O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1963

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<Brallb l)t1orl2 ill Ube 18tttfsb lReatm of tbe .Most Wellerabl, ($)rber of tbe 1bospitnl Of 5t. Job II of JerusRlem

{the St. 30hn RlnblllRnce B550ciation (as from 24th June, 1963) IPnrroll : HER MAJESTY THE QUEE

(Sovereign Head of the Order)

IPreslDellt : THE



(Grand Prior of the Order)

IDfrector::::Q;clleral: SIR PHTLTP SOUTHWELL, C.B.E., M.C.






K.B.E., C.B., LL.D., F.R.C.S., D.L.O.

ffieblcal ®mcer of tbe 1:\ssoclatDl1 J. S. McLTNTOCK, ESQ., M.B., CH.B., D.P.H.

0ecretRr}]: LIEUT.-COLO EL

J. E. F.


{treasurer al111 ctccO lll1tallt: THE TREASURER AND ACCOUNTANT OF THE ORDER D.

B. R.




Bssoctatt'll Committee (as from 2 th June, 1963)


Cbnlll1Hlll :








THE Co~e,nss~o. 'ER-rK-CHIEF,




1HolllllulteL I)\? rb..: BncctLf::::(!;ClI rnl MR . J . :'. c. ALNGTO~ R. L. Lr:i..i..WOOD, E Q. T.D. K. BIDE. '-STE::L c , ESQ., , f.D .• B.S. D.P.H., D.P.\", BRIGADIER C. E. A. nRO '..:D;G, C.B.E., l.c. R. B~FFIT, ESQ., O.B E. J. H. CHAYffiERS, ESQ. I.D .. CR.B., C.P.H., D.I.H. K. C. COOK. ESQ. F.C.


BRIGADIEo DA"YfE BARBARA COZE~S, D.B .E., R.R.C. P. W. DIU.. - L'SSEi..L. E"Q, C.B.E .. l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.R . . R.

THE Ho . LADY GA\i.\GE MIss 1. GEORGE, '1.B.[. F. L. GORDO.', =.5Q. J. SHARP GR.t.... :T, ESQ., :'1.D., F.'? .C.S. BRIGl.DIER V. F. S. HA'-VK. S, D.S.O., M.C. M. J. EE'NITT. ESQ. F. J. C. Ho. rEY, E Q. G. O. HL'GHE, ESQ., :,I.C., LB .. CH.B., D.P.H. A. J. S. JA~{ES, EsQ. LIEUT.-GE; TERAL SIR 1iARCLD K~OTT, .'.C.B., O.B.F.., Q.H.P., • LD., D.P.!! .. LL.D.


L. G. TOR'vf. ~", ESQ., CB.E •• M. . , F.R.C.P. J. W .• UTI, ESQ. T. O'LEARY, ESQ., O.B . . MISS K. RAVE R. D. V. ROBERTS, ESQ. SURGEO VICE-A DMIRAL D. D. SY.ELE-PEP.'~:r H. S. TAYLOR-'70U• ''1, ESQ., B.A., F.R.C.S. F. G. THOMAS, ESQ .••LA. ALEX J. NEBB, sq., O.E '"'. W. N. WILSO , ESQ.) O.B.E.


S, C.B., C.V.O., Q.H . .

!RepresentinG 511borL!l1ate .lEstab~ISI)mcl1t5 of t/)e: O.lI.:r: BRIGADIER J. Y. CALWELL, C.B E., M.V.O., Commandery of Ards P . ALWy},'-SMITH, ESQ., Priory for Wales

!!Deoica[ Bo\'islO] {pan 1 Chief Consultant -

SIR AATElJR PORRITT, BT., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. , C.B.E.) . LB.) M.CH. F.R.C.S.




K. W. Do

ALD, D.S.C., M.A., M.D., D.SC., F.R.C.P.




H. C. LA 'G, ESQ. C. S. _{CLEOD, Q., O.B.E., M.A. R. IvfURRAY. ESQ., ~K.B. Gl.B .



have conti!'lUed throughouL the year on a satisfactory basi as a re ult of the e'Iorts of the m - ny Centres to foster interests in First Aid in their respective areas. The number of persons who have pas ed exa ninations in tne United Kingdom, u der the u~ pi es of the A sociation. wa fe ver han in the preceding ye~r. 1961 was a peak year in this. resl~e.ct ['or. the reasons that the ~ linistry of Labour's re£!ulations for F1rst ld II1 Illdu try had resulted lD a 1arec I'llmber of industrial coacern taking te 0 ful..J~ th~se new statutory conditions of one First Aid rforc'er 50emp'oyee. In the United Kingdom. 16 ,711 person passed examinations and whi} t figur are not to hand for all territories oversea we u'lder tand that :he genera! standard of progress has be;n \\ell maintained. There ha\ been a number of changes :n [he sociation adrr~;nislration in the countie and I regret to report the d"ath, in October. of Dr. D. W, Fryer, our County Director for Suffolk, who rendered such splendid service to the Order and will be greatly mi sed. In Gloucestershire, Colonel R. A. Bingle . \\ ho e ei'vice are greatly appreciated, was succeeded as County Director by Brigadier H. L. Le.\'is. I hare on various 0 Cll ion t "en the opporturJt:' of n. ~'ing tile Chairmen of St. John Councils and Iembcr~ of the Orrter in tit e c un 'es wh re there i no Director of the ociafotl if they woul aiye consi erafDo to an appointment and I take th's opportunity of repeating the equest. It is in our interests that such appointments shoulu be made to enable OlU work to be develope in thos" area lacking a Director, The ssocia60n Committee ha a u ual gi\ en "aluable. sen'ice during the y ar. We \ 'ere grie\ ed 0 hear of the deat h of Dr. Langdon LIo.·d. a staunch supporter of the As ociation during the time tha_ te "\, a_ with the Ministry of SuP .. ly and Directo:- of Civilian edical S f\'ice of the War Office. He has been succeeded on th Association ommittee b . Dr. K. Biden-Steele. . Air Mar hal Sir Patrick Lee Potter, ha\ ing retired, has been uc eeded on the Committee by ir Marshal Sir Richard TIson . Mr. D. Taylor of the Mini tr ' of Labour having re igned his a~')point­ ment in the Civil Service, has been succeeded by Mr. . J. F. James. T have been glad to welcome Dr. Dill-Rus ell of the Department of Technical Co-operation in ucc ssion to Sir John Buchanan . and a1 0 Mr. F. G. Thomas of the ational Dock Labour Board. All member of the Committee have gi en most valuable advice and a isted us in many other ways. THE A SO IATIO.




.Members Ex-qfficio THE






An important feature dUllng the ear was the introduction of mouthto·mouth and external cardiac method of re uscitation. T\\ 0 supple~ents dealing with the subject were published in collaboration with The t. ~d~ew's Ambulance Association and The British Red Cross Society. T~a1Il1l1g in these methods was pressed throughout the year 0 that me~lc~l and other instructors would be able to teach them preparatory to theIr lIlclusion from 1st January, 1963, in First Aid examination . To

4 supplement this in truction training aids we~e us.ed; .they in~l~ded fiUllS, film-strips sectional models and the Norwegian life-sIze mal11k1l1. The e I{ew types of emergency resuscitation haye been well received. The opinion of the Association that external cardiac massa?~ should be practiced by First Aiders was amply supported by the Bntlsh Medical Journal which categorically stated:'-Nor is there any real reason why the same laymen who are taught mouth-to-mouth artificial re piration should not aJ 0 be in tructed in the performance of external cardiac massage." Various authorities and organisations have sought permi sion to repro· duce material from these training pamphlets for their own instructional leaflets or handbooks, as for exampl , in the Home Office Manual of Firemanship and the Ministry of Transport s Ship Captain' Medical Guide. Discussions with the Home Office and the Ministry of H ealth on First Aid resulted in the adoption of the Joint Fir t Aid Manual in place of the Civil Defence First Aid Handbook with a Supplement ( o. 3). The material for this Supplement wa pro ided by the Mini try of Health and it contains a foreword by Mr. D. Renton, T.D., Q.C. M.P., Minister of State for Home Affairs. First Aid Courses to meet Civil Defence requirements now follow the general pattern of the St. John Course and in response to an increasing demand from local authorities succe sful candidates now receive small certificates and plastic wallets as for our standard examinations. "A First Aider in Every Home" was the aim of the Joint ational First Aid Week organised by the St. John Ambulance A ociation, the British Red Cross Society and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. In many places great efforts were made to produce comprehensive programmes which included open-air demon trations of First Aid and Resuscitation, shop window displays, film shows and tra elling exhibitions. The help given by outside organisations wa most encouraging; many made a feature of the Week in their house journals. Through?ut the country the press gave wide pUblicity to the necessity of furtherIng First Aid. It was generally agreed that the Week was worthwhile and served as a useful basis for planning similar events. Sir Harry Sinderson's idea of a "First Aid in the Home" Wall Card was adopted. The card was designed to give basic information for the use ~f the untrained housewife in how to deal correctly with injuries and accIdents. The demand has been most stimulating, its use having gone beyond the home, for example, Chief Constables have arranged for the card to be exhibited in their police stations. Medical Officers of Health and Local Education Authorities are also using it in their clinics and schools. Last December a letter was addressed to large industrial concerns suggesting that, as a means of prevention of accidents and of providing First Aid information should an accident occur, a copy of the card might be given to each employee. The response has been most encouraging; over 70,000 cards were sent out. In raising standards interesting developments have occurred in t1~e competition field. The City of London Centre established a First AId Competition for teams representing the city's organisations and busine~s houses of the City. This was held at Guildhall on 2nd February, 1962, III the presence of the Lady Mayoress. Teams from the City Police, the Post

5 Office and c?I?-m~rcial concerns. competed. This val uable incentive to frst Aid trallung IS much appreclated. lOn 3rd February the final of the Lancashire I~dividual First A,.-id Competitions were held in Manchester. These provIde a patter~ whIch uld with advantage be followed in other countIes. Stre.ss was laid uI?on ~~e individual's ability to diagn.ose a1?-d treat both. ~edl~al and surgIcal cidents and the practice of FIr t Ald. In the elJmmatmg rounds, 250 ~~mpetitors took part, of th~se 24 reache~ t,he finals. The winner of the competition was presented WJth the As~ocIatI.on Troph~. . . Croydon introdl:lced a new. open FHst A.ld. competltl<?n .wIth further attractions for natIOnal Hr t-alders. ~he 01l1l~try of AVIatIOn arranged for a special trophy for Remote Stat.](?ns to mclud~ the Shetlands and Outer Hebrides. At the first competltIOn 20 establIshments took part. The winner was Stornoway aerodrome. .. The As ociation set up a working party to study how best competltIOns could be improved. Tho e taking part included representatiye from all departments and organi ations . nding tea~s ~o the Grand Pno(s Trophy Competition. The tudy contmues and It IS hoped t? publish a n.ew edition of the Competition Manual in ] 963 , embodYIng the workmg party's recommendation. . . . . . The Mini ter of Health mltlated an exammatIOn of the part taken by voluntary bodie in the health and welfare ervice. Two meetin~s, one in February and the other in June, were attended by. representatl"yes of local authorities, hospital ervice and voluntary orgalllsatIOns and IS ued a memorandum to ho pital and local authoritie~, the object being to ensure the fullest pos ible co-operation between the various bodie. An important recommendation i to form local committees of ~ho e concerned to discuss the need of the local health and welfare servIces dependent on voluntary effort. Some As ociation Centres have already taken part in local discussions and we hope that as many as possible will cooperate in this important acti ity. An encouraging development during the year is t~e increasing int~re t taken in First Aid by school and educational establ1shment of all kinds. A pilot scheme was organi ed in London and 19 secondary school ha,.d Preliminary First id COLlf e leading to examinations. The scheme WIll continue in 1963. The arne theme occurs in reports from many Centres and courses were held in Colleges of Further Education, Technical Colleges and Secondary Schools. The National College for the Training of Youth Leaders in l:eicest~r continues to give support to the Association and through its FIrst AId classes many Youth Leaders wjll be introduced to the subject. The Duke ?f Edinburgh's A ward Scheme with which the Association co-operate.s, mcludes First Aid in its programme and has given impetus to FIrst AId activities in schools. The Docks (Training in First Aid) Regulations issued in 1962 are likely to be followed by the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Bill which was introduced in the House of Commons in November 1962. One may as~ume, therefore, there will be regulations covering First Aid training in thIS field also, and no doubt additional courses will be required. R~ports from the Centre give a varied and pleasing picture of activity, p~rhc111arly on their work with youth organisations, including Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Youth Clubs, Police Cadet, etc. The training in emergency resuscitation has enabled Centres to arrange lectures and demonstrations

6 for many types of organisations: Women' Guilds, Church Grou · Women's Institute.s, P3:rents-Teachers' Associations, etc. A large numt has b~~n reached m this way and the excellent training model, "ResusC' Anne,. an~ fir t-cla~s ;5.lms have been of great assi tance. An example o what IS b~111g dO!l~ IS 111 Rugby where o.ver 50 lectures were given durin' the year 111 addItIon to monthly meet111gs, film shows, etc. It is al~ refreshing t<;> record ~h.at Ru~by School. gave the proceeds from a play tr our Centre 111 recogmtIOn of ItS work wIth the Cadet Force. . Other it~ms of interest include ~hipley where a special full-time COur~ w~s orgarused at Mens~on HosP.Ital for ancillary staff of hospitals. It ~Iga?, a Lay Instructor s CommIttee was established to develop interfi. 111 thIS s~here .of our work. Cove.ntr~ has taken particular interest i co-oper~tIOn w~th other local orgamsatlOn , such as the ational Coun~ for SOCIal SerVIce, ~oad .Safety ~ommittee National Cancer Relief am Coventry and WarwIckshire HospItal Committee thus widening the seop; of the Association's work there. The Croydon Centre has e tablished schem~ for co-operation with local industry through nominated repre. sentatIves of firms. They now have 68 of these. Lancashire .has been successful in maintaining their position wit regard to CertIficates and Awards, as compared with 1961. This may ~ due to the fact that only four of the towns in the county with a popUlation of over 50,000 are without a Centre. Further an approach wa made tl 14 Chambers of Co~merce regarding First Aid in Industry and six O! the~e have taken actIOJ?-. No new Rural ~epre entative were appointee durmg the year. All eIghty have been actIve and they have been visiter. by M~m?ers of ~ural Represen~ative Comm~ttee~ making inspections. replerushing supplIes and orgamsers and mamtaming the 14 Medical Comforts Depots in the county. . .New Centres .of th.e Association were establi hed in Dorking (Surrev) Kineton (WarwIckshIre) and Oldbury (Worcestershire). . W.e are grateful to t~ose.who have made establishment of the e Centm pOSSIble and for arous111g 111terest in First Aid in these new areas.

7 Instructor's Handbook. The text of this was made available to us by the British Red Cross Society. This book which is clear and well illustrated with sketches, will fill a long felt need. It will be of great assistance to those who are organising courses for First Aid instructors. We would like to expres our appreciation to Major General Brian Daunt, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., Con~roller, Home Depar~men~, and to the British Red CrosS Society for theIr courtesy and help III this matter. Anatomical Atlas. This has been prepared for use in conjunction with the First Aid Manual and will show in the graphic form of transparent sheets the build-up of the body, skeleton, circulatory system and internal organs. Thi is being published early in 1963. Competitions and Casualty Make-up. Reference has already been made to the working party et up to study Association competitions. The manual is being revi ed and it i hoped that it will be published in the second half of 1963. TRAI [ GAD VISUAL AIDS

Following a conference of Scandinavian anae theti ts a copy of the latest film entitled, The Pul e of Life," dealing with emergency resuscitation was obtained. It i outstanding in it pre entation and appeal. In addition to the copies supplied by Mr. A. S. Laerdal, two additional copies were purcha ed. There ha been a big demand for the loan of these film arising from all part of the country. A all copies have been in con tant circulation , the film ha been seen by audiences running into thousands. Whilst the A ociation has had neither staff nor fund to undertake the distribution of films, the need for instruction in emergency resuscitation has made it very nece ary and increasing commitment. The Vi ual Aids ection at ssociation Headquarters has become widely known. Many reque ts are received from Government industrial, commercial and oversea bodie , as well a voluntary organi ations and our own units for advice on Vi ual id also for training equipment, publications and filmstrip . PUBLICATIO S On the recommendation of the Visual Aid committee, a Visual Aids Exhibition wa staged at the Queen Mary College London on the First Aid Manual. The collection of material for a new edition is in occasion of the ational Dock Labour Board ational Finals on 14th progress. It is unlikely that the new edition will be available before mid-1964. July, 1962. The considerable interest in Fir t id drcles led to our acquisition of Nursing Manual. This is being revised by a committee of repre entativei permanent display material us d for the first time at the Grand Prior's. from the. three Societies ~nd .work was well advanced by the end of the Trophy Competitions at the Porche ter Halls on 15th ovember, 1962. year. It IS hoped the publIcatIOn of the new edition will be possible in the Autumn of 1963 so that the manual can be used in training early in 19M This sphere of activity is expanding and other exhibitions have been staged. In addition, advice on the design and lay-out of such exhibitions has. Hyg~~ne Man1A:al. An excellent new book entitled "Hygiene and Public been given to the Post Office Ambulance Centre and ational Coal Health was wntten by Dr. H. S. Chalke, Medical Officer of Health for Board, etc. Cambe~well. The book surveys health matters which include accident PUBLICITY preven~IOn, .care of the aged, and details of how the Public Health Service works 111 this country. Th~ Review included a five-page supplement on Visual Aids in the May 1962 l.ss\le and a complete catalogue of Visual Aids available from the Hygienic Food Handli11:g. This small book is the work of Dr. Bet~ ASSOCIatIOn (September, 1962). Hobbs o~ the Food HYgiene Laboratory Central Public Health Labora· C The y~ar began with St. John participation in the Boat Show at Earls tory: Colindal~, and Dr. J. S. McLintock of the National Coal Board, oU.rt (111 co-operation with the Royal Society for the Prevention of A AdvIS?r~ MedIcal Officer to the Association. It is now the basis for the cCIdents) in January. In April, the Order took a stand at the Royal ASSOCIatIOn course on the subject.

8 Society of Health exhibition in Scarborough. This laid special emph . on matters affecting the Association: resuscitation " First Aid I1U['s~~li . tn! Child c~re, an d cl~a~ fo<?d h~ndlillg. The launching of the Water Safer. CampaIgn at. R~Islip LIdo III May was mainly confined to mouth.t~ mouth resUscItatIOn.. The Mi~i ter of Transport, The Rt. Hon Erne\ Marpl~ , M.P. wa mstructed m the method. At the Royal Agricultu Show m ewcastIe (July) about 2,500 visitors were instructed in :h methods ~f mouth-t?-mouth resuscitation and were able to practice t~ method wIth ResuscI-Anne. Special thanks are due to local members ' o. the Association and Brigade. Ove~ 500 ~nquiries were r~ceived at the Boys and Girls Exhibition al OlympIa durmg August, asking for details of how to join the St. John Ambulance Cadets. Their enthusiasm had been aroused by the po sibil'n of being able to assist in saving life. I, During the past twelve months, the Publicity Department ha provider poster.s, photographs and advice for a number of St. John Ambulance ASSocIatIOn Centres, The Department was also the co-ordinating cent for t~~ Nation~l First ~d W~ek "A Fir t Aider in Every Home." Th: publIcIty for this occaSIOn achIeved a record. COMPETITIO S


the ~ear a. working p.a~ty was formed to examine the question of NatIO,nal Fust. ~d Competitlons .. The. booklet on competitions hal been revIsed and It IS hoped to publish this second edition during 1961 Thanks, are due to ~he members of the working party for their considerea 'SuggestIons and assIstance. The usual ~~tional First. Aid Competitions were held during the year ~nd once ~ga~n It was pleasmg to note many new young team competing m the prelim mary and final events. . , Winning teams of competitions held under the auspices of the Associa· tIOn were as follows:Competitions for Men: Organisation Police , Electricity S~ppiy Arnbul~ce' Ce~tr~ . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre' Uni~ed Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority' NatIonal Coal Board War Department Amb~lmce 'Ce~tre' . . . . Br~t~h Transport Commission (Railways &. D;ck~) BntiSh Transport Commission Police National Dock Labour Board Ambulan~e Centre: Gas Industry . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambul~nc~ Association . General Post Office' ~buian~e Centre . Fire Brigade .

Winning Team Metropolitan (J Division) Brighton R .O.F. , Burghfield A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Grimethorpc Colliery C.D.E.E. Porton Dublin 0. 3 Heysham Southampton Scottish Gas Board (Ayr)

Competitions for Women: Organisation Police . . EI<?C~ricity Suppiy Ambul~ce' Ce~tr~ : Ml1?-lstry <;>f Aviation Ambulance Centre . Umted Kmgdorn Atomic Energy Authority War Department Ambulance Centre British Transport Commission (Railway~ &. D~ck~) Gas Industry . . . . Nationa~ .Road Passenger' Tr~nsport Ambul~nce AssoclatIOn . General Post Office' ~bu'ran~e Centre:

Winning Team Birmingham Kettering H. Q. Chessington A.W.R.E. Aldermaston R.O.F. Chorley Hull Scottish Gas Board (GlasgoW)

Liverpool H .Q. o. 1 Branch Manchester

Liverpool H.Q. No.1 Branch

9 The winners of these competitions, together with the winners of the St. John Ambulance Brigade c?mpetitions for the D.e~ar and Perrott Shields, took part in the Grand Pnor's Trophy CompetltIOns on 15th November at the Porchester Hall. We had the privilege and honour on this occasion of welcoming His Royal Highness The Grand Prior, who presented the trophies and medallions and expressed his great plea ure at the excellence of the competitions. TI;e winning teams were : Men- Police (Metropolitan J Division); Women: Ga (Scottish Gas Board (Gla gow)), the first time the championship trophy has been won by a team from Scotland. The Mayor and Mayore of Paddington, the Lord Prior, the Chancellor and Executive Officers of the Order were pre ent on the platform, whilst representatives of all organisations which had teams competing were al 0 pre ent. Once again we extend our thanks to the Associated British Picture Corporation Ltd. [or their assistance in staging thi and all other national competition held during the year. The realism and colour which the scenery provides greatly enhance the effectiveness of the tests. To those members of the medical profession who have acted as judges at these competition and to the stewards and ca ualties who have given up so generously of their time to a i t at the e events, we express our warm appreciation and thanks. Their co-operation and help are an inspiration to those concerned with the organisation of competitions. Finally, we thank the competitor who have worked so hard and whose enthusia m has made the competition an out tanding feature of our year's work. OVERSEAS

In Cyprus work continued with the Greek and Turki h Education Department. The Public Service, which included the Electricity Authority, Inaldn Telecommunications Fore try Department, Fire Brigade, Police and Gendarmerie have been most co-operative with the Centre, a have the Education Departments. Classes were conducted al 0 at the Cyprus Mines Corporation and the Chrome Mines. The War Department Police now include First Aid in their residential c?urses. The Army Fire Brigade held joint First Aid demonstrations and dl~~l~ys with the Cyprus Fire Service. The Royal Army Ordinance Corps C~vIhan Clerks also held a COlif e, as did a group of Royal Air Force WIves, followed by the u ual examination. Three residential Lay Lecturers Courses were held for the Police, Gendarmerie and Fire Brigade. . Requests for training were received from Government Departments, mdustdal concerns, secondary schools and scouts. As the doctors have sho~~ a keen interest and desire to co-operate it is hoped that these addItIOnal requests can be met. One thousand, four hundred and thirty~ur a",:ards were gained during 1962, a large proportion being in Adult IrSt Aid, showing an increase of 422 over 1961. Tra~slations of the Emergency Resuscitation Supplements were prep~red I~ Greek and Turkish and published in November. The Preliminary ~lrst AId Manual was translated into Greek and tIllS should be available III 1963. In Malta 24 Adult First Aid Courses were completed. The gift of a


10 Resu~ci-AIlD:e

.was much appreciated and this enabled the Centre to give practlcal trammg. This was the first time s~nce 1956 that. there has been no f ull-time St. John Headquar~er . Officer m Ghana and It says much fo r the efficiency of the loc~l orgarusatlO11 that the rate of progress has be n maintained. In the. ~ailwa~s and Harbo:ur~ there .has be~n a great revival in First Aid actlvIty. MISS S. A. N. KissIeh, Cluef Nursmg Officer Ministry of Health took up office 8:s ~ssociation Director .in Ghana in the second p art of th~ year and ~ Trmillng Officer was appomted at the beginning of the year. An extensIve programme has been planned fo r 1963, e p eci aUy in the fields of Home Nursing, H ygiene and Child Welfare and much of the ground work for this has been done. In f!.eny a joint Associati~~ and Brigade Committee ha e been trength· ened ill all areas. Fund ralsmg present an increasing problem but so far the Centre has been able to maintain an adequa te revenue to meet this m~st urgent need. The continued support of the R ailway Police and Pnsons Departmen.ts has been mo t enc~)Uraging and give great hope for the future. Dunng the year 5,360 Certificates and Award were issued a considerable increase on the previous year. ' The igeria Police reported a very successful year a nd Fir t id wards numbered 2,168 being an increase of 415 over 1961. Seventy-one classes in all were held a~d ther~f' were two Lay Lecturer Course. Twenty-five new Lay Lecturer s Certrncates were awarded and 30 certificates were renewed. In Sierra Leone the starting of First Aid Courses in the new industrial area some seven miles from Freetown was discussed and it is hoped that classes will start shortly. A scheme for First Aid W.eek was started and First Aid talks were given to as many people as possIble. The Government asked for a series of First Aid lectures to those attending an Administrative Officers' Course which was arranged. ' The Headquarters Office,r reports that i.t has been possible to organise a full programme of classes ill ~r~etown wIth lectures to the general public as well as classes for the MinIstry of Health Ambulance Drivers and mem?ers of the Freetown Fire Service. In addition to First Aid lectures, a senes of talks were given on the radio both for adults and children on the ~ubject of First Aid and Accident; in the Home. These were ~eU receIv~d .and brought forth numerous enquiries regarding the work of the A.ssoclatlOn. There are hopes for further developments with personnel of FIre and R~s~ue services and Prisons and other Government departments, .In Ma~trltlus courses were held for the Police Force, the Government ~Ire ServIce and the Municipal Fire Brigade. The number of re-examina· tlOn awards showed an increase on 1961 and the support of Government D epartments was encouraging. In Tanganyika Mr. M . N. E. Shaidi, the new Commissioner of police, ~ucceeded Mr. Wilson as Chairman. Funds were raised by a film shoW ill D ar-es-Salaam, organised by members of the Round Table and also by a flag day. Plans are being made for development in 1963. ' In Uganda whilst there have been regular classes and re-examinations, there has. been a decline in the number of certificates awarded. The arrival of Mr. Pilb.eam as ~eadquarters Officer has resulted in both Ministries of Health taking consIderable interest in the work of the Association. The

Headquarters building in ~ampala continues to be valuable in the work of all sections of the Order 111 Uganda; we congratulate the Centre on the fact that by collective efforts the amount outstanding on the loan has been so reduced that it is expected they will be cleared of debt by the middle of


In Zanzibar the Asso ciation expanded its activities. Training has concentrated on First Aid ourses for members of the Police Force. A course was held for Lay Lecturers. There is a waiting list of persons anxious to join First Aid and Home Nursing classes, an indication of the splendid work of the Centre. Several successful demonstration on First Aid were given at the Red Cross Annual General Mee6ng and for the Zanzibar Women's Association and other simiJar organisations. Ceylon had a successful year and at the Annual General Meeting the remarks of the Hon. Mr. A . P. Jayasuriya, Minister of Health and Chairman of the Centre, indicated how much the Government appreciated the work of st. John. Certificates and Awards issued increa ed as compared with 1961. A generou contribution from the Police Corp of the Brigade made it possible for the Centre to undertake the work of translating the First Aid Manual into Singhalese. This is progressing. Manuals in Tamil are being purchased from India and with these two books training will be greatly facilitated. Hong Kong showed remarkable progress. Certificates and awards issued amounted to 4,274, an increase of 793 as compared with 1961. Fundraising activities-the Annual Ball produced $55,730 and the Annual Flag Day $55 ,639. Classes included personnel from Government Departments, docks, commerce and indu try, including no less than 70 bank clerks from the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. One hundred and sixty-five men, 61 women and 27 girls joined the Brigade as a result of the Centre's classes. Malaya reported a successful and eventful year. The Association is now functioning efficiently in all the eleven States of the Federation. 1963 will be the Silver Jubilee year of the Association in the Federation and will be a special event for the State of Perak where it was started in 1938. Arrangements are being made to celebrate the event in Ipoh. The number of classes increased in all States and the total number of certificates and awards issued amounted to 3,739, being an increase of 409 over 1961. Regular classes were held for Lay Lecturers in Penang, Perak, Salangor, Malacca and Kelantan. These resulted in an increase of Lay Lecturers available to help with training. .t: successful Occupational Fir t Aid Clas was started in Selangor. ThIS was the first of its kind to be held in the Federation and most of the large firms supported it. The. Centre in North Borneo provides a good example of close cooperatIOn between all First Aid interests and 1962 was another year of gro.~~. The generosity of business men and the success of money-raising actIvltIes has resulted in ambulances and equipment being provided for ~any .out-stations. In addition, the Centre gives a variety of services, mcl~dll~g a donation for the setting up of a St. John Hospital library ~erMce 111 the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Jesselton; books being provided ~ alay, Chinese and English. A sewing TIlachine was also presented to e same hospital for the Diversive Therapy Department.


12 The Centre has been promised equipment for a blood bank for use in the Duchess of Kent hospital in Sandakan. During the Brunei crisis, St. John provided stretcher-bearers at Labuan airport and carried out other dutie for which their training has fitted them until the army had set up their own first aid centre. The Association and Brigade members were on duty and collected 100 people for tests and grouping for blood transfussions if necessary. Training cla se continued with the help of Lay Lecturer for members of Government service and the public, including lecture for Boy Scouts Girl Guides and various groups of young people. Life aving cla ses wer~ also organised. Singapore has reported a good year; active member hip having in. creased from 1 231 to nearly 3,000. Training wa carried out in the Singapore Polytechnic, Police Negara Singapura Singapore Fire Brigade, Army personnel schools and members of the public. Of the 122 classes, 94 were in First Aid. In Fiji the number of people gaining certificate showed an increase. The St. John Training Officer was actively engaged in extending lecturin2 activities to many primary schools, although handicapped by lack oftrans~ port. It is estimated 120 recruits have joined the Brigade from As oeiation classes. First Aid Week activities included demonstration in Mouth-to. Mouth resuscitation. Window displays were arranged and a radio-talk was given. In the district of Nadi enthusiastic workers rai ed the necessary finance to purchase an ambulance. This has been handed ower to St. John to be run by Brigade members with the help of a day-time dri cr paid by Government. This is the first full-year during which the s ociation was able to have the use of its own accommodation for office stores and lectures. Close co-operation with the local branch of the British Red Cross Society continued throughout the year. Reports from the Caribbean and North Atlantic Centres of the Associa· tion indicate the interest being taken in their work. During the past year our classes have included students factory workers, hotel employees, laundry and dry cleaning employee office staffs chool teachers, air hostesses, oilfield staff and field workers, sugar e tates staff and field worke.rs, students and priests at the Benedictine Abbey (Trini· dad), PresentatIOn College, Grenada and Trinidad, Teachers Training C?l~e~e, JaI?aica, Salvation Army staff, Electricity Commission (closed DIvI~IOn bemg formed), the Prisons Service, Fire Brigade Police, Port Se:v~ces Department, Hotel and Catering School (this is sponsored by the Tr~rudad and Tobago Government), Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Boys' Bngade. The newly-formed Trinidad and Tobago Coastguards, com· m~nded by Cdr. Peyton-Jones, Royal Navy, requested training in First Aid and cl.a~ses are now in progress. Classes were arranged for members of the Bntlsh Commonwealth Legion of Ex-Servicemen in Trinidad, Fourteen men passed the examination. In British Guiana a short course in First Aid was organised for Head Teachers and Assistant Teachers in the interior. In Barbadoes, the course of lectures at the Y.W.C.A. reached a success· f~l c~mclu.si~m, and it is likely that a Division will be registered. A dumb grrl m !nrudad came through with flying colours, gaining special com~endatIOn from the doctor conducting the examination. I feel I should lIke to congratulate her on her achievement. It is hoped that classes in

First Aid and Home. Nursing will become part of the programme of the Assumption College m Tobago. . . .., An intere tir:g. development. was the .1l1troductIOn of FIrst AId Hints ver Radio Tnmdad and RadIO GuardIan. These were broadcast many ~irnes a day before and during St. John Week .. T~ey aroused ver~ c~m­ siderable interest throughout the Islands and It IS hoped that slmllar arrangement can be made with other radio stations and that the "Hints" will become a regular part of the programme.. . . Lay Lecturers cO~ltinue t<:> render valuabl.e .servlce and It IS ~ost encOUl'aging to see an mcrease m the number wlllmg to under~ake t~s work. 1962 saw the opening of everal new Headquarters and FHst AId posts . In Savanna la Mar Jamaica, a spacious building ideally ituated for its purpose wa declared open b~ general Kirkman ea~ly in. the yea.I. In port Antonio, Jamaica, .E. It 1 hoped to open a FHst AId post m the near future. 0 er 150 men and women have gained certificates, and the building is very nearly completed. Montego Bay, Jamaica, .W., now have their own Headquarter building in the centre of the town. In Arirna, Trinidad Hi Wor hip the Mayor formally opened a building to be used as Headquarter for Corps o. 3. Port Service, Trinidad, have their own Fir t Aid po t in a building belonging to that Government Departmenl. In San ernando, South Trinidad, it is hoped to have the use of the old Health Centre as a temporary Headquarters. In Antigua high hope are entertained that a joint Sl. John/ Red Cros. Headqu~rt~rs will soon become a reality. Barbados have recently acqUlred a bmldmg from the Government. St. John Committee have proved mo t helpful in St. Kitts, Antigua and Grenada. J n St. Kitts, a a result of the work of the Committee, there has been a remarkable enthusiasm aroused among t the public and in the schooL. 11 1S hoped to develop our work in evis and to give further assi tance to Anguilla where there i need for help with lecturers and examiners. Antigua. and Grenada are developing well and progress will be quicker in both place if they had a training centre and more transport. A St. John Committee is well established in the Virgin Islands and an appeal for fund is to be launched for equipment. TRA



The Priory in South Africa have completed the revised translation of the First Aid Manual in Africaans and this has now been published. They have al 0 prepared a tran lation of the Preliminary First Aid Manual in Africaans which they expected to publish in 1963. The Chinese translation of the First Aid Catechism was prepared in Hong Kong and published during the year; also the supplement dealing with resuscitation and work started on translating the Preliminary First Aid Manual. We are grateful to Dr. F. 1. Tseung and all those 'who have contributed so much to our work by making these publications possible . . The First Aid Manual has been translated into Maltese by Dr. Morana m Malta and it is hoped that this will be published in 1963. In Ceylon Work continued on the translation of the First Aid Manual into Sinhalese and as soon as blocks were available it was hoped to publish tlus book. In India work continues in tran lating the latest edition of the First Aid Manual into further Indian languages and in Pakistan there are plans for








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It is a privilege to acknowledge on behalf of the As ociation the inspirim devotion of doctors and nurses who lecture and examine in this important work, and those men and women who give up their time to erve as laJ instructors and demonstrators. The increasing calls for help in schools, with youth organisations and in industry are willingly met; without their help the Association could not fulfil its functions. The County Directors, Centre Secretaries and Clas Secretaries have done much to develop the work of the Association and to meet the growing demand for information about First Aid and it training. With our world-wide organisation compri ing of men and women in so many countries who give up their time to fulfil the functions which the Order of St. John has laid upon the Association, I am unabl e to thank each one individually and so I would like to reach as many as possible by this means in saying how greatly their work is appreciated. In conclusion, I should like to express my appreciation of the great assistance given by Mr. D . C. Maclean and Lt.-General Sir Alexander Drummond, the Deputy Directors of the Association, and also to Dr. J. S. McLintock in his advisory capacity as Medical Officer. They join with me in thanking our small permanent staff directed by Colonel Gueritz for a good year's work. PHILIP SOUTHWELL,



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the preparation of translation in Urdu, Bengali, Sindhi and Pushto. In Cyprus further translations have been prepared including Supple. ments 1 and 2 on Emergency Resuscitation in Gre k and Turkish. A Greek translation of the Preliminary Fir t Aid Manual wa completed ano it was hoped to publish thi in 1963. A Turki h tran lation of the same book was in progress. The Priory of Wales undertook the tran lation of the Preliminary First Aid Manual into Welsh and this wa published in the summer of 1962. The Association wishes to thank the translators of these manuals, who are thus providing very necessary aid to training not only for the St. John Ambulance Association but for other organisation carrying au! the same work whose member wish to have a manual in their own language.


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Aden Bermuda British Guiana British Hondura British Virgin Islands British West Indies: Bahamas Barbados Jamaica: North East North West South East South West Police Prisons · Leeward Islands Trinidad and Tobago Windward Islands: Dominica Grenada St. Lucia St. Vincent · Ceylon Cyprus East Africa: Kenya Tanganyika · Uganda· Zanzibar Fiji Gibraltar· Gilbert and Ellice Islands Hong Kong Kuwait Malaya, Federation of Malta and Gozo· Mauritius· North Borneo Seychelles· Singapore· Sudan . West Africa: Ghana igeria: Coal Corporation· Police Force Railways Ports Authority Sierra Leone: Police Force Prison Service · Railways

17 ~



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lSI 3 1~

6i 18j 41 311 900


J 30 3,066 1,0S!

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~, 176 63~

49 12: 731 99














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3,019 376 33 170 12

1,496 118

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1,923 221 51







..THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE ORDER Bntish Isles: Priory for Wales 9564 Commandery of AIds 2;353

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1-<0\ 0\

Overseas: Priory in Southern Africa Priory in Australia . Commandery in Western Australia Priory in Canada Priory in New Zealand· Commandery in Central Africa India· Pakistan·

9,008 26,520 2,945 169,778 8,738 3,438 118,318













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police National Competitions for Men and Women were held at the porchester Hall London, on 21 t February. Sir Philip Southwell (Directory-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaque were presented by Mr. D. L. M. Renton (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State).



rri ~

The Judges were:-


Team Test Dual Practical Test

Dr. G. A. Steele Dr. A. C. Mackay

and they placed the team in lhe following order:ME J. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

Marks Obtained

338 32It 313t 308t 306 303t 310 2981297 282

Metropolitan Poli e (T Divi ion) We t Riding Con tabulary 'A' We t us ex Con tabulary 'B' . Edinburgh City Police . Exler City Police · Bolton County Borough Police· Dudley Borough Police· Southeml-on- e:l Con tabulary· I orthumberland ounty on tabulary Glamorgan Con-tabulary o. 1 1aximum mark obtainable : 400




Afarks Obtained

302} 289

Birmingham '""'ity Police· We t R idmg Con tabulary Maximum mark obtainable: 400

Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre Competition for Men and Women were held al the Porche ter Hall, London on 21st March. Mr. D. G. Maclean (Deputy Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaques were presented by Mr. Ronal S. Edwards (Chairman The Electricity Council).


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The Judge were:Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

J. Munro Sherriff Gordon Gillie R. Renwick and R. Cubitt

Men' Team Test Women' Team Test Dual Practical Tests

and they placed the teams in the following order:-



ME 1. 2. 3. 4.

South Eastern (Brighton) South Western (Bam taple)' East Midlands (Kettering) . London (Batter ea) . 5. Midland (Glouce ter) . 6. North Western (Manchester) 7. South Wales (Brecon) . 8. Eastern (Great armouth)· 9. orkshire (Skelton Grange) 10. Southern (portsmouth) . orth Eastern (Dunston) . 11. 12. Merseyside and orth Wales (Lince) Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtailled

3341 323! 306t 286r 2861268t 2641263 248+ 226 219 218

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Competitions for Men and Women were held at Harwell, B~rks, on 10th Ma~. Mr. L. Grainger (Assistant Director, Harwell) presIded and the trophles and plaques were presented by Lt. General Sir Alexan~e~ Drummond (Deputy DirectorGeneraL st. John Ambulance AssocIatIOn).

The Judge were:Dr. D. J. Turnbull Dr. Monica Latto

Team Test Dual Practical Tests

and they placed the teams in the following order: ME


WOME 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

East Midlands (Kettering) . Merseyside and orth Wales (Ch ter) orth Western (Manchester) . orth Eastern (Newcastle upon Tyne) South Western (Bristol) . South Wales (Cwrnbran) Midlands (Birmingham) . South Eastern (Hove) Eastern (Wherstead) . Yorkshire (Leeds) Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Obtained farks Obtailled


329 31



291 280 27




ME lvfarks Obtailled

302 301 300 292

Marks Chessington H.Q. R.P.E. Westcott . R.A.E. Farnborough Prestwick Airport Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained

1. ')

Aldemla ton . Winrrith . Maximum marks obtainable: 400



274 249 242

355t 2751'

Nariol1a! Coal Board Competitions for Miners were held in the Winter Gardens, Blackpoo!, on 19i.h May. Dr. J. M. Rogan (Chief Medical Officer) presided and th trophic and prize wer presented by Mr. H. E. Collin (National Board ember).

The Judges were:Dr. A. R. Calder Team Test Dr. F. Brearley and Dr. J. D. Cameron Individual Tests Dr. W. A. Brown Oral Tests and they placed the team in the following order:-

286 267 260

WOMEN 1. 2. 3. 4.



Dr. K. N. Mawson Team Test Dr. P. J. Roylance Dual Practical Test and they placed the teams in the following order:-

R.O .F. Burghfield S.R.D.E. Christchurch R.O.F. Cardiff . R.R.E. Pershore . R .A.E. Farnborough London Heathrow C.A. Constabulary E.R.D.E. Waltham Abbey· . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

296 289t 286 283+ 258t 219-!209t 20H


Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre Competitions for /vIen alld JiVomen were heJd at the Board of Trade Buildings, Whitehall, London. on 3rd May. Mr. D. C. Maclean (Deputy Director-General) pre ided and the trophies and plaques were pre ented by The Hon. Chri topher Woodhouse, M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Aviation). The Judges were:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Alderma ton o. 2 . AJdermaston o. 1 . Windscale Fire Service Harwell Chemical ngmeering Divi ion Harwell Fire cr ice' 6. Woolwich ommon' 7. Harwell C.D .. Cu1cheth Laboratories 9. Winrrith Fire Service Ma. imum marks obtainable: 400

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Grimethorpe Colliery Great Mountain Colliery Betteshanger Colliery Haunchwood Colliery Crookhall Colliery Rising Sun Colliery Twechar Colliery· Nook Colliery Silverhill Colliery Maximum marks obtainable: 600

509 4 2t 4731' 4671' 4551' 437

411t 374



22 British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) Competitions for Women and British Transport Commission Police were held at the Porchester Hall, London on 24th May. Sir Philip SouthweJl (DirectorGeneral) presided and. the tro~h.ies and plaques wer~ pre ented by Dr. R. Beeching (Chalfman, BntIsh Transport Commls IOn). The Judges were:Team Te t Dr. J. C. Graham Dual Practical and Dr. H. Temple Phillips and} Oral Tests Dr. I. G. Lennox

War Department Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Board of Trade Building, London, on 21st June. Lt.-General Sir Alexander Drummond (Deputy Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. James Ramsden, M.P. (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for War). The Judges were:Team Test Dr. F. H. Taylor Dual Practical Tests Dr. R. T. S. Henderson and they placed the teams in the following order:

and -they placed the team in the following order:WOME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

North Eastern (Hull) Western (Newton Abbot) London Transport (Baker Street) London Midland (Horwich) Southern (Dorking 'B') . Scottish (Glasgow) . Eastern (Spalding) . Maximum marks obtainable: 500 B.T.C. POLICE

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

London Midland (Heysham) Southern (Bricklayers Arms) Torth Eastern (Newcastle) . Eastern (Parkes ton) . Western (Cardiff) Maximum marks obtainable: 500

ME Marks Obtained

/II/arks Obtained

367 3461,. 343~

329 326 318+


2. 3. 4. 5.



C.D.E.E. Porton . R .O.F. Glascoed (C) R.O.F. Glascoed (B)' M.E.X.E. Christchurch . S.D. Elstow . F.V.R.D.E. Chertsey Maximum marks obtainable: 400

340 3131

British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) Competitions for Men were held at the Porchester Hall, London, on 7th June. Mr. D. C. Maclean (Deputy Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Sir Philip Warter (Deputy Chairman, British Transport Commission). The Judges were: Team Te t Dr. 1. D. Cameron Dual Practical and Dr. B. Jones and } Oral Te ts Dr. G. Buchanan and they placed the teams in the following order:-

Marks Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4.

R .O.F. R.O .F. R .O.F. O.S.D.

Chorley (F) Chorley (E) Glascoed . Barlow Maximum marks obtainable: 400


2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13.

London Midland (Dublin o. 3) . Southern (Lancing Works) . London Midland (Crewe Copper Works)' Western ( ewport R. & M.) North Eastern (Darlington)' Southern (Twickenham)· Eastern (Yarmouth) . North Eastern (York) . Eastern (Parkes ton Quay) Scottish (Bridgeton) . London Transport (Manor House) Western (Shrewsbury R. & M.) Scottish (Falkirk) Maximum marks obtainable: 500

414 405t

3981386t 3861 380t 3791 374t 3721 353


283t 278 217t 190

National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre Competitions for Dock Workers were held at the Queen Mary College, London, on 14th July. The Rt. Hon Lord Crook (Chairman of the ational Dock Labour Board and President of the Centre) pre ided and presented the trophy and plaques. The Judge were:Team Test Dr. J. Munro Sherriff Dual Practical Tests Dr. P. J. Roylance and they placed the teams in the following order:-

Marks Obtained

4391 425t


239 231t


\farks Obtained 41

356 3521-

322 281 278


2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. ]0. 11. ]2.

Southampton' Grimsby . London Upper Pool 'A'· Grangemouth 'A' . . Manchester . London Upper Pool 'B'· Barry'A'· . . . . Liverpool 'B' . North Shields' Swansea 'A' . Middlesbrough 'A' Hull 'A' . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained 276

270 269t 2641257-t

253t 24H 235


223 2]3




Gas Industry CompetUions fo r Men and Women were held at the Central Hall, London, on 19th September. Lt.-General Sir ~lexander Drummond (Deputy Director-General) preside~ and the trophIes and p~aques were

presented by Sir Henry Jone (ChaIrman of the Gas CouncIl). The Judges were:Men' Team Test D r. Gordon Gillies Women's Team Test Dr. S. Hulme Dr. C. H. B. Lawfield and} Dual Practical Test Dr. M. Cohen and they placed the teams in the following order:ME

cottish Gas Board . West Midlands Gas Board . South Westem Gas Board orth Eastern Gas Board East Midlands Gas Board 6. Eastern Gas Board . 7. orth Thames Gas Board 8. orth Western Gas Board 9. Wales Gas Board 10. South Eastern Gas Board 11. ou them Gas Board' 12. orthern Gas Board Maximum marks obtainable: 400 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

WOME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Scottish Gas Board . orth Eastern Gas Board South Western Gas Board West Midlands Gas Board . South Eastern Gas Board Southern Gas Board' orth Vestem Gas Board East Midlands Gas Board Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Liverpool Corporation Transport . Plymouth City Transport . Birmingham City Transport

284 260 2491210

Marks Obtained

Marks Obtained

336 321 320 305 303 302 290 286 285 2 4

284 233

".farks Obtained 344

1. 2. 3. 4.

Liverpool Corporation Transport . London Tran port . Cardiff ity Transport . Preston Corporation Transport Maximwn marks obtainable: 400

plaques were presented by the Rt. Hon. Reginald Bevins, M.P. (Her Majesty's Postmaster-General). The Judges were, for the men's teams: Team Test Dr. J. Munro Sherriff Dual Practical Tests Dr. P. J. Roylance For the women' teams:Dr. A. Walker . Team Test Dual Practical Tests Dr. R. T. S. Hender on and they placed the team in the following order:ME Afarks Obtained

:! 8

279 275 273 271

Marks Obtained 338 310


304 283t 249t 245

General Post Office Ambulance Centre Competitions for ]den and Women were held at the Porchester Hall, London, on 18th October. Sir Philip Southw Ii (Director-General) presided and the trophies and

309 300

W. M. Hall (General Manager, Liverpool Corporation Pa enger Transport and President of the Association) pre ided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Lord Cozens-Hardy (r"'hairman, st. John Council for the County Palatine of Lancaster). The Judges were:. Men's Team Teat Dr. J. D. Cameron Women's Team Test Dr. C. Sharp Dr. D. Osborn Hughes and} Dual Practical Tests Dr. T. Emlyn Lloyd and they placed the teams in the following order:-

1. 2. 3.

4. Leicester City Transport 5. Preston Corporation Transport 6. Western Welsh Omnibus Co. Ltd .. 7. GJasgow Corporation Transport . Maximwn marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN

National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association Competitions for Men and Women were ·held at St. George's Hall Liverpool. Mr.


Mark.s Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

12. 13.

H.Q. Group' . (H.Q. o. 1 Branch, P.O.A.C.) London Telecommunications (East Area)' . Northern Ireland (Belfast T.A.) Midland (Birmingham P.O. .c.) H.Q. Group 'B' (Factorie Dept., Birmingham) . London Postal (We t Central D.O.) . . . . South estern (Taunton T.A. (Yeovil» Saving (S.D. Harrogate) . . . . Scotland (Edinburgh T.M.O.) . . North We tern (Lancaster H.P.O.) . . . . WaJes and Border Counties ( wan ea P.O.A.c.)· Home Countie ( anterbury T.M.O.) . North Western (Halifax H.P.O.) . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

312 30 2931286 2821_66 265 263t 251 239-t 234 22o-t 212

WOME larks Obrained H.Q. Group ' '(H.Q. o. 1 Branch, P.O.A.c.) H.Q. Group 'B' (Factories Dept.. Birmingham) . Wa~es and Border COW1ties (Cardiff P.O.A.C.) Savmgs (S.C.D. Morecambe) . . . . . South Western (Bristol T.M.O.) North Western (Liverpool T.A.) . . London Telecommunications (City Area) Northem Ireland (Belfast T.A.) . . Scotland (Dundee T.M.O.) . 10. Supplies (Hemel Hempstead) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

327 316

310 306t 301t 2991298 294 283~



27 Marks Obtained

11. 12. 13.

Midlands (Birmingham P.O.A.c.) . Home Counties (Guildford T.M.O.) North Eastern (Halifax H.P.O.) Maximum marks obtainable: 400


Fire Brigades Competitions were held at Fire Brigade Headquarters Birmingham, on 25th October. Mr. A. E. Webb (Chief Fire Officer' City of Birmingham) presided and the trophy and plaque were presented by Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General, St. John Ambulance Associa· tion). The Judges were:Team Test Dr. J. T. Daly Dual Practical Tests Dr. W. H. Dunn and they placed the teams in the following order:Marks Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

City of Manchester . City of Cardiff . County Borough of Croydon City and County of Bristol' County Borough of Great Yarmouth· Lincolnshire (Lindsey) . County Borough of Midd1esbrough Worcester City and County· MaxirI1um marks obtainable: 400

360 349 349 348 34713461330


The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions for Men and Women were held at Porchester Hall, London on 15th November. ir Philip Southwell (Director-General) presided and the trophies and medallion were pre· sented by Field Marshal H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, K.G. (Grand Prior of the Most Venerable Order of St. John). The Judges were, for the men's teams:Dr. E. J. Gordon Wallace Team Test Dual Practical Tests Dr. Charles Sharp For the women's teams:Dr. G. M. Shaw Smith Team Test Dual Practical Tests Dr. A. Burns and they placed the teams in the following order:MEN Marks Obtained

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Police (Metropolitan 'J' Division)' . . . . Brit~h Transport Commission Police (Heysham) . . . NatIOnal Coal Board Miners' Competition (Grirnethorpe Colliery· . . . . . ... .... Fire Brigades (Manchester) . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (Dublin No.3)' . . . . . . . . . . . . The. ~t: John Ambulance Brigade (Whitwick Colliery DlVlsIOn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association (Liverpool) . . . . . . . . . . . . War Department Ambulance Centre (C.D.E.E. Porton) Gas Industry (Scottish Gas Board, Ayr)· . . . .

319 310!

310t 310 299


287t 28H 278t

Marks Obtained


The Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre (Brighton) . National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre (Southampton) . 12. General Post Office Ambulance Centre (H.Q. o. 1 Branch P.O.A.C.) . 13. Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre (R.O.F. Burghfield) . 14. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (A.W.R.E. Aldermaston) . Maximum marks obtainable: 400 JI.


2581248 234 231

WOME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

Gas Industry (Scotti h Gas Board, Glasgow) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (A.W.R.E. Aldermaston) . British Transport Commission (Railways and Docks) (Hull) The Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre (Kettering)· . War Department Ambulance Centre (R.O.F. Chorley) . General Po t Office Ambulance Centre (H.Q. No.1 Branch, P.O.A.c.) . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre (H.Q. Chessington) ational Road Pa senger Transport Ambulance Association (Liverpool) . Police (Birmingham)' The St. John Ambulance Brigade elson ursing Division) Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained 304

304 284 283 264 263 259 250 244 201

ASSOCIATION COUNTY DIRECTORS (Corrected up to 24th J Wle, 1963)


F. L. Gordon, Esq., Shenstone House, Chalfont St. Giles. Major R . R. F. T. Barry, M.D. E., 13, Grove Park, Knutsford, Cheshire. The Viscount Scarsdale, Kedleston Hall, Kedleston, Derby. Brigadier C. E. A. Browning, C.B.r., M.C., "Flagstones," East BudJeigh Road, Budleigh Salterton. Brigadier V. F. S. H awkins, D .S.O. , M.C ., A tbelleaze, Atbelhampton, Dorchester. D r. D . 1. Acres, Pendley H ouse, Lon don Road, Gt. Tarpots, South Benfieet. Brigadier H. J. Lewis, C.B.E., Hillary Cottage, Wyck Rissington, Bourton-on-the-Water. D r. W. R . Cambridge, 31, High Street, Guernsey. tv


K . C. Cook, Esq., F.C.A., St. John Headquarters, 15/ 17, MOlmt Street, Preston. R . L. Bellwood, Esq., T. D ., Heugh Mill, Stamfordham, Northumberland. (Correspondence to : 42, Mosley Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1.) Colonel A. V. G . Dower, T .D ., D.L., M.F.H., Newington House, Warborough. D . A. Ireland, Esq., M.A., B.M., B.Clf., Council House Court, Shrewsbury. Lt.-General Sir Brian Kimmins, K.B.L., Rodwell House, West Lambrook, South Petherton. H. H. D awson, Esq., Hill House, Bucklesham, Ipswich.


R . Breffit, Esq., O.B.E., Mailing House, Lewes. Brigadier R. A. Phayre, o.s.o. , S.J .A.A., H .Q., 25, High Street, \Varwick. J. A . Willison, Esq ., Chief Constab le, I [1I1dlip Hall , Worcester.


~C: ~ l

Ri(' \ ' I'"\g)

Dr. Brya.n Rcrfold, Parkho l rrLe, Lei Icy. Preston, l-lull. G



S c o t t .


C "_ I\


C "hi c.!; r

C ~~-' nsl;..\.hl f..-

V"VC' .... t

I~idin g·

< ~c.,r1 ... ( a h l . l l .:. l l · y .





"V\I'ak c ll c / £ l .

Classes in the areas of Centres marked with an as te ris k are a rranged in direct c OmD1.unication with Headquarters as Detached Classes.

CENTRES OF THE ASSOCIATION (Corrected up to 24th June, 1963) County and Centre




Hon orary S ecretary








Tbe Mayor



V. Everard,



The Dean of Bristol

J .P .

Rev. Dawson-Walker

Miss D . K . Gibbins, St. John House, 101 , London Road, Readin g. H. C. W. Hobbs, 143a, St. Leonards Road, Windsor.

A . A. Lloyd

E . W . Martin, 100, Lionel Street, Binningham 3. tv \0

Dr. A. P . Gorham


County Centre

E. C. Bartlett, 33, Alcove Road , Fishponds, Bristol.

Mrs . E. P. Somers, 2, Wendover Road, Aylesbury.





Miss W. E. Boyden, 7, Oakroyd Crescent, Wisbech .

W. Stewart Elgood


Birkenhead '


Stockport .


Maj. S. A. Harvey

A. C. Blaylock, 12, St. Vincent Road, Claughton, Birkenhead W. E. Roberts, 12, St. Peter's Square, Stockport.

County and Centre


CuMBERLANDCumberland Mines and 1895 Quarries 1884 *Keswick 1888 *Millom.



Honorary Secretary

J. W. Badger

1. G. Stewart, 34, Lowther Street, Whitehaven.

Mrs. Bromley J. Newton

J. Newton

H. Pollard, 4, High Hill, Keswick. J. H. Holmes, 185, Devonshire Road, Millom.

1886 1898

C. Middleton, M.A. 1. A. A. Macdonald

Dr. A. Morrison W. F. Rigley

G. E. Johnson, 146, Burton Road, Derby. W. H. Sheldon, 78, LillIe Hallam Lane, Ilkeston.


The Right Hon. Lord Roborough

N. S. Cox, B.SC.

G. Howard, 5, Faringdon Road, Plymouth.


Derby Granby & Ilkeston DEVONSHIRE-

Plymouth & District


DORSETDorchester. Poole Wareham


1948 1929

The Mayor The Mayor

E. L. Richards Mrs. D. Galton


Mrs. Joyce Sansom

Dr. A. M. Cunningham


D. Edgar,

D. Edgar,

1883 1914

W. P. Webster Col. H. E. Kitching,

R. D. Hodges, 29, Grosvenor Road , Dorchester. Mrs. E. O. Park, "Rondette," 12, Waverley Crescent, Oakdale, Poole. Mrs . M . Bond, S.R.N., Holme Priory, Wareham, Dorset.


DURHAMHartlepools South Shields. Stockton & Thornaby

J.P .

R. Robson, P .O. Box 4, 76, Church Street, West Hartlepool. Major T. A. Page, 75, King Street, South Shields. R. J . McDowell, 32, Wolviston Road, Billingham Co. Durham.

J.P .

S. Grey R. Pickersgill,

J .P.

M.B .E., D.L., J.P. Sunderland .


W. O. Kirkwood,

.J.P .

II. R.

D. L. Renruson




Conunercial Road, Hendon,



Lt.-Col. F. W. WilIiamson,o.B.E., 12, Royal Crescent,

County Secretary



Gloucester City


Gloucester County North Cotswold

1957 1962

South Glouces tershire


Col Sir James Sleeman, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., M.V.O. Dr. A. Alcock

Dr. C. R. de C. Sadler

The Lady Violet Vernon.

Lt.-Col. J. W. T. Wooldridge

Cheltenham. Mrs. Wilkin, Highworth, College Road, Cheltenham. J. C. Gray, 70, Marling Crescent, Pagan Hill, Stroud, Gloucester. Miss M . K. Oswell, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Miss R . Harper, Pockhill Cottage, Bourton-on-theWater. Mrs. N. Hodgkiss, 160, Station Road, Yate, Nr. Bristol.

W. E. Knowles

HAMPSHIRECounty Secretary T. McCaa





The Mayor



The Mayor

Gosport & Fareham


E. J . Crossland



W. N. Wilson, O.B.E.

R. W. Bray



The Dowager Lady Swaythling

Dr. H. C. MauriccWilliams, O.B.E.

KENT*Folkestone & Hythe


Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Dover

Dr. C. E. McCausland

LANCASHIREAccrington .


Col. G. G. H . Bolton, C.B.E., M.e., D.L., J .P. The Mayor A. Aked, M.A., LL.B., B.E.M. J. A. Clark The Mayor

A. Brown, J.P.

Ashton-under-Lync Bacup

1894 1919

Barrow-in-Furness Blackburn .

]880 1885

N. R . Turnbull, F.R. C.V.S. Dr. C. Heygate Vernon G. Albray

Ald. J. R. Howard , A . D . Bond

Mrs. W . A. Wilson, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Andover. R. G. Ehlen "High Meadows," Green Lane, Ellisfield, Basingstoke. A. R . G. Martin, 28, Palmers ton Road, Boscombe, Boumemouth. Lt.-Comdr. W. H. Parker, 15, Felix Road, Hardway, Gosport. K. Tomkins, Portsmouth City Fire Brigade, Copnor Road, Portsmouth. Mrs. A . E. Alford, 8, Obelisk Road , Woolston, Southampton.

J. W. Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, J .P.

J. Holgate D . G. Hartley, B.A.

Accrington. P. Baguley, 41, Carlton Road, Ashton-under-Lyne. W. J. Hargreaves, Bentroyd, lrwell Springs, Weir, Bacup. G. Ashton, 107, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness. E. Bury, c/o Education Office, Library Street, Blackburn.



County and Centre Blackpool Bolton' Brierfield

Formed 1955 1957 1889

President I. Gibrail The Mayor

Chairman A. E. Walton Dr. P. D. Drinkwater

Honorary Secretary K. W. Porter, 5, Wood Park Road, BlackpooL Mr. R. Marshall, 293, Halliwell Road, Bolton. E. Cortman, 29b, Sefton Street, Brierfield.



L. Massey, M.B.E.

W. E. Rawstron



The Mayor

E. Smalley, M.B.

L. Jakeway, 10, Rosehill Mount, Manchester Road, Burnley. E. R. Smith, 10, Sed dons Avenue, Bury.



A. Exley

J. E. Driver, J.P.

Victor Burrell, 130, Harrison Drive, Colne.



J. Watson

J. T. Cooper, M.C.



T. E. Blackburn

Great Harwood


Councillor J. W. Robinson Mrs. J. Cunliffe

Mrs. M. M. Meggitt, "Ravendale," Turncroft Road, Darwen. J. C. Cross, 73, Bramley Avenue, Fleetwood.

P. F. Pierce

Lancashire Headquarters 1950

K. C. Cook, F.C.A.

Lancaster .


Dr. J. A. Tomb

C. B. Mann

Major T. E. Spencer, M.B.E., S1. John Headquarters 15/17, Mount Street, Preston. B. J. Hopkins, 18, Castle Park, Lancaster.

Leigh, Atherton and Tyldesley


A. Higham, B.E.M., J.P.


R . Lowe, 16, Hunt Street, Atherton, Lanes.

Liverpool .


W. J. Clements

R. L. Ball,



Lt.-Corn. K. N. Hoare

F. R. Warren, 12, Mosley Street, Manchester, 2.



Rt. Hon. the Earl of Derby, M.C., D.L. Professor W. Mansfield Cooper, LL.M. H. N. Roberts, J.P.

J. Heap

W. H . Morgan, 39, Beaufort Street, Nelson.



The Chief Constable

Dr. J. T. Keddie



A. Harrison

J . W. Taylor, J.P.



C. Cunliffe, A.R.S.H.

Mrs. E. Eastwood


A. M. McMaster

A. Tweedale

Miss E. M. Bailey, 11, Ainsdale Crescent, Roy ton, near Oldham. D . K. Youll, 61, The Mede, Kirkham Road, Freckleton, Preston. Mrs. Gaskell, M.A., J.P., Saunder Brow, Newchurch-inRossendale. J. E. Thornhill, 3, Queen's Avenue, Wardle Road,



St. Helens'


Lord Cozens-Hardy, D . L., J.P.

S. Gregory, M.P.S.


49a, Rodney Street, Liverpool, 1.


J. Pem berton

H . Latus, 20, Frec kleton Road, Toll Bar, St. Helens.

Councillor J. Faulkner

E. Cox, 47, Smithy Lane, St. Annes on Sea, Lanes. R. Marsden, 72, Hall, Street, Southport.

E. C . Hallam

South Fylde Southport

1956 1887



The Mayor Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hesketh, M.P. The Mayor



Councillor W. J.

Warrington Wigan

1960 1958

D . Aitken

A. W . Hill, M.I.MECH.E. Dr. G. A. Steele

H . MacRae, 1, Pleasant View, Longfield Road, Todmorden. A. . Collin , " Byfield" Storth, Milnthorpe, Westmorland. J. A. Cameron, 4, East View, Grappenhall, Lanes. Miss I. Redford, 92, Swan Meadow Road, Wigan.

The Lord Mayor

H. N. Bream

Miss M. J. Freer, 112, Regent Road, Leicester.

The R1. Hon. The Lord Brownlow

Dr. M . C. Lavin

F . G. Latchern, 47, Swallowbeck Avenue, Doddington Road , Lincoln.

The Lord Mayor

Sir Irving Gane,



LoNDONCity of London

D. G. Flinn, F.C.I.I.


Rev. M . D . Grieve


. Lamboll, C.C., Flat 8, 16-17, Pall MaU, S.W.L


City of Westminster

The Mayor

Eastern Area .

C. Pember, n.s

Northern Area South East Area

Dr. W. Clunie Harvey

Lt.-Col. W . R. Hornby teer, D.L. R . Bax

W . H. Warren F. G. Thomas, M.A.

Mrs. D. W . G. Fari, 2, Onslow Court, Drayton Gardens, .W . IO. R . T. Bax, L.D .. , 5, Queen's Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. L. J . Tower 6 , Old Park Road, Palmers Green, .13. D. J. Hal1ard, National Dock Labour Board 22-26, Albert Embankment, S.E.1.

South West Area. Western Area. NORTHAMPTONSHmENorthampton . Wellingborough

A. M. Mason

1886 1888

J. S. Parker


H. M. Gentry, c/o Chi wick Products Ltd., Burlington Lane, Chiswick, WA.

F. C. Gibbs, 45, Lansdown Drive, Westone, Northampton. J. S. Parker, 12, Church Street, WeUingborough.

w w

County and Centre NORTHUMBERLANDAshington .


Honorary Secretary




W. Gibson

Dr. J. Dobson

Blyth . Haltwhistle

1958 1959

Dr. C. F. Fairlie, T.O.

Dr. A. S. Urquhart Lt.-Col. J. Clark, T.O.



North Shields .


The Mayor

Dr. C. MacAlisler Dowson


Col A. V. G. Dower, T.O., D.L., M.F.H.

Col. A. V. G. Dower, T.D., D.L., M.F.H.

Dr. David Grieve

L. T. Wedderburn, Medical Centre N.C.B ., Ashington Colliery, Ashington. F. S. Parsons, 21, Hunter Avenue, Blyth. T. KeUey, Garden House, Wapping, Haltwhistle, Northumberland. J. H. Dales, 2, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2. R. Nessworthy, 6, South Preston Grove, North Shields.


County Centre

Miss M. J. Freer, 112, Regent Road, Leicester.





SUFFOLKCounty Secretary Ipswich,


North East Suffolk West Suffolk

Dr. D. A. Ireland Dr. F. L. Richard

W. Mayhew


Col. M. MacEwan, D.S.O., O.B.E., O.F.C., M.B. Sir Gervaise Bioi, Bt.


W. T.

Dr. D. A. M


M . P.

1954 1962 1954

The Mayor

Dr. H. A. Faulkner

C. Craig, F.R.C.S. racken

J. E. Dane

Dr. H. A . Faulk.ner

Dr. F. Caldecolt


County Secretary .

Brighton, Hove and District Chiches ter .


The Mayor of Brighton

W. F. Friend



Crawley & Three Bridges Eastbourne & District East Grinstead and District Hastings &St. Leonards Horsham Lewes, Haywards Heath & District Worthing .

1954 1954 1956

Air Vice-Marshal T. A. Langford-Sam bury, C.B., O.B.E., O.F.C., A.F.C. Mrs. Knight

WAR WICKSHIRECoventry Kineton Leamington and Warwick Nuneaton Rugby Stratford-on-Avon WORCESTERSHlREHalesowen' 01dbury

1880 1955 1956 1955

1912 1962 1957 ]958 1957 1959

. E. Inglefield,


Chipperfield, ] 7, Churchill Road, Halesworth, Suffolk. Dr. D. A. Mc racken, 32, Westbury Avenue, Bury St. Edmunds. R.

Mrs. Ruddock, County Headquarters, st. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Mrs. G. R. Hamley, 5, St. Saviour's Road, Croydon. O. W. LamberLh, 14, Dene Street Gardens, Dorking. Miss W. M . Ariss. 1. Longley Road. Farnham.

S. T. Denning, A.C.I.S., 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, near Brighton. Mrs. F. H. Denning, 8, Arlington Gardens , Saltdean,

near Brighton. olone! P. H. Catt, F.R.G.S., Lavender Bognor Regis Sus ex.

ottage, Felpham,

tanford, c. B. L. G. J. Anderson, B. c. Sir H. C. Sinderson Pasha, K.B.E., etc. D. L. Brown F. G. Holme, J . P. R. E. Breffit, O.B.E.

W. A. Benkel, 51, Millfield, Southwater, Susse . W. H. Sharpe, 10, Wharf Ro ad, Eastbourne. . D . Ascroft, M.P.S., 218, Holtye Road, East Grinstead.

W. G. Goldfinch

Miss E. S. Barrett, The Limes, 127, Findon Road . Worthing.

The Lord Mayor

E. W. Cowpe-Pendleton

The Mayor of Leamington Spa The Mayor The Mayor

P. Varley

N. E. Ward, 52, Dunchurch Highway, Coventry. V. Rawson, Police House, Kineton. T. J. Brodest, 32, Henley Road, Leamington Spa.

The Rt. Hon. the Earl De La Warr The Mayor D . Bryce, O.B.E., J.P. Major P . G. D arvilSmith, C.B.E.

H. C. Betts C. B. Bedford Dr. J. B. Bramwell, M.A. C. J.

1961 1962

V. Chancellor, St. John House, 49 Wolverhampton Road, Stafford. H. G. Eade, 1, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. A. W. Reeve, 17, Dorset Close, Ipswich.

County Secretary .


L. H. Trentham, St. John H.Q., Priory Road, Shrewsbury.


Croydon Dorking

Mrs. K. A. Woodward, 476, Banbury Road, Oxford.

Councillor L. W . Carter, J.P.


11. eness, 110, ictoria enue, Hastings. Mi W. M. Barh.er, 10, Hurst A enue, Hor ham. C. A. Webb, 30, FirIe Cre cent, Lewes.

W. G. Hart 381, amp Hill Road, Nuneaton. . J. Burton, Ambulance Depot, Temple Street, Rugby. A. V. Lane, 255, Alcester Road, Stratford-on-Avon. . Young, County Police Station ew Road, Halesowen. B. . Bromwich, Safety Officer, Albright & Wilson (Mfg.) Ltd., Oldbury.

County and Centre *Stourbridge Worcester

FOri/led 1883 1920

President J. B. Cavanagh,


Chairman Major E. Wright, Dr. C. T. Mills


Honorary Secretary J. E. Watteson, 48, High Street, Wollaston, Stourbridge. G. L. Woodward, 104, Spetchley Road, Worcester.


Hull and East Riding County Centre


Lt.-Col. D. Bellamy,

G. Hampson

F. R. Charlton, ELm Collage, Bewholme Lane, Seaton, Hull, Yorks.

.B.E., D.L.



The Marquess of ZetJand, K.G., etc.

C. N. Sadler

T. L. Stirzaker, 8, Lavender Court, Marske-by-the-Sea.


F. Widdup,

J. Marlin

E. W. King, 24, East Hill St. , Barnoldswick, Colne, Lanes.

Barnsley & District


The Muyor

G. Parfitt



Dr. J. Dougla

W. Thomas,


J. T. E. Jones

T. Bacon

E. Oxley, Station Officer, Fire & Ambulance Dept., Broadway, Bamsley. In pector T. F. Pearson, 3, Pendragon Lane, Bolton, Bradford, 2. W. Hayes, 134, Laughton Road, Dinnington, Sheffield.

North Riding County Centre YORKSHIRE (WEST)-

*Barno Idswick

*Dinnington Main·



W. T. Davis



. Hulley



The Mayor

Halifax '


The Mayor

. Gelder,

Harrogate and District


Dr. E. C. Fear

. J. Simpson

Supt. T. Todd

Dr. J. Walker

Dr. J. Walker

Hebden Bridge


E . Moss


Hudder field & D istric t

19 5 5




Miss A




Dr. 1. W. Silver ides, J.P.

H . Hudson, Health Dept. , Halifax Corporation, Powell Street, Halifax. T. Gibby, West Riding Fire Service, Albert Street, Harrogate. H. Blakeley, 2, Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane, BaUey. F. Mitchell, 27, Mount Pleasant Drive, Mytholmroyd,


Heavy Woollen District 1883

raw h a w

Major L. Biggs, Ambulance Station, Armthorpe Road, Doncaster. T. J. Daniels, 5, Jacksonville, Goole.


J . C h a dwi c k ,

ncar Halifax . 0 .13. 1

H .

Greenfi e ld,

.r Tuc.ld c r s fi c ld .


Ravens knowl c

Road ,

Dr. J . Prentice,

J . P.

T . Stott, 60, Aireworth Grove, Keighley .

A. J . Paterson ,

B . P. M . ,



Vlillshaw, 3, Ringwood Avenue, Leeds 14 .

M.A . , B.L.

H. Hudson

. Lazenby, 4 , Lower Oxford Street, Castleford, Yorks. J. W. Thomas, 2, Granville Mt., Otley, Yorks.

S. W. Morris

W. A. Mile



S. Brierley

A. Holland



H. B. Powell

B. Powell

Mrs. E. Fielding, 58, Hillside Avenue, Grotten, near Oldham. W. mith, S.J.A.A. H .Q., Flaxley Road, Selby.



Col Sir Frederick A. eill

G. W. A hton

J. W. Webb,

Shipley & District.









*Sowerby Bridge








W. F. TunnicJiffe

J . Shaw,

J.P .

A. Watson W. F . Seed

The Mayor

ro waite, 96, Broom Valley Road, Rotherham.


23, Nesfield Way, Sheffield, 5.

. Bi hop, 23, Valley Drive, Ilkley, near Leeds.

W. F. Seed

J. H. Wade, 14, Edwards Road, Pye

H . B. Kear ley

D. Stocks, 16 Rigg Drive, Swinton.

W. Wright

est, Halifax.

. H . Brears, 8, Newton Lane, Outwood, near Wakefield.

F. Stead, 23, Dringthorpe Road, Dringhouses, York.





R. H. Le Masurier

A. Kelly,

M .B .!'.


H.E. Sir Ronald H . Garvey, K.C.M.G.,

A. Kelly,


W. ale, 9, Wind or Villas, Jersey.

al Plai ant, St. Helier


Isle of Man

K.C.V.O., M.B.E.

. C. Beaty-Pownall, c/o Chief Con table's Offices,



J. R. Hammond, M.B.E.

P . Armstrong

London Midland Region

H. CoI61nan, The British Railways (Eastern Region). Chief Establishment and Staff Office, 13, Norton Folgate, E.1.

H. C. Johnson, O.B.E.

J. H. M. True

North Eastern Region

A. Dean

S. J . Judson

H. C. Healey, The British Railways (London Midland Region), Chief Establishment and Staff Office, Melton House, 65/67, Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts. M. Athey, The British Railways (North Eastern Region), Chief stabJishment and Staff Office, York.

Southern Region .

David McKenna

H. C. Lang

G. Kirkham, The British Railways (Southern Region). Chief Establishment and Staff Office, 39, Craven Street, W.C.2.

Western Region

S. E. Raymond

S. G. Ward

J . A. Martin, The British Railways (Western Region), Chief Establishment and Staff Office, Paddington Station, W.2.


A. B. B. Valentine



Dr. M. C. W. Long, T.D. R. J. S. Baker



The Rt. HOD . Lord Citrine, P.C., G.B.E., LL.D.

R. D . V. Roberts

P. A. Croucb, Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre, Electrici ty Council, 30, Mi II bank, S. W.1.


Sir Henry Hardman, K.C.B.

R . Bums,

D. C. R . Bird, Mini try of Aviation, Room 148, SheIlMex House, trand, W.C.2.


The Rt.

T. O'Leary,






K. G. Shave

S. W. Harden, London Transport Ambulance Centre, Griffith House, 280, Marylebone Road, N.W.I.


J. W. Nutt, Personnel Dept., G.P.O. Headquarters, London, E .C.1.


O . B.E.


Sir Richard

VVay. K.C.n.


. Tnomas, M.A.,

ational Dock Labour Board,

22-26, Albert Em liankmcnt, S.B.l.

Dr. K . Bidcn-Stce lc



I4.p.. rhe Governor

W. A. L. Tucker


1 i.~. Tile Governor


H.P. The Govern r

olchester-Wey, M.H.S. Wing ommandcr J. Fountain, D.LC. Si r Donald Jackson


H.r.. The f,o,'crnor

A .


J. P. Rush,





H. <.




H.B. Th.; Admini -

Honorary Secretary




Major R. A. Stoute r. 1. C. MacGregor

The Commandant, Police Training School , rater, Aden. S;;'rgeant Earl Alleyne, Police H.Q., Nassau, Bahamas.

Mrs. S. Willis, P.O. Bo. 526, Hamilton, Bermuda.

. P. on Eeden, P.O. Box 236, Georgetown, British Guiana. J. P. Rusb, M.B. E. c/o Storage Ltd. Belize, Briti h Honduras. H.Q. Solomons Police Force, P.O. Box 0.37, Honiara, Guadalcanal, B.S.T.P. Captain L. G. Quintyne, Aquatic Clubgap, Garrison, t. Micha I, Barbad s. . 'al Anderson, Grand ayman Islands, West Indies .

trator Mr. Jack RO<;t~ JAMAlCA-



M,H"crita, Lady How.ud- Lady Mitchell de-\ 'alden D.H.! . n. c. Ca!1\ls.lc, C.B.E., J.P. L. R. Reed, M.M., J.P .

r. ' . The Governor


1.'12. The Governor l-U I. The Ad'11inistmlor ST. KlTIS-NEVIS-ANGurLLA H.H. Till; dministrator

. lift, Pro pect


ho Rios, P.O., Jamaica.

ale, We t Tniie Sugar Co. Ltd., Frome P. ., We tmoreland Jamaica. 1 .r. P. Black, St. John Headquarter, 2E, Camp I. lr" ve Road, Kingston, 5, Jamaica. . ir Arthur helwell, C.B. E.,· i s Sybil Johnstone, Monymu k, LIOnel Town, J p Jamaica . D p~ty "'ommissioner fnspcctor R: L. Miller, /C! Police Traffic Dept., Elletson of Poli e Road, Kingston, Jamaica. ., illiams George Da'vj" c/o The .General Perutenttary, To\ r tn t, Kingston, Jamal a. Dr. K. Vttley

Or. C. M. Seba tian


Mrs. J. Challenger, P.O. Box 52, St. John's Antigua. In p 'tor S. B. Hull, Police H.Q., R oadtown, Tortola, British Virgin lsland . Miss . Sebastian, P.O. Box 192, Ba seterr , St. Kilt .





H.E. The Governor


Honorary Secretary

l. V. de Castro

J. V. de Castro, 18, Guppy Street, San Feranando, Trinidad.


The Administrator A. G. W. Cousins H. H. The Administrator C. A. Sheppard H.H. The Administrator H. H. The Administrator F. Cannon


H.E. The Administrator

Chief of Police, Dominica. Miss L. Comissiong, P.O. Box 46, St. George's, Grenada. J. B Byron, c/o Police H.Q., Montserrat. Sup. Lynch Wade, Police Headquarters, Castries, St. Lucia, W.L In pector A. C. Allen, Police Headquarters, St. Vincent,

Lt.-Col. S. A. Anderson, M.B.E.



H.E. Mr. William GopalJawa, M.B.E.

Prof. W. A. E. Karunaratne, C.M.a ., O.B.E.

Brig. C. P. Jayawardana, C.M.G., c.Y.o., O.B.E., The S.l.A.A., Lower Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo, 3.


President of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios

Dr. Zenon G. Panos

Miss S. Yeghiayian, P.O. Box 719, Nicosia, Cyprus.


G. C. Reed, M.B.E.

G. C. Reed, M.B.E.





H.E. The Governor

The Association Secretary, Kenya Centre, S.l.A.A., P.O. Box 1469, Nairobi, Kenya. Mrs. N. Grimble, P.O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika. Hon. Secretary, P.O. Box 1586, Kampala, Uganda.



The Governor

. E. Shaidi

The Hon. S. W. Kulubya, C.B.E. H.E. The British Re ident Dr. W. L. Barton, M.B.E. Miss D.



H.E. The Governor

W. E. Donovan, I.S.O.

oats, H.H. Customs, Zanzibar.

D. J. Barnes, c/o Inland Revenue Dept., Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji.


H.E. The Governor


H . . The Governor






P. G. Owen

. Terry,


Abdul Razak bin Dalo Hussain, O.K.!. H. The Governor

& Gozo







The Go ernor


E. Balban, Police Headquarters, Gibraltar.





hief Police Officer, Constabulary H.Q., Betio, Tarawa Gilbert & Ellice Islands, Western Pacific. ' Mrs. A. K. Rudge, S .l.A.A. Headquarters, 2, Mace onneIJ Road. l-fong Kong .



LL . B. , J.P.

L t.- 01. J. V. Abela,

O.B.L Dr. . Leitch Yapp Man


. Paramasivam, S.J.A.A. & S.J.A.B. ationa\ H.Q., 41, Shelley Road , Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. E . 1-1. W. Borg, 109, Main Street, St. Julian's, Malta.

Mi M. haperon. c/o Police H.Q. , Line Barracks, Port Loui , Mauritiu . . R. kinner, P .O . Box 432, Je elton, orlh Borneo.

SEYCHELLES H . . In he [ hak


II 0['


Dr. P.

. Kwan, 0.13.1'.

Hon. ecretar), .J . . Road, ingapore, 7.

Headquarter, 420, Beach

a r. hmed , eneral anager' Office (Per onne!), udan Railwa , tbara, udan.



. On h





R. K. Innc


J. O. M . Bolanlc, A.M. I ST.T.




. . Igbe, om e of 1n pector eneral igeria Pol ice Lago. hicf Medical 0111 er, McJi al Dcpt., igerian Raih a) orporation, butc ella, Nigeria. W. Z. oker-Did.en, tabti hmcnt om er, igerian Port uthorit Headquarter, Lago, igcria.



J. canlon, PCI' nnel Manager, orporation, Enugu, igeria.

\Va ikc


ommanding Pol icc Depot, P.O. Box 740, hana.


J. R. Lloyd

J. T. Roy-Macauley

ommandant, Policc Training chool, Ha ling, ierra Leon. rank M. Kobi, Pri on mcer' Training ho I, C\ England, re town, icrra Leonc.



(Branb lPrior\, in tbe 1Britisb 1Realm of tbe (JI)Jst lilenerable ~rber of tbe lbospltal of St. jobn of 3erusaleln

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Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John





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Appointed May, 1928

-oz l/J

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IDeputp. (tom ma nban t;::in;::(tblef H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St . John




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(tom mauba 1\ t;::t ll;::(tbief of R U l'Sillg (torps a ub IDi~lstons of Ube St. Jobn Bmbulance 1Brigabe









00 0\ C'I


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Appointed February, 1937


w J:

(tommaubant;::in::::<Il)tef for 'UUlales









Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John









Appointed May, 1935


"0 cd


(tom llta llbatl t~ttl;::<Iblef of Bmbulance nnb 'Rursing (tabets H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET, COUNTESS OF SNOWDON rJJ

Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John


Appointed February, 1948


Pages 1 to 6 amended to 24th June, 1963.

'[be St. Jobn Bnlbnlance


Headquarters: 8, GROSVENOR CRESCENT, LONDON, S.W.I. <!I." '"' nt16!310 n er -I Il-a bief REAR ADMIRAL ROYER DT CK, C.B., C.B.E.,

D.s.c.- Knight.

Stip e rtll tellllen t:::: III::::Cblet MARJORIE, COUNTESS OF BR CK oCK-

H. S.


SU rgeoll::ll\::::ablef TAYLOR-YOUNG, B.A ., F.R.c.s.-Knight.

IDep 1I tl? Co m 11\ Is 5 i Oil er::::i Il::::<! b\e f

S. W ELLBY, C.B., D.s.o.- Commander


IDepnt'2 Surgeoll::::ln::::<!blef M. M. SCOTT, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.p.-Knight 'El-3S t S tn 1\ t ~o ntlll iss iOll e rS:::III::::a b I e f LIEUT.-COLONEL RTIlUR GOR[ G-Commander BRIGADIER C. F. Cox, O.B.E.-Officer <Iolltro[[er Opere-eas COLONEL W. L. R_ BENYON-Officer :EttlS\S ta II t 511per11l tent' en t -f II-able f MRS. P. V. MACKI 0 - Commander <!blcf 1RtlrStllg Officer Rllo 1Hursfllg ij;rRIllill(l :ab"j~er MISS DUFF GRA T, R.R.C., S.R.N., D.N.-Commander <!blef Stl1tf Officer to aOI1l111t!3sioner ill -ablef BRIGADIER A. D. MILLER , D.s.o.- Officer ~rincipa[ ~bnllnistt:atlbe



®fflCer (.~)

O.B.E. - Commander

{:f)ief (/f)fflcer (or Itabets






- Officer

of £{ppea{s Q!:omlllittee




{:birf ~tnff ®fflcer to ~lliperilltenbent-in-([~ief LADY


~ellbquilrters ~tllff ®fficers to ~llperintenbent-in-Q!:bief




G. E.





M.B.E.- COmmander G . KIRKHAM- Officer CRAFT

jSriglllle Secretarp'

G. W. WOODHILL-Officer £tssistant jIilrigabe


A. F. NUNN-Officer ~ssi5tant Jljlrigabe ~ecrrtat:p ana ~ecretat:E to ~uperintenbent-in-QC~ief MISS M. HARRISON, ~taff




®fficer for <!&bersefls






Chairman Rear Admiral Royer Dick, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.C. Commissioner-in-Chief St. John Ambulance Brigade (ex-officio)

Members Ex-officio The The The The The The The The The The The The The The

Secretary-General. Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association. Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Surgeon-in-Chief. Deputy Commisioner-in-Chief. Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. Assistant Commissioners-in-Chief. Assistant Superintendents-in-Chief, Nursing Corps and Divisions. Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief. Chief Nursing Officer. Chief Commissioner, Priory for Wales. Commissioner for Northern Ireland. Chief Officer for Cadets.

Appointed by Commiss.ioner-in-Chief R. Rutherford, Esq., T.D., J.P., M.B., B.S., Commissioner DurhamNo.1 Region. ' E. M. Dearn, Esq., O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., D.L.O., Commissioner, East Riding of Yorkshire-No.2 Region. H. L. Bosworth, Esq., O.B.E., Commissioner Nottinghamshire-No.3 Region. L. R. N. Percey, Esq., M.B.E., J.P., Commissioner, HertfordshireNo.4 Region. Group Captain G. H. Pirie, C.B.E., Commissioner, London (Prince of Wales's) District-No.5 Region. T. F. Briggs, O.B.E., T.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.c.P.-Commissioner Oxford No. 6 Region. ' Colonel C. T. Mitford-Slade, D.L., J.P., Commissioner SomersetNo. 7 Region. ' Colonel J. M. West, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., Commissioner Shropshire-No.9 Region. ' Colonel V. F. Royle, T.D., E.R.D., Commissioner, Duke of Lancaster's District-No. 10 Region. B~igadier E. E. Read, C.B.E., M.C., Commissioner, Surrey-No. 12 RegIOn. Mrs. G. W. Lodge, O.B.E., J.P., District Superintendent (N) West Riding of Yorkshire. ' Mrs. E. M. Epton, County Superintendent (N), Lincolnshire. Lady Cumberbatch, County Superintendent (N), Kent. ¥!. A. J. Reynolds, Esq., District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) London (Pnnce of Wales's) District. ' Miss R. 1. LEEKS, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Essex.



Chairman MARJORIE, COUNTESS OF BREC~NOCK Superintendent-in-Chief, Nursmg Corps and Divisions.

Ex-officio Members The Deputy Superin~endent-in-~hief.. The Assistant Supenntendents-m-Chief. Principal Administrative Officer (N): . . . The Chief Nursing Officer, & ursmg Trammg Advlser. The Chief Officer for Cadets. The Representative. for Wales (Mrs. O. R. Traherne). The District Supenntendent ( ), for Northern Ireland (Mrs. Neill).

Regional Representatives Miss M. Jackson S.R. . .. C.M., D. . Counly Superintendent (N), Northumberlando. 1 RegIon. . . Mrs. G. W. Lodge, .n.E., J.P., Di trict Superinlendent (N), West Rldmg of Yorkshire- 0.2 R e g i o n . . . ' N 3 Mrs. E. M. Epton, County Supenntendent (N), Lmcolnshlre- o. Region. Mi s D. Spc.rkes, 13.A., County Super .1 nten d ent ( ) , H er tfor d s h'HeNo. 4 Region. . Mrs. D. Hoadle , Di triet upenntelldent ( ), London (Prince of Wales's) District-No. 5 Region. . Mrs. M. Boothman, County Supenntendent ( ) Buckinghamshire0.6 Region. Mi E~ M. Bruce-Steer, County Superintendent ( ), Somer et-No. 7 Region. . . . Mrs. M. G. O. Somer, County Supennt ndenl ( ) Worcestelshlre-

No.9 Re ion. . d (N) D k f The Lady Mary Hesketh, Di. trict Supennten ent , u e 0 Lancaster's Di trict-No. 10 ReglOn. . Lady Cumberba.tch County Superintendent ( ), Kent- o. 12 ReglOn.










Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Goring, Assistant Commis ioner-in-Chief. Ex-officio Member

The Chief Officer for Cadets Regional Representatives

Mrs. B. M. SALTER, County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ), orthumberland -No.1 Region. . . L. Mason Esq., District Staff Officer (Cadets)(A) West Rldll1g of York· shire-No.2 Region. Mrs. C. B. Wright County Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ), DerbyshireNo.3 Region. Miss R. r. Leeks, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Essex- No.4 Region. W. A. J. Reynolds Esq., District Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) London (Prince of Wales's District-No.5 Region. Miss D. M. Candy County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( , OxfordshireNo.6 Region. Dr. R. L. Jillett, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) East, South & orth Devon-No .7 Region. A. E. Green Esq., County Staff Officer (Cadet) (A), BirminghamNo.9 Region. Mrs. E. Nisbet, D istrict Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Duke of Lancaster's District-No. 10 Region. Miss E. M. Trill, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Su ex- TO. 12 Region. Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets for Wale. Chief Officer Nursing Cadet for Wales. Miss E. Garrett, Commandery Staff Officer (Cadet) (N), Northem Ireland.

COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT This is my first report since it has been my pr!vilege to take. up t~e. tment as Commissioner-in-Chief of the Bngade. I mentIOn thIS appom it gives me the opportunity of thanking my predecess~r, General b~c~use n for his five years of untiring and cea eless devotIOn to .the KiB ~ mda 'This together with his experience and skill, has left an orgamsangaine.first-class , running o.rder and rna d e t h etas k 0 f ta k'mg over, as I tion did in August, a comparatlVe.1y smooth one. . I think it might be appropnate to start my report for 1962 by quotmg from a letter: "I heard you tell the policeman that you were a St. John man so I felt confident when you rendered assistance. Up to t~en I insisted that no one should touch my foot as laymen, however kmd, can often do more harm than good." .. . . This statement epitomises the way m whIch we alID. for t~e pubbc ~o regard the Brigade. The full measure of what was .achieved. III 1962 w~ll be apparent from the detai.ls a~d. cases tre~ted Whl~h ar~ hsted later m the report. In this connectIOn It IS. of partIc~lar satIsfactIOn to note the increasing instances reported of skIlful first aId rende~c:d by our Cadets, often under trying and sometimes dangerous condItIons. I am also impressed by the wa~ the wC?rk C?f the Brigade continu.es. to expand overseas, details of whIch are glVen In the paragraphs descnbmg overseasactivities. . During 1962 we learned with deep regret of the deaths of four Semor Officers who had been staunch supporters of the Brigade for many years. They were:. .. Lady Dunbar-Nasmith, a forme.r Deputy S,:pennten~ent-II~-~hief and to whom further reference is made m the Supenntendent-lll-Chief s report. Major P. G. Darvil-Smith C.B.~., who h~d been Brigade Secretary for 37 years, Commissioner for Buckinghamshlre for 23. years and .latterly County President (Cadets) of Buckinghamshire' a qUlte outstandmg and varied record of Brigade service. Colonel H. M. P. Hewett T.D. a former Commissioner for Northamptonshire for nine years and previously its Deputy Commis ioner. . Lieut.-Colonel A. W. S. Armitage, Commissioner for Leicestershlre ~nd Rutland who was tragically killed in a road accident. He had been domg notable work as Commissioner. We extend our sincere sympathy to their relatives in t~eir sad loss which we, from also having known them, can fully apprecIate. ROYAL OCCASIO S

We were honoured during the year by H.R.H. The Princess Margaret, who yet again held the Cadet Rally, and by H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester who was present and gave away the prizes at the Finals of the Brigade First Aid and Nursing Competitions. It is pleasant to report that letters received subsequently said that Their Royal Highnesses were pleased with what they had seen. In addition to these purely Brigade occasions members were, of course, on duty during the visits by Her Majesty The Queen and other members.



of th~ Royal ~amily to many parts of the country, including especiaU Cornwall Lancashire, Northumberland, Sussex ~ Yorkshire. an . The Briga.de wa~ also, as in the past, concerned in many State functions ~n London l~cludillg ~ome duties at Buckingham Palace. It may be of Illter~st to. gI e orne Idea of the number required for the e and other functIOn ill London as they how the extent of the calls on the Brigade.


Trooping the Colour . Opening of Parliament Lord Mayor's Show . . . . . . . . Remembrance Sunday: Service at the Cenotaph Boat Race . . . . Earls Court Stadium .

Numbers required 011 duty 804 126 455 116 120 An a erage of 90 for each of eleven exhibitions.


statistics of Brigade strengths are given in Appendices "A" and B. These figures. show that there has been a sati factory increase of some 5,900 members III the overall strength of the Brigade. nfortu· nately we cam~ot be ~ompIacent about tIllS as the increa e i all overseas and m the Umte~ ~ngdom there is in fact a decrease of about 3°{ Volunta~y SocIetIes all over the country are faced with this difficult , anfd the st~ulus of v<?lunhtar y se:-vice in the Brigade must, I feel, be on~ o our mam concerns m t e commg year. The figures of duties for England and Northern Ireland during the year were:DUTIES Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Duties Clinics . urseries . . . Blood Transfusions ursing Aid . Miscellaneous . Cases Treated: On Public Duty . Off Public Duty . Accidents attended: Road. Other. . . . Invalids removed .

1,848,8 4 828,920 248,965 28,777 25,803 31,887 99,946 604,687 169,543 174,974 18,285 16,468 433,278

The figures for duties during the years are virtually the same as in 1961 but there has ?een a falling off in the number of cases treated and accidents athit~nhd~d. ThIS could be an indication that the accident rate is declining w c IS, of course, very much to be desired. f The above totals d~ not, of course, give the complete picture. Thousands o cases .are dea~t v.:Ith by members off-duty which are never re orted. Such aSSIstance IS. glVen unobtrusively and as a matter of cours: which frequently makes It all the more valuable.


Eighteen requests for air attendant escorts were received and met. This important and growing section of the Brigade's activities is particularly in keeping :vit~ the requirements of moderr: tim~s and the increasing use of thi servIce IS therefore a matter of satIsfactIOn. The reports of these duties always make fascinating reading and may describe escorting a lady paralyzed after a stroke to Johannesburg or taking an eight-year old Arab girl from a London hospital back to Kuwait. This service, of course, is not only from this country and from time to time a seriously ill British seaman or a holiday-maker who has met with an accident has to be fetched from some remote part of the world. When it i remembered that air attendants are normally required at short notIce and may have to go anywhere in the world, it is remarkable that every request for this entirely voluntary sc.rvice was met in 1962. In September the B igade throughout the country assisted the Association in the organisation and running of National First Aid Week involving considerable effort by both staffs and members in counties. Assistance was al 0 provided with the RoSPA Water Safety Campaign in June. The fir t aid cover for the Royal Agricultural Show held in 1962 in Newca tie was, a is generally the case for this how, provided jointly by the Briti 11 Red Cross Society and the Brigade. The severe storms during the preparatory period caused many problems not only for the Show authorities but also for those responsible for first aid cover. In the event the problem were solved and during the whole course of the Show 285 cases were handled. Fir t aid cover was similarly provided in conjunction with the B.R.C.S. in a number of other countie , including Somerset for the Bath and West Show, and in Sussex for the Royal and Counties' Agricultural Show. The Brigade also provided fir t aid cover in Lancashire for the Liverpool and Royal Lancashire Shows, and in Nottingham for the Goose Fair. Two cases of a i tance to notable people may also be of interest. Mr. Stirling Mo was assisted by members of the Brigade in Sussex after his crash at Goodwood and this at some personal risk to the members concerned since the area was soaked with petrol.and there was a distinct danger of fire. In Glouce tershire the Brigade attended Miss Pat Smythe after she wa rendered unconscious by a fall from her horse whilst jumping in the Moreton-in-the-Marsh Agricultural and Horse Show. Train escorts were once again provided for the Yorkshire/Lille Exchange Committee to assist in their annual exchange holiday scheme for English and French schoolchildren visiting France and England respectively. Altogether eight train each carrying several hundred schoolchildren were escorted by members from London, Kent and the West Riding of Yorkshire.


. The list of Order and Brigade Awards and Jubilee Certificates is given m Appendix "C." The Finals of the Brigade First Aid and Nursing Competitions were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on 7th July and as has been men-







tioned already the prizes were presented by H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester. The winners in each ection were:Dewar Shield Jar Men-Whitwick Colliery, Leicestershire. Per~ott ShieldJor Women-Nelon Duke of Lancaster Di trict. WhIte-Knox Cup Jar Ambulance Cadets-Bearpark, Durham. Dunbar-Nasmith Cup Jar Nursing Cadets-Lowe toft, Suffolk.

A 'P0inted:-Brigadier N. L. Cariss, O.B.E., T.D., D.~., Birmingham; Mr PL. Lee, Leicestershire and Rutland; Dr. T. !<-. EllIott, M.~., B:S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., who transferred to Staff~rdsh~re .fro f!1 WarWIckshIre; Brigadier B. A. G. Jones, D:S.O., WarwIckshlfe, LIeut.-Col. C. P. Vaughan, D.S.O., Worcestershlre.



Durin~ 1962 the Commissioner-i~-Chief carried out In pections in ShropshIre O?ler et, Gioucestershire and Northampton hire. Other county Inspec~IOns were taken by the Superintendent-in-Chief in th Co~.andery In Northern Ireland and Wilt hire and the Surgeon-in~ ChIef ill Kent and Lancashire (No. 3 Area). CONFERE CES

~eetings of Br.igade Committee, Women's Advisory Committee, Cadet AdVIsory CO~lttee, Surg~ons, ~ursing Officer~ and Training Officers all took place 1I~ 1962 ..As In prevlOUS years con Iderable bencfit accrued from these meet~ngs WhIC!1 en~blc idea to. be poole? and view exchanged and thereby assIst matenally 111 the shapll1g of Bngade policy. On 30th November, .1962, the Secretarie ' Conference took place and wa ' attended by Secretanes .from 34 counties. This C<:>nference take pJace every other year .and prOVIdes an excellent opportumty for discussion on the administrat~ve matter.s which are so important in the every-day bu ine of IUnrung the Bngade. It should also .be recorded t~at the Mini ter of Health held a number of conferences wIth r~presentatIves of the Voluntary Societie . de igned to lead to an expanSIOn of voluntary work in hospital and in homes ~hrough0'.lt th~ country. The .B:igade is of course, already e ten ively mvolved ill this fie~d a~ the M1l1Istry appreciates. It is hoped, however, that greater co-ordmatI~n of voluntary and Health Ser ice effort at Local Government and HospItal Authorities' levels will lead to m re of this much needed help becoming available. SE lOR OFFICERS

I?uring the year Sir J,ohn Buchanan, K.C.M.G. M.D. CH.B., F.R .C.P., reSIgned af~er 12 years valuable service as Assistant Surgeon-in-Chief for Overseas, s~nce when ,:"e have been fortunate in having the benefit of the helpful advIce and aSSIstance of Dr. P. W. Dill Rus ell C.B. E. on overseas matters. ' The following changes in Commis ioner resulted from re ignation and the de~th of COl<:mel.Armitage to which reference has already been made: .Reszgned:-Bngadier M. L. Hayne, C.B.E., Birmingham; Dr. F. L. Richard, O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., Staffordshire; Brigadier D. H. Knott, D.S.O., C.B.E., M.C., Worcestershire Brigadier H~yne did ?1agnificent w~rk in the Birmingham area for over 12 years and It was WIth deep regret that his resignation owing to illh ealth, h.ad to be accepted. ' Dr. RIchard's resignat~on was ~lso a matter of great regret. He had been a to:ve~ of strength m the Bngade for 40 years including the last 15 as CommISSIOner for Staffordshire.

In the absence of the Surgeon-in-Chief overseas the Deputy Surgeonin-Chief reports as ~01l0:V:. ., "As this report IS bemg complIed, the Surgeon-I~-Clllef, Mr. TaylorYoung, is on a private tour of the F~r East, ~.ustr~ha and ~ew Zealand, but is taking advantage of the oc~a l?n to VISIt Bng~de Umts and make contact with other st. John orgam atIOns and establishments. "Some re-organisation has taken place in the Department but on the whole the year has been one of consolidation. Mr. Ge.orge C.raf~, o~r Senior Staff Officer has again carried out t~e many routm~ dutIes m .h1S usual efficient and unobtrusive manner. His speCial care IS the keepmg of Surgeons' records and the organisation of confe~eI?-ces. In both respects his work has been immaculate. He has now been Jomed by .Headqu~rters Staff Officer Mr. George Kirkham who is well known for his work m the competition field both as a competitor and organiser. We extend to bim a hearty welcome.. . "During the year 173 new Bngade Surgeons were appomted, the number of deletions due to death re~ignations and transfer to the Re erve was 71 the active strength thus being increased by 102. It is noted that the re~ignations have occurred almost entirely at the upper age group, and that most of the newcomer are at the other end of the scale. We are particularly pleased that the st. John Ambulan~e Brigade ~s making such an impact on the younger members of the medIcal profeSSIOn.. . "The Annual Surgeons Conference was held at Harrogate m Apnl under the chairmanship of the Surgeon-in-Chief. Eminent or~hern Surgeons gave talks on External Cardiac Resuscitation and the NatIO?al Accident Service Survey but the basis of the Conference was 'confern~g in a big way'. The interchange of ideas and opinions, as well a dI~­ cussion on important matter such as 'The Textbook' and 'Compet~­ tions' revealed the active and searching interest of those present. TheIr advice and help will be of the greatest value in enabling us to formulate tbe future policy. . . "The Surgeon-in-Chief and I decided that we should VISIt as. many of the counties as po sible, and our programme for the ye~r .was WIdespread and extensive, embracing Inspections, Conference , Tra11l!-ng Cour es and Regional Finals. We also maintained a close liaison wIth the St. John Ambulance Association the Armed Force, the Priory for Wales and the Commandery in Northern Ireland. We propose to continue the e activities during the coming year and to meet as many Brigade Surgeons as possible. Finally we would like to tender our sincere thanks to all Brigade Surgeons for their sustained support in all directions." I should like to record a particular word of appreciation to the DeP'.lty Surgeon-in-Chief Dr. Scott for his invaluable support and also for takmg charge during th~ latter pa~t of the year while the Surgeon-in-Chief was overseas.








Some progres has been made in rat ing Brigade Fir t Aid Parties to work with (but not to form part of) the Civil Defence Corps under the scheme to which reference wa made in the 1961 report. Good results have been achieved. in C.ornwa.l1, ~ancashire, NorthuI?-~erland, Notting. ham Sussex WarwIckshIre, WIlt hIre and the West RIdmg of Yorkshire although elsewhere the respon e in many cases ha been di appointing. ' The latest figure available of Brigade members actually in the Civil Defence Corps from England and Northern Ireland are 2 525 men and 718 women. The Home Office has continued to allot the Brigade one vacancy on every Senior Officers' Course held at the Civil Defence Staff College totalling about twelve a year. At time there is con iderable compel itio~ in the Brigade for these vacancies but at others we are unable to find candidates to take them up, probably owing to the fact that the length of the course mean absence for a week. With this point in mind a One. Day Civil Defence Course entirely devoted to the Brigade will take place at Sunningdale on 26th January, 1963. Thi has been well upported and an attendance of over a hundred members is expected. In view of the interest in this type of course and the unavoidable disappointment caused by the refusal of some applications , it is hoped to arrange a furthor course later. Progress ha also been made in recruitment for the ational Ho pital Service Reserve, and this is described in the report of the Superintendent. in-Chief.


Christmas parcels assisting handicapped children at swimming

del1venn~ looking after children lost at the seasid~ or in large c.rowds.

bathsnum an b' f knee rugs knitted by Cadets for dJsabled ex-serVIcemen The er o. . d ubled dunng thlS year. was 0 d ce at the Brigade Camp at Bexhill again increased and the AttfII~ ~~l during the five weeks it was open in July and August amounted overla015° camper. Twenty-five camping warrants and three quarterW , . d tering certificates were I sue . . . m~~terest in the Duke of Edinburgh' A ward Sche.me has been maI~tall:ed · f t extended by the girl' awards becommg open to aU dIstncts d 111 an ac at the beginning of t~e year. I n t I1e b and counties .oy ' awar d s a f ur th er Id d four silver have been gamed and the glrl made an excellent go a~th one baoId and seventeen silver.. Both1gold awards were presented star t WI .. ersonally by H.R.H. The Duke of E~l~burg 1. p During the winter the u ual competltlO.ns .for pamtmg and poetry were h ld Mis Anna Zinkei en judged the pamtmg and awarded the Cup and F1rst Prize to 12-year-old Terence Steven of Surrey, whose ~ntry was of exce tionally high tandard and the best from nearly 100. entn.es. She also p usly gave a pecial book prize for the be t portraIt which was wo?genera IVJSlOn. P ro ~essor C ~Cl1 b Shirley Stewart of the Brecon Nur ing Ca d et D'" Jay-Lewis judged the poetry compe~ition and awarded the <;:up a~d Fust Prize to Chri tine Taylor of Che h~re. We are f~rtunate m havm!5. the kind ervices of this di tingui hed artlst and poet to Judge our competltlOns and are most grateful to them for 0 domg. OVERSEAS . h B' d . Once again there ha b en an increa e of numbers 111 t. e ~Iga e 111 Overseas Territorie and in general much good p~ogress. It IS. satJsfactory that this applie ju t a much in t~e countrie ~hlCh aTe. now mdependent in the Commonwealth and the e mcJude JamaIca Tnl11dad and Tobago, and Uganda who b came independent nati.on during 1962. Encouraging advance have been made 111 maIler ~reas such as orth Borneo and in the i land of the Leeward and Wmdwa.rd group,. the Seychelles, and in particular Fiji where Br:igade tre.ngth 111 compan o.n to its size show a splend id increa e. In thl connectlOn a new feature 1 the award to a St. John Training Officer for the I land of a Bursary by the British Council in order that he may come to England for two months in January 1963, t~ tudy all a pect of St. JO.hn. activ~ties. In Central Africa the Commandery CommI lOner 1 to be c?nw atu lated on his work in having re-organi ed the Brigade truct:Ire WIt~lll ~he Commandery. He has been able to adju t the Polic~ a?-d R~11way DI tncts which will be of advantage to the General AdmmlstratlOn and a new Area has been formed in orthern Rhodec;ia. GE ERAL


A generous gift from the Sembal Trust made it possible for the number of leadership training courses in 1962 to be increased to four and in 1963 there will be six. When, therefore, it is remembered that in 1961 there were only three courses the measure of our gratitude to the Sembal Trust for their support can be readily appreciated. The 1962 Courses were held. in the Universities of Leicester, Liverpool and Bristol, and at an hotel 111 Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex ; 44, 43, 54 and 40 delegates attended respectively. The value of these Courses is inestimable and they are a cradle for producing the officers of the future. Equally important, it has been found that not only do they provide the training but also the inspiration to the younger. mem~ers to bec.ome willing to take on the responsibility of leadership. ThIS outcome IS due to the high standard and interest achieved on these courses and in this connection I pay particular tribute to the work of the responsible Officer, the Assistant Commissioner-in-Chief, Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Goring.



Reference has already been made to the instances of coolness and efficiency shown by Cadets at accidents and in several cases courage and pe~sonal bravery were also added to those qualities. In addition, and qUIte apa~ from their normal training, Cadets have throughout the year. co~t111ued .to render service to the public in many ways, including helpmg m hospItals (for the over I5-year oIds), shopping for old people,

It is fortunate that in 1962 the Brigade ha not been called on ~o he~p in so many disaster a in the prevjou ~ear. Assista~ce was gIven 111 Mauritius in lv1arch when Hurricane Jen111e struck the Island. In British Guiana during the General Strike in February, there ~a severe rioti~g, looting and firing of business premise , whkh resulted 111 many casualt~es. Few doctors and nur e were available and Ambulance and Nur mg members helped for a week in the ho pita1 to care for the injured.




In August a severe typhoon caused wide damage in Hong Kong and Brigade members sheltered and cared for 500 homeless people in the St. John Headquarters. We learned from North Borneo that during the initial stage of the Brunei emergency the Brigade was doing a 24-hour watch at the Labuan Airport, acting as stretcher bearers to the incoming military casualties Brigade members also provided help to the Army for a week with first aid and other duties. More recently the Brigade was helping with relief work in connection with the severe floods and it is of interest that a St. John member for Sandakan helped save a casualty by the mouth-tomouth method of resuscitation. SENIOR OFFICERS

There have been several changes in Commissioner. In Nigeria the Senior Commissioner Sir Kerr Bovell, resigned, both as Senior Commissioner and Commissioner of the Police District, on his retirement as Inspector-General of Police and has been succeeded as Senior Commissioner by Mr. Justice C. D. Onyeama. Changes have al 0 occurred in the following Districts:District Gibraltar Ghana. . . . . Nigeria Police District Nigeria Railways Corporation Sierra Leone . Tanganyika

Former Commissioner P . G. Owen . . . R. P. Batfour, O.B.E.. . Sir Kerr Bovell, CM.G ..

Present Commissioner L. Hannon, M.B.E. E. R . T. Modjitey, CB.E. J. E. Hodges, C.M.G., c.y.O.

R. K. Innes . . . . W. G. Syer, C.B.E., CV.O. B. H. Simmonds .

M. A. Roa A. S. Keeling, O.B.E. A. H. Earley, O.B .E., E.R.D.

To the new Commissioners I extend a very warm welcome and to those who have retired my most grateful thanks for the fine service they gave to the Brigade during their terms of office. H.Q. OFFICERS

. During the year th~se officers have given excellent service to the Brigade m Cyprus, the Canbbean and North Atlantic Area North Borneo Nig.eria, Uganda, Sierra Leone and Ghana-in which' country the first ~fncan H.Q. Officer has been appointed. The Uganda post became vacant m November and the H.Q. Officer for Sierra Leone was seconded there for a few months in order that he might help to train an African successor.




consequently, to some degree in a state of flux in regard to their general allisation. I wa charged to try and assess the prospects of St. John org k and am glad to say that these were more promising than might ~~:e been expected. It is encouraging to see the Cha~rmanship of the council in Uganda taken by Mr. Kulubya,. an old f!'lend ~f ~t. Jo~n rk and an African elder statesman of hIgh standmg. Slllilarly, m ~Onganyika, Mr. Kahama, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, has :cepted the Chairmanship of the Council, and Dr. Nyerere has agreed ~o be President and told me personally that he would giye his suppor.t to what he considered wc;t the good work St. Joh~ was dom.g. In ~anzibar the possibility of ettmg l:lP a ~t. J ohn Coun~ll on a WIde ~asls of all communities is under consIderatIOn. In Kenya It was encouragmg to hear that in the constitutional. discussions Ministers w~re alive to the. w?rk d~ne by the Voluntary Orgamsation and stated that It would be the mtentIOn to encourage the continuance of this w?rk. In. all .three of the large ~erri­ tories mentioned a new S1. John CouncIl ConstItutIOn has been negotIated in principle, gi~jng wide.r respon ibilities to the local Councils. There remain only vanous detaIl to clear up. . . . Opportunity was naturally taken to see Bngade umts and to dISCUSS problems on behalf of the Association. The Brigade and Association work can be reported as continuing well and is so ingrained in public services such as Pollce Railways and Fire Services, that it is thought prospects in th~ !uture remain promi ing but d~ring the high pressure period of tranSItIOn to the vanou~ degrees of mdependence we must expect things to go lowly for a whIle. OVERSEAS VISITOR

We were pleased as alway to welcome many overseas Brigade visitors at the St. John functions held during the summer. The countries and territorie represented were :- Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, British Guiana, Cyprus, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Kenya, Malaya Mauritiu , Monserrat, Nigeria Sierra Leone and Trinidad. At the Cadet Rally in Manchester and at the Brigade Finals Competition, 32 Overseas St. John members had the honour of being presented respectively to H.R.H. The Princess Margarc,t and H.R.H. The Duchess of Glouce ter. AFFILIA TIO S


In January the then Commissioner-in-Chief General Kirkman visited all Districts of the Brigade in Jamaica and opened the new H.Q'. of the N.W. District at Savannah-la-Mar. The Superintendent-in-Chief left in March for an extensive tour of St. John units in Ceylon, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaya and North Borneo. She Wc;tS most impressed with the progress of the Brigade in all these countnes and the smartness of the members at the Parades she attended. In January of this year. ~ vi~ited Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda and ZanzIbar. Al~hough t~e. VISIt dld not actually come within the period co:ve~ed by t~llS r~port, It IS p~rhaps desi~able to say something now while t~s IS fresh m n;tmd. The VISIt was, I thmk, opportune as in all the countnes concerned mdependence is in force or being negotiated and they are,

At the Brigade Commissioners' Conference in England it was suggested that "Affiliation" or some similar liaison between districts overseas and counties in England might be of advantage to form closer links between Brigade units of variou countries. This scheme is beginning to develop and affiliations have been or are in the process of being formed between Brigade units in:Birmingham Uganda Sussex Trinidad Exeter Seychelles Nottingham Jamaica Cornwall Mashonaland (S. Rhodesia) Isle of Wight Gibraltar




This year is the first complete year in office of Col?l:el Benyon as Controller Over eas. He has devoted great energy and abIlIty to his work and I am grateful for all he doe in thi important post. "FLYI G CHRISTI E'

The work of the Brigade in Guernsey' Rescue Launch the "FlYing Christine" and her exploit are widely known. It wa the~'efore, learned with regret that severe damage was caused to her durmg the heavy weather at the end of the year. It is, however, intended that a new and even better launch will be ob. tained to succeed her and it is an indication of the value of the "Flying Christine's" work and reputation that the new has caused donations, many of them anonymous, to be ent from many part of the country towards the cost of her successor.


Finally, I would like to close by thanking all memb.ers of the Br~gade throughout the world for the devoted ~upport they gIVe to the Bn~ade d for all they do for it. The many kmd messages of support re~e~ved an becoming Commissioner-in-Chief emphasised how strong the spint of f:e Brigade is right across the Commonwealth and were a great source of encouragement. . . The period of. change-.over of co~and must mevIt~bly I?ean some pheaval in routme and If the transitlOn has succeeded m bemg smooth ~ is due to the backing of a loyal and hard-working staff. I would also ~artjcular1y thank my colleagues, Marjorie, Countess of BreckD:ock (~he Superintendent-in-Chief), and Mr. Taylor-Young (the Surgeon-ill-Chief) with whose backing and help many paths have been made smooth for the newcomer in office. ROYER DICK,


This branch of the German Order which corre pond to the Brigade in Germany entered teams for the 1962 Casualties Union Competitions at Esher. Once this was known the Brigade in Surrey were quick to offer hos· pitality and take the opportunity of showing these German isitors some. thing of the Brigade's work including a Di isional In pection. The meetings which resulted were of interest to both sides and pre ented good opportunity to discuss mutual problem. Fortunately, Brigadier Read, the Commissioner, speaks German so wa able to lighten the load of the team's interpreter during these discussions. CO CLUSIO

On August 15th, on the regretted retirement of General Kirkman, I had the honour to be appointed as Commis ioner-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade and I am highly conscious of the responsibilities which this involves. It is perhaps right on assuming an appointment, to think over and formulate some specific objects for which to work and the things which I have chosen are the following:First to maintain rigidly our standards in the Brigade. These stand high in the public mind as the quotation at the beginning of this report makes clear. Nothing must be allowed to lower that standard or to reduce the confidence which the public have in the skill and conduct of those who wear Brigade uniform. Secondly, it is essential to look all the time, as it were, at the horizon. By looking ahead we will see the constant need to reinforce Brigade Officers and Members alike by the young members coming forward. It must be a prime object to encourage and train them in taking charge and leading. This does not mean throwing away the knowledge and ex· perience of the older members, but it is for them to ensure that the younger people do come forward and are fit to maintain our standards. A third aim is to reinforce the links with the Association. The Brigade and Association are complementary, of course, as we are well aware, but by forging the closest possible links each Foundation will help the task of the other.

Commissioner-in- Chief










England & N. Ireland . Commandery in Central Africa . Other Territories Overseas

Priories: Wales. Southern Africa New Zealand. Canada Australia. India . Pakistan Grand Totals

Di visions ComAmbulance Nursing bined 334 1,065 1,451

Total 2,8 50

Per onnel A mbllIOll ce IIrsing Total 32,955 18,7 54 51 ,709

15 571

5 232

3 64

23 867

3,499 44,205





0 ,659

249 169 126 180 159

133 90 92 142 100

35 74 44 25 59

417 333 262 347 31 8

4,252 4,516 2971 4,355 4,580

1,639 1,76 1 1,878 3,321 1,945

5,891 6,277 4,849 7,676 6,525

883 650 66

557 159 5


1,677 809 71

20,674 17 598 2,238

10,544 ,379 6

31 ,218 20,977 2,324




6,297 121 , 169

151 5,620

3,650 49,825

24,525 105,184




England & N. Ireland. Commandery in Central Africa. Other Territories Overseas

Priories: Wales . Southern Africa New Zealand Canada Australia. India . Pakistan Grand Totals .

Di visions AmbuComlance Nursing bined Total 1,283 1,041 118 2,442

Personnel Al71bulance Nurslflg Total 22,926 36,763 59,689

3 140

8 127

I 30

12 297

36 2,901

131 2,62

167 5,529

1, 184




25,8 63



192 63 150 25 136

173 81 136 52 113

22 75 2 1 11

387 219 288 78 260

3,177 1, 163 2,240 501 3,036

3,583 2,248 2,507 1,547 2,957

6,760 3,4 11 4,747 2,048 5,993

566 309 12

555 133 1


1,232 442 13

10,117 6,718 313

12,842 2,561 33

22,959 9,279 346





43 ,011



Bedfordshire Berkshire Birmingham Bristol .: . Buckinghamshire . Cambridge. Cheshire Cornwall Cumberland Derbyshire . Devonshire Dorset Durham Essex Gloucester . Guernsey Hampshire. Herefordshire . Hertfordshire . Isle of Man Isle of Wight Jersey Kent Lancashire . Leicester Lincolnshire London Norfolk Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottinghamshire Oxford Plymouth . Shropshire . Somerset Staffordshire Suffolk. Surrey . Sussex . Warwickshire . Wiltshire Wo fces tershire East Riding Yorkshire North Riding Yorkshire . West Riding Yorkshire Northern Ireland .

ADULT A mbuNursing lance 119 23 8 251 347 378 792 205 547 320 431 108 150 426 625 303 513 135 162 513 1,8 18 460 57 1 171 217 332 1,547 302 315 194 333 54 67 435 656 91 90 230 318 72 35 46 111 51 33 466 925 1,718 3,412 413 1,060 182 437 2,504 3,594 577 608 455 695 300 899 510 1,759 128 269 136 201 179 260 356 585 418 973 192 781 502 544 506 702 369 832 187 253 291 351 359 489 242 334 1,711 2,786 857 290

CADET AmbuNursing lance 208 159 535 320 463 345 480 274 850 443 262 103 896 483 424 707 276 101 1,478 1,503 903 515 340 113 685 449 502 198 285 204 100 46 1,256 782 205 61 476 413 198 81 44 104 176 94 1,172 710 2,850 1,787 708 505 595 455 4,187 2,721 929 490 999 512 425 415 1, 161 1,085 267 177 403 129 379 253 1,033 629 836 510 648 254 798 532 1,234 747 729 499 566 213 483 255 463 227 308 167 3,288 2,207 977 232


Total 724 1,453 1,978 1,506 2,044 623 2,430 1,947 674 5,312 2,449 841 3,013 1,317 1,016 267 3 129 447 1,437 386 305 354 3,273 9,767 2,686 1,669 13,006 2,604 2,661 2,039 4,515 841 869 1,071 2,603 2,737 1,875 2,376 3,189 2,429 1,219 1,380 1,538 1,051 9,992 2,356





Th e Order of St. John Life S aving M edal in Bronze County Staff Officer H. Carr of Du rham, who risked hi life and himself sustained evere burning in a very gall ant attempt to rescue a man trapped by fire in a hou e at Darlingto n. The Order of St. John Certificate of H onour Divisional Officer G. Renouard , St. H elier A mbu lance Di vi io n, Jersey, who gallantly assisted Divisional Officer R . C. Statt in the rescue operations following the discovery of several boy trapped and overcom e by fumes in a gas-filled cave. It will be remembered that Divi ional Officer Statt was awarded the British Empire Medal for Gallantry in reco gnition of the part he played in these rescue operation. Meritorious Service Certificates Ambulance Member A. Kilner, Derne Valley Ambulance Division, West Riding of Yorkshire. Cadet Brian Osman, Southampton (Totton) Ambulance Cadet Division, Hampshire. Cadet Derrick Lorenz, Longview Ambulance Cadet Divi io n, Duke of Lancaster's District. American Trophy for Gallantry Cadet Brian Osman, Southampton (Totton) Ambulance Cadet Division, Hampshire. Grand Prior Badges 91 Ambulance. 358 Nursing.

Special Service Shields 254 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 432 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nursing Cadets. Jubilee Certificates The following units have been issued with Jubilee Certificates indicating 50 years' continuous existence:Atherton Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District ; Horden Colliery Ambulance Division, Durham; SpringweU & Washington Ambulance Division, Durham; Sunderland Eastern Ambulance Division, Durham; Southampton Corps, Hampshire; Calmore Nursing Division, Hampshire; W. H. Smith & Sons Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales's). D~strict; Hampstead Nursing Division, London (Prince of W~les's) DIstnct; Ley ton & Leytonstone Nursing Division, London (Prmce of Wal~s's) District; Whitehall Nursing Division, London (Prince of Wales's) DIstrict; New Cross Nursing Division, London (Prince of


Wales's) District; Northern Polytechnic Nursing Division, London (prince of Wale '~) District; H~~row Nur~ing ~i~i~ion, London, (Prince of Wales's) D istnct; Sheffield A" ursll1g DIV]SlOn, West Rldmg of Yorkshire; Canterbury Nur ing Division, Kent; Stalybridge J.\"ursing Division Cheshire; Macclesfield ursing Division, Cheshire; Os\,,restry Ambulal;ce Division, Shrop hire; Dunston Ambulance and 'ursing Divisions Durham; Charlaw and Sacriston Ambulance Division, Durham ' We't Hartlepool Ambulance Division, Durham' March Am.bulance Divi~ion Cambridge; Luton Town Ambulance Division, Bedford; Maidenhead Ambulance Division, Berkshire; Leigh Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict; Scunthorpe Nursing Division, Lincolnshire ' North Manchester Nur ing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District; New~rk Ambulance Division, ottinghamshire ; Priestman Nursing Division, orthumberland; Lymington Ambulance Division, Hampshire.





SUPERINTENDENT-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT, 1962 In a brief r~p.o~t it i difficu!t to express ad~quate tribute to the Nursin Corps and DlvlslOns for the mvaluable erVlces they continue to give t~ ~he community and for their selfie s respon e to the calls made upon them m the pa t year. Th~t in one county every member gave an average of four normal \J;'orkmg. we~ks to Bngade voluntary first ~id, nl:lrsi ng and welfare part. tune. dutIes IS not only some measure of thIS serVIce to others but is also a pomter to continuing demand. The Mini ter of Health' appeal for the greater use of voluntary service in ho pitals and in local authority health a~d welfare fields and t.he trend to closer integration of voluntary service WIth the st~t~tory. serVIces pr~sent ~11. opportunity and a challenge. To meet these It IS eVIdent that hIgh pnonty mu t be giv n to 'vvider recruit. ment of both fully trained and auxiliary member and to the maintenance of the highest standards of training.

F.IRST AID A TD NUR.SING: In addition to routine fir t aid public dutIes many emergency CrIses have been met by nur ing personnel who ~ave ~lso u?dertaken much transport and escort work with invalids, mcl':ldmg Ajr Atte?dant duties. Auxiliary nursing ha bee l 1 regularly carned out III hospItals aild in place such as the Cheshire Home as well as under the Di~trict. urse, and much neighbonrIy care ha been given by me~bers ~o sIck, dlsabl~d and old people in their own home, including help WIt? sIckroom eqUIpment from the Medical Comfort Depots. ~ubstantIal help, too, continues to be given at clinic of many kinds and m the blood transfusion service. T~e Chief N~rsing Officer report a further satisfactory increase in the NatIOnal HospItal Service Reserve in which St. John nur ing auxiliaries including Brigade members, at the end of December totalled 26259 of whoJ? 21,315 were women and 4,944 men, an increase of 1,499 'on the pr~vIOus year. Out of the total about a third are full member of the Bngade, the remainder being auxilia ies given their initial training through St. John and. ~ttached to the Brigade. It is sa6sfactory to record that in the Nort~ Ridmg of Yorkshire all members of the Nursing Divisions are enrolled m the Reserve. Many members are serving in ho pital and in ~.~.S.~. Forward 1:1edical Aid l!nits in which they receive valuable ms.ruCUon and e~penence. A consIderabJe number of nur jng personnel are also enrolled m the parallel service of Civil Defence. In the Que~n Alexa.r:dra's .Royal Naval Nursing Service twelve St. John m~mbers servmg fu~-t~e wIth the q.A.R.N.N.S. Auxiliary Section maintam .the long assocIatIOn of the Bngade with the Royal Naval Nursing ServIce, as do, too, the members of the R.N.V.A.D. Reserve in which ther~ has been a slight increase in recruitment. The valuable ~xperience r~celv~d by the V:A.D.'s during their periodical training in aval hos· pItals I~ greatly ellJoyed and the reports show that their services are much appreciated. WELFAJ}E SERVICES: Mu~h valuable help has been given in welfare work, partI~ularly for the phYSIcally and mentally handicapped and for elderly and mfirm pe~ple. Reports on help given in hospital and to the home-boun~, and assIsta~ce .at clubs and on recreational outings or at summer hohday centres, mdIcate work of immense value in helping to ease the many burdens and restrictions of infirmity.



