<Brant> lPrior\? in tbe :fBritisb 1Realnl of
tbe most IDenerable @rber of tbe 1bospital of
St. 30bn of 3eru6a[enl
Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1965
Telegraphic Address: Firstaid. London
Telephone: Clerkenwell 6644
1965 .
~tanb ~tiot
Field-Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, K.G., K.T., K.P., P.C., G.M.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.Y.O.
62 I
7) 1
10tb ~tiot The Lord Wakehurst, K.G.
The Most Rev. and
Rt. Hon. The Lord Fisher of Lambeth, P.C., G.C.Y.O., D.D.
F. Parshall, Esq., T.D.
89 I
I 93 107
4 ~ssistant ~xteuti bt
€banctlIor Horace F. Parshall, Esq., "\J itt ·€banctIIot The Lord Caccia, G.C .M.G .,
Assistant Receiver-GeneralM. S. Barker, Esq., F.C.A. T.D.
Deputy HospitallerAir Commodore T . Keith Lyle, G.C.V.O .
I'tCtttarp ·~tntraI C. T . Evans, Esq., C.M.G . Rt(tibtr-~tntraI
Lewis G. Whyte, Esq.,
F.F.A .
18ittdor.4i)tntraI, I't. Jobn ~mbu{antt ~ssociation Sir Philip Southwell, C.B.E., M .C. ~ospitaIItr
Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder,
G.C.v.O., M.D., F .R.C . . , F.R. .
Sir Gerald Creasy,
K .C.M .G ., K.C .V.O., O.B.E
'l.ibrarian Dr. Richard Williams, J3.tgistrar Sir Harry Luke, K.C.M.G.,
F.S .A.
D .LlTT. , LL .D .
4i)tnta{ogist Sir Anthony Wagner,
e ffietrs
K .C.V.O.
of €trtmonits Colonel P. H. Catt
€ommissiontr-in'€:bitf, I't. Jobn ~mbu[anct ~rigabt Rear-Admiral Royer Dick, C.B., C.B.E., D .S.C.
C.B.E., M.D., M.R.C.P .• F.R.C.S.
Deputy Director-General, St. John Ambulance AssociationLieut.-General Sir Alexander Drummond, K.B.E., C.B., LL.D.,
Assistant Directors of CeremoniesCommander E. A. Morrison, R.N. Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove, C.B.E., T.D., D.L., F.S.A. (Cross Bearer). Captain J. Docwra-Rogers, M.B.E. (Sword Bearer). Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance BrigadeRear-Admiral R . S. Wellby, C.B. , D.S.O .
l\epre5entati be
mbe mbe <!&tber
<!& fficers
~ailitfs ~ranb
H.R.H . The Duke of Windsor, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.B., etc. The Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, P.C., C.H. Charles H. C. Pirie-Gordon, Esq., O.B.E., D.S.C., F.S.A. Dr. Richard Williams, F.S.A. Brigadier Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, G.C.v.o., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.S.
mbe tlrior5 of
Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey, K.C.M.G. (Scotland) The Lord Aberdare (Wales). Brigadier C. M. HofIe, C.B.E. (South Africa) H.E. Brigadier Sir Bernard Fergusson, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., D.S.O., O.B.E. (New Zealand). H.E. General G. P. Vanier, D.S.O., M.C., LL.D. (Canada) H.E. The Rt. Hon. Lord Casey, C.H., D.S.O., M.C. (Au tralia)
'itniglJts of 3f ustitt Sir David Evans-Bevan, Bt. (representative of the Priory for Wales). Brigadier Sir Ian Fraser, D.S.O., O.B.E. 1s.nigIJts of ~tact Sir Basil Mayhew, K.B.E. Brigadier-General J. G. Browne, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. Captain J. Docwra-Rogers, M.B.E. W. G. Pape, Esq., O.B.E. Sir George Abbiss, O.B.E. W. E. C. Lazenby, Esq., C.B.E. Sir Hugh Dow, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I. The Lord Latham. Sir John Hathorn Hall, G.C.M.G., O.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. Sir Alexander Grantham, G.C.M.G . Lieut.-General The Lord Norrie, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., C.B., D.S.O., M.C. Sir Andrew Wright, K.C.M.G., C.B.E., M.C. Major-General Sir Ralph Hone, K.C.M.G .. K.B .E., M.C., T.D., Q.C. Colonel W. E. Pringle, M.C., T.D. D.L. Captain P. Reay, O.B.E., M.C. Captain F. L. Richard, O.B.E., Air Vice-Mar hal Sir Robert George, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., M.C. (repre entative of the Priory in Australia).
l\epre5entatibe ]Junior 1knigbt.s \!rbe
1Knigbt5 of ]Justice (who have served two terms of three years on Chapter-General and wish to continue thereon) Major P. M. Beachcroft, O.B.E. Commander E. A. Morrison, R.N . Surgeon Rear-Admiral Sir Cecil Wakeley, St., K.B.E., C.B. Major R. L. Loyd, O.B.E., M.C. Sir George Wilkinson, Bt., K.C.V.O. Captain The Lord Harris, M.C. Lieut.-Colonel W. W. Dove, C.B.E., T.D., D.L. The Earl of Cranbrook, C.B.E. The Lord Cozens-Hardy. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas Cook. The Hon. Sir George Bellew, K.C.V.O. Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Hornby Steer. The Lord Crook Brigadier F. A. V. Copland-Griffiths,' D.S.O., M.C. Major Sir Harry Sinderson, K.B.E., c.M.G., M.V.O. Lieut.-Commander A. F. Inglefield, R.N. Major The Hon. Sir Clive Bossom The Hon. Denis Berry, T.D.
*As at 31st
December, 1965.
itni!!fJts of 3T usttct Sir Andrew Murray, o. B.E. (representative of the Priory of Scotland). Colonel Sir Cenydd Traherne, T.D. (representative of the Priory for Wales) Colonel Sir Cullum Welch, O.B.E., M.C. Sir Harold MitchelL Bt. Sir Austin Strutt, K.C.V.O., C.B. D. C. Maclean , Esq. G. L. C. Colenso-Jone , Esq. The Earl St. Aldwyn, K.B.E., P.C., T.D., D.L. kni\IfJts of @nut Sir Edwin Chapman-Andrews, K.C.M.G., O.B.E. l: A. B. Palmer, E q. Sir Philip Warter. Vice-Admiral Sir Peveril William-Powlett, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., R.N.
C. S. C. Prance, Esq., O.B.E. R. N. Bream, Esq. ~. S. Taylor-Young, Esq. S~r Percy Spender, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., Q.C. Sl,r Gawain Bell, K.C.M.G., C.B.E. Lieut.-General Sir Alexander Drummond, K.B.E., C.B. T~e Han. Sir Maurice Bridgeman K.B.E. ~r Commodore T. Keith Lyle, C.B.E. " W. Struthers, E q. Sir John Buchanan, K.C.M.G. ~. S. Barker, Esq. Sir Francis Evan, G.B.E., K.C.M.G. (Representative of the Commandery of Ards in Northern Ireland)
The Rt. Rev. H. J. Buxton. The Rt. Rev. & Rt. Hon. J. W . C. Wand, P.c., K.C.V.O. The Rt. Rev. P . H. Herbert, K.C.V.O., D.D. The Rt. Rev. & Rt. Hon. H. C. Montgomery Campbell, P.C., M.C., D.D. The Rt. Rev. D . H. Crick, D.D. The Very Rev. C. L. Warr, K.C.V.O., D.D., LL.D. The Rev. Dr. Alan C. Don, K.C.V.O. The Rev. A. Nevile Davidson, D.D. The Rt. Rev. G. H. Elison, Bishop of Chester. The Rt. Rev. W . H . Stewart, C.B.E., D.D. The Rt. Rev. W. A. Parker, Bishop of Shrewsbury. The Rt. Rev. J. D . McKie. The Rt. Rev. W. A . E. Westall, Bishop of Crediton. The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Frederick Donald Coggan, D.D., Archbishop of York. The Rt. Rev. Stanley A. H. Eley, Bi hop of Gibraltar. The Most Rev. A. C. MacInnes, C.M.G., Archbishop of Jerusalem and Metropolitan. The Rt. Rev. C. Eastaugh, M.C. Bishop of Peterborough. The Very Rev. O. H. Gibbs-Smith, C.B.E., Dean of Winchester. The Rt. Rev. R. D. Say, Bishop of Rochester. The Rt. Rev. K. E. N. Lamplugh, Bishop of Southampton . The Rev. Canon Christopher Perowne. T.D.
!\eprestntatibe «{erim! The The The The
The Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members and of the Order its Report for the year 1965. It wIll be remembered that H.R.H. The Grand Prior accompanied by H.R.H. The ~uche of Gloucester had, unfortunately, been involved in a moto.r accldent. whil t returning from the funeral of Sir Winston ChurchIll. Fol~owmg the car had been a coach containing St. John Ambulance Bngade personnel who had rendered assistance and subseq.uently their Royal Highne se had expressed their thanks and appreciatIon . Associ~tes
A UAL FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER The Fe tival wa held on Saturday, 26th June. Holy Communion was celebrated in t~1e Grand P.r iory Church by The Most Rev. A. C. McInnes, C.M·9·, Anglican. Archbl hop in Jerusalem. The General Assembly was held III the gyptran Hall of the Mansion House by kind permission of the Rt. Hon . The Lord Mayor, ir James Miller G.B.E. The Commemoration Sen ice took place at St. Paul' Cathedral and it was fitting that in the year of the ppeal for the Ophthalmic Hospital the ermon should have bee~ preached by. the Archbi hop in Jerusalem. The Lord Mayor and henff attended In State. The cordial relationship which exists between the Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of Malta and t~e Mo t enerable Order wa evidenc d by the presence for the first tlIl'!e of an official delegation headed by the Pre ident, Lord Robert Cnehton-Stuart, of the Briti h A sociation of that Order.
Venerable H. J. Matthews, Rev. M. F. Foxell, K.C.V.O. Rev. Cyril CressweU,K.c.V.O., F.S.A. Rev. Canon A. F. Hood,
The Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon. H. C. Montgomery Campbell, P.C., M.C., D.D. The Rev. Canon Christopher Perowne, T.D.
John Tennant, Esq., T.D. Rear-Admiral R. S. Wellby, C.B., D.S.O. Lieut.-Colonel J . R . L. Traherne, D.L. H. C. Stewart, Esq.
l\epresentatibe Clf}(ficer F. H. D. Pritchard, Esq., C.B.E.
'igeputp s;,erretatp ·~eneta! N. C. McClintock, Esq.
*,errdatp J . G. Silver, Esq., B.E.M.
'tltttasutet anb
D. B. R. Swinstead, Esq., F.C.A.
ORDER SERVICE AT LA CASTER On Saturday 23rd October, an Order Service took place at the Priory Church of St. Mary, Lanca ter. It was arranged by the St. John Council for the County Palatine of Lanca ter and urrounding co untie were repre ented . The Lord Prior, Executive Officer and a delegation of Member of Chapter-General attended, and the Lord Lieutenant, Pre ident of the t. John Council for the County Palatine of Lanca ter, wa present. The church wa full and in brilliant weather a March Past of unit of the St. John Ambulance Brigade took place; the salute being taken by the Lord Prior on the step of the Town Hall at Lanca ter. The hi tortc urrounding of Lanca ter Ca tie were admirably uited to the Order ceremonial and the service, at which the ermon wa preached by the Rt. Rev. Charle Robert Claxton, D.D., Lord Bi hop of Blackburn, was both moving and impre i e. APPOINTMENT Th~ higher command of the Order wa grea tly trengthened by the appointment of the Lord Caccia G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., now Provo t of Eton, to the Executive office of Vice-Chancellor. Lord Caccia rendered very valuable ervice to the Order whil t Briti h Amba ador to Wa hington and also when Head of the Foreign Office.
GRAND PRIORY CHURCH REBUILDING FUND By the end of the year the sum needed to clear the debt on the Church had been reduced to some £7000. STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS AT ST. JOHN'S GATE It had long been realised in order ~hat visitors to St. John's Gate, particularly on occasions such as Inve tItures, could be comfortably and adequately accommodated, some major structural alterations would have to be made. These were undertaken during 1965 and the results are most pleasing. The Order was greatly indebted to. our late Confrere, Leander McCormick-Goodhart, who generou ly paId the whole co~t of the restoration of the wall of the main stairca e and the new robmg room. FOREIG AFFAIRS A further succes ful Conference between representatives of the Venerable Order the J ohanniterorden with its Swiss and other European Associations and the Orders of St. John in the Netherlands and Sweden, took place at G~neva on 30th May. A small ecretariat has "?een set up and B.aroD Akerhielm, a Member of the Swedish Order in busme s at Geneva, kindly consented to act as Honorary Secretary. Useful contact has been made with a number of the international agencies at Geneva. . There was an event of historical ignificance when the Lord Pnor headed a delegation from the Venerable Order at ~he Celebrations held in Malta to mark the Great Siege of 1565. The VIce-Chancellor of the Sovereign Order led delegation from the .It~lian Grand Priories a.nd from the National Associations of Great Bntam and other countnes. The Deputy Herrenmeister led the delegation from the 10hanniterorden and the Netherlands and Swedish Orders were each represented by membe~s of their Chapters. The succes of this very hi toric occa ion wa due In no small measure to the personal effort of the Gov~r!10r-General, H ..E. Sir Maurice Dorman, G.C.V.O., G.C.M.G. In addItIOn to the officlal delegation a number of Member of the yenerable Order attended under their own arrangements. The proceedmgs cle~rly den:on trated the prevalent ecumenical spirit .and the c<?-operatIOn receIved .from the Archbishop of Malta (MonsIgnor GonZI) was greatly apprecI~ted. . Earlier in the year the Lord Prior had renewed per onal relatlOn~ with the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, stoppmg at Rome on his way to the Middle Ea t. LIFE
The Life Saving Medal in Silver Div. Supt. Charles Halliday Metcalfe, S.J.A.B., for as i ting, at gre~t personal risk in the rescue of men buried under a fall of stone and debns at the botto~ of the shaft of the Byermoor Colliery. The Life Saving Medal in Bronze Harold Acornley for the rescue of ~ fellow worker .t rapped at the ~op of a burning hydro pole on Algonqum Island, Ontano. In the carrYlD~ out of the rescue at great danger to his own life, Mr. Acornley suffere second and third degree burns.
Certificate of Honour AIM Jose'p~ Rou~d, S.J.~.B., for assisting a man trapped in a runaway man-ndmg tral~ ~t Gn~ethorpe Colliery. The courageous action, under ~a~ar.dous condItIOns, 01 Mr. Round saved the man from sustaining severe IDJunes. Joseph Day for the rescue at great personal risk of a man trapped between the buffers of two moving railway wagons at the Haunchwood Colliery, Nuneaton. Miss Brenda Fagan for the rescue of an elderly lady trapped by fire in a second floor apartment at Brockville, Ontario. Michael Stew~rt Gibson (aged 13) for the rescue of his brother, aged 5, who ha.d fallen.l~to a well o? the No. 1.1 Indian Reserve, municipality of Cbemamus, Bntlsh Columbia. In carrymg out this brave action Michael had no knowledge of the depth of the well and dived fifteen feet to the water level. OBITUARIES A sad loss was su tained by the death of Her Royal Highness The Princes Royal, a Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John. It is with regret that the death is recorded of the Most Hon. The Marqui of Aberdeen and Temair, Prior of Scotland. He was succeeded by Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey, K.C.M.G. The death s al 0 occurred of the Lord Bossom, a Bailiff Grand Cross and Member of Chapter-General, and Mr. Edward Kunhardt Warren a Knight of Ju tice and Honorary Secretary of the American Society of the Order of St. John.
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the honour to submit their seventy-fourth report covering the eighty-third year of the Hospital for the information of H.R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. GENERAL During the year under review the mo t welcome and plea ant event was the visit paid to the Ho pital on the 6th October by Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra and Mr. Ogilvy who were pa sing through Jordan on their return from a long tour in the Far Ea t. De pite the hortne of her stay in Jerusalem and her many other commitment, Her Royal Highness made an extensive tour of all the department of the Ho pital, met the staff and delighted the patient with her cheerful and happy greeting. To everyone a Royal Vi it such a thi i an immen e tonic, and we are indeed grateful to her for her intere t and for the graciou ne with \ hich it was expressed. RESEARCH Our research to elucidate the variou manife tation<; of trachoma in the Middle East, and particularly to attempt an efTective prophylaxis of the di ease by the immunization of children with a vaccine, is continuing on a greater cale. At pre ent an effective team compo ed of members from the Institute of Ophthalmology in London under Professor Barrie Jone ,the Trachoma Group of the Medical Re earch Council under Dr. Leslie Collier of the Li ter In titute and the Government ofIran under Professor Mofidi of the Department of Public Health Re earch of that hospitable country, is bu ily engaged in the Malayer area of Iran where this blinding di ease j endemically rife. The team, Briti hand Iranian, comprises 11 persons, an ex pen ive project partly financed by our Research Fund. The preliminary arrangement for this work were made in 1964. Early in 1965 an extensive urvey wa carried ut when over 500 young children as yet uninfected with trachoma received two injection of the new vaccine; the results of this are being followed up in the pring of 1966. In this region 90 to 95 % of the children become affected before the age of 2 years. In the autumn of 1965 Profe or Barrie Jone returned to Iran with three other research worker and together with three Iranian workers made an intensive study of the entire population of thi area ,to obtain epidemiological and laboratory data on trachoma and to deVIse more sensitive methods of diagnosis than are now known. Parallel work on these problems is being carried out at the Institute of Ophthalmology in London. At the same time three Iranian doctor have been brought t the laboratories of the Institute in London for training in the e new methods; tl~ey e will return to Iran in 1966 to work with our team for the next vacctn
follow-Up. Further research will be guided by our findings then. The vaccines at p~esent u~der trial ~em to be a considerable improvement on those pre~IOusly tned, but the1: results cannot yet be anticipated, whether they modIfy t~e course of the d1sease or eradicate it. However that may be the co-operatIOn between Iranian and British workers is proving to be "ery frUitful and ha produced a harmonious, effective and solid team whic~ i . probably a ':lnique and certainly a highly desirable development in betwe~n the West and a Middle Eastern country. Not,only wlll thl allow of c?~tmuous work by the Iranian workers during the Interval between the VIS1t of our team, but it will enable them to continue with it when our experimental studies have ceased. Moreover in thi work on the ba ic nature of trachoma and its treatment we are i~ close touch with the American ARAMCO/Harvard and the Seattle re earch team working re pectively in Saudi Arabia and Taiwan, as well as the Trachoma Scientific Committee of the World Health Organisation, both by per onal contact and by sharing information as soon as it is di covered and long before it can be publi hed, so that there has been a spontaI~eou apportionment of problems between the various groups with the aVOIdance of repetitiou work, Thi re earch is undoubtedly at a most intere ting stage and i certainly of major scientific importance; and it could lead to re ult or unu ually great ocial and humanitarian value in the alleviation of the effect of the rno t blinding disease known to man. It would be indeed good if the British team' make home" first. HO PITAL COMMITTEE It i with very deep regret that we have to record the death on the 4th September of Lord Bo om, a Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order and a Member of thi Committee ince 1936. Lord Bossom's devotion to the Order and hi help to the Ho pital Committee over many years were out tanding. He will be particularly remembered for his enthusiasm in ~ringing the new Ho pital into exi tence; as an architect of great distinclI~n he too.k a per onal part in it planning and watched 0 er its building. HI death 1 indeed a ad 10 . With much regret we have had to accept the re ignation of Dr. R. H. Scott, Dr. Scott ha re igned hi po t a Chief Medical Adviser of the She!l Petroleum Company' he ha been ucceeded in that position by Major-General W. H. Hargreave who has kindly agreed to serve on this Committee. We are happy to have his ervice. We are also glad to welcome Lady Wakehurst, D.B.E., who, now that he i living in London, ha agreed to become the Chairman of the Ladies' Guild and to have a eat on the Committee. llOSPITAL STAFF C?ur taff ha again had a very busy and rewarding year. The number of major urgical operation ha equalled the record figure it reached la t year and the number of patient een in the clinic ha greatly increased. For the achievement of the e re ult our thank are due particularly to the Warden, Dr. Boa e, and to Dr. Budeiri. We are proud to record that the ervice which Dr. Boa e ha rendered to the people of the Holy Land, and the great re pect in whi h he i held, were recogni ed in the cour e of the year by Hi Beatitude the Patriach who conferred upon him the honour of a Knight Commander of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. We
would like to congratulate Dr. Budeiri on the completion of 30 years of service to the Ho pital- urely a plendid record, the more so when We remember the vicissitude through which the Ho pital ha passed during this period. But indeed, he has been with us longer than that, for he gave us part-time voluntary service before he joined the permanent staff in 1935. With the exception of the e two talwart the urgical appointments have been filled in accordance with our e tabli hed practice by hort-term secondments or appointment of phthalmologi t from the United King. dom, the Commonwealth and from the Arab State. A list of those who have served during some part of the year i printed el ewhere in this report. The sy tern under which the urgeon from the Force are econded to the Hospital ha worked moothlyand we believe, \\ ith benefit to them as well as to u . We are happy to report thi year another econument to the Ho pital of a urgeon from the Royal Jordanian Army: Captain Wajeeh H. Abdul-Kareem arri ed on September 1st for a six-months' attachment. We are now also welcoming a erie of young urgeon from Moorfields Eye Hospital in London \Vho follow each other by working for a period in Jerusalem after their 3-year re idenc} at Moorfield , thus providing us with a ucce ion of brilliant young men expert in the mo t recent technique in ophthalmology. As in previou years we have had the great plea ure of having with us an American surgeon who, in addition to acting a one of our medical staff, makes himself re pon ible for the Eye-bank e tabli hed in the Hospital by the International Eye-bank. At pre ent thi i being financed from Washington, and it seem po ible that in the future it may be sponsored by the American Society of St. John. The pre ence of the Eye· bank is of great value to the work of the Ho pital and it i to be hoped that in the future our connection \\ ith the U.S.A. \ ,ill be continued through the generosity of our affiliated Society. We recorded last year the pre ence of the fir ' t Arab Vvoman urgeon on the staff, Dr. Sura el Ai h. All we aid in praise of her Ia t year, and more, is true; and it was with regret that we allo\\cd her to leave in September to complete her post-graduate training at Moorfield Eye Ho pital and the Institute of Ophthalmology in London. We were sorry also to ay goodbye to our Matron. Mi Blewitt joined us in 1958 as Assistant Matron and succeeded Mi Stent a Matron in 1961. She leaves with our be t wishes for happine in her future career. In her place we are very fortunate to have been able to engage Mi sM. 1. Holloway who is no stranger to u , nor to the Arab world. She erved at the Hospital in Watson and Strathearn Houses for two year from 19501952 and she has been Supervi or at the American niver ity Ho pital in Beirut for seven years. She wa delighted to return in October to the Jerusalem that she knows and loves. We are happy al 0 to welcome back Miss Eileen Smith as A sistant Matron and Si ter Tutor, a po t which she has already filled for several years. . We have made one successful innovation. Hitherto each of the Nursmg Sisters in turn has been respon ible for the catering and general housekeeping of the Ho pital for a few months at a time. Thi y tern has never been popular with the Sister who come to lenl alem primarily to nurse patients, nor, understandably, has it been particularly uccessflll. We were therefore happy to grasp the opportunity wh ich aro e early this ye~r of appointing Miss Martin as permanent Catering Officer. Mis MartIn, a French lady whose home is in the Dordogne, ha been cveral years on
the staff of Moorfields Eye Hospital in a rather similar capacity. She has already done much to improve our standards of catering and housekeeping in Jerusalem and to bring down the costs. For many years Miss M. B. MacKellar, the Matron of Moorfields, has been a great friend and support to the Hospital; not only does she aid us in selecting each Nursing Sister and encouraging them to broaden their training and their outlook by a tour of duty in Jerusalem, but she also smoothe our path in nursing problems in a multitude of ways. We are very pleased that she has now agreed to become our Nursing Adviser. She spent a month in Jeru alem early in the year, working personally in every department of the Ho pital and studying its economics. Her report, a most exhaustive job-analysis of our nur ing and domestic arrangements, has been of the greatest value and the recommendations it embodies were brought into effect in November. They have resulted in a more economical and efficient u e of nur ing and domestic staff and a general increase in efficiency.
Our Hospital ha now been in use for more than five years and we must begin to expect a mounting bill for maintenance and repairs. In anticipation of thi we have approved a re-organi ation of our maintenance staff with the engagement of a full-time painter and a full-time carpenter. There i work-and more-for both of them and already we have found that a con iderable economy ha resulted in comparison with the frequent employment of out ide contractor. We hould like to engage a plumber also when a uitable man can be found. There ha been no new building tbi year but it will be noted from the illustration on the cover that there is now a name-sign on the west wall of the Ho pital facing the ablu Road. Many thou and of pilgrims come down thi road every year on their way into Jerusalem from the airport; our Ho pital i the fir t building of note which they pass and it i right that they hOllld know that it i the Ho pital of St. John. FI A CE
As fore hadowed last year the Appeal for the Ho pital and Research Fund wa launched in May. We need £1 million. It i never ea y to raise money for a charity however worthy, when the cause i so little known to the general public a are re earch on trachoma and our Hospital in Jerusalem' and although we could not have known it when we decided to make thi Appeal, we could not well have chosen a more unfavourable year. The financial difficultie through which the country has been pa sing have hit u hard; neither individual ub criber nor the large indu trial and commercial concern which are often the mo t generou upporters of ~harity in the United Kingdom have been able to subscribe a they would In normal time . However nearly £-1 million had been rai ed by the end of the year. This i not the place to record our thank to individual donor but we cannot let the opporlunity PJ without a pecial word of appreciation of the action of our friend, the Netherland Order of St. John. La t summer they made their own appeal on our behalf and raised over £1,100 for us. SUch action speak more strongly than words of the spirit of charity which
binds the Order of St. John and reache acro the national frontiers of the world today. We mu t record al 0 our admiration of the manner in which Sir Edwin Chapma~-Andre,:" ha led thi many- ided and complex appeal in unu ually dlfficult CIrcumstance. Hi conviction hi faith in the future and the untiring energy and dri e he ha brought to thi ta k have been the admiration of u all and are beyond prai e. We are mo t grateful to him and to hi Committee \ hich ha directed the Appeal. The appeal Fund continue to mount if lowly. It will be a long haul but the money must be ~ound. The plain fact i that at present we only have enough to keep gomg f r a very few year. We do not believe that any member of the Order \\ i he u to \\ ithdraw from the Research Camp~ign or would like t~e Ho pital to clo e it door. For over eighty year It ha tended the blInd people of Jeru alem and the neighbouring land and the work it i doing today i greater than ever before. Moreover the hope held out for the future, if modern medicine can indeed provide a cure for tracho~a,. i 0 brig~t that v"e mu t pare no effort and grudge no expen e to gam It. If a vaccme can be found the Ho pital could become the central focus in a wide immunization programme. That campaign would rank amongst the fine t thing the Order of St. John ha e\er done in all its long hi tory. The benefit to mankind would be incalculable. Turning to detail of the Ho pitaI' Income and E penditure, although th~ ~ccount reveal a rise in expenditure of orne £150 0, yet mo t of thIS I . n?n-recurrent. Our actual e penditure on alarie and hou e-keeping and nnilar expen e has gone up very little. nd we have een thi year a most gratifying increa e in re enue from private patient' fee -from £5,8~0 to £9000. Thi j a reflection of the growing fame of the Ho pital, partI.cularly among t that portion of the population which wi he to have a pn~ate room and to pay a fee. Such people have often learned ""ith surpnse that they can obtain in Jeru alem treatment a good a anything in the Capital of Europe. .. The Trea urer and Accountant of the Order, Mr. D. B. R. Swin tead, paid a vi it of in pection to the Ho pital in ovember. He examined in detail the book-keeping and other financial arrangement with the cooperation of the Superintendent Mr. I a Marogi, and wa abJe to make a numbe.r of .valua~le recommendation and to clear up a number of outstandmg dlfficultle . We are mo t grateful to him and were glad to receive his appreciative comment on the conduct of affair by the Superintendent and his staff. LADlES' COMMITTEES
Mention ha already been made, earlier in thi Report, of the appoin.tment of Lady Wakehur t to be the Chairman of the Ladies' Guild 10 succession to Lady Scarbrough. Lady Scarbrough ha been a Member of the Guild ince 1945 and its very successful Chairman since 1952. Her ervice ha therefore spanned some of the most difficult year in the hi tory of the Ho pital. She aW t~e l?ss of the Old Hospital on the Bethlehem Road, the year of improVIsatIOn and make-shift in Wat on and Strathearn Hou e and the plann~ng ~nd building and finally the occupation and u e of the neW HospItal Itself. We are more grateful than can be ea ily ex pres ed to Lady Scarbrough for her devoted er ice throughout thi time. It was
!he who enlarged the membership and scope of the Guild to meet the gr~ater responsibilities which she foresaw when the new Hospital was built, and she can ~e prou~ of the success the Guild has had in doing so. Lady Wakehur t s appomtment was app~oved by Her Royal Highness, the ~uchess of Gloucester, ~t the begmnmg of the year, and she immed13tely took up her task With zest. Her own account is published with this Report. It will have been noticed that the name of the Guild itself has been changed; the new name "The Ladies' Guild of the Hospital of St. John or !~r.usalem" is th?ught to reflect .more ~l?sely the activities and responslbll1tle ?f t?e GUIld today, for, m addItIon to supplying the linen for tbe Ho pltal. l.t meets a ho t of other needs and requirements and provides many. amellltle and comforts which could not properly be met from a Hospital b.udg~t. It ability. to do this with such generosity is largely due to the Guild In Canada, 111 Australia, and in New Zealand which in recent year have been increa ingly liberal both in cash and i~ material gift . Similarly the Ladies' Hospital Committee in Jerusalem under the director. hip o~ ~r ..McInnes, t~e wife of the Archbishop, and Mrs. Boa~e, I contlnumg It ?ut tandlpg work in helping our Hospital, its nur 109 taff and our patient. Thl maintenance of interest in our work by Briti h and Arab ladie in Jeru alem is a very satisfying acknowledgement of the appreciation in which it is held. THA KS
SO man contribution have been received thi year in answer to our that it will be no longer pos ible to publi h a list of individual sub criber with thi Report a ha been done in the past. Our thanks ha e been ent to each one of them individually and have been published In the ational Pre . But, ne\'ertheles , there are some contributors who e genero ity i 0 out tanding that we wi h to name them here. We already o\\e much more than \\e can ay to the Receiver-General of the Ord~r for the wi dom with .. hich he guide our financial affairs; to these Str\lce he ha now added a per onal ub cription of almo t embarra sing genero ity. To Sir George and Lady Wilkin on we are equally indebted. Colonel J. . E. Pye and Mi . J. F. Smith both great benefactors of the As ociation and the Brigade, the one in Somer et and the other in Sus ex have extended their genero ity to the Ho pitaI too, as has the Hon. Deni Berry. One particular upporter in the Middle Ea t mu t be mentioned here with gratitude' Kamel Abdul Rahman ga e a cheque for £5,000 at the beginning of the year and ha promi ed more. We are most grateful to tho e member of the A ociation and the Brigade in England Who helped u by the ale of Chri tma card ; a pecial card wa produced and wa old throughout the country in aid of the Ho pitaI. We must al 0 mention the Tru tee of the I tanbul and Smyrna Ho pital Fund, who e i ion and genero ity ha e been uch an encouragement to Us. Finally, we are again greatly indebted to the Iranian Petroleum Company and the Iranian Oil Con ortium for continuing their magnificent Contribution to our work which they have now given for orne year. Our friend and colleague in the Priorie over ea ha e helped u a before with their per onal sub cription and in a number of other ways. We should al 0 like to expre our particular thank to our many friends ~ppeal
in Jordan' to members of the Government and to those in Government servi~e who smooth our path in a multitude of ways; t~ t~e Municipality of Jerusalem to whom we are indebt~d for a subscnptlOn t,o the Appeal in addition to the invaluable he~p III ~he day-to-day a~alIs of the Hospital; and to innumerable good fnends III every walk of life. STEWART DUKE-ELDER,
Without any doubt the most memorable event of the year was the visit of H.R.H. Princess Alexandra on October 6th. Her Royal Highness made a very comprehen ive tour of the hospital and expressed her interest and great appreciation of all she saw. Both she and her husband endeared them elves to taff and patients alike by their kindness and informal simplicity. We were indeed most fortunate to have been visited by so gracious a lady to whom we tender our thanks and our loyal respects. In April we had the great honour of a visit of inspection by the Crown Prince of Jordan, Prince Hassan, supported by the Prime Minister, the Governor of Jeru alem, and the Lord Mayor of Jerusalem. His Royal Highne recorded hi great intere t in the hospital and the hope that it would continue to pro per. Throughout January we had the pleasure and advantage of having the Ho pitaller and Lady Duke-Elder residing in our midst. It was no surprise to learn that during thi period yet another volume of the incomparable "System of Ophthalmology" came to birth. Nor was it unexpected that the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, His Beatitude Benedictus I, should acknowledge Sir Stewart devotion to the cau e of Jerusalem by investing him with the in ignia of Commander of the Knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. In FebnlL ry a tree-planting ceremony took place in the ho pital grounds, and when in the future we see these trees in their prime we will look back and remember with gratitude thi kindly gesture on the part of Mrs. Leila Wi1 on and the ladie of the American Consulate in Jerusalem. The olive tree were a girt from the Municipality to Mr . Wilson to commemorate her stay h reo We feel it i a great compliment that she should have chosen to have them planted in our ho pital During April we had the privilege of an official vi it by Miss MacKellar, the Matron of Moorfield ye Hospital in London. This was no holiday for her but a rno t arduou [our week work that ha led to con iderable reorganization and increa ed efficiency throughout the hospital. We are really rno t grateful to Mi MacKellar [or her help and advice, the fruit of her long and di tingui hed experience a a Matron. ¥/e hope she will not defer a econd i it for too long and that next time her husband will be able to accompany her. In much the arne context we were very pleased to welcome Mr. David Swinstead, Trea urer and Accountant of the Order, on hi econd vi it to the Ho pital. Here again the ten day he spent with u in ovember were fully taken up with a meticulou in pection of our books and records and the general management of the Ho pital. We und rstand that our Ho pital SUperintendent Mr. I a Marogi, came through thi " inqui ition with flying colour. The e vi it of inspection ar of ine timable value to u ; would that they could happen mor frequently. The Lord Prior, Lord Wakehur t, was here for a few day in April, and again in November for a brief one-day visit from Beirut. Indirectly due to hi rapprochement with the German Johanniterorden the Order's parcel of land adjoining Wat on Hou e in the area known as the Muri tan has been loaned on a gentlemen' agreement to the Lutheran church for Use as playground for their chool. It ha a a re ult changed from a
desolate piece of wa te land to an attractively paved area. The present intention is that the Order's ancient connection with the Muristan (site of the first hospital in Crusader time) will be commemorated by a small memorial garden on this site. The month-long fast of Ramadan commenced thi year on Christmas Eve. In deference to the large number of Mo lems on our taff, to whom any form of jollification during Ramadan would be quite unacceptable, it was decided to hold the annual dinner and dance before Christmas. These festivities on December 18th 10 t nothing in enthu iasm through being somewhat out of season. A good time was had by all. It was with much sadness that we heard of the death in September of Lord Bossom assuredly one of our taunche t supporter. He will be greatly mis ed. To hi on and heir, Sir Clive Bos om, we extend our deepest ympathy. STATISTICS
The table appended to this report give the Return for la t year, and of the preceding four year for compari on. It will be noted that the number admitted to Ho pital increased a did the total atten lances. The reason for this is thought to be the remo al of restriction on travel between Jordan and Syria; there were 1,007 new case registered a having come from Syria and 261 from Saudi Arabia. Thi influx of patient from neighbouring countries account al 0 for the marked ri e of over 400 in cataract operation. The total number of operation i agam ju t over the 6,000 mark. In the report for 1964 it 'Wa aid that thi figure probabl} represented aturation level with our exi ting theatre capacity. La t year's results confirm the expectation. The plain fact i that t\\O theatre are not sufficient. If one could alway have two e perienced quick-working surgeons coping with the day' operdtion Ii t t'Wo theatres might be adequate, but as a very important function f the Ho pital i. to accept and train young surgeons the time factor i all-important, what the expert does in ten minutes may take the t) ro an hour or morc. It i here that a third theatre would make a great difference. From a tructuraJ stand· point this present no difficulty' an adjacent open area need but two walls and a roof. And the cost? Our architect' rough e tJmate is under two thousand pound . There was a significant fall in the number of corneal graft. To a mall extent this is attributable to incapacitation through illne of Dr. Ray, the Eye-bank surgeon, who has the primary responsibility for trying to obtain corneas from local source. In the main, however, it i the, as yet, insuperable antipathy of the public to removing the cornea from decea ed persons which i the chief obstacle to progre s. Generation will pass before this aversion to any form of autopsy di appear from Moslem countries. It may be of interest to compare a few item from the Return of ten years ago with those of the past year. Admissions . . Total operations . Cataract operations Pterygium operations Glaucoma operations Detachment operations Rhinostomy operations
3,129 6,089
296 295 74 19
1,641 J,208
76 66
No less than twelve different surgeons served on the staff at one time or another during the year. Dr. Harry Caldwell, 'Bunker Fellow' of the International Eye Bank, returned to Kentucky in July, and was replaced by Dr. Ronnie .Ray from Washington. The Royal Air Force has again assisted us: Wmg-Commander A. Morgan completed his six months secondment in February and wa relieved by Squadron-Leader M. Shearer until Augu t when the Royal Navy took over with Surgeon Commander A. Russell. Our lady surgeon, Sura EI Aish, left for London in September, and was replaced by Captain Wajeeh Abdul-Kareem on six month.s' econdment from the Jordan Army. Dr. Terrence Hypher joined us In January for a whole year. In October we lost our "Aussie", Dr. Joe 0 Sullivan, who left for further study in London. Finally, Dr. David Owen, fre h from St. Thomas's Hospital, arrived in December on a year' appointment. There was no change in the personnel of Warden, Sub- Warden (Khalil Budeiri), and the Superintendent (Issa Marogi). For the econd time we had a final year medical student from St. Thomas's working here as a trainee during his ummer vacation. Of the Si ter ,Mi Anne Blewitt who had been Matron for almost four year decided to go in earch of pastures new. She left in October, and is now in South Africa, where we hope she is happily settled. Her successor, Mi Margar t Holloway, i no tranger for she erved in Watson House in 1950-1952. Mi Claire Buxton, Assi tant Matron and Sister Tutor, left in September her po t being filled by Mi s Eileen Smith who thus re umed her original appointment after an interval of eight months at Moorfleld gaining further admini -trative and teaching experience. Sisters Martha Robert, Jean Seath and Elizabeth Wood left during the year and were replaced by ancy Donnelly, Rosetta Clark and Erna Gugerel. A new po t, that of Catering Officer, was filled in April by Miss Georgette Martin. Of the i local nur e \ ho took final examination, five passed. One has remained on the taff a an ophthalmic nur e. Five out of even first year student pa ed the fir t e amination. Twelve nm es passed the Government First Aid exammation. One po t-graduate nur e and two student nur e from the Augu ta Victoria Ho pital pent three months with us gaining ophthalmic experience. TSITORS
It eemed to be a good year for visitor to Jeru alem, and we have pleasant memorie of the many who honoured u by vi iting the hospital. Among the e were Mr . Per ia Porter from Sydney, Dame Barbara Cozens R.R.C. our Con ul-General in Jeru alem and Mrs. Hugh Pullar, Sir Basil a~d Lady Smallpiece Dr. and Mrs Edgar Thorn on from Sydney the Bishop of Crediton with a large party, Mr. and Mr . Edgar J. Stone from Toronto, ir Gawain Bell, Mr. Stephen Miller, F.R.C.S., Dr. Edwin B. Dunphy from Har ard Medical School, Sir Gwilym and Lady Williams, Lord Middleton, and Mr. Daniel E. London from San Francisco. One group of thirty-two per on came under the aegi of the Order and was able shepherded by Mr . Mollie Andrewes from Headquarter in Grosvenor ere cent. Many of their friend had the opportunity of renewing acquaintance with Surgeon-Captain and Mrs. Dudl y Gurd during their few days tay here. Dr. Gurd had been Warden of the ho pi tal from 1952
to 1955. We take this opportunity to congratulate him on hi imminent promotion to the rank of Surgeon Rear-Admiral, Royal Navy. LADIES
The Committee has met regularly under the chairman hip of Mrs· MacInnes and there ha been no change of member hip. The scope of activitie has not varied greatly, although with the School of Nursing now firmly e tabli hed in it own right the need for propaganda has consequently diminshed.
New cases.
Total attendances.
Glasses ordered
Mrs. MacInnes had a course of Fir t Aid lecture to the tudent nurses and all but one passed the examination. COMMONER AND MORE SIGNIFICANT OPERATIONS
Attendances continue to be very ati factory and a lot of u eful work is accomplished.
Chalazion .
Strabl mus.
Evi ceration
Enuclea tlOn
Corneal graft .
Opt. iridectomy
Members have co-operated in arranging a regular programme of talks, informal concert and social gathering throughout the year. Over 200 adults and children enjoyed the Chri tma partie and orne 150 attended a picnic given in June in the garden of the Briti h Con ulate, by kind permission of the Con ul-General, Mr. H. R. Pullar. The' Blind Club," as it is called for want of a better name, appear to have establi hed itself as a very real and appreciated factor in the life of the blind people living in the vicinity of Jerusalem . A. J. BOASE, Wardell.
Corneal tattoo mg.
Iris prolapse Cataract Di cission Glaucoma. Detachment of retina.
THE OBJECT of the St. John Ambulance As ociation is the instruction of any nationality in First Aid Nursing, Hygiene, Child Care and kindred SUbjects. Its policy is directed towards the improvement of standards and methods of instruction so that its teaching secures the confidence both of the Medical Profession and the general public. In addition, the As ociation examine and reports on modern practices and technique including visual aid and other new methods of instruction. This requires considerable research. In our work during 1965 we have been fortunate in that we received advice from a considerable number of eminent member of the Medical Profession, experts in their own particular fields, who have greatly assisted us in keeping abreast of the late t developments. At the end of the year under report there were 175 Centres of the Association in England, an increa e of three over the previou year. Reports from these Centres show a con iderable variety of activities and there is a general indication that Re uscitation has caught the public imagination resulting in a demand for pecial demon tration which the Centres have been pleased to provide. In a report of this kind it is not po sible to record in great detail the work of all our Centres. Selection has, therefore, been made to illustrate the overall work of the year. Warwickshire were again respon ible [or St. John Exhibition at the Royal Show which was honoured by a visit of H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester. The exhibition this year took "Eye" a it theme covering the activi~ies ?f the Order in this field and including a model of the Ophthalmic HospItal III Jerusalem. Dr. P. J . Miller of Rugby, in conjunction with the Birmingham Eye Hospital, provided further material which wa of great interest and of educative value. I might mention that the A ociation undertook the catering for the Brigade and other Fir t Aid per onnel on duty at the Show, including the British Red Cros Society. From Coventry comes a report of an increase of 260 certificates issued during the year, and help in Brigade recruitment by obtaining 120 new members. This aspect of the Association' work [or the Brigade is a matter of mutual assistance as the Brigade play an important part in providing demonstrators for First Aid classe and allied subjects. In York the Centre celebrated its 75th Anniver ary, and this was publicised by a horseman in the costume of a 13th century Knight of the Order riding through the City each evening. There were celebrations on St. John' Day and a service wa held at St. Helen's Church followed by demonstrations of First Aid in the market square, three resuscitation models being used for instruction. I would like to refer to the Post Office Ambulance Centre, the activities of which have resulted in a far higher proportion of First Aiders than the statutory minimum. This Centre has made great efforts to increase the n.umbe~ of Lay Instructors and 145 new Instructors qualified. A cas~~Jty SImulatIOn outfit has now been supplied to offices where First Aid traJnIDg is given; this adds to the interest and realism of the instruction. As an
illustration o[ the great part which the national bodies play in the country the Post Office Centre now has 150 Branches throughout the United Kingdom. In th~ Ele~tricity. Industry th~ Ambula~ce Centre gained over 1,000 more FIrst Aid certIficate than III the prevIOUS year. In this Nationalised lndu try. the ratio of qu~lified First Aiders of one for every fifteen employee 1 worthy of specIal note and congratulation. Progre s can be mentioned in other nationalised industries and Govern~ent bodies and they have .Jittl.e difficulty in meeting the statutory obligatIons by voluntary effort whIch IS of great encouragement to us in our work. I~ the school of thi countr~ First :\id training is developing rapidly. I might refer to one or two pomt of mtere t. In Lancashire there was a First Aid cour e [or teacher in the previous year and as a result, in the year under report econdary school are now teaching First Aid as a regular or extra-curricular ubject. Similar activitie are reported from the orth Riding of York hire. Tn the Inner London Authority 133 chools have ha~ Basic. First ~id cour e and some schools have progressed to the Adult FIr t AId certifkate. Other have followed their First Aid with Ho~e ur ing and Child Care. W~ would like to ee more young people, partlcul~rly tho e o[ the motor cycling contingent, taking the opportunity of learnmg the rudiment of Fir t Aid in view of the large number of accident there are with the e vehicles. . In the North of,. .England . ha 1;>een greater interest during the year 1D our cour e on rood HygIene and III Durham and the North Riding of York hire thee have been organi ed with the upport and help of Medical Officer of Health . Fir t Aid competition play an important part in our activities. Lanca hire held the Annual Individual Competitions in March with 113 competitor. The younger irst Aider i catered for in increasing numbers by a "Tcenage" Competition wIth 2 entrie and a Junior Competition with 10 entrie . In the North Riding of York hire Junior Competitions were held at orthaller ton in May and even team in the 11-15 years age group took pan, drawn from the Briti h Red Cro s Society Boy Scouts Girl Guide and another even team in the 15 18 year age group com~ peted in tbi ection, dra\ n from local chool and the Girl Guide. Harrogate had a ucce -ful competition v. on by a team from the facto ry of the Dunlop Rubber o.npany Limited. 1 he Centre for the Heavy Woollen Oi trict held their nnual Competition and al 0 a new Fir t Aid Competi tion for young people under the age of 21 year ; 17 team competed. Leed organi ed competition for Industry and Police. The 0 goldcro Centre inaugurated a new competition [or an annual event for a Challenge hield; 10 team · compcLed and it i hOI ed in ub equent year to be enabled to join the York':>hire Ambulance Competition League. The Plym uth C ntre h Id it Annual ompetition and 10 team drawn from the t. John Ambulance Brigade, County and City Police, National Dock Labour Board, South We tern Ga Board, etc., took part. The Stourbridge Centre h Id it fourth Youth Fir. t Aid Competition in May with an incr a ed number o[ entrie and it third Open Fir t id Competition in Augu L There were 19 entrants ror the latter coming from all part of the We t Midlands and a far afield a ~ Bri tol and Leic ter. Many oth r Centre held Annual Competition, providing intere t and variety in training. In addition to the above activitie of A ociation Centre, there hould
be mentioned talks and demonstrations to Young Farmers, Sailing Clubs and Swimming Clubs. In many Centres memb~r ~ive help to the aged, read to the blind or write letters for them, a SISt m hospItals, transport and escort the aged to ho pitals or to the seaside. . . Of the new Centre set up in 1965 the Centre for the R.A.F. Pollce IS of particular intere t as it covers all members of the R.A.F. Police in various parts of the world. PUBLICA no S
First Aid Manual: The second edition of the Fir t Aid Manual was published jointly by the St. John Ambu~ance Association, t?e S~. Andrew's Ambulance A ociation, and the Britlsh Red Cros SocIety III October 1965, and coming into use shortly afterwards· it becomes our o~cial authorised ver ion on 1st September, 1966. As was to be expected wIth a new book it received early critici m and was the subject of considerable comment.' It new style and the opportunity it offered for progressive training by the three courses-First Aid Certificate,. Hi~her ~irst Aid Certificate and Certificate of Advanced Knowledge III Fu t AId-were greatly appreciated in a wide sphere. Many welcome? the book as a development towards meeting the modern need for a hIgher tan?ard of First Aid. We are particularly grateful to a large number of act lye ~nd senior members of the Medical Profe ion who gave freely of theIr tIme to ensure that this book gives the best medical advice. We are .indebted to members of the Staff of the Association for the work entaIled and to Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Drummond for the great ervice he gave in our intere t on the Joint Co-ordinatin.g. Commi t~ee and el ewhere. Basic First Aid Manual: Work on the reVISIon of thl book has commenced and it i hoped to publi h the new edition late in 1966. The title of this new book will be: "E sential of irst Aid". Visual Aids: In order to assi t tho e concerned with the rganisation of the cour es and to provide information of in tructional material, the Association published a book giving detai.1s of film .and al 0 lea.fiets dealing with film strips, models, chart and diagram, which have prOVIded much of interest and value. COMPETITIO S
In the National First Aid Competition held during the year the winning teams of competitions held under the auspice of the A ociation were as follows:Competitions for Men: Police . . . . . . . . . Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre National Dock Labour Board Centre . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre National Coal Board. . . . . . . . . British Railways, London Transport (Railways) and British Transport Docks British Transport Police . . . . . Army Department Ambulance Centre . Gas Industry . . . . . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association . . Fire Brigades . . . . . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre.
Winning Teams: Edinburgh ity Police London (Battersea) Grimsby A Aldermaston A R.O.F. Cardiff Grimsthorpe Colliery Southern ( outhampton) London Midland (Heysham) .D.E. ' . Porton West Midlands Gas Board Plymouth City . City and Council of Bns~ol London TelecommunicatIOns ( ' . Area)
Competitions for Women: Winning Teams: police . . . . . . . . . Cheshire Constabulary Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre . . South Western (Portishead) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Aldermaston Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre . . . D.A.G. 3, Liverpool British Railways, London Tran porl (Railways) and British Tran port Docks . . . . . . . Scottish (Glasgow) Army Department Ambulance Centre . R .0 .F. Ch orIey A Gas Industry. . . . . . . . . . . . Scottish Gas Board ational Roa Pas enger Tran port Ambulance Centre London Transport General Po td Office Ambulance Centre. . Savings (S.D. Morecambe)
The winning teams of these competitions, together with the winning teams of the St. John Ambulal1ce Brigade competitions for the "Dewar" and "Perrott" Shield, took part in the Grand Prior's Trophy Competition on 5th November in the Seymour Hall, London. We had the honour of welcoming H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester who pre ented the trophie to the winning teams and expressed he; pleasure at the enthu ia m and high standard shown by the competitors. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Westminster, Executive Officers of the Order and representatives of ational Organisations with teams in the competitions were al 0 pre ent. For the fir t time ince the competitions were inaugurated both trophies were won by teams from Scotland; the Edinburgh City Police and the ladie of the Scottish Gas Board. This was the third time the latter had gained the premier award. The ociation ~ greatly indebted to the Worshipful Company of Gold mJth for theJr ery generou offer of two new trophies for the runners-up 111 the men' and women' competitions for the Grand Prior's Trophy; which v. ill be an added further stimulu to the teams in all our competition . A oci3.tion Headquarter also as i t \ ith a number of competitions for uch bodie a the Di tiller Co. Ltd., Messrs. Heinz & Co. Ltd., Dock and Harbour Authority, Girls' Brigade and the National Federation of Young Farmer' Clubs. The A ociated Briti h Production Limited again provided the taging for the Grand Prior's Trophy Competition as they did for all other National Competition during the ear. We thank them for this very substantial help in making the competition really effective. We wi h to cxpre ollr appreciation to the member of the Medical Profe ion for their ad ice and co-operation injudging and to the stewards and casualtie who 0 willingly give up their time to a i t in the e national event .
1965 can be recorded a a year of expan ion in over 'eas activitie . orth Ea t Centr howed an increa e in the total of certificate ' and re-e amination award gained during the year with special empha i on training teacher. The Moneague Training Centre for Te.a~hers had six cour e organi cd for them re ulting in 369 teachers gamIng Fir t Aid certificate. und raising aclivitie have been very succes ful and a Bridge Drive and Ball held at Frankfort rai ed £290 and £1,115. A~ a re ult it wa po ible to e tabli h a new Fir t Aid Centre at Fairey Hlll which ha dealt with 513 ca e ince it op ning. It wa also found Possible to buy the land on which the Fir t Aid po t tands at Cave Valley.
In Jamaica the
The South East Centre in Jamaica showed a very considerable increase in the number of First Aid certificate and re-examination awards gained during the year. Candidates for their classes included members of the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Jamaica Defence Force, as well a active Youth Club Organisers, school children and an increa ing number of employees from factories and offices, also student nurses and hospital porters. An appeal to industry brought in request for training from citizen' associations. Certificates were presented at public function and publicity was given to these by pres and radio. The Jamaica South Ea t Centre were joint winners of the Association's Oversea Competition. Jamaica South West made a pecial drive for new members and this is showing results. Fir t Aid posts were operated at variou public functions and the annual flag day collection was nearly trebled. The Association Centre for Jamaica Pri on was able to organi e First Aid classes including one for member of a youth organi ation and three for recently recruited members of the taff. From the e cla se there were some thirty potential recruits for the Brigade. The main feature of the Police Centre wa the con iderable increase in the number of candidates taking Fir t id re-examination. Member also gave considerable help with cour e for other bodie including the Life Guard and Nurse . In Trinidad the figures for training were well maintained, particularly in schools and youth club. The Mini ter of Labour attended a Pre entation Ceremony and welcomed the part played by youth in laying the foundation of the new society in Trinidad and T bago. Training in the Clean Handling of Food was gi en to school children ith the help and the co-operation of the Medical Officer of Health, Port of Spain City Council and his officers. In Gibraltar the Centre ran a campaign [or ne\ member \\'bich received a good re ponse from the Police Force and R.A.F. The Dockyard Authorities have arranged for training in Fir t id for more of their workers. In Malta, there were course for school children and taff at the Lija Secondary School. Special courses in Emergency Re u citation and the treatment of electric shock were arranged for about 200 electrician and other workers employed by the Mini try of Public Building and Works, In Cyprus the Centre continued it activitie in connection with the Police, Fire Brigade, Prison Warders, Electricity Authority and the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority as well as the Ed ucation Department, the Cyprus Mines Corporation, the A besto Mine and the Hellen!c Mines. Activities increased in rural area. There were Fir t Aid clas es JO the Sovereign Base Areas for the War Department Police, S.A.B. police, R.A.F. Police, the Army Fire Brigade and chool . A particularly interesting development was a First Aid clas for member of the Blind School. In Aden courses were once again conducted for the Aden State police and the Federal National Guard. Certificates were presented to successful candidates by the Commissioner of Police at special parade. There were also courses for young people wishing to qualify under the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. In Iraq a course was organised for Lay Instructor covering a period of nine months and First Aid and Nursing courses were organised [or a great
variety of people, including X-ray ~echnicians ~t the Republican Hospital; the stude~ts, who came from vanous countnes of the Middle East and from ~ak!stan, were training under the auspices of the World Health Orgal1l atlOn. The:e w~re also classes fo~ schools, a ladies group at the Y.W.c.t:., the Umverslly, Scouts and GUIdes, and the Teachers Training Coll~ge In Ba~hdad. It was hoped that amongst those trained it would be po~slble to bUIld a Corp of Voluntary Workers to cover welfare activities. ThiS ha the support and encouragement of the Minister of Health. In the Sudar:, in addition to c0':lr~e that were being organised through the. Sudan Radw.ays Centre, tra!11lllg was organised for cadets of the PolI~e . Col1e~e 1ll. Khartoum with the Arabic translation of the Pr~lI.m!11ary FIr t AId Manual, copies of which had been presented to the MIl1l.stry o[ Health. The e. courses were ~onducted with the help of Medlc~l Officer and t!le.Se11l0r \V.H.O. AdVIser at the College of Nursing. CO~)1es of. t~e PrelIminary Fir t Aid Manual in Arabic were sent to Algena, Tum la and Morocco. First Aid classes continued in the American Mi ion Ho pital in Mu cat, in Arabic. In Kenya cour es \\-ere organi ed at the Outward Bound Mountain School, the National Youth Service, the Kenya School of Administration and the Kenya Aid Force. Free course in Fir t Aid were offered to indu trial firms who ub cribed to the Contract Ambulance Scheme Train!ng continued for the Kenya Police, School, Scouts and Guides: A sene of cour e \.\ ere organised by the Lugulu Girls' High School and a St. John Club wa formed by the girls who obtained certificates. In ganda many more took the Preliminary Fir t Aid Course and there were cour e for B.u. Drivers, Community Development Officers, Tutors f:om Teacher Tra1l11l1g College, Teachers, the National Youth OrganisatIOn, Boy Scouts. In Tanz~nia the A soci~tion wa re-formed and pecial refresher training w~s organised for the PolIce. Further cour es to train more Lay Lecturers \\111 be held. There were Fi r t Aid courses for firemen at the Airport and for schools. In igeria the Police ran some 50 course and there was an increase in the number of cert.ificate ~ajned in. Fir t Aid. The Railway Corporation ~lso showed a considerable mcrea e In the number o[ First Aid Certificates Iss~ed and Fir t Aid Po ts were opened in a number of new stations. The Ral.lway Centr~ ~ook part in the National Fir t Aid Week and the opportumty of advertiSIng the work of the As ociation wa taken at Presentation Cerernonie of Certificate . In Ceylon clas e were held for Police School Teachers' Training College and other organi ation . The Centre in Malaya published a volume recording the activities of the A sociation and the Brigade from 1945 to 1965. The number of ce.rtificates i ued increa ed con iderably, particularly for the Basic First Aid course in chool and the total for the year including re-examinations Was 9,405 a compared with 6,611 in 1964. In Sa bah the headquarters building in Labuan, which i jointly owned
by S~. John and the Red Cros , wa opened by Lord Mountbatten. The runnIng expen e of eight ambulanc were borne by the A ociation and a 24-hour ambulance service wa tar ted in Je elton. Three hundred and
sixty-six candidate attended cour e in Fir t Aid and Nur ing, of them a very high percentage joined the Brigade. In Hong Kong Fir t Aid and Nur ing cour e were organised for the general public, Bank Guard of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, member of the Hong Kong Kowloon loating Fi hermen Promotion Welfare A ociation Factory Worker, Government officials, members of the Auxiliary Medical Service, tudent and candidate for the Duke of Edinburgh' Award Scheme. Certificate were pre ented on special occa ion by Hi Excellency The Governor, th Commi ioner of Labour, Director of Agriculture ~md Fi herie ~ and eminent members of St. John. The Hong Kong Centre were joint winner of the ociation Over eas Competition. In Fiji the number of certificate and award gained during the year increased in number for the Ba ic Fir t Aid Cour e. Lecture on Emergency Re u citation were given during tour of the i land . ome 8,000 people of all race and all age \.\ere pre ent at the e talk and demonstrations. Thi method ha now been full adopted b) the iji filitary Force, the Police Force and the Pri on r ice. Other talk and demonstrations on First Aid were generally gi\ en to over 4,000 people in remote villages and ettlement. Competition were rgani ed in Fir t id and Nursing with team from the P lice, rm). Pri on Sen, i and Teachers Training ColJege. In the Solomon I lands, Fir t id training continued at the Police Training School and con table attended new cour e and refre her courses. In the Gilbert and Elli Island plan were made for the revi alof First Aid training for the police. In Mauritius the number of certincate and av,ard that were gained during the year increa ed a compared with 1964 and a a re ult, two new divisions were formed for the St. John Ambulance Brigade . CO. CL SIO
We welcomed during the year Dr. 1. L. Fyfe a A i tant to the Principal Medical Officer' hi long experience with First id in London Tran port and the St. John Ambulance Brigade ha been mo t helpful. We were also very glad to welcome Mr. A. Hamblet n Chief Con table of Dorset County Constabulary, who ha accepted the appointment of Deputy County Director for that county. The As ociation is dependent upon the voluntary work of thou aDds of men and women throughout England and the countries of the Commonwealth and we want them to know how greatly we alue their a i tance. I wish particularly to thank the Member of the A ociation ommittee and the County Directors and Officer and Member of Centre who have provided the organisation and ad mini tration framework for our various activities. The A sociation greatly appreciate the a i tance given by members of the Medical and Nur ing profes ion, by In tructors and Demonstrators and by CIa s Secretarie who provide the teaching an.d instruction of so many in Fir t Aid and other ubject. Without thIS support the Association would be unable to provide the ervice to tbe community which it offers at pre ent and all countrie in which we work would be the poorer without their selfless devotion to the furtherance of our activities.
We at Headquarters receive great encouragement from the volume of service at the disposal of the Order of St. 10hn in its work for the community in so many parts of the world. I to take thi opport~mity of conveying the appreciation of the A OClatlOn to the Deputy DIrector-General, the Principal Medical Officer and the As i tant Director-General for all that they have contributed to achieve these succe sful result . And I wish to join with them in expre ing our thank to Lt.-Colonel Gueritz, Mr. Craft and Mr. Coles and all the permanent taff for the work that they have done during the year. PHILIP SOUTHWELL, Director-General.
either at the First Aid post or patrolling the long queues waiting to enter the Palace of Westminster.
The State Funeral.-Over 4,000 members from all parts of the United Kingdom and a few from Overseas who happened to be in London staffed seven mobile First Aid teams and 39 First Aid posts, lined the full length of the route and provided cover for the congregation inside St. Paul's Cathedral. In addition to the normal First Aid equipment, 350 stretchers and 700 blanket were in po ition along the route. It may not be realised that for route lining the Metropolitan Police ask for first aid personnel at interval of not more than 15 paces which is the reason so many members are needed for big occasions with large crowds. Bladon Church.-One hundred and five members were required for the Fir t Aid po ts along the route from Long Handborough railway station to the churchyard at Bladon. Thi wa admittedly a omewhat unique occasion. By way of compari on for Trooping the Colour the annual requirement is 750 Ambulance and ur ing member, 10 Surgeons, 12 Nursing Officers, 50 Cadets and 32 ambulance. The number of casualties treated can vary from 30 to 40 to o\er 500 (Coronation year). The big problem is again one of density of crowd which demand a large number of posts as otherwise it is not pos ible rapidly to get to ca ualties and here the radio network used by the Brigade help greatly.
THIS REPORT on the achievement and problem of the Brigade during the year naturally centre on de cribing the service carried out at home and over ea . I feel, however that it i nece ary to tart by reminding the reader that the ervice given by Brigade member are entirely voluntary and are unpaid, indeed, often member have to dip into their own pockets. I reali e that this i , of cour e, well known to tho e clo ely connected with the Order and Foundation. There is, however, uch vvide pread misconception by the general public that tho e 0 regularly een in our uniform doing their fine work on occa ion, public and private, Jarge and small, are being paid for what they do; I feel therefore it i de irable to make the foregoing clear yet again in the very f refront of thi report. or must it be forgotten that Di trict ,Countie and UniL them elve have to carry out extensive acti itie to raise the money nece ary to meet their local expenses on such matter a ambulance, uniforms, radio equipment, and the very tool of their trade such a bandage and other fir t aid items, though we try to upplement their fund to the be t of our ability from national fund rai ing event, to which reference i made later. STRE GTHS A ' D P Bue DUTICS The figure showing the number of men, \ omen and young people who do thi work and the extent of that \,.ork. in the nltcd Kingdom, are shown in the table of strength, and dutie given in Arpendice A, Band C, but I would alway tre that figure are cold things and it is the wealth of goodwill and of devotion to the help of other v..hich i what matters and which no figures can adequately pre ent. onethele s, two concrete facts emerge from the year' tak tic . fir tly, that the Brigade' "Productivity" increa ed by 70,000 hour ' or voluntary service and, secondly, that the decline in member hip or 1,300 was onehalf of the previou year. This, however follow the pattern in recent year whereby call for service increased and membership fell and clearly the e divergent trends cannot be accepted. It wa with thi in mind that a 12-month recruiting drive was started in September and although only three month came within the period under review,it would seem that the fall ha ~ee.n stemmed; in fact the Nursing Cadet figure were very slightly up. Tbl IS indeed encouraging, not only a a tribute to tbe recruiting efTorts but a.1 0 because it testifies that we have omething to offer to meet the growIDg desire amongst many young people to give orne neighbourly service. THE BRIGADE I ACTIO To describe fully the range of activities would take up too much pace and as last year this report described the broad pattern of dutie ,thi t.lIne examples are given to demon trate the dimension of the efTort reqUJred for a number of pecific duties ranging from the malIc t to the largest.
A Major Duty The State Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill: Lying in State-A minimum of 20 members were continuoll lyon duty
Minor Duties At the ther end of the cale are the mUltiplicity of mall, unobtru ive dutie imol ing one or two member. A Youth Club Boxing Tournament, for in tance, will need a couple of member pre ent from the local Division to deal with pectator or maybe competitors. Theatres, cinemas, skating rink and the like throughout the country make imilar demands daily.
l1ir Escort The full duty can entail an ambulance to the airport, a Brigade member to accompany the patient thr ughout the flight and an ambu.lance to meet the aircraft on landing. The ervice meet the needs of patlents whether foreign or Briti h who have to be e corted, after illne or accident, to this country, or ice er a, or journey within the United Kingdom. Language difficultie ha e frequently to be overcome. A typical ca e:Patient: A \ oman ( chizophrenic) to be escorted from the Continent to London Airport enroute to a London ho pita!. Embarkation:
The Flight:
The Air Attendant, who i pecifically qualified as uch on arrival at the over ea airport was met by the hu band and child of the patient who were al 0 to tra el on the plane. The patient re i ted all attempt to get her on board but finally the Brigade Air Attendant, perhap becau e she was a stranger, wa able to ucceed on her own. Surpri ingly after the difficult start the journey proved uneventful. A ~ill be ~ppreciate? th~ ta k of an Air Attendant WIth a dIfficult patIent III the confined space of an aircraft can be an awkward matter.
On di embarkati n it wa found that the ho pital to which the patient wa going had no knowledge of her. She on the other hand thought he was going home and a her edation hud now worn off, became difficult to control. E entually the Airport Medical Authorities arranged for h r to be admitted to a mental ho pital.
The Air Attendant: Finally, it may be f intere t to relate that the Air Attendant had left London at 11.30 p.m. on aturday night, arrived at her over ea de tination at 5 a.m. on unda , di embarked at London Airport at 8.30 a.m. and wa ba k at her horne that arternoon. The ne t da , Monday he re umed her normal full-time employment. Thi wa admittedly, a difficult ca e but b no mean unu ual among-t the many 0 er the year, nearly all or \ hicb ha\'e t be arranged at han notice.
Cro\\'d Gatherings It has to be remembered that the e are ften f an unknown q uantit} frequently occurring with little prior warning u h a when teenagers congregate to meet a "Pop" group r" hen a i toriou football team i welcomed home. A an ample, v. hen the Li erpo I team returned \\ ith the F.A. Cup fte ible planning \ a nece ary t deal v. ith the uncertain time of arrival ize of rowd likely to gather, and \ur ing weather condition . Focal point on the r ute alo had to b decidcd and taken into account. The Brigade deployed at 3 p.m. and wa hea ity emplo ed until 9 p.m. The crowd in the e ent prov d to be den e and dif11Cult for the police to control 0 that barriers \ ere broken down and road completel) blocked. It took il e doctor, t o u r ing mcer and 200 member to Ca ualty learing tItian, handle the Brigade' part in the operation . eight Fir t Aid po t and eight ambulance were in acti n and many foot patrol carried out. Communi ation "ere e tabli hed by radio and through Cadet acting a me . enger . leo-operation wa , of cure, maintained with the Police, County Ambulance er ice and ther oluotary organi ation participating in the dut. me 600 ca ualtie \\ere treated by the Brigade, including 45 admittcd to the ho pita!. A number of Brigade member had minor injurie in the cru 'h of the rowd and a certain amount of equipment 10 t or damaged (replacement ' c t money) - but a fine day' work was done . Sparling El'ents Throughout the country week after eek all Ie el of porting evenb are covered ranging from two member on duty at the local match to first divi ion "key game ," major racc meeting (hor 'e and motor) and the like. Being ba ed on a known programme the e are a ier to pl~n exactly. At the larger permanent e tabli hment well equippcd room wIll generally be available uitably fitted out for u e a ir t Aid po t ~ut unfortunately thi i by no mean the ca e in many dutie . A a peclfic example at Kempton Park during National Hunt Meeting ome 24 men:bers will be on duty . The e will be ited in the ir t Aid tation and In each of the stand and enc\o ures and al 0 along ide the fenc s ready to
deal ~ith r!ders and sp~ctators alike. Ambulances will be located at stra.teglc POJJ1t and at thIS course can actually move alongside the rails dun~g each race ~o a to be a near the scene of any accident place as possIble. I would hke to re-stress ~hat contrary to what i apt to be thought St. John members rarely have time to ee much of the game or event them el e : l~ particul~r the Nursing members will throughout be perrnan.ently . lJ1 Ide the FIrst Aid Post, whilst Ambulance members are dealtng With pectators and handling the transport arrangements.
Beach Huts Her the main problem i the duration of duty due to the need for contil.1U~u staffing of the beach hut over long periods. The run of casualties ~vdl lJ1clude feet cut on broken gla ,children suffering from a surfeit of Ice cream, headache from un expo ure sudden ilIne ,and on occasion the re Cll d bath~r requiring artificial re piration. The number on duty depend n the tlme of ear and weather but will normally include both adult and adet the latter being e pecially u eful in looking after lost children .
Nursing alld " elfare S rvices Any ummary of dutie , however brief that made no referenc to the exten i fi ld of N ur ing and Welfare ~r ice covered would be incomplete. ince howeer the uperintend nt-in-Chief dc cribe somethina of thi in her rcp rt later r \ ill here do no more than drm att ntion to thi Important a pe t f th work of the Brigade. Day-lV- Day A ('/ ions
11: additi n to the pr planned dutie there are the day-to-day action ut b . meT?ber . a they g about their ordinary bu ine . Much ot the help gl\ en lJ1 thl way i never reported or included in stati tic. It can e tend fr~m the killed rem val of a pi ce of grit from the eye of a pacr-b) to a I tance at the c ne of a major accident where member ha ppen to be pre,; nl. r example:Indu tr~al cident [n the W t Ridin b f York hir a work train ~arr Ing 170 m n b came out of control. Many of the occupant ' Jump d fr m the fat 111 ving train and m t w re injured to a great r or les cr d · gree, Je'Ycn cn ualtie wer evacuated to ho pital whil t othcr \\.cre treated f r h ck, burn, fainting and laceration. Amongst tho e n the train w rc rour Brigade member (two of \ hom re them el e injured) v. h were \ armly prai ed 10 ally for their calm behavi ur and rendering of fir.::t aid. One of them, at con iderable risk to him If, 'upp rted until he could be freed a man who had attempted t jump ofT the mo ing train but became entanaled \ ith b the equipment n the ide of th \ agon . Rail and Bu era ' h.- ] n u e a train ra hed into a double decker bu on a level cro ing. Travelling on the train a the Superintendent of a Cadet Di i i n who ran t the bu , by thi time in flame and by pIa ing a ladder again ' t it \Va ~ able t a i' t in re uing ome of the pa nger from the Llpp r deck. H al 0 helped in the re cue of the driver fr m hi cab and ' ub ' equ ntly ad mini tered fir t aid to the injured. Award t the membeL \ ho 'e action are de ' cribed in th e two accident are in luded in th 1i ' t at Appendi D .
Almost all Countie and a number of Areas have now appointed a Staff Officer (Training) whose efforts have contributed much to raising the tandard at Di i ional level. The Training Week-end or day which are normally held at lea t once a year at County Ie el, are steadily leading to more variety in Di i ional Programme. The Catalogues on Visual Aids in the form of Film and Film Strip i ued by the St. John Ambulance A sociation have al 0 contributed to thi end, but their value i somewhat re tricted by lack of finance. During the year emphasi ha been laid on the need to en ure that the training of ex-Cadet when they join the Adult Divi ions i more closely de eloped from that in the Cadet Di ision . a it ha been found that routine training in the former often uffer in comparison v. ith the more varied programme in the Cadet Di i ion \\ ith their em pha i on Pro· ficienc Badge. Thi point i highly rele ant to our Recruiting Drive. Leadership Training ha again benefited from the generou grant of the King George VI Memorial Fund and Sembal Tru t \. hich enabled six Leader hip Cour e to be held in 1965. The e took place at Harrogate, Leice ter, Exeter ewca tle-upon-T ne, '0/e teliff-upon-Sea and Blackpool. The a erage attendance at each wa 0 er 50, many of whom hould in due course reach high rank in the Brigade. The Training Cour e in the leader hip of Cadet \\a again held at ottingham ni er ity in September. It \\a attended by 457 Brigade member Ambulance and ur ing, from all over the country. The Major Study thi :) ear 'Opportunitie for Ser ice ' \"\Ia opened with a most original addre s by a 25-year old London Barri ter, Mr. Anthony Steen, who de cribed the birth and purpo e of his "1964 Ta k Force Ltd." through which old people in need are given voluntary help by young people. This v. a followed by Di cu ion Group \ ho reported their findings in open e ion . A IBLL • CE AGEN II::.S
During the year the local authoritie in urrey, Jer ey and 0 ford hire took over by agreement the ambulance entice \ hich had pre iou ly been operated by the Brigade as an agency ervice . From the early day of the Health Service the Brigade had played a large part in tarting ambulance services and had prior to that long been pioneers in the ambulance field. Progres and expan ion reached the stage where generally full-time operational staff and control are required not fitting ea ily into the overall pattern of a voluntary organi ation. Clo e contact of cour e i maintained in all countie ¥vith the full-time paid ambulance service and the Brigade does all it can to a i t and upplement the e a may be de ired. Gi ing up the agencies doe not les en the importance of the Brigade' ambulance work; on the contrary quite apart from the ordinary need for ambulances at public duties there is a wide field which the Health Ser ice of necessity, is unable to cover and helping to fill thi gap wi1l enhance rather than lessen the value of the work St. John ambulance can do. There is 0 large a, what might be termed, 'Good Samaritan' field in which to help tho e of limited means, that such work i ery much in line with the ideal of the Order and the reputation of the Brigade.
The Brig~de's uniform and its eq~ipment is kept constantly under review. Too SWeepI?g and frequent alte~atlOns a,re clearly not possible or, for that matter, de lrab~e but. the followlllg modIfications have been authorised or are under con lderatlOn:Ambulance members: ~etter material and modernization in cut for Jacket and trousers. An improved design cap with a black backing to the badge. Improved water bottle. Nur ing members: A n~w in~oor. cap has been approved. Further coz:slderatlOn IS being given to a new type of ulllform hat, lightweight coat and coat overall. User trial A number of items have also been issued for "u er trial " in Ambulance Divisions and these include: A black gaberdine to replace the greatcoat and optional mackintosh' new type of polyvinyl haversack which will hold the new personal first aid kit and the new maIler waterbottle. THE BRIG DE FILM
Dunng the ye~r thank to the generosity of A. Wander Limited (the m~ker of OvaltLOe), a documentary film on the life and work of the Bngade ha been prod uced. I \. ould like to record our gratitude to thi firm BO C and th~ many o~gani ation at home and over eas whose help made the. film po Ible. nUlled" Way of Life" this film, in colour ho\ ~rJgade members at home and over ea in a variety of activitie and ettlOg . . Thi . i. ~ecificall a film mad~ to encourag~ recruiting by showing what \\e do, It 1 not a . demon tratlOn of fir t aid techniques. \Ve are also IDdebted t.o th~ con lderable help by Town and Country Productions, who, under the!r .DIrector Mr: W . L. Latto took uch endIe pains to depict u a reab tlcally a pos Ible . APPE L
!he Bngade wa , wlt,h.the graciou con ent of Her Maje ty The Queen, gl\en.a day for fund-rat LOg at A cot, and had the good fortune to receive a Imllar offer for Bran~ Hatc~. The Brigade Appeal Committee ha in con equence been e peclally active during the ear a the organi ation of the e event on our Ide \Va a major ta k. Their ucce ful outcome owed much to the energi~ and hard work of Lady Joan ewman, Chairman of the pp~al Comm1ttee but the major force behind all thi \Va Sir Brian Mountain through who e go d office the e\ent were obtained and who headed the pecial committee et up to run them. I \ ould like to e pre my deep gratitude for t.he tremend~u effort put into en uring the ucc ~f the .e e eJ?t .and \Vh.tch re lilted I~ all Countie receiving contribution tat wdl a 1 t 10 meetlOg the e entwI e pen of their Brigade service. would al 0 like mo t incerely to thank the A cot and Brand Hatch authoritie for their genera ity in gi ing u the e day and to the pon or
of races, supporter and all the numerous other people w.ho helped in so many way: among whom were the members of the Racmg Information Bureau and the B.B.C., through who e efforts the Brigade received nationwide publicity. AWARDS
The list of Order and Brigade Award and Jubilee Certificates is given in Appendix D. These again will help to show that the service provided by Brigade member extend beyond ju t rendering first aid or home nursing. When the need ari es danger or difficulties are taken a 0 bstac1es to be overcome, 0 that assistance can be got in the hortest pos ible time to a casualty . Increasingly in training we are bringing in the elements of endurance and practical difficultie , not for them elves but because often courage and presence of mind are needed to get to the ca ualty at all 0 as to render first aid. Under "Award" mention hould a1 0 be made of the unusual appreciation accorded to the Brigade in Market Harborough by the Urban District Council of that town. In the word of the official Council Resolution : "That the Market Harborough Urban Di trict Council, d now confer the DISTI GUISHED CITIZE SHIP OF M RKET HARBORO GH of which the CITIZE SHIP CUP i the ymbol upon the MARKET HARBORO GH DIVISIO 0 THE ST. JOH AMBULA CE BRIGADE in recognition of the out tanding achievement of the Brigade' ur ing Cadet Team in winning national competitions during the year 1964 and 1965 thereby reflecting great credit upon the town of Market Harborough and aloin appreciation of the distingui hed service rendered to the town by the St. John Ambulance Brigade 0 er many year ." This was most gratifying and omething of which the Brigade a a whole can be proud. Co-operation with local authoritie is both important and close, and public acknowledgment uch a thi greatly encourage members in their work for the community. COMPETITIO S
The Right Honourable Kenneth Robinson, P.C., M.P., the Minister of Health, was kind enough to be present at the Finals of the First Aid and Nursing Competitions in 1965. He watched some of the te ts and afterwards presented the prizes . Our work i so clo ely connected with the Ministry of Health that it was a privilege and a plea ure to have him and Mrs. Robinson with us and I am glad to ay that he appeared to be pleased with what he saw. The Mayor and Mayoress of We tmin ter al 0 attended and by their pre ence once again demonstrated the do e ties that have long existed between the City of We tmin ter and the Brigade. Winners in each section were: Dewar Shield for Ambulance Teams. Perrott Shield for ursing Teams. . . White Knox Competition for Ambulance Cadet Teams . Dunbar asmith Competition for Cadet Teams .
