrs. Neill).
Regional Representatives Mrs. F. C. Dyson, County Superintendent (N), North Riding of Yorkshire-No. 1 Region. . . Mrs. G. W. Lodge, O.B.E., District Superintendent (N), West Ridmg of Yorkshire-No.2 Region. Mrs. E. M. Epton, County Superintendent (N), Lincolnshire-No.3 Region. Mrs. G. R. D. Shaw, M.B.E., County Superintendent (N), NorfolkNo. 4 Region. . Mrs. R. Cavendish, District Superintendent (N), London (Prmce of Wales's) District-No. 5 Region. . . Miss L. Cooper, County Superintendent (N), HampshIre:-N? 6 Region Lady Fuller, M.B.E., County Superintendent (N), WIltshire-No. 7 . ' . Region. Mrs. D. C. Nicol, County Supenntendent (N), Bummgham-No.9 Region. The Lady Mary Hesketh, District Superintendent (N), Duke of Lancaster's District-No. 10 Region. Lady Cumberbatch, County Superintendent (N), Kent-No. 12 Region.
Chairman Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Goring, Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief.
Members The Chief Officer for Cadets. Mrs. B. M. SALTER, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Northumberland -No.1 Region. L. Mason, District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), West Riding of Yorkshire -No.2 Region. H. A. Brown, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), Lincolnshire-No.3 Region. Miss R. 1. Leeks, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Essex-No.4 Region. W. A. J. Reynolds, District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), London (Prince of Wales's District-No.5 Region. Brig. B. W. Webb-Carter, D.S.O. , a.B.E., County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), Hampshire-No.6 Region. Mrs. E. M. Wood, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Plymouth, SouthWest Devon and East Cornwall- No.7 Region. R. Ruck, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Herefordshire-No. 9 Region. Mrs. E. Nisbet, District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Duke of Lancaster's District- No. 10 Region. ~iss E. M. Trill, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Sussex-No. 12 RegIOn. Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets for Wales. Chief Officer Nursing Cadets for Wales. Miss E. Garrett, Commandery Staff Officer (Cadet s) (N), N orthern Ireland.
COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT REPORT covers the year] 961. During that time ~t. John Ambul.ancc Brigade has continued to carry out its day to day duties ~or the public on a vast number of occasions both great and small, and I~ every country in th e Commonwealth. In England there h~s been nothing .spectacular but the standards maintained are well exemplified ~y the C.Ol:tllluOUS flow of reports received of first clas ~ work done in helpU1g the mJur~d a~d thc distressed whether in road aCCIdents, on the beaches, on the cllffs, 111 the borne or in all places where crowds gather. 'The very .num ber of case treated , which are given in a later paragraph , gIve some l~ea of th~ extent of t he work done. The Cadet branch , both boys and gI!ls, cont111ue . t? thrive and we are proud to think, in an age when youth IS s~ often cntIcised, that the st. John Cadets set a fine exam1?l~ ?f ~he splendId and .ort~n courageous work that is done, and of the 111ItIabve and r~spon sIbIh~y shown, by the young people of .this country once they are 1I1terested 111 their work and dedicated to serVIce for others. Overseas our work grows apace, and further details are ~ven in later paragraphs. D uring the period under reView we were saddened by the death of two of our former Senior Officers who had done tremendous work for the Order and for the Brigade. These were the Chancellor of ~he Order, Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall , Chief Commission~r of the Bng~de from 1947 until he became Chancellor in 1949, and Major A. C. WhIte Knox who was Surgeon-in-Chief from 1951 t? 1961 and who gave more tha n fifty years of his active life to the first-aId movement.
ROYAL OCCASIONS Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the queen Mother was pl~ased to tak e the salute at a Diamond Jubilee RevIew of the Norfolk Bngade held at Guist on the 22nd July, during which she presented county colours. . Members of the Brigade in Surrey had the unusual honour of paradJn g before H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands on ] 7th Septen~ber When the annual county inspection was held at Guildford. Pnnce Bernhard also attended the annual ceremony of handing over the county colo urs at a special service in Guildford Cathedral. STRENGTH AND PUBLIC DUTIES The Brigade as a whole has during 1961 and in spite of many difficulties. succeeded in once again increasing its strength slIghtly ~bove that at the end of 1960. In the United Kingdom the adult strength IS almost e.xactly the same but in territories overseas directly under the Grand Pnory a furt her il~crease was made of nearly 1,500. In cadet strength there .wa a slight drop in the United Kingdom b';lt a satisfactory increase 111 the Priories. The total strength of the Bngade throughout the Common wealth has now for the fir t time risen above the figure of a quarter of a million adults and cadets, indeed it has excecded that figure by nearly two tho usand. . . The strength by countjes in England and Northern Ireland IS shown In Appendix "B". A striking fact in England and Northern ]~elan~ has been that aI.thou gh the number of Public Duties performed 111 ul11form has rema111ed at
~light1y ~nderbfo~r million hours, the number of cases that were treated y mem ers ot on a~d off duty has shown a marked increase fro ~62,OOO to 381,000. A hIgh proportion of these were dealt with by m . ers who were not on duty at the time. This once a ain e . mem-
l~p~rtance of spreading a knowledge of first aid anlnursi:~:~~~ :~e
woe commun:ty and not relying solely on those doin ublic d e It altso emp?aSlhSes how high a proportion of accidents fn Pmodern ~1r~ mus occur In t e home, or on the road. The value of the Brigade to the public and to the f ' . by the fact th t' E 1 d d na Ion IS exemplIfied a m. ng an an Northern lreland alone the Brigade dealt ~~a;~--=-- average, with well over one thousand cases every single day of the
ADULTS Divisions AmbuComlance Nursing bined Total England & N. Ireland. . 1,481 1,076 314 2,871 Commandery in Central Africa. . . . . . 17 7 1 25 Other Territories Overseas 542 219 55 816
Personnel Ambulance Nursing 33,553 19,001
2,849 38,118
103 5,8 75
2,952 43,993
New Zealand . Canada. Australia
260 ]62 124 166 155
144 92 94 139 97
33 64 40 21 54
437 318 258 326 306
4,410 4,315 2,862 4,355 4,055
1,671 1,784 1,375 3,347 1,708
6,081 6,099 4,237 7,702 5,763
India Pakistan
867 625 61
566 150 5
1,645 775 66
19,997 17,090 2,098
9,885 3,010 86
29,882 20,100 2,184
6,198 113,705
Southe~ Mric~
Grand Totals
37,960 151,665
England & N. Ireland Commandery in Ce~trai Africa. . . . . . Other Territories Overseas .
Divisions AmbuComlance Nursing bined 1,051 ],288 117
Total 2,456
Personnel Ambulance Nursing Total 23,867 38,165 62,032
2 128
6 114
8 258
23 2,888
108 2,578
] ,181
New Zealand. Canada. Australia
185 62 144 21 125
181 82 132 49 106
22 55
388 199 276 70 241
3,218 1,649 2,200 622 2,900
3,830 2,528 2,493 1,271 2,634
7,048 4,177 4,693 1,893 5,534
India Pakistan
537 293 10
550 123 1
1,174 416 11
10,589 6,442 279
12,756 2,398 33
23,345 8,840 312
56,038 100,126
Priories: Wales
Southe~ Mri~
Grand Totals
Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties . Clinics . Nurseries. . . . Blood Transfusions . Nursing Aid . Miscellaneous
1,779,227 873,465 233,123 35,886 24,39] 35,593 130,615 609,9 ~ 1
CASES TREATED 194,698 186,938 430,525 30,655 19,716
Priories: Wales
DUTIES The figures of duties and cases for England and Northern Ireland were as follows:-
On Public Duty . Off Public Duty . Invalids Removed . . No. of Road Accidents . No. of Other Accidents.
During the year there has fortunately been no major disaster in the U.K. and the usual day to day public duties have been faithfully carried out by Brigade members throughout the country. The following special duties are reported: For the third year in succession the Brigade were asked by the Yorkshire/Lille Exchange Committee to provide escorts for English and French schoolchildren visiting England and France in an exchange holiday scheme. This year with larger parties travelling to and from France it was necessary for additional members of the Brigade from the West Riding of Yorkshire, London and Kent to travel as escorts to the children in special trains to and from Leeds, Bradford and Lille in Northern France. The services of the Brigade Air Attendants Scheme has been in constant demand during the year, and apart from the escort of sick and injured persons by air within the United Kingdom, there have also been escort duties to Kuwait, Jugoslavia, Italy and the Continent. The services of Air Attendants have been utilised from London and from the home counties. We were asked by the Enham-Alamein Village Settlement to arrange escorts for disabled men, crossing London between main line railway stations going to and from their homes on Christmas leave. This duty necessitated drawing personnel not only from London, but also from Kent, Surrey and Hertfordshire. On the occasion of an all-night vigil for peace held on New Year's eve in Westminster Abbey, Brigade members were on duty from 11.30 p.m. until 7.30 a.m. AWARDS AND COMPETITIONS
A full list of the Brigade Awards and Jubilee Certificates is given at the end of this Report in Appendix "A". The Brigade Final Competitions Were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on Saturday, 1st July, 1961, the prizes being presented by the Minister of Health, The Right Hon. Mr. Enoch Powell.
The principal results were as follows: Del1'ar Shield for Men (Adults)- Bath City Police (Some' t) PerrodttEShcield for Women (Adults)- Sherwell w' D an . ornwall. , . . evon
W~~~{nox Cup for Ambulance Cadets- WeI beck Colliery (NottingDII7Zbar-Nasmitlz Cup for Nursing Cadets- Harrow (London). INSPECTIONS
During J961 lnspections were carried t b S . . Headquarters in the followil1 COUI ' . ou .y. enl~1 Officers from Lincolnshire; Superinten.denlin-C~i~e~ . W~~;1mlss,o!1er-tn-Ch;ef Dorset, Deputy Commissioner-In-Chief W R ifY k hies~e~hl~e Suffolk, Sussex; in-C,hief (Col. A. Goring): LOl1do~ or s re , sSlstant CommissionerAssLstant Commissioner-in-Chie"(Mr ~. TAre1a), London (S.W. Area); Area). j ••• ay or Young): Londo n (S.E. CONFERENCES
During 1961 a number of N r i C fi to the Brigade Committee th: ~na ?11 l~el~ces were hel~ in addition Cadet Advisory Committ~e Th o;-en s , vlsory CommIttee an d the year in Durham the .. t'C fie urgeon s Conference was held this . , Jom on erence of Commi . d C SSIOners an ounty S upermtendents (N) the first of it ki d as Westminster, and it is hoped to hol~ th~ '. "Y geld at the Co.un~y Hall, A very successful Brigade Trainin IS J0111t . onfere.nce agam 10 1964. to later, whilst Nursing Officers g ~o¥!S~, ~eld 111 Nottmgham , is referred in London. On the 29th Nov:~b raI11l~g Officers .courses were held Conference held at the C t ' er over 180 PresIdents attended a encouraged by the presenc~U~fYsoHal1 , W~stminster.. ~e were greatly Presidents who take h), many .ounty, DIvIsIOnal and other the Brigade. The ne~~~uc~ ~elYfiand keel: 1l1 terestiJ: alI the activities of on erence WI 11 b e held m 1963. SENIOR OFFICERS
During the year I have been sorry t
o~ Headquarters Officers: Major A ~re~~.e t le following resi~natio.ns (sl~ce . deceased); Mr. M. G. H A' b'1 lte ~nox, Surgeon-ll1-Chlef
Bngade, owing to illness. . r ut Inot, ChIef Staff Officer to the MrTheH following S T 1 appoint Y men ts .h ave b een made at Brigade Headquarters: . . . . ay or ouog AssIstant Com " . . 111 Chief; Col. W. L. R ' B mIsSIOner-Ill-ChIef to Su rgeonA' . enyon as C~)I1tro]]er Overseas and Brigadier C. Cox 0 B E , . . ., as an sSlstant Commlss'o . Ch' f Newman as Chairman of the A 1 C 1 n~r-lll- Ie ; The Lad y Joan 1 . ppea s ommlttee . receIved the resignation of tl f 11' Guy Malet De Carteret (Jerse ). Ie 0 owmg C<;>mmissioners: Captain land)' Dr C S C P ( y , The Hon. DelllS Berry (NortbumberLt.-C~l. K. B: Hick~ (S~~~~~ . Ply~outh , S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall); The following apPointme~t~haJor-~eneraJ G. D. Fanshawe (Wiltshire). Bunker (Bucks) Dr E J Gord a~ l~en m( ade to fill vacancies: Mr. S. (Jersey) Lt -Col R' E' on a ace Dorset), Mr. H. R. S. p ocock Plymouth ·S W· D' . . dJoEhnson (Northumberland), Mr. V. O. Lewis ( , . . evon an Cornwall) C t J M H ) Major General D. D. C. Tullo~h (Wiltshir~). ap.. . odges (Sussex,
The Surgeon-in-Chief reports to me as follows:The Surgeons' Department has suffered the loss of two great leaders and of a devoted Staff Officer. Major White Knox retired on the eve of st. John's Day and after a long illness died on November 13th. His life was dedicated to First Aid, and tributes to his work have been paid from all connected with this work. In November, Colonel C. 1. Ellis died: he was our Surgeon-in-Chief from 1932 to 1936, and then held the appointment of Inspecting Officer on the Staff of the Commissioner-in-Chief till the outbreak of the war. Eric Howard joined the Brigade in 1925 and rose through every rank to District Officer, till in 1951 he was appointed Staff Officer to my department. He finally went on the Reserve in 1957 but still retained his interest in First Aid until his death in October. At your invitation I accepted the appointment of Surgeon-in-Chief from St. John's Day and have, therefore, only been responsible for the latter part of the year. In April a very successful conference was held at Durham University under the chairmanship of Dr. Scott the Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. Visits were made to a shipyard and a coalmine where a demonstration was given by a Colliery Rescue Team. No attempt has been made to revive the London Conference owing to the increasing cost. In August I attended an international conference on Resuscitation in Stavanger, Norway, with Lieut.-General Sir Alexander Drummond from the Association. As a result of our report, the Voluntary Aid Societies have adopted Mouth-to-Mouth and External Cardiac Resuscitation. I visited many counties to give demonstrations and everywhere members of the Brigade have shown great enthusiasm for the new methods. Visits were made to several counties by Major White Knox and Dr. Scott fo r conferences and to judge at Competitions, and a close liaison has been maintained with the medical side of the Armed Forces, the Priory for Wales and the Brigade in Ireland. To all the Divisional Surgeons, and Surgeons on Area and County Staffs I tender my best thanks for their continuous work. My deputy Dr. Scott has been of the greatest assistance to me in the take-over of the Department: his long service to previous Surgeons-inChief has given him an inside knowledge that has been invaluable to me and I wish to record my grateful thanks to him for his willingness to help in all ways. Sir John Buchanan has continued to advise on all overseas appointments and without his assistance I could not help the Overseas Department. Finally, Mr. Craft has carried out the many routine duties without which records would cease to exist and conferences could not be run. CIVIL DEFENCE
This year has been the first year in which the new organisation in regard to the work of the Voluntary Aid Societies alongside the Civil Defence Corps has been in action. It has therefore necessarily been a year during which the new arrangements have been going into force and it is difficult yet to say to what extent recruiting for Civil Defence work within the Brigade under the new scheme is proving fruitful. Certainly in varioHs
?-r~as there have been reports of units formed under the new scheme but
~t I.S too early to say that there has been any real move forward and inde d
It IS hardly to be expect~d in the firs~ year. I expressed my hope iast y~a; that m~mbers of the Bngade who dId not wish to join the Civil Defence C<;>rps Itself woul? take advantage of the new arrangements and I reiterate this hOJ?e to reilllnd members 0\ ~~e Brigade that in time of emergency ~arD:essmg the kno,,:,led~e and abilitIes of the Brigade to help with casualtIes IS a matter of high Importance. A cer~ai.n number of officers have attended Civil Defence Staff College and Trall11ng School courses and in view of what has been said above r should .be ~lappy to see more applications for these courses. In this connectIOn m order. to encourage volunteers, I approved that the Brigade would bear the baSIC .cost of the course which amounts to 15/6d. a day and me~bers ~re remmded of this fact. Similarly lack of candidates has caused dlscontmu~nce of the headquarters week-end courses for Senior Officers. Here agam I sho"1:lld be happy to see more candidates. r ~m glad t~ note t~at this last year shows a satisfactory increase on the prevIOu~ year I.n recrUlt!llent for the N.H.S.R. and trust that this improve~ent will coptmue. !t IS also a matter of particular satisfaction and there IS a D?-arked.n~crease m the numbers of Nursing Auxiliaries taking optional hospItal trammg. 1:iore complete information on N.H.S.R. is given in the report of the Supermtendent-in-Chief. CADETS
Three. King Ge?rge VI Memorial Leadership Training Courses wereheld dunng 1961, m Southampton, Manchester and London. These were attended by 24, 47 and 44 delegates respectively all between the ages of 18 and 25. ' There hav~ been t,,;o further Gold Awards to Boys in the Brigade in the Duk~ of EdI1?-burgh s A.ward Scheme. They were presented with their Awards by HIS Royal HIghness The Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace on 20th December, 1961. The Pilot Scheme for the Girl's Award came to the end on 31st December, 1961. The Brigade Camp at Bexhill-on-Sea was open during July and Auo-ust and an overall total of 971 persons attended the Camp during the bfive weeks. The Comp~titions for Painting and Poetry were held during the winter. The c:uPs, pnzes and certificates were sent to the Commissioners for the ~ountIes conc~rned and presented locally. Miss Anna Zinkeisen who Judged the Pamters' Competition, gave a special book prize which was awarded to. Cadet Brenda Tay~or of St. Albans Nursing Cadet Division, Hertfor.dshlre, w~o. came fifth m the competition. ~ Bn~ade TraIl11.ng Course in the Leadership of Cadets was held at the Umversity of Nottmgham. It was attended by 328 delegates, both men and women, Officers and Other Ranks from 36 District and Counties and Wales. Delegates came from all corners of the British Isles including Jersey, the. Isle 0.[ Man, Isle of Wight, Devonshire and the North Riding of,! orkshlre. FIfty per cent of the delegates were from Adult Divisions, whIch showed a healthy adult interest in Cadet work and welfare. Sixty per cent of the delegates were ex-Cadets' 75 % of the delegates were under ' 0 the age of 30.
The central theme of the course was the problem of Juvenile Delinquency; and the principal study was to discover in what ways the Brigade, individually and collectively, could help the public in this vital matter. Ihose who attended were fortunate to hear two expert talks. The first, by the Chief Constable of N ottinghamshire, Mr. John Browne, was on the subject of "The Relationship between the Public and the Police". The second talk was by Mr. Peter Paskell, Principal Probation Officer for Nottinghamshire. He gave a stimulating account of his job and his problems, and, in suggesting that, in real life, Probation Officers do not behave in quite the same way as they are portrayed on television, he shattered a few illusions about the service. He explained that each case is an individual one and, therefore, it is not possible to make sweeping generalisations; but he had great faith in the youth of today and believed that in their turn, when bringing up their own children, they would avoid some of the shortcomings of their parents. The Brigade, he said, was a great force for good, and he would welcome any efforts to capture the interest and imagination of boys in approved schools, so that, when they left with a clean sheet, they might have a healthy organisation in which to make a new start. Three Meritorious Certificates and 14 Letters of Commendation have been awarded to Cadets during the year for outstanding displays of courage and efficiency in saving life or rendering First Aid after accidents. Many inspectiens and enrolment ceremonies have been held in various counties and instruction has been continued in proficiency subjects, camping and in helping to interest schools in providing First Aid classes. OVERSEAS
During the year the Brigade in Overseas Territories has shown good progress and an increase in numbers. In addition to the good work going forward in Districts where the Brigade has been established for many years, most praiseworthy keenness has been shown in those countries which have become independent nations. Encouraging, too, is the advance which has been made in units in the small island territories, many of which are very isolated. In some Islands joint Association and Brigade Committees have been formed, which are proving valuable in co-ordinating the work of St. John. Malta, where the Brigade has been established for over 50 years, has had the distinction of gaining 50 Service Medals, a record number for anyone year in the history of the District. COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S TOUR
My overseas tour in 1961 consisted of 18 days in the Commandery of Central Africa, and. I was also able to pay fleeting visits to Uganda, Kenya and TanganYIka on my way there and back. . In Central Africa a considerable re-organisation is taking place both In the Brigade and in the Association. This is in large measure due to the fact that when the Commandery was first formed the main task was to continue and to expand the work of the e two Foundations. The stage has now been reached for these activities to be more closely knit together under Commandery direction and there are many difficulties to
be faced, particularly in view of the differing characteristics of the three countries in the Federation. I saw a great many very keen units and smart parades. The visit was of great value to me in enabling me to appreciate the many problems on the ground that face the Order, the Association and the Brigade in Central Africa. I am certain that the Commandery is now on the way to making good progress, and I am most grateful to the Commandery Commissioner for all his help. My visits to the three countries in East Africa were extremely short. I was, however, able to see the encouraging progress that had been made in each territory since my visit to them in 1957, and discuss a number of the problems that they will have in the future. I saw excellent parades in each of them.
EMERGENCIES In 1956 the Order of St. John instituted an Emergency Scheme in the Caribbean and North Atlantic area, owing to the frequency of severe hurricanes. This Scheme was linked to a local Government plan in which St. John and Red Cross were asked to participate. Recently it was felt that a scheme would be useful in other countries of the Commonwealth where St. John exists, in the event of national disasters or emergencies. In view of this a scheme similar to the previous one was drawn up by the Order and sent to all Overseas Territories for their guidance. In November the value of the Emergency Scheme in the Caribbean area was proved once more, when a disastrous hurrciane struck British Honduras. Jamaica, being the nearest place to the scene of disaster, sent off a team of four St. John members to Belize, where they helped in the hospital and in the distribution of clothing. The Order flew out 750 blankets and an ambulance was sent to Belize, presented jointly by St. John and the Rotary Club in Jamaica. While not on such a major scale as the hurricane in British Honduras, Trinidad experienced severe flash floods in November, which caused damage over a wide area. The Emergency Scheme was put nto action and members of the Brigade did most useful work in feeding schoolchildren and helped with the distribution of clothing and transport of water. Two First Aid Posts were set up in the worst areas and many casualties were treated. In Malaya a serious landslide occurred which overwhelmed the greater part of a village in a remote part of the country. A St. John team travelled 64 miles and worked for two days tending the injured and sick and rendering assistance to others searching for the victims. In Granada many Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet Student Divisions played their part in giving service to the survivors of vessel Bianchi C which caught fire and sank in the harbour. Six hundred passengers and crew were brought ashore and cared for until they could be transhipped. St. John members were on duty night and day looking after people suffering from delayed shock and caring for and feeding the babies and children. An American Vice-Consul who had flown in from Trinidad to Grenada, saw Brigade members at work and was full of praise for their efforts. . In Zanzibar, during the Emergency in June, the Brigade proved Its worth by members acting as stretcher bearers and carrying out other
duties at the Hospital. In addition, Brigade members of .the Poli~e Force gave First Aid to casualties before they were brought I.n an.d, III many cases saved the lives of persons who would have otherwIse dIed for lack of skilled attention.
PUBLIC DUTIES In addition to carrying out normal duties, Brigade members in several Districts carried out extra commitments during national events, such as Independence Celebrations in Sierra Leone and Tanganyika. During the Queen's visit to Sierra Leone and Ghana, St. John.had a heavy task in First Aid coverage of the enormous crowds whIch collected. In particular, the Headquarters Officer in Sier:a Leot;le sent in a most interesting report describing in detail the va~Ied dutIes undertaken and the splendid work carried out by all the BrIgade members. SENIOR OFFICERS There have been few changes in Commissioners this year, and these occurred in the following Districts: Nigerian Railways, Nigerian Ports Authority and Tanganyika. Two new Commissioners have been appionted in the last named countries and to them I extend a warm welcome. I am most grateful to the Commissioners who have retired for the service they gave to the Brigade during their term of office. HEADQUARTERS OFFICERS These have continued to give great help to the Brigade in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Cyprus and the Caribbean and North Atlantic areas, and in general good progress has been made ~nd numbers have increased. The Headquarters Officer in Ghana left III December and so far has not been replaced. A new Headquarters Officer was appointed in North Borneo and the Brigade there is making good progress and several new Divisions are being formed. FIRST AID CLASSES The Overseas Department have again helped to arrange courses at the Y.W.C.A. Central Club for the wives of Overseas Students. At the end of the last course, successful candidates had the honour of being presented with their Certificates by Her Majesty The Queen Mother. Several of ~he wives wished to join St. John when they returned home and the respectIve Commissioners or Headquarters Officers have been informed. THE BRIGADE IN EIRE
In recent years I have, more than. once, ?ad the privilege. of visitin.g the Brigade in Eire, and seeing something of Its ~ork and of ItS. enth~slasm. The Brigade in Eire is now in the fifty-eIghth year of ItS e~Iste.nce. It became independent in 1922 but has through all the years mamtamed the same standards and worked on the same basis as the Brigade in the Grand Priory. The first foundation of a small unit in Dublin's famous St. James's Gate Brewery in 1903 has grown to the present strength of thirty-two adult and sixteen cadet divisions throughout the country. The
Briga.de's servic~s to. the I?ublic are based on the cities and towns of Dublin, Cork, Llmenck, Sligo and Mullingar. During 1961 it carried out nearly ~O,OOO. public duties and treated nearly 10,000 cases of accident. Its p~blic dutIes are much on the same lines as in England and it also has a Bngade Welfare Department which concentrates on making and distributing thousands of garments for the poor. Each year the Brigade in Eire competes against the Commandery of Ards for the Otto Lund Trophy and both show a splendid standard of first-aid and nursing in this Competition. CONCLUSION
During the year 1961 the Brigade continued to maintain its standards of efficiency and of work carried out. At home the Brigade did particularly well this year in the N.H.S.R. Competitions and there is no doubt that there will be further calls on them during 1962 for assistance to both local and Government authorities. In Overseas Territories very satisfactory progress has again been made and the Brigade's work continues very smoothly and satisfactorily in those countries which have, during 1961, become independent members of the Commonwealth. At Hea~quarters .1 am .deeply grateful for the willing support given by the Supe~mtendent-m-CJ:llef and all our officers and staff. The reputation and efficIency of the Bngade, however, stems from the rank and file in Districts and Counties both at home and overseas, and to them I am deeply grateful for the high standards they have maintained and fo r the splendid enthusiasm that they have shown all over the Commonwealth. J. M. KIRKMAN, Major-General, Commissioner-in-Chie!
Appendix "A" AWARDS
Meritorious Service Certificates Private D. G. Davies, Ammanford Ambulance Division, Priory for Wales. Divisional Superintendent Miss M. Lawton, B.E.M., Spalding Nursing Division, County of Lincoln. Corps Staff Officer F. J. Ellis, Barnsley Corps, West Riding of Yorkshire. Ambulance Member G. Blondel, Guernsey Ambulance Division, Bailiwick of Guernsey, Mr. G. Blanchford (Junior), Guernsey. The District of Trinidad and Tobago and the St. Mary's No.1 Ambulance (Agualta Vale) Division, Jamaica. Cadet Corporal P. J. Rowden, Southampton (Totton) Ambulance Cadet Division, Hampshire. Cadet P. R. Moran, Southampton (Totton) Ambulance Cadet Division, Hampshire. Cadet T. Smelt, Derby Nursing Cadet Division.
American Trophy for Gallantry Cadet Corporal Peter J. Rowden and Cadet Philip R: Moran, Southampton (Totton) Ambulance Cadet Division, Hampshire.
Grand Priory Badges 71 Ambulance. 312 Nursing.
Special Service Shields 222 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 409 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nursing Cadets.
Jubilee Certificates The following units have been issued with Jubilee Certificates indicating 50 years' continuous existence:Durham City Nursing Division, Durham; .Whic~h~J?1 Ambulance Division Durham; Consett and District Nursmg DIVIsIOn, Durham; Ireland Colliery Ambulance Division, Derbyshire; Henley-on-Thames Ambulance Division Buckinghamshire; Slough Town Ambula!1ce Division, Buckingha~shire; Woolston Nursing. Division, Hampshrre; Bournemouth Nursing Division, Hampshire; Ashington Corps, Northumberland· Carl Ambulance Division, Northumberland; Duke Ambulance Divisio~ Northumberland; Woodhorn Ambulance Division, Northu.mberland;' Bothal Ambulance DivisioI?-, ~orthumberland; Ilford :r:ru.r~mg Division, London (Prince of Wales) DIstnct; ~ossley. ~bulan~e DIvIsI.on, Duke of Lancaster's District; Lincoln Nursmg DIVIsIOn , LmcolnshIre; Shirebrook Colliery Ambulance Division, Nottingham.