The Hospital Car Service which is run jointly ,b~ the B.R.C.S., W.V:S. and SJ.A.B. has again had a busy year ~n provldmg ~ transport serVIce for many thousand patients. In appreCiatIOn of their devoted work a s ecial Jetter of thanks to drivers who. h~ve served for ten years and ov~r :as been instituted and has ?een sent JOll1tly by the three headquarters In the past year to over 900 dnver . St. John and Red Cross Welfa.re Services f~r sic.k serviceI?en a.r: d their families in Naval, Military and Au- Force hospItals m the Ulllted Kmgdom and overseas continue to fill a vital need. During my Far East tour early in the year I had the opportunity of visiting Service hospitals in Malaya, Singapore and Hong Kong, nine ir: all. Chief. Welfar.e Offic~r, Miss Woolri ch, S.J.A.B., kindly accompamed me on thIS most mterestmg tour. I would like to pay tribute to the valuable work ,being done by her aJ?-d t~e Service Ho pitals Welfare Department through ItS Welfare Officers m thIS Command as well as el ewhere. At the end of the year 9 Welfare Officer were erving, of whom 19 are Brigade members posted a follows: Headquarters 2, Un~ted Kingdom 10, B.A.O.R. 2, Middle East 3, Far East 1 and Ea t Afnca 1. Unfortunately present numbers are not up to strength and more candidates are needed for this mo t interesting and u efnl work. There have been 37 Dilfor ca e dealt with by the Department during the year. the relatives of very eriou ly ill service patient being; sent to over ea de tination in B. .O.R., Bahrain, France, Malaya, Smgapore and Tokyo. War disabled ex-servi emen continued to receive extensive care from the St. John and Red Cros Ex-Service War Disabled Help Department and in the twelve month ended June 1962 a higher number of applications was dealt with on problem and needs re ulting from disablement on war service, which in many cases were accentuated by increasing age. Out of the 50000 applications, 16,500 received financial aid amounting to £76,000 from Joint Committee funds and the remainder were helped with services of many kind to ease their individual problems. Ranging from friendly isits and personal service for the home-bound or the provision of diversional handicraft and recreation to financial assistance for a multitude of needs, the Department continues to give invaluable help to disabled officers and other ranks and to widows and retired nurses of the Armed Force. The. Department records its thanks to St. John and Red Cross members who by their services throughout the country as administrative officers, visitors and on Committees enable the work to be carried out. The ursing Cadets have again made a splendid contribution in their gift of 220 knitted knee rugs which are greatly appreciated by the pensioners. Through the St. John and Red Cross Hospital Library Department li~rary facilities were provided to 309 Service hospitals in the United Klllgdom and overseas and, in addition, the service was given to 2,558 war disabled ex-service pensioners in their own homes or in civilian establishments. The service was also supplied to 1,090 civilian hospitals under arrangements with the Ministry of Health and Hospital Management Committees on the basis of the capitation fee of 13s. 6d. per occupied bed per annum. Seventeen hospitals in H.M. Prisons were provided with a service and 27 homes run by the Order of St. John and the British Red Cross Society and the Joint Committee.





The whole ser ice involved an issue of nearly four million books f r the year. The help given in this work by St. John per onnel continuo and tl~ere are ten St. John Cou 1ty Organisers, t,\'o assistant Coun~s Orgarnsers and ome fi e hundred and fifty librarians. Y T~I ING A P CqNFl!RENCES: The wide scope of Brigade work and Its close relatIOnshIp wIth the statutory health and welfare ervice as well as tho.se of other vol:untary ?rganisation , entail con tant revie~ ~nd consultatIOn !l<;>t only wIth outslde authorities bu~ within ~he ilrigade Itself.. Many tramlllg ?onferences have been held III the dIstricts and countIes sev.eral of whIch were attended by the Tr ining Advi er, Miss Duff Grant, m Durham, Hertfordshire London Di trict, Surrey, Cumber. land and Westmorland and Northen~ Ireland, a':1d those. in Derbyshire and Somerset were attended respectIVely by Ml s Harn on and Miss Watson. It ~as. a gr~at pleasure to me t.o be pre ent at the Priory for ~ales Commls lOners and County Supenntendents Conference in Car· diff ar:d ~lso the Northumber1~nd training weekend. At national level my DIstnct and County Supermtendents' Conference was again a most helpful opportunity for discussing current trends and problem, and Miss Duff Grant held a further succe sful day conference for ounty Staff Officers (Training). Valuable liais<;>n has been facilitated not only by representation on statutory comIDlttees and those of fellow organi ation but also by attendance at national, county and local Ie el at conferences convened by other ~odies. T~roughout the country St. John officers and members have ~on~ued to gIV~ I?uc~ practi~al ~ervice to the public and to other orgamsatlOns by provldmg mstructIOn m first aid and nursing.

f!URSINq OFFIC.ERS: ~he Chief Nursing Officer report a further satIsfacto~y mcrease Nursmg Officer appointment. In addition to the State Reglst~red Nursmg. Officers we are fortunate, too, in ha ing the help


of many tramed nurses m other executive appointments as well as One· Star ~lUrses ~n .the Divisions, many of whom were St. John Cadets before entenng trammg. In this. connection it is interesting to note that an aven:ge of some 600 Nursmg Cadets enter hospital training every year. !"Ith the constant need. to ext~nd th~ knowledge and practical nursing skill of memb~rs the Bngade IS partlcularly indebted to the Nursing Office~s for th~Ir most valuable help and to Miss Duff Grant who in her ca:pacI~ of ChIef Nu~sing Officer as well as Training Adviser gives much :VIse ~ldance and stImulus to the development of our nursing services mcludmg the N.H.S.R. A :rery successful national C~)11ference for Nursing Officer was again held Ill. Lond<;>n und~r the chaIrmanship of Miss Duff Grant at which many mterestmg pomts were discussed including the revi ion of the nursmg manual.

INSPECTIONS AND T!ISITS: In the past year I had great plea ure in ~nd~rtaking t:vo extensIve overseas tours, the first included Brigade units m SIX countrIes o~ the Far East and the second was to the Priory in Canada. I would like to record my gratitude for the kind welcome given to. me ever;:where a~d my admiration for the excellent St. John work bemg done m all terntories.




My brief stay in Ceylo!1 ~nabJed me to attend a sf!1art parade as well as the Brigade and AssoclatlOn Annual General Meetmg before going on to Hong Kong where I n:et many officers and members of this active district in pected the nurS1l1g cadet and attended everal St. John social function. The recently instituted St. John dental clinic for poor children is doing out tanding work. In Singapore, where the Brigade is also a fiourishll1g and very busy concern, I attended a fine parade of between two and three thousand members at which the sal ute was taken by the Yaner di Pertaun egara, who with his wife, most kindly entertained me. In North Borneo I visited Jesselton, Sandaken and Labuan and I was greatly impre sed by the enthu ia m and by the progress made in the past few year. Remarkabl.e deve~opment, too, wa evident in the Brigade in Malay3. where I spent SlX hectle days. I wa ba ed on Kuala Lumpur and al 0 vi ited the State of egri Sembilan, Perak and Penang. I attended everal very smart parade , the main one being at Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, the numbers on parade varying between 600 and 800. In addition to con ultations and most kind entertainment at many social functions my visit included several hospital of which the Service hospitals are mentioned earlier in this report. On my return journey I stopped at Delhi and visited the joint St. John and Red Cros India National Headqual1er and in pected a smart parade of the Delhi Divisions. My autumn vi it to the Priory in Canada centred on Toronto for the celebration dinner of the 50th Anniversary of No.1 ur ing Division and No.5 mbulance Divi ion at which I was proud to be guest of honour and to give congratulations to the Divisions on their fine record of service. The excellent programme arranged for my tour by Priory Headquarters gave me the opportunity of meeting many officers and members of the Order, Association and Brigade, and learning at first hand of the invaluable work being done by St. John in this vast country. Places visited included Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, "whistle stops" on my journey we t at Schreiber (Ontario) and Fort William, then on to Winnipeg. Edmonton. Calgary and Vancouver. Superintendent-in-Chief, Miss MacLaren kindly came to Quebec to meet me and accompanied me on the first part of the tour. In the United Kingdom it was a great pleasure to be present at the successful Cadet Rally at Manche ter. which was honoured by the presence of H.R.H. Prince, Margaret. I was also very glad to undertake the orthern IreJand District Inspection, the Wiltshire County Inspection and to carry out the opening ceremony of the King ton Division' new headquarters. At Inspections in the following counties the Chief Nursing Officer and ?lem~er of my staff accompanied you, General Kirkman or the Surgeonm-Chlef:-Shropshire (Miss Duff Grant), Kent (Lady Braithwaite), Northamptonshire (Mis \\latson) and Glouce tershire and Somerset (Miss Baird). HONOURS Miss M. H. Miller, S.R.

., County Superintendent, Suffolk, received

~he award of the M.B.E., in recognition of her many years' valuable work

m the Brigade.

Pages 27 to 85 amended to 24th June, 1963.





CHANGES IN APPOINT.NfENTS: It is with great regret that tbe following County Superintendent ' re ignations have been received:_ Mrs. Grain Cambridgeshire, 9 year' service' Mrs. Dening E.S. & N, Devon, 19 years' service; Lady Biddulph, Herefordshire 4 years' ervice formerly having been Area President for a number of years. To them i e tend very warm thanks and appreciation. With pleasure we have welcomed Mrs. Townsend previou Iy County Staff Officer for Nursing Cadet as County Superintendent for E.S. &N, Devon, and Mrs. Congreve, promoted from Assistant County Superin. tendent to County Superintendent for Hereford hire. CO CLUSION The death of Lady Dunbar- asmith in November wa a great adnes! to her many St. John friends who well remember her e ceptional work for the Brigade. Having been appointed County Pre ident for Plymouth, S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall in February 1940, where he took an active part with the Brigade during that difficult period of inten e air raids, Lady Nasmith came to Headquarters in 1942 as Chid Officer for Nursing Cadets and later that year became Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, in which office she continued until 1954. For her outstanding service Lady Nasmith was awarded the O.B.E. in 1945 and promoted to .B.E. in 1949, To all my District/County Superintendents and County/Area Staff Officers I would again offer sincere gratitude for the unfailing help and support they give both within their Districts/Countie and to u at Headquarters. I cannot conclude without once again expres ing my unbounded gratitude to all the members of my personal staff for the loyal ervice they have given. I have agreed with them to discontinue the practice of mentioning them by name but I would like to thank them one and all for the wonderful help they have given me. I am indeed fortunate. In extending to you, Sir, my grateful thanks for your constant support and encouragement as well as my gratitude to your staff for their a sistance on matters concerning the Nursing Divisions, I would, too, like to record my deep appreciation of the unfailing help and consideration given to me at all times by your predecessor, General Kirkman. Finally Sir, I would assure you of the very loyal support of myself and all ursing personnel.




BEDFORDSHIRE County Office: 6, Lansdowne Road, Luton.

County President: The Lady Zia WERNHER, C.B.E.

County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Lord LUKE, M.A., D.L., J.P. Mrs. R. U . PHIPPS (Nursing) The Hon. Pearl Lawson JOHNSTON, O.B.E. (Ambulance and Nursing Cadets).

County Secretary

R. C. OAKLEY, 6, Lansdowne Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 1882, rom October, 21882). Major-General F. D. MOORE, C.B ., C.B.!!., D.L., "Corn Close," Felmersham, Bedford (Tel. Sharnbrook 440). R. M c EvoY, 64, Shakespeare Road, Luton. Mis 1. M. PEMBERTO , 2, Brook Street, Luton. (Tel. Luton 7113) Miss D. ARCHER, 30, Langley Street, Luton. Mr . M . Ramsey, Ho pital Lodge, Potton Road, Biggleswade. . WHITE, 144, atermead Road, Luton. Mis H. GRIMMER, 3, Station Road Ampthill, Beds. R. ELL! 0 , 370, Old Bedford Road, Luton (Treasurer). Mi s D . WOODHEAD, 30, Langley Street, Luton. W . R. KF DALL 47, Bancroft Road, Luton (Training). Mi L. M. GRlM 1ER, 3, Station Road, Ampthill. H. BA KS 26a, Bishopscote Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 52631).

County Surgeon

orthern Area H. W. ROUND, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Richmond House, Turvey,



Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( )

Ass!. County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officers .

Beds. (Tel. Turvey 206). W. J. POULTER, c/ o. 4, Fuldo Road, Bedford. Mi s T . E. WHITB READ , 64, Heronscroft, Putnoe, Bedford. . V. WrLLTA IS, .R.N., R.N. M.S. 3, Berkeley Road, Bedford. acant. . MILLWARD, 6, The Close, Newton-Blossomville, Turvey, Bed.

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Nursing Officer . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officer .

outhern Area Area Superintendent (A) County Surgeon Area ursing Officer . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

A. G. OBlE, 12, Sunridge Avenue. Luton. Dr. J. Kel all THOMAS, "The Briar ," Totternhoe, Dunstable (Tel. Dunstable 10). Mr . L M. OWLEY, S.R.N. 7 St. Mary's Lodge, Luton. Vacant. Mrs. M. BALL, 54, Weatherby Road, Luton.



BERKSHIRE County Office : St. John House, 101, London Road, Reading. Tel. Reading 54671.

County President: The Most Hon. The Marquess of WILLINGDO

COllnty Vice-Presidents:



Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (A)

Lady LORAINE (Nursing) Lady JOUBERT DE LA FERTE (Nursing). Major H. TRACY BARCLAY, T.D. Major J. O. K. PURDEY. Mrs. M. MOCKLER. Major P. J. GOLD, Warfield House, Nr. Bracknell. (Tel. Winkfield Row 14). Vacant. W. G. THOMAS, 27, Berekeley Avenue, Reading .









Lady STIRLING , "Elm Lodge," Winkfield, Windsor BRISTOL D. J. TUR BULL, tIl.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Spring Lodge," Castl~ County Office: Maidenhead, Berks. Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol 2. Tel. 22431. Th;e Viscountc s CHETWYND, Ea tbury Hou c, .Lamboult Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N.) County President: MISS D. E. BRACE, S.R . . , Flat 39, 125, Basmg toke! County Nursing Officer . . His Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O. Reading. County Vice-Presidents: County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). L. E. HEDLEY, 16, College Glen, Maidenhead. Mrs. H. L. BURGESS. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. D. ROSE, 47 Chilton Crescent, Earley. Mrs. THOMAS, 27, Berekelcy Avenue, Reading. Miss M. E. E. SARAH, M.B.E. County Staff Officers . Mrs. BARTON, 65, St. Peter's Road, Earley. N. FRO T, Esq., C.B.E. G. L. ROSE, 47, Chiltern C,rescent, Earley. (Training). Rev. R. F. CARTWRIGHT, M.A. Mrs. J. E. M.ORRIS, 10~, Ke~nyla!1tls Road, SOUlling Lieut.-Colonel H. ESSEX LEWIS, D.C.M., LO., o.L., 11, Clifton mono (Admm). (HospItal LIbraries). :ommissioner Hill, Bri to1 8. (Tel. 33808). D. M. LLOYD, 32, Shinfield Road, Reading. R. L. CHEVERTON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "The Garth," Station K. J. MARrs, 27, ox Green, Road, Maidenhead. )eputy Commissioner. Road, ailsea, Bristol. Mrs. E. M. WAT[RS, S.R . . , VYoodpcc r arm, Warren .. G. J. CREECH, M.R.S.H., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol, ner Wargrave. lSSistant ComrrusslO 5. Capt. P. B. MURPHY, 44, Chand os Road, Newbury. (County Se~ etary) vil B. J. GRIFFITHS, S.R.N., C.M.B., Cossham Memorial Miss D. K. GmBr s, 33, South View Avenue, Caversh!:,'ounty Superintendent ( County Secretary . Hospital, King \ 'ood, Bristol. (Tel.: Kingswood 671661). J. A. Lanson ROBERTS, M.B., CH.B., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 46, :ounty Surgeon Charnhill Drive Iangotsfield, Bristol. BIRMINGHAM 'ounty Nursing Officer . . . Vacant. ;ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Vacant. County Office: Mrs. E. F. PULLIN, B.E.M., 138, Monks Park Avenue, Horfield, Tel. Birmingham Central:Ounty Staff Officer (Cadet) Nelson Memorial Hall, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3. Bristol, 7. M. Fox, 10, Redland Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. (press :ounty Staff Officers . County President : Relation s). Alderman Sir CHARLE BURM , J.P. W. G. CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, Filion, Bristol (public Duties) . . R. HARDI 'G "Hillside," Larksleaze Road, Longwell Green, COllnty Vice-Presidents: Br:stol (As t. County Secretary). Alderman W. T. BOWE , J.P. (Ambulance) C. RIBBLE, B.E. i., 7, Stanley Road, Redland, Bristol, 6. Mrs. W. A. CAOBURY ( IIrsing) (Competitions). Major J. P. EAMES, O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets) E. J. FOLfY, 2, IighJkld Grove, Horfield, Bristol, 7. (N.H.S.R.). Mrs. P. CAOBURY ( ursing Cadets) Mrs . M. . CREECH, 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol,S. 1i s L. C. GOR~AN, 12, Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bristol, 3. Brigadier N. L. CAR! S, O.B.E., T.O., D.L., 75, St. Bernard' (Cadct:,). Commissioner . Olton, Solihull, Warwickshire. (Tel. Acocks Green W D. A. ORT01\" B. c., F.P.S., 20, Sabrina Way, Stoke Bishop, Major H. E. MITCHELL, T.O., 185, olihull Road. ( Deputy Commissioner . Bristol 9. (Tr ining). Solihull, Warwickshire. (Shirky 2679) H. J. CROKER, B.E.M., 1, Marguerite Road, Uplands, Bristol 3. W. R. LLOYD, 66, Bleakhill Road, Birmingham, 23. County Superintendent (A) ( ivil Defence). Mrs. D. C. NICOL, 2, Brockton Place, Areley Kings, StOl A. Bu co. fEE, 3l, Winchest r Road, Brislington, Bristol, 4. County Superintendent (N) on-Severn, Worcs. (Tel Stourport 2330). E. M. BRYA. T, 284, Redcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol 4. W. H. SHILVOCK, M.B., CH B., B.<;C., 6, Fitzroy Avenue E. C. BARTLETT, 33, Alcove Road, Fishponds, Bristol. County Surgeon bourne, Birmingham, 17. Miss D. L. HARRIS, A.LA.C., 14, Claverton Road, West Saltford, Mrs. A. E. GREEN, S.R.N., 192, Orphanage Road, ErdL County Nursing Officer Bristol. (Trea urer). Birmingham, 24. . . County Sergeant Major C. VI CL T, B.E. 1. 7, Tyne Street, St. Werburgh's, Bristol, 2. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). A. E. GREEN, \92, Orphanage Road, Erdington, BmnIDi 24. BUCKIN GHAMSlllRE County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. J. OWE , 16, Cranmore Avenue, Handsworth, B( ham, 21. COllllty Office: W. R. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford Lane, Ward End, Br 2, Wendover Road, Ayl sbury, Bucks. Tel. Aylesbury 3886. County Staff Officers . ham, 8. COUllt)' President: M. C. LEGGETT, 48, Parkdale Road, Birmingham, 26 County Vice-Presidents: Duties). . Brigadier J. N. CHENEY, O.B.E. (Ambulance). A. C. FORD, 85, Woodleigh Avenue, Harborne, Blrma The Marchioness of ZETLANO (Nursing) 17. (Stores). The Viscount CURZON, J.P. (Ambulance Cadets). K. FLOWERS, 53, Frampton Way, Pheasey Estate, Grea' The Viscountess CURZON (Nursing Cadets). Birmingham, 21a. (Training). Mr. E. W. MARTIN (Auxiliary), 430, Stratford Road, . Commissioner . . S. BUNKER, 10, Winchfield Way, Rickmansworth, Herts. (Treasurer). (Tel. Rickmanswortb 5821). Mr. J. PRITCHARD (Auxiliary), 282, Chester Road, I Deputy Commissioner. . R. F. T. POPE, "Balnacraig," Burgess Wood Road, Beaconsfield. Coldfield, Warwickshire. (public Relations). . County Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. BooTHMA , "Lynton Chase," Datchet, Bucks. (rei. Mrs' F. E. HAMMOND, 7, Ravenshaw Road, Edgbast C County Secretary . Datchet 302). (Tel. Bearwood 2820). , Ounty Surgeon Miss M. F. GILLISON, M.B., B.S., "The Old Boot," Dinton, Nr. R. C. N. DAY, 297, Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham, J County Sergeant Major. Aylesbuf}. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon










Miss . E. F. GOMM, 117, Canterbury Avenue, Slough Miss N. M. SALE, The Croft, Walt.on Road, Aylesbury, Area superintendent (N) Lieut.-Col. L. D. M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH.B.,31, Langley Road, Mrs. W. E. TAYLOR, S.R.N., Bndge House, Barin IArea Surgeon . Slough, Bucks. Beaconsfield, Bucks. g Mrs. P. D. PURDUE, S.R.N., 21, The Normans, Wexham Court, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). D. ORUK, Stratton Cottage, Stratton Road Beacon fi Area Nursing Officer. . Slough. ) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadet) (N). Miss M. E. WmTE, "Cleveland," Claremont Gardens Me R. C. EVANS, 17, Salisbury Avenue, Slough. J. O. BOLDERo, Ford Farm, Ford, Nr. Aylesbury Bu ~( Area Staff Officer (CCa~ets) (N) County Staff Officers . Vacant. (Treasurer). ' c, Area Staff Officer ( a ets A. L. HALL, 138, Albert Street, Slough (Transport). Miss G. M. IVEs, Rylmer, Limmer Lane High W Area Staff Officers. Mrs. J . E. CALDWELL, 32, Waterbeach Road, Slough. Bucks. (Training). ''j(!: A. KINGSBURY, Henshaw, Bierton, Aylesbury. (Pu, Advisory). CAMBRIDGE Mrs. A. M. HOOD, 148, Wellington Street Slough County Office: Mrs. E. HANDCOCK, "Winford," Upper Ic~eild Way ~ 35, St. Mary's Street, Ely. Tel. Ely 2678. Risborough. ' R. 1. GOVES, 176, Desborough Avenue, High Wycom~ County Presidents: Mrs. G. M. DA , "Lowgales," 7, Clifford Road P" The Lord FAIRHAVE , D.L., J.P. Risborough. ' Mrs. A. R. FITZPATRICK. I. T. GOMM, "St. Gorran," Green Lane, Chesham, County Vice-Presidents: (Cadets) Major G. M. MACFARLANE-GRIEVE. T. G. MART[ , T.D., M.I.MECH.E., M.l.E.E., "Mansard, Wymers Wood R ad, Burnham. K. S. MAURICE-SMITH, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Etheldreda House,' Miss B. WHITE, 9, Princes Road, Aylesbury. ComnussiOner Ely. (Tel. Ely 2678). The Hon. Mrs. J. M. STO OR, "Stonor Park" Henk Thames, Oxon. ' Deputy Commissioner and Act. C. W. WALKER, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road Cambridge. ' County Secretary Mrs. Z. BOTSFORD, 2, Wendover Road, Ayle bury, Buch County Surgeon . . . G. WALKER, PH.D ., M.SC., "KerseH," Sedley Taylor Road, County Superintendent (A) Cambridge. Mr . A. F. MA LEY, M.A., Breckfoot, Whitwell Way, Coton. Northern Area A/County Superintendent (N) . Mr . E. Ellis LEWIS, S.R. ., S.C.M., R.F. ., Wychfield Close Area Commissioner W. M. M. DOUG LA ., M.A., \1.B., B.CH., 19, Wolverton' County Nursing Officer . . Huntingdon Road, Cambridge. ' Stony Stratford. Col. J. G. A. BECKETT, O.B E., T.D., D.L., M.A., utholt House, Area Superintendent (A) Capt. F. W. WORKER, 56, Windsor Street, Wolverton, 1 County Staff Officer Ely, Treasurer). Area Superintendent (N) Vacant. Area Surgeon . . . . . Dr. E. WITHERIDGE, 1, Cal erton Road, tony Stratford Ely Area Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. ). COMPTO , 22a, Silver Street, Newport Pagnell, R. Vacant. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. S. J. GUR EY, 13, Osborne Street, Wolverton, Area Superintendent (A) Mrs. G. TURNER 31, The Vineyards, Ely, Cambs. Area Superintendent (N) Area Nursing Officer Vacant. F. G. A. BECKETT, M.A., M.B ., CH.B., 14, Egremont Street, Area Surgeon . Area Staff Officers . R. G. ALDERSON, 12, Bedford Street Wolverton. (Area Ely, Cambs. Training). ' Vacant. A. E. F. WmTE, 3, School Hill, Charndon, Bicester. Area Nursing Officer . . Mrs. J. M. VAWSER, 8, Regent venue, March. B. STEVE s, 31, Gloucester Road , Wolverton. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Asst. County Superintendent (N) . County Nursing Officer

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A)

Central Area Vacant. A.. GOVES, 234, Desborough A venue, High Wycombe. MISS B. M. WHlTE, "Hillview," Loudwater, High Wyc: M. T. GALLAGHER, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., D.OBST., R.C.O.G., Hill West, Chalfont St. Peter. Miss P. S. ROOKBY, S,R.N., Colinswood MaternityH Farnham Conunon, Nr. Slough. F .. G. BIGNELL, 24, Carrington Road, Southcourt, AylPJ. MISS A. L. EVANS, 171, Buckingham Road AylesbUl), T .. SHORT, 11, Hill View Road, High Wyco'mbe, Bud( MISS M. STERRETT, 27, Clarendon Road, Pinions. Wycombe. D. G. ANSTEAD, 111, Whitelands Road, High W)I\ (Cadets) Miss P. M. TULLETT, 8, Whielden Street, Amersham, W. H. G. GIBBS, 17, T orwood Road , Loudwater, Wycombe. J. WOODLEY, 14, Fraser Road, High Wycombe. Southern Area L. STEPHENS, 3, Mundesley Spur Slough Bucks. (TeLl 21238). " W. W. WILLIAMS, Colenorton End, Eton College, Windi."

Area Commissioner , Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officers. . .

Cambridge Area acant. Vacant. Mr . K. M. SARGE NT, "CC ter6eld," 540, Coldhams Lane Cherryhinton, Cambridge. Mi s 1. M. HOWE, 19, Highworth Avenue, Cambridge. . A. SARGEANT, "Cesterfield," Coldhams Lane, Cherryhinton. (Training). Mi s D. LINTO ,68, Cavendish Avenue, Cambridge. (Secretary). Mrs. E. 1. PIGOTT, 76, Akeman Street, Cambridge. (Transport). R. T. WOOMBWELL, 15, Emery Street, Cambridge.

CHESHIRE County Office: County H.Q., TabJey Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. Tel. Knutsford 3346. County Vice-President: A. C. BE TLEY (Ambulance Cadets). Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner .

W. Cecil ROBINSO ,J.P., "Woodeaves," Dale Brow, Prestbury Cheshire. (Tel. Prestbury 89357). N. S. MUMBY, M.B.E., "Glendyne," Prenton Lane, Prenton Birkenhead. (Tel. Mountwood 1372). •

32 County Superintentent (N) County Surgeon . . .

Asst. County Surgeon . County County County County

Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Staff Officer Secretary .

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon


Area Nursing Officer. . • Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer . . . . Area Superintendent (A) • Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officers.

Area Area Area Area Area

Mrs. H. C. ASHER, J.P., Trehaveme, Truro . (N.H.S.R.). J. J. JACKMAN, M.B.E., "Hazlemere," Albany Road, Falmouth. E. S. SEYMOUR, 60, Trefusis Road, Redruth. A. T. MOSSMAN, 9, Killerton Road, Bude. W . H. MAYCOCK, "Lyndale," Tresillian, Truro. (Appeals). F. POLKINGHORNE, "Hyland," Heanton Terrace, Redruth. (Competitions). P. PEARCE, Barclays Bank, Redruth. (Treasurer). J. G. BARRETT, "Four Winds," Crantock Avenue, Newquay. Miss G. MORCOM, 18, Dean Street, Liskeard.

Vacant. . t Staff Officers H. <;. W. BAKER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 16, The Wiend Roc~ tCOUO y Blrkenhead. ' lr Miss A .. MCCULLY, S.R.N., "Byways," 136, Londo I NantWlch. n

County Nursing Officer

Superintendent (A) . Superintendent (N) . Surgeon . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officers. . .




O. P. EOMO DS M.D., M.B., CH.B., "Gillyfield ," Gaddu . Bowdon. m H. N. BECKETT, 28, Stalbridge Road, Crewe. M~. A. LAWRENCE, 13, Albert Road, Cheadle Hulme MISS M. E. DEAN, 13, De Quincey Road, Altrincharn:County Secretary Mrs. E. SINGLETON, County H.Q., Knutsford. Eastern Area Area Commissioner . . Area Superintendent (A) H B M' . BINGHAM, 56, Greg Street, Soutb Reddish, Stoc~Area Superintendent (N) . rS~rr J. BOMFORD, 37, Beechfield Road, Davenport,SArea Surgeon . . . . J P . . . Area Nursing Officer. . . M~cFIE, M.B., CH.B., Sunrunghill, Townscliffe Lane MArea Staff Officer (Cadets) BrIdge. . ' 'Area Staff Officer (Cadets) Mrs. R. ALLAN, S.R.N., High Stacks, Poynton. Area Staff Officers. . . R. W. WINTERBUR ,66, Thomway, Bramhall Stockport H. BEARO , 1, Harleen Grove, Offerton, to kport. . Central Area Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (N) M.iss M. JONES, S.R . . , Preswylfa, Gwernaffield, r Mold fArea Nursing Officer . MISS B. FUR IVALL, 14, Dalton Gardens, Davyhulme,'. ~hester. Ar Staff Officer (Cadets) MISS H. M. PRINCE, 9, Victoria Road, Stockton Heath. (C' Ar~ Staff Officer (Cadets) G. H. GA DY, 32, Green Avenue, Davenham, TorthllkArea Staff Officer " 'estern Area E .. Allen SMITH, 5, Cla~emont Road, Wallasey, Cheslur Miss W. A. LAMB, 28, Highgreen Road Birkenhead Ch ·' Vacant. " J . HARNEY, 53, Woodyear Road, Bromborough, Wirrall. H. STORER, 27, Beaufort Drive Wallasey R .. LYTH, 41, Aldgatc, Ellesme;e Port. . MISS M. E. MAso ,4, Lome Road, Oxton, Birkenhead.

Eastern Area W . G. MOONEY, J.P. , Broomhill, Tavistock Road, Launceston. J . J. PEARCE, "Selden," Bosuen Road, Newquay. Mrs. M. E. GOULD, 2, Glamis Road, Newquay G. F. BAR ES, M.B., B.S., D.R.C.O.G., 55, Henver Road, Newquay. Vacant. E. JENKIN, 9, St. Mary's Crescent, Bodmin. Mrs. O. D. POTTS, Metheral, Tredethy, Bodmin. F. A. CUTLER, "Gresham," 100, Mount Wise, Newquay. S. J. COOK, 3, Ulalia Road, Newquay. (Cadets). S. T. BUNT, 42, Henver Road, ewquay.

(A) ( )

Western Area Vacant. Miss F. W. PAUL, 4, Park Road, Redruth. Mrs. E. TREWREN, S.R . . , "Monowai," Headland Road, Carbis Bay, St. Ives. J. JAMES, "Nigel," Barngoose Terrace, Illogan, Redrutb, Miss M. 1. WING, 40, Manor Road, Cambome. C. C. PELLOWE, 3, Tolgus- Wartha, Redrutb.

(A) ( )

CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND County Office: "Park View," Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carlisle, Cumberland.

(Tel. Dalston 327).

County Presidents: Earl of Lo SDALE, Westmorland. County Vice-Presidents:

CORNWALL County Office : Tel. Liskeard 2010. . . County Presidents: LIeut.-Colonel Sir Edward H. W. BOLITHO, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O. L a d y M ary PAWLE (Nursing). County Vice-Presidents: C. E. H. LLOYD, Esq., and H.R.H. Prince CHuLA OF THAllAND, G.C.Y.O. (Ambulance). Mrs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, Mrs. H. C. AsHER, J.P. (Nur sing). A. V. BAKER, Esq. (Ambulance Cadets.) Lady Mary HOLBORROW (Nursing Cadets).

Mrs . M. L. BARRACLOUGH (Nursing), Cumberland. Mrs. F. M . ALEXANDER (Nursing), Westmorland.

18, Dean Street, Liskeard.



Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent

County Surgeon . . . . . Asst. County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N).


Deputy Commissioner . . County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . . . . Asst. ety. Superintendent (N). County Nursing Officer . . . ~ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N).

Rear Admiral L. A. BOU1WooD C BOB E Golden (J Tideford, Saltash. (Tel. Landr~k~ W: L. STEWART, M.B., CH.B., Tremethick, Grampound. County Staff Officers . Prmcess Chula CHA!cRABONGSE Tredethy Bodmin. (t St. Mabyn 232). ' , Dr:. E. H . EASTCOTT, Gwel Marten , Probus, Nr. Truro. Sergeant Major MISS N. K KELLARD, M.B.E., Outlands 18 Northfield J); ~unty ounty Secretary . . Truro. ' , Miss N. K. DEAN, S.R.N., "Innisidgen "St lve Cross bk& Asst. County Secretary Vacant. , . ,

i37): .. ,



Miss K . GOVIER, 12, Higb Street, Launceston.

Capt. J. L. JOHNS, R.N. (Retd.), Lockville, Main Street, Sedbergh, Yorks. (Tel. Sedbergh 267). Vacant. T. H. ABBOTT, 10, Scaws Drive, Penrith. Mrs. M . A. C. AINscow, M.B., CH.B., The Howe, Troutbeck. Windermere. (Tel. Ambleside 2287). N. L. BIRKETT, M.A., M.B., CH.B., 3, Thorny Hills, Kendal. Mrs. V. E. RAVEN, Stancroft, Carlisle. Miss D. 1. WmTELEY, S.R.N., Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle. C. H. STEPHENSON, 25, Nook Street, Workington. Mrs . A. A . GRAHAM, S.R.N., "Park View," Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carlisle. J. H. SMITH, 89, Dunmail Drive, Carlisle. (Treasurer). Miss R. J. V. HIND, 18, Scotland Road, Carlisle. (Training). T. WInTESIDE, 19, Whi tes tiles, Kendal. A. HUSBAND, 1, Fairfield Gardens, Wigton Road, Carlisle. D. GRAHAM, "Park View," Cardew, Dalston, Nr. Carlisle. (Dalston 327). Miss A. M. SMITH, Goody Raise, Grasmere, Westmorland.









National Coal Board No. 5 Area H. F. PARKER, 377, Derby Road, Nottingham . . ea Commissioner . W . A. HUDSON, 24, Middleton Avenue, Crosshill, Codnor. ~ a Superintendent (A) County Office ' Mrs. M. RIGLEY, S.R.N., 6a, Kingsway, Ilkeston. u~a superintendent (N) J. L. W. JOHNSON, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P. & s., "Beechcroft," Ivy House, Mickleover, Derby. (Te1. 53124). uea Surgeon. . Church Lane, Brinsley, Notts. Count)' President : Mrs. K. MORLEY, " Morwood," 216, Heanor Road, llkeston. uea Nursing Officer. . HIS GR CE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, M.C. A. E. W. DILKS, 13, Kingsway, Ilkeston, Derbyshire. u Staff Officer (Cadets) A) Mi L. E. C. GUN ,8, Wade Avenue, Ilkeston. ( ) u~~ Staff Officer (Cadets) County Vice-President: W. AILMORE, 41, Heath Road, Ripley. uea Staff Officers . Viscoun t SCARSDALE. H . HYDE Sve Lane House, Ilkeston Road South, Heanor. S. HAYES: Hartsbay Fields, Ripley. Capt. P. J. B. DRURy-LOWE, Locko Park, Spondon,11. Commissioner . (Tel. Derby 61517). outhern Area Capt. 1. ATKINSON, M.B.E., White KnowJe Cottage, Q .. Deputy Commissioner. R. L. BROWN, M.B., CH.B., "Ranrnoor," 480, Burton Road , Nr. Stockport. uea ComITllssJOner Derby. County Superintendent (N) Miss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, Mickleover, Derby. (Tel. . (A) E. G. FLORENCE, 266, Osmaston Park Road, Derby. 53124). uea supenntendent Miss G. H. WALTON, 9, Kingston Street, Derby. 1. MACKENZIE, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 141, ManorRuea Superintendent (N) County Surgeons J. COLLrNS, "l.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 7, Crich Avenue, Derby. uea Surgeon . Littleover, Derby. Mrs. Clara STEWART, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., 3, Hardwick Me . ffi Mrs. M. F. HALLETT, 398, Burton Road, Derby. Buxton. ~rea Nursrng 0 cer. . . E. T. BROWNI G, 91, Boulton Lane, Alvaston, Derby. uea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Nursing Officer . . . Vacant. Mrs. L. ROBERTS, 27, Firfield Avenue, Breaston. \rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Vacant. R. NALL, 12, Lawrence Street, Long Eaton. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. C. B . WRIGHT, 23, Wood Road, pondon, Nr. Der~ l.rea Staff Officers. H. FARNSWORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Avenue, Derby County Staff Officers . F. 1. SHIMWELL, 151, Manor Road, Brimington, r. C~ Mrs. FAR SWORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Avenue, Derby. field. W. F. RIGLEY, 6a, Kingsway, Ilkeston. (Training). EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON Mrs. G. E. H. WEATHERBY, 28 Kingston Street, IK (Welfare). County Office: . Miss B. M. BRINDLE, 181, Cole Lane, BOITowash, Derby The Hut, Culver Dri e, Chudleigh, ewton Abbot. Tel. Chudlelgh 2262. County Secretary . . Vacant. County President: Assit. County Secretary Miss D. TRANTER, 33, Grange Street, Derby. ice-Admiral The Lord SHBO R E, C.B., D.S.O.


Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) Staff Officer (Cadets) Staff Officer .

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) Area Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant Major .

County Vice-Presidents: Northern Area Lady RAYNER (Nursing). Vacant. Dorothy, Lady IMBERT TERRY ( ursing Cadets). F. G. HOLMES, 10, Deerlands Road, Ashgate, Chesterfield. Major T. W. GRACEY, Melrose, Ashburton, S. Devon. (Tel. Commissioner Miss N. START, 56, Brown Edge Road, Buxton. A hburton 233). . Dr. W. E. MARSHALL, Manchester Road, Chapel-en-Ie-F' Mrs. L. J. TO\v SE D, Denbury Manor, Denbury, Newton (A) H. BAXBY, 23, Alexandra Road, Dronfield. County Superintendent ( (N) Abbot. (Tel. Ipplepen 245). Vacant. E. C. H. Dowso , 6, Central Terrace, Lordsmill St County Surgeon . . Vacant. Mrs. M. D. NICHOLLS, S.R.N., Bracken Howe, Sidc1iffe, County Nursing Officer Chesterfield. Sidmouth. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). R. L. JLLLETT, M.B., B.S., Digby Hospital, Nr. Exeter. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. M. W. BOLT, Little Copse, Newcourt Road, Topsham, National Coal Board No.1 Area Exeter. B. KENDALL, " Bonnevienne," Matlock Road, Chesterfield. County Staff Officers W. C. JOHNSON, 2, The Broadway, Littleham Cross, Exmouth. Vacant. (Ambulance Liaison). Mrs. C. L. MAIZEL, S.R.N., "Carmel," Mill Lane, Whil1' T. T. HAY, S.R.N., Wonford House Hospital, Exeter. Nr. Worksop. (Training). . Dr. S. H. EVANS, Holly Bank, Skinne Street, Creswell A. C. TAYLOR, 18, BridgetoWB, Totnes. (pres.s Relations). Worksop. . County Secretary Miss D. BOURCHIER-WREY, Tawstock, Chudlelgh. Mrs. V. W. NAYLOR, S.R.N., 1, North Crescent, Duckmat Ea t Devon Area Chesterfield. Major R. A. P. GRAY, M.B., 23, Southernhay East, Exeter. (A) S. C. CARTER, York House, Creswell, Nr. Worksop. . Area Cornn:issioner . C. J. WOOD, 40, Kingsway, Heavitree, Exeter. .. (N) Mrs. M. DENT, 133, Whltecotes Lane, Walton, Cheste& tea ~upe~tendent (A) Mrs. D. R. COLE, Harmony Hill, Ivy Orchard, Wllrmngton, W. S. BUCK, 1, Ringwood Avenue, Staveley, Chesterfi ea uperrntendent (N) Nr. Honiton. (Cadets). A L. G. A DERSO , M.B., CH.B., M.D., D.P.H., Public Health Dept., F. NORMAN, 30b, Gladstone Road, Chesterfield. \ rea Surgeon . Town Hall, Exmouth. A. MILLS, 256, Chesterfield Road, Temple Nonnanto D, Are N . W. J. WRIGHT. S.R.N., 14, Walpole Close, Whipton, Exeter. Chesterfield. Ar a ursmg Officer. . E. DARBYSHIRE, Flat 4, The Drive, Digby, Exeter. Ar~a Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G . E. POULTER, 80, Langwich Road, Bolsover. Miss M. E. HOWES, 27, Brookside Crescent, Whipton, Exeter. A. TURNER, 245, Chesterfield Road, Norrnanton, Nr. Ch~- Are~ ~ttaf:fff Officer (Cadets) (N) D . E. F. QUINNELL, No.2, Milk Marketing Board, Clyst, field. a Officer. . . Honiton. S. GETHI G, 51, Skinne Street, Creswell, Nr. Worksop.



Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer .

Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officer .




commissioner North Devon Area F. H. H~LLlNGSHEAD, O,B.E. T.D., M.B., CH.B., Middleton,CDeputy Commissioner Martm. R. BRADDO , "St. John," Yelland Road, FremingtoD, tcounty Superintendent (N) staple. County Surgeon . . . Mrs. M. H. KING, Mulberry House, Barnstaple. J. P . BUSH, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., DR.C.O.G., Hea~County Nursing Officer . . . House, Old Torrington Road, Barnstaple. County Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) . Mrs. M. LINDSAY, S.R . . , "Craig-y-Don," Rumsam RCounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Bamstaple. County Staff Officers E. S. PALMER, GJayva, Durrant Lane, Northam, Bideford Mrs. C. J. H. SAUNDERS, Elmfield. Bear Street, Barnr Vacant.

County Office : 10, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. Tel. Weymouth 2270. County President : Dorothy, Lady ELLENBOROUGH. County Vice-Presidents: The Earl of SHAFfESBURY (Ambulance) Mrs: A. M. C. CooPER (Nur~ing). Lady Lettice Ashley COOPER (Nursmg Cadets). .

Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County County County

Nursing Officer . Staff Officer (Cadets) Staff Officer (Cadets) Staff Officers. .

. . (A). (N) . . .



South Devon Area Mrs. D. R. BOOTH, 7 Mount Joy, Burton Road, Bridport. Lt.-Col. C. M . TOWNSEND, Denbury Manor, Denbury F. C. BRYANT, 12, Garland Road, Poole. Abbot. ' G. KID ER, 20, Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth. (Treasu rer). P. BAKER, 14, King's Avenue, Paignton. F. H. HOUSE, "Taormina" 8, Wardcliffe Road, Weymouth. Vacant. Mrs. H. M. PENNY, Wessex Club, Lindsay Manor, Lindsay A. EVERARD, M.B., CH.B., 26, Keyberry Park, Newton Road, Bournemouth. Mrs. E. M. HARVEY, S.R.N., 6, Derwent Road, Babbat Miss F. B. LONG, 10, Dorchester Road Weymouth. (Tel. Torquay. ounty Secretary Weymouth 2270). M. E. C. STEDHAM, Lavender Cottage, Coach Road Abbot. ' Miss M. A. STOWE, M.B., CH.B., M.R.C.S., D artmoor DURHAM Lustleigh. Miss H. G. CHARLESWORTH, Barton, Ipplepen, Newton County Office: (Cadets). 2, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2. Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 81-3646. H. F. DrAMol D S.R . . , 36, Barton Hi}l Road, Torquay, Mrs. D. CUMMl G, S.R.N., Beacon VIew, 36, Warberry County President: West Torquay. County Vice-President: Miss D. F. DUCKWORTH, R.R.C., .R.N., Rewlea, Ash~ Newton Abbot. The Lady DAVINA VANE (Nursing).




County Secretary


R. RUTHERFORD, T.D., M.B., B.S., J.P., The Firs, Langley Park:, Co. Durham. A. BUR ·s, O.B.E., M.C., M.B., CH.B., Rainton Lodge, West Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring. Lady STARMER, O.B.E., J.P., Danby Lodge, Darlington. K. M. MACDONALD, M.B., CH.B. Bankfield, Consett, Co. Durham. Mi s M. DALRYMPLE-SMITH, S.R. ., 4, Park Road, Sunderland. Vacant. Miss O. ADDISON, 80, Croft Terrace, Jarrow. W. MATHER, 4, Glebe Houses, Ferryhill, Co. Durham. Miss E. CURLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Brearnish Street, Jarrow-on-Tyne. J. J. D. KERRY, 95, Deneside, Lanchester, Durham. H. CARR, 88, Barningharn Street, Darlington. W. A. REAR, Glengarrick, Lintzford Road, Hamsterly Mill, Rowlands Gill. (Treasurer). Miss. E. P. GRAY, 2, Summerhill, Sunderland. T HOPKINS 22 Farndale Avenue, South Bents, Whitbum. H. R. s. D'i-rAE;"E s, 32, Claremont Road, Darlington. (Civil Defence). . W. McADAM, 9, Hackworth Street, Dean Bank, Ferryhill. Mr . R. WATSO , 40, Brandling Place South, Newcastle, 2 (Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 81-1515).

East Durham Area Area Commissioner

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . Dr. E. J. Gordon WALLACE, Health Centre, Westharn ~ Area Nursing Officer. . . Weymouth. (Tel. Weymouth 1645). Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Major R. W. HUMPHREYS, Tarrant Gunville Manor, BJan Area Staff Officer (Cadets (N). Forum. Mrs. R. M. SEYMOUR, Northfield House, Crichel, Wimti Dorset. G. J. ROMANES, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.O.M.S., Portesharn H~. Area COmmissioner Nr. Weymouth. Miss D. SUNDERLAND, S.R.N., Health Centre, Weymou~ Area Superintendent (A) K. H. M. ALDRIDGE, 58, St. Thomas Street, Weyrnou~, Vacant. Area Superintendent (N) A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, Weymout.h,~ Area Surgeon . E. W. CUFF, "Sydco," 67, Prince of Wales Road, Dorches: Area NUrsing o'ffic~r' . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. B. SPENCER, 422, Dorchester Road, Weymouth. D. G. F. ACU1T, "Cambrai," Cranford Avenue, Weylfil.. Area Staff Officer (Publicity). . . .

S. F. STOKOE, 2, Brookside Villas, Dene House Road, Seaham, Co. Durham. Vacant. Miss J. HUTCHI so ,43, Bede Street, Roker, Sunderland. A. K. MACRAE, M.D., CH.B., Red Gables, Murton, Co. Durham. Vacant. Vacant. Vacant.

South Durham Area E. S. SMITH, 34, Tunstall Avenue, West Hartlepool, Co. Durham. W. F. HALL, M.B., B.S., B.HY., D.P.H., Thorpe Bulmer, Hart, West Hartlepool. Vacant. R. K. BROWN, M.B., CH.B., Kelvin House, Bearpark, Co. Durham. Vacant. H. COULSO , 74, Starmer Crescent, Darlington. H. C. H. FRANCIS, 9, Palatine View, Durham. (Secretary for Cadets).


38 Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon .

Area Nursing Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) eN)



Western Area R. M. ARCHIBALD, M.B., CH.B., D.I.H., Westfield Ha Ann.field Plain, Stanley. ' re J . T. DRUMMOND, 267, Wind or Avenue, Gateshead 8 Mrs. M. H. ROCHESTER, 5, Pikesyde, Dipton, Co'. D Mrs. M. F. St. J. U. COSGRAVE, M.B., B.S., Fe1\iog Felling-on-Tyne. . Vacant. W. YOUNGER, 90, Wear Road, South Stanley. Mrs. E. A. OUNGER, 90, Wear Road, Soulh Stanley.


Cly. Superinlendent (N) . Asst. Nursing Officer . . . coun~~ Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). county Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Coun County Staff 0 ffilcers. . . .

ESSEX County Office: Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay Road, Chelmsford. Tel. Cbelmsford 55789. County President: Colonel Sir John RUGGLES-BRISE, Bt., C.B., O.B.E., T.D., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. County Vice-Presidents: The Lady Joan EWMA (Nursing). Mrs. J. T. WHITLEY ( ursing Cadets). Capt. R. J. WE 'LEY, T.D., J.P. , 96, Galleywood Road Chr Commissioner ford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2704). ' Vacant. Deputy Commissioner. . Mrs. E. SMELLIE, M.B.E., The Bridge House Lexden Colc County Superintendent (N) (Tel. Colchester 72982). " F. P. WALLI , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.," ow r ," Galleywood County Surgeon Great Baddow. M~s. E. M. BENHAM, 21, Queen's Road olchester. Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer . . . MlSs M. RENNOLDSO. , S.R . . , St. John's Hospital, Cheim!; County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). E .. A. POOLE, 178, Cowdray A enue, Colchester. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) . M~ss R. 1. LEEKS, 37, Melbourne Court, Chelm ford. MISS E. M. HART, "Yarramundi," Mildmays, Danbury. County Staff Officers . F. E. BROOKS, 144, Moulsham Drive, helmsford. meas.: Mrs. M. A. SPURGEON, 9, Cotman Road, Shrub En~ chester. (Cadets). F. THORNDIKE, Elm Tree House, Fox Street, Ardleigb. chester. (Cadets). Mrs. V. F. HEDGES, 98, Dorset Avenue, Chelmsford. (N.m W. SCHOFIELD, 45, Victoria Street, Braintree. (Cadets, Mrs . 1. M. T. HASLAM, "Phaphamau, , 98, Patching Hall Chelmsford. Mrs. J. M. ORTO, St. Clere's Hall, Danbury, Essex. (Ca: L. PRYOR, 170, Woodman Road, Brentwood. C. J. K. LANDER, 20, Thames Avenue, Chelmsford. R. B. CHAPMAN, 23, Challis Road, Braintree. County Sergeant Major A. MAYHEW, "St. Leonards," Wash Road, Laindon, Es.Ie County Secretary . .

GLOUCESTERSIllRE County Office: 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Tel. Cheltenham 536LO. County President : The Countess St. ALDWYN. County Vice-Presidents: Colonel R .. A. G .. BINGLEY, c.v.O., D.S.O., O.B.E. (Ambulance). Mlss Ariadne RODocANAcm (Nursing). Earl St. ALDWYN, T.D., D.L. (Ambulance Cadets) Commissioner . . . H. L. St. G. CAREY, M.V.O., Hawling Manor Andove~~ Deputy Commissioner. Lieut-Colonel F. WILLIAMSON, O.B.E., 90, LeckhamptonRC~ Cheltenham. County Superintendent (N) Mrs. G. A. WILLANS, Oaklands, Shurdington, Nr. Cheltet: County Surgeon . . . C. H. DRAKE, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Bourne 54, parton ll Gloucester. '

County Secretary


Area Commissioner Area Commts ione ..


Miss D. M. TRIMMER, 2, Bournside Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. DRAKE, S.R.N., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester. R. A. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. HAWKINS, 45, Eldon Road, Cheltenham. Miss J. B. PARKER, Highfield House, Whitminster, Glos. (N.H.S.R.) Mrs. B. LAWRENCE, The Nappings, Charlton Kings, Cbeltenham. (County Welfare). Miss M. K. OSWELL, 7, Eldorada Road, Cheltenham. (Admin. - Medical Comforts). Rev. E. J. M. ELDRIDGE, O.B.E., St. James's Vicarage, Tivoli Road, heltenham. Mrs. M. A. COTICE, S.R. ., 23, Honyatt Road, Gloucester. (Training Adviser, Nursing). Mr . D. P. HITCHl G, "Dronfield," London Road, Charlton Kings. ( adcts). G. . LARK, 83, Falkner Street, Gloucester. A. rOt C \, 17, outh Drive, Lcckhampton Road, Cheltenham. A. J. SP,\SIII TT, 25, Tanner Road, Cheltenham. (Cadets). Miss E. v. MAR HALL, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham.

lrcst of Dean Ar a Sir John P LMER, BT., , n'll ler Are~ Lieut. j 0 )nel J. \Y. Moyne, TClbury.

ewland, Coleford, Glos. OOLDRIDGE, Court Cottage, Shipton

GUER SEY CUlIllly Office: Headquarters, Rohai , St. Pdl.:r Pon, Guernsey. Tel. Guernsey Central 3700. Bai/ill'ick President: W. H. R 'OLD, CO.L Bailiwick Vice-Presidents: Dr. W. B. Fox. Lady ROBSO ( ursillg) J. E. L. MARTEL (AI1ILu/ance Cadets). . LOVI:.RIDGE ( lIrsillg Cadets). Mr. M. olonci R. B. BRO DBE T, O.B.E., La Ruette, St. Martins, Commissioner . uem ey. (Tel. t. Martin 8435). W. T YLOR, B.E.M., Quendon. Le Martival, La Ruette, St. Assistant Commi sioner Martins. (T I. St. Martin 8247). R. A. LUFF, "Beliz ," Doyle Road, St. Peter Port. Bailiwick Superintendent (A) . Mr: . R. 1. THOMP 0 , La Tourelle, Pierre Percee. (Tel. Bailiwick Superintendent ( ) Central 255). R. M. F. Fo ,M. ., LB ., B.CHlR. Les Longchamps, St. SampBailiwick Surgeon . on's, Gu rn ey, C.I. R. H. BL CHFORD, O.B.E., G.M., Le Croute Herivel, Rohais, Area Commissioner St. Peter Port. Ba~l~w~ck Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. TOUZEAU, Holmlea, Route Militaire, Vale, Guernsey. BalhwlCk Staff Officer (Cadet) (N) Mr . O. H. GALLIE I TE, "Balmoral," GueUes Road, St. Peter Porl. F. W. BUSH, "Palma" Green Lanes, st. Peter Port. Bailiwick Staff Officers E. COLL, Colwyshe, Les Mourants, St. Martins. H. F LLA, Durrington, Les Banques, St. Sampsons, Guernsey. (Cadets). R. J . HERVE, "Beau Soleil," Saumarez Lane, Castel. (Treasurer). H. P. SAUNDERS, Cleaton, Foulon Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. (Store). W. G. BAKER, 22, St. George's Esplanade, St. Peter Port. (Competitions). c. E. FROOME, "Rosemead," Les Varioufs, st. Martins. Mr . G. M. De GARI Beau Sejour, Vale Road, St. Sampson's Guernsey. V. E. LUFF, M.B.E., Les Rohais de Haut, St. Andrews, Guernsey. Bailiwick Secretary





Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Ar~! Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County Office: Wessex House, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Tel. 2884. ~ea Staff Officer. . . . County President: II Area Press Relations The Hon. Mrs. S. R. CUBITT. ~fficer (Aw;<iliary) . . County Vice-Presidents: Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. WILLIS, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O. eomrrusSiOner . Marjorie, COUNTESS OF BRECKN~CK (Nursing). Ar: superintendent (A) Mrs. M. P. A. CURTI (Nurslflg Cadets) tea superintendent (N) Colonel W. P. S. CURTIS, O.B.E., D.L. , Longdown H~ Area Surg~on o"ffi' . . . Commissioner . T~ord, Nr. Winchester. (Tel. Twyford 2 186). . Area ~~~l(ffficer (&dets) (ft..) Deputy Commissioner. Captam H. P. HENDERSON, C.B.E., D.S.O., H amlet H~ Area ff Offi (Cadets) (N) Hambledon, Hants. (Tel. H a mbledon 648). Area Staff Office\ County Superintendent (N) Miss L. CooPER, The Thatched Cottage, Shirley Hot Area Sta cer. Lyrnington. (Tel. Sway 220). County Surgeon L. M. MAYBURY, M.A., M.B., B.CHIR., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., wood," 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea. Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) Mrs. C. B. DUTFIELD, "Southwinds," Holly Hill Lane, Saris. Green. County Nursing Officer Mrs. E. A. PURKESS, J.P., S.R.N., "Glenleigh," Avenue R Brockenhurst. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Brigadier B. W. WEBB-CARTER, D.S.O., O.B.E., Ashton Colt Bishops Waltham. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Vacant. . . County Staff Officers . A. L. AyMES, Kilnwood, Hillview Road, Michelmersh, \ Area COmIDlSSIOner Romsey. (Treasurer). S . t d nt (A) R. W. HARRIS, 123, Teg Down Meads, W inchester. (Train[. ArArea Super~tende t ( r ) · R ose b crry R ' 1ea uperm en en Mrs. B • V . SANDISO, L ong Vlew, oa,d Alresf(" _ S (Hospital Libraries). I\J~ urgeon Mrs. E. E. YOUNG, 162, Stockbridge Road, Winches. Ar N . Officer (N.H.S.R.) ea ursmg T. W . .BULP~, "Invicta," 165, London Road, Homdti Ar St ff Officer (Cadets) (A) (Public RelatiOns and Press). ea a d ) ( ) E. J. Miller, 12, Appollo Road, Chandler's Ford. (C Area Staff Officer (Ca et Defence). Mrs. M. C. J. BOND, "Rosevere," Watton Road, Holbury. Area Staff Officers . Mrs. r. B. P. SHEARING, 147, Corhampton Road, BournernOl County Secretary . . R. S. BODEN, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. Asst. County Secretary Mrs. J. G. M. BODEN, 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. II'

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .

Area Commissioner

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon


Area Nursing Officer


A. F. R. CLARKE, 60, Kitchener Road, Southampton. Mrs. A. E. ALFORD, 8, Obelisk Road, Woolston, Southampton. W. G. RUSSELL, "Bridaimer," 55, Dell Road, Bitterne Park, Southampton. (Training and C.D.). N. A. WILTON, Odeon Theatre, North Walls, Winchester. Northern Area L. P. BOlTING, 13, Esher Close, Basingstoke. S. WILDE, 4, Nom Hill, Basingstoke. Mrs. G. E. EVANS, Mynster, Church Avenue, Farnborough. Vacant. D. C. GRESSWELL, S.R.N., Park Prewett Hospital, Basingstoke. B. CROSS, 21, Pitman Close, Basingstoke. Vacant. H. N. SHORT, 62, Netley Road, Farnborough. (Training). Mrs. C. P. EBDON, 35, Widmore Road, Basingstoke. R. G. EHLEN, 2, Abbott Close, Basingstoke. H. A. YOUNG, "Grathorne," 36, Boxall's Lane, Aldershot. G. S. WALKER, B.M., B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.S., 2, Reading Road, Farnborough. C. H. EWSTEAD, 20, All Saints' Crescent, Farnborough. (Cadets). Mrs. J. S. DONEY, Pamber Farm, Little London, Nr. Basingstoke. Western Area F. H. STUTfAFORD, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 12a, Grand Avenue, Southbourne, Boumemouth. F . G. OLDE ,5, Cleveland Gardens, Bournemouth. Mrs. . E. SYMES, 34, Coombe Gardens, Bournemouth. F. A. HEIMANN, M.D., L.R.C.P., 12a, Crabton Gose Road, Boscombe. Miss M . Cos EY, S.R. ., Royal Victoria Hospital, Shelley Road, Boscombe. Vacant. Mrs . M. J. O. Fox, S.R . . , "Trehaven," 7, East View Road, Ringwood. A. MAYBURY, Police Station, Ringwood. (Training). R. COOPER, 184, East Howe Lane, Bournemouth.


County Office: SJ.A.B. Headquarters, Widemarsh Street, Hereford. Tel. Hereford 2837. County Presidents: The Lady BIDDULPH. Brigadier F. A. V. COPLAND-GRIFFITHS, D.S.O., M.C. J.P Countv Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. FOLEY, ( ursing). C. A. BLOSSETT (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. Grevil1e PH1LLIPS (Nursing Cadetj). Lieut.-Colonel Sir Terence FALKlNER, BT., Kingsthorne House, Commissioner . . . Nr. Hereford. (Tel. Wormelow 343). H. J. HARRIS, B.E.M., 38, Underhill Road, Tupsley, Hereford. Deputy Commissioner . . Mrs J. . 3. CO GR EVE, Gamstone Garden Cottage, Norton County Superintendent (01) Canon, Hereford. (Tel. Weobley 269). G. M . LLOYD, M.R.C.S .. L.R.C.P. , The New House, Ross-on-Wye. County Surgeon . . Mrs. M. E. C. PORTCH, S.R.N., Leorrtinster Cottage Hospital County Nursing Officer Central Area Leominster. Lieut-Colonel J. D. C. BROWNLOW, O.B.B., Pennington Ho County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) . R. R r 'CK, 51, Mill Street, Hereford. Lymington. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. A . L. GROVES, The Priory, Ledbury. R. T. H ORRIS, Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. Capt. W. MILLS, M.B.E., "Hilldale," Station Lane, Chandk County Staff Officers C. H . PRICE, 12, Aconbury Avenue, Hereford. Ford. Miss M. A. THOMAS, "Aberfoyle," 13, Norwich Road, Bitte( R . . COLWELL, 46, Moor Street, Hereford. L. G. BARRINGTON, 50, Belmont Avenue, Belmont Estate, Park, Southampton. Hereford. (Ci il Defence). A. O. JOHN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., D.CR., 2, Cb~ C A venue, Bitterne, Southampton. Ounty Secretaf'{ . . Mrs. I. C. LOCHHEAD, 40, Alexandra Avenue, Hereford. Mrs. O. R. DAVIES, S.R.N .• "Pinecroft," The Crescent, ROlll~ County Sergeant Major Mr. D . PRICE, 2, Bute Avenue, Hereford.

Eastern Area Colonel E. G. DUTFIELD, T.A., "Southwinds," Holly Hillll.: Sarisbury Green. B. A. HAWKEY, 40, Northcroft Road, Gosport. Lady POWER, Lime Cottage, Brambridge Park, Twyford. C. N. SUTER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Leventhorpe," 1, ElmhQ Road, Gosport. Miss M. F. M. STEPHENSON, S.R. N., 17, Meyrick Road, Por mouth. G. H. WAITES, 91, Randolph Road, North End, Portsrno[ Miss M. M. ROGERS, S.R.N., The Royal Portsmouth Hosp~ Commercial Road' Portsmouth. T. C. GOLDSMITH, 79, Orchard Road, Southsea. (Training). H. S. B ALLINGTON , 62, Teddington Road, Southsea.






Major-General Sir \V. A. George BUR S, K.C.V.O., C.B., D .. 0., O.B.E.,

f.C., Lord Lieutelll'

Coul/ly Vice-President: Mrs. H. MCCORQUODALE (Nursing Cadets).

Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officers .

County Secretary . . Asst. County Secretary

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. . Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . Area Nursing O fficer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers. . . .


County Vice-Presidents: F. M. CUBBO , Esq. (Ambulance). Lady COWLEY (Nursing). S. J. KNEALE, Esq., O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. M. M. GrLL (Nursing Cadets).

commissioner . '. . "H th B Dputy CommiSSIOner. . ea row," We~ coeunty superintendent (N)

C. C. BEATy-POWNALL, Chief Constable's Office, Douglas. Capt. T. H. HALL, J.P. , Eskham, Devonshire Road, Douglas, Mrs. V. E. KELLY, J.P., Ballaqueeoey Lodge, Ballaquayle Road. Douglas. (Tel. Douglas 3006). A. R . MCPHERSON, M.B., CH.B., 46, Loch Promenade, Douglas Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. E. R. G. CAIN, F.I.A.C., 18, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas.

PERCEY L · R .N . , M.B.E., J.P., (Tel. Welwyn 4108). D. Hardy KrNMONT, M.B., CH.B., 100, Clarence Road Albans. (Tel. St. Albans 51421). ' County Surg~on Offi' cer Co ty Nursmg .,. · D S M lSS . PARKES, B.A ., 21, Park Avenue, St. AJbans, r un Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). t L.N.-53983). Coun y ff Offi (adets) (N) G · W . M A, Y M.B. , B.. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D enham lo' County Sta . S ta lcer y County ecre r . 83, New Road, Ware. Mrs. E. BILK, B.SC., Friars Mead, St. Stephens Avenue Albans. ' ISLE OF 'VIGHT G. Henderson SMITH, 97, Haymeads, Dig well Hill WeI". County Office: Garden City. ' " Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. Tel. Ryde 2955. Miss 1. DAVIES, 109, London Road, St. Albans. COllntl' President: Mrs. Hilda MADER, S.R.N., "Crossways," Point Clear Osyth, Essex. ' His Grace The Duke of ,vELLINGTO , K.G. Miss WOOD, B.A. 19, Park Avenue, St. Albans. F. R. B. H. KE ,'EDY, 1.B.E., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., J.P., Wootton F. J. MIDDLETON, 26, Cannons Close, Bishops Storti Commissioner Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. (Records). T. HA IBLY, M.I .C.S., L.R.C.P., "Meadowcroft," Salisbury Road, D· . H' C LARK, B.D.S., L.D., S.R.C.S., S.R. ., 27, BlackbL County Surgeon Ryde. Bishops Stortford. N . Offi . A. EXELL, S.R. '., 17, Ashley Road, Ryde. ~~c~~rEMMING, 98, Springfields, Welwyn Garden City. ~~~~~ St~R~fiicer ~~dets) (A): A. P. Co {PTO , 93, :High Street, Sandown. ' County Staff Oflker (Cadets) ( '). Mrs. B. K. Jucobs, The Grange, Alverstone. M rs. B·. I . R OGERS, 14, Jennmgs P oad, t. Albans. (Tel \ C t Staff Officers G. M. HO'.1 \ " M.R.C.P.,M. R.C.S. ,"Monkspath," Limerstone, Albans 51239) oun y . . r .• ewport. (ijc Ambulance Divisions, West Wight). E. F. MILLGr\TE, "Femcotte," Castle Road, Newport. Eastern Area Irs. . J. R. M DE , J.P ., Norcott Cottage, Mitton Lane, Bembridge. (Hospital Libraries). W. APPLETO . "Lyndhurst," Puckeridge, ! r. Ware. Ii E. H. RICHARDSO" r.S.A., Regal Chambers, Shanklin. Puckeridge 457). (Treasurer-Admin.). S. F. PORCHER, "Colville" 44 St. Johns Avenue, Harlo\\', J. . Mli. 'RO. l e'vbridge, r. Yarmouth. . Vacant. G. BARTO'l, "Waverley," Gravel Pit Road, Wootton Bndge. . J. Munro SHERRIFF, B.SC., L.R.C.P.(W.) L.R.C.S.(EO.), LR.P Mi s E. 1. E. CA\ 5, "Seacroft," Queen's Road, Ryde. County Secreta ry . (aLAS.), 23, Salisbury Avenue, Harpenden. Vacant. Mrs. B. D. CRADDOCK, S.R.N., 68, Woodstock Road SOL: St. Albans. JERSEY Vacant. COllnty Office' Vacant. Midvale Road, Jer ey. Tel. Cent. 24163.

Western Area Area Commissioner

Tel. Douglas 2121.

County President :

Tel. L.N.-54333.

County President:



County Office: Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man.

County Office:




HERTFORDSIDRE 7, Marlborough Road, St. Albans, Herts.


T. H. BURGESS, J.P., "Coonor," 17, King Edwards Road, \I~1 (Tel. Ware 345). K. C. WARNER, 92, Bursland, Letchworth. Miss E. ATKINS, 101, Old Hale Way, Hitchin. G. M. MIALL-SMlTH, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.PE. ~. Guessens Walk, Welwyn Garden City. MISS O. M. DAVIES, S.R.N., St. Albans City Hospital, NormaD~! Road, St. Albans. J. N. G. TROUGHTON, 312, Northbridge Way, Hemel Hem~ stead. Miss W. M. HART, Blue Stile, Priory Close, Royston. , Mrs. F. CHAPMAN, 1, Frogmore Cottages, Lower High Stret; Watford. (Cadets). . Mrs. H. M. BENNETT, 49, Fordwich Road, Welwyn GardenO~,

County President: Guy Malet de CARTERET, Esq.

COllnt v Vice-Presidents: The Countes of JERSEY (Nursing). Lady TRENT (Nllrsing Cadets). H. R. S. POCOCK, Les iemes, St. Peter, Jersey. COmmissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner . Vacant. Mrs. U. MALET DE CARTERET, St. Ouen's Manor, St. Ouen, County Superintendent (N) Jersey. . County Surgeon . . R. L. OSMO T M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Dunderave, FIrst Tower. County NurSing Officer . . . Vacant. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). A. J. Le Mo IER, 12, Princess Place, Greve d'Azette, Jers.ey. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. D. MACFADYE , La Turbie, Claremont Road, St. Heher Jersey. County Staff Officers . Mrs. G. DAWSON, La Ruette, Victoria Village, Jersey.






Miss B. Le HUQUET, Le Chalet, Bagatelle Road St & Jersey. ( adets). ' . ea Commissioner . E. D. . BURBIDGE, Heytesbury, Fauvic, Jersey. ~~ea superintendent ( ) A. G. BURT, Balmoral Avenue, St. Clement, Jersey Area Surgeon. . Miss L. Du EU, Tunbridge, Georgetown Road, Je·rse)'. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) t~~ Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

County Secretary & Treasurer

KENT County Office :

Area Staff Officer .




No.3 Area E. A. HERBERT, "Brynmawr," 48, Plains Avenue, Maidstone. Vacant. Dr. Gertrude NICHOLSO ,2, Dunedin Court, Cheriton Gardens, Folke tone. J. G. PERRY, 18, Castweaz]e, Tenterden. Mrs. D. M. BAILEY, "Maywood," New Road, Saltwood, Hythe. Mrs. J. M. PERCIVAL, S.R . . ,74, Bower Mount Road, Maidstone.

St. John House, 41, Church Street, Maidstone. Tel. Maidstone 55924.

Count )' Presidents: The Countess of GUlLFORD. J. H. DAY, Esq., M.B.E. (Ambulance).

Countv Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Rev. Dr. A. W. ROSE (Ambulance). J. H. H. DAVIS, Esq. (Ambulance Cadets). Viscountess ALLE BY OF MEGIDDO (Nursing Cadets). Lady DE LNG. Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon Asst. County Surgeon. County Nursing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officers

County Secretary


Major-General G. BRUNSKILL, C.B., M.C., D.L., The Ch, Hawkburst. (Tel. Hawkhurst 2283). Brigadier J. V. DAVIDSO -Hou TO, LB.E., Magpie House, Speldhurst. Lady CUMBERBATCH, "Monk's Park," Wadhurst Sussex 167). ' .. R. H. PERCIVAL, M.A., M.CH.(OXO .), F.R.C.S. (ENG.), D 74, Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. Dr. J. A. CARMAN, "Wentways "East tuddel, Dover. Mrs. I. M. HOBY, S.R. .) 4, Horsted Way, Rochester. C. G. D. SMITH, 67, Sidney Street, Folkestone. Mrs. J. G. HOUCH! , ' Minstead, Saltwood, Hythe. H. N. HARVEY, Barclays Bank Ltd., Maidstone. (Tre&. Miss C. HIGHAM, 98, Maidstone Road, Rochester. T. L. ISAAC, 238, Maidstone Road, Rochester. (Trainin, Mrs. PRING, Mount Top, The Close, Saltwood, H (N.H.S.R.) Miss J. M. FALWASSER, Rutland House, West M. (Library). Mrs. M. KELSEY, Brocks Ghyll, Wadhurst, Sussex. (Aprl M. JONES, 171, Sutton Street, Maid tone. Brigadier C. E. M. HERBERT, C.B.E., "Stonehayne," Star. Ashford. (Admin.) (Publicity). Mrs. s. M. R. POWELL, M.B., CH.B., 2, Johnstone Court Sandgate Road, Folkestone. B. T. BEAUMONT, M.B.E., "PembJes," Doddington, Sf boume. (Tel. Doddi n.ston 230).

Area Nursing Officer

No.1 Area Capt. J. M. RVM'ER-JO E , C.B.E., M.C., West Kent COl Club, Bickley, Kent. Miss L. H. BUR S-HARTOPP. Dalby Lodge, HawkhufSl J. W. PfPER, M.R.C.S., L.:1.C.P., 247, Single\.\ell Road, Gralf\ S. IGHTINGALE, 3, Elm Cottage, Edenbridge, Kent Mrs. V. A. WI TER, 44, Meadow Road, Rusthall, Tunn' Wells. Mrs. L. A. MEDHURST, 19/21, Church Street, Burham. Rochester. Mrs . 1. A. JEWISS, 19, Grange Road, Kippington, Sevelli

Area Area Area Area Area Area

No.2 Area B. T. BEAID/IONT, M.B.E., "Pembles " Doddington, Sittingbo::: Mrs. I. PAPWORTH, "Tregarthen'" Vale Road Whitsta~­ AJex CHAU,.fERS, M.B., CH.B., 8, London Road,' Sittingbor' F. C. ROLFE, 11 , King's Road, Birchington. Mrs. E. M. HEYWOOD, 15 , Salisbury Road , Herne BayIIsI C. R. L. WALLACE, 96, Hugin Avenue, St. Peters, Broa

Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

Asst. Area Supt. (N)

Commissioner . Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officer .

DUKE OF LANCASTER'S DISTRICT District Office: 15-17, Mount Street, Preston.

Tel. Preston 2239.

District President: The Earl of DERBY, M.C.

District Vice-Presidents: The Countess of SEFTO (Nursing). Lord SHUTTLEWORTH, M.C. (Ambulance Cadets). The Countess PEEL (Nursing Cadets). Colonel V. F. ROYLE, E.R .D ., D.L., 67, Church Street, Lancaster. Commissioner . Major S. EwsQr,r, T.D., J.P., M.B., CH.B., F.R.C.S., 34, Princes Deputy Commissioner Way, leetwood, L a n e s . . . Major W. H. ALKFR, 35, BrookSide Avenue, Liverpool, 14. C. 1. EASTWOOD, 42, Lune Street, Preston. Assistant to Commissioner The Lady Mary HESKETH, J.P., Meols Hall, Southport. (Te~. District Superintendent (N) Southport 88171). Colonel R. G. W. OLLERE SHAW, T.D., E.R.D., Q.H.S., M.A. B.M .• District Surgeon M.R.C.S., D.M.R.D., 4, Pine Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. Ass!. District Superintendent (N) M. M. REEKIE, M.B., CR.B., 7, Rowsley Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. Mr . J . McO. STEVE S, .R . . , 23, Stanley Grove, Penwortham, District Nursing Officer Pre ton. District Staff Officer (Cadets (A). R. HARLE"WORTH 1473, Ashton Old Road, Higher Openshaw. 'Iancheste!', 1 I. District Stafr Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. E. ISBET, 4, Netherton Park Road, Litherland, Liverpool, 21. . Major 1. D. CAMERO , M.B.E., T.D., Kings Fold, Pope Lane, District Staff Officers . Penortham, Preston. (Public Relation & Surgeons' Dept.) F. 'II . LONGWORTH, ]02, Abbey Hey Lane, Higher Openshaw, Manchester, 11. (Cadets). V. S. HELMORE, 8, East Terrace, Euxton Lane. Chorley. (C.O.). Miss J. B. I\1. LOI'DEN, 2a, Lord Street West, Southport. (Com"ctitions). W. E. SEARL 91, ,vater Park Road, Prenton <;:heshire. N. G. CROS LEY, "ColiLton" Church Lane, Farmgton Moss, Leyland. (Competition.). Lieut.-Col nel G. A. STEFi..E, M.B., Cn.B., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., "The Beechr>-:," Tabby's Noo~, Newburgh, nr. Wigan. (Tra~~g). Me. J. , rEBSTER, 68, Dc\onshir Road, Atherton. (Trammg). Hr. B. HARWOOD, 7, Tipping Street, Altrincharn. (Competitions). Ellcn W. M. S,Cf.-\W, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.S., 7, Te.nterden Street, Burt Mrs. E. flaskill, 50 Turnbull Road, LongsIght, Mancbeste~, b. Mr. E. CHARLESWORTH, 1473, Ashton Old Road, HIgher Opel . ha\\, ian hester, 11. G. . HANKT!'.", -+3, Argyll Road, Blackpool. (Treasurer. Auxiliary). J. E. Hn:'r. F, "Greeba," 34, Fairhope A,enue, The 'ale, Lancaster. District Secretary . Major T. E. SPENCER, M.B.E., T.D., 15. Mount Street. Preston.




No.1 Area Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent Area Surgeon .


Area ursing Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officer .

Vacant. H. SMALLEY, S.R.N., Hill View, Hospital Cottages, Ri/x Area Nr. Preston. '. ea Mrs. M. M. MEG ITT, 10, Bryer croft, Wllpshlre, Blac\c ~ a Colonel R .. C. WEBSTER, B.SC., M.B., D.CH., D.P.H., D.C!i· Ar:a Harley Villas, Todmorden. Area F. L. BAMTES 4, Park Lane, Brierfield. E. V. MA 0 , 134, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood ea Mrs. O. DAWES, "Belgrave," 475, Re idge Road, Bla~k~ ~ea G. \ OOTTON, 38, We tbourI?-c Avenue, Bumley. (Cn.). Area Mr . d. HEAP, 148, Brun Wick Street, Nelson. F. SHARROCK, 55, Selon Road, Blackbum. (Training).

Commissioner superintendent (A) superintendent ( ) Surgeon. . Nursing Officer Staff Olliccr (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers.


No.5 Area Lt.-Col. G. K. C. LYSTER-ToDD, O.B.E., Dial House, Higher Lane, Rainford, Lancs.

J. A. LUCAS, 26, Zig-zag Road, Liverpool, 12. Mis K. L. THOMAS, I, Withnell

lose, Liverpool, 13.

T. .E. LLOYD, M.B., H.B., 12, Ambleside Road, Liverpool, 18. Ml s M. R. DORS, 14, Ashcombe Road, Stoneycroft, Liverpool, 14. W. A. LA GTON, 24, Paignton Road, Liverpool, 16. Miss A. SEDDO , 46, Parkside Drive, Liverpool, 12. T. E. TAYLOR, 24, Latrigg Road, Aigburth, Liverpool. J. E. CROOK, 31, Renville Road, Liverpool, 14. J. HOLMES, 23, Bampton Road, Liverpool, 16. W. pr eER, 81, Greenwich Road, Liverpool, 9. (Cadets) . Mis . J. WELLOCr<, 12, Old Racecourse Road , Maghull, Nr. Liverpool.

No.2 Area Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Nursing Officer .

Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) Area Staff Officers .

Majo r H. L. ISHERWOOD, T.D., "Wenallt," 12, lew C. Road, Bolton. Area E. MASON, 15, Wood Road orth, Manch.ester, 16. Area Miss A. RIGBY, 60, Ce~Tetcry .Ro~d, S~mton. Area J. R. A. Luckas, M.B., mgleslde, Tyldesley, Maocheiu Area J. E . CAPES, S.R.N., "Glencoe," 235, Walmcrsley Road,~ field, Bury. Area L. J. EVA s, 74, Hazelhurst Road, Vorsley. Area Mr . L. HODCROlT, 319, Manchester RO:ld, Tyldesley. Area Mi s E. N. FULTo. , 272, New Brook Road, Atherton Area Manchester. Miss M. Venables, 137, Blantyr" Street, Swinton , Manel F. SPEAK!VlA , 59, Ba.rton Road, "orsley, Manchester.

Commissioner . superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadcts) (N) . Staff Officers. . .

Area Commissioner o. 3 Area

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Surgeon District Staff Officer Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) Area Staff Officers .

Area Superintendent (A) G. HALBERT, 298, Waterloo Street, Oldham. Area Superintendent (N) G. IMESON. "Thorncliffe," 83, Houghton Lane, Swintou Area Surgeon . V. H. VHEBLE, B.M., F.R.C.S., "Greeba," 169, Buxton R Mile End, Stockport. Area Nursing Officer . Miss K. LA IB, M.B.E., 7, Tenterden Street, Bury. 1iss F. GARD: ER, S.R .. . , 21, Bolton R0aJ orth, EdcL District Staff Officer . . . Ramsbottom, Bury. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) J. DIGGLE, 22, Baildon Road, Passmonds, Rochdale. Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Mrs. N. Sr.-11TH, I Y, The Avenue, Seed field, Bury. Area Staff Officer. . . J. STALEY, 590, Oldham Road, Asht on-under-L)lle .. Mrs. M. Swinnerton, 19, herwood A'cnue, Radcliffe, chester. Area Commis ioner Area Superintendent (A)

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area ursing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .

No.4 Area Major .T. R. MJDDLEHURST, 49, Rivington Road, SI. Hf Area Surgeon . N. WHITE, 24, Ashurst Drive, Parr, St. Helens Mrs. MILLf GTO. , S.R . . , 33, Columbia Road, Pre cot. · C 0 Ione I ARE . . DWARDS, T. D. L.M.S.S.A., "The M~· L leut.Birchfield Road, Widncs. Mrs. D. MALTMAN, S.R. 1" 8, Alder Road, Prese?!. R. W. BA K, 94, Meeting Lane, Penketh, Wamngton. Mrs. A. R. WILLfAMSO , 112, Chester Road, Grappen: Warrington. W. CLOUGH, 184, Wellfield Street, Warrington.. (( H. FERNLEY, 5, Elkan Road, Crow Wood, WJdoes. Defence). t D. MACDONALD-WALKER, 17, Kipling Grove, Sutton ,,St. Helens. W. POTTS, 38, Chapel Lane, Coppull.

Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officers.



' 0.

7 Area

rea J. H ,\LL, 41, Windermere Road, South Shore, BlackpooJ. R. V. ROGERSO"l, 30, Devon hire Road, Chorley. r . 1. HAIGH, 37 Blenheim Avenue, Blackpool. Surgeon Lt.-Commander P. J. J. WREi , Monks Gate, Hardacre Lane, hittle-Ie-Woods. <lcant. H. 1 FEDHA 1, 34, Bent Lane, Leyland, Preston. Mi s C. BA 'K , 207, Cunliffe Road, outh Shore, Blackpool. . H. COOPER, 9, Grange Avenue, Thornton. Mr . E. WRIGHT, 212, Poulton Road, Fleetwood. 1

01. D. B. Lo G, \I.C., T.D., "Ru kenville, Sandylands PromenJ.dc, Morecarnbe and Heysham. W. H. BL R 'S, 48 Pro inclal Street, Barrow-in-Furness. Mi s L ROGER, 48, Brunswick Road, Morecambe. lV. W. M. McKfl'I EY, M.B., CH.n., Hill Crest, 85, West End Road, Morecambe. 1iss E. Ic 'ILL, S.R . . , 24, Thorncliffe Road, Barrow-inFurne . W. G. SOUTHER. , \I.B., Park Stile, Broughton-in-Furness. J . ROSSFf[LD, 9, Bri tol Street, Vvalney Barrow-in-Furness. Mrc; I f. G \W E, 17, Roo. e Road, Barrow-in-Fume s. J. H. HOL\1ES. 1 5, Devon hire Road, Millom, Cumberland. (Civil Defence). , TO.

8 Area

Aajor R. L. S. RAFFLES, T.D., Dene House, Dene Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. . R. KAY, M.B.E .. 24, Sunningdale D ri e, Pre twich, Nr. Manchester. G. O. HLGHI , \1.B., CH.B., i.R.C.., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.I.H., 52, Hill Top Road, Cheadle Hulme. Mrs. E. G. ISBISTER, .R . . , Oak Dene, Chatham Road, Manchester, 16. H. BARKER, 202, Brookland Road, ale. acant. F. M. BAKER, 10, Waverly Road, Sale, Manchester. J. H. BROWN, 27, Moorcroft Drive, Burnage, Manchester, 19. ( ivi\ Defence). Mr . M. PLATT, 10, Bradshaw Fold Avenue, 1 ew Moston, Manchester, 10. Miss A. BIRCH, 9, Bridge Street, Guide Lane, Audenshaw, Manche ter. J. D. W. RA KIl , S.R . . 51, orthem Grove, West Didsbury, Manchester, 20. (Training).







LINCOLNSlllRE County Office:

County Office: 112 Regent Road, Leicester.


Tel. 58345.

County President: The Lady Helen BFRRY.

County Vice-Presidents:

Park Farm, Ketton, Stamford, Lincolnshire. Tel. Ketton 256.

County President: The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ANCASTER, T.D., J.P.

County Vice-Presidents:

Miss M. I. I ARTRIDGE ( ursillg). The Lord BROW LOW, J.P., D.L. Lady Cracroft AMCOTTS (Nursing). E. J. L. COTTO (Amhulance Cadets). Air Marsh.,.! Sir John BALDWIN, 1'.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., J.P., "Park Commissioner . L. LEE, 55, Welland Vale Road, Sp · nccfield Lane, Lel~oromissioner . (Tel. Thumby 5739). Farm, Ketton," Stamford, Lincs. (Tel. Ketton 256). M. C. LAVIN, J.P., M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Ill, Oxford Deputy Commissioner. . Vacant. CommIssIOner. Street, Clcethorpes. (Tel. Cleethorpes 61328). Miss E. F?LWELL, "Wistow," Southemhay Road, Lei teputy County Superintendent (N) Mrs. E. M. EPTON, J.P., The Grange, Canwick, Lincoln. (Tel. Lelce tel' 74685). ounty Superintendent (N) (Tcl. Lincoln 21973). County Surgeon T.. M. GIS 0 , M.B., H.B., 176, Leice tel' Road, Moun~ R. E. CRocKAT r, M.B., CH.B., Sudeley House, Sutton Bridge, County Nursing Officer . . . MIse P. GOODALL, .R . . , .C.M., The Royal Infirmary, LeK;0uoty Surgeon . Spalding. County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). E. HE)'WOOD-S;'llTH, 9, Shanklin Avenue, Leicester. . ounty NurslDg Officer . . . Mrs . D. ROGERS, S.R.N., 221, Boultham Park Road, Lincoln. County Staff Officer (Cadet) (N). Vacant. Miss C. WARD, 34, Edel in Road, Loughborough ounty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) . H. A. BRO\; " 93, Eastgate, Sleaford. County Staff Officers . tirs. . M. BREAM, 5 ,Stoneygate ourt Flats LO~donfbunty Staff Officer (Cadet) (N). Vaca n t. Leicester. ' hunty Staff Officers. . . . J. P \DDJSO , 65. Cambridge Street, Cleethorpes. (Secretary). F. G. LAT HH.r, 47, Swallowbeck Avenue, Doddington Road, Miss V. M. V. LUSCOMBE, O.B.E., S.R.N., S.C.M., 87, Bu' Lincoln. stone Drive, Leicester. uptain P. 1. E. WELDY EVERARD. R.N., Glebe House, Muston M iss A. GABRIEL, 53, Peter's Drive, Leicester. Botlisford, Leic . P. W. JACK 0 53, Myrtle Road, Leicester. M . H. DICK] s, 18, Uffington Avenue, Hartsholme. D. ~ARKMAN, .R.N., R.M . . , M.R.I.P.H.H., 1, Brackley c~unty Sergeant- aJor 1 orthern Area LeIcester. A. B. HUDSON, 12, Lydbrook Road, Scunthorpe. County Secretary . uea Superintendent (A) Miss M. J. FREER, 112, Regent Road, Leicester. Mrs. L. DOUGHTY, 22, Burke Street, Scunthorpe. \rea Superintendent (N) Eastern Area R. . ALLE, LB., B.CH., B.A.O., M.D., 3, Cromwell Road, \rea Surgeon . Vacant. Area Commissioner . leelhorpcs. Area Superintendent (A) C. R . TOWELL, Palel House, Gladstone Avenue, ~IL. . Offi cer. . . Vacant. \ltl1 Iffiilllg Mowbray. W. . COLEBROOK, 549, Laceby Road, Grimsby. \.rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. P. r. . STORRER, 381, Hainton Avenue, Grim by. ~ Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Surgeon Vacant. Mr . OBIEDZI SKY,S, bercorn Street, Scunthorpe. Area Staff Officer, City of Leicester Area Central Area Area Commissioner . Vacant. Area Superintendent (A) Major R. G. CUUfTT, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., L.M., DIP. OBST.U.C.C., Vacant. Area Commissioner D.OB T.R.C.O.G., leaford Manor House, Sleaford. (Tel. Area Superintendent (N) Miss M. J. FREER, 103, arborough Road, South LeiCf Area Surgeon leaford 1 ). A. R. BRADLEY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., 335, Humhe' Road, Lei ~ster. Area Superintendent (A) W. GRLE . , 138, Scorer Street, Lincoln. Area ursing Officer. . Vacant. Area Superintendent (N) Mr . W. V. JUBB, 99, Chaucer D rive, St. Giles, Lincoln. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. . GREE WOOD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 30, West Street, HornR. CREWE, 75, Moores Road, Leice ter. Area Surgeon . . . Area Staff Officers. castle. Miss C. SHOOTFR, 9, Oakthorpe A venue, Leicester. Vacant. R. JULIA , 81, Ha.zel Street, Leicester. Area Nlffiiing Officer. . Vacant. E. E. HUDSON, 77, Hazel Street, Leicester. ~rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. K. SHAW, 73, Repton Road, igston. &.rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. A. K. Radford, 32, Boundary Street, Bracebridge, Lincoln. Miss B. FREER, 30 , Beaumont Lcys Lane, Leicester. outhern Area Miss D. G. H , MPSON, 90, Uppcrton Road, Leicester. Area Commissioner . Vacant. J. MCCAFFERTY, 7, H 'lddenham Road, Leicester. Area Superintendent (A) . J. W. SHORT, 125, Ryhall R oad, S tamford. N~tio:lal Coal Board Area Area Superintendent (N) . Mrs. 1. START, Stonegate, Spalding. Vacant. Area Superintendent (A) . S. A. lVJcKEE, "I vanhoe," 112, Broomleys Road, CJrea Surg~on . . . . Area Surgeon Vacant A. H. M. CAMPBELL, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Green Hedges, l ~a NSturffslllogffiOfficer . . Road, AShby-de-Ia-ZoLich. ea a cer (Cadets) (A) Vacant. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. H. SWAGE, Ivanhoe Villa, Moira Road, Donis(tArea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. M. E. PLEDGER, Tinwell House, Stamford. Nr. BurLon-on-Tr:!nt. Area Staff Officer . J. N. AD£Y, 74, Common Road, Church Gresley, Burt(\' Trent. LONDON (pRINCE OF Vv ALES 'S) DISTRICT Area Sergeant Major T. Wilkinson, 210, High Street, Woodville, Burton·on·T Headquarters: Western Area 29, Weymouth Street, W.l. Tel. Langham 6762. Area Commissioner . Vacant. District President: Area Superintendent (A) H. A. JOHNSTON, 114, HoUycroft, Hinckley. Air Vice-M arshal Sir ROBERT GEORGE, lC.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., M.C. Area Superintendent (N) Vacant. District Vice-Presidents: Area Surgeon . . . . . A. HAMILTON, M.B. , CH.B., D.P.H., 48, London Road, CO~ Lord Nathan of CHuRT. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. H. F. \'/ ARD, 9, Oakley Road, Shep hed. . D oreen , Lady BRABOURNE, C.1. Area Staff Officer . J. T. KE 1NY, 73, F a irfield Road, Hu ggIcscote, Coah~lk Edwin BAYLISS, Esq., O.B.E., D.L., J.P., L.C.C. Lady Pamela HICKS.





Group ~aptain G. H. PIRIE, C.B.E., 7, Carysfort lio Halkm Street, S.W.l. (Tel. Belgravia, 1561). USe,\


Sir. De?ys LOWSON, BT., 56, Gresham Street, E.C 2 Bngadler J. W. HINCHCLIFFE, D.S.O., 20, Petersh'a ' Elvaston Place, S.W.7. (Tel. K 1. 9419). mMe. E. BOWER, O.B.E., 74, Roslyn Gardens, Gidea Pa k (Tel. Romford 43317). r ,4


District Superintendent ( District Surgeon

Mrs. D. Ho DLEY, 38, Heatherset Garden, S.W.16. H. C. STEWART, M.D., B.CH., M.R.C.P., Wilson Rous " Sussex Garden, W.2. e, ~

Asst. District Surgeon.

Squadron Leader K. A. BOUGHTO -THOMAS MB 8, Cathcart Hill, .19. ' .., Q Miss D. M. LEE, .R.N., 2 , Mount Park Road, W.S. Mrs. SEARS, 109, Strawberry Vale, Twickenham.

District Nursing Officer Asst. District Nursing Officer District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). District Staff Officer (Cadet) (N). District Staff Officers .





F. R. DEACON, 140, Peckham Ryde, East Dulwich, S.E.22

W. A. J. REY, OLD, 24, shley Walk. Mill Hill, N,W' M iss D. E. WHITE, 110, Warwick Road, Thornton H. Surrey.

L. .F. ELVIN, 25, Liphook Crescent, For st Hill, S.E.23.(S:1 MIss M. R. M. TUCKWELL, M.B.E., 296, Leigham Court~ S.W.I6. Mi s M. e. CALVERT, 5, Longridge Road , S.W.S. Mrs. D. BUTANOWICH, 11, Manor Gardens Merton ~ S.W.20. (Commissioner's Secretary). ' . Miss M. D . GROOM, 11, Manor Gardens, S.W.20. L. R. ALLUM, 17, Greenwood Close, Thames Ditton, S~ S. e. DEARMER, 4, College Road Winchmore Hill \ (Competitions). ' , Dr. D. D. TOWLE, Lee Park Lodge, Blackheath, S.E.l A. T. BA DY, B.E.M., 43, Gro venor Road, Ilford, E~\; F. G. GRICE, 65, Munster Gardens, Palmers Green, ~ H. A. BENNETT, 12, The Highway, Sutton, Surrey, J. SMITH, 17, Lulworth Road, Weiling, Kent. S .. W. BROOM, 18, Fairlop Road, Ley ton, tone, E.lL Mlss E. G. CRESSWELL, 43, Grosvenor Road , Iiford,1:. e. W. M. HOBDAY, 2, Chancellor Grove, West Dulwicb,E (Stores). Miss B. JOHNSO~, 5, Hatch Road, orbury, S.W.16, J. NUTT, 46, Fairway, Raynes Park, S.W.20. (Distric[ O Adviser). Miss G. CONA T, The Chalet, 113, Station Road, Arne!!:.. Bucks. (Cadets). Miss W. N. CAVERLY, 50, Norhyrst Avenue S.E.2S. (Ca~ Mrs. CLARIDGE, "Winthorpe," Roxborough Avenue, Har. Mrs. DOWNHAM, The Cottage, Littleworth Close, Littlewr Avenue, Esher, Surrey. F. J. HAWKES, 96, Sutton Dwellings, N.!. (Records), F. RAINE-ALLEN, 9, Radnor Avenue, Harrow. (Civil Defee,. H. A. BIGNELL, 13, Kingsley Avenue Hounslow. (Pt: Duties). ' H. A. BOLGER, 113, Farmer Road, Ley ton, E.10, S. L. FORDHAM, 4, Shelbury Road, Dulwich, S.E.22, ('* Treasurer). N. E. CLARK, 144, Brownspring Drive New Eltham, ~1 (Stores). ' Mrs. F. M. JAMIESON, 65, Waterloo Road, Barkingside,JIf~: M: W. SEARLE, 373, Long Lane, East Finchley, N.2, MISS A. M. KING, 368 Hale End Road Highams Park,!' (Training).' , , D. R. Fenton, 54, Hillside Road Southall Middlesex, (Put Duties). (Tel. WAX 2565). ' , A. GILSTON, 21, St. John's Park Mansions, N.19. (Tr~aIUlC F. H. HALLS, 14, Lavers Road, N. 16. (Public Duties), S. SMITH, 4, Heslop Road, Balbam. S.W.12. (Stores),


D~trict Sergeant-Major

District Secretary Ass!. District Secretary Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent ) Surgeon .


ursing Officer

Ass!. Area Nursing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ) Area Staff Officer .

Area Sergeant-Major

Area Commissioner Area Area Area Asst.

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon Area Surg~on'

Area Area Area Area

Nursing Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .

(Stores). Miss M. V. BELFIELD, 37, Maidstone Avenue, Collier Row Lane, Romford. Mrs. R . Beechey-Newman, 2, Evelyn Mans., Carlisle Place, S.W.I. Mrs. H. R. BURT, 33, Glengarry Road, East Dulwich, S.E.22. G. F. TfDY, 32, Mill Farm Crescent, Hounslow, Middlesex. L. G. LOVE, 17, Queen's Gardens, Ealing, W .5. A. G. R. BONE, 12, Abercorn Gardens, Barley Lane, Romford, Essex. (Training). A. S. WYMOUTH, 30, Dorset Road, West Green Road, Tottenham, .15. (Public Duties) . Miss D. A. G. WATTS. 32, Bede House. Manorfields, S.W.15. S. F. PATEMA ,43, Guy Road, Wallington, Surrey. A. A. W. WESTO' , B.E 1., 39, St. George's Road, Hanworth, Feltham. D. J. GRF.E 'HILL, 4, Bertram Street, Upper Holloway, N.19. . F. BAREHAM, 47. Elthome Park Road, Hanwell, W.7. Miss M. H. T. HAW, 19, Poplar Court East, Twickenham. W. W. P CKE, 14, Pembroke Road, Palmers Green, .13 . L. A. HARRIS, 16, Sylvan Close, Selsdon, Surrey. H. M. Pwpps, 75, Durham Road, Bromley.

orthcrn Area . M. SHAW SMITH, 434, West Green Road , N.I5. F. D. KEErE, 1, La\ n Close, Edmonton, N.9. Mrs. V. M. J El'.KII 'S, 2, St. Thoma Road, Southgate, N.14. M. . O . TER, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., 29, Lordship Park, Stoke e\\ ington .16. Miss E. M. MOORE, S.R . . , Camden House ursery, 103, Chase Road, .14. Mr . G. M. ICHOLLS, 46, Woodland Rise, Muswell HilL N.10. L. . H. HAT'MA, 159, Farm Road, Edgware, Middlesex. Mi S 1. S. B URLEY, St. Francis Cottage, 49, Asmuns Place, .W.ll. Mrs . E. HOBB ,93, Park Drive, Winchrnore Hill, N.2l. (Cadets) P . TACEY, 23, New River Crescent, Palmers Green, N.13. (Competitions). R. W. SEABRfDGE, 21, Mansfield Road, N.W.3. (Cadets). T. W. WEST, 93, Pembury Road, Tottenham, N. 17. (Publicity). e. F. WOODWARD, 58 , Parliament Hill, I .W.3. (Cadets). Mis B. CREASEY, 34, Bramley Close, Bramley Road, Southgate, .14. Mrs. K. J. STYLES 9, The Avenue, Potters Bar. Mrs. 1. M. TR FFORD SMITH, 30, Stormont Road, Highgate, N.6. (Cadets). E. H. ARNOLD, 30, Bruce Road, Barnet, Herts.


South Eastern Area E. A. WHEBLE, 18, Silccroft Road, Bex1eyheath, Kent. (Tel. Bexleyhcath 5451). H. E. CHAPUl, 5, Mottingham Gardens, S.E.9. Mi s E. A. GOLDI G, 116, Mottingham Road, S.E.9. E. B. DAW 0 , LB., B.S., 109, Crofton Road, Orpington, Kent. W. N. WHITESIDE, M.B. , B.CH., B.A.O., B.A., 6, Rodway Road, Bromley, Kent. H. BUGG, 74, Maxwell Gardens, Orpington, Kent. H. J . GARDINER, 6, Pinnell Road, Eltham, S.E.9. Miss W. E. WILLIS, 179, Hazelbank Road, Catford, S.E.6. A. R. WILLIS, 27, Worsley Bridge Road, S.E.26. (Cadets). W. J. WADE, 20, Harvard Road, Lewi bam, S.E.13. (Competitions). L. J. FIELD, 31, Tiverton Drive, New Eltham, S.E.9. (publicity). H. WRIGHT, 192, Avenue Road, Erith, 1 ent. (Civil Defence). H. G. H. FARROW, 8, Spa Close, South Torwood Hill, S.E.25. (Treasurer).



Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . . Assistant Area Surgeons

Area ursing Officer. . Asst. Area ur~ing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) Area Staff Officers.

Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner Area Area Area Asst. Area

Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Area Surgeon Nursing Officer

Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .



Mrs. A. E. JAKI S, 6, Ardbeg Road, Heme Hill, S.E ll (N.H.S.R.) R. A. FLET HER, 249, Parkside Avenue, Barnehurst K (Cadet ). ' en~ Miss G. M. SKUDDER, 18, Qucenswood Road, Sidcup K, (Cadets). ' en Miss C. M. SHERYER , 20, Colepitts Wood Road, Eltham Sf D. J. M RFITT, 27, Cole Street, Borough, S.E.1. ,.' South 'W estern Are Dr. Ian FLETCHE~, 51 , Avondale A ven ue, Hinchley Woo:. Surrey. C. W. HIPKI s, 24, Amis Avenue, We t Ewell, Surrey. Mrs. O. K. Ru ELL, 39, Thornlaw R oad, V. orwood, S.E:· Dr. A. CONN, J, Thorndon Gardens, Ewell, Surrey. N. M. O. HLWETT, B . . , M.R . . S., L.R.C .. , B.OB:iT., R.C.OJ 1, Belvedere Dnve, S.W.19. J. S. HORNER, 1.B, CH.B" D.P.H., D.l.H., 60, Copse AienL, Ve t Wi kham, kent. Miss B. DE A EY, ::i.R.N., 41, v hitgift venue, South Crovdo' Mi",s D . 1 . WHITE, Flat 16, Homcfield House, Home&' Road, Old Coulsdon, Surrey. F. W. HILL, 20, unnymead Road, Roehampton S,W.li Mrs. J. FORBES, 25 Ips\ ieh Road, S.W.I7. ' . G. A. LOCKE, 29, Dickerage Road, Kingston, Surrey. (Finana L. M. CROTO , Kegdon, The Hatches, Frimley, Surrey. E. C. SUMPTER, 45, Pitcairn Road, Mitcham. (Cadets). F. R. FREWIN, 84, Toynbee Road, S.W.20. (C.D.~: Publicity). 1iss C. FRAMPTO , 55 Worcester Road, Sutton Surrel. S. J. DEAR, 15. Carlingforc1 Road, Morden Pa~k. Suir~ Miss M. A. NEVILLE-KAYE, 104, Clyde Road, AddiscoIDre Croydon. E. B. HAMLEY, 5, St. Saviours Road, Croydon. Miss D. E. BARKER, 82, Sherwood Avenue, S.W.l6. G. T. PICKARD, 84, Melrose Avenue, Wimbledon Park, S.w. ~ Mrs. W. C. SHORTER, 20, Zerrnatt Road, Thornton Hea~ (N.H.S.R.). A. R. H.ARRIS, 42, Edward Road, East Croydon, Sum (Cadets). Mrs. E. HOWARD, 4 Dennett Road, West Croydon, SUITt (Cadets) F. WHEADON, 243, Woodmansterne Road, Streatham, S.\\ It Vacant.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . Ass!. Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Ass!. Area Area Area

Area ursing Officer . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major

Western Area Area Commissioner Lieut-Col. R. A. PAYNE, 4, Wentworth Park, Church End Finchley, .3. Area Superintendent (A) F. 1. JONES, 5, Bowes Road, Bast Acton, W.3. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. E. NORFORD, 14, Scotts Road, Southall. Area Surgeon . . Dr. C. J. P. SEC COMBE, 20, Western Road, Southall. Ass!. Area Surgeon H. MANDIWALL, M.B., B.S., L.D.S., 234, Staines Road, Hounslo~, Miss C. N. LALL, S.R.N., 83, Sinclair Road, W. Kensingto~ Area ursing Officer. . W.14. Ass!. Area Nursing Officer . Mrs. J. M. NOBLE, High Trees, Hamhaugh Island, SheppertoD Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Lock. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) L. W. TAYLOR, 76, Flamborough Road, Ruislip, Middlese t Vacant. Area Staff Officers . J. Boss, 77, Salisbury Road, Baling, W.13. J. G. WARNER, 21, Holden Avenue, Kingsbury, N.W.'· (Finance). Miss K. BARRIE, 56, Cardington Square, Hounslow Heatn. (N.H.S.R.) Mrs. H. K. EVANS, 77, Gunnersbury Avenue, Eating, W.l. G. L. SMITH, 113, Clitherow Avenue Boston Manor, W.1. A. F. COOK, 49, Rosebery Road,' Hounslow, Middlesex. Area Sergeant-Major . (Cadets).




A. E. HILL, 27, West Court, Wembley, Middlesex. (Competitions). Avenue, G. H. CONNELL, "Kingsland 20, Chatsworth Wembley, Middlesex. (Civil Defence). Miss F. M. DEAN, 22, Chandoos Rad, Harrow, Middlesex. B. L. HUMPHREYs, 58a, High Street, Pinner, Middlesex. Mrs . Y. E. DAVIES, 109, Barmouth Avenue, Peri vale, Greenford. (Cadets). Miss E. M. EASMITH, 27, Wingate Road, Hammersmith, W.6. (Cadets). L. S. EVA S, 8, Worple Way, Harrow. (Competitions). Eastern Area Major T. M. WILKS, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Cottage, Kiln Road, Thundersley, Essex. R . T. BAX, L.D.S., R.C.S.(E G.), 5, Queens Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. Mis . L. MOORE, \1.B.E., 105, South Park Drive, Seven Kings, Essex. Dr. A. F. McDo ALD, 76, Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex. D. L. PEDERSE , M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Pear Tree House, South Ockendon. Miss S. P . WHITE, S.R . . , Doric Cottage, 9, Juniper Drive, Moulsham Estate, Chelmsford, Essex. Miss G. WI 'lECK!, S.R.N., 143, Endlesham Road, S.W.12. H . T. G. WARE, 32, Clare Gardens, Barking, Essex. Miss V. V. MALYA , 7, Tawney Avenue, Upminster, Essex. L. B. WILLS, S.E.N., 31, Belmont Road, Hornchurch, Essex. (Cadets). G. . ATK! S, 72, Hillside Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. (Cadets). Dr. J. L. McK. BROWN, 3, Hempstead Road, Walthamstow, E.17 . L. F . DICK, IS, Alma Avenue, Highams Park, E.4. (Competitions). Miss Y. M. SMITH, 119, King wood Chase, Leigh-on-Sea, Es ex. (Cadets). H. F. MULLIGAN, 80, Rosslyn Avenue, Harold Wood, Essex. Miss B. N. REsKER, 16, Rectory Road, Walthamstow, E.17. (Cadets). W. T. ROSlER, 47, Selwyn Avenue, Newbury Park, IIford. W. G. TARRANT, 1, Burnway, Hornchurch. J . BUTLER, M.M., 70, Byfleets, Vange, Basildon. Mrs. D. J. MULLlGA , 80, Ros lyn Avenue, Harold Wood, Rornford, Essex. L. GOODRUM, 221, Westrow Drive, Barking, Essex. Central Area Colonel H. A. LEWIS, M.B.E., T.D., 19, Kylestrome House, Cundy Street, S.W.I. J. J. A. CAMERON, 82, Evelyn Drive, Hatch End Middlesex. Miss A. NORTH, 100, Inglehurst Gardens, Ilford, Essex. Dr. B. L. STEELE, Penrhyn Lodge, Gloucester Gate, N.W.I. N. W. HAMMER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 106, Mollison Way, Edgware, Middlesex. Miss K. M. PFISTER, S.R.N., 12, Ridgmont Gardens, W.c.!. E. A. WELLS, S.R . . , 3, Chatsworth Road, Croydon. C. W. KIRK, 354, Bury Street West, N.9. Miss P. D. R. STUBBS, 20, Middleton House, Regency Street, S.W.1. .. W. A. T. SHEEN, 181, Liverpool Buildings, N. 1. (Comp~t1tlOns). Mrs. H. C. BIGNELL, 13, Kingsley Avenue, Hounslow, MIddlesex. S. H. SMITH, 11, Rothesay Avenue, Greenford. (Civil Defence). W. H. SMITII, 14, Pinewood Drive, Orpington. (Finance). Miss V. B. THOMAS, 8, Haynes Close, Lee Terrace, Blackbeath, S.E.3. . Mrs. M. L. A. Kr G, 4, Ruskin Park House, Denmark Hill, S.E.5. (N.H.S.R.). L. ADLER, 15 Oakley Drive, Harold Hill, Romford.








NORFOLK County Office: Norwich. Tel. Norwich 21649. COl/lit v Pres idellt : The Rt. Hon. The Earl of ALBEMARLE, M.C., D.L., J.P., c.c. Lady OOK ( ursillg). 20, Castle Meado\


Countv Vice-President: Lt.-Col. Sir Richard BARRETT-LENNARD, Bt., J.P. (Ambulance) Commis ioner Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County ursing Officer . Asst. County Nursing O fficer . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officer County Secretary


Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (N) Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Staff Officer . Area Commissioner Area Surgeon . . Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer . Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Nursing Officer . Area Staff Officer .

No.6 Area (Fakenham) Vacant. M. J. FROST, The Green, East Rudham, King's Lynn. The Hon. Mrs. R. COKE, The White House, Kmg's Lynn. Miss K. M. ALLISON, S.R.N., W. Norfolk and King's Lynn General Hospital. No. 7 Area (Cromer) Major C. GRAN , M.C., Rosedale, Weybourne, H o lt. Vacant. Mi s K. L 'CKRAFT, S.R. . , Cromer Hospital, Cromer. Major P. W. RAYWOOD, T.D., Manor Farm House, orth Barningham, orwich. o. 8 Area (Ayl ham) J. E. KETT, The School House, Cawston, orwich. o. 9 Area (Acle) M. G. FALCO, The Cannons, West Caister, Great Yarmouth. Mr . P. G. CLOWE , Lingwood Lodge, Lingwood, Torwich. o. 10 Area (Yarmouth) R . . CRIGHTO . 59, Blake Road, Great Yarmouth.


ilfea superintendent (A) ~ea Superintendent ( )



ursing Officer .

a Commissioner . :a superintendent ( )

Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas COOK, J.P., Sennowe Park (ea urffsi~ffiOfficer Dereham, Norfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202). 'ea Sta cer Lt.-Col. F. C. ATla -I 0 , The Old Man 0, GuestwicK Dereham. ' Mrs. G. R. D. SHAW, M.B.E., Scottow Hall, r. t\o"~ea Commissioner (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226). D. SCOTT- APIER, M.B., CH.B., "Hillcroft," Eaton Hill, lo~~ea Commissioner . . a superintendent (N) . Tel. Eaton 2000). Vacant. Miss M. WRIGHT, S.R . . , High Silver, Holt. C mmlSSlo ner acan t. Area 0 Mrs. R .. G. ETTRIDGE, Flat 2, The Mount, 91, Rosarv ~ NORTHAMPTON orwlch. . County Office: R. W. MEYNELL, Merrywood House, Berrys Lane Hon:; 2 1, York Road, Northampton. Tel. orthampton l711. ham, Norwich. (A dmin.). ' Count v President: Mrs. J. H. YULL, The Beeches, East D ereham. (Tel. Der The Hon. Mrs. C. ' MACDO ALD-BuCHA A . 48). -0.

Area Area Area Area



County Vice-President: of NORTHAMPTO


1 Area (Norwich)

J. M. WILTON, 10, Daniels Road , orwich. F. J. HARVEY, 8, Brian Avenue, Norwich.

Commissioner . . Deputy Commissioner.

Mrs. E. B . Coryn, 21, Beatty Road, Eaton R ise, NOli . T. BREWIS, M.B., CH.B., Catton ourt, Old ([ County Superintendent ( ) orwlch. County Surgeon . . W. H. PEARSON, 95, Gladstone Street, Norwich. County ursing Officer . . Miss D .. M . HARROLD, 197, North Walsham Road, Sprolli CountyStaff Officer (Cadet ) (A) . . orwlch. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mlss T. M ELBOURNE, 333, Earlham Road, Norwich. (Iral!. County Staff Officers . . . . Mrs. M . A. STONEHOUSE, 192, Plumstead Road East Norwich. ' A. T. C. BARNETT, 46, Greenways, Eaton, Norwich. J . E. Sewell, 37, Leopold Road, Norwich.


No. 2 Area (Wymondham) Squadron-Leader N. A. LINDLEY, "Shrublands," ThaI! Norwich. (Tel. L.S. 389). Mrs. L. M. ROPER , Ellesmere House, Wortham, Nr. D~ No. 3 Area (Thetford) G. M. Dupo T, Park Cottage, Griston, Thetford. o""County Sergeant-MaJ'or A. E. SHELDRAKE, 7, The Crescent, East Harling, '" G. S. ELWIN, "Gayton," H empstead Road, Holt.


Capt. J. . PARKLR, 12, Church Street, Wellingborough. W. . LOCK, M.R.C.S ., L.R.C.P., Leys Furlong, Desborough, orthant. Mrs. . BORWICK, Haselbeck Hill, orthamp ton . Dr. W . J. G. DR KE-LEE, Thorpe House, Headlands, Kettering. Miss E. M. EDMO DS, 16, Woodland Avenue, orthampton. Vacant. Vacant. Mi s G . GAINSFORD, 107, Park Avenue orth, orthampton. Mis 1. HULL 9, Billing Road , orthampton. Mr. . M. THORNTON, BrockhaU, Nr. Weedon, ortham pton. Mrs. P . B . HARRI 0 , 11, Rotbersthorpe Road, Far Cotton, Northampton. (Secretary) . Mr. . R. GILLETI, 204, Dogsthorpe Ro ad, Peterborough. (Cadets) T. SEWELL, 253 Park Road, Peterborough. . H . DICKE 2, Thomby Dri e, Kingsthorpe, Northampton. (Tra ining) J . H . UTTO ,"Beverley," 41, St. Albans Road, 'orthampton. (Trea urer). . E. P LOWMAN, 5, Milton Road , Little Irches ter, \ ellingborough. Peterborough Area Vacant.

No.4 Area (Dereham) Area Commissioner E. 1. PUDDY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Mill H((. Gressenhall. (Tel. Gressenhall 240). I ORTHUMBERLAND Dr. P. D. R . SHANKS, Harvey House, Watton, Thetfol\. County Office: Mrs. J. HIGHET, S.R.N., Dereham Hospital, Dereham . .\ ewca tIe upon T) ne 4. St. John House, Grainger P a rk Road, Mrs. P. D. M. BATTY-SHAW, Appleacre, Barford, Nor~>t:, Tel. Newcastl upon Tyne 37938. No.5. Area (King's Lynn) Vacant. B .. W. MEEK, 12, Paxton Terrace, Kings Lynn. " MISS J. HUGHES, S.R.N. , W. Norfolk and King's Lyon GID~ C Hospital ommissioner H. G. ELLIS, 56, Cresswell Street, Kings Lynn. (Secretary),

County Presidelll: Colonel E. G. ANGUS, C.B.E., M.C.

County Vice-President: Mrs. M. 1. KIRKUP (Nursing). Lieut.-Colonel R. E. W. JOHN 0 , O.B.E., T.D., Darras Hall, Edgehill , Ponteland. (Tel. Ponteland 2368).

56 Deputy Commissioner.


ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE G. H . CROWTHER, 52, Heathwell Road, South Dent . castle upon Tyne, 5. (Tel. 675384). on" J. R. LOGAN, 47, Balmain Road, North Kenton Newcasn Tyne 3. ' tl: Miss M . JACKSON, S.R.N., S.C.M., D.N., Royal Victorialnfi Newcastle upon Tyne. J. BROWN, M.B., B.S., Hill Crest, Horton Road Bebsid a (Tel. Bedlington 2149). ' e, Miss O. M. TA ER, S.R.N., Ashington Hospital Ashin H. B. WATKl S, B.SC., 2, Valley Gardens, Monkse~ton~.





County Office: 20, Castle Gate, Nottingham. Tel. Nottingham 50437. County Superintendent (N) County President: His Grace The Duke of PORTLAND, K.G. County Surgeon County Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel Sir John JARDINE, DT., O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (Ambulance) . County Nursing Officer . . . Lady STARKEY (Nursing). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). F. G. GLOSSOP, Esq., O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets) B~. ," ~ The Countess MANVERS (Nursing Cadets). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. B . M. SALTER.,. "Holm wood," Clayton Road, JeSlt1' H. L. BOSWORTH, O.B.E., Bank Chambers, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Newcastle upon 1 ~ne, 2. Commissioner Notts. (Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 2705). County Staff Officers . E. B. D<?WNEy', 12, RIdgewood Crescent, Newcastle Upon! . . J. T. WATKINS, M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks," Bramcote Lane, (publIc DutIes). ' Duty CoIDIDlsslOner . Wollaton, Nottingham. J. DUN ,20, Walker Ter!ace, Byker, ewcastleuponTr ep J. A. SWANWICK, 222, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Miss ~ ..FEARNSIDE, 15, Vlcars Lane, Newcastle Upon! Cunty superintendent (A) Nottingham. (TramIng). 0 The Lady Anne BENTINCK, Welbeck Woodhouse, Worksop, C. A. HIGGINS, 3, Mitford Gardens, Howden. (Tra~ County Superintendent (N) olt. (Tel. Worksop 2460). G. A. RAy~ERTY, 29, Melrose Avenue, Bedlington S~. R. G. SP~[ 'GER, M.B., CH.B., 170, ottingham Road, Staple(CompetltIOns). County Surgeon ford, otts. W. G. TROTTER, 9, Valeran Avenue, Heddon-on-the.' Mi S H. B. EDWARDS, .R. . , S.C.M., " Maranatha," Nuncargate ewcastle upon Tyne. (Treasurer). County Nursing Officer Road, Kirby-in-Ashfield, Notts. Mrs. E. Robert , 37, Bretton Gardens, High Heaton Ne~ upon Tyne. (N.H.S.R.). ' County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). R. J. ROPER, 13, Haileybury Road, West Bridgford, Notlingham. Miss M. B. NICHOL, 30, Acanthus Avenue, Fenbam Nm Mi D. G. WOODALL, 12, Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. upon Tyne. ' - County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Secretary . Miss M. CUMMINGS, 37, Fox and Hounds Lane Ne~ County Staff Officers. . . . L. HOCKl , 9, Famdon Green, Wollaton Park, Nottingham. C. CUMBERLAND, 17, Blake Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. upon Tyne 4. (Auxiliary). ' (Trea urer). L. H. BIDD LPH, Lea Hur t, Southwell Road, East Rainworth, oUs. No. 1 (Southern) Area W. L. ASHMORE, 21, Fenton Drive, Bulwell Hall Estate, N ottingh2. m. (Training). Area Commissioner Major W. MAXWELL, 21, Two Ball , Lonnen Newcastle' Co t S t Mrs. J. LEDGER, to, Mappcrley Hall Drive ottingham. Tyne 4 ' 'uny ecre ary . W . W. KEY, 107, ~usters Road, We t Bridgford, Nottingham. , • AssL County Secretary Area Surgeon . D. GRIEVE, M.B., CH.B., Deneholme, Jesmond Park ~ Torthern Area Newcastle upon Tyne. O. T. SToRRs, a lional oal Board, Edv,instowe Hall, Area Commissioner Area Nursing Officer . . Vacant. dwins lowc, otts. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. C. E. JONES, 16, Lesbury Avenue. Rosehill, Wall. Area' (A) G. H. KFYERNE, Oakengate, 49, Blyth Road, Worksop, No tts. G. W. BROOKS, Albany House, Station Road, Shirernoor, Supenntendent Area Staff Officers . . . Mr . D. W. A H, S.R. ' ., 18 Brookfield Crescent, Shirebrook, Mrs. G. A. HALL, 107, Frank Street, Benwell, Newcastle Area Superintendent ( ) NOllS. Tyne. D. S . KERR, M.A., ~,1.B . , I3.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Main Road, Area Surgeon . Famsfield, ewark. Vacanl. Area Nursing Officer. . . No. 2 (Midland) Area F . . ROSE, "Der went," 30, Rufford Road, Edwinstowe, Notts. Area Stafl' Officer (Cadets (A) Mr . E. MAJOR, 275, Sandy Lane, Worksop. Area Commissioner C. F. FAIRLIE, T.D., M.D., B.S., 128, Bondicar Terrace, B~: Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). J. HASLEGRAVE, 57, Walesby Lane, New Ollerton, Notts. Area Staff Officers . (Tel. Blyth 3147). W. H. INSLEY, 13, The Crescent, Blidworth, Nr. Mansfield. Area Superintendent (A) J. HEPBURN, 1, Sixth Avenue, Blyth. R. BRADBURY, 17, Littlejohn Drive, Rainworth, r. Mansfield. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. E. J. FAIRBAIRN, 12, Carlton Street, Blyth. J. R. CULLEN, 19, Carisbrook Avenue, Mansfield. Area Surgeon . . . Dr: J. S. NOBLE, 73, Newbiggin Road, Ashington. Area Sergeant-Major Area Nursing Officer . Southern Area Mlss J. SMITH, S.R.N., S.C.M., Thomas Knight MemoriaIHos~, E. R. F. POGMORE, 4, Shirburn Avenue, Mansfield, Notts. Blyth. Area Commissioner . W. MORRELL, "Oakworth," Watnall Road, Hucknall, Notts. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. ALDUS, 9, Hortendale Grove, Cowpen Estate, Blyth, Area Superintendent (A) Area Staff Officer. . . . Miss S. J. BISHOP, S.R.N., S.C.M., Gedling Colliery, Gedling, A. D. C. BRADFORD, 19, Wood Street, Blyth. (Training), Area Superintendent (N) otts. Area Surgeon J. F. D . BOYD, M.B., CH.B. 97, Derby Road, Stapleford, Notts. Asst. Area Surg~on' R. H. VARTAN, M.B., cH.n., Rannoch Lodge, Watnall Road, No. 3 (Northern) Area Hucknall, Notts. Area Nursing Officer Vacant. Area Commissioner W. D. ALLISON, 14, Wansbeck Terrace, Ashingt?n., Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. JENNI GS, 26, Ellesmere Road, Forest Town, Mansfield. Area Surgeon . . Dr. G. B. STEPHENSON, 2, Windsor Gardens, Newblggm·by·~ Area Staff Officer (C d t ) (N) Vacant. Area Nursing Officer Mrs. A. MANSON, S.R.N., 5, Second Row, Ellingt~n,.Morpe~ Area Staff Officers a e s L. C. HOGG, 13, Esher Grove, Mapperley Park, Nottingham. Area Staff Officers . L. T. WEDDERBURN, 29, Westfield Crescent, Newblggm·by· . . . A. R. Hn..L, 33, Exton Road , Sherwood. Nottingham. (Secretary). . G. CRELLIN, 59, Highfield Road, Nuthall, ottingham. (TrainT. T. CORNER, 40, River Bank East Stakeford, ChoPPID~~ ing). (Training). ' Area Sergeant-Major E. SELBY, Colliery House, Watnall Road, Hucknall, l\'otts. County Superintendent (A)


58 Area Commissioner Area Supedntendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area SlITgeon Area Nur ing Officer

Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers.

Area Sergeant-Major .



Midland Area L. F. M. ACKRO ' D, Milford House, ottingham Roa: pool, Mansfi ld. J. BLA KRAM, 8, Bul r Road, Kirby-in-A hfield NOI Mrs. E. LEIVERS, J 5, Stainforth Street, Mansfield' WO~ t y Notts. ' ounty Secre ar Dr. .R. H. P. FER A. DEZ, Medical Centre, BrookhiliC . Pm ton, DerbyshIre. ea CommiSSIOner Mrs: M. L. JOR STO , .R.N., " Southfields," ChuTeD Pm ton. lea Nursing Officer A. DRABBLE, 43, Cambria Road, Man field. Notls, r Vacant. T. L. MOULTON, 164, Diamond Avenue, KirbY-in.~ , . Notts. ea ComITllSSIOner F. G. VER ON, 46, Derbyshire Lane, HucknaU. 'rea Nursing Officer H. BARBER, 29, Balmoral Drive, Man field. G . FUNT, 85, High Street, South ormanton, F. MORLEY, 43 Bonger Gardens, utton-in- shfield, R. STUBBS, 162, Hardwick Lane, Sutton-in-Ashfield,~,


E. F. BAZLEY, 12, Totternhoe Road, Dunst~ble, Beds. J . R. OWEN, 63, Yarnells Hill, Ferry Hmksey, Oxford. (Publi ity). . J. F. . COLES, 1, Eton Villas, Broad Street, Bam-pton. (Admm). Mrs. F. P . HAYWARD, 34, Cope Close, North Hmksey, Oxford.

orthern Area C. R. LAWRENCE, Churchill Drive, Old Road, Headington, Oxford. Mrs. M. S, A. HADDON, S.R. ., College Farm House, Bodicote, anbury. outhe n Area Vacant. Mrs. . G. Rl HARDSO ,S,R. ,,37, Observatory Street, Oxford.


City of Nottingham Area Area Commissioner A. J. MASCARr, M.D., L.M.C.C., "The Brownberries " County Office: borough Road, Ruddington, Nottingham. ' St. John HOLl e, 2, Bedford Terrace, Plymouth. Area Superintendent (A) S. IBBOT 0 , 13, Earlswood Drive, dwalton, Otlin~ Tel. Plymouth 65802. Area Superintendent (N) Miss G. E. CLOW, 24, Firs Road, dwaJton, ottin, Area Surgeon . . . Dr. M. SHERRARD, 321 , Aspley Lane, Aspley, NOli COUl1fY President : Area Nursing Officer . Miss E. JEW, S,R,N" S.C.M., ity Ho pital, Hucknall The Rt. Hon. Lord ROBOROUGH, Lord Lieutenant of Devon. Nottingham, Asst. Area Nursing Officer . Miss F. PINDER, 2, Padstow Road, Bcstwood E tate, '01' COllfltl' Vice-Presidents: Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) M. IIlBOTSO.', 59, Julian Road, West Bridgford, NOil Mrs. H. VELLA con ( ursiflg) . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs, E. M. MARTI , 48, Dovecote Lane, Beeston, Mrs. . M . ROOD ( ursing) , Area Staff Officers . F. CARRrER, 10, Grover Avenue, Mapperley, Nottin~ G. S, THOMPSO , Esq, (Ambulance Cadets). H. F. FOULSTO E, 23, Brora Road, Bulwell, Nottingh r. V. 0, LEWIS, Gleodarley Court Wood, ewton Ferrers, E. H. HAY, 4, Barraei' Lane, Nottingham. Commissioner C. A. TOWLE, 2, Ernest Road, Thorneywood, Nollir Plymouth. (Tel. Ne\\.ton Ferrers 345) . quadron Leader J . E, G. HA COCK, D,F.C" 4, Osborne Place, (Transport). Deputy Commissioner Miss M. M. K OWLES, 24, Firs Road, -dwalton, Noll The Hoe Plymouth. (Tel. 65817). Area Sergeant-Major . L. B \fLEY, 45, Colche ter Road , trelley. ottingham County Superintendent Mrs . R. BALSDO , O.B.E., 163, New Road, Saltash. (Tel. Salta h 2l02), . T. E. WOOD l.R.C.S., L.R,C,P., Combe RISe, Noss Mayo. County Surgeon (Tel. ewton Ferrers 524). Mi S. L. LUXTO , S,R. ., 98, Mount Gold Road, Plymouth, OXFORDSIDRE County Nursing Officer J. E . OWE, f.R.C .. , L.R.C,P., 294, Fort Austen Avenue. Asst. County Surgeon . County Office : roVvnhill, Plymouth, . 14, Church Street, St. Ebbes, Oxford. Tel. 0 ford 42061. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), G. S. THo \1PSO" "Lane End.:' Wembury Pomt, S, Devon. County President : County Staff Officer (Cadet) (N). Mr.. E. 1. Wood, Combe RIse, lOSS Mayo. Major-General J. E. L[ECH-POI~.T~R, C.B" C.B,E., Blue Haze, Colonel A. V. G. bOWER, T.D., D.L., M.F.H, County Staff Officers . Down Road Tavi tock. (Tratnmg). County Vice-Presidents: J H SARGEN; 382 St. Peters Road, Manadon, Plymouth. Lieut.-General Sir Edward GRASETT, K.B.E., C.B., D,S.O., M.C. (Ambulance), ' . H'. ATlO s, i4, Chaddlewood Avenue, St. Judes, Plymouth. The Lady BrcEsTER (Nursing). (Cadets). Major-General C. W. GREENWAY, C.B., C.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). R. E. STANTON, 70, West Down Road, Beacon Park, Plymouth. Mrs. GARDINER-HnL (Nursing Cadets). (press Relations). Commissioner . . T. F. BRIGGS, O.B.E., T.D., M.R.C.S., L.R,C.P., 39, The( Mrs. P. WAY, 142, Pasley Street, Stoke, Devonport. (Cadets). Banbury, Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2153). F. BLATCHER, 35, Salisbury Road, St. Judes, Plymouth. Deputy Commissioner. . A. L. ALEXANDER, C.B.E., Baltic Cottage, Henley-on·] (Transport). , County Superintendent (N) Mrs. D. F. COLES, M.B., CH.n" ], Eton Villas, Broad A. J. HERBERT, 20, Fort Austen Avenue, Crovvnhill, Plymouth. Bampton. (Stores). . County Surgeon . . H. R. WYNNE, M,B., B.CH., The Paddocks, Bodicote, Ba! Miss 1. AUSTIN, D wns Way, Chollacott Estate, WhItchurch County Nursing Officer . , . Vacant. Road Tavistock. (Library Service), County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), G. J. EnwELL, 45, Taphouse Avenue, Witney. ()J! W H STRANG 11 Carfrae Terrace, Lipson, Plymouth. (Cadets) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Miss D. M. CANDY, 5, Burdell Avenue, HeadingtoD'be' M~s. N. M. F~wl~s, 48, Howard Road, Pomphlett, Plymstock. County Staff Officers . W. E. LAMBOURN, M.B.E., M.M., "Overdowns," Foxcom I G. J. R. PEARCE, 95, Torr Lane, Plymouth. Boars Hill, Oxford. (Treasurer). County Sergeant-Major Vacant. Miss J. E. M. FANSHAWE, Cotmore Wells, Thame,OI County Secretary . . Mrs. G. M. BASCOMBE, St. John House, 2, Bedford Terrace J. WOODLEY, 60, Henley Street, Oxford. (Stores), Plymouth. (Tel. 65802). Miss C. WALDOCK, 7, Arran Grove, Banbury,





Coun ty T eI . Sh rews b ury 2391.