Ha tings Police (Sussex) Bowes Park (London) Castleford and Booker (Buckinghamshirc) Market Harborough (Leicestershire)
. Amongs.t the finalists were ~wo teams from Northern Ireland competing these FInals for the fir t tIme for some years. It is a lengthy journey from North~rn Ire.l and for a one-day event and I am glad that this year they foynd I.t possIble: I hope that this will now continue, as apart from the atl fa.ctLOn of s~elllg Northern Ireland teams in London, the benefit of ~0!llpetIng alongsIde other Regional winners should be of value to their tralOmg. . The annual competition. for the Otto Lund Trophy between the Brigade III Northern Ir~land ~nd EIre was won by the team from Dublin. Dr. Scott (now Surgeon-Ill-ChIef) and Miss O. M. Davies, S.R.N. (Area Nursing Officer Hertfordshire) judged. In
Brigade Regulation require all Divi ions to have an administrative ins~ection annually so ~ . to en ure th~y . are competent to carry out their dut~e and t~at the. trammg and admllllstrative backing are on a sound baSIS. The e III pectlOn place a heavy load on Commissioners who either condu~t them them elves or appoint one of their Senior Offi;er to do so on their. behalf. Con iderable importance is placed on the value derived from thl practIce and I particularly want to thank those who undertake the additional work involved. In addition main in pection by Headquarter Officer during the year were: Commi i ner-in-Chief: Che hire, E ex Hertfordshire , Kent , Norfolk. Superintendent-in-Chief: I Ie of Man, Northamptonshire. Deputy ommi ioner-in-Chief: London (Northern Area), Somer et, North Riding of York hire. A enior Headquarter Officer on the Nursing side, in each case, accompanied the Commi joner-in-Chief and Deputy Commissioner-inChief. In princjpl~ the empba i i on making Headquarter inspection a major an? occa IOn 0 ~ to draw the attention of the County to it Bngade contIngent and theIr work, and thus to timulate interest and recr~iting. l\:1L1ch valuable upport can accrue from these Inspection, partlcula.rly If they a~e strongly and effectively backed up by those connected WIth t. John In the county, that i to say, members of the St. John Council and Brigade Pre ident and Vice-Pre idents. I would very s(ro~gJy urge how important thi upport i not only as regard the outS Ide world but a encouragement to Brigade members them elve . In addition to in pection many informal vi it to Counties were made to Training Day and the like, all of which heJp to keep Headquarter and th.e Brigade in the field in cIo e touch. Further the Surgeon-in-Chief and hI Deputy vi ited Regional Fir t Aid Competition and attended many ~ocal Surgeon' gathering throughout the country. An Important conference which took place during the year wa that of the. Pre idenl and Vice-Pre idenl held at the Royal College of Surgeon. ThIS conference held every other year was attended on thi occa ion by 350. idenl and Vice-Pre idenl a ist greatly in the life and work of the Bngade and the bi ennial conference provide the opportunity for idea and recommendation to be pooled and di cu ed. I would like particularly to expre my gratitude to the large number of Pre ident and Vice-
Presidents who found time to give a day to ~ttend. the .conference. The N.H.S.R. County Repre entative ' Conference IS outlmed In the paragraph describing that service and further de~ails of so~e o! the other conferences held are gi en in the appropriate ectlOns later III thl report.
here my grati~ude to t~ese Co.mmissioners for the splendid way they served the Bngade dunng theIr years of office. Brigadier DavidsonHoust~n .1 regret to have to report died and although he had not been Commls l<;mer f<?r very long his passing will be sadly felt. The Brigade is fortunate III havmg worthy successors to fill these vacancies and I extend to them a warm welcome.
Headquarters Toward the end of the year the Surgeon-in-Chief Mr. H. S. T~ylor Young, resigned that appointment, ~nd went on to the Reserve. ThIs was a great blow to the Brigade for Wl1lch he had done so much over many years and not lea t to me per onally. Hi Brigade career ha been a remarkable one as he has erved in almo t every rank not only as a urgeon but al 0 on the ex~cuti e . ide .. Fortunat~ly the benefit o.f his advice and wealth of expenence wlll till be a~aIla.ble to t~e Bngade through the do e contact he ha promi ed to mamtam and hI memberhip of Chapter-General. Happily, it i our good fortune to have. J:?r. M. M. cott formerly Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief a ailable and wlllmg to ucce~d. He needs little introduction as he is already well-known over a wide area both professionally and from hi ,frequent .i .it to County urgeons S=onferences, Fir t Aid and ur mg competltlOns and. many other f~n~t.lons. Dr. Scott joined the Brigade in London Di trict m 1929 a . a DIVI lOnal Surgeon later becoming the Di trict urgeon. He wa appomted Deputy Surgeon-in-Chief in 1951. . . . On the ur ing ide Mr. P. V. Macklllnon ha retired a SSI tant Superintendent-in-Chief and Mi Duff Grant ha been ucceeded as Chief ursing Officer by Dame Barbara Cozen . T~e e c.ha,nge are commented upon more fully in the S.u perintendent.-lll-Chlcf repo.rt which follows and I v. ould like to a oClate m elf with all he say III respect of the e officers. Regretfully I have to report that Lady J ~an eWf!1an ha found ~er increasing home commitments make contlllua~ce In the demandlllg appointment of Chairman of the Appeal Com.m lttee mo~e than he can find time for and she has felt compelled to re 19n. She Will ho.wever be continuing her work for St. John in E ex. The paragraph earl.ler on the Appeals Committee gives some indication of the extent to y hlch v.e are indebted to her. Changes in Commissioners Berkshire : Brigadier T. E. D. Kelly C.B.E. ucceeded Major P. 1. Gcld. . Kent: Major S. W. Barrow D.F.e. succeeded the late Brigadier 1. V. Davidson -Houston M.B.E. West Riding of Yorkshire: Sir William Taylor, Bt., e. B. E., D. L. J.P., succeeded Dr. E. H. Lodge, O.B.E. Wiltshire: Mr. Robert Rennie ucceeded Major-General D. e. Tulloch, f C.B., D .S.O. M.e. These changes have been brought a.bout throug~ increa.sed pre sure or business for General Tulloch and Major Gold, whd t an dine last yea led Dr. Lodge to decid~ that he ~hould [50 to the Re erve. It is howeve typical of him that he dId not resIgn untIl a succe sor had been found andd I am glad to say that he has made a good recovery. I would like to reeor
The Superintendent-in-Chief reports as follows:D uri~g the. pa t year the Nursing Divisions have again achieved a fine recor~ III their many spheres of work and I welcome this opportunity of t~an~lllg <?fficer an~ memb~rs fO.r the time and effort they unstintingly gIVe III Bngad~ e.rv:ce. Whl~ t WIth the con tantly expanding cope for voluntary erVlce It IS e ential that we recruit more young members to ~eet the dem~n~s of today and the future, I would like to express particular appreCiatIOn of the va t amount of work that is selflessly and regul~rly undertake~ by older members uch as in the many hours devoted to nelghbourly ervlc.e and e cort duties. The majority of the nursing per 'o nnel are lil full-tIme employment or have family commitments which preclude many of them from undertaking weekday duties during working hour and the main burden of the e, therefore, falls upon the older member who ha e more free time to give. First Aid, ursing and Welfare. In addition to routine first aid duties at public occa ion, port event, beach Fir t Aid hut, etc., member have been. called. upon t.o deal ~ith many accident and emergencie . Regular nur Ing a I tance III ho pItal and home for the elderly and chronic sick ha been \\illingly in rea 'ed to meet cri e when the nur ing staff has been depleted by illne . and nur ing and vl,elfare facilitie pro ided for invalid and for elderly and handicapped people in their own homes, including nur ing Lid ef\ice under the Di trict ur e. Member and auxiliarie have continued their help with the activities of the Joint Committee, St. JOh.n and Red ro x- ef\ice War Di abled Help Department, in c'~f1ng f r the v teran of the t\ 0 World War and \- ith the Ho pital LIbrary Department. Indi\ idualJy, and in co-operation y ith local authorit and other luntary organi ation' cherne, Di i ion have extended theIr help at club and day centre for the old or di abled, accompanying them on uting and at holiday camp, and pro iding many \ elfare facilitie for them in their own localitie . Tn many of the e ervice the Cadet gi e aluable a i tance. Hospital Car Senice. In conjunction with the Briti h Red Cro Society and the Women' oluntary enice, the Brigade continue to admini ter the Ho pital Car eni e in certain countie and mu h gratitude i due to the County and Arel. rgani er and to th volunteer dri er \ ho undertake thi u eful work. It value to patient and ho pital i indicated by the figure fr m one county, De on, where during 1965, 75,278 journey Were done, entailing a mileage of over 2t million mile. St. John and Red Cross ervice Hospitals Welfare Department. The \- ork ofthi Department continue mo t ucce fully in Naval, Military and ir Force Ho pital in the United Kingdom and oversea, and it i gratifying to know from the many report recei ed how much this i appreciated by the three ervice . In addition to dealing with the welfare and recr ational
needs of patient, the Welfare Officer re ponsibilitie include ~a.ring for the relative of very eriously ill servicemen and women who Vl~lt under the Dilfor cherne (there were 43 ca e in the year), and after relative who attend service funeral in North-vVe t Europe of which there \ ere 32. New candidate are con tantly needed for this worthw~il~ service and I much hope that the St. J 0hn Welfare Officer number wlll Increase thi year from the pre en.t 18 out of a total ?f 68 officer. Early in the year the DIrector Ml Downmg, co~pleted aery ucce sful tour of the Far East, i iting all Ser ice Ho pltal and many of the maIler medical unit in Singapore, Malay ia and Hong Kong. I was particularly glad on my way back from Ea t Africa to hav.e th~ opportunityof i iting the two Welfare Officer at th~ R.A.F. ~o pital In Aden, who were doing e ' cellent work under ery trymg con~ltlOn Mi Downing completed her term of office a Director and on her retirement from thi po e accepted appointment a one of my Staff Officer in which capacity I welcome her. he ha b en ucceeded as Director of Ser ice Ho pital Welfare by Mi Woolrich ~ho ha had continuou er ice in the Brigade and S.H.W. Department mce 1939.
Many valua~le training courses and conferences have been held throughout the co~ntles, everal of which have been attended by Headquarters repre . entatlves: My Deputy, Lady Moyra Browne, attended courses in BucklOghamshlre, Northern Ireland and Surrey; the Chief Nursing Officer, Dame Barbara Cozens, attended conferences and courses in Norfol~, .De on (wher~ he was accompanied by Mi s Harrison), the We t RldlO~ of York hire, Cornw~ll, the Priory for Wale, Somerset and the Surgeon s S=~nference; and Ml s Duff Grant was present at a Northumberland tralOlllg cour e. In London the Pre ident ' Conference and Di trictjC0l!nty Superintendent' Conference provided valuable interchange of VIews, as also did the Secretaries' Conference attended by Miss Hard on. I wa glad to be present at the conference of St. John N.H.S.R. County Repre entative convened by Miss Duff Grant, at which Ministry of Health Officer 'po~e and there u eful discu ion on the problem~ and pro~re of thl Important NatIOnal Re erve, an account of which appear 10 another part of the Report. ~t eery l.evel f~om Divi ion to Headquarters the co-ordinating of Bngade crVlce \ lth tho e of other voluntary organisations and of the statutory authoritie entail representation on many committees and attendanc at onfer n e covering subject that are of mutual concern. Conference such as the one organi ed by the Central Council for the Di abled wb~ch \ a attended by Mrs. Cavendish and other Brigade Office:s provide a helplul opp~rtunity for liai on and de elopment. In thanklOg tho e \ ho erve a Bngade Repre entati es on committees and at conference I \ ould, too, expre appreciation of the ast amount of \\-ork undertaken by offic r and member of other organisations and to the public .
ursing Officers. I refer later to the retirement of Mi Duff Grant and the appointment of Dame B:lrbara Cozen whom \ e elcome a her ucce or as Chief ur ing Officer .. . In pre enting her report Dame Barbara Cozen tate: I : I h to expre my gratitude for the \ er v. arm elcome hown to me IOce my appointment a Chief ur ing. ~ce: by mef!-l~er at. all Ie el of the Brigade . I have accepted many m Itatlon to 1.' lt . onler n~e and Stud) Day, and everywhere the mo t ge11~rou . ho pltalJty \\tl gl en ~le. T.he kind con ideration which I ha e recel ed 10 my fir t few m nth 10 offIce not only from members in the Countie , but by the taff at Headquarters, ha been an in piration to me." . . .' The Chief Nur ing Officer record a atl factor and ntmued lOcrea e in the number of tate Regi tered ur e joining the Brigade , a number of whom had been t. John Cadet before they entered training. The help of member of the nur ing profe ion i of the highe t alue to our organi ation in rai ing the tandard of. nur i~g ~nd I e ten? m t grateful thanks to those who ~ o generou ly gl e their time and kJlled help to t. John work. There are, unfortunately, till ome vacancie f r ount and Area Nursing Officers but it i hoped that thee may. 11 be filled. ur ing Officer Conference wa agam held at Bade~A uece sful Powell Hou e, London, attended by a larger number of delegate than. In recent years. At the Conference it wa agreed that for 1966 the Nur I~g Officer hould join the Surgeon in a combined co~ference,. the one In 1967 hould be held in the pro ince and the fo11O\ 1l1g year 10 London. Training and Conferences . It is impo ible to over-empha i ~ the. ital importance of training in all a pects of St. J?hn work. wb~t~er It be In the practical application of fir t aid and nur -mg techOlque , In the pr?per understanding of social welfare ervice or in efficient method of adml~IS tration. Report show that within the Nursing Divi ions there i in~r.e~ 109 awarene s of the need for intere ting, varied and practical dl I iOnal training programmes if the unit i to be a ucce ful alerL and u eful on.e, but there is still scope for con iderablc i~1proveme.nt. 1 h<?pe t~e:e. wd1 be concentration on thi for an attractive and In tructlve dl I iOna programme is an es ential factor in gaining and keeping keen members.
jllspecfiul1s Gild Visits. It ""<1 a pri ilege to be pre ent at the Cadet Rally at D rby \ hich \\oa h noured by the pr sence of H.R.H. Prince s Margaret. De pite rain and the la t minute tran ition to wet weather ac omm d~ltion thi \ a again aery ucc r ful ev nt. I wa ery glad to. carr ut Count In -pe ti n ' in the I Ie of Man and Northamptonshire and, after attending the Order Ser\ice at the Priory Church of St. Mary Lan a t r, to b pre 'ent at the opening of the new As ociation and Brigade Headquarter':> at B,lfrO\ -in-Furne . M \ i' it with the Chief ur ing III er t t. J hn HOLI e Tankerton, enabled u to ee omething of th e ' cell nt ar being provided at thi ' St. John Home for elderley and infirm pati nt . 1 \ a ~ delighted al 0 to attend the very SUcce ful Devon County Ball held at Torquay in November. During my tour in - a t Afri a early in the ear it \ a a great plea ure to meet t. J hn officer and member in ganda and Kenya, in both of which c untri there i gr at ope f r d vel pment of Brigade ervice and to ee the very fine work being carried out by Mi Barbara Copeland, S.R.N.; and on my return journey to pay a brief vi it to Aden. The D puty uperintendent-in-Chief, Lady Myra BrO\ ne on a i it to Au tralia weI omed the opp rtunity of meeting many of the offi er of the Priory and learning at fir t hand of the Brigade activities undertaken there and later in iji whi h he al 0 i it d. At In pections in the follo'V ing countie in ngland the Chief ur ing Officer and member of my taff ac ompanied th Commi ioner-in-Chief orthe Deputy Commi ioner-in-Chief:- Che hire (Dame Barbara Cozens), E sex (Mi s Duff Grant), Hertford hire (Lady Braith\ aite) Kent (Mi
Watson) London Northern Area (Mrs . Cavendish), Norfolk a~d N~rth Riding o'f Yorkshire (Lady Moyra Browne), Somerset (Lady BraIthwaite). Miss Watson represented He~d9~arter at the excell~nt camp for o~cers and members of the Nursing DIvIsion run by the NatlOnal Coal Board at Rhyl.
Changes in Appointments. I regret . to .report thehre ~g~ation ffte~~s5 Nicol, County Superintendent (N), . BIrmmgham, w 0 a comp . years of ery valuable Brigade serVIce. I wel~om~ Mrs. Cashmore lD her appointment a County Superintendent for ~lrr~lDgham. . The Nursing Divi ion join with you, Sir lil greatly regrettlDg the resi nation a Surgeon-in-Chief of Mr. Tayl?r-Young who had contrib~ted so much in matter of Brigade tralI1Jllg and de~elopment. We know that the e important que tion . are ~l 0 foremo t With Dr. M . M. Scott whom we welcome a Surgeon-m-Chlef. . It was with much regret I received th~ re ~gnation of Mr . MacKmnon who as Assi tant Superintendent-in-Chlef smce 1?53 .gave much ~~lp .at Headquarters and had previou ly given fin~ erVlce m L?n~on S Istr.lct for 0 er 20 year culminating in her appomtment a . DI tnct upenntendent (N) in 1952. Fortunately the Br.igade \ ill contl~ue to ~ave Mrs. MacKinnon' cIo e interest in th~ capacity o~ County. Vice-President, Isle of Wight, and as our representative on certam committee. . The ursing Divi ion in particular h~ve al 0 uffered a 10 .lD ~he t' t of the Chief ur ing Officer, MI Duff Grant, who dunng er le lremen T .. Ad ' ) ha don 0 much ten years at Headquarters (initially a . VI er C1 ' for the de elopment of Brigad n~r 109 skJll .and ucc.e ful proore T~n Bri ade Participation in the NatIOnal Ho pita] Ser Ice Re cr e. e Bri~ade i indeed indebted to her. We are, howe ver for~unate that ~T?~ Barbara Cozen, D .B.E., R .R .C., accepted the appol~tment a. Ie ursin Officer in llcces ion to Mi Duff Grant. I:Ier ~Ide ext? nenc~ as g· Ch'Ie, f Q .A.R.A. . C ., and other qualdlcatlOn \ til be 1mM atron-lilmensely helpful to us. . . ' As mentioned earlier I am delighted that Ml s J?ownlOg, pre IOU I, Director of the St. John and Red Cro Service Ho pltal Welfare Department, has joined Headquarters a one of my Staff fficer . r
Conclusion. In paying tribute to the continued de~ot~d ervice o~ offic~rs and members my sincere thank also go to all my DI ~nct/Coudnt~ . upe:tn~ tendents and to their staff for their untiring .work. 1~ .the a mlOlstra \0 and development of the activitie of the ur mg DI 1510n . . d The members of my staff, as alway , have given wonde:ful er Ice ~ner my thanks and gratitude to them are really h~a~tfe]t. 1 do It1deed con Id myself fortunate to have such efficient and Wll1lOg help. F lly I wish to express to you, Sir, my per onal thanks for yo~r con~~:nt help and through you my grati.t ude to all your. s~~rr for then as istance in matters concerning the Nur mg Corp and DIVISions. M. BR CKNOCK, Super in I endeJI t-ill-Chief
The Surgeon-in-Chief reports as follows:It was with great regret that Brigade Surgeons learned of Mr. TaylorYoung' resignation a Surgeon-in-Chief in October 1965, and on their behalf, a well as my own, I would like to take the opportunity of thanking him most incerely for his efforts and leadership during his term of office. The Commis ioner-in-Chief did me the honour of nominating me to fill the vacancy and my appointment as Surgeon-in-Chief was confirmed by the Grand Prior as from 12th October, 1965.
Technical Training During the year continued efforts were made to improve the practical side of our training without detriment to theoretical requirements, and our work in that direction has been done with the close co-operation and agreement of the Principal Medical Officer of the A sociation with whom we maintain the mo t cordial of relations. Close contact ha also been maintained with the British Red Cross Society, particularly regarding Casualty Simulation Courses. It is the hope of my Department that every Division will be competent to deal with this mo t valuable aspect of Fir t Aid Training and that Cadet Divisions will be able to participate in the neces ary training. During the year instruction and lectures have been given to outside bodie who ha e invited the a i tance of the Department, e.g. District Nurse Midwive Society of Radiographers etc. This continues to be a regular feature of our work. Annual Report from Di trict and County Surgeons indicate a sustained and atisfactory degree of technical efficiency throughout the Brigade. Notwith tanding the number of Brigade Surgeon, there are a few areas which have orne difficulty in meeting medical requirements. This throws an additional burden on County Surgeons who, nevertheless, invariably ri e to the occa ion. Every effort i being made to rectify these isolated ituation and scheme are being con idered to overcome the difficultie of "Re-exarntnation " and "Lecture ", where nece ary. Surgeons' Conference The Annual Surgeons' Conference wa again held at Nottingham Univer ity in September. Thi venue has proved highly acceptable because of facilitie comfort and co t, and experience has confirmed that Nottingham i an ideal centre [rom the point of view of di tance and acce ibility. The fir t day of the Conference wa devoted to a u eful frank and free di cu ion of the econd edition of the Joint Fir, t Aid Manual. The quality of the di cu sion wa uch a to confirm the profound knowledge, experience and enthu ia m of the participant . In thi re pect it should be noted that there are now over 2 436 active Brigade Surgeons, mostly uniformed, and that as far a I have been able to a certain, there i no other comparable body of sLlch ize in the world. The second day wa devoted to the part Brigade members could play in the Social Services, and the following panel of di tingui hed speaker gave their view :"The Care of Physically and Mentally Handicapped Children"Dr. Denni G. Cottom, B.M., B.Ch., M.R.C.P., St. Thoma' Ho pitat London.
"The Physically Handicapped" J. R. Gregory, Esq., D.P.A., A.I.S.W., London Borough of Southwark. "Geriatrics"The Rt. Hon. Lord Amulree, F.R.C .P. "Mental Health"Dr. Russell Barton, M.B., M.R.C.P. D .P.M . The general effect wa to demon trate the overall pos ibilitie of Social Service which members of the Brigade could implement for the good of humanity in general , as part of their normal Brigade duties.
Headquarters Staff The increa ing work of the Department made it nece ary to appoint another Staff Officer and I am grateful to Brigadier E. E. Read, C.B .E., M.C., Commissioner for Surrey, for agreeing to relea e hi County Training Officer, Mr. F. E. C. Barne , for that purpo e. . Finally, I would like to thank my Senior taff Officer, Mr. G . Kirkham, who continue as ever, a tower of strength for hi su tained loyalty and efficiency. M. M . SCOTT,
The Chief ur ing Officer report sa ti factory progre in mo t Region in connection with the N.H.S.R. but the Mini try of Health eptember returns show a decrease in the nursing auxiliary trength and there i need for continued attention to recruitment for thi service. With the British Red Cross Society the Brigade i re pon ible for the initial training and enrolment of the nursing auxiliarie who overall numbered 5 ,637 of whom 26,243 (4,948 men, 21 295 women) enrolled through St. John (including the Priory for Wale) approximatel y two-fifth being full Brigade members. A Conference of our County .H.S .R. Repre entative wa held at St. John's Gate in May with representative of the Mini try of Health at which there were useful discussion on variou a pect of the Reserve. The Shotley Bridge General Hospital , Durham, team were the winners of the 1965 Minister's Cup Competition. The team of six plus the reserves included five St. John Nursing Auxiliaries . It will be remembered that a St. John team from Shotley Bridge won the Cu p in 1961 CADETS
For the first time the weather wa completely unkind to st. John Cadets on the day of their Annual Rally held at Bemrose chool, Derby, which because of the heavy rain had to take place in side. In at least one respect, however, this pro ved an advantage, since the unavoidably congested conditions gave the Cadets the opportunity of seeing their Commandantin-Chief, H.R.H. The Princess Margaret Counte s of Snowdon, at closer quarters than would otherwi e have been the ca e. Her Royal Highne s conducted the enrolment ceremony for 58 Cadets and pre ented Grand Prior Badges to 62. She pre ented the America Cup for Gallantry (awarded to the Cadet performing the most out tanding deed of gallantry during the
ye.a~). to
Amb~lance Cadet Kenneth Williams,
Cynwyd Ambulance DIVISIOn, for hIS repeated attempts, at considerable risk to himself to rescue a boy from ~rowning in the River Dee. Altogether 5,000 Cadets attended f~om the Pnory for Wales and 13 Counties centred on Derbyshire. ~adets 10 the Bla~kbur~ area also had the honour of being reviewed by theIr Commandant-m-Chlef, when Her Royal Highness attended the Rehallowing of the nave of Blackburn Cathedral. The local st. John Cadets had a ked their Commandant-in-Chief to be allowed to attend on this occa ion and in consequence it was arranged for 200 living in the neighbourhood to line the route. It might be added that 63 adult members were on duty, providing first aid cover during the ceremony and had to attend to no Ie s than 140 casualtie - cau ed by what must have been the only really hot day of ummer. Cade~ have again , d~ring .the year demonstrated their courage and respon Ible outlook. TheIr actIOns included efficacious early resuscitation whereby a child' life wa saved, al 0 many other acts of value to the community . not the lea t of which have been the help and encouragement they have gIven to old people. It may be of interest to quote the following extract from Su ex County Orders which exemplifies the attitude of these young member and the end to which their training is directed:"On the 25th July 1965, Cadet Sergeant Valerie Curwen (just 15 years of age) of the Ha ting Nur ing Cadet Division wa on the roster for du~y at t~~ Ha ling Beacb Hut. She arrived at the hut a little early, and w~Ile wal~lllg for t?~ Nur e to arrive, a ca ualty was brought to the hut \ Ith a enou eye lllJury . Valerie promptly obtained the key to the hut, rendered fir t ald, called the ambulance and the patient was removed to ho pitat beG re the ur e arri ed.' Rccreati . nal and camping activitie have also continued as in previous year and the Brigade Camp at Bexhill from 17th July to 21st August was attended by 945 camper. During the year 28 Camping Warrants and four Camp Quarterma ters' Certificate were i ued. OVER ·EAS
General Member hip in the Over eas Priories and Territories rose by nearly 5,000 0 er tbe year in compari on with a ri e of 900 in 1964. Thi is e pecially ati factory when it i remembered that condition in a few countrie have not been ea y or conducive to the expansion of voluntary organi ation . I would, therefore like through thi report to congratulate ~he Brigade over ea on the teady growth being maintained and the everIDcrea ing ervice member are providing for the people of their countrie .
Senior Officers The following change in Commi ioner occurred during 1965 :Country Ceylon
Former Commissioner Brigadier . A. H. P . Jayawardana,
Trinidad & Tobago Tanzania .
J. V . de Ca t ro,
C.M.G ., A. H .
.V.O., O.B.E., E.D. q .. q ., C.B.E.
Present Coommissioner Colonel D . N. Rockwood, E.D., J.P. J . D'A rcy, E q. ( cting Commissioner) l. Bakuname, E q.
. Much good work ha been carried out over the year by tbe Commi loner who regrettably have now retired and I would like to expre my
gratitude to them and at the same time welcome their succes or who have shown their willingne to take over the e office for the future. Headquarters Officers Cyprus- Mi S. Yeghiayan 11a ucceeded Mr . Chri todoulide (nee Checkley) a Headquarter Officer. A will be appreciated, condition in the island have not been such a tenable e ten ive progre to be made but work goe on and the Brigade can be ati fied with what ha been achie ed. During the year a Nursing Di i ion ha been formed at the American Academy, which \ve can confidently expect to have a bright future ince the wife of th" American Amba ador i taking a per nal intcre t and ha become the fir t Pre ident. Nigeria- Mr. S. O. U. Igbe wa impeded in hi w rk by a car accident earlier in the year but in pite of thi managed to organi can umber of fir t aid cIa e and training generall . Mr. C. R . Pilbeam, the t. John Advi er working in co-operation with Mr. Igbe, ha been active in vi iting mo t of the Regi n and arranged for St. John Committee to be et up in the orthern a tern and Mid-We t Regions from which the Brigade hould benefit. Here again for a variety of rea ons condition are not at pre ent ea y and pr gre ha not perhap been a great a had been hoped. Caribbean and o/'/h Atlantic Area Mr . Da ie- l11ith ha nov" made a good reco ery [rom the injurie he uffered in her accident in 1964. She was in the nited Kingdom in June and July and attended a number of St. John function. ince returning he ha made an exten Ive tour of the Area and will be accompanying the Llperintendent-in- hief during part of her tour in February and March 1966. Sabah- A anticipated in la t year' Report Mr . hin pent three months with us during the year tudying the variou a pect of t. John work, during which he attended many function and public dutie . Uganda- Mr. John Kintu ha vice Mr. D. Aguda.
been appointed Headquarter Officer,
Visitors As in previou years we were fortunate in having a number of members from overseas visit us and were glad to ee them at e eral t. John function including the Service of Commemoration at St. Paul's, ~he Brigade Finals and Cadet Rally. Some took part in a few f the major public dutie , such a Trooping the Colour. Visitors from the following countrie were pre ent at one or more of these functions:Australia British Guiana Canada Ceylon Cyprus
Ghana Jamaica Malaya ew Zealand igeria
Sa bah South Africa Trinidad and Tobago Uganda
Tours Commissioner-in-Chief- Durin g May and June I had the priv~lege of visiting Canada at the invitation of the Priory. During an exten lve and
most interesting tour I visited Halifax, Sydney, St. John' s (Newfoundland), Moncton, Fredericton, St. John (New Brunswick), Montreal, Drummondville, Winnipeg, Sa katoon, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Ottawa. The warmth with which one was welcomed was omething not to be forgotten and I was greatly impre sed by the keenne , enthu iasm and high standard of the many facets of Brigade life that I aw. We have in the United Kingd om need of all our energies to match these standard. Superintendent-in-Chief- The Superintendent-in-Chief's tour of East Africa is de cribed in her own report as is the Deputy Superintendent-inChief' i it to Au tralia and Fiji.
The year under review ha been one which, apart from the normal WIde pread and onerou duties performed by the Brigade, has presented special problem and even burden . The particular matter I have in mind have been, firstly, the two major activitie mentioned earlier which have broken fre h ground on the fundrai ing ide. The ec nd ha been the launching and activation of Recruiting Year, to which i' linked the far from incon iderable work involved in the pr d uction of the Brigade film. . Finally, the main feature in the latter part of 1965, has been the llltroduetion of the new ir t id Manual- the joint production of the St. John Ambulance A ciation the St. Andrew' A ociation and the Briti h Red r ociety. The book, of COLlr e, particularly concerns the Brigade as the large tingle body involved in regard to the direct application of Fir t id to the general public. It will be appreciated that the range f the b ok i n w wider than hitherto and over and above that required by the individual wi hing to qualify to tatutory Fir t Aid Standard. In thi re pect it d al WIth certain a pect of Fir t id which are more parti ularl required to m et the need of specifi~ i.ndu tries or hazard· and which would, therefore, not normally come \ Ithm the phere of the t. John Ambulance Brigade. Having thi in mind, the As ociation, working \\ ith the Brigade i also producing a book onfined ~o the knowledge required to reach ~tatut ry certificate tandJrd and wo~lld be complementary to the Joint Fir t id Manual, the latter covenng a It doe the wider field. My rno t grateful thank go to the uperintend nt-in-Chief, the DeI?uty Commi ioner-in- hief and to all Head of Department who have gIven me Llch admirable upport through a difficult year. I would also like to record my gratitude to the Headq uarter Staff who .have done so muc~ t.o as i t me per onally and the Brigade a hole hlch a I well know It lS their aim to er e. Thi year there ha e been a number of changes and inn<:> ation , the re ult of which will not be immediately '~pparent but I belle e we may hope oon to gather the h.1[ e ' t in a forward looking Brigad rno mg ahead with the time . ROY R DICK ommi sioner-ill-Chief
England & N. Ireland Commandery in Rhodesia Other Territorie:. O\ersea .
Priories: Wales Southern Afri 'a New Zealand Canada. Australia India Paki tan Grand Total
Ambulance 1,366
DIVISIONS urs- Coming bined 385 1,023
TOlal 2,774
PERSONNEL Ambuursing lance Total 18,596 31,000 49,596
212 152 127 202 167
103 80 93 151 98
47 90 9 37 7
362 332 279 390 343
3,994 3,916 3,181 5,050 4,808
1,443 1,607 1,993 3,499 2,072
5,437 5,523 5,174 8,549 6,881
2,778 760 69
1,740 196 5
5,307 956 74
101,361 21,037 2,329
36,219 4,101 96
137,580 25,138 2,425
Total 2,392
Ambulance 21,461
IIr illg 33,279
England & . Ireland Commandery in Rhodesia Other Territories o erseas .
Priories : Wales Southern Africa ew Zealand Canada. Australia India Pakistan Grand Total
Combilled 150
AlIlbulance 1,016
i/lg 1,226
154 43 161 41 152
155 70 157 62 138
342 177 322 109 298
2,362 1,0 5 2,161 933 3,212
3,063 I , 44 2,669 1,825 3,1 9
5,425 2,929 4, 30 2,758 6,401
1,689 318 14
1,902 17 1
3,934 496 15
35,929 7,0 9 359
49,326 3,169 34
85,255 102,208 393
4 6 8
Bedford hire . Berk hire. . Birmingham . Bristol Buckingham hire Cambridge Cheshire . Cornwall . Cumberland Derbyshire Devonshire Dor et Durham Essex . Gloucester Guern ey . Hamp hire Heref rd hire Hertford hire Isle of Man Isle of Wight Jer ey . Kent Lanca hire Leice tcr Lincoln hirc . London orfolk orthampton hire orthumberland. ottingham ' hire. Oxford Plymouth . Shrop hir omerset . Stafford hl[c~ . SufTolk urrey. Sus ex. Warwi k hire Wiltshire. Worcc tershir~ East Riding of Y~rk' hi~e . orth Riding f York hire . West Riding of York hire . orthern Ireland
ADULT Ambulance Nursing 236 137 354 236 648 364 479 199 399 298 160 99 578 472 490 328 173 140 1,765 596 590 466 152 168 1,336 442 304 297 315 200 71 58 633 368 85 70 346 216 39 62 109 51 41 50 755 437 3,180 1,739 963 395 407 195 2,310 3,172 633 655 606 457 797 232 1,659 512 264 96 208 134 270 177 586 303 490 964 02 202 467 536 531 695 772 367 236 168 347 287 524 313 310 286 2,564 1,625 871 435
CA DET Ambulance Nursing 108 174 303 470 262 312 380 403 540 727 77 272 376 622 489 751 182 226 1,378 1,382 476 982 95 286 345 527 190 448 172 318 102 126 727 1,215 18 204 354 563 64 111 96 18 165 78 629 1,111 3068 1,857 447 605 561 366 2,572 3,461 429 695 359 698 258 296 1,201 1,084 184 264 223 350 205 283 795 520 482 931 297 527 534 811 684 1,015 488 06 193 493 248 416 447 186 322 170 2,919 1,825 292 1,009
Tota l 655 1,363 1,586 1,461 1,964 608 2,048 2,058 721 5,121 2,514 701 2,650 1,239 1,005 357 2,943 377 1,479 276 274 334 2,932 9,844 2,410 1,529 11,515 2412 2,120 1,583 4,456 808 915 935 2,204 2,867 I, 28 2,348 2,925 2,433 1,090 1,298 1,470 1,088 8,933 2,607
APPENDIX 'C' DUTIES (Hours) Public Duties . Tran port Dutie Escort Duties . Ho pital Dutie ur ing Aid Other Duties Total On Public Duty Off Public Duty Accidents attended: Road Other Invalid remo eo
England 1,928,261 606,658 39,471 188,833 106,176 773,786 . 3,643,185 AS S TR ATED : 188,490 159,859 TRA PORT: 10,004 17 108 2 3,178
Northern Irelalld 30,917 15,796 152 2,411 3,485 26,384 79,145
Wales 92,911 38,511 2,052 18,530 2,517 33,062 187,583
Total 2,052,089 660,965 41,675 209,774 112,178 833,232 3,909,913
2,252 2,807
13,609 25,610
204,351 188,276
322 171 6,161
470 491 8,403
10,796 17,770 297,742
Life Saving ~fedal of the Order ill Silver Div. Supt. C. H. Metcalfe, Burnopfield Ambulance Divi 'io n County of Durham. Certificates of Honour Div. Vice-Pre ident 1. Day, Haunchwood Colliery Ambulance Diyi ion, County of Warwick. Ambulance Member J. Round, Grimethorpe Colliery Ambulance Division, We t Riding of York hire. Meritorious Service ertijicates Sgt. H. W. C. Dyer, Combe Martin Ambulance Di J Ion, a t, South and North Devon. Corporal A. Yoxall, Grimethorpe Colliery Ambulance Divi ion, We t Riding of York hire. Ambulance Member J. E. Hyde, Grimethorpe olliery Ambulance Di ision, West Riding of York hire. Ambulance Member K. Thoma, Grimethorpe Colliery Ambulance Division, We t Riding of York hire . American Trophy for Gallantry
o award made . Grand Prior Badges
Ambulance- l22 . Nursing- 413 . Special Service Melds 282 Special Service Shields were awarded to Ambulance Cadets. 425 Special Service Shields were awarded to Nur ing Cadet .
Jubilee Certificates The following Units have been issued with Jubilee Certificates indicating 50 year' continuou existence:Erdington Nursing Division, Birmingham; Bristol Central Ambulance Divi ion, Bri tol; Olney Nursing Division, Buckinghamshire; Dukinfield Nursing Divi ion, Che hire; Bodmin Ambulance Division, Cornwall; Launce ton Ambulance Division, Cornwall; Ireland Colliery Nursing Division Derbyshire; Tanfield Lea and South Moor Ambulance Division, Durham' Canterbury No. 1 Ambulance Division, Kent; Faversham Ambulance and Nursing Divi ion, Kent; Maidstone Ambulance Division, Kent· Maid tone Nur ing Division, Kent; Atherton Nursing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District· Kirkham Ambulance Division, Duke of Lanca ter's Di trict· Open haw Nur ing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District; Salford Nur ing Division, Duke of Lancaster's District; Sefton Nur ing Divi ion Duke of Lancaster's Di trict; Great Harwood and Ri hton Ambulance Divi ion Duke of Lanca ter s District; Liverpool North ur ing Divi ion, Duke of Lancaster's District; Barking Ambulance Divi ion, London (Prince of Wale s) District; Barking Nursing Division, London (Prince of Wale's) Di trict; Edmonton Ambulance Division, London (Prince of Wale ) Di trict; Southend-on-Sea Nursing Division, London (Prince or Wale' ) District; Vicker Armstrong Corps, Northumberland' Vicker Arm trong North Ambulance Divi ion, Northumberland; Riverside Ambulance Division Northumberland; Scotswood Ambulance Division, Northumberland; Sleekburn Ambulance Division; orthumberland; orth Shields Nursing Division, Northumberland, Robin Hood Ambulance Divi ion, Nottinghamshire Nottingham City ur. ing Divi ion ottingham hire; Bentinck Colliery Ambulance Divi ion, Nottingham hire; We ton- uper-Mare Nur jng Division Someret · GuiJdf rd Nursing Divi ion, Surrey; Brighton Police Ambulance Dj\ i ion Su sex; Brighton Town Ambulance and Nur ing Division u sex' Pre ton ur ing Divi ion, Su ex; Hanley Ambulance Division, Staff rd hire' Meir and Longton Ambulance Divi ion, Stafford hire; mbulancc Divi ion Worce ter hire; Lye Ambulance Rowley Regi Divi ion, Worce ter hire' Dudley ur ing Divi ion, Worcester hire; Beverley Ambulance Di i ion, E. R. York hire; Bridlington ursing Divi ion, . R. Yorkshire; Hull King ton Nur ing Divi ion, E.R. Yorkhire' Hull Peel Hou e ur ing Divi ion, E.R. York hire; Hull de la Pole Ambulance Divi ion, .R. Yorkshire' Hull Argyle Ambulance Divi ion, E.R. York hire' Middle brough Central Ambulance Division, .R. York hire; a t Cleveland Ambulance Divi ion, .R. Yorkshire; Whitby Nur ing Di\i ion, N.R. York hire; Gui eley Ambulance Division, W.R. York hire; Wor boro' & Di trict ur ing Divi ion, W.R. Yorkshire.
past year ha been notable for the transfer of the Joint Committee's Ambulance Department to the Greater London Council. The Order and the Briti h Red Cro s Society had operated an Ambulance Service for over 40 years, and during thi time much pioneer work was done, and a gap in the social ervices of the nation wa filled efficiently and effectively. As however, respon ibility for the pro i ion of ambulance ervices was entrusted by the National Health Service Act, 1946, to County Councils and County Borough Council, he Joint Committee wa under no obligation to continue the activitie of the Ambulance Department. After careful con ideration of all the circumstance affecting the future of this department the Joint Committee reached the conclu ion that the then London County Council should be invited to take over and operate the ambulance depot, staff and vehicle , and operate them a part of it own ambulance ervice. The decision to relinquish a greatly valued activity, and one that was by tradition a sociated with the Order and the ociet, wa not lightly taken nor was it taken without regret. I reported last year the Committee' plan to clo e and di po e of Bramshott Lodge, and to change the function of Queen Alexandra House, Folke tone, from that of a Re t-Break Home to that of a re idential institution for retired nur e . Thi project ha now been ati factorily completed, and a renovated and moderni ed Queen Alexandra House was opened by the Mayor of olke tone in the pre ence of the Lord Prior in October, 1965 a a home for the retired nur e who had been living at Bram hott Lodge. Throughout the year the Joint Committee, the Order and the Society have been considering how best to achieve permanent office accommodation in Grosvenor Cre cent. The Parent Bodie and the Committee are now proceeding with a plan which will atisfy the Joint Committee's requirements for office and library pace at a very reasonable co t. The necessary interim moves to allow the variou hou e in the Cre cent to be renovated in turn have now started, and the Committee's Secretariat ha already moved to new offices. During the whole of this busy period the normal work of the Joint Committee has proceeded, and during the year ended the 30th June, 1965, some £180,000 was spent on assistance to the war disabled and to service and ex-service men. The Ex-Services War Di abled Help Department dealt with 59,000 cases, an increase of 9,000 on the previ u year, and in 14,700 of these financial help was given. The Library continues to give an admirable service to over 100,000 Hospital beds, including orne 4,000 in Service Hospitals over ea .
s brought to notice during the year include the "Medical History of Malta," by Paul Cas ar, published by the Wellcome Historical Medical Library in London. The author has delved deeply into the archives - largely unpublished- of the Royal Malta Library, and the Medical and Health Department, and has supplemented them with frequent extracts from journal diaries and letters of visitors to the island through the centurie , thus showing the medical history of Malta as a vital force in the general hi tory of the island. Needless to say, Dr. Cassar makes more than ju t a passing reference to the Order of St. John, for it was under its rule from 1530 to 1798 that medical organization in Malta probably reached its peak. Moreover as the Order' records have been preserved intact the author has been able to pre ent an extraordinarily comprehensive and vivid picture of the administration of an early hospital and the medical care available there. This is a subject which has hitherto attracted the attention of few hi torian .
While the celebration for the fourth centenary of the Great Siege were actually taking place in Malta it was fitting that there appeared in September a "Bibliography of the Great Siege of Malta 1565-1965' , compiled by J 0 eph Galea. a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Such an out tanding event in history has inevitably been recorded in a variety of publication ranging from eye-witne account to epic poetry, and Mr. Galea has endeavoured to upply a much needed up-to-date and authoritative bibliography of the ubject. Another publication concerning the Siege, which appeared al 0 during the fourth centenary celebration \Va Claire Engel'. "Le Grand Siege Malte". I
The following other work acquired by the Department, which merit indeed pecial attention are:- "Oliver Starkey,' a paper by D. F. Corco of the In titute of Hi torical Re earch, University of London; "The French in Malta" and "Dutch Coin and Malte e Countermark " (pamphlet) by V. F. Denaro; , Malta and the Czar 1697-1802" by Andrew P. Vel1a; 'Malte et Ru sie, by M. J. Rouet-de Journel. Vi itor to St. John' Gate and Church during 1965 totalled 2210, an increa e of over 400 on la t year's total. Tour of the Gate continue to be exceedingly popular, e pecially those arranged for group on Saturday afternoon. It is till nece sary, therefore, to book well in advance especially for tour during the ummer month. Thi warning cannot be over-empha ized. Sixty- ix different group were hown round the building during the year ten more than la t year and it i intere ting to note that many of the e were from organization which were in no \: ay connected with the Order and it Foundation.
Amongst the many acce ion to the Department wa Mr. C. H. C. Pirie-Gordon' gift for the new tamp ection, thi being a set of Malte e stamps commemorating the Great Siege. Other donors to whom the thank of Cha pter-General have been conveyed are:C. Green, E q. Mrs. K. Stevenson-Brown, Mi J. Stovold, D. F. Corcos, Esq., Dr. J. Prentice, J.P., R . Ake ter, E q., Lieut.-Colonel Sir
Thomas Cook, Mi s V. Leveson Gower, V. F. Denaro, Esq., Miss C. M. Botley Profes or Harrison Smith B. C. Raw on E q., Mrs. Mears, Sir Harry'Luke Mr . F. Leach, S. Au tin & Sons J. H. Chapman, Esq. and H. J. Edward E q. RICHARD WILLIAMS,
THE PRIORY OF SCOTLAND IT IS unnece sary to cover, in detail the activities of the several Committees of the Priory as individual statements are presented in the Annual Report. I would underline, however, the need recogni ed by the Priory-Council and take stock of the e activitie and to consider, first, if they dovetaIl effiCIently and adequately into the changing pattern and trend of modern Ii ving and social conditions; whether as a Priory and individually a, Confreres we are contributing in service and leadership to the maximum of our capacity; to what avenues of service to the Community could, and should the Priory be directing it thought, and finally, what steps should be taken to enlist to the Order in Scotland the enthusiasm, the idealism, the loyalty and dedication of youth. The Order south of the border, is known through the work of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The Badge and the uniform is honoured and recogni ed. Tn Scotland we are unable because of an early agreement to undertake thi nature of activity and con equently we have committed our el e to meet in 0 far a our fund permit, the needs of fragile, elderly per on . Priory ha every eaU5e to be proud of its Foundation at Edinburgh, Gla g w Aberdeen and Lo, iemouth, but seriou thought must be given to the future. Priory can aJ 0 be proud of it association with the other pioneering and voluntary agencie in meeting the need of the lonely and fragile and elderly, but what hape hould thi provision and our Nursing Home take in the future? Our judgement of the Community need asse sed some year ago \\ ac:;, and has been, fully justified but thought fiU t be given as to \; hether, III the near future illlilar a e ment would be warranted. The rev ie\ to be undertaken concerning the future. Confrere should have no doubt for the indi idual report peak for them elve of the ,alue f tht:: acti itie pre enlly being undertaken. The deepe t mea ure of appreciation i due to Confrere and to the st. John ociation Member for their genero ity, leader hip and ervice. TH
T. JOn
or the fir t time ince the Order wa revived in Scotland in 1947, the ancient and hi torical town of tirling wa the etting for the Fe tival of St. John on 25th June. rom the Guildhall Member of Priory-Chapter preceded by the Civic dignatarie of Stirling, proce ed to the Church of the Holy Rude for the Commemoration Ser ice which wa conducted by the Rev . P. H. R. MacKay, a i ted by the Rev. Dr. L. L. L. Cameron the Rev. A. M. Gille pie and the Rev. R. G. Lawrie. The Pro 0 t and member of the Town Council invited Chapter to a luncheon in the Golden Lion Hotel. Replying to the Provo l' addre s of welc me, the Prior conveyed hi per onal appreciation and the thank of Priory-Chapter for the g nerou ho pitality extended by the Council. The Albert Hall et the cen for the General A sembly and lnve titure which wa held in the afternoon. ir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey of Dinnet, K.C. M.G., Prior of Scotland, e tended a warm welcome to member of the Priory, their gue t and to Pro 0 t Michael Kelly and member of the Town Council. The report of the Executive Officer were received, after which the Prior inve ted Po tulant with the in ignia of their various Grade.
The results of the Gla gow Committee have been most encouraging. The st. John Re idential Home is fulfilling a much needed and long-felt want, being occupied to capacity and maintaining a high standard of comfort and efficiency, and what i even more important, the contentment of the resident. The traditional Chri tma Party, attended by the Chairman, Mr. A. Law on and members of the Hou e and Ladie ' Committees gave much plea ure and enjoyment to the re ident . Mis MacFarlane devote a great deal of her time and energie to the Home, and for thi we are indeed grateful to her. During the year a number of handsome donation have been received from among others the Sir John Richardson Trust and the Cargill Tru t. The Committee is mo t grateful to the e Tru t and to the other generou donors also to the Vice-Chairman Office-Bearer and Member of the Committee and to st. John A ociation who by their interest and enthuiasm have made thi a very ucce ful year. THE ED! B RGH A D SO TH- AST COMMITTEE OF THE PRIORY
In the modern Welfare State the opportunitie to be of ~er ice to one' neighbour have not been reduced, the effort are merely re-directed. The problem of caring for old people remain a important a it ha ever been. 1965 ha been a year \i hen improvement to the Ho pice at Carberry and Lennox Row ha e been carried out, including fire escape in tailed at Lennox Rowand the kitchen in both Homes moderni ed. This work involved both Committee in a tremendou amount of per onal effort and to the Chairmen and the members I would voice my most grateful thanks. It must al 0 be remem be red that a the work wa . carried out, it interferred with the day to day working of our m t excellent Warden and Matron who have ~uffered the inconvenience cau ed b th willingly and pleasantly. The untiring efforts of the St. John A sociation in rai ing fund ha resulted in a degree of stability enabling u to look forward with confidence to a future extension of activitie . Over the year co ts have been kept at an extremely low level, de pite the nece ity thi year to rai e ur charge moderately. It is with regret that I have to announce Mr. F. C. B. Black' retirement as Chairman of the Ho pice Committee, but Major Watt has once again kindly agreed to act as chairman. It will be of intere t to Confrere to know that a team from the Edinburgh City Police won the Grand Prior' Trophy competition of the St. John Ambulance A sociation thi being the premier award for ir t Aid in Britain, and the first time it ha been won by amen' team from Scotland. AB RDEE
Once again our main preoccupation has been the continuance of the running of the St. John Nursing Home and the plan for it po sible improvement, particularly an enlargement. The exploratory mea ures that were authorised last year and the drawing up of plans escalated the co t to £30,000, which was thought by the Priory to be beyond the reach of our resource. After a con iderable number of meeting the Priory gave
its consent to further exploratory measures by the Committee in Aberdeen including any promises of contributions in advance. When this informatio~ ~a~ forthcoming Priory would then reconsider the position. For the prehmmary survey, sketch plans were prepared by the Architect with a view to po ible incorporation into a brochure. T.he fina~cial position of th~ St. John Nursing Home again caused anXIety. Wlth. regret. fees were IDcreased during the year. However, the occupancy ratIO dUrIng January reached 90.14 % which shows that there is a vital need for the continuance of this Nursing Home in Aberdeen. T.he ?<-ray equipment is being fully used, but, owing to the costs of reeqUlppmg, the returns have been lower than expected. Much gratitude is due to Dr. David Levack and hi asi tant, Mr . Mackie, for their untiring efforts. T. JOH
The Annual Report for 1964 outlined the plans approved for the use of the St. John Hospice at Skerry brae as a Conference Centre for Youth when it wa not required or fully occupied by the elderly in need of con vale cence or holiday. Throughout the summer and autumn months the scheme for dual use wa lIcce ful. From January to September 206 people, 58 adults and 226 y ung people including two group of German students were acc0!TImodated at the Ho pice which compare very favourably with prevlOu figure. The number of old people catered for has increased, as aloha the facilitie given to young people. It is hoped that thi link with all kind of group in the North-Ea t will increase and that the contact with over ea tudents will grow. It will take time for the demand for accommodation to build up to 100 \ occu pancy, but there i a definite need to be met. Even with this improveme'1t in the occupancy ration, the lack of demand for accommodation in the winter month i accounted for by the transport difficulties and ha neces itated placing the Hospice, temporarily, on a "care and maintenance" ba i . It i hoped to make arrangements to overcome thi di ability in the future. GLASGOW ST. JOH
The St. John Foundation Ho pital ha contributed another year of ervice to the citizen of Gla gow. Throughout J 965 the daily bed average wa 13.6. Birth in the maternity ection reached the figure of 140. Operation performed reached a total number of 433. It mu t give sati faction to all Confrere and tho e a sociated with the Priory of Scotland that our Foundation Hospital i 0 well regarded and provides 0 necessary a service. Accommodation and the charge levied compare favourably with tho e of other in titution . During the year con iderable renovation and modernisation was undertaken in the kitchen and staff quarter and the provision of more office accommodation. The upkeep of the exterior, the need for interior decoration and the maintenance of up-to-date facilitie for patients, worthy of the premier nursing e tabli hment in the City, constitute a heavy but neces ary annual financial burden. The Committee desire to acknowledge with gratitude the work of the
Ladies' Linen Guild whose member upply linen, crockery, hou ehold utensils and regular donation. In common \ ith other ho pital and nur ing homes, the overhead costs of staff and maintenance con tantly ri e. However, it has been possible to maintain an average of ten beds, which are heavily ub idi ed by the Order. THE LI EN GILD
During the year the ho pital ha been supplied with linen gla and china and the annual £100 donation wa u ed to buy a Kenwood Mixer. Once again we thank Lord Fraser of Allander for hi genero ity in donating his premi e at Buchanan Street for the annual chief money raising function-a Whi t and Bridge Party. Thi i always a mo t succes ful evening. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Provo t sent a beautiful Christma Tree and our thanks go to him and all tho e who ga e pre ent to the patient and staff. As Chairman may I per onally thank the President, Patron, Member r of the Guild Secretary to the Priory and Senior Si ter for their much appreciated upport during the year.
(Aberdeen Branch) The Aberdeen Branch of the Association has completed another most successful year. Income again exceeded the £1,000 target by £286 7s. Our Gift Centre supported by the Ballater Branch, had a record year, and earned a total of £596 7 . 7d. I cannot express too often my gratitude to the ladie of the Gift Centre who work so very hard to achieve this tremendou urn. Our ub idies to patients' fees in our Nursing Horne were greatly extended and totalled £590 2s. Our Branch acknowledges with gratitude the further donation of £50 from the late Dr. William Heughan, Douneside, Tarland, on behalf of the ir Alexander MacRo bert Memorial Trust, towards our Wool Fund. Hi re ent death wa a grievou blow to the Ballater Branch. In conelu ion I would like to thank everyone for their continued loyalty and ~upport without which my work would be so much harder :lnd much Ie s plea ant.
There ha been little activity during the year at the maJonty of the existing Depot. A already reported the demand for ick-room requi ite now upplied under the National Health Act i teadily decrea ing. Priory record grateful thank to tho e who ha\e so freely given their time and energie in maintaining and operating the. e Depot. THe ST. JOH
(G1a gow Branch) 1965 has been one of further progre . The Branch and its Sub-Committee have worked un<;elfi hi). \cryone has worked enthusiastically, giving of their time un tintingl . A very ucce sful Chee e and Wine Tasting Party, orgnnl ed by the Ladies Committee, raised £250. Mr. Matthew Taylor' "Stocking Collection Scheme" continue to be a steady source of income, raising £109 during the year. Once more we are most grateful to all our generous benefactor for their continued support, a1 0, among other, the Cargill Tru t, the Andrew and Mary Elizabeth Little Trust the Clement Wil on Foundation and a donation per Mis MacFarlane. At our Annual General Meeting held in the Banqueting Hall in the City Chamber by the courtesy of the Lord Provost and Magi trates, Mrs. G. Robertson and Mr. J. Harri were re-elected Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer respectively. M r. J. M. Brownlie generou Iy agreed to continue in his capacity a Architect to the Home. We have now 206 Life Members and pecial thank are due to Mr. Andrew Lawson, Vice-Chairman, who has been c pecially helpful in this respect. The member hip target for 1966 has been raised to 250. Finally, I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks to our Chairman, Office Bearers and Members of our variou Committee for their co-operation and loyal support extended to me and the Branch throughout the year.
. J II
( dinburgh Branch)
It wa with the greate t regret that the A ociation learned from Mr. Jame Watt that he wa relinguishing his po ition a Chairman. For many year now he has been a tower of trength and his activities were by ~o means re tricted to Committee wod. Only those closely concerned WIth our \uriou projects were a\ are of the amount of thought and sheer hard \ ork undertaken by him. A further 10 s to the ociation came with the resignation of Mr. E. Stuart alcon r v. ho has been a tireles worker on our behalf as Honorary ecretary. We <.:r grateful to him, al 0 for hi plendid ervices: The lag Day V.~l organi ed thi year. by Mr. Falconer and raIsed ~481. Thi \-\-us an e ellent re ult and we are mdebted to all those who a sisted. The ale of Work. and Coffee Morning brought in £578, thank to the large n umber of our member and their frie~ds, \ ho devoted a great deal of time and effort tov. ard the lIcce of thl enture. ue to iIlne there ha been Ie than the u ual income from individual cnterpri e , but a Whi t Drive rai ed £8 . 8 . Od. Altogether we \ ere able to remit to the Edinburgh Committee a total amount of £906. We mention with incere regret the death of everal of o~r most hard working member .We record v.ith appreciation the contmued valued ervi e of the Honorary Trea ur r Mr. G. S. Kerr, CA., and the Honorar Auditor, Mr. Forbe Murphy, CA. A DREW MURRAY, Chancellor.
AT THE NEXT St. lohn' Day a notable change will take place in as much as the two Executive Office of Principal Secretary and Chief Commi sioner for Wales will be merged again on the retirement of H. G. Lewi , Esq., from the latter office . This procedure wa in force for the fir t 40 years of the Priory for Wales. ST. JOHN AMBULAN
Under a revi ion of certain clau e of the Priory Regulation approved by H.R.H. the Grand Prior on the 16th September, 1965, the con titution was brought more into line with the Grand Priory tructure. The tanding Committee formerly known a the Ambul ance Committee and having upervision over the A ociation and Brigade Foundation i renamed the Association Committee' while the Brigade Committee ha been accorded equality of status both Standing Committee reporting to the Council. With an Association Committee that i widely repre entati e of all sections of the community, indu trial and cultural, thi change provide for a greater concentration by the As ociation to prO\.ide instruction of persons in First Aid and allied su bjects . With the object of promoting the maximum co-operation between Association and Brigade Commi ion rs are now ad\ i ed from Priory House of all classe formed on their territorie v hich enable them to offer tudent an opportunity of keeping their knowled ge LIp to date and putting their training into practice through j ining the Brigade. The table of stati tics below show that the number of tLld nt who attended cour e of in truction in Fir t Aid r e by 490 and the number of First Aid certificat i LIed increa ed by 900 to 5,018. Thi refle t to ome extent those per on who were req uired to qualify in Fir t id under legislation for Indu trial Undertakings and the Office, hops and Railway Premi es Act. At the pre ent moment a cla of 0 er rorty people from variou city stores and office are attending a ir t Aid CIa at Priory Headquarters organi ed by the Cardiff St. John Council. Over the whole Principality the total of cla es examined or re-examined during 1965 decreased by 88 to 1 182 and the total award gained in the e classes dropped by 673 to 16,042. Not reflected in the figure but none the less important is the volume of service rendered in respon e to the con tant demand for talks and demonstration on Fir t Aid and particularly the subject of emergency resuscitation from schools, public how , exhibitions and voluntary organi ations. Good use is made of the film and models and thanks are due to the Brigade for providing peaker on frequent occasions. The Brigade Secretary has given good service in the organisation of competitions for the following : -Monrnouthshire C unty Council, Yrdd Gobaith Cymru, Young Farmer's Club at the Royal Welsh Show, Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales, Wale Gas Board, Distillers Company Limited, Boy Scouts A sociation, Cardiff Youth Eisteddfod, County and All-Wales Police Competitions, National Road Pa enger Transport Ambulance Association, and other organisation .
First Aid . . . Preliminary Fir~t AiJ Nursing Preliminary ursing . Hygiene . . . . Preliminary Hygiene . Lay Demonstrators Child Welfare. Preliminary Child Care Occupational First Aid Mining
13,885 1,784 1,088 417
13,902 3,353 1,238 549
78 144
13,395 2,941 1,107 531 12 94 173
5,018 1,628 1,203 176 412 160 369
4,118 2,685 1,122 147 395 183 465 12 86 151
4,200 2,940 1,098 172 451 178 527
121 346
61 243
90 702 5,376 436
19 879 5,556 430
8 859 5,614 482
60 84
CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS GAINED First Aid Certificates . Preliminary First Aid erlificalt!;, Voucher Marine ertifi ate · ur ing Certificates (Initial) ur ing Certificates ( dvanceu) Preliminary ur ing ertificates Hygiene ertlficate Preliminary Hygiene Certifi ate~ Lay Demon trator " ertificates Child Welfare Certificate Prelimtnary hild Care Ccrtlfi ales . First id in Mine ertificate Occupational Fir t Id ertificates . Fir t id in Mine Labeb Medallion Labels . Pendant::.
79 127
63 72
w~thin the Brig.ade by imparting '!- ~ense of belonging to an organisation with not only tLme honoured tradItlOn but an exciting part to play in all parts of the world. The Recruiting Campaign stands to benefit also from one of the three commitment referred to. in the concluding paragraphs of last year's annual report-the SpecIal St. John Ambulance Brigade Appeal for £100,000. In a two-fold way thi Appeal i well synchronised. In the first pl~ce the local or.gani ation of .money rai ing efforts has brought the Brigade to the notIce of the publIc and charge St. John Councils and the county officials with. a deeper ense of re ponsibility for St. John affair. Secondly; th~ financIal re ult of the Appeal will provide the money needed for errectl~g Improvement a~d modernisation in the methods of training and practIce and pre ent an Image more likely to make an impact on the young people of today.
o. of 10 ses
12 (3) 19 (6) 41 (l0) 26 (l)
Anglesey Brecon hire Caernarvon hire Cardiganshire . Carmarthenshire: rth South Denbigh hire: East. We t. Flint hire Glamorgan: Abera on Barry Bridgend Caerphilly Gower L1antrisant eath Pontardawe . Pontypridd . Merioneth . Monmouthshire: Bedwellty Gwent Silurian . Trevethin Montgomery hire. Pembrokeshire Radnorshire Aberdare Cardiff . Merthyr ewport, Mon. Rhondda Swan ea nattached 1arine Candldate~
43 (4) 2 (6)
62 (5) "p
26 (3) 28 26 52 48 15
(5) (6) (13) (7)
5 (l)
31 13 27 12
(9) ( ) (2) (1)
86 123 08 182
318 169
353 358
671 527
1,062 327 470
81 293 422
399 500 l,l 4
146 262 637
41 100 259
697 569
874 435 42 435 209 -i67
733 -i97 296 11 20 81 156
346 278
127 567 358
345 531 1,079 775
94 2
I 3
386 171 371 136
90 215
679 49 732
3 - (7)
50 (7) 46 (7) 27 (3) 23 (2) 16 (I)
414 2 6
435 256 247
9-i 108
302 496 206 68
58 9 1,36
-+ 9
35 ( )
5 (3)
5 (]) 50
81 (9) I
4 ( )
341 2
( ~)
1 7,7 ~1
1,025( 1)7) *
*Figures in Parenthe~i
COU TI S ReTofal file/ems Certifi- exam. cates A lI'ards Awards
7, U7
206 379 1,311
278 601
619 663 37
176 1b,042
indicate BrIgade Re-ex:ll11inations additional 10 fir I lotal. THL
The Brigade Headquarter taffin Wale, like their colleague in - ngland, ha e kept under con tant consideration the problem, ver the whole country, of declining member hip. On the n ur ing ide, where the decrea -e has been particularly noticeable, the change in ocial habib und ubtedly has a bearing. Women now work after marriage 0 with III re limited hours ofleisure they are Ie inclined to re pond to the claim of oluntary service however rewarding. With the object of temming thi5 downward trend the Brigade launched a nation-wide Recruiting Drive and Wale went into action on the 1st September. The Priory purchased a copy of the new Brigade documentary film entitled 'A Way of Life" for howing all round the c untie . This film is a very attractive pre entation of the Brigade and, a well as having a strong potential recruiting influence, hould timulate enthu ia m
Promi ing a the future pro pect appear to be it has to be recorded in thi ) ear' report that the member hip dropped by 671 on the 1964 total. The ~gure below how that the 10 i pread over men, women, bo) . and gIrl and the number of Divi ion ha decreased by 38. o 1P R TrYF T
\Jen Headquarter Staff Commis ioner. Deput) omml<;sioners Assi tant nmml I ner Count) urge n ollnty SurA pitant geon . County upenrlendent County Staff Ofllcer Count} taff Ofll er ( ) Ar a omm) ioner s Istant rca Commi ioner Area urgeon A i tant rea urgeon Area upenntendent Area ta IT Officer Area ta ff Officers ( ) Corp Officer (including 12 urgeon) Dh isional Ofllccr (including 216 urgcon and? ur ing Officer)
Ambulanc~ Member
Boys. Officer Cadet Probationary Cadet St. John Junior .
1965 8 19
I 2
17 5 3 49
20 1
9 9 1 7
32 9
BLE OF BRIGADE STRE GTH 1964 Women: 1965 Headquarter Staff 5 20 Count} Superintendents 12 16 ssistant County Superintendents 1 21 County ur ing Officers 10 ounty Staff Officers 6 4 Count) Staff Officers (C) 9 rea Surgeon 2 Area Superintendents 11 51 7 rea ursi ng Officers 21 rea ursing i tan t 15 1 Officer 5 ea Staff Officer 6 8 rea taff Officer (C) . 11 10 Corp Officer Di\ i ional Officer (includ10 ing 65 Surgeon and 111 31 319 ur ing Officers) 10 .C.O'
606 222 2,851
250 2,962
1964 244
ur ing Member
1964 6 12 11 8
12 2 11 5 5 8 10
1965 193 496
1964 242 1,906 495
1,343 348 446
2, 62
451 365
Girl : Officer Cadet Probationary Cadet St. John Junior .
. 1,819
3,994 1,443 2,362 3,063
4,184 1,5 II 2,516 3,308
Presidents . . Vice-Presidents . Honorary Member Auxiliary Member
451 419 59 51
484 467 50 51
Duties carried out during 1965 by Cadet members can be summarised as under:Hours Promoted to Adult Divisions 22,962 18 boys Public Dutie . 31 girls 541t Transport Duties Taking up Medical Training 4 boys 3,554 Hospital Dutie . 2 girls 20 ursing Aid. . - boys Taking up Nursing Training 502 Blood Transfusion 34 girls 9, 139k Miscellaneou 80 NUfserie .
RPS AND DIVISIONS Corps. . . . Ambulance Divi ions Nursing Divisions Combined Ambulance and Ambulance Cadet Divi ion ursing Cadet Divi ion . Combined Ambulance and
1965 1964 1965 1964 19
ursing Divi ion ur ing Cadet Divi ion .
212 103 47 154 J 55 33
109 41 171 164 29
Despite the di turbing fact about depleted per on nel, a treme nd()lI'\ amount of voluntary ervice i reflected in the clas iRed ummary below. The out tanding feature are (1) the aggregate of 187,7 3 hOLlr devoted to dutie undertaken with the ole purp o e of alleviating ew fTeri ng, and (2) 220,437 ca e treated. These figure come to life in the report uppl ied by the countieshere and there showing the Brigade co-operating with Qunt Councils, e.g. in chiropody clinic for the aged Clnd otherwi e handicapped; an d in ea ide towns running Beach Hut. In the latter group the ir~ t Aid Station at Barry I land can be aid t provide a convincing repl y to the question often a ked a to whether there really i need r r a volu nta ry organisation such a the Brigade in the et-up of a Welfare tate. Jn thi County Area during the pa t summer sea on Brigade members pent 4,655 hours and treated 2 ,898 ca ualtie . How much more w uld a ational Health Service cost if 0 many hour of . killed ervice multiplied over the whole country had to be regarded on a commercial basis?
Public Duties . Transport Duties Hospital Dutie . Clinics . . Nursing Aid . . Blood Transfusion Escort Duties Miscellaneous
SERVICES A D OUT! S Hours On Public Duty 69,949t 37,970i OfT Public Duty 14,976 Treated by Paid Personnel 620 Transport : 2,<197 Invalids removed 1,755 Road ccidcnt 2,052 Other accident Mileage 20,966
Cases 13,609 25,610 l81,218
8,403 470 . 491 . 105,9 18t
150,785i Personnel engaged in full-time Personnel engaged In full-time Hospital Duties .. 154 Transpo rt DutJe . . . . 133 (Services maintained: Road Boxes 6; Beach Hut 9; Medical omfortc; Depots 49) 248 Personnel enrolled in Civil Defence Corps . . . : 3,366 Personnel enrolled in N.H.S.R.
The importance of good headquarters cannot be over.-estim~ted. It is hould have accommodatIOn su~table [or vital that Brigade Divi ion training and it should be remembered that they reflect the prestIge of the Brigade and attract new mem ber . . About one-third of the Divi ion in Wales own their own halls and a number of other occupy accommodation pbced at their disposal free of charge or at a nominal rent. With the opening in 1965 of hall at Bedwas and Tredegar (Monmouthhire) and another due to be opened in 1966 at Senghenydd (Glamorgan), the total number of divisional hall in Wale i 126. Of ~hese, 107 are ve ted in Priory Tru tee. , ix in joint tru tee and the remamder are held under annual tenancie . . .. The majority of the hall are in the ar~a of the Sou~h- We tern DIVl IOn of the National Coal Bard which ha given ub tantlal upport over the year to the Brigade purpo e . From the 1965 grant of £1,500 from the Board £500 went toward a new hall at Cro Key, £336 toward ~e building one at Trelewi which had b~~n gutted by fire ~75 for repaIr to YI!y hirehdll, the remainder to be dIVIded between Bedlmog (Glamorgan) and lydach Yale (Rhondda). . . t Bedlinog the Divi ion ha been prom! ed .a pIece of .land from a local benefactor, in Aberdare (Glamorgan) agalO a free SIte. ha been offered. At Hirv.aLln negotiation for a plot offreehold land are mprogre and in t;le Rhondda there i a propo al to build at Clydach Vale. TRA! I
The Training Officer' report may well give fir t place to the out tanding item of the year which achieved a far greater mea ure of ucce than that vi uali ed when he conceived her great idea. On 8th Maya Royal Pageant, "Within Thy Gate ," wa. perform~d mime et t mu ic, by 133 Brigade member and cadets from eIght countle in the pre ence of H .R.H. Prince Marina, Dl~ch~ss of Kent. The cene depicting the tory of the Order from t.he begllllllng to the pre ent day. The ch reoeraphy wa. written and tnLl IC elected by GeraldlOe ~tephen so n who al 0 brilliantly directed the Pageant. The cene we~e hnked by narrati n written by Peter Lee hand poken by a profe slOnal actor. Gilbert Wynne. . ' . Never could thi really movmg product! n . h~ve reached l.t cli~1ax without the help of numerou . expert who 0 wllhngly gave their erv~ce. - Dorothy J ne and ~ ira Moore; Otto F. Ca~yll, ~he Stage Ma~aber, George and Irene Ranger wh undertook the gigantic ta k of make-up, and the eight local producer who conducted weekly rehear al - to
mention only a few . But it wa the ordinary B~jgade member, the majority of whom had never acted before, who felt the Impact and glory of achievement. A one officer aid nine month afterward "[ mu t confes that when we tarted rehear ing until more than half-way through I never felt it could be done; I couldn't ee it coming off; but now I think it i one of ~he bes.t things we h.a e ever .done and a a re ult ] feel that nothing is 1mpossIbie and that 111 the BrIgade we can do anything' . Campfl7g.-T~e King George V[ Lead~r hip Cour. e an? the Training Cour e III PractIcal Campcraft were combmed at Whltsuntlde. The object was to encourage young Brigade member to qualify a Leader of Cadet Camps, one of our mo t important activities. By combining the two course member between the age of 16- 25 were able to attend for the co t of £1 including travel. The experiment wa mo t succe fui. The camp wa pitched on the bank of the Wye at Gla bury and wa attended by thirty-one camper . We were very fortunate to have Mr . Joan Llewellyn of the Cardiff College of Dome tic rt a Quarterma ter for the fifteenth time. The Brigade i mo t indebted to her for her excellent tuition in camp cooking and quarterma tering to ay nothing of her inspiring talk on other a pect of campcraft. The Camp wa in pee ted by Major-General L. Pugh and Lieut.-Colonel J. R . L. Traherne. In Guern ey almo t three hundred cadet and officer attended three consecutive Camp on a beautiful e tate overlooking Gazon Bay, by kind permi ion of Con eillier R. O. Falla. The Brigade in Guern~ey did everything possible to a i t and la ting friend hip ha ve been f rmed . The Camp were honoured by visit from the Govern o r-General ir Charle Coleman, and the Commi ioner, Colonel R . B. Br adbent, who commented most favourably on the high tand a rd . Caernarvonshire once again held their County Camp at Stratford-onAvon. This i the second time they have camped on thi plendid ite where they have made great friend and recei ed the utmo t help from the Brigade. While officially a County Camp it bound tretched far out ide and included a u ual member of the Brigade from Flint hire and al 0 a number of Red Cro Cadet.. Before leaving the subject of camping mention mu t be ma de of the Divi ional Camp at Sennybridge run by Di i ional Superintendent F. E. Ford. Mr. Ford, ably as i ted by officer out ide hi own rea , conducted a splendid Camp giving an excellent holiday to some thirty Cadet and this is typical of the enterprise one would wi h to ee in many more place. The Camping Committee ha been recon tituted and i formed by two representatives from each County/ Area. The object i to e tend intere t in camping in every locality and to encourage officer and member to qualify for the Camping Warrant. Co w'!ty/ Arer:z Superintendents and Nursing Officers' onference. Thi mo t Illterestmg Conference held in Cardiff in November wa well attended. Lady Traherne pre ided throughout the day and in the morning the main speaker was Dame Barbara Cozen D .B.E., R.R.C., .R . ., Chief Nursing Officer, who outlined the opportunitie f r ervice for Nurs~ng Divi sions today . After lunch, arranged by Nur ing Members of Card1ff Divisions, di cussion followed an introd uctory talk by the Training Officer on "Pocket Meeting ". The idea i to hold mall pocket meetings up and down the country for Divi sion al Superintendent (N) who becau e of home commitments are often unable to attend Training Day which involve long journeys.
The Autumn Training Courses were once again held at Glan-y-Mor, Barry, and at the Mount Stewart Hotel, Rhos-on-Sea. Both places were filled to capacity. The main theme was the Recruiting Drive in 1966. At Glan-y-Mor great contributions were made by Mr. G. W. Woodhill and Mr . Heather Richards from London Headquarters, while we were exceedingly fortunate to have Rear-Admiral R. S. Wellby in the North. Other out tanding Training Courses held during the year were the Monmouthshire Training Day for Officers at Pontypool, and the Glamorgan Cadet N.C.O. re idential weekend at Barry, both in November, for which County Staff Officer (Cadets) J . P. Harries is to be warmly congratulated. OMPETITIO S
In the Wei h Brigade Final Competitions the winning teams were as under:Uandinam Shield . . Arrhur Gnffith ' i emorial T)~is toll Davies Cup. . Lady (Herbert) L e wis CliP
. . Cup . . .
