W ESTER AUSTRALIA of chairmanship, to which he applied himself without a per onal thought In Western Australia duril: g the year furt~er incre~ses in the nUJ?b.ers In November, 1962 Mr. S. W. Winders, M.B.E., O.St.J. one of n of class",s and of certificate lssued were achIeved. Smce !he ASSOCiatIOn finest ambulance workers in Queensland. They left their mark on the ssociation and their pa ing has created commenced teaching in 1891 , the total number ?f passes IS . 116,04~ comprising 93 721 First Aid and 22,279 Home Nurs1l1g and 40 m. HygIene. big gap in the ranks, which will be difficult to fill. The Ambulance Servlce in Perth attended 11 ,948 calls dUrIng the year Classes: and transported 13 ,091 cases, 1,275 of which w~re trafi?c accide~ts. The Classes were held throughout the State. A slight downward trend wa total mileage covered by the fleet was 10~,453 mIles, .whIch constlt,uted an noted, but this is partly due to the fact that some result from the Teacher) Training College are still outstanding; but in view of the unstable con lncrease of 5,000 miles a compared wIth the prevlOu? year. Although accurate figures are not available the Ambulance SerVIce operated f~om ditions under which the Association has been operating during the pal Sub-Centres, attended 12,000 calls and in so doing traveJled 400,000 ~Iles. year, it is surprising that the overall fall was not greater. Step have nOI Further development of the service throughout the State was achieved been taken, which it is hoped w~ll produce a record year in 1963 . by the establishment of new Sub-Centres a~ Northam1?ton, Dongara a?d St. John Cup: Dumbleyung. The s rvice at ~ununopp111 and BrIdgetown were 111The St. John Ambulance Cup awarded to the winner of the Stal creased by the addition of one \ ehIcle at each of these Sub-Centres. Individual Championship Competitions, conducted by the Queen Ian The buildings at Serpentine, orthcliffe and ornalup have been comRailway Ambulance Corps, was won for the third year in uccession b pleted and plan are bing prepared for Kononup, Dumbleyung and Mr. W. A. Carvolth of Townsville. Northampton. In other parts of the Island several Divisions assisted in travelling (, At the last Annual General Meeting Brigadier J. H. Stubbe, F.R.C.S. country towns and members of the Launceston Sub-Centre are thanket (Glasg.). O.St.J., was re-elec~ed President for a further term, as were the for the interest they showed in travelling weekly to conduct a class a Vice-President Mr. T. Tettenngton, C.St.1.; Honorary General Secretary, Poatina. Mr. A. B. Krug, K.St.J.; although ince the meeting Mr. !. Tette.ringt~n The work of the Association in Hobart has been greatly hampered b resigned and Mr. 1. M. Lavan, S.B.St.J., was elected as VIce-PresIdent III the lack of suitable accommodation. The weekly trek to the Belveder' his place. . ' . (which has been the venue for the year's public First Aid classe ) wil The medical and nursing profes ions once aga1l1 were very active m the splints and bandages, chart , blackboard, easle and lecturn, the prepara lecturing and examining of cla e and Brigade members gave freely of tion of the hall for the classes, the replacing of form and returning c their time on instruction work. stores to Headquarters, made much extra work for our willing memberi The sincere thanks of the As ociation are extended to members of the The securing of adequate premises early in the New Year i os entia medical and nursing profession and to the Committees of Sub-Centres, if the Association is to meet its obligations. voluntary drivers of Sub-Centre ambulances and to the St. John AmbuIn October a special "Package Course" was held for members of sever, lance Brigade. Government Departments. The course which lasted over a period of fil days with four evening sessions , embraced a standard First Aid course TASMA IA special instruction on elementary Home Nursing and an introductor In Tasmania durinO' 1962 efforts were concentrated on holding classes course on Industrial First Aid. In all , 21 candidates attended and a in areas not previou~ly ser~iced. To do this the assistance of Brigade qualified . personnel was enlisted and now that the year has ended those who have Demonstrations: travelled can look back with some feeling of satisfaction for, altogether The Association received many calls for demonstrations of "Mouth-to- 7,500 miles were travelled by members throughout Tasmania during 1962 Mouth" method of resuscitation and First Aid and throughout Tasmam, in furthering the work of the Association.. . . many demonstrations were held. It should be noted that in previous years Bngade re-exammatlOlls had Sections of the community instructed include the Rural Fire Brigadi been regarded as eligible exams for Association awards but as these are (Bothwell), Fire Brigade sections (Devonport and Burnie), Pre-Schooll now no longer recognised as from the 1st January, 1962, there was a Mothers' Clubs, branches of C.W.A., Church groups and youth organisa· considerable increase in the number of senior First Aid awards to members tions in Hobart. In addition members actively as isted with demonstra- of the Brigade through Association classes. tions during the Apex Road Safety Week at Devonport and the Juniol The work carried out by the Association in teaching First Aid .and Chamber Home Safety Week at Hobart. kindred subjects has only been possible through the great assistance gIVen by Brigade members in their own time. Teaching Aids: The Association wishes part1cularly to thank members of the Hobart In these modern times it is imperative that the teaching of the AssociaNo. 1 Nursing Division and the Headquarters section of the Transport tion be brought into line with teaching in general by the use of moderr Division who travelled to country classes almost every week throughout equipment including projectors, slides, tape recorders, etc. To do this thl Association needs greater financial assistance, or alternately must conside: the year, and the Glamorgan Division, whose members travelled 1,204 miles in the middle of winter from Swansea to Campbell Town, as a Taising its class fees which are already regarded as sufficiently high.