{tbe <Branb IPrior~ in tbe :n3ritisb lRea[nl of tbe most lDenerable <$)rber of tbe 1bospital of St. 30bn of 3erus8lenl
Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31 st December, 1964
Telegraphic Address:
Firstaid. Lo ndon
DO ,
E.C. l
Telepho ne: Clerkenwe ll 6644
~obereign ~eab
Page 9
THE GREAT OFFICERS cl9rrrnh 1.\3rior Field-Mar hal His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester K.G., K.T., K.P., P.C., G.M.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. '
JOH 31
J(.orb ~rior The Lord Wakehurst, K.G., K.C.M.G.
JOlI 45
l:3relate The Mo t Rev. and Rt. Han . The Lord Fi her of Lambeth P.C., G.C.V.O., D.D. '
(.J)ilnceIfor Horace F. Parshall, Esq., T.D. ~i1iIiff
Accou TS
of <tCule Ir Harry Luke, K.C. M.G., D.UTT., LL.D.
-a:::J)l' ®tfJ£f ~aiIiffs ~rilllb {Cross H.R.H . The Duke of Wind or, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C. B., etc. The Rt. Han. Vincent Ma ey, P.. , C.H. Charl~s H. C. Pirie-Gordon, E q., O.B.E .. D.. c.. F.. A. Dr: Richard William, F . . . Bngadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder. G.C.v.O., M.D., F.R. The Lord Bo sam, LL.D. . ., F.R.S.
'{[he ~rior5 of li)riorie5' Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey, K.C.M.G. (Scotland) Th.e Lord Aberdare (Wale ). Bn gadie~ c.. M. Hoffe, C.B.E. (South Africa) H.E. Bngadler Sir Bernard Fergu on, G.C.M.G., G.c. 0 (New Zealand). . " D.. 0 .. O.B.E. H.E. General G . P. Vanier. D. 0 M C LL D (C d) Vacant (Au tra1ia). . .. , .. , . . ana a
~ssistant (lfxecutibe efficers
<!Executibe efficers
Assistant Receiver-GeneralM. S. Barker, Esq., F.C.A.
Horace F. Parshall, Esq .,
T .D .
Deputy HospitallerAir Commodore T. Keith Lyle,
~e(retarp = ~enera{
C.B.E., M.D., M.R.C.P .• F.R.C.S .
Deputy Director-General, St. John Ambulance AssociationLieut.-General Sir Alexander Drummond, K.B.E., C.B., LL.D.,
C. T. Evan. E q .. C.M .G.
D.L.O. f\e(eiber-~entra[
Lewi G. Whyte.
A istant Directors of CeremoniesCommander E. A. Morrison, R.N. Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., F.S.A. (Cross Bearer). Captain J . Docwra-Rogers, M.B.E. (Sword Bearer).
F . F.A.
JBirector = ~eneraI, ~t. 10un %lmbu[unte %lssociation Sir Philip Southwell. .B.E .. M.C.
Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance BrigadeRear-Admiral R. S. Wellby C.B., D.S.O.
Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder.
.0 .. M.D .. f .R.CS ..
%lImoner Sir Gerald Crea y, K .C.M .G .
K.C .V.O ., O.B .E .
l.ibrarian Dr. Richard William,
lRegistrnr Sir Harry Luke, K .C.M.G.,
F. . A .
D.LlTT. , LL.D.
Sir Anthony Wagner.
K . . v.o.
of ~eremonies Colonel P. H. Catt
q[ommissioner-in = ~bief, ~t.
10Iln %lmbu[ance 1Stigabe Rear-Admiral Royer Dick. .B ., C.B.E ., D .S .C.
F.R ..
Great Officers. other Bailiffs Grand Cross. Priors of Priories. Executive Officers.
l~ni guts of 3J ustice (who have served two terms of tl~ree years on Chapter-General and wi h to contlllue thereon) Major P. M. Beachcroft? O.B.E. Commander E. A. Mom .on, R.~. Surgeon Rear-Admiral Ir Cecil Wakeley, Bt., K .B.E ., C.B. Major R. L. ~o.yd, O.B.E., M.C. Sir George WIlkm on, K.e. .0. Captain The Lord Harrls, M.e. Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove, C.B.E ., T .D., D.L. The Earl of Cranbrook, C.B.E. The Lord Cozens-Ha rd . Lieut.-Colonel ir Thomas Cook. The Hon . Sir George Bell ew. K .e.V .O. Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Hornby Steer. The Lord Crook . Brigadier F. A. V. Copland Gnffiths, D.S.O. 1.C. Sir Harry Sinder on, K.B . . C.M .G., 1.V.O. Lieut.-Commander A. F. Inglefield, R. . Major The Hon . Clive Bossom The Hon. Deni Berr, T.D .
1knigfJt5 of ~race
Sir Basil Mayhew, K.B.E. Brigadier-General J. G. Browne, e.M.G., e.B.E., D.S.O. Captain J. Docwra-Rogers, M.B.E. W. G. Pape, Esq., O.RE. Sir George Abbiss, O.B .E. W. E. C. Lazenby, Esq., C.B.E. Sir Hugh Dow, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I. The Lord Latham. ir John Hathorn Hall, G.C.M.G., O.B.E ., D.S.O., M.C. Sir Alexander Grantham , G.C.M.G. Lieut.-General The Lord Norrie, G.C.M.G., G .C.V.O., C.B., D.S.O., M.e. ir Andrew Wright, K.C.M.G .. C.n.E., M.C. Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, K.C.M.G .. K.B .E., M.e., T.D., Q.C. Colonel W. . Pringle, M.C., T.D. D .L. Captain P. Reay O .B. F., M.C. Captain F. L. Richard, O .B.E. , ir Vice-Mar hal Sir Robert George. K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K .B.E., C.B., M.e. (repre entative of the Priory in Australia).
3L\epre.s'entatibe 3Junior If\.nigbts 1.'tnigi)t5 of j{lIstict
ir Andrew Murra y, O. B.E. (repre entative of the Priory of Scotland). nlo nel Sir en)dd Traherne, T.D. (repre entative of the Priory for Wale) Colonel ir Cullum Welch O .B.E., M.C. Sir Ha rold Mitchell , Bt. Ir ustin Strutt. K .C.V.O., C.B . D. . Maclean, E q. G. L. C. Colen o-Jone , E q.
1,11 i gi)ts' of Q9ntcc ~nigfJt5
ot j)'lIstICC
Sir David Evans-Bevan, Bt. (repre entati e o( the Priory for Wales) Brigadier ir Ian Fra er, D . .0., O.B .- .
Brigadi r R. A . Hepple, .B.E., M.C. Sir Edwin Chapman-Andrew, K.C.M.G., O.B.E. J . . B. Palmer q. ir Philip Warter. ice- dmiral ir Pever il William-Powlett, K .C.B., K.e. I.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., R. .
. S. C. Prance, E q., O.B.E. H. . Bream, q. H. S. Taylor-Young, E q. Sir Percy pender, K.C.V .O., K.B.E., Q.e. eneral if George r kine, G.e.B., K .B. .. D . .0 . Sir Gawain Bell, K.C . LG., .B.E. Lieut.-General ir Alexander Drummond, K.B.C., C.B. The Hon. Sir Maurice Bridgeman, K.B.E. Air Commodo re T . Keith Lyle. C.B.E . J. W. tmther. E q . ir John Buchanan, K .C .M.G . M. S. Barker. q.
The Rt. Rev. H . J. Buxton. The Rt. Rev. & Rt. Hon. J. W. C. Wand, P .e., K.C.V.O.
m:J)e The The The The The The The The The The The The
Rt Rev. P. H. Herbert, K.C.V.O. D.D. Rt: Rev. & Rt. Hon. H. C . Montgomery Campbell, P.C., M.C., D.D. Rt. Rev. D. H. Crick, D.D. Very Rev. C. L. WaIT, K.C .V.O., D.O., LL.D. Rev. Dr. Alan C. Don, K.C.V.O. Rev. A. Nevile Davidson. D.D. Rt. Rev. G. H. Elison, Bi hop of Che ter. Rt. Rev. W. H. Stewart, C.B.E., D.D. Rt. Rev. W. A. Parker, Bishop of hrewsbury. Rt. Rev. J. D. McKie. . Rt. Rev. W. A. E. Westall, Bi hop of Credlton . . Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Frederick Donald Coggan, D.O., Archbishop
of York. f G'b 1 The Rt Rev Stanley A. H. Eley Bi hop 0 1 ra tar. The M~ t R~v. A. C. MacInne , C.M.G., Archbishop of Jerusalem and Metropolitan. The Rt. Rev. C. Ea taugh, M.C., Bi hop of Peterborough . . The Very Rev. O. H. Gibb -Smith, C.B.E., Dean of WlOche ter. The Rt. Rev. R. D. Say Bishop of Roche ter. The Rt. Rev. K. E. N. Lamplugh. Bi hop of Southampton. The Rev. Canon Chri topher Perowne. T.D.
l\epresentntibe (.![.IerirnI jaretlJren The The The The
Venerable H. J. Matthew, Rev. M. F. Foxe1l. K.C .. 0. Rev. Cyril Cresswell,K.c.v.o., F.. A. Rev. Canon A. F. Hood.
®fficinting QCbap[ml1s The Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon. H. C. Montgomery Campbell P.C, M.. D.O. The Rev. Canon Christopher Perowne, T.D.
I\epresentntibe q: ommmtbers Sir Francis Evans, G.B.E., K.C.M.G. (representative of the Commandery of Ards in Northern Ireland). The Earl St. Aldwyn, K.B.E., P.C., T.D., D.L. John Tennant, Esq., T.D. Rear-Admiral R. S. Wellby, C.B., D.S.O. Lieut.-Colonel J . R. L. Traherne, D.L.
3&epresentntibe ®fflcer F. H. D. Pritchard, Esq., C.B.E.
~ecretarp ·49eneraI
N. C. McClintock, Esq.
aecretnrp J. G. Silver, Esq., B.E.M.
m:reasurer anb $t(ccountant D. B. R . Swinstead, Esq.,
THE REPORT OF THE CHAPTER-GENERAL FOR THE YEAR 1964 The Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members and Associates of the Order its Report for the year 1964: A NUAL FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER The Festival was held on Saturday, 27th June. Holy Communion was celebrated in the Crypt of the Grand Priory Church by the Rt. Rev. K. E. N. Lamplugh, Bishop of Southampton. The General Assembly was held in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House by kind permission of The Right Hon. The Lord Mayor, Sir James Harman, G.B. E., T.D. The Commemoration Service was as is customary, held in the afternoon in St. Paul' Cathedral the sermon being preached by the Bishop of Southampton. The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs attended in State. RE EPTIO OF KNIGHTS On the 21 t October His Royal Highness The Grand Prior held a Reception and Investiture of Knights at St. James's Palace. Fifty-eight Knight were invested. ORDER SERVICE AT WORCESTER A rno t impre ive Order Service wa held at Worcester Cathedral on Sunday 11 th October. It was arranged by the St. John Council for Worce ter and urrounding co untie participated. The Lord Prior, Executive Officers and a delegation of Members of Chapter-General attended and the Lord Lieutenant, President of the St. John Council for Worce ter, wa al 0 pre ent; the Cathedral being full. Following the Service there wa a March Past of units of the St. John Ambulance Brigade- the alute being taken by the Lord Prior. A Service of a maller kind, though not without its interest, was held at the Church of St. Mary, Sompting in Su sex, on the 5th JUly. The purpo e of the ervice wa to commemorate the tran fer to the Order of the Advow on of the Benefice of this Parish, which had been previously held by the Knight Ho pitaller in the Nliddle Age. FOREIG AFFAIRS It will be recalled that over the la t few year meetings have been held between repre entative of the Venerable Order and of the Johanniterorden of Germany with it S, iss A ociation, and the Order of st. John in the Netherland and weden which have culminated in the Signature of a "Convention of Allia nce" between the e Order directed towards the promotion of clo er a ociation between them and a prospect of cooperation in active work. A further conference between representatives of these Order wa held at the Castle of Bubikon in Switzerland on the 26th September, the Lord Prior, Bailiff of Egle and Secretary-General being pre ent on behalf of the Venerable Order. Matter of common intere t to the Order were di cu ed, including the po ibility of e tabIi hing closer contact with the International bodie concerned with humanitarian work which are e tabli hed in Geneva and it wa decided that, with thi end in view, another meeting hould be held in 1965 with
the venue in Geneva. A small Secretariat was established. Baron Helmuth von Graffenried, Knight Commander of the Swiss Association was elected Chairman of the Conference in place of the late Baron de StUrJer his predecessor in that office who had played a leading part in the bringing together of the Orders. OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT
Over the pa t decade the Order ha been primarily concerned with the encouragement and development of the work of the As ociation and the Brigade in Commonwealth countries. One mean of doing so ha been the appointment of St. John Headquart~r Officer an~ such Officers. w~re working during 1964 in the West Indies, Uganda Slerre Leone, Nlgena , Sabah and Cypru . Another mean has been the establi hment of St. John Councils and during the year under review tep were taken towards the establishment of two new Councils in Zambia and Malawi re pectively. A new aspect in the Overseas sphere i the need to mo~ify . the truct~re and organization of St. John work to meet the new con tl, r~qulr~ ments of countrie achieving Independence. The Order s poliCY m thl respect has been to foster a wider degree of local autonomy. o.n. the part of Councils and envolve on them greater control over the actlvltle of the Foundation. It i most gratifying that the general experience i that the Independent Governments of the Over ea Territorie welcome and encourage the good work of the Foundations which indeed provide ~ va luable reinforcement of local health and social ervice in tho e countne . CYPRUS
One especial venture in the Over ea field was the action taken in partnership with the British Red Cro s Society to e tablish a Commi Lon for the relief of distress caused by internal trouble. Immediately before Christmas 1963 fighting broke out bet\': een the Greek and Turkish communities in Nico ia and quickly spread throughout the island . So intermingled are the two comm unitie that the country quickly came to resemble a patchwork quilt of eparate population group . o movement was possible between the different group, and normal trade and the distribution of food stuff and other neces itie of life came to a standstill . Serious shortages quickly made them elve felt and it became evident that relief must be organized by some independent out ide body who e members were not personally involved in the di pute, and who might therefore, be allowed to move freely throughout the country. The International Committee of the Red Cross were unable to undertake thi duty and so a British Red Cross and St. John Relief Commi sion was formed on the 10th February. Volunteers from the Order and from the British Red Cros Society quickly responded to the call and within a few days some 18 or 20 per ons had been flown to Cyprus. There they were formed into a headquarters organisation and seven mobile teams under the control of Mr. J. . G . Coles, a County Staff Officer of the Brigade from Oxfordshire, and a sumed control of all relief measures in the island . The whole operation wa controlled from London by a committee under the chairman hip of Sir Patrick Renison, K .C.M.G. , Vice-Chairman of the British Red Cros Society and a Knight of the Order.
The of this Commission are ~es~rving. of the highest praise. Tn the fiv.e months the CommIss1On gamed a reputation for acc~~ate and ImpartIal assessment of relief requirements, for devoted and untmng duty, f?r great patience under mounting difficulties and on more than one OCCaSI?n for fear~ess ac~ion in the face of danger: But from .Apnl ?nwards It was mcreasingly difficult for the Commission to ~perate Impartially, and both the Order and the Red Cross became ~nx1Ous . that the duty they ~ad assumed should be undertaken by some mternat10nal bo~y of the hIghest status an d authority which would be better. able to withstand the pressures from which the Commission was .uffe:Ing. It finally became evident that only the United Nations Organisat10n Itself could fill the need, and on the 26th June the Commission handed over its respon ibilities to them. GRA 0 PRIORY CHURCH RE-BUILDING FUND
1t is gratifying to note. that the target of £20,000, set by the second Appeal for the Gran.d Pnory Church Re-building Fund, has now been reached . There remaInS , however, £7.900 to be raised to clear the debt on the Church . OBITUARIES
It is with regret that the death i~ recorded of Major Alastair Urquhart, D.S.O. , who had held the ExecutIve Officer of Director of Ceremonies from 1957 having previously served for many years as Assistant Director of Ceremonie . Colonel Philip Catt was appointed to succeed Major Urquhart as Director of Ceremonies. .The death al 0 occurred in November 1964 of Major-General J. M. Kirkman, C.B ., C.B . E. , who had held the office of Commission-in-Chief of the Brigade from 1956 until ill-health forced hi retirement in 1962. LIFE SAVI G AWARDS
Life Sal'ing Medals in Bronze Life Saving Medal in Bronze were awarded to Mr. James K. Eshun (Fir t ~id Dre er) and Mr. IssakaWangara (Section Foreman) of the AshantI. Go.Jdneld Corporation, Ghana, in recognition of the part they played In cIrcum tance of great danger in rescuing a party of minen, who had been trapped by a fall of the roof in the mine where they were working. Certificate of Honour A Certificate of Honour wa awarded to Constable George Ogilvie Wynd of the Canadian Pacific Railway Police, who at great personal risk endeavoured un uccessfully to save a woman who had thrown herself from the quay into Montreal harbour.
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Opht~almic H.ospital have the honour to submit their seventy-third report covenng the elghty~ econd year of the Hospital for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Pnor and the Chapter-General. GE ERAL
A year of peace and prosperity in Jordan ha b.een a year of increasingly heavy work and of achievement at ~he Ho pltal. We have also been exceptionally bu y in London prepanng for the Appeal for new fund which was mentioned briefly in our Report for 1963 . . Last year we had to report a mall drop in the number of pat.l~nt attendances at the Hospital; and we predicted that the e would tablh e around 80,000 per year in future. But thi pred.iction ha . b~en utterly confounded by figures of 105,000 this year. 0 I~gle cOnVlllClll!? rea on is forthcoming to explain thi great increa e. It 1 per~ap at.t nbutable chiefly to the rising tandard of living in the Arab cOLl.n tne , \ hlch allo:-vs people to pay more attention to their and permlt thel~ more ea Ily to make the journey to Jerusalem. But It I rea onable. to .believe t,hat the growing fame of the Ho pi.tal ha . omething to do :Vlth lt. Certalllly :-ve have noticed this year an lllcrea lng number of patient. from. countne other than Jordan; 282 came from Syria 166 from audl ArabIa and 113 from Iraq. . Another thermometer which is urel y ignificant i the record of appltcations for admis ion. These have more than doubled in the Ja t. three years. Here is proof, if any were needed , of the value of our Ho pltal to the Arab countrie . The number of admissions ha also lightly increa ed, but we are of course, limited by the number of bed s avail ~ble; . and the . number ~f operations has exceeded 6,000 for the fir t time In our hi. tory . Thl represents about 23 operations on each working day and 1. an effort only exceeded by such vast ophthalmic ho. pitals a Moorfields m London. Great credit is due to the Warden and hi S staff who e effort have made this possible. RESEARCH
By the end of the year plan~ were far adyanced for the trial of the trachoma vaccine in Iran, a project to be carned out by. staff partly from the Medical Research Council and partly from the Institute of Ophthalmology of the University of London, with t~e enthusiasti~ supp<?r~ of.the Iranian Government. In the expenses of thIS the Order IS partIClpatlllg. The population among which the research team is to work is being surveyed by a team of experts from the I rani~n ~inistry of HeaJt~ under Professor Mofidi of the Department of EpIdemiology and Para It<?log~, living quarters and laboratories are being provided, and everythlllg 1
bein~ prep~red so that our research work can start in April 1965. As mentIOned III our Report of last year, it is hoped that as a result we will be able to make ~)Ur hospital the centre of an anti-trachoma campaign throug~out the Mlddle E~st. In. preparation for this we are now proposing to fU~llIsh our laboratones wlth the required apparatus, while Dr. A. Tarazl, f:om the Augusta Victoria Hospital, is acting as our honorary pathologlst. HOSPITAL COMMITTEE
We are happy to record the appointment to the Committee of Professor Sir ~h~rles Dodds, M.V.O., F ..R .S., the President of the Royal College of ~hyslclans. Professor ~odds Joined us in May and we are very glad llldeed that the CommIttee has the benefit of his wisdom and experience. HOSPLT AL STAFF
Our thank are once again due to our staa-in Jerusalem who so cheerfully tackle uch a formidable programme of work. That they are able to achieve so much and yet to retain their enthusia m and good humour~nd their health- is due in no small part to the inspiring example which IS set by our Warden , Dr. Boase. He himself works longer hours than anyone and seem able to meet an exhausting programme for months on end without ill effect. He is surely guided by the maxim: "il n y a d'autre bonheur que de donner de son mieux." Indeed the tone of our Hospital ha been largely et in recent years by Dr. and Mrs. Boase. It is a tone of hard work and enthu ia m, of sati faction in the knowledge of duty well done and of determination to give of one's best to people who are so tragically in need of help . Our sympathy goes out to Dr. Budeiri who suffered a great loss in the death of hi iter in December. He has had another busy year rendered more difficult by hi anxiety on her behalf. A u ual there have been many change amongst the other surgical staff, mo t of whom corne to Jerusalem for a period of one year or less' these have been detailed in the Warden s Report. We are particularly happy that the Services continue to second officers to u . they make very happy member of our community and no better field for the practice of the surgery of the eye could be found for them. The international nature of our staff has been exemplified during the past year by the acqui ition of an Australian surgeon and an American, the latter sent under the au pice of the Wa hington Eye-bank. Most interesting of all is the pre ence of the fir t Arab woman doctor on the staff; she is al 0 the fir t of her sex to become an ophthalmic surgeon in Jordan, and a very capable urgeon, as well a a very delightful person, he i . Our Matron, Mi Blewitt, enjoyed a long holiday in Canada during the summer and returned refreshed to her dutie in Jeru alem. The Sisters of the staff are till mainly maintained by appointments from Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, and we are again greatly indebted to that hospital and it Matron , Mi MacKellar for their interest in our hospital and the heJp they give it in this vital way. Under this British staff the Arab nur es and the Nursing School have had another flourishing year. It will be noticed that the Ii t of taff members printed earlier in this Report record the names of more A i tant Surgeons and Nur ing Si ters
than in previous years. This arrangement has been adopted in order ~hat a proper record should be made of all tho~e who have served the Hosp~tal, some of whom, who arrived or who left III the course of the year, mIg~t otherwise pass unmentioned. Although m.ore names are. shown than.m previous years yet the numbers at the HospItal at anyone time has rem amed the same. PROPERTY OF THE ORDER
We have to record thi year the ale of the Old Hospital on the Bethlehem Road in Israel. . h' Members of the Order may feel ad that the Order has p~rted WIth t ~ property which was our home in Jerllsalem from 1882 untIl 1948,. b~t It was right that we should do so. We have r:ot ?een able to u e the budding at any time ince the partition of Pale tme !n .1948~ when they were left immediately on the Israeli ide of the ArmIstIce Lme; for a number. of reasons we could not even accept rents from the quatter \~ho occupIed them. This position appeared unlikely to alter 0 lo~g a relatIOn between Israel and the Arab States were unchal1:ged, and It. was ~rong t?at 'Y-!e should allow a con iderable sum of capItal to be tied up llldefimtely 1ll this way. When the Israeli Government made a very rea onable offer for the property earlier this year we were therefor~ happy to conclude the sale. The proceeds were owed to the Order, \ hlch orne year ago an interest-free loan to the Ho pital and R~search Fund on the ecunty of this property; this debt has been repaId, and the Order ha been generous enough to transmit the full urn back to our Fund a a contribution towards the new Appeal. FI A C[
Despite every care our expenses have again ris~n lightly thi ye~r. Our bills for food electricity and water, and for maintenance and repaIr of the Hospital fabric increased by a gro s amount of £2,700' . and the additional cost of the new alary scales for Jordanian taff which were adopted on the 1 t October, 1963 amounted to a further £ 1,600. "The. e increases were only partially off et by a number o~ small economle In other recurrent items. Indeed we can see now that III the fou~ ~ull year since we occupied the new Hospital our expenses have been rlsmg at an average rate of £2 500 or 4 % per year. . . . We hope it will be agreed that in the light of the t.ea?dY n mg co t of living from which Jordan is in no way exempt thiS 1 a very m~dest incre~se. But nevertheless it is one we cannot affo~d for our expenditure on the Hospital alone is already mo:e than our Income. M~reover . the Research Campaign, with the hopes It now hold out of pu.ttmg us In a position to make a real advance in the con~rol of trachoma III the not so distant future, urgently demands our attentIOn. . . The Appeal which we have decided to launch m May 1965 IS therefore very necessary. We calculate tha~ we need £ 1 million in order to ens.ure the financial security of the HospItal for the next few yea~ , to give the Research Campaign the sinews it needs, and to be able. Without delay to make use of the trachoma vaccine, when it becomes avaIlable, for a great: immunization campaign in the Middle East. But when we decided to launch the Appeal we could not have foreseen
how very unfavourable conditions would be in 1965 for raising money for chanty,. howeve~ worthy the cause. Indeed we could hardly have struck a more dlfficul~ tIme. But we must go on, for it is unthinkable that this g~eat enterpnse of ours should be allowed to flag. We have many good ffIends all over the world and we ask them all to help us to raise the ~oney we ne~d. We are striving to bring the gift of sight to millions. This IS a work which must appeal to every member of our Order. It is a cause which all must be proud to help. LADIES' SUB-COMMITTEES
T~e ,interest take~ in the Hospital and the h~lp given to it by the various La~Ies Sub-commIttees. have I.ncre~sed consIderably in the year under
~evIew; the va! ue ?f thIS 'practIcal lllterest and encouragement, and the Immense .contnbutIOn theI~ efforts make to the comfort and happiness of our nU~~Ing staff a~d. patients have been stressed in previous Reports. In addItIOn to providing necessities such as linen and nurses' uniforms and ~l?thing for indigent patients, they allow the hospital to provid~ amenItIes such as are not easily included in the official budget, and thus add greatly to the spirit of our institution. These Sub-committees include the Linen Guild in London under the Presidency of H.R.H. The Duchess of .Glouce ter and the Chairmanship of Lady Scarbrough, the Linen GuIld of Canada Australia and ew Zealand and last but not least the Ladie ' Sub-committee in Jerusalem. ' , , THE JER SALEM LADIES' SUB-COMMITTEE
nder the enthusiastic pre idency of Mrs . MacInnes the wife of the Archbi hop in Jeru alem , and the indefatigable and abl~ secretaryship of Mrs . Boase, thi Sub-committee continued its invaluable work which the Warden has noted in his Report. The Hospital Committee record their appreciation of the continued interest shown by these ladies, and their thank for the work they devote to increasing the efficiency of the Hospital and the happines of the patients. THA KS
. Our warm thanks are due to tho e many private people and organisatIO~S who have helped u financially over the past year; we hope that dUring 1965, when our Appeal for £1 million will be launched this kindnes and enthu ia m will be continued and increased. ' To the American Society of St. John we e tend our thanks for the effort it i making on our behalf and to the International Eye-bank: in Wa hington also, and to C.A.R.E. (Co-operation for American Relief Everywhere , for maintaining the staff and meeting the expenses of the Eye-bank in the Ho pital during 1964. F~om the Ii t of donor publi hed elsewhere in this Report we would particularly thank one very generou per on in Canada who wi hes to remain anonymous, the Kuwait Oil Company, Shell International Petroleum Company Limited the Preceptory of Knights Templar and the Wor hipful Company of Cloth Worker. STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hosp;taller.
Fortune smiled on Jordan in 1964 and even the farmers had to ~dmit that it was an exceptionally good year ~.ith an abov~ average ramfal~. The year opened auspiciously with the VIS1~ to Jordan III Ja~uarYf of :IS Holiness the Pope; it closed somewhat ommously to the nOlse 0 sa r~~ rattling, and bursts of machine gun-fire ~m M,ount Scopus. Among t man di nit aries to receive the Pope on hIS arnval f~om Amman at the Da;asc~s Gate was our Hospitaller who braved the bitter weather .and ~e frightening pressure of the crowds to be present at the recep~ohn. B l~ Stewart concluded his visit and returned to London on January t . . u time flies in Jeru alem and it did not eern a year before yve .were welcommg him and Lady Duke-Elder back again ir.. December, thiS tu:n e for a longer stay by way of a recuperative re t. Some folk have stra~ge Ideas ofhw~a~.a recuperative rest should be. We can only hope t~at SIr Stewart a IS when he ot back to London; for he did not have It here. . . The L~rd Prior paid a most welcome visit. to the h~spltal ~n July. During his stay Lord Wakehur~t ~el~ a receptlO? at :vhlc~ he Illve ted Mrs. Barbara Ghattas with the mSlgma of a S~rvIllg SI te~ III ~he Ord~r. We congratulate one of our old Si ter on thiS honour, likewl e on t e birth of Tewfiq in ovember. H . I Sir Edwin Chapman-Andrews, Honorary ~rea urer of t~e 0 pI~a Committee spent a few days with us early III the year. ThiS gave h~m the opport~nity to familiarise him elf a befits a zealou ~re~ ~er, wli~ the internal working and financial ma~~g~ment of the h.o pita. e wou assure him that his promised retur~ :'lSlt I eagerly a.walted. In October the Sovereign and MIlItary Order (KnIghts of Malta) c~me to Jerusalem on prilgrimage, and a very fine spectacle they pre ~nt~ ~s the rocessed in mantles and regalia from Jaffa Gate to t e o . y Se;ul~hre. Is it too pious a hope that one day the ,(enerable Ord~r bwIlI undertake a similar pilgrimage? The Hospital was highly honoyre y a courtesy visit on the part of the Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order Carl Wolfgang Graf von Ballestrem. l' There were many visitors to the Hospital during the year. Au was well represented by Mr. and ~rs. A . G. Hall from Melbourne, 1 s Jean Hussey from South AustralIa, Dr. and Mr . Selwyn- el on from . Sydney all members of the Order, and others. It w;s also a pleasure to receive a visit from Mr. and Mr . Keith Kane of the American Society of St. John. . It is to us always disappointing that of the lar~~ numbers ?f tour~sts and pilgrims who come from Britain so very few VI It the f:Iospltal. W en asked why this should be so some have replied that they dId not ~now. o~ the existence of the Hospital, or that it had any re!ll0te c~nnec~lOn Wit Britain and they have been surprised to learn of It rela~lOn hlp to t~e familia~ Ambulance and Brigade. We have even been mistaken for t . e Danish consulate because of the similarity of the two tla~s. Howeve~, III future we should not be exposed to these humiJiations~ for. It h~s n<;>w een decided that the Hospital is to be identified by havIllg ItS tItle m lar!?e letters on the side of the building adjacent to the ~ablu .Road (~~e mal~ entry road from the airport). This should at least g~ve. a hmt to VISitors 0 "English spoken here." But not everyone from Bntall~ passes by, and of those who did visit us we were very pleased to receive Barone s Lady
Elliot of Harwood, Brigadier E. E. Read, Brigade Commissioner for Surrey, and Mrs. Read, Lord and Lady Teynham, Professor Sheila Sherlock of the Royal Free Hospital, and Dr. Geraint James of the Royal Eye Hospital London. STAFF
There seemed to be a steady stream of doctors coming and going during the year, .so t?at at one time or another ten different surgeons worked at the HospItal m 1964. Dr. Alf Fjordbotten holder of the Bunker Fellowship of. the International Eye-bank, left o~ May 1st. He is now settled in the UnIted State wewish hi~ ev~ry success. He was succeeded by Dr. Harry Caldwell III July, the mtenm three months being filled by Dr. Andrew Ferry, both of them Americans. The latter will be remembered fqr the ir:structive contributions he made to our clinical meetings. Early m the year we were fortunate in having Dr. Peter Watson seconded to u [rom Moorfields for three months. Though we tried to persuade h~m ~o stay on this was not to be; the problems of educating a young famtly In Jordan are really forbidding. Dr. Joe O'Sullivan, from Syd.ney, .S.~. j?ined us on May 25th. Quite apart from his professional attnbutes he IS umque as a member of the staff; he is a bachelor, a heaven ent gift to harassed hostesses. Dr. Andrew Rintoul left on June 19th to return to hi po t with the Royal Navy at Ha lar. The Navy has regained a very competent urgeon; we have 10 tone. Our pioneering Arab lady doctor, Sura el Aish is still with us and will be until she leave in September 1965 to take up a British Council scholarhip in London . Thi well deserved award will take her to Moorfields and the In titute o[ Ophthalmology in London where she will be working for the Diploma in phthalmology. To our sub-Warden, Dr. Khalil Budeiri, we extend our sympathy for the 10 s he ha ustained through the tragic death of his sister. Of the nur ing iter, two returned to Moorfields Eye Hospital and one became a full-time Jeru alem hou ewife. In their places we welcome three other from London. Our Matron, Mi s Ann Blewitt, spent a sabbatical leave of three month in Canada where she was able to establish contact with the ladie o[ the Linen Guild through the kindness of Mrs. Willis 'Connor. Three o[ the four student nurse who took the 1964 final examination pa ed; two 0 f them have a lread y go ne to Sa ud i Ara bia where their training should be of immense benefit to the many afflicted with eye di ea e in that country. Second-year tudents of general nursing at the Augu ta Victoria Ho pital in Jerusalem were each given one month's experience in ophthalmic nur ing at our hospital. Not only is this cooperation of con iderable advantage to the nurses in broadening the base of their training, but by introducing them to an unwonted aspect of nursing we hope that an occa ional one will feel the calt of St. John. We have continued to afford a three-month' course in practical ophthalmic nur ing to nur ing orderlies from UNRWA and from the Save the Children organization. One of the former was sent here from the Lebanon. Encouraging report have been received on their subsequent work in outlying clinic . Our enior theatre nur ing orderly, Ha an Abu Teen, was sent to London in October to receive practical in truction in the giving of anae thetics. He has r turned to u full of knowledge and enthu iasro. We would like to thank Dr. S. G. Shippard con ulting anae thetist to
Moorfields Eye Hospital, for his invaluable help in teaching him and for . being so kind to him while in London. Fresh ground was broken in ,the sun:uner by acceptlllg a final-year medical student from St. Thomas s Hospital, Londo.n, f~r undergr~?ua~e study in ophthalmology. It is gratifying that the U~lVe~slty: au.t hontles In England recognize St. John as an acceptable teaching lllstltutIOn for the purpose. The experiment was a success, so much so that other stud~nts have already applied and are being encouraged by the Dean of the medical school to do so . LADIES' JERUSALEM SUB-COMMITTEE
The honorary secretary, Mrs. A. J. Boa e, has contributed the following report. . . "The committee continues to work under the chamnanshlp o~ Mr.s. MacInnes and met nine times during 1964. There was an alteratIOn III membership owing to the regretted departure of Mr . Maitla~d and Mrs. Hamilton, who were replaced by Mr . Pullar and Mrs . ¥(Il~on whose husbands are, respectively, the Consul -General of Gre~t Bntam and the United States. The committee concerned it elf mainly wlth : (a) The recruitment of student nurses. This i still a difficult problem and one that will not be solved quickly. Despite many requests that the educational standard should be lowered the committee fully supported the Matron in her in i tence on quality rather than quantity where prospective candidate were concerned. (b) Sewing Guild. The bi-monthly meetings have been very well attended and a great deal of invaluable work for the ho pital carried out. (c) First Aid. In spite of her many commitments Mrs. Mad.nnes ~a able to organize a cou rse at the Y. W. C. A. All the glr.l passed the examination and obtained the Government First Aid certificate. (d) 'Blind" Welfare. This work continue to e pand and to be increasingly appreciated by nearly 200 blind men, women and children living in the vicinity of Jerusalem and even as far ~orth as Nablus. Informal talks and concert were greatly enjoyed throughout the year, while the ummer picnic and Chri tmas parties saw record attendances.' STATISTICS
The quinquennial table shows some variation from other year. The fact that the number of surgical operations passed the 6,000 mark for the first time in our history is perhaps of interest. It is evident, however t~at we have really reached saturation point in this respect and fiu~tuatIOn round the present figures is to be expected in the future. There IS a real need for another operating theatre, for with only two theatres cases tend to be held up in a bottle-neck . ACK OWLEDGME TS
On this matter of wants and needs it behoves me to express our deep gratitude to the Californian branch of the American Society of St. John,
and in particular. to Dr. Upjohn of California, for its great generosity in pr.esentlllg us Wlt~ the v.ery late~t model of the Haag-Streit corneal mI~r?SCope. Th~ gIft of thiS ~xpens~ve instrument has gone a long way to faCIlItate work III the out-patient chnic. The Staff Christmas dinner and dance were held on 28th December and were .as heretofore a gre~t success. At such times we are always very conscIOus of the many ladles on the different Linen Guilds in Britain and the Commonwealth whose generosity makes these celebrations possible and to them we can only offer in return a heartfelt "Thank you." , ARTHUR BOASE, Warden.
ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1964 PROGRESS has been maintained during the year. It i intere ting to note the greater increase in the number of classes organized although the number of certificates gained ha not increased proportionately. This is some indication of the ability of our Centres to meet new needs in the community, whether arising from recent legi lation with regard to First Aid in Offices and Shops, or from increased interest among t the public. An encouraging feature in reports from Centre \Va the frequent reference to co-operation with other oganization in a variety of way , and in particular the close working between the S1. John Ambulance Brigade and Centres of the A ociation whether through a si tance by the provi ion of exp rienced in tructors for clas e , or by help on Flag Days, and in other fund raj ing activitie . Where thi e j t and the As ociation and the Brigade hare the ame premi es the re ult are more efficient service and greater benefit to tho e whom we all eek to help. A further element v hich appear in 0 many report is the teady demand for in truction and demon tration in Emergency Re u citation. This has provided not only the opportunity of bringing to many thou and a knowledge of how to save life, but al 0 introducing them to the \ ork of the Order of S1. John in thi and other field of activity. The ociation has been able to help Scout and Guide , Youth Club Women' In titute, Church Societie ,Student ur es, ub-Aqua Club among t a wide range of organi ation . The Association i now repre ented by a County Director in 27 Counties and we much appreciate all that they do to en ure th a t the Order and its Foundation can develop their variou function in balanced and proper proportion. The work done by the County Director in maintaining an efficient training orga ni zation i of imme n e value and makes increasingly pos ible the achievement of our o bj ect f e tabli hing Centres to cover aU part of the country. The value of Centre in providing a stimulus for the tudy of fir t aid and life a ving technique and facilitie for training has been proved by re ult , a nd I am therefore glad to report that at the end of 1964 we now have a total of 181 entre in ngland. The experiment in the North We t of ngland ha proved rno l ucce ful and has fully justified itself. The Regional Director, Mr. K . C. Cook ha established a very effective organi zation and , with the help of even Assistant Director each dealing \ ith their re pective area , the work of the Association has gone steadily forward. They have been abl e to form new Centres during the year and other are nea ring completion with inaugural meetings planned for early 1965. The succes" of their work is apparent in the intere t which ha been aroused and the support which has been received from Head of Departments of Local Government Service and leaders of other organi ations . As an example, in a borough with a population of ome 100,000 people, the following had agreed to join the Committee:"The Chief Education Officer, the Principa l of the College of urther Education, the Headmaster of a Secondary School , who is al 0 ecretary of the School Masters' Association , the Medical OOlcer of Health, the Chief Officers of Police, Fire, Ambulance, Civil Defence and Public
Health, a hospital Matron, doctors, nurses, Safety Officers and Personnel Mana~er~ fron: Ind~stry, the St. John Ambulance Brigade and other orgamsatlOns . mcludrng B'ad e, B oy t' G ' 1the . Chamber of Trade, Boys' ng Scou t s A ss~cIa lOn, Ir. GUIdes, T.ownswomen Guilds, etc." I should to ta~e thIS opportumty of thanking the Regional Director and the Assistan~ DI.rectors for all they have done in building up such a successful orgal1:lza~lOn based on the co-operation of local officials voluntary ?n~amzatlOns, and the general public. I also wish to record our appr.eclatlOn of the excellent work done by Mr. J. A. Haydock the first . Regl~nal J:.?eyelopment Offi~er appointed by the Association. ' FIrst AId tr~mmg In schools In the London area continues well. One hundred and nIneteen courses were organised in 1964. Of these 114 were cond~c.ted for the London County Council Education Authority and the remal.nmg. five \or other County Councils. Whilst the majority ~f classes were In . FIr t Ald, some schools have also had courses in Home Nursing and ChIld Care. The help and co-opera~ion received from members of London District, St. John Am~ula~ce B.ngade,. who act as instructors for these classes, has been out tandtng; 1D particular I would mention the work done by ~~ . .A. A. W. Weston, a. District Staff Officer. He co-ordinates this tralDJOg programme ~nd . glv~S many hours instruction at other schools on Emergency Resu cltatJOn, rncluding Benenden, where this trainino- has been greatly welcomed. 0 Man~ . Centre have reported close relations with local Education Authontles, and a cO.n iderable increase in the number of classes run in chool , for example lD Plymouth Lewes Chichester Gloucester Leeds Rotherham , ~onca ter, Wigan and Rugby. There have also bee~ many cou~ ~ orgamzed thro~gh Ad~lt Further Education Offices, Technical Tratnlng College. , venrng Institutes in these Centres, and others such as Wor~e ter ReadJOg, East Ham and Ipswich. It is particularly encouraging that. lD many the ~ourses are a regular feature of the syllabus. An Item of peclal IS a co~rse .of O~cupational First Aid organized for . the Local EducatlOn Aut~onty In Wlgan, and also a Nursing and ChIld Care cour e at a choo.l In Leed , and the provision of cla s rooms for lecture ~nd de!TIOnstratlOn by the Local Education Authority in 9uern ey. It 1 partIcularly encouraging that a a result of these courses In schoo~s . t.h ere have been enquirie regarding the po ibility of forming Cadet DIVI Ion of the Brigade. An intere ting development was the formation of a First Aid class at the Pontefract Paraplegic Centre of the Yorkshire Division of the National Coal Board. The cla wa trained by a Divi ional Officer of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, him elf an occupant of a wheel chair. Certificates were pre ented to t~e ueces ful candidate by the Mayor of Pontefract. Cour es for rne?lcal tudents have continued at Bri tol University. The num?er . rernalD at about 60 for lecture and about 40 of these take the e~arnJnatlOn. Clas e are voluntary. Member of the academic and technl~al tafT of the U niver ity have hown interest and attended courses. A . First AId Cour e \ a held at Charing Cro Hospital where both medlcal studen~ and technicians were trained up to Certificate standard. Forty-five candIdate pa ed the examination . A Centre ha been et up in Morpeth in Northumberland at the Headquarter of the ~ounty Civil Defence Department. The principal purpose of the Cen tre I to serve the Police, Fire Service, County Ambu-
lance Service and Civil Defence organizati0I?-s. T.hese. bodies are represented on the Committee, and the Preside.nt IS Bngadier P. H. M. May, the County Civil Defence Officer, who IS a member of the St. John Council for Northumberland. Courses for Instructors are planned as well as ordinary First Aid training for personnel of the four County services. . . , ., bl' There has been considerable mterest III the ASSOCIatIOn s new pu Ication on Hygienic Food Handling; large orders for the book .have come from the Navy, Army and Air Forces Institute and the Me~hcal Officer of Health for Aberdeen. Special courses have been orgam~ed ~y the North Riding of Yorkshire Centre in Clean F?od ~andllUg, III cooperation with the Chief Public Health Officer m Mlddlesbrough and Whitby. . ,. d' A number of Centres organize Fir t Aid CompetItIOns an qUIzzes a part of their general programme ?f activitie. and the ~ h~ve arou ed general interest amongst the publIc and vanou orgaOlzatIOn, a for example in Plymouth where 11 team took part· Manche ter' G.louce t~r where the Mayor and other local dignitarie were pre ent; Wlgan ~lth its First Aid League' Croydon' Crawley; qrthing Riding of York hire, whose aim was to arouse interest among young people' the Heavy Woollen District of the West Riding, with 35 teams' Leed ; Harr?~ate; Selby and Goole. Lanca hire ran very succe ful C?~nty CompetitionS, including one for individuals only. A new competItIOn wa tarted at Blyth. . . . . d Relations with Youth OrgamzatlOns in all parts of the cou ntry re.mame close and it wa possible to arrange pecial cour e and demon tra.tlO~ ~or Youth Clubs Scouts Guides Boys' Brigade Cadet Corp, GIrl. Life Brigade. The'Rugby Centre organised vi it to chools With ~ n swimming pools and gave demonstration in Emergency Re u CItatIOn; We were also glad to hear of the interest shm n by Young . arme,r Clubs and courses arranged for them. There wa close co-operatl,o~ wI~h organizers of the Duke of Edinburgh Aw~rd Scheme and trallllng, III First Aid, Nursing and Child Care was proVIded for tho e boy and gIrl who were working for their awards. . . In Herefordshire, farmers and their wive have asked for Ba IC Fir, t Aid training under the Government' cherne run b~ t?e County s=ouncIl and classes were also organised for officers of the MIllI try of Agnculture Fisheries and Food. , . ' Besides training activities many Centre p~o.vlded e~vlce of. vanou kinds or were able to organize special actIvltle to stlm~late mtere t. There were film shows talks on the Order with coloured shdes, talk .on Safety in the Home and on Safety on the Roads. So~e Cent~e carn,ed out Welfare Work in conjunction with the local CouncJl of oClal ervlce or the County Welfare Officer. Other helped with Over-60 Club, at Homes for the Blind in hospitals and Home for the aged. The Rugby Centre provided tran~port for backward children and cripple .to chool and clinics and the Sheffield Centre took the aged to the sea Jde and to convalescent homes, etc. . The Croydon Centre and the local ~~. John Ambulance ~r.lgade assisted at the Family Open Day at PhilIPS Works Ltd. a publicity stand and a First Aid Post. The S=rawley Centre, agalll III collaboration with the St. John Ambulance Bngade, took a tand at the Leisure and Pleasure Exhibition. There was a First Aid Week at Lewes
wit~ pub~icity in ~he local press, films and demonstrations and open days, endmg WIth a J omt Church Parade., The Selby Centre ran a campaign in the local press to encourage motonsts to carry first aid kits which they could purchase from the Centre. The Stratford-on-Avon Centre took part in the ten-day Boat Festival organised by the local Canal Association ~rovidi~g daily demonstratio~s and talks. The Rugby Centre gave pI.endid servIc~ ~t the Royal AgrIculture Show, giving demonstrations dally and provldmg refreshments for St. John helpers at the first aid posts and demonstrations. They also produced a Home Safety model which was on di play at the Royal Show and then went on tour. Th~ Rugby Centre has al 0 instituted a very practical method of bringing the work of St. John to the attention of the public, through the presentation of copie of the Review each month to schools , doctors , local councillors and public libraries. PUBLICATIO S
First Aid Manual: Work continued on this book by the Co-ordinating Committee under the chairman hip of Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Drummond the Deputy Director-General, and it is expected that the book hould be publi hed in ] 965. ursing Manual: The revi ion of this book was completed and the econd edition wa published in May 1964. It was brought into use in eptember and became compulsory for Adult Nursing Course on 1st January, 1965, ursing Questions and Answers: This i the revised edition of the Nursing Catechi m and was ready for publication early in 1965. Air Attendants 1anual: A new version of this book was written for the ociation by Dr. A. . R. Peifers, Senior Medical Officer (Air) of the irway Corporation and we are greatly indebted to him Briti hOver ea for thi book. It ha a Foreword by Air Marshal Sir Richard Nelson, Director General R.A.F . Medical Service Ministry of Defence. It was ready for publication early in 1965, Basic First Aid: The Preliminary Fir t Aid Manual was re-named 'Ba ic ir tid', and i now under revi ion. It is intended to publish the nevvedition hortly after the pUblication of the main Manual. 1aternal and Child Care lvlanual: With the permission of the British Red ro ociety, the A ociation adopted their Maternal and Child Care Manual a the textbook for the Child Welfare Course. The book is to be bound in t. John cover and hould be available early in 1965. COMPETITlO S
At the Grand Prior' Trophy Competition, held on 19th November at the Porche ter Hall, we had the privilege and honour of welcoming the Duche of Glouce ter, who pre ented the Her Royal H ighne trophie to the winning team and e pre ed her pleasure at the high tandard of work of the competitor. During the afternoon Her Royal Highne vi ited the Exhibition of Training Aid and remarked on the value of uch a display. The Mayor and Mayor of Paddington the Chancellor and E ecutive Officer of the rder \ ere pre ent and repre entative of all the
organisations who had teams competing were at the Competition throughout the day. The winners were:Men: Police (Liverpool City)· Women: Police (Cheshire Constabulary). The new regulations as recommended by the Working Party in the previous year were put into. ope~ation and. proved satisfactory, in particular the arrangements for mdividual te ts m place of dual tests and the provision of assi tant judges in the team te ts. The usual National First Aid Competitions were held during the year. Many teams consisted of new members .i n b?th the regional .and final events and it was satisfactory to ee thiS eVidence of enthUSiasm and interest. Winners of Competitions held under the auspices of the A ociation were a follows: Competitions for Men: Organisation Police. . . . . . . . . Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre. Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre . . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . ational Coal Board . . . . War Department Ambulance Centre . . . . British Railways, London Transport (Railway) and British Transport Docks . British Transport Police . . . . . . . . National Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre. Gas Industry.
Winning Team Li erpool City Police Barnstaple R.O.F. Burghfield A .W.R.. Iderma too' , Marley Hill C.D.E . . Porton Camden Good ewcastle Gnmsby West Midlands Gas Board (Oswe try)
National Road Passenger Tran port Ambulance AssociaPlymouth tion. . . . . . . . . Ea t rea (London) General Post Office Ambulance Centre City of Birmingham Fire Brigades . Competitions for Women: Police. . . . . . . . . Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre . . Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre . . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority . War Department Ambulance Centre . . . .. British Railways, London Transport (RaJiway ) and British Transport Docks . Gas Industry . National Road PassengerTran portAmbulanceAs oClation . . . . . . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre .
heshire on tabular), Kettering he tngton Headquarters A. W.R. . lderma ton R .O.F. Glascoed Hull Southern Ga Board (Winclle tcr Road) London Tran port S.D. Morecambe
The winning teams of these competition , with the winning team of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competition for the Dewar and Perr U Shields, took part in the Grand Prior' Trophy Competition. Once again we expres our gratitude to the A ociated Brili h Picture Corporation Ltd. for their help in providing scenery in slaging our event during the year. The realism and colour given by the etting greatly enhances the effectivene s of the tests. To the member of the medical profession who have acted as judges, to the stewards and ca ualtie who have given so generously of their time to a si t at the e event, we record our warm thanks. Their co-operation and help are anin piration to tho e concerned with the organisation of the competition. Finally, a word of appreciation to the competitors who have worked hard and whose enthusiasm had made the competition an outstanding feature of our year's work.
During the . ye~r, the Competition was held for Centres Overseas. Cez:.tres were mVlted to send m a record of their activities during the penod, 1st July-31st I?ecember. The winners of the Competition were Hong Kong and JamaIca (South East). In Jamaica t.h~ North-East Centre has continued its lectures at the Mone~gue Trammg School for Teachers, and other classes have been orgamzed [or the heads of departments of the Kaiser Bauxite Compan as well as theysual courses in other parts of the area. Scrap books mad~ from o.ld ~hnstmas cards, wh~c~ had been prepa~ed by St. John Cadets, were dlst~Ibuted by the As~~cIatIOn to local hospItals. Donations during the year mcreased and addItIOnal. revenue was raised by the Thrift Shop. ~he Centre orgal11zed a number of public functions, at whIch certIfica~e were pr~ ente~ ~o the successful candidates by Lady Bu taman~e, v, l[e of the Pnme Mllllster, and by other prominent persons. Pre ,r~dl<? and TV. ~a~e full publicity which was most helpful and led to apphcatlOn for ~ramm~. Ther~ has been a noticeable increase in the number of compa11les havmg theIr personnel trained in First Aid as a re ult of letters sent out early in the year. Other candidates have included Matrons of CJ.overnment Homes, trainee nurses, sports coaches, scouts and .chool chl!dren. A pecial appeal was made to doctors, the panel of e\ammer ha mcrea ed from 10 to 28. The Police Centre had a varied programme and arranged training cOLJ:"e for Government organi er in youth work, lectures and demonstr~tlOn to youth wo~p and high chool students in which emphasis was laId on oral re u citatIon. Lectures and demonstrations to life guards and al 0 ~nember of the Red Cros Society, a well a.s the training of lay lectUl er and ne\ member of the force, played an Important part in the actlvitie of the Centre. The .Prj on .Centre organized four cour es for its own personnel as well a ' [or Indu trIal and youth organizations. This wa made possibl~ by the v"ork. of lay lecturer and from the e course 59 new members were recrUIted to the St. John Ambulance Brigade. In Trillidad, with .t he help of Dr. H. P. Diggory City Medical Officer of Health: and SanItary. Insp'ector and Public Health Nur es, 652 city school children \\ ere tramed m Clean Handling of Food. As a result of the course, 464 certificate were i ued. A new feature of the Centre's work \: as ~he org~nization of com e in Preliminary Fir t Aid and H~H!l~ N Uf lng, whIch were conducted to a sist the newly formed Cadet DIVI Ion of the Brigade. The Grel1a~/a Centre had a ucces ful year, \ ith a special programme ~f event dunn~ t. John ek \: hich included a mock accident, competitLOn~, etc. Vanoll functIOn were organized for the pre entation of CertIfica.te to ucce ful candidate ; these were well covered by press and radIO.
Tn St. Lucia cour e w re organized for school teachers and for tudents Teacher Training College. Succ sflll cour es of lectures were given to enior boy of the St. Mary' ColIeO"e and 27 were ucces ful in obtaining their certificate. Co
or the
In Gibraltar Fir .t Aid Training continue for workers in the dockyard. Among t the candidate were a number of Spani h dock workers. Thirty-
two new members of the City Fire Brigade also gained their certific~tes. A campaign is planned for 1965 to encourage members of the public to take First Aid courses. The Assistant Director-General visited Gibraltar in October and was able to meet members of the St. John Council and the Association Committee , as well as members of the Brigade. His report covered all aspect of the work of St. John. The Malta Centre reported a considerable increase in the number of First Aid Certificates gained in the year which is larg~ly due t.o cooperation with the Malta Civil Defence Corps; a further lI1crea e m the number of volunteers trained is expected for 1965. Other cour e are held for the Army Fire Service and R.A.F. per onnel. Di cus ions took place regarding the introduction of ~i.r t Aid in t?e sy~labu of Go~ernment schools and the scheme i recelvmg the con IderatlOn of the DIrector of Education. The Cyprus Centre reported a remarkable increase in the number of Certificates gained as compared with the. previ~u ye~r. Tw~ thou and, si hundred and eighty-four people obtamed FIrst AId CertJf1c~ te .a nd the total of candidates uccessful in e aminations and re-e amlnatlOn was 3 147 as compared with 1,179 in 1963. Con iderable co-operation. ~as been received from the Public Service which include the Electnclty Authority the Education Department, the Cypru Telec<?mmunication Authority Fire Brigade Police Fore try Department, Pn on Warden and Wat~r Board Development. Cour e were al ? organiLed fo~ th.e Cyprus Mines Corporation Amiando A be to M~ne and thc Llm~l, Vassiliko and Mitsero Mine. Within the overelgn Ba e Area In addition to course of the Army Fire Brigade and the Sovereign Ba e Area Police cour es were held for the R .A.F . Police, Boy out and chools. Du~ing the year 4,500 copie of t~e Fir t Aid ~anua~ in Greek were re-printed in addition to the 3 000 which were re-pnnted 111 1963 . In Aden the activitie of the Centre were in the main concentrated on the Aden State Police Force the Federal ational Guard and a pirant under the Duke of Edinb~rgh' Award Scheme. In all the e b die re ults obtained were mo t ati factory. ucce ful applicant from th two forces mentioned were presented v ith their Certificate by the ommissioner of Police at special parade. Fir t Aid training i now being extended to employees of the Electricity Corporation and to tudent from other Forces attending courses organized by the Police. Considerable interest in First Aid training took place during the year in Arabic speaking countries. . In Sharjah, Captain Kirkman , who i Medical Officer of the T:ucI~1 Oman Scouts started First Aid course for the Boys' chool, whIch IS equivalent to 'a Junior Leader Training School in Englan?, and he al 0 arranged for the training of British Army per onnel as In truc~ors. ~ n Qatar the Commandant of the Police Training School started FH t .Ald training with the aim of reaching certificate s~andard: The. mencan Mission Hospital in Muscat again had Prelimmary First Aid cour es using the Preliminary Manual in Arabic. 1n Lidya the Medical Officer of the B.P. Exploration Co. (Ltd.) organized First Aid cia e [or per onnel in their establishments in the de ert. There were orders for book a nd equipment for the Iraqi Red Crescent Society which ha a wide programme of training in First Aid and Nursing.
In . M alal:vi . the main activity during the year was directed towards keepm~ eXl~tmg classes going. These were generally confined to the ~al~w] PoiI?e an~ Malawi Railways but there was also an active class wJt~ln the Fire Bngade of the Air Service Authority at Chileka Airport. ThIS latter class was presented with Certificat~s by Colonel Benyon, Contro,uer ~verseas, St. John Ambulance Bngade, when he visited !'1alawl dUfing May 1964. During the Malawi Independence celebrations 111 July 1964 the Centre organized six First Aid teams, consisting of four me~ and a leader to each. These teams attended all the various events whIch t~ok pl~ce between the 4th and 7th July, and although the fact of not Bngade status precluded them from wearing uniforms they were unIformally dressed and wore Association arm bands. In. Zambia the Centre continued with its training activities and one speCIal aspe~t was the need for sufficient trained personnel to give help on the occaslO~ of the Independence celebrations in October. Apart from the Day 111 July, no othe~ special activities were undertaken by the A soclatlOn. The Flag Day raised a record amount in Lusaka and was ati factory in Ndola. In Kenya training continued and the President the Minister for Social ervices and the Minist~r . for J:Iealth gave the Centre their support and encouragement. Fund-ralsmg stIll presents a serious problem. The Centre wa fortunate in having a most successful Flag Day but work is still re tricted by the availability of funds. In Tan::ania course were provided for essential services such as Port taff, Fire Brigade and Post Office, and instruction was given in many cho?1 . The w~rk ~one by lay-lecturer was most helpful in making this po lble. The hIghlight of the year was an exhibition that lasted a week and volunteer put in many hours training for this event. Demonstrations in re u citation wcre given in four languages using 'Resusci-Anne". Many thou and attended the exhibition and on the last day over 23 000 were e timated to be present. ' In Ghana a full programme in teaching and trainino- in First Aid was carried out with the encouraging result that there were ~lmost 300 awards more than in 1963, with a total of 1,069. [n the organisations where ir t Aid training had already been introduced, activities continued and new ground was broken \\ith the extension of training in the following ne" fields:Y. W.C.A. (Ghana); Ghanaian Italian Petroleum Company; Salvation Army Tema; ccra Polytechnic ; R. T. Bri coe (Motors)' A. J. Seward ( 0 metic Factory).
Jn igeria the Police ran 61 First Aid c1asse and 1,844 candidates gained certificate or re-e amination award. A number of Lay Lecturers certificate were renewed during the year and the standard of efficiency wa maintained. The help given by the lay lecturers was most valuable. The igerian Railway Corporation had a rno t successful year and 700 candidate were ucce ful in obtaining their certificates. As part of a pecial recruiting drive they had two cour es for lay lecturers and 25 candidate qualified for their certificate. There were a number of special ceremonie [or the presentation of Certificate all over the districts and effort were made to increa e their activitie in relation to other voluntary organi ation .
The st. John Ambulance Centre in Ceylon h d another uc.cessful ye~r and 1,920 First Aid Certificates were issued as c?mpared wIth 1,~53 In the previous year. Development was. greatly: aSSI ted by. the r.e ceipt ~f translations of the Fir t Aid Manual In TamIl, prepared In Ind~a , ~nd It is hoped that the Sinhalese edition .~ould be. r.eady by the beg.Innmg ~f 1965. This also will do much to faCIlitate traIning. Demon tratI~n were given to the public on re uscitation and there i no d~ubt tha.t gIven the necessary finance much could be done ~o help the pubhc especI~lly Galle and Jaffna who wished to learn FIr t Ald. The Hon. Al HaJ BadLUdIn Mahmud, Minister of Health and Chairman of the Centre preSIded at the Annual General Meetin a and Lord and Lady Soulbury were Guests of Honour. The Mini ter r:ferred to the long service rendered to the. people of Ceylon by the St. John Ambula~ce A ociation a!ld Brigade whIch ~ad now risen to be amongst the most Important of theIr voluntary orgaI1l ations.
Police Force are now qualified First Aiders. The land rover presented to tbe Centre by the Order has proved of very great practical benefit and the frequency of visits to outlying settlements has been doubled. It was of particular use during the severe floods in March when 1,590 persons were transported in three days . On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations, the work of the Association was brought to the notice of the public by means of radio, press, public displays and demonstrations. Visits were planned to factories , schools and organisations, explaining to them what the Association did. I would wish to express our appreciation of the work done by officers of the Centre and also by the Training Officer, Mr. R. F. Herman, in achieving these results.
The Centre in the Federation of J\Ja/aya had a mo t succe . sful year. and 3 556 candidates were ucce sful in obtaining First Aid Certlficate \ Ith a t~tal of 6 611 who gained either Certificate o~ o~her award , c.ompared with 5 630 in the previous year. More organJ atlOns and firm .are recognizing the value of having .traine~ First Aid. personnel on theIr . taff. Ten thousand copies of the FIrst AId Manual m . Malay were p~blI hed during the year and these Vvere greatly \ elcomed In Malaya and mother parts of Malaysia. In Sabah Branches were re- tarted in Keningau and B aufort and there \ ere courses in Fi[st Aid and ur ing in both place . ne.\ . !ltre had been et up in Kudat and training ha . ta[ted. Fund-r~I Il1g \\ a encouraged reaching a total of $24,000 of whIch $5,000 v,a given to L~buan toward the cost of a joint St. John-Red Cross Hut. Mr . Reeve re Igned as Headquarter's officer and \ e thank her for all he did to help the Association in Sabah. In Hong Kong 243 classes were held duri~g t~e year re ulting in 5, 61 candidates obtaining certificates or re-examinatIOn a~ ard , a compared with 4,743 in the previous year. A number of pecl~~ ceremonJe were held for the presentation of certificates and the po ItlOn held by tho e who presented the certificates is some indication ?f bot~ the l.mportance attached to the work of the Association and the vanety of ItS actiVItIes. The Commissioner of Labour is hoping to encourage 1,000 factory worker each year to join First Aid classes. At the Flag Day and the Annual Ball a total of $144,000 was raised. The Centre in Fiji continues to make teady progre and a t tal of 1 126 candidates were successful at examinations. Of the e, the bulk obtained adult or preliminary certificates. rn. addi~ion ~o the ~ full cour ~s, there were talks, displays and demonstratIOn Jl1 FI~ t Aid and . ChIld Welfare, mainly in the Fijian and Hindi languages ll1 r~motc vIllage, sawmills, sugar mills and factories. Some .32,900 persons Il1 all walk of life bave been given instruction in reSUSCItatIon and some J0,000 par,nphlets given by the New Zealand ~epartment of Health ha~e ?een dIStributed in the Colony. Cases of lIves saved by oral reSUSCItatIOn have been recognised by the Royal Humane Society with the a\~ard of certificates and medals. Fifteen courses in First Aid were orgaI1l ed for the Fiji Police and three courses for the Army. Some 700 members of the
In the Solomon Islands, 64 recruits received lectures in First Aid, given by a Fijian Trained Assistant Medical Officer from the Government Medical Services. Thirty-one men attended refresher courses but no examinations were held. It is hoped that further periods of instruction will be given in 1965 and that it will then be possible to conduct examinations for certificates. An enquiry for the First Aid Manual in French was received from the Community Educational Training Centre operated by the South Pacific Commi sion of tbe United Nations Trusteeship Council. Students from .many of the South Pacific Islands including Tahiti come to the Centre for a year's course which includes First Aid and Home Nursing. Training in the e subject is undertaken by the Fiji Centre on behalf of the Fiji Government. The Fir t Aid Manual in Frencb is used by those students who do not know Engli h Fijian or Hindustani. APPOI TME TS
Professor H. C. Stewart, whose appointment as Principal Medical Officer \ as announced last year, took up his duties at the beginning of 1964 and we have been very glad to have bis help and advice during the pa t year. Mr. L. D. Wilkin on, D.S.C. kindly agreed to accept appointment as A i tant Director-General to the Association with special reference to our work over ea . The appointment wa confirmed in June and he has already done much for the A sociation including his visit to Gibraltar. Two new appointment were made to the Advisory Panel and we much appreciate the hel p given to us by these mem bers of the medical profession: Profe or H. W. Rodgers, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Ian MClure, Esq., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G. M.P. During the year, Brigadier E. M. Turner, M.B.E., R.R.C., succeeded Brigadier Dame Barbara Cozen D.B.E. R.R.C., as representative of the Army ur ing ervice on the A ociation Committee. Dame Barbara Cozen kindly agreed to continue in her personal capacity. Mr. D . L. Brown , Chief Con table of Ha tings, succeeded Mr. W. N. Wil on a repre enting the Police Force. It i with plea ure that I report the appointment of four County Directors to fill vacancie :Mr. K. C. Cook, F.C.A ... Cheshire Squadron-Leader 'vV. H. Scorer .. Devon Vice-Admiral ir Peveril William-Powlett, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.B .E., D.S.O. London Doctor C. P. Wallace, B.A., M.B., B.Ch. Surrey
I am also very glad to welcome Lt.-Col. H. J. Gilman as County Director for Durham, where we have not had a Director b~fore. As reported elsewhere, .we now have. 27 County Directors and I would like to take this opportunIty of expressIng our thanks to them for all they have done during the last year. . , As part of the experiment in the North Western ReglOn, sev.en Assistant Directors have been appointed and the success of the scheme IS, we know, in large measure due to all they are doing. Mr. H. Watson, F.C.A. Cheshire Mr. J. A. McKay, M.A. Greater .Manchester Major S. J. Harvey, O.B.E .. . Merseyslde. Mr. R . R. Bibby North East LancashIre Mr. W. H. Linaker . . Preston Mr. T. H. Thomason South Fylde Mr. F. E. Williamson Westmorland and Cumberland CO CLUSION
The task of the Association in providing instruct.i on f<?r members of the public who seek a knowledge of First Aid aI?d Nur~Ing, ~Ither for the home or for use at their place of work, would be Impos Ible .wIthout the devoted help of members of the medical and nursing profeSSIOn . ~he wO.rk that they do deserves our warmest t~ibutes and we hope that theIr serVlce are fully recognised by the populatlOn at large. . I would also like to thank our County DIrectors, t~e member of the Association Committee, members of our Centre Commltt~e and ~ll tho e who have contributed in different ways to the matter whIch are lOci uded in this Report. The Association, once again, thanks all tho e who have helped, whet~er through our Centres or as Class Secretaries or Instructor. We would WIsh them to know how much we appreciate the work which they do. the volume of voluntary help given by so many people,. the 0 o.clatlOn would not be able to provide the services to the communIty whIch It doe , both in England and Overseas. We at Headquarters thank everyone for all they have done to forward the cause for which we all work. The knowledge that we h~ve o. much support from men and women in so I!lany p~rts of the \ orId, IS a to all of us in London and in conclUSlOn I WIsh to express my appreciatIOn of all the work done by Colonel Gueritz, Mr. Craft and Mr. Cole and the permanent staff. PHILIP SOUTH W LL, Direr t 01'- General.
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT The greater publicity now being given to first aid and health in general has led to an ever widening realisation of the scope of the Brigade's work and this has inevitably led to extensive calls on our services. These calls have been met everywhere with vigour and enthusiasm and I think we can claim that in 1964 much has been done. This does not mean that we do not have our problems or failings. I would like, therefore, to emphasise that in reporting where things have gone well I am not complacent about our shortcomings. STRE GTHS A D PUBLIC DUTIES
Detailed statistics of Brigade strengths are given in Appendices A and B which show that the number of members has increased overseas by 900 but fallen at home by something over 2,000, chiefly in Cadets. Although any decrease is a matter of concern, it was relatively small and less than in the previou year, which suggests that measures already put into effect to rever e the recent downward trend are beginning to produce re ults. In further support of these measures I intend the twelve-month period beginning September 1965 to be a Brigade Recruiting Year. Brigade H.Q. and Counties will, I know, gladly accept the extra work involved and T confidently expect their efforts will attract sufficient new member to en ure that any increa ed calls there may be on our services in the year ahead can be met without putting increased strain on present members, willing though they always are to shoulder extra loads. The total of ervice recorded for the Brigade at horne were:DUTIES (hours): England PubliC Dutle Tran port Dutie scort Dutie Ho pltal Dutie ur mg Aid . Other Duties . Total . On Public Duty. OfT Public Duty . Accidents attended: Road . Other . . Invalids removed
1,796,085 676,887 4,006 212,544 103,557 788,628 3,581,707
Northern Wales Ireland 25,348 98,241 16,8 59 40,112 6 997 1,985 14,398 3,171 2,284 21,706 34,297 69,075 190,329
Total 1,919,674 733,858 5,009 228,927 109,012 844,631 3,841,111
C SES TREATED: 213,250 185,665 TRA SPORT
3,436 2,960
20,075 18,737
236,761 207,362
12,196 20,318 332,672
597 426 6,968
647 487 8,989
13,440 21 ,231 348,629
The significant feature from these totals is the increase yet again in the number of cases treated, which over the year amounted to 50,000 (12 %) more than in 1963. Whether this was due to a greater incidence of cases or the wider realisation of our work as suggested above, is not easy to determine. The figures, however, speak for themselves in so far as expansion in this part of our service is concerned and show that an average of over 1,200 cases were treated daily. It has been cu tomary in the past to show here only the totals for
England and Northern Ireland since. Wales, as.a Priory, publish~s its own reports. It is evidently of greater mterest to gIVe the complete for the Brigade at home and, with the conc.urrence of ~he Chlef CommIssioner for Wales, the figures for Wales are mcluded thIS year. THE BRlGADE IN ACTION
The duties which go to make up the above totals cover the whole field of First Aid, Nursing and Welfare. One of the most imp?rt~nt aspects of our work however is the day to day treatment of casualtles m the streets, home or factory by members who happen to be on the spot at the time of an accident. Prompt attention on these occasions freg. ue~tly prevent~ a minor injury, that might otherwise be neglected, develop~ng mt~ somethmg worse, or, where the injury is of a serious nature qUlck actlOn can do much to alleviate pain and as ist ub equent treatment by a doctor. Actions of this nature tend to be taken a a matter of course by our members and often are not reported, thu a vast volume of service goe unrecorded. Nor must it be forgotten how frequently effective fir t aid may result in saving day or week on the sick list with co.nse9.uent 1<;> of pay to the individual and loss of output to the o~ganl atLOn. whlch employs him or her. These are points often not sufficlently realLsed by employers and employees alike. . The broad pattern of duties is much the same th~oughout the Bngade and generally similar from year to year although m .some place .there are special requirements based on the nature and practIces of a particular area. For example: cliff rescues in mountain area marine \,: ork round the coasts and the many State function in London. It may, therefore, be more interesting to iUu trate this year the multiplicity and range of services rather than describing in detail pecific duties. The following are in consequence listed as a cro -section:Disasters:
Stemming from major accidents on Land, ea or in the Air. Help has included fir t aid, nur ing and relief measures for the home1es due to flood uch as at Darwen in Lancashire and in Fiji in 1964, and for survivors of overseas di a ter returning to this country. Emergency scheme are maintained at all levels so that action when required i put into effect in the shortest possible time.
National and County Shows: Road Safety: State and Public Occasions:
The "Royal Show" in Warwickshire and similar shows in other counties. Patrols and First Aid Post on major road Opening of Parliament, Trooping the Colour, Royal Garden Partie Lord Mayor' Show, Wake Week (Lanca hire), Carnivals Election Night gatherings in Trafalgar Square.
Nursing and Welfare:
Help :- In the home and hospitals; with outing and at recreational holiday centres for the elderly, disabled and young invalids (much is done in thi field by ambulance crews, often in their spare time, in transporting the aged and infirm to the seaside, etc.), at nurseries and creches and many types of clinics including chiropody clinics for old people .
Help with Training:
Sporting Event
ervice Occa ion cort
First Aid and Nursing training for other organisations and especially youth organisations. The Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and training for Duke of Edinburgh's Awards might be specifically mentioned. Association and Rugby Football, Cricket, Swimming, Boxing, Tennis (nearly 1,000 casualties are attended each year during the Wimbledon Championships), Polo, Athletics, Rowing, 50-mile Marches for the general public organised by Newspapers. All categories of horse, car, motor cycle, greyhound a nd cycle racing. Associated events such as gymkhanas and motor cycle scrambles. Over 80 % of the larger horse race courses in England, it might be mentioned, are covered. Theatres, cinemas, circuses, zoos, exhibitions, (2,500 casualties are attended annually at the Earl's Court Stadium exhibitions alone), "Pop Group" concerts and the reception of these groups during their travel when large crowds invariably gather. avy Weeks, Sovereign's Parade R.M.A., Sandhurst· R.A.F. flying displays. Land, Sea and Air including school children's exchange visit between France and England. Journeys in Brigade Ambulances.
An obviou reminder which may perhap nonetheless be worth including i that \,: here porting events are concerned the First Aid cover is to meet the pos ible need of both competitor and spectators. It is from the latter that the majority of ca ualties come since wherever there are crowds the need for our service ari e whether it be for minor accidents or sudden iUne . A number of dutie are undertaken in conjunction with the British Red Cro ociety and J would like here to say how much we value and enjoy co-operating with their members on these occasions. TRAI ING
During the pa t year effort have been directed towards improvi?g the organi ation of Adult Divisional Training Programmes with a :'lew ~o providing more variety and a general increa e in the standard of FIr ~ Aid with an eye on the younger member. Many of the recently appomted County and Area Training Officers have contributed to progress here, but much remain to be done. Most Counties have held Training Conferences or weekend \ ith the e ends in view. The Mobile Training Units in Buckinghamshire and Susse are extending the cope of their work. Two other Counties plan to organise sim~lar teams which have a mo t stimulating effect on the standard of teachmg generally. I congratulate tho e Counties \ ho have already adopted this activity and would like to ee it extended to many more.
Once again, thanks to the generosity of the Sembal Trust, six ~ing George VI Memorial Leadership Training Courses were held at Readmg, Dudley Westc1iff, Blackpool, Harrogate and Northern Ireland. The averag; attendance at each Course has been maintained at 50, all between the ages of 18 and 25 thus helping to produce a further 300 potential Young Leaders. . .. Two films have been made available on loan to Counties for trammg purposes. They are: "The Pulse of Lif~, ' which deals wit~ mouth-tomouth resuscitation, and "Disaster," which covers the plannmg and coordination between the organisations involved in rescue operations after a major incident. In September another very succe sful Brigade Training Course in Leadership of Cadets was held at Nottingham and a re~ord number . of 490 Ambulance and Nursing Members, attended. The mam theme studIed was 'Human Relations, ' and the important matter of relation hips within the Brigade, that is between Staff Officers and Division and between Adult and Cadet Divi ions. were discu ed.
Fund Raising Fund raising is an essential responsibility at all levels since the financing of our work so largely depends on the efforts of the Brigade, its friends and supporters both locally and centrally. Our members gladly give their time and skill but the equipment they use has to be paid for: for example, it is rarely realised by someone who has been helped that before the first aider goes on duty again the haversack must be reloaded and one triangular bandage alone now costs 1s. 4d. Other expenses which have to be met include ambulances, uniforms, premises and their maintenance costs, telephone and postage, and so on. The contributions received on flag days and from collections in cinemas help very considerably towards meeting these costs and I would therefore particularly like to record the thanks of the Brigade for the assistance we get in this way and especially to Associated British Cinemas Ltd. and The Rank Organisation Ltd. for the facilities and help they give us over collections in cinemas. A central fund raising activity I should mention was the Royal Preview of the musical, "High Spirits," in aid of Brigade funds and which H.R.H. Prince s Marina graciou ly honoured with her presence. I would like to express my appreciation to the Honourable Geoffrey Russell of Messrs. Linnit & Dunfee Ltd. who offered us the preview, to the Savoy Theatre and the organi ers and many supporters who did so much to make the occa ion a ucce . I would also like to thank Lady Joan Newman for all he did during the year a Chairman of the Appeals Committee, both \-\ith the ' High Spirits" preview and the other fund raising work she undertook on behalf of the Brigade.
Recruiting Recruiting is something constantly in mind so as to en ure an adequate flow of new members in order to keep pace with normal wastage and increased calls on the Brigade ervices. A ha been mentioned earlier, I intend that, tarting from 1st September, 1965, there hould be an intensive recruiting drive at home. New measure already taken, however, are the formation of recruiting team in orne Countie and the giving to one member in each Divi ion the re pon ibility for co-ordinating recruiting. Schools are generally proud of their ol.d boy . and ~irl ~ctivitie an.d we are therefore suggesting that chool wIth UnIt mIght mclude their former pupils or alternatively encourage them to form their own divi ion. The reduction of CCF numbers at public chool ha also led to increase in those taking up first aid and we would like to hear of more chool forming St. John Ambulance Brigade Divi ion. They would find thi not only a de~irable medium for teaching ubject obviou ly of value to young people in the years ahead of them but al 0 a way of inculcating the voluntary spirit and a sense of public service. It is sometim~s. aid tha~ chool curriculum is already too crowded to aUO\ of any additIOn. If thl be so, substitution may be the answer ince is not the knowledge and practice of First Aid and Home Nursing of more importance than, ay, carpentry classes. Boundary Revisions The Greater London Act and boundary reVISIOn elsewhere in the Country have had some repercu ions on the Brigade. Territorial change can have a greater effect on the Brigade than might perhaps be expected. For example: a Division located in a town near the "border' may be responsible for duties well inside "the boundary". A change putting the town into the next county thus disrupt existing contacts with local authorities or other organisations and may raise problems in re-allocating duties. In the event such adjustments as have so far been nece ary were made amicably and the Brigade's intere ts were invariably put fir t by Divisions and Counties involved . I would like to pay particular tribute to this.
Uniform A problem not generally realised arise from the need that our members hould be in uniform and the cost factor that is involved. Uniform gives them the nece ary authority for access and free movement when on duty and makes them ea ily recognisable when needed. Moreover, it is our pride that the uniform, ambulance and nursing alike, identifies the individual to any of the public a omeone in whom they can place their confidence if accident, injury or iUne s arise. This identification is, of cour e particularly important on public occasions and we like to feel that our uniform ha over the years come to be a part of a way of life and the general public, we think, derives satisfaction and security from eeing our member pre ent. Uniform are, however, expensive and impose not only another financial burden but al 0 re trict the extent to which changes in line with modern usage can be made. The policy is to keep uniform practical and treamline it as and when pos ible. For e ample, trousers are now made for wear without braces so a to be more suitable as part of shirt sleeve order and a warmer hirt is available for Ambulance Cadets. AWARDS
The Ii t of Order and Brigade Awards and Jubilee Certificates is given in Appendix C. The former yet again indicate that gallantry skill and cool head in an emergency e ist in plenty in the Brigade when needed both at home and over ea . I am also delighted to record that a well a the awards made by the Order to member of the Cypru Relief Commi ion Mr. J. F. G. Coles,
who led the Commission, had his work nationally recognised by being made an M.B.E. in the New Year's Honours. COMPETITIO S
The Finals of the Brigade First Aid and Nursing Competition were held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on 4th July. It wa a privilege and pleasure to have with us the Lord Prior who since he wa good enough to be present throughout the day, was able to see a good deal of the tests before presenting the awards to the winners . We were al 0 very pleased that the Mayor and Mayoress of We tminster were able to attend. This was the first year in which greater emphasis wa placed on the individual tests, which undoubtedly provide a more realistic approach and therefore greater training value which is, after all the principal object of competition. An innovation this year was to take some of the Cadets on a sight-seeing tour of London which helped to ease the ten ion while they were waiting to undergo their te t and al 0 it i hoped made their visit to the capital more enjoyable. Winners in each Section were:Dewar Shield for Ambulance Teams Perrott Shield for Nursing Teams . . White Knox Competition for Ambulance Cadet Teams. . . . . . . . Dunbar Nasmith Competition for Nursing Cadet Teams .