Cefn Cribbwr Ambulance Division Tredegar Nursing Division Penrhiwceiber Ambulance Cadets Tredegar Nursing Cadets
At the Brigade Final in London the e Welsh teams managed to win the lclfge~t hare of the trophies though they were not the champions. The Cern Cribbwr Ambulance team won the Trimble Shield for the highe t indi idual mark a well a the Elli Cup for the best team leader (thi for the econd uece i e year) . The Penrhiwceiber Ambulance Cadet \ on the Schooling Cup for ecuring econd place and the Jarvis Cup for highe t indi idual mark . The Tredegar ursing Cadet, al 0 placed econd, were only three point behind the winning team, gaining the M untbatten Cup and the Emdon Cup. The winning team in the North Wale Cadet Competitions were Chirk Ambulance ...Lnd Newtown Nur ing Cadet Divi ion. At the Royal ational E1 teddfod of Wale held at ewtown, Montgomery hire , thi year the mbulance Section for which the Brigade Secretary wa appointed teward-in-Charge , organi ed five open competition ith the fo110\ ing r ults: Lady Lell'i Cup Tre verhin Shield [sea Shil!ld . Gwellt Meld . Lady Bllre CliP .
Flintshire Con tabulary Carmarthen hire and Cardigansbire Constabulary Machynlleth mbulance Cadet Di i ion Trelewi ur ing Cadet Di i ion aer ws ursing Divi ion BRIGADE AWARDS
During Medal on i ued f r awards 0
1965 41 Brigad Member became eligible for the Service c mpletion of fifteen year efficient ervice, and 212 Bar were ub equent period of five year efficiency, bringing the total er the year to:-
1965 Awards. Total
M edal for Bar for ub equent periods of fi e years' service: 15 years lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5rh 6th 7th . 41 44 70 22 26 8 Nil 1 . 3,228 1,748 903 517 184 87 30 5
ix Divi ion reached their fiftieth anni er ay and received the Jubilee Certificate awarded by the Commi ioner-in-Chief of the Brigade to the following:- Blackwood Ambulance and Nur ing (Monmouth hire), Caer~ philly Nur ing (Glamorgan), Fernhill Ambulance (Rhondda), Llanellt
Nur ing, Penarth mbulance and Nur ing, and Taff> Well and Di trict Ambulan e. It i not unu ~ ual [or the e 0 ca ion to b r gni ed a a time for rededi ati n and the pre nt< ti n f th certifi ate i nen made during a p inl Chur h f\ i [11 ing a Brigad Re ie\ . It i re rded \ ith plea ure and pride thnt L ttcr f omm ndation mbulance from the Chi f C mmi ' i n r f r \ ale ' \\ r a\\arded t 1 mber Har urt y illiam ~ and Th ma ' Hugh [th Albic n oilier) Ambulan e Di\ i ion, P ntypridd unt r a, for out tanding en'ice in attempting to ~ a\ the life of a \\ rkm 'lt wh llap d underground; and t Ambulan M mber rthur Parker r llieri mbulance Divi ion f r a highly reditnbl perf rman id t a y ung hild. The meri nn Tr ph [or Gallantry, H\\ ard d n th dcci i n of the C mmie ~ i n r-in- hi f f th Brigad t th adet perf rming the mo 't ut tanding d d f gallantr during the) ear, \Va a\\ arded to Cadet Hugh K. Y illiam f the C I m\ d mbubnce adet i\ i i n, 1 ri neth . Other Cad t a\\ ard gained durin g the year in lud'd rand Prior Badge t n mbulan e M mbcr fr m Bedlin g Ambuhln e 1\1 lon, adet fr m Bargoed and Di tri t mbulnn Cadet n Ambulan Di\i ion n Ambulan ad t fr m ern Hl::ng ed mbulan adet Divi i n. on ur ' ing Member fr m bert} \\'g n, and 27 ur ing Cadet fr m b rt I~ g, Bang r el n Llanelli e\ tov. n, Ponti tt 'n, Treth lllL1, \ re ham nd ur ing Cadet Di\ i ~ i n . pecial S f\ i hield ~ \\ r i.\\\arded t 1_ mb !Ian and _0 ur tng Cadet. i te n Duke r dinburgh" \\:lrd ' iher (4) LlI1d Bronle (10)- \\ r \\ n b memb r or the l' II \\ in T t i\ I I n,, : Barr) ur ing, Barr Hill ur ing, John ummel' and Dec , Ide mbulan e, 1 Id mbulnn 'e, Pont) ate ' mbulancc. Rh 0 c ur~ing and Rh) I mbulan e. \\
' LR \ I L R.L LR \ I
Thi year th lini tr) I' HaIth br LIght ut a handb o) \'" \\ hl 'h upercde all pre\ iOLl memoranda n the organi all o n and training I' the .H .S.R. p) of thi handb k ha been ~llpplied to e\cI') i\islonal uperint ndent. The relati n hip b l\\een the Mini try Lnd tht: luntar. rganisation ' i' learl defined in the tatem nt that the llr Ing LJ ' iliary ction or the Re er e ha been de\eloped on a ba i f co-partn r hip bet\\een the ho pital .:-ervice and the t. J hn mbulanee Brigad and the Briti h Red ro~ S ciet} . The Brigade in Wolle ha not fallen hort in it · ntribllti n. Out of the fifteen H pital Bard in ngland and Wal th Pfln ipalit) hold econdplac \\ithamemb r hip 1'2. 4p r 1.00 rth p pulation: and of the 5,9 2 ur ing u ilii.Hie , after a \ig r L1 pruning rinacti\e member, 3,366 are t. John al ng ide ~,616 Red r s' uxtllari s. he more enterpri ' ing Di\ i ion have alread di ' 0 ert;d the en'ectivene s f the .H .. R . a potential field ror Brigade recruitment. R Y L
I Ir
A great welc me \ as ac rded to H .R . H. Prin e ' Marina, Du he of Kent , Commandant-in- hier for y al , n her \ i ' i t t the Pri r on aturday, th May . A full day's pr gramm mmenced \ ith the un-
veiling of '1 memorial to the late Hon John H. Bruce C.B.E., J.P" D.L. former Principal Secretary and Chief Commis ioner for Wale. The bell pealed Ollt a greeting a the robed proce ion of the Chapter walked through ne of the city' main street to the church of St. John Bapti t, and a fanfar of trumpet heralded the entrance of Her Royal Highnes . The ta bl t \ h ich \\ a u b cri bed ('or by mem ber of the Order and Brigade, \\<1 ' dedicated b the Right R . the Lord Bi hop of Llandaff and the " 1 tant Bi hop of LlandaIT preached the ermon, the servi e v a condu ted by the Re . Canon W . . C. Thoma , Officiating Chaplain of the Pri r . Rain did not deter mo t of the thousand guest invited to a garden part gi\en by Glamorgan County Council at Dyffryn Garden, St. i hula, in aid of Brigade fund. Prince Marina wa welcomed by the Chairman ( Iderman W. H. L e) \\ho announced that the Council was ,000 in L1pport f the £ 100000 Appeal for funds for the d nating Brig,lde in Wale . . J H
Ha\ ing dc\..iJed up nan \ polic t pro ide opportunitie for those li\ ing In th m re rl1r~ 1 part of orth and t Wal to hare in the traditi nal page ntr_ r rmerly a ociated only with the annual St. John' O ~lY function in ar iff, Pri r Headquarter ele ted Wrexham , in East Oenbigh hir , r r the first fuU- ale cerem nial occa ion the choice of \enll pn cd to b ideal. The Ma) or and Chi f Official of the Borough \\ere eager to 0 - perate. the L rd Bi h P \\a ' pka ' d to gi e the project hi'i ble , in g and the Rn . han ellor D. . 1. Gl nne Jone , S.B.St.J., reautl) oITL'red t ndu t a p ial en i In t. Gile Church, \\ hich ac omnwdated 1,_00 pe pI . 1embt:r [the haptt:r a mbled in tbe ne\\ Guildhall \\here an Jl1\e titur \\~I ndu t d b) the Pri r. \\ 1 om \ a tended b the la\ r [\\ rl::,\h 'IIll \\h paid high tribllt t the en ice rendered by the - rd r f t. John r \ hi h he c uld p ak fr0111 praeti al experience \\ilhin the t \\n r \\'re ham. In hi addre ' ,Lord berdare p ke of the Order\ ltnk ' \\ ith orth \ aIe in the hi t ric pa t, tm ing the a ti\'itie of the Pri o r from it · In pti n t PI' ent da) c mmitment . H was plC<l ed to c' nduct the or ' t t. John Ill\, ' titur in orth \Vale ' and e\pr "" d gratitud r r the llpp rt or th Lord Lieutenant and f r th pre 'ence of i at thl'> function . Mcmb r or the bapt r \\ re the gue t , ror lunch n f the Ma or and Corp )rati on at \\ hieh the la or wa pre ented, n ?ehalf ~ the Brugh . . an in ribed p} r PI' r . r V illiam R ""HI t r ' ot th Order. t t. John in \\,<lll:: and n the \V 1 h Border" t mark th inauguratl n or the Wn.: ham Fe tl\ al \\ hi h it \\ a ' h ped \\ uld b ome a triennial e\ent. parad )C 50 Brigade member [rom the ix under the command of the ' i tant hief (Major- eneral L. PLPh) \\<1 re\i \ d b the L rd Lieuknant. h BrigJd Parad \\'a ' f 11 wed b pr cion ' r the Bi ~ h p and !erg, the !\lay r, cillor ' , and th hapt r. or nc\.t ear a ' imil~l r c\ ent i ' b in planned for W t Wal ~ , c ntr d around t. David " ath dral and in th r llo\\ing ar fun ti ns \\ill b ba d n Bang r athedral.
audience representative of all parts of Wales present to do honour to those being invested by the Prior with the insignia of the grades of Order membership to which they had been admitted or promoted during the current year.
The number of invalid requi ite and sickroom comfort i ued during the year from the 41 Depot increa ed by 343 to a total of 1,577 and this despite the closing of two inactive Depot at Blaenau Ffestiniog in Merioneth and Abercrave in Brecon hire. The majority of the e depot are maintained by Brigade unit in the counties of Brecon hire (9), Cardigan hire (2) Carmarthen hire (1), Denbigh hire Ea t (5), Denbigh hire We t (2), Flint hire (I), Glamorgan (6), Montgomery hire (2), Pembrokeshire (6), Borough of Merthyr Tydfil (4), Borough of ewport (2) and Borough of Rhondda (1). A small hire charge is still made in about 50 % of the Depots and in many cases a grant is received from the local health authority toward the co t of replenishment of tock. The Trelewi Depot (Caerphilly County Area) ha the di tinction thi year of having i lied the highe t n umber of article viz. 271, and it i ea y to appreciate that a con iderable amount of service i invol ed not only in the i ue and return but al 0 the clean ing of every item. A Depot at Priory House maintained b. the Prior Headquarter taff dealt with the i ue of 2,095 article during the year ended 31 t December, 1965, as compared with 2,737 in the pre iou year. Ab ut half of the e borrowers received the equipment on free i ue, according to their means, to cover the co t of which the CardifT Public Health Department makes a grant to the Priory . TORES D -PART I
It is not surprising to find that the ale of textboob and other publications increa ed by 1,069 to a total of J J, J 27 a the S ond ~ dition of the Fir t Aid Manual which became a\ ailable in the autumn timulated interest and a greater number of per on qualified in ir t Aid than u ual. The Stores Manager's Report how that the e ale c 'ver no fc\\er than 44 different items of literature. orne u eful addition to thi Ii t Hrc the new catalogue on ilm and Vi ual Aid which are !TIO t h Ipful to cIa ecretarie and tho e eeking to take ad antage of improH!d method of training and instruction. The sales of Brigade uniform were down on the previou year but there was a greater demand for urgical equipment and training mod I.,. From the pUblicity angle, the di play tand at no fewer than 25 exhibition were a great ucce s and in orne ca e there were ati factory results also from an economic point of view. ST. J H
Three points were emphasi ed in my report last year. The Special Appeal for £100,000 show 50% of the target achieved. ~urther ~mounts will be coming in from the Northern and Western countIes, but It would appear that we shall be s0!'ll:e 2~ % short the target which means we must continue our fund ral mg In the comIng years. With regard to the st. John Councils, it i most encouraging that they have been so ready to upport the Appeal and everywhere there is evi~ence of a re-awakening of the Council in support of the Order and Bngade and thi i omething we must continue to foster. I have triven to make Priory House a more fitting place as Headquarter of the Order and its Foundation in Wale and I hope that the result of my effort will be appreciated by everyone. A personal welcome is extended to all members of the Order, the Association and Brigade to call at any time they happen to be in Cardiff to view the improvements. What have T et my elf for the forthcoming year? It will be k~o:vn th~t I am taking 0 er a Chief Commi sioner ~or Wales and COI?bInlllg thIS office with that of the Principal Secretary hip and thu re umlllg a system in force for 40 year from 191 . . ' . . Thi being Brigade Recruiting Year not only In .the PnncIP.alIty of Wale but throughout the country, it will be my major task to lllcrease the trength of the Brigade in which I know I can call upon the support of the countie and area. The growing pre ure up n our training a~d in ~ru~tional ~esources t? give eITect to the increasing demand for Fir t Aid 111 trucbon m~ke It e ential to develop A ' ociation activitie on a more adequate basI. To thi nd the Priory has cnli ted a a member of t~e Headquarter st~ff Captain J. C. Pear on, O.B.E., R.N.(Rtd), .as J:. 1 tant Secretary WIth the primary object of looking after A OClatlOn Inter~ ts throughout the Principality and I a k all member of St. John CounCIls and all member of the Brigade to help him in hi wo.rk. . ' I think both of the e ta ks are gomg to be extremely exactmg and Will exerci e all our energie during the forthcoming year.
D . M. EVANS-BEVAN, Chancellor.
The Annual Fe tival of the Priory wa held in Cardiff on aturday, 19th June. The Order Standard wa flown from the City Hall where the Prior presided over a meeting of the Chapter, and the Annual Commemoration Service took place at the Church of St. John Bapti t. Here the sermon was preached by the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bi hop of Bangor and prayers were aid for the 28 members or the Order on the Priory Roll who had passed on during the year. At General Assembly in the afternoon the Prior extended a welcome to the distinguished visitor from the Grand Priory- Sir Philip Southwell, C.B.E., M.C., Director-General of the Sl. J ohn Ambulance A ociation. The Assembly Room of the City Hall wa filled to capacity by an
THE PRIORY FOR SOUTH AFRICA the year Priory Chapter met on 9th June at l~ Wool ton Road and on 9th September at the Centre Hea~qllarter l~ Durban; e~ch occasion being preceded by a meetin.g of Pnory CouncIl. The Ex~cutlve Officer and the varioll L1b-Commlttee. met a and when reqUIred to deal with pecific ubject which required attentior:. To a cert~m e tent thi wa an innovation a in recent year the ancIllary commlttee met DURI G
concurrently with Priory Council and Chapter; a procedure which was initiated to avoid travelling long di tance to attend meeting which were frequently of short duration. A condition have evolved a policy has been adopted of convening meeting of Priory Council and Chapter at Centres away from the headquarters in J ohanne burg. In con equence the attendance of local member has been a sured without the nece sity of tra veiling. An Investiture of ixty-five Postulant was conducted at Durban on 9th September in the pre ence of a large and interested audience. The Prior Brigadier C. M. Hoffe presided. At the close of the 1939-45 war the Priory conceived the idea of e tablishing a hospital as a permanent war memorial' the project was in pired by the age-old and traditional a sociation of the Order in the fight against Eye disease. Since the hospital opened in December, 1951, work has rapidly increa ed and each year new record have been e tabIi hed. The ward have remained full and the number of patient attending the clinics has provided adequate evidence of the significance of thi work and an encouragement to the Priory in it unique position of maintaining, together with Jerusalem the only hospitals of St. John which are devoted exclusively to combating the ravage of eye disea e. I record deep and incere thanks to the Chairman and Members of the xecuti e Committee, the 1edical uperintendent and Staff, as well as the medical practitioner, for their loyal and devoted er ice. The Stella Londt re idence for elderly people at Port ,Ii7abeth wac;; originally to deal with tuberculotic patient. A this need \ a met subsequently by Government organi ations, the re idence was con erted for the use of the elderly. Thi charitable work could not have been undertaken had it not been for the generou donation by our late Confrere William Edward Londt. I am grateful to the Chairman and hi committee for their work and devotion to the cau e of elderly people. The Director of Ambulance and Chief Commissioner ha referreo in detail to the activitie of the A ociation and Brigade and to the vi its during the year of the Commis ioner-in-Chief, Rear-Admiral Royer Dick, and of the Deputy Director-General, Sir Iexander Drummond . [ am sure visits by senior members of the Order overseas have a beneficial effect upon our work, together with the advantage of acquainting such persons with the nature of the problem experienced in the Republic. I take this opportunity of expres ing my gratitude to the xecutive Officers of the Priory, the Chairman and Member of the Priory Committees for the work done during the year and expre the hope that they will continue to render valuable a si tance with the arne enthu ia m and service as formerly.
Visit of Sir A lexander Drummond Deputy Director-General, St. John Ambulance Associa/ion.- Lt.-General Sir Alexander Drummond, K.B.E., C.B., LL.D., F.R.C.S., D.L.O., paid a short vi it to Johannesburg during December. In spite of many members of Priory being away from Johannesburg and Brigade being in recess for the Chri tma holiday, the General met the Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. Albert Rabinowitz, and other enior
Brigade Officers. He explained in preparing the sec~nd edition of the manual First Aid, it was desired to cover on a world-WIde scale of renderin first aid. The General also met the Chancellor, Brigadier dy Plessis, the Director of Ceremonies, Col J. A. Williams, D.S.O., D.F.C., and Col. Ingledew, Chairman of the Witwatersrand Centre. Association Appointments: Mr. T. H. Coulter, President of Cape Town Centre' Lt.-Col. S. M. Ingledew, Chairman of Witwatersrand Centre; Mrs. O. P. Evans, Secretary East London Centre; Mrs. W. R. Smee, Secretary, Port Elizabeth Centre. Brigade Appointments: The undermentioned Superior Officers w~re appointed during the year: Dr. Paul Keen, Deputy Su~ge.on-Ill-Chlef (Headquarters); Dr. R. C. van der Merwe, Deputy.Co.mIDlssIOner, Cape of Good Hope Di trict; Dr. J. Cameron Wyatt, J?l .tnct Surgeon, Cape of Good Hope District; Mr. P. H. Louw, Com:n~ssIOner, S.A.R. South We t Africa Di trict· Mr. J . E. Harcus, CommISSIOner, S.A.R. Western Transvaal District; Mr. J. S. Viljoen, Assistant Commissioner, S.A.R. We tern Transvaal District· Mr. J . P. Nolan, District Superintendent, S,A.R . We tern Tran vaal Di trict; Mr. R. Humphries, District Superintendent, S.A.R. Natal District. Directorate of Emergency Planning: Both the Association and the Brigade have continued w!t~ unabated .en.ergy to supply. num~ers of qualified In tructor for trammg the pu?hc III elementary FIrst Ald .. The re pon e of the public ha been apathetIC, b~t no doubt would be tlmulated if the occa ion aro e for concerted actIOn. Jubilee Celebrations: The 1 t Durban Nursing Division celebrated it Golden Jubilee in September and received a Jubilee Certificate. Cadet A wards: 26 Grand Prior Badges were awarded to ~adet~ during 1965, al50 ,~veral Special Service Shield a.nd Numeral , Illcludlll~ two uneral "4" (i.e. 00 hours voluntary unpaId duty to the commulllty) to Cadet Gail Richard on and Jean Lind ay, both of Natal Coastal and orthern Di trict. N umerou efficiency award were i sued to Cadet. 1ili/ar; Hospital Training: It wa indeed unfortu.nate two course had to be cancelled by the Authoritie owing to an 1llSUfficlent number of applicant. Four candidates who attended the courses for Ambulance member were ucce ful. There wa a total of six entrants to the two cour e for Ambulance men.
The Inter-Provincial Competition Saturday, 16th October:-
were held at Port Elizabeth on
Selborne hield Cornpetitions: Team Winner : Bula~ayo Raylton .Ambulance Divi ion', Runner -up: C. ... M. Hoffe ShIeld: Natal, Pletermaritzburg Railway Ambulance DIVI Ion. Indi vidual: Winner: Alpheu Williams Cup : Uitenhage Railway Ambulance Divi ion, Div. Officer K. A. Young. Runner-up: Gardner William Trophy: Raylton Ambulance Divi ion, Actg. Divisional Superintendent T. P. Rees.
Hewat Shield Competitions: Team: Winners: Hewat Shield: Witwater rand and Southern Tran vaal District, 19th Johannesburg Nur ing Division. Runners-up: Muriel Walton Cup: Natal District, Composite Team.
Individual: Winner: Florence Thomp on Bowl: 19th Transport Nur ing Divi ion, Miss J. Griffin. Runner-up: Kruger Cup: 19th Tran port Nur ing Divi ion Miss Frances Brown. Uniform Competition : Winner: Natal Composite Nur ing Team, Mr . M. H . Herb t. Runner-up: South West Africa Compo ite Nur ing Team, Acting Divisional Superintendent Mr . A . M. Botha.
Number of Classes held: First Aid . . Home Nursing. . Health and Hygiene . Child Welfare . Casualty Make-up . Emergency Child Birth Demonstrators . Lay Lecturers . Lay Examiner . . Industrial Poisons .
155 75
67 2 2
The Inter-Di trict Cadet Competition were held in J hanne burg on 3rd July . The result were a follow : -
Ambulance Cadets : Winning Team: atal Coa tal and Northern Dl tnct. Runner-up Team: Witwater rand and Southern Tran aal Di trict. Best Individual: L. Whyte-Sweet, atal Coa tal and Northern Di trict. Individual Runner-up: A . Brodie atal Coa tal and orthern Di , trict. Nursing Cadets : Winning Team: Natal Coa tal and orthern Distnct. Runner-up Team : Witwater rand and Southern Tran vaal Dl tnct. Best Individual: Mary Ann Hough, Natal Coa tal and Northern Di trict. Individual Runner-up: Jean Lind ay , atal Coa tal and Northern District. THE "CALL OF
The response to determined effort during 1965 to increa e the number of subscribers and advertisements wa di appointing. Centre however, responded to the appeal for news of local activities but regular monthly contributions are essential. It is by the nature and standard of the editorial that the significance of a publication i determined . Without a teady flow of news items from Centres and District iti difficult to fulfil the purpose of "The Call" as the mouthpiece of St. John in South Africa. Although the financial position for 1965 reflects an increa se in expenditure over income, taking into account the sub tantial increa e in the cost of printing, it is gratifying that the deficit i considerably Ie than antici pated.
1 5 2 1 1 1
454 237
61 2
Ambulance Depots, First Aid Posts, First Aid Stations Number e tablished during the year (2 temporary) .
63 Medical Comforts Depots . umber of Articles loaned . 4. Transport: Number of Ambulances . Number of Mobile Units. Number of Miles covered . . Number of Patients transported . 5. umber of Ca es treated . . . 6. St. John Ambulance Brigade : Men . Nur e. . Cadets : Ambulance Nursing .
14 758
41 2 229,624 20,158 · . . . . . . . 600,621 3,836 · ( + 5 Superior Officers) 1,605 · ( + 2 Superior Officers) 1,085 1,844 8,377
umber of Divisions During 1965 7.
Certificate awarded: First Aid : Adult . Prelim. . Home Nursing : Adult Prelim. . . Health and Hygiene: Adult. Prelim. Sanitation . . . Clean Food Handling Indu trial Poison . . . Ca ualty Make-up . Fir t Aid in Emergency hild Birth Child Welfare . . . Occupational Therapy Demon trators . Lay Lecturers . Lay Examiners 2nd ertificates Medallion Labels . Pendants Total
499 Since formation
78 30 28 533 491 2,460 736
198,235 63,126 35,486 21,926 1,692 544 21 18 29 113 1,034 1,944 96 2,000 288 108 28,421 27,113 83,616 38,939
. 12,133
4,529 1,866 410 749 11 43 14 6 129 74
Membership: The Nursing and Cadet Nur ing membership has remained " fairly constant throughout ~he Rel?ublic. . Public Duties: An ever-mcreaslllg vanety of PublIc Dutles has been undertaken, in spite of the fact that there wa no .appreciable increase in numbers. In all Di trict , attendance wa made at Clllema theatres, Sports meetings, public proce sion etc. During exhibitions u~h a t~e Rand Show First Aid Po t had to be Ulffed from ea rly mornlllg untt! late at night' and frequently ome week before the exhibition opened. Cape Town: The u ual blood-tra~sfu ion dutie were undertaken. The assistance which orne of the N ur lllg Cadet rendered at the ~oloured Children' Ward in the Victoria Ho pital wa much appreclated. A Coloured Cadet Nur ing Di vi ion wa formed near Port Elizabeth. East London: One of the new ur ing member ha arranged monthly morning teas for a mall charge a a er ice to elderly .and lonel~ peo~le. Piefersburg: At the Annual Inspection Deputy Supenntendent-lll-Chlef, Mr . C. A. Walker, pre ented award to ur ing members, including a 2nd Bar to the Service Medal to Divi ional uperintendent Mr . J. Worms, and a Service Medal to the Rev. Mother Priores , Mother Gabriel. As far as i known thi wa the fir t time in the Republic that a member of a Church Orde; recei ed this award a a Brigade member. It i gratifying to note that orne Senior Di i ions have adopted poorer uropean and non-European Division. They have gi en them wonderful Chri tmas parties, present film show, etc. Durban : At the Effingham Road Rail di a ter all the member of the 1st Durban ur ina Division were able to give valuable a ' i tance. During two big wa;ehou e fire' nur ing n:embers pro\ ided tea to the firemen for many hour throughout the nIght. . . .. Optlzalrnic Hospital: Adult and Ca?et Nur Lng DlvlslOn fr m. all Districts again contributed generou ly WIth hand work and oth r donatIOns to the Ophthalmic Ho pital. I would like to thank all Officer who have \;I, orked 0 haru to ext~nd the work of St. John and to congratulate all rank, for 0 faith full. carrY.lOg out the heavy commitments of the Brigade in the field of PubliC er Ice. OPHTHALMI
The Hospital dealt with a total of 26,677 out-patient, which. i ~,~OO more than in the previous year and the attendance figure are still n lng. Seven hundred and ninety-eight patient were admitted to the ~ard and 852 operations were performed, an increa e of III over the prevlOU y~ar. Four hundred and twelve of the operation were for cataract extractIOn, 148 for glaucoma drainage, and 24 fo: corneal graft. . ix dehydrated corneae were received from the InternatlOnal Eye Bank In Amenca and six from the Eye Bank in England. Eight hundred and seven per on have donated their eye to the ho pital after death. . An important step wa taken when 16 Honorary Optometn t tarted doing refraction to help the Ho pital, and to reduce the w?rk of the Regi trars. In addition a General Practitioner has bee~ appoInted. on a sessional basis to deal with minor condition, thus relea mg the RegIstrars to concentrate on the more serious case. . Dr. A. Marais, who completed his training as Regi trar at thi Hos1?ltal at the end of 1964 passed hi D.O. examination at Moorfield Eye Inflrm-
ary in 1966. Dr. B. S. Kuming, Senior Regis~rar, will ~~ leavin~ in .196? Six Registered Nurses wrote the S.A. NursIllg CouncIl s exammatIOn In Ophthalmic Nursing during February 1965; four passed. SIN Sheila Mtiya won the Alice M. Reed Trophy and prize as the best Registered ur e of the year; SIN Eleanor Makgoale was second and won the Ingledew Pri.ze. . . " Five Auxillary Enrolled Nurses wrote the St. John HospItal exammatlOn in Ophthalmic Nursing, and one failed. Nurses Ethel Mosime and Roseline Sello were the joint winners of the E. B. Israel trophy as the best enrolled nurses for J964, and Nurse Bernadette Ntombela was the winner for 1965. The Florence Nightingale statuette was jointly subscribed to for presentation to the Hospital by the Ophthalmic Nurses Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Mrs. J. Lumley of England; Mr. G . C. Garlick and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. \VaHon and Mrs. Gower. An episcope, pre ented by Mi Alice M. Reed for the training of nurses, has proved to be rno t u eful. Efforts are being made to obtain a tape recorder for dictating lectures to the nur e . ' . The Linen Guild ha continued to support the HospItal by sendlllg money a well as ready-made articles to the Hospital to maintain supplies. The eriou drought over the last two years has set the gardens back and reduced the yield of fruit from the orchard, but it is hoped this year will bring a higher rainfall. . . The Ho pital ha continued to welcome local and overseas VISItors. The tate Information Office recognise the interest aroused by the work done at the Ho pital and directs many parties of overseas visitors ~o us; they invariably exhibit great enthusiasm in what is. being accomplished. The working re ults for the year are expected to dIsclose. some decrea e in revenue, although the 10 hould be rather less than III 19?4. Costs, under all head, c ntinue t ri e. It is hoped, however, that pubhc support will be maintained and, together with other measures taken, should carry u through the orning year rea onably well. W. H. du PLESSIS, Chancellor.
During the year 19G5 the Prior,. His. Excelle.ncy Lord De. L Isle, as Governor-General of Au tmlia, rehnquI hed hIS duty as Pnor of the Order. Hi term f of1ke \\a quite full with many matter of St. John intere t, and hi ready ad ic and int n intere t'Y ere gr~atly apprecIate~. The Annual Meeting of t. John \Va h ld in Adeiald and both HI Excellency, the Acting Prior and dmini trator of the. Commonwealth, Sir H nry Abel Smith and Hi xcellen y, the Deputy Pnor and Go ernor of South Australia, ir Edric Ba tyan and Lady Ba ty~n attend~d. A v ry u ce ful meeting wa held at which many Items of Intere. t were di cu ed. The proposed National Headquarter of the Order In Canberra wa a big it m. Land has already been allocated by the Commonwealth Go ernment, and plan to rai e monie by appeal to members of the t. John in Au tmlia and other intcre t d people were.made. lt wa decided that now 'Y a the time to initiate the formatIOn of u~h a Headquarter as being a Nati nal Mo m nt it ite hou1d be III
Canberra with it secretariat where it could function for the future in times of peace and war, or ci il emergency or disaster. Already sketch plan had been prepared by the Architect and ubmitted for approval to all States. Repre entative f~om th~ Co~ma.ndery attended th~ Pri~ry Meeting and were ery de Irou 01 contInuIng the clo e relatIon hIp with the Eastern State . It wa decided to do all po ible to have the next Annual Priory Meeting for 1967 in Perth, We tern Australia. Formation of Council in orthern Territory. It wa decided to go ahead with plan for initiation of a St. ] ohn Council in Darwin to meet the need for st. John work in this area. Prior to this it had been carried out under direction from Adelaide, but thi wa found to be cumber ome and the distance too grea t. . New Gufnea. To meet the growing need. for. exp n i n in thi Territory It wa decIded that the Chancellor pay a IS it In October 1965 to ee what could be done to form a Council. Accordingly, on October 30th, 1965 Hi Honour The Admini trator of the Territory of Papua and e~ Guinea laid the foundation tone of an Ambulance Headq uarter in Port Moresby. While attending this ceremony the Chancel I r met rt;presentatives of the A ociation and Brigade, and left in truction to form a Council which would be appro ed by the Prior. Notice wa recei ed of the propo ed isit of the Lord Prior and the Lady Wakehurst in February and March, 1966 to all Priory e tubli hment in Au tralia. It wa recei cd \\ ith great enthu ia m and the forthcoming isit wa looked forward l a~ there were a ft;w problem \\ hieh could benefit by hi advice. During the year a St. John Council wa f rmed in cw South ale. This move wa a ery welcome one and would make for a moother running of organi ation in New outh Wale. Donation to the Ophthalmic Ho pitat in Jeru alem, through the energie of the Ladies' Guild or St. 1ohn ~ nd direct donation through the Ho pi taller continue and \ ill do 0 annually. It was decided that thi body hould \\ork f r the h ~pital <1 before and that the appeal for fund for St. John in Au trc lia for it Headquarters, etc., should be eparate. It wa - agreed, \ lth regret, that for the moment, with uch contingencie any greater tangible aid r un appeal for the Ho pital in Jeru alem wa impracticable.
. O .L. STE lNG, Chancellor.
COMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA The work of the Order has been maintained. Regular quarterly meetings of Commander~ Council, introduced toward the end of 1964, were held and proved t~~Ir value. T~o meeting of Chapter were held during the year. ~n a~?ltIonal Standmg Co~mitte~,. styled "The General Purposes CommIttee,. wa set up to deal WIth reVISlon of regulations, preservation of the nom mal rol~ of .n:ember , property, library and all tasks of a genera~ natures whIch mIght be entrusted to it from time to time by CouncIl. During the year Dr. B. C. Cohen resigned as Director of Ambulance Mr. W. C. Brear a member of the Investigation Committee Air Vice~ Mar hal L. M . Corbet a Director of Ceremonies and Lieut.-Commander J. C. Elley a Secretary. Replacement for the remainder of the triennial period ending 23rd, 1966, were made a follow :- Mr. J. M. Lavan (Investigation CommIttee), Dr. R. D. McKellar Hall (Director of Ceremonies) and Air ViceMar hal L. M. Corbet ( ecretary). The po t of Director of Ambulance wa not fille~ . .It \\a decided to combine thi po t with that of Commandery Comml loner, and Brigadier A. L. Dawkins was confirmed in the dual appointment. . The Mo t Reverend .George Appleton, M.B.E. M.A., The Lord Archbl ~op f Perth, graclO~ ly con ented to accept the po t of Chaplain whlch ha been vacant mce the departure of hi predecessor the Most Reverend R. W . H. 10line M.C., M.A., D.D. ' Step ha e been tak-en during the year to ecure adequate representation of the ommandery in V .A . on Priory in Au tralia. ames have been ubmitted and Priory appro\ al i a aited. Con: eqt.:"nt upon an approach from Priory in Au tralia, the Commandery dIrect d the . t. JO~1n Ambulance A ociation in W.A. to take steps to et up a commlttee \\lth the .11 tTalian Red Cros in W.A. with a view to c. -~)fdin( ting activitie in the training field and 0 move toward obtammg the mo t econ mical u e of a ailable re ource in meeting the need f Ci il Defence. Thi committee ha done mo t u eful work and con lderable progre ha been achieved. St. lohn' Day Church er ice were held u u ual in St. George's Cathedral and in 1. Mar Cathedral. Co.m mande:y .. a repre ented at the 1965 meeting of Priory in Au tralia held m d bide by Col nel J. R. Donald on Brigadier A. L. Dawkins, Dr. 1. O. horburn and Mr. D. G. White . J. R. DONALDSON, Lieutenant.
the Prior, Brigadier Sir Bernard Fergu on, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., D.S.O., O.B . . , K.SeJ., pre ided 0 er the Annual A embly ?f the Priory in New Zealand of the Mo t Venerable Order of St. John In the "Blue Room" of th Nati nal Art Gallery and Dominion Mu eum, Buckle Street, Wellington riday 1 th June, 1965. Thi di tingui hed gat.heri~g included repre entative of the Go ernment, 0 er ea repre entatlve 1ll New Zealand, Departmental Head, and leading bu ine smen and their wive. HIS E
His Excellency the Prior al 0 pre ided 0 er .the Annual Meeting of Priory Chapter on Friday afternoon, 1 th June, 10 the Chapter Room of Priory Headquart r .
Late Vice-Chancellor- Richard Douglas A/oore, K. t.J. The late Richard D. Moore wa appointed lmoner in 1955 and admitted to our Venerable Order as a Commander. In June 19 7 he wa appointed Receiver General. In 1959 he wa acting Cha.ncellor and .in 1960 appointed Vi e-Chancell.or. Mr. Moore ga e ~ut tandlOg commumty er ice in the field f educatlOn and p rt, and \ 111 be long remembered for hi kindline . In recognition of hi out tanding r ic to the Order he wa promoted to the grade of Knight o(~ Grace in 195 . At a meeting of Priory Chapter it wa re 01 ed: "That PrIory Chapter place on :ecord appreciation for the out tanding en ice r~ndered by the late ~Icha~d Dougla Moore, Vice-Chancellor and Recel\er-General f the Pnory In New Zealand of the M t Venerable rder of St. John, and th a t a me age of ympathy b conveyed to Mr . Moor and her famil . in their bereavement. Appointment oj Vice- hallcellor His Excellenc the Prior on the 23rd ember 1965, ann unccd that he had recei ed confirmation from the Grand Prior, H.R.H. The Duke of Glouce ter, of the appointment of lex a nder KIrkpatrick, q. . B.~., K.St.J ., a ice-Ch 3ncell r of the M t enerable Ord~r o~ t. J ho 1Q Ne\ Zealand, and that Mr. Kirkpatri k \\ould a\ 0 retam hI p ition a Director of A ociation. Appointment oj Receil'er-General Hi Excellency the Prior announced the app o intment 01 Mr. Ie ander Stronach Pater n a Receiver-General. M r. Pater n V\ a Deputy Recei er-General and had er ed a a Member f the Wellington ubCentre of th St. John Ambulance A . oCl a ti n . Mr. Pa ter on 1 an Officer of the Order. Queen's Honours Priory Chapter and M mber of the rder throughout ev.. Zealand extended congratulation to Sir William teven on, K .B. . , .B . ., J.P., Director of Ceremonie and Alexander Kirkpa trick., . q ., .. B. ., upon the honour be towed upon them by Her Maje ty The Qu n.
Briti h Realm of the Mo t Venerable Order of the Hospital of st. John of Jeru aJem, the badge of OLlr Order include two of the Queen's Beasts, the Lion of England and the Unicorn of Scotland. "It give me c nsiderable pleasure to hand to your Excellency as Prior of the Mo t Venerable Order in ew Zealand the e Sword Rests being two of the Royal ymbol which a ociate our Order with the Crown. I incerely trust that th e word re twIll erve to remind us of the objects and purpo e f ur Order which i the encouragement of all that make for moral and piritual trengthening of mankind in accordance with the fir t great principal f the Order which i the encouragement and promotion of all work, humanity and charit ,for the relief of person in sickness, distress, uffering and danger without di tinction of race, class or creed."
Dedication and Opening oj ell Buildings On SL turday, 20th March, 1965, accompanied by senior Officers of the Order I tra\ elled to Wanganui for the purpo e of repre enting Hi Excellency the Prior a t the onkial pening and Dedication Ceremony of the new Headq uarter . Thi hall i entrally located well planned and provide accomll1 dation f r the activitie f both foundations. On aturda , 30th Octob r, our Regi trar, J hn F. E\ en E q. K.St.J. accompanied by the hief Commi ioner, Brigadier J. M. Mitchell, D.S.O. Comm nd r, repre ented Hi cellenc the Prior and Priory Chapter at the offictal dedication f the t. J hn Hall at Manure\ a. n the 3rd June, 1965, accompanied b our Cbaplain, the er Rev. J. . o men ille, I lliciated at the dedication and opening of the new Headquarter building t Ro burgh. \ hen on reflect the magnitude f a building project in thi day of high co t<, and r ali c the am unt of money gi n by citizen, and the \olunte ry \\ rk in\olvcd in any building programme T have the highe t prai e f r all concern d. Wh re ur rd r ha it \vn home and i, pr iding facilitie and equipment for th trJining r m n, \\ omen and childr n in life aving proc dures and \\ here ur uOlCorm d member of the Brigade can meet to practice \,,. hat they ha\e learned, then th re i ample evidence of the tren gth of our rder. L
ConJerences During the year a conference of Chairmen a nd ecreta rie of Centre wa held at Priory Headquarter, al a o nferen ce of St. ~ o hn Ambulance administrator and operator. The St. J o hn Ambulance Bngao co nference was held on Saturday, 2nd October, 1965.
St . John Prop erties During the ear the w Zealand Pri r Tru t Board affi ed the Comm neal of the rder to do ument on behalf of:Auckland di trict - Memo f Tran fer Ran giora ub-Centre - De larati n f Tru t uckland di trict - Dec1arati n f Tru t We t Coa t ub-Centr - Deed and Tru t Oamaru ub- entre - Memo f M rtgage
Presentation oj Queen's Beasts ( \l'ord Re IS) At a special Church service of our r~er h~l~ a t the Auchland Town Hall on Sunday, 19th September, ] 965, Ir WIlham te en on addre ed Hi excellency the Prior a follow : "Her Majesty The Queen i Sovereign Head of ur Order an~ Lln~cr th~ Royal Charters, Statute and Regula tion of the Grand Pnory lI1 th
The ecretary- eneral Pri ry Chapter i aprr wtne of th given t Priory Headquarter in w Z al ' nd b ' the retar ral,. T. Evan, E q., C.M.G ., c p jaJl)' rep r ts of 'ecuti\ e mc L f hapter-General. \Ve are ~cpt in clo e t uch \vith ur H adquart r at Cl rkenwell, L ndon, and thr ugh them untrie f the Briti h Comm nw altho
Staff-Brigade Headquarters The spirit of voluntary service also i in evidence at Brigade Headquarters of the St. John Ambulance Brigade where the Chief-Commissioner, Brigadier J. M. Mitchell; the Surgeon-in-Chief, Group Captain A. H. Marsh, C.B.E.; Superintendent-in-Chief (Nur ing), Mi B. P. Cook Chief Officer Ambulance Cadet, Dr. D. P. Kennedy; Chief Nursing Officer of Training Miss M . H. Paton; and Competiti n Officer, Mr. Trevor Dick, give valuable and un tinting ervice on behalf of the entire Brigade in New Zealand .
Apprecia t ion I again record the incere thank of Priory Chapter for the up port and recognition gi en to our Order by Mini ter of the Crown Heads of Government department, member of municipal and porting organi ations. To all member of our Mo t Venerable Order in ew Zealand, the busines men and women who compri e the Committee of A ociation Centres and Sub-Centre , men and women of our Ambulance and Nur ing Divisions, boys and girls of Ambulance and ursing ad t Divi ions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Linen Guild, ur ing Guild and Ho pitaller ' club are giving as i tance and hour of oluntar ervice in the community and carrying out in a practical manner ne of our rna t important objects, namely "PRO FID " (for the Faith) and "PRO UTILITATE HOM] M" (for the er ice of mankind). I am appreciative of the a si tance given t me by Confrere on Priory Council, Priory Chaplain the Very Rev. J . S. orner ille, Vice- hancellor and Director of Association, Alexander Kirkpatrick, . q., . B. . Chief Commissioner, Brigadier J. M . Mitchell, D.S.O. , .0 ., Direct r of Ceremonies, Sir William Stevenson, K.B.E., Ho pitaller, W. . Mc Hi ler, Esq., Registrar, John F. Ewen, Esq., Receiver-General, Ie ander S. Paterson, Esq., Almoner, Sir Henry Kelliher Librarian, R. . Harris, .B.. Surgeon-inEsq., Principal Medical Officer, Dr. John Mercer Chief, Group Captain A . Howard Mar h, C.B. .
The Press and New Zealand Broadcasting Throughout New Zealand the Pre and New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation have kept the name of SL John before the public and have always welcomed news dealing with the work being carried out by both foundations. I would again record appreciation of the u pport and a i tance given to me by our Chief Secretary and his staff at Priory Headquarters.
Ambulance Services The Most Venerable Order of St. John administers 58 per cent of the entire Ambulance Services in New Zealand. There are 156 ambu lances, and the mileage travelled during the year was 1,553,368. Thi ervice dealt with 145,394 cases. There are 112 paid Ambulance Driving Officers and 773 Volunteer Drivers.
31st DECEMBER, 1965
THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE Members 1964 1965 3,017 3,175 1,870 1,991
Strength : Ambulance ursing Combined Divisions Ambulance Cadet ur iog Cadet Headquarter
2,161 2,669 8
2,148 2,720
1965 1964 Public Dutle . Cases 70,709 63,502 " Off Duty" . . . . . . . Ca e 28,509 29,114 First AId Posts and Huts- Brigade 36; Association 109.
Divisions 1964 1965 122 127 91 93 61 63 157 161 150 157 601
1965 1964 Hours 161,519 139,216
ST. JOHN AMB LANCE ASSOCIATION-TUITION Classes held ' Fir t id . ur 109 (Initial) . urslOg ( dvanced) . Hygiene Indust. HygIene . HygienIC- Clean Food HandllOg Elem. if ( id for HousewIve Certificates Is lied. First id . ur Ing (Initial) . ur ing (Ad\anced). HygIene Indus!. Hygiene . . . Hygienic lean Food Handling Elem.Fir tAidforHou ewive
1965 309 102 77 17
1964 284 92 59 13
Child Care Air Attendants Prelim. Fir t Aid Prelim. Home ur ing Prelim. Hygiene Prelim. Child Care
1965 2 5 293 147 66 34
1964 2 3 329 135 62 23
Child Care . Air Attendants Prelim. First id Prelim. Home Nursing Prelim. Hygiene Prelim. Child Care
1965 24 37 1,920 981 527 247
1964 24 28 2,569 986 587 234
1 1 1965 5,165 832 476 170
1964 4,812 1,087 292 239 10 14
AMBULANCE SERVICE umber of Ambulance . Mileage Ca e . . . . . . Ambulance Driver: Voluntary . Paid
1965 156 1,553,368 145,394 773 112
1964 152 1,470,044 129,866 734 117
HENRY L. PATERSON, Chancellor.
REPORT OF THE CHANCELLOR OF THE PRIORY OF CANADA AN extremely pleasant highlight of our activities in Canada in 1965 was provided by the visit of the Commissioner-in-Chief. From St. John's Newfoundland, and to Victoria, Briti h Columbia, Rear Admiral Roye; Dick conducted inspections, gave press and television interviews, attended dozens of functions and called upon the Prime Minister, Provincial Premiers and Civic Officials. During the almost 30 days of his tour the Commissioner-in-Chief completed an exhau ting itinerary, spoke to innumerable Brigade Divisions, answered hundreds of que tion , gave the benefit of his advice whenever and wherever it was sought, and, in a very positive and enduring way added to the tature of the St. John Ambulance Brigade throughout Canada. Perhap the piece de re istance of this tour was the Annual In pection carried out at Drummondville, Quebec at \\hich over 1 500 members of Quebec Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet Divi ion participated. Thi was one of the most outstanding inspection of Brigade per onnel ever held in Canada. During the year St. John administrative juri diction over the Yukon Territory was transferred to our Alberta Council in view of the better communication existing between the e two areas . Another ignificant administrative change involved the tepping down of Commi ioner L. H. Nicholson from the office of Chief Commi ioner. The re ignation of Commissioner Nicholson, long a valued member of the Priory Executive and the honoured head of the Brigade, which had made fine progress under his extremely capable direction leave all of us with a deep sense of loss. I feel we were singularly fortunate however, to find in Col. 1. Redmond Roche, O.B.E. E.D., Q.C., Judge, Court of Se sions Montreal, and, successively, President and Provincial Commi ioner for St. John in Quebec, a proven and energetic successor. Personally, I am honoured to have Col. Roche on the Executive in his new capacity and confidently look forward to the continued progress of the Brigade under his direction. I am also very pleased that in 1965 we were ucce ful in inducing . to join National Headquarters Miss Margaret Hunter, C.D., Reg. Staff as our new Chief Nursing Officer and anticipate with confidence a renewed and growing interest in St. John Home Nur ing Training as a result of her planning and efforts. Of material a i tance in thi will be the new Home Nursing manual, "Patient Care in the Home," publi hed late in the year. To the authors of thi book, M. Christine Living ton, B.S., Reg. N., and M. Pearl Stiver B.S., Reg. N., and to Mi Evelyn A. Pepper, R.R.C., Reg. N., Nursing Consultant, Emergency Health Services, who prepared the section on Care under mergency Condition , the Order in Canada is deeply grateful. We are a1 0 deeply indebted to Miss Mary Acland, Reg. N., who, during the interval when National Headquarters was without a Nursing Con ultant, so capably handled the responsibilities of this office. On October 28th and 29th His Excellency, the Prior, held inve titures at Government House at which, in the presence of Her Excellency Madame Vanier and over 400 guests, 150 members of the Order were received and invested during most impressive ceremonies. Supplemental provincial ceremonies were held in Toronto by the Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, former Governor General and Prior of the Order in Canada, in Victoria, British
Columbia, by Major General The Hon. G. R. Pearkes, V.c., LieutenantGovernor, and in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, by The Hon R. L. Hanbidge, Lieutenant-Governor, at which were invested many members of the Order who had found it impossible to attend at Government House in Ottawa. Although 1965 saw no advance in numbers trained in First Aid, Home Nursing and Child Care- ome 130,000 passed examinations in these subjects- there were several significant advances made in a number of areas. In some provinces inclusion of St. John First Aid in school curricula is establi hed' in others good progress to this same end is being made. The agreement between the Boy Scouts of Canada and st. John whereby Fir t Aid training is carried out in stages is working well and a similar plan with the Girl Guide will soon be operating. In the Ottawa Federal Di trict an Emergency Squad, highly trained and equipped with motor boat, underwater gear, re cue tools, skis, snowshoes, lifelines and emergency oxygen has been formed by an Ambulance Division on a 24-hour ervice ba i . In Montreal o. 444 Ambulance Division is 2-way radio equipped and in a recent di a ter 60 miles outside the City, 10 Brigademember-manned radio equipped cars were on the scene promptly. In ew Brun wick in 1965, St. John trained all Industrial Safety Inspectors establi hed by the province legislation setting up the Industrial Safety code. It i hoped that during 1966 a Cadet Provincial Travel Exchange will be in tituted involving 104 Cadets from British Columbia to Newfoundland and all provinces in between. This exchange will be supported by the Centennial Commission and if successful will be continued and expanded in 1967. Other Centennial project on which planning progressed during the year incluGe the colour film and history of the work of the Order in Canada, Fir t Aid coverage of the World Fair, Centennial Caravans and Train , and many local project . A. A. CRAWLEY, Chancellor.
COMMANDERY OF ARDS REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1965 THE out tanding event of the year was the In tallation, a Knight Commander of Hi Excellency the Governor of Northern Ireland (Lord Er kine' of Rerrick, G.B. E.) in ucces ion to the Lord Prior who as Governor had held the Office of Knight Commander throughout his Governor hip. . ' . The In tallation wa conducted with the pre cnbed ceremomal III the Throne Room at Government Hou e, by permi ion of His Excellency. The Chancellor of the Order Mr. Horace Par hall, T.D., acted as Mandator. At appropriate point in the cour e of the ceremony fanfares were ounded by trumpeter of The North Iri h Hor e. . Following the In tallation, Hi Excellency inve ted n~wly adIDltte.d and promoted Members with the in ignia of their re pectIve Grade III the Order. Her Excellency, Lady Er kine of Rerrick, honoured the st. John ~m~u lance Brigade by accepting the Pre idency of the Northern Ireland Dl tnct. Her xcellency wa a1 0 appointed a Commander of the Order.
The Festival of St. John was not observed this year by any Church Service owing to various circumstances preventing the usual arrangements For similar reasons it was not po ible to hold a theatrical or cinem~ benefit performance, and the principal social occasion was a very Success. ful Ball, held by kind permi ion of the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Belfa t, Councillor Sir William Jenkins, J.P., at the City Hall on Friday, 5th March. The Ball was honoured by the pre ence of Their Excellencies The Governor and Lady Er kine, and by the Lord Mayor and Lady Jenkin, and was fortunate in attracting a trong and dis· tinguised attendance, resulting in a con iderable accretion to the funds of the Commandery. The very deep gratitude of the Order in Northern Ireland is due to the Lord Mayor for hi continuing and enthu iastic interest in it work a repeatedly indicated, not least, by hi permitting the Ball to be held in the City Hall. The Commandery i mo t grateful also to the Ladie Committee on who e effective arrangement the uccess of the occa ion depended. Eighteen appointment to and promotion within the Order were made in 1965, orne fifteen being new admi ion in the Grade of Serving Brother or Serving Si ter, with two promotion to the Grade of Officer. In addition, the Lieutenant wa promoted to Knight of Grace. The practical work of the Order ha continued with ub tantial uccess, in both As ociation and Brigade. Certificate i ued by the former number some 3,242, including 1 652 Adult Fir t Aid 514 Adult Nur ing, 666 Preliminary Fir t Aid, and 225 Preliminary ur ing. The Brigade now has 115 Divi ions (19 Ambulance, 43 ur ing, 6 combined, 12 Ambulance Cadet and 35 Nur ing Cadet), with a total per onnel of 2 862 (452 engaged in Ambulance activity, ] ,030 in ur ing 276 in Ambulance Cadet units, and 1,104 in Nur ing Cadets). Approximately 60,000 hour of public duties were performed, and the Di trict' twel e am bul ances covered 49,375 mile on duty, carrying 6,161 patients. It is with great regret that the A ociation ha lost the ervice of Mr. H. Boyce as Secretary, on his retirement. Mr. Boyce, an Officer of the Order, has held the appointment of Secretary for orne fi e year and has been active in the work of the Order for thirty-six year having joined it early in 1930. FRANCIS EVANS, Lieutenant.
THE ACCOUNTS The Accounts present the financial position of the Grand Priory of the Order as at 30 September 1965, together with statements of Income and Expenditure during the year ended on that date. COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS YEAR CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION AND FOUNDATIONS
Central Administration 1965 1964
Hospital Association Brigade 1965 1964 1965 1964 1965 1964 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ . 51,547 44,506 83,395 68,987 39,548 34,699 44,380 36,653
20,000 20,000 4,500 5,000 30,000 25,000 . 37,152 39,097 10,709 8,884 33,331 34,360 9,605 11,668
Block Grants . Other .
37,152 39,097 30,709 28,884 37,831 39,360 39,605 36,668
Debited to Appropriate Fund . . 14,395 Credited h> Appropriate Fund
5,409 52,686 40,103
4,775 4,661
Block Grant to Foundation Other Expenditure .
Dividends and Interest. NET EXPENDITURE
1965 £
1964 £
54,500 16,309
50,000 17,823
The Po t-War Fund (Special Allocation) finances the Order's share of the cost of the welfare work in Service Ho pital undertaken by the Service Hospitals Welfare and V.A.D. Department, Order of st. John and British Red Cros Society. The cost of till work i met from interest from and proceeds of sale of inve tments. Provi ion ha been made in the Accounts for the accruing co t of gratuitie payable to welfare officers upon retirement.
There are set out below notes on certain items appearing in the Accounts. BALANCE SHEET Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund During the year under review the target of £20,000 for which the Grand Prior appealed in 1961 wa reached and by year end contributions totalled nearly £20 500 (including estimated value of annual covenants). This has been a mo t gratifying achievement and the loan from the General Fund has been substantially reduced to £7,566. It i hoped that further progress will be made during the pre ent year toward the repayment of the loan.
included in the Accounts and has been compensated by an increase of £3,000 in the grant from the Post-War Fund. CONCLUDING COMMENTS
St. John Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund Jerusalem The new Appeal for the Ho pital and a sociated research was officially launched in May 1965 and by 30 September 1965 amounted to over £200,000, including promi e . The total actually received to that date was £112,884. This has been an encouraging re ponse to the Appeal in the difficult circumstances of the time and it i hoped to increase materially the Fund during the pre ent year. The fir t annual in talment of £25,000 of the grant by the Order of £100,000 to the Appeal wa paid during the year. 3.
Investments A number of inve tment change were made during the year yielding a net profit of £20,252 of which £13,594 appertained to the General Fund. The policy of retaining on hort term depo it a ub tantial proportion of money available for inve tment wa continued during the year in the uncertain investment conditions which prevailed. The market value of investments at 30 September 1965, v. a £ Ill , 09 Ie than co t, the greater part of the depreciation ari ing from redeemable ecurities, which hould ultimately be recovered. 4.
Properties The modernisation of the admini trati e office and provl lOn of adequate services at St. John' Gate for ceremonie and meetings has been completed. The further expenditure of £33 373 during the year increases the Balance Sheet figure to £94,766.
Income from Investments and Deposits The overall income of £98,670 compares with £87,570 for the previous year, the increase being due mainly to higher rates of interest and the full use of the proceeds of the sale of the old Hospital in Jeru alem (Israel). 2.
St. John Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund, Jerusalem Expenditure in connection with the Appeal is the major cause of the increased cost £8,152 in the London office expen e during the year. 3.
The following figures, which are adjusted by the elimination of certain non-recurring items, show the trend of expenditure: 1960 £ 136,867
St. John Ambulance Brigade The cost of rented accommodation at 7, Gro venor Crescent has been increased from March 1962 consequent upon the financial arrangements attending the Grosvenor Crescent project. The additional co t has been
1961 £ 156,915
1962 £ 169,890
1963 £ 178,118
1964 £ 181,441
£ 201,989
The increase last year of over £20,000 was the largest in recent years and to the extent of about two-thirds was due to salaries, pensions and related payments. Salarie for the current year have been increased by 5 % to take account of the rise in the cost of living; thus expenditure for the current year will be still higher. egotiation with the freeholder and other lessees in Grosvenor Crescent have continued for an e tended time but an agreement has been provisionally reached under which the leases of Nos. 8 and 10 will be realised and be replaced by a 99-year lease of Nos. 1 and 2. The capital outlay involved will re ult in a mall 10 s of interest and the increased rental will add to the cost of annual outgoings. The Order and the two foundations concerned will, however, have security of tenure on terms which seem fair and ati factory. The cope for economies is limited, so the ability to keep income and expenditure in balance in conformity with the principles set out in the memorandum entitled t. John Finance, approved by Chapter-General in March; 959 and reaffirmed in 1964 depend on an increa e in the main source of income. Income from inve tment wa buoyant in 1965 and no further 'improvement can be expected in the current year. The Stores Department was adver ely affected by the changeover to the new Fir t Aid Manual last year and it also incurred preliminary expense in connection with the new publication. The pro pect for the current year are much better. Although the Balance Sheet total of over £2-1- million seems an impres ive figure the pre ent re ource are fully committed to the future support of the Order, the A ociation the Brigade and the contributions to the Hospital and associated research.
31 March 1966
LEWIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General
ACCOUNTS 30 September 1965
FUNDS 1965
£ GE ERAL FUND as at 30 September 1964 Add: Legacies Net profit on sale of investments Grand Priory Church Rebuilding FundLoan repaid
618 13,594
94,766 25,449
61,393 25,449
69,317 7,266
35,944 7,266
3,698 3,648
Rights in Kolo si Ca tie, Cyprus
PRIORY CHURCH R EBUILDING Fm-.'D Freehold Property: Guard Hou e and Cloi ler and Church Restoration .
3,698 3,648 50 34
50 34
Freehold Land, Buildings and Equipment Jerusalem (Jordan) . Freehold Properly: £ H I Ramallah (Jordan) 15,578 *,0' 7,660 2,419 - Less: sale in talmenls Ie s e pense 2,918 written off to date. !
£ 15,578
6,660 2,918
5,000 324,177
20,000 109
33,881 41
Iosr·WAR FlND (GE ERAL ALLO ATIO ) Freehold Property: St. John Ambulance Brigade Camp, Bexhill, Sus ex . Lea ehold Propertie : 8Grosvenor Crecent, .W. l Less: written off to date .
65,309 518,907
52,686 15,870 100 527
10 Gro venor
re cent, S.W.!
J Less: written off to date
50 Eaton Place, S.W.1 Less: written off to date Grosvenor Cre cent project-expenditure to date .
81,868 25,000 3,145 2,871
17,640 11,760
11,172 5,880
41,847 7,831
41,847 8,438
22,169 2,392
22.169 2,760 20,471 92,044
~r Schedule attached. . . . . (Market Value: 1965-£1,314,759 1964-£1,456,212)
Less: Grant to Institute of Ophthalmology (London) . . 15,000 97,884
Freehold site of Guard House and Cloister \furistan Property, Jerusalem (Jordan) Less: written off to date.
1,417 2,452
(at cost less amounts written off)
Freehold Property at St. John's Gate and Freehold site of Priory House . . . Less: written off to date .
APPEAL Subscriptions, Donations and Legacy. Grant from Post-War Fund. Loans, less repaid Interest
5,409 200 300
Less: Net Hospital Expenditure year to date . Research Expenditure prior to Appeal. Special Expenditure-Legacy Israel-net outgoings Post-War Fund-Loan repaid
ST. JOHN OPHTHAL fiC HOSPITAL AND REsEARCH FUND, JERUSALEM as at 30 September 1964 Add: Donations. Legacies Surplus on sale of Freehold Property, Jerusalem (Israel)
GRAND PRIORY CHuRCH REBUILDING FUND as at 30 September 1964 Add: Subscriptions and Donations Legacies
Less: Furnishings General Fund-Loan repaid
Less: Net cost of Central Adrnini tration year to date. Coningsby Chapel, Hereford hire St. Paul's Cathedral, Malta .
OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL LINEN GUILD as at 30 September 1964 Add: Subscriptions and Donation Interest
Less: Expenditure
1,886 152
2,027 118
ST. JOHN AMBULA CE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS FUND as at 30 September 1964 Add: Legacies Interest
Less: Net Ordinary Expenditure year to date Special Expenditure year to date
438 1,113
3,644 987
1,717 1,702
4,343 2,015 2,503
8,036 1,685 500
10,561 200
49,585 14,500
55,092 15,500 70,592
i!ores Department Insignia and Award . . 46 ~ 1t. JOhn Ophthalmic Hospital '7~} ~t. JohnHou e . . . .
57,362 5,249 559 478
51,877 5,295
l -
' II
48 61,676
1,040 535
1,040 593
43,171 319,534
2,856 10 117
2 445
2 435
Less: Grants.
560 iuel:
ST. JOHN AMBULA CE BRIGADE BENEVOLENT FUND as at 30 September 1964 Add: Donation. Interest
61,903 3,950
4,775 4,399 40,826
Less : Expenditure
Superintendent's House .
55,092 2,300 7,807
KING GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP MEMORIAL as at 30 September 1964 Add: Donations. Interest
Less: Repayable during year Loan rem itted . . .
3,898 21,817
1$anches as at 30 September 1964 . Add: Advanced during year.
ST. JOHN AMBULA CE BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS FUND as at 30 September 1964 Add: Legacies Interest Donations.
Less: Net Ordinary Expenditure year to date Special Expenditure year to date
93 ,9
Jar ward
99 2,361,800
of L,099, 25 a at 0 eptember 196'+
Add: et profit
n ale of ime tment t. John Ophthalmi Ho 'pit::tl and Rear h Fund, Jeru alem-Loan repaid
1, I I, I 3
28,628 100,000
1,137, 50
1,144,645 1.\
xpenditure 0 er Income year
13~) 1This Balallce
9,201 ppeal-Grant .
34,_01 1,101,649
LLO nON of £ 40,0 0 for \ clfar rk in en ice Ho pital . _98,51.+ a at 30 cptember 196.+ Le Exce of Expenditure o\er Inc III year t date. 19,461 [AL
279,0 .3 Le s: Lo
on ale f invetment
2, 9
heel alld the al//leed Illcome and fCCOllllts present the il/tallcial 13 462 _ position alld {J'{/I/sactiol/s oj the Hl'adquarter oj _ _' _ Iht! Order ami oj ils Foulldatiolls. They do 1I0t 1,131,183 iI/corporate the! assets, liabilities alld transactiOlls of (/IIY Estllhli 11I1l1!1l1 oj the Order 1I0r oj any I. Johll Coul/cil 01 oj all)' local ullit oj the I. Johll Amblilallce Associatioll or Brff?(/tfe. The Accoullts of the '(' bodies arl! IIwintllilled allel audited locallr III/dcr Regulation, approved or lIIade bv the 312,I! Order, flO/withstallding Ihat nOIl(, oj thclJI has separate corporate existellce or Jorms ({II ill de13,61 pClIc/elll Chillitl' 1I11d that propertl' utili ed Jar their purpo,L' iy 1I0rll1alil' held Jor the general .98.iJ1 pllrpo '('5 oj Ihl' Order. III addilioll to property inc/uded ill thil Balallcl.' heet or held as juS{ melltioned fiJI the ~el/t /'(/1 purposes oj the Order, 9 1 properly is I'el'ted ill Ihe Ortier or 11/ other tms{ees ~ ,5 ~ for Jpcci(/I pllrpo,' ',I. 111111101'able propel'll' I'e ted l,.f.~ 9,697 iI/ the Ol'll r jiJl' ill f?l'f/eral pllrpose, 01' ill Ihe Ordlr or ill other (/'/Islet's fiJI ,Ipeci(/I purposes 2,31 ,,895 callIlOt al PI sell{ be di,lposed oj lI'irl/Oul Ihe COllsl'nl 0/ Ihe IUllily Olllllli,\.\/OII£'I'S, alld ill mOl/l' casel PI'Opc'l't)' u{iliH'd fiJr local purposes, thol/gh held jil/' Ihe f?c.'11 '1'lI1 purposes, will 1I0t be 34,5_0 disposed (~r lI'irhoul COllsell1 oj 1I 10 al ol11l11ittee 4,92of.\ IaIlW?UI/('1I {. '~Expendilure
25,0 0
36.189 6,073 3,715 2,2 -0
4 ,247
, 011 30 (ptemher 196 , Iltc ;nJlld Priory
hul'c/z RebUilding Fund W(/S indebted to {he General Flllld in tlte Slim of £'"',566 (1964: £11,435).
L WIS G. WHYTE, Receiver-General
D. B. R.
Treasurer alld A ccoulltant
£2,3 9,925 £::,361,800
\":Ie ha c examined the abO\c Balancc heet and anl:cxcd lne me .1n(\ r pcntilturc ccount~: ~ks,~nu.v lIchers of th Grand Pric r} 111 the Briti~h R aIm of thl: Mo t V nerable Ord r o~ the Ilo pltal of St. John of Jerualcm and With the rdurn<; reCCI cd from Jerusalem, and we repo~t t1~3(, of '~ SFlh.Cd III the te on the halancc hed, the saId .Ba.lance hed and In. me and "pendlture Accounts, in ur opinion, and ac rding to the best of our inf rl11:1tlol1, h W a true an I fall' \ leW o aiT.lIr of the OrLicr:1: <ll 30 cpt 'mll:r 1965, and f It me me and c p ndlture for the year end d on that date. 3, Frederick' Place, Old Jewry, E . . 2.
Chartered Accountants
22 April, 1966.
Foundation Dues Annual Oblations Commuted Oblations
£ 1,099 4,693 140 5,932
Dividends and Interest on Investments Other Interest (net)
18,150 1,87 J 20,021 6,033 --13,988 600 232 1,150 21 3,274
Less: Ceded to Special Funds
Inve tment Underwriting-net urplu Sub criptions and Donation Income Tax recovered under Deeds of Co enant, Library and Museum: Donation Priory House-Ground Rent and Insurance Commi Ion
25,197 STORES
Gross Surplus , Deduct: Salarie Pen ion and Lunch Vouchers ational In urance , Superannuation contribution Rent, Rate and In urance, Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance Po tage and Telephone , Printing and Stationery Travelling expense Office Equipment Legal and Profes ional charge Adverti ing Sundry expenses
£ , 20,536 879 2,110 4,413 974 550 1,395 1,64 199 412 196
CERY 'es Pensions 1(1,
and Lunch Vouchers , nal Insurance. , , lIoannuation contributions Rates and Insurance. , '_amount written off. , 6,149 : , Heatin,g and Cleaning 17,145 ing 1,667 ~~s and Mamtenance , , tjageand Telephone , , , 18,812 ~Iing and StatIOnery 8,108 lellingexpenses , itflaining expenses 10,704 _ I John's Day 680 I , 611tures ' 85 roage Roll ' 1,120 Jiles ' ' 15 \ 'a 3,279 lalsand Vellum Votes , 1'~lestead Church expenses . 22,032 ,;1 and profes ion~1 charges , ('leas Orders relatIOn . , . )a Quatercentenary Celebrations 66,5l! ,lllcial Order Service , , , , r ~u]'s Cathedral Trusts-Donation i "eModernisation , , ,.rrch Stonework renovation , !"lIJnal Service and Plaq ue " I ~Ian Property expcn es, ;. 'expen e
i. 'es, Pensions, and Lunch Vouchers
5,977 5,977 --11,954 - - 11,955
210 336 1,534 121 326 187 791 120 26 2,331 170 202 177 620
, , , , 1 onal Insurance and uperannuation contributions , und Rent, Rate and Inurance .'(-amount WrItten off , :1ling, Heatll1g and Cleaning ~JIfS and laintenance ilJge and Telephone 32,381 'ling and Stationery . ,Iellmg expene . 34,13/ :aFee, ).\jue printing and tamp r:eequipment , :Jry expen e "mo,
8,685 225 897 1,513 135 2,317 135 998 1,580 1,679 503 990 740
NET COST, transferred from General Fund
£ 1,135 4,649 365
Less: Share of Surplu allocated to Income and Expendi ture Account : St. John Ambulance A sociation St, John Ambulance Brigade,
8,289 208 877 1,342
135 2,180 965 986 1,704 1,421 397 1,014 566 451 145 569 1,676 188 220 438 46 26
,. oLlcher , , , . , \ational In -urance and uperannuation contributions Office Lpkeep , lundry expen e Deduct: Sale and
7,209 934 225 135 353
ar'ha es ' , . , , • , . , , • , . \ati~es, Pen ion and Lunch Voucher, , , , , ~Ies nal Insurance and Superannuation contributions (~t'and Insu,rance . . '. . , . , . , . I:M~g, Heatmg and Cleanmg . . , . , , 'J'Il~s and M ' IJglar Alarm amten::mce . . imdry Expen e' , . , .
332 0 7 ~ 396 ~ 307 ::t 66 tr.1
630 ~
175 ~ 41 ;:::l 160 tr.1
8,375 2,284 39 645 27
7970 t::l 1,843 ~ 54 876 ~ _ _6_3 ~
11,370 7106
10 806 ~ 7,485 tr.1 3,321-- ~ 2,017 ~ 76 0\ 218 U\ 194 410 8_6 436 177 56 181 186 130 135
4,264 2,969 92 _18 259 421 1,136 434
144 191 130 194 224 119
6,725 843 ~ 208 tr.1
433 367 62 577 63 32 139
r ane , Pen ion and Lunch oucher, , . , , Ilona IInsurance and Superannuation contribution . Upkeep " ,","" '~sCulting and New papers ~1~ograph , , , . , , , ,iIIRelea es, Po -tcr and Leaflet' ~bllionexpen e' and equipment , I~ge and Telephone, , , , r'~lmg and Stationery bvelli,ng expense , j Iertaming expen e ,\~\ertising ,dry expens~ : '
"Johll Rel'icil''':
17,OfA Pnnting and other cot 17,065 Illarie ,Pen ion and L unell
6,531 5 896 97 377 366 15 61 255
5,042 35 716 75 346 317 61 61 174
1965 £ 9,121 1,588
1964 £ 5,844 3,040
10,709 20,000
8884 20,000
30,709 tran ferred from St. John Ophthalmic 52,686 Hospital and Research Fund, Jerusalem
INCOME Private Patients' Fees Interest GRANT from Post-War Fund
EXPENDITURE Salaries and Pension. National Insurance Superannuation & Provident Fund contribution Provision for Jordanian Staff Gratuilie Food and Hou ekeeping Drugs and Dre ings. . ~ qujpment and In truments Freight Rates Lighting and Heating Water. Repairs and Maintenance Travelling and car expenses. Po tage and Telephone . Printing and Stationery . In urance . Equipment and Furnishings (new flat) Sundry ex pen e'
Orn E alarie, Pension and Lunch ouchec atlOnalln urance uperannuation contnbution Rate ' and In -urance . Lighting, Heating and leaning Postage and Telephone . Printing and tationery. Travelling expense Appeal expense Sundry expense. DO
42,614 98
35,813 80
501 6,012 2,437 2,292 663 349 4,119 1,876 2,756 3,042 343 604 788
272 6,435 2,220 1,406 407
4,007 1,349 3,575 3,578 351 537 740
986 1,046
1,343 33 116 58 80 211 300 466
1,323 31 65 51 94 162 305 395
2,205 33 4,664 - -
59 12,716 £83,395
1964 £
1965 £
Registration Fees Less: Rebate to Centres.
1965 £ 23,288 2868
23,311 2,8_7
Awards (net) . Subscriptions and Donations
20,420 2,588 4,346
20,484 2,249 3,094
Stores Department, share of surplus
27,354 5,977
25,827 8,533
GRANT from Post-War Fund
33,331 4,500
34,360 5,000
37,831 1,717
39,360 4,66J(Cr)
transferred from Headquarters Fund
alarie, Pen ion and Lunch Vouchers ationalln urance Superannuation contributions Ground Rent, Rate and In urance . Lea e-amount written ofT Lighting, Heatmg and leaning. Repair and Maintenance Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expen es ntertaining expen es. Office Equipment Sundry expen e Competitions (net) Vi ual Aids (net) Fir t Aid Manuals--cxaminers' copies G rants to Counties
1965 £ 21,891 849 1,268 437 270 728 33 1,990 6,798 234 178 234 713
1964 £ 19,682 784 1,384 403 270 679 90 1,855 5,946 215 195 272 457
35,623 2,946 334 645
32,232 2,322 26 (Cr)
ub cription and Donation Department of ducation and cienc grant ational Ho pital Service Re crvc grant
1965 £ 1,293 1,600 735
Store Department, hare of urplu
3,628 5,977
from Po t-War und SUPPLEME TARY RANT from Po t-War GRANT
BALA CE, tran ferred from Headquartcr '
und und
9,605 27, 0 3,000 39,605 4,775
J965 £ 21,714 756 1,504 4,803 588 1,395 62 1,329 3,287 3,090 144 112 304 335 476
1964 £ 19,515 676 1,481 1,668 588 1,277 323 1,232 2,803 2,194 92 273 227 216 619
39,899 1,573 162 59 2,687
33,184 1,441
1964 £ 98 1,600 637
alarie, Pension and Lunch Vouchers ational In urancc uperannuation contributions Rent, Rate ' and Insurance Lcase amount wrillen ofT 3,135 ighting, I leating and leanmg. 8,533 Repair. and Maintenance Po'>tage and Telephone 11,668 Prmtlng and tatlonery 25,000 Travellmg expenses ntel taining c. pensc,> onferences uno ur c · (nct) 36,668 15( r) wards . nice quipmcnl undryexpenses mpctition (net) adet Rally exhdl amp t. John 110u e
:;0 tTl
Z n 0
199 (Cr) 1,910
--l tTl
:;d I
Q tTl
~ :;d >t"'
Dividends and Interest on Investments Other Interest
NET EXPENDITURE transferred to Balance Sheet .
1965 £ 53, 00 7,808
1964 £ 46,466 7,895
phthalm ic Ho pital, John Jeru alem OClatlOn mbulance t. John t. John Ambulan e Brigade. t.
OTHER XPENDITURE Grants 3,000 Priory of Scotland 250 iji 202 yprus Priory for Wales Tobago Independence: Kenya, Malawi and Zambia St. John Ambulance BrigadeZambia Over ea Headquarters' Officers. . 10,835 Relief 1,504 St. John Refugee project Hurricane 256 Development 262 V.A.D. Section £70,809
1965 £
w 0
20,000 4,500 30,000
20,000 5,000 25,000
in ~
1,343 473 1,750 1,000
700 150 9,736
16,309 £70,809
1,295 307 831 238 17,823 - £67,823
~ Q I
...... o
1965 £ 34,167
Interest on Investments .
1965 £ 16.956
1964 £ 18,306
Welfare Work in Service Hospitals.
NET EXPENDITURE transferred to Balance Sheet
Provi ion for Welfare Officers' Gratuities.
~ILJ~~~ JE.C. ~
. ~,,~ . - ~ · E~
. . . . r"J , >
_ c::> a:-c. .•
. • <."........
• ..... . -:. .
Market Value £
2,250 £36,417
~ '>
Co t £
Market Value £
: : ' 'a.£.lIL--- '1L. ~~ a:s ~ ....~
Cost £
Market Value £
"' ~6S
1964 £ 31,924
Cost £
Market Value £
Cost £
Market Value £
25,555 441
114,055 69,741 445,953 188,424 296,586
68,305 70,837 133,124
58,982 63,112 124,510
1,226,568 1,114,759
115,795 73,396 517,765 205,899 313,713
25,555 441
90,240 34,760 312,732 135,062 180,589
88,500 31,150 268,203 125,312 172,076
38,195 136,728
38,150 118,768
~ 174,923
~ ~
30 SEPTEMBER 1964 .
~ I
1,426,568 1,314,759
1,626,568 1,514,759
. 1,652,995 1,631,212
0 ~ m
FORM OF BEQUEST (for incorporation in a Will or Codicil)
I GIVE A D BEQUEATH the sum of
) free of all duties to the Grand Priory in the British Realm
of the Mo t Venerable Order of the Ho pital of St. John of Jerusalem, of
St. John
Gate Clerkenwell London, E.C.l, uch sum to be applicable
to the general purpo e of the aid Order. And I declare that the receipt of the Trea urer for the time being of the said Order shall be a full discharge therefor.
(Founded r882) of
~ta nb
.lBtiotp in tl) e jljtitisb i'ealm of 'Otbe .most
(/f}tbet of tl)e ~ o sp itaI of ~t. 3lobn of 3lerusalem.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR 19 65 including the
Printed by Sw indoll Press L td., Victoria R oad, S Willc/OIl , Will s.