Appendix "B"
Bedfordshire . Berkshire. Binningham . Bristol Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire . Cornwall . Cumberland : Derbyshire Devonshire Dorset Durham . Essex Gloucester Guernsey. Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Isle of Man Isle of Wight: Jersey. Kent. Lancashire Leicester . Lincolnshire . London Norfolk Northampton~hi;e Northumberland. Nottingharnshire. Oxford Plymouth. Shropshire Somerset. Staffordshire . Suffolk Surrey. Sussex. Warwickshire Wiltshire. Worcestershire East Riding Yorksh~e . North Riding Yorkshire West Riding Yorkshire. Northern Ireland
250 391 775 567 432 155 596 504 135 1,824 584 165 1,384 285 339 67 671 81 294 39 111 29 953 3,555 1,072 480 3,737 684 730 980 1,758 294 203 258 653 1,034 778 563 686 854 260 343 496 338 2,921 245
134 248 387 199 329 114 441 299 155 541 462 167 335 316 195 53 424 82 201 78 36 55 500 1,720 380 223 2,443 642 459 330 485 118 133 179 378 460 219 511 520 374 176 273 359 255 1,694 919
CADET Ambulance
159 339 366 293 564 90 537 427 126 1,592 532 119 495 277 214 37 762 44 310 82 92 69 768 2,062 542 498 2,731 404 528 441 1,072 177 171 263 719 458 215 547 769 548 247 310 227 153 2,293 198
242 505 540 465 884 262 943 683 314 1,532 959 329 737 525 323 95 1,281 223 527 186 44 156 1,181 3,093 734 569 4,263 829 1,051 447 1,292 297 425 316 1,148 830 557 879 1,225 774 558 516 311 342 3,544 1,029
785 1,483 2,068 1,524 2,209 621 2,517 1,913 730 5,489 2,537 780 2,951 1,403 1,071 252 3,138 430 1,332 385 283 309 3,402 10,430 2,728 1,770 13,174 2,559 2,768 2,198 4,607 886 932 1,016 2,898 2,782 1,769 2,500 3,200 2,550 1,241 1,442 1,593 1,088 10,452 2,391
FIRST AID AND NURSING:-The Nursing Divisions have given another year of fine service in meeting the many and varied demands made upon them. In addition to the routine first aid public duties, members have undertaken much transport and escort work with invalids, including Air Attendant duties, and have efficiently dealt with many accidents and emergencies. Regular nursing assistance in hospitals and clinics has been willingly increased to meet crises when normal nursing staff has been depleted by illness, and much nursing care has been provided for the sick and handicapped in their own homes under the Nursing Aid service. This service, initiated in wartime to provide auxiliary help under the District Nurses, has been reviewed in consultation with the Ministry of Health, the Queen's Institute of District Nurses and the British Red Cross Society and continues to fulfil widespread need. At the request of the Colonial Office, the Brigade shared with the British Red Cross Society the task of staffing the sick bay at the temporary camp in Surrey established for the families from Tristan da Cunha evacuated to this country after the volcanic eruption on their island. Other services provided for the islanders included meeting and escorting them from Southampton to the Camp and the generous collection and gift by Surrey cadets of a splendid supply of toys for the children. Increased interest in the National Hospital Service Reserve has resulted in a further rise in St. John nursing auxiliaries membership which at the end of December totalled 24,760, of whom 20,118 were women and 4,642 men, and increase of l ,730 on the previous year. It is particularly satisfactory that many Nursing Officers have joined the trained nurse section of the Reserve and that a greater number of nursing auxiliaries has been undertaking optional hospital training. In November, the N.H.S.R. Final Competition for the Minister's Cup was held in London and was won by a St. John team based on Shotley Bridge Hospital, Durham. The work of the team was quite outstanding and very fine qualities of leadership and team spirit were shown by members. The traditional and long standing association of the Brigade with the Royal Naval Nursing Service is happily carried on by 14 St. John exV.A.D.'s who transferred to the Q.A.R.N.N.S. Auxiliary Section and by 11 members enrolled in the R.N. V.A.D. Reserve. These numbers are, however, regrettably small and it is greatly hoped that the coming year may bring an increase in recruitment. WELFARE SERVICES: There has been increased activity in welfare work especially among old people and the disabled. By visiting the homebound, helping at centres such as clubs for the old or disabled, accompanying them on outings, and being on duty at holiday camps for the handicapped, nursing personnel in these and other ways have made a great contribution to the happiness and welfare of many thousands. In many of these services they have been ably helped by the cadets. St. John is represented on the National Old People's Welfare Council by District Staff Officer Miss Myrtle Tuckwell to whose outstanding work for old people's welfare in the City of Westminster I would like to pay special tribute. In this she was most ably helped by her sister, the late Miss Grace Tuckwell, who rendered devoted Brigade service for 46 years.
T~e Hospital Car Service, run by the B R C S
Jt~ovldes a mostvaluabIe service both to patie;'~ ;;n'X'" VX'
a]nd S.J.A.B.,
e calls upon It continue to increa d . ~e Ica authontJes. drivers who voluntarily undertake t~~ ~10r~0 t~a~se ~s too high for the so s~oothly is due to efficient administrati~n a t e scheme operates orgamsers. At a meeting convened for all th ~y the count~ and area John House the Minister of Health th Rt H e ~unty Orgamsers at St. the very close working of the Hospita~ C . Son.. no~h Powell, said that Service was an exam Ie of ar e:vlce WIth the Ambulance ment by voluntary a~ soci!~~~e~}f~~s~~-~get~tllve effort and jn. the fulfilnot fully cover. a le statutory serVIces could At Naval, Military and Air Force 1 . I . . 10sp~ta s III t?e Umted Kingdom and Overseas St. John and Red . continue to give fine service in Cro.ss SerVIce HospItals Welfare Officers needs of sick servicemen At the ~~~ngf ffr the welfare and recreational serving, of whom 21 a;e Bri ad 0 le year 79 Welfare Officers were quarters 1, United Kingdom gl1 e BmlmObeRrs poste.d as follows:-HeadEast 4. ' . . . . 1, MIddle East 4 and Far In cases of seriously ill service t' are also responsible for caring for fe~~~nts o~erseas the Welfare Officers Services under the Dilfor scheme th Ives w ~ m~y be flown 0:u t by the sen~ to. various destinations incl~di~~u~a~~Ic~ m 1961 relatIves w~re NaIrobI,. Malay~, Singapore, Hong Kon and 'G yprus, Aden, Bahram, As VIce-ChaIrman of the S . g . ermany. Ice HospItals Department I Wl' sh to express erV war . . Welfare and V.A .D . Director of the Department of M'ISS ~ app;eCIatlOn of ~he services as of 1961. I would like too to welco ~.ny ~are ~ho retIred at the end as Director. Miss D~wni~ beca me ISS owmn~ on her ~ppointment Officer in 1945 and in rece~ mon~e a S~ John SerVIce HospItals Welfare help in th.e Ov~rseas Department. s we ave greatly valued her temporary In the Important service f lib .. the St. John and Red Cros~ Hosr~~Yl a~emtIes for the sick provided by report increased help by St J h pI a LIbrary Department I am glad to Cou.nty Organisers, 2 Assi;ta~t ~~~~~onne1. T~ere are now 11. St. ~ohn .LIbrary facilities are supplied to sOrg~msers a~d 6~3 Libran~ns. Kingdom and overseas ad' .. erVIce HospItals m the Umted 3,000 disabled ex_service~enmI·natdhdI.tlOn the service is extended to nearly elr own h omes or in c· 'li bli h IVI an esta smen ts. U nder arrangements with th M' . Management Committees the D e Imstry C?f He~lth and Hospital l , ~ 14 civilian hospitals on a capi~ft~rtm~nt. pr~":ldes li~rary services in :alsed to 13j6d. per occupied bedlOnT~sIs.W llch dunng the year was Illcreased operating costs and as' t ar s nse .was necessary to meet r.ecommendation for additional b k as dPo.ssIble, to implement the libraries. Other establishments rec 0.0. s %a ~bm the s~rvey of hospital rup by the Order of St. John Bri~t~nl de rary se:vlce are 2,8 Homes mlttee and to 17 hospitals in' H s .e Cross SOCIety or Jomt Comestablishments bed-state the L'b .M. 6flsons. O,,:erall, reckoned on the mately 115,000 patients. ' 1 rary epartment IS now serving approxiDuring the 12 months ended June 1961 ~x-Service War Disabled Hel ' the St. Joh~ and Red Cross Infinite variety of problems and Ddartment . gave aSSIstance with the m.ore than 43,000 cases to warn~~ sb~ ~t anse t~rough disablement jn WIdows and retired nurses of th sa de r ex-serVIce men and women, e arme lorces who nursed during war-
time. Of these nearly 16,000 received financial aid, amounting to almost £80,000, the remainder being given services according to their need. With the increasing age of war disability pensioners there was higher spending on winter comforts; and also some increase in help with vehicles to enable men who cannot use public transport to get to work and retain their mobility and independence. By helping on E.W.D.H. County Committees, in the County administration, and by undertaking home visiting to pensioners and elderly nurses, S.l.A.B. members are giving invaluable service in this essential work. The nursing cadets, too , have continued their good and much app reciated efforts in knitting and donating knee rugs which this year amounted to the excellent number of 145 rugs.
TRAINING AND CONFERENCES: The wide scope of Brigade activities calls for constant training at all levels and many valuable training days and courses have been held throughout the counties, two of which I was glad personally to attend in Herefordshire and Cheshire. Headquarters was represented by Miss Harrison at courses in Leicester, Northumberland and Surrey and by Miss Morison in Northern Ireland. Miss Duff Grant attended a course in Essex on the theme of Mental Health, and, as Training Adviser has frequently been consulted on the planning of courses. Under her chairmanship another successful conference of Staff Officers for Training was held in London when I was glad to have the opportunity of meeting many of those responsible for the all-important development training. The close co-operation that is so essential with statutory authorities and other voluntary organisations entails representation on committees and attendance at conferences covering subjects of mutual concern. Officers and members have given much valuable help in this direction, and, too, by undertaking instruction in first aid and home nursing to the public and to members of other organisations. It was a great pleasure to welcome the W.V.S. Advisory Council, who on the invitation of the Order, held one of their 1961 meetings at St . John's Gate. A tour was made of the Gate, including the Museum, a film was shown by the Hospitaller of the new Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem and talks were given on all aspects of st. John work. The Dowager Lady Hillingdon, D.B.E. , Vice-Chairman of the W.V.S. , colleagues from her Headquarters and a large number of representatives from other women's organisations, who sit on the W.V.S. Advisory Council, expressed much appreciation and gratitude for seeing so much of historical interest as well as hearing about present St. John activities. NURSING OFFICERS:-The Chief Nursing Officer reports a satisfactory and continued increase in the number of State Registered Nurses joining the Brigade many of whom had been St. John cadets prior to their training. The help of the Trained Nurses whether as executive or advisory officers is of the highest value in raising the standard of members' nursing skill and the Brigade is greatly indebted to them. Unfortunately there are still a number of counties with vacancies for County Nursing Officers which it is hoped may soon be filled. The number of Nursing Officer appointments rose by 107 in the year. A successful Conference for Nursing Officers was again organised by Miss Duff Grant and was well attended. Subjects included international
aspects of nursing and the new method of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The continued satisfactory development of co-operation in nursing spheres, the increased activity in relation to the N.H.S.R., and the stimulus to training, show how fortunate we are in having Miss Duff Grant as Chief Nursing Officer and Training Adviser and I would again express our most grateful thanks to her. With the increased volume of work in the Chief Nursing Officer's department an assistant to her has been appointed, Mrs. Bayley, S.R.N., whose help, especially with N. H.S.R. matters, is most valuable.
INSPECTIONS AND VISITS:-With you, Sir, I was present at the Diamond Jubilee Review in Norfolk when the Brigade had the honour of being inspected by H.M. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother ; also at the ceremony of the transfer of the County Colours in Surrey on which occasion H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands inspected the Brigade personnel on parade; and at the St. John's Day Order functions of the Priory for Wales and subsequently at the Review of the Priory Brigade Divisions by H.R.H. Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent. It was a very great pleasure to be able to carry out the County Inspections in W orcestershire, Suffolk and Sussex, at each of which I was greatly impressed by the smart bearing and turn-out of all on parade. I welcomed the opportunity of meeting the members of the Horsley Nursing Division when I opened their excellent new Headquarters. Accompanying you or the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, members of my staff visited the following counties :- Dorset (Miss Baird), Lincolnshire (Miss Watson), West Riding of Yorkshire, Midland Area (Lady Braithwaite). The Chief Nursing Officer judged at the Regional Competition for No.7 Region and was much impressed by the knowledge and practical skill of those taking part. HONOURS:-Her Majesty the Queen was graciously pleased to confer the M.B.E. on Miss N. L. Moore, Area Superintendent, Eastern Area, London District, in the Birthday Honours. CHANGES IN APPOINTMENTS:-By the sudden death of Mrs. Courtney, County Superintendent for Sussex, the Brigade and particularly the Nursing Divisions in the county suffered a grievous loss. She was held in great affection by all who knew her and her devoted service to St. John covered a period of eight years. We are fortunate in having Miss Noble Mathews as her successor. The following resignations from County Superintendents have been received with much regret:The Hon. Lady Gamage, Berkshire, 18 years' service; Miss Deedes, Shropshire, 33 years' Brigade service; Mrs. Coventry, Staffordshire, 9t years' service, and Mrs. Messenger, Suffolk, 4 years' service, having previously held the appointment of County Vice-President (Nursing Cadets) for eleven years. To each of them I would express my appreciation and gratitude. We have been happy to welcome Lady Stirling as County Superintend~nt for Berkshire; Mrs. Hewat-Jaboor, S.R.N., formerly County Nursmg Officer, as County Superintendent for Shropshire; and Miss Miller, S.R.N., promoted from Assistant County Superintendent to County Superintendent for Suffolk.
CONCLUSION:-The year just ended h~s been one of s~~~da~~~n~~
satisfact°JnJ~~J~:e~~~t. a:p~e~l~t~~~sI~f r;:i~o~~~e!s
and a?d devoted iii ften demanded m meetmg the calls express my a . ser1ce. I f~~y rea~~e :~~s;~is~r~c~/~ounty Superintendents .and County/ I am more than grateful for the splendId le~dership rna e upon ~~eya J~!~o th:rr~ersonnel and for the unfailing support they W'e to ,!S T th Regional RepresentatIves on my omen s ~d~Se:rdyq~~:~itteeO I a~ also grateful; their helpful advIh'ce and col I h e been much touched by t e generous ~~~~~~~~i~~so~f~~~th:~~~een r~~eived from the Brigade to the Edwina
Moountbatte~l T1ruaSmt.
deeply indebted to my personal staff who by t~eir nce agam . d t k much eas·er. devoted and efficient serv!ce ha~e rend ere M~s -A.~rrison for the I would particularly mentIOn Miss Watson an ISS . d he unfailing help they have always given me. I h~ve alhread y me~one M~Cbl k d by Miss Duff Grant dunng t e year. rs. and co-operation halve of t and I am most grateful to her as am 0 my d o. D?-e . a in which they have carried out the many an ~~~y~! :C~~i~l~~CI~~L~ they undertake. To them and to everyone of my staff I offer my most heartfelt thanks. f h Lastl I would like to thank you, Sir, and all you: staff or t every great h~ip and consideration given to me on all nursmg matters.
iti~~on~s ~~;erie~~:
be~n tr;~~~~~e~~s}~t:~~
M. BRECKNOCK, Superintendent-in-Chie!
Pages 25 to 81 amended to 29th M ay, 1962. T HE
BEDFORD SHIRE County Office: 6, Lansdowne R oad, Luton. County President: The Lady Zia WERNHER, C.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Lord LUKE, M.A., D.L., J.P. Mrs. R. U . PHIPPS (Nursing) The Hon. Pearl Lawson JOHNSTON, O.B.E. (Ambulance and Nursing Cadets).
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) County Superintendent (N) Nursing Officer . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Staff Officers Secretary Surgeon Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer .
Superintendent (A) . Surgeon Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officer .
R. C. OAKLEY, 6, Lansdowne Rd .• Luton (Tel. Luton 1882). Major-General F. D. MOORE, C.B., D.L., C.B.E., "Corn Close," Felmersham, Bedford (Tel. Sharnbrook 440). R. McEvoy, 64, Shakespeare Road, Luton. Miss I. M. PEMBERTON, 2, Brook Street, Luton. (Tel. Luton 7113) Miss D. ARCHER, 30, Langley Street, Luton. Mrs. M . Ramsey, Hospital Lodge, Potton Road, Biggleswade. E. WHITE, 3, Sherwood Road, Luton. Miss H. GRIMMER, 3, Station Road, Ampthill, Beds. R. ELLISON, 370, Old Bedford Road, Luton (Treasurer). Mrs. R . L. FIELD, 12, George Street, Bedford. Miss D. WOODHEAD, 30, Langley Street, Luton. H. BANKS, 26, Bishopscote Road, Luton (Tel.: Luton 5363 1). Northern Area H. W. ROUND, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Richmond House, Turvey, Beds. (Tel. Turvey 206). W. J. POULTER, c/o. 4, Faldo Road, Bedford. Miss T. E. WHITBREAD, 20, Hardwick Road, Bedford. Vacant. E. A. MILLWARD, 6, The Close, Newton-Blossomville, Turvey, Beds. Southern Area A. G. NOBLE, 12, Sunridge Avenue, Luton. Dr. J. Kelsall THOMAS, "The Briars," Totternhoe, Dunstable (Tel. Dunstable 10). Vacant. Mrs. M. BALL, 54, Weatherby Road, Luton. W . R. KENDALL, 47, Bancroft Road, Luton.
BERKSHIRE County Office: St. John House, 101, London Road, Reading. Tel. Reading 5467 1. County President: The Most Hon. The Marquess of WILLINGDON. County Vice-Presidents: Lady LORAINE (Nursing) Lady JOUBERT DE LA FERTE (Nursing). Major H. TRACY BARCLAY, T.D. Major J. O. K. PURDEY. Mrs. M . MOCKLER.
oner . . . Commissioner. . Superi ntendent (A) Superintendent (N) ty Surgeon
Major P . J. GOLD, Warfield House, Nr. Bracknell Vacant. W. G. THOMAS, 27, Berekeley Avenue, Reading. Lady STIRLING, "Elm Lodge," Winkfield, Windsor. D. J. TURNBULL, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Spring Lodge," Castle Hill, Maidenhead. Berks.
Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N.) County Nursing Officer . .
Th:e Viscountess CHETWYND, Eastbury House, Lamboum MISS I? E. BRACE, S.R.N., Flat 39, 125, Basingstoke 'oad Readmg. . L. E. HEDLEY, 16, College Glen, Maidenhead. Mrs. D. ROSE, 47, Chilton Crescent, Earley. Mrs. THOMAS, 27, Berekeley A venue, Reading. Mrs. BARTON, 65, S~. Peter's Road, Earley. G. L. ROSE, 47, Chiltern Crescent, Earley. (Training) Mrs. J. E. M.ORRIS, 10~, Kennylands Road, Sonning 'Com; mono (Admm). (Ho~pltal Libraries). D. M. LLOYD, 32, Shinfield Road, Reading. K.. J. MARKS, 27, Cox Green Road, Maidenhead. MISS D. K. GIBBINS, 33, South View Avenue, Caversham. Commissioner
County Office: County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol 2. Tel. 22431. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County President: County Staff Officers . His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. L. BURGESS. Miss M. E. E. SARAH, M.B.E. N. FROST, Esq., C.B.E. Rev. R. F. CARTWRIGHT, M.A. County Secretary . Lieut.-Colonel H. ESSEX LEWIS, D.C.M., T.D., D.L., 11, Clifton . Hill Bristol 8. (Tel. 33808). R. L. CHEVERTON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "The Garth," Station Deputy Commissioner. Road, N ailsea, Bristol. G. J. CREECH, M.R.S.H., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol, Assistant Commissioner . 5. (County Secretary) Miss B. J. GRIFFITHS, S.R.N., C.M.B., Cos sham Memorial County Superintendent (N) BIRMINGHAM Hospital, Kingswood, Bristol. (Tel.: Kingswood 671661). J. A. Lanson ROBERTS, M.B., CH.B., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 46, County Surgeon Charnhill Drive, Mangotsfield, Bristol. County Office: Miss B. H. C. SAMMONS, S.R.N., M.S.R., 4, Westbury Park, Nelson Memorial Hall, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3. Tel. Birmingham Central 6660 County Nursing Officer Bristol, 6. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Vacant. County President: County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. E. F. PULLIN, B.E.M., 138, Monks Park Avenue, Horfield, Bristol, 7. Alderman Sir CHARLES BURMAN, J.P. M. Fox, 10, Redland Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. (press County Staff Officers • Relations). W. G. CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, Filion, Bristol (public County Vice-Presidents: Duties). Alderman W. T. BOWEN (Ambulance). A. R. HARDING, "Hillside," Larksleaze Road, Longwell Green, Mrs. W. A. CADBURY (Nursing). Bristol (Asst. County Secretary). J. P. EAMES, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). C. GRIBBLE, B.E.M., 7, Stanley Road, Redland, Bristol, 6. Mrs. P. CADBURY (Nursing Cadets). (Competitions). E. J. FOLEY, 2, Highfield Grove, Horfield, Bristol, 7. (N.H.S.R.). Mrs. M. C. CREECH, 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol, 5. A/Commissioner Brigadier N. L. C~RJSS, O.B.E., T.D., D.L., 75, St. Bernard's Miss L. G. GORMAN, 12, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bristol, 3. Th~~~: Olton, Solihull, Warwickshire. (Tel.: Acocks Green (Cadets). D. A. NORTON, B.SC. , F.P .S. , 23, Balmoral Road, St. Andrews, Deputy Commissioner. . Vacant. Bristol 7. (Training). County Superintendent (A) W. R. LLOYD, 66, Bleakhill Road, Birmingham 23. H. J. CROKER, B.E.M. , 1, Marguerite Road, Uplands, Bristol 3. County Superintendent (~) Mrs. D. C. NICOL, 28, Westfield Road Edgbaston Birming' (Civil Defence). ham, 15. (Tel. Edgbaston 0286).' , A. BUSCOMBE, 34, Winchester Road, Brislington, Bristol. County Surgeon W·bH. SHIL':'OC~, M.B., CH.B., B.S., 86, Fitzroy Avenue, Har· E. M. BRYA T, 284, R edcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol 4. ourne, Brrmmgham, 17. E. C. BARTLETT, 33, Alcove Road, Fishponds, Bristol. Asst. County Superintendent. • Vacant. C. VINCENT, B.E.M., The Hawthornes, Keynsham, Bristol. County Nursing Officer " Mrs: C: E. GREEN, S.R.N., 192, Orphanage Road Erdington, County Sergeant-Major Brrmmgham, 24. ' County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). A E G 192 0 h BUCKINGHAMSIllRE '24: REEN, , r p anage Road, Erdington, Birmingham, County Office: County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs . D . 0 WEN, 16, C raDmore Avenue Handsworth Birming· 79, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Bucks. Tel. Aylesbury 3886. ham. " County Presidents: County Staff Officers . A. C. FORD, 85, Woodleigh Avenue, Harborne Birmingham, The Lady CHATFIELD (Nursing). 17. (Stores). ' Major P. G. DARVll.,-SMlTH, C.B.E. (Cadets). M. c.. LEGGETT, 48, Parkdale Road, Birmingham 26. (pubJic County Vice-Presidents: DutIes). ' Brigadier J. N. CHENEY, O.B.E. (Ambulance). W. R. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford Lane Ward End Birm' g. The Marchioness of ZETLAND (Nursing) ham, 8. " The Viscount CURZON, J.P. (Ambulance Cadets). K. ~L0:VERS, 53, Frampton Way Pheasey Estate Great Barr, The Viscountess CURZON (Nursing Cadets). Bmrungham, 22a. (Training)' , S. BUNKER, 10, Winchfield Way, Rickmansworth, Herts. E. yv. MARTIN, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham (Treasu! ). Commissioner . (Tel. Rickmansworth 5821). Major .~ . E. MITCHELL, 185, Solihull Road Shirley Solihull (Trammg). ' , Deputy Commissioner . Vacant. County Sergeant Major Mrs. M. BOOTHMAN, "Lynton Chase," Datchet, Bucks. (Iel. County Superintendent (N) R. C. N. DAY, 297, Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham, 29. County Secretary . . Datchet 302). Mrs. F. E. HAMMOND, 7, Ravenshaw Road Edgbastoo, 11. COunty Surgeon Miss M. F. GILLlSO ,M .B., B.S., "The Old Boot," Dinton, r. (Tel. Bearwood 2802). ' Aylesbury.
Asst. County Superintendent (N) . County Nursing Officer County County County
Miss N. M. SALE, The Croft, Walton Road, Aylesbury. Mrs. W. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., Bridge House, Baring Road Beaconsfield, Bucks. I Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). D. ORLIK, Stratton Cottage, Stratton Road, Beaconsfield. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Miss M. E. WIITfE, "Cleveland," Claremont Gardens, Marlow. Staff Officers . J. O. BOLDERO, Ford Farm, Ford, Nr. Aylesbury, Bucks. (Treasurer) . Miss G. M. IVES, RyImer, Limmer Lane, High Wycombe Bucks. (Training). ' A. KINGSBURY, Henshaw, Bierton, Aylesbury. (publicity Advisory). R. F. POPE, "Balnacraig," Burgess Wood Road, Beaconsfield. Mrs. A. M. HOOD, 148, Wellington Street, Slough. Mrs. E. HAND COCK, "Winford," Upper Ickneild Way Princes Risborough. ' R. J. GOVES, 176, Desborough Avenue, High Wycombe. Mrs. G. M. DAY, 1, Priory Avenue, High Wycombe. I. T. GOMM, "St. Gorran," Green Lane, Chesham, Bois. T. S. MARTIN, "Mansard," 12, Wyners Road, Burnham. Miss B. WIITfE, 9, Princes Road, Aylesbury. A. C. H. SLATER, 39, Ragstone Road, Slough. The Hon. Mrs. J. M. STONOR, "Stonor Park", Henley-onThames, Oxon. Secretary . Mrs. Z. BOTSFORD, 79, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Bucks.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Area Area Area
Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) . Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Nursing Officer Staff Officers .
Northern Area Capt. F. W. WORKER, 56, Windsor Street, Wolverton, Bucks. Vacant. W. M. M. DOUGLASS, M.A., M.B., B.CH., Wolverton St. Mary, Stoney Stratford. S. J. COMPTON, 22a, Silver Street, Newport PagneH, Bucks. Mrs. S. J. GURNEY, 13, Osborne Street, Wolverton. Vacant. R. G. ALDERSON, 12, Bedford Street, Wolverton. (Area Cadet Training). A. E. F. WHITE, 3, School Hill, Cham don, Bicester. Central Area
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . u rsing Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers.
C. DAY, 1, Priory Avenue, High Wycombe. A. GOVES, 234, Desborough Avenue, High Wycombe.
Miss B. M. WHITE, "Hillview," Loudwater, High Wycombe. Vacant. Vacant. F. G. BIGNELL, 24, Carrington Road, Southcourt, Aylesbury. Miss A. L. EVANS, 171, Buckingham Road, Aylesbury. T. SHORT, 11, Hill View Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. C. F. A. LAMBOURNE, 3, Mill Road, Wingrave. Miss M. STERRETT, 27, Clarendon Road, Pinions, Higb Wycombe. D. G. ANSTEAD, 111, Whitelands Road, High Wycombe (Cadets) Miss P. M. TULLETT, 8, Whie1den Street, Amersham. Southern Area L. . STEPHENS, 3, Mundesley Spur, Slough, Bucks. fI1JSS E. E. F. GOMM, 117, Canterbury Avenue, Slough. LIeut.-Col. L. D. M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH.B.,31, Langley Road, Slough, Bucks. Mrs. P. D. PURDUE, S.R.N., The Normans, Wexham Court, Slough. R. C. EVANS, 17, Salisbury Avenue, Slough. Vacant. A. L. HALL, 138, Albert Street, Slough (Transport). Mrs. J. E. CALDWELL, 32, Waterbeach Road, Slough.
CAMBRIDGE County Office: 35, St. Mary's Street, Ely. Tel. Ely 2678. County Presidents: The Lord FAIRHAVEN, D.L., J.P. Mrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK. County Vice-Presidents: Major G. M. MACFARLANE-GRIEVE.
Commissioner and Act. Surgeon. . . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N)
Staff Officers .
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Nursing Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N). . Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .
K. S. MAURICE-SMITH, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Etheldreda House,' Ely. (Tel. Ely 2678). C. W. WALKER, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road, Cambridge. G. WALKER, PH.D., M.SC., "KerseH," Sedley Taylor Road, Cambridge. Mrs. H. C. GRAIN, "Belmont," 43, Prickwillow Road, Ely. (Tel. 2695). Mrs. E. Ellis LEWIS, S.R.N., S.C.M., R.F.N., Wychfield Close, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge. Miss M. C. D. KENNETT, S.R.N., C.M.B., Long Stanton Rectory, Cambridge. Lieut-Co1. G. L. ARCHER, T.D., D.L., Brays Cottage, Brays Lane, Ely, (Treasurer). S. S. DICKER, 11, Belgrave Road, Cambridge. (Training). Ely Area Vacant. Mrs. G. TURNER, 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Cambs. F. G. A. BECKETT, M.A., M.B., CH.B., 14, Egremont Street, Ely, Cambs. Vacant. Mrs. J. M. VAWSER, 8, Regent Avenue, March.
Cambridge Area Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. Miss J. M. HOWE, 19, Highworth Avenue, Cambridge. C. A. SARGEANT,"Chesterfield," Coldham5 Lane,Cherryhinon (Training). Miss D. LINTON, 68, Cavendish Drive, Cambridge. (Secretary), Mrs. E. J. PIGOTT, 76, Akeman Street, Cambridge. (Transport). R. T. WOOMBWELL, 62, Marshall Road, Cambridge.