Cefn Cribbwr (Wale) Chelmsford (Essex) Gray (London) Market Harborough (Lei c tershire)
It i time that tribute should be paid in this report to the Judge for all they do in connection with these competition, not only in the Final but in the earlier rounds. They are a vital part of the organi ation and on them depends the success and value to be derived from thi part of our training. Judging i a responsible and intere ting activity but nonethele tiring and time consuming and we are therefore grateful and appreciative to our Surgeons and Nursing Officer who are all bu y people yet as i t us so will.ingly and generously. I am al 0 most grateful to the many other officIals who do so much to ensure that competition run moothly. The Otto Lund Trophy competed for annually by the Brigade in Northern Ireland and Eire was won thi year by Northern Ireland. The Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief and Miss O. M. Davies, S. R.N. (Area ur ing Officer, Hertfordshire), were the Judges and the Deputy Commi ioner~ in-Chief also went to Belfast for the event. The Annual Competition between Guernsey and Jer ey wa won b Guernsey and judged by the Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief and Mi D. ursing Officer, Dar et). Dr. Scott wa Sunderland, S.R.N. (County asked t.o judge at Messrs. Fison's Fertilizers Ltd . Competition ~mals at FelIxstowe, where he found the organisation of the competition III the hands of the local Division' a type of function many Divi ion are regularly asked to perform. INSPECTIONS AND VISTTS
As. in previous years Inspections and Visit have helped greatly in keepmg touch between Headquarters and all section of the Brigade. Headquarters' conferences also play their part in this and are de cribed later in this report as are tours and visits overseas. Inspections in addition
to helping liaison within the Brigade provide a good opportunity for Counties to draw attention to their work locally and thus attract support in a number of ways. Such functions attended by the majority of members in the County also help to show them the strength and solidarity of the organisation to which they belong-something which may perhaps not always be realized by the small unit working on its own in an outlying area. The Colours of the Brigade are a proud feature at many inspections and the standard of Colour Parties throughout is admirable. This was the case in Wiltshire in 1964 where the County received its first Colour through the generosity of the Surgeon-in-Chief, one of its former Commi sioners. In Surrey the ceremony of "Transferring the Colour" was excellently performed as a part of the programme for their inspection. The ceremony temming from Surrey's custom of lodging their Colour in different parts of the County for specific periods has resulted in a tradtional procedure being developed. It is sometimes asked why we have Colours in the Brigade and it may, therefore, be of interest to quote from an Address by H.M. Lord Lieutenant of and in the County of Warwickshire when presenting a new Colour to Birmingham in 1963. He said, "May this Colour, which I have had the honour of presenting to your Brigade today, serve to inspire all ranks to further efforts in the cause of the relief of suffering and service to humanity." Thi expre e admirably the reason we have our Colours ; they are the traditional emblem reminding us all of the devotion of our forebears, the Knights of st. John and thereby set the standard we have to live up to now and for the future. Other visits which may be briefly mentioned include the camps of the Ea t Midland Area of the National Coal Board for their Brigade Member at Rhyl and Skegness, several of which I and a number of other Headq uarter Officers had the pleasure of attending; competitions throughout the United Kingdom; and the launching of Flying Christine II in Guern ey. rn addition many Headquarters Officers enjoyed visits to ocial and other gatherings in Counties. Visits to training days or conference are particularly u eful occasions for Headquarters Officers to attend 0 a to learn of the problems in Counties and even more important to hear their idea and suggestions. Visiting Officers also have the opportunity of offering their help and advice and telling the County of Brigade policy intention . CONFERENCES
The cu tornary meeting of the Brigade Committee, Women's Advisory Committee, Cadet Advi ory Committee, Surgeons, Nursing Officers and ecretarie all took place during the year. These, as always, were Df the greate t value, certainly to us at Headquarter and I believe al 0 to Countie . J n addition Brigade representatives attended many outside Conference at all level throughout the Brigade. These help greatly in keeping us in touch with Government Departments and the other Voluntary Organisations and enable us to ensure that First Aid and Home Nur ing a pect of the matters under discussion receive due weighting. Two other Conference during the year were the combined Commisioner and Superintendent (N) Conference and that for Public Relations Officer. The former which takes place every four year or so, was through the courte y of the London County Council held at the County
Hall, Westminster, and attended by 80 Commissioners and Superintendents (N), including the Commissioners from South Australia, Sabah and Zanzibar. The P.R.O.'s conference had not been held for orne years but the ever increasing need for publicity suggested that this should be revived; 41 delegate attended. Both conferences produced intere ting and lively discussion and numerous good ideas were forthcoming that will be of wide benefit in the months ahead. SE lOR OFFIC RS
Changes in Commissioners:Dorset: Major R . W. Humphreys succeeded Dr. E. J. Gordon Wallace. Hampshire: Captain H. P. Hender on C.B.E. , D.S .O. , R.N., ucceeded Colonel W. P. S. Curti, O.B.E. , D.L. Kent: Brigadier J. V. Davidson-Houston M.B.E. ucceeded MajorGeneral G. Brunskill C.B., M.C., D.L. To the new Commi ioner I extend a warm welcome and my gratitude for their willingness to take over the re pon ibility of thi office. We are indeed fortunate in having them to ucceed. I would al 0 like to welcome Lady Moyra Browne as Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief. he brings to the appointment her already con iderable e perience of the Brigade and the technical qualifications of a State Enrolled ur e. The changes in Commi sioner re ulted from the former Commi ioner feeling the time had come for them to retire, influenced in the ca e of General Brunskill and Colonel Curtis by their increa ing ill-health. It is of course, right, as in any organisation that the Brigade' nior officer should change from time to time and for other officer with new idea to come forward. onetbele s it i alway a matter of regret \\ hen talwarts who have done 0 much hand over the reins of office and J \\ould, therefore, like to record here my personal gratitude, which I kno\\ will be echoed in their Countie , for their loyal and devoted service. Unfortunately the improvement in health for which we all hoped for General Brunskill and Colonel Curti did not materialize and to our orro\\ and of their Counties they have both ince died. We uffered a number of other losses through death and although these mo tly V\ ere offic r on the retired list it in no way lessened our adne at their pa ing r our regret that we hould no longer have their upport. They incl uded:Major-General J. M. Kirkman C.B ., C.B.E. Commi ioner-in-Chief 1956-1962; Captain J. L. Johns R. ., former Commi ioner Cumberland and Westmorland; Captain W. C. C. Knight, M .B. . , former Commissioner Bedford ; Lady Fuller M.B. E. County uperintendent ( ), Wiltshire; Mr. James Pearsoll M.B. ., Deputy Commis ioner, orth Riding of Yorkshire. All will be greatly mis ed and if in thi report 1 d no more than remember a few of them by name, it i only beca u e detail of \ hat they had done over the years have already been publi hed in the Rel'iell' and elsewhere. I am sure, however, that Member would wi h me to make particular mention of our former Commissioner-in-Chief, General Ki rkman, who is remembered with affection and gratitude by so many at home and overseas. During the five and a half years he wa Commi joner-in-Chief he gave himself unstintingly to the Brigade and wa alway inten ely proud of it and of the devoted service of its mem ber .
The Superintendent-in-Chief reports as follows:It is with pleasure I record the continued devoted and fine service of the Nursing Corps and .Div~sions during the past year in meeting the ~nany ~~mands upon theIr s~Ill and so-called leisure time. In many areas, III addItIOn ~~ t~e ~ul1y qualIfied members, much valuable work is being done by auxilianes In tasks that do not require first aid and nursing skills and I hope the recruitment of auxiliaries as well as full members may develop and enable us to expand our help to the community. . First Aid, .Nu:sin~ and Welfare. The analysis of voluntary duty hours gIves some IndIcatIOn of the range of service undertaken, but cannot denote the degree of help whether it be on first aid duty at public occasions or at the beach F.A ..huts (which had a busy summer) or' nursing assistance for homebound patients, at hospitals, clinics and homes for the elderly and infirm needing permanent care. Much escort work has been done with invalids as well as on group outings and holidays for handicapped and elder~y. persor:-s, for. whom, too,. ~any welfare facilities are provided by the DIVl Ions In theIr own localItIes. The latter include visiting and helping the homebound, in which the cadets also give able assistance equipment from medical comforts depots, and assistance at centres and club for the elderly and disabled. Valuable help has been given by members and auxiliaries in the activitie of the Joint Committee St. John and R~d Cro Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department in caring for tho e 111 need through their disablement; and also with the library amenitie provided through the Hospital Library Department. In these and other way the Divi ion both individually and in co-operation with Local Authority and with other voluntary organisations schemes, have made a valuable contribution to the happiness and welfare of many thou ands. The prompt help readily offered in this country was no less forthcoming during the emergency in Cyprus when joint st. John and British Red Cro team were called for to serve in the villages where there was pecial hard hip. Thi operation i described elsewhere but I would expre pecial appreciation to the officers and members (N) who volunteered for thi important task. Hospital Car Service. Thi service, jointly run by the British Red Cross Society, the Women' Voluntary Service and the st. John Ambulance Brigade, conti n ue to provide very essential transport for patients to ho pital and clinics. No prai e i too high for the drivers who voluntarily undertake thi work and the county and area organisers upon whose efficient admini tration the succe of the cherne rests. Sen ice Hospitals Welfare Department. At Naval Military and Air Force Ho pitals in the United Kingdom and overseas St. John and Red Cross Welfare Officer continue their valuable work in caring for the welfare and recreational need of ick ervicemen. Twelve new officers trained during 1964 and at the end of the year the trength totalled 74, of whom only 20 were member of the Brigade. I would like to ee more. The two St. John Welfare Officer stationed with the British Military Hospital in Dhekelia had patient of many nationalities and also did a lot of work \\ ith the civilian population during the emergency in Cyprus. The Director of the department, Mis Downing, herself a member of the Brigade, toured the ear Ea t earlier in the year visiting Service units
and hospitals in Benghazi, Tripoli, Malta and Cyprus. In the Far East, books, magazines and stores have been sent to Sick Quarters in Borneo and the Chief Welfare Officer, at the request of the Army Director of Medical Service, visited units in Labaun, Brunei and Kuching. Ca ualties are evacuated to Singapore so there is no resident Welfare Officer in Borneo at present. Welfare Officers in Hong Kong and Singapore were delighted to see the Commis ioner-in-Chief when he visited Service Hospitals during his tour of the Far Ea t towards the end of the year. Welfare Officers are also respon ible for caring for relatives visiting very seriously ill ervicemen and women under the Government "Dilfor" Scheme, and those attending funerals at Government expen e in North West Europe. These numbered 90 la t year and numerou requests were dealt with for flower to be placed on grave. During the year a factual survey of dutie carried out by Welfare Officer wa made by the Mini try of Defence. The findings of thi survey confirm that it i an e ential service and one mo t ati factorily carried out by personnel out ide the Service structure. I was delighted to have the opportunity of meeting many of the \Velfare Officer at the ucces ful conference held in the summer. Royal Naval V.A.D. Reserve. Member of this Re erve continue to undertake training periods at R.N. Ho pital in Ha lar and Plymouth and occasionally in Malta. The total of Re erve member stand at 69, of which 13 are members of the Brigade. Again I would like to see more. Training and Conferences. The wide scope of Brigade activities demands constant training not only in the primary subjects of practical fir t aid and nursing but aloin a sociated topic, in admini tration and not lea t in being trained in the art of how to teach other . The latter ha particular importance for officers and member who not only in truct \\ ithin the Brigade but undertake much u eful work in giving talk and practical demonstrations to the public, to other voluntary bodie, and to trainee for the National Hospital Service Re erve. In addition to the many hour devoted to training \ ithin the Divi ion . and by the mobile training units it is ati factory that many \\ ell attended training days and weekend courses have been held throughout the counties. I was delighted myself to attend the West Riding of York hire Conference and the Cumberland and We tmorland training day. The Commissioners and District/County Superintendent' Conference wa a valuable opportunity of interchanging view for future development, a too was the Secretaries' Conference on administrative que tion which was attended by Miss Harrison. The Chief ursing Officer wa pre ent at the .H.S.R. Conference at Harrogate and the Surgeon' Conference, and Miss Watson attended training cour e in the Priory for \Vale and Northern Ireland. The close co-operation that is so essential with tatutory and ther authorities on health and welfare question entails repre entation throughout the counties and from headquarter on numerou committee and attendance at many conferences on matters of mutual concern such a the National Old People's Welfare Conference at Torq uay attended b) Mrs. Cavendish. In thanking the e representative I would like to exprl,; particular appreciation to the Chief ursing Officer for her con tant representation of the Brigade nur ing intere ts in many pherc. It was a great pleasure again to welcome the W.V.S. Advi ory CouncIl
who, on the invitation of the Order, held a meeting at st. John's Gate at which the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents the British Red Cross Society and the Brigade provided brief talks and d~monstrations on accident prevention, first aid and oral resuscitation. Nu~sing Offic~rs. A successful ~ ur~ing Officers Conference was again
orgamsed by MISS Duff Grant, this tIme at Birmingham County Headquarters, the first occasion that this annual conference had been held outside London. I w~s delighted to attend this accompanied by Lady Moyra Bro'Y:'ne, who 1 herself a S.tate Enrolled Nurse. Very interesting talks w.ere given. by experts ?n subjects connected with modern developments III first aid and nurSll1g and there was useful discussion on the relationship between voluntary organisations and hospitals and other ubjects. In reporting a very satisfactory increase in the number of State Registered Nurse who have been appointed Nursing Officers in the past year, the Chief Nursing Officer e presses her thanks to all the Nursing Officers for their upport and devotion to our work. I join with her in gratitude to them and other members of the nursing profession who generously give their killed help in training and other ways. It is a source of satisfaction that the Brigade for its part, continues to make a substantial contribution from it members and ex-cadets to the entry for nurse training and that many of tho e who qualify as S.R. . subsequently take up appointments a St. John Nursing Officers. nfortunately there are still a certain number of counties with vacancies for County and Area ur ing Officers and it is to be hoped that these appointment may be filled in the coming year.
Inspections alld Visits. With you, Sir, I was present at the successful Cadet Rally at Chiche ter which was honoured by the presence of H.R.H. Prince Margaret. T was very happy to undertake the County Durham Inspecti n and the In pection of Jer ey Divi ions, as well a visiting Brigade activitie in Guern ey. In the autumn I visited Cumberland to open the ne'v\ Carli Ie Nursing Division Headquarters generou ly given by i tant County Superintendent Mr. Raven and to attend the Training Da) already mentioned. Over ea 1 \\ a particularly glad to have the opportunity of again visiting igeria, Sierre Leone and Ghana, in all of which countries fine \ ork i being done by St. John Units. At Inspection in the following countie the Chief Nursing Officer, the Chief Officer for Cadet and member of my staff accompanied the Commissioner-in-Chief, the Deputy Commi sioner-in-Chief or the Surgeon-in- hief:- Bri tol (Mis Wat on) Devon E.S. & . (Mrs. Cavendi h) Lanca hire Area 1 and 6 (Mi Duff Grant), No.1 Di trict, London Ea tern rea (Mi Duff Grant), Nottinghamshire Midland Area (Mi s Duff Grant) and Northern Area (Miss Morison), Plymouth and S.W. Devon and E. Cornwall (Lady Braithwaite) Shropshire (Miss Watson), Surrey (Lady Braithwaite) Suffolk (Mis Duff Grant), and Wiltshire (Mis Watson). Lady M oyra Browne represented Headquarter at the e cellent Camp [or Officer and Member of the Nursing Division run by the National Coal Board at Rhyl, and al 0 attended the Redruth Nur ing Divi ion Jubilee dinner in Cornwall.
Changes ill Appointments. During the year the Brigade s~ffered a sad loss in the death of Lady Fuller, M.B.E., County Supenntendent for Wiltshire who had given outstanding service particularly in the interests and development of the Nursing and Nursing Cadet. Divisio.ns since 19?1 , having for the previous four years been County VIce-PresIdent Nursmg Cadets. With regret I report the resignation of the following County ,Supe~in tendents :- Dr. Ainscow, Cumberland and Westmorland, 44 years serVIce; Lady Starmer, Durham, 28 ye.ars' service (23 in a ,Presi~ent!al cap~cit.y) ; Mrs. Smellie Essex, who havmg fulfilled 47 years service IS contmumg her excellent' work for the Brigade in the capacity of Divisional Superintendent of the Stanway Ambulance and Nursing Division. At Headquarters I was sorry to receive the resignation of Miss Baird wh?, initially as a Service Hospital Welfare Officer, then as County Supertnt~ndent , Oxfordshire and finally as a Headquarters Staff Officer, had given 22 years' valued service. To them all I extend very grateful thank for their admirable service to the Brigade. I welcome the following in their appointments as County Superintendents :- The Countess of Carlisle, Cumberland and We tmorland ; Mrs. Train, Essex; Miss Sturmer Wiltshire. Early in the year I was very glad to welcome Lady Moyra Brow,:e on her appointment as one of my Staff Officer and on her return to Bngade work after several years absence through family commitment. It is with particular pleasure that I report her appointment toward the end of the year as Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, i~ whi~h cap~city her .St. John knowledge and experience and other qualJficatlOn Will be of lmmen e help to me. Conclusion. At the end of another year of hard work and progre 1 end my most grateful thanks to all my District/ County Superintendent and County/Area Officers, both at home and overseas, for the magnificent contribution they have made towards meeting the strenuou demands on the Brigade. Thanks to them our Flag fiies a high a ever. As always, my gratitude to my taff i unbounded. It i difficult year after year to find words to express the value of their work and I can only say to them, one and all, from the bottom of my heart, "Thank ou ." Once again, Sir, too, I would like to thank you and your taff for your understanding and help throughout the year, which has been 0 largely responsible for the excellent relationship that exists between the Ambulance and Nursing side of the Brigade. M. BRECKNOCK, Superin t eJldent -iJ1- Ch ief.
Close contact has also been maintained with the British Red Cross Society in the organisation of courses in Casualty Simulation with the help of Casualties Union. It is intended that these courses will be followed up in Counties and Areas by further instruction in this subject so that ultimately every Division will have the benefit of a trained casualty. My Deputy or I visited the Competitions held at Regional level in all Regions but one. As a result of our observations, a circular was sent to every County giving a number of ideas which might assist in the running of these Competitions. Our visits gave us the opportunity of meeting many doctors acting as judges. Several counties, including the Commandery of Ards, invited me to visit them to meet Brigade Surgeons; such personal contact is invaluable and I would wish that all counties would endeavour to arrange day meetings of surgeons which either I or my Deputy would be delighted to attend. A very uccessful Surgeon's Conference was held at Nottingham Univer ity; the Saturday was spent in short talks by selected Brigade peakers discussing various aspects of Brigade training and examinations and on Sunday a London Fire Brigade Officer, the Medical Officer of a football club and a doctor from the Birmingham Accident Hospital gave their views on the work of the Brigade. The advantages of meeting at a univer ity were considered to outweigh the disadvantage of the clash of the date with summer holidays. During the year the Brigade has availed itself of a generous offer of beds and equipment from surplus and redundant stock in hospitals. Divi ion needing the e items receive them free of cost. In spite, however, of the large upply we have already received there are many more Divi ion till short of training equipment. May I, therefore, mention that we are alway most grateful to receive any equipment of this type no longer required : it i invaluable to our training. Continued in truction in re uscitation has been given to District Nur e Midwive and other groups throughout England, and the film, "Pul e of Life,' i till in teady demand. A complete revi ion of the record cards of Brigade Surgeon has been completed and a number of error found and corrected. A personal letter of thank and Chri tma greeting has been sent together WIth some notes of general intere t to all Surgeon in the Brigade at Home. To them must go my be t thank for all their work in the field; at Headquarters, my Deputy Dr. cott, and my Staff Officer Mr. Kirk~am , are ~lways. available: rno t willingly with advice and assistance and WIthout theIr contmuous help the Department could not cover the volume of work it does .
Surgeon-in- Chief CIVIL DEFE CE
The Surgeon-in-Chief reports as follows: During 1964 increased efforts have been made to improve the practical side of our training. As part of this and resulting from close co-operation with the Principal Medical Officer of the Association it is hoped to be able to revise and improve our present methods of re-examination and to extend instruction on practical rather than theoretical methods of first aid.
Co-operation between the Brigade and the Civil Defence CO.rps ~~s continued throughout the year and members have taken part m CIVlI Defence e erci e in many parts of the country. On 25th April 1964, a further One-day Course entirely devote~ to the Brigade was held at the Civil Defence Staff College at Sunnmgdale: 74 member from all parts of the United Kingdom attended. 1 am rno t grateful to the Commandant and his Staff ~t Sun~ingdale for the trouble they took to provide u with such excellent III tructlon and in looking after our comforts during the day.
The Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief was a m~I!lber of a Home Office Working Party on Auxiliary forces for the CIVIl Defe~ce ~orps. The recommendations of this Working Party are under considerattOn by the Minister concerned. NATIO AL HOSPlTAL SERVICE RESERVE
The Chief Nursing Officer report satisfacto~y pro.gre s in ~o.rk with the National Ho pital Service Reserve for wh~ch, With th.e . ~rIttsh. ~ed Cross Society, the Brigade undert~kes the recrUItment and 1I1ltlal.traLlllOg of nursing au iliarie . There contmue h?\~~ver, t.o be !leed for ~reat~r membership and it is hoped that eyery .D~vI tOn WIll act~vely conSider III what way it can extend enrolment. m th~s Impo.r tant service. T~le Rese~ve offers valuable trainin a and experIence m nur mg pr~cedures In hosplt~l and with Forward M;dical Aid Unit which are de Igned to operate m emergency conditions. The Ministry of Health September returns recorded 26 624 St. John Nursing Auxiliarie of whom 21 ,444 wer~ women and 8,180 men. Of these approximately two-fifths were full Bngade members. . The long awaited N.H.S.R. handbook, the result of prolon~ed. dl cussions between the Mini try of Health and the Voluntary Organls~tIon , consolidating all information on N.H .. R . matter, ha now been I ~ed. This should prove of great help to our .Co.unty .H.S.R. repre entatlve who continue to give instintingly of their tIme to the development of the service. CADETS
The 1964 Cadet Rally was held at Chiche t .r on ~2th july . nce again H.R.H. The Princess Margaret, Commandant-m-Chlef of.Ambulance and Nursing Cadets honoured us with her pre enc~. We are mdeed fortunate in the interest that Her Royal Highne take In St. John Cadet and the time she devote to them. During the afternoon Her Royal Highne in pected a parade of ~,500 Cadets and conducted an Enrolment Ceremony for 61 Cadet. An mnovation wa a di play by the Sus ex County Band, followed by a tableau , . given by Cadet of the Brighton a r e a . . As alway there have been torie. of hero) m and re ource, uch cl when Cadet Hugh William of Menoneth mad~ ~ c~)Urageou effort to save a friend from drowning, and Cadet Tony SClglJanl of Hanley ucce fully rescued an 8 year-old non-swimm~r from a lake. There wa al 0 Cadet Corporal Martin Harvey of ~ellll1gton S~mer ~t, who ~arne? .a Letter of Commendation for the efficient manner In ~hlch he gave ~Ir t Aid to a boy who had been seriously injured after failing on to orne Iron railings and might have died if it had not been for adet Corporal . Harvey's prompt and effective action. It is not however only among t the comparatIvely fe\ who e outstanding w~rk becomes known that thi pi~it prevail. Mo t adet their part in public duties although for obvIOus rea on there are re t11Ctions on what the Brigade can allow them to do. ~hey c~n and do, however assist on many occasions and are invaluable 111 helpmg other young folk 'or as messengers, guides and in similar capacities. They are al. 0 very much to the fore in the welfare field where they help old people I~ ~~elr homes with housework, decorating, shopping and other useful actIvIlJes. Naturally, Cadets may quite often arrive first at the cene of treet
accidents and the training they have been given has again and again demonstrated its value in the help they have been able to give in those vitally important minutes when a casualty is first found. This volume of work quietly and willingly carried out in all Divisions makes clear that Cadets are learning in the Brigade to be responsible young citizens and are developing a sense of public service which must be of value to the future of the country. To give two further examples:In Somerset four Cadet Divisions held a competition to see which Division could first raise the £250 necessary to obtain a guide dog for a blind person; in the event all four Divisions succeeded in raising the sum and thus the lot of four blind people was made easier. In Norfolk a partially paralysed girl is through her afflictions losing the use of her fingers and has become unable to manipulate her record player. Cadets have raised locally sufficient money to provide her with a tape recorder with controls she can manage and so she still is able to listen to the music in which she finds consolation. We undoubtedly owe a debt of gratitude to the Officers who give up their leisure to training and helping St. John Cadets acquire this fine pirit and outlook and of which we all have every reason to be proud. Other Cadet activities included continued participation in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme where 4 Gold, 1 Silver and 16 Bronze Awards have been gained. Camping was also prominent throughout the country during the ummer and 1,060 campers attended the Brigade Camp at Bexhill so admirably run by Mrs. Rose. During the year 26 Camping Warrants and 10 Quartermastering Certificates were issued. OVERSEAS GE ERAL
Brief comment on overseas strengths arising from Appendix 'A' were included earlier in this report and showed that the overall increase has not b en a ub tantial as in the past few years. This has been due to a variety of circumstances which will be readily appreciated, as one or two territories have gone through difficult times in 1964. On the other hand, it is particularly encouraging to note the growing expansion and enthusiasm in a number of smaller areas, amongst which might be mentioned Fiji and the Leeward and Windward Isles. A Division has also been formed ror the first time in the Turks and Caicos Islands. EMERGE CIES
The sending of St. John and Red Cross teams to Cyprus at the end of J 963 to carry out relief work was briefly described in last year's repo~t. These member formed into a Relief Commission under the leadershIp of Mr. J. F. G'. Cole, continued to operate until June 1964 when the United Nations Force in Cyprus and the International Committee ?f ~he Red Cross assumed responsibility for their work and the ComrrusslOn wa withdrawn. Teams of two (generally one St. John and one Red Cross member) visited hundred of villages taking medical care, welfare services and food to the inhabitant. Their work was onerous and at times dangerous but they had the sati faction of knowing they had brought comfort to many people in need at a mo t difficult time in the island's history.
Zanzibar During the serious political troubles in the early part of the year, members of the Brigade under the leadership of the Commissioner, Mr. K. A. Pascoe, M.B.E., helped the Red Cross in relief work amongst the thousands of detainees. The Commissioner and other officers have now left the island and for the moment the Brigade is not able to continue its work. The Association is managing to carryon to some extent and we shall hope, therefore, in due course to see the Brigade again becoming established. PUBLIC DUTIES
Zambia-Malawi First Aid coverage on a large scale was arranged for the Independen~e Celebrations in Zambia and to a smaller extent in Malawi. The CommIssioner in Zambia has reported that the arrangements were very successful but in spite of large crowds casualtie were comparatively few. lvIalta The Brigade in Malta also took an active part in Independence Celebrations, not only in performing Public Duties, but also by providing uniformed members for some of the "floats" in the Independence Pageant in the city of Valetta and the Grand Harbour. During the year Brigade members have as usual been most helpful and hospitable to St. John visitors from all over the world. We are mo t grateful for all the arrangements the Commissioner makes to give our members uch a pleasant welcome and to look after them so well. West Indies The Brigade wa on duty in most i lands during Prince Philip's recent tour. In St. Lucia a "Mock Hurricane" demonstration was taged and His Royal Highness took the Salute at a March Past afterward and spoke to a number of members. Fiji
Eight hundred members of the Brigade were on parade when the Colour, given by London District with whom Fiji is affiliated, was dedicated and then presented by H.E. The Governor. Earlier eriou flood had led to graver responsibility and saw the Brigade doing plendid relief work. TOURS
In February and March I visited the Brigade in the Caribbean Area ' a description of this tour being included in the 1963 Report. In December I began a further exten ive tour which covered vi it to Hong Kong, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore, Malaya Kenya, Mauritiu and South Africa. Sarawak is one of the very few places in the Commonwealth where there is neither Association nor Brigade, but during the day 1 wa there I was able to draw attention to our availability if needed. St. John flourishes in all the other countrie I had the plea ure of visiting and I regret that space in this report does not permit me to describe all that I was privileged to see or to enlarge on the unforgettable warmth and friendliness of the welcome given everywhere; fuller account have, however, been published in the Reviel\. Altogether not many hort of 10,000 members of the Brigade were inspected on parade and many Headquarters were visited and meetings of St. John Council attended. There were five major parades, that is of over 1,000 and many mailer ones.
!he ~outh A~rican part o~ my journey was originally planned as a bnef pnvate The Pn~r, on hearing of this, most kindly asked me to do a tour .Ill the RepublIc when I was given the chance of visiting most of the mam places around which Brigade units are concentrated and had the great pleasure of meeting a large number of Officers and Members. In Cape Town, for instance, there were present in the Headquarters several representatives from each of the 53 Divisions in the Di s trict- Europ~an, Colour~d, Malay and Bantu. As it was the height of the South Af~lcan season It was not practicable to hold formal parades and the only umt I actually saw, therefore, was a Bantu Railway Division at East London. However, I saw quite enough in the way of Guards of Honour at many places an~ in my talks w.ith Members to be impressed by the smartness and efficIency of the Bngade in South Africa. Apart from my own warm welcome I received innumerable messages of friendship to the Brigade everywhere . . In March the Superintendent-in-Chief visited Ghana, Nigeria and SIerra Leone wher~, as mentioned in he~ own report, she saw something of the fine work bell1g done by St. John In those countries. An important visit also during the year was that made in May at the di recti on of the Order by Colonel Benyon, Controller Overseas to Central frica ,,:,ith th.e object of discu~sing the new Constitutions consequent on the dl olutlOn of the FederatIOn. As a result, new Councils have been formed in Mala wi and Zambia, whilst the Commandery now operates in Rhodesia only. Although these visits were on behalf of the Order rather than the Brigade, Colonel Benyon was able to see quite a lot of the training of Brigade Members in Rhodesia and Zambia and to talk over method and point of interest in all three countries. [
Changes in Commissioners have occurred as follows:Country igeria Police Di t. Ingapore 1auri tiu ychclle Uganda Zambia
Former Commissioners J. E. Hodge, Esq., C.M.G. , c.Y.O. Dr. D. P. McIntyre . . . . R. M . Desvaux de Marigny, Esq., C.B.E. B. ealon, Esq. . . . . . . M . J. Macoun Esq., C.M.G ., O.B.E. ppointed first Commissioner
K . A . Pascoe Esq., M.B.E . .
Present Commissioners L. O. Edet, Esq. Dr. K. L. Loh G. B. McCaffery, Esq.
R. D. Hook, tsq. E. W. Oryema, Esq. Col. S. F. Gauron, M.B.E. No successor at present.
I hould like to take this opportunity of again thanking those Commi sio ners who have retired for all their past hard work on behalf of the Brigade and at the ame time extend a warm welcome to their succe sors. The re pon ibilitie of a Commissioner are considerable and I feel the Ord r and Brigade have much rea on to be grateful to the busy men who have been good enough to a sume these responsibilities. HEADQUARTERS OFFT ER
Cyprus I n October Mis Irene Checkley M.B.E., re igned after a remarkable
record of ervice for St. John. Not only did she do out tanding work in Cypru but prior to going there was in Malaya fir tly doing relief work during the Emergency and later as Headquarter Officer. She relinquished
her appointment on getting married and to her go our thank for all she has done and be t wishes for the future. Caribbean and North Atlantic Area It was learned with concern in May that Mr . Davie-Smith thc Headquarters Officer for the Area had been knocked down by a car and su tained serious injurie . I am glad, however, to be able to say that he is mal ing a good recovery and by the end of the year wa beginning to resume her dutie . Much i owed to her for all he ha done over the years for St. John in the Caribbean. The appreciation of thi fact wa demon trated by the many mes age of ympathy sent to her from all over the Area. Nigeria Mr. R. F. Chri tie M.B.E., after many year of valuable work h3. ' been succeeded by Mr. S. O. U. Jgbe. Mr. 19be wa in London for two month during the ummer \ hil t learning omething of St. John procedure and administration. In December Mr. C. R. Pilbeam \ ent to Nigeria a an Adviser and will be working in co-op-.;ration with Mr. Igbe in etting up St. John Committee and e tabli hing t. John work in the outlying areas. Sierra Leone Mr. J. A. Finney has been appointed Headquarter Officer in ucce ion to Mr. E. M. pe k. Mr. peck ha held thi po t temporarily ince the departure of Mr. Pilbeam who, a. mentioned above i now in Nigeria. Sabah Mr . Monica Chin ucceeded Mr . Ree e in Decemb r. he will be corning to London in April for two month to tudy the variou a pect of St. John work.
As always lowe more t.h an I can. say t? the work of my colleagues at He~dquarters. T~e. Super~ntendent-m-Chlef, Surgeon-in-Chief, my two ASSIstant CommlsslOners-m-Chief and the Controller Overseas are of course, a.t?wer of str~ngth. I think, however, it. is,Perhaps appropriat~ to make particular mel~tlon of the Deputy CommIsslOner-in-Chief Admiral Well by, and my Chief Staff Officer, Brigadier Miller. This is because it has so happened that I .have been absent abroad a good deal more than usual and on them partlc~larly has fa~len t~e ~)Urden of dealing with the many co~plex matters which necessanly arIse m so large an organisation as the BrIgade. I wo.uld also in this report like to offer my thanks to the Association for their support of the ~rjgade's work. We sometimes lose sight of the !act that. the ver~ foun.datlOn of our services is laid by the Association in ItS teac~l?g of. First ~ld and Nursing and in the preparation of manuals and. tramlOg aId which we need and use daily. Fmally, any report, if it is to. be of value, should have its pointers for the .future. 1 ~ould, theref?re, lIke to conclude by listing five which I am asklOg the Bngade to contmue to keep constantly in view, these are to:-
We were very glad during the year to have a large number of t. John Members from over ea , many of \ hom attended the nnual Commemoration Service at St. Paul' , the Brigade Final, the adet Rally and a few were able to take part in large public dutie uch a at the Trooping the Colour. The following countrie were repre ented at one or more of these functions: Australia Canada New Zealand South Africa British Guiana
Ken ya Ma lava Mauritlu Nigeria abah
ypru Gh ana Grenada Hong Kong Jama ica CO
t. Kitt T angan) lka Tnnidad T bago gand a Zanzlbal
(a) Take full advantage of modern techniques and methods of training. (b) Be prepared always to improvise when necessary. (c)
Ma.inta,in .rigidly our standards so as to serve the public well and mamtam It confidence.
(d) Give increa ed emphasis to recruiting. (e)
Anticipate by can tantly looking ahead, future problems and tackle them early. An example of this is provided by the now greater expectancy of life which will result in more and more older peoI?le with no doubt ever-increasing calls on the Brigade's welfare erVlce .
I f we get the e right we can re t as ured that the Brigade will continue not ?nly to. fulfil it role but to widen and expand its value to the com~ l11unlty. Thl [can afely ay is the aim of everyone of us who is privileged to erve the Order of t. John and it ideals in the St. John Ambulance Brigade. ROYER DICK, Commissioner-in-Chief.
I believe it will be agreed that in the pa t year much ha yet again been achieved. That thi was so ha been due to the in pired ervice of our members at Home and Over eas and L record here my per onal gratitud e to them for their work, perseverance and enthu ia m. 1 have everal time. herein spoken of the Brigade in action. Where action is implied be it on the battlefield or in the factory succes or failure depend in the end on the skill and devotion of tho e phy ically doing the job. I f, therefore, the year has been one ofsucces ,it i to the Ambulance and Nur ing Member - adult and cadet- that the credit must go. Tn aying thi I do not, ho\ ever, forget the need for wi e direction and good planning, training and administration and for which I am indebted to Officer and Member at all levels.
England & N. Ireland . Commandery in Rhodesia. Other Territories Overeas
Priories : Wales . Southern Africa. New Zealand. Canada Australia. India . Pakistan Grand Total
DIVISIONS Ambu- Nurs- Coming bined lance 375 1,376 1,029
Total 2,780
PERSONNEL Ambulance Nursing Total 31 ,970 50,660 18,690
228 158 122 195 171
109 80 91 143 100
41 87 57 30 67
378 325 270 368 338
4,184 4,404 3,017 4,733 4,747
1,525 1,642 1,870 3,093 1,986
5,709 6,046 4,887 7,826 6,733
874 724 68
523 183 5
1,679 907 73
21,085 20,183 2,298
10,116 3,898 86
31,201 24,081 2,384
Personnel AlIlbuIII' ing lance 21 ,531 33,278
Total 54,800
Ambulance England & N . Ireland . 1,024 Commandery in 5 Rhodesia . Other Territories Over133 seas Priories : Wales . Southern Africa . New Zealand . Canada Australia. India . Pakistan Grand Total
Divisions Nurs- Coming bined 138 1,233 6
Total 2,395 12
171 51 157 34 146
164 71 150 57 130
29 68 4 3 12
364 190 311 94 288
2,516 1,233 2,148 724 3,223
3,308 1,984 2,720 1,538 3,278
5,824 3,217 4,86 2,262 6,501
559 313 14
572 169 1
1,247 482 15
9,844 6,924 359
12,828 3,041 33
22,672 9,965 392
51 ,808
Bedfordshire Berkshire . Birmingham Bristol . Buckingha mshire . Cambridge . Cheshire Cornwa ll Cumberland Derbyshire . Devonsh ire Dorset . Durham Essex Gloucester . Guernsey Hampshire . Herefordshire . Hertfordshire Isle of Man Isle of Wight Jersey Kent Lancash ire. Leicester Lincolnsh ire London orfolk ortha mpton shi re orlhumberla nd ott ingh a mshire Oxford . Plymouth Shrop hire . Somerset S ta ffordsh ire Suffolk . Surrey . ussex . Warwickshire . Wiltshire Worcester hire Ea t Riding of Yorkshire orth Riding of York hire West Riding of Yorkshire orthern Ireland .
ADULT Ambulance Nursing 236 118 355 231 694 363 487 200 391 308 157 120 590 501 520 326 166 147 1,843 597 584 427 167 168 1,416 407 318 320 313 191 80 58 681 390 82 79 365 223 40 62 102 50 32 48 750 430 3,298 1,747 1,040 381 438 199 3,483 2,333 603 680 664 471 860 227 1,690 526 283 117 201 138 264 177 595 338 1,007 442 777 204 536 472 695 511 803 375 217 173 369 284 492 336 324 283 2,605 1,621 357 891
CADET Ambulance Nursing 124 159 255 491 282 416 333 460 519 745 53 290 436 684 434 760 164 234 1,408 1,299 487 945 88 315 332 543 181 494 187 273 90 131 725 1,173 42 240 377 620 100 180 104 36 108 172 631 1,032 1,925 2,985 445 621 365 375 2,434 3,471 418 692 423 764 365 470 1,224 1,055 186 268 195 325 253 340 587 796 392 776 306 461 491 794 660 1,003 495 819 189 445 284 454 194 399 196 313 2,902 1,783 261 1,058
Total 637 1,332 1,755 1,480 1,963 620 2,211 2,040 711 5,147 2,443 738 2,698 1,313 964 359 2,969 443 1,585 382 292 360 2,843 9,955 2,487 1,377 11,721 2,393 2,322 1,922 4,495 854 859 1,034 2,316 2,617 1,748 2,293 2,869 2,492 1,024 1,391 1,421 1,116 8,911 2,567
Meritorious Service Certificates Divisional Surgeon J. E. O. Dunwoody, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Totnes Ambulance Cadet Division, East, South and North Devon. Ambulance Member W. E. Smith, Methwold Ambulance and Nursing Division, County of Norfolk. Corporal W. H. Kay Liverpool (Exchange) Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Ambulance Member R. Waters, Darwen Ambulance Division, Duke of Lancaster's District. Ambulance Member M. Paske Paignton Ambulance Division, East, South and North Devon. Nursing Member Miss P. Rowlands Kirkby Ambulance and Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's Di trict. Ambulance Member M. Baker, Royal Borough of Kingston-uponThames Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wale' ) District. American Trophy for Gallantry Ambulance Cadet Hugh Kenneth \Villiams, Cynwyd Ambulance Cadet Division Priory for Wales . Grand Prior Badges
Ambulance- 136. Nursing-407. Spedal Service Shields 269 Special Service Shield were awarded to Ambulance Cadet . 485 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nur ing Cadet. Jubilee Certificates The following units have been issued with Jubilee Certificate indicating 50 years' continuous service:Handsworth Ambulance Division Birmingham' Redruth ur ing Division, Cornwall; Blackhall Colliery Ambulance Divi ion Durham ' Brandon Colliery Ambulance Division, Durham; Darlington Ambulance Division, Durham· Gateshead Saltwell ursing Divi ion , Durham ' Jarrow Nursing Division, Durham ; Cheltenham To\\-n Ambulance Division, Gloucestershire; Southbourne ursing Divi ion , Hampshire' Rochester Ambulance Division, Kent ; Whitstable Ambulance and ursing Division, Kent; Widnes, o. 1 Ambulance and Nur ing Division Duke of Lancaster's District ; Civil Service ur ing Divi ion, London (Prince of Wales's) District; The City of London Ambulance Divi ion London (Prince of Wales's) District· St. Pancra and Kentish Town Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wales' ) District; We t Ham Nursing Division, London (Prince of Wales's) District ; lswick Works Nursing Division , Northumberland; Gosforth Nursing Divi ion Northumberland; ewcastle City Ambulance Division , orthum berl and' Wallsend Borough Ambulance Division, orthumberland; Whitley Bay
a~d Monkseaton ~!ll.bulance Pivision,. Northumberland; Nottingham
CIty .Ambulance DIvIsIOn, NottmghamshIre; Worksop Nursing Division, N?ttmgham; Hov~ ~n.d Hangleton Ambulance Division, Sussex; Brierley HIll Ambulance DIvIsIOn, Worcestershire; Coventry Daimler Ambulance and Nursing Division, Worcestershire; Netherton Ambulance Division Worcestershire; T. W. Lench Ltd. Ambulance Division Worcestershire: St?~r.bridge Ambulanc~ Divisi~on, Worcestershire; Scarborough Nursing DIvIsIOn, N.R. YorkshIre; WhItby Ambulance Division, N.R. Yorkshire· L~e~~ Victoria Nursing.Division, W.R. Yorkshire; Ravensthorpe Nursing DIvIsIOn, W.R. YorkshIre; Spen Valley Corps, W.R. Yorkshire.
REPORT OF THE ALMONER Joint Committee of the Order of st. John and the British Red Cross Society Annual Report describes in ~etail the activities the parent ~odi~s have deleo-a ted to the Joint CommIttee, the state of the CommIttee s finances, a~d the extent to which the cost of the year's work has encroached upon the fund, originally £61- million, which was allocated for these purposes by the Joint War Organisation at the end of the last war. The Report and Statement of Account for 1963-64 show that the gro~s expenditure of the Committee amounted to about £442,500 and that thIS sum was met mainly from the income received by Departments, £236,300. Interest and dividends on investment, with donations and legacies, provided a further £120,000, and the balance of £86,460 reduced the General Fund to £2,848,388 at the 30th June, 1964. The Committee s service to the War Disabled, entirely free, and at a cost of £124 ,500 , more than accounted for the Committee' deficit for the year. During the year 50,000 application for help were received and dealt with and of the e over 15 000 required financial help at a cost of nearly £80000. As in the pa t, the Joint Committee was helped by other Charities con~erned with E -Servicemen, and the Committee's funds were relieved to the extent of £11,000 by these organisations. The Joint Committee s help to the War Disabled covers a very wide field, but a noticeable feature throughout the year as in the past, ha been the steady demand for assistance to enable the war wounded to achieve mobility. In many ca e help toward the purchase of a car has enabled the war pensioner to continue in gainful employment. In other ca es the loan of a motor propelled tricycle has had the same effect and in 1963- 64 t~e Committee had on loan to Di ability Pensioners some 135 of these trIcycle. In all this work the Joint Committee works in close as ociation with the Ministry of Pensions and National [n urance and it is therefore particularly gratifying to be able to reproduce the following quotation from the Ministry s report on War Pen ioner for the year 1963:"The links with voluntary bodies many of which were forged in the early days of the Welfare Service, grow ever tronger and Welfare Officer all over the country pay tribute to the co-operation and help they receive . One such organisation with which the War Pensioner Welfare Service is closely associated and almost all of who e clients are al 0 beneficiarie . of this Ministry is the Joint Committee CSt. John and Red Cro ). Extenslve use has been made of the Joint Committee facilities and there were many instances during the year when Welfare Officer enlisted their generous help on behalf of war pensioner . "It sometimes requires considerable courage a well as imagination to provide financial support of the kind that may be needed to enable a pensioner to turn the corner when there i no certainty of a succe ful outcome. The Joint Committee s realistic approach and prompt action in such cases is always an inspiration . . . . ' One hundred and five elderly nurses received regular allowance towards their nursing home fees and household expense and thi help goes some way towards relieving the very real hardship suffered by many nurses, who throughout their professional life had little chance ofproviding for their old age. The Hospital and Medical Services Department of the Joint Committee makes its own contribution to the welfare of nurse by maintaining THE
Ernest Burdon House at Bournemouth and Bramshott Lodge, near Hindhead, as residential homes for retired nurses. The work necessary for the conversion of Queen Alexandra House, Folkestone, into a home for those nurses at present at Bramshott Lodge is proceeding well, and it is hoped that the residents may move there in the late summer of 1965. The other homes under the control of this Department, Brighton Convalescent Hospital, and Scio House, both primarily for elderly ex-officers, have continued to provide good accommodation for convalescent and infirm officers, together with skilled nursing and medical attention. The Libary Department has maintained very much the same level of activity as in previous years. Nearly 95,000 beds in Civilian Hospitals have been provided with a Library Service, and nearly 11,000 in Service Hospitals. In all, some three and a half million books were distributed to patients in hospital last year. In what may be the last full operating year of the Ambulance Department before transfer to the London County Council, over 37,500 patients were carried within the National Health Service, and the total mileage amounted to 450,000. During the past year the Joint Committee's X-ray Section was discontinued. The office accommodation problems besetting the Order and the Red Cross Society in Grosvenor Crescent are also faced by the Joint Committee, who are the lease-holders of four of the houses concerned. Officers of the Joint Committee are taking a full part in drawing up the plans for the future. GERALD CREASY, Almoner.
REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN following new publications have been brought to notice during the pa t year:The Order of Malta and its Relations with Poland in Historic Times, by Pawel Czerwin ki, published by the Polish Research Institute in London. ]t i rather unfortunate that this book is available only in Polish, as it contains undoubtedly much valuable and fresh material on a subject which ha barely been touched upon in the past. A Shorf History of the Order of St. John, by Gaston Tonna-Barthet, a publication of the Malta Cultural Institute. This little book has been compiled to provide a bird' eye view of the principal.eve~ts in. th~ history of the Order and to iUu trate all its Grand Masters. It IS prImarIly mtended for tho e person who would like to have a general idea of the whole busine of the Order in a few pages. Etude Illuslree sur I'Bistoire de /'Ordre Souverain Militaire Hospitaler de Sf. Jean de Jerusalem, dit de Rhodes, dit de Malle, by G. F. de Thierry, publi bed in Mexico. This is a well-presented book, consisting mainly of illu trations. The major alterations to the buildings, which. ,:"ere started ir:- the summer did not interrupt in any way the flow of Vlsltors to the. Llb.rary a~d Mu eum. Saturday tours continued as usual despite certall1 dlfficu~tles caused by the recon truction work. Fifty-six different group, mall11y divisions of the Brigade were shown round during the year. The number of visitors for 1964 totalled 1,805.
As a result of the improvements effected at the Gate the Rhodian armour presented by Sir George Wilkinson in 1960 has at last been given a home. Two wall-cases in the new robing-room on the ground floor were specially installed to accommodate it. Each item was cleaned and restored, and it is hoped that their display will stimulate fresh interest. There have been the usual numerou and varied accessions to the department. Amongst them special mention should be made of the Commemorative Medal of Queen Mary Tudor. This was yet another of Sir Harry Luke's generous gifts. A medal commemorating the Catholic Association's annual pilgrimage to Lourdes was presented by Colonel P. Catt. The latest series of gold and silver coins struck by the Grand Master of the Sovereign and Military Order of Malta in 1963 was purchased by the Order for the Museum. In November the department acquired an interesting portrait of a late sixteenth century dignitary, wearing the eight-pointed cross of the Order and bearing the arms of a Prince of Wales. Thi was the bequest of the late Mr. Walter ThorntonSmith and it is now on view in the We t Tower. Other donors to whom the thank of Chapter-General have been conveyed are:Sir Gerald Creasy, Surgeon Lieut.-Commander J. R. Lawrence-Owen, G. F. de Thierry, Esq. G. S. Sanders, E q. The Lady Robins F. J. d'Almeida, Esq. H. Pirie-Gordon Esq., Mr . Ewart, Miss K. F. Jones, Dame Claudina Eastwall-Naijna, Miss M. Harrison Mrs. K. StevensonBrown and Miss J. Stovold. RICHARD WILLIAMS Librarian.
outstanding event in 1964 was the Installation of Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey of Dinnet, K.C.M.G., as Prior of the Priory of Scotland. It was a unique occasion. Priory met within Glasgow Cathedral on the 26th April and none will forget this date and the event, because of its historic significance and the presence of The Rt. Hon. The Lord Wakehurst, K.G., K.C.M.G., Lord Prior in the British Realm. The preceding evening, acknowledgment was made to the outstanding tenure of office of Lieut.-Colonel Sir Hugh S. Turnbull, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., the retiring Prior, when Priory entertained him to dinner and made a presentation to him of a suitably inscribed salver. Although news of the death of the Marquis of Aberdeen came to us a few days after the conclusion of 1964, it is fitting that I should pay tribute to him in this report. Accompanied by Executive Officers of the Priory, I attended the obsequies at Haddo House on the 11th January. I can pay no more worthy tribute than to add it was one of the privileges of myself and all who accompanied me, that we were enabled to join a company who sincerely, reverently and lovingly bade farewell to one who nobly upheld the highest traditions of Christian chivalry. It is unnecessary to cover the activities in detail of the several Committees of the Priory as individual reports are later presented. I should like, nevertheless, to refer to developments within Glasgow, Aberdeen and Moray. The Hospice at Langside is so successful that there is an increa ing waiting list for admission, and, within this largest of the cities of Scotland, I hope it may be possible still further to extend the work of the Order in meeting the needs of fragile elderly people, who for various rea ons are unable to maintain a home of their own. The Order, south of the Border, is known and recognised through the work of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. In Scotland, we are unable to undertake this nature of Activity, owing to an early agreement, but we are becoming rapidly and happily acknO\ ledged in respect of the extension of our charitable work among elderly people. In my report to Priory last year I referred to developments contemplated at our ur ing Home \ ithin the City of Aberdeen. egotiations proceeded throughout the whole of 1964 but it is unlikely that any detailed statement of future development can be made before St. John's Day of this year. There i reference in thi report to the developments taking place at the St. John Ho pice, Los iemouth. The proposed developments to the use of the Ho pice beyond the original proposals have not been undertaken v\ ithout much thought. It i the belief of Priory that extensions to the facilitie offered at thi delightful Hospice should be extended in the winter month to youth and other organisation. This could be done without prejudice to the need of old people. As the area to be served will extend beyond the bound of Moray hire, Priory agreed to widen the geographical cope of the Committee, the Moray Committee, therefore, i being di banded and a new Committee will undertake the upervision of thi Ho pice. It will be the de ire of all Confreres that acknowledgment hould be made of the loyal work and generou benefaction of the Member of the Moray Committee, it Hou e Committee and particularly it E ecutive fficer. Early in 1964, Mr. P. H. Drabble re igned a Priory-Secretary. It was the unanimou deci ion of Priory-Council and Chapter that Mr . G. T. THE
Robertson, O.StJ. , should be appointed in his stead, this decision received immediate support and approval from all Confreres. THE FESTIVAL OF ST. JOH
A record number of Members and guests attended the various ceremonies of the Festival of St. John which was held in Glasgow on Friday, 26th June. The Commemoration Service, conducted by the Prelate of the Priory of Scotland, the Very Rev. Dr. Nevile Davidson, assisted by the Rev. P. H. R. Mackay the Rev. Dr. L. L. L. Cameron, and the Rev. R. W. V. Selby Wright, was held in Glasgow Cathedral in the forenoon. At the conclusion of the service, Member and guests celebrated Holy Communion. Member of Priory-Chapter attended a luncheon in the City Chamber on the invitation of the Lord Provo t and Magistrates of Gla gow. Chapter was most appreciative of thi kind hospitality and deeply regretted the absence of the Lord Provost, Mr. Peter Meldrum owing to iUne s. The General As embly followed by an Inve titure by the Prior of Scotland Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey of Dinnet, K.C.M .G. wa held in the afternoon in the Banqueting Hall of the City Chamber. In the evening Sir Malcolm and the Lady Muriel Barclay-Harvey received guest at an informal party: a delightful finish to a mo t ucc ful Festival. THE GLASGOW COMMITTEE OF THE PRIORY
The result of the work of the Glasgow Committee have been very encouraging. The St. John Residential Home continue to keep up it high standard of comfort. It is fully occupied and there i a waiting Ii t for admission. It is with deep regret that the Committee recei ed the re ignation of Lady Boyd, Chairman of the Ladie ' Committee Mi Campbell Mr . Pomphrey and Mr. eville (all member of the Committee ince it. inception), whose enthusia tic work ha been of great value. Mr. Andre\\ La\ son was appointed Vice-Chairman, Mr. A. Thorn on and Mr. J. P. Weston \ ere appointed member and the Committee i fortunate in having co-opted such able and con cientiou worker. Dr. Lewis L. L. Cameron Almoner for the Priory i ited the Lang ide Home in ovember and complimented the Committee on the appointments of the Home and the efficient manner in v hich it \Va maintained. The Committee are again grateful to the Gla gow Branch of the t. John As ociation for their plendid endeavours in fund rai ing and untiflng work on our behalf. Thanks are al 0 due to all Member of our vario LI Committees for their interest and encouragement throughout the year. THE EDII B RGH A D SOUTH- A T OF THE PRIORY
The progre sand Sllccess of our two Home at Carberry and Lennox Row has, this year, exceeded even our 010 t optimi tic hope. ot only have the total number of resident/weeks increased to 1 060 in our two Homes (the fir t time ever over the thousand mark), but even more gratifying our deficit ha been the least on record . We have been fortunate in receiving intimation of a legacy of between
£8,000-£9,000, through the generosity of the late Mrs. Robertson of 25, Easter Drylaw Drive, Edinburgh. For many years one of the major problems with which we have been faced has been the question of the transporting of residents to and from the Hospice at Carberry. Now each Member of the Hospice Committee is to organise this during their duty week. It is w~th regret ~hat we report that the negotiations with Edinburgh CorporatlOn regardmg a part payment of the cost of repair of the drains at Lennox Row have not yet come to fruition. With grateful thanks we acknowledge the work of the St. John Association and in particular to the Chairman who, by his enthusiasm, has given the necessary incentive in raising money for the maintenance and improvement of the Homes. Without their efforts none of the successes mentioned could have been attained. It is, therefore, with regret that the resignation of Major Watt has been accepted. He is to be succeeded by Brigadier Buchanan Dunlop to whom we wish all success in the future. Once again, I pay tribute to the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Hospice and the House for their excellent efforts during the past year which has been, without question, a milestone in the history of the Edinburgh Committee. THE ABERDEE
The sole concern of the Aberdeen Committee has been the St. John N ur ing Home and its possible enlargement. At the beginning of the year the Chancellor sanctioned exploratory measures being taken in regard to the additional accommodation envisaged and its estimated cost. In January 1964 the Aberdeen Committee lost the valued services of Colonel Martin M. Cruickshank, C.LE., when he resigned from the Honorary Secretary hip, the office he had held since 1955. For some time Colonel Cruickshank had suffered from indifferent health but his sudden death in October 1964 came as a great shock to his colleagues who e affection and respect for him was deep and sincere. Mr. Fenton Wyness undertook the duties of Honorary Secretary until a permanent arrangement could be made for a successor and the Committee are most grateful for his e ceptional efficiency and attention to the duties involved. Mr. John McP. Mutch, C.A. was appointed Honorary Secretary of the t. John Committee in Aberdeen in succe sion to Colonel Cruickshank. The financial po ition of the St. John Nursing Home has caused anxiety throughout the year. Due to mounting cost and salary increases, it became nece ary to tran fer £4000 to offset the Nursing Home overdraft. nIt April, J 964, the Committee reluctantly decided to increa e the N ur ing Home fees in the hope that, by the end of the financial year thing might break even. The X-ray equipment, which ha erved the Nur ing Home for many year had to be replaced at the co t of ju t over £10,000. The Home now po e e one of the mo t up-to-date X-ray Departments in the country and i working to capacity . THE
Thi plendid gift to the Priory wa et a ide and equipped a a Hospice for the b nefit of the elderly in need of convale cence or holiday but who, becau e of limited means, were being denied thi need because they could
not meet the normal commercial charges. It has been found that the demand for such accommodation extended only over the summer months and throughout the major part of the year the excellent facilities were beinu maintained at substantial cost and negligible reward. Accordingly, Prio;y agreed to add to the equipment and to make such a~justmen~s as would yield the premises suitable for conference needs ill the wmter months without di turbance to the facility for the elderly. The alteration adaptation and refurnishing ha now been comple~ed. Conferences of young people, university and other approved orgamsations, have already made bookings for weekend, midweek and weekly facilities. Conference leaders have been enthusiastic in their praise of the excellence and suitability of the premises. In view of the extended area to be erved by the Hospice it ha been decided to form a new Committee on a wider regional basis. Thi opportunity is taken to e press the thank of Priory to the Members of the Moray Committee and the Members of the House Committee for the generous thought and benefaction they have given to the Ho pice over the past period. Special acknowledgment mu t be made to Colonel Souter, the Chairman of the Moray Committee, Mr. W. D. G. Chalmers, the Hon. Secretary, and Mr. J . B. Brown, the Hon. Trea urer, Up~)ll whose shoulders the main burden of administration fell, and to Mls Brown of Dipple and the many ladie who organi ed a considerable money-raising activity.
Her interest in, and great generosity to the Guild will be sadly missed. We had a most successful and happy evening at the House of Fraser for the Annual Whist and Bridge Party, and our sincere thanks go to Lord Fraser for his generosity. We all congratulate Lord Fraser of Allander on his promotion to the Peerage. During the year the hospital has been supplied with linen glass and china. The £100 donation we gave was used to redecorate staff'rooms and buying bedside lamps and rugs. Our thanks are due to the Rt. Honourable The Lord Provost for a lovely Christmas tree and to all those who gave gifts to the patients and staff.
During 1964, stocks at the existing Depots have been maintained and replacements made where necessary. As previously reported, a few of our m.aUer Depots have been inactive for some time and the depot at Torphlchen has closed down. This is due to staffing difficulties and the fact that there has been very little demand for sickroom requisites which are now being supplied under the National Health Act. Priory takes this opportunity of recording its grateful thanks to the voluntary workers who give so much of their valuable time and energies in maintaining the various Depots.
The St. John Foundation Hospital has contributed another year of service to the citizen of Glasgow. Throughout the year 1964 the daily bed average was 14.5, while the births within the Maternity ection reached the figure of 198. Operations performed reached a total number of 424. It is a source of great sati faction to all Confrere and those associated with the Priory of Scotland, that our Foundation Ho pital i so well regarded and provides so neces ary and acceptable a ervice. Throughout the year, while the normal work of maintenance \ a ustained, the Committee's policy to consolidate their finance in order to be able to tackle considerable improvement to the kitchen and taff accommodation was implemented. Although e timates indicate that the cost may exceed £1,000 it is the intention of the Committee that the e departments should be completely moderni ed. There is little doubt that our Park Home is the premier Nursing e tabli hment in the City and there is every reason to believe that its ervices will be in ever-increa ing demand. The Committee are yielding still more accommodation to the care of the fragile elderly with a corresponding demand upon charitable funds. The Committee would desire to acknowledge with gratitude the work of the Ladies' Linen Guild in regulating the supply and contribution of linen, crockery and household utensils. The overhead costs of staff and maintenance constantly ri e. Notwithstanding this, it has been found possible to maintain an average of ten heavily subsidised beds at a cost of approximately £3,000 per annum. THE U
1 have pleasure in reporting a very successful year for the Linen Guild. It is with very deep regret we record the death of Mi Dot Allan.
(Glasgow Branch) I have plea ure to report that the year 1964 has been one of continued progre . The Branch and its Sub-Committees have given their time unstintingly and there have always been willing volunteers for any work to be done. We have been fortunate in having two very experienced and able new member in our Committee: Mr. Thorn on who has knowledge of youth work and Mr. We ton, who ha been a sociated with the Order in ngland for many year . The Ladie ' Committee organi ed a very successful Fashion Show 'Ii hich realised £52 13 . They also held a very enjoyable Ceilidh in November the amount raised being £1Ol. Mr. Matthew Taylor's "Stocking Collection Scheme" continues to be a good source of revenue and ha reali ed during the year in the region of £100. Through the good offices of our various members we have received generous donations from the Cargill Trust, the Ladie ' Committee and a large number of mi cellaneous donations. At the Annual General Meeting held in the Banqueting Hall in the City Chamber, by the courtesy of the Lord Provost and Magistrates, Mrs. Robert on and Mr. Harris were re-elected Honorary Secretary and Honorary Trea urer respectively, and we are most grateful to them for all their work during the past year. Finally I would like to express my sincere and heart-felt thanks to our Chairmen, to Member of our various committees for their co-operation and loyal support e tended to me and the Branch throughout the year.
THE ST. JOHN ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND (Aberdeen Branch) It gives me great pleasure to report another very successful year In Aberdeen. We received several legacies totalling £1,119, which brought our income to the magnificent total of £1,900. In September the Aberdeen and County Floral Group staged a demonstration in our hall and in conjunction with thi we held a small Garden Party. This effort raised £205 and we are most grateful to the Group for their generosity in handing over the entire proceeds to us. Our Gift Centre had one of its most prosperous sea ons and thanks to this our income increa ed this year. We are most grateful to the people of Aberdeen for their growing interest in our "Shop". Patients' fees have been subsidi ed in the St. John Nur ing Home to the extent of £306 and we hould very much like to see an increase in this direction. Our Ballater Branch ha been active as ever and I append a short report from the Chairman, Lady Paget:"As Chairman of the Ballater Branch it give me very great plea ure to report the continuance of our band of workers here in supplying garment , etc., for the Gift Centre in Aberdeen, and in con equence we were able to end in money and goods amounting to £104 10 ." In conclusion, I thank everyone who has made my ta k a Chairman o plea ant, e pecially the member of my Committee.
from 1958 to his death in the role of Principal Secretary. In a life dedicated to the w~l\are o! others, Mr. Bruc~ devoted the greater part of his time to ~he admlmstr~tIOn of .the . Order m Wales and the Priory is immensely mde~ted to hIm .fo~ hIS ':"'lsdom and organisational ability. HIS fi~st assocIat.IO~ WIt~ the Order's work in Wales was as President and Actll1g Comm~ssIOner m Aberdare an~ as. a member of the Priory's :\mbulance <;ornmlttee. From the very. b~gmnmg he ~et himself the high Ideals for whIch he strove .throughout hIS lIfe. In an article for the Review of the Or~er of St. John m july 1931, he wrote: "There is any amount o~ enthusIa~Il?- .m Wales for such work, which offers an outlet for well dIrected aC~Ivlt.Ies that keep the individual life sweet and wholesome .... A~lY orgalll?atIO~ ~owever glorious its past must have its heart aflame WIth enth~slasm If It is to remain prog~es~ive; and progress spells health and .ha ppI~ess for the Or?er, the ASsocIatIOn and the Brigade in Wales." HI s.ervices to the .Pnory are too numerous to mention in detail. The . Bnga~e unde~ hIS leadership grew steadily and strongly and his partlcular .mterest m young people brought the Cadet movement from a ~embershlp of 1,807 when he to?k over to 7,894 in 1958. He energetically pJOneered and developed a umq ue system of co-ordinated ambulance tran port throughout the South Wales coalfield and a network of Medical Comforts Depots covering the whole of Wales until these services were taken ~ver .by . Local Authorities under the National Health Service Act. On r~lmq ulshlllg re ponsibility for the Brigade Mr. Bruce turned his attentIon t? the gr~ater ~ev~lopment of Association work, particularly the e pansIO~ of PH t AId mstructional facilities to meet the growing der,nands of llldu try, and the acquisition of ambulance halls for local
THE ST. JOH ASSO IA no OF S OTLA D (Edinburgh Branch) I am pleased to report that the result of the year s effort are the be t in the history of the Branch. The money rai ed by the variou activitie amounted to £1,377 (Flag Weeks £649; Sale of Work and Coffee Morning, £658; Whist Drive, £41). Besides the above combined effort, certain individual cherne reali ed £29, bringing the total up to £1 436 gros . A a re ult £1 219 ha b en remitted to the Edinburgh Committee. This urn more than cover the twelve months' e pense of the Convalescent and Rest Home at Carberry and Trinity. Great credit is due to all those whose imagination , energy and devotion made such results po ible. The Hon. Trea urer Mr. G . S. Kerr, C.A., and the Hon. Auditor, Mr. H. Forbes Murphy, C.A. , are warmly thanked for their valued services. Tribute is also paid to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. Stuart Falconer, not only for the vast amount of work he doe for the Association, but also for the spirit in which he doe it.
THE PRIORY FOR WALE MEMORIAM THE PASSI G of the Hon. John Hamilton Bruce, C.B.E., K .St.J. J.P. , D.L., on the 18th April, ] 964, marked the close of the second era in the history of the Priory for Wales. Appointed on the 23rd February, 1931 to succeed the first Principal Secretary and Commissioner for Wales, he gave twenty-seven years' dedicated service in the combined offices and r
No tribute would be complete without mention of the wholehearted upport he received from his devoted wife, herself an ardent worker for t. Joh~ who on .hi a sumption of office joined the Brigade as an ambulance SIster, ervmg through all the consecutive ranks to that of Chief uperi!ltendent for ~ale . Thel:e wa . rarely a Saturday in any year which the~ dId not pefold v Ith the BrIgade m one county or another on reviews or mdoor [u.nctJOn . He took. i~nite care in the preparation of his addre e \ hlch never lacked VJSIOn and always carried inspiration and encouragement. A Memorial Service wa held at St. John's Church Cardiff on the th May at which the Grand Priory wa well repre~ented. The concluding word of the Bi hop of LIandaff may well be quoted here:"~ohn Br~ce was a man who served his generation throughout hi life WIthout dl 'play and ~ithout self-seeking. His work was many-sided; he v. a a faI11lhar figure 10 the Social Service, in University circles, in the work of the Order of St. John in his Parish of Mountain Ash. Today we take our grateful leave of one who faithfully served God and hi fellowmen and has gone to his reward." EW APPOI TME T Lieut.-Colonel John Rhodri Llewellyn Traherne, C.St.J., D.L., of Castell au L1antrisant, Glamorgan, younger brother of the Priory Chancellor, wa appointed by H.R.H. the Grand Prior to succeed the l~te Hon: John Bruce. ~n. the 1st June, 1964 Colonel Traherne took up hIS. appomtment a PrInCIpal Secretary of the Priory for Wale, relinqUIshIng the Area Commissioner hip of L1antrisant.
alone are inadequate to ensure continuity of enthusiasm. The industrial on the Ambulance Committee asked the Priory to organise a tralOlOg conferer:ce and at ~he close of the year plans are completed for a hundred fir t alder nomlOated by the main industrial concerns to attend a course by eminent peakers and experts in the art of casualty imulation. Taking a leaf fro111 the A ociation 'book,' the Ambulance Committee i introducing more representation of youth organisations including those of the Armed orce. Plans envisaged will not only fulfil the purpose of the As ociation in providing first aid instructional facilities for such membership but at the same time confer reciprocal benefit through an e change of training and exerci e in certain subject conducive to St. John cadet in truction. Coming dO\ n to tati tic" the 1,270 cIa e examined or re-examined during 1964 ho\ an increase of 31 on 1963. De pite till ati factory feature, the analy i of result given below how a decrease of 253 in the number of award gained, this being mainly accounted for by a reduction of 200 candidate attending Brigade r -examination .
The forty- e enth year' working of the Priory i cla ified under the the main heading of activit and it i convenient for reference purpo e to commence a u ual \ ith the ba i ubject. THE ST. JOR
Fir t Aid \-vas never in greater evidence than today. The time ha not yet arrived for it recognition a a neces ary ingredient of every child' education, but employer have tatutory obligation to pr vide fir t aid ervices in practicall all form of ind u tr - the late t intake cov ring office under the Office Shop and Railwa Premi eAt of 1963. While out ide the cope of the ordinary cho I curriculum a promi ing break-through i di cernible \ h re local authoritie or hoolma t rare encouraging in truction in emergency re u citation at lea t and mL ny thou ands of school children have recei ed thi partial introduction to first aid very largely through the voluntary rvice of in trLlctor provided by the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Good use \Va made of the ne\ publicity material produced by .J. .A. Headquarters in the form of po ter directing attention to the place of fir t aid in indu try in the home in agricultur n the bach in hop and offices and on the road. They figur d in all th di play at ho\ and exhibition at many of \vhich practical d mon tration \ re given. The ne\ 'First Aid at Sea and in Inland Water" chart \\'a u ful in e tablisillng liaison bet\\een local St. John repre entatives and tho c cone rned with all place where there i a ri k to per on from dr wning. An additional copy of the S.J . . . publicit film "The L ng Wait," \ a purcha ed and ho\ n to unrecorded number of people in variou groups and organi ation out ide the cope of normal fir t aid activit . Another worth 'Y hile acqui ition wa the purcha e of a c py r "Th Pulse of Life the film highly recomm nded by th A ociation for training in emergency re u citation. Thi ha b n kept in c n tant circulation throughout Wale and there are booking a far ahead a t ber 1965. A direct effort wa made to keep first aid in the mind of th agricultural community through the etting up of information centre and displays at many of the summer how and increa ing int re t in the subject is being taken by the Young Farmer Club. Another move tOy ard spreading fir t aid in tructi n am ng WeI hpeaking young people wa the tran lation of the uppl ment n mergency Re uscitation, again through the good office of Mr. . W. Meurig Williams CSt.J., the orthopaedic urgeon who tran lated "Preliminar First Aid" into Welsh in 1962. It is hoped it may b po ible to rea h the large membership of girls in the strong Wei h- peaking youth organi ation, "Urdd Gobaith Cymru," through the tran lation of the Pr liminary Home Nursing textbook- a matter now under con ideration. A common problem among the promotor of all fir t aid ervice i the maintenance of interest of the certificate holder. Varying y tern of inducement operate among the major indu tries but monetary incentive
ir l 1(..1 Prcitminar) Irst Id ur mg . Preliminary ur Ing H)glene . . . Preliminary Hygiene La) Demon trator Child Welfare . Preliminary hIld are . 0 ' upational irsl Ald . Mining
13,395 2,941 1,107 531 12 94 J 73
13,902 3,353 1,238 549
13,070 3,975 1,308 697
60 84
98 120
75 64 430
ED 196-1 4, II
2,68 1,122 147 95 183 465 L 6 151 LI 346 19 879 , -56 430
4,200 2,940 1,09 172 451 17 5_7
3637 3'444 1,209 178 620 420 641
63 72
100 121
61 _4
4 269 -0 70 715 5,793 169
No. of Classes Anglesey . Breconshire Caernarvonshire . Cardiganshire Carmarthenshire: North South Den bighsh ire: East West Flintshire . Glamorgan: Aberavon Barry Bridgend Caerphilly . Gower. Llantrisant . Neath Pontardawe Pontypridd Merionethshire Monmouthshire : Bedwellty Gwent . Silurian Trevethin Montgomeryshire Pembrokeshire Radnorshire Aberdare . Cardiff Merthyr Newport. Rhondda . Swansea Unattached Marine Candidates
6 28 36 32
Students Certificates
ReTotal Exam. Awards Awards 81 96 133 275 279 477 178 359
(8) (9) (- )
98 330 490 435
15 J42 198 181
57 (4) 34 (6)
909 604
432 142
444 421
876 563
56 (6) 19 (7) 26 (5)
J,112 345 493
506 112 244
529 221 209
1,035 333 453
27 (5) 33 (6) 55(13) 65 (7) 15 (3) 1 (1) 26 (12) 16 (2) 40 (4) 14 (I)
466 532 1,273 1,027 273 13 426 354 568 187
163 214 756 661 143 63 167 164 282 61
252 254 410 278 93 54 219 104 189 89
415 468 I 166 939 236 117 386 268 471 150
40 56 30 41 32 21 4 44 77 14 32 48 58
467 527 176 182 147 119 21 442 713 115 230
207 361 263 295 152 299 28 237 583 164 II 261 361 47
(- )
809 1,013 480 597 385 443 47 742 1,434 3J 4 64J 738 907 62 147
674 888 439 477 299 418 49 679 1,296 279 541 631 76 50 147
J8 ,816
(7) (7) (10) (3) (6) (3) (3) (2) (l0) (8) (11) (l) (3)
4 (- ) -
3 147 8,709
*Figures in parenthesis indicate Brigade Re-examinatIOn .
Headquarter Staff . 8 Commissioners 20 Deputy Commissioners 16 County Surgeons . 21 Assistant County Surgeons 4 County Superintendents 5 County Staff Officers . 51 County Staff Officers (C) 21 Area Commissioners . 15 Asst. Area Commissioner 6 Area Surgeons . 11 Area Superintendents . 10 Area Staff Officers 31 Area Staff Officers (C) 10 Corps Officers (including 20 Surgeons) 95 Divisional Officers (iocluding 232 Surgeon and 3 ursing Officers) 648 N.C.O's 250 Ambulance Members . 2,962
657 262 2,893
244 J ,456 451 365
265 1,597 483 346
8 19 15 16 3 6 44 24 16 4 8 8 16 11 154
Officer . Cadets . Proba tionary Cadet St. John Junior
Women: 1964 Headquarter Staff . 6 County Superintendents . 12 County Nursing Officers . 11 County Staff Officers . 8 County Staff Officers (c) 12 Area Surgeons. . . . 2 Area Superintendents . 11 Area Nursing Officers. 5 Area Staff Officers. 5 Area Staff Officers (C) 8 Corps Officers . 10 Divisional Officers (including 65 Surgeons and 128 Nursing Officers) 353 N.C.O's 33 Nursing Mem bers . 1,049
373 35 1,088
242 1,906 495 665
215 1,741 535 613
484 467 50 51
511 478 38 39
6 14 10 7 12 2 11 4 4 8 23
Girls: Officers. Cadets . Probationary Cadets St. John Juniors
4,184 1,525 2,516 3,308
4,164 1,597 2,691 3,104
Presidents Vice-Presidents Honorary Members Auxiliary Members
11,533 11,556 THE ST. JOH
During 1964 the membership of the Brigade fell by only 23 to a total of 11,533. This is a distinct improvement on recent year which have shown an increasing annual loss since 1958. To help sustain this upward trend plans are being laid for a Brigade recruiting year to commence in September ] 965 with the target of a 15 % increase to provide for the ever-growing demand upon Brigade services. The comparative table below reveals a reduction of 28 in the number of Divisions due to the removal of inactive units from the regi ter and the amalgamation of certain ambulance and nursing divi ions into combined units . The number of Corps, reduced from 36 to 22, reflect a change in administration only.
orps mbulance Divi ion ur ing Divisions Combined Ambulance and ursing Division Ambulance Cadet Divi ions . ursing Cadet Division . Combined Ambulance and Nur ' ing Cadet Divi ion
1963 1964 1964 1963 22
36 228 109 41 171 164
237 120 37 183 171 22
The Keys hall erect~d with the help of a grant in 1963, was officially opened lJ1 June by the ChIef Commissioner for Wales. A Carmarthenshire scheme which had benefited by grant aid was brought to fulfilment by the formal opening of the Pontyberem Ambulance Hall by the President of the St. John Council on the 12th September. North Wales figures in this report through the opening of a fine divisional headquarters at Wrexham. Here acknowledgment can be made of the generous help of the Hospital Management Committee whose Group Secretary negotiated the gift of a free site. It is not without significance that the Commissioner for East Denbighshire had succeeded in encouraging all the nursing personnel in his county to enrol in the N.H.S.R. and every nursing division maintains a team to compete in the Minister's Cup N.H.S.R. Competitions. The cost of this excellent hall was borne entirely by the Wrexham Ambulance Division and the building is being vested in the Priory Trustees. Another North Wales project is a new hall to be erected at Llangollen on a site to be placed at the disposal of the Ambulance Division by the local Council.
The table below gives first place to the time devoted by Brigade member to their organi ed public duties and services and it is most revealing to see a total of 152,013 hours spent rendering skilled ervice in an entirely voluntary capacity. Thi record of time does not take into account the hours each member has to spend in attendance at lecture and practices for the requisite annual requalification. In the next group of figures one reads that 18,737 cases were treated off public duty and thi indicates the extent of the unofficial calls St. John members can expect to receive from friends and neighbours. It is very heartening to see that cadet spent 37,319 hours in u eful ervices and there is no doubt that member hip of the St. John Cadet movement i providing a fertile field [or recruitment into the nur ing profession 64 cadet having left the Brigade in 1964 for this purpo e.
Public Duties . Transport Dutie Hospital Duties . Clinics . . ursing Aid. . Blood Transfusion Miscellaneou
SER ICES A D DUT! HOllr 75690 On Public Dut) 39,136 Off Public Duty . . . 12,156 Treated by Paid Personnel 274 Tran port2,284 Invalid remo\ed 2,011 Road accident 20,462 Other accidents Mileage
Case.1 20,075 18,737 206,329 8,989 647 487 123,166
152,013 Personnel engaged in full-lime Per onnel engaged on full-lime Hospital Duties . . . . 118 Tran port Dulies. . . . 109 (Services maintained: Road boxes, 9; Beach Hut, 15; Medical Comfort Depots, 4 1. Personnel enrolled in Ci il Defence Corps, 206. Duties carried out during 1964 by Cadet member can be ummari ed a. under: HOllrs Public Duties . 22,551 Promoted to Adull 01\11 i n 56 bo)" Transport Duties 976 2 girls Hospital Duties . . 2,242 TaklOg up Medical Train ing 4 boys Miscellaneous Duties , girls 10,743 Blood Transfusion 540 Taking up ur. 109 Training 2 boys urseries . 267 62 girl 37,319
The Priory records with gratitude a continuance of the financial upport received from the South Western Divisional Board, N . . B., totalling £27000 from 1951, which has grant-aided the erection of thirty-six new balls and fifty-seven renovations. The 1964 grant of £ 1,500 \\ a a igned to schemes in Glarnorgan and Monmouthshire. In Glamorgan £500 was allocated to Senghenydd where a tart ha been made on the erection of a new headquarters and a further grant of £250 was made towards the Glynneath Ambulance Hall. In Monmouthshire the sum of £750 was given toward the erection o[ a hall at Bedwas which it is hoped will be completed early in 1965. Another project nearing completion is the Tredegar Ambulance Hall.
Quoting from the Training Officer's report, proper instruction and practice in Fir t Aid are impossible without casualties; and genuine ca ualtie cannot be upplied to order. Therefore, the art of the acting patient, or "ca ualty imulation," has been one of the main themes of training e ion up and down the country, and notably at the North and South Wales autumn Training Courses, which were exceedingly fortunate in having the Surgeon-in-Chief, Mr. H. S. Taylor-Young, a i ted by a team from London. By popular consent these Courses were once again open to adult members of the Brigade as well as to officer, and a a re ult it is hoped that eventually every Division will have trained ca ualtie for use in instruction, in practice and examinations a well a competition. At both these Cour es an accident was staged typifying a pile-up of vehicles on a motorway. Members attending acted a the ca ualtie , and it wa their performance, rather than the first aid rendered, which came under the judge eyes for later comment and di cu ion. A new enrolment ceremony for admission of members and the promotion of cadet into the Adult Brigade was demonstrated at the Cour e . "Nursing Divi ions- The Way Ahead" wa the subject of a day conference for County/Area Officers (Nursing) held in Cardiff in May. The Chief Superintendent for Wales, presided, and the principal speakers were Mis Muriel Wat on, O.B.E., Principal Administrative Officer for London Headquarter, and Mr . S. E. Mathias, S.R.N., the County Nursing Officer, Montgomery hire. A econd King George VI Leadership Course made possible by a grant from that fund wa held at St. Athan Boys' Village. Young members of the Brigade from fifteen Countie jAreas attended. Mr. J. D. Gibson, Principal of the Briti h Railways School of Transport, gave excellent talks and demonstrations on "How to Teach"; and on the Saturday afternoon all engaged in a map-reading expedition in the Brecon Beacons. In November many of them met for a Leadership Cour eRe-union in Cardiff when they were addressed by the Principal Secretary on the
importance he attached to the part they could play in the Brigade. Two outside conferences, one arranged by the Youth Department of the Council of Churches in Wales, and the other by the South-East Wales Regional Standing Conference of Voluntary Youth Organisations were attended by a strong contingent of teenagers, all of whom spoke in glowing terms of their experiences and in June one young Divisional Superintendent (Nursing) was selected to join a youth party visiting Russia . The total number of appointments of County/Area Training Officers rose during the year to seven. It is hoped that an increasing number of local training sessions will be held with a higher standard of fir t aid resulting and that similar appointments will follow everywhere. An excellent Training Day for Cadet Leaders and N .CO.s was organised by Monmouthshire. Glamorgan ran a weekend re idential course, attended not only by Cadets from that County but from neighbouring ones. Swansea County held its second annual Training Day which wa so successful that it has been decided to hold it in bigger premi es next year, and to invite adult members and member of the British Red Cro Society. The Priory Cadet Camp was held on a beautiful site overlooking the bay at Newport, Pembrokeshire, the Commandant being County Staff Officer (Cadets) J. P. Harries. The Camp was followed by Rhondda County using the same site and equipment. The Principal Secretary visited the later camp and was very impressed by all he saw. He hope that officers and adult members will qualify themselves by attending Training Camps, to take their own cadet to camp 0 that every cadet in Wales who wishes to camp shall not be denied the opportunity. COMPETITIO S
The successful teams in the 1964 Welsh Brigade Final Competition are recorded hereunder:Llandinam Shield . . . Arthur Griffiths Memorial Twiston Davies CliP . . Lady (Herbert) Lewis CliP
Cern Cribbwr Ambulance Divi ion Tredegar ur ing Division Penrhiwceiber Ambulance Cadet Divi ion Bangor ursing Cadet Di i ion
At the Brigade Finals in London on the 4th July the Cefn Cribbw[ Ambulance Team scored a signal victory in bringing to Wale the championship trophy-the Dewar Shield-only twice previou Iy won by a Welsh team. This outstanding team achieved uccess also in winning the shield for the best team in the individual competitions and shared the Ellis Cup for the best team leader in the Brigade Finals. The captain of the Penrhiwceiber Ambulance Cadet team which came fourth in the London Cadet Final contest, won the cup for the best ambulance cadet team leader. The Bangor Nursing Cadets achieved a measure of success in winning trophies for the best team in the individ ual tests. BRIGADE AWARDS
An outstanding feature of the Service Medal and Bar awards during the past year is the issue of three seventh Bars denoting the completion of fifty years' efficient service in the Brigade, the recipients of this distinction being Assistant Chief Commissioner Emrys James; Corps Staff Officer John Fitzpatrick, Flintshire Corps; Divisional Superintendent Edward Facey, Tylorstown Ambulance and Nursing Division.