@pbtbRIllllC 1bosPl tal of [IJe {H)Jst lDenerRble @rber of St. 30hn, 3eruaalelll
5o\")ereign lbeab of tbe
<IOnlllltttee: 1bospitaller BRIGADIER SIR STEWART DUKE-ELDER, G.C.V.O., PH.D., D.SC., LL.D., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.A.C.S., F.R.A.C.S., F.R.C.P., F.R.S.
"Over against the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, on the opposite side of the way towards the south, is a beautiful church built in honour of John the Baptist and a Hospital wherein in various rooms i collected together an enormous multitude of sick people, both men and women, who are tended and re to red to health daily at very great expense." John of Wurzburg, A.D. 1160.
E)cput-e 1)ospitl\[(cr AIR COMMODORE
C. T. 1'T-rE L
D. B. R.
fID eb icu[ a Il~ 1R u r Sin Q S Hlff 'Wlllrtlcn
A. J.
!prtol'}? of
BOASE, ESQ., O.B.E., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.O.M.S. Sul1='Ctrl llrl CII alltl SUrgcOII to tile 1boapttal
!prior}? for 1llllales 1bospltaller
M. B UDEfRI, O.B.E., M.D.(GE .), D.O.M.S.
Hospitaller of Bridgend
1:\:3915ta 1\ t Surgeons
1P1'lot'\? for Sout!) Bfrtca 1bospitaller BRIGADIER W. MARSHALL CLARK, O.B.E., M.LC.E.
1J:lUl'5Ing 1:1 tl\'l11iC l'
!prIor flI)n trOll
lRew Zea[ani)
J Itl
1bospItalle r
W. A.
lI.'\SSlstllnl flI):ltt'OIl nntl SI6tCl 'Cutot'
IPrio r}? of <La nal a 1bospItalIer
lI~ul'!'lllll Ststel5
M ISS M . E . M iss E . . M ISS C. M . M ISS R . E.
J . N. B.
!Pl'll')l')] 11\ Bus t ralia (erc! liS I\'lC cf 'tlf1C5 tern £\ USI ra lla)
1bospltaller nn() Blmoner
1bospltal Supenl\tcnb(llt
FRA ER, C.B.E., E.D.
Ca t enng Offle!l'
aOlllllll1lUCl')] til 't'L1 estel'll :australIa (\''It/)111 tbe jpllOt}2 111 :australIa)
11) ~1 6 PIt ill Ic r a II v £\ llll (' 11 C r A. K.
of Hn 5 in
l~h)rt\)erl\ 'it'ela l\ ~
1bl1 spltallcr RlIl' B!1l101lCl' SIR CECIL
fcKEE, E.R.D.
<LoIl111lanOcr\? Itl aenrra[ I-lfnca 1bospltallcr ftllV 'E\llllollcr EDWARD
Report of the Hospitaller and Hospital Committee for 1965 including the REPORT OF THE HOSPITAL SUB-COMMITTEES
The Hospitaller and the Committee of the Ophthalmic Ho pital have the honour to submit their seventy-fourth report covering the eighty-third year of the Hospital for the information of H .R.H. The Grand Prior and the Chapter-General. GENERAL
During the year under review the most welcome and plea ant event was the visit paid to the Hospital on the 6th October by Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra and Mr. Ogilvy who were pa ing through Jordan on their return from a long tour in the Far East. De pite the hortness of her stay in Jerusalem and her many other commitment, Her Royal Highness made an extensive tour of all the department of the Ho pital, met the staff and delighted the patients with her cheerful and happy greetings. To everyone a Royal Visit such as this is an immense tonic, and we are indeed grateful to her for her interest and for the graciousne with which it was expressed. RESEARCH
Our research to elucidate the various manifestations of trachoma in the Middle East, and particularly to attempt an effective prophylaxis of the disease by the immunization of children with a vaccine, is continuing on a greater scale. At present an effective team compo ed of members from the Institute of Ophthalmology in London under Professor Barrie Jones, the Trachoma Group of the Medical Research Council under Dr. Leslie Collier of the Lister Institute, and the Government of Iran under Professor Mofidi of the Department of Public Health Research of that hospitable country, is busily engaged in the Malayer area of Iran where this blinding disease is endemically rife. The team, British and Iranian, comprises 11 persons, an expensive project partly financed by our Research Fund. The preliminary arrangements for this work were made in 1964. Early in 1965 an extensive survey was carried out when over 500 young children as yet uninfected with trachoma received two injections of the new vaccine; ~he results of this are being followed up in the spring of 1966. In this regIOn 90 to 95 % of the children become affected before the age of 2 years. In the
autumn of 1965 Professor Barrie Jones returned to Iran with three other research workers and together with three Iranian workers made an intensive study of the entire population of this area to obtain epidemiological and laboratory data on trachoma and to devise more sensitive methods of diagnosis than are now known. Parallel work on these problems is being carried out at the Institute of Ophthalmology in London. At the same time three Iranian doctors have been brought to the laboratories of the Institute in London for training in these new methods; they will return to Iran in 1966 to work with our team for the next vaccine follow-up. Further research will be guided by our findings then. The vaccines at present under trial seem to be a considerable improvement on those previously tried, but the~r results cannot yet be anticipated, whether they modify the course of disease or eradicate it. However that may be, the co-operation between Iranian and British workers is proving to be very fruitful and ha produced a harmonious, effective and solid team which is probably a unique and certainly a highly desirable development in scientific co-operation between the West and a Middle Eastern country. ot only will this allow of continuous work by the Iranian workers during the intervals between the visits of our team, but it will enable them to continue with it when our experimental studies have ceased. Moreover, in this work on the ba ic nature of trachoma and its treatment we are in close touch with the American ARAMCO/Harvard and the Seattle research teams working re pectively in Saudi Arabia and Taiwan, as well as the Trachoma Scientific Committee of the World Health Organisation, both by personal contacts and by sharing information as soon as it is discovered and long before it can be published, so that there has been a spontaneous apportionment of problems between the various groups with the avoidance of repetitious work. This research is undoubtedly at a most intere ting stage and is certainly of major scientific importance; and it could lead to results of unusually great social and humanitarian value in tbe alleviation of the effects of the most blinding disease known to man. It would be indeed good if the British team "makes home" first. HOSPITAL COMMITTEE
It is with very deep regret that we have to record the death on the 4th September of Lord Bo om, a Bailiff Grand Cro s of the Order and a Member of thi Committee since 1936. Lord Bo som's devotion to the Order and his help to the Ho pital Committee over many years were outstanding. He will be particularly remembered for hi enthusia m in bringing the new Hospital into existence; a an architect of great di tinction he took a personal part in it planning and watched over its building. His death is indeed a sad 10 . With much regret we have had to accept the r ignation of Dr. R. H. Scott. Dr. Scott has r igned hi po t a Chief Medical Advi er of the Shell Petroleum Company; he has been ucceeded in that position by Major-General W. H. Hargreave who ha kindly agreed to serve on thls Committee. We are happy to have his ervices. We are also glad to welcome Lady Wakehurst, D.B.E. who, now that she is living in London, ha agreed to become the Chairman of the Ladies' Guild and to have a seat on the Committee.
Our staff has again had a very bu y and rewarding year. The number of major surgical operations hac:; equalled the record figure it reached last year and the number of patients een in the clinic ha greatly increased. For the achievement of the e re ult our thank are due particularly to the Warden, Dr. Boa e, and to Dr. Budeiri. We are proud to record that the ervice which Dr. Boa e ha rendercd to the people of the Holy Land, and the great re pect in which he i held, were recognic:;ed in the cour e of the year by Hi Beatitude the Patriarch who conferred upon him the honour of a Knight Commander of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. We wou ld like to congratulate Dr. Budeiri on the completion of 30 year of service to the Hospital- urely a plendid record the more 0 when we remember the vicissitude through which the Ho pital ha passed during thi period. But indeed, he ha been with u longer than that, for he gave LIS part-time voluntary ervice before he joined the permanent taff in ] 935. With the exception of the e two talwarts the urgical appointments have been filled in accordance with our e tabli hed practice by hort-term secondment or appointment of ophthalmologi t from the nited King· dom, the Commonwealth and from the Arab State. A Ii t of those who have served during some part of the year i printed el ewhere in this report. The ystem under which the surgeon from the Forces are seconded to the Hospital has worked moothly and, we believe, with benefit to them as well as to u . We are happy to report thi year another econdment to the Hospital of a surgeon from the Royal 10rdanian Army: Captain Wajeeh H. Abdul-Kareem arrived on eptem ber I st for a six-months' attachment. We are now also welcormng a eries of young urgeons from Moorfield Eye Ho pital in London who follow each other by working for a period in Jerusalem after their 3-year re idency at M oorfields, thus providing us with a ucce sion of brilliant young men expert in the rno t recent techniques in ophthalmology. As in previous years we have had the great plea ure of having with us an American urgeon who, in addition to acting a onc of our medical staff, makes him elf responsible for the =ye-bank e tabli hed in the Hospital by the International ye-bank. At pre ent thi . i being financed from Washington, and it eem possible that in the future it may be sponsored by the American Society of Sl. John. The pre, ence of the Eyebank is of great value to the work of the Hospital and it i to be hoped that in the future our connection with the U.S.A. will be continued through the generosity of our amliated Society. We recorded last year the presence of the fir t Arab woman urgeon on the staff, Dr. Sura el Aish. All we said in prai e of her la t year, and more, is true; and it was with regret that we allowed her to leave lI1 September to complete her post-graduate training at Moorfields "ye Hospital and the Institute of Ophthalmology in London. We were sorry also to say goodbye to our Matron. Miss Blewitt join~d us in 1958 as Assistant Matron and succeeded Miss tent a Matron tn 1961. She leaves with our best wishes for happines in her future career. In her place we are very fortunate to have been able to engage Miss M. J. Holloway who is no stranger to us, nor to the Arab world. he served at the Hospital in Watson and Strathearn Houses for two years from 195~1952 and she has been Supervisor at the American Univer ity Ho pital tn
Beirut for seven years. She was delighted to return in October to the Jerusalem that ~he know~ and loves. We are ~appy also to we1com.e back Miss Eileen SmIth as ASSIstant Matron and Sister Tutor, a post whIch she bas already filled for several years. We have made one succe ful innovation. Hitherto each of the Nursing Sister in turn has been responsible for the catering and general housekeeping of the Hospital ~or a few months at a time. This s,YsteI? has never been popular with the SIsters who come to Jerusalem pnmanly to nurse patients nor, understandably, has it been particularly successful. We were therefor~ happy to gra p the opportunity which arose early this year of appointing Mis Martin as permanent Catering Officer. Miss Martin, a French lady whose home is in the Dordogne, has been several years on the staff of Moorfield ye Hospital in a rather similar capacity. She has already done much to improve our tandards of catering and housekeeping in Jeru alem and to bring down the costs. For many years Mi s M. B. MacKellar, t~e Matron of Moorfields? has been a great friend and u pport to the HospItal; not only does she aId ~s in selecting each Nur ing iter and encouraging them to broaden theIr training and their outlook .by a tour of ~ uty in J~rusalem, but she also smoothes our path in nursing problems 111 a multItude of ways. We are very pleased that she has now agreed to become our ~ursing Advis~r. She spent a month in lerusalem early in th.e y~ar, workm.g personally In every department of the Hospital and studYing ItS econorr.l1cs. Her report, a rno t exhaustive job-analy is of our nur 109 and dome tIC arrangements, ba been of the greatest val ue and the recommendati?ns it embodies ~ere brought into effect in ovember. They have re ulted In a more ~conomlc~l and efficient u e of nursing and dome tic staff and a general Increase III efficiency. HOSPITAL FABRI
Our Ho. pital ha now been in use for more than five ye<1: rs and we.IT.lUst begin to expect a mounting bill for maint~na.nce and repal~ . In antiCIpation of thi we have approved a re-orgaOl atlOn of our ma.lOtenance staff 'rrith the engagement of a full-time painter and a full-tIme carpenter. There i \ ork- and m re- for both of them and already we have found that a con iderable economy has re ulted in com pari on with the frequent employment of out Ide contractors. We hould like to engage a plumber also when a uitable man can be found. There ha. been no new building thi year but it will be noted from the Illustration on the co er that there 1 n w a name- ign on the west wall of the Hospital facing the ablu R?ad. M.any thou ands of pilgrim. com~ down thi road every year on theIr way mto leru alem from th~ <1:lr p?rt, aU f Ho pital i the fir t building of note which they pa s and It 1 nght that they should know that it is the Ho pital of t. John. FINAN E.
As foreshadowed la t year the Appeal for the Ho pital and Resear~h Fund wa. launched in May. We need £ 1 million. It is. neve: ea y to ral e money for a charity, however w rthy, when the cau e IS so httle kn~wn ~o the general public as are re carch on trachoma and our Ho ~ltal III Jerusalem; and although we could not have known it when we deCIded to
make this Appeal, we could not well have chosen a more unfavourabl year. T?e financial dit?cult~es ~h~ough which. the country has been passin: have hIt us hard; neIther mdlvldual subscnbers nor the large industrial and ~OIJ?mercial ~oncer~s which are often the most generous supporters of ~hanty m t~e Umted Kmgdom have been able to subscribe as they would m normal times. J:Io,wever nearly £t million had been rai ed by the end of the year. This IS not the place to record our thank to individual donors but we cannot let the opportunity pass without a special word of appreciation of the action of o.ur friends, the Netherlands Order of St. John. La t summer they ma~e theIr own appeal on our behalf and raised over £1,100 for us. S~ch actIOn speak more strongly than words of the pirit of charity which bmds the Orders of St. John and reaches across the national frontiers of the world today. We must record also our admiration of the manner in which Sir Edwin Chapma~-Andre~s has led this many-sided and complex appeal in un. usually .d~fficult circumstan~es. His conviction, hi faith in the future, and the untInng energy and drIve he ha brouoht to this ta k have been the admirati~m of us ~ll and ~re beyond prai e~ We are most grateful to him and to hIS CommIttee whIch has directed the Appeal. The appeal Fund continues to mount~ if lowly. It will be a long haul, but the money must be .found. The plam fact i that at pre ent we only have enough to keep gOIllg for a very few years. We do not believe that any member of the Order wishe us to withdraw from the Research Camp~ign or would like t~e Ho pital to clo e it doors. For over eighty years It has tended the blmd people of Jeru alem and the neighbouring lands and the work it is doing today is greater than ever before. Moreover the hope held out for the future, if modern medicine can indeed provide a cure for tracho~a,. is so brig~t that we mu 1 pare no effort and grudge no expense to gam It. If a vaccme can be found the Ho pital could become the central focus in a wide i:nmunization programme. That campaign would rank amongst the fine t thmgs the Order of St. John ha ever done in all its long history. The benefit to mankind would be incalculable. Turning to details of ~he .Hospital' Income and Expenditure, although th~ ~ccounts reveal a rIse In expenditure of some £15,000, yet most of this IS. n<;m-recurrent. Our actual expenditure on salaries and hou e-keeping and SImilar ~xI?ens~s has up very little. And we have een this year a most gratIfYIng mcrease III revenue from private patients' fees-from £5,8~0 to £9,000. This is a reflection of the growing fame of the Hospital, partI.cularly amongst that portion of the population which wishe to have a pn~ate room and to pay a fee. Such people have often learned with surpnse that they can obtain in Jerusalem treatment a good as anything in the Capitals of Europe. The Treasurer and Accountant of the Order, Mr. D. B. R. Swin tead, paid a visit of inspection to the Hospital in November. He examined in detail .the book-keepin.g and other financial arrangement with the cooperatIOn of the SuperIntendent, Mr. Issa Marogi, and was able to make a numb~r of .valua~le recommendations and to clear up a number of outs.tandl~g dlfficu~tIe.s. We are most grateful to him and were glad to receIve hIS appreCIative comments on the conduct of affairs by the Superintendent and his staff.
Mention has already been made, earlier in this Report, of the appointment of Lady Wakehurst to be the Chairman of the Ladies' Guild in succession to Lady Scarbrough. Lady Scarbrough has been a Member of the Guild since 1945 and its very successful Chairman since 1952. Her service has therefore spanned some of the most difficult years in the history of the Hospital. She saw the loss of the Old Hospital on the Bethlehem Road, the years of improvisation and make-shift in Watson and Strathearn Houses, and the planning ~nd building and finally the occupation and .use of the new Hospital Itself. We are more grateful than can be easily expressed to Lady Scarbrough for her devoted service throughout this time. It was she who enlarged the membership and scope of the Guild to meet the greater re ponsibilities which she foresaw when. the new H.ospit~l was built and she can be proud of the success the Guild has had ill domg so. L~dy Wakehurst's appointment was approved by Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Glouce ter, at the beginning of the year, and she immediately took up her task with zest. Her own account is published with this Report. It will have been noticed that the name of the Guild itself has been changed; the new name "The Ladies' Guild of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem" is thought to reflect more closely the activities and responsibilities of the Guild today, for, in addition to supplying the linen for the Hospital it meets a host of other needs and requirements and provides many amenities and comforts which could not properly be met from a Hospital budget. Its ability to do thi~ with s~ch generosity is large~y d~e to the Guilds in Canada, in AustralIa, and m New Zealand, which ill recent years have been increasingly liberal both in cash and in material gifts. Similarly, the Ladies' Hospital Committee in Jerusl!lem, under the director hip of Mrs. McInnes, the wife of. the A:chbishop, an~ M~s. Boase, i continuing its out tanding work m helpmg our J:Iospital, ItS nursing staff and our patient . This maintenance of interest m our work by Briti h and Arab ladies in Jerusalem is a very satisfying acknowledgement of the appreciation in which it is held. THANKS
So many contributions have been received this ,Year it;! ans~er .t~ our Appeal that it will be no longer possible to pu1?hsh a list of mdlvIdual subscriber with this Report as has been done ill the past. Our t~anks have been sent to each one of them individually and ha e been published in the National Press. But, nevertheless, there are some contributors whose generosity is so outstanding that we wish to name them here. We already owe much more than we can say to the Recei~er-Ge~eral of the Order for the wisdom with which he guides our finanCIal affaIrs; to th~se services he has now added a personal subscription of almost emb.arras mg generosity. To Sir George and Lady Wilkinson we are equally mdebted. Colonel J. F. E. Pye and Miss E. J. F. Smith, both great benefactors ?f the Association and the Brigade, the one in Somerset and the other ill Sussex have extended their generosity to the Hospital too, as has the Hon. Denis Berry. One particular supporter in the Middle East must be
mentioned here with gratitude; Kamel Abdul Rahman gave a cheque for £5,000 at the beginning of the year and ha promised more. We are most grateful to those members of the A sociation and the Brigade in England who helped us by the sale of Christma cards; a special card was pro. duced and was sold throughout the country in aid of the Hospital. We must also mention the Tru tees of the Istanbul and Smyrna Hospital Fund, whose vision and generosity have been such an encouragement to us. Finally, we are again greatly indebted to the Iranian Petroleum Company and the Iranian Oil Consortium for continuing their magnificent contributions to our work which they have now given for some years. Our friends and colleagues in the Priories overseas have helped us as before with their personal subscription and in a number of other ways. We should also like to express our particular thanks to our many friends in Jordan; to members of the Government and to those in Govern. ment service who smooth our path in a multitude of way ; to the Municipality of Jerusalem to whom we are indebted for a ub cription to the Appeal in addition to invaluable help in the day-to-day affair of the Hospital; and to innumerable good friends in every walk of life. STEWART DUKE-ELDER, Hospitaller.
Patlenls queue ror treatment in the clinic
;.: I
Without any doubt the most memorable event of the year was the visit of H.R.H. Princes Alexandra on October 6th. Her Royal Highness made a very comprehensive tour of the hospital and expressed her interest and great appreciation of all she saw. Both she and her husband endeared them elve to staff and patients alike by their kindness and informal simplicity. \Ve were indeed most fortunate to have been visited by so gracious a lady to whom we tender our thanks and our loyal respects. In April we had the great honour of a visit of inspection by the Crown Prince of Jordan, Prince Hassan, supported by the Prime Minister, the Governor of Jeru alem, and the Lord Mayor of Jerusalem. His Royal Highne recorded hi great intere t in the ho pital and the hope that it would continue to prosper. Throughout January we had the pleasure and advantage of having the Ho pitaller and Lady Duke-Elder re iding in our midst. It was no surprise ta learn that during thi period yet another volume of the incomparable "Sy tern of Ophthalmology" came to birth. Nor was it unexpected that the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, His Beatitude Benedictus I, should ackno\\ledgc Sir tewart's de\ otion to the cau e of Jerusalem by investing him with the in ignia of Commander of the Knight of the Order of the Holy epu1chre. In February a tree-planting ceremony took place in the hospital grounds, and \\ hen in the future \ 'e see the e tree in their prime we will look back and remember with gratitude thi kindly ge ture on the part of Mrs. Leila Wil on and the ladie of the American Con ulate in Jerusalem. The olive tree \\ere a gift from the :t\lunicipality to Mr . \Vil on to commemorate her tal here. \Ve feel it i, a great compliment that he hould have chosen ta have them planted in our ho pital During pril we had the pri\ ilege of an official vi it by Mi s MacKellar, the 1atron of Moorfield Eye Ho pital in London. This was no holiday far her but a mo. t arduou four week work that ha led to considerable reorganization and mcrea ed efficienc throughout the ho pital. \Ve are really mo t gmt ful to 1i s MacKellar for her help and advice, the fruit of her long and di tingui hed experience a a Matron. We hope he will not defer a econd \ i it for too long, and that n xt time her husband will be able to accompany her. In much the arne context \\e were \ery plea ed to welcome Mr. David Swin tead, Trea urer and Ac ountant of the Order, on his econd vi it to the Ho pi tal. Here again the ten da he pent with us in November were full) taken up ""ith ~1 meticulou in pection of our book and record and the general management of the Ho pital. \Ve under tand that our Ho pital Superintendent, Mr. 1 a Nlarogi, carne through thi inqui ition with flying colour. The e i its of inspection are of inestimable alue to us; would that they could happ n more frequently. .' The Lord Prior, Lord Wakehur t, wa here for a few day III Apnl, and again in November for a brief one-day \'i it from Beirut. Indirectly due to his rapprochement v.ith the German 10hanniterorden the Or~er' parcel of land adjoining \Vat on Hou e in the area known a the Mun tan ha been loaned on a gentlemen' agreement t the Lutheran church for U e a playground f r their chool. It ha a a re ult changed from a
?esol,:te piece of waste la,nd to. an attracti~ely p.aved area. The present mtentIOn IS that the Order s anCIent connectIOn wIth the Muri tan (site of the first hospital in Crusader time) will be commemorated by a small memorial garden on this site. The month-long fa t of Ramadan commenced this year on Christmas Eve. In deference to the large number of Mo lems on our staff, to whom ~ny form ?f jollification during Ram~dan would be quite unacceptable, It was dec.l~e? to hold the annual dlllner and dance before Christmas. The e festlvltle on December 18th 10 t nothing in enthusiasm through being some.what out of eason. A good time was had by all. It was WIth much adness that we heard of the death in September of Lord Bossom, a suredly one of our taunche t upporters. He will be greatly mi sed. To hi on and heir, Sir Clive Bo om we extend our deepest sympathy.
The table appended to thi report give the Return for la t year, and of the preceding four years for com pari on. It will be noted that the number admitted to Hospital increased a did the total attendance. The reason for this is thought to be the remo al of re triction on travel between Jordan and Syria; there were 1 007 new case regi tered a having come fr~m Syri~, and 26~ from Saudi Arabia. Thi influx of patient from nelghbounng countne accounts also for the marked ri e of o\er 400 in cataract operations. The total number of operation i again ju t over the 6,000 mark. In the report for 1964 it wa aid that thi figure probably represented saturation level v-. ith our exi ting theatre capacity. La t year's results confirm the expectation. The plain fact i that two theatre are not sufficient. If .one ~ould alway ha\e t\\ 0 experienced quick-working surgeons COplllg WIth the day's operation list tv-.o theatre might be adequa~e, but as a very important function of the Ho pital i to accept and t~alll you1?g surgeons the time factor i all-important; \\ hat the expert does m ten mmutes may take the tyro an hour or more. It i here that a third theatre would make a great difference. From a tructural tandpoint this presents no difficulty; an adjacent open area need but two wails and a roof. And the cost? Our architect' rough e tlmate i under two rhc u-und p o unds. _11ere was a ignificant fall in the number of corneal graft. To a small extent this is attributable to incapacitation through lllne of Dr. Ray, the ~ye-bank surgeon, who has the primary re ponsibility for trying to ?btam corneas from local sources. In the main, hO\ ever, it is the, as yet, lllsuperable antipathy of the public to removing the cornea from deceased persons ~hich is. the chief ob tac1e to progress. Generation will pass before thIS aversIOn to any form of autop )- disappear from Moslem countrie . It may be of interest to compare a few items from the Returns of ten years ago with those of the past year. Admissions . Total operations . Cataract operations Pterygium operations Glaucoma opel ations Detachment operations Rhinost( my operations
920 1,341 296 295
3,129 6,089 1,641 1,208 359 76 66
74 19
No less than twelve different surgeons served on the staff at one time or another during the year. Dr. Harry Caldwell, 'Bunker Fellow' of the International Eye-bank, returned to Kentucky in July, and was replaced by Dr. Ronnie Ray from Washington. The Royal Air Force has again assisted u : Wing-Commander A. Morgan completed his six months econdment in February and was relieved by Squadron-Leader M. Shearer until August when the Royal Navy took over with Surgeon Commander A. Russell. Our lady surgeon, Sura El Aish, left for London in September, and was replaced by Captain Wajeeh Abdul-Kareem on six months'secondment from the Jordan Army. Dr. Terrence Hypher joined us in January for a whole year. In October we lost our "Aussie", Dr. Joe O'Sullivan, who left for further study in London. Finally, Dr. David Owen, fresh from St. Thomas's Hospital, arrived in December on a year' appointment. There was no change in the personnel of Warden, Sub-\Varden (Khalil Budeiri) and the Superintendent (Issa Marogi). For the second time we had a final year medical student from St. Thomas's working here as a trainee during his summer vacation. Of the Si ters Mis Anne Blewitt who had been Matron for almost four years decided to go in earch of pastures new. She left in October, and is now in South Africa, where we hope she is happily settled. Her successor, Miss Margaret Holloway is no stranger for she served in Watson House in 1950-1952. Mis Claire Buxton, Assistant Matron and Sister Tutor, left in September, her po t being filled by Mi Eileen Smith who thus re umed her original appointment after an interval of eight months at Moorfields gaining further admini trative and teaching experience. Sisters Martha Roberts Jean Seath and Elizabeth Wood left during the year and were replaced by ancy Donnelly, Rosetta Clark and Erna Gugerel. A new po 1. that of Catering Officer was filled in April by Miss Georgette Martin. Of the six local nurses who took final examination, fi e passed. One has remained on the taff as an ophthalmic nur e. Five out of seven first year student pa ed the fir t examination. Twel e nurses passed the Government Fir t Aid examination. One po t-graduate nurse and two student nur es from the Augu ta Victoria HOJpital pent three months with u gaining ophthalmic experience. VISITORS
It eemed to be a good year for vi itor to Jerusalem, and we have plea ant memorie of the many who honoured us by visiting the ho pita!. Among the e were Mr . Per ia Porter from Sydney Dame Barbara Cozen R.R.C. our Consul-General in Jeru alem and Mr . Hugh Puilar, Sir Ba il and Lady Smallpeice, Dr. and Mr Edgar Thomson from S dney, the Bi hop of Crediton with a large party, Mr. and Mr . Edgar J. Stone from Toronto, Sir Gawain Bell Mr. Stephen Miller, F.R.C.S., Dr. Edwin B. Dunphy from Harvard Medical School, Sir Gwilym and Lady William, Lord Middleton, and Mr. Daniel E. London from San Franci co. One group of thirty-two per on came under the aegis of the Order and was ably shepherded by Mr . Mollie Andrewe from Headquarter in Grosvenor Cre cent. Many of their friend had the opportunity of renewing acquaintance with Surgeon-Captain and Mr . Dudley Gurd during their
few days stay here. Dr. Gurd had been Warden of the hospital from 1952 to 1955. We take this opportunity to congratulate him on his imminent promotion to the rank of Surgeon Rear-Admiral, Royal Navy. LADIES' JERUSALEM SUB-COMMITTEE
New cases.
Total attendances.
The Committee has met regularly under the chairmanship of Mrs. MacInnes and there has been no change of membership. The scope of activities has not varied greatly although with the School of Nursing now firmly established in its own right the need for propaganda has consequently diminished.
Glasses ordered
Mrs. MacInne had a course of First Aid lectures to the student nurses and all but one pas ed the examination.
SEWING GUILD Attendances continue to be very satisfactory and a lot of useful work is accomplished. BLIND WELFARE Members have co-operated in arranging a regular programme of talks, informal concerts and social gatherings throughout the year. Over 200 adults and children enjoyed the Christma parties and some 150 attended a picnic given in June in the garden of the Briti h Con ulate, by kind permis ion of the Consul-General, Mr. H. R. Pullar. The 'Blind Club,' as it is called for want of a better name appears to have e tabli hed it elf as a very real and appreciated factor in the life of the blind people living in the vicinity of Jerusalem. A. J. BOASE,
Evi ceration
Pterygiu m.
Corneal graft .
Opt. iridectomy
Strabi mu
Corneal tattooing.
Iri prolap e
Cataract Di cis ion
Detachment of retina.
as at 30 September 1964 . Add: Subscriptions, Donations and 20,109 Legacies . Surplus on sale of Freehold Property: Jerusalem (Israel)
£ 378,804
£ 419,676
65,309 20,109
Deduct: Net Expenditure year to date 52,686 Research Expenditure prior to Appeal 15,870 Special Expenditure: Legacy 100 Israel: net outgoings . 527 Post-War Fund: loan repaid .
100,000 69,183
APPEAL Subscriptions, Donations and Legacy. 81,868 Grant from Post-War Fund 25,000 Loans, less repaid 3,145 Interest 2,871
PROPERTY Freehold Land, Buildings and Equipment: Jerusalem (Jordan) at cost . Freehold Property: Ramallah (Jordan): balance of sale proceeds INVESTMENTS (ApPEAL) British Government (Quoted) . 25,555 British Corporation (Quoted) 441 British Corporation (Short Term) 70,000 (Market Value: £95,996)
tt1 ~ tt1
NET CURRENT ASSETS Cash on Deposit at interest with Order of St. John . 12,321 Cash at Banks and in hand . 3,977 Debtors and prepayments 3,372 Stock of fuel and stores . 559
52,559 9,563 2,323
t""' ~ .....
=r: 0 CIl
"d ......
Deduct: Creditors and accruals
2,408 17,248
112,884 Less: Grant to Institute of Ophthalmology (London) . 15,000 97.884 427,614 DEFERRED LlABILl ITES Jordanian Staff: Provident Fund Provision for Gratuities
6,073 3,735
4,922 3,463 9,808
. r- "",- ...;-.,.r.. .• • ..!' _ _
.. , - ... ",-- . .
8,385 £..3S7.J89
Private Patients' Fees. Interest. GRANT
from Post-War Fund
BALANCE transferred from Balance Sheet .
5,844 3,040
10,709 20,000
8,884 20,000
30,709 52,686
28,884 40,103
-- ----
1 , XPLNDll ' U R.ic:.
HOSPITAL Salaries and Pension National Insurance . Superannuation and Provident Fund contnbutions . . , Provision for Jordanian Staff Gratuities. Food and Housekeeping Drugs and Dressings. Equipment and Instruments Freight Rates . Lighting and Heating Water. Repairs and Maintenance Travelling and car expenses Po::.tage and Telephone . Printing and Stationery . Insurance. Equipment and Furnishings (new fiats) . Sundry expenses £ LONDON OFFICE Salaries, Pension and Lunch 1,343 Vouchers 33 Nationallnsurance . 116 Superannuation contributions . 58 Rates and Insurance. 80 Lighting, Heating and Cleaning 211 Postage and Telephone. . . 300 Printing and Stationery 466 Travelling expenses 10,050 Appeal expenses. 59 Sundry expenses .
42,614 98
35,813 80
501 6,012 2,437 2,292 663 349 4,119 1,876 2,756 3,042 343 604 788
272 6,435 2,220 1,406 407
4,007 1,349 3,575 3,578 351 537 740
986 1,046
:;0 ~
£ 1,323 31 65 51 94 162 305 395 2,205 33
Ladies' Guild
wheel chairs for the use of patients; one would be kept on each floor of the Hospital. The cost of these has been met from sUbscriptions from the Linen Guild in Canada. For some years the need for new bedspreads has been evident. The \!~al r lllal1: bedspreads, which are kept on the beds throughout the day, have the emblem of the Order placed prominently in the centre of them and they T HE L ADY WAKEHURST, D.B.E. lend great character and distinction to the Wards. Early in the year an lD eplIt\? al air man: attractive grey-blue crease-resistant material was found which would stand up to the frequent laundering to which these bedspreads are subT HE DOWAGER LADY LLOYD jected. The Guild therefore authorised the purchase of a large stock which should be sufficient for many years to come. The emblem of the a~mm l ttec Order has been embroidered on them and some examples of the finished article were shown to the Guild at a meeting held in December which was THE COUNTESS B EAUCHAMP, M.B.E. LADY G EORGE attended by Her Royal Highne the Duche s of Gloucester. THE DOW AGER C OUNTESS OF THE Ho . LADY GAMAGE As in previous years the Guild has made itself responsible for the B ESSBOROUGH THE VI COU T[SS KEMSLEY Chri tma fe tivities and the staff parties. Since Ramadan was due to LADY LORAI TE DOREEN, L ADY B RABOURNE, C.l. start thi year on Christma Eve the e festivities were held a few days in MRs. M. CRESSWELL MISS M. B. MA KELLAR advance . They are alway a ource of great pleasure both to the patients LADY D UKE- ELDER THE LADY PLC DLR and to the staff who ee in them a direct expression of goodwill from their THE VIS COUNTESS D UNROSSIL LADY So THWLLL benefactors in the Order. DOROTHY, LADY ELLE BOROUGH TH LADY WEBB-loH SO The Ho pitaller ha already reported that in view of the wider activities THE LADY FREYBERG, G.B.E. THE MARCHIO ES OF ZETLAND the Guild ha undertaken it ha been thought right to change its name. Se-cr,tl'tr}2 : Approval wa accordingly given in December for the Guild to be known henceforward as "The Ladie ' Guild of the Hospital of St. 10hn of N. C . MCCLINTOCK, ESQ. Jeru alem" . We would like to take thi opportunity of expre ing our thanks to all our kind friends both in the United Kingdom and abroad who have continued their sub cription to the Guild , and to tho e new ones who have R EPORT OF THE LADIES' GILD joined u. A number of st. John Council in England have been F OR THE YEAR 1965 generou to u thi year but we are especially indebted. ~o the Guild in Canada, in Au tralia and in ew Zealand. In additlon to At a meeting held on the 9th February Lady Scarbro ugh announced sub cribing mo t generou ly in ca h a will be een from the acc~unt that now that she was no longer living in London he had found it nece ary publi hed with thi report, the Guild in Canada ha ent many con Ignto offer her re ignation. Exp re ing the deep regret \A.hich members of the Guild felt at hearing this news Lady Lloyd aid that they had aJl deeply ments of goods direct to the Ho pital. ew Zealand ha done the same; indeed the arrival at St. 10hn' Gate of the large crates of goods sent valued an? appreciated her leadership during the thirteen year she had from New Zealand ha become an annual event to look forward to. As been ChaIrman; and they had all admired the work he had done perin previou year a election of the e was shown to Her Royal Highness ~onal1y for the great H o pital of which they were all 0 proud. Thi was the Duche of Glouce ter and to members of the Committee before mdeed a sad day for them. They felt a ense of deep and affectionate regret at losing her. being forwarded to the Ho pita!. .. I should like to ay a pecial word about Au tralla becau e on a recent The G uild met fou r times during the year. In addition to meeting all visit I wa able to meet many member of the Guild and thank them demands fo r replacement of linen they were able to improve the amenities in the H ospital in a variety of way. Early in the year the Warden reported personally for their generou upport. I a1 0 had the good fortune, early in 1966, to be able to pend a week tha.t the supply of crockery in u e by the patient and the taff was noW in Jeru alem where I not only visited the Ho pital but met all the st~ff senously d eplet~d by breakage ; thi was the china crockery supplie~ and had opportunitie of talking ove: m~tters of concern ~o the GUll? w~en the H ospItal was new. The Guild therefore decided to replace It with the Warden and the Matron . Thl wIll be a great help III commumWIth a stock of unbreakable Melamine ware, and to pay for this with eating the needs of the Ho pital to members of the Guild. . . funds ~ub scribed by the Linen G uild in Australia. I am happy to rep?rt J should like in conclu ion to thank all members of the GUlld for theIr that thIS Melaware appears to be a great success. It is of attracti ve deSIgn help and co-operation during my first year as Chairman. and colours and is popular both with the patients and t he staff. !n M ay the G uild were in terested to hear a most informative report by MARGARET WAKEHURST, MISS M acKellar who had just returned from her vi it to Jerusa lem. They Chairman. were happy to accept her recommendation that they should buy two
110 10 0
Whitaker, Hon. Mrs. H. G . Wollaston, Lady
8 11
ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, JERUSALEM Note-The letter "c" indicates that the Subscriber has signed a Deed of Covenant, thus enabling the Ladies' Guild to reclaim the relative income tax. SUBSCRlPTIO S
GENERAL Lady Astor of He er' Charitable Tru t Beachcroft, Mrs. J. Beauchamp, Countes Beaufort, Duke of. . . . . . cBessborough. Dowager Countess of . cBessemer, Mrs. J. G. B. . . . . . cBolitho, Sir Edward, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O. Brabourne, Doreen, Lady, c.l. cBridgland, Lady . . Cadbury, Mrs. W. A. . cCresswell, Mrs . M. . B .. Dawson of Penn , Viscountes cDuke-Elder, Lady . . . . Ellenborough, Dorothy, Lady French, Lady Essex, O.B.E. . cFreyberg, Dowager Lady, G.B.£. Gamage, Hon. Lady . . . . . . . . Halifax, Dowager Counless of c.r., D.C.V .O .. Hayes, Miss A. C. G . . Hills, Lady . . . . . . . . . . Howard de Walden and Seaford, Lady, C.B. Hue-Williams, Mrs. Roger James, Lady Serena . . . . . . Knightsbridge Nursing Division , S.l.A.B. Lascelles, Mrs. Edward cLaw, Mrs. Frank . . Lindsay, Countess of . cLloyd, Dowager Lady . cLoraine, Lady . cLowry-Corry, Lady cLuttrell, Mrs. G. F. Lyle, Mrs. Keith . . . . . . Nunburnholme, Dowager Lady, M.B.E. Overend, Miss L. . Perowne, Hon. Lady . Pirie-Gordon, Mrs. H. A .. Plender, Lady . Porritt, Lady . . . . . . . Scarbrough, Countess of, D.C.V.O .. cSouthwell, Lady . . . Talbot-Rice, Hon . Mrs. . Tufnell, Mrs. E. D. cVickers, Mrs. E. M. . . . cWalker, Miss A . M ., M.B.E .. Watson, Mrs. D. B., O.B.E. Webb-Johnson, Lady Wells, Miss A. C. .
£ s. d. 20 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 1 0
3 5 1 3
25 0 15 0 10 10 20 0 10 0 20 0 50 0
Berkshire Hampshire Jersey orth Riding of Yorkshire Somer et Su ex Worcester hire.
150 10
5 4 2 11 5 6 0 0
8 18 9 3 0 0
8 10 3 1 1 0 8 10 3 1 1 0 1 1 0
3 8 7 5 5 0 1 1 0
110 110
0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 50 412 165 225 200
Commandery in We tern u tralia . St. John ouncil for South ustralia Eastern Suburb Ladie ' Linen Guild Queen land Linen Guild Stralhflcld Ladie ' Linen Guild Vlctonan Ladies' Linen Guild Gooch, G. F. Hick , Mr . Montague Wright, Mrs. B. J ..
£Al,106 Sterling Equivalent
5 5 0 1 1 0
316 18 11
12 0
8 0
10 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0
We tern Suburb Linen Guild
881 160
1 041 12
2 0 10 0
8 3 3 2 10
0 0 4 3
8 1 1 1 I 5
3 3 15 9 14 3 t 0 1 0 5 0
1 1 0 1 1 0
5 5 0 3
3 0
]0 0 0 3 11 0 1 1 0
] 1 6
1 15 0 1 14 0
10 9
3 3 4 1 1 0
CANAD Linen Linen
uild of Canada . . . . . .., uild of Canada, Toronto Women' Auxiliary.
£ 395 132
s. 6 2
d. 9 9 527 £1,886
1 1
/Prt r }? III 'Ctb e j!3nt\ sb 1Reall11
Cb e Gr il ll tl
of rb e {]J) .)s r \[) ell erab le O rllc r of rb e 1f::> spital of Sr. 3-obll (I f J erusal em
Ube SS t.
3 0 1)11 R lnblllRllc e tl SS OCIRtl Oll /p ar r 11 :
H R MAJESTY THE Q UEE overelgn H ead of the O rder)
Further copies of thi report are available from:
GATE (Tel.
IP re5 1l> ell t :
lerkenwell 6644)
H .R .H. THE D UKE OF G LOUCESTER, K.G. rand Prior of the Order)
!D lrc- r r:::G c\1era l ' IR PHILIP SOUTHWFLL, C.B.E., "I.C.
!D ep lI t\. !Dlr ec t or:::G cllcr al LIF
I R \1. • IR
cl ss l ~:; t n \1t
:!DlrC c t
K.B.E., C.B., LL.D., F. R.C.S., D.L.O.
~ r:::(5 C ll c ral
Q., D . . C.
IP rIllC lp al M elli e I Off( -cr [-T . . T[\\ RT, "i.A., M.D., PH.D.,
'E\ 5f3 I!3 t ant
J. L.
( "I
rl)c /prin cipal M!tll cnl O ffi cer:
) FL,
. Q., "LB..
H.B., D.I.H.
5 ec ret ar\2 : J. . G [R ITZ,
'Ctr ens lir c r Rill' Bcc ollntnnt : T H E TREASURER A
D . B. R ..
Printed by Swindon Press L td. , Vic toria Road, Swindon, Wills.
Q., f . . A.
Bt)\?isor)? {panel
clssocia tio ll ctolll lll ittee Chief Consultant
Advi er
(Director-G enera l)
lRqnesclltlllg Sul.JorullHlfC .I£sfabllsbmcllrs of rl)C Oruel' , Lieut.-Colonel John R . L. Traherne, D.L. Priory for /Vales P. lwyn-Smith, E q., LB., B. .. Priory fO/ Wales Colonel B. D. otton, O.B.E., T.D. . COllll/wllder)' oIArds
1H Ill11latcu 1 \? rl)c !DlrcctL r::::Gcllcral Depm tlllelll of edllcatioll alld ciellcC' Mr . J. . C. Jinglon Gelleral Post O//7ce D . C. Balaam, [ q. Declricitl' COlillcil R. G. Bellamy E q .. 011111.1' Director, orr/lillllhe rl(/Ilt/ R. L. Bellwood, \1.0., B.. , D.P.II, K. Biden- teele A r/l1l' Departml!lll, Cil'/1ioll '- I{ahlis/tllle I1t\ D.P.:-'1. D.f.H. CO/lilt)' Director, 1/.\\('.\ R. Breffit, E q , O.B.E. Police Force, D. L. Brown , q. J. H. Chamber, q., ,\ I.B., H.B., C.P.II., \/inislr)' of AI'iatl'lII D.LH. ollnt)' Director, Lall( a\/II/"l' K. C. Cook, E q., F. .A. . Dame Barbara ozen., D.8.E., R.R.C. P. W. DiJl-Rus ell, E q., .B.E., l\1.R. \/iniltr) of Ol'er.leas Del'elopll1ellt L.R.C.P., F.R .. H. Lt.-General Ir Robert Drew, K . . B., .B.l.. Director-Gelli'ml A rll/l' \ Iedical e/'l'ices Q.H.P., M.B., f.R.C.P. . . The Honourable Lady Gamage electrical Associatioll fm Womell Miss M. George, II.1.B.[. . COllnt)' Direc/Or, Buc/,illgl/{I/I/I'hire F. L. Gordon, q. British Railwa)'s Bvard J. Sharp Grant Esq., \1.0., F.R.C.S. Hillistr./' of Labollr A. F. Halfull Eq . . G. O. Hughes, C q., M.C., \1.13" (l-1.B., Gas oll/Ieil M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H" D.T.I L British RailH'aj'\' Hoard S. J . Judson, q. British Railwel),s Board C. S. McLeod , C q., 0.13.12., M.A. atiollal oal Board J . H. Mitchell , q.. R. Murray, II.B., D.P.II., \fedical Adl'iser, Tmc!e:, lIioll COllf{re.l'.1 D.I.H. \/iniltlT of fl ellltit P. V. Muston, q. Director-General '/edical en'ices, Ro)'al Air M arshal Sir Ri chard elson, K.. B., O.B.E., Q.H.P., M.D. Air Force British \/edicct! AS.\Ociolioll J. S. oble, q., 11.1.13., B.S. L. G. orman, sq., .B.E., M.D., I.R.C.P. LOl/doll Trallspol't Board alional Dock Labollr Boord T. O'Leary, E q., .B.L Jinistry of H ealth Mi ss K. Raven Surgeon Vice-Admiral Sir Derek Steele- Director-Gel/eral \ Iedicol e/'l'ices, Royal Perkin, K.C.B., K,< .V.O., Q. II .S., I .R.r.S. OilY ol/feclera t ivn of Brit ish Indll.ltl'l' D. Taylor, [sq., C.M.G. . F. G. Thomas, sq., M.A. ationol Dock Labolll' Board Brigadier D ame Margot Turner, D.B.r., fvfatron-in-Ch;ef and Director of N1Irsing R.R.C. erl'ices (A rmy) Alex J. Webb, q.,O.B.L. Vice-Admiral Sir Peveril William-Powlett, COlillty Director, Lon c/o 1/ K.. B., K.C.M.G., .B.E.,D.S.O.
Sir Arthur Porritt, Bt. K.C.M.G., K.C.V,O., C.B.E., M.B.,, F.R.C.S. D. T. C. Barlow, Esq., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Professor K. W. Donald, D.C.S., M.A., M.D., D.SC., F.R.C.S. Professor W. Gissane, M.B., Ch.M., F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S. Professor T . C. Gray, M.D., F.F.A.R .. S. G. O. Hughes, Esq ., M.C., M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H ., D.I.H. Major-General W. D. Hughes, C.B., C.B.E., Q.H.P., M.D., F.R.C.P., D.T.M.M.H. Jan Mc lure, Esq., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G., M.P. dward G. Muir, Esq., M.S., F.R.C .. Profe or . A . PASK, O.B.E., M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S., F.F.A.R.C.S. Professor J. P. Payne, M.B. , Ch.B., F.F.A .R.C.S. Reginald E. Plea ance, Esq ., M.D., M.B., ch.B., F.F.A.R.C.S. Profe or H. W. Rodgers, O.B.E., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. R . . Taylor, E q., O.B.E., T.D., M.R .C.S., L.R.C.P., F.D.S., R.C.S.
of the St. John Ambulance A ociation i the in truction of any nationality in Fir t Aid, Nur ing, Hygiene , Child Care and kindred ubject . It policy i directed toward the impro ement of tandard and method of in truction 0 that it teaching ecure the confidence both of the Medical Profe ion and the general pUblic. In addition, the A ociation examine and report on modern practice and technique including i ual aid and ther new meth d of in tructi on. Thi require con iderable re earch. in our work during 1965 we ha e been f rtunate in that we received advice from a con iderable number of eminent member of the Medical Profe ion expert in their own partciular field, ho have great! a. i ted u in keeping abrea t of the late t de elopment. At the end of the year under report there \ ere 175 Centre of the A ociation in England. Report from the e Centre hO\; a con iderable ariety of activitie and there i a general indication that Re Ll citation ha caught the public imagination re ulting in a demand for pecial demon tration which the entre ha e be n plea ed to pro ide. In a report of thi kind it i not po ible to record in great detail the work of all our Centre . Selection ha , therefore , been made till u trate the overall work of the year. hibiti n at the Warwick hire were again re pon ible for t. John Royal Show which wa honoured by a i it of H. R. H. The Duche of Glouce ter. The exhibition thi ye'lr took" ye' a it them c \ ering the activitie of the Order in thi neld and including a model fthe phthalmie Hospital in Jeru alem. Dr. P. J. Miller f Ru gby, in conjuncti n 'v\ ith the Birmingham Eye Ho pital , provided further material whi h 'v\Gl of great intere t and of educative value. I might mention that the ciation undertook the catering for the Brigade and other ir t Aid per nnel on duty at the Show, including the Briti h Red ro ociety. From Coventry come a report of an increa e of 260 certificate i ued during the year, and help in Bri gade recruitment by obtaining 120 new members. Thi a pect of the A ociation' work for the Brigade i a matter of mutual a i tance a the Brigade play ' an imp rtant part in providing demon trator for Fir t Aid cIa e and a lli ed ubject . [n York the Centre celebrated it 75th Anniver ary, and thi wa publici ed by a hor eman in the co tume of a 13th century K night of the Order riding through the City each evening. There were celebrations on St. John' Day and a ervice wa held at St. Helen 's Church followed by demon tration of ir t Aid in the market square, three re uscitation model being u ed for in truction . J would like to refer to the Po t Office Ambulance Centre, the activities of which have re ulted in a far higher proportion of ir t idcr than the stat utory minimum . Thi Centre ha made great efTort to increa e the number of Lay ]n tructor and 145 new In tructor qualified . A ca ~I~lty simulation outfit ha now been upplied to office where Fir t Aid traInIng is given; thi add to the intere t a nd reali m of the in truction. A an THE OBJECT
illu tration of the great part which the national bodie play in the country, the Po t Office Centre now ha J 50 Branches throughout the United Kingdom. In the lectricity Indu try the Ambulance Centre gained over 1,000 more Fir t Aid certificate than in the previou year. In this nationalised indu try the ratio of qualified Fir t Aiders of one for every fifteen employee i worthy of pecial note and congratulation. Progre can be mentioned in other nationali ed industries and Government b die and they have little difficulty in meeting the statutory obligation by oluntary effort which i of great encouragement to us in our work. In the cllo I of thi country Fir t Aid training i developing rapidly. I might refer to one or two point of intere t. In La ncas hire there was a Fir t id cour e for teacher in the previou year and a a re ult in the year under report econdary chool are now teaching Fir t Aid as a reg ular r e tra-curricular ubject. Similar activitie are reported from the orth Ridin g of York hire . In the Inn er London Authority 133 chools have had ba ic Fir t Aid cour e and orne chool have progres ed to the Adult ir t id certificate. ther have followed their Fir t Aid with Home ur ing and Child Care. We would like to ee more young people, particular! tho e f the motor cycling contingent, taking the opportunity or learning the rudiment of Fir t Aid in view of the large number of acc ident there arc with the e vehicle. In the rth of ngland there ha been greater intere t during the year III our cour e on F od Hygiene, and in Durham and the North Riding of York hire the e have been organi ed with the upport and help of Medical Officer f Health. Fir t id mpetition pia an important part in our acti itie . Lanea hire held the nnual Indi idual competition in March with 113 eom petit r . The younger Fir t Aider i catered for in increa ing number by a "Teenage" c mpetiti n with 2 entrie and a Junior Competition \\il h 10 entrie . 1n the North Ridin g of York hire Junior Competitions \\e re held at orthallert n in Mayand e en team in the 11 - 15 year age gro up t ok part drm n from the Briti h Red Cro Society, Boy Scout , Girl uide and another e\en team in the 15- 1 ear age group competed in thi ection, dray n from local chool and the Girl Guide. Harrogate had a ucce fui competition won by a team from the factory of the unl p Rubber ompany Limited. The Centre for the Hea y Woollen Di trict held their nnual Competition a nd a l 0 a new Fir t Aid Comp tition f rung people under the age of 21 ear; 17 team competed. Leed rgani ed competitio n for lndu try and Police. The 0 goldero entre inaugurated a new competition for an annual e ent for a Challenge hield; 10 team competed and it i hoped in ub equent year to be enabled to j in the Y rk hire Ambulance Competition League. The Plym uth Centre held it Annual omp tition and to team dra\, n frO I11 the t. J hn Ambulance Bri gade, County and City Police, National Dock Labour Board, outh We tern G 'l Board etc., took part. The tourbridge Centre held it fourth Youth Fir t Aid Competition in May with an increa ed number of entrie and it third Open Fir t Aid Competition in ugu t. There were 19 entrant for the latter, coming from all part of the We t Midland and a far an ld a Bri to1 and Leice tef. Many other entre held Annual Competition providing intere t and variety in training.
6 In addition to the above activitie of A ociation Centre , there should be mentioned talks and demon tration to Young Farmer, Sailing Clubs and Swimming Club. In many Centre member give help to the aged read to the blind or write letter for them a i t in ho pital , tran port and e cort the aged to ho pita] or to the ea ide . Of the new Centre et up in 1965 the Centre for the R . . F. Police is of particular intere t a it cover all member of the R .A.F. Police in various part of the world. P BLI ATIO
First Aid Manual: The econd edition of the Fir t Aid Manual was published jointly by the St. John Ambulance ociation, the t. Andrew's Ambulance ociation, and the Briti h Red Cro ociety in October 1965 and coming into u e hortly afterward . it become our official authori ed er ion on I t eptember, 1966. wa to be e pected with a new book it recei ed early critici m and wa the ubject of con iderable comment. It new tyle and the opportunity it offered tor progre ive training by the three cour e - Fir t id Certificate, Hi gher Fir t Aid Certificate and Certificate of Ad anced Kn ledge in ir tid- were greatly appreciated in a wide phere. Many welcomed the book a a development toward meeting the modern need for a higher tandard of Fir t Aid. We are particularly grateful to a large number of active and enior member of the Medical Profe ion ho gave freely f their time to en ure that thi book gi\ e the be t medical ad ice . We are indebted to member of the taff of the ociation for the work entailed and to Lieutenant-General ir Alexander Drummond for the great er ice he gave in our intere t on the Joint Co-ordinating ommittee and el ewhere. Basic First Aid Manual : Work on the re j i n of thi b k has commenced and it i hoped to publi h the new edition late in 1966. The title of thi new book will be: "E ential of Fir t Aid" . Visual Aids: In order to a i t tho e concerned with the organi ation of the cour e and to pro ide information of in tructi nal material, the Association publi hed a book gi ing detail of film and al 0 leaflets dealing with film trip model chart and diagram which have pro ided much of interest and alue. OMP TIT ION
In the National First Aid Competition held during the year the winning team of competition held under the au pice of the A ocia ti on were as follows: Competitions for Men :
Winning Teams:
Police . . . . . . . . . Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre ational Dock Labour Board Centre . United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Ministry of Aviation Ambulance Centre . . . . . . . . ational Coal Board. British Rail ways, London Transport (Railways) and British Tran port Docks Briti sh Transport Police . . . . . Army Department Ambulance Centre . Gas Industry . . . . . . . . . . . National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance As 0ciation . Fire Brigades . . . . . . . . General Post Office Ambulance Centre.
dinburgh ity Police London (Sa ller ea) rim by' , Iderma ton ' , R.O. . ardifT Grimethorpe oillery outhern ( outhampton) London Midland ( Hey ham) . D. . -. Porton We t Midland Ga. Board Plymouth ity ity and ounty of Sri tol London Telecommunications ( . Area)
Os we try
9 Competifion for Women: police . . . . . . . . . Electricity upply Ambulance Centre . United Kingd om lomic Energy Authority \1ini try of viation Ambulance Centre . . . Bnti h Rail way, London Tran porI (Railways) and Briti h Tranport Dock . . . . Army Department mbulance entre . Gas Indu try . . . . . . . . . . . . 'lational Road Pa enger Tran porI Ambulance A ociat Ion .. ... .... General Po t Office Ambulance entre .
Winning Teams : Cheshire Constabulary South Western (Portishead) Aldermaston D.A.G. 3, Liverpool Scotti h (Glasgow) R.O.F. Chorley 'A' Scotti h Ga Board London Transport Savings (S.D. Morecambe)
The winning team of the e competition together with the winning team' [the l. John Ambulance Brigade competitions for the "Dewar' and " Perrott" hield, took part in the Grand Prior' Trophy Competition on 5th 'vember in the eymour Hall, London. We had the honour o[ welcoming H.R.H. The Duche of Glouce ter, \\ho pre ented the trophie to the winning teams and expre ed her plea ure at the enthu ia m and high tandard hown by the competitor. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayore of We tmin ter Executive Officers of the Order, and repre entati e of National Organi ation with team in the cOl1lpetiti n were al 0 pre ent. For the fir t time ince the competition were inaugurated both trophie were \1, on b team [r m uco tland: the Edinburgh City Police and the ladie or the cotti h Ga Board . Thi wa the third time the latter had gained the premier a\l,ard. The iation i greatl indebted to the Wor hipful Company of Gold mith-, [ r their ~e ry generou offer of t 0 new trophie for the funner -up in the men' and women competition [or the Grand Prior' Troph : \\-hi h will be an added further timulu to the team in all our competition. ociation Headquarter al 0 a i t with a number of competition for uch b die a the Di tiller Co . Ltd., Me r. Heinz Co. Ltd. Dock and Harbour uthority, irl' Brigade and the ational Federation of Young armer lub . The ciated Briti h Production Limited again pro ided the taging for the Grand Prior' Troph competition a they did for all other national competition during the year. e thank them for thi ery ub tantial help in making the c mpetition reall effecti e. We \\ i h to e pre ur appreciation to the member of the Medical Prore i n for their ad ic and co-operation injudging, and to the teward and ca ualtie \\ ho 0 v illingl gi e up their time t a i t in the e national even t . 0\ ER fA
1965 can be recorded a a year of e pan i n in 0 er ea acti itie . In J'lmaica the North ~a t Centre h w d an increa e in the total of certificate. and re-examinati n av ard gained during the ear \ ith peeial empha i on training teacher . Th M neague Training Centre for Teacher had i c ur e organi ed [or them re ulting in 369 teacher gaining Fir t Aid certificate. und rai ing acti itie ha e been ver uce ful and a Bridge Ori e and Ball held at ran kf rt rai ed £290 and £ I, ~ 15. A a re ult it wa po ible to tabli han \ Fir t id Centre at Fall-e Hill which ha dealt with 513 ca inee it pening. 1t wa al 0 found po ible to buy the land on whieh the Fir t Aid P t tand at Ca e Valle .
The South Ea t Centre in Jamaica howed a very con iderable increase in the number of Fir t Aid certificate and re-e amination award gained during the year. Candidate for their cia e included member of the Red Cro Salvation Army, Jamaica Defence Force, a well a active Youth Club Organi er chool children and an increa ing number of employee from factorie and office, al 0 tudent n ur e and ho pi tal porter . An appeal to indu try brought in reque t for training from citizen , ' a ociation . Certificate \"ere pre ented at public function and publicity was given to the e by pre and radio . The Jamaica South a t Centre were joint winner of the ociation' ver ea ompetition. Jamaica South We t made a pecial drive for new member and this i howing re ult . Fir t Aid po t were operated at variou public runctions and the annual flag day collection 'WCl nearly trebled. The A ociation Centre for Jamaica Pri on \ a able to organi e Fir t Aid cla e including one for member f a youth organisation and three for recently recruited member of the taff. rom the e cIa "e there v.ere orne thirty potential recruit for the Brigade. The main feature of the Police Centre wa the c005iderable in rea e in the number of candidate taking ir t Aid re-e <lminati n. Member alo gave con iderable help \ ith cour e for other bodic including the Life Guard and ur e . In Trinidad the figure for training were well maintained. particularly in chool and youth club. The Mini ter or Labour attended a Pre entation Ceremony and 'Welcomed the part played b) )oLlth in laying the foundation of the new ociet) in Trinidad and obago. Training in the Clean Handling of Food wa gi\en to chool children ith the help and the co-operation of the Medical Officer [Health, POI l or pain City Council and hi officer.
Is of the Blind chool in practisi ng bandaging.
r:: ..-:
In Gibraltar the Centre ran a campaign for new members \\ hich recei\ed a good respon e from the Police Force and R. . . he Dockyard Authoritie have arranged for training in ir t Aid I' r more of their worker. In Malta, there were cour e for chool children and tafT at the Lija Secondary School. Special cour e in - mergency Re uscitalion and the treatment of electric hock were arranged for about 200 electrician and other worker employed by the Mini try of Public Building and Work. In Cypru lhe Centre continued it activitie in connecti n with the Police, Fire Brigade, Pri on Warder, Electricity uthority and the Cypru Telecommunication uthorily a~ well a the ducation Department, the Cypru Mine Corporation, the A be to Mine ' and the Hellen.ic Mine. Activilie increa ed in rural areas. There were Fir t id cia e In the Sovereign Ba e Area for the War Department P lice, .A. B. Police. R.A.F. Police, the Army Fire Brigade and chool . A particularly intere ling development was a firsl Aid cla f r member of the Blind School. In Aden cour e were once again conducted [or the Aden tate police and the Federal Nalional Guard . Certificate were presented to ucce ful candidate by the Commi sioner of Police at 'pecial parades. Thcre were also cour e for young people wi hing to qualify under the Duke of din burgh' Award cheme. In Iraq a course was organi ed for Lay Instructor covering a period of
I Deputy Dir~ tor- en ral (f l. - eneral ir I ,and r Drummond) di ' cu ' ing fir t aid Ja1nlng with the Minister or ~ III a lion of the udan, during hi i it to that oLlntry.
nin~ month and ~ir t ~id and Nur ing .c?ur e were organi , ed for a great varIety of people, Includmg X-ray ~echnlclan ~t the Republica n Ho pital, the tude~t, who came ,rr?m va nou countne of the Middle Ea t and from ~ak! tan, were trainIn g under the a u pice of th e W rid Health Orgam atlOn. The:e w~re al 0 cia e for chool, a lad ie, group at the Y.W.e. .' the nl ve r Ity, cout and uide, a nd the Teacher' Trainin ColJ~ge 10 Ba~hdad. It wa hoped that a mo ng t tho e trained it wou ld b~ po . Ible to buIld a Corp of Volunta ry Wo rker to c \er we lfare ac ti vitie. Thl ha the upport and encourag ment of the M ini~ter or Hea lth . 1n the Sudan ,. in addition to c u~ ~ th a t were being rga ni l)ed through the Su~an RaIlwa . Centre , tra InIn g wa o r ga ni~ d for cadet of the . P~llce C?lIege. In Kh a rtou m with the rabic translati n of the a ry FIr t Id Manu a l, copie f which had been pre ented to the Mlll1. try of Health. The e . cour e 'Were ~o ndu c t ed \\ ith the help of Medlc~ l Officer a nd t.he . enl r~ . H d I er at. the o ll ege of ur ing. Cople of.t~e PrelImIn a ry Ir t Id Manua l In rabi were , ent to Algen a Tunl ta and M rocco. Fir t id cia c co ntinued in th e mencan Mi ion Ho pital in Mu cat, in Arabic. In Kenya cour e were o rga ni ed a t the utward Bou nd Mountain School the a ti onal Yo uth ervice, the Kenya ch 0101' dmini'ltration and the Ken ya id Force . Free cour e in ir..,t id \"eIT fTered to indu trial firm wh ub cr ibed t the ntract Amhulance cheme. Trai nin g continued for the Ken ya Police, ch 01 , ouh and Guides A erie of cour e were o rgani ed by the Lu gu lu il'l , Il igh chool and a St. J ohn lub wa formed by the gi rl 'Who obtained ertificate"->. In ganda many more took th e Prelimin ary ir t id our..,e a nd there were cOllr e I' r ~u. Dri er , mmunity De I pm nt Onlcer<:" Tutors from Teac her Tra InIn g College, Teacher, the a ti nal Youth rganl ation, Boy Sco ut . Tn T a n z~ nia the A OC I ~t l o n wa re-formed an d <;recia l refre. her training w~ organl ed for the PolI ce. urther course to train more La Lecturer wIll be held . There were ir t Aid cour e for nremen nt the irrort and for chool . ]n igeri a th e Police ran ome 50 c ur e. and there wa.., a n illcrea e in the number of cert,incate ~ai n ed in . irst Aid. The Rai lway Corroration ~l 0 howed a con Idera ble Increa e In the number of ir. t id ertifi cates IS ~ed and Fir t Aid Po 1. were ope ned in a number or new tation. The Ral .' way Centr~ ~ ook part in th e a ti o na l ir t Aid Week and th e opportunIty of advertl 10 9 the work of th e A cia ti o n wa , taken at Pre entation Ceremonie of Certificate . Tn Ceylon ci a e were held for Police chool, Teacher.' Training College a nd other organi ati on . The Ce~tr~ in Malaya publi hed a vo lum e recordi ng the activitie of the A OClatlon a nd the Br igade 1'1' m 1945 to 1965. he number of ce.rtificate i. ued increa ed con iderab ly, particularl y for th e Ba ic Fir t AId cour eln scho ol and th e tota l for the yea r including re-exa minati ons was 9,405 a compared with 6,6 11 in 1964. rn Saba h the headqu arter buildin g in Lab uca n, which i. joinLly owned by S~ . John and th e Red Cro ,wa, o pened by Lo rd M untbatten . The runnin g expense of eight.ambulance were born by the A 'oc iat ion and a 24-hour a mbul a nce erVJce wa ta rted in Jc elton. Three hundred and
sixty- ix ca ndid ate attended cour e in Fir t Aid and Nursing, of them a Icry high percentage joined the Bri gade. In Hong Kong, Fir t Aid and Nur ing cOllr e were organi ed for the general r .ublic, Bank Guard I' the H ong Kong and Shanghai Banking (orroralIon, member of the Hong Kong Kowloon Floating Fi hermen Promot ion Welfare ociation, factory worker, Government official , member or the uxiliary Medical Service, tudent and candidate for the Duke of dinburgh\ ward Scheme. Certificate were pre ented on pecial occa ion by Hi ce ll ency The Governor, the Commi sioner of Labour Director of Agriculture and Fi herie and emi nent members of t John. The Hong K ng entre were joint 'W inner of the A ociation O\er<.,ea~ ompetition. In ijl, the number or certificate and award gained during the year IncreC1':>ed In number for the Ba ic Fir t id Cour e. Lecture on Emergency Re u 'citation were given during tour of the i land. Some 8,000 people of all race and all age were pre ent at the e talk and demonmation'l. Th i method ha.., n 'W been fully adopted by the Fiji Military rorce<." the Pol ice rce and the Pri n ervice. Other talk and demon~tratioJ1<., on ir t id 'v\ ere generally given to over 4,000 people in remote lillage<; and <.,elliemenb. ompetition were organi ed in Fir t id and UJ' ing 'v\ Ith team':. from the Police rmy, Pri on en ice and Teacher TraInIng (liege. In the 01 mon ... , Fir t id training continued at the Police Trainll1g hool and on table attended ne\\ cour e and refre her cour..,e.., In the ilbert and IIi [land plan were made for the revival of Fir'lt Id trainIng I' r the police. In auritiu the numb r or ertifieates and award that \ ere gained during the year increa d as compared with 1964 and, a a re ult, two new divi lon<; were I' rmed ror the t. John mbuiance Bri gade.
(() CL
We ,,\deomed during the year Dr. J . L. yfe a<., i tant t th Principal Medical fllcer; hi long e r rience 'v\ ith ir t id in London Tran port and the t. John mbulance Brigade ha been mo t helpful. We were also ery glad to 'v\elcome Mr. . Hambleton, ChieF Con table of Dor~ t o unty onstabu lary who ha acc pted the appointme nt f Deput OLlnty Direct r ror that count. The oeiation i~ derendent uron th \ luntary work of thou and of men and 'v\ omen throughout ngland and the countrie or the C mmonlI,calth and 'Wc \"ant them to kn 'v\ ho'v\ greatly \\ e \ alue th ir a i tance. I wi h rarti ularl to thank the Memb;r o(the 'oeiation Committee and the ount Director. and m er and Member of Centre who ha\e provided the organi5atl nand admini trati n fnlme\\ork for our ariou~ activities. he ociation great! appreciates the a i tane given by member c r the Medical and ur ' ing prore ion " b In truct l' and ~el11on trators and by lass ecretar ies who prO\ id th t achi ng and Instruction or so many in Fir t id and other ubje L . H re \\ \\ ould like to draw attention to the great sa\ ing or IiI' b mcrgenc re u ' citation and the achic\emcnt or thi!:> countr in training better than one In a hundred m nand womcn in ardia pulmonar re ' u itation.
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"'umbl!r of Candidates 'Uccessful ill No of lasses ' January . .. , . , . . . . .. . February ............ 'Vtarch .. . .. . ....... ••••••••••• April May ............... June .......... . .... July .. ... ......... August . . . . . September October .............. November ......... December
....... .. ~
495 705 I 238 1,076 891 653 601 202 257 308 750 1.284
-- - 8,460
F .A. 2,674 2.403 5 .201 4.625 3,359 2.960 2.254 1,017 932 880 3.903 6939
P r .A 384 1.049 1.615 1.532 1.337 1.422 1.612 447 433 1 5II 1. 103 2.290
37,147 ; 13735
Occ r A
8 28 75 II 7 12 II 16 34 202
Lay Dem
C . D. 154 306 553 520 358 234 156 133 192 123 274 480
P, I l.r-, . I 1 I yg.
14 I IH6
31 45 153 64 I IR 77 44 15 70 92 54 I 15
89H 47H 590 425 116 127 133 367 645
151 267 2H9 392 .171 253 376 70 177 205 272 575
29 6
1P II yg. •
24 22 34 71
53 49 122 RO
72 9U 199 It) 30 112 130 155
17 10
1- 2::
1. 1 I I
11 . 1', 1I. c. ll.r 15 ISH 115 6Y
5 16 57 24 43
C \\ 26
51 63 6 9
16 14 H 41 57 37
IJ 31
pc.v. .
Total Passed
64 175 165 419 166 102 204 25
3.704 4,675 9.178 8 .748 6.328 5.907 5.361 1.873 2.039 143 44 1 2.268 44 6.26 1 268 I 1.583
, 1.8i9 1'67 ,925
Total Faded 217 36 501 561 339 326 426 167 125 164 378 770
il 1
3.473 4.014 iU5 I 6.288 4.97 I 2,003 997 306 829 1.21 I 4.146 5.351
77 60 135 121 89 42 24 10 19 26 82 98
"B" 11IROU(JII BRA1'<Cllrs January . . .. . ........ February ...... . . . ... 1 March . . . . .... . .... April .... . ........ . I July . .. . .. . . . . August .... .. ... September ... . . . . . .. October . . . . . .. .... .. November .......... December
284 320 663 582 454 363 430 III 182 192 417 760
TOTALS ... .. . . .. .
TOTAL 1965 .. .... ... .
TOTAL 1964 .. .. ......
13, 161
:: ::::::::::: : . : i ~
• • • o.
1.631 1,358 3.337 2,233 1,730 1,123 1,552 539 675 690 1,824 3,746
394 632 1.470 1.621 967 982 1,405 237 394 349 \ 828 1,428
126 74 292 299 334 276 193 110 55 22 126 512
2, 4 19
58.278 123,708
20,438 1 10,707 57,585
63 14
15 15 30 62 6 23 15 9 10 32 26 I 26 1
6,21 I
62 132 290 253 282 165 451 54 116 224 296 449
13 16
1, 147
6, 192
72 93 194
I , I 76
I 10.3 13
1, 103
100 17 16 15
I 1
1,9 15
1 JI 16
55 136 110
1,536 1.382 2,846 1,571 1,343 783 290 169 177 494 1, 472 1 2,322
174 15 8 385 376 275 199 257 51 67 68 281 490
48 4
51 104 19 6 124 117 77 114 34
2,465 2,623 6,1 12 5.355 3.884 3.10 1 4.029 I. I 36 1,446 1.581 3,628 7,028
13 9
13 49 112 66 36 43 96 16
15 12
J ,208 1
160 235 273 569 379 383 171 137 73 120 290 492
32 18 70 36 38 15 7 2 3 9 33 57
16 THE
Aden. ntigua Bermuda. . British Hondura Briti h irgin I land Briti h We t Indie Bahama Barbado Jamaica: orth Ea t orth We t South Ea t South We t Police . Pri ons. . . Trinidad and Tobago Wind\ ard I land : Dominica Grenada St. Kitt St. Lucia St. incent. Central frica: Malawi Zambia Ceylon Cyprus . Ea t Africa: Kenya Tanzania Uganda. Fiji . . Gibraltar. Gilbert and E'lIic~ I iand Guyana . . Hong Kong . . . Malaya, Federation of Malta and Gozo Mauritiu Sabah. Seychelles Singapore Sudan . West Africa: Ghana igeria: Coal Corporation Police Force . Railways . . Port Authority Sierra Leone: Police Force . Prison Service. Railways Grand Turks Montseral . Swaziland
T~RO CH THE MEDIUM OF E T BLT HMENT PrIory for outh Africa Priory in Australia . . . . . in We tern A'us n:a li ~ PrIory In Canada . Priory in ew Zealand ' . . Commandery in entral Afric~ India . . Paki tan .
17 \Oocoo\O\o\oCOO\N ........ r_N\Or-\o ........ NV)\Or-V)"<:tM "'V)Mo\CONo\OMV)"<:t - "<:t -.0 -: -.0 -.0 ~ vi' \0" vi' N vi' co" N" f--;CO"<:tN"<:t\Or--"<:t"<:tr-r-O\ "<:t................. ........ - - N N N N N N V)
200 33 43 26
66 163 40 463 44 105 42 1,111
",>i' r- \0 0 co 0\ M \0 r- 0 V) M ",N"<:tMNN\oNNr--"<:t CO cUM \0 0 V) - oo"<:t \0 \O"<:t 00 r~ vi' 00 -.0 M ~ 0" \0" M N" vi' 00 cUr-O"<:t"<:t V) co 00 0\ > 0 0\ r- co 0_ _ _____ ........;_..--o;
28 33 30 5 J'
c:: \--0
2,150 1,092 3,612 263 662 952 30 3,213 ,177 355 :-co 5 243 11 2,921 10-+
\OMV)r--ooOCOCO\Or-"<:t r- 0 N 0\ co c;o"<:t r- r- co (""" N - - 0\ r- 00
r--O\r-Nr- "<:tr-O\O\ "' - o\Nr-M\OOO ........ cUO V) \0 0\ M V) 0\ r- N ~o\oooooo~~oooooo
;r.O \0 \0 0\ 00 V) N
r.l f-
U Z ~ ..... fc... ~ c... r.l Q
v /
"<:t_coV)\O\oOr-M -or-o-or-O\oooC\oNO\-\O - V)O\M " " " _O\V)O\COMCOr-O\O ODCO 0\ 0\ 0 ........ 0 0 0 ...... C ----I--.,........~
'" - . . - -
a...l V':
:/l ~
567 17 1,723 136 14
a:: ,,-
71 16
5 1 9 28,997 OF THE ORDER 7,967 30,799 3,302 J02,887 10,379 624 160,514 Jl ,424
V) V) V) \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ 0 0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\ ----,~------"l,........;~
Police arional First A id Competitions for Men and Women were held at the Porche ter Hall London on 24th February. Sir Philip Southwell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaques were presented by Mr. George Thoma , M.P. (Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Home Office) . The Jud ge were:Dr. W. F. Hall Team Te t Dr. . R . Bone and Dr. C. Wynne Individual Test and the placed the team In the following order:-
C 1...,"0 CJ C C"il ro~
ME Marks Obtained
0 r- 0 r- 0r-. - M V V )
I. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 9. 10. II .
Edinburgh ity Police orthumberland ounty Con tabulary. Dudley oLlnt y Borough Police . Bedrord hire on tabulary 'A' . Devon on labulary' ' . Monmouth hire Con tabulary etropolttan Police CP' Di\ i ion) Ha tlng unty Borough Police Lanca hire on tabular) . heffield Cit y Poltce . R yal I ter on tabular), . a\imum mark obtainable: 400
WOME I. 2. C 1...,"0
hc hire on tabLilary . Metrop litan Police ( o. 2 Oi trict) Ma imum mark obrainable : 400
347 340-t 332-t 327 323
316 312 295-t 295-t 295
268-t 322 316
C"il 00
i:o::; ....... 01...,
M M 0 r-. ('1 M rV)r-. V)\{)V)NN
o O O \ { ) r - r -, V)o-o-N Noo""', OO...;--V)r-O r- r- 00 00 0- r- 00 00 r-
...J ...J
Electricity uppl)' Ambulance Centre Competitions for AJen and Women were h ld at the orbreck H dro, Blackpool, on 24th March. Sir Philip outhwell (Oi re tor-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaque were pre ented by Mr. e ill . Mar h (Deput Chairman, The Electricity Council) . The Jud ge v ere:Men' Team Te t Dr. J. Munr herriff Women' Team Te t Dr. Ellen W . M. haw Dr. J . D. am ron, Dr. D. J. John on , Dr. W . . Llewell nand Indi idual Te t Dr. Ian Walker. and they placed the team in the fo llowin g order :ME
V"<t-t v - t V) V) V) V) V) V) V)
. . 0- 0- 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0- 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\
Q) 0 >-~
r-ooO\Or--<NM-;tV) V) V) V) \ 0 \ 0 \0 \0 \0 \0 0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\ --~~_----4:-.1'""""'\~_
I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
London (Balter ea) Midland ( louce ter) a t Midland (Kettering) Lith a tern (Brighton) orth a tern ( tclla outh).