CHESlllRE County Office: County H.Q., Tabley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. Tel. Knutsford 3346. County Vice-President: A. C. BENTLEY (Ambulance Cadets). oner Commissioner .
W. Cecil ROBINSON, J.P., "Woodeaves," Dale Brow, Prestbury. Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 89357). N. S. MUMBY, M.B.E., "Glendyne," Prenton Lane, Prenton,. Birkenhead. (Tel. Mountwood 1372). Vacant. H. C. W. BAKER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 16, The Wiend, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. Miss A. MCCULLY, S.R.N., "Byways," 136, London Road> Nantwich.
County County County County
Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Staff Officer . . . . Secretary .
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer • Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) • Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Nursing Officer Staff Officer .
Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) . Superintendent (N) . Surgeon . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officers .
H. N. BECKETI, 28, Stalbridge Road, Crewe. Mrs. A. LAWRENCE, 13, Albert Road, Cheadle Hulme. MISS M. E. DEAN, 13, De Quincey Road, Altrincham. Mrs. E. SINGLETON, County H.Q., Knutsford.
\rea ea \rea Eastern Area \rea \rea H. B. BINGHAM, 56, Greg Street, South Reddish, Stockport. \rea Mrs. J. J. BOMFORD, 37, Beechfield Road, Davenport, Stock. \rea port. . . \rea J. M~CFIE, M.B., CH.B., SunnmghIlI, Townscliffe Lane, Marple Bndge. Mrs. R. ALLAN, S.R.N., High Stacks, Poynton. Central Area Vacant. Vacant. 0 .. P. EDMONDS, M.D., "Gillyfields," Gaddum Road, Bowdon. MISS M . JONES, S.R.N., Preswylfa, Gwernaffield, Nr. Mold, Flint. Miss B. FURNIYALL, 14, Dalton Gardens, DavyhuIme, Man. chester. Miss H. M. PRINCE, 9, Victoria Road, Stockton Heath. (Cadets) G. H. GANDY, 32, Green Avenue, Davenham, Northwich. Western Area E .. Allen SMITH, 5, Cla~emont Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. MISS W. A. LAMB, 28, Highgreen Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Vacant. J. HARNEy, 53, Woodyear Road, Bromborough, Wirrall. H. STORER, 27, Beaufort Drive, Wallasey. R. LYTH, 41, Aldgate, EIJesrnere Port.
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surg~on . . . Nursmg Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .
ea Commissioner . lJea Superintendent (N) lJea Nursing Officer . \rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) \rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .
Eastern Area W. G. MOONEY, J.P., Broomhill, Tavistock Road, Launceston. J. J . PEARCE, "Selden," Bosuen Road, Newquay. Mrs. M. E. GOULD, 2, Glamis Road, Newquay J. D. BRUCE, M.B., B.S., D.R.C.D.G., The Friaries, Bodrnin. Vacant. E. JENKIN, 9, St. Mary's Crescent, Bodmin. Miss K. GOVIER, 12, High Street, Launceston. F. A. CUTLER, "Gresham," 100, Mount Wise, Newquay. S. J. COOK, 3, Ulalia Road, Newquay. (Cadets). S. T. BUNT, 42, Henver Road, Newquay. Western Area Vacant. Miss F. W. PAUL, 4, Park Road, Redruth. Mrs. E. TREWREN, S.R.N., "Monowai," Headland Road, Carbis Bay, St. Ives. J. JAMES, "Nigel," Barngoose Terrace, Illogan, Redruth, Mrs. J. S. DONEY, "Hazledene," Mabe, Penryn. C. C. PELLOWE, 3, Tolgus-Wartha, Redruth. Miss M. 1. WING, 40, Manor Road, Cambome. (Cadets).
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND County Office: "Park View," Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carlisle, Cumberland.
(Tel. Dalston 327). County Presidents: Earl of LONSDALE, Westmorland. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. M. L. BARRACLOUGH (Nursing), Cumberland. The Countess of LONSDALE (Nursing), Westmorland. CORNWALL Capt. J. L. JOHNS, R.N. (Retd.), Lockville, Main Street, Sedbergh, Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 267). County Office: J. S. MOFFAT, M.B., CH.B., 136, Wigton Road, Carlisle. 18, Dean Street, Liskeard. Tel. Liskeard 2010. T. H. ABBOTI, 10, Scaws Drive, Penrith. County Presidents: Mrs. M. A. C. AINscow, M.B., CH.B., The Howe, Troutbeck. Colonel Sir Edward H. W. BOLITHO, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall. Windermere. (Tel. Ambleside 2287). Lady Mary PAWLE (Nursing). N. L. BIRKETI, M.A., M.B., B.CH., 3, Thorny Hills, Kendal. Surgeon . . . . County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. V. E. RAVEN, Stancroft, Carlisle. Superintendent (N). C. E. H. LLOYD, Esq., and H.R.H. Prince CHULA OF THAILAND, G.C.V.O. (Ambulance). ursing Officer . . . Miss D. 1. WmTELEY, S.R.N., Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle. Mrs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, Mrs. H. C. ASHER (Nursing) Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). C. H. STEPHE SON, 25, Nook Street, Workington. A. V. BAKER, Esq. (Ambulance Cadets.) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. A. A. Graham, S.R . . , Cardew Dalston, Nr. Carlisle. Lady Mary HOLBORROW (Nursing Cadets). J. H. SMITH, 89, Dunmail Drive, Carlisle. (Treasurer). Staff Officers . Miss R. J. V. HIND, 18, Scotland Road, Carlisle. (Training). Commissioner . Rear Admiral L. A. BOUTWOOD, C.B., O.B.E., Golden Cap, T . WIDTESIDE, 19, Whitestiles, Kendal. Tideford, Saltash. (Tel. Landrake 237). A. HUSBAND, 1, Fairfield Gardens, Wigton Road, Carlisle. ~unty Sergeant Major Deputy Commissioner. . W. L. STEWART, M.B., CH.B., Tremethick, Grampound. D. GRAHAM, "Park View," Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carlisle. County Superintendent (N) Princess Chula CHAKRABONGSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. (Tel. ounty Secretary . . (Dalston 327). St. Mabyn 232). Miss A. M. SMITH, Goody Raise, Grasmere, Westmorland. Ass!. County Secretary County Surgeon . . . . . Dt:. E. H. EASTCOTI, Gwel Marten, Probus, Nr. Truro . . Asst. County Superintendent (N) MISS N. K KELLARD, M.B.E., Outlands, 18, Northfield Dn ve, Truro. County Nursing Officer . . . Miss N. K. DEAN, S.R.N., Wadham House, Liskeard. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). H. PENDER, 10, Bond Street, Redruth. DERBYSIllRE County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Vacant. County Office: County Staff Officers. . . . Mrs. H. C. ASHER, J.P., Trehaverne, Truro. (N.H.S.R.). The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlow, via Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362). J. J. JACKMAN, M.B.E., "Hazlernere," Albany Road, Falrno ut . County President: E. S. SEYMOUR, 60, Trefusis Road, Redruth. HIs GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. A. T. MOSSMAN, 9, Killerton Road, Bude. W. H. MAYCOCK, "Lyndale," Tresillian, Truro. (APpeals . County Vice-President: F. POLKINGHORNE, "Hyland" Heanton Terrace, Redru . Viscoun t SCARSDALE. (Competitions). ' Commissioner . Colonel F. Arnot BEARN, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., M.D., "BrookP. PEARCE, Barclays Bank, Redruth. (Treasurer). lands," Temple Road, Buxton. (Tel. 587). J. G. BARRETI, "Silver Bow" Mount Ambrose R edruth. Capt. J. ATKINSON, M.B.E., White Knowle Cottage, Chinley, Deputy Commissioner. County Secretary . Miss G. MORCOM, 18, Dean Street, Liskeard: Nr. Stockport.
County Superintendent (N) County Surgeons
County County County County
Nursing Officer . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Staff Officers .
County Secretary
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officer .
Miss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, Mickleover, Derby. (Tel. Derby 53124). I. MACKENZIE, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 141, Manor Road, Derby. Mrs. Clara STEWART, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., 3, Hardwick Mo t, Buxton. Vacant. Vacant. Mrs. C. B. WRIGHT, 2a, Gurney Avenue, Sunny Hill, Der y. F. 1. SHIMWELL, 151, Manor Road, Brimington, Nr. Chester. field. W. F. RlGLEY, 6a, Kingsway, Ilkeston. (Training). Mrs. G. E. H. WEATHERBY, 28 Kingston Street, Derby. Capt. P. J. B. DRURy-LoWE, Locko Park, Spondon. Miss B. M. BRINDLE, Stanley House, 76, Morley Road, Chaddesden, Derby. Mr~. C. 1. MARGERRISON, The Cottage, Wilday Green, Barlow, Via Sheffield. (Tel. Holmesfield 362).
Northern Area Vacant. Vacant. Miss N. START, 56, Brown Edge Road, Buxton. Dr. W. E. MARSHALL, Manchester Road, Chapel-en-Ie-Frith. H. BAXBY, 23, Alexandra Road, Dronfield. Vacant. E. C. H. DOWSON, 6, Central Terrace, Lordsmill Street, Chesterfield.
National Coal Board No. 1 Area B. KENDALL, Bonnevienne, Inkersall Road, Duckrnanton, Nr. Chesterfield. Area Superintendent (A) Vacant. Area Superintendent (N) Vacant. Area Surgeon . . . Dr. W. A. F. HURST, Heathfield, Tibshelf. Area Nursing Officer . Mrs. C. L. MAIZEL, S.R.N., "Carmel," Mill Lane, Whitwell, Nr. Worksop. Asst. Area Nursing Officer Mrs. V. W. NAYLOR, 1, North Crescent, Duckmanton, Chester· field. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. C. CARTER, York House, Creswell, Nr. Worksop. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. M. DENT, 133, Whitecotes Lane, Walton Chesterfield. W. S. BUCK, 1, Ringwood Avenue, Staveley,' Chesterfield. (Cadets). Area Staff Officers. F. NORMAN. 15, Private Drive, Hollingwood. Miss V. SOUTHERN, The Laurels, 67, Main Road, Morton. A. MILLS, 256, Chesterfield Road, Temple Normanton, Nr. Chesterfield. Area Commissioner
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
National Coal Board No. 5 Area H. F. PARKER, 377, Derby Road, Nottingham. W. A. HUDSON, 24, Middleton Avenue, Crosshill, Codnor. Mrs. M. RIGLEY, S.R.N., 6a, Kingsway, llkeston. " J. L. W. JOHNSON, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P. & s., "Beechcroft, Church Lane, Brins]ey, Notts. Nursing Officer. . . Mrs. K. MORLEY, "Morwood," 216, Heanor Road, IlkestoJl. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. E. W. DILKS, 13, Kings way, Ilkeston, Derbyshire. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant. Staff Officers. W. AILMORE, 41, Heath Road, Ripley. H. HYDE, Sye Lane House, IIkeston Road South, Heano r. Miss L. E . C. GUNN, 8, Wade Avenue Ilkeston. S. HAYES, Hartshay Fields, Ripley. '
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon .
rea Commissioner
a Supenntendent· (A) rea Superintendent (N) :ea Surgeon
'ea Nursing Officer. . . rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .
Southern Area " " R. L. BROWN, M.B., CH.B., Ranmoor, 480, Burton Road, Derby. E. G. FLORENCE, 266, Osmaston Park Road, Derby. Miss G. H. WALTON, 9, Kingston Street, Derby. J. COLLINS, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 7, Crich Avenue, Littleover, Derby. Mrs. M. F. HALLETT. 398, Burton Road, Derby. E. T. BROWNING, 91, Boulton Lane, Alvaston, Derby. Mrs. L. ROBERTS, 27, Firfield Avenue, Breaston. R. NALL, 12, Lawrence Street, Long Eaton. H. FARNSWORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Avenue, Derby Mrs. FARNSWORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Avenue, Derby. Miss D. TRANTER, 33, Grange Street, Derby. "Treasurer).
EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON County Office: . The Hut, Culver Drive, Chudleigh, Newton Abbot. Tel. Chudlelgh 2262. County President: Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Imbert TERRY, BT., D.S.O., M.C. County Vice-Presidents: Lady RAYNER (Nursing). Lady IMBERT TERRY (Nursing Cadets). mmissioner . . . . unty Superintendent (N) unty Surgeon . . unty Nursing Officer unty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). unty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). ~unty
Staff Officers .
:ounty Secretary
ea Commissioner
ea Superintendent (A)
ea Superintendent (N)
ea Surgeon
ea Nursing Officer .
ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officer . Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Nursing Officer Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .
Major T. W. GRACEY, Melrose, Ashburton, S. Devon. Mrs. L. J. TOWNSEND, "Brooke House," Ipplepen, Newton Abbot. (Tel. Ipplepen 245). Vacant. Mrs. M. D. NICHOLLS, S.R.N., Bracken Howe, Sidcliffe, Sidmouth. R. L. JILLETT, M.B., B.S., Digby Hospital, Nr. Exeter. Mrs. M. W. BOLT, Little Copse, Newcourt Road, Topsham, Exeter. W. C. JOHNSON, 2, The Broadway, Littleham Cross, Exmouth. (Ambulance Liaison). T. T. HAy, S.R.N., Wonford House Hospital, Exeter. (Training) . A. C. TAYLOR, 18, Bridgetown, Totnes. (press Relations). Miss D. BOURCmER-WREY, Tawstock, Chudleigh. East Devon Area Major R. A. P. GRAY, M.B., 23, Southernhay East, Exeter. C. J. WOOD, 40, Kingsway, Heavitree, Exeter. Mrs. D. R. COLE, Harmony Hill, Ivy Orchard, Wilmington, Nr. Honiton. L. G. ANDERSON, M.B., CH.B., M.D., D.P.H., 26, Cranford Avenue, Exmouth. W. J. WRIGHT, S.R.N., 14, Walpole Close, Whipton, Exeter. Major H. L. F. BUCKNALL, Barnell, Branscombe, Seaton. Miss M. E. HOWES, 27, Brookside Crescent, Whip ton, Exeter. Miss M. MARTIN, 176, Pinhoe Road, Exeter. South Devon Area Lt.-Col. C. M. TOWNSEND, Brooke House, Ipplepen. P. BAKER, 14, King's Avenue, Paignton. Miss D. F. DUCKWORTH, S.R.N., Rewlea, Ashburton, Newton Abbot. A. EVERARD, M.B., CH.B., 26, Keyberry Park, Newton Abbot, Devon. Mrs. E. M. HARVEY, S.R.N., 6, Derwent Road, Babbacombe, Torquay. M. E. C. STEDHAM, Lavender Cottage, Coach Road, Newton Abbot. Miss M. A. STOWE, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., Dartmoor Cottage, Lustleigh. Miss H. G. CHARLESWORTH, Bartons, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot. (Cadets) .
34 Area Staff Officers
H. F. DIAMOND, S.R.N., 36, Ba~ton Hill Road, Torquay. Mrs. D. CUMMING, Beacon View, 36, Warberry Road W Torquay. '
County Office: 2, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2. Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 81-3646. County President: North Devon Area S. EMBLETON, Esq., O.B.E. Area Commissioner County Vice-President: Lieut-Colonel K. G. W. SAUNDERS, O.B.E., F.R.C.S. Goodleigh Road, Barnstaple. ' R. RUTHERFORD, T.D., M.B., B.S., J.P., The Firs, Langley Park, Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) R. BRADDON, "St. John," Yelland Road, Fremington. Co. Durham. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. H. KING, Mulberry House, Barnstaple. A. BURNS, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., Rainton Lodge, West Deputy Commissioner Area Surgeon . . F. H. HOLLINGSHEAD, M.B., CH.B., Middleton, Combe Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring. Area Nursing Officer Mrs. C. H. M. HARDY, S.R.N., Dean House Old ~tl(::kle~pa~ County Superintendent (N) Lady STARMER, O.B.E., J.P., Danby Lodge, Darlington. Hill, Barnstaple. ' C o u n t y Surgeon K. M. MACDONALD, M.B., CH.B., Bankfield, Consett, Co. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Dr. J. P. BUSH, Heathfield House, Old Torrington Durham. Barnstaple. County Nursing Officer . . . Miss M. DALRYMPLE-SMITH, S.R.N., 4, Park Road, Sunderland. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. C. J. H. SAUNDERS, Elmfield, Bear Street, HaITIstapld County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Miss O. ADDISON, 80, Croft Terrace, Jarrow. Area Staff Officer . . . . E. S. PALMER, Glayva, Durrant Lane, Northam, Bi County Staff Officers . P. S. BLUNDEN, Cross House, Pelton, Chester Ie Street. W. MATHER, 4, Glebe Houses, Ferryhill, Co. Durham. Miss E. SCURLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Breamish Street, Jarrow-on-Tyne. (Training). J. J. D. KERRY, 95, Deneside, Lanchester, Durham. H. CARR, 88, Barningham Street, Darlington. W. A. REAH, Glengarrick, Lintzford Road, Hamsterly Mill, DORSET Rowlands Gill. (Treasurer). Mrs. M. JARRElT, S.R.N., 90, Marine A venue, Whitley Bay, County Office: Monkseaton. 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. Tel. Weymouth 2270. Miss. E. P. GRAY, 2, Summerhill, Sunderland. T. HOPKINS, 22, Farndale Avenue, South Bents, Whitburn. County President: H. S. D. HAENENS, 32, Claremont Road, Darlington. (Civil Dorothy, Lady ELLENBOROUGH. Defence). W. MCADAM, 9, Hackworth Street, Dean Bank, Ferryhill. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. R. WATSON, 40, Brandling Place South, Newcastle. County Secretary . (Tel. Newcast1e-upon-Tyne 81-1515). The Earl of SHAFTESBURY (Ambulance) East Durham Area Mrs. A. M. C. COOPER (Nursing). S. F. STOKOE, 2, Brookside Villas, Dene House Road, Seaham, Area Commissioner Lady Lettice Ashley COOPER (Nursing Cadets). Co. Durham. Area Superintendent (A) J. A. DRYDEN, M.B., B.CH., D.P.H., D.1.H., 8, Windsor Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Commissioner . Dr. E. J. Gordon WALLACE, Health Centre, Weymouth. Vacant. Area Superintendent (N) Weymouth 1645). Area Surgeon . . . A. K. MACRAE, M. D., CH.B., Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham. Deputy Commissioner. F. M. HANNA, M.B., B.CH., F.R.C.S.(ED.), 15, Bindeaves Vacant. Area Nursing Officer. . . Weymouth. R. W. WINTERBURN, S.R.N., 233, Sunderland Road, Harton, Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Superintendent (N) Mrs. D. R. GALTON, 6, Elgin Road, Parkstone. (Tel. South Shields. stone 928). Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss J. HUTCHlNSON, 43, Bede Street, Roker, Sunderland. County Surgeon G. J. ROMANES, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.O.M.S., Portesham South Durham Area Nr. Weymouth. Asst. County Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. SEYMOUR, Northfield House, Crichel, Wimb Area Commissioner E. S. SMITH, 34, Tunstall Avenue, West Hartlepool, Co. (N.H.S.R.). Durham. County Nursing Officer . . . Miss D. SUNDERLAND, S.R.N., Health Centre, Weymouth. Area Superintendent (A) W. F. HALL, M.B., B.S., B.HY., D.P.H., Thorpe Bulmer, Hart, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). K. H. M. ALDRIDGE, 58, St. Thomas Street, Weymouth. West Hartlepool. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Vacant. Area Superintendent (N) Vacant. Asst. County Staff Officer (Cadets) Area Surgeon . . . . R. K. BROWN, M.B., CH.B., Kelvin House, Bearpark, Co. Durham. (N) . . . . . . . . Mrs. A. M. SWABEY, 115, King's Road, West Swanage. Area Nursing Officer. . Vacant. County Staff Officers . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. COULSON, 74, Starmer Crescent, Darlington. A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, Weymouth. H. C. H. FRANCIS, 9, Palatine View, Durham. (Secretary for E. PADDOCK, The Bungalow, Plantation Road, Waterloo, poole. Area Staff Officer . Cadets). E. W. CUFF, "Sydco," 67, Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester, J. B. SPENCER, 422, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. Western Area D. G. F. AculT, "Cambrai," Cranford Avenue, Weymouth, Area Commissioner R. M. ARCIDBALD, M.B., CH.B., D.I.H., Westfield, Hare Law, (publicity). Annfield Plain, Stanley. Mrs. D. R. BOOTH, 7 Mount Joy, Burton Road, Area Superintendent (A) Vacant. F. C. BRYANT, 12, Garland Road, Poole. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. H. ROCHESTER, 5, Pikesyde, Dipton, Co. Durham. G. KIDNER, 20, Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth. (Treasurer), Area Surgeon . Mrs. M. F. St. J. U. CoSGRAVE, M.B., B.S., Felling Lodge, F. H. HOUSE, "Taormina" 8, Wardc1iffe Road, Weymouth. FelJing-on-Tyne. Mrs. H. M. PENNY, Wessex Club, Lindsay Manor, Area Nursing Officer. . . Vacant. Road, Bournemouth. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. YOUNGER, 90, Wear Road, South Stanley. County Secretary . Miss F. B. LONG, 10, Dorchester Road Weymouth. (TeL Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. E. A. YOUNGER, 90, Wear Road, South Stanley. Weymouth 2270). Area Staff Officer. . . J. T. DRUMMOND 267, Windsor Avenue, Gateshead, 8.
ESSEX County Office: Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay Road, Chelmsford.
,(sst. Cty. Superintendent (N)
unty Nursing Officer . . \sst. County Nursing Officer . Tel. Chelmsford 55789.
County President: Colonel Sir Francis WIllTMORE, BART., K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., T.D.
ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). ounty Staff Officers .
County Vice-Presidents : The Lady Joan NEWMAN (Nursing). Mrs. J. T. WIllTLEY (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officers .
County Sergeant Major County Secretary .
J. T. WmTLEY, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., 56, New London Road Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2194). Capt. R. J. WENLEY, T.D., J.P., 96, Galleywood Road, Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2704). W. E. NORFOLK, 84, Marconi Road, Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2726). Mrs. E. SMELLIE, M.B.E., The Bridge House, Lexden, Colchester. (Tel. Colchester 72982). F. P. WALLIS, M.R. C.P., L.R.C.P. , " Gowes," Galleywood Road, Great Baddow. Mrs. E. M. BENHAM, 30, Queen's Road, Colchester. Miss M. RENNOLDSON, S.R.N., St. John's Hospital, Chelmsford. E. A. POOLE, 178, Cowdray Avenue, Colchester. Miss R. I. LEEKS, "Ivydene," Stock Road, Galleywood, Chelmsford. Miss E. M. Hart, Yarra Mund, Mildmays, Danbury. F. E. BROOKS, 144, Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford. (T reasurer). W. J . SMITH, 39, Forest Drive, Westlands Estate, Chelmsford. (Transport). . W. R. UNWIN, 14, Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford. (Duties Officer). Mrs. M. A. SPURGEON, 9, Cotman Road, Shrub End, Colchester. (Cadets). F. THORNDIKE, Elm Tree House, Fox Street, Ardleigh, Colchester. (Cadets). Mrs. V. F. HEDGES, 98, Dorset Avenue, Chelmsford. (N.H.S.R.) W. SCHOFIELD, 45, Victoria Street, Braintree. (Cadets). M rs. I. M. T. HASLAM, " Phaphamau," Patching Hall Lane, Chelmsford. R. B. CHAPMAN, 23, Challis Road, Braintree. A. MAYHEW, "St. Leonards," Wash Road, Laindon, Essex.
GLOUCESTERSlllRE County Office: 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Tel. Cheltenham 53610. County Presidents : The Countess St. ALDWYN. Colonel R. A. Miss Earl St. Commissioner . . . . . Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon
County Vice-Presidents: G. BINGLEY, C.V.O., D.S.O., O.B.E. (Ambulance) . Ariadne RODOCANACHI (Nursing). ALDWYN, T.D. , D.L. (Ambulance Cadets) ~ d . H. L. St. G. CAREY, M.V.O., Hawling Manor, Andovers oCd' Lieut-Colonel F . WILLIAMSON, O.B.E., 90, Leckhampton Roa . Cheltenham. Mrs. G. A. WILLANS, Oaklands, Shurdington, Nr. CheJ tenba~. C . H. DRAKE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54, Parton LaD J Gloucester.
Commissioner Commissioner
Miss D. M. TRIMMER, 2, Bournside Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. DRAKE, S.R.N., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester. Mrs. M. DUNCALFE, S.R.N., 50, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester. R. A. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. Miss J. B. PARKER, Highfield House, Whitminster, Glos. (N.H.S.R.) Mrs. B. LAWRENCE, The Nappings, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. (County Welfare). Miss M. K. OSWELL, 7, Eldorada Road, Cheltenham. (Admin. -Medical Comforts). Rev. E. J. M. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James's Vicarage, Tivoli Road, Cheltenham. W. LE GRESLEY, 92, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham. (Cadets) . Mrs. M. A. COTIl!E, S.R.N., 23, Honyatt Road, Gloucester. (Training Adviser, Nursing). Mrs. D. P. HrrCmNG, "Dronfield," London Road, Charlton Kings. (Cadets). G. T. CLARK, 83, Falkner Street, Gloucester. A. FOLCA, 17, South Drive, Leckhampton Road, Cheltenha m. Miss E. G. MARSHALL, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Forest of Dean Area Sir John PALMER, BT., Newland, Coleford, Glos. Southern Area Lieut.-Colonel J. W. WOOLDRrDGE, Court Cottage, Shipton Moyle, Tetbury.
GUERNSEY County Office: Headquarters, Rohais, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. Tel. Guernsey Central 3700. Bailiwick President: W. H. ARNOLD, C.B.E. Bailiwick Vice-Presidents : Dr. W. B. Fox. Lady ROBSON (Nursing) J . E. L. MARTEL (Ambulance Cadets) . Mrs. M. M. loVERIDGE (Nursing Cadets) . Colonel R. B. BROADBENT, O.B.E., La Ruette, St. Martins, Guernsey. (Tel. St. Martin 8435). Commissioner W. TAYLOR, B.E.M., Quendon, Le Martival, La Ruette St. Martins. (Tel. St. Martin 8247). ' wick Superintendent (A). R. A. LUFF, "Belize," Doyle Road, St. Peter Port. Superintendent (N) Mrs. R. M. THOMPSON, La Tourelle, Pierre Percee. (TeL Central 255). Surgeon. W. R. CAMBRIDGE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 31, High Street, St. Peter Port. (Tel. Central 3090). R . H. BLANCHFORD, O.B.E., G.M., Le Croute Herivel, Rohais, St. Peter Port. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. TOUZEAU, Holmlea, Route Militaire, Vale, Guernsey. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. O. H. GALLIENNE, " Balmoral," Guelles Road, St. Peter Port. Staff Officers F. W. BUSH, "Palma," Green Lanes, St. Peter Port. E. CoLL, Colwyshe, Les Mourants, St. Martins. H. FALLA, Durrington, Les Banques, St. Sampsons, Guernsey. (Cadets). R. J. HERVE, "Beau Soleil," Saumarez Lane, Castel. (Treasurer). H. P. SAUNDERS, Cleaton, Foulon Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. (Stores). W. G. BAKER, 22, St. George's Esplanade, St. Peter Port. (Competitions). C. E. FRooME, "Rosemead," Les Varioufs, St. Martins. V. E. LUFF, M.B.E., Les Rohais de Haut, St. Andrews, Guernsey_
HAMPSlllRE County Office: Wessex House, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Tel. 2884. County President: The Hon. Mrs. S. R. CuBITI. County Vice-President: Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. WILLIS, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O. Marjorie, COUNTESS OF BRECKNOCK (Nursing). Mrs. M. P. A. CuRTIS (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officers .
County Secretary . Asst. County Secretary Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officer . Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)
Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer
Colonel W. P. S. CURTIS, O.B.E., D.L., Longdown House, Twyford, Nr. Winchester. (Tel. Twyford 2186). Captain H. P. HENDERSON, C.B.E., D.S.O., Hamlet House, Hambledon, Hants. (Tel. Hambledon 648). Miss L. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage, Shirley Holms, Lymington. (Tel. Sway 220). " L. M. MAYBURY, M.A., M.B., B.CInR., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Kenwood" 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea. Mrs. C. 'B. DUTFIELD, "Southwinds," Holly Hill Lane, Sarisbury Green. Mrs. E. A. PURKESS, J.P., S.R.N., "Glenleigh," Avenue Road, Brockenhurst. Brigadier B. W. WEBB-CARTER, D.S.O., O.B.E., Ashton Cottage, Bishops Waltham. Vacant. A. L. AyMES, Kilnwood, Hillview Road, Michelmersh, Nr. Romsey. (Treasurer). R. W. HARRIS, "Three Lawns," Lytton Road, Basingstoke. (Training). Mrs. B. V. SANDISON, Long View, Roseberry Road, Alresford. (Hospital Libraries). Mrs. E. E. YOUNG, 162, Stockbridge Road, Winchester. (N.H.S.R.) d T. W. BULPITT, "Invicta," 165, London Road, Horn ean, (Public Relations and Press). .. E. J. Miller, 12, Appollo Road, Chandler's Ford. (CIVIl Defence). Mrs. M. B. P . SHEARING, 147, Corhampton Road, Bournemouth. R. S. BODEN, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Mrs. J . G. M. BODEN, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Eastern Area Colonel E. G. DUTFIELD, T.A., "Southwinds," Holly Hill Lane, Saris bury Green. B. A. HAWKEY, 40, Northcroft Road, Gosport. Vacant. 1mh t C. N. SUTER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Leventhorpe," 1, E urs Road, Gosport. . Miss M. F. M. STEPHENSON, S.R.N., 17, Meynck Road, Port mouth. h G. H. WAITES, 91, Randolph Road, North End, portsmo~t . Miss M. M. ROGERS, S.R.N., The Royal Portsmouth HospItal, Commercial Road, Portsmouth. . . T. C. GOLDSMITH, 79, Orchard Road Southsea. (Tral1lll1g). Central Area Lieut-Colonel J. D. C. BROWNLOW, O.B.E., Pennington HouSe, Lymington. Capt. W. Mn..Ls, M.B.E., "Hilldale," Station Lane, Chandlers Ford. B'tt me Miss M. A. THOMAS, "Aberfoyle," 13, Norwich Road, 1 e Park, Southampton. Chessel A. O. JOHN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., D.CH., 2, Avenue, Bitterne, Southampton. Mrs. O. R. DAVIES, S.R.N .. "Pinecroft," The Crescent, Romse .
luea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officer .