County Presidents: Viscount BoYNE The Lady FORESTER (Nursing).

County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . . County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officers .

County Sergeant-Major County Secretary Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officers .

Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A)


Area Area Area Area

County Office :


Tel. Taunton 7285.

I County Presidents ' one The Right HMon. Lord HYLTON, Lord Lieutenant of Somerset. rs. A. A. W. LUTTRELL.

Commssioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon .

Area Nursing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

County Vice-Presidents: Area Commissioner Dr. Hugh POWELL, M.B.E. (Ambulance and Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. R. VERNON (Nursing). Colonel C,. T. MITFORD-SLADE, D.L., J.P., Montys Coun, ~ Superintendent (A)

Deputy Commissioner.

. Norton Fltzwarren, Taunton. (Tel. Bishops Lydeard 2,,1, Lieut.-Colonel S. C. F. De SALIS, D.S.O., The Old C0urt HoUil Drayton, Nr. Langport.


Miss E. M. B~ucE-STcER, Glenmore Lodge, Minehead. (Tel. Minehead 492). J. L TEMPLE, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., 23, Cecil Road, Weston-super-

Marc. 1i . M. D. lJAKI'R, S.R.N, .C.M., B .... O.(HONS.), Isolation and hest HospitaL Chcdc.!on Road, Taunton. D. J. MORAN, M.A., 33, Holcombe Clo '-. Bathampton, Jr. Bath. G. J. DAVIS, 12, Whitting Road, Weston-super-Mare. MISS V . . A, OLE, St. Aundnes School, West Quanloxhead, Taunton. C. T. H. HOWE, "Waycot," Uphill Way, Weston-super-Mare. (Transport). Mrs. V. E. L. HUSBANDS, "Wilmanstone," Street, Somerset.

(M.C.D.) Mrs. Ailsa WILSO , \1.B., CR.B., "Fountains," Kingston St.

Mrs. A: P. HEWAT-JABOOR, S.R.N., Sutton Grange Ad Welhngton. ' mal::: ~. ~ l!AY, M.B., B.CH., Brooklyn House, Market Dra' rKs.. I' .t::d· SMhALLETT, S.R.N., Ivy House, Kennedy ~ mgs an, rewsbury. Vacant. Miss H. M. WISDOM, 142, Corve Street Ludlow County Sergeant-Major . . , J. PHIPPs,. 8, Quarry Lane, Red Lake' Ketley \VeU' County Secretary and Transport Shropshlre. ' ,Jn~\' Officer. Mrs. A. G. CR.6..MPTON PYM, "Highfield" Oalch R' Oswestry. ' urs! O!, Area Commissioner E. L. PRICE, 6, Coton Mount, Shrewsbury. (Training) Mrs. 1. A. BALL, Orcb,,!-rd House, Adma ton, Nr. Well" " ~rs. U. M. FIDLER, Sl~vert.on, ~adbrook Road, ShIe:~ Area Superintendent (A) J . WILLIAMS, 13, Gnnshlll Dnve, Crowmoor Shre\\~~ . THOMAS, B.E.M., 3, Newhall Gardens Abbey For~ Area Superintendent (N) Shrewsbury. " ' " Area Surgeon . L. H. TRENTHAM, S.J.A.B., H.Q., Pnory Road, Shrewsb[, Area Nursing Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Eastern Area Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ) A·sg.~~S~~ry.WILLIAMS, M.B., F.R.C.S., Rossall Grove, Bic Area Staff Officer . Vacant. Area Commissioner ~ ~ONES, 20, Mount Pleasant, Ketley Park Oakengates . . AR 'OLD, "Thameen," Daddlebrook, AI~eley, Bridgnor Area Superintendent ( ) Western Area Area Superintendent ( ) D. A. IRELA 0 M.A., B.M., B.CH., Council House Co:: Area Surgeon . . Area ursing Officer ., Shrewsbury. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (1 ) Rev. P. G. OWE, St. Michael s Vicarage, hrewsbury, Area Sergeant-Major

St. John House, Staplegrove Road, Taunton. 0

County Staff Officer

. DOITJngto~, Nr. Shrewsbury. (Tel. Dorrington 396) H~ Lleut.-Col. Slr John CORBET BT M BE J pAt . r. Shrewsbury. , . , . . . , .. , con Re)'IU.


t C I

County Staff Officers (Cadets) (A)

Colone~ J. M. WEST, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., DO'rington


Deputy Commissioner .


County Nursing Officer

County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N).

County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. K. M. WEST (Nursing). Colonel The Earl of POWIS, C.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets).


superintcnden t (N)

County Surgeon

County Office: S.J.A.B. Headquarters, Priory Road, Shrewsbury.




A Superintendent (N) rea Surgeon .

_ary, Taunton. (Welfare). Mrs. D. I. ROWLA OS, Windsor Lodge, Haines Hill, Taunton. (Cadets). D. A. ROGERS, 23, The Mead, Clutton, Bristol. (Camping). f. W . MURK] , .R . . , B.T.A., 64, Lyngford Road, Taunton. (Training). . de BERTODA 0, Drayton Manor, Langport. (Liaison Cadets). G. D. B TCHER, M.M., Orchard Close, East Brent. Lieut.- 01. S. C. ROGERS, Obridge House, Taunton.

orthern Area D. O. LARK, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Mendip Croft, Bleadon Hill, We ton-super-Mare. (Tel. Bleadon 389). R. V. CRIDDLE, Sundome urserie, Locking, r. Westonsuper-Mare. Mrs. Bingham HALL, 1, The Glebe House, Weston-super-Mare. C. D. DREW, M.B., B.CR., M.R.C.S., D.R.C.O., B.G., 12, Breao Down Avenue, \Veston-super-Mare. Vacant. C. J. HARDING, 26, Exeter Road, Weston-super-Mare. Mrs. D. DAVI, 12, Whitti..'1g Road, Weston-super-Mare. C. W. TOZER, "The Forge," Weston-in-Cordana, Bristol. outbern Ar a Rear Admiral G. . THRTNG, C.B., 0.5.0., Alford House, Castle ary H . C. PE DFR, 0, Benedict Street, Glastonbury. I 's G. A. 1. GILLE PIE, 53, Chilton Street, Bridgwater. . S. 'ULFE, ~1.B ., B.C.R., 25, orthfields, Bridgwater. Miss E. F. HUGHES, .R . . , .C.M., "Bibury," ~lalton, r. Street. H. D! H,\\Ol, 29, Kidsbury Road, Bridgwater. Mr . E. M. ATKT"-. 0 " "Wraxleigh," Street. L. C. BETTY, Mount iUa, 1 Tount treet. Bridgwater.

Eastern Area Colonel G. W. D. JE ' f l G ,J.P., Babington Hou e, r. Frome. R. L. RHY fER, J.P., 3, Henley Villa, West End, Frome. Mis S. E. Jo ES, 4, Marlborough Street, Bath. A. R. WILLIAMS, LB., CH.B., "Cranfield," Corsley, Warminster. Wilt . Vacant. E. . AsHMAN, 3, Oak Terrace, Radstock. Mrs. M. K. TILEY, S.R.N., Yew Tree House, Clutton, Nr. Bristol.

Western Area Rear Admiral H. W. FAULKNER, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., The Close, Hatch Beauchamp, r. Taunton. (Tel Hatch Beauchamp 424). Vacant. Mrs. E. M. MORRISON, 1, Staplegrove Manor, Taunton. O. S. J. REDMAN, M.A., M.B., B.CR., B.A.O., Warwick House, Billetfield, Talmton.



Area Nursing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officer .



County Office : I, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich .

County Vice-Presidents: E. P. B. WHITE, Esq. (Ambulance). Miss A . M. PARKER, M.B.E. Commissioner . Tel. Stafford 51657.

Countv President : Lady Diana MATTHEWS. Commis ioner


Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary


County Sergeant- Major

Deputy Commissioner . . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon

( · T. K . ELLIOIT, M.B., B.. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 25 , M Iddleton R!.>It. County . Superintendent Offi Streetly, Sutton Coldfield. (Tel. Streetly 1334.). County ~~Ito!fucer (Cad~ts) ·(A) A BYRNE-QUINN, M.B., B.s., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Darmody H County ff Offi (Cadets) (N) Stafford Street, Wol erhampton. County Staff Officer Vacan t. County Sta cers A . WALKER, M.B . CH.B., "Tree Tops," Stafford Road, QI H eath. Miss P . LAWTO , S.R. l ., 2, Littleworth Avenue, Woodse: r. Dudley, Worcs. F. E. S. JONES, 283, Chaplin Road , Longton, Stoke-on.T:~ Mrs. D. M. TURNER, "Lighteaves," Cheddleton Heaf~ t Leek. M. A . SIMMONS, 154, Birches Road Codsall, Wolverhami Mrs. E. TITTENSOR, 40, Collis Avenue, Basford, Stok~ Trent. J. R. Rus ELL, M.B.E., 17a, Primley Avenue, Walsall. (TralTIL Mrs. . T. ELLIOIT, J.P., S.R. ., 25, Middleton Road, Sffa'. Sutton Coldfleld. V. CRA CELLOR, 29, Castle Bank, StafTord. (Tel. Staf 51886) . G. WATIERSO , 74, Hart Road, Wednesfleld . County Secretary

Area Surgeon Asst. Area Surgeon . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers .


Vacant. W. GWILT, 62, Queen's Road, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent. Mrs. L. A. HAMILTO , S.R . . , 20, Sneyd Avenue, Westl~~ Newcastle-under-Lyne. J. S. HAMILTON, M.B., CH.B., 20, Sneyd Avenue, Westlat: Newcastle-under-Lyne. J. R. ODDIE, M.B., CH.B., 38, Balance Street, Uttoxeter. R. BURTON 5, Windsor Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, Mrs. . SWALLOW, Waterfall Cottage, Offiey Brook, Eccles!! Stafford. J. F. LEESE, Recreation Ground, Uttoxeter, Stafford. J. H. KENNY, The Croft, Bramshall Road, Uttoxeter.

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (N)

Area Surgeon



Area Surgeon


Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)



Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers


Area Commissioner

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)

Major R. S. SCHRErBER, Campsea Ashe House, Woodbridge_ (Tel. Wickham Market 426). Vacant. Mrs. M. C. E. HARWOOD, S.R.N., S.C.M., Redmay, Walberswick, Southwold, Suffolk. S. T. G. Gray, M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., The Holl ies, Holbrook, Ipswich. . Mrs. R. V. SCHRIEBER, Campsea Ashe House, Woodbndge. Vacant. Walter C. MAYHEW, 82, Severn Road , Ipswich. Mrs. P. E. TAYLOR, S.R . . , " Teemore," London Road, Becc1es. Miss V. D. GEE, 471, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Assistant Secretary). . Mrs . E. S. M. CAITON, 124, Westerfield Road, IpswIch. Dr. D. W. RYDER RICHARDSON, The Beeches, Saxmundham. A . J . ENOLISH, 75, Clapgate Lane, Ipswich. F W RUFFORD 18, Geneva Road, Ipswich. A·. H: NICHOL~, 10, Ladywood Road, Ipswich .. (Admin.). Mrs. A. RICHARDSON , S.R.N., Stow Lodge HospItal, Stowmarket. G. A . READ , M.B.E., 84, Bucklesham Road, Ipswich. M. BENDIX, The Manor House, Little Bealings, Woodbri?ge. Miss H. P. MORGAN-GRAY, 23, Stevenson Road , IpSWICh. ( .If. S.R.). . H. G. EADE, 406, Woodbridge Road , Ipswich. (TeL IpswIch 76239) . . 1. H. GILLINGS, 53, Digby Road, Ipswich. (l\dmin.). B. D . PRICE, 97, Playford Road, Ipswich. (~drnin.) (T~easurer). B. J. REID, " Thistledown," Burgh, Woodbnd~e (Adrnin.~. V. W . HINKLEY, 1, Woodbridge Road, IpswIch. (Admm.). Western Area

Northern Area Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N)

Tel. 54005.

Cdunty President : Lady Blanche COBBOLD.

STAFFORD Park Lodge, 10,



Miss J. E. BROW , .R.N., Lydstep, Martlet Road M~ l F. T. G. WEBB, 122, Love Lane, Burnham-on-S~a. t, Vacant. Mrs. li". B. BAILEY, Tone Vale House, Norton FitZ\l;. Taunton. (Welfare Officer) . ~

County Office: ictoria Road, Stafford.


Southern Area Vacan t rea Surgeon . . . . J. W. CLARK, 45, Rookery Road, Lanesficld, Wolverhampt~ !urea Nursing Officer. . Miss E. OATLEY, 164, Marsh Lane, Fordhouses, Wolverharnl Aea Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) ton. rea Staff Officers. Close, Du&~ D . G . L LOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1 ,nory P · Worcs. t~ V. J. MITCHELL, 6, Balmoral Road, Penn, Wolverh~IJ1~s Mrs. L. RUSHTON, 196, St. John's Road, Cannock, ta ·


Vacant. Mrs. MARTIN, M.R.C.S., L.R. C.P. , Button Close, Txworth, Bury St. Edmunds. D. A. MCCRACKEN, M.D., D.P.H. , 32, Westbury Avenue, Bury St. Edmunds. Miss W . CAFFYN, S.R.N., Holland Cottage, Coney Weston, Bury st. Edmunds. Mrs. P. M. PRAGNELL, 10, St. Michael's Close, Bury St. Edmunds. (Secretary). G . H. BURDON, 7a, College Lane, Bury St. Edmunds. (Treasurer) 1. S. CAIE, Vine Cottage, Bardwell. Bury St. Edmonds.

Southern Area Lieut.-Colonel C. W. LEVERETT, Woodlands, Debach, Woodbridge. . P. E. J. CuITING, M.D., M.R.C.P., 37, Berners Street, IpswLch. Mrs. E. B. FRYER, S.R.N., 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. L. W. JOHN, 30, Temple Road, Stowmarket. H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington Road, Ipswich. M. W. HOOD, 7, Chester Road, Felixstowe. W. W. PECK, 31, Shafto Road, Ipswich .. C. J. TAMPIN, 77, Dale Hall Lane, IpSWIch. (Treasurer).



Area mmissioner Area j ursing Officer. . Area Staff Oflker (Cadets) ( ) Area taff Officer .



orthern Are I Vacant. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) ~~: Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant. F. J. WlLLLARD, 43, Fairc\ose, Beccle . R. F. DYER, 302, Normanston Drive, Oulton Broad \ Area Staff Officers. (Secretary). ' MR . MARR, 35, Beccles Road, Bungay. (Treasurer

SURREY COUll t)' Office: St. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Tel. GuiIdford 67163. COUllt]' Presldellt: Rt. Hon. The Earl of WESTMORLA D. COllnty Vice-Presidents: C. H. C. PIRIE-GORDON, Esq. (Ambulance). Brigadier L. F. E. WIELER, .B., C.B.E. (A mbulance Cadets). Lady OSBOR (Nil/sing Cadets).

Commi sioner


Deputy Commi"sioner . County Surgeon County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County Staff Officers .

County Secretary . . Coun ty Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Area Area Area

Surgeon . . . Nursing Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

Area Staff Officers.

Area Sergeant-Major Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon . . Area Nursing Officer. . Asst. Area Nursing Officer

Brigadier E. E. READ, C.B.E., M.C., Red Bines, Beale' Farnham. (Tel. Farnham 6169). Capt. F. J. CARTWRIGHT, C.V.O., O.B.I. R.N.(RETD.), Cas House, Farnham. W. H. C. ROMANI, M.A., M.D., M.CHIR., F.R.C.S. The! Hurtmore, Godalming. ' R. J. Gru TOCK, Alver toke, 13, Hillcrest Avenue, Chen Lady HEALD, O.B.E., Chilworth Manor, r. Guildforo Guildford 61414). Miss M. c. LEIGH-PE iBERTO , Barn End, Enton Nr. Godalming. Vacant. Mrs. E. M. GURTEE , Sunnyside, Copthorne Dank, LC' K. C. GRAY, O.B.E., Highway Cottage, a t Horsley. lance Service). A. GREE HOUGH, O.B.E., Wyke otlage, Stonebridge, ~~ (Treasurer). Captain A. M. KNAPP, R . ., oodhayes, Moor Parl ham. (Press Relation ). Miss P. SMITH, St. John House, Woodbridge Road, GU!. S. R. CARTER, D.E.M., SlIfrey View, ullers Road, Fi."

Area Sergeant-Major Area Surgeon


Area Surgeon


Area Staff Officer

D. C. BAYLIS, 6, Benhams Drive, Horl~~. Mrs. M. BELFIELD, M.B.E., "Tangmere, Povcycross Road, Gatwick, Surrey. . Mrs. D. COVELL, Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hill, East Grmstead. A. G. GUMRELL, "Haydens," Ford bridge, ~outb N~erstham. R. A. LoCKElT, 8, Station Road, Earlswooa, Rednill. J. E. SMITII, 104, Middle Street, Broe:kbam. (Cadets) A. C. HOLMAN, 18, Potters Way, Relga~e. T. T. DUM-\RESQ, 18, Orchard Way, Relgat~. O. H. ASHDOW , 48, Staplehurst R~a~, Relgate. I ' Miss G. M. BUCKLA 'D, 33, Grove HIll Road, Reu.hlll. R. E. ! ICHARD50N, 7, shdown Road, Reigate. North Wcst Area R. G. W. SOUTHERN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., cdgJey House, East Horsley. South West Area A. H. M. R[CHARDS, M.B., CH.B., ~1.R.C.S., L.RJ".P .. D.P.H. , Munstead Lawn, Gcdalming. Mr . L. M. FARLER, 25, Stocton Road, Guildford.

SUSSEX County Office: 19, North Street, Horsham, Sussex. Tel. Horsham 4556. County President: The Lord Rupert EVILL. County Vice-Presidents: Major-General J. M. L. RBl'ITO , C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., J.P. Mildred, Viscountess HAlLSHAM. Sir Richard BOUGHEY, Bt. Mrs. E. M. E. STEWART-RoBERTS (Nursing Cadets). t'. ., Capt. J. M. HODGES, D.S.O., R.N., "Chatfields," Colwood Lane, Ullll/D18SlOner Bo)ney. (Tel. Waminglid 219). . . H.R.H. Prince Tomislav of Jugoslavla, Redlands Farm, KrrdDeputy Commissioner. ford, r. Billingshurst. County Superintendent (A) W. E. JuPP, 15, Barttelot Road, Hor ham. Mrs. G. M. F. P CKERT-Mo EY, 5, Westbrooke Court, County Superintendent ( ) Worthing. County Surgeon R. G. BRIM 'r OUNG, VI.B., CH.B., D.l'.H., Health Dept., County Hall, Lewe . . Mr . D. MCPHERSOl":. S.R . . , 35, Croft A enue, Southwlck. County Nursing Officer . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. H. F. BUR HELL, 50, Fairfield Gardens, Portslade. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss E. M. TRILL, 128a, Church Road, Hove. Miss W. M. B .\RKER, 10, Hurst Avenue, Horsham. County Staff Officers . Mrs. M. F. SPACKMA , Mayland, Hawthorn Road, Bognor Regis. (Camp Advi er). . F W G DINES 7 Alford Close Worthrng. (Treasurer). H·.R.B. Princess' T~MISLAV of J~goslavia, Redlands Farm, Kirdford r. Billingshurst. . . Miss P. M. OBLE-MATHEWS, LydwlCke, Slinfold. County Secretary . C. SIMP 0 , 19, orth Street, Horsham.

Western Area J. M. BALL, 88, New Haw Road, Addlestone. A. KNIGHT, 21, Bridge Road, aslemere. Miss U. MORRISH, "Meadland," Three Gates Lane,Hal~ Surrey. Vacant. Mrs. M. D. SOUTHERN, Sedgley House, East Horsle). C. P. Lo GLAND, 32, Green Lane, Addlestone. Mrs. M. 1. WEBB, Pypers, Springfarm Road, Carni Haslemere. G. WORTHY, 42, Tennyson Road, Addlestone, Surrey. G. H. HARFlELD, 4, Guildford Road, Farnham. H. L. D. COUGU , 93, Church Road, Addlestone. (Tr,Area Commissioner F. E. C. BARNES, 14, Riverside, Guildford. Eastern Area B. ROBINSON, D.E.M., "Terrell," Vicarage Lane.. Horley. B. E. NORMAN, 13, Albert Road North, Relgate. ~ Miss M. R. M. CALLOW, "Wild Oaks," Eyhurst Close, wood. Vacant. Miss M. GRAY, 31, Dorset Avenue, East Grinstead. i' Mrs. J. C. MACKENZIE, S.R.N., Navua House, London Crawley, Sussex.


Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (N) Area Surgeon Area Nursing Officer. . Asst. Area Nursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

Eastern Area J. W. LIMB, Lllstrells House, Lustrells Crescent, altd an, Brighton. A. J. BURNAGE, The Ambulance Station, Dllrsley Road, Eastbourne. Mrs. STR1BBLlNG, 233, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne. 12 Lieut.-Col. J. H. VANCE, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.l'., , Richmond Terrace, Brighton. Mrs. P. M. GRAINGER, S.R . . , 39, London Road, Pulborou~h. Miss G. E. HUGHES, S.R.N., "Lovran" Claxton Road, Bexhillon-Sea. T. L. WATERS, 20, Morris Road, Lewes. Mrs. A. D. HICKS, B.E.M., Stone House, Bolney.



Area Staff Officers

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Area Area Area Area

Nursing Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) ( Staff Officers .







S. T. D ENNfNO, 8, Arlington Gardens, Salldean Bright M. W. HARRIS, 80, Poplar Avenue, Hove, 4.' On. Mrs. K. D. B. Buss, 88, Stonefield Road, Hastings Mrs. A. M. SHARPE, 10, Wharf Road, Ea tboume ' H. C. EXCELL, 62, Warl.eigh Road, Brighton, Susse~. (T R. A. W LKER, 61, Udlmore Road, Rye. r ' Mrs. . 1. H RTLEY, Holloway House, High Street R' , Ie. W es~ern Area W. L. HA CORN, 43, The Gardens, Southwick. ndrew Close, Rustington. R . HARTLEY, 23, Miss R . B. LAKER, J4, Gloucester Place, LittlehamptoQ K. N. MAWSON, M.B. CH.B., D.P.H., Comewell House \1 t Secretary St H h ' IV coun y . T /eet, ors am. "G 1'" A d 1 Rd ' Count) Sergeant-Major . . EFFERY, .R . . , ray IS, run e oa, Llttleham L. W. MOWER, 15, Old Bam Way, Southwick. r Mrs. E. M. W ELLS, 1, Dovms Mead, Lancing. G. PARKS, 10, Seaview Estate, Southwick. Mrs. J. M. BURCHELL, 50, Fairfield Gardens, Portslade Mrs . B. REYNOLDS, Avalon, Malthouse Road Crawley ' G. A. WI-IEATLA '0, "Cli sold " , Spencers Pla~ Hors~ E. J. H. GRO ES, "Scalene," 26, Pondtail Road, Horsham, Mr . M. COMPTO, , S.R . . , Slaugham Place Farm Slaugh; 76, Endle Sussex (Training) . ' Mrs. G. M. WALDER, Rapkyns Lodge, Broadbridge He, Horsham. A. J. MAXTED, 136, Cherry Garden Road, Eastboume.

Mrs. F. KEMP, 4, Alexander Road, Bedworth, uneaton. (Cadets). . . Mrs. A. J. BROW, 15, Fir Tree Avenue, Tlle HIll North, oventry. G. V. TAPLIN, 27, Capmartin Road, Coventry. (Cadets). 1. T. II. POWERS, 19, Cross Street, Stockingford, Nuneaton. (Cadets). . Miss M . MILNER, 4, South Avenue, Stoke Park, Coventry. R. T. HALL, 8, Belmont Road, Rugby. (Cadets). H. WARD, 22, Romford Road, Holbrooks, Coventry. T. A. ATHERTOI'., 154, Westmorland Road, Wyken, Coventry. (Transport) (Acting). H. G. D. Bu TON, 101, Widdecombe Close, Coventry. D. SIMMONDS, M.B.t.., 115, Banbury Road, Stratford-on-Avon

WILTSffiRE COllnty Office: Street, Salisbury. Tel. Salisbury 48 10. COl/llty President: A. R. TOWERZEY, Esq.

Vice-Pr( sidellls: L. F. Moss, Esq. (Ambulance Cadets). Lady rULLER, l.B.E. ( ursillg Cadets). 0/11111'

WARWICK County Office: 101, Widdecombe Close, Coventry. . County President : The Hon. Mrs. L. C. S. FITzRoy NEWDEOATE, O. B.E. County Vice-Presidents: The Lady WILLOUOHBY DE BROKE (Nursing) Mr. N. E. NEWALL (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs BUCKMASTER (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner


County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon County County County County

Nursing Officer . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officers .



Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon ,\>It. ety. Superintendent (N)

County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cad~ts) (A)

Brigadier B. A. G. JONES, D.S.O., The Rose Cottage,Ickn. ) Street, Beoley, Worcs. (Tel. Redditch 4430.) . County Staff Officer (Cadets) Miss C. M. ORTON, B.E.M., The Beeches, StavertoD,,' County Staff Officers Daventry, Northants. (Tel. Daventry 2553). D. W. HENDRY, B.SC., M.D., M.R.C.O.O., "Greenacres,"~' Lutterworth Road, Nuneaton. C Mrs. L. R . MITCHELL, 185, Solihull Road, Shirley, Solihul. ounty Secretary A. F. HIPWELL, 70, St. George's Road, Coventry. Mrs. V. M . CROSBY, 71, Forfield Road, Coundon, CovenHrea Superintendent (A) W. B. M. WYLEY, Watch bury House, Barford, Nr. WarWkl Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. L. A. WESTERN, 88, Frankton Avenue, Coventry: Area Surgeon . Mrs. S. M. CADWALLADER, 50, Radford Road, LeaIDlD~' Spa. Asst. Area Surgeon . . E. O . ORME, 7, Asthill Grove, Coventry. Mrs. J. EWALL, 36, Middlemarch Road, Radford, Covenm, Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) P. H. JAMES, 80, Norman Place Road, Coventry. (Ca~ Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Secretary (A). Mrs. E. L. READY, 8, Lord Lytton Avenue, Stoke, CoveD~ Area Sup . t d ( L. F. HAZELL, 37, Faraday Road, Rugby. erm en ent A) E. O. CROSBY, 71 , Forfield Road Coundon, Coventry. Area S . Mrs. H. M . HERBERT, 11, Bot~ner Road, Gosford Greet Area Nupe~mtendent (N) . Coventry. (Cadets). Area Stursmg Officer . . Miss D. WILLIS CROFT, 137, Hall Green Road, Bell Gree: Area St~~ 00ffifficer (Cadets) (A) Coventry. (Cadets). cer (Cadets) (N)

Major-General D. D. C. TULLOCH, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., The Old Rectory. Rushall, Pewsey, Wilts. (Tel. Upavon 229). Brigadier G. \ ORT, C.B.E., Old Rectory, Hilcot, r. Pewsey, Wilts. Lady FULLER, M.B.E., Neston Park, Corsham. (Tel. Corsham 2201). Surgeon Commander H. M. D ARLOW, R. .,(RETD.), B.A., M~R.C .. , L.R .C.P. , Cuckoo Pen, Porton, Salisbury. Miss . G. STUR fER, Mill Vale House, Bratton, Westbury. Miss B. PATTER ON, St. Johns Hospital, Trowbridge. Lieut.-Col. R. B. ROBINSO , Old Rectory, Beechingstoke, Pewsey. aeant. Mr. Moss, Watchfield, Rowden Hill, Chippenham. (press Relations). Mrs. A. H. Her fINO, Monkton Farleigh ' Manor, Bath . ( .H.S.R.- timin.). . Miss M. J. MOIno. -PALMER, 76, Endless Street, Saltsbury.

Western Area C. F. J. ANDREWS, 9, The Close, Melksham. Vacant. E. MOLONEY, M.B., CH.:e., Prospect House, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts. Mrs. W. B. DAVroSON. M.B., CH.B., The Lodge, Steeple Ashton, Trowbridge. Vacant. Vacant.

outhern Area Brigadier W. J. orman W ALKER, O.B.E., Barnwood, Farley, Nr. Salisbury. Miss E. A. DIMONT, 35a, The Close, Salisbury. Mr . J. EDOE, S.R . . , 18, Kingsbury Square, Wilton. Vacant. Mrs. D. E. FANSHAWE, Farley Farm, Farley, Nr. Salisbury.




Northern Area Area Superin tenden t (A) I\rea Superintenden t (N) Area Surgeon Area S taff O fficer (Cadets) (A) ) .I\rea Staff O fficer (Ca dets) Area Staff O fficer .

E . A. BLArE, 66, St. Ph illips Road, U p p~r Stratton, Swi Q Mr~ . . LANE, 65, P lymouth Street, Swmdon. ntt,ijea J . K. M o RO, r-.I. CH., F.R.C.S., "Highfiel ds," The COIllIn<rMa rlborou gh. 'Area . R. KI I 'G, 43, Richmond R oad, Swindon . Area Mr. 1. C. Hall , 54, Devizes Road, Swindon. Area Mrs. L. E. A. B o ,m, 81 Shriven ham R oad, SWindon '

ConuTIlss\Oner • dent (A) Super~ten t (N) supenntenden Surgeon . . . . Officer Nursmg .. . ~ Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers. . . .

WO CESTERSHIRE Count)' Office: St. John H o use, 34, The T ythin g, Worcester.


Southern Area Col. D. N . CRONIN, O.B.E., T.O., " Woodthorpe," 55, Spetchley Road, Worcester. J. F. GRANT, 748, Evesham Road, Crabbs Cross, Redditeh. Miss M . K OWLES, Sussex Lodge, Kempsey, Worcester. F. H . VOLLAM, M.B., CH.B., Bearhill House, Alvechurch, Nr. Birmingham. Vacant . Vacant. Miss D. W. JONES, Dalston, 64, Worcester Road, Malvern. Miss J. COLLEY, 23 , Timberdine Avenue, Bath Road, Worcester. J . P. W E TLA KE, " Loretto, " Beoley, Nr. Redditch. D . J. TrzZARO, 4, Tynsall Avenue, Webheath, Redditch.


Tel. 24503.

County Office : Priory House, 29, Cottingham Road, Hull. Tel. 43038 County President : The Lord H OTHAM, C.B.E., D.L. County Vice-Presidents : COllnt)' Vice-Presidents: S. LA WR E CE, C. B.E. (A mbulance) The Rt. Hon. Earl BEAUCHAMP (AmbuLance). Lady W eSTB URY (Nursing). Lady LECHr-.tERE ( lll'sing). Colonel R . A . ALEC-SMITH, T.O., D.L., J.P. (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. D. M. RYMER ( ursing Cadets). Sir Ronald LECHMERE (Ambulance Cadets). Cynthia, The Lady SA DY ; Mrs. F . J . SOMERS (Nursing Cadets). E. M . DEAR , O. B.E., M.B., CH.B., D.L.O., Holme Lodge, 197 Commissioner ottingham Road, Hull. (Tel. Hull Central 43840). Lieut.-Col. C. P . VAUGHA , D.S.O., Stanhope House, Peoc' Deputy Commissioner. Vacant. Commissioner Miss E . M. STO EHOUSE, 63, Welwyn Park Road, Hull. Worcs. (Tel. P ershore 456) . ~unty Superintendent (N) T. C. LENCH, Mayford, 63, Halesowen Road, QlIJn:: ~unty Surgeon . . . E. O. HALLIWELL, M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 233, Hallgate, Cottingham, Deputy Commissioner. Birmingham. E. Yorks. Mrs. M. G. O. SOMERS, Highfield House, Blackwe~ ~ Asst. County Superintendent ( ) Mrs . M. REFFOLO, The Bungalow, Sheepman Lane, Hutton County Superintendent (N) Brornsgrove. Cranswick, Driffield. J. T. DALY, M.B., CH.B., 380, Ridgacre Road, Quintoai: County Nursing Officer . . . Miss M. A. NICHOLSO , S.R . . , 657, James Reckitt Avenue, County Surgeon mingham 32. Hull. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. H. CUTLER, M.B., CH.B., Haselton , Dudley Road, Sprk;i~ County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R . BERRYMA , 2, Snainton Grove, Spring Bank, West Hull. Dudley. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss L. F . LEPPINGTON, "Aytona," 8 Bell Vue Crescent, Filey. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss H . M. BIDMEAD, "Tra fford ," Manor Lane, ~al~~ ~unty Staff Officers . . . . C. JACKSON, 230, Hawthorn Avenue, Hull. Miss H. M . WALTO , Mount Pleasant, Cowlelgh !~~ G. HEWARD, "Beaumaris," 74, Ganstead Lane, Bilton, Hull. County Staff Officers Malvern . T . PE , 75, Wymersley Road, Hull. Mrs. M. E . HODGES, 123, Birchfield Road, Reddltch, . H . REFFOLD, The Bungalow, Sheepman Lane, Hutton CransMiss A. E. D INGLEY, 6, Lower W ilton Road, Malvern. . wick, Driffield. County Secretary . 2426) . Miss D. M. HUZZARD, 20, Riversdale Road, Hull. T. E. DAVIS, 78, Brickhouse R oad, Springfield, Dudley. Mrs. G. JACKSON, 8, Lynton Avenue, AnJaby Park Road County Sergeant-Major South, Hull. (Cadet Secretary). G. M. HINCH, 38, Windsor Road, County Road North, Northern Area Hull. Mrs. S. M . JOHNSON, Parkholme, Parkfield Avenue, North J . H. H ALDANE, M. C., F.R.F.P.S., M.R.C.P., The Mount,ClC: Area Commissioner Ferriby. Road, Nethert on, Nr. Dudley. R. E. GRAHAM, 107, Westboume Avenue, Hull. H . S. BENNETT, 52, Harcourt Road , Old Hill . R' Area Superintendent (A) F. R. CHARLTON, Elm Cottage, Bewholme Lane, Seaton, Hull. Mrs. E. V. HALDANE, B.SC., M.B. , CH.B., 100, Church ~ Area Superintendent (N) etherton, Dudley. R. BARRON, M.B. , CH.B. , Ambleside, Hall Street, Duille\ Area Surgeon . . . NORTH RIDING OF YORKSIDRE Mrs. E. A. V-/EBSTER, S. R.N., "The F irs," 28, SummerArea Nursing Officer . Halesowen ri County Office: K. H. BILLINGHAM, 80, Court Crescent, K ingswinsfo rd,)! Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) II, Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough, Yorks. Mrs . M. A. ROBERTS, " Thirteen ," Dudley Wood AIeL" Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County President: Cradley Heath. d Pn" The Lady SERENA JAMES Miss A. E. WITCOMBE, Oldfield, 5, Somery Roa , I Cornm' . Area Staff Officers . Dudley. it' 18slOner. . . Colonel Sir Leonard ROPNER, BT., M.C., T.D., D.L., M.P., Thorp P. C. BENNETT, 20, Millard Road, Coseley, Staffs. (Tr3 pl De ut Perrow, Bedale Yorks. (Tel. Bedale 10). J. F . E. BENT, 23 , Rosemary Crescent West, Goldtho rn P y COmmissioner. J. PEARSON, M.B.E., "Alandale," 19, The Crescent, Nunthorpe, Station, Middlesbrough. (Tel. 56287). Wolverhampton. (Secretary). County S . Vacant. upenntendent (N) Mrs. F. C. DYSON, 2, Upper Westbrook, Darlington. (Tel. Area Sergeant-Major . Darlington 5764). County Presidents: The Coun tess BEAUCHAMP, M. B.E. F. L. NEWTO , Esq, M. B., CH. B.








Mrs. I. R. HyMAS, S.R.N., S.C.M., R.F.N., "Farndale," The

Nursing Officer. . County Surgeon . . . . . C. H. G. BOWES, M.B., B.S., 8, Yarm Road Stockt A st. County Superintendent (N) Mrs. C. M. K. CONE, 10, St. Hilda's Terr~ce County Nursing Officer . . . Mrs. E. M. BIELBY, S.G.M., 27, St. Germain L~e ~l'e Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Sea. ' ~ Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Staff Officer. . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. E. DANKS, 127, Mansfield Avenue Thomab County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Miss 1. W. ADAMS, 17, Cottersloe Road' orton.~i P. P. SMITH, 11, Wes~ Park Avenue, NeWby. Sea' County Staff Officers 1. W. RENAHA , 12, Bmley Avenue, Middlesbrou~ Commissioner R. H. WRIGHT, 27, Grantham Road, Norton, Stockto~~ C. F. PEDDlE, Harrowgate Cottage, Harrowgate Lane; Superintendent (A) County Secretary . on-Tees. (Tel. Stockton 67614). ' ea superintendent eN)






ea Nursing Officer . . . a Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) \rea Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Uta Staff Officers. . . .

District Office: Wetherby House, Wetherby. Tel. Wetherby 2574. District President: The Countess of SCARBROUGH District Vice-Presidents : The Viscountess MOUNTGARRET (Nursing). ~rea Sergeant-Major O. R. H. SMITH, Esq. (Ambulance). The Lord SAVILE (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. E. RAnCUFFE (Nursing Cadets). E. H. LODGE, O.B.E., M.B., CR.B., Castle Garth House'~ rea Commissioner Commissioner . . (Tel. Wetherb~ 2832). ~ Superintendent (A). Lieut.-General SIf. Cohn BARBER, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O)I'l'.a Superintendent (N) District Superintendent (A) Moor Lodge, Ripon. r" Mrs. G. W. LODGE, O.B.E., J.P., Castle Garth House Urea Surgeon . . . District Superintendent (N) (Tel. Wetherby 2832). ' J. PRENTICE, M.B., CH.B.(EDIN.), J.P., "Malsis Mounl Ass~lant Area Surgeon District Surgeon Road, Keighley. ' M!'5. M. A. AYKROYD, The Priory, Nun Monkton, Area Nursing Officer . Asst. Dist. Superintendent (N) District Nursing Officer . . MISS S. GRIFFITHS, S.R. ., S.C.M. 88, Redesdale Lawnswood, Leeds, 16. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) L. MASON,S, Lynnwood Gardens, Pudsey, Nr. Let, D!str~ct Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Mrs. J. CUMMING BELL, Binham Lodge, Edgerton, Hud. D~str!ct Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. M. WOOLFE, Flat B, 6, Blenheim Square, Leeds,: Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Dlstnct Staff Officers J. WOODS, Lovat Lodge, Mountjoy Road, Hudders~· AIta Staff Officer. . . . District Secretary . J. Geo. ROCHESTER, The South Wing Priest Hill II (Tel. Wetherby 2959). ' , Asst. District Secretary R. H. K OTT, ] 5, Dalton Road, Leeds II. Midland Area Area Commissioner . G. THOMPSON, M.B., CH.B., 58, Heath Crescent, Halit Area Superintendent (A) W. HUTCHINSON, Martins Bank Chambers Kin! Halifax. ' District Staff Officer (i/c Nursing Divisions) Mrs. O. M. GELDARD, The Grange, Ukley, Yorks. Area Surgeon . F. A .. BREAR, M.B., CH.B., Westerley Edge, Hawkswo~ Gwseley, Nr. Leeds. Area Nursing Officer Miss O. H. LAWS, S.R . . , C.M.B., H.V., Oak Ghyll ~ Ilkley. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. BRANSON, 8, Stone Street, Sticker Lane, Bradford, Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. M. COOKE, S.R.N. , 61, Toft Street Wortley, L~ Area Staff Officers. . . . Mrs. E. M. SEWARD, 6, Coppice Way, Leeds,8. A. WATSON, Marall, 10, Moorland Crescent Mensl oa Mrs. F. DYSON, 112, Bentley Lane Meanwo~d Leedl,t W. G. LrvERSIDGE, 27, Brownberrie'Walk, Horsforth,Nr. Area COmmissioner Northern Area . Area Surgeon . Area Commissioner . J. B. BAIRD, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., Brow House, Haworth,K . . . . Area Superintendent (A) T .. BROUGHTON, Bracewell Lodge, Bracewell, Nr. Sklpl~ Area Super~tendent (A). . Area Superintendent (N) Miss G. B. MYALL, Gawthorpe Hall Bingley, Yori! Supermtendent (N) Area Surgeon . J. M. A. CRrrClll..EY, M.B., CH.B., ' 15, Woodland! Aea Nursing Officer . : : Harrogate. sst. Area Superintendent (N)


Grove, Harrogate. Vacant. Miss E. L. GILBERT, 15, Hill Rise Avenue, Harrogate. T. 1. McNISH, 96, Devonshire Street, Keighley.

Southern Area J. MAIN RUSSELL, M.B., CH.B., B.RY., D.P.H., "Wemyss," Stockarth Lane, Oughtibridge, Sheffield. A. ELSON, M.B.E., 148, Oaks Avenue, Stocksbridge, Sheffield. Mrs. V. D. LEE WOOD, S.R.N., 16a, Tapton Park Road , Sheffield, 10. C. B. BALL, L.M.S.S.A., Fern Lodge, 138, Dodworth Road, Barnsley. Vacant. P. PROCTOR, 24, High Street, South Elmsall, Pontefract. Vacant. H. HE~O GWAY, St. Thomas's House, Worsboro' Dale, Nr. Barnsley. J. SHAW, J.P., The Beeches, 27, Mill Hill, Pontefract. Mrs. V. G. BOOTH, 4, Ranelagh Drive, Ecclesall, Sheffield 11. C. C. BOWLEY, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.O.G. , 34, Hemper Lane, Sheffield. Vacant. South Ea tern Area . HULLEY, Broadoak, Warnington Drive, Bessacar, Doncaster. L. A. CLARKE, Oaklea, Scawthorpe, Nr. Doncaster. Mrs. BALCO S.R.N., 1, Park Terrace, Thryburgh, Nr. Rotherham. Col. R. W. SCOTT, M.D., D.P.H., "Langley," Cantley Lane, Doncaster. J. A. SCOTT, M.B., CH.B., 14, Middlefield Road, Bessacar, Doncaster. Mr . E. M. BROWN, S.C.M., 70, Top Road, Barnby Dun, Nr. Doncaster. W. HARGREAVES, ]98, Great North Road, Woodlands, Doncaster. 1. HOWARD, 16, Dawood Villas, Bentley, Doncaster. Mr . To\: SE D, 6, The Villas, Edlington, r. Doncaster. D. G. BARBER, 104, Doncaster Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster. L. TAGG, 67, Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, Nr. Doncaster. E. Po BERTIi, Warmsworth Lodge, 7, Barrel Lane, Balby, Nr. Doncaster. C. F . PALMER, "The Chestnut," 28, Cantley Lane, Bessacar, Doncaster. (Treasurer). A. S. CRABTREE, "Sheridan," 26, Ennerdale Road, Wheatley Hills, Donca ter. (Secretary). Mrs. D. A. WARD, 2, Ennerdale Road, Wheatley Hill, Doncaster. C. WAT 0 , 31, Green Lane, Scawthorpe, Nr. Doncaster. (Civil Defence). D. WARD, Ashlea, Marshland Road, Moorends, r. Doncaster. Mrs. P. E. Bell, The Grove, Thurnscoe, Nr. Rotherham. Major H. ASPINALL, Hall Grove, The Park, Woodlands, Donca ter. Mrs . G. HALL, 34, St. David's Drive, Bamsley Road, Doncaster. (Cadets). South Western Area Vacant. W. BROWN, L.R.C.P.(LOND.), M.R.C.S.(ENG.), 128, Halifax Old Road, Birkby, Huddersfield. J. BASSINDALE, 2, Bridley Drive, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield. Mrs. L. C. BEST, Flat 2, 97, New North Road, Huddersfield. Mrs. E. CARRUTHERS, S.R.N., 6, Pennine Road, Dewsbury. Miss Z. E. HULL, 13, Cedar Avenue, Huddersfield.




Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Area Staff Officers.

. ,.\rea Surg~oh 'ffic~r: : : Dr. Mustafa RIal El SARRAFF, Shaftesbury House, Yor\~ Area Nurs(fffi~er (Cadets) (A) Batley. Area Staff (Cadets) (N) Mrs. M. K. MITT?N, 27, Weslt?y Street, Ossett, YO!\l Area Staff Officer ., H. BOWER, 92, Savtle Road, Savlle Town, Dewsbury.(~ Area Staff Officer. . L. CLEGG, 7, York Avenue, Fartown, Huddersfield. tary). commissioner . Mrs. D. LEACH, 864, Bradford Road, Birkenshaw, Nt Superintendent (N) ford. Surgeon . . . Mrs. L. PEACE, 54, Benomley Crescent, Almondbury HArea Nursing Officer . field. ' ' Area H. HOR ,69, Fernside venue, Almondbury, Hudders& Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)


Area Commissioner

COMMANDERY IN NORTHERN IRELAND District Office: 61, Great Victoria Street, Belfast, 2. Tel. Belfast 23970.

President: Her Excellency The Lady W AKEHURST.

Area superintendent (N) [Area





Area Nursing Officer .


Hugh WILSON, F.R.C.S., "Lisnamoyle," The Roddens, Lame. Mrs. C. M. NEELY, 106, Galgorm, Ballymena. J. H . JOHNSTONE, "Mena," Donegall Avenue, Whitehead. Mrs. A. HAMILTON, "Alt-na-Crag," Belfast Road, Co. Antrim. J . M. RODGERS, 15, North Road, Carrickfergus. (Public Duties). Armagh Area Vacant. Miss M . A. LUTTON, Wayside, Killicomaine Road, Portadown. F. BELL, M.B., D.P.H., "Woodlands," Armagh. Miss 1. CHAMBERS, Armagh County Health Committee, 2, Gosford Place, Armagh. (Tel. Armagh 297). Miss E. BERRYMAN, 64, Sandhurst Drive, Belfast. Down Area J . Harris REA, F.R.S.A., The Friary, Banbridge. (Tel. Banbridge 2044). Miss s. H. JOHNSTONE, 38, Lancefield Road, Belfast. . E. W[LLIAMS, B.A., M.B., Chapel Road, Bessbrook . (Tel. Be brook 209). Miss M. Hawthorne, S.R.N., S.C.M., Downe Hospital, DoWDpatrick. Miss. D. DUFF, 11, Springfield Road, Bangor. Mrs. B. KELLY, 35a, Kirkston Drive, Knock, Belfast. Londonderry Area W . J . WILLIAMS, M.B .E., 20, Pump Street, Londonderry. Vacant. Dr. M. F. LESLIE, Lisnagowan, Caw, Londonderry. Mrs. G. W . BROWN, S.R.N., 2, Daphne Gardens, Londonderry. Vacant.

District Vice-President : Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. G. N. WALLACE, M.B.E. ~ea Secretary. . . . Colonel G. GREGG, O.B.E., T.D., Q.H.P., M.D., F.R.C.P., D. Commandery Commissioner . MED., 40, Elmwood Avenue, Belfa t, 9. (Tel. Belfast:~ Commissioner Commandery Dty. Commissioner Major W. S. GRIEVE, M.B.E., E.R.D., T.D., "Cathkin," Rf~ Superintendent Park, Dundonald, Belfas.t. (Tel. Dun~onald 2265). ~ Surgeon . . Commandery Superintendent (N). Mrs. Ivan E[LL, Ballymlsart, 110, CIrcular Road, lll'a Nursing Officer. . (Tel. Belfast 653789). ~a Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Commandery Surgeon. F. E. FLETCHER, M.B., M.R.C.S., D.P.H., 4, My Lady's Fennanagb Area Holywood, Co. Down. (Tel. Holywood 2497). . Vlr . G. E. LIDDLE, Invale, Chanterhill Road, EIUliskillen. Miss Q. QUIGLEY, B.E.M., 19, Cabinhill Gardens, aArea Supermtendent f). Commandery Assist. Super. (N) Mrs. A. MALONE, B.A., 10, Willoughby Place, EnniskiUen. (Tel. Belfast 654866). Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (N) Commandery Nursing Officer Miss B. BOYCE, S.R.N., S.C.M., Altnagelvin Hospital, 1 Tyrone Area derry. luea Commissioner W . M. ERE E, M.B.E., F.R.C.S., Cranagh Dhu, Magherafelt, Com. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) . Dr. T. T. BAIRD, 2, Kensington Road, Belfast. Co. Londonderry. Com. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Miss E. GARRETT, Helen's Lea, Gilnahirk, Belfast. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. A. E. MARTIN, Summer Hill, Clogher. Belfast 654429). Com. Asst. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss V. K. HILL, 45, Bloomfield Road, Bangor, Co. J)j Area Commissioner . . . . W. A. RVA " M.B.E., Glenartney, Cultra, Co. Down PRIORY FOR WALES Holywood 3162). (Public Relations). District Staff Officers . C. MURRAY, 92, Grangefield Cre cent, Belfast, 6. Headquarters: Miss K. HAMILTO , 10 Richmond Park, Stranmillis, BeH Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Tel Cardiff 32131. R. E. M. HUMPHREYS, 11, Alexandra Gardens, Belfast, I! Commandant-In-Chief of Nursing Corps and Divlsiol13 for Wales: Mrs. J. LOGAN, 39, Ardenlee Gardens, Belfast, 6. (Tel. H.R.H. Princess Marina Duchess of KENT, G.C.v.o., c.l., G.B.E. (Admin.) 'b'fCo .. r Wa Ies. H . G . LEWlS, J.P., D.L. Major C. G. BURTON 61 Great Victoria Street, Belfast,.!e mn::llssLOner lor District Secretary , , ~er Superintendent for Wales. Mrs. C. G. TRAHERNE, J.P. 'ef Surgeon for Wales. . . T. J. M. GREGG, O.B.E., B.A ., M.B., B.CH. Belfast Area puty Chief Commissioner for Area Commissioner . D. M. RODGERSON, 747, Crumlin Road, Belfast. 14. Wales . . . . . . . . Colonel R. MYDDLETON, M.V.O., J.P., D.L. Area Superintendents (N) Miss H. IRWIN, 54, Eglantine Avenue, Belfast. eputy Chief Superintendent for Miss 1. A. PERROTT, 28, Ava Avenue, Belfast, 4. Wales . . . . . . . . Mrs. G. BAILEY. Area Surgeons . J . N. LEWIS, M.B., 202, West Circular Road, Belfast. ~uty Chief Surgeon for Wales . 1. H. DAVIES, M.B., CH.B. S. SLOAN, M.B., 146, Grosvenor Road, Belfast, 12. wtant Chief Commissioner for Area Nursing Officers . W. H. RYAN, S.R.N., 32, Stranmillis Park, Belfast. I.ales . . . . . . . . E. JAMES, M.S.M. Miss M. H. CLARKE, S.R.N., 18, Greenwood Park, Belfast 1wtantChiefSuperintendent for Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. SLAVIN, 22, Egeria Street, Belfast, 12. I,ales . . . . . . . . Mrs. R. DAVIES-JONES. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. E. F. KERR, 18, Oakland Avenue,. Belfast. .~tant C.hief Surgeon for Wales I. R . S, ROBERTSO ,M.B., B.S. Area Staff Officers . S. T. SMYTH, Edelweiss, Station Road, Greemsland. ,err Nursmg Officer for Wales. MiGS J. E. THOMAS, S.R.N., S.C.M., T.A. Officer Ambulance Cadets H. BOYCE, 32, Clonlee Drive, Belfast, 4. ~e W lOr ales J C ~rOfficer'N~s~g Cadets'fo~ . ORY, J.P. Antrim Area I~ales . " . . . M rs . W . R . C RAWSHAY, M.A. "B hm unt' , Garygad Area Commissioner W. N. JONES, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., eec 0 , ·,.e Secretary for Wales C. J. PARRY. Road, Ballymena. rung Officer for Wales M' Z D DRUITT Area Superintendent (N) Mrs. F. A. MORTON, Aghnac1are, Woodlands Avenue, lSS .. . mena.




Auglesey County President: Sir Richard W1I..LIAM8-BULICELEY, BT., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President: Lady WILLIAMS-BULKELEY. Commissioner



County President :

Lady President : The Hon. Mrs. FISHER HOCH, T.D. County Vice-President : Mils G. P. THYIrn.-loNES. M.A .• LL.B. (NursinK CadelJ).

superintendent (N)

Nursing Officer Commander A. V. THOMAS, O.B.E., J.P., R.N., St. John Church House, Lion Street, Brecon. (Tel. Sennybridge Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. G. DANIEL, J.P., Maes-y-Ffynon, Pontsticill, Merthyr G. H. BECK, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Grange Cefn Coed Tydfil. " ""' ~:""'u Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

Deputy Commissioner . County Surgeon. Asst. County Surgeon . Superintendent . . Staff Officer (Cadets) Staff Officer (Cadets) Staff Officer . .

. . (A) .

(N) . . .

G. M. JONES, M.R.C.S., L.R .C.P., Pendre Cloth Hall Lane Coed, Merthyr Tydfil. ' , Vacant. Vacant. Miss Ann JACOB, 66, Ayoon Dewi, Llanfais, Brecon. Rhys EVANS, 26, Gough Buildings, Ystradgynlais, Swansea.

Staff Officers (A) . Staff Officer (N) .

CaemarvoDlhire Sir Michael DUFF, Bt., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President : The Lady Megan LLOYD GEORGE, M.P. County Vice-President : Mrs. G. WYNNE FINCH (Nursing).

South Cannartbenshire County Area D . Cecil WILLlAMS, J.P. , "Lisvane," Felinfoel Road, Llanelly, Cannarthenshire. (Tel. Llanelly 255) .


Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . . County Nursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officers . . .

Sir Michael DUFF, BT., J.P., Lord Lieutenant "Vaynol" . Caernarvonshire. (Tel. Bangor 2542).' , Lieut.-Colonel W. J. WILLIAMS, O.B.E., LL. B., B.se., Constable, Caernarvon. G. W. ROBERTS, "Clogwyn" Rockfield Drive Caernarvonshlre.' , M~. E. J:.. JONES, S.R.N., "Tegfan," 14, Terfm Terrace, dinofWlc, Caernarvonshire. I. H. LLOYD, M.B., B.S., "Tan-y-BerUan PenmaenmaWT. Mrs. H. J. ROWLANDS, S.R.N., Plas Ne~ydd, Caernarvonshire. R. P. PATEMAN, 24, Ambrose Street Bangor Ca,emarvlonsn.UUIY H. NEVILLE, M.P.S., 3, Mostyn Street Lland~dno r'n ....... ,rvlDl shire. " T . O. PARRY, 22, Thomas Street, Caemarvon. R. I. THOMAS, 6, Bryntiron Park, Conway. (Secretary). Cardiganshire

County President : The Earl of LISBURNE. Lady President : Commissioner


D. Cecil WILLIAMS, J.P., "Lisvane," Felinfoel Road, Llanelly, Cannarthenshlre. (Tel. Llanelly 255). Mrs. M. D. CAVE, A.R.R.C., "Brynhafod," Old Road, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire. Mrs. S. J . THOMAS, S.R.N., C.M.B., 20, Stradley Park Avenue, Llan ell y , Carrnarthenshire. Lieut.-Colonel G . TREHARNE, 69, Queen Victoria Road. Llanelly, Cannarthenshire. Miss A. DAVIES, 80, Coleshill Terrace, Llanelly, Cannarthenshire. D. B . LLEWELLYN-MoRGAN, M.D ., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R. C. P. , I , Pare Howard Avenue, Llanelly. 1. REES, 19, Renallt Street, Llanelly. A. W . HOLLOWAY, 15, Cowell Street, Llanelly. Mrs. E . M. JONES, 37, Hedley Terrace, Llanelly .

North Cannartbenshire County Area J . R. JONES, Chief Constable, Cannarthenshire and Cardiganshire.

County President:



County President : Lieut.-Colonel Sir Grismond P. PmuPps, C.V.O., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President: Mrs . M. M. P. WILSON. County Vice-Presidents : Major V. D. JONES, M.B.E., M.M., T.D. (AmbUlance). Mrs. F. M. WILSON (Nursing). Brigadier G. YOUNGHUSBAND (Ambulance Cadets) .

County County County County

superintendent (A) . . Surgeon

Staff Officer

Breconshire Sir William PARKER, Bt., O.B.E., Lord Lieutenant.



Rees Evans DAVIES, "Kingslyo," Penparcau Road, Aberystwyth. 1. C. BLAYNEY, Ambulance Station, Queens Road Aberystwytb. H . DAVrns, 12, Baker Street, Aberystwytb. E . D. Clifford JONES, L.M.S.S.A., "Greenhills, "Penylaine Road, Aberystwyth.

Commissioner .

Graham P. WILLIAMS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Longford Holyhead. (Tel. Holybead 109). ' Mrs. S. A. STIRRAT, 1, Sunrise Terrace, Holyhead.

County Superintendent (N)




Mrs. E. D. CHuRCIDLL. Captain J. HEXT LEWES, O.B.E., R.N.(RTD.) , Lord Llanllyr, Nr. Lampeter, Cardiganshire. (Tel. Aero n

East Denbighshire County President : Colonel J . C. WYNNE-FINCH, C.B.E., M.C., J.P., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President :

Commissioner . Surgeon SUrgeon (Cadets) . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) . Staff Officers (A) . . .

Lady LOWTHER. Captain R. G. EVANS, M.B.E., J.P. , Fernyfield, Llay, Wrexham . Denbighshire. (Tel. Gresford 292) . W. E. JONES, "Westholme," Weston Rhyn, Nr. Oswestry. M. T. ISLWYN JONES, M.D., D.P .H., 16, Grosvenor Road .. Wrexham, Denbigh hire. J. W . P. SALT, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Hillcroft," Weston Rhyn, Nr. Oswestry. D. J. GRlFFITH, 45, Warwick Avenue, Hightown, Wrexham . D . R. JONES, 19, Delfryn, Afoneitha, Penycae, Wrexham . E. K. ROGERS, 25, hurch View, Chirk . J . C. DAVIES, "Meadow Bank," Esless Lane, Rho tyllen Wrexham. The Lord TREVOR, J.P., Brynkinallt, Chirk. J. V. LEWTS, Plot 36, Lodge Road, Gwynville Estate, Rhosddu, Wrexham. (Cadets). D. P. ROBERTS, 4, Bourne Terrace, Froncysyllte, Wrexham. (Cadets).






West Denbighshire

County President: Colonel J. C. WYNNE-FINCH, C.B.E., M.C., J.P., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President: Commissioner

Lady LOWTHER. C. MARSHALL-HuGIrns, 36, Station Road Denbighshire. (Tel. Llanrwst 277). ' commissioner E. ELLIS, 97, Parc-y-Dre, Ruthin, Denbighshire. Dr. Sheila REID, The Old Rectory, Llanychan, Ruthin bighshire. ' C. W. L. JONES, M.B., B.S.(LOND.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Commissioner Clocaenog, Ruthin. Vacant. M. DAVIES, 16, St. David's Road, Old Colwyn, .v"ulmn~. G. H. RYDE , Markley Villa, Dundonald Road, Commissioner A. E. ROBERTS, "Delamare," Cadwgan Road, Old T. I. FOULKES, 69, Park-y-Dre, Ruthin . E.


Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon. County County County County County


Nursing Officer . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (A) . Staff Officer (A) . Staff Officer (Cadets)


County President :


Brigadier H. S. K. MAINWARING, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President: Mrs. A. B. PENNANT.

County Vice-President: The Lady KENYON (Nursing Cadets).




Bridgend County Area E. G. HOWELLS, M.M., 22, Meadow Street, Pontycymmer, Nr. Bridgend, Glamorgan. Caerphilly County Area W. J. SKYRME, "Wayside," Nelson Road, Ystrad Mynach, Glamorgan. (Tel. Hengoed 2101). Gower County Area Major J. D . MORTO , M.I.M.E., Tyle Teg, Terrace Road, Swansea. LIantrisant County Area Lieut.-Col. J. A. L. TRAHER E, Castellaw Fawr, Llantrisant, Glamorgan. (Tel. Liantrisant 228). eath County Area Vacant. Pontardawe County Area C. POWELL, J.P., F.C.A., Brierley HOllse, 102, Derwen Fawr Road, Sketty, Swansea. Pontypridd Cotmty Area . B. T. Jo ES, 59, Pantygraigwen Road, Pontypndd, Glamorgan.

R. T. SMITH, F.C.A., "Craxton," Gronan t Road, Flints hire. Merionethshire H. B. FREEMA , J.P., 'Overstone," Wepre Park, Deputy Commissioner . County President : Quay, Flintshire. Colonel J. F. WIlLIAMS-WYNNE, D.S.O .. J.P., Lord Lieutenant. Mrs. R. E. CAULFIELD, "Hazeldene," Maes-y-groes, County Superintendent (N) Ladv Presidellt : Flintshire. Lady ' LADYS R so. Asst. County Superintendent (N) . Mrs. N. I. BAILEY, 19, Pendyffryn Road, Rhyl. I1nln~lJmmlsslonel H. EVANS JONES, LL.B., "Bryn Bella," Barons R0B:d~ Blaenau G. H. COLLIER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Shandon," County Surgeon Ffestiniog, Merionethshire. (Tel. Blaenau Ffesttmog 0: Road, Buckley, Flintshire. J. O. WILLIAMS, B.E.M., 15, Leeds Street, Blaenau FfestmlOg, Commissioner. County Staff Officer (A) . . . C. H. SHENTON, "Castlemere," Kings A venue, Flint. MeriODethshire. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. MANSELL, 4, Sandy Lane, Queensferry, Flintshire, Dr Richard W. EDWARDS Caerffynnon, Dolgelley. (A). Staff Officers R ·R DAVIES 29 Lord Street Blaenau Ffestiniog. (Cadets). R·. J. OWEN,"Tyny'gotel, Cynwyd, Corwen Mer~o~eth. (Cadets). Glamorgan C. ROBERTS, 95, Wynne' Road Blaenau Ffe tllllOg. Staff Officer (A) County President: I. L. Jo E, 4, Gwelfor Terrace, Aberdovey. (Training) Colonel C. G. TRAHERNE, T.D., J.P., BARR., Lord Lieutenant. Mrs . Kerri OWE ,Police Station, L1andnllo . (Cadets) (N) Lady President: The Hon. ·Mrs. J. H. BRUCE. Monmoutbshire Brigadier J. G. MORGAN, C.B.E., T.D., M.B, B.S., Commissioner . County President : L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.L., The Cottage, Glais Road, The Lord RAOLAN, Lord Lieutenant. on-Tawe, Swansea. (Tel. Clydach Glam 2289). , Lady President: A. D. GRIFFITH, L.M.S.S.A., F.R.G.S., R.N.V.R. (RITD.), 86, Deputy Commissioner. The Lady RAGLAN. land Crescen t, Barry. County Vice-President: County Superintendent (N) Mrs. G. M. WILLIAMS, Llanharan House, Llanharan, Mrs . A. J. CHASTON (Nursing). . . , gan. N. GALBRAfTH, hief Constable, ChIef Con table s Office, County Surgeon . . Vacant. .I Abergavenny, Mon. (Tel. Abergavenny 770). Miss P. D. JONES, S.R.N., S.C.M., Q.s., Welsh HOsplta . County Nursing Officer J. H. WrLcox, 1 J, Boumville Terrace, Tredegar, Mon. Commissioner . . Cardiff. Superintendent (A) G. E. DAVIES, 13, Bryntirion, Bedwas, Mon. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. P . HARRIES, 49, Fairfield Road, Bridgend, Miss E. KINSEY, Evadene Park Row, Tredegar, Mon. (Tel. Superintendent (N) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. M. TAYLOR, 59, Woodlands Road, Barry, Glam, Tredegar 3268). " .' County Staff Officer (Secretary) R. W. EDWARDS, 89, Westward Rise, Barry. E. J. WrLLlAMs, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., "Windy Ridge, Gamdiffalth. R. W. SHEPHERD, M.B., B.CH., 34, Pontrhyd Yian Road, Aberavon County Area I Pontnewydd. Area Commissioner R. W. EVANS, T.D., M.MET., F.T.M., Plas-y-Bryn, Pentyi, NUrsing Officer . . . Mrs. V. M. WILMOT, S.R.N. Talbot, Glamorgan. (Tel. Port Talbot 670). Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) E PHILLIPS 19 Arnold Place, Tredegar, Mon. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). Mrs. s. E. FRANCIS, Bryn Rhedyn, 5, New Road, Pontlottyn, Barry County Area Glamorgan. Area Commissioner A. L. MOTE, 91, College Road , Barry, Glamorgan,' Staff Officers (A) . S. C. MORGAN, 5, Alexandra Road, Chepstow, Mon. Barry 934). W. PREECE, 102, Alexandra Road, Abertdlery. B. Stokes, 3, Standard Villas, Trethomas. Commissioner







Aberdare County County President:

Bedwellty County Area Area Commissioner

W. C. BENNETT, 10, St. David's Blackwood, Mon.


Lady President: Lady WILLIAMS, J.P.

Gwent County Area Area Commissioner

T. C. WOODWARD, Vaynor House, Pennant Street

Vale, Mon.

Vice-Presidents: I

Silurian County Area Area Commissioner

Rees MORGAN, "Lynmore," The Gardens, Monmouth. (Tel. Monmouth 316).

Trevethin County Area J. WREN, 32, Edward Street, Griffithstown, Pontypool, Montgomeryshire County Pre sidell t : Alderman Sir George F. HAMER, C.B.E., J.P. Lady President:

Area Commissioner

The Lady DAVIES.

County Vice-Presidents: The Earl of POWlS, C.n.E., T.D. (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. F. GRIFFITHS (Nursing Cadets). Commissioner County County County County County County

T. E. JONES, Severn Villa, Caersw8, Montgomeryshire Caersws 277). . Superintendent (A) W. E. NE~E, 35, Pentrerhedyn Street, Machynlleth, gomershire. Surgeon D. R. B. MATHIAS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Park Lane Montgomeryshire. ' Nursing Officer Mrs. S. E. MATHIAS, S.R.N., Park Lane Welshpool gomeryshire. " Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. N. MANUEL, "HoImIea," Main Street Caersws gomeryshire. ' , Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs. K. E. SILVER, S.R.N., Stone House Welshpool gomeryshire. " Staff Officers (A) . H. RATCLIFFE, Ainsdale House, Maesbrook, D. W. REES, "Gwyndaf," Kerry Road Newtown shire. "

Dr. J. M. WlLSO (Ambulance Cadets). Lady Ffrangcon WILLIAMS, J.P. ( ursing). Dr. H. B. PIERCE, Bryn erdin, Mountain Ash. G. BEVAN, Plantation Road, Abercynon, Aberdare. Commissioner . . L. DAVIES, 115, Ty Fry, Aberdare. Superintendent (A) Mr . R. M. PROTHEROE, 9, Tudor Terrace, Gadlys, Aberdare. Superintendent (N) Vacant. Surgeon . . Nursing Officer . . . Mrs. D. TCE, Ardnalee, Aberdare. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. P'\RFITT, , Rock Street, Mountain Ash Aberdare. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mr ' . P. HARRISO, ROD CRICK, Harrisonville, Cwmdare, Aberdare. G. PHILLIP, 7, .\I1ilton treet, Cwmaman, Aberdare. Staff Officers (A) . D. 0 VIE, 72, Jubilee Road, Godreaman, Aberdare . S. ·\GE, 3 , Davies Street, Aberaman, Aberdare. T. D. EVA. , 7, Broniestyn Terrace, Trecynon, Aberdare. R. ROBERTS, 79 Herbert Street, Abercynon. D. R. WILLIAMS, 125, Brynmair Road, Godreaman, berdare. L. REES, 74, Regent Street Aberaman, Aberdare. Staff Officer (Cadets) ardHT County Count)1 Pre ident: The Rt. Hon. The' Lord MAYOR of Cardiff.

Lad)' President: The Dowager' Marchione

Pembrokeshire County President: The Hon. Richard H. PHILIPPS, M.B.E., J.P., Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President: Mrs. BICKERTON EDWARDS, M.B.E.

Vice-Presidents: The Lord MERTHYR, J.P., D.L. Lady Marion PHlUPPS (Nursing). .

Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officers (A). . . County Staff Officer (Cadets)

G. W. R. TERRY, Chief Constable, County PolIce M'-'"'""OI'. Haverfordwest, Pembs. (Tel. Haverfordwest 22). W. GAYTON, O.B.E., "Lyndale," Rushy Lake, .Ji1U,Uuo,,'. Pembs. Mrs. E. H. OWEN, J.P., Bryn-y-Mor, Fishguard Pembl, D. J. DAVrES, M.B.E., M.D., B.S., D.P.FI., B.SC., "Rorkes Johnston, Pembs. S. MORRIS, 8, Dartmouth Gardens Milford Haven, G " C Mo RAN, G I F.H.A., G, 'rove G ar d ens, F.C.LS., west, Pembs. M. S. ROBERTS, c/o Chief Constable's Office, rvP.rlroro~I[,""Y P. DAVIES, Braemar Hotel, North Road, Milford Haven,

Radnorshire County President:

. . . . Br~g~dler SIT MIchael DILLWYN-VENABLES-LLEWELYN, Bt., M.V.O., J.P., Lord Lieutenant., CorrurusslOner . County Surgeon County Nursing Officer

John DAVIES, M.B., B.CH., Bryncoed Rhayader, D . WALKER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., St. Da~id's Presteigne, shire. ' Miss Mary HUNTER-WILLIAMS, 2, Caemelln, Rhayader,


Vice-Presidents: D. R. EDWARD, M.B .. , J P (Ambulallce Cadet~) Mrs. Edgar LLEWELLY , J.P. ( ursillg). R. DA \ IE


54, High

lreel, Llandan',


J. MA DO J\LD, 10, a llefield Place, Cardiff. W. J. TIIO'v1A , 56, Fore l Road, anton, ardiff. Mi V. . Rc[., 19, i toria quare, Penarth.





Staff Officers (N)

. ~. TIIOM \ , B.E. 1., 35, Prince Streel, R ath. Cardiff. AN, 72, Heol-y-der, Rhi", bina. Cardiff. Mrs J 0 UTI I, I ibley Hou e, yncoed Road. Cardiff C. . BE CE, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., "Oakland," Rumne Hill, ardifT. Mi M. D. H. Jo [., 9, onnaughl Road, Roath. ardtff. Mrs.

Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). Superintendent (N) . Surgeon Staff Officer (Cadet) (N)

K. J.

Merthyr Tydfll

ounty Ollllty PI'£' ic!ellt :

i counl

Ci\! LF,


Lad!' President: The lIon Mr ' . Anthony BLRRY. M. THOMA, hicf on table, hief Con table' Office, Merthyr TyJAL (TcL Merthyr Tydftl 2541). S D. W. J F. , 3, Windsor Place, The Walk, Merthyr Tydfll. uperintendent (A) Mr. M. E. THOMA, 31, Lanca ter Villa, Merthyr Tydfil. Superintendent (N) . Surgeon . . . . . H. THO 1AS, I.U .. B.S., St. laire, Garth Villu" Merthyr T dfil. S ff ta Officer (Cadet) (A) D. W. LUCJH, 6, Brynteg Terrace, Treharri , Glamorgan. lamorgan. Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) MI E. JORDA , 4, Thomas Street, Treharris, Staff Officer (A). . . F. EDWARDS, 12, The Huts, Treharri , Glam. Newport


COllllt)' President: The Worshipful The MAYOR OF NEWPORT.

Lad)! President: Mr .



Vice-President: S. G. FIRTH (Ambulance Cadets).

TIffi ST. THE S T.



County Surgeon (Cadets) .

R. V. C. RICHARDS, B.A., M. R.C.S., L.R.C.P., B.SC. 174 cial Road, Newpor t, Mon. (Tel. Newport '62270) A. 1. CRESSWELL,S, Hawthorn Avenue, N Mon Mrs. W. M. HARBOURN, 25, Clevedon Road, ' W. G. SMITH, M.D., "Green Gates," Clevedon Mon. M. E. DAVIES, L.M.S.S.A., 15, Shakespeare Crescent

County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N)

A. R. G. POCOCK, 27, Lyndhurst Avenue, N Miss O. M. Jo ES, 4, Conway Place, Cwmbran

County Staff Officers (A) .

J. G. PROGER, c/o 235, Christchurch Road, Newport. J. VENABLES, "Greenfield," St. Mellons, Mon. R. JACKSON, 20, Pugsley Street, Newport. F. ANSTICE, 37, Penylan Road, Newport. W. R. NEWTO , M.B.E., Crevose, Newport Road, """j.Il~IUi_ Mon. J. NOTLEY, A.C.A., 16, Ridgeway Avenue, Newport. T. G. SALTER, 14, Alice Street, ewport.

Commissioner Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon


County Staff Officer (Cadets)




PRIORIES AND COMMANDERIES OVERSEAS Commissioner superintendent (N) .

' Comm is ioner


Commissioner . Commissioner . Chief Commissioner .

Priory in Au tralia Maj.-Gen. Sir Kingsley NORRIS, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., E.D., 194, Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria. Miss F. C. B. McKAY, M.B., CH .M. Commandery in 'Ve tern Australia Brig. A. L. DAWKl S, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., E.D ., 298-308, Wellington Street, Perth. Dr. B. C. OHE , M.B., B . . Priory in Canada Comm. L. H. lCHOLSON, M.B.E., R.C.M.P.(RETD.). Brigadier T. A. JOH STO , O.B.£., f.D ., C.D., St. John House, 321, hapel treet, Ottawa, Ontario. Brigadier J. N. B. CRAWFORD, M.B.E., E.D., M.D. Mis M. J. L. MACLARE .

Priory in 'ew Zealand Brigadier J. MrTcHELL, D.. 0., £.0., Druid's Chamber, Woodward treet, Wellington. C. MEACHE ,J.P. ( hief ecretary). Mi . M. KNIGHT, O.B.E. Group aptain . H. MAR H Q.H.P. Dr. D. P. KE NEDY.

Rhondda County County President: The Worshipful The MAYOR OF RHO ODA.

Lady President: Lady RHYS-WILLIAMS, D.B.E.


Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon . . . . . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N). County Staff Officer (A) .

A V ALLDAY J. GWYN (Cadets) G. MORRIS, 19, Matexa Street, Ton Pentre, Rhondda, T. REES, 50, Eleanor Street, Tonypandy, Rhondda, ,lamll. ijperultende Mrs. R. S. MORRIS-THOMAS, J.P., "Brynawel," Rhondda, Glam. W. R. KING, M.B., B.CH., "Y Berilan," Aldergrove Court. W. H. NEWBURY, 21, Hughes Street, Penygraig, Glam. Miss M. E. EVANS, 7, St. David's Street, Ton Pentre. E. W. IRO S, Brynhyfryd, Castleton Avenue, Treherbert.


Commandcry in entral Afri a Brigadier 1. . OLLI S, C.B .I·., P.O. Box 536, Sali bury, outhel11 Rhode ia. Colone l . HI CKM ,\1.B.E . Mr . V. von KU\\PERER. Dr. R. K . BROOK.S, L.R . P. & ., l .R.f.P. & S.

Swansea County County President:

India The Hon . RaJkuman 1, Red Cros Road,

Sir William A. JENKINS, J.P.

Lady President: Lady JENKINS . Commissioner Deputy County County County


Commissioner. . Superintendent (N) Surgeon . . Nursing Officer

County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) County Staff Officer (A). . Asst. County Nursing Officer. County Staff Officers (N).

County Staff Officers (A) .

Prior in S u hern Africa A. GARD . ' ER- \'ILLl A~\ , Glen hicl, \\ 001 ton Road, Westcliff, Johannc burg. olon \~ l J. J . KR UGER. 1\1 IS. L. 1. P AY1\; . Dr. . R"Bf"; \\ ITZ. MI k.. E. POTGLETER.

. .


~11lFuperJntellden t-in-Ch ie f

H. C . LE'BATT HAVARD, "Glen View," Swansea. (Tel. Swansea 32754). Vacant. Vacant. Commissioner Vacant. Miss D . E. DAVIES, S.R.N., R.F.N., Swansea Hospital Home, Pare Beck, Sketty, Swansea. D. A. COOPER,S, Lon Dan-y-Coed, Cwmgwyn, Mrs. M. FRANC[S, 8, Gore Terrace, Swansea. F. H. COOPER, 2, Samuel Crescent, Gendros, Swansea, Miss M. DAVIES, S.R.N., Park Beck, Sketty, swanse.,.,a,·,""",rm_ Mrs. G. M. WILLIAMS, 32, Blaenymaes Drive, Swansea. Mrs. M. PRING, The Chalet, Brynaeron Court, Commiss io ner. . Swansea Superintendent (A) H. G. DAVIES, 95b, Eaton Road, Brynhyfryd. Superintendent (N) A. E. GlBBlN, The Bungalow, North Queen's Dock, "U1~r"'I![fIrt SUrgeon J . REES, 46, Cardigan Crescent, Bonymaen, Swansea.

mrit K UR, S.J. c \\ D\:lhl, I.

.E. Headquarter,

Majo r-General C. K. L KSIIMA A . Mi s T. K. AORA \,: ALA.

Pakistan Syed WaJid Ali H H, H.Q.A.., Sl. John Frere Street, Karachi, 4. Mr. Safdar Ali Kh:1n, S.h. Brigadie r M. Sharif.

mbulan e Brigade H.Q.,

Ceylon Brigadier C. A. H. P. J \y W RDA A, . I.G., C. . 0 . , O.B.E., E.D., St. John mbulance Brigade Headquarters, Lower Lake Road, Galle Face, Colombo 3. Dr. V. T. H . Gl ' I\RATN F. Lieut.-Col. . N. RocK.wO 0, r.D ., J.P. Mrs. M. A. Jainu DEEN. Dr. N. F. UNASEKFRA.





Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. H.Q. Officer for Cyprus Commis ioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon H.Q. Officer.

Ghana E. R. T. MADnTEY, C.B.E., P.O. Box 116, Accra, Ghana A. A. Tmo. . Mrs. E. N. E. TURKSO . Dr. E. W. Q. BANNERMAN. S. C. ADDo-ABEDI, c/ o Ghana Police College, P.O. Box .. _ '".IU"··V"-' Accra. Jamaica Dr. R. D. K. LEVY, 2e, Camp Road, Kingston, 5.

Commissioner . . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N)

Jamaica South-East Dr. H. G. VYSE, O.B.E. R. H. WILLIAMS. Mr . V. ROTHERY.

Commissioner . District Surgeon . . . District Superintendent (N)

Jamaica North-East Dr. O. A TOMLINSON. Dr. L. JACOBS. Mrs. K. HETHERINGTON.

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Jamaica North-West H. CAHUSAC, C.B.E., J.P., West Indian L. R. REED, M.M., J.P., F.C.A. Mrs. M. STARKlGS, J.P. Dr. H. ELDEMIRE.

Commissioner District Surgeon

Jamaica South-West Commander C. W. HrLLMA ,O.B.E., R.N. (Retd.). Dr. M. D . JUDD, M.B., B.S.(LOND.).

Senior Commissioner .

Nigeria Mr. Justice C. D. ONYEAMA, Chief Justice's Chambers, Court, Lagos.

Deputy Commissioner. District Surgeon

Nigerian Police J. E. HODGE, C.M.G., C.Y.O., Force Headquarters, The N' Police, Obalende, Lagos. L. O. EDET. Dr. ORMAN-WILLIAMS.

Commissioner . District Surgeon

Nigerian Railways District Dr. D. O. NDUKWE. Dr. S. E. A. EWA.


Deputy Commissioner. District Surgeon . . Headquarters Officer .


ugar Co., Ltd.,

Dr. Chang Hoey CHAN, J.M.N., P.J.K. Datin Sadiah SARDO ,AI-Hajjah. Dr. Haji Megat KHAS.


Trinidad and Tobago J. V. de CASTRO, St. John Headquarters, P .O . Box 657, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Vacant. Dr. A. M . ROBERTSON, O.B.E. Mrs. F. M . DAVIE-SMITH, P.O. Box 657, Port of Spain , Trinidad, West Indies.

Uganda M. J. MACOU " O.B.E., c/o P .O . Box 1586, Kampala. N. P. H. MILNER, M.P .. , P.H.C. Mr. . A. A. EVERARD, S.R.N. . R . PILBE M, S.E . . , F.T.C.A.P., c/o P.O. Box 1586, Kampala.


Commissioner . . . . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon


Tanganyika A. H. ARLEY, O.B .E., E.R.D., P.O. Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam. Dr. A. A. LOVELL.

Commissioner. . Superintendent (N) Officer for Uganda .

Malaya Brigade National Headquarters: 41, Shelley Road, Kuala Lumpu r.



ierra Leone A. S. KEELING, O.B.E., c/o Police H.Q. George Street, Freetown. Dr. D. E. BOYE-JOH SON E. M. SPECK, c/o Police H.Q., George Street, Freetown.

Cyprus Dr. Z. G. PANOS. Dr. F. RASSIM. Miss 1. M. CHECKLEY, P.J.K., A.M.N., P.O. Box 719,

Senior Commissioner .



Bahamas Vacant. Dr. N. McP. MACLE NA . Barbado

Commissioner. Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Colonel J. 0 ELL, O.B.E., E.D., P.O. Box 236, Bridgetown. Barbados. Major . G. BRADfORD . Mrs. H. HALLO ER. Dr. H. E. SKEETE, O.B.E.

Superintendent (N) Surgeon

Bermuda Wing-Commander L. J. FOUNT I , D.F.C .. B.O.A.C. Airway . Hou e, 59, Front Street, Hamilton. Mr . B. BARTO. Dr. W. H. C. MASTER

Surgeon . . . . , Officer for North Borneo

Nigeria Ports District C. F. D. WALLACE, Nigerian Ports Authority, private Mail 2588, 216, Broad Street, Lagos. ,,"I1IIlSSIOnpr . • . J. O. M. BOLANLE. 'L) Commissioner. . Dr. B. A. JOHNSON, M.B., CH.B.(GLAS.), D.T.M. & H.(L pOO . Superintendent (N) R . F. CHRISTIE, Private Mail Bag 2204, Marina Post SUrgeon... Lagos.

North Borneo Dr. . R . DINGLEY , P.O . Box 432, Jes elton. Dr. K. H. BLAAUW. Mrs. M. REEVES. Briti J. DUREY, . A. D. Dr. L. H.

h Gujana M.B.E., P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. LEARE. WHARTON, M.B.E.

British Honduras J. P. Ru H, J.P., Charlton Lodge, Cork Street, Belize. B. H. TAYLOR, O.B.E. Fiji W. DONOVAN, T.S.O., K.S.G. Box 18, G.P.O., Suva. W. P. RAGG. Miss Jane SINCLAIR, M.B.E., S.R.N. Mr. K. J. GILCHRIST, M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P.(LO D.), F.R.C.S.




Commissioner . Deputy Commissioner. District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon Commissioner


Gibraltar L. HANNON, M.B.E., Police H.Q., Gibraltar. Capt. W. H. K. C. HOARE. Mrs. D . ELLICOTT. D r. C. M. Mo TEGRIFFO. Gilbert and Ellice Islands M. A. W. HOOK, Constabulary H.Q., Betio, Tarawa and Ellice Islands. '


District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Grenada J. H . HOLLEY, M.B.E., Office of the Chief of Police, PoliceH St. George's, Grenada. Mrs. MASCOLL. Dr. B. A. RAPIER, l-I.B., CH.B.(EDIN.) .

Commissioner . . District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

N. G. ROLPH, 2, MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong. Miss A. A. UNTHANK Dr. PANG HOK Ko

Commissioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. District Superintendent

Kenya Sir Charles MARKHAM, Bt., P.O. Box ]469, Nairobi. Vacant. Mrs. O. Y. ALDwORTH.




Headquarters ." Lumsden House, Prol'inces." (1)

(2) (3) (4)

Hong Kong



Deputy Commissioner. . . Area Superintendent (Antigua) Area Superintendent (British Virgin Islands) Area Superintendent (Montserrat) Area Superintendent (St. KittsNevis-Anguilla) .

Leeward Islands Dr. K. H. UTTLEY, c/o Medical Dept., St. Johns, i A. WILSON, Anchorage Road, P.O. 126, Dickenson Antigua. Inspector S. B. HULL, Police Headquarters, Tortola, Islands. Inspector J. BYRON, c/o Police H.Q., Montserrat. Major L. T. ALPHONSO, c/o Miss G. Sebastian, Secretary, Cayon Street, Basseterre, St. Kitts.

Commissioner District Surgeon

Malta G.C. Lieut.-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B.E., G.P.O. Box 560, Malta. Dr. C. G. CASSAR.

Commissioner . . . . Distric1 Superintendent (N) District Surgeon

Mauritius R. M. Desvau x de MARIGNY, Police H.Q., Port LouIS. Miss G. DAVIES. Dr. R. de SE [VILLE.

Commissioner District Surgeon Commissioner . Deputy Commissioner. District Superintendent (N) District Surgeon Area Superintendent (Dominica). Area Superintendent (St. Lucia) . Area Superintendent (St. Vincent)

Commissioner . District Surgeon

Sevchelle B. H. EALON, O.B.E., Police H.Q., P.O. Box 46, Victoria, Seychelles. Dr. H. M. STEVENSON-DELHOMME, C.B.E. Singapore Dr. D. P. McINTYRE, 420, Beach Road , Singapore 7. The Hon. Dato Syed Ahmad Mohammed ALSAGOFF, M.B.E., J .P. Mrs. H. REYNOLDS. Dr. K. L. LOH. Windward Islands A. G . W. COUSINS, Office of the Chief of police, Dominica. F. CANNON, Police Headquarters, St. Lucia. n Lt.-Col. S. A. ANDFR ON, M.B.E., Police H.Q., KingstoW, Vincent. Zanzibar R. H. V. BILES, Police Headquarters, P.O. Box 237, Dr. W. L. BARTON, M.B.E.


Commissioner. nt (N) . Commissioners



Eire (Southern Ireland) 29, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin, 4. Tel. Dublin 65757. McCurtain Street, Cork. Glentworth Street, Limerick. John Street, Sligo. Mullingar. Mrs. Seton PRINGLE. The Lady CAREW. Mrs. Beatrice GROSVE OR, C.B .. Lady THOMP 0 . Douglas W. MONTGOMERY, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I., 48, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin, 2. Joseph P. MACNAMARA, 1, orwood Park, Ranelagh, Dublin. Mis Letitia Overend, LL.D., Airfield, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. Daniel J. O'BRIEN, 19, Pimlico, Dublin, 8. Frederick S. WillTE, 34, Gardiner's HiU, Cork. Dr. Brian PRl GLE, LR.C.P.l., 10, Merrion Square, Dublin, 2. Mis M. M. FOGARTY, Lum den Ho e se, 29, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin, 4.


<Bra nb lI')riot'\? in tbe :fJ3ri tis b 1Rea[ 111 of

the Most IDCllcrRbIe @rber of tbe ll)ospitaI of St. 30bn of 3erusa(cll1

Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1963


Telegraphic Address: Firstaid, Lond n


DO , E.C.l

Telephone: C lerke nwell 6644





Page 9










Field-Mar hal His Royul Hi g hne the Duke of Gloucester, K.G., K.T., K.P., P.e., G.M.B. G.. M.G., G.e.v.O.


23 1l0rb ~Jrtor






The Lord Wakehur t K.G.
















The Most Re . and Rt. Hon. The Lord hsher




88 92











f Lambeth,

P. . , G . . \ '.0. , D.O.



F. Par hall, E 'q., T.D.

1H.1I(lff of


'ir Harry LuI e, K.C.M.G., D.UfT. LL.D.

ULl)f DtlJel' PRIORY 1




<!flrnnb (,[.r055

H.R.H The Duke of Wind or, K.G., K.T., K.r., G.. B., etc. Lieut.-Genera l Sir William Dobbie, G.C.M.G., K.. B., D.S.O. Tbe Rt Hon. Vinccnt Ma ey, r .. , .11. Charles H. C. Pirie-Gordon , ~ q., O.B.E., D. . . , F.. A. Dr. Richard William, F.. A. BrigadIer Sir tewarl Duke-Elder, G.. V.U., M.D., r.R . .. . , F.R. The Lord Bos om, LL.D.

m:f)e lInors' of


Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey, K.e.M.G. (Scotland) Th.e Lord Aberdare (Wales). Bngadier C. M. Boffe, .B.E. (South Africa) RE. Bngad ier Sir Bernard Fergu son, G.. M.G., G.. V.O., D. '. 0., O.B.E. (New Zealand). HI·E. Major-General G . P . Vanier, D.S.O., M.e., LL.D. (Canada). -LE. The Visco unt De L'Isle, V.C., G.C.M.G., G.e.v.O., P.. (Au tralia) .



m.be <fxecutibe <l&fficers


QExecutibe ®fficers

Assistant Receiver -GeneralM. S. Barker, Esq. , F.C.A.

<!I:DanceIlo r

Horace F. Parshall, Esq.,


Deputy Hospi tallerAir Commodore T. Keith Lyle, ~ecretnQH!~enera(

C. T. Evan, E q.,

C.B.E., M.D., M.R.C.P .• F.R.C.S.

Deputy Directors-General, St. John Ambulance AssociationD. C. Maclean, Esq. Lieut.-General Sir Ale ander Drummond, K .B.E ., C.B., LL.D.,




3l\eceluer=llgenera (

Lewis G. Whyte, E q.,



Assistant Directors of CeremoniesCommander E. A. Morrison, R.N. Lieut.-Colonel W . W. Dove, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., F.S.A. (Cross Bearer). Captain J. Docwra Rogers, M.B.E. (Sword Bearer).

f.F.A .

3fof)n £lllluulance £lssociatloll

Sir Philip Southwell,

e.B.E., M.e.


Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder,

G.e.v.o., M.D., F.R.C.S. , F R ').


Sir Gerald Creasy,

K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., O.B.E.


Dr. Richard Williams,

f.S.A .

3l\e{!istra r

Sir Harry Luke,

K.C.M .G., D.UTT., LL.D.


Sir, Anthony Wagner,

K .C.V.O.

jlBirector of Q!:eremOllles

Colonel P. H. Catt

<!I:ommissioner.in =Q!:fJief,


3fof)n %lmulllance

Rear-Admiral Royer Dick,

~ri gabe

C.B., C.B.E., D .S . .

Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance BrigadeReH-Ad miral R . S. Wellby, C.B., D .S. O .




Great Officers. other Bailiffs Grand Cross. Priors of Priories. Executive Officers.

1RniWJts of ,'Justict

Janigbt55 of ]Ju55tice (who have served two terms of three years on Chapter-General and wish to continue thereon) Major P. M. Beachcroft, O.B.E. Commander E. A. Morrison, R.N . Surgeon Rear-Admiral Sir Cecil Wakeley, Bt., K.B.E., C.B. Major R. L. Loyd, O.B.E., M.C. Sir George Wilkinson, Bt., K.C.V.O., LL.D. Captain The Lord Harris, M.C. Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., F.S.A. The Earl of Cranbrook, C.B.E. The Lord Cozens-Hardy. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas Cook. The Hon. Sir George Bellew, K.e. v.o. Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Hornby Steer. The Lord Crook Brigadier F. A. V. Copland Griffiths, D.S.O ., M.C. Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B., C.B.E. Colonel P. H. Catt Sir Harry Sinderson, K.B .E., C.M.G., M.V.O . Lieut.-Commander A. F. Inglefield, R.N. Major The Hon. Clive Bossom, M.P.


l\epre55entRtibe ]Junior 1S.nigbt55



1knigfJt of 3' ustict Sir David Evans-Bevan, Bt. (representative of the Priory for Wales).

JRnigfJts of


Sir Basil Mayhew, K.B.E. Brigadier-General J. G. Browne, e.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. Captain J. Docwra Rogers, M.B.E. W. G. Pape, Esq., O.B.E. Sir George Abbiss, O.B.E. W. E. C. Lazenby, Esq., C.B.E. Sir Hugh Dow, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I. The Lord Latham. Sir John Hathorn Hall, G.C.M.G., O.B.E., D.S.O., M.e. Sir Alexander Grantham, G.C.M.G. Lieut.-General The Lord Norrie, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., C.B., D.S.O., M.e. Sir Andrew Wright, K.C.M.G., C.B.E., M.C. Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, K.C.M.G .• K.B .E., M.C., T.D., Q.C. Colonel W. E. Pringle, M.C., T.D. D.L. Captain P. Reay, O.B.E., M.C. Captain F. L. Richard, O.B.E.,

Sir Andrew Murray, O.B.E. (representative of the Priory of Scotland). Colonel C. G. Traherne, T.D. (repre entative of the Priory for Wales) . Colonel Sir Cull um Welch, O.B . E. M.C. Sir Austin Strutt, K.C.V.O., C.B. D. C. Maclean, Esq. G. 1. C. Colenso-J ones, E q .

l"lllrrtJts' of ~riHr

Air Vice-Mar hal ir Robert George, K.e.M.G., K.e. .0., K.B.E., e.B., M.e. (representative of the Priory in Australia). Brigadier R. A. Hepple, C.B.E., M.C. Sir Edwin Chapman-Andrews, K.C.M.G., O.B.E. ]. A. B. Palmer, E q. Sir PhIlip Warter. C. S. C. Prance, Esq., O.B.E . H. N. Bream, Esq. H. S. Taylor-Young E q. Sir Percy Spender, K.C.V.O. K.B .E., Q.C. Sir Gawain Bell K . . M.G ., .B.E. Lieut -General Sir lexander Drummond K.B.L .B. The Hon. Sir Maurice Bridgeman, K .B.E. Air Commodore T. Keith Lyle, C.B.E. Sir John Buchanan K . . M.G.

'[:1)1' ~lIb-.{2Ireliltr.s

The Rt. Rev. H. J. Buxton. The Rt. Rev. & Rt. Hon. J. W . . Wand, P.C., K.C.V.O. The Rt. Rev . P . H. Herbert. K.C.V.O., D.D. The Rt. Rev . & Rt. Hon. H . . Montgomery Campbell P.c., M.e. D.D. The Rt. Rev. D. H. Crick, D.D . The Very Rev. C. L. WaIT, K.C.V.O., D .D., LL.D. The Rev. Dr. Alan C. Don, K.C.V.O. The Rev. A. Nevile Davidson, D.D. The Rt Rev. O. H. Ellison, Bi hop of he ter. The Rt. Rev. W. H. Stewart, C.B.E., D.D. The Rt. Rev . W. A . Parker Bishop of Shrew bury. The Rt Rev. J. D . McKie. The Rt. Rev. W. A. E. Westall, Bi shop of Crediton. The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Frederick Donald Coggan, D.O., Archbishop of York. The Rt. Rev. Stanley A. H . Eley. Bi hop of Gibraltar. The Most Rev. A. C. MacInnes, C.M.G., Archbi hop of Jeru 'alem and Metropolitan. The Rt. Rev. C. Eastaugh, M . . , Bishop of Peterborough. TT he Very Rev. O. H. Gibbs-Smith, C.B.E., Dean of Winchester. he Rt. Rev. R. D. Say, Bishop of Rochester. The Rt. Rev. K. E. N. Lamp]ugh, Bishop of Southampton.


lRepresentatiue ({[erica[


The Rev. Canon Christopher Perowne, T.D. The Venerable H. J. Matthews, The Rev. M. F. Foxell, c.v.o. The Rev. Cyril Cres well, K.C.V.O. , F.S.A. The Rev. Canon A. F. Hood, ~tficiating ~baprRins

The Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon. H. C. Montgomery Campbell , P.c., The Rev. Canon Christopher Perowne, T.O .

M.C. ,


l\epresentati 1I e ([ omnmnb rtS M. S. Barker, Esq. The Hon. Denis Berry, T.O. Sir Francis Evans, G.B.E., K.C.M.G. (representative of the Commandery of Ards in Northern Ireland). The Earl St. Aldwyn, P.c. , T.O. , O.L . John Tennant, Esq., T.O. Rear-Admiral R. S. Wellby, C. B., D .S.O.

l\epresentatibe F. H. D. Pritchard, Esq.,




~tcretarp = ~enerar

N. C. McClintock, E q . ~ecretarp

J. G. Silver, Esq .,

\lrreasnrer anb


%1((0 U


D. B. R. Swinstead. Esq.,




THE REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL FOR THE YEAR 1963 The Chapter-General ha ' the hOllour to submil to Members and Associates of the Order it Report for the year] 963. FOREIG


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An event of major importance took place at St. John's Gate on the 26th November, 1963, when a Declaration was signed by the Lord Prior on behaH of the Venerable Order and the Grand Chancellor on behalf of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta clarifying the relationship of the two Order . The text of the Declaration i given in the illustration in thi Report. It is worthwhile to record the historical circumstance which led to it. In 1540 King Henry VIII onfiscated the properties of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Except for a brief revival under Queen Mary I, the 'Langue' or 'Tongue" of England, one of the eight national group under which the Hospitallers were organised, went into irtual abeyance. In 1831 The Grand Priory of England wa revived on the initiative of certain Knights f l. John belonging to the ' Ton gue" of Au ergne, Provence and France, acting a a 'Capitular Commission '. In 1858 after con id era ble argument, the validity of the revi va l wa disavowed by the central headquarter of what is now known as the Sovereign and Military Order of the Knight of Malta . In 1888, the Briti h ranch of the Order received a Royal Charter from Queen Victoria, which gave it an independent status. Since then "The Grand Priory in the Briti h Realm of the Most Venerable Order of the Ho pital of St. John of Jeru alem", a what is generally called "The Order of St. John' wa officially named , ha spread throughout the Commonwealth arrying out its practical humanitarian work through the 'Foundation ", the t. John Ambulance As ociation the St. John Ambulance Brigade, and the t. John Ophthalmic Ho pital at Jerusalem . After 1856 relations between the 'Venerable" and "Sovereign" Order can hardly be said to have exi ted. This situation continued until the occupation of Italy by the Allied Forces in 1944. Then personal contact were e tabli hed between members of the Venerable and Sovereign Orders. These contact led to the sending of an official Mission from St. John's Gate in London to the Palazzo Malta in Rome in 1945. A new spirit of friendship and mutual esteem ha since grown up and ha led to the desire to end pa t contro ersie . The As ociation of Knights of Malta in England has been the intermediary in the most recent negotiations, which have culminated in the present Declaration. This involves no change in the constitutional independence of the two Orders, but recognises their historical links and the common tradition that inspires their humanitarian activities. The Declaration may, however, be taken as a symptom of the oecumenical pirit now ·happily res?lving so many misunder tandings and complements the ~onvention whIch was entered into by the Venerable Order with the Johanniterorden o~ Germany (with it Swiss and other ational A sociations) and the Orders of St. John in the Netherlands and in Sweden.




A meetin a of the Grand Prior' Advi ory Council was held in June Thi was th~ econd time on which the Council, whi~h is a creation of the 1955 Statutes, had met. To quote the w rd of Hl Royal Highness The Grand Prior who presided at the opening meetin g, the essential purpose of the Council ~ere "to review from time to .t ime the SCOpe and activities of the Order In it everal part and to can Ider fresh ways whereby the Order might contribute within its powers and means to the welfare of the peoples of the Commonwealth and el ewhere". A wide variety of topics was discussed and the occasion afforded a most fruitful means of renewing and strengthening personal ontact between the Executive Officers of the Grand Priory and delega tes from the Priories, most of whom were happily able to remain for the Annual Festival of the Order. AN UAL FE TrV AL OF THE ORDER

The Fe ti al wa held on Saturday, 22nd June. Holy ommunion was celebrated in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church by the Rt. Rev. W. A. Parker, Bishop of Shrew bury. The General As embly was held in the Mansion House by the kind permis ion of the Rt. Han. The Lord Mayor, Sir Ralph Perring, Bt. The Commemoration Ser ice was, as is customary, held in the afternoon in St. Paul's Cathedral , the ermon being preached by the Bishop of Shrew bury . The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs attended in State. GRAND PRIORY

f( ~yu-~ ,


Bar to Life Saving Medal ill Gold Reginald Herbert Blanchford , O.B.E., G.M., for two re cues involving the gravest risk to his own life of persons trapped on highly dangerous Cliffs at Petit Port, Guernsey, on 9th June, 1962, and at Petit Bot Bay on 4th August, 1962. This is the first Bar to the Life Saving Medal to be a warded by the Order. Life Saving Medal in Bronze A. E. C. Perera , for participating at great personal risk i 11 the rescue of five persons in danger of drowning in dangerou seas at Mount Lavinia, Ceylon, on 24th April, 1963. James K. Eshun and Issaka Wangara for the rescue at great personal risk of three miners trapped by the collapse of a section of the roof and surrounding ground at the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation Mine at Obuasi, Ghana, on 10th August, 1963. Sub-Inspector Carlyle Dias, Ceylon Police Force, for participating at great personal risk in the rescue of four fishermen whose boat had capsized during a severe gale on 24th August, 1962, off Panadura .

6ma. rcltg~ to ~ r~ of acAkmu-: ~~ficn-,

~ to w~ t~ Moet \1elUrAb(,q, Onkr wu tM ~~~ of~MGrMd:~

of ~ Sovere\gn O1-w, bl ~ tU-M CAU6d, dW'l6Wn- ~ thc.e con.u.rnd with., eudv F tWns. (ht~ it l6 that du. Mc.CVi,rwx~Orda ~ed-b..ccmyk~ ~ ~~ttna wh¢n. \t w~ grM\id to. RoyAl ChArt« ~ Her Maj£s~ Quun. Vid.o-r·~ ....,fw bw.m.t it'6 5overci5n., ~.


u,u, thU t:im£ tM 1i.ost \?~un.b{'¢' Orw hM F6uu:L

Jw~) u)'ec~ tc t&. yo<"" ~ ~. ~ wen tkvery


tht ScvereiSn-Orda~.J


It was stated in last year's R eport of the Chapter-General that the deficit target of £20,000 set by the second Appeal of the Grand Priory Church Restoration Fund had been reduced to £5 000. Further generous donations have reduced the deficit again, to £3 ,500, which , however, it will be noted , till remains to be made good.





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~ tc ~.ta.nd.1 ~eecr~,



6ru.tOnl~6, r~

6A.Il\.(, tr~ct\~1 F6ums t:fu, 6Am.t ~) 6ervUtg tfu- ~u, cA.tt6e Md,wu.r~ U\eI 'A~ f~mcu6 ~ol..ntu(, ct'ou, ,hCUiL fw,,(, th.t. gruiut re6~ MtC£, ut.um.., for ~. cthtr . tc i4 oux g-ru.t ~ to cUcia« that 600v ~ r~ &.cu truty e~ut, And.. tfu.t \t t6' tk d.u.tut w~ of both Ord«6 , tc ~ ever mor~ 'fI~6 in. wh-idv ~J CAtV ccfu.bor~) tc .P"omo~ 00£6 ~ ~ to ..tkv~ tfu,



•.n~ -m-Ueri.u



Lord. PrWr oftk



Moot VenerA.bl4. On{('l".

5""ere~n Ord.a.

St·lo1m·s G~. Ckr~n .... d'!'. Londcn..

Th e English version of the D eclaration



Divisional Officer Derek Hart, S.J.A.B., for the rescue of a small child being carried out to sea in a full tide and dangerous conditions at Colwyn Bay Wale, on 8th June, 1963. Mr. Hart jumped fully dressed into the sea ~nd placed his own life in jeopardy. Miss Patricia Lord, for aving small children in danger of being crushed by a falling sight creen at a sports ground at Johannesburg, South Africa, on 25th Augu t, 1963. Miss Lord suffered a broken leg and other injurie a a re ult of her gallant action.

ertificate of Honour Remegiu Silva, who played an outstanding part in the rescue off Mount Lavinia. Ceylon, [or which Mr. A. E. C. Perera was awarded the Life Saving Medal in Bronze. Waru ahennadige Eddie Zoysa, GaUage Michel Fernando, Totawattage Don Simon and Kurukula ooriya Semion Perera, for assisting at great per onal risk in the res ue operations off Panadura, Ceylon, for which Inspector arlyle Dias received the award of the Life Saving Medal in Bronze. Corps Officer Cyril Madeley Smith, S.J.A.B .. for the rescue at great personal ri k of three children from a burning house at Coventry on 14th July. 1962.



REPORT OF THE HOSPITALLER AND HOSPITAL COMMITTEE FOR 1963 including the REPORT OF THE HOSPfTAL SUB-COMMlTT ES The Ho pitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Ho pital have the honour to ubmit their seventy- econd report covering the eighty-first year of the Ho pital for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. GE ERAL

The year ha been di tingui hed by two official Royal visit to the Hospital of particular intere t and encouragement. A mentioned briefly by the Warden in hi Report, Hi Maje ty King Hus ein of Jordan, an Associate Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order, wa graciou ly pleased to open the Eye-bank on the 16th January, and during hi vi it he spontaneously called for a form and bequeathed his own eye to the bank. This splendid gesture, so characteri tic of the King, i the more courageous on the part of a Mo lem ruler, for Mo lem religiou teaching is particularly trict on all matter relating to the human body. His gesture was followed by a declaration from the Mo lem authoritie that the gift of the eyes after death conformed with the tenet of religiou charity. We are therefore particularly grateful to Hi Maje ty for demon trating his approval and support of our work in such a public and practical manner. Some two months later His Royal Highne The Duke of Glouce ter, Grand Prior of the Order, was able to vi it the hospital, accompanied by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester, the Pre ident of the Ladies' Linen Guild. It will be remembered that Hi Royal Highness had hoped himself to open the new hospital in October, 1960, but had unavoidably been prevented from travelling to Jordan. On the 15th March, however, Their Royal Highnesse arrived by air in Amman, together with Lord Wakehurst, K.G., the Lord Prior of the Order and the Hospitaller; and on the 18th they motored to Jeru alem where they stayed for two days as the guests of the Warden and Mr . Boa e. In lovely spring weather on the 19th March they carried out a very full inspection of the hospital, and later held an Investiture in the course of which seven persons were invested with the insignia of their respective grades in the Order, an event followed by a reception attended by the members of the Order in Jordan. Their Royal Highnesses were also able to do some sightseeing in Jerusalem and in Bethlehem, and to meet members of the British community at a reception held in the garden of the Consulate-General. Their Royal Highnesses expressed their great appreciation of all they saw at the hospital, saying that the scale of the facilities and the standards of work exceeded their expectations, and were both an inspiration and a source of great satisfaction to them. To everyone connected with the hospital, both British and Jordanian, this visit acted as a lively and happy fillip and-if that were possible-augmented the pre tige of the hospital throughout the Middle East. The Hospitaller, accompanied by Lady Duke-Elder and the Secretary, was present during this visit, and subsequently returned in December to





Jerusalem where he stayed until Janua~y, 19~4. During .t~e second visit.Her Highne s Prince s Muna of Jordan paid an Informal VISIt to the HospItal. Apart from- and even d ur!ng- these highlig~ts, the routine d~ily work of the hospital ha gone on 111 the usual way, In so far as medtcal work with its con tantly recurring new problem and urprises can be considered routine. ach working day throughout the year the out-patient department has tended an average of 270 persons who would otherwise have been without h~lp; the ward .have remained full of thos~ who have been more seriously 111; the operatmg theatres have been stramed to the limit of their capacity; while the Eye-bank has become an effective factor in the relief of blindne . It will be een from the tati tic appended to the Warden's Report that tbe total attendance in the out-patient department have declined since the new hospital wa occu pied. Much of thi decline is due to the ituation of the new ho pital out ide the Old City; there i little doubt that when we were working in the mid t of the City many out-patients came with trivial complaint and even becau e they had nothing better to do, while many per isted in returning with unneces ary frequency; they are now discouraged by the di tance they have to travel. The Warden ha made mention of other rea on which contribute to the decline, and particularly to the small drop in total attendance thi year; none of these reason reflects adver ely on the work of the ho pita!. There seems little doubt that the figure in future \. ill tabilize at around 80,000 per annum. It i more ati factory that the figure thi year record the more erious rather than the trivial type of illne and that tho e for major operation reached the unprecedented level of nearly 6,000. Among the e it is gratifying to see that 85 \ ere operation for corneal grafting. In the Report of la t year it wa noted that the research laboratories, built in the ground of the ho pital before the main building was erected, were recently converted into tv\ 0 Oat inee ample provi ion for laboratory accommodation \ a incorporated in the new building. We have now added a econd torey to thi block, making a combined unit of four flats for the u e of urgeon re earch " orker , and their families, a provi ion which hould en ure that all our staff i gathered together within the ho pital compound, haring all the amenitie that this entails. It is also propo ed to add a recreation room to the Sisters' Home; it is expected that thi will complete our building programme for the forseeable future. We were very happy to learn during the year that the British ConsulGeneral ha acquired the open land immediately to the south of the Warden's hou e us a ite on which to build the new Consulate-General. He will be a very welcome neighbour. RESEARCH

In previous Report the progre s of re earch on infective disease or the eye, particularly trachoma, the di a trous condition 0 prevalent in the Middle East, which i e timated to affect between 300 and 400 million pe.ople throughout the world, has been briefly outlined. The re earch ~OItlated in our ho pital and continued by the Medical Re earch Council 10 West Africa ha now reached a tuge when the prophylactic vaccination of children can rea onably be attempted. With thi end in view the Order sent Profes or Barrie Jones to the Middle Fa t with an epidemiologist to



determine where an investigation of thi type could best be initiated on a re earch ba i . For a project uch a thi several de iderata are required in the community among which the preliminary re earch hould be conducted :I. A proportion of the child population up to ab ut 90 % hould become infected before the age of 5 to 7. 2. A child population up to about 700 hould be available for vaccination allowing for controls (who would not be vaccinated) and also allowing for the high death-rate of young children in the e areas 3. Relative i olation, and at the ame time tability of the populatio~ in village of convenient size. 4. The non-availability of antibiotic drug to the population so that the effect of a vaccine are not artificially vitiated. 5. The population hould be such as not to object on religiou or ocial grounds to the acce of Briti h doctor to recently delivered mother and to infants. 6. The availability of residential accommodation for a team of re earch workers. 7. The availability of laboratory accommodation for immediate investigations and the po ibility of relatively acce ible air transport for the despatch of material requiring complicated viral inve tigation to London. A population which is co-operative and a government who are ympathetic to a project of thi type. No uch inve tigation can be carried out vithout the ble ing and active help of the government and its Ministry of Health. It is obvious that these criteria are not readily met, but after a careful survey including Jordan, Iraq, Iran , and Kuwait, Profe or Barrie Jones concluded that the best opportunities for a preliminary e periment lay in Iran that the villages along the pipelines in orthern Iraq were suitable for certain studies which might be undertaken at a later date, and that Kuwait would be a suitable community from which to attempt the elimination of trachoma when the potentialitie of vaccine and the size and frequency of its dosage had been asse sed. [t is hoped that a start will be made in this programme during 1964. It is interesting to note that, largely due to the activities of our hospital and the excellent work of UNRWA over many years in the refugee camp, there is not now sufficient trachoma in Jordan to make it a rewardingfield for our preliminary research work. HOSPITAL COMM1TTEE We record with deep regret the deaths which took place during the year of the Rt. Hon. The Lord Evans and of Mr. J . E. Coomber. Both had been members of this Committee since 1957 and their 10 will be deeply felt. We were very pleased to welcome as a new member Sir Edwin ChapmanAndrews, K.C.M.O., O.B.E., whose appointment as Honorary Treasurer was approved by the Grand Prior in October, 1963. This post ha hitherto been held by the Receiver-General, but in view of the extra duties which the Honorary Treasurer will shortly undertake and are mentioned later in thi report, he had asked that the post should be made an individual



incumbency; as Receiver-General Mr. Lewi Whyte will of course remai~ a m~I11ber of the Committee with overall responsibility for OUl~ financIal poliCY· We al 0 welcome Mr. E. Reed of the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers who con: es to the Committee in place of the late Mr. Coomber · and Mr. wll1stead who has been appointed as our Treasurer. Although trictly out id~ the ~hronology of this report we are happy to conwat~late Sir Maunce, Bndgeman on the Knighthood conferred upon him In the New Year s Honour Li t of 1964. IIOSPITAL STAFF Our staff appear to be very happy and are certainly exceedingly busy. Dr. Boa e O.B..E., F. R.C.S: p.~.M .S., has now filled the post of Warden in Jerus~lem with much dl tlnctlOn for seven and a half years and we hould. like to expre our thank to him . Hi period of office 'has been an active and an Important ph~se in the hi tory of the hospital, and Dr. Boase. ha enha~ced the pre tlge o.f the Order in Jordan, both by his wor~ In .th~ ho P!tal and together With Mr . Boase by the many activities outsl~e It. 111 which they play an active part. We hope they will long remain With us . We are glad that the ub-Warden Dr. Budeiri O.B . . , M.D ., D.O.M.S ., has completely recovered from hi illne . He ha had another busy and satisfying year. There ha been a complete turnover among t the other Surgeon for ~o t of them come to Jeru alem on a yearly ba i . We are very sorry II1deed t? ay goodbye to Dr. Pato n, the son of Dr. Townley Patoll, who had Intr?duced and e tabl~ hed . th~ y~-bank and who was deservedly so popul~r With everybody dU~111g hi time In Jeru alem. Hi place is taken ~y Dr. FJ~rdbotte~ a Canadian urgeon p n ored by the International Eye-bank 111 Wa hlllgton. We welcome al 0 Dr. Rintoul who has been seconded for a year by the Royal Navy. We think that the e econdments hav~ gre~t v~1 LIe, for the experience gained by a surgeon in Jerusalem I unique 111 the world. We hope that it may be possible in future t? mak~ arrangement ~ r more exchange of thi ort both from the Untted Klllgdom and from the COI11mom ealth. qur nurs~ng staff i equally effective and their omewhat onerous duties are .llghtened .by. the happy pirit which pervade the ho pital, the rewarding appreclatlo~ of. their patient, and the regard with which th~y are held by the multi-racial community of Jeru alem. The Matron MISS A~ne Bl~witt, her a i tant and the Sister-Tutor, Mi Eileen Smith: are as tn ~revlOu year ably upplemented by a team of Briti h Sister f~onded trom Moorfield Eye Hospital in London, an arrangement of f mense value. to u a. ell a . to the e Si ter who have the advantage o suppleme.ntlllg their e penence by the immen ely varied clinical mat~nal available at the hospital. For thi arrangement the Committee ~o~tJnues. to be ~rate~ul to Miss M~cKellar, the Matron of the great Jndhalml~ hospital 10 London whIch serves our intere ts so well. ~r their gUldance the Arab nursing staff both male and female contmue . the Nurse' Home· . ' and the Nursin a School , h. . happI·1 y, 1·· lVlng ll1 ~ Ich Includes s~veral refugee, continue as 'indicated in the Warden'~ eport, to prOVide u. eful career. for Jordanian girl. .

.' 1.



Dr. Kathleen Kenyon of the Briti h School of Archaeo~og'y has now completed her inve tigation on our .M~ri ta.n property wlthl~ the Old Cit . it wiil be remembered that thl 1 belteved to be the lte of the riginal ho pic initiated by Pope, Gregory tbe Great about A.O: 600, where the Ord r of t. John" a found d. Dr. 1 enyon found eVidence that this i 0 and although the e excavation . d.o. not come trictly \ ithin the ubj ct matt r of a r port on t~e actlv~tles of the ho pital, yet the re ult are of uch intere t that thelr mentIOn may n,o~ ~e out of place. Dr. Keny n. repor~ that the lowe t levels of her d~g were quarried in the I raeltte penod and \ ere, therefore, at that tln:e un· doubtedly out ide the city of Jeru ~lem. IVloyeover. ' h found eVI.dence to how that the it remained outslde the city until at lea t I~te In the fir t century .0. Th e e 'cavation theref r prov conclu Ively t~at the ite no\ occupied by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre wa out Ide the cit wall at the time of Chri t, and may have been ~he authentic ite of the Crucifixion. It is gratifying that the e 'cavatlOll on land 0\ ned by the Ord r _hould have led to uch a very intere ting and sati factory conclu ion. The Order \\-ill no\ con ider the future of the Muri tan. It i ' proposed to create a memorial garden on the part of ite neare t t the road, which \ ill commemorate the association of the area with the Order, and to make the re t of the ite available for ome u eful ocial purpo e. Towards the end of the year orne hope "ere rai ed that a uitable buyer might be found for the old ho pital building, in I rael, but the e have not yet materiali ed. fI A


The Committee reported last year that our finance \\ere cau Ing LIS ome concern. Great effort have been made thi ear to keep our recur· rent expen e as mall as po ible and indeed, econ mie have been hown in what may be termed "hou ekeeping' de pite the fact ~hat th.e co t of living in Jordan continue to rise \",ith the same regulanty as It doe in mo t other countries. nhappily we have been compelled to incur considerable extra expenditure in other direction where uch economies are not po sible. In order to meet new commitment und~r the law of Jordan we have had to make provision in the account thiS year for the first time for more than £3,000 for the payment of re~ire­ ment oaratuitie to our Jordanian taff; uch a cheme, of cour e . I a very good thing. Moreover, expenditure on maintenance and repairs .to the hospital buildings i now a1 0 beginning to make it elf felt. De plte all our efforts our combined expenditure in Jeru alem and in London has therefore risen from £62,000 in 1962 to £67,000 this year' thi latt~r figure includes a non-recurrent item of £1,600 for equipment and furniture for the two new Rats. To off et this rise in expenditure we have received an additional £ 1,800 of revenue from private patient' fee. But our net expenses have increased; and they are bound to increase again next year, for in view of the rising cost of living in Jordan, we have recently had to introduce new salary scales for the Jordanian staff. These became payable from the 1st October, and their effect will, therefore, not become apparent until next year. Although an expenditure of £67,000 may appear high, yet it is Ie. than




£1,000 per annum per bcd, a figur? w!1ich compares very .ravoLlr~bly with that of. about ~2,000 per bed ~hlCh.J .a bout the ave rage 111 ho pltals in Britain i 111 . makll1g tl!e compan on Jt IS to bc remembered that the co t of liVing In Jordan I not far hort of that at home, and that calculation made on a bcd-co t ba i<:> do not take adequate account of the very can iderablc ?xpen~e involved in the t!'~atment of the immen<:>e number of out-patIent In Jeru sa lem . In addltlon, the Committee very much hope that our e pense will con iderably increa e in the years to come a our re earch programme gets under way; this will, indeed, be money well spent and the opportunities will be limited only by the finance available. For the e rea on the Committee believe that the time has now come to prepare a ne\v Appeal for further fund. It will be remembered that a limited but very ucce ful Appeal was made in 1955. The generous response to thi not nly enabled u<:> to build and equip our new ho pital and it ancillary r . idential building, but ha al 0 crved to make good the annual deficit incurred in ucceeding year. But the ho. pital is no longer a imple local charity in Jordan; it will become an e ential support of our re earch campaign, a campaign which might well eventually eliminate the greate t c, u e of blindnes , not only in the Middle Ea t but through ut imm n e area of the world. Much greater i sue are, therefore, at take, and we are confident that ur friend who have helped u 0 generou Iy to tart thi work will \\i h to see it through, and that other from a much \\ ider field \\ ill \\i h to be a sociated \\ ith u . The goal i clear; but the fact are kno\!. n to very few and a great deal of preliminary \\ ork. ha t be done before an ppeal can be properly launched. ir Ed\\in Chapm::tJ1-Andre\ ha volunteered to take charg of thi Appeal and the Committee is mo t grateful to him for olTering hi service and [or entering upon the ta k \\ ith uch enthu iasm. body could be more uited G r thi ta k than he, for ir Edwin ha, an unrivalled knowledge of the Middle Ea t derived from hi career in the Foreign ervice and in bu ine . He ha already engaged the upport of a small group of di tingui hed helper \\ho \\ill a i~t him in thi work, and \\ 'C arc c nfidcnt that the) \\ ill pre ahead \\ itb energy. Li\Dlf '



Among the grcatc t a et [our ho pital i, the intercst taken in it by the varioLl Ladies' ub-committee. Not only i, their valuc material beca~ e thc fund they collect· a kno\\ ledge of their yrnpathetic and practical mtere t doe much to maintain the pirit of our taff in J rualem. Moreover, th ir contribution can properly be u ed to upply tho e one-hundred-and-onc amenitie \\ hich are difficult to provide from an official ho pital budget, but go far to mak. a ho pital a happy home both for the nur ing tafT and the patient. Chri tmas fe tiviti , for example, extra comfort r r the nur e ,game and \ ireJe equipment, cloth.es for the needy, toys for the children all the e come into their pr~vtnce and the plea ure they provide i n Jordan 111 II t be een to be ?eheve~. Thi invaluable upplement to medical and urgical treatment IS provided by Committee in London , in Canada, Au tralia and ew Zeala~d, and in more intimate fa hion by the Jeru al 111 Ladie ' Sub· Commlttee. To all the e \ e e pre our gratitude.



RI-POR 1 01-



_ rhi Sub-c mmitte in London ha been much encouraged by H.R.H rhe Duche of Glouce ter y ho ha taken a do e per onal interest i' it work. We ar very.grateful to the C~unte . of carbro.ugh, D.C.V.O~ !=>.St.J., \~ho has contll1ued to erve a !t chairman de ,Plte con iderabl~ II1convenlence to her elf no\." i.hat h~ I no long r re Ident in London and for her per onal effort 111 Il1tere tll1g the St. John Council through~ out England in it work. In addition to providing running replacements for all th~ be~ding and linen of the .Ho ,Pital and uniform for the nurses, the contnbutlOn made by the Guild 111 term of the amenitie for the t~ff an? the patient, of ~vhich we have poken, i enormou . The Com. mittee I ure that the hIgh morale of our staff, both Briti hand Jor. danian i due i.n no . mall mea ure ~o a. kn?~ledge that .they are upported o generou ly 111 thl way. To mall1talll Ital on the Linen Guild of the three Priorie . of the Commonwealth are repre ented on the Guild in London, and In each of their re pective countrie their effort, both in cash and kind, have been increa ing each year 0 that they have nO\\ become indi pen able to u . The Committee would like to expres their ~hank to them through Mr . Willi -O'Connor, Chairma n of the Guild In Canada, Lady Fra er, Pre ident of the Guild in Au tralia, and Lady Appleton. Pre ident of the Guild in New Zealand. THE JER SALEM LADlE' SUB- OMMITTE~

V!~ .are equally !Srateful ~ctlvitles are ~al11fold. In

to the Jeru alem Ladie Sub-committee who e addition to mending and ewing the hospital llllen, conductlOg propaganda for the recruitment of Jordanian nurses and undert~king da es in first aid and home nul' ing, it provide amen'ities en~ertalllment, lectures and picnic for the blind in Jeru alcm and it; n~Ighbou.rhood. For all the e activitie 0 valuable in making the hos. pIta~ an mtegral part of the life of Jerusalem, we are grateful, and our gratItl?-de extends parti~ularly to it enthusiastic chairman, Mr . MacInnes, the WIfe of the Archbl hop of Jerusalem, and its indefatigable secretary, Mrs. Boase, the wife of the Warden, both of whom eem to have an inexhaustible store of energy left for this in addition to innumerable other ~esponsibilities. In t?is connection we are delighted that the Order has thiS year made provIsion for the Hospitaller to award Honorary members badges and. brooches for service to the Ho pital a they may be awarded for service to the St. John Ambulance As ociation and Brig.ade. A~ting under this authority during his visit to Jerusalem at ChrIstmas tIme the Hospitaller was able to present honorary members' brooch~s to a number of ladies who have given long ervice to this CommIttee. THANKS

The Committee wishe.s to thank all those organizations and private persons who have contrIbuted towards the maintenance of the hospital and the work of research connected with it, many of them over a period of years. If,1 the first place, it would like to thank the recently formed American SocIety O.f St. J.ohn fo~ the contributions it has begun to make in providing the hospItal w~th eqUIpment. To the International Eye-bank in Washington, and partIcularly to Dr. Harry King, it is extremely grateful for encouragement and help in establishing an Eye-bank in Jerusalem, and

W;\RDI '



t CA RE (Co-operation for American Relief F,verywhere) for It

con ?derable contributions in ca h and in kind. SI A complete list of donat.io~s to th.e h?~pital is publ.ished in this Report. In addition to our appreciatIon to JI1dlvldual subscrIbers our thanks are particularly due to Iranian Oil Participant Ltd., the Iraq Petroleum Co . Ltd. and the Kuwait Oil Co . who have for the eighth year in succession pro~ided uch a high prop,ortion of the to.tal fund required; to the Preceptorie of the Ma onlc Order of KnIghts Te~pl~r and .to the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers who have maIntaIned their support and al 0 to the Priories in the different countries of the Commonweal'th and in cotland and Wales, and the Commandery of Ards in Northern Ireland, whose unfailing interest in the hospital has again been so generou ly expre ed in terms of contributions. ST WART DUKE-ELDER, HospUaller .



It wa a bu y year and a memorable one. The paramount event was the visit in March of T.R .H. the Grand Prior and the Duchess of Glouce ter, who after a tate Vi it to King Hu ein in Amman, pent two day in Jerusalem, residing in the Warden's house at the hospital. For the first time the tandard of the Grand Prior wa to be seen proudly flying from the top of the ho pital tower. The Duke accompanied by the Duches , made a tour of in pection of the ho pital, and thereafter received members of the Order and inve ted new members with the insignia of their rank. The Lord Prior, Lord Wakehur t, and the HospitaIIer, Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, were in attendance on the Grand Prior throughout his visit. Along with them we were able to welcome the ho pital' new Secretary Mr. N. McClintock who wa making his first visit to the ho pita!. During the year \ e had the honour of being vi ited by no Ie s than three Ho pitallers of the Order. Dr. R . Townley Paton, Hospitaller in the United State, wa with u for orne day in May, not nearly as long as we could have wished. Much of his time here was pent as a "busman's holiday," for his high repute and elegant kill at corneal grafting were mer.ciles Iy exploited by us . We hope it will not be long before he comes again. Tn Augu t, Sir Kenneth Fraser Ho pitaiter in Au tralia, paid us a visit en route to hi home in Bri bane. The Warden wa , unfortunately, away at the time and so looks forward to Sir Kenneth' ne t visit to Britain (via Jerusalem). Our own Ho pitaller visited the ho pital twice in the year, and at hi second vi it in December he and Lady Duke-Elder were here for three ~eeks. With many admini trative matter calling for his attention, and In constant clinical demand, hi vi it was not exactly the ideal holiday . Nevertheless, it mu t be recorded that at the Staff dance on Boxing D ay Sir Stewart relaxed to the extent of showing our young nurses how to enjoy a dance without a twi t. Both he and Lady Duke-Elder did yeoman service as waiters at the Staff dinner and fully earned any commendation we might give them as 'a married couple.'

RI::.POR r Or WI::. CHAP J LR-GF I~ RI\l



Amona our many vi itor during the ear \ e were pica ed to receive Profe and Mr . Barri Jone fr !n thc.l~ titut~ of Ophthalmology, London. Hi coming on a fact-findmg ml Ion ral d hope that OUr laborator \ uld one more bec me a functioning re ear h unit. fnciden_ tally, tho e \Vh rem mb r the original re earch labor~t ry will be int re ted to hear that it ha b en converted and extended 1I1to four residential fiat. The new ho pital ofcour , incorp ratc e cellent laboratory accommodation. One vi itor whom \ were eargerly cxpe ting \ a pr vented by illne s from coming to J ru alem. It had been hoped that Lady Webb-Johnson \ ould be h;r at Chri tma and that the opportunity would be taken to hold a cer mony of dedication of the tript ch \ hich he ha 0 generously donated in memory of her hu band the late Lord Webb-John on former Ho pitaller of the Order. We are v ry glad to 11 ar that he i making good progre to\ ard a complete recovery and \ e hop thi mean that her vi it ha been only po tponed and not cancelled.