Mark Obrained 274
_61+ 253
20 6. 7.
9. 10. 11.
outh e lern (Barn laple) Ea lern (\Val[ord) . . . orth We tern (Oldham) . oulhern ( archw od) . York hire (Rotherham) . er e) ide and onh \ al . (Brol11b rough) . outh Wale (Tlr John) . . a\.imum marl-.. blall1able: 40
24 . 24_ 232 232 _07 193!
Dr. Monica Latt and Dr . r. G. Lenn Individual Te t and the placed the team in the follo ing order:ME j\larks Obtained I.
\ OM \/arA.s OhtaillC'd ~6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
26H 255 ! 255 247~
246 ~
3. 4. 5.
6. 7. (. 9.
Iderma Iderma Ha[\\ell Han\ell V ll1frilh oulne Ilarw II
RI Ie)
lon' , . ton 'B' . hcmlcal ngmecnng' , hemical ngineering 'B' Fire BrIgade .
264 253
2 9 239
Harwell Flrc Bngade . a\.lmum mark oblalnabl
239_31 i
9. 10. 11.
299 277 271
\VO 1E . ~\farA.s
21 •
204 ~
Iderma Ri Ie)
Ma,\lmum marl-.. obtainable : 400
XOI ionol Dock Labour Board A IJIblllan( e elll re ollljJelJl iOIl lor Do(" HTorkers \\a held in the Queen ar) liege, L nd n, on 24th pnl
The Rt. Hon . L rd ro l.- ( haJrlllan the 'ati nal ocl.- Labour Board and Pr ident of the entre) rre ided and rre enl d the lr phie and plaque. The Judge \ r : Dr. J. H. hamber and Tca III Tc..,l Dr. . M. el on Dr. P. J. Roylance and Dr. R. G . rangham Indi\idual Tc t and the) placed the team in the f 110\\ Ing rder :
\filii Iry ~l'i(/lI(}1l A.mbulallce enlre ompetltlon for JJen Clnd II omC!n \\ere h Id at 6, Burlington Garden, London. on 6th 1a). Mr.
L D. \\ t1l.-tn . n ( i tant Dire tor-General) pre ided and the trophie and plaques \\er pr nt d b Mr. J hn toneh u e, M.P. (Parliamentary e r, ini tr f n). Th Judge \\ere : Dr. P. J. Rylan c Team Te t Dr. H. . \Villiam. on and rndividual Te t nn . r. ,Ind th ) placed the team" in the foil \\ Ing rder :-
\/or/" .I
I. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. J J.
Ohlllilll't/ "130 _7"1
by' '
Grim by 'B' anche ter . Leith . . . . London urrey Dock Barr)' , Barry 'B' Plymouth . oulhamplon Birkenhead . la go", . . . . . \I1a:,\lmum mark obtainable: 400
Unit ed Kingdom A f om it Energ), AliI flori t)' Women were held at Alderma t n, Berk .,
264 "I
__ 9 226 220
R. .r .
R.R.L Pcr"h r
"I .
R . . F. Burghtkld . D . . . 3 Li\crpo I R.P. - . \ c ' tc tt H .Q . he ington . . . . . . . la'\lmuill m .. rl-.. obtainable : 400
4. 5. 6.
arddT .
ompet it iOIl
lor i\I ell {[lid
n 29th pri!. M r. - . F. ewley (Director, tomic Weap n Rc earch tabli hmcnt) pr ided and the trophie and plaque were pre entcd by ir Philip uthwell (Director-General, t. John Ambulance A ociation). The Judge were: Dr. Dorothea
D . . . 3 Ll\crpo I R. P. F. Westc tt .
3. 4.
. R . D. -. hri ' tchurch R. .'. Farnbor ugh . . . . . . . Ma'\imum mar\.. ' obtainable: 400
_ 1+
_ 5+
__ It
Ol7lfJ filion for Miner \Va h ld at th D rb hire nlre, k gn , n __ nd l1a. r. J. 1. R gan ( hi f ali nal 31 Bard) pre ided and th trophi and
oal Board
incrs' H lida I Mcdicnl nlcer,
.\larA. Obtailled
prize were pre ented by Ir Humphre Brown (Deputy Chairl11an, National Coal Board). The Judge were:D r. J. McLaughlin and D r. F. R . Brearley Team Te t D r. J. Lockie and D r. G. M. Dobbie Indi\idual Te, t and they placed the team in the follo\-\ ing order:-
trophie and p laque were pre ented by M r. H . O . Houchen (M embe r, Briti h R ai lway Board). The Judge were:Dr. A. Burn . Team Test Dr. D. M. van and Dr. C. Wynne In dividual Te t and they placed the team in the following order:Marks Obtained
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Grimethorpe Collier) . Bette hanger Colliery . Bil ton Glen Collier) . Bol oYer Colliery . . . Dean and Chapter olliery Littleton Collier). . Mo Ie) Common Collier) Wyndham We tern Colliery . . . . . 1a'\imum mark obtaInable : 500
3891353! 34 331
320 05
B ritish Railll'aJ's, London Transport (Raihl'ay ) and Brili II Trail port D ocks Competition for vVomel7 and Briti h Trail port Police ol71pelitioll uthwell were held at the Porche ter Hall. London, on I t June . ir Philip (Director-General) pre ided and th troph ie and plaq ue \\ ere pre ented by Sir Arthur Kirby ( hairman, Briti h Tran port 0 ck Board) . The Judge were: D r. 1. Mackenzie. Team e t D r. P. . Jone and D r. D. G. Waddell I ndi id ual e t and they placed the team in the f llowing order:
Wo r \fork .I
2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
cottl h (Gla gow) London MIdland ( re'Ae) Ea tern (Li erpooJ Street) London Tran port (Baker lreet) orth a tern (York H.Q.) . We tern (Brito!) . . Southern (Waterloo) . . . .... Maximum mark obtaInable : 400
21 ~
2 7\ 2
9. 10. II. 12.
U. a imum mark obtainable : 400
Arm)' Department Ambulance Centre Competitions/or Men an~ Won?~n were held at 6, Burlington Garden, London, on 24th J une. SIr PhIlIp outh\ ell (Director- eneral) pre ided and the trophie and p laque were . Maclennan (In pector of rmy M ed ical pre ented by Brigadier ervice ). The Judg were: Dr. K. . Bought n Th rna Team Te t Dr. H. Temple Phillip and Dr. . H . B. Lav"neld Indi idual Te t and the
placed the team in the rollowing
2 91 2651 258
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
25 242
20 200 Ma imull1 mark obtainable: 400
233 229
British Railways, London Transport (RaiilI'GYs) and British Trail port Docks Competition/or Men wa held at the Porche tcr Hall, Lond n, on 2nd J une. Sir Philip outhwell (Director-General) presided and the
Obtained 266 262
London Midland (Hey ham) . orth astern ( ewca tie) . Ea tern (Parke ton Quay) . London Tran port (Broadway) We tern (Paddington) . Southern (Waterloo) . . . . . . . . Maximum mark. obtaInable : 400
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
POLT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
296 296 2881 288+ 279 2761 2721 2611 259 259 258 241 239
Obtained I. 2. J. 4.
R. horley ( ) . R. la c ell ( ) . R.O . . la coed (D) . .D . Barlo\., . Ma'\i1l1ul11 IT'lark obtainable: 400
269 _44 240
Gas Industry Competitions for fen and Women were held at riend' Hou e, London on 23rd September. ir Philip outhwell (OirectorGeneral) pre ided and the trophie and plaque were pre ented by Sir Henry Jone (Chairman, The Ga ouncil). The Judge \ ere:Dr. J. tuart Horner Men' Team Te t Dr. J. . Binning. omen Team Te t Dr. J. Fairlee, Dr. . Michael O. He ett, Dr. 1. . Ram den and Dr. H. L. parro\\. Individual Te t<; and the placed the team in the f 1I0wing order: \!fE
Har/.. ~ Oh/(I1I1('d I. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.
10. 11.
e t Midland a Board Scotti h Ga Board . . orth e tern Ga Board Ea tern Ga Board . . orth Thame Ga Board outh We tern Ga Board Wale Ga Board. . outhern Ga Board . ]\orth a tern Ga Board outh a tern Gas Board Ea t Midland Ga Board "'-.,Torthern Ga Board . "" " "" . Maximum mark-; obtainable: 400
W I.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
116! 105 - 961 290 276 274 272
2-6! 246~
239 2211
cottlsh Ga Board outhern Ga Board. " orth We tern Ga Board orthern Ga Board . . West Midland Ga Board outh We tern Ga Board orth Eastern Ga Board a t Midland Gas Board Wale Ga Board.. . . . . . . Maximum mark obtainable: 400
\ I(Irks Ohtailled
287 2 5
_78 263 254 235 165 1
Plymouth it) Transport and the trophic and plaqu were (Member of t. John unciL
Men eam Te t Women' Team Tec;,t
i'v1arks Obtained I. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Plymouth Ity Tran port . . edinburgh orporation Tran port Birmingham ity Tran port . London Tran port Glasgow Ity Transport . . Hudder fielcl orporation Tran port . We t BromV\ Ich orporation Tran port . . Ma'\imum mark obtainable: 400 \ OM
320t 273
254 253 244
220 216+ 'vlarks Obtained
I. .., 3.
4. 6.
London Tran port . . . LI\erpool orporation Tran port Pre LOn orporation Tran port ardifT it) Tran port r dlnburgh It) Tran port G la gO\\ It) Tran pon. . . . . . . a'\imum mark obtainable : 400
274 235t 233 226t 210 207!
ompetiliol1 wa held at the County. Fire Bri~ade Hea.dquarter", Leamington pa. on 14th October. Mr. T. Ll ter (As I tant Chief fire Brigades
Fire m er. arv, ick ount)) pre ided and the troph and plaque were pre ented b) ir Philip outh\\ell (Director-General. The t. John 0\ 111 bulance ~ociatlon). The J ud g \\ ere : Team Te t Dr. M. h n Dr. J. Oerm tt r ne and Tndi\ id ual Te t Dr. Peter J. iller and thc) placed the team in the foil \\ Ing rder: \larks Obrailled
arional Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association Competitions (or Men and Women were held at Plymouth on 3rd ctober. r. 1. G.
Timp on (General Manager and - ngineer, Pre ident of the A ociation) pre ided and pre ented by the arl of Mount dgcumbe Plymouth and Oi trict). The Judge were: Dr. R. St. J. Harold. Mr. R. Howarth, F.R. Dr. D. 1. lark Dr. P. G. ethery, Dr. . A hman and Dr. J. Arm trong
and they placed the team in the following order:-
I. 2
4. 6. 7.
It\ and OLlnt\' of Sri tol . It)' of Blrming"ham ltv of Man he ter . . . . . LI11I) Borough of real Yarmouth e t Rldl11g or Yorl,. hire . . . ount) Borough of 1iddle brough . ou n t) Borough of \\ an ea . Port mouth it) . . . . . . . . . Ma imull1 marl,. obtainable: 400
30 296 275! _71 255 229
2_2t 20-H
entre Co/)/p~tition for l\/en Gnd H·omen leet Building and the 1emoflal Ha~L London. on _qth
General Post Office Ambulonce
were held at October. ir Philip outh\ ell (Director-G neral) pre Ided and the tr. phi. and plaque \ ere prc entcd by Mr. Jo eph later, M.P. (H r MaJe t. i tant P tma ter- eneral). Th Judge were, for the Men' team Team Te t Dr. J. tuart H orner Dr. A. M. cl nand I ndi\ id ual Te t onn . D r. or th W men'. t am~: Team Te t . "M ac ka . Wrangilam and
27 6. ational Dock Labour Board Ambulance Centre (Grimsby) 7. General Po t Office Ambulance Centre (Ea t T.A., London)
Dr. H. L. Sparrow Indi idual Te t and they placed the team in the [0110\ jng order:-
E \farA~
Obtail/ed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
12. 13 .
London Telecommunication ( . rea) H.Q. Group B (Factorie Dept., Birmingham) London Po tal (Inland ectlon, ount Plea ant) . H.Q. Group (H.Q. o. 1 Branch, P.O. .) Midland (We t Midland T.M.O.) . orth We tern (Lanca ter P.O. . .) . South We tern (Taunton T. . (Yeovil ) orthern Ireland (Belfa t T. .) . Saving ( .D. Harrogate). . . Wale and Border Countie ( \\an ea) onh Ea tern (Leed H.P.O.) . cotland ( berdeen H.P.O.) . Home Countie (O' T. .0.) . . Ma'i.imum mark obtainable : 400
317 303 29 27 276 267 259 251 t 2 0 239 230 224 ! 219
\ 0 \[ar/.. s
Ohtaincd 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9.
10. 11.
12. 13.
Sa ing ( . .0. orecambe) Midland (Birmingham P.O . . . ) orthern Ireland (Belfa t T. . ) . orth e tern (Liverpool T . .0 . ) Home Countie (Brighton T. .0 .) London Telecommunication (outh a t) London Po tal (We t Central D.O .) South We tern (Bournemouth T. . .) H.Q. Group B ( upplie Dept. , London ) H.Q. Group (.G.D . Che terfield) Wale and Border Countie ( ardlfT P. . .) Scotland (cotland e t T.M.O .) orth a tern (Sherfield H .P .O.) . . . . Ma imum mark obtainablc ' 400
329 311 3J J
305 30 300 296 2 9 2 3 2 I
247 211 196
The Grand Prior's Trophy Competition jar /'den and Women \"'ere held at the Seymour Hall, London, on 5th o\ember. Ir Philip uth\\ell (Director-General) pre ided and the trophie and medalli n \\ere prc'-;ented by H.R.H. The Duche of Glouce ter (Dame Grand of the Order of St. John). The Judge were:Dr. W. M. M. Dougla Men' Team Te t Dr. F. H. Taylor . omen' Team T t Dr. P. J. Roylance Dr. E. J. M. Hopkin Dr. J. C. D. Mellor and Dr. T. J. Ryan Indi idual Te L and they placed the team in the following order: M /vfark s
I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Police (dlnburgh ity). . . . St. John Ambulance Brigade (Ha ling Police) Gas Industry (We t Midland a Board, 0 we Fire Brigades (City and ounly of Bri tol) . Briti h Railway, London Tran port (Railway) Transport Dock ( oLlthampton) .
Obtained . . try ) . . . . . and Britl h
324 314 313
310 306
10. 1I .
J 2.
13. 14.
303 30lt
ational oal Board Miner ' Competition (Grimethorpe Colliery) . ... . .. . . . . rmy Department mbulance Centre (C.D.E.E. Porton) Briti h Tran port Police (Heysham). . . . . . . . ational Road Pa enger Tran port Ambulance Association (Plymouth). . . . . . . . . . . . . . nited Kingdom tomic Energy Authority (A.W.R.E. Alderma ton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mini try of iation Ambulance Centre CR.O.F. Cardiff) lectricity upply mbulance Centre (Batter ea) . Maximum mark obtainable: 400
301 288 288
274-!269-!267 263
WOME /v1arks
Obtained I. 2. 3.
-t. 6. 7. 9.
a Indu tr) ( COttl h Ga Board, Gla gow) . . . . . lectriCll Y upply mbulance Centre (Portishead) Bntl h Railv"ay , London Tran port (Railway) and Briti h Tran port Dock (Gla gow) . Police ( he hire on tabulary) . . ... .. . General Po t Orfice mbulance Centre ( .C.D. Morecambe) ational Road Pa · enger Tran port mbulance A sociation (London Tran port) . . . . . . . . . l.,nited Kingdom tomic Energy uthority ( .W.R .E. Alderma ton) . . . . . . . . . ... t. John mbulance Brigade (Bowe Park ur ing Di ision) Mini tr) of viatlCn mbulance entre (D . . G. 3, Liverpool) . . . . . . . . . . . . rm) Dcpartment mbulance Centre (R.O.F. Chorle_ ) . Ma,imum mark obtainable : 400
306 300 288
2701262 261 258
247 239-!1871
( orrect up t 24th June, 1966) M . WdllUm, q., uker., 47, Il igh treet, Theale, Reading, Berk Dr. R. t. J. Buxton, 15, Bel edere Road , Bri tal 6. F. L. ordon, ' Q. , hens tOile II u e, halfont t. Jil e, Bucks. K. ok, q., 1' . . 1\., 87, Lord tre t, Livert 01 2. 1=. L. Williamson, E ' q., The hief on table' Oflice, arleton Hall , Penrith . hl: i c unt ar dale, Kedlc t n Il all, Keclle lon, Derbyshire. quadron-Leader W. II. corer,5, t. Paul" Road, ewtol1 Abbot. · Ilambleton, -sq., M.C, The hief I1stable's ITice, Dorchc tcr. Lt.- olancl II. J. lillman, 1.0.,44, ad ler treet, Durham. Dr. D. l. cre, Pendley I10Llse, ond n Road, It. arj ots, uth Benneet. Dr. . R. de adler, 2, ricl en"ace, heltcnham. Dr. . R. ambrIdge, 3 1 Ill gh treet, uern 'ey, hunnell land .. ammandcr . MOrrison, R . . , Id Bridge I l ouse, D gmer Aeld, H ampshire. II. J. Ilams,q., 1.11 . I ., 3, nderhill Road, Tupsley, Il ereford . larcl1lont Road, Jer cy. . [. W. Mc adyen, I . R.D., a Turbic, o k, . Q., f • • . , l. J hn Ilcadquartcr, 15 17, Mount treet,Preston. Ice- dl1llral Ir Pc\eril Jlliam-Powlcll, K.CH ., K .C. 1.<...., .13. 1 ., D .•. 0., 10 rosvenor rescenl, .W.I. R. L. Bellw d, I . Q.,l.D., 4_, Mosley treet, ewca t1 -upon-Tyne I . alonel . DO\ l:r, I.D., D.L., 1.1.11., cWlngton Ilou c, Warborough, Oxford. Dr. D. . 1rl:land, 1. . , lUI., 13.('11., uncd Ilouse ourt, hrcw bury. Lleul. eneral ir Brian Kimmins, "-.B .L,, Rodwcll Il ou. e, We t Lambrook, outh Pelherlon A
Dr. aleb P. \ allacc, Il \ ., M.B ., H.C 11., l. John I [ouc, Woodbridge Road, uildford . Id ailing rarmhou'>c, ncar Le\ es. R. Bre!lit, Lsq., n.B.I., Brlgadicr R. /\ . Phayrc, D.S.O., U . . . , H .Q., 25, High treet, Warwick . J A. dli 'o n, q.,O.B.l., hid onstablc, Illndl lp Il all, orce ter. Dr. Br)an Rl:lTold, "Parkhalmc," cllc}, Preston, Ilull. · r. , COlt, q., .B.I., hil:r nstablc, \ l:..,t Riding onstabulary, P. . Box 9, Wakefield, York J. I lughc. , . q.," a tgate," 1 he JrO\l:, Marton-in- !t:\l:land, ork 'hire. DIr('cfor
\ H
T R ,
\ t.
It .
t"'") .
1\-11\.1 ... I.J').~ J .p .. 1 I .. R . u".,rord Slr-ccl .. ivcq':JooJ P . .. l. VVcnt'-Vollh P.;.tl k .. C'hllll..:h I nd .. ' -= inch' "Y .. N ~
Pain ..
\ t C . . o1uncl r~ _ A P :"Y I"IC I rvt", .... , ,~ < "",;,,1 ... , ... ' 1 1 1 1 '
K S ' \ \ \.ct.\
lasse in the arcas of
II. \\ at on,q., 1 .( .\., he hlef flice, 142, l orcgate treet, he ter. J. CKdy, [sq., (.13.1., 1\1.,\., cnlral Pollcc nice, outh trcet, anche..,tcr. ajor . J. Hanc), o.n.r., The hlcr onsldhlc's !lice, Blrkenhe< d. R. R. Bihb), q., The hlef onstablc" Ili e, Blad.burn . . II. Llnaker, sq, c a OUnly Police Ileadquarler , llutlon, r. Preston, anca hire. · H . h ma on, L q., J.P., I 0, Breck R 'l d, Poulton-Ie- I ylde, Lunca hire.
"" •
• ).
""""~· ... tf,~·lc.t
f;""'1 .
l"v1'(.> r~f<-"''''
""'c..",c" ..
""";"lr"""' icksl,,rc .
entre!) marl,ed ,\ tth an llillCfI I.. arc arrangcu In dlrecl COmmUl1lL..lllOIl wllh Headquarters as 1 '::lached
la e.
rreetcd up 10 24th June, 1966)
COUllt)' alld Centre
Ho11 orory
C/1(11 r IJIO 11
Didcot . Finchamp tead Maidenhead
1966 1966 J966
18 0
The Mayor
Arthur Lloyd
The Dean of Bristol
Rcv. Day, on-Walkcr
M r,> . J. BO\\ den, "Red la nds," Brimpton ommon, ncar Reading. Mrs. . v allace, 55, Blenheim lo ' e, Didcot. Mrs. dhlmar, I 4, inc MIle Ride, inchamp tead. Mrs. L. c\ctham, 12, H olmanlea e trect, tlldl:n hcad. Mr . . . Thoma, t. John Hou e, 101, London Road, Rcading. 11. . \ . J lobb ,143a, t. Leonard Road , Wind or. [ . W . Martin, 100, Lionel
. J. Weir
Dr. R. t. J. Bu ton
. Bartiett, 33,
treet, Birmingham 3 .
Icove Road, Fi hpond , Bri tol.
County Centre
. P.
omers, 2, Wendover Road, Ayle bury.
Mi s W. E. Boyden , 7, Oakroyd
rescent, Wi bcch.
II. Wat son,
T. 1::.. Wat on
Bebinglon .
W . . Jone
Birkenhead .
W . Middeton
Ald. Mary Heaney
The Mayor
I- .C.A.
hicf I n pector D . Bailey, ounty Police Office, rewe, he hire. . E. lexa nder 43, Leic ter venue, Timperley, he hire. ergeant W. II. Sephton , Bromb rough Police lalion, Brom borough. laughton, A. . Blaylock, 12, l. Vincent Road , Birkenhead. ergeanl Borthwick, he hire on tabulary, he tel'.
County and rew
Formed 19 4
mere P rt
H de
Ie field
. A rdern
Id. T.
The Ma or
P . . Wilke
The Maj r
' tbury
. Bullock
oun illor . William
orthwi h
tockp rt -
Chairman Dr. J . ar on
President The Ma or
L. Ma ey,
The Ma or
1966 196-+
. f:.
entral Police Office, Wall asey.
The MaJor
1 I
Inpcctor R. H. Hendrie, arlclon Hall , Penrith .
Dr . . J I. f-dgec mbe \V . cal J. c\\ ton
e\\t n
1. I dlngton
J . [l am Dr. \ . 115S 1 'l oung,5.R.
The Ma\ or
on table'
n tablc J . Ilc\\ Itt, Police tation, ppleby. . Middlcton, 6, Bclah re cent, tanwick, arii Ie. . II. bbott," mberley," caw Dri e, Penrith .
urdcn H. RobIn · n J. \ . Jonc
Ma) r
1964 196-+
Whitehaven Workington
ergeant D .
umberland c' \ e tm r1964 land Headquarter pplcb) rth \ e tmorland arli Ie umb rland ine and Quarrie Kendal . *Ke wi k *Millom. Penrilh .
venue, Davenh am, D. J. Mc a kill,S, Rayleigh orthwich. J. I' haw, " Kimberley,' 4, Iton Road, Runcorn . In pe tor J . Ruston, Police Headquarter,
W. Mar hall
Honorary Secretary In pector A. Jack on, Road Tramc Dept. , antwich Road Police tation, rewe. on table D. . Bruce Garroch, ounty Police Office, ,lie mere Port. crgeant . H. Hamlett, ounty Police Headquarters, headle Hulme. n table J. R. Burton , ounty Police omce, Wilm low.
T. \ hite idc, 19, Y hlte tilc Kendal. H . Pollard, 4, lIigh Hill , Ke wick. Donald Ro ,_I, Lon dale R ad, Millom. on..,tablc . PhIllips, Police tatlon, Hunter Lane, Pcnnth. J . DI'\on, 29, fo .'\house R ad, Whitehaven. rgcant M. cKee, ount) Police tation, WorkInglon.
18 6
Granby & like ton
I 9
I. A . A . Macdonald
F . Riglcy
Thc Right li on. R borough
. Bunkcr
Dorche tel' Poole
194( 1929
The a) or Thc Ma)or
Wareham Weymouth .
. Middlcton,
hc tnut
. Darrall
ro c,
twall, near Derby.
78, Little Tl allam Lane, lIke Ion.
PI)mOUlh 'Dltn l . DOR
Ilo\\ard, 17, fanngdon Road, PI)ll1outh .
r . JOyce
R. D. I lodge, 29, 11'0 venor Road, Dorche ter. Mr . . M. IIlC:, II, lI )thc Road, Parktonc, Poole, Dorset. rs. 1. Bond, S.R."-., 11 0lmc Prior), \ areham, Dorset
. L. Richard M r.., . [ . ,alton
an om
G . Bca/cr
18 0
D. -dgar,
\Y. P. \ eb ter
Stockton & Thornaby
D. Edgar,
J. P.
Rob on, P. . Bo'\ 4, 76, hurch trect, We t Hartlepool. Major T. . Page, 75, ring treet, South Shield. R.
J. P.
S. Gre
01.11. -. I itching,
R. Picker gIll,
M.B.F., D.L., J.P.
W. O. Kirkwood,
. Renni on
R. J . McDowell, 152, Wolvi ton Ro ad, Billingham. Co. Durham. J . rone, 21, ri n bury treet, Mon kwea rmoLi th, u nderland.
Mr ' . W. K . [Iii tt, Lanca tel' HOLl e, 140, R ad, helm ford.
County ecretary
Ll.- 01. F. W. WdIJanron ,o. H.E., 12, Royal Cre cent,
County Secretary P. B reham,
hcllenham. D . L. Franci , 15, Naunton Park Road,
Gloucester County orth otswold South G loucestersh ire
188 1 1957 1962 1958
Dr. A. Alcock
The Larl of BLlchan The Lady Violet Vernon
W . . Knowles
Lt.-ol. II. Middleton Lt.- 01. J . W. T. W oldridge
. Gray, 70, Marling re cent, Pagan Hill, Stroud, louce ter. Mi s M. K. 0 well, 12, Royal re cent, Cheltenham. Mr . M. Bingley, Moor ottage, Guiting Power, Glo . Mr . Hodgki s, Plol 64, Manor Lane, Charfield, 10 .
Chairm all
//ol1orary Sc>cretary
RL \ II R LO" D "
Borough Poly tech n ic 8 r:l nch
· T.
it} of London It)
or \ \le
o rl es,>
Th e L ord M ayor
• Ir Inl ng
f he Lord
... .r.v.o. Lt .- 01. W. R . Il ornby
. teer, London Borough of Il oull,>lo\\
. A. Ashdow n, Borough Po lytec hn ic Boro ugh R oad S.l- . 1. , . A lan S. L ambo ll , (.(., I lat 8, 16- 17, Pall M all , S.W . I . o!onel R . J. L. W i lki nson, (J.B.I:., 40, Upper Brook Street, W . I .
· IJ . M a on
T. [ . D ana ham, c
hl'>wlck Products Ltd., Burlin gton
L ane, W.4 . DI RL( TORS
.. 1 f\'-.T
[a. tern
outh [ astern " rca outh \\ e..,tern \ rea
D . J. Ii al lard, 46, St. Johns Road, Pett!> W ood, K ent.
\\ etern \ rca
L t.- 01. John Coates, 1, Darb} Thame..,.
rescent, Sunbury-on-
J . ~.
D one), "
ranford," 27,
hurch Road, H ayling
Isldnd . .\ ndc)\ cr
oLlllclllnr I
. dillucl
'ol11T11andcr [. 1-.
S \\ an Basing toke
he Mayor
The Mayor
[- J .
196 -
'\ Iderman J. [
(IL:\., R r J).)
· R . f'urnbull.
Mr,> . \ . . WIi ', on, LIttle Goddards, H atherden, Illim er R. ( J. Ehlen " Il igh M cadow," Green Lane, Iii neld, B ~LSlng'>toke .
1 R ( .\."
. T areha T11 asl II <.Inls .
f\ lderman \\
G. \l hray I\! \\. J . I'.
H ERr FORDSIfIR L Hereford
ok .
I t - 01. II () . Il I , I
\ . R. (). M artin. 2Q, Ptllmerston Road, Boscombe Bourllemouth. MI<;s II ams. 50, ' outhamplon Road, Fareham. II . hort, 62.
treet , f·arnborough.
\ . "-I . Wtls n, O.B.I .
R . VI' Bra)
D r . II. . 1aurlccIlIlam.." (UI.l.
. I .. Johnson
'1 r..,.
, autrc), 17, .
, ro\e, POllche ter. Obell~k
W oo / lon,
SOUl ha Il1plon
II. J. Il arri, Il erdord .
\LB.I .. ,
Road, T up,>lcy,
LA'-. CA. II IRE Accrington A hton-under-Lyne Bacup
W . R . IJorris
. Ii all twell, I11bulance D r" l Hall, Bu ll Bridge, ccrlngton . P. Bagulcy, 4 1, ar lton R ad , hl on- un der- L yne.
S. Ka}
Mr . J. G.
T he M ayor
J. ll olgate D. J. J l anle},
.. Parr
K . W . Porter, 48, June
J . Moody
. D r iver, J .P .
• upl. H .. ' nkey, entral Po l ice O fllce, Bolto n. I n'>pector [. B. Jo ne!>, Borough P lice ta tio n, Oriel Road, Boot ie, Li verpoo l, 20. R . rmcrod, 36, Walter tree t, Brierfie ld. L. Jakeway, 10, Rosehi ll M ount , M an h te l' Road, Burn ie}. L. Perki ns, 4 , M a n che~ter Road, Bu r}. J I. r iflit h , 20, andringham venue, L ey land , near Presto n. V ictor Burre ll , 130, Il arr i on I r ive, o lne.
W . W . M ensforth
P. Ph i ll ips, 2, St. Mary" Road, W aterl oo, L ive rpoo l, 22.
I 84
1894 19 19
Bro\\I1, J.P.
11. Bolton,
O.B.I., \1.( The M ayor
. , D.I. . , J.P .
\1. .\ .• I.I..B.,
ntrobus, 182,
c\\ Lane, Bilcup.
B. I .M .
Barrow-in- -urne s B lackburn B lackpool Bolton Boot ie B rierfield Burn ley. Bury horley
18 0 1885 1955 1957 1964 1889 1883 1949 1964
P. R. f3 rell Ibratl T he M ayor
I I.
:--1. .\ .
r . L egg
D r. P. D. D r lT1 k\\ater T he M ayor
A. Green
J . I r. T hoill p. on
Toml ll1,>o n
T. Jack<;on J.
shton, 107, D uke
treel, BaITo\\-l n- urne
'harrock, 5-, ' clous Road, Bl ad,burn. venue, Marton, Blad.pool.
1889 J964
D arwen .
19 19
J. W atson
P. D .
T. I I. Th o ma. on
Mr ' . M . M . M eggitt , 10, Brye r ro ft , Wilp hi re, Nr. Bl ac k burn . J. ro S, 73, Bramley venue, F lee twood .
F. J.
A . M ar den, 2 1, Fell
leelwood G r ange-over-Sa nd s
1949 1965 K irkby L ancashi rell ea dqua rters 1950
Greal H arwood
~ x l ey
Mrs. J.
unli (fe
0 1. T. I:.. St. John ston, e. fl .E
atl ow
unnin gham
J. Sh ack leto n L . I I. Ru ssell , J.P. K. o k , I .C.A.
e, Grange-over- and
. H et her ingto n, 13, ann on tre t, Accrin gton. J. Wi ll iams, 49, Suga r Lan e, Kn ow Icy, Pre co tt o M tlj rT. E. pencer, M .I3 .E., I .D., t. J hn H ea dqu arter , 15/ 17, Mount treet, Preston .
Honorary Secre(CIIY
W. H. Linaker, M.B.I::.
1964 1964 Lan a ter Leigh, therton and T Ide ley Li\ rpool . Man he ter
19 6 19
el on Oldham.
arl Peel
° . ° ° o rer,
B . . ~I..
Rt. Han. the arl of Derby, I.e., O.L. . Man field
. Hartron
Ra\\ ten tall
up!. R. L.
Ro hdale
. M. M
r. Hel n
W. J.
outhport .
r. L La'tv,o d
tla. ter
J. Pembert n
old tone The
l <t)
r. a. !--ell, \1. ., J.P., aunder Brow, ewchurch-inRo endale. J. . Thornhill, 3, Queen' Avenue, Wardle Road , Rochdale II. Latus, _0, re !--Ielon Road, Toll Bar, St. Helen .
Alderman J. -,.IUI!--ner
Lieul.- 01. R. I leet\\ood \\ . J. race He !--elh, O.L. The Ma)or 01 T. Ielnl) rc
The Ma. or
Jver ton
os .. 7.
Rc\ .
C, \1 A.
. B. larlOn Dr. T. L. '0 nnell
The Lord Mayor
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Brownlow
Dr. M.
Heath otc,
f .
Iidi and entral
treet, Widne . Ire Station,
mlthy Lane,
l..lrsden. 72, Hall
A. I . \\ hllta!--cr. 162,
re cent,
nnes on
alford,5. ea, L.lnc .
rmc Lane, Hale,
he hire. II. MacRae. I, Plea ant morden.
. Ilall<1m
1960 195
treet, Liverpool, J.
H. Par on, orth We tern Ga Board, Gay thorn Work Medloc!-- treel, Manchester. W. I [ Morgan, 39, Beaufort treet, el on. -. M . Bailey, II, in . dale re cent, Roy ton, r. Idham. II. elb), 32, Bair ' tow treet, Pre ton.
. I.
Lo:\oo~ (see
L''-:COL SHIRECounty Centre
R. L. Ball , .J.A.A., 49a, Rodney
I-lughe ,
J. W. Ta) lor,
The Lord OlenHard), O.L., J.P.
arrington Wigan
. R bert. LL.B .. J.P. W . Fryer . BerT) Dr. B. ilberl
tretford and G rm IOn
M.P . .
R. Il iiton, .C.B., .W. Division, nderton House, Lowton, Warrington . B. J . H pkin, 18, a tic Park , Lanca ter. R . Lowe, 16, Hunt treet, therton, Lanc .
Pre ' ton
ub- entre \ idne
. B. Mann regory,
ounty Constabulary,
1 1 8
ergeant Quayle, Lanca hire Hutton, Pre ton.
Longfield Road, Tod-
o111l1s, "B)flcld," tanh, 'Vllinthorpe, WestmorI<tnd . J. J. Johnson, _, Bew -e) treet, Warrington. MI I. Redford, 92, wan Meadow Road , Wigan. \ .
M . J . Freer, 112, Regent Road, Leice ter.
. Bream
. Lavin
. Latchem, -+7, Road, Lincoln.
enue, Doddington
GREATER Lo'oo')-
ORTHAMPTO SHlREorthampton . Wellingborough
1886 188
W. Gibson
Blyth Haltwhi tie and West orthumberland Morpeth
orth Shields .
. Parker
. Glbb, 1 , Birchfield Road, orthampton. . Parker, 12, hurch treel, Wellingborough .
OXfOROSHIRECounty Centre
]959 ]964
. F. Fairlie, T.O.
Brigadier P. H. M. May, o.s.o., O.B.E., M.C. Profe or H. Harvey ~ ver , M.S., r.R . r.R. . 0 G The Mayor
01. A. V. G. Dower, T.O., D.L., M.F.H.
L. T. Wedderburn, Medical
Dr. J . Dob on Dr. A.
entre .C.B. ollicry, hington . . Paron , 21, Hunter Avenue, Blyth.
Lt.- 01. J. lar!--, T.D. . Beeli Mi
. Laws MacAlister Dr. Dowson
01. . V. . Dower, T.O., O.L., M.F.l-I.
T. Kelly , Garden HOLl e, Wapping, Haltwhi tie. Major . Main , [\1.., i il Defence Dept., outhgate, Morpeth . ewca tle-uponJ. W. Bland, 2, 0 borne Terrace, Tync,2. R.
e worthy, 6, South Pre ton Grove,
Mr . R. Kemp on, 110, Ferry Road, Oxford.
orth Shields.
ew Mar ton,
COllllty ami Celltre R UTL
Honorary Secretory M . J. Freer, 112, Rege nt Road . Lei cester.
Fo rt lied
L. II. Trenth a m , 262,
. I n.:land
rowllle rc Road, Shrewsbury.
I 79
Dr. D.
Dr. T. K . E-Ili tt
M r. . D . hancellor, Road, tafford.
W. Mayhew
II. G. l::ade, I. W oodhm.ige Road. Ip wich . Mr. C. J . Hand comb, M anderly, Copdock, If) . v.ich.
unt} Centre.
J ohn J lou e, 49, Wol verhampton
Count) Ip \\ ich .
orlh Ea t We t
195-1 1956
01. M . Mac wan, D . . . , O.B.E., D.r . . ,
ir Gcr\'ui e BIoi, Bl.
\\ . T.
itken, t-I.P.
Dr. D . A. Me raekcl1
Dr. D . . Mc raeken, 32, dmund .
e tbury
venue, Bury
Croydon Farnham U
11"'> r IIcen pink, Hou..,e, ooLlbridge l r. . D. horter, 20. MI'>s Y . M . \ ri . I,
ecretar) J. L. D,mc Dr. r. aldecott
The M ayor
ounty Headquarter, t. J ohn Road. ulldford. Zermatl Road, Thornton Heath , Longley Road, Farnham .
. T . Dcnnll1g. \.CI '>., 8, Arlington arden Saltdean, n~ar 13rtghloll 1r..,. r . II Denning. 8. Arllnglon Garden, Saltdean. nl:ur Brtghton .
Brighton, Hove and D i trict
The Mayor or Brtgh ton ir iee- 1ar hal T. A. Langrord- ain bury, . B., O.B.C., A.F.e.
era \\Ie)
19 -4
Eastbourne & Di tricr East Grinstead and DI trict Hasting & t. Leonard Horsham Lewe ,Ha) ward Heath & Di trict Worthing .
195-1 1956
'Iv . [-. f-riend
. Be\ dn
Mr. Knight
n. mder on
1956 1955
Burton om well The Rt. Hon. the [arl or MldJeton
PoIICl: uf)t. \\ . Kilborn . J . Il a) e
1912 1962
The Lord Mayor
1957 1958 J957 1959
. W.
The Mayor or Leamington pa The Mayor The M ayor
66. Decrv"ood
Road , We
\\ . H . . D.
. I;urpe, 10, harr Road, a tbourne. crort. t-t.P . . ,21 , H olt)c R oad. Ea t Grin tead.
'v cnes , I 10, Ictoria \cnue, H at ings. MI ' \ . M . Barker, 10, Hu r t venut:, H or halll.
Coventry Kineton Leamington and Warwick uneaton . Rugby' Stratrord-on-A von
1':.1\\ Ie\
ir II. Pasha, J.. .B.L. D . L. BrO\\11 I . . J lolmc., J.P.
10 e, Ber ted treet,
D.F.C ..
The Rl. Hon. thc Earl De La \Varr The Mayor Dr. T . L. COtt
r . M. . racklllan I, l. Mar)' Bognor Regl. us C, .
. Inglefield,
Lt.- dr.
J . II. 1c hee P. Varley H.
. Bell B. Bedford Dr. J. B. Bram\ ell,
M r'l. [ .
. Praill, 190, Terl'lngc
venuc, Worthing.
ard, 52, DUllchur h Hi ghway, 0 entry . rs. M. 1'0 ., " Hilltop," M oreton M orrell, W ark . T. J . Br de t, 32, Henley R oad, Leamington Spa. W . G. Hart, 3 I, amp Hill Ro a Ll, Lmeaton. . J. Burton , mbulancc Depot, Temple treet, Rugby . . V. La ne, 255, lee ter R oad, Stratrord-on-Avon .
( ee Cumberland) WORCESTERSH [RE-
*Stourbridge Worcester .
. J.
K. W . M archa nt
o unci lJor L. W. ar ter, J.P.
1883 1920
J. B.
Major . Wright , T. Mill Dr.
Hull and East Riding County Centre
hap man
. M. Il inch
J .P.
ergeant R . . G. ea le, Worcester hire Con tab ul a ry, Ha le owe n. B. G. Bromwich, afcty Onlcer, Ibright & Wil on (Mrg.) Ltd ., Oldbury. J . . W a lle on, 4 , High Street, Wolla ton , Stourbridge. . L. Woodward, Orchard Hou e, Hallow, nca r Worce ter. F. R . Charlton, Hull.
1m Cottage, Bcwholille Lane,
COllllty alld ORK HIRE (
/ (ol1uro!'),
Fo rill ed
(,lIfre ORTIl)-
orth Riding entre
The Marque Zetland, K.
f elc.
J. l lughc
., tir/al er, 8, Lavender
ourt, Mar ke-by-the-Sea.
YORK HIRE ( \ ' [ T)-
Barn Ie)
19 5
The II a) or
W. Thoma ' ,
J. T.
' Di ' tri
BraMord *Dinnington Main'
R. Harrison, 23, larenee treet, Barnold wick, olne, Lanes. H. B. Dun'>tan, 0 Fire ' I11bulanee Dept., Broadway, Bal n ICy. In pector T. r. Pear on, 3, PL:ndragon Lane, BolLon, Bradford, 2 . II. I [aye ' , IJ..J., La' lghlOn Road, Dtnnington, hemeld.
J. Martin
Barnold \\ i\....
· Parfitt O.B.L.
. J nc
· Parker . Bacon
Don a ter
1955. Hulle
W . T. [ a
lIperintcndent L. I arn:,ha\\ A. JL:lder, J.P.
The Ma) r
Halifa" .
Harrogate and DI tnct
Dr. l .
11'> .\.
Dr. J. \\ . Iher:'ldc, J.r II. P. . John'>l)n
o goldcro ' 1962
.. \\r .
. Brterlc)
H. B. Powell
Shipley & District.
*Sowerby Bridge
J . PrC'1tlcc,
J . . ha\\ . J . P .
\ .
Wtlhha\\. 3. RlI1g\\o d
\cnue, Leed
. [. La/CnD\, 2 . falc o n rl\C, Lo\e Lane, a tlef rd, ) ork. . J . \\ . Thoma ... , 2, ral1\ Ille 11., Otley, York . IOSS\-\'<lltC. 96. Broom Valley Road, Rothcrham.
W . II.
. eed
H. B. Kear Ie
Olll-t ' treet,
ppcrmill. via Oldharn,
.J.A. . H .Q., Fla ' ley Road, Selby.
B. . M.,
. Bi hop, 23,
. Wat on eed
ootl. 12,
Lane,>. mlth ,
B. Powell
e field Way, Sheffield, 5.
alley Dri e, lIkley,
r. Leed .
D . Law, 63, Briarl n Road, Birchencliffe, HuddersAeld . t ek, 69, Highthorne Road , Kilnhur t, near Rotherham . . H. Brears, , 'ewton Lane, Outwood, near Wakefield.
W. Wright J.
oward, 2, Florence
rove, RawclifT, York.
R. H. Le Ma urier
H. . Sir Ronald H. Garvey, K.C.M.G.,
apt. A .W. Me adyen
Guernsey LSLE OF MA -
Isle of Man
II. Blakelcy. 2, Fa i \,\'IC\\ ,\ \cn lie, arll ngho\\ Lane, ila l b r IllCh\:II, 27. 10 unl Pleasanl Drlvc , I\IYlholl11ro ycl, neal Iialir,!\ . II. JI'Cen fleld, '9, !~a\('nskno\\le Road, [alton, Ilud ck r ... ricld . T. I. c I'>h, 96, Dc\onsl1irc , treet, Keighley.
11 ks
. Iiolluml
. Buxt n
The Mayor
t \ " 11.1
J . P.
I I. Iluds()I1, Ilealth Dept, Iiallfax ' orporall 11, Powell . treet. Ilaltfax. I . l lrtnln, 22 , Ilollll1s leN':, Ha mp thwulte, Harrogate.
.\ . .I . Pal c r.;;on . n.r . \1. ,
1111 [1,>o n
r . \V . I3ro\\ n
Rotherham '
Hebden Bridge r
. Fear
Dr. J. Walker
Heav ' \Voollen Di<;trict
Hudder Aeld
D . y art!, . .8., York hire Division, Medical Dept., ''. t. Cicorge's," The rne Road, [ onea ter. T . J . Daniels, ,Jack 011\ IlIc , 0 Ie.
K.C.V.O . , M.B.E.
. Kitto
W. ale, 9, Wind or Villa, Val Plai ant, t. Helier, Jersey. W. . Baker, Gremyll, 22, l. George' E planade, St. Peter Port, Guern ey.
. Beaty-Pownall, c/o Chief Dougla .
on table's Office,
outhern Region .
Dr. R.
L. y . I bbot on
'- CE
. Parker
aurice Holme
IB LA'- E.
Dr. M. . \ . Long, . B.E. , T.D.
R. J .
R. D .
Rt. Hon. Lord itrine, P.. , G.B.E.,
. W: Harden, London Tran ' port mbulance Centre, rtfllth Hou e, 2 0, Marylebone Road, .W.I . . J. 0 , Per onnel Dept., . P.O. Headqu arter, London, . . 1•
. Robert
ir RI chard
larl--e ,
F. J.
rouch, Electri ity Supply Ambulance Centre, lectricity ouncil, 30, Millbank , .W.I . i
. M . Hi ggin , Mini try of \Iatlon, R oom 186, hell-MeA Hou e, trand, W. .2. alional Docl-- Labour Board, . Thoma -. I. . , 22-26. Ibert mbankmcnt, .E.I. L. 0 per, i\ ilian Medical ervices ( D ), Inl lJ") of D efen e, Lan do\ n Hou e, Berkeley quare, W . I. quadron tnccr P. M . We tbury, Ministry of Defencc. overnll1cnt Build ing. Bromyard A venue.
. B.L.
1953 1961
Lt .- eneral Ir Robert Drew, K.C' . B., C. B. . ,
ir ommodore . L. Inne , . B., O.B.r.
Dr. K . Blden- teele
oleman, The Briti sh Railways ( a tern Region) , hief stabli hment and Staft Office, 13, Norton Folgate, .1. J . M . Pa rk , The Briti h Railways (London Midland Region), hief tabli hment and Staff Office, Melton Hou e, 65 /67, larendon Road , Watford, Herts. M. they, The Briti h R ailway (orth astern Region) , hief E tablislunent and Staff Office, York. . Barne , The Briti h Railway (Southern Region) hicf tabli hment and Staff Office, 39, Craven treet, W . . 2. J . . Martin , The Briti h Railwa y (We tern Region) , hicf tabli hment and tafT Omce, 167 Westbourne Terrace, W.2.
K . . 13.,
. M ac Ken zie
G. H. Luck
Da id McKenna
We tern Regi n
.J.Jud on
. Dean
orth Ea tern Region
. John on, O.B ..
London Midland Region
rm trong
Clon. W .3.
TERED BY THE DIR ECTOR-GE ERAL President heil--h Ii ttef I-Kaladl H . . The Go\ernor
H .. The Go ernor
Chairman hancm
ing ommander J . FountaIn, D.F.C.
HOlloran' ecreran' rater ommandant, Police Training ch 01, <.len . rgcant arl lIey ne, Police H .Q ., a sau, Ba hamas .
Mr .
W t' II I' , PO . . Bo
526, Hamilton. Bermuda.
BRITISH HO:--'DURA H.Q . lomons Police F rcc, P.O . Box Guada1canal B .. I.P .
o. G.3, Honiara
H .B . The Administrator
M ajor R.
. toute
Dr. I. G . MacGregor
Margerita, Lady Howard- Lady Mit hell de-Walden D.B.E. 1-1 . ahu ac, C. B.E., J.P. . D ale
Mr . A.
lift , Pro pect E tate,Ocho Rio , P .O ., Jamaica.
. Dale, We t Indie ugar o. Ltd. , Frome P .O. , We lmoreland , Jamaica. Mrs. G. Delapenha, t. John Headqua rter , 2E, amp . Grove Road, Kingston, 5, Jamaica. . ir Arthur Thelwell, C.B.E., Mr . D . Matthew , P.O . Box 8, MandevIlle.
J.P .
Deputy ommi loner of Police . Williams
Major L. . Quintyne, 1\1.l1.E., quatic Clubgap, Garrion, t. Mich ael, Barbado . . Val Ander on , Grand ayman fslands , We t Indte .
H . . The Administrator I-I .H . The Administrator
In pector R. L. Miller c/o Police Traffic Dept., 16, Lower lIetson Road, Kingston , Ja maica .. George Davis c/o The General PenitenlIary, Tower Street , Kingston, Jamaica.
Mr . J . hallenger, P.O . Box 52, t. John's Antigua. Dr. K. U t tley Mr . Y . cott, The Cottage Ho pital , Tortola , Briti h H.H . M .S.StaveleY,c.B.E. Virgin Island.
Presidenr Mont errat· H .H . The dmini trator ST. KIlTS-NEVI -A I OUILLA H .H. The Administrator Dr.
. M. Seba tian
K. G . Fletcher
Honorary Secretary J . B Byron, c/o Police H.Q ., Montserrat. Mi G. Sebastian, P.O . Box 192, Basseterre, St. Kitts.
. Oli vier, 4 , Tcrry Street, St. James, Trinidad .
D --
H.H . The H.H . The H.H. The
dmini tra to r dmini tra to r dmini tra to r
H . . The
dmin i' tra to r
hi ef of Po lice, D o minica . Mi L. o mi iong, P.O. Box 46, St. Geo rge' , Grenada . Mr . . ann o n Po lice Headqu a rter , astries, St. Lucia, W .1.
H. E. M r. Will ia m G pa ll a\\a, \I.B .E. Pre ident of ypru , Hi Beati tude rc hbi ho p M akario
Lt .- 0 1. o n, M. C. P.II.
nd er., M.B.E.,
In pecto r F. O . Ma o n, Police Headquarters, St. Vincent,
The Ho no ura bl e M ini ter of Hea lth D r. Zenon G . Pano
. I. Ed ward , The S.J .A.A ., Lower Lake Road , Galle ace, olo mbo, 3. Mi S. Yeghiayian , P.O . Box 1711 , icosia, Cyprus.
. Reed, M. B.E.
R. M uwa nga
I. B.E.
. hai d i
H . . T he
. 0 n \an, O.B.E., l. . .
H . E. T he
\ ernor
L. Hannon, "I. B.L.
H . . Th e ovc rn orG eneral
ir Do na ld Jackso n
I . Ping- ran
Il on'ble . DoLO Thc Hon'ble. Ir. 1. Yong, LL.B .. J.P. bdul Razak bm Dato ll u.;; ain, O.K.I.S. H .E. The o\crnor Lt.- 01. J. V Abela,
W .1.
The 0 la tlOn Sec retary, Kenya Centre, S.l.A.A. , P.O . Box 1469, airobi , Kenya. r . L. tow, P.O. Bo 468, D a r-es-Sa laam, Ta nzani a. Mi H. L. M . Few, Uga nd a De elo pment Corpo ra tion , P. . Bo'( 160 14, Wa ndcgeya, Kam pa la, Uga nd a. D. J . Ba rn e , O. B.E., c,o In la nd Revenu e D ept. , G overnme nt Bu ildi ng, u\a, Fiji. . Balba n, Police Head q uarte r , G ibraltar. hief Pol ice Officer, ons ta bula ry H .Q. Betio, Tarawa, Gilbert & Ellice Islands, Western Pacific. . P. V n eden, P.O . Box 2 36, G eo rget own , uya na.
Mr" .
Mary, S.J . .
Il cauquartcrs,
M ac-
Donnel l Road, Hong Kong . . K . Thur) Rajah, .J . . . & .J . . 8 . ational H .Q ., 41 , hcllcy - Road , K uala Lumpur, M a laya. . I r. \V. Borg, 109 Main
t. J ul ia n' , Ma lta.
O . B.[ .
H . . Thc
o\crn r
r. h"
cltch hee eng
MI M. hapcron. cl o Po lice II.Q . Line Ba rrack, Porl Loui , Mauritius. III Li, P.O . Bo 432, Je elto n, abah. ub- [n pc tor R . Morel, Po lice Headquarler , P .O . Box 46, ictoria, eychelle.
SEYCHELLES H . . Inchc Yusof Bin I hak
Dr. P.
. K\\.an , O.B.I.
Ho n. ccrclary, .J. . . Hcauq uarter , 420, Beach R oad, ingaporc, 7. a r. Ah mcd, Gc nera l Ma nagc r' Office (PCI' onnel), uda n R a il way, tba ra, ud a n.
O rgani ing ccreta ry a nd Trai nin g Office r, c/ o Gha na Po licc o llcge, P.O . Bo 740, ccra, Gha na.
. Onoh
E. P.
wa ikc
POLTCE FORC RAILWAYS . J . O . M . Bola nl e, A. M.1 ST.T.
O . G. Ilu ghes, M.B.E.
M . L. F adik a
E. J . canl o n Per onn el Ma nager, igeria n orporatio n,' E nu gu, iger.ia. . . Officc of In pec to r G encra l Igen a PolIce, Lago .
C hi cf Medica l Officer, Mcdica l Dept. , igeri a n Railwa y rpo ra tion , E bule M clta, igc ri a. .. W. Z . o kcr-Dick cns, Es ta blishmenl Officer? .Igenan Po rt Aulh o riLy Headqu a rlcr , Lagos, Igen a, Thc o mIlla nd a nl, Police Tra inin g School , H as ting, Sicrra Lcone. rank M . K o bi , Pri on Officers' Training School, ew Engla nd , Freelown, Sierra Leone.
!feadquarters Address
P.O . Box , 7 137, Johannesburg, South Africa.
CENTRAL AFRICA (administered by TilE COMl\lANDCRY
P.O. Box 536, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia.
AUSTRALIA (administered b) TilL PRIOR) Or
Tilt ORDl'. R OF Sr. JOli N)
Suite I , Ground Floor, St. John House, 21, Macq ua rie Place, Sydney, N.S.W., Austra li a.
OIWI R 0 1 ST. JOli N)
298, Wellington Street, Perth , W. Australia.
CANADA (administered by TIlL PRIOR) OF TilL ORDl R 01 Sr. JOliN)
32 1, Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada.
NEW ZEALAND (administereLl by THE PRIOR) OF Til[ ORDrR
P.O. Bo\. 11 89, Wellington, New Zealand.
ST. JOli N)
INDIA (administered by the l ND IAN COUNCIL, ST. JOliN Ar-.1DL UNCI. ASSOCI \
I, Red Cross Road, New Delhi 1, India.
PAKISTAN (administered by Ihe PAKISTA' COUNCIL, ST. JOII" A\IBUL\i'.,;cr I\"SOCIATIO"')
National Ilcaliquarters, Frere Street, Ka rachi, 4.
WALES (administered by THE PRIORY OF TilE ORD[R
Priory House, 4, Cathedra l Road, Cardiff.
ARDS (administered by the
ST. JOliN)
J O li N)
Jrd F loor, W ar M emoria l Building, 5, Waring StreeL Belfast , I , Northern Ire land .
~ ~
Pages] to 6 amended to 24th June, 1966. {t he
5 t. 30 h 11 It n1bII I a1l ce :fB r i (I (l be
Headqu arter : 8, GROSVENOR CRES E T, Lo DO , S.W.].
JG r i on be 'lbeabclll a rt e rs COl77lJ7i sioner-in-Chie/ .
R ear Admiral R OYER OJ K, .B,. C. B.E., D.S.C. MARJORI E, Countes of BRECK OCK Dr. M . M. S OTT, M.R .. S. L.R.C.P. R ear Admiral R. S. WELL BY C.B.,
lIperin t enden t-il7- Ch ieI lIrgeon-in- Ch ie./ Deputy ol17l71issioner-in- hie./
D .. 0.
uperin I endenl-in-Ch ie./
The Lady MOYRA BROW E, O.B.E., .E.
Assi, tant ol71l77issioner-in- hieI Controller Ol'erseas. Chief ursing Officer .
Lieut.-Colonel ARTH R GORI G Colonel W. L. R . B E YO Dame BARRAR COZE S D.B.E. R.R ..
TAFF OFFI 011 II 17 iss 10 17 er-
Chie/Slal! Officer to in- hiej , la(f Officers to ol77l17issioner-il7Chic!/,
Brigade 'ecrerary Issi /{fill Brigade ecrelary
Bri gadie r BREY MILLCR D.. 0. Bri gad ier . H . P PYS, D.S.O. Win g Commander M . M. KA E 1.8.[., R . . F. (Public chool Li ai 'o n) ajor 1. M. ILLIAM Mr. W. HI K (Brigade Pre Liai on Ofllcer) Mr. . W. WOODH ILL
. F.
LPfRI If Dl [-I - 1111r' DIP RI11 1 :
PrillClpal , Idlllillislrotil'e O/licer (
) .
, lssi. lal7l Brigade ecre{(fry alld • ecrefar), to uperintendelltill- h ie./ . tat! Officers to IIperintendenlin- liie/. Red () -I -
Ilssistallt to
01 PAR I 11
M RIL W TO, 0.8 ..
M. ll ARRI 0 , I.B .E. o ROTIIY , Lad II Mr . RI II RD - OJ 1-1, 1.8.E. Mi M . O
lIrgeoll-in- hie./.
Dr. J .
~I.R . . . ,
'tld!,O[ficer to IIrgeon-in- hie/ M r. R. KIRKII M r. F. . B R C ADI
hie/ Otficer ./l)r I R, I A 01 P Rl MI'
l/(firman, Appeal
Mi .
tqlT01/ic r./or Ol'er. ea ApPL.A
Mi •
Mr .
UI. B T il
.B . ~ .
on 1117 irree
L.R .. P.,
T . JOH J'
The The The The The The The The The The The The The The
dmiral R y r Di k. .13.. .B.E:... D .. c.. omml~ - l t. J hn mbulan e Brigad (r?x-o.fJicio
II ("-111-
Chairman ~fARJORH:. , COU(\'T
U perintendent-in-Chief
ur ing Corp
and Di isions.
Ex-officio Members
The Deput uperintendent-in-Chief. Th i tant uperintendent -in-Chief. Principal dmini trative Officer ( ). ur ing Training dvi er. Th hief ur ing Officer, & Th hief Officer for Cadets. The R pr entati\ e for Wale (Lad Traherne). The Di trict uperintendent ( ). for orthern Ireland (The Counte f R den) .
Secretary- eneral. Dire tor-Gen ra!. t. John lllbulan e ociation. uperintendent-in- hi f. 1 ur ing orp and Di\ i ion urgeon-in- hief. Deputy Commi ioner-in-Chief. Deputy uperintendent-in- hieL ur Ing orr and Oi\ i n . Deputy ur ~ on-in-Chief. i tant ommi ioner -in- hief. i tant up rint ndent -in- hieL . lULing orp:- and Oi\ I n . i tant urgeon-in- hief. Chief ur ing Offi er. Chief Commi ioner. Prior for \\ ale. Commi ioner for orthern Ireland . hief Officer for adet. I
.Appoil1led by COlllllli ioner-fll- hili
Lieut.- 01 nel R. . \\ . John - n. O . B. E. . T . D . mllll" I n r. l nhurnberland. 1 Regi n. ir \\,ill iam Ta\ I r. Bart" . B.E. . D . L .. J.P. llll111l "lIner. \\ c t Riding of ork hire-l O. 2 Regi n. -, n r. . ollingh< m hlr o. H. L. B \\ orth. T. 0.13... o III 1111 Regi on. q .. \1.8.E., J.P .. III III I I ner. flenr rd hire L. R. ' . Per e). TO. of Region. Group CaptaIn G. H. Pirie. .13 . [ . • D . L.. J . P" O I1l111I - Ie ncr. Ll)nd n (Prince of \\ ale' ) Di trict- . . - Regi n. . 6 Regi n . lllmi i nero Bu h.ingham hlrt: . Bunker. E q.. mer tColonel . T. i\litf rd- lade. D.L.. LP" 1111111 O. 7 Region. III 111 I . I ner. T. K. Elliott. :-'1.13" B ... :\1.R . .. , L.R .P . • 0.9 Regi n. Illml loner. L1l11berLlnd Jnd olonel G. 1\1. inmonL .B. E.. D . L .. \\'e tmorland. 10 ReQ:1 n. Capt. J. \1. Hodge. D . . ~ .. R. .. o III 1111 I ner. LI e . L RI.:~lon . :, 1r . F . . 0 J U 11 t) II pe rt n t n den t ( _ ). 0 rL h RId I n g 0 C ork hi re o ;vIr . D. Ie . \1.B.. urertntendent ( ). \Cl1rd"hlre . Lad Cumberbatch. ounty uperint ndent (1\ . K nt. apt. R. ParI-- .. Oi trict m er ( adct ( ",). L nd n. (Prince of \ ale ) Di tri t. 1i D . \1. and). LInt) wA- m r ( Jdet ) ( I ). ,I' rd
Regional Represenfafires
\fr . . D) - n. .B . . . C unt uperintendent ( ). orth Riding of Yorbhire . 1 R gi n. \lr. . \V. L dg . ~ .B.E .. J.P .. Di trict uperintendent ( ), We t Riding ofY rk hire-. R gi 11. ~1 r. . ~1. pt n. J.P.. unt,- uperintendent ). Lincoln hireI
n. . E. HJf\\ 0 d . . of Re) n. i-trict H adl y.
.R .
. . :-'1..
uperintendent ( ) .
London (prince of u perintendent ( Region. H.B .• C unt) uperintendent ( ). Oxford hire
Ie . \1.13.. Regl n. \l r . L f. To\\ n:- nd. unt) up rintendent ( I). Ea t. South and nh Oe\ on- , . 7 Regi n. . P. He\\at-Jab or. .R .N .. C unty uperintendent ( ) hrophire- l .9 R gi n. ). Cumberland and f arll 1. unt) llperintendent Th . lOR gi n. \\ e lln rlLlnd. Kento. 12 Region. unt up rintendent Lad) LImb rbat h.
Chairman Lieut.-Colonel Arthur oring, i tant Comllli ioner-in- hief. Ex-officio 111ember The Chief Officer for
Major-General Le\\i Pugh, .B., .B.I., D . . . J.P., D.L., i tant Chier Commi ioner (a igned to mbulan e adet) r r ale. Mr . W. Cra\\ haw, /"1. ., hief uperintendent (a \igned to ur ing Cadet) for ale. J. H. John tone, E q., C mmander) tafT fllcer ( adet) () ommander of rd ( orthern irel and). * Mi E. Garrett, mmandery tafT Ofllcer ( adet ()) mmander) of rd ( orthern 1reland). *
REPOR 00 the achievement and problem of the Brigade during the year naturally centre on de cribing the service carried out at home and o er ea . 1 feel, however, tha it i nece ary to tart by reminding the reader that the en. ice given by Brigade member are entirely voluntary and are unpaid, indeed, orten member have to dip into their own pockets. [ reali e that thi i, of cour e well known to tho e closely connected with the Order and Foundati n . There j , however, uch widespread mi conception by the general public that tho e 0 regularly een in our uniform doing their nne w rk on occa ion, public and private large and mall, are being paid for what they do; r feel therefore it i de irable to make the r regoing clear yet again in the very forefroot of thi report. Nor mu t it b f rg ttcn that Di<,trict~, Countie and oit them elves have to carry out exlen i e acti\ itie to rai e the money nece ary to meet their local e\pen e_ on uch matter. a ambulance, uniform, radio equipment, and the \ery to h of their trade uch a bandage and other fir t aid item though we try to u pplement thei r fund to the be t of our ability from national fund raiing event t which reference i rnade later.
Regional Rcpre enfaf il'e. Mi J. dam, unty tafT Ofllcer ( adets) ( ), orth Riding or York hireo. I Regi n. Mi J. Barker, 'Qunt) tafT Officer ( adet) ( ). a\t Riding or York hireo. 2 Region. q.~ County taIT Ofllcer ( adeh) ( ), orthampton G. C. Wille), o. 3 Region. J. . G. Troughton, E q., C unt laIT fllcer ( adet<,) ( ) Il ertf rdhireo. 4 Region. Capt. R . Park ., Di trict taIT Ofllc~r ( aclet) ( ), London (PI'i nee or Wale' ) Di tricto. 5 Region. andy, ounty taIT Officer ( adet) ( ), "ford hireMi D. 0.6 Region. Mr . D. r. Rowland, County taIT Onker ( adet) (), mer et0.7 Region. J. A. Eccle ton E q. ounty tafT OrAcer :ldet ') ( ), Birmingham o. 9 Region. Mrs. . umith, Di trict taff Officer ( adet) () uke of anca ter" Districto. 10 R egion. C. G. D. mith q., ounty taIT OrAccr ( ad t ) ( ), Kcnt o. 12 Region.
Th flgur h \\ing the number of men, women and young people who d thi.., \\or1-- and the extent of that work in the nited Kingdom , are ..,h \Yn in th table of ~trength , and dutie gi en in ppendice A. Band . but 1 \\ ould tIl\\ ay tre that figure are cold thing and it i thc \. . alth or g d\Yill and of de otion to the help of other which i what mattcr and \ hich n flgure can adequately pre ent. nethelc ,t\\ on rete fact emergc [r III the year' tati tic; fir tly, that th Brigad' "Pr ducti\ ity" increa d b 70,000 hour of oluntary cnice and, ..,ccondl), that th decline in member hip of 1,300 \ a onehalf 01' the prc\ i u~ year. Thi , ho\\e\er, foil" til pattern in recent year whereb call for sen i c increa ed and member hip fell and clearly the e di ergent trend cann t be accepted. It \\a \ ith thi in mind that a 12-month recruiting dri\e \\<1.., tart d in eptember and although nl) three m nth came within the p ri d under re\ie\\,it \\ould eem that the fall ha been temrn d; in fact th ur ing adet figure were ver lightl. up. Thi i indccd en uraging, n toni a a tribut to the recruiting eff rt , but al 0 bcc<.lue it tc..,tille that \\c hn\c omething 1 offer t meet the growing desire among t man ) ung people t gl\e 111 n ighb urI nice. TilL BRIG DF I
To d cribe full) and a la t year thi cxample\ ar gi\cn ror a number of p
the range of ncti\ itie \\ uld take up t 0 much pace report dc cribed the brond patt rn f dutie ,thi. time to d monstrate th dimen ion of the effort requireJ cif! duti ranging fr 111 th malIc t to the large t.
A AI ajor Dilly
The tate Iineral of ir Win ton hur hill: minimul11 r 20 member \ ere continuou LyinK in lale
n duty
J OH1"
either at the Fir t id po t or patrolling the I ng queue \\ aiting tenter tmin ter. the Palace of \ The fare FlIlle/'al.- Over . +'000 member fr m all part. of the nited Kingdom and a fe\\ fr m O,er ea \\ h happened t be in Lond n taffed e\en mobile Fir t id team and 39 ir t id p t, lined the full length of the route and pr \ ided c \er f r the c ngregati n in ide t. Pau]' Cathedral. In addition t the n rmal Fir t id equipment. 3 ~O tretcher and 700 blanket \\ re in p iti n '11 ng the route. I t may n l be realied that for rout lining the ~letrop lilan P lice a J.. f r fir t aid p r nnel at inter al of not m re than 1 pace \\ hich i the rea n man)- member are needed f r big ca ion \\ ilh large r \\ d . Bladon Chll/'ch.- One hundred and fi\e memb [" \\er required for the Fir t id po ( along the r ute fr m L ng Handb r ugh raihHl y tatlon to the churchyard at Bl ad n. Thi \\a admittedly a ome\\ha( uniqu ca in. B) \\a) or c mpari on for Tro ping (he Col ur the <lnnual r qUlr m nt i 7-0 \mbulance and -ur ing member, 10 ur!!eon. 12 I ur Ing fll r, -0 <ider and 32 ambulan. . e . The number of a uallie - tr ,.ll d can \~H) rr m 30 to ..fO to mer ~OO (Coronati n year) . The big pr blem i f den it) of c ro \\ d \\ hi c h de man d a Ia r gnu m b r I' p . ., t a po ible rapidly to get to ca ualtie and h re the radi U ed b\ the Brigade help greatly . Jfinor Duries
t the other end of the ale are the multlpli It) of mt.lIl. un btru I\e dutie in\ 01\ ing one or (\\ member . Y uth lub B \lIlg T urn<lment. for in rance. \\ ~l need a uple f memb r pre ent rr m lhe~1 al 01\ I Ion to deal \\ irh pectator or rna) be mpem r . Thealr ,ClIlema, \..Jting rink and the like through ut the Ulllr) rna\.. ImdM demdnd daily. Air Escort
The full duty an entail an ambulLlIl e t the dirp rt. a Bflgade member to accompany the patient thr ughout the flight dnd an ambuldl1 e to meet the aircraft on landing. The en Ice meeh the ne d of pdllelll \\ hether r 1.1 cldent. t thl foreign or Briti h \\ h ha\e to be e orted, arter dIne country, or \ice \er a. or Journe) \\Ilhin the nlled lngd m. LiIlguLlge difficultie ha\e frequentl) t be merc me typl ill ..1'> Patient: \\oman ( chiz phrenic) t be e rted rr m the ontinent t L ndon Irp rt enroute to d L nd n ho pilal. Embarkation: The ir ttendant. \\ h I pe in illl) qUdllned au h. on arrl\ al at the \ er ea dlrp rt \\ ~I met b) the hu band and hild f the patient \\ h \\ re al 0 to tra\el on the plane. Th p ..ltJent re I l d all attempt t get her n b rd but nnally the Brig<.lde ir ttendant. p rhap becau e he \\<1 a trttnger. \\ a able to ucceed n her \1, n. The Flight: urpri ingl) after the difficult tart the J urne) pro\ed une\entful. \\ill be appreciated, the ta k o an ir ttendant \\ Ith a dinlcull patIent in the confined pace of an aircraft an be dn a\\ "-\\ard matter.
Di embarkation:
On di embarkation it wa found that the hospital to which the patient wa going had no knowledge of her. She on the other hand thought she was going home and a her edation had now worn off, became difficult to control. Eventually the Airport Medical uthoritie arranged for her to be admitted to a mental ho pital.
inally, it may be of intere t to relate that the Air ttendant had left London at 11.30 p.m. on Saturday night, arri\ed at her mersea de tination at 5 a.m. on unda), di embarked at London Airport al .30 a.m. and wa back at her home that afteronday. he re umed her noon. The ne t day, normal full -time employment. Thi \\a. admittedl). a difficult ca e but b) no mean unu ual among t th man) \ er the )ear, nearly all of \\ hich ha\.e to be arranged at hort n tice. The
ttendant :
Cr()ll'd Catherillf<s
It ba t ce rememcered that the e are often of an unkno\\n quantity frequ ntly c urring \\ith little prior \\arning uch a when teenager ongr gat to 111 et 1.1 .. Pop" group or \\ hen a \ ictoriou football team i an e\ample. \\hen the Li\erpool team returned \I,ith \\el omed h me rhe . \ up rl \Ibl planning \I,a nece ar) to deal \\ith the uncertain lime of arri\ dl. i7e of cr \\ d li"-eh to gather. and \ aning \\ eather con dillOn. (al pint on the r LIte al 0 had to be decided and taken into a Gunl. Th Brigade depl yed at 3 p.m. and \\a hea\ily employed until 9 p.m. h ro\\d in th e\ ent pro\ed to be den e and difficult for the poll c t Olllr I that barfler \\ere bro\.. n do\\ n and road completel) bl "-ed . It t 0"- fi\e do t r . t\\O 1 ur ing Officer and _00 member to ht.lndle the Bflg<ld' part in the peration. Ca ualt) Clearing tation, eight hr t id P ...,t and eight ambulan e \\ere in a tion and man) foot pdtrol Ct.lffled out. mmLlnication \\ere e tabli hed by radio and thr ugh eldel a tlllg a me enger. 1 e c -operation \\a . of cour e. maintain d \\ nh the P II e.. unt\ mbulan e en ice and other \ oluntary rg<lnl dli n parti ipaung in the dut) . me 600 ca ualtie were treated b\ the BfI!!ade. including ~ - admitted to the ho pital. number of Bn!!<lde ;"emb r ~ had min r I~juri in th ru h f the crowd and a certdJn am unt I' equipm nt 10 -t r damaged (r placement co t mone») but a flne day ' - \\or"- \\<1 d ne . ~
pOr/ill'S EleJlf
Th r ugh ut the untf\' \\ J.. after \\ eeJ... all le\ el of porting e\ ent . Ire CO\ r d ran!!lIlg rr m t\\ memb r on dun at the 10 al match to fir t dl\ lin .. ,,-~\ ~am . ... maj r ra m ting - (hor e and mot r) and the li"- . Being ba ~ d on a "-n" \\n pr gramm ~ rheye are en ier to plan ,,\dcth . [(he larger p [man nt tabli hment \\ell equipped r om ~ \\ill g nerally be <1\ tiilable uitabl) ntted ut r rue a Fir t id p t ~ut unl' rtunt.ltel\ thi i b\ n mean the a e in man) dutie . a peclfic m. _4 men:' example at Kempl n Par"- during ~a(ional Hunt .1 etin.g b r \\ill b n dUl\ he \\!l1 b it d in th FIr ( Id tatl nand lfj edch rthe land ~lnd en I _ur ~ and < I 0 al ng ide the fen e ~ ready to
deal with rider and pectator alike. mbulance \ ill be located at strategic point and at thi cour e can actual l mo e nlongside the rnil during each race 0 a to be a near the cene of any accident pia e a po ible. I would like to re- tre th at c ntrary t \ hat i npt to be thought St. John member rarel ha\e time t ee much of the gnme or e\ent them el e . In particular the ur ing member \\ill throughout be permanentl in ide the Fi r t id P t, \\ hi I t m bulance mem bel' are dealing with pectator and handling the tran port arrangement. Beach Huts
Here the main problem i the duration of duty due t the need for COI1tinuou taffing of the beach hut O\er long period , . The run or ca~ualtie will include feet cut on broken gla , children uffering frolll a <,urfeit or ice cream , headac he from un e p , ure, udd n illne ,and on 0 ca<,ion the re cued bat her requiring artificial re piration. The nUlllber on duty depend on the time of ear and \\eather but \ ill normall) in lude both adult and Cadet , the latter being e<.,pe ially u erul in 10 ~ing after 10 t children. UI'sing and Welfare Senice
Any ummary of d utie h v. e\ er brJcf, that made n:1 rererence to the exten i e field of ur ing and elfarc en icc cmered \\ould bc In 0111plete. Since howe er the'-' uperintendent-in- hier de cribe ........ olllething or thi in her report later L \\ill here do n morc than dr~l\\ altentinn to thi important a pect of the v,ork of the Brigadc. Day -l o-Da)' Actions
In additi on to the preplanned dutle,> there arc the da)-to-da) ~lction carried out b) member a the go about thcir rdinar) bLhine'><,. \!luch of the help given in thi v.a j ne\er reported or included In ... tati tic". It can extend from the killed remO\ ttl or a piece or grit rrom the e) c or a pa er-by to a i tance at the cene or a major accident \\ here member happen to be pre ent. For example: Indu trial Acciden t- In the e t Riding 01 r~ ... hlre a \\nrh. train carrying 170 men became out f control. Many or thc occupant jumped from the [a t mo ing train and mo t v.ere mjured to a greater or le er degree. Ie en ca ualtie \\ere c\(lcLlated to ho<"plt<11. \\hil t other were treated for hock, burn'>, fainting and Llceralion . mong t tho e on the train were four Brigade mcmber (two of \\ hOIll \\ere them elve injured) who were v armly prai ed I cally for their calm beh aviour and rendering of fir t aid . ne I' theill. at con<.,iderable ri k to him elf upported until hc c uld be rrecd a IllHn \\ ho attemp ted to jump off the moving train but became entangled \ Ith the equipment on the ide of the wagon. Rail and Bu Cra h. In Su ex a train cra<.,hed into a d ublc bu on a level cro ing. Travelling n the train v.a thc uperintcndent of a Cadet Di vi ion who ran t the bu , by thi time in name'>, and by placi ng a lad der again t it wa ablc to as. i"t in rescuing SOITH.: or the pa senger rrom the upper deck. li e a l 0 helped in the I'(<,cue o[ the driver from hi cab and ub equcntly adl1lini tercd iiI' t aid to th e injured . Awards to the member who e action'> arc dc,>cribed In thcse two accidents are includ ed in the Ii t at Appendix O.