A. F. R. CLARKE, 60, Kitchener Road, Southampton. Mrs. A. E. ALFORD, 8, Obelisk Road, Woolston, Southampton. W. G. RUSSELL, "Bridaimer," 55, Dell Road, Bitterne Park, Southampton. (Training and C.D.).
Hon. Area Press Relations Officer (Awciliary) Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Supp.rintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .
A/Area Commissioner. luea Superintendent (A) \rea Superintendent (N) ~rea Surgeon \rea Nursing Officer . luea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) \rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officer .
N. A. WILTON, Odeon Theatre, North Walls, Winchester. Northern Area L. P. BOTTING, 13, Esher Close, Basingstoke. S. WILDE, 4, Nom Hill, Basingstoke. Mrs. D. WILSON, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Nr. Andover. Vacant. D. C. GRESSWELL, S.R.N., Park Prewett Hospital, Basingstoke. B. CROSS, 21, Pitman Close, Basingstoke. Mrs. G. E. EVANS, Mynster, Church Avenue, Farnborough. H. N. SHORT, 62, Netley Road, Farnborough. (Training). Mrs. C. P. EBDON, 35, Widmore Road, Basingstoke. R. G . EHLEN, 2, Abbott Close, Basingstoke. H. A. YOUNG, "Grathorne," 36, Boxall's Lane, Aldershot. G . S. WALKER, B.M., B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.S., 2, Reading Road, Farnborough. Western Area F. H. STUTTAFORD, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 12a, Grand Avenue, Southbourne, Bournemouth. L. F. JEANS, 70, Wheaton Road, Bournemouth. Miss D. M. BRODERICK, 14, Littledown Avenue, Bournemouth. F. A. HEIMANN, M.D., L.R.C.P., 12a, Crabton Close Road, Boscombe. Miss M. COSSLEY, S.R.N., Royal Victoria Hospital, Shell ey Road, Boscombe. Vacant. Vacant. A. MAYBURY, Police Station, Ringwood. (Training) .
HEREFORDSIllRE County Office: S.J.A.B. Headquarters, Widemarsh Street, Hereford. Tel. Hereford 2837. County Presidents: The Lady BIDDULPH. Brigadier F. A. V. CoPLAND-GRIFFITHS, D.S.O., M.C., J.P County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. FOLEY, (Nursing). C. A. BLOSSETT (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. Greville PmLLIPS (Nursing Cadets). Lieut.-Colonel Sir Terence FALKINER, BT., Kingsthorne House, Nr. Hereford. (Tel. Wonnelow 343). ty Commissioner . . . H. J. HARRIS, B.E.M., 38, Underhill Road, Tupsley, Hereford. ty Superintendent (N) Mrs. J. V. B. CONGREVE, Garnstone Garden Cottage, Norton Canon, Hereford. (TeL Weobley 269). Surgeon . . G. M. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The New House, Ross-on-Wye. Nursing Officer Mrs. M. E. C. PORTCH, S.R.N., Leominster Cottage Hospital Leominster. . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) . R. R UCK, 51, Mill Street, Hereford. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. F. M. HARRIS, 38, Underhill Road, Tupsley, Hereford. Staff Officers R. T. MORRIS, Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. C . H. PRICE, 12, Aconbury Avenue, H ereford. Y Secretary . Mrs. 1. C. LOCHHEAD, 40, Alexander Avenue, Hereford .
HERTFORDSIllRE County Office : 7, Marlborough Road, St. Albans, Herts. Tel. L.N.-54333. County Presidents: H. Langley JONES, Esq., M.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets).
L. R . N. P ERCEY, M.B.E., J.P.,
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officers .
County Secretary
Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A)
"Heath Brow," Welwyn. (Tel. Welwyn 4108). D. Hardy KINMONT, M.B., CH.B., 100, Clarence Road, t. Albans . (Tel. St. Albans 51421). T. C. FORBES, "Valetta," Little Widbury, Ware. Miss D. SPARKES, B.A., 21, Park Avenue, St. Albans. (Tel.
County Office: Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. Tel. Wootton Bridge 470.
County President:
His Grace The Duke of WELLINGTON, K.G. F. R. B. H. KENNEDY, M.B.E., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Wootton Lodge, Commissioner . L.N.-53983). Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. G . W. MAY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Denham Lod , T. HAMBLY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Meadowcroft," Salisbury Road, County Surgeon 83, New Road, Ware. Ryde. Mrs. E. BILK, B.SC., Friars Mead, St. Stephens Avenue, St. County Nursing Officer . . . A. A. EXELL, S.R.N., 17, Ashley Road, Ryde. Albans. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). A. P. COMPTON, 93, High Street, Sandown. G. Henderson SMITH, 97, Haymeads, Digswell Hill , WeI County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. B. K. Jacobs, The Grange, Alverstone. Garden City. G. M. HOMAN, M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., "Monkspath," Limsterone, County Staff Officers . Miss I. DAVIES, 109, London Road, St. Albans. Nr. Newport. (i/c Ambulance Divisions, West Wight). Mrs. Hilda MABER, S.R.N., "Crossways," Point Clear, St. E. F. MlLLGATE, "Femcotte," Castle Road, Newport. Osyth, Essex. J. W. JOLLIFFE, 33, Prince Street, Ryde. (Competitions). Miss WOOD, 19, Park Avenue, St. Albans. Mrs. C. J. RAMSDE , J.P., Norcott Cottage, Mitton Lane, Mrs. B. 1. ROGERS, 14, Jennings Road, St. Albans. Bembridge. (Hospital Libraries). F. J. MIDDLETON, 26, Cannons Close, Bishops Stortford. Mrs. B. B. E. O'DAY, 6, Seafield Terrace, Seaview. (Records). E. H. RICHARDSO , A.S.A.A., Regal Chambers, Shanklin. Vacant. (Treasurer-Admin.). Eastern Area J. S. MUNRO, The Chalet, Whippingham. (Admin.). W. ApPLETON, "Lyndhurst," Puckeridge, Nr. Ware. S . G. BARTON, "Waverley," Gravel Pit Road, Wootton Bridge. S. F. PORCHER, "Colville" 44 St. Johns Avenue, Harlow. Miss E. M. E. CAWS, "Seacroft," Queen's Road, Ryde. County Secretary . Mrs. M. C. BERGIN, 16, The Valley Green, Welwyn Garden City. JERSEY J . Munro SHERRIFF, B.SC., L.R.C.P.(ED.), L.R.C.S.(ED.), L.R.F.P.S. (GLAS.), 23, Salisbury Avenue, Harpenden. County Office: Miss B. F. CRAWLEY, S.R.N., 23 , Uplands Avenue, Hite . . Midvale Road, Jersey. Tel. Cent. 24163. W. HOWARD, 13, By-the-Mount, Welwyn Garden City. County President:
Western Area Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers.
T. H. BURGESS, J.P., "Coonor," 17, King Edwards Road, Ware. (Tel. Ware 345). K . C. WARNER, 92, Bursland, Letchworth. Miss E. ATKINS, 101, Old Hale Way, Hitchin. G. M. MIALL-SMITH, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.PH., 2, Guessens Walle, Welwyn Garden City. Miss O. M . DAVIES, S.R.N., St. Albans City Hospital, Normandy Road, St. Albans. J. N . G. TROUGHTON, 312, Northbridge Way, Hemel Hempstead. Miss W. M. HART, Blue Stile, Priory Close, Royston. Mrs. F. CHAPMAN, 1, Frogmore Cottages, Lower High Street, Watford. (Cadets). . Mrs. R. M. BENNETT, 49, Fordwich Road, Welwyn GardenClty.
County Vice-Presidents: (Nursing). Lady TRENT (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner . . Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (N) County County County County
Surgeon . . Nursing Officer . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Staff Officer (Cadets) (N).
County Staff Officers .
ISLE OF MAN County Office: Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man.
Tel. Douglas 2121.
County Secretary & Treasurer
County President:
County urgeon . . County ur ing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadet) (A). ounty taff Officer (Cadet) (N). County Secretary .
Capt. T. H. HALL, J.P. , Eskham, Devonshire Road, Doug a, Mrs. V. E. KELLY, J .P ., Ballaqueeney Lodge, Ballaquayle Road. Douglas. (Tel. Douglas 3006). A. R. MCPHERSON, M.B., CH.B., 46, Loch Promenade, DoUgla Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. E. R. G. CAIN, F.I.A.C., 18, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas.
H . R. S. POCOCK, Les Niemes, St. Peter, Jersey. Vacant. Mrs. U. MALET DE CARTERET, St. Ouen's Manor, St. Ouen, Jersey. St. Jolm BIRT, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Fontenelle, Millbrook, Jersey. Vacant. Dr. J. G. MILLAR, 31, Roseville Street, St. Relier. Mrs. D. MACFADYE , La Turbie, Claremont Road, St. Helier, Jersey. Mrs. G. DAWSON, La Ruette, Victoria Village, Jersey. A. J. Le MONNIER, 12, Princess Place, Greve d'Azette, Jersey. Miss B. Le HUQUET, Le Chalet, Bagatelle Road, St. Saviour, Jersey. (Cadets). E. D. N. BURBIDGE, Heytesbury, Fauvie, Jersey. Miss L. Du FEU, Tunbridge, Georgetown, Jersey.
County Vice-Presidents: F. M. CUBBO , Esq. (Ambulance). Lady COWLEY (Nursing). S. J. KNEALE, Esq., O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. M. M. GILL (Nursing Cadets). C. C. BEATy-POWNALL, Esq., Chief Constable'S Office, Dougll a . .
Commissioner . . Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (N)
County Office: St. John House, 41, Church Street, Maidstone. Tel. Maidstone 55924.
County Presidents : The Lady ASTOR OF HEVER. J. H. DAY, Esq., M.B.E. (Ambulance).
County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Rev. Dr. A. W. ROSE (Ambulance). The Lady De L'IsLE AND DUDLEY (Nursing). J. H. H. DAVIS, Esq. (Ambulance Cadets). Viscountess ALLE BY OF MEGIDDO (Nursing Cadets). Lady Eileen V. D E N[ G CommiSSioner
Major-General G. BRU SKILL, C.B., M.C., Rawkhurst. (Tel. Hawkhurst 2283).
Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon
. .
Asst. County Superintendent County Nursing Officer . County Staff Officer (Cadets) County Staff Officer (Cadets) County Staff Officers
(N). . . (A). (N).
County Secretary
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)
Area Nursing Officer Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officer .
Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officer .
Vacant Lady CUMBERBATCH, "Monk's Park" Wadhurst, Sussex. R. H. PERCIVAL, M.A., M.CH.(OXON.), F.R.C.S. (ENG.), D.C.H., 74, Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. Miss. A. L. ROMILLY, 18, Calverley Park, Tunbridge Wells Mrs. 1. M. HOBY, S.R.N.~ 4, Horsted Way, Rochester. . C. G . D. SMITH, 67, Sidney Street, Folkestone. Mrs. E. DOUGLAS, The Manor House, SeUindge, Ashford. H. N. HARVEY, Barc1ays Bank Ltd., Maidstone. (Treasurer) Miss C. HIGHAM, 98, Maidstone Road, Rochester. . T. L. ISAAC, 238, Maidstone Road, Rochester. (Training). Mrs. PRING, Mount Top, The Close, Saltwood, Hythe. (N.H.S.R.) Miss V. C~MPBELL, 191, Southlands, Bickley, Bromley. (County LIbrary Organiser-Admin.). Mrs. M. KELSEY, Brocks Ghyll, Wadhurst, Sussex. (Appeals). M. JONES, 171, Sutton Street, Maidstone. Brigadier C. E. M. HERBERT, C.B.E., "Stonehayne," Stanford, Ashford. (Admin.) (publicity). B. T. BEAUMONT, M.B.E., "Pembles," Doddington Sittingbourne. (Tel. Doddington 230). ' No.1 Area Brigadier J. V. DAVIDSON-HouSTON, M.B.E., Magpie. Shaw House, Speldhurst. Miss L. H. BURNS-HARTOPP, Dalby Lodge, Hawkhurst. J. W. PIPER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 247, Singlewell Road, G ravesend. S. NIGHTINGALE, 3, Elm Cottage, Edenbridge, Kent Mrs. V. A. WINTER, 44, Meadow Road Rusthall T unbridge " Wells. Mrs. 1. A. JEWISS, 19, Grange Road, Kippington, Sevenoaks. No.2 Area B. T. BEAUMONT, M.B.E., "Pembles," Doddington Sittingbourne. Mrs. 1. PAPWORTH, "Tregarthen," Vale Road: Whitstable. Alex CHALMERS, M.B., CH.B., 8, London Road Sittingbourne. F. C. ROLFE, 11, King's Road, Birchington. ' Mrs. E. M. HEYWOOD, 15, Salisbury Road, Heme Bay. C. R. L. WALLACE, 96, Hugin Avenue, St. Peters, Broadstairs. No.3 Area E. A. HERBERT, "Brynmawr," 48, Plains Avenue, Maidstone. Mrs. A. JAY, 33, Audley Road, Folkes tone. Dr. Gertrude NICHOLSON, 2, Dunedin Court, Cheriton Gardens, Folkestone. J. G. PERRY, 18, Castweazle, Tenterden. Mrs. D. M. BAILEY, "Maywood," New Road, Saltwood, Hythe. Mrs. J . M. PERCIVAL, S.R.N., 74, Bower Mount Road, Maidstone
~istant to Commissioner )jstrict Superintenaent (N)
istrict Surgeon
t. District Superintendent (N) istrict N ursing Officer . . . istrict Staff Officer (Cadets (A). )istrict Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). District Staff Officers .
District Secretary
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . . Area Area Area Area
Nursing Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers. . . .
DUKE OF LANCASTER'S DISTRICT District Office: 15-17, Mount Street, Preston. Tel. Preston 2239. District President: The Earl of DERBY. District Vice-Presidents: Major E. S. Burt IlAMILTON, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S.E. (A mbulance). The Countess of SEFTON (Nursing). Lord SHUTTLEWORTH, M.C. (Ambulance Cadets). The Countess PEEL (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner . . C?lonel V. F. ROYLE, E.R.D., D.L., 67, Church Street, Lancaster Deputy Commissioners Lle~t.-Colonel S. B. G. SIMMONS, M.C., 4, Menlove Avenue, LIverpool, 18. Major S. NEWSOM, T.D., J.P., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S., 34, princes Way, Fleetwood. Lanes. Deputy Commissioner . Major W. H. WALKER, 35, Brookside Avenue, Liverpool 14.
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Nursing Officer
Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers.
Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A)
C. J. EASlWooD, 42, Lune Street, Preston. The Lady Mary HEsKETH, J.P., Meols Hall, Southport. (Tel. Southport 88171). Colonel R. G. W. OLLERENSHAW, T.O., Q.H.S., M.A., B.M., M.R.C.S., D.M.R.D., 4, Pine Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. M. M. REEKJE, M.B. , CH.B., 7, Rowsley Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. Vacant. R. CHARLESWORTH, 1473, Ashton Old Road, Higher Openshaw, Manchester, 11. Mrs. E. NISBET, 4, Netherton Park Road, Litherland, Liverpool, 21. Major J. D. CAMERON, M.B.E., T.D., Kings Fold, Pope Lane, Penwortham, Preston. (Public Relations & Surgeons' Dept.) F. W. LONGWORTH, 102, Abbey Hey Lane, Higher Openshaw, Manchester, 11. (Cadets). V. S. HELMORE, 8, East Terrace, Euxton Lane, Chorley. (C.D.). Miss J. B. M. LOUDEN, 2a, Lord Street West, Southport. (Competitions). W. E. SEARL, 91, Water Park Road, Prenton, Cheshire. Major J. M. GIBSON, Lloyds Bank, St. Annes on Sea. (Treasurer-Auxiliary). N. G. CROSSLEY, "Colinton" Church Lane, Farington Moss, Leyland. (Competitions). Lieut.-Colonel G. A. STEEL, M.B., CH.B., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., "The Beeches," Tabby's Nook, Newburgh, ru. Wigan. (Training). Miss K . L. THOMAS, 1, Withnell Close, Liverpool 13. (Camp Adviser) . Mrs. J. WEBSTER, 68, Devonshire Road, Atherton. (Training). Mrs. B. HARWOOD, 7, Tipping Street, Altrincbam. (Competitions). Ellen W. M. SHAW, M.R.C.S. , L.R.C.S. , 7, Tenterden Street, Bury. Mrs. E. Gaskill, 50 Turnbull Road, Longsight, Manchester, 13 . Major T. E. SPENCER, M.B.E., T.O. , 15, Mount Street, Preston.
No.1 Area R. C. U. WARRINGTON, M.B., "Lethendry," Glebe Street, Great Harwood. H. SMALLEY, S.R.N., Hill View, Hospital Cottages, Ribchester, Nr. Preston. Mrs. H. BROWN, Harley Bank, Todmorden. Colonel R. C. WEBSTER, B.SC., M.B. , B.CH., D.P.H. , D.CH. , 1, Harley Villas, Todmorden. F. L. BARNES, 4, Park Lane, Brierfield. E. V. MASON, 134, Blackburn Road, G reat Harwood. Mrs. O. D AWES, "Belgrave," 475, Revidge Road, Blackburn. Mrs. M. M. MEGGITT, "Ravendale," Tumcroft Road, Darwen . G. WOOTTON, 38, Westbourne Avenue, Burnley. (C.D.). No.2 Area Major H. L. ISHERWOOD, T.D., "Wenallt," 12, New Church Road, Bolton. E . MASON, 15, Wood Road North, Manches ter, 16. Miss A. RIGBY, 60, Cemetery Road, Swinton. J. R. A. Luckas, M.B., "Ingleside," Tyldesley, Manchester. J. E. CAPES, S.R.N., "Glencoe," 235 , Walmersley Road , Seedfield , Bury. L. J. EVANS, 74, Hazelhurst Road, Worsley. Mrs. L. HOD CROFT, 319, Manchester Road , Tyldesley. Miss E. N. FULTON, 272, New Brook Road, Atherton , Nr. Manchester. Miss M . Venables, 137, Blantyre Street, Swinton , Mancheste r. No.3 Area G. HALBERT, 298, Waterloo Street, Oldham . G. lMESON, "Thomcliffe," 83, Houghton Lane, Swinton.
Area Surgeon District Staff Officer Area Nursing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .
V. H. WHEBLE, B.M., F.R.C.S., "Greeba," ] 69, Buxton
Mile End, Stockport. Miss K. LAMB, 7, Tenterden Street, Bury. Miss F. GARDNER, S.R.N., Fairfield General Hospital, J. DIGGLE, 22, Bail don Road, Passmonds, Rochdale. Mrs. N. SMITH, 19, The Avenue, Seedfield, Bury. J. STALEY, 590, Oldham Road, Ashton-under-Lyme. Mrs. M. Swinnerton, ]9, Sherwood Avenue, Radcliffe, chester.
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Surgeon Nursing Officer
· N . L8. SAr~~FFLES . , Dene House, Dene Road, Didsbury, R o· M aJor D . P t 'ch Nr Manchester, 20. N. R. KAy, M.B.E., 24, Sunningdale nve, res WI, • Manchester. D PHD I R G 0 HUGHES M.B., CR.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., . . ., ... , '52 . Hill Top' Road Cheadle Hulme. Mrs.' E. G. ISB[STE~, S.R.N., Oak Dene, Chatham Road, Manchester, 16. d H' h H BARKER 202 Brooklands Road, Sale. d Mrs. E. C~L~SWORTH, 1473, Ashton 01 Roa, 19 er Openshaw Manchester, 11 B ' 10 Waverly Road, Sale, Manchester. B~~~, 27, Moorcroft Drive, Burnage, Manchester, 19 (Civil Defence). N M t ew os on, Mrs.' M. PLATT, 10, Bradshaw Fold Avenue, Manchester 10. . A d h w Miss A. BIR~H, 9, Bridge Street, GUIde Lane, u ens a ,
Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) No.4 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Major J. R. MIDDLEHURST, 49, Rivington Road, St. N. WHITE, 24, Ashurst Drive, Parr, St. Helens. Staff Officers . Miss E. BROWN, S.R.N., 33, Columbia Road, Prescot. Lieut.-Colonel A. R. EDWARDS, L.M.S.S.A., "The Birchfield Road, Widnes. Area Nursing Officer. . . Mrs. D. MALTMAN, S.R.N., 8, Alder Road, Prescot. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. W. BANKS, 94, Meeting Lane, Penketh, Warrington. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. A. R. WILLIAMSON, 112, Chester Road, Grap Warrington. J. ~~~~~~~'KIN, S.R.N., 5.1, Northern Grove, West D ids bury, Area Staff Officers. W. CLOUGH, ] 84, Wellfield Street, Warrington. Manchester, 20. (Train1l1g). H. FERNLEY, 5, Elkan Road, Crow Wood, Widnes. Defence). LEICESTERSlllRE AND RUTLAND D. MACDONALD-WALKER, 17, Kipling Grove, Sutton St. Helens. County Office: W. POTTS, 38, Chapel Street, CoppulI. 112, R egent Road, Leicester. Tel. 58345. No.5 Area County President: Area Commissioner Lt.-Col. G. K. C. LYSTER-ToDD, Dial House, Mrs. G. PHILLIPS. Rainford, Lancs. Area Superintendent (A) County Vice-Presidents: J. A. LUCAS, 26, Zig-zag Road, Liverpool, 12. Area Superintendent (N) Miss M. 1. PARTRIDGE (Nursing). Miss M. C. BANKS, 7, Lancefield Road, Liverpool, 9. Area Surgeon " E. J. L. COTTON (Ambulance Cadets). T. E. LLOYD, M.B., CH.B., 12, Ambleside Road, Liverpool, 1 Area Nursing Officer . Miss M. R. DORS, 14, Ashcombe Road, Stoneycroft, Li Commissioner . Vacant. pool, 14. LEE, 55, WeIland Vale Road, Spencefi e ld L ane, Leicester. L. Deputy Commissioner. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. A. LANGTON, 24, Paignton Road, Liverpool, 16. (Tel. Thurnby 5739). " Le' t Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss A. SEDDON, 46, Parks ide Drive, Liverpool, 12. Miss E. FOLWELL, "Wistow, Southernhay Road, lces er. County Superintendent (N) Area Staff Officers. T. E. TAYLOR, 24, Latrigg Road, Aigburth, Liverpool. J. E. CROOK, 31, Renville Road, Liverpool, 14. & s., 188, London Road, Leicester. County Surgeon . . J. HOLMES, 23, Bampton Road, Liverpool, ] 6. County Nursing Officer . . . Vacant. . A L' ster . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). E. HEYWOOD-SMITH, 9, Shankhn venue, elce No.6 Area Area Commissioner . J. HALL, 41, Windermere Road, South Shore, Blackpool. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Vacant. . Roa d , L oug) 1 bo'o gh . M' C WARD 34 Edelm I u Area Superintendent (A) County Staff Officers . R. V. ROGERSON, 30, Devonshire Road, Chorley. M~~~ N: M. BR~AM: 58, Storeygate Court Flats, London Road, Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. 1. HAIGH, 37 Blenheim Avenue, Blackpool. Area Surgeon Leicester. H b J. E. KING, M.B., CH.B., 4, Yates Street, Off Dickson Roa Miss V. M. V. LUSCOMBE, O.B.E., S.R.N., S.C.M., 87, urn erBlackpool. Area Nursing Officer . stone Drive, Leicester. . Mrs. J. McD. STEVENS, S.R.N., 23, Stanley Grove, Penwortham; Miss A. GABRIEL, 53, Peter's Drive, l:elcester. Preston. P W JACKSON 53 Myrtle Road, ~elcester. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) . H. NEEDHAM, 34, Bent Lane, Leyland, Preston. D L~RKMAN, i, B~'ack ley Close, LeIcester: Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) . Miss C. BANKS, 207, Cunliffe Road, South Shore, Bl~lCkIJOOIIII Area Staff Officers . M'iss M . J. FREER, 112, Regent Road, LeIcester. N. H. COOPER, 9, Grange Avenue, Thornton. County Secretary . Eastern Area Mrs. E. WR[GHT, 212, Poulton Road, Fleetwood. No.7 Area Vacant. M Jt Area Commissioner Area Commissioner C. R. TOWELL, Palel House, Gladstone Avenue, e on J. E. HELME, "Greeba," 34, Fairhope Avenue, The Area Superintendent (A) Lancaster. Mowbray. Area Superintendent (A) Vacant. Area Superintendent (N) Vacant. M t 1 Area Superintendent (N) T. M. GIBSO , M.B., CH.B., 176, Leicester Road, oun sorre, Miss M. ROGERS, 48, Brunswick Road, Morecambe. A.rea Surgeon Area Surgeon Leicester. W. W. M. McKINNEY, M.B., CH.B., Hill Crest, 85, West Road, Morecambe. . City of Leicester Area Area Nursing Officer Miss E. MCGILL, S.R.N., 24, Thorncliffe Road, Barrow-tn' Area Commissioner . Vacant. L ' t J M JONES 48 St. Michaels Avenue, elces er. . Area Superintendent (A) Furness. District Staff Officer . . . .Nt:' . M J FRE{R 103 Narborough Road, South LeLcester. W. G. SOUTHERN, M.B., Park Stile, Broughton-ill-Furness. Area Superintendent (N) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A.lS~. BRA'DLEY, M.B.B.S. M.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P., 335, Humberstonc J. CROSSFIELD, 9, Bristol Street, Walney, Barrow-in- r·c",,>·.-•• Area Surgeon . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. GAW E, 22, Lindal Street, Barrow-in-Furness. Road Leicester. . ' Area Staff Officers. W. H. BURNS, 48, Provincial Street, Barrow-ill-Furness. d Area Nursing Officer. . Miss P. GOODALL, S.R.N., S.C.M., Tht? Royal fnfLrmary, Lelcester. J. H. HOLMES, 185, Devonshire Road, Millom, Cumberlan . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. CREWE, 75, Moores Road, LeLcester. (Civil Defence) . Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
r tr
Area Staff Officers.
Area Superintendent (A) . Area Surgeon . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Staff Officer. . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A)
Miss C. SHOOTER, 9, Oakthorpe Avenue, Leicester. R. JULIAN, 81, Hazel Street, Leicester. E. E. HUDSON, 77, Hazel Street, Leicester. G. K. SHAW, 73, Repton Road, Wigston. Miss B. FREER, 308, Beaumont Leys Lane, Leicester. Miss D. G. HAMPSON, 90, Upper ton Road, Leicester. J. MCCAFFERTY, 7, Haddenham Road, Leicester. National Coal Board Area S. A. MCKEE, "Ivanhoe," 112, Broomleys Road, Coalville. A. H. M. CAMPBELL, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Green Hedges, Moira Road, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch. A. H. SAVAGE, Ivanhoe Villa, Moira Road, Donisthorpe, Nr. Burton-on-Trent. Western Area Vacant. H. A. JOHNSTON, 114, Hollycroft, Hinckley. Vacant. A. HAMILTON, M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., 48, London Road, Coalville J. T. KENNY, 73, Fairfield Road, Hugglescote, Coalville. G. H. F. WARD, 9, Oakley Road, Shepshed.
\rea Commissioner . \rea Superintendent (A) rea Superintendent (N)
lJea Surgeon . lJea Nursing Officer . . . ~ea Staff Officer (Cadets (A» ~ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)
Southern Area . N. V. M. DODDS, M.B., CH.B., 15a, HIgh Street, Spalding. J. W. SHORT, 125, Ryhall Road! Stamford. Mrs. I. START, Stonegate, Spaldmg. Vacant. Vacant Vacant. Mrs. M. E. PLEDGER, Tinwell House, Stamford.
LONDON (pRINCE OF WALES'S) DISTRICT Headquarters: 29, Weymouth Street, W.1. Tel. Langham 6762. District President: Air Vice-Marshal Sir ROBERT GEORGE, K.C.M.G., K.C.V .O., K.B.E. , C.B., M.C. District Vice-Presidents: Lord Nathan of CHURT. Doreen, Lady BRABOURNE, C.l. Edwin BAYLISS, Esq., O.B.E., D.L., J.P., L.C.C. Lady Pamela HICKS.