Dr. Kb. Budeiri, O.B.E., Sub-Warden, returned from leave in England on February 11 th, quite recovered, we ar pI a d t ay, from hi operation. Dr. D a id Darby arrived on fir t appointment on January t tho To our regret he wa unable to sta for a full ear and 1 ft on 0 ember I t. Dr. Tom r ellie fini hed hi year in February and returned t London for higher tudie. Many a ad mien marked hi going, the general entiment being: "Will ye no come back again? ' Dr. If Fjordbotten, fir t holder of the Bunker Fellow hip in Corneal Surgery of the International Eye-bank, arrived from the United State in May to relieve Dr. David Pat nand upervise the admini tration of the Jordan Eye-bank. Parting \i ith David Paton \ as a sad occa ion for all. He had workecl elfte Iy and uncea ingly for the hospital and wa held in the highe t e teem by the taff and patient alike. While we congratulate him on bi appointment at th Wilmer Institute of the Johns Hopkin Hospital, Baltimore, we hope that no talgia will some day bring him and Janie back to the Jerusalem the loved 0 well. In June \ e 10 t Dr. Tim Rankin who quite understandably decided that the difficulties of educating a family in an alien country indicated a return to Britain. We hear that be ha ettled in Perth nd wi h him every luck. He was replaced here by Dr. Andrew Rintoul on condment from the Ro yal avy for one year. Thus for the second time ha the Navy come to our a i tance. It will be recalled that urgeon-Captain Dudley Gurd wa loaned to u for three year from 1952 to serve a Warden. New ground wa broken in December when a young lady doctor, Sura El Aish, newly qualified from Dama cu wa taken on a a trainee. In due course she will proceed to Moorfield for the academic ide of her ophthalmic training. Of the Nur ing Sisters, Mis Barbara Eili was married on May 12th to Mr. Issa Ghattas and after a honeymoon in Ireland returned to Jerusalem and resumed her duties at the ho pita!. Miss Margaret Vance left in March, and Mrs. Musallam in June. New appointment were Mi Roberts in Marcb, Miss E. Wood in May, and Mi s M. McMenamin III June. All of the seven student nurses who took the final examination this


year wer~ succes ful, and were ubsequently awa~ded the~r diplomas by the Hospitall.el~. O~e of them has .gone to the Amencan UnIversity, Beirut, to do her tralllll1g III general nurs1Og, three intend to go to England for the same purpo e. The Jordan Army bas absorbed one of the male graduates, a secon~ ha. gone .to t?e Augu ta Victoria ~o.spital for general training, and a thIrd 1 worklfig 10 the V.N.R.W.A. c1I01CS. One of our ophthalmic nur es who qualified in 1962 has left to join the Army nursing ervice. It is appropriate to mention here how valuable the cine-projector equipment (a gift from Canada) has proved it elf. The showing of educational nursing and entertainment films has greatly widened the scope of ou; training syllabu . Recruitment of girls as student nur es is still somewhat of a problem. The mo t recent entrants comprise five males and three female. Thi i a matter in which prejudice must be expected to die out very slowly. STATISTICS

A light general fall in the attendance figures i shown in the quinquennial table. Thi may in part be accounted for by a period of political unre t with it attendant curfew re triction on movements, for at such times patient cannot reach the ho pital and work comes to a stand till. But credit should al 0 be given to tho e nursing orderlies whom we have trained and \ bo no\ work in village clinic away from Jerusalem. Not only do they relieve the pre ure on the ho pital but by referring to us ca e in the early tage of di ea e they help considerably in aving many eye. In thi connection it i of intere t that the variou Blind School have noted a Ie ening in the demand for admi ion for very young children. There was a light ri e in the number of operations, that for enile cataract e ceeding the 1 000 mark for the fir t time. For the record it should be aid that the month of July achieved the fanta tic total of 690 operations-more than half the annual total of ten year ago. The lowest monthly total, 290 wa in ebruary. JER



Regular meeting were held under the chairman hip of Mr . MacInnes. Mr . Haley formerly Matron of the ho pital left Jordan in July, to everyone' regret but otherwi e member hip of the committee remained ~nchanged. Among it main intere t , the Se\\'ing Guild, with greatly Improved attendance accompli hed much u eful work. In recognition of her d~voted ervice to the Guild Mr . Agne Albina was inve ted by the ~o pltalJer witb the in ignia of a Serving Si ter at an informal ceremony III the Warden hou e. On the ame occa ion the Ho pitaller awarded Honorary Member brooche to eight ladie who have erved the Guild forat.lea.t three year. The Committee' effort toward Blind Welfare are belllg Increasingly appreciated. Large number from the Blind Schools attended the lecture, informal concert and ocial gathering that were arranged during the year. A picnic in the ummer \ a enjoyed by 150 adul.ts and children and an even larger number came to the Chri tmas parties. The cour e in First Aid pon ored by the Committee owe their Succe s entirely to the initiative and indu try of Mr . MacInne . Attended b? schoolgirl, member of the Y.W.C.A. and orne of the ho pital taff, t ese Courses are de ervedly popular and succe ful.





THE EYE-BANK In the report for last year mention was made of the official opening of the Eye-bank by H.M. King Hu sein. This event occurred on January 16th, 1963, and so property belon~ to thi report. The work of the bank has made teady progress dUrIng the past year. Not only has the number of corneal grafting operations increa ed nearly threefold, but it has been possible to supply some pre erved c~rneas to surgeons in Amman and Beirut. Of the 85 corneal graft carned out at the hospital during the year 43 were penetrating or full thicknes graft, and the remainder of the lamellar type. Research into the pre ervation of corneas by deep freezing has been started, since work elsewhere ~as shown this field to be one of promi e. An excellent library of colour lldes of various eye conditions is being gradually expanded. This should prove a valuable adjunct in research, teaching, and the field of public relation, particularly among the medical and para-medical professions. ARTHUR BOASE, Warden ,




A NUAL REPORT FOR 1963 THE OBJECT of this Foundation i the instruction of persons in First Aid and kindred ubjects and 1 am glad to report an increase in the number of classes organised and held by Centres 0:rer the, previ?us ye~r, and an increase in the nu.mb~r of people who obtamed FIrst AId CertIficates or assed in re-exammatlOns. p The appalling increase in the number of accidents on the road and in the home make it imperative, if we are to pursue our objective, to take what steps we can to improve and e?courage edu~at~on i.n this sp~ere by the setting-up of new Centres, whIch the AssocIatIOn IS authorIsed to establi h. A proposal to thi end will, we hope, a i t in this development in the areas of large ind ustrial population in the North Midlands and NorthWest of England. A plan of development, as an experiment, but in no way interfering with the pre ent County Director basis of our organisation, is to take place in the North-We t of England. Mr. K. C. Cook, County Director for Lancashire, ha been appointed Regional Director to cover the counties of Lanca hire, Che hire, We tmorland and Cumberland. The plan include the e tabli hment of many new Centre so as to cover as much of the area a po ible. In addition, the Association has been studying the desirability of appointing an experienced First Aid Regional Development Officer to work with and to a i t our existing county organisations. The fir t appointment, on an experimental basi, will be in the North-We t. It is essential that there hould be the close t co-operation between the Association and the Brigade at all levels, for the more trained First-Aiders under the aegi of the As ociation there are, the greater the candidate potential for admi ion to the Brigade. The Mini try of Labour by it recent regulation on First Aid, ha created an obligation for Management in which the Association play an important voluntary part. We welcome on the A ociation Committee Government Tepre entatives and, from what] see and hear, it would seem that in our particular sphere of welfare work there is no indication of any de ire to depart from the vol untary basis. In tills connection 1 would like to refer to the national employers, the Police, the Railway, Electricity and Ga undertakings, the Post Office, the Mining Industry, the Dock Labour Board. They have aU had experience in First Aid for over half a century and provide a large force of trained Fir t-Aider throughout the country. Many of these help the work of the As ociation through it County Director and Centres in their leisure hours, and to these I wi h to pay a particular tribute. An important aspect of the A sociation's training activities has been the provision of training aid e pecially in connection with resuscitation. A number of devices were studied and advice given to the manufacturers. A series of new wall charts were publi hed and a film strip was made for the Association by the National Dock Labour Board. In additio? to the First Aid in the Home Wall Card which has proved popular, It ~as decided to issue a special wall-card covering "First Aid at Sea and In Tnland Waters". This was expected to be publi hed early in 1964,



The Association in co-operation with the <?ther V?luntary Aid Societies gave a i tance to the Admiralty in preparing th.el~· film OJ?- Emergency Resuscitation. Thi film proved an e cellent trall1ll1g medIUm and the Association ordered a number of copies which were in con tant use on hire throughout the country. Various A sociation centre in England and Overseas purcha ed their own copie . Many Centre arranged public. howing and pra.ctical demon trati?ns of Emergency Re uscitation. AudIence c<?vered a wIde ~ange of or~all1sa­ tions and included members of the MedIcal and Nur ll1g professlOns. Reports from Centres s~ow expan ion in many area '. A an example, Croydon on its 10th Anl1lversary had 253 me.rr:bers mal~~y representlllg local industry as compared with 68 in 1962. Thls enterpr~sll1g Centre has establi hed a mobile lendina- library to help tho e who WI h to follow-up their First Aid cour e by bfurther tudy. It has become a local liaison channel for enquirie and ha obtained recognition from the Local Education Authorities. The Post Office Ambulance Centre which celebrated its 60th Anni· versary in 1962 continued to . eXI?and a~d added 150 branches ~o. its already large total. An intere tIllg Illnovat~on v:a a Po ter CompetltlOn. The Preliminary First Aid Course \Va gIven III the Post Office for the first time and it u e has been very popular. Many Centres reported a very wide variety of organi ations which were helped by the loan of models or by . pecial lectu.res and displ~ys. A good example is the Rugby Centre which dealt v Ith the Techrucal College, Rugby School Cadet Corps, the, Churches, Mo~her, Union, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Young Farmers and Young Wive Groups. They also helped to man the S1. John tent at the Royal Show and 0[ganised a bus for handicapped persons. Another Centre, Selby, reported that in a special demon tration on Emergency Resuscitation over 1,000 people were taught and, as a result of an appeal, ample funds were provided to allow for the purchase ?f.a Norwegian training model. Harrogate also purchased a model and It IS in constant use in schools, hospitals, village halls, factorie , office , shops and youth clubs. It is encouraging that in addition to approache from industry it has been possible to run courses for school teachers at college of Further Education, Colleges of Technology and Teacher Training Colleges. It has been noticeable how many Centres have been able to interest schools and youth organisations in First Aid. In London the scheme for providing Preliminary First Aid courses in Secondary School has been most successful and during 1963, 76 schools had courses giving a total of o~er 1,200 children trained. Some of the schools come under local EducatIOn Authorities besides the London County Council, and the idea i spreading. It is an example of happy co-operation between the St. John Ambulance Association, the Brigade and the school teachers. Besides the development in connection with schools and teach!ng establishments all Centres report close co-operation with Youth Orgarusations and Youth Clubs. Additional bodies who have had courses or lectures in First Aid are the Bradford Pothole Club, Cave Rescue Organisation, Lifeguards, Nurses Training Schools, Sailing Clubs, Football Referees, the Rural Industries Bureau, Rotary. The Duke of Edinburgh's






Award Scheme aJs? enc<?urages young people to take First Aid courses and gives them an mcentlve to study allied subjects. The Worcester ~ent~e reported that they had been asked by the Ministry of Agriculture, FI hene and Food to give a short intensive course on basic First Aid to forty office workers who travel throughout Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. The Leamington Centre also reporte~ t.h~t they held a ?~e-day cour ~ for Safety O~cers of the Warwickshire DIVISiOn of the Mll1l try of Agnculture. ConSIderable interest was aroused in other counties, a follow-up full course is being arranged so that some of the Safety Officer may obtain First Aid Certificates. It is encouraging to reali e that since the Mouth-to-Mouth method of resuscitation w~s introduced some 18 month ago about 400,000 men, women and chIldren have had instruction in this method. In addition there will be large number who will have obtained some general experience in this method through public demonstrations. Some Centres gave indications of other form of service they were able to render which include co-operation with Home and Road Safety Committees the provi ion of Fir t Aid boxe on the road or at the sea-side, Medical Equipment Services, 'Sitting-in" Services, heJp for the aged and the pro vi ion of escort to the sea, etc. The Association wa repre ented by Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Drummond on a working party formed by the Royal College of Surgeon to prepare for the Convention on Accident Prevention and Life Saving 1963. At the Convention held during Mayan excellent demonstration of First Aid was given by the apprentice of the Royal Army Medical Corps. In accordance with the practice of the Depot the apprentice take the examination of the St. John Ambulance Association and obtain First Aid Certificates a part of their training. The A ociation received a reque t from the Briti h Medical Association to consider an increa e in the fee paid to doctor cond ucting lecture on b.eh~lf of the A soci a tion. The As ociation agreed in principle, subject to SImIlar agreement by the Home Office and the Mini try of Health with regard to Civil Defence and ational Ho pitai Service Reserve Fir t Aid Courses. A survey of the finance of the A sociation wa carried out and it was deci~ed that in order to meet the ever-increa ing gap between expenditure and mcom.e the Headquarter fee (to be rede ignated Regi tration Fee) should be mcrea ed from 1 . 6d. per candidate to 3 . per candidate. This new scale came into force on 1 t September, 1963; its effect, therefore, has not yet become fully apparent. It i hoped, however, that it will enable the Association to relieve the Order of a fair part of the burden of the annual subvention, which it pays to maintain A ociation Headquarters. The ~~sociation was a ked by the Mini try of Health to co-operate in the t~alOtng of the general public in elementary fir t aid and nursing so that m case of emergency families would be enabled to care for themselve and t~eir neighbours until such time a help can be provided from the orgalllsed services. It was appreciated that many people have been trained through the Voluntary Aid Societies but for thi purpose imple training ~f t?e largest possible number of people is essential. Discussion continued unng the year and the help of the Societies wa sought in drafting a pamphlet which would be given to student who attend the course. The

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cour es con i t of nine one-hour e ion, G ur hour of Fir t Aid and five hour of Home Nur ing. There would be no examinati n at the end of the cour e . Fee would be payable t doctor and nul' e and also to in tructor and dem n trator . It j expected that thi .. cheme will come into operation during 1964. The A ociation \ a very glad to welcome Mr. R. F. Herman, the St. John Training Officer for Fiji, who came to ngland with the aid of a British Council bur ary. He was given a cour e in all a pect of St. John work' during the summer Mr. D. Aguda, who was to be appointed Headquarter Training Officer for Uganda wa given a imilar course, Vie are mo t grat ful to all tho e who gave 0 much help in making these vi it worth v hile e pecially to the Royal rmy Medical C rp , who permitted both Mr. Herman and M r. Aguda to attend the In tructors Cour e at A hvale covering Fir t Aid and Ca ualty Simulation, the Metropolitan Police London County Council Fire Brigade, the Post Office, Briti h Railway, etc. Reference wa made in the Report of 1962 to the "Fir t id in the Home" 'Vall Card' by the end of 1963 L04,000 copie had been sold, Intere t continued to be maintained in it by Medical Officer of Health and Local Education Authoritie as \ ell a the general public who saw it at lecture and demon tration . PUBLICATIO


First Aid Manual. Lt is expected that the new edll10n will be available not later than the end of 1965. Nursing Manual. The preparation of thi book ha progre ed well and it will be pubJi hed at the beginning of May 1964, 0 that it can come into full u e in September. Anatomical Atlas. The Atlas wa publi hed early in the year and was well received. Among other indication of its value \Va a reque t from the Burma Red Cross Society for permis ion to u e it in a Burmese translation. Competition and Casualty Make-up. Thi book, publi hed during the year under review has proved to be of a i tance to tho e organising competitions; the new rules were to be introduced at the beginning of 1964, COMPETITIO S

The Working Party formed to examine the question of National First Aid Competitions completed its work during the year and the second edition of the booklet on Competitions wa pubE hed during 1963. The usual National First Aid Competitions were held during the year. The number of teams comprising younger members was again noted, both in the preliminary and final events. Winning teams of Competitions held under the au pices of the Associa· tion were as follows:Competitions for Men: Organisation Police, , , , , , , . , Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre , United I(jngdom Atomic Energy Authority National Coal Board . . . . , War Department Ambulance Centre .

Winning Team Exeter City Police Barnstaple R.A.F. Burghfield A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Grimethorpe Colliery C.D.E.E. Porton


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British Railways, London Transport (Railways) and British Tran port Dock . , . , . . , British Transport Police. , , . . , . , National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre Gas Indu try , National Road Pas enger Tran port Ambulance As ociation. ' ' . . , , General Po t Office Ambulance entre Fire Brigades , Competitiolls for Womell : Organisation police , Electricity Supply Ambulance entre , Ministry of Avi a tion Ambulance entre . United Kingdom Atomic nergy Authority War Department entre . . . . . . , , British Railways, London Transport (Railways) and British Transport Docks . Gas Indu try . National Road Pas enger Transport Ambulance Association . , . . . . . . , General Po t Office Ambulance entre

' I A nON


Newport R. & M . Heysham rimsby West Midlands Gas Board (Oswestry) Liverpool H.Q. No.1 Branch County Borough of Wigan Winning Team Metropolitan (No.3 District) hester Chessington Headquarters A.W .R.E. Aldermaston R.A,R .D.E. Fort Hal tead Hull Scottish Gas Board (Glasgow) Liverpool S ,C.D. Morecambe

The winning team of the e compe~itions, together with the winning team of the ~t. John Ambulance Bngade competitions for the Dewar and Perrott Shield , took part in the Grand Prior Trophy Competitions on 21st ovember at the Porche ter Hall. Owing to the indi po ition of Admiral of the Fleet, The Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Lord. rook ki~dly presented the trophie and medallions and gave a.n encouragIng and Informative addre to the competitors, congratu.latl.ng them on the e cellence of the competition. The wmn1l1g.team were: Men- West Midl~lQ~ Ga Board (Oswestry); WomeJ1- cow h Ga Board (Glasgow). Thl 1 the first occasion since 1955 that the ~wo major trophie have been won by the arne organisation ~nd the t time that a women' team have gained the trophy two years 111 succe LOn. The Mayor of Paddington and Executive Officers of the Order were present on the pl~tform, whil t repre entative of all the organisations of the team ~ompet1l1g were al 0 pre ent. We again ~hank th~ A ociated Briti h Picture Corporation for the excellent taglng at thl and all other national competition during the year. We ar~ mo t grateful r:or thi ubstantial upport. The .contInued co-<?peratLOn and help received from the Medical professLOn, :-vho act a Judge, and the plendid work done by the stewards ~nd ca~u.aItles who .0 fr~el~ give of their spare time to help us in our Ompetltl~n. ' are an 111 plratLOn to tho e concerned with the organisation of compctltLOn . We hope that. the cOI~pet!tor ~njoyed the e competitions and found them a helpful aid to theJr Fir t Aid training.



Si~ce the formation of the Centre in Malta in 1907 10650 First Aid CertIfic 'h a t es h ave b een granted and the figure for 1963 ' are ,in accordance Wit the average although they are le s than in the previous year. It is



reported that there wa no re ponse to the offer of Cour e In ubjects other than Fir t Aid and Home Nursing. In Gibraltar the Centre wa approached by H.M. Dockyard for the training of Spani h workmen· twenty of them qualified in Fir t Aid There \Va a general improvement in the number of certificates and a\ ards gained a compared with 1962. Financially the Government a si ted, particularly in connection \ ith boy and girl . Cyprus. A committee of the As ociation was e tabli hed in Famagusta and also in Nico ia and both Committees have been taking steps to extend the work of the As ociation into all the rural areas within their districts. During the year two model of Re usci-Anne have been widely u ed for demon trations in conjunction with showing of film on Cardiac Resuscitation. During the year arrangement were made for two Cypriot subjects to attend the Ophthalmic Ho pital, Jeru alem, for treatment. In one case \ ith funds raised in Kyrenia and in the otber ca e with the help of Archbishop Makario . There was a mo t intere ting example of the value of fir t aid training when two men, overcome by fume at the bottom of a 60-ft. well, were revived by employee of the Hellenic Mining Company who had passed their first aid e amination only ten day before. First Aid Clas es have been continued at various school and gymnasia throughout the island and at the reque t of the Education Authorities Home ursing classe were arranged for student at the ur e ' Training School; the Greek Youth Council asked for help in pre enting a television programme on accidents in the home, for which demon trations were carried out by members of the Famagu ta Corp. In pite of political troubles classes of instruction continued and full appreciation of the value of Fir t Aid was shown by a number of organi ations and Government Departments. During the year the position in Ghana was maintained and interest in the work of the Association did not diminish one of the factors limiting progress was the need for greater resources. We were glad to hear that just before the end of the year it was possible to provide a car for the Organising Secretary and Training Officer. This will make for greater efficiency and enable them to expand their activities to all parts of the country. It was not possible to hold the Annual First Aid Competitions but it is hoped that these will be held in 1964. Plans exist for organisation and special classe during the coming year to cover hygiene, child welfare, and hygienic handling of food, as the National Council of Ghana Women is taking a keen interest in the activities of the Association. The Nigeria Police reported a successful year with sixty- even Fir t Aid classes being held. There were also four Lay Instructors' Courses, twentyseven persons passed for the first time, and eleven certificates were renewed. These Lay Lecturers are doing good work in developing the Association's training activities. The Hon M. A. O. Olarewaju, Minister of State for Nigerian Police Affairs visited the Southern Police Training College and was shown demonstrations in First Aid by the College First Aid Team. The Nigerian Railways report good progress and that the response for ~ew members to join classes was gratifying; apprentices who enter mdustry are now expected to enrol as members of the Association. During the year a ceremony was held to which members of the police

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and ports authority were invited, there were First Aid demonstrations which raised considerable public interest. In .S~erra Leone negotiations with the authorities in the industrial area at Wlllwgton w~re completed but the workmen were unwilling to attend classes ~fter c10smg hour, 4.30 p.m., as a result classes have not been as regula.r III that ~r~a a had been hoped. The Ministry of Social Welfare orgamsed a traJDlng co u r ~ f?r Vol un.t ary Lecturers and the St. John Headqu.arter Officer was InVited to give talks and demonstrations on First Aid to the member . Fu rther a series of lectures on First Aid was given to men who attended the course for Administrative Officers during the m?nth of January and February; thi was uccessful and much apprecIated. In the arne month a talk was given to three hundred tudents of the Bo Government School on t~e. importance of First Aid. The boys were mo .t keen and expre ed a wlllmgness to be taught First Aid. There J a I~ck of ~ay Lecturer in Sierra Leone and this is being attended to WJth partlcular reference to the Police Force. The work of the A ociation in Kenya ha been handicapped by a shortage of Lectu.rer . and. development during the year was less than in the pa. t. Everything 1 bemg done to give the A ociation work greater PUbltClty and to enc?ura~e more people to give active support. In order to meet the pre ent It~a.tlOn a major recon truction of the administration was commenced and It ]s hoped that thi will show improved results in the future. The Suda~ Raih.mys co~tinued to organi e First Aid clas es during the y~ar an~ nmety- IX candl~ate \ ere e amined. Mr. asr Ahmed, the F~rst A.ld .In tructo~ contInued to keep alive considerable interest in FIr t Aid m the Ratlway and hi help is much appreciated. In u.ganc{a, 196.3 wa a bu y period with numerous classes being undertak~n m FIr t AId and Home u~sing both Adult and Preliminary, in yan~us part of the country help given by Lay Lecturer in making this pOSSible wa valuable. In order to en ure that there wa. an an:ple upply of Lay Lecturers a lar~e course \Va held at the PolIce Trammg School where thirty-two policemen and fi.remen from all over ganda attended. A further course was held for PolIce Officer plu ome member of the general public. There were .nume~ou call for A ociation cla es from Government Depar~n:ent , IncludIng the Fo:e try Department Public Works, etc. At th.e Mln.1 try of ~ork School 111 Kampala all trainee were instructed in FIrSt ~Id In~ludll1g Oral ~es.u citation and during the Headquarter Officer s ~~aIl, Oral Re uscltatlOn wa demon trated to various depots of the Electnclty Board throughout the Territory. It i reported that one of t~e up-co~ntry staff who had been pre ent at the H.Q. Officer s demon trahon had 111 fact two week later performed it on one of his colleagues wh? had become electrocuted, with the re ult that his life was sa'Ved. ThiS confirm~ the va!ue of such simple demon trations. It is intere ting ~~it the men In que tlOn could not under tand either Engli h or Luganda. s shows how much the people are able to gra p even if they cannot read, speak or fully understand the language u ed by the Instructor The '!'0Urk done by ~r. Pilbeam while he was acting as Headquarters Officer In ganda was Invaluable. th In A~en the activities of the St. John Ambulance Association were in e mam concentrated on the Aden State Police Force, the Federal



N t' nal Guard and young people working under the Duke of Edinb:r~~'s Award Scheme. Succe ~ul can~idate fro111 the two f~)r~es mentioned were pre ented with their ~ertlficate by the Commls lOner of Police, at special parade. It w~ ?eclded to pre ent an open challenge cup to arouse intere t in the A soclatlOn \ ork. The trophy was sub equently won by the Police. In Mauritius cour es in in truction . \ ere given to members of the Police Force and the Municipal Fire Bngade, there was al 0 a course at the Loreto Convent and the Royal College. In Ce) Ion the number of certificate an~ awar~s again increa~ed as compared with 1962. The Centre wa prepann~ a Slllhale e tra~ latlOn of the First Aid Manual and it \ as hope~ that thl would be published ~arly in 1964. Copie of the Tamil translatlOn \ ere purchased fro111 In~l~ so that there would now be manual in sufficient l~nguage to facilitate further training expansion. A training model was given ~y Headquarters in London and another model wa given by a C~mpany III ~eylon. They were in steady u e and a number of. demon tratlOns were glv n to large audiences. The year was an encouragmg one an? .t he remark of !"ir : 1. P. Obeyesekere, Parliamentary Secretary o~ t~e Mmlstry of He~lth mdicated how much the services of the As OClatlOn were appreciated by the Government. In Hong Kong there wer~ further ,increa e during t~e ear, the nUD?ber of certificates and awards 1 sued bemg 4,742. The certifica~es were gamed by Factory Workers, Teache~s, Po~ice, Bank Guard. , Pn on Staff a,nd members of the general public. This teady gro\ th 1 mo t .encouraglDg and shows how the Centre has been able to reach so many dlfferent parts of the community. Nineteen hundred and sixty-three was an eventful year ~n .Mal~ya with the inauguration of Malaysia in October and the As oCtatlOn .m Perak celebrating its Silver Jubilee in July, when H.H. Sulta~ O! Perak mspected a large parade and opened new exten ion to the ~ssoclatlOn Headquarters building. In the evening there was a ucces ful dmner follo\ ed by a dance for over a thousand guests and high officials, a cheque f?r 4,600 .was handed to His Highness. The number of a~ards and certlficates ga~ned was 5,030 compared with 3,739 for the prevlO~s year. For the fir t time, an Occupational First Aid Course was o~galllse~ and twenty members obtained certificates. A refresher course m nursmg was al 0 held and twenty-five nurses qualified as Lay Lecturers; further such refresher courses are planned. Regular classes were conducted for Lay Lecturers in Penang, Perak, Negri Sembilan, Mala~ca, Kelantan and Sela~gor. This will enable further courses to be organIsed for the rural populatlOns. It is reported that one of our members, while on hi way to Headquarters, saw the body of a girl being carried away by the current of a swollen river, at personal risk he swam to her and .broyght her unconscious body to the bank. He rendered Oral ResuscltatlOn and she was revived. This is the first time in Malaya that one of our members has saved a human life by this method of resuscitation. In Sabah the Association organised a special recruiting dr~ve an~ First Aid week activities throughout the State. Appeal for financIal assistance proved successful. This was particularly important as it enabled the Association to provide funds for the purchase of household goods for



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twenty familie who}o t everythi.ng in floods in Tuaran, they were also assisted by a collectIon of clothlOg. In a landslide in Sandakan when two houses were destroyed and seven inhabitants killed, a child was rescued and revived by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. After the disa trous floods in Sandakan further funds were given for the purchase of clothing and supplies for the flood victims. There was a succes ful competition and teams from Papar, Labuan, Sandakan and Jes elton competed for the First Aid Challenge Cup presented by the Counte s of Brecknock. Both cups were won by J esselton teams. In Fiji over 1,385 men, women and children were trained and examined by the As ociation. There were seven more classes than in the previous year and there were indications of the developing appreciation of the value of First Aid. Cour e are organi ed for the Armed Forces, the police, ew Zealand ir Force Fiji Airway, Schools, Colleges, Guides and Scout, and the general public. The South Pacific Games held in Suva were a very great occasion and the knowledge of Fir t Aid and ursing, di played to the fourteen territories represented received favourable comment from the injured, the officials and the spectator. The resu citation model toured many areas in Fiji and some 3,800 children mill worker police and army personnel, teacher , dock workers and villager were taught oral re u citation. Plans are now being made for the model to go to outlying i land and remote villages in 1964. Vi ual aids were introduced more and more at the various Association's classe and proved very popular. Some of the charts have been translated into the Fijian and Hindi language and talk were given on the local radio. The Order agreed to pre ent to Fiji a Land Rover to enable the Training Officer to get to more di tant parts of the island, it is hoped that this will arrive in Fiji in the early part of 1964. In Bahamas there \) a little training activity but recruitment has tarted again with the Police and men are undergoing training in First Aid. There was a demonstration in oral re u citation and tudent nurses in the hospital are now taught thi method. Bermuda howed a very con iderable increase in the number of Fir t Aid Certificate and awards gained, the grand total being 602 a compared with 375 in the previous year. Activitie in British Guiana continued in pite of difficult conditions and the number of certificate and awards gained wa greater than in the previous year. There were a good number of both Adult and Preliminary First Aid and ursing cour e and an encouraging number of people took the examination . In Jamaica the South-East Centre reported a very successful and encouraging year with 778 certificates and awards being gained a compared with 510 in the previous year. The certificate were presented at public function by leading member of the community and good support was received on the e occasions from pre , radio and television station . First Aid Courses were arranged for employee of companies, the re ponse w~s excellent and included employees from a Bauxite Company and an 011 Refinery. A are ult of the course a cIo ed divi ion of the Brigade was formed by the Bauxite Company, and there are high hopes of one being formed at the refinery. Jamaica orth-Ea t were very uccessful in their fund-raising activitie and organi ed public pre entations of certificates in



various part of the di trict. The C~ntre has been able to . repl~nish its hurricane store they hoped to recelve more regular donatIOns 111 order to continue to e pand their work, as at the time of the hurricane, work is often hampered by road bei~1g blocked i~ i very impor~ant to ensure that there are Fir t Aid worker 111 as many vIllage a po Ible. The Police Centre continued the training of it own per onnel but also helped out ide by arranging lecture for a cl.a . of secondary and primary chool teachers in mouth-to-mouth re u CItatIOn. Throughout the year training continued for Lay Lecturer in Oral Re uscitation. The model Resu ci-Anne was u ed both at Headquarter and throughout the island. The figures for the year showed an increa e of more than 200 certificates and award compared with the previou year. The Jamaican Prison Department organi ed their Fir t Aid cour e and Lay Lecturer from the pri ons a i ted v ith training for other centres and organi ations. An encouraging number of members took re-e amination in Fir t Aid. In Grenada circulars were ent to many people throughout the island who were considered to be likely to be candidate for membership and the Chairman of the A sociation at the invitation of the Principal of Presentation College addressed the audience on the occa ion of the Annual Speech Day of the College. The response so far ha been fair but more is hoped for. In St. Vincent training continued and .five candidates received their certificates after pas ing the Lay Lecturer examination. This will greatly help the expan ion of training in the future. In Trinidad and Tobago the position was able to be maintained and a good number of First Aid certificates were gained through the year. A special item of interest was the number of candidate who took reexaminations in Advanced Nursing. Lay Lecturers have had another good year of training. Classes were organi ed at a Boy Industrial School and a Mothers' Club took a course in Home Nur ing. As a re ult of training received from the Association, Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade were formed in the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission and also in the Prisons Department. TRA SLATIO S

The Royal National Institute for the Blind has published a translation of the Association's Preliminary Manual of Home Nursing. They have also prepared a translation of the Preliminary Manual of Child Care. This has not yet been published but will appear if there are sufficient orders. We much appreciate the co-operation of the Royal National Institute of the Blind in this matter. 'Vork has proceeded on the Sinhalese translation of the First Aid Manual and blocks were lent to the Centre by the Stores Department. Publication is expected early in 1964. A Zulu translation was duplicated at Pietermaritzburg for local use. A translation of the First Aid Manual was prepared in Malay and it is hoped it will be published in 1964. APPOINTMENTS

Dr. J. S. McLintock, Deputy Principal Medical Officer, resigned his office in October 1963. In this capacity he gave valuable service to the Association and carried a considerable burden during the illness of Dr. White Knox but regretted his inability to take over the post of Principal Medical Officer. We appreciated his help, not only on day-to-day routme



work, but also his sound advice and his assistance in the preparation of publications. . . . I am glad to report the appollltment as Pflncipal Medical Officer of Dr. H. C. Stewart, Reader in Pharmacology in the University of London and Head of the Department of Pharmacology at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School. D.r. ~tewart was Di trict Surgeon to No. 1 (Prince of Wales) London DIstnct, St. John Ambulance Brigade from 1951 till December 1963, and brings to our Foundation a wide experience of First Aid. Everyone in the Association appreciates the time given by members of the A~ ociation Committee. Their .advice and assistance in dealing with partlcular problems through speCIally appointed sub-committees is of great val ue. We were grieved to hear of the death of Mr. F. J . C. Honey who had for some year repre en ted the British Employers Confederation on the Committee. We have the as i tance of the following new members: Dr. R. Murray, Medical Advi er to the Trades Union Congress; Mr. D. Taylor, who succeeded Mr. Honey and had previously been a member of the Committee when he was with the Ministry of Labour; Mr. R. J. S . Baker, who ucceeded Mr. J . W. utt a a representative of the General Post Office' and Mr. W. N. Wil on, Chief Constable of Portsmouth who succeeded Mr. Rowell, Chief Constable of Brighton. ' The Surgeon-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade was appointed an ex officio member of the Committee. It is with plea ure that I report the appoll1tment of nine County Directors, four of whom fill vacancies:Mr. M. Williams Berkshire Commander E. A . Moni on Hampshire Mr. H. H. Dawson Suffolk Mr. R. Brellit, O.B.E. Sussex The following are new appointment there being no previous County Director : Dr. W. R. Cambridge M .R.C.S ., L.R.C.P. Guern ey Mr. H. J. Harri Herefordshire Dr. D. A. Ireland M.A. B.M. B.Ch. Shropshire Dr. B. Reffold Hull & East Riding Mr. J. Hughes orth Riding of Yorkshire County Directors p~ay uch an important part in our organisation, I shoul~ l1k~ to t~ke ~hIS opportunity of thanking them for all they have done In stImulating ll1tere t in our work. We are particularly grateful to Sir Harrv Sinderson who has retired a County Director for Su ex after holding that office for ten years, e pecially for the successful development of our work in the County; and to Brigadier C. E. A. Browning who had to relingui h the office of County Director f?r Devon on the ground of ill-health, after holding the appointment for eight year. Group Captain N. L. Heath, O.B.E. County Director for London, ~as. returned to live in Au tralia, and we much appreciate the work he dId m a most important field. CO CLUSION

The ~ssocia~i~n is grateful to those who did so much during the year to proVlde trammg courses and to stimulate a demand for First Aid.




Without their help it would be impo sible for the A sociatio n to provide a comprehensive ervice and to meet the growing need of industry for trained First Aid men and women. I would like to conv y to the Doctor and Nurse, who lectured and examined, and to the Lay In tructors and Demonstrators who hare with them the important work of teaching Fir t Aid and Home Nursing, OUr deep appreciation for their upport and valuable work. We also much appreciate the upport and help of the County Directors Centre Secretarie and Committee and the Cta Secretarie who provid~ the organisation which make the training possible. In so many of the reports we have received both from England and Overseas there i reference to the help given to the Association by men and women in a great variety of ways. We at Headquarter send Our thanks to all those people in whatever part of the world they may be. Their efforts and work are an encouragement and in piration to us at Headquarters and I conclude by expre sing my appreciation of the year's work undertaken by our permanent officials, Colonel Gueritz, Mr. Craft and Mr. Coles, and their staff. PHILIP SOUTHWELL,


SI .





"We live in deeds not years ." (Philip James Bailey) This quotation from a 19th century poet makes, J feel, an appropriate introduction to my report for 1963. In the Brigade it is our service to the public, ~ith it achievements, .succe ses and problems, that matter. The completIOn of one more ~ear In so long a hIstory, is of itself relatively unimportant. What I belIeve we can report, is that our service to the public has be~n maintained, and our p~oblems have been tackled with vigour; sometImes doubtle we have faded, but at least it has not been for lack of energy or enthu iasm on the part of those concerned. As, unfortunately, mu t be expected in an organisation the size of the Brigade, we 10 e each year through death a few of those stalwarts who have done so much for us over the year. Since, however details of their devoted and inval uable ervice have already been record~d in the Review and elsewhel:e, only mention of our ad loss is made here. In 1963 they included: MI Margaret McClaren, Superintendent-in-Chief of Canada' Colonel Sir Jame leeman, a former Chief-Commissioner Overseas ~ Mr. H. Langley Jone Commi ioner and later County President Hert~ fordshire; and Mr. H. J. Wrigglesworth, a former Brigade Secret~ry and afterward Manager of the Stores Department. TRE GTH


Detailed tati tic of Brigade strengths are given in Appendices A and B. These figure how a con iderable increase Over eas, which more than balances the drop at home and re ult in an overall increase of over 2000 member. ' This over ea increa e i greatly encouraging, but redoubled efforts are needed in thi country to increase our trength if we are to meet our re ponsibilitie . Totals of duties in England and orthern Ireland for 1963 were:DUTIES Public DutIes . Tran port Dutie Hospital Duties linic ur eries . . . Blood Tran fusion. Nur ing id . Mi cellaneous .

1,965,632 746,983 229,534 34,030 21,151 29,92 1 113,505 682,615

Cases treated: On Public Duty . Off Public Duty .

179,828 179,412

Accidents attellded: Road. Other. 1nvalids removed

16,158 18,245 489,512

These totals show an overall increa e on 1962 of 100,000 hours of duty, 15,000 cases treated and 56,000 more invalid removed. Accidents attended remained , within 100 or 0, at the same level.



The pattern is therefore, one .of increa ed calion thc Brigad~ a.nd of greater h Ip being given "here It w~ needed. Moreover J feel It 1 not inappropriate to mention once agall1. that th.e figur~ do nol how the complete picture ince 0 much a I tance 1 provided and 0 m~ny ca ualtie e pecially minor one tr ated by member off duty which they take a a matter of cour e and never report. THE BRIGADE I


The many dutie carried out on occa. ions when member. of the Royal family are present are always. a partIcular ource of pnde. One such occasion particularly notable 111 1.963 wa a Roya.l .Garden . ~arty ~t Buckinaham Palace when Her MaJe ty the Queen VI Iled the First Aid Post whilst it wa being et up and pent orne time talkipg to the members on duty. The Brigade wa pre ent in st.rength for 'prJn~e Ale andra's \ edding and a her mother, H.R.H. Pnnee Manna, 1 S:0mmandantin-Chief for Wale Brigade member from Wale a 1 ted London District and other countie involved in the d utie . The severe weather in the early part of the year led to many e tra calls on the Brigade and perhap e pecially in the We t C~u. ntry. These involved taking ambulances th~ough evere ~~ow condilion to. the occupant of car tranded in dnft and al 0 VI ItS to p~ople e pec~ally old people cut off in their hou es. In Somerset .h~lp wa glve~ to ho pltals where owing to roads being blocked taff hV111g some dl tance away were unable to report for duty. A happier a pect of the weather was found on Box Hill in Surrey where during everal weekend a many as three thousand winter port enthusia t gathered to ki. Needle to ay this unusual activity for Surrey neces itated and received ir t Aid cover. A new type of routine duty wher~ winte~ po~t are ~once:n.ed comes from the need to provide cover at Ice katll1g nnks. ThiS actlVlty is responsible for a proportionately higher number of casualtie in relation to most other sports. The Air Attendant Scheme continues to be to the fore, and during 1963 many requests were received and met. The dutie were a alway, .of particular interest and included journeys to or from Am. te:dam Mad.nd, Kuwait Hamburg, Paris and Warsaw as well a withIn the U l11ted Kingd~m. The patients escorted were of many nationalitie, everal did not speak English-just another of the problem to be overcome. A somewhat unexpected feature on one flight wa the insistence of an A~ab husband that his sick wife should have her yashmak put on before bell1g taken off the plane. It might also be mentioned, whil t speaki ng of ai.rcraft, that the Airport Division in Guern ey attended 109 case at the al rport. Attendance at race meetings, whether on the fiat National Hunt or Point-to-Point, tend to be looked on as a matter of routine, a are the duties for the many other sporting events and entertainment of all types. It may, however, be of interest to record in so far as horse racing i concerned, that over 80 % of the larger courses are covered in England,. and including Point-to-Point meetings, well over two thousand ca es (nders and spectators) treated last year. . Tulip time in Lincolnshire might not be thought to be an occasl~n necessitating First Aid, yet during the three weeks when tUlips are m bloom and being picked, seventeen additional weekend First Aid centres have to be set up.




In the Channell land rescue and other work by marine ambulances are con tantly taking place and instance of gallantry by the crews are almo t commonplace. Flying Christine II, the new launch in Guernsey, is being put into commi ion in J964. As in previous year, Agricultural and Sporling Shows called for a large ef\ort i~ counti~. Freque~t1y. these dut!e. were undertakeJ? in conjunction With our Iter organl at1On, the Bntl h Red Cross SOCIety. The Royal how in ] 963 opened at it new and permanent home in Stoneleigh Park, Warwick hire, where the cover was al 0 jointly provided by the B. R.S: .. and our e.'ve . Other event. in. ~ountie ~hich might be briefly mentIOned a they Illustrate the multipliCIty of duties covered by the Brigade were: The Bath and We t how Somerset· Liverpool Show; Three Counties Show at Malvern, for which the cover wa provided by Glouce tershire, Hereford hire and Worce ter hire; The May Fair Herefordshire; The Royal Cornwall how· The Nottingham Goose Fair; The Hull Fair in the East Riding and the County Agricultural Show, orthamptonshire. Sporting event covered included Silver tone by the Brigade in orthampton hire and Buckingham hire and Henley by the Jatter by the Brigade in Buckingham hire and 50-mile Marches sponsored by the Press for the general public in Kent and Cornwall. During these marches 2,000 cases were treated in Kent and 80 and 300 re pectively for the two marches in Cornwall. It i intere ting to note that Sergeant Taylor, aged 54 years, of the Falmouth mbulance and ur ing Divi ion, carried out the econd of the 50-mile marche in Corn\\all, treated ca ualtie on the way but him elf ended up free from bli ter and far from requiring first aid. otable ervice cca ion covered were Navy Week in Plymouth; the Sovereign' Parade at the Royal Mijitary cademy, Sandhurst; and the R.A.F. di play at orth Weald, E ex. The Miner' Gala at Parr in Lanca hire attended by ] 0000 miner was al 0 provided with Fir t id cover a wa the annual Lancashire Wakes Week with it many proce ion. In Surrey e cort \\-ere provided for children being taken from the Lingfield Ho pital chool to their home in Devon. The York hire/ Lille Exchange Committee al 0 \\a again provided with e cort for eight train by London Di trict Kent and the We t Riding of York hir~ for this annual e change cheme for French and Engli h choo1children. From] 9th-21 t J LIly the Brigade in Su sex were in attendance at the Chief Scout' Rally at ock bridge for Scout and Cub and at which 9,000 were pre ent on the Saturday. One hundred and fifty-two cases needed fir t aid attention. The ucce of the BeatIe ha involved the Brigade in many additional duties. Wherever they go the cru h of the enormou crowds invariably result in ca ualtie . In Lanca hire, for example, 157 casualtie were attended and the picture wa much the arne in Cumberland London, Warwick hire, Hamp hire, Leice ter, Bri tol and no doubt in many other places. As the year ended it will be remembered, the Lakonia was lost at sea. Su:vivors were brought back to thi country by ea and air, and the Bngade wa called upon to meet and a i t them. The fog, which unfortynately coincided with their return made the organisation of the e duties especially difficult, ince aircraft \ ere diverted at short notice



between airport and con iderable eITort was required to en ure that OUr teams were waiting when urvi~o~ landed. In the event al~ were met-a remarkable achievement when It 1 rem mbered th~t ~ large number .of the urvivors arrived on Chri tma Day. London Dlstnct an.~ Han~p hire \ ere principally concerned although Surrey and Lanca hll e wei e also sta nding by. TRAI 1 G

I have been increa ingly of the opinion t~at the important matter of training should be c~n.t~·alized under one Sel1lo.r .Offi~er and .1 .h~ve, therefore, placed responsIblht.Y for .the overall co-o.ldll1atlOn of trall1ll1g on the Deputy Commi i~ner-lI?--Clllef, Rear-AdmIral R. ~ .. Well by, C.B., D.S.O., following hI takmg over. that office at the begll1Dlng. of th~ year. H e 1's , of course , ad vi ed on techmcal a pect by the Surgeon-tn-Chief and Chief Nursing Officer. . . . During the past year our obje~t has.been to make our ~ec:nlcal traIning more practical in the fields of ~lr t AId and H?~e ur In o ' Stress ha been laid on the Importance ?f glVll1g member full opportunity to practice under the eyes of theIr Ins~ructor , the knowledge . acquired from attending lectures and demon tratlOns. The Sembal Trust have very generously dona~ed a furtber .grant ~h.lch enabled additional King George VI Memonal. Leader hlP Tralnll1g Courses to be held. Six sucb course were held. ll1 1963 at Harrog~te, Cirencester, Hull, Norwich, Blackpool and Westcltff-on-Sea, and at which tbe average attendance was approximately fifty. . . A considerable number of new County Staff Officer. (~rall1ll1~) have been appointed with the object of improving the org~nl atlo~ ?f In truction in counties, particularly in tbe field of non-tecbn~cal tr~tr~mg. Closer liaison has been established with Casualty U nlOn a It 1 ge~erally recognised that the use of their well traine~ members as .cau altles ~~r our First Aid Competitions add to th~ realt m of tbe settll1g and facdltates correct diagnosis by the competitors. We confide~tly expect that this will lead to the increased use of members of the mon not only for competition purposes but in other fields such a a isting demonstrators and lecturers and in re-examination. . A number of counties are compiling Ii ts of good speaker. on subjects of general interest to Brigade members;. a siT?i~~r list i bCll1g p~epared at Headquarters, the object being to assist Divi Ions to plan vaned and comprehensive training programmes. ITEMS OF I TEREST

We try in the Brigade to be as free of regulatio~s a~ we can. It has, however to be remembered that in a voluntary orgamsatlon new members without 'previous knowledge of its custom. and practices we1com~ some form of "textbook" on these matters, to whIch they can refer for gUldan.ce. Brigade Regulations are as much an instruction .to thi end a ~nythlDg else. Amendments are avoided as much as pOSSIble, but changmg conditions necessitate changes from time to time. The policy is only to amend every three years or so rather than piecemeal, and 1963 has seen th~ bringing up to date of our Regulations as a result of the past three years expenence. . " It was felt desirable during the year to ll1crease the msurance COV~I provided for our members, and the new policies will come into force In



1964. Finding the additional money required for the premiums puts yet another strain on County and Divisional finances, but it was considered essential that our member houJd be adeq uately covered against accident while on duty, and assured benefits in keeping with the present cost of living. On the be~t a.dvice, therefore, it was decided that this increased expenditure wa JU tJilable. An e entiaJ need for a ucce ful unit is a uitable H.Q. whether it is at County or Divi ional level. Money is all too often a real obstacle to obtaining and maintaining these. Nonetheless, new Headquarters continue to be obtained, and we are appreciative that in a number of cases help ba come fro~ local authorities, and for Cadet Divisions from the Ministry of EducatIOn. Liaison with the Johanniter-UnfaJl-Hilfe, the Brigade's equivalent in Western Germany, has contin ued and thi Ja t year when their teams were here for the Ca ualtie Union competition, London District were able to offer them ome ho pitality. umerou meetings and outings took place, which eem to have been much enjoyed by both sides. There has also been contact in Germany where one or two Brigade member have been in touch with local Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe units. A somewhat unusual activity which after con ultation at H.Q., involved members in Buckinghamshire and Berk hire, was the making of an entertainment film. rom time to time members appear on Television, in training fil m and on occa ion the Brigade uniform is seen in news and other film. In fact both the Surgeon-in-Chief and his Deputy spoke on i1' t Aid on televi ion. Thi particular film however, wa a full length comedy u ing a Brigade etting. It wa called "A Stitch in Time," and tarred orman Wi dom. Helping to make it proved an intere ting e perience for tho e involved and tbe film company were rna t punctiliou in a king for advice where our work was concerned. They did all they could within a background of broad comedy to en ure that nothing wa included which might damage the reputation of the Brigade. For e ample the need for qualification in Fir t Aid before being allowed to wear Brigade uniform wa several times stre ed. 1 would like to add that not only were the company generous at the time for uch a i tance as tbey received but on the film being relea ed Mrs. John Davi the wife of the chairman of the Rank Organi ation, organised a highly ucce ful "Premiere," the expense of which were borne by tbe Rank Organisation and re ulted in the Brigade benefiting very considerably. We are mo t grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Davi for this further example of their upport for and int re t in the \ ork of St. John. AWARDS A D


The Ii t of Order and Brigade Award and Jubilee Certificates is given in Appendix 'C". The final of the Brigade First Aid and N ur ing competitions were held at the Central Hall, We tminster on 20th July, and on this occasion the p~izes were pre ented by Sir Ralph Perring, the Lord Mayor of London. SIr Ralph is Vice-President of Farnham Ambulance Division and before the war was a sociated with the Brigade in Cobbam. It was, therefore, a very great pleasure to have him and Lady Perring with us. The Lord Mayor spoke, in hi mo t out tanding addre ,of the clo e connection that has alway exi ted between the Order and the City of London, and




reminded u that Dick Whittington, when he fir t came to London, was employed at the Priory .in Clerkenwell. Winners in each SectlOn v ere:Dewar Shield for Ambulance member . Perrott Shield for ur ing member . . White Knox Competition for Ambulanc~ adet Dunbar ai mith Competition for urslDg adet

Exeter ity Police, Devon. Hartlepool , Durham . Pre ton, Lanca hire. Harrow, London District.

It ha been decided for the future that ome change are de irable in the running of the e competitions. in ~he intere .t of making them J?0r.e te ting. The e will amount to pl~cll1g mcrea ed Importance. on the llld.lvidual te t ince elaborate eqUIpment or complete fir t aId teams wIll not normally be available in the ordinary cour~e ~f. event and greater empha i need, therefore, to be put on the mdlvldual member and improvi ation. . . The Annual Competition between the Bngade 111 Northern ITel.and a?d Eire for the Otto Lund Trophy was attended by the Comml SlOner-lOChief and Superintendent-in-Chief and won b~. orthern Ir.eland to whom \ e offer our congratulation. The competltlOns were Jud~ed by the Suraeon-in-Chief and Mrs. D. McPher on, County ur mg Officer, Sus~ex. We were all impressed by the standard di played by the teams and I was happy to be there on thi occa ion and to pre .en t the prizes. The competition between Guern ey and ~ersey v:as Judged by the Surgeon-in-Chief and Miss D. Sunderland ChIef urs111g Officer Dorset, and won by Guernse . The standard of Fir t Aid and ur ing at this annual event is such a to make it a matter of regret that the expense prevents the teams from cOI?~ng to ~he mainland to compete in the appropriate Regional CompetltlOn . It I hoped at some future date that thi problem will be overcome. INSPECTIO SAD ViSITS

Inspections in nineteen counties were car~ied out and vi it to tvyenty other Districts and counties made by SenlOr Officer together WIth a number of other visits to training conference and the like. Keeping touch is one of the problems of a voluntary organisation the size of the Brigade, but as much a po sible is done by mean of these inspections and visits, and as will be seen from the above figures, the majority of counties were all visited in 1963. I would like to stress here how much value we at Headquarter set on these visit, and on be!ng able thereby to see the Brigade as units and individ uals and to gettlllg closer to the work being done in the various counties. ot least encouraging is the welcome so kindly given. Visits from Brigade Headquarters cover a wide variety of events, from formal County Inspection attended by distinguished gue t fr?ID the county to attendance at local conferences, training day, watcblDg competitions and conducting Cadet enrolment ceremonies- the latt.er chiefly by Colonel Goring. They also included in 1963 visit to the Mobtle Column Exercise in Essex which is designed to practice emergen~y measures in a competition setting for a trophy presented by the late ~lr Paul Booth. Such exercises do much to bring emergency schemes to hfe and test them, and I recommend something of this nature to all Districts and counties. It is essential in the Brigade to have plans in each county ready to meet major disasters ranging from floods and explosions to





train cra he, hipwreck or aircraft accidents, and equally important that everyone should be rehear ed as far as possible in the role they wo uld have to play. Another eries of interesting visits were to the ast Midlands Area National Coal Board Camps at Rhyl and Skegness, for employees in their Brigade Divi ion and their Cadets. These weekend camps help greatly in encouraging the work of the Brigade in the e Divisions, and we are gratefu l to ~h.e ational Coal Board for making them possible. Those of us who VI lted the camp are also most appreciative of the hospitality we recei ved . October saw the main celebrations of the Diamond 1 ubilee of the Brigade in Eire to which the Superintendent-in-Chief, myself and the Surgeon-in-Chief who a already mentioned, judged the Otto Lund Competition held at that time, were invited. This was, indeed, a great occasion we \ ere privileged to attend and which allowed u , we like to feel, to cement even further the links between the Brigade in Eire and ourselve . On leaving Eire I pent a few day in Northern Ireland. It was my first visit to the Brigade there and fortunately coincided with the Fe tival of St. 10hn. Pi-ior to the church ervice I carried out an inspection of the units pre ent for the occa ion. Vi it to Ballymena and Belfast gave me the opportunity of meeting a number of officer and members and seeing something of the work the Brigade i doing. I have al 0 had the plea ure of attending two functions in Wales. The first of the e wa the Priory Fe tival at the time of St. 10hn's D ay, when I wa honoured by being invited to peak to Chapter and also to A embly. The other \\a an excellently run Training Weekend at Barry which for me and the Deputy Commis ioner-in-Chief who also attended, was both profitable and enjoyable. We saw much of interest which with the concurrence of the Chief ommi ioner we have passed on to the Brigade el ewhere.



1963 \ a the year for the biennial Pre ident ' Conference, which was held in ehel ea TO\ n Hall in ovember. It wa attended by nearly 400 Pre ident and Vice-Pre ident (a record number) from all over the United Kingdom, and in addition we \ ere delighted to have with us L~dy Dorman from Malta, and Lady Carew and Lady Thompson from EIre; all of whom are Brigade Pre ident . The conference wa not only valuable but T believe, lively and enjoyable a lso: certainly we at Headquarters thought so. We are 1110 t grateful to our Pre idents and VicePresidents for their upport to the Brigade and in particular would like to thank tho e who found time to attend the conference for the constructive idea and advice put forward during the di cu ion . . In addition the u ual annual conferences were all held and a always, dl~ much toward providing guidance on the cour e to be followed in Brigade matter. It hould perhap be mentioned that the Secretaries' C?nf~rence, formerly held every other year, ha now at the reque t of DIstncts and Countie become an annual meeting. SE lOR OFFICERS

It was with sincere regret that the re ignation of four Commi ioners were received during the year. All had given sterling service to the Brigade,



I'OR [

1111 ' ('If AI' rH{-(jENLRAI

and it i of intere t to note that the total of their ervice a omml loners amounted to 50 year. We are, howcver fortunate in finding. worthy ucce or and to the e \ e offer a warm welcome and good WI hes for a happy ~nd ucce ful tenure. The change occurred in the following countie : Cumber/and and rf/estl7lor/and: Colonel G. M . Kinl11ont, O. B. ., ha succeeded Captain 1. L. John, R.N. Derbyshire: Captain P. 1. B. Drury-Lowe has ucceeded olonel F. Arnot Bearn, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., M.D. Essex: Captain R. J. Wenley, T. D. J. P., ha L!cceeded Dr. J. T. V\l hitley O.B.E., M.B., Ch.B. Lincolnshire: Captain P. H. E. Welby-Everard, D .. 0. R.N ., has ucceeded Air Mar hal Sir John Baldwin, K.B.E. C.B ., D .. 0 . J.P. RGEO -J - HI F'


The Surgeon-in-Chief report a follow Once again there has been an increase in the number of Brigade Surgeons. I welcome the number of younger members of the profes ion, while regretting the 10 s of ome of our more e perienced colleagues due to age or transfer to administrative po t . particularly I regret the loss of Dr. Stewart a Di trict Surgeon for London, while welcoming hi appointment as P.M.O. to the St. John Ambulance A sociation an appointment which will maintain the essential link between the Medical Departments of the Association and Brigade. Mr. G. Craft' re ignation due to the increasing pressure of work in the As ociation wa al 0 accept d with regret. He has for many year been a tower of strength in keeping the Department's records and organising our conference with an efficiency for which he is well known throughout the Brigade. rn future M r. G. Kirkham will be looking after both the e duties and ha already hown himself more than capable of houldering this additional load . During the year efforts have been made to empha ise the greater importance of the practical rather than the theoretical ide of the work of the Brigade, in routine training, in examinations and in competitions. The necessity of adequate equipment e pecially for Nur ing Divisions has been stressed. Interest in Resuscitation has continued, and many call have been made on the Department for lecture and demonstrations' my copy of "The Pulse of Life" has been lent to many counties; the benefits of the intensive training in this subject are clear from the large number of cases reported in which the new method has been successfully applied. The Annual Surgeons' Conference was held at Buxton: though the attendance was lower than I could wisb, valuable ideas were forthcoming. During tbe year the policy of visiting counties to meet Brigade Surgeons and members was continued and my Deputy or T visited some nineteen between us. I am particularly grateful to tbose Surgeons who came to these meetings and to all Brigade Surgeons for all their work during the year. I am also indebted to my Deputy, Dr. Scott, for hi ever ready practical help and advice, bis knowledge and experience are invaluable.





In the changing pattern of Civil Defence there remains the difficult problem of maintaining public interest, but it i still the Brigade's policy to upport thi activity of citizenship. The Home Office has continued to allot us vacancies on short Senior Officer ourses at the Civil Defence Staff College, which have been most valuable in building up thi ide of the Brigade' work. In addition, a one-day Cour e at the Civil Defence StafT College, Sunningdale, entirely devoted to the Brigade took place on 26th January, 1963. Despite extremely bad weather, eighty members of the Brigade from all over the country attended an intere ting and instructive day. ADETS

The Annual Rally in 1963 took place at Cheltenham on 13th July. Again we were honoured in having H.R.H . Princess Margaret to take thi ; during the afternoon he inspected the three thousand Cadets on parade and conducted an Enrolment Ceremony. The intere t and vitality of St. John Cadet continue to be a source of encouragement to u all and a ha often been stressed, if an organisation is not to tagnate it need the enthu iastic influence of the young. The help of Cadet to the ick, handicapped or elderly has shown a remarkable degree of voluntary ervice. Moreover, undoubtedly a trong sense of re pon ibility prevail in Cadet Divi ion on which both Officers and Cadet are to be congratulated. Cadets have al 0 been prominent in as i ting ad:J1t member on public duties within the limit imposed by the Brigade. On many other occa ions, during the ordinary course of their day-to-day life they have helped tho e in immediate need. In the field of courage, rescue from drowning, effective fir t aid and presence of mind have frequently been di played uch a , to mention only a few, by Cadet Raymo nd Thomp on of Londonderry, who climbed, at great personal 1'i k to him clr, dmvn a forty-foot clifT to go to the rescue of another boy who had fallen down and uffered severe injuries; by Cadet Sergeant J. Parker or Peterborough \ ho re cued a young girl who had got into diflkultie \vhil t wimming and ub equently applied artificial re piration; and over ea by Cadet Alva de Freita in Grenada who succes fully carried out an almo t identical re cue. To the e are coupled numerOL! case of succe ful fir t aid in emergency, where good training and cool head have been of great value. Cadet activitie are not, ho\ ever, only confined to first aid work. Adventure training and camping have an important place in the Divisional programme and are largely based on:(0) The Brigade Camp at Be hill which wa attended by 1,049 camper between 20th July and 24th August; once more an increase on the previous year. Forty-five Camping Warrants and 4 Quarterrna tering Certificate were i ued- again an appreciable increa e. In addition most countie al 0 run Cadet Camps which are well attended. (b) "Commando" type exerci es in which the Brigade in Birmingham is especially prominent. Thi county is in the proce s of starting up a weekend training centre in Snowdonia for this particular type of activity.




(c) The Duke of Edinburgh' Award Scheme in which t. John Cadets in 1963 gained four Gold three Silver and 13 Bronze Award. OUR SHORT OMI

It i right in any report to look nO.t ~nly at ucce but al 0 at ourselves and \ her we fail. I con ider the mam Item here to be:-

Recruiting at Home . As tated earlier number are down agam and further d~cr~a e . cannot be accepted complacently or we hall ~ot meet the .cont~null1g l~crea e of call on our services. Thi problem 1 con tantly m mmd and It may be that the drive tarted late la t yeo.r ha not .g~t properl~ under '!V~y. Whatever the rea on and there are many thl 1 omethtng requmng continued and tirele attention. Cadet Recruiting . This problem of falling nUl11b~r applle very much .to .the Cadet Division and e pecially the ur mg Cadet.. We take p:lde III the. fact that Cadet Divi ion are not youth club de Ign~d to pr?vlde recre.at.I?~al activities but the under- i teen ection of the Bngade, wIth re pon Ibilltles for training and ervice leading to fu II re pon i bi Ii tie . a a? ul t . The fact that we call for higher degree of erVlce lilce we expect young people to devote spare time. to th~se end mu t of co~r e narrow the field from which we can recrUlt. Thl we mu t accept \ Ith our eyes open since we mu t 1!0t lower. t~e tandard ~nd thi m~an \ e have ~o put particular effort mto obtammg our rec~ul~s .of .the nght ~ype an~ In ufficient numbers. The good young ter will Jom If we put In ufficlent effort to get them. Promotion of Cadets . . Promotion to Adult Divisions is al 0 not taken a automatically a It should be. Here again is a well known problem thr?ughout .the country in all branches of youth activitie and not somethmg re t\lcte? to the Brigade. Many factors influ~nce th~ prob.le:n: G.C.E. ex~mmatlOn , ~he essential need to get started III earnmg a hvmg and som~~lme the feeltng that approaching maturity must be expres ed by requlflng m?re entertainment and greater freedom from rule however 100 ely. knIt. All of these must be sympathetically under tood and handled If we are to retain the Senior Cadets in the Brigade; and, perhap above all, they must be shown they are welcome and needed in the Adult Divi ions. Efficiency \Ve must not be complacent about our technical efficiency nor C~ll we always claim that duties everywhere are carried out in the wa~ the Bngade as a whole expects. Such matters as administrative shortcomm~ a:e also all too prevalent in the rendering of return and the orgal11 atlOll of cinema collections. Returns are not merely a matter of red tape, but the source of information on which to assess promotion and awards and give help in many ways. Cadet Marching We do not aim to attain the standard of drill for St. John Cadets that is desirable in the pre-Service units. All we require is that Cadets should carry themselves on parade in such a way as to show a pride in themselves





and the Brigade to which they belong. This standard is all too often not ~chieved and boys tend to be wor e in this re pect than girls.

Training Training i a vital function of the Brigade. On it depends not only the succe of dutie but al 0 recruiting. Unle s it i live, varied, interesting and up to date in it method, efficiency will suffer and, further, we shall not attract to our rank the people that we want. The highest standards mu t, therefore, be the only acceptable one.

Adl71inisf fa f iOI7 This and training are the two e ential [or efficient duties, and unless admini tration i right, dutie may fall down through lack of proper logistical upport. A?mini tration !s. ~ subject to which far greater attention mu t be paId by orne DIVI Ion



In concluding my report for 1962, 1 outlined three aims for which I considered we hould strive, viz:(a) The maintenance of tandards. (b) Reinforcement with young member. (c) lrong link '"\,,ith the A ociation. The re pon e to the e ha everywhere been mo t gratifying. I believe, however that the e aim are till relevant, and I am asking the Brigade to continue to give them it attention. During the year we at Headquarter have taken a a theme for conference and addre ses "Looking Ahead. ' Thi i really a broadening of the econd aim but it importance, I feel, merit mpha i in thi \ ay ince it indicate the outlook e sential for effective carrying out of dutie training, recruiting organi ation, admini tration and recreation- in fact, everything we do and are. Thi need for looking ahead, [am ure i e ential if \ e are to be in line with, or preferably a jump ahead of the tempo and change of modern time. It i only v\lth uch an outlook that the Brigade' future will be en ured and thereby our vital ervic to the community maintained at the level of the tradition and tandard of the pa t. 1 tarted thi report by quoting that we live in deed not year, and I submit the Brigade deeds peak for them elv . I include in the e all aspect of our work although I would e pecially like to draw attention to our welfare work, \ hich i ometi me overlooked by tho e sections of the public who only a ociate u with fir t aid and nur ing. I would like to end by thanking publicly all Officer and Member, both adult and cadet in \ hatever country or capacity they erve, for these deed. Their devoted ervice ha yet again been omething to be wondered at, and the way they are tackling the problem resulting from the stres e of thi day and age i equally to be admired. It i al 0 elfevident that my continuing than k go to the Superintendent-in-Chief and Surgeon-in-Chief who e experience and knowledge are of such great value. Space doe not permit me year by year to refer to everybody but, of Course, the field of my gratitude extend to key member such a the Deputy Commis ioner-in-Chief, Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Goring, A istant Commi sioner-in-Chief, for his leader hip in the Cadet field and King George VI Course, and my Chief Staff Officer who e as i tance ha left me far freer than would otherwise have been po ible for moving about


the country and over ea . I would al 0 like to thank the Editor and Staff of the Rel'iell for the tr uble they take in reporting the Brigade' activities' the Brigade ha hown it appr ciation by increa ing the number of it~ ubscriber to thi e 'cellent magazine and I hope thi trend wilt continue. Finally, as will have been een, it ha been decided to de cribe overseas matters in a eparate chapter. Thi make for ea ier reference to the various items covered by the report, which wa the rea on for the change. At the ame time I want to make clear that although I have de cribed el ewhere the work of the Brigade Over ea the division i purely for editorial rea on . The Brigade i one Brigade wherever it erve and we are all deeply consciou and proud of that fact. ROYER DICK, Commissioner-in-Chie(





Divisions Personnel AmbuComAmbulance Nursing bined Total lance Nursing Total England & . Irel a nd . . . 1,422 1,056 349 2,827 32,577 18,737 51,314 Commandery in Central Africa 13 5 4 22 334 155 489 Other Territories Over eas 605 243 82 930 51,561 5,010 56,571

2,040 1,304 Priories: Wales. Southern Africa . ew Zealand . Canada Australia . India . Pakistan Grand Total

237 169 118 173 171

120 90 90 138 98

868 699 66

536 175 5

3,673 2,020

435 3,779 37 74 33 27 58


23,902 108,374

394 333 241 338 327

4,164 4.490 2,853 4,459 4,869

1,597 1,614 1,900 3,310 2,111

5,761 6,104 4,753 7,769 6,980

229 1,633 874 71

20,835 18,953 2,238

10,532 3,753 86

31,367 22,706 2,324

664 6,357 126,498

38,273 164,771


Divisions P ersonnel AmbuComAmbulance IIrsing bined Total lance Nursing Total England & N . Ireland . 1,042 1,267 134 2443 22,338 34,484 56,822 Commandcry in Central Africa 2 3 1 6 113 101 214 Other Territories Oversea 149 119 29 297 3,041 2,591 5,632 Priories Wales . Southern Africa ew Zealand . Canada Australia . India . Pakista n Grand Total

1,193 1,3 9

183 63 147 35 142

171 81 138 53 118

570 322 13

561 145 1

2,098 2,096

164 2,746




376 219 288 88 269

2,691 1,270 2,364 669 2,963

3,104 2,057 2,857 1,402 2,907

5,795 3,327 5,221 2,071 5,870

109 1,240 467 14

9,957 6,929 342

12,327 2,684 33

22,284 9,613 375

4,467 42,720



22 75 3 9





Bedford hire Berkshire Birmingham Bri tol Buckinghamshire Cambridge . Cheshire. Cornwall Cumberland Derbyshire . De onshire . Dorset Durham. Es ex Gloucester Guernsey Hampshire . Herefordshire Hertfordshire Isle of Man . Isle of Wight Jersey Kent Lancashire . Leicester. Lincolnshire London. orfolk . orthamptonshire . orthumberland ottinghamshire Oxford Plymouth Shropshire Somerset Staffordshire Suffolk Surrey Sussex Warwickshire Wiltshire Worcestershire . East Riding of Yorkshire . North Riding of Yorkshire West Riding of Yorkshire. Northern Ireland

ADET ADULT AmbuAmbulance Nursing lallce Nursillg TotaL 104 153 622 238 127 286 530 1,407 359 232 54 382 1,821 707 378 318 460 1,509 510 221 464 761 1,971 429 317 103 262 623 150 108 448 788 2,303 614 453 442 769 2,046 525 310 125 194 651 177 155 1,412 1,229 5,031 1,832 558 483 880 2,390 583 444 118 356 816 180 162 444 623 2,939 1,500 372 213 427 1,251 301 310 183 263 966 316 204 43 138 309 76 52 747 1,274 3,097 671 405 48 225 437 87 77 376 562 1,509 336 235 109 184 396 33 70 104 44 295 101 46 98 177 370 41 54 3,011 653 1,028 481 849 I 985 3, 107 10,099 3,280 1,727 2,483 479 610 360 1034 442 542 1,618 451 183 2,562 3,596 12,216 3,573 2,485 2,456 424 769 613 650 2,435 510 796 665 464 2,079 509 457 251 862 4,564 1, 141 1,208 1,693 522 757 165 221 269 102 971 262 364 205 140 987 315 247 252 173 2,453 613 890 615 335 2,735 431 841 1,041 422 1,777 289 541 185 762 2,258 502 768 529 459 2,935 711 1,053 670 501 2,391 537 687 822 345 1,175 168 563 260 184 1,454 302 490 368 294 1,534 204 433 532 365 1,121 135 397 326 263 9,297 1,875 2,991 2,774 1,657 2,496 222 1,054 353 867







The Order oj St. John Bar to Life Saving Medal in Gold Area Commissioner R. H. Blanchford, O.B.E., G.M., Bailiwick of Guernsey, for hi out tanding leadership during the course of a series of rescue operations in which the lives saved were due to his skill and experience, and in everal of which much personal risk was involved. The Order oj St. John Certificate oj Honour Corps Staff Officer C. M. Smith, South Warwickshire Corps, County of Warwick [or hi out tanding leader hip during the course of a series of re cue operation in which the lives saved were due to his skill and experience, and in everal of which much per onal ri k was involved. Meritorious Service Certificates Ambulance Member W. Steele, Bradford Ambulance Division, Duke or Lancaster's District. Ambulance Member R. Millar, Shipley Ambulance Division, We t Riding of York hire. Mr. Gary Blanchford, t. John Auxiliary Bailiwick of Guernsey. Transport Officer W. E. Field a tbourne Ambulance Divi ion, County of Su ex. Ambulance Member E. Robin on, Earl Barton Ambulance Division, County of Northampton . Cadet Raymond Thomp on Londonderry Ambulance Cadet Divi ion orthern Ireland. American Trophy Jor Gallantry Cadet Raymond Thomp on, Londonderry Ambulance Cadet Divi ion, orthern Ireland. Grand Prior Badges Ambulance- 142. urslng - 375 . pecial Sel'l'ice Shields 234 Special Service Shield were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 429 Special Service hield were awarded to ur ing Cadets. Jubilee Certificates The following unit have been i sued with Jubilee Certificates indicating 50 years continuou erVlce:ursing Division, East, llkeston ursing Divi ion, Derby; Torquay South and orth Devon; Newton Abbot Nur ing Division, Ea t, South and North Devon; Hetton Ie Hole N ur ing Divi ion Durham' Emma Colliery Ambulance Divi ion, Durham; Houghton Ie Spring Ambulance Division, Durham; Derwent Valley Corp, Durham; Stella Corp, Durham; Hitchin Ambulance Divi ion Hertford hire; North Manchester Nursing Divi ion, Duke of Lancaster' District; Mos ley Nur ing Division, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict; Royal Borough of Kensington ursing Divi ion, London (Prince of Wales's) Di trict; Richmond ursing Division, London (Prince of Wale') District; ewcastle




We tern Nursing Division, North~mber~a~~; Blyth Nursing. Division, Northumberland' 0 ford City Nur tng Dlyl LOn 0 ford; H~ ~I~gs Town Ambulance Divi ion Su e . Hull ReckItt Ambulance. DIVl I?n E.R. York hire' Hull Ea tern Nur ing Divi ion, E:R. Yor~ hire;. ~.Ithernsea Nur ina Divi ion, E.R. York hire; Hull Reckltt Nur lD~ DIVI l.on.' E.R. York hlre' Driilield Nur ing Divi ion, E.R. York lure' Bnd~lr:~ton Ambulance Divi ion E.R. York hire' Yeadon Ambulanc~ DLvlslOn , W.R. Yorkshire; Yeadon Nursing Divi ion, W.R. YorkshIre.





The Brigade ha continued to make progress in almost all Districts Oversea, and it i perhap of particular note that with the advent of Independence in so many countries interest in our work has in no way declined anywhere. It is encouraging al 0 that in many new places greater support is now being given to the Cadet movement. Divisions are being formed in schools and masters and mistresses are giving their help. H EA DQUARTERS OFFICERS

Excellent work continue to be carried out by our Headquarters Officer in Cypru the Caribbean, Nigeria, Sabah and Sierra Leone. The first two have, of course, been facing emergencies in their areas most satisfactorily. This year a tart ha been made in implementing the policy of finding Headquarter Officer from the countrie in which they are to work rather than ending people [rom here. The advantages of this system are obvious and we hope that we shall be able to extend it to many parts of the world in the near future. The fir t of these officer was Mr. David Aguda H.Q. Staff Officer of Uganda who pent orne tv 0 months in England on a British Council bursary, vi iting Headquarter and ob erving our procedures and administrative method . Thi opportunity of getting to know each other was greatly to our advantage and, we hope, al 0 his. We are hoping to extend the sy tem next year with the vi it of Mr. Igbe H.Q. Officer designate for Nigeria. MERGE CIES

(a) CARIBBEA . The year wa notable for deva tating hurricanes in the Caribbean. Thi wa made wor e by the fact that unlike in normal years, the path of the torm followed unexpected directions. Although considerable damage wa done in a number of i lands, much the wor t incident occurred when hurricane "Flora" struck Tobago without warning early one morning in October. The emergency team in Trinidad was quickly alerted and transported to Tobago to tart work. Thi team of twenty-five members was led by Mrs. Davie-Smith, the Headquarters Officer, Mr. A. H. Matthews, Area Commis ioner, and Dr. Crichlow Corp Surgeon. Brigade members in Tobago under the Corp uperintendent, Mr. Alleyne, joined the team and everyone did terling \: ork in setting up Fir t Aid Posts and caring for the people who had 10 t their home. Over 3 000 cases were dealt with by emergency teams. (b) CYPRUS. Miss Irene Checkley, M.B .E., our Headquarters Officer,

and her Red Cros counterpart, Mis Shelagh Pater on, spent a weary and alarming Chri tmas during the initial troubles in the Island, organising relief for refugee, treating the sick and suffering, and tracing the mis ing. Due to their ability, hard work and popularity, the e two young ladies were accepted by all c1asse and all communities. They were thus able to



1-1 P rER-GE I::.R L

vi it people and place and to bring lie our to tho e in need, where no other p pi or organi ~ ation had b en accept~ble. . ar nd d and the troubl magmfi~d, arrangement were In A the hand for team of St. J hn and Red Cr r Itef worker to be ent to C pru . The e arrangement wer qui kl put int.o eITe. t an? by the end of Februar e n St. J hn volunte r \\ere working J InOy l~ th ] lan.d with a imilar number of their R d r c lleagu~ . ~eltef work IS ba d on even team each of t\ 0, lind r thc co-ordlnatl ~ of a mall Headquarter head d b Mr. J. F. G. C 1." oun.t Sta!! Onl~ r, Oxford and Secretar of the A ociation Vi ual Id ectlOn, wIth MI ~ Pater on of the Red Cro a Deput . The \ ork i arduou but rewardln.g a the team ha e been able to help th many th. u and of people In nee~, but it i al 0 ery ati factory to not that theIr effort eem to be apprecIated on all ide. (c) SABAH. Out tanding reli~f and re cue ':'" rk \ a

car~'i d out by

Brigade member during the enou flood \ hlch occurred In the early part of th ear. Tn the Tuaran area the St. John ambulance wa the onl v bicle cnpable of reaching the village, and live \ ould ~ertainly have be n 10 t \ ithout it. Over 200 viUager , including ix bed-ndden people, v re re cued and taken to high ground. The ambulance wa al 0 1I ed to di tribut food and clothing to the rescued people. . . The Briaade \\'a later again call d on to render a 1 tance In a evere landslide. bSi St. John m~mber w re fir t on the scene and j ined b) others worked throuah the day with the Police and rm c ntinuing the followin a morninbg to earch for mi ing people. mall boy \\ho was buried ~we hi life to the local Divi ional Superintendent, Mr. Henry Chai \ ho gave him mouth-to-mouth re u citation which he had learnt from watching a film. Mr. Chai '\ a later ent a letter of commendation from the Commi sioner-in-Chief. Cd) GHA A. The life aving m~dal of the Order \\ a a\\ arded in December to Jame K. E hun a Bngade m mber and 1 a ke Wangara for great gallantry in helping to ave the lives. of three men . in a mine accident at the A hanti Goldfield CorporatIOn at Obua I \ hen a section of the tope roof and urrounding ground collap .ed ~ury ing one man, trapping two other and injuring five I?ore. Worklng.1n cramped and extremely hazardou conditions and w1th complete ~I reg~rd for their own safety, .M r. Eshun and Mr. Wangara ucceeded In [re.elI1g the two trapped men and the one who wa buried. Mr. E hun continued to render first aid until the casualties \ ere brought to the ur[ac and taken to hospital. PUBLIC DUTIES

Independence Celebrations in Zanzibar and Kenya prod uced enormous crowds, particularly in the latter place where it was e timated nearly half a million people assembled at the Stadium in Nairobi alone. St. John teams ably led and directed by the Commissioner were on duty almost continuously for the three days of the celebrations and had to take part in all manner of unusual duties including no Ie s than four case ch~ld­ birth. In both countries, most appreciative letters of congratulatlOll



were received from thc Authorities for the work done by the Brigade member. SENIOR OFFrC ERS

New ommi lOner following place

have been appointed during the year in the



Briti h HomILlra . . uthority igerian Port igerian R a ilway orp . Sierra Leone Sabah . Zanzibar .

J. P. Ru h, q., J.P. . . D. Wallace, q. 1. . Rao, q .. . . . A . . Kee ling, sq., O.B.E. J A. R. Wilkey, .c q. , M.B . .. R. H. Y. Biles, E q., O.B . . .


Presellt Commissioner

D . Wakelin ,


J. O. M. Bolaole, Esq . Dr. D. O. dLlkwe L. W. Leigh, E q ., M.Y.O. Dr. . R. Dingley K. Pascoe, Esq ., M.RE.

t hould like to take thi opportunity of welcoming these Officers to the Brigade in their n w appointment and also of thanking their predece or for all their pa t hard work on behalf of the Brigade. ISITORS

We were f rtunate thi year in having vIsitor from the following twenty-one countrie, many of whom were able to be present at the Annual Commemoration ervice at St. PaLlI' the Brigade Finals Competition and at the adet Rally:u tralia anada ew Zealand outh fri il. ey h lI e ijl ypru

ganda Jam a ica MaLiritiu r na da Hong Kong abah ont errat

Barbados l. Kitts Trinida d 1geria Briti h Guiana Malta, G .c. Ghana

One vi itor we got t know very well \\a Mr. Richard Herman who wa in England on a Briti h Council bur ary. He i the Training Officer for Fiji and p nt a con iderable amount of the time he was here in the Over ea Department with the Brigade in London Di trict, and with other County Headquarter including Jer ey and Guernsey. TO RS

The Commi ioner-in-Chief carried out a comprehen ive tour of Ea t African Territorie \ hich wa de cribed in la t year report. The Surgeon-in-Chief paid a privat vi it during the year to Au tralia and New Zealand. On the way he vi ited Hong Kong Singapore and Malaya and during the return journey, Fiji. t each place he wa warmly welcomed and returned full of enthu iasm [or the Oversea Di trict he had vi ited. In February and March 1964 I vi ited the Brigade in the Caribb an area. Chronologically thi vi it was OLit ide the period covered by the 1~63 report, but I feel ince it took place in time for thi report that it w1l1, a in the ca e of our work in Cypru be of greater intere t to mention it now rather than hold it over for another twelve month. This tour took place from mid-January to March and the following place were vi ited: B rmuda Trinidad and Tobago, Briti h Guiana, G:enada, Barbado, t. Vincent, St. Lucia, Antigua and Mont errat, St. Kitt and Anguilla, and Jamaica. T\ enty-thre Parade were in pected and there were meeting with all th" St. John Council concerned. A




number of maIler H.Q. were al 0 vi ited in the i land and the opportunity \ a taken of the vi it to draw attention to St. John work by means of a number of TV. interviews and broadca t a well a through press channel. There are pread through the Caribbean ome 11 000 Brigade memb.ers and it i mo t ati factory to report that the name of ~.! ohn . tands high both for the work done by the Brigade and the tratntng glven to the Police Fire and other public ervice by ociation and Brigade. Virtually'the whole Police Force in the Caribb~an hold St. John ~ciation Certificates, many being members of the Bng~de. The t~o large. t I land.s, Jamaica and Trinidad, have large and effectively orgam ed umt but III many of the smaller i land their trengt.h i well in proportion. Th~re are promi ing ign of e pan ion, notably ~n the fonnat.lOn of Cadet umts . Where there is a \ eakne ,it tend to be 111 the numencal trength of the Ambulance Divi ion and it is hoped that thi will now tart to be remedied. A u ual a tumbling block i finance . The need for uitable Headquarters and the co t of equipment and un!form in Territories where individual are not well off pre ent a con lderable problem but St. John Council and Committee are tackling the e matter. The Brigade has good reason to be proud of. it Caribbe~n arm, if ?ne may put it that way, and I am glad to u e thl opportumt1 of pubhcly congratulating all tho e in that part of the world who are dOIng 0 much. The Superintendent-in-Chief visited briefly Gibraltar and Malta and is away at the time of writing on a tour of Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. CO CLUSIO

We are always trying to think of way here to simplify our administration and so to a sist Oversea Di trict to e pand into rural area and other parts where our teaching may be unknown, but i none the Ie vitally required. I have recently instituted an enquiry through the Over eas Department into methods that might make such progre s ea ier and I am glad to say that not only has some advance been made but many excellent suggestions have been received from overseas. These, however, are steps primarily for the future. I think I can best sum up 1963 by saying that Oversea performance and progress has been encouraging and I would like to record my thank to all Brigade members overseas for making this so . We at Headquarter have seen something of the Brigade's work overseas during our vi its, and few though these may seem in relation to the area covered by the Brigade, they have given us a good picture of what goes on. I feel therefore, in congratulating the Brigade Overseas on its work that I do 0 with firsthand knowledge, since even with those places we regrettably have not so far managed to visit we keep close touch. Finally, I would like to thank Colonel Benyon and his staff in the Over eas Department for all they have done during the year. They require, I know, no thank from me as theirs is a labour of love. Their reward is perhaps in the many expressions of goodwill sent to them through us who have had the actual good fortune to make these overseas visits and tours. ROYER DICK, Commissioner-in-ChieJ.


SUPERINT .; NDENT-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT, 1963 Throughout the pas t year the Nursing Corps and Divisions fully maintained their traditional high ta ndard of service to those in need and I welcome thi opportunity of paying tribute to their valuable and devoted work and of thanking them. Whether the need aro se through accident, emergency or the long-term care required in ca es of illness and di sablement, the nur ing per onnel continued elflessly to meet the many demands made upon them . Much a ttention, too , has been given at every level to the practical training which even for experienced member is vital in keeping method and kill up to date and at a high standard of efficiency. In my la t report 1 referred to the Mini ter of Health' s appeal for the greater u e of voluntary help in hospitals and in Local uthority health and welfare ervice. The development of thi clo er integration of the statutory and voluntary ervice in the Ten Yea r Plan must inevitably be a gradual proce but one in which the Briga de can make an increasing contribution, perhap particula rly in local community care, and it is sati factory to report th a t thi development ha been actively pur ued in some areas.


URSI GAD WELFARE. The recorded figures of

voluntary hour of duty undertaken impre ive though these are, give but a partial picture of the ervice rendered. The toll of accidents in the home on the road and at work entail emergency fir t aid action and many uch ca e have been dealt 'v\ ith in the pa t year in addition to attendance at fir t aid public dutie. ur ing member played their part during Chri tma 'v\ ek in meeting urvivor from the liner Lakonia. Much appreciated ervice have been given by nur ing personnel on tran port and e cort journey with invalid and the infirm, including Air Attendant dutie. uxiliary nur ing a i tance continue to be given in ho pital clinic and home f r the old and chronic ick and locally under the Di trict ur e. tra help ha been given to ho pitals at time of special need for in tance during the Intern a tional Paraplegic Games at Stoke Mandeville and el ewhere at time of epidemics. E tensive welfare and neighbourly ervice were provided to ick, di abled and infirm people in their own home, including the provi ion of equipment from Medical Comfort Depot and during the hard 'v inter months many cases of pecial need',: ere cared for. Both individually and in conjunction with exi ting tatutory and voluntary ervice member have given much help to homebound elderly, infirm and handicapped people, and at day centre club recreational outing and holiday centre that provide relaxation for tho e who otherwi e lead adly re tricted live.

NATIO AL HOSPITAL SERVICE RESERVE. Con iderable work continue to be undertaken with and for the ational Ho pital Service Re erve for which, with the B.R.C.S. the Brigade undertake the recruitment and initial training of nur ing au iliarie . The Chief ur ing Officer reports continued progre in enrolment and that 26 500 St. John Auxiliaries were recorded on the Mini try of Health September return, of Whom 21,384 were women and 5 116 men. Of the total number appro imately two-fifth were full Brigade member the remainder being attached to St. John. In addition to auxiliary nur ing ervice in ho pital many members are in the .H .S.R. Forward Medical Unit in which they gain valuable experience and in truction .







CIVIL DEFE CEo U ful \ ork and training ha al b en un~ertaken by nur ing p r nnel .with th Ci il D G n .C rp and.h Ip ntll1ue to be given \ ith fir t md and merg n nur Il1g 111 tru tl n. R.l .TT.A.D. RE ERVE. t. J hn memb r hip in t.h . R.N.v . . D. R er e ha ri n lightl but i till in.ad~quat a.nd It 1 h .p d that recruitment t thi important branch \\ III In r a I~ .th ~llng year. !-.1emb r f the Re erv underto k their w ek' tr~lIllng . pen d at the R.N. H spital Ha lar and Plym uth and at R. . AIr tatl n . HOSPITAL CAR SERVICE. In c njun ti n with tho Briti h R d .C!O and th Women' V luntar S r ic ,th Brigade ontll1~ . t _ adml~l ter the Ho pital Car Servic \ hich pr ide uch au . ful [acl~lt 1 r ~atlent , ho pital and clinic. The demand upon th crVlce c ntl.nue t Increa e and much ~ratitude i due to the C unt and rea rgaJ1l r and to the lunteer driver f r their effici nt and generou tran p rt \ rk. SERT /ICE HO PITALS JVELFARE DEPART IE T. In 37 aval, !-.1ilitar and ir Forc ho pital in th nit d Kingd m and over ea St. John and R d Cro offi er f the er ice H pital Wei [a: D ~~rt­ ment fulfil man ta k for th benefit f ick er icemen and their [almlte , and amenitie ar provided at maller ~11edi al unit. and ick quarter that have no re ident Welfare Offic r. Dunng the ar It \ a a great pI a ure to me to i it the Military Ho pital at Tidworth and ~h R. . H pit.a~ at Plymouth, Gibraltar and Malta and in the lat~ r I land al to VI It the Maternity v ing at 1mtarfa. In all th ho p'ltal I fund . th ame appreciation of the St. John and R ~ Cr erV1C and \ a lmpre ed b the de elopment of large, attractl e and well u ed. c nt~ . 1 \ ould again like to pay tribute to th Department and all It officer on the aluab1e work achi ved. At the end of the year there \ ere 71 Welfare Officer of wh m 36 were erving in thi country and the remainder in over ea C mman.d . ~f the total 20 were member of the Brigade. 1 \ ould like to e m re 111 Brtgade uniform. In addition to the arrangement undertaken for relative VI Ittng v~r) seriou ly ill patient under the Government "Dilfor" ch m '. of : hleh there \ ere 42 during the year, the Department no\ al 0 a 1 t In ~he more recent cherne for ending relative to attend funeral of erVlce men and women in North-We t Europe and 52 uch ca e \ ere cared for. EX-SERVICE }VAR DISABLED HELP DEPART}'[E T. During the twelve month ended June 1963, of the 50 000 application received by the St. John and Red Cross Joint Committee Ex-Service War Di abled Help Department, the need of the majority were met by ervice provided through the Department and over 16,000 ex- ervicemen and v omen received financial help amounting to £79 326 from Joint Committee Fund.s. Although the number a sisted financially or with good wa Ie than In the previous year e penditure increa ed by over £3,000 the grcateryart of which was spent during the exceptionally evere winter in provIdIng extra comforts for older pensioners. The general trend toward Improved standards of housing and greater need for motor transport to ~nable pensioners to continue in employment ha , too, been reOected tn the higher cost. Again thanks are recorded to St. John and Red Cro members all over the country for their unfailing ervices in the many a pect of this work.

In No cillb r Chairman Lt.office had by hi \\elfar f th e



c.: ;



the epartm nt ufTered a ad J In the death r the eneral ir Arthur wIer \ h during hi peri d of I ader hip and under tanding ntribut d greatly t the \\h lilT r thr ugh th ir \\ar di ablemcnt.

HO PITAL LIBR RY DEPART fE T. The t. John and Red Cro Ho pital Librar 0 partmcnt pr vided a ervic t 2 3 ervice Ho pital and Medical nit in thi lIntr and ver ea and al to 27 home run by the rder [ t. J hn th Briti h Red r ociety and the J int Committee. B k, loo, \ er uppli d to 2,340 \ r di abled C'(- ervice pen ioner in th ir wn hom , or i ilian tabli. hment. nder arrang ment \\ith the Mini try f llealth and H pital Management ommittc the Departm nt r d I 0 9 i ilian h pital n the apitation ba i r 13 . 6d. per bed p r annum, and uppli d 17 ho pital in H.M.Pri n. In all v r 2 milli n b ok \\er i u d in th , r. rateful thank are due t th many helper operating thi imp rtant rvice om of \\hom 1 had the plea ur f meting at th Birmingham H pital Library onference that I att nded in pri\' L

TRAI I GAD a FERE E. Much attention c ntinue to be given to the vital que tion f training and th probl m of ev r \ ider recruitment b th of which arc fundamental t the [utur of the Brigade and it part in lh national life. Th c untie ar t b congratulated on the man da and \\ kend our e held and I \\ uld too, c mmend the practical training alu t Oivi i n of the mobile training unit uch a the one initiated m ar g in Buckingham. hir and in the pa tear In u \ . [ \\ a v r) plea d t be pre nt at th Lanca hir Oi trict Con~ r n . Th hi [ ur ing ffi er attended con~ rence held in orfolk and th urg n' nfer nce at ardifT and BU),t n, and cour e held in rthern 1r land and Wilt hir \\ re att nded b Mi Harri on and in erb hir b Mi Wat n. M Di trict and ount Superintendent' on~ ren \\a again a help[ul pportunit for int rchange o[ vic\\ ,a t \\ a th on[erenc for Pr ident and icePre ident h Id in L nd In additi n t Brigade , II eful liai n ha be n maintained by attendan at th n ened tatut r allth ritie and bother organi ation a \\ell a b rcpre ntation on man tatut rand th r committee a iated \ ith our \\ rk. ful \\' rk ntinue to be don by Brigade mc rand m Il1ber in pr viding fir t aid and nur Ing in truction to the publi and t olh r voluntar b di . L

UR J G OFFI ER . The hief ur 1l1g fficer r port a 'ltifactory incr a e in ur ing ffic r appointment and it i pi a ing to record that of th e a con iderabl number \\ere ex-Cadet \\h have qualified a tate Regi tered ur e . Th Brigad i gr atl indebt d to the memb r o[ the nur ing pr fe i n \\h a llr ing Offic r and in other eapa iti generou I give their killed help in training, competition judging and t. J hn work g nerally. In xpr ing thank to them I \ ould, too, pay pe ial tribute t Mi Duff Grant \ ho a Chief ur ing Officer gi e uch valuabl help and guidance on all nur ing matter . Under her chairman hip the annual nati nal Con~ r nce for ur Ing Officer \Va again held in Lond n at \ hich th r \ r del gat fr 111 5 countie and North rn Ir land and Wale. In additi n to in pi ring and




helpful talks by the D puty Comm.i . i~)I1er-in-Chi~f and the Surgeon-in_ Chief a dual talk on "What a Dlvl IOna1 Sup nntendcnt a ks of her Nur ing Officer, and what a N ur ing Officer a k of her Superintendent," provoked much liv ly di cu ion.

I SPECTIO SAD VISITS. It wa a great plea ure to be at the Cadet Rally at Cheltenham, which wa honoured by the pre ence of H.R.H. Prince Margar t. I was very glad to carry out In pcction in the countie of Berk hire, Dor et, the North Riding of York hire, and Devon (Nur ing p ronnel), during which vi it I al 0 attended the Jubilee Celebrations of the Torquay Nur ing Divi ion. The Commi ionerin-Chief and I had a very plea ant vi it to Dublin when we attended the Sir Otto Lund Trophy Competition, and th Southern Ireland Brigade's Diamond Jubilee, and Mi Overend' Golden Jubilee celebration. My visit to Gibraltar and Malta \ ere unfortunately brief but it wa e ' tremely intere ting to learn at first hand of the good work being done and in Malta to in pect an excellent parade. At inspection in the following countie the Chief N ur ing Officer and members of my staff accompanied the Commi ioner-in-Chief or the Surgeon-in-Chief: Bedford hire (Mis Duff Grant), Northumberland and Buckinghamshire (Lady Braithwaite), Cambridge hire and the East Riding of Yorkshire (Miss Wat on), Birmingham and Leice tershire (Mi s Baird). With the Deputy Commi ioner-in-Chief, Mi Watson, attended the opening of the new Stafford hire County Headquarter. The Chief Nursing Officer attended the ational Coal Board Camp for Nursing Member at Rhyl and visited Dublin to judge the Overend Cup Home Nursing Team Test for the S.J.A.B. Southern Ireland.

HONOURS. Mrs. J. Cumming Bell, District Staff Officer Cadet ( ), West Riding of York hire, Miss E. M. Trill, County Staff Officer Cadet (N), Sussex and Miss T. Checkley, Headquarters Officer in Cypru were awarded the M.B.E. in recognition of their excellent ervices.

CHANGES IN APPOINTME T. At the end of the triennial period there were many changes and it was with much regret that the following County Superintendents' resignations were received :-Mi s Bell Derbyshire, 25 years' service (fortunately continuing her active he! p a County Secretary); Mrs. Galton, Dorset, 36 years' service; Mrs. Cavend i h, London District, 20 years' service; Miss M. Miller, M.B.E., S.R. ., SufTolk, 24 years' service; Miss Noble Mathews Sussex 3 year' service; Mrs. Somers, Worcestershire, 9 years' service. To them all I e tend grateful thanks for their fine service to the Brigade. I welcome the following appointments of County Superintendents:Mrs. Manley, Cambridgeshire; Miss Brindle, Derby hire; Mr . Seymour Dorset; Mrs. Hoadley, London District; Mi s Lawton, S.R.N. Staffordshire; Mrs. Harwood, S.R.N., Suffolk; Mrs. Puckert Money, Sussex; Dr. Russell, Worcestershire. I am also happy to report that Mr . Cavendish has joined my staff at Headquarters. CONCLUSION. A sad memory of this year is the death of Miss Margaret MacLaren, Superintendent-in-Chief of Canada. She will be greatly missed, not only in Canada where her contribution to the work of the Brigade was invaluable, but also by her friends in this country. Once again my most sincere thanks go out to all my District/County

Superinten~en~ service whl.cJ~!

and County/Area Officers for their untiring and loyal 0 largely ~e ponsible for the high re pect in which the Nursing D1V1SLOns of the Bngade are held everywhere. A alway my per onal staff have made my work so much easier and [ do indeed con ider my elf fortunate to be so well served. While honouring my agreement with them of last year not to mention names I would like to thank each one of them per onally for a task superbly done and express my ~ppreciatjon and gratitude. To you, Sir, too, and to your tafT, I offer my sincere thanks for all the encouragement and co-operation which my department and I have received. M. BRECKNOCK,





REPORT OF THE ALMONER The Joint Committee of the Order of st. John and the British Red Cro Society publi h annually a report which des~ribes in d.etail the activitie the parent bodie have delegated to the JOint <;:ommittee, the tate of the Committee' finance, and the e tent to whIch the co t of the year' work ha encroached upon the fund, ?riginally £6·i J?1illion \ hich was allocated for the e purpo e by the J 0111t War Orgamsation at the end of the la t war. The late t Report and Statement of Account for 1962/ 63, how that the main item of expenditure, £145,763, wa in re pect of the Committee's primary obligation, the care of the War Di abled. Sub .tantial un: were also spent on the care of nurses and of elderly and sIck ex-ServIcemen \ ho are not nece arily war di abled. The Committee' Ambulance and Hospital Library work within the National Health Service i largely selfupporting. The total net cost of all activitie la t year wa £86,695, and this figure reduced the balance of the Capital Fund to ju t over £3 million. The Joint Committee s programme of work for the war di abled is designed to cover the e timated need of war-pensioners t? the end of their lives, and already over £4,000,000 has been pent mce the termination of the la t war in alleviating the distre s of those physically handicapped becau e of war service. Thi expenditure ha been mainly di bursed by the headquarters and County Officer of the ex-Services War Disabled Help Department, \ hich in the past year received and dealt with some 50,000 applications for help and advice. Of the e, some 16,000 called for financial assi tance and nearly £80000 was expended in meeting needs which lay outside the cope of State a istance. For example, war pensioners have been helped with the cost of motor vehicles for travel to and from work, and with the financial mean to provide homes with those amenities which enable the handicapped to live a more normal life. Financial help has been given to clear out tanding debt and commitments, where undermined health and impaired working capacity have resulted in loss of teady employment. Clothing convale cence, and, in particular, the special needs of old age are among other objects on which help has been provided to ea e the lot of the disabled. For some, war disablement has meant a withdrawal, in part, from society and for these the Joint Committee contributed sub tantial capital sums in the past to build specially designed model Settlements. Examples are those for Paraplegics at Lyme Green, Cheshire, and Kyte in Hertfordshire, the Barrowmore Village Settlement near Chester, and the Settlement for severely disabled ex-Servicemen at orwich. All these institutions, administered by local St. John and Red Cro Committees, are recognised by the Joint Committee and receive financial support when necessary. Brighton Convalescent Hospital for ex-Officers, and Scio House, a residential home for 25 elderly and infirm ex-officers continue to be maintained by the Joint Committee. An extension to the latter of ten single bedded rooms was opened in October last by Earl Mountbatten of Burma. As a tribute to the service of the Nursing Profession in two world wars the Joint Committee maintain two Homes which provide some 60 retired nurses with a permanent home where they may live out the closing years




or their

live in pleasant surroundings. Other elderly nurses, having war service, are given weekly grant to supplement their income. The Joint ommiltee Ho pital Library service continues to provide book for patients in ome 90,000 beds throughout England and Wales. Micro-film book and electric page turner are issued to enable the very severely di abled to enjoy the con olation of reading. The Library service of the Joint Committee i extended free to soldiers, ailors and airmen in Service ho pital to war pen ioners, and to St. John and Red Cross in titution , and the cost of this work is met out of Joint Committee funds. ] n all orne 3i million book are distributed each year. The Ambulance Department in the year ended 30th June, 1963, was respon ible for the tran fer of 32,000 patients for the London County Coun'cil within the National Health Service, involving an aggregate mileage of 440,000 . J n addition, many per on were carried privately, who for one reason or another were not qualified to use the National Health Ambulance Service, and drawings were made upon a Samaritan Fund to meet the cost of ambulance tran port in cases where financial hard hip would otherwi e arise. G RALD CREASY, Almoner.



have been no out tanding new pUblication concerning the Order thi year. But a erie of very intere ting e says including "An Introduction to the eal of the Order' ha been penned by Surgeon Lieut.Commander 1. R. Lawrance- wen, him elf a member of the Order. These article, although brief add con "iderably to our information on the variou topic they encompa . The curator of the Library and Museum, Mis Mary Martin B.A., re igned her po t with the Order in September to take up a fresh appointment. he fir t joined the Library taff in 1956 and was appointed Curator in 1962 follo\ ing the re ignatiol1 of Mi D. E. Edmonds. Vi itor to St. John' Gate and Church in 1963 totalled 1,984, a substantial increa e on the tolal for] 962. It is apparent that St. John's Gate is now securing a d finite place in guide books, which probably account for this increa e. Certainly more and more out ider are discovering our existence. Among di tingui hed vi itor was the Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, H. E. Don Enzo di Napoli, Prince of Resuttano who repre ented the Grand Ma ter at the igning of the Declaration of recognition between the Mo t Venerable Order and the Sovereign Order in November at the Gate. He wa accompanied by Dr. Filippo Spada and member of the Briti h sociation. Signed copies of the Declaration itself, both in EngJi h and Italian, are on view in the Library. In the previous July we were honoured by the vi it of Prince Wilhelm Carl of Prussia, Herrenmei ter of the Johanniter-Orden. In spite of numerous interruptions the cataloguing of the many pamphlets, photograph and documents which find their way to the Library has still continued. This and the conducting of visitors around the buildings have been really the main activities of the Library department throughout the year. THER


RI- POR I 01 · Ille



There hav been numerou and varied acce into the dep · lrtl1l~nl. The thank of hapt r-G neral have been conveyed t the G 1I0wing donor :The S cr tary-G neral, Mi V. Leve on G wer, A. T. Bandy, g., L. M Cormi k-G dhart, E ~., urgeon Lieul.-C rnmander J. R. La\ rance-O .. en, Dr. J. Prentl , H. A . van Helm van Idik, g., The ad r Harra .. by, ir Alec Martin, apt: J. D cwra Roger, Mr . A. Hunter, C lonel R. Wilkin on . . . A. Alit tt, q., V. Denaro, . . g., Mr . E. de Mieville. R ICHARD W ILUAM , Librarian.


TilE PRIORY OF SCOTLAND are but few with u today who participated in the revival and recon titution of the Priory ixteen year ago. It i inevitable that, as a Priory we !TIU t ufTer most, but ur parting over these last two years have been many and griev u . Jt is, therefore, the more di tressing that di ablement and incapacity deny u the active ervice or Lieut.-Colonel ir Ilugh . Turnbull, who intimated hi s resignation a Lord Prior at the end of the year. As an ~xecutive mcer thr ughout the full reign of Sir Hugh as our Lord Prior, I can peak with intimate knowledge of the un elfish and devoted ervice he gave to the Priory. No matter was too insignificant to command his attenti n and to all our work, he lent his wide knowledge and rich experience. lie had the re pect and admiration of all his Confreres and the Priory of cotland ha cau e to honour him a a worthy Prior and a noble Knight. It i unnece ary to ever the activilie of the several Committee of the Prior a individual rep rt are being pre ented . r hould like, neverthele to refer to development within Gla gow, Aberdeen and Moray. The 110 pice at Lang. ide i n w operating and the greatest credit i due to the member of the la g \V mmittee of the Order and their branch of the L J hn A . ciation for the very excellent facilitie they have provided . It wa a pri ilege t have The Rl. Hon. The Lord Wakehur t, the Lord Pri r of Grand Pri ry in the Briti h Realm a our gue t throughout the everal ceremonies linked with the opening. One ha to welcome, also, the gr wing intcr t in the work or the rder, arising from thi rurther cxtcn i n of ur haritable work among elderly people. In my report to the Priory la t year, I referred to developments conur ing Home within the ity of Aberdeen. While templated at our unable to r port upon d ci . ive plan, negotiation are proceding with all intere ted per on and rgani sation, \ hereby thi important ervice to the citi7en of berde n,hall not only be continued but advanced. I am c nfident that onfrcre of the Priory will give their support to the ultimate ch me upon \\-hich agrc ment ha been reached and make the development p , ible by th mo .) t generou financial upport. It i, hoped that the Ho pice at Lo icmouth ha emerged from it early troubl . Plan re ar ot t help draw an increa ing number of occupant throughout the year ahead, and to thi end the matter is being tudied with ome urg ncy by Prj ry-Council. The Rev. Lewi L. L. ameron, O.B . . , D.D. ha been appointed Almoner to Priory. We are fortunate to have the ervice of one so di tingui hed in ocial \\ rk to a i t u in the organi ation and administration of our everal Ho. pice. rrangement have been made to place Dr. amcr n' unriv< lied kno\ ledge of the need of the elderly at the di po al of ollr , everal committee. Mr. P. H. Drabble wa appointed early in 1963 a Priory-Secretary and there i every confidence that he will maintain the high tandard establi hed by Captain Jamie on. It remain for me t e pre my thank to all Confrere for their loyal co-operation throughout 1963 and to record appreciation to Committees and Office-bearer. TJlERE



R\;PORf 01·




The fe tival of St. John \ hich wa held thi year on Wedne day, 26th June, in Aberdeen commenced with the Celebration of Holy Communion in Gr yfriar Church, followed by the Annual Commemoration Service. The Rev. Dr. L. L. L. Cameron, O.B. ., O.St.J. D.D., J.P., conducted the ervice. At the conclu ion of the morning' proceeding, Member of PrioryChapter were ent rtained to luncheon by the Lord Provo t and Magitrate of Aberdeen. In the afternoon the General A embly and Tnve titure was held in the Town and County Hall. Ov ing to the unavoidable ab ence through illnes of Lieut-Colonel Sir Hugh S. Turn bull, K.C.V.O. K. B. ., Prior of Scotland Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harv y of Dinnet, K . . M.G., the Preceptor of Torphichen, welcomed member and gue t and invested Po tulants with the In ignia of their Grade. Member and guest were entertained to afternoon tea at the conclu ion of the A embly and Inve titure. A Reception and Dance, given by the Lord Provo t and Magistrates of Aberdeen, was held in the Beach Ballroom. Thi proved to be a most enjoyable function and a fitting end to one of our rno t ucce sful Festivals. THE GLASGOW CO lMlTTEE OF THE PRIORY

During the year under review the result of the work of the Gla gow Committee have been most encouraging. The out tanding event of the year was the Official Opening and Dedication of the new St. John Re idential Home in Gla gow on 3rd May, 1963. The Lord Prior of Grand Priory, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Wakehur t, K.G., K.C.M.G., performed the Opening Ceremony, and the Rev. Dr. L. L. L. Cameron, O.B.E., the Service of Dedication. Full upport was given by Members of Priory-Chapter, who attended in their robe and in ignia, and there was an excellent turn-out of member of the Order and a large number of guests at this colourful and important ceremony. The Committee are deeply indebted to the E ecutive Officer and Priory-Chapter for the encouragement and a istance rendered to it since the foundation of the Home. The Home is now fully occupied and the Committee feel that it ha helped to fill a much needed want and rendered a ervice to the community by enabling elderly people to have a comfortable and happy home. In conclusion, may I sincerely thank our St. John Association for their successful efforts in fund-raising and their untiring work on our behalf which has lightened our task. My thanks are also due to all the members of our various Committees for their interest and encouragement. THE EDI BURGH A D SOUTH-EAST COMMITTE OF THE PRIORY

Our Homes at Carberry and Lennox Row have fully justified our hopes of last year, and the current year has been one of progress and success. In 1962 residents in the Homes totalled 612, and the total for 1963 was 950. We are thus operating at our near maximum intake, which is very gratifying and means that the Homes are more or less permanently


filled. There is, therefore, no doubt that we are performing a most neces ary ervice to the people of Edinburgh and the surrounding districts by maintaining these Home. We are al 0 fortunate in having two excellent Committees, one at Carberry under the chairman hip of Mr. Black, and the other at Lennox Row under Mr . Boyd Ander on. Expenditure over income for the year in respect of our two Hospices wa £1,200, and tribute must be paid to the members of the St. John A ociation who succeeded in rai ing thi magnificent sum to meet the defici t. Unfortunately, the drainage y tern at the Home in Lennox Row broke down and the e timated cost of repairs is in the region of £1,200, which um i outwith the power of our organi ation to meet. It is hoped that the Corporation of dinburgh will help us by way of a grant towards defraying part of the co 1. It i indeed a plea ure to note that people no longer resident in the area are till upporling our endeavour. Equally so, it is good to see member of the Ho pice and Hou e Committee finding time to rai e monie in a private capacity, at the same time devoting their energies to the fund-rai ing activitie of the A sociation.




During the year, the Aberdeen Committee ha had before it proposals for the moderni ing and extending of the St. John ur ing Home (acquired in 1950) and for the providing of a nur ing home for the aged. A full inve tigation a to po ibilitie and cost of this propo al i now proceeding. Although berdeen i well provided with Old People's Homes, the etting up of a nursing home for the aged i a much required service which the berdeen Committee ha di cu ed with the geriatric speciali t in the area. It i hoped that the e di cu ion will prod uce orne definite cherne to a i t the elderly who require nur ing care. The nnual Fe lival of t. John which took place in Aberdeen in June, 1963, wa one of the mo t ucce ful ever held in the north-ea t. It wa well attended and the berdeen Town Council once again entertained the Priory of Scotland. To mark the 400th anniver ary of the Order' break with the pari h of Maryculter in 1563 a pecial Commemoration Service was held in the pari h church at Maryculter, Kincardine hire. Attended by the Chancellor ir Andrew Murray and member of the Aberdeen Committee, the ervice wa conducted by the Rev. Marcu Scott-Ro , S.B.St.J., mini ter of the pari h. During the year two notable promotion were made: Colonel Martin Melvin Cruick hank, C.T. . Hon. Secretary of the Aberdeen Committee, to be a Knight of Grace' and Mr . Alice Ivy Hay of Seaton, former chairman and founder of the riend of St. John, now the St. John Association (Aberdeen Branch), to be a Dame of Grace. Baillie John Moir, M.B.E. was admitted to the Order a a Serving Brother, and the Rev. Marcu -Scott-Ro a a Serving Brother (A i tant-Chaplain). The year under review may be ummed up a one of steady maintenance of past standards and of exploration as to the po ibility of future advancement for the welfare of mankind.








The untim ly death of our Pr ident, Brigadier Sir ~el1l:Y I-~ould worth, i a tremendou 10 t the ommittee. He \ a ar: 111 plratlOll ~o u all and made a point of att nding the quarterly meetmg and dealtng with pecial matter \\'h nne ary. We r c. rd, too, our grat ful thank.s to Lady Turnbull \\ ho felt oblig d to r Ign [ron? the M ray CommIttee and who \ ill be mu h mi ed from the meeting . The Ho pice 11a had a moderately ucce [ul ~ear and a~ time the booking were to capacity, but the fiow gue t 1 not c ntll1 uou and the Ho pice i not ntirely elf- upportll1g. The 'plea ant atmo phere under Mr . Fletcher' management ha b en apprecla.ted by many gue ts. In May we had the honour of a vi it from the Mini t r o[ tate [or Scotland and Lady Craigton, v ho aw all ov r the hou e .and were much impre ed. Acc mpanying them 'A ~ tir. W. M. Ballantme t~e Scotti h Information Office St. Andre\ Hou e \ ho \ a mo t lD I tent that more publicit \\'a e ential to the ucce . o[ kerrybr~e. Through hi good office meeting \\ er~ a rra.nged WIth the. ~Ottl h Touri t Board and a notice \\'a placed JI1 theIr annual publIcatlOn. A vi it from the newly appointed Almoner Dr. Lewi Cam ron, was mo t \ elcome and hi ma terly report ha put Priory thoroughly in the picture. The Committee are hopeful that \ ith the increa ed publicity \ e are having thi year, there v ill be a ub tantial increa e in the number of guest.




The St. John Foundation Hospital ha contributed another year of service to the citizen of Glasgow. Throughout the year 1963 the daily bed average was 16.4 while the birth within the Materni ty ection reached the high figure of 202. The operation undertaken \ ithin the theatre reached the record number of 425 an increa e of 52 from the previous year. It mu t give the greate t ati faction to all Con[~ere and those associated with the Priory of Scotland that our FoundatIOn Ho pital is so well regarded and provide 0 nece ary and acceptable a serVlce. Throughout the year it was found expedient and pos ible to undertake extensive improvements, especially in the Maternity Section and contracts have been accepted for the internal renovation following upon the outside work undertaken in 1962. There is little doubt that our Park Home is the premier nursing establi hment in the City. Acknowledgm~nt should be made to the Ladies' Linen Guild for their special donatIOn in cash of £100 which has been used to redecorate and partly refurni h staff quarters. This sum was, as u ual, additional to their. regular .co~­ tribution of linen, crockery and household utensils. The L1l1en GuIld IS an ever generous benefactor to the Ho pita!. In common with other ho pitals and nursing home, the overhea.d costs of staff and maintenance constantly ri e. Notwithstanding thiS financial burden, however, it has been found pos ible to maintain an average of ten beds, where the cost of the patient is heavily subsidised by the Order to a degree of approximately £3,000 per annum.

The Linen Guild enjoyed another successful year. Our gift of £100 to the Ho pital wa u ed toward redecorating the stafT quarters, and many items of china, gla and linen were pre ented during the year. Again we mu t thank Sir Hugh Fra er, Bt., for hi much appreciated genero ity in granting u the u e of the re tam-ant in Me srs. Pettigrew & Stephen for our Annual Whi t and Bridge Party. We must al 0 thank the Rt. Hon. The Lord Provo t for the gift of a lovely Christmas tree, and all tho e who donated pre ent to the patient and staff of the Foundation Ho pita!. The usual Chri tma draw wa held and proved a (Treat ucce . o Finally grateful thank mu t be extended to the President, patrons, member o[ the Guild and Priory-Secretary [or their support during the year. M OJ AL



There ha been little change in the Medical Comforts Department during 1963. i ting Depot were manned and maintained as u ual. During the cour e of the year an offer of aid wa received from an official of the St. Andrew' mbulance A oeiation, and this could mean that they would be in a po ition to help with the operating of some Depots in the remoter region. We are grateful for thi offer a it is not always ea y to find omeone t take over a Depot when thi ha become nece ary through retirement or other rea on of the pre ent official. Priory \ ould like to take thi opportunity of recording its grateful thank to all the voluntary worker v ho devote 0 much of their pare time and energie ungrudgingly to the maintenance of our Depot . THI.:





(G1a gow Branch) The year 1963 ha been ne of e 'ceptional progre by the Gla gow Branch o[ the cia.ti n. The Branch and it Sub-Committees have taken to heart the I ng tanding tradition of the Order-For the Welfare of Mankind- and toiled teadily through the month to upport thi aim. Work to thi end ha been energetically undertaken at all time, and never ha there been a lack of volunt er for the various ta k a they have ri en. Thank go out to the e member who sacrificed so much of their pare time to fulfil the e dutie and to rai e the fund \ hich are 0 nece ary if \ e are to maintain our Home at Lang ide in keeping \ ith the tradition of the Order. The Ladie Committee organi ed a Supper Dance in the Trades House on the evening of tbe official opening of the St. John Home, Lang ide, the total sum rai ed bing £370 13 . 5d. We are most grateful for the upport given by the Rt. Hon. The Lord Wakehur t, who kindly received the gue t , and to tho e member of Priory-Chapter and the Order who attended the function. The Marchioness of Bute graciou ly opened a Coffee Morning held on 9th October in the City Chamber. Thank are due to tho e who so generou ly donated gift for the variou tall the proceed of which augmented the total urn rai ed, namely £275 11 ,. Od., a mo. t rewarding result.




r. E. Taylor' 'tocking Collection cherne" i pr ving to be a teady ource of revenue ju t under 100 being collect d by thi means during the year. Finally. rna} I expre my Incere appreciation of the work of Mr G. T. Robert on, Hon. ecretar}' Mr. J. . Harri Hon . Trea urer. 1r. J. Mair BrO\\nlie Hon. rchitect; and the Chairman and Member~ of our Committee for their co-op ration and lo}al upport e t nded to me during the year. THE





OTLA . ' I)

( berdeen Branch) Once again it i m} plea ant duty to report on another year of hard \\ork by m Committee. "\ e have had a very bu } but very re\\arding year and it i \\ith great sati faction that we report an increa e in our income of £759. \ e have sub idised fees of patient in our 1 ur ing Home her and at kerr} brae to the extent of £321. mong our many fund-raising effort our mo t important wa our Coffee Morning held III our o\\'n uite of room at the end of ovemb r which yielded over £1 0 \\hich wa mo t gratifying. Grateful thanks are due to the Committee for their un tinted effort on our behalf. Our Branch at Ballater, as alway, ha \vorked hard for u during the year and ha contributed £104 to our fund. Lad} Paget and her magnificent Committee and band of hard-working ladie continue to b ... one of our steady ource of income and we are more than grateful to them for their unfailing and cheerful help. We have enlarged our Aberdeen Committee and I have plea ure In \velcoming Mr . Irene Kelsey, .S.St.J. a ice-Chairman he ha been of the greatest as i tance over the year. On the much regretted retlral of Miss Mary E. J. Mackie S.S.St.J., a Convener of our Gift Centre. Mrs. Kelsey has taken over, assisted by 1r. Sherriff and i ~ Ta) lor, both Serving Sister of the Order. The Gift Centre) ielded £2_4 to our funds, which is a wonderful reward for all the hard \\ ork of our voluntary helpers v.ho share their duties so happily. M. M. S. SHI . IE, Chairman. THE ST. JOHN



(Edinburgh Branch) It can be safely said that the Branch ha had a bu y and succes ful year. Membership no\\- stands at 230. record sum of £1,300 \\as remitted to the Edinburgh Committee, \\ hich fully covered the t\\elve months' expenses of running the Convale cent and Re t Home at Trinity and Carberry. The Annual Flag Week \vas disappointing in that the taking \\ere £100 down on the previous year. However a new collection date ha been allocated for 1964--in June in tead of ovember-and much better results are expected. The Annual Sale of Work and Coffee Morning produced record figures. After paying all the charges the function showed a clear surplus of £600. Congratulations and thanks are due to the joint conveners,

'vir . Ro and Mr. LeslIe al 0 the many member · and fnend who e work and enthu iasm made this re ult po ible. The individual effort of fund-rai ing by certain members of the ociation revealed another uccess tor): money rai ed at the e eleven function totalled £362, and the organi er are to be congratulated on their imagination. energy and enthu ia m. THE

T. JOH:-';



(Moray Branch) The Branch ha had a moderately ucce ful year and there \"ere actuall) more life-member hip ub cription received than in the previou )ear. ub cription and donation totaJled orne £87 and £51 of thi amount \\a from ordinary ub cription and donation. Thi repre ent a drop of more than £20 a compared with 1962 but the increa e in life-member ' hip ub criptlon goe orne v,a), to compen ate for thi . The mai.n event of the lear \\a a Coffee \!lorning and Bring-and-Bm Sale held III the new To\\ n Hall Elgin. in eptember. u ual \\e ar~ Indebted to the energ tic lady member of the Committee for all their help and t.hi . function realI ed a net figure of approximately £67. Iread y plan are In hand for future fund-rai ing activltle during 196-+. Duri.ng the) car, the B~anch ha not been called upon by the Moray CommIttee fo: fund. Thl , ho\\ever. mu t be regarded a exceptional, and the qL1e ~ tlOn for the future remain \ hether \\ith the difficultie of organi 109 function in a cattered area uch a our the Committee \\ ill be able to rai e ufficient fund to mah.e a i!lnlficant contribution to\\ards the running of h.err) brae H o-pice. '-' LORY FOR \V L , I HE



1B L




fHI:: everity of the \\cather in the opening month of the \ear had an ad\er e effect on the pring e ion \\ith the re ult that th~ number of cia ' e examIned or re-examined in 1963 fell by 3 to a total of 1,063. Con equentl) the 16.96 award gained reflect a reduction of --2 on the prevlOU ) ear bnngi ng to a halt the upward trend maintained over the pa t ix year. ati factor) feature of the comparative re !.lIt !liven belo\\ .i . an 1I1crea e of -61 Ir t id certificate gained by new tUdent but thl I off et b) 10 "e in Preliminary FIr t id and ~ ur ing certificate. .T~e follo\\ ing anal) is of the clas e reveal that jut unde'-'r -0 00 come \\It.hl.n the broad ambl t of Ind u try and in thi field the demand for traInIng rna) well be accel ratcd \\ hen the Office, hop and Railway Preml e ct become " operative in 1964: ~rigad~ 29 (' . Local Education uthoritie 19 0 , ational Coal Board 14 r> RaJlway 12 ('0 ' Indu trial (Factorie 7,+ 00 Electricit\! 3-1,0 Police HSR 0 . , J 0' 31 0 0 ~ (" .'. . . . 3 r , General PublIC 3 0, Post Office _-~ 00 Civil ervice I 0 CIvIl Defence 1 00, Fire Brigade t ~ o, Ga Board J °0' The cia e~ run under Loc.al Education uthoritie are mainly in Gla~or~an .\\here onl) a nom mal fee of _ . 6d. per tudent in Fir t id ~r [ ur 109 I charged and. in :vlonmo~th hire \\ here no fee i payable or attendance at cla e III the e ubJect. Many Brigade unit take advantage of these generou term (figuring among the 19 % . Likewi e,





the National Coal Board 14 % exclude a fair proportion or N.C.B. clas es held under Local Education Authorities. The teaching of Fir t Aid to school-children, which ha alway been an important objective toward which various approache have been made from time to time \ a carried a tep further a a re ult of a uggestion by a Cardiff City Councillor that all cl:oo~-children hoyld be in tructed in mouth-to-mouth emergency re u cItatIOn. The Pnory arranged a showing of the film "Pulse of Life to the Education Committee, offering to provide in tructors. Eventually the Brigade Training Officer, under the direction of the Chief Surgeon for Wale, had the pleasure of arranging two special two-day cour es in Fir t Aid for chool-children. The Wall Chart for Housewives produced by the S.J.A.A. has enabled the Priory to break new ground in bringing Fir t Aid to the notice of the public. Copies \ ere sent to the Clerks of County and Borough Councils in Wales with variou suggestions for their use through the Education and Public Health Department, follovving a lIcce ful approach to Cardiff City Council "vhich readily adopted the idea of having the Chart displayed in all their clinics. To date about half the Authorities have re ponded by purchasing quantitie for variou purposes. All class secretaries were supplied with a copy to bring to the notice of their memberships, as a handy form of reference in their home , and every division of the Brigade was placed in po se ion of the Chart for publicity purposes in their localities. Speakers at meeting of women' organi ations find the Chart invaluable a a ba is for a talk on elementary First Aid and their audiences are keen to take a copy away with them. Attention was focused on the Association' Fir t Aid manual in Braille through the good offices of the St. John Council for the Rhondda in presenting a copy to the Rhonda Borough Mayor for acceptance on behalf of the blind people of the Borough. At the public pre entation this service for the blind was referred to as a reflection of the Order s wonderful work for the prevention and treatment of eye di ease through the Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Centre in Jerusalem. Little progress has been made in respect of the revision of the First Aid in Coal Mines textbook as the Revision Committee is awaiting a copy of the draft revision of the standard First Aid manual with a view to synchronising the date of production of both textbooks and reducing variations in treatment to the minimum. The Ambulance Committee has provided a useful opportunity for the representatives of the various industries to discuss the problems of recruitment and training of first aiders. Liaison between national industries has facilitated the difficulty generally experienced in getting small numbers of employees trained in isolated places. The possibilities of TV as a medium for First Aid publicity are under consideration, although the only practical outcome of the negotiations so far is the attendance of all the staff at the B.B.C. Welsh Region at First Aid classes specially arrang. ed at their request. New avenues of approach must continue to be explored in furtherance of the aim of the Association to stimulate a deeper awareness of the public's growing need for First Aid knowledge in present-day conditions through the provision of training facilities and the use of attractive instructional aids.




No. oj

Students Certificates


Anglesey . Breconshire . Caernarvonshire Cardiganshire . Carmarthcnshire : North Carmarthensbire. South Carmarthenshire . Denbighshire Flintshire Glamorgan: Aberavon Barry. Bridgeod . Caerphilly Gower L1antrisant Neath Pontardawe Pontypridd Merioneth Monmouthshire : Bedwellty . Gwent Silurian Trevethin . Montgomeryshire Pembrokeshire Radoorshire Aberdare Cardiff Merthyr . ewport. Rhoodda Swansea. Unattached . Marine Candidate

5 21 38 29

OUNTJES ReTOlal exam. Awards Awards 1963

(2) (8) (6) (- )

109 295 569 384

10 68 278 181

33 (4) 39 (5) 66 (J 1) 25 (2)

608 723 J, L28 550

260 254 469 155


(4) (6) (11) (7) (3) (2) (12) (3) (6) (- )

472 547 1,410 1,189 231 165 477 290 583 287

167 213 750 715 102 57 263 150 265 100

272 265 355 330 111 65 223 109 210 122

439 478 1,105 1,045 213 ]22 486 259 475 222

(5) (12) (9) (4) (7)

492 499 279 235 165 148 18 580 725 117 71 470 479 5 172

326 361 239 334 190 287 39 258 496 203 271 307 407 45


1,009 962 625 633 418 484 54 993 J,385 340 478 976 966 65 172

818 860 518 569 355 435 57 838 1,221 320 342 777 886 50 172

1,063 (176)






60 63 8 11 30 16 35 20 42 54 37 41 28 19 2 47 68 12 28 62 62 4


(2) (3) (12) (12) (0) (2) (5) ( )

94 196 275 169

104 264 553 350

266} 1,203 423 5,597 1,066 211 366

*Flgure In parenthe is indicate Brigade re-examinations.

TUDE TS WHO ATTE D D COURSES OF INSTRUCTIO first Aid . . Preliminary First id ursing . . . Preliminary Nursing Hygiene . . . Preliminary Hygiene Lay Demonstrators Child Welfare. . . Preliminary Child Care Occupational First Aid Mining

1963 13,902 3,353 1 238 549

1962 13,070 3,975 1,308 697

60 84

98 120

70 321

75 64 430



1961 12,843 3,826 1,139 741 8 76 57 37 106 308













R . !:..