Imo tall COLlntie and a number of Area have now appointed a Staff Onker (Training), who e eITort ha e co ntributed much to raising the tandard at Divi ional Ie el. The Training Week-end or day which are normally held at lea t once a year, at County level are steadily leading to more variety in Di\i ional Programme. The Catalogue on Visual Aids in the rorm of Films and Film trip i ued by the St. John Ambulance " ociation ha\e al 0 c ntributed to thi end, but their value i somewhat re~tricted by lac~ of Ananee. During th year emphasi ha been laid on the need to en ure that the training of ex- adet when they join th e dult Di j ions i more closely dc\ eloped from that in the Cadet Di i ion ; a it ha been found that routinc training in the former often uffer in cOITp:lri on with the more \~Hled programmc in the Cadet Di i ion with their empha i on Profkiei1 ) Badge. Thi point i highly re!e\anl to our Recruiting Drive. cad r hip Training ha again benefited fr m the ge nerou grant of the King Ge rge I Memorial und and emba l Tru t which enabled ix Lcadcr ... hip ~Cour . . e<, to be held in 196~. The e took place at H arrogate, Lcicc<,ter, eter, e\\c<l5tle-upon-T)ne, Wevtcliff-upon-Sea and Blackpool. The <nerage attendance at each \\ a 0 er 50, many of whom hould In due course rcach high ran~ in the Bri ...gade. 1 he Training our e In the leader hip o[ Cadet \\a aga in held at OltinghclIll i1l\cr . . it) in eptember. It \\Ll attended b 457 Brigade m 111 he 1'.... mbulance and ur ing, rrom all \er the country. The Major tlld) thl year, "Opportunitie 1'01' en ice," wa o pened \ ith a rno t OJ'l!!llllll addre . . . . b\ a 2~-\car old Lond n Barri tel', Mr. nthony Steen, \\ h~) de cJ'lbed the birth- and purpo of hi · "1964 Ta k Force Ltd." through \\hich old peoplc in n d are given \oluntar help by young people. Thi . . \\a I'ollo\\ed b) Oi .. u~ ion roup \ ho reported their finding . . in op n e<.,<,i )n. ~
\\IBL L \
L \ (,[-...( If
DUring th )car the local authoriti in urr), ler ey a nd 0 ford hire tooh. 0\ er b) agreement th ambulance en ice ' \\ hich had prey iOl1 1 been opcrated by th Brigade a~ an agenc ervice. rom the earl da of the Il ealth en ice thc Brigade had pla)ed a large part in tarting ambulance . . n icc. and had prior to that long been pione I' in the ambulance field. Progres<, and e\pllnsion reached the tage \\ here generall full-time opera~onal ~tan' and ontrol ar r quired n tAtting ea il jn~o th~ 0 ~rall pattern fa \oluntar lrgani 'ation. 10 e ont<1c t, fc ur e, I m a 1l1t~lOed In all countie . . \\ ith the Cull-time paid ambula n n ice and the Bngade do s all it an to a~"ist and supplem nt th e as may b d ired. Giving up the ag n ie'i loe" IH t Ie~ . . cn the imp rt'lnce [the Brigade' ambulance rdinar) need [or ambulan.ce \ orh.;- on the contnH) quite apart from th at public duties thcre i:-. a \\ idc field \\ hich th Health en ic , of nece It i. unable to co\cr and hclping to All thi s gap \\ ill nhance rather than les<.;en the value I' the \\ or~ t. J ohn 11mbu lance can do. There i 0 large (1, \\ hat micrht be termed, 'Good nmarita n' Ileld in \\ hi h t help th e of limitcd mc~n , that ~Llch \\or~ i' \er ' much in line with th ideal f the rder and the reputati n or th Bri gade.
The Brigade' uniform and it equipment i, kept con tantly under review. Too weeping and frequent alterati n are clearly not po ible r, for that matter de irable but the following modification have b en auth ri ed or are under con ideration:Ambulance member: Better material and modernization in cut for jacket and tr u er. n improved design cap with a black backing to the badge. I mpr ved water bottle. new indoor ap ha been appr \ed. urther ur ing mem bel' con iderati n i being gi\ en t '1 new t pe or uniform hat, lightw ight c at and at O\erall. number f item ha\e al')o ten i ')ued for U er trial "u er trial" in mbulance Divi i n" and the e include: black gaberdine t repla e the greatc at and opti nal mackinto h: ne\\ t peofp I)\in I hay rad, \\hich\\ill h Id the ne\ p ronal fir"t aid kit and the new mailer \\aterbottle. THE SRI
During the year thank to the gener it) of andcr Limited (the maker of 0 aItine), a documentar film n the lil'e and \\ork of the Brigade ha been produced. r \\ould like t rec rd our gratitud to thi firm BOAC and the man organi ation at h me and \ e~ a \\ ho e help Wa f Lire, thi-, 111m, In c lour, made the film po ible. ntitled' how Bri gade member at home and \er ea in a ariet) or' acti\ ilie and etting. Thi i pecificallya film made to encourage recruiting b) -,hO\\ing \\hat we do· it i not a demon tration f fir t aid technique . e are al 0 indebted to the con iderable help by T wn and ountr) Produ ti n , \\ ho. under their Director, Mr. W. L Latt ,t k uch endle pain t depict u a reali tically a po ible. APPEALS
OMMllll E
. The Bri gade wa , with the graciou con ent 01 Her Maje ty he u en, cot, and had the g od fortune t recei\e a Imllar offer for Brand Hatch. The Brigade ppeal mmittee htl in con equence been e pecially active during the year a the r<J(1ni ation r the e event on our ide wa a major ta k. Their ucce rul ~tc me wed much to the energie and hard work f Lady Joan ewman, hairman or the Appeal Committee, but the major force behind all thi wa ir Brian Mountain through who e good office the event were obtained and who headed the pecial committee et up to run them. I would like to e pre my deep gratitude for the tremendou elTort put into en uring the ucce of the .e eve~t .and wh}ch re ulted i~ all ountie receiving c ntribution that WIll as I t In meeting the e entlal expen e of their Brigade ervice. I would aI 0 like mo t incerely to thank the A cot and Brand Hatch authoritie [or their genero ity in giving u the 'C day and to the p n or
glv~n.a day for fund-rai ing at
of race, up porter and al l the numerou other people who helped in so many way : among whom were the mem bers of the Racing Information Bureau and the B.B.C., through who e efforts the Brigade received nationwide publicity. AWARDS
The Ii t of Order and Brigade Award and Jubilee Certificate j given In ppendix D. The e again will help to how that the service provided by Brigade member extend beyond ju t rendering fir t aid or home nur ing. When the need ari e ,danger or difficultie are taken as obstacle to be overcome, 0 that a i tance can be got in the hortest po ible time t a ca ually. fn crea ingly in training we are bringing in the elements of endurance and pra tical difficultie , not for them elves but because often courage and pre ence of mind are needed to get to the ca ualty at all 0 as to render fir t aid. nder" ward" mention hould al 0 be made of the unu ual appreciati n accorded t the Brigade in Market Harborough by the Urban Oi trict uncil f that town. Tn the word of the official Council Re luti n: 'That the MarJ...eL Harb rough rban Oi trict Council, do now confer ITIZ MARKET HARthe 01 TI G I H - 0 B R GH, of \ hich the ITTZE HIP CUP i the ymbol upon the M RK H RBORO GH 0lVIS10 OF THE ST. JOH MB L - BRIO, in recognition of the out tanding achie ement f th Brigad' ur ing Cadet Team in winning national c mp tltlon during the year 1964 and 1965, thereby reflecting great redit up n the t \\ n f Market Harborough, and aloin appreciation r the distingui hed ervice rendered to the town by the St. John m bulance Brigad ver man year." Thi \\<.1') m t gratif ing and mething of which the Brigade a a whole can be pr ud. -operati n with J cal auth ritie i both important and cl e, and public ackno\\ ledgment uch a thi greatly encourage member m m u nit y . inth e ir \\ I' k 1'0 r t h
h Right Honourable Kenneth Robin on, P. . M.P., the Mini ter of Haith, a kind en ugh t be pre ent at the Final of the Fir t id and ur ing ompetition in 196 . He watched ome f the te t and afterward pre ented the prize. Our w rki clo ely connected with the Mini tr of Health that it \\ '1 a pri\ ilege and a plea ure to have him and Mr . Robin on with u and I am glad to ay that he appeared to be plea ed with \\ hat he a\ . Th Ma) or and Ma ore o[ We tmin ter al 0 attended and by their pre nc one again dem n trated the do e tie that ha e tmin t r and the Brigade. I ng i' ted betv, een the it o[ Dewar hield ror mbulance Team . Pcrroll hield ror L1r ing Team . . . White Knox ompctition ror mbulan e auct Team ' . Dunbar a mith adetTeam ' .
mpet i t iOIl ror
LI r
Ha ting Police ( LI ex) Bowc ' Park (London) a tlerord and Booker (Buckingham hire) Markct Harborough (Lei e tef hire
T. lOll
mong t th finali L \\er t\\O team fr m orthern Ireland eomreting in the e Final f r the fir t time for ' m ) ar . It i a I ngth) journe~ from I orthern Irel and ror a on -day e\ ent and 1 am glad lhat thi yea-r they found it po ibl . I h pe that lhi \\ ill no\\ ontinue. a apart from the ati fa tion feeing rthern J reland t am in L ndon, the benefit [competing al ng -ide ther Regional \\inner . hould be r\Hlue to their training. The annual mp tit! n for the tt Lund Tr ph) bet\\e n the Brigade in nhern Ireland and Eire \\ a - \\ n b\ the team fr m Dublin. Dr. c tt (n \\' Llrg n-in- hi r) and Ii . O. \1. ,l\ I~. . R. . ( \r a lIr Ing Offi r Hertf rd hir ) judged. I
D \ I IT
Brigade Regubri n require all DI\ I"ion tl h"l\e an adlllInI trelti\e in pection annudll) a<., t en ure the) ,lre c Il1rd nr t c,lrr) (lUt their dutie' and that the training and ,1dl11lnl tr<ltl\e ba "Ing .Irc on a , ollnd ba i . The ' e in p tion pia e a he,l\ ~ IO<ld on -111111 loner". \\ ho ither ondu t them them ' h r app int l)ne or their nlor Illeer tc d a n their behalf. on id rable imp nance I rl.l..:ed In the \.lIue dcm d fr m thi pra ti 'lnd I parti ularl) \\ant t) than"- tho c \\ Ill) unden. "e the additi nal \\ rk i11\ h ed. mcer uuring the) ,lr In addition main in pe tion b) He,lelqu In "r \\ ere:C . Henforel hire. Kent. h hire. mmi i ner-in- hi f: c rf 1"uperintendent-In- hi f: [Ie f \L1n, orth,lmptl)n hire Deput) C mmi - i n r-in- hief: L ndon ( l1nhcrn \rc ,l). omer et. orth Riding. of lor"- hlf fficer on lhe ur Ing dc. In c,lch d . eni r H adguarter mill I "I )ner-tnace mpanied the oml11l ioner-In- hlef <Ind 0 PLll) Chief. In principle rhe mph<l I I n l11aking He,ldqu,lfter III rectl)1l ,I major and erem nial a I n 0.1 [0 ura\\ the ,lltenti o n l r the ;- unt\ to its Bri!!ade nrInI! nt and th ir \\ rk. and tllu tl 1Il11ulalt: \I1te r~ 1 ,lnJ re ruiting. :Vlu h \ alliable upp rt Cdn accrue fr 111 the In pecll n , particular!) if lhe) .:lre rrangl) <.lnd eA'ectl\el) baehj up b) [hl e connecred\\ith t.J hn in the lInt\,th,lll t ,1\,mel11ber ) rthe t John C uncil ' and Brigade Pre iden"t ,1nd \ ILc-Pre lelent I \\ould \ery uppon I . nl t ) nl~ ,I regaru" the trongl) urge ho\\ imp rt.lnt thl our-ide \\ rId but a ~ enc Ur,H!em nt w Brt2:,ld member them"che" In addiri n r In pe tion n;an) In!' rmal ~ I It ( GUl1tle \\ere m.tde to Training Da) and th It "-e. ,til I' \\hleh help t., ke p He,lelqu,lrler and the Brigade In the fi Id In 10 e (ll~h. urther. the Unrell1-ll1- hler and hi D put) \ i Iled Regl nal Ir t \Id o mpetltl n :lnd alteneled mal1\ 1 cal urge n . !!athertn!!_ thwugllOut the co untn ~ imp rtc1nl onfe;en \\ 1;1 h took pia uuring the )ca r \\,\ that of lIu!e I' un. c n · the Pre ident and VI e-Pre idem held at th R \.11 Thi conferene held e\en orh r \eM \\<1 .l tten:kd o n thl oec.! IQIl b: roo. Pre ident and Vi e-Pre Ident .1'> I t ::! re a th In the life ,Ind \\ ork or the Brigade and the blennll11 nfercnc rn ~\ Id -the o pp o nunlt~ f r Idea and re ommend~1tion t be pled ..lnd dill eel . I \\ o uld II h r <.trllCUIMI: to expre In) gratllud t the 1,1rge number or Pre IU nt ,lnd \ I e'-
Pre ident v.ho found time to give a day to attend the conference. The . H .. R . County Repre entative ' Conference i outlined in the paragraph de cribing that er ice and further detail of orne of the other conferences h Id are given in the appropriate ection later in thi report. E'\;IOR OFFICER
To\\ i.Hd the end of the) ear the Surgeon-in-Chief, Mr. H. S. Tayloroung, re igned that appointment and v.ent on to the Re erve. Thi wa a great bl \\ to the Brigade for \\ hich he had done 0 much over many )ear"> and n t Jea t t me per onally. Hi Brigade career ha been a remar"-able one a he ha ef\ed in almo t e\ery rank not only a a urge n but al 0 on the e ecuti,e ide. Fortunately the benefit of his ad\ ice and \\ealth of e'\perience \\ ill till be available to the Brigade th rough the clo e ntact he ha promi ed to maintain and hi memberhip or hapter-General. H,lrpil), It h ur g od fortune to hay e Dr. M. . Scott, formerly Deput) urgeon-In- hief. a\ ailable and \\ illing to ucceed. He needs lillie Intr dll tt n a he i already \\ell-kno\\n o\er a wide area both rrol'e i nail) and fr m hi freg uent \ i it to County Surgeon' Conferen ir<..,t id and ur ing competition and many other function. Dr tt j in d th Brigade in Lond n Di trict in 1929 a a Di\i ional urge n I<n r becoming th Di -triet urgeon. He wa appointed Deputy urge n-\I1- hler In 19-1. '-n th . ur Ing Id, \Ir . P. V. 'vIa "-innon ha ' retired a i tant urenntendent-In- hi r. and \li - Duff Grant ha ' been ucceeded a hler ur Ing III r b) Dam Barbara ozen. The -e change are L )mment d up:1n more rull) in th uperintendent-in-Chief' report \\ hi h I' 110\\ ,1l1d 1 \\ uld li"-e t a i,He m) elf \\ ith all he ay in re p t I' the e Ilk r . RegreU'ull) I ha\e to report that Lad) J an e\\man ha found her in re,l In!! h me c mmllment mc "-e c ntinuance in the demanding aprolntn~ent or hdlrman I' the ppeal - omminee more than he can rnel time r r. .1nel he h.1 I' It c mpelled t r ' ign. he \\ilL hO\\ever. be l ntinulng h r \\l r"- lor t John In E e\. The paragraph earlier on the \ppe.lI mmlttee gl\e "ome Indi <Iti n r th e'\tent to \\hi h we are Inel bted to her hal1~e\ ill
BrIgadier T.
. D. K 11)_
.B.E., ' uc eeded
lajor P. J.
ld. Kent · \laj r . \\ B<1fr \\, D.F ... u d d the late Brigadier 1. 0,1\ id n-H u ton, \1. B. . \\ t Ridlllg 1'): r"- hIre: Ir \\ 'illiam Tad r. Bt.. C.B.E., D. L.. J.P .. uc eeded r H. L dge. .B.E. \\ tit hire : \I r. R bert Rennie u eed d ~ldj r-General D. . Tull h. B.. D . . .. \1 . . he e cbange ha\c b en brought ab ut thr ugh incr a -ed pre ure f bll Inc rL r enerLIl Tull eh and 7\lajor ld. \\ hil t an illn - la -t ) ear led Dr. L dg to d ide that he ' h uld g to th Re en . It i' . hO\\e\er, t::. piCe11 r him th-lt he did n t r ign untIT a . lie e - r had be n f lind and I ,lin crlad t 1 <1\ th,a h ha made <1 g od re \ en. I \\ ould like to r rd ::::
T. J01-1
here my grati~ude to the e Commi ion r for the plendid way they erved the Bngade during their year of office. Brigadier David onHou ton I regret to have to report died and a1th ugh he had not been Commi ioner for ery long, hi pa ing will be adly felt. The Brigade i fortunate in ha ing worthy ucce or to fill the e vacancie, and r extend to them a warm 'V e1corne. UR I GORP
The Superintendent-in-Chief report a f II w :During the pa t year the ur ing Di i ion ha e again achieved a Ane recor~ in their man phere of work and [ \ eJcome th i pp rtu n ity of t~a~IDg ~fficer an? memb~r fO.r the time and fTort the un tintingly gi e 1D Bngade er Ice. Whd t v.Jth the e n tantl) xpanding op for oluntar er ice it i e ential that \\e recruit more) ling member to ~eet the dem~n~ of toda and the future 1 \\ uld like to e pr particular appreclatJOn of the \a t amount f w rk. that i~ elfl ~I and regularly undertaken b older member lIch a in the man) hour'> d \ ted to neighbourly er ic.e and e cort duti . The l11aj rit} of th nur ing per onnel are III full-time employment or hay famil c mmitmenL \\ hieh preclude many of them from undertaking \ eekda dutie during'vv r"-ing hour and the main burden of the e, ther fore, fall up n '-the Id r member who have more free time t give. First Aid ursing and Welfare. In additi n to rutin Ar t aId dutic at public occa ion port e ent . beach ir t Id hut, ete., memb r ha\e been. called. upon t.o deal ~ ith man aecid nt and mergcnele'>. R gular nur mg a J tance lD ho pltal and home for the elderl) and hr nle iek. ha been willingly increa ed to meet eri e \ hen the nur')ing ..,tafT ha been depleted by illne ; and nur ing and welfare facilitie prm ided for invalid and for elderly and handicapped people in their \ n h me'">, in luding nur ing aid er iee under the Di tricl ur . Member and au\.ilIc.trIe ha e continued their help with the activitie f the J int mmitt, t. Jo~n and Red Cro x- ervice ar Di abled Help Departm nt , in c~nng for the eteran of the two World ar and \\ ith the Ho pital LIbrary Department. Indi\idually, and in e -operation \vith local authority and other oluntary organi ation' chel11e, Di\ i I n ha\ e extended their help at club and day centre ' for the Id r di abled accompanying them on outing and at h liday camp~, and pro iding many welfare facilitie for them in their own I calitie . I n many f the e ervice the Cadet give val uable a i tance . Hospital Car Serl'ice . I n conjunction 'v\ ith the Briti h Red r ci ty and the Women' Voluntary ervice, the Brigade continue to admini ter the Ho pital Car ervice in certain counties and much gratitude i due to the County and Area Organ i er and to the 01 unteer driver wh u ndertake thi useful work. It value to patient and ho pital i indicated by the figures from one county, Devon , where during 1965, 75,27 jurney, were done, entailing a mileage of over 21 million mile. St. John and Red Cross Service 11ospita/s Welfare Department. he work of this Department continue mo t ucce fully in aval, Military and Air Force Ho pital in the United Kingdom and over ea , and it i gratifying to know from. the many report received how much thi i appreciated by the three ServIce. In addition to dealing with the welfare and recreational
need of patient, the Welfare Officer re pon ibilities include caring for the relative of very eriou ly ill servicemen and women who visit under the Dilfor cheme (there were 43 ca es in the year), and looking after relative who attend ervice funerals in North-We t Europe of which there were 32. New candidate are con tantly needed for thi worthwhile service and I much hope that the St. J0hn Welfare Officer numbers will increa e thi year from the pre ent 18 out of a total of 68 officers. arly in the year the Director, Mi Downing, completed a very successful tour of the ar a t, vi iting all Service Hospitals and many of the mailer medical unit in ingapore, Malay ia and Hong Kong. I was particularly glad on my way back from Ea t Africa to have the opportunity of vi iting the two Welfare Officer at the R.A.F. Ho pital in Aden, 'v\ h were doing e cellent work under very trying conditions. Mi Downing completed her term of office a Director and on her retirement fr m thi po e accepted appointment as one of my Staff mcer in ""hich apacity I welcome her. he ha been ucceeded as Direct r of en ice Ho pital Welfare by Mi Woolrich who ha had ntinu u er'vice in the Brigade and .H .W. Department ince 1939. lIr ing Officers. I refer later to the retirement of Mi Duff Grant and the appointment of Dame Barbara ozen whom we welcome as her ...,uc ,,'">or a hie!' ur ing Officer I n pre enting her ITI rt Dame Barbara Cozen tate: "I wi h to c\pre . ., m) gratitude r r the \ er warm welcome hown to me ince my arrointment as hie!' ur ing Ofllcer by member at all level of the BriQi.ldc. I ha\ e aec pted man invitation to i it Conference and Study <1) '>, and e\ er) \\ herc the m t generou ho pitality wa gi en me. The h.ind c n'">iderati n \\ hich I ha\ e recei\ ed in m fir t few month in office n )t on I) from m mber in the Countie , but by the taff at Headquarter ha'"> b en an in piratioll to me." h hief ur ing fllcer record a ati factory and continued increa e in the number I' tate Regi tered Nur e joining the Brigade, a number or' \\ h m had be n t. John Cadet before they entered training. The help I'member of the nur ing profe i n i of the highe t alue to our organi alion in rai"ing the tandard of nur ing and 1 extend rno t grateful lha n b t th '>e \\ ho 0 g ner u I gi\ e their time and killed help to St. J hn \\ rk.. Th r ar, unfortunat I , till orne \acancie for County and rea ur ing Ofll r but it i h ped that the e rna oon be filled. ue rul L1r ing mcer' onference \ a again held at BadenPo\\ell Hue, L nd n, attended b a larger number of delegate than in ree nt year. t th nference it "a agr ed that for 1966 the ur ing Oleer h uld j ill the urge n in a combin d conference, the one in 1967 should be h Id in the pr \ in and the follo ing ear in London. Training alld oll(erence. 1t i il11po ible to 0 er-empha i .e the. ital imp rtance of training in all a p ct of l. J hn \ rk, 'V h~th r It be 10 the praetical applicati n or fir t aid and nur ing t hnique, in the pr? under tanding f 0 inl welfare en i e ~ or in efficient method of admlTIl tration. Report hO\\ tint within the ur ing Divi ion thel~e i ing Cl\ arene. I' th ne d for int r ting, aried and practIcal dlVi lOnal training pr gramm if th unit i t be a ucce ful, alert and u eful on.e, but there i till c pe I' r n id rable improvem .nt. 1 h?pe t~e~e. Will be c nc ntrati n n thi for an attracti and m trLlctl e dt 1 IOnal programme J an e ntial fa tor in gaining and keeping keen m mber .
T. JOll
13 L
Man valuable training c ur 'e and conl'erence have been held throughut the countie, e eral I' \\ hich h,1\e been attendcd b Ilea jq uarter ur~ in repre ent'lti e . M 0 put, Lad M ra Bro\\ ne, att nd ed Buckingham hir , rthcrn Irel and and urrc; th hier ur Ing Officer, Dame Barbara zen, attendcd c nG r ncc and c ur e in orf lk, Dc\' n (\\herc h \\tL accompanied b is lI arri'>on), the v c t Ridin g I' York ' hire, rmHtll, the Prior) for ales, om r..,et and the urgeon' nfer n ; and Mi DulT rant \vas prc, ent at a orthumb rJand training our, e. In London the Pre idenl' onrerencc and Di trict ount) uperintend nls' CJnr ren [1r \ id d \ aluable int rchange of \ ie\\ , a, aLo did the ecrctaries' onrercnce att nd d b) Mi'is Harri n. I \\a glad t be pr ent at th conrer nc I' t. J )hn .11. . R. unt) Repr entati\es c mened b Mis'-. Dull' rant, at \\hi h Inl'>tr} of Health om er p ke and there \\ a u'>cful d i,>cu Ion on the [1roblcllls and progre of thi'> important ati nal Re..,cr\le, an acc HInt 01' \\ hlch appear in anoth r part of the Report. t e\er level fr m Di\i i ns to Headquarter thc C -ol'dinatlng or Bri gade enice \\ith th ,>e of ther \oluntar) organi..,atlon.., and (I' the tatutory auth ritle. entail repre entatIon on Illan) c Illlllltlee" and attendance at c nference cOY ring ubJe h that ar 01 lllutu ,lI concern. rgani"cd b) thc entral OlltlC11 I'o r th nference uch a the n Di abled which \\a attend d b r. t\\cndi"h .Ind other Brigadc OrAcer pro\ ide a helpful opp rtunit ror liai"on and de\ciopmcnt. In thanking tho e \\ ho en c a Brigadc Re[1rc..,cntall\ c.., on commlttec" and at conference. [ \\ u[d, to , c prc.., a[1precl'ltlon or the \a..,t amlHlnt or \York underta"en b) f1lcer and III Illbcr or other orga nl'>atlon.., and t the public. Il7spections Clnd l 'isits. [t \\CIS a [1rI\ilege to be [1re"enl at the adct Rally at Derb) \\ hich \\ a honoured b) the pre cllce 01' [ I. R. I I. Pnllce..,.., Margaret. De pite rain and the la t mInute tran"ltic n to \'vet \\eather accommodation, thi') wa again a \cry ..,ucce""I'ul c\cnt. I \\1I \er) glad to carry out ounty [n pecti n in thc hie or an and orthllm[1tonhire and after attending the I'd r n icc at the Prior) hurch or . t Mary Lanca ter to be pre ent at the openIng 01' th nc\\ ""octal\on ~Ind Bri gade Headquarter at Barrov,-In-hlrnc..,s My \j' \\ ith the hler ur ing Officer t t. John I [ou'-.e, all"erton, enabled u" to ..,ee "om thing I' the excellent care being pro\ ideu at thl'-. t. John Il omc ror elderley and infirm patient<;. [ wa'-. delighted aho to atten [ the \er) ucce . ful De\on ounty Ball held at r orquay in O\ember. Durin g my tour in a t Africa carly in thc ycar it wa" a great pici.I')urc to meet t. John of1lcer and member~ In ganua and Ken)a, in both 01' which countrie~ there is great scope for develo[1ment r Brigade') r\lice.., and to ee the very flne work being carried out by M I.., Barbara opeland, . R . .' and on my return journey t pa a brier i..,it to . den . The Deputy uperintendent-in- hier, Lady oyra 131' \ nc , on a \ I"it to Au tralia welcomed the opportunity or meetIng many or th olliccr.., or the Pri ory and learning at fir t hand or the Brigade actl\ itlcs undertaken there and later in iji which he also vi ited . At In pection in the [ollowing counties in Lng[anu the hier NUl' ing Officer and member I' my stafT accompanIed the ommissi ner-in- hicr or the Deputy ommjs~i ner-in- hicf: hec;hire (Dam Barbara 01 n ), ~ ex (Miss Duff rant),] [crtford.,hirc (Lady Braithwait) Kent (Mis
UAL R EP R r OF Tll ·
Watson), London, orthcrn Area (Mrs. avendish), orfolk and rth Ridin g ofYor"shire (Lady Myra Browne), omer et (Lady Braithwaite) . Mi '-. Wat on represented I [eadqu arter at thc excellent camp for orAcer an I member or the ursing Divi ions run by the ational oal Board at Rhyl. ' /wlIges ill Appointments. [ r gret to report th re ignation I' Mr . ico!, ount) uperintendent ( ), Birmin gham, who had completed 25 C,lr" r \er \aluablc Brigade ervice. [ welcomc Mr. . a hmore in her ap[1olntmcnt'l\ ount uperintendcnt for Birmin gham . ur'-.Ing [ i\ i"ion j )in with you, ir, in grea tl y regretting the 1 he re"ignatlon a urgcon-in- hier of Mr . Ta)1 r-Young, who had contributcu "0 much in matter'-. or Brigade training and de\e[ pment. We that thc'-.e important quc"tion'-. arc al'-.o ror mo t "ith Dr. M. . . coll \\ hom \\e welcome a') urgeon-in- hief. [l \\a \\ith much regret I recel\eu the 1'C..,ignatic n of Mr . MacKinnon \\ Ill) a.., ""I'-.tan1 uperIntcndent-in- hief since 1953 gave much hclp at 11c,ld luarter" and had prc\ lou..,ly gi n flne ' ice in London Di triel 1'01' mer ~O )ear", culminatIng in h l' ap[1ointment a Di tri t uperintcndcnt ( ) 111 1952. [ ortunatel) thc Bri gade \vill continue to have Mr . lIC Inm n\ elm Interc"t in the C<lp'lcit) I' ount) ice-Pre id nt, 1 Ie or \\'I ght, and a" our re[1re"cntati\c on certain eommille . 1 he ur"ing r 1\1 ion" in particular h,l\c a[..,o sufTer d a 10 in the retirement or the hler ur"lng Ilker, M i..,,, DufT rant, \\ ho during her ten )car" at 1-1c~ldqLlarter" (Initi:lll) a.., TraIning d\i,>cr) ha , d ne 0 I~U h lor the dC\elo[1ll1enL I' Brtgadc nur' kills and uce ful pr gre in Brlg~lde [1~Hti l[1atlon in the ational II s[1ita l en i R en. Th 13rl gllde i" indeed indebted to her. \i e ar , hov\e\er, I' rtunat thtlt Dame 8arbara Olen.." O.B.[ ., R.R . . , acceptcd th a[1pOintlllellt <1 , hief ur"ing nIcer III "UCCC..,"IOll to 1i"s Dun' rant. Her \-\ide '<peri n a vtatr)n-In- hlcr, Q . . R. . . . , lind other qualillcation, \\ill b IlllIllcn"cl) helprul lO u.., " Illenllon d arll r [ ll111 d lIght d that Ii"" Do\\ning, pre\i u-') DIrector or the t. John and Red ro..." en ice I [o"'[1itlli" ell'ar Department, hll" Joined I [Cli Iquarter" a" one or Ill) tafT Ilk rs.
"m \\
'Olle/lIs·ioll . [n pa ing trlbut to the continued de\ot d ni e rofllcers lin Imcnlber'-. m) ,)Inc l' thnnb al'-.o go to all Ill) Di..,trict ount) u[1erintcndenh and tn thell' "tall" 1'01' their untiring \\01'" in th adlllini..,trati 11 and dc\ elopmcnt or the acti\ itie~ or th ur..,ing [ i\ i, ion I he Illcmber.., or III ~Uln', a,> ah\a).." have gi\cn \\ond "rul ~en i and III thank'> and gratitude to thcm <11' reall) h artrelt. I do ind cd on ider 111 '>elr I'o rtunate t ha\e ..,uch Ilkient and \\illin g help. hllllll), I \\ i~h to '<11rC"~ to 'ou, iI', m)' per~onal thank." 1'( r ) our con~t<lnt help cwd through Clll my gratitu de to all your stafT I' l' th II' as~istance ill mattel'" concer nin g the ur"lng orp and Divi sion I. BRE K 0
IIjJ erill t ell dell I-ill- liie/
RGfO -I - ilICF'
Dr P Rl 11- 1
The urgeon-in- hief r p rL '\ f 110\ : It \ a with great regret that Brigade urgeons learned of r. a lory ung' re ignation a urge n-in- hi r in tober 1965, and on their behalf, a well a my \\ n, 1 \ uld lik to take the opportunit) or thanking him m t incerel f r hi IT rt and leader hip during his term of olllc . The mmi i ner-in- hief did m th h nour or nominatIng m to nil the acanc and m app intm nt a urgeon-in- hier was c nflrll1l:d b) the Grand Prior ,.1. fr 111 12th tob r, 196
Tecl1l7ica! Training uring the ear c ntinued ff rts \\ere made t imrr \e the practical ide f our training, \\ithout detriment to the reticnl requtrl::menh, and ur \~. rk in that directi n ha been d n \,ith the clo,>\.: co-orer:lllon and agreement f the Principal Medical Ilker or the '>'>l ciation \\ Ith \\ hom \\e maintain the mo t rdial rr lati )n,>. CI e c ntact ha al~ b en maintain d \\ ilh the Britic.,h Red rtw" ociet , particular! regarding a,>u,-t1t) imulalion OUN.;'> . It I'> ( he hore of my Department that e\ery Di\ ic.,i n \\ ill be c )mpelcnt to leal \\ Ith thi" mo t aluable a pect r ir t id Training and that adet [ 1\ i'>lon", \\ill be able to participate in lhe nee '-H) training. uring th ear in trll ti n and Ie tur ha\c b en gl\en to t ut...,ld b die who ha\e im ited the a, si tan e or the DerartmenL e.g. DI-..tri t ur e , Midwi\e, ci t) r Radi grapher..." etc . Thl..., continue..., to be a regular feature of ur \\ork. nnual Report from Di trict and lint ' urgel n", indicate a ""Lht lllncd and ati fact r ' degre f te hni al e/llcicnc) thr ugh ut the Bngade. ot ith tanding the numb r of Brigade urge n"" there ~Ire a I'c\\ area..., which ha e me dim ult) in meeting m di <.11 requirement . r hi'> thro\\..., an additional burden n ount urgeon \\ ho, ne\ rthde",,>, II'\\Miabl) ri e to the cca ion. cr) efT rt i being made to rccttl') the-..c I,>olateu ituation ,and heme are being n idered I o\ercome the dllllCllltlc-.. of "Re-e aminati n " and" L ture ", \\ hcre nec . ." ar y . urgeons' Conference The Annual urgc n nr r nce \ as ag,lln held at ottlnghalll niver ily in eptember. hi enuc ha pro\ d high I) accerlable bccau e of facilitie , comfort and c t and p rience ha'> confirmed that (ttingham i an ideal centre from the point or le\ I' distance and a ce,>,>ibillty. The fir t day of the onfcrencc wa de lcd to a usel'ul , I'rank and rree di CLl ion of the ec nd cditi n r th Joint fir t id Manu~t1 . The quality of the di cu i ns wa uch a t conrlrm th prOr( und knm,\ Icdg , experience and enthu ia m f the parti ipanh . In thi rct;p ct it hould be noted that there are n w 0 er 2,436 a ti c Brigade urgeolls, mo",tl) uniformed, and that at; far a L ha c bc n ubi to a<,certain, th rc is no other comparable body of uch j/c in thc w rid. The econd day wa devoted t the rart Brigade IT1cmber<; could play in the Social ervices, and the fall wing pan I or di~Lingllic.,h d ~rcakers ga c thei r view : 'The are of Phy ically and Mcntally Ilandicapped hildren" Dr.~Denni ott m, B.M ., B. h. M. R . . P., t. h m<.l " Ilospital, London.
"The Phy ically Handicapped"J. R. regory, q., D .P.A., A.I.S. W., London Borough of Southwark. "Geriatric" he Rt. Hon. Lord mulree, F.R.C.P. " Men ta I H ea It h " r. Ru ell Barton, M.B., M.R. .P., D.P.M. he general effect wa t demon trate the overall po ibilitie of Social er ice. \ I:ich member of the Brigade could implement for the good of humanIty tn g neral, a part of their normal Brigade duties.
!!('(fe/quarters /C{/) Th i ncrea ing, 'If." rk of the Department made it nece ary to appoint an thcr taff fTlcer and 1 am grateful to Brigadier E. E. Read C.B.E., oml11l<'~loner for urre , f r agreeing to relea e hi County r. . Barne , f r that purpo e. Tral.ning m r, I Inally, I \\ ould like t thank m enior taff Officer, Mr. G. Kirkham, \\ ho continue,>, a'> e\ r, a t \ er of trength, for hi u tained loyalty and fllcienc) . M. M. COTT, urgeol1-in-Chie! TIO
110 PI
. The hi. I' lIr,>ing mccr rep rt ati fact ry progre in rno t Region In c nn ctl)n \\Ith the .11. . R., but th Mini tr of Health eptember rcturn,>...,h \\ a decrea..., in the nur ing auxiliar trength and there i need rt r continued attention t r ruitme~lt f I' thi er i'Ce. With the Briti h Red ro '> OCI t) thc Brigade i r pon ibl f r the initial training and enrolment or th nur",ing uuxiliarie \Vh 0 erall numbered 5 ,637 of whom _0,_43 (4,94(' men , ... 1,2 5 \\-omen) enr lied thr ugh t. John (including the I rJ )r) ror W:.lles), :Ippr ximatel t\\ -fifth being full Brigade memb r,> . onrelcllce or ur ount) .H . . R. Repre entati \\a held at t. John\ ale in Ma) \\ith repr nlati\e of th Mini tr of Health at \\ hieh there \\ er u rul di u "ions on \ ari L1 a pe t of the Re erve. Thc h tic) Bndge en ral H pi tal Durham, team \\ ere the \\ inner )1' the 1965 M ini",ter',> Lip l mpetition. he team of i plu the r erve Included fl\e t. Je hn lIrsing u iliari . It \\ill be rememb r d that a l. J hn te,lm from hotlc B7-idg \\ n th up in 1961 . DrT
I, ) f the flr t tim the \\eath r \\a , ompletel 1 unlind t t. John adet h I, D rby, \ hich on thc da) (f their nnual Rail) held at B mr be ~llI,>e or lhe h ~l\ nun had t tak pia in , ide. 1n at lea ton re pe t, howe er this prm ed an ad\ ~lntage, in e th L1nav idably onge ted mmandantcondition g:'l\C the adct~ the pportunit) r , ing th ir unt r n \ d n, at 10 er in- hier, II. R.ll. he Princes, Margarel, quarteL than would )ther\\ is have b n th a e. Her Ro "11 Highn ::Idet and pr nted rand c nducted the elll'olment cereillon I It r 5 Prior Badges to 6_. he pre~enled th m ri a up for Gallantry (m ard d l lh ad t pcrrorming the most L1L tanding d d f gallantr during the
year) to Ambulance adet Kenneth William, Cynwyd mbulance Divi ion, for hi repeated attempt at c n id rable ri k to him elf, to re cue a bo [rom dro\ ning in the Ri er Dee. ltogether 5,000 Cadet attended from the Priory ~ r Wale and 13 Countie centred on Derby hire. Cadet in the Blackburn area al 0 had the h nour of being reviewed by their Commandant-in-Chief, when Her Ro al Highne attended the RehallO\ving of the na\e of Blackburn athedral. TI~e 1 cal t. J hn adet had a ked their Commandant-in-Chief to b allov\ed to attend n thi occa ion and in con equence it wa arranged for 200 li\ ing in the neighbourhood to line the route. It might be added that 63 adult member were on duty, pro iding fir t aid CO\'er during the cerem ny and had to attend to no Ie than 140 ca ualtie - cau d b) \ hat mu t h,1\ e been the nly really hot day of ummer. Cadet have again, during the year, demon trated their courage and re pon ible outlook. Their action ' included em aciou earl r . u~citati n whereb a child' life \\ a a\ed, al 0 man) other act r \ alu t the communit , not the lea t of \\ hich hC:l\e been the help and encouragement they have gi\en to old people. It may b f intere . . t to qu te the roho\\ ing e tract from Su e Count) Order \\ hich e emplifie the attitud of these young member and the end to \\ hich their training i dire ted: "On the 25th Jul , 1965, Cadet rgeant alerie CUf\\en (ju . . t 15 year of age) of the Ha ting ur ing Cadet Di\ i i n \\ a n the ro . . ter f r duty at the Ha ting Beach Hut. he arri\ed at the hut a little arl y, and \\hile waiting for the ur e to arri\e, a Cel ualt) \\(1 brought to the hut \ ith a eriou eye injur). alerie promptly btain d the key t) the hut, rendered fir t aid, called the ambulan e and the patient \\a . . reml \ ed to ho pital before the ur e arri\ed." Recreational and camping acti\ itie h<l\e al.... c ntinued a . . In pre\ IOU year and the Brigade Camp at Be hill rrom 17th J ul) to 2 h1 ugml \\ a attended by 945 camper. During the year 2 amping \ arrant.... and r ur Camp Qu arterma ter' ertificate were I ued.
[R I A
General Member hip ID the 0 er ea rriorie and Terrilorie~ ro . . e by nearly 5 000 over the year in compari on with a ri~e of 900 III 1964. Thl~ i. . e pecially ati factory when it i remembered that c ndition . . In a f'e\\ countrie have not been ea y or conducive to the expansion of' \olulltary organi. ation . I would, therefore like through thi report to cOllgr~ltulate the Bngade over ea on the teady growth being maintained and the cverincrea ing ervice member are providing r r the people of th ir c untr'ie . Senior Officers The following change in Commi ioner occurred during 1965: Country
Former Commissioner
Prew>111 C(}olJlllli.\\iol1£'}
Brigadier . . H . P. Jayawardana, .M.G., .V.O., .B . . , I .D. J . V . de astra , 1:- q. .
oloncl D. _ Rockwood, L.O., J.P . J. 0' r y, I !)q. (Act IIlg om m i'>sloncr) L. Bakunall1c, I sq.
Trinidad & Tobago Tanzania.
A. H .
.B. - .
. Much good work ha been carried out vcr the year by the ommiloner who regrettably have now retired and [ would like to expre . my
gratitude to them and at the arne time welcome their successors who have hown their willingne to take over the e office for the future. Headquarters Officers Cyprus-Mi S. Yeghiayan ha succeeded Mrs. Christodoulides (nee Checkley) a Headquarter Officer. A will be appreciated, conditions in the i land have not been uch as to enable extensive progress to be made but work goe on and the Brigade can be satisfied with what has been achieved. During the year a N ur ing Divi ion ha been formed at the American cademy, which we can confidently expect to have a bright future since the wife of the merican Amba ador is taking a personal interest and ha become the fir t Pre ident. igeria- Mr. . O. . Tgbe was impeded in hi work by a car accident earlier in the year but in pite of thi managed to organise a number of fir t aid cla e and training generally. M r. C. R . Pilbeam , the t. John Advi er working in co-operation with Mr. Jgbe ha been active in i iting mo t of the Regions and arranged for 1. John ommittee to be et up in the orthern, Eastern and Mid-West Region from which the Brigade hould benefit. Here again for a variety of rea on ,condition are not at pre ent ea y and progre s ha not perhap been a great a had been hoped. Caribbean and orth Atlantic Area-Mr. Da ie-Smith ha now made a good rec \er from the injurie he uffered in her accident in 1964. he \\ a in the nited Kingdom in J LIne and] uly and attended a number of 1. John functi n. ince returning he ha made an exten ive tour of the rea and will be accompanying the uperintendent-in-Chief during part f her tour in February and March J966. abah anticipated in la t year' Report, Mr . Chin pent three month with u during the year tudying the ariou a pect of St. John w rk during hich he attended many function and public dutie . ganc/a-Mr. John Kintu ha vice Mr. D. guda.
been appointed Headquarter Officer,
I'i itor ID pre IOU ear we \ ere fortunate in ha ing a number of member fr m 0 er ea i it u and were glad to ee them at e eral St. John function including the Ser ice of Commemoration at St. Paul' , the Brigad Final and adet Rail . Some took part in a few of the major publi dutie, uch a Trooping the Col ur. i' itor from the foil wing c untrie \ ere pre ent at one or more of the e I unction :LI tralia Briti h uiana anada eylon
hana Jamaica Mala a ew Zealand igeria
abah oLlth frica Trinidad and Tobago ganda
uring Ma and June l .had the pri ~lege of anada at th in itation of the Priory. Dunng an e ten 1 e and
0I711711SS10ner-ill- hief-
VI iting o
mo t intere ting tour I vi ited Halifax, Sydn y, t. John' (Newfoundland), Moncton, Frederict n St. John (New Brun wick), M ntreal, Drummondville Winnipeg Sa katoon, VanCOl! er, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton Toronto and Ottawa. The warmth with which one wa welcomed wa omething not to be forgotten and I v a gr atly impre ed by the keenne ,enthu ia m and high tandard f the man facet of Brigade life that I a\. We ha\ e in the nited Kingd m need of all our energie to match the e tandard . Superintendenl-in-Chie!- The uperint ndent-in- hief', tour of a t Africa i de cribed in her wn rep rt a i the Deputy up rintend nt-inChief' i it to u tralia and Fiji. CO . L
The year under re iew ha been one \\ hich, apart fr m the normal \ ide pread and onerou dutie performed b th Brigade, ha pre<;ented pecial problem and e\ en burden . The particular matter I have in mind have been fir tl the t\\O major acti itie mentioned earlier \ hich ha e br "'-en fre h gr LInd on the fundrai ing ide. The econd ha been the launching and n ti\ ati n of Recruiting Year, to v"hich i linked the far fr m incon , iderable \\ork il1\ohed in the production of the Brigade film . Finally the main feature in the laLter part of 196 , ha been the introt. duction of the new Fir t id Manual the j int production or th John mbulance ociati n, the L. ndre\\ '<; 0 iatlon and th Briti h Red Cro ociet). The bo "'-, f cour e, particularly conc rn the Brigade a the large tingle body im hed in regard to th direct application of Fir t id to the general public. It \vill be appreciated that the range of the book i n v id r than hithert and 0\ rand above that required by the indi idual v i hing t qualif to '.tatutory Fir..,t id tandard. In thi re pect it deal with certain a I ect f ir..,t id \\hich are (' pecifk indu..,tri <; or more particularly required to meet the need hazard and which would, therefore, not norma II come wIthin the ..,phere of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Ha\ ing thi.., in mind, the .., ciation, working with the Brigade i al 0 pr ducing a b ok onflned to the kno\\ledge required to reach tatutory certificate . tandard and \\hich \\t uld be complementary t the Joint Fir t id Manual, the laLter cOverin g a.., it doe the wider field. My mo t grateful thank go to the uperint ndent-in- hier. the Deputy ho ha gi\en Commi ioner-in- hief and to all Head f Department me uch admirable upport through a dimcult year. [ V\ould al..,o like t record my gratitude to the Headq uarter tafT who ha done 0 much to a i t me per onally and the Brigade a a whole V\ hich a · 1 well "'-now it i their aim to erve. Thi year there have been a number of change and inno\ati ns, the re ult of which will not be immediately apparent but 1 belie eve may hope oon to gather the harve t In a forward 10 king Brigade moving ahead wi th the ti mes. ROY R 01 K ol71missiuner-ill- hief.
DIVISIO S ngland & . Ireland of11mandery in Rhode ia ther Tcrritorie O\erea
Amblllance 1,366
lIrsing J ,023
Combined 385
Tolal 2,774
Ambulance 31,000
Nursing 18,596
Total 49,596
J,9 J 8
212 152 127 202 167
103 80 93 151 98
47 90 59 37 78
362 332 279 390 343
3,994 3,916 3,181 5,050 4,808
1,443 1,607 1,993 3,499 2,072
5,437 5,523 5,174 8,549 6,881
2,77 760 69
1,740 196 5
5,307 956 74
101,361 21,037 2,329
36219 4,101 96
137 580 25,138 2425
7 9
Total 2,392
Amblllance 21,461
ursing 33,279
Total 54740
2,362 1,0 2,161 933 3,212
3,063 1,44 2,669 I, _5 3,1 9
5,422,929 4,830
-,929 7,039 r9
49,326 3,169 3-+
102,20 393
9 ,856
Wale uthern rrica c\\ Zcaland anada . u tralia lndw Pakl ta n
,rand T tal
l nglanJ , . 1rcland o mmander) In Rhode ia \ rther TerrJtone~ -,ea., .
A IIIlwlall ce 1,016
IIrsillg 1,226
Co 111hined 150
117 1, 13
Prlm l £' \
o uthcrn rn a c\\ Zealand anada . u.,tralia India Pakitan ,rand Total
154 43 161 41 152
1-70 157 6_ 13
1,6 9 31 1-+
1,902 17
33 6-+ -+ 6
2,r8 6,401
Bedford hire. Berk hire. Birmingham Bri tol Buckingham hire Cambridge he hire Cornwall. umberland D erby hire D e\o-n hire Dor et D urham E e Glouce ter Guern e) . Hamp hire Hereford hire Hertford hire 1 Ie of Man I Ie of Wight Jer e) . Kent Lanca hire Leice ter Lincoln hire . London · . orfolk · To rthampton hire • 'onhumberland . ;\'ottinghamshire. Oxford Pl)mouth. hrop hire Somer et . tafford hire. Suffolk Surre) . Sus ex. arv.ick hire iltshlre . Worcestershire Ea t Riding of York hire . To rth Riding of York hire. We t Riding of York hire . Tonhern Ireland
'B' A PP DI X 'C' TOlal of Brigade service in the United K ingdom D TI ES (Hours)
T H. J965
ADULT A mbulallce \ lining 137 236 354 2 6 364 64 479 199 29 399 160 99 57 472 490 32 173 140 1,765 596 466 90 152 16 1,3 6 442 297 304 2( 0 315 71 36 633 70 5 216 346 62 39 109 51 41 50 7 5 437 3, I 0 1.739 963 395 407 195 3.172 2.310 6 3 655 457 606 797 212 512 1.659 264 96 20 134 177 270 - 6 303 964 490 02 202 467 516 695 531 772 367 16 236 2 7 347 524 313 310 2 6 1,625 2,564 35 8 I
CADET Ambulance 'unillg 174 JO 303 470 312 262 3 0 40 727 540 77 272 622 376 751 4 9 I 2 226 1,3 2 1,37 476 9 2 2 6 95 4 27 190 44 31 172 102 126 1,215 727 I 204 -63 354 III 64 I 96 165 7 629 1.111 I, 57 3.06 447 60 366 61 3,461 _, I 429 695 3 9 69 296 25 1,201 1,0 4 _64 I 4 150 221 205 2 3 795 520 911 4 2 -27 29' II 34 1,0 1 6 4 4 06 493 193 416 24 I 6 447 170 322 I, 25 2,919 292 1.00
' "',
Total 655 1,363 1,586 1,461 1,964 608 2,04 2,05 721 5.121 2,514701 2,650 1,239 1,005 357 2,943 77 1,479 276 274 334 2,932 9. 442410 1,529 II 515 2,412 2.120 1,5 3 4,456
0 91 9r 2,204 2. 67 I, 2 2,34 2,925 2,433 1.090 1,29 1,470 1,0 ,93\ 2,6 7
England 1,928,261 606,658 39,471 188,833 106,176 773,786 . 3,643,185
PubliC Dulle ran port DUlle con Dulle Ho pllal Outie ur JOg Id Other Dulle lolal ASE
On PubliC Out) IT PubliC Out)
Wales 92,911 38,511 2,052 J 8,530 2,517 33,062 187,583
Total 2,052,089 660,965 41,675 209,774 112,178 833,232 3,909,913
2,252 2,807
13,609 25,610
204,35 1 188,276
322 171 6 161
470 491 8,403
10,796 17,770 297,742
TED: 188,490 159,859
orthern Ireland 30,917 15,796 J52 2,411 3,485 26,384 79,145
\ccldenl attended: Road ther In\alld.., rcmo\ed .
10,004 17,108 2 3,178
.. A \ ill prel'i()/H rears Will! (he cOllcurrence of the Chief Commissioner. the for Ihe PJ'/OI ~ oj' ~Yale5 are ShOl\l1 above so as to gire the complete pictllre for (he 0111(ec/ KlI7/?dom Wedel' CIS a Prtor; also publishes its own reports separatel;"
upt. urham . 01\ .
'0' \. AROS
Life Sal'ing \1edal of Ihe Order in Sih'er . H 1elcalfe. Burnopfield mbulance O i i ion, County of
errijicales of Honollr 01\ . ie-Pre Idcnt 1. Day, Haunchwood Collier mbula nce D i i io n, LI n t \ 0 f \ a n\ I k. mbulance \ 1ember 1. Round, Grimethorpe Colliery mbula nce 01\ I IOn, \\ e t Riding fork hire. H eriloriolls
en ice eerl ificates mbe \!l artin mbulance Oi\i lon,
a t, outh gt. H . W. . D) r, and orth Oe\ n. e t orp ral 'all, Grimeth rpe oIlier) mbula nce Oi\ i Io n Riding of rk hire . mbula nce mbulance \Ilember 1. . H)de, Grimeth rpe Collier} rk. hire. 01\ l'>lon, We t Riding f mbulance mbulance \!l ember K. Thoma. Grimethorpe Col lier) rk hire . DI\i lon, \\e t Riding of u
American Trophy for Gallanfl,)
o a\\ard made. Grand Prior Badge
m bulan c 122. ur Ing 413.
Special Sen'ice hield 282 Special Service Shield were awarded to mbulance adet. ur ing Cadet. 425 Special Ser ice hield were awarded t Jubilee ertificate The follo\ ing nit ha e been i ued with Jubilee Certificate indicating 50 ear' continuou exi tence:Erdington ur ing Di vi ion Birm ingham; Bri t I entral mbulance Divi ion Bri tol: Olney ur ing Di\i ion, Buckingham hire' Dukinfield ur ing Di i ion Che hire: Bodmin mbulance Di i ion, orm all' Launce ton Ambulance Di i ion, Cornwall; ] reland olliery ur ing uth Mo r mbulance Divi ion, Di i ion, Derb hire; Tanfield Lea and Durham ' Canterbur o. 1 mbulance Oi\ i i n, Kent; aver ham Ambulance and ur ing Oi\ i ion, Kent; Maid tone mbulance Oi\ I ion, Kent; Maid tone ur ing Oi\i ion Kent; therton ur ing Oi i IOn, Duke of Lanca ter Oi trict; Kirkham mbulance Di\ i ion, uke of Lanca ter Di trict: Open haw ur ing i"i ion, Ouk.e of Lanca ter Di trict· Salford ur ing Oi\ i ion, Duke of Lanca ter' Oi trict; eft n ur ing Di i ion, Duke of Lanca ter' Oi trict: Great Ha[\\o d and Ri hton Ambulance Di\i ion, Duke of Lanca ter' i trict: Liverpool orth ur ing Di i ion, Duke of Lanca ter' Di trict: m bulance Oivi ion London (Prince of ale' Oi trict: ur Ing Di\i I n, London (Prince of Wale ) Oi trict; dmonton mbulance DI\ i ion, London (Prince of ale') Oi trict· outhend-on- ea ur ing 01\ i ion. London (Prince of ale') Di trict: Icker rm trong orp, orth umberland' icker rrn trong orth mbulance Di\ lin, orthumberland' Ri erside Ambulance Oi i ion orthumberland: cot \\ d rnbulance Di vi ion, orthumberland' leekburn mbulance Oi\ 1 In: orthurnberland' orth hield rthumberland, ottingham hire ttJngham it) Robin Hood Ambulance Di i ion, ur ing Di i ion, ottingham hire ; Bentinck Iliery mbulance merDivi ion, ottingham hire' e ton- uper-Mare ur Ing 01\ lin, set; Guildford ur ing Divi ion, urre: righton P Ii e mbulance Oi i ion. Su ex' Brighton Town mbulance and ur ing 01\ I Ion. Su ex' Pre ton ur ing Oi"i ion, u e ; Hanle) mbulance 1\ I lon, Stafford shire' Meir and Longton mbulance oi i ion, taIT rd hire ; Rowley Regis Am bulance oi i ion orce ter hire; L)e m bulance Di i ion, Worce ter hire' Dudley ur ing Di\i J n, orce ter hire ; Beverley Ambulance Divi ion. .R. York hire; Bridlingt n ur ing Divi ion E.R. York hire' Hull King ton ur ing Di i i n. -. R. Y rkshire; Hull Peel Hou e ur ing I I lon , .R. York. hire' Hull de la Pole Ambulance Divi ion, .R . York hire; Hull rgyle mbulance Division, E.R. York hire; Middle brough entral mbulance 1vi lon, .R. ork hire' .R. York hire; Ea t Cleveland mbulance i I ion Whitby ur ing Divi ion, . R. York hire' Ul eley mbulance oi i lon, W.R. Yorkshire; Wor boro' & Di trict .R. York hire .
pa. t year has been notable for the tran fer of the Joint Committee's mbulance Department t the Greater London Council. The Order and the Briti h Red ro ') ociety had operated an Ambulance Service for o\cr 40 year, and during thi time much pioneer work wa done and a gap in the ocial ervice of the nation wa filled efficiently and effectively. ,h \\.ever, re pon ibility for the provi ion of ambulance ervice wa entrustcd by the ational Health ervice Act, 1946, to County Councils and ounty Borough ounci l the Joint omrnittee wa under no bligation t continue the activitie of the Ambulance Department. After areful c n<:'ideration of all the circum tance affecting the future of tbi department the Joint ommillee reached the conclu ion that the then London ount) uncil hould be in ited to take over and ope rate the ambulance depot, taIT and vehicle , and operate them a part of it own ambulance '>cn icc. he de i<.,ion to rcllnqui h a greatly \alued activit), and one that wa by tradlti n as,>ociatcd \\.Ith the rder and the ociety wa not lightly takcn, nor \\c.l it tak.en \\ithout regret. ! rcrorted 11.1 t ycar the ommittee' plan to clo e and di po e of Bram,>hott L dge. and to change the function of Queen lexandra Hou c. - I\"'c..,tonc. from that of a Re t-Break Home to that of a re idcntial in"l1tutJon for retired nur e . Thi project ha now been ati fact rih comrletcd. and a renovated and moderni ed Queen Ie andra II ou· C v. a opencd b) the M a) or of II--e tone in the pre ence of the Lord Prior In etobcr. 1965. a a home r r the retired nur e \'"ho had bcen li\ ing at Brdlll'",hott Lodge . Throughout the )car the JOlnt mmitlee, the Order and the ociety h(\\c been c n..,idcrJIH! hov. be t t achieve permanent fllce accommodation In r yenor ~e"cent. he Parent Bodie and the Committee are no\\ proceeding \\Ith a plan \\hi h \\ill ali f) the Joint Committee' reqLllrem nt ror nlCC and librar) pace at a \ery rea onable co t. The ne es-.ary IntCrJm m \ tall \\ the \ari u hou e .in t~e re cen~ to be reno\atcd In turn ha\c no\\ tarted, and the mmlttee ecretarJat ha al rcad) mo\ ed t n \\ nke. DUrJng the \\h Ic of' thi.., bu ) peri d the normal v,ork f the Joint ommitlec ha pro c ded, and during thc year ended the 30th June, 1965, om 1:.1 RO, 0 \\(.t pent n a i-.tancc t the \ ar di abled and to ,>cn i e and c -.., n icc men . The - en ice War oi abled Help Departmcnt dealt \\ith 59,0 0 ca<.,c , an increa-.e of 9,000 on the pre\ i u year and in 14,700 of thc c finan ial help v. a gl\ en. fhe Librar) ntlnue.., t give an admirable enice t \ r 100,000 Ho pital bed, including ..,ome 4.00 in en ice Ho pital 0\
R Almoner.
A K OWL 0 M NT ' ih and Wilt hroni Ie and HeralJ . Irratls Phot Pre Ltd . ntral Office ' f Inf rmalion .ily Mail. Ily Expre . rby ~ vening Telegraph. ill African Railway and H a rb ou rs . 'Sl Anglian Daih Time nn Warburton . nn F. Hughe . lncaster vening Po t. Ilnland tudio. tss As ociation. ·Jgwick Photographic upplie .
Jnso n . e Sporl and General Pre
gen y Ltd . e. Royalce Pholo'vi ~ ion o. Ltd. nOldad Mirror New paper Ltd Hick .
Co R PICTURE: The Brigade Air Jj; cort en'ice.
THE lR \ er Ie
Ca milt)'. ~
WELFARE TROOPl G TH OlO R Radio Operation Po t.
Ci abled
people' outing.
TI-I [
Ca ualtles dunng the welcome for the returning It... F . . up ",inner . ,.
FOOTBALL Attending a
-. '.-
: llll11l11l'>Sll)ner-In-C hId tell'> l11ember~ ut thc Rrig,lue In other rart'> or the
,,\-orl I
. Il ov. thc) train . ......
"I he
Kl upcrintendenl-ln-C hid at an I n
\I f \I1R I RS 1 1 () DO Jllldn<l, an,lli.l. IbbLdn ,lnJ orth tlanllc rca . lion. (vrru. e\.\ 7c !land, ell-nh . J LI \ ma,' la. "I rll IJaJ dntl l ohago "
1m '\ll<.,tr,lIll. Rntl h
St. John adel with the seven-year-old bo) he re cued frcm drov.ning.
1 I
O il
A badly burned c:a')uuity en roulc 1', 0111 Grenada to Jamaica for <.,pecial treatmcnt 1"1 met by BrigaJe members at Port 01 ,' paln, J nnidad, dunng the over-Oight stop.
DO Dl. ' fRI I III Man) afliliallon,> C\I'>t b ·twcen over..,ea,> and home units . I lIu\lIati()(l'> 01 thc Ilnl-..., hct'Y\cen f III and l ondon D istrict : , I he
.... ZAMBIA . A new ambulance.
ldc ( () In 1I1 In f i l l don d t l: d I)
I Ir')t Id cover at the Jamboree to marl-.. "0 Yl:ars (,I' the Boy COLlt move' ment In gan<.ia
J by I on Ion DI'>tncl.
196: . omml~"'lone, l ondon DI,tn ·t belllg prc'>entctl \\Ith thc lahll.l (,,\hale .... tooth) on heh,lll or the Brig<ltlc in f 'll '1 hi.., traditional ercmony "ymhol,..,c\ gooch\tli and I" the hlghe..,t anti nw..,t hl)f1011red tnhute IJIans .... be to\\ .
T. LUCIA H.R .H. Prince Philip talk. Brigade mem ber .
. o " RB't
.A. hr~l "'IU demon lratlon b\ .1del lor o11mLlndant-in- hid of t\mbulance and ur..,1l1g add.
.A. FlR T eHing ba d on a too famIliar Incident cf todJ~ .
I guarJ-or-\1Onour [")r .... I!.R .H . Prin ..:e.., \\c"anura . ,..
\1t.:mber mu t be trdlne I and fit \0 JI \( bllng their ' 1--111-; to casualtlcs In In.l:cenbh pl,jLC~
GR \
Her Rl\ <ll Hll.dlnes lhL Du..:he. 1\ GIOll e..,ler. ~ Deput~ ommilndanl-ll1-( hid of ur~lI1g orps and 01\ I Inn..,. \\ jth the Il a~tlng· PolIce 1 eam \\ hleh rcpn;senl~J the Bn gadL In the competition and came 'ie ond.
ur Il1g
01 BL 0 .A. lhi Oivi Ion have made 165 01 the e rug ).
"under 9's" were lool--ed after da III the chIldren's corner
Pages 31 to 93 amended to 24th June, 1966 . THE
BEDFORD HIRE County Office: 6 Lan downe Road, Luton. COllnty President: The Lady Zia WER 'HER, C. B.E. COIlI1lY Vice-Presidents: The Rt. Han. The Lord LUKE, ~I.A. D.L. , J.P. Mrs. R. . PHIPP (Nursing) The Han. Pearl La\\ "on JOH", TO:-':, O.B.E. (Ambulance and ursing Cadets) . R . . . OAKLE'I, 6 Lan dO\ ne Road , Luton (Tel. Luton 21882) COIll 111 I I ncr Major-General F. D . {OORE, C.B.,, D.L., "Corn Close," Deput): ommi ioner. Felmersham, Bedford (Tel. Sharnbrook 440). R . McEvoY, 64, Shake peare Road Luton. Coun t) uperintendenl ( ) Mi I. M. P E~ fBERTO:-': 2, Brook Street, Luton. (Tel. Luton Count) uperintendent ( ~) 3049-). J. D . CLARK. "I.B .. B... 7, We t Street, Dun table. "c .tnl;' urgeon :VIi 0 RCHER. 30. Langley Street Luton. \--1 (aunt) Ir . M . RA\1 At, H o pital Lodge. Potton Road, Biggle wade. C nl;' R. JEE\ E , 19, Fm bur) Road, Luton. Count;. \Ir . M. BALL, 11 ,Oakle;. Road, Luton. Count;. R . ELL! 0 ". 370, Old Bedford Road Luton (Treasurer). Cou nt;. :VIi D. WOO ORE D, 30, Langley Street, Luton. W . R. K E 'DALL, 47, Bancroft Road Luton (Training). Ii L. . GRT\I\!ER, 3, tation Road, mpthill. II. B..\"" , 26, Bi hop cote Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 52631). Count\ c",rctclrY \1 1- T. . WHITBR EAD, 6-L Heron croft, ?utnoe Bedford (Tel. ((JUDI; P R. . . 6 6~ . l\'orthern rea W . J. POGLTER, C O. 4, Faldo Road. Bedford . \11 T. E. \\ HITBREAD. 6-+, Heronscroft, Purnoe, Bedford. J. . HI OLE. \1 B., B... \I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P .. ., -, lameda Road,
\ a upcnntendcnt ( ) A. (;,1 A. ta
urertnlendem ( ) urgeon
E. \ . \\ILUA \! , .R.""'., R.:-':.\1. .. 3, Berkeley Road, Bedford.
upcrimcndcnl ( \ ) urgcon
-\. .
Ilker. . Ilkcr ( adel.) ( \ ) ITicer
ea t:a
\ 'acanr. . \Ir LL\\ ARD. 6, The 10 e, Newton-Blo om\'ille TUf\'ey Bed. ir". L. D. VALE"TI. E. L Che mut venue, Bedford. unridge A\'enue, Luran. \IITH. \1.B .. B. . D.I.H., 9. Dougla Road. Harpenden. He rr . \1r . L. ~1. 0\\ LE), .R.""'., , r. ~lary' Lodge, Luton. Vacam. \fr. . :\TO. ~ . Klng -d \\n A\enue, Lur n. \1 r-. . \1. HIGG ,30, trarford Road . Luton.
" I'll 5CC (0 him-a/leI ai!, il was Illy /aul."
B RK HIRE COIiIlfY Office : t. J hn Hou e. 101, London Road, Reading.
The \1
Com ml . . Il ncr Cartoon reproduced b) permis.\ioll v/ Odhol1/\ PI"t!s Ltd. F
Tel. Reading
46 I.
COlillfl' Pre idelll: Han. The tarque f \\[lU""'GDO:-':. COlil/ty 17ce-Pre idem : \.1 r. . \ A - BERGE ( \ III" iI/g). \ [ajor H. TRACY B RCLAY, T.D. \.fajor J. O. K. PLRDEY. ~lr . JOH H E"DER 0""'. Brtgadler T. . D . K E LY. C.B.E.. "Thoma on," KlDg - Ride, amberle;., LllTe;.. (Tel. _1-1 ) t
ommi ion r . uperintendent (I ) urgeon .
Oeput County ount
t. Ct). County
uperintendent ( ur ing Offi er
County Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ). County taff Offi er ( adet) ( ). ounty
taff Officer
P.R.O .
, ~ 7, Berk Ie enue, Read ing. . " 1m Lodge," Winkfkld, Windsor. D . J. T R H LL, ~I.R . . . , L.R .. P., pring Lodge, a lie Hill, Maidenhead . (Tel. WinkAeld Row 2649). The i counte " IILT\\ Y"-D, Pole d n II u e, type E lale, r. Hungerrord . (Tel. reat Bcdwyn 357). i . J. HA L ~I, .R .. , " Ja min ottage," · mmet's eSl, Binfield. L. E. HEDLEY, 16, ollege len, Maidenhead . Mr '. . M. WATCR ,S.R . . \Voodpe ker arm, Warren Row, argrave. Mr . TJlo;-'IA, 27 Berekelcy venuc, RcadJl1g. ( .11. .R.) . Mr. J. E. MORRI., 106, Kenny land Road, onning Com· mon o ( dmin). (llo 'pila l ibrarie). O. M . LLOYD, 32, hlllfieid Road , Reading (Treasurcr). Mr . M. G. H. M \RRIOlI, The 011 ', I nkpcn, C\\ bury ( dmin) B. H . L. II ,\RRI. O , 1_, Pri ory Terrace, Hungcrrord ( Udel). Mi D . K . IBBI"'., 3, outh iew enuc, a er ham (Tel Reading 7317.+). apt. P . B. M RPm, (,.\I.,..w, handos Road, l:wbur). (Tel. _199).
Central Area mml
w.!a ~rea
uperintendenl CA) uperinlendenl ( )
urge n
\rea \rea
lIr ing Officer adel fficer ( adet ) ( )
R. L. RHYM ER, 203, Wheeler'S Lane, King' H eath, Birmingharn, 14. . . FORD, 85, Wood leigh Avenue, H arborne, Bi rmi ngham , 17. Mr. W. M. JAMES, 57, orthAelJ R oad, King' orton, Birmingham. A. L. LLOYD, M.B., CII.B., I.R.C,., L.R.C.P., 95, Grange Road, Small Healh, Birmingham. MI A. L. GADD, .R . . ,47, Highgate RO::ld, Birmingh am 12, . L. MORRIS, 105, Markby Road, Win on Green, Birm ingham, J . MI ' ') G. D . M RLOW, 43, Midhur t Road, K ings orton, Birmingham 30, r::. E. LLEY, 19, Tame Road, Quinlon, Birmingham 32.
fficer ( adet ) (
outhern \rca \rea \rca
LI r'>lI1g
l\rea ~rea
lafT Of1kcr ( auet ) (
Tel. Birmingham
treel, Birmingham, 3.
fliccr ( adcL) (
cntral 6660
COli/II)' Presie/enl :
. M OLf,
COllllt)' Office:
0.13.L., J.P.
ollnl), J'ice-Pre'iie/C'IIIS ~I.B.,
Iderman L. Mr . Major J. P. Mr . P. ommis ioner D eputy Commis ioner ounly uperinlendent ( County
A Sl. ounty uperinlendent ( County u rsing Officer
ounty StafT Officer ( adel) ( ). CounlY Staff Officer ( adet) ( ). ounty lafT Officer CounlY Secretary & P.R .O. Counly Sp-rgeant Major .
Brigadier . L. IU S, O.B.l., T.D. I .l., Bal nclUllh, Tanworth In- rdl:n, \ an" leI-.. 11I1'c (Tel. Tanwollh-lI1- ruen ~57). acant. Mr. . L. ..,11\10Rr, 21, T,,\alling Roau. B.Hnl rccn, r. Birmingham. W. . 1I'\10RL, 'I. '\., 'I.R.( ."'., L.R.( . P., "Dunedin," Twall mg Road, Barnt Grcl:n, r. Birmingham. acant. Mr . A. . REC, .R . . , 192, rphanage Roau , rdinglon. Birmingham, 24. c usro , 173, alley Road, 'o IIilLlll, arwlcl-.. hire, Mi . r. 130 r, 25, rarnd n Road , IUI11 Rock, Birmingham 8, . W . PAT I ( L1,Iilary), 21, ICl:~tl:r Road 'O Lllh, Klng~ Il ealh. Birminghal11, 14 (frea..,urcr). , I. II. TI'v1\lS, 15.+, cchl:lIs ParI-.. Road, Blrl11ln ghal11. Mr. . A. UST, 173, alley Road, olihull, \ arwlcK' hire. (Tel. heldon 4017). R . . . D AY, 297, ri thorpe Road, Bimlingham, 29.
ur ing Officer
adel Officer ( adet.) (A)
uperinlendent ( ) uperintendenl ( )
Area Surgeon
13 DI. 19, Thc
Mr '" H. L. B RGf . . RO, T, q ,. C.B.E. Rev . anon R. F. R rWRlGHT, \/. . Mrs. L K . T\\ I T ( ' lIrsillg ode/).
orthcrn rca . ?I . C. RI L"I, 192, Orphanagc Road, I rdll1glon, Blrl11lngl!um,'-'t Mi D . r . MI i\DOWS, 29, Beeehc DrIvc , [ rdll1glon, Birmingham, 24. . . f I" L. L. BUTL I R, M.Il., (11.11.. 11. $(., I.R.C . . , I .R.C.P., " Wlt - nl, orton L1rllClI Lowcr orlon, Warwick . Mi s. B. J. WRI GII'I , S. I{ .,60, andboLlrnl: Roau, Birmingham,
Area Area
race The D KE OF B EAUfORT, K.. , P.C., G.C. O. COli/if I' Vice-Presidenl :
(A I11b 11 1011 ce
RY ( IInillg
l. Ph ilip' , Bri lol 2. T el. 22431 .
COIIIIII' Presidelll:
II i
11 . 13, J.P. ( ·fl11!JII/an ce).
,\DB RY (\I1/'sing) O. B. .
r a
L. Bcc H, 10, Romney Clo e, H all Green, Birmingham, 28. Mi I. KIRK , 24, t. Gerard R oad, Solihull, W arkwick hire. . H. D ,M.R . . . , L.R.C.P., 14, The re cent, Solihull, ar", ick hire. I' . M . FREEBOROUGH, .R. . , 249, Ie ander R oad, cock reen, Birmingh am. ,Lolgmoor Road, H a bur) H ale owen, D. . 13 TO'-, Birmingham. Ml . II A ' AY, 3, ludland Road, H all Green, B irmingham, 2 .
upcrintendenl ( LIP rinlenucnl ( L1rg on
COllllly Office:
elson Memorial H all, 100, Lionel
ton •. LItton
Comm l · loner D~J1l1t)
OI11I11IS'i ner.
I., T.D., D.L., 11 ,
lirten Stati on
111 111 issi ncr (ollnt\ l:CrClar}) (ou nt 'UpcrIl1tcnuenl (
urgcon ursing !Ticcr StafT rlicl:r ( adeh) ( ) . 'lair Ollicer ( adct~) ( ).
t. R.C.S., 46, aeanl. , R. L. 0'<:, 70, Tor nlo Road, Horfield, Bri tol, 7. 1rs. J. . FRIEl!, ,R . . , t. J hn' Road, Bedmm ter, Sri tol. venue, Fill 11, Bri 101 (Public \ . . ART[H 16, Fairlawn Dulie ). RIBBLE, f1.C. I., 7, lanley Road, Rcdland, Bri tol , 6. ( ompclili ns). . . .1 . OLEY, 2, llighfield Jro c, 1-10rficlu, B n t 1,7. ( . ~,S . R ,). Ir -. M . Rrl II, 0, Fir Tree Lane, t. G~orge, Br~ t I, 5. !lis'L. . 0I<~ 1 ;\, 12. indmill Hill, Bcdl11ln ter, 131'1 lol, 3. ( adct ). , II. J. ROKFR, n.r. I., I , MargucrIte R ad, pland, Bri I I 3. ( i il Oe~ nee). , . M . BRY T, _84, Redcalch R ad, Kno\\ Ie, Bn. tal 4 . . IhRTLI TT, 3, leovc Road, Fi hpond , BrI tol.
Mi D. L. H RRIS, A.l. . . , 14, Claverton Road We t, Saltford Bri tal. (Trea urer). Maj r . -. LOKER, 46, Whitecr Avenue, Whitchurch Bristol , 4. acanl. M. Fox, 10, Redland Park , Redland, Bri. tal, 6 (Tel. 36198).
County Sergeant Major County P.R.O . .
loner .
ur Ing Ofllcer
'rea taff Officer (Cadct ) (A) 'rea taff mccr ( adet) ( ) 'rea, taffOfficer
COllnt)' lice-President ): Brigadier J. HE EY, O.B.E. (Ambulance). Mr . -. Moos ( ursing). Dr. R. H. KJPPI'\G (Ambulance Cadets). Lad} Ho\\ I:. (\llIning Cadets).
Commi loner Deputy Commi ioner . County
uperintendent (
County Surgeon t. Count Superintendent ( ). Count)
ur ing Officer
County taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). County taff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Count) taff Officer
ounty Secretary
. BU'\KER," Inchale," Mapl efield Lane, halfollt l. Gile, (Tel. Little halfont 351_). R. F. T. Popr, "Balna mig," Burge \\ ood RoaLi , Beaconsfield (Tel. 40 IS) r. . Boofl( "\'\, r-.I.B.E., " Lynt n hcl."l!," Datchet, Bucks, (Tel. laugh '+2302), Mi M. . GIL I 0 " I.B., B.. , "The Id Boot," Dinton, f\r. yJe bur . The Han . 10l'.,OR, .. tonol Pa rk", I il::nlc)-onThame , '\on. II ' P. . R 0""13'1', 'i.R . • , "L nglcat", ne PIn Lane, Farnham r. lough.
Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . . . . Area Staff Ofllcer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Ofllcer (Cadets) ( ) Area ursing Ofllcer Area Staff Ofllcers .
' 0111 111 1..,'>1 011l.: r
W. M. M. DOUGI ASS, M.. , M.B. , B. 11., 19, Wol\crton Road, Stony Stratford . Vacant. Vacant. Dr. E. WITHERIDGE, I, alverton Road, t ny tratford. Vacan t. Mr . S. J. R CY, 13, Osbo rne trect, Wolvcrton. Vacant. B. TEV\:t\S, 31, Glouccster Road , Wolverton. W. MCGRANL, 30, rox ate, ewport Pagne ll.
TrPHE"-.;S, 3, 1unde ley Spur, Slough, Bucks. (Tel. Slough 2123 ). V. W. WILLIAM, Colenorton End, Eton College, Windsor Mi s . F . . 10\1\1, 117, anterbury venue, Slough VI, 1.0., M.B., CH.B.,31 Langley Road, Lieut.- 01. L. D. M. lough, Buck. Ir . P. D. PL.;RD E, .R.N., 21, The , orman Wexham Court, laugh . . E ;-.;, 17, ;,tli bury venue, Slough. acant. Ir -. 1. E." 1)\\ LL, 32, Waterbeach Road , lough. D. R. bbott, 5 I, The Frithe, lougb . J . R. GRE ORr, "Tothill," Roger Lane, Stoke Page . P. L. Pl'\OR ,4 ,R)\er Road , lough. L.