1964 Awards. Total.
.Medals for Bars for subsequent periods of five years' service: 15 years 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 70 43 49 32 24 11 3 3 3,187 1,704 833 495 158 79 30 4
El~ven Golden Jubilee celebrations, marked by the award of the Jubilee Ce~tIficate by the Commissioner-in-Chief, were gained by the Anderson
(Bndgend) Corps, the Caerau, Cardiff Emergency, Crosshands, Crynant, C:V1!1?U, Maesteg Central, Oakdale and Ystradgynlais Ambulance DiVIsions and the Abercynon and Merthyr Nursing Divisions. Cadet awards gained in 1964 comprised Grand Prior Badges to one ambulance cadet from Cefn Hengoed Division and twenty nursing cadets from Abertysswg Bangor, Barry, Beaufort, Cefn Hengoed, Deri, Newtown, Tredegar, Y .W.C.A. L1anelly and Wrexham Nursing and Nursing Cadet Division . Special Service Shields were gained by 8 Ambulance and 24 Nursing Cadets. Duke of Edinburgh Awards: Ambulance Cadets of the John Summers and Deeside Cadet Division gained three Silver and one Bronze awards. Nursing Cadets of the Rhoose Nursing Cadet Division gained one Silver and four Bronze award. BRIGADE REVIEWS
Thi year practical expression was given to a long felt desire to have ome of the ceremonial occasions arranged outside Cardiff. A most succe ful Review and Commemoration Service was held at Bangor on Sunday, 3rd May. The Lord Lieutenant (Sir Michael Duff) and the Mayor of Bangor jointly took the salute at the March Past of 779 Brigade member this being followed by a Service in Bangor Cathedral attended by over 900 people. The Bi hop of Bangor preached the sermon and the Ie on wa read by the Prior. Eighteen members of the Chapter wearing robe walked into the Cathedral in proce sion supported by the Bangor City Council. The Chief Commi sioner would wish to have recorded his gratitude to the Deputy Commi sioner and the Director of Ceremonie for their able a i tance in the organi ation of the functions. The Chief Commi ioner conducted al 0 the Gwent County Area Review, on the arne day opening the Crosskeys Ambulance Hall. The Montgomery hire County Review wa carried out by himself with the Chief Superintendent for Wales. Accompanied by the County Superintendent (N) for Monmouthshire, Mi E. Kinsey, the Chief Commissioner reviewed the Barry County Area and in reviewing the Silurian County Area and the L1ynfi Valley Corp of Bridgend County he was accompanied by the Principal Secretary. The Chief Surgeon for Wales conducted reviews in the Carmarthenshire County, the Aberavon County Area and Aberdare County, the latter being associated as usual with a church service. The A si tant Chief Commissioner with the Assistant Chief Superintendent, Mr . W. R. Craw hay, reviewed the Brigade in the Rhondda ; Neath County Area being reviewed by the Assistant Chief Surgeon for Wale, who conducted the Review also for BedweUty County Area. The Newport County Review was conducted by the Commis ioner for
Monmouthshire and Trevethin County Area by the Chief Constable for Monmouthshire with the Deputy Commissioner for that county.
sidi ed by a. grant from the Cardiff City Council is 75 % longer than the aver~ge penod w~ere l~ans subj~ct to a weekly charge. The stock consists of 795 artIcles, mcludmg 96 Invalid chairs and 48 commodes.
In November 1964 the N.H.S.R. reached its fifteenth birthday. From the inception of thi Reserve which comes under the control of the Ministry of Health and is admini tered by the Regional Hospital Boards Wales has given substantial support in the recruitment and training of the Nursing Auxiliary section of the Reserve. The Mini try's late t halfyearly return for 30th September, 1964, shows that toward a peacetime target of 6,750 the contribution of the Brigade in Wales at pre ent stands at 3 808 along ide 2,657 recruited and trained under the auspice of the B.R.C.S. This well su tained effort ha not been without benefit to the Brigade for many cla se and even divi ion have been founded on the result of recruiting drives sponsored by the hospital management committees. Notwith tanding the purpose of the .H.S.R. in relation to Civil Defence the main theme of the campaign i the peacetime value of the training provided in first aid and horne nur ing ; and the grants obtainable from the Ministry relieve the two Voluntary Organisation entirely of financial burden in respect of N.H.S.R. commitment. Each year there is a highly intere ting eries of competition within the ho pital group then at area, regional, semi-final and final levels . The 1964 winners of the Welsh Hospital Board final conte t "a a team based on Llanelly Ho pital composed equally of St. John and Red Cros nursing auxiliaries. Competing uccessfully in the semi-final they won the privilege of competing for the Mini ter' Cup in London where they gained third place. The Welsh Ho pita) Board has added a further competitive event which has become an annual feature at the Royal ational Eisteddfod, the Aberdare General Ho pital team being ucce ful in the 1964 Eisteddfod held in Swansea. In areas where call upon the Brigade for public duties are Ie numerou, the link with a local hospital provided by the Re erve on an optional basis can have a revitali ing effect upon a divi ion . A onc member of an East Denbighshire division put it, "There cea ed to be a dull moment in our Division after joining the .H .S. R ." MEDICAL COMFORTS D POTS
The Staffing of 43 Depots, from which medical requl lte and ick room comforts are i sued on a loan basis, continues to provide a u eful channel for Brigade service in the alleviation of suffering. A the number and location of these Depots remains the same as tho e recorded in the 1963 Report the detailed county return i not repeated here. Rho ( ast Denbighshire) Depot heads the list in re pect of the highest number of articles issued from anyone Depot during the pa t year, viz ., 253 , and under Brigade county grouping the Borough of Merthyr Tydfil top the list for the highest average number of i ue per depot within a county. At Newport (Mon.) a second Depot ha been opened at the new headquarters and an announcement of the daily hour of opening appear in the local newspaper every Monday. The Depot at Priory House dealt with the issue of 2,737 articles. The equipment is usually taken out for a period of up to one month and renewals are arranged subsequently as required. It is not surprising to find that the average duration of the loan period on the free i sue ub-
An appr~cia~le ?art of the year's work was ~he up and staffing of ~t~l~s with litel ature, textbo?ks and first aId eq mpment at eighteen exhIbItIOns and show~. Rewardlllg sales were made in many places but perhaps t.h e most satIsfactory f~ature from a long-term aspect was the opportUl~llty afforded for practIcal demonstrations. The exhibit which never, faded to attract attention was the resuscitation model, 'Resuscianne, and many. thous~nds of people received instruction. Incidentally, these demonstr~tIOns stImulated the sale of the "First Aid in the Home" wall chart.s w~llch tota~led over 5,000 during t!1e year. All this pUblicity was effe~tIVe l~ preadlllg the gospel of first aid though practical results are not Immediately apparen.t and the Stores Manager has to be content or the, Department to cas~ Its bread upon the waters knowing that the ret~r? may reach only dl tant shores since the majority of visitors to e hlbltlons come in from outside areas . ~rom a pur~ly economic standpoint- and this is the only department WhICh can claIm. to be ~'evenue producing- 1964 was a good year, the ~otal sa.le S~OWll1g an Increase of £700 on 1963, despite sales of the Resusclanne model being down by £629. The number of textbooks and othe~' pu blication old passed the 10,000 mark, over 500 more than the prevlou year and ales of uniform and surgical equipment were up also.
.~ ~mportant move by the Priory Council which may be the means of acqulflng ~u.rther t~eas.urer for the collection of books and objets d'art
wa a. deCISIon to InvI~e members in the higher grade of the Order to Lib cflbe to a mall Library and Mu eum Fund to be available for immediate u e on the recommendation of the Priory Librarian. Thi followed t~le 10 of a fine set of interesting volumes which had been sold by the tllne the Cll tomar procedure of seeking the authority of Council had been ob erved . The re pon e \\a generou and one subsequent acquisition \"a the purcha e of t\\ 0 Malte e coin . ~e gift du to b~ recorded here i a pre entation of book gratefully received from the \ Idow of a former Confrere of the Order, Mr . C. H. almon. PRIORY FESTIVAL
Th~ Prior preided at the annual St. John'
D ay celebration held in Cardiff on th 25th June, "hen a " arm welcome \Va accorded to the gue ' t of honour fr m the Grand Priory, Mr. Horace Par hall Chancellor of the t the annual meeting of the Chapter held in the morning the E ccutlve . fficer pre ented their report . From the City Hall Chapter member weanng the robe of the Order walked in proce ion to the Chu~'ch of .t. . John ~apti t " here the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bi hop of St. D.avld participated In the Commemoration Service conducted by the !,Ica.r,. Canon W . - . C. Thoma, Offici3ting Chaplain who preached an In plnng ermon . Returning to the City Hall , Chapter Members were the guc t of the Lord Mayor of Cardiff (Aid rman 'vV. J. Hartland) at luncheon . Propo ing thc toa t of the Pri ry the Lord Ma or aid it \Va
right and proper that the capital city s~ou~d pay trib~te to . the work of the Priory for Wales. They all felt pnde 111 the anCIent hls~or~ of t~e Order but it was even more exciting to hear and see the contmUity of Its ideals in the modern world today. The Assembly Room of the City Hall was filled to capacity for the General Assembly in the afternoon at which an ~nvestiture was he~d. In his opening addre s the Prior referred to the closm~ down of a .ervlce fir t conceived by the Priory in 1919 which developed mto a co-ordma~ed system of ambulance tran port through a network of ambulance covenng the South Wales coalfield. Ambulance transport had become the responsibility of County Authorities under th~ National. Health S~rvice Act and the Prior paid high tribute to the dedicated service extend1l1g over forty years of the Controller, Mr. C. H. Smith, who retired on the 20th June. Mr. Horace Par hall, after referring to the passing of the Hon. John Bruce e pres ed the gratification of the Grand Priory in the appointm~~t of Colonel John Traherne to succeed him. He renewed the Order s feliCItations in regard to the honour of knighthood conferred b~ H.M. the Queen on hi brother, the Priory Chancellor, a few days p:evlOusly. Mr. Parshall's interesting and informative add res dealt With the three Foundation of the Order in Britain and overseas. In advance of inve ting Commander, Officers Serving Brothers and Sisters of the Order the Prior congratulated Sir Thoma Williams and Dr. T. H. Jenkins on their promotion to the grade of Knight and t?e Chief Commis ioner subsequently announced the award of the Life Saving Medal of the Order in Bronze to Divi ional Superintendent Derek Hart which wa pre ented by Mr. Par hall.
that although we have not the facilities to imitate the splendour of St. John's Gate we have now accommodation worthy of a Priory for Wales.
1. R. L. TRAHERNE, Principal Secretary.
indicate that during the year the Organisation was kept busy with its u ual service to the public, such as First Aid Stations, public duties at all sporting events, transport of the sick and injured and the many other services which are naturally expected from St. John. Members of St. John rendered valuable assistance at a number of road and railway accidents and other disa ters which took place during the year. The tandard of the Brigade throughout South Africa is still being maintained at a very high level and in all Centres and Districts I have noticed a pirit o[ enthu iasm. I wish to pay special tribute to the South frican Railway and Harbours Command who are a real credit to the Brigade as a whole. I wa mo t impre sed with the work that the Dominican iter are carrying out amongst the Coloured and Bantu in the a tern Province. trength remains fairly static at 515 Divisions. TH SE
In my first year of office I most humbly ofTer my service to the Order and members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Wale. I have set my elf three targets for the en uing year. Firstly, to put our finances on a sound footing. To t~i ~nd 1 have launched our great appeal for £100000. With the expiratIOn of the Post-war Fund accumulated during the la t war it i vital that \ e a k the public-Local Government, Indu try and Individu al -. to give u the money to maintain the service we give to the communIty. A great man once said. "Give u the tools and we will fini h the j b.' The sa~e applies today in re pect of our t. John Ambulance Brigade in Wales but in our case the tool are money. Secondly, I am etting out to build up our St. John Council throughout the Principality. These Council are as important to u ' a the T . . A.F. Associations of Counties are to the Territorial Army. We cannot expect the support we need unle s we have the intere .t and backing of the community represented on our St. ] ohn Counctl by members of Local Government, Indu try, Education Youth Movement and other bodies. Thirdly, I have tried at little ex pen e to give our Headq uarter ~~ the Priory a more dignified look. All must forgive me for my long mIlitary background but I have always been brought up to believe that a good unit is a proud unit. I hope very much that everyone will approve my alteration and agree
The Golden Jubilee o[ the 1st (City) Cape Town Ambulance Division \\ a held on the 2nd September. Jubilee Certificate was presented to the Divi ion on thi occa ion. ASSOCIATIO
The sociation relurn are encouraging 13,031 Certificates and \\ ard were i ' ued duri ng the year, bringing the total number of Certificate a\\ ard d ince the inception of the Centre throughout the Republic to 492,616. [ \ ould like to place on record my thank and appreciation to all the o clor , Lecturer and Demon trator who devoted so much of their val uable time to t. John . AMBULA CE SERVICE
in the pa t mel11 ber have not only sacrificed much of their pare time [or tran port dutie , but they have al 0 maintained a very high tandard of efficiency. I IT OF
Toward the end of the year under review we were honoured by the vi it of the Commi ioner-in-Chief, dmiral Royer Dick, \\'ho " as on hi way back from an in pection of Brigade unit in Hong Kong, Malaya, Borneo and ingapore. nfortunately the Brigade in the Republic of South Africa wa in rece over the Chri tma period, but at the reque t of the Priory for South Africa, Admiral Royer Dick and Mr . Dick
carried out an extensive tour of most Centres and Districts in the Republic. The Commissioner-in-Chief's profound knowledge of Brigade matter and his even greater knowledge and understanding of human relationships was a great stimulation to all of us in St. ] ohn here, who were fortunate enough to meet him, and I can a ure Chapter that his visit to us in the Republic has been of the greatest value. At the same time L wish to thank Mrs. Royer Dick for the important part she played in bringing the true spirit of St. John to all sections of the community. Admiral Dick paid courtesy visits to the State President, Mr. C. R. Swart, the Minister of Defence, Mr. Fouche. and the Minister of Railways, Mr. Ben Schoeman. A NUAL AMBULA CE
Individual: Florence Thompson Bowl: Ambulance Sister Mrs. I. Gamsu. Kruger Cup: Miss F. Brown. I TER-DlSTRICT CADET COMPETJTIO S
The Inter-District Cadet Competitions were held on the 9th and 10th July in Durban. Ambulance Team Event: \Vitwatersrand and Southern Transvall District.
The Annual Ambulance Conference which wa held at Kimberley from the 14th to 18th October, was an outstanding success. A number of very important matters were discussed, but what was far more important, the Conference gave members who had assembled from all over the Republic and South West Africa a chance of meeting each other in the true pirit of St. John. It was a coincidence that one of the first meetings of the newly formed Commandery of the Order was held in Kimberley on 4th October, 1930, and it was at that meeting of the Commandery that it wa decided that the Chief Commi sioner should hold an annual Ambulance Conference at one of the Centre. It was also intere ting to place on record at this Conference that perhaps one of the most heroic efforts made by the Nursing and Ambulance Division in South Africa took place during the Spanish Influenza Epidemic in October 1918 at Kimberley . The Kimberley Centre were our hosts. I take thi opportunity of thanking the Chairman and Directors of de Beers Con olidated Mine and the Mayor of the City of Kimberley for their very fine reception which they gave. I was privileged to see the competition of the de Beer Con olidated Mines Native Underground First Aid Team. Five mine competed- du Toitspan Bul-fontein, Wesselton and Jager fontein a well a de Beer . Here again the standard was mo t impre sive and a great d al of credit for this efficient training must go to the General Manager of de Beer, Mr. Loftus, President of the Griqualand We t Centre a nd the t. John officials working under hi guidance .
Nursing Team El'ent : Natal Coastal and Northern District. Best Ambulance Individual: Cadet D. van Harmelen, Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal District. Best Nursing Individual: Sgt. G. Foat of Cape of Good Hope District.
Adult Prelim. I.
umber of CIa e held : Fir t Aid Home ur ing . hild Welfare Casualty Make-up . mergency hild Birth Demonstra tors Lay Lecturer
345 67
143 71 4
2 2 5 7 4
432 218 650 2.
mbulance Depot, ir t Aid Post, First Aid Stations umber e tabli hed during the year (2 temporary) .
The annual Inter-Provincial Competitions were held at Kimberley on the 19th October and were conducted in a fine team spirit. The efficiency of the competitors again reflected the mea ure of the ound ba ic tra ining they had received. Selborne Shield: Germiston Railway Ambulance Divi ion . C. M. Hoffe Shield: Pietermaritzburg Mechanical Railway Ambul a nce Division. Individual : Alpheus Williams Cup : Sgl. K. A. Young. A Gardner Williams Cup : Divisional Superintendent J. A. Jonker. Hel·vat Shield: Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal Compo ite Team Muriel Walton Cup: Pietermaritzburg Composite Railway Nur in g Team.
J. 4.
S. 6.
Medical Comfort Depot umber of Article loaned Transport : umber of Ambulances umber of Mobile Units umber of Miles covered . . umber of Patient transported . Number of C ase treated . . . St. John Ambulance Brigade: Men. Nurses. Cadet : Ambulance ursing .
17 993 36
· 135,726 · 12,402 · 199,902 4,404 1,642 1,233 1,984 9,263
Number of Division .
78 7.
Certificates awarded: First Aid: Adult Preliminary Home ur ing: Adult . Preliminary Health and Hygiene: Adult Preliminary Sanitation Clean Food Handling . Industrial Poison Casualty Make-up. . . . . First Aid in Emergency Child Birth Child Welfare Occupational Therapy. Demonstrator Lay Lecturer Lay Examiner oucher Medallion Label Pendant
During 1964 4,703 1979 450 812 10
27 124 52 159 94 7 752 595 2,448 819 \3,03\
Since formation 193,706 61,260 35,076 21,177 J ,681 501 21 18 15 107 905 1,870 96 1,922 25 80 27,888 26,622 81,210 3 ,203 492,616
A. GARDNER WILLI M , Director oj Ambulance and ChieJ Commissioner .
E\\' Z ALA D
Brigadier Sir Bernard Fergu on G .C. M.G., G.C.V.O. D.S.O., O.B.E.,'K.St.J., pre ided over the nnual Meeting of Priory Chapter on Friday 3rd July, and read the following me a~e from the Lord Prior, Lord Wakehur t: 'On behalf of the Grand Pnor and Chapter-General of the Order of St. John I .end to you and all. member of the Priory fraternal greeting and be t \ 1 he on the occa Ion of t. lohn' Day.' Dedication and Opening oj J ell' Halls Accompanied by my wife, J was pleased to atlend the opening a~d dedication ceremony of the new Hawke' Bay- Ea t Coa t and apler Sub-Centre Headquarters at apier. I \ as particularly plea ed to offiCIate at this ceremony for the rea on that out Lord Pri r, Lord Wakehur t, had laid the foundation tone during hi vi it to New Zealand in 1960. I am intere ted to know that our Venerable Order ha a total of 96 buildings-71 in the orth I land and 25 in the South I land-repreenting a capital value of over £500,000 with a mall out tanding debt on all propertie of £41,000. The provision of Headquarter for leader hip, training and the educational side of our programme is vital to our growth, and we are mo t grateful to the public-spirited citizen of New Zealand, who, recognizing the value of our work have 0 generou ly ubscribed money and many hours of voluntary labour in the building of our hall . . I believe that with the rapid growth in population we mu t contmually plan to provide hall in new hou ing area, in other word, we mu t plan
to take First Aid to the people as the people will not travel long journeys to come to us. In conclusion, I would refer Confreres to our Chaplain's report in which he says: "One cannot ask for God's blessing on one's work and then appear to carryon as if he did not exist. The Chaplain's interest and presence at a business meeting is a testimony that our prayers and our work are all of a piece."
The Late Chancellor: John Grierson, C.B.E., K.St.J. Owing to the udden death of our Chancellor, a special meeting or Priory Chapter was held on 9th September. His Excellency the Prior presiding. His Excellency the Prior in addressing Priory Chapter, said :-"Member of our Most Venerable Order, members of the St. John Ambulance As ociation and members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade throughout New Zealand will hare with Confreres today their sense of sadness in the sudden passing of our revered and loved Chancellor. We all have per onal feelings of profound gratitude for his life's work, especially his outstanding service to our sick and injured. On Wednesday, 26th August, he was with our Secretary-General, Charle Evans, at St. John's Gate where he gave a very detailed account of the work of St. John in New Zealand. He was taken ill on Thursday morning 27th Augu t, at 8 a.m. with a heart attack and died in hospital at 11 a.m. Our late Chancellor was a man of outstanding ability, but he found time in hi busy public life to make a worthwhile contribution to the work of our Venerable Order and he will be sadly mis ed from our deliberations.' Appointment oj Chancellor Hi Excellency the Prior announced at the special meeting of Priory Chapter that advice had been received from the Grand Prior, H.R.H. The Duke of Glouce ter, of the appointment of Henry Louis Paterson, Esq., K.St.J . a Chancellor of the Priory in New Zealand to fill the vacancy due to the udden death of John Grierson, Esq. ConJerences A conference of chairmen and ecretarie of Centres wa held at Priory Headquarter, where the following matters were considered: Civil Defence; Preliminary Fir t Aid Examination; First Aid in remote areas; Fir l Aid in indu try; and the Admiralty film "Emergency Resuscitation." T 0 ucce ful Regional Conference were held at Dannevirke 13th June, and Dunedin, 12th September. The e conferences provided an avenue, which enabled member of Sub-Centre committees to become better informed on the v. ork of the St. John Ambulance Association. Annual Assembly With the approval of Priory Chapter it was propo ed to re-introduce the Annual A embly of our Mo t Venerable Order. This will enable our executive officer to pre ent their report direct to the public. The Secretary General The thank of Priory Headquarter are recorded to the SecretaryGeneral, C. T. Evan, q., C.M.G., for the report of e ecutive officers of Chapter-General. The e report ummarized the work of our Most
Venerable Order throughout the Commonwealth and are proving informative to our member in New Zealand. T. JOH
Tuition There were 1,004 cour e of in truction held and a total of 11,036 per on v. re ucc ful in qualifying for certificate . Road Side First Aid Post The St. John Ambulance A ociation' programme in e tabli hing Roadide First Aid po t continue to develop. There are now 0 of the e po t throughout the countr of which 61 In the North 1 land and 19 in the South Island. They were u ed on 274 occa ion . First Aid in remote areas The report of our Field Training Onlc r, Mr. Arthur Kennedy, i [or the p riod October 1963 to S pt mber 1964. Com e fin truction have been held in the WaikatofBay of Plenty, Hawk' Bayf a t Coa t nd Otago Centre. Of 223 candidate e amined 202 qualified [or c rti6cate , 21 candidates failed to qualify, of wh m 14 in the Murupara and Kaingar a area, in the heart of the Ne\ Zealand State ore t where they have their fair hare of major accid nt . It wa agreed that a higher tandard of kno ledge be aimed at and v a enforced by the e aminer . The average attendance for the year t tall d 269; the malle t la being 22 and the large t 4 . The figure bnng the total of certificate i ued ince the inc ption f the cheme in May 1955 to 2,246. It i aloof intere t to note that the ma imum attendance have t tailed 3 030 of hich a good proportion decid d not to take the xamination, after having completed or almo t completed the cour c. Thi ' empha ile that knowledge of fir t aid i increa ing more than the actual a\ ard or certificate infer. First Aid on the Wale/fran! The General Manager of the Waterfront Jndu tr mml 'I n ha f the lllkindly made available the follo\\ing report on the activitie mi sions' First Aid Officer. "The Fir t Aid Officer ha made ix monthly VI it to port '. lecturing and giving practical in truction to Waterfront ir t Aid r. t all p rt first aiders have hown a keen intere t in additi nal training and future vi its are planned to maintain the efficiency. He al 0 condu tcd a pecial Fir t Aid cour e at Dunedin. 'Progres ha been made with the formation fat. John mbulanc Brigade Division at Auckland, compri ing 46 member. Preliminary di cu ion between the First Aid Officer and member of the Wellington and Lyttelton Fir t Aid groups regarding the ~ rmation of Oivi ion have taken place. Wellington and Canterbury Brigade di trict will be approached on thi matter in the near future. The co-operation f the Brigade will also be welcomed in the formation of Waterfront ecti n, of existing Divisions at malleI' port. "Early in the year the distribution of 250 ir t Aid haversack, content · and replacement supplie wa completed at all port. Arrangcment wcre then made with the Commis ion's Branch Manager, for ir t Aider to be allocated on regular dutie to hip at all port in New Zealand. OifTlG
cuI tie have arisen with this voluntary spreading of First Aiders, due to tran fer of labour, but this has been overcome in most cases. However, it i interesting to record the voluntary service these First Aiders have accomplished during the year. Six thousand, two hundred and two injuries to workmates were treated and included in this figure are several serious accident which were very ably dealt with by the First Aiders on duty. At main ports, the wharf clinic, staffed by regi tered nurses, attended to 10084 treatment and re-dre sing among water iders. The co-operation between nurse at main port clinics and ir t Aiders working on ships is e cellent, thu providing first aid treatment 'on-the-spot' with skilled medical attention available at clinics for more serious cases or redres ing ." T. JOlT
The overall efficiency of the Brigade and the keenness of its members continue to enable u to maintain the ervice which the public of New Zealand ha come to e pect, but it i with increasing hardship to our loyal Public Duty per onn I that they are able to cope with the ever-increasing demand upon their time and energy. urgcol7s and ursing Officers There are on our trength 265 Brigade Surgeons of whom 36 were prom tcd or appointed in 1963 and 31 in 1964. We have 85 Nursing Or1lecr and of the c 13 w re appointed in 1963, the same number as in 1964. Tho Hea.dq uarter and Divi ion making greater use of their urgeon , and nur ing ofTlccr are reaping con iderable benefit from the \\ ider and morc intere ting yllabu e which have re ulted. The as istance given by the e profe ional officer i greatly appreciated. Training in efficiency The value of compiling a flrm training yllabu at the beginning of the )car by the Oivi i nal uperintendent, Surgeon and Nursing Officer has b cn acknO\ Iedged by tho e Divi ion which have taken uch action. In a number of in tanc \\ here the yllabu ha been formulated and circulated to m mber in advance, attendance at divi ional meeting have und ubt dly in rea ed. It i hOI ed in future to circulate a recommended , yllabu [training \\ hich ould be ea il adopted with modi6cation by Divi ion . Thcre have been in tance \ ithin the Brigade in thi last year of rendering fir l aid, which \ e con idered i not up to the de ired standard. I full) endor c the opinion of our urge n in Chief, Dr. A. H. March, "There i no r om [or econd-cla flr t aid and if the Brigad i to discharge it re p n...,ibilitie t the community at large \ e mu t trive to achieve perfection." Air ,111 ene/all I We ar aratill d that more Brigade member are quali[ ing a Ir Attendant band that m re Oi trict are becoming intere ted. Cour e 111 1964 included ne in Hamilton and one in Taranaki, where no cIa e had b en held before. Ithough \\ e may not have the o~port~ni.ty of a i ling patient on ov r ea flight a our Air ttendant 111 Bnta111 do have, there i certainly unlei nt cope within ur \ n country fo~ the u e of t. John ir Attendant t reli ve pr f<; i na1 ho pitat nur lllg peronnel from u h dutie . T\ 0 hundred and ighty- ix candidate have
been successful since the first course was held in Hastings by Dr. Russell in 1957 and it is now felt that the time is fast approaching when we shall be able again to approach the air and hospital authorities offering the services of our trained air attendant.
Ladies' Linen Guild of our Grand Priory record their appreciation to the Linen Guilds in New Zealand for their valuable assistance. Retiring collections at St. John's Day Services, on behalf of the Ophthalmic Hospital, amounted to £422 14s. 6d.
Civil Defence During the year a number of civil defence exercises have been held under the direction of local authorities or independently with members of other civil organisation, or in ome ca eaSt. John unit working on their own. All these exercise have been particularly worth while, they have taught many lesson, have dispelled many doubt and have imparted considerable encouragement and self-confidence to those attending. Brigade Headquarters Staff in the United Kingdom Once again I cannot let thi opportunity pa without mentioning how much T appreciate the kindly co-operation 1 have received from the Commissioner-in-Chief, Rear Admiral Dick, and his taff in London. [n spite of the fact that we are 0 di tant the quick replies we receive to our correspondence indicate their genuine intere t in the Brigade work of thi Dominion. AL 10 ER'S REPORT
Our Most Venerable Order ha during the year given a Christian and charitable service to many of our enior citizen and the Ie privileged. In Auckland the work for the old folk continues to increa e. Alteration will be made at the Pitt Street Ambulance Station to provide a ocial services centre. During the year the Centre upplied 21,000 meal and the Trust Board recorded the voluntary ervice given by the Women' Guild . The Buckley Memorial Holiday Hou ha catered for many aged persons who are the gue ts of the Tru t Board for varying period. The District Nursing ervices of the Auckland Centre have provided increa ed attendance at patient home. Many heavy bed-ridden ca es received continual attention and the nursing taff i fully employed. Many individuals and organisation continue to donate good and clothing for distribution to needy per ons by the nur ing taff. The Linen Guild of Dunedin ha met frequently to make \\ arm night clothes and acces orie for the comfort of elderly patient under the care of the Parkside Home and Ho pital, the Ro Iyn District ur ing ociation and the District ursing Supervi or at the Dunedin Public Ho pital. This Guild has al 0 provided warm clothing, including children' clothing, through the Wellington Guild for our Ophthalmic Ho pital. The Linen Guild of the Hawke's Bay and Ea t Coa t entre report a successful year and they have completed article for de patch to Wellington on behalf of the Ophthalmic Hospital. HOSPITALL[R'S R[PORT
The Linen Guilds of Auckland Dunedin , Havelock North , the Ho pi taller Club of Wanganui and our Parent Guild of Wellington have made generous gifts of clothing and toys for consignment to the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem. Two cases, containing 1,385 articles, were con igned to St. John' Gate London. A sample of the good was shown to H .R.H. The Duche of Glouce~ter , who was impressed by the high quality of the goods. The
Priory Headquarters i most appreciative for the continuing support and recognition given to our Orders by Ministers of the Crown, Heads of Government Departments and members of municipal and sporting organisations. On behalf of Priory Chapter sincere thanh are recorded to all members of our Most Venerable Order in New Zealand, men and women who comprise the committee of Association Centres and Sub-Centres, men and women of our ambulance and nursing divisions, boys and girls of ambulance and nursing cadet divisions of the Brigade, Linen Guilds, Nur ing Guilds and Ho pitaller's Clubs. I am appreciative of the support and advice given to me by Confreres on Priory Council, Priory Chaplain, the Very Reverend J. S. Somerville, Receiver-General and Vice-Chancellor, R. D . Moore, Esq., Director of Association, Alexander Kirkpatrick, Esq., O.B.E., Chief Commissioner, Brigadier J. M. Mitchell, D.S.O. , E.D. Director of Ceremonies, Sir William Steven on, Ho pitaller, W. A. McAllister, Esq., Registrar, J. F. E\ en, sq., Almoner, Sir Henry Kelliher, Librarian, R. S. Harris, Esq., Deputy Receiver-General Alexander S. Paterson Esq., and the Chief Secretary, C. Meachen, E q., J.P. HENRY 1. P ATERSO , Chancellor.
THE PRIORY OF CA ADA Pri ry of Canada' petition to Parliament to revi e its 1914 Act of Jncorporation wa pa ed by the House of Commons on 21st May, received Royal A enL on the arne day and went into effect 24th June, 1964. By thi Act the former General Council of the Canadian Branch of the t. John Ambulance A sociation became the St. John Priory of Canada Propertie . rmmediately upon coming into force of the new Act the By-law and Constitution were amended approved and re-promulgated. The Priory i deepl indebted to our Legal Advi or Brig. G. E. Beament O.B .E. , .D., Q.C., B.A.Sc ., for preparation and pre entation of the petition, and to the Hon. J. J. Kinley of the Senate and Mr. John R. Mathe on B. ., LL.M ., M.P., Hou e of Common, for their upport and pon orship of the petition. Early in the year we were honoured by a vi it from Mr. Charle Evan, Secretary General. It wa a very great plea ure indeed to be able to how Mr. Evan omething of our work in Toronto Otta\ a, Montreal and the Laurention area during hi brief tay and to have the privilege of meeting him in per on on thi his fir t vi it to North America . TlIL
I am pi a ed to report 1964 aw continued th e. pnn ion ?f s rVlce and facilitie . The b ginning of the year mark d the completion f the addition to and renovation of the National Headquart r at a co t r $125000 and 1a t month the inauguration of a pecial campaign by our Ontario Council to rai e $550,000 t build a new Provincial 11 adquarter and Metropolitan Centre in Tor nto. . . At Priory Headquarter the Margaret MacLaren Memonal Library wa completed and \ a officinlly op n d on 31 t ct bel' by Her '<.ccllency Madame Vanier. A p rtrait r M i Maclaren, ommi. si ncd by e. -ov r ea V.A.D. memb r , occupie a plac f hon ur in thc library. Th "Save-a-Li~" Pr grnmme, c n i ting o[ an annual promotion t tea h artificial re pirati n to great number. in 2-hour ~pecial lecturcdemon tration e ion, produc d the be t y t r ult in 1964, more than 150,000 Canadian taking thehort cour raining in irst id and given by t. John In tructor r ~ulted in OI11C Home Nur ing cour 133 000 per on pa ing the examination. The Brigade continued to impr ve in emciency and t e\.tend It. public ervice but i ' till enc untering difficulty in rccruiting. tclevi i n pr motion aimed at Brigad r cruitment ha r ceiv d \\ ide hOWl ngs through the kind co- pemti n and go d\ ill f TV. tation ' acro,s th' country and it i our hope that through thi and ther approachl: \ e \ ill be abl to steadi ly add to the pre ent 10,000 . trength f the BrigLldc. J n the matter of Brigade admini , trati n, I feel \\e \\crc ingularly rortunatl: that Mr . Peter L. Robin n acc pted the appoll1tmcnt [ uperinll:ndent-inChief. Mr . Robin on ha worked \~ ith the Briti h Red r iet and the Women' Volunt er er icc, and \\a i e-Prc ident o[ tht.: t. John Ontario ouncil and Pr in ial upcrintendcnt ( ). In D cember a c mpletel ne\ t. J hn te.\tb 0"- de ign d for . enlor in truction, "Child are in the H me," \ a'l intr duced, fllling :l 1 ng tanding gap in our education::l1 pr gramllle. . cellency the Prior h Id two [nve titure at Vernll1ent Iioll l: Hi in ovember at which in the pre n e [ Il er :'.\cellenC), Madame Vanier and orne 450 in ited gue t I ~ member r the rdcr \\cre inve ted. Supplemental cerem nie \\ere gmciou Iy arranged during the ~ ear by the lieutenant- ov rn rs r ntari, e\ runs\\I" and Alberta at which member in the e provinces, \\ ho \ t.:rl: unable to b '<.cellency· [n ve titure, r eivcd their In ... lgnl:l. pre ent for Hi At the Provincial level the Pre id nc) 01 three or ur uncJi \\a pa ed on by former incumbent wh dedication and \\ise coun t.:1 had carried St. John to new hei ght. [n Iberta. John ::. die, B. ., I'. . . . , succeeded John MacPhee, .~ . . . , M.I~. 1. ., \\ho retained the post of Provincial Commi ioner; in ntari, -dgar tone, F. R. . ., R.I-. . ., ucceeded General ir eil Ritchi e, .B.L, K . . B., , M . . , and in Quebec, J hn B. Mclnni ucceeded Lt.- 01. II. 1 . langsto n, .I ., B. Arch. To the retired Pre ident the rder i grateful for ITlLlch hard work and firm guidance; with the ne\ Pre. idenL thc rd r 1'1 conlldt.:nt that the work of the e three CounciL \\ ill t.:njoy c ntinued rrogre .... Late in the year the rder u tained a . evere I in the untiml:ly death of our Honorary Trea urer, Mr. Ll yd teven on. Ilis valuable :1s<:'istancl: in guiding our financial afTair will be greatly mis . . d . T wi h to acknowledge with grateful thanks the great number or nne ervice and the a i tance given to the rder and m)el[ by variou officer, member [Provincial ouncil, pecial enLr ' and the medical
and. nur ing profe sions. On behalf o[ the Order I acknowledge with gratitude and e pres our appreciation to the pre s, radio and television station and other corpor;.1ti ns for the valuable upport they have given to our efTort . ARTHUR A. CRAWL Y, Challce//or. BRl
DE ,
TH, 31 t DE
MBER, 1964
PERSONN L , tJIIlm/allce Nursillg Combilled Total AJllbulance Nursillg Total 195 143 30 368 4,733 3,093 7,826 34 57 3 94 724 1,538 2,262
d Lilt ' adds
lir)t and ouLtanding evcnt [the year 'V a an Inve titure by the Lord Prior at thc Ileadquarter ' in Sali bury on lOth January. Lord WJ"-ehur t, \\ ho \Va ' on a vi it to ntral and outh Africa, kindly and gre~ltly to our pica ure c n enkd to carry ut thi ceremony at which, III the presence 0(' a very di. tingui hed gathering, he inve ted 14 member or the rder. Illost graciou . ge ture 0 curred \ hen the Lord Prior learnL:d that ( ne or th e po tulant had sufTered a serious accident and wa in hospital and he thereup n \\ nt traight on to the hospital and inve ted him \I.,ith his insignia or an fIlcer r the rdeL The rccolllJllenJati )I1S or Council r r the financial reorgani ation of the rder, S Ocid tlon and Brigad w re ucc fully completed and will come berorc hapter r r r~ltif1cation early in 1965 and will re ult in a much broad r baseJ allocation of the financial re pon ibilitie of the Chapter .Ind the t\\ Foundation . DUl'lng the) car the ontrollcr vef ' ca, olonel W. L. R. Benyon, paid u i-,it to entral frica and top-I vel di cu sion took place upon the rroblcms arising [r0111 th di olution of the Federation a well a the gencral question or imrroving training technique, particular! in relation to rrican s in the rural ar a . The Dire tor of Ambulance ha appointed a ommlttec of ll1t.:di al mc r t advi e him 11 improvement \\ hich could be madc to pre cnt training method '. i tingui hed Isit r I'r m ovcr ea in Iud d th Lord and Lad ~a"churst, olonel W. L. R. Ben on, Colonel and Mr . J. W. Chitt uth [rica: Brigadier W. H. de PI i, and Mrs. M Kellar: and from olond [ ruger and Mr. . R. Droo"- , who we \ cre pI a ed to b abl to wclc me. 1111
1 he c:,soclatlOn has round con id rable diOkult in III ting the uemand s r r training 0\\ ing to a , h rtage f qualified doctor and nur e able to gi e enough timl: ror cour . and the la k at pre nt f uffici nt
lay lecturers. However, efforts to overcome these difficulties are being trenuously made and there is every hope of an improvement. There are two aspects of the Association' work which are, however, particularly heartening in the creation and development of the Rhode ia Railways Fir t Aid Service and the e tension of St. John training in the Army. With particular reference to the Rhodesia Centre thi i being reorganised to en ure better use by the As ociation and Brigade, not only to take full advantage of the accommodation available but al 0 to make the fullest use of doctors and in tructor available. RAILWA
Within the Bulawayo Men's Unit a course of Occupational Fir t Aid was succes fully completed. It i encouraging to note that of the members trained (thi wa primarily a course given a part of the Fir t Aid and Safety Service) have also e'Cpre ed a de ire to join the neare t Brigade Division. Although the Bulawayo Ladies' Unit of the Fir t Aid and Safety Service i still on a small cale, it i encouraging to report that all the new trainee have expressed a wish to enroll in the Brigade. In close co-operation with the South African Railway, many ucce ful e cort duties have been provided involving collectIng patient from Durban, Johanne burg and Cape Town. A particularly ati fying duty completed by members of thi centre wa to give an old-age legle pen ioner hi fir t holiday at the coa t for 17 years. A further service to the travelling public continue to b provided by the Bulawayo and Salisbury Station which dealt with 3S tretcher ca es, 281 wheel chair case and 441 "miscellaneou "ca e of travel ickne and minor Injuries. Fir t Aid Boxe are now upplied to tation, train, \\ ork bop, good beds, office and plate-layers gangs, and efficient method of control enables the content to be con tantly repleni hed. 'IATABELELA
Total Number of Clas es: First Aid . Nursing . . . . . Preliminary: First Aid . . Home Nursing
10 2
18 4 34
Total Number of Certificates Issued: First Aid. Nursing . . . . . Preliminary: First Aid . . Home Nursing
66 10 138 35
Re-Exams. : Voucher . Medallions Labels . . Pendants.
14 27
8 51
Adult Division :
Ambulance 4
Ma honaland Matabcleland 5 2 Cadet Divisions : Ma honaland Matabeleland ...... 4 1 The comparative strength or th e Brigade is as follow :- 1963 1964
Total lIrsing 3
Strengtiz 129
49 lIt
476 474
BRrG DI ER M. O. COLLINS, Director 0/ Ambulance and Commandery Commissi Director 0/ Ambulance and Commandery Commissioner.
The tv. 0 course held during the period under review \\ ere well attended a nd thanks to the Briti h Medical As ociation, tvvo doctor offered their services as lecturers for these courses. Their help will make it po ible to hold another course in the near future . His Excellency the Governor, Sir Humphrey Gibb , carried out an inspection of the Dunlop Divi ion and presented 32 Certificate. Members of the Nursing Division, in co-operation \ ith the Red Cro members, continue to play an active part in running the Blood Bank. Although upplie are rather limited the A ociation v"a able to meet all request for loans from the medical comfort depot. Valuable publicity was given to the work of St. John by the Rbode ia Televi ion Service. They attended a First Aid demonstration and later tran milted a film showing members carrying out treatment. Finally, I would like to add that, in my opinion, the Brigade has done well to hold its own during a particularly difficult year in the country' history. This is due to my two District Commi ioner who e con tant efforts now leaves us in a po ition where e pan ion i more pos ible than it has ever been in the pa. t.
COMMA DERY OF ARDS the end of the year, Hi Excellenc) Th Lord Prior completed hi period in office a Governor of Northern Ireland and, at the same time, hi tenure of the appointment of Knight Commander of the Commandery of Ard . The v ry grateful good wishes of all ranks of the Commandery accompany Hi Excellency and Lady Wakehurst in their retirement after twelve year of devoted intere t in and service to the Province and people of orthern Ireland and , in particular the local E tabli hment of the Order of St. John. Lord Wakehur t ha been succeed d a Governor by Lord Er kine of Rerrick, G.B.E., who ha been app inted al 0 to the Office of Knight Commander of Ard . The work of the Order continued actively during the year. The Headquarter have ettled in their new premi e in the War Memorial Building, Belfast, their work being con iderably facilitated in consequence. The Chapter ha uffered the 10 of Mr. 1. H. H. Pollock, C.M.G. , O.B. E., K. t.J ., the C rmer Lieutenant of the Commandery, Oil his leaving Northern I reland to re ide in England . He \\'a largely in truTOWARD
mental, under the Knight Commander, in the consolidation of the Order in Ulster. A further great loss was caused by the death of Mr. W. J. Williams, M.B.E. C.St.J. during the year. A change in the Secretaryship took place, with the succe sion of Major George Mellor to Major E. A. D. Liddle, M.B.E., on the latter's re ignation. The Commandery is very grateful to Major Liddle for the valuable service which he rendered during his term a S cretary. Church services were held at St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfa t, on May 31st, and at St. Patrick's Church, Ballymena on October 25th. On both occasions the Lord Prior was present and in pected Guards of Honour provided by the Brigade, and Lady Wakehurst honoured the service at Ballymena by her attendance. On the ame dates service for Roman Catholic member of the Order were held at St. Patrick' Church, Belfast, and All Saints' Church, Ballymena. The Annual Ball, on February 7th, \ as again held at the City Hall, Belfast, by kind permission of the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Councillor William Jenkin, and wa honoured by the presence of the Lord Prior as well as of the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayore . It was 'V ell attended and proved to be a substantial financial ucce s. The Commandery i very grateful to the Ladie ' Committee re pon ible for the arrangements. A Cinema Performance for the b nefit of the Commandery' fund was given, through the generosity of A sociated Briti h Cinema and with the patronage of the Lord Prior and Lad Wakehur t, on October 12th. The Commandery i mo t grateful to A sociated Briti h Cinema for the continued intere t in its \\'ork that they have shown in rep atedly making their theatre available on this occa ion giving a normal howing to the purpose. The gratitude of the Commandery is due al 0 to Me r. MetroGoldwyn-Mayer for making available a film for the Performance. During the year, two appointment were made to th Grade of Commander: Dr. W. N. Jone , Area Commis ioner for County Antrim, and Mrs. G. . Wallace, M.B. ., Di trict Vice-Pre ident, Belfa t. In addition four Officers were appointed and nine Serving Brother and iter. The year has been marked by a ub tantial increa e in the trength of the Brigade, now 2,857 in 116 Divi ion of all type. Many public events were covered by the Brigade, \\ho rendered valuable ervic, \ hile it Ambulance facilities were in con tant general demand . ucce ful lag Days were held on varying date in different localities, with a total collecociation' tion which considera bly exceeded la 1 year receipt. The work was al 0 ucces fully developed, a indicated by the total number of Certificates issued, orne 2,815 of which no les than 1,110 were in the field of Adult First Aid and 495 Preliminary Certificate \ er granted. In summary, the year has hown ustained intere t and teady progre in the work of the Order in Northern Ireland.
THE ACCOUNTS The Accounts present the financial position of the Grand Priory of the Order as at 30 September, 1964, together with statements of Income and Expenditure during the year ended on that date. COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS YEAR CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION AND FOUNDATIONS Central Administration Hospital Association Brigade 1964 1963 1964 1963 1964 1963 1964 1963 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ EXPE DITURE . 44,506 43,827 68,987 67,539 34,699 34,897 36,653 34,348 I COMEBlock Grants Other
39,097 33,165
20,000 20,000 5,000 7,500 25,000 22,250 8,884 9,518 34,360 20,968 11,668 8,379
39,097 33,165 28,884 29,518 39,360 28,468 36,668 30,629 BALA EDebited to Appropriate Fund Credited to Appropriate Fund
5,409 10,662 40,103 38,021
50,000 17,823
49,750 18,012
DITUREBlock Grant to Foundation Other Expenditure.
co lEDividends and Intere t
£13,462 £18,517
The Po t-War Fund (Special Allocation) finances the Order's share of the cost of the Welfare work in Service Hospitals undertaken by the Service Ho pital Welfare and V.A.D. Department, Order of St. John and British Red Cro Society. The cost of this work i met from interest from and proceed of ale of inve tments. There are et out below note on certain item appearing in the Accounts. BALANCE SHEET I.
Gral7d Priory Church Rebuilding Fund
The re ponse to the Grand Prior s Appeal launched in Autumn 1961 had attained by 30 September, 1964, the sum of over £17,000 (including e timated value of annual covenant ). In the year under review a further £2,324 wa applied in partial repayment of the loan by the General Fund reducing it to £11,435.
St. John Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund, Jerusalem The Hospital building in Israel was sold in May 1964 for the net sum of £99,432. On 30 June, 1964, the interest free loan of £100,000 from the Post-War Fund was repaid. At the meeting in July, 1964, Chapter-General resolved that a grant of £100,000 be made to the New Appea~, the sum being payable in four annual instalment of £25,000. (The first mstalment wa made in November 1964).
90 2.
Il11'estments Several change in investments, mostly in the hare of British industrial and commercial companies were made during the year. The net profit from the sales amounted to £50,814 of which £22,209 belong to the General Fund. The only major change in investment policy durin~ the year was to place on short-term loan a large~' amount of~he money available for inve tment. Thi policy of greater cautlOn wa motivated by the m~ny uncertainties which were in evidence toward the close of the accountmg year. The sum of £175,000 was accordingly retained on ter.nporary deposit with Local Authorities. The overall market value of the mve tments wa £1,456,212 compared with a co t of £1,477995. 4.
St. John's Gate Work of a major nature at st. John' Gate wa tarted duri~g the ~ear and the urn of £7 244 wa spent by the end of the accountmg perlOd. This sum, together with further urn due in the current year~ and amounting in all to about £40,000 is being capitalized and appears In the Balance Sheet a an addition to the book value of the property.
The following figures, which are adjusted by the elimination of certain non-recurring items, show the trend of expenditure: 1959
£ 134,47J
1960 £ 136,867
1961 £ 156,915
1962 £ 169,890
1963 £ 178,118
1964 £ 181,216
There is once again nothing in sight which is likely to halt the growth of expenditure, but income has been improved substantially by the restoration of the surplus from the Stores Department to its former level and by the increase of the Association's examination registration fees. A Committee was set up at the beginning of 1964 for the purpose of making a public appeal for £1,000,000 to provide for the continued upkeep of the Hospital and the expansion of research. This is the largest appeal in time of peace ever undertaken by the Order. If successful, it will assure, for very many years to come, the continuation of the outstanding work being done by the Hospital and will enable full advantage to be taken of the opportunities now imminent for alleviating and overcoming the disease of trachoma. The Order will continue to contribute the basic sum of £15,000 per annum and there is every reason to believe that the additional £5,000 paid for the past three years can be consolidated so as to make an aggregate sum of £20,000 per annum. In general, the state of the Order's finances is more satisfactory than for several year. Nevertheless, present resources are fully committed to the future support of the Order, the Association, the Brigade and the contributions to the Hospital and associated research. LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General
Income from b1l'estments and Temporary Deposits The overall income of £87,570 compare with £87,648 for the previou year. 2.
Stores Department During the two preceding years the urplu from the Store Depart ment was adversely affected by sub-normal average rate of mark-up and ~I 0 by non-recurring expenditure in connection with the removal to Pnory House and the in tallation of new equipment. During the year under review the average rate of mark-up ha been restored to a more normal pattern. The net outcome of £34,131 as approximately equal to the average of the five-year period to 30 Septem ber, 1961. 3.
St. John Ambulance Association The increase in the Association' examination regi tration fee introduced in September, 1963, had a marked effect on the A ociation' income and augmented it by £8,780. When it hare of the urpl u of the Stores Department i added the income and expenditure account i. virtually in balance.
10 March, 1965.
ACCOUNTS 30 September, 1964
as at 30 September, 1963 Add: Legacies. Net profit on sale of investments. . Grand Priory Church Rebuilding FundLoan repaid . . . . . . . Works at St. John's Gate 1961 /62 capitalised .
110 22,209
182 54,624
Less : Net cost of Central Admini tration year to date . GrantsConingsby Chapel, Herefordshire St. Paul's Cathedral, Malta . St. George's Theological College, Jerusalem Eagle Church Lincolnshire .
tOPERTlES (at cost less GENERAL FUND--
Freehold site of Guard House and Cloister Muristan Property, Jerusalem (Jordan) Less: written off to date
66,850 2,419 69,269
61,393 25,449
54,149 25,449
35,944 7,266
28,700 7,266
50 34
43 ,294
2,419 66,850
£ 39,108 4,985 34,123 - 15,578 5,660 2,918 7,000 325,152
95 2,324
2,678 - Freehold Property: St. John mbulance Brigade Camp, Bexhill, Su se . Leasehold Propertie : 8, Grosvenor Cre cent, .W.I Less: written ofT to dat 430,506
17,640 11 ,172
17,64U 10,584 7,056
33,881 41
10, Grosvenor Cre cent, S.W.l . Less: written ofT to date.
41,847 7831
SO Eaton Place, .W .I.. Less: written ofT to date.
22,169 2,392
27,191 -
40,103 . 100,000
41,847 7,224 34,016
22,169 2,024 20,145 - - 73,136
1,477 995
] ,986,427
140,]03 378,804
3,698 3,648
600 Sr. JOH OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL A D RESEARCH F D10 Freehold Land, Buildings and Equipment Jerusalem (Jordan) 319,152 Freehold Property : £ Jerusalem (Israel) (Sold 1964) Less: written off to date 66,850 Freehold Property: Ramallah (Jordan) 15,578 2678 Less: sale instalment Ie e ' pen e 6,660 written ofT to date 2,918 69,528 6,000
Freehold Property : Guard Hou e and Cloi ter and Church Restora tion
3,698 3,648
Rights in Kolo si Ca tIe, Cyprus .
200 300
amounts written off)
Freehold Property at St. John's Gate and Freehold site of Priory House Less: written off to date
as at 30 September, 1963 . Add: Subscriptions and Donations
Less: et Hospital Expenditure year to date Post-War Fund- Loan repaid .
as at 30 September, 1963 . Add: Subscriptions and Donations Legacy Surplus on sale of Freehold Property Jerusalem (Israel)
1,650 361,351
Less: Furnishings . General Fund-Loan repaid
per Schedule attached. . . . . (Market Value: 1964-£1 ,456,2 12) 1963-£ 1,500,40 1)
2810 Branches, asat30September,1963. 822 Add: Advanced during year
1,831 2,027 118
133 3,765 Less: Repayable during year Loan remitted 1,934
Less: Expenditure.
1 073 2,903
69,461 7,558 7,558 - - -
55,092 15,500
61,903 11,000 72,903
3,644 987 4,661
7,75_ CURRENT ASSET 68C' IT 6 4)9 STOCKS, - Stores Department . 15 )18 Insignia and Awards ,SI. John House .
8,036 1,685 500
3,788 3,719
51,877 5,295 523
53,704 4,916 408
Less : Special Expenditure year to date
58,686 10,775
as at 30 September, 1963 Add: Legacies. Interest Donation St. John Ambulance Brigade Special Fund Net Ordinary Income year to date
61,903 3,950
Hospital Superin tendent's House
Less: Special Expenditure year to date
10,561 200
as at 30 September, 1963 Add: Legacies. Interest Net Ordinary Income year to date
as at 30 September, 1963 . Add: Subscriptions and Donations Interest
ET) OunTA Dr G
31,463 240,401
347,952 VI LEADERSHTP TRAINrNG ME\10RrALas at 30 September, 1963 Add: Donations Interest
Less: Expenditure
1,040 593
1,02: 65f _ _ BANK OVERDRAIT .
1,63, 11 ,347
9,941 41,679 - -
48 43,171 304,781
2 361,800
FUNDas at 30 September, 1963 Add: Donation Interest Less: Grants
forward .
POST-WAR FUNDGENERAL ALLOCATION OF £2,099,625as at 30 September, 1963 Add: Net profit on sale of investments St. John Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund, Jerusalem-Loan repaid .
13,462 1,131,183
SPECIAL ALLOCATION OF £840,000 for Welfare Work in Service Hospitals. 312,155 as at 30 September, 1963 Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income year to date. . 13,618 298,537 23 298,514 1 429 ,697 2,318,895
99 2,258,991
Less: Loss on redemption of investment
forward .
Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income year to date
34,520 4,922 3,463 42,905
LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General
(1) This Balallce Sheet and the annexed Income and Expenditure Accounts present the financial 1,034,534 position and transactions of the Headquarters of the Order and of its Foundatiolls. They do not incorporate the assets, liabilities and transactions of any Establishment of the Order nor of any St. 18,517 John Council or of any local unit of the St. John Ambulance Association or Brigade. The Accounts 1,016,017 of these bodies are maintained and audited locally under Regulations approved or made by the Order, notwithstanding that none of them has separate corporate existence or forms an independent charity and that property utilised for their purposes is normally held for the general 3: purposes of the Order. In addition to property included in this Balance Sheet or held as just mentioned for the general purposes of the Order, property is vested ill the Order or in other trustees for special purposes. Immovable pro31 perty vested in the Order for its general purposes or in the Order or in other trustees for special purposes cannot at present be disposed of without the con ent of the Charity Commissioners and in 31-,155 - many cases property utilised for local purposes, 1,328,172 though held for the general purposes, will not be disposed of without consent of a local Committee 2,221,242 of Management . (2) Full provision has not been made in these Accounts for a retrospective revision of charges which has been under nego tiation with the ground landlord oj certain property occupied by the Order. The lInderprol'i iOI1 at 30 September, 1964, is 30,838 believed to be unlikely to exceed £15,000. 3,720 3,191 (3) On 30 September, 1964, the Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund was indebted to the General 37,749 FUlld in the sum oj £1l,435 (1963: £13,759).
D. B. R. SWINSTEAD, Treasurer and Accountant
£2,361,800 £2,258,991
Having examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and xpenditure Accountse,books and vouchers of the Grand Priory in the Briti h Realm of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and with the returns received from Jeru a lem, we report that, O:.sIS specified in the Notes on the Balance Sheet, the said Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts, in our opinion, and according to the best of our information, show a true and fair view olte of affairs of the Order as at 30 September, 1964, and of its income and expenditure for the year ended on that date. 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C.2. 6 May, 1965.
PRICE WATERHOUSE & Co. Chartered Accountants.
Foundation Dues Annual Oblations Commuted Oblations
Dividends and Interest on Investments Other Interest (net)
432 6,984
Less: Ceded to Special Funds
Investment Underwriting-net surplus Subscriptions and Donations . Income Tax recovered under Deeds of Covenant Library and Museum: Donations Priory House-Ground Rent & Insurance Commission
STORES DEPARTME 'TGross Surplus Deduct: Salaries, Pensions and Lunch \;e'uchers National Insurance Superannuation contributions Rent, Rates and Insurance Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Office Equipment . Advertising Entertaining expenses. Sundry expenses
17,145 1,667
649 239
680 85 1,120 15 3,279
21 3,271
20398 805 2,074 4,229 1,069 151 1,279 1,552 200 85 88
Salaries, Pensions and Lunch Vouchers. ational Insurance . . . Superannuation contributions Rent, Rates and Insurance . Lease-amount written off . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelli.n~ expenses EntertalOJl1g expenses. 51. John's Day . Investi tures . Homage Roll Mantles Insignia . . . . Medals and Vellum Votes Office Equipment . Maplestead Church expenses solicitors' Charges Overseas Order relations . Provincial Order Service . . . . 51. Paul's Cathedral Trusts- Donation. Grand Prior' Advisory Council. Film-"St. John of Jerusalem" Sundry expen es SURY-
. alaries, Pen ion and Lunch Vouchers. . . . . ational Insurance and Superannuation contributions round Rent, Rate and Insurance . ease-amount written off ~,ghting, Healmg and Cleaning . epair and Matnlenance . . ostage and Telephone . . . rmtlng and Stationery . ravelling expense . . udit Fee. . . . . heque pnntmg and stamps 1ffice EqUipment ·'undryexpen es
451 32,381
Priory House-Initial expenditure
Less: Share of Surplus allocated to Income and Expenditure Accounts: St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade.
32,38 1
36,907 ....
15,700 BLICATIO Review of the Order of Sf. Johll'
8,533 8,533 17,066
Printlllg and other cost . . Salane , PenSion & Lunch oucher ;-"ational In urance uperannuatlon Office Upkeep Sundry ex pen e
8,289 208 877 1,342 135 2,180 965 986 1,704 1,421 397 1,014 566 451 145 569 1,676 11 188 220 438 46 26
7,277 182 636 1,381 135 2,274 1,365 814
1,356 509
917 444 601
181 1,003
1,345 80 91 219
251 226 198 79 528
23,482 6,268 597 227 135 339 15 403
248 68 683 79 37 136
7,970 1,843 54 876 63
BLiCRELA TIO lalaries, Pen Ion and Lunch Voucher . . . . 'atlonal In urance and uperannuation contribution Jffice Upkeep . ~ews Cuttings and ew paper fhotograph ..... tress Relea e , Po ter and LeaOet . ;xhlbition e. pen e and equipment . )Ost~ge and Telephone . . . . nnlingand tatlonery [ravelling e pen e . :ntertaining expen e \dvertising !undry expen e~
7,485 2,017 76 218 194 410 826 436 177 56 181 186 130 135
: : : : lall onal [n urance and upcrannuation contribution ~tes and Insurance ilght!ng, Heating and 'C1e~ni~g ' . . . . . . lepalrs and Maintenance . .urglar Alarm !quipment . . . . . lundry expe'n c'
74 182 236 247 108
382 155 112 183 190
167 5,042
~ala.ries, Pe~ io~ a~d Lun~h Vou'che~ :
6,725 843 208 135 332 7 396 307 66 630 175 41 160
Co t of Sales and Production Advertising £ £
NET COST, transferred from General Fund
35 716 75 346 317 61 61 174
26 1,469 (Cr.) 14 353 359 67 54 45 231
1964 £ 5,844 3,040
1963 £ 5,768 3,750
8,884 9,518 20,000 20,000 28,884 29,518
BALA E, transferred from St. John Ophthalmic Ho pital and Re earch Fund Jeru alem 40,103 38,021
EXPENDITURE Ho PITALSalaries and Pension National Insurance Superannuation and Provident Fund con tri bu tions Provision for Jordanian Staff Gratuities Food and Housekeeping. Drugs and Dressings. . quipment and lnstruments Freight . Lighting and Heating. Water Repairs and Maintenance quipment and Furnishings (new flat) . Travelling and car expense Po tage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Rent and furni hings: Flats (net) In urance Rama lIah Property: outgoings undryexpenses L
I COME Registration Fees Less: Rebate to Centres.
1964 £ 23,311 2,827
1963 £ 13,188 1,484
Awards (net) . ... Subscriptions and Donations
20,484 2,249 3,094
11 ,704 2,218 3,121
Stores Department, share of surplus
25,827 8,533
17043 3,925
GRA T from Post-War Fund
34,360 5,000
20,968 7,500
34,114 48
4,007 J,349 3,575
3,191 5,648 2,259 1,616 750 3,569 980 2,493
986 3,578 351 537
1,608 3,661 336 526
571 718
222 970
£ 1,745
4U 93 53 79 149 249 451 65
70 4,664
2,994 - -
1964 £ J9,682 784 1,384 403 270 679 90 1,855 5,946 2J5 195 457
1963 £ 18,763 713 1,141 449 270 699 9 1,920 6,134 353 222 107 476
32,232 2,322 . (Cr) 26 171
31,256 2,594 947 100
alarie, Pension and Lunch Vouchers National In urance . uperannuation contribution . round Rent, Rate and In urance Lea e-amount written ofT Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance Po tage and Telephone . Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses . ntertaining expen e Office Equipment Sundry expenses ompetitions (net) Visual Aids (net) Grant to Counties .
35,813 80
1963 £
6,435 2,220 1,406
alaries, Pen ion and Lunch Vouchers 1,323 ational Insurance 31 uperannuation contributions 05 Rates and In urance 51 Lighting, Heating and Cleaning . i4 Postage and Telephone 162 Printing and Stationery 305 Travelling expen es 395 Office quipment Appeal expen e 2,205 undry expen e 33
1964 £
transferred to Headquarters Fund
34,699 4,661 £39,360
34,897 6,429 (Dr) £28,468
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS INCOME Sub criptions and Donation Department of Education and Science grant Na tional Hospital Service Reserve grant Stores Department GRA
hare of surplus
T from Po t-Wa r Fund
1964 £ 898 1,600 637
1963 £ 1,998 1,600 856
3, 135 8,533
4454 3,925
11 ,668 25 ,000
8,379 22, 250
1964 £ 19,515 676 1,481 1,668 588 1,277 323 1,232 2,803 2,194
1963 £ 18,177 617 1,300 1,773 588 1,261 105 1,181 2,295 2,238 133 38 (Cr) 196 420 386 376
33 ,184 1,441 317 . (Cr) 199 1,910
31,008 1,333 299 287 (Cr) 1,995
Salaries, Pension and Lunch Vouchers National Insurance Superannuation contributions Rent , Rates and Insurance . Lease- amount written off Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance Po tage and Telephone . Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses . ntertaining expenses Conferences and Courses (net) Awa rds Office quipment Ca r (less value replaced ca r) Sundry expenses
273 227 216
Competition (net) adet Rally . Bexhill Camp t. John Hou e .
36,653 15
Balance, tra nsferred to Headquarters Fund £36,668
£30 629
34,348 3,719 (Dr) £30,629
0 :::0 ..., 0
..., ~
Z (j
Cl tTl tTl
> l'
t'fj ~
""0 t'fj
::3 ~ r,tj >
Dividends and Interest on Investments Other Interest
NET EXPE DfTURE tra n ferred to Balance Sheet .
£ 46,466 7,895
1963 £ 46,285 2,960
54,3 61
St. John Ophthalmic Hospital , Jerusalem . . . . . . St. John Ambulance Association St. John Ambulance Brigade
OTHER EXPE DITUREGran IsPriory for Wales Ambulance- Fiji Ambulance and First Aid Post- Tobago Independence : Kenya , Malawi and Zambia. St. John Ambulance Brigade: Zambia Priory of Scotland. St. John Ophthalmic Foundation, South Africa . . . Overseas Headquarters' Officers RelieF St. John Refugee project Hurricane Cyprus . Yugoslav Earthquake . Development. V.A.D. Section
. ~.,
20,000 5,000 25,000
20,000 7,500 22,250
~ ~
1,750 1,343
W 0
:::0 ...,
150 500 1,000 10,984
9,736 1,295 307 473
en t'fj
""0 ...,
"-l ~
"ti tIl
500 78 195
831 238 17,823
> r-
INCOME Intere t on In e tment ET E, PE DITURE tran ferred to Balance
1964 £ 18,306
1963 £ 19,761
£32, 97
Welfare Work in Service Hospitals
1964 £ 31,924
1963 £ 32,897
o l £
Market Value £
Co t £
Market Value £
/ GE ERAL ALLOCATION SPECIAL ALLOCATIO;j Market Market Cost Value Cost Value £ £ £ £
tIl '"0
90,240 113,397 516,465 184,433 371,410
90,500 114,250 473,410 168,840 407,143
67,004 70,837 170,478
59,707 63,813 183,394
90,240 67,986 312,732 113,596 200,932
90,500 66,633 287,433 105,027 223,749
45,411 136,729
47,617 126,270
n ::r: :>
.., '"0
::0 I
Q tIl Z
30 SEPTEMBER, 1963
2,050 200,000
2,069 200,000
FORM OF BEQUEST (for incorporation in a Will or Codicil)
) free of all d utie to the Grand Priory in the British Realm
of the Mo t Venerable
rder of the Ho pital of St. John of Jerusalem, of
t. J hn ' Gale, Clcrkenwell, London , E.C.I, uch sum to be applicable to the genera] purpo e of the aid Order. And I declare that the receipt of the
rea urer for the time being of the aid Order hall be a full discharge
(Founded 1882) of
l)riorp in ti)e
tJenctllule ®rber of t{)e
l\calm of 'arbe ;ffiost ~t.
3!obn of 3!erusalem.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR 1964 including the
Printed by Swindon Press LId., Vic toria Road, Swindon, Wi/ts
E. C. I.
lbospttal of ~be most \l)enerable ~rber of St. 30bn, 3erusalenl
50\,?ereign lbeab of tbe ®rber: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (t011l11l
That the Knights who should make their profession In it should adorn their Knighthood with a true Charity, the mother and solid foundation of all virtues, with hospital service, and a sincere attachment to the Faith, and being employed in these various functions, should only seek to distinguish themselves by a course of virtue. Soldiers of Jesus Christ are designed only to fight for His Glory, to maintain His worship, to love, reverence and preserve ju tice, to favour, support and defend such as are oppressed, without neglecting the duties oj holy hospital service.
TEWART DUKE-ELDER, G.e.Y.O., PH .D., D.SC., LL.D .. M.D .. F.R.C.S., F.A.C.. , F.R.A .C.S .. F.R.C.P., F.R.S.
lDcput-g 1bospitall er 0
11)011. 'Creasurcr
roe1tI bi: rs . T. EVAN, E Q., .M.G.. ecretary-Genera l (ex officio) The LADY WEBB-JOHN ON LEWI G. WHYTE, E Q ., R eceiver-General THE RT. Ho . LORD Bo OM, LL.D., J.P., F.R.l.B.A. LIEUT.-CO 0 EL W. R . HORNBY STEER, D.L. IR H GH Dow, G . . I.E., K . . . 1. IR HARRY I DER ON, PA HA, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.Y.O ., F.R.C.P.(E.) RA K W. LAW, E Q., 1.0., F.R.C .. IR PHILIP OUTHWELL, .B.E., 1.e. PROFE OR . A HTO , M.R.C.P., D. C. THE Ho . [R MAURI E BRlDGEMA " K.B.E. LIEUT.- OLONEL J . W. HITTY, LB.E. DR. G. L. . OLE ' 0-10 E , B. C., M.R.C. ., L.R.C.P IR ARTHUR PORRITT, BT., K.C. I.G ., K.C.Y.O., C.B.E., F.R.C.S. DR . R . H. SCOTT. r.R.C .. , L.R.C.P J. H . DOGGART, E Q ., LA ., M.D., F.R .C . . J. H. MILLER, E Q., 1.0 ., F.R.C .. E. J . REED, Esq. PROFES OR Srn CHARLES DODD , M.V.O., F.R.S.
Seerc ta rr
D. B. R. SWINSTEAD, Esq., F.C.A.
Met)ical Staff
{prion? of Scotlant) 1bospitaller ani) 111moner
1)01 nrll e n
. J. BOA E, ESQ., O.B.E.. F.R.C . . , L.R.C.P.,
D .O. ~1.
SlIb,,\.Ullr~en lllll
Surgeon to tlJc 1J)ospltal
{priorl' for 1J.Ula les
KHALIL M. BUDEIRI, O.B.E., M.D.(GE .), D.O.~l. .
Hospitaller of Bridgend
RSslstallt Sur<1eclI\1.
B. A.
{prior}? In 'lRew Zealan(')
{prior}] for Soutb Bfrica
1fJOSp I tEl II er
W. A. McALLISTER, ESQ. 1I~5slstfll\t
Matron IInb Sister Llltor
[priorr of (Lana( a
MISS C. M. Bu TO')
Mrs MRS.
E. H. B.
1bos!)l tEl![er J. N . B.
RA WFORD, E Q., ~I.B .E ., E. D.
lIJosplta[ SUpcl"IlItcnbcnt
lPrior}? in Bustralia (ere! li SI ,?t: 0 f 'Ulles te til !lllstra I iEl) 'fb :3\.H tnIler HlIi) Blmoller BRIGADlrR
N1:TH FRA ER, C.B.E., E. D .
(Lolllllla nDer Jill 1Jllles tern B llstra lia (witblll tbe IPriorp ill Blistralla) 1fJ 1spitElller ani) Blmoner
A. K. Noo
(LOlltlllflnt)err of Brbs in 1RortlJern 3relaut) 1b spltElller ano :almoner lR CECfL McKEE, E.R.D.
<Iolltlltanbcr}? ill (Lentral :afrIca 1bospltalfer ano 1:llmoner EDWARD MIL
RESEARCH By the end of the year plans were far advanced for the trial of the
trachom~ vaccine in Iran, a ~roject to be carried out by staff partly from the MedIcal Rese~rch .Council and par~ly from the Institute of Ophthalmol~gy of the Ulllversity of London, wIth the enthusiastic support of the IranIan Gov~rnment. In t~e expenses of this the Order is participating.
Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Committee for 1964 including the REPORT OF THE HOSPITAL SUB-COMMITTEES
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Opht~almic H.ospital have the honour to submit their seventy-third report covenng the elghty~second year of the Hospital for the information of H .R.H . The Grand Pnor and the Chapter-General. GE ERAL A year of peace and prosperity in Jordan has b.een a year of increasingly heavy work and of achievement at ~he Hospital. We have also been exceptionally busy in LO.n don. prepanng for the Appeal for new funds which was mentioned bnefly m our Report for 1963 . . Last year we had to report a small d.rop in the number of pat~~nt attendances at the Hospital; and we predl~ted th~t ~he e would stablltse around 80,000 per year in future . But this predictIOn ha . b~en utterly confounded by figures of 105 000 this year. 0 si~gle convmclll~ rea on is forthcoming to explain this w~at ~ncrea e. It 1 per~ap at.t nbutable chiefly to the rising standard of hVlllg m the Arab cou.ntne which allo:",s people to pay more attention to their he~l~h and permits the~ more eastly to make the journey to Jerusalem. But It 1. rea onable. to .belteve t.h at the growing fame of the Hospi.tal ha . somethlllg to do :Vlth It. Certamly :",e have noticed this year an mcrea lng number of patlent~ from. countnes other than Jordan; 282 came from Syria 166 from Saudi Arabia and 113 from Iraq. . . . . . Another thermometer which IS surely slgmficant 1 the. record of applications for admission. These have more than doubled m the last. three years. Here is proof, if any were needed, of the value of our Ho pltal to the Arab countries. The number of admissions has also slightly increased, but we are, of course, limited by the number of beds avail~ble;. and the . number ~f operations has exceeded 6,000 for the first t~me m our hI. tory. ThIS represents about 23 operations on each workmg day, and 1.S an effort only exceeded by such vast ophthalmic ho~pitals as Moorfield m London. Great credit is due to the Warden and hi staff whose efforts have made this possible.
The populatIOn among whIch the research team is to work is being surveyed by a tea~ of experts from the Iranian Ministry of Health under ~r?fessor Mofidl of the Depa~tment of .Epidemiology and Parasitology, hv~ng quarters and laboratones are bemg provided, and everything is bemg prepared so that our research work can start in April 1965. As mentioned in our Report of last year, it is hoped that as a result we will be able to make ~:)Ur hospital the centr~ of an anti-trachoma campaign through.out the MIddle E~st. In. preparatIOn for this we are now proposing to furnIsh our laboratones wIth the required apparatus, while Dr. A. Tarazi, from the Augusta Victoria Hospital, is acting as our honorary pathologist. HOSPIT AL COMMITTEE We are happy to record the appointment to the Committee of Professor Sir Charles Dodds, M.V.O., F.R.S., the President of the Royal College of Physicians. Professor Dodds joined us in May and we are very glad indeed that the Committee has the benefit of his wisdom and experience. HOSPITAL STAFF Our thank are once again due to our staff in Jerusalem who so cheerfully tackle such a formidable programme of work. That they are able to achieve so much and yet to retain their enthusiasm and good humour~nd their health- i due in no small part to the inspiring example which IS set by our Warden, Dr. Boase. He himself works longer hours than anyone and seems able to meet an exhausting programme for months on end without ill effect. He i surely guided by the maxim: "il n'y a d'autre bonheur que de donner de son mieux." Indeed the tone of our Hospital has been largely set in recent years by Dr. and Mrs. Boase. It is a tone of hard work and enthu iasm, of satisfaction in the knowledge of duty well done, and of determination to give of one's best to people who are so tragically in need of help. Our sympathy goes out to Dr. Budeiri who suffered a great loss in the death of his sister in December. He has had another busy year rendered more difficult by his anxiety on her behalf. As usual there have been many changes amongst the other surgical staff, most of whom come to Jerusalem for a period of one year or less; these have been detailed in the Warden's Report. We are particularly happy that the Services continue to second officers to us; they make very happy members of our community and no better field for the practice of the surgery of the eye could be found for them. The international nature of our staff has been exemplified during the past year by the acquisition of an Australian urgeon and an American, the !atter sent under the auspices of the Washington Eye-bank. Most interestIng of all is the presence of the fir t Arab woman doctor on the staff; she
is also the first of her sex to become an ophthalmic surgeon in Jordan, and a very capable surgeon, as well as a very delightful person, she is . Our Matron, Miss Blewitt, enjoyed a long holiday in Canada during the summer and returned refreshed to her duties in Jerusalem. The Sisters of the staff are still mainly maintained by appointments from Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, and we are again greatly indebted to that hospital and its Matron, Miss MacKellar, for their interest in our hospital and the help they give it in this vital way. Under this British staff the Arab nurses and the Nursing School have had another flourishing year. It will be noticed that the list of staff members printed earlier in this Report records the names of more Assistant Surgeons and Nursing Sisters than in previous years. This arrangement has been adopted in order that a proper record should be made of all those who have served the Hospital, some of whom, who arrived or who left in the course of the year, might otherwise pass unmentioned. Although more names are shown than in previous years yet the numbers at the Hospital at anyone time has remained the same.
on the Hospital alone is already more than our income. Moreover the Res~~rch Campaign, with the hopes it now holds out of putting us in a pOSitIOn to make a real advance m the control of trachoma in the not so distant future, urgently demands our attention. The Appeal which we have decided to launch in May 1965 is therefore very necessary. We calculate that we need £1 million in order to ensure the financial security. of the .Hospi~al for the next few years, to give the Research Campaign the smews. It needs, ~nd to be able without delay to ~ake ~f the trac~om~ vaccme, when It becomes available, for a great ImmUnIZatIOn campaign III the Middle East. But when we decided to launch the Appeal we could not have foreseen how very unfavourable conditions would be in 1965 for raising money for chanty . howeve~ worthy the cause. Indeed we could hardly have struck a more difficult time. But we must go on, for it is unthinkable that this g~eat enterprise of ours should be allowed to flag. We have many good f[lends all over the world and we ask them all to help us to raise the ~oney we ne~d. We are striving to bring the gift of sight to millions. This IS a work whlch must appeal to every member of our Order. It is a cause which all must be proud to help.
PROPERTY OF THE ORDER We have to record this year the sale of the Old Ho pital on the Bethlehem Road in Israel. Members of the Order may feel sad that the Order has parted with this property which was our home in Jerusalem from 1882 until 1948, but it was right that we should do so . We have not been able to use the buildings at any time since the partition of Palestine in 1948 when they were left immediately on the Israeli side of the Armistice Line ; for a number of reasons we could not even accept rent from the squatter who occupied them. This position appeared unlikely to alter so long as relations between Israel and the Arab States were unchanged and it was wrong that we should allow a considerable sum of capital to be tied up indefinitely in this way. When the Israeli Government made a very rea onable offer for the property earlier this year we were therefore happy to conclude the sale. The proceeds were owed to the Order, which orne years ago gave an interest-free loan to the Hospital and Research Fund on the ecurity of this property; this debt has been repaid , and the Order ha been generous enough to transmit the full sum back to our Fund as a contribution towards the new Appeal. FINA CE Despite every care our expenses have again ri sen slightly this year. Our bills for food , electricity and water, and for maintenance and repairs of the Hospital fabric increased by a gross amount of £2,700; and the additional cost of the new salary scales for Jordanian staff which were adopted on the 1st October, 1963, amounted to a further £1 ,600. These increases were only partially offset by a number of small economies in other recurrent items. Indeed we can see now that in the four full years since we occupied the new Hospital our expenses have been rising at an average rate of £2,500 or 4 % per year. We hope it will be agreed that in the light of the teadily rising cost of living, from which Jordan is in no way exempt, this is a very modest increase. But nevertheless it is one we cannot afford , for our expenditure
LADIES' SUB-COMMITTEES The interest taken in the Hospital and the help given to it by the various La~ie Sub-committees have increased considerably in the year under review · the value of this practical interest and encouragement and the immen e contribution their efforts make to the comfort and happiness of our nu.r .ing staff a~d . patients , .h.ave been stressed in previous Reports. In additIOn to provIdmg necessities such as linen and nurses' uniforms, and ~l?thing for indigent patients, they allow the hospital to provide amemtles uch as are not easily included in the official budget, and thus add greatly to the spirit of our institution. These Sub-committees include the Linen Guild in London under the Presidency of H.R.H. The Duchess of 910uce ter and the Chairmanship of Lady Scarbrough, the Linen Guild of Ca nada, Au tralia and ew Zealand and, last but not least, the Ladie ' Sub-committee in Jerusalem. THE JERUSALEM LADIES' SUB-COMMITTEE Under the enthu ia tic presidency of Mrs. MacInnes, the wife of the Archbi hop in Jeru alem and the indefatigable and able secretaryship of Mr . Boase, this Sub-committee continued its invaluable work which the Warden has noted in his Report. The Hospital Committee record their appreci ation of the continued interest shown by these ladies, and their thank for the work they devote to increasing the efficiency of the Hospital and the happiness of the patients. THA KS . Our warm thanks are due to those many private people and organisatIOns who have helped us financially over the past year; we hope that during 1965, when our Appeal for £1 million will be launched, this kindne and enthusiasm will be continued and increased. To the American Society of St. John we extend our thanks for the effort it i making on our behalf, and to the International Eye-bank in
Washington also, and to C.A.R.E. (Co-operation for American Relief Everywhere), for maintaining the staff and meeting the expenses of the Eye-bank in the Hospital duriI?-g 1964. .. From the list of donors published elsewhere III thIS Report we would particularly thank one very gene.rous 'person in Canada who wish~s to remain anonymous, the KuwaIt 011 Company, Shell International Petroleum Company Limited, the Preceptory of Knights Templar and the Worshipful Company of Cloth Workers.