LINCOLNSIllRE County Office: Ketton Hall, Stamford, Lincolnshire. Tel. Ketton 256. County President : The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ANCASTER, T.D., J.P. County Vice-Presidents: The Lord BROWNLOW, J.P., D.L. Lady Cracroft AMCOTTS (Nursing). Commissioner . Air Marshal Sir John BALDWIN, K.B.E., C.B. , D.S.O. , J. P., Ketton Hall, Stamford, Lines. (Tel. Ketton 256). Deputy Commissioner. M. C. LAVIN, J.P., M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 111 , Oxford Street, Cleethorpes. (Tel. Cleethorpes 61328). County Superintendent (N) Mrs. E. M. EPTON, J.P., The Grange, Can wick, Lincoln. (Tel. Lincoln 21973). County Surgeon R. E. CROCKATT, M.B., CH.B., Sudeley House, Sutton Bridge, Spalding. County Nursing Officer . . . Mrs. D. ROGERS, S.R.N., 221, Boultham Park Road, Lincoln. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). H. A. BROWN, 93, Eastgate, Sleaford. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Vacant. County Staff Officers . J. PADDISON, 65, Cambridge Street, Cleethorpes. (Secretary). Squadron Leader W. J. BANGAY, M.B.E., The Cottage, Cranwell Village, Sleaford. F. G. LATCHEM, 47, Swallowbeck Avenue, Doddington Road, Lincoln. County Sergeant-Major H. DICKINS, 18, Uffington Avenue, Hartsholme. Northern Area Area Superintendent (A) A. B. HUDSON, 12, Lydbrook Road, Scunthorpe. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. L. DOUGHTY, 22, Burke Street, Scunthorpe. Area Surgeon R. G. ALLEN, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., M.D., 3, Cromwell Road, Cleethorpes. Area Nursing Officer. . . Vacant. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. N . COLEBROOK, 549, Laceby Road, Grimsby. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. P. I. C. STORRER, 381, Hainton Avenue, Grimsby. Area Staff Officer, Mrs. OBIEDZINSKY, 5, Abercorn Street, Scunthorpe. Central Area Area Commissioner Major R. G. CUBITI, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., L.M., DIP. OBST.U.C.C., D.OBST.R.C.O.G., 58, Southgate, Sleaford. Area Superintendent (A) W. GREEN, 138, Scorer Street, Lincoln. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. W. V. JUBB, 99, Chaucer Drive, St. Giles, Lincoln. Area Surgeon . T. F. GREENWOOD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 30, West Street, Horn' castle. Area Nursing Officer . . . Vacant. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. A. K. Radford, 32, Boundary Street, Bracebridge, Lincoln.
Deputy Commissioners
District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon Asst. District Surgeon. District Nursing Officer . . Asst. District Nursing Officer District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). District Staff Officers .
Group Captain G. H. PIRIE, C.B.E., 7, ~arysfort House, West Halkin Street, S.W.I. (Tel. BelgravIa, 1561). Sir Denys LOWSON, BT., 56, Gresham Street, E .C.2. Brigadier J. W. HINCHCLIFFE, D.S.O., 20, Petersham Mews, Elvaston Place, S.W.7. (Tel. KNI. 9419): C. E. BOWER, O.B.E., 74, Roslyn Gardens, Gldea Park, Essex. (Tel. Romford 43317). Mrs. Richard CAVENDISH, 12, Hyde Park Gardens Mews, W.2. 4/70 (Tel. Amb. 3582). . H. C. STEWART, M.D., B.CH., M.R.C.P., Wilson House, 5 , Sussex Gardens, W.2. Squadron Leader K. A. BOUGHTON-THOMAS, M.B., CH.B., 8 Cathcart Hill, N .19. Mis's D. M. LEE, S.R.N., 21, The Comr,non, Ealing, W.5. Mrs SEARS 109 Strawberry Vale, TWlckenham. W A J iEYNO~DS 24 Ashley Walk. Mill Hill , N .W.7. Miss D.· E. WmTE,' 110, Warwick Road, Thorn ton Heath, L ~rIfZ~ 25 Liphook Crescent Forest Hill, S.E.23 . (Stores). Mis; M. R.' M~ TUCKWELL, M.B.E.', 296, Leigham Court Road, S.W.16. d SW5 Miss M. C. CALVERT, 5, Longridge Roa, . . . Mrs. D. BUTANOWICH, 11, Manor Gardens, Merton Park, S W 20 (Commissioner's Secretary). Mr~. D. HOADLEY, 38, Heatherset Gardens, S.W.16. Miss M. D. GROOM, 11, Manor Gardens, S.W ..20. L R ALLUM 17 Greenwood Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey. S: C~ DEA~R,' 4, College Road, Winchmore Hill, N .21. (Competitions). Dr D D TOWLE Lee Park Lodge, Blackheath, S.E.3. A .. T. 'BA~Y, B.E~M., 43, Grosvenor Road, II ford, Essex. F. G. GRICE, 65, Munster Gardens, Palmers Green, N.13. H. A. BENNETT, 12, The Highway, .Sutton, Surrey. J. SMITH, 17, Lulworth Road, WeIlmg, Kent. S W BROOM 18 Fairlop Road, Leyton~tone, E.1l . Miss ·E. G. CRES~WELL, 43, Grosvenor Road, Ilf?rd, Essex. C. W. M. HOBDAY, 2, Chancellor Grove, West Du1wlCh, S.E.21. (Stores). Miss B. JOHNSON, 5, Hatch Road, Norbury, S.W. 16.
J. Nu1.", 46, Fairway, Raynes Park, S.W.20. (District Ca Adviser). P Miss G. CONANT, The Chalet, 113, Station Road Amersh Bucks. (Cadets) . ' am, Miss W. N. CAV~~~, 50, Norhyrst Avenue, S.E.25. (Cadet ) Mrs. CLARIDGE, Wmthorpe," Roxborough Avenue, Harrow' R. A. ~~YNE, 4, Wentworth Park, Churchend Finchley N 3' (Trammg). ' , " Mrs. DOWNHAM, The Cottage, Littleworth Close, Littleworth Avenue, Esher, Surrey. F. J. HAWKES, 96, Sutton Dwellings, N.l. (Records) F. RAINE-ALLEN, 9, Radnor Avenue, Harrow. (Civil D~fence) H. A .. BIGNELL, 13, Kingsley Avenue, Hounslow. (publi~ Duties). L. A. HARRIS, 16, Sylvan Close, Selsdon, Surrey. H. A. BOLGER, 113, Farmer Road, Ley ton, E.IO. S. L. FORDHAM, 4, Shelbury Road, Dulwich S.E.22. (Asst. Treasurer). ' N. E. CLARK, 144, Brownspring Drive New Eltham S E 9 (Stores). " .. . Mrs. F. M. JAMIESON, 65, Waterloo Road, Barkingside, Ilford. A. C. PALMER, 257, Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup, Kent. (Stores). M: W. SEARLE, 373, Long Lane, East Finchley, N.2. M(ITSS ~'. M). KING, 368, Hale End Road, Highams Park, E.4. rammg. D. R ..Fenton, 54, Hillside Road, Southall Middlesex. (public DutIes). (Tel. WAX 2565). ' A. GILSTON, 21, St. John's Park Mansions, N.19. (Treasurer). F. H. HALLS, 14, Lavers Road, N. 16. (Public Duties). S. SMITH, 4, Heslop Road, Balham, S.W.l2. (Stores). F .. R. DEACON, 88, Vancouver ~oad, S.E.23. (Stores). MISS M. V. BELFIELD, 37, Maldstone Avenue Collier Row Lane, Romford. ' Mr~:w~i. Beechey-Newman, 2, Evelyn Mans., Carlisle Place,
District Sergeant-Major District Secretary . . Asst. District Secretary Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Nursing Officer
Asst. Area Nursing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .
Mrs. H. R . BURT, 3?, Glengarry Road, East Dulwich, S.E.22. G. F. TIDY, 32, Mill Farm Crescent, Hounslow, Middlesex. L. G. LOVE, 17, Queen's Gardens Eating W 5 A. G. R. BONE, 12, Abercorn Gard~ns Bariey La~e Rornford Essex. " , A. S. WEYMOUTH, 30, Dorset Road West Green Road Totten~am, N.15. (Public Duties). ' , MISS D. A. G. WATTS, 32, Bede House, Manorfields, S.W.15. W. W. PACKE, 14, Pembroke Road, Palmers Green, N.l3. G. C. PITTS, 12, Vincent Road N 15 H. M. PHIPPS, 75, Durham Ro'ad,' B;omley. Northern Area Dr. G. M. SHAW SMITH, 434, West Green Road, N.15. F. D. KEEFE, 1, Lawn Close Edmonton N 9 Mrs. V. M. JENKINS, 2, St. Thomas Ro~d S~uthgate N.14. Vacant. " Miss E. M . MOORE, S.R.N., Camden House Nursery 103 Chase Road, N.14. ' , Mrs. G. M. NICHOLLS, 46, Woodland Rise, Muswell Hill, N.10. L. . F. H. CHAPMAN, 159, Farm Road, Edgware, Middlesex. MISS 1. S. BURLEY, St. Francis Cottage 49 Asmuns Place, N.W.II. ' , Mrs. E. HOBBS, 93, Park Drive, Winchmore Hill, N.2l. (Cadets) P. STACEY,. .23, New River Crescent, Palmers Green N.l3. (CompetItions). ' R. W. SEA BRIDGE, 21, Mansfield Road, N.W.3. (Cadets). T. W. WEST, 93, Pembury Road, Tottenham, N. 17. (Publicity). c.. F. WOODWARD, 58, Parliament Hill, N.W.3. (Cadets). MISS B. CREASEY, 34, Bramley Close Bramley Road Southgate, N.14. " Mrs. K. J. STYLES, 9, The Avenue, Potters Bar.
ea Staff Officer . ea Sergeant-Major ea Commissioner ea ea ea t.
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Area Surgeon
.\rea N ursing Officer.
. . Irea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) \rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Irea Staff Officers.
Irea Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner ,iuea Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) ~rea Surgeon . . . ~ss istant Area Surgeon ,iuea Nursing Officer. . Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .
Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner 6..rea Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)
Mrs. I. M. TRAFFORD SMITH, 30, Stormont Road, Highgate, N.6. (Cadets). E. H. ARNOLD, 30, Bruce Road, Barnet, Herts. South Eastern Area E. A. WHEBLE, 18, Silecroft Road, Bexleyheath, Kent. (Tel. Bexleyheath 5451). H. E. CHAPLIN, 5, Mottingham Gardens. S.E.9. Miss E. A. GOLDING, 116, Mottingham Road, S.E.9. E. B. DAWSO ,M.B., B.S., 109, Crofton Road, Orpington , Kent. W. N. WHITESIDE, M.B., B.eH., B.A.O., B.A., 6, Rodway Road , Bromley, Kent. H. BUGG, 74, Maxwell Gardens, Orpington, Kent. H. J. GARDINER, 6, Pinnell Road, Eltham, S.E.9. Miss W. E. WILLIS, 179, Hazelbank Road, Catford, S.E.6. A. R. WILLIS, 27, Worsley Bridge Road, S.E.26. (Cadets). W. J. WADE, 20, Harvard Road, Lewisham, S.E.13. (Competitions). L. J. FIELD, 31, Tiverton Drive, New Eltham, S.E.9. (publicity). H. WRIGHT, 192, Avenue Road, Erith, Kent. (Civil Defence). H. G. H. FARROW, 8, Spa Close, South Norwood Hill, S.E.25. (Treasurer). Mrs. A. E. JAKINS, 6, Ardberg Road, Herne Hill, S.E.24. (N.H.S.R.) R. A. FLETCHER, 249, Parkside Avenue, Barnehurst, Kent. (Cadets). . . Miss G. M. SKUDDER, 18, Queenswood Road, Sidcup, Kent. (Cadets). Miss C. M. SHERYER, 20, Colepitts Wood Road, Eltham, S.E.9. D. J. MURFITT, 27, Cole Street, Borough, S.E.l. South Western Area Dr. Ian FLETCHER, 51, Avondale Avenue, Hinchley Wood, Surrey. C. W. HIPKINS, 24, Amis Avenue, West Ewell, Surrey. Mrs. O. K. RUSSELL, 39, Thornlaw Road, W. Norwood, S.E.27. Dr. A. CONN, 1, Thorndon Gardens, Ewell, Surrey. N. M. O. HEWETT, B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.S .• B.OBST., R. C.O.G., 1, Belvedere Drive, S.W.19. Miss B. DEVANEY, S.R.N., 41, Whitgift Avenue, South Croydon. Mrs. E. R. HASTE, S.R.N., 11, Ruttish Road, Merton Park, S.W.19. F. W. HILL, 20, Sunnymead Road, Roehampton, S.W.15 . Mrs. J. FORBES, 25, Ipswich Road, S.W.17. G. A. LOCKE, 29, Dickerage Road, Kingston, Surrey. (Finance). L. M. CROTON, Kegdon, The Hatches, Frimley, Surrey. E. C. SUMPTER, 45, Pitcairn Road, Mitcham. (Cadets). F. R. FREWIN, 84, Toynbee Road, S.W.20. (C.D. and Publicity). Miss C. FRAMPTON, 55, Worcester Road, Sutton, Surrey. T. HAYES, 23, Worcester Close, Shirley, Croydon, Surrey. S. J. DEAR, 15, Carlingford Road, Morden Park, Surrey. Miss L. E. Oakley, S.R.N., 50, Norhyrst Avenue, S.E.25. Miss M. A. NEVILLE-KAYE, 104, Clyde Road, Addiscombe, Croydon. E. B. HAMLEY, 5, St. Saviours Road, Croydon. Miss D. E. BARKER, 82, Sherwood Avenue, S.W.16. G. T. PICKARD, 84, Melrose Avenue, Wimbledon Park, S.W.20. Mrs. W. C. SHORTER, 20, Zermatt Road , Thornton Heath. (N.H.S.R.). Vacant. Western Area Dr. G. R. H. WRANGHAM, J.P ., D.L., 26, The Avenue, Eating, W.13 . (Tel. Perivale 4086). F. 1. JONES, 5, Bowes Road, East Acton, W.3. Mrs . E. NORFORD, 14, Scotts Road, Southall.
Area Surgeons Area Nursing Officer Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers.
Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Asst. Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Asst. Area Area Area
Area Staff Staff Staff
Nursing Officer . Officer (Cadets) (A) Officer (Cadets) (N) Officers.
Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Area Area Asst.
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Area Surgeon
Dr. G. E. PAYNE, 3, Old Hall Close, Pinner. Dr. C. J. P. SECCOMBE, 20, Western Road, Southall. Miss C. N. LALL, S.R.N., 83, Sinclair Road, W. Kensington, W.14. Mrs. J. M . NOBLE, High Trees, Hamhaugh Island, Shepperton Lock. L. W. TAYLOR, 76, Flamborough Road, Ruislip, Middlesex. Miss I. L. ROBINSON, 16, Branksome Way, Kenton, Middlesex. J. Boss, 77, Salisbury Road, Ealing, W.13. J. G. WARNER, 21, Holden Avenue, Kingsbury, N.W.9. (Finance). Miss K. BARRIE, 56, Cardington Square, Hounslow Heath. (N.H.S.R.) Mrs. H . K. EVANS, 77, Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing, W. S. G. L. SMITH, 113, Clitherow Avenue, Boston Manor, W.7. A. F. COOK, 49, Rosebery Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. (Cadets). A. E. HILL, 27, West Court, Wembley, Middlesex. (Com. petitions). G. H. CONNELL, "Kingsland," 20, Chatsworth Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex. (Civil Defence). Miss F. M. DEAN, 22, Chandos Road, Harrow, Middlesex. B. L. HUMPHREYS, 58a, High Street, Pinner, Middlesex. Miss M . M. TELFER, 16, Branksome Way, Kenton. (Cadets). L. S. EVANS, 8, Worple Way, Harrow. Eastern Area Major T. M. WILKS, O.B.E., M.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P., The Cottage, Kiln Road, Thundersley, Essex. R. T. BAX, L.D.S., R.C.S.(ENG.), 5, Queens Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. Miss N . L. MOORE, M.B.E., 105, South Park Drive, Seven Kings, Essex. Dr. A. F. McDoNALD, 76, Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex. D. L. PEDERSEN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Pear Tree House, South Ockendon. Miss S. P. WHITE, S.R.N., Doric Cottage, 9, Juniper Drive, Moulsham Estate, Chelmsford, Essex. Miss G . WINIECKI, S.R.N., 143, Endlesham Road, S.W.12. H. T. G . WARE, 32, Clare Gardens, Barking, Essex. Miss V. V. MALYAN, 7, Tawney Avenue, Upminster, Essex, L. B. WILLS, S.E.N., 31, Belmont Road, Hornchurch, Essex. (Cadets). G. F. ATKINS, 72, Hillside Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. (Cadets). Dr. J. L. McK. BROWN, 3, Hempstead Road, Walthamstow, E.17. L. F. DICK, 15, Alma Avenue, Highams Park, E.4. (Coropetitions). Miss V. M . SMITH, 119, Kingswood Chase, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. (Cadets). H. F. MULLIGAN, 80, R osslyn Avenue, Harold Wood, Essex . Miss B. N. RESKER, 16, Rectory Road, Walthamstow, E.1 7. (Cadets). Mrs. L. A. MEDHURST, 11 59A, London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. W. T. ROSIER, 47, Selwyn Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford. W. G. TARRANT, 1, Burnway, Homchurch. L. GOODRUM, 221 , Westrow Drive, Barking, Essex. Central Area Colonel H. A. LEWIS, M.B.E., T.D., 19, Kylestrome House, Cundy Street, S.W.I. J . J. A. CAMERON, 82, Evelyn Drive, Hatch End, Middlesex. Miss A. NORTH, 100, Inglehurst Gardens, lIford, Essex. Dr. B. L. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, N. ~!: N . W. HAMMER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 106, Mollison Way, ware, Middlesex.
Area Asst. Area Area
Nursing Officer. . Area Nursing Officer . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)
Area Staff Officers.
Area Sergeant-Major .
Miss K. M. PFISTER, S.R.N., 12, Ridgmont Gardens, W.c.1. E. A. WELLS, S.R.N., 3, Chatsworth Road, Croydon. C. W. KIRK, 354, Bury Street, West, N.9. Miss P. D. R. STUBBS, 20, Middleton House, Regency Street, S.W.I. . . K . F. O. STALLARD, 16, Longfield Avenue, MIll Hill, ~: W.7. W. A. T. SHEEN, 181, Liverpool Buildings, N. 1. (Comp ~t1tlOns) . Mrs. H. C. BIGNELL, 13, Kingsley Avenue, Hounslo":,,,. MIddlesex. S. H. SMITH, 11, Rothesay Avenu~, Greenf~rd. (Clv~ Defence). W. H . SMITH, 14, Pinewood Dnve, OrplDgton. (Fmance). Miss V. B. THOMAS, 8, Haynes Close, Lee Terrace, Blackheath, S.E.3 . . Mrs. M. L. A. KING, 4, Ruskin Park House, D enmark HIll, S.E.5. (N.H.S.R.). L. ADLER, 15 Oakley Drive, Harold Hill, Romford.
NORFOLK County Office: 20, Castle Meadow, Norwich. Tel. Norwich 21 649. County Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ALBEMARLE, M.C., D.L. , J.P., c.c. Lady COOK (Nursing). County Vice-Presidents : Lt.-Col. Sir Richard BARRETT-LENNARD, Bt., J.P. (Ambulance) Mrs. G. E. PORTAL (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner
Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas COOK, J.P., Sennowe Park, Guis t, Dereham, Norfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). . Mrs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B.E., Scottow H all, Nr. NorWIch. . (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226). County Surgeon D. SCOTT-NAPIER, M.B., CH.B., "Hillcroft," Eaton H ill, NorWIch. " (Tel. Eaton 2000). County Nursing Officer . . Miss 1. M . L. SYER, S.R.N., HIgh SlIver, Holt. Asst. County Nursing Officer . Miss M. WRIGHT, S.R.N., High Silver, Holt. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Vacant. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. R. G. ETTRIDGE, Flat 2, The Mount, 91, Rosary Road, Norwich. County Staff Officers Mrs. J . M. H EWITT, 10, Western Avenue, Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich. J . C. DONALD, "Cropwella," Holt Road , Fakenham. County Secretary . Mrs. J. H. YULL, The Beeches, Dereham. (Tel. Dereham 48). No.1 Area (Norwich) Area Commissioner . J. M. WILTON, 10, Daniels Road, Norwich. Area Superintendent (A) F. J. HARVEY, 8, Brian Avenue, Norwich. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. E. B. Coryn, 21, Beatty Road, Eaton R ise, Norwich. Area Surgeon J. E. HILTON, M.B., CH.B., 133, Yarmouth Road, Thorpe, Norwich. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. H. PEARSON, 95, Gladstone Street, Norwich. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss D. M. HARROLD, 197, North Walsham Road, Sprows ton, Norwich. Area Staff Officers . Miss T. M ELBOURNE, 333, Earlham Road, Norwich. (Training). Mrs. M. A. STONEHOUSE, 192, Plumstead Road, East T horpeNorwich. A. T. C. BARNETT, 46, Greenways, Eaton, N orwich. No. 2 Area (Wymondham) Area Commissioner Squadron-Leader N. A. LINDLEY, " Shrublands," Tharston, Norwich. (Tel. L.S. 389). Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. L. M. ROPER, Ellesmere House, Wortham, Nr. Diss. No. 3 Area (Thetford) Area COmmissioner . G. H. DUPONT, Park Cottage, Griston , Thetford . Area Superintendent (A) A. E. SHELDRAKE, 7, The Crescent, Eas t H arl ing, orwich . Area Staff Officer . G. S. ELWIN, "Gayton," Hempstead Road, Holt. (Secretary) . County Superintendent (N)
No. 4 Area (Dereham) NORTHUMBERLAND E. I. PunDY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Mill House, County Office: Gressenhall. (Tel. Gressenhall 240). St. John House, Grainger Park Road, Newcastle upon Tyne 4. Area Surgeon . . Dr. P. D. R. SHANKS, Harvey House, Watton, Thetford. Tel. Newcastle upon Tyne 37938. Area Nursing Officer Mrs . J. HIGHET, S.R.N., Dereham Hospital, Dereham. Area Staff Officer . Mrs. P. D. M. BATTY-SHAW, Appleacre, Barford, Norwich. County President : No.5. Area (King's Lynn) Colonel E. G. ANGUS, C.B.E., M.C. Area Commissioner . Vacant. Area Superintendent (A) B. W. MEEK, 12, Paxton Terrace, Kings Lynn. County Vice-President: Area Nursing Officer Miss J. HUGHES, S.R.N., W. Norfolk and King's Lynn General Mrs. M. I. KrRKUP (Nursing). Hospital Area Staff Officer . H. G. ELLIS, 56, Cresswell Street, Kings Lynn. Lieut.-Colonel R. E. W. JOHNSON, O.B.E., T.D., Darras Hall, Commissioner . No. 6 Area (Fakenham) Edgehill, Ponteland. Area Commissioner Lt.-Col. F. C. ATKINSON, The Old Manse, Guestwick, East G. H. CROWTHER, 52, Heathwell Road, South Denton, NewDeputy Commissioner. Dereham. castle upon Tyne, 5. Area Superintendent (A) M. J. FROST, The Green, East Rudham, King's Lynn. J. R. LOGAN, 47, Balmain Road, North Kenton, Newcastle upon County Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) The Hon. Mrs. R. COKE, The White House, King's Lynn. Tyne 3. Area Nursing Officer Miss K. M. ALLISON, S.R.N., W. Norfolk and King's Lynn Miss M. JACKSON, S.R.N., S.C.M., D.N., Royal Victoria Infirmary, County Superintendent (N) General Hospital. Newcastle upon Tyne. No. 7 Area (Cromer) J. BROWN, M.B., B.S., Hill Crest, Horton Road, Bebside, Blyth. County Surgeon Area Commissioner . Major C. GRANT, Rosedale, Weyboume, Holt. (Tel. Bedlington 2149). Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. H. H. RICH, Rushmere, Cley-by-Sea, Holt. County Nursing Officer . . . Miss O. M. TANNER, S.R.N., Ashington Hospital, Ashington. Area Nursing Officer Miss K. LUCKRAIT, S.R.N., Cromer Hospital, Cromer. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). H. B. WATKINS, B.SC., 2, Valley Gardens, Monkseaton, Whitley Bay. No. 8 Area (Aylsham) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) . Mrs. B. M. SALTER, 2a, Windsor Crescent, Jesmond, Newcastle Area Commissioner J. E. KETT, The School House, Cawston, Norwich. upon Tyne 2. No. 9 Area (Acle) T. H. DALES, 52, Bath Terrace, Gosforth. (Records). Area Commissioner . M. G. FALCON, The Cannons, West Caister, Great Yarmouth. County Staff Officers . E. B. DOWNEY, 12, Ridgewood Crescent, Newcastle upon Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. P. G. CLOWES, Lingwood Lodge, Lingwood, Norwich. Tyne. (public Duties). No. 10 Area (Yarmouth) J. D. DUNN, 41, Fairless Street, Newcastle upon Tyne 6. Area Commissioner Vacant. Miss J. FEARNSIDE, 15, Vicars Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne. Area Staff Officer . R. C. CRIGHTON, 59, Blake Road, Great Yarmouth. (Training). C. A. HIGGINS, 3, Mitford Gardens, Howden. (Training). NORTHAMPTON G. A. RAFFERTY, 29, Melrose Avenue, Bedlington Station. County Office: (Competitions). 21, York Road, Northampton. Tel. Northampton 171l. W. G. TROTTER, 9, Valeriar Avenue, Heddon-on-the-Wall, County President: Newcastle upon Tyne. (Treasurer). The Hon. Mrs. C. MACDONALD-BuCHANAN. Mrs. E. Roberts, 37, Bretton Gardens, High Heaton, Newcastle County Vice-President: upon Tyne. (N.H.S.R.). MARcmoNESs of NORTHAMPTON (Nursing) Miss M. B. NICHOL, 30, Acanthus Avenue, Fenham, Newcastle Commissioner . . . Capt. J. S. PARKER, 12, Church Street, Wellingborough. upon Tyne. Depu ty Commissioner. W. E. LOCK, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Leys Furlong, D esborougb, Miss M. CUMMINGS, 37, Fox and Hounds Lane, Newcastle County Secretary . Northants. upon Tyne 4. (Auxiliary). County Superintendent (N) Mrs. C. BORWICK, Haselbeck Hill, Northampton. County Surgeon . . . Dr. W. J. G. DRAKE-LEE, Thorpe House, Headlands, Kettering. No. 1 (Southern) Area County Nursing Officer Miss E. M. EDMONDS, Manfield Orthopaedic Hospital, Major W. MAXWELL, 21, Two Ball Lonnen, Newcastle upon Area Commissioner Northampton. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Tyne, 4. Vacant. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) D. GRIEVE, M.B., CH.B., Deneholrne, Jesmond Park East, Area Surgeon . Mrs. HALFORD, The Coombes, Marston Trussell. County Staff Officers . Newcastle upon Tyne. E. J. HAYWARD, "Rushay," Booth Lane, Weston Favell. Mrs. M. HASTIE, S.R.N., 19, Mast Lane, Cullercoats. Area Nursing Officer . . (Treasurer). Mrs. C. E. JONES, 16, Lesbury Avenue, Rosehill, Wallsend . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss G. GAINS FORD , 107, Park Avenue North, Northampton. G. W. BROOKS, Town Farm House, Earsdon, Whitley Bay. Area Staff Officers . Mrs. E. E. CARPENTER, 52, Bostock A venue, Northampton. Mrs. G. A. HALL, 107, Frank Street, Benwell, Newcastle upon (N.H.S.R.) Tyne. Miss M. HULL, 9, Billing Road, Northampton. Mrs. C. M. THORNTON, Brockhall, Nr. Weedon, Northampton. No. 2 (Midland) Area Mrs. P. B. HARRISON, 11, Rothersthorpe Road, Far Cotton, Northampton. (Secretary). C. F. FAIRLIE, T.D., M.D., B.S., 128, Bondicar Terrace, Blyth. Area Commissioner Mrs. N. R. GILLETT, 204, Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough. (Tel. Blyth 3147). (Cadets) J. HEPBURN, 1, Sixth Avenue, Blyth. AArrea Superintendent (A) T. SEWELL, 253, Park Road, Peterborough. . . Mrs. E. J. FAIRBAIRN, 12, Carlton Street, Blyth. ea Superintendent (N) C. H. DICKENS, 36, Kingsley Road, Northampton. (Tr am 1D:g)· Ar ea Surgeon . . Dr. J. S. NOBLE, 73, Newbiggin Road, Ashington. County Sergeant-Major A. E. PLOWMAN, 5, Milton Road, Little Irchester, WellJngArea Nursing Officer Miss J. SMITH, S.R.N., S.C.M., Thomas Knight Memorial Hospital, borough. Blyth. Peterborough Area T . ALD US, 9, Hortendalc Grove, Cowpen Estate, Blyth. AArrea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Commissioner Vacant. ea Staff Officer . . . A. D. C. BRADFORD, 19, Wood Street, Blyth. (Training). Area Commissioner
54 Area Area Area Area
No. 3 (Northern) Area W. D. ALLISON, 14, Wansbeck Terrace, Ashington. Vacant. Mrs. A. MANSON, S.R.N., 5, Second Row, Ellington, M orpeth. L. T. WEDDERBURN, 29, Westfield Crescent, Newbiggin-bY-Sea. (Secretary). T. T. ~C?RNER, 40, River Bank East, Stakeford, Choppington. (Trammg).