'rea, uperin endent ( ) 'rca uperlntendcnt ( ) \rca urge n \rea
. WHIl r " Ic\'cland," lalemon t iardl.:ns, \ larlo\\ i 1. \U, Thc rofl, Y\ alton Road, ) Ie bun (Training). MI . I\[S, R)lmcr, Liml11er Lane, Illgh \\ycombe, Bucks. (Training). )Ic. bury. (Publicity . KI GSBl..,RY, l lcnha\\, Bicrton, Advi ory). Mr . A. M. llooo, 14,. \Vcllington 'trcct, laugh. Mr . . . 0", " o\\gatc ," 7, lifTord Road, Princes Risborough . I. T. GO\l\l, .. l. orran," n;cn Lane, he. ham, Boi, ( adets) T. G. M RTI', T.D., M.I.1\IE II.E., !.I.Lr., " 1ansard," 12, Wymers ood Road, Burnham . Mi n. \; Iiln, 9, PI ince Road, }Iec;bury. . LA\tBO IP,r, 3, M Iii Road, Wingra\c. D . ORLIK, tratton oltage, tratton Ro ad, Bcacol1sfleld. Mr . Z. BOTSI ORD, 116, Buckingham Road, ylc,>bLII). Mi M. . PAul , 24, orcton R oad, Buckingham . Mr . S. M L. John on, The Rcd Il ou,,>e, B ar'>\\ooc! nd, Beacon field. J . THoR'\l, IS Mcadow Way, I lartwell, }Ic,>bur. (Tel. LOne 525). orthern Ar a
Area Commi sioner
A. G. GOVES, M.B.E., Silver Birch, Green Street, Hazlemere, High Wycombe. Vacant. Mis B. M. WHITE, "Hillview," Loudwater, High Wycombe, M. T. GALLAGHER, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O., D.OBST., R.C.O.G., Gold Hill West, halfont St. Peter. Mr . A. M. CAREY, S.R . . , "Chevry," Peter's Lane, Monks Risborough, Aylesbury. F. G. BIG ELL, 24, Carrington Road, Southcourt, Aylesbury, Mi s A. L. EVA s, 171, Buckingham Road, Aylesbury. Mi M. STERRETT, 27, Clarendon Road, Pinions, High Wycombe. D. G. ANSTEAD, III, Whitelands Road, High Wycombe ( adets) Mis P. M. TULLETT, 45, Higbfield Clo e, Amersham. orwood Road, Loudwaler, High W. H. G . GIBBS, 17, Wycol11be. (Cadet ). J. WOODLeY, 14, raser Road , High Wycombe. Mr . V. CLE\IE ,22, ennel Farm Road, FJackweJl Heath, High Wycombe.
.\rea uperintendcnt (A) '\rea uperintendent ( ) .\rea urgeon .\rea
yle bury 3 86.
arl of Ho\\ , ('.B.E., D.L.,
COUllly Presidellt :
Thc Rt. Hon. The
Central Area ~rea
Coullty Office:
yle bury, Bucks.
B UCKINGHAM HIRE 2, Wendo\' r Road ,
, tafT rTll.:er \rea • l.tlT flicer 'rea, tafT IlIc r
adets) ( ) adcts) ( I )
CAl\1BRID GE HIRE COllnty Office: '\
Tel. Ely 267
COllllt I ' Pre ident :
1 he Lord F,\IRII AVE , D.L., J.P. Co 1111 I I '
Maj o r Corn 1111 ·.·ioner Depu ty
01111111 '>sioner
Cou nt) Supcrinkncicnt ( Cou nty , urgcon . County COUnty
urS lng Ollkcr talT om r
-I. M
. MA URI CE- \1IrI[, ~I.R .C. ') .. L.R .C.P., "Etheldreda Hou e', Iy. (Tel. I) 267'). G. W'LKER, PII.O., 1\1. "Ker ell," edle) Ta)lor Road, al11bridg . 1r. . . 1" LEY, 1. \., Bre Hoot, Whitwell Way, Caton. (Tcl. Madlnglc) 42 ). . \ . v LK[R, 1\1.8 .. \I.R .C ... L.R.C.P., 67, Milton Road, ambridge. <.lcant. 01. J. BE KLTT, O.B.E., T.D., D.L., I.A ., lallabar', Bra)' Lan, Iy . (Trea ' urer). K.
Ely Area
\rea ~rca
uperil1lcndent ( ) upcrintendcnt ( )
acant. Mr '. J . M.
CR, , Regent
venu, Mar h.
6 rea Surgeon rea ea
ur ing Offi er . taff Off) er ( adet ) (1 f)
r a Commi ioner r a uperintendent ( ) rea uperintendent (. ) r a ~ur ing Officer taff Offi er ( adet) (~) taff Officer .
BCCt-..ElT,!. \ .. F. G. EI). amb. Va ant. \' a ant.
\I.B ..
CII.S., (-+,
gremont Street
ambridge . rea R . T. \\ ' \IBELL. I:. mer) tr l, ambndge. \ 'acant. Ir . E. J. PIG01T. '6. -\\...eman treet. ambndge. ~lr '. P. 't \10'D., .R ... 2 Le) Road. ambrfdge. ~ti' J. \1. HO\\E. II}. High\\onh \t:nue, <mbridge. .,. .\RGE "'''T.·· e tcrReld," oldhams Lane. herr)hhton. (Tratnlng). ~ti D. LI"'TO" , 62. a\ ndi h \'enLe, ambridge. ( ecretlf)).
\Ye tern ~rea
upertntendent (A) \rCJ upeflnlendent ( ') ~rca urgeon. .. -\rea taff fficer ( adet) ( ) ~rea laff fficer ( adet) ( ) ~reJ tnff fficer
'. BLA nOCK, j 0, Oaklar:d Road , igburth, Liverpool. MI W. . L 'fE, 2 , Hlghgreen Road, Birkenhead Cheshire. Vacant. ' J. HAR:-'EY, 53, \ oodyear Road Brornborough, Wirrall. 'vIr . G. M. TI\1 0 . 30 . Hoole Lane. Hoole, Che ter. H. TORER, 92, laremount Road \ alia e\ R. L YTH, .+ I, ldgate, Elle mere Port. - . Mi L E. 0,4, Lome Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. CO R~ 'VALL
COIlI1l), Office: treet, Li keard. Tel. Liskeard 20 I0. Count!' Presidenr:
Lady - ary PA \\ LE.
COlllll.\' Vice-Presidellls:
COl/III \ Ot I( ( County H.Q. Table\ Road. Knut ford, T 1. Knut ford 33'+6.
KI"G LEY \IITH, E Q., J.P. (Ambulallce). . 1\1. BL'\ K\\O o. \1r.. H. . HER, \I.B.E.. J.P. (Sursing. ad: \t ar) HOLBORO\\ (\ur illg Cadets).
r-..rr. he hire.
I ice-Prcsiddlf: 'TLEY (A IJIblllanc( Cadels).
. B Comm i loner Deputy Commi ioner. Count)
uperintendent (.
P. EO\1 O. 1.0.. LL.B.. .. Ill) f'idd ," addum R 13 , Bo\\don. ~ . . ~1L\1B't, I.B.E.," lend~r.e'" Prcnt n ane, Prentul Blr\...enhead. (Tel. ~Iount\\o J I "'2). \ir . :--1. K. B RT H·\\IILTO . Henford. uth Do\\n R1 olU • Hal.
County urgeon Count) _-ur ing Officer t. Count) urge on . County Count) Count~
1-1 .. 8 . .\.0 ..
"Dial I il1u e." :-'Iil Enj
Deputy County Count) :\ t.
C unt\ Cou nt\ Cou nt)
ommi lOner. upenntendent ( r) urgeon upennt ndent C'- )
ur mg ffi t IT ffi lalT om
fficer er ( <Idet) (-\) er ( adet,,) ( er
taff Off] er (Cadet) C ) taff Offi er ( ad t ) (I ) taff Offi er
hc . .,I, re he Itr Ro d,
COll nt\ CCf'Cl<lr\ Cou nl) P.R . -
Relr dmiral L. -\. BOL TWOOO. C.B .. O.B.E.. O.L., Golden Cap Tideford. alta h. (Tel. Landrake 237). ' \ : L. TE\\' \RT, \I.B., CH.B., Trernethi k Grampound. Pnn e hula CHAKRABO,'G E, Tredethy, Bodrnin. (Tel. t. . lab) n 232). Dr. E. H. E TCOlT, G\\'el Marten Probu Tr. Truro. 11 . -. K KELL RO, ~I.B.E., Outla~ds, j 'Torthfield Drive, Truro. \11 . K . OEA , . tv.;. , "IfUli idgen," t. he Cros , Li keard. J. J \IE. ""Igel." Barn 00 e Terrace. llIogan, Redruth. \11 K . ) \IER.12.High treet.Launceton. \\. H. :--'{.\YCOCK. "L) ndale," Tre-illian. Truro. (Tran porro ppeal ). POU..l".GHOR"E. "H~ land." Heanton \'Illa. Redruth. ( m tlllon - Jnd 1\ tI De~ n e). P. PE. RCE. Bar la) Bank. Falmouth. (Trea urer). Dr. lad) ' . 0 "BY. \1.B .E .. "Ha!\\arrha," Cpper Ca tie Road. t. :--ia\\e-. D . D . T o\\ LE, \1. \ ., \I.B., B.CH .. BAO., Ro ehill Hou e. Par. (Training) \11 .• t ORC \I, 7b, \arle\ Terra e, Li keard. . W EBBER. 3-L Rhtnd rreet. B drnin. (Tel. 2-+36),
County P.R.O.
rea Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent C. ') rea Surgeon Area Nursing Officer . rea taff Officer (Cadet) ( rea taff Officer ( adet) (
ntral Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent (. ) Area Surgeon Area. ur ing Officer . . rea taff Officer ( adets) ( ) rea taff Officer ( adet) (. ) Area taff Officer .
01111111 I ner upertntendent ( \) upertntendent ( )
a tern \r H. BCAR ,I. Hdflcen rJ\l;, ffcllon, IOl.\...P rt Ir . J. J. BO\lfORO. 3', Beechllcld Road, Oa\enport, tOC~' port. J. 1ACFIE, \1.B., CH.B.. unnlOghill, To\\n ItITe Lane, \Ia rple Bndge. r . R. LL\:-', .R ........ , High la \.. . Po\nt n. R. W. \\[ T RE R , . R . . , B.T.\ .. 66. hort1\\<1) , Bram'lall. to \...p rt. \1r . \1. ' . ;"vI ( OR'II K.I- Idl.:[ RlUd, 01 Ic). r I 'kport r
r ( \) ( )
acant. Vacant. acant. I
a tern Area J. J. PE.\RCE, "Tre\llhl \.. ... 9.+. Bon)lhorn Road. e\\quay. . T. B ,T, -+2. Hemer Road, _~e\\'qua). \1r . \. . . Ol"LO . . R... _. Glaml - R ad. _' \\quay. G F. B \R . E.. \I.B ., B.. , O.R .. O.G., -, Hemer Road, Newquay. \11' .... D. E. . \.\ DE POL. .R.'\!.. omer-\'tlle. allingron, ddingt n. i \...eard. . JE"KI'-!. 9, t. t-.lal)· - rent, Bodmin. ~lr. . D . P TT, IelheraL Tredethy, Bodmin. F. . l,,'TLER, "Gre ham." 100. fount Wi e. 'e\\'quay. R. H. TRE\ . f ' ,6. t. Le nard Terra e, B dmin. . J. OOK, 3, 'Ialta R ad. Te\\'quay. ( adet-). R. J. BR.\'t. I. Glen Road, Wadebridg
I~ln\\a) rt\e, L, 9, \ ICI rt<l
Hale, \Il11nchal11 Road, l c\...LOn I kath \LL, 14, Dalton arden, Da\)hulme, ~lan'
li UR 1\ che ter. . II. \ ' OY, 32,
\CnllC, Da\cnham,
orthWI h
:\rea 1111111 · loner :\rea uperinll.:ndent ( \) -\rea uperintendent ( ) :\rea :\rea
Ir IIlg
' " tern Area E't \IOLR, 60, Trdu ' ls R ad. R drLHh. . R . RODDA." lurllai." ampfield HilL Trur Ii,,_ F. W . P \ L, -+, Park Road. Redruth. 11. D. DO). \(. .. E.\I.. B.CII .. \I.R . . . , L.R.C.P" _ '. Lemon tr er. Truro. i'll ' . . TR[\\RE , .o R. . , "Tre\in t. he Road Ch)-An\\eal, nrbi' BL1). t. he .
Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ) Area Staff Officers .
D. F. B T, 18, Gwava Street, Penza nce. Mi M. 1. Wr .,40, Manor Road, amborne. . C. PELLOWE, ,Tolgus-Wartha, Redruth . H. H. PA COE, 10, Bell Vue, Redrllth .
COllllty Office: arli I ,Cumberland.
County :::leeretary
Asst. ounty Secretary Co unty P.R.O . . ~rea ~rea
arll Ie 26345).
COllllty Presidents: Earl of Lo SDALE, We tmorland. J. WESTOLL, E q., D.L., J.P. ( lImberland).
ommi ioner uperintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) .l,rea Surgeon I\.rea .I, rea
Countv Vice-Presidents: Mrs. M. L. BARRACLOUGH (1II'sing), ul1lberIand. Mrs. F. M. LE. ANDER ( ' Ul' ing) Westmorland . Mr . J. . BARRETT ( UI' illg Cadets), ul11berland. Col G. M. Kr-";MOl'.T, O.B .. , D.L., Beacon Hill , Penrith . Commi ioner . (Tel. 267 ). · . . B RRETf, Be l--foot, Helton, Penrith. Deputy Commis ioner T. H. ABBOTT, 10, caw Drive, Pcnrilh . County Superintendent (A) The oLlnte of ARLf LF, aworlh a tic, Brampton . (Tel. County uperintendent ( ) 621 ). · L. BIRKETT, M.A., 1\1.0 .. CH.B., 3, Thorny llills, Kendal. COllilty Surgeon . . . Asst. County Superintendent ( ). Mi R. J. . H ['0, I , cot land Road, alli.,le. Mis D. r. WHITFLEY, .R.N., umbelland I nnrl1lary, Carlisle. County ursing Officer . . County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) . S. TEPH ~s ,,70, L1lllberland treet, \ orklngton. County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Mi M . Yo "G, .R . . , 3 , Ma on treel, orkrngton. J. H. S\IITH, 9, Dunmatl Drl\e, arll Ie. ( reasurcr). County Staff Officer · Hu B '0, I, Fairfield arden. Wigton Road, arlt Ie County Sergeant Major D. GRAHA\.I , 460 London Road, arll Ic. (Tel 26345, (Home); County Secretary 26288-9 (Bu ine i). Mis A. M. \lITH, oody Rai C, J ra mere, \ c. tmorland. Asst. County ecretary (Tcl. 213). Vacant. County P.R.O . .
(Tel. 53124).
COllnt)' Presie/C'nt : HIS GRA E Til 0 KE or DL\ 0-"; IIIR[, p.e.,
.I, rea .I, rea ~rea ~rea
.l,rea .I, rea ~rea
.I, rea
Sir John Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent ( County Surgeons County ursing Officer . . . County StafT OfJicer (Cadet) (A). County Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ). County Staff Officers
Count)1 Vice-President: Vi count S 'AR DAl E, T.D. (Alllblllallce). ROMPTO -INGLEFIELD, KT., J.P., 0.1., T.D. (Ambulallce Mrs. B. M. DRURy-LoWI' ( IIrsillg adets).
apt. P. J. B. DR URY-LoWI, Locko Park , Derby. ( el. Derb) 61517). I . M A CKE 7 II , M.B. , h'S . . , 1.1'' .. 5., L.R.C.P., 141, Manor Road, Derby. Miss B. M. BRI 'OLE, 181 , ole Lane, Bon'owa h, DL:rby. R. Latham BROW ,M.B., ILB., 103 , Palme ton 1I eet, Derby. Mrs. lara TEWAR r, M.B., CH.B., B.A.O., 3, I lard~ ick Mount. Buxton. Vacant. E. T. BROW I G, 91, Boulton Lanc, Alva ton. Mr. . B. WRIGIIT, 23, Wood Road , pondon, r. Dcrby. W. l-. RICLlY, 6a, KIng way, Ilkest n .. (TrainIng). .b Mrs. G. . H. WrATIILRBY, 28, Klng. ton trect, Del y. (Welfare). pland, Middle Handle, Nr. G. W. J . Tu BRfDG£ , The Shefficld.
tafT Officer ( adet) (A) tafT fficer ( adet) ( )
Area ta fT 0 fficer
DERBY IDRE COllnty Office' Ivy Hou e, Mickleover, Derby.
L1r ing Officer
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
ergeant Major
Miss E. F. BELL, Ivy House, Miekleover, Derby. (Tel. Derby 53124). Mi s D. TRANTER, 33. GRANGE STREET. DERBY. Capt. R. MeR . H EEL! , The Old Rectory, Kedleston. orthern Area F. G. HOLMES, 10, Deerlands Road, Ashgate, Chesterfield. H . LLlS, 21, Clark on Avenue, Boythorpe, Chesterfield. Vacant J . H. TAAFFE, L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.M.M., 618, Derby Road, Wingerworth, Chesterfield. Mr . M. A DERSO ,S.R . . ,31 Summerfield Crescent, Birmington, Che terfield. H. BAXBY, 23, Alexandra Road, Dronfield . Mi M. V. BROGA ,Beech House, 16, Queen Street, Chesterfield. E. . H. Dowso , 6, Central Terrace, Lordsmill Street, Che terneld. · TA LEY, Gamekeeper's Cottage, Foxstone Wood, Barrow Hill, Che terfield.
ational oal Board o. 1 Area R. SCOTT, "Bonne Veine " Inkersall Road, Duckmanton, r. oml11i ioner he terneld. L. . FLETCHER, The Priory, Sutton, Scar dale, r. Chesterfield. uperlntendent ( ) Mr. . L. MAIZEL, J.P., .R . . , "Carmel," Mill Lane, Whitwell, uperintendent ( ) r. Worksop. Dr. . H. EVA Holly Bank, Skinne Street, Creswell r urgeon Work op. Mr . M . H RR \ , .R. . , The Laurels, Creswell, r. Worksop. L1r~lng ffi er acant. tafT Officer ( adet ) ( ) Mr . M. DE T, 133, Whitecotes Lane, Walton, Chesterfield taff rAcer ( adet ) ( ) OR1\1 ,30b, Glad tone Road, Che terfield. tan' fficer · . Po LTER, 0, Langwith Road, Bol over. · TUR 'ER, 245, Chesterfield Road, Temple ormanton, r. he terfield. Mr . J. PEGG, 36, t. Lawrence venue, Bolo er, r. Chesterfield. Mr . K. M. TAl IL 0, "The Cottage," Inker all, Staveley r. he terneld. J. T . t\IITH, 4, Pool brook Road, Duekl11anton, Che terfield. · T. M RPHY, "We tend," Heath r. Che terfield. · GCTHI G, 51 kinner treet ere well, r. Worksop. ergcant ajor a t", od ational oal Board rea H. F. PARKER. 377, Derbv Road, ottingham. Coml11i ioner · H 'I E , 26 team Hill Lane, Ripley. uperintendent ( ) Mr . M. RIGLEY, .R .. , 6a, King way, Ilke ton. Superintendent ( ) J. L. W. JOK 0 , L.R.C.P., L.R.C .. , L.R.F.P. & s., ' Beechcroft," urgeon . . otts. hurch Lane, Brin ley Mr . K. MORLEY, "Morwood," 216, Heanor Road, Ilkeston. L1r ing Officer. . A. E. W. DILK , 13, King way, llke ton, Derby hire. tafT Ol1icer ( adet) A) Mi L. . . U ) ,Wade enLle, Tlke ton. tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) W. IL lORE, 41, Heath Road, Ripley. tafT Officer H. HYD , 120, like t n Road, Hean r. · W. LLE, 27, t. J hn' Road, malley, Derby. o K, "Park ie\\,' Moorgreen, ott . . WOOD The range, TrO\· el, ott. . BOTT I, 26, Wood treet, Ilke ton. ergcanl Major
ol1lmi' ioner
Area uper intendent ( ). Area uperintendent ( ) . G
outhern Area olonel . . BOWER, T.D., 1\I.B., H.B., L.R.C.P., I\I.R.C .. , 62, hard low Road, h a ton, Derb . a ant. Mis G. H. W LTO , 9, King ton tr et, Derby.
ursing Officer . . taft- Officer ( adet) ( ) taff Officer ( ad t ) ( ) taff Officer
E 1.
J. COLL! ,~I.B., CH.B., I.R.C ... , L.R.C.P., 7, rich Avenue, Littleover, Derby. Mr . M . F. H LLETr. 39 , Burton Road, Derby J . T. H [ E, 7, H aydon Ro ad, hadde den, Derby. Mr. . M. \ rell, 76, oremark \'e nue, Liltleo er, Derby. R. LL, 12, Lawrence treet, Long aton. H. FAR v ORTH, 'Melita," I 3, Holt enue, Derby Mr . FAR WORTH "Melita," 13 Holt venue, Derby. H. FR 1'.K , 79 Borro\ a h Road, pondon, ~rb).
Area Surgeon Area Area rea Ar (1
Count Count Count)
uperintendent ( Surgeon . . Nur ing Officer taff Officer ( adet ) (
taff Officer ( adet ) ( 1)
taff Officer
County P.R.O . .
Coullty Office: e\\ ton bbol. Tel.
bbot 3775.
rea rea
urgeon ur ing Officer
As t.
taff Officer ( adet ) ( )
rea Staff Officer ( adet ) ( )
r a
ommi sioner
t, fT Offi er (Cadet) ( ) talr Officer
ommi ioner
lIperint ndent ( )
.\rea .\rca
upcrir.tendent ( T) urgeon ur ing Officer
Major R. . P. GRAY, M.B., 23, outhernha a t, Exeter. OOD, 40, King \\ay, Heavitree, . eter. Mr . D. R. OLi Harmony ll ill, hy rchard, ilmingto n, r. Honiton. . T. H. L ,\ ILL, 1.D., \I.R .C. ., I . R.C . P., C.P. IL, \1.c.G .P,. The rovc, Il onlton. r. P. . D\\JD '-, .. R.'- ., folIe) li lli, v hill: tone, "ir - "eter. R. MITCIlEL\IORL, \1.13 ., B.. Ii., D.<"II., Maldcn, IJroru Road. Idmouth . D. . Q J"'''-[L, O. 2, Milk Markcting Board, ely t, Honlton. Mr . D. P. HI T III G, "Trow otlage," aJcol1lbe Regi. idmoulh.
-\rea -\rea
taff Ofllcer ( adet ) ( ) taff ITicer ( adel ) ( ')
H. F. DrAMo D, S.R . . , 36, Burton Hill , Road, Torquay. Mr . J. C. CLEASBY, The Grange, Stoke-in-Teignhead. A. EVERARD, M.B., CH.B., 26, Keyberry Park, ewton Abbot. Mrs. D . CUMMI lG, S.R . . , Beacon View, 36, Warberry Road, We t Torquay. M. E. C. STEDH M, Lavender Cottage, Coach Road, ewton Abbot. Mi s H. G. CHARLESWORTH, Bartons, Ipplepen, ewton Abbot. i . E. MITH, S.R . . , 9, Milton Park , Upper Brixham. J. H. FRA"lC[ , 201, herwell Valley R oad, Chel ton, Torquay.
U.- 01. . M. Tow 'sr D, Denbury Manor, Dcnbury, bbot.
Office: quare, Dorche teL
he HOIl.
COllllty President : rothy Lady ELLE:-':BORO Gli.
Code! ').
Ir .
Comml .IO ller
Dcr ut) Count)
L)mmllOner upcnntcndent
.\ l.
Coun lY C unty Count\ County
oLlnt) lIrgeon L1r ing Illecr talT ffi-::cr ( add) ( ) tafT f11cer ( adct) ( ). tarT liLCI"
OLF\! \'- , 0 Ta tional Pro\ in ial Bank, t. Thoma eym u th. (Trea urer). Ii F. B. L '- , 10, Dor he tel' R ad, \ ) mouth . r-. D. R. Bo Til, 7 ilount JO), Burton Road, Bridport. (Tel. 2999). Vacant. treet,
Count) ewton
F. H. H OLL! G HE D, O.B.E., T.D., M.B., ('H B., Middleton, Combe Martin. R . BRADDO , 'St. John," Yelland Road, Fremington, Bamstaple. Mr . M. H. Kl"G, "Ri er ide," In tow, orth Devon . . D. Ll'-D Y, \I.B., B.CH., B.. 0., "Craig-y-Don," Rumsam Road, Barn taple. Mr. M. Lr D 1\'1, .R.'!., "Craig-y-Don," Rumsam Road, Bam taple. . . PAD!ER, layva, Durrant Larl, ortham Bideford . Mr. . J. H. S\ 'DER, Elmneld. Bear Street, Barnstaple.
C. J.
outh Devon Ar a Area
Area .\rea
ajor T. \ . R \ Y, [elro e, hburton, . Dev n. (Tel. hburton 23 1. Mr . L. 1. Tow"- L D, Denbun an r, Denbur, e\\lOn bbot. (Tel. I pplepen _..\5). acant. r. I. D. lCH LL, .R . . , Bra ken Il o\\e, idcltlfe. idmouth. R. L. J1LU~Tr, \1.13., B.. , D.P.\!'. The Larchc ', 19b) Ho plld xeter. Mr. . \ . BOLT, Little op e, c\\'court Road, Top ham, xeter. " . C. Jow, 0'- 2, The Broadway, Littlcham xmouth. ( mbulance Liai on). T. T. HAY .R . . , onford Hou e Ho pital, xcter. (Training). R. \ ebbcr, 63, Ri,ermead ROdd, ,cter. (Training). H . -. TAPP, 9, altcr ROLld, ,etcr. I . B. B(HfO\! L,. "hernia," harp's losc. Hcathfield. 1\ewton bbot. (Tel. Bo\e\ Tra e\ 3 06). . T YLOR, I , Brtdgeto\'v~, T tne . (Tcl. ~-D ). a t De\on
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( )
Area Staff Ofb",cr (Cadet) ( )
orth D evon Area
Count I ' Vice-Presidents : The Rt. Hon. The L rd L1'-TO (~lI1hlllollce). Lady RAYER ( 'IIrsl/lg). Dorothy, Lady h!BERT TmRl (/\ III' illg Cadet ).
.\red ':)L1perintendent ( ) .\rea u peri n tendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . Area L1r in!! Officer
COlillty President ·
Commi loner
Cou nt) P. R . . .
T. JOH•.
DURlL :\1 COllI/I) Office' l!e-upon-Tyne 2. Tel. e\\ a lIe-up n-T}ne 1- 6~6. COlillfY Pre iden(' .B., C.B.L Rear- dnmal A. \\. L~\BOLR COllllfY ~ 'ice-President The Lad~ B R RO (\ Ilrin£r R. RL'THERFORO, T.O .. \\ B., B ., J.P .. The Fir. Langle} Pa' -ioner . Durham . (Tel. Langle~ P rk _I: >. BCR . O.B E.. \I.C .. \I.B.. H.B, RaInt n Lod_e. \\e: Commi ioner Raint n, HoughlOn-l - pnn_. Vacant. uperintendeOl (, \\'. F. H-\LL. \I.B .. R •. B.H\ .. O.P.H . \\ arden La\\, Houghl urgeon. le- pr ng. \Ir~. F. \f \ \ E . II. \crner L "'. Han ation. \\ Harrlep I laff Offi er (Cadet) ( ). \ a~am. ~11 O. -\ODl ' ,.0, r fl Terrace. Jarro\\ taff Offi er Cadel-) ( ) J. J. D. KERR\. ~6. \\.1 h nglLn rec..:n. c t n )Liji}. ta - Offi ec H. ~RR, . Bamtn",ham Ireel. Darltn_l n \\. A. REAH. I ngarri ,LIOlzford Road, Ham terly \I t Ro\dand til (Tr urer). ummerh. underland. \ Ii . E. P. GR-\\. T. HOPKI ' ,22. mdale \ enue, ulh Benl , \\ hilbur.l H . R . D'H-\ E F .. r~'11Onl Road. r mgt m. Ct\ Defen e) \\. , Ic 0-\ I. 9. Hac \\onh tre L De F(mhlll, H H ~ROIE. I.B.. H.B .. I. \\ .J.\enu n re enl. underl ( ~lrs R \\ H 0 . ~O. B nd .n", P.l e l)dlh. ecreraf) eTel. ,'e\\c -lle-upon-T)ne 1-1-1: \1 \1. R -\D."" • fie d TarJcL. J P.R.O . . upon T)ne. ITe :..!q-:.
- o
Commi Deputy Count;. C unt~
County Counn' Count)
Count) Count:
borne Terra e. Aew
uperintendent urgeon
• ' ursing Officer . . adet ) (. ) taff OAl (Cade) ( laff Offi laff ffi
(A) .
-\rea . \rea
uperinteod or urge 0
. ur Ing Officer
Area . rea
t.R.C.I' ..
3~ B... de
COUJl(\ Office : ler Hou e, 140. ~ltldma) Roa'd . . helm ford.
L lrr \\- n- \ne. \[ ~hROll.. Barne. underbod L \1 It The \Ir . J. 122 . 1.1nd
CO/IIlIV r'ice-PresidclII . The Lady J can • E\\ ~IA,' (Sursillg .
ner mOl
apt. R. J. \\'F LE\. T.O .. J.P., 96. Galle\'\\ood Road. Chelms -ord (Tel helm-ford ':;2-~1. P. \\ -\LLr. I.R.C. .. loR.C.P .. "G \\er." Galle\\\ood Road. reat Badd \\ \Ir B. TR-\I. hlpptng Hi ll H use. Hal lead. a ne K. \\. ICHOU"': P-\L\lER. E.R.O .. T.O .. lo 1. . . A.. PH\ . \I.E.O .. I':;. Ingll Road. Cokhe ter. r _. E 1. BE H \ \1. _I. Queen'- Road. Col he ter. \11 \1. RE OLD. a , - R... l-t Rothe a~. venue. helm-ford. P LE. I-Ct. \\dr \ A\'enue, Col he-ter. \11 - R . 1. LEE '-. :-. \lel oume Coun. Chelm-ford. BR -. 1+4. \[oul -ham Drne. Chelm -- rd. (Trea-urer). 1. PL"RGE0 '. 9. Cotman Road. hrub End. Colhe ler. ( adel . THOR Dl 'E. Elm Tree Hou e. Fox treel. .-\rdleigh. Col he-ler. l adel-) \\. CHOFfELD . ..!.::, \ 'IClOna lreel. Braintree. (CadeLS). \Ir l. \ 1 T . H-\ L-\ I. "Phaph m u." 9.:'. Pat~hmg Hall Lane. '1elrn-f rd. \1 ' J. \ [ RT. lere'- Hall. D nbur\". E- ex. lC det ), L PR\ R. "K.rrtdJ\e," 13. He) ~roft \\3). Gt. Baddow. he nrhrd . . J. K. L-\ OER._ J. \\. -TU. E. e.
urer nlendem
Iml 'ld
P r
... h
r c"t
R .. 1. \\,,1\ I:nUI n ere' ent, HI:-
\\r -. -\
ut h Dur ham .\. r
Area Commi toner
) (
\enu . :'·.!ur lm. e I ~tm. .r·1 Bold n Rl cto. !endl'1.
8 F T
J R. PE-\ H-\\I. I-l, R B.
I II -\\enuc . W t H c. I cpu!. Durh .rm. r. Jo E. lratford Hou e. e.\ R \\. Wing Ie. \ a ant. \ a an!. \ u ant. \ a anr. \ cnlll::. Du rh, H. H . R\ h. .. dmlft::' eerel r~ for cluel )
34. Tun
\r a R. \1. RCHIB\LO, \ B., CH.B .. O.I.H .. \\ e lfkld, Hare L~\\· nnfield Plam, I nle)". \\
rea Commis ioner
Tel. Chelm ford 55- 9.
CGulln Presidelll : r John RL GGL -BRI E. Bi, C.B., O.B.E., T.O .. J.P .. Lord Lieutenant.
.. Be e \ u '."
raff Offi er adet )L laff Officer ( adet (
-\rea upertntendent ( -\rea upenntendent ( -\rea urgeoo rea . ur iog Offi er rea taff Offi er ( adet rea taft" Offi er
D. ,H ..
J. 1. DRC~t\IO:-;O, 26~. \\'incisor \'enue, Gate head, \1rs. }.f. H. ROCHESTER 5 Pikesyde, Dipton Co. Durh a m. Ir. }'1. F. t. J, 1:. CO GRAVE, ~1.B., B.S., Felling Lodge, Fellmg-on- T~ ne. Vacant. W. 1'01;, 'GER, 90, Wear Road, outh Stanley. ~lrs. E. . YOt; . ·GER. 90, Wear Road, outh tanley. \11" A. \ EITCH. "Fell Vle\\." \\tnlaton. Bla\don-on-T\ne. ford. ,
tue \ II
t Du rham AI' a
Area Commi lOner
R HIR CullJl/I'
t Durham
..omm - loner
heltenham. UOle-
Tel. i
hellenham :~610.
r.. LO\\ 't '- .
C(lJlllfl I 'ice-Pre 'I<ftlll~' he Lld\ \ IOlet \ ER 0'- (\lIIillf{l. \LO\\) . T.O., 0 L (-4l11b,II IfIce Cadel )
. ARE\, \S.O., Ha\\ ling \ lanor. And \e f rd H. L. r. (T I. Jutttng Po\\er: 2)
Lieut- oloncl F. WILUA Cheltenham.
Deputy Commis ioner . County uperintendent ( Coun ty Su rgeon st. Cty.
uperint ndent ( )
10 e,
HAMPSHIRE , R tunda Terra e, MontpclllM, heltenham \\ l LL, 7, E:.ldorada R ad, heltcnham . (AdmIn. omfort ) . . R.. , 23, Hon all Road, Gloucester. ursing).
' P.R .O. Fore t of Dean Area Lt.-Col. ir Patrick 0 ,lIlLI , Bt., r.o., ylburton, Lydnc).
Area Commi ioner
outhern Area Lieut.- olonel J. \I . \i oyne, Tetbury.
omml ioner
We ex Hou e, 6,
harlton Ktng. a\\'an Hou e,
Peter Port,
Bailill'icA. President: ir Willi am R L D, . Il.!
n,>c) 2 211.
"OI11I11 IS loner Jepu t}
ommi loner
uperintendcnt (
uperintendent ( ur Il1g Offi er
:l1un t)
tafT OOleeI' ( ndeh) ( ).
COlln t)
m ers
Bailiwick //ice-Presulellt s: Dr. W . B. ro . Lady 0 1 ["1-\ ( \ lining). L. MARTEL (AII/bulance Cadets). 1. M r. M . M . LOHRro ,I' ( lining adets).
Commi ioner Baili wick Superintendent (A) Baili wick Superintendent ( Bai I iwick Area
u rgeon .
ommi sioner and P.R.
Ba iliwick StafT Officer ( adet) ( Baili wick StafTOfflcer ( adets) ( Baili wick StafT Officer .
Tel. 2884.
COllnly Vice-Presidents: Admiral of the leet Sir Algernon U. WILLIS, a.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O. Marjorie ou TE S OF BRECK OCK ( ursing).
COllnlY Office
County Office: pper High Street, Winchester.
County President : The H n. Mrs . S. R. UBlTT, O.B.E.
Headquarter, Rohai,
harlton Kings,
Mi G. M. De GARIS, L'Abri , King's Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey. V. E. LUFF, M.B.E., Les Rohais de Haut, St. Andrews, Guernsey. (Tel. Ca tel 7694).
O.B.E., 90, Lcckhampton Road
I.R . .. , L.R.C.P., The Bourne, 54, Parton Lane ,
County ursing Officer County taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). County taff Officer ( adet) ( ). County taff Officer
olonel R. B. BR DBE, T, 0.13.1 , La Ruellc, t. 1artlOS, uern c}. ( el. Gucrnse) 3 43 ). R. A. LL.rf- "Oclizc," Doyle R ad. l. Pdcr Port Mr . R. M . IIO'vIPSO, Le rolicr, Ru c dc,> rollcr, Torte \al. (Tel. ucrn~e) 64395). County e rctary R. M . F. Fox, II1.A., M. B., B. HIR ., Les ongcharnp, l. amp· COll nt) P. R. . . son', uern ey, '. 1. R. II. BI A"CIIiORD, O.B.!.., ....1., Lc route lkri vcl, Rohals, t. Pcter Port. H. To /1 L., Tcrtrc dcs Il oul11Cb, obo Road, astel, Guern' _cy. Mrs. O. J 1. ALur r, "Balmoral," uclle Road, t. Peter \rea olTlmis lOner Port. \rca upcrintcnuent ( ) F. W. BuslI, "Thc Lcylans," Sl. Jacquc,>, t. Petcr P rl. \rca upcnntendent ( ) ~. COLL, olwy he, Lcs MOLlranl., l. Martin . H. FALLA, Durrington , Lcs Banqucs, t. Sampson, Guernsey. \rea Surgcon . . ( adet). R . 1. H ERVE, " Bcau Solcil," aumarez ane. a tel. (Treasurer). Area ur ing fficer W . G. BAKER, 22, l. corge's ' planadc, t. Peter port. \ rca tafT fTicer ( auet ,) ( ). ( ompetition). \rea ta IT mcer ( adct ) ( ) C. ROOMr, " R o cmcad," Lc Variou~, t. Martin .
aptain H. P . HE;'\JDER 0 " , C.B.E., O.S.O., R.. , H amlet Hou se Hambledon. (Tel. 64 ). Brigadier B. W. WEBB- ARTER, D.S.O., O.B.E., hton Cottage, Bi hop Waltham . Mis L. COOPER, The Thatched Cottage, Shirle.v Holms, Lymington. (Tel. Sway 220) L. M. MAYB URY, LA., M.B., B.CHIR., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., "Kenwood, ' 97, Gold mith Avenue, Southsea. r. . B. D UTFJELD " Southwinds," Holly Hill Lane, Sarisbury reen. Mr . E. . P RKE ,J.P., .R. . , "Glenleigh," Avenue Road, Brockenhur t. Brigadier J . . de LEDI ', C.B.E., Brai hlleld Hou e, 1 r. Rom e). Mr . J . . Do E), .. ranford," 27, Church Road , Hayjing I land . R. \I . HARR I , 123 , Teg Do\\ n Mead, Winche ter. (Training). Mr . B. . S DI 0 ,Long iew, Ro eberry Road, Alresford. ( Ho pital Librarie ), Mr . . Y "0,40, Kirb) Road, orth End, Port mouth. ( .1-1 .. R .). . J . Miller, 12, ppollo Road Chandler' Ford. (Civil Defence). r . . J. Bo ' 0, "Ro evere,' atton Road, Holbury. Mr . I. B. P. HE RI a,147, orhampton Road, Boumemouth. D. R. J . D 1'.E)," ranford, 27, Church Road, Hayling I land. (AdmIn.). I" J . L. PW RO, 6, pp r High (reet, \ inche ter. Mr . J. G. M . B DE", 6, pper High treet, \ inche ter. (Trea L1rer). R . . BODE . 6, pper High Street, Winche ter. Mr '. R. T'" L1rFE, hur h ttage, Gr )\\ell, Ba ing toke. (Tel. Odiham 76). Ea tern rca 01. . D TrtELD, T.O., " outh\\ ind ' ," Holl Hill Lane, uri ' bur) rc n. . H. \i ITE, 9[, Randolph R ad orth nd, Port mouth. ltage, Brambridge Park, T\\ ford. ady P \ ER, Lim . SUTER, M.R.C . ., L.R.C.P ., 'Leventhorpe," 1, Elmhurst Road, Go port. . HOLD TO K, . R .N., 45, and) held ent, o\\'plain, Port mouth. Y . E. RIDD ELL, 143 Beau hamp venue, R \\ ner, Go port. Mi M . I. R u DU, II , Hendel' n R ad, Ea tn , outh a.
T. C. GOLD 11TH, 79, Orcha!"d Road, outh ea. (Training). H. S. BALLI GTO , 62, Teddmgton Road, outh ea. P. J . FAG ., PH .. , 15, 0 al arden, Iver toke, Gos. port.
Area Staff Officer .
entra l Area
rea Commi ioner Area Superintendent ( ) rea uperintendent ( ) rea Surgeon Area
ur ing Officer
rea Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea taff Officer (Cadet ) ( )
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area
apt. \ . MILL, /lI.B.C., "Hilldale," tation Lane, Chandlers Ford. acant. Mr . G. . BRY T, .R . . , " Tre co," Holl) hill Lane, ari bury Gre n. · O. JOH , \I.B ., B... , M.R.C.P., L.R .. P., D.. 11. , 2, Che el \enue, Billcrne, outhampton. Mr. 1. W. W A\ CR, .. R. ., 14, Lewry I -e, Hedge End, outhampton. · F. R. L RKE, 60, Kitchener R ad, outhampt n. LroRD. ,Obeli k Road , ool'>ton, ollthampton. orthern Area L. P. BOTTli':G, 13, her Clo e Ba ing toke. S. lLDE, 4, Om Hill, Basing toke. Mr . A ' , Myn ter, hurch \enllC, amborough. acant. D. . GRE Wi::LL, .R . . , Park Prewett 11 0 pital, Bing toke. Vacant. Mr . L. I. P Gr. "R kv.o d," 6, Priory trcct, arn borough. H. HORT, 62, etley Road, Farnborough . (Training). eado\\ ," rt;cn Lane, III field, r. R. G. ilL '," High Ba ing toke. H. . Yo G." rathorne," 36 Bo al!' Lanc, Ider hot. · H. [W HAD, 20, II aint' rc ent, ramborough. (Cadet ).
Commissioner Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( Surgeon ursing Officer . . Staff Officer (Cadet) ( taff Officer (Cadet ) ( Staff Officer .
\\' e tern Area
Area Commi ioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( Area urgeon Area
ur ing Officer
Area StafT Officer ( adets) (A) Area Staff Officer ( adets) ( ) Area Staff Officer
F. H. Tun ArORD, L.R .. P., I\I.R .. S. I laL _, I lamp hire urt, Bourne \cnuc, outhbouf'llc, B urncmouth. W. H. D. ) \I[S, 4, oombe arden, n,>bur) Park, Bournemouth . Mr . . ) ME.. 4, oombc arden\). Bournemouth . . HLI\IA"'''''', M.D., .R .. P.. rlat 2, I. Oban Road, Bournemouth. Mi M. O. LY, .R . . , Roya l I toria I r pltal helley Road, Bo combc. Vacant. Mr . M. 1. 0 , S.R . . , "Treha en," 7, a t i w Road, Ringwood. A. MAYS RY, "ecta," t. eorge's Road, Ringwood. (Tra i ni ng) .
County Office : treet, Hereford.
S.l.A. B. Headquarters, Widemarsh
Com 111 IS ioner ;)epuly ommi iOller. County uperinLendent ( ) County Surgeon ounty u rsi ng Officer ounty taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). lounty tafT Officer ( adet) ( ). 'ounty taff Officer
ounty c retary ounty ergeant Major ount) P.R.O. .
Lieut.-Colonel Sir Terence FALKlNER, BT., Kingsthorne House, r. Hereford. (Tel. Wormelow 343). Vacant. Mrs. l. V. B. Co GREVE, Mill Bank Cottage, Whitney-on-Wye. (Tel. Clifford 333). G. M. LLOYD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The ew House, Ross-on-Wye. Mrs. M. E. C. PORTCH, S.R. ., Leominster Cottage Hos pital Leominster. C. T. MORGA ,63, Prospect Walk, Tupsley, Hereford. Mrs. A. L. GROYES, The Priory, Ledbury. R. T. MORRIS, Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. C. H. PRICE, 7, Farr Close, Hereford. R. W. COLWELL, 46, Moor Street, Hereford. L. G. BARRTNGTOI, 50, Belmont Avenue, Belmont Estate, Hereford. ( ivi1 Defence). Mr . 1. C. LOCHHEAD, 40, Alexandra Avenue, Hereford. Mr. D. PRICE, 2, Bute Avenue, Hereford. L. . GREE " 93, Quarry Road , Tupsley Hereford.
HERTFORDSIllRE 7,arlborough Road, \-lajor- Jeneral
ir W .
COllI/tl' Office: t. lban Herts.
COllnty Pre iden(: eorge BLR'" ,K.C.Y.O., .B.,
Tel. L. .-54333.
D . . 0.,
Lord Lieutenant.
Co lIllt I' Vice-President: Mr. B. H. M CORQ ODALE ('\'111' ing). t.- olonel ir MMtin ILLI T, K.C.\ .0., \I.B.E., D.L. (Amblllance Cadets). The} 1 n. Lad) Bo\\[ -Lyo ...... J.P. (Vu)'sing Cadet ).
Commi loncr ~eputy COUnt)
oillmi :,ioncr lIpCnnlcnticnt (
urgc n
t). upcrlntcmknt ( ) tafT mcer ( adet) ( ).
(ount) County
tall' rAcer ( adct) ( ). lafT rAccr
\ t.
Count) reta r) \ ~t, ount) c retar) County P. R.O.
L. R. . PrRClY, M.B.E.. J.P.. "Heath Brow," Welwyn (Tel. chv) 11 24108). Vacant. Mr . E. BILt-.., 8.S .• Friar Mead, t. tephen venue, t. Iban . . \V . M '\'t. 1\I.B .. B. . , 1.R.C . . , L.R.C.P., Denham Lodge, 3, e\\ Road. Ware. acant. J. . G. TRO GHTO,"" 312, orthbridge Way, Hemel HempLead. acant. Mr . Hilda M \B ER, .R .. , "Cros \\a) ," Point lear t. o yth. E c . . Mr. . . 11LRRI~F, "Redcl)ffe," 2, ali bury enue, Harpcnden. ( dmin.). ( .R .R.). . . K. . R ER, 92, Bur land. Letchworth . (Tralllll1g). Ir. . J. PER ['l, "Heath Bro\\ ," \ eh,yn. ( dmin.). MIl. D \ IL , 190. Dra~e Dm e, 1. lban. (Tel. Ir . E. \ IL K, 17, ali bur) \ nu, t. lban. aeant.
Tel. Hereford 2 37.
County Presidents : The Lady BroDULPJI. Brigadier F. A. V. COPLA D-GRIFFITHS, D.S.O., M.C., County Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H. OLEY, ( ul'sing). . A. BLOSSETT (Ambulance Cadets). Mrs. Greville Pf-IlLUP (Nursing Cadets).
ommi ioner
\fca 'uperintendcnt ( ) "rea lIpcrintendenL ( ) "rea urgeon
Ea tern rea W. PPLrTO, "L ndhul" t," Puckeridge, r. Ware. (Tel Puckeridge 457) . . F. PORCII R," Iville" 4-+ t. John venue, Harlow. 1\t.B., B .. , M.R. elwyn Gard nit)'.
L.R .. P.,
D .PH.
A t.
rea Surgeon .
ur ing Officer
Asst. Area Area Area
ur ing OfTlcer
taff Officer ( adet) ( ) taff Officer (Cadet) ( )
I , LB . . , T.O., M.R.C .. , L.R .. P., 47, l. Michael'sounty Staff Officer Road, Bro.'\bourne. .R . . , Queen lizabe th J[ Hospital Mi R . M . B TLE~ Welwyn Garden Ity. ' Mrs. B. D . RAOD K, .R . . , 68, Wood tock Road South St. Albans. ' acant. acanl.
ommi ioner
rea Superintendent CA) rea Superintendent ( ) rea Surgeon Area
ecretary .
G. Hender on '.IITH, 97, Il a) mead, Dig well Hill , Welwyn Garden it. acant.
M . HART, Blue
oLinty Office: I-lelier, Jer ey. Tel. Cent. 24163 . Ollllt)' President : uy Malet de ARTERCT, q. COllllt)' Vice-Presidents: The ounte s of J FR EY ( ursing). Lady TRE T ( IIrsing Cadets). II. R. . POCOCK, Le iemes, St. Peter, J er5~y. (Tel. Western
Mid ale Road,
lile, Priory 10 e, Ro} ton. ottage , Lower High Street, 'om III I loner
arden City )eputy "oun ty
. , L.R.C.P.(w.), .R.C. .(ED.), L.R.F.P.S. ve nue, Harpenden. t. Iban ity 11 0 pital, ormandy
ursing Officer
Area Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Area Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) A rea Staff Officer .
G. M . HOMA , M.R.C.P.,M. R. C.S. ,"Monks path," Limerstone, r. ewport. (i/c Ambulance Divisions, West Wight) .. Mr . C. J. WALLl , J.P., Wistaria House, Bembridge. (Hospital Librarie ). -. H . RI liARD 0 ,F.C.A., Regal Chambers, Shanklin. (Treasu rer-Adm in.). S. G. BARTO, "Waverley," Gravel Pit Road, Wootton Bridge. L. P . RID ER, The Range, Spencer Road, Ryde. (Public Duties). R . F. J. TEWKE BURY, 2, Argyll Place, Ryde. (Competitions). Mi . M. E. CAW, "Seacroft," Queen's Road, Ryde. (Tel. 2261).
F. J. L. LA
We tern Area
ommi ioner uperintcndcnt ( )
., - I ).
acnnt. Mr . 1ALET DE i\RTERET, t. Ouen's Manor, St. Ouen, Jer ey. (Tel. We tern 28). R. L. O ~ ~tO T, I.R .C. .. L.R.C.P., Dunderave, First Tower. Mr. . DA\ N, La Ruette, Vis toria Village, Jersey. . enue, St. AublDS i B. M. THURB \ , .R."I., 13, Seafield Road, Jer ey. \ . J. Le MO~IER, 12, Prince s Place, Greve d'Azette, Jers.ey. r . D . M ACF \0) E , La Tu rbie, Claremon t Road, St. Heller, Jer-ey. . 11 i B. Le H Q ET, Le halet, Bagatelle Road, St. SaVIOur, Jer -ey. ( aJ::t ) . . G . B RT," lameda," Balmoral enue, St. Clement, Jersey. H. T. RI E, 21, Hautboi Gardens , Bellozane Road t. Helier. (Public Dutie ). Mi L. D u EU, O. 4, DOLlfo Court, Mont Pinel, St. Sa iour, Jer ey.
oun'y urgeon \Is tant t). upefintenJcnt ( COII/1ty Office 0u nty u I' Ing Oflker Chief Con table' Office, Dougla, I Ie of an. Tel. Dougla 2121. Co 1111 fl , Presidellt f1lcer ( adet) ( ) . Lad y G \R [yo fReer ( aoet ) ( ) County Vice-Presic!enf.l . . . F. M. BBO, q. (Ambulance) n mty f1lcer Lad y OWLFY ( 'ursillg) . J. K EAL, q. O.B.E. (Alllhulance adef\). Mr . M. M. GILL ( IIrsing Cadet ). Commissioner . . Be \TY-P W\LL, hief olhtable' fTkc, Douglas. Deputy Commissioner. Trea ' urer apt. T. H . HALL, J.P.. J..ham, Devon hire Road, Douglas, rou nty ecretary County Superintendent ( Mr . . KELLY, J.P., Ballaquceney Lodge, Ballaquayle Road. Dougla. (Tel. Dougla 3006) . County Surgeon . . R. M PIILR '-, M.B ., CII.B., 46, och Promenade, Dougla KE T County ursing Officer . . Vacant. Coullty Office : County Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Vacant. tor ll oue, 41, hurch treet, Maid tone. Tel. Maid tone 55924. Violet County Staff Officer ( ade ts) ( ) . Mrs. REf ," arnane," Ba} IC"" Road, nchan. COUlltl' President: County Secretary & P .R .O . E. R. . AI , r.I.A .. , I , H<.l\\arden \enue, D OLigla . (Tcl. The ounte of ILroRD. 782 D ay, 2665 venlllg). Asst. County Secretary COUllt J' Vice-President : L. G. TEMPLCTO , Police Headquarter, D ouglas. ( uxiliary). ady DE I ' G ( ur illg). J. H . H . D \ [ , E q. (Alllbulance Cadet ). I LE OF WIGHT I ounte ALLE, BY OF McrDDO ( ursing Cadets). COU/1tl' Office: Major . W. BARROW, D.F.C., D rmer Hou e, Holt Wood, Com III I loner Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, I Ie of Wight. Tel. RyJe 2955 . ) Ie ford. (Tel. Maid tone 77340). . oUllty Pre~idellt: a ant. Deputy mml ioner . HI xcellency The Governor of the Isle or Wight, Lad} ~IBERB T H, "Fircone ," ou ley ood, adhuf t, Cou nt} up nntenoent ( Admiral of the Fleet, The Rt. Hon . The arl Mou THATTE or BUR VIA, 1I e'\. (Tel. 205_). K.G., P. ., G . . B., O.M., G . . . . 1., G . . I.E., G . . . 0., D. R . H. PER I \L, 1. ., 1.CH.(OXO .), F.R.C .. (E G.), D.C.H., County urgeon COllnty Vice-President: 74 Bower Mount Road, Maid tone. J . ' R IA , 1.0., B.. ," entwa) ," Ea t tuddel, Do er. Mr . J. I. MACKI 0 ( ursillg). A t. ounty urgeon Mr . !. M . HOBY, .. R. . , 4, Hor t d Wa , Roche tel'. Commissioner F. R. B. H . KE LOY, M.B.C., L.R . . . , L.R .. P., J.P., Wootton Coun ty ur ing OfTlcer . . ) . . . D . MITH 67, idn y Street'l FOlkd'C H( nte · Lodge, Wootton Bridge, I Ie of Wight. County tafl' fficer ( adet) ( Mr. J . J. H CHI ,'Min tead, Sa t \VO .' y he. County Surgeon. . T . HA MBLY, M.R.C.S., I .R .. P., 17, Mel ville treet, Ryde County lan- fTl er ( adet) ( H H R EY Barcia Bank Ltd ., Maid tone. (Trea urer). County ursing Officer A. A. - rLL, S.R . . , We tbrook ottage, Pondwell, r. Ryde. County tuff om er M'r .. PRI G, 'Mount Top, The 10 e, alt" ood. Hythe. County Staff OfTlcer ( adet) CA) A. P. OM PrO , 93, Iligh treet, andown. County Staff Omcer ( adet) ( ). Mr . B. K . JA OBS, hore ide, hankllO. ( .H .. R .)
ou nty ecretar) rea Commi ioner uperintendent ( ) up rintendent ( ) urgeon rea Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) rea ur ing Officer rea Staff Officer
ommi ioner
Area uperintendent ( rea urgeon Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) rea taff Officer s t. Area
uperintendent (
Area Commissioner rea u perin tenden t ( I) Area Surgeon Area
ur ing Officer
Area Staff Officer ( adet ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) Area tafT Officer
J M F M 1· . . ALWi\ ER, Rutland Hou e, We t Mailing. (Library). M. JO'>E , 67, Wilman Road, Tunbridge Well. (Training and Competition ). Mr. . M. R. PO\VELL, LB. , II. B., 2, John tone Court, 178, and gate Road, olke tone. Mr. . M. \lITH, 67, idney treet, olke tone. L. \ . lI\tA'\;, 2, The venue, Hythe . ( st. Training and ompetltion ). . J. BLRGL . , ndcrl)11 arm Halle, Marden. TO. 1 rea ommander . R. B R ,E S O.B.I., R.'-., 19, Oa~dale Road , Tunbridge Well '. IGIlTIG LC, 3, - 1m ottage, denbt idge, Kent. Mr . D. L. Dowu'-G, 31, ictona load, hatham. J . W. Piper. M.R . . . , L.R . . P., 247 ingle\\ell Road, Grave end. acant. Mr. . WI'\;TrR, 44, Mcadow Road, Rll~thall, Tunbndge ell . aC3nt. H. HILL, 3, t. h,td' Dme, ra\e l!nd. (Training). . KIRK, 35, Great 1m, I ladltm. ( adl!t). TO. 2 rca Brigadier C. C. III RBLRT, .11.1.., ··:tonl!h~l) nc," lanford, hford. acant. AIc.x 1\ \UlmS, "LB . . CH.B" ~, london Road, Itllngbournr F. . ROlli, II, King" R ad, Birchlllgton . 1r . E. M. IJI~)\\OO[), 15, all bun· Road llelllc Ba\ . R, L. v.. Ll .'\(,[', 96, IIuglll \\cnu'c, ' t. P~tcr , Broad laIL'. (Trallllng). Mr . C. J. YLRS, .R. , -L Zealand Road, anlerbur).
\s i tant to )i
ommissioner triet Superintendent ( )
)Istrict Su rgeon \ t. Di trict )i trict )1
uperintendent (
uri ng Officer tafT Officer ( adet
)I'trict tafT Officer ( adet) ( )lstriC t lafT Officer '
15-17, Mount
\rea (afT Offi er ( \rea. (aO- rTlcer ( \rea (a(r nieers .
Distrtet Oflice: treet, Pre ton. Tel. Pre (on 2239. District Presidellt :
arl of
District Vice-Presidellts : The ountes of Sill ON (Nllrsing). Lord SII TTLEWORTII, M.C. (Amblllallce odets). The ountess PI I L (Nllrsing odets).
olonel V.
. ROYLF, r.R.D., D.L., 67,
treel, Lanca ter.
ollll11is iom:r
\rca. \rca \rca \rca
uperintcndenl ( ) upcrintend nL ( ) urgeon . L1r ing Officer
\rca ta n- Officcr ( ade(s) (
J. HALL, 41, Windermere Road, South Shore, Blackpool.
ommi ioner
1 ' 0. 3 Area . A . IICRBfRT, "Br)nma\\r," 4 , Plains r\\eIlUC, laid tone. Mr . J. M. PI R [\ "'I, S.R . . , 74, Bo\\er Mount RO<ld, f\.Lliu .tone. )1~trIct _ ccretary Dr. erlrude ICHOLSO'l, 2, Dunedin ourt, hcrilon iaruen, olk . tone. Mr . \. J . Pre Ie}, R. . ," Iena\} ," 9, I omlon RO.ld. RJ\cr, Do\er. J. G. PI RR), I " a [\\ca71e, Ten(crdcn. ea Oml11l 'loner Mr '. D. M. B\l[l), "1.1)\\00d," c\\ Road, all\\Ood, H)the. ea upertnlendcnt ( ) Mr . D. P. Hl:RlTAGL , S.R . . , 25, anor Road, L)dd, Ro:mc) rea til enn[endcnl ( ) Mar'ih. ~rea urgcon R. A. FUTClIl R, 26, Dr)land RO<ld, nodland. ( adct). W. J. CARDl '-,32, Heath Road , Barllllng, laiLi,>lonc. \rea ur'>lng ffic r
)epu ty
Major W. H. WALKER, 35, Brookside Avenue, Liverpool, 14. C. J. EASTWOOD, 42, Lune Street, Preston. The Lady Mary HE KETH, J.P., Meols Hall, Southport. (Tel. Southport 8817 1). Colonel R. G. W. OLLERE SHAW, T.D., E.R.D., Q.H.S., M.A., B.M., I.R.C.S., D.M.R.D., 4, Pine Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. M. M. REEKIE, M.B., CH.B., 7, Rowsley Avenue, West D idsbury, Manchester. Mr . J. McD. STCVENS, S.R .. , 23, Stanley Grove, Penwortham, Preston. R. H RLE WORT!!, 1473, A hton Old Road, Higher Openshaw, Manchester, 11. Mr. . S\llTII, 19, The venue, Seedfield, Bury. F. W. LONGWORTH, 102 Abbey Hey Lane, Higher Openshaw, Manche ter, I I. (Cadet). V. S. HELi'.\ORE, 1I.I.B.E., 5, Laurel Avenue, Euxton, Chorley . ( .D.). M i J. B. M. Lo DE , 2a, Lord Street West, Sou thport. ( ompetitions). · G. RO LEY, "GI) nfellin," 38 Harrison Crescent, Blackrod, nr. horley. (Competition and Surgeon' Dept.). Mr . J. WEB TCR, 6 , De\ on hire Road, Atherton. (Training), Mr . B. H RWOOD, 335, Itrincham Road, Shar ton, Manche ter, 22. (Competitions). lien W. M. SH W, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.S., 7 Tenterden Street, Bury. .1r . E. Gaskill, 50 Turnbull Road, Longsight, Manchester 13 . Mr. E. H \RLL WORTH, 1473, Ashton Old Road, Higher Open h<1\\, Manche ter, II. G. . HA Kl ., 43, rgyll Road, Blackpool. (Treasurer, u\.iliary). J, . HCL\lE, "Greeba," 34, Fairhope \enue The Vale, Lanca ter. J. . APE, .R.'-., "Glencoe," 235, Y almer Ie) Road, eedfield, Bur). · PI\IBLETT, 251, Mar -hall Cro s Road, t. Helen. (Cadet ). Major J. KIL 11\\\, \I.B.E., T.D., II, Derv\'ent treet, Leigh. ( dmlll.). 1njor T. . Pc. CR, \\.I:3.E., T.D., 15-17, 10unt treet, Preston. (Ll11ergenc) onl): "Mnrw)n," Pre ton Road, Grim argh, r. Pre ton.) P. R. , \\.R.C.., L.R .. P., D.O., "We tland,.· 493, Pre [on e\\ Road, c\\ Tree Brow, B ardwood, Blackburn. 11. \tALLEY, .R . . , 17, Ram ey Road, Long haw, Blackburn. Mr. 1. 1. lEGGITT, 10, Brver croft, Wilp hire, Blackburn. · R. H \RBI 0., \I.B., H.B., Walden Place Blackburn R oad, c rington. LARKE, .R."., 27, Bridge T rrace, Mitton Road, Whalley, r. Blac~burn. 1. R HWORTII, "L) nroyd," 21, ud II Clo e Danven. Mr . O. DJ\wc , "Belgra e," 475, Revidge Road, Blackburn. · \ OOITO. , 3l, We tbourne v nue, Burnley. ( .D .). Mr . M. I TF \P. 14 , Brun \\'ick tre t, el on. F. H ,\RROCK, -, eloll ' Road, Blackburn. (Training). o. 2 Area apt. G, M. TIIW\IT[ , T.D., Ba t HOll e ottage, \ almer ley, Bur) . . M 0 , 15, \ or(h, Manch.e ter, 16. M i . R IGBY, 60, I11ctery R oad, \ tilton. J. R. . Lucka, LB., '" Ingle ide," Tylde I !Jan he. ter. Mr. B. W TO, 10, Hampton R ad, Cadi head, Manche tel'. F. Fo\\ LER, 13, Dood -on \ 'e nue, Irlal11, ranche t r.
rea Area
taff Officer ( adct) ( ) taff Officer
Mr . L. 19, Man he ter Road, Tylde ley, Mi s LTG ,_72, ew Brook Road therton, Manche ter, F. PE KI\I \N, 59, [arton Road, or ley, Man he ter. Y. Rl IE, 41, Healhou e ane, thert n, Manche ter, 3 rea RO(,LRSO", .13.L, \\. " r,I) " D , " J, P" ;:lrIng Hollow, Mottram Road, tal) bridgl.:, heshire , ,I~IE ,"ThorncllfTe," ( , H ughton Lane, winton, Mr ,M, \\ 1""Lln N, 19, hen-\ od venue, RadclifTe, Ian. he ter, , H, WHlBU, 13 \\., r,R. "rceba," 169, BU.\ ton Road, Mile nu, to]..p rt. 'yV, ULLlIORD, ,R," " 5, Kl.:nion Road, Bamrord, Rochdale, J, DIG ,L[, _2, Haildon R ad, Pa mond, Rochdale , Ii ' J, 111(,(, ,3, Pendleton tn.:el, \ crneth, Idham, ], T\U'l, 590, Idham Road, ,\hton -lindl.:r-I ,) ne, G, PE" LR, 42, e) treet, hI n-u nder- L) nc,
u rgeon
Irea lrea
ur ing Officer tafT Officer ( adcts) (A) tan- Officer ( adel) ( ) tafT Oflicer
Irea Ilea
Surgeon Lt,-Commander P. J. J. WRE , Monks Gate, Hardacre Lane, Whittle-Je-Woods, Vacant. H, EEDHAM, 34, Bent Lane, Leyland, Preston, Miss C. BA KS, 207, unliffe Road, South Shore. Blackpool. Mr, ,WRIGHT, 212, Poulton Road, Fleetwood.
10 .
ommi ioner
rea rea
uperintendcnt ( ) uperintendent (
ur ing Officer rea taff Officer ( adet ) ( ) rea Staff Offi er ( add ) ( taff Officer ,
rea Commi ioner rea rea
uperintendent ( ) uperintendent ( I)
rea rea rea
. ur ing Officer taff Officer ( adet) ( ) taff Officer ( adet) ( )
taff Officer ,
rea Commi ioner rea Superintendem ( ) Area uperintendent ( ) rea urgeon
01. ],
No. Lleut.- 01. Tabb\s
he B~eche , rLI U, \\.8" <. II B .. I.R.C , P .• k, e" burgh, r. \\ Igan. D, I -D "\LD-\ \LKII~, _, Br 10k ROJd. mm, he. hire, Mr ,L 1ILLl"GT '-, .R ,"., 43,1 arIl1 ,)l1t Ro::td, real :lnKC)" \ arrington, ], 0, \IERO", \\.13 " 11.13 .. I,R , ,'),(l D,), 13 \lbJn} '\\enu, E cle Ion Park, Pn.:col. Mr , . , 1. II/\I>\l Rfcr, 'i.R."., 53, l. Ilck:n'i R ) ,1-1, RalllforJ , R, \\'. B \ '" " 94, 1cclIng Lanc, 1 enkclh. \\ Lll1 Il1glt n, lr , . R, \\IlII\\\ 'O'-. 112, h _'ill.:r I~thtd. ;l,t .),)~n'la ll, \\ arrIngton, \. LO .II. I -.t, \\ellfleld treet. \\ <.lllingtt)n . W . POTT , 3 ' , harel Lane. oppull. J, M, BRYA"T. I, Porlar.., Pia e, rrord. Warringlon,
ommi ioner
rea rea
uperintendent (A) uperintendent ( ) urgeon
uri ng
adet ) ( ) adets) ( )
ea ea
rea A rea rea
tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) tafT Officer ( adet) ( ) lafT Officer ~ ,
Area P,R,O ..
ommi sioner
Area Supenntendent ( ) Area Superintcndent ( )
No.8 Area Major R, L. ,R FT LES, T,D., Dene Hou e, Dene Road, Didsbury, Manche ter, 20, ], H \IER, 7, Queen Dri e, Gee Cro , Hyde, acant. acant. H, BARKER, 202, Brookland Road, Sale, 1i . E"ABLE, I 7,Blant)re treet, winton,Manchester. F. M. BAKER, 10, Walerly Road, Sale, Manche ter. ], H. BRO\\1\" 27, oorcroft Dri\e, Burnage, Manchester, 19, ( 1\ il 0 fence and Training). J. D, V ,R,x'lKI'\;, .R,N., taff Quarter, Withington Ho pita1, y e -t Did bury, Manche ter 20. (Training). ] . K. CE, 17, Fairflcld Road, Middleton, Manchester. 1i R, L RKE, 1 , Dilworth treet, Manche ter, 15,
ornml ioncr
'ea ea
uperintendent ( ) urgeon ur Ing fT\eer adet ) ( ) t..lfT nicer adeh) ( ) tafT III cr tafT om er
rea ea
. :a
' 0. 5 r a , L x. , 26, Zig-zag Road. I\crl)ool, 12 , . B) L I). -7, G non Road, LI\crpool, 11 K, L. JlO\\ \'i, I, \\ Ithnell lo~, e, I 1\ ell on!. 13 , 0, . IJLCdlIS, \1.D., 11.13" O , P . II" 16, Olllh ROLli, Ll\erpool.
A t. Area urgeon rea ur ing Officer
o. 7 Area 01. D. B, Lo G, M.C" T,O., Ruskinville Hotel, Sandylands Promenade, Morecambe and Heysham, W. H. BUR ,48, Provincial Street, Barrow-in-Fumess, Miss M, ROGER, 48, Brunswick Road. Morecambe. Lt.-Col. R. J, Ho\\ T, O,B.E., I.B" B, ., M,R,C,S" L.R,C.P., D,R,C.O,G" 3, Hill ide, Lancaster. E. MCG1LL, S.R. " 24, Thomcliffe Road, Barrow-inMi Furness. W, G. ,OTHER, 1.B" andyfield, Grange-over-Sand , ], CRO:) 'FIELD, 9, Bri tol Street, Walney, Barrow-in-Furness, Mr , M, G W E, 17, Roo e Road, Barrow-in-Furness, J, H. HOU>IE , 1 5, Devon hire Road, Millom, Cumberland, ( il il Derence), R. ,PRATT, 7, Dundee treet, Barrow-in-Furne .
W, D , R\), 'LB .• CII.8., 2. arth DrI\c, \lIerton li 1. R, OUR.', l-.t, he mbe RO<.ld, toneycroft, ll\er· pool, 14. W, 1'1'- rR, I, rccm~ Ich Road. LI\crp 01, 9, Ii rDOO ,46, Park ide DII\C, Lllerpool. 1_ , J, ROOK, 31, Rcmille Road, LI\crpool, 16, j, HOL 1rs, 23. Bamrt n Road, I i,crpool, 16, Mi , J, WI LLO( K, 1_, Id Raccc llr'iC Road, Ltghull, ~r Li I erpo I. Mi . M. II Tel II 0 • 7, Rad lad R ad, -:. 1111 Park, Li,'crpool,6, 11.],001\1 L L, 27, Y and worth Road. LIICIl 0 I, II. (Trca urer) \ , PIL"'I' 10'1, , Llkdalc Road, I IIClpool, It,
COl/nty Office : 112, Rcgent Road, Lei e ter.
Tel. 5 345.
Co Ull t I' President:
ady Helen BERR).
Counfl' Vice-Presidents: M, P RTRIDGE ( rursing). J, LOTTO (Ambl/lance Cadets),
Mi om011
harle Drive,
io Ill: r
r. Lei e
t r.
n rey
om1111 ... ' 1011cr
o. 6 rca Major J. D. ~II RO , '.1.B.E-, T,O" "King ' 'okl," Pope Lane, Pcnworthal11, Prc ton, R, Y. ROGLRSO , 30, De on hirc Road, horley, Mr . l. 1-1 I II, 37 Blenheim vcnue, Blaekp I.
( adets) ( ) adet'\)( ),
ommissioner .
County Superintendent ( County
Coun ty P.R.O . .
Cou nt y
Ea tern Area acaot. C. R. TOWELL, Palcl I l ou e, Glad tone Mowbray. Mi D . O. Ju, L " 3, Il a tlng Road, Woodham J. . \ ARD, I\I.R . . . , L.R .. P., .. unnydenc," y ton. H . BRO\\ , 13, Melton Road, ford) lI ilL bra).
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( ) rea uperintendent ( rea Surgeon rea
taff Officer
eoue, M elton - a\e. Melton Road, Melton M ow-
City of Leice ter Area Area Commi ioner Area uperintendent ( ) rea uperintendem ( ) rea Area luring Officer . . A ' rea Staff Officer (Cadct ) ( ). Area taff Officer
I, Hazel treet, Lelce LeI'. TER, 9, OaUhorpe \enue, LClce tcr.
acant. acant. L. W. W' RD, 9, L\ Ington Drive, Leice ter. E. E. H D~O , 77, Il azcl treet, Ll:ice ter. G. K. I!AW, 73, RepLon Road, ig ton . Mi D. . 11 /\ 1P '0 ,90, pperton Road, eice ter. T. GRAil \\1, 108 Par"er Drive, LCI c. tcr. Mi M . . H .\LlS, 11, BonnlngL n Ro ad, Lelcc tcr. D . . Jo'\,[ , -+, t. Ichael\ '\venLlc , LClcc..,tcr. . R. B\R10'\" II, r dllh \cnuc, a,borough Road outh, Lei e ter. ~
National Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area Staff Officer Area Staff Officer
adet) ( )
Area Sergeant Major Area Area Area Area Area Area
Commis ioner Superintendent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . . . . . Staff Officer ( adets) (A) Staff Officer .
oal Board
acant. A. H. M. AMPBELL, 1.R .C . ., L.R . . P., reen Hedge, Moira Road, A hby-de-Ia-Zouch . Vacant. J. DE), 74, ommon Road, hur h re Icy, Burton-onTrent. T. Wilkinson, 210, High treet, \ oodville, Burton-on-Trent. \\ tern rca Vacant. H. . JOII TO "J , 114, IIollycrofL, Il incklc . acant. A. Tl A IILTO. ,I\I.B., 11.0 ., D.P.H., 4, noon Road oalville . H . . W RD, 9, Oakley Road, hcpshcd. J. T. KI N Y, 73, Fairfleld Road, IJ ugglc. cotc, oalville.
LI COL 34,
Cou nty Surgeon ur ing Officer
Cou nty Staff Officer ( adet) (A) . Coun ty tafT Officer (Cadet) ( ) Coun ty tafT Officer Cou nty ecretary Coun ty P. R .O. . Co unt y -\rea
crgeant M ajor ommi
\rea "rea \rea
u perl n Lenden t ( ) uperintcndent ( ) 1I rgeon
\rea \rea \rca -\rea
ur ing mccr. . acel) ( ) tafT flker lafT Oflkcr ( adet ) ( ) LafT Omcer
omml. I ner
M . C. L AYfN, J.P., M.B., B.S., L.R. C.P. , M.R.C.S., III Oxford Street, C1eethorpes. (Tel. C1eethorpes 61328) . ' Mrs. E. M . EPTO , J.P ., The Grange, Canv.ick , Lincoln . (Tel. Lincoln 21973). R. E. CRO KATT, M.B., CI-I .B., Sudeley House Sutton Bridge Spalding. " Mr : G. Frz LKOWSK I, .R . . , orman by Hall, Scunthorpe, LlI1c. H . A. BROW , 93, Eastgate, Sleaford. M r. P. 1. C. STORRER, 38 1, Hainton A venue, Grirrs9y. H . DI KI s, 18, ffington A venue, Hart holme. Mr . V. F. M . H DGE , 34, Swa llowbeck Avenue, Lincoln. (Tel. 26823). . BALOW I , 48, Umngton venue, Lincoln. (Tel. 20248 ( H ome), 25261, . 242 (Office). Vacant.
\rea -\rea -\rea
uperlntendent ( ) upertntendent ( ) urgeon
Grim by. enue, Grim by. . B. ORTI-I, 38, umberland Mr . L. D o GIITY, 22, Burke treet. Scunthorpe. R. LLE'\, \1.13 ., B.ell., B.A.O., "1.0., II , Cromwell Road, leethorpe . Vacant. OL[BRO K 549, Laccby Road , Grim by. W. acant. F. BR O\u-t ELD, 6, Hi gh treet, Barto n-on-Humber. Mr . . BR O\lrt CLD, 6, High Street, Barton-on-Humber.
-\rea -\rea -\rea \rea
flker . ( adet) ( ) ( adet ) ( )
a anI Mr . . K . Radford, 32, B undary treet, Bracebridge, Lincoln . H . -. R B['\ Ol'-, 9, The D ro \e, learord .
u peri n tenden t ( ) uperinlentlent ( ) urgeon 'rea ur ing -\rea tafT meer ( adeL ,) ( ) \rea , tafT Officer ( adet ) ( )
, 3_, \ ood
icc-Mar hal
iew, Burne .
29, W ym uth Air
R . M ORG \'\" L. \I. S.. A., \I.R .C. .. , L.R.C.P., Glebe Hou e, Mu ton, Botte rord, oll ingham. a ant. aca n t. R . C. M . PI LCIII R, 1\1. \ ., LB., 8.CI-I., I .R.C. .,39, pil bRoad, BO' lon.
0111 m is loner
COllllly O/fice' wallowbeck venue, Doddington R oad, Lincoln. (Tel. 26 23). Coullly Pre,s idelll : The Rt. H on. The arl of A A TCR, T.D., J.P.
aj r R . BITT, T.D., \1. 13., B.CI-I. , B.. 0., L.V!., DIP. OBST.L .C.C., 0.013 T.R.C .. G., lear rd M anor Hou e, Sleaford . (Tel. leaford I ). , 13, orer treet, Lin oln. M r . W. J BB, 99, hallce r Dri e, St. Gile , Lincoln . T . . GREE WOOD, M.R.C. " L.R .C.P., 30, We t Street, Hornca ti e. II. . L \\ RfN F, .IV-I., 169, Bunker Hill , Lincoln.
outh rn \rea
orthern rea L. M . GERLt, LB., B.. , L.R.C.P., I.R .C .. , 175 , Scat hoe Road,
Ollnt)' Vice- Presidents : The Lord BROW L W, J.P., D.L. Lady racroft AMCOTTS ( ursing). aptall1 P. J I. L WI LI3Y- ~Y[RARD, D.S.C., D.L., 1t .1 ., Frie ton Old Pl ace, aythorpe, rantham. (Tcl. f7ulbcck 459).