G 1

ertifi ate


D 1963 4, ... 00 _,940 1.09 172 451 17

3,637 3,444 1,209


6_0 4_0 641







61 243

4 _69 0 70 715

5,79 169 17,520 THE

T. JOHl'-





/96/ 3,792 3,58

1,065 160 46 17 690 0 5 3_ 105 1_ 6 943 5,690 3~6



The numerical trength ha d r pped b 1,09 ~ n 196_ to a total member hip f 11, ~56, divided aIm t equal! b h\'e n adult and cadet . The reduction on th adult ide i n m re than 130 but the adet total ha fallen by 96 ~. During th ear fiv Di i i n \\ re regi ter d, \\ hile e en Corp and 34 Di i ion were di band d, a under:lYell' formations: 1 ambulance, 1 ambulanc cadet, 3 nur ing cadet. Disbandm ellls: ambulance, nur ing, ambulance and nur ing cadet, 7 ambulance cadet, 5 nur ing cad t, 1 ambulan e and nur ing cadet. Amalgamations: 2 ambulance and _ nur ing into _ mixed di i ion, 1 ambulance cad t and 1 nur ing cad t into 1 mi\.ed cadet, and I ambulance divi ion regi tered a an ambulance and nur ing di i ion . [t ha been aid in recent annual rep rt that the tati tic ar more reali tic ince tbe introduction of compul or ' contributi n t a Brigad Re reFund ba d on member hip. Thi year one can ay \\ ith a greater degree of certainty that the follO\ying ummar refte t th actual po ition a at the 31 t December a return were rendered by practically all Divi ion \ herea it had been nec ar to carr f rward th memberhip figur~s as rendered for orne unit in the pre iou year. Thi fact i ~orne out III the chedule of Service and Dutie which how an appreciable mcrea e all round a Divi ion whi h had failed form rl to ubmit annual return had not been credited \\ ith er ice. The difficulty of attracting new recruit for oluntary ervice i not peculiar to the Brigade. It i mptomatic of the age but n ne the Ie a matter of great concern. BRIGADE A TIVlTIE

. When one add to the fo11O\ ing ummar

of ervice and dutie the

tl~1e spent by all Brigade member in keeping up to date in their Fir t Aid ~no\ ~edge and kill through regular attendance at lecture and

practIces, It may well be aid that the contribution made to tbe health ~nd welfare of the public i something of which any voluntary organi [l hon may well be proud. The dutie tend to follow the pattern "V itb which





read r of thi rep rt arc f.. miliar, but ariation occur fr 111 time to time under nil the hading. I' in tan e, u repre entati e contingent of the Brigad in \Vale had the privil ge f ~arti ipating in the public duty arrang~d b H adquarter on the occa Ion of the wedding of H.R.H. The Pnn c. . le.\al:dra and Mr. ngu gilvy in con ideration of the cia e a OClatl n \\Ith Wale of H.R.H . Prince Marina Duches of Kent. Th re i a gr ater t nd n y on the part of the Government to rei u~on oluntar eff rt. n ut tanding e:~mple of thi \\ a tbe Mini try at Health mem randa to Local uthontte and H pital Board indiating cope [ r fuller - p r.. ti n a plan for expanding the health and \\ lfar hem and ho pital er i e ar d v loped. In ad an fa c n~ ren all d by the hairman f the Wei h Board of Health in t~ autumn, inf rmation \\ a obtained a to the e.\ tent of uch co- p~ratlOr: at that tage and the re ~lt \\ere omewhat urpri ing. The fall \\ wg bnef umma r) re~ r to er Ice r ndered 0 er a period of ye~r rather . t~lan ne\\ llndertakin~. - uppl m pting the taffing of chl:op d) IImc [r old age p n lO~er ; operating of fir t aid po t \\hleh a e call n the ambul~n. rVI e for minor accident ; pro iding per onn ~ a ambulance and IttWg car e c rt t patient tra elling from ?n ho pltal. to • n ther and t ld peopl f~r ariou tr atment ; a i ting In the runnIng f .unt ' uI.'nbulance erVIce b pr iding driver and atten?a~t, .me tatlon bing manned ntirel} b oluntar per onnel; a . oclUtlOn \\ Ith ld. age gr . up for tb~ purpo e f uting etc.; helping \\Ith th home nur 1I1g ervi e b) running loan d p t for in alid equipment for the u f th nur d at home; a i tiner at holidav camp for handi apped. children al:d m intaining in one c LInt) a c mpl tel l volunm.r ervi . ~n trc. n p rtln~ hal~di app. d. hildren to chool' o-operating \\Ith the Ct d D fenc ffi er III pr Vld1l1g" a ualti " for e.\er i e and fir t aid it~ tru .ti. ~al fa iliti , . ne ount) male a point of atta hing e\'er~ nur 1I1g dlVI I n t a 10 al h pital f r temporar dut a and \\ hen reqUl.r d; other are h Iping \\ ith th taffing of ut patient departmt!nt , ho pltal ant n, troll)- h . P .and trolley teleph ne er i e a i ting ~n ca ualt r and oth~r \\ard ll1 time of taff h rtag ,thi being limited In ome ca e t Bngad member enroll d in th .H .. R. Th re i no lack of appre iation. fall th rvic. The mment of one H pital ..1anagement mmltt Gr up retar) an be quoted a typical:I have alway had the utm t o-op ration fr 111 m mber of the Order of t. John and th 111 mb r have undertaken oluntar work at the ho pital in uch a \' riet f \\ a that it i prncti all Imp ible to prepare a compl te Ii 1.' D D TIE Public Dutie Transport Dutie Ho pital Durie . Clinic ursing Aid: : Blood Tran fusion Miscellaneou

Hour 77,4 47,766 7,03 710 1,74 ,173 39,779 179,67_

On Public Dut Off Publi Dut . . . Tr ated by Paid Personnel Tran port~ In alids remo ed Road a idenl Other c ident Mileage .

7,63 1 199 145 1064



Personnel engaged in full-time Personnel engage.d on full-time Hospital Duties . . . , 24 Tran port J?utJe . . " 90 (Services maintained Road Boxes, 9; Beach Huts, 15; Medical Comfort Depots, 100.) Personnel enrolled in Civil Defence Corps 343 N.H.S.R. (see page-)



Duties carried out during 1963 by cadet members can be summarised as under:-

HOllrs Public Duties Transport Duties Hospital Duties. . Miscellaneous Duties Blood Transfusion Nurseries. . . . Nursing Aid Hours .

23,509 703 2,496 12,516 985 150 48

Tran ferred to Adult Divisions . 20 Boys 58 Girls Taking up Medical Training 1 Male 3 Females Taking up ursing Training 2 Males 43 Females


for Cardiganshire and the County Branch of the British Red Cross society will be completing a £7,000 scheme with a long term loan of £5 000 at 5 % from the Priory. ach body contributed £500 towards the pu~chase of a chapel building for conversion, the property being vested in the Priory for Wales and owned jointly for the purposes of the two organisations. Questionnaire completed in respect of all the Ambulance Halls and Priory propertie falling within the jurisdiction of the Charity and Rating Assessment Act are now in the hands of the Chancery in London for the purpose of a general registration with the Charity Commission covering the properties of the Order of St. John in England and Wales. TRAI I G COURSES A D


No review is complete without an expression of gratitude on the part of the Priory for the grants made towards ambulance halls in the coalfield by the South Western Divisional Board, N.C.B., year by year. Reference was made in the last Report to the purchase and conversion of a large public hall at Glynneath; and it is pleasing to record the completion and opening of such a fine Headquarters. In speaking at the opening ceremony the Prior, Lord Aberdare, remarked that it was the largest he had ever visited in the Principality. The Cadet Units at Barry have become the proud possessors of a hall of their own to be known as The New Training and Recreational Centre for Cadet, erected alongside the present Ambulance Hall, at a cost of around £2,000, involving no expense to the Priory. The former Clydach Merthyr Colliery Office has been leased by the N.C.B., South Western Division, to the Graigcefnparc Division for a term of fourteen years from 1st January, 1963; and there is a scheme to acquire a headquarters at Senghenydd, where the Division has been advised to erect a more serviceable hall than the structure they had in mind. A building costing up to £1,700, with funds in hand could attract grant-aid from the N.C.B., the Glamorgan Further Education Committee and a Priory loan. Monies from the Priory N.C.B. fund have been assigned this year to the following schemes in Glamorgan :-Llangeinor (£250), Mardy (£238) in respect of the installation of gas heating, and Fernhill (£70) towards the provision of toilet accommodation. The erection of a new headquarters at Pontyberem in Carmarthenshire is going ahead with the prospect of an official opening in 1964, the draft lease, granted by the Memorial Hall and Institute Trustees for a term of ninety-nine years, being in course of preparation. In Monmouthshire, where a new hall is in course of erection at Cross Keys, the St. John Council allocated the whole of the £500 N.C.B. grant to this scheme, plus a loan from the Council, a further £250 being required to complete the building. The hall at Bedwas is nearing completion: and it is proposed to substitute for the existing premises belonging to the N.C.B. at Tredegar a new hall on land to be leased to the Division by the N.C.B., which is generously making a special contribution of £1,000, thereby matching the £1,000 held in Divisional funds. With N.C.B. grant-aid, the coming year will be as busy as ever. In addition to developments in the area of the coalfield, the St. John Council



An exceptionally full training programme started off in February with a one-day conference of Secretaries and Treasurer of all ranks who met in Cardiff to discuss the various aspects of their work, the speakers included the Assi tant Brigade Secretary from London Headquarters, Mr. A. F. N unn. Of outstanding intere t was the weekend conference arranged by the Chief Surgeon for Wale for Brigade Surgeons. Eminent speakers, including the Surgeon-in-Chief of the Brigade, excellent accommodation at Aberdare Hall and the hospitality of the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, himself a county surgeon, in giving a civic welcome to surgeons from Wale and the We t of England at a dinner in the banqueting hall of Cardiff Ca tie, all contributed to the succes of the occasion. Forty young adult member between the ages of 16-25 spent a weekend at St. Athan Boy' Village in May for a King George VI Leadership Training Course planned by the chief Officer Ambulance Cadets who was delighted with the calibre of the young people. An expedition involving map reading in unknown and difficult country wa part of the Saturday afternoon programme. 'How to Teach," admirably dealt with by an expert peaker, wa the main ubject. For the fir t time a large cale e erci e was a feature of the programme of the annual orth Wale Officer's Training Cour e at Rhos-on-Sea. Organi ed by the A i tant Chief Superintendent for Wales with the excellent co-operation of officer and members of the Colwyn Bay Division, a well taged train cra h provided e cellent experience. The second day wa taken up by lecture and a demonstration of First Aid by the Headq uarter Mobile Team et up by direction of the Chief Surgeon under the leadership of the A i tant Chief Surgeon and this is providing a valuable training development. Demand upon the team are numerous and they are prepared to travel anywhere required. The highlight of the South Wales Officer' Course at Barry was the presence of the Commi ioner-in-Chief who addres ed the officers on the fU,ture of the Brigade, and who, with the Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, w~tnessed "Exerci e Hurricane," a disaster staged at Barry Pier Harbour with the kind assistance of the lifeboat crew and the Barry Yacht Club, who brought the casualties to land. The Deputy Commissioner for Glamorgan organised the event a isted by officers and members of the Ba.rry County Area. To mark the record number of Grand Prior Badges gamed in 1963 a demonstration was staged by A berdare County, Barry




and Caerphilly County Area with a view to stimulating Divi ion who have not taken up Badge ubjects. . At the invitation of Brigade Headquarter, repre entallve of the Brigade in Wale had pleasure in attending a Traini~g Officer' Conference in Nottingham, a Nur ing Officer' Conference In London and a Civil Defence Cour e at Sunningdale. AMPI G

At Whitsuntide a practical Training Camp Cour e at erryside attracted some 26 officer and member over 18 years of age to learn Camp Craft and qualify for the Warrant enabling the po se or to take charue of Cadet Camp. Once again pecial tribute i paid to the Quartermast~r a Lecturer in Cooking and Nutrition at the Cardiff College of Dome tic Art, whose brilliance both in teaching and the provi ion of such excellent menus adds 0 much to the tandard of the e Training Courses. With the grO\ ing intere t in canoeing and sailing, a pecial week's camp was run at Llanstephan, where the Training Officer wa Commandant. Instruction was given by representatives of the Central Council of Physical Recreation and the Ferry ide Yacht Club was mo t generous in taking Brigade members out in their yacht. At the end of the week eleven campers passed the efficiency te t of the British Canoeing Union. Subsequently, at lea t two Division have taken up the port and are making or purchasing their own canoe. Ten Nursing Cadets and two Officer from Ireland were gue t at the Priory Camp also held at Llanstephan in the ground of the Lady President for Carmarthenshire. Some 60 Cadet and Officer from Wales took part. This report cannot close without mention of a mo t u eful and fruitful course at Glan-y-Mor, Barry, for Cadet N.C.O.' organised by County Staff Officer (C) Glamorgan. Not only wa it well attended by Cadet N.C.O.'s from Glamorgan, but also from Breconshire, Carmarthenshire, Cardiff and Swansea. COMPETlTIO S

The guidance of the Brigade is frequently sought by organi ation with less experience in this field. Monmouthshire County Council, for in tance, which has always encouraged the instruction of the public in First Aid, continuing to the present day to waive the attendance fees to students taking First Aid in evening classes, decided in 1963 to stimulate interest by reviving their annual competitions, asking the Priory to undertake this. The co-operation of the Brigade Secretary and County Brigade Officers resulted in record entries. The Monmouth hire Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs also looked to the Priory to tage a competition at their annual county rally. It has become customary for many groups used to running competitions to consult our organisation in respect of tests and adjudicators and the Chief Surgeon for Wales initiated the setting up of a Competition Sub-Committee, with representation of the Association as well as the Brigade, to act in an advisory capacity. One recommendation due to be considered by this Committee is that a Prior's Competition be organised for finalist teams, including the Brigade, on lines similar to the Grand Prior's competition run by the Order in London. It is usual to include on the panel of judges for the Welsh Brigade



Finals a doctor from outside Wales and this year Dr. T. T. Baird was a specially. welcome. guest adj~d!cator having been Chief Surgeon for Wales pnor to taktng up a M IOlstry of Health appointment in Northern Ireland. The 1963 winning teams were:Llandil1am Shield Pentremawr olliery

Arthur Griffiths Memorial Cup: Tredegar Nursing

There wa a record-breaking entry of 21 teams in the Welsh Cadet Finals, the trophie being won by:Twiston Davies Cup Ruthin Ambulance Cadet

Lady (Herbert) Lewis Cup Glynneath Nursing Cadets

The Ruthin team of boy cadet were successful also in the North Wales Cadet Competition in which the nursing winners were Colwyn Bay. Llandudno wa the venue of the Royal National Eisteddfod in 1963 in which Brigade team were ucce sful in all the events, as under:Lady Lewis Cup (Men) Trevethin hield (Men) lsca Shield (Boy). . Gwent hield ( iris) . . Lady Bute up (Women) . Silurian Shield (Women) .

Cefn Cribbwr efn Cribbwr Pontyberem Trelewis Tredegar Ebbw Vale


The Life Saving Award of the Order in Bronze wa awarded to Divisional Officer Derek Hart, Old olwyn Ambulance Cadet Division West Denbigh hire County, for hi gallant action in rescuing a m~ll boy fro~ t0e sea and the ub equent uccessful application of artificial respiration. County Staff Officer (Cadet) A. Parfitt of Aberdare was the recipient of a Letter of ommendation from the Commi sioner-in-Chief for exceptionally efficient ervice in a mining accident. Ambulance Cadet Allan Bancroft of ix Bell Cadet Division Gwent County Area Monmouth hire, received a Letter of Congr~tulation from the Chief Commi ioner for Wale for commendable First Aid. The service of Divisional Superintendent Griffith Evans and Sergeant L~onard Edward of Machynlleth Ambulance Division, Montgomeryshire, were recogni ed by imilar awards for their action in a drowning accident. During the year 314 Brigade Members qualified for Service Medals or Bar ,a under:-

1963 Awards Total .

fedols for Bar for sub equent periods of 5 year' service: 15 years 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 80 88 67 44 22 8 5 3,117 1,661 784 463 134 68 27 1

The c~lebrati~n of their Golden Jubilee wa marked by the award of t~e spe~I~I. certificate by the Commissioner-in-Chief to the following eight DlvlsIOns:- Bedwas, Cefn Cribbwr, Cwm, Duffryn Aman, Glyncorrwg, Naval Collieries and Penygraig Di trict, Pontardulais Ambulance and the Abertillery Nur ing Divi ions. C~det ~wards gained included Grand Prior Cadet Badges, Special Service Shl.elds, Duke of Edinburgh's Award for Boys, Camping Warrants and a special book prize in the Cadet Arts Competition.


()I '





revi \\' of th Briaad in ~a t Denbigh hire \ a ' carried out by the Lord Lieutenant of Denbigh hire, the Chief Il1ll1i ion?r f r Wales and D put Chi f C mmi i n r for W<11 . Th L?rd-Lleutenan.t for Glall10rgan and Chief Sup rintendent f r Walc r le\ ed the Brtgade in the count f Glamorgan. The Chief Commi ioner [ r Wale and Chief uperintendent con· ducted th re ie\\ f M ntgolllery hire. The Chief Surgeon [ I' Wale and County uperintendenl (N) Mon· mouth hire reviewed the N \ P rt Bor ugh parade, the Rhondda Borough being r vie\ ed b the s i ta nt Chief Su rgeon [ r Wale. In the ounty rea, outh Carmarth n hir : a reviewed by the High heriff and C IllIT'li i ner .[or Carmarthen hire, B .d\\~llty by the Coromi ioner ·~ r M nll10uth hire \\ h al 0 took the Ilurtan County Area G\\ent beina revi \\ d b the hi f Surge n r r Wale, and Trev~thin by the Chief Comllli i ncr and Chief Officer Nur ing Cadet for Wales . ATIO

While progr h been made in me c untie, 10 r .H.. R. member hip i re ealed in other, but the net total of 3, 57 happen to be the ame as that tated in the 19 L ~ rep rt. In all the fourteen year since the appeal \Va launched by the Mini try . of Health i~1 1949 the flaure have not fallen but at thi tag a more Igorou prunll1g may be o~ca ioned by a change in the tem of r cording detail of.lllem~~r hip and training required b the Mini try. good feature of thl .rev 1 Ion IS the ub titution of half-yearly for quarterl return c mmenctng on the 31 t March, 1964. The commitment f the Brigade i not nly to encourage it own member hip to join the Res~rve .but al . to a i .t. i~ recruiting fr<:>m the general public and to provide 111 tructlOnal facIlltle In ir t Id and Home ur ing for uch volunteer. Particulars are not yet available a to the acces ion [ trength to the Brigade through thi potential field for recruitment. The ervice of the County and Area Repre entative who are the vital link between the Division and the Local o-ordinating C mmittee are most gratefully acknowledged. 1n the competitive phere the N.H.S .R. timulate intere t through the serie of eliminating conte ts within th area of the Ho pital Management Committees up to the level of the Welsh Ho pital Board . \\ here t~c. teal~ winning the Chairman' Cup qualifle to repre ent \1v'ale In the MInI te~ Cup competition in London. The 1963 Wel h Ho pital Board fin.a lt t team wa that ba ed on St. James Ho pital, Trcdegar, compo ed entIrely of Brigade member, and it may be ignificant that in Tredegar. close contact has been maintained between the local hospital and the Brtg~de, whose members have always appreciated being called UI on for part-tIme service during temporary periods of staff shortage. The Priory enjoys the most cordial relation hip with official of the Welsh Hospital Board in pursuing the be t interest of the N .H.S. R. to the mutual advantage of the Brigade and the Re erve.







At Pri ry Hou 'e the Headquarter Depot et up in 1920 continue to function a a elf- upporting ervice with an annual grant from the CardifT ity Coun il to cover the norl11al hire fee which are waived for borrower wh e incomc fall below a certain level and for those receiving allowance from the Public A i tance Board. During the year 2,743 invalid requi ite were i ued on loan for period of from one week to a year and even longer in ol11e ca e . In the countie of Wale there are 43 Depot till operating under t. John au pice in varying way, orne entirely independent of financial aid and other with the aid of grant fr0111 local authoritie toward the repl ni hment f tock . The e Depot dealt with 1,947 application for equipment, which together with the Priory Hou e loan make a t tal of 4,690. In one county the 33 Depot formerly run by the Brigade are nov, taken over by the council but they continuc to b tafTed by Brigade per onnel in a voluntary capacity. TORI.


The hIe" Item in the ale o[ 9,53 textbook 'lnd other publication "ere thc ir t id manual and Preliminary First Aid which ju t pas ed the level of the previou car \ hile the verall total dropped by 480. The decline in the numb r or cIa e held in the fir t three month of the year owing Devere \\eather condition i ren cted in thi reduction. With no large calc e ent to create a d mand for unif rm, sale under thl heading dro!1ped: th majorit f the Divi i n having made exceptional efT rt to equip their member hip thoroughly in preparation for the 1961 Ro al Revi \\ . ale of urgical equipment \\ere \\ell maintained . It i cu tomary to in lude a tore di pIa tall at the annual conference for Brigade mcer in orth and outh Wale ' and at the county gathering "hen a ked to do o. Nati nal Productivit ear hibition in ardiff provided an P!1 rtunit r r e\hibiting on a rent free stand during a ten-da reriod. rart fr m direct al u eful publicity \Va gained. ~1B


The el h mbulan e ommittee, which i repre entati e of the Priory for ale and Briti h Re I 1'0 ociet), c ntinued to pr vide ambulance tran port n an agenc ba i for the countie of Brecoll and Radnor. At the clo. e f the ear 10 ambulance tation \\ere in operation, ix in Brecon hire \\ ith eight ambulance a nd [our in Radnor hire with fo.ur ambulance: 6,745 patient having be n conveyed an aggregate mIleage of 123 621, an increa e f 446 and 6,746 on the previou year. In addition to the e agency arrangement the Joint Department ha a direct intere t in i\ tati n in Montgom r hire equipped \ ith ix WeI h Ambulanc Committ e ambulanc op rated and manned by Brigade pe: onnel under Tndependent g n y arrangement with MontgomeryshIre County Council. In thi c unty the number of c nveyance totalled 1,520, while 56,824 mile \ ere travelled , an 111crea e of 247 and 4934 respectively on 1962. The termination of the intere t of th Priory [or Wale and the WeI h Ambulance Committee i f re hado\ ed by the inevitable deci ion of the Controller, Mr. C. H. Smith, to retire on health ground after 40 years





dedicated ervice; and the Brecon hire and Radnorsl~ire County Councils have been a ked to take over operation of the serVIce a fr m the 1st April, 1964. . . . This is a moment for looking back to the ldea .concelved by the Pnory in 1919 of setting up a unique sy tern of co-o~dmated ambulance transport through a net\ ork of ambu].ance covenng the ~hole area of the South Wale coalfield. Such a Pnory Tran port SerVIce. wa .developed progre ively over the year until by 1948 It. wa ~eahng With 20,000 conveyance with an aggre~ate of 500.000 rndes pel an~um . .very fe.w local authoritie were orgafilsed or eqUIpped to fulfil their obllgatl~n In the matter of ambulance tran port in the ea~ly years of the NatIOnal Health Service and were very glad to enter 111.tO agency. arrangements with the Welsh Ambulance Committee with whIch the Pflory ~ransp~rt Service had been amalgamated. By the early 1950 the erylce at Its peak of operation wa conveying 90 500 patien~ and travellmg a total of 1,250,000 miles a year. A the ~ounty counct! becan:e able to. take over the running of their own services the Wei h .Commlttee contmued to function on a dimini hing scale year by year untIl only the tW? agency arrangements referred to in the openi ng paragraph above remam at the close of 1963. It is worthy of note that under agency arrangen:ents from 1948 to the end of 1963 an approximate total of 700000 patIent were conveyed an aggregate of 8 750000 mile. PRIORY FESTIVAL

The Commi joner-in-Chief of the Brigade, Rear Admiral Royer Dick, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.C. K.St.J., wa the guest of honour at the annual Priory functions held in Cardiff on Thur day 20th June. The meeting of the Priory Chapter, over which th.e Prior pre i~ed at the City Hall, was followed by the CommemoratlOn. Service In ~he Church of st. John Baptist, where a large and repre entative congregatl?n had a sembled before the entry of the Chapter proce ion from the City Hall. The sermon wa preached by the Archbishop of Wale, Sub-Prelate of the Order, the service being conducted by the Rev. Canon W. E. C. Thomas, Officiating Chaplain. In the afternoon the Prior welcomed to General A ernbly close on nine hundred members of the Order from all part of Wale who had come to do honour to those whose service were being recognised at the Investiture. It was a special pleasure to have the presence of the Commissioner-in-Chief Lord Aberdare thanked the Deputy Lord Mayor for his attendance expressing the great appreciation of the Prio~y . of the support received from the City Cou~cil. and n~t lea t the pflvtlege of meeting in the civic buildings. The pnnclpal subject of the addres . ~as the progress of the Order throughout the world~ th~ough the Pnor.les and other establishments and particularly the hospital m Jeru alem which is carrying out a wonderful service in the Middle East. In an inspiring address the Rear Admiral appealed for m.ore you~g people to join the Brigade and impressed upon. those re ponslble for I.ts leadership the need to keep the standards high so that memb.er.s~lp could be valued as a privilege, adding, "Ours is a high responsl~ll1ty. To fail would be to fail to carry forward the 800 years old practice of our Venerable Order."

After the investiture by the Prior of members promoted in and admitted to the Order in 1963, Votes of Thanks were presented by the Deputy Lord Mayor and Cadets received Grand Prior Cadet Badges, their names being announced by the Chief Commissioner for Wales followed by their introduction to the Prior by the two Chief Officers for Cadets. LIBRARY A


The Librarian has completed the cataloguing of all the books in the Priory Library. A considerable amount of work has been involved in bringing together all the histo~ical pamphl~ts, p~ot?gr~phs and documen~s which will now be arranged m a way whIch wtll mdicate clearly what IS available. The Principal Secretary was pleased to give Mr. E. A. Alliott, a visitor to Priory House, from Buckinghamshire, the opportunity he sought for taking photographs of St. John properties in Wales and the Priory very gratefully received subsequently the gift of an album of photographs of Slebech showing the old church from a dozen angles and two photographs of th~ Priory Memorial Window . in the Chur.ch of St. John Baptist, Cardiff. These are the only acceSSIons to the LIbrary to record for 1963. OBITUARY

The decease of two Knights, two Commander, 11 Officers and 11 Serving Brothers and Si ter i recorded with regret. One of the Knights was the former Chancellor, Mr. orman M. Ingledew, who succeeded his brother, the late Mr. Hugh M. Ingledew, as Honorary Solicitor in 1937, becoming Vice-Chancellor in 1952 and Chancellor in 1954.



The Priory for Wale wa fortunate in being represented at the Grand Prior's Advisory Council over which H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester presided at t. John' Gate on the 12th June by the Prior, Lord Aberdare, whose able direction of affair at Chapter level combined with a personal intere t in local development are a source of inspiration to St. John workers in Wales. Gratitude is recorded to all who are contributing to the work summarised in this report: to the Executive Officers and Members of the Council, the Finance Committee and the Ambulance Committee; to the Brigade Headquarter Staff and the Brigade Committee; to the St. John Councils and County Area Committee and all tho e giving a lead or supporting activitie in the countie including the Pre ident and Viceur es who e ervice as lecturers to President ; to the Doctor and First Aid and Nur ing cla e are the main pring of the As ociation, which owe much al 0 to the unobtrusive contribution of the large number of men and women who act as cla s secretarie ; and to all who in the uniform of the Brigade give the public the benefit of their training ~nd skill actuated by the Christian conception of service to others Implicit in their member hip . JOHN H. BRUCE, Principal Secretary.







THE year under review ha ~ee~ one of general pfogr. Al 0 it ha been mo t gratifYing to me, a Direct r

and achievement. of Ambulance and Chief Commi ioner, to have the continu~d I yal upport of the .. oeiations and the Brigade within the Republlc. BRYGADE HEADQUARTER

Colonel J. 1. Krug r my Deputy, retired at. the end of tl.1C year, after many year of out tanding ervice to the Bngade. He \ 111 be greatly mi ed. The e tabli hment of uperior officer ha been trengthened by the appointment of Mr. J. P. Lauren, the former De~uty Genera.' ~anager of the South African Raih ay , and Mr. J. G. Mtlne, C mml loner of the Witwater rand and Southern Tran vaal Di trict. Both the e gentlemen have become Deputie to me. Mr. nn Walker ha been appointed a Deputy to the Superintendent-in-Chief (N ur ing), M i ~. M. Payn. DISTRI T

Lieut.-Colonel Gower-Jack on, the Commi i ner of the atal Coa tal and Northern District retired on 8th November, 1963. vcry i mpres ive fare\-\'ell parade wa h~ld in hi honour in Durban and 1 \ a particularly impre ed with the keenne of all member who attended that p~rade and e pecially the neatnes of the Cadet. The parade \- a a real tribute to Lieut.-Colonel Gower-Jackson. Mr. B. B. Hopkin, formerly Commi ioner?f the Natal Di trict ~f the S.A.R. Brigade Command ha been appomted to take over thl important position, and I am sure he \- .ill rec~ive the a~tiv:e upport and co-operation of all members of the Bngade In t~at Dl tnct. The South African Railways and Harbour Bngade Command, a In the past, has made a real contribution to the general efficiency of t. John throughout the Republic. BRlGADE ME IBERSHIP

The B!'igade strength ha decrea ed slightly but I am happy to rep?rt that 24 additional Division have been registered the total number be1l1g 56l. Ambulance members total 4,490, Nur iog member 1,614, Cadet Ambulance members 1,270 and Cadet Nursing member 2,057. there are many recruits in training it i e pected that the Brigade trength will increase in the near future. ANNUAL REPORT OF CE TRES A D DISTRI TS

The annual reports of Centres and Di tricts are mo t encouraging and good work is being done by the Brigade and As ociation in all parts. of the R epublic, and again I draw attention to the harmoniou co-operation existing between Centres and Brigade, which is a very ati factory feature. AMBULANCE SERVICES

The Ambulance Services involved travelling thousands of miles on mercy trips and normal duties. The Ambulances of the Witwat~rsrand and Southern Transvaal Di . trict were on 24-hour tand-by dunng the



Ra/ld Daily MaiL ~O-m.ilc walk .. Cape Town's Invalid Transport Section travelled 19,066 mdc 111 the Mlcrobu to convey 1,954 cancer patients. This ervice i in e~e.r-jncrea il:g demand. My thank go to all those member who 0 wtllingly acnnce many hour on transport duties to help others. DRIGADl:

The Brigade performed it dutie in an efficient manner throughout the period under review. A noteworthy in tance was the praiseworthy ervice rendered at the Grand Prix at Kyalami, when a child spectator wa critically injured and ub equently died. The efficiency of the Cadet Divisions was well maintained, and I wish to mention two Nur ing Cadet, Cadet Ann McDonald and Cadet Mary Anne Hough, who received their third umeral for over 600 hour' voluntary unpaid duty. The two ne\ ly-formed adet mbulance and Cadet ur ing Divi ion at Fi h Hoek Cape, are particularly keen and doing very good work. During the year under review I presented nine of my Special Votes of Thank to the following member of the Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal Di trict:Sergeant Jame Bennett Nur ing Officer E. M. Bennett, Cadet Paul Bennett, Cadet Offi er 1. Delorme, Acting Cadet Officer John Rea, Cadet Ian mery Cadet Trevor rlington Cadet Andrew Whittaker, Cadet Donald ~ mery. A total of 77 Grand Pri r adet badge \-\ ere pre ented and 44 Special Service Shield and Lim ral \- ere i ued. orman Railing The Brigade \Va honoured by the vi it of Mr. President of the Ha I mere ur ing Divi ion in Britain. A tea party was arranged at the Prior on the 27th September, 1963 where Mr. . Railing met mcm ber r the rdcr and the Brigade. TIT


The financial po ition again reflect an increa e in e penditure over income. Thi i mainly due to increa ed printing co t and a decrea e in adverti ement . In vie\y of thi the price of the journal has been rai ed to 10 cent per copy and a pecial effort made to increa e it circulation. Tn my opinion th Call p rform a very important function as the only official mouthpiece of t. John in the Republic and is one of the few means by which information can be e changed 00 matter of intere t to member of the Order, A ociation and Brigade, even though there j a loss it i rno t important to keep it going a a hou e magazine. A




A sucee ful Annual Ambulance Confer nce wa held in Cape Town from the 15th to the 1 th October, 1963 wh n many ubject of intere t were di eus cd. The Cape To\-\n Centre made trenuou effort to ell Lire the comfort of the delegate in their beautiful city and I wi h to thank them for their ho pitality. COM PETITIO S

.The annual Inter-Provincial Competition were held in conjunction WIth the Conference and I am plea ed with the talldard that wa set. Se/horne Shield: Germi ton Railway Ambulance Divi ion.




He wat Shield: 'G" Germiston Railway Nur ing Divi ion. e. M. Hoffe Trophy: Weltevrede Tehui Spoorweg Ambulance Division. JvJurieZ Walton Cup: "H" Combined Witwater rand Nur ing Division. Alpheus Williams Trophy: Cpl. J. A. McDonald Germi ton R.A.D. Floren ce Thompson BOIl'I: Cadet Superintendent Mr . B. Agate, Durban Railway Nursing Divi ion. I TER-DISTRICT CAD T COMP TITlO S

The Inter-Di trict Cadet Competition were held ~n. Pretoria on the 13th July, 1963, in conjunction with the Cadet TralJ1111g Camp. Four Districts entered team and the re ult were a follow :Ambulance Team Event: Witwater rand and Southern Transvaal District. Nursing Team Event: Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal District. Best Ambulance Indi vidual: Cadet Gavin Keye, Natal Coa tal and Northern District. Best Nursing Individual: Cadet Joyce Cook, Pretoria and lorthern Transvaal District. A . GARD E R WILLIAMS, Director of Ambulance and Chief Commissioner.


There has been a marked decrease in the Nursing and Cadet membership, this was largely due ~o the r~moval of non-Europ~a.n per onn~l to outlying areas from where It was ~.lfficult to trav:el to Dlvi LOnal m~e.tl?gs. It is hoped that in the near future It may be possible to tart new DIVISIons in these areas. The tendency among Di tricts to form more combined. mbulance and Nursing Divisions has continued and ha proved to be Ideal when there were insufficient nursing or am bul ance members to form eparate Divisions.



repared to en~a~e for ~ervice j ~ the South African Medical Corps. there are till InsufllcJent nur Ing members who have allowed their names to be ubmitted r would appeal for more nursing volunteers who are under the age of 55 and who would be available for such service.



Cadets throughout the Republic must again be commended for their enthusia m and efficiency. Many Cadets received the Grand Prior Badge and several Cadet Specia l Service Shields and Efficiency Awards were issued. The Cadet Camp and Inter-Di trict Cadet Competitions which were held in Pretoria in July proved to be a real SLlccess. The competitors are to be congratulated on their out tanding performance. I T R-PROVI


The Hewat hield wa won by the Durban Railway Nur ing D ivision, the Muriel Walton Cup was won by the Combined Witwater rand Nursing team, and the Florence Thompson Bow l by Cadet Superintendent B. Agate of the Durban Railway Nur ing D ivi ion. OPHTHALMI


The Ophthalmic Hospital gratefully acknowledged donation gift of linen from t. John nur ing member of variou districts.




The Annual Conference held at Cape Town \\a well represented on the Nur ing ide and at the meeting of the Senior Officers (Nur ing) Advisory Committee ix di trict \ ere repre ented. T would like to thank all enior Officers of the Ambulance and ursing Divi ion for their kind co-operation and loyalty. My special thanks go to Mr. nn Walker my Deputy for her plendid work and the assistance she ha so unre ervedly given me . E. M. PAY , Superintendent-il1.-Chiej. SUMM




Many varied duties were carried out an~ r:o call for h~lp has had to.be refused. This was due to the adequate trammg of urSlJ1g Cadets which enabled Senior Nursing Cadets to perform duties when ur ing Members were not available. . Apart from the usual cinema an d sp?rts ~~ties assistance wa.s given. at hospitals, cripple care centres a~d pol:o ch~lcs. 'The N ur e Aid Service has continued to attend to patients 111 theIr pnvate home and have established a good reputation for efficiency and courtesy.


umber of la se held: First id. . Home ursmg Child Welfare . . Health and H ygiene. Other .

Citizens Forces Regulations, 200 Ambulance and 200 Nurs1l1g members are required to be available in case of emergency and who would be

Prelilll .

449 73


76 8

5 5

532 254




In terms of Chapter XV (b), para. 7, of the Coast Garriso~ and Active


2. Ambulance Depots, First Aid Posts, Fir t Aid Stations, etc. Number established during the year (3 temporary) . . .

74 4 78


3. 4.

5. 6.


17 1,065

Medical Comforts 0 pot Number of Article loaned Transport: Number of mbu1ances. Number of Mobile Unit . Number of Mile Covered. . Number of Patient tran ported umber of Ca s tr ated. . . St. John Ambulance Brigade: Men Nur e . Cadets: Ambulance ursing .

40 2 137,529 12,193 157,953 4,490 1,614 1,270 2,057 9,431


umber of Di I Ion ' Certificate awarded: First Aid: Adult. . Preliminary Home Nur ing: Adult. . Preliminary Health and Hygiene: Adult . Preliminary Sanitation . . . . Clean Food Handling . Industrial Poisons Casualty Make-up . . . . . First Aid in Emergency Child Birth Child Welfare . . Occupational Therapy Demonstra tors Lay Lecturers Lay Examiners Vouchers . Medallions Labels . Pendants Total

561 DUring 1963 4,487 2,037 449 809 62 45

69 17 16 1076 714 2,647 823

SlOce formation 189,003 59,281 34,626 20,365 1,671 501 21 18 15 80 781 1,818 96 1,763 164 73 27,136 26,027 78,762 37,384



14 122 58


The ligures for all group s ho w an increase of 129 operations over the previous year. They are: All Races .



All phases of the work of the hospital again howed a ma:ked. in~rease; small cause for wonder when it is remembered that the hospItal IS Ituated on a main provincial road adjacent to what is p~obably the .largest subeconomic housing complex in the southern hemIsphere. Adjacent areas show the continuing advance of these schemes, important as they are for serving the labour needs of the industrial and commercial activities of the city of Johannesburg. Thus it is that new records for out-patients, admissions and operations, particularly in the Bantu group, continue to be made. The total numbc:r of out-patients of all races attended was 18,827, or 646 more than the figure for 1962. The average of 69 out-patients for all working days ~f the year was quite often exceeded on record days when up to 130 patlents were attended to. Although the actual number of patients admitted decreased by 102 in comparison with 1962, the number of patient-days again shows a record; the bed accommodation being at most times fully occupied.









Of the total of 655 patient , 85 were operated under general anae thetic and the remainder under local anae thetic. The Ho pitat i grateful for the continued kill and devotion of its honorary taff of urgeon, anae thetist and pharmacist, and the high sense of duty and initiative displayed by the two full-time registrars. Arrangement were made for Mi s K. E. Potgieter, the Matron, to visit ophthalmic ho pitals oversea in April, 1963 . The St. John Eye Hospital i the only training ho pital of it kind in South Africa, and it was considered timely to compare our work, in particular the training of nurse, with that of over eas training school. Matron's trip was most succes ful and ha proved of great val ue to the hospital. Her visit to St. John Ophthalmic Ho pital Jeru alem, forged another link between these two major St. John undertakings. BARAGWA



The eye unIt from our next door neighbours which use a clinic and two ward of our ho pital, continued to function, there being 5,438 outpatients 928 admi ion (21 581 patient-day) and 375 operations in our hospital. The exten ion of the agreement for thi accommodation for a further period is at pre ent under negotiation. OM PE SA TJO


We continue to treat a ub tantial number of patient referred by the Workmen' Com pen ation Commi ioner whic h on the scales laid down by the Commi ioner aITorded us a revenue of R .2,852 during 1963. ST. JOH






The year was marked by the continued intere t of Centre, Districts and Divi ion evidenced by contribution both in cash, equipment and on behalf of the linen guild. It i most gratifying that thi interest in the hospital i being well maintained. DO ATJO


The public at large become more and more appreciative of the great dearth of live corneae for the u e of in titution such as ours. It is interesting to record that an increa ing number of persons, particularly those in the younger group are formally bequeathing their eyes for the restoration of ight to afflicted per ons. Fl



Although there has been a falling off in the number of substantial bequests the financial affairs of the hospital continued to be reasonably satisfactory. Increased upport was received from annual ubscriber, all of whose subscriptions incorporate a subscription to The Call of St. John for one year.




MOBILE CLINT S Vi its during October and November were undertaken to Umtata di trict and Ru tenburg. Personnel from the ho pital accompanying Our own unit worked under the aegi of the S.A. Council for the Civilian Blind. The Council received a Government grant in re pect of these rural clinics and remit to the ho pital an appropriate share of the grants to cover our expen e . VISITORS Visitors have continued to how their intere t in the Institution and have favoured us with tangible upport. Parties of pupil have been interested visitor a well as large number of old and new friend.

THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND HIS EXCELLE CY the Prior, Brigadier Sir Bernard Fergus on, G.C.M.G., G .C.V. O. , D.S .O ., wa welcomed to the annual meeting of Priory Chapter held on Friday, 28th June and the Chancellor, in hi welcoming address, told His E cellency that members of the order throughout New Zealand were delighted to have as their Prior a gentleman who ha had a close association in the work of our Venerable Order through the services rendered to New Zealand by His Excellency' father and grandfather. His Excellency, in reply read a mes age from the Lord Prior, the Lord Wakehurst: ' On behalf of the Grand Priory and Chapter-General of the Order of St. John I send to you and all member of the Priory, fraternal greetings and best wi hes on the occa ion of St. John s Day." Continuing, Hi Excellency said, "I have been seven month in ew Zealand and have travelled extensively throughout, and one of the most striking things which has impres ed both my wife and my elf is the enormou amount of time given up by people in this country, eagerly and willingly to the service of their fellow men, women and children. It is good; it is practical; it is Christian. Wherever I go [ am delighted to the Order, its servants of all ages working long hour and eagerly in furthering what we have at heart." His Excellency told the meeting what a great pleasure it was, as Prior of the Venerable Order of St. John in New Zealand, to preside over thi Annual Meeting of Priory Chapter and to meet Confreres who were giving so much voluntary service in the areas which they represented. STA DARDISATION OF ASSOCIATlO ERTIFICATES Since our last report all Association awards issued in New Zealand have now been standardised in the name of Priory Headquarter. Awards are endorsed at Centre level by Centre Secretaries and the signature of the examiner is included on all issued certificates. FIRST AID 1 I DUSTRY Priory Headquarters, through Centres of the St. John Ambulance Association, supported the Department of Labour s Campaign throughout industry on the needs of First Aid equipment and First Aid training in industry. DEYELOPME T AND EXP A SION The past year has been one of considerable development and expansion. The adoption of a training curriculum for Ambulance Driving Officers


has been approved and Priory Headquarters are to undertake the administration of t~e examining board. Pl:io~y Chapter approved the policy that every candldate ucce fully quahfYlng for a irst Aid certificate would be is ued with a pocket-sized printed certificate as evidence of qualificatio~l for men and women employed in all walks of life. The holdll1g of Conferences of the Administrators of both foundations namely, St. John Ambulance Operators, the St. John Ambulance Associa~ tion and the Commissioners in Charge of Brigade Districts enabled the work of our Order to be con idered at National level and from these working conferences our governing body, Priory Chapter was in a position to advi.s~ national policy. ' Modern condlt~on have made it necessary for Priory Headquarters and both foundatlO~ to approach mor~ . ystematically, than in the past, the problem ?f publtc relatlOns and pUb~lClty. We are firmly of the opinion that the publrc must be constantly kept ll1formed of the aims and activities of t~e Orde~ for the ~eason that the St. John Ambulance Brigade depends for Its contmued eXistence on a steady flow of recruits while the St. John AmbL~Jance A sociatiop' gro~ing responsibility in tr~ining members for the Bngade t~~ .publJc and mdustry, requires constant effort to ensure that the facilities that we are able to offer are as widely known as possible. RA D PRIOR'S ADVISORY COU CIL The Priory wa repre ented at the Grand Prior's Advisory Council meeting held at St. John ' Gate on Wednesday, 12th June. The Chief Secretary' report on thi meeting was received by Priory Chapter on the 28th June. The rno t important di CLl ion, 0 far as ew Zealand was concerned was con ideration of the relation of the voluntary and paid elements i~ St. John' ervlce. JOIl AMBULA CE ASSOCIATIO First Aid on the WaterfrolZ! of ell' Zealand During the year Mr. T. F. O'Brien wa appointed Fir t Aid Training O~cer ~~ the Waterfront 1ndu try Commis ion to fo ter interest in First Aid trammg at the variou port in ew Zealand. In the initi~l few month. Mr.. O'Brien vi ited all port, demon trating to the. water I.der the expired a.lr method of re u citation, checking the first aid reqUlrements and making contact with the first aiders trained on the waterfront. ~riginal1y 150 fir t aider were operating at the various ports and dun.ng the year a further 150 men at the ports of Auckland Wellington Chnstchurch and Dunedin have quali.fied. ' Two hundred and forty- i Fir t Aid satchel have been i sued to enable the fir t aider to deal with minor injuries or initial treatment and standa~d. requirement for First Aid rooms have been issued to ali port authontles and this project is proving most successful. T.

First Aid il1 the Forestry Industry C This wor~ undertaken i~ conjunction with the New Zealand Workers' omp~nsatlOn Board contmued to be one of out tanding help in remote ~~eas III New Zealand and in particular in the fore try industry. The leld Officer, Mr. A. Kennedy, has, during the year, held eleven complete


R ' PORT OF Tile;



cour e in Fir t Aid in the Waikato/ Bay f Plenty, Wangalllli, llawkes Bay/ a t Coa t, Auckland Canterbu~y/ We t oa t and OtaI? centres. Two hundred and eighty-four candidate were uecc ful In gaining certificate repre enting percentage pa ed of 95.62 %. Association Activities Tuition: There were 936 cour e of in tructi n held and a t tal of 8,947 per on were ucce ful in qualifying for A. ~ci.ation a \ ard . Ambulance Sel'l'ices: 140 am bulance ad m Inl tered b~ entre of the St. John Ambulance A ociation travelled 346,933 mile transp~rting 123,723 ca e . There are 137 paid driver and 639 volu~t~er d~·lvers. There are al 0 74 road ide ir t id po t under the admlnl tratlon or Centre . THEM ' FOR 1964 During 1964 the theme for the work f t: John in. Nev Zealand will be "A Fir t Aider in Every Home." ub tantlal upplle of the Hou ehold Fir t Aid Chart have been printed and upplied to all Centre .

I ESTJT RE R I The Prior Hi E ceJlency Brigadier ergu on, conducted an Inve titure Service in St. Andrew' Pre byterian Church, Wellington, n unday, 30th June, 1963. The Pnory Chaplain the Very Reveren~ J. . omerville, conducted the service. Mr. Somerville ha now left Welllngt n to become Ma ter of Knox College Dunedin, but he will retain the po ition a Priory Chaplain. ST. JOH PROPCRTllS With the opening and dedication of new building during the year o~r Order has now a total of 96 building' 71 in the orth I land and 25 In the South I land, representing a capital val ue of £539 .110 on all propert!es with an outstanding debt of £41,381 on all propertle .. The e propertle are vested in the ew Zealand Tru t Board. IVIL D FE L The Ministry of Civil Defence ha di tributed to ev~rr hou e~1?lder throughout New Zealand a booklet outlining the re pon Ibl~lty of citizens in any local, provincial or national di a tel'. A number of tnal have been held by st. John personnel a part of their Brigade training . THE OPHTHALMI HOSPITAL OF J[R SAL M As a result of the annual St. John' Day ervices the amount of £349 has been remitted to the Hospitaller, Brigadier Sir Stewart DlIke-Eld~r. Our Linen Guilds in Wellington, Dunedin and Auckland, together with the Hospitallers' Club of Wanganui, continue with the making .of ga~­ ments for the Ophthalmic Hospital and making toys for chIldr~n s hospitals in the United Kingdom. The work of our Linen Guilds prOVides a direct link between our Venerable Order in New Zealand and our Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem, which serve to remind us of the heritage of the Order with the Holy Land .




IL Of' -J lIE

RD 'R OF ST. JOHN AND N ' W ZEALAND RED 'R SS SOCJETY During the year member of the Joint Council of the Order of St. John and New Zealand Red ros Society met at a special general meeting when it wa re olved that after ati fying itself that all liabilities of the corporation had been duly discharged, the corporation be wound up. ALMO [R'S WORK Apart from our work in the educational and instructional field the operation of Ambulance Service and Voluntary Service being giv;n by member of th Brigade, there are also group of St. John members and supporter throughout ew Zealand who are providing a charitable service on behalf of our enior citizen and the Ie s privileged. The work in Auckland ha continued to expand and the centre now provides a substantial mid-day meal for approximately 80 old folk who do not have facilitie in their own room and batches to prepare food for themselves. Clothing footwear, bedding food parcel and general relief are also given free of charge to many enior citizen. A special feature of the work of the Linen Guild in Auckland ha been the attractive, comfortable and easily laundered night attire for use by the Roslyn District Nursing A soci~tion, and by the Public Health Di trict Nur e working for the aged, sick and needy folk. The Auckland Ambulance Divi ion continues it charitable work in providing a hot mid-day meal on Sundays for some 200 senior citizen. he Right Reverend A. K. Warren, M.C., M.A., Sub-Prelate of our rder and Bi hop of Chri tchurch, ha reminded us in the following term : "We mu t never forget that our work i an expre sion of our Christian raith; 0 may our efvice e pre the pirit of the mottoe we hold dear: 'for the faith' and 'for the benefit of mankind' ." ST. JOll



With the increa e of our Brigade trength by 666 in 1962 to a total of 9,596 it wa hoped that our increa e in 1963 would bring our total to 10,009· Unfortunately, in pite of our campaign to tep lip the rate of recruitment our target appear till to be another year away. Our strength as at 31st December, 1963, wa 9974. The need to provide Jeader hip in truction to our officers, particularly Ca?e.t Officer, ha ~nc uraged the e tabli hing of District Camp for tralnmg and recreatIOnal purpo e v..hile some e tablished in holiday resort al 0 erve a ir t id tation . . Our programme for the i ue of individual cadet proficiency badge IS well 111 hand . n initial order ha been placed and we expect to i ue them to C;a~et by June 1964. During the year 90 Cadet gained their Grand Pnor badge. Our total Cadet trength i 5,221. The Dominion Cadet Competition were held in Dunedin in Augu t 1963, when the subject for each te t and the lecturett wa ba ed on th~ effect of an earthq uake di a ter. The organi ation, taging and standard of work was of a high order. Generally the work of the Brigade in ew Zealand and the ervice rendered to the community ha been faithfully maintained. Recorded hours of public duty were 155,25 I for 55,313 ca es . Off duty ca e , 28,480.




Executive Officer· the Priory Chaplain, The Very Rev. J. S. Somerville M.e.; Vice-Chancellor and Receiver-General R. Moor~, Esq.; Director of A ociation, H. K. Patcr on q.; ChIef. Comml ioner, Brigadier J. M. Mitchell, D.S.O. E.D: Commander; Direct?[ of Ceremonies, A. Kirkpatrick E q.; Ho pitaller, W. A . . McAlll ter Esq.; Almoner, Sir Henry J. Kelliher; Librarian, R. S. Harn '. q .. Regi trar, J.F. Ewen, E q. and members of Priory Chapter have gIven out tanding service to our Venerable Order, and give warm thank to all members of our Venerable Order in New Zealand, men and womcn and committees of the A sociation, Centre and Sub-Centre, Linen Guild, Nursing Guild, Ho pitaller Club and all ranks of our Ambulance and Nursing Divi ions, boy and girl of Cadet Ambulance and Nursing Cadet Divisions. Priory Headquarter are most grateful for the ready a . i tance and advice given the Priory in New Zealand by our Grand Pnory and the many letters received from the Secretary General e. T : ~van , from the Director General of the St. John Ambulance A oClatlOn, the Commi sioner-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Over ea , the Hospitaller and the Almoner have been mo t appreciated and have provided up-to-date information from the Headquarter. JOHN GR1ERSON, Chancellor,




anticipated, our training awards in 1963 did not match the total of 195,000 issued in 1962 which had included 50,000 candidate drawn from the Dominion Government's Special Militia training programme. Nevertheless, candidates passing F.A. or B.N. examination at the various levels in 1963 totalled over 135,000, and, except for 1962, e ceeded the number trained in any previous year. The average number of Canadians trained at various levels by St. John during the past five year i 136,000, In the Brigade we now have 9,840, a mall increase during the year. Across the country all divisions were hard pressed to meet the demands made upon their services by the public, de pite the pecial efforts of,all members. The recruiting of new members for the Bngade, the creatIOn of Divisions in new areas and the expansion of existing Divisions as well as their financial support are matters that are giving concern at all levels, In an effort to spur Brigade recruitment the Priory produced a I-minute filmlet depicting Brigade activities and distributed ome 120 copies with English or French narratives to Television tation acro the coun~ry, A special art-poster was produced and distributed with the same object in mind. During the year another two Divisions- one Ambulance and one Nursing-joined the growing number who have been in exi tence in Canada for 50 years; in May, No.2 Fort Garry Nursing Divi ion and No. 14 Winnipeg (C.P.R.) Ambulance Divisions celebrated Golden Anniversaries. In Quebec in June a regional St. John Congress was he~d in Rimouski, one of the most successful events of this kind ever held tn Canada. The ceremonies at the Church and on the Parade Ground, involving some five hundred members of the Brigade, and the First ~id demonstrations evoked commendations from many sources, and hIgh




praise for the enthusia m and pirit of co-operation so evident in the Lower St. Lawrence group. Early in the year all members of Brigade particularly, but also members of the Order and friend of St. John, shared proudly in the signal honour conferred upon Mi s Margaret Jardine MacLaren, Superintendent-inCbief of Nur ing Divi ion in Canada ince] 946, when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth wa plea ed to create Miss MacLaren a Dame Grand CrosS of the Order. The elevation of Mi s MacLaren to this high grade, unprecedented out ide the United Kingdom , was in gracious recognition of Miss MacLaren's long and outstanding service and unique contribution to the work of S1. John over many years. At a private ceremony in the presence ofelo ~ friend a~d ~enior Member of the Ord~r Miss MacLaren was inve ted wIth the In Igma of her new grade by HJ ExcelJency The Governor General, Prior of the Order at Government House, Ottawa, on 3rd July. A short time later on October 1st the death of Mi s Margaret MacLaren brought sadne to all St. John member in Canada and tributes and expres ions of ympathy were received from countless friends in Canada and many part of the Commonwealth where Miss MacLaren had become widely known through her travels. On 1 t November at Government Hou e Hi Excellency The Prior held an inve titure at which, in the presence of Her xcellency Madame Vanier and 200 invited gue t , 121 member of the Order were received and inve ted at a very impre sive ceremony. Among the eight Knights received and jnve ted \ ere three Lieutenant-Governors, The Hon. Earl Rowe of Ontario The Hon. Henry P. MacKeen of Nova Scotia and the Hon, Robert L. Hanbidge of a katchewan, In January tbe Priory wa honoured by a visit from the Lord Prior, the Lord Wakehur t K,G" K.e.M.G" who during a crowded nine days in Toronto Otta\ a and Montreal found time to attend everal receptions and other function arranged in hi honour. The Lord Prior also found time to pend a day \ ith Mr. John Mol on Chancellor at the time, at St. Sauveur in the Laurentian Mountain hold a Pre s Conference, call on the Lieutenant-Governor and the Premier of Ontario and hold a small Inve titure. Many member and friend of St. John in Eastern Canada enjoyed meeting the Lord Wakehur t during his short stay. Another rno t welcome vi itor to our hore was the Rt. Hon. Sir Ralph Perring Lord Mayor of London, who at the invitation of certain Mayors in Canada and accompanied by the Lady Mayoress, Sheriffs and Ladie landed in Quebec City on 12th August. During three busy week the Lord Mayor' party topped over at principal cities on a cross-country vi it that ended in Vancouver. n exceedingly tight schedule had been arranged by the host of the Lord Mayor's party and as a consequence the Lord Mayor a Knight of the Order, did not have all of the opportunities he had hoped for to meet member of the Order in the various province . In 1967 Canada will ob erve it 100th anniversary of Confederation and t? mark this centenary preparations are proceeding under the sponsorship of Dominion, Provincial and Municipal government, industry an~ other organi ation . Hundreds of project, large and small, are in vanous stage of planning and development. St. John, as part of its observance of the centenary, has commissioned a film company to pro-


I HI:. CHAP I I: I{-(jb EH.


duce the ' tory of St. John in Canada, and i also arrangIng for a well known Canadian hi torian to write the hi tory of St. John in Canada for publication in 1967. I feel that St. John in Canada accompli hed a great deal in 1963. Some of the re ult \ ill not be immediat Iy apparent. At the provincial lev I con iderable progre wa made in getting St. John irst Aid accepted a a regular part of the public chool programme and extending the programme in tho e area where t. John cour e are already a part of the curriculum. The Provincial Council a l 0 made great tride in etting up new and trengthening e ' i ting local .branch~ of the Association in training additional Tnstrl:lctor and Improvll1g. our teaching techniques. During the year our Bngade Gen ral RegulatIOn and Dress Regulation (Ambulance and Nul' ing) were completely rewritten and the Sub-Committe e tabli hed to tudy the pre ent Act f Incorporation \ itb a vievv to recommending change no\ con idered de irable, completed its tudy and the Draft of the Bill for mending the 1914 Act of Incorporation i ready for pre entation at the ne t e i n of the Canadian Parliament. Al 0 during the year th position of Director of As ociation was establi hed and the Priory was indeed fortunate in ecuring Brigadier J . A. MacFarlane, O.B.E. E.D ., M.D., F.R .C.S., Chairman of the Medical Sciences dvi ory Council, niver ity of Toronto, to fill the appointment. The Priory wi he to again acknov\!ledge it deep appreciation for the plendid co-operation and a i tance of the Canadian medical and nursing profession and the pre ,the radio and televi ion corporations for their valuable support.

THE COMMANDERY OF CE TRAL AFRJ A MAY 1963 Hi Excellency the Knight Commander the Rt. Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie, G.B.E., M.e, K.St.J., took leave of Commandery Chapter on proceeding overseas pending the termination of hi period of office as Governor-General of the Federation of Rhode ia and yasaland. Lord Dalhousie had been the Knight Command r ince 1957. Sir Frederick Crawford, G.C.M.G. O.B. ., Commandery Lieutenant has taken charge of the Commandery pending the appointment of a new Knight Commander. The principal event of the year was the vi it of the Lord Prior and Lady Wakehurst on 16th December. During his tay, Lord Wakehurst took the opportunity to visit Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland and to discuss with members of Chapter the future pattern of the Order within Southern and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland consequent upon the dissolution of the Federation. The re-arrangement of the financial re ponsibilitie of the Order, the Association and Brigade within the Commandery ha engaged the attention of Chapter during the year and recommendations have been submitted. Distinguished visitors from overseas included the Lady Wakehurst. D.St.J., now an old friend of the Commandery; Daphne Lady Heald, D.St.J.; Major P. J. Gold, C.St.J., Commissioner for Berkshire; and Major A. B. Cardew, K.St.J., former Commissioner for Gloucestershire. From South Africa came Brigadier C. M. Hoffe, K.St.J., Prior for the Republic of South Africa. Such visits are always most welcome and fuJI I




adva ntage i ta~en o~' the opportunities thus presented for the interchange of new and diSCUSSion on current St. John affairs. TJlE ASSOCIATION

The year has been marked by two major change: the di bandment or the B.. A. Police Centre and the reformation of the Rail way First Aid Service. The Rh ode ia Railway et up a new Railway First Aid and Safety Service ba ed on St. John training and St. John examination and certificate . It has proved a great succe s in it fir t year. The Matabeleland Centre ha started indu trial classes with Messr . Dunlop (Rhodesia) Ltd. In orthern Rhode ia the work of the A ociation has been extended to the Copperbelt where cia e were held for the fir t time in Ndola . The A ociation i vcry hort of its own lecturer and demonstrators and it i doubtful whether the pre ent ub-division of training responsibilitie between the A ociation and the Brigade j uited to developing countrie . It i hoped to review the matter with the help of Grand Priory during 1964. The member hip of the ociation i mall and it is hoped that a concerted drive for new member might help to improve the future finance. TH


The year J 963 ha been nc of change. t the beginning both the Rhode ia Railway and the B.S. . Police District were disbanded at the reque t of the rgani ation concerned. The e were not so much normal a functional di trict and their di bandment has resulted in a strengthening of the normal divi ion and the elimination of tho e who felt they had been pre ed into the Brigade agai nst their inclination. The pre ent y tem f only recruiting qualified persons into the Brigade has not proved entirely ati factory. In developing countries there is a need to combine the trained and the untrained into corporate units as soon a po ibl . Th unit pirit in that v ay, become an encouragement to the new recruit at the earlie t po ible moment. . There ha been a mall growth of new Divi ion de pite the unsettled time con equent on the break up of the Federation and the Brigade i now in a better po ition to e pand further than it has been for some year .

ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION EXAMINATION AWARDS ISSUED THROUGHOUT CENTRES Number of Men, Women, Boys and Girls who received Certificates during the year ended 31st December, 1961 -------------------------------------------------~--~--------------------~--------~----


Health & Hygiene Child Total Horne Nursing DeLay Vou- I Medal- Label I PenFirst Aid Frmed 1------.------1------,- -----11 ------,,- -----1Wlfare Centre monLeccher __I_io_n_:._____ I~ant Awrds . Adult Prelim. Adult Prelim. Adult Prelim. strtrs. turer Rh--O-d-e-Si-a-Rl--W-y-s.--I--I-92-5--1·--2-1 9-1----1-4- 1---4 4-1------1------1-----1------1·-----'-----4 '~ 48 33 117 295M


Rhodesia Northrn Rhodesia. Nyasaland M __a_ta_b_e_le_l_an_d_____

1941 85 1953 1,006 161 1956 l_9_6_1_ 7_7_

__ I


____ 1


7 43 8_1_

____ 1


2 1 I 3 I 5 14 15 140 173 19 17 1 1,258 --- I 3 1 165 3__ 1----1-4~---___ I------I -----9-1------'I: ----~i----3--7 _____ 1_,____ 12_1~ 240.


____ 1














I 2,307

ST. JOH AMBUL NCE ASSOCIATION EXAMINATIO A WARDS ISSUED THROUGHOUT CE TRES Number of Men, Women, Boys and Girls who received Certificates during the year ended 31st December, 1962

I Home

First Aid


, Frmed

Rhodesia Rlwys. Rhodesia Nrthrn. Rhodesi a Nyasaland Matabeleland Totals

1925 1941 1953 1956 1961

.1 I

I Adult

Health & ur lDg

I Prelim. 13 32 I

Prelim. Adult

143 853 1,436 377 262

38 50 103 47





5 I 3 I

Hyg;ene dult


I Prelim.

ChUd Wlfare

45 1

~e~_ 1 tratrs







Lay Lecturer







P endant

Ttl oa Awrds

15 16

368 1,416 1 631 401 472





19 140 67 22 85


-I -I

e a- Lbl Mdl a e lion





14 28

88 227 8 1 16

333 1


















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FOR 1963

TilE out tanding event f the year 1963 was the vi it of Her Majesty Queen ljzabeth the Queen Mother at the end of October. Her Majesty opened the War Memorial Building jn which the Headquarters of the Commandery are n w ace mmodated. The Executive Officers had the honour of being pre ented to Her Maje ty. Her Maje ty honoured the ommandery by attending a Gala Cinema Performance held, through the genero ity of A ociated British Cinema, on 30th ctobeL The oeea ion was hared with the National Pl aying Field A oeiation. The Headquarter f the ommandery were tran ferred to the War Memorial Building, Waring treet, Belfa t, in May. The new premi es have permitted the e n olidation of the aetivitie of the Order in Belfa t Linder the one r of and in a building with faeilitie which enlarge the cope of the rder' ocial and in truetional potential. The annual hureh ervice were held at t. nne' Cathedral, Belfa t, on 26th May and at carva treet Prebyterian Church , Banbridge, on 13th October. Both were well attended and were honoured by the presence or Hi cellency the Lord Prior, and at the earlier service by Lady Wakehur t. The annual Ball f the mmandery wa held in the City Hall Belfa t, on 8th March. The Ball enjoyed marked ucce , both ocially and financially, and the ommandery de ire t record their deep obligation to the r rmer Lord Ma r, Iderman ir Martin Wallace, and member. or the Corporati n. Change in the . ecutive av the re ignati n of Brigadier 1. Y. Calwell, e.B.E., M .Y.O., a Dire t r 01 the oeiation, and Mr. J. Elliott Forde, e.B .. , D.L. , a ' rea urer. he 'e om er were re pectively replaced by Colonel B. D. otton, .B . . , .0., and Mr. O. Brice Smyth. Major W.. Grieve, M.B . . , -. R.D., .0 ., \ a appoint d Deputy Commi ioner orthe Clatlon. change in the Brigad ecretary hip al 0 took place, Ilith Captain J. Oake , M.B. - . replacing Major C. O. Burton. Colonel G. Gregg, . B. "., T. . the Brigade Commi ioner, was appointed an Hon rary Phy i ian to Her Maje ty The Queen . Honour and \\ard includ d the app intment to the Grade of Knight of the Rt. H n. ir rman tronge, Bt. M.e , H. M. L., to that of Commander of Mr. H . Y. Iver Honorary uditor to the Commandery for 23 year, who re igned during the year; to the Grade of Officer 01' Colonel Cott nand Mr. Brice myth on taking up their Executive appointment and of Mr. H. Boyce ecretary to the A ociation in orthern Irel and, and four ther . T n member \ er appointed Serving Brother and erving iter. The trength of the Brigade and the activiti of both ociation and Brigade have been ub tantially maintained during the year, the adult trength now bing 1,330 in 17 mbulance, 44 Nur ing and 4 Mi 'ed Divi ion, and 1,340 in the 43 mbulance Cadet and Nur ing Cadet Division. In all , the ommnndery ha , onc 19ain enjo ed a year of userul public service.





THE ACCOUNTS The Account present the financial po ition of the Grand Priory of the Order as at 30 September, 1963, together with statement of Income and Expenditure during the year ended on that date.

I. (frand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund The respon e to the Grand Prior's Appeal launched in Autumn 1961 had attained by 30 September, 1963, the sum of over £ 15,700 (including estimated value of annual covenants). In the year under review a further £2,678 was applied in partial repayment of the loan by the General Fund. 2. St. John Ambulance Brigade Headquarters Fund The Brigade Special Fund has been integrated with the H eadquarter Fund as a process of financial rationalization.


Central Brigade Association Hospital Administration 1963 1962 1963 1962 1962 1963 1962 1963 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 44,877 49,781 67,539 62,356 33,549 32,021 34,348 30,610


20,000 20,000 7,500 6,000 22,250 19,500 33,165 29,900 9,518 7,753 19,620 22,804 8,379 10,963

Block Grants Other

33,165 29,900 29,518 27,753 27,120 28804 30,629 30,463

J. Provision Jor Jordanian Staff Gratuities The urn of £3 191 has been provided for retirement gratuities for Hospital

taff in accordance with Jordanian law.

4. InJ'estments The policy .of ex.changing o~t of . [~1Ve .tment . ru t Company ordinary stocks I11tO direct 111ve tment 111 Bntlsh 111du trial and commercial companies wa ~irtually completed .during the year. The realized profit from the sale of 111ve tment (of which by far the greater part was ordinary share ) amou~ted to £11.3,l~8 of w~ich £54624 belonged to the General Fund. The pnmary motl e III makll1g these changes wa to increa e the effective gro income . J COM


Charged to Appropriate Fund 11,712 19,881 38,021 34,603





1963 £

1962 £

49,750 45,500 18,012 32,764 67,762 78,264





AC 0


I. income Jrom 1111'e /men/s

2. "Rel'iew oj tile Order of t. Johl1 ' The co t of production ha increa ed harply and urgent mea ure arc being taken to incrca e circulation and income from adverti~ing.


Dividends and Interest

D JX PE 0 fT

The overall income of £87 64 compare with £82,774 for the prcvioLi ' year.


Block Grants to Foundations Other Expenditure

I () I


There are et out below notes on certain items appearing in the Accounts:




49,245 48,079 £18,517 £30,185 ===

The Post-War Fund (Special Allocation) finances the Order's share of the cost of the welfare work in Service Hospitals undertaken by the Service Hospitals Welfare and V.A.D. Department, Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society. The cost of this work is met from interest from and proceeds of sale of investments.


for ) 963 showed net Admtnl tratlOn and foundations of th.e . Lim. for 1962 .. The followi,ng elImtnatlOn of certain non-recurl'lng 1958 £ 112,746

1959 £ 133,721

1960 £ 136,117

ordinary expenditure of the Central £109 63l an increa e of £6,283 over !igure which are adjusted by the ltems, show the trend of expenditure. 1961 £ 156,165

1962 £ 168,990

1963 £ 176,770

There i not~i~1~ in sight which is likely to halt the gro\ th of expenditure, unless the actiVities of the Order and it foundation are reduced. It i ther~fore, nece ary to seek additional or new forms of income. In on~ far~lcLlla: case actio~ l: a , already. be~n taken to this end through the ~le~se l.n the ASSOCiatIOn s examl11atlOn registration fee, which became e ecttve 111 September 1963 and the effect of which will be seen in the current year. The net surplus from the Stores Department again showed a marked decrease, but better results can be e pected for the current year.





' 11M' II R-


Altho ugh 1963 wa a difficult year there are ome encouraging features in the Account . The net deficit on the Lncome and E penditure of tbe Central Admini tration shows a reduction of £8,169 to £11,712. The Headquarter' Funds of the A sociation and the Brigade each how an increa e mainly due to Jegacie and intere t being greater than the excess of net expenditure over their r pect}ve block gra.nt from. the income of ~he Post-War Fund (General AlI~catlOn). The capital of thl fund is again ll1 exce s of £1,000000, though It houJd be noted that £500,000 i still acknowledged a a "War Reserve." The measures set out in the memorandum headed "St. John Finances" and approved by Chapter-General in May 1959 have now been in operation for four financial years. The e mea ures have now been well tested by practical experience' they appea r to be achieving their purpo e and no modification or alteration are sugge ted .



LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receil'er-Gel/eral

21 Fe bruary 1964.

ACCOUNTS 30 September, 1963






o [lIE


30 SEPTEMBER, 1963






as at 30 September, 1962 . Add: Legacies. . . . . . Profit on sale of in estments . . Grand Priory Church Rebuilding FundLoan repaid



182 54,624

124 41,804



Less: Net cost of Central Admini tration year to date St. George's Theological College, Jerusalem Eagle Church, Lincolnshire


1962 £


51,449 25,449

51,449 25,449

26,000 7,266

26,000 7,266


(at cost less amounts written off)

Freehold Property at St. John's Gate and Freehold site of Priory House Less: written off to da te . .

Freehold site of Guard House and Cloister Muristan Properly, Jerusalem (Jordan) . Less: written off to dale .




Fu D-





Freehold Property: Guard House and Cloister and Restoration



9,017 100


2,678 2,678 66,850


3,698 3,648 50 34










3,698 3,648

Rights in Kolossi Castle, Cyprus .

600 10

as at 30 September, 1962 . Add: Subscriptions and Donations Legacy

Less: Furnishings and Equipment Architect's fees and expenses Sundry expenses . . . General Fund-Loan repaid


46, 30




Fu D Freehold Land, Buildings and Equipment: Jerusalem (Jordan) 317,955 74,954 Freehold Property: Jerusalem (Israel) 39,108 I Less: written off to date 4,985 It: 34,123 1/ Freehold Property: Ramallah (Jordan) 15,578 .iI! Less: sale instalments less expenses 5,660 written off to da te 2,918 J! 8,104 8,578 7,000 iI.!OHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL A D RESEARCH

303,/99 39,108 4,985

34,123 15,578 4,660 2,918 8,000 359,078



FUNDas at 30 September, 1962 . Add: Subscriptions and Donations 27,071 Legacy . . . . . . . . . , 120 Surplus on sale of Strathearn House and Watson House (Jerusalem)




.l6,1J~ General Allocation: 601 Freehold Property: St. John Ambulance Brigade Camp, Il,oii Bexhill, Sussex 49,094 Leasehold Properties: 8Grosvenor Crescent, S.W . l J7,640 473,066 Less: written off to date . ]0,584


27,191 457,697

Less: Net Hospital Expenditure year to date Grant to Institute of Ophthalmology (London) Balance-pre-opening expenditure Freehold Property: Ramallah (J ordan)amount written off Israel: net outgoings





Jii 2,~1! 4~i



41,847 7,224

iOEaton Place, S.W.1 . Less: written off to date

22,169 2,024





12,875 17,640 9,996


10 Grosvenor Crescent, S. W.l Less: written off to date .

42,560 -


7,644 4J,847 6,616




22,169 1,656 20,513 - 74,699









T il E



OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL LINE GUlLDas at 30 September, 1962 . Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest



822 133

1,530 130

Less : Net Ord. Expenditure year to date Special Expenditure year to date .






58,686 10,775

51,453 10,550

;ISS: Repayable during year

69,461 7,558

62,003 3,317



61,903 11,000


spital Superintendent's House




7,140 1,201 3,788






\tores Department . insignia and Award ~.John HOllse

53,704 4,916 408

52,143 5,463 465











1,025 656

42 690






11 ,684 (Cr.)









2 704 , 12,570




10 421

4 407 8,672








31,738 9,941

61,303 - -



--890, 7U




80 8,816









Less: Grants





ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE BENEVOLENT FUNDas at 30 September, 1962 Add: Donations Interest


~at30September, ~962 fdd: Advanced durmg year



Less: Expenditure. Ceded to Priory for Wales .




6,429 62

KING GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP TRAINING MEMORIAL as at 30 September, 1962 Add: Donations Interest



7,752 680


5:'3 ,977



15, 156

Less: Net Expenditure year to date Legacies ceded, less received



ST. JOHN AMBULA CE BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS FUNDas at 30 September, 1962 . Add: Legacies . Interest St. John Ambulance Brigade Special Fund

. Schedule attached . . . . Market Value : 1963- £1,500,401 I 1962- £1,487.311)



ST. JOHN AMBULA CB ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS FUNDas at 30 September, 1962 . Add: Legacies. Interest




Less: Expenditure.






.,-, 56,291






RFPORT OF '1111.:.












(Funds allocated by Joint Organisation) GE ERAL ALLOCATIO of £2,099,625 as at 30 September, 1962 . Add: et profit on sale of investment






1,006,185 I!!SII) This Balance Sheet alld the allllexed Income alld

Less: Exce s of Expenditure over Income year to date .


1,016,017 ALLOCATIO of £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitalsas at 30 September, 1962 . . 325,291 Less: Excess of Expenditure 0 er Income year to date . 13,136



312,155 Less: Net 10 s on sale of investments.

312,155 1,328,172









Expenditure Accounts present the financiaL position and transactions of the Headquarters of the Order and of its Foundations. They do not 976,000 illcorporate the assets, liabilities and transactions 0/ any Establishment of the Order nor of any St. John Couneil or of any local unit of the St. John 343,1IJ Ambulance Association or Brigade. The Accounts o/these bodies are maintained and audited locally under Regulations approved or made by the /ljJi Order, notwithstanding that none of them has separate corporate existence or forms all independent charity and that property utilised for their purposes is normally held for the general 3,/1) purposes oj the Order. In addition to property 325,291_ included in this Balance Sheet or held as just mentioned Jor the general purposes of the Order property is vested in the Order or in othe; trustees Jor special purposes. Immovable property vested in the Order for its general purposes or ill the Order or in other trustees for special purposes cannot at present be disposed of without the COllsent oj the Charity Commissioners and in 27,520 mallY cases property utilised for local p~rposes, 3,157 though held Jor the general purposes witl not be disposed oj without consent of a locai Committee of Management . :, On 3~ S~ptember, 1963, the Grand Priory Church Reblllldtng Fund was indebted to the General FUlld in the sum of £13,759 (1962: £16,437) and the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund was indebted to the Post- War Fund (General AlLocation) in the slim of £100000 (1962: £100,000). '



30,838 3,720 3,191

LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General

D. B. R. SWINSTEAD, Treasllrer and Accountant



examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Accounts .vouichers of the Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospltal of St. J o~ ?f Jerusalem an~ with the returns rec~ived from Jerusalem, we repor~ th~t, on I~bor affairs ~~ t~1e otes on the Balance Sheet, the said .Ba.lance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts, In our opmlon, and accordmg to the best of our mformation, show a true and fair vieW o[u! e Order as at 30 September, 1963, and of Its lDcome and expenditure for the year ended on that date. PRICE WATERHOUSE & Co. 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C.2 .


Marcb , 1964 .

Chartered Accountants.

Foundation Dues Annual Oblations Commuted Oblations

£ 1,166 4,566 259

956 4,543





20,656 432

Dividends and Intere t on In e tments Other Interest (net)


Less: Ceded to Special Funds . . . . . Interest on sale proceed - Watson Hau e


6,984 14,104 649 1,279 21 3,271 25,315

Priory House- Initial expenditure

52,607 20,099 768 1,964 4,402 1,007 105 1,264 1,907 119 101 2,365 150

. . . ining expenses ., . . . 7,830 ~~laprior's Advi ory OLincil 9,167 - - John's Day . 934 ·titures . 1,249 age Roll . 40 '1les . . 394 ~ia . . . . . . 'als and Vellum ~ole . 17,513 rnisation of maID office ~Equipment . . . 56,590 '!estead Church expen e ilors' Charges . . . ll~ , "St. John of Jeru alem" 'u borough Cathedral ervjce . I hul's Cathedral Tru t-Donatlons I orthe Order (printed) . . . . I rFlags I Iansite. I, .cry expenses 1,M!

! llY-

s Pensions and Lunch Voucher . . . . )j ~D~I Insurance and Superannuation contributIOns md Rent, Rates and Insurance J ~-amount written off . I. ung, Heating and leaning illS and Maintenance 14J "~and Telephone I,! ~gand Stationery . 31,816 - (!lingexpenses. . IFee . 24,774 rue printing and s t amp~ . Equipmen t 'lrfexpenses

380 34,631 2,276 36,907 15,700

Less: Share of Surplus allocated to Income and Expenditure Accounts: St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade

3,925 3,925

Ii I,ll)