Commissioner Surgeon . . Nursing Officer Staff Officers .
Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Asst. Area Surgeon Area Area Area Area
Nursing Officer . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers.
NOTfINGHAMSIDRE County Office: 20, Castle Gate, Nottingham. Tel. Nottingham 50437. County President: His Grace The Duke of PORTLAND, K.G. County Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel Sir John JARDINE, BT., O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (Ambulance). Lady STARKEY (Nursing). F. G. GLOSSOP, Esq., O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets) The Countess MANVERS (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officers . . . .
County Secretary . . Asst. County Secretary Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Area Staff Officers . Area Sergeant-Major
H. L. BOSWORTH, O.B.E., Bank Chambers Sutton-in-Ashfield Notts. (Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 2705). ' J. T. WATKINS, M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks," Bramcote Lane, Wollaton, Nottingham. J. A. S.WANWICK, 222, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottmgham. The Lady Anne BENTINCK, Welbeck Woodhouse, Worksop, Notts. (Tel. Work sop 2460). R. G. SPRENGER, M.B. , CH.B., 170, Nottingham Road, Stapleford, Notts. Miss H. B. EDWARDS, S.R.N., S.C.M., "Maranatha" Nuncargate Road, Kirby-in-Ashfield, Notts. ' R. J. ROPER, 13, Haileybury Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Miss D. G. WOODALL, 12, Carlton Road, Workshp, Notts. L. HOCKIN, 9, Farndon Green, Wollaton Park, Nottingham. C. CuMBERLAND, 17, Blake Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. (Treasurer). L. H. BIDDULPH, Lea Hurst, Southwell Road, East R ainworth, Notts. W. L. ASHMORE, 21, Fenton Drive, Bulwell Hall Estate, Nottingham. (Training). Mrs. J. LEDGER, 10, Mapperley Hall Drive, Nottingham. W. W. KEy, 107, Musters Road, West Bridgford, No ttingham. Northern Area Vacant. G. H. KEVERNE, Oakengate, 49, Blyth Road, Worksop, Notts. Vacant. D. S. KERR, M.A., M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M ain Road, Famsfield, Newark. Vacant. O. T. STORRS, National Coal Board Edwinstowe Hall, Edwinstowe, Notts. ' Mrs. E. MAJOR, 275, Sandy Lane, Worksop. J. HASLEGRAVE, 57, Wales by Lane, New Ollerton, Notts. W. H. INSLEY, 13, The Crescent, Blidworth, Nr. Mansfield. R. BRADBURY, 17, Littlejohn Drive, Rainworth, Nr. Mansfield. J. R. CuLLEN, 19, Carisbrook Avenue, Mansfield.
Area Sergeant Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Nursing Officer
Asst. Area Area Area
Area Staff Staff Staff
Nursing Officer . Officer (Cadets) (A) Officer (Cadets) (N) Officers .
Area Sergeant-Major .
Southern Area E. R. F. POGMORE, 4, Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield, Notts. W. MORRELL "Oakworth," Watnall Road, Hucknall, Notts. Miss S. J. B~HoP, S.R.N., S.C.M., Gedling Colliery, Gedling, Notts. J. F. D. BOYD, M.B., CH.B., 97, Derby Road, Stapleford, Notts. R. H. VARTAN, M.B., CH.B. , Rannoch Lodge, Watnall Road, Hucknall , Notts . Vacant. H. JENNINGS, 26, Ellesmere Road, Forest Town, Mansfield. Vacant. L. C. HOGG, 13, Esher Grove, Mapperley Park, Nottingham. A. R. HILL, 33, Exton Road, Sherwood, No.t tingham. . G. CRELLIN, 59, Highfield Road, Nuthall, Nottmgham . (Traming). E . SELBY, Colliery House, Watnall Road, Hucknall, Notts. Midland Area L. F. M. ACKROYD, Milford House, Nottingham Road, Fishpool, Mansfield. J. BLACKMAN, 8, Bulwer Road, Kirby-in-Ashfield, Notts. Mrs. E. LEIVERS, 15, Stainforth Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts. Dr. R. H. P. FERNANDEZ, Medical Centre, Brookhill Colliery, Pinxton, Derbyshire. Mrs. M. L. JOHNSTONE, S.R.N., "Southfields," Church Street, Pinxton. A. DRABBLE, 43, Cambria Road, Mansfield, Notts. Mrs. 1. BUTTERY, 22, King Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts. T. L. MOULTON, 164, Diamond Avenue, Kirby-in-Ashfield, Notts. H. SHORE, 22, Bath Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. F. G. VERNON, 46, Derbyshire Lane, Hucknall. A. PORTER, 69, Victoria Road, Selston. (Training) . H. BARBER, 29, Balmoral Drive, Mansfield. G. FLINT, 85, High Street, South Normanton. City of Nottingham Area A. J. MASCARI, M.D., L.M.C.C., "The Brownberries," Loughborough Road, Ruddington, Nottingham. S. IBBOTSON, 13, Earlswood Drive, Edwalton, Nottingham. Miss G. E. CLow, 24, Firs Road, Edwalton, Nottingham. Dr. M. SHERRARD, 321, Aspley Lane, Aspley, Nottingham. Miss E. JEW, S.R.N., S.C.M., City Hospital, Hucknall Road, Nottingham. Miss F. PINDER, 2, Padstow Road, Bestwood Estate, Nottingham. M. IBBOTSON, 59, Julian Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Mrs. E. M. MARTIN, 48, Dovecote Lane, Beeston, Notts . F. CARRIER, 10, Grover Avenue, Mapperley, Nottingham. H. F. FOULSTONE, 23, Brora Road, BulwelI, Nottingham. E. H. HAY, 4, Barrack Lane, Nottingham. C. A. TOWLE, 2, Ernest Road, Thorneywood, Nottingham. (Transport). L. BAILEY, 45, Colchester Road , Strelley, Nottingham .
OXFORDSIDRE County Office: 14, Church Street, St. Ebbes, Oxford. Tel. Oxford 42061. County President: Colonel A. V. G. DOWER, T.D., D.L., M.F.H. County Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-General Sir Edward GRASETT, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., M.C. (Ambulance) . The Lady BICESTER (Nursing). Major-General C. W. GREENWAY, C.B., C.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. GARDINER-HILL (Nursing Cadets).
Area Surgeon
A. R. WILLIAMS, M.B., CH.B., "Cranfield," Corsley, Warminster, Wilts. Miss S. E. JONES, S.R.N., S.C.M., 4, Marlborough Street, Bath. E. C. AsHMAN, 3, Oak Terrace, Radstock. Mrs. M. K. TILEY, S.R.N., Yew Tree House, Clutton, Nr. Bristol.
County Office: Area Nursing Officer. . . St. John H ouse, Park Street, Taunton. Tel. Taunton 7285. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Presidents: Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Lieut.-Colonel The Right H on. Lord HYLTON, Lord Lieutenant of Somerset. Mrs. A. A. W. LUTTRELL. Western Area County Vice-Presidents: Rear Admiral H. W. FAULKNER, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O. , The Close, Area Commissioner Dr. Hugh POWELL, M.B.E. (Ambulance and Ambulance Cadets). Hatch Beauchamp, Nr. Taunton. (Tel Hatch Beauchamp Mrs. R. VERNON (Nursing). 424). Vacant. Colonel C. T. MITFORD-SLADE, D.L., J.P., Montys Court Area Superintendent (A) Commissioner Mrs. E. M. MORRISON, 1, Staplegrove Manor, Taunton. Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton. (Tel. Bishops Lydeard 255). Area Superintendent (N) O. S. J. REDMAN, M.A., M.B., B.CR., B.A.O., Warwick House, Lieut.-Colonel S. C. F. De SALIS, D.S.O., The Old Court House, Area Surgeon . . . Deputy Commissioner. Billetfield, Taunton. Drayton, Nr. Langport. Mrs. M. MOORHOUSE, S.R.N., 62, Buckland Road, Taunton. Miss E. M. BRUCE-STEER, Glenmore Lodge, Minehead. (Tel. Area Nursing Officer. . . -County Superintendent (N) F. T. G. WEBB, 122, Love Lane, Burnham-on-Sea. Minehead 492). Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant. J. L TEMPLE, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., 23, Cecil Road, Weston-su r- Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) ,County Surgeon Mrs. F. B. BAll..EY, Tone Vale House, Norton Fitzwarren, Mare. Area Staff Officer . Taunton. (Welfare Officer). Mrs. E. 1. EVANS, The Grove, Stocklinch, Nr. Ilminster. Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) W. J. COLLINS, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., Woodstock House, 91 Asst. County Surgeon. Staplegrove Road, Taunton. Miss M. D. BAKER, S.R.N., S.C.M., B.T.O.(HONS.), Isolation and County Nursing Officer Chest Hospital, Cheddon Road, Taunton. STAFFORD County Staff Officers (Cadets) (A) D. J. MORAN, M.A., 33, Holcombe Close, Bathampton, Nr. Bath. County Office: G. J. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road, Weston-super-Mare. Park Lodge, 10, Victoria Road, Stafford. Tel. Stafford 51657. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Miss V. YANDLE, St. Aundries School, West Quantoxhead, Taunton. County President: C. T. H. HOWE, "Waycot," Uphill Way, Weston-super-Mare. County Staff Officers . Lady Diana MATTHEWS. (Transport). Mrs. V. E. L. H USBANDS, "Wilrnanstone," Street, Somerset. (M.C.D.) Commissioner . F. L. RICHARD, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., 19, Lichfield Street, Walsall, Mrs. Ailsa WILSON, M.B., CH.B., "Fountains," Kingston St. Staffordshire. (Tel. Walsall 23780). Mary, Taunton. (Welfare). A BYRNE-QUINN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Darrnody House, Deputy Commissioner. Mrs. C. M. Vivian NEAL, Poundisford Park, Taunton. Stafford Street, Wolverhampton. Mrs. D. 1. ROWLANDS, Windsor Lodge, Haines Hill, Taunton. County Superintendent (N) Vacant. (Cadets). C A. WALKER, M.B., CH.B., "Tree Tops," Stafford Road, Coven D. A. ROGERS, 23, The Mead, Clutton, Bristol. (Camping). ounty Surgeon Heath. F. W. MURKIN, S.R.N., Trinity Hospital, Taunton. (Training). Miss P. LAWTON, 2, Littleworth Avenue, Woodsetton, Nr. G. de Bertodano, Drayton Manor, Langport. County Nursing Officer Dudley, Worcs. 'County Sergeant-Major . . . G. D. BUTCHER, M.M., Orchard Close, East Brent. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F. E. S. JONES, 283, Chaplin Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. County Secretary and Transport County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. D. M. TURNER, "Lighteaves," Cheddleton Heath, Nr. Lieut.-Col. S. C. ROGERS, Obridge House, Taunton. Officer. Leek. Northern Area M. A. SIMMONS, 154, Birches Road, Codsall, Wolverhampton. County Staff Officers . D. O. CLARK, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Mendip Croft, Bleadon Area Commissioner Mrs. E. TITTENSOR, 40, Collis Avenue, Basford, Stoke-onHill, Weston-super-Mare. (Tel. Bleadon 389). Trent. R. V. CRIDDLE, Sundome Nurseries, Locking, Nr. Weston- County Sergeant Major Area Superintendent (A) G. WATTERSON, 74, Hart Road, Wednesfield. super-Mare. V. CHANCELLOR, 29, Castle Bank Stafford. (Tel. Stafford County Secretary . Mrs. Bingham HALL, 1, The Glebe House, Weston-super-Mare. Area Superintendent (N) 51886). C. D. DREW, M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S., D.R.C.O., B.G., 12, Brean Hon. County Treasurer Area Surgeon A. E. LUCAS, c/o Midland Bank, 8, Market Square, Stafford. Down Avenue, Weston-super-Mare. Vacant. Area Nursing Officer. . . Northern Area C. J. HARDING, 26, Exeter Road, Weston-super-Mare. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant. Area Commissioner . Mrs. D. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road, Weston-super-M.are. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) G. E. HUYTON, 32, Birchgate Grove, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent. Area Superintendent (A) C. W. TOZER, "The Forge," Weston-in-Cordana, BnstoJ. Area Staff Officer . Mrs. L. A. HAMILTON, S.R.N., 20, Sneyd Avenue, Westlands, Area Superintendent (N) Southern Area I Newcastle-under-Lyne. Rear Admiral G. A. THRING, C.B., D.S.O., Alford House, Ca te Area Surgeon Area Commissioner J. S. HAMILTON, M.B., CH.B., 20, Sneyd Avenue, Westlands, Cary Newcastle-under-Lyne. R. TRIM, 54, Manor House Road, Glastonbury. Area Superintendent (A) Asst. Area Surgeon . . . J. R. ODDIE, M.B., CH.B., 38, Balance Street, Uttoxeter. Miss G . A. M. GILLESPIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater. Area Superintendent (N) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. BURTON 5, Windsor Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. W. S. WOLFE, M.B., B.C.H., 25, Northfields, Bridgwater. t Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Surgeon . . Mrs . N. SWALLOW, Waterfall Cottage, Offrey Brook, Eccleshall, e Miss E. H. H UGHES, S.R.N., S.C.M., "Bibury," Walton, Nr. Stre . Area Nursing Officer . . . Stafford. H. DINHAM, 29, Kidsbury Road, Bridgwater. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. GWILT, 62, Queen's Road, Hartsh ill , Stoke-on-Trent. Area Staff Officers. Mrs. E. M. ATKINSON, " Wraxleigh ," Street. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) (Training). L. C. BETTY, Mount Villa, Mount Street. Bridgwater. rca Sergeant-Major . J. F. LEESE, Recreation Ground, Uttoxeter, Stafford. F. J. SHIERS, 15, Horton Avenue, Stretton, Burton-on-Trent. Eastern Area J. H. KENNY, The Croft, Bramsball Road, Uttoxeter. Colonel G. W. D. JENNINGS, J.P., Babington House, Nr. Area Commssioner R. L. RHYM ER, J.P., 3, Henley Villas, West End, Frome. rea Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Vacant.
Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)
Southern Area Vacant. J. ':N. CLARK, 45, Rookery Road, Lanesfield, Wolverhampton. rea Commissioner MISS E. OATLEY, 164, Marsh Lane, Fordhouses, Wolverhamplrea Surgeon ton. D. G. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Castle View House, Tipton Staffs. ' rea Nursing Officer. . V. J. MITCHELL, 6, Balmoral Road, Penn, Wolverhampton. ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) rea Staff Officers . Mrs. L. RUSHTO , 196, St. John's Road, Cannock, Staffs,
SUFFOLK County Office: 1, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. Tel. 54005. County President: Lady Blanche COBBOLD. Countv Vice-Presidents: E. P. B. WHITE, Esq. (Ambulance). Miss A. M. PARKER, M.B.E. Commissioner . Major R. S. SCHREIBER, Campsea Ashe House, Woodbridge. (Tel. Wickham Market 426). Deputy Commissioner. Lieut.-Colonel J. E .. M. BLAND, O.B.E., D.L., J.P., Little Hall, Stutton, Nr. Ipswlch. (Tel. Holbrook 357). County Superintendent (N) Miss M. H. MILLER, S.R.N., Orchard Cottage, Holbrook, Uf. Ipswich. County Surgeon T. D. W. FRYER, M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 77102). Asst. County Superintendent. Mrs. R. V. SCHRIEBER, Campsea Ashe House, Woodbridge. County Nursing Officer . . . Vacant. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Walter C. MAYHEW, 82, Severn Road, Ipswich. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. P. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., "Teemore," London Road, Beccles. County Staff Officers . Mrs. G. H. L. PAUL, Parham Hall, Woodbridge. Miss V. D. GEE, 471, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Assistant Secretary). Mrs. E. S. M. CATTON, 124, Westerfield Road, Ipswich. Dr. D. W. RYDER RICHARDSON, The Beeches, Saxmundham. A. J. ENGLISH, 75, Clapgate Lane, Ipswich. F. W. RUFFORD, 18, Geneva Road, Ipswich. A. H. NICHOLLS, 10, Ladywood Road, Ipswich. (Admin.). Mrs. A. RICHARDSON, S.R.N., Stow Lodge Hospital, Stowmarket. G. A. READ, M.B.E., 84, Bucklesham Road, Ipswich. M. BENDIX, The Manor House, Little Bealings, Woodbridge. Miss H. P. MORGAN-GRAY, 23, Stevenson Road, Ipswich. (N.H.S.R.). H. G. EADE, 406, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 76239). 1. H. GILLINGS, 53, Digby Road, Ipswich. (Admin.). Mrs. M. HARWOOD, S.R.N., Redmay, Walberswick, Southwold. B. D. PRICE, 97, Playford Road, Ipswich. (Admin.) (Treasurer). B. J. REID, "Thistledown," Burgh, Woodbridge (Admin.). County Secretary . V. W. lIINKLEY, 1, Woodbridge Road, Jpswich. (Admin.). Western Area Area Commissioner D. J. MARTIN, F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S., Buttons Close, Ixworth, Bury St. Edmunds. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. MARTIN, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Button Close, Txworth, Bury St. Edmunds. Area Surgeon . D. A. McCRACKEN, M.D., D.P.H., 32, Westbury Avenue, Bury St. Edmunds. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss W. CAFFYN, S.R.N., Holland Cottage, Coney Weston, Bury St. Edmunds. rea Staff Officers. Mrs. P. M. PRAGNELL, 10, St. Michael's Close, Bury st. Edmunds. (Secretary). G. H. BURDO , 7a, College Lane, Bury St. Edmunds. (Treasurer) I. S. CAlE, Vine Cottage, Bardwell. Bury St. Edmonds.
rea Commissioner rea Nursing Officer. . ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) \rea Staff Officers.
Southern Area Lieut.-Colonel C. W. LEVERETT, Woodlands, Debach, Woodbridge. Colonel M. MACEWAN, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., M.B., CH.B., 33, Bemers Street, Ipswich. Mrs. E. B. FRYER, S.R.N., 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. Vacant. H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington Road, Ipswich. P. R. WOOLLARD, Ambulance Hall, Samuel Road, Ipswich. M. W. HOOD, 7, CI-}ester Road, Felixstowe. W. W. PECK, 3], Shafto Road, Ipswich. C. J. TAMP IN , 77, Dale Hall Lane, Ipswich. (Treasurer). Northern Area Capt. J. C. TAYLOR, M.R.C.V.S., "Teemore," London Road, Beccles. acant. F. J. WILLEARD, 43, Fail-close, Beccles. R. F. DYER, 302, Normanston Drive, Oulton Broad, Suffolk. (Secretary). MRS. MARR, 35, Beccles Road, Bungay. (Treasurer).
SURREY County Office: St. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Tel. Guildford 67163. County Vice-Presidents: C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq. (Ambulance). Rt. Hon. The Earl of WESTMORLA D (Nursing). Brigadier L. F. E. WIELER, C.B., C.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). Lady OSBORN (Nursing Cadets).
ommissioner Deputy Commissioner. ounty Surgeon County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County Staff Officers .
County Secretary . . COunty Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner . ~rea Superintendent (A) rea Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . Area Nursing Officer. . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A)
Brigadier E. E. READ, C.B.E., M.C., Red Bines, Beavers Hill, Farnham. (Tel. Farnham 6169). Capt. F. J. CARTWRIGHT, C.V.O., O.B.E. ,R.N.(RETD.), Castle Hill House, Farnham. W. H. C. ROMANIS, M.A., M.B., M.CIDR., F.R.C.S., The Rough, Hurtmore, Godalming. R. J. GruSTOCK, "East View," Pinewood Grove, New Haw, Weybridge. Lady HEALD, O.B.E., Chilworth Manor, Nr. Guildford. (Tel. Guildford 61414). Miss M. C. LEIGH-PEMBERTO , Bam End, Enton Green, Nr. Godalming. Vacant. Mrs. E. M. GURTEEN, Sunnyside, Copthorne Bank, Nr. Crawley. Miss R. Cohen, Paved Ways, Nightingale Road, E. Horsley. (Training). Miss V. BARLOW, "Springwood," Petworth Road, Haslemere. K. C. GRAY, O.B.E., Highway Cottage, East Horsley . (AmbUlance Service). A. GREENHOUGH, O.B.E., Wyke Cottage, Stonebridge, Shalford. (Treasurer). Miss N. E. LAWRE CE, 4, Hillside Cottages, Blackheath, Nr. Guildford. Miss P. SMITH, St. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. S. R. CARTER, B.E.M., Surrey View, Fullers Road, Farnham. Western Area J. M. BALL, 88, New Haw Road, Addlestone. A. KNIGHT, 21, Bridge Road, Haslemere. Miss U. MORRISH, "Meadland," Three Gates Lane, Haslemere, Surrey. Vacant. Mrs. M. D. SOUTHERN, Sedgley House, East Hor ley. C. P. LONGLAND, 32, Green Lane, Addlestonc.
Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .
Area Sergeant-Major . Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . . Area Nursing Officer . Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers.
Area Surgeon Area Surgeon
Area Staff Officer
Mrs. M. D. PHILLIPS, The Brackens, Westwood Road Windlesham. ' Area G .. WORmY, 42, Tennyson Road, Addlestone, Surrey. MISS V. M. LEATHER, M.B.E., Vine Cottage, Ewshott, r. Farnham. G. H. HARFIELD, 4, Guildford Road, Farnham. Area Miss M. W. WEBB, Pypers, Springfarm Road, Camelsdale Ar Has1emere. ' ea F. E. C. BARNES, 14, Riverside, Guildford. Area Eastern Area "H thfi ld "R II C Area B R . OBINSON, B.E.M., 0 e, usse s . rescent, Horley. Asst. B. E. NORMAN, 13, Albert Road North, Relgate. Miss M. R. M. CALLOW, "Wild Oaks," Eyhurst Close, Kings· Area wood. Vacant. Area Miss M. GRA~, Felbridge Copse, Woodcock Hill, Felbridge, Area Nr. East Grmstead. Mrs. J. C. MACKENZIE, S.R.N., Navvia House, London Road, Crawley, Sussex. D. C. BAYLIS, 6, Benhams Drive, Horley. Mrs. M. BELFIELD, M.B.E., "Tangmere," Poveycross Road Gatwick, Surrey. ' Mrs. D. COVELL, Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hill, East Grinstead. A. G. GUMRELL, "Haydens," Fordbridge, South Merstham. Area R. A. LoCKETI, 8, Station Road, Earlswood, Redhill. Area J. E. SMITH, 104, Middle Street, Brockham. (Cadets). Area A. C. HOLMAN, 18, Potters Way, Reigate. Area T. T. DUMARESQ, 18, Orchard Way, Reigate. O. H. AsHDOWN, 48, Staplehurst Road, Reigate. Area Miss G. M. BUCKLAND, 33, Grove Hill Road, Redhill. Asst. North West Area R. G. W. SOUTHERN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Sedgley Area Area House, East Horsley. South West Area A. H. M. RICHARDS, M.B., C.H.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., n.p.H. Area Munstead Lawn, Godalming. Mrs. L. M. FARLER, 25, Stocton Road, Guildford.
Commissioner Superintendent (A) S . t d t (N) uperm en en Surgeon . . . . Nursmg Officer. . Area Nursing Officer Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Nursing Officer. . Area Nursing Officer . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers.
SUSSEX County Office: 19, North Street, Horsham, Sussex. Tel. Horsham 4556. County President: The Lord Rupert NEVILL. County Vice-Presidents: Mildred, Viscountess HAILsHAM. Sir Richard BOUGHEY, Bt. Mrs. E. M. E. STEWART-ROBERTS (Nursing Cadets). Major-General J. M. L. RENTON, C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., J.P. Capt. J. M. HODGES, D.S.O., R.N., "Chatfields," Colwood Lane, Commissioner . Bolney. (Tel. Warninglid 219). . Deputy Commissioner . H.R.H. Prince Tomislav of Jugoslavia, Redlands Farm, Kird· ford, Nr. Billinghurst. County Superintendent (A) W. E. JuPP, 15, Barttelot Road, Horsham. County Superintendent ( ) Miss P. M. NOBLE-MATHEWS, Lydwicke, Slinfoid. County Surgeon R. G. BRIMS YOUNG, M.B., CR.B., D.P.H., Health Dept., County Hall, Lewes. County Nursing Officer . . . Mrs. D. MCPHERSON, S.R.N., 35, Croft Avenue, Southwick. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. H. F. BURCHELL, 50, Fairfield Gardens, Portslade. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss E. M. TRILL, 128a, Church Road, Hove. County Staff Officers . Miss W. M. BARKER, 10, Hurst Avenue, Horsham. Mrs. M. F. SPACKMAN, Mayland, Hawthorn Road, Bognor Regis. (Camp Adviser). F. W. G. DINES, 7, Alford Close, Worthing. (Treasurer). H .R.H. Princess TOMISLAV of Jugoslavia, Redlands Kirdford, Nr. Billinghurst. County Secretary . C. SIMPSON, 19, North Street, Horsham.
Eastern Area J. W. LIMB, Lustrells House, Lustrells Crescent, Saltdean, Brighton. A. J. BURNAGE, The Ambulance Station, Dursley Road, Eastbourne. Vacant. Lieut.-Col. J. H. VANCE, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 12, Richmond Terrace, Brighton. Mrs. K. JOHNSTON, S.R.N., 76, Princess Avenue, Worthing. Miss G. E. HUGHES, S.R.N., "Lovran" Claxton Road, Bexhillon-Sea. R. T. HOLLANDS, 17, Winchelsea Road, Rye. Mrs. A. D. HICKS, B.E.M., Stone House, Bolney. G. H. WREN, "Byway," 22, Priory Close, Hastings. S. T. DENNlNG, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton. L. W. MOWER, 15, Old Bam Way, Southwick. Mrs. STRIBBLING, 238, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne. Miss W. M. BUTION, "Anton," Mill Lane, Wannock, Polegate. M. W. HAruus, 80, Poplar Avenue, Hove, 4. Mrs. K. D. B. Buss, 88, Stonefield Road, Hastings. Miss. A. M. SHARPE, 10, Wharf Road, Eastboume. Western Area W. L. HANCORN, 43, The Gardens, Southwick. R. HARTLEY, 23, Andrew Close, Rustington. Miss R. B. LAKER, 14, Gloucester Place, Littlehampton. K. N. MAWSON, M.B., CR.B., D.P.H., Comewell House, North Street, Horsham. T . JEFFERY, S.R.N., "Graylis," Arundel Road, Littlehampton. Mrs. P. M. GRAINGER, 39, London Road, Pulborough. H. G. NEWMAN, 16, Cross Road, Southwick. Mrs. E. M. WELLS, 1, Downs Mead, Hill Ridge Avenue, Lancing. O. E. LAKE, 50, Whyke Lane, Chichester. (Cadets). G. PARKS, 10, Seaview Estate, Southwick. J. BUTLER, M.M., 33, Chichester Close, Tilgate, Crawley. Mrs. J. M. BURCHELL, 50, Fairfield Gardens, Portslade. Mrs. B. REYNOLDS, Avalon, Malthouse Road, Crawley. G. A. WHEATLAND, "Clissolds", Spencers Place, Horsham. E. J. H. GROVES, " Scalene," 26, Pondtail Road , Horsham.
WARWICK County Office: 25, Middleton Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield. County President: The Hon. Mrs. L. C. S. FITzRoy NEWDEGATE, O.B.E. County Vice-Presidents: The Lady WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE (Nursing) Mr. N. E. NEWALL (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs BUCKMASTER (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner
County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County County CCounty ounty
Nursing Officer . Staff Officer (Cadets) Staff Officer (Cadets) Staff Officers. .
. . (A) (N) . .
T. K. ELLIOTI, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 25, Middleton Road, Streetiy, Sutton Coldfield. (Tel. Streetly 1334). Miss C. M. ORTON, B.E.M., The Beeches, Staverton, Nr. Daventry, Northants. (Tel. Daventry 2553). D. W. HENDRY, B.SC., M.D., M.R.C.O.G., "Greenacres," 307, Lutterworth Road, Nuneaton. Mrs. A. WORTHINGTON, 37, Jury Street, Warwick. (Tel. Warwick 869). Vacant. A. F. HIPWELL, 70, St. George's Road, Coventry. Mrs. V. M. CROSBY, 71, Forfield Road, CoundoD, Coventry. W. B. M. WYLEY, Watchbury House, Barford, Nr. Warwick. Mrs. L. A. WESTERN, 88, Frankton Avenue, Coventry. Mrs. S. M. CADWALLADER, 50, Radford Road, Leamington Spa. E. O. ORMS, 7, Asthill Grove, Coventry.
County Staff Officers
County Secretary . . County Sergeant-Major
55, Milford
L. F.
A/Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) Coun ty Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County Staff Officers .