Fortune smiled on Jordan in 1964 and even the farmers had to admit that it was an exceptionally good year with an above average rainfall. The year opened auspiciously with the visit to Jordan in January of His Holiness the Pope; it closed somewhat ominously to the noise of sabrerattling, and bursts of machine gun-fire on Mount Scopus. Among the many dignitaries to receive the Pope on his arrival from Amman at the Damascus Gate was our Hospitaller who braved the bitter weather and the frightening pressure of the crowds to be present at the reception. Sir Stewart concluded his visit and returned to London on January 5th. But time flies in Jerusalem and it did not seem a year before we were welcoming him and Lady Duke-Elder back again in December, this time for a longer stay by way of a recuperative rest. Some folk have strange ideas of what a recuperative rest should be. We can only hope that Sir Stewart had his when he got back to London· for he did not have it here. The Lord Prior paid a most welcome visit to the hospital in July . During his stay Lord Wakehurst held a reception at which he invested Mrs. Barbara Ghattas with the insignia of a Serving Sister in the Order. We congratulate one of our old Sisters on this honour, likewise on the birth of Tewfiq in November. Sir Edwin Chapman-Andrews, Honorary Treasurer of the Hospital Committee, spent a few days with us early in the year. This gave him the opportunity to familiarise himself, as befits a zealous treasurer, with the internal working and financial management of the hospital. We would assure him that his promised return visit is eagerly awaited. In October the Sovereign and Military Order (Knights of Malta) came to Jerusalem on prilgrimage, and a very fine spectacle they presented as they processed in mantles and regalia from Jaffa Gate to the Holy Sepulchre. Is it too pious a hope that one day the Venerable Order will undertake a similar pilgrimage? The Hospital was highly honoured by a courtesy vi it on the part of the Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order, Carl Wolfgang Graf von Ballestrem. There were many visitors to the Hospital during the year. Australia was well represented by Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hall from Melbourne, Miss Jean Hu ey from South Australia, Dr. and Mrs. Selwyn-Nelson from Sydney, all members of the Order, and others. It was also a pleasure to receive a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kane of the American Society of St. John. It is to us always di appointing that of the large numbers of tourists and pilgrims who come from Britain so very few vi it the Hospital. When asked why this should be so some have replied that they did not know of the existence of the Hospital, or that it had any remote connection with Britain, and they have been surprised to learn of its relationship to the familiar Ambulance and Brigade. We have even been mistaken for the Danish consulate because of the similarity of the two flags. However, in future we should not be expo ed to these humiliations, for it has now been decided that the Hospital is to be identified by having its title in large letters on the side of the building adjacent to the Nablus Road (the main entry road from the airport). Thi should at least give a hint to vi itors of "English spoken here. ' But not everyone from Britain passes by and of those who did vi it us we were very pleased to receive Barone s Lady
Elliot of Harwood, Brigadier E. E. Read, Brigade Commissioner for Surrey, and Mr. Read, Lord and Lady Teynham, Professor Sheila Sherlock of the Royal Free Hospital, and Dr. Geraint Jame of the Royal Eye Hospital London. STAFF
There seemed to be a steady stream of doctors coming and going during the year, so that at one time or another ten different urgeon worked at the Hospital in 1964. Dr. Alf Fjordbotten, holder of the Bunker Fellowship of the International Eye-bank left on May 1st. He i now settled in the United States where we wish him every succe . He wa ucceeded by Dr. Harry Caldwell in July, the interim three month being filled by Dr. Andrew Ferry both of them American. The latter will be remembered for the instructive contributions he made to our clinical meeting. Early in the year we were fortunate in having Dr. Peter Watson seconded to us from Moorfields for three month. Though we tried to per uade him to tay on thi wa not to be; the problem of educati ng a young family in Jordan are really forbidding. Dr. Joe 0' ullivan from Sydney, N.S.W., joined u on May 25th . Quite apart from hi profe ional attributes he is unique as a member of the taff; he i a bachelor, a heaven sent gift to haras ed ho te ses . Dr. Andrew Rintoul left on June 19th to return to hi po t with the Royal avy at Ha lar. The avy ha regained a very competent urgeon; we have 10 tone. Our pioneering Arab lady doctor, ura el Ai h, i till \ ith u and will be until she leave in September 1965 to take up a Briti h Council cholarship in London. This well de erved award \ ill take her to Moorfield and the Institute of Ophthalmology in london where he \ ill be \ orking for the Diploma in Ophthalmology. To our sub-Warden Dr. Khalil Budeiri \ e e tend ur ympathy for the loss he has sustained through the tragic death of hi iter. Of the nursing si ters, two returned to Moorfield Eye Ho pital and one became a full-time Jerusalem hou ewife. In their place we welcome three others from London. Our Matron Mi nn Blewitt, pent a abbatical leave of three months in Canada where he'v\a able to e tabli h contact with the ladies of the Linen Guild through the kindne of Mr . Willi O 'Connor. Three of the four student nur es who took the 1964 final e amination passed; two of them have already gone to Saudi Arabia where their training should be of immen e benefit to the many amicted with eye diseases in that country. Second-year tudent of general n ur ing at the Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jeru alem \ ere each given one month's experience in ophthalmic nur ing at our ho pita\. ot only i thi cooperation of considerable advantage to the nur e in broadening the base of their training, but by introducing them to an um onted a peel of nursing we hope that an occa ional one will feel the call jof t. John. We have continued to afford a three-month' course in praclical ophthalmic nursing to nursing orderlies from UNRWA and from the ave the Children organization. One of the former wa sent here from the Lebanon. Encouraging reports have been received on their sub equent work in outlying clinics. OUf senior theatre nursing orderly Ha an Abu Teen, was sent to London in October to receive practical in truction in the giving of anaesthetics. He has returned to u full of knowledge and enthu ia m. We would like to thank Dr. S. G . Shippard, consulting anae theli t to
Many children mi erable with trachoma and other acute Infection arc rapldl) cured In the Ho pi
Man) patient of thl type tray I for rellcf to the Ho pita I fr0111 countJ i I ran In the north,
udan in th
outh and
far from Jordan, from
Igeria in the \ e t.
Moorfields Eye Hospital, for his invaluable help in teaching him and for being so kind to him while in London. Fresh ground was broken in the summer by accepting a final-year medical student from St. Thomas's Hospital, London, for undergraduate study in ophthalmology. It is gratifying that the University authorities in England recognize St. John as an acceptable teaching institution for the purpose. The experiment was a success, so much so that other students have already applied and are being encouraged by the Dean of the medical school to do so. LADIES' JERUSALEM SUB-COMMITTEE
The honorary secretary, Mrs . A. J. Boase, has contributed the following report. "The committee continues to work under the chairmanship of Mrs. Mad nnes , and met nine times during 1964. There was an alteration in membership owing to the regretted departure of Mrs. Maitland and Mrs. Hamilton, who were replaced by Mrs. Pullar and Mrs. Wilson whose husbands are, respectively, the Consuls-General of Great Britain and the United States. The committee concerned itself mainly with:(a) The recruitment of student nurses. This is still a difficult problem and one that will not be solved quickly. Despite many requests that the educational standard should be lowered the committee fully upported the Matron in her insistence on quality rather than quantity where pro pective candidates were concerned. (b) Sewing Guild. The bi-monthly meetings have been very well attended and a great deal of invaluable work for the hospital carried out. (c) First Aid. In pite of her many commitments Mrs. MacInnes was able to organize a course at the y.W.C.A. All the eight girls pa ed the examination and obtained the Government First Aid certificate. (d) 'Blind" Welfare. This work continues to expand and to be increa ingly appreciated by nearly 200 blind men, women and children living in the vicinity of Jerusalem and even as far north a ablus. Informal talks and concerts were greatly enjoyed throughout the year, while the summer picnic and Christmas parties aw record attendances." TATISTICS
The quinquennial table shows some variation from other years. The fact that the num ber of surgical operation pa ed the 6000 mark for the first time in our hi tory i perhap of interest. It i evident, however, that we have really reached saturation point in this respect, and fluctuation round the pre ent figure i to be e pected in the future. There is a real need for another operating theatre for with only two theatres cases tend to be held up in a bottle-neck . A K OWLEDGME TS
On thi matter of want and needs it behove me to express our deep gratitude to the Californian branch of the American Society of St. John,
and in particular to Dr. Upjohn of California, for its great generosity. in presenting us with the very latest model of the Haag-Streit corneal microscope. The gift of this expensive instrument has gone a long way to facilitate work in the out-patient clinic. The Staff Christmas dinner and dance were held on 28th December and were as heretofore a great success. At such times we are always very conscious of the many ladies on the different Linen Guilds in Britain and the Commonwealth whose gen~rosity makes these celebrations possible, and to them we can only offer III return a heartfelt "Thank you." ARTHUR BOASE,
78,300 104,894
Admissions .
Operations .
Glasses ordered
New cases Total attendances
Warden .
Dacryo-cys tecto my
Corneal graft .
Opt. iridectomy
Iris prolapse
Dicis ion
Corneal tattooing
Detachment of retina
Ann, Captain H. T .. Anonymous. . . Astor, Mrs. Vincent. . . . Beachcroft, Major P. M ., O.B.E. Billington, Mrs. . Borron, J. R. E. . . . Bourchier-Wrey, Miss D . . . Braintree and Bocking Division, S.J.A .B. British Drug Houses Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . British Railways, Southern Region , Training Conference, S.J.A.A. Browne, Brigadier-General J. G. , C.M .G ., C.B.E ., D.S .O . . cThe Burmah Oil Co . Ltd . . cCadbury, Mrs . W . A. . . . . . Carpenters, Worshipful Company of . Catt, Colonel P . H .. Clapp, Mrs . e. A. . . . . Clothworkers, Worshipful Company of Codrington, Colonel J . A .. . . . Dalton, Major-General e. J . G ., e.B ., e.B .E. cDavis, J. H.. . . . . . The F. L. Dove Settlement Trust . cEngelhard Hanovia Ltd . . . . The Fair Dene Educational Trust Ltd . Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs . J. S . . cForestal Industries CU.K.) Ltd. Fuller, R. E.. . . . . . cThe General Electric Co . Ltd . . Gillett, Major Sir Harold , M .e. Goring, Lieut.-Colonel A. . Gracey, Major T . W. . . Grantham, W. 1., O.B.E. . . . . Haberdashers, Worshipful Company of Harris, Rt. Hon . Lord, M .e. Hayes, M. R. . cHiggins, M. F. . . . . Horlick Charitable Trust . . .... Howard de Walden and Seaford , Lad y, e.B .E .. Ingram, Miss F .. . Keith Roach, P . B .. Kuwait Oil Co . Ltd . Laven, Mrs. B. M . . . . . . . London District, S.E. Area, S.J.A.B .. cLuttrell, Mrs. A. A. W . . Lynn Regis Preceptory o. 330 May, Maior F., M.B.E. , T .D . . Morrison, Commander E. A., R . Morrison, N . G. . . . . . . Nottingham NO. 6 Corps, S.J .A.B . Onward and Invicta Lodge, No . 2912 Parker, Mrs. L. . Parr, A. W. . . . . . Patrick, Sir Paul , K.e.LE .. Phelps, Brigadier D . V. . . . . . . . . Pirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, e.H.e., O .B.E., D .S.e. Plender, Lady . . . . . . . . Preceptories of Masonic Knights Templar Ruston-Bucyrus Charitable Trust . . Shell International Petroleum Co. Ltd . cSimpson , Sir Joseph , K .B.E . . cSir William Halcrow & Partners Slough Social Fund Ltd.
1 0
16,535 15 0 1,076 I 0 550 2 0 0 2 2 0 220 220 10 10
15 0 0 2 20 408 3 3 833 50 0 0 1 1 0 35 12 3 500 0 0 1 0 0 J 1 0 40 16 4 10 10 163 5
0 4
20 0 0 550 1 14 4 35 11 7 81 12 8 I 1 0 to 10 0 5 5 5 1 I 3 2 2 15 1 10,000 50 3 5
0 0 5 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 8 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 11
10 10 I 1
1 0 1
10 10
0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 250 0 0 21 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 3
50 0 0 855 6 4 25 0 0 8J 6 6 6 4 18 0 32 13 1 JOO 0 0
Spectacle Makers, Worshipful Company of Stewart, Miss R . D.. . . . . . . cStitcher, B. . . Vanneck, Hon. Peter . . cVerey, Colonel H. E., D.S .O . cWalker, Miss A. M., M.B.E. Warren, e. G . Warren, E. K. . . . . Waterside Presbyterian Church cWebb-Johnson, Lady Wheble, E. A . . . . . . . Williams, Rt. Rev. Bishop A. L. E. Worksop Nursing Division , S.J.A.B. Collected at the Hospital
50 0 0 220 17 2 10 800 1 12 8 3 8 7 100 ]0 0 0 12 5 6 17 8 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 15 12 10 31,457
£32,429 PRIORY OF CANADA . . . . . Individual members
4 10
490 2 2 61 15 1 £551 17
0 0
ote-The letter " c" indica tes that the subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enabl ing the Hospita l to reclaim the relative income tax.
eAllardyce, Dr. Isobel C . . . . . . . eBarclay-Harvey of Dinnet, Sir Malcolm, K.CM.G. eBrown, Mrs. Jane P. H. Graham. eBrown, R. G. A., CA.. . . . . eCruickshank, Colonel M . M., CLE . . eDairymple, The Lady Marjorie, O.B.E. . . . . cGrant-Suttie, Colonel H. F., CB.E., D.S.O. , M .C . Green, G. F. & H. J. (Glasgow Playhouse) . eHamilton, Major J. Forrest, M .D. . eLindsay, The Rt. Hon. The Earl of . . . eMacKenzie, Colonel Eric D ., CM.G., D.S.O. eMackie, Professor J. D., CB.E. , M.C Montgomerie, Roy H . . ePhillipps, Mrs. E. S.. . . . . . . . . ePirie-Gordon of Buthlaw, C H . C, O.B.E. , D .S.C ePrice, Mrs. Margaret eScott, Mrs. Agnes B . eStark, Mrs. M. J. . . . . . . eSwapp, George, D.CM ., M.M., M.D . . . Telfer-Smollett of Bonhill, Major Patrick, M .C . . eTurnbull, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Hugh S., K.C.V.O., K.B.E. The Aberdeen Committee of the Order . The Edinburgh Committee of the Order . The Ladies' Linen Guild . . . . . . . . . The St. John Association of Scotland (Aberdeen Branch) Glasgow Committee, St. John Association (Glasgow) . The St. John Association of Scotland (Edinburgh Branch)
£ s.
d. 8 4 3 0 0 3 5 4 3 5 4 3 5 4 1 12 8 550 1 12 8 8 3 3 3 5 4 16 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 2 11 1 12 8 17 2 4 18 0 17 2 400 3 5 4 26 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 10 10 0 550 10 10 0 1 12 1 14
£123 11
Note-The letter "e" indicates that the subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant thus enabling the Hospital to reclaim the relative income tax .
£A s. d. 20 0 0
5t. John Council for Queensland 5t. John Council for Victoria . The Hospitaller's Club, Adelaide . . The Hospitaller's Club, New South Wales Campbell, A. Hail, A . G . Hayne, J . .
76 13
100 0 0 25 0 0 10 3 0 10 10
£232 17
£A292 Sterling equivalent
PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND Priory Investiture Service Auckland Centre Blenheim Sub-Centre . . . . Canterbury and West Coast Centre: Amuri Sub-Centre . Cheviot Sub-Centre . Christchurch Sub-Centre Cust Sub-Centre Fairlie Sub-Centre . Rangiora Sub-Centre TemuJca Sub-Centre Timaru Sub-Centre Westport Sub-Centre Ferguson, G . Lindo . Hausmann, C .. . Inglewood Sub-Branch Taranaki Centre : New Plymouth . Stratford Sub-Centre. . . . Waikato and Bay of Plenty Centre . Wairarapa Sub-Centre . . Wellington District Brigade . . . . Wellington District, Hutt Valley Corps Wellington Sub-District .
£NZ s. d. 131 4 11 58
2 0
10 0 0 200
700 4 10 6 3 3 0 3 12 0 10 0 6 326 loo 0 0
440 5116 20 5 8 4 13 10 56 8 4 5 10 0 18 17 5 843 22 5 0
9 10
Sterling equivalent £493 10
Linen Guild
subscribed for the purpose in Canada. They will replace toys supplied in 1960, some of which are quite beyond further repair. Three new members have joined the Committee, and we are happy to welcome them to it. The Marchioness of Zetland and Lady George joined during the year, and at the last meeting of the Committee, held in October, it was proposed and unanimously agreed that Lady Wakehurst, the wife of the Lord Prior, should be invited to join us. We are happy that Lady Wakehurst has accepted this invitation. We are also very happy to be able to congratulate her on the award of the D.B.E. in the New Year Honours List, 1965.
crbR ir III 11 11 : THE COU TESS OF SCARBROUGH, D.V.C.O. IDeput}? UI1Rlrl1lRll :
Our friends both at home and abroad have been especially generou with their gifts thi year. From Canada a stream of parcel ha gone direct to the Hospital , and they have sent many contribution in ca h also. Our Australian friends have excelled themselve , and ew Zealand has again sent u packing cases of most welcome knitted good and other clothing and stores for the use of the patients; a selection from this large and valuable consignment was made by Lady Freyberg and wa shown to the Committee in October. We are most grateful for all these gift. A I reported la t year there are a number of directions in which we would like to help the Ho pital more, and we are now better able to do so. We have heard from Lady Duke-Elder, who was at the Ho pital for Christmas, how much the Christmas festivities are appreciated. In addition to the patients, the Hospital staff is now over 100 strong and it is quite an undertaking to decorate the Hospital and to make all the arrangements for a Christmas party for such large numbers. But it is particularly fitting that the whole of our Hospital community should celebrate Christmas together in Jerusalem, and we think our member would like to know that their contributions help to make this possible. The Hospital is now more than four years old and we mu t expect that much of the equipment which was supplied when it wa new will soon be in need of replacement. Indeed this year, in addition to normal purchases of linen and other needs, we have decided to send a number of new toys for the Children's Ward; these have been bought with money especially
Watson, Mrs. D . B., O .B.E. Webb-Johnson, Lady . . Whitaker, Hon. Mrs . H. G. Wollaston, Lady .
3 1
3 0 1 0 10 0
0 4
Note- The letter "c" indicates that the Subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant thus enabling the Linen Guild to reclaim the relative income tax.
£ Lady Astor of Hever' Charitable Trust Beachcroft, Mrs. J. Beauchamp. Counte Beaufort, Duke of cBessborough, Dowager Counte of cBessemer, Mr . J. G. B. .. cBolitho, Sir Edward, K.B.E., C.B., D.S .O . Brabourne, Doreen , Lady, c.r. cBridgland, Lady. Cadbury, Mrs. W. A. Crawford Mrs. M .. cCressweU Mrs. M. . B. Dawson of Penn, Viscounte s cDuke-Elder, Lady Dunrossil, Alison, Viscountess. Ellenborough, Dorothy Lady. French, Lady Es ex, O.B.E. cFreyberg, Dowager Lady, G.B.E. Gamage, Hon . Lady George, Lady . . . . Halifax, Dowager Counte s of, c.r., D.C.V.O . Hayes, Miss A . C. G. . . . . . . . Howard de Walden and Seaford , Lady, C.B.E. Hue-Williams, Mr . Roger . . . . . . James, Lady Serena . Knightsbridge ur ing Di i ion, S.J. .B . LasceUes, Mrs. Edward . cLaw, Mrs. Frank Lindsay, Counte of cLloyd , Dowager Lady cLoraine, Lady cLowry-Corry, Lady . cLuttre11, Mrs. G . F. . Lyle Mrs. Keith . Malcolm, Lady, M.B.E. McClintock, . C. . . unburnholme, Dowager Lady M.B.E . . Overend, Miss L. Perowne, Hon. Lady Pirie-Gordon, Mrs. H. A. Plender, Lady Porritt, Lady . . . . . . . Scarbrough, Countess of D.C.V.O. cSouthwell, Lady. .... Swaythling, Dowager Lady, O.B.E. Talbot-Rice, Hon. Mrs. Tufnell, Mrs. E. D .. Vernon, Mrs. Robert cVickers, Mrs. E. M .. cWalker, Miss A. M ., M.B .E.
0 0
1 3 I 3 5 1 3 17 3 2
1 0 I 5 2 4 0 2 0 2
8 I
3 1
8 2
3 2 I
I 1 I
I 8
0 0 0 4 11 6
0 10 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 '
1 0 1 0 1 0 10 0 0
I 2
I 0 0 0 10 0 3 3 0 0 15 II 10 ~ 14 4 14 4 1 0 0 0 10 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 I 0
1 I
I 2
COUNCILS Berkshire . Hampshire ler ey . North Riding of Yorkshire . orthumberland . Somer et Su e
15 15
d. 0
15 0 0 10 10
20 30 10 20
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
5 0
5 0
2 9 11
1 18 5 0 3 3 0 10 0 0
8 7 I 1
1 0 1 0
J 0
1 1 0 1 14 4 1 14 4
AUSTR U Commandery in We tern Au tralia GaIJagher, Cecil. Ho pitaller' Club, Adelaide Larcombe, Mr . Doroth Linen Guild of ew outh Wale Linen Guild of Queen land ictori a Ladie • Linen Guild
£A s. d. 10 10 0 10 0 0
50 0 0 200 218 lOO 125
0 0 0
£ 713 10
terling Equi\ alent
CA ADA Ladies' Linen Guild of Canada (including 1963: £329/ 17/4) . Anonymou
£ s. d. 659 9 3 494 17 8 £1,154
6 11
'Cr be (B r (\ n b IP rlor)?
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of tbe f tbe 1bosp lta[ of 5t. Jobn of J erusa lem
flD ost \Venerable @rbcr
St. Jobn RlnbulRnCe tl690ciatioll IPa troll : HER MAJE TY THE QUEE
Further copies of this report are available from:
( ovcrcign Head of the Order)
ST. JOHN'S GATE (Tel. Clerkenwell 6644) H.R.I I.
( rand Prior of the Order)
IDlrccnr::::(Bellcrl'll : OUTHWELL, C.B.E., M.C.
IDcplIt\] !Dlrector::::(BenCHI( LI[-l T.-
I R \L
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0, !Z.B.E., C.B., LL.D.
li)lI'CctN::::I.DCnCrn I
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F.R.C.S ., D.L .O.
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lPrtllClpal flr~CLIClll 0fficer PROII SR
I I.
J.D., PH.D.,
5ccretarr: LII.L T.-
U:re~5ttrCr TilE TRE
D. B. R.
Printed by Swindon Press Ltd., Victoria Road,
\Vine/oil, Wilts.
1. .
llnb 1lccOlllltllnt : OU TA T OF THE ORDER
F. G
10 DO ,
Q., l'.C.A.
Bssocia tio n (!olll l1l ittee
Bl)\")iSOl'}? lPanel Chief Con ultant
lRepresenting 511borb1l1are .lEstabllsbl1lents of rbe ®rber: Priory for Wale Lieut.-Colonel John R. L. Traherne Prior), for Wales P. Alwyn-Smith, Esq., M.B., B... COl11l1landery of Ards Colonel B. D . Cotton O.B.E., T.D . . ~ol1llnateb IJ}2 tbe IDlrector::::(j3enernl Mrs. J. . C. Alington . finistry of Educatioll D . C. Balaam, E q. . General Post Office R. L. Bellwood, Esq. T.D. County Director, orthlll17buland K . Biden-Steele, E q., M.D., B . . , D.P.H., War Department, Civiliall E tahlishmellls D.P.M.,D.I.H. COllllty Director, liS ex R. Breffit, Esq, O.B.E. Police Force D. L. Brown , E q. . J. H. Chambers, E q., M.D. CH.B., C.P.H., \finistr)' of Al'iatioll D.T.H. K. C. Cook Esq., F.C.A. . County Director, Lanca hire D ame Barbara Cozens, D.B.E., R.R.C. P. W. Dill-Ru ell, E q., C.B.E., 1.R . . . , Department of Technical o-operatioll L.R.C.P., F.R.S.H. Lt.-General Sir Robert Drew, K.C.B., .B.E. Q.R.P., M.B., F.R.C.P. . . Director-General Arlll), J\Jedical erl'iceJ The Honourable Lady Gamage Miss M. George, M.B.E . . Electrical Association for Women F. L. Gordon, Esq. COllnt)' Director, Buckinghams'hire finistr), of Labollr Miss M. Gracey . . . . . J. Sharp Grant, Esq., M.D., F.R.C. British Railways Board Brigadier V. F. S. H awkins, D.S.O., M.. COIlIIf), Director, Dol' et M. J. Hewitt, Esq. Ministry of Health G. O . Hughes, Esq., 1.C. M.B., H.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.LH. Gas ollncil H . C. Lang, Esq. . . British Railwavs Board C. S. McLeod , Esq., O.B.E., M.A. British Raihva)'s Board J. H . Mitchell, Esq. . . ational Coal Board R. Murray, Esq., M.B., CR.B. fedical Adviser, Trades Union Ollgresl Air Marshal Sir Rich ard elson, X.C.B., Director-General, [edical en'ices, Royal O.B.E., Q.H.P., MD. Air Force L. G. orman, Esq., C.B.E., 1.0., F.R.C.P. London Transport Board T. O'Leary, Esq., O.B.E . . atiollal Dock Labour Board Miss K. Raven . . . Ministry 0/ Health . R. D. V. Roberts, Esq. . Electricity COllncil Surgeon Vice-Admiral Sir D . D. SteeleDirector-General/v[edical ervices, Royal Perkins, x.c.v.O., C.B., Q.H.S., F.R . .s. Navy D. Taylor, Esq. . . . British Employers' Confederation F. G. Thomas, Esq., M.A. ational Dock Labour Board Brigadier D ame M argot Turner, D.B.E., Matroll-in-Chief and Director of IIrsing R.R.C. Services (Army) Alex J. Webb, Esq., O.B.E. Vice-Admiral Sir Peveril William-Powlett, K.C.B., X.C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. COllllty Director, London
Sir Arthur Porritt, Bt. K.C.M.G., x.C.Y.O., C.B.E., M.B.,, F.R.C.S. D . T . C. Barlow, Esq., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Professor K . W . Donald, D.C.S., M.A., M.D., D.SC., F.R.C.S. Professor W . Gissane, M.B., Ch.M., F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S . Professor T. C. Gray, M.D., F.F.A.R.C.S. G. O . Hughes, Esq., M.C., M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.I.H. Major-General W. D . Hughes, C.B., C.B.E., Q.H.P., M.D., F.R.C.P., D.T.M.M.H. Ian McClure, sq., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G., M.P. Edward G. Muir, Esq., M.S., F.R.C.S. Profe sor E. A. PASK, O.B.E., M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S., F.F.A.R.C.S. Profe or J. P. Payne, M.B., Ch.B., F.F.A.R.C.S. Reginald E. Pleasance, Esq., M.D., M.B., Ch.B., F.F.A.R.C.S. Professor H . W . Rodgers, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. R . . Taylor, q., O.B.E., T.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.D.S., R.C.S.
1964 PROGRES ha been maintained during the year. It i inter ting t . n te the greater increa e in th numb I' f cia e rgani zed alth ugh the number of certificate gained ha n t increa ed proportionately. Thi i orne indication of the ability of our entre t meet new need in the community, whether ari ing from rec nt legi lation with regard to Fir t Aid in Office and Shop, or from increa ed intere t among t the public. wa the frequent An encouraging Dature in report from entr reference to co-operation with other ogani/ation in a variety of \ ay , and in particular th clo e working b tween the t. J hn mbulance Brigade and Centre of the ociati n, \ 11 ther through a i tance by the provi ion of e ' perienced in tructor f r cia e or by hel p n lag Day and in other fund rai ing a ti itie. Where thi e i t and the ociation and the Brigade hare the ame pr mi e the re ult ar more efficient ervice and greater benefit t tho e wh m v\e all eek to help . A further element which appear in 0 man rep rt i the teady demand for in truction and demon tration in - merg ncy Re u citation . Thi ha provided not only the opportunity of bringing to man thou and a knowledge of ho\ to ave life but al intI' du ing th m t the \\ rk of the Order of t. John in thi and other fleld f activit . The ociation ha been able to help cout and uide Y uth lub , W men" In titute, Church ocietie tudent u b- qua Iu b among t a \\ ide range of organi ation . The A ociation i no\ repre ented b a ount Dire t I' jn 27 Countie and we much appreciate all that th y do to n ure that the Order and it Foundati n can devel p their vari u fun ti n in balanced and proper proportion . The V\ork d ne b th ounty Dire t r. in maintaining an efficient training organiLation i f immcnc alu and make increa ingly po ible the a hie em nt r ur object of tabli ' hing Centre to cover all part of the country. The value of entre in pr( viding a timulu for the tudy of fir t aid and life aving t hnique and Caciliti for training ha been proved by re ult and L am ther C re glad to rep rt that at the end of 1964 \ e now have a t tal of I I entre in ngland. The experiment in the orth We t of ngland ha proved mo t u c sClIl and ha fully ju tified it elf. The R gional Director Mr. K. ok, ha e tabli hed a very effective organizati nand \ ith the h Ip f seven A i tant Director each dealing with their re pective area, the \ rk f the A ociation ha gone teadily forward. They have been able to form new Centre during th year and other are nearing c mpleti n \\ ith inaugural meeting planned for early 1965 . The ucce of their 'V ork i apparent in the intere t whic h ha been arou ed and the upport which ha been received from Head f epartment of Local Government ervice and leader of ther organi ation . A an example, in a borough with a populati n r 1000 0 pe pie, the following had agreed to join the ommittee: "The Chief ducation mcer, the Principal of the ollege of rurther Education, the Headma ter of a econdary chool, who i al ecretary of the School Ma ter 'A ociation the Medical mc r r I [ealth the Chief Officer of Police, ire, mbulance, ivil Defence and Public A
Health a ho pital Matron, doctor, nur e , Safety Officers and Personnel Manager from Indu try, the St. John Ambulance Brigade. and other organi ation including the Chamber of Trade, Boys' Bngade, Boy Scout A ociation Girl Guide , Townswomel~ Guild , e~c." . I hould like to take thi opportunity of thankll1g the ReglOnal Director and the A i tant Director for all they have done. in building up su~h a ucce ful organization ba ed on the co-ope.raLlon of l?cai official, vo luntary organization, and the general public. I also WI h to record our appreciation of the excellent work d?ne by Mr. J. A. ~aydock , the fir t Regional Development mcer apPointed by the A S?ClatlOn. ir t Aid training in chool in the London area contll1ue well. One hundred and nineteen c ur e were organi ed in 1?64. Of the~e 114 were co nducted for the London ounty Council Ed\lcatlon Au~h~nty , and the remaining five for ther ounty Council . Whd t the n:aJonty of clas. e were in ir t id ome chool have al 0 had cour e 111 Home Nul' 1I1g and hild are. . . The help and co-operation received from ':lember of London Dl tnct, 1. John mbulance Brigade, who act a III truc.tor for the e clas e , h<'L becn out tanding; in particular I would mention the wor.k done by Mr. . A. W. We t n, a Di trict tafT Omcer. l!-e co-ord1l1ate thl training programme and give many hour in truetlOn at .othe~- . chools on mergency Re u citation including Benenden, where thl tralnll1g ha bccn grca tly \\ Ic Illcd . . an cntrc have reported clo e relation with local Educatl~n LIth riti ,and a con iderable increa e in the number of cia e run III . chool , for c ample in Pl ym uth Lewe hiche ter Glouce ter Leed , Rotherhalll , Donca tel', Wigan and Rugby. There. have al 0 been m~ny cOLlr , organi/cd through dull u.rther ducatlon Office, Technical Training ollege, vening [n titute In ~he e C;entre .' and other uch. a Wor ester, Reading, a t Ham and lp wlch. [t I particularlyencouraglllg that in man place th our e are a regular. featur~ of t.he ylla~u. n item or p ci " I intere t i a co~r e .of ~cupatlonal Fir t Ald of.gamzed for the ocal ducation uthonty In Wigan , and ~l. 0 a ur lIlg and hild ar curs at a 'cho I in Leed , and the provi I?n of cia [.oo n: for lecture and dem n tration by the Local d ucatlon Authonty 111 uern . [t i particularly enc ~~aging tha.t a a re ult. ~f. the e cour. e in cho I , there have bcen enqlllne regarding the po IbJllty of fOfll11ng adet Di i ion f the Brigade . . .' n intcrc ling dcvel pment \ a th format.lon ~f.a. FI[ t Id cia. at the Pontefra t Paraplegi ntre of the Yo:k. ~lre Divi Ion of the National Coal Board. The la \Va . trained by a Divi I nal mcer?f the ~. John mbulancc Bri gade, him elf <1n occupant of a wheel chalr. Certificate were pr ent d to the ucce ' ful candidate by the May?r of Po~tefr~ct. our, e. for medi al , tudent have c ntinued at Bri tol mver Ity. The number remain at ab ut 60 for lectur and about 40 of the.e tak~ thc e\amination. It. ar voluntary. Memb r of the academic an technical tafT f the ni er ity have ho\·\ n intere t and a~tended cour e . 1\ Fir. t Aid our e wa held at haring r Ho p.ltal where both medical tud nt and t chnician v er trained up to ertlficat tandard. orty-fl e candidate ra ed the cxaminati n.. . h A entr ha been et up in Morp th In Northumberland .at. t e Ileadquart r of the unt iviI eC .nce I?epartn:ent. The pnnclpa~ purpo f th entre i t erve the Police, Ire er Ice, Count Ambu
lance Service and Civil Defence organization. These bodies are represented on the Committee, and the Pre ident i Brigadier P. H. M. May, the County Civil Defence Officer, who i a member of the St. John Council for Northumberland. Cour e for In tructor are planned as well. as ordinary Fir t Aid training for per onnel of the four County serVIces. There has been con iderable intere t in the A ociation' new publication on Hygienic Food Handling' large order for the book have come from the Navy Army and Air Force In titute and the Medical Officer of Health for Aberdeen. Special cour e have been organized by the North Riding of York hire Centre in Clean Food Handling, in cooperation with the Chief Public Health Officer in Middle brough and Whitby. A number of Centres organize First Aid Competition and quizze as part of their general programme of activitie and the e have arou ed general interest among t the public and variou organization a for example in Plymouth , where 11 team took part; Manche ter' Glouce ter, where the Mayor and other local dignitarie were pre ent· Wigan with it First Aid League; Croydol1' Crawley; North Ridin g of York hire, whose aim was to arou e intere t among young people' the Heavy Woollen District of the We t Riding, with 35 team; Leed ; Harrogate; Selby and Goole. Lanca hire ran very succe ful County Competition including one for individual only. A new competition wa tarted at Blyth. Relations with Youth Organization in all part of the country remained close and it wa po sible to arrange pecial cour e and demon tration for Youth Clubs, Scouts, Guides Boy Brigade, Cadet Corp , Girl' Life Brigade. The Rugby Centre organi ed vi it to chool \ ith their own swimming pools and gave demonstration in Emergency R e u citation. We were also glad to hear of the intere t hown by Young Farmer' Clubs and cour e arranged for them. There wa clo e co-operation \ ith organizers of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and training in First Aid, Nursing and Child Care wa provided for tho e boy and girl who were working for their award. In Herefordshire farmer and their ive have a ked for Ba ic Fir t Aid training under the Government' cherne run by the County Council, and classes were al 0 organi ed for officer of the Mini try of Agriculture, Fi heries and Food. Besides training activities many Centre provided ervice of variou kinds or were able to organize pecial activitie to timulate intere t. There were film shows, talk on the Order with coloured lide tal k on Safety in the Home and on Safety on the Road. Some Centre carried out Welfare Work in conjunction with the local Council of Social ervice or the County Welfare Officer. Other helped with Over-60 C1u b , at Homes for the Blind, in hospitals and Home for the aged. The Rugby Centre provided transport for backward children and cripple to chool and clinics and the Sheffield Centre took the aged to the ea ide and to convalescent homes, etc. The Croydon Centre and the local St. John Ambulance Brigade assisted at the Family Open Day at Philips Work Ltd . providing a pUblicity stand and a First Aid Po t. The Crawley Centre, again in col.laboration with the St. John Ambulance Brigade, took a tand at the LeIsure and Pleasure Exhibition. There wa a Fir t Aid Week at Lewe ,
with publicity in the local press, films and demonstrations and open days, ending with a Joint Church Parade. The Selby Centre ran a campaign in the local press to encourage motorists to carry first aid kits which they could purcha e from the Centre. The Stratford-on-Avon Centre took part in the ten-day Boat Festival organised by the local Canal Association providing daily demonstrations and talks. The Rugby Centre gave sple~did servic~ ~t the Royal Agriculture Show, giving demonstratiol!-s daily and prOVIdIng refre hment for St. John helpers at the first aId posts and demo~strations . They al 0 produced a Home Safety model, which was on dIsplay at the Royal Show and then went on tour. The Rugby Centre has also instituted a very practical method of bringing the work of St. John to the attention of the public, through the presentation of copie of the Review each month to schools, doctors, local councillor and public librarie . P
First Aid Manual : Work continued on this book by the Co-ordinating Committee under the chairman hip of Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Drummond the Deputy Director-General , and it is expected that the book hould be publi hed in 1965. ursing Iv! anllal: The revi ion of thi book wa complet~d and t~e econd edition wa publi hed in May 1964. It wa brought mto use m September and became compul ory for Adult ur ing Course on 1st January , 1965 . ursing Questions and Answers: Thi i the revi ed edition of the ur mg Catechi m and wa ready for publication early in 1965. Air Aflendants fanual : A new vel' ion of thi book was written for the A ociation by Dr. A. . R . Peffer Senior Medical Offi~er (Air) of t?e Briti h vel' ea Airway Corporation, and we are greatly mdebted to him for thi book. 1t ha a Foreword by Air Mar hal Sir Richard el on Director Genera l R . . . Medical erVlce, Mini try of Defence . It wa ready for publication early in 1965 . Basic Fir t A id: The Preliminary Fir t Aid Manual wa re-named 'Ba ic Fir tid', and i now under revi ion. It i intended to publi h the ne\ edition hortly after the publication of the main Manual. Maternal and Child Care Manual : With the permi ion of the Briti h Red Cro ociety, the A ociation adopted their Maternal and Chil.d Care Manual a the te tbook for the Child Welfare Cour e. The book I to be bound in t. John cover and hould be available early in 1965. MPETITIO
At the Grand Prior' Trophy Competition held on 19th ovem~er at the Porche ter Hall, \ e had the privilege and honour of \ elcommg Her Royal Highne the Duche of Glouce ter, \ ho pre ented ~he trophie t the winning team and e pre ed her plea ure at the high standard of work of the competitor. . .. During the afternoon Her R oyal Highne vi ited th~ ExhlbltlOn of Training id and remarked on the value of uch a dl play. The Mayor and Mayore of Paddingtol1, the Chancell.or and E ecutive Ofllcer of the rder were pre ent and repre entatl e of all the
organi ation who had team competing were at the Competition through. out the day. The winner were:ilIen : Police (Liverpool City)' VI/omen: Police (Che hire Con tabulary). The ne\ regulation) a recommended by the Working Party in the previou year \ ere put into operation and proved ati factory , in particular the arrangement for individual te t in place of dual te t and the provi ion of a i tant judge in the team te t . The u ual ational Fir t Aid Competition were held during the year. Many team con i ted of new member in both the regional and final event and it wa ati factory to ee thi evidence of enthu ia m and intere t. Winner of Competition held under the au pIce of the ociation were a follow :-
Competitions Jor J' fen: Orgoni arion
Police . .. . . . . . . Electricit uppl} mbul ance Centre. . Mini try of A via tion mbulance Centre . . nited Kingdom tomic Energ) Authority . a tional Coal Board . . . . . War Department Ambulance Centre . . . . British Railwa ,London Tran port (R a ilway ) and Briti h Tra n port Dock . . . . Briti h Tran port Police la tion a l Dock La bour Board mbul a nce entre . G a Industr} . a tion a l Roa d Pa enger Tran port mbul a nce tion . . . . . . . . . . General Po t Office Ambul a nce Centre Fire Brigades .
Liverpool ity Police Barn taple R .O .F. BurghAeld .W .R . . Iderma ton 'A ' Marley Hill .0 . . . Porton
a . Boa rd
oCl a PI) mouth a t rc a (London) it) of Birmingham
Competitions j or Women: Police . . . . . . . . . . Electricity Suppl y Ambulance entre . . ini try of \ iation mbul a nce Centre . . nited Kingdom tomic nergy Authoflty . War Department mbul a nce Centre . . . . British Railway , London Tra n port (R a dv. a) ) a nd Briti h Tran port Dock . Ga Indu try. ational Road Pa sengerTra n port mbulance tion . . . . . . . . . . General Po t Office mbul a nce Centre .
he hire on tabul a r) Kettering he ington I feadqu a rters .W .R . Iderm asto n R .O . . lascoed Hull outhern as Boa rd (Winche ter Ro a d)
cl a London Tran<;po rt .0 . MorecHmbe
The v.inning team of the e competition with the winning team of the St. John Ambulance Brigade competition for the ewar and Perrott Shield , took part in the Grand Prior' Trophy Competiti n . Once again we expre our gratitude to the ociated Briti h Picture Corporation Ltd. for their help in providing cenery in taging our event during the year. The reali m and colour given by the eLling greatl} enhances the effectivene of the te t . To the member f the medical profession who have acted a judge , to the teward and ca ualtie \ ho have given so generously of their time to a i t at the e event we record our warm thank. Their co-operation and help are an in piration to tho e concerned with the organi ation of the competition. Finally a word of appreciation to the competitor who have worked hard and \: ho e enthusia m had made the competition an out tanding fe, ture of our year's work .
During the year, the Competition was held for Centres Overseas. Centres were invited to end in a record of their activities during the period, 1 t J uly- 31 t December. The winners of the Competition were Hong Kong and Jamaica (South East). rn Jamaica the North-Ea t Centre ha continued its lectures at the Moneague Training School for Teacher, and other classes have been organized for the head of departments of the Kaiser Bauxite Company a well a the u ual cOLir e in other parts of the area. Scrap books made from old Chri tmas card, which had been prepared by St. John Cadets, were di tri buted by the A sociation to local ho pitals. Donations during the year increa ed and additional revenue wa raised by the Thrift Shop. The outh-Ea t Centre organized a number of public functions, at which certificate were pre ented to the succe sful candidates by Lady Bustamante wife of the Prime Mini ter, and by other prominent persons. Pre , radio and TV. gave full publicity which was most helpful and led to application for training. There has been a noticeable increase in the number of companie having their personnel trained in First Aid as a re Lilt of letter ent OLit early in the year. Other candidates have included Matron of Government Home, trainee nur es, port coaches, couts and chool children. A pecial appeal wa made to doctors, the panel of examiner ha increa ed from 10 to 28. The Police Centre had a varied programme and arranged training cour e for Government organi er in youth work, lecture and demonstration to youth group and high cho01 tudent in which emphasi was laid on oral re u citation. Lecture and demon tration to life guard and al 0 m mber of the Red Cro Society, a well a the training of lay lecturer and ne member of the force played an important part in the activitie of the entre. The Pri on Centre organi zed four cour e for it own personnel, a well a f r indu trial and youth organization. Thi wa made possible by the work of la lecturer and from the e cour e S9 new memb"r were recruited to the t. John mbulance Brigade. In Trinidad \ ith the help of Dr. H. P. Diggory, City Medical Officer of Health, and anitary In pector and Public Health ur e 6S2 city cho I hildren \-\ere trained in Clean Handling of Food. As a re ult of the c ur e 464 certificate ere i ued. A new feature of the Centre' work \. a 'the organization of cour e in Preliminary Fir t Aid and Home ur ing, which \: ere conducted to a i t the newly formed Cadet Divi ion f the Brigade. The Grenada entre had a ucce ful year with a pecial programme of event during t. John Week which included a mock accident co.mpetition , etc. Yariou function were organized for the pre entatiOn of Certificate to ucce ful candidate; the e ',: ere \: ell covered by pre and radi . In I. Lucia cour e ere organized for chool teacher and for tudent of the T acher Training College. Succe ful cour e of lecture we:e given to enior boy of the t. Mary' College, and 27 were ucce ful 111 obtaining their certificate . In Gibraltar ir t Aid Training continue for \ orker in the docky~rd . Among t the candidate \ ere a number f Spani h dock worker. Thlrty-
12 two new member of the City Fire Brigade al 0 gained their certificate. A campaign i planned for 1965 to encourage member of the public to take Fir t Aid cour e . The A i tant Director-General vi ited Gibraltar in October and wa ociation Coma ble to meet member of the St. John Council and the mittee, a well a member of the Brigade. Hi report covered all a pects of the work of St. John. The Malta Centre reported a con iderable increa e in the number of First Aid Certificate gained in the year which i largely due to cooperation with the Malta Civil Defence Corp . a further increa e in the number of volunteer trained i e pected for 1965. Other COUf e are held for the Army Fire Service and R.A .F. per onne!. Di cu ion took place regarding the introd uction of Fir t Aid in the yllabu of Government chool and the cherne i receiving the con ideration of the Director of Education. The Cyprus Centre reported a remarkable increa e in the number of Certificate gained a compared with the previou ear. Two thou and, i ' hundred and eighty-four people obtained Fir t id ertificate a nd the total of candidate ucce fuI in e amination and re-e amination wa 3 147 a compared with 1J 79 in 1963 . on iderable co-operation ha been received from the Public ervice \\ hich include the lectricity Authority, the Education Department, the Cypru Telec mm unication Authority Fire Brigade, Police, Fore tr Department, Pri on Warden and Water Board Development. our e \"ere al organized f r the Cypru Mine Corporation miando be to Mine and the Limni , Va iliko and Mit ero Mine. Within the overeign Ba e rea, in addition to cour e of the rm Fire Brigade and the overeign Ba e Area Police, cour e were held for the R . . . Police, Boy c ut and chool . During the year 4,500 copie of the Fir t id Manual in Greek were re-printed in addition to the 3 000 " hich \ ere re-printed in 1963 . In Aden the activitie of the Centre ere in the main c n entrated n the Aden State Police Force the Federal ational Guard and a pirant under the Duke of Edinburgh' \vard cheme. [n all the b die re ult obtained were mo t ati factor . ucce ful appli ant from the t\ 0 force mentioned were pre ented \\ ith their Certificate b) the 111mi ioner of P olice at pecial parade . Fir t id training i n \\ being extended to employee of the lectricity Corporati n and to tudent from other Force attending cour e organized by the Police. Considerable intere t in Fir t Aid training took place during the year in Arabic peaking countrie . In Sharjah Captain Kirkman who i Medical Officer f the rucial Oman Scout, tarted Fir t Aid cour e for the Bo ' cho [ \\ hich i equivalent to a Junior Leader Training chool in ngland and he al 0 arranged for the training of Briti h Army per onnel a in truct r . Tn Qatar the Commandant of the Police Training chool tarted ir t id training with the aim of reaching certificate tandard. The merican Mission Ho pital in Mu cat again had Preliminary ir t Aid c ur e using the Preliminary Manual in Arabic. In Lidya the Medical Orlker of the B.P . Exploration Co . (Ltd.) organized Fir t id cIa e for per nnel in their establishment in the de ert. There were order for book and equipment for the Iraqi Red Cre cent ociely, which ha a wide programme of training in Fir t Aid and ur ing.
t. Andrew, Hon. Ru ell Graham, J.P., pre enting a tulorium Preliminary if t Aid erti5cate at King ton, Jamaica .
14 In Ma/all'i the mam activity during the year wa directed towards keeping exi ting cla es going. The e were generally confined to the Malawi Police and Malawi Railway but there wa al 0 an activ class within the Fire Brigade of the Air Service Authority at Chileka Airport. Thi latter clas wa pre ented with Certificate by Colonel Benyon, Controller Over ea St. John mbulance Bri gade, when he vi ited Malawi during May 1964. During the Malawi [ndepend ence celebrations in July 1964 the Centre organized i Fir t Aid team con i ting of four men and a leader to each. The e team attended aIL the variou events which took place between the 4th and 7th July, and although the fact of not having Brigade tatu precluded them from wearing uniform they were uniformally dre ed and wore A ociation arm band. In Zambia the Centre continued with it training activitie and one pecial a pect wa the need for ufficient trained per onnel to give help on the occa ion of the Independence celebration in October. part from the Flag Day in Jul y, no other pecial activitie were undertaken by the A ociation. The Flag Day rai ed a record amount in Lu aka and wa ati factory in Ndola. In Kenya training continued and the Pre ident, the Mini ter for Social Service and the Mini ter for Health gave the Centre their upp rt and encouragement. Fund-rai ing till pre ent a eriou problem. The entre wa fortunate in having a mo t ucce ful Flag Day but work till restricted by the availability of fund. In Tan::ania cour e were provided for e ential erVlce uch a Port taff, Fire Brigade and Po t Office and in truction wa given in many schools. The work done by lay-lecturer wa mo t helpful in making thi po sible. The highlight of the year wa an e hibition that la ted a 'v\eek and volunteer put in many hour training for thi event. Dem n tration in re uscitation were given in four language u ing " Re u ci- nne" . Many thou and attended the exhibition and on the la t day over 23 000 were estimated to be pre ent. In Ghana a full programme in teaching and training in Fir t id \ a carried out with the encouraging re ult that there were almo t 300 a\\urd more than in 1963, with a total of J 069. Tn the organi ation 'v\ here Fir t Aid training had already been introduced, activitie continued and new ground wa broken with the e ten ion of training in the follO\ ing new fields :y.W.C.A. (Ghana)' Ghanaian ltalian Petroleum Company' alvution Army Tema; Accra Polytechnic; R . T. Bri coe (Motor ); A. J. eward (Cosmetic Factory). In Nigeria the Police ran 61 Fir t Aid cia e and I, 44 candidate gained certificate or re-examination award. A number of Lay Lecturer certificates were renewed during the year and the tandard of efficiency wa maintained. The help given by the lay lecturer wa mo t valuable. The Nigerian Railway Corporation had a mo t ucce fu l year and 700 candidates were succe sfu l in obtaining their certificate. A part of a special recruiting drive they had two cour e for lay lecturer and 25 candidates qualified for their certificate. There were a number of pecial ceremonies for the pre entation of Certificate all over the di trict and efforts were made to increa e their activitie in relation to other voluntary organi ations.
Engli h peaking tudent
f the
arita Welfare Centre at fir t aid practice.
The St. John Ambulance Centre in Ceylon had another ucce ful year and 1 920 Fir t Aid Certificate \ ere i ued a compared with 1,553 in the p;eviou year. De elopment wa greatly a i ted by the recei pt of tran lation of the Fir t Aid Manual in Tamil prepared in ] nd ia, and it i hoped that the Sinhale e edition .\ .o uld be. r.eady by the b g.i nni ng of 1965. Thi al 0 \ ill do much to facIlitate tra1l11l1g. Demon tratlOn were given to the public on re u citation and there i no d~ubt tha.t given the necessary finance much could be done to help the public e peclally Caudy Galle and Jaff'na \ ho wi hed to learn Fir t Aid. The Hon. I Haj Badiudin Mahmud, Mini ter of Health and Chairman of the Centre, pre id d at the Annual General Meeting and Lord and Lady oulbury were Gue t of Honour. The Mini ter referred to the long r ice rendered to the people of Ceylon by the St. John mbulance ociation and Brigade" hich had now ri en to be among t the 1110 t important of their voluntary organi ation . The Centre in the Federation of [ala)'a had a mo t ucce ful ear and 3,556 candidate \ ere ucce ful in obtaining Fir t Aid ertificate v. ith a total of 6,611 who gained either Certificate or other a\\ard , compJred with 5,630 in the previou year. More organi ation and Arm .a re recognizing the alue of having trained Fir t id per onnel on their tafr. Ten thou and copie of the Fir t id Manual in Malay were publi hed during the year and the e were greatl welcomed in Mala c. and in other part of Mala ia . In Sabah Branche \ ere re- tarted in Keningau and Beaufort and there were cour e in Fir t Aid and ur ing in both place. ne\\ Centre had been et up in Kudat and training ha tarted . Fund-rai ing \\a encouraged reaching a total of 24000 of \\ hich 5,000 \\ a given to Labuan toward the co t of a joint St. J ohn- Red ro Hut. Mr . Re re igned a Headquarter' officer and \\e thank her for all he did to h Ip the A ociation in Sabah. In Hong Kong 243 cia e \-\ere held during the )ear r ulting in 5, 61 candidate obtaining certificate or re-examination a\\ard ,a compared with 4 743 in the previou year. number of pecial ceremoni \\ re held for the pre entation of certificate and the po ition held by tho e who pre en ted the certificate i ome indication of both the imp rtance attached to the work of the A ociation and the variet of it activitie . The Commissioner of Labour i hoping to encourage 1,000 factor \\ rker each year to join Fir t Aid cIa e. At the lag Day and the nnual Ball a total of $144 000 wa rai ed. The Centre in Fiji continue to make tead progre and a t tal of f the e, the bulk 1 126 candidate were ucce ful at e ' ami nation . obtained adult or preliminary certificate. In addition to the e full cour e . there were talk, di plays and demon tration in Fir t id and hild Welfare, mainly in the Fijian and Hindi language in remote illage . sawmills, ugar mill and factorie . ome 32,000 per on in all walk of me 10000 pamlife have been given in truction in re u citation and phlets given by the ew Zealand Department of Health hav been di tributed in the Colony. Ca es of live aved by oral re u citation have been recognised by the Royal Humane ociety with the a\ ard of certificates and medal. Fifteen cour e in ir t Aid were organi ed for the Fiji Police and three cour e for the Army. Some 700 member of the
police Force are now qualified First Aiders. The land rover presented to the Centre by the Order has proved of very great practical benefit and the frequency of visit~ to outlying settlem.ents has been doubled. It was of particular use dunng the evere floods l~ March wh~n 1,590 1?ersons were tran ported in three day. On the occasIOn of the Stiver !ubllee Celebr~ tion the work of the As ociation was brought to the notice of the public by m'ean of radio, pre ,public display~ a~d demonst.ra.tions. Visits were planned to factorie ,school and orgamsatlOn , eXplal~1l1~ to them what the A ociation did. 1 would wish to express our appreciatIOn of the work done by officers of the Centre and also by the Training Officer, Mr. R . F. Herman , in achieving these results. In the Solomon Islands, 64 recruit received lectures in First Aid, given by a Fijian Trained A si tant Medical Officer from the Government Medical Service . Thirty-one men attended refresher courses but no examinations were held. It i hoped that further periods of instruction will be given in 1965 and that it will then be po sible to conduct examination for certificate. An enquiry for the Fir t Aid Manual in French was received from ~he Community Educational Training Centre ope~ated by ~he South Pacific Commi ion of the nited Nations Trusteeship CouncIl. Students from many of the South Pacific I land including Tahiti come t? the C~fl:tre for a year' cour e which include Fir t A~~ and Home N urSll1g. Trall1l~~ in the e ubject i undertaken by t~e FIJI Cen.tre on behalf of the FIJI Government. The Fir t id Manual 111 French I u ed by tho e tudents \\'ho do not know ngli h, Fijian or Hindu tani. APPOI
Pr fe or H . C . tewart , who e appointment as Principal. M.edical Officer wa announced la t year, took up hi dutie at the. begll1r:tll1g of 1964 and we have been very glad to have hi help and adVIce dunng the pa tear. . Mr. L. D . Wilkin on D .. C ., kindly agreed to accept appoll1tment as irector-General to the A ociation with pecial reference to i tant our work over ea . The appointment wa con~rme~ in. ~une an,d he has alread done m:'lch for the A ociation including hi VI It to Gibraltar. Two new appointment were made to the Advi ory Pan~l and we ~uch appreciate the help given to u by the e member of the medical profe S1On: Profe or H. W. Rodger O.B.E., F.R.C.S., L. R .C.P. q., F. R .e.S., F.R.e.O.G., M. P . Ian McClure, During the year Brigadier E. M . Turner, M.B.E., R .R .e. suc~eeded Brigadier Dame Barbara Cozen, D.B.E. R ..R.~. a repr~ entatlve of the Army ur ing ervice on the . A ~clatlon Committee .. Dame Barbara Cozen kindly agreed to contll1ue In. her per onal capaclty. Mr. D . L. Brown, Chief Con table of Ha tll1g, ucceeded Mr. W. Wil on a repre enting the Police Force. It i with plea lire that 1 report the appointment of four County Direct r t fill vacancie : Che hire Mr . K . C . Cook, F . .A ... Devon Squadron-Leader W. H .. core~ '.' . '. Vice- dmiral ir Pevenl Wtlltam-Powlett, K.e.B., London K .. M.G. .B . . , D . . . Surre Doctor C. P. Wallace, B.A .,M.B., H.Ch.
] I N-~~M~~-~~v~ l ~ -I
I am a1 0 very glad to welcome Lt.-Col. H. 1. Gillman a County Director for Durham, where we have not had a Director before. A reported el ewhere we now have 27 County Director and I would like to take thi opportunity of e pre ing our thank to them for all they ha ve done during the la t year. As part of the experiment in the orth We tern Region, even A i tant Director have been appointed and the ucces of the cheme i we know, in large mea ure due to all they are doing. Mr. H. Wat on F.C.A. Che hire Mr. J . A. McKay M. Greater Ma nche ter Major S. 1. Harvey, O.B.E ... Mersey ide Mr. R . R . Bibby North a t Lanca hire Mr. W. H. Linaker .. Pre ton Mr. T. H. Thoma on South Fylde Mr. F. E. William on We tmorland and Cumberland CO
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The ta k of the A ociation in providing in truction for member of the public who eek a knowledge of Fir t Aid and Nur ing, either for the home or for u e at their place of \\ ork, \ ould be impo ible \ ithout the devoted help of member of the medical and nur ing profe ion . The \ ork that they do de erve our warme t tribute and we hope that their ervice are fully recogni ed by the population at large. I would al 0 like to thank our County Direct r the member f the A ociation Committee, member of our entre ommitlee and all tho e who have contributed in different wa to the matter \- hich are included in thi Report. The A ociation once again, thank all tho e who have helped, v.hether through our Centre or a Cia ecretarie or In tructor . We v.ould \'.i h them to kno\ how much we appreciate the work \ hich they do . Without the volume of voluntary help given by 0 many people the ciation would not be able to provide the ervice to the community \ hich it doe, both in England and Over ea . We at Headq uarter thank everyon for all they have don t [or\-\ ard the cau e for which we all work. The knowledge that \\1 have 0 much upport from men and women in 0 many part of the world, i a timulu to all of u in London and in conelu ion 1 wi h to e pre my appreciation of all the work done by Colonel Gueritz, M r. Craft and Mr. ole and the permanent taff. PHILIP 0 HW LL, Director-General.
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20 APPENDIX II TOTALS OF CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION OVERSEAS THROUGH CENTRES AND BRANCHES Aden Bermuda British Guiana British Honduras British Virgin Islands British West Indies: Bahamas Barbados . Jamaica: North East North We t South East South We t Police . Prison Leeward Islands Trinidad and Tobago Windward Island Dominica Grenada St. Kitts . St. Lucia. St. Vincent Central Africa: Malawi Zambia. Ceylon Cyprus . East Africa: Kenya . Tanzania Uganda Fiji Gibraltar Gilbert and Ellice Island Hong Kong. Malaya , Federation of Malta and Gozo Mauritius Sabah Seychelles Singapore Sudan West Africa: Ghana . 1gena: Coal Corporation Police Force . Railways . Ports Authority Sierra Leone: Police Force . Prison Service Railways. THRO GH THE MEDIUM OF E TABU HME T Priory for South Africa Priory in Australia .. Commandery in We tern Australia Priory of Canada . Priory in New Zealand Commandery in Central Africa India Pakistan
21 158
100 28 l.OoooO\O",,,,ooo\N-r_ N '" r- '" N '" '" r- '" -v ell'" ~ 0\ 00 N 0\ 0 ~ '" v v~ v5 -~ "'~ v5 O\~ "'~ "'~ vl N~ "'~ 00 N~ ,-00 v N v '" r- v v r- r- 0\
143 72 279 47 178 59 37 1,274
r--voo 00 r-
MNvloo ",00000\
33 69 197 785 2,591 2,864
267 544 889
67 4,398 5,133
406 152 115 35 2,124
96 1,019 16 1,699
725 2
67 19 28,900 OF THE ORDER 8,157 25,857 3,588 104865 10,882 650 149,458 3472 335,829
N ~ v r- oo 0\ 0 v v v "<:t v .... 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\
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Police National First Aid Competitionsjor Men and Women were held at the Porche ter Hall, London, on 26th Febr uary. Lt.-General Sir Alexander Drummond (Deputy Director-General) pre ided and the trophies and plaque were pre ented by The R t. Hon. Henry Brooke, M. P . (Secretary of State for H ome Affair ). The J udge were:Dr. K. P. D uncan Team Test Dr. K. Lee and Dr. B. J one Individual Te ts and they placed the team 111. the following order:M
Marks Obtained
C .... -0 <I)
II ..."$?_
.t::ror-Ol'-Ol'-ot:: ~ M M V VI
0 ....
Z ... I'-M'<TVOM'<T\O VVl'<TNo\O\-VI 00 I'- I'- \0 \0 r- \0 VI
v) v) v)
~ I
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. II.
Liverpool ity Police . 'e ter ity Police . dinburgh ity Police o. I We t Riding on tabulary 'A' Bedfordshire on tabulary o. I. Metropolitan Police CK' Division) Roya l I ter on tabu lary Dudley ounty Borough Police . outhampton Borough Police . Monmouth hire Con tabulary Durham ounty on tabulary 'C' Ma imum mark obtainable: 400
312t 301 289 280} 265t 261t 241 237 2361: 233 189t
WOME I. 2.
he hire on tabulary . W rce ter hire on tabular) .
252t 240t
Ma'\imum mark obtainable: 400
OO\Or-MVI~o r-I 00 M 00 V VI I'1 ' - 1 ' - 0 0 0 0 0 \ 1 ' - 0 0 00
~, 00
" 0\
oo 0\ 0
VI 0\
VI 0\
N VI 0\
M VI 0\
V VI 0\
VI VI 0\
\0 VI 0\
I'VI 0\
00 VI 0\
0VI 0-
\0 0\
\0 0\
N \0 0-
M \0 0-
V \0 0\
Electricity uppl)' Ambulance Centre Competitions jor Men and Women \\ere held at the Porche ter Hall, London, on 25th March . Sir Philip outh\ ell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaque were pre ented by Mr. evill F. Mar h (Deputy Chairman, The Electricity Council) . The Judge were, for the Men' team Dr. W. F. Hall Team Te t Dr . D . . Mackinnon and Dr. W. M. M. DougJa Individual Te t or the Women' t am Dr. Gordon Gillie Team Te t Dr. R. K. Phillip and Dr. H. C. William on fndividual Te t and they placed the team in the fo ll owing order: -
::J I. 2.
uth We tern (Barn taple) London (Ba Ltcr ca) .
,\larks Obtained
317 30-l
24 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 L.
Ea t Midland (Kettering). Midland (Glouce ter) . Southern (Sali bury) . . South Ea tern (Brighton) . North We tern (Pre ton) . Ea tern (Watford). . . Yorkshire ( kelton Grange) . . . . . Mer eyside and orth Wale (Bromborough) South Wale (Brecon). . . . . . Maximum mark obtainable: 400
290 283 271
260 257
248 244 206 197 IV/arks Obtained
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
East Midland (Kettering). orth We tern (Manche ter) . . . Mer ey ide and orth Wale (Che ter) South Wale (Cardiff). . South We tern (Porti head) Ea tern ( outh Dene ). . South Ea tern (Worthing) . Yorkshire (Leeds) . . Midland (Glouce ter) . Southern (Reading). London (Ergon Hou e) orth Ea tern (Tyne). . . . . . . . Maximum mark obtainable: 400
306t 301297 296 29 1r
2661266 261 247! 246
4. 5. 6.
\ lor/" \ Ohtained 323
Aldermaston CD. ' A' . AJdermaston .D. 'B' . . . Harwell Chemical ngineering . Windscale Risley .. . . Winfrith Fire Brigade . . . . . . . Maximum mark obtatned : 400
_ 5 2811
271 254 1 225
\!ar/".\ Obtained 1. 2. 3.
Aldermaston Winfrith Riseley
. . . .
313 2621 .
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
United Kingdom Atomic Energ), Authority Competition for 1en and Women were held at Culcheth Lanca hire, on 30th April. Mr . K. . Cook (Regional Director, St. John mbulance ociation) pre ented the trophie and plaque. The Judge were:Dr. G. O. Hughe Team Tc t Dr. J. D. Cameron and Dr. Charle Sharp Indi idual Te t and they placed the team in the follo\\ ing order:-
2. 3.
1. 2.
The Judge were:Team Test Dr. K . A . Boughton-Thomas. Dr. R. T. S. Hendel' on and Dr. H. L. Sparrow Individual Tests and they placed the team in the following order:-
Maximum mark obtainable : 400
Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre Comp etitions for !l1en and Women were held at 6, Burlington Garden , London, n 14th May . Vice-Admiral Sir Peveril William-Powlett (County Director, London, St. John Ambulance A sociation) pre ided and the trophie and plaque were presented by Sir Robert Cockburn (Chief Scienti t, Mini try of Aviation).
2. 4.
R .O .F. Burghfield R .O .F . Cardiff . . D .A.G .3 Liverpool. . R . D .E. W a ltham Abbey S.R.D .E. Chri tchurch . . . . . . . . . . Dyce Aerodrome M a imum mark obtainable: 400 WOME he ington H .Q . D .A.G.3 Li verpoo l . . R . D . . hri tchurch Pre twick Airport . . . . . . . . . M aximum mark obtainable: 400
Marks Obtained 272
270 261 245 244 200
Marks Obtained 277
260 231 230
ational oal Board Competition for Miners wa held in the Derbyshire Miner' Welfare Holiday Centre Skegne , on 23rd May. Dr. J. M. Roga n (Chief Medical Offlcer, N .CB .) pre ided and the trophie and prize were pre ented by ir Humphrey Browne (Deputy Chairman ational oa l Boa rd) . The Judge \ ere : Dr. G . Le lie and Dr . D. 1. John on Team Te t Dr . opp a nd Dr. J . colt Individual Te t and the placed the team in the follov ing order:larks Obtained I.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Marley H ill lIiery . ynheidre ollIery . hit ick oilier Bil ton len oi lier rIl11ethorpe oilier H ilton M ain oilier Belte hanger oilier) Hun coat oilier). . . . . . . . . . Ma\llllum mark ob tai nable: 400
341 331 331 329 329
3091292+ 250+
British Railway, London Transport (Rai!lI'Q)'s) and British Tran port Docks Competition /or Jen and Women were held at the Central Hall, London, on 5th June . ir Philip outhwell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaque \ ere pre ented by ir tuart Mitchell (Vice- hairman , Briti h Railway Board) . The Judge \ ere, r r the Men' team Dr. G. teele . Team Te t r. Ro bert M . Mill and
The Judge were: Dr. J. Munro Sherriff Team Te t Dr. A. Conn and Dr. H. L. Sparrow I ndividual Test and they placed the team in the following order:-
Dr. H. Temple Phillip lnd ividual Te t For the Women' team :Dr. Olive S. May . Team Te t Dr. T. C. Ta Jor and Dr. J. R . Bo\ ker . rndividual Te t and the pJaced the team in the follovving order:-
Marks Obtained
t\Jads Ohlained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9.
10. 11. 12. 13.
London Midland (Camden' ') We tern ( ewport R . & M.) . outhern ( outhampton) . . . London Midland (Dublin o. 3) . Ea tern (Work hop' ') . . Ea tern (Parke ton Qua . '). . orth Ea tern (Darlington tore) orth a tern (York C. & W. o. I) outhern (Margate) . . \ e tern (Bri tol Traffic) . cotti h (Bridgeton) . . London Tran port ( cton' ') colti h (Falkirk) . . . . . . . Maximum Mark obtall1able : 400
331 329 322 3 19 316 306 302 297 2 9 2 6 2 5
2 2 25
305 304 271t 249 233t 225t
.D... Porton . R.O.F. Gla coed' ' . R.O.F. Gla coed 'B' . T.S.D. Old Dalby . W.O .. 0. a trigg . M . . . . Chri tchurch . . . . . . . . Maximum mark obtainable: 400
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
Marks Obtained I.
2. 3. 4.
283t 279 2751262-1
R.O . . Gla coed . R.O. . Blackburn . P. & E. . hoeburyne R.O . . Radway Green. . . . . . . . Maximum marks obtainable: 400
OME \Jar"s Ohtained 1. 2. 3.
6. 7.
Tonh Ea tern (Hull D.O.) London Midland (Crewe) . cotti h (Gla go\/') . . We tern ( \/, indon' ') . . . . London Tran port (Baker treet) . Ea tern (Li erpool treet) . outhern (Dorking) . . . . . . . . a imum mark obtainable : 400
30lt 269l 266~
266_6 0 1 254~
British Transport Police Competition \\ a held at th entral Hall. London, on 5th June. ir Philip outh\\ell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaque \\ere pre ented b ,r tuart Mitchell Board) . ( ice-Chairman, Briti h R aih\ a The Judge \\ ere:Team Te t Dr. Olive . May. Dr. T. C. Taylor and 1ndivid ual Te t Dr . J . R . Bo\ ker . and they placed the team in the follo\, ing order:I.
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
orth a tern ( ewca tie) . London Midland (Hey ham) We tern (Paddington) Southern ( ewha en) . . Ea tern (Parke ton Quay) . London Tran port (Broadway) . . . . . Maximum mark obtainable : 400
J {[tiona/ Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre Competition for Dock Worker \\a held in the Queen Mary College London, on 18th July. The Rt. The Lord rook (Chairman of the ational Dock Labour Board and Pre ident of the entre) pre ided and pre ented the trophie and plaque.
The J udg were: Dr. G. M. hu\ mith and Dr. . M . Nelon. I'. R. H. . Hendel' on and Dr. H . L. parroV\ and the
I. 2. 3. 4.
\far/, .1
War Department Ambulance entre Competitions for f en Clnd Women were held at 6 Burlin gton Garden, London, on 25th June. ir Philip Southwell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaque were pre ented by ir rthur DreV\ (Permanent nder- ecretar of tate (Army)) .
Individu al Te t
placed the team in the follo\ ing order:,\/arA. Obtained
5. 6.
2 2 _6 31 2511 247 239 211t
Team Te t
10. I I.
ri 111 b ) ' '. . . Lond n urrey Dock wan ea . Barry o. I . . . . . Liverpool Dock 01\ i Ion. o Ie' , Leith . . . outhampton . Bn tol it) Dock Liverpool" . L ndon ppcr P I ' la go\/, . ........ . . Ma,\IIl1L11l1 mark obtainabl : 400
([tiol1a/ Road Pa enger Transport Ambulance Jor !lien and Women were held at t. Ge rge' October. Mr. W. M. H all (General Manag r Pa engel' Tran p rt and Pre ident f the 0
57 2 1
278 273
270 260 254 24 123 230 _25 203
As ocia/ion Competitions H a ll , Li erpool on 4th Li erpool Corporation iation) pre ided and the
trophies and plaque were pre ented by Lt.-Colonel ]. E. F. Gueritz (Secretary, St. John Ambulance A ociation). The Judges were:Men's Team Test Dr. O. P. Edmund Women' Team Te t Dr. G. O. Hughe . Dr. J. R. Bowker, Dr. D. 0 borne Hughe Dr. E. L. M. Hopkin and Dr. Colin Wynne . lndivid ual Te t and they placed the team in the following order:M
Marks Obtained
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Plymouth City Transport . Preston Corporation Transport Liverpool Corporation Transport London Tran port . . . . . Western Wei h Omnibu Co . Ltd .. Birmingham City Tran port . . . . . . . Stalybridge, Hyde, Mo ley and Dukinfield Tran port Ma imum mark obtainable : 400
289t 286 278 2631 260 256t 240
Mark Obtained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
London Tran port . . . . Liverpool Corporation Tran port Preston Corporation Transport Cardiff Corporation Tran port . . Glasgow Corporation Tran port . Edinburgh City Transport . . . . . . . Ma imum mark obta inable : 400
29 285;i 282 276t 2681 216
Gas Industry Competitions for Men and Women were held at the riend' House London, on 16th October. Sir Philip outh\ ell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaque \ ere pre ented by ir Henry Jone (Chairman The Ga Council). The Judge were:. Men' Team Te l Dr. K. A. Boughton-Thoma Women' Team Te t Dr. J. H. Chamber Dr. A. H. Nelon Dr. H. L. Sparrow, Dr. D. N . Swan and Individual Te t Dr. M. Cohen and they placed the team in the following order: M
10. 11. 12.
West Midland Gas Board Scottish Gas Board . . orth Western Gas Board East Midlands Gas Board. South Western Ga Board . orth Thames Gas Board. Southern Gas Board . . South astern Gas Board .
Marks J.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
268 258 257
Southern Gas Board Scottish Gas Board . orth Western Gas Board North Eastern Gas Board. South Western Gas Board . Northern Gas Board . West Midlands Gas Board Wale Gas Board . . . ast Midland Gas Board. . . . . . Maximum marks obtained: 400
276 275 275 262 257 252 252 243 204
General ~ost Office Ambulance Centre Competitions/or Men and Women were held m .the Porche ter Hall . London, on 22nd October. Sir Philip Southwell (DIrector-General) pre lded and the trophies and plaques were pre ented by Sir Kenneth Ander on (Comptroller and Accountant General, General Po t Office). The Judge were, for the Men' team Dr. J. Stuart Horner Team Test Dr. P. J. Roylance and Dr. Bryan J one . 1ndividual Tests For the Women' team :Dr. Dorothea F. Cole . Team Te t Dr. C. H. B. Lawfleld and Dr. A. B. Gardiner Individual Te t and they placed the team in the following order:M
JtvJarks Obtained I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12. 13 .
fark .1 310 309 288 283
251 248 247 240
London Telecommunications (E. Area) . . H .Q. Group B (Factorie Dept., Birmingham) . London Po tal (Inland ection , Mount Plea ant) orthern Ireland (Belfa t H.P.O .) . . . . H.Q. Group A (H.Q . o . 1 Branch, P.O.A .C). Home ountie (Brighton T.M .O.) . orth We tern (Lanca ter P .O.A.C) Midland (Birmingham P.O.A .C) . aving ( .D. Manor Garden) . . . . . Wale Border Countie (Swan ea P.O .A . . ) . outh We tern (Taunton T.M.O.) orth a tern (Halifa H.P.O .) . cotland ( dinburgh T.M .O.). . . . . . Ma imum mark obtainable : 400
268 263 262t 261 251 248 237+ 237222t 218 211 204 193t
Obtained ]. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Wales Gas Board . Eastern Gas Board. Northern Gas Board . North Eastern Gas Board Maximum marks obtai·nable: ·400
Marks Obtained I. 2. 4. 5. 6.
aving ( .0. Morecambe) . . . . qual: Midland (Birmingham P.O.A . .) orth We tern (Liverpool T.M.O .) London Telecommunication ( . Area). Wale & Border Countie (Swansea P .O.A. orthern Ireland (Belfa t T. .) .
. . .
. .).
284 263 263 262t 258 2541-
30 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
H.Q. Group A (H.Q. o. I Branch P.O.A .C.) . South Western (Bournemouth T.A . (LC.D .. »). London Po tal (We t Central D.O.) . . H.Q. Group B (Supplies Dept., London) Scotland (Scotland We t T.A.) Home Countie (Worthing H . P.O.) . orth Ea tern (Halifax H.P.O.). . . . . Maximum mark obtainable: 400
245 213
II .
210 208 206!
far/e S
Obtailled 1.
City of Birmingham. Wigan Count) Borough . . . Middle brougb County Borough Cro) don County Borough. . . Great Yarmouth Count) Borough . Derby Count) Borough . Somer et . . Swan ea County Borough . . M a 'imum mark obtainable: 400
307l 29 290 1 250 239 169 }
The Grand Prior's Trophy Competifions for fell and Womell were held in the Porche ter Hall London, on 19th ovember. ir Philip outhwell (Director-General) pre ided and trophie and medallion were pre ented by H.R.H. The Duche of Glouce ter. The] udge were:Dr. P. J. Ro lance Men' Team Te t Dr. Ellen W. M . haw Women' Team Te t Dr. 1. D . Cameron, Dr.J.P.Buh, Dr. 1. Stewart Moffat and Dr. R. G . Wrangham Individual Te L and they placed the team in the following rder : M \[ari- .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
13. 14.
Fire Brigades Competition wa held in the Hertford hire Fire and Ambulance Station, Hertford on 29th October. Mr. G. V. Black tone (Chief Fire Officer, Hertford hire) pre ided and the trophy and plaque were pre ented by Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General, The St. John Ambulance As ociation). The 1 udge were:Dr. 1. Munro Sherriff Team Te t Dr. D. L. D. Lamont and Dr. A. Edward Individual Te t and they placed the team in the following order:-
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Obtailled 30.+
Police (Liverpool City). . . . . . ational Dock Labour Board (Grim by) . St. John Ambulance Brigade (efn ribbwr) . . . British Railways, London Tran port (Railway) Brili h Tran port Dock (Camden A') . . . . . Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre (Barn taple) . Gas Industry (West Midl a nd Ga Board, 0 we try). . . General Po t Omce Ambulance entre ( a t rea, London) Fire Brigade (City of Birmingham). . . . . . . War Department Ambulance entre ( .0 . . . Porton) .