7,850 7,850 33, 165

NET COST, transferred from General Fund

~~~ and Stationery .

n, i"

6 Itlling expenses.

Investment Underwriting-net profit Subscriptions and Donations . Library and Museum : Donations. . . . .... . Priory House-Ground Rent & lnsuran e Commission STORES DEPARTMEI TGross Surplus . Deduct: Salaries, Pen ions and Lunch Vouchers National Insurance. Superannuation contributions Rent, Rates and Insurance Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Entertaining expenses Office Equipment Advertising Removal expenses Sundry expenses

r 16,005 992


£ 7,277 182 636 1,381 135 2,274 1,365 814 1,390 1,356 509 198 917 444 601 181 1,003 1,345 1,050 80 91 219 79 251 226

'~:peosions and Lunch Vouchers )0;1 Insurance . . ' . ' . . . utJO nDU ation conwbuLJons . . . ~::/raRtes and Insurance. . ~I, :mo uot written off .. . Heating and CleaOing fliOg~nd Maintenance . . ''1lr5 and Telep I1one . . .


12,387 - 29,900

mo'mof/he Order of St. John" ·~ting and other costs . :aries, Pension & Lunch au h rs ltional Insurance & Superannuati on " Upkeep. . . . . . . ..ndry expense

162 735 1,268 135 1,899 827 811 1,609

3,168 474 976 668 554 82 ],465 1,847 1,650

68 121

128 489


2,622 65 175 786



6,268 597 227 135 339 15 403 248 68



420 72


256 135 337 57 374 305


79 37 136

51 129 9,235

Cost of Production £

£ 7,076

9,023 - -

Sale and dvertising £

7,90-+ 1,755 57 444 25








t%l "'0




es, Pension and Lunch Voucher ... nal Insurance & Superannuation contribution Upkeep . . . . . . lCuttings and ewspapers . mgraphs . ::~~Ieases, P;ste;s a~d Leaflet ' olhonexpenses and equipment ;geand Telephone . . . . ,m~ and Stationery ,tiling expenses ~naining expense~ . I~:jry expenses. .



'es, P~nsi~n ~od'Lu~ch' Vo'uch'e r '

122 257 216 72

. . . . . . . ~a dnjsurance and Superannuation contributions . n nsurance . '" r.'-hng· ,Heatlog and Cleaning ~~Aland Maintenance ,¥ar arm If"1ment '. !,~ . " ~ expenses : .

26 . 1,469 . (CL) 14 353 359 67 54 45 231

_~ ~ to

555 ~ 624 207 106

339 148

321 4,099


100ai j

2,042 ~

2,063 74 182 236 247 108 382 155 112 183 190 167

5,009 - -

73 1,378 151 358 435 52 60 62 169 2,738 - -


INCOME Private Patients' Fees. Interest. . . . . . . . : Ramallah Property: rent less outgomgs GRANT from Post-War Fund BALANCE, transferred from St. John Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund



5,768 3,750

3,958 3,381




9,518 20,000

7,753 20,000





EXPENDITURE HOSPITALSalaries and Pension National Insurance . . . . Superannuation & Provident Fund contributions. . . . . . Provision for Jordanian Staff Gratui ties . . . . Food and Housekeeping . Drugs and Dressings Equipment and Instruments Freight . . . . . Lighting and Heating . Water . . . Repairs and Maintenance . . . quipment and Furnishings (new flats) . . . Travelling and car expenses Postage and Telephone . . Printing and Stationery Rent and furnishings: Flats (net) Insurance . . . . . Ramallah Property: outgoings Sundry expense

1963 £

1962 £

34,114 48

35,258 102



3,191 5,648 2,259 1,616 750 3,569 980 2,493

5,793 2,801 388 388 3,757 1,028 1,368

1,608 3,661 336 526 571 718 222 970 64,545


65 70






3,456 329 595 3JJ










1,842 39 166 53 95 204 233


>< '"0

354 2,994

3,617 - -

n :r: >""0





am Z m ;N



:z t::l










£ Lo DO OFFICESalaries, Pension and Lunch 1,745 Vouchers . 40 ational Insurance . . 93 uperannuation contributions 53 Rates and Insurance . . 79 Lighting, Heating and Cleaning 149 Postage and Telephone . 249 Printing and Stationery 451 Travelling expenses Office quipment Sundry expenses

?::J tTl


(") (")






~ ~



Charge.; to Centres and Classes for instruction and examinations Less: Lecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses Awards (net) Subscriptions and Donations

1963 £ 30,160 17,790 12,370 2,218 1,107

1962 £ 29,898 17,711 12,187 2,970 1,453

Stores Department, share of surplus

15,695 3,925

16,610 6,194

GRANT from Post-War Fund

19,620 7,500

22,804 6,000



BALANCE, transferred from Headquarters Fund



£33,549 £32,021



EXPE DITURE alaries, Pension and Lunch Vouchers ational Insurance . . . Superannuation contributions . . Ground Rent, Rates and Insurance . Lease-amount written off . . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning . Repairs and Maintenance Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses En tertaining expenses Office Equipment undry expenses . Competitions (net) Visual Aids (net) . Grant to County . . Film-"The Long Wait" . Resuscitation Models

1963 £ 18,763 713 1,141 449 270 699 9 1,920 6,134 353 222 107 476

1962 £ 18,438 661 966 492 270 679 160 1,860 4,751 195 221 252 326

31,256 1 246 947 100

29,271 1,916 36 19 690 89


a trl

t::l tu





tIl '"0









l' 10 0'1







n :r: >""0

-l ;;0 , 0

:z en ;;0

£33,549 £32,021






Subscriptions and Donations Ministry of Education grant. . National Hospital Service Reserve grant

1963 £ 1,998 1,600 856

Stores Department, share of surplu

4,454 3,925

4,770 6,193

8,379 22,250

10,963 19,500






from Post-War Fund


transferred from Headquarter Fund



Salaries, Pensions and Lunch Voucher National Insurance Superannuation contributions Rent, Rates and Insurance Lease-amount written off Lighting, Heating and Cleaning . Repairs and Maintenance Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Entertaining expenses Conferences and Courses (net) Awards Office Equipment and Furnishings Car (less value replaced car) Sundry expenses

1963 1962 £ £ 18,177 16,197 617 550 1,300 856 1,773 1,437 588 588 1,261 1,247 105 330 1,181 1,050 2,295 2,357 1,902 2,238 133 26 . (Cr) 38 175 182 196 420 385 386 376 373

Competitions (net) Cadet Rally Bexhill Ca m p St. John H ou ' e

31,008 1,333 299 . (Cr) 287 1,995


;;C rr. "C












n 0


27,655 1,221 82 90 1,562



". ;N I

C '":"





t.rl X




£34,348 £30,610

£34,348 £30,61V






~ ;> (") (")



3f .Ir-.J<::::C>.JV2 L:;!

Dividends and Interest on lnvestrnenlS . Other Interest .

NET EXPENDITURE transferred to Balance Sheet

1 963

L '!. x..PI. . t'"'--J I:>l












ru'R -

'\. 963










Jerusalem . St. John Ambulance ssociation St. John Ambulance Brigade



7,500 22,250

6,000 19,500


t": ;>:;c



0 t.rl 0



GrantsPriory of Scotland Priory for Wale St. John Ophthalmic Foundation, South frica St. John ouncil for Malta . o er ea Headquarters' Officers Relief: St. John Refugee project Yugoslav Earthquake Hurricanes Development V. .D. Section

500 3,500

10,000 3,500


_ 000 350 124-4

10,990 1,255 500


t.J 0

r.n t.rl







_,375 146 173 32,76-1 - -

£67,762 £78,264










3: ~


1 ,012 £67,762 £78,264

~ '<






r.: >



~ I

C rr Z






INCOME Interest on Investments

1963 £ 19,761

1962 £ 19,630

NET EXPENDITURE transferred to Balance Sheet



1962 £ 34,969

1963 £ 32,897

Welfare Work in Service Hospi tals



:> "d


~ I

£32,897 £34,969

£32,897 £34,969

orn Z rn ~ :>



• .c .....

• " ,' 'f'.l ,

' , -; s



•• . : ,...., -




J 01 A I



arkct aluc









Markct cst

aim: £.







Markct alue


. . . . 'I.


.. . .

'I. ....




.--)C. .....



o t


Market Value £

T M ' T




95,151 113,197 502,687 171,8+8 3()5,5 6 1,24 ,639

100,500 119,950 483,564


169,9 424,157

1,29 ,3 I


55,302 IM,1 5 281,705

57,935 54,438 177,36~


95,151 67,9 6 30 ,217 116,546 201, 71 784,271

100,500 70,370 291,904 115,542 246,995 825, 11

45,411 J37,252

49,580 133,725



>c c;;c '"-::


183, OS

... ---







0 K T K.

2,050 200,000 1,450,689

2,050 200,000 1,5



2,050 20,000

2,050 20,000





3 11 .785













(J r









1,487,3 11






FORM OF BEQUEST (for incorporation in a Will or Codicil)


D BEQ E TH the um of


) free of all dutie to the Grand Priory in the Briti h Realm

of the Mo t Venerable Order of the Ho pital of St. John of Jerusalem, of

St. John' Gate Clerkenwell, London , E.C.l, uch sum to be applicable to the general purpo e of the aid Order. And I declare that the receipt of the Trea urer for the time being of the aid Order hall be a full di charge therefor.

®potbalmic r.&lospital (Founded 1882) of



lariar!, in tfJe J1jritisf) l\elllm of 'OCf)e :most

tJ enerable ClDrber of tfJe




3Jof)n of 3Jerusalem.

REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR 1963 including the




Printed by Swindon Press Ltd., Victoria Road, Swindon, Wilts

E. C. I.

of ~"e

@pbtbalnlic ll)Oepitfll roost lDenerable @rber of $t. 30bn, 3ernsalenl

50"ereigll lbeab of the <$)rber: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN

(lom III tttee: EXTRACT FROM THE RULE AND CUSTOM OF RA ¥MOND DU PUY GRAND MASTER OF THE KNIGHTS HOSPIT ALLER OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN (1120-1160) That the Knights who should make their profession in it should adorn their Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues , with hospital service, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in these various functions, should only seek to distinguish themselves by a course of virtue. Soldiers of Jesus Christ are designed only to fight for His Glory, to maintain His worship, to love, reverence and preserve justice, to favour, support and defend such as are oppressed, without neglecting the duties of holy hospital service.

1boapitllller BRIGADI ER


TEWART D UKE-ELDER, G.C.v.o., PH.D., D. C., LL. D.. M.D .. P.R. . . , F.A.C.S., F.R.A .C.. , F.R.C.P., P.R.S

lDeput';! 1bospital[cr



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C. T. EVA ,E Q ., C.M.G.. ecrctary-Geoeral (ex officio) The LADY WLBB-JOH 0 LEW! G. WHYT ,E Q., Receiver-G enera l THE RT. Ho . LORD Bo OM, LL.D ., J.P ., F.R .LBA . LrEUT.- OlO El W. R . HORNBY TEER, D.L. SIR HUGH Dow, G.C. l.E., K. . . r. SIR HARRY INDER 0 , PA IJA, K.B.E., C.M.G., I. .0 .. F.R.C.P .(E .) FRANK W. L w, E Q., LD., F.R.C . . SIR PHILIP OUTHWElL, C.B.E., M . . PROFES OR . A tITON M.R.C.P., D. C. THE Ho . SIR MAURI BRIDG 1A , K.B.E. LIEUT.-COLONEL J. W. CHITTY, M.B.E. DR. G. L. C. OLEN O-JONE , B. C., 1.R.C.. , L.R.C.P SiR ARTHUR PORRIIT, BT., K.C. 1.G .. K.C.V.O., C.B.E., F.R.C.S. DR. R. H. SCOTT, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P J. H. DOGGART, E Q ., M.A., I.D., F.R.C. S. J. H. MILLER, E Q. , f.D ., F.R.C .. E, J. REED, E q.



McCLINTO K, E q . Itre aaur.: r

D. B. R . SWTNSTEAD, Esq., F.C.A.







grades in the Order, an ,event followed by a reception attended by the members of the O:der JD, Jor?an, Their Royal Highnesses were also able to do some slght-. ~eJDg m Jer~salem and in Bethlehem, and to meet members of the BnlIsh commuOlty at a reception held in the garden of the Consulate-General.

Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Committee for 1963 R EPORT 0


The Ho pitaller and the Committee of the Ophthal~lic Hos~ital have the honour to submit their eventy- econd report co en ng the eIghty-fir t year of the Hospital for the information of H,R,H, The rand Prior and the Chapter-Genera I, GE ERAL

The year ha been distinguished by two official R yal ~isits to , the Hospital of particular interest an? enc~urage~ent. As ~entlOned bnefty by the Warden in his Report, Hls Majesty KlOg Hu ~10 of Jordan, an Associate Bailiff Grand Cros of the Order, wa graclou ly pleased to open the Eye-bank on the 16th of January, and during his vi it he spontaneously called for a form and bequ~a~hed his own ,eye ,to the banle This splendid gesture, so charactenstlc of the Kmg, I the more courageous on the part of a Moslem r~ller for Mo lern religiou ,teaching is particularly strict on all matter relatlDg to the huma~ ~ody. HI ge~ture was followed by a declaration from the Moslem autho~lt~es that th,e gift of the eyes after death conformed with the tenets of religIOus chantr W,e are therefore particularly grateful to His Majesty for demonstratmg his approval and support of our work in such a public and practical manner. Some two months later His Royal Highness The Duke oC Glouces~er. Grand Prior of the Order, was able to visit the ho pitai accompamed by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Glouce ter" the Presi~ent of the Ladies' Linen Guild, It will be remembered that HIs Royal Highness had hoped himself to open the new hospital in October, 1960, but had unavoidably been prevented from travelling to Jordan, On ~he ] 5th of March, however, Their Royal Highnesses arrived by air 10 Amman together with LordWakehurst, K,G" the Lord Prior of the Order. and the Hospitaller~ and on the 18th they motored to Jerusalem where they stayed for two days as the guests of the Warde'1 and Mrs, Boase, In lovely spring weather on the 19th of March they carried out a very full inspection of the Hospital, and later held an Investiture i~ the COu!se of which seven persons were invested with the insignia of theIr respective

Their Royal ,Highne?ses expressed their great appreciation of all they saw at the ho pltal, sa?,Jng that t~e scale of the facilities and the standards of work exceeded t~eIr e.xpectallons, and were both an inspiration and a sour~e of great s~t!SfactlOn to the~. To everyone connected with the hOspItal, ~oth Bn~1 hand J ordaDl~n, this visit acted as a lively and happy fillip and- If that were possLble- augmented the prestige of the hospital throughout the Middle East. The Ho pitall~r, acc?mp,a~ied by Lady Duke-Elder and the Secretary, was present durmg thl VI It, and subsequently returned in December t~ !erusalen: where h~ stayed until January, 1964. During the second VISit Her, Highness Ponce Muna of Jordan paid an informal visit to the Hospital. Apart fror,n and even dur~ng-these highlights, the routine daily work o~ th~ Hospital has gone C?n lD the usual way, in so far as medical work ~~Ith Its con, tantly recurrm~ new problems and surprises can be conIdered routine, Each \<\-orking day throughout the year the out-patient department h~ tended an average of 270 person who would otherwise have been wIthout ,help; ~he ward have remained full of those who have b~e~ more ,enou ly, Ill; th,e operating theatres have been strained to the l!mIt of th~lr capacity; whIle the Eye-bank has become an effective factor 10 the rehef of blindness,

It will be een from the , tatistic app~nded to the Warden's R eport t~at the total atte~dance In the out-patient department have declined s~nce ,the new hospItal wa , 0 cupied. Much of this decline is due to the situatIOn of the new hospital outside the Old City~ there is little doubt that wh~n w~ ';Vere work~ng in the mid t of the City many out-patient arne with, lflvlal omplalnt and even becau e they had nothing better to do, while ma,ny per i ted in returning with unnecessary frequency; they are now dl ouraged by the <.1i tance they have to travel. The War,den has ma~e mention of other reasons which contribute to the declIne, and parllcularly to the mall drop in total attendances this year; none of these, reason reflect ad versely on the work of the hospital. There seem httle doubt that the figure in future will stabilise at around 80,000 per a~nurn, It i more ati factory that the figure this year record the,more Sefl?U rather than the trivial type of illne and that those for maJor,operatLO,n ,reached the unprecedented level of nearly 6 000, Among these It IS gratlfymg to ee that 85 were operation for corneal grafting. ~n ~he Report of la t year it was noted that the re earch laboratories bUilt In the ground of the ho pital before the main building was erected' were recently, converte? into two flats ince ample provision for laboratory accommodation was Incorporated in the new building, We have now ~dded a second storey to this block, making a combined unit of four ats .f?r the .use of urgeons, re earch workers, and their families, a P~OV~slOn whlch, should ensure that all our staff is gathered together rt,hm the Hospital compound, shari,ng all the ameniti~s that this entail , t IS also proposed to add a recreation room to the SIsters' Home; it i





expected that this will complete our building programme for the fore· eeable future. th h B " h We were very happy to learn during. the ye.ar at t e ntIs Consul· General has acquired the open land Im~edlalely to the outh of the Warden's house a a ite on which to budd the new Con ulate-General. He will be a very welcome neighbour. RESEARCH

In previou Reports the progress ~f research on . i~fective diseases ?[ the eye, particularly trachoma, the dlsa trou condJtlOn so prevale~t. In the Middle Ea t, which i estimated to affect .between ~OO and 400 mIllion people throughout the world, ha. been bnefiy o~tlliled. The researc~ initiated in our Hospital and contmued by the MedIcal Resear~h Cou?cll in We t Africa has now reached a tage when the ~roph~lactlc ~accl.na. tion of children can reasonably be attempted . WI~h thl end 1~ VIew the Order sent Professor Barrie J one~ to ~he .MIddle ~ a st wlth an epidemiologist to determine wher~ an lllve tIga.tlOn of thl type could best be initiated on a research ba IS. ~or a proJect sych as thIS. seyeral desiderata are required in the commumty among whIch the prehmmary research should be conducted:]. A proportion of the child populatison uP to about 90 % become infected before the ages of to 7 .


A child population up to about 700 should be a vail~ble for vaccina· tion allowing for control (who would not be .vac m~ted) and also allowing for the high death-rate of young chIldren 10 these areas. 3. Relative isolation, and at the same time tability of the popUlation , in villages of convenient size. 4. The non-availability of antibiotic ~ru~sl to t?~ pOdPulation the effects of a vaccine are not artlficla ly VItIate .



and that Ku.w ait would be a suitable community from which to attempt the eliminatIon of trachoma when the potentialities of vaccine and the size and frequency of its dosa ge had been assessed. It is hoped that a start will be m ade in this programme during 1964. It is interesting to note that, largely due to the activities of our Hospital and the excellent work of UNRWA over m any years in the refugee camps, there is not noW sufficient trachoma in Jordan to make it a rewarding field for our preliminary research work. HO PITAL COMMlITEE

We record with deep regret the deaths which took place during the year of the RL Hon. The. Lord E~ans a~d of Mr. J. E. Coomber. Both had been members of thIS Committee smce 1957 and their loss will be deeply felt. We were very plea ed to welcome as a new member Sir Edwin Chapman-Andrews, K.C.M.G. , O.B .E., whose appointment as Honorary Treasurer was appro ved by the Grand Prior in October, 1963. This post has hith~rto b~en held by the Receiver-General, but in view of the extra dutIes which the Honorary Treasurer will shortly undertake and are mentioned later in thi report, he had a ked that the post should be made an individual incumbency; as Recei ver-General Mr. Lewis Whyte will of course rem ain a member of the Committee with overall responsibility for our financial policy. We also welcome Mr. E. Reed of the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers who comes to the Committee in place of the late Mr. Coomber; and Mr. winstead who has been appointed as our Treasurer. Although strictly out ide the chronology of this report we are happy to congratulate Sir Maurice Bridgeman on the Knighthood conferred lI pon him in the ew Year' Honours List of 1964.


5. The population should be such as not to object on tr\elidgiolys ~J social grounds to the access of British doctors to recen Y elver mothers and to infants. 6. The availability of residential accommodation for a team of research workers. 7. The availability of laboratory accommod ation f~rblimI?etdiantesp~~~ vesti crations and the possibility of relative l y a~cessl ~ aIr . ra . for the despatch of material requiring complIcated VIral mvestlga· tion to London. d a gOhve!nmet~t ~~~ ~:~ 8. A population which .is co-ope.r ative anN sympathetic to a proJect of thl~ type. 0 . suc lOves Iga 1 . be carried out without the blessmg and actIve help of the govern ment and its Ministry of Health. It is obvious that these criteria are not readily met, but after .a careful survey including Jordan, Iraq, Iran, and Kuw~it,. Professor ~a~~~ Jones concluded that the best opportunities for a prehmmary expenm lay in Iran, that the vill~ges a~ong t?e pipelines in Northern Iraq ;ae:e~ suitab1e for certain studIes which might be undertaken at a later



Our staff appear to be very happy and are ertainly exceedingly busy. Dr. Boa e, O.B .E ., FR.C. " D .O .M.S., ha now filled the post of Warden III Jerusalem with much di tinction for 71 years, and we should like to express our thanks to him. Hi period of office has been an active and an important pha e in the hi tory of the ho pita], and Dr. Boase has enhanced the prestige of the Order in Jordan, both by his work in the Hospital and together with Mr . Boa e by the many activities outside it inwhich they play an active parl. We hope they will long remain with us. We are glad that the Sub-Warden, Dr. Budeiri, O.B.E., M.D., D.O.M.S ., has completely recovered from hi iUne . He has had another busy and satisfying year. There has been a complete turnover among t the other Surgeons for ~ost of them come to Jerusalem on a yearly basis. We are very sorry mdeed to say goodbye to Dr. Paton, the son of Dr. Townley Paton, who had introduced and established the Eye-bank and who was deservedly so popular with everybody during his time in Jerusalem. His place is taken by Dr. Fjordbotten, a Canad ian Surgeon sponsored by the International Eye·bank in Washington. We welcome al 0 Dr. Rintoul who has been seconded for a year by the Royal Navy. We think that these secondments have great value, for the experience gained by a surgeon in




the cost of living in Jordan continues to rise with the same regularity as

Jerusalem is unique in the world. We hope that it rn~y be possible in future to make arrangements for more exchanges of thIs sort both from the United Kingdom and from the C?mmonweal~h. Our nursiner staff is equally effectIve and theIr omewhat onerous duties are lightened by the happy spirit which pervades th~ HosP.ital, the rewarding appreciation of theIr pahe!lts, and the regard wIth whIch they are held by the multi-racial commuDIty of J erusale~. T~e Matro~, Miss Anne Blewitt, her assistant and the SIster-Tutor, MISS EIlee~ ~mIt~, are as in previous years ably supplemented by a team of Bntlsh SIsters seconded from Moorfields Eye Ho pital in London, an arrangement of immense value to us as well as to these Siste~s who have th~ adva~t~ge of supplementing their exper~ence by t~e Immensely vaned c~cal material available at the Hospltal. For thIS arrangement the CommIttee continues to be grateful to Miss ~a Kellar, th~ Matron of the great ophthalmic hospital in Londo~ whIch erve our wterests so well. U?der their guidance the Arab nursmg staff, both male an~ female, cont1~ue happily livin er in the Nurses' Home; and the Nurswg School, whlch include~ sever~l refugees, continues, as indicated in the Warden's Report, to provide useful careers for Jordanian girls.

it does in I?ost other countries. Unhappily we have been compelled to


Dr. Kathleen Kenyon of the British SC~lOol of Archaeo~ogy has now completed her investigation on our .M~nsta~ property wlthlI~ the Old City. It will be remembered that thl IS belle ed to be the slte of the original hospice initiated by Pope Gregory the Great about A.D: 600, where the Order of St. John was founded. Dr. Kenyon foun.d eVld~n~e that this is so and although these excavations do not come st~Ictly WIthin the subject ~atter of a report on t.he acti,;,ities of the hospItal, yet the results are of such interest that theu mentIOn m~y .n?,t be out of plac.e. Dr. Kenyon reports that the lowest levels of he~ 'dIg were quarned. III the Israelite period and were therefore at that tIme undoubtedly outsIde the city of J erusalem. Mo~eover .she found evi~ence to show that the site remained outside the CIty unttl at least la.te III the first cen~ury A.D. These excavations therefore prove conclusIvely tha.t the s~te now occupied by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was outsIde . the .CIty walls at the time of Christ, and may have been the authentIc Stte of the Crucifixion. It is gratifying that these excavations on land o~ned by the Order should have led to such a very interesting and satIsfactory conclusion. . . d The Order will now consider the future of the Munstan. It IS propose to create a memorial garden on the part of site neares~ to the road, which will commemorate the association of the area wIth. the Order, and to make the rest of the site available for some useful socIal pu~pose. Towards the end of the year some hopes were raised that a sUItable buyer might be found for the old hospital buildings in Israel, but these have not yet materialised. FINANCE




The Committee reported last year that our finances were causlllg u some concern. Great efforts have been made this year to ~eep hour recurrent expenses as small as possible, and, indeed, e~onomies ttV~ been shown in what may be termed "housekeeping", despIte the fact a

incur consIderable extra expenditure in other directions where such economies are not possible. In order to meet new commitments under tbe law of Jordan we have had to make provision in the accounts this year for th~ .first time, for mo~e than £3,000 for the payment of retirement gratUItIes to our JordanIan staff; uch a scheme of course is a very goo~ thing: ~ore?ver expenditure on maintenan~e and repairs to the HOspltal bUIldIngs IS !low also be~inni~g to make itself felt. Despite a/l our efforts our combmed expendlture In Jerusalem and in London has th~refore ri en from £62,0~0 in 1962 to £67,000 this year; this latter figure wcludes a non-recurrent ltem of £1 600 for equipment and furniture for the two new flat . To off et this ri e in expenditure we have received an additional £1 800 of revenue from private patients' fees. But our net expenses ?av~ increa ed;. ~nd they are bound to increase again next year, f~r m vIew of the n tng cost of living in Jordan, we have recently had to Introduce new alary cales for the Jordanian staff. These became payable from the 1st of October, and their effect will therefore not become apparent until next year. Although an expenditure of £67,000 may appear high, yet it is less than £1,000 per annum per b d, a figure which compares very favourably ~ith t.ha.t of. about ~2,000 per bed ~hich. i . about the average in hospitals \0 Brttam: m makmg the companson It IS to be remembered that the cost of living in Jordan is not far short of that at home and that calculations ~ade on a bed-co. t basis do not take adequate ~ccount of the very can lderable expen e mvolved in the treatment of the immense number of out-patients in Jerusalem. In addition, the Committee very much hopes that our expen es will considerably increase in the years to come as our re earch programme gets under way; th is will, indeed, be money well spent and the opportunities wilt be limited only by the finance available. For these reasons the Committee believes that the time has now come to prepare a new Appeal for further funds . It will be remembered that a limited but yery su ce ful Appeal was made in 1955. The generous resp~nse to thl not only enabled us to build and equip our new ho pital and ItS ancillary re idential buildings but has also served to make good the annual . deficit incurred in ucceeding years. But the hospital is no longer a SImple local charity in Jordan; it will become an essential support .of .our research campaign, a campaign which might well eventually ehmmate the greate t cause of blindness, not only in the Middle East but throughout immen e areas of the world. Much greater issue are therefore at stake, and we are confident that our friends who have helped us a generou ly to start this work will wi h to see it through, and that others from a much wider field will wish to be associated with us. The goal is clear; but the fact are known to very few and a great deal of preliminary work ha to be done before an Appeal can be properly launched. Sir Edwin Chapman-Andrews has volunteered to take charge of this Ap~eal, and the Committee is most grateful to him for offering hi serVIces and for entering upon the task with uch enthusiasm. Nobody c?uld be more suited for this ta k than he, for Sir Edwin has an unnvalled knowledge of the Middle East derived from his career in the Foreign Service and in business. He has already engaged the support





of a small group of di tinguished helpers who will assi ,t him in Lh ' work, and we are confident that they will pres ahead with energy. IS LADlE'


Among the greatest assets of our Ho pital i the interest taken in it b the variou Ladies' Sub-committee . Not only is their value mater' ~ because of the funds they collect: a knowledge of their sympathetic a~~ practical interest doe much to maintain the spirit of our staff i Jerusalem. Moreover, their contributions can properly be used to sUPPln those o~e-hund:ed-and-one amenities which are d ifficult to provide fro~ an offiCial hospltal. budget, but go far to. make a h?spital a happy horne both for the nurSIng staff and the patIents . Chn t~a festivities, for e ample, extra comfort for the nur e . game and WIreless equipment, clothe for the needy, toys for the chIldren- all these come into their pro.vince and. 0e pleasure they provide in J ?rdan mu t be een to be ~elIeve~. ThIS mvalua.ble supplement to medIcal and urgical treatment IS proVIded by CommIttees m London, in Canada, Au tralia and New Zealand, and in more intimate fashion by the Jeru alem Ladies' Subcommittee. To all these we e press our gratitude. LADl E ' Ll E


This Sub-committee in London has been much encouraged by H.R.H. !,he Duchess of Gloucester who has taken a close personal interest in Its work. We are very. grateful to the C?unte s of Scarbrough, D.C.V.O., p.St.J., ~ho has contmued to serve as It chairman de pite considerable mconvemence to herself now that she is no longer re ident in London and for her p~rs?nal efforts in in~e!esting the ~t: John Councils through: out England m .1tS work . In addItIOn to provIdmg running replacements for all th~ be~dlllg and lmen of the .Ho. pI tal and uniforms for the nurses, the contnbutlOns made by the Guild 1ll term of the amenities for the st~ff and the patients, of which we have spoken , is enormous . The CommIttee is sure that the high morale of our staff both British and Jordanian, is due in no ~mall. measure to a knowledge that they are supported so generously m thIS way. To maintain liaison the Linen Guilds ?f t?e three Priories . of the Commonwealth are represented on the GUIld m .London, and II? each of their respective countries their efforts, both In cash and ~ID~, have been increasing each year so t?at they have no.w become Indlspensable to us. The Committee would lIke to express theIr thanks to them through Mrs. Willis-O'Connor Chairman of the Guild in Canada, Lady Fraser President of the Guild in Australia, and Lady Appleton, President of the Guild in New Zealand. THE JERUSALEM LADIES' SUB-COMMITTEE

We are equally grateful to the Jerusalem Ladies' Sub-committee whose are m.anifold. In addition to mending and sewing the Hospital Lmen, conductmg propaganda for the recruitment of Jordanian nurses, ~nd undert~king classes in first aid and home nursing, it provides amenitIe~, entertaInment, lectures and picnics for the blind in Jerusalem and its neIgh?ourho?d. For all these activities so valuable in making the Hospltal .an Integral part of the life of Jerusalem, we are grateful, and our gratItude e~tends particularly to its enthusiastic chairman, Mrs. MacInnes, the WIfe of the Archbishop of Jerusalem, and its indefatigable a~tivities



seaelary.' Mrs . B?ase, the wife of the Warden, both of whom seem to have an IOexhau tlble lore of energy left for thi s in addition to innumerable other re ponsi bilities. In thi s connection we are deli ghted that the Order ha this year made provision for the Hospitaller to award Honorary members badges a~d brooches for service to the Hospital as they may be awa ~ded [or erVlce to the St. John Ambulance A ssociation and Brigade. Aclmg under tlli authority during hi s visit to Jerusalem at Christma -time the Hospitaller wa able to pre ent honorary members' brooches to a number of ladies who have given long ervice to thi Committee. THANK

The Committee wi h~ lo thank all tho e ?rgani ations and private persons who have contnbuted toward~ th~ m a mtenance of the Hospital and the work of research connected WIth It, many of them over a period of years. In the fir l place, it would like to thank the recently formed American So~iety of St. J o.hn fo~ the c?ntributions it has begun to make in provid1I1~ the Ho plta! ~Ith equipment. To the International Eye-bank in Washmgton, and partl ularly to Dr. Harry Kin g, it is extremely grateful for encouragement and help in e tablishing an Eye-bank in Jerusalem, and to C.A.R .E. (Co-operation for American Relief E verywhere) for it cons iderable contribution in ca h and in kind. A c~n:plete Ii t of donat.io~ s to th~ ~o~pjtal is published in this Report. In addItIOn to our apprecl a tlOn to mdividual sub cribers our thanks are particularly due to Iranian Oil Participants Ltd. , the Iraq Petroleum Co. Ltd. , and the Kuwait Oil Co. who have for the eighth year in succession provided . uch a high proportion of the total fund required ; to the Precep~ones o[ the Ma onic Order of Knights Templar and to the Worshipful Company of Clothworker who have maintained their support, and al 0 to the Priorie in the different countries of the Com~onwealth and in Scotland and Wale and the Commandery of Ard In Northern Ireland , who e unfa iling interest in the Ho pital has again been so generously expre ed in terms of contributions. STEWART DUKE-ELDER , Hospitaller.




lL wa a bu y year and a memorable one. The paramount event Was the vi it in March of T.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Duchess of Glouce ter who after a State Vi it to King Hus ein in Amman spent two days in J eru alem, residing in the Warden's hou e at the hospital Fo~ the first time the standard of. the Grand Prior wa to be seen proudly fiymg from the top of the hospltal tower. The Duke, accompanied by the Duchess, made a tour of in pection of the hospital and thereafter received member of the Order and invested new member with the in ignia of their rank. The Lord Prior, Lord WakehursL and the Ho pitaller Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, were in attendance on the Grand Prior throughout his visit. Along with them we were able to welcome the Order's new Secretary, Mr. N. McClintock, who was making his first isit to the hospital. During the year we had the honour of being i ited by no less than three Hospitallers of the Order. Dr. R . T wnley Paton, Hospitaller in the United States was with us for some days in May, not nearly as long as we could have wished. Much of hi time here wa spent as a "busman's holiday", for his high repute and elegant kill at corneal grafting were mercilessly exploited by u. We hope it will not be long before he comes again. In August Sir Kenneth Fraser Hospitaller in Australia, pa id u a visit en route to his home in Brisbane. The Warden wa unfortunately away at the time and so looks forward to Sir Kenneth' next vi it to Britain (via Jerusalem). Our own Hospitaller vi ited the ho pitat twice in the year, and at his second visit in December he and Lady Duke-Elder were here for three weeks. With many administrative matters calling for his attention, and in constant clinical demand, his vi it was not e actly the ideal holiday. Nevertheless it must be recorded that at the Staff dance on Boxing Day Sir Stewart relaxed to the extent of showing our young nur es how to enjoy a dance without a twist. Both he and Lady Duke-Elder did yeoman service as waiters at the Staff dinner and fully earned any com· mendation we might give them as "a married couple'. Among our many visitors during the year we were pleased to receive Professor and Mrs. Barrie Jones from the Institute of Ophthalmology. London. His coming on a fact-finding mission raised hopes that our laboratory would once more become a functioning research unit. Inciden· tally, those who remember the original research laboratory will be interested to hear that it has been converted and extended into four residential flats. The new hospital, of cour e incorporate excellent laboratory accommodation. One visitor whom we were eagerly expecting was prevented by illness from coming to Jerusalem. It had been hoped that Lady Webb-Johnson would be here at Christmas and that the opportunity would be taken to hold a ceremony of dedication of the triptych which she has so generously donated in memory of her husband, the late Lord Webb-John on, former Hospitaller of the Order. Weare very glad to hear that she is making good progress towards a complete recovery, and we hope this means thai her visit has been only postponed and not cancelled.


Maje ty King Hus ein or Jordan opened th Eye-bank in January, 196'. In attendance arc seen Mr. Is a Marogi, Dr. Boase and Dr. Paton.

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loucestcr leaving the hospital.




Dr. Kh. Budeiri, O.B.E., Sub-Warden, returned from leave in England on February 11th, quite recovered, we are plea ed to say, from his operation. Dr. David Darby arrived on first appointment on January 18th. To our regret he was unable to stay for a full year and left on ovember 1st. Dr. Tom Kellie fini hed h is year in ebruary and returned to London for hjgher studie. Many a ad mien marked his going, the general sentiment being "Will ye no come back again?" Dr. Alf Fjordbotten, first holder of the Bunker Fellowship in Corneal Surgery of the International ye-bank, arrived from the United States in May to reJjeve Dr. David Paton and upervise the administration of the Jordan Eye-bank. Parting with David Paton wa a sad occasion for all. He had worked selfle ly and un ea ingly for the hospital and was held in the highest esteem by the taff and patients alike. While we congratulate him on hi appointment at the Wilmer Institute of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, we hope that nostalgia will some day bring him and Janie back to the J eru alem they loved so well. In June we lost Dr. Tim Rank in, who quite understandably decided that the difficulties of educating a family in an alien country indicated a return to Britain. We hear that he has ettled in Perth and wi h him every luck. He was replaced here by Dr. Andrew Rintoul on secondment from the Royal avy for one year. Thu for the econd time ha the avy come to our assistance. It will be re aIled that Surgeon-Captain Dudley Gurd was loaned to u for three ear from 1952 to serve a Warden. ew ground was broken in December when a young lady doctor, Sura El Aish. newly qualified from Damascus, wa taken on as a trainee. In due cour e she will pro eed to Moorfield for the academic side of her ophthalmic training. Of the Nursing j ters, Mi Barbara Elli wa married on May 12th to Mr. Issa Ghatta and after a honeymoon io Ireland returned to Jerusalem and re urn d her dutie at the hospital. Mi s Margaret Vance left in March. and Mr . Mu allam in June. ew appointment were Miss M. Robert in March , Mi E. Wood in May, and Mis M. McMeoami n i 0 June. All of the e en tudent nur e who took the final examination thi year were ucce ful, and were ubsequently awarded their diplomas by the Hospitaller. One of them has gone to the American University Beirut, to do her training in general nur ing: three intend to go to England for the same purpo e. The Jordan Army has absorbed one of the male graduate, a ecood ha gone to the Augu ta Victoria Ho pital for general training. and a third is working in the U.N.R.W.A. clinic. One of our ophthalmic nur e who qualified in 1962 has left to join the Army Nursing Service. It is appropriate to mention here how valuable the cine-projector equi pment (a gift from Canada) has proved itself. The showing of educational, nur jng and entertainment films has greatly widened the scope of ur training syllabus. Recru itment of girls a student nurses is still somewhat of a problem. The most recent entrant compri e five males and three female. This i a matter in which prejudice must be expected to die out very slowly. Dr. Paton demonstrates an eye condition to Hi

Majesty ling Hus ein .


A sligh t general fall in the attendance figure i hown in the quinquennial table. This may in part be accounted for by a period of




political unre t with it attendant curfew re t~ic tion on mov ements, for at such time patie~t cannot reach the. hospital and work. comes to a tandstill. But credit hould also be given. to . tho e ny~ mg orderlies whom we have trained and who now work lil Village climes away from Jerusalem. Not only do they relieve the pressure on the hospital, but by referring to u ca es in the early ta ge of disea e they help can. iderably in aving many eye. In this conne tion it i of intere t that the various Blind School have noted ales ening in the demand for admission for very young children. There wa a light rise in the number of operations, that for senile cataract exceeding the L,OOO mark for the first time. For the. record jt should b~ a id th a t the month of july achieved the fantastic total of 690 operatlOns-more than half the annual total of ten year ago. The lowe t monthly tot al, 290 , wa in February.



Admission Operati ons Theatre c , Io ns Glasses ord ered

Ud~ lIlIl l

Regular meeting were held under the chairman hip of Mrs. MacInnes. Mrs. Haley, formerly Matron of the ho pita!, left Jordan in JUly to everyone's regret, but otherwise membersh ip of the committee remained unchanged. Among its main intere t , the Sewing Guild, with greatly improved attendances, accompli bed much useful work. In recognition of her devoted service to the Guild Mrs . Agnes Albina was inve ted by the Hospitaller with the insignia of a Serving Sister at an informal ceremony in the Warden's house. On the same occa ion the Hospitaller awarded Honorary Members brooches to eight lad ie who have served the Guild for at least three year. The Committee' effort toward Blind Welfare are being increasingly appreciated. Large number from the Blind Schools attended the lecture, informal concert and oci al gathering that were arranged during the year. A picn ic in tbe summer was enjoyed by 150 adults and children, and an even larger number came to the Christmas parties. The courses in First Aid sponsored b y the Committee owe their success entirely to the initiative and indu stry of Mrs. MacInnes. Attended by schoolgirls, member of the Y.W.C.A ., and some of the hospital staff, these courses are deservedly popular and u cessful.

1959 30 ,53R 164. 155 J ,505 3.500 259 1.<103

New Cas es Total Attend a nces








J960 J2 ,903 123,505 1.387 2.022 237 2,409

[) M O R


196 1 36,567 89,949 2.38 1 4.6 10 255 3,658

/962 37, 142 80,448 2,507 5,713 273 4,220


N 63 36. 187 78,300 2.486 5.979 2 89 4. 177


Adl1 (,\(/

Tar ectomy Chalazion

945 1_3

5 14 136



10 1<1

II 48









21 51

'2 7 88


45 84




4 ()








56 '29

97 58



7" I 97

643 83

902 J 19

1.06 1 163









1. 1% 349

RoO 374


Cyste ctomy D.C. R.


\1 I/se/l' \

quin t (i/vh£' & (} rhtf Evisce ra ti o n Enuclea tion



CVll jllll Cl i \ '(/

Pte rygi ul1l


COl'll eo


In the report for last year mention was made of th e official opening of the Eye-bank by H.M. King Hussein. This event occurred on January 16th, 1963, and so properly belongs to this report. The work of the bank has made steady progress during the p ast year. N o t only has the number of corneal grafting operations increased nearly threefold, but it has been possible to supply some preser ved corneas to surgeons in Amman and Beirut. Of the 85 corneal grafts carried out at tbe hospital during the year 43 were penetrating or full thickness grafts, and the remainder of the lamellar type. Research into the preservation of corneas by deep freezing has been started, since work elsewhere has shown this field to be one of promise. An excellent library of colour slides of various eye conditions is being gradually expanded. This shoul.d prove a valuable adjunct in research, teaching, and the field of public relations, particularly among the medical and para-med ical professions. ARTHUR BOASE,


Tatt OOin g Co rneal G ra ft Iris

Opt. Irid ec llHll Y Prolapse



Senile ca taract Discission Glal/colll a

Retilla Detachment








nn, Captain H. T. . tor, Mrs. incent . Beachcroft, Major P. M ., O. B. E. Bilton Mr. E. J. Borron, J. R. E. . . . British R ailway, Southern Region, .J. . la c in a tbourne Browne, Brigadier-General J. G., CM.G ., .B.E., D . . 0 . eThe Burmah Oil C . Ltd .. eCadbury Mr . W. Catt, Colonel P. H . . Codrington, Colonel J . Dalton, Major-General . J . G ., . B., . B.F . eDavi , J. H. . Dickinson , F. E. Doha Ladies Guild . eEngelhard Hano ia Ltd. E sex Cadet, .J. .B. The F. L. Dove Tru t Ferguson, Mr. & Mr . J. . eForestal Indu trie ( .K.) Ltd. Garside, R. R. . . eThe General Electric Co. Ltd. Gillett, Major Sir Harold, M. . Goring Lieutenant-Colonel Gracey, Major T. W. Grantham, W. 1., O.B.E .. Harri Rt. Hon. Lord, M .e. Henderson, Dr. J. A. cHiggin , M. F. Horlick Charitable Tru t . ., Howard de Walden and Seaford, Rl. Hon . Lad _, e.B.E . Ingram, Mi sF. . Iranian Oil Participants Ltd . Iraq Petroleum Co. Ltd. . Keith Roach , P. B. . Leather, Mi s . M ., M.B.E. . . . 'Le Crac des Chevalier' Preceptory of Knight Templ ar, o. 370 London District, S.E. Area, Sol .A .B . . cLuttrell, Mrs. A. A. W. . . Masonic Order of Knights Templar May, Major F., M.B.E ., T.D. . Morrison, Commander E. A ., R. Morrison, . G. McClintock, Miss S . McKee, Sir Cecil. . ottingham 0.6 Corps, S.J .A.B. Onward and Invicta Lodge, o. 2912 Othona Community Parr, A. W.. . . . Patrick, Sir Paul, K.c.1.E. C.S.r. Pearl, Mrs. Warren. Phelps, Brigadier D . V. . . . . Pirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, C.H .C. , O.B .E .. D. Plender, Lady . . . St. John Council for Warwickshire . Shell In'ternational Petroleum Co. Ltd. cSirnpson, Sir Joseph . . cSir William Halcrow and Partners . . Slough Social Fund-In memory of the late Sir oel Mobb Stewart, Miss R. D . cStitcher, B. . . . cVerey, Colonel H. E., D .S.O.

£ 1 1,069 5 1

2 12 2 408 8

s. d. 1 0

12 4 5 0

cWalker, Mi sA. M ., M .B . . cWebb-Jol~l1son, Lady . Wheble, E.. '. . . Williams, Rt. Rev. Bishop A . L. . War hipful ompany of arpenters Worshipful ompany of lothworker ' War hipful mpany of Haberda her Worshipful Company of Spectacle Maker.

0 0 0 3 3

collected at Jeru alem


1 1 0


40 16 4

11 0 10 6 5 4

4 0 10 0 0 0 1 14 4 10 0 0 8 t 12 8 1 I 0 10 10 0



5 5 0 1 1 0 50 0 0 3 8 7

2 2 9 10,000 10,000 1 5 27 7

2 0 10 0 0 0 0 9 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 2 II 470 18 9

1 1 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 I 4 205 0 0 10 9 0 2 2 0 10 0 0

21 1 100 2 3 50 25 816 4 32 100 2

3 17 2

8 7 8 5 0 0 1 1 0 20 0 0 500 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0

I 0

2 12 2 3 3

1 1 0 I 0 0

102 163 4 10 4



0 I 0 2 3 0 0 6 18 13 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0

17 2 10

I 12 8



£24,596 15 935 14

8 8

£25,532 10



5 0


£37 12


£50 RD

(offertory from Church ervice)

"e" indicate that the sub criber has signed a Deed of Co enant , thu enabling the Ho pital to reclaim the relative income ta .

VOlf- The letter


Linen Guild <!f]nirnull1 : THE COUNTESS OF SCARBRO GH, D.C. V.O.


Secretar}? : . C. McCu l TO

year three enormous ca es of clothing were received from the Guild in New Zealand. These ca es were examined in May by Lady Freyberg who came to St. John's Gate e pecially for the purpose with the late Lord Freyberg, V.c., and who elected specimens of the gifts to be shown to Her Royal Highne s. It is recorded in the H05pitaller's report that he himself and Lady Duke-Elder pent Christma at the hospital and joined in the festivities there. As usual the e were financed by the Linen Guilds, and we were glad to receive a first-hand report .them from La.dy Duke-Elder at a meeting hortly afterwards. The Splflt of the hospltal staff has always been excellent and we are very pleased to be able to help in this way. The accounts show that the fund is in a healthy condition despite unusually heavy purchase during the year. But there are many other direction in which we hould like to help if our finances allowed. We are by no mean ati fled with our present scale of effort and we hope that our friend will enable us to undertake more in the years to come.









Chairman . ,E. Q.



At a meeting held on the 26th of March, H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester was kind enough to give the Committee a mo t interesting account of her visit to the hospital from which he had returned only a few days before. Their Royal Highnesses had tuyed for two days with the Warden and Mrs. Boase and had made a thorough in pection of the hospital. They had particularly liked the general impres ion conveyed by the pale pastel colours on the walls and the flooring of marblelike rubbery material; this, combined with the spotle cleanliness of the nurses' uniforms and all the equipment, gave animpres ion of light, quiet and peacefulness. Her Royal Highne was plea ed and inspired by the admirable work the hospital was doing and the great reputation it had in Jordan. It was doing a great deal for British prestige in the Middle East. The Committee met on a number of subsequent occasions during the year and authorised the purchase of linen and other good to meet the requirements of the hospital. In some cases the material only was bought, and the garments were made up in the United Kingdom by parties of voluntary workers; in other cases the manufactured garment was sent direct. I should like to take this opportunity of thanking the Linen Guilds of Canada, Australia and New Zealand who have contributed so generously during the year both with donations and with gifts of clothing and other supplies. In particular we remember the Cadets of New Brunswick who sent us an electric hairdrier which is in constant use by the Jordanian nurses and is especially prized by them. Unusually generous donations have been received from Australia; and early in the








J4 4

cWalker, Mi s A. M., M.B.E. Wat on, Mrs . D. S., O . B. Webb-Johnson, Lady Well, Mis A. C. . Whitaker, Hon. Mr . H . G. Walla ton, Lady



Beachcroft Mrs. J. Beauchamp, ountes Beaufort, Duk e of . . . cBe sborough, Dowager Counte s of eBe semer. Mr. J. G. B. . . . (,Bolitho. Sir Edward, K.B.E .. C.B .. D .. 0 . Brabouroe, Doreen , Lady, c.l. cBridgland. Lady Cad bury, Mr. W. A. Crawford, Mrs. M. cCresswell. Mrs. M. A. B. . Dawson of Penn, Vi counle Dillon , irs. H. cDuke-Elder. Lady . . Ellenborough, Dorothy, Lady French, Lady E ex, O.B.E. cFreyberg, Lady, G.B.E. Gamage, Hon. L a d y . . .. Halifax, Dowager Counte s of, .I., D.C.V.O . Hayes, Mi A. C. G. . . . Howard de Walden and Seaford. Lady, .B.E. . Hue-Williams, Mrs. Roger . . . Isle of Wight Ambulance and Nur ing Cadets. James , Lady Serena " Lady Astor of Hever' Charitable Tru t Lascelles, Mrs. Edward cLaw, Mrs. Frank Lechmere, Mr . C. M. Lindsay, Countess of . cLloyd, Do wager Lady cLoraine, Lady . cLowry-Corry, Lady cLuttrell, Mrs. G. F. Lyle, Mrs. Keith Malcolm, Lady, M.B.E. . . . Milnes-Gaskell, Lady Con tance, C.V.O . unburnholme, Dowager Lady, M.B.E. Overend, Miss L. Perowne, Hon. Lady Pirie-Gordon , Mrs. H. A. Plender, Lady Porritt, Lady . . Rice, Hon . Mrs. Talbot . Scarbrough, Countess of D .C.V .O. Scott, Mrs. C. E. M. Smith , Miss H . M. cSouthwell, Lady. . . . Swaythling, Dowager Lady, O.B.E. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D . Vernon, Mrs. Robert cVickers Mrs. E. M.

25 10 3 3 ] 1 1 1 10

0 0 0 0 0

£J56 7


The letter "c" indicates that the Sub criber has signed a Deed of ovenant, uild to reclaim of the relative income tax . thu enabling the Linen

£ '. d. I 1 0 3 0 0 1 I 0 3 5 4 5 2 11 J 4 6

3 0 0 8 11 5 3 0 0

2 8 1 2 4 I 1 3

2 3 1 0 18 I 1 8

0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7




£ s. d. 15 ]5 0 15 0 0 10 ]0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0

Berk. hire Hampshire Jer ey . orthumberl a nu orner et )U <;. ex




5 5 0

1 1 0 1 1 0 J.A.B .

10 0 5 5 0 I 3 0

1 1 0 10 0 0 10 0

8 1 2 9 6 2 1 I

3 1 0 15

3 0 0 11

10 7

15 4 14 4 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0

I I 0 1 1 1 5

1 1 I 5

0 0 0 0

AU TRALJ Boydell , Mr. M . Gibson, ir. . W. avagc, M [s . R. Traill, Mrs. R.. . Eastern uburbs Ladi 'Linen uild, Strathfleld L a die ' Linen Guild, . .W . Melbourne Ladies' Linen Guild . Ho pitaller' lun . outh u trali d .

fA . s. d.

75 0 1 I

0 0



0 0

244 JO


150 125 50

0 0 0

0 0 0

£ 659 16




Sterling EqUi alent

3 3 0

I I 0 10 0 0 10 0

3 1 1 I 1

1 8 1 1 1 14

0 7 0 0 0 4

CA ADA Linen

uild of


. £"2 19




({SilO/I), I



\rbe (l)rallb !prior}? ill Ube :1I3ritisb lReallll of tbe .roost Wellerable ®rber of tbe 1bospital of St. Jobll of Jerusalem


St. }obn Rlnbuiancc tls50ciation JPa troll : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN

(Sovereign Head of the Order)




(Grand Prior of the Order)

IDlrect r:::Q;eneral : Sm PHILIP SOUTHWELL, C.B.E., M.C.

IDepnt'] IDlrector:::<Belleral LIEUT.-GENERAL SIR ALEXA DER DR UMMO D, K.B.E., C. B., LL.D., F.R.C.S., D .L.O.

:aSSlstallt IDirector:::<Belleral L.


, ESQ., D.S.C.

!prtllClpal ffieOlcal ~fffcer H. C. STEWART, E Q., M.A., M.D., PH.D.

5ecretar}?: LIEUT.-COLONEL

J. E. F.



D. B. R .




B5sociatioll (tol1\mittee


Ubnirman: SIR PHILIP SOUTHWELL, C.B.E. (Director-General)






lRepresenting SUbOr1l11l1He .l£stabllsbments of tbe ~rber: Lieut.-Colonel John R . L. Traherne Priory for Wales P. Alwyn-Smith, Esq., M.B., B.S. . Priory for Wales Colonel B . D. Cotton, O.B.E., T.D. . Commandery of Ards 1R01ll11Hltell b}2

tbe IDlrector:::(1;enernl

Mrs. J. N. C. Alington . Ministry of Education R. L. Bellwood, Esq., T.D. . County Director, Northumberland K. Biden-Steele, Esq., M.D., B.S ., D.P.H., War Department, Civiliall Establishments D.P.M., D.I.H. General Post Office R . J. S. Baker, Esq. . County Director, Sussex R. Breffit, Esq., O.B.E. J. H. Chambers, Esq., M.D., CI-{.B., C.P.H., Ministry of Aviation D.I.H. County Director, Lancashire K. C. Cook, Esq., F.C.A. . . . Matron-in-Chief, and Director of Nllrsing Brigadier Dame Barbara Cozens, D.B.E., Services (Army) R.R.C. P . W. Dill-Russell, Esq. C.B.E., M.R .C.S., Department of Technical Co-operatioll L.R.C.P., F.R.S.H. . The Honourable Lady Gamage Electrical Association for Women Miss M . George, M.B.E. . County Director, Buckinghamshire F. L. Gordon , Esq. . British Railways Board J. Sharp Grant, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S .. County Director, Dorset Brigadier V. F. S. Hawkins, D.S.O., M.C. Ministry of Health M. J. Hewitt, Esq. G. O. Hughes, Esq., M.C., M.B., CH.B., D.P.H. Gas Council Ministry of Labour A. J. S. James, Esq.. . Lieut-General Sir Harold Knott, K.C.B. , Director-General Army Medical Services O.B.E., Q.H.P., M.D., D.P.H., LL.D . British Railways Board H. C. Lang, Esq .. British Railways Board C. S. McLeod, Esq., O.B.E., M.A. Medical Adviser, Trades Union Congress R. Murray, Esq., M.B., CH.B. . . . Director-General, Medical Services, Royal Air Marshal Sir Richard Nelson, K.C.B ., Air Force O.B.E., Q.H.P., M.D. London Transport Board L. G. Norman, Esq., C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P. National Dock Labour Board T . O'Leary, Esq., O.B.E. . of Health Ministry Miss K. Raven Electricity Council R. D. V. Roberts, Esq. . .. Director-General Medical Services, Royal Surgeon Vice-Admiral Sir D. D . SteeleNavy Perkins, K.C.V.O., C.B., Q.H.S., F.R.C.S. British Employers' Confederation D. Taylor, Esq. National Dock Labour Board F. G. Thomas, Esq., M.A. Alex J. Webb, Esq., O.B.E. Vice-Admiral Sir Peveril William-Powlett, County Director, London K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. Police Forces W. N. Wilson, Esq., O.B.E. .

Bl)\1iSol'}? Chief Consultant. Advisers


Sir Arthur Porritt, Bt., K.C.M.G ., K.C.V.O., C.B.E., M.B. , M.CH., F.R.C.S. Professor K. W. Donald, D.S.C., M.A., M.D., D.SC., F.R.C.S. Professor W. Gissane, M.B., CH.M., F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S. Professor T. C. Gray, M.D., F.F.A.R.C.S. Edward G. Muir, Esq., M.S., F.R.C.S.


THE OBJECT of this Foundation i the instruction of persons in First Aid

and kindred subject and I am glad to report an increase in the number of clas es organi ed and held by Centres over the previous year, and an increase in the number of people who obtained First Aid Certificates or passed in re-examination. The appalling increase in the number of accidents on the road and in the home make it imperative, if we are to pur ue our objective, to take what steps we can to improve and encourage education in this sphere by the setting-up of new Centre , which the Association is authorised to establish. A proposal to thi end will, we hope, a sist in this development in the areas of large industrial population in the North Midlands and NorthWest of England. A plan of development, as an experiment, but in no way interfering with the present County Director basis of our organisation, is to take place in the North-West of England. Mr. K. C. Cook, County Director for Lancashire, has been appointed Regional Director to cover the countie of Lanca hire, Cheshire, Westmorland and Cumberland. The plan includes the e tabli hment of many new Centres so as to cover as much of the area a pos ibl . In addition, the A sociation has been studying the de irability of appointing an experienced First Aid Regional Development Officer to work with and to a si t our existing county organisations. The fir t appointment on an experimental basis, win be in the North-We t. It is essential that there hould be the closest co-operation between the Association and the Brigade at a ll level, for the more trained First-Aiders under the aegis of the A ociation there are, the greater the candidate potential for admi ion to the Brigade. The Mini try of Labour by its recent regulations on First Aid, ha created an obEgation for Management in which the A sociation plays an important voluntary part. We welcome on the Association Committee Government repre entative. and, from what I see and hear, it would eern that in our particular phere of welfare work there is no indication of any de ire to depart from the voluntary basis. In this connection I would like to refer to the national employer, the Police, the Railway, lectricity and Gas undertakings, the Po t Office, tbe Mining Indu try, the Dock Labour Board. They have all had experience in Fir t Aid for over half a century and provide a large force of trained Fir t-Aider throughout the country. Many of these help the work of the Association through its County Directors and Centres in their leisure hour and to these I wi h to pay a particular tribute. An important aspect of the A ociation's training activities has been the provision of training aid e pecially in connection with resuscitation. A number of devices were tudied and advice given to the manufacturers. A series of new wall chart were publi hrd and a film strip was made for the Association by the ational Dock Labour Board. In addition to the First Aid in the Home Wall Card which ha proved popular, it ~vas decided to issue a special wall-card covering "First Aid at Sea and In Inland Waters". This was expected to be published early in 1964.


The Association in co-operation with the other Voluntary Aid Societies gave a sistance to the Admiralty in preparing th.ei~· film o~ Emergency Resuscitation. Thi film proved an excellent trallllllg medlUm and the As ociation order d a number of copie which were in constant use on hire throughout the country. Various Association centres in England and Over eas purchased their own copies. Many Centres arranged public showing and pra.ctical demonstrations of Emergency Resu citation. Audience c?vered a wide :ange of or~anisa­ tions and included members of the Medical and N ursmg professlOns. Reports from Centres show expan ion in many areas .. As an example, Croydon on it 10th Anniversary h~d 253 mel~ber mal~~y representing local industry as compared with 68 III 1962. This enterpr~ ll1g Centre has established a mobile lending library to help those who WI h to follow-up their First Aid cour es by further study. It has become a local liaison channel for enquiries and has obtained recognition from the Local Education Authorities. The Post Office Ambulance Centre which celebrated its 60th Anniversary in 1962, continued to expand and added 150 branche to its already large total. An interesting innovat~on \~as a Poster Competition. The Preliminary First Aid Course was given III the Post Office for the first time and its use has been very popular. Many Centres reported a very wide variety of organisations which were helped by the loan of models or by special lectures and displays. A good example is the Rugby Centre which dealt with the Technical College, Rugby School Cadet Corp, the Churche , Mo~hers' Union, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Young Farmers' and Young Wives' Groups. They also helped to man the St. John tent at the Royal Show and 0[ganised a bus for handicapped per ons. Another Centre, Selby, reported that in a special demonstration on Emergency Resuscitation over 1,000 people were taught and, as a result of an appeal, ample funds were provided to allow for the purchase ?f.a Norwegian training model. Harrogate also purcha ed a model and It IS in constant use in schools, hospitals, village halls, factories, offices, shops and youth clubs. It is encouraging that in addition to approaches from industry it has been possible to run courses for school teachers at college of Further Education, Colleges of Technology and Teacher Training Colleges. It has been noticeable how many Centres have been able to interest schools and youth organisations in First Aid. In London the scheme for providing Preliminary First Aid courses in Secondary Schools has been most successful and during 1963, 76 schools had courses giving a total of over 1,200 children trained. Some of the schools come under local Education Authorities besides the London County Council, and the idea is spreading. It is an example of happy co-operation between the St. John Ambulance Association, the Brigade and the school teachers. Besides the development in connection with schools and teac~ing establishments all Centres report close co-operation with Youth Orgallls ations and Youth Clubs. Additional bodies who have had courses or lectures in First Aid are the Bradford Pothole Club, Cave Rescue Organisation, Lifeguards, Nurses Training Schools, Sailing Clubs, Football Referees, the Rural Industries Bureau, Rotary. The Duke of Edinburgh's


Award Scheme als? enc<?urages young people .to take First Aid courses and gives them an lJ1centive to study allied subjects. The Worcester Centre reported that they had been asked by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to give a short intensive course on basic Fir t Aid to forty office worker who travel throughout Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. The Leamington Centre also reported that they held a one-day course for Safety Officers of the Warwickshire Division of the Ministry of Agriculture. Considerable interest was aroused in other counties, a follow-up full course is being arranged so that some of the Safety Officers may obtain First Aid Certificates. It is encouraging to realise that since the Mouth-to-Mouth method of resu citation was introduced some 18 months ago about 400,000 men, women and children have had in truction in this method. In addition there will be large number who will have obtained some general experience in this method through public demon trations. Some Centre gave indications of other forms of service they were able to render which include co-operation with Home and Road Safety Committees, the provision of ir t Aid boxes on the roads or at the sea-side, Medical Equipment Services, "Sitting-in' Services, help for the aged and the provision of e cort to the sea, etc. The A sociation wa reprc ented by Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Drummond 011 a working party formed by the Royal College of Surgeons to prepare for the Convention on Accident Prevention and Life Saving, 1963. At the Convention held during Mayan excellent demonstration of First Aid was given by the apprentice of the Royal Army Medical Corp. In accordance \\lith the practice of the Depot the apprentices take the examination of the St. John Ambulance Association and obtain First Aid Certificates as part of their training. The A sociation received a request from the British Medical Association to consider an increa e in the fees paid to doctor conducting lecture on behalf of the A ociation. The A ociation agreed in principle, subject to similar agreement by the Home Office and the Ministry of Health with regard to Civil Defence and ational Hospital Service Reserve First Aid Courses. A survey of the finances of the ssociation wa carried out and it was decided that in order to meet the ever-increasing gap between expenditure and income the Headquarters fee (to be rede ignated Registration Fee) should be increa ed from 1 . 6d. per candidate to 3s. per candidate. This new scale came into force on 1st September 1963' its effect, therefore, has not yet become fully apparent. It is hoped, however, that it will enable the Association to relieve the Order of a fair part of the burden of the annual subvention, which it pays to maintain Association Headquarters. The Association was asked by the Ministry of Health to co-operate in the training of the g neral public in elementary first aid and nursing so that in case of emergency families would be enabled to care for them elv s and their neighbours until such time as help can be provided from the organised services. It was appreciated that many people have been trained through the Voluntary Aid Societies but for thi purpose simple training of t~e largest possible number of people i essential. Di cus ion continued durmg the year and the help of the Societies was sought in drafting a pamphlet which would be given to students who attend the course. The



courses con ist of nine one-hour se ion, four hour . of ~irst Aid and five hours of Home Nur ing. There would be no CXamll1atlOn at the end of the cour e . F e would be payable to doctor and nur e and also to in tructor and d mon trator . It i e ' pected that thi scheme will come into operation during 1964. The A ociation \ as very glad to welcome Mr. R. F. Herman, the St. John Training Officer for Fiji, who came to ngland with the aid of a British Council bursary. He \Va given a course in all a pect of St. John work' during the summer Mr. D. Aguda, who was to be appointed Headquarters Training Officer for Uganda was given a imilar Course. We are mo t grateful to all those who gave 0 much help in making these visit v orthwhile, e pecially to the Royal Army Med ical Corp who permitted both Mr. Herman and Mr. Aguda to attend the In trLlctors Course at A hvale, covering Fir t Aid and Ca ualty Simulation, the Metropolitan Police, London County Council Fire Brigade, the Post Office, Briti h Railway etc. Reference \ as made in the Report of 1962 to the" Fir t Aid in the Home" Wall Card; by the end of 1963, 104,000 copie had been sold. Interest continued to be maintained in it by 1edical Officer of Health and Local Education Authoritie as well as the general public who saw it at lectures and demonstrations. PUBLICATIO IS

First Aid Manual. It is expected that the new edition will be available not later than the end of 1965. Nursing Manual. The preparation of this book has progressed well and it will be published at the beginning of May 1964, so that it can come into full use in September. Anatomical Atlas. The Atlas was published early in the year and was well received. Among other indications of its value was a request from the Burma Red Cross Society for permission to use it in a Burmese translation. Competition and Casualty Make-up. This book, publi hed during the year under review, has proved to be of assistance to those organising competitions; the new rules were to be introduced at the beginning of 1964. COMPETITIO S

The Working Party formed to examine the question of National First Aid Competitions completed its work during the year and the second edition of the booklet on Competitions was publi hed during 1963. The usual National First Aid Competitions were held during the year. The number of teams comprising younger members was again noted, both in the preliminary and final events. Winning teams of Competitions held under the auspices of the Association were as follows:Competitions for Men: Organisation Police. . . . . . . . . Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority National Coal Board . . . . . War D epartment Ambulance Centre .

Winning Team Exeter City Police Barnstaple R.A.F. Burghfield A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Grimethorpe Colliery C.D.E.E. Porton

British Railways, London Tran port (Railways) and British Transport Docks. . . . . . . British Transport Police. . . . . . . . National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre Gas Industry . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association. . . . . . . . . . General Po t Office Ambulance Centre Fire Brigades . Competitions for Women: Organisation police . Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre . United Kingdom Atomic nergy Authority War Department Centre. . . . . . . . British Railways, London Tran port (Railways) and British Tran port Docks ... Gas Industry . National Road Passenger Tran port Ambulance Association. . . . . . . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre

Newport R. & M. Heysham Grimsby West Midlands Gas Board (Oswestry) Liverpool H.Q. o. 1 Branch County Borough of Wigan Winning Team Metropolitan (No.3 District) Chester Chessington Headquarters A.W.R.E. Aldermaston R.A.R.D.E. Fort Halstead

Hull Scottish Gas Board (Glasgow) Liverpool S.C.D. Morecambe

Tbe winning teams of the e compe~itions, together with the winning teams of the ~t. J ohn Ambul~nce Bngade competitions for the Dewar and Perrott ShIeld, took part 1D the Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions on 21st November at the Porchester Hall. Owing to the indi po ition of Admiral of the Fleet, The Earl Mountbatten of Burma Lord ~rook ki~dly presented the trophie and medallions and gave ap encouragIng and lllformative address to the competitors congratu.latlpg them on the excellence of the competitions. ' Thew1Ol1lng.team were: Men-West Midl~n~s Gas Board (Oswestry); Women-ScottIsh Ga Board (Gla gow). Thl 1 the first occasion since 1955 that the ~wo major trophies have been won by the same organisation ?nd the t tIme that a women's team have gained the trophy two years III succe Ion. The Mayor of Paddington and Executive Officer of the Order were present on the pl~tform, whil t representatives of all the organisations of the teams competlOg were al 0 pre ent. We again ~hank th~ As ociated Briti h Picture Corporation for the excellent staglllg at thl and all other national competitions during the year. We ar~ rno t grateful ~or this ub tantial support. The .contmued co-~peratlOn and help received from the Medical professlOn ~ho act a Judge , a~d the spl~ndid work done by the stewards and ca~u.altles who s.o fr~el~ give of theIr pare time to help us in our competJtl~n. ' are an lllsplratlOn to those concerned with the organisation of competItIOns. hWe bope that. the con:pet!tors enjoyed these competitions and found t em a helpful aId to theIr FIrst Aid training.



C Si~ce the formation of the Centre in Malta in 1907, 10,650 First Aid ~r~dicates have been granted and the figure for 1963 are in accordance WIt the average although they are less than in the previous year. It is

8 reported that there was no response. to the offer of Courses in subjects other than First Aid and Home Nurslllg. In Gibraltar the Centre wa approached by H.M . . Doc~yar~ for the training of Spanish workmen; twen~y of them quall.fied lll. FIrst Aid. There wa a general improvem.ent III the ?um~er of certtficates and award gained a compared ~lth ~962. Flllancl~lly the Government assisted, particularly in connectIOn with boys and gIrl . Cyprus. A committee of the A sociat~on was established i~ Famagusta and aloin Nico ia and both Committee have been taklllg steps to extend the work of the Association into all the rural areas within their districts. During the year two l?ode!s of ~esusci-~nne have been wid~ly used for demonstrations in conjUnctIOn wlth hOW111gS of film on Cardlac Resuscitation. During the year arrangements were made for two Cypriot subjects to attend the Oph~halmic ~o pita!, Jerusalem, for tr~atment. In one case with fund raised 111 Kyrema and m the other case wIth the help of Archbishop Makarios. There wa a most interesting example of the value of first aid training when two men, overcome by fu~es at.t~e bottom of a 60-ft. well were revived by employees of the HellenIc Mmll1g Company who had passed their first. aid examin~tion only ten days befor~. First Aid Classes have been contlllued at vanous chools and gymnasIa throughout the island and at the request of the Education A~thor.iti.es, Home Nursing classes were arranged for tudent~ at the N~rses Tral.n~ng School' the Greek Youth Council asked for help m presentlllg a televlSlon progra~e on accidents in the home, for which demo~strations .w.ere carried out by members of the FaD?-agusta Corps. In SPIt~ ~f poiltlcal troubles classes of instruction contmued and full appreCIatIOn of the value of First Aid was shown by a number of organisations and Government Departments. During the year the position in Ghqna. ~as maintained and int~re~t. in the work of the Association did not dlIDlDlsh, one of the factors limitmg progress was the need for greater resources. We were glad to hear that just before the end of the yea~ ~t was possible .to p~ovide a car for the Organising Secretary and Trammg Office.I. Th.ls. ~Ill make for greater efficiency and enable them to expand their actlvItI.es to .all parts ~f. the country. It was not possible to hold the Annual Flrst. Aid Compe.tltl?ns but it is hoped that these will be h~ld in 1964. Plan eXI.st for o~garusatlOn and special classes during the commg yea~ to cover hY~Iene, child welfare, and hygienic handling of food, as the NatIOnal CounCIl of Ghana Women is taking a keen interest in the activities of the Association. The Nigeria Police reported a successful year with ixty-seven First Aid classes being held. There were also four Lay Instructors' Courses, twentyseven persons passed for the first time, and eleven c~rtificates v:ere renewed. These Lay Lecturers are doing good work m dev~lopI~g. the Association's training activities. The Hon M. A. O. OlarewaJu, MI~s.ter of State for Niger:an Police Affairs visited the Southern PolLce Tralll~ng College and was shown demonstrations in First Aid by the College First Aid Team. The Nigerian Railways report good progress and that the response for new members to join classes was gratifying; apprentices who. e~ter industry are now expected to enrol as members of the Assoclatl~n. During the year a ceremony was held to which members of the pollce

9 and ports authori~y were invit~d,. there were First Aid demonstrations which raised considerable publIc mterest. In Sierra Leone negotiations with the authorities in the industrial area t Willington were completed but the workmen were unwilling to attend ~lasses after closing hour, 4.30 p.m., as a re ult .cl.asses have r:ot been as regular in that area a had been hoped. The Mlllistry of SOCIal \Velfare organi ed a training cour e for Voluntary Lecturers and the St. John Headquarters Officer was invited to giv:e talks and demon~trati~ns on First Aid to the members. Further a senes of lectures on FIrst Aid was given to men who attended the course for Administrative Officers during the months of January and February; t~i was successful and much appreciated. In the same month a talk was gIven to three hundred students of the Bo Government School on the importance of First Aid. The boys were most keen and expres ed a willi~gne?s to be taught Firs.t ~id. . There i a lack of Lay Lecturer III SIerra Leone and thIS IS bemg attended to with particular reference to the Police Force. The work of the A ociation in Kenya has been handicapped by a shortage of Lecturer and development during the year was less than in the past. Everything i being done to give th.e Ass~ciation work greater publicity and to encourage more people to give active support. In order to meet the present situation a major reconstruction of the administration was commenced and it is hoped that this will show improved results in the future. The Sudan Railways continued to organi e First Aid classes during the year and ninety-six candi~ate were exami~ed. Mr .. Nasr A~med, t~e First Aid In trLlctor contmued to keep alIve con lderable mterest m First Aid in the Railway and hi help is much appreciated. In Uganda, 1963 wa a bu y perio~ with numerous clas es b~in.g unde.rtaken in First Aid and Home Nursmg both Adult and Prellmlllary, III various parts of the country help given by Lay Lecturers in making this pos ible wa valuable. In order to ensure that there wa an ample supply of Lay Lecturers a large course wa held at the Police Training School where thirty-two policemen and firemen from all over ganda attended. A further c.our e was held for Police Officer plu orne member of the general publIC. There were numerou call for Association cla es from Government Departments including the Fore try Department Public Works, etc. At the Ministry of Work School in Kampala all trainees were instructed in First Aid including Oral Re uscitation and during the Headquarters Officer's safari, Oral Re uscitation was demonstrated to various depots of the Electricity Board throughout the Territory. It i reported that one of the up-country staff who had been present at the H.Q. Officer's demon tration had in fact t\ 0 weeks later performed it on one of his colleague who had become electrocuted, with the re ult that hi life wa saved. Tbis confirm the value of such imple demon tration . It i intere ting that the men in que tion could not under tand either Engli h or Luganda. This shows how much the people are able to grasp even if they cannot read, speak or fully under tand the language u ed by the In tructor. The work done by Mr. Pilbeam while he was acting a Headquarters Officer in Uganda was invaluable. In Aden the activities of the St. John Ambulance Association were in the main concentrated on the Aden State Police Force, the Federal


National Guard and young people wor~ing under the Duke of Edin. bur h's Award Scheme. Succe sful can~ldate from the two f?r~es men· tion~d were pre en ted with their ~ertrficate by the Commls loner of P r t ecial parade. It was declded to pre ent an open challenge cup toO ~~~~~e f~terest in the Association work. The trophy was subsequently won by the Police. . In Mauritius courses in. ~nstru~tion ,were gIven to members o~ the Police Force and the MUlllclpal Flfe Bngade, there was also a course at the Loreto Convent and the Royal College. . . agam ll1creased as I n C e},I071 the number of certificates and, award S' h I t l' compared with 1962. The Centre was prepann~ a 111 a ese ra~s atlOn of h F t Aid Manual and it was hoped that thIS would be published ~arly fn e 19~J. Copies of the Tamil tran la,tion we~e purchased from In~l~ so that there \ ould now be manu,al, 111 sufficIent l~nguages to faCIlItate further traininO' e pansion. A tra111mg model was gtven ~y Headquarters in London and another model was given by a C<?mpany 111 c,:eylon, They were in steady use and a number of, demonstratlOns were given to large · The year was an encouragmg one and the remark of Mr. J. p, au d lences. , , f H ea lth'm d'lcate d Ob eyesek ere , Par liamentary Secretary of. the , Mml try 0 ' t d b h how much the services of the AssociatlOn were apprecla e y t e Government. In Hong Kong there were further increa es during t~e year, the nun:ber of certllcates and awards issued beiI?-g 4,742. The certlfica~es were gamed by Factory Workers, Teachers, Poitce, Bank Guard" Pnson Staffs ~nd members of the general public. This steady growth 1 most ,encouragmg and shows how the Centre has been able to reach so many dIfferent parts of the community. " Nineteen hundred and sixty-three was an eventful year ~n .Mal~ya WIth the inauguration of Malaysia in October and the ASsoCtatlOn ,m Perak celebrating its Silver Jubilee in July, when H.H, Sulta~ o~ Perak mspected a large parade and opened new extensions to the!'- soclatlOn Headquarters building, In the evening there was a success~ul dmner followed by a dance for over a thousand guests and high officlals, a cheque f?r $4,600.was handed to His Highness. The number of a~ards and certificates ga~ned was 5,030 compared with 3,739 for the prevlO~s year. For the first tIme, an Occupational First Aid Course was orgamsed and twenty members obtained certificates. A refresher course in nursing was al 0 held and twenty-five nurses qualified as Lay Lecturers; further such refresher courses are planned. Regular classes were conducted for Lay Lecturers in Penang Perak Negri Sembilan, Malacca, Kelantan and Sela~gor. This will e~able f~rther courses to be organised for the rural populatIOns. It is reported that one of our members, while on his way to Head· quarters saw the body of a girl being carried away by the current of a swollen ~iver, at personal risk he swam to her and .broyght her unconscious body to the bank. He rendered Oral ResuscltatlOn and she was revived. This is the first time in Malaya tha.t o?e of our members has saved a human life by this method of resuscltatlOn. . In Sabah the Association organised a special recruiting dr~ve an~ FIrSt Aid week activities throughout the. State. l\ppeal for finar:cIal assistan~~ proved successful. This was particularly Important as It enabled} Association to provide funds for the purchase of household goods or


twenty families who .lost evcryth~ng in floods in Tuaran, they were also assisted by a collectlOD of clothmg. In a landslide in Sandakan when two houses were destroyed and seven inhabitan~s killed, a chil~ was rescued a.n d revived by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. After the dl astrous floods m Sandakan further funds were given for the purchase of clothing and supplies for the flood victims. There was a ucce sful competition and teams from Papar, Labuan, Sandakan and Jesselton competed for the First Aid Challenge Cup presented by the Countess of Brecknock. Both cups were won by J esselton teams. In Fiji over 1,385 men, women and children were trained and examined by the Association. There were seven more cla se than in the previous year and there were indications of the developing appreciation of the value of Fir t Aid . Cour es are organised for the Armed Forces, the police, New Zealand Air Force, Fiji Airways, Schools, Colleges, Guides and Scout, and the general pUblic. The South Pacific Game held in Suva were a very great occasion and the knowledge of First Aid and ursing, displayed to the fourteen territories repre ented, received favourable comment from the injured, the officials and the spectators. The resuscitation model toured many areas in Fiji and some 3,800 children, mill workers police and army personnel, teachers, dock workers and villager were taught oral resuscitation. Plan are now being made for the model to go to outlying i lands and remote villages in 1964. Visual aids were introduced more and more at the various Association's classes, and proved very popular. Some of the charts have been translated into the Fijian and Hindi language and talk were given on the local radio. The Order agreed to pre ent to iji a Land Rover to enable the Training Officer to get to more distant parts of the island, it is hoped that this will arrive in Fiji in the early part of 1964. In Bahamas there was little training activity but recruitment has started again with the Police and men are undergoing training in First Aid. There was a demon tration in oral resuscitation and student nurses in the hospital are now taught thi method. Bermuda showed a very considerable increase in the number of First Aid Certificates and awards gained, the grand total being 602 a compared with 375 in the previous year. Activities in British Guiana continued in spite of difficult conditions and the number of certificates and award gained was greater than in the previous year. There were a good num ber of both Adult and Preliminary First Aid and Nur ing cour e and an encouraging number of people took the examination . In Jamaica the South-East Centre reported a very successful and encouraging year with 778 certificates and award being gained as compared with 510 in the previous year. The certificates were presented at public functions by leading members of the community and good support was received on these occasions from press radio and television stations. First Aid Courses were arranged for employees of companies, the response w~s excellent and included employees from a Bauxite Company and an 011 Refinery. As a re ult of the course a cIo ed divi ion of the Brigade wa formed by the Bauxite Company, and there are high hopes of one being formed at the refinery. Jamaica North-East were very successful in their fund-raising activities and organised public presentations of certificates in



vanou part of the district. The C~ntre has been able to. repl~nish its hurrican tore, they hoped to receIve mor.e regular dona~lOns 111 order to continue to e pand their work, as at the time of the hurncane, work is often hampered by road bei~1g blocked, it. is very impor~ant to ensure that there are Fir t Aid worker 111 a many village as po Ible. The Police Centre continued the training of it own personnel but also helped outsid by arranging lecture for a cl.a . of secondary and primary school teacher in mouth-to-mouth resu cltatlOn. Throughout the year training continued for Lay Lecturer in Oral Resu citation. The model Resusci-Anne was u ed both at Headquarters and throughout the island. The fiaure for the year howed an increase of more than 200 certificates and a~ard compared with the previous year. The Jamaican Prison Department organi ed their Fir t Aid course and Lay Lecturers from the prisons as i ted with training for other centres. an~ of!~anis~tions. An encouraging number of members took re-eXam1l1atlOn 111 FIrst Aid. In Grenada circulars were sent to many people throughout the island who were con idered to be likely to be candidates for membership and the Chairman of the As ociation at the invitation of the Principal of Presentation College addressed the audience on the occa ion of the Annual Speech Day of the College. The response 0 far has been fair but more is hoped for. In St. Vincent training continued and five candidates received their certificate after pas ing the Lay Lecturers examination. This will greatly help the expan ion of training in the future. In Trinidad and Tobago the po ition wa able to be maintained and a good number of First Aid certificate were gained through the year. A special item of interest wa the number of candidates who took reexamination in Advanced Nursing. Lay Lecturers have had another good year of training. Classes were organi ed at a Boy' Indu trial School and a Mothers' Club took a course in Home ur ing. As a re ult of training received from the Association, Divi ions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade were formed in the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission and also in the Prisons Department. TRA SLATlO S

The Royal National Institute for the Blind has published a translation of the Association's Preliminary Manual of Home ursing. They have also prepared a translation of the Preliminary Manual of Child Care. This has not yet been published but will appear if there are sufficient orders. We much appreciate the co-operation of the Royal National Institute of the Blind in this matter. Wark has proceeded on the Sinhalese translation of the First Aid Manual and blocks were lent to the Centre by the Stores Department. Publication is expected early in 1964. A Zulu translation was duplicated at Pietermaritzburg for local use. A translation of the First Aid Manual was prepared in Malay and it is hoped it will be published in 1964. APPOI TME TS

Dr. J. S. McLintock, Deputy Principal Medical Officer, resigned his office in October 1963. In this capacity he gave valuable service to the Association and carried a considerable burden during the illness .of White Knox but regretted his inability to take over the post of Pnnclpal Medical Officer. We appreciated his help, not only on day-to-day routille


work, b~t also his sound advice and his assistance in the preparation of publicatIOns. . I am glad to report the .appomtment as Principal Medical Officer of Dr. H. C. Stewart, Reader III Pharmacology in the University of London and !lead of the Department of Ph~rIl!-acology at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School. D!". ~tewart was DistrIct Surgeon to No. 1 (Prince of Wales) London Dlstnct,. St. John Ambulance Brigade from 1951 till Decem~er 1963, and bnngs to our Foundation a wide experience of First Ald. Everyone !n .the Associ~tion app~eciates the time given by members of the A~socratlOn Committee. TheIr .advice an? assistance in dealing with particular problems through speCially apPoll1ted sub-committees is of great val ue. We were grieved to hear of the death of Mr. F. J. C. Honey who had for some years represented the British Employers Confederation on the Committee. We have. the a s.istance of the following new members: Dr. R. Murray, Medical Advl er to the Trades Union Congress; Mr. D. Taylor, wl?-o ucceeded Mr. Honey and had previously been a member of the Committee when he was with the Mini try of Labour; Mr. R. J. S. Baker, who ucceeded Mr. J. W. Nutt as a representative of the General Post Office; and Mr. W. . Wil on, Chief Constable of Portsmouth who succeeded Mr. R owsell, Chief Con table of Brighton. ' The Surgeon-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade was appointed an ex officio member of the Committee. It is with plea ure that I report the appointment of nine County Directors, four of whom fill vacancies:Mr. M. Williams Berkshire Commander E. A. Morri on Hampshire Mr. H. H. Daw on Suffolk Mr. R . Breffit, O.B.E. Sussex .The following are new appointments, there being no previous County Directors :Dr. W. R. Cambridge M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Guernsey Mr. H. 1. Harri Herefordshire Dr. D. A. Ireland, M .A., B.M., B.Ch. Shropshire Dr. B. Reffold Hull & East Riding Mr. J. Hughes North Riding of Yorkshire County Directors p~ay such an. important part in our organisation, I shoul~ lIk~ to t~ke ~hl opportumty of thanking them for all they have done Il1 stimulating ll1tere t in our work. We are particularly grateful to Sir Harrv Sinder on who has retired as County Director for Su ex after holding that office for ten years, especially for the uccessfu~ development of our work in the County; and to Brigadier C. E. A. Brownlllg who had to relingui h the office of County Director f?r Devon on the ground .of ill-health, after holding the appointment for ght years . Group Captal? .. L. Heat?, O.B.E., County Director for ondon, ~a . returned to live In Au tra11a, and we much appreciate the work he dId III a most important field.



The ~ssociation i grateful to those who did so much durin a the year to pro VI de tramlllg .. b cour es and to stimulate a demand for First Aid.


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No. of Classes January .............. February .............. M arch ................ April ................ May ................ . . June ............ .. .... July . . ................ August .............. September .. .......... October .............. November ..... . ...... D ecember .... .. ...... TOTALS ............

I F.A.

487 2,698 512 2,209 1,045 ' 4,701 1,037 4,072 3,407 966 539 2,325 614 2,099 153 963 236 844 335 927 691 3, 154 1,200 6,737





Number of Candidates successful in P .F .A .

Occ. F.A.

561 740 1,627 1,715 1,486 1, 113 2,022 371 403 543 998 2,060




11 8 11 41 23 27





Lay Dem .

288 142 358 305 507 324 236 70 152 183 382 272

8 27 60 J08 36 22 10 21 20 68 6 J1



P .R .N.

H yg.

188 190 613 844 613 355 503 103 141 227 391 798

44 245 414 412 381 356 523 63 122 152 297 701

J4 7




P . H yg. H .F.H . 1 C.H.F.



33 104 33 50 53 27 85 29 92 59 140 151













11 17

12 19 J5







15 -


P .C.W ·I

13 12




10 87 139 359 204 93 271 28 44 71 89 321

30 68 6 85 6 23 1 29 16



Total P assed 3,857 3,793 7,972 7,932 6,836 4,644 5,880 1,654 1,841 2,254 5,543 11 ,067

Total Failed



---1--240 3,500 4 ,062 203 7,822 521 7,396 579 466 5,931 2,134 365 1, 133 383 413 105 109 1\ 303 110 1,889 440 3,950 812 I 5.946


--- --- ---


--82 66 124 108 100 35 31 1 39 77 107 172


1,7 J6

63 ,273



8 15 31 53

39 110 130 128 214 76 181 26 70 108 156 225

2.346 2,589 5,194 5.581 4,486 2.99 1 4.666 7'25 J.156 1.972 4.559 7,86 1

159 191 382 440 347 198 443 46 78 123 359 611

1.366 1.323 1,568 2,485 J,886 854 446 125 112 749 1.73 1 2,982

47 55 46 73 59 27 14 1 8 10 44 71





3,377 1 16.627


46 -

289 - -- --

- - - -_

.. -


" B" THROUGH BRANCHeS January . . .......... .. February .............. March ....... . .. ... ... April ................ May .................. June ...... . .. . ........ Jul y .. .... . .. .. ....... August ..... ......... September ............ October .............. November .. .... ... .. . D ecember ............ TOTALS TOTAL 1963 TOTAL 1962


... .. ..... ....... ...

276 300 558 589 530 352 505 118 156 255 505 83 1

--4,975 12,790

1,63 7 1,582 2,909 2,937 1,793 1, 195 1,680 234 50 1 773 2,486 4.126

357 498 1,263 1,382 1,267 873 1,682 249 384 495 734 1,648





12,752 1/ 57,352 /22,667 /







151 22 205 384 157 169 J32 49 9 62 455 476 2,27 1

33 J5



6 20 92 III 60 94 J 13 40 18 81 78 90





30 24 25

32 65 192 424 561 265 377 54 11 3 157 325 470

71 271 354 199 348 273 424 63 J53 226 229 710




3 27


20 10










25 -


6 11 -

16 21 -




41 23






J9 14 12 25 44













5,8 19










___ 1-

--- --- -----








7,819 1 6O ,5J5





APP NDIX II TOTALS OF CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION OVERSEAS THROUGH CENTRES AND BRANCHES Aden Bermuda Briti h Guiana Briti h Hondura British irgin I land British West Indies: Bahamas. Barbados. Jamaica: orth East North We t . South East South West. Police Prison Lee,,: ard I land Trinidad and Tobago Wind\vard I lands: Dominica Grenada . St. Kitts . St. Lucia St. Vincent Ceylon. Cyprus. East Africa: Kenya. Tanganyika Uganda Zanzibar Fiji Gibraltar Gilbert and Ellice Islands Hong Kong Malaya, Federation of Malta and Gozo Mauritius Sabah Seychelles Singapore Sudan West Africa: Ghana igeria: Coal Corporation Police Force Railways Ports Authority Sierra Leone: Police Force Prison Service Railways

177 582 286 63 13

192 115 47 485 21 238 21 29 833 71 24 39 7 2,619 826


oV) t"')

-t V)



U (:)



2,577 411 1,103 88 869 144 3,081 3,950 284 20 179 38 2,404 102


-0 .-t c r- 0 Cd~ N


~:lO W





r- I.D - 0- I.D 0"\ -. 0\ V)









0 0





49 1,802 402 106 105 17 25,143

THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE ORDER Priory in Southern Africa 8,185 Priory in Australia . . . . . 34,858 Commandery in Western Australia. 3,165 Priory in Canada . . 135,000 Priory in New Zealand. . . 8,947 Commandery in Central Africa. 1,773 India. . 199,755 Pakistan . 7,582








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>-< .8











r- oo V)








0 N M \0 I.D I.D I.D 0"\ 0\ 0\ 0"\




0 r-







- -







police National First Aid Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porche ter Hall, London, on 27th February. Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by The Earl Jellicoe (Mini ter of State, Home Office). The Judges were:Dr. J. A. Hanraty . Team Test Dr. J. P. Bush Dual Practical Tests and they placed the team in the following order:-

~ N 0 0\ 00 ~ C"'l 0 00 0 <n ~ rN C"'l C"'l <n 00 r- \0 \0 r- r- 0\ \0 \0 <n <n ~ \0 -ro r-~ \0 <1)-






Exeter City Police .

Marks Obtained


2. West Sus ex Constabulary 'B'. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


~~ $

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;g ~ ~. b~ ~~

~ \O~ <n~ \O~ <n~ <n~ <n~ \O~ <n~ <n






Edinburgh ity Police No.1. . . orthumbcrland County Constabulary Metropolitan Police CP' Division) Bradford ity Police 'A' . Walsall Borough Police Cambridge ity Police . . . . Wallasey ounty Borough Police. . . . . . armarthen hire and ardiganshire Constabulary . Royal Ulster onstabulary . .. Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOME Metropolitan Police o. 3 . Bradford City Police . . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

319 295t 288t 280 276 2641 260 24Jt 239t 220t 208 Marks Obtained

299 273

Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porche ter Hall London on 27th March. Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophies and plaq ues were presented by Mr. Percy Brigg (Member, The Electricity Council). The Judge were:Dr. Roger We t . Men s Team Test Dr. J. H. Chamber Women's Team Te t Dr. Deni Dooley and Dr. C. H. B. Lawfield Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:ME


N C"'l ~ <n \0 <n \0 r- oo 0\ 0 ~ <n <n <n <n <n <n <n ~ ~ ~ V

•• 0\

~~O -




...... ...... 0\ ...... 0\













....... 0l C"l r- oo 0\ 0 <n <n <n \0 \0 \0\0 0'1


...... ...... 0\


0\ 0\ 0\

...... ....... ......

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Marks Obtained South Western (Barnstaple) Southern (Salisbury) . . South a tern (Brighton) . London (Battersea) . . . . . Merseyside & orth Wales (Chester/ East Midlands (Kettering) . North Western (preston) . North Eastern (Stell, orth) South Wales (Brecon) .




347 3J6 308 302 297 297 291 257 254



10. 11. 12.

Midland (tourport) . York hire (Mexborough) Eastern ( orthmet). . . k' ob' tat:nab·le·. '400' Maximum mar '

Marks Obtained 243 243

. 219

8. 9. 10.

Merseyside & North Wales ~Chester) orth Western (Manche Ler . . South Ea tern (Crawley) . East Midlands (Kettering) . Midland (Birmingham) Eastern (South D nes) . South Western (Bristol) Yorkshire ( heffield) orth Ea tern (Tyne). . South Wale (Cardiff). . . b' : b'l '400' Maximum marks 0 tama e:

Marks Obtained 330 317 315

312 283 277

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Grimethorpe Colliery Bilston Glen Colliery Betteshanger Colliery Crookhall Colliery . Cynheidre Colliery . Mossfield Colliery . Rising Sun Colliery. Whitwock Colliery. Wood Colliery. . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 600


257 211

Marks Obtained 514t 4861-

Aldermaston C.D . . WindscaJe . . . Harwell Fire Service Winfrith Fire ervice . . . Harwell hemical 'ngineering Woolwich Common Risley . . ....... . Maximum mark obtainable: 400 WOMEN

Marks Obtained 326t 304 276 256 236

229 227

Marks 1. 2. 3.

Alderma ton Risley . Winfrith.







. . . .

Obtained 349 . 268 . 259

Maximum marks obtainable: 400

273 267

National Coal Board Competition for Arfiners \Va held in .the Wi~ter Gardens Blackpool on 27th April. Dr. J: M. Rogan (Chicf Medical Officer) presided and the trophies and pnze were pre ented by Mr. W. J. P. Webber (Member, National Coal Board). The Judge were:Team Te t Dr. D. N. Rocyn-Jones . Dr. G. H. Hardie and Individual Tests Dr. A. F. Oakley . Oral Tests Dr. G. C. Edwards and they placed the teams in the following order:1.

J. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and Women were held at St. Christopher Hou e, London, on 16th May. Mr. D. C. Maclean (Deputy Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Mr. Neil Marten, M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Aviation). The Judge were: Dr. J. Stuart Horner Team Test Dual Practical Tests Dr. W. . White ide and they placed the team in the following order:MEN

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

R.O.F. Burghfield ( ) R.O.F. Cardiff. . R.O.F. Burghfield (B) R.R.E. Per hore . Tiree Aerodrome . . tornoway Aerodrome . . . . . . . . aximum marks obtainable: 400

Marks Obtained 296

280 270

236 218








436-1 420

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Competitions for Men and Women were held at Winfrith, Dorset, on 9th May. Mr. D. W. Fry (Director, A.E.E.) presided and the trophies and plaque were presented by Lt.-General Sir Alexander Drummond (Deputy Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association). The Judges were:Dr. E. J. Gordon Wallace . , Team Test Dr. H. C. Williamson Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-

1. 2. 3. 4.

Chessington H.Q. . R.P.E. We tcott. . D. .G.3 Liverpool. Prestwick irport . . . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Obtained 303 293 270


British Railll'ays, London Transport (Railways) and British Transport Docks Competitions for Afen and Women were held in the Central Hall London, on 7th June. Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) presided and the trophie and plaques were presented by Mr. A. H. Dunbar (Member, British Railways Board). The Judges were, [or Men's teams:Dr. K. A. Boughton-Thomas. Team Test Dr. W. A. S. Llewellyn and Dr. Angus M. Tait Individual and Oral Tests


22 The Judge were: Dr. P. J. Roylance Dr. H. L. Sparrow

For the Women' team :Dr. W. F. Hall Team Te t Dr. A. E era rd and Dr. A . C nn Individual and Oral Te t and th y placed th team in th ~ 11m ing order:-

Team Te t Dual Practical Te t

and they placed the team in the following order:M



Mark · Obtailled I.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.


to. t1. t2. 13.

We t rn (Ne\ porl R. eM.) . . London Midland (Dublin o. 3) . Southern (Lancing) . . . We t ro (Bri tol D . . 0 .) . . . . . orth Ea tern (Darlington orth Road . ~ ') Ea tern (Parke ton Quay) . Ea tern (Great Yarmouth) . . outhern ( outhampton Dock) . Lond n Tran port (Manor Road) cotti h (Perth). . . . . . orth Ea tern (York C. & W. o. 1) . . . London Midland (Horwich Machine hop 'B') . Scotti h (Que n Street) . . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOM

312t 307 298 288 285 283

orth Ea tern (Hull D.O.) Eastern (Li erpool Street) . Scotti h (Gla gow' '). . . . . . . . London Midland (Birmingham, Lawley treet). London Tran port (Baker Street) . We tern ( windon 'A'). Southern (Dorking 'A') . . . . . . . Ma imum marks obtainable: 400


262 250 222


295 290t 285t 284 278t 260+ 258+



London Midland (Heysham) Eastern (parkes ton Quay) . North Eastern ( ewcastle) Western (paddington) . Southern (Waterloo) . . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

.D . .E. Porton . M. . . . hri tchurch R.O .F. Gla coed () . . . W .D. on labulary, Woolwich R.O.F. Birlley ( ) . . . . .E.P.O. 0 eragc, cltham . M aximum mark obtainable: 400

302 288 274 253 246


BrUish Transport Police Competitions were held in the Central Hall, London, on 7th June. Sir Philip South\ ell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaques were pre ented by Mr. A. H. Dunbar (Member, Briti h Raih ay Board). The Judges were:Team Te t Dr. W. F. Hall Dr. A. Everard and lndividual and Oral Te t Dr. A. Conn and they placed the teams in the following order:1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

4. 5. 6.

274 273t


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. 2. 3.

Obtained 316

304t 267 263+ 245 242


".JarAs J. 2. 3. 4.

aliol/al Dock Labour Workers \Va held at th The Rt. Hon. The Lord Board and Pre ident of and plag ue .

303 272

269 246

Board Ambulance Centre Competition for Dock Queen Mary College, London on 13th July. rook (Chairman of the ational Dock Labour th C ntre) pre ided and pre ented the trophy

The J lIdge \\ ere:Dr. J. tllart H mer Dr. P. J. Ro lance and Dr. . H. Jon

Team Te t Individual Te t

and they place the team 1n the following order:"vial'A.:, Obtailled I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

War Department Ambulance Centre Competitions for Men and. Won?~/1 were held at St. Christopher House, London, on 27th June. Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) presided and the trophies and plaques were presented by Major-General A. N. T. Menece (Commandant and Director of Studies, Royal Army Medical College).

R . . R.D . . .r rt Hal lead P.L. . . hoeburync . R.O.. In c d . . R.O . . Rndway Green . Ma imum marks obtainable: 400


11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Grim by . . Southampton Middle brough' , Barry' ... Liverpool Dock D1VI ion. Grangcmouth' , . London Upper Pool' M anchester . ewca tie 'B' . . . . London Surrey Dock ' B'. Avonmouth 'B' . Grangemouth' , Ayr hire. Goole 'A' Barry 'B' Ma imum mark obtainable: 400


299297 2 9 2 0 26 t 261 255

248 240 230 223}

221 _09 1 9t



Gas Industry Competitions/or Men and Women were held at the Friend's Hou e, London, on 26th September. Mr. D. C. Maclean (Deputy DirectorGeneral) pr ided .and the trophie ~nd plaques were p~e ented by Sir Henry Jone (Ch:llrman, Gas Councll). Mr. Sydney SmIth (Chairman Scotti h Ga Board) presented a new Silver Challeng Cup for the Mel1'~ Champion hip Trophy. Till v a received by Sir Gerald Cr a y (Almoner Order of st. John). ' The Judge \ ere:. Men's Team Test Dr. Charle Sharp. Women's Team Test Dr. Monica Latto . Dr. Deni Dooley and Dual Practical Te t Dr. C. H. B. Lawfield


ME Marks Obtained

West Midlands Gas Board orth We tern Gas Board orth Eastern Gas Board . South Eastern Gas Board . Scotti h Ga Board. . South Western Ga Board . Southern Ga Board . . orth Thames Gas Board . orthern Gas Board . Eastern Ga Board. Wales Gas Board . . . East Midlands Gas Board. . . . . . . M<L"Ximum mark obtainable: 400 WOME

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Scottish Gas Board. Southern Gas Board . . orth Eastern Gas Board. West Midlands Gas Board orthern Gas Board . North Western Gas Board South Western Gas Board . East Midlands Gas Board. . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

I. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

330 316 314

306 301

270 267 260

Marks Obtained 353 320 301

297 292

286 285


National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association. Competitions for Men and Women were held in St. George's Hall, Liverpool. Mr. W. M. Hall (General Manager, Liverpool Corporation Passenger Tran port and President of the Association) presided and the trophie and plaques were presented by Mr. K. Clifford Cook (County Director for County Palatine of Lancaster, St. John Ambulance Association). The Judges were:. Men's Team Test Dr. G. O. Hugbes. Women's Team Test Dr. J. G. Cameron . Dr. W. A. S. Llewellyn and Dr. Bryan Jones . Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:-

3021 295 287 264 259 254

Marks J. 3. 4. 5.

366 362 334 332

Liverpool orporation Transport London Tran port . . . . . dinburgh Corporation Transport Preston Corporation Tran port Plymouth City Transport . Leicester ity ran port . Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN


and they placed the teams in the follo\ ing order:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Marks Obtained

Liverpool orporalion Tran port London Transport . . . ardifT Corporation Tran port Preston Corporation Transport . Glasgow orporation Tran port . Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Obtained 301

282 241 214


Fire Brigades Competitions were held in the Playhouse Theatre, Hulme, Manchester, on ] 7th October. Mr. K. N. Hoare (Chief Fire Officer City o~ Ma.n.chester) pre ide.d and the trophy and plaques were present~d by Sir Philip outhwell (Director-General, St. John Ambulance Association). The Judge were:Dr. G. O. Hughe Team Test Dr. ]. R. Bowker Dual Practical Tests and they placed the teams in the following order:darks J. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

~igan County Borough . CIty and ounty of Bri tol . . reat Yarmouth ounty Borough Kent . . ... . Derby County Borough City of Birmingham . Maximum marks obtainable: 400


293t 290} 289 28# 255t 247t

General f!ost Office Ambulance Centre Competitions/or Men and Women were held 10 the P~rche ter Hall, London on 31st October. Mr. D. C. ~~~lean (Deputy DIrector-General) presided and the trophie and plaque pre ented by Mr. Ray Mawby M.P. (Her Majesty's Assistant Postmaster-General). The Judges \ ere for th Men' team Dr. P. J. Roylance Team Test Dr. H. Taylor . Dual Practical Tests

For the Women' teams:Dr. Gordon Gillies Team Te t Dual Practical Tests Dr. H. C. Williamson . . and they placed the teams in the following order:-

27 MEN

Marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

H.Q. Group' '(H.Q. o. 1 Branch, P.O. .C.) Northern Ireland (Belfast T.A.) London TeleconUllunication ( a t Area) orth We tern (Lanca ter P.O.A. .) H.Q. Group 'B' (Factorie Dept., Birmingham) a ing (S . . D. London). . . London Po tal (South Eastern D.O.) Midland (Birmingham P.O.A.C.) Scotland (Edinburgh P.O.A.C.) . . . . . Wale and Border Countie (Swansea P.O.A.C.) South We tern (plymouth P.O .) Home Countie (Canterbury T.M.O.) orth Eastern (Sheffield T.M.O.). Maximum marks obtainable: 400 WOMEN

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Saving (S.C.D. Morecambe) . North Western (Liverpool T.A.) South Western (Bristol T.M.O.) H.Q. Group 'A' (H.Q. No.1 Branch P.O.A.C.) London Telecommunications ( orth Area) . orthern Ireland (Belfast T.A.) Midland (Birmingham P.O.A.C.) . H.Q. Group 'B' (Factorie Dept., Birmingham) North Eastern (Halifax H.P.O .) Wales and Border Counties (Chester P.O.A.C.) External Telecommunication (Cable and Wireless) Scotland (Dundee P.O.A.C.) Home Counties (Worthing H.P.O.) Maximum marks obtainable: 400

Obtained 311t 297 295 287 284 282 278t 271 266 262 261 240 182

Marks Obtained 351 339 337 323 318 306 304 301t 292 288t 28lt 251 230

in the Porche ter Hall, London, on 21 t November. Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) presided and the trophie and medallion were presented by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Crook. The Judges were, for the Men's teams: Team Test Dr. J. C. Graham. Dual Practical Tests Dr. T. C. Taylor . For the Women's teams:Team Test Dr. J. Munro Sherriff Dr. J. A. Hanraty Dual Practical Te t and they placed the teams in the following order:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

N a t'l~)Oa1 R oa d P assenger Transport Ambulance Association


~ation~l Dock Labour Board Ambulance


10. 11. 12.










entre (Gri'ms by) FIre BrIgades (County Borough of Wigan). . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre (H .Q . o. 1 Branch' P.O.A.C.). . . . . . . ' United Kingdom Atomic Energy Author'ity (A.W.R.E.· Alder~ maston) . . . . . . . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Ce~tr~ (R.O .-F. Burghfi~ldj Maximum marks obtainable: 400

245 238 224 213 208 186

WOME Marks Obtained 1. G ~s .I n d ustry (S. c~ttlsh Gas Board, Glasgow) . . . . . 325 2. MJI?lstry of AVla~lOn Ambulance Centre (Chessington H.Q.). 321 3. Police (MetropoiJtan No.3) . . . . . . . . . 320 1 4. War Department Ambulance Centre (R.A.R.D.E. Fort Hal~ 2 stead) . . . . . . . . 31St 5. Ele~tricit~ Supply Amb!llance Centre' (Chester) : . . . . 31 t 6. United Kmgdom AtomiC Energy Authority ( .W.R.E. AId _ 1 maston) . . . . . . . er 7. St.. Brigade (Hartlepoois ur 8. BntJ h RaIlways, London Transport (Railway) & British Transport Docks (Hull) . . . . . . . . 301t 9. Gen.eral Po t Office Ambula nce Centre ( .C.D. More~a~bej 294 10. atl~)Oal Road Passenger Transport mbulance Association (Liverpool) . . . . . . 287 Maximum marks obtainable: 400


The Grand Prior's Trophy Competitions for Men and WOI?1.en were held



Marks Obtained

Marks Obtained Gas Industry (West Midlands Gas Board, Oswestry) . . . 299 Police and St. John Ambulance Brigade (Exeter City Police). 276 British Railways, London Transport (Railways, and British Transport Docks ( ewport R. & M.) . . . . 271 Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre (Barnstaple) . 269 British Transport Police (Heysham). . . . . , 255 War Department Ambulance Centre (C.D.E.E. Porton) 252 National Coal Board Miners' Competition (Grimethorpe Colliery) 246

~ohn A~buJance

ing'Di~isi~n): ~6~t

ASSOCIATION COUNTY DIRECTORS (Corrected up to 31st July, 1964) M. Williams, Esq., Lukers, 47, High Street, Theale, Reading, Berks. F. L. Gordon, Esq., Shenstone House, Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks. K. C. Cook, Esq., F.C.A., 87, Lord Street, Liverpool 2.





The Viscount Scarsdale, Kedlesto n Hall, Kedleston, Derbyshire. Squadron-Leader W. H. Scorer, St. John House, Goldsmith Street, Exeter. Brigadier V. F. S. Hawkins, D.S.O., M.C., "Athelieaze," Athelhampton, Dorchester. Dr. D. 1. Acres, Pendley Hou e, London Road , Gl. Tarpots, South Benfleet. Brigadier H. J. Lewis, C.B.E., Hillary Cottage, Wyck Rissington, Bourton-on-the-Water. Dr. W. R. Cambridge, 31 High Street, Guernsey, Channel Islands. Commander E. A. Morrison, R.N., Old Bridge House, Dogmersfield, Hampshire. H. J . Harris, E q., B.E.M., 38, Underhill Road, Tupsley, Hereford. K. C. Cook, Esq., F.C.A., Sl. John Headquarters, 15/ 17, Mount Street, Preston. Vice-Admiral Sir Peveril William-Powlett, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., 10 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I. R. L. Bellwood, sq., T.D., 42, Mosley Street, ewcastle-upon-Tyne 1. Colonel A. V. G. Dower, T.O., D.L., M.F.H., ewington House, Warborough, Oxford. Dr. D. A. Ireland, M.A., B.M., B.CR., Council House Court, Shrewsbury. Lieul.-General Sir Brian Kimmins, K.B.E., Rodwell House, West Lambrook, South Petherton. H. H. Dawson, Esq., Hill Hou e, Bucklesham, Ipswich, Suffolk. Dr. Caleb P. Wallace, B.A., M.B., B.CH., "Whitecroft," West Clandon, Surrey. R . Breffit, sq., O.B.E., Mailing House, Lewes, Su sex. Brigadier R. . Phayre, D . . 0., U.A.A., H.Q., 25, High Street, Warwick.



J. . Willison, E q., hief Con table, Hindlip Hall, Worcester. Dr. Bryan RefTold, "Parkholme," Lelley, Preston, Hull. G. E. cott, E q ., C.B.E., Chief Constable, We t Riding Con tabulary, P.O. Box 9, Wakefield, Yorks. J. Hughes, Esq.," a tgate " The Grove, Marton-in-C1eveland, Yorkshire. ORTH-"" T REGIO Director: K. C. Cook, q., F.C . . , 87, Lord Street, Liverpool 2. A JST... T DIRECTOR H. Watson, E q., F.C."-., The Chlcf Con table's Office, 142, Foregate Street, Chester. J. . McKay, sq., M.A., Central Police Office, Soulh Street, Manchester. Maj r . J. Harvey, The hier onstable's Onlce, Birkenhead. R. R. Bibby, E q., The Chief Con table' Office, Blackburn.

w. J I. Linaker, sq., c/o ounty Police Headquarters, Hutton, Nr. Preston, Lancashire. T. H. Thomason, E q., J . P ., 180, Breck Road, Poullon-le-Fylde, Lancashire. F.

-. "'\iV'illi :.Hilson " Esq ... "r h c

hier ConstabJc~s C>ITicc~ C,arlcLon TTaIl ~ PcnrjU,.

Classes in the areas of Centres marked with an asterisk are arranged in direct communication with I'feadquarters as Detached Classes.

CENTRES O F THE ASSOCIATION (Corrected up to 31st July, 1964)

County and Centre BERKSHIREReading





Honorary Secretary Miss D. K. Gibbins, St. John House, 101, London Road, Reading. H. C. W. Hobbs, 143a, St. Leonards Road, Windsor.



The Mayor



V. Everard, J.P.



The Dean of Bristol





W. Stewart Elgood

Miss W. E. Boyden, 7, Oakroyd Crescent, Wisbech.

CHESHIRECounty Centre .


H. Watson

Birkenhead ·


Chester. Crewe

1964 1964

hief In pector Bailey, County Police Station Crewe, Che hire. A. C. Blaylock, 12, St. Vincent Road, Claughton, Birkenhead ergeant Borthwick, he hire Con tabulary, Che ter. Sergeant Jack on, County Police Station Crew, Chcshire.

Macclesfield Northwich. Stockport

1964 1964 1883

Rev. Dawson-Walker

. J. Weir Dr. R. St. J. Buxton

E. W. Martin, 100, Lionel Street, Birmingham 3.

E. C. Bartlett, 33

Ico e Road, Fi hponds, Bristol.

Mrs. E. P. Somers, 2 Wendover Road, Aylesbury.

Maj. S. A. Harvey

Inspector Ru ton, Poli e Office

t ckport.

tv 1.0

County and Centre




Honorary Secretary


Cumberland and Westmorland 1964 Carlisle . 1964 Cumberland Mines and 1895 Quarries Kendal . 1964 1884 "'Keswick 1888 "'Millom . 1964 Whitehaven

F. E. Williamson Dr. J. L. Rennie J. W. Badger

Sergeant R. H. Hendrie. W. A. Middleton, 6, Belah Crescent, Stanwick, Carlisle. J. G. Stewart, 34, Lowther Street, Whitehaven.

The M ayor Mrs. Bromley J. Newton The Mayor

Dr. G. H. Edgecombe J. Newton Dr. V. C. J. Harris

T. Whiteside, 19, White Stiles, Kendal. H. Pollard, 4, High Hill, Keswick. J. H. Holmes, 185, Devonshire Road, Millom. Sergeant J. Dixon , County Police Station, Whitehaven.

C. Middleton, M.A. I. A. A. Macdonald

Dr. A. Morrison W. F. Rigley

G. E. Johnson, 146, Burton Road, Derby. W. H. Sheldon, 78, Little Hallam Lane, Ilkeston.

The Mayor


Derby Granby & Ilkeston

1886 1898





The Right Hon. Lord Roborough

F. R. Carter

G. Howard, 5, Faringdon Road, Plymouth.

Dorchester . Poole

1948 1929

The Mayor The Mayor

E. L. Richards Mrs. D. Galton



Mrs. Joyce Sansom

Dr. A. M. Cunningham

R. D. Hodges, 29, Grosvenor Road, Dorchester. Mrs. M. Viney, 11, Hythe Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset. Mrs. M. Bond, S.R. ., Holme Priory, Wareham, Dorset.



D . Edgar,

D. Edgar,

South Shields Stockton & Thornaby

1883 1914

W. P. Webster Col. H . E. Kitching,

Plymouth & District DORSET-

Weymouth. DURI-lAM-



S. Grey R. PickersgilI,


M.B .E. , D.L., J.P.



W. O. Kirkwood,

J .P .

D. L. Rennison

R. Robson, P.O. Box 4, 76, Church Street, West HartlepooL Major T. A. Page, 75, King Street, South Shields. R. J. McDowell, 32, Wolviston Road, Billingham, Co. Durham. 1 . Crone, 3, Finsbury Street, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland .


County Secretary


. R. de C. Sadler

Dr. A. Alcock


. Knowles

1957 1962

The Earl of Buchan


The Lady Violet emOil.

ommander Mc eiJe LL- 01. J. W. T. Wooldridge



Gloucester City


Gloucester County North Cotswold South Gloucestershire

Lt.-Col. F. W. vYilliamson,o.B.E., 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. D. L Francis, 15, aunton Park Road, Cheltenham . . Gray, 70, Marling Crescent, Pagan Hill, Stroud, Gloucester. Miss M. K. Oswell, 12, Royal rescent, Cheltenham. Miss C. M. F. Mackintosh, Maces Farm, Wyck Ris ington. Mrs. . Hodgkiss, 160, Station Road, Yate, r. Bristol. J.


County Secretary . Smith





The Mayor

Bou rnL-mou th


The Mayor

Gosport & Fareham Portsmouth

1948 1881

. J. ros land W. . Wil on, O.B.E.

. Heygate crnon G . Albray R. W. Dray



The Dowager Lady Swaythling

Dr. H. C. MauriccWilliams, O.B.E.

R. Turnbull, F.R . . Y . .




Mr. J. S. Doney, Pamber Farm, Little London, Ba ingstoke. Mrs. W. . Wilson, Little Goddards Hatherden, Andover. R. G. Ehlen "High Meadows," Green Lane, Ellisfield, Basing toke. A. R. . Martin 28, Palmers ton Road, Boscombe, Boumemouth. R. . Cameron, 52, Peel Road, Go port. orth M. . ParTett, 3, Eden Terra e, Wil on Road, nd, Port mouth. Mr. A. E. Alford, 8, Obelisk Road, Woolston, Southampton. H. J . H3rris, n.E.~l., 38, Underhill Road, Tup ley, Hereford.



Accrington .


CoL G. G. H. Bolton,

Ashton-under-Lyne Bacup .

1894 1919

The Mayor A. Aked, M.A.,

A. Brown,


O.B.E., M . . , D.L., J.P.



W. R. Morris W. J. Hargreave

J. W. Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, Accrington. P. Baguley, 4 1, Carlton Road, hton-und r-Lyne.




President G . L. Goodenough

Chairman J. Holgate

Honorary Secretary G. Ashton, 107, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness .



The Mayor

D. G. Hartley,

E. Bury, c/o Education Office, Library Street, Blackburn.



J. Gibrail

A. E. Walton

K. W. Porter, 5, Wood Park Road, Blackpool.



The Mayor

J. Moody

R . Marshall, 293, Halliwell Road, Bolton .



H. E. Legg



Dr. P. D. Drinkwater

W . M. McLauchlan, 17, Croxteth Road , BootIe , Liverpool, 20. W. King, 62, Castle Street, Brierfield.

Burnley .


L. Massey,



The Mayor

J. K. Halstead



A . Exley

J . E. Driver,



W . W. Mensforth

K. Stockdale, 5, Sandheys Grove, Waterloo, Liverpool,



P. D. Catlow



Mrs. M . M. Meggitt, 10, Bryers Croft, Wilpshire, Bl ackburn . J. C. Cross, 73, Bramley Avenue, Fleetwood.



Great Harwood


County and Centre Barrow-in-Furness


LancashireHeadquarters 1950


J . Wat on


L. Jakeway , 10, Rosehi ll Mount, Manchester Road , Burnley. L. Perkins, 4, M anchester Road, Bury.

J. H. Thompson


T. H. Thomason . J. Cunningham


Lancashire County Constabulary


Atherton and TyJdes/ey Liverpool







. Marsden, 21, Fell Close, Grange-over-Sands .

J. Shackleton

P. Pierce, Tan House, Great Harwood.

Col. T. E. St. John lOn,

K. C. Cook, F.C.A.

Major T. E. Spencer, M.B.E., T.D., St. John Headquarters , 15/17, Mount Street, Preston. B. J. Hopkins, 18, Castle Park, Lancaster.

The Earl Peel

A. Higham,

C. B. Mann

B.E . I.I.,

W. H. Linaker,


C. S. Gregory,

M . P.S .





Mr .1. Cunliffe



Victor Burrell, 130, Harrison Drive, Colne.

Rt. Hon . the Earl of

W. J. Clements Derby, M.C., D.L. Prore sor W. Mansfield G. O. Hughes ooper, LL.M., H. . Roberts, LL.B., J.P. . rryer

ergeant Quayle, Lancashire County Constabulary. Hutton, Preston .

R. Lowe, 16, Hunt Street, Atherton, Lanes.

R. L. Ball, S.J.A.A., 49a, Rodney Street, Liverpool, \ .

F. R . Warren, 12, Mosley Street, Manchester, 2 .

W. H Morgan, 39, Beaufort Street,

elson .

Oldham .


F. Berry

Dr. B. Gilbert



A. Harri on

J. W. T a) lor,





A. M . McMaster

. Twcedale

St. Helens


J . Pemberton

Salford .


The Lord CozensHardy, D.L., J.P . S. Gold tone

G. L. L ang tree, ationa l Coal Board, N.W. Division. 40, Portland treet, M a nche ter 1. Mi 1. Bailey, 11, in dale Crescent, Roy ton. r. Oldham. . Riding, 9, Church Lane Charnock Richard, r. Chorley. Mr . Gaskell, M . . , J.P ., aun der Brow, ewchurch-inRos endale. J . E. Thornhill, 3, Queen's Avenue, ardle Road, Rochdale H. Latu , 20, Freckleton Roa d , Toll Bar, St. Helen .


F. Heathcote, C ntral Fire

South Fylde


The Mayor





Lieul.- 01. R. leetwood W . 1. Grace Hesketh , D.L. The Mayor E. C. Hallam