County Secretary
Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Asst. Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Superintendent (A) . Area Superintendent (N) . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) ) Area Staff Officer (Cadets)
Northern Area Mrs. J. NEWALL, 36, Middlemarch Road, Radford, Coventry. P. H. JAMES, 80, Norman Place Road, Coventry. (Cadet ea Superintendent (A) E. A. BLAKE, 66, St. Phillips Road, Upper Stratton, Swindon. Secretary (A»). Mrs. N. LANE, 65, Plymouth Street, Swindon. Mrs. E. L. READY, 8, Lord Lytton Avenue, Stoke, Coventry. ilea Superintendent (N) J. K. MONRO, M.CH., F.R.C.S., "Highfields," The Cornmon, ea Surgeon . Miss E. M. SELVESTER, 9, Cromwell Road, Rugby. Marlborough. L. F. HAZELL, 37, Faraday Road, Rugby. A. R. KING, 43, Richmond Road, Swindon. ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) E. V. CROSBY, 71, Forfield Road, Coundon, Coventry. Mrs. M. C. Hall, 54, Devizes Road, Swindon. ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. H. M. HERBERT, 11, Botoner Road, Gosford Green Mrs. L. E. A. BROAD, 81, Shrivenham Road, Swindon. Coventry. (Cadets). ' ea Staff Officer . Miss D. WILLIS CROFT, 137, Hall Green Road, Bell Green, Coventry. (Cadets). Mrs. F. KEMP, 4, Alexander Road, Bedworth, Nuneaton. WORCESTERSlllRE (Cadets). Mrs. A. J. BROWN, 15, Fir Tree Avenue, Tile Hill North, County Office: Coventry. St. John House, 34, The Tything, Worcester. Tel. 24503. G. V. TAPLIN, 27, Cap martin Road, Coventry. (Cadets). J. T. H. POWERS, 19, Cross Street, Stockingford, Nuneaton. (Cadets). County Presidents: H. G. D. BUSTON, 101, Widdecombe Close, Coventry. The Countess BEAUCHAMP, M.B.E. D. SIMMONDS, M.B.E., "Colwyn," Alveston Hill, Stratford-on· F. L. NEWTON, Esq, M.B., CH.B. Avon. County Vice-Presidents: ~TSIllRE The Rt. Hon. Earl BEAUCHAMP (Ambulance). County Office: Mrs. C. LECHMERE (Nursing). Street. Salisbury. Tel. Salisbury 4810. Sir Ronald LECHMERE (Ambulance Cadets). Lady SANDYS; Mrs. F. J. SOMERS (Nursing Cadets). County President: A. R. TOWERZEY, Esq. Lieut.-Col. C. P. VAUGHAN, D.S.O., Stanhope House, Pershore, ommissioner County Vice-President: Worcs. (Tel. Pershore 456). Moss, Esq. (Ambulance Cadets). T. C. LENCH, Mayford, 63, Ha1esowen Road, Quinton, 0eputy Commissioner. Birmingham. Major-General D. D. C. TULLOCH, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., Rushall Mrs. M. G. O. SOMERS, Highfield House, Blackwell, NT. :ounty Superintendent (N) House, Rushall, Pewsey, Wilts. (Tel. Upavon 229). Bromsgrove. Brigadier G. WORT, C.B.E., Old Rectory, Wi1cot, Nr. Pewsey, J. T. DALY, M.B., CH.B., 380, Ridgacre Road, Quinton, Bircounty Surgeon Wilts. mingham 32. Lady FULLER, M.B.E., Neston Park, Corsham. (Tel. Corsham ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. H. CUTLER, M.B., CH.B., Haselton, Dudley Road, Springfield, 2201). Dudley. Surgeon Commander H. M. DARLOW, R.N.,(RETD.), B.A., ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss H. M. BID MEAD , "Trafford," Manor Lane, Halesowen. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Cuckoo Pen, Porton, Salisbury. Miss H. M. W ALTON, Mount Pleasant, Cowleigh Road, ounty Staff Officers Miss S. G. STURMER, Mill Vale House, Bratton, Westbury. Malvern. Miss B. PATTERSON, St. Johns Hospital, Trowbridge. Mrs. M. E. HODGES, 123, Birchfield Road, Redditch. Lieut.-Col. R. B. ROBINSON, Old Rectory, Beeching Stoke, Miss A. E. DINGLEY, 6, Lower Wilton Road, Malvern. (Tel. ounty Secretary . Pewsey. 2426). Vacant. J. S. TAYLOR, 23, Summerfield Avenue, Hurst Green, Nr. Mr. Moss, Watchfield, Rowden Hill, Chippenham. (press Ounty Sergeant-Major Birmingham. Relations). Mrs. A. H. HEMMING, Monkton Farleigh Manor, Batb. Northern Area (N.H.S.R.-Admin.). Miss M. J. MORTON-PALMER, 55, Milford Street, SalisbUry. J. H. HALDANE, M.C., F.R.F.P.S. , M.R.C.P., The Mount, Church \rea Commissioner Road, Netherton, Nr. Dudley. Western Area H. S. BENNETT, 52, Harcourt Road, Old Hill. ea Superintendent (A) C. F. J. ANDREWS, 9, The Close, Melksham. Mrs. E. V. HALDANE, B.SC., M.B., CH.B., 100, Church Road, \rea Superintendent (N) Vacant. Netherton, Dudley. E. MOLONEY, M.B., CH.B., Prospect House, Bradford-on-Avon, R. BARRON, M.B., CH.B., Ambleside, Hall Street, Dudley. \rea Surgeon . . Wilts. Mrs. E. A. WEBSTER, S.R.N., "The Firs," 28, Summer Hill, Nursing Officer Mrs. W. B. DAVIDSON. M.B.,CH.B., The Lodge, Steeple Ashton, Halesowen Trowbridge. K. H. BILLINGHAM, 80, Court Crescent, Kingswinsford, Staffs. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant. Mrs. M. A. ROBERTS, "Thirteen," Dudley Wood Avenue, Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant. Cradley Heath. Southern Area Miss A. E. WITCOMBE, Oldfield, 5, Somery Road, Priory Staff Officers. Brigadier W. J. Norman WALKER, O.B.E., Bamwood, Farley Dudley. Nr. Salisbury. P. C. BE ETT, 20, Millard Road, Coseley, Staffs. (Training) Miss E. A. DLMONT, 35a, The Close, Salisbury. J. F. E. BE T, 23, Rosemary Crescent West, Goldthorn Park, Vacant. Wolverhampton. (Secretary). Mrs. D. E. FANSHAWE, Farley Farm, Farley, Nr. SalisbUry· T. E. DAVIS, 44, Knowle Road, Springfield, NT. Dudley, Worcs. Sergeant-Major .
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer. . . . Area Staff Officers (Cadets) (N). Area Staff Officers. . . . .
Southern Area ,ounty Surgeon . . . . Col. D. N C " Isst. Cty. S~perintendent (N) · RONINt ,O.B.E., T.D., Woodthorpe," 55, Spetc ey ~unty Nursmg Officer Road , W orces er. L.i;; ~RA~T~ 748, ES'esham Road, Crabbs Cross, R edditch. unty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F H VOLL WLES, ussex Lodge! Kempsey, Worcester. unty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) 'B " . h AM, M.B., CH.B., Bearhill House Alvechurch r County Staff Officers urnrng am. " . Vacant. M~ss D. PREECE, 338, Wylds Lane, Worcester ~ss D. W. JONES, palst0I?-, 64, Worcester Road, Malvern MISS J. COLLEY, 23, Tunberdme Avenue, Bath Road, Worcester: ounty' Secretary
County Office: Priory House, 29, Cottingham Road, Hull.
Tel. 43038
County President: The Lord HOTHAM, C.B.E., D.L.
County Vice-Presidents: S. LAWRENCE, C.B. E. (Ambulance) Lady W ESTBURY (Nursing). Colonel R. A . ALEC-SMITH, T.D., D.L., J.P. (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. D. M. RYMER (Nursing Cadets).
Deputy Commissioner
E. M. PEARN, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., D.L.O., Holme Lodge 197 A C~ttmtham Road, Hull. . (Tel. Hull Central 43 840).' ' · 462()1). IDGLEY, 92, Ethermgton Road, Hull. (Tel. Hull,
County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . . .
E.~. ~O~~~LL, M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 233, Hallgate, Cottingham,
Asst. County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer . . Asst. County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County (N) County Staff Staff Officer Officers(Cadets) .
Miss E. M. STONEHOUSE, 63, Welwyn Park Road, Hull.
M rs. M ' .REFFOL~, The Bungalow, Sheepman Lane Hutton ~ranswlck, Driffield. ' ~~ss ~ M. WATSON, S.R.N., "Adastra," Seaton Road, Hornsea. tr~ll .. A. NICHOLSON, S.R.N., 657, James Reckitt Avenue, R .. BERRYMAN, 2, Snainton Grove Sprm ' g Bank West Hull. M ISS L . F . L EPPINGTON, "Aytona,"' 8 Bell Vue Cr~scent, Filey. C · JACKSON, 230, Hawthorn Avenue Hull pHEWARD, "Beaumaris," 74, Gan;tead Lane Bilton Hull. · ENN, 71, Wymersley Road, Hull. ' , H. ~FFOLI?, The Bungalow, Sheep man Lane Hutton CransWIck, Driffield. ' W: PARSONS, School House, Barnby Moor, Yorks. MISS D. M. HUZZARD, 20, Riversdale Road, Hull. Mrs. G. JACKSON, 8, Lynton Avenue Anlaby Park Road South, Hull. (Cadet Secretary). ' G'H~'. HINCH, 38, Windsor Road, County Road North, M S ~~rribY~' JOHNSON, Parkholme, Parkfield Avenue, North
R. E. GRAHAM, 107, Westbourne Avenue, Hull.
NORTH RIDING OF YORKSIllRE County Office: II, Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough, Yorks.
County President : The Lady SERENA JAMES Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (N)
Colonel Sir Leonard ROPNER, BT., M.C., T.D., D.L., M.P., Thorp Perrow, Bedale Yorks. (Tel. Bedale 10) J. MPE.ARSON, M.B.E., "Alandale," 19, The Cr~scent N un thorpe, Iddlesbrough. (Tel. 56287). ' Mrs. ~. C. DYSON, 2, Upper Westbrook Darlington. (Tel. Darlington 5764) . '
Vacant. Vacant. Mrs. E. M. BIELBY, S.G.M., 27, St. Germains Lane Marske-BySea. W. E. DANKS, 127, Mansfield Avenue, Thornaby-on-Tees. Mrs. H. DANKS, 127, Mansfield Avenue, Thornaby-on-Tees. P. P. SMITH, 11, West Park Avenue, Newby. Scarborough. J. W. RENAHAN, 12, Alton Road, Middlesbrough. (Training). R. H. WRIGHT, 27, Grantham Road, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees. Mrs. C. M. K. CONE, 10, St. Hilda's Terrace, Whitby. (press Relations). C. F. PEDDIE, Harrogate Cottage, Harrogate Lane, Norton-on Tees. (Tel. Stockton 67614).
District Office: Wetherby House, Wetherby.
Tel. Wetherby 2574. District President : The Countess of SCARBROUGH District Vice-Presidents: The Viscountess MOUNTGARRET (Nursing). G. R. H. SMITH, Esq. (Ambulance). The Lord SAVILE (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. E. RAnCUFFE (Nursing Cadets). E. H. LODGE, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., Castle Garth House, Wetherby Commissioner . (Tel. Wetherby 2832). Lieut.-General Sir Colin BARBER, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Quarry District Superintendent (A) Moor Lodge, Ripon. Mrs. G. W. LODGE, O.B.E., J.P., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. District Superintendent (N) (Tel. Wetherby 2832). J. PRENTICE, M.B., CH.B.(EDIN.), J.P., "Malsis Mount," Mals,s District Surgeon Road, Keighley. Mrs. M. A. AYKROYD, The Priory, Nun Monkton, York. Asst. Dist. Superintendent (N) MISS S. GRIFFITHS, S.R.N., S.C.M., Flat 6, Woodsley Terrace, District Nursing Officer . . Clarendon Road, Leeds 2. District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) L. MASON, 5, Lynnwood Gardens, Pudsey, Nr. Leeds. District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. J. CUMMING BELL, Binham Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. District Staff Officers Mrs. M. WOOLFE, Flat 2, Woodsley Terrace, Clarendon Road, Leeds 2. J. WOODS, Lovat Lodge, Mountjoy Road, Huddersfield. J. Geo. ROCHESTER, The South Wing, Priest Hill, Wetherby. District Secretary . (Tel. Wetherby 2959). Midland Area G. THOMPSON, M.B., CH.B., 58, Heath Crescent, Halifax. Area Commissioner . H. J. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, 8. ~ea. Superintendent (A) Dlstnct Staff Officer (iJc Mrs. O. M. GELDARD, The Grange, Ilkley, Yorks. Nursing Divisions) F. A. BREAR, M.B., CH.B., Westerley Edge, Hawksworth Lane, A.rea Surgeon . . . Guiseley, Nr. Leeds. Miss O. H. LAWS, Oak Ghyll Hospital, Ilkley. Area Nursing Officer. . . S. BRANSON, 8, Stone Street, Sticker Lane, Bradford 4. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Mrs. C. MARTINDALE, 18, Calverley Avenue, Bramley, Leeds 13. Mrs. E. M. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds, 8. (.Cadets) (N) W. HUTCHINSON, Martins Bank Chambers, King Cross, Halifax. A. WATSON, Marall, Moorland Crescent, Menston, Ilkley. Northern Area J. E. BAIRD, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., Brow House, Haworth, Keighley. Area Commissioner . F. R. CHARLTON, 111 St. Swithins Walk, Acomb, York. Area Superintendent (A) Miss G. E. MYALL, Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorks. Area Superintendent (N) J. M. A. CRITCHLEY, M.B., CH.B., 15, Woodlands Drive, Area Surgeon . . . Harrogate. Mrs. I. R. HYMAS, S.R.N., S.C.M., R.F.N., "Farndale," The Area Nursing Officer . Grove, Harrogate. T. BROUGHTON, Bracewell Lodge, Bracewell, Nr. Skipton. ~ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Miss E. L. GILBERT, 15, Hill Rise Avenue, Harrogate. ea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) T. 1. McNISH, 96, Devonshire Street, Keighley. A.rea Staff Officer .
~:~ ~~~~ g~~:~s
a Staff Officers . Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Smgeon Area Nursing Officer
Southern Area J. MAIN RUSSELL, M.B., CH.B., B.HY., D.P.H., "Wem s " Stockarth Lane, Oughtibridge, Sheffield. y , A. ELSON, M.B.E., 148, Oaks Avenue, Stocks bridge, Sheffield Mrs. V. D. LEE WOOD, S.R.N., 16a, Tapton Park Road Sheffiel'.l· 10. ' u, C. B. BALL, L.M.S.S.A., Fern Lodge 138 Dodworth Road Bamsley. ' , , MrLs. M. E. SHIMELD, S.R.N., H.V.CERT., 10, Black Brook Avenue ' odge Moor, Sheffield 10. P. PROCTOR, 24, High Street, South Elmsall Pontefract , . Vacant. H. HEMINGWAY, St. Thomas's House, Worsboro' D~le Nr Bamsley. ' . J. SHAW, J.P., The Beeches, 27, Mill Hill, Pontefract. Mrs. V. G. BOOTH, 4, Ranelagh Drive, EcclesaU, Sheffield 11. C.13owLEY, M.~., B.S., M.R.C.O.G., 34, Hemper Lane, Sheffield. . ASKEW, 25, Plckup Crescent, Wombwell, Nr. Barnsley.
L. CLEGG, 7, York Avenue, Fartown, Huddersfield. (Secretary). Mrs. D. LEACH, 864, Bradford Road, Birkenshaw, Nr. Bradford. Dr. J. S. HORNER, M.B., CH.B., P.P.H., D.I.H., 105, Smithy Parade, Thornhill, Dewsbury. (Training).
District Office: 61 , Great Victoria Street, Belfast, 2. Tel. Belfast 23970. President: Her Excellency The Lady W AKEHURST. District Vice-President: Mrs. G. N. WALLACE, M.B.E. Commissioner . Colonel G. GREGG, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., D.PHYS.MED., 40, Elmwood Avenue, Belfast. 9. (Tel. Belfast 25586). Area Sergeant-Major . ~ICc)ffiJnandlery Dty. Commissioner Major W . S. GRIEVE, M.B.E., E.R.D., T.D., "Cathkin," Reaville Park, Dundonald, Belfast. South Eastern Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. Ivan NEILL, Ballymisert, Circular Road, Belfast. (Tel. Area Commissioner N. HULLEY, Broadoak Wamington Drive, Bessacar, Doncaste~. Belfast 653789). L. A. CLARKE, Oaklea, Scawthorpe, Nr. Doncaster. Jommand1ery Surgeon. F. E. FLETCHER, M.B., M.R.C.S., D.P.H., 4, My Lady's Mile, Area Superintendent (A). Area Superintendent (N) Mhrsa.mB.ALCON, S.R.N., 1, Park Terrace, Thryburgh, Nr. Rothe . Holywood, Co. Down. (Tel. Holywood 2497). rommandc~ry Assist. Super. (N) Miss Q. QUIGLEY, B.E.M., 19, Cabinhill Gardens, Belfast. Area Surgeon . Col. R. W. SCOTT, M.D., D.P.H., "Langley," Cantley Lane, (Tel. Belfast 654866). Nmsing Officer Miss B. BOYCE, S.R.N., S.C.M., Altnagelvin Hospital, LondonDoncaster. Assistant Area Surgeon J. A. SCOTT, M.B., CH.B., 14, Middlefield Road, Bessacar, derry. Doncaster. Vacant. Area Nursing Officer . Miss E. GARRETT, Helen's Lea, Gilnahirk, Belfast. (Tel. Mrs. E. M. BROWN, S.C.M., 70, Top Road Barnby Dun Nr. Doncaster. " Belfast 654429). Asst. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss V. K. HILL, 45, Bloomfield Road, Bangor, Co. Down. Area Staff Officers (Cadets) (A) . W. HARGREAVES, 198, Great North Road Woodlands Doncaster. " Commissioner . . . . W. A. RYAN, M.B.E., Glenartney, Cultra, Co. Down. (Tel. J. HOWARD, 16, Dawood Villas, Bentley, Doncaster. Holywood 3162). N. F. C. H. SWENY, M.B.E., M.INST., 61, Great Victoria Street, Area Staff Officers (Cadets) (N) . Mrs. TOWNSE D, 6, The Villas, Edlington, Nr. Doncaster. Area Staff Officers. . . . . D. G. BARBER, 104, Doncaster Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster. Belfast, 2. L. TAGG, 67, Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, Nr. Doncaster. Belfast Area E. PONBERTH, Warmsworth Lodge, 7 Barrel Lane Balby NT. " , Commissioner. D. M. RODGERSON, 747, Crumlin Road, Belfast. Doncaster. C. F. PALMER, "The Chestnut," 28, Cantley Lane, Bessacar, Superintendent (N) Miss H. IRWIN, 54, Eglantine Avenue, Belfast. Doncaster. (Treasurer). Surgeon . . . J. N. LEWIS, M.B., 202, West Circular Road, Belfast. A. S: CRABTREE, "Sheridan," 26, Ennerdale Road, Wheatley Nursing Officer. . , W. H. RYAN, S.R.N., 32, Stranmillis Park, Belfast. HIlls, Doncaster. (Secretary). Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. E. F. KERR, 18, Oakland Avenue, Belfast. Mrs. D. A. WARD, 2, Ennerdale Road Wheatley Hill DonStaff Officer . S. T. SMYTH, Edelweiss, Station Road, Greenisland. " caster. C. 'Y~TSON, 31, Green Lane, Scawthorpe, Nr. Doncaster. Antrim Area (CIVil Defence). N. JONES, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., "Beechmount," Galgorm W. D. WARD, Ashlea, Marshland Road, Moorends, Nr. Doncaster. Commissioner Road, Ballymena. Mr~. P. E. Bell, The Grove, Thurnscoe, Nr. Rotherham. Mrs. F. A. MORTON, Aghnaclare, Woodlands Avenue, Ba1lyMaJor H. ASPINALL, Hall Grove, The Park Woodlands, Superintendent (N) Doncaster. ' mena. Hugh WILSON, F.R.C.S., "Lisnamoyle," The Roddens, Lame. Surgeon . . . Miss M. E. DENNISON, Holywell Hospital, Antrim. Nursing Officer. . . J. H. JOHNSTONE, "Mena," Donegall Avenue, Whitehead. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) South Western Area Mrs. A. HAMILTON, "Cherryville," Kells, Co. Antrim. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Commissioner J. M. RODGERS, 15, North Road, Carrickfergus. (Public Duties). Vacant. Staff Officer . Area Surgeon . W. BROW~, L.R.C.P.(LOND.), M.R.C.S.(ENG.), 128, Halifax Old Road, Blrkby, Huddersfield. Armagh Area Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. L. C. BEST, Flat 2, 97, New North Road, Huddersfield. Area Nursing Officer. . . Vacant. Commissioner . M~s. E. CARRUTHERS, S.R.N., 6, Pennine Road, Dewsbury. Asst. Area Superintendent (N) Miss M. A. LUTTO , Wayside, Killicomaine Road, Po rladown. Superintendent (N) MISS Z. E. H~L, 13, Cedar Avenue, Huddersfield. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F. BELL, M.B., D.P.H., "Woodlands," Armagh. Dr. Mustafa RIal El SARRAFF, Shaftesbury House York Road, Surgeon . . . Batley. ' Miss I. CHAMBERS, Armagh County Health Committee, 2, Nmsing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Gosford Place, Armagh. (Tel. Armagh 297). Mrs. M. K. MITTON, 27, Wesley Street Ossett Yorks. Area Staff Officers. . . . Miss E. BERRYMAN, 64, Sandhurst Drive, Belfast. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) J. BASSINDALE, 2, .Bridley Drive, Slaith~aite, H~ddersfie1d. H. BOWER, 92, Savde Road, Savile Town, Dewsbury. (Cadets). Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .
Down Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer .
Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Secretary. . . . .
J ..Harris REA, F.R.S.A., The Friary, Banbridge. MISS S. H. JOHNSTONE, 38, Lancefield Road, Belfast. N.. E. WILLIAMS, B.A., M.B., Downshire Road, N e . MISS ~. Hawthorne, S.R.N., S.C.M., Downe Hospital, Down. patnck. Miss. D. DUFF, 11, Springfield Road, Bangor. Mrs. B. KELLY, 3, Chlorine Gardens, Belfast.
Area Superintendent (N) . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)
Fennanagh Area Mrs. N. LIDDLE, Drumclay, Enniskillen. Mrs. A. MALONE, B.A., 10, Willoughby Place, Enniskillen.
Area Area Area Area Area
Londonderry Area W. J. WILLIAMS, M.B.E., 20, Pump Street, Londonderry. Vacan t . . Dr. M. F. LESLIE, Llsnagowan, Caw, Londonderry. Mrs. G. W. BROWN, S.R.N., 2, Daphne Gardens, Londonderry. Vacant.
County President: Sir William PARKER, Bt., O.B.E., Lord Lieutenant.
Lady President: Mrs. M. M. P. WILSON.
County Vice-Presidents:
Commissioner Superintendent Surgeon . . Nursing Officer . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)
Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (N)
ounty ounty unty ounty ounty
Major V. D. JONES, M.B.E., M.M., T.D. (Ambulance). Brigadier G. YOUNGHUSBAND (Ambulance Cadets). Brigadier V. J. L. NAPIER, M.C., D.L., St. Job? Hut, Church House Lion Street, Brecon. (Tel. Sennybndge 278). T. G. DANIEL, Maes-y-Ffynon, Pontsticill, Merthyr Tydfil. Superintendent (A) Vacant. Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . . . Vacant. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Vacant. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Miss Ann JACOB, 66, Aynon Dewi, Llanfais, Brecon. CaernarvollShire
Tyrone Area W. M. BRENNEN, M.B.E., F.R.C.S., Cranagh Dhu, Magherafelt. Mrs. A. E. MARTIN, Summer Hill, Clogher.
County President: Sir Michael DUFF, Bt. , Lord Lieutenant.
Lady President: The Lady Megan LLOYD GEORGE, M.P.
County Vice-President:
PRIORY FOR WALES Headquarters: Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff.
Tel Cardiff 32131.
Commandant-in-Chief of Nursing Corps and Divisions for Wales: H.R.H. Princess Marina Duchess of KENT, G.c.v.o., C.I., G.B.E. Chief Commissioner for Wales . H. G . LEWIS, J.P., D.L. Chief Superintendent for Wales. Mrs. C. G. TRAHERNE, J.P. Chief Surgeon for Wales. . . T. J. M. GREGG, O.B.E., B.A., M.B., B.CH. Deputy Chief Commissioner for Wales . . . . . . . . Colonel R. MYDDLETON, M.V.O., J.P., D.L. Deputy Chief Superintendent for Wales. . . . . . . . Mrs. G. BAll..EY. Deputy Chief Surgeon for Wales. I. H. DAVIES, M.B., CH.B. Assistant Chief Commissioner for Wales. . . . . . . . E. JAMES, M.S.M. Assistant Chief Superintendent for Wales. . . . . . . . Mrs. R. DAVIES-JONES. Assistant Chief Surgeon for Wales C. G. MACKAY, M.B., CH.B. Chief Nursing Officer for Wales. Miss J. E. THOMAS, S.R.N., S.C.M., T.A. Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets for Wales. . . . . . . J. CORY, J.P. Chief Officer Nursing Cadets for Wales . . . . . . Mrs. W. R. CRAWSHAY. Brigade Secretary for Wales C. J. PARRY. Training Officer for Wales Miss Z. D. DRUITT.
County President: Sir Richard WILUAMS-BuLICELEY, BT., Lord Lieutenant.
County Superintendent (N)
Mrs. G. WYNNE FINCH (Nursing). Sir Michael D UFF, BT., J.P., Lord Lieutenant, "Vayno1," Bangor, Commissioner . Caernarvonshire. (Tel. Bangor 2542). . Lieut.-Colonel W. J. Wn..LIAMS, O.B.E., LL.B., B.SC., Chief Deputy Commissioner. Constable, Caernarvon. G. W. ROBERTS, "Clogwyn," Rockfield Drive, Deganwy, County Superintendent (A) Caernarvonshire. Mrs. E. A. JONES, S.R.N., "Tegfan," 14, Terfyn Terrace, PortCounty Superintendent (N) dinorwic, Caemarvonshire. I. H. LLOYD, M.B., B.S., "Tan-y-Berllan, Penmaenmawr. County Surgeon . . Mrs. H. J. ROWLANDS, S.R.N., Plas Newydd, Penmaenmawr, County Nursing Officer Caernarvonshire. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. P. PATEMAN, 24, Ambrose Street, Bangor, Caernarvonshire. County Staff Officers . H. NEVILLE, M.P.S., 3, Mostyn Street, Llandudno, Caernarvonshire. T. O. PARRY, 22, Thomas Street, Caernarvon. C. FARRELL, Haulfre, Church Street, Caernarvon. (Cadets). Cardiganshire
County President : The Earl of LISBURNE. Lady President: Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (A) County Staff Officer . . County Surgeon
Mrs. E. D. CHURCIDLL. Captain J. HEXT LEWES, O.B.E., R.N.(RTD.), Lord Lieutenant Llanllyr, Nr. Lampeter, Cardiganshire. (Tel. Aeron 323). Rees Evans DAVIES, "Kingslyn," Penparcau Road, Aberystwyth. J. C. BLAYNEY, Ambulance Station, Queens Road Aberystwyth. H. DAVIES, 12, Baker Street, Aberystwyth. E. D. Clifford JONES, L.M.S.S.A., "Greenhills, "Penylaine Road, Aberystwyth.
Lady President:
County President:
Graham P. WILLIAMS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Longford House Holyhead. (Tel. Holyhead 109). Mrs. S. A. STIRRAT, 1, Sunrise Terrace, Holyhead.
Lieut.-Colonel Sir Grismond P . PHILIPPS, C.V.O., Lord Lieutenant.
Lady President : The Hon. Mrs. FISHER HOCH, T.D.
County Vice-President: Miss G. P. THYER-JONES, M.A., LL.B. (Nursing Cadets).