2961 2941 288~
287 285 284 1 2 3
276 1
ational Coal Board Miners' Competition (Marley Hill Colliery) . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom Atomic nergy Authority (A.W.R . . , Aldermaston) . . .... Briti h Tran port Police ( ewcastle). . . . . . . . ational Road Passenger Transport Am bulance Association (Plymouth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mini try of Aviation Ambulance Centre (R.O.F., Burghfield) Maxim um marks obtainable: 400
271t 261 260
Marks Obtained I. Police (Cheshire on tab ulary) . . . . . . , . . 304 2. Briti h Railways, London Transport (Railways) and British Tran port Dock (Hull). , . . . . 271 3. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (A.W.R.E., Iderma ton) . . , . . . . . . . . 263 4. Ga Indu try ( outhern Ga Board, Winche ter Road) . . 256 5. Mini try of iation Ambulance Centre ( he ington Headquarter). . . . . . . . . . . . 254 6. lectricity upply Ambulance Centre (Kettering) . . . 246 7. Genera l Po t Omce mbulance Centre (S.D. Morecambe) . 243t 8. t. John Ambulance Brigade (Chelm ford ursing Division). 225t 9. ational Road Pa enger Tran port Ambulance Association (London Tran port) . . . . .. 224 10. War Departme nt Ambulance Centre (R.O.F., Glascoed) . 215 Ma imum mark obtainable: 400
ASSO CIATfO N COUNTY DIRECTORS ( on-ecl up to 24lh June, 1965) M. William, E q., Luker, 47, High Slreet, Theale, Reading, Berks . . L. Gordon, E q., Shenslone Hou e, Chalfonl St. Giles, Bucks. K . . Cook, q., F . . A., 87, Lord Slreel, Liverpool 2. The Viscount Scar dale, Kedle ton Hall, Kedleslon, Derbyshire. quadron-Leader W. H. Scorer, 5, t. Paul' Road, Newton Abbot. Brigadier V. F. . Hawkin , D.S.O., M.. , "Athelleaze," Athelhampton , Dorchester. Lt.- olone! H. J . Gillman , T.D., 44, Sadler Street, Durham. Dr. D. 1. Acre, Pendley House, London Road, Gl. Tarpot , South BenAeel. Brigadier H. J. Lewi , .B.E., Hillary Collage, Wyck Rissington, Bourton-on-the-Water. Dr. W. R. Cambridge, 31 High Street, Guern ey, hannel Islands. ommander . . Morri on, R. . , Old Bridge Hou e, Dogmersfield, Hampshire. I I. J . Harri , E q., B.E.M., 38, nderhill Road, Tupsley, Hereford . K. ook, E q., I .. A., t. John Headquarter , 15/ 17, Mount Street,Preston. Vice- dmiral ir Peveril William-Powlell , K. . B., K.C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., 10 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.I. R. L. Bellwood, q., r.D., 42, Mo ley Street, ewca lIe-upon-Tyne J. olonel . V. . Dower, T.D., D.L., M.F.I-!., ewington Hou e, Warborough , Oxford. Dr. D . . [reland, M.A., I3.M., a.CIL, ouncil Hou e ourt, Shrewsbury. Lieut.-General Sir Brian Kimmin , K.B.E., Rodwell House, West Lambrook , South Petherton. H . H . Daw on, q., Hill Hou e, Buckle ham, Ip wich, Suffolk. Dr. aleb P. Walla e, B.A ., M.B., B. H., t. John Hou e, Woodbridge Road , Guildrord. R . Bretnt , q., O.B.L., M ai ling Hou e, Lewe, u sex. Brigadier R . . Ph a) re, D .. 0., U . . . , H.Q ., 25, High treet, W arwick. J. Jlli on, q., hier on table, Hindlip Hall, Worce ler. Dr. Br. an Reffold , " Parkholl11e," Lelley, Pre ton, Hull. G. . cott, ~ q., .13.E., hler on table, We t Riding onstabulary, P .O. Box 9, Wakefield, Yorks. J. Hughe , E q.," a tgate, ' The Grove, M arton-in- leveland, Yorkshire.
T R HIR EY, Bailiwick of.
RTJl-WE T REGIO ~ q ., 1-. • A., 7, Lord
Director : K .
treet, Liverpool 2. hester.
H. Wat on
T R HIR Lanca hire. 0'
. William
. q ., The
Classes in the areas of
onstable' Office,
ar leton Hall , Penrith.
entre marked Wllh an asteri k are arranged in direct communication with Headquarters as Detached Classes.
orre ted up to 24th June , 1965)
County and Centre
B UCKT GHAM HIRECounty entre
The Mayor rthur Lloyd The Dean of Bri tol
Honorary Secretary
Chai rll7afl
Pre idem
Rev. Daw on-
. J. Weir Dr. R . l. J. Bu ton
Mr . W. G. Thoma, St. John House, 101, London Road, Reading. H. . W . Hobbs, 143a, St. Leonards Road , Windsor. . W. Martin, 100, Lionel
treet, Birmingham 3.
. C. Bartlell , 33, Alcove Road, Fi hpond , Bri tol. Mr . E. P. Somers, 2, Wendover Road, Ayle bury.
w Mi s W . E. Boyden, 7, Oakroyd Crescent, Wisbech.
W . Stewart Elgood
H . Wat on, F.e. T. E. Wat on
Bebington .
W . . Jones
Birkenhead .
W . Middeton
] 964
Ilesmere Port .
The M ayor
Id . Mary Heaney The Mayor
Dr. J . R . Lyth
ar on
hief Inspector D . Bailey , County Police Office, Crewe, Che hire. In pector . A. Gent, County Police Headquaner, Altrincham. ergeant W . H. Sephton, Bromborough Police Station , Hromborougb . A. . Blaylock, 12, t. Vincent Road, C1aughton, Birkenhead. ergeant Borthwick, Che hire Con tabulary, Chester. Sergeant Jack on, County Police Office, Crewe, Cheshire. Con table Garroch, Port.
ounty Police Office, Ellesmere
COllllr), alld Cellfre H de
Presidenr The Mayor
Chairman P. G. Wilkes
Maccle Aeld
The Major
Major F. Bullock
tockp rt
1 83
ouncillor S . William The Mayor
Walla e MBERL D Cumberland and We tmorland arli Ie . umberland Mine and Quarrie Kendal . *Ke i k *Millom. Whiteha en orkington
Honorary Secretary Sergeant G . M. Hamlett, ounty Police Headquarters, headle Hulme. onstable J. R . Burton, County Police Office, Wilmslow.
L. Mas ey , M.B.E.
D. J. McCaskill,S, Rayleigh Avenue, Davenham , Northwich. Inspector J. Ruston, Police Headquarters, Stockport.
W. Marshall
Sergeant D. Chaddock,
· Williamson
entral Police Office, Wallasey .
1964 I 95
The Ma or
Dr. J . L. Rennie J . W . Jone
[n pector R. H . Hendrie, Chief Constable's Office, arleton Hall, Penrith . W. A . Middleton, 6, Belah Crescent, Stanwick, Carlisle. T . H. Abbott , "Amberley," Scaws Drive, Penrith .
1964 18 4
The Ma)or hairman . D . J . e ton The Ma or
Dr . . H . dgecombe W . eal J. ewton Dr. . 1. Harri MI . M . Young, . R."" .
T . White ide, 19, White Stiles, Kendal. H . Pollard , 4 , High Hill, Keswick. J . H . Holme, 185, Devonshire Road, Millom . J . Di on, 29, Foxhou e Road , Whitehaven . ergeant M . McKee, County Police Station , Workington .
. Middleton , \1. . Ma donald l.
. W . D a n"a ll W . F . Rigle.
J . O ' on nor, 10, Chestnut Grove Etwall, near Derby. W . H . Sheldon , 78, Little Hallam Lane, llkesLOI1 .
The Right Hon . Lord Rob rough
· Bunker
194 1929
The Ma or The a)-o r
. L. Richard Mr . D . ,a lton
R . D . Hodges, 29, Gro venor Road , Dorchester. Mr . M . Viney, 1 I , H y the Roa d , Parkstone, Poole, Dorel.
Mr . Joyce S a n om
G . Beazer
Mr . M . Bond ,
1964 1964
DERB) HIR EDerb Granb DE
6 or lIke ton
PI) mouth
Di tn c t .
. Howa rd , 17, Faringdon Road , Pl ymouth.
Dorche ter . Po Ie
Wareham . Weymouth . DURHAMHartlepool outh Shield tockton & Thornab
I 93
Sunderland .
83 1914
dgar, J .P .
W. P . Web ter 01. H . E. Kitching , M.B.C., D . L., J.P. W . O . Kirkwood , J.P .
J . P.
re R . Picker gill , J . P. D.
· Renni on
S. R . . ,
Holme Priory, Wareham , Dorset.
R" Rob on , P.O. Box 4 , 76, Church Street, West Hartlepool. Major T . A . Page, 75, King Street, South Shields. R . J . McDowell , 152 Wolvi ton Road , Billingham . ' 0 . Durham. J . rone, 21 , Fin bury treet , Monkwearmouth , Sunderland .
E -
MI W . K. Argent, Lanca ter Hou e, 140, Mildmay Road, Chelmsford .
County ecretary G LOUCESTERSH CRECounty ecretary
P. Boreham , M. h .,
Lt.- 01. F. W . William on,o.B.E., 12, Royal Cre cent, heltenham. D. L. Franci , 15, aunton Park Road, Cheltenham.
F.R. C . .
18 1
Dr. A . Alcock
Gloucester ounty orth otswold
1957 1962
South Glouce tershire
ommander Mc eile Lt.-Col. J. W. T. Wooldridge
arl of Buchan
The Lady Violet Vernon .
. Gray, 70, Marling re cent, Pagan Hill, Stroud, Gloucester. Mi M. K. 0 well, 12, Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Mi . M. F. Mackinto h, Mace Farm , Wyck Risslngton. Mr . . Hodgki s, Heath nd , Cromhall, Wotton-underdge.
HAMPSHIREMr . J. S. Doney, "Cranford," 27, Church Road, Hayling Island .
County Secretary Andover
A. The Mayor
. Smith R. Turnbull, F. R . . Y . .
Mr. W. A . Wilson, Little Goddard, Hatherden, Andover. R. G. Ehlen "High Meadows," Green Lane, Elli Aeld, Basing toke.
alld Centre
Go port archam orth a t Hant
1948 1965
Port mouth
1 81
outhampton H EREFO RD HIRE Hereford
President The Mayor
Honorary Secretary
Aldcrman W . ollin
. J . ro sland Iderman J . Drew, J.P. W.
. Wil on, O.B.E.
G . Albray Lt .-Co l. H . N . Cole, O.B.E., T.D. R . W . Bray Dr. H . . M a uriceWilii a ms,o.B ..
A . R. G. Martin, 28, Palmerston Road, Boscombe· Bourncmouth . Mi M . Harris, 50, Southampton Road , Fareham. H. Short, 62, Netley Road , Farnborough. . Pa ffett , 3, den Terrace, Wilson Road , ortb nd , Portsmo uth. Mrs. A . . Alford, 8, Obelisk Road , Woolston , Southampton. M.
LA CA HIR E ccrington .
H . J . H arri, B.E.M., 38, Underhill Road , Tupsley, Hereford .
hton-under-L ne Bacup
I 94 1919
Barro -in-Furne Bl ackburn Blackp 01 Bolton Bootie
I 18 5
01. . G. H. Bolton , .B. ' ., I. ., D.L., J.P. The M ayor ked, 1\1. ., LL.B., B.E.M. P. R . Brett The M ayor
19 5 1957
1. tbrail The M a or
18 4
° 9 3
Burnley . Bur) horle) . oille ro b
J. W . Halliwell, Ambulance Drill Hall Bull Bridge Accrington. " P . Bagu ley, 41 , Carlton Road , Ashton-under-Lyne.
W . R . Morri W . J . H argreave J . Holgate D . . H artle, M.A. . Parr
J. M d H. . Legg
A. Brown , J.P.
Dr. P. D . Dr inkwater The M ay r
1949 1964 1 9 ] 964
J . H . Thomp on J . K. H a l tead
T. J ac " on J . . Dri er, J.P. W . W . Men forth
G. A hton, 107, Duke Street, Barrow- in-Furness . E. Bury, c/o Education Office, Library Street, Blackburn. K . W . Porter, 48, June Avenue, Marton , Black pool. R . M a r ha ll , 293, H a lliwell Ro a d , Bolton. W . M . MCLa uchl a n, 17, Croxteth Liverpool , 20. W . King , 62 Ca tie treet, Brierfield.
Road, Bootie
L. J akeway, 10, Rosehi ll Mount, M a nchester Road, Burnley. L. Perkin, 4, M anchester Roa d , Bury. ergeant H . Griffith, ounty Police Office, Chorley. Victor Burrell , 130, Harri on Drive, Colne. K . tockdale, 5, Sa ndhey Grove, W aterloo, Liverpool, 22. Mr . M . M . Meggitt, 10, Bryers Croft, Wilpshire,
Darwen .
19 19
J. Wat!:>on
P. D.
T. H . Thom a on
G range-o\er- and
Great H arwood
Lanca hireReadquarter 1950 ub- entre : Lanca hire ounty Con tabulary
Lanca ter Leigh, Atherton and Tyldesley Liverpool
-. J. Mr . J.
01. T. . B.L
l. J ohn ton,
The - arl Peel
. M ar den 21, Fell Close, Grange-over-Sands. P . Pierce, T a n Hou e, Great H arwood .
hackleton F. . A.
W . H . Linakcr
1964 1956 1950
Bl ackburn. J. ro , 73, Bramley Avenue, Fleetwood.
LB .E.
Dr . O . P. dmond . B . M ann . Gregory M.P.
A. HIgham, B. . ~t. , J.P. R l. Hon. the Earl of W . J . lcment Derby, M.C., D.L. Sir W . M a n field . O . Hughe ooper, LL.M. H . . R obert, LL.B., J.P. W. ryer F. Berry Dr. B. Gilbert
M ajor T . . Spencer, I.B.E., T.D., St. John Headquarter, 15/ 17, Mount Street, Pre ton . ergeant Quayle, L a nca hire Hulton , Pre ton .
Constabu lary,
B . J. Hopkin , 18 Ca tie P ar k, Lanca ter. R . Lowe, 16, Hunt Street, therton, Lanes . R . L. Ball ,
.J.A.A., 49a , Rodney Street, Liverpool, 1.
M a nche ter
el on Oldh am.
1888 1884
Presto n .
R awten ta ll
A . M . M c Master
A . Tweedale
St. Helens
The Lord CozensHard y, D.L., J.P.
J . Pemberton
H . Par o n, ortb Western Gas Board , G ay thorn Works , Medlock Street, M a nche ter. W . H Morgan , 39, Bea ufort Street, elson. Mi E. M. B ai ley, II, in d a le Crescent, Roy ton , r. Oldh a m . Riding, 9, Church L a ne, Charnock Rich ard , r. horley. Mrs. G a kell, M.A., J.P., Sa under Brow, ewchurch-inRos endale. J . E. Thornhill , 3, Queen's Avenue, Wardle Road, Rochdale H. Latus, 20, Freckleton Roa d , Toll Bar, St. Helen .
Sub-Centre Widnes. Salford. South Fylde
1964 1964 J 956
Dr. A. R . Edward J. Ollon Iderl11 a n J . Faulkner
G. . Moss , 7 Midland Stree t, Widne . F. Heathcote, Central Fire tation , Cre cent, Salford,S . E. Co , 47 , Smithy Lane, St. Anne on Sea , Lanc .
. H arri on
J . W . T ay lor, J.P. Mr .
S . Goldstone The M ayo r
a twood
COllnty and Centre
outhport .
tretford and U rm t n
Lieut.- 01. R. Fleetwood W. J. Grace Hesketh, O.L. Dr. M. W. Robin on,
I er ton
LETCESTER HIRE (and R TLA 0)County entre Lr COL
R. Marsden, 72, Hall Street, Southport.
Rev. anon M . D. Grieve, M.A. . B . Mar ton
A. F. ~hittaker,162 , Grove Lane, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire. H. MacRae, 1, Pleasant View, Longfield Road, Todmorden. A . C. Collins, "Byfield," Storth, Milnthorpe, Westmorland. J . . Cameron, 4, East View, Grappenhall, Lancs.
D. Aitken
Dr. T. L. O'Donnell
Miss 1. Redford, 92, Swan Meadow Road, Wigan.
The Lord Mayor
H. N . Bream
Miss M. J. Freer, 112, Regent Road, Leicester.
The Rt. Hon . The Lord Brownlow
Dr. M.
F. G. Latchem, 47, Swallowbeck Avenue, Doddington Road, Lincoln.
Honorary Secretary
The Mayor
. Hallam
hairman U . D .
Lo DO ity of London
The Lord Mayor
. Lavin
ir Irving Gane,
Alan S. Lamboll,
c.c., Flat 8, 16-17, Pall Mall, S.W. l.
K . . . 0.
it of
e tmin ter
a tern
The Mayor . Pember, B.
Dr. W.
lunie Harvey
South Ea t Area We tern
W. H. Warren F.
. Thomas, M.A.
M . Ma on
ORTHAMPTO HIREorthampton .
We\lingb rough
olonel R . J. L. Wilkin on, O.B.E. W. T. Ro ier, 47, Selwyn Avenue, ewbury Park , I1ford, ex. L. J. Towers, 63, Old Park Road, Palmers Green, N.13. D. J. HaIIard, ational Dock Labour Board, 22-26, Albert Embankment, S.E.I. T . L. Danahay, c/ o Chi wick Products Ltd., Burlington Lane, Chiswick, London, WA .
F. J.
. Gibb , 18, Birchfield Road ,
J. S . Parker.
12. Church Street. WeJIingborough .
A hington
BI th
Halt ... hi tie
ewca tle-upon-T) ne orth
Lt.- 01. W . R . Hornby teer,o.L. R . T. Bax, L.O .. , R.
Dr. J . Dob on
Ib on airlle, T.O.
Lt.Bngadier P. H . M. M a, D .S . . ,O.B.L., I. .
I. J.
lark T.O.
. Beel i
Mi . Law
The Mayor
hield .
Dr. . Mac Ii ter Dow on
L. T. Wedderburn, Medical entre N.C.B., Ashington olliery, Ashington. F. . Par on 21, Hunter Avenue, Blyth.
Kelley, Garden Hou e, Wapping, Haltwhistle, orthumberland. Major . C. Main, M .C., ivil Defence Dept. , Southgate, M rpeth. J . W . Bland , 2, 0 borne Terrace, ewcastle-uponTyne, 2. R. es worthy, 6, South Pre ton Grove, orth Shields.
. Dower T.O., O.L., I.F.H.
. G . Dower, T.O., D.L., M.F.H.
Mr. Kemp on 1 J0, Ferry Road ,
ew Mar ton, Oxford.
Miss M. J . Freer, J 12, Regent Road, Leicester.
Dr. D . A. Ireland
L. H. Trentham, 262, Crowmere Road, Shrewsbury .
Dr. T. K . - lliott
Mr . D . hancellor, St. John House, 49, Wol erhampton Road, Stafford.
STA FFOROSHIRECounty Centre . SUFFOLKCounty Secretary Ipswich' orth East Suffolk West Suffolk
01. M. MacEwan,
o .. 0., O.B.E., D. F.C., M.B. Sir Gervai e Blois, Bt.
W. T. Aitken, M.P.
W. Mayhew raig, F.R.C. Dr. D. A. Mc racken
H . G. Eade, 1, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. A. W. Reeve, 17, Dor et Clo e, Ipswich. R.
Chipperfield, 17, Churchill Road, Halesworth, Suffolk. Dr. D. A. McCracken, 32, Westbury Avenue, Bury St. dmund .
COllllty alld elltre URREYounty e retary .
1954 1954
Cro don Farnham
Honorary Secretary Mrs. Ruddock, County Heauquarters, Sl. John House, Woodbridge Road. Guildford. Mrs. F. D. Shorter, 20, Zermatt Road, Thornton Heath Miss W. M . Ariss, 1, Longley Road, Farnham .
J . . Dane Dr. aldecott
The Mayor
S. T. Denning, i\.C.f.S., 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, nca r Brighton . Mrs. . H. Denning, 8, Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, ncar Brighton.
ecretary . Brighton, Ho e and Di trict
Chiche ter .
The Mayor of Brighton ir ice-Mar hal T. A. Langford- ain bury, . B., G.B.E., A.F . .
,Three Bridge
Ea tbourne & Di trict
· J. The Rt. Hon . the De La Warr The Mayor Dr. T. ott
oventry Kineton eamington and Warwi ck
unealon Rugby tratford-on- \on
1957 1959
· D . Ascroft. M.P.S., 218, Holtye Road, East Grinstead . H . A. Veness, 110, Victoria Avenue, Hastings. Mi W . M . Barker, 10, Hur t Avenue, Horsham.
Burton ornwell The Rt. Hon . the arl of Midlet n
R . . Brefllt . O.B.L · J. Ha e
Mr .
The L rd Mayor
· W. wpe-Pendleton J . H . Mc hee P . Varle
. E. Ward, 52, Dunchurch Highway, Coventry. Mr . M . . Cro , "Hilltop," Moreton Morrell, Warks . T. J . Brode t, 32, Henley Road, Leamington Spa.
The Ma
nder on, B.SC.
· R . Strange, 66, Deerwood Road, West rawley. W. H . harpe, 10, Wharf Road, Eastbourne.
Sir H. . Sinder on Pa ha, K.B.E. D . L. Brown . Holme , J.P .
1962 1957
. Inglefield , Mr . M. F. Spackman 1, St. Mary 's Close, Bersted Street, Bognor Regis , Sussex .
W . . B van
Mr . Knight
East rin tcad and 1956 Di trict Hasting l. Leonard I Hor ham 1955 Lewe ,Ha ward Heath & Di trict 1956 Worthing 1955
Lt.- dr. A. R.
D.F . . ,
W . F. Friend
r of
Lcamingt n
. S. Praill
he Ma. or
B. Bcdl-o rd Dr. J. B. Bram\\ell ,
The Ma ' r
. Ha.n, 381, Camp Hill Road,
· J. Burton, mbulance Depot Temple Street, Rugby. . Lane, 255, Alee ter Road , Stratford-on-Avon.
M.A .
WOIlCE. TLR IIIRLHale owen '
*Slourbridge Wor e ter YORK~HIR
. J. Foxall
ou ncillor L. \ arler, J.P.
K. W. Marchant
J. B.
Major Wright, Dr. T. Mill
J. P.
· Young, ounty Police lalion, ew Road , Hale owen. B. G. Bromwich, afety Officer, Alcright & Wilson (M fg.) Ltd. Oldbury. J. . Watle on, 4 , High Street, Wolla ton, Stourbridge. · L. Woodward, Orchard Hou e, Hallow , near Wor e ter.
( AST)-
Hull and
YORKSHIRE ( ORTII)orth Rid ing ounty entre
The Marque of Zetland, K. ., etc.
G. Hamp on
R . Charlton, Elm Collage, Bewholme Lane, Seaton, Hull , York.
J . Hugh c
T. L.
J. M arlen
E. W . King 24, Ea t Hill t., Barnoldswick, Colne, Lanc. E. Oxley, tat ion Officer, Fire & Ambulance Dept., Broadway, Bamsley. lnspector T. F. Pear on, 3, Pendragon Lane, Bollon, Bradford, 2. W. Hayes, 134, Laughton Road , Dinnington, Sheffield .
tirzaker, 8, Lavender
ourt, M arske-by-the-Sea.
YORKSHIRE (WE T)Barnoldswick
Barnsley & Di trict
The Mayor
G. Parfitt
W . Thoma, O.B.E.
F. Parker
J. T.
T. Bacon
* Dinnington Main ' Doncaster
. Jone
. Hulley
W. T. Davi
Major L. Biggs, Donca ter.
mbulance Station Armthorpe Road
COlIllty alld
The Mayor
The Mayor
Superintendent J. Glendinning A. Gelder, J.P.
Harrogate and Di trict
Rca y Woollcn Di (riet
1 83
Dr. J . Walker
Hebdcn Bridge
Honorary Secretary
T. J. Daniels, 5 Jacksonville, Goole.
H. Hudson, Health Dept., Halifax Corporation, Powell
· J . Simp on
Street, Halifax. F. Griffen , 22, Hollins Close, Hampsthwaite, Harrogate.
Dr. J. Walker
H. Blakeley, 2, Fairview Avenue, Carlinghow Lane,
F. Mitchell, 27, Mount Pleasant Drive, Mytholmroyd,
. Fear
Hudder field
Di triet
1955 3
Mo F.
raw haw
Dr. J. W.
ilvcr ide,
J. P.
o goldcro
I 94
J 7
Di tnet.
owerby Bridge
1 90
wint n
Dr. J. Prentice, J .P.
near Halifax. Greenfield, 89, Ravensknowle Road, H uddersfield. T. Slott, 60, Aireworth Grove, Keighley.
A . J. Paterson , B.E.M.,
F. Willshaw, 3, Ringwood Avenue, Leeds 14.
hadwiek , O.B.E.
M . . , B.L.
W . F. TunniC\iffe
Otley Rotherllam ·
Morri . Brierlc
Ir eill Re . J . H ard
H . Hud on
. Lazenby 48, Lower Oxford Street, Castleford Yorks. J . W . Thomas, 2, Granville Mt., Otley, Yorks.
W . A . Mile
· Holland
H. B. Powell
J. Shaw,
rcderick rongham-
B. Powell · W . A hton
waite, 96 Broom Valley Road , Rotherham.
Mr . V. Butterworth , 2, Beech Avenue, Greenfield , Oldham , Lancs . W . Smith , S .J .A .A. H.Q ., Flaxley Road, Selby. J . W . Webb, B.E.M., 23,
esfield Way, Sheffield, 5.
. Bi hop , 23, Valley Drive, Ilkley,
· W a t on
r. Leeds.
W. F. eed
D . Law, 63, Bria rl yn Roa d, Birchencliffe, Huddersfield .
H . B. Kear Ie
lock , 69,
Kilnhurst, near
Rotherh a m .
Wak efield
~ ayor
. H. Brears , 8, Newton Lane, Outwood, nearWakefie\d.
W. Wright
oward, 2, Florence Grove, Rawcliff, York.
Jer ey
18 4
R . H . Le M a urier
H . . ir Ron al d H . Garvey, K.C. M.G.,
a pt. . E .W. McFa dyen
Guem e
W . G a le, 9, Wind or Villas, Va l Plaisant, St. Helier, Jersey. W . G . Baker, Gremyll, 22, St. George' Esplanade, t . Peter Port, G uem ey.
[ LE OF MA -
I s le of M a n
K. . v.o., M.B .E.
. Killo
. Beaty- Pownall , c/ o Chief Con table's Office, Douglas.
J . R. Hammond, M.B.F.
London Midland Regi n
. J hn on, O.B.L.
orth -a tcrn Rcgi n
. J . Jud on
D avid Mc Kenna
We tern Region
' PORl
Po" T
01' 1 tC'l
Maurice Ii olme·
Dr. M. '.B.T.,
R . J.
I \TIO,\ .
Rt. J fon. Lord itrine P. . , I.B.C., LL.D.
ir Richard Wa)
. Long,
Rt. Hon. rook, J.P. l:ncr::1i
Lord Roben
M . Athey, The British R ai lways ( orth Eastern Region), hief E tabl ishment and Staff Oflice, York.
. Lang
Kirkham, The British Railways (Southern Region) . hief stablishmcnt and Staff Office, 39, Craven trcct, W . . 2. J.
have . Baker
R . D.
D. B. Fallon, Per onnel Dept. . G.P.O. Headquarter, London, E. .1.
. Roberts
P. A. rouch, Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre, lectricity ouncil, 30, Millbank, S.W.I.
F. J. Doggett
'Leary. O.B.E.
Dr. K. Blden- teele
W. M. H iggin , Mini try of Aviation, Room 148, hell-Me Hou e, trand, W . . 2.
. Thoma, M.A., ational Dock Labour Board, 22-26, Albert Embankment, S.E.I. ooper,
. L. Mini try
K.C .R .• CR.I .•
01' po
'. M artin, ~hc British R ailways (Western Region), hlef E tabllshment and Staff Oflice Paddington Station, W .2. '
. W . Harden, London Transport Ambulance Centre riflith Hou e, 280, Marylebone Road, .W.I. '
ale) 01
J . M . Park, The Briti h R ailways (London Midl and Region) Chief Establishment and Staff Office, Melton Hou e, 65/67, Clarendon Road, Watford , Herts .
. W ard
T,\I TR\
H . ok~man, The British Railways (Eastern Region) . Ch ief stablishmcnt and Staff Office, 13, Norton Foigate, . I.
Dr. R . F. Mac Kenzie
. Dcan
outhem Regi n .
P. Arm trong
ivilian Medical Service
of D erence.
Lan down
(D), Berkeley
Sql""e. W.I.
President H . E. The 0\ rnor
H . . The H. The
overnor 0 emor ovemor
.P. 1.
ing ommander J. Fountain. D.F.C. ir Donald Jack on J. P. Ru h, M.B.E.
Chairman . .L Wi It hire,
P. Von Eeden, P.O . Box 236, Georgetown, Briti h Guiana. J. P . Rush. I.B.E. c/o Storage Ltd., Belize, British Hondura . H .Q. olomons Police Force, P.O. Box 0.37, Honiara, Guadalcanal, B .S.I.P.
JNDI ' -
H . • . The
Honorary Secretary om mandant Police Training School, Crater, den. ergeant arl lIeyne, Police H .Q ., assau, Bahama. Willi , P .O . Box 526, Hamilton, Bermuda. Mr .
H .H . The Admini trator
M njor R .
tOll te
Dr. 1. G. MacGregor
Major L. G. Quintyne. I\I.B.E., qua tic Clubgap, Garrion, t. Mich ae l, Barbado . Val Ander on, Grand Cayman Islands, West Indie .
Margerita, Lad y Howard- Lady Mitchell de-Walden D.B.E. H. ahu ac, .B.[·.. , J.P. . Dale
lift , Pro pect E tate,Ocho Rios , P .O . Jamaica.
. Dale, We t Indie L1gar Co. Ltd., Frome P .O ., We tmoreland, Jamaica. Mr. P. Black , 1. John Headquarters, 2E, Camp rove . G. Road, Kingston, 5, Jamaica . ir rtilur Thelwell, . B.E., Mr . D . Matthew, P .O. Box 8, Mande ille.
J. P.
Deputy ommi ioner of Police . Williams
H . . The Governor H.H . The Admini trator
In pector R. L. Miller, c/o Police Traffic Dept., 16, Lower lIet on Road, King ton, Jamaica. George Davi , c/o The General Penitentiary, Tower Street, King ton, Jamaica.
Dr. K. Uttlcy Mr . J. hallenger, P.O. Bo 52, St. John's , Antigua. H. H . M .S.S taveley, .B.E. Mr. Y . cott, The Cottage Ho pital , Tortola Briti h Virgin I land.
Mont errat· ST. KITT TRI
Chairman Presidenr H.H. The Administrator Dr. . M. Sebastian H.H. The Administrator H . . The overnor K . G. Fletcher
Honorary Secretary ] . B Byron, c/o Police H.Q., Montserrat. Miss G. Sebastian, P .O. Box 192, Basseterre, St. Kitts.
The dmini trator . G. W. Cousins . A. Sheppard H.H. The Admini trator H .H. The dministrator F. annon H .. The dministrator Lt.- 01. S. A. Ander-
Chief of Police, Dominica. Miss L. Comissiong, P.O. Box 46, St. George's, Grenada. Police Headquarters, Castries, St. Lucia, W.I. [n peclor A. C. Allen, Police Headquarters, St. Vincent, W .I.
. Olivier, 4 Terry Slreet, St. James, Trinidad.
H . -. Mr. Willi am
I.B .
Pre ident of ypru, rchbi hop Makario
DA .
. Reed ,
The Honourable Mini ler Brig. . P . Jayawardana, C.M.G., c.Y.o., O.B.E. , The of Heal lh .J.A.A ., Lower Lake Road , Galle Face, Colombo, 3. Dr. Zenon G. Panos Reed ,
M .H . .
H . . The
0\ ernor
M . B.E.
. Shaidi
H . . The Governor LLI
The Association Secretary, Kenya Centre, S.J.A.A., P .O . Bo 1469, airobi , Kenya. Mr . L. Stow, P.O. Box 468 , Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
R. Muwanga
Mi H . L. M . Few, Uganda Development Corporation, P.O . Bo 442, K ampala, Uganda.
D . J . Barne • c/ o Inland Revenue Dept. , Government Building, uva, Fiji
. Dono an ,
Miss S. Yeghiayian, P.O. Box 1711, Nicosia, Cyprus.
P. G. Owen
E. Balban, Police Headquarters, Gibraltar. hief Police Officer, Constabulary H .Q. , Betio, Tarawa,
Gilbert &
. Terry,
H. . The Governor
Hon·ble. Dato bdul Razak bin Dalo Hu ain O.K.!. H. The ernor
The Hon' ble. Mr. S. M . Yong, LL.B . J.P . Lt.- 01. J .
. Abela
Ellice Is/ands , Western Pacific.
Mrs . A . K . Rudge, S.J .A.A. Headquarters, 2,
Donnell Road, Hong Kong . . K . Thury R ajah, S.J.A.A. & S.J .A.B. ational H.Q ., 41, helley Road , Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. E. H . W . Borg, 109 Main Street, St. Julian's, Malta.
O. B. r.
r. ho
Mi M . haperon. c/o Police H.Q., Line Barracks, Port Louis, Mauritiu . Mi Amy Li , P .O . Box 432, Jes elton, Sabah.
. Leitch hee eng
ub-In peclor R . Morel , Police Headquarters, P.O . Box 46, Victoria, Seychelle .
H . . ln che Yu of Bin I hak
Dr. P.
. Kwan ,
Hon . Se relary, S.J .A .A. Headquarters Road, ingapore, 7.
420, Beach
hmed, General Manager' Office (Per onnel), a r. udan Railway , Albara, Sudan.
The Officer Commanding Police Depot, P .O. Box 740, Accra, Ghana. ORPORATIO
. E. Onoh
. P.
wa ike
R. K. Inne
J . O . M. Bolanle,
O . G . Hughes,
M. L. Fadika
E. J . Scanlon , Per onnel Manager, igerian Coal orporation, Enugu, Nigeria . . B. Olowookere, Office of In pector General igeria Police, Lago . hief Medical Officer, Medical Dept., igerian Railway Corporation, Ebute Metta, igeria. W. Z. oker-Dicken, E tabli hmenl Officer, Nigerian Porl Aulhority Headquarter , Lagos, Nigeria. The ommandant, Police Training School , Hasting, Sierra Leone. Frank M . Kobi, Prison Officer' Training School, ew England, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Headquarters Address
SOUTHERN AFRICA (administered by THE PRIORY OF Ti lE ORDl'R m ST. JOliN)
P.O. Box, 7137, Jo hannesburg, South Africa.
P.O. Box 536, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia.
AUSTRALIA (administered b) TIlE PRIOR) OF
Suite J, Ground Floor, Sl. J ohn House, 21, Macquarie Place, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
1 11 L
ORDrR or
CANADA (administered by THE PRIORY or. Tm ORDLR or ST. JOHN)
EW ZEALAND (administered by THe PRIOR) OF Til[ ORDER or Sr. JOliN)
INDIA (administered b) the I 'JOIA]'.
298, Wellington Street, Perth, W. Australia.
321, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada.
P.O. Box 1189, Wellington, New Zealand.
I, Red Cross Road, New Delhi J, India.
National Headquarters, Frere Street, Karachi, 4.
WALES (administered b) TIlE:. PRIORY OF TIlE ORDrR or ST. JOliN) .
Priory House, 4, Cathedral Road, Cardiff.
ARDS (administered by the COMMANDE:.RY OF TilE ORDER or ST. JOHN)
3rd Floor, Wa r Memorial Building, 5, Waring Street, Belfast, 1, Northern Ireland.
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ttbe <Branb lPrior\, in the :fBritisb lRealm of tbe ®J9t \l)enerable @rber of the 1bospltal of St. 30hn of 3erusaletn <Branb lPrior FIELD-MARSHAL HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER K.G., K.T., K.P., P . . , G.M.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.
(tom ma nba 1\ t::::i n::::(tbief of Rnrsing (torps anb IDhnsions of Ube St. Jobn :a mbu La nce JErigabe
Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed May, 19 2
IDepu tp (to1lll1la nba 1\ t::::t n::::(tbtef of 1Rursin(j a:orps anb IDl\')isions H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER Dam
Gra nd Cro
of the Order of St. J ohn
ppointed February, 1937
(tommanbant::::tn::::<Il)ief for lIUlales H.R.H. PRINCESS MARINA DUCHESS OF KENT Dame Gra nd Cros
of th
Order of St. John
Appointed May, 1935
(tom ma nban t~in::::a:btef of :ambulance anb 1Rursing a:abets H.R.H. THE PRINCESS MARGARET COUNTESS OF SNOWDON D ame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John
Appointed February, 194 8
Pages 1 to 6 amended to 24th June, 1965.
-rrbe St. 30bn Btnbulancc 113rigabe Headquarters: 8,
et011l111 ISS 1011 e r -i ll -etbfe f REAR ADMIRAL ROYER DICK, C.B., C.B.E .,
S ttpe r\ 11 te 11 be 11 t:::lll:::etbfe f
511 r geOl\:: Ill:::etb 1ef
H. S. TAYLOR-YOU G, B.A. , F.R . . s.-Knight. IDep 1I t2 eto 1111111 SS iOll er::: i 11:::(J b lef REAR ADMIRAL R. S. WELLBY, C.B.,
n Cplltp L
gs,IlP eri ntenbent -i n -<Cui ef
.- Officer
IDeplI t}1 5urgeoll:::1ll:::etbfef
'Els51S t 1111 t (10 111 III ISS fo 11 e: (s:: 11I:::etbl ef RTH R GORl G. Cox, O.B.E.-
Commander Officer
<lOll troller @\?er6eRS COLO
W. L.
'BSSIS tR 11 t 511pe rIll te1l0 ell t -j ll-etb lef ~blCf
1HutSlllQ Officer RlIb 1Flursillg {trRllllllg £tb\?\ser DUFF GR
T, R.R . . , S.R. ., D.
-blef 5tflff @ffi -er r BRIG DI - R
et0ll11111SS101ler -lll -<!blef
MILL R. D . . o.-
:prlnClpnI :dbmlnlstrntllJe @fflcer (Sl) ML
O.B.E.- Commander
MURI L WAT Ot , ([1)1 cf
<OffIcer for <Cnbets
. M RIo - Officer
<Cf)ntrmnn of :dPPcilLs <CommIttee I-IL
ICUI rf ;Sltn ff <0 ffmr to
r I- Commander
~Illlert ntenbent-I n-<CUI ef
1IJcnbf')llnrters $ltnff <OffIcers' to ~llPertntcnbent-In-<CDicf
R Till'. R _
BROUGH- Dame 01 H- Dame
1iJl'nlll1llnrtcrs $5ltnff <OffIcer ~llr~l'Oll-ln-<C!Jlcf's Depnrtment KIRKl]
:f13rlQRbe 5ecretR r r
G. W_ WooDHILL-Officer 'cisslstnnt 11Jrt!!nllC U
T- Officer
'cis's Isttl nt 1IJrt!!nllc ;Slccrrtnrp nnb :sccrctnrp to gs,llpwntcnbent-in- lC u ief
M. H
1.B.E.- Commander
@fflcrr for @lJcrscns
D · MI ' RR ,
L M_
O.B.E.- Commander ~tnff
<Officer '1
- Officer
Chairman Rear Admiral Royer Dick, .B. .B .. , D.. C., omm) ioner-in-Chief MARJORIE, C U TESS OF B RE K OCK Superintendent-in-Chief, Nur ing Corps and Divisions. St. John Ambulance Brigade (ex-officio) Ex-officio Members
Members Ex-officio The The The The The The The The The The The The The The
The Deputy Superintendent-In-Chief. The A j tant Superintendent -in-Chief. Principal Administrative Officer (N). The Chief ur ing Officer, & ur ing Training Advi er. The Chief Officer for Cadets. The Repre entative for Wale (Lady Traherne). The Di trict uperintendent ( ). for orthern Ireland (Mrs.
Secretary-General. Director-General, St. John Ambulance As ociation. Superintendent-in-Chief, ur mg Corp and Divi ion. Surgeon-in-Chief. Deputy Commisioner-in-Chief. Deputy Superintendent-in-Chief, ur mg Corp and Divi ion . Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief. As i tant Commi sioner -in-Chi f. Assi tant Superintendent -in-Chief, ur mg Corp and Divi ion. Assi tant Surgeon-in-Chief. Chief Nursing Officer. Chief Commi ioner Priory for Wale. Commi ioner for Northern Ireland. Chief Officer for Cadet .
R egional R epresentatives Mi M. Ja k on, .R . . , .. M., D. . , County Superintendent (N), orthumberlando. 1 Regi n. Mr. . W. Lodge, .B .. , J.P. Di trict Superintendent ( ) We t Riding of York hire0.2 Region. Mr. . M. pton J.P. Count uperintendent ( ) Lincoln hire~o. 3 R egi n. 1i . parke. B . . , unty uperintendent ( , Hertfordshire. o. 4 Region. r. . H oadl y. Di tri l uperintendent ( ), London (Prince of Wale' ) Di tricto. 5 Region. Mr . M. B thman, ounty up rintendent ( , Buckingham hireo. 6 R egion. Mi E. M. Bruce- teer, unty uperintendent ( ). Somer et- o. 7 Region. Ir. . P. H \\at-Jab r, .R . ., Count uperintendent ( ), Shrophire. 9 Region. He keth Di trict Superintendent ( ), Duke of The Lad Lanca tel" i tricto. 10 Region. Lady umb rbatch. ounty uperint ndent ( ), Kent- o. 12 Region .
Appointed by Commissioner-in-Chief R . Rutherford, E q. , T.D., J.P., M.B. B.. , omm) loner DurhamNo.1 Region. E. M. Dearn E q. O.B.E., M.B. CH.B., D.L.O. , Commi ioner Ea t Riding of York hireo. 2 Region. H. L. Bo worth, E q. O.B.E.. omml LOner ottingham hire- o. j Region. L. R. . Percey, E q. M.B.E. J.P. omml ioner Hertford hireNo.4 Region. Group Captain G. H. Pirie, .B.E. D.L. J.P. Commi i nel' London (Prince of Wale ' ) Di trict- o. 5 Region. S. Bunker E q . Commi ioner, Buckingham hireo. 6 Region. Colonel C. T. Mitford-Slade D.L., J.P., Commi ioner orner etNo.7 Region. ' Colonel J. M.We t, .B.E. , T.D., D.L., ommi ioner, hr p hire- 0.9 Region. Colonel V. F. Royle, E.R.D., D.L. Commi ioner Duke of Lancaster's Districto. 10 Region. Brigadier E. E. Read C.B.E., M. . Commi ioner ul'reyo. L Region. Mrs. G. W. Lodge, O.B.E., J.P., Dj trict uperintendent ( ) We'l Riding of Yorkshire. ' Mrs. E. M . Epton J.P ., County uperintendent ( ), Lincoln hire. Lady Cumberbatch County Superintendent ( ) Kent. c;apt. R . Park ., Di trict Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ), London . (Prmce of Wales' ) Di trict. ex. Miss R. 1. LEEKS, County Staff Officer ( adet) (),
COMMISSION R-IN-CHIEF'S REPORT Chairman Li~ut.-Colonel ~rthur
Goring, tant Comml ioner-in-Chief. Ex-officio Member
The Chief Officer for
The greater publicity now being given to first aid and health in general ha led to an ever widening reali ation of the cope of the Brigade's work and thi ha inevitably led to exten lve calls on our services. These calls have been met everywhere with vigour and enthusiasm and I think we can c1ai m that in 1964 111 uch ha been done. Thi doe not mean that we do not have our problems or failings. I ""au ld like, therefore to empha i e that in reporting where thing have gone well r am not complacent about our hortcoming. TRE GTHS A
Regional Representatives
Mr 'lB . M: Salter. County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ), orthumberland o. R eglon. ~. Ma on E q.,. Di trict Staff Officer ( adets) ( ) We t Riding of York· hlre- o. 2 RegIOn. Mr . C,. B. Wright Count taff Offi er ( adet) ( ), Derby hireNo.3 RegIOn . M;is R. I. Leek, County Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) c 4 RegIOn. o. Ca~t. R .. Pa.rk ., Di trict S~aff Officer ( adet) ( ) London (Prince of Wale ) Dl tncto. 5 Region. taff Officer ( adet) ( ), O'{ford hireMi D .. M. Candy Count 0.6 RegIOn. Dr. R . L. Jillett Count taff Officer ( adet ( ), a t, outh & orth Devono. 7 Region. J. A. Eccle. ton, E q., County taff ill er ( adet) ( ), Birminoham o. 9 RegIOn. :;, .M~. . Smith, Di t.rict taff Offi er ( adet) ( ), Duke r Lan a ter' o. 10 R egtOn. Dl tnctMi E.~. Trill , M.B.E. , Count taff Officer ( adet) ( ), u e'(o. 12 RegtOn . Ch~ef Officer mbuJance adet for Wale. Chief Officer ur ing Cadet for Wale rthern Miss E. Garrett Cornmandery tafT Officer ( ad t ) ( Ireland.
Detailed tati tic of Bri gade trengths are given in Appendices A and B which how that the number of member ha increa ed overseas by 900 but fallen at home by omething over 2,000, chiefly in Cadet. Although any decrea e i a matter of concern, it wa relatively small and Ie than in the previou year, which ugge t that mea ures already put inlo effect to rver e the recent downward trend are beginning to produce re ult . [n further upport of the e mea ure I intend the twelve-month period begi n n ing eptem ber 1965 to be a Brigade Recruiting Year. Brigad H. . and ountie wil l, 1 know, gladly accept the extra work involved and 1 conndently e pect their effort will attract sufficient new member to en ure that any increa ed call there may be on our service in the year ah ad can be met \ ithout putting increa ed train on pre ent member, \\ illing though they alway are to houlder extra load. The total of er ic r cord d for the Bri gade at home were:D
1,796,0 5 676,8 7 4,006 212,544 103,557 7 8,62 3,5 1,707
Publtc Dullcs
Tran port DUlle E cort Dulle Ho pltal Dullc'> ur Ing
Other Dulle Total .
TR - T 0 : 113 ,250 185 ,665
On PublIC Dut orr Pu bite Du l) TR
CC1denL attended: Road
Other . . Invalid remo\cd
orfhern Ireland 25,348 16,859 6 1,985 3,171 21,706 69,075
98241 40,112 997 14,398 2,284 34,297 190,3 29
1 919,674 733 858 5,009 22 ,927 109012 844,631 3, 41,111
3,436 2,960
20,075 18,737
236,761 207,362
597 4_6 6,96
647 4 7 9 9
13,440 21,_31 34 ,629
1_,196 20,31 332,672
The ignificant C atuf fr m th total i th increa e yet again in the number of ca treated, \\hi h er the ear amounted to 50,000 (12 O~) more than in 1963. Whether thi \\ a due to a greater incidence of ca e or the wider reali ation of ur \ ork a ugge ted above i not ea to determine. he figure h \ ver peak for them elve in so far a expan ion in thi part of ur ervice i concern d and ho\ that an average of over 1,200 cn v ere treated dail . It ha been cu tomar in the pa t to h \V here onl the total for
England and Northern Ireland inc Wale, a a Priory, publi hes its own report. It i evidently of greater intere t to give the complete picture for the Brigade at home and, with the concurrence of the hief Commis. ioner for Wale the figure for Wale are included thi year. THE BRIGAD
The dutie v hich go to make up th above total cover the \ hole field of Fir tid, Nur ing and Welfare. One of the mo t important a pect of our work ho\ ever i the da to da treatm nt of ca ualti in the treets home or factory by member v ho happen to be on the pot at the time of an accident. Prompt attention on the e occa iOI1 frequently prevent a minor injury, that might othen i e be neglected developing into omething wor e, or, \ here the injur i o[ a eriou nature quick action can do much to aIle iate pain and a i t ub equent treatment by a doctor. Action of thi nature tend to be taken a a matter or cour e by OUr member and often are not reported thu a va t volume or ervice goes unrecorded. or mu t it be forgotten ho\ freq uentl) efTe tive fir t aid may re ult in aving da or \ eek 011 the ick Ii t with con equent 10 ' of pa to the indi idual and 10 or output to the organi ati n \\hich employ him or her. The e are point oft n not uffici ntl) r ali ed by employer and employee alike. The broad pattern of dutie i much th ame throughout th Brigade and generally imilar [rom year to year although in me place there are pecial req uirement ba ed on the natu re and practice r a particular area. For e ample: cliff re cue in mountain area, marine \\ rk round the coa t and the many tate function in London. It ma), therefore, be more intere ting to illu trate thi year the multiplicity and range of ervice rather than de cribing in detail peciflc dutie . The follo\\ ing are in con equence Ii ted a a cro - ection:Di a ter :
temming [rom major accident n Land , ea or in the ir. Help ha included fir t aid, nur ing and relief mea u re [or the h mele due t 11 od uch a at Darwen in Lanca hire and in iji in 1964. and for urvi or of 0 er ea di a ter returning to thi countr). mergenc cheme ar maintained at all level 0 that acti n wh n r quired i put Into effect in the horte t po ible time.
ational and County Show Road Safety: State and Public Occa ion:
The 'Royal how' in Warwick hire and i!TIilar how in other countie . Patrol and Fir t id Po t on major road Opening of Parliament, Tro ping the olour. Royal Garden Partie, Lord May r' ho'v\ Wake ight Week (Lanca hire) arnivaJ, lecti n gathering in Trafalgar quare.
ur ing and Welfare:
Help :- Jn the home and ho pital ; with outing and at recreational holiday centre for th elderl). disabled and young invalid (mu h i done in this field by ambulance cre'v\S often in their pare time, in tran porti ng the aged and infi I'm to the ea ide. etc.), at nur erie and creche and many type of clinic including chiropody clinic for old people,
ir t Aid and N ur ing training for other organisation and e pecially youth organisations. The Boy Scout Girl Guides and training for Duke of Edinb~rgh s Awards might be specifically mentioned. ociation and Rugby Football, Cricket, SwimSporting vent ming, Boxing, Tenni (nearly 1,090 casualties are attended each year during the Wimbledon Char;npion hip), Polo, Athletic, Rowing, . 50-mile Marche for the general public orgal11sed by New paper. All categorie of hor e, car, motor cycle, greyhound Racing: and cycle racing. A sociated events such as gymkhana and motor cycle crambles. Over .80 ~ of the larger hor e race cour e in England, It might be mentioned, are covered. Theatre, cinema circu e, zoo, exhibition, Entertainment: (2 500 ca ualtie are attended annually at the ~rl' ourt Stadium exhibition alone), "Pop roup" concert and the reception of th~se gr?up during their travel when large crowds 1l1vanably gather. a eek overeign Parade R.M.A., Sander lee eca ion hur t· R. .F. flying di play. Land, ea and ir including chool children' E eort : exchange VI It between France and England. Journey in Brigade mbulance. n obvi u reminder which may perhap nonethele. be orth in~lud ing i that \ h re p rting event are concerned the Fir t Id .cover i to meet the p ible need of b th c?mpetitor, and pectator. It I from the latter that th majority of ca ualtle cOI?e lI1ce \ ~lerever ~here are crowd the need r r u r er ice ari \\ hether Lt be f r mll10r aCCident or udden illne . d number r dutie are undertaken in conjunction v ith the Briti h ~e Cro iet and 1 \ uld Ii ke her to ay ho\ much \' e value and enJoy co-operating \\ ith their m mber on the e oeca Lon. Help with Training:
During the pa t year efT rt have b~e~ directed to\ ard i,mprovi?g the organi ati n [ d ult i i ional Trall1l11g P~'ogramm WIth a Ylew ~o providing m re variet and a general incr a e 111 the tandard of Fir ~ ~l~ with an e e n the y unger member . Man~ of the recently appoll1 e County and rea Training . flker have contnbuted to pr.ogre here but . t be d ne . Mo t ountie have held Tra1l1ll1g Conference muc h remain or \ eekend \ ith the nd in v i , . d The M bile Training nit in Buckingham hLre and u e a,re e. te~l ~ , the cope of their ' \T e Lmi II1g ork. \V ot h e[. C OLIn t 'e L plan to oraam 0 h' aI team which have a m t timulating effect on the tandard ~f tea~ t~.g generally. 1 congratulate th ~ ountie ho hav aIread a opte 1 activity and \ ould like t ee It e t nded t many m reo
Once again tha~1k to the ~enero. i~y o[ the Sembal Tru t, i Ki ng Georg VI Memonal Leader hlP Trall1tng Cour e were held at R ading Dudley We tcliff, Blackpoo l Harrogate and Northern It·eland. Th~ average attendance at each Cour e ha been maintained at 50, a ll between the age of 1 and 25 thu helping to produce a further 300 potential Yo ung Leader . T\ 0 film have b e,~ made availabl . Ol!, loal~ to ounti~ [or training purpo e . The ar: The Pul e of Life \ hlch deal \ lth mouth-to. mo~th ~e u citation, and "Di a ter ' \ hich cover the planning and co. ord1l1.atl~n ~etween the organi ation in Iv d in re cue peration after a major 1l1cldent. In Se~tember another er ucce ful Brigade Training our e in Leader hlP of Cadet wa held at ottingham and a record number of 490 mbulance and ur ing Member attended. The main theme tudied : a 'Hm:nan Relatiop 'and the important matt r of relati n hip \\ith111 the Bn gade, that 1 between taff Officer and Di i, ion and bet\\een Adult and Cadet Divi ion . were di CLI ed. lTEM
Recruiting Recruiting i omething con tantly in mind 0 a to en ure an adequate ~ow of ne\ mem ber in order to keep pac \: ith normal \\ a tage and 1l1crea ed call on the Brigade' ervice. ha been menti ned earlier I intend that, tarting from 1 t eptem ber, J 96 th re h L1ld be a~ inten ive recruiting drive at home. e\ mea ur already taken , h \\eyer, are the form~tion of re~r.u!ting team in me untie and the gi ing to ?ne member 111 each DIVl Ion the re pon ibilit) for c - rdlnating recruit· 1I1g. School are generall proud of their old bo) and girl acti iti and we are the~efore ugge ~ing that ch 01 \ ith unit might in lude th ir former pupIl or alternatively encourage them to form th ir \\ n di i"ion . The reduction of CCF number at public ch 01 ha al led t increa e in tho e taking up fir t aid and \: e \\ould like to hear f m re chool forming ~ . John n:bulance Brigade Divi in. They \\ uld flnd thi not only a de lrable medium for teaching ubject ,ob i u I f alue t \oung people ~~ the year ahead of them but al 0 a \Va) of in ul ating th -olun: tary plnt and a en e of public ervice. rt i m tim aid that chool curri~ulu.m i already too crowded to allo\\ of any additi n. If thi b 0, ub ~ltutlO.n may be the an wer, ince i not the kno\\ ledge and practice of FIr t AId and Home ur ing of more importance than, a ,car p ntr) clas e . Boundary Rel'isions The Greater London Act and boundary re i ion el ewhere in the Country have had orne repercu ion on the Brigade. Territ rial change can have a greater ~~e.ct on the Br!gade than might perhap b c\pected. For example: a DIVI Ion located In a tov, n nea r the "b rdcr" may be re pon.sible for dutie well in ide "the boundary' . change putting the town the next cou~ty thu di rupt exi ting contact \ ith local aut~ontIes or other organl ation and may rai e problem in re-all cating dutIes. In . the event uch adju tment a have 0 far been nece ary were m~~e. amIcably and ~he .Brigade' intere t were invariably put fir t b) DIVI .lOn and Countle l11volved. r would like to pay particular tribute to thl .
Fund Raising Fund rai ing i an e entia l re ponsibility at all levels ince the financing of our work 0 largely depend on the efforts of the Brigade, its friends and upporter both locally and centrally. Our members gladly give their time and kill but the equipment they use ha to be paid for: for example, it i rarely reali ed by omeone who ha been helped that before the fir t aider goe on duty again the haver ack must be reloaded and one triangular bandage alone n w co t J . 4d. Other expense which have to be met include ambulance, uniform, premi e and their maintenance co ts, telephon and p tage, and 0 on. The contribution received on flag days and from co il ction in cinema help very con iderably towards meeting the e co t and r would therefore particularly like to record the thank of the Brigad for the a i tance we get in thi way and e pecially to Associated Briti h inema Ltd. and The Rank Organi ation Ltd. for the facilitie and help they give u over collection in cinemas. central fund rai ing activity 1 hould mention \ a the Royal Preview of the mu ical, "High pirit," in aid of Bri gade fund and which H.R.H. Prince cHina graciou ly honoured \ ith her pre ence. I would like to expre Jl1 appreciation to the Honourable Geoffrey Ru sell of Me r. Linnit DunG e Ltd . \ ho ofTered u the preview, to the Savoy Theatre and the rgani er and many upporter who did 0 much to make the occa ina ucce . r \\ ould al 0 like to thank Lady Joan ewman for all h did during the ear a hairman of the ppeal Committee, both \\it h the "High pirit" pre ie\ and the other fund rai ing work he underto k n behal f of the Brigade. Lni!orm problem n t gener'll! reali d uri e [rom the need that our member hould b in unif rm and th t fa tor that i involved. niform give lhem the ne ar Gluth rit for acc and free movement when on duty and maJ... them a il rec gni able when needed . Moreover it i our pride that the unif rm ambulance and nur iog alike identifie the indivi dual 1 an) of th public a omeone in \ hom they can place their confldence if accident, injur r illne ari . Thi id ntification i , of co Ltr'e, particularl imp rtanl on public cca ion and we like to feel lhat ur unir rm ha ver the ear come to b a part of a \ a of life an d the general public, \\e think, deri e ati faction and ecurity from eeing ur mcmb r pr nt. nil' rm are, h \\ V r, e\pen ive and impo e not only another financta l burd en but al re tri t the extent t \ hich change in line with modern 1I age an b made. Th polic i to keep uniform practical and treamlin it (1 , and \\ hcn p ible. For exampl , tr LI er are now made for \\ ear \\ ith ut brace a t b m r uitable a part of hirt leeve order and a \\ armer hirt i a ailable for mbulanc ad t . \
The list or rder and Brigad \\ard and Jubil rtificat glV n in Appcndi , . Th r rmer t again indicat that ga llantr, kill and coo l hcad in an m rgcnc i t in plent in th Bri gade when n ded both at h me and v I' ca . I am al delighted to re ord that a \\ 1\ a th a\\ ard mad by the Order t member of th pru Reli ef omml ion, Mr. J. F. G. C Ie ,
who led the Commi ion, had hi work nationally recogni ed by being made an M.B.E. in the New Year' Honour. OMP TITlO
The Final of the Brigade Fir t id and ur ing Competition were held at the Central Hall We tmin ter, on 4th July. It \ a a privilege and plea ure to have with u the Lord Prior \ ho ince he \ a g od enough to be pre ent throughout the da wa able to ee a good deal o[ the te ts before pre enting the avvard to the \ inner. We \ ere al 0 ery pleased that the Mayor and Ma ore of We tmin ter \ ere able to aU nd. Thi wa the fir t year in which greater empha i \ a placed on the individual te t which undoubtedly pr vide a more reali tic approach and therefore greater training value hich i , aft r all, the principal bject of competition. n inno ation thi ear \ a to take ome [the adet on a ight- eeing tour of London \ hich helped to ea e the ten ion while they were waiting to undergo their te t and al 0 it i hoped made their vi it to the capital more enjo able. Winner in each ection were:Dewar hield for mbulance Team Perrott hield for ur ing Team . . White Knox ompetition for mbulance Cadet Team . . . . . . . . Dunbar a ' mith Competition for ur ing Cadet Team.
efn ribbwr (Wale) helm ford ( - e) ray (London) arkel Harborough (Lei e ter hire)
It i time that tribute hould be paid in thi rep rll the Judge for all they do in connection \ ith the e competition, not onl) in the Final. but in the earlier round. The are a ital parl of the organi ali n and on them depend the ucce and val ue to be derived fr m thi part of our training. Judging i a re pon ible and intere ting acti it but n nelhele tiring and time con uming and we are therefore grateful and appreciati\e to our Surgeon and ur ing Officer \ ho are all bu pe pi yct a' i I U 0 willingly and generou I . I am al 0 m t grateful t the man) other official who do 0 much to en ure that competiti n run moothl) . The Otto Lund Trophy competed for annually b lhc Brigade in orthern Ireland and Eire wa won thi ear b orthern I r land. The Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief and Mi O. M. Davie . R. . ( rea ur mg Officer, Hertford hire), were the Judge and the Deput mmi ionerin-Chief al 0 went to Belfa t for the e enl. The Annual Competition between Guern ey and leI' e \ a \\ n b) Guernsey and judged by the Deputy urgeon-in- hief and Mi 0 Sunderland, S.R. . (County ur ing Officer, Dor et). Dr. c tt \\a al 0 a ked to judge at Me r. Fi on' Fertilizer Ltd . mpetition Final at Felix to we, where he found the organi ation o[ the c mpetition in the hand of the local Divi ion; a type of fu nction many Divi ion are regularly asked to perform. 1 SPE TIO
1 IT
As in previous year In pection and Vi it have helped greatly in keeping touch between Headquarter and all ectl n f the Brigade. Headquarter' conference al 0 play their part in thi and ar de cribed later in thi report a are tour and vi it over ea . In pection in addition
to helping liai on with~n the Br~gade provide a good opportunity for Countle to draw attentIOn to t~elr work locally and thus attract support in a num bel' of way. Such functIon attended by the majority of members in the. C~unly al 0 .help to how them the trength and solidarity of the organl atlon ~o whlch they belong- omething which may perhaps not alway be realtzed by the :nail unit working on its own in an outlying area. The olour of the Brigade ~re a proud feature at many inspection and the tandard of Colour ParLLe throughout i admirable. This wa the ca e in Wilt hire in 1964 where the County received its first Colour through the genero ity o[ the urgeon-in-Chief, one of it former Commi ioner. I n Surrey the ceremony of "Transferring the Colour" wa excellently perf rmed. a a part of the programme for their in pection. The cerem ny temmlllg from urrey cu tom o[ lodging their Colour in different part of the unty for pecific period ha re ulted in a tradtional procedure being developed. It i metime . a ked \\ hy we have Colour in the Brigade and it may therefore, bc o~ Intere t to quote from an ddre by H.M. Lord Lieutenant [a~d ~n the .ounty o[ Warwick hire when pre enting a new Colour 1 Blrmlngham In 1963 . He aid May thi Colour, which I have had lhe h n ur of pre enting to your Brigade today erve to in pire all rank t furlh r eff rt in the cau e of the relief of uffering and ervice to humanity." T~i. e\pre e admirabl the rea on \ e have our Colour; they are the tradltlon 'll clllbi m r minding u all of the devotion of our forebear the Knight o[ t. John and thereby et the tandard \ e have to live u'p to no\\ and r r the future. Other i it \\ hich rna be brieO mentioned include the camp of the Ea l Mid land rea f the National oal Board for their Brigad ~ Member al Rh I and kegne , e eral of which 1 and a number of other HendqLlHI'1 r fllcer had th plea ur o[ attending; competition ~hroLlgh LIt thc nit d Kingd m; and lhe launching of Flying Christine II III 9uern e) . In addili n man Headquarter Officer enjoyed vi it to oClal and th r gath ring in ountie. i it to training day or conference are particularl u [ul occa ion for Headquarter Officer to attend 0 a t learn f the pr blem in Countie and ev n more important to hear their idea and ugge li n. i iting Offic r al 0 have the opportunity f ffering their h Ip and advice and telling the County of Brigade policy inl nti n .
The u t mar meelll1g r lh Brigade C mmitlee, Wom n' dvi or COl111llitt e, adet d i r ommittee, urg n, ur ing Officer and Secretarie all to k plac during th year. Th e, a alway, were f the greate t alue, c rlainl t u at Headquart r and I b lieve a1 0 to Countie. In addition, Brigad r pr ntativ all nded man out id Conference,", at all levcl through ut the Brigad . The help gr atl in keeping Ll in l uch \\ ith 0 rnment D partm nt and the other oluntary Organi ati nand nable u t en ure that Fir t id and Home L1r ing a p ct f the matter under di cu i n rec i e due weighting . . Two olher nference during the ear \ er the combined Commi Sloner and uperinl ndent ( ) on[erence and that [ r Public Relation Officer. he former whi h take place ev ry four ar or 0 , \ a through the cOLlrle of the London ount oun il h ld at the County
Hall, We tmin ter, and attended by 0 Commi i ner and uperinten. dent (N), including the Commi ioner from outh Au tralia, abah and Zanzibar. The P. R .O.' conf~ rence had not been held for ome year but the ever incr a ing need for publi ity ugge ted that thi hould be revived; 41 delegate attended. Both con~ renc pr duced intere ting and livel di cu ion and numerou good idea \ ere forthcoming that \\ill be of \ ide benefit in th month ahead.
The upcrintendent-in-Chie[ report as follows: It i with plea ure 1 record the continued devoted and fine service of the Nur ing orp and Divi ion during the pa t year in meeting the many demand upon their kill and o-called lei ure time. In manx ar~as, in additi n to the fully qualified member, much valuable work IS bemg done b auxi li arie in ta k that do not require fir t aid and nursing kills, and ] hope the recruitment of auxiliaries a well as full members may develop and enable u to pand our help to the community. E lOR OrFI l:.R Fir { A ie!, ur ing and Welfare. The analysi o[ voluntary duty hours Change in Commi ioner (Jive me indication of the range o[ ervice undertaken, but cannot Dorset: Major R . W. Humphrey ucceed d Dr. E. J . rdon Wallace. denote the degree of help whether it be on first aid duty at public occa ions Hal7lps!7;re: aptain H. P. Hend r n, . B. ., D .. 0., R. ., u ceeded or at the beach .A. hut (\-, hich had a bu y ummer) or nur ing as istance Colonel . P. . Curti, O.B. ., D. L. for hom bound patient at ho pital clinic and home for the elderly and infirm needing pcrmanent care. Much e cort work ha bee.l1 done Kent: Brigadier J. . Da id on-Hou 1 n, M.B . . , ucce ded Major. General G. Brun kill, .B., .L. \lith in alid a well a on group outing and holiday for handIcapped To the ne\ Comllli lOner I e\tend a \\ arm \\elcome and m gratitude and elderly p I' on f r \ h m, too, many welfare facilities are provided for their \\illingne t take vel' the re pon ibility r thi fll c~ e art bv the Oi i i n in their \\ n I calitie . The latter include vi iting and indeed fortunat in ha ing them t uc eed. I \\ould I IiI... t welcome helping the h mebound in which the cadet a l o. give able a i tance, Lady Mo ra Bro\\l1e a Deputy uperintendent-in- hi r. h bring Ie equipm nt [r m medical comG rt depot, and a I tance at and the appointm nt her all'ead c n iderable e\p rien e or th Brigade and club f I' thc elderl and di abl d. alu able help ha been gIven by memb rand au\.iliari in the activitie of the Joint Committee St. John the technical qualification o[ a tate nr lied ur . :\- er ice ar Di abled Help Department in caring for The change in Commi ioner re ulted [rom the G I'm r omml , loner and Red I' feeling the time had come for them t retire inOuenced in th ca e 0 tho e in necd through th ir di ablement· and al 0 with the library General Brun kill and Colonel urti b) th ir in rea ing III-health . It IS. ame nitie pr ided thr ugh the Ho pital Library D.epartment. ~n th~ e of cour e right, a in an organi ation, that the Brigade' enior mcer and other \\ a) the Oi\ i in, b th individually and 111 co-operatiOn \ lth hou]d change [rom time to time and G I' ther fllc r, \\ ith n \\ idea Local uthoril) and \\ ith other oluntar organi ation cherne have ntributi n to the happine and we lfare of many to come forward. onethele, it i al\\ a a maller f rl:gr t \\ hen tal· made a aluable \ art \ ho have done 0 much hand vcr th rein f ~ and I \\ould, tholl and. therefore like to record here my p r nal gratitude, \\ hich 1 kn \\ \\ III be Th pr mpt h Ip r adily o~ r din thi country \ a no Ie for~~coming echoed in their Countie . for their I al and dev ted r i during the 111 rgenc in pru \\hen joint 1. John and Bntl h Red Unfortunatel) the impro ement in health [or \\hich \\e all hored for era ... t alll \\ er ailed r r to er e in th village \ here there \ a General Brun kill and Colonel urti did n t lllat riali/c and to ur OITO\\ pecial hard hip. Thi pcralion i de cribed el e\ h re but I \ ould and of their Countie the have both ince died . uflcrcd a number 0 expre peclal appre iation t the fllcer and member ( ) \\ ho volunother 10 e through death and although th e m tl) \\ er oflkcr or teered [or thi imp rtanl ta k. the retired Ii t it in no \Va) Ie ened our adne . at thclr 1 a" ing or ou Hospilal hi inti run b the Briti h Red Cro regret that \\e hould no longer ha e their upp rl. Th included: ociety, th men' rice and th t. 10hn mbulance Major-General 1. M . Kirkman .B.. .B . . , mmi i n r-In- hlef Brigade, c ntinu t pro Ide r ential tran p rt for patient .to 1956- 1962; aptain 1. L. J ohn. R. ., formcr III III I I n I' umber· ho pital . and clinic. prai e i t o high for the driver \ ho voluntanl land and We tmorland; Captain . Knight , M.B. - .. [ormcr am· undertake thi \\ rk. and the count and area organi er upon \ ho e mis ioner Bedford; Lady Fuller unty upenntend nt ( 1. efficient adlllini trati n the u ce [th heme re t . Wilt hire' Mr. Jame Pear on, M. B.., eputy orth Sef\'ice Hospital H ~elfare Depar/melll . t a aI, Militar and ir Force Riding of York hire . Ho pltal in the nited Kingd m and er a . t. J?hn and Red Cro All will be greatly mi ed and if in thi rep rl J do no m re than \\ell'are n, I' c ntinue their aluable \\ rk 111 canng for the wel.fare remember a few of them by name it i nly b caLI detaIl of \\ hal the~ and re reati nal need of i k er i m ll . T\\ elv lle\ officer tra111ed had done over the year ha e already been publi hed in the Rel'iell' and during 1964 and at tb nd [t1~e ear tb tren~th t tailed 74. of \ hom elsewhere. on ly 20 were Illcmb r o[ th Brtgad . 1 \\' uld lIke t e more. I am sure, however that M mber would \ i h me to make parlicular The t\\ 1. J hn I[are fllcer tati n d with the Briti h Mili~ar mention of our former Commi ioner-in- hief, en ral Kirkman, \\ho Ho pital in Dh kelia had pati nt o[ man nati naliti and .al 0 did a is remembered with affection and gratitud by 0 many at h me a~d. lot of \\ rk \ ith the ivilian p pulation during th m rgen 111 pru. over ea . During the five and a half year he wa 111 III I I ner-in-Chlel The Direct r [the department, Mi 0\\ ning, hr. l~ ~ memb~r f th he gave him ell' un tintingly to the Brigade and wa ah\uj inten -el~ Brigad , tou red the ear a t arlier in th ' ar, I ltlllg erVl unit proud of it and of the devoted ervice of its member . L
and ho pitals in Benghazi, Tripoli, Malta and Cypru . In the ar Ea t book , magazine and tor have been ent to Sick Quarter in Borne~ and the Chief Welfare Officer, at the request or the rmy Director of Medical Servic ,vi ited unit in Labaun, Brunei a nd Kuching. a ualties are evacuated to Singapore 0 ther i no re ident W Irare mcer in Borneo at pre ent. Welfare Offic I' in Hong Kong and ingapore were delighted to ee the Commi ioner-in- hier \ hen he vi ited Service Ho pital during hi tour of the ar a t toward the nd or the year. Offi.cer a~e al 0 re pon ible for caring for relative vi iting very enou 1y III erVlcemen and \ omen under the Governm nt "Oilfor" Scheme and tho e attending funeral at overnment e pen e in orth We t Europe. The numbered 90 la t year and numer u reque t were dealt with for Bov er to be placed n grave. During the ar a ractual ur ey of dutie carried out by Welfare OAlcer v a made by th Mini tn of Defence. The finding of thi ur e confirm that it i an e ential ervice and one mo t ati factoril carried out by p r nnel out ide the Service tructure. I \\a delighted to ha e the opp rtunit) r meeting many of the elfare Officer at the ucce rul conference held in the ummer. Royal Gl'al V.A.D. Reserl'e. Member of thi Re I"ve c ntinue to undertake training period at R . . Ho pital in Ha lar and Plymouth and occa ionally in Malta. The total of Re erve member tand at 69, of which 13 are member of th Brigade. gain I \\ould like t ee more. Training and onjerences. The v"ide cope r Brigade acti itie d mand con tant training not only in the primar ubject f practical flr t aid and nur ing but aloin a ociated topic, in admini trati nand n t lea I in being trained in the art of ho\\ to teach other. Th latter ha particular importance for officer and member \\ ho n t only in truct \\ ithin the Brigade but undertake much u eful \ ork in giving talk and r>ractical demon tration to the public to ther voluntary b die , and t trainee for the ational Ho pital ervice Re erve . In addition to the many hour devoted t training \\ ithin the IVI Ion and by the mobile training unit it i ati factory that man \\ II attended training day and \ eekend cour e ha eben held through ut the countie . I wa delighted m elf to allend the e t Rid ing f rk hire Conference and the Cumberland and e tmorland training da) . The Commi ioner and Di trict/ ounty uperintendent' nferenc \\a a valuable opportunity of interchanging view f r futu re de el r>ment, a too was the ecretarie' Conference on admini trative que ti n which wa attended by Mi Harri on . The hief ur ing nIcer \ a pre enl at the .H.S. R . Conference at Harrogate and the urge n nfcrence, and Mis Wat on attended training cour e in the Pri r r r ale and orthern Ireland. The close co-operation that i 0 e ential V\ith htut ry and other authoritie on health and welfare que tion entail repre entation through· out the countie and from headquarter on numerou c mmitlee and attendance at many conference on maller of mutual c ncern uch as the National Old PeopJe' Welfare nference at Torquay attended b) Mrs. Cavendi h. fn thanking the e repre entative I w uld likc to expre s particular appreciation to the hief ur ing OrAcer for her con tant representation of the Brigade nur ing intere t in many r>her It was a great plea ure again to welcome the W.V. . dvi ory ouncil
10 ER-J -CHJ F
who, on the invitation of the Order, held a mee[ing at st. John's Gate, at \ ' hich the Royal Society [or the Prevention of Accidents, the British Red eros ociety and the Brigade provided brief talk and demonstrations on accident prevention fir t aid and oral resuscitation. Nursing Officers. A ucce ful N ur ing Officer Conference was again organi ed by Mi Duff Grant, thi time at Birmingham County Headquarter the fir t occa ion that thi annual conference had been held oul ide London. I wa delighted to attend thi accompanied by Lady \loyra Brown e, who i her elf a State Enrolled Nur e. Very interesting talk were given by e pert on u bject connected with modern development in flr t aid a nd nur ing and there wa u eful discussion on the relation hip between voluntary organi ation and ho pitals and other subject . In reporting a very ati factory increa e in the number of State Regi tered ur e \\ ho have been appointed Uf ing Officer in the past year, the Chief ur ing mcer e pre e her thank to all the Uf ing Officers for heir upport and devotion to our work. 1 join with her in gratitude to hem and other member or the nul' ing profe ion who generously give their kill d help in training and other way. It i a ource of atisfaction that the Bri gade f I' it part c ntinue to make a ub tantial contribution 'rom it mcm ber and e -cadet to the entry for nur e training and that many f tho \ ho qualify a .R. . ub equently take up appointment a 1. J hn ur ing OrAc r . Unf rtunatcly ther are till a certain number or countie with vacancie 'o r County and rea ur ing Officer and it j to be hoped that the e appointm nt ma be All d in the coming year. Inspections alld I ~i it. ith u, ir I wa pre ent at the ucce ful Cadet Rail at hiche t r \ hich \\<1 honoured by the pre ence of H.R .H. Prince Margar 1. I \: a v ry happy to undertake the County Durham In pecti n and the In p cti n r Jer ey Divi ion, a well a vi iting Brigade <lcti itie in urn. in the autumn 1 vi ited Cumberland to open the ne\\! arli Ie ur ing Di i ion Headquarter generou Iy given b) i tant unty uperintend nt, Mr. Raven and to attend the Training DayalI' ad m nti ned . Over eLl I \Va particularl glad t ha e the opportunity of again vi iting igeria, ierr Le nand Ghana, in a ll of which countrie fine work i being done b l. J hn nit. t In pe ti n in the following untie th Chief Nur ing Offi~er, the Chief mc r for det and member of my taff accompamed the Commi ioner-in- hi r, th Deputy ommi ioner-in-Chi f or the Surgeon-in- hi f: Sri t I (M i at on) D v n ., & '. (~r . Cavendi h), Lanca hir rca I and 6 (Mi Duff Grant), o. 1 Dl tnct Lond n - a tern rea (Mi Duff rant), ottingham hire Midland rea (VIi Duff rant) and Northern rea Mi Mori on) PI mouth and SW. ev nand rn\ a ll (Lady Braitbv aite) hrop hire (Mi Wat on), urr y (Lady Brait h\ aite), uffolk (Mi Duff Grant) , a nd Wilt hire (M i Wat o n). Lady Moyra Br wne repre ented Headquarter at the excellent ~amp for Officer and Member r the ur ing Divi i n run by the attOnal Coal B ard at Rh yl, and £.1 1 attend d the R druth ur ing Di i ion Jubilee dinn r in orm all. L
Changes ill Appointments. During the year the Brigade uffered a sad 10 s in the death of Lady Fuller, M.B . . , County uperintendent for Wilt hire, who had given out tanding ervice particularly in the interests and development of the Nur ing and ur ing Cadet ivi ion inee 195] baving for the pre iou four year been Count Vice-Pre ident ur in~ Cadet . " With regr t 1 r.eport the re ignati n of the [0110\ ing ounty uperinten dent :- Dr. In Co\ Cumberland and We tmorland 44 year ervice' Lady Starn:er Durham 28' ervice (23 in a ~re i~ent~al capaeity)~ Mr . SmellIe, E e ' \ bo ha~1ng f~lIilled 47 y~ar er~I~ . I continuing her excellent \ ork for the Bngade 111 the capaclt of IVI lonal uperin. tendent of the ta l1\V a mbulance and ur ing Divi i n. t Head· quarter I.wa orr. to receive th re ignati n o[ Mi Baird \\ ho initiall) a a Ser Ice Ho pItal Welfare fEcer then a ount uperintendent Oxford hire and finall a a Headquart r taff mc I' had given 2i year alued ervice. To them all I tend ery grat ful thank for their admirable er ice to the Brigade. ounty uperinlen· I \ elcome the follo\\ing in their app intment a dent :-Tbe Counte of Carli Ie umberland and Y e lmorland : Mr . Train, E e ; Mi turl1ler ilt hiI'. Early in the ear I \\ a very glad to \\elcome Lady M ) ra Br \\;ne on her appointment a one of m taff Officer and on her return t Brigade \ ork after everal ear ab nce through [amil cOl11l1litl1l nt , It i \\ith particular plea ur that I report her appointment to\\ard the nd of the ear a Deputy uperintendent-in- hier, in \\ hich capacity her t. John knowledge and e perience and other qualincation \\ til be r imlllen e help to me. Conclusion. t the end of another ear of hard \\ orl ancl pI' gr I end my mo t grateful thank to all m Di trict/ unty up rinLendenL and County/ rea Officer both at home and ver ea , for the Illagnincent contribution the have made toward meeLing the trenuou del1l~lI1d on the Brigade. Thank to them our lag Oie a high a e\ er. al\\a) m gratitude to my tafT i unbounded. It i dilllcult year after year to find \\ ord to expre the val ue of their \\ rk and 1 can onl~ say to tbem one and all from the b ttom of Ill) heart, "Thanl )ou." Once again Sir too I \\ould like t thank yOU and) ur tafT f r your under tanding and help throughout the year, ""hich h'l been , 0 largel~ re pon ible [or the excellent relati n hip that exi t between the mbulance and liT ing ide of the Bri gade . M. BR K K [((Jeril! f ene/ell f -il1- Chief.
The Surgeon-in- hief report a follow :During 1964 increa ed effort have been made to improve the practical ide of our training. A part of thi and re ulting from cl e co-operation ociation it i hoped to be with the Principal Medical Officer of the able to revi e and improve our pre ent method of re-examination and to extend in truction on practical rather than theoretical method 01 fir t aid.
Cl0 e contact ha al 0 been maintained with the British Red Cross society in the organi ation of cour e in Casualty Simulation with the help of Ca ualtie nion. [t i intended that the e cour es will be followed up,in Countie an~ .. rea ~y further instruction in this subject so that ultImately every DIVl. l.on wil l have the. l?enefit o[ a trained ca ualty. My Deputy or I VI Ited the CompetltlOn held at Regional level in all Region but one. a re ult of our ob ervations, a circular was sent to every County givi.n.g a number ,o~ idea which might a si t in tbe running of the ompetlt.lOn . O.ur VI It gave . u the opportunity of meeting many doctor actll1g a Judge. everal countie , including the Commandery of Ard , invi~ed. me to vi it them to meet Brigade Surgeons; such per onal contact I Il1valuable and I would wi h that all counties would endeavour to arrange day meeting of surgeon which either I or m) Deputy \\ould be delighted to attend. ottingham , ve~'y ucce ful urgeon' Con~erence was held at Lnlver It); the. aturd~y wa pent 111 hort talk by elected Brigade speaker dl cu Ing vanou a pect of Brigade training and examination and on unday, a London ire Bri gade Officer, the Medical Officer of a 100,tba~1 club and a doctor from the Birmingham ccident Ho pital gave th~lr VI~\\ . on th w. rk of the Bri gade. The advantage of meeting at a unlver, It)' \\ ere con Ide red to outweigh the di advantage of the cla h of he date \\ ith ummer h liday . During the year th Brigade ha availed it elf of a generou offer of bed and equipment from urplu and redundant tock in ho pital . Dlvi ion needing the e item receive them free of co t. In pite, however, of the larg uppl \\e have already received there are many more DI\i i n ~till . h rt of training equipment. May I therefore, mention that \\ are al\\ay. mo t grateful to receive any equipment of thi type 110 longer required: it i in aluable to our training. Continued in tructi n in re u citation ha been given to Di trict \ur e id\\ ive and other gr up throughout England, and the film, "Pule f Life:' i till in t ad demand. c mpleLe re\ iion I' the re ord card of Brigade urgeon ha been ompleted and a number or' err r found and corrected. per onalletter of than k and hri tm<l greeti ng ha b n ent t g ther \ ith orne note of general intere t to all urgeon in th Bri gade at Home. To them mu t go 111) be t thank [r all their \\ rk in th field; at Headquarter , my Deput), r. c tt <.1 nd my tafT Officer, Mr. Kirkham, ar a1\ a available:mo"t\\illingl \\ithad ic anda i tanceandwithoutth ircontinuou help the Department c uld not c r the v lume f \\ork it doe. H. . T LOR-YO G, urgeol1-in- Chief I [
S RGEO -J - IlIcr'
Co- pcrati n between the Brigade and th ivil D G nee Corp ha continued throughout th year and member ha e taken part in ivil Defence e\ r i e in many part f th countr On 25th pril, 1964 a further One-day our ntirely devoted to the Brigade \\ a held at the ivil eG nce tafT liege at unningdale: 74 member from all part or th nited Kin gdom aU nd d. mmandant and hi taff at unningdal [ am mo t grateful to th fo r the troubl the to l to pI' vide u \\ ith uch c.\c 1/ nt in tructi nand 10 looking after our comfort during the da '.