Mis M . O.




J964 1958

.W. Divn. ,



Wigan LEICESTERSHIRE (and RUTLAND)County Centre LINCOLNSHIRECounty Centre 1917

Dr. O . P.




olton Iderman J . Faulkner


tation, Crescent, Salford, 5.

E. Co. , 47, Smithy Lane,


R. Mar den, 72, Hall



nnes on

ea, L ane.

Rev . Canon M. D . Grieve, r-f.A. E. B . Marston

H. MacRae, 1, Plea ant iew, Longfield Road , Todmorden. . Collin , "Byneld," torth Milnthorpe, We tmorland. J. ameron, 4, a t View, GrappenhaU, Lanes .

Dr. A. R.

G. E. Mos , 7, Midland


treet, Widne .

D. Aitken

Dr. T. L. O'Donnell

Mi s 1. Redford, 92, Swan Meadow Road, Wigan.

The Lord Mayor

H. N. Bream

Mi s M. J. Freer, 112, Regent Road, Leicester.

The Rt. Hon. The Lord Brownlow

Dr. M. C. Lavin

F . G. Latchem, 47, Swallowbeek Avenue, Doddington Road, Lincoln.

County and Centre LONDONCity of London


City of Westminster

The Mayor

Eastern Area

C. Pember, B.SC.

Sir Irving Gane, K.C.V.O. Lt.- 01. W. R. Hornby Steer, D.L. R. T. Bax, L.D.S.

Dr. W. Clunie Harvey

W. H. Warren

The Lord Mayor



Northern Area South East Area

Honorary Secretary



Alan S. Lamboll, C.C., Flat 8, 16-17, Pall Mall, S.W.1. Mrs. D. W. G. Faris, 2, Onslow Court, Drayton Gardens, S.W.IO. R. T. Bax, L.D.S., 5, Queen s Avenue, Woodford Green, ssex. L. J. Towers, 63, Old Park Road, Palmers Green, N.13

F. G. Thomas, M.A.

D. J. Hallard, ational Dock Labour Board, 22-26, Albert Embankment, S.E.I.

A. M. Mason

T. L. Danahay, c/o Chiswick Products Ltd., Burlington Lane, Chiswick, London, WA.

South West Area . Western Area . NORTHAMPTO SHIREorthampton .

F. C. Gibbs, 18, Birchfield Road,


J. S. Parker

J. S. Parker, 12, Church Street, Wellingborough.

W. Gibson

Dr. J. Dobson

Dr. C. F. Fairlie, T.D.

Dr. A.

L. T. Wedderburn, Medical Centre N.C.B., Ashington Colliery, Ashington. F. S. Parsons, 21, Hunter Avenue, Blyth.







Haltwhi tie


Lt.- 01. J. Clark, T.D.


C. Laws

ewca tle-upon-Tyne


S. Urquhart

North Shields.


The Mayor

Dr. C. MacAlister Dowson



Col. A. V. G. Dower,


. V. G. Dower,

T.O., D.L., M.F.H.

T.O., D.L., M.F.H.


Kelley, Garden House, Wapping, Haltwhistle, orthumberland. J. W. Bland, 2, Osborne Terrace, ewcastle-uponTyne, 2. R. essworthy, 6, South Preston Grove, orth Shields. Mrs. K. A. Woodward, 33, Coverley Road, Headington, Oxford.

Miss M. J. Freer, 112, Regent Road, Leicester.



Co u.n ty Cen tre


Dr. D. A. Ireland

L. H. Trentham, St. John H.Q., Priory Road, Shrews-




SUFFOLKCounty Secretary Ipswich ·



North East Suffolk


West Suffolk


Dr. T. K.

01. M. MacEwan, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., M.B. ir Gervai e BIoi, Bt. W. T. Aitken, M.P.


W. Mayhew raig, F.R.C.S. Dr. D.

. Mc rack en

SURREYCounty Secretary. Croydon




The Mayor


. Dane

The Mayor of Brighton

W. F. Friend

Chichester .


Air Vice-Mar hal T. A. Langford- ain bury C.B., O.B.E., D.F.C., A.F.C. Mrs. 1 night

Lt.- dr. R.


The Rt. Hon. the Earl De La Warr The Mayor

hipperfield, 17, Churchill Road, Halesworth, uffolk. Dr. D. A. McCracken, 32, estbury venue, Bury St. Edmunds. Mr . Ruddo k, County Headquarters, St. John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Mrs. F. D. horter, _0, Zermatt Road, Thornton Heath.

S. T. Denning, .C.I.S., ,Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, near Brighton. Mrs. . H. Denning, 8, Arlington Garden, Saltdean, near Brighton.




Mi s W. M. Ariss, 1, Longley Road, Farnham.

Brighton, Hove and District

East Grinstead and District Hastings&St.Leonards

H. G. Eade, 1 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. A. W. Ree e, 17, Dor et lose, Ipswich.

Dr. F. Caldecott

SUSSEXCounty Secretary.

Crawley&ThreeBridges 1954 Eastbourne & District 1954

V. Chancellor, St. John House, 49, Wolverharnpton Road, Stafford.

. E. Inglefield

olonel P. H. att, F.R.G .. Lavender Cottage, F Ipharn, Bognor Regi , Sus e . .

Dr. R. II. Knight G. J. Anderson, B.SC.

W. . Benkel, 51, Millfield, outhwater, u sex. W. H. Sharpe, 10, Wharf Road Ea tbournc.

Sir H. C. Sinder on Pasha , K.B.E. D. L. Brown

E. D. A croft, M.P.S., 218, Holtye Road Ea t Grin tead. H. A.

ene s, 110,

ictoria Avenu


County and Centre Formed Horsham 1955 Lewes, Haywards Heath & District 1956 1955 Worthing

President Dr. T. L. Scott Major P. G. DarvilSmith, .B.E. The Rl. Hon. the Earl of Midleton

Chairman F. G. Holmes, J.P. R. E. Breffit, O. B.E.

Honorary Secretary Miss W. M. Barker, 10, Hurst Avenue, Horsham. Miss 1. Sims, 32, St. Anne's Crescent, Lewes.

A. J. Hayes

Mrs. -. S. Praill

The Lord Mayor

E. W. owpe-Pendleton J. H. McGhee P. Varley

. E. Ward, 52, Dunchurch Highway, Coventry. V. Rawson, Police House, Kineton. T. J. Brodest, 32, Henley Road, Leamington Spa.


W. G. Hart, 381, Camp Hill Road, Nuneaton. A. J. Burton, Ambulance Depot, Temple Street, Rugby. A. V. Lane, 255, Alcester Road, Stratford-on-Avon.


Coventry Kineton Leamington and Warwi ck uneaton Rugby Stratford-on-A von

1912 ]962 1957 ]958 ]957 1959

The Mayor of Leamington Spa The Mayor The Mayor

. Betts

C. B. Bedford Dr. J. B. Bramwell, M.A.


Hale owen




·Stou rbridge Worce ter

1883 1920

C. J. Foxall

K. W. Marchant

Councillor L. W. arter, J.P.

J. B. Cavanagh,


Major . Wright, Dr. T. Mills


C. Young, County Police Station, ew Road, Halesowen. B. G. Bromwich , Safety Officer, Albright & Wilson . (M fg.) Ltd., Oldbury. J. E. Watteson, 48, High Street, Wollaston, Stourbndge. G. L. Woodward, 104, Spetchley Road, Worcester.


Hull and ast Riding County Centre YORKSHIRE (

F. R. Charlton, Elm Cottage, Bewholme Lane, Seaton, Hull , Yorks.

G. Hamp on



orth Riding County Centre


The Marquess of Zetland, K.G., etc.




Barnsley &



T. L.

J. Hughes

lirzaker, 8, Lavender Court, Marske-by-the-Sea.


Dis lricl

Bradford *Dinnington Main '

Wlddup, J.P.



W. Thomas,


J. T. E. Jones



. Hulley



The M ayo r



The Mayor

Harrogate and District



Heavy Woollen


Dr. J. Walker

Hebden Bridge


. W . King , 24, Lancs .


. Parfi Lt





xlcy, Station Officer, FIre &

Inspector T. F. Pearson, 3, Pendragon Lane, Bolton, Bradford, 2. W . Hayes, 134, Laughton Road, Dinninglon, Sheffield.

T. Bacon W. T. Davis

Major L. Bigg , Ambulance tation, Armthorpe Road, Doncaster. T. J. Daniel , 5, Jacksonvi lle, Goole.

uperinlendenl J lendlOnlOg A. Gelder, J.P.

. J.

H. Hudson, Health Dept., Halifax Corporation, Powell

Imp on

Dr. J. W alker K . Greenwood




Mi s A Scatterty

Dr. J. Prentice,



Dr. J. W. Silversidcs,

A. J. Paterson, D.E.M.,









W. F. Tunrucliffe



treet, Halifax. ibby, e t Riding Fire Service, Albert Street, I (arrogale. II. Blakeley, 2, Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane, Balley. F . Mitchell, 27, Mount Pleasant Drive, MYlholmroyd, near Ilalifax. H. reenfield, 89, Ravensknowle Road, Dalton Hudder field. T. Slott, 60, Aireworlh Grove, Keighley. T.

Huddersfield & District 1955


Atnbulance Dept.,

Broadway, Barnsley.

F. Parker

. Fear

East Hill St., Barnoldswick, CoIne.

O.B.[. J.P.

F. Willshaw, 3, Ringwood Avenue, Leeds 14.

M.A., B.L.

J . Shaw,

H . Hudson

. Lazenby, 48, Lower Oxford Street, Castleford Yorks. J. W. Thomas, 2 Granville Mt., Otley, Yorks.

S. W. Morris

W. A. Miles



S. Brierley

A. Holland



H. B. Powell

B. Powell

Mrs. E. Fielding, 58, Hillside Avenue, Groften, near Oldham. W. Smith, S.J.A.A. H.Q., Flaxley Road, Selby.



Col Sir Frederick A. eill

G. W. Ashton

J. W. Webb,


rosswaite, 96, Broom Valley Road, ROlherham.



esfield Way, Sheffield, 5.

Shipley & District . *Sowerby Bridge


Rev. J. F. WrongbamHardy

A. Watson


W. F . Seed

W. F. Seed

J . H. Wade, 14, Edwards Road, Pye Nest, Halifax.

H. B. Kearsley

D. Stocks, 16, Rigg Drive, Swinton.

W. Wright

C. H. Brears, 8, Newton Lane, Outwood, near Wakefield.









. E. Bishop, 23, Valley Drive, Ilkley, Nr. Leeds.

J. Coward, York.




R. H. Le


H .E. Sir Ronald H. Garvey, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., M.B.E.

P. Le


Guernsey ISLE OF

W. Gale, 9, Windsor Villas, Val Plaisant, St. Helier. Jersey. W. G . Baker, Gremyll, 22, St. George's Esplanade, St. Peter Port, Guernsey.


Isle of


A. E. Kitto


C. Beaty-Pownall, c/o Chief Constable's Offices, Douglas.



Eastern Region

J. R. Hammond, M.B.E.

P . Armstrong

London Midland Region


J. J I. M. True

orth Eastern Region

. John son, O.B.E.

Southern Region .

David McKenna

Western Region




. J . Judson

A. Dean



. Raymond

Sir A. B. B. Valentine,


. Lang

G. Kirkham, The Briti h Railways (Southern Region). hief E tablishment and Staff Office, 39, Craven Street, \ .C.2.

. Ward




. 1artin, The British Railwa s (Western Region), hier E tablishment and Staff Office Paddington tation W.2. \ . Harden, London Tran port mbulanc Centre, GrifTilh House, 280, Maryk.bone Road, .W.l

D. B. Fall n, Per onnel Dept., G.P.O. Headquarter, London, . . 1.


Dr. M. . W. Long, C.B.E., T.O.

R. J.



The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, P.C., G.B.C., LL.D.

R. D . V. Robert



Sir Richard Way



The Rt. Hon. Crook, J.P.


T. O'Leary, O.B.E.

F. G. Thomas, LA., ational Dock Labour Board, 22-26, Albert Embankment, S.E.I.


196 1

Sir Richard Way, .B.E., J.P.


Dr . K. Biden-Steele

. L. . Cooper, i\ ilian 1edi al Sen i - ( D), Mini try of 0 fence, Lansd WI1 Hou e, Berkcle) 'quare, \V.I .




oleman, The British Railways (Eastern Region). hief Establishment and Staff Office, 13, orton Folgate, E.l. J. M. Park, The 8ntish R atlways (London lidland Region), "-'hief Establishment and Staff Office, Melton House, 65/67, Clarendon Road, Watford, Hert . M. Athey, The British Railways ( forth Eastern Region), Chief E tabli hment and taff Office, York.




. Baker

. J . Doggett

P. A. Crouch, Electricity Supply Ambulance Electricity Council, 30, Millbank, .W.1.

D. . R. Bird, 1inl 'tn of A\ialion, Room 1-1-, Me ' House, trand, \V.C.2 .







H.E. The Governor H.E. The Governor


H.E. The Governor

Chairman A. E. Willshire Wing Commander J . Fountain, D.F.C. Sir Donald Jackson J. P. Rush, M.B.E.


H.E. The Governor

Major R. A. Stoute

H.H. The Administrator

Dr. I. G. MacGregor

Margerita, Lady Howard- Lady Mitchell de-Walden D.B.E. H. . Cahusac, C.B.E., J .P. A. Dale

Honorary Secretary Tbe Commandant, Police Training School, Crater, Aden. Sergeant Earl Alleyne, Police H.Q., Nassau, Bahamas. Mrs. S. Willis, P.O. Box 526, Hamilton, Bermuda. E. C. P. Von Eeden, P.O. Box 236, Georgetown, British Guiana. J. P. Rush, M.B.E. c/o Storage Ltd., Belize, British Honduras. H.Q. Solomons Police Force, P .O. Box No. 37, Honiara, Guadalcanal, B.S.I.P. Major L. G. Quintyne, M.B.E., Aquatic Clubgap, Garrison, St. Michael, Barbados. Val Anderson, Grand Cayman Islands, West Indies. Mrs. A. Clift, Prospect Estate, Ocho Rios, P.O., Jamaica.

A. Dale, West Indies Sugar Co. Ltd., Frome P.O ., estmoreland, Jamaica. Mrs. P. Black, St. John Headquarters, 2E, Camp E. G. Groves Road, Kingston, 5, Jamaica. Sir Arthur Thelwell, C.B.I:., Mrs. D. Matthews, P.O. Box 8, Mandeville.







H.E. The Governor

Deputy Commissioner of Police E. Williams

Inspector R. L. Miller, c/o Police Traffic Dept., Elletson Road, Kingston , Jamaica. George Davis, c/ o The General Penitentiary, Tower Street, Kingston, Jamaica.

Dr. K. Uttley

Mrs. J. Challenger, P.O. Box 52, St. John's, Antigua.

H.H. The Administrator H. H. M. S. Staveley, C.B.ET. Scott, The Collage Virgin Islands. H.H. The Administrator

ST . K.1TTs-Nev(s-ANGUILLA 1"1.1-1. The AdITlinis-




J . B Byron, c/ o Police H.Q., Montserrat. Dr. C. M. Sebastian

Miss G. Sebastian, P . O . Box 192, Basseterre. St . Kitts.

K. G. Fletcher





. The Governor

. Oliver, 4, Terry Street, St. James, Trinidad.



The Administrator A. G. W. Cousins H.H. The Administrator . Sheppard H.H. The Admini trator F. annon H. . The Administrator Lt.- 01. . A. Anderson, M.B.E.

Chief of Police, Dominica. Miss L. Comissiong, P .O. Box 46, St. George's, Grenada. Police Headquarter, Castries, St. Lucia, W.I. Inspector A. C. Allen, Police Headquarters, St. Vincent, W.I.


H . . Mr. William Gopallawa, 1.D.E.

The Honourable Minister Brig. C. P. Jayawardana C.M.G., c .. 0., O.B.E., The of Health SJ . . . , LO\; er Lake Road Galle Face, Colombo, 3.


President of ypru, Archbi hop Makarios

Dr. Zenon G. Panos

Miss S.

G . C. Reed ,

G. C. Reed , r-r.B.E.

The As ociation Secretary, Kenya Centre, S.J.A.A., P .O. Box 1469, airobi, Kenya. Mr . L. Stow, P.O. Box 468, Dar-e - alaam, Tanganyika.



eghiayian, P.O. Box 719,

icosia, Cyprus.




R. Muwanga

Mi s H. L. M. Few, Ug:lnda De elopment Corporation P.O. Bo 442, Kampala, ganda.

W. E. Donovan, O.B. -., 1. .0.

D. J. Barne , c/o Inl and Revenue Dept., Government

P. G. Owen

E. Balban, Police Headquarters, Gibraltar.

. E. Shaidi



H . . The Governor

H .E. The Governor


Building, Suva, Fiji

Chief Police Officer, onstabulary H.Q., Betio, Tarawa, Gilbert & Ellice I lands, Wcstern Pacific. H .E. The Governor

C. E. Terry, O.B.E.

Mrs. A. K. Rudge, S.J.A.A. Headquarters 2, MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong.




The lIon' bl e. Dato The H o n 'b le. Mr. S. Abdul R azak bin M. Yon g, LL.D., J.P. Dato Hu ssain, O.K. r. S. H .E. The Governor Lt.-Co l. J. V. Abela, O.B.E. H .E. The Governor Dr. . Leitch Yapp Man Siu


Honorary Secretary S. K. Thury Rajah, S.J .A.A. & S.J.A.B. National H.Q ., 41, Shelley R oad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. E. H. W. Borg, 109, Main Street, St. Julian's, Malta. Miss M. Chaperon, c/o P olice H.Q., Line Barracks Port Louis, Mauritius. ' P . Yucn, c/o Inland Revenue Office, Jesselton, Sabah.


H.E. Inche Yusof Bin


Dr. P . C. Kwan , O.B.L

Ishak S UDA

Hon. Secretary, S.J.A.A. H eadquarters, 420, Beach Road, Singapore, 7. Nasr. Ahmed, General Manager's Office (Personnel), Sudan Railways, Atbara, Sudan.


The Officer Commanding Police Depot, P.O . Box 740, Accra, Ghana.


G. C.

. Onoh

E. P .


E. J. Scanlon, Personnel Manager, Corporation, Enugu,


igerian Coal


S.O.U. Tgbe, O ffice of Inspector General Lagos.

igeria Police


R. K. Innes

Chicf Medical Officer, Medical Dept., igerian Railway Corporation, Ebute Metta, igeria.


J. O. M. Bolanl ".M.I'" T.T.

W. Z. Coker-Dickens, E tablishment Officer, igerian Port Authority Headquartcrs, Lagos, Tigeria.



The ommandant, Police Training School , Hastings, Sierra Leone. J. R. Lloyd

J. T. Roy-Macauley

Frank M. Kobi , Pris on Officers' Training Scllool,


Fngland, Freetown, Sierra Leone.



H eadq uart ers Address



T. J OH )



P.O . Box, 7137, Johannesburg, South Africa.

P .O . Bo

536, Salisbury,

. Rhodesia .

uite 1, Ground Floor, t. John House. 21, Macquar ie Pl ace. Sydney, .S.W., Au tralia.


29 , Wellington Street, Pe rth , W . Australia.


321, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada.


P.O. Bo'< ] I 9, Wellington,

INDIA (administered by the INDIAN

I, Red






ross Road , New Delhi I, India.

ational Headquarter, Frere

treet, Karachi, 4.


Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff.


3rd Floor, War Memorial Building, 5, Waring Street, Belfast, 1, Northern Ireland.

CADET RALLY CHELTENHAM. H .R.H . The Prince s Margaret

ollnte of [(J·sing Cadets, walking to the ground eSCorled by I he Co 111 111 i sioner-i n-Ch iet and II perin lendenl-in-Ch iet.

lilowdo II , Commandant-in-Chief of Ambulance and

f ade

u: be

(B rn nb

lPr iorr in the jJ3 ri tis j) 'lIZeal111 of

tbe fil)ost \l)enerllble @rbcr of tbe 1bospitai of St. 30hn of }erusalell1 ill r ~ Il u I\) ri 0 r FIELD-MARSHAL HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE D KE OF GLOUCESTER K . . K.T ., K.P. , P . . , G.M.B., G . . M.G. , G . . v.o.

<IOI1l111a nua J\ t::=t ll::=<Iblet or HnrSlllO <Iorps ~nD IDi\11Siolls of TIb St. 30/)1\ LllllbllIHllce :1I3rtgaDe ]1 R MAJE TY LIZ B H TH Q


D ame Grand Cro



of th e Order of St. John

AppOInted l\Iay.


IDcpn t}? <I011l11la 1l Can t::=1 1l::=<I b I ef H.R.H. THE D CHESS OF GLO CESTER D am



of th

Tder of

t. John

Appointed February. 1937

C)1l111lalllant::=ill::=(II)ief for GaIes H.R.H. PRINCESS MARINA, DUCHESS OF KENT D am e



of th

Order of

t. John

Appointed May. 1935

<IOlllllll IlC an t::::111::=<Iblcf

of £llllblllallCe anD 1Rut'sillg <IuDets H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET, COUNTESS OF SNOWDON Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John

Appoi nted February. rqJ8

Pages I to 6 amended

zr IJ e


r. 30 I) Il

Headquarter: 8,

24th June , 1964.


ElI11 b1\ I all Cc

JB n gab c

GROSVENOR CRESCENT, LONDO, S.W.I. UOlllllliSSIOller· 11I Cblef .R. , .13.1..



Stipe rill t~ Iloe II [:::=III:::=CbIC f 0 T[: OF BRL K 0 K


5 1I rq COll:= III:::=C I) let AYLOR-YOU G, B.A., P.R . . .-




D.S . .-

!DeplI t~: Co III III ISS lOll e r:::=llI:::=C b let RI-AR ADMIRAL R. . W~LLI3Y .13., D . . 0.-


IDcplI [\1 511 q1el~ I 1:::=1 lI:::=C I) Ie f M. M. S OTT, M.R.C.S., L.R.c.P.-Knighl 'Eb3slst:lllt IJoIllIllISSIOllers:::lll:::=Cllef LIEUT.- OLO CL ARTfI R ORT ommander BRIG DIIR . Cox, O.B.L.- Officer Controller O\JcrScl1s ~L W_ L. R. Br YO -Officer


'El S 51 S t 1111 t 511 pert II[ e n0 e n t

P. V. M

MR .



111- C I) Ie (



CI)let 'IHIlt"SIIl(l Offtcer H1I0 1HursIIlll "Crnlllll l Q TIL \)I ~ cr FF RA T, R.R.C., .R. ., ' D. . -Coinmander


CI)lct 5Llff Officer [l Clllll111 SSIO llcr III CI)lct BRI DIl R . D. MILLER, D .. 0. Officer ~.)rtl\(lI.lil(

'dblllllllstrntluc <Officer (.:D)



,0.B.e.- Commander

<CIJle{ <Offlc('l" for <Cnbcts



<CIJnll"lIIilll of III











' - Commander

([fJlrt stilff <Offlccr to SllPl'rtlltPllbcllt-III-<CI)IC(




Dam e

lI)cabr)llnrtrrs staff <O(flccrs to SIIPPrtlltcllbcllt-III-<C1)11'f DORO rllY DY LU:: l\BORO GlI- Dame MR . RI If RD \ [ 01 If Dame TlIL L DY MOYR BR r, O.I3.C, .Co .




:§>llq~colI - III-<CI)Ie{ '5




:Ion q fll e Sec l' e tat \] W. WOODHILL- Olfice r ~sslstnllt

jJJrt\1nbc U


- Officer

:ctssistnllt 1Ll rt\1nbl' ~ccrctnl")) nllb :§>ccrctnrp to :§>llpcrtlltl'llbellt-ill-<C(jlcf MT


HARRI 0 ~tnff


. 0

1.B. E.- Commander

®fflCCf (or ct>uc rscns


O.B.L- Commander

1L)cnbl] II /Hters :%>tn ff <Offl crr MAJOR







r. J



W M N'




dmiral Ro fer Di k .n., .13 . . , D. t. John 1~1bulanc Brigad

omml . Ioner-in- hief (ex-officio)

Members Ex-officio The The The The The The The The The The The The The The




Chairman Rear


Secretary-General. mbulance ociation. Dir ctor-General, orp and Di i ion. Superintendent-inSurgeon-in- hief. . Deputy Commi ioner-in~ hlef. ur mg orp and Divi ion. Deputy Superintendent-m- bier Deputy Surgeon~in~Chief.. . A i tant omm1 lOner -m- illef. IV] Ions. A si tant Superintendent -in-Chief ur mg orp and A si tant Surgeon-in-Chief. Chief ur ing Officer. Chief Commi ioner, Priory for Wale. Commi ioner for Northern Ireland. Chief Officer for Cadet.

Appointed by COl71l71i sioner-in-Chief R. Rutherford , E q., T.D., J.P., M.n., B.. , 01111111 Ion r, urbamNo.1 Region. E. M. Dearn , E q.,O.B . . , M.B., H.B. D.L. om 111 I loner of York bire- o. 2 Region. H. L. Bo \ orth q., O.B.E., om 1111 I ner, oltingharn hireo. 3 Region. L. R. . Percey, E q., 1.B . . J.P" Olllmi ioner Hertford hire0.4 Region. Group Captain G. H. Pirie, .B.E., ~.L., J.P., 1111111 ioner, London (Prince of Wale' ) Di tricto. 5 Region. . S. Bunker, E q. COl11mi ioner, Bucki ngharn hi re. No. 6 Region. Colonel C. T. MiLford-Slade, D.L. J.P., 01111111 loner, omer etNo.7 Region. . Colonel J. M. We t, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., 0l11m1 loner hrop hll-e- 0.9 Region. , Colonel V. F. Royle, T.D., E.R.D., Commis ioner, Duke of Lanca ter s Districto. 10 Region. Brigadier E. E. Read C.B.E., M.C., omrn] lOner, urreyo. 12 Region. Mrs. G. W. Lodge, O.B.E., J.P., Di trict upetintendent ( ) We t Riding of Yorkshire. . . . Mrs. E. M. pton, J.P. County Superintendent (N) Lincoln hire. Lady Cumberbatch, County Superintendent ( ), Kent. W. A. J. Reynolds , Esq., Di trict Staff Officer (Cadet) (A), London (Prince of Wales's) District. Miss R. I. LEEKS, County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ), E ex.




Superintendent-in- hief,


ur. mg




Divi ions.

Ex-officio M emhers The Deputy uperintendent-in- hier. The i tant uperintendent -in- hief. Principal dmini trative Officer ( ). The hief ur ing mcer, & ur Ing ~[ raining Adviser. The hief Officer for adets. The Repre enlative for Wale (Mr. O. R. Traherne). The Di trict uperintendent ( ), for orthern Ireland (Mr.


Regional RepresentaUves Mi M. Jack 011, .R . . , . . M., D . . , oUllty uperintelldem ( ) orthull1berland o. I Region. Mr. . W. Lodge, 0.13.1-., J.P., Di trict uperintendent ( ), We t Riding 0.2 Region. of York hireMr. E. M. pton, J . P., unty uperintendent ( ), Lincoln hireo. 3 Regi n. Mi D. parke, n. . , ounty uperintendent ( ), Hertford bireNo.4 Region. . H adley, i. tri l uperintendenl ( ), London (Prince of Wale') i tricto. 5 Region. Mr. 1. Boothman, unty uperinlendent ( ), Buckinghamshireo. 6 Region. Mi ~ . M. Bru e- teer. unty uperintendent ( ), orner et- o. 7 Region. Mr. . P. He\\at-Jab ,', .R. "Count} uperintendent ( ), hrophire . 9 Regi n. The Lady M....ar He keth, Di trict uperintendent ( ), Duke of Lanca ter' Di triclo. 10 Region. Lady umb rbatch, ounty uperintendenl ( ) Kent- o. 12 Region.













Ex-officio Iv!e/ll ber hier Ofll cr ror


R egiono! Rep re C!n/a/ipe, o rthumbcrland Mr . B. M. Salter C unty tafT Ofllcer ( adet ) ( o. I Region. , L. Ma on E q., Di trict tafT Ofllccr ( ad t ' ) ( . ), We t Ridin g or Yorkhire - No.2 Region. Mr . C. B. Wright, ounty tafT Ofllcer ( adet) ( ), D rby hire o. 3 Region . Mi R. 1. Leek, C unty Staff Officer ( ade t) ( ) o. 4 Region. . . () d W. A. 1. Reynold sq. , DI tncl t.afT Officer (Cadet) , Lon on (Prince of Wale' ) Di trict. 5 Region. Mi D. 1. andy County StafT fllcer ( adet) ( ), o\r rd hireo. 6 Region. outh & orth Dr. R. L. lillett, County StafT Offic r (Cadet Devono. 7 Region. A. E. Green E County Staff Officer ( adet) ( ), Birminghamo. 9 R egion. Mi E. M. Trill I\1.B . . , County ta fT Officer ( a det ) ( ), u exo. 12 Region. Chief Officer Ambulance Cadet ror Wale . Chief Officer ur ing Cadet for Wale. Mi s E. Garrett, Commandery tafT Officer ( adet) (), orthcrn Ireland.






Licut.- oloncl rthur oring, tant Commi ioner-in- hief.



10NER-IN- ' I li EF'



"We live in deed not years." (Philip James Bailey) Thi quota tion from a 19th century poet make , r feel, an appropriate introduction to my report ror 1963. Tn the Brigade it i our service to the public, with it achievement , ucce . e and problems, that matter. The completi n of one more year in 0 long a hi tory, is of it elf relatively unimportant. What J believe we can report, i that OUf service to the public ha been maintained , and our problem have been . tackled with vigour' ometime doubtle we have railed , but at lea t it has not been [or lack of energy or enthu ia m on the part of tho e concerned. A , unfortunately mu t be expected in an organi ation the size of the Brigade, we I e each year through death a few of tho e tal wart who have done 0 much for u over the year. Since, however, details of their devoted and invaluable ervice have already been recorded in the Review and el ewhere only mention of our ad 10 i made here. In 1963 they included: Mi Margaret McClaren Superintendent-in-Chief of Canada; Colonel ir lame leeman , a former Chief-Commissioner Over ea ; Mr. H . Langley lone , ommi ioner and later County Pre ident, Hert[ordshire ; and Mr. H . J . Wriggle worth a former Bri gade Secretary and afterward Man age r of the tore Department. lRL GTfI

A. D P




Detailed ta tl tl or Brigade trength are given in ppendice A and B. The e fi g ure ho\ a c n iderable increa e Over ea which more than balance the drop at home and re ult in an overall increa e of over 2,000 member . Thi over a increa e j greatly encouraging, but redoubled effort are needed in thi c untry to increa e our trength if we are to meet our re pon ibilitie . Total or dutie In ngland and orthern Ireland for 1963 were:D


ur erie . . . Blood Tran fu ion. ur ing id i cellaneou

1,965,632 746,983 229,534 34,030 21,151 29,921 113 ,505 6 2,615

Cases treated: n Public Duty. IT Public Duty.

L79, 28 179,412

Accidellts attellded: Road . Other . lnvalid removed

16,158 18245 489,512

The e total how an overall increa e on 1962 of 100,000 hour of duty 15,000 ca e treated and 56,000 more invalid removed. Accident attended remained , within 100 or 0 , at the arne level.



T, .1011





The pattern i , theref re, on .of increa all n the Brigad~ a,nd or greater h lp being gi ~n where It w~ n ed d, M reo er, I feel It I not inappropriat to m ntl n once again, th'lt th,e ngur, do not how the c mplete pictur inc 0 much a I tance I pI' vlded and 0 many ca ualtie e peciall minor on , tr ated b member. IT duty which the take a a matt r f cour e and ne er report. Ti l E BRI IAD[ I


The man dutie carried out on c a i n \ hen member f the Royal family are pre ent are alvvay a particular ource of pride, One uch occa ion particular! n table in 1,963 wa a Roya,l , arden ~arty ~t Buckingham Palac \ hen Her MaJ ty the Q,u en vI,lted the II' t Aid Po t \ hil t it \Va bing et up and p nt me l1me talking to the member Ie 'a ndra' on duty, The Brigade wa pre ent in t.rength for , Prin~e mmandantweddinao and a her mother, H,R,H, Pnnce Manna, I in-Chief for Wale Brigad member from Wale a I ted London Di trict and ther countie in 01 ed in the dutie , The evere weather in th ar l part [the year led to many e;dra calls on the Brigade a nd perhap e peciall in the We t yntry, The e invol ed taking ambulance through e ere n \V condltl n to the occupant of car tranded in drift and al vi it t p~ople, p e~ally old people cut off in their hou e ,In omer et help \ a gl en t ho pltal where owing to road being blocked taff Ii ing ome di tance away happier a pect of the \ eather wa \ ere unable to report for dut, found on Bo Hill in urrey \ here during everal" eekend a many a three thou and \ inter port enthu ia t gathered to ki, eedle to ay thi unusual activity for Surrey nece itated and recei ed ir t id cover. A ne\ type of routine duty where winter p rt a re concerned come from the need to provide cover at ice kating rink, Thi activity i re pon ible for a proportionately higher number rca ualtie in relation to mo t other port, The Air Attendant Scheme continue to b to the [ore and during 1963 many reque t were received and met. The dutie were a alway, of particular intere t and inc! uded journey to or from m terdam , Madrid nited Kuwait, Hamburg, Pari and War aw, a \\ell a \ ithin the Kingdom , The patient e corted \ ere of man nati nalitie, everal did not peak Engli h- ju t another of the problem to b overcome, A somewhat unexpected feature on one night \ a the in i tence of an Arab hu band that hi ick wife hould have her ya hmak put on before being taken off the plane, It might al 0 be mentioned, whil t peaking or aircraft, that the Airport Divi ion in Guern ey attended 109 ca e at the airport. Attendance at race meeting, whether on the nat, ati nal Hunt or Point-to-Point, tend to be looked on a a matter of routine, a are the duties for the many other porting event and entertainment of all type, It may, however be of interest to record in 0 far a hoI' e racing i concerned, that over 80 % of the larger cour e are covered in ngland, and including Point-to-Point meeting , well over two thou and ca e (rider and spectators) treated la t year. , Tulip time in Lincoln hire might not be thought to be an occa l~n necessitating First Aid, yet during the three week \ hen tulip are tn bloom and being picked seventeen additional weekend Fir t id centres have to be set up,

Ti l L



r~ R-1 -CHI[:'


In thc hannel ,' land re cue and other work by marine ambulance are con tantly taking place and in tance of ga ll antry by the crew are all11o, t c mr:lOnplace, f!'1y,ing, hrisline II, the new launch in Guernsey, i being put Into comml Ion In 1964, A in I I'cviou year, Agricultural and porting how called [or a larg~ en: rt i~ counti~, Frequently the e dutie were undertaken in conjunction WIth yr Iter organisatio,n, tbe Briti h Red Cros Society, The R ,ya l how In I ?63 ?pened at It new and permanent home in Stonelelgh Park , WarWick hire, where the cover wa al 0 jointly provided by, the B,R" ' , and our e,lve , Otber event in countie which might be bl'leny , menllOned a they "Iu trate the multiplicity of dutie covered by the Brigade were: The Bath and We t h , w, omer et; Liverpool Show; Three Co untie how at M,alvern, for which th~ cover wa provided by Glouce ter hire, Hereford hire and Worce t r hlr~; The May air, Herefordshire; The Royal r~\~all h w; The ottIl1gham 00 e air' The Hull Fair in the a ~ RidIng, and the ,unty wicultural how, orthampton hire, portln~ event cov~red Inclu?ed liver tone by the Brigade in orth~1l1rlOn~hlre and ~ucklngham ,hire and Henley by the latter by the Brigade In Bucklngh~m , hIre, nnd 50-mIle Marcile pon ored by the Pre [or the genernl publl~ J\1 Kent and orl1wall, During the e marche 2,000 ca e \\ere treated !n ,K nl i.l;nd 80 and 300 re pectively for the two marche in Cornwall. it I Intere tlng to not that ergeant Taylor, aged 54 year of the almout,h mbulance and ur ing Divi ion carried out the econd o~ the 50-mil mar he in ,rI1 \\ all treated ca ualtie on the way but hll11 elf ended up fr e fr?m bll ter a nd far from requiring fir t aid, ol(~bl~ r IC cca,)lon c ere~ ,were avy Week in Plymouth' the Sover Igl: . Parad at the R ) al I1ltary cademy, andhur t; and the R, ,F, dl play al rth aid, e, The M i,nel' ' qala ~ t Pa rI,' in Lanca hire attended by 10000 miner wa al 0 pro\ Idec! \\ Ith Ir t Id cov r a \\a the annual Lanca hire Wake Week \\ ith it man proces in, ,In urre) e ,cort \\ere pr ided for children being taken from the LlI1gfleld H pi ta~ ch 01 t thei r home in Devon, The York hire/Lille E ~hang mlllittee al \\n again provided \\ ith e cort for eiaht tr~In by Lond n Oi trict , Kent and the W t Riding of York hire for thl ann ual \chang heme [ I' Fren hand ngli h choolchildren, ~rom 19th-21 t Jul u e were in attendance at the Chief out' Rally at k bridge for cout and Cub and at which 9,000 \\ere pre ent n the aturday, One hundred and fifty-tv 0 ca e need d nr t aid attenli n, ~he ucce f the Beatie ha in 01 ed the Brigade in many additional ~utIe, , herever ,th go th cru, h of the enormou crowd invariably Ie ult In ca ualtle,' 1n Lanca hire, for e'(ample 157 ca ualtie were attend~d a~d the PICtU!' \\ a , much th~ ame in umberland, London, WarWick hire, Ham p hlr , Lei e ter Bn tol , and no doubt in many other place, A , the year ended j t \\ ill be remem bered the La/,onia wa 10 t at ea. S~,rvlvor v ere brought back to thi co:,mtry by ea and air and the Bl~gade wa c,all~d upo~ to n:eet and a i t them , The fog which unfOltynatel ~0ll1cld~d" Ith t,helr return made th organi ation of the e dutle e pecIal!y difficult Ince aircraft \ ere diverted at hort notice





bet\, e n airport and con id r~bl fTort v a required t en ure that Our team \ ere \ aiting when urVlV r landed. In the event all were met- a remarkabl a hie em nt when it i remembered that a large number of the ur ivor arrived on hri tma Da . L ndon Di trict and Hamp hire \ re principal! c ncemed , although urre and Lanca, hir were al 0 tanding b . 1 ha e been increa ingly of the pinion t~at the imp rLant matter of training hould b centralized under ne enlor . rn~er and l .h~ve, therefore placed re p n ibiLity for the 0 erall co-o.rdmatLOn of tralnmg on the Deput Commi i , ner-i~-Chief, Rear- dmlral R . . ' .Wellby, C.B" D.S.O . foil \ ing hi taking over that meat the beginning. f th~ year. He i of cour ,advi d on technical a pe t by the urge n-)n- hlef and Chief ur ing fficer. . . . During the pa tear ur obje~t ha .been t make ur t.echnlcal trall1lng more practical in the fi ld of Flr t Id and H?~e ur Ing . Stre ha been laid n the importance of glVll1g member full opportunity to practice under the e e of th ir In ~ructor , the knowledge . acquired from attending lecture and dem n tratl n . The Sembal Tru t have very generou Iy donated a further grant which enabled additional King George VI Memorial Leader hip Training Cour e to be held. i, uch cour e v ere held in 1963 at Harrogate, Cirence ter, Hull, orwich, Blackpool and We tcliff- n- ea, and at which the average attendance a appro imately fin . . . A con iderable number of ne\ ount taff Officer (Tnllntng) have been appointed v ith the object of improving the orga.ni ati ~ ?f in truction in countie , particularly in the field of non-techn~cal tr~l~tng . Cto er hai on ha been e tabli hed with a ualty nt n a It I generally recogni ed that the u e of their ell traine? mem ber a .cau altie ~~r our Fir t id Competition add to the reall m of the eUlng and facllttate correct diagno i by the competitor . e confide~t1y e pect that thi will lead to the increa ed u e of member of the nt n not only for competition purpo e but in other field uch a a i ting dem n trator and lecturer and in re-examination. A number of countie are compiling Ii t of go d peaker on ubject of general intere t to Brigade mem ber ;. a i~ i .l~r li t j bei ng p~'epared at Headquarter, the object being to a I t DlVI Ion t plan vaned and comprehen ive training programme . ITEM


We try in the Brigade to be a free of regulation a we can . It ha , however to be remembered that in a voluntary organi ation new members without 'previou knowledge of it cu tom and practice weJcom~ orne form of "textbook' on the e matter to \ hich they can refer for gUldan.ce. Brigade Regulation are a much an in truction to thi end a ~nythlng el e. Amendment are avoided a much a po ible, but changIng conditions neces itate change from time to time. The policy i only to amend every three year or so rather than piecemeal, and 1963 ha een th~ bring~ng up to date of our Regulation a a re ult of the pa t three years expenence. . " It was felt de irable during the year to locrea e the In urance COV~l provided for our members, and the new poticie will come into force 10







indil~g the additional mo~~y . required for the premium

put yet traIn on ouoty and DIVI lonal finance, but it wa con idered e ~ntlal that our member h uld be adequately covered again t accident wh.de n duty, and a ~red benefit in keeping with the present co t of livll'1g. ~n the be. t a.dvlce, therefore, it wa decided that thi increased expendIture wa JU tlfiable. An e ential n.e~d. for a ucce ful unit i a uitable H .Q. whether it i at C?~nty or DIVI . IOn.al. level. Money i all too often a real ob tacle to ~btalnlng and Il!alntalnlng the e. None~h~le , new Headquarter contll'1ue to be obtaIned, and we are apprecIative that in a number of ca e help ha come from local authoritie , and for Cadet Divi ions from the Mini try of Education. Liai on with the Johannit~r- nfall-Hilfe, the Brigade' equivalent in We tern Germany, ha continued and thi la t year when their team were here for the a ualtie nion competition , London Di trict were able to offer ~hem me ho pitality. umer?u meeting and outing took place, whJch eem. to have been much enjoyed by both ide. There ha al 0 b~en contac.t In Germany where one or two Brigade member have been In touch with I cal Johanniter- nfall-Hilfe unit. A omewhat u.nu ual ~ctivity, ~hich after con ultation at H.Q. , involved me~ber In Buckingham. hire and. Berk hire, wa the making of a~ . ente.rtaln~e.nt film. rom tlllle to time member appear on TeleVI Ion, 111 training film, and on occa ion the Brigade uniform i een in new and ot.her fil.m . In fact~ ?oth th~ Surg~on-in-Chief and hi Deputy poke on Fir t Id on televl Ion. Thl parttcular film however wa a full length comedy u ing a Brigade etting. rt wa called' A Stitch in Time," . and tar:ed orman Wi dom . Helping to make it proved an mtere tlng ~ . pen~n e f<:)[ tho e in~olved and the film company were mo t p.uncttilOu In a k1l1g for advIce where our work wa concerned. They dId ~II they c. uld within ~ bac~ground of broad comedy to en ure th~t noLh1l1g \ a Included whIch might damage the reputation of the Br.lgade. For e ample the need for qualification in Fir t Aid before bell'1g a.llo\ ed t 'Wear Brigade uniform wa everal time tre ed. J would like t. add that n t nl \ ere the company generou at the time for uch ~ I tanc~ a the rec~ived but on the film being relea ed Mr . Joh.n Dav1-, the wIfe of the chaIrman of the Rank Organi ation organi ed a highly uc~e ~ul" Prem ier ," t~e e pen .e of which were b;rne by the Rank Organl atlon and re ulted In the Bngade benefiting very con iderably. yve are mo t grateful to Mr. and Mr . Davi for thi further example of their upp rt r rand intere t in the work of t. John. anoth~r





. The Ii t f Order and Brigade ward and Jubilee Certificate given Appendi "c '. The final of the Brigade ir t Aid and ur ing competition were held at,the Central Hall, We tmin ter, on 20th July and on thi occa ion the p:lze wer~ pr~ ented?y ir Ralph Perring, the Lord Mayor of London. Sir Ralph I VIce-Pre Ident of Farnham Ambulance Divi ion and before the war wa a ociated with th~ Brigade in Cobham. It wa , therefore, a very great plea. ure. to have him and Lady Perring with u . The Lord Mayor poke, 111 hI rno t out tanding addre ,of the clo e connection that ha alway e i ted between the Order and the City of London, and In







reminded u that Di k Whittington, wh n he Ar t cam to L nd n, was employed at the Pri ry .in Clerk nwel!. Winner in ach ectlOn \\ ere: De\ ar hield [or mbulance member Perrott hield [r ur ing member . White Knox ompetiti n [or mbulanc~ adet Dunbar ai mith omp tition for ur Ing adet

' ctcr it Police, Devon . Hartlepool , Durham. Pre ton, Lanea hire. Harrow, London Oi lriel. A

Tt ha

been d ided for the future that me change a.re de irable in the running of the e competiti n '. in ~he inter .t of making them f!l0r.e te ting. The e \ ill amount to pl~clng Incrca ed Imp rtance. on the ll1~1vidual te t ince elaborate eqlllpmcnt r c mpiete fir t aid team wtll not normali be a ailable in th ordinary c ur.e ~f .event and greater empha i ne d therefore, to be put n the Lndl Id ua I member and improvi a tion. . . The nnual Competition bet\ een th Bri gade 111 orthern [reland a~d Eire for the Otto Lund Troph wa attended by the mml loner-JnChief and Superintendent-in-Chief and v n b~ . orth rn Jr.e land to \\ hom \\'e offer our congratulation. The mpetltlon \\er Jud~ed by the Surgeon-in-Chief and Mr. D. McPher n, OL.1l1t ur Ing Officer, Su e . We \ ere all impre ed by the tandard dL pIa ed by the te.um and I \Va happ to be there on thi occa i n and to pre .ent the prize . The competition bet\ een Gu rn e and ~er e \: a Judged by the Surgeon-in-Chief and Mi D. underland, hlef . ur Ing ffic~r Dor e~, and won by Guern ey. The tandard f ir t Id and ur Lng at thl annual event i uch a to make it a matter of regret that the e pen e prevent the team from c0f!1~ng to t.he mainland to ompete in the appropriate Regional Competition . It I h ped at om future date that thi problem will be overcome. PE TIO




I "I.

0 1MI






In pection in nineteen ~ountie were carried out and vi it. to twent) other Di trict and countle made by enlOr Ilk I' t gether with a number of other vi it to training conferenc and the like . Keeping touch i one of the problem ?f a . oluntary rgani ation the ize of the Brigade but a much a po lble I don by mean of the e in pection and vi it , and a :-v!ll b~ een from the a.b e f]gure the majority of countie were all VI Ited 111 1963. I 'Ii ould. i.Ike to tre h~re how much value we at Headquarter et on the e VI It , and on be~ng able thereby to ee the Brigade a unit and individual and to getting closer to the work being done in the variou countie . ot lea t encouraging i the welcome 0 kindly given. . . Vi its from Brigade Headquarter cover a \ Ide vanety of event, from formal County In pection attended by di tingui hed gue t fr?m the county to attendance at local conference, training ~ay , watehtng competitions and conducting Cadet. enrolm~nt ceren:~nle - the latt.er chiefly by Colonel Goring. They al 0 Included In 1963 VI It . to the Mobtle Column Exercise in E sex which i de igned to practice emergen~y measures in a competition etting for a trophy pre ented by the late ~Ir Paul Booth. Such exercise do much to bring emergency cheme to ~Ife and test them and I recommend something of thi nature to all Di tnets and countie . 'It is es ential in the Brigade to have plan in each .county ready to meet major di a ter ranging from flood and explo IOns to

train cra he , . hipwreck or aircraft accident, and equally important that everyone hou ld be rchear. cd a far a po ible in the role they wo uld have to play. An ther erie f intere ting vi it were to the Aa t Midland Area ational oa l Board amp at Rh yl and Skegne , for employee in their Brigade IV.I Ion and their adet. The e weekend camp help greatly in encouraglllg the work of the Brigade in the e ivi ion and we are grateful t ~h.e ational oal Board for making them po' ible. Tho e of u w.ho VI Ited the camp are a l 0 mo t appreciative of the ho pitality we recci vcd . October aw the main celebration of the Di amond Jubilee of the Brigade ~n Eil~e, to whi ch the uperintendent-in- hief, my elf and the Surgeon-In- hlef who, a already mentioned, judged the Otto Lund COIl1~ctition held a~ ~hat time, were invited. Thi wa, indeed, a great oeea Ion we were privileged to attend and which allowed u we like to recl , to cem nt even further the link between the Brigade in Eire and Ollr el e . . ?n leaving . ire [ pent a few day in orthern Irel and. It wa my fir t VI It to the Brigade ther and fortunately coincided with the Fe tival of St.. John . Pri r t thc chUI~ch er.v~ce r carried out an in pection of the unit pre cnt . r r thc c~a Ion . VI It to Ball ymena and Belfa t gave me the p~ rtunl( f meeting a number f officer and member and eeing oIl1ethlng r th \\ rk the BI"igade i doing. [ have al 0 had the plea ure of attending two function in Wale. The fir t of the e \\ a the P~ior . F~ tival at the time of St. John ' D ay, \\hen r \\'a h n ured by belllg Invited to peak to Chapter and al 0 to A .cmbl y. Thc other \\a an e cellently run Training Weekend at Barry \\hleh, r r m and the Dcput ommi ioner-in- hief who al 0 attended \\a b th profltable and enj able. e aw much of intere t which with the concurrcnce of the hi f C mml loner we have pa ed on to the Brigade el c\\ her . C



1963 \\a the year f r the biennial Pre ident' onference \\hich \ a held in . hel ea T \\.n Hall in ovember. ft \ a attended by near! 400. Pre ld.e nt and Ice-Pre ident (a record number) from allover the Illted Klngd m, and in addition \ve \\ere delighted to have with u L~dy Dorman fr m Malta , and Lad Care\ and Lady Thomp on from Ire; all of \\rh m are Brigade Pre ident . The conference \ a not only valuable but, I bclie e, Ii ely and enjoyable a l 0: certainly \ e at Headquarter thought o. are mo t grateful to our Pre ident and VicePre ident for their upp rt t the Brigade and in particular would like t? than k tho e \Vh fund time to attend the c nference for the con tructlve idea and ad ice put forward d uri no- the di CLl ion. . In additi n, th u ual annual confere;ce w re all held and, a alway, dl~ much to\ ard pro iding guidance on the cour e to be follO\ ed in Bngade matter. It hould perhap be m ntioned that the Secretarie ' C?nf~rence formerly held ever other year, ha now at the req ue t of 01 tnet and ountle become an annual meeting. [




It wa with incere regret that the re ignati n of four Commi ioner were received during the year. II had given terling ervice to the Brigade,





and it is of interest to note that the total of their service as Commi s ionf rs a mounted to 50 years. We are, however, fortunate in finding WOfT1Y uccessors a nd to these we offer a warm welcome and good wishes 1:>1" a happy ~nd successful tenure. The changes occurred in the follo wi g counties:Cumberland and Westmorland: Colonel G. M. Kinmont, O.B.E. , r.1S succeeded Captain J. L. John, R.N. Derbyshire: Captain P. J. B. Drury-Lowe has succeeded Colonel Arnot Beam , C.B.E. , D.S.O., M.C. , M.D. Essex: Captain R. J . Wenley, T.D. , J.P ., has succeeded Dr. J . Whitley, O.B.E., M.B ., Ch.B. Lincolnshire: Captain P. H. E. Welby-Everard , D.S.O. , R.N. , h s succeeded Air Mar hal Sir John Baldwin , K.B.E. , C.B. , D .S.O. , J.P . SURGEO -1 -CHI EF'S DEPARTMENT

The Surgeon-in-Chief reports as follows: Once again there has been an increase in the number of Bri ~a Surgeons. I welcome the number of younger members of the professlOr, while regretting the loss of some of our more experienced colleagues dl ~ to age or transfer to administrative posts ; particularly I regret the los~ c Dr. Stewart as District Surgeon for London , while welcoming his appom ment as P.M.O. to the St. John Ambulance Association, an appointme, • which will maintain the essential links between the Medical Departmen of the Association and Brigade. Mr. G. Craft's resignation due to ~h., increasing pressure of work in the Association was also accepted WIt regret. He has for many years been a tower of strength in keepin~ th Department's records and organising our conferences with an effiCIency for which he is well known throughout the Brigade. In future Mr. C Kirkham will be looking after both these duties and has already show him self more than capable of shouldering this additional load. During the year effort have been made to emphasise the greate importance of the practical rather than the theoretical side of the. ,:"or of the Brigade, in routine training, in examinations and in comp~tl~l ? n, The necessity of adequate equipment especially for Nursing DlVI Slor ha been stressed. Tntere t in Re uscitation has continued, and many call have bee made on the Department for lectures and demonstrations ; my copy (l "The Pulse of Life" ha been lent to many counties; the benefits of t!inten ive training in thi subject are clear from the large numb~r of cas reported in which the new method has been uccessfully applted . The Annu a l Surgeon Conference wa held at Buxton: though .t e atte ndance was lower th a n I could wish, valuable ideas were forthcolTI lr r. During the year the policy of visiting counties to meet Brigade S~rge o a nd member wa continued and my Deputy or I visited some ntn ete 1 between u . 1 am particularly grateful to tho e Surgeons who c~lTI e the e meeting and to all Brigade Surgeon for all their work dunn g year. 1 a m a l 0 indebted to my Deputy Dr. Scot~, for his ~ver re~ Y practical help a nd advice hi knowledge a nd expenence are mvalua ~. '>




In the changing pattern of Civil Defence there remains the difficult )roblem of maintaining public interest, but it is still the Brigade' policy upport this activity of citizenship. The Home Office has continued to allot us vacancies on short Senior ) fficers Courses at the Civil Defence Staff College, which have been most aluable in building up this si de of the Brigade's work. In addition, a Jne-d ay Course at the Civil Defence Staff College, Sunningdale, entirely devoted to the Brigade, took place on 26th January, 1963. De pite xtremely bad weather, eighty members of the Brigade from all over the ountry attended an interesting and instructive day. CADETS

The Annual R a ll y in 1963 took place at Cheltenham on 13th July. gain we were honoured in having H.R.H. Princess Margaret to take this; during the afternoon she inspected the three thou and Cadet on parade and conducted an Enrolment Ceremony. The interest and vitality of St. John Cadets continue to be a ource of encouragement to us all and as has often been stre sed, if an organisation is not to stagnate it need s the enthusiastic influence of the young. The help of Cadets to the sick, handicapped or elderly ha shown a remarkable degree of voluntary service. Moreover, undoubtedly a trong sense of respon sibility prevail in Cadet Divisions, on which both Officer and . . .adets are to be congratulated. Cadets have also been prominent in sisting adult member on public duties within the limits impo ed by e Brigade. On many other occasions, during the ordinary course of eir day-to-day life, they have helped those in immediate need. In the field of courage, rescues from drowning, effective first aid and presence of mind have frequently been displayed such as, to mention only a few, by Cadet Raymond Thompson of Londonderry, who climbed , at great personal risk to him self, down a forty-foot cliff to go to the re cue of another boy who had fallen down and suffered evere injuries; by Cadet f,ergea nt J. Parker of Peterborough, who re cued a yo ung girl who had r t into difficulties whil st wimming and ub eq uently applied artificial res piration; and overseas by Cadet Alva de Freitas in Grenada who ccessful1y carried out an almost identical re cue. To the e are coupled r umerous cases of uccessful first aid in emergency, where good training () d cool heads have been of great value. Cadet activities are not, however, only confined to fir t aid work. /> dventure training and camping have an important place in the Divisional r ·ogramme and are largely based on :(a) The Brigade Ca mp at Bexhill , which wa atte nd ed by 1,049 camper between 20th Jul y a nd 24th August; once more an increa e on the previous year. Forty-five Camping Warrant and 4 Quartermastering Certificate were i ued- agai n an appreciable increa e. rn addition mo t countie also run Cadet Camps which are well attended. (b) "Commando' type exerci e in whi ch the Bri gade in Birmingham i e pecially prominent. Thi county i in the proce of tarting up a weekend training centre in Snowdonia for thi particular type or activity.


16 (c)







01 ' ll1L




and the Brigade to which they belong. This tandard is a ll too often not achieved and boys tcnd to be wor e in thi re pect than girls.

The Duk of dinburgh' Award . chcm in whi h t. John adct in 196 gained f ur Gold, lhr c tI cr and I Bron7c \ ard

Trailling R



Tt i ricrht in an

r p rt lo look n toni at u cc but al and \ he;e we fail. 1 con ider the main item herc to be: R ecruitin cr at Home

at ur elve


tated earlier number are dO\\ n agaIn and furth r d~cr~a e . cannot be accepted complacently or ve hall ~lOt meet th .cont~nulng II:crease of call on our ervice. Thi pr blel11 I con tantly In mInd and It Illay be that the dri tarted late la tear ha not .g~ t pr perl~ under ,!,~y. Whate er the rea on , and there are many, thl I omethlllg requIrIng continued and tirele attention. Cadet R ecruiting


Thi problem of falling nUJ11b~r appll er mu h to the adet Di i ion, and e peciall the ur Ing adet.. We take p~'ide in the. fact that Cadet Divi ion are not youth club de Ign~d to pro vldc re re.a t.I~~al activitie but the und r- i ,teen ction of the Brtgade wIth re pon Ibtlltle for training and er ice leading to full r pon ibilitie . a a?ull. The fact that \ e call for higher degree of er lce lnce \\ e expect young people to devote pare time. to th~ e end J11U t f cO~lr e narrow the field from \ hich \ e can recrult . Thl \ e J11U t accept \\ lth our eye open ince \ e mu t not lower. t~le tandard ~nd thi m~an \\e have ~o put particular effort into obtallling our re ~Ul~ . f .the rtght ~ pe an~ In ufficient number. Th good oung ter \\tli J 111 If \\e put In ufficlent effort to get them. Promotion of Cadets



Promotion to Adult Divi ion i al not taken a aut matlcallya It should be. Here again i a wel l knO\ n pr blem throughout the c untry youth activitie and n t omething rc tl~icte? to the in all branche Brigade. Many factor influ~nce th~ prob.le.m : G. . . e\~mlnatl n , ~he es ential need to get tarted ll1 earntng a hVlng and OJ11~~lme the feeltng that approaching maturity mu t be e ' pre ed by requIrIng m~re enterII of tainment and greater freedom from rule hovvever 10 el). knit. the e mu t be ympathetical1y under tood and handled If \\e are to retain the Senior Cadet in the Brigade; and perhap ab ve all, they must be hown they are welcome and needed in the dult Divi ion .



We must not be complacent about our technical efficiency nor ca.n we always claim that dutie everywhere are carried out in the wa~ the Brigade as a whole expect. Such matter a admini trative hortcomln~ a~e al 0 all too prevalent in the rendering of return and the organl atlon of cinema collection . Return are not merely a matter of red tape but the ?urce of i.n[ormation on which to a sess promotion and award and gIve help In many ways. Cadet Marching

We do not aim to attain the standard of drill for t. John adet that is desirable in the pre-Service unit. All we require i th~t ~adet hould carry themselves on parade in such a way a to how a pnde 111 themselves

Training i ~l vital function o( ~he Brigade. 11 it depend not only the succe of dutle. ~ut aL 0 recrUItIng. nle it i live, varied, interesting and up to date In It method , efficiency will ufTer and, further , we hall not attract ~o our rank the people that we want. The highe t tandard IllU t, therelore, be the only acceptable one. Ae/mini. (rallon

Thi and training are the two e ential for efficient dutie and unle s adl:lil~istrati n i. right, ~~tie .may . faJI down through lack of proper logl ttcal upport. Admlnl tralt n I a ubject Lo which far greater attention 111Ust bc paid by ome Divi ion CO


In concluding m) rep rt f r 1962, I outlined three aim for which I considered \ e hould trtV, viz:(a) The maintenance f tandard . (!J) Reinforcement with young member. (c) tr ng link with the ociati n. The re pon e t th~ . e ha ev~rywhere been mo t gratifying. 1 believe, ho\Veve~, that thc. e ,11 m al~e ttl! reJ~vant and I am a king the Brigade to conttnue to glv th 111 It attentl n. During the year ve at Headquarter" ha .e .take n a., a theme .fo r conference a~d addre e "Looking heau . T.h!. I rcall~ tl. bro~denlng ~[th~ ~co~d al111, but it importance, I fcel, mCrtt ' mpha I In thl \\a Ince It Indicate the outlook e ential for ~n~ecti ~ arrying ut of dutie training, recruiting organi at ion, adl11ln,lstratlo~ anu recreation in fact, ever thing we do and are. Thi need lor I oklng ahead, I am ure, i e entia I if we are to be in line \ ith or yrercrabl. tl jump ahead or. the temp and change of modern time: It I onl \\ Ith uch an utlook that the Brigade' future \ ill be en ured and thereby our vital , ervice t the community maintained at the level of the traditi nand tandard of the pa t. I t.~lr ted thi . report b qu ting that \\e live in deed not year, and I Ub1111t thc BrIgade' de u peak [or them el e . 1 include in the e all a p ct of UI- \\1 rk although I \\ uld e pecially like to dra\ attention to our \\.elfar \\ rk , \\ hic.h i ometime verlooked by tho e ection of the public who 111 a clate us \\ ith fir t aid and nur ing. I \\oulu like to enu by thanking publicl all Officer and Member both adult and ~adet, in whate er country or capacity the erve, fo; the e deed . Thel r de oted [ice ha y t again been omething to be wondercd at, and. the \-I,ay they are tackling the problem re ulting from th~ tre e of thl ua anu age i equally t be admired. It j al 0 elfeVident that 111 continuing thank go to the uperintend nt-in-Chief and urgeon-i n- hi [ \\ h e e\perience and kn Y\ I dge are of uch great value. pa e doe not permit ~e year by year to refer to everybody but, o[ Cour e, the field of my gratitude e -tend to key member Llch a the Deput~ . omm~ i n . [-in- hi f, Lieut.-Colonel rthur Goring i tant Coml11 I 10ner-Il1-Chlef, r r hi .leader hip in the Cadet field and King George VI Cour e , and my Chlef taff Officer \\ ho e a i tance ha left me far freer than Y\ uld oth rv i e have been po ible for moving about










the ountry and v r ea . I would al ~ like t ~hank the . dit~r an? .S.ta(f of the Rel'fel l' f r th trouble they take 111 r p~rtLng t~1e Brlgadc actiVitIes; the Brigade ha hoy nit a ppr c~a tion by LJ1crea I.ng thc n u.mber ~f its ub criber to thi xcell nt maga zln and 1 h P thl trend will contll1ue. Finally, a \ ill ha e be n een, it .ha been decided .to de cribe overseas matter in a eparate chapter. Thl ll:ak ,[ r a IeI' refercnce to the variou item covered by the report \ hi h wa the rea on for the change. t the ame time I ant t make clear that although T hav de cribed el ewhere the \ ork of the Brigade ver ea , the divi ion i purely for editorial rea on . The Brigad i onc Brigade v herever it erve and we are all deeply con cioLl and proud f that fact. ROY R Dr K COl11l17i ioner-in-Chie!









TATISTJ ADULTS Divisions Personnel A mbuComAmbulance Nursing bined Total lance Nursing TOlal England & . Ireland . 1,422 1,056 349 2,827 32,577 18,737 51,314 Commandery in entral Africa 13 5 4 22 334 155 489 Other Territorie Over ea 605 243 82 930 51,561 5,010 56,571 Priories: Wale outhern Africa . ew Zealand. Canada u tralia .

India . Paki tan rand TOlal

2,040 1,304 237 169 118 173 171

120 90 90 138 98

868 699 66

536 175 5

3,673 2,020

435 3,779 37 74 33 27 58


23,902 108,374

394 333 241 338 327

4,164 4.490 2,853 4,459 4,869

1,597 1,614 1,900 3,310 2,111

5,761 6,104 4,753 7,769 6,980

229 J,633 874 71

20,835 18,953 2,238

] 0,532 3,753 86

31,367 22,706 2,324

664 6,357 126,498

38,273 164,77 1

C DET Division Personnel AmbllComAmbulance IIrsing bined Tolal lance ursing TOlal ngland . Irel and . 1,042 1,267 134 2,443 22,338 34,484 56,822 Commandery in entral fri a 2 3 1 6 113 101 214 Other Territorie o er ea 149 119 29 297 3,041 2,591 5,632 Priories Wale oUlhern frica ew Zealand . Canada Au tralia .

fndi a . Paki tan Grand Tolal

1,193 1,389 I 3 63 147 35 142

171 81 138 53 1/8

570 322 13

561 145 1

2,098 2,096

164 2,746


37 176


376 219 2 8 269

2,691 J,270 2,364 669 2,963

3,104 2057 2,857 1,402 2,907

5,795 3,327 5,221 2,071 5,870

109 1,240 467 14

9,957 6,929 342

12,327 2,684 33

22,284 9,613 375

4,467 42,720



22 75 3 9


T. JOll












23 3 9 707 10 429 150 61.+ 5_5 177 J

5 10 1,500 301 316 76 671 7 336 33 101 41 49 3,2 0 1034 451 3,573 613 665 62 1,693 269 205 252 615 1,041 762 529 670 22 260 368 532 326 2,774 353

-0 JJI:J.







Appendix ""



Bedford hire Berk hire Birmingham Bri lol . . . Buckingham hire ambridge . Che hire. Cornwall umberland Derb hire . Devon hire. Dol' et . Durham. E e, Glouce tel' Guern e Hamp hire . Hereford hire Hertford hire I [eofMan. I Ie of Wight Jer e Kent . Lanca hire Leice ter. Lincolnshire London. orfolk. . . orthamptonshire . orthumberland ottingham hire o ford . Plymouth hropshire . Somerset Stafford hire Suffolk . Surrey . Sussex . Warwickshire Wiltshire . . Worcestershire. . . . East Riding of York hire. orth Riding of York hire West Riding of Yorkshire. orthern Ireland .


A IIIln/IIrsi/lg

L27 232 37c 221 317 10 45 310 155 558 444 162 372 310 _04


.+05 77 235 70 46 54 4 I 1,727 60 13 -,4 5 650 464 _51 52_ 102 140 173 335 422 I 5 459 50L 345 184 294 365 263 1,657 867


LO'+ 2 6 354 31 464 103 44 442 12 1,412 4 3 11 444 _13

1 43 747 4 376 109 10.+ 9 653 1,9 5 479 4.+2 2,562 424 510 457 1,141 165 262 247 613 431 2 9 502 711 537 16 302 20.+ 135 1, 75 222


153 530 3 _ 460 761 262 788 769 194 1,_29 8 0 3 6 623 427 263 1 1,274 225 562 I 4 44 177 1,02 3,107 610 542 3,596 769 796 "09 1,20 221 364 115 90 41 541 76 1,053 6 7 563 490 433 397 2,991 1,054


622 1,407 1,821 1,509 1,971 623 2,303 2046 651 5,031 2,390 816 2,939 1,251 966 309 3,097 437 1,509 396 295 370 3,011 10,099 2,4 3 1,61 12,216 2,456 2,435 2,079 4,564 757 971 97 2,453 2,735 1,777 2,258 2,935 2,391 1,175 1,454 1,534 1,121 9,297 2,496

Tile Order 0/ I . ./ohn Bar 10 L(fe aving Medal in Cold rea mml ioner R. . Blanchford, .B . . , G.M., Bailiwick of Guern ey, for hi ut. landing leader hip during the cour e of a erie of rc cue operati .n in which the live aved were due to hi kill and experience, and In event! of which much per onal risk wa involved. The Order (~/ t. John erlijicale of Honour orp larT Officer . M. Smith, outh Warwick hire Corp, County or Warwick, r r hi out tanding leader hip during the cour e of a erie or re cue perati n in which the live aved were due to hi kill and experi nce, and in everal of which much per onal ri k wa involved. MeriloriollS enice erlijicales I11bulanc Member teele, Bradford mbulance Divi lon, Duke or Lanca ter' Di tricl. J11bulance Member R. Millar, hipley Ambulance Divi ion, We t Riding orYork hire . Mr. ar Blan hford, t. John Bailiwick of Guem ey. Tran p rt m er W. Field, mbulance Divi ion, County of 1I . C\. mbulanc ember Robin on, Earl Barton mbulance Divi ion, County of rthampt n. Cadet Ra mond Thom]1 n, Lond nderry mbulance Cadet Divi ion orthcrn I rcland. A merican Trophy for

adcl Ra mond orthern Ireland.

allanlry h mp on, Land nderry mbulance Cadet Divi lon, Crand Prior Badges

III bulancc

ur Ing

142. 37-. Meld hi Id \\ere awarded to mbulance Cadet hield \\ re awarded to u ring Cadet . pecht!

234 pecial 429 pecial

er lce er 1 e


JuNlee Cerlificale The r 110\ ing unil ha e been i. ued \\ith Jubilee ertificate indicating 50 ear' onti~uou ervic: like ton u ring Di i ion, 0 rby; Torq uay ur jng Divi ion Ea t, outh and rth e on' e\\ ton bbot ur ing Divi ion, Ea t outh and orth De on; Hell n Ie Hole ur ing Divi ion, Durham' Emma Colliery mbulance Divi i n, Durham; Houghton I pring mbulance Divi ion, Durham' ef\\ent Valley Corp, Durham; Stella Corp, Durham; Hitchin mbulance Divi ion, Hertford hire' North Mal1ehe ter ur ing Divi ion, uke of Lanca ter' Di trict; Mo ley ur ing Divi ion Duke of Lan a ter' Di trict; Royal Borough of Ken ington ur ing IV] lOn, L ndon (Prince of Wale') Di trict; Richmond ur ing Divi ion, L ndon (Prince of Wale') Di trict; ewca tIe







We tern Nur ing Divi ion, North~mb r~a~? ; Blyth Nur in g. Divi ion Northumberland ; 0 ,ford City Nur mg Dlyl Ion Oxford ; H~ ~I~g Town Ambulance Divi ion Su ex' Hull Reckltt Ambula nce . DIVI I. n, E.R. York hire; Hull Ea t rn Nur ing Di i ion, : R. Yor~ hire ;. ~.Ithern sea Nur ina Divi ion E.R. York hire' Hull Reckltt Nur tn ~ DIVI I.o n.' E.R. York hire; Driffleld Nur ing Di i .io n, .R. York hire ; Brtd!I~~ton Ambulance Divi ion, E.R. Yo:k hlr~ ;. y"eadon Ambul a nc~. Divi Ion , W.R. York hire ; Yeadon Nur 109 DIVl Ion W .R . York hlle .







ER- I -CHI ""






The Bri gade ha continued to make progre 10 almost all Districts Over ea , and it i perhap of particular note that with the adve nt of Independ ence in 0 many cou ntri e intere t in our work has in no way declined anywhere. Tt i encouraging al 0 that in many new place greater upport is now being given to the adet movement. Di vi ion are bein g formed in choo l and rna ter and mi tre e are giving their help . 1/ ADQ



E cellent w rk continue to be carried out by our Headq uarters Officer in ypru, the aribbean igeria Sabah and Sierra Leone. The fir t two have, of cour e been facing emergencie in their areas most atifactorily. Thi ear a tart ha been made in implementing the policy of finding Headquarter Officer from the countrie in which they are to work rather than ending pe pie from here. The advantage of thi y tem are obvious and we h pe that \ e hall be able to e tend it to many part of the world in the near future. The fir t of the e officer \i a Mr. David Aguda, H.Q. taff Officer of Uganda \\ h pent me t\\ 0 month in ngland on a Briti h Council bur ary, vi iting Headquarter and ob erving our procedure an d administrative meth d . Thi opportunity of getting to know each other wa greatly to our ad antage and, we hope, a l hi. We are hoping to extend the y tem ne t year \ ith the vi it of Mr. fgbe H.Q. Officer de ignate for Nigeria . M RG


(a) ARIBB E . The ear wa notable for deva tating hurricane in the aribb an. Thi \ a made" or e by the fact that, unlike in normal year, the path f the torm f Ilowed une pected direction. Although can iderabJe damage" a done in a number of i land , much the wo r t incident occurred \ hen hurricane 'Flora" truck Tobago \ ithout warning early one morni ng in October. The emergency team in Trinidad \ a quickly alerted and tran ported to Tobago to tart work. Thi team of twent -five member wa led by Mr . Davie- mith , the Headquarter Officer, Mr. . H . Matthew, Area Commi ioner, and r. richlO\, Corp urgeon. Brigade member in Tobago under the orp uperintendent, Mr. IIeyne joined the team and everyone did terling work in etting up Fir t Aid Po t and caring for the people who had 10 t their home. Over 3 000 ca e were dealt with by emergency team . (b) CYPR U . Mi Jrene Check ley, M.B . . , our Headquarter Officer, and her R ed ero cou nterpart, Mi Shelagh Pater on, pent a weary and alarming Chri tma during the initial trouble in the I lan d organi ing



T. Jail





r Ii f for r fug e , treating the icl<.. 'l1id ufT ri~ig, and tracing the mis ing. Due t their abilit , hard \ ork and popularIty, the e two y Ling ladie wer a c pted by all cia e and all omnlunitie. They \\ere thLl , able to i it peopl and pia and t bring uc OUI' to th e in need, where no th r p ople r organi ation had been a ceptable. the ear end d and the troubl magnifi d, arrang m nL \ ere in hand for t am of t. J hn and Red ro relief orkeL to be nt to C pru . The e arrangem nt \ er quickl l put into efTe t and by the end of Februar e en t. John volunteer \\er \V rking jointl in the I land \ ith a imilar number f th ir Red r colle'lgue. R lief \V rk i ba d on en team each f tv 0, under the co-ordination of a mall H adquarter head d b Mr. J. Ie, unty tafT nlcer, Oxford , and Secretar of th ciation Vi ual id ection, \\ ith M i Pater on of the Red ro a Deput . The \ rk i ardLiou but re\\(uding a the team 11a eben abl to help the man thou and or peopl in need but it i alo ery ati factor to n te that their efT rt em to be appreciated on all ide. (c) SABAH. Out tanding relief and re cu work \\ a carri d out by Brigade member during the enou Oood \\ hich occurred in the early part of the yea r. In the Tuaran area th St.] hn ambulan e \\ a th onl chi Ie capable of reaching the illage, and Ii e \\ould certainl have b en 10 t \\ithout it. Over 200 villager, including i, b d-ridden people, \ er re cLied and taken to high ground. The amb'Ula'Oce \\a al 0 u ed to di tribute f od and thing to the re cued people. The Brigade \\a later again called on to render a i tance in a . evere land !ide. Si ' St. John member \\ere fir t on the cene and joined b) other worked through the day with the Police and rill , c ntinuing mall b ywha the follo\ ing morning to earch for mi ing pe pi . wa buried owe hi life to the local Oi i ional uperintendcnt, Mr. Henry Chai who gave him mouth-t -m uth re u citation , \\hich hc had learnt from \ atching a film. Mr. hai \\a later ent a lettcr r commendation from the Commi ioner-in- hier. Cd) GHA A. The life aving medal of th Order \\a <.l \\arded in December to Jame K. hun, a Brigade member, and h akc angara for great gallantry in helping to ave the Ii e f three m n in a mine accident at the A haoti Goldfield Corporati n at bua i, \\ hen a section of the tope roof and urrounding ground c Ilap cd burying one man, trapping two other and injuring fi e more. Working in cramped and extremely hazardou condition and \ ith complete di regard for their own safety Mr. E hun and M r. Wangara uc eeded i n fr~eing the two trapped men and the one who wa buried. r. hun c ntinued to render fir t aid until the ca ualtie were brought to the urface and taken to hospital. TIE Independence Celebration in Zanzibar and Kenya pr duccd enormou crowds, particularly in the latter place where it wa e timated nearly half a million people as emb1ed at the Stadium in airobi alone. t. John teams ably led and directed by the Commi ioner were on duty almost continuously for the three day of the celebration and had to take part P BLI







in a/l manner f unu ual dulie inc! d ' childbirth, I n both counl,-ie mo l a u In.g ~o Ie s than four ca es of were received from the Authoritie c: ~pre~tatlve letters or congratulation mel11 bel' . or 1e work done by the Brigade SL I R 0 FI 'I: R

ew ommi following place


have been apPol'nted d unng . the year in the



Briti h Ilondura !gcrian POI:t A u'tho'ri ty' Igcnan RaIlway orp . Sierra Leonc abah . . Zanzibar . .

J. P. Ru h, q ., J.P. , F. D. Wallace, (I . . M R . . ao, · E q. . " . . . K ee I mg, E q ., O .B. A. R. Wilkey q M B R. H. Y. Bile' ., . ... ' q. , O .B. . .

0 mn7lSSIOIler "

Present Commissioner

D W . akclin, sq. J. O. M. Bolanle E q 0 r. D ' . . .O dukwe L W L . ' . Relgh~ sq., M.Y.O. Dr. . . Dtngley K. Pascoe, sq., M.B.E.

I h. uld II.ke to take thi opportunity of I . the BrIgade ,n their new app intment and wf comlOg the. e Offi~er to dece or r r nil their pa t hard work on b ah °If off thhanb~g their pree a 0 t e Bngade. VIITOR We were fo,-tunate lhi year in havin . twenty-one countrie , many of whom w!r/la~tl~r from the followlOg Annual .. mmemorati n ervice at t P , to be p~e ent at the CompetitIOn and at the adet Rally: . aul, the Bngade Final uslra lw anada e';\ Zea land outh frlca . cychelle hJI ypru

ganda Jamaica Mauritiu Gr nada Ilong Kong abah Mont errat

Barbado t. Kitts Trinidad igeria Briti h Guiana Malta , G.c. Ghana

One vi it r \\e got to In \\ er \ /I . ngland n" B ' I' tl' h Y'[ be \~a Mr. Richard . who .... u uncI ur ary H . th T Herman .. for iji nnd pent a con iderabl amount of' e . J e ralOlllg C?fficer Over en Depnrtment, with the Bri ad . the lime h~ w~ here III ~he other ount) Headqunrter includi;g Jee:~yL~~~O~u~:nt~~.t, and with

\~a in



In January J can-ied ut a co,npre h . . torie \ hich \ a de cribed i~ la t ,en Ive tour f Ea t African Terri_ ' . year report. Th e UI g n-In-Chlef paid a . t . lt . and ew Zealand On the \ prhlva ~ :VI d during the year to Au tralia MI' . a e VI Ite Hong Kong . d F'" Illgapore an a aya, and during the return journ welcomed and return d full of enth ey~ IJI. (:' t each place he w~ \ armly had vi ited. u la m lor the 0 er ea DI triet he G

In Februar and March J 964 I " d . . area. Chronologically thi vi it' VI Ite . the Bnga~e 111 the Caribbean 1963 report but I feel ioce it t:~ ~ut Id.e t~e penod .covered by the ~ill, a in the ca e of our work inoC p ace In tllne for th~ report that it tlon it now rather than h ld 't ~pru , be of greater mtere t to menThi tour to k 0 I . oyer lor another twelve month. place were vi ~te~:a~ee:~~~a m~;!na.~u~ry t~ March and ~~e following Grenada, Barbado t V· I a . an 'Tobago Bntl h Guiana . Il1cent, t. LUCia ntlgua and Mont errat, St.









. , ,. a Twenty-three Parades were in peeted Kitt and ngudla , 0nd Jal:~t <-Ii the t John Council. concerned. A and th re \ ere m. eetlQng v I 1 0 VI· l·t d in the i lands and the Oppor[ II r H were u • k b b num r ma . . .. t d ·'lW aU nti n t t. J hn w r y mean tunit \ a tak 11 [n: L.I~ 0 ~1(.1d br adca ' t a well a. through pre of a numb r or TV. Lnt I le\ <. I


hann I h aribbean om II 000 Brigade member Ther ar pread thr ugh t o'f t. John tand high · · t 'It·I fact r to report that the nam d an It I 1110 (. t h · d and the training giv n to the b th for th \ ork. don b. ~rIga oCI·ation and Brig'ldc. Yir. F· d other publl rVlce by • . .·bb 'ln hold t John ociation P 11 , Ire an orce In the all . <. d j1e two larg t i land tuall the \ hoi Poli (. . ,b· 11 mber fthe Bnga . .. ertL~cat ,ma~: . eLl1g I, e Jar e and eITe tiv Iy rgani ed UI:lt , but 111 Jamal a and TI Lnld~d.' i~~1d th gir trength i II in prop rtlon. Th~re man 0 f t h 1:1 a \I I 1 (. . 10 t" b lin the r r mat ion 0 [ ad c tun It. ·· 10- Ian o[e:\panl n,l u . h r h ar prom I LI c: b k ·t t d t be in th numcrlcal . trengt . 0 t e '1 \\ a ne I cn . t b Wh ere there I .<. . d' ·t · hop d that this wIll nO\ tarL 0 e lance DL I Lon an 1 I d f " m b u (. bl" block i' Ilnanc. he nee J Ul·ta bl e remedied. u ual, 1i:.1 tun~ II~g quipmcnt and unirorm in Territorie Headq~lar~e~· and t.1e c t we~1 fr pre ents a con iderabl problem but where mdLvldual al no ·ttee "I.e t'1 klino- the matters. ouncil and omml - u b ·r J I t. 0111.. < od rea on t be proud of it aribbe~111 arm, J ?ne Th B[~gade ha g , d 1 ,m glad to u. e thi pportunlt or publicly 'Ht fthe \\ rId \ hare ding 0 much. ma put It that \\a , an. ibraltar and Malta and c 11gratulatin.g all th e. 111 t~~trP'. ·ted bri ny The Supert11tendent-ln- .. Ie II . f h igeria and ierra i a\\'a at the lim of wntlng on a t UI 0 ana, '"' Leone. l



LL 101

. t th · lk f \\'ly here t implify our adminiWe are alv ay tr Y.l11 g 0 _ II i tri't to xpand into rural area and tration and 0 t a l t ovehl.ea a be LlnknO\vn but i none the Ie I -t \ her ur teac Ing m, . ' 0 _ 0\1~fy~~lquired. I have recentl in tituted an enqulr throug,h ~h~ , de\ ea VI a . h d th t might make uch progre <1 leI <1n am Department IlltO met 0 h a ome 'ldV'ln been mad but man e:\cellent 1 ~ glad to ay that not n) . 1 ve be n recel ved fr m vel ell . . ugge t10n 1a t primarily for the ruture. I thInk I can be t The e however ar ep (. I " ha ' . b ' . that 0 er e'l perf rmance anc. pi ogre um up 19~3 . Y a~~lnlg would like t~ record my thank. to all Brigade beenencoUlaglI1g . k· thO We at Headquarter have een membe~ over ea fa.: ma, mg "I ve·r ea during our i it , and few omethlng of the BIlga~e "~~! k t the area c red by the Brigade, though the ~ may eem J~ l~C~~~; of what goe n. I feel, therefore, in they have ~lven u a .go~ it \ rk that I do 0 with fir tcongratulatlI1g the. Bnga e v.er ea n lace we regrettably hav not 0 hand knowledge, Ince even WIth tho e p (.. 1'-' ld I·k to thank d t i it we keep clo e touch. Inally w u I e far manaBge 0 V d h· tafT in the Over ea Department for all they Colonel enyo~ an I Th . .. r kno\ n than k rrom me have done dUrIng the year. ey lequlle,. ' . reslabour of love Their reward 1 per hap In the many e P d · . h a t elf I a .. . h h h' d tile actual goo ion of goodwill ent to them th.r?ugh u w 0 ave cl L fortune to make the e over ea Vi It and tour. ROY R 1 K, OJ71l11i ioner-in-Chiej. L












R PORT, 1963

Throughout the past year the Nursing orp and Division fully maintained their traditional high standard of ervice t tho e in need and J welc l11e thi opportunity of paying tribute to their valuable and devoted work and or thanking theIll. Whether the need arose through accident, emergency or the long-term care required in ca es of illne and disableI11ent, th nur ing p r~onnel continued elnessly to meet the many demand made upon them. Much attention, too, has been given at every level to the practical training 'v\hich, even for experienced member, i vital in keeping method , and kill up to date and at a high . tandard of efficiency. In my last report I referred to the Mini ter of Il ealth's appeal for the greater u e of voluntary help in ho pitals and in Local Authority health ane.! welrare ervice~. he devdopment of thi clo er integration of the tatutory and voluntary ervice in the Ten Year Plan mu t inevitably be a gradual IJroces) but one in 'v\hich the Brigade can make an increa ing contribution, perhaps particularly in local community care, and it i ati factor to rep rt that thi.., development has been actively pur ued in some area. FIR T AID R. I C If D WELFARE. The recorded figure of voluntary hour" of duty undertaken, impre ive though the e are, give but a partial pictur or the "ervice rendered. The toll of accident in the homc, 011 thc r ad" and at \\ork entail emergency fir t aid action and man ..,uch cn c..., have been dealt \\ith in the pa t year in addition to attcndanc at fir t clid publIC dutie . Nur ing member played their part during hristma \\ ek. In me tlng urvivors from the liner Lakonia. LIch appreciated cr ice.., have been given b) nur ing per onnel on transport and e...,cort journe)" \\ith invalids and the infirm including ir Attendant dutie. u:\iliary I1ur'ling a . istance continue to be given in ho pital.." clini and hOIlle~ ror the old and chronic ick and locally under th 01 trict ur . . e. [ :\tra help has been given to ho pital at time of pe inl ne d, ror in"tanc during the International Paraplegic Game~ at toke and vIlle, and el e\\ herc at timcs of epidemic. ,ten ive wclfare and neighbourl} en Ice \\ere pro ided to ick, di abled and infirm pe pic in theIr )\\n home", including the provi ion of equipment from Medical omrorh Depot<-. and during the hard \\ inter month many ca e or pecial n cd \\ere cared for. Both individually and in conjunction \\ith c,i . . tlng talu[OI") and voluntary er icc m mb I' hav given mLlch help to h lllebound cldcrl . infirm and handicappcd people, and at day centr s, club, rc rcational outings and holiday centr that provide rcli1\alion for tho'> \\ ho othel"\\i lead adly re trict d liv . ') ITIO -IL 110 PIT IL ERI 'ICE RE ERI E. Con iderable \\ork continue to be undertak n \\ith and for thc ational Ho ~ pital ervice Re ene for \\ hich, \\ ith the B. R.C .. , the Brigade undertake the r cruit1llent and initial training f nur. ing auxiliarie . The Chief ur ing Officer report. c ntinued prog~es in enr;llllent and that 26 500 St. ]oh'"'n uxiliarie \\cre rec rded on the Mini . try or Health eptember return of \\hom 21,3 4 \\ere \\omen and ,116 men. Of the LOlalnumber approximately l\\o-firth \-\cre full Brigade membcr , the r 111ainder bing attached to t. John . In addition to au iliary nul' ing er ice in ho pital man) member are in th .11. . R. 0[\\ ard M dical nit in \\ hich th gain valuable e:\perien c and in truction.



T. JOll











CIVIL DEFEN E. _cful 'vvork and training h'l al 0 been lin lertakcn ivil cfcn e . orp , and .help continue to b nul' ing per onnel \\ ith th be o-i n with fir l aid and emerg nc nul' Ing In tructlon. it. .I '.A.D. RE ERI TE. t. John member hip in thc R.N .V . . 0. Re I' e ha ri en lightl but i till inadequate, and it i hoped that r cruitment t thi imp rtant branch will in rea e in the omlng year. M mber of the Re er e underto k their \\eek' training p riod at the R . . Ho pital Ha lar and PI m uth and at R. . ir tation .

HO PITAL AR ERJI E. 1nconjunction with the Briti , h Red 1'0 and the Wom n' oluntary er ic , the Brigade continue to a Imini tCl' th Ho pital Car er i e \\ hich provide uch a u ~rlll faci~it Cor I?atient ho pital and clini . Th d mand upon thc rice contl.nue to Increa e and much gratitude i du to the ount and I' a rganl cr and t the olunteer dri er [or their effici nt 'lnd gener u tran port \\ork . ERJJCE HO PfT-lL 'rVELFARE DEPART IE T. In 37 aval, Military and ir Force ho pital in the nited Kingd m and over ea t. John and R d Cro rllc r of the ervice Ho pital Welfare Department fulfil many ta k for the benent of ick er icemen and their familie , and amenitie are pr vid d at maIler m dical unit and ick quarter that ha e no re id ntWelfare Officer. During the car it \\as a great plea lire to me to i it the Militar) Ho pital at Tid\\orth and the R. . Ho pital at PI mouth, Gibraltar and Malta and in the lall r i land al to vi it the Maternity ing at Imtar[a . 1n all the e ho pital I round th ame appreciation of the t. J hn and Red 1'0 I' i and \\t\ impre ed by the development of large, attractive and \\ell u ed centre . I \\ould mcer'; on the again like to pa tribute to the Department and all it valuable \ ork achieved. At the end of the year there were 71 Welfare Orllcers of \\ hom 36 \ ere erving in thi country and the remainder in 0 er ea ommands . Of the total 20 were member of the Brigade. I \'vould like to ee mol' in Brigade uniform. In addition to the arrangement undertaken for relati e" i... iting ver) eriou Jy ill patient under the Go ernment "Dilfor" cheme , of \\ hieh there were 42 during the year, the epartm nt no\\ al as it · in the more recent cheme for ending relative to attend funeral f erviee men and women in orth-We t urope and 52 uch ca e ,""ere cared for. EX-SERVICE WAR DI ABLED HELP DEPARTME T. During the t\ elve month ended June 1963, of the 50,000 application r cei ed by the St. John and Red Cro Joint Committee - - er ice ar Di"abled Help Department, the need o[ the majority \ ere met by er ice provided through the Department and over 16,000 e\.- ervicemen and \\ omen received financial help amounting to £79,326 fr m Joint mmitlee Fund. Although the number a i ted financially r with g od VI a Ie than in the previous year expenditure increa ed by over £3,000, the greater part of which wa pent during the exceptionally evere \ inter in providing extra comfort for older pen ioner . The general trend toward improved standards of hou ing and greater need for motor tran port to enable pen ioners to continue in employment has too, been reflected in the higher cost. Again thank are recorded to St. John and Red Cro members all over the country for their unfailing ervice in the many a peet of this work.

Jn.. ?vem bel' the Depa.rtment u rrered a ~ad 10 in the death of the hallman, Lt.~ ellera~ .Ir Arthur Dowlcl> who during hi period of offic: had by hi leadcl ship and under t~lndlng contributed greatly to the welfdfc of thosc who urrcr through their war di ablement.

!fO ~~TA~ ~/.BRAR Y Dt'PARTA!ENT. The

t. John and Red ro Ho plteli . Llblal~ D~par~mcnt provided a servicc to 283 Service Ho pital and IMcdlcal nit 'd f In thiS country .and . oversea and al 0 t 0 27 h omes run lC . I er 0 t. J hn, the Brltl . h Red ro society and the Joint y t b 01l11l11ttee. Book , too, werc upplled W, 'lr I d ' a bl ed ex- ervlce . . " . .. to 2340 ' . pen t10ilCI.t1 III homc or ClvlliCln e tabli hment . nd er arlangeth their M' own . f menD w~ " e Inl stry 0 Hea.'t~ .and Ho pital Management Committee the epcll tm nt crvcd 1,089 CIVilian hospital on the capitation ba i of 13 . 6d . p~r Ibed . ~er annum, and . upplied 17 ho pital in H.M.Pri on. In all OVCI 3 2 millIOn ?ook w~re I .ue? in the year. Grateful thanks are due to thc many hclpel opcratlng thl Important ervice ome o[ whom I had the pica. ure of mee~lng at the Birmingham Ho pital Librar Conpri!. y ference that I attended In

. TRAI I C ~ D 0 . FERE E. Much attention continue to be given. to the Vital que tlOIl of training and the problem of eve- 'd er eo f th ,recruitment d .t ,. both ' h of VI .hich are . fundamental to the futu r e [I~1 ga d e tin I pdl t In t e natlol1't1 life. The countie are to be congrat lat d n the, man 1 would , t 00 com umened t°h e " I day .,' .and \\eekend cour . . . e held 'lnd (. practlCtl . tl t~,lnlng alue t DIVI I?n of t.he mobile training unit uch a ~he one Inltklted om year ag 111 Bucklllgham hire and in the pa t year In u' _. .\. I \\ a very. plea. ed to be pre ent c.at the L anca h'Ire D 1' tnct . C01: /eJ en~e . The hi f L~r mg rllcer att nded conference held in 01 folk tlnd the urgeon onfcrence . . h Id . (.at c.ard 'lfT and Bux t on an d COll.I, .ec, ~ I~ rthern . [reland ~nd Wilt hire \\ere attended by Mi Halllc,OIl tlnd In erby~hlre b MI . Wat on ' My O'I t riC . t an d C ounty ' . t d lI,perIn en ~nt nferenc \\a again a helpful opportunity for interChtln.ge of \ le\\ : a" t \\a~ the nference for Pre ident and VicePre. ldent held In London . In addition to Brigade conference, u eful liai on ha been maintained by ~ltt.end.ance at tho . . e c n en d by. ~atutory authoritie and by other orgdl1l atl n a ~\ell a .b y repre entation on many tatutor and other eful \\ork continue to be done committee a oClat d \\ Ith our \\ or~. by Brigad omcer an? member In pro iding fir t aid and in tructi n t the publiC and to other voluntary bodie . nur IIlg Bl


G 0F,FICER . . The Chief ur ing Officer report a ati~act~1 Increa e In lIr Ing .Officer appointment and it i plea ing to leco,.d that f the e ~ con Iderable number were e -Cadet \vho have tJaldled a tat Regl te.red ur e . The Brigade i greatly indebted to ur ino- Officer and in t e member .. of th nul' Ing profe ion \\ho a oth.el.· ca~aclt.le 0 generou I giv their killed help ~ trainino- COl11i1~~~~on Judging and t. JO~,n \\ ?rk genera.lly. 1n expre ing th~~k to ur . I \ ould, too., pay peclal tribute to MI Duff Grant who a Chief Ing Officer give uch aluable help and guidance on all nur ing matter. O~c:~er her ch~irman ~lip the annual national Conference for ur ing . wa agaIn held III London at \ hich th re were deleo-ate from 35 Countle and orthern Ireland and Wale. In addition to in piring and




helpful talk b th Deputy Commi . ioner-in-Chief and the urgeon-inhief a dual talk on "What a Divi ional upcrintendent a k or her Nul' ing Om. er, and \ hat a Nur ing Officcr a k or her uperintcndent," pr voked much Ii ely di cu , ion. I PECTIO A D I ~I IT . It \\<.1 a great plea. ure to be at the Cad t RaIl) at helt nham, \\ hich \\ a honoured by the pre ence of H.R.H. Prince Margaret. I \\a v 1') glad to carry out In p ction in the counti f B rk. hire, D I' et, th North Riding of York. hire, and De on (Nur ing per nne!), during \\ hi h vi it I al 0 attendcd the Jubilee Celebrati n f the Torquc.1 Nul', ing Divi ion. The ommi ionerin-Chief and I had a ry plea ant i it to Dublin \\ hen we att nded the Sir Otto Lund Troph Competition, and the Brig'ld in outhern II' land' Diamond Jubil e, and Mi Over nd' old n Jubilee elebration. M i it to ibraltar and Malta \\ere unC rtunately brier but it V\a extrem ly intere ting t learn at fir t hand of the go d w 1'1 bcing done and in Malta to in pect an e\cellent parade. t in pection in the folloy ing countie the hief ur ing nlcer and member of m taff accompanied the ommi ioncr-in- hief or the Surgeon-in-Chief: Bedford hire (Mi DufT Grant), orthumberland and Buckingham hire (Lad Braith\\ait), Cambridge hire and the a 1 Riding of York hire (Mi Wat n), Bimlingham and Leice ter hire (Mi Baird). With the Deputy Commi i ner-in- hief, M i Wat on, attended the opening of the new tafT I'd hire ount Headquarter. The Chief ur ing Officer attended the ational al Board amp for ur ing Member at Rhyl and vi ited Dublin to judge the erend up Home ur ing Team Te t for the .J . . B. outhern I relancl. 0 URS. Mr . J. Cumming Bell , Di trict taIT fllcer aclet ( ), West Riding of York hire, Mi E. M. Trill, C unty taff mcer aclet (N), Su ex and Mi 1. Checkley, Headquarter Officer in yprll, \\ere a\ arded the M.B.E. in recogniti n f their C\C Ilent crvi es. HO

t the end of the triennial period there were many change and it \ a V\ ith much regret that the r II wing County Superintendent' re ignation \ ere recei ed: i Bell, Derbyounty hire, 25 year ervice (fortunatel continuing h r acti e help a Secretar ); Mr. Galton, Dor et, 36 year' er ic ; Mr . avendi h, LondonDi trict,20year ' ervice' Mi M. Miller M.B . . , .R . . , lIffolk, 24 years' ervice' Mi Noble Mathew, Su ex, 3 year' . er ice; Mr. Somers, Worce ter hire, 9 year' ervice. To them all r eAtend grateful thank for their fine ervice to the Brigade. I welcome the following appointment f County lIperintendent:Mr . Manley Cambridge hire; Mi Brindle, Derby hire; Mr . eymour, Dorset; Mr . Hoadley, London Di trict; Mi La\\ton, . R. ., taffordshire' Mrs. Harwood, S.R.N., uITolk; Mr . Puckert Money, u ex; Dr. Ru ell, Worce ter hire. I am al 0 happy to r port that Mr . Cavendi h has joined my taff at Headquarter. CHA




CONCLUSION. A ad memory of thi year i the death of Mis Margaret MacLaren, Superintendent-in-Chief of Canada. he will be greatly missed, not only in Canada where her contributi n to the work of the Brigade wa invaluable, but al 0 by her friend in thi country. Once again my most incere thank go out to all my Di trict/County Superintendents and County/Area Officer for their untiring and loyal





-CHI ' F


ervi~e whi.c1:.i , 0 largely re pon ible for the high re pect in which the Nur Ing DIVI Ion f the Brigade are held everywhere. A . alway my . per onal taIT have made my work 0 much ea ier and I do Indeed con Icier my elf fortunate to be 0 well erved. While honouring my agreement with thcm of la t year not to mention name 1 would like to thank each. o~c of them per onally for a ta k superbly done and expre my appreciation and gratitude. To you, ir, t 0, and to your taIr, I ofTer my incere thank for all the enc~uragement and co-operation which my department and J have received .

M. BR CKNOCK, Superinfencient-in-Chiej.











rt/J/{/ li 'a),

cawed h,\ hone,


A bv.Hander i.~ hit ()n the head hy ({ 161h ..~h()t ,

FOOTBALL . h casualties Allendll1g one of t e many d to amongst the crowds t~al gat.'~ere earwelcome the Beatles dl/rlng then app al1ces throughollt the cOlll1lry.

A player is carried off dl/ring the match between helsea and heffield Wedne day.







Cen tral First Aid Post, Scorborol.'l?h, Tobogo. Treatment by lamplight a~ electnclfY fwd /lot at this time been re~fored. MR. 0 ~lR"" .Iohl1 leOI7l\ rhot





11'1;'111 10 10 (orr\' 0111

olle of the j ):pms at silo relIef lI'ork. .





ff .R .ff . The Princess Margaret ountess oj l1owdon, Commandan l- in- hief Ambulance and NlIrsing adels, presents Ih e American Trophy far gallanlry to Cadet Brian Osman, SOll lhamplon (Tallon) A mbalance Cadet Division. This CI{P , presented by the United S lales 81h A rmy A ir Force when stationed in England dl/ring the war, is awarded to Ih e I. John Cadet performing the most o/lt.\lal1ding act of gallantry in anyone year.


Town H all on 0\ emher 71 h. 1963, whell llew·l.\' 400 51. Joh" The scene in Chelsea Pre idenl ' and Vice-Pre 'idellts (fssel1lhled for Iheir biellnial Ambulance Brigade Conference.

the Dial1l ond Jllhilee elehralion,1 .of Ihe Brigade ill Jrela!lil,. II~~ IRELAND Attending C0l17117is ioner-in-Chiej R ear-Admira l R oyer DI ck . .Ieen here 01 Ihe AIII~~I~(/I) Dil1n er held at the Gr~shal?7 HOlel. lalkillg 10. A!r. harle,1 H ~~/lghe)'.' .I/lI~:~I:

for Jll stice; Mr. DOllglas M onlgOlJle.,'.\': OI11I11I ,\ ,\lOner. 0/ Ih~ Bllg(~de 1 ." il.eltlld and Colonel George Gregg, COmlJllSSlOner 0/ the Brtgade III OJthelll Il ea .

Making crapbook out of Christl11l card jor 11 e ill hospitals.

ORFOLK ioner-in- hieJ, addres e the Cadets (right).



94 amended


24th June, 1964.





County Office :

6, Lansdowne Road, Luton . County Presidel7t :

The Lady Zia WFRNIJER, C.B.E. ounty Vice-Presidel7t s :

The Rl. Hon. The Lord LUK, M.A. , D.L.. J.P. Mrs. R. U . PIIIPPS (Nursing) The Hon. Pearl Law on JOH STO , O.B . . (Ambulal7ce and Nursing Cadets). COllll11is ioner . '. . R. . OAKLEY, 6, Lan downe Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 21882). Deputy omml ' loner . Major-General . D. MOORE, C.B., C.B.t., D.L.," orn Close," Felmersham, Bedford (Tel. Sharnbrook 440). CGunty uperintendent (A) R. M VOY, 64, Shakespeare Road, Luton. County uperintendent ( ) Mi 1. M. PEMB RTO , 2, Brook Street, LUlon. (Tel. Luton 30495). ounty uperintendent ( Mis D. ARCHER, 30, Langley Street, Luton. ur ' ing Officer . . . Mr . M. Ram ey, Ho pital Lodge, Potton Road, Biggleswade . talT Of lcer ( adet) ( ) . . WHITE, 144, Watermead Road, Luton. talT 11 er ( ad _t) ( ) . Mi H. RIMvtER , 3, tation Road, Ampthill, Beds. talT Officer R. LU 0 , , 370, Old Bedford Road, Luton (Treasurer). MiD . WOODIIEAD, 30, Langley Street, Luton. W . R . Kr DALL, 47, Bancroft Road, Luton (Training). M i . M . RIM !LR, 3, tation Road, Ampthill. County ccretary II. SA K , 26, Si hop cote Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 52631). County P. R.O . . Mi T . . WI-IITBREAD, 64 Heronscroft, Putnoe, Bedford (Tel. 67635). lor lhern A r ea



I I. W. Ro u 0,

I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., Richmond House, Turvey, Bed . (Tel. Turvey 206) . . J . POULTER, clo. 4, Faldo Road. Bedford. MIT. E. HITBR 0, 64 Heronscroft, Pu tnoe, Bedford. E. . WILLlA.M , .R. ' ., R. .M .. , 3, Berkeley Road, Bedford. acan t. E. . MILLWARD, 6, The 10 e, ewton-Blo omville, Turvey, Bed.

Area uperintendent ( ) Area upt:rlOlcndent ( ) Area ur Ing Officer . . Area taO' Oflkcr ( adcl) ( Area talT fficer .



o uthcrn

uperintcndenl ( ) County urgeon Area

A.rea ur log ffi Area taO- fllccr Area taIT om cr Area taO' Ofllcer'i


er ( adct ) ( ) ( adct.) ( ) .


. OBLE, '2, unridge venue. Luton. Dr. J . Kcl all THO\-! s, "The Briar ," Totternhoe, Dunstable (Tel. Dun table 10). Mr . L. 0\ LFY, .R. . , 7, t. Mary' Lodge, Luton. acant. Mr,. M. B LL, 54 eatherby Road, Luton. Mr. L. D. LE'\;TI E, 71, he tnut venue, Bedford. Mrs ... M. HI G , 30, lratford Road, Luton.

BERK fiRE County Office: t. John Houe, 101, London Road, Reading.

Tel. Reading 54671.

County Presidellt :

Thc Mo l Hon . The Marque


COUllt)' Vice-Pre idel7ts:

Mr . . J. VA BERGE ( III' iI/g). Lady 10 BERT DE L· FERTE ( f(rsil/g). Major H. TRA Y BARCLAY, T.O. Major 1. O. K. PURDEY. Mr . M. MOCKLER. Major P. J. GOLD, Warfield Hou e, Winkfield Row 420 2614).

r. Bracknell. (Tel.


4 ommis ioner . . uperintendent (A) uperintendent ( ) Surgeon

County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Count Staff Offic r ( adet) ( ). ounty taff Officer






a ant. W. G. THO I ,27, Bcrekel y venue, Reading. Lady TIRLl ," 1m Lodge," Winkfield, Windsor. D. J. TUR BULL, M.R . . . , L.R.C.l'.," pring Lodge," Castle Hill Maidenhead, Berks. ' The i counle HEn Y 0, a tbury Hou e, Lambourn. M i . J. H ASL I . R. ., "J a mi ne ouage," ~ 111111et' Bin!'ield. est, L. E. HEDLEY, 16, ollege Jen, Maidenhead. Mr. . M. W 1 FR, .R .. , Woodpecker ~ arm Warren Row Wargrave. ' Mrs. THO I ,27, Berekclcy cnue, Reading. ( .H .. R.). Mrs. B RTO ,65, t. Peter' Road, rley. Mr . J. E. MORRI, 106, Kennyland Road, onning Com. mono ( dmin). (Ho pital Libraric ). D. M. LLOYD, 32, hinneld Road, Reading (Trea urer). K. J. MARK, 27, 0 Green Road Maldenhcad. apt. P. B. M Rl'll\, .M., 44, hando R ad, ewbury. . F. V r 0 IlLL, 6 Raglan ardens, aver ham, Reading. Mi D. K. IBBl , 3 outh iew venue, aver ham (Tel Reading 73174). .

BIRMI GRAM COllnty Office:

Tel. Birmingham

e1son Memorial Hall 100, Lionel Street Birmingham, 3.

entral 6660

Count)' President :


. MOLe, O.B.r.,

J .P .

COllnty Vice-Presidents:

Iderman W. T. BOWE J.P. (Alllbulance) Mr . W. A. C DBURY ( IIrsing) Major J. P. E IE, O.B.E. (Ambulance adet) Mr . P. C DB RY ( ursing Cadet) Brigadier . L. RT, O.B.E., T.D., D . . , BarnclLllth, Tanworth· in- rdcn, Warwick hire (Tel. am: orth-in- rden 257). acant. Deputy Commi ioner. W. R. LLOYD, 66 Bleakhill Road, Birmingham, 23. County Superintendent (A) Mrs. D. . lCOL, 2, Brockton Placc, rcley K1l1g , Stourport· County Superintendent ( ) on-Severn, Worc. (Tel. tourport 2330) . W. H. SHrLVOCK, 1.B. H.B., B. 6, Ilzroy venue, Har· County Surgeon bourne, Birmingham, 17. Mrs. A. E. GREE , .R .. , 192, Orphanage Road, Erdington, County ursing Officer Birmingham 24. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). A. E. GREE , 192, Orphar:.age Road, rdington, Birmingham, 24. County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Mi F.1. BOTT, 25, arndon Road, lum Rock, Birmingham,S W. R. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford Lane, ard End, Birming' County Staff Officers . ham, 8. M. C. LEGGETT, 48 Parkdale Road, Birmingham, 26 (public Duties). A. C. FORD, 85, Woodleigh venue, Harborne, Birmingham, 17. (Stores). J. A. ECCESTO , 173, Valley Road, olihull, Warwick hire (Appeal ). A. W. PATE (Auxiliary), 21, Icc ter Road outh, King Heath, . Birmingham, 14 (Trea urer). Mrs. G. A. ECCLE TO , 173, Valley Road, olihull, Warwick· County Secretary & P .R.O. shire. (Tel. Sheldon 4017). R. C. . DAY, 297, Gristhorpe Road , Birmingham, 29. County s,p,rgeant Major.

Commi ioner





BRISTOL Gllnty Office:

Unity Street, St. Philip's, Bristol 2. Tel. 22431. IIi

COllnty President:

race The D KE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., P.C., G.C.v O. Oll/It)' Vice-Presidents:

Mrs. H . L. BURGrss. Miss M. . . SARAII, M.B.C. . FRO'T, sq., C.B.E. Rcv. R. F. ARTWRIGHT, M.A. commissioner Lieut.H. 51 X L 'WIS , 0 .C. M., T.D., D.L., 11 ,Clifton ' 1/ Bolonel . 11 I , rt tol 8. (Tel. 33808). Deputy ommi sioncr . R. L. IIEVLRTO, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Thc arth," Station Road, ai I ca, Bri tol. ,\ssi tant ommi ioncr . J. . Ref H, M.B.f., M.R.S.IL, 30, Fir Tree Lane St. George . (County ecrctary) !3rl lol, 5 (Tel. 674522). " County upenntendent MI. S B: J . qRIHITHS, .R.N., C.M.B., Cossham Memorial 110 pltal, King wood, Bn tol. (Tel.: King wood 671661). County urgcon J. La.n on . ROBeRTS, M.B., CH.B., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 46, harnhlll Dflve, Mangolsneld, Bristol. acant. County ur ing Officer . . Coun ty tan' mccr ( adcts) ( ) R. L. 0 , 70, Tor nto Road, Horfield. Cou nty Staff f1iccr ( adcts) ( ). Mr.. . P LLI , B.LM., 138, Monks Park Avenue Horneld Brl tol, 7. ' , COLln t) tafT fllccrs W . J .. ART! R, 16, r:airlawn Avenue, Filton , Bristol (Public Dullc ). . R. II\RDI " 11"1 idc," Lark leaze Road, Longwell Green, Bn tol ( t. ount)' ccretary). RIBBL.F,. A.LM. , 7, tanley Road, Rcdland, Bristol 6. ( ompetltlon ). ' L.!. FOL!'Y, 2, 1-ltghfle!d Gr.o\c, Horneld, Bri tol, 7. ( .H.S.R.). 11 . M. . RfLCH , 30, Fir Trce La~e, St. Georgc, Bri tol, 5. MIS L. G. OR\!A, 12, Wllldmtll HIli Bedminster Bristol 3 ( adet). " ,. D. . ORTO~, ~.~c. f.P .. , 20, Sabrina Way, Sloke Bishop Sn tol 9. (Trammg). ' I I. J... ROK! R, B.L M., I Marguerite Road, pJaods, Bri tol 3. ( I "Dcfencc). F. . BRY \ T, 2 4, Redcatch Road, Kno\o\le, Bri tol 4. . BARTLClT, 33, Ico\c Road, Fishpond Bri tol. I . D. L. J{"RR!S, A.!, . . , 14, laverton Road, \t\ est Saltford Bn 'lol. (Trea urer). ' County ergeant aJor l"n'IT, B.L \1., 7, Tyne treet, t. Werburgh's, Bri tol, 2. Count) P.R . . . M. 10'\, 10, Redland Park, Redland, Sri tol. 6 (Tcl. 36198). J,

B 2, Wcndo\cr Road,

KI GR 1\1 HIRE COlillty Office:

ylc'bury, Blick .


lie bury 3l 6.

Count)' President


i 'Count



D.L., J.P.

COllntl' Vice-Presidents: Brigadicr J. .. HE EY, O.B.E. (.III/bulance). Thc Marchione of ZFTL\'-'D ( 'ursinrz) Dr. R . H. KIPPJ'\,G (Amblilonce Cadets). The URZO ( ursing Cadets).

.ommissiooer Deputy Commi ioner . LOunty Superintendent ( County Surgeon

. B KE~, 10, Winchfield Way, Rickman \\ol'th, Hert . (Tel. Rickman worth 5 _I). R. F. T. POPE, "Balnacraig," Burge Wood Road, Beacon field. Mr . M. BOOTH~I ,"Lynton ha e," Datchet, Buck. (Tel. lough 42302). Mi M. F. GILLT 0 , t-I.B., B.. , "The Old Boot," Dinton, ' r. Ie bury.



ounty up rintendent ( ). ounty ur ing Officer t.

taff Officer ( ad t ) ( ). taff Officer ( adet) ( ). tafT Offi er

ounty ecretar

T i l';




roft, Walton R ad, yle bury. .R. ., Bridge Hou e, Baring Road ,

D. ORUK tratton ottage tratton Road, Beaconsfield Mi ~ M. '. WIlITE" lev land ,~' laremont al:dens, Marl~w. Mi G . M. LVL, R liller, Llmlller Lane, High Wycombe Buck,. (Training). ' . K! G BURY, Hen haw Bierton, Aylc bury. (Publicity dvi ory). Mr. . M. Ho 0, 14 ,Wellington 'treet , lough . Mr. . HA 0 K, "Winford," pper Ickneild Way, Princes Ri borough. R. J. GOVE , 176, Dc borough venue,] 1igh Wycombe. Mr. G. M. DAY, "Lowgate," 7, lifford Road, Princes Ri borough . I. T. Go I I, "l. orran" Green Lane, he ham, Bois. ( adet) T. G . M RTI , T.O., M.t. II: H.E., M.t.f.r., " Man ard," 12 Wymer W od Road, Burnham . ' Mi B. WliITE, 9, Prince Road, yle bury. The Hon. Mr . J. M . TO I OR "tonor Park", Henley-onThame. 0 on. . L ~IBO R E, Wingrave, r. }Ie bur. Mr. . M. REY, .R . . , .. hevr)," Peter Lane, Monks Ri borough, ) Ie bur (M. . D.). Mrs. Z . BOT. 10RO, 116, Buckingham R ad, ylesbury, Bucks.

Area Area Area rea Area Area Area

Superintendent ( ) uperintendent ( ) Surgeon . . taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) u rsing Officer Staff Officer .


W. M. M . Do ,L ,M .. , \1.B., B. 11. , 19, Wolverton Street, Stony tratford . apt. F. W. WORKER, 56, V Ind or treet, Wol erton, Bucks. acant. Dr . . WITH -RID ,e, I, alverton Road, tony tratford. acanl. Mr . S. J. GREY, 13, 0 borne treet , Wolverton. acanl. R. G . ALD ER 0 , 12, Bedford treet, Wol rton. (Area Cadet Training). B. STEVE ,31, G louce ter Road , W Iverton.

Area Staff fficer Area taff Officer Area Staff Officer

A/Area Commissioner. Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area

ursing Officer

Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officers .


Commi ioner Deputy ommi sioner and Act. County urgeon . . . County Superintendent (A)


ur ing Officer

County taff


Area uperintendent ( ) Area uperintendent ( ) Area urgeon Area

ur ing Officer. . taff Officer ( adet) ( )

Area omml loner Area uperintendent ( ) Area uperi n tendent ( ) Area ~rea

tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) taff Officer

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent )

W. W. W1LLfAMS , olenorlon End, Eton ollege, Windsor Miss E. . F. GOMM, 117, Canterbury Avenue, Slough



Lieut.- 01. L. D. M. GAVIN, M.D., M.B., II.B.,3 1, Langley Road , Slough , Bucks. Mrs . P. D. PURDUE, S.R.N., 21, The ormans, Wexham ourt, Slough. R. VA, 17, Sali bury Avenue, Slough. Vacant. A. L. HALL, 138, Albert Street, Slough (Transport). Mr . J . . ALoWELL, 32, Waterbeach Road, Slough. D. R. bbolt, 51, The Frithe, Slough.

K. . MA URICE-SMITll, M.R.C.S., L R C P "Etheldreda H ' Ely. (Tel. Iy 267 ). . ..., ouse, W. WALKER, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road, ambridge. WALKER, Pll.D., I.SC., "Kersell" Sedley Taylor Road, ambridge. ' Mr . . M LEY, M.A., Breckfoot, Whitwell Way Coton (Tel. Madingley 42 ). ' . Mr . . Elli LEW I , .R . . , S.C.M., R.F . . , Wychfield Close, Huntingdon Road , ambridge. 01. J . G. . BE KETT, O.B.E., T.o., D.L., I.A ., Mallabar's, Bray' Lane, - Iy . (Trea urer). EI Area acant. acant. . A. BECKETT, Iy, amb. acanl. Mr . J. M.

I.A .,


, Regent

CH.B., 14, Egremont Street, venue, March.

ambridge Area acant. acanl. Mr . K. M . ARGE T," e terfield," 540, oldhams Lane herryhinton, ambridge. J. M. Hov F, 19, Highworth Avenue Cambridge. . . RGEA T," e terfield," Coldhams Lane, Cherryhinton. (Tra1l1Ing). Mi D. LI TO ,6, a endi h enue, Cambridge. (Secretary). Mr . E. J . PIGOTT', 76, keman Street, Cambridge. (Transport). R. T. WOO\-IBWELL 15, Emery treet, ambridge.

CR E HIRE COllnty Office : ounty H .Q., Tabley Road, Knut ford, Cheshire. Tel. Knut ford 3346.

S outhern Area

L. STEPHE S, 3, Munde ley Spur,


COllnty Office: t. Mary's treet, ly. Tel. Iy 2678. COllnty Presidents: The Lord FAIRllAV[ , D.L., J.P. Mr . A. R. ITZPATRI K. COllnty Vice-Presidents : Major . M. MA fARLA T- RIEVE.

r a

. G. Go ES, \1.B.L. , 234, De borough nue, Illgh Wycombe. acant. Mi s B. M. WHITE, "Hillview, , Loudwater, High Wycombe. M. T. GALLAGHER, LB., B.CH., B.. 0., O.OH. T., R.. O.G., Gold Hill We 1 hal font l. Peter. Mi s P. . ROOKBY, .R . . , olin wood Maternity Home, Farnham omOlon, r. lough . F. G. BIG ELL, 24, arrington Road , outhcourt, Aylesbury. Miss A. L. EVA ,17 I, Buckingham Road, yle bury. Miss M . TERR TT, 27, Clarendon Road, Pinion , High Wycombe. D. G. A TEAD, Ill, Whiteland Road High Wycombe (Cadets) Mi P. M. T LLETT, 45, Highfield Grove, mer ham. W. H. G. GIBB , 17, orwood Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe. J. WOODLEY, 14, Fra er Road, High Wycombe.


adet ) (A) adets) ( )




Centr a l

ur ing Officer

County u peri n tenden t (

or thern Ar a

Area Commi ioner

Area Surgeon


COlIllty Vire-President: . BENTLEY (Ambulance Cadets).

lough, Bucks. (Tel. Slough Commi loner


ecil ROBI 0 , J.P ., "Woodeaves " Dale Brow Pre tbury he hire. (Tel. Pre tbury 9357). ' ,




uperintentcnt ( urgeon


Lwing LI n t

' l.

fTi cr

add,) ( ) ,dct ) ( ) .

rea rca

upcrintcndcnl ( \ ) upcrintendcnl ( )


urge n

rea rea


D 10

1.11., ('1I.1l., "

1111 .



(ounly (ounty County, (oullty

L1perint(;ndent (N)

1I 1" . i rlg .Of1icer . tall, O~cer ( a.dds) CA). tan, Onl~er ( aclets) ( ) . tall nlccr'> .

Bo\\doll . H. . Dr "11 r, tall ridgc R03d, ' re\\e. Mrs. . \ Itl 'I, 1.1, Ibert R ad, hea lie I lulmc. I\tis. M. ~. 01 \ , 1.1, L e uin 'c Road, Altrincham . Mrs. . I ,UTO, Counl I I.Q .. Knutsrord . D. T. BOi\1I ORD. 37, Ikcchfkld Road, I ,l\cnporl, tOl'l porl. ( u"\ili 'lr)). (I'd tepplIlg-l l tlI4217).


COU Ilt) Secrct.try Count) P.R.O . .

:\rca Arca \rca


urgeon ur ing Offi I' laO' Officer ( adet ) ( ) taA' Omcer ( adel ) (, ) taff Officer



orthwi h.

\rea ~rea

r ca , larclll nt Road, \ al13 'cy, he hire. L.\ 113, :2 , Iltghgreen Road, 8lrkenheaJ, he hire.

II Til,

a ant.

J. H R

E'\, 53, \ ood 'eM Road, I3romborough, Wirrall.


01111111 sioner uperrntcndent C ) urslng Ofliccl

Area ' tall' \rea tall' Area tall'

III e I ( add. ) ( ) flI er ( a Lie ts) ( ) nicer

H. TORER, 27, Bcaurort Onve, 'VI a11a\e). R. LYTII, 41, Idgate, [llesmere P rl. Mi M.. M \'10 ,4, l orne Road, \ton , 1311 kenhcad.

1BER "Parh..


le\ ,"


lreel, Li keard.


Tel. Li kearLi 20 I 0.

res cnt, Bodmin.

, tcrn rca acant. M 1<; F \ . P L, 4, Park Road. Redruth. Ir'i. L • TRI \\ R[ '\, .. R. '\, ., " TreYlne,' t. l\(; ' Road, h)- n,weal. .trbls Ba), t. hc . J. J 11 S," igel," Barngoo e Terrace, l liogan Redruth, MI . I. \i I (,,40, an r R ad, ambome. . Pil LO\\f, 3, Tolgu -Warlha, RedruLh.


rde\', Dal lon,

Mr. M . . B RR Mr. I . M. LC"\ /\

. M. BL

K\\OOD, Mr . H. Sill R, 1.B.I ., J.P. (\111 Illig) . . BAKER, q. (AII/blilance aders.} Lady Mary II LBORO\\ ( IIr.\ing at/e!s).




. D eputy Commissioner. County Superintendent ( ) Coun ty Surgeon

Rear Admiral L. . B UTWOOD, .B., O.B.L, olden ap, Tideford, Salla h. (Tel. Landrah..e 237). W. L. TEWART, M.B., H.B., Tremethich.., ,rampound. Prince hula II KRABO E, Tredethy, B d 111 111. (Te\. t. Mabyn 232). Dr. . H. EAST OTT, weI Marten, Probu, r. Truro,

lVIORLA D Ollllty Of/ic(': arli.le, umberland.

(Tel. Oal ton 327).

COl11l11 lSsioncl Deputy ommlS ' ianer . Counly uperintend nt ( County upcrintend nt ( County



Ass!. ty. lIpcrintendent ( ). County County

uri ng fTi er . . laff Oflic r ( del.) ( ).


l ict'- Presidellf. : LOt.: ,If (Yursing), umberland. DI R ( ursillg) , e tmorland.



COlln!y ~ ice-Presidents :


Broomhtll, Tavi tock Road, LaUl1ceston. ewquay. o 10, 2, Jlami Road, ewquay I.B., B.'i., I).R.C.O. ,.,55, lTenver Road, ewquay.

O"JL), J.P.,

" elden," Do uen Road,

COlin fl , Pre idenr :

Lady Mary


OUIlI)' Pre idelll~: Farl or Lo D LE Westmorland . J. \\ r 'i 101 L, Iq .. D.L., J.P. ( timberland).

COllllr I' Office:

I ,Dean



,3rdens, [ avyhulme, Man-

\CnLle, O,l\enham,


Miss N. K Kr I LARJ), M.O.I., Outlands , 18, Northfield Drive, ru roo Mi s . K . ()FA , S.R.N., "Innisiclgen," St. I ve ro ., Li keard. Vacant. Miss K . JOYlI R, 12, I Ilgh , lreel, Launeeslon . Mrs. I I. 'illl R, M.n.r., J.P., rchaverne, Truro. ( .r I. .R.). J. J. JACKMA N, !.fl . I ., "'la/lemere," Albany Road, almoulh. . SEYMO R, 60, TreruSI Road, Redruth. . T. Mos. MA , 9, Killerton Road, Bude. W. II. MAYC()( ho, " Lynda le," Trc'illlan, Truro. (Transport, Apreals). F. POLKI )!fORNI, "llyland," Heanton Terrace, Redruth. ( ol11pelilion). P. PL ARC!, Barclays Bank, Redruth . (Trea urer). J. J. B RRI r r, " Trephilgal ," PenLire venue, Pcntlre. 1)1'. J. . DA In, " Ilaiwartha, " ppcr a lie Road, t. Mawes. OReo I, 7b, arlc) Terrace. I I keard. I I r ( L1'\tllary), 11, Ibany Road , RedrUlh. (Tel.

om 1111 I onc r uperintendent ( ) u[)erinlend nt ( ) urgeon ur ing OIC r . fllcer ( adds) ( ) 1l1c(;r ( adeh) ( ) mcers .

'i, I , St,\Il\\a) I lI\e, 11.1le, \Itlll1chal1l 14, Dalton


a tcrn Ar a Area

Area \rea ·\rea


lIperint ndenl ( ) uperintendent ( )

uperintendent ( ) . lIperintendent ( ) . urgeon taff Officer ( adet) ( ) taff Officer


,(ltldum Road,

' a . tern Area II. BI \tW'\,o I. 11<lrlccn C;rt)\c, Olrcnt1n. Stockport. t r . J . .I . BO~lroRD, 37. Ikcchflcld Road. Davcnrolt, tockport. J. l IrE, M.B ., 11.13., unninghill, To\\n'icliffe Lane, Marple Bridge. 1r.. R. LAN, S.R.I ., Il lgh tacks, P ynton. R. W. \ I Tl RB R ,66, ThOI'm ay, Bramhall, tock[)ort.

ur ing om er tafr ffi er ( adct ) (

I\ 5


ns. ~I.l.,

nlml rea rea rca rea


ant\ ich.

O. P.

u rgco n





. . MU~1BY, 1\1.11.1"., " .Iel1(lyn ., Prenton Lane, Prenloll Birkenhead. (1"1. Mountwood 1.172). ' :Jeant. I I. . W . B "I R, I.R '.S., I R . . P., 16, The Wicnd, R ek Ferry, Birk nheaLl . lIS, . 11 lit " , S. R . ., .. 8Y\\,<1 s," 136, 1 andon Road

ion 'I'.

ount aunt


T. ( .13.1-.,

Bcac n J lill Penrith. (T I. _678)'

Kendal. Carlisle.



ounty County

ta IT Officer ( adet ) ( ) . taff Officer

County ounty

ergeant Major ecretary

As t. County ount


P.R .O.





Mi M . Y ou (I, . R . ., 38, Ma on treet, Worki ngton. J. H . MITH, 89, Dunmail Drive, arli Ie. Cfrea urer) . Mi R. J . V. HI 0, I , otland Road : arlI Ie. (Training). H u BA 0, I, FairReld arden, Wigton Road , Carlisle. D. GR H 1, " Park View," ardew, D a l to n, r. Carlisle. (Dal ton 327). oody Rai e, ra mere, We tmorland. M . MITII, Mi (Tel. 213). T . WIIITE ID E, 19, White tile, Kendal. (Tel. 976).






ur ing Omcer

\rea tafT OfTicer ( adeL ) (A) LafT OfTicer ( adet ) ( ) \rea tafT Ofllcer


(Tel. 53124).

Cv lin t V President : GRACE THE D UKE OF DE 0

\rea ergcanl Major




COllllt)' Vice- Presidenl :

Ir John Commi ioner Deputy Commi sioner . County uperintendent ( ) County Surgeons

County ur ing O fficer County taff Officer (Cadet) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). County St aff Officer County Secretary A t. County Secretary County P.R.O . .

icount RDL . ROI\IPTO '- INGLE II LLD, Kr ., J.P., D.L. apt. P. J . B. DR URy-Lov\ L, L cko Park, Derby. (Tel. Derby 6 15 17). apt. J. ATKl 0 , M.B.E., White Kn owle ottage, Chinley. r. tockport. M i B. M . BRI DLL, I I, Ie Lane, Borrowa h, Derby. 1. MACKE ZIE, M.B. , B. . , M.R.C .. , L.R .. P., 141 , Manor Road, Derby. Mr . lara TEW RT, M.B. CH.B., B.A .. , 3, H ardwick Moun t, Buxton. acant. . T. BRO\ I 'G, 9 1, Boult n Lane, IvasLon. Mr . C. B . WRf HT, 23, W ood Road, pondon, r. Derby. W . F. RI GLEY, 6a, Kin g way, like ton. (Trainll1g). Mr . G. E. H. W EATH RBY, 2 , King ton treet, Derby. (Welfare). Mi . F. B LL, I Y Hou e, M ickleover, Derby. (Tel. Derby 53124). Mi D . TR A TER, 33, R NGE TR T, D ERln. F. J. HfMWELL, 15 1, Manor Road, Brlllllngton, r. Che terfield. orthern Area

Area Area Area Area

Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon

Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officer .

Area Sergeant Major .

F. G . HOLMES, 10, Deerland Road, hgate, he terReld . Vaca nt. Mis . START, 56, Brown Edge Road, Buxto n. J . H . TAAFFE, L.R . . . , L.R . . P., L.M.I\I. , 61 , Derby Road, Wingerworth, he terlleld. H. BAXBY, 23, Alexandra Road, Dron lleld . Vacant. E. C. H . D ow 0 , 6, entral Terrace, Lord mill Street, ChesterReld . H . ELLIS, 21, lark on Avenue, Boy thorpe, Che terfield. (Trai ning). C. STA LEY, Gamekeeper's Cottage, 0 tone Wood, Barrow H ill, ChesterReld. ational Coal Board

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( )

\rea Commi ioner \rea uperll1tenden t ( ) \rea Superi n ten dent ( ) Area Surgeon \rea \rea \rea \rea

oal Board

o. 5 Area

H. F. PARKER. 377, Derbv Road, ottingham. S. J IAYLs, 26, tcam Il ill Lane, Ripley. Mr . M. RfGLLY, .R . . , 6a, Kingsway, Ilkeston. J . L. W. JOH so ,L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P. & S., " Beechcroft," hurch Lane, Brin ley, olls. Mr . K . MORLEY, "Morwood," 216, Heanor Road, I1keston. . W. DrLK , 13, King way, like ton, D erbyshire. L. l\." 8, Wade venue, ll keston. W. ILMORE 41, Heath Road, Ripley. J 1. HYDE, ye Lane Hou e, llkeston Road South, H eanor. LLt', The hlpiey, Heanor. 1. 001(, " l-arcroft," odnor Gate, odnor. J. I . WOOD, The range, Trowel, ott .

Nur ing mcer. . StafT om cr ( adet) ) tan' OfTicer ( adet) ( ) StafT mcer

outhern Area

\rea Commi' ioner

R. L. BRO ~ , M.B., CIl.B., " Ranmoor," 480, Burton Road. Derby. . FIORE CE, 266, 0 ma ton Park Road , D erby. . H. W \LTO , 9, King ton Street, D erby. J. OLL! , M.B., CH.B., I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 7, Crich Avenue, Lluleover, Derby. r . M. F. HALLETT. 39 , Burton R oad, D erby. J. T. H l'E, 87, lla)don Road , Chadde den, D erby. Mr. . M. erelt, 76 oremark Avenue, Littleo er, Derby. R. ALL, 12 Lawrence treet, Long Eaton. IT. R WORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Avenue, D erby Mrs. FAR, SWORTH, "Melita," 13, Holt Avenue, Derby.

\rea uperintendent ( ) \rea Supcrintendent ( ) Area Surgeon \rea ur ing fficer. . \rea tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) \rea tufT Ofllcer ( add) ( ) Area taff Omcer

E The H ut,

OU H ulver Dri c, 1



COllllly Office: hudleigh, c\',ton

bbot. Tel. Chudleigh 2262.

COlIllty President: e- dmiral The Lord HBO R E, C.B ., D.. 0.

COLIllty Vice-Pre idents: Lady RAYNER ( lIrsing) . D orothy, Lady IMBERT TERRY ( III' ing Cadets).

o. 1 Area

B. K E DALL, " Bonne Vienne," M atlock Road, he terfield. Vacant. Mrs. C. L. M AfZEL, J.P., .R. . , "Carmel,' Mill Lane, Whitwell, r. Worksop.


Dr. . H. VANS, Holly Bank, Skinnc Street, Creswell r. Worksop . Mr . V. W. AYLOR, S.R.N., 1, orth rescent, Duckmanton, hesterfield. . ARTER, York IIouse, reswell, r. Worksop. Mr . M. Dr: T, 133, Wbitecotes Lane, W allon, Chesterfield. W. . BUCK, J, RlI1gwood Avenue, Staveley, r. Chesterfield . ( adets). 1'. ORMA, 30b, ladstone Road, hesterlleld. A. MILLS, 256, hcsterfield Road, Temple orman ton, r. he tcrficld. G. C. POULrER , 80, Langwith Road, Boisover. A. TUR ER, 245, he terficld Road, Temple ormanton, r. hestcrfie ld. Mr,>. J. PEGG , 36, l. Lawrence Avenue, Boisover, r. hesterfield. Mrs . K. M. 'IA"'II AND, "The oltage," Inker all, Staveley, r. hestcrReld. LrIlI'G, 51, Skinner Street, re well, r. Worksop.

DERBY HIRE COllnt)' Office ' I y Hou e, Mickleovcr, Derb .


Commis ioner


Major T. W. R CEY, Melro e, hburton 233).


. Devon. (Tel.


uperint ndent (

ount Count

urgeon . . ur i ng Offi er

Count) ount

taff Offi er ( ad t ) ( ). taff Officer ( adet) ( ).


• BRIG D '



taff Officer

ount ecretary Count) P.R .O. .

Mr . L. 1. To\\ L 0, Denbury M a nor, Dcnbury eW\on bbot. (Tel. I pplepcn _45). acant. Mr . M. D . r II LL, .R. . , Bra ken Howe, idcliffe, idmoutb. R. L. JILLETT, 1\I.B., B... , The Larch , Digb J 10 pi ta I, Exeter r . M. . B LT Litlie op e, e curt Road Top ham', , cter. , xmouth. · . JOH 0,-, hc Broad\ a , Liltleham ( mbulance Liai n). nford Hou e Ho pital, eter. T. T. H Y, .R . . , (Training). qdn. Leader \ . H . corer, ront II u c, B y~y race). Mi D. Bo R lIlLR-WR ' Y, Taw tock, hudlelgh . (Tel. 3143). . TAYLOR, I , Bridget \\ n, T tne:. ( el. J ..1-35).

Ea t D \ on



rea rea

ur ing Officer ta ff Officer (Cad t ) ( ) taff Officer (Cadet) taff Officer


Major R . . P. R Y LB. 23, outhernhay a t, Exeter. . J. 000 40 King \ ay, Hea itree, . eter. Mr . D. R. OLE, Harmony Hill, J y rchard, Wilmington, r. Honiton . 1.0. , D.P.H., Public llealth Dept. , L.

rea Commi ioner Area u perin tendent ( ) rea uperintendent ( )

Area rea


alpole III-..

Area Commi sioner Area uperintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . Area ur ing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area taff Officer .

Lt.- 01. . M. Tow E 0, Dcnbury anor, Dcnbury e\\rton bbot. P. B KER, 14 King' enue, Paignton. acant. · E ERARD, M.B., CI LB., 26, e) b rry ParI-.., ewton bbot. r . D . UII,It-1l G, S.R."'., Bea on IC\\, 36, Warberr) Road, \ e t Torqua). M. E. C. TEDH M, La ender ottagc, oach Road, ewton bbot. Mi H . G. CH RLE \ ORTIf , Barton , Ipplepen ewton bbot. H. F . DIA\10 0, .R.l., 36, Barton HIli Road, Torquay . Miss D. . D K\ ORTH, R.R.C., .R . . , Re\\ lea, A hburton, ewton bbot.

lorth De on Area Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area

ursing O fficer

Area Staff O fficer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff O fficer (Cadet) ( Area Staff O fficer .

B , iddleton, Combe • , CH •• F · H . H OLUNG HE 0, O.B.E., T.D., J\ f .B Martin. R. BRADDO , "St. John," Yelland Road , FremingtoD, Barnstaple. Mrs. M. H. KING, "River ide," In tow, orth De on . h.fi Id J. P. BUSH, M.B., B.. , M.R.C .. L.R.C.P. DR . . 0.G., Heat e House Old Torrington Road , Barn taple. d Mrs . M: Lr DSAY, . R . . , " raig-y-Don," Rumsam Roa , Bamstaple. . E. S. PALMER, Glayva, Durrant Lane, orlham, Bldeford. I Mrs. C. J. H. SAU DERS, Elmfield. Bear treet, Barnstap e. Mrs. D. M. SCOlT, " t. Helen ,' Park enue, Barn taple.




ounty President : LLr: BORO Gil .

oUllly Vice-Presidents: he ~ arl of HAITESBURY (Ambulance) Mr . . M. 0 PER ( ursillg). Lady Lettice A h ley OOPER ( ursing Cadets). COmllllSSloner Deput) Count)

01111111 i ner. uperlntcndent (



County County Count) County

ur ing Officer . tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) . tafT om er ( adet) ( ). tafT fllcer

M ajor R. W . H \1PIIRLY, Tarra nt Gunyille Manor Blandford forum. (Tel. T arra nt Hinton 262) , aca n t. Mr . R . M . I Y'v1 UR, alconer' Hou e, richel, Wimborne, Oor. et. (T el. Wllchampton 273) . . J . RO\IA'Ics, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., D.O.M.S., Portesham House, r. Weymouth. Mi D . UNDERLA 0, S.R . ., Health Centre, Weymouth. · H. M. LDRfDGE, 5, t. Thomas treet, Weymouth . orra Lynn, Goldcroft A venue, Weymouth. ydco," 67, Prince of Wales Road , Dorchester. PC 'CER, 422, Dorchester Road. Weymouth. D. R. BOOTH, 7 Mount Joy, Burton Road, Bridport. F. . BRY T, 12, Garland Road, Poole. . H. Ho E, " Taormina" 8, Wardcliffe Road, Weymouth. r . J. W . HOR EY, " Derwent," Caoford Magna Wimborne. ( .H .. R.). . D ERR I K, C 0 atlonal Pro incial Bank, t. Thomas trect, e)moulh. (Trea urer). EBBER, 7, Fi her 10 e, t. Leonard E tate, Blandford. .... B. Lo 'G, 10, Dorche ter Road eymouth. (Tel. eymouth 2270). ir, " ambrai" Cranford venue, Weymouth. fr, "

10, hipton, Exeter. arl-..etIDg Board, Cly t,

r a


Dorothy, Lady

Cou nty outb D \ on


COllnty Office: 10, Dorche ter R ad, Weymouth. Tel. Weymouth 2270.

re cent, \ hipton, Exeter. ollage:' alcombe Regi,




Cou nty P. R.O . .

D RH 1\1 County Office: 2,

borne Terrace,

ewca tle-upoo-Tyne 2.


ewca tle-upon-Tyne


Coullty President : Th Comml Ion r Deputy



uperIDtendent (J I)




OUIlI) ' Vice-President · 0 \ Ii\, \ E (,\'ursing).


R. R THERFORD, T.D., M.B., B ., J.P., The Fir, Langley P ark, o. Durham . (Tel. Langley Park _1 -). . B R , O.B.E., 1. . , LB., CH.B., Rainton Lodge, West Rainton Houghton-Ie- pnng. ad) T R\IER, O.B.E., J.P., Danb) Lodge, Darlington. (Tel.

2 24).

County ur 109 om er ounly lafT ere adet ) ( ) . County tafT Ofllcer ( adet ) ( ) . County tafT fllcer


K. M. ('DO'" \LD, M.B., H.B.," bbe) Vie\\," Blanchland, on ett, Co. Durham . M. DALRY\.fPLE- MITH, .R.N., 4, Park Road underland. a ant. Mi O. DOlO, 0, roft Terrace, Jarrow. · MATHER, 4 Gleb House, Ferryhill o. Durham. Mi . CURLOCK, M.B.E., 6, Breami h Street, Jarrow-on-Tyne. J. J. D . KERR'. , 46, Wa hington Cre cent, ewton cliffe. H. ARR , ,Barningham treet, D arlington. · . RE H, Glengarrick, Lintzford R oad, Ham terly Mill, Rowland Gill. (Trea urer). Mis. E. P. GR Y, 2, ummerhill, Sunderland. T. HOPK 22 Farndale venue, South Bent, Whitburn.






H. R.


Area rea


. D'H r L s, 2, laremonl Road, Defence). W. M DAM, 9, Hackworlh tre t, Dean . H. H RI IE, I.B., II.B.: ".The edars," 30, We t Hartiepool. (Tra111 IIIg). Mr. R. W TO, 40, Brandling Place (Tel. e\ ca tle-upon-Tyne 1-1515).


ommis ioner Llperintendent ( )

rea Superintendent ) Area Surgeon . . Area ur ing Officer . . . rea taff Offic r ( ad t ) ( ). Area taff Officer (Cadet ( ).

Ast. ty. uperintendent ( County ur. ll1g Omcer . County tafT Officer ( adet) County StafT mcer ( adet) County tafT fficers

Darlington.. (Civil Bank, Ferryhill We tbourne RO~d lith,

Area Superintendent ( )

Area Surgeon . . Area ursing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area taff Officer .

County County

ergeant Major ecretary .

' 12, Royal

Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent Area Surgeon Area Area Area rea

Nursing Officer . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) ( , Staff Officer .

' arl




uperintendent (




County County County County

1) .


upcnntendenl (

ur ing Officer tafT mcer ( adet ) ( ) . tafT Officer ( adet ) ( ) . tafT fficer


helm ford 55789.

County Vice-Presidents: The Lady Joan EWMA ( ursillg). Mrs. J. T. WHITLEY ( ursing Cadets).

Deputy Commissioner . . A/County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon



County Office: heltenham. Tel.

heltenham 53610.

COllnty President : ounle t. LD\ Y .

COllllly Vice-Presidents: . Br'<GLEY, c. .0., o .. 0., O.B.E. (Ambulance). LDWY , T.D., D.L. (Ambulance Cadets) H. L. t. . AREY M.V.O., Hawling Manor Andoversford (Tel. Guitlng PO\\er 362). ' , Lieut- oloncl . WILLIAMSO , O.B.E., 90, Leckhampton Road. hcllenham. Mr . . ILL ·s, Oakland, hurdington, r. Cheltenham (Tel. hurdington 225). . · II. DRAKE, LR.C .. , L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, louce ter. MIS D. M. TRI\(\IER, 2, harlton 10 e, harlton King heltenham. ' Mr . DR KE, .R . . , The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane, Gloucester. R. . H WKfN ,45, Idon Road, Cheltenham. Mrs. H \ KI ,45, ldon Road Cheltenham. Mi J. B. PARKER Highfield House, Whitminster, Glos.

( .H. .R.) Mr . B. LAWRE 'CE, The

County President: Colonel Sir John RUGGLEs-BRISE, Bt., C.B., O.B.E., T.O., J.P., Lord Lieutenant.



Comml I ncr

E SEX County Office: Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay Road, Chelm ford.

re cent,



M ~s . -< . M. Bf NIfAM, 21, Queen's Road, olchester. MIss M. Rc OJ J)SON, S.R . . , 14, ROLhesay Avenue, helmsford. '. A. POOLE, J78, owdray Avenue, olchester. MIS R. r. LErKs, 37, Melbourne ourt, helmsford. Mrs. L. M. li AR r, "Yarramundi," Mildmays, Danbury. · J:.. BROOKS, 144, Moulsham Drive, helmsford. (Treasurer). Mrs. M. A. SrURGLo,,<, 9, otman Road, Shrub nd Colche tel'. ( adet). ' F. TJlOR DIKE, 1m Tree House, Fox Street, Ardleigh, CoIche ter. ( adets) . Mr . V. . Hco ,ES, 98, Dorset Avenue, helmsford. ( .H.S.R.) W. (,HorrELD, 45, Victoria Street, Braintree. (Cadets). Mrs. I. M. T. IIASLAM, "Phaphamau," 98, Patching Hall Lane helm ford. ' Mr . J. M. ORTO, Sl. lere's Hall, Danbury, Essex. (Cadets) . L. PRYOR, 170, Woodman Road, Brentwood. · J . K. L 'DI R, 20, Thame Avenue, helmsford. J. . J. WES f LAKr, von !Touse, Stanley Road, Wivenhoe. Mrs. D. J. u \IL , "Beechur t," High Garrett, r. Braintree. R. B. HAPMA, 23, halli Road, Braintree. · M YHEW, " L. Lconard ," Wash Road, Laindon, Essex. (Tcl. 2(89).


"Ve tern Area R . M. ARCHIB\LO, LB., H.B., D.I.H., We'tfleld, Hare Law AnnAeld Plain, tanley. J. T. DR UIII\IO D, 267, ind or venue, ate bead, 8. Mr . M. H. ROCHE T 'R, 5, Pike yde, Diplon, o. Durham. Mr . M. F. t. J. OSGRAVE, M.B., B.S., Felling Lodge, Felling-on-Tyne. acant. W. Yo GER, 90, Wear Road, outh tanley. Mrs. E. . Yo GER, 90, Wear Road, outh tanley. J. . KE:-':EDY, I, I lolly Terrace, outhm nt, tanle). Mi EITCH "ell iew," v IOlaton, Bla)uon-on-Tyne.



Mr . F. M. 0\\ r: , 1 l, Verner 10 c, Il art tation, West HartlepooJ. R. K. BROW , LB., CILB., Kelvin Hou e, Bearpark, o. Durham. acant. H. Co L 0 ,74 tarmer rescent, Darlinglon. H. . H. FR,\ IS," rdmore," The \ venue, Durham. ( ceretary for adct).

olonel Area Commi sioner

(N) .

< a t Durham Area . F. TOKOE, _, Br ok ide ilia, Dene Ilou e Road, Sea ham o. Durham. ' J. B. HEY 0 .... , M.R .. 1'., O.. 11., I, II Imland Park South Ul1derland. ' Mi J. H TCIII 0 , 43, Bede lreet, Roker, Llnderland. . K. MACRAE, M.D., CII.B., Red able, Murton, o. Durham . a ant. 11\1l"G . , ,The \el1ue, Murton, caham. acanL.