Flintshire D . Cecil WILL~S, J.P., "Lisvane," Felinfoel Road, LIanelly County President: Carmarthenshlre. (Tel. LIanelly 255). ' Brigadier H. S. K. MAINWARING, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., Lord Lieutenant. County Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. D. CAV.E, A.R.R.C., " Brynhafod," Old Road, LIane y Lady President: Carmarthenshtre. ' County Nursing Officer Mrs. A. B. PENNANT. Mrs. S. J. THOMAS, S.R.N., C.M.B., 20, Stradley Park Aven e County Vice-President: LIanelly, CarmarthensOOe. ' County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Lieut.-Colonel G. TREHARNE, 69, Queen Victoria Ro d The Lady KENYON (Nursing Cadets). ' ommissioner Llanelly, CarmarthensOOe. R. W. BANKES, C.B.E., Soughton Hall , Northop, Mold, FlintCounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss. A . DAVIES, 80, Coles hill Terrace, LIanelly, Carrnarthenshire. (Tel. Northop 207). shrre. puty Commissioner . R. T. SMITH, F.C.A. , " Craxton," Gronant Road, Prestatyn, Flintshire. North Carmar thenshire CountylArea ounty Superintendent (N) Mrs. R. E. CAULFIELD, "Hazeldene," Maes-y-groes, Prestatyn, Area Commissioner Flintshire. J. R. JONES, Chief Constable, Carmarthenshire and CardiganS G. H. COLLIER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Shandon," Brunswick shire. ounty urgeon Road, Buckley, Flintshire. H. B. FREEMAN, J.P. , "Overstone," Wepre Park, Connah's ounty Staff Officers (A) . South Carmarthenshire County Area Quay, Flintshire. C. H. SHENTON, "Castlemere," Kings Avenue, Flint. Area Commissioner (Acting) . D. Cecil WILLIAMS, J.P., "Lisvane," Felinfoel Road LlaneUy d ) CarmarthensOOe. (Tel. LIanelly 255). ' , ounty Staff Officer (Ca ets (A) G. MANSELL, 4, Sandy Lane, Queensferry, Flintshire. County Staff Officers (A). 1. REES, 19, Renallt Street, Llanelly. A. W. HOLLOWAY, 15, Cowell Street, Llanelly. Glamorgan County Staff Officer (N) . Mrs. E. M. JONES, 37, Hedley Terrace, Llanelly. County President: Colonel C. G . TRAHERNE, T.D., J.P., BARR., Lord Lieutenant. East Denbighshire Lady President: County President: The Hon. Mrs. J. H. BRUCE. Colonel J. C. WYNNE-FINCH, C.B.E., M.C., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. Brigadier J. G. MORGAN, C.B.E., T.D. , M.B., B.S., M.R C.S., :omrnlssioner Lady President: L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.L., The Cottage, Glais Road, Clydachon-Tawe, Swansea. (Tel. Clydach Glam 2289). . Vacant. ~puty Commissioner . A. D. GRlFFTI1I, L.M.S.S.A., F.R.G.S., R.N.V.R.(RETD.), 86, KrngsCommissioner . Captain R. G. EVANS, M.B.E., J.P., Fernyfield, LIay, Wrexham, land Crescent, Barry. Denbighshire. (Tel. Gresford 292). :ounty Superintendent (N) Mrs. G. M. WILLIAMS, Llanharan House, Llanharan, GlamorDeputy Commissioner. W. E. JONES, "Westholme," Weston Rhyn, Nr. Oswestry. gan. County Surgeon M. T. ISLWYN JONES, M.D., D.P.H., 16, Grosvenor Roa :ounty Surgeon . I. R. S. ROBERTSON, M.B., B.S., Herons Hill, Nelson, Glamorgan. Wrexham, DenbighsOOe. 'ounty Nursing Officer Miss P. D. JONES, S.R.N., S.C.M., Q.S., Welsh Hospital Board ~ County Surgeon (Cadets) . J. W. P. SALT, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "HilIcroft," Westo Cardiff. Rhyn, Nr. Oswestry. :ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. P. HARruEs, 49, Fairfield Road, Bridgend, Glamorgan. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). D. J. GRIFFITH, 45, Warwick Avenue, Hightown, Wrexham. .OUllty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. M. TAYLOR, 59, Woodlands Road, Barry, Glam . County Staff Officers (A). • W. MORRIS, 76, Victoria Road, Wrexharn. Aberavon County Area J. E. HARRIS, 23, George Street, Rhosywaen, Chirk. ea Commissioner R. W. EVANS, T.D., M.MET., F.I.M., Plas-y-Bryn, Pentyla, Port P. R. KENT, 2, Ffordd Maelor, Maes-y-dre, Wrexharn. Talbot, Glarnorgan. (Tel. Port Talbot 670). C. A. SMITH, J.P., 31, Edward Street, Wrexharn. The Lord TREVOR, J.P., Brynkinallt, Cook. Barry County Area J. V. LEWIS, Plot 36, Lodge Road, Gwynville Estate, Rhosddu, ea Commissioner A. L. MOTE, 91, College Road, Barry, Glamorgan. (TeL Wrexham. (Cadets). Barry 934). D. P. ROBERTS, 4, Bourne Terrace, Froncysyllte, Wrexham. (Cadets) . Bridgend County Area ea Commissioner E . G. HOWELLS, M.M., 22, Meadow Street, Pontycymmer, Nr. West Denbighshire Bridgend, Glamorgan. County President: Caerphilly County Area Colonel J. C. WYNNE-FINCH, C.B.E., M.C., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. rea Commissioner W. J. SKYRME, "Wayside," Nelson Road, Ystrad Mynach. Lady President: Glamorgan. (Tel. Hengoed 2101). Vacant. Gower County Area Commissioner . E. C. MARSHALL-HuGHEs, 36, Station Road, Llanrwst, rea Commissioner W. J. JAMES, F.A.M.E.E., Lockie~ouse, 62, Glebe:Road, Loughor Denbighshire. (Tel. Llanrwst 277). Glamorgan. Deputy Commissioner. . E. ELLIS, 97, Parc-y-Dre, Ruthin, Denbighshire. County Superintendent (N) Dr. Sheila REID, The Old Rectory, Llanychan, Ruthin, DenLlantrisant County Area bighshire. rea Commissioner Lieut.-Col. J. A. L. TRABER E, Castellaw Fawr, Llantrisant. County Surgeon Meurig Wyn WILLIAMS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Glasfryn, Llanrws t, Glamorgan. (Tel. ~ Llantrisan( 228). Den bighshire. . County Nur ing Officer . . . Miss J. EDWARDS, S.R.N., Porth-y-Dre, Ruthin, Denbighsh!Ie. Neath County Area County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) M . DAVfES, 16, St. David's Road, Old Colwyn, DenbighshlIe. E. P. COYNE, M.B., CR.B., Plasnewydd , Neath, GJamorgan . County Staff Officer (A). . . G . H. RYDE , Markley Villa, Dundonald Road, Colwyn Bay. rea Commissioner (Tel. Neath 257). County Staff Officer (A) . A. E. ROBERTS, "Delamare," Cadwgan Road, Old Colwyn· Commissioner
W. E. NEALE, 35, Pentrerhedyn Street, Machynlleth, Montgomershire. D. R. B. MATHIAS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Park Lane, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. Mrs. S. E. MATH1AS, S.R.N., Park Lane, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. Pontypridd County Area t S ff Offi (C d ) (A) D. N. MANUEL, "Holmlea," Main Street, Caersws, MontB. T. JONES, 59, Pantygraigwen Road, Pontypridd, Glamor an oun y ta cer a ets Area Commissioner gomeryshire. Merionethshire ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. K. E. SILVER, S.R.N., Stone House, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. County President: H. RATCLIffE, Ainsdale House, Maesbrook, L1anymyoech. ounty Staff Officcrs (A) . Colonel J. F. WilLIAMS-WYNNE, D.S.O., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. D. W. REES, "Gwyndaf," Kerry Road, ewtown, MontgomeryLady President: shire. Lady RUSSON. H. EVANS JONES, LL.B., "Bryn Bella," Barons Road, Blaenan Commissioner . Pembrokeshirc Ffestiniog, Merionethshire. (Tel. Blaenau Ffestiniog 6). County President : J. O. WILLIAMS, B.E.M., 15, Leeds Street, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Deputy Commissioner. The Hon. Richard H. PHILIPPS, M.B.E., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. Merionethshire. Lady President : Dr. Richard W. EDWARDS, Caerffynnon, Dolgelley. (A). County Staff Officers . Mrs. BICKERTON EDWARDS, M.B.E. R. R. DAVIES, 29, Lord Street, Blaenau Ffestiniog. (Cadets). Vice-Presidents: R. J. OWEN, "Tynygotel, Cynwyd, Corwen, Merioneth. (Cadets) The Lord MERTHYR, J.P., D.L. Monmouthshire Lady Marion PfliLfPPS (Nursing). County President: G. W. R. TERRY, Chief Constable, County Police Headquarters , om missioncr The Lord RAGLAN, Lord Lieutenant. Haverfordwest, Pembs. (Tel. Haverfordwest 22). Lady President: W. GAYTON, O.B.E., "Lyndale," Rushy Lake, Saundersfoot, puty Commissioner. The Lady RAGLAN. Pembs. County Vice-President: Mrs. E. H. OWEN, J.P., Bryn-y-Mor, Fishguard Pembs. Mrs. A. J. CHASTON (Nursing). unty SSuperintendent (N) D. 1. DAVIES, M.B.E., M.D., B.S., D.P.H., B.SC., "Rorkes Drift," Colonel A. J. CHASTON, O.B.E., M.C., T.D., D.L., Barton D Ie, ounty urgeon Commissioner . Johnston, Pcmbs. Bassaleg, Mon. N. GALBRAITH, Chief Constable, Chief Constable's Office" ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. MORRIS, 8, Dartmouth Gardens, Milford Haven, Pembs. Depu ty Commissioners Abergavenny, Mon. (Tel. Abergavenny 770). ounty Staff Officers (A). . . G. C. MORGAN, F.C.f.S., F.H.A., I, Grove Gardens, Haverfordwest, Pembs. J. H. WILCOX, 11, Boumville Terrace, Tredegar, Mon. M. S. ROBERTS, c/o Chief Conslable's Oflicc, Harvcrfordwesl. County Superintendent (A) G. E. DAVIES, 13, Bryntirion, Bedwas, Mon. Miss E. KINSEY, Evadene Park Row, Tredegar, Mon. (Tel. County Superintendent (N) Radnorshire Tredegar 3268). County President: County Surgeon . . C. G. MACKAY, M.B., CH.B., Bryngolau, Pontllanfraith, M n. B ' d ' S· Michael DILLWYN-VENABLES-LLEWELYN, Bt., M.V.O. , .J .P., Lord Lieutenanl. nga Icr Jr County Nursing Officer . . . Mrs. V. M. WILMOT, S.R.N. John DAViES, M.B., B. H., Bryncoed , Rhayader, Radnorsbirc. ommissioner . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) E. PHILLIPS, 19, Arnold Place, Tredegar, Mon. D. WALKER, M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P. , St. David's, Presteignc, RadnorCounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. S. E. FRANCIS, Bryn Rhedyn, 5, New Road, Portloff n, oun ty Surgeon sh ire. Glamorgan. ounty Nursing Officer Miss Mary HUNTER-W1LLlAMS, 2, Caemelin , Rhayader, Rads. S. C. MORGAN, 5, Alexandra Road, Chepstow, Mon . County Staff Officer (A) Area Commissioner (Acting) .
ounty Superintendent (A) Pontardawe County Area Brigadier J. G. MORGAN, C.B.E., T.D., M.B., B.S., M.R . .s. ounty Surgeon L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.L., The Cottage, Glais Road, Clyd h. on-Tawe, Swansea. (Tel. Clydach Glam 2289). ounty Nursing Officer
Area Commissioner
. Bedwellty County Area W. C. BENNETT, 10, St. David's Avenue, Woodfieldslde, Blackwood, Mon.
Area Commissioner
Gwent County Area T. C. WOODWARD, Vaynor House, Pennant Street, Ebbw Vale, Mon.
Aberdare County
County President: J. A. HAYES, M.E., M.I.M.E. Lady President: Lady WILLIAMS, J.P.
Dr. J. M. WILSON, (Ambulance Cadets). Lady WILLIAMS, J.P. (Nursing). Silurian County Area Dr. H. B. PIERCE, Bryn Cerdin, Mounlain A ·h. Rees MORGAN, "Lynmore," The Gardens, Hereford Road, ommissioner . . . Area Commissioner G. BEVAN, Plantation Road , Abercynon , Aberdarc. Monmouth. (Tel. Monmouth 316). Depu ty Co mmis ioner . . unty Superintendent (A) L. DAVIES, 115, Ty Fry, Aberdare. Mrs. R. M. PROTHEROE, 9, Tudor Terrace, Gadlys, Aberdare. Trevethin County Area COunty Superintendent (N) H. BANKS, M.D., F.R.C.S., Ty Mawr, Aberdare. J. WREN, 32, Edward Street, Griffithstown, Pontypool, MoP. ~ounty Surgeon . . . . Area Commissioner Ounty Nursing Officer . . . Mrs. D. STEEN, Ardnalee, Aberdare. ~ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. PARFITT, 8, Rock Street, Mountain Ash, Abcrdarc. Montgomeryshire Ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. P. BARRISO RODERICK, Harrisonville, wmdarc, AbcrCounty President : dare. Alderman Sir George F. HAMER, C.B.E., J.P. County Staff Officers (A). G. PHILLIPS, 7, Milton Street, Cwmaman, Abcrdare. Lady President: D. DAVIES, 72, Jubilee Road, Godreaman, Aberdare. The Lady DAVIES. S. SAGE, 38, Davies Street, Aberaman, Aberdare. County Vice-Presidents: T. D. EVANS, 7, Broniestyn Terrace, Trecynon Aberdare. The Earl of POWIS, C.B.E., T.D. (Ambulance Cadets). R. ROBERT, 79, Herbert Street, Abercynon. Mrs. F. GRIFFITHS (Nursing Cadets). . D. R. WILLIAMS, 125, Brynmair Road, Godreaman, Aberdare. T. E . JONES, Severn Villa, Caersws, Montgomeryshire. Commissioner . (Cadets) L. REES, 74, Regent Street, Aberaman, Abcrdarc. Caersws 277) .
Cardiff County County President:
The Worshipful The MAYOR OF RHONODA.
Lady President :
Lady President: The Dowager :M archioness of BUTE
Captain F. P. ROBATHAN, M.C. (Ambulance). Mrs. Edgar LLEWELLYN, J.P. (Nursing). Commissioner . A/Commissioner . R. DAVIES, 54, High Street, Llandaff, Car~iff. Deputy Commissioner. . County Staff Officers (A) . J. MACDONALD, 10, Castlefield Place, Cardiff. County Superintendent (N) W. J. THOMAS, 56, Forest Road, Canton, Cardiff. County Staff Officers (N) . County Surgeon . . . . . Miss V. W. REES, 19, Victoria ~quare, Penarth. Mrs. C. E. THOMAS, B.E.M., 35, Prmcess Street, Roath, Car ·If. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). K. J. EVANS, 72, Heol-y-der, Rhiwbilla, Cardiff. County Superintendent (N) . Miss G. M. RICHARDS, "Brynbedw," Tongwynlais, Glamorgan. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Superintendent (A) . Vacant. County Staff Officer (A) . County Surgeon C. A. BENCE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Oaklands" Rumney Hill " Cardiff. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. D. H. JONES, 89, Connaught Road, Roath, Card iff.
Mertbyr Tydfil County County President: Viscount KEMSLEY, G.B.E.
Lady President:
Comm issioner
Deputy County The Hon Mrs. Anthony BERRY. County Commissioner . M. THOMAS, Chief Constable, Chief Constable's Offi , County Merthyr Tydfil. (Tel. Merthyr Tydfil 2541). County Superintendent (A) D. W. JONES, 3, Windsor Place, The Walk, Merthyr Ty 1. County County Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. E. THOMAS, 31, Lancaster Villas, Merthyr Ty . County County Surgeon . . . . . H. THOMAS, M.B., B.S., St. Claire, Garth Villas, Merthyr TydfiI. County County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D .. W. LEIGH, 6, Brynteg Terrace, Treharris, Glamorgan. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) MISS E. JORDAN, 4, Thomas Street, Treharris, Glamorgan. County Staff Officer (A) . F. EDWARDS, 12, The Huts, Treharris, Glam.
Commissioner. . Superintendent (N) Surgeon . Nursing Officer Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officer (A)
Deputy Commissioner . . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . . . County Surgeon (Cadet) . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County Staff Officers (A) . County Staff Officer (Cadets)
R. V. C. RICHARDS, B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., B.SC., 174, Comme cial Road, Newport, Mon. (Tel. Newport 62270). A. 1. CRESSWELL, 5, Hawthorn Avenue, Newport, Mon. Mrs. W. M. HARBouRN, 25, Clevedon Road, Newport, Mon. 'N. G. SMITH, M.D., "Green Gates," Clevedon Road, Newport, Mon. M. E. DAVIES, L.M.S.S.A., 15, Shakespeare Crescent, Newport, Mon. A .. R. G. POCOCK, 27, Lyndhurst Avenue, Newport, Mon. .-1"lSS O. M. JONES, 4, Conway Place, Cwmbran, Monmouthshire. J. G. PROGER, c/o 235, Christchurch Road Newport. J. VENABLES, "Greenfield," st. Mellons, M~n. R. JACKSON, 20, Pugsley Street, Newport. F. A STICE, 37, Penylan Road, Newport. W. R. NEWTON, M.B.E., Crevose, Newport Road , Llantarnam, Mon. J. NOTLEY, A.C.A., 16, Ridgeway Avenue, Newport. T. G. SALTER, 14, Alice Street, Newport.
Vacant G. MORRIS, 19, Matexa Street, Ton Pentre, Rhondda, Glam. T. REES, 50 Eleanor Street, Tonypandy, Rhondda, Glamorgan . Mrs. R. MORRIS-THOMAS, J.P., "BrynaweJ," Maercty, Rhondda, Glam. Vacant. W. H. NEWBURY, 21, Hughes Street, Penygraig, Rhondda, Glam. Vacant. E. W. IRONS, Brynhyfryd, Castleton Avenue, Treherbert.
Swansea County County President: Sir William A. JENKINS, J.P. Lady President : Lady JE?'-.'1CINS. H. C. LE'BA'IT HAVARD, "Glen View," Lon Towy, Sketty, Swansea. (Tel. Swansea 32754). A. H. HAVARD, 57, Windmill Terrace, St. Thomas, Swansea. Vacant. Vacant. Miss D. E. DAVIES, S.R.N., R.F.N., Swansea HospitR.1 Nurses' Home, Parc Beck, Sketty, Swansea. D. A. COOPER, 5, Lon Dan-y-Coed, Cwmgwyn, Swansea. Mrs. M. FRANCIS, 8, Gore Terrace, Swansea. F. H. COOPER, 2, Samuel Crescent, Gendros, Swansea.
PRIORIES AND COMl\1ANDERIES OVERSEAS Priory in Australia Brigadier Sir. W. W. S. JOHNSTON, C.B.E. D.S.O., M.C., E.D:, M.!?, F.R.A.C.P., 194, Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Vlctona. Miss F. C. B. McKAY, M.B., CH.M.
Chief Commissioner
Newport County County President: The Worshipful The MAYOR OF NEWPORT. Lady President : Mrs. D. M. BAILEY. Vi ce-Presiden t: S. G. FIRTH (Ambulance Cadets).
Rhondda County County President:
The Rt. Hon. The Lord MAYOR of Cardiff.
Chief Superintendent (N) .
Commandery in Western Australia Commandery Commissioner Deputy Commissioner. Chief Commissioner Deputy Commissioner . Surgeon-ill-Cwef . . Superintendent-in-Chief Chief Commissioner ~eputy Chief Commissioner . Superintendent-in-Chief (N) . Surgeon-ill-Chief . . . . Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets Chief Officer Nursing Cadets
Colonel J. R. DONALDSON, E.D., M.B., 298-308, Wellington Street, Perth. Dr. B. C. COHEN. Priory in Canada Comm. L. H. NICHOLSO , M.B.E. , R.C.M .P.(RETD.). Brigadier T. A. JOHNSON, O.B.E., E.D.C.D., S1. John House, 321, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Ontario. Brigadier J. N. B. CRAWFORD, M.B.E., E.D., M.D. Miss M. J. L. MACLAREN. Priory in New Zealand Brigadier J. MITCHELL, D.S.O., E.D., Druid's Chambers, Woodward Street, Wellington. C. MEACHE , J.P. (Secretary). Miss N. M. KNIGHT, O.B.E. Group Captain A. H. M RSH, Q.H.P. Dr. D. P. KENNEDY. Miss V. P. L. A QUETlL, M.B.F..
Priory in Southern Africa Chief Commissioner Deputy Priory Commissioner SUperintendent-in-Chief . . Surgeon-in-Chief . . . . Asst. Superintendent-in-Chief .
A. GARDNER-WILLIAMS Glenshiel, Woolston Road, Westc1lff, Johannesburg. Colonel J. J. KRUGER . Miss E. M. PAYN. Dr. A. RABINOWITZ. Miss K. E. POTGIETER.
'OJl1mLlllUer) COl11missioner .
Chief Commissioner Surgeon-in-Chief and SecretaryGeneral. " Superintendent-in-Chief Chief Commissioner Asst. Commissioner Surgeon-in-Chief Commissioner Deputy ommissioncr. . District Superintendent (A) District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
Commandery in Central Africa Brigadier M. O. COLLINS, C.B.E., P.O. Box 8181 , Causewc y, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. ommissioner . eputy Commissioner. India istrict Surgeon . . The Hon. Rajkumari Amrit KAUR, S.J.A.B. Headquarters, .Q. Officer for Sierra Leone I, Red Cross Road, New Delhi, I.
Major-General C. K. LASBMANAN. Miss T. K. ADRANWALA.
ommissioner District Surgeon
Senior Commissioner .
ommissioner Depuly ommi ioner. Di tricl Surgeon ommissioner . . . Deputy Commiss ioner. ommissioner Deputy ommlssloner . District Surgeon H.Q . Officer for igeria
Tanganyika A. H. EARLEY, O.B.E., E.R.D., P.O. Box 46R, Dar-es-Salaam . Dr. A. A. LOVELL.
Pakistan OTHER OVERSEAS TERRITORIES Syed Wajid Ali SHAH, H.Q.A., St. John Ambulance Brigade H.Q;, Bahamas Frere Street, Karachi, 4, Sadar. Col. E. J. H. COLCHESTER-WEMYSS, O.B.E., Office of the CommisCommissioner Khan Safdar Ali Khan, S.K. sioner of Police, Nassau. Brigadier M. Sharif. Major A. ROBERTS. Deputy Commissioner. Ceylon Dr. N. McP. MACLENNAN. District Surgeon Brigadier C. A. H. P. JAYAWARDANA, c'M.G., C.Y.O., O.H.E .. P.D. Barbados St. John Ambulance Brigade Headquarters, Lower Lake Colonel J. Co NLLL, o.n.E., [.D., "TTighflelu" Pine Hill. Road, Galle Face, Colombo 3. Commissioner . Barbados. Dr. V. T. H. Gu ARATNE. Major A. G. BRADFORD. Deputy Commissioner. . Lieut.-Col. D. N. ROCKWOOD, LD., J.P. Mrs. H. CHALLONER. District Superintenden t (N) Mrs. M. A. Jainu DEEN. Dr. H. E. SKEETE, O.n.E. Dr. N. F. GUNASEKERA. District Surgeon
Ghana R. P. BAFFOUR, O.B.E., B.SC., Kumasi College of Technology, Commissioner . Kumasi, Ghana. Deputy Commissioner. A. A. Tmo. District Superintendent (N) District Superintendent ( Mrs. E. N. E. TURKso . District Surgeon District Surgeon Dr. E. W. Q. BANNERMA 1l.Q. Officer S. C. ADDO-AnEDT. Commissioner . Malaya District Surgeon . . . . H.Q. Officer for North Borneo Brigade National Headquarters: 41, Shelley Road, Kuala Lumpur. Commissioner . . " Dr. Chang Hoey CHAN, J.M.N., P.J.K. Di triet Superintendent (N) Datin Sadiah SARDON. Commissioner . . . District Surgeon Dr. Haji Megat KHAS. Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintenden t (N) Cyprus District Surgeon Commissioner . . . Dr. Z. G. PA os. Deputy Commissioner. Dr. F. RASSIM. District Superintendent ( Vacant. Commissioner . . H.Q. Officer for Cyprus Miss I. M. CI-lECKLEY, PJK. A.M.N., P.O. Box 719, Nicosia. Deputy Commissioner
Sierra Leone A. KEELING, O.B.E. Vacant. Dr. D. E. BOYE-JOHNSON C. R. PILBEAM, c/o Police H.Q., George Street, Freetown .
Nigeria Sir KERR BOYELL, C.M.G., Office of the Inspector-General, Commissioner . . . The Nigerian Police, Lagos. Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N) Nigerian Police District Surgeon . . . Sir KERR BOYELL, C.M.G. J. E. HODGE, C.M.G., c.Y.o. Dr. NORMAN-W1LLlAMS. Commissioner . . . D~puty Commissioner. Nigeria Railways District District Superintendent (N) Vacant. District Surgeon . . . Dr. E. N. O. SODEINDE. Nigeria Ports District C. F. D. WALLACE, Nigeria Port Authority, Private Mall Bag 2588, 216, Broad Street, Lagos. J. D. M. BOLANLE. Dr. M. A. FAWKES. R. F. CHRlSTfE, Private Mail Bag 2204, Marina Post Office, Lagos.
Bermuda Wing-Commander L. J. FOUNTAIN, D.r.c., B.O.A.C. Airways House, 59, Front Street, Hamilton. Mrs. B. BARTON. Dr. W. H. C. MASTERS. North Borneo A. R. WfLKEY, M.B.E., T.n., P.O. Box Dr. K. H. BLAAUW. Mrs. M. REEYES.
British Guiana J. DUREY, M.B.E., P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. F. A. D. CLEARE. Vacant. Dr. L. H. WHARTON, M.B.E. British Honduras J. P. RUSH, M.B.E. J.P., Charlton Lodge, Cork Street. Belize B. H. TAYLOR, O.B.E. Fiji
W. E. DONOVAN, Box 18, G.P.O., Suva. W. P. RAGG. Miss Jane SINCLAJR, M.B.E., S.R.N. Dr. W. M. MACDONALD, M.B.E. Gibraltar P. G. OWEN, Police H.Q., Gihraltar. Capt. W. H. K. C. HOARr. Mrs. D. ELLICOTT. Dr. C. M. Mo TEGRTFFO. Gilbert and Ellice Islands M. A. W. HOOK, Constabulary TT.Q., Betio, Tarawa, Gilbert
and Ellice Islands. Grenada
Deputy Commissioner . . District Superintendent (N)
J. H. HOLLEY, M.B.E., Office of the Chief of Police. Police TT.Q ..
St. Georges, Grenada. Vacant. Mrs . MASCOT 1.
Hong Kong Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
Dr. TSEUNG FAT IN, O.B.E., 2, Macdonnel Road, Hong Kong. N. G. ROLPH Miss A. A. UNTHANK Dr. PANG HOK Ko
Senior Commissioner
Dr. R. D. K. LEVY, 2e, Camp Road, Kingston, 5.
Commissioner . . . . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
Dr. H. G. VYSE, O.B.E. Vacant. Dr. F. W. CLUTTERBUCK.
Jamaica Jamaica South-East
Commissioner . District Surgeon
Jamaica North-East Dr. O. A TOMLINSON. Dr. L. JACOBS. Mrs. K. HETHERINGTON. Jamaica North-West H. CAHUSAC, J.P., West Indian Sugar Co., Ltd., Frome. L. R. REED, M.M., J.P., F.C.A. Mrs. M. STARKINGS, J.P. Jamaica South-West Commander C. W. HILLMAN, O.B.E., R.N. Dr. D. H. DRENNAN.
Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (A) District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
M. S. O'RORKE, C.B.E., P.O. Box 1469, Nairobi. M. SORSBIE, C.B.E. R. W. OSGATHORP, O.B.E. Vacant. Dr. K. V. ADALIA.
Deputy Commissioner .
Leeward Islands Dr. K. H. UTTLEY, c/o Medical Dept., St. Johns, Antigua.
Commissioner . District Surgeon
Lieut.-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B.E., 64, Amery Street, Sliame. Dr. C. G. CASSAR.
Commissioner . . . . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
R. M. Desvaux de MARIGNY. Police H.Q., Port Louis. Miss G. DAVIES. Dr. R. de SENNEVILLE.
District Surgeon
B. NEALON, O.B.E., Police H.Q., P.O. Box 46, Victoria Mahe, Seychelles. Dr. H. M. STEVENSON-DELHOrvlME, C.B.E.
Commissioner. . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon
Dr. D. P. McINTYRE, 420, Beach Road, Singapore 7. Dato Syed Ahmad Mohammed A.LsAGOFF. Mrs. H. REYNOLDS. Dr. Essel TAN.
B. J. L. JACKSON, St. John Headquarters, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain. V. de CASTRO. Vacant. Dr. A. M. ROBERTSON, O.B.E.
Commissioner . District Surgeon . . . District Superintendent (N) Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N)
Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon . . . H.Q. Officer for Caribbean and orth Atlantic Area
Commissioner . . . . District Superintendent (N) H.Q. Officer for Uganda.
Malta G.C. Mauritius
Trinidad and Tobago
Mrs. F. DAVIE-SMITH, P.O. Box 657, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Uganda M. J. MACOUN, O.B.E., c/o P.O. Box 1586, Kampala. Mrs. C. A. A. EVERARD, S.R.N. E. R. REEVES, c/o P.O. Box 1586, Kampala .
R. H. V. BILES, Police Headquarters, P.O. Box 237, ZanzIbar. Dr. W. L. BARTON.
Headquarters: Lumsden House, Provinces: (1) (2) (3) (4)
Eire (Southern Ireland) 29, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin, 4. Tel. Dublin 65757. McCurtain Street, Cork. Glentworth Street, Limerick. John Street, Sligo. Mullingar. Mrs. Seton PRINGLE. The Lady CAREW. Mrs. Beatrice GROSVENOR, C.B.E. . ., Douglas W. MONTGOMERY, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I., 48, Fltzwilliam Square, Dublin, 2. . Joseph P. MACNAMARA, 1, Nor~ood Park, Ranelagh, Dubl~. Miss Letitia Overend, LL.D., Airfield, pundrum, Co. Dubltn. Daniel J. O 'BRIEN, 19, Pimlico, Dubll!1, 8. Frederick S. WIllTE, 34, Gardiner's H~ll, Cork. . Dr. Brian PRINGLE, F.R.C.P.I., 10, Mernon Square, Dublm, 2. Miss M. M. FOGARTY, Lumsden House, 29, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin, 4.