The Deputy Commi ioner-in-Chief wa a member of a Home Office Working Party on Auxiliary force for the Civil Defence Corps. The recommendation of thi Working Party are under con ideration by the Mini tel' concerned. ATlO AL HOPIT L
-R I
The Chief ur ing Officer report ati factory progr in work with the ational Ho pital Service Re erve for which v ith the Briti h Red Cro Society the Brigade undertake the recruitment and initial training of nur ing auxiliarie . There continue ho\ ever, t be need f r greater member hip and it i hoped that every Divi ion will actively con ider in what way it can e, tend enrolment in thi im portant ervic . The Re erve offer aluable training and e perience in nul' ing procedure in ho pital and \ ith Fon ard Medical Aid Unit \\hich are de igned t perate in emergenc condition. The Mini try of Health eptember return recorded 26.624 t. John ur ing Au iliarie of \ hom 21 444 \ ere \ omen and ,1 0 men. or the e appro imately t\ o-fifth \ ere full Brigade member. The long a\ aited .H .. R. handbook, the re ult of pI' I nged di· cu ion bet\ een the Mini tr of Health and the Voluntar rgani ation. (:on olidating all information on .H .. R. matter, ha n \\ been i ued Thi hould prove of great help to our ounty .H .. R. repre entatives \ ho. continue to give in tintingly of their time to the de el pment of the servIce. D
The 1964 Cadet Rail wa held at hiche ter on 12th Jul. nc agaIn H.R.H. The Prince Margaret ommandant-in- hi f f mbulance and ursing Cadet, honoured u with her pre ence. We are inde d fortunate in the intere t that Her Royal Highne take in 1. John adet and the time she devote to them. During the afternoon Her Royal Highne in pect d a parade of 2,500 Cadet and conducted an Enrolment eremony for 61 adet. n inno· vation wa a di play by the u e ount Band foil wed by a tableau given by Cadet of the Brighton area. As alway there have been torie of heroi m and re ur e uch a when Cadet Hugh William of Merioneth made a c urage u 'effort to save a friend from drowning, and Cadet Tony cigliani of Hanle ucce "' fully rescued an 8 year-old non- wimmer from a lake. There \ a alo Cadet Corporal Martin Harvey of Wellington, orner et, \\ h earned a L~tter of Commendation for the efficient manner in which he ga e Fir t AI.d. to a boy who had been eriou Iy injured aft r falling n tome iron ralllngs, and might have died if it had not been f r adet orporal Harvey's prompt and effective action. It 1.s not, however, only among t the comparatively fe\ \ h e out· staJ?-dlllg work become known that thi pirit prevail . Mo t adet take theIr part in public dutie although for obviou rea n there are re tric' tions on what the Brigade can allow them to do. hey can and do, how' ever, assist on many occa ion and are invaluable in helping ther young folk or as me sen~er ,guide and in imi lar capacitie . They are al a ve~y much to .the fore 111 the welfare field where they help Id pe pIe in tl~elr homes WIth hou ework, decorating, hopping and other u eful activitIes. aturally, Cadet may quite often arrive fir t at the cene of treel
10 ER-I -CHlEF
accident and. the they have been given has again and again demon trated It value Il1 the help they have been able to give in those vitally important minute when a ca ualty is fir t found. Thi volume of work quietly and willingly carried out in a11 Divisions make ~l~ar that Cadet are l.earning in the Brigade to be responsible )oung cltllen and are developll1g a en e of public ervice which must be of value to the future of the country. To give two further example :In mer et four Cadet Divi ion held a competition to see which Divi ion could fir t rai e the £250 nece ary to obtain a guide dog for a blind per 011' in the event all four Divi ion ucceeded in rai ing the sum and thu the lot of four blind people wa made ea ier. In Norfolk a partially paral ed girl i through her affliction 10 ing the use of her finger and ha b come unable to manipulate her record player. Cadet have rc i ed I cally ufllcient money to provide her with a tape recorder II ith c ntr I he can manage and 0 he till i able to Ii ten to the music in \\hich he find con olati n. We undoubtedly we a debt of gratitude to the Officer who give up their lei ure to training and helping t. John Cadet acquire thi fine pirit and ouLlo k and f \ hich \ e all have every rea on to be proud. Other ad t acti itie included continued participation in the Duke of Edinburgh' y\ard ch me \\ here 4 Gold 1 ilver and 16 Bronze Award have b n gain d. amping \\a al 0 prominent throughout the country during the . umm r and 1,060 camp r attended the Brigade Camp at Be\hill admirably run b Mr. Ro e. During the year 26 Camping \ arrant') and 10 Quarterma tering ertificate were i ued. GE [R L
Brief COIllment n ari ing from ppendix' , were Included arlier in thi rep rt and howed that the overall increa e ha not been a ub taniial a in th pa t G \ ear. Thi ha been due to a variety of circuIll tanc \\hi h \\ ill be r adil appreciated, a one or tv 0 territori have g ne thr ugh difll ult time in 1964. On the other hand, it i particularly enc uraging t n te the grov ing expan ion and enthu ia m In a number r mall r area, am ng t which might be mentioned Fiji and the L e\\ard and ind\\ard 1 I. Di i ion ha al 0 been formed for the fir 1 tim in the Turk and J land. l\lrRGI
The ending of 1. John and Red ro t am to pru at the end of carry ut r Ii r \\ork \\a brief1y de ribed in la t ear report. The e m mber , f rmed int a Reli r C mmi ion under th lead r hip or Mr. J. I ,c ntinued to p rat until Jun 1964 when the nited ati n - rce in pru and the Tnternational C mmitt e of the Red 1'0 a umed re pon ibility for their work and the Cornmi ion lIa v, ithdr<.nvn. Team f tv\ 0 (g ncrall on 1. J hn and n R d Cro member) vi iled hundred orvillage taking m dical car, v elfare rvice and food to the inhabitant. Their \\ rk \ a nerou and at tim dangerou but they had the ati faction of kn \ ing th y had brought mfort to many people in ne d at a mo t difllcult time in th i land' hi tor. 1963 t
Zanzibar During the eriou political trouble in the early part o[ the year member of the Brigade under th leader hip of the olTIl11i ioner, Mr: K. . Pa coe M.B. . helped the R d 1'0 in relief v ork among t the thou and of detainee. The C I11mi ion r and other officer ~ have no\\ left the i land and for the mom nt the Brigade i not able to continue it work. The ociation i managi ng t carr on to m "'\tent and \ e hall hope, therefore in due cour e to e the Brigad again becoming e tabli hed. P BLI
Zambia- Mala\\'i Fir t Aid coverage on a large cal \\ a arranged for the Independence Celebration in Zambia and to a mailer e\.tent in Mala\.\ i. The ommiioner in Zambia ha reported that the arrangement were er ucce ful but in pite of large cro\\d ca ualtie \\ ere comparati I) [e\\. lalta The Brigade in Malta al 0 took an a ti e part in Jndcp ndence Celebration not onl in performing Public Dutie , but al 0 by pI' viding uniformed member for om of the "D at " in the rndep nd nc Pageant in the city of aletta and the Grand Harbour. During the ycar Brigade member have a u ual been mo t helpful '~ nd ho pitable to l. John vi itor from all over the \\orld . are mo t grat [ul r I' all the arrangements the Commi ion r make to give our member uch a plea ant \ elcome and to look after th m 0 \\ell. West Indies
The outh A [rican part of my journey wa originally planned as a brief private holiday. The Prior, on hearing of this, most kindly asked me to do a t ur in the Republic when I wa given the chance of visiting mo t of the main pJace around which Brigade unit are concentrated and had the great plea ure of meeting a large number of Officer and Member. ] n ape Town, for in tance, there were pre ent in the Headquarter everal repre entative from each of the 53 Divi ions in the Di trict uropean oloured Malay and Bantu. A it was the height of the outh frican ea on it wa not practicable to hold formal parades and the only unit 1 actually aw therefore, wa a Bantu Railway Division at Ea t L ndon. However law quite enough in the way of Guard of Honour at many place and in my talk with Member to be impressed by the martne and efficiency f the Brigade in South Africa. part [1'0111 mown \ arm welcome I received innumerable me age of friend hip t the Brigade everywhere. In March the uperi ntendent-in-Chief vi ited Ghana, igeria and ierra Le ne \\ here, a mcnti ned in her own report, he saw something of the nne \\ rk being done by 1. John in tho e countrie . n imp rtant i it al during the year \ a that made in May at the direction or the Order by olonel Benyon Controller Over ea to Central Africa \\ ith the object f di cu ing the new Con titution con equent on the di "oluti n oC th cd ratl n. are ult, ne Council have been forme d In alc.l\\ i and Zambia, \ hil t the Commandery now operate in Rhode ia nly . Ith ugh the vi it \ ere on b half of the Order rather than th Brigade, lonel Ben on \\a able to ee quite a lot of the trai ning f Brigade Mcmb I' in Rh de ia and Zambia and to talk over '-' method and pint [intere t in all three countri . ~
The Brigade \\a on duty in mo t i land during Prin e PhilIp' recent tour. In t. Lucia a 'Mock Hurricane" d m n trati n \\a taged and Hi Ro al Highne took the aiute at a Mar h Pa t aftel"\\urd and poke to a number of member .
)Ff"1 I R
Change in
ommi i ncr ha e occurr d a follow :-
Eight hundred member of the Brigad \\ ere n parade \\ hen the Colour, given by London Di trict \\ ith \\hom anlilat d, \\ a dedIcated and then pre en ted b H. . The ern r. 1'1 ier, 1"1 1I nood had led to graver re pon ibility and a\ th Brigad dIng plendid rellel work.
. . G.,
\lgcll<l Police Ol,>l
Ingaporc \laun till'>
..0 .
Present Commi' iOllers L. 0 . Edet, E q . Dr. K. L. Loh . B. McCaffery, E q.
In February and March I vi ited the Brigade in the aribbean rea: a de cription of thi tour being included in the 1963 Rcp r1. In December I began a further e ten ive t ur \\ hi h 0 ered i5it to Hong Kong abah arawak ingapore, Malaya, Ken <1, Mauritiu and South frica. arawak i one of the very few place in the Onlm 11\\ alth where there i neither ociation nor rigade, but during the day I \\a there I wa able to draw attenti n to our availability if needed . St. John Douri he in all the other c untrie r had the plea lire of visiting and I regret that pace in thi report doc n t p rmit me to describe all that I wa privileged to ee or to enlarge on the lInforgellable warmth and friendline of the welcome given everywhere; fuller account have, however, been publi hed in the Rel'iell'. Altogether n t man hort of 10,000 member of the Brigade "ere in pected 11 parade and man} Headquarters were vi ited and meeting f l. John uncil attended There were five major parade that i of over 1,000, and many mailer ones.
. . G.,O.B.
Lganda Zambia
. Pa
c. q., M.B . . .
R. D. Hook, I:. q. . . Oryema, E q. 01. . F. Gauron, M.B.E. 0 ucce or at pre ent.
I h uld lik to t'lke thi pp rtunit f again thanking tho e Commi ioner \\ ho have I' ti red fraIl their pa t hard \\ ork on behalf of the Brigade and at th ame tim .\.t nd a warm \\e1c me to their ucce or. The rep n ibiliti f a I11mi i n I' are c n iderable and I feel the Order and Bngad ha e much r a on to b gmt ful t the bu m n \ ho hay b n go d en ugh t a ume the r p n ibiliti . HLADQ
R [L R
In ctober Mi reco rd [ rice r r t. J Cypru but prior to g ing during the m rgenc and
h kley, M.B . . , r igned aft r a remarkable hn. tonI did h do ut tanding \ rk in there \\a in Mala a fir II doing reli f work later a Headquarter fficer. h relinqui hed
TH "
her appointment on g tting married and to her go our thank [or all he ha done and be t wi he for the [utur . Caribbean and or/Ii Atlantic Area It \ a learned \ ith concern in May that Mr . Davie- mith the Head. quarter Officer for the rea had been knocked dov n by a ca I' and us. tained eriou injurie. I am glad ho\ ever, to be able to ay that he is making a good recovery and b th end [the ar \ a beginning to r ume her dutie . Much i 0\ ed to her for all he ha d n vel' the ear for St. John in the Caribbean. The appreciation [thi fact was demon trated b the man me age [ympathy ent t her [rom all over the rea. igeria Mr. R. F. Chri tie M.B.E., after man" ear of valuabl \ rk ha been ucceeded b Mr. . O. . Igbe. Mr. Igbe \ a in London [or Lw month during the ummer v. hil t learning omethi ng o[ t. John proced ure and admini tration. In December Mr. . R. Pilbeam \\ent to ig ria a an dvi er and \ ill be \ orking in co-operation \\ith Mr. 19be in eUing LIp St. John Committee and e tab]i hing t. J ohn \ ork in the out! ing area . ierra Leone Mr. J. . Finney ha been appointed Headquarter Officer in u ce Ion to Mr. E. M. peck. Mr. peck ha h ld thi P t t mp raril ince the departure of Mr. Pilbeam who, a. mentioned ab e I n \V In Igena . Sabah Mr . Monica Chin ucceeded Mr . R ee e he \\ ill be coming to London in pril for t\\O month t u a pect of t. John \ ork. 1 ITORS
We \: ere very glad during the ear t ha e a I rg numb r of t. John Member from over ea , many of hom attended the nnual 0111memoration ervice at t. Paul' , the Bri gade final, the adet Rally and a fe\ \ ere able to take part in large public dutie uch a at the Trooping the olour. The [0110\\ ing countrie \\ ere repre nted at one or more of the e function :Australia Canada ew Zealand South Africa British Guiana
ypru Ghana Grenada
Ken}a alaya auritiu
Hong Kong Jamaica
t. Kilt angan) Ika nnidad C ' Tobago ganda Zanzibar
I believe it will be agreed that in the pa t year much ha yet again been achieved. That thi wa 0 ha been due to the in pired er ice of our members at Home and Over ea and I record here my per nal gratitude to them for their work per everance and enthu ia m. r have everal times herein poken of the Brigade in action. Where action i implied, b it on the battlefield or in the factory ucce or failure depend in th end on the skill and devotion o[ tbo e phy ically doing the job. I f therefore, the year bas been one of ucces , it i to the Ambulance and Nur ing Member - adult and cadet- that the credit mu t go. In aying thi 1 do not, ho\\" ever, forget the need for wi e direction and good planning, training and administration and [or which J am indebted t fficer and Member at all levels.
As alway ] owe more than
10 ER-iN-CHfEF
can say to the work of my colleagues at Headquarter. The Superintendent-in-Chief, Surgeon-In-Chief, my two As i tant ommi ioner -in-Chief and the Controller Overseas are, of cour e, a tower of trength. I think, however, it i perhaps appropriate to make particular mention of the Deputy Commis joner-in-Chief, Admiral Well by, and my Chief taff fficer Brigadier Miller. Thi is because it ha 0 happened that 1 have been ab ent abroad a good deal more than u ual and on them particularly ha [allen the burden of dealing with the many com pIe ' matter which nece arilyari e in 0 large an organisation as the Bri gade. . . I wou ld aloin thi report like to offer my thank to the As OClatlOn for their upport of the Bri gade' work. We ometimes 10 e sight of the fact that the very foundation of our ervice i laid by the Association in it tea hing f Fir t Aid and ur ing and in the preparation of manuals and training aid \ hich we need and u e daily. Finall , any r port, if it i to be of value houl~ ~ave its poi~ters for the future. I \ ould, therefore like to conclude by It tmg five whlch I am a ~ing the Brigade to contin ue to keep con tantly in view, the e are to:j
(a) Take full ad antage of modern technique and method of training. (b)
Be prepared ah ay t
Maintain rigidly our tandard maintain it confidence.
(d) (e)
in rea ed
improvi e when nece ary. 0
a to erve the public well and
mpha i to recruiting.
nti ipale, b) c n tantly looking ahead, future problem and tack.le them earl). n xamp le of thi i provided by the now greater c\pectanc of life V\ hich will re ult in more and more older ople \\ ilh n doubt ever-i ncrea ing call on the Brigade' welfare er Ice.
I r \\ e g t th e right not nl t fulfil il r munit . Thi I an aG to er e th rder f Brigade .
\ e an re t.a ured that the ~rigade will continue I but to y\lden and e\.pand It value to the comI a} i the aim o[ ever one of u who i privileged t. J hn and it ideal in the t. John mbulance
R DICK Commissioner-in-Chief·
DIYI 10 IIr - ComAmblling lance bined 1, 76 1,029 375 9
2_ 15 122 19 171
109 0 91 143 100
74 724 6
523 1 3 5
Priories: Wale outhern [ri a . ew Zealand. Canada u tralia . India . P akistan Grand Total
Total 2,7 0 16
l 0
4 ,2 _
105,211 5,709 6,046
4, 87 7, 26 6,733
England & . Ireland. Commandery in Rhode ia . Other Territorie Overea
Priories: ales . outhern frica . ew Zealand. Canada ustralia . India Pakistan Grand Total
Dil'i ions IIrs- Coming billed 1,23 l3
5 133
6 5
Total 2,39-
] ,297
]71 51 157 34 146
164 71 150 57 130
29 6 4
559 313 14
572 169 I
1,247 482 15
Persollnel A mblllance II/sillg 21,531 3,27 56
64 190 311 94 2
P R 0 L A mbllII/, ing lallce Total 31,970 18,690 50,660
Amblllallce 1,024
England & . Ireland. Commander tn Rhode ia . Other Territorie erea
Total 4, 00 160 7,060
26,12 2,516 1,_3 2,14 724 3,223
62.029 ,_ 0 1,9 4 2,720 I, 3 ,_7 12, 2 3,041
5, 24 3.214. 6
Bedford hire Berk hire . BJrlllingham Bri tol . Buckingham hire . Cam bridge . Che hire Corm all Cumberland Derb) hire . De\on hire Dor et . Durham E e:\ Gloucc ter . Guern e) Hamp hire. Heref rd hire Hertford Imc lie of Man lie of Wight Jer e) Kent Lancn hire. Lei e ter Lincoln. hire London \orfolk \orthamplon hire orth Lim berla nd \ollingham<;hlre O\ford PI)n10Ulh hrop. hire . omer ·ct laO'ord hire uffol\.. .
_._62 6.501
u SC\ \
rv.lct..shlre Wilt Ime \\orce. ter~hlre Ea t Ridtng of or\.. hire orth Riding of Y rk hire \\e t Rid ing of or\.. hire orthcrn 1reland .
ADULT Ambulance lIrsing 236 118 355 231 694 363 487 200 391 308 157 120 590 50 1 520 326 166 147 1,843 597 584 427 167 16 1,416 407 31 320 3 13 191 0 58 681 390 82 79 22 365 62 40 102 50 32 48 750 430 1,747 3.29 1,040 I 43 199 2,3 3 34 603 6 0 471 664 60 227 1,690 526 _ 3 117 201 13 _64 177 595 33 1,007 442 _04 777 472 536 511 695 375 03 173 217 2 4 369 49_ 36 24 ] ,621 _,605 91 357
CADET Amblllance ursing 124 159 255 491 282 416 333 460 519 745 53 290 436 684 434 760 164 234 ] ,408 ] ,299 487 945 88 315 332 543 181 494 ]87 273 90 131 725 1,173 42 240 377 620 100 180 104 36 108 172 631 1,032 ] 925 2,985 445 621 365 375 2,434 3,471 41 692 764 423 365 470 ] ,055 1,224 1 6 268 195 325 2-3 340 5 7 796 776 392 461 306 794 491 1003 660 495 19 1 9 445 2 4 454 194 399 196 313 2,90_ 1,7 261 1 05
Total 637 1,33:: 1,755 1,480 1,963 620 2,211 2,040 711 5,147 2443 738 2,698 1,313 964 359 2,969 443 1,585 382 292 360 2,843 9955 2,487 ] ,377 11,721 2, 93 2,322 1,922 4,495 854 59 1,034 2,316 2617 1,74 2293 2, 69 2492 ] ,024 1 391 1.421 1,116 ,911 2,567
Appendix" J\lJerilorious enice erlijicale Divi ional urgeonJ . . O. Dum ood M.B ., B.. , M.R . . . , L.R.C.P., Totne Ambulance Cadet Di i ion, a t, outh and orth Devon. Ambulance Member W. . mith, Meth\ old mbulance and ur ing Divi ion Count of orfolk. " hange) mbulance Di i ion Duke Corporal W. H. Ka Li erpool ( of Lanca ter' Di trict. mbulance Member R. Water , an en mbulance Divi ion, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict. Ambulance Member M. Pa ke, Paignton mbulance Divi i n, Ea t, South and orth Devon. mbulan e and ur mg ur ing Member Mi P . Ro\\ land, Kirkb Di i ion, Duke of Lanca ter' Di tri t. mbulance Member M. Baker, R al Brugh [King ton-uponTharne mbulance Di i ion, London (Prince f al ', ) Di trict. American Trophy Jor a//anlry Ambulance Cadet Hu gh Kenneth illiam , ) nw d Di i ion Prior for ale.
mbulance- 136. ur ing- 407.
269 pecial Service 4 5 pecia] Service
pecial enice Meld hield \\ere a\\arded to mbulanc adet hield v, ere a\\arded t ur ing adct.
Jubilee erlijicale The folio ing unit ha e been i ued \\ith Jubilee ertin ate indicating 50 year continuou ervice:.H.a?d worth mbulance Divi i n, Birminght. m; Redruth ur ing DIVl lon, Corm a ll ; Blackhall olli r mbulance Di i i n Durham: B~a~~on Colliery Ambulance Divi ion, Durham; Darlingt n Illbulance DIVI Ion Durham' ate head altwell ur ing Divi i n, urham; Jarrow ur ing Divi ion Durham; heltenham \\In rnbulance Divi ion, Glouce ter hire; outhbourne ur ing Divi ion, ll amp hire; Roche ter mbuJance Divi ion, Kent; hit table mbulance and ursing Divi ion, Kent; Widne o. I mbulance and ur ing Di i ion. Du~e of Lanca ter' Di trict· ivil ervic ur ing Divi i I~, London (Pnnce of Wale' ) Di trict; The ity [ nd n mbulan e Di i ion, London (Prince of Wale' ) Di trict; t. Pancra and Kenti h Town Amb~lanc~ ~.ivi ion, London (Prince [Wale') Di trict· We t Ham ursmg Dlv) lon , London (Pri nce [Wale') Di Lrict; ~ I \\ i k Work ursing Divi ion, orthumberland; 0 forth IVllOn, orthumberland' ewca tie ity mbulanc IV) Ion rthulllberiand: Wall end Borough Ambulance Divi i n rthul11berland; Whitl y Sa}
and Monk eaton Ambulance Divi ion, Northumberland' Nottingham City Ambulance Divi ion , Nottingham hire; Work op Nursing Division, otting bam ; Hove and Hangleton Ambulance Division, Sussex ; Brierley Hill Ambulance Divi ion, Worce ter hire ; Coventry Daimler Ambulance and ur ing Divi ion, Worce ter hire; etherton Ambulance Division, Worce tel' hire; T. W. Lench Ltd. Ambulance Divi ion, Worce tershire; Stourbridge Ambulance Divi ion, Worcester hire; Scarborough ur ing Divi ion, .R . York hire; Whitby Ambulance Divi ion, .R. Yorkshire' Leed ictoria ur ing Divi ion, W.R. York hire; Raven thorpe urSlllg Divi ion, W.R. York hire ; pen Valley Corp, W.R. York hire.
The foil wing information reproduced from the Almoner' R eport to hapter eneral with the ncurrence of the Almoner. It i included 111 e much that i de cribed therein concern Brigade member and \\ ilL theref re, be of intere 1 t reader of the ommi ioner-in-Chiefs noual R ep rl.
Grand Prior Badge
J Int mmille of the Order of t. John and the British Red Cro nnual Report de cribe in detail the activitie the parent bodie ociet ha e dclegat d t the J int ommittee, the tate of the Committee' finance, and th e tent to \\ hich the co t of the year' ork ha encroached up n the fund, originally £6i million, which \ a allocated for the e ar Organi ation at the end of the la t \ ar. purp c b) the Joint The Rep rt and tatement of ccount for 1963- 64 how that the gro e\p nditur [ the mlllittee amounted to about £442 500 and that thi lim \\ a met mainl [r m th income received by Department , £236,300. Inter tanddi idend n in e tment ,\ ithdonation andlegacie pro ided a further £ 1_0000, and the balance o[ £ 6,460 reduced the General Fund to £2, 4, at the 30th Jun , 1964. Th omrnitte' en ic t the War Di abled, entirel free, and at a co t [£ 1_4,500, In re th~ n accounted for the Committee' deficit for the year. During th ) ear, 50,000 application for help \ ere received and dealt \\jth, and [the e er I ,000 r quired financial h Ip at a co t of nearl £ 0,0 O. in th pa t, th Joint mmittee wa helped by other Charitie concerned \\ ith - - r i men and the Committ e' fund were reli ved to the \tent [£ 11,000 b th rgani ation . The Joint Committee' help t the ar Di abled c r a r wide field, but a noti eable feature throughout th ar a in th pa t, ha b en th teady demand for a i tanc t enabl th \\ar \\ unded to achi e m bilit . In many a e help to\vard th pur ha [ a car ha enabl d th war pen ioner to continu in gainful empl menl. In other a th loan of a mot r propelled tri y Ie ha had the am e~ ct, and in 1963- 64 the Committe had n I an t Di abilit Pen i n r om 1 5 of th tri yc1e . In all thi \\ rk th Joint omll1ittee work in 10 a ociation with the Mini tl' [Pen i nand Nati nal In man e and it i th r for, particularl grati[ ing t b able 1 r pr du th f !lowing quotation rrom the Mini tr' rep rt n War P n ioner f r th ear 1963:"Th link \ ith v ILlntar b di ,man of \\ hi h w r forged in the
early day of the Welfare Service, grow ever tronger and Welfar-e Officers all over the country pay tribute to the co-operation and help they receive. On uch organi ation \ ith \ hich the War Pen ioner ' Welfare Service is cIo ely a ociated and almo t all of who e client are al 0 b neflciarie of thi Mini try i th Joint Committee ( t. John and Red r ). Exten ive u e ha been mad of the Joint mmittee' facilitie and there were many in tance during the year \"hen Welfare Officer enli ted their generou help on behalf of \ ar pen ioner . 'It ometime require con iderable courage a \ ell a imagination to provide financial upport of the kind that may be needed to enable a pen ioner to turn the corner \ hen ther i no certainty f a ucce ful outcome. The Joint Committee' reali tic approach and rl"Ol11pt action in uch ca e i alwa an in piration . . . . ' One hundred and five elderl nur e recei d regular allo\\ance toward their nur ing home fee and hou ehold e\pen e , and thi help goe orne \\ a toward relieving the ery real hard hip urTered by man) nur e \ ho throughout their profe ionallife had little chanc f rroviding for their old age. epar-tment of the Joint mmittee The Ho pital and M dical er ice make it own contribution to the welfare f nur e b) maintHlnlng Erne t Burdon Hou at Bournel11outh and Bram hott L dgc, near Hindhead a re idential home f r r tired nur e . The \\ rk nece ' an for the conversion of Queen le,andra H ou e, 01 k tn, into a home for tho e nur e at pre ent at Bram hott L dge i proc cding \\clL and it i hoped that the re ident ma m e there in the latc ummcr of 1965. The other home under the contr I f thi Department, Brighton onvale cent Ho pital, and cio Hou e, b th primarily r r clderl) c\-officer. have continued to provide go d acc mmodation f r c nvalc cnt and infirm officer, together \ ith killed nur ing and mcdical attention . The Libary Department 11a maintained ery much th amc level of activity a in previou year. earl 95,000 bed in ivilian Il o')pital h;we been provided \\ ith a Librar ervic, and nearl) 11,00 in crvicc Ho -· pital . In all, ome three and a half million book \\cr dl tributed to patient in ho pital Ia t year. In \ hat may be the la t full operating ycar f the mbulan Department before tran fer to the London unty ouncil, er 37, - 0 patient were carried within the ational Health ervice, and the t tal mileage amounted to 450,000. During the pa t year the Joint mmittcc', -ray Section wa di continued. The office accommodation problem be ctting the rder and the Red Cro Society in Gro venor re cent are al 0 faced b the Joint ommittee, who are the lea e-holder r r ur of the h LI e ncerned. Officer of the Joint ommittee are taking a full part in dra\\ing LIp the plans for the future. Y, - R LD R A il11oller.
know ledge ment
asl ew Letter .Iham ludio II Tour
rdon Time lid Hodg ~y Expre I)
Mail Wright
rd. iIllan
- Reuter field ew paper Ltd . ~ay Mercury (\ of Malta lern Time o. td .
OVER PI TURE: The photograph a ll the cover sh ow ' Brigade members bringing ill a ca lta/ty who had fallen from the cliff or Beachy Head .
Guernsey's marine ambulance.
PUlleral alld Ke/llish TOII'II Dil'iClIJI!JII/all( e pre~el1led 10 the
h) lhree of ill lIlelllhen .
hOllle of the Eo/il1R Dll'isiom . .., Gill ide {he fir t aid post a a H o pitaf Fete.
IN ACTION All il/jllred Greek brollght by R.A.F helicopter from : ten miles out is hy The Brigade to hospital.
A player. The spectators-casualties followin g a stampede at th e turnstiles. •
A /lendil/g Some 350 casualties ill the \\Ihel/ the Rollillg appeared at the Hall, I orthern
The accident.
The help immediately available. ~
he life of one of the casllalties from this apsized river carnival pirate ,IMp lI'as saved by mOllth 10 moWIz reswcitalion . T
Escorting al1 old lady to the District uru' wedding . ~
A peetator after being !zit by a nll1Q\va)' motor cycle.
H.R.H. The Princel! M orgaret, Countess .
H.E. The President on a tour of inspection.
110wdon, Ol17l1/ald f11e, . / Al7lblil I ~
IIrslng adets I he American Tropn) gallantry to Cadet Raymond Thompson
(Londonderry). Thi,! presented by
A rmy A ir Force jtotioned ill E dllring Ihe IVar, 10 Ihe I. John
perforllling the
H.E . The High Commissioner at a parade in airobi.
\Ianding aCI of In 01/1'
r \
A por/toll)' parol) .I ed f?irl lI'ilh Ihe lape rI pllrc/ut.led willi SlIhSCrtPliol/.\ ohloilled lar(, (I (ldel DiI'isiol1 Clnd which enohles her I~ 10 Ihe I71l1lie in which Ihe finds cOllsolol y
Pages 31 to 92 amended to 24th June, 1965.
BEDFORDSHIRE County Office: 6, Lansdowne Road, Luton.
County President: The Lady Zia WER HER, C.B.E.
The Princess \1 gare!, ountess oj SilO) with Brigade members. H .R. H .
County Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Hon. The Lord LUKE, M.A., D.L., J.P. Mrs. R. U. PHIPPS (Nursing) The Hon. Pearl Lawson JOHNSTO , O.B.E. (Ambulance and Nursing Cadets). Bri/i!lh G /liana R. . OAKLEY, 6, Lansdowne Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 21882). ommissioner . . . Major-General F. D. MOORE, C.B., C.B.~., D.L., "Corn Close," ~pulY Commis ioner . Ghana Felmersham, Bedford (Tel. Sham brook 440). Mauri/ius R. McEvoy, 64, Shakespeare R oad, Luton. 'ounty Superinlendent (A) Mi s M. PEMBERTOI , 2, Brook Street, Luton. (Tel. Luton igeria ounty uperintendent ( ) 30495). Dr. J. Kelsall THOMA, "The Briars," Totternhoe, D unstable Trinidad & Toba~o ounty urgeon (Tel. Dunstable 10). oll/h A/rica. Mi s D. ARCHER, 30, Langley Street, Luton. liSt. County uperinlendent ( Mr . M. Ramsey, Hospital Lodge; Potton Road, Biggleswade. ounty ur i ng Officer . . ounty tarT Officer (Cadet) ( ). Vacant. ount) tarT Officer ( adet) ( ) . Mr . M. BALL, 118, Oakley R oad, Luton. R. ELL! 0 ,370, Old Bedford R oad, Luton (Treasurer). ounty taff Omcer. . Mi D. WOODHEAD, 30, Langley Street, Luton. W. R. KE DALL, 47, Bancroft Road, Luton (Training). MiL. M. GRIMMER, 3, Station Road, Ampthill. H. B K, 26, Bishop cote Road Luton (Tel. Luton 52631). 'ounty e rela r) MiT. . WHITBREAD, 64, Heron croft Putnoe, Bedford (Tel. ounty P.R. . . 67635).
Superintendent ( ) . Superinlend nl ( ) . er . . ur ing Area StarT Ofllcer ( adet) ( Area ta rT 0 nice rs .
Area Area Area Area Area
Superinlcndent ( ) . ur ing mcer . . StarT Onlecr ( adel) ( ) taO- Officer ( adet) ( tarT Officer
orthern Area W. J. POULTER, c/ o. 4, Faldo Road. Bedford. MiT. . WHTTBRE D, 64, Heronscroft, Putnoe, Bedford. . WILLIAM .R . . , R. . M.. , 3, Berkeley R oad, Bedford. acant. . MILLWARD, 6, The Clo e, ewton-Blossomville, Turvey, Bed. r . L. D. LE TI E 71, he tnut enue, Bedford. outhern Area . . OBLE. 12, unridge Avenue. Luton. Mr . L. M. OWLEY, .R . . , 7, St. Mary' Lodge, Luton.
a ant. Mr. . M. HIGG ,30,
lratford R oad, Luton.
BERK HIRE oun/y Office: l. John HOLl e, 101, London Road, Reading.
!he l:ard Prior, a 177 171 issioner-in- hie/, SlIperintendentin-ChIef and M a.var 0/ Wes/mimler with Brigade memberl /ram
A us/redia B ri/ Guiana anada Ghana Grenada
elv Zealand igeria /. Kiw
allth A/rica
Commi ioner Deputy
Tel. R eading 54671.
ounty President: The Mo t Hon. The Marque of WILLI DO. COllllt)' Vice-Presidents: Mr. . J. BERGE ( III' iI/g). Major H. TR CY B R L ,T.D. Major J. O. K. PURDEY. Mr . M. Mo KLER. Major P. J. OLD, Warneld Hou e, r. Bracknell. (Tel. Winkfi Id Rov 420/2614). Brigadier T. . D. KELL .B.E., "Thoma on," King R ide, ioner. amberle, urrey.
s t. Cty. uperintendent ( County ur ing Officer County Staff Officer (Cadet) (A). County Staff Officer ( adet) ( ).
County Secretary P.R.O.
el on Memorial Hall
Count)' Office: 100 Lionel Street, Birmingham, 3. County President: Iderman . MOLE, O.B.E.,
Tel. Birmingham J.P.
Count)' Vice-Pre ie/ents · Iderman W. T. Bo E , J .P. (Ambulance) Mr . W. A. ADB RY ( ursil1g) Major J. P . EAME , O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadet ·) Mr . P. CADBURY ( ursing Cadet)
Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent ( ) County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon As t. County County
uperintendent ( ).
ursing Officer
County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). County Staff Officers .
County Secretary & P .R .O. County
Major .
27, Berekeley Avenue, Reading. Lady STIRLING, " 1m Lodge," Winkfield , Windsor. D. J. TUR BULL, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Spring Lodge," CastleHij Maidenhead, Berks. The Vi counte HETWY D, Ea tbury l-lou e, a tbury. Mi U. J . HA LAM, .R . . , "Ja mine tlage " mmet's ~ Binfield. L. E. HEDLEY, 16, ollege Glen, Maidenhead . Mr . E. M . WATER , .R .. Woodpecker arm Warren Ro Wargrave. Mr . THO 1A , 27, Berekeley Avenue, Reading. ( .H.S.R.). Mrs. J. E. MORRI . 106, Kennyland Road , onning Co' mon o (Admin). (Ho pital Librarie ). 1 D. M. LLOYD 32, hintleld Road , Reading (Trea urer). W. F. WI DMILL, 6 Raglan Garden , aver ham, Reading. enuc, aver ham (Tt Mi D . K . GtBB! ,33, outh View Reading 7 174). apt. P . B. M RPHY, . 1\1., 44, hando Road, ewbur~.
w. G. THO fA ,
County Superintendent (A) County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon
County taff Officer
County Office: Unlty Street, St. Philip's, Bristol 2. Tel. 22431. County President: Hi Grace The DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G., P.C., G.C.Y o. Coul7ty Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. L. BURGESS. Mis M. E. E. SARAH, M.B.E. . FROST, Esq., C.B.E. Rev. R. F. CARTWRIGHT, M.A. .. Lieut.-Colonel H. Es EX LEW[S, D.C.M., T.D., D.L., 11, Clifton ComnllS loner Hill Bristol 8. (Tel. 33808). R. L.' CHEVERTO , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "The Garth," Station Deputy Commi ioner . Road ailsea, Bristol. G. J. ~EECH, M.B.E., M.R .. H., 30, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, \SSISlanl Commi loner Bri tol 5 (Tel. 674522). (County ecretary) Mi B. GRIFFITHS, S.R .. , .M.B., " Tir Deri," 6 Parcau Road , County uperintendent ( Bndgend , Glam. J. A. Lan on ROBERT, M.B., CH.B:, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., 46, County urgeon hamhill Drive, Mangotsfield, Bnstol. Vacant. County ur 109 Officer . . Coun ty tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) . R L Co 70 Toronto R.oad, Horfield . Coun ty taIT Officer ( adet) ( ) . Mr .·E. F.' PU~LI , B.E.M., 138, Monks Park Avenue, Horfield, 7. P·l B · 1 (P ubl"c W.BriG.tol, CARTER, 16, Fairlawn Avenue, I ton , [lsto I entral 6Ii County tafT Officer Duties). dl dB· t I 6 GRIBBLE, B.E.M., 7, Stanley Road, Re an , ns 0, . ( ompetitions). . ) J FOLEY 2 Highfield Grove, Horfield, Bnstol, 7. ( .I?S. R .. Mr .. M . : CREECH, 30, Fir Tree La~e, St. G~orge, Br~stol, 5. Mi L. G. GORMA , 12, Windmill HIli, Bedminster, Bnstol, 3.
, B. c., F.P .. , 20, Sabrina Way, Stoke Bishop B · I3 Bri tol 9. (Training). I I. J. ROKER, B.E.M., I, Marguerite Road, Uplands, nsto . ( ivil Defence) . . M BRY T 284 Rcdcatch Road , Knowle, Bn.stol 4. . . BARTLE"';' 33' A lcove Road, Fishponds, Bn tol. Mi ·D. L. HAR'RI , 'A. l.A .. , 14, laverton Road We t, Saltford, Bri tol. (Trea urer). enue, Whitchurch , Major . . LOK R, 46, Whitecro Bri tol, 4.
0 .(
Brigadier . L. RI, .B.L., T.D., D.L., Barnclul lh , Tam\ or in- rden, Warwick hire (Tel. anworl!1-ln- rden 257). Vacant. W. R. LLOYD, 66, Bleakhill Road, Birmingham, 23. Mrs. D . . lCOL, 2, Brockton Place, reley King, tourw on- evem, Wore. (Tel. tourport 2330). W. H. SHILYOCK, M.D., H.B., B. c., 6, itzroy venue, H Count; ergeant ajor M~ an~, 10, Redl a nd Park, Redl a nd , Bri tol, 6 (Tel. 3619 ). borne, Birm ingham, 17. County P.R . . . Mr . . . IfMORr, 21, Twatling Road, Barnt reen, \ Birmingh am. Mrs . A. E. GREE , S.R . . , 192, Orphanage Road , Erdingtol BUCKI GHAMSIDRE Birmingham, 24. Olm!y Office : J. C LEsro ,173, alley Road, ollhull, Wan,ick hlf, Mi F.1. BOTT, 25, arndon Road, lum Rock, Birmingham. endo er Ro ad, yle bury, Buck . Tel. yle bury 3 6. 2, W. R. BECKWITH, 445, Bromford Lane, Ward nd, Birminl COllnt)' Pre ident: ham, 8. . H n. The arl of H \ E, .B.E., D.L., J.P. The Rt. M . C. LEGGETT, 48, Parkdale Road , Birmingham, 26 (Pub oUllty Vice-President : Duties) . Brigadier J. . HE EY, O.B.E. (Ambulance). A. . FORD, 85, Woodleigh Avenue, Harborne, BirmmghaI1i Dr. R . H. KIPpt G (Ambulall.ce Cadet ). 17. (Stores). The ounte CURZO"i ( urslIlg Cadet ). A. E. GRE , 192, Orphan ge Road, ' rdlngton, Birmmgharr . B KER, 10, Winchtleld Way, Rickman worth. Hert . 24. Commi ioner (Tel Rickman \ orth 75 21). R. L. R.HYM I::R, 203, Wheeler La ne, King I leath, Blrmingham, H fi ld R. . T. Pop, "Balnacraig,' Burges Wood Road , Beacons e . L. BEE H, 10, Romney lose, Hallre n, Birmingh am, 28. Deputy ommi ioner. A. W . PATE (Auxiliary), 21, Ice tcr Road oulh, King Heall (Tel. 4015) ha e " Da t het, Buck . Mr. M. BOOTlIM , I.B .E., "L nton , Birmingham , ]4 (Trea urer). County uperintendcnt ( Mr . G. A. CCLE TO , 173 , Valley Road, olihull, War\llC~· (Tel. lough -L302). " Th Old Boot' Dinton Nr. Mi M . F. GILU 0 , M.B., B .. , e , , hire. (Tel. Sheldon 4017). County Surgeon R. C. N. DAY, 297, Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham, 29. Ie bur.
Asst. County Superintendent County ur log Officer
County talf Officer (Cadet) ( ). County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). County taff Officer
County Secretary
Mi .M. roft, Walton. Road, Aylesbury , Mi P. .R . . , Colin wood Maternity Home ,Surgeo n Farnham r. lough. Vacant. \lur ing Officer Mi s M. E. WHITE" leveland," laremont ardens, Marlow Mis G. M. IVE, RImer, Limmer Lane, High Wycombe: Staff Officer ( adet ) (A) Bucks. (Training). Staff Officer ( adet ) ( ) . Kr G BURY, Hen haw Bierton, yle bury. (Publicit) ! Staff fficer. Advi ory). 1
Mr . . M. HOOD 14 Wellington Street, lough. Mr . E. HA DCO K, "Winford," Upper Ickneild Way, Princes Ri borough. Mr . G. M. DAY, "Lowgate," 7 lilford Road, Princes Ri borough. T. T. GOMM, " t. Gorran," Green Lane, he ham, BOIs. ( adet) T. G. M RTIN, T.D., M.L 1ECH.C., M.l. ·.E., .. an ard," 11, W mer ood Road, Burnham . Mi B. WHITE 9, Prince Road , yle bury. The Hon . Mr . J . M . TOJ OR, " t nor Park", Henley.on. Thame. 0 on. e. LA,\IBOUR'\ E, Wlllgra\e, r. )- Ie bur. Mr. . M. REY, .R . . , .. he ry," Petcr Lane, Monks Ri borough, yle bury (M . . D.) . uml tOner . D . ORLlK, tratton ottage, tratton Road, Beacon field . Mr . Z . BOT FORD, 116, Buckingham Road _ Ie bur), Buckl ut~ 01111111 ·S loner orthern Area
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area ur ing Officer Area Staff Officers .
Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent ( Area Superintendent ( Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officers .
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent )
uperintendent ( )
Lieul.- 01. L. D . M . GAVIN, M.D., M.B., CH.B.,31, Langley Road, Slough, Bucks. C Mr . P. D. PURDUE, S.R . . ,21, The ormans, Wexham ourt, Slough. R. . VA s, 17, Salisbury Avenue, Slough. Vacant. A L HALL 138 Albert Street, Slough (Transport). Mr .' J. . CALD~ELL, 32, Waterbeach Road, Slough. D. R. Abbott, 51, The Frithe, Slough.
County Office : Street, Ely. Tel. Ely 2678. County Presidents : The Lord FAIRHAVE , D.L., J.P. County Vice-Presidents: Major G. M. MACFARLA E-GRIEVE. t. Mary'
. M URICE-SMITH, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., "Etbeldreda Hou e',
(Tel. PHIy.D., 2678). "K er e II ," Sedley Taylor Road , WALK[R M.., .Ely. ambridge. . h' 11 W Coton Mr . . F. MA LEY, M.A. Breckfoot, W It we ay, . 67 Milton Road , (Tel. Madingley 42 ). , . W . W LKER, M.B., M.R . . . , L.R.C.P., am bridge. acanl. BE KETT, O.B .. , T.D., D.L., M.A., Mallabar' , I. J. Bra)' Lane , Iy. Trea urer).
W. M. M . Do GLA . , I.A .,M.B. B. H., 19. \ oherton treet. Il~ urgeon. Stony tratford. Capt. F. W. ORKER 56, ind or treet, oh'erton Buck\. lnl) urlng ITlcer , Jnt) taIT OJ cr acant. Dr. E. WITHERIDGE, I, al erton Road, ton tratford. Vacant. Mr. . J. GREY 13 , 0 borne (reet, Wol erton . Ely Area Vacant. upcrtntendcnl ( ) B. STEVE ,31, Glouce ter Road, W Ivert n. , Regent enue, March . uperinl(;ndcnt ( ) W. Mc GRA E, 30, ox ate, ewport Pagnell . I. ., LB ., CH.B., 14, Egremont Street, urge n Centra l Area a ur ing fllcer. G . G 0 E, I.B.C., II\er B IrCl, reen [·reet, I-'1 azlemere <, laIT m er ( adel) ( I High Wycombe. acant. a mbridge Area Miss B. M . WHITE, , Hillview," Loudwaler, 1-1lgh \i ycombe a ant. M. T. GALL OH ' R, 1.B., B.CII., B. \.0., D.08<;T., R.. 0.G., Gold (a omml 10dner ( ) ca Superint n ent Hill We t, halfont t. Peter. acanl. C b'd M J PlOTT 76 keman treet, am [\ ge. . Vacant. ea upcrtnlcndcnt ( ) . M: . J' M How~ 1'9 Highworth Avenue, Cambrtdge. F G BrG EL 24 arrington Road , outhcourt, Ayle bury 'ea taff mcer ( adet) ( ) .1 s . . R~ ' IT,'.' e terReld," oldhams Lane, herryhinton. " A. L. L" 17 I , Buckingham Road , yle bury. . ca taIT m er . Miss Miss M . T RRETT, 27, larendon Road , Pinion , HIgh (Training). enue, ambridge. ( ecretary). MiD . Ll TO , 6, a end .I h Wycombe. T. W Of\.IBWELL. 15, mer treet, Cambridge. R. D . G. A TEAD, 11 J, Whiteland Road, High Wycombe (Cadet) Mi P. M . T LLETr, 45, Highfield ro e, mer ham. orwood Road, Loudwater, High W. H. G. GIBBS, J 7, Wycombe. ( adet). CRE IDRE J. WOODLEY, 14, ra er Road , High Wycombe. J. R. GRF ORY, " Tothill ," Roger Lane, t ke Poge . Ollllty Office : ounty H Q Tabley Road, Knut ford , he hire. . ., Tel. Knut ford 346. outhern Area L. STEPH ,3, Mundesley pur, lough, Bucks. (Tel. Slough Ollllfy Vice-Pre idellt: 21238). BE L' Y (Ambulallce adet). W. W. WrLLIAM , olenorton nd, ton ollege, Wind or W e il ROB! 0, J.P.," oodea e ," Dal Bra\ , Pre tbury, Omml ioner Miss OMM, 117, anterbury venue, lough . he hire . (T I. Pre tbury 9357).
Deputy Commi sioner . County Superintentent (N) County Surgeon County
ursing Officer
Asst. County Surgeon . County Staff Officer (Cadet) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadet) ). County Staff Officer
County Secretar County P.R.O . .
..S. MUMBY, M.B.E., "Glendyne," Prenton Lane, Prenton Blrkenhead. (Tel. Mountwood J 372). . Vacant. H. C. W . BAKER, M.R.C .. , L.R.C. P., 16, The Wiend, Rock Fer~ Birkenhead. ' Mi s A. M ULLY, .R . . , "Byway," 136, London Road antwich. . O. P. EDMO D , l.D., M.B., H.B.," illyfield," Gaddum Roali Bowdon. H. . BECKETT, 2, talbridge Road, rewe. Mr . A. L WRE E, 13, Albert Road . headle Hulme. Mi M. . DEA , 13, De Quincey Road, I tri n ham. H. G. H 1 11 G, 4, heringt n 10 e, orthenden, Man che tel', 23. (Training). E. Allen \I1ITH, 5, laremont Road, Walla e, he hire. Mr . E. r GlETO , The Blue ap ottage, he ter Roae Sandiway. (Tel. 2305). D. T. Bo IFORD, 7, Beechfield Road, Davenport, tockpol ( uxiliar). (Tel. tepping-Hill 4217) .
Area Surgeon
Area Nursing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A)
County Superintendent ( )
ur ing Officer
County Staff Officer ( adet) ( ). County Staff Officer
County ecretary PRO County . . . .
Superintendent (A) • Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . . ur ing Officer . . Staff Officer (Cadets) ( Staff Officer (Cadet) ( Staff Officers .
'Sloner uperintendent ( ) H . BE RO , I, Harleen ro e, OfTerlon, tockport. Superintendent ( ) Mr . J. J. BOMFORD 37, Beechfield Road, Davenport, Stod ~rea urgeon port. J. MACFrE, M.B. H.B., unninghiiJ, Town cliffe Lane, Marp! ~rea ur ing fficer Bridge. Area taff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Mr . R . ALLA , .R . . , High tack, Po nton. Area Staff Offi er ( adet) ( ) R . W . Wr TERB R ,66, Thomwa ,Bramhall, t ckport. ~rea Staff om er ~rea ~rea
Vacant. Vacant. acant. Vacant.
Miss N. K KELLARD, M.B.E., Outlands, 18, orthfield Drive, Truro. Miss . K. D EAN, S.R.N., " lrmisidgen," St. lve Cross, Liskeard. 1. JAMES," igel," Barncoose Terrace, Illogan, Redruth . Mis K. GOVIER, 12, High Street, Launceston. Mrs. H. C. ASHER, M.B.E., J.P., Trehayerne, Truro. ( .H.S.R.). W. H. MAYCOCK, "Lyndale," Tresillian, Truro. (Transport, Appeal ). F. POlKl GHOR E, "Hyland," H eanton Villas, Redruth . (Competitions and Civil Defence). P. PEARCE, Barclays Bank, Redruth . (Treasurer). Dr. G . A. DA BY, M.B.E., " H alwartha," Upper Castle Road, t. Mawes. D . D. TOWLE, M.A., M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., Rosehill House, Par. (Trainng) Mi G . MORCOM, 7b, Varley Terrace, Liskeard. J. R. BE ETT ( uxiliary) , 3J, Albany Road, R edrutb. (Tel. J 61).
J . J. P RCE, " elden," Bo uen Road, ewquay. . T . BUNT, 42, H enyer Road, ewquay. Mr . M. E. GOULD, 2, GJamis Road, ewquay G. . BAR ES, M.B., B.. , D.R.C.O.G., 55, Henyer Road , ewquay. Mr . D . E . . VA DE POL, .R . . ,11, South View, Callington Road Addington, Li keard . E. JE ~ 9 t. Mary' rescent, Bodmin .. Mr . O. D . POTT , Metheral Tredethy Bodmm. . A. CUTLER, "Gresham," 100, Mount Wise, ewquay. . J. OOK, 3, Jalia Road, ewquay. (Cadet) . R. H . TRE ATN ,6, t. Leonard Terrace, Bodmrn.
We tern Area ~rea (01111111
L. 1. \ A' , I, tanway Drive, Hale, Itnnchum. Mis H. M. PRI E,9, ictorJa Road, to kton H\;clth . Miss B. F R IVAlL, 14, Dalton arden, Davyhulme, Mar chester. G. H. GA DY, 32, reen A enue, Davenham, orthwich.
loner Area Superintendent ( \rea 1I ring ffieer Area tafT omccr ( adet) (
Area tafT ffieer ( adel) ( ) \rea. tafT Omcer'; .
vVe tern Area Area Area Area Area Area
Superintendent (A) . Superintendent ( Surgeon . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Staff Officers .
Ea tern Area
entral Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
c~unty Staff Officer ( adet) (A).
~rea (01111111
Ea tern Area
Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent )
A. BLAYLOCK, 10, O akland Road, Igburth, Liverpool. Miss W. A. LAMB, 2 , Highgreen Road, Blrkenhead, CheshIre acant. J. HAR EY, 53, Woodyear Road, Brombor ugh, Wirrall. H . STORER , 92, laremount Road, Walla 'ey. R. LYTH, 4J, Aldgate, Jle mere Port. Miss M. . MA 0 ,4, Lome Road, lon, Birkenhead.
EY lOUR, 60, Trefu i Road, Redrutb . . W. PAUL, 4, Park Road. Redruth. Mr. . TREWRE ', .R . . , "Treyine," St. lye Road Chy- nweal, arbi Bay, t. lYe. D . F. Bu T, 18, Gwa a treet, Penzance. Mi M. r. WI G, 40, Manor Road , Cambome. · . P llO\ E, 3, Tolgu -\ artha, Redruth . · R. RODD , "Murilai," Campfield Hill, Truro .
ardew, Dal ton
D AND WE TMORLAND Ol/Ilty Office: r. Carlisle, umberland.
(Tel. Dal ton 327).
Co lin t V Presidents : arl of Lo ~ALE, We tmorland. J . WE TOLL, E q., D.L., J.P. ( umb rland).
County Office: COlilltl' Vice-Pre idellts: 18, Dean Street, Liskeard. Tel. Li keard 2010. Mr . M . L. B RR CLO GH (ursillg), umberiand. County President : Mr. . M. L DER ( /I/' iI/g), We lmorland. Lady Mary PAWlL Mr . J. . BARRETT ( II/'sillg Cadets), umberland. County Vice-Presidents : Mrs. A. M. BLACKWOOD, Mr . H. . A HeR, 1.8.E., J.P. ( IIr.~illg). . M. Kr MO T, .B .. , Beacon Hill, .Penrith. (Tel. 2678). Commi sioner . Lady Mary H OLBOROW ( IIrsillg Cadets). · . . BARR ETT, Be kroot , H elton, P~nrttb. Depllty OIllIllIS loner . Commissioner . T H BBOTT 10 caws Drive, Penrtth . Rear Admiral L. A. BOUTWOOD, C.B., O.D.t., olden Cap" County Superintendent ( ) Tile . ounte ~r 'RLl LE, aworth a tie, Brampton. (Tel. Tideford, Salta h. (Tel. Landrake 237). I County lIpertntendent ( ) Deputy Commissioner. W. L. STEWART, M.B., H.B., Tremethick, rampound. 621). 1 County Superintendent ( ) Princess hula llAKRABO GSE, Tredethy, Bodmin. (Te. COunty Surgeon . . · L . B IRKETT, M.A., M.B., CH.B., 3, Thorny Hills, Kenda. St. Mabyn 232). Mr. . E. R E Stancroft Carlisle. Ass!. ely. uperintendent ( ). County Surgeon Dr. E. H. EASTCOTT, Gwel Marten, Probus, r. Truro. I
38 County County County County
Nursing Officer . . . taff Officer (Cadet) (A) . Staff Officer ( adet) ( ). Staff Officers .
County Sergean t Major County Secretar. Asst. County Secretary County P.R.O . .
superintendent ( Miss D . J. WHlTELEY, .R . . , Cumberland In fim1ary Carl~1 I ~rea . TEPHEr 0 ,70, umberland Street, Workington . ' e' l a Surgeon Mi s M. You G, .R . . , 38, Ma on treet, Workington. I \re J. H. SMITH, 9, Dunmail D rive, arli Ie. (Treasurer), I I a ur ing Ofllcer . Mi s R . J. V. HI D, 18, Scotland Road, arli Ie. (Trainln! I /~; Staff Ofllcer ( adet) (A) . Hu BA D, "I airfi~ld ,~arden , Wigton Road, Carlil,: I \~a tafT Ofllcer ( adet) ( ) D. GRAHAM, Park lew, ardew Dal ton, r. Carl~le lea tafT Ofllcer (Carli Ie 2628 -9 (Bu ine ». I r, Mi A. M. i\![TH, oody R ai e, G ra mere, We tmorlanl ) (Tel. 213). T. WHITE roE, 19, \ hite tile, Kend al. (Tel. 976). I
Mrs. C. L. MAIZEL,
S.R .. " Carmel ," Mill Lane, Whitwell,
Dr. rS. ~~r~s~~. s, Holly Bank, Skinne Street, Creswell r Worksop. Vaca nt. ARTER York House, Creswe, II Worksop . r. . . M 0 ;. 133 Whitecotes Lane, Walton, Chesterfield Mr. 'IA E306 GI~d tone Road , Chesterfield. · M OR Road, Temple ormanton, r. A. ILL" 256 'Chesterfield . hesterfield. PO ULTER 80 Langwith Road, Bolsover. : T' R ER, 24's, 'he terfield Road, Temple orman ton, r. he lerfield. B 1 Mr . J . PEGG , 36, l. Lawrence Avenue, 0 sover,
DERBY HIRE County O/fice'
] y Hou e, Mickleo er, Derby.
(Tel. 53124).
\rea ergeant
r. Chester-
Inkersall, Staveley, Mrfield. . K . M . STA LLA D, " The Cottage" ' r. hesternelpd. I b k Road Duckmanton Chesterfield. J T M[TH 84 00 roo . , k G 51' kinner lreet , Creswell, r. Wor sop. .. G" ETHl-"',
Countl' President :
ational oal Board ' 0. 5 Area . H F PARKER. 377, Derbv Roa~, oltlllgham. \rea Commi loner . H . YE ?6 team Hill Lane, Rlpley. Count)' Vice-Pre ident: ~rea upenntendent ( ) . ,6a Kingsway Ilkeston. i count ' C R DAL (Ambulance). Mr . M. RIGLEY, S.R.." ' & s " Beechcroft," \rea uperintendent ) JOH 0 L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P. ., Sir John CROi\IPTOI -I GLEFrELD, KT., J.P., D.L. (Ambulance Cadets). L J . . ' , . tt \rea urgeon Mr . B. M . DRURY-Lo\ (ursillg Cadets). hurch Lane, B;1~ley, oo~ ,,'2 16 Heanor R oad, Ilkeston. L1r ing Officer . Commi sioner . \rea Mr . K. M~~Lr:Y' J3 ~i~g w~y, llk'eston, Derby hire. Capt. P . J . B. DR R) -LOWE, Lo ko Park, Derb). (Tel. De. ) \rea tafT m er ( adet) 61517). L '. C. G ' , 8 Wade Ave?ue, llkeston. tafT om er ( adet) ( ) Deputy Commissioner. Capt. J. TKI 0 , 1.B.E., hlte Knowle ottage, Chinle, I \rea AI~ lORE 41 Heath Road, R1Ple Y' d South, Heanor. \rea tafT fficer r. tockport. HYD E Sve Lane Hou e, like ton R oa Count uperintendent ( H. ~LE' The hipley, Heanor. Mi B. . BRI"-.DLE. I I, ole Lane, Borrowa h. De rb~ County Surgeons K "F~rcrorl' odnor Gate, Cod nor. 1. M CKE ZIE, M.B., B. . , f.R.C .. , L.R .. P. 141 Manor Roa Derby. O~D The G;ange, Trowel, otts. Mrs. lara TEW RT, \-1. B., CH.B., B.A .O., 3, Hard\\lck MoUi Buxton. outh rn Area County ursing Officer . . acant. County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). E. T. BROW"-.I'\IG , 91, Boult n Lane, :-.1. B., CH.B., " Raomoor," 4 0, Burton Road Area 01111111 loner County Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ). Mr. . B. WRIGHT, 2 , Wood Road , pondon, r. Derby. County Staff Officer W. F. RIGL Y, 6a, Kll1g \i a), like. ton. (Trall1lJ1g). I \rea upenntcndcnl ( ) Street, D erby. Mr . G. E. H . WE THERB), 2, Kll1g ton treet, Derbl Area uperintendent ( ) 7, Crich Avenue, (Welfare). I Area urgeon County Secretary Mi . F. BELL, h y Hou e, iel-,Ie \cr, Derby. (Tel. Der 53124). Area ur ing mc r. . . Asst. County Secretary Mi D . TR '\IT R, 33, GRA'.GE TREET, DlRll) . I Area taO' fficer ( adct) ( ) County P.R.O . . F. J. 11[\1 ELL, J 51, Manor Road, Bfll11tnglon, r. he Ie' I Area tafT m er ( adct) ( ) field. Area taff fll er orth rn rea Area Commissioner . G. HOUfE" 10, Deerl and R ad, hgatc, he. terneld. Area Superintendent (A) Vacant. Area Superintendent ( ) Miss . START, 56, Bro\\n Edge Road, Buxton. Area Surgeon J. H. TAArrE, L.R .... , L.R.C.P., L.\1.I\.1., 61 , Derb~ ROde D ORTH DEVON OU H Wingerworth, he terfield. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H . BAXBY, 23, Ie andra Road . Dronneld . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( Ollnt)' Office: Mi s M . V. BROGA , Beech Hou e, 16, Queen lreet, Che ter· I e ton bbot 3775. , R d c\o\l n ·bbol. Tel. field. oa, 5, t. Pau I I Area Staff Officers . E. . H. Dow ,6, entral Terrace, Lord mIll Ireel Countv President: Che terfield . i cdmiral The Lord HBO R E, .B. D .•0. H. LLI., 21, lark on he terfield venue, B ythorpe, (Training). Ollntv Vice-Pre idents: Area Sergeant Major . . STA LEY, al11ekeeper' ottage, ox tone ood, Barroll Lady R Y ER ( ur ing) .. H ill, Che terfield. Dorothy, Lady hlB RT TERRY ( IIrslllg Cadets). ational Coal Board 0.] Area hburton . D von. (Tel. Maj r T . \ . R EY, M lro e Commi Ion r . Area Commjssioner hburl n 2 3). B. KE DALL, " Bonne ienne," Mallock Road, he 'terfield. Area Superintendent (A) Vacant. HI
County Superintendent ( )
Mr . L. 1. TO\ N END, Denbury M anor, Denbury, ewton DORSET Abbot. (Tel. lpplepen 245). Vacant. County Office: Mr. M. D. I HOLL, S.R . . , Bracken Howe, Sidcliffe ortb quare, Dorchester. Sidmoulh. Count) Staff Officer ( adet) ( ). R. L. JrLL TT, I.B., B.. , D.P. 1., The Larche, Digby Ho PItal County President: E eler. County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Dorothy, Lady ELLE BOROUGH. Mr . M . W. BOLT, LitUe Cop e, ewcourt Road, Topsham E eter. COllnty Vice-Presidents: County Staff Officer W. . JOH 0 2, The Broadway, Littleham ro , Exmouln, The Earl of HAFfESBURY (A177b~lance) ( mbulance Liai on). M A M. C. COOPER ( ursll1g). T. T. HAY, .R. . Wonford Hou e Ho pital, xeter. Lady L~tice 'Ashley COOPER (Nursing Cadets). (Training). Mi D . BOURCllIER-WRC), Taw to k, hudleigh. M' R W H UMPHREYS Tarrant Gunville Manor, Bl andford ilnlOlI sioner R . Webber, 63, RI enl1ead Road, C:-.eter. (Training). aJ~;uI"';. eTel. Tarrant Hinton 262) H . F. T PP, 39, . alter Road, xeler. :Jepuly oml11i ioner. Count ecretary Vacant. Mr R . M. EYMOUR, F a Icon er's House , Crichel , Wimborne, Mi . B. BOTTOf'v ILE ,"]mernia," harp') 10 e, Heathfie!; 'ounly uperinlendent ( ) wton bbot. (Tel. Bove) Tracey 3306 . D~r et. (Tel. Witchampton 273). 32 Prince of Wales' ounty P.R.O. . . TAYLOR, 1 , Bridgeto\\n, Totne . (Tel. 1435). · J. RO\1 E, M.R .C. ., L.R .. P., D.O.M .. , , u rgeon ollnt) Road , Dorche ter. Health Centre, Weymouth. U DERLA D, .R .. , W th M· D Ea t D ,on Area :Uunty ur ing Officer . . LDRIDGE, 58, St. Thomas Street, eymou . ) . K.I H. M. fficer ( adet) ( laff JJunly Area Commi ioner Major R. . P. RAY, LB., 23, outhernhay a t, Exete' :Ounty taff Onker (Cadet) ( ). Area Superintendent ( ) acant. G Id raft Avenue Weymouth. C. J. WOOD, 40 King way, Heavitree, , eler. E. ox,F Corra 'oun ty tan' Ol1ker Ly nn , ponnce . c of Wales Road , Dorchester. Area Superintendent ( ) · W " ydco" 67 Mr . D . R. OLE, Harmony Hill, Ivy Orchard, WJlmington, · . F , " I Weymouth. r. Honiton . J . B. PEN ER, 16 , Por~we) te °R~ad Parkstone. (Training). Area urgeon 0 . T. H. GLA,\\ ILL, T.D., \1.R .. '., l.R . . P., 1.1'.11., \l.e.G,p., r . . BRYA T, 3 , an. ec?, Wardcliffe Road Weymouth. The Gra e, Honlton. , t " Canford Mag~a, Wimborne . F. H. Hou E, "Taorr::Dtna rea ur ing Officer Mr . J. W. HORSEY, erwen , Mr. P. . D \ ID. 0'\, .R. . , olle) HIli, \ hlle lOne, \r Exeter. ( E..HD .. R.). Provincial Bank, St. Thomas Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) RRICK, C 0 a l'onal I D . E. F. Q 1,\ LLL, o. 2, ilk arkelll1g Bard, el)il . t Honiton. e)D1outh (Trea urer). I Area taff Officer (Cadet ) ( ) tree, . O' D r he ter Ro ad, We) mout 1. . Mr. D. P. HITCHI G, ooTro\\ ollagc," a\combe RegiS, MIr. F.D.B.R.LoBOOTH, G, I '7 OM oun t Joy , Burton Road, Brtdport. idmouth. :OUnl) ecrctary rea Staff Officer (Tel. 2999) . r . J. LL BY, The range, loke-II1-Tclgnhead. acant. COUnl) P.R. . outh D eyon Ar a Area Commi sioner Lt.-Col. . M. Tow'\sr D, Denbury Man. r, Denbury, ewton bbot. DURHAM Area Superintendent ( ) P. BAKER, 14, King' venue, Paignton. Area Superintendent ( acant. COllnty Office: Area Surgeon . . . ewca tle-upon-Tyne 81-3646. A. EVERARD, \1.B., CH.B., 26, Keyberry Park, e\\ton Abbot. e ca tle-upon-Tyne 2. Tel. Area ur ing Officer . borne Terrace, 2, Mr . D. \IIMI'\G, .R . . , Bea on lew, 36, arberry Road, We t Torquay. COlltity President: Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) M. E. C. TEoH M, Lavender ottage, oach Road, lewton Rear- dl11lral . W. LA'!.B R'\[, ,B., .B.E. Abbot. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) ount I' Vice-Presidellf: Mi s H. G. HARLE WORTI!, Barton, fr>r>lcpen, ev.ton Abbot. Area taff Officer . H. F. Dr MO'\D, .R . . ,36, Barton Hill Road, Torquay. I e Lad) ' BRA RD ( ursillg). .R . . ,9, Millon Park, pper Bri'\ham, Mi s V. 1 , The Fi r Langley Park , R. RUTHERFORD, T.D., LB., B. ., J:P'\5) , Commi loner Durh am. (Tel. Langley Park Rainton Lodge, \ est o. orth Deyon rea O.B.E., M.. , M.B:, CH.B., B R Depuly omml ioncr Area Commissioner . Rainton', Houghton-Ie- pring. . H. HOLLI GSHEAD, O.B.£'., T.o., M.B., II.B., MIddleton, ombe acant. Count, uperlntendenl ( Martin. Area Superintendent (A) County urgcon. . R. BRAooO"1, " t. John," Yelland Road, rremington, Barn. Miacant. M. DALRYMPLE- MITH, .R . . , 4 , Park Road, underland. staple. CounlY ur,>ing fficcr Area Superintendent ( ) County lan' m er ( adet ) ( ) . Mr . M. H. K1'lG, " R iverside," In tow, orth Devon Id a ant. 0 roft Terrace JarrO\. Area Surgeon CounlY lafT Ofllcer ( adet) ( ). Mi O. DO! 0" err hitl 0 Durham. J. P . BUSH, M.B., B.. , M.R.C .. , L.R .. P. , DR .. O.G., lIeathfie County tafT fli er W M TITER 4, Glebe Hou e , ~ I 'tre t, Jarrow-on-Tyne. Hou e, Old Torrington Road, Bam taple. d . , r M B E 6 Breaml 1 Area ursing Officer . Mi . URLO K, " ' ! ' . t ewton yc l'ff' I e. Mrs. M. Lr DAY, .R . . , " raig-y-Don," Rumsam Roa, . K 46 a hlngton re cen , BamstapJe. J . J . D . . ERR, '. < t Darlington. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H . ARR, 8, Barntngh.a~1 ~infzrord Road , Ham terly Mill, . S. PALMER, layva, Durrant Lane, ortham, Bideford. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) W. A. REAIl, lengarrlc, Mrs. . J. II. SAU DER, ImneJd. Bear treet, Barn taple, Area Staff Officer Rowland Gill. (Trea urer)'l 'll underland. Mrs. D. M. S TT," t. lif-I E s," Park Avenue, Oakland Park, Barn taple. Mi . P. R Y, 2, dUlmmer~u~ South Bent , Whitburn. T. HOPKIN , 22, arn a e ve , County Surgeon . . County lursing Officer
H. R . S. D'HAE E , 32, Claremont Road, Darlington. (Civil Defence). W. Mc D M, 9, Hackworth Street, Dean Bank, Ferryhil\ G. H. HARDrE, LB ., II.B. "The Cedar ," 0, We tbourneRo~d We t Hart/epool. (Training). ' Mr . R . WAT 0 , 40, Braodling Place outh, ewcastle 2. (Tel. ewca tle-upon-Tyne 1- 1515) .
County Secretary
,unty ur ing Officer County urgeon. . . . ·\~~ty tafT Officer (Cadets) (A). :unty Stan: Officer ( adets) ( ) . llunly tan Officer
Ea t Durham Area
Area rea
omml ioner uperintendent ( ) .
Area Area
uperintendent urgeon
ur ing Officer
Area rea
l\I.R . . P..
) .
D. .1:-1 ., 1, H olmland
Park oUlh.
'. R. " I. Wa endon
taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) ta ff OfficeT ( adet ) ( )
uperintendent ( ) .
Durh am.
34. Tun tall
L:rgeant ccretar)
I\I.B .. S ."> ., B. HY .• D.P.I!.. harpe Bulmer. Han. e. t H artlepool. II' . F. '; L ,11. erner 10. e. Hart talion. West H artlepool. R. K. BROy I.B .. II.B ., K ehin H oue, Bearpark. Co Du rham.
urgeon ur ing Officer
GLO CE TER HIRE COUllt)' Office :
12, R yal
taff Officer (Cadet) (A) taft Officer .
FR\ ecretar for
r ,"
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet ) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officers.
Coun ty County Count) Count)
County Office:
Lancaster House, 140, Mildmay Road ,
helm ford.
Bt., C.B., o.o.r., T.D.,
J .P .,
Lord Lieutenant.
County Vice-Presidents : EWMA ( ursil7g).
The Lady Joan
Asst. Cly. Superintendent ( )
uring fficer fllccr ( addS) ( tan' OfTIcer ( add') ( ). ). ta IT Ilicer
helm ford 557 9.
apt. R . J. W e LEY, T.D., J .P., 96, alleywood Road, helms· ford. (Tel. helm ford 2704). Vacant. d Mrs. B. TRAI , hipping Il ill Hou e, Ii al tead. F. P. WALLIS, M.R . .S., L.R .. P.," ower," allcywood Roa , Great Baddow. Mr . E. M . Be HAM, 2J, Queen's Road, olche ter.
helten ham 53610.
Coun ty ecreta 1')
.\rea ommissi ner
P.R . .
<ld) \ I Ict VER"-'O"" (I\, urslIlg) . LD\\ \ , r.D., D.L. (Ambulance Cadets) H . L. l. . RE\, 1'-1. .0., Ha\ I'109 M anor, ndover ford, (Tel. Guiting Power 36_). . 90 Lcckhampton Road. LiL:ut- olonel F. Y ILLlA I 0 ,O.B.E., ,
. 0 at\.11 an d , Shurdington ' r. Cheltenham. Mr.heltenham . . \ LLLJ\N. Th Bourne 54, Parton Lane, (Tel. hurdington 225). 11. DRAKE, /\I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., e , . Jlouce . harlton Clo e, Charlton King , D. ter.. T RI\I\ILR, ' 54 Parton Lane, Glouce ter. Ir h. Itenham. DR KE, .R.. , The BOLltne, ,
1 15
COUllly President :
Colonel Sir John R UGGLE -BRr
ounte O/I//(}'
COllnt I President ·
R. M. ARCHIBALD, M.B., H.B . 0 .1.11., e tfkld, Hare La\\' arl onfield Plain , tanley. Cam ml ' 10nL:I J. T. DR 1MO 0, 267, Wind or venue, ate he< d, . Mrs. M. H . R OCHE TER, 5, Pike yde, Dlpton, o. Durham ommi ionL:r. Mr . M. F. t. J. 0 GRA LB ., B... , ~e lling Lodge ~eputy Felling-on-Tyne. :ounty upenntcndCl1l ( ) acant. W . Yo 'GER, 90, ear Road, outh tanl y. "'ounty urgcon Mr . E. . Yo 'G 'R, 90, Wear Road, oLlth tanle). J. . K E:\ ED't, 1, Holly Terrace, outhmont, tan Ie) . ~sst. Ct). upL:rllltendcnt ( Mis A . VErT II, ,. ell iew," Win laton, Bladon-on-T)ne.
rc cent,
\ enlle. Durham.
\Ve t Durham Ar a
D eputy Commis ioner . County Superintendent ( County Surgeon
PR'yO~, ,- Karri'dale,"
Y . F . H LL,
) .
lere's Hall, Danbury, Essex. (Cadets). 13. Heycroft Way, Gt. Baddow, Ch I f d helm ford. J . K. LA DER, 20, Thame venue, e ms or '. . L J WL TLAKE von HOll e, tan ley Ro ad, WI enh,?e. L. r. BralOtree. Mr ' . D' J. C LEME,' "Beechur t ," High Garrett, . ·, IA 23 halli Road, Bratntree. B R..\YHE\ M· H. P,'. t Lc' onard ,., Wash Road , Laindon, Essex. (Tel. 21 9).
ounty \enue, V ct H"lI tlcpool. Co ounly
Durham Area 11TH .
Mi S M RE OLDSON, .R .. ,14, Rothesay Avenue, Chelmsforu. Dr . W. ·K . . PALMER, T.D ., 15, Ingli s Ro ad, Colchester. A POOLE 178 Cowdray Avenue, Colchester. M' 'R I L~EKS :37 Melbourne Court, Chelmsford. M~" '. ·M . H~RT,' 5, omerville Ro ad, Sutton Coldfield, Warwick hire. ( ) F BROOKS 144 Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford. Treasurer. Mrs.' M. A. 'SPV~GEO. , 9, Cotman Road, Shrub End, Colche ter. ( adets). A dl . h C I F. THOR DIKE, Elm Tree House, Fox Street, r elg, 0 che ler. (Cadet). f d ( H S R) Mrs. V. F. HEDGE, 98, Dorset venue, C~elms or. . . . . W SCHOFIELD 45 ictoria Street, Bramtree. . (Cadetrt M;· . r. M. T. HAS~AM, " Phaphamau," 98, Patchmg Hal ane, M L. r
re cent. High
\ enue. furt on. eaham. a t Boldon Road. leadon. E.
Area rea Area
Road, ea.
Bed e lreeel. Roker. underland " Belle ue," l. J ohn' Terrae;
rea Commi lOner
jlla . D ene H ou
' 11
Mr. . B. L
Rotunda Terrace, Montpellial:' I~elt nham. , t, llillbro\\. Kin g mead, Pam \\lcL ( ount)
Mi\. elrare). . K. O. \ LLL,7, Id ora d a Road , Cheltenham. ( dmin. '3 Honyatt Road , G lou e ter. edical omfort). Mr. 1. . llEE, .R ... , - , (Training d\'i er. L1r mg). T L RK 3, -alk.ner treet, Glou e ter. heltenham. I7' outh Drive, Leckhampton Raad ,( d t ) J. r~L . . .' ') Tanner Road, heltenham. a e . .J. P\IIEll,-, d R d heltenhum. R .. I!. IIOR 'BUR'!. 51, Ro ~~~O"~l~L1'ry," Thorncliffe Dri . M I' . . t AR IIA LL, hcltenham. (Tel. _2_05). For t of Dean Area U.- I. ir Patrick dIlLL, Bt., T.D., D.L., ) lburton, L) dne) .
u\ ran HOLl e
outhern Area
ommi ioner
Coun ly Surgeon
Lieut.- olonel J. W. Wo LDRTD E, Moyne, Tetbury.
ollage, ShiPton ~ st. Cty. County
t. Peter Port,
uern ey.
uern ey
uperinlendent ( ) ur ing Officer
tafT Officer ( adet ) (A).
County ta fT Officer ( adel ) ( County tafT Officer
COllnly O/fice:
Headquarter, Rohai,
Bailiwick Presidel/t: Ir \ illiam R OLD, .B.L. Bailiwick Vice-Pre idelll : Dr. W. B. u,. Lady OLE~I '-. ( III sil/g) . J. L. M RTEL (AlI1bulal/ce adets). 1r. M. M . LOVERTD ,E (Ilrsil/g ad!!(::;).
Commi ioner
Colon I R. B. BRO\DBE T, O.B.L, La Ruelle, t. Martin. Guern ey. (Tel. t. Martin 435). i tant Commi loner W. TAYLOR, B.E.M., Quendon, Le Martival, La Ruette, SL artin. (Tel. t. Martin 247). Bailiwick Superintendent ( ). R. . L FF, "Belize," Doyle Road, t. Peter Port. Baili,\ick Superintendent ( ') Mr . R. M . THOMP 'ON, La Tourelle, Pierre Pcrcee. (Tel . entral 255). Baili\\ ick Surgeon . ongcham l1, t. amp. R . M. F. 10 ' , 1.\ ., 1.B., B. I!lR., Le ' I on, uem ey, .. rea Commis ioner and P.R.O. R. H. BLA'\. mORD. (J.B . . , G. \1.. Le route Ilerlvel , Rohal, t. Peter Port. Baili\\ ick Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) H. To Z[ L, Holmlea, Route tiltalre, ale. Guern ey. Baili\\ ick taffOfficer ( adet) ( ) Mr. O. H. ALLTE'\.'\.E, "Balmoral," uelle Road, t. Peter Port. Bailiwick Staff Officer F. v . B H, "Palma," t. Peler Port. . OlL, 01\\ he, Le Mourant, t. Marlin. H. FALL , Durrington , Le Banque, t. amr> 'o n, uern ey. ( adets). R. J. HERVE, "Beau oleil" aumarez Lane . a t I. (Trea urer), W. G. BAKER, 22, t. George' L 'p lanadc, l. Peter Port. ( ompetition). . E. FROOME, "Roemead," Le. riour, !vii G . M. De ARt. L' brJ, King' Bailiwick
Rohai de H au t,
nd r
County ecreLary (\sst. 0punRt y ecretar ount) . . .