We t Hartlcpool.

uperintendent ( )

) . . (A).

ewcaslie 2.

outh Durham Area E. . S fITH, 34, Tun tall enue, We t Hartlepool, Co. Durham. W. F. H LL, III.E., B.. , B.HY., O.P.T!., Thorpe Bulmer. Hart

Area Commi sioner




Capt. R. J. WE LEY, T.O., J.P., 96, Galleywood Road, Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 2704). Vacant. Mrs. B. TRAP\!, hipping Hill Hou e, Hal tead. d F. P. WALLIS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Gowers " Galleywood Roa , Great Baddow.

COunly ccretal')


\rea Commi· Joner


appings, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. ( ounty Welfare). Mi M. K. 0 WELL, 7, Eldorada Road, Cheltenham. (Admin. -Medical omfort). Mr . M. OTTEE, .R . . , 23, Honyatt Road, Gloucester. (Training d i er, ur ing). · T. LARK, 3, Falkner treet, Glouce teL · OLCA, 17, outh Dri e, Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham. A. J. P" HETT, 25, Tanner Road, Cheltenham. (CadeL). R. H. THOR BURY, 51, Rodney Road, heltenham. Mi . G. M R H LL, "Holmbur " Thorncliffe Drive, heltenham. (Tel. 22205).

Fore t of Dean Area Lt.- 01. ir PatrIck OGHILL, Bt., T.O. D.L., ylburton, Lydney.

a\fan Hou e,







AssL ely. Superintendent ( )

outhcrn Area Ar a

Lieut.- oloncI J. W. Wo LORIO E, Mo n , Tctbury.

omm1 ion r

eVER Headquarter , Rohai ,



ottage, Shipton


CO/Illty Office: t. Peter Port, uern ey.

T I.

u rn ey


ur ing Officer


tafT OfTicer ( adet) ( ).

County County

tafT Officer ( adet) ( ). taff Officer

entral 3700.

Bailiwick Presidellt: ir Willi am


olone! R . B. BRO DBE T, O.B.E., La Ruette, t. Martins, Guern ey. (Tcl. t. Martin 435). W. T YLOR, B.E. L, Quendon, Le Martival, La Ruette, St. ssi tant Commi ioner Martin. (Tel. t. Martin 247). R . A. LUFF " Belize," Doyle Road , t. Peter Port. Bailiwick Superintendent (A) . Mr. R. M. THOMP 0 La Tourellc, Pierre Percee. (Tel. Bailiwick Superintend nt ( ) entral 255). R. M. . 0', 1.A., 1'>1. B., B. HIR ., Le Longchamp, Sl. Samp. Bailiwick Surgeon . on' , Guern ey, .J. Area Commi sioner R. H. BL HFORD, O.B.E. G.M., Le rout H crivel, Rohais, t. Peter Port. Baili\ ick Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) H. To ZEAU, Holmlea, Route Militaire, ale, Guern ey. Bailiwick Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Mr. O. H. G LU[ N "Balmoral," uelle Road, St. Peter Port. . B H, "Palma," Green Lane, t. Peter Port. Bailiwick Staff Officer E. OLL, Colwy he, Le Mourant, t. Martin. H. F LLA, Durrington , Le Banque, t. amp on , Guernsey. (Cadets). R. 1. H ERV ,"Beau oleil," aumarez Lane. a tel. (Treasurer). W. G. BAKER, 22, t. eorge' E planade, t. Peter Port. e omp tition ). C. E. FROOME, "Ro emead," Le ariou~, t. Martin. i G. . De ARI, L' bri, King' Road, t. Peter Port, Guern ey. Bailiwick Secretary V. E. L FF, i.B.E. Le Rohai de Haut, t. ndrew, Guernsey. .


ecretary ounty ecretary County P. R . . . ~sst.

~rea Comllli ioner Area Superintendent e ) ~rea upenntendent ( ) .\.rea Surgeon

Area Area ~rea


ur ing


tafT Officer La fT 0 ffi r tafT fllcer

adet ) ( ) adeL) ( )



County President: The Hon. Mr. . R. UBITT, O.B.L Countl' Vice-Pre icients: Admiral of the Fleet ir Algernon U. Wn.LIS, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.. 0. Marjorie, CO TE S OF BRECK OCK ( ursing). Mrs. M . P. A. CURTI ( ursillg Cadets) Commissioner


Deputy Commissioner County Superintendent (N) County Surgeon

uperintendenl ( )

Area Superintendent Tel. 2



Mrs. . B. D un IFLO , "Southwinds," Holly Hill Lane, Sarisbury Green. Mr. . A. P URKCSS, J.P., S.R.N., "G Jenleigh ," Avenue Road Brockenhurst. ' Brigadier J. . dc P. LrLMA, .B.L., Brai hneld House, r. Rom ey. Vacant. A. L. AYM s, Kilnwood, Hillview Road , Michelmersh r. Rom ey. (Trea urer). ' R. W. HARRIS, J 23, Teg Down Meads, Winchester. (Training). Mrs. B. V. SA DISO , Long View, Roseberry Road Alresford (Ho pital Libraries). , . Mr. . . You G, j 62, Stockbridge Road, Winchester.

Captain H . P. HE OCR 0 , C.B.E., Do' .0., Hamlet Hou e, Hambledon. (Tel. 648). Brigadier B . W. W EBB- ARTER, D .. 0., O.g.E. hton Cottage, Bishop Walth am. . Miss L. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage, hlrley HoLms, Lymington. (Tel. Sway 220). "K L. M. MAYBURY, M.A., M.B., B.CHIR., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., en· wood," 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea.

(Civil Defence). Mr . M. . J . Bo 0 , " Ro evere," Watton Road, Holbury. Mr . I. B. P. IILARI G, 147, orhampton Road, Bournemouth. Mr . J . . Do ~Y, Pamber Farm , Little London, r. Basingtoke. . L. R o . E, "Renton," lebe Ro ad, Headley, Bordon. Mr . G. L. Rose, "Renton," Glebe Ro ad, Headley, Bordon. R. . BODE , 6, Upper High treet, Winche ter. Mr . 1. G. M. BODE , 6, Upper High Street, Winchester. T. W. B LPITi, " I nVlcta," 165, London Road, Horndean.

Ea tern Area Vacant. B. . H WKEY. 40, orthcroft Road , Gosport. Lady POWER, Lime ottage, Brambridge Park, Twyford. . TER, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., "Leventhorpe," 1, Elmhurst Road, Go port. Mi M. . M . TCPlI[ 0 . , S.R . . , 17, Meyrick Road, Portsmouth. · H. WAlTE , 9 J, Randolph Road, orth End, Port mouth. aca n t. T. . GOLD "IITIT, 79, Orcha:d Road, South ea. (Training). H . . B LU TON, 62, Teddmgton Road , outh ea. J. B rUR, \.1.\.1 .. 8 , Roundway, H ighfield E tate Waterlooville.

eotral Area Area Commi ioner

County Office: Wessex House, 6, Upper High treet, Winche ter.


( .H .. R.) · J. Miller, J 2, Appollo Road, Chandler's Ford.

Bailiwick Vice-Pre idellt : Dr. W. B. Fo . Lad\ OLEI-l (/II" 'illg). J. E. L. M -RTEL (Al/lbulance Cadet ). Mr . M. M. LOVERfD [ ( /II" ing adet. ). Commi ioner


e )

Area Surgeon a.rea ur ing Officer Area tafT Ofllcer ( adet) ( ) o\rea Staff Ofllcer ( adet) ( ) Area Staff Officer . . . Hon. Area Pres Relation Officer ( u iliary)

Area Commi loner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( )

Lieut- olonel 1. D. . BROWNLOW, O.B.E., Pennington House, Lymington. apt. . MILLS, M.B.E., ' Hilldale," Station Lane, Chandlers ord. Mi s M. . THOM ," berfoyle," 13, orwich Road, Bitteme Park, outhampton. · O. JOH . M.B., B .. , 'vLR.C.P., L.R.C.P., D.CH., 2, Che sel venue, Biueme, outhampton. Mr . O. R. D AVIES, .R . . , " Pinecroft," The re cent, Romsey. · F. R . L RKE, 60, Kitchener Road outhampton. r. . E. ALFORD, ,Obeli k Road Wool ton, Southampton. · G. R ELL, ' Bridaimer," 55, Dell Road, Bitteme Park. outhampton. (Training and C.D.). · A. WILTO , Odeon Theatre,

L. P.

orth Walls, Winchester.

13, E her 10 e, Ba ing toke. om Hill, Basing toke. , Myn ter, hurch venue Famborough.




urgeon . . Uf ing Officer . . taff Offic r ( adet) ( ) ta If om er ( ade!) ( ) taff om er .



acant. 1] . I D. . GRE. WELL, .R .. , Park Pr?wctl 0 pita, Basingstoke. B. RO, _I, Pitman I.oe, BalJ1gtokc .. ML". . P. ' nDO ,35, WLdmorc Road , Ba ' lng. tokc . . H. . HORT, 62, ctlcy Road ", arnborough. (T!·aLning). R. . EIILL , " Iligh Mcadow, reen Lane, Illsfield, r. Ba ing tok.e. n. ou G," rathornc," 36 Bo. all' Lane, Idershot. ., n . loR, D. I., B.A., M.R . . . , L.R . . . , 2, Rcading Road, Farnborough. ')0 , II aint " rc cent . 'H . l \\' Sl L 0, ~ arnborough. , . ( adet ). Mr . L. I. PAGf, " Rook.\ 000,' Priory tre t, Farnborough. (Cadet ). We tern Area


ommi ioner

rea uperintendent ( ) rea uperu1tendent ( ) rea Surgeon rea

ur ing Officer

rea Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) rea taff Officer ( ad t ) ( ) rea

taff Officer

F. H. T TT r RD, L.R .. P., I.R . . . , 12a, Grand Avenue, outhbourne, B urnemouth. F OLOE T 5 Ie eland Garden, Boumemouth. Mr .' . E. ~ 1 ~ ,34, oombe ardens, Boumemouth. M.D., L.R.C.P., 12a, rabton lose Road, F. A. HILA Bos ombe. Mi M. O... L\, .. R.. , Royal ictorialfopitul, hclleyRoad, Bo combe. acant. Mr . M. J. . Fo'\, .. R.. , "Trehavcl1," 7, a t Vi w Road, RingV\ood . . M YB R\, Police tati n, Ringwood. (Train.ing).

Tel. Hereford 2 37.


County Vice-Pre ident : Mrs. H. FOLEY, ( ursillg). . A. BLO ETT (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. Greville PHILLIPS ( ursing Cadets).

Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent ( County Surgeon . . County ursing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ). County Staff Officers .

County Secretary . . County Sergeant Major


Tel. L. .-54333.

Ol/lIt )' President:

Major- eneral

ir W. A.



s, i.c.v.o.,


o.s.O., O.B.E., M.. , Lord Lieutenant.

COllnty Vice-President:

Mr . B. H . M e ORQUODALC ( IIrsing). Lt. - olonel II' Martin II LlA I, K.C'.V.O., M.IU:. ., D.L. (Amhulance Cadets). The l ion. Lady Bowr.s- LYO , J.P. (Nursing Cadets). COOlnll ioncr Deputy

oll1lllis ioner .


uperintendent (


urgeon ty.


R. . PLR fY, M.B.E., J.P., " Heath Brow," Welwyn (Tel. Wclwyn 4108). D. I lardy KI MO T, M.B., CH.B., 100, larence Road, St. Alban. (Tel. t. Alban 51421). MiD. PARK[<;, B.A., 21 Park Avenue, St. Albans. (Tel. L. . 539 3). . W. M AY, M.D., O.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Denham Lodge, 83, ew Road, Ware. Mr . . BILK , B.SC., Friar Mead , St. Stephen Avenue, St. Ibans. . Hender on MITII, 97, Haymead , Dig well Hill , Welwyn arden ity. Mi S I. D VIE, 109, London Road , St. Alban. Mr. Hilda MABeR, S.R. '., "Crossways," Point Clear, St. o yth. sex. Mis WOOD, B.A., 19, Park venue, St. Alban. D . II. L RK, B.D.S., L.D., .R.C .. , .R."-., The Stuart, Berden, r. BI hop tortrord. I I. . H[\1\1I"< ,9, pringfield, Welwyn Garden ity. acanl. Mr. B. J. R ER<;. 14, Jenning Road. t. Iban. (Tel. St. Iban 51239) apt. . M. II l'.DLER, " H aven" 3, Heathbrow Road , Welwyn L.

uperintendent (

County tafT Ofllcer ( adets) (A). County tafT Ofllcer ( adet ) ( ) . County tafT meer

(M . . 0 .).

County Presidents: The Lady BlOD LPH. Brigadier F. A. V. COPLA D-GRIFFITH , D.. 0., M.C.,



County Office: 7, Marlborough Road , St. Alban, J lerts.





County ccretary Count) ecreta r

COll/lty Office: S.J.A.B. Headquarters, Widernarsh treet, Hereford.



Lieut.-Colonel Sir Terence F LKI ER, BT., !(jng thorne House, r. Hereford. (Tel. Wormelow 343). " Wing- ommander J. W1L 0 , M.B .. , "Beggar Roo t, Pool Hill, r. ewent, Glo . Mrs. J. V. B. OGR[\ E, Mdl Bank ottage, Whitney-on-Wye. (Tel. Clifford 333). G M. LLOYD, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., The ew Hou e, Ro s-on-\\:'ye. Mrs . M. E. . PORTCH, .R .. , Leornin ter ottage Hospltal Leornin ter. C. W. WALLI ,8, Fayre Oak Green, Whitecro Mrs. A. L. GROVE, The Priory, Ledbury. R. T. MORRIS, Slokesay, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. C. H. PRICE, 7, Farr 10 e, Hereford. R. W. COLWELL, 46, Moor Streel, Hereford. L. G. BARRI GTO , 50, Belmonl Avenue, Belmont Estate, Hereford. (Civil Defence). Mrs. 1. C. LOCHHEAD, 40, Alexandra venue, Hereford. Mr. D. PRICE, 2, Bute Avenue, Hereford.

rea W. PPLETO. , "Lyndhur t," Puckeridge r. Ware. (Tel. Puckeridge 457). . F. PORCIICR, ,. olville" 44 t. Johns Avenue, Harlow. acant. . M. IALL- 1o,1lTH, \1.B., B.. , \I.R . . . , L.R.C.P., D.PH., 2, Gue en Walk, Wehv)n Garden Cit). Mi . R. M. BL-TLER, .R.~., Queen Elizabeth I[ Ho pital, 1\\) n Garden it) . Mr . B. D. R DO CK, .R .. , 6 , Wood tock Road South, t. Iban. K. J. M RK ,3, I lighfield Ro ad, he hunt. aeant. ; a tern


ommi ioner

\rea Superintendent ( ) \rea uperintemlent ( ) \rea urgeon \rea


ur Ing

kt. Area

mccr ur ing

fll er

\rea taff Ofllc r ( adet) ( ) \rea taff Omcer ( adct ) ( )

\ \'

\rea Commi loner \rea Superintendent ( ) \rea uperintendent ( ) \rea Surgeon \rea Nursing Ofllcer . \rea Staff Ofllccr ( adel) ( ) \rea Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) \rea Staff Officer .

tern Area

. H. B RGE ,J.P.," oonor," 17, King Ed\vard Road, Ware. (Tel. Ware 345). K. . W R ER, 9_, Bur land, Letchworth. Mi TKI, 101, Old Hale \ ay, Hitchin. J . Munro IIERRIFf, B. C., L.R.C.P.(ED.), L.R .. S.(EO.), L.R.F.P .. (GL .), 23, ali bury \enue, Harpenden. Mi O. M . DA IE, .R .. , St. Iban City Ho pital, orrnandy Road, St. Alban. 1. . G. TROUGHTO , 312, orthbridge Way, Hemel Hemptead. Mi W. M. H RT Blue tile, Priory Clo e, Roy ton. Mr. F. H P~I , I, Frogmore Cottage, Lower High Street, Watford. (Cadet). Mr . H . M . BE ED,49 Fordwich Road Welwyn Garden City.









on table'

COlillty Office mce Dougln, I Ie of Man . Tel.

taff Officer

T. JOll



Mi s B. Le JIuQ If, Le halel, Bagatelle Road, t. Saviour, Jer ey. ( adelS) . E. D. N. BURBJDGf, l Ieytesbury, Fauvic, Jersey. A. ,G. BUR I, "Alameda," Balmoral Avenue, t. lemcnl, Jersey MIL. Du FI U, Tunbridge, Georgetown Road, Jersey. .

oLlgla 212\. Cou nty ecrelary & Treasll rer

KE T John Ilollse, 41,


ommis ioner Deputy Commi ioner. ounty Superint ndent ( ounty County ounty County County

Surgeon . . Llr ing Officer . taff Offi er ( adet) Staff Officer ( adet) ecretar & P.R.O.

County County County County County


Office :

COUllt)' Presidellts :

The Countes of ILfORD. J . II. DAY, Esq., M.B.F. (Ambulance). . ( ). ( ). .

acant. a ant. acant. E. R. . Ii, 1".1. I , Hav,arden 7 _ Da), 2665 vening) . 1\ • • ,

County Vice-Presidents: Lady Dr" ING ( IIrsing). J. II. II DAVIS, q. (AlJlbulance Cadets) i counte ALLE BY or MLGIDDO ( ursing Cadets).

venue, Dougla . (Tel.




hurch Street , MaId tone. Tel. Maidslone 55924.

COlillty Office: Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, 1 Ie of Wight. Tel. Ryde 2955. COlilltl' Presidellt: race The DUKe of LLU TO, K.G. His F. R . B. H. KE. NEDY, LB.E., L.R . . . , L.R .. P., J.P., Wootton ioner Lodge Wootton Bridge, T Ie of \ ight. T.HAMB~Y M.R . . . , L.R.C.P., "Meadowcroft," ali bury Road, Surgeon Ryde. . . E 'ELL, S.R . . , 17, hley Road, Ryde. ur ing Officer . . . . P. 0\1PTO, 93, High treet, andown. taff Officer ( adet) (A) . Staff Officer ( adet) ( T). Mr . B. K. Jacob The range, Iver tonc. G. M . HO:-'[i\ , M.~.C.P.,M. R.C .. ,':~(:mkspath," Li~erstone, Staff Offi:::er r. ewport. (ijc mbulance D1VI Ions, e t ~lght). Mr. . J. WALLI, J.P ., or ott ottnge, Mitton Lane, Bembridge. (Ho pital Librarie ). hanklin. E. H. Rr HARD 0 , r.. ., Regal hamber (Trea urer- dmin.) . . G. BARTO ," aver1cy," ravel Pil Road, Wootton Bridge. L. P. RID ER, The Range, pencer Road, Ryde. Mi E. M. . w " eacroft," Queen' Road, Ryde. Secretary . (Tel. 2261).

~om ml








,ou nty

urge n


urgeon . ur ing mcer . . tnff Officer ( adel) (A) taff fficer ( addS) ( ) tafr flicer



JER EY County Office:

Midvale Road Jer ey. Tel. ent. 24163. COllnt l' President : Guy Malet de ARTERET, q. County Vice-Presidents: The Countess of JERSEY ( IIrsing). Lady TRE T ( ursing Cadets). H. R . . Poco "', Le ieme, t. Peter Jcrse). (Tel. Weslern Commi sioner . 351). Vacant. Deputy Commissioner Mrs. U. MALET DE ARTERET, l. Ouen' Manor, St. Ouen, County Superintendent ( ) Jersey. (Tel. We tern 28). . R. L. OSMO T, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., Dunderave, First Tower. County Surgeon . . Assistant Cty. Superintendent ( ) Mrs . G. DAw 0 ,La Ruette, Vicloria Village, Jer ey. County urSing Officer . . . Mo IER 12 Princess Place Greve d' Azetle, Jers.ey. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). vAacJanLL . . e , , ' d S H her County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) . Mrs. D. MACFADYE , La Turbie, laremont Roa , t. e , Jersey.

Major-General G. BRU"SKJLL, C.B., M.C., D.L., The Chantry, ~awkhur t. (Tel. I Jawkhurst 2283). Bngadler J. V. DAVIDSO , -HOUSTO , M.B.E., Magpie Shaw J louse, peldhur t. Lady MBrRBATCII, "Monk' Park" Wadhurst Sussex (Tel "

Co 111 III IS 'Ionel Superintendent ( ) urgeon . . Staff fficc r ( adct) ( ) Staff Officer ( adel) ( )






Irea Irea Irea \rea \rea

upt. (



mcer loner

Superin tenden t ( ) Surgeon . . . . Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Staff Omcer ( adet) ( ) Staff Omcer .


Dr. J. R\!lA ,"Wentway ," Easl Studdel, Dover. Mrs. 1. M. BOBY, .R .. , 4, Horsted Way, Rochester. . . D. \!lITH, 67, idney Street, Folkestone. Mr . J. J. Ho CHI ,"Minstead, altwood, Hythe. H . 1 '. Hf\RV 'Y, Barclay Bank Ltd., Maidstone. (Treasurer). MI . HIGH M, 9 , Maidstone Road, Roche ter. T. L. ISAA , 238, Maid tone Road, Rochester. (Training). Mr. PRJ 'G, Mount Top, The Clo e, Saltwood, Hythe. ( .H .. R.) \illS J. M. FALWA SLR, Rutland Hou e, West Mailing. (Library), r . M. KEL [Y, Bro k Ghyll, Wadhurst, ussex. (Appeals). M, JO'I . 67, Wlll1lan Rond, Tunbridge Well. Mr. . M . R. POWFLL, M.B., CH.B., 2, John tone Court 178 andgalc Road, olke lone. ' , \111 S [. M. \IlTH, 67, idne) treel, Folke tone. B. T. Bc,\ 10 T. M.B.E. "Pembles," Doddington, Sittingbourne. (T I. Doddington 230). o. 1

,fea Ifea Ifea rea rea


R. H. PERC1VAL, M.A., M.CH.(OXO .), F.R.C.S. (E G.), D.C.H., 74, Bower Mount Road, Maid tone.


,lPt. J. M. R't \ILR-JoNLS, C.B.E., \I.c. MI L. H. B R -H RTOPP, Dalby Lodge, Hawkhur t. J. W. PIPER, !\I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., 247, inglewell Road , Gravesend. . IGHTf'\GA.LE, 3, 1m ottage Edenbridge, Kent Mr. . . Wl"TCR, 44 Meado\\ Road, Rusthall Tunbridge Well. r. L. . M EDH R T, 19 '21, hur h treet, Burham. r. Roche ter. ncal1t. o. 2 Area

Brigadier . M. IILRBCRT, .B .. E , '" tone I1n) ne, " tan ford , hford. Mr . 1. PAPWORTH, Tregarthen," ale Road, Whitstable. Ie HALMER , M.B., CH.B., ,London Road, ittingbourne. F. . ROLFE, 11, King' Road, Birchington. Mr . E. M. HEYWOOD, [5, Sali bury Road, Herne Bay. . R. L. WALL CE, 96, Hugin venue St. Peter, Broad tairs.




T. ]011




3 Area · . 1-1 RBERT, "Brynmawr," 4 ,Plain Avenue, Maidstone Mr '. J . M. Pm I L, .. R.. ,74, Bower Mount Road, Maid tonc' Dr. Gertrude I HaL ,2, Dunedin urt, heriton Gardens' olke lone. J . . PERRY, Road, altwood , Mr . D. M. Hythc. CllUC, II the . L. \ '. 11\1,\, 2, Thc



\rea COI11J11i ioner Area

upenntcndent (A)


rca Staff Offi er ( adct ) ( ) rea taff Offi er ( adet ) ( ) rea

taft OAl cr

DUKE OF LANe 15-17, Mount Th

T R'




o. 1 Area

10 .

rea ommJ ion r rea uperintendent rea 'urgeon


Area uperintendcnt ( ) .. .\rea urgcon Area ur ing mcer . Area tarr fficcr ( 'adet ) ( ) Area tarr Olllcer ( adct) ( ) \rea tafT omccr'\ .


P. R. SII VI S, M . R.< .S., L.R.C.P., D.O., "We tlands," 493, Pre ton New Road, Yew Tree Brow, Beardwood , Blackburn. H. MALLEY, .R. . , Il ill View, Ho pital otlage, Ribchester, r. Pre ton. Mr . M. M. Mlc,cdn , 10, Bryerscroft, Wilp hire, Blackburn. Vacant. Vacant. -. V. MASO , 134, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood. Mr . O. DAWI.S, "Bclgrave," 475, Revidge Road , Blackburn. · Wouno ,38, We tbourne Avenue, Burnley. ( .D.). Mr . M. HLAP, 148 , Brun wick Street, elson. r. IIARROCK, 55, Selons Road , Blackburn . (Training).

Di trier Office: trect, Pre t . n. Tel. Pre ton 2239. District Pre iden(: arl of DmB), I.C.

Di (rict J'ice-PresidC'nts : The ounte of EITO ( I/rsillg) . Lord HUTTLEWORTH, I. . (Ambl/lance (l(1£'(s). The ounte PEEL ( I/rsing ade(). . ROYLf, LR.D., D.L., 67, hur h treet, Lancaster. Conuni ioner LV OM, T.D. J.P., LB ., CiI.B., I.R .. S., 34, Princes Deput Commi ioner letwood, Lan . . H. W'LKI:.R, 35, Brool-. ide venue, Livcrpool, 14. · J. A. TWO 0, 42, Lune trcet, Pre ton. A sistant to Commi ioner Th Lady Mary He KETH, J.P., Meol Hall, outhporl. (Tel. D istrict Superintendent ( ) outhport 171). olonel R. . W. LLeRC"J H" , T.D., .R.D., Q.H .. , M.. , B.M., Di trict Surgeon M.R.C. ., D. i.R .D., 4, Pine Road, Did bury, Manchester, 20. M. M. RE KIE, M.B., II.B., 7, Row Ie venue, We t Did bury, Asst. D i trict Superintendent ( Manche ter. Mr . J. McD . nvc , .R . . ,23, tanlcy I' e, Penwortham, Di trict lur iog Officer Pre ton . hton Old Road, Higher Open haw, D i trict Staff Officer (adel (A). R. HARLE WORTIl, 1473, Manche ter, I I. Di trict Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Mr . . ~IITII, 19, Th venue, cedfield, Bur) . Di trict Staff Officer Major J . D. A\IEROI'., \I.B.E., T.D., King. old, Pope Lane, Pem ortham, Pre ton. (Pre Relation~ urgeon ' Dept.). (Tel. Pre ton Prior) _236). F. w . Lo GWORTH, 102, bbey Hey Lane, Higher Open haw, Manche ter, I I. ( adet). u ton Lane, Chorley. V. S. HELMORE, ast Terrace ( .D.). Mis J. B. M. L DE, 2a, Lord treet We t, outhport. (Competition ). W. E. SEARL, 91, '\ Road, Prenton heshire . . G. CRO LEY, ,. olinton" hurch Lane, Farington Moss, Leyland. ( om petition ). ., Lieut.- olonel G. . STEELE, M.O., II.B., L.R .. P., D.P.H.~ .The Beeches," Tabby' ook ewburgh, nr. Wigan. (Tra!n!ng). Mr . J . WEB TER, 68, Devonshire Road, therton. (TralOlOg). Mr . B. HARWOOD 7, Tipping treet, Altrincham. (Competition ). Ellen W. M. HAW, M.R.C. " L.R . . . , 7, Tenterden Street, Bury. Mrs. E. Gaskill, 50 Turnbull Road, Long ight, Mancheste~, 13. Mr. E. CHARLESWORTH, 1473, hton Old Road, Higher Openshaw, Manche tel' II. G. . HA Kl s, 43, Argyll Road, Blackpool. (Treasurer, Auxiliary). . h ope venue, The Yale, a, 34 ,air J · E . H ELME, "G ree b" Lancaster. PE CER, M.B.E., T.D., "Marwyn," Preston Road, Major T. District Secretary Grimsargh , r. Pre ton.

o. 2




uperintendent ( ) upcrintcndent ( ) urgeon . . . ur ing omcer .

Area \rea ~rea


\rea tarr Omcer \rca ' tafT fliccr ~rea tarr omccr

adets) ( ) adct) ( )


ommi I ner uperinlcndenl (A) urgeon

~rea ur ing Olllcer Area taff Officer ( adct ) ( ) Area tarr Olll er ( adet ) ( )


taff Olllcer


· H LBFRT, 29, alerloo treet, Oldham. · I iF 0 . "ThorncJlffe," 3, Houghton Lane, winton. V. IT. lffBL[, B.\ol., r.R.C .. ," reeba,' J 69, Buxton Road, Mile nd, lockport. \II 15 K. L \ \113, \f.B .L., 7, Tenterden treel, Bury. VJ ant. J . Dl LE. 22. Baildon Road, Pa mond. Rochdale. M I J . H IGG , 3, Pendleton treet, Werneth, Oldham. J . T U), 590, Idham Road , hton,under-Lyne. Mr . M. winncrton, J 9, hemood A enue, Radcliffe, Manthc tel'.

1\0. 4

Area ommi ioner Area uperintendent ( ) Area uperinlendcnt ( ) Area urgeon


apt. . M. TII\ AIT[ , T.D., Ba tHou e ottage, Walmer ley, Bury. · MA 0 , 15, Wood Road orth, Manchester, 16. Mi A. RI ,BY, 60, emetery Road, winton. J. R. A. Luckas, M.B., "[ngle ide," Tylde ley, Manchester. J. . PL , S.R.""., "Glencoe," 235, Walmerslcy Road, Seedneld, Bury. B. R. JAR\IA . . . , 62, Bennett Lane, Bolton . . HODcRorr, 319, Manche lcr Road , Tylde ley. Mi . F LTO ,272 ew Brook Road, therton, r. Manche tel'. r .. PI 'h. \1 \ ,59, Banon Road, Worsley, Manche ter.

1\0. 3

Area Area



tajor J. R. MIDDL HUR T, 49 Ri ington Road, t. Helen. HITE, 24, hur t Dri e, Parr, t. Helen r . MILU GTO", .R. ""' ., 33, Columbia Road, Pre cot. LJeut.- olonel . R. ow RD T.D. L. 1. . . . , "The Mount" Birchfield Road , idne. acanl. R. . B K, 94, Meeting Lane, Penketh, Warrington. Mr . . R. WILLIAM 0 , 112, Che ter Road, Grappenhall, Warrington. \!. LO GH, 1 4, Wellfield treet, Warrington. H. FER LF , 5, Ikan Road, Cro\ Wood, Widnes. (Civil Defence). D. M DO LD-\ LKER, 17, Kipling Grove, utton Manor I. Helen. · POTT , 3, hapel Lane, oppull.


54 rea

ommi si n r uperintendent ( ) uperintendent ( ) urgeon . ur ing Officer . taft' om er (Cadet ) ( ) taff Officer ( ad t ) ( ) taff Officer .

rea P.R.O ..

Area Commissioner Area uperintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) Area urgeon rea ur ing Officer . Area taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea Staff Officer ( adet) ( ). Area Staff Officer .



o. 5 Area U.- 01. G. I. . Ly n .R-ToDD, O.B.I.., Dial HOll e , H'Iglel' I Lane, Rainford, Lanc . J. . Lu ,26, Zig-zag Road , Liverpool, 12. Mis K. L. Tllo lA, I, Withnell 10 e, iverpool,13. T. . LLOYD , ~1.13., 11.13., 12, mbleside Road, Liverpool 18 Mi M . R. DOR ,14, hcombe Road, toneyc roft , Liver: pool, 14. W. . L GTO, 24, Paignton R ad, Liverpool, 16. Mi . LDDO, 46, Park ide Drive, Liverpool, 12. T. . TAl LOR, 24, Latrigg Road igburth, Liverpool. J. E. RO K, 31, Renville Road, Liverpool, 14. J. HOL IE , 23, Bampton Road, Liverpool , 16. W. PE LR, 81, Greenwich Road, Liverpool , 9. ( adets). M i E. J. WLL 0 K, 12, Id RacecoLir e Road , Maghull I' Liverpool. ' . Mi . M . 11 T II[() , " larem nt," androrth Road , liverpool, 12. H. J . 00\\ ELL, 27, Wand 'v,ort h Road, LI erpool, II. (Trea urer) W. PILkl GTO'\, 8, Oakdale Road , Liverpool , 18 .

o. 6 Ar a J. HALL, 41, Windermere Road, outh hore , Blackpool. R. . ROG R 0 , 30, Devon hire Road, horley. Mrs. 1. H IGII, 37 Blenhcim venue, Blackpool. urgeon U .- ommander P. J . J . WRI , Monk Gatc, Hardacre Lane, hittle-Ic-W od . R. LATER, S.R.'\., 19, Lo\\er Lane , Longrldge, r. Pre ton. H. EEDI! \ I 34, Bent Lane, Ley land, Pre ton. Mi s . B K 207, unlifTe Road, outh hore, Blackpool. . H. OOPER, 9, range \'enue, Thornt n. Mr . RIGHT, 212, Poulton Road, lleetwood. o. 7

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area urgeon Area

ursing Officer .

District Staff Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officer .


Col. D. B . LO"lG , M.e-., T.D., Ru kinvillc tlotel , andylands Promenade, Morccamb and I Icy ham. W. H . BUR ,4, Pro mcial treet, Barro\) -in-Fume . Mi s M. ROGER, 4 , Brun \\ ick Road . Morecambe. Lt.-Col. R. J. 110wAT, O.B .. , f\I.B., fl.'>., \I.R . . . , L.R.C.P., D.R.C.O.G., 3, Ilill idc, Lanca ter. Mi s E. MCGILL, .R . . , 24, ThornclifTe Road , Barrow-inFumes. W. G. OUTHER', I.B ., Park lile, Broughton-in-Furnes . J. CRO FIELD, 9, Bri tol treet, Walney, BaITov\-in-Furness. Mr . M . G W r, 17, Roo e Road, Barrow-lI1- ~ lIrne . J. H. HOLME. , 185 Devon hire Road, Mill m, umberland. (Civil Defence).

Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area

ursing Officer .

Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officers.

Major R. L. . RAFfLCS , T.D., Dene t fou e, Dene Road, Didsbury, Manche ter, 20. J. HAMER, 7, Queen Drive, Gee ro ,Hydc. Lt .-Col. J . G. . HOLMA ,~1. ., ~I.R. "., L.R . . r., D.r.H., 3, Old Broadway, Withington, Manche tel'. Mrs. E. G. IsB! TER, S.R . . , Oak Dene, hatham Road, Manchester, 16. H. BARKER, 202, Brooklands Road, ale. Miss M. VE ABLE, 137, Blantyre treet, winton, Manchester. F. M. BAKER, 10, Waverly Road, Sale, Manchester. J. H. BROW , 27, Moorcroft Drive, Burnage, Manchester, 19. (Civil Defence). J. D. W. R.A KI , .R . . , 51, orthern rove, We t Didsbury, Manchester, 20. (Training). J. K. VA CE, 17, Fairfield Road, Middlcton , Manchester.



LEICE TER HIRE AND RUTLAND County Office : 112, Regent Road, Leicester.

Tel. 58345.

Coullt y President : The Lady Helen BLRRY.

County Vice-Presidents: Mi s M. 1. PARTRIDGE (Nursing).

J. L. COi11ll1i


Deputy ommi ioner. County Superintcndent ( ) County lIrgeon . Cou nty ur ing Officer Coun ty StafT Officer ( adct) ( ). County tafT Officer ( adct) ( ). County tafT mcer

Coun ty


County P.R.

. .

\rea Commi ioner \rea uperintendent ( \rea \rea

uperintcnuent ( ) urge n

\rea Commi ioner \rea upen n tenden t ( ) \rea upenntendent ( ) \rea urgeon


ur ing fficer. \rea StafT Officer ( adet) ( ) \rea tafT Officer..

o. 8 Area Area Commissioner





(Ambulance Cadets).

L. LCE, 10, harle Drive, Anstey, r. Leicester. (Tel. Anstey 2126) Vacant. Mis ~LWCLL, "Wistow," Southernhay Road Leicester. (Tel. LClcester 74685). ' T.. M. GIBSO , M.B., CH.B., 176, Leicester Road, Mountsorrel. MI P. GOODALL, .R. . , S.C.M., The Royal Infirmary, Leicester. HEYWOOD- MLTH, 9, Shanklin A venue, Leice ter. Vacant. Mr . 'vIBERL D, 34, del in Road, LOllghborough. Mr. . M. BREAM, 58, toneygate Court Flats, London Road, Leicester. Mi V. M : V. Ll!s OMBE, O.B.E., S.R . . , S.C.M., 87, Humbertone Drive, Lelce ter. Mi A. GABRIEL, 53, Peter's Drive, Leicester. D . LARKMA , .R . . , R.M .I ., M.R.f.r.H.H., "Watersmeet" Duntcr Road, ro Lane, Rothley . ' arborough Road South Leice ter M 1M. J. FREER 103 (Tcl. 2370). , . P. W. JA CKSO,", 53, Myrtle Road, Leice ter. a tern Area acant. . R. TOW[LL, Palel House, Glad tone Avenue, Melton Mowbray. acant. acant. it of eice ter Area acant. J. M. JO'\E 4, t. Michael enue, Leice ter. MI . H TER, 9, Oakthorpe enue, Leicester. . R. BR DLEY, M.B., B.. , M.R .C .. , L.R.C.P., 335, Humberstone Road Leicester. acant. R . RE\\ E 54, York hire Road, Leice tel'. R. J u ,81, Hazel treet , Leice ter. E. E. H DO, 77 Hazel Street, Leicester. G .. K. SHAW, 73, Repton Road, Wig ton. M~ B. FREER, 308, Beaumont Ley Lane Leice ter. MI D. G . HA fP 0, 90 Upperton Road, Leice ter. J. M FFERTY, 7, Haddenham Road, Leice ter. T. GR It ~I 10 Parker Drive, Leice tel'. ational Coal Board Area

-\rea Superintendent (A) -\rea Surgeon . . . \rea Staff Officer ( adets) ( ) -\rea Staff Officer \rea Sergeant Major

S. A. McKEE, ' Ivanhoe," 112, Broomleys Road, Coalville. A. H. M. CAMPBELL, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Green Hedges Moira Road, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch. ' . H. VAGE, Ivanhoe ilia, Moira Road, Donisthorpe, r. Burton-on-Trent. J. . ADEY, 74, ommon Road Church Gre ley, Burton-onTrent. ' T. Wilkinson, 210, High treet Woodville, Burton-on-Trent.









,Vc tern Area

acanl. J-l. . JOH STO , J 14, llollycroft, Hinckley . Vacant. . HAt-IlLTO , LB., I-I. B., D.P.H., 4 , London Road, oalville . H. F. W RD, 9, Oakley Road, hep hed. J. T. KE 7, airfield Road, Iluggle cote, oalville.

ommi ioner up rintendent ( ) up rint ndent ( ) urg on . . . . taff Offi r (Cadet) ( taft- Officer .





(PRJ CE OF WALE ' ) DI TRICT Headquarters :

29, Weymouth

treel, W.I.

Tel. Langham 6762 .

District President :

Air Vice-Mar hal

Ir RonrRT

CORGl, K.C'.M.G., K.C'.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., M.C,

District Vice-Presidents:

Doreen, Lady BRABO R E I c.Iwin BAYLISS, sq., O.B.C., D.L. ,' J.~:, L C Lady Pamela H I(,K . . .c.

HIRE OUllty Office :





COllllt I ' Pre idell! :

The Rt. Hon. The

arl of

A TER, T.D., J.P.

Com 1111 55 I0 nc r Deputy

ommi ioners

COlllltl' Vice-Presidellt :

Commi Deputy County County ounty Count Count County Count) County

The Lord ' BRO\ L \ , J.P., D.L. Lad racroft !vi OTT ( IIr illg). P. H. -. 1: 1(3)- \LR RD, D. C'., D.L., R.. , Frie ton aptain loner Old Plac, aythorpe, ranthul11 . ( el. Fulbeck 459). M. . LA 1 , J.P., LB., B.. , L.R.C.P., I.R . . . , J II, Oxford Commi sioner . treet, leethorpe. (Tel. \cethorpe 6132). Mr. E. M. PT J.P ., The range, an wick, Lincoln. Sup rintendent ( ) (Tel. Lincoln 21973). R. E. RO K TT, 1.B., H.B., udele J I u e, utton Bridge, Surgeon Spalding. Mr . D. ROGCR, .R.. , 221, Boultham Park Road, Lincoln. ur ing Offic r taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) . H. . BROY\ ,93, a tgate, leaford . acar. t. Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) . F. G . L T(,HF-M, 47, \Vdllo\\ beck vcnLle, Doddington Road, laft' Officer Lin oln. J. POOl 'J, 6, ul11bndge trect, \ccthorpe. (Tel. 62062). ecretary H . DICK[l': , I, mnglon enLle, Il art holme. ergeant-Major rea

rea C0l11111is ioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) rea urgeon Area ursing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet ) ( ) Area Staff Officer

L. M .

ERLI, LB ., B. . , L.R.C.P., \I.R .C'.S., 17, cathoe Road , Grim by . A. B. HUD 01 , 12, Lydbrook Road, cunthorpe. Mrs. L. D o GilT, 22, Burke treel. cunthorpe. LLI::-", !\I.B., B. 1-1., B.A.O., r-.I.I)., II, rOlllwel1 Road, R. G. Cleethorpe . acanl. OLLBRO K, 549 Laceby Road, Mr . P.r.. TORRER, 381, Hainton enue, Grim by. Mrs. L. OBIEDZI KY, 5, bercorn treet,

Area ursing Officer ., Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (

entral rea Major R . G. BITT, M.B., B. H., B.A.O., L.M., DIP. OB T.U.e.C., D.OB T.R.C.O. J., Sleaford Manor HOLi e, leaford. (Tel. leaford J ). W. GREE , J 3, corer treet, Lincoln. Mrs . W. V. J BB 99, haucer Dri e, l. T. F. GREE WOOD, M.R.C .. , L.R .. P., 30, castle. H. E. LAWRE CC, .R."J., 169, Bun["er Hill Lincoln. Vacant. Mrs. A. K. Radford , 32, Boundary [reet, Bracebridge, Lincoln.

Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

outhern Area Vacant. J. W . SHORT, 125, Ryhall Road , Stamford. Vacant. Vacant. Vacant G. E. ROB! 0, 32, Wood View, Bourne. Mrs. M. P LED ER, Tinwell Hou e, tamford.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ) Area Surgeon

Commissioner Superintendent CA) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . ursing Officer . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) ( )

Dlstf'lct , urcf'liltenlient ( Dlstf'lct U rgeon Deputy DI trlct

urg on

Dlstnct ur Ing Omcer \ s t. Di'itrl t DI trict tarr Dlstf'lct tn rr Di tnct tarr

). )


Group aptain G ..11. PIRIE, C.13.I., D.L., J.P., 7, arysfOrl · Ii ou e, Wesl Ii alkin treet, S.W.I. (Tel. Belgravia 1561) . Sir. De.nys LOWSON, BT., 56, Gresham treet E 2 Brigadier J .. W. HI ('Ii LlFF , D.S.O., "Greyw~1I ','L . Road, Milford-on- ea, Hants. ' ymlngton -'IBORwER; O.B.E., 74, Ro Iyn Gardens, Gidea Park Essex (Te. . omlord 43317). ' . Mrs. D. HOi\DLfY, 38, Heather et Gardens W 16 q,~adron L,~ader K . A. BOUC.liT01\-T~O~ s· ~ B [a tneld, tepPlngley , Bed. ' .. , CH.B., . M. O. H\-\ lTT, B.A., "I.R.C. ., L.R.C.P. I, Belvedere Drive, . W.19 . ' D.OBST.R.C.O.G., Mi D. M. LEE, S.R .. ,28, Mount Park Road, W.5. Mr. EARS, 109, trawberry Vale, Twickenham, W.. . J. RrY",OLD., 24, A hley Walk. Mill Hill MI . I. L. ROBI 0'1, C,O I King way W 2 ' .W.7. ~r EL\ I ,25 Liphook ~e cent, Fo;e t 'Hill: S.E.23. (Store ). .W~·6~· M. T KWELL, M.B .E., 296, Leigham Court Road, Mr. D. BUTA OW.ICJ:I, II , Manor Gardens, Merton Park, .. W.20. ( ommlS loner's ecretary). MI M . D. GROO I, 11, Manor Garden S W 20 L. R. ALLU I, . 17, Greenwood Close T~a~es' 6itt~n, Surrey. . DE .R.MER, 4, College Road, WlI1chmore Hill 21 ( ompetltlon ). ' . , Dr. D. D. TOWLE, Lee Park Lodge Blackheath S E 3 T. BA DY, B.E.M., 43, Gro veoo~ Road I1fo'rd' Es~ex F. GRICE, 65, Munster Garden Palme;s Gree~ ]3' · W. BRoo\1, I , Fairlop Road, Ley ton tone, E.ll~ , . Ml E. G. RE" ELL, 43, Grosvenor Road I1ford Essex · W . M. HOBO Y,2, hancellor Grove We t DUlv.ich S E 21' " . . . ( tore). J. TT, 46, aimay, Rayne Park, .W.20. (Di trict Camp dvi er). MI . 0-'" T, The halet 113 tation Road, h Buck. ( adet). mer am, ~r j HL RIDGe, "Winthorpe," Roxborough venue Harrow · . A\\IKE, 96, ulton Dwelling, .1. (Records). . ~. R l"'E- LLC , 9, Radr:.or venue, Harrow. (Civil Defence). · '. BIG ELL, 13, Kmg ley Avenue Houn "low (Public , . Dutle ). H. . BOLGER, 113, Farmer Road, Ley ton, E.lO. L. FORDHA I 4, helbury Road Dulwich S.E.22. ( sst. Trea urer). · E. LARK, 144, Brown pring Dri e ew Eltham S E 9 ( tore ). " . . . Mrs. F . M. J MIE 0 , 65, Waterloo Road , Barking ide IIford . M: W . EARLE, 3, We t Walk, E. Barnet, Hert . (Training). MI ... M. KI G, 36 , Hale End Road Higham Park E 4 (Trall1l11g). " ., D. R .. enton, 54, Hill ide Road, outhall Middle ex (Public Dutle). (Tel. W 2565). . lLTO ,21, t.John' ParkMan ion, .19. (Treasurer). F. H. H LL, 14, La er Road, . 16. (Public Duties).







MITH 4 He lop Road , Balham , .W . 12. ( tores). '. R. D~A '0 140, Peckham R yde, a t Dulwich , S.E.22 ( tor ). 1 Mr . R . Beechey- ewman, 2, velyn Man., arli c Place, Mr ..~~. R . B RT, 5, The Orch ard, hur t Drive, T~dworth. G. F. T[Oy 32, Mill arm re cent, J:"Ioun low, Middlesex. L LOVF 17 Queen' Garden, alIng, W .5. R. B ' E, '12, b rcom Garden, Barley Lane, Romrord , e . (Training). . W EYMO TH, 30, Dor e~ Road , We t reen Road, Tottenham , 15 (Public Dutle ). D . . WATT 32 Bede Hou e. Manorficld , S.W.IS. riF. P~T 'I : 4 , Guy R~ad, Wallington" urrey. A. . W . W · TO , H. LM . , 39, 1. corge Road , Hanworth, eltham. D . J . GRt.E HILL, 76, Ore den Ro ad, pper I-I Ilowa y, .19. . F. B REH 1,47, Ithorne Park Road , Hanwe~l, W .7. Mi M. H . T. HAW, 19, Popl ar ourt, a t TWlc~~nham. Mi M . M. TI:.LrER, 125, IIlgleton re cent, ollng-by-Sea. . ( adet). Mr . H . C. Bignell , 13 , King I y enue, Houn low. Mr . O . W . To\\ [ D, 12, Baron mede M M King 4 Ru kin Park Hou c, . -. 5. ( .H .. R.). ~ W. 'PACKE', 14, Pembroke R ad Palmer rcen, .13. L A HARR! 16 yl an 10 , el don, urrey. PHTPP~ , 7\ Durham Road , Bromley.

'. G:

Di trict Sergeant-Major Di trict Secretary . A t. District Secretary

Area Commis ioner Area Superintendent ( ) rea uperintendent ( ) Area urgeon . rea

ur ing Officer

Asst. Area ursing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ) Area Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major Area P.R.O .

Area Area Area Asst.

Superintendent (A) Superintendent Surgeon Area Surgeon

Area Area Area Asst. Area

Nursing Officer. . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area ursing Officer Staff Officers.





uperintendent ( ) uperintendent ( ) Surgeon i tant rea urgeon

~rea ~rea ~

orthern Area Dr. G. M. H \ MITH, 434, West reen Road, .15. .9. F D KEEFE 1 La n 10 e, Edmonton, Mr .' . M . J' ~Ir-.;, 4, 1. Thoma R ad, out.hgate, . 14. toke M. . OSTER, M.R . . . , L.R . . P ., 29 Lord hip Park ewington, . 16. P I E. M. M 00 R, . R. ., 21- , e\\ Ri ver re cent, a mer Green, . 13. M 11 R 'II 10 Mrs. G. M. fCH LL ,46 Woodland RI e, u we I, . . L. F. H. HAP 1A , J 59', Farm Road , dgware, Middlesex. Mi 1. . B URLeY, t. ranCl ottage, 49, A mun Place,

I. II Mrs..W E..!HOBB , 93, Park Drive, .mch more H 'I, .21 . (Cadets) P. STACEY, 23, ew River re cent, Palmers reen, .13. (Competition ). ) R. W. SEABRlDGE 21, Man field RO<l:d. .W.3. (adets. F WOODWARD 5 Parliament HilI .W.3 . ( adets). Mr . K J TYLE' 9 ' The venue, Potter Bar. . . Mrs: 1. ' M·. TR Ffc')R~ MITH, 30, tormont Ro ad, Highgate, .6. (Cadets). Mr . A. PfCKER I G, 9, Magda le Road, . 19 . ( . H .. R.) E H AR OLD 30 Bruce Road , Barnet Hert. T.' WE T, '93, Pel1lbury Road , TotLenham, . 17. (Tel. Tottenham 6340).

Area ~ t. .\rea Area Area

ur ing Officer . . rea ur ing Officer . lafT meer ( adet) ( ) lafT Officer ( adet) ( ) tafT m er .

\rea ergeant-MaJor \rea P. R.O ..



E. A. WH BLE, 18, Silecroft Road , Bexleyheath , Kent. (Te Bexleyheath 5451). H E CHAPLT 5 Mottingham Garden, .E.9. 'E A GOLD; G 116 Mottingham Road , ~.E.9 . . B B' 109 . rofton Ro ad, OrPlngton' RKendL E . JCSS. D'Aw'o , M.. , .. , ' 3 P k Farm oa, W. . WHfTESID E, M.B., B. H., B.A.O ., B.A., , ar Bromley, Kent. . H. BUGo, 74, Maxwell Gardens, Orpmgton , Ke t. H. J. GARDfNER, 6, Pinnell Road , ltham .E d S E 6 Miss W. E. WILLIS, 179, Hazel ban k Road, at or, . . . Mrs . C. STR ETTO ,S.R . . , 3, Tudor Road, BeckenhamCadets). A. R . WrLLls, 27, Worsley Bridge Road , S.E.26. (


9 r·




W . J. WADE, 20, Harvard Road , Lewisham, S. .13. (Competitions) . J J. WRIGHT, J 92. Avenue Road, rith, Kent. ( ivil Defence). H . G. H . ARROW, 8, pa lose, South orwood Hill, S.E.25. (Treasurer). Mr . A. . JAKI S, 6, Ardbeg Road, Herne Hill, S.E.24. ( .H.S.R.) MiG . M . K DDER, 18, Queen wood Road, Sidcup, Kent. ( adet). Mi . M . SHERYER, 20, olepitt Wood Road, Eltham, S.E.9. · MIT HELL, " Porlalet," 17, Avalon Close, Orpington, Kent. ( adets). D . J. MURFITT, 27, ole Street, Borough, S.E.l. L. J . FIELD , 31, Tiverton Drive, ew Ellham, S.E. 9. (Tel. Itham 928 J). outh We tern Area

H. M.

outh Ea tern Area Area Commissioner

Area ergeant-MaJor Area P.R .O ..


Dr. Ian FLET HER, 5 J, Avondale Avenue, Hinchley Wood, urrey. L. M . ROTO, Ke don, The Hatches, Frimley, Surrey. Mrs . O . K. Rus ELL, 39 Thornlaw Road, W . orwood, S.E.27. Dr. A . 0 , J, Thomdon Gardens, Ewell, Surrey. J. . HOR ER, M.B., H.B., D.P.H. D.1.H., 60, Copse Avenue, We t Wickham, Kent. Mi B. DEVA EY, S.R . . , 41, Whitgift Avenue, Soutb Croydon. Mi D . M. WHITE, 7, Maurice Avenue, Caterham, Surrey. · W . HILL, 20, unnymead Road , Roehampton, S.W.l5 . Mr . J . FORBES, 25, Jp wich Road, S.W.17. G. . Lo KE,29 Dickerage Road, Kingston, Surrey. (Finance). · . UMPTER, 45, Pitcairn Road, Mitcham. (Cadets). · R. FREwI , 84, Toynbee Road, S.W.20. (C. D . and Publicity) . Mi . FRAMPTO"J, " Dennington ," Cleveland Road Worcester Park, urrey. Mi M. A . EVILLE-KAYE, 104, Clyde Road, Addiscombe, roydon . Mi D . E. BARKER, 82, Sherwood Avenue, S.W.16. G. T. PICKARD, 84, Melro e Avenue, Wimbledon Park, S.W.20. Mr . W. . HORTER 20, Zermatt Road, Thornton Heath . ( .H . . R .. · R. H RRl, 42 Edward Road, East Croydon, Surrey. ( adet). · WH DO ,243 Woodman terne Road, treatham, S.W.16. acant. Mr . . M. PIODI GTOi, 154, Balter ea Park Road, S.W.11. (Tel. Macaulay 5475). D . J . Lafferl) ," mery Down ., Bolter Lane, Ban tead, urrey . We tern A rea


omml i ner

\rea Superintendent (A) \rea Superintendent ( ) \rea Surgeon . . \sst. Area urgeon \rea ursing Officer .

\sst. Area

ur ing Officer

\rea StafT Officer ( adet) ( ) \rea Staff Officer ( adel) ( ) \rea Staff Officers .

Lieut.-Col. R . . P Y'E, J. P., 4, Wentworth Park Church End Flnchley, .3. (Tel. Finchley 3084). F. I. Jo ES, 5, Bowe Road, East Acton, W.3. Mr . E. ORFORD, 14, cott Road, Southall. Dr. . J. P . ECCOMBE,20 We tern Road, Southall. H . M NDrwALL, M.B., B . . , L.D .. ,234, Staine Road, Hounslow. Mis C. LALL, S.R.. 3, Sinclair Road, W. Kensington, W .14. Mr . J. M . OBLE, High Tree, Hamhaugh I land, Shepperton Lock. Vacant. Mr . Y . C. DAVIE, 109, Barmouth Avenue Perivale, Greenford. J. Bos , 77, Salisbury Road, Ealing, W.13 . J. G. WAR ER, 21, Holden Avenue, Kingsbury, .W .9. (Finance).



T. JOll,l



I' K. . B \RRII, 6, ardIngton quan.:, ll oun 10\\ Heath. ( .H .. R.) b \cnuc, alll1g, W.S. lr . H. K. - \ \ . , 77, unner ur · L. ~!lTH, 113, ltthero\\ vcnue, BO. ton Manor, W.7. A. . OK, 49, Ro be 1')- Road, HOLln low, Middlesex. ( adet). urt, \Vcmblcy Iddle ex. ( om. · . HILL, 27, \\ c t petition ). 0 "ELL, "King land 20., hat worth venue, H \\'en~blc ' , Middle e,. ( i\J! Defence). Mi F. 1. DE\:-". 22, handoo Rad, Harro\\, Middlesex B. L. H ~IPHRL) ,Sa, High treel, Pinner, iddle ex. . II' . \ . E. D \\ 11 s, 10.9, Barm uth venue, PerI\'ale, Green· ford. ( adets). . i E. 1. l \ ~IITII, 27, \\ IJ1gate Road , [lammer mlth, \\1.6. ( adet). L . \ A" , <, \\ orrl \\ ay, llarro\\ . ( ompctltlon). · d \ .\L, ..J., arlyon \\enue, outll Ii alro\\. (Tel. B)ron _6-+ ).

rea P.R.O ..



ur IIlg Offieer . rca 11 r II1g nicer tan' mccr ( adct) ( ) tarr Onker ( adct) ( ) taff m er .


.\ sl.

.\rca .\rea .\rea

ommi- ioner


uperintendent ( )



Area t.

I )

.\rca P. R 0 .

rea , 'ur ing Officer . . adet) ( ) rea taff Officer Area taff Officer (Cadet) (I ) Area taff Officer

Area Sergeant-Major Area P.R.O ..

Lt -


Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon


r a

Co1one. I , \I.B .E . , T.D . , 19, K)le frome Hou e, 1 H undy treet, .1. S. H. "11TH, II , R the a) venue, reenford. E ex. Mis£ A. ORTH, 10.0., Inglehur t Garden , llford, Edaware · W . 1-1 ~I"IER, "I.R.C .. , L.R .. P., 10.6, 0111 on Way, " Middle ex.

'i.R .'i.,

.R . . , 12, Ridgmont arden, W.c.\. 127, Tudor Walk, Watford. Hert .

. T. 11[[ , 1 I, iverpool BUildings, . 1. ( ompetitlOns) . . H. "11TH, 14, Pmev. ood Drive, Orpmgton. (Finance). MI S . B. TIIO\J/\, ,Hayne 10 e, Lee Terrace, Blackheatl4 .3. MIS. . R. ROSD\Lr, 161 , oper ope Road, Beckenham . .H .. R.)

OUIl!Y Office: 1eado\\ .• lOf\\lch. Tel.

omml loner





ount) ~OU nl) ~OU nl)

ur'>lng ffiecr tafT /fleer ( adet)(\) . tafT m cr ( <ldet) ( )

'ount \

l.iI" Of1ker




rea Comml loner ea upcrintendent ( ) \ ea up rintendent ("-I ta urgeon



!li cr ( adet ) ( ) nicer ( adel ) ( ) ffi \:r



VIlli! I Pre iclen!j . arl of LBF\I\RLE, \I.c., D.L., Lad) OOK (SIII·sing).

COI/ll{' l'ice-PreslilclI! Ir Rlchan..l B \RRETT-L \RD, Bt.

') PUll

ea taA a tuff Area Commissioner

a tIe

Comml. . . Ioner

L.Ei.\)ICK, 15, Ima venue, HIgham Park, EA. (Com· petition ). Mi . M. \11 II, 119, Klllg \\0 d ha e, Lelgh-on-Sea, E e, . ( adet). i B. . R KER, 16, Re tory Road, \\ altham tow, E.17. ( adet). d · T. Ro [ER. 47, elw}n venue, e\\bury Park, llfor . · G. TARRA"-T, 1. Burn\\,ay, Homehurch . r. D. J . LUG ", -, Herbcrt Road. mer on Park. Hornchur h, ex. . r L \ R. R. \., ..j.4..J.d, Ha\cnng RO<ld, Romf<:,>rd. E e\. F. C. MARD[ . 20.a \ odie) R <1 j Ley ton tone, E.ll. (O\d Defen e). L. GOODR\I, 221, \\ e tro\\ Dm c, BarJ...lIlg, e,. Mr . E. . HOLL.\ D, 77, D or et \ \ cnue. ROlllford.

K. M . Pn HR,

acanl. acanl.

he Rt. Hon. The

outh Park Dme, even Kings,

acant. H. T. . \\ ARC, 2, E ex. Mi V. \ . \'enue, E sex. .E. '., 3[, Belmont Road. Horn L. B. Y ILL ( adet). G. F. TKI:-", 72, HIlI Ide \enue, \\ oodford reen, E ex. (Cadet ). Dr. J. L. McK. BRO\\ 3. H mp tead R ad, \ allbarn tow,


l OR 0 K 20.

urgeon ea urgeon



arl. R. P\RI\.S, 33. Pangbollrne Dn\c , tanmore, Middle ex. [ R. IBn';, 31, akvvood re cent, Greenford. . DLER. 15 akley Dri e Harold Hdl, Romford . R. Hl rl-, 39, on tan e Road, a<;t Dulv. ich, . . 23 . (Tcl Redro . . t 3866).

.\rea ergeanl- laJor

uecn'> \\CnLlC , \v oodford v., R. T . B .\,. L.D .. , R.C'>. ( I ,~) reen, e,. H. F. 1 LUGA", 5, Herbert ROJd, [mcr,>on Park, I-Iornchurch, 10 R[, \I.B. E., 10.5,



r . H. W 1)1.


Ea tern ,\r a



J .P.

J.P., c.


OOK J.P., enno\\e Park, Gui t, Lleu!.- olonel Ir Thoma Dereham. orfolk.. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 20.2). II - 01. TI\.I'\; 0 , The Old Man e. Gue t\\ iek, East Dcreham. r' . R. D. H \\\, I.B.E., ottO\\ Hall, r. To[\\ich. (Tel. \\am n bbott 226). D COTT-, \PlfR, \I.B. II.B., "HiU roft," Eaton Hill" orwich. ( el. Eaton 2 0.0.). \ <lean!. Va an!. 1['. R. TTRlDG[' Flat _, The Mount 91, Ro ary Road, 0[\\ I h. R \\. \ll) ELL. \fcrr\\\ood Hou ,Bern Lane, Honningh<llll. on\ leh (\dn;in). (Trea urer). \.l J.Jor . B. GRA 1. \I.C .. T.D.. The Old \ I a rage, t. Faith, 01'\\ leh. \.11 . . P. .\Tl/fRALL, SR .. 126, Gordon A \enue. Thorpe t. \ndrc\\. '\ol'\\leh . '\1r J. H. '\ L,LL, The Bceche . Ea t Dereham. (Tel Dereham 4 ).

o. 1 Ar a Tor"kh J. 1. \YILTO , 10.. Daniel Road, orwi h. . J. H\R\'EY, ,Brian venue, orwi h. 11'. . B. or):n 21. Batt ' Road, Eaton Ri e, J. or\\'i b. T. D . BRE\\ I . \!.B, CH.B .. Catton ourt, Old Catton, Of\\ i h. \\. H. PE\R 0'\, 95, lad tone treet, i -o[\\icb. D . . H\RROLD, 197, Tonh"\ al ham Road, prow ton, of\,i h. 1i T. ELBO R~E. 333 arlham Road, ' o1'\\i h. (Training). lr . . TO 'EHOU E, 192, Plum tead Road, Ea t Thorpeond h. . T. . R-\R:-"ETT, ~6 , Gr em\ ay ,Eaton, 0[\\ i h. J. E. ewell, 37, Le pold R ad, • o(\\i h. R. H KlFTO,\;, I..J.. \ Jlle\ ide Road, Plum tead ROQd. '\on\ Ich .


62 rea ommi ioner . /Area Superintendent ( ) ur ing Officer . . rea Area Superintendent ). Area Commi ioner Area up rintendent ( ) rea Staff Officer . Area

ommi ioner

/ rea uperintendent ( Area Surgeon . . Area ursing Officer rea taff Officer . Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent ( ) Area ursing Officer Area

taff Officer .

Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area ursing Officer / Area

taff Officer

Area Commi sioner Area Superintendent ( ) Area ursing Officer






o. 2 Area (Wymondham) M . . LITTO , Hill Hou c Farm, Yelverton, orwieh. J. . CURTI, "The Beeche ," Loddon, orwich. Mr . P. M . RAYWOOD, .R . . , Glebe otlage, lor Ion, NorWich Mrs. L. M . R PER, lie mere Hou e, W rtham, r. Diss .. o. 3 Area (Thetford) G. M . Dupo T, Park ottage, ri ton, Thetford. A. . HELDR KE, " pringfield," Lopham Road, Ea t Harling orwich. ' G. S. EL\ I ," ayton" Hemp tead Road, 11 01l.


uperintendent (

County urgeon . . County ur ing Ofllcer . . County Slaff Officer ( adel) (A) A Cnty laff Oflleer ( adet) ( ). County taff Officer

o. 4 Area (Dereham) E. 1. PUDDY, M.B., B.. , M.R.C .. , L.R .. P., The Mill House, Gre enhall. (Tel. re enhall 240). G. E. GERRARD, Beech Hou e, Gre enhall, Dereham. Dr. P. D. R. HA K, Harvey Hou e, Watton, Thetford. Mr . J. HIGHET, .R . . , D ereham Ho pital, Dereham. Mr. P. D. M. B TTY- H w, ppleacre, Barford, orwich.

o. 5. Area (King' L nn) acant. B. W. MEEK, 12, Pa t n Terra e, King Lynn . Mi J. H GHE, .R . . , W. orfolk and King' Lynn General Ho pital H. G. ELU ,56, re swell treet, King Lynn. ( ecretary).






o. 7 Area ( rorner) Major P. W . RAYWO D, T.O., Manor arm Hou e, B arningham, orwi h . Mr. . M. UTTON, Bayfield Breck, Holt. Miss K. L CKRAFT, .R . . , romer Ho pital, romer.

Mr. . BORwr K, Ha elbeck Hill, orthampton. (Tel. Maidwell 266). Dr: W. J. . DRAKE-LEE, Thorpe House, Headlands, Kettering. MI . M. DMO D , 16, Woodland Avenue, orthampton. Vacant. M ~ss M. L. DAY, The range, Greal Brington, orthampton. M~s G. GAl srORD, 107, Park Avenue orth Northampton MIss M. HULL, 9, Billing Road, Northampt~n. . Mr. . M. THORNTO ,Brockhall, r. Weedon, Northampton. Mr. . R. GILLETT, 2, Queen Gardens, Peterborough (Cadets). T. EWELL, 253 Park Road, Peterborough. · H. DICKE. S, 2, Thomby Drive King lhorpe orthamplon. (Training) " J. H. UTTON, "Beverley," 41, St. Albans Road orthampton. (Treasurer). ' T. . GfBB ,45, Lan downe Drive, Westone, orthampton. B. . BrLLI GTO , 76, A hburnham Road, orthampton. Mrs. P. B. HARRISO , 11, Rother thorpe Road, Far Cotton orthampton. (Tel. 62137). ' . PLOWMA , 23, The Ridge Great Dodrington r Wellingborough. ' , .



COlillty Office : t. John Hou e, Grainger Park Road, ewca tIe upon Tyne 4. ewca tie upon Tyne 37938. Tel.

County President: ,C.B.E., M.C.

olonel E. G . A G

COl/my Vice-President: . TA'J LOR ( ursing).


o. 8 Area (A 1 ham) chool Hou e,


Peterborough Area Vacant.

ommi sioner

o. 6 Area (Fakcnharn) acant. M . J. FRO T, The Green a t Rudham, King' Lynn. The Hon. Mr . R. KE, The White Hou e, ing' Lynn. Mi K. M. LLI 0 , .R . . , W. orfolk and King's Lynn General Ho pita!. E. W. ROBr 0 , "Markaren," We tneld enue, Well -ne\t· Sea.



Area Commissioner

J. E. KETT, The

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( )

o. 9 Area (Acle) M . G. FALCO ,The annon, We t ai ter, Great Yarmouth. Mrs . P. G. LOWE, Lingwood Lodge, Lingwood, arwich.

Area Commissioner

o. 10 Area (Yarmouth) R . C. CRIGHTO ,59, Blake Road,

reat Yarmouth .

o RTHAMPT 0 County Office: 21, York Road, orthampton. Tel. orthampton 17 J 1. County President: The Hon. Mrs. C. MACDONALD-BUCHA A . County Vice-President: MARcmo ESS of ORTHAMPTO ( ur ing) Capt. J. S. PARKER, 12, Church Street, Wellingborough. Commissioner . (Tel. 3168). W. E. LOCK, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Leys Furlong, Desborough, Deputy Commissioner. orthant.

The lI on. Mr . C. Commi loner Deputy

ommi ianer.


uperintendent (


uperinrendent (



Coun ty County

ur ing om er tafT Offi er ( adet ) (A).




taff Offi er


er ( adet ) ( ) .

Lieut.-Colonel R. . W. JOH so , O.B.E., T.D., Darras Hall, dgehill Ponteland. (Tel. Ponteland 2368). · H. ROWTHER, 52, Heathwell Road, outh Denton, ewcastle upon Tyne 5. (Tel. 6753 4). J. R . LOGA ,47, Balmain Road, orth Kenton, ewcastle upon Tyne 3. Mi M. JACK 0 ,S.R . . , .C.M., D. . , Royal Victoria Infirmary, e\ ca tie upon Tyne. (Tel. 25131, E t. 392). J. BRO ,M:B., B.. , Hill Crest, Horton Road, Bebside, Blyth. (Tel. Bedltngton 2149). Mi O. M. T ER, .R . . , A hington Ho pital, Ashington. H. B. WATKT ,B. .,2, alley Garden, Monkseaton, Whitley Bay. Mr . B. . ALTER, "Holrnwood," Clayton Road, Jesmond, ewca tIe upon Tyne, 2. . B. Dow EY, 12 Ridge ood ere cent ewcastle upon Tyne. (Public Dutie ). ' J. p. D ,20 Walker Terrace, Byker, ewca tle upon Tyne, 6 MIS J. FE RIDE, 15, icar Lane ewcastle upon Tyne. (Training). ' · . HrGGI S, 3, Mitford Garden, Howden. (Training). G. . RAFFERTY, 29, Melrose Avenue Bedlington Station. ( ompetitions). ' W . G . TROTTER, 9, Valerian venue Heddon-on-the-Wall e\ ca tle-upon-Tyne. (Treaurer). ' , Mr . E. Robert, 37, Bretton Garden, High Heaton, ewcastle upon Tyne. .H. .R.).




canthu ounty

Area rea




ur iog Officer

Area rea

taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) taff Officer

rea ommi ioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ) Area Surgeon . . Area ur ing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer .


and Hound


omml ioner







o. 2 (lidJand) r a a ant. J. HEPB R , 1 venue, Blyth . Mr . E. J. arlton treet, Blyth . Dr. J. . OBL, 73, Newbiggin Road , hington. Mi J. MITH, .R. . .C.M., Thoma Knight Memorial Hospital, Blyth. tate, Blyth. T. LDU, 9, Horlendale Grove, owpen . D . C. BR DFORD, 19 ood treet, BI th o (Training). r a

hington. ewbiggin-by-Sea. Ilington, Morpeth. ewbiggin-by-Sea. a t,

taker rd,

tafT omcer


ecrcta ry



ounly vcretary Qunty P.R. .



om01I loner

Irea Superintendent CA) Irea uperintcndent ( ) Irea


\l'ea ur ing Officer. . Irea tarT fllcer ( adel ( ) Irea tarT fllcer ( adct) ( ). Irea tarT Ofllcer .

rea ergeanl-MaJor rea Co III 1111




uperintendent ( ) rea upcrlnlcndcnt ( )

County Office : 3, Weekda) ro, ollingham. Tel. oltingham 50437. Coullty President: His Grace The Duke of PORTLA D, K.G. County Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel Sir John JARD! fl, BT., O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (Ambulallce). Lady STARKEY ( ursing). F. G. GLOSSOP, Esq., O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadet) The Countess MANYERS ( ursing Cadets). H. L. Bo WORTH, O.B.E., Bank hamber, utton-in-Ashfield, Commissioner . Notts. (Tel. utton-in- hfield 2705). J. T. WATKr ,M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks," Bramcote Lane, Deputy Commissioner. Wollaton, ollingham. (Tel. ottingham 2 4107-0ffice, 271241) . J. A. SWA WICK, 222, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, County Superintendent (A) ottingham. The Lady Anne BE TI CK, WeI beck Woodhou e, Worksop, County Superintendent (N) otts. (Tel. Worksop 2460). R. G. SPRE GER, M.B., CILB., 19, The Ridings, Ockbrock , County Surgeon Derby. · H • B . E DWARD, S.R . . , S.C.M., "M arana tha" uncargate , County ursing Officer M lSS Road, Kirby-in-A hfield, otts. . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). R. J. ROPER, 13, Haileybury Road, We t Bridgford, Nottmgham. Miss D. G. WOODALL, 12, arlton Road, Work op, otts. County Staff Officer (Cadets) C




orthcrn Area T. STORRS, ational oal Board, Edwinstowe Hall, dwin towe, oll. · H. KFYER C, Oakengate, 49, Blyth Road , Worksop, otts. Mr . D . W. IAS II, S.R .. , J 8, BrookAeld re cent Shirebrook ott . " D. . KrRR, M.A., M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Main Road FarnsAeld, ewark. ' acanl. F. . Ro E, "Derwent," 30, Rufford Road, Edwin lowe, otts. Mr . . MAJOR 275, andy Lane, Worksop. J. II LlGRAvr, 4, Yew Tree Road, Ollerton, W. H. I LEY, 13, The rescenl, Blidworth, R. BRADB RY, J 7, Littlejohn Drive, Rainworth, r. Mansfield. R. TUBB., 61, RurTord Road, Edwin towe, MansAeld. (Cadets). r.. K. To\\- r D, ch~ol HOLi e, Bilslhorpe, ewark. (Cadets) J. R. LLF., 19, arl brook Avenue, Mansfield.

outhern Area · R. . POG\IORr, "Hill


rea Surgeon



L. 11 0 KI ,9, arndon reen, WolJaton Park, ottingham. UMBERLAND, J7, Blake Road, West Bridgford, ollingham. (Trca urer). L. H . BIDD LPIr, Lea I'hlrst, outhwell Road , ast Rain worth, ott. . W. L. .. SIIMOIO, 21, enton Drive, BulwelJ , ollingham. (Trallllllg). Mrs. J. LWGI R, 10, Mappcrley Hall Drive, ottingham. (Tel. 64349). W. W. KEY, 107, Muster Road, West Bridgford, ottingham. MISS D . PALl Rl MA , II, Sutton Road, HUlh waite, uUon-inA hAeld , otts. (Tel. 21 16).


o. 1 ( outhern) Area Major W. M Xv FLL, 21, Two Ball, Lonnen, ewca tie upon Tyn , 4. D. W. B. H G, 1.13., B. . , 727, We t Road , ewca tie llpon Tyn. Mi F. . M. J:i\\ 101, .R . . , .. M., II Manor Place, Longewca tic upon T ne. Mr. . . Jo E , 16, Le bury venue. Ro ehill, Walisend G. W. BROOK, lbany Hou e, Station Road , hiremoor. . Mr . G. . H LL, 107, rank treet, Benwell, ewca tic upon Tyn.

Area Commissioner Area urgeo n . . Area ur ing Officer Area Staff Officer .



urge n

ur Ing Ofllcer . tafT fll er ( adet) ( ) ea SlarT fllcer ( adet ) ( ) ea tafT Officer .

,ea ea

ea ergeant-Major .

ide," Crowhill Drive Mansfield '


W. MORRELL, . Oakworth," Watnall Road, Hucknall, otts. MIs · . J. Bf. HOP, .R.""' ., .C. M., The Medical entre Gedling oilier)" edling, ott. ' J. . D . BOYD, M.B., H.B., 97, Derby Road, Stapleford, otts. R. H . ARn'\, M.B. CH.B., Rannoch Lodge, Watnall Road, Hucknall, ott. acant. H. Jr-... I'G , 26, lie mere Road, Forest Town, Man field. acant. L. . HOGG, 13, E her Grove, Mapperley Park Tottingham. · R. HILL, 33, xton Road , Sherwood, Tottingham. G.. RCLLT, 59, Highfield Road, uthall, 10ttingham. (TrainIng) . L. [LBY, Bagnall Lodge, Bagnall Road , Cinderhill, ottinghUIll.

'ea Commi ioner 'ea upenntendent :ea Superintendent

) )

'ea Surgeon ea

Midland Area . M. KROYD, ilford Hou e, lottingham Road Fishpool, Man field. J. BL CKHAM, , Bulwer Road, Kirby-in-A hfield, otts. Mr . E. LEt ERS, 15, tainforth Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, otts. Dr. R. H. P. FER A DEZ, Medical Centre, Brookhill Colliery PiO"<ton , Derby hire. Mr . M. L. JOH . TO E, .R. '. , " outhfield ," Church Street, Pin ton. · DRABBLE, 43, ambria Road , Mansfield. ott. acanl. T. L. MOULTO , 164, Diamond venue, Kirby-in- shfield, ott . F. G. VER 0 , 46, Derby hire Lane, Hucknall. H. BARBER 29, Balmoral Drive, M.ansfield.


ur ing Officer

~a Staff Ofllcer ( adet ) ( ) 'ea StarT Ofllcer ( adel) ( ) 'ea Staff Ofllccr .


66 r







Ll T, 5, High treet, outh F. MORLEY, 43, Bon, cr arden, utlon-in-A hrield. R. Tuns, 162, Hardwick Lane, utton-in- hAelcl , NOll .






County O/lice: t.

John Iiou e, 2, Bedford Terrace Plymouth. Tel. Plymouth 65802. ' ollnty President:

ommi ioner

The Rl. I fon. L rd ROBORO


rea ur ing Officer tatf Officer ( adet) ( ) taff Offi er ( adet) ( ) taff Officers .

ollingham. ollingham,



ommls ioner


uperintendcnl (

Mr ~lt:h ~~~2fO , O.B.F., 163,

ou nt)

urgeon .

R . Plymouth. Sl. J. HAROW ' I .R.. P.,



ount) uperrntendcnl ( ). ounty lafT m er ( adel ) ( ) . ou nty tan' Omcer ( adel.) ( ) . ou nty tafT Omcer


OXFORD HIRE COllllty Office : t. bbe ford.

Tel. 0 ford 42061.

COUllt l' Pre ident :


. G. DOWLR, T.D., D.L.,

Lord Lieutenant of Devon.

V. . Lrwls, lendarley ourt Wood ewton errers, r. Plymouth . . (Tel. ewton' Ferrer 345).' quadron Leader J. . G. HA co K D F C 4 0 b The Hoe, Plymollth. (Tel. 65817).' . . . , , s orne Place,

ir Road, dwallon, olLingham. Road, trelley, ollingham. Junt) ur. lIlg Officer IS t. ounty urgeon.

ergeant-Major .


) COllllty Vice-Presidellts : I . R. C 1 r (/llIIbll/OI/Ce). Mr . . I I. F. VrLLAcorr ( IIrsillg). MIs. . M. ROOD ( ul"sing) . . TIIOMPSO'l, q. (Amhl/lance Cadets).

'ommi ioner





rea uperintendent ( ) rea Superintend nt ( ) Area urgeon raul' ing Offi er . t.



COlmt)· Vice-President·:


ew Road, Saltash.


D.P.H., 10, Manadon Hill,

MISS . L. L ro'-., .. R.. , II, Holland venue, alta h. J. . OWT"I, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 294, Fort Austen Avenue. rownhlll, Plymoulh. r . . M. WOOD, ombe R i e, oss Mayo. . . THoMP 0 ., "Lane nd," Wembury Point, S. Devon ~I .. P. WAY, 142, Pa.ley treel, Stoke, Devonport. . J. . LErCH-PORTER C B C B E Bl ue H aze aJorDo" n eneral R d T ' k ' .. , ... , J H '" oa, aVI loc . (Training). ' . . SA~G~ T, 3 2, t. Peter Road, Manadon, Plymouth. '( H~de~~I"iS, J 4, haddlewood venue, St. Judes, Plymouth.

Ir Ed\ ard GRA ETT, K.B.E., C.B., D.. 0., 1.C. (AlIlbulance). r'(T~~~Tg~r~~' 35 ail bury Road, St. Judes, Plymouth. The Lady BICE TER ( lIrsing). Mr . GARDINER-HILL ( IIrsing Cadets). . J. H ERBERT, 20, ort u ten enue, Crownhill, Plymouth. ( lore ). F. BRIG ,O.B.E., T.D., I.R.C .. , L.R .. P., 39, The Green, T . Commissioner Banbury, Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2153). ~ T.I , Dkown . Way, hollacott Estate, Whitchurch A. L. ALEXA DER, .B.E., Baltic ottage, Henley-on-Thames , , a\ 1 loc . ( Ibrary ervice). Deputy Commi sioner . Mr . D. OLE, M.B., H.B., I, ton ilia, Broad treel. . JH. TR G, 0, Lad) I11lth Road, Pl ymouth. (Cadet) ) County Superintendent Bampton. (Tel. BampLOI1 a tic 3 3). . R. PLARcr, 95, Torr Lane Plymouth . va ant. , . H. R. Wv E, LB., B.CH., The Paddock, Bodi ote, Banbury. unt) ,e rgcant-\thlJor County Surgeon . Jn t, ccrctan : r _. . M. B \ . (O\IBE, 29, Lope Ro ad, PI) mouth. acanl. County ur ing Officer Int; P R. . County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). G. J. TTWELL, 45, Taphou e venue, Wilne . ·( T~I.T"17~~~' 70 \ e t Oo\\n Road, Beacon Park, PI)mouth. DY, 5, Burdell venue, I1 eadington, Oxford. County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Mi D. M. W. E. LA IB verdo\\n," 0 combe Road, County Staff Officer Boar Hill , "ford. (Trea urer). HAWE, olmore Well, Thame, axon. Mi s J. . M. F J. WOODLrv, 60, Henley treel, 0 ford. ( lore). Mi s . WALD CK, 7, rran Grove, Banbury. HROP HIR ' E. F. BAZLEV, 12, Tolternhoe Road, Dun table, Bed. . J. OOV,DV, 105, ampbell Ro ad, oV\ley,O ford. . COllnt)' Office: (Training). J . . B. Headquarter, Pflory Road, hrew bur Tel. hrew bury 2391. H . J. BRI h. "-i LL, 9 ,Bridge treet, 0 nc}, Oxford. . J. F. G. OLE, I, ton illas, Broad treet, Bampton. (AdmIn). COllllt)· Pre idents: Mr . F. P. HAVWARD, 34, ope 10 e, orth Hink ey, Oxford. County Secretary Vi count BO'rE J . R. 0\ [ , , 63, Yarnell Hill, erry Illnk. e), a ford. (Tel. County P.R.O . . The Lad FORE TER ( llrsillg). 42551). Lieut.-General


COllllty Vice-Pre idellts:

orthern Ar a

Area Commissioner Area

ursing Officer

Mr . K. M . WE T ( ursillg). olonel The arl of POy I , C.B.C., (Ambulance Cadets).

C. R. LAWRE E, hurchill Drive, Old Road, Headington, Oxford. Mr . M. . A. H 000 , .R. '., ollege Farm House, Bodicole, llmi ioner Banbury. My ommi ioner. outhern Area

Area Comrn.issioner Area ursing Officer

Vacant. Mr . E. G. Rr HARD

Inly Superintendent ( ) 0


.R.N., 37, Ob ervatory treet, Oxford.

ED.L., Dornngton . olonel . . , T.D., House D ' J. M . WE T, C.B L' orrmgto~, r. hrew bury. (Tel. Dorrington 396). ' leut.- 01. Ir John ORBET BT. M.B.E., J.P. A ton Reynald r. hrew bury. " Mr . A. P. HEW T-JABOOR R S tt G \ ellingt n. (Tel. 1431).' .. 1 ., U on range, dmaston,



6 ounty ounty

I, DO I, 142, orve trcet, Ludlow. uarry Lanc, Red Lakc, Ketley, Wellington, R


PHI , M unt,

ount) ounl~


, M.B., B. II., BlOoklyn Ii ou c, Markct Drayton . MALLr r, ,.R . . , Ivy Hou c, Kennedy Road, hrcw bury.

urgeon ur ing Officcr taff Officer ( adet) ( ). taff Offi er ( ad t ) ( ). taff Officer




ergeant -Major

l.lU .,

" ll lghneld," Oakhurt

County ergeant-Major . . . County ecretary and Transporl hrew bury. (Training). OffIcer . . dma ton, r. Wellington. Road, hrewsbury. Cou nty P.R .O . . hrewsbury. bbey Foregate, hrew bury.

ecretary P.R .O .•

Ea tern Ar a \ acant. acant. . d II t 1 R . POOl[, 15, li n) bndge Roa, e Il1g on. . M'r L Y IIITTLL ', S.R . . , The otLagc, t-crn, Wellll1gtOIl . D jo 'ES . 20 Mount Plea ant, Ketley Park, Oaken~ates . W. B. ~' OL~, "Thamecn," Daddlcbro k, Ivcley, Brtdgnorth.

Area urgcon rea ur ing Officer . rea taff Officer ( adet ) ( rea taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea Staff Officers.

' " e tern


rea rea

ur ing Officer . taff Officer ( adet) (

rea taff Officer

t. John Hou e,


ommi ioner


uperintcndent (

\rea \rea

upcnntendcnt urgeon

\rca ursing fficer. \rea flker ( adets) ( ) \rca talT fTicer ( adel) ( ) \rca . lalT mcer

rea ouncil Hou e ourt. . lRI L D M . . , B. I. B. H., hrew bury. Vacant. I' I D. \ . M . OOD, 7, hltehoue ardcn., Dlllclll1gton, Irew\rea bun. . D. \ : KfABL , 19, Oa"-field Dmc, hrc\YsbuIY· \rea \rca \rca \rea OM R ET Irea tea COUlltl' Office: \rea taplegr e Road, Taunton. Tel. Taunton n,5.

COUlltl' Pre idellt s. Lieut.-Colonel The Right Hon. Lord' HYLTO , Lord Lieutenant of Mrs. . . . LCTIRLLL.

County Staff Officer (Cadet) County Staff Officers .


Mrs. D. r. ROWLANDS, Windsor Lodge, Haines Hill, Taunton. ( adet). D. A. ROGERS, 23, The Mead, lutton, Bristol. ( amping). F . W. M RKIN , S.R.N., I3.T.A ., 64, Lyngford Road, Taunton. (Training). J . de BLR roDA 0, Draylob Manor, Langport. (Liaison adet). . L. BAWDf' ,9, J lolms Road , We ton-super-Mare. ( amping). W. HUISH, 30, Woodbury Road , Bridgwa ler. · D. BUTCHlR, M.M., Orchard Close, East Brent. Lieut.- 01. . . ROGERS, bridge House, Taunton. Mrs . D. BI'IGJrAM - HALL, I Glebe Hou e, Grove Road , Westonsuper-Mare. (Tel. 1883).

D. O. LARK, M.B .. , M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Mendip roft, Bleadon Hill , We ton-super-Mare. (Tel. Bleadon 389). R. V. RIDDLE, undorne urseries, Locking, r. Westonsuper-Mare. Vacant. · D. DREW, M.B., B. JI. , M.R.C.S. D.R.C.O., B.G., 12, Brean Down Avenue, We ton-super-Mare. acanl. · J. HARl)ll\iG, 26, Exeter Road , We ton-super-Mare. Mr . D. DAV!. , 12, Whitting Road, Weston-super-Mare. · W . TOLlR, "The orge," We ton-in- ordana, Bri tol. Mrs. P. BIRCH, B.A., DIP.m., 17, ith dale Road , We ton- uperarc. (Trall1lng) outh rn

omml'>. I ncr upcl"Intcncient ( ) uperll1tend I1l ( ) urgcon urslng mcer . . talT meer ( adet) ( tafl' Ofllccr ( adel<,) ( crgeant- ajor

a tern

\ ea '·ea

omm' loner uperlnlendcnt I'ea uperlntendent Irea urgeon





\rea L1r j ng fTicer \rea fliccr ( adet ) ( \rea talT fTicer ( adet ) ( rea lalT OOleer


rea . D . Ju. . ·I..... G ,J.P., Babington Hou e,

lonel G . ILOR,

r. Frome. talion Hou e, itham Friary,r. Frome. . Jo LS, 4, Marlborough treet, Bath. H.B.," ranfield," or ley Warminster,

) )

ommi ioner

Irea uperintendent ( ) \rea Superintendent ( ) \rea Surgeon . . . GM' 'ISJS' \fea ur ing Officer. . Taunton. r Mare \rea StalT Officer ( adet) ( ) . C. T. H. HOWE, "Waycot," phil! Way, Weston-supe . Area talT fficer ( adel,» ( ). (Transport). "W'I t ' Street Somerset. Irea Staff Officer . Mrs. V. . L. Hu BA D , 1 man one, ' (M . . D .)

~A ~~ ~~E,W~~ tt1'~n!f:d S~~;~nW~p~rQu~~~~xhead,

rea . THR1'<G C. B., D.. 0.,

Rear dmlral Iford Hou e, Ca tIe ary . PF DER, 0, Benedict treet, Glastonbury. . M . GILLr. Plr, 53, hilton treel, Bridgwater. . Waul, M.B., B . . 11., 25, orthfield, Bridgwater. Mi . H. H GHr, .R.'1., .C.M., "Bibury," alton, r. Street. H. DJ H \M , 29, Kid bury Road , Bridgwater. Mr . . M . TKI '. 0', "Wraxleigh," treet. L. BETI) , Mount Villa, Mount Street. Bridg",ater.

omer et.

COUlltv Vice-Presidents: Dr. Hugh POWELL, M.B.E: (Ambulance all~1 Ambulallce adets). Mrs. R. VERNO ( urslllg) . olonel . T . MITFORD- LADE, D.L., !.P., Monty Court, Commissioner orton Itzwarren, Taunton. (Tel. BI hop Lydeard 255). Lieut.- olonel . . . De ALl, D.. 0., The Id ourt House D eputy Commissioner. Drayton, r. Langport. h d (Tel Mis E. M. BR CE- HER, Glenmore Lodge, Mine ea . . County Superintendent ( ) Minehead 492) . '1 R ad We ton-superJ. L TEMPLE, M.B., B.. , F.R.C .. , 23, eCI 0 , County Surgeon Mare. ( ) 1 olation and Mi M. D. BAKER, S.R . . , .. M., B.T.O. HO . County ursing Officer Che t Hospital, heddon Road, Taunton . r Bath. County Staff Officers (Cadets) (A) D. J. MORA , M.A. , 33, Holcombe 10 e, Bathampt~, .


or thern A rea




acant. K. OLLlER, 21, Bull Hill, Frome. r . M . K. TILEY, .R. . , Yew Tree Hou e, lutton, Ir. Bri toL rs. r. . B \ R..... I OAT, ,Pultene) Grove, Bath. W e tern r a Rear dmiral H . W. Hatch Beauchamp,

LK ER C.B., C.B.E., D.. 0., The lose, r. Taunton. (Tel Hatch Beauchamp


L. W. JOII ..... , 132, outh treet, Taunton. Mr. . M. MORRIO , I, Staplegrove Manor, Taunton. acant. artlet Road, Minehead. Mi J. E. BROW""', .R . . , Lyd tep, . T. G. WEBB, 122, Lo eLane, Burnham-on- ea. i R. E. M RT1 ..... , J, Greenwa) Cre cem, Taunton. Mr. . . B. B ILEY, Tone ale HOLl e, orton Fitzwarren, Taunton. (Welfare Officer).





TAFFORD Olllltl' Office: John 1-1 u e, 49, Wolverhall1pton R ad, tafford . Tel. tafford 51657. COlllltl' Pre ie/ellt: Lady Diana M TIll 'W . LlOTT, I.B ., B.S., I.R . . . , .R . . P., 25, Middleton Road T. K. ner lreetly, litton oldfield. (Tel. lrectly 1334.). BYR E-QU[ ,M.B., B.. , M.R.C .. , L.R .. P., Darmody House omml ioner. tafford treet, Wolverhampton. ' Mi P. L \\ TO , S.R . I. , 2, Littlew rth venue, Woodselton uperint ndent ( r. Dudle), Wore . (Tel. edglcy 3321). ' . W/\LK R, M.B., II.B ., "Tree Top," tafford Road, Coven Surgeon Hath . Mr . M. R IfR , S.R . . , 10 , Rus ell Bank R ad, Four Oaks, ur ing Officer LItton ColdAcld. taff Officer ( adet) ( ) F. E. . Jo E , _), haplin Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. heddleton Heath, Nr. Staff Officer ( ad t ) ( ) Mr . D. M. TUR I fR, "Lightea e ," Leek . M. . lMMO ,154, Birchc Road, od all, Wolverhampton . taff Officer Mr. . TITIE OR, 40, olli enu Ba ford toke-onTrent. J . R. R ELL, M.B.r., 17a, Primley venue, Wal all. (Tr~ining). Mr. . T. LLIOTT, J.P., .. R.. ,25, Middleton Road, Streetly, Sulton oldfield. H NCl LLOR, 29, a. tic Bank , tafford. (Tel. tafford ecretary . 51886). edne Aeld. G. WAllER 0 , 74, Hart R ad, Sergeant-Major l.

omm\ Deputy Ollnty County unt County Count County

ounty Count Area Area rea Area

Commis ioner Superintendent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon

rea ur ing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadel ) ( ) Area Staff Officers.

Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Area Area Area

Surgeon . Staff Officer Staff Officer Staff Officer

. . . (Cadets) (A) (Cadet) ) .

'orthern Area acant. W. GWILT 62, Queen' Road, Hart hill, toJ...<.:-on-Trenl. acant. J. S. HAMILTO, LB., ILB. , 20, ncyd venuc, WestJands, ewca lle-under-L ne. Mr . D. J. HL 1)1 RSO , .R . . ,3, Meadows DrI,e, headle. R . BURTO 5, Wind or treet, Hanley, toke-on-Trent. Mrs. . S\ LLO\, Waterfall ottagc, nley Brook, ccleshall, Stafford. J. F. LEESL, Recreation r und, tto eter, tafford . J. H. KE Y, The roft, Bram. hall Road, ttoxeter.


Depuly Commissioner


upcrinlendenl (N)





~ssl. ounty Superintendent ( ) County ur ing Officer . . . County StafT fficer ( adels) (A) County tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) County La ff rTker

Coun ty



oml11i Sl ner



uperinlendent ( urgeon



fficer ( adet ) ( )



ffi er



\rea \rea ,rea \rea

urgeon ur ing ffi er tan' mcer ( adet ) tarT mcer





outhern rea Vacant. G . Mo SLCY, 5, harle Fo ter treet, Darla ton. Mis E. OATLEY, 164, Mar h Lane, Fordhou 'e , Wolverhamp- Irea ommi I ner ton. ,rea ur ing fficer Vacant. ilea StafT mcer ( adel) ( ) V. J. MITCHELL 6, Balmoral Road, Penn, Wolverhampton. ,rea Staff f1icer . Mr . L. RUSHTo, L96, t. John' Road, annock, Staff. G . . Mos OP, 33, Hall Road, l11ethwick.







Mr . M. . . HARWOOD, S.R . . , S.C.M., Redmay Walberswick Soulhwold, Suffolk. " · T. G. Gray, M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., The Hollies Holbrook Jp wich. ' , Mrs. R. V. SCflREIBER, ampsea A he House, Woodbridge. Vacant. Waller . MAYHEW, 82, Severn Road, Ipswich. Mr . P . E. TAYLOR, S.R . . , "Teemore," London Road, Beccles. Mrs. . . M . ATTO, J 24, Weslerfield Road, Ipswich. Dr. D. W . RYDER RICHARDSO , The Beeches, Saxmundham. A. J. NGLISH, 75, lapgale Lane, Ipswich. · W. RUFFORD, 18, Geneva Road, Ipswich. Mrs. A. RICHARDSON, S.R.N., Stow Lodge Hospital, Stowmarket. II. G . ADE, 406, Woodbridge Road Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 76239). ' W. G. BOUL, M.B.E., M.B. , CH.B., D.P:~., Old Forge COllage, We tIeton, axmundham. ( ompetltJons and Training). B. D. PRICE, 97, Playford Road, Ipswich. (Admin.) (Treasurer). MI V. D . GEf, 471, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Tel. 78769). We tern Area D. A. M RAC'KC, M.D., D.P.H., 32, Weslbury Avenue, Bury l. dmunds. acant. Mrs . MARTI , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Bulton 10 e, Ixworlh, Bury t. dmund. Mi W. AFfY, S.R . . , Holland Cottage, Coney Weston, Bury St. Edmund. Mr. P. M . PRAG ELL, 10, t. Michael' Close, Bury St. dmunds. (Secretary) . . H. B URDO. ,7a, olJege Lane, Bury St. Edmunds. (Treasurer) 1. . AIE, Vine ottage, Bardwell, Bury St. Edmonds. outhern rea Ll.- 01. P. l. . H. MAXWLLL, 'vl. e., Peite tree Grange, Woodbridge. P. . J. TTL G, M.D., M.R.C.P., 37, Bemers Street, Ipswich. Mrs. E. B. FRYER, S.R . . , 52, Derby Road, Ipswich. W. . J "ER, verell Farm, tradbroke. H. BAXTER, 55, Kensington Road, Ipswich. M. . H 00 7, he ter Road, FeIi stowe. . W. PECK, 31, hafto Road, Ipswich. · J. T MPT , 77, Dale Hall Lane, Ipswich. (Trea urer). r . D. FLAyr, 1 7, C1apgale Lane. Ip wich. orthern rea acant. acant. F. J . WrLLEARD, 43, Fairclose, Beccles. R . F. DYER, 302, orman ton Drive, Oulton Broad, Suffolk. ( ecretary).


COllnt) Office. County Office : t. John Hou e, Woodbridge Road, Guildford . Tel. Guildford 67163. 1, Woodbridge Road , Ipswich. Tel. 54005. COllntl' President: Vacant. County President: Lady Blanche OBBOLD. COllnt)' Vice-Presidents: Brigadier L. F . . WIELER, C.B., C.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets). County Vice-Presidents: Lady 0 BOR ( ursil7g Cadets). (Ambulance). ommis ioner . Miss A. M. PARKER, M.B.E. Brigadier E. E. READ, C.B.E., M.C., Red Bine , Beavers Hill, Farnham. (Tel. Farnham 6169). Major R. S. SCHREIBER, Camp ea A he House, Woodbridge. apt. F. J. ARTWRTOHT, c.v.o., O.B.E. R. . (RETD.), Ca tIe Hill . Jepu ty ommi ioner. (Tel. Wickham Market 426). House, Farnham. C. W. LEVERI:lI, O.B.L., " Woodlands," Debach, WoodbrIdge.



urge n

unty ounty

uperintendent ( ) up rintendent ( )


ur ing Olllccr tafT fficer ( adet ) ( ) .

taff Offi er ( ad t ) ( ) ount unty taflOmcer



County Sergeant-Major ount) P .R.O . . rea rea rea

ommi ioner uperintendent ( ) uperintendent ( )

rea rea

urgeon lur ing Officer

Area rea t. rea


taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) taff Omcer ( adet ) ( ) rea


ur ing Officer

taff Officers .


rea Commi ioner rea Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) rea


Area N ur ing Officer A st. Area ur ing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officers .

Area Sergeant-Major Area Surgeon

Area Surgeon





J If~






R . H. O. ROBI .0 , 1.13 ., H.CII., F,R .C.S., .R. ' .1'. 1., The Glen, U 'EX Leigh Ll ill Road, obham. R. J . RISTOCK, Ivcr toke, 1 , I JiIIcre 't venue, hertsey COllllty Office : 19, Lady H LD, o.n.E., hilworth Manor, r. GuiJdford. (,Tel. or-th Street, Il or ham, Su sex. Tel. I Jor ham 4556 Guildford 61414). ollnt I' President: !r ._ M . D. 0 lllLR ,S.R. \ ., cdglcy Ii ou . c, E-.a t Hor ley. The Lord Rupert r YILL. Ir dwurd I.I\IBI RT- LRR), Bt., .c., 8rlmshott Farm, Chob. ham, Wok IIlg. ounty Vice-Presidents: Mr . E. M. RTLL, unny ide optborne Bank, r. Crawley Major- eneral J. M. L. Rc TO, . 13., D.S.O., O.I3.E., J.P. K . . RA't, O.I3,l., Highway ottage, a l J lor ley. (Ambu~ Mildred, Vi counte s ll AILSf IAM. lance crvicc). II" Ri chard BOL<,IIFY, Bt. Rl L. H UG II , 0.13.1., Wyk ottagc, t ncbridge, Shalford Mrs . . M. STrWART-RoBrR1S (Nursing Cadets). (Trea mer) . . B R [S, 1-1-, Rlvcr ide, uildford. (Training). OnlllllSSL ncr apt. J. M. HOD 15,0.5.0., R.N.," hatfields" olwood Lane, Mi P. ,\11111," Jallowa ," la7iera Lane, orlllandy, ' Bolney. (Tel. Warninglid 219). Gulldford. (Tel. ormandy 2200). r. )eputy oml111 loner . Ilo R.1 r. Prince Tomi lav of Jugoslavia Redlands Farm Kird. R. RT[R, B.L. I., urre iev, [~ullcr Road arnham. ' , ford, Nr. Billing hur t. Capt. . M. K,,\pp, R. . , Woodhayc , Moor Park, Farnham. ounty UpCI intend nt (A) W. . J PP, 15, Barttclot Road , Hor ham. ounty u pcn n tendcl1 t ( Mr. G. M. F. P CKfRT-Mo EY, 5, We tbrooke Court, ,y t rn rea WorthIng. (Tcl. 4461) J. M. BALL, , C\\ Ha\ Road , ddle tone. "ounty urgcon R. G . BRI'VIS YOL!\,G, M.B., ClI.B., D.P.H., Health Dept., ounty · K l HT, 21, Bridge Road, Ha lemere. Hall, Lewe . ORRl II, " M adland," Thrc atc Lane, Ha lemere, ounty ur Ing Officcr . . Mi Mr . D . MCPHLR 0'-;, S.R.'-.., 35, Croft Avenue, Southwick. urn: . ounty taff om er ( adet) ( ) D. H. F. BL R HELL, 50, Fairfield Gardens, Port lade. acant. ount) taO' Officer ( adets) ( ). MIS, f. M. TRILL, 'vI . B.[ , 93, Cuckfield Road, Hurstpierpoint. ILlI'J(,-Li\\., S. R.'\,., " cdar. ," Il eaelley Road , aunty taff fficer M.8. Mi MI W. M. BARK[R, 10, Hur t Avenue, Hor ham. Hlndhead . r . w. PI"<E., 7, Alford 10 e, Worthing. (Treasurer). reen Lanc, ddle lone. · P . Lo L "'D, 32, 1 1.R~H. Pnnce TOMISLAY of Jugoslavia Redlands Farm Mr . M. \ . WU3I3, Pypcr, prlngrarm Road , arnel dale, Klrclford, r. Billing hur t. ' , Ha lemere. MI P M. OBLE-MA fHfW , Lydwicke, Slinfoid. Mr. . L. 0 flO ,~.R .," lo\a," Id A,enuc, t. George's L R. TRA'\,Gf, 66, Deer wood Road, \ est Green, Crawle). Hili, Wc:- brldgc. ( amp d\ I er). G. WORTHY, 42, Tcnny on Road, ddle tonc, urrey. Jun t\ Secl"etal'v . , l\lPSO'\" 19, orth. treet, HoI' ham. (Tel. 4556). uildford Road, Farnham. G. H . H \RII[LD,.f, lUll t} P. R. . -. tlJor I. G. II M,\CLE\'\" "HIghland." orthiam, Ir. R ye. H. L. D. 0 (dIU",91, hurch Road, ddleSlone. (Training). ( reI. orthlal11 31 I). E. L. LLO) D, hc oLlage, Ma:- bur) 11 111, oklng. acant. Ea tern rea Ea tern r a 'ea (OIllI11ISSIOncr B. ROBl)',; 0 , B.L.I\I., "Tcrrell," icarage Lan, Horley. J. . LI'>IB, Lu trcl! Hou c, Lu trell re cent, Saltdean, Brighton. B. E. ORI\I ,13, Ibert Road orth, Relgate. Mis M . R . M . ALLOv iJd ak ," yhur l 10 e, Kings- rea upclllllcndcl1l (A) \ . J. B R \C,[, \I.B .E., 20, Berwick ourt, Bourne treet, astbournc. wood. c\ dlgate, r. ·cit. upcrll1tendcl1t ( ) R . G. I CAR, I\I.R .. S., L.R.C.P., Brooklagg, M I"S. TRIBBU (" 23, lcloria Dri\'e, a tbourne. Dorking. rea urgcon ICUt.- 01. J. H. Al\CE, LB., B.S., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., 12, RI chmond Terra c, Brighton. Mi M. Rt\), 31, Dor el \enue, a t rlI1 tead. rs. P. RA "GCR, .. R. "., 39, London Road, Pulborough. M r. J . . M A Kll\.iLIE, .. R. . , Iavua ll ou e, Lon d on R0 ad , ea urslng- Onicer . rav.Jey, u ex. 'l. rca ur Il1g om cr . E. H . ,He., .R ....... , "Lo\ ran" Cia ton Road, BexhillI on- ea. D. . BA) Ll , 6, Benham Drive, Horley. Mr . M. BCLflLLD, I.B .E., "Tangmere," Po eycro Road, rea taff Ilkcr ( 'adeb) ( ) T. LHCRS, 20, Morn Road, Lewe . Gatwick, urrey. 'fa laff OO'iccr adct) ( ) Mr:" . . D. HI K , 8.E.\1., Stone Hou e, Bolne . Mr . D. OYCLL, herry ood, BaldWIn H III, a t Grin tead. 'ea taff Olliccr . T. O['\,1\;['-G, , rlington Garden, Saltdean, Brighton. venue, Ho\'e, 4. M. W. H\RRI, 0, Poplar · G. GUMRELL, "Hayden" ordbndge, outh Merstham. Mr. K. D . B. B 5, , tonefield Road , Hasting. R. A. LOCKETT, , tallon Road, arl wood, Redbill. Mrs . . M. H RPL, 10, Wharf Road , Ea tbourne. J. E. MITH 104, Middle treet, Brockham. ( adet). A. C. HOLMA , I , Potter Way, Relgate. \. LL, 62, Warl.elgh Road, Brighton, Su ex. (Training). H. ALKrR, 61, dlmore Road. Rye. R T. T. D M RE Q, 1 , Orchard ay, Reigate. Mr. '. J. ] l\RTL£), Hollo\\ ay Hou e, High Street Rye. O. H. HDOW, 4, taplehur t Road, Reigate. Mi s G. M. BUCKLA D, 33 Grove Hill Road , Redhill . R. E. RI HARD 0 ,7, A hdown Road, Reigate. \\'e tern rea ea ornmi loner North West Area . L. H COR, 43, The Garden, outhwick. R. G. W. OUTHERN, M.B., B.. , M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., Sedgley ~a Superintendent ( ) R .. H RTLEY, 23, ndrew lose, Ru tington. 'fa Su peri n ten den t ( ) Hou e, Ea tHor ley. MI R . B. LAKER, 14, Gloucester Place, Liltlehampton. la urgeon K. . fAW 0 ' ,I\I.B., H.B., D.P,H., Comewell Hou e, ortb outh We t Area treet, Hor ham. A. H. M . RICH RD, M.B., H.B., M.R . . . , L.R.C.P., D.P.H., la I ur ing Officer . . . T. JEFFER):, .R . . , "Grayli," run del Road, Littlehampton. Munstead Lawn, Godalming. (a laff om er ( adet) ( ) L. \ . MO\ ER, 15, Old Barn Wa', outhwick.


74 rea r a











taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) taff Officer 76,


County Office: treet, Salisbury. Tel. Salisbury 4810. County President : Vacant.

herry Garden Road, a tbourne. "Ma land," Il awthorn Road, Bognor


Com mi ioner Deputy

\ County uperintendent ( ounty Surgeon



\ t.

COllllt)' Office : 101 Widdecombe 10 e,

The Hon. Mrs. L.


COllnty President : . S. FITzRoy EWDEGATE, O.B.E.

County Vice-Presidents: . The Lady WILLOUGHBY DE BRO~E ( ur lIIg) Mi Bel'l B KITER ( II/'S/lIg Cadets).

Commi ioner County Superintendent


County Surgeon County ur ing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) County Staff Officer . . .

. d 'ler B . 0 The Ro e Bnga . Jo E " 0 .. , . I 4430) ttage, lcknield Street Beole ore. (Tel. Reddltc 1 .. Mi 'M ORTO, B.E.M., The Beeche, taverton r. Dave~try,' orthant. (Tel. Da entry 2~,53). " 307 D. W . HE DRY, B. C., M.D., M.R .. O.G., reenacres, , Lutterworth Road uneaton. . ] l'h I M L R MIT H' LL 1 5, olihull Road , hlr ey, 0 I u. A r F HT~WELL 70 ' t. George' Road , oventry. M 'Y M RO BY 71, Forfield Road , oundon, oven~ry. W ~sB. M.. YLE , Walchbury Hou e, Barf rd, r. Warwick. M J I:WALL 36 Midd]emarch Road, Radford, oventry. P. r JAME, 'orman Place Road, oventry. (Cadet


County Secretary


County Sergeant-Major County P.R.O ..


ommi ioner.

ounty 'ounty

uperint ndent ( ursing Officer . . . tafT Officer ( adet) (A)

oun ty tarT Officer ( adet) ( ). .ounty ta fT Officer ounly ecrclary

COlllily Vice-Pre,lidents: Moss, E q. (Ambulance Cadels).

Major-General D. D. . TULLOCH, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., The Old Rectory, Ru hall, Pewsey, Wilts. (Tel. Upavon 229) . Brigadier G . WORT, .B.E., Old Rectory, Hilcot r. Pewsey, Wilts. ' Mi . G. TURMLR, " Kajha ," Bratton, Westbury. ommander H. M. DARLOW, R. . ,CRETD.), B.A., urgeon M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., uckoo Pen, Porton, Salisbury. Vacant. Miss B. PATTERSO , St. Johns Hospital, Trowbridge. Lieul.- 01. R . B. ROBI so , Old Rectory, Beechingstoke, Pewey. Mr . D. E. A SIlAWE, Farley Farm, Farley, r. Salisbury. Mr. Moss, WatchAeld , Rowden H ill, Chippenham. Mr . A. H. HEMMI G, Monkton Farleigh Manor, Bath. ( .H .. R .-Admin.). Mi M. 1. MORTO -P LMER, 'Haldon," Harnwood Road, ali bury. (Tel. 2742).

\" e tern Area

Ifea Superintendent ( ) Ilea Superintendent ( ) Irea Surgeon liSt.



rea Slaff Officer ( adel ) ) rea taff Officer ( adet ) ( )

ecretary ( )). toke, Coventry. Mrs. E. L. RE OY Lord Lytton venue L. F. HAZELL, 37, 'araday Road, Rugby. E 0 RO BY 71 orfield Road , oundon, 0 entry. Mi s· D. IL'US~ROFT, 137, Hall reen Road, Bell Green, Coventry . ( adet). Mr . F. KEMP , 4 lexander Road, Bedworth, uneaton. 'ea uperintendent ( ) rea Superintendent ( ) ( adet). . T'] HI'II orlh, 'ea urgeon , . . Mr. . J. BROW , 15, Fir Tree venue, Ie 'ea ur ing Officer . . . oven try. . d t (Cadets) G TAPU 27 apmarttn Roa, ov~n ry. t rea tarT fficer ( adet ) (A) J.' T.· H. POW~R ,'19, ros treet, to ktngford, unea on. 'ea Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) ( adet). 'k try Mi M MIL ER 4 outh venue, toke Pal , oven . R T H'ALL 8 B~]~onl Road, Rugby. (. adet ). H'. WARD, 22,'Romford Road Holbrook d' ~ve;;~Y·Coventry. T. A. ATlIERTO , 154, We tmorland Roa, y , (Transport). 2 . Ilacom be Road, Coventry. 'ea Superintendent ( ) J LAM VI ER, M.B., H.B., , I I Coventry. rea Superintendent Mis' M. L. BAILEY, 7, rmorial Road tyvec~ae, t,y (Tel. :ea Surgeon H. G. D . Bu TO , 101 , Widdecombe lose, oven I . tratford-on-Avon. rea Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Wal grave-on- owe 2601). D. STMMO OS, M.B.E., 115, Banbury Roa(~ I 22972 (Business), Area taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). E. O. ORME, 7, A thill Grove, oventry. e. 'ea Staff Officer . 24586 (Re idence)).

. F. J. ANDREWS, 9, The Clo e, Melksham. acant. E. MOLO EY, M.B., CH.B., Prospect House, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilt. Mr . W. B. DA ID 0 . M.B., CH.B., The Lodge Steeple Ashton, Trov. bridge. acant. acant.

outhern Area

acant. Mi . . DIMO T, 35a, The Clo e, Salisbury. 1. G . REID, F.R . . . , Merle Cottage, Ludger hall. Mr . J. EDGE, .R."1., 18, King bury Square, Wilton. . 1\OOK, 40, ROMAN Road, Sali bury. a ant.

orthern Area

. BLAKE 66, t. Phillip Road, Upper Stratton, Swindon Mr. . LANE, 65, Plymouth Street, Swindon . J. K. MONRO, M.CH., F.R.C.S., "Highfields," The Common, Marlborough. . R. Kr G, 43, Richmond Road, Swindon. Mi 1. L. WrLKT ,77, Ti mead Cre cent, windon. Mr . L. E. A. BROAD, 81, Shrivenham Road, Swindon.








WORCE TER l URE Corlllt)' Office: T thl11g, Worce lcr.

t. John Hou c, 34, Th


1. lOll


ommi- ioncr Deput

ommi sioner .


uperintendent (




ur ing Ofllcer

County taff Officer ( adets) ( ). County Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) ounty laff Officer Count)


County Sergeant-Major Count) P.R.O . .

Area Commis ioner Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) rea Surgeon Area

ursing Officer

Area Staff Officer (Cadet ) ( ) Area taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officers.

Area Sergeant-Major . Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) CA) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( )

. P. AUGlIA, D.S.O., tanhope ll ouc, Pershore ore,. (Tel. Pershore 456). ' T. . LL II, Ma rord, 63, Ii ale owen Road, Quinton Birmingham. ' Mr. . L. RL;SSll L, \I.B., CII.B., Pillfieid Ii ou e, herry Hill Road, Barnt Green. F. H. OLL \I, I\I.B., C1I.B., I\I.R .. S., I .ICC .1'., 8carhill House Ivechurch, r. Birmingham. ' Mr. . BROllILRTON, S.R."-., 7, Llnthurst R ad, 8urnt Green r. Birmingham. ' K. H. BILlIl'.GII\ I, 0, ourt resccnt, King winsrord Staff Mi H. M. BIOMl \D, "Trafford," Manor Lane, Hal~sowen: Mi H. M. WALTO., Mount Plea ant, owleigh Road Malvern. ' Mr . M. . I 10D(') ,), 123, Blrchficld Road, Redditcb. Mr. J. M. RI['.t1"Gl0'\" "1.13.L. outhall ottage, Hadley, Droit\\ Ich. (Tel. mber Ie} 402). T. E. D \\ I , 78, Brickhou e Road, nnngAeld, Dudley. Mi 1\. . DI'J(,LL'I, 6, Lower Wilton Road, Malvern. (Tel. _-+26)


T RIDJ G OF YORK HIRE Olll1ty Office: Priory J louse, 29, ottingham Road, Hull. Tel. 43038 COlll1ly Presidel/t. The Lord HOTJIAM, .B.l., D.L. COII/7ty Vice-Preside/7ts: D. J. TAYLOR (lfl71/m/allce). Lady Wl. TB RY ( IIrsil1g). olonel R. A. Al L - 'v1ITJl, T.D., D.L., J.P. (Amblliance Cadet I'). Mr,>. '. 'OIWO" ( IInillg Cac/ets).

LiCLll.- 01.

orlhcrn rea J. H. H LD C, M. . , I.R.LP. , ., I.R .. P., The Mount, hurch Road, etherton, r. Dudley. H. . BF CTT, 52, Har ourt Road, Old I Lill. Mr . E. . H \LDA f, B. C., 1\1.0., CII.B., 100, hurch Road, elherton, Dudley. D.1-I. rLLR, t\1.B., L1I.B., Il aselton, Dudlc) Road, pnnfield, Dudley. Mrs. E. fBSTLR, .R . . , "The Ir," 2 ummer Hill, Hale owen B. R PER, 23, Windmill HIli. radle) , ,tan's. Mr. M. . ROBLRTS, "ThIrteen," Dudley Wood Avenue, Cradley Heath. Mi s A. . WITCO !Dr, Oldfleld, 5, omery Road, Priory Dudley. P. C. BL [n, 20, Millard Road, 0 eley, tafT. (Training) J. F. E. BE T, 23, Ro emary rescent We t, old thorn Park, Wolverbampton. (ecretary). acant.


D. W. JON[S, Dal ton, 64, Worcester Road, Malvern. MI s J. OLLLY, 23, Timberdine Avenue, Bath Road, Worcester. D. J. TILURD, 4, Tynsall Avenue, Webhealh Reddilch J. P. WI 'iTO , The Bungalow, 22, Marlbr~ok Lane,' pper Marlbrook, 8romsgrove.

Tel. 24503.

Vicc-Presidellts: BEAU II\MP (Ali/bit/alice). 111\11 RL (I Itrsillg). II RE (Ali/bit/alice ade's). Mr. F. J. Of\1I R. ( IIr.lillg Cadets).



laff OfTicer .

Co 1111 t) , Prcsidellts: The ounte BrAu I1A tP, M.B.r· . . L. E\ TO , II.B. O/II/t)' The Rl. Han. Lad LL ir Ronald LE II _ nthia, The Lady "- DY ;


omml' lOner Deputy ollnty

mml loner. uperlntendent (





ounty Ll r

uperintendent ( II1g

fllce I'

nicer ( atleh) ( ) fll er ( adet) ( ) fllccr

· M .. DLAR , O.B.r., M.B., CH.B., D.L.O., Holme Lodge, 197, ottlngham Road, Hull. (Tel. Hull entral 43840). acant. M,,> r. M .. IO"L110 sr, 63 Welwyn Park Road, Hull. (Tel. 46602). · O. JI ALLIWELL, \.1.R.C.P., \.1.R.C.S., 233, Hallgate, Cottingham, . )- ork . Mr . M. RI [I-OLD, The Bungalow, Sheepman Lane Hutton ran \\ ick, Driflleld. ' IS M. ICHOL. 0", .R.'.., 657, James Reckitt Avenue Hull. ' R . BCRRY\I\", 2, nalnton GrO\e, Derringham Bank, Hull. MI L. F. LLpPI'\GTO ' ," ytona," 8 Bell Vue Crescent, Filey. JACK 0'\, 230, Ha\\ thorn Avenue, Hull. · ] IL\\ '\RD, "Hyland ," Lindale Avenue, Hull Road, Horn ea. (Trea'>lIrer). T. PL N, 75, ymer Icy Road, Hull. Mi. D. M. H ZZ RD, 20, Riversdale Road, Hull. Mr. . J K 0 , ,Lynton Avenue, nlaby Park Road outh, Hull. ( adet ecretary). · M. HI'.CH, 3 , 'Y indsor Road, County Road orth, J lull. R. R H\\I, 107, e tbourne venue, Hull. J-. R. H\RLTO'., 1m ottage, Be~holme Lane, eaton, Hull. R. h R \1, .R . . , 75, Hlghfleld. Sutton, Hull. (Training). M I'> J. B \RKLR, 3. De La Pole \enlle, nlnb) Road, Hull. ( adcl).


COllnty Office: ornfield Road, Middle brough, York. COllnt l' President: he Lady ERE 'A J IE

outhern Area Col. D. RO I ,O.B.L, T.D., "Wood thorpe," 55, petchley Road, Worce ler. .ommi ioner olone! ir Leonard Rop ER, BT., M.C., T.D. D.L., M.P., Thorp J. F. GRANT, 748, ve ham Road, rabb ross, Redditch. Perrow Bedale York. (Tel. Bedale 10). Miss M. K OWLE , Su ex Lodge, Kemp ey, Worce ter. :Jeputy ommi ioner. J. PE R 0 , M.B.E.,·< landale," 19, The re cent Tunthorpe G. A. 1.1 LAIR, M.B. CIf.B., " Howards," Avenue Road, tat ion, Middle brough. (Tel. 56287). ' , ounty uperintendent ( Malvern. Mr. .. . Dy 0 ,2, pper We tbrook, Darlington. (Tel. Vacant. Darlmgton 5764). J. P. Wc TLAKE, "Loretta," Bedley, r. Redditch. y . H. G. BowE . ~I.B., B.. , , Yarm Road, tockton-on-Tees. Square \ount .. urgeon Mi s R. WOO KEY, 4, Marlow ourt, 54, Brittain 'sst. OW1ty Ll[ erintendent ( ) Mr. . M. K. 0 E, 10, St. Hilda' Terrace, Whitby. Worce ter. & P. R.O. (Tel. 47-0.

H '





l al ' ~


..:.S. L 7,

h rnab)- n-Tee l\liss J . \\ . '\ l \\l S . I , olla:I' Rt)ad, I orloll-on-Tee . P . P . MITH , 11 , We t Park. ve nue, ew b). c rbor ~gh J . W . R l " \ 1-1 \ • \2. Birlle) -\\ enue. l lddksbrollgh. . R . H . WRI ,1-\ ,_ , lr nlham R )ad, I rt n. I d.. I n- noTe . PllDIl. H,nrl1\\ g,1l' otl,l\.!e. ltarn\\g,lle ;111', ' Orto~ on-Tl:"'s. ,Tel. tl ' k. lt n 6 7 61-0 . -




eert' l ~lr)



. D AI

RIDl Di. (rief

F Y RK HlR itia:

W "th erby H ue, \\' therb).

el. Welhcrb) ,

\r~;t Ir~i1

' l;tl1' lllkl:r (Cadets) ( \ ) (all' ( Iliecr ( adc l ) ( ) Ir(';\ (, 11' fHeer . omml~ ' 1


IIpcrintendcnt ( \ ) ) 1111(' I III k I1lk n I

"- ';1






Th 1

Di ' tri ~ t

uperintendent l

D i tri t

urge n

t. D i t. uperinlendeot ( ) i' trier u iog ftlcer

Di tr i't i' tri't i' trict

taft' wfr


,.\ \


\RRET , ,\

/11 1/l1S: •

,4I11bllltlIlCt') . , .4 I11nllltlllct' ~tldt'(s)

. R AD UFf

( VIII .lim;

ffi "r ade t') ( ) Aleer ( ,1Lkts) ( l.


D i' lrict eerel. ['\ D i' triet P .R . . '.

Area Commi' iooer r a uperintendenl ( )

ffi er

(;lnl \ Iea

urge n

\) '.1 ';1

HeJth re 'ccnt, I altfu '\. B,lt1k. h,lm(lcl", ..... mg W',

. \ \.1' .. 11.\"


1h) 11

taff Offi er

Area ommi lOner rea up rin tende nt ( ) ) Area Superintendent Area Surgeon ur ing Offi er


JILlHR1 . L, ll tll R i' l: ,\ hnllc. lI Mr g ..llc. 1"11. l)6, 1 L\ )l1o;hlre Irect. Kcighlc .


rth R ad,


II \ \\. J 1'. he I), \I H.

BLL 'hcs 2"'7, \ 1111 Ilt ll. Pon tcfr t. ) C, ,3 4, ll emper ne, heflield.

n " • \I.R·

\ rc:1 . II llll) . Bro,1doal... \\ arnlngl n Dn \ t:. 8e" . . ,lL·;\I. l'lnc. ·Ier . L. \ . l \Rf-l. ak.k,\, ,,<l\\lhorpL r D en J ILr. t l" r I . Bill , "The .I"l)\t:," 11 1\.!h II"Ld. hLlrns~o.,. 1 R~1(hcrh,1111 . ~ r. ' 01 R. \\ . 1 r. \1.[ . , I . 1'.11 .. " angle) ," an ile)' La ne, Dl)I1~,1 IeI' J \. r r, \I .B" 11 . 13.. 14. 1\11ddktleld Road, Be " Ll" r, Dt1 \Ka ler. ~ \ \ h 1 \ 1 BRt) \\ . ... \1. 26. ,ardenl,) Rl)ad. Barnb_\ Dun. I 1 ~)n ',hl ' I". \\ 1 H\R(,RI\\IS. 19 '. 1rc,1l ' lrlh R )ad. \\ I I dlands, n ',ncr

e. \\

En t rn

. 31. Ircen anl" c;I\\!hl)r[c. I r. eJ'\. n ·c) [ . \\ \Rl. \ sh I ',I. i\ \.11 h land Road. I(1 rends. r. D c nea ' tc-r. lawr II. \ ' 1'[' \l L, 11 ..\11 l rl \ c Thc P..Irk.. \\ 0 dland , [ l n ·;lsler. ' ~ \ rs I II \ Ll. 34, ( 1 ,1' I r t ,[ kl. ).



H O' pIl31,

eed ' , [cn:wn, m.lel .

orthern Area J . . BAIRD, M. B., B. H ., B. . 0 . , Br .. H ou ' e, H a worth , Keighle). T. B R G ItTO:-.l, Bra 'e well Lodgt: , Brace\\ ell. lr. k. iplon. Miss G . E . M VALL, R\\ Ih )r pe H all , lO g k , Yorks. . J. M . A . IT H EY, I.b . H .B. , I , W dlands Dm e, Harrogate. M r . I . R . H \ I , .R . . , . . L , R .F . . , " a m da1e," The GrO\ e, Ha rrogate.


J . Il c \\\Rl. I . Da\\l)d \ dlu ' . Bentle, D neU'l'''r \ b" 1 t1\\ I l . 6, 1 ilL \ Illas, dllngil~n 0. r' - c . D. 8 \RBI R. 104. [ t1\1C;\ ' ter R ,d '\rm;h rp' , L ) \l 'C', b" . Ba\\ lr:. R )ad. Bc ". ", arr. r.L . D na t r 1: I t) BLR11I. \\ .trnh\\l)rth Lo \ge. '. B,lrrel LInt: B'llb L l)n 'Lltcr ... ) . I L . [ . P \L \ IlR. "lhe hI: Inut"" Dl nCLl. IL r ,Trca -. urer). . \. R\BIRI~, " ~ hertdan," 26, nncrd,11e Road, \\ hea tl \ ll llk t'lnC;hlCr. t ecrt:l:ln). \I I:~I (el:. \ . \\ \RD, -. nncrJalc Road, \\ ht:,llle) H ilI. D on-

SI,llr lair

H.B .. 9,


r. Leeds



tre t, II \...er Joe. Bradt' ra 4. . ', K lllg:-\\C,lr rL" cn!. \\ hlt"lr~, LceJ: ,

rea rea rea



L D\ RD, The rJnge, l\\..Ie) . l or\... ' . I.R.C... " \ "hlield." Burnie) ur LUg


26'24) . -\r


mmls"ll ncr 'a upertntenJent ( 0\ ) . ,'.1 SU(1Llll1tLndenl ( ) ,,1


r Bru

)nLlISler. Ponlefrac[

~ o llth

cldo'() .

O . B.I .. \ t.Il .. 11.B., a:-(k •.\rlh H l)U "'C. \\ ~Iherbl (T el. Wetherb) _c' -). l r' . . \\' . Ll ,I, .B.L J . P., a (ie )•.H l h H 1U e, Wetherbl' tTel. \\ e l hcrb~ 2 32) , .' J . PRE TI E, M. B. , 11 B. ( DT '. ), J.P . , .. 1alsl ' t unt," lah R ad . K elghle). un nk. tln, YorL 1r'. 1. . A\t-. R \ 0, he Pncr), 11 " l RIIIIlI!S. s.R sl .\1 \', Redc . dale arden: . L.l\\11 ' \\t od. LecJ'. 16 L. 1\ t \ ' ) . 5. L, nl1\\ ltd Mlkns. PlIdse\ , r. Leed ' . r.l r: . J. L \ I\II~C,-Blll, \\.BI .. Blnll,ltn' Ll)Lig, dgerll1n. HudJersileld . J. \\ Ct)D •. Ll)\,\l l)dge. \\ ountJl)) Rl),II. 11 1I ILkI' Ikld . J . )co . R (lCI!L~[1 R, The )ulh \\ 1111:: , I rle-;( Il tI\. \\ clhert1\'. R. H. K l)ll. 15 . alll n Road. Lcd .... II t 1 cl "26 ' 6). . \\ r: . I. \\ l)l) I I I. 1 1:\1 8.6. Blenhclm ,' qu.lre. LLClh , 2 tT'L



. . Bt)\\ \ .t~,tnt.

. 1-1. Ll) C,l,

mmi' iL ner

\ il ·~lnl. l iS" 1 . . I. 1

J , '1 G


\ . Fern L dge. 13" 0

he T ht:


lIhlng 1lI 'Lr Iliet: r ( adel") ( \ ) )llker ( ,\dLl"') I ) m' er

\, '.1 Ir'a 4.


, uth rn \ rca J \1 ." RL "Lll. "I.H .. (1113, lun .. D.I'.I1., " \\ cnw ~ Il Lk. ..trlh l ,\ne. ughllb[ Idgc, hcllicld \ . L" . \I.D I . , 14, . ,1k." \\ cnue I "k. briuge, heflield. \ \ ;~'. \ . . LII \\ lX t , "R ., 16a. TaplOl1 P,lrk. Road. heflidd.


\ -.1





upcnn tendent ( ) unng meer . re;~ upcrinlcndenl ( ) (aft fl1ccr ( adcts) ( \ )



III er



S uth \\ c tlrn .\rc:\ \ .leant.

onUlllS Il)ner urgeon



adet ) ( )

\\ . BRO\\ , l.R .. P.(LO D.). ' \'R .. 5.(I:: "Il, .), L ..' H alifu\. Id R eLId. 8 Irk.b:.. H llddtr IIdd . ' . \ 1"\\ " "., I I J. 13 \ 0;1 D \L1. "C.I'·[l ~ ~ l .In leSler R oa d. Lin(h\\,lI!c . -. ~ r~ . . BfST. l.ll _. \). C\\ ' orth Roa L Huddc'r'fie ld . \ RRl 1 HLRS, .. R. .. 6. Pc-nnine R ad, De\\' bu r\,. I r. ~ IS 7. " Hl Ll. cdar .\ \t:nue. Huddersfield. ' Dr. r.l usl,lla R ill \ RR \ 11' . harre ' bun H Oll ' e 1 1_ R Balk\ . ' . r l\. ad. 11" .




' 7 \\' C'l ') It) , . _,


$' e([, l ork.s.

o rca



tuft' Ofll

CL .


T. JOll




H. BOWL R, 92, avilc R ad, avile Town, Dcw ' bury . (Cadet) I r I, -.+), t. Jamcs Road, MaL' h, Il udder ficld. . Mr . D. Ll ('II, 864, Bradford Road, Birken haw, r. Bradford. Mr ' . L. PI. I , 54, Bellomley rc ccnt, IITlomlbury, I [uddersfleld. H. II0R ,69, Fern Ide \CI1UC, Imondbury, I l uddcr field. o II lo., _58, I l ullsworth Lane , kd..heaton .





District Ojlice: \. ar el1lorial Buildings, 5, \ aring treel, Belfast , I . el. Bclr~l'i t 21970. Pre ident: "-EH R T. Her \ cllency The Lad District 1 ice-PresidcJ/t: Mr . G. ALL I' . M.B.!:. olone! . GRLlIll, O.B.L.. T.D., C).II.!>., I.D ., I.R. C.P., D.PHY .ommandery ommi ioner \IED., -'+0, In1\~ood venue, Belfast, 9. (Tel. Belfast 25586). ajor \\ . . GRI[ L, 1\1.13.L, I .R.D., 1.0.," athkin," Reaville C mmandery Dty. omml ' Ion I' Park, Dund nald, Belfa t. (Tel. Dundonald 2265). ommander uperintendent ( ). Mr . 1 an [I IIL , Ba.\Iymi art, 110, ircular Road, Belfast (Tel. Belfa t 65 789). ' F. UTCIILR, 1.13., 1\1.R .. S., D.P.I!., 4, My Lady' Mile ommandery Surgeon . Hal) wood. o. Down. (Tel. Holy~ od 2497). '

Area Surgeon ursing Officer

Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officer

Area Commissioner



Mrs. F'. A. MOR 10 mcna.

Irca Irca Irca Irca Irca

u rgeon ur ing rTiccr tafT Onkcr ( adcts) (A) tafT Omcer ( adet ) ( ) tafT Omcer

ll ugh WILSO , I .R.C.S., "Lisnamoyle," The Roddens L . Mr. . M . II LY 106 algorm Ball ' alne, J M R( C 15" , ymcna. . . ) ,{ RS, , orth Road arrickfergu Mr.. A . HAMILTON, "Alt-na- r'ag," Belfast R~ad . ' ,? AntrIm. J. M. ROI)GI RS , 15 , orth Road , a" rI IC kr'ergus. (PubliC Dutie ).

MI '

\rca \rca


Irea Ilea

upertntendent ( urgeon


' urslI1g


tan' flicer ecretar)


Aghnaclare, Woodlands Avenue

' Bally-

Ar magh Area acant. ~I 8 M. A. LUrIo"" w.~y ide, Killicomaine Road Portadown Fl L, M.H., D.P.II., Woodland ," Armagh. ' . 1l3LRS , Armagh s ~. 'd ounty Health ommittce 2 M ' 0.::;01 ace, rmugh. (Tel. Armagh 297). ' , IS E. BCRRYMA ,64, andhurst Drive, Belfast.

Irea 0111 /l1 i loner \rca uper i n ten den l ( ) \rca urgeon mcer \rca Nur ' lng tafT OrTicer ( adet. ) (




Down A rea J. 2044). l lam RrA , r ..... RSJ\ , The f. Ilary, " Ban b'd rl ge. (Tel. Banbridge


. I r. JOH NSTO"JI , 38, Lancefield Road Belfast WIL.L1M1S, B.A ., \<1 . 13 ., hapel Road Be sbroo'k (Tel. Be b rook 209). , . Mipatrick M. . Hawth me ' SR . , Down. . . , .c. \lL, Downe ·Ho pltal



rTiccr aucts) (


Mis .. D. 0 r I, I I, Springfield Road Bangor Mr. B. Kr-L1), Ball)l11crock Road , Belfa t. .



Fcrm a nagh Ar ea Mr . O. . LroDLE, In\ale, hanterhill Road nnl killen M roc,. AB M\lO r B.. , 10 , W I' II oug hb y Place, Enniskillen. ... R I' . {TO'., ~I.r. \l1.L., Old Ro or) Cre cent, nniskillen. Londo nd erry r a . J . \\ IlUi\\!, I.B:F ., 20, Pump trect, Londonderr 11dCI,\,) . M .. [{\\\IORI), ' Rlverbank "7 , V'Ie t Olla -' R oa, d Londony. < , ~r:. M . F. LI sur, .Li nagowan, aw, Londonderry. R. " 2 Dapllne G ar d en Londond . ,.. M I. . . W . BROW'. I'>. '.DLRSO ,The Rector} , Killaloo, o. 'Derry. erry.


Tyrone r a J. R. \1\RTr , O.B.L., L.R.C.P., L.R .. ,. ulllmerl'I'11 O. L ndondern.. ' Clogher I' . A r. f'\RfI -, ul11ll1erhIlI, Clogher.


Jleadl/llorten : ardifT. Tel. ardiff 32131. oIl/Il/OIldlillt-in- //1('/ oj /InitIO' Corps at I D ' . . r. H .R.H . Prince M . . " 1( /I'/S/OI1S Jor Wale ' arIna Duche of Kc ,G.C.\ .0., C.l., G.B.E. . Irf oll1l11i ioncr for \Vale. H. . L E\\I , J.P., D.L. lef upcrintcndcnt fOI \\ alcs Mr . . . TR'\IILR L, J.P. lef urgcon for ale T. J. M . RE0G, O.B.L.., B. ,\ ., loB. , B. H. puty hief ommi SIOner for Wale olonel R. M) DDELTO , I. .0., J,P., D.L. pUly hief uperinl ndcnt for Wale . Mr. G. B \ 1LF) . .puty hief urgeon for Waic . I II. DAvit, r.I.B., If. B. '\\I~ta nl hief ommi ioner fo~ \ales. . . . . J\\IE, ~1. .\1. ,\s\lstant hlef uperintendent fOI: ntTim Area Galgo rm - ale t . . . . . . . . Mr . R. D" IF. -JO"lE . W. . Jo E, M.B., B. H., B.A. " "Beechmount," illS ant hief urgeon for Wale J..R. . ROBERT , loB., B. Road, Ballymena. lief ur ing Officer for Wal MJ J. E. THOr.IA) .R. " .C. f., T • .

Belfa t Area D. M. RODGfR 0 ,747, rumlln Roau, Belfa t. 14. W. H. MA RT l.), 42. Cregagh Park, Belfast 6. H. [R WI , 54, glantine venu, Bel fa. l. I. . PERROTT, 2 , vcnue, Belfa t, 4. . Ley I , M.B., 202, e t Ircular Road, Belfa t. LOA -, M.B., 146, ro enor Road, Belfat, 12. W. H. R)I>. , .R . . , 32, tranmllil Park, Belfa t. Mis M. H . LARld, .R. ~., 18, reenwood Park, Belfast. O . H. IIERIDA ,41, ricklewood Park, Belfa t, 9. Mi M. . KrRR, I , Oakland Avenue, Belfast. S. T. SMYTH, delwei ,Station Road, r eni land. H. Boycr, 32, lonlee Dri e, Belfa t, 4.


lIpcrrn tcndent (N)

LIP llI1tendcn.t ( I) J. M . T (,(,\RI, 1\1 B., B. II ., D.P.II, I).P .. , t. Commander;. urgeon Mi B. Bo) CL, .R.'. .. . .1\1., ItnagclvIn Ho pital, London- rea tan' Of1ker ( adcl ) ( ommander ur ing Officer \rca Omll11SIOner derr) . J . 11. JOII,",S10'.L, "Mena," Doneg<lll \venue, \ hltehead. Com. taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Com, taff Ofllcer ( adet) ( ). M i \ R R l l l , Helen' Lea, r1nalmk, Belfa t. (Tcl. fI:il C0111111 IS lonel Belfa t 654429). 'til 'uperlntcndcnt ( ) Com, t. taffOfllcer ( adet) ( ) Mi . K . HILL, 45, 1310 mlleld Road , Bangor. o. Down. Area Commissioner W. . R) \ , 1\1.8.1., denartne, Cultra, o. 00\\ i1 (Tel. rea urgeon " Holy\\ ood 3162) . (Publ ic Relat ions). rea ut'. ing mcer . . C. M URR ), 92, Orangefield resccnt, Belfast , 6. Di trict taff Ofllcers i K. H \1\11 10'., 10 Richmonu Park, . tranmrlli , Belfa t, 9. ~il l ~& OnlCcr ( dtiets) ( R. E. 1. IIL~lPIIRI) s," ) Ie lone," Chlche~tcr Park, Belfa t. 15. Mr . J. L00\ ,39, Ardenlee Garuen, Belfa t, 6. (Tel. 56407). ~rca OI11I11IS loner. (Admin.) rea uperlntendcnt ( ) D. . TFPIII'., n." ... cgg)gO\.\an." ••lInt lelu, o. Down . J. G. Me i\' '. , L.R.I.P . & ., 1\1.1l., H.C II , Man Ille Garden illage,D.R.M . . , ewto\\nabbc). Capt. J. 0",,-[,), 1\1.B.I ., _9, Ta) lOIS \enllC, arrickfcrglls. Di trict ecretary (Tel. 2025).

Area Commissioner rea Superintendent (A) Area Superintendents ( )






T. JOll


Il oLi



alh ural Road,


ounty unt









D. J. Rll IITII, 45, Warwick . venue, ll ightown, Wrexham D. R. J t.S, 19, Delfryn, Afoneltha, Penycac, Wrexham . K. Rom RS, 25, hurch View, hirk. . J. . 0 VII s, "Meadow Bank," ' Ies Lane, Rho tyllen vVrc"ham. ' The Lord TRrvoR, J.P., Br nkinalll, hirk. tate, Rhosddu , J. . Ll'\' I , Plot 36, L dge Road, wynvi lie Wr ham. ( 'adet. ). D. P. ROBI RTS, Prospect I Jou. c, I 10, bergclc Road, olwyn Ba). ( adets). . T. Kt. IP 'TLR, 6, Pbs lay, Rho. Yl1lcdrc, Wre ham.

taff Officer ( adet ,) ( ). taff Officer ( ) .

Ollllt)' President : y

/::.-FI ICII:




Deputy ounty unty




Abcravon o unty A rea R. W. -VA S, T.O., M.MCT., F.I.M., Plas-y-Bryn, Pentyla, Port Talbot, lamorgan. (Tel. Port Talbot 670).


Barr ou nt r a A. L. Mon, 91, ollege Road, Barry, Glamorgan. Barry 934).

\rca tation



Denbigh hire. (Tcl. L1anrw l 277).


L1anrw t

urgeon ur ing Officer taff Officer ( adet) ( taff Officer ( ) . taff Officer ( ) . taff Officer ( adet ) .

LL!, 97, Par -y-Dre, Ruthin, Denblgh hire. Dr. heila Ruo, The Old Reet ry, Llanychan, Ruthin, Den\rca 01l11ll1'>. ioner bigh hire. . L. Jo LS, 1.13., B.S.(LO D.), I.R.C .S., L.R . . P. , Alltwen, LlanCwrog, Ruthin. acant. M. 0" IL ,16 t. Da iJ' R ad, Id ol",yn, Denbigh hire. · H. R Yori'., Markley ilIa, Dundonald Road, olwyn Bay, \rea OI1lI11I'>Sloner · . ROBLRT , "Delamare," adwgan Road Old olwyn. T. L Fo LKC , 69, Park-y-Dre, Ruthtn. · R. \\ I,D[ LL ' , 64, or) n enuc, an-)-Lan, Id Colwyn. \rca Commissioner

Flint hir

COllnty Pre idelll: Brigadier H.

. K. M I WAR! G,



O. .0.,



Lad)' Presidenl : '. B. PL 1'\,A T. COllntl' Vice-Preside/ll The Lady YO ( IIrsing odets). R. T. Ilftl, r .. 0\. , "ra,ton,"




ommi ioner. uperintendent (



upcrintendent (N)

Lad\' Preside/lt· Oml111



ieu It:nan t.

J.P., LorJ

Lady Lo\ Till R. . MAR II \LL-H (.IlLS,


Mrs. G. M. WILLIAMS, Llanharan House, Llanharan, Glamorgan. Trevor DAVILS, M.R.C.S., I .R.C.P., "Gorwydd," 164 ew Road, County urge n Skewcn. Mi P .. D. JONES, S.R . . , S.C.M., Q.s., Welsh Hospital Board County ur Ing Officer ardlfT. ' \ t. ounty urgeon. . . . D. Milne Du BAR, M.B., 13.s., 1, Garth View venue, Beddau. county taff Officer ( adet) (A) J. P. HARRIES, 49, falrfleld Road, Bridgend, Glamorgan. County tafT Officer ( adet) ( ). Mr . M. TAYLOR, 59, Woodlands Road, Barry, Glam. County. tafT Officer (ecretary) . R. W. DWAROS, 89, Westward Ri e, Barry . County

W c t Dcnhigh hire olonel J.



Brid gend

ou nt

D. B. PIU( L,

r ca

B.S(., "I. B. , H,(,H.,

Street, Bridgend,

aerphill y

O.R.CO. J., The

roft, Park

lamorga n.

o unt rea tatlon Terrace, Brithdir,

Idrts JO,L ,20,

r o un t rea Major J. D. MOR ro,", wan ea.

ew Tredegar, Mon.

0 \\


Tyle Teg, Terrace Road,

\rca COTllmissioner

L1a ntri a nt Co unt r ea I ICUt.- 01. J. . L. TR IIER E, Castellaw Fa\\1', L1antrisant, Glamorgan. (Tel. lanlri ant 22 ).


r lealcr



ommissioner Deputy Commi

Flint hire.

ioner .

County Superintendent ( ) Asst. County Superintendent ( ) . County Surgeon County Staff Officer (A) . . County Staff Officer (Cadet) (


I" , J.P., "Over lone,"

01ll1l11 "Ioncr

• 'ca th ount) rca RCLS, 37, I leol Pender)n , Longford,



ronant Road, Pre tatyn, eprc Park,


Quay, Flinl hlrc. M P 1 \rea (0111m1 "ioncr Mr . R. LI'IELD, "Haleldenc," ac -y-groc, res atyn, Flint hire. Mr. . I. BAILLY, 19, PendyfTryn Road, Rhyl. G. H. OLL! R, M.R . . . , L.R .. 1'., " handon," Brun wick Road, Bu kley, lint hire. \rea ommi . loner C. H. H TON," a tlemere," King venue, lint. G. MA CLL, 4, andy Lane, Queen ferry, Flint hirc.

Po ntarda \\ e ounty rca . POWLLL, J.P., r.c.A., Brierley Hou e, 102, Der\oven FU\\r Road, kelly, ",an ea. P ont. pridd oun ty A r ea B. T. Jor-..c , 59, Panlygraig. en Road, Pontypridd, Glamorgan. J\1 crione th hire

COllllt)' Pre idenl: la morga n

oloncl J. F. WILLl


Colonel C. G. TRAHER E, T.O., J.P., ' B RR., Lord Licutenant.



D eputy Commissioner.

c o.o 10, . . . J.P.,

L or d L'leu tenant.

Lad)' Pre idenl:

Co IIIl I v Pre Ident : Ladl' Presidellt: olllmi The Hon. 'Mr . J. H. BRUCe. }eputy Brigadier J. G. MORGA, .13 . f., T.O., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., ,ounty la I' Road , Iydach- ounty L.R.C.P., O.P.H., D.L., Th e 0 tt age, on-Tawe, Swan ea. (Tel. Clydach Glam 22 9). . A. D. GRIFFITH, L.M ... A., F.R.G .. , R. . V.R.(RCTD.), 86, Kmgsland Crescent, Barry.



mmi ioner. . . tafT fficer ( adet) ( tafT Offi cr . .

GL ot'


acant. acanl. Mr . Kerri 0\ E;-'!, Police tation, Uandrillo. Dr. Richard W. EDWARD, Caerffynnon, Dolgelley. ( ). R. R. D IE, 29, Lord treet, Blaenau Ffe tiniog. (Cadet ). R. J. 0\ [ ,"Tynygotel, ynwyd, Corwen, Merioneth. (Cadet ) . . ROBERT, 95, Wynne' Road, Blaenau Ffe tiniog. r. L. Jo E ,4, Gwelfor Terrace, berdove. (Training).









County President : The Lord RAGLAN, Lord Lieutenant.

Lady President:


taf[ Officer ( adets) (A)


taf[ Officer ( adets) (








D. MANUEL, "Holmlea," Main Street, Caersws, Montgomeryshire. Mrs. K. E . SILVER, S.R . . , Stone House, Welshpool Montgomeryshire. ' H. RATCLIFFE, Ain dale House, Maesbrook, Llanymynech. D. REES," wyndaf," Kerry Road, ewtown, Montgomeryhire.


The Lady RAGLA

County Vice-President: HA TO ( ur ing).

Mr . A. 1.

County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent eN) County Surgeon s t. Count urgeon County ur ing Officer . . County Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadet) (N). Count

Staff Officer

rea Commi

Pembroke bire

J. H. WI Leo, , II , Bournville Terra e, Tredegar, Mon . N. GALBRAITH, hief n table, hief on table' Office,

Commi ioner . Deput Commi sioner .

( ).


County President :

Abergavenny, Mon. (Te\. bergavenny 770). The Hon. Richard H. PH1LIPPS, M.B.E., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. G. E. DAV1ES, 13, Bryntirion, Bedwas, Mon . Lady President : Mi E. KI EY, vadene Park Row, Tredegar, Mon. (Tel. Mr . BrCKERTO EDWARD, M.B.E. Tredegar 3268) . Vice-Presidents : Vacanl. The Lord MERTHYR, J.P., D.L. R. W. HEPHERD, M.B., B.CH., 34, Ponlrhyd Yrun Road, Pont. Lady Marion PHILIPP ( ursing). ne ydd. T. R. BRYA T, Glanhowy, Park Place, Tredegar. ~onuni ioner G . W. R . TERRY, hief Constable, County Police Headquarters, Mr. . M. WIL tor, .R . . ,58, Tredegar Road, bbw Vale. Haverfordwe t, Pemb . (Tel. Haverfordwest 22). E. PHLLUP , 19, Arnold Place, Tredegar, Mon . )epu ty ommi ioner . Vacant. Mrs. S. E. FRA I, Bryn Rhedyn, 5, ew Road, Pontlottyn, 'ounty uperintendent ( ) Mr . E. H. OWE , J.P., Bryn-y-Mor, Fishguard Pernbs. Glamorgan. ouoty urgeon D. J. DAVl ,M.B.E., M.D., B.S., D.P.H., B.SC., " Rorkes Drift," W. PREE E, 102, Ie andra Road, berlillcry . Johnston, Pembs. B . Stoke, 3, tandard illa, Trethomas . ounty tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) S. MORRIS, 8, Dartmouth Gardens, Milford Haven, Pembs. ounty tafT Officer ( ). . MORGA , F.C.l.S., F.H.A., 1, Grove Gardens, Haverfordwe t, Pembs . M. ROBERTS, c/ o hief Constable's Office, Harverfordwest. BedweUty OWlty Area W. M . YEMM, 115, Markham re cnl, akdale, Blackwood Radnor bire

County President :

Area Commissioner

Gwent County Area T. C. WOODWARD , Vaynor Hou e, Pennant Vale, Mon .

Area Commissioner

ilurian OWlty Area Rees MORGA , "Lynrnore," The arden, Hereford Road, Monmouth . (Tel. Monmouth 316) .

lreet, Ebbw


Ir Michael DILLWY -VE ABLES-LLEWELY , Bt., M.V.O., J.P., Lord Lieutenant.

ommi ioner oun ty urgeon ounty

John DAVIES, M.B., B.CH., Bryncoed, Rbayader, Radnorshire. D . WALKER, M.R. C.S., L.R.C.P., St. David's, Presteigne, Radnorhire. Mi Mary Hu TER-WILLlAM , 2, Caemelin, Rhayader, Rads.

ur ing Officer



County President : acant.

Trevetbin COWlty Area H . THOM , 12, Wainfelin Road, Ponl poo\.

Area Commissioner

Lady President : Lady WILLIAMS, J.P.

Vice-Presidents: Dr. J. M. WILSO (Ambulance Cadets). Lady Ffrangcon WlLLl M , J.P. ( ursing).

Montgomery hire

County Presidenr : Alderman Sir George F. HAMER, C.B .. , J.P.

Lady President : The Lady DAVIES.

County Vice-Presidents : The Earl of POWlS, C.B.E., T.D. (Ambulance Cadet ). Mrs. F. GRfFFITHS ( ursing Cadets). Commissioner County Superintendent (A) County Surgeon County Nursing Officer

~mmi ~pu ty

ounty ounty ounty ~unty

uunty OUDty

T. E. JONES. Severn Villa, Caersws, Montgomeryshire. (Tel. ounty Caersws 277). W. E. NEALE, 35, Pentrerhedyn treet, Machynlleth, Montgomershire. D . R . B . MATHIA, M.R.C .. , L.R .C.P., Park Lane, WelshpOol, Mon tgomeryshire. Mrs. S. E. MATHIA, S.R . . , Park Lane, Welshpool, Mont· Ounty gomeryshire.

ommi ioner . uperintendent ( ) uperintendent ) urgeon . . ur ing Officer . . Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) taff




fficer ( adet)

Dr. H. B. PlERCE, Bryn Cerdin, Mountain Ash. G. BEVA , Plantation Road, Abercynon, Aberdare. L. DAVIE, 115, Ty Fry, Aberdare. Mr . R. M. PROTHEROE, 9, Tudor Terrace, Gadly , Aberdare. Dr. J . F. LE , The Laurel , Penrhiwceiber. Mr . D. TEE, Ardnalee, Aberdare. . PARFIIT, 8, Rock treet, Mountain A h Aberdare. Mr . P. HARRI 0 RODERICK, Harri onville, Cwmdare, Aberdare. G. PHILLIP, 7, Milton Street, wmaman, Aberdare. D . DA IE , 72, Jubilee Road, Godreaman, Aberdare. S. AGE, 3 ,Davie Street, Aberaman, Aberdare. T. D. EVA ,7, Broniestyn Terrace, Trecynon, Aberdare. R. ROBERT, 79, Herbert Street, Abercynon. D . R. WILLIAM, 125, Brynmair Road, Godreaman, Aberdare. L. REE , 74, Regent treet, Aberaman, Aberdare.


ard iff






ioner . . . . ount uperintendent ( ) ounty Surgeon 01111111

ounty ount

ur ing Officer taff Offi er ( ).





oun ty ounty

taff Officer ( adct) ( ) . taff Officer ( adeL) ( )




• Mcrth yr Tydfli

OI11IlWisiol1l:r . leputy omn: i ioner. Hill , ounty upenntendent (

• arJifT.

( )

urgeon . laff fficer ( adel.) (

anton, CardilT llunty . ,lUnty

tan- fficer ( adet) ( taff Officer ( ) .

lunty ardllf. Dunty ardllf.


DeputJ Count Count) ounty ounty County Count

Commi D eputy County County County County County County County

Lad\' President : nthony BIRR). The Hon Mr . 01. Reginald RU D\II\/\" D.L.~I.A ., "Ilartiands," The Grove, loner erth) r T) d fi I. R. O . Rice", I, G I) n oed Terra e, erth) r T) dnl. Commi ioner. O. v . Jo [ , 3, WlI1d or Pia e, The ulk, Melthyr Tydfi1. uperintendent ( ) acant. Superintendent ( ) H. THO~IA, 1.1l . , B.S. , 1. luire, arth illas, Merth r TydAI. Surgeon . . . LCI "I, 6, Sr. nteg Terrace, Treharr!., Jlamorgan. Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) O. JORDA , 4, Thoma treet, rcham, (j lamorgan. Staff Officer ( adet ) ( ) M i ED\" RDS, 12, The II ut., Treharrls, .tam . taft- Officer ( ) . 'cwport ou n t~ COlilltl' Pr(,lie/elJ( . I WPORT The or hiprul The YOR 01 Lad!' Pres-ie/ent : Mr . D. M. BAILLY. Vice-Presidel1( : G. FI RTH (A IJIbulallce Cadet I). R. Y . . Rl H RD , B.A., M.R.C .. , L.R .. P. , B. ., 174, ommersioner cial Road, cwport, Mon. (Tel. ewp rt 62270). A. 1. RC WELL, 5, Hawthorn venue, ev. port, Mon . Commi ioner. Mrs. W. M. H RBO R ,25 Ie edon Road, lev. port, Mon. uperintendent ( ) W. G. MITII, M.D.," reen Gate ," lcvedon Road, c\\port, Surgeon Mon. M. . DA VIC , L. I. . huke pcare re cen l, ewport, Surgeon (Cadets) . Mon. venue, ewport, Mon. Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) A. R. G. Po 0 K, 27, Lyndhur t Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) M J· 0 • M • J 0 C, 4 , onway PI ace, wmbran Monmouthhire. J. G. PROGER, c/o 235 , hri tchurch Road, ewporl. Staff Officers (A) . J. YE ABLES, "Greenfield," St. Mellon, Mon. R. JACK 0 , 20, Pug ley Street, ewport. Staff Officer (Cadet) F. A TlCE, 37, Penylan Road, ewport. W. R. EWTO, M.B.L, revo e, ewport Road, L1antarnam, Mon. J. OTLEY, A.C.A ., 16, Ridgeway venue, ewport. T. G . ALTER, 14, Alice treet, ewport.


W. R . KI G, M.B., H.CI!., Y Berllan, Aldergrovc ourt, Porth. T. RILS, 50, -Ieanor treet, Tonypandy, Rhondda, Glamorgan . Mr. R. S. MORRI. -TIIOMAS, J.P., "Brynawel" Maerdy, Rhondda, Glam. Vacant. W. H . CWB RY, 21, lI ughe Street, Penygraig, Rhondda, lam . Mr. M. . RCLS, 76, Bute treet, Treherbert. W. I RO ,Brynhyrryd, astleton Avenue, Treherbert. wa n ea oun t COllnt I ' President : Ir William A. Jc Kl S, J.P. Lad!' President . Lady Jc KI

COllnt l ' Presidellt : i counl 'KI \1, LI ), (;.ll . r.




Lady President : Lady RHY -WILLIAMS, D.B.E. Vice-Presiden(s: A V ALLDAY J. GWY ( (ldets)

• I



Rhondda ounty ounty President : The Wor hipful The MAYOR


COllllty Presidellt: The Rt. Hon. The Lord MA YO!~ of ardin-. Lo(il' Presidell( : of BUTE The Do\\'ager Marchione

T. J li N !\MBULA

I ncr

. Lr'BATI HAVARD, " len iew" Lon Towy, Sketty, wan ea. (Tel. wan ea 32754). . L. 18BI'-o, The Bungalow, orlh Queen' Dock, Swansea. a ant.

01111111 'sioner . uperintcndent ( urgeon ur ing flicer

:put) lunty ,unty lunty

tuff Ollicer ( adet ' ) ( tuff flicer ( adet) ( tuff Officer ( ) . . ur ing fficer . mcer ( ' )








0111111 i

' ioner

ef uperintendent ( ). rf urgcon .

mmandery luly



ol11ll1i ' ionet






halet, Brynaeron Court, Dunvant,





:. • -


ea Ho pital







( ).


'" wan

..... .








Pri ory in A u tr alia MaJ.-G n . ir King ley ORRl, K.B.E., C.B., D. .0., E.D., 194, Little Lon dale treet, Melbourne ictoria. Mi. F. . B. M K , LB., H.M. . \i . B rno," , ~I.B . ,


B. .

ommander in W e tern u traua Brig . . L. 0 \ Kl ,O.B.E., F.R.C .. , E.O. 29 -30 Wellington treet, Perth . Dr. L. . B. UMP ro , LB., B. . , F.r. .R.C .. , D . . (R.C.P. & .).



ef COl11llli loner Duty hier ol11mi loner rgeon-in- hier . . . enntendent-in- hier ( )








! ... • I




, I


I' • I

R.. I.P.(RETD.),

• • M.B.E., E.D.,

• M.D.

t. John


T. J H






P rior in e, Zealand Brigadier J. MIT H LL, O.. 0., E.D., ruid' ward treet, v cllington. . ME CHE. ,J.P. t hier eCl·ctary). i B. P. OK. Group aptain . H . Dr. D. P . KE DY.

ommi ioner

D put hief ommi ioner up rintendent-in-Chief ( ) urgeon-m-Chief hief Offi er mbulan e adel

outhern Chief

hamber , Wood- 100mi ioner .pul 'ommi ioner

mmi loner

frica len hie!,

ommi loner

Deputy Priory



ommi ion r



t n Road , We tcliff, _[rlcl itficl i[fi l

omml loner. UI erintend nl ( )

uperintendcnt ( ) urgeon

uperintendent-in- hier ( ) urgeon-in- hief Deputy up.-in-Chier ( T). . t. uperintendent-in- hief.

loner. ) pru India Dr. (Mi ) u hila \) AR, .J. .B. Headquartcr ,1 Red Cro Road, 1 e\ Dclhl, 1.

Chief Commi ion r urgeon-in-Chief and ecrelarGeneral . . . uperintendent-in-Chief ( T) Chief Commi ioner

t. COmrrllS ioner Surgeon-in-Chief

Major-General i T.K. DR ,,,-\\. P ak' yed y ajid Frere tre r. afdar Brigadier

A '.

ta n Ii H H, H.Q. ,., t. John t. Karachi, 4. Ii Khan, .K. harif.

mbulan e Brigade H.Q.,

ommand ery in entra l frica Brigadier M. O . OLLl"- C.B.E., P . . Box 536 Commandery Commi ioner . outhern Rhode ia. olonel . . HrcKMA"-, \!.B .E. D pty. CommanderyCommi ioner Mr . . on KLEMP RER. Commandery Superintendent Dr. R. K. BROOK LR.C.P. ' ., L.R.F.P. ' . Commandery Surgeon. 1


loner omml loner. uperintendent ( urgeon


113 LA





Bri(j h Ho ndu ra D. . W KELlN, B.A., P.O. Box 52, Belize. B. I I. TAYLOR, O.B.L

Brrgadler . II. . P . J 'YAW·,RDA A, C. \1.G. C 0 t. John I11bulancc Bflgade Headq ' t " " O.B.E., E.D .. R ad, Galle Face, olombo 3 uar er, Lower Lake Dr. . T. H. r-. R\T"-IE. . Llcut.acant. 01. D . . Ro KWOOD E.D. J.P. Dr.


prus Dr. Z. G. P -';0 . Dr. . R .. J\f. 11 1. M. HECKLEY, \I.B.E ., P.J.K., A. \1. Bflgade, P.O . Box 1711, 1\ ICO ia.


l. John


Fiji · p ' 0 :-'OY "I r.. 0., K.. G. Bo I GPO S ' ..., uva. Vv . . R, G. M I KJane J G r. L IR, \1 .B.C., .R."i. r. . . ILCHRI T, M.B., B.. , L.R.C.P.(LO'-O.), F.R.C.S.

ml loner Jt) oml'llIs. loner mel uperintcndent ( ) TI t urgeon Officer.

Ghana vacant. \ acant. r . E. . E. T RK 0 ' Dr. E. \Iv . Q. BA" [R.\I~ . . 000- BEDI, co Ghana Police College P .O. Box 740 cera.

loner . 'ut) omml' I ner. 'Ill uperimcndent ( -I [ urgc n

Gibraltar L. H'''-NO--'', \1.B.E.. Police H Q Gibraltar. apt. \Y. H . . . Ho \RE.' . r. D. ELU OTT Dr. . 1. IO'.'TEGRIFFO.



0 ER E

Gjlb rt an d Ellice I lan d \ ' .1 Lll1t.

Bahama Commissioner


aeant. Iml sioner

renada J . H. HOLLEY, ~f.B.F.,

ffi e of [he hier of Police, Police H Q., t. eorge', renada. Mr . .\ COLL. Dr. B. . RAPIER. 'LB. H.B.(EDIN.).

D istrict Superintendent ( D istrict Surgeon

Barbado O.B.L E.O., P. . Bo\. ~36, Bridgetown, let urerintendent ( ) Colonel J . let urgcon Barbado . Major G. BR DFORD. Mr . H. HALLO ER. acant. ITlI loner ~ Comml lOner. Bermud a . Ict uperintendent ( T) Wing- ommander L. J. ou T I , D.F. ., B.O.A.C. Alfways'lct urgeon House, 59 Front treet, Hamilton. Mrs. B. BARTO . Dr. W. H. . MASTER . if Commi lOner

Ja maica Dr. R. D. K. LE\ Y, 2e

Commissioner . . . D eputy Commissioner. D istrict Superintendent ( ) D istrict Surgeon

Briti h Guiana J. DUREY, M.B.E., P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. F. A. D. CLEARE. Mrs . . TEELE. Dr. L. H. WHARTO , M.B.E.

Ja maica Dr. H. G. Y E O.B.E. R. H. WILLIA~I . Mr. . ROTHERY.



Deputy Commis ioner . District Superintendent ( District Surgeon Commissioner


ioner lty Comm i . lo~er : let uperintendent (




Ho ng Ko ng . ROLPH, -, acDonnell Road Hong Kong. H TCr 'G. .

~TH \ 'K

Dr. p;\l\;G HOJ( Ko

amp Road King ton 5.




l:. BRI



Jamaica Nort h-En t Dr. O . TOMLI Dr. L. JOB . . Mr . K. HrTH['Rl

ommi ioner Di trict Surgeon . . Di trict uperintendent ( )

Coml11i sioner I11mi ioner Dcpu.ty Di tncl U rgeon . Headq lI~\1 lcrs Omcer

orth-' c t ner oml11i Deputy Ol1lmi ioner D i trict uperintendent ( D i tricr Jamaica outh-,'Ie ( ommander . W. HI LL I ,O.B.E., R. . (Retd .). .(LO D.) . Dr. M . D. ]

omm1 ioner Di trict urgeon



Area Superintendent (Mont errat) rea Superintendent ( t. K ilte i-Anguilla) .

Brigade Commi sioner . D i trict Superintendent Di trict Surgeon

n la

airobi .


Road, Kuala Lumpur. I-HajJah.

'omml sioncr

Commissioner . . District Superintendent ( Di trict Surgeon

Mauritiu R . M. D e vall de M ARTG Y, P lice H .Q., Port Louis. Mis G . D AVIES. Dr. R . de I:. EVILLE.

Deputy Commis ioner District Surgeon

ommlssloncr District Ll rgcon

jgeria Mr. Ju lice . D . 0" [ MA, Judge' Lago . igerian Police L. O. EDT, Force Headquarler , The Lagos. Vacant. Dr. ORMAN-W ILLT AM

)eput) 01111111 loner . Jlstrict . Llpcrlntcndent ( Jl lfiCt Ll rgeon 1.Q. m cr for aribbcan and \orlh llantlc rea

omml ncr )eputy omml loner . 's trict upcrintcndenl ( High Court Q. Onker for ganda ham ber , r~a

upcrintcndent (D ominica). igena Police, Obalende rea. upen.ntendenl ( 1. Lucia) . \rea Superintendent (1. incent)

ommi si ncr Commissioner District Surgeon


igcria Ports Oi. (rict J. . M. BOLANLL, igerian Port Authority, Private Mail Bag 2588, 2 16, Broad Street, Lago . Vacanl. Dr. B. A. JOIl so , M.B., ~ H.B . (GLA~ . ) , D.T.M. & H.(L'POOL). R. . IlRIS11f, M.B.I ., PrIva te Mail Bag 2204, Marina Post omcc, Lagos. abah Dr. E. R. DI GUY , P.O. Box 432, Je elton. M I ·s ther Wo G . Dr. K. H . BLAAUW. Mr . M. RIEVLS .

e chelle R. D. HOOK , Police H.Q ., P.O. Box 46, Victoria, Mahe eychelle . . Dr. H. M. TrV[ so -DrLHoMME, C.B.E. i rra eon L. W. LnGJI, M . . 0., C 0 Police H.Q. , George Street Freetown Dr. D. E. BOY['-]OJlNSO , . L. M. PL K , c/o Police H.Q., George treet, Freetown.

ingap re Dr. D. P. M I TYRf, 420, Beach Road , Singapore 7. The Hon . Dalo yed hmad Mohammed LSAGOFF , M.B.E., J . P . Mr . H. R EYNOLD .. Dr. K . L. LOH . • T I.



Tangan. ika \RL[Y, O.B.L, r.R.D., P.O . Box 46 , D ar-es-Salaam. LOVLLL.

, J .M . . , P .J .K.

Commi ioner D i trict Superintendent ( ) District Surgeon

Commissioner .


In. pector . B. H LL, Police Headquarter , Torlola, B.V. 0ll11111SSI ncr Deputy ommi ioner . I land . In pector J . BYRO , c 0 Police H .Q ., Monl crrat. District upenntendenl ( .J . . B. H .Q ., P.O. Box 71' Jistrtct urgeon 1\1 FL, Q.P . \l. , C'. P . \I., Ba eterr'e, l. Kill

1alta Lieut.- olonel J. BEL, O.B.E., "P.O . Box 560, Malta. Mi B. M . RIIII', O.O.E. , . .R .' . , S.C'. M. Dr. AR .

Senior Commi sioner .

DI tncl

Leeward r land 0111111 issi ncr Dr. K . H . Un LEY, 1. • . 0 ., C , 0 Medical Dept., t. John , Antigua. DI trict urgcon WIL n horage Road, P.O . 126, Dicken on Bay, 1 Q. Omcer ror lelTa Leone . ntigua.

D put Commi ioner . . rea uperintendent (Antigua) rea uperintendent (Briti h gin Islands)

Commis ioncr . . . District u peri n tellden t ( . . District urgeon rth Borne H.Q. OfTker r r (ol11l11is ioner

Ir harlc M RKIiAt- t, Bt., P .O . Box 1469, acant. aca n t.

ommi ioner . Deputy Commi ioner. Di trict uperintendent (


igerian Railway Di triet D r. D. O . DUKWE, Igenan Railway Metta, Lagos. Dr. S. E. A. EWA.

orpora lion, Ebut, ommi I ncr Jistrict Llrgeon

Trinjdad and Tobago . de . T~O, 1. John Headquarter , P.O. Box 657, Port of pam, Trinidad, We 1 Indies. J . D' R Y . B. RCHBOLD- RI HLO',: . . R[L L J.

Mr. . F. M . 0 \ IE- MITII P.O. Box 657, Porl of pain Trinidad e t Indie . ' , ganda M. J. M 0 , O.B.E., c/o P.O. Bo 15 6, Kampala. . P. H . MIL ER , M. P . . , P.H.C. acant. D. GLD , C 0 P.O. Bo\. 1- 6, Kampala. "ind\\ard r land acant. I.B .L., .P . II.! ., Police Headquarter, t. Lucia. F. '1\0'\ Lt .- 01. ,\D R 0 , LB.E., Police H .Q., K ing town, St. incent. 01.

Zambia . F. RON, M.B.E., P.O. Bo 91, Lu al.. a.

Zanzibar K . PA COE, \1.8.E., P. . Bo\. 267, Zanzibar. acanl.

TH "


T. J011



Eire ( outhern Ireland)

H eadquarter: Lum den Hou e Prol'illces: (I) (2) (3) (4) Council Pre ident Area Pre idenl Commi ioner Deputy Commi ioner . . hief uperinlendent ) . A i tant Commi ioner

District Brigade

urgeon ecretary

29 Upper Lee on lreel, Dublin , 4. Mc urlain ark. Glenlw rth lreel, Lill1cri k. John trcel, ligo. Mullingar.

I. Dublin 65757.

Mr. clan PRI L. The Lady RCW. Mr . Beatrice RO VL OR, C.B.F. Lady THO~tP 0 . Dougla W. M TOO 1 RY , I. ., M.D., LR . . . 1.,4, ilZwilliam quare, Dublin 2. 10 eph P. M A M R , I, on ood Park , Ranelagh, Dubl in Mi Lelilia Ovcrend, LL.D., irficld, Dundrull1 o. Dubli n: Daniel J . O ' BRIC , 19 Pimli co, Dublin, Frederick . WIIlTf:., 34, Gardiner' Hill, ork. Derek L. R BI 0 , ~1.B., f.R . . S.I., 81, Il arcourt lreel, Dublin 2. Dr. Brian PRI OLE, r.R . . P.r., 10, Mcrri n quare, Dublin, 2. Mi M. M . 0 RTY, Lum den ll ou C, ~9 PI er Leeson lreel, Dublin, 4 .

Acknowl edge ment ciated Pre Belfa t

ew letter

elfa telegraph Brenard


Daily Expre Daily Mail Daily


f r Ph tograph : Ea tern Daily Pre Photo Ltd. Key tone Pre Mirrorpi c p- . Reuter p rl and General Pre Trinidad






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