Olllml 'Sloner
~rea ~rea ~rea
upenntendent ( ) up nnlemlenl ( ) urgeon
ur ing
adet ) ( taff nicer talT !Ticer ( adet )( ) Area tafT m er
ucrn ey
RAMP HIR mche tel.
Tel. 2
COllnty President :
0.13.1 •.
ounll' Vice-Presidenl ': Admiral of the Fleet ir Algernon . WILLI, G.. 13., K.B.r, O.S.O. Marjorie, OU TESS OF BRrCK 0 K ( w ·sing). Mr . P. MORGAN ILLS ( IIrsing odeIS) .
ommlssioner Deputy
County Superintendent ( )
omml I ner
Area Superintendenl ( )
Count) Office Wessex Hou e, 6, Upper High treet,
. R.
The Hon . Mr.
n; er
aptain H. P. r IL DLRSO , \.13.[., D.S.O., R . . , JJamlet Hou e, Hambledon . (Tel. 648) . Brigadier B. W. WLBB- ARTl-R, D... 0., O.B.L., hton ottage, Bi hop Wa ltham . Mis L. OOPER, The Thatched ottage, hirlev Holms, Lyminglon . (Tel. way 220)
Area Superintendenl ( ) Area
Area SlafT Area StafT Area StafT
!Ticer ( adet) ( ) er ( ad t ) ( ) ffi er .
Area Commi ioner Area Superintendent ( ) Area uperinlendenl ( )
L. M. MAYBURY, M.A., M.B., B.CHIR., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Ken· wood," 97, Goldsmith Avenue, Southsea. Mrs. C. B. DUTFIELD, "Southwinds," Holly Hill Lane, Sarisbury Green. Mrs. . A. PURKESS, J.P., S.R.N., "Glenleigh," Avenue Road, Brockenhurst. Brigadier J. C. de F. LEEMA, C.B.E., Braishfield House, r. Rom ey. Vacanl. . L. A YME, Kilnwood, Hillview Road, Michelmersh, r. Rom ey. (Treasurer). R. W. I-lARR1S, 123, Teg Down Meads, Winchester. (Training). Mr . B. V. SA Dl 0 , Long View, Roseberry Road, Alresford. (Ho pilal Librarie ). Mr . E. . . You G, 40, Kirby Road, orth End, Portsmouth. ( . H.S.R.) . . J. Miller, 12, ppollo Road, Chandler's Ford. (Civil Defence). Mr . M. . J. Bo D, "Rosevere," Watton Road, Holbury. Mr. 1. B. P. HE RING, 147, orhampton Road , Bournemou,th. Mr . J . . DO"'EY, .. ranford," 27, Church Road, Haylmg J land . D. R. J. DO'-.E , "Cranford, 27, Church Road , Hayling Island. ( dmin.) . . L. Ro E, " Remon," lebe Road , Headley, Bordon. R. . BODE , 6, Upper High treet, Wincheste~. Mr . J. G. M . BODE , 6, Upper High Street, Wmchester. apt. R. T . 0", LOW, We tEnd HOLlse, Hambledon.
a tern Area Brigadier . B. D I'vlP [Y, O.B.1.:. F.R.C.., Beech Hou e, Marlborough Park, arbllnglon. B. . HAWKEY. 40. orthcroft Road, Gosport. Lady PO\\ ER Lime oltage, Brambridge Park Twyford. . UTE~, I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., "Leventhorpe,' 1, Elmhurst Road, Go port. M . . P II TT, .R . . , ,Eden Terrace, il on Road orth nd, P rt mouth . . H. ITE, 91, Randolph Road lorth End, Portsmouth. MIS M. M . R "<DLE, II, Hender on Road, a tney, . ~uth ea. T . . OLD \l1TH, 79, Orchard Road, outh ea. (Trammg) . 11. . BALU"-<GTO. 62, Teddington Road, outh ea. . J. B rLLR, \1.\1., Roundway, Highfield E tate, Waterloo\ tile.
entral Ar a Lieut- lonel J. D. . BRO LOW, O.B.E., Pennington House, L mington. . apl. W. MILLS, M.B.E., "Hilldale, ' StatJOn Lane, Chandlers Ford. orwich Road, Bitterne Mi M. Park, outhampt n. . O. JOH , ~I.B ., B... , M.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., D.CH. 2, Che el enue Bitterne, outhampton . Mr '. . ' . BR'I'\'-. I, . R . "" ., "Holmleigh," 5.+, Hatley Road, 8itlerne outhampt n . . R. ' L RK , 60, Kitchener R ad, outhampton. Mr. UORD, ,Obeli k Road \ 001 ton, ?uthampton. W. . R ELL, "Bridaimer," 5 , Dell Road, Bltterne Park. outhampton. (Training and .0.). orthern Area L. P. BOTTI G, J 3, E her
10 e, Ba iog toke. ILOE 4 om Hill, Ba ing to1-.e. Mr. ' . E\ ,Myn ter, hur h venu, Fambor ugh.
urgeon . . ur ing Officer taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) talr Officer ( adet ) ( ) taff Officer .
rea rea
Vacant. HERTFORDSHIRE D. . GRE WCL!-, .R. . Park Pre\ ell Ho pital, Basing toke B. RO. 21, Pitman 10 e Ba ing toke. ' Counly Off ice: Mr. . P. ~ BDO ,3 , Widmore Road, Basing toke. 7, Marl borough Road , St. Albans, Herts. Tel. L. .-54333. H . . IIORT, 6_,. ctley Road , Farnborough. (Training). R . G. )[LE"-, "High Meadow," reen Lane - IIi field \r Counly President: Ba ing toke. ' . George B R S K.C.V.O., C.B., D. .0 ., O. B.E., M.C., Lord Lieutenant. ir W. H. . ') OG," raLhorne," 36, Boxall' Lane, Ider hot. laJor- eneral G. . W LKER, B. 1. , B. . , \I.R.C .. L.R . . . , _, Rcading Road Count I ' Vice-President: Farnborough. Mr . B. H . MCCORQUOD LE ( ul'sing). · H. E\ H\D, 20, II aim " re enl Farnborouglt Ll.- olonel ir Martin GILLIAT, K.C .. 0., M.B .E., D.L. (AmbulaJl ce Cadets). ( adet). The Hon. Lady Bo\ E -LYo J.P . ( ul'sing Cadets). 1r . L. 1. PA t::, " R 1-.\\ ood," Pn or) Lrcet, Farnborough . J.P., "Heath Brow," Welwyn. ( adet). 11ml' ioner I
We t rn rca uperintendent ( Jnt F. H . TL.,TI\fORD, L.R .. P., M.R . . . , 12a, rand Avenue outhb urne, B urnemouth. Jnty urgeon F. G. OLDl", 56, Pctcr,>field Ro ad, Bos ombc <I t, Bourne mouth. upennLendent ( ) t) . Mr . . . . \11 S, 34, oombe ardcn. , BOllrnemoulh. F. . HCI\IA' , ~I.D., L.R .. 1'., 12a, rabton 10 e RoadJnt) tafT fficcr ( adet) ( ). Bo combc. OS. I)', .R . . , R yal VICt ria 11 0 I ital, helle) Road unty tafTOffi cr ( adet) ( ). ombe. unt tafT mcer acant. r. . J. l ox, S.R. "Trcha\cn," 7, [a 1 ie\\ Road Ringwood. 1\. M\\B LR), .. CClll:' l. Icorgc\ Road, Rmgwood (Tnllntngl
rea Commi ioner rea
uperintendent (
rea rea
uperintendent ( ) urgeon
ur ing Officer
rea rea
taff Officer taff Offi er
taff Officer
CH.B. , 100, Clarence Road, St. 51421). Park Avenue, St. Albans . (Tel.
mmi ioner .
adets) ( ) adel ) ( )
Mead, St. Stephen
GHTO , 3 12,
orthbridge Way, Hemel Hemp-
Ibans. ., 'Crossways,' Point Clear, St. enue, t. I bans. .R.C.., .R.;-';., The tuart, Berden,
r . HERRIFF, .. Red I) ffe:' 23, Harpenden. ( dmin.). ( .R. .R.). acant.
Avenue, St.
ali bury
HERE ORD Hill .J.A. B. Headquarter,
County Office . idemar h trcet, Il en.:ford.
el. Hereford 2 37.
COllnt)' President .
The Lady BlDD LLPH. OPLA 0- RlrI I1H , D.. 0., i.C., J.P Count I Vice-Pre idellts:
Mr . H . FOLEY, ( IIrsing). . BLO ETr (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs . Greville PHILLIP ( IIrsing adels). Commissioner Deputy
ommi ioner
County uperintendent ( County ounty
urgeon . . ur ing Officer
County LafT Officer ( adeLs) ( ). ounLy StafT Officer ( adet) ( ). Counly tafT Officer
ounty Secretary . . ounty Sergeant Major
ea 'upcn ntendenL ( ) rea upcrinlendenL ( ) ea urgl:on ea
r a
Lieut.- olonel ir Terence ALKI CR, BT., King thorne Houserecl r. Hereford. (Tel. ormelow 343). rea Wing- ommander J. WlI SO,,-, \I.B .. , " Beggar ' Roo t," Po~ Hill , r. ewent, I r . J. . B. Ol'.GRJ I , Mill Bank ottage, hitney-on-\\')c, (Tel. Ii fTord 333). ea · M. LLOYD, I.R .. 5., L.R .. P., The cw II u e, Ro -on-~ye, Mr . M . . . P RT H, .R . . , Lcomin tcr oltage Ho pJlallreh Leomin ter. rea · W. WAI LI"-, , J ayre ak recn, hltccro'. lrea Mrs. A. L. ROVlS, The Priory, Ledbury. }{. T. M RR1S, toke ay, pper Ledbury R oad, Hereford, Irea · H . PRT L, 7, "arr I e, Il ereford. R. W. OLWfl L, 46, Mo r IreeL, H ereford. Irea L. G. BARR! GfO , 50, Belmont venue, Belmont E tale,lrea } fereford. ( ivil Defen e). Irca Mr . T. . Lo 11111 AD, 40, Alexandra Avenue, 1 fcref rd. Mr. D. PRlcr, 2, Bule venue, Hereford.
!Tleer ur -ing
er meer
mcer adet ) ( ) adet ) ( )
a t rn Area \ . PPLETO. , " Lyndhur t," Puckeridge r. v are. (Tel. Pu keridg 457) . . PORCHER, ' olville" 44 t. John ven ue , Harlow. a ant. . M. MI ALL- 11TH, \I. B., B.. , \!.R .C . . , L.R.C.p., D.PH. ue en \ alk, W 1\\. n Garden Cit). 1i R. M. BUTLER, .R." ., Qu n Elizabeth II Ho pital, \ el\\ \ n Garden it) . r . B.- D. R 000 K, . R . . , 6c, Wood to k Road outh, l. Iban . K. J . M RK , 3, Highfield Road, he hunt. <lean!. , ,, tern Area
\ el\\) n
0111 111 i loner uperintcndenL ( ) uperintendenL ( ) urgeon
L.R.F.P .. ormandy
ur ing Onker tan' Onicer ( add) ( ) om r ( ad t ) ( ) tafT ITi cr .
til, Prior 10 e, Ro ton . ottag ,L wer High tr t, Iwyn
arden ity
Office, Dougla ,lie of Man.
Tel. Dougla 2121.
Counry President :
County e retary , Trea urer
Lady G RVCY.
COlIlltl' Vice-President
ommi Deputy County County County County ount) County
P. M. BSO. , q. (Ambulance) . Lady 0\ LEY ( IIr illg). 1. K EALE, E q., O.B.E. (Alllbulance Cadet!». Mr . M. M. eLL ( 'ur illg adets). LOner . BEAT\ -P \LL, hief on table" flke, Douglas. Commi ioner. Capt. T. H. H LL, J.P.. kham, Devon hire Road Douglas Superintendent ( Mr. . E. KCLLY, J.P., Ballaqueene Lodge, Ballaqu~Yle Road: Dougla . (Tel. Dougla 3006). urgeon . . A. R. MCPH[R 0 , M.B., CH.B., 46, Loch Pr mcnadc, Douglas ur ing Officer . . Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). . GR[[ ," arnanc," 8a) It;,\ ROJd , nchan. ecretar) & P.R .O . . R. AI, f.r. .C., I , Ha\\arden \cnue, D ugla . (Tel. 7 2 Da), 2665 venlng).
I LE OF WIGR Count)' Office:
Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, I Ie or Wight.
Tel. Ryde _955.
COllntl' President :
Grace The DUKe of rLLI'.GTO'l, K.G. F. R. B. H. Kc 'lrDY, M.B.C., L.R .. 'i., L.R .. 1' . , J.P., ootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, I Ie of Wight. Count) urgeon. T. HM!Bt) , \! .R.C. ., L.R .C .P., 17, el\ Ille tred, R)de . COUnty ur ing Oflleer . . A. E [LL, .R . . , 17, hley Road, Ryde . County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) . P. 0'\1PTO"-<, 93, I flgh treet, andown. County taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Mr . B. K . JA OBS, horc<;lde, han"lln. County Staff Officer G. M. HO\1A , \1.R.C.P.,r-.r. R. . . ," Monk path," Limer tone. r. ewport (l Ie mbulance Di i ion, c t Wight) . Mr . . J . WALLI ., J . P., Wi tana Hu e, Bl:mbrldgc. (110 pil. Librarie ). . H. RI HARD 0,,-, I.e .A., Regal haillbers, hanklln. (Trea urer- dmJJ1.). . G. B·\RTO ," a erley," ra el PIt Road, tton Bridge L. P. RID ER, The Range , p n cr Road , I yde. R. F. J . T E\\Kf B RY, 2, rg)1I Pl ace, R)de . ( oillpetltlon i County ecretary . Mi . M. AW., .. eacroft," Queen' Road, R)de. (Tel. 2261). Commi loner
JER EY County Office:
Midvale Road, Jer ey.
ent. 24163.
County President :
Guy Malet de
ARrI:.R II , q. County Vice-Presidents: The ountess of JERSfY ( IIrsing). Lady TR T ( ursillK adets). H. R. . Poco K, Les ICl11eS, t. Peter, Jl:rey. ( el. We tern
Deputy om missioner County Superintendent ( ounty Surgeon . . . . Assistant Cty. Superintendent ( County ursfng Officer . . . ounty Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) . ounty Staff Officer ( adets) ( )
35 1). Vacant. Mr. . MALET DI ARTI RI r, t. Ouen 's Manor, t. Quen, Jersey. (Tel. We tern 28). R. L. OSMO T, M.R .. S., L.R .. 1' ., Dunderave, ir LTower. Mr . G. DAwso , La Ruette, Victoria Village, Jer ey. Vacant. A. J . Le Mo llR , 12, Prince Place reve d' 7ette Jersey. Mrs. D. MA FADYI La Turbie, la;elllont Road, I: Helier, .Ier ey.
Mi B. Le HUQUET, Le halet, Bagatelle Road, St. Saviour, Jer ey. (Cadets). . D . . BURBIDGE, Heytesbury, Fauvic, Jersey. . G . BURT, "Alameda," Balmoral Avenue, St. Clement, Jersey. Mi L. Du FEU, Tunbridge, Georgetown Road, Jersey.
taff Officer
COllnty Office
hief Con table'
KE T COl/llty Office:
t. John Hou e, 41,
treet, Maid tone. Tel. Maidstone 55924.
COUllt)' Presidents:
The ounte s of GILFORD. J . H . DAY, Esq., M.B.E. (Ambulance). COllnt)' Vice-Presidents:
Lad y 01 1 G ( lIJ'sing). J. H . H. DAVI, q. (Ambulance Cadets) . LLE BY OF MEGTDDO ( IIrsing Cadets). i counte Brigadier J . . DA ID o'.-HousTo T, 1'.I.B.E., M agpie Shaw CamillI loner Hou e, peldhur t. ajor . B RROW, D.F.C., Dormer House Holt Wood , I11mlS loner Deputy yle ford. Lady L\I1BERB TCH, "Monk' Park," Wadhur t, u ex. (Tel. County uperintendent (I ) 167). R . H. PERCIV L, M.A., 1.CH.(OXO .), F.R.C.S. (E G.), D.C.H., County urgeon 74 Bower Mount Road, Maid tone. J . .' R:'vl"", \I.D ., B.. , ··Wentv.a s," Ea t tuddel, Dover. \s 1. ount) urge n Mr . l. M. HOBY, .R .. , 4, Horsted Way, Roche ter. Coun ty u r IJ1g fficer . . G. D. MTTH, 67, idney treet, Folkestone. County tall' Illcer ( adet) ( ) . Mr . J. . Ho CHIN, "Minstead, altwood, Hythe. County tall' fficer ( adet) ( ) H . . HAR EY, Barclay Bank Ltd., Maid tone. (Trea urer). Cou nty talT fTicer Mr . PRf G, Mount Top, The Close, Saltwood, Hythe. ( .H .. R.)
Co unty
\ t.
OJ11mi ' loner
uperintendenL ( )
ecn.:tar) .
Area urgeon Area Staff nicer ( adet) ( ) Area taff fficer ( adet) ( ) ~ sl.
\rea \rea Area
rea up t. ( .) . LIl' ing nicer tan' OfTicer oJ11mis iOIll:r
Area uperintendcnt ( ) Area urgcon . . . . . Area tafT me r ( adet) ( ) Area StafT Olllc r ( ad t ) ( ) Area taff ffi er .
i J . M. F'LWA R, Rutland Hou e, We t falling. (LIbrary). Mr . M . KEL EY, Brock hyll, adhurst, u sex. ( ppea\s). M. Jo r. , 67, Wilman Rond, Tunbridge Well . (Training and mpetilion ). r. . . R. POWELL, M.B., CH.B. 2, John tone ourt, 178, andgate Road, Folke tone. IS I:.. M . \IITH, 67, idney treet, Folke tone. .. L. \ . " ' ' ' , 2, The \enue, H)th . ( t. TraInIng and . oillpetition ). B. T. BE MO T, I.B.E., "Pemble,' Doddmgton , ittingbourne. (Tel. Doddington 230). · J. B RG~. , nderlyn Farm HOLl e, Marden. 10. 1 Area Ol11mander . R. 8 RG[ ,O.B.E., R . . , 19, Oakdale Road, Tunbridge Wells . Mi L. H. BUR -HARTOPP, Dalby Lodg Hawkhur t. J. . PIPFR, I.R . . . , L.R . .P., 247, Singl well R ad, Grave end. I ,HTTNGALE, 3, 1m ottage, Edenbridge, Kent . Mr . . . ITER, 44, M ado\ Road, Ru thall Tunbndge ell . Mr '. D. L. DO\\LI'< ,31, Vi toria Road, Chatham. acant. · II . IIILL ,91, Lorton Road, ray end. (Training).
o. 2 r a Brigadier . E. M. HCRBLRT, .B.E., " toneha) ne," lanford, ' hford. Mr. 1. PAP\ ORTH, Trcgarthen," ale Road, hit table. lex HALM ' R, 1.B., II.B., ,London Road, ittingbourne. . R LF , II, King' Road, Birchington . . Mr . . M . HEYWO D, 15, ali bury Road, H me Ba . . · R. L. W LLA E, 96, Hugin venue, t. 'Pet r , Br ad talr . (Training).
ur ing Officer
rea Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea
taff Officer
M DO\ r. er. . J . Pre Ie), .R.""' .," lena\}," 9, L n d on Road, River, J . G. P ERR) Mr. D. M. c'W Road, allwood. Hythe. G. CH Pf\1 "- . . R... . ., 3~, D ougla Road, Lcnhall1, r. Maid tone
Coml111 'Io ner upenntendent ( )
ca '\JurlIlg
15-17, Mount
District Office: treet, Pre ton. Tel. Pre ton 2239.
mcer .
ia tafT mcer ia taff m er ,J tafl' Oflker
adet ) ( ) adet ) ( )
District President: The Earl or DeRBY, \1. District Vice-Pre idents: The ollnle of I::ITON ( ursil/~) . Lord H TTLEWORTH. \1 .C. (Ambulance Cade/I). The ounte P EL (1\'ursing Cadets).
Commi sioner Deputy Commi loner Assistant to Commissioner District uperintendent ( Di trict Surgeon Asst. District Superintendent ( District
ursing Officer
District Staff Officer (Cadet
(A) .
D istrict taff Officer (Cadet) ( Di trict Staff Officer . . . ).
cd COI1lJl11
. H ELME, " Greeba," 34, Fairhope Avenue, The Vale, Lancaster. J. G. AP s, " Glencoe," 235, Wa lmersley Road, Seedfield, Bury. Major T. -. PE R, M.B.E., T.O., 15-17 , Mount Stre_t, Preston . (t:l11crge ncy only: " M arwy n," Pre ton Road, Grimsargh , r. Pre ton.)
eea uperintenc.ient ( ) 'ca urgeon
o. 3 Area venue, Mal'dslon E. . HERBERT, " Brynmawr," 48, Plai n Mr . J . M . PERCI Al ' . 1"{ . . , 74 , B O\~er Mou nt Road, Maidstone' e Dr. Gertrude Folke. tone. I HOl 0 ,2, Duned in urt, heriton Gardens: slnct ecretar)
Area ommi sioner rea uperintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area
) ea uperintendcnt ) .ea Superintendent ca urgcon Mol.onel . F. Rm L1, CR.D .. O.L., 67, hUILh tr~t:t, Lan a ler 'ea urll1g tllccr aJor. 0\1, T.D., J.P .. \I.B., ClI.I3 .• I.R ( .<; • ", pring Bank", ea tan' tliccr ( .idet ) ( ) ~hurch ane. I. \\ Ick. Prc'>ton. Major \ . H. \ lKI R, 35. Brook iJt: \cnuc i\ q 001, 1.1 rea tafT [lice r ( adet ) ( I) rea tafT On-icer'> . . J. EA TV\ 0 0, 42, Lune trcet Prc ton ' The Lady Mary HL. k.CTIi . J.P., M~ols Ii all' outhporl. (Tel. outhport 17 1) . ' olon~1 R. . W. lL RI "-SII \W, T.O., I.R.D., Q.II.S., '>1. \., B,\I., M.R .C .. O.M.R.O ., 4, Pln c Road Did bury, anche ter, 20, M . M. REEKIE M.B. , 11 .13.,7, Ro\\ Icy '. nue e t Did bUJ) Manche ter. ' rea Ollll1llSSIOncr M~;/ ton.c D. T[ '. I 'S, S.R . . , 23, tan ley rovc, P nwortham, rea upcnntendcnt ( ) hton IJ Road, Hi gher Open hall, rea upcrmtcndcnt ( R. HARLE WORTH, 1473, Manche ter I I. ta urge n r. ' '. '>lITH, 19, The venue, ecdllcld Bury aJor J . D. "H fW,,- , "'LB. I ., f.1)., KlI1 g. old, Pope Lane, Pem\ortham, Pre ton . ( Pre s Relation urgcon . Dept.). ,ea (Tel. Preston Pn ory 2 2 3 6 ) . ' rea . W. Lo GWORTH, 102, Abbey Hey Lane 1I igher pen hall, Manche ter. 1I, ( adet). V. Hrl/loIORI, M.B.f., 5, aurcl cnuc, u\,ton, horle) . ( .D.). rea ommlsioner Mi s J. B... M . Lo 1)[ , 2a, Lord treet e l, outhporL rea upenntendent ( ) ( ompetltJon ). rea upenntenc.ient ( ) . G. RO LI Y," Iynfcllin," 3 , Il arnson rc cc nt, Bl ackrod, ,rea urge n .nr. horley. ( ompetit ions). LI~~t.- ol~,nel G ., 'r fILL, M.B., 11 .13., I .R.C'. P., D.P.II. , "The M ' eche, Tabby ook, ~wburgh, nr. Wi gan. (Training). 'ea ur ing mcer MI s. J . WEB TCR, 68, Devon hire Road therton (Training). rea tafT Ot11ccr ( adet ) ( ) r .. ~ . HARW D, 7, Tipping tre~t Altrinc·ham. (Com- Irea tafT m er ( ade t ) ( ) pctltlons). ' ~Ien W. M .. " AW, M.R.C.S., L.R.C. ,,7, Tenterden treet, Bury, Irea tafT m cr r. . askIiI, 50 Turnbull Road , Lon g ight, Manchc ter, 13. Mr . li AR rswORIII, 1473 , A hton Ic.i Road, Higher Open haw, Manchcster, 11 . ' I~A KI s, ,1-3, Argyll Road, Bl ackpool. (Trea urer, A UXI lary).
o. 1 Area P. R. TEVE S, M.R.C.,., L.R .. P., D.O., "Westlands," 493, Pre ton ew Road, Yew Tree Brow, Beardwood, Blackburn. H . MALLEY, .R . . , Hill View, Ho pital Cottages, Ribchester, r. Preston . Mrs. M. M . M eG ITT, 10, Bryerscroft, Wilpshire, Blackburn. . R. H RBf"l 0 , M.B., CH.B., Wal den Pl ace, Bl ackburn Ro ad , ccri ngton . l RK, .R. "., 27, Bndge Terrace, M ilton Rd ., Whalley, r. Bl ackburn. . M \ 0 , 134 Blackburn Road Great Harwood . Mr . O . D AWE. " Belgrave," 475, Revidge Road , Blackburn. . 0 TTO . . . , 3 , We tbourne venue, Burnley. (CD .). Mr . M . HEW, 14 , Brun \\ick treet, elson. . IIARRO K, 5, elon Road, Bl ackburn. (Training). rea . M . TH\\ AIT[ , T.O., Ba tHou e Cottage, Wal mer ley, ood Road orth, Manche ter, 16. M I . RIGBY, 60, emetery Road , Swinton . J . R. . Lucka , M.B., " Ingle ide," Tyldesley, Manche teL Mr . B. TO . . . , .R . . , 10, Hal11prow Road, Cadi head, Manche ter. 0\\ LER. 13, DaVid on \enue, 1rlal11, Manche ter . M r. L. HOD ROfT, 319, Manche ter Road , Tylde ley. LTO", 272, e\\ Brook Road , Atherton, r. anche ter . pr\K\1 ..... . 59. Barton Ro ad, Wor ley, Manche teL RIMf, 41, Healhou e La ne , thert on, Ma nche tel'. o. 3 rea 01. J . . ROGrR 0 , O.B.c., t-1. ., T.O., O.L.. J.P., pring Hollo\\, Mottram Road. talybridge, Che hire . . I ~ I F 0 . "Thorn liffe," 3, Houghton Lane, winton. Mrs. \\ I" . . . RTO . . . , 19. herwood \'enue, Radcliffe, M a nchc ter. . H. IiLBlL, L \1., F.R . . . , "Greeba," 169, Buxton Road Mile to h.port. V. lU I ORO, .R .. , , K eni n Road, Bamford, Rochd a le. J . DK,GlE, _2, Baildon Road, Pa mond Rochd ale . Mi . J. HIG .3, Pendleton tre t, \ erneth, Oldham, J . T Ln, 590, Oldh am Ro ad, hton-under-L ne. t. Helen,
ro LKER 17, hapel Lane.
ipling ppull.
Wood ro e,
idne .
( i il
utt n Manor,
Area Commis ioner rea uperintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) rea urgeon rea
ur ing Officer .
rea taff Officer ( adet) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area taff Officer .
rea P.R.O ..
o. 5 Area J. Lu ,26, Zig-zag Road, Li erpool, 12. Vacant. Mi K. L. THOM ,I, Witlmel] 10 e, Li erpool, 13. D. O . H GHE , ~I.I., H.B. , D.P.If., 16, outh Road , Li\erpool 19 . ' h ombe Road toneycroft, Liver. Mi M. R . DR, 14, pool, 1-+. acanl. Mi . EDDO, 46 Park ide Drive, Liverpool 12. T. E. TAYLOR 24, Latrigg Road igburth, Liverpool. J. E. ROOK, I, Renville Road, Li erpool, 14. J. HOL IE , 23, Bampton Road , Li erpool, 16. W. PE CrR, I, Greenwich Road Liverpo I, 9. ( adels). Mi s E. J. W[LLOCK, 12, Old Racecour e Road, Maghull, t-,r Li\'erpool. i . M. H TCHLO'," laremont," andforlh Road, Liver. pool, 12. H. J. Do\\ ELL, 27, and worth Road, LI\erpo I, II (Trea urerl \ . PILKIGT' , ,Oakdale Road, Ll\crp J, I .
LEICE TER HIRE AND RUTLA D County Office : 112, Regent R oad, Leicester.
Area ur ing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Area Staff Officer .
COlllltl' Vice-Presidents: Mi M . ( PARTRIDGE ( ursing) . J. L. OTIO (Ambulance Cadets).
harle Drive,
nmf ioner ,puly :unty
ommi ioner. uperinlendent ( )
unly mnly
urge n uri ng fficer tafT m er ( adet) ( ). tafT mcer ( adet) ( ). tafT mcers
~nty ~unty
6 rea J. HALL, 41, indcrmere Road, outh hore, Blackpool. R. . ROG R 0 , 30, Devon hire Road , horle . Mr . I. HAIGH , 37 Blenheim venue, Blackpool. urgeon Lt.- ommander P. J. J . Rf",- , nk ate, Hard· acre Lane, \ hittle-Ie- ood. a ant. H. EEDHA~f, 3-+, Bent Lane, Leyland, Pre ton Mi . BA:-'K ,207, unlifTe Road , uth hore, Blackpool. . H . oOP R, 9 range \ enue, Thornton . Mr . E. RIGHT, 212, Poulton Road , leelw od. TO.
Area Commi ioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ) Area urgeon Area
ursing Officer
District Staff Officer . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area taff Officers.
Area Superintendent (A) Area Surgeon Area ur ing Officer Area StafT Officer ( adet) (A) Area taff Officer ( adet) ( ) Area Staff Officers.
P.R . . .
omml ioner ,ea uperintendent rea upcrintendent ( ) rea urgeon
'ea omml ioner rea upcnnl ndenl ( rea upcnntcndent ( \rea urgeon Irea Irea Irea
r. Leice ter. (Tel. Anstey R oad, Leicester.
r .
\IBERL '\.0, 34, Edelin Road, Lougbborougb. . M . BREA\l, 5, toneygate Court Flat, London R oad,
8 r ea Major R. L. . RAffLe, T.D., Dene J lou e, Dene Road, Dids· bury, Manche ter, 20. J . HAMER, 7, Queen Drive, ee 1'0 ,Hyde. Id Lt.- 01. J . G. . HOLMA ,M .. , M.R.C.S., I ,R. ,P., D.r.H., 3, Broadway, Withington, Manehe. ter. Vaca nt. H. BARKER, 202, Brookland Road, ale. Mi M. VE ABU s, 137, Blantyre treet, wint n, Manchester, , M. BAKER, 10, Waverly Road, ale, Manche ter. J. H. BROW , 27, Moorcroft Drive, Burnage, Manchester, J 9. ( ivil Defence and Training) . J. D. W. RA KI ,S.R.N., 51, orthern rove, We t Didsbury, Manehe ter, 20. (Training). J . K. VA E, J7, airfield Road , Middleton, Manehe ter. Miss R . LARKI, 18, Dilworth treet , Manche tel', 15. 1
A rea Commissioner
87 H mber Leice ter. ,u Mi . M. . Lu co 18E, O,B.L, .R .. , .C.M., tone Drive, Leice ter. . BRIEL 53 Peter' Drive, Lelce ter. M' D I L R~ 1 "" , .R.'., 1~ .~1. ., I.R.I.P.H . H., " Water meet," D un. ter Road , ro Lane, Rothley . . R. RL\\, 5.+, ork hire Road, Lel,ce ter. (Cadet ). L" GTO,," lOWe t \enue, Lelce ter. ; M. J. FRE~R, 103, arborougb Road outh, Leice ter. (Tel. 2370) . P. \ . J .... '., 53, yrtle Road, Leice ter.
7 Ar a
01. D . B. LO'G , \1. ., 1.0., Ru kll1\ file Il otel, and) lands Promenade, MorecLlmbe a nd He) ham. . H . B R ,48, Pro incial tre l, Barrow-Jn- ·u rne s. Mi M . ROGERS, 4 , Brun wi k Road . Morecambc. Ll.- 01. R . J . Ho\ Ar, O.B.L, M.B., B.S., ~I.R ... , L.R.C,P" D.R.C.0.G.,3 Hill ide, Lanca ter. E. M CGILL, .R, ., 24, ThornclifTe Road, Barrow·in· Mi Furness . W. G . OUTIflR', M.B., andyneld, rangc- ver- and. J. RO SFIELD, 9, Bri tol treet, alney, Barrow-1I1-Furness. Mr . M . GAW E, 17 Roo e Road, Barrow-tn-I~ urnes . J . H. HOLME , 185 , Devon hire Road , Millolll, L1mberland, (Civil Defence). R . . PRATT, 7, Dundee treet, Barrow-in- I- urnes .
Tel. 58345.
Count V President : The Lady Helen BERRY.
' 0,
Area Commissioner Area uperintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon
) )
ur ing mcer . m er ( adcL) ( ) mc r ,
acant. . R. TOWELL, Palel Hou e, Mo\ bra acant. acant.
lad tone
enue, Melton
jt of Lei e ter rea acant. . J . M. Jo'.[ , 4, t. ichael venue, Lei e ter. I . !tOOTER, 9 , a Uhorpe \ enue, Leice35ter.H b tone ,um er . R. BR"DLCY, M. B., B. . , \1.R . . . , L.R . . P., Road, Leiee ter. a ant.
Irea Superi ntendent (A) . Irea Surgeon . . Irea ta fT Irea tan'
nicer mcer
Irea ergeant Major
adct ) ( )
a tional oal Board Ar a A McKEE "Ivanhoe," 112, Broom 1ey R oad ' oalvi M lle. '. H'. M. ~PBELL, M.R . . . , L.R .. P., Green Hedge, Olra Road , hby-de-Ia-Zouch.
/lcallt. DC ,74,
T. T~n~·in_on,
mmon R oad,
_10, High
tr et,
re ley, Burton-on-
0 d il1e, Burton-on-Trent.
Area omml lOner . Area Superintendent ( ) rea Superintendent ( ) rea urgeon . . . . rea Staff Officer ( adet) ( Area taff Officer .
W e tern Area acant. H. A. 10H TO, J 14 Hollycroft, Hinckley. acant. . HAMILTO ,LB. H.B. D.P.H., 48, London Road oalville G. H. W RD, 9, Oakley Road , hep hed . ' J . T. K Y 73, airfield Road, Huggle cote, oalville.
Deputy County County Count. County County Count) County
orth rn r a L. . G RLI , \1.8 ., B. . , L.R.( .P .. \I.IU .... 175. calh e Road. Grim by . . B. H DO, 12, Lydbrook Road, cunthorpe. Mrs. L. Do GIITY, 22, Burke treet. cunlhorpe R. G. LL[, \f.B, B.O/., 13.·\.0 .• M.D., I I . 1'0 111 we II ROJL leethorpe . acant. W. OLLBR OK, 549, La eb Road, Mr . P.r. . TORRE'R. 381, Hainlon r . L. OBIE:.DLI" KY, 5, bercorn 1
Area Superintendent (A) Area uperintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . Area ur ing Officer. . rea Staff Officer ( adet) (A) Area taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) Area Staff Officer Area Commi ioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . Area ur ing Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet ) (A) Area Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Area Commis ioner Area Superintendent (A) Area uperintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . Area ursing Officer . . . Area taff Officer ( adet) (A) A rea Staff Officer ( adet) ( )
entra l Area Major R. G . BITT, T.D., M.B., B. I/' , B. . 0 .• L.1\f., DIP. OB To' . . ., D.OB T.R.CO.G., lea ford Manor 1louse, leaford (Tel. leaf I'd J 8). w . R ,] 3, orer treet, Linc In. Mrs. W. V. 1 BB, 99, haucer Drive, t. ile, Lincoln. T . . GREE WOOD, M.R .. ., L.R.C.P., 30, We l treet, Horn· castle. H . . LAwRE L, .R."'. , 169, Bunker Hill, Lin In. Vacant . Mr . A. K. Radford , 32 Boundary treet, Bra ebridge, Lincoln outhern Area . R . MORGA , L.M. '.S.A., M.R. . . , L.R.C.P.. lebe Mu ton, Botte r rd, ollingham. 1. W. SHOR1, 125, Ryh all Road , ta01ford . Vacant. acant. Vacant . Rom 0 ,32, Wood View Bourne. Mr . M. PU-DGfR, Tinwell H ou e, tamr rd.
H OU${,
Headquarters : 29, Weymouth Street, W.1. Tel. Langham 6762 . District President: ir Vice-Marshal Sir ROBERT GEORGE, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., M.C. District Vice-Presidents: Doreen, Lady BRABOURNE, C.l. Edwin B YLISS, E q., O.B.E., D.L., J.P., L.C.C. Lady Pamela HrCKS ( ursing Cadets)
v. allo\\ be k.
rea Commi ioner
Count)' O/fice : \eoue, Doddington Road , Lincoln . (Tel. 23 t I). Count)' President : The Rt. Hon . The arl of TER , T.D., J.P. Coullty Vice-Pre~idellt : The Lord BROW LO\ J.P., D.L. Lady racroft 1 TT ( ursing). ioner . aptain P.H . ELB't- \ ER RD , OS ...., D. L., R. '\ .• Fnestl Old Place. a) thorp, rantham. (Tel. ulbeck -+ 9). Commi ioner. M. . L I, J.P., LB .• B.. , L.R .. P., \1.R . . . , Ill , OXfOl,' treet, Jecthorpe . (Tel. Jeethorpe 6132). uperintendent ( Mr. E. M. PTO,". J .P., The Grange am i k Lincoln (T I. Lincol n 21973) . " urgeon R. E. CROCKA I\1.B.. H.B ., udcle HOLl c, utlon Bndgt palding. ur ing Officer .. acant. I taff Officer ( adet) ( ). H. . BRo \\ '-<, 9, a tgate, Icaford. Staff Officer ( adet) ( ). acact. ecretar) F. G . LAT I1lM, 47 , \\allov. beck. \cnLle. 0 dd ingt n ROd LlI1coln . (Tel. 23151). ergeant-Major H . Dr KI" , 1, ffingLOn venue, I lart'h Imc.
Commi ioner Deputy Commi ioner
District Di trict
uperintendent ( ) urgeon
Deputy Di trict District \sst. Oi Di trict DI trict Di trict
u rgeon
L1r ing Offi er . . trict ur Ing Officer lafT Officer ( adet) ( ta fT Officer ( adet) ( tafT fficer
Group Captain G. H. PIRIE, C.B.E., D.L. , J.P., 7, Carysfort Hou e, West Balkin Street, S.W.I. (Tel. Belgravia 1561). Sir D eny Lowso , BT., 56, Gresham Street, E.C.2. Brigadier 1. W. HINCHCLIFFE, D.S.O., "Greywall ," Lymington Road, Milford-on-Sea, Hant . . E. BOWER, O.B.E., 74, Roslyn Gardens, Gidea Park, Essex . (Tel. Romford 43317) . Mr . D. HOADLEY, 38, Heatherset Gardens, S.W.16. quadron Leader K. . BOUGHTol -THO [AS, M.B., CH.B., " a tfield,' Steppingley, Beds. . O. HEWETT, B.A., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., D.OB T.R.C.O.G., J, Bel edere Drive, .W.19. Mi D. M . LEE, .R.. , 28, Mount Park Road, W.5. . Mr . SE R, 109 Strawberrv Vale, Twickenbam. apt. R . PARK, 33, Pangbourne Dri e, Stanmore, Middlesex. ). 1. L. ROBf ' 0 , c/o 1 King way, W.C.2. Mi ). D. R. Fenton, 54, Hillside Road, Southall, Middlesex. (public Dutie). (Tel. 2565). M . R. M. TUCKWELL, 1.B.E., 296, Leigham Court Road , .\1 .16. Mr. D . BUT OWlCH, 11, Manor Gardens, Merton Park, .W.20. (Commissioner's Secretary). Mi M. D . GROO I, 1 I, Manor Gardens, S.W.20. L. R. LL M, 17, Gr enwood Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey. . D E R fER, 4, College Road, Winchmore Hill, .21. ( ompetition). · T. BA DY, B.E.M., 43 Gro venor R oad, Ilford, Es ex. F . G. GRICE, 65, Mun ter Gardens, Palmers Green, .13. . W. BROO [ 1 , Fairlop Road Ley ton tone, E.ll. Mi E. G. RE WELL, 43, Gro venor Road, liford, Essex. · W . M. HOBD Y, 2, hancelJor Gro e, \ est Duh ich, S.E.21. ( tore ). 1. UTI, 46, Fairway, Rayne Park, .W.20. (Distri t Camp dvi er). ,The halet 113 Station Road, mer ham, Mi G . o. Buck . ( adet) . Mr. L RIDGE "Winthorpe," Ro borougb venue, Harrow. F 1 H \ KE 96 utton D\ elLings, .1. (Record). F: R [ E- LL~ ,9, Radnor venue Harrow. (Ci il Defence). H. . BIG ELL, 13 King ley venue, Houn 10\. (public Dutie ). H . . BOLGER 11 , Farmer Road, Ley tor:, E.10. . FORDH M, 4, h Ibur Road, Duh lch .E. __ . ( s t. Trea urer) . . L RK, 144, BrO\ n pring Drive, ew Eltham, .E.9. . ., ) tore ). M . V. E RL, We talk, E. Barnet, He.rt . (Trall1lOg . M i . M. KI G, 6, Hale End Road Hlghams Park, E.4. (Training). . · lLTO ,_1, t.lohn' Park Man Ions, .1,9. (Tr~aurer). · H. HALL, 14, La er Road , . 16. (PublIc Dutle ). · MlTH, 4, He lop Road, Balham. S. .12. ( t<,lre). · R. DE ON, 140, Pe khnm R e Ea t Duh I h, .E.22. ( tore).
arlisle Place,
~rea tafT Officer .
W. 1. WADE, 4, Borkwood Way, Orpington, Kent. (Competitions). . (C' '1 D r ) H WRIGHT, 192, Avenue Road, Enth, Kent. IVI. elence. H : G. H . FARROW, 8, Spa Close, South orwood HIli, S.E.25. (Treasurer). 4 Mrs. . E. JAKl , 6, Ardbeg Road, Herne Hill, S.E.2 .
hur t Drive, Tadworth, re cent, HOlln low, Middlesex a ling, W .5. " arden , Barley Lane, Romford,
rccn Road , Totten. \rea Sergeant-Major \rea P.R .O.. . .
.H. S.R.) I O · t K t . MrT HELL, " Portalet," 17, Avalon C ose, rplng on, en. ( adets). D. 1. MURFlTT, 27, Cole, Borough, S.E.l. L. 1. FrElD, 31, Tiverton Dnve, ew Eltham, S.E. 9. (Tel. - Itham 9281).
outh \ e tern Area
01111111 Sl
\rea u perin tenden t ( ) . . ( . H .. R.). Area Superintendent ( ) [bur) Bridge Road, \rea Surgeon \ si tant rea urgeon 11) tel are, urre) . Area ur ing fficer. mc r ( adet) ( ) ~rea mcer ( adet ) ( ) \rea mcer . Area
Di trict ergeant-Maior Di trict Secretary . i
orth rn
ur ing Officer .
As t. Area ur ing Officer Area taff Officer ( adet) ( ) Area taff Officer ( adet) ( ) Area Staff Officer .
Area Sergeant-Major Area P. R.O.
ommi sioner
Area Superintendent (A) Area uperintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Asst. Area urgeon Area ursing Officer . . . Area tafT Officer ( adet) (A) Area Staff Officer ( adets) ( ) As t. Area ursing Officer
M 0
Park, urrey. d Add' be Mi s M. . EVILLE-KAYE, 104, Clyde Roa , Iscom,
rea ommi ioner Area Superintendent ( ) rea uperintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area
urgeon Lt.-Commander P. 1. ROy[:-A CE,. M.B., CH.B., R: l .R., " 10 elly," Drive pur, Fore t Dnve, ~ngswood, Surrey. L M ROTO Kesdon The Ratche , Fnmley, Surrey. K R u' ELL 39' Thornlaw Road, W. orwood, S.E.27 . r. . , 1 iho~don Gardens, Ewell, Surrey. D r. , , H 60 , Copse Avenue ' J. . HORNER, M.B., CH.B., D.P.H., D.l.., We t Wickham, Kent. MI s D. M . WHITE, 7, Maurice venl!e, Caterham, Surrey. L J KTBBL 73 Porche tel' Road , Kmgston-upon-Thames. M'" DEB R~ER 82 Sherwood Avenue .W .16. . . F.I~. F~E~[ 84, T'oynbee Road, .W.20. (C.D. and PublLclty). i . FR ~IPTO _ , "Dennington," Cleveland Road, Worcester
fO~~~~. RD
Mr .' W.
outh Ea tern r a A . WHlBle, 18, ilecrort R ad, Be. leyheath, Kent. (Tel, Bexlcyheath 5451). H. E. KAPL!, 5, Mottinghal11 Garden, . . 9. Miss . A . OLD I G, 116, Mottingham Road , . . 9. E. . DAW 0 , M.B ., B... , 109, rorLon Ro ad, rpington, KenJ' W. . WIIITrslDf, M.B ., B. IT., B.A.O., B. . , 3, Park arm Roa , Brom Je), Kent. J I. BUGG, S.R . . , 74, Ma well ardcns, rpington, Kent. A. R. WILLIS, 27, Wor ley Bridge Road, .[.26 . Mis W. . WILLIS, 179, fI azelbank Roall , atford, .E.6. Mr. . TRcno , S.R . . , 3, TulloI' Road, Beckcnh al11.
4 Melrose venue, Wimbledon Park, S.W.2g. 'HORTER, 20, Zermatt Road, Thornton Heat.
.H.S. R.) . d EtC don R . H RRIS, 42, Edward Roa, as roy,
rc cent, Palll1erl
Green, Mr . G. M . 1('IIOl <;,46, L. F. H . If \PI\IA , 159, Mi 1. . B RU',\, t. . W.II Mr. . HOBB , 93, Park Dri ve, inchmon.: HIli , .21. (Cadetsl P. TACEY, 23, ew River re cent, Pal mer reen, .13, ( ompelillon). R.ABRIDGE, 21, Man ficld Road. .3. (adet). . F. OODW RD, 5 , Parliament Hill, .3. (adets) . Mrs. K. 1. TYlC<;, 9, The venuc, Potter Bar. r. T. M. TRAI~ IORD MITII,30, torm nt Road , Highgate, .6. ( adet). Mr. . PI KI RI'G, 9, Magdale Road , . 19 . ( .11. .R.) E. H . R OLD, 30, Bru e Road , Barnet, Ilert . . 17. (Tel. T. W . WeST, 93, PCl11bury Road, ottcnhal11, Tottenhal11 6340) .
,243 Woodman terne Road, treatham, S.W.16. J L ~ ly " l11ery Down" Bolter Lane, Ban tead ~urrey. .' P: ~ ~rKE: 4, Riple Hou e, Kine n mpton Park, Kmg ton Hill, urrey. ( adet ) . acant. r. . M. PlOOf 'GTO 154, Batter ea Par k R oda ,W . .11·
o Area ~rea
ergeant-Major P.R. ..
ommi loner
(Tel. Macaulay 5475).
Auea Superintendent ( ) Area uperinlendent ( ) Area urge n Asst. rea 1I rgeon Area ur ing Officer As t.
Area Area Area
tafT la fT tafT
ur ing Offi er
er ( adel) ( ) ffic r ( adcl) ( ) fficer.
, Greenford.
Mi s M. R. CROSOALE, 161, Copers Cope Road , Beckenham.
H. 0 NELL, "King land 20, hatsworth Avenue Wembley, Middle e. (Civil Defence). I B. L. HUMPHREY ,S a, High Street, Pinner, Middlesex. Mr . V. E. DAVIE, 109, Barmouth venue, Perivale, Green. \rea Sergeant-Major ford. (Cadet). \lea P.R.O .. Mi s E. M. EA MITH, 27, Wingate Road, Hammer mith, W.o. (Cadet ). Mi . W. HEI DER 0 , I.B .. 41, Dor et Road, Ealing, w'11 C de VAL, 45, arlyon enue, outh Harrow. (Tel. Byron 2648). G.
rea P .R.O ..
( .H. .R .)
E 11
. R . Lo K, 148, Fullbrook Road, eyt~nstone, . , L ADLER, 15 Oakley Drive, Harold Hill, Romfo.rd. R·. A. HEESE, 39, Constance Road, East DulwlCh , S.E.23. (Tel. Redpo t 3866).
ORFOLK County Office:
Ea tern Area Area Commi sioner Area
uperintendent (
Area Superintendent Area Surgeon . Asst. Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officers .
Area Sergeant-Major Area P.R.O ..
R. T. BA, , L.O .. , R. . . (E G.) 5, Queen venue, WoodforJ Green, E e . H. F. M LUG A, ,SHerbert Road, Emer on Park, Hornchurc E Mi . L. MORE, LB.E., 105, outh Park Dri e even Km~ E ex. Dr. . F. McDo ALD, 76, Longbridge Road , Barking, Essel D . L. PED ER E , LB., B.. , M.R.C .. L.R.C.P., Pear Tree H OIl5l outh Ockendon . acant. H. T. G. WARE, 32, lare Garden, Barking E ex. Mi s . V. MALYA , 7, Tawney venue, Upmin ter, Essel L. B . WILLS, S.E . . , 31, Belmont Road , Homchurch, Essel (Cadets). G. F. ATKI ,72, Hill ide A enue, oodford Green, Esse (Cadets). Dr. J. L. McK. BROW , 3, Hemp tead Road , Walthamsto E.17. L. F. DICK, 15, lma venue, Higham Park, EA. (Co~ petition ). Mis V. M. SMITH, 119, King wood ha e, Lcigh-on-& E ex. (Cadet). Mi s B. . R E K R, 16, Rectory Road , Walthamstow, E.I (Cadet ). W. T. Ro JER, 47, elwyn venue, ewbury Park, I1for~ W. G. TARRA T, 1, Bumway, Homchurch. r. D. J. M LLTGA , 5, Herbert Road, mer on Pal Hornchurch, ex. r . M. LA ER, B.A., 444d , Havering Road, Romford, E s~' F. C. MARDE'\, 20a, odley Road Le ton tone, E.11. (0 Defence). L. GOODRUM 221, Westrow Drive Barking, e. Mrs. E. M. HOLLA 0, 77, Dor et A enue, Romford.
entral Area Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer . . Asst. Area ursing Officer Area Staff Officer ( adets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officers.
a tie Meadow,
orwich 21649.
COl/nty Presidents:
The Rt. Hon. The arl of ALBEM~RLE M.C., D.L., Lady OOK ( L1rsl/1g).
J . P.
COLlIII)' Vice-President:
ir Richard BAR-RETT-LE ARO, Bt., J.P. (Ambulance) Lieut - olonel Sir Thoma OOK, J.P., Sennowe Park, Guist, ioner a'l Dereham, orfolk. (Tel. Grt. Ryburgh 202) .. k East Ll.- 01. . . TKl 0 , The Old Manse, Guestwlc , om01: loner . Dereham. (Tel. Foul ham 2 1). orwich. (Tel. r . G . R. D . HAV, M.B.E., cottow H all uperintendent ( wanLon bboll 226) . R d orwich. OTf APlER, I\1.B., CH.B., 2L7, ewmarket oa, urgeon aton 2000). ur ing Officer . . tafl Offi er ( adet) ( ). orwich. . ETTRrDG , 2.+ Meadowbrook Clo e, ta fT fllcer ( adet) ( ). HoningtafT ffi er · T, I. ., T.O., The Old icarage, t. Faith, Lt .- 01.
.omml )eputy .ounty 'o unl)' .ounty 'ounly .aunt) Count~
a Lie Meadow,
ecretar O. 1
ommi ioner . ~rea Superintendent ( ) -\rea uperintendent ( ~rea Surgeon Area \rea
taft' Officer ( adet) ( ) LUfT fllcer ( adet) ( )
orwich. Catton, pro,; ton, orwich. (Training). a t Thorpe,
fficer -
Colonel H. A. LEwl, M.B.E., T.D., 19, Kyle frome House Cundy Street, S.W.I. . H. SMITH, IJ, Rothe ay Avenue, reenford. Mis~ A. ORTH, 100, Inglehurst Garden, liford , Essex. . W. H AMMER, I.R . . S., L.R .. P., 106, Molli on Way, Edgware Middlesex. Miss K. M. PFI TER, S.R . . , 12, Ridgmonl arden, w.O F. H. WADE, S.R . . ,] 27, Tudor Walk, Watford, Hert . d G . G. PEAR E, 112, ollege Place, .W.1. Mrs. W. EWMA, 45, Dul verton M ansion, ray Inn Roa , W 181, Liverpool Building, . I. ( 00: pet itio)ns). W . H. SMITH, 14, Pinewood Drive, Orpington . (Fmance . Miss V. B. THOMA, 8, Haynes lose, Lee Terrace, Blackheat~ S.E.3.
orwich .
onvich n ich .
OIT"lml loner . ~Area uperintendent ( ) \rea uperintendent ( ) Area uri ng Officer .
rea (' ymolldhamj
I ,er ton on ich. M . . LlTTo , Hill HOLi Ie F~,rnL"\' ddeo\n 0[:' i h J RTI , "The Beec"le, . ' . . . ., R ' lie mer Hou e Wortham, [. Dl . Mr. L. M. PER, The 'Old Re tor " Fundenhall Mr . P. M . RA wo 0, .R . . , rwi h. O.
Area rea
o. 3 Area (Thetford) G. M. Dupo T, Park ottage, Gri ton, Thetford. . E. ~ELDR KE, " pringfield," Lopham Ro ad, a t Harling orwlch. ' G. . EL\\'1 ," a) ton," .Hemp tead Road , Holl. Mi . M . LE THLR, M. B. . , The Old Laundry, Didlington, Thetford. (Training).
Ollln11S loner uperintendent (A)
Area Staff Officer .
Mr . . BORWICK, Haselbeck Hill , orthal11plon. (Tel. Maidwell 266). . Dr. W. J. G. DRAKE-LEE, Thorpe House, Head.lands, Kettenng. Mi C. UPTON, S.R . . , 123, Headland, Kettermg. G WILLEY" lare House," Abbey Way, Rushden. M'i ·M. L. D'AY, The Grange, Great Brington , orthal11pton. Mi G. GAl SFORD, 107, Park Avenue orth, orthampton. Mi M HULL 9 Billing Road. orthampton. Mr . . ·R . GIL~ETI, 2, Queen Garden, Peterborough (Cadet ). SEWELL 253 Park Road, Peterborough. H. no, "Beverley," 41, St. Albans Road, orthampton. (Treasurer). IBB J8 Birchfield Road, orthal11pton. hburnham Ro ad, orthampton. B . BILL! 'GTON 76, rvi r .' P . B. HAR~IS T, J l , Rothersthorpe Road, Far Cotton, orthampton. (Tel. 62137). . . -. PLO\>, lA , 23, The Ridge , Great Dodnngton , r. Wellmgborough.
llunty Superinlendent ( Juntv Surgeon . . lUnt'y ur ing Oflleer . . lunty taff Oflleer ( adet) CA) . Cnty tafT Ofllcer ( adets) ( ). lunty taff Ofllcer
4 Area (Dereharn) G. E. GERRARD, Beech Hou e, re enhall, a t D rehalll. acanl. Dr. R . D . R . HA l\. , l-Janey Hou e, Walton, Thelford. Mr . J, HIGHET, .R.'., The Ho pilal, En t Oereham . TO.
Area Commi ioner . rea uperintendent ( ) rea urgeon . . Area ursing Officer
taff Officer .
o. 6 Area (Fakenharn) acant. -. J. FRO T, The Green, a t Rudham, KlOg' Lynn The Hon. Mr . R . 01([, The hlte HOLl e, ca. enham, KIng's Lynn. Mi K. M. LLI 0 , .R . . , orfolk and King' Lynn General Ho pita!. . W. ROBI' " M arkaren," \ e tfield venue, Well -next. ea.
Area om.rru slOner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area
ur ing Officer
A Area
llunt, cerelary o. 5. Area (King' Lynn) R. P . ERRINGTO, .~1.G., The WJllo\>, ,l-Ieacham, King' bnn aunt; ergeant-Major B. W. MEEK, 4, t. alerey Lane, King' L) nn . . Mi J. HUGH .R . . , W. orfolk aod King' L nn Genera. Ho pital H. G. E. LLI 56, re well treet, KlI1g' ) nn. ( ecretar)}. rea omml ioner
rea Commi ioner Area uperintendent ( ) Area ur ing Officer
Peterborough Area acant.
taff Officer
Area Commi sioner A Area
ollntl' Office: ramger Park. Ro ad, ewca tie upon Tyne 4. Tel. ewca tic upon Tyne 3793 .
Area Area
7 Area ( rorner)
Major P. \ . RAYWOOD, T D., anor Farm ll ou e, ortl The H n. Barningham, orwich. Wing Commander B. R. W. H LLO\\ , The WhIte House 'ommi loner . Kelling, Holt. Mr . J. H . uno, Bayfield Breck, H olt. Deputy om 111 I 1 ncr. Mi K. L CKRAFT, .R . . , romer Ho pital, romer. ounty uperintcndent ( ) ' 0. 8 Area ( I harn) J. E . KEn, The chool Hou e, aw ton, on Ich. .oumy uperintendent (
uperintendent (
uperintendent ( ) ursing Officer
Area Commissioner
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( )
o. 9 Area (Aele) M. G. FALCO, The annon, e t al ter, reat Yarmouth, Mr . P. G. LOW ', Lingwood Lodge, Lingwood, orwich,
Area Commissioner
o. 10 Area (Yarmouth) R . . CRIGHTO ,59, Blake Road,
reat Yarmouth.
olonel ' 0.
ounty ounty
cr ur Ing tafT Ofll cr ( adet ) ( ) .
COllll!)I Presiden!: . G: "G ,C.B.E.,
I. .
olln!1' ~ 'ice-Pre idell! : r -. . . T A\ LOR (\ IIrsing). Hall,
., Royal ictoria Infirmary, E\.t. 392). re t, Horton Road , Beb ide Blyth.
flicer ( adet ) ( ) . e\ ca tie upon Tyne.
e\o\'ca tIe upon Tyne, 6 ewca tIe upon Tyne.
ORTHAMPTO County Office: orthamplon. Tel. orlhampton 337 11. County President: The Hon . Lady MACDONALD-B IlA A . County Vice-President : M AR HIO ESS of ORTHAMPTON ( ursing)
21, York Road,
Deputy Commissioner.
apt. J . . PARKER, 12, hurch lreet, Wellingborough. (Tel. 3] 68). 'W " Loc K, M,R . . s., L.R.C.P., L ey F ur Iong, esborough, orthant.
anthu County
e rctary
venue, F n I1am ,
and H und
ew a tle e, ca tle
County P.R.O.
Mi s E. BAGGOTT, .R . . , 2 Holy tone vellue, Regent Farm ounty E tate Go forth, ewca tle-upon-Tyne 3.
Area Commi ioner Area Surgeon Area
ur ing Officer
Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( Area taff Officer .
Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . . . ursing Officer .
Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer .
taff Orncer
L. HOCK! , 9, Farndon Green, WollatoJ? Park, ottingham. . UMBERLA D, 17, Blake Road, West Bndgford, ottingham. (Treasurer). . E R ' th L. H. BIDDULPH, Lea Hur t, Southwell Road, ast amwor ,
No. 1 ( outhern) Area acant. D. W. B. HOGG I.B. B.. , 727, We t Road, ewcastle upon Tyne. Mi F. E. M. EWTO, .R . . , . .M., 11 Manor Place, Long. .)unty ecrctary . benton ewca tie upon Tyne. Mrs. C. E. Jo 'E, 16, Le bury Avenue. RosehJlJ, WaUsend ;it. County ecretary G. W. BROOK, lbany Hou e, tation Road, hiremoor. . "unt} P.R. Mrs. G. . HALL, 107, Frank treet, Benwell, ewcastle Upon Tyne. o. 2 acant.
1idland) Area
'ca Commi
. D. . BRADFORD, 70, Weardale venue, owpen, Blyth. Mrs. E. J. FAIRBAIR ,12, arlton treet, Blyth. Dr. J. . OBLE, 73, ewbiggin Road, shington. Mi s J. S 11TH S.R. ., .C.M., Thoma Knight Memorial Hospital, Blyth. T. ALD ,9, Hortendale Grove, owpen tate, Blyth. Mrs. W. LLOWLEY" Burn venue, BI}th .
ur ing
107, Mu ter R oad, West Bridgford,. ottingha!11' D. P LFREEMAl'., J I, utton Road , Huthwalte, Sutton-lOshfield, ott. (Tel. 2116).
W Mi
rea uperintendent ( ) 'ea uperinlendenl ( )
.a laO- f1\ccr ( adet ( ) ea laff OITicer ( adcl) ( ) . ea • ta IT
o. 3 Area Commissioner Area Surgeon . . Area ursing Officer Area Staff Officer .
. B u I we, II tt ' h m W . otts. L. A HMORE, 21, Fenton Dnve, 0 mg a . (Training). . ' h (T I Mr . J. LEDGER, 10, Mapperley Hall Drive, OttlOg am. e.
orthern Area O . T. STORRS alional oal Board, Edwinstowe Hall , dwin towe, oUs . H KEVER E Oaken gate, 49, Blyth Road, Worksop, ~tts. M'r . '0. W . 'SH, .R.l'<., 6, Ikesley R oad, Welbeck Colliery illage, Man field. M ' Road . KERR, "I.A., M.B., B.CH., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., am , arn field, ewark. acan!. d . tt F Ro E "Derwent," 30, Rufford Road E wmstowe. 0 s. MAJOR 275 andy Lane, Work op. .r' J H' L'rGRA\ C '84 Yew Tree Road, Ollerton , W. ri. 1 LEY,' The re ce~t, BJid.worth, R BRADB RY 17 Liulejohn Drive, Ramworlh, r. Mansfield. R' T BBS 61' R~ITord Road, dwin towe, Man field. (Cadets). 'r . K . ~El'.D, chool Hou e, Bilsthorpe, ewark. (Cadets
crgcant- 1ajor
hoppington. K,
re ent, Had t ne, BroomhiU,
Llperintcndcnl ( )
.ea upcnnlcndcnl ( )
OTTINGHAM IDRE County Office: 3, Weekday Cro,
ottingham. Tel.
ollingbam 50437.
County President : His Grace The Duke of PORTLAND, K.G. COLIllty Vice-Presidents: Lieut.-Colonel Sir John JARDINE, BT., O.B.E., T.D., J.P. (Ambulance). Lady STARKEY ( ursing). F. G. GLO SOP, Esq., O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets) The Countess MA ERS ( ursing Cadets). Commissioner . H. L. BOSWORTH, O.B.E., Bank hambers, Sutton-in-Ashfield, oUs. (Tel. utton-in-A hfield 2707). Deputy Commissioner. J. T. WATKIN, M.B., CH.B., "Greenbanks," Bramcote Lane, Wollaton, ottingham. (Tcl. ottingham 284J 07-0tfice, 27124]). County Superintendent (A) J. A. SWANWICK, 222, Lougbborough Road, We t Bridgford, ottingham. County Superintendent ( The Lady Anne BE I CK, Welbeck Woodhou e, Worksop, otts. (Tel. Worksop 2460). County Surgeon R. G. PRE GER, M.B., CILB., 19, The Riding, Ockbro ck, Derby. Asst. County uperintendent ( ). Mr. J . B. Bo EJlAM, "Blue cave ," Larch -< ann, i hpool. County ursing Officer " Miss H. B. EDWARD, S.R.N., S.C.M., "Maranatha," uncargate Road, Kirby-in-Ashfield, otts. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A). R. J. ROPER, 13, Haileybury Road, We t Bridgford, otting· ham. County Staff Officer (Cadets) ) . Miss D. G. WOODALL, 12, arlton Road, Work op, otIS.
ea ~t
ea rea rea
urge n rca LI rgeon ursmg mcer. . mcer ( adcl) ( ) mcer ( adet) ( ) mcer .
a ant. JI "NING , _6,
L acanl.HOG G 13 h r [0\ e, Mapper Iey P ar k . ottl'ngham . BILL,' 3: Exton Road , hen ood, ottmgham. RELLT ,59, Highfield Road, uthall ottingham. (Train-
· R.
.ing). PrpPLRD Y, 6, \rea . ergcanl-
\rea \rea
UI crintendenl ( ) Llperintendent ( )
ur ing taff tafT taO'
d or
\ enLle, Fore t To\-\ n, Man field.
m er ad t ) ( ) adet ) ( )
lid1and rca -< . M. CKR YD, Milford HOLl e, ottingham Road , Fi hpool, Man field. '.. _. _ hfield ott. J. BLA KI! t, 8, Bulwer .R oad, KII .bY I~ field'V oodhoLl e, Mr. -. L IVCR ,15, tamforth II et an . oll L '.JaIl
om er ( mcer ( m cr..
( Iad 1 ). d I BY, Bagnall Lodge, Bagnall Roa ham.
\rea \rea \rea
lie mere Road, Fore t To\\n, Man field .
TO ' E,
B elL .•
hLlr h
Pil1\.ton. .R . . , " outhfield ," hurch Street, Mr.M.L.JJf Pinxton. d . DR BBLE, 43, ambria Road Man fiel . acant. venue, Kirb -in- hfield, T. L. M ULTON, 16-+ Diamond oll .
ommi ioner
F. G. ER 0 , 46, Derby hire Lane, Hu knall. H . B RBER, 29, Balmoral Drive, Mansfield. G. Fu T, 5, High treet, outh ormanlon. F. MORLEY, 43, Bon er arden, utton-in- hlleld. R. TUBB, 16_, Hardwick Lane, utton-in- hlleld, it, of
rea uperintendent ( ) Area Superintendent (N) rea Surgeon . . rea ur ing Offi er . Area ursing Offic r taff Officer (Cadet ) ( ) taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Staff Officer .
ergeant-Major .
lottingham Area
. J. MA cARr, I.D., L.M.C .. , "The Brownberrie ," Lough. borough Road, Ruddin gton ollingham. H . F. FOUL TONE, 23. Brora Ro ad, Bulwcll, ottll1gham. ollingham. Mi G. E. L ~, 24, ir Road , dwalton, Dr. M . HERRARD, 321, pley Lane, pley ottingham. MIs . J EW. . R . . , .C.\I.. I, MIll t. Pia e, Old Basford ott ingham. . Mi F. Pr. DER. 2, Pad tow Road Bc twood tate, ottingham. . R AI'BO\\, 7, in dale re cent, Indcrhill, oltingham acant. F. CARR[ER, 10. Gro\er venue, MapperJcy, ollingham. . H. HA), 4, Barrack Lane, ottingham. . TO\\LE 2, rnc t Road, Thorney, ood, oltingham. (Tran port). 1. M. K 0\\ L[<;, 24, Fir Road, - dwallon, otlingham. Mi L. B ILC), 45, olche ter Road, trcllc, olLIngham.
OXFORD HIR COLIllty Office : t. Ebbe , Oxford. Tel. "(fon! 42061 . COIIJ/t I' President : olonel . G. Do\\ CR, T.D., D.L., l\U.H. COllllt)' Vice-Presidents : Lieut.-General ir dward GRA ETT, K.B.C., .B., D.. 0., I\I.C. ( III/bull/lice). The Lady BICE TER ( 'III' ing). Mr . GARDf ER-HrLL ( IIrsillg Cadets). Commis ioner T. F. BRfGG , O.B.E., T.D., M.R . . . , L.R . '. 1' ., 9, The Green. Banbury, O"(on. (Tel. Banbury 2153). Deputy Commi ioner . A. L. ALE "DLR, .B.E., Baltic otlagc, Hcnlcy-on-Thames County Superintendent ( Mr . D . F. OLL., I\I.B ., CII.B., I, ton Villa., Broad treet, Bal11pton . (Tcl. Bampton a lie 3 3). County Surgeon H. R. Y 1o.,E, /l1.B., B. H., The Padd h., BodlcOtC, Banbur) . County ur ing Officer . acant. County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). G. J. ETTW[LL, 45, Taphou e venuc, Itney . County taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Mi D. M. A1'0; D) , 5, Burdcll venuc, Il eadll1gton, Oxford. County taff Officers . i J. A'SIIA\\.f, otmore Well ', Thamcs, ,on . J. WOODLLY, 60, I fcnley treet , Oxford. ( tore) . Mi . WALDOCK, 7, rran rove, Banbury . · F. BAzLry, 10, Lardlcy venue, nd \cr, Il anls. · J. DOWDY, 105, ampbell Road, owlcy, 'Jorel. (Training). J. F. G. OLlS, \1 . B.L., I, l: ton illas, Broad trcel, Bal1lpton. ( dl11l11.) . CounlY Secretary Mr . F. P. H AYWARD, 34, ope 10 e. orth I l ink ey,O,ford. County P.R .O . . J. R. OWE)\" 63, Yarnells Il ill, ~ crry Il ink. ey, ,ford. (Tel. 42551 ). J 4.
rea · R. LAwRr cr, hurchill Dnvc, j
Area Area
ommi ioncr ursing Officer
Oxford. Mr . M . S. A. I rADDO , Banbury.
ol11mis ioner ursing Officer
County l:rgcanLCOUnL) e rctar:. Cou nty P.R . . .
(Tran port). D Way Chollacott E tate, Whitchurch I I. T[, own , . Road Ta i tock. (Library ervlce). I I. 'TR 'G, 50, Lady mith Ro ad. Plymouth. (Cadet ). . J R PRE 95 Torr Lane, Plymouth. . . J' 14' L~wer Knoll)' Terrace, Plymouth. (Cadet ). OH " tore , ren 10 e Larkham Lane, . y f r . . . T, ren 'Ph mpton, r. PI) mouth. ( tore). Millbridge, Pl ymouth. . RI K RD, 129, Hoth am Place, ~ (Trall1ing). PI th R \IITH, 6 Trevone Garden, Manadon, ymou ') 1) K. . M B 'O~IBE 9 Lope Road, Ply mouth. (Tel. L I' R. . ~A"'~O~, 70, ~ -t 00\\ n Ro ad, Bea on Park, Plymou( 1. (Tel. 1775) .
HROP HIRE .J . . B. Headquarter,
ollege Farm Ii ou e, Bodicote,
Wing ommander M . M. KA"'L, "vI.H.1 ., R.A .I .( RI I D.), Bril1lPtoO ottage, Milton ommon, Oxford. Mrs . . G . RI IIARDSO , S.R . . ,37, b ervatory trcet, oxford.
Deputy S.R . . ,
County Office: St. John Hou e, 2, Bedford Terrace, Plymouth. Tel. Plymouth 65802. County Presidenl: The Rl. Hon . Lord ROBOROUGH, Lord Lieutenant of Devon. COllllly Vice-Presidents: P. R. curr (Ambulance). Mr . H. F. VELLACOTI ( ursing). Mr. . M . RODD ( IIrsillg). Mr . J . H . M . KEY ( ursing Cadets). TIIOMPSO Esq. (Ambulance Cadets). o LEWIS Glendarley, Court Wood, ewton Fen'ers, r. Commi ioner Piym~uth. (Tel. ewton Ferrer 345). b me Place quadron Leader J. E. G. HA COCK, D.F.C., 4, Os 0 , Deputy omml lOner The Hoe, Pl ymouth. (Tel. 65 17). S I h (T I Mr. R . BAL. DO, , O.B.E., 163, ew Road , a tas. e. County upenntendent alta h 2102). D.P.H., 10, Manadon Hill, R. t. J. HAROLD, L.R.C.P., 1. .1., Count) urgeon Plymouth. '11 'd alta h M I L Lu TO , .R. . , 11, HI I e venue, . County ur II1g nicer usten Avenue. J. . 'O\~[N, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., 294, Fort As 1. OLlnty urgeon . . M '0 r Plymouth. ro\\ nhill, Plymouth. Combe RI e, os ay, . . uperintendcnt ( ). M I. . T' M . WOOD. 0 "Lane nd" Wembury Powt, S. Devon. HOMP ,G , tafT nicer ( adet) ( ). M' . P ) 142 Pa ley treet, toke, De on port. Counly tafT om t:r ( adetl ( ). J ~ I' "RGF'~ t. Peter Road, Manadon, Pl ymouth. h COllnt) La IT mcers F. BL T HER: 35, ali bury Road St. Jude, Plymout .
Id Road, HeadIngton,
outhcrn Ar a
County COlInty County
OUllt l' Office : Road , hrew bury.
hre\ bur
The Lady Countl' Vice-Pre idenl : r K. M. E T ( ur ing). oloncl The arlo of PO\ I . .B.r.. (Ambulan ce ader). E T, .B .. , T.D., D.L., ,?orrington Hou e, ioner r. hrcw bury. (Tel. Lieut.- 01. ir John ORBfT, BT., I.B.E., J.P. ommis ioner . hrt:\· bur. Yort n Hou c H'W11cr Hill. P H[\\ T-.I"flOOR •. R. . , ' upcrinlendcnt ( Ilre',w bur . l cl. live 372). d I" urt, ouncil Ho ge D . '. I REL 'lD, 1\1. ., 13./11., B. H .• urgcon . Mr l~rcM. bur. 1\ \LLcn' . .R . . , 1 HOll e, Kennedy Road , ur ing mc r King ' land, hrew bur.
ta ~ Officer ( adet ) ( ). ta ffOOffiffi er (Cad t ) ( ). ta cers.
County Secretar COunl) P .R .O . .
F. .BROW H " 176, 1'0\ mere Road Ilrew bury. M1 . M . Wr DOM 142, or~e t t L dl J. PH1PP, . ' Quarry Lane, Red ree, u ow. hrop hll·e. Lake, Kelley, Wellington Mr. "d . 0G. IRA fPTO PY fiB - " 'LI Ig ' It::' .. E., lueld ' ' Oakh urst' we r . R o u, Mr . 1. . B LL, Orchard Hou e dma Ion r . ~rJ' . M. FIDLER, i~verLon, Radbrook R~ad . ~elltngton. unlV ergeanl-Major . . WILU 1\1 , 13, Grin hill Drive row ,rew bUT). H . DAVI ,66, range Road h . b" mo~r, hrewsburl.. lunt) ecrelary Trea urer W THO 1 <, rev. Uf _. (Training) ~unly P.R .O . . , B.C. I., 3, e\ hall arden bb ' F . hrew bur . ' ey oregate, W.acanl. D . WI KEN , 16, Dounton Io~, H arle tl, hrew bury lrea COl1lmi
Ea t rn Ar a
Area ur ing Officer rea taff Officer (Cad~t )' ( Area taff Officer (Cadel ) ( ) Area taff Officer. . .
W.gale G. .LrGGFTT, ~I.B., B. CII., B . . 0., -3, tall' fr rd Road, Oaken· Vacant. ~. R. PO~L I~, Hu) bfldge Road, 'v\ ellington. Dr jo 'E . ')0 H1MTTLL, P·RI· '.., The ollagl:, ern. \ ellington . , - , ount ea ant Ketle P k . .h W. B. R'.OLD, "Thameen," DaddlebrJ k , ar l~elea"'eBn~dale , rI gnort. \Y
rea urgeon . Area ursing Officer rea Staff Officer ( ad~I)'( rea
acan!. acanl. D. . M. bur).
taff Officer
D. W. KABLE, 19,
rea Superintendenl
'ea uperintendent a urgeon rea rea rea
r a
ur ing ffi er fficer ( adel) ( ) fficer ( adcl) ( ) fficcr
hrc\\ bury.
t. John Hou e ,
COlin!), O/fice: taplegrove Road, Taunton.
COlillty Vice-Presidents' Dr. Hu gh POWELL, M.B.C. (Ambulance an(i Alllbulance
omer ct.
dmiral G.
County Staff Officers (Cadet) (A) County Slaff Officer ( adet) ( ) .
~r .a~. Dw;rw, " Melcombe,"
xl' rd. . .A KLR, S.R . . ," .M., I) .T.0.( 1I0 s.), l olation and D J h~~~~ pltal, heddon Road, Taunton. · J' D ' M.A., 33, Holcombe 10 e Bathanlpt n r Bath. , . G M' . Avrs "J2 l i lWI' t i n.g Road We ' ton- uper-Marc 'SS V. Y A DLL, Sl. Aundrie 'chool We t QLlant~xhead, T auMon . ' . (Tran T. H .port). H OWE, "Waycot," ph'lI W l a y , We ton- uper-Mare. .
Mr(M. . V.. D.). L. H
BA D , "Wilman lone" ,
upenntendenl ( ) urgeon ur ing [fleer tafT On1cer ( adel ) ( ) cr ( adet ) ( ) tafT crgeant-MaJ
\rea \rea \rea
. TI-1Rl" ,C.B., D.S.O.
lford HOLi e, Castle
H. MI W.
\rea omml lOner \rea upcnntcndent ( \rea uperl nlendcn I ( \rea urgcon
County Surgeon
Counly Staff Officers
Court. . . T. MITJ ORD- LADE, D.L., J.P ., Mont Lieu~.J_to~lo~'~fwarren, bauMon. ( el. BI hop Lyd~ard 255). Drayton ' L" e AU, D.. 0., The Old ourt House, . . ' r. angport. MI s E. M . BR CL- TErR lenmore Lodge, MlI1ehead. (Tel. Minehead 492). ' J. TEMPLE, M.B. , B . . , I.R . . . , 23, e il Road, e ton- uper·
County Superintendent (
~~~~t;Ou~t~in~Pg~~~~de~t (
rea rea ,ea 'ca 'ea rea
Deputy Commi sioner .
D. O. LARK, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Mendip Croft, Bleadon Hill We ton-super-Mare. (Tel. Bleadon 389). R. RIDDLE, undome urseries, Locking, r. Westonuper-Mare. Mr. . L. PERRY\I ,53, Boulevard, Weston- uper-Mare. . D. DREW M.B., B.CH., M.R.C .. D.R.C.O., B.G., 12, Brean Dov.-n venue, We ton- uper-Mare. acanl. . P. W "ID ," herwood," 13 Coleridge Yale Road, Clevedon. r . D. D I, 12, Whitting Road Weston- uper-Mare. . TOZER, "The orge," Weslon-in-Cordana, Bristol. r . P. BIR H, B • . , DlP.ED., 17, ith dale Road , We ton-superMare. (Training)
ca Commlloncr
Tel. Taunlon 72< 5.
L' C Coun!y Presidel1!\ : Jeut.- olonel The RighI Hon. Lord llYLTO , Lord Lieutenant Mr . A. W. L TTRELL.
Northern Area
rea uperintenucnt ( )
Mr . D. 1. RowLA os, Windsor Lodge, Haines Hill. Taunton. ( adets). D . A. ROG ERS , 23, The Mead, Clutton, Bristol. (Camping). F. W. MURKI , S.R . . , B.T.A., 64, Lyngford Road, Taunton. (Training). L. . BAWD E ,9, Holm Road , Weslon-super-Mare. (Camping). W. H ur 1-1,30, Woodbury Ro ad, Bridgwater. Major W . K . CRAWFORD, Weslon Bampfylde Manor, Yeovil. G. D . BUTCHER, M.M., Orchard Close, East Brent. Lieut.-Col. . C. ROGER, Obridge Hou e, Taunton. Mr . D . BI GHAM-HALL, 1 Glebe Hou e, Grove Road, Weslonllper-Mare. (Tel. J 83).
ar d eD', D Ithcrlngton, hrell)' akfle ld Dri\e,
f"'G , J.P., Babington Hou e, l r. Frome. ILOR, tati n HOll e, itham Friary, r. Frome. . B R'.I 0 T, ,PUILene) Gro e Bath. or Ie, armin tel',
) )
ur Ing onlccr tafT om er ( adet ) ( ) tafT fTicer ( add) ( )
ommi ioner
\rea upennlendenl ( ) \rea Superintendent ( ) ~rea Surgeon .. Area ur ing Officer . ~rea lafT Officer ( adet ) (A) . rea tafT fficer ( adet) ( ) ~rea StafT
r. Bri tol.
\" tern Area Rear dmiral H. .F Hat h B auchamp. 424). L. . JOIl 1, 13_, oulh Mr . M . MORRI 0 ,
LK ER, .B., .B.E., D.. 0., The 10 e, r. Taunlon. (Tel Hat h Beauchamp treel, Taunton. tapl gro e
anor Taunton.
, .R . . , d tep, Martlet Road, Minehead . EBB, 12_, Lo eLane, Burnham-on- ea . . ~. LEO FR, .R . . , Hertford HOll e, Billetfield , Taun.
ton. Mr . . B. BILLY. T ne ale Hou e, orIon Fitzwarren, Taunton. (Welfare Offic r). .I . C. M . ROBl:.RT ," Hol)\\ell ," :\1 n, r. \.ele r.
County Superintendent ( )
COllnty Office: County urgeon St. John Hou e, 49, Wol erhampton Road, tafTord. Tel. tafTord 51657. ~sst. County uperin tenden t ( ) County President: Lady Diana MATIHEW . County ur ing Officer . . . ? County tafT Officer ( adet) (A) Commi sioner . .. , L.R .. P., _5, Middleton Roal I e ty tafT rficer ( adct) ( ). oun Streetly, utton oldneld. (Tel. treelly 1334.). Deputy Commis ioner. A BYRNE-Q I ,r-.!.B., B.. , M.R.C .. , L.R .. P., Darmody HouSt tafT Orficer tafford Street, Wolverhampton. . Count) County uperintendent ( P. L \VTO~, .R .• ., 2, LItlleworth venue, Wood ettor r. Dudle), Y orc . (Tel. edgley 3321). County Surgeon . WALKER, r-.r.B., CH.B., "Tree Top ," tafford Road, Cove Heath. t. County Superintendent ( ). Mr. . T. LLiOIT, J.P., .R.'\., 25, M iddletol1 Road, treet utton oldfield. County ur ing Officer Mr . M. Ro IER, .R. '\ ., 10 , Ru ell Bank Road, our Oak ulton oldfield. County Staff Offic r (Cadet) ( ) F. E. . Jo E , 2 3, haplin Road, Longton, toke-on-Trent ; ~~~~~~ ecrelary County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) M~~ef. · M . TL.R ER, "Lighlea e ," heddleton Heath, r P.R. . .
County Staff Officer
M. . I tMON , 154, Birche Road, od all, Wol erhamptol \rea Comllli . loner Mr . E. TIITE OR, 40, olli venue, Ba ford, toke-on. I Trent. \rea upertntendent ( ) ELL, M.B.r., 17a, Primley J . R. R \rea urgeon R. LEE, 1, Wind or Road, Queen ATIER O:-J, 74, Hart Road, G. \rea tafT mcer ( adet ) ( )
County Secretar) . . County Sergeant-Major
Area Area Area Area
Commissioner . Superintendent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon
Area ur ing Officer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( -) Area Staff Officers .
r a
acant. W. GWILT, 62, Queen' Road, Hart htll, LOJ..e-on-Trent. r . P . K . D. H RRIS, 4, l. eorge's venuc, \ 01 tantor 1. . HA lILTO', M.B., H.B., 20, neyd venue, e tlands ewcastle-under-Lyne. Mr . D. J. HE DLR 0', S.R . . , 3, eado\\') Ome, head Ie. R. BURTO 5, Wind or treet, Hanley, toke-on-Trent. Mrs. . SWALLOW, Waterfall oUage,Otne Brook, ccle hall Stafford. J. F. LEESE, Recreation round, tto ter, tafTord. J. H. KE. Y, The roft, Bram hall Road, ltoxeter.
\rea I
Commissioner . Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon
Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( Area Staff Officer .
acant. G. Mo SLEY, 5, harlc oster treet, Darlaston. Vacant . J . H. Rr H~10'D, T.D., "1.A., LB ., B.CII., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 19, Lothian Road , Tetlenhall , Wolverhamplon. V. J . MITCHELL, 6, Balmoral Road, Penn, oiverhampton Mr . L. Ru HTO , 196, t. John's Road, annock, Staffs. G. A. Mo soP, 33, I Ia ll Road, methwick.
Deputy Commissioner
County Office : I, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. Tel. 54005. COllnty Presidelll : Lady Blanche OBBOLD. County Vice-Presidents: Mis M. 11. MILLER M.B.L., S.R . . ( IIrsing). Major R. S. SCIfREII3CR, ampsea Ashe lfou e, Woodbridge. . (Tel. Wickham Market 426). . W, LCVCRFTI, O.B .. , " Woodlands," Debach , woodbndge.
Mr . M. . E. HARWOOD, .R . . , .C.M., Redmay, Walberswick, outhwold, SufTolk. . T. G. Gray, M.B., H.B., D.P.H., The Hollies, Holbrook, fp wich. Mr . R. V. SCHREIBER, amp ea Ashe Hou e, Woodbridge. Vacant. Walter . MAYHEW, 82, Severn Road, Ipswich. Mr . P. . TAYLOR, .R .. , Waterloo Farm House, Sotterley, Beccle . Mr. . . M. C TIO , 124, We terfield Road , Jp wich. Dr. D. W. RYDER RICHARDSO , The Beeches, Saxmundham. . J . '-JGLI H 75, lapga te Lane, Jp wich. (Training). F. W. RUFFORD, J8, Geneva Road, Ipswich, . Mrs. A. RICHARD 0 , S.R .. , Stow Lodge Hospital, Stowmarket. . . (1 Rev . H . G . ADC, 406, Woodbridge Road, Ip wlch. Te. I p wich 76329). B. D. PRICE, 97, Playford Road, ]p wich. (Admin.) (Treasurer). MISS . D. GEr, 471, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Te!. 78769). r. J . DE" 'T, " PIne Tor, " 22, Pine iew Road, Ip wlch. D.
" e tern Area . M CRA KE1'., t\I.D., D.P.II., 32, We tbur) t. dl11und. .5., L.R .. P., Bulton
enue, Bury
10 e, Ixworth, Bury
oney We ton,
rea . H.
'>I. e.,
Pelli lree Grange, Woodtreet, lp wich. Ip wich.
urge n ~rea ur. ing nker. . ~rea tan' f1ker ( adet<,) ( ) \rea tafT f1i er .
outhern Area
Area Area Area Area
y.,'. orth r n A rea
Area Area
01111111 loner ur ing mcer ~rea lan' mcer ( adets) ( ) Area tafT fli er .
\ a ant. acanl. acanl.
R. . D ) ER, 302 , ( ecrctar ).
d orman ton Dri e, Oullon Broa,
Cf" Ik UIlO ' .
URREY Ollnt)' Office: John Ilou.e, Wo dbridge Road, uildrord. T.::l. Guildford 6716 . COllllty President: acant. oill/fl' Vice-President: Lady 0 BOR ( IIrsillg Cadets). Brigadier . . RI:. D, C.B.E., I. ., Red Bine ,Beaver Hill, Commi loner Farnham. (Tel. Farnham 6(69). ) 1 RIl apt. . J. RT RIGHT, .V.O., O.B .. R.. (RETD., ate 1 Deputy ol11mi ioner. J lou e, amham . ,l.
County urgeon. ounty Superintendent ( )
ounty Superintendent ( ) County ur ing Officer . County taft' Officer (Cadet) ( ). County Staff Officer (Cadel ) County Staff Officer
County ergeant-Major County P.R .O. .
R. H. O. ROBr ON, .S., L.R.C.P.r., I, The Glen , Leigh Hill Road, obham. R . J. GRI TO K, I er toke, 13, Hillcre t venue, hert ey. Lady HEALD, O.B.E., hilworth Manor r. uildford. (Tel. Guildford 6l414). Mr . M. D. TilER, '.R . . , edglcy Hou e, a 1 Hor ley. ir Ed" ard IMBERT-Tl:.RRY Bt. , \I.C. Brim holl arm, Chobham, \ oking. Mr . E. M. G RTEE , ~nny ide, opthorne Bank, r. Cra\\ley K. . GR,\) , O.B.E., Highway ollage, a tHor ley. (Ambu. Ian e en ice). ( u"\.iliar,). . GREE HO GH, O.B.E., Wykc oaage tonebridge, halford (Trea urer). ( u"\iliary). F. E. C. BAR E, 14, Rher ide, Guildf rd. (Training). Mi P. MITH, "GaIIOl ay," Glazier Lane, ormand), r. Guildford . (Tel. ormandy 2200). . R. CARTER , B.E."I., I, herr) field, uller Road, Farnham. Capt. L. E. PORTER, R.. , "Warrenhur t," Id arnham Lane, Farnham. ( u illar)).
urgeon: ( .W.) ( .W.)
ur ing Officer :
. \ .) .W .)
Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Area Staff Officers.
ergeant-Major .
1. M. B LL, , cw Ha\.\ Road, ddle lone. . KIGHT, 21, Bridge Road , Ha lemere. Mi . M RRI H, " Meadland ," Three ale Lane, IJa lemere, Surrey. R. G. 0 HER, I\I.B., B. ' ., "I.R .. P., L.R.C.P., edgle) Hou e, a tHor Ie). . H. M. RrCH RD , "LB., CII.B., \I.R.c..<;., l.IC( .P., D.P.H., Mun lead La'Wn, Godalming. Mr . M . . FR KLI, S.R.'\., 17, rOl,chealh orth, Rlplel Mi M . B. ILLI'\G- A, .R . . , " eLiars," Ilc.lLiIe) Road . Hindhead . C. P . LOl\GL '\0, 32 reen Lane, dLillone. Mrs . M . . L8B, Pyper , prlngfarm RoaLi, amel dale Haslemere. G . WORTHY, 42, Tenn y on Road, dLile tone, UITe). G. H . HARFI CLD, 4 uildford Road , farnham. H . L. D . 0 GHLI'\,93, hurch Road, ddleslone. E. L. LLOYD , The otlage, Maybury Hili , oklng. (Training). . G. CHARLTO ,2 , Farm Road, Id \ oi-Ing.
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . Area ursing Officer . . Asst. Area ursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officers .
Area Sergeant-Major
B. ROBL SO"< B.E. 1., " Terrell ," icarage Lan.e, Ilorley. B. E. OR fA , 13, Ibert Road orth, Reigate. LLOW, 'Wild ak ," yhur t 10 C, Kings· Miss M. R. M . wood. Vacant. Mis M . RAY, 31, Dor el venue, a t Grin teaLi. Mrs. 1. . MACKL ZIL, .R .. , avua Ilou e, London Road, rawley, u ex. D. C. BAYLIS, 6, Benham Drive, Horley. Mrs. M. BELFI[LD, M.B.r., "Tangmere," Poveycro Road, Gatwick, urrey . Mrs. D. OVCLL, herry Wood , Baldwin Hill , a5t Grin lead. A. G. GUMRELL, " Hayden ," ordbridge, outh Merstham. R . A. LOCKETf, 8, lalion Road , arl wood, Redhill. 1. . SMTTH, 104, Middle treet, Brockham . ( adet). A. . HOLMA , 18, Potters Way, Reigate. T. T. D MARESQ, 18, Orchard Way, Reigate. O. H . A IIDOW , 48, Staplehur l Road , Reigate. Miss G. M. B KLA 0, 33, Grove lJili Road , Redhill. Vacant.
County Office: [9,
treet, Horsham , Su ex.
Tel. Hor ham 4556 .
County President :
The Lord Rupert
COUl1tv Vice-Presidents:
Major- eneral J . M. L. RE TO, .B., D.S.O., O.B.E., J.P. (Ambulance). Mr. erald KEW ( ursillg). Ir Richard Bo GIrCY, Bt. (Ambulallce adefs) . Mr . . M. TCWART-RoBERTS ( ursillg Cadets). omml loner
ommi loner.
'unt) unt~
uperinlendent ullerrnlendenl
) )
apt. J . M . H ODGES, D.S.O., R . . , "Chatfields," olwood Lane, . Bolney. (Tel. Warninglid 219). . H.R.H . Prince Tomi lav of JugoslavJa, Redlands Farm, Klrdford r. Billing hur t. 'J PP 15 Barttelot Road Horsham. P K RT-Mo EY, 196, Addiscombe Road Mrs.' . M. roy don, urrey. R. . BRI\1 ' Yo G, .\I.B., CR.B., D.P.H., Health Dept. , County Hall, Lewe . . Mr . D. M PHER 0:-', .R .. , 35, Croft venue SouthWick. D. H . . B RCHELL 50, Fairfield Garden, Port lad~. . Mi s . M. TRILL, \I1.B.1:., 93, uckfleld Ro ad, H.ur tplerpoLOt. . JUI RY, .R .. ," rayli ," rundel Ro ad, Llttlehampton . . M . B\RK ER, [0, Hurst venue, .Bor ham. F. . . Dr [ ,7, lford 10 e, Wort~1IOg. (Trea urer) . 1I.R.H . Prince TOl\lI LA of Jugo lavla, Redlands Farm, Klrdford, r. Billingshur t. . . i P. \11 . OBLE- M THE\ ,Lyd\.\Jcke, Imfold. f. R. TR '<G[, 66, Deer wood Road, Vet Green, rawle) .
\;l.rclary Ounl) P R. . .
d\ I r).
T p" L, 6..J., 1m Ori\e, Ho\e. ( adet). _ '. l\tpo,""l9. 'orth treet, Hor hamJTel. 45.6). ajor 1. . H . "\eLC ," 11Ighland, orthtam, (Tel. orlhtam I [).
. I
•• ••
Ol11ml' i ner \rea uperint ndenl ( ) ~rea Superinlendenl ( ) \rea urg on
lreet , Ea t-
• •
al tdean,
\rea \rea \rea \rea
re cent,
urt, Bourne
, Ru h
ea • uperlntendcnl \ea urgeon
Tr. Rye.
Hou e, 5 , Lu trell
01111111 loner upcnnkndent
a tern
We tern Ar a Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( )
• ••
• •
• • •
• •
• ••
• ••
• • • •• •
·• • •
• ••
•• •
• ••
t rn Area
W L H COR , 43, The arden, . R . H ' RTLEY 2, ndrew 10 e, Ru tlngton: M·· R B 'L UR 14 louce ter PIa e, Llttlehampton . K.I . -Nt ~ 0 , I:B., 'CIt .B., D.P.H., omew 11 Hou e, orlh trcel, Hor ham .
72 rea
ur ing Officer
o IPTO " .R.. laugham Place Farm, Siaugham, e . (Training). Mr . T. D . PAGE, .R . . , 29, Monk enue, Lancing. L. W. MOWER, 15, Old Barn Way, outhwick. Mr . E. M. WELL, 1, Down Mead, Lan ing. Mrs. J. M. B R HELL, 50, airfield arden, Port lade. Mr . B. R EY 'OLD alon, Malthou e Road, rawley. G. A. WHEATL D," Ii old", pencer Place, Hor ham. E. J. H. GRO E ," alene" 26 Pondtail Road, Hor ham. Mr . G. M. ALDER, Rapkyn Lodge, Broadbridge Heath Hor ham. . . J. M 'TED, 136, herry arden Road, a tbourne.
County Office:
nd Ie
lreet, Sal i bury.
101, Widdecombe The Hon . Mr . L.
COllnty President . FITzRoy
The Lady WrLLo GHBY DE BROKE ( III' ing) Mi Ber) I B K\1A TLR ("[Iring adetl).
County Superintendent
County Surgeon County ursing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) County Staff Officer ( adets) ( ). County Staff Officers .
ounty Secretary
r"ounty ergeant-Major ounty P.R.O ..
ommi ioner.
:9unt} :'Junty
uperlntendent ( u rgeon l) . upenntendent ( ur ing fTicer .
fTicer ( adet) (
(nunty (ount)
ta fT ta fT
fTicer ( adet fTicer
e retar)
0.13.1 ..
COllnt)' Vice-President:
Commi loner
Brigadier B. . G. Jo L , D.S.O. The Ro c otlage, I ~OIeld treet, Beoley, orc. (Tel. Reddilch 4430.) . Mi . M . ORTO" B.. M., The Beeche, taverton, i\r. Da entry, orthant. (Tel. Davcntry 255 ). D . W. HE DRY, B. ., M.D., M.R.C.O . . , " reena res," 30' Lutten orth Road , uneaton. Mr . L. R. MlTCIIELL, I 5 olihull Road, hirlcy, olihul. . F. Hrpv, ELL, 70, t. eorgc' Road. 0 cntr.. Mr . ROSBY, 10, Orchard re cent, o\cntr). W. B. M. YL[Y, atchbury Hou e, Barford, r. \ af\\Id, Mr . J. rWALL, 36, Middlemarch Road, Radford, 0\ entry. P. H. JAi\1E, 0, orman Placc Road, VCnlr}. ( adet). Mr . E. L. READY, , Lord Lytton enue, toke, oventr), L. F. HAZFLL, 37. araday Road, Rugby. . O. RO BY, 10, Orchard re cen t, 0 cntr). Mi s D. WILLI. RO r, 137, Hall rcen R ad, Bell Green, oven try. ( adet). Mr. F. KEMP,4 Ie ander Road, Bedworth, uneaton. (Cadets). Mrs. A. J. BROW , 15, ir Tree venue, Tile Hill orth, oventry . . V. TAPLI ,27, apmarlin Road, oventry. ( adet). J. T. H. POWER, J9, ros treet, tockingfon.l, uneaton. ( adel). Mi s M. MIL CR,4, outh Avcnue, toke Park, oventry. R. T. HALL, 8, Belmont Road, Rugby. ( adets). H. WARD, 22, Romrord Road, Holbrook, oventry. T. A. ATII RTO , 154, Westmorland Road, Wyken, oventry, (Tran porl). J. L. A. M VICCR, M.B. , I1.B., 2, lIacombe Road, oventr). Mis M. L. BAILLY, 7, Armorial Road, tyvechalc, oven(;~' H . G. D. B STO , 101 , Widdecombe lose, oven try. e. Walsgrave-on- owe 260 1). D. IMMO OS, M.B.I., I J 5, Banbury R ad, tratford·on·~von. 1:.. O. ORML, 7, A thill rove, oventry. (Tel. 22972 (Bu I nesS), 24586 (Re, idencc») .
al i, bury 4810.
lE E q.
Olillty Vice-Presidents: L. F. Mo s, E q. (Ambulance Cadets) . Mr . M. . HALL ( IIl'sing Cadets).
COllntl' Office .
County President:
omm l ioner
A t. rea ur ing Officer . Area Staff Officer ( adel) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea Staff Officers.
Major-General D . D . . TULLOCH, C.B., D.. 0., M.C., The Old Rectory. Ru hall, Pew ey, Wilts. (Tel. ~pavon 229). Brigadier G. WORT, C.BL, Old Rectory, Hllcot, r. Pewsey, ilt . (Tel. Woodborough 269). Ml . G . TURV1ER, " K ajha," Bratton, Westbury. B ommander H . M. DARLOW, R... ,(RETD.), .A., urgeon M.R . . . , L.R.C.P., uckoo Pen, Porton, Salisbury. acant. ., Devize and Di trict Ho pital, MI M. De\ izc . Lieut.- 01. R . B. R OB! so , Old Rectory Beechingstoke, Pe ey. I' b Mr . D. . F 'i HAV E Farley Farm, F<l:rley, r. a I ury. Mr. . H. HEI\Ii\1f 'G, Monkton Farlelgh Manor Bradfordon. ( .H .. R . - dmin.). . J. MORTO ·PAL lER, "Haldon," Harnwood Road , all bur}. (Tel. 22742).
We tern Ar a
SuperIntendenl ( ) \rea upcnntcndent ( )
tafT tafT
mer ( adet ) ( ) fTicer ( adet ) ( )
. J. A DREW, 9, The 10 e, Melk ham. r. K . M . LI:. [ TO , J.P., pier Piece, teeple hton, Trowbridg . . MOLO Y, LB., H.B., Pro pect Hou e, Bradford-on- yon, Mr.ilt .. B. DIDO Tro bridge.
LB., CH.B., The Lodge,
a ant.
Mr, . P. M. F IR LO Tro bridge .
.R. '., Hagh ill Farm,
outh rn Area \ rea \rea Area
upermtendent ( ) uperintendent ( ) urgcon ~rea ur ing mc r. . ~rea tafT fficcr ( ad t ) ( ) ~rea ta fT Omcer ( adet) ( )
Area uperintendcnt ( ) Area uperintendent ( ) Area urgeon ~rea tafT On1cer ( adet) ( ) ~Arca t'lfT mc r ( adel) ( ).
Area StafT
mcer .
The ali bury. a tlcb w, a tie treet, ~udger hall. , King bury quare, WIlton. Ro ad, ali bur ' .
orthern Area . BLAKE, 66, t. Phillip R ad, Upp~r tratton , \ indon M. L E 65 PI mouth tr et \ Indon. J. r K. Mo RO: 1.' H., F.R . . . , 'Highfield ," The omOlon, Marlborough. R Kr 4 Ri hmond Road, \ indon .. M' '1 L V'IU::r' ' 77 Ti m ad re ent. WIndon. . BR' , I, hri enham Road, windon. M:" L.·
County Office: Priory Hou e, 29, CoLLiogham Road , Hull. Tel. 43038 l. John Hou e, 34 The Tylhing, Wor e ler. Tel. 24503. COllnty President: Coullty Pre ie/elll : The Lord H OTHAM, .B.E., D.L. The Couote BE HM-IP, III.B.E. COLII/ly Vice-Presidents : F. L. EWTO " q, LB., IT . B. D . J. TAYLOR (Ambl/lance). Lady WE TB RY ( ursing). COUllly Vice-Pre idell! : LEC- MITH, T.D., D.L., J.P. (Ambulance Cadets). The Rt: Ho.o. Earl BE CH<\\IP (Ambulance). lonel R . Mr. . GORDO ( I/I'sillg Cadets). arguente, Lad) LL II\IERL (/\ur in!?). Cynthia, The Lady A DY ; Mr. . J . O\lrR ( 'ursing adets) . _. M. DEAR , O.B.E., M.B., CH.B., D.L.O., Holme Lodge 24 Commi slOneI' orth Ferriby. (Tel. Hull 643 141). , Ferriby High Road, Commi loner Li ut.- 01. . P. AUGHA , D.. 0., tanhope II u c, Pershore, acanl. Deputy omml Ion r. ore. (Tel. Pcr horc 456). M I . M . T "EHOU , 63 Welwyn P ark Road , Hull. (Tel. Deputy Commi ioner . T. C. LE Clf Ma ford, 63, Hale owcn Road, Quinton. Coun ty upcnntcndent ( ') 52602). Birmingham.' . O. H ALLIWELL, LR.C.P., M.R.C .. ,233, Hallgate, Cottingham, County uperiotendent ( County urgeon Mr. . . R S LL, 1\1.13., H.B ., Plnneld Ii ousc, herr, HI'II . York. Road, Barnt r en Mr. . R HOLD, The Bungalow, heepman Lane, Hutton F . County urgeon \sst. ounty uperintendenl ( . HI' 10LLA \1, \1.13., Cll.a., \I.R.C. " [ .R.C .P., B arhlll House ran ~ Jck, Driffield. vee lurc I1, r. Birmingham. . enue, 11 HOL N, .R.'., 657, Jame Reckitt I County ur ing Officer County u r lI1g mcer r . E. .BROTHI RT " 'l.R.' 17, Linlhur t R ad BMllt G Hull. r. Birmingham . ,reen. R. BrRRYl\1 1\" 2, nalnton Gro\e, Derringh am Bank, Hull. County taff Officer ( adet) ( ). ~'I H'HBr~I"~HA'\I, 0, our t re cent, Kings,,, In ford tath Count) lalT !licer ( adets) ( MIS L. F. LrpPIGTO ," ytona," 8 Bell ue re cent, Filey. Coun ty taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) isH tV! 10\11 \0, "TrafTord," Manor Lane, Il al~ owen: Coun ty lafT III er ( adets) ( . ] K ON, 230, Hawthorn enue, Hull. County taff Officers . er · . \ LTO , Mount Plea ant owlclgh Road County tafT Mr. . J ACK 0, ,Lynton venue, Anlaby Park Road " M a Ivern. uth, Hull. (Cadet ecretary). Mr . M . . HOD ,['), 123 , Blr hflcld Road Rcddltch. R.\H 107, e lbourne Avenue, Hull. Count) e relar) and P. R.O. r. J . M . RI\u"(J ro ,\I.13.r., oUlhall' r . R . II<\RLTO, Elm ollage, Bewholme Lane ealon, Hull. DrOIl\~ Ich. (Tel. mber Ic) 402) olt<lgc, Hadlc!1 R. I (JR \1, .R.'., II, Thorneycroft Lane, Thorngumbald E. Count) ergeant- ajor G. ]e'ER, 32, H II) Hall Road, Dudlc) )- ark'. (TrainlOg) . I J . BARKLR, 3, De La Pole \eoue, nlab) Ro ad, Hull . ( adel). K. II . BOTT \ILL) , 139, Be\erl y Road, He Ie. (Trea urer). orthern r a J. • HI' H, 3 Y Ind or Road, ounty Road Torth, Hull. rea Commis ioner M. ICI(II \1, \1.13 ., (11.13.,41, Il ighrit:ld ROdd , Jddle) Heath County ecrd,H)Mrs. D. . 0\ Rl ., 20, RI\er ide Ro ad, Hull. Area Superintendent ( ) \ssl ount) cercl,lr)-. H. . BE CTT, 52, Harcourt Road, Id Ilill. Area Superintendent ( ) acanl. Area Surgeon D . H. T I R, \1.13 ., 11 . 13 ., Ii a Cll n, udlc) Road, prrnfield. Dudle) . rea ur ing Officer . r. E.owen . WI as rr R, R' Hale . . , "Th e Ir, " 2 ,. ummer Hill. JORTH RIDI G OF YORK HIRE rea taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) B. ROPER, 23, WIndmill Il ill, radle) lln'~ MI B M ' rea taff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Oll/1fy Office : Mi . . 0(1), unl:rngddlc, Blackberr) Lanc, Iialeso\\en, Area taff Officer . II, ornfield R ad, Middle brough, ork. ' dl . ITC()\.IBI., Idneld , 5 omer" Road Pnofl ' J , D u ey. 01111/1' Pre ie/ellt: J. . E. BE. T, 23, Ro emary re cent We t Idthorn Park, he Lady ERE J 1 Wolverhampton . (ecretary). ' H HI"GU II" arrow Lane, Blackhccllh Blrming' '1' (T .Y' " I ove), Comml. lont.:r Bedale, lam. nunlng). ' Area ergeanl-Major . acanl. Deputy ommlssl ncr ppcr e tbrook, Darlington . (Tel. County up nntcndenl ( COllllf), Office :
o uth ern
ommi sioner
taff Officers .
r a
01. D. . RO'I", 0.13.1., r.O., ··W odthorpe," 5, pctchl e) Road, Worce ter. acanl. MIs M. , KNOW! [ us ex Lodgc, Kemp, ey, Worec ter. . A. IN(LAIR, M.H., (11.13. " How'u-ds" venuc Road
Area L1perintendenl (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon rea ur ing Omcer Area Staff Officer ( adcts) ( Area tafT Officer ( adets) (
) )
~~. ~ B. HARRI ,S.R . . , I, Ale andra
venue Droilwich, . . ' ISr LAKI-, "Lorctta," Bcdley, r. Redditcl; . i R. WOOKI Y, 4, Marlow Mw ourl 54 Britt'l lll quare, orce, ter. " < ~~ D. W. Jo LS, .Dal ton, 64, Worcc 'ler Road, Malvern. ISS 1. OLUY, 23, Tlmberdine vcnue, Bath Road, Worcester.
County u rgeon. . As t. ounty Llperintendenl ( ) & P.R.O County ur Ing mcer County laO' COunly lan' County
nlccr ( adcl ) ( ). fli er ( adct ) ( ) . mcet'
.R . . , .. 0.
ot ter loe Road, venne,
t. G rmain
to 1-.t n-on-Tee . orton, to ktoo-one by.
arborongh .
C. F. PEDDIE, Harrowgate ottage, Harrowgate Lane, orton. on-Tee. (Tel. tockton 67614). (Trea urer). R . H. WRIGHT, 27, rantham RO:ld, orton, tockton .on-Tees.
County ecretary
WE T RIDI G OF YORK lITRE District Office : Wetherby Hou e, Wetherby. Tel. etherby 2574. District President : The Countes of ('ARBROUGH District Vice-Presidents: The Vi counte s MOUNTGARRET ( ursing) . The Lord SA ILE (Ambulance odet). Mrs. E. RADCLIFFE ( urslllg Cadets). Commi loner ir William TA L R, BT., .B.E., D.L., J.P., Bentwood , Court Horne, r. Barn I y. District Superintendent ( ) Mr . G. W. LODGE, O.B.E., J.P., a tie arth Hou e, Wetherby, (Tel. Wetherby 2 32). District Surgeon J. PRE TrCE, M.B., CH.B.(EDI .), J.P. , ' Mal i Mount," Malsis Road, Keighley. Asst. Dist. Superintendent 1) Mr . M. A. YKROYD, The Priory, un Monkton, York. Di trict ur ing Officer Mi . RrFFITH, .R. .. I. ,Rede dale Gardens, Lawn "'ood, Leed , 16. District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) L. MA 0 , 5, Lynnwood Garden , Pud ey, r. Leeds. Di trict taff Officer (Cadet ) ( ). Mr. J. U IMI G-BELL, M.B.E., Blnham Lodge, _dgerton, H udder field. District taff Officer J. WOOD, Lo at Lodge, Mountjoy Road, Huddcr field. B. R . JARMA'. 61, Keighley Road, owllng, r. Keighley. Di trict ecretary R. H. K'OTT, 15, Dalton Road , Leed , I J. (Tel. 726 6). District P.R.O .. Mr . M. WOOlf!:: , Jat B, 6, Blenheim quare, eed, 2. (Tel. 26724). Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Area Area
uperintendent (I ) urgeon ursing Officer
Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officer
A/Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent ( ) . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( Area Area Area Area Area
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent Surgeon ursing Officer
Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area StafT Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officer
Midland Area G . THOMPSO ,M.B., II.B., 5 , Heath re cent, HalIfax. hamb r, King Cra s, W. H TCHI 0 , Martins Bank Halifax . Mr. . M . EWARD, 6, opplce . Bu KLEY H 'VIER I .R.C .. , Burnley Road. owerby Bridge. Mi O. H . LAW, S.R . . , .M.B. II . . , ak hyll Ho pltal, ] Ikley. . BRA ' 0 ,8, tone treet, ticker Lane, Bradford 4. Vacanl. Mr . O. M. 1 LDARD, The Grange, IIklcy , York . A. WAT 0 , Marall , 10 Moorland rc cent, Men ton, 11 kley. Mrs. F. Dyso 112, Bentley Lane, M am ood, Leed ,6.
\rea COIllIlli ioner. 3 uperintendent (A) aSuperi ntendent ( ) . . tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) tafT fficer ( adet) ( )
I:' I
Co mIII I ioner Superintendent (A) ra urgeon . . . , '1ur ing Officer . . . ,;a Staff fficer ( adet) ( ) .3 tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) .a Staff Officer .3
.a ergeant-Major \rea 01111111' loner. upcrlntendent ( ) ~a uperintendent ( )
,a tafT
mcer . . Ili cr ( adcts) (
ea Comml
outhern Area . B. BALL, M.B.E., L.M.S .. A.,
ern Lodge, 138, Dodworth
Road ley. 148 , Oaks Avenue, Stocksbridge, Sheffield. LSO, Barn ,M.B.E., acant. acant. . 1 Street South Elmsall Pontefract. P. PROc"~RB24, HJI1Ranela~h Drive Ecclesall, Sheffield, 11. Mr . V. . OOTH't . 'Thoma ';'S Hous~ , Worsboro' Dale, r. H. HEMrNGWAY, Bam ley. Beeche 27 Mill Hill, Pontefract. HAW, J.P., The " G 34 Hemper Lane, heffield. . . BOWLEY M.B., B.. , M.R.C.O . . , , acanl.
Ha llam hire Area heffield. Bu TO'" "Brook ide," hatton, Bamford , r. J. . 356 1I1wood Road heffield, JO. ffi Id H KI" Mr. . D. LEE WOOD .R . . , 16a , Tapton Park Road, She e , 10. J K
:a urgcon
orth Eastern Area J G Ro HE TER South Wing, Priest Hill, Wetherby. R : BE SO ,39: Clotherholme, Ripon. Y rk M ' K HE DERSO 15 Manor DrIve,. Acomb, 0 s. J I OW~RD, 2, Flore~ce Grove, Raw~ltffe, Yorks. Mr. J . BEILBY, 21, ollege Road, RIpon.
C. .
6 MOOl'ba nk Clo e, heffield,lO. , . Sh ffi Id 10 R' L.LB~~T~:~~a~~~f~~h ~rf~~,t'Eccfe he·ffield. . BEVERLEY, M.D., B.
amington Drive Bes acar, Doncaster. cawthorpe r. Donca ter. ,ro e," High treet, Thurn coe, r.
ner rea uperintendent ( ). rea upcnntcndent ( ) I
rea urgcon .\ tant
ur ing
I.B .,
rea tafT
nlccr ( adcl. ) (
rea tafT rea taff
1l1cer ( adet ) ( fllcer
H.B., . .1\ t.
ffi er
Ea t M idla nd rea W. G. LIVCRSIDGI, 27, Brownberrie Walk , I I r forth, Leed. Miss G. PEIGHT, 17 , trcet Lane, Leed, . Mi B. BUR E J , 3, Ringwood venue, Lecd ., 14. orthern Area Vaca nt. T. BROUGHTO ,Bracewell Lodge, Bracewell, r. kipton. Miss G. E. MYALL, Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorks. . J. M. A. RTTCHL Y, M.b.. CR.B., 15, Woodlands Dnve, Harrogate. Mrs. I. R. HYMAS, .R.N., S.C.M., R.F.N., " arn, daJe" The Grove, Harrogate. Vacant. Mi s . L. GILBERT, J5, Hill Ri e Avenue, Harrogate. T . I. Mc 151I, 96, Devon hire treet, KeIghley. J. M MA US, 329, We 1 Lane, Keighley. H. HODGSO , 10, Vicarage Road, Kellbrook , Via olne.
26, Gardenia Road, Barnby Dun,
a ant. Dawood ilia Bentley, Donca ter. J . H WARD, 16, The illa Edlington, r. Donca ter. E'-oD, 6, d rmthorpe, Donca ter. r . To\ o B RBER J0.+ Donca ter oa, . T' G 67' B~wtrv Road , Be acarr, L.. .AP ~MER: "The -h tnut," 2, antley Don a ter. (Trea urer). d 1 Road Wheatle Hill, DonMr . D. . WARD, 2, nner a e ,
a ter.T
31 ,
reen Lane
r. Doncaster.
'( i il D ~ nc ). II d Road Moorend r. Donca ter. hlea Mar 1 an 0 , 'k D . AR, Hall rove ' The Par, 00 dlalld , Major H. PI <\LL, Donca ter. 'd' Drive, Bam ley Road, Donca ter. Mr. . I-I LL, 34, t. Da I ( adet). d I'mthorpe. Don a ter· ' D nca ter R a, R. WOOD RD, 7-,
Ol11l1liSI ncr
~rea Surgeon
Area uperintendent ( ) \rea lIperintendent ( )
outh \ Ve tern- Area M' 10le, Mirfield. 13 H 13 a n- O Lt.- 01. W. R. LR IT, 1. ., . "( G) 12, Halifax Old W. BROW , L.R .. P.(LO D.), 1.R . . . E .,
Road, B6ir9kbYe'rnH~d~d r ~~~d~, II110ndbuf Hudder fi Id. I ' cent , 11110~dbur T, Hudd r Mr . L. PE E, ~,Bcnome re field. J I. /l OR"
rea ur ing Officer. . . A t. Area Superintendent ( ) Area Staff Officer ( adet) (A) rea Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea taff Officer . . .
ergeant-Major .
Mr . E. RRUTHER .R .. , 6, Pennine Road, Dewsbuno Mi Z. E. HULL, 13, edar Avenue, Budder neld. 'J. Dr. Mu tafa Rial I S RR FF, haftesbury Hou e York R Batley. ' oad. Mr . M. K. MITT? ' 27, We ley treet, 0 ett, Yorks H . BowER, 92, avIle Road, avile Town, Dew bury. (C~detsl Mr . D. LE A, 64, Bradford Road, Birken haw r n ford. ' . rad· Mi F. PICk RD, 19, aJ..eneld re cent, Wakefield Roa\ De\\ bury. OLL! G , 2 - , Hun worth Lane, Ie khealon.
District Office: War Memorial Building 5, Waring treet, Belfa t, 1. Tel. Belfast 23970. President: Her Excellency The Lad R KJ E 01 R RRI k. District Vice-Pre ident: Mr . G. . WALLACE, M.B.E. Commandery Commi ioner . olonel O. REC,G, O.B.C., T.D., Q.H.P., \1.0 ., I.R .P., D.PH\S . M.ED., 40, Imwood \enlle, Belfa t, 9. (Tt;l Belf, ,t 25561 ommandery Dty. ommi ioner Major . . RIC , I.B.L., E. R.D., T.D., ..," Realll Park, Dundonald, Belfa .t. (Tel. Dund nald _265). Commandery Superintendent ('). Mr. 1 an cILL, Ball ml art, 110, irclIlar Road Belfasl (Tel. Belfa t 653"" 9). ' Commandery Surgeon . Lady', \11'. .HE.I FLCTCAFR, M.B., M.R . . . , D.P.!!., 4, o ywood. O. Do\~ n. (Tel. llolywood 24(7). Asst. Commandery urgeon . J. Mc . T GGART, M.B., B. II. D.P.!!., D.P."., Commandery ursing Officer MI B. Bm E, SR .. , .c.~ I. , Ilnagel\'10 H pltal, London derry. Com. taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) . J . ~. 1011 . TO'L, "' \!lena ," Donegall \vt;nlle, \\ hltehead. Corn. Staff Officer ( adet) ( ). MI E. \RRETT, l lelen' Lea IInah1l k Belra t (Te Belfast 654429). ' , . Com. Asst. Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) MI . I . HILL, 45, Bloomfield Road, Bangol'. o. DOIID. rea Commi sioner . lenartney, ultra, o. DO\ln (Ie . . R YA, ">I.B.P., Holy~ood 3162). (PublIC RelatIon ). Di trict taff Officers MI S K. HA'.1ILTO , 10 RIchmond Park, tranl111111S, Belfa t. R· .· M . H :-'1PIIIU'tS, "M) Ie tone," hlches[t.:r Park, Belfas 15 M(r ·dl . ~O)GA ,39, nJenlee ardt.:n, Belfast, 6. (Tel. 5640" mill.
Di trict Secretary
Area om missioner . Area uperintendent (A) Area uperintendents ( ) Area
urgeons .
ursing Officers.
Area StafT Officer ( adet) (A) Area StafT Officers (Cadet) ( ) Area StafT Officers .
D . . TEPJIE , B.\., ,. nnacree\)-," alntheld, o. DOI\n. 1. O. M A '-A L.R.f.P. ., ~I.U., B. II., an,tlle Garden illage, D.R .M.O ., ewtownabbey. L D. MACKAY, 29, I nice Drive, Belfa t,4 . . BIR II:., 36, Mount ernon venue, Belfa t. (Training). MIS M . HESSTN , 41, Orient arden, Belfa t. (Tr,lining). apt. J. OAKES, M.B.L., 29, Taylor venue, arrickfergu5. (Tel. 2025). Belfa tAra D . HM. RODC,fRSON, 747, rumlin Road, Belfast. 14. W : . MA CART' I Y, 42, regagh Park, Belfast 6. M~ H. TRWI ,54, glantine venue, Bel~' t. MIS 1. A. PeRROTT, 2 , Ava venue, Belfa t, 4. J. . L'WIS, M.B., 202, We t ircular Road, Belfa l. S. SLOA , M.B., 146, rosvenor Road , Belfast, 12. W. H . RYA , S.R .. , 32, tranmilli Park, Belfast. Mr . M . BLA K, S.R .. , S.. M.,64, sborne Drive Belfast, 9. Vacant. ' M~ . BLRRYMA ,64, andhur t Dnv , Belfast, 9. MI M. BLAIR , 33, yprus arden" Belfa t, 5. H. Boy L, 32, lonlee Drive, Belfa t,4. O. H. rJER(DA , 41, ricklew od Park, Belfa t, 9.
Area uperin tenden t
) )
Armagh Area aptain R. J. MITCHELL, T.D., J.P., The Old Rectory, Charles treet, Lurgan. Mi M. A. LUTTO " Way ide, Killicomaine Road, Portadown. F. BELL, M.B., D.P.A., "Woodlands," Armagh. r. HAMBER, Armagh County Health Committee, 2, Mi 00 ford Place, rmagh. (Tel. Armagh 297). acant.
\rea Superintendent ( ) \rea urgeon ur Ing Officer ~rea \rea tafT
fficer ( adeL) (
Oo" n .~rea
Area uperintendent ( ) Area urgeon mcer adet )
Area taO' Ilicer Area ecretar)
~rea 01111111 SloneI' Area upennlendcnl ( ) ~rea tafT m cr ( ad ls)
rmanagh r a . B RTO', \1.1.\1.[', Old Ro ory re cent, Enni killen . . LIDDLE, [m'ale, hanlerhill Road, Enni killen. MALO E, B.A., 10 Willoughby Place, Enni killen.
Lo ndo nd rr y Ar ea Lt .- 01. D.O . . I-I't Tl:., D .. .. M.D., r-.I.R.C.P.(LON.), f.R .C.P.
ol11l11isSI ner
Area lIpertnlendent Area uperintendent Area Area \rca
r a
J . J larri Rc , F.R . .. , The Friary, Banbridge. (Tel. Banbridge 2044) . M i . H. JOH!'l TO E, 3 , Lancefield Road, Belfast. . WrLLIA\l , B.. , M.B., hape\ Road , Be brook. (Tel. Be brook 209). Mi M. Ha~thorne, .R. . .C.M., Downe Hospital, D ownpatri k. Mi . D. D UFF, II, Springfield Road Bangor. 1. P Tn, [0-+, High treet, Hol)wood .
\ rea lur Ing
Antrim Area W. . Jo ES, M.B., B.CA., B.A.O., "Beechmount," Oa\gorm Road, Ballyrnena. Mrs. F. A. MORTO , Aghnaclare, Woodlands Avenue, Ballymena. Hugh WIL 0 , F.R.C .. , "Li namoyJe," The Roddens, Lame. Mr. . M. EELY, 106, Oalgorm, Ballymena. J. M . ROGER , 15, orth Road, Carrickfergus. Mr . . HAMILTON, 36, Man e Road, ewtownabbey. J. M. RODGERS, 15, orth Road, Carrickfergus. (Public D uties).
Area Comml ioner
\rea urgeon \rea ur ing Officer ( ~rea tafT Officer ( adet ) ( adet ) tafT Officer ( ~rea ~rea tafT Officer
ur Ing nicer nicer ( add)
(LDI'-.), P.P.R., J.P., Ball)nagard Hou e, Londonderr . R. R. H \RPLR, 3, a) treet, Londonderr). t\.lrs R.\\\ lORD, "Rl erbank," 7, ictoria Road, LondondCIT) . Dr. M. . Lc LlL, Li nag \\an, aw, Londonderr . . \ . BROw ', .R .. , 2, Daphne Garden Londonderr 'DER OJ'." The Rector), Killaloo, o. D rry. Tyrone
J. R. M Rll , O.B.C., L.R .. P., L.R .. ., umm rhill, Clogher. . C. M \R rr', uml1lerhill, logher.
Area OI11I11I',IOnt;r Area uperintendcnt (
t.:, 4,
Ii Clmlquarters: <lthcdral R ad, ardi fT. Tcl. ardiff 3_1 I.
Cv II 11 11 (/J/(ltII I t-ill- hh1' of "rsillg orp (11111 Dil'isiolls for Wale : of Kr T, G.C .. 0., C.r., G.B.E. I T.R.H . Prince Marina Du h Chief 01111111 'sio ner for Wale Chief upcrintendent 1'01' Wale, Chief urgeon for Wales .
I I. . LtV', I , J .P., D.L. Lad TRAIlCR'c, J.P. . J. M . REGG, O.B.E.,
B. H.
'0 Deput
T. JOI-l
ommi ioner for ..... . Deputy hief Sup rintendent for Wale .. Deput Chief urge n for vale Wa~
i tam Chief Commi ioner for al hief
olonel R. MVOOI:LT
, I\1.V.O.
County uperintendent ( )
. . County urgeon County ur ing Officer
Mr . . B ILEY . 1. I-I. D \ IE , \I.B., II.B . I. R . . R BERT 01\" I\I.B .. B. . J \IE , \1. .1\1. aj r-General Lewi P
Count) tafT fllcer ( adet ) ( County taff Ofllccr .B.,
O.. 0.,
J.P., D.L.
Chief ur ing Officer for Wale Brigade ecretar for ale Training Officer for ale
Mr . E. A. Jo E ,S.R . . , "Tegfan," 14, Terfyn Terrace, Portdinorwic, Caernarvonshire. . Wy E-JO ES, M.B., B.CH., Bryn, Penmaenmawr. Mr . H. 1. ROWLA 0 , S.R . . , Plas lewydd, Penmaenmawr, aernarvon hire. OWARO , "Redcliffe," 58, Rhuddlan Avenue, L1andudno. H. EVILLE, M.P . . , 3, Mo tyn Street, Llandudno, Caernarvonhire . T. O. PARRY, 22, Thoma Street, Caernarvon. R. 1. THOMA, 6, Bryntiron Park, Conway. (Secretary). . R. P. PATEMA , 24, mbro e treet, Bangor, Caernarvon hire. (Training).
1. .
a rdiga n hire Ollll! I ' Pre idelll ,'
ng le
apt. J . H[ \,1 E'v\E , o.B.E., Roo .(RTO.), Lord Lieutenant.
Lad\' Pre idell! ,'
Coun!y Prelde/lf
Ir Ri hard \ ILU
1 -B LKELE', BT., Lord Llcutenant. Comml loner
Lady Presidellf.
ommi ioner County Superintendent (
Mr. .. D. H RCHILL. . D. lifTord JO:-"E , L."1. .. A., "Greenhill ," Pen laine Road , bery tw) tho Ree an D IE, "King Iyn:' Penparcau Road, Aberlwyth . mbulance tation, Queen Road berystwyth. J . . BL y H. D "IE, L, Baker treet, bery twyth. Il ugh HERBERT, L.1\1. . . . , Tanyfron, berayron. Peter D \ IE , Gorlan, L1angeith . (Training).
Lad V\ILU\1\1 -BLLKlLL' ajor . L. L IILR\\OOO, r.D., " \\ enallt," '..Ind) L Rho neigr, ngle e). Mr . TIRRAT, I, unri c crra c, H I) head. Br con hire
omml lOner.
(ounty upenntendent ( County tafT m cr County urgcon. Count) tafT fTi er
olin/ l' Pres/(Iellr'
R'O' -V\/ILUA\i ,
J.P., R. '.,
arma r then hi r
Lad\' Pre idenr.
Mr . M :
. P.
Llcut.- 01 n I
I LSO"".
Presiden! ,'
ri mond P. PHILIPP, C.\.O., Lord Lieut nant. LOlli' Pre idell!,'
COlin!)' Vice-Pre:>IClen!s
. D . 10 E: 1\1.8.[., M.M., T.O. (AII/bulance). Mrs. . M. IL 0 ( ursing). Brigadier G. Yo NGH B 0 (Ambulance Cade!s). Commi ioner ommander . . TIIO\I \ ., 0.13.1., J . P., R.' . , Trl.:lowcr HOll rickh well, Brecon . Deputy Commi ioner. T. G. D ·" IEL, J.P., Mae -) -Ffynon, P nl Ii III, 1erth)f T)~ County urgeon. G. H. BE K. 1.R . . . , L.R .. P., The range, efn oed 1erli Tydfil. A t. oun ty urgeon . M. 10. ~, 1.R .. )., L.R .. P., Pendre , 10th I Tall Lane, Ct oed, erthyr Tydfll. County uperintendent. . . Mi B . G\" '1--110\ Ll L, Dol -),- · f)n, Builth ell. County Staff Officer ( adct) ( ). Vacant. ounty Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Mi nn JOB, 66, fynon De i, L1anfai , Brccon. ounty taff Officer , 26, Gough Building, tradg nlai ', \ an ea. Rhy Ben DA IL, .. reenfield," hurch Road , Y tradg)nlal wan ea. (Training).
he Hon . Mi· .
T.D. Cader ).
Commi ioner Count)
uperintendent (
ur ing Ofllcer
I.B., 20
n!l,;cr ( ao t ) (
fli er ( adet ) (
County urgeon . County tan- flicer CoUnl)
i toria Road, armarthen-
Il1ce r ( )
oun ty Area hicf on table, arm<lrlhen hire and a rllla rt hen 644-1.).
a rnanon hir
, Zammit
OUI1!)' Presiden! ,'
re ent, Llanell) .
ir Michael Durr, Bl., Lord Lieutenant. Ladl' Presiden! ,'
The Lady Megan LLOYD
COl/n!)' Vice-Presiden!,' Mr . G. Wy I FI fl ( ursing).
ommi lOner Deputy ommi ioner. ounty Superintendent (A)
a r marthen hire
oel ROBuns, L.M.S . . A., M.A., 37, astlc. quare, acrnan on Lieut.- olonel W. J. WILLIAM'), O.B.I., LL.B., n. ., Chll on table, aernarv n. G. W . Rom Rl, .. logwyn ," Rocldkld Drive, Degan \\ aernarvon hire .
Area COn1mi
oulh Area oml11lssiolll.:r
a rm a rth n hire ount y rea . B. LL\\ELL'I I-MOR, N, 1.0., B.. , I>I.R .. n., L.R. Howard cnue. L1anell . (Tel. Llan lIy _794) .
.P., I
Ea t D ellbigh hire Colonel J.
. Wy
Commi lOner Deputy Commi loner. County urgeon County Surgeon (Cadet) . County Staff Officer ( adel) ( ). Count taff Officer ( ) .
COIlII! l' Presiden! : H . . B. '., M.. J.P ., Lord Lieutenant. Lady Pre idell! : Lady Lo THLR.
aptain. R. q. '\, ~I.B . E., J.P., ernylkld, Llay, Wrexham Denblgh hire. (Tel. rc ford 29_). W. E. Jo [ ," e tholmc," We ton Rhyn, r. Oswestll. M. T. I LWY, J I e, 1.0. O.P.H., 16, ro venor Roo Wrexham, Denbigh hirc. J. W. P. S LT, LB. B.. , M.R .C.. , L.R.C.P., "Hilleroft." West~' Rhyn, r. 0 we try. D. J. GRIFFITII , 45, Warwick \CnLle, Highto\\n, Wrexharr D. R. JON[ , 19, Delfryn, foneltha, Penycae, Wrexham. E. K. Ro ,CR. ,25, hurch ie\\ , hirk. J. . DA If, " eado\\ Bank ," Ie ane, Rho tyller Wre. ham . The Lord TR OR, J.P., Brynktnallt, hlrk . tate, Rhosdd J. . LEWI , PIOI 36, L dge Road. " mille Wrexham. ( adet) . . T. KL.'IPSTlR , 6. PIa I af. Rho) I11cdre, \ re,ham .
Commi loner Deputy Commissioner . County uperintendent ( County
County ursing Officer . . County Staff Officer ( adel) ( Coun ty taff Officer ( ) . County Staff Officer (A) . . County Staff Officer ( adet) .
Irea Comllll'iSI nel
Flint hire Brigadier H.
Presidellt :
. K. MAl . WARI G, C.B., .13 . . , 0 .5 .0 . , Ladl' Pres'iden! Mr . A. B. PI . . . /\ T .
T.O . ,
ommi sioner .
ounty Superintendent ( ounty Surgeon ounty Staff Officer (A) . . . County StalT Officer ( adet) (A)
b ra\ on ount Area R.. s, T.O., I. lET., F.l.M., Pia -y-Bryn, Pentyla, Port Talbot, Glamorgan. (Tel. Port Talbot 670). Barry ou nty rea L. OTE, 21, Gadl) Barr) 934) .
a t Barry, Glamorgan. (Tel.
Bridg nd ount r a . B. PRICE, B. ., I.B., B. H., O.R.C.O.G., The Croft Park , treel, Bridgend, G lamorgan. a rphill y ou nty Area Idris Jo E., 20, tali n Terrace, Brithdir. \\ er oun ty r a ORTO , Major J. D . an ea.
I.I.M.E., Tyle Teg, Terrace Road,
~rea COlllm i loner
L1, ntri ant oun ty r a J. . D ,!D, J.P., 21, Bridgend Road, L1anharan .
Irea COlllml s. i ner
Nea th ou nt Area 1 leal I' RFEs, 37, Heol Pender) n, L ngford,
ord Lieutenant.
COllnly Vice-President : The Lady Kc YO ( lIrsing adets). ommi sioner
Glamorgan oLinly President · ennydd TRA I-IER E, T.O., J.P. , BARR., Lord Lieutenant.
M R. II \LL-H LJ .HL , 36 ta tlon Road , Liannl' Denbigh hire . (Tcl. Llanrw I '277). LLI ., 97, Parc-y-Dre, RUlhin , Dcnblgh hire . lan yehan RUlhin Den Ilea COlllmls'>loncr Dr. hella RIID, he ld Rcctor bigh hire. " . · W . L. JO"I ., ~1.B. , 13 ... (LOl\D .), I\1.R . r .S., I . R.C . 1' ., All tllec Llanfwrog, Ruthln . Vacant. M . D VI · ,16, l. Da Id' Road, Old "") n, Denblgh hut Irea Commissioner G . H. Rvol ,Markley ilia, Dundonald R ad , ol\\)n Ba) · E. ROBERT'>, "Dclamarc," adwgan Road , ill ohl }n. T . J. Fo LKI , 69, Park-. -Dre, Ruthin . · R. \ I"OCLLS, 64, or n venue, T<ln-) - La n, Old Colw)n Irea COlllmi'>sloner D. P. ROBun,>, 20, roe R ad, olw) n Ba) .
Brigadier J . G. MORGA , C.B.E., T.D., M.B., B.. , M.R.C.S .. L.R . .P., D.P.H., D.L. , The otlage, Glais Road, CJydachon-Tawe, wan ea. (Tel. Clydaeh GJam 2289). Vacant. Deputy OJl1Jl1i ioner Mr . G . M. WILLIAMS, Llanharan House, Llanharan, GlamorCounty Superin tendent ( ) ga n Road , Barry. . D. GRIFFITH, L.M.S.S.A., F.R.C.. , R. .V.R .(RETO.), 81, KingsCounty Surgeon . land . P. D. Jo E, .R . . , .C.M., Q.S., Welsh Hospital Board, Mi ur Ing Officer County ardiff. R. . OWARD, 89, We tward Ri e, Barry. \sst. Commi loner D. Milne DU'-JB R, M.B., B. ., I , Garth View venue, Beddau. ~ .. t. Count) urgeon . . . :ounty larf om er ( adet) ( ) J. P . H RRfE , 49, Fairfield Road, Bridgend, Glamorgan. :ount; taff m cr ( adel.) ( ) . Mr . M. TAYLOR , 59, Woodland Road Barry, GJam. commi sioner
We t D nbi gh hi r COlin! I ' Pre s"ident Y "E-FI"- CH,' C.B.L, M . ,J.P., Lord Lil:ulenanl. Loch Presic/ellt Lad OWTllIR .
Lad)! President : Mr . L.' M. TRAHER E.
\rea Commi Sioner
olonel J.
R. T. \!lITII , I .. /\ ., " raxton ," Gronant Road , Prestat),JI. Jint hire. H . B. RFI M/\ , J . P., "Over tone," Wepre Park, onnah'l Quay, lintshire. Mr . . l. BAIUY, 19, Pend ylTryn Road , Rh yl. '. . H. OLLlfR, M.R . .s. , L.R . . 1'., " handon ," Brun Illd Road, Buckley, rlint hire. · H . 1Ir. TO , " a tlemere," King venue, I linl. · MA srLL, 4, andy Lane, Queen ferry, Hint hire.
~rea Commi iOIl!';r
Area Commissioner
rea P ontardawe oun t ., Bri rle . P WLLL, J.P., 1'. R ad, kelt, wan a. Po nt . pridd B. T. J
10_, D rwen
oun ty Area 9, Pant graigw n Road, Pont pridd
lam rgan.
Merioneth hire COIIl/t)' President:
olonel 1.
County Surgeon County
D. .0 .. J.P., Lord Lieutenant.
Lad)' Pre idel/t :
Lad GLADY R O. P. LLO\D, Penrh ndeudraeth. J. L. Jo E , J.P ., "Manteg," berdovey . J . D. ~O.NE, 6, Haulfr) n Terrace, Oakley qu are, Blaer Ffe tIn log. Mr . KelTi. OWE ,Police tation , Llandrillo . Dr. Richard W . DW RD, aerffynnon, Dolgelley. (A).
Commi ioner Deputy Commi loner ount Count
taff Officer ( adet) ( Staff Officer
ursing Officer
county tafT Officer ( adet) ( ). County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( County tafT Officer (A) .
D. R . B. MATHTAS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Park Lane, Welsh pool, Mon tgomeryshire. Mr. S. E. MATHIAS, S.R . . , Park Lane, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. Vacant. Mrs. K. E. SILVER, S.R.. , Stone House, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. H. RATCLIffE, Ainsdale Hou e, Maesbrook, Llanymynech. D. W. REE , "Gwyndaf," Kerry Road, ewtown Montgomeryhire. . DAVIES The Police tation , L1anidloes. R. H. Evan , The Angel Hotel , L1anidloe . P embroke hire Coullty President :
1onm outh hire COlIllty Pre ident :
The Hon. Richard H. PHlLlPP , M.B.E. , J.P ., Lord Lieutenant. Lady President :
Lady Pre ident :
The Lady RAGLA
Vice-Pre idents:
COLII/ty Vice-President: Mr . . J. H TO ( lIrsil/g).
Commi ioner . . Deputy Commi sioner . County Superintendent (
J. H . WrL 0 , II , Bourn .ille Terra e, Tredegar, Mon. G .. E. D VII, 13, Br)ntIrlon, Bedwa , Mon . MIs E. KI 326 EY,). adenc Park RO\ Tredcgar ' Mon . ([T Tredegar R .newydd W . IIEPH[RD, "1.13 ., B. II. , 34, Pontrh) d d Pon . run Roa,
County Surgeon . t. County Surgeon County ur ing Officer . . . County Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) . County
tafT Officer ( ) .
Area Commi loner
ommis ioner
Commi Deputy County County
The Lord MERTHYR, J.P ., D.L. Lady Marion PHIUPP ( ursing). G . W. R. TERRY, hief on table, County Police Headquarters, ioner Ha erfordwe t, Pemb . (Tel. Haverfordwest 22), Vacant. omml ' loner . Mr . . H. OWE, J.P ., Bryn-y-Mor, Fishguard Pembs . uperintendent ( D . J. DA IES, M.B.E. , M.D., B.S. , D.P.H., B.SC., "Rorkes Drift," urgeon John ton, Pemb . . MORRI, ,Dartmouth Gardens, Milford Ha en, Pembs. fT m ( d ) ( ta 1 er . a et . MORG ,F. C. I. ., F.H . . 1, Grove Gardens, HaverfordtafT fficer ( ) we t, Pemb . . M. ROBERT, c/o hief on table' Office, Harverfordwe t.
T. R . BR) "T, O . B.L , B. . , \1.13 ., fl . 11., J . P., "Gl anho\\\ C Park Place, Tredega r. ounty County M r. . . WIL\10T, S.R.l'\ ., , Tredcgar Road bb"" \ ale. E. PHILLIP, 19, rnold Place, Tredegar, Mo~ . Mr ' . . R!\ [ . Bryn Rhedyn , 5, e\ Road Pontlotllr ' ; G 1amorgan. W. PR E E, 102, lexa ndra R ad bent/ler). B. toke, 3, tandard illas, Tre'th ma,; . Brigadlcr ir Michael DILLy Commi ioner Bedwellt oun ty Area County urgeon W. M . YE I~I, 115 , Markh a m re ' ent, a kd a Ie, Black\I'ol County ur ing mcer Gwent
Radnor hi re Ollnt }' President :
Bt., M.. 0., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. - £: BLf--LLEWEL lohn DAYlE, M.B. B. H., Bryncoed, Rhayader, Radnor hire. D. ALK 'R, M.R. C.. , L.R. C. P. t. David' , Pre teigne, Radnorhire . Mi Mary H TER- ILU I , 2, Caemelin, Rha ader, Rads.
T. C. WOODWARD ale, Mon.
aynor Hou e, Pennant
oun ty b rd a r Ollnl.lI Pre ident :
t reet, Ebb
acant. iluria n
Area Commi sioner
oun t
r a
Lad\' President :
Lady -WrLLI
Ree MORGA , "Lynmore," The arden, Hereford Road Monmouth. (Tel. Monmouth 316). T revethin
ount Area H. TrroMA., 12, Wainfeltn Road, P ntyp
Area Commi loner
Lady I.
Montgomer h ire County Pre ident · La(~y
Pre idellt :
The Lady DAVIFS. The ommissioner
COllnty Vice-Presidents : arl of POWlS, C.B.E., T.D. (Ambulance adets). Mrs. . GRIFfITHS (Nursing adets). T. E. Jo ES, cvern Villa aer ws, Montgomery hire. (Tei
ounty Superintendent (A)
acrsw 277). ' w. . EAL ' , 35, Pcntrerhedyn gomer hire.
treet, Machynlleth, Monl'
Commi Deputy County County County County County County
ommi ioner . uperintendent ( ) uperintendent ( ) urgeon . L1r ing Officer . . tafT Oflker ( adct) ( ) tafT fficer ( ad t ) ( )
mcer (A) .
J.P. adets). III' ing).
h. berdar . berdare. berdare. \ mdare,
b rdare. rdare.
tafT Offi er ( adel)
COlllltl' PrC'sidellt .
The Rl. Hon. The LORD M ) Lo(~)'
R 0 ,
urgeon ( adel).
ROIl-I .
Pre 'idell/ :
W. . MlTH, M.D., "Green Gates," Clevedon R oad, ewport, Mon. M. . DAVIE, L.M.S.S.A., 15, Shakespeare Crescent, ewport, Mon. M A . R. . Po 0 K, 27, Lyndhur t Avenue, ewport, on. Mi O. M. Jo E , 4, onway Place, Cwmbran, M onmouthhire . J. . PROGER, c/ o 235, hri tchurch Road, ewport. .I. Y ABLE, "Greenfield," l. Mellon, Mon. R. JA K 0 , 20, Pug ley lreet, ewport. . TleE, 37, Penylan Road, ewport. W. R. EWTO, M.B.E., revo e, ewport R oad, Liantarnam, Mon. J. OTLE) ,A . . ., 2?-, ield' Park Road, ewporl. T. ALTER, 14, lice Street, ewport.
I' M R 1-110 lS or 8 TL. adet) (A) ~ounty laIT om er ( mcer ( adel ) ( ) taIT I ice-Presidellts' County . H . LR ( ,.tll/blllallce). Mr . D . ELLIOT! EAGER, \I.B .L, J.P. ( IIrsillg). lounty laIT ffi er ( ) . 1". • Lu:.\\ lLL'! , J.P. ( III. illg) . er ( ad t ) Mr . . 1-1" LR ( IIrsillg). County taff omml loner R . D \ IE. , " ilgcrran," II, or ton RI'ic, 'v\ hltchurch. Deput) Commi ioner . Major . D . H . [L .... I GTO , , The ottagc, L1an annor Coun. ovvbridge. ount uperintendent ( ) r . J. D. \lITII, Iblc) Ilou 'c, I 5, ) ncocd l oad, Cardiff. Count urgeOl1 . . BL 'CL, t\I.R.C.S., 1.R . . P, .. aklalllh:' Rumney Hill, ard lfT. ounty ur ing Officer i P. . Jo I ,S.R."-., 19a. onwa~ ROLld , anton, ardiff. l. ount urgeon ( ) . D . \\. V ILLlA'.ISO,\ , !\I.B., II B., l) R.( O .C" 17, Lomona re cent, Lake Ide, ardln-. Rh ondda ounty t. ount) urgeon ( ) . opp, L.R . . P., \I.R.C.S., 37, Jab,lira \Cnlle, ardilT. Ollllt I' Pre ic!ellt : taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) . K . .I . \ '\; , 72, Hcol-) -Den, Rhl\\- billa, The or hipful The M YOR Of RH DO taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) . Mi M.D . H .JO,\; IS, 12, efn oed .udlff. taff Officer ( ) Ladl' Presidellt : \ . J. TIIO\I \S, 56, l-ore'it Road , anton, Mrs. L . .·M RRI -TIIOM , J.P. .I. B RT,4, BarI mglon Road , hllchurch, . H . D \\, 2, PCl1 y lan Road, ardlfT. ",,t . T . OW\RDS, 494, 0\\ bridge Road , 1 : 1), ,HeidT. . .1 . Oor r, 66, Gelligacr treet, ardin' .I . lark, 22, Ldlnbllrgh flat , anIon, arddT. R KI G I-1.B ., S.CII., Y Berllan , Idergrove ourt, Porth. ounty taIT Officer ( ) . W. Ru s, 19, \ IclorlCJ L1uarc, Penallh . COml11 l~SIOl1er T. · R[~. , 50, "Iean r treet, Tonypandy, Rhondda, Glamorgan. I. . ROIH R r'i, 209. \Iban\ RO ild, Llrddl Deput\ Ol11l11lSSI l1er . . L. THO\I"S, B I l \1 , 3 -: Pnnces lreel Road, ardiff :Ounl~ • L1pertntend~nl ( a anl \ IE. , \1.B ., II.B., "Penfro," l aerdy, Rh.o ndda . . B. [OUIll} LI rgcon \ B RY, 21, H ughe treet, Penygralg, Rhondda, \ . H . County tafT flicer ( adct ·) ( lam Jerth)r T)dfi l ount) treet, Treherbert. County lair Il\ccr ( adels) ( ) . Mrs. M . . Rc ,76, Butc a tieton enue, Treh rbert. . I RO . , Brynh fr d, Ollilt \' Presidellt . County tan' niccr ( ) . 1. ount KI\ISU) , (,.B.I. Lad)' Pre.\I(lellt: The Hon ·rs. nthon) B1 RR). ommi loner wan ea ount 01. Reglllaid I RI LD\IA ..... , D.L.\!.A ., OOllartlands," he Grol e, Merth) I' ) dfi I. Ollllt I' Pre it/ellt: Deputy ommi ioner. R . . RIG(j, I, JI)nco(;d Terrace, Mellin I T)dfll. ir illiani . JI: KI J.P. ounty uperintendent ( ) D . W . Jo ., 3, Ind~or Place, 1 he 'Walk , elth)r Tydfil. County uperinlendent ( ) LQ(h' Pre it/ellt : acant. ounty urgeon . . . . Lad JE K[ H . Tllo",\. , I-!. B., B.S., l. I,ll re, art h "ILl., M crthyr Tydfil. oun ly StaIT Officer ( adets) ( ) D . W. LII C.! I, 6, Bry nteg Terrace, rchulTls, Jlal11organ. ketty, iew," Lon Tow ounty Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Mis Comml I ncr . JORD N, 4, Thomas treet, TrchLti m, i lamorgan. ounty taff Officer (A) . k, wan ea. OWARDS, 12, The Huts, l reharJ'ls, ,lam . T . .I . Lo G, 2, Walters Terrace, w)nyrod n, Merthyr Tydfil. Deput) ollll11lssi ncr . County u pcri n tendcn l ( County urgeon ur e ' . R . . , R.F. . , \ an ea Ho pital Coun ty ur ing fficer kett, \\an ea . • l\ port unt
The Dowag
Olilltl' Prel'idellf:
The Worshipfu l The MAYOR
fWPOR r.
LadF Presic/ellt : Mr . b. M. BAillY. Vice-Presidellt : IR J II (Amhlllallce
Commi s ioner Deputy County
ommi sioner . uperintendenl (
County County County
nIcer ( add) ( tan' flicer ( adet ' ) ( tan' Onlc r ( ) . ~sst. ounty ur ing Oflkcr . Coun ty • lan' IlIccr ( ) .
R. V. . RIC li ARD, B.A., M.R.C . . , L.R . . P.,, 174,OlllOler' cial Road, ewp rt, Mon . (el. ewpor t 62270). A. 1. RI SSW! 1, 5, I Jawthorn Avenuc, ewpoJt, Mon · Mr . W . M. IIARBOUR 25. Icvcdon Road , cwport, Mon.
tarr Omcer
( ).
ommi ioner
Chief Superintendent ( ). Chief Surgeon .
Commandery Commi ioner Deputy Commi ioner.
Chief Commi ioner Deputy Chief Commi loner Surgeon-in-Chief . . . uperintendent-in- hief ( )
Chief Commissioner Deputy Chief Commi ioner. uperintendent-in-Chief ( ) " Surgeon-In-Chief. Chief Officer Ambulance Cadet
Prior in Austraua Maj .-Gen. ir King ley Little Lon dale treet, Mi F. . B. M K Y, Dr. . W. B RTO , ~I.B.,
Deputy Priory Commi ioner Superintendent-in-Chief ( ) Surgeon-in-Chief . Deputy Sup.-in-Chief ( ). . Asst. Superintendent-in- hief .
ommi sioner
Surgeon-in-Chief and SecretaryGeneral . Superintendent-in-Chief ( )
Bahamas ORR I K.B.E., C.O., D ... 0., Melbourne ictoria. LB., H. I. B. .
,mm is ioner
'puty omn~i ioner. . ommandery in '''e tern Au tralia D~trict Supenntendent (N) Brig. . L. 0 WKI , O.B.C., r.R. . ., L. D ., _7 ?l) - 30 , W eII mgton ' v'Jtrlct urgeon freet, Perth . Dr. L. G. B. ~IP TO , 1.13 ., B.. ., r.1 .A.R . .5., I).A .( R.. P. & S./. ommi ioner Prior in anada omm. L. H . L " M.B.L., R.. \I.P.(RCTD.), Hou e, 321, hapel freet , Oua\.\J, Omano. Brigadier T. . JOH'STO', O.B.C., CD., .D. Brigadier J. . B. RAwrORD, M.B .E., .0., 1.D. Mr . E. L. ROBI'SO'. Priory in ew Zealand Brigadier J. MfTCHELL, D .. 0., .D., Druid' ward freet, Wellington. . M EACHE ,J.P. ( hief e retary). Mi B. P. OK. Group aptain . H. M R H, O.H.P. Dr. D. P. Kc FDY.
t. John
strict Superintendent ( itrict Surgeon
lmmi ioner . Comr:'i ioner. itrict upenntendent ( ~slrict u rgeo n ~puly
hamber , Wood' "omml loner ikputy ommi ioner
omml ioner Chief Commis lOner
Priory in outhern Africa A. GARDi'LR-WtLLlAM. len Johanne burg. J. P. LA RE J . G. MrL L. . M. PAY'J. Dr. . R Bf'JO\ tTL Mr . Ann WALK[R. Mis K. . P T IETCR.
I ton Road, \ e tcliff
Jeputy ommi i ner. " trict upenntendent ( ) District urgeon
Vacant. Barbado Colonel J . Co ELL, O.B.E., E.D., P ,O. Box 236, Bridgetown, Barbados. Major A. G. BRADFORD. Mrs. H. CHALLO ER. Dr. . L. TUART Bermuda BOA C Airways Wing- ommander L. J. Fou TA:I , D.F.C., . . . . Hou e, 59, Front Street, Hamilton. Mr . B. BARTO . Dr. W. H . C. MA TERS. Briti h Guiana J. D REY, M.B.E., P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. . . D. CLEARE. Mr. . TEELE. Dr. L. H. WHARTON, M.B.E. Briti h Hondura D. . WAK LI B.. , P.O. Bo 369, Belize City. B. H. T YLOR, O.B.E . ey\on I D. . Ro K\ 000, LD:, J.P. t John mbulance Bngade Headquarter, Lower Lake R~ad , Galle Face, olombo 3. Dr. . T. H. G ARAT E. Mi Dr.
Comml ioner . Deputv ommi ioner . {Q Ofll er for ) pru
India Dr. (Mis) u hila AYAR, .J . . B. Headquarter, I, Red ero s Commi Ro ad, ew Delhi, I . Deputy District Major-G eneral . K. LAK. liMA District Miss T. K. ORA \VAL .
t. John
ner . ommi ioner. . uperinlendent ( ) urgeon
mbulance Brigade P.O. Bo
l. .0., K . . G.
G.P.O. Bo
.R . .
., L.R.C.P.(LO D.), F. R.C .. Ghana
Asst. Commissioner Surgeon-in-Chief
ommis ioner
Commandery Superintendent ( ). ommandery Surgeon.
Paki tan Syed Wajid Ali HAII,If.O.A., t. John Frere treet, Karachi, 4. Mr. afdar Ii Khan, .K. Bri gadier M. Sharif.
mbulance Brigade H.Q.,
ommander in Rhode ia Brigadier M. O. OLL! S, .B . I., P.O. Box 536, outhern Rhode ia. Mrs. V. von KLF.MPERER. Dr. R . K. BROOKS, L.R.C.P. & ., L.R .F.P. & ..
ali bur)"
Commi ioner Deputy Ol11ml ioner. District uperinlendcnl ( ) District urgeon H.Q. Ofllcer. .
Commi ioner . Deputy ommi ioner. D!strict Superintendent ( ) District L1 rge n
acant. acant. acant. I' Dr. . W. Q BERM. DDO- . BED!, c/o Ghana Po lce
ollege, P.O. Bo, 740,
Gibraltar o ,M.B .. , P . l'1 H.Q., Gibraltar. apt. . H. K. . Ho RE. D . LLICOTT. r. . M. Mo TEGRIFFO.
Gilbert and Ellice I land aca nt.
Commis ioner
Commi ioner
D eputy Commi ioner. District Superintendent ( D i trict Surgeon
Commis ioner D ep uty Commi ioner District Superintendent District urgeon
Malta G.c. Lieut.-Colonel J. V. ABELA, O.B.E., G.P.O. Box 560, M a lta. Mi ss B. M . GRIFF! , O.B.E., S.R . . , S.C.M. Dr. G. A AR.
ioner . ,1 t uperintendent ( ricl urgeon
Grenada J . H. HOLLEY I.B.E. Office of the hier r Police, Police HQ., t. George', renada. 111 ioner P. M c LEI H. J[\ Commi ioner. Mr . MA COLL. lei uperintendent ( ) D r. B. . R PIER, 1.B., CH.B.(ED I .). leI urgeon
enior Commi loner
Hong Kong . G. R OLPH 2, MacDonnell Road , Hong Kong. Eric HOTU 'G. Mis THA K Dr. PA G HOK Ko Jamaica D r. R . D . K. LE Y, 2e,
CommIssioner . . . Deputy Commi ioner. District Superintendent (
Jamaica Dr. H. G. R . H. ILUAM . Mr . V. ROTHERY.
Commi lOner . . D istrict Surgeon D istrict uperintendent (
Jamaica 1 orth- a t Dr. O . A TO\ILl 0 . D r. L. JACOB. Mr . K. HETH ER I
Mauritius G . B. M CAFFERY, .P.M. P. M. . GUILLEMI Mis G . DAVIES. Dr. R . de SE [VILLE.
Mr . Ju tice
COIllITlIS ioner
igeria . D . ONYEAMA
uprelTle Court, Lago .
1igerian Police L. O . EoCT, O.F.R., C.B.E., Force H eadquarter, The Police, Obalende, Lago . M . . K. ROBERT. Dr. OR IA -
amp Road , KlI1g ton,S.
Di trict igerian R ailway
Corporation, Ebute
Icl urgeon
Commls loner .
Nigeria Port Di trict J . O. . BOL 'LE, igerian Port uthority, Private Mail Bag 12 , 2628, Manna , Lago . a ant. & (. ) Dr. B. . JOII]'.; 0'1, LB., H.B.(GLA .), D.-T.!. H. L POOL . . IGB , Private ail Bag _204, Manna P o t Office, Lago . . R . PIlI3l:. \1. T
Commissioner D eputy Commi ioner. D istrict Superintendent ( D istrict Surgeon
Jamaica orth- We t H. AH A, .B.L., J.P. e. L. TA\ARI . Mr . M . T RKI'GS, J.P. Dr. H . . BRO\\ 'I.
Commissioner . D istrict Surgeon
Jamaica ommander . . I !JLLM .\', O.B.L., R.'. (Retd.). D r. M . D . J ~O, M.B., B... (lO D.).
Commis ioner . . . Deputy Commissioner. D i trict Superintendent (
Keny ir Charle MARKII AM, Bt. , P.O. Bo\. 1469, acant. Mr . ER RD, .R . .
D eputy Commi sioner. . . Area Superintendent (Antigua) . Area Superintendent (Brili h Virgin Islands) Area Superintendent (Mont errat) Area Superintendent CSt. Kiltevis-A ngu ilia) .
L eewa rd J. land Dr. K . H . rTLCY, I.s.o., . B RRIDGI, M.B.I.
t L1rcrlnlend~nt ( let urgeon
Officer for
rth Borneo
,ml 'loner [net
urge n
t. John , nligua ~mls ioner Inc I Surgeon J Officer for lerra Leone. . JAR\IS, PolIce Headquartcr, Torlola, B.\ C 0
Medical Dept.,
In pector J . ) land. fn spector J . BYRO. , c/o Police H .Q., M nl erral. W . V. AM ClS, Q.P.M., Ba eterre, t. Ki tt .
. P .1\1.,
.J . . B. 11.Q ., P. . Bo\ 71.
Malaya Brigade National lfeadquarters: 4 1, helley Road, Kuala Lumpur. Commis ioner . . D I.' I1 a nJOCy g IJ If A , 1.M . . , PJ.K. D istrict Superintendent ( Datin adiah SARDO, AI- J--I ajjah. Dr. Haji Mcgat Kif AS. District Surgeon
Iml sioner . ~Uly Commi' ioner .
abah Dr. R. DI GlF , P.O. Bo. 432 , Je elton. r. ather M Dr. K. 11. BL Mr . HI"-. eycheLJe R . D . HOOK, Police H.Q., P.O. Box 46, e chelle. Dr. H. M. -D lH 1ME, C.B.E.
ierra Leone . W . Lu H, 1.\' .0., C 0 P Ii e H .Q ., George treet, reetow ll Dr. D. E. BOYE-JOH 0 ·c e'\-I. Q treet. FreetO\,\Il. J. 0 P0 j I . , eor!!e ~ ingapore Dr K L LOH 4_0 Bach Road, ingapore, 7. Th~ H o~. Dato )red hmad M hammed L AGOFF,
I[nel Superi n t nden t ( ltnet urgeon
D~missio ner
ictoria, Mahe .
. H. acunt.
O.K .,
Tanzania RLEY, O.B.E.,
P .O . Bo
46, Dar-es- alaa m.
Trinidad and T obago
Commis ioner
. de A TRO, L John Headquarter, P.O. Box 657 Port r Spain, Trinidad, We t lndie . ' 0 J. D' R Mr . B. RJ HLOW. acanl. J.
Deputy Commi ioner Di trict uperintendent ( ) Di trict urgeon H.Q. Officer for aribbean and orth Atlantic rea
Mr . F. M . DA J[We t Indie . Turk
and "-'aco
P .O. Box 657, Port of pain, TrimdaL,
1 la nd
. P. HOLD' , Police H.Q ., 1 land, Vet fnd i
rand Turk, Turk and Cae
Commi loner Deputy Commi loner Di trict uperintendent ( ) H.Q. Officer for ganda
. ORYE tA, co P.O. Bo 16014, andegeya, Kampala, . P. H. MIL lR, PH . . , J.P. r . BIRD. J. KLi'. T ,c, 0 P. . Bo'( 16014, Wand g ) a, ampalu. Wind" ard T lan d
Area uperiotendent (Dominica). Area uperintendent ( t. Lucia) . Area Superintendent (t. incent)
LB .. , .P.'.1., Police Headquarter, t. LucIa, ORO" 1.B.L., Police H . . King to\\n,S~ incent. Zambia
. F.
RO, \1.B.E., P. . Bo 91, Lu aka.
IR ( outh rn Ir la nd)
Headquarters: Lumsden Hou e, Prol'illces: (1) (2) (3) (4)
Council President \.rea Presidents Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner. Chief Superintendent ( ). Assistant Commi ioner
D istrict Surgeon Brigade Secretary
29 Upper Lee on lre t, Dublin , 4. Me urtain ark. Glentworth treet, Limerick. John treet, ligo. Mullingar.
ublin 6575.
Mr . Seton PRI GLE. The Lady AR['W. Mr . Beatrice RO '<OR, .B.E. Lady THOMP 0 . Douglas W. Mo TGOMERY, M.. , M.D. r.R . . . 1.,4 , Fitzwilliam Square DublIn 2. Jo eph P. MA AMARA, I , orwood Park, Ranelagh, Dubl!n Miss Letitia verend LL.D., irfield, Dundrum, o. Dubltn Daniel J. O'BRrE , 19, Pimlico, Dublin, 8. Frederick . WHITE, 34, ardiner' Hill , ork. Derek L. ROBr 0 , M.B., F.R . . . r., 3, Harcourt Strer! Dublin 2. . , Dr. Brian PRI GLE, f.R.C.P.r., 10, Merrion quare, DubIUl,· Miss M. M. 0 ARTY, Lum den Hou e, 29, Upper Leesor Street, Dublin , 4.