Headquarters: lleel , W.1. Tel . L angham 676_ .
Di Irict President : ir Ro o RT EOR ,E, K . . M.G. , K .C . . 0., K . B.F.,
Di trie t Vice-Pre idents : rcen, Lad BRAB R E, . 1. dwin B YLI, q., O.H.E., D.L., J.P., L. L ad) Pame la III \"s ( IIl'sing Cadet)
. 13., ~1. .
Deputy Commissioner
Oi trict
Group Captain G. H. PIRI E, C.O.f., D.L., J.P., 7, Cary fort Hou e, West Iialkin treet, .W.I. (Tel. Belgra\ ia J561). · E. Bow R, O.O.L, 74, Ro Iyn Garden, Gidea Park, Es ex. (Tel. Romford 43317). Col. H. . LEW! , I\I.B.E., T.O. 19, Kylestrome Hou e, CLlnd) treet, .W. I. D. R. FENTO, 4, Hill ide Road , ollthall, Middle ex. (Tel. W ' 2565).
Commi sioner
Di trict Superintendent
Deput Di trict urgeon District Nursing Officer Asst. Oi trict ursing Officer Oi trict Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Di trict Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Di trict taff Officer
Mr . D. HO.\DLLY, 3c, Heather et
· M. O. HE\\ L,n, O. \., r\.I.R.C'.S., L.R.C.P., I).OBS r.R.C.o.G., I, Behedere Dme , . . 19. acant. Mis D. M. LEL, .R.l\, ., 28 10unt Pa rk Road , \v.5. Mr . SEAR 109. Stra\\ berry Vale, T\\ ickenham apt. R. P RI(., 33, Pangbourne Drhe, tanmore, Middle ex. Mi I. L. ROBI" 0'<, 125, ingl:::ton rescent, onng-by- ea. Ii 1. R. 1. TL.('I~ \\ [Ll, /0,1. B.C., 296, Lelgha 111 ourt Road. S.W.16. Mr. D . BUT NO\\ ICII , 1 I, Janor arden'), Merton Park, .W.20. Mi . O. GRO 'I, II , 1anor arden, .'A .20. (Tel. 118rt) 5082). . C. D E R\1CR, 4, ollege Road, Win hm rc 11111, .21. ( ompetition ). A. T. BA"'DY, B.r.~1., 43, Jro \enor RO.ld, liford, ex. F. G. GRICE, 65, Mun tel' Garden, Palmer rcen. .13. S. W. BROO\1, I , Fairlop Road, Le) ton tone, . 11. iss E. G. RE\\fLL, 43, Gro.\enor Road, liford, sex. · W. M. HOBD.W, 2, hancellor Grove, We t Dul\\i h, .E.21 (Store ). J UTT, 46, Fairway, Ra)ne Park. .W.:W. (DI tnct Camp Advi er). Mrs . CLARIDGF, "\ In thorpe," Roxborou gh venue, lJarr{'\\~. F. J. HA\\KL. , 12. Incent Road , . 15 . (RccorJ,,). F. RAI"E- LLC ,9, Radn or venue, Harro\, . ( 1\11 Defence). H. A. BIG ELL, 13, King ley \'enuc, !I oun low. (Public Outie ). H. A. BOL ER, 113, f-armer Road , Le) ton, -. 10. S. L. FORDHA\I , II , helbur) Road. Ouh\ ich, .l. 22. ( l . Trea urer). E. L\RK, 1·+'1, I3ro\\n pring Dn\e, c\\ Ellham, S.E.9, ( tore ). M. W . EARLl, 3, Y cst Walk, '. Barnet, I !crt'>. (Trallling). Mi A. M . KI"- C" 36', ll ale end Road, Higham Park, EA. (Training). A. ILSTO, 21, t. John's Park Man Sions, . 19. (Trea urer) · H. HALLS, I~, Laver Road, . 16. (PubliC Dutie). · SM"ITfI, 4, Heslop Road, Balham. . W. 12. ( tore). F. R . DEA 0"-, 20, Murray Road , Brt\t on, .W.9. ( tore). Mr . R . B echey- ewman, 2, vel)n Mans ., arli Ie Placc, S.W .1. G. F. TIDY, 32, M iii rarm rescent, Hounslow, Middle e\. L. G. Lovr , 17, Queen' ardcns, -aling, W 5. A. G. R . Bo,,-,", 12, Abercorn Gardens, Barley r ane. Romford , ex. (Training). A. . WCYMOL TH, 30, Dor et Road, We t Green Road , Totten.15. (Public Duties). ham, Miss D. A. . WA1 [ S. 32, Bede (l ouse. Manorfleld, ,W.IS. S. F. PATrMA ,43, uy Road, Wallington , Surrey. A. A. W. Wr <;TO'l, n.I.M., 39, t. Jcorge' Road , HanwOrlh, cltharn. O. J. Gru 1.1'.1111 L, 76, Dre den Road , pper Ii olloway, .19. A. . BARIIIAM, 47, Elthorne Park Road , llanw II, W.7. Mi s M. H. T. SHAW, 19, Poplar ourl, I .ast Twickenl1alll. 1
DI lrict District
ergeant- Major ecretary .
Miss M. M . TELFER, 125, Singleton Crescent, Goring-by-Sea. (Cadets). Mrs. H. C. Bignell, 13, Kingsley Avenue, Hounslow. Mrs. O. W. TOWNE D, 12, Baronsmede, Ealing, W.5. Mrs. M. King, 4, Ru skin Park House, S.E.5. ( .H.S.R.). R. H. A. PrCKERSGILL, 16, Rye House, Ebury Bridge Road , S.W.I. (Public Outie ). Mr . E. M. JOLLY, 69, Whyteleare Hill, Whyteleafe, Surrey. L. . EVA , 8, Worple Close, Harrow. J. BEDELLS, 21 heriton venue, Bromley, Kent. M. W. You 'G, 65 , Kendall Avenue, .8. G. C. PEARCE, 112, College Place, .W.1. (Cadet). E. B. HAMLEY, 59, Eylewood Road, Winorwood, S.E.27. (Public Dutie ). W. W. PACKE, 14, Pembroke Road, Palmers Green, .13. L. A. HARRIS, 16, Sylvan lose, Selsdon, Sun'ey. orthern Area
\rea ~rea
\rea \rea \ 51.
\rea hea \rea
0111011 Sl
ner .
uperintendent (A) uperintendent ( ) urgeon ur ing
fficer .
rea ur ing On1cer taff Officer ( adet) ( ) ta ff Officer ( adet) ( ) tafT fficer
\rea ergeant-MaJor \rea P.R . .
H. F. MULLlGA"', Holly House,S, Herbert Road, Emerson Park, Hornchurch, e. F. D. KEEFE, I, Lawn Clo e, Edmonton, .9. Mr . V. M. JE:-'KI,S, 4 t. Thomas Road, Southgate, .14. M. 1. OSTER, l.R.C.S., L.R .C. P., 29, Lord hip Park, Stoke ewington, .16 . E. M. MOORE, .R.i\., 23, ew Ri er Cre cent, Palmers Green, .13. Mrs. G. M. ICHOLL. 46, Woodland Ri e Muswell H ill. .10. R. \ . EABRIDGE, 21, Mansfield Road, .W.3. Mr. . HOBS ,93, Park Drive, Win~hmore Hill, .21. P. T EY, 23, ew River Cre cent, Palmer Green, .13. (Competition ). · F. WOODWARD, 5 , Parliament Hill, .\ .3. (Cadets). r . K. J. TYLE, 9 The venue, Potter Bar. r. . P! K RI G, 9, agdale Road, .19. (1 .H .. R. ) · R. MILLER, 97, Mande\ille Road, Enfield . Mr. . E. L\ ERT, 14, Oakland, Winchmore Hill , N.21. ( adel). L. DLER, 15, Oakley Dr ive, Harold Hill, Romford E sex. T. W. WE T, 93, Pembury Road, Tottenham, .17. (Tel. Tottenham 6340). lorth We tern
ommls loner
\rea Ullenntendenl ( \rea upertntendent ( \rca urgeon . \rea Llr~ing Officer . -\ t. rea ur ing Officer \rea ta ff fficer ( adel) ( ) \rea taff Officer ( adet ') ( ) \rea
\rea ergeant Major
Ian H. 0 T\I""-, "Oakland ," 200, henle) Road. Boreham o d, Hert '. (T I. I tree 1093). · H. \IITH, II, Rothe a) \enue, Greenford, l idd". 1r . D. J. MULLIG 1\1 Holly Hou e, 5, Herbert Road, Emerson Park, Horn hurch. acant. Mi K. M. PFI TER, .R . . , 1_, Ridgmont Garden, .c.l. F. H . W DE, .R.N., 127, Tudor Walk, v atford, Hert . L. F. H. 01 PI\Ii\ . 1-9, Farm Road, Edgwal'e, Middx. Mi 1. . B RLEY, t. Fran i ottage, ~9, mun Place, .W.II. W. . T. HEC" I I, Li\'erpool Building, .1. ( ompetition). · . MATTH \\ , 71, King hill Dri\ e, Kenton, Midd". (Fin.) . R. Lo K, I~ , Fill br ok Road, Le ton tone, E. 11. ( ec.). Mr . I. M. TRAfF RD \IITH, 30, tormont Road, Highgate, .6. ( adet'). Mr '. W. C\YI\I ,45, Duh'erton Man ion, Gray lnn Road , W . . 1. ( ad t ) . acant. a tern Area
milli ioner
uperintendent (
R . . . (L G.),
, Qu
el\\') n theIlue,
\enue, Woodford
e\\ bur) Park, llford.
r a A rea A t. rea rea rea
uperintendent ( ) urgeo n rea urgeon ur ing Offi er raff Officer ( adel -) (A) taft' O ffi er ( adel ) ( ) taft' Officer
r a ergeant-Major rea P. R .O ..
li' . L. M OR , \I.B.E., 105, outh Park. Dri\e, even Kings, Es ex. Dr. . F. 1 Do LD, 76, Longbridge R ad, Barking, Essex. D. L PEDER L , 1\I.B., B . . , ~I.R . . . , L.R .. P., Pear Tree House outh 0 kendon. ' a ant. B. RO ', 35, 1m Dme, Ra) leIgh. 1i V. V. I \L) \ , 7, Tawne \'e nue, pmln tel', E sex. L. B. \ ILL. ,.E-. '., 31, Belmont Road, HOI nchurch, E sex ( adet '). 1. F. TKI ,72, Hill ide venue, \ oodford reen. E sex, ( adet). Dr. 1. cK. BROW , 3, Hemp tead Road, \-\'a ltham to\\ , E17. L. F. DI K, I, Ima venue. HIgham Par!.., A. ( om. p tition ). Ii V. 1. \tlTH. 119, h ing \\0 d ha,c, Leigh'on· ea. E ex. ( adel). 1i B. ,. RE.'HR, 16, Re t 1') Road, \\altham 10\\, E.I . ( adet-) 1r-. M. L.\\ ER. B.\ , 44-k1. H, \crtng Road. R 0111 fc rd. E',e\. F. . M ARDL . 20a. \\ ildle\ Road. l e\ Ion lonc. .11. (ei,,1 Defence). . . Mr . P. 1. \ Dl:RSO . 12. KJk Roau. Benneel, l se . ( :H1el') . P. '\lERRlIII:LD. 3. andrlngham ROLld. BilI!..lng ( adels) I HER, 17. \\ tis n R )ad, [.4. ( .lOCIS) T. L. H R T, 60, Lan do\\ nc Road, \\ althamlO\\. L.I . L. ODR \1, _21, \\e lro\\ Drt\e, 8arl-.lng, ,l: \ lr . . \-1. HOlL-\ D. 21. \ la hllers \\al!.. , Rt)mford. [sex outh Ea
omml lOner upertntendent ( ) uperintendent ( ') urgeon rea urgeon ur ing Officer taff Officer ( adets) ( ) taft' Officer ( adel ) (1'\) rea ur ing fficer taff Officer
rea ergeant-Major rea P.R.O .
ol11m i loner
uperintendent ) Supertntendent ) urgeon si tant rea urgeon ur Ing Officer . rea uring Ofliccr la (f fficer ( adcts) ( ) tafT Officer ( adell ( ) tafT Officer
t rn :\r a
. \\ HEBLf, I t, tlecroft Road. Ik Ie\ hl:illh, Kent. (Tel· Be\lc)hcath s·rl) H. , llHltngham Jarden",. L.t). 11 OLDI'-C., 116, 101lingh m Rl<ld, .' f- 9. . DA\\ () ,\1.0. B. '., 109. rofll n Road. rrlngton. ~ent . \\ !lITI '\IDL, \t.B ., B C"ll .• B. \ 0., B \ • \, PM!.. r arm Road, Bromle\, "- cnl H. BL ,G,' SR . ., 74. \1.1'\\ ell Jtlrden'\, rt IngLOIl. "-ent A. R . \\ ILLIS. 27, \\ ol"lc\ Brtdge Road. .r 26 MI \\' . \\ III I'> , 179: Ha7elbanl-. Road. alford. 6. 1r. . TRI TTll . '> It . J, Tudt)! R )Jd, 8ed.enhJ\l1 \\ . J. W\D[, 4, Bor!"\\l d \\J), OrrIngton, Kent. oIll· pet Ilion ) H. \\ RIGHT, 192, \l:nue Road, [rllh. ","ent ( l\tI Defence) H. . H. \RRO\\, " pa 10 e, oUlh 1\\0 d HIli . . E.2S (Trea urer). [. \111 HlLI, "Parlalet," 17, \\alon 10 c, rpll1gLOn, Ken!. ( adet). \ 11 s r. R . RU.!)\ II .. 161, oper ope Rl)au. Bec!..enhalll. K nl. ( . 11. . R .). D . J. I Riln. '27, ole trecl, Brough. ' . . 1. L. J. FII D, 31, TI\enon Dri\e, l:\\ r Ilh.llll. 9. (Tel. [ Ilham 9_ I). 'outh \\ e t rn r'a urgeon ( t - 0111 I11cll1uel P. J . R(n 1 \ (I. \1 II, (II.B, R. . R. .. 10\cll)." Dm c pur. ore, I Dm e. Klngs\\ood. L1rrc~. . 1. IWTO, Ke don, The II ,Hche'>, r Ill11ic) , UlTl:). Mr . O . K. Rs 111,39, Thornla\\ Road , W . on\ od . . . _7 Dr 0" , I, Thol noon (jarden, \\cll. J . . I IOR t R, 1\ I. B., (II. B., D. r .11., r 1. 11, 60, \ ([1 ue. \ es I y., Ie!.. ham, l:l1t I' D. M . Y III 11.7 . \l:nue, cllerhcll11. urre) . J . D. I loR I, S.R . . , 3, enland,>. Wl rCl:,>ICI ParI.. . I . J . KIBBLl, 71, Porchestcr Roau, Klngston -upon-ThaJ11c . I D.f" . B\RI...tR , 2, hcr\\ood \\eIlUe, .\-\ 16. I .R. R[\\I , 4,To)nbecRoad. \\.20 ( .1 .:lIl tiPubltclt)).
\rea ergcanl\rea P.R . .
Miss C. FRAMPTOI , " D ennington,' Cleveland R oad, Worcester Park, Surrey. Miss M. A. EYILLE-KAYE, 104, Clyde R oad, Add iscombe, roydon. G. T. PICKARD, 84, Melrose Avenue, Wimbledon Park, S.W .20. Mr . W. . SHORTER, 20, Zermatt R oad, Thornton H eath . .H . . R.). · R. HARRIS, 42, Edward Road, East Croydon, Surrey. (Cadet ). · WHEADO ,243, oodmansterne Road, Streatham, S.W . 16. D. J. L FFERTY, M.B.E., "Emery D O\: n," Bolters Lane, Ba nlead, urrey. . P. L RKE, 4, Riple} H ou e, Kine nympton Park, K ingston Hill, UITe}. ( adel). r . M. . TROl\,ACH, 34, Tattenham Grove, Epsom D owns. r . B. J. BRo DBE~T, 65, Fairmount Road, Brixton, S.W .2. ( adel). Vacant. Mr. . . PIDDI'-.'GTO 154, Batter ea Park R oad, S.W .11. (Tel. Macaula) 5-+75).
aJ r
W e tern Area
Licur.- 01. R. . PAt E, J.P., 4, \ entworth Park, Church End Finchley, T.3. (Tel. Finchley 3084). F. 1. JOE. . 1 . Hare\\ od \,enue, ortholt. Middle e ' . 11 F. M. DEA'-, \1.B.E., 22, Chando R oad, Harro\,. Dr. . J. P. E-.CCmIBE. 20. \Ve tern R oad, Southall. II. M \~DI\\\LL, ~I B., B . . , L.D .. ,234 Staines R oad. Hounslo\\. \ a ant. lr . 1. 1. NOBLE, High Tree Hamhaugh I land, heppcrton Lod.. '\. t. 001--., 49, Ro eber) Road, Houn 10\\. 1r. \. . D \ I .109, Barmouth \enue, Peri\ale, Greenford . J. Bo ,77, Ii bury Road, Ealing \ .13. venue, King bury, '. W .9. J. . \ RI ER, 21. Holden 1i K. B \RRIE, 56, ardington Square Houn low H eath. lr . H. K. E\ \ ,' , 77, Gunn r bury venue, Ealing, W .5. \. [. HILL. _, ardmul Road, Ea tcote, R ui lip. 1iddle ex. · H. 0, ELL, "Ktng land _0, Chal worth venue, \\ cmbley, Middle C'\. ( ivil Deren e). a, High treet. P inner, 1iddle ex. B. L. HUMPHRE'l. 11 . 1. EA \nTH, '2 . Wingate Road Hammer mith W .6. ( adet). 1\ 11 V. W . HE-. DI:.R ,\I.B,E .. 41. D r t Road, Ealing, \ .13. \\ . C. L \S - E). 14, The pland ' , Gerrard ro. Buck. . H. L E, II, Vale rofr. Pinner. ( adet -). ir . H. DILLO , 1 I. -hIe) Gard n. .W .1. J. Bo\\ E~, 3. Framfleld Road, fitcham. urre). \ . ant.
upertnll:ndcnl ( upl:rlnkndenl ( ea urgeon l rca urgeon 'ea tli cr
>\ l. o\r~a
\rea P. R.
ORFOLK Olillty Office:
a tic
The Rl. Hon .
M ...
Lomml "i na
TOr\\i h _1649. D.L., J.P.
T ice-Preit/C'III:
ir RI hard B \R'RETT-
RD, Bt.,
J .P . (Ambillallce)
Lieul.- olon 1 ir Thoma OOK, J.P., nno\\' Park, G ui t r a -t Ocreham. orfolk.. (Tel. rl. R) burgh 20'2).
60 omm~
uperintendent (
County County ounty
ur ing Officer tafT Officer ( adet ) ( ) . ta ff Offi er ( adet ) ( ) .
taff Officer
e retary
Lt.- 01. F. Dereham. (Tel. Mr. . R. D. II \\I, 1.B.E., bbotl 226). II.B ., _17, 2000).
ue twick, East
L1r ing Ofllcer
orwich. (Tel.
La n'
"\rea \ rea \rea
ommi ioner uperintendenl ( ) lIpcrllltendent ( )
u rSlng OAl cr tafT nicer
e\ market R ad,
n RIDGE, _4, MeadoV'. brook
10 e,
'LLL, Merr wood Hou 'e, 8crr)" Lane, Honingham, on Ich. (Admin.). (Trea LIrer). Major . B. RA1'\T, 1. . T.D., The Id Icarage, t. Faith, orwich. Mr . J. I. HewITT, Bra "en Hill, 10, \ e tern venue, Thorpe t. ndre,\. 0("\\ I h. (H pital Llbrar)) . Brigadier V. L. 1. \ o-" '\\RI GHr, O.fl.r., \I .C., Thc LIme HOLl e, a -t RlIJham. 1I1g' L) nn. 1r . J . H. Y LL, _0, a lit; Meado\\, or'\Ich.
rea Commi ioner rea L1perintendent ( ) rea uperintendent ( )
rea taff Officer ( adel ) ( ) . rea taff Officer ( adel ) ( )
I 7,
o. 6 Area (Fakenham) acanl. lVi. J. FROST, The Green, East R udham, The Hon. Mr . R. "'L, The White H ou e, L)nn. Mi K. M. ALL! 0'-., .R .. , We t orfolk . ROBI'\SO' ." Markaren, , We tfield
01l11l11S ioner
-\ t\rca
prow lon, alton
Road, on\ I h. orth \\ .11 ham Road,
upellntenJent ( \)
o. 8 J. E. I
pro\\ ton,
_ ' 0.
01'\\ ieh. _I, ) or" Road,
rea (\Vymondhamj
taff Officer .
orthampton 33711.
COUllt \' Presidellf:
OUllt \' J 'ice-President :
1 \R o. 3 Area (Thetford) G. M. D upo T, J.P., Park ttage, 1'1 lon, Thetford. . 11£ I DR "'I," pnngtlcld,' Lopham Road , I a ·t Harling, orwich. L\\ 1'-," <Iyton," I lelllp ' tead R ad, Il oit. V. M . Lr. Till R, 1.B.I ., The Old Laundr , Dldlingtoll, hetford. (TrainIng) . r. M. . fl . D upo I, Par" oltage, Jrlston, Thetford . rca (Dercham)
Area ommlS loner Area Superintendent ( Area Surgeon Area ur ing Officer
re. ::nhall, La ' t Dcrehal11 . Vacant. Dr. R. D. R. IIA "'S , I larvcy I louse, Walton , Thetford. Mr . J . 111(,IIIT, S.R . . , The 11 0 pital, Lasl Derehalll.
Area COlllmi ioner
o. 5. Area (King' L nn) R. P. LRRI GfO ,<.. 1.G ., "WhitcclifT," Wod hoU'e Road, Old Hun Lanton. B. W. MIl K, 4, l. Valerey La ne, KIng's Lyn n.
Area Superintendent ( )
r a (Yarmouth) RI(311T0 ,59, B1a"e Road , Great Yarmouth .
COI/Ilty Office: on hampton. Tel.
The I Ion. Lad)
C.0111111 I
ham) chool House, Caw ton,
rea COlllmi ioner rea uperintendent ( ) rea uperintendent ( ) ur ing Officer
rea Commi ioner rea Superintendent ( )
r a ( yl [TT, The
1"'0. 9 Area (Ac\e) M . . F\L 0'1, The annon We t Cai ter, Great Yarmouth. LO\\!:. , Lingwood Lodge, Lingwood, 0\'\\ ieh. 1 r . P.
\re.l 01l1ml ion~r \re.1 , ll(1C1lntcndcnl ( )
Ao. 2
Ho pita!. venue, Wells-next-
on\ I h. (TrainIng) Ro,ld L ,I t, Thorpe,
rea St aff Officers .
King's Lynn . Wea enham, King's
TO. 7 r a (Cromer) Major P. W. R Y\\ 0 D, T.D., Manor Farm H ou e, orth Barningham, orwich. WIng ommander B. R. W. HALLO\\ ,O.B.E., D.F.C., The White HOlle, High K lIing, Holt. 1rs. J. H. L.TTO'\;, B:1)field Brec" , Holt. 11 K . LL.CKR\FT, .R .. , rOlller H ospital, Cromer.
\reel _ u pcn n tcnJen t ( \rea ur~lng III er
r a (:\' or" ich) 10, DanIel Road , ,BrIan vcnu, . H 1\1\IO'\[), 22, \\ I'
rea Surgeon
Mi J . HUGHE, .R .. , W. orfolk and King's Lynn General Ho pital ll. . ELU ,56, re well Street, King's Lynn. (Secretary)
T. J01-1
ERR RD, Be ;-:h I lOll e,
oml11lS loner.
COllnt) Sll(lenntend~n( ('\) Count) ' UI geon . COUll t) urslng Onkcr Count\ talT Illcer ( "dd ' ) ( \ ) . \ nt; tall' nicer ( adch) ( ) . County . talT /lice I'
Count Count
ecrctar) . . ergeanl-Major
cif lORTIl \ IPTO
' ur ing) hurch tre t, \ ellingborougb.
apt. J. . P\R"' ER, 12, (Tel. 316 ). \Y . J. G. DR \H-Lu, ~\. \ ., \I.B .. B.CH., \I.R .C. .. L.R.C.P., Th rpe I 101le, Headland ' , K ltering. lis 1. HL.L1, 9, BillIng Road. I orthampton. J . R. liARI'. \\.R .. " L.R .C.P., _-+1, bington \enu, l)nhalllpton. 1r '. C. PH), S R .1'.., 12 , H adland, Kelt ring. . \VILU't," larc Hou e," bbe) Way, RlI'hden. 1. L. DoW, he range, reat Brington, orthamplon. J. \1-"; 'lORD, 107, Park \Cnlle lorth, Torthampton. I r'. . R. IILLI TT, 2, Que n' Garden, Pet rbor ugh (Cadet ). T. 1 \\loLL, 253 Park Road, Pcterbor ugh. J. 11. U [TO , " Bc\t::rley," 41, t. Iban Road, rtbampton. (Trca LIrer). F. . IIBB. , 1 " Bir ' hfield R ad rthampton. B. L. BILLI CTO ,76. hburnhnm R ad. orthampt n. 1rs. 1. III I L, 5. rorfar Ire t, t. Jam _, orthampt n. . E. PLO\\ 1\ . _3, Thc Ridgc, ,reat Dodrington, r. Wcllingborough .
Y . J. L.
County P.R.O. rea
01 II, 0,
T lI E ST. JOll
h.len R ad, Wcllinbb rough. (Tel. 2833).
Peterborough Area acant.
Ollllt)' Presidellt : .- A u , .0. 1.,
Deputy Commi sioner . County
up rintendent (
County Surgeon ounty County
ur ing om er taff Officer ( adet ) ( )
taff Offi er ( adet )(
taff Officer
oun ty
County P.R.
. .
mmi ncr urgeon . 1lI ing om er a tafT nIccr .
. TA) LOR ( 'IIrsillg) .
Lieut.- 01 nel R . . . JOIl ), O.B.I., 1.1)., Darra lI all, dgchill, Ponteland . ( el. Ponteland 2 68). · j 1. ROWTIILR, 52, Heath\ II R ad, uth I cnton, C~castle up n Tync, 5. ( el. 6753 4). Mi M . JJ\ K , .R .. , .. 1.,1) . . , R ya l letona I nfirmary, ewa tie upon T)ne. ( el. 2 13 1, J \t. 9_). J . BROV , /'.1.0., B.S., Il ill Il orton Road, 8eb idc, Blyth . (Tel. Bedlin gton 2149) . Mi M . TA LR, S.R . . , hlngton 11 0 pltal, A h1l1gton. II. B. TKI S, U. ,2, aile) arden, M nk eat n, Whitley Bay. Mr. [ . ROlllfUS, 7, Brctt on Jarden." Il igh I leaton, C\~ ca tic upon )nl:. J. D . D"" 20, alker Terra c, B ker, e\" a'>tie upon Tync, 6 Mi J . r [\RNSIl)I , 15, \1 ar c~ca tie upon Tyne. (Traintng). . H[GG I S, 3, Mltf I'd arden, Ilo~dcn . (Training). · . R rr LR I 'r, 29, Melro e venue, Bedllngt n tation. ( ompetition). Mi M. B. r 1101, 30, canthu venue, I enham, eweastle upon Tyne. M . J. BI AKE, 75, Bea h R oad, T nem LIth . ( U Ibary). (Trea lIrer). . B. DOV'vNr Y, 12, Ridgew ood res ent, JO,,rOI th, cwea tic upon Tyne. (Tel 0 r rth 6). IS . BAGGOr r, 'i.R.l'<., ~3, II Iy tone venue, Regent 'arm tate, osforth, ewcastle LIp n T ne, l. ( cl. 5 I I (Office), 5335 ( 1I ome».
OTT! GJIAM llIRE COl/lltY Office . ross,
r· . The 11111 'Sloner
IlH111 ' IOner .
Jn ty
uperintcndent (
inlenllent (
ur ing Officer
Area Staff Officer ( adet ) ( ) Area Staff Officers.
Area Area Area
ommis ioner uperintendent (A) uperintendent ( )
ottingham 50-n7.
Jra e The Duke of PORTLA D, K.O.
Ol/lIl v Vice-Pre idellls: ·sq., 0.0.1'. (Amhl/lema adell) ountc M ERS ( I/rsing odels). II. L. 80. WOR fll, O.B.r., 8ank hambcr,
utton-in- hfield, ott. (Tel. utton-in- hfield 2707). J. T. ATKI S, M.B., (II.B.," reenbank ," Bramcote Lane, ottlngham. (Tel. ottlngham 2 4107-0mce, \ Iidlon, 271241 ). J. . WA \ [0,., 222, Loughborough Road, Wc t Bridgford. ot tingham. r'>. M. L. J lhn-,tone, S.R .I'<., .. outhficld .. " hurch trect, Pin IOn.
. 'ounty Supenntendent ( llISlng 0111C r
mty ,tafT
fTi er (
det) (
ynty :tatl ( nlCcr ( atlcts) ( Jn l, , talr [licer.,
R. (J. ' PRL~Cd R, 111.13., C II .B., 19, The Ridings, 0 kbrock, Derby. rs. J. B. i30"111 \\1 , " Bluc I avc ," arch Farm, I~ i hpool. I II. B. ~ [)W RDS, S.R.. , S . . I., " Maranatha," uncargate R ad, Klrby-in- hfleld, otts. R J. R OPI R, 13 , ll aiic)bur Road , We't Bridgr rd, ollingham. 11s D. C. V,OOI)\L L, 12, arlton R ad, Work op, otts. I . 11 0('1-.. 1 , 9, I arndon reen, ollaton Park, ttingham. l fl.IBrRL \'\ll), 17, Blake R oad, e. t Bridgrord, Ollingham. ( [rca. url:r). I . II. BIDDlll'll , lea Il msl, uth\-\'cll Road, Ea t Rainworth,
D . W. B. IIOGG, M.B.,
ttingham. Tel. OUIlI)'
B.')., 727, We t Road ,
\ . I . SII lOR I , 2 1, I enton Dri\c, Bul\\'cll, olLingham. ( ('rainJng). R. Bit Dill It), 17, I ItlleJtlhn I ri\c, Raln\\orth , r. an ' field. rs. J . Lt IX'[ It, 10, 'lapi crk) Ii all Dri\c, oltlngham. (Tel.
Vacant. Miss J. SMII II, .R.N., S . . M., Thomas Knight Memorial} l ospital , Blyth. T. ALDUS, 9, j 10rLendaie rove, OWpCI1 Estale, Blyth. Mr . W . Yll LOWU:.Y, 8, Burn Avenue, Blyth . W. D . ALLISO , 14, Wan bcck Terrace, Ashington. Dr. . B. HPIII. so ,2, Wind or ardens, e'.vbiggin-by-Sea. Mrs. A. MA 0 , .. R. . , 5, econd Row, llington, Morpeth . L. . WcoDr RBUR , 29, We tficld resccnt, ewbiggin-by-Sea. ( e rctary). T. T. ORNER, 40, River 8ank a r, Stakeford, hoppington. (Training). II . . r I \ Ie 1<.., Whllerteld rc cent, Il ad lone, Broomhill, Morpeth .
'ice-Presidelll :
o. 1 ( outh rn)
Area ommi ioner Area Surgeon
adet) (A)
011111.1' OJJice :
( 11111)'
o. 3 ( orlh rn) Area
t. John Hou c, rainger Park Road, e\\ a tie up n 1 yne 4. Tel. c.v·a tie upon nc 3793
The H on. Mr :
L1r ing
:a Stan" Omcer :a tafT Officer
.a urgeon .a
Mi f. L. M . LW10, S.R . . , S.C'./'.I., II Manor Place, Longbenton, ewcastle upon Tyne. Mrs. . ' . Jo [S, 16, Lesbury venue. Rosehtll, Wallsend. · W . BRO K , Albany J fou e, Lalion R ad, hiremoor. Mrs. G. A. llAL[, 107, ~ rank treet, Benwell, ewca tie upon Tyne. J. H. TrLloRD, 1469, Walker Road, cwca~tle upon Tync, 6. (Training). T. , . WOOI)IIO USI , 3, I bOI ,treet, Ilcaton, cwcastlc upon yne, 6. o. 2 (Midland) Ar a J. OBL L, M.B., U.S., 73, eWbiggin Road, A. D. BRADIOIW, 70, Weardale Avenue, Vacant.
unty Secret.!1
UpCI intendent
ta Su rCI In tenden t ~hingtan.
wpen. Blyth.
\ ' . W . Kry, 107, 1u ters R ad, 'vVc t 8ridgrort.1, ttingham. 11'>s I . P \11 RII \1' , II , ' litton R ad, Il uth\ ~\ltc, utton-in..,hlleld, oth. (leI. _ 116) .
t Ollllt" , ccretary unl) P.R.O.
ea urge >n
) )
rca ational ' oal 8 an.!, hlv\ in "to\\e 11 all, otts. F, ahngatt;, 49, Blyth Road, \ ark op, ~tt. SII , S.R .. , 6, I Ike. Ie I Ron I, clbe k oilier),
( •. II. KI' I R Mrs. D . W . illagc, M ~ln.,field. 'I I',., n. . " K [RR , 1. ., ". Farnsheld, cwark.
" II. , I\I.R.C. ., L.R . . P.,
Ma in Roa I,
County P. R.O.
I den Road, Wcllin!,b rough. (Tel. 2833).
P eterborough Area acant.
Area Commi sioner
a urgeon u r iog Officer
~a Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) ea StarT Officer
.a ursing Officer a tarT Officer .
COlIllty Presidellt: Colonel E. G. A GUS, .O.E., M.C. COlIlltl' Vice-Pre idem: The Hon. Mr : c. . TAYLOR ( "rsillg) .
Commissioner Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent ( ) County Surgeon County ursing Officer County Staff Officer ( adets) (A) County
taff Officer ( adet) ( ).
taff Officer
County Secretary County P.R.O . .
Area Commi ioner Area Surgeon Area
ursing Officer
Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Area Staff Officers.
Area ommis ioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( )
Lieul.- oloncl R. . W. JOH . 0 , O.B.E., T.D., Darra Hall, EdgehilJ, Ponteland. (Tel. Ponte land 2368). G. H. RO\ THER, 52, Healhwell Road, outh Denton, e\',castle upon Tyne, 5. (Tel. 6753 4). Mi M. J KSO, .R . . , . . 1., D. . , Royal i toria Innrmary, ewca tie upon Tyne. (Tel. 25131, -'{t. 392). J. BRow , LB., B. . , Hill re t, Horton Road, Beb ide, Blyth. (Tel. Bedlington 2149). Mi O. M. TA LR, .R. . , A hlngton Ho pital, A hington. H. B. WATKI ,B. .,2, alley Garden, Monk caton, Whilley Bay. Mr. . R BERT. , 37, Brell n arden, I llgh Heat n, e\',ca tie upon T) ne . J. D. Du "'-,20, Walker Terra e, Byker, ewca tic upon Tyne, 6 Mi J. EAR IDE, IS, icar Lane,ewca tie upon Tyne. (Training). . A. HIGGI, 3, Milford Garden, Howden. (Training). G. A. R FrERTY, 29, Melrose enue, Bedlington Station. ( ompetition). Mi M. B. r I10L, 30, A anthu enue, enham, ewcastle upon Tyne. M. J. BlAK ', 75, Beach Road, T) nemoulh . ( u,{lliary). (Trea urer). osrorth, ewca tie . B. Do\\,, -Y, 12, Ridge\\ood upon Tyne. (Tel. 0 forlh 5 6). Mis . BAGG01T, .R . . , 23, Holy tone venue, Regent Farm 0 forth, cwca tic up n Tync, 1. (Tel. 5 181 tale, (Office), 5335 (Home» . o. 1 ( outh ern) Ar a Vacant. D. W. B. ll oG J, M.B., B.. , 727, We t Road, cwcastle upon Tyne. Miss . - . M. CWTO, S.R . ., . .M., I I Man r Place, Longbenton, ewca tic upon yne. Mrs. . . Jo [S, 16, Lesbury Avenue, Rosehill, Wallsend. G. W. BROOK, Albany Hou e, Station Road, Shiremoor. Mrs. G . A. BALL, 107, Frank treet, Benwell, ewcastle upon Tyne. J. H. TELIORD, 1469, Walker Road, ew a tic upon Tyne, 6. (Training). T. , . WOoDllousr, 3, I:: bor treet, Il caton, ewca tie upon Tyne,6. No. 2 (Midla nd) Area J. S. OBlC, M.O., B.S., 73, ewbiggin Road, A. D. . BRADIORD, 70, Wcardale venuc, Vacant.
hington. owpcn. Blyth .
Vacant. Miss J. SMlTH, S.R.N., S.C.M., Thomas Knight Memorial H ospital, Blyth. T. ALDUS, 9, Hortendale Grove, Cowpen Estate, Blyth. Mrs. W. YElLOWLEY, 8, Burns Avenue, Blyth. No. 3 (Northern) Area W. O. ALLISO , 14, Wansbeck Terrace, Ashington . Dr. G. B. STEPH[ so ,2, Windsor Gardens, e'.vbiggin-by-Sea. Mrs. A. MA so ,S.R . . , 5, Second Row, Ellington, Morpeth . L. T. WEDDERBUR ,29, Westfield Crescent, ewbiggin-by-Sea. (Secretary). T. T. COR ER, 40, River Bank East, Stakeford, Choppington. (Training). I I. . FE WICK, Whiteneld Crescent, Hadstone, Broornhi II , Morpeth .
a Commi ioner
COlIllty Office: St. John Hou e, Grainger Park Road, ewca tie upon Tyne 4. Tel. cwcastle upon Tyne 3793 .
OTTI GHAM HIRE COllnty Office : ottingham. Tel. ottingham 50437. County President: Hi Grace The Duke of PORTLA D, K.G. County Vice-Presidents: F. LO sOP, Esq., O.B.E. (Ambulance Cadets) The ountes M VERS ( ursing Cadets). H. L. Bo WORTH, O.B.E., Bank Chambers, Sutton-in- shneld, 'Iml I ncr oll. (Tel. uttoo-in-Ashneld 2707). J. T. WATKI ,M.B., CH.B., "Greenbank ," Bramcote Lane, puty ommi ioner . Wollaton, oltingham. (Tel. ottingham 284107-0ffice, 271241) . J. . SWA '> TCK, 222, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford. Jnty upenntcndent ( ottingham. Ir . M. L. John'>tone, .R."'-., "Southneld ," Church treet, mtl . upcnntendent ( PII1\.lon. R. PRE GER, LB., CH.B., 19, The Ridings, Ockbrock, Jnty urgcon Derby. ounty upcflntendent (). ifr. J. B. BO'\,EH "I, "Blue Ea\e ," Larch Farm, Fi hpool. Inty urslng om er Mi H. B. EDWARD, S.R . . , .c.~1., "Maranatha," Nuncargate Road, Kirby-in- hneld, otts. R. J. ROPER, 13, Haileybury Road, West Bridgford, ottingtarT m er ( adet) ( ham. ~nty larT nlccr ( adct ) ( ) . I D . G. OOD\lL, 12. arllon Road, Worksop, otts. Jnty tafT m er L. HOCKI , 9, Farndon Green, ollaton Park, ottingham. MBERl D, 17, Blake Road, e t Bridgford, ottingham. (Trca urer). L. H. BIDD lPll, Lea Hur t, outhwell Road, a t R ainworth, ott . \ . L. \I lOR!, 21, Fenton Dri e, Bulwell, otlingham. (Training). R. BR DB R), 17, Littlejohn Dri\e, RaiIl\\orrh, r. Man field. Mr . 1. LEDGER, 10, lapperley Hall Dri\e, ottingham. (Tel. unty , 'eret.1 r)6.+ 49). \ . W. KEY, 107, Mu ter Road, We t Bridgford, ottingham. >I. unty ccrctary MI . D . PAll RLL\I\ , II, utton Road, Huth\\ aite, utton-inlint) P.R.O . . hneld, ott. (Tel. _116) . 3, Wee"day
:ea urgcon
. T.
mmi ' I ner
'ea uperintendent ea uperintcndcnt
Board, Ed \\ in towe Hall,
) )
I.R.C .. , l.R.C.P. Main R oad,
Area ursing OfIicer. . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). rea Staff Officer rea
acant. F. C. Ro E, "Derwent," 30, Rufford Road, dwin towe, otIs. Mr . E. M JOR, 275, Sandy Lane, Worksop. W. H. I LEY, l3, The re cent, Blid\, orth, r. Mansfield J Sergeant-Major R. T BB ,61, Rufford Road, dwin. towe, Man field. (Cadet ). Mr . K. TO\ Ei'D, chool HOLl e, BII thorpe, ewark. (Cadets) . . 01: '\" 14, rrlng Road, Bil Ihol"l C, ewark.
ottingham. . A. TOWLE, 2, Ernest Road, Thorneywood, (Transport). Miss M. M. K OWLES, 24, Firs Road, Edwalton, ottingham. L. BAILEY, 45, Colche ter Road, Strelley, ottingham.
OXFORDSlllRE County Office:
rea Commi ioner rea uperintendent ( ) Area Sup rintendent ( ) rea Surgeon st. rea Surgeon Area fur ing Officer rea Staff Officer ( adet ) ( ) rea taff Officer (Cadet) ( ') rea taff Officer
ergeant-Major .
rea Commi - ioner
outhern Area E. R. F. POGI\IOR " "Hili ott.
14, ide,"
treet, St. Ebbes, Oxford.
Tel. Oxford 42061.
COllnt I ' President :
ro\\hlll Drivc, Man field
olonel A. V. O. DOWER, T.D., D.L., M.F.H.
W. MORR LL, 296, Wollaton Road, ollingham. Mi . J. BI Ii P, .R . . , .. \1. The 1cdlcal enlre, Gedltng Colliery, Gedling, ott. J. F. D. BO\ 0, LB., CH.B., 97. Derby Road, laplerord, olls. R. H. RT\, LB., CH.B. Rannoch Lodge alnall Road 1011 Hud,nall, otl. . UI} acant. H. JE"< ' 1 'G , 26, lie mere Road, I ort: t To\\ n, an field. 1ty acant. L. ,H0 G, 13, her G ro \ C, Par", ollingham. '1) , R. HILL, 33, Exton Road ollingham. "Iy G. CRELU'., 59 lIighAeld Road, otlll1gham. (Train-J!lly ing). 1ty G. PEPPCRD \), 6, Tudor \ nue r orc t To\\ n, Man field. nt) ( adel ). E. ELBY, Bagnall Lodge, Bagnall RO,ld , Inderhill, ollingham.
County Vice-Presidents:
Lieul.- eneral Sir Edward GRASETT, K.B.E. C.B., D.S.O., M.C. (A mblilance). The Lady BICE TER (Nursing). Mr . G RDI ER-HILL ( ursing Cadets). sioner T. F. BRIGGS, O.B.E., T.D., !.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 39, The Green, Banbury, Oxon. (Tel. Banbury 2153). mmissloner. acanl. Mr . D. F. OLL, M.B., CH.B., J, Eton Villas, Broad Street, uperintendenl ( ) Bampton. (Tcl. Bdmpton Ca tie 383). acanl. urgeon . acanl. ur ing OfIi er taff nicer ( adet ) ( ). G. 1. TTWELL, -1-5, Taphou e Avenue, Witney. taff fIicer ( adel) ( ). Mi D. M. CA DY, 5, Burdell Avenue, Headinglon, Oxford. J. OODLEY, 6 , Henley treel, Oxford. (Store ). , tafT n'iccr. Mi. . \ ALDOCK, 7, Arran Grove, Banbury. L F. BAZLEY, J 16, Ro\\ ner Road, Rowner, Gosport, Hants. . J. DO\\DY, 105, ampb II Road, Cowley, Oxford. (Training). J . . G. OLE, \I.B.E., I, Eton Ilia, Broad treet, Bampton. ( dmln .). l\Iidland rea M. MACLAGA'., \1. ., Tnnit) College, O'\ford. (Trea urer). G. . lOll" ro I, \I.B ., II .B., t uthllc!t.J.." hurch Ireet, nt.' 1r . F. P. H\) W\RD, 34, ope Clo e, orth Hink ey 0 ford. PII1,lon. cLrelar) \acanl. 1. Bu, KH .\ 1, ,Buh\cr Road, Klrb y -IJ1- hficld. olls. 1\ P.R . . Mr. . LEIVERS, I , lainforth trccl, t an 'Acid \ oodhou e, l\orthern rea 'oll . R. L WRE"CE, hurchill Dri\e, Old Road, Headington, 1 I11mlS ' lOner 1. W. 10 1 , \I.B .. B.S., I.R.C.P ., \I.IC( ., 21, Godrondale Road , xford. Man field. T. J. R) A'\" \I.A., B. I., B. H. , [\I.R.C.P., 8, ewland Close, urgcon ) n ham. acant. . H \000'<, .R ... College Farm Hou e, Bodicote, r . 1U r'i II1g III cr . DR\BBLE, 43, ambria Road, olt. Banbury. acant. T. L. MOI'LTO:---:, 164, DIamond \cnue, hllby-tn- hAeld. outhern Area otl . \\1 Ing Olllmi1nder M. I. K", '.L, \I.B.E., R.A.I' .(RETD.), Brimpton Ol11l11lSSIOner F. G. VERO , 46, Derby Ime Lane, ll uU,nall. ollage, Millon 0111 1110n , O,rord. J-t BARBER, 29, Balmoral Drive, Man fielt!. \ a anl. urslng Ilicer G . FU".'T, 85, lligh treet, outh OrmanLQn. Mr . . HE LEY, ,. ol)neu'\," Common Road, orrhleigh, d Ian' Omcer r. MQRLf't, 43, Bon er arden, ullon-In- sh It:lu. Witney. R. STLBBS, 162, llard\\ick Lane, ullon-II1-\ htleld, Oll . T
rea Superintendent ( ) Area uperintendenl ( ) rea t.
rea rea rea Area
urgeon rea Surgeon _ ur ing Officer . . Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Staff Officer
Area Sergeant-Major .
Area Commissioner Area uperinlendent (A) Area Superintendent ( .) Area Surgeon . . Area ur ing Officer Asst. Area Area Area
Area ursing OfIicer Staff Officer ( adets) (A) Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) Staff Officers .
PLYl\10 TH, OUTH-WE T DE 0 it of 'ottingham Area COllI/II' Office : A. J. MASCARI, M.D., L. I. .. , "The Brownberne ," Lought. J hn Il ouse, 2, B "drord Tcrrace, PlymoLith. borough Road, Ruudington, oltlngham. Tel. Plymouth 6 0_. II. r. 0 l5TO I , 23, Brora Road, Bul\\cll, ollll1gham. Mi s G. . LOW, 24, Fir Road, dwalton, oltingham. COllnt l' Pre ic!ellt: D~. M. SHERRARD, 321, spicy Lane, pley ollingham. The Rl. 11 n. Lord ROBORO Gil, Lord Lieuicnant of 0 \on. MI L. JEW, S.R.""'., S.C.M., 91 M ildenhall re~ccnl, Be twood COlllltl' Vice-Pre idellls: Park talc, ollingham. Mr. . -M. RODD ( IIl'illg). Miss F. PIDER, 2, Pad tow Road, Be lwoodtate, ollingham. THOMP 0 , q. (Amblllallce Cadets). . A. RAI BOW, 7, Ainsdale rescenl, Indcrhlll, oltingham . Mr. J. II. M. Kcy ' ( IIrsillg odets). Vacant. quadron Leader J. . G. H co K, D.F.C., 4, O'borne Place F. ARRIER, 10, Grover Avenuc, Mapperlcy, ollingham. mmi 's loner The Hoe, PI) mouth. (Tel. 65 97) . . H. HAY, 4, Barrack Lane, ottll1gham
Deputy Comrni ioner. Co un ty Superintendent ( County Surgeon . County 1 ur ing Officer Asst. County Surgeon . t. County uperintendent County Staff Officer (Cadet) County Staff Officer (Cadet) County taft- Officer . .
Count) Sergeant-Major ounty Secretary County P.R.O . .
( ( ( .
Vacant. ursing Officer. . acant. Mr . V. TREBlL 0 K, 41, King w od Park venue, Peve Il ea lafT Officer (Cadel ) ( ) G. R. POOLE, 15, Haybr idge Road, Wellington. re tafT Officer (Cadet ) ( ) Mrs. A . L. WHITTLES, S.R . . , The Cottage, Tern, Wellington. Plym uth. D. JONES, 20, Mount Pleasant, Ketley Park, Oaken gates. R. l. J . HAROLD, L.R .. P., I. .1., D.P.II ., 10, Manadon Hill tafT Omcers . W . B. AR OLD, "Tharneen," Daddlebrook, Alveley, Bridgnorth. Plymoll th. Mi . L. LUXT , .R. t., 1 I, Hill idc \enue, alta h. Western Area J. E. OWE, I.R .C .. , L.R .. P. 294 Fort u ten Avenue Cro\\nhill, Plymouth . ' Vacant. M M urgeon r. . . \ OOD, ombe Ri e, 0 Mayo, r. PI)l11outh \lur ing Officer . . aeant. G. . THO\1P 0 , "Lane End," Wembllry Point , . Devon tafT fficer ( adet) ( D. W. M. WOOD, 7, Whitehou e Gardens, D itherington, ShrewsMr. P. W v, 142, Pa Ie) treet, toke, Devonport. bury. J . .H . ROE'\ T, 3 2, t. Peter Road, Manadon, Plymouth. Ml s I. Tl, Do\\n Way, hollacott tatc Whitchurci Road, Ta istock. (Library ervice). ' \\I. H . TRA,\O, 50, Lad) mith Road, PI III ulh. ( adel). G. J. R . p[ R [,95 Torr Lane, Pl ymouth. OMERSET D. JOII' , 14, Lower Knolly Terrace, PI) mouth . (Cadet) ren lor ,Wren 10 e, Larkham Lane \ . . l'\CF,\T, COUllt)' Office: PI) Illplon, r. PI) mouth. ( lore '). taplegrove Road, Taunton. Tel. Taunton 7285. t. John Hou e, . RI CKARD, 12a, Hotham Place M illbndge, PI) mouth (Training). ' COl/I/IV Pre idents: E. E. WOOD, 46, Jedburgh re cent, Pl ymouth. (Tran port). LICllt.- oloncl The Right Hon. Lord' HVLTO , Lord Lieutenant of omerset. K. R. \IITH, 6, Tre\one ardcn', Manadon, PI)moLlth . Mr . A. . W . L TTRELL. Mr. . 1. B\ 0\18[,29, Lope R ad, PI)I11outh. (Tel. 51281) R . E . T \ '\ TO , 70, \ C. t 00\\ n Road, Beacon Pa rk Ph mouth ollnl I' Vice-Presidl!nt s: (Tel. 51775). Dr. Hugh P " LLL, I.B.F: (AII/hulance amI AII/bulance Cadet ).
ml ioncr
COIlI7lI' Office : 'l) omml lOner . .J.A. B. Headquarter, Priory Road , hrew bury. Tel. hre\~ bury 2 91. Iy upcnnlcndent C"\" ) County President : i count Boy 'E It)- urgeon The Lady FORr TER (Vllrsillg). COUIII) ViCl!- Presidents : Mr . K . M. We T ( IIrsing). County upenntendcnt ( ). olonel The Earl of Pow, , C.B.L, (AII/bulall ce udell). t) Officcr Commissioner . olonel. J . M. WL T, . 13.L, T.D., D.L., Dorrington Ho u e. C unt urgeon . DOrrIngton, r. hrew bury. (Tel. DOrrIngton 396). Deputy Commi sioner RELE, D.. 0 .. D.L., J.P., 3, Ru sell Rldge.nty tafT mcer ( auet ) ( Colonel W. P. hrew bur). County uperintendent ( Mr . . P. H \\ <\T-J \BOOR, .R.'\., Yonon Il ou'c, Il arll1er HIli, Iy tafT meer ( adet ) ( ). r. hrew bury. (Tel. live 372). County Surgeon . D. A. IR lLA D, 1\\..\., 8.M., B.C-H., ouncIi Hou e ourt,~ly tafT fficer hrew bur). County ursing Officer Mr . M. _. MALLLfT, .R . . , I Y I louse, Kennedy Road, King land, hrcw bury. County Staff Officer ( adet) ( ). F. BRO\\", 176, rowl11ere Road, hrewsbury. County Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ). Miss if. M . W, DOVl, 142, orve trect Ludlow. County Staff Officers . J. PHIPPS, 8, Quarry Lane, Red Lake Kelley Wellington, Shrop hire. " Mr . . G. RAMPTON PYM , M.B.E., " 11Ighfield ," Oakhur t Road, 0 we try. Mrs. I. A. BALL, Orchard Hou e, Admaston, r. Wellington. Mr. . M . FmLLR, ilverton, Radbrook Road, Shrew bury. £. J. WILLlAr-.tS, 13, rin hill Drive, rowmoor, hrew bury. nty ergeant-Major H. DAVI ,66, range Road, hrewsbury. (TraIning). nty eerctar Trea urer ounty Sergeant-Major ewhall ardens, Abbey Foregate, W. TlloMA . , aX.M., 3, Shrew bury. nty P. R.O. County Secretary W. D . WI CKI:."J., 16, Dounton 10 e, Il aric cott, hrewsbury . ounty P.R.O . Vacant. Ea tern Area
Area Surgeon
W. . LIOOll J , M.B., H.CIL , B.A.O ., 3, gates.
tafTord Road , Oaken- ~ COl11l11i ioner
lonel . T. MITrORD-SL DE, D.L. J.P., Montys Court. ('rton Fitzwarrcn, Taunton. (Tel. Bishop Lydeard 255) L1, D.. 0. The Old Court House, Lieut.- olonel . . F. De Drayton, r. Langport. MI . . M. BR C[- TEER, denrnore Lodge, Minehead . (Tel. inehead 492). J. L TE\lPLE, I.B ., B.. , F.R.C .. , 23, Cecil Road Weston-superMarc. Mr . . . GUi\.DR), "Melcombe," E\.ford. MI ' M . D. B KER, .R . . , .c.1\ !', B.T .. (HON .), I olation and he t Ho pital heddon Road , Taunton. R. H. P. ' R. DEZ, M.B., H.B., D.I.H., J.D . "Carabine," Cro s, r. \.bridge. D. J. MOR l'., 1.<\.,33, Holcombe 10 e, Bathampton, r. Bath. · J. DA I, 12, hitting Road, We ton- uper-Mare. Mi A DLE, t. undrie chool, \ e t Quanto head, Taunton. · T. H . HOWE," ay t," Uphill Way, We ton- uper-Mare. (Tran port) . Mr . . E. L. H D , "Wilman tone," treet, Somer et. (M . . D .)
Mr . D . I. R o\ L D, Wind or Lodge, Haine Hill. Taunton. ( adet). D. . Ro i:R , _3, The Mead, lutton, Bri to1. (Camping). · W. M RKI , .. R . . , B.T.A., 64 Lyngford R oad, Taunton. (Training). L. . B \\ DE ,9, H 1m Road, \ e tOI1- uper-Mare. (Camping). W . H I H, 30, Woodbur) Road, Bridgv\'ater. Major W . K . R \\ l ORD, We ton Bampf) Ide Manor, Yeovil. G. D . B T HER, I. I. , Orchard Clo e, Ea t Brent. Lieut. - 01. . Ro ,ER, Obridge Hou e, Taunt n. (Tel. 84 9 ). Mr . D. 81 11 t-HALL, 1 )Iebe Hou e, Gro\e R oc d, \ e ton. upcr-Marc. (Tel. 18 3). 'orthern Area D. O. LARK, M.B.E., M.B., B.. , F.R . . . , Mendip Croft, Bleadon Il ill, We ( n- uper-Marc. (T I. Bleadon 3 9).
rea Superintendent (A) rea Superintenden t ( ) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer. . . rea taff Officer (Cadet ) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea taff Officer
Area Commi ioner Area uperintendent ( ) rea Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area ur iog Officer. . rea Staff Officer (Cadet ) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet ) ( )
Area Commi ioner rea Superintendent ( ) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . rea ur ing Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) . Area ergeant-Major .
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area Area Area rea
Superintendent (A) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . . ursing Officer. . Staff Officer (Cadet) (A) taff Officer ( adet ) ( Staff Officer
. CRIDDLE, Sundorne ur erie, Locking, 1'. Weston.lunty ur ing Orncer super-Mare. Mr . . L. PERRYMA 53, Boulevard, We t n- uper-Mare. lunty tafT Orncer (Cadets) (A) c. D. DREW, 1'>I.B., B.CH., M.R . . . , D.R .. 0., B.G., 12, Breanlunty StafT Officer ( adet) ( ) Down enue, We ton- uper-Mare. acant. lunty tafT Orncer V. P. W lD , .. herw od "13 oleridge ale Road, Clevedon lunty ecretary Mr . D. D \ I , 12, Whitting Road, We ton- uper-Mare. 'Iunty ergeant-Major Mr . P . BIR II, B. \., DIP. D., 17, ith dale Road, We ton- uper. Mare. (Trtlll1ing) ca ommi ioner ca uperintendent (A) Ea tern Area t<l uperintendent ( ) ea urgeon acanl. G. W. ILOR, tation HOLl e, 20, t. Mary' Road, rome. L1r Ing mcer Mr . F. . M. B R I OAT, 8, Pultene} r ve, Bath. c<1 . R. WILLIAM. , I-I.B., CH.B., ,. ranfield," or ley, arminster, ~a tarT Ollicer ( adet) (A) ITicer ( adet) (I ) ilt . .<t tafT Ii . C. Jo [, .R . . ,4, Marlborough tre t, Bath. K. COLLI R, 21, Butt Hill, Frome. :a tarT fficer Mr . M. K. TILEY, . .R.!'.., ) ew Tree Hou e, lutton, r. Bn tal. outhern r a dmiral G. . TURIG
Rear .8.,0 .. .0., Ir I'd II u c, Ca tie ea ea ary a . PC:-"DLR, 0, Benedict treet, lastonbur}. ea G. . M. ILL[ PlI, 53, hilton treet, BrIdgwater. ~a S. \ OLI , M.B., B . . H. 25. orthA Ids, Bridg\\ater. J acant. H. DI",H ·\ \I, 29, Kid bury Road, Brldg\\ater. Mi M. . ()." eado\\eroft:' Klng~\\a), ark, Hlghbndge L. BrTTY, Mount Ilia, Mount lreet. BrIdg\\ater.
424). L. W. JOII:-",
II, Green\,ay
ounty Superintendent ( ounty Surgeon. . . . A st. ounty Superintendent ( ) .
Pre~ident :
Mr . M. Ro IER, S.R.N., 9, Millcroft R oad, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield. . . S. Jo ES, 283, Chaplin Road, Longton, Stoke-o n-Trent. Mr . D . M. TUR ER, "Lighteaves," Cheddleton Heath, r. Leek. M. A. 1M 10 s, 154, Birches R oad, Codsal1, Wolverhamp ton . R. L[E, J, Windsor Road, Queensville, Stafford. (Tel. 52638). WAlTERSO , 74, Hart Road, Wednesfield. orthern Area Vacant. W. GWILT, 62, Qucen's Road, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent. Mr . P. K. D. HARRIS, 48, St. George's venue, Wolstanton. J. S. HAMlLTO , M.B., CH.B., 20, Sneyd Avenue, Westlands, ewcast le-u nder-Lyne. Mr . D. J. HE. DER ON, .R . . ,3, Meadows Dri ve, Cheadle. R . BURTO 5, Windsor Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. Mr. . WALLOW, Waterrall ottage, OAley Brook, Eccleshall, tarTord. J. . LEE E, Recreation Ground, Uttoxeter, Stafford. J. H . KE , Y, The roft, Bramshall Road, ttoxeter.
UFFOLK Co 1111 I) Office : I, \ oodbriLige Road, Ip \\ ich. Ollllll' Presh/ellf :
Mrs. E. M. MORRI 0 , 1, acanl. Mis 1. E. BRm "\. .R. '., Lyd tep, Martlet Road, l inehead. F. T. . WE-BB, 122, Love Lane, Burnham-on- ca. Mrs. . Lro('[R, ~ . R.:-"., heddon FIt/paIne, Taunton. Mrs. . B. BAILLY, Tonc ale II usc, orton Fit7warren, Taunton. (Welfare Orncer). J . E. M. ROBERTS, "Holywell," I ton, r. r eler. mmissl ner
COlillty Office'
Deputy Commissioner.
omml ioner u pen n len Lien l ( ) uperInten lent ( ) urgeon . tafT er ( aLiet) tafT nicer ( adet) tafT meer ...
recent, aunton. taplegro e Manor, Taunton.
St. John House, 49 , Wolverhampton Road, ,tafTord. Tel. ' tafTord 516 7.
outhern Area Clcan!. · MOSELE\, 5, Charle Fo tel' Street, Darla ton. acant. acant. · J. MITCHELL, 6, Balmoral R oad, Penn, Wolverhampton. Mr . L. RUSHTO , 196, t. 10hn' Road, Cannock, Staffs. o. sOP, 33, Hall Road, methwick. · MADCLLY- \IITII, 22, k.idmore venue, Po t H ill, Tamworth . J. . OORE, 6, Balmoral Road, Penn, oherhampton. ( aLiet). \I11~ B. P[ rR, I, \ ingroot venue, Lo\\ Hill, \ olverhampton . ( adell.
\" e tern rea Rear dmiral H. . .\ LK)"'rR, C8 . , C.B.I., D . . 0., The lose, Hatch Beauchamp, r. Taunton. ( el J lat h Beauchamp
:puty )unty
ol11mi ioner uperintendent
lunt) Lady Diana MATrIlrW . lunty T. K. ELLlOlT, M.B., B.S., M.R . .5., L.R . . P., 25, Middleton Road. ~unl) Streetly, utton Idfield. ( el. Lreetly 1334.). A BYR E-QUI ,M.B., B . . , M.R .... , L.R .. P. Darmody Bou e, OUllty StarTord Street, WolverhampLon. Mi ss P. LAwro , . .R . . ,2, Litticworth venuc, WoodsetlO n, r. Dudley, Worcs. (Tcl. edgley 3321). Vacant. Mrs. M. T. LLLlOTT, J.P., S.R . . , 25, Middlcton Road, trectly, Sutton oldfield.
Tel. 5'+005 .
Lady Blanche OB80LD, J.P. Co II II I I ' Vice-Pre idellls : J I. MILLER, \I.B .L., .R."\. ( 'ul'sing) . Major R. . CHREIBER, amp ea he H ou e, Woodbridge. . (Tel. Wickham Market 426). · W. LE\ CRClT, O.B.f.," oodland," Deba h, Woodbridge. Mrs. M. . E. I-l R\ 000, .R. '., . . I., R edmay, Walber \ ick, oUlhwold, ufTolk.. · T. . ray, 1-1.8., H.B., D.P.H., The Hollie, Holbrook, Ip wich . Mr . R. HREl8LR, amp ea h Hou e. v oodbridge. ROf ,S.R.'\., 63, Mill Lane, Feli, towe. alter. M HIE\\, 2, e\'em R oad, Ip\\ ich. Mr . P. r. T ) LOR, .R . . , Y aterloo Farm Hou , otterle)" Beccle . Dr. D. W. RYDf R RI liARD o~, The B eche-. a,mundham. · J. E GLl 11, r, lapgate Lane, Tp wi h. (Training). · W. R UFFORD, 1 , Geneva Road, Ip wich. Mr. A. RICH RD 0, .R . . , tow Lodge Ho pital, tomarket. R \. H. . ADF, The R ector), Buckle ham. B. D. PRJ E, 97, Pia rord Road, lp " ich. ( dmin.) (Trea urer).
County ecretary Cou nty P .R .O . .
R. F. D YER 302, orman ton Drive, Oulton D rive , r. lunty ecretary LO'v\e toft. M i V. D . GEE'.~7.1 , W oo~,brjdge. Roa~, Ip wich. (Tel..78769). lunty ergeant-Major F. J . D E A T, Pine T r, 22, Pille V le'v\ Road Lp wlch. lunty P.R.O . .
Area Commi sioner
Area uperintendent ( ) rea Surgeon A rea Staff O fficer ( adet ) ( ) Area Staff O fficer
rea Commis ioner Area Surgeon rea ur ing Officer Area Staff Officer ( adet ) ( ) Area Staff O fficers.
KE , 1\1.0.,
D.P.I£. 32,
t. Edmund. acant. Mr . M RTI"-, I.R. L.R.C.P., Button t. dillund. Mi W. AFFY, .R . . , Holland ottage, oney Weston, Bury St. Edmunds. Mr. P . M. PRAG LL, 10, t. Michael' 10 e, Bury St. Edmund. (ecretary). G. H. B URDOJ ,7a, ollege Lane, Bury t. dillunds. (Trea urer) 1. . CAIE, ine ottage, Bardwell, Bury t. dmond.
outhern Area Lt.- 01. P. t. . II. ''\\\'[LL, [\I.C., Pettlstree Grange, Woodbridge. P. E. J. TTI/\,G, M.D. 1.R .. P., 37, Berner treel, Ipswich. r. . B. RYCR, .. R."-" The ab, 4- Lo\\er Road, We terfield. ] p \\ ich. W. G. J " 'CR, \erett arm, lradbroke. H. BAXTER, 55, Ken inglon R oad, lp wich. M. W. HOOD, 7, he ter Road. Feli\ t we. W. W. PECK, 3 1, hafto Road, Jp wlch. Mr . D. FL 'Ie. I 7, lapgate Lane, Jps\\lch.
Area ur ing O fficer. . Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff O fficer .
1 orthern rea D. H. KI"-"10 T, \I.B., ("11.13., 24, outh'v\old. acant. Vacant. Vacant.
Commi D eputy County County County Counly County Cou nty ounty
We tern Area venue, Bury .a Commi ioner ,J upcrintendent ( ) 10 e, lxworth, Bury ,a upcrintcndent ( )
e tbury
lcholas Dn\-c, Reydon.
.W.) ,J
ur II1g
mcer : ( .W.) ( .W .)
a tafT Oflker ( adet ) ( ) ·a
tafT OfTlcer ( adet ) ( )
tan- omccrs
crgc<1nl- laJor
J. M. BALL, 88,
r. I
OlllmlS loner upl.:lIntcndenl ( \) upclIntendcnt ( ) l11gcon rC<l
tlicer urslng nicer
.a tafT a tafT
J1Iccr ( adch) f1icer ( adets)
ew Haw Road, Addlestone.
C. L. LLOYD, The Cottage, Maybury Hill, Woking.
Mis . MORRISH, "Mcadland," Three Gate Lane, H aslemere, LllTey. R. G . W. OUTHERN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., Sedgley I louse, ast Hor ley. J. M. OR IA ,[\·1.R.C.P., \I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., D.R.C.O.G., 6, M avins Road, Farnham. Mr . M. V. FRA"-KLl , .R . . , 17, Groveheath orth, R ipley. Vacant. · P. Lo GLA ' 0, 32, Green Lane, AddJestone. Mr . M. W. WEBB, Pyper, Springfarm Road, Camels dale, Ila lemere. · WORTHY, 42, Tcnny on Road, Addle tone, Surrey. G . II. H \RrIELD, 4, Guildford Road, Farnham . I I. L. D. 0 GHLl'\i, 93, Church Road, Addle tone. D. C. H :".DCR O'\" 58, Lind ay Road, e\\ ha'v\, Weybridge. T. L. )SAA.C, " eptembeL," Latchwood Lane, Lo . . \·er Bourne, r. Farnham. acanL Ea te rn
Area Commi ioner
Miss P. SMITH, "Galloway," Glaziers Lane, ormandy, r. Guildford. (Tel. ormandy 2200) . S. R. CARTER , B.C.M. I, Cherryfields, Fullers Road, Farnham. apt. L. E. PORTER, R. ., "Warrenhurst," Old Farnham Lane Farnham. (Auxiliary). (Tel. 6163). '
'Ve tern Area Mc RA
r a
B. ROB1' 0 , B.E.\t., "Terrell," i arage Lane, H orley. O. H. HDO\\ "-, 48. taplehur t Road, Reigate . Mi M. R. M. \LLOW, "Wild Oak ," Eyhur t CIo e, Kings\\ ood. \. R. H. HIC "-S, B. \., \1.13., B. H., "I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., "Pippin ," 106, Balcombc Road, Horle). MI M. R\Y, 3J, DOl" et venue, East Grin tead. r . J. . M \('KI "-Z!C, .R."!., 'a ua Hou e, London Road, ra""ley, U "C '. D. . B I l l , 6, Benham Drive, Horley. Mr. M. B[LrILLD, [\1. B.E., "Tangmere," Poveycros Road , at'v\ick, urrcy. Mr . D. \fLL herry ood, Bald'v\in Hill, Ea t Grin tead. i\. G. GL\tBRl:LL, "Hayd 11 ," Fordbridg, outh Mer tham. R. . Lo KETT, , tation Road, Earl \\ ood, Redhill. J. I\IITII. 104, MiJdle treet, Brockham. ( adet). · . HOt \1 .\ , I , Potter 'V ay, Reigate. (Training). T. T. D 1\1 RC Q, I , Or hard Way, Reigate. Ml . 1. B o..L\"-D, 33, Grove Hill Road, R edhill. Mr . M . P. Bo\\ ,\ 1"\'\,," reat Oak ," Bletch\\orth. (Cadet ). L. . Kl i\IP, 6, olller cl Road, Mead\'ale, Redhill. L. 1'''-1), 334, tafTord Road, alerham .
.a tan' nl er'i COLIllty Office St. John H ou e, Woodbridge R oad , uildford. Tel. Lltldford 67163. COLIllty Pre~idellt : acant. COllnt)1 Vice-Presidents: Lady OSBOR (linillg odet). ioner apt. . J . ARrWR IGIIT, c .. 0., O.B.l., R.'\,.(RLTD.), a tie Hill HOLl e, arnham. .a crgeant-Major Commissioner. Vacant. Surgeon. R . H . O. ROBI so , 'VI. B., B. II ., I .R.C. ., I.R.C.P., I , The Glen, Leigh Hill Road, obham. Superintendent (A) R . J . GRISTOCK, Iver toke, 13, Il illcre t cnue, hert ey. E Superintendent ( ) Lady H EALD, O.B.E., hilworth Manor, r. Guildford. (Tel. O/(lIt)' Office : Guildford 61414). cl. Hor ham 4556 ursing Omcer " 19, orth trect, Hor ham: M r . M. D . OUTlIER , .R.N." edgley II OLl e, Cast Hor ley. StafT Omcer ( adet.) (A). ir dward .1 MB! RT-TCRRY, Bt., M.e., Brilllsholt arm, ChobOlillf I ' Presidellt: ham, Woking. Thl.: Lord Rupert E ILL. Staff O fficer ( adets) ( ) Mrs. . M . URTFL, Sunny ide, opthorne Bank, r. Crawley. Staff Omcers K . . RAY, 0.13.1., Il ighway ottage, at 1[01' ley. (Am bu0/1I1f1' 1'ice-Presidellls : lance ervice). (Auxiliary). Major- cncral J. M . L. RL 101\., .B., D.. 0., O.B.L, J.P. (Ali/bull/lice). A. GRl:L IJ OUGH, o.B.r., Wyke otLage, tonebridgc, halford Mr . erald "-EW ( ursillg). (Treasurer). ( Llxillary). ir Ri hard B L ,lILY, Bt. ( ·tll/bulallee Cadet ). H . . II YGAH," ulver," ew orth Road, Relgale. (Training) Mrs. W . n \\ RT-ROBLRI' ( \ ul'sillg Cadets) .
ST. 101-IN
apt. J. M . HOD ES, D.S.O. R. . ," hatneld ," olwood Lane WARWICK Bolney. (Tel. Warninglid 219). ' Deputy Commis ioner . H .R.H. Prince Tomi lav of Jugo lavia, Redland Farm, KirdCOllnty Office: ford, r. Billing hur t. 10J , Widdecombe lose, Coventry. County Superintendent (A) W . E. J PP, 15, Barttelot Road, Hor ham. County Superintendent ( ) acant. COllllly President : County Surgeon R . G. BRIM au G, LB., CILB ., D.P.II., I Tealth Dept., County The llon. Mr . L. . FITZRoy EWDEGATE, O.B.E. Hall, Lewe . County ursing Offi er . . . Mr . D. M PHER a , .R . . , 35, roft Avenue, outhwick. COllllly Vice-Presidents: County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) D. H. F. B R HELL, 50 Fairfield arden, Port lade. The Lady WILLa GHBY DE BROKE ( lIrsing) . County taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). Mi . M. 1 RILL, r..!.B.E., 93, uckneld Ro ad, Hur tpierpoint. . Brigadier B. A. G. Jo E , D.S.O., The Rose Cottage, Jcknield A t. County ur ing Officer . T. J ErFER), S.R . . , 16, Holly Dme, Toddtngton, r. Little- '1011' loner treet, Beoley, Worcs. (Tel. Redditch 4430.). hampton. Miss . M. ORTO , B.E.M., The Beeches, Staverton, r. uperiotendcnt ( Jn ty County Staff Officer Mi . M. BARKER , 10, Hur t \enue Hor ham. Daventry, orthant. (Tcl. Daventry 2553). F. W . G. PI ES, 7, Iford 10 e, Worthing. (Treasurer). D . W. H E DRY, B. C., M.D., M.R.C.O.G., "Greenacres," 307, H.R.H. PrlI1ce TOMl LAV of Jugo lavia, Redland Farm mty urgcon Lutterworth Road , uneaton. Kirdford, r. Billing hur t. ' Mi P. M. OBLE-M THEW, Lydv"icke, linfold. mty uring om er . Mr. L. R . Mlr HrLL, 185, olihull Road, Shirley, Solihul. . r. I IrpwELL, 70, t. George's Road . Coventry. E. R . TRA'\'GC, 66, Deer wood Road, c. treen, rawley IOty mcer ( adet) ( ) Mr. . M. ROSBY, 10, Orchard Cre cent, Coventry. (Camp d I er). . 101} • tan' mcer ( adel,» ( ) arwick. W. B. M. W'r LLY, Watchbury House, Barford, r. T. PA L, 96, R odmell \cnue, altdean. ( adet ). 101} tafT Ollicer Mr . J . C\,y "LL, 36, Middlemarch Road, Radford, oventry. County Secretary C. f\lP 0', 19, orth treel, J lor ham (Tcl. 4556). P. II . J \1L ,80, orman Pl ace Road, Co entry. (Cadets). County P .R.O . . acant. Mr. . L. Rr\DY, ,Lord Lytton Avenue, Stoke, Coventry. L. . H AZELL, 37, Faraday Road, Rugby. Ea tern Area l . . RO B), 10, Orchard re cent, Coventry. Mi s D. WILLI CROFT, 137, Hall Green Road Bell Green, Area Commissioner J . W. LI~1B , Lu trells II LIse, 53, u trell res ent, altdean, oventry. ( adet). Brighton . r . F. Kr 1P, 4, lexander Road, Bedworth, uneaton. Area Superintendent ( ) acant. ( adet). Area Superintendent ( ) Mr . . TRIBBLI'\,G, 2 , ICloria Dri ve, La tbourne Mr. . J . BRow ..... , 15, ir Tree venue, Tile Hill orth, Area Surgeon T . A. OPP, r-.I.R .... , L.R.C.P., [) \., I .I.A., R C.S, 115, urrenden oventry. Ro ad, Ithdean, Brighton. . . T PLI', 27, apmartin Road, Coventry. (Cadets). Area ursing Officer . . . Mr . P. RA'\,GrR, . R.""'. , 39, J. T. 11 . PO\\ I R ,19, ros treet, tockingford, uneaton. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. L. AT R , 20, Mom Road , ewe. ( adet). Area Staff Officer ( adets) ( ) Mrs. A. D . HICK" 8.['M ., tone Hou e, Bolney MIs M. MIL'lR, 4, outh venue, toke Park, oventry . Area Staff Officer . T. DCi';]\,'T"- , , rllngton arden,. altdean, Brtghlon. R T. 1ILL, ,Belmont Road, Rugby. ( adet). venue, Ilove, 4. M. W. H ARR!., 0, Poplar I r. RD, 22, R mford Road Holbrook, oventry. Mr . K . D. B. B . , , tonefleld Road, Ha ting . T. THrR ro , 154, e tmorland Road, Wyken, Coventry. Mrs . . M . H RPL, 10, Wharf Road, a5tb lime. (Transport). H . . XCCLL, 62, Warleigh Road, Brtghton , u e. (Training). J. L. . M ICJo..LR, \I.B., (H.B., 2, Ellac mbe Road , R . A. WALKrR, 97, dlmore Road , Rye. \t1IS ' M. L. B-\IlEY, 7, rmorial Road, tyvechale, Mr . . J . IT \RTLLY, 1[ollo way JIOLI e, J Ilgh treet, Rye. Mrs. I. J. WHL\TU), 16, Trough ton re ' cent, . J . DAR , .. ermain ," 6, Thomp on R oad, Denton , ewo\ent[\ . haven. \entry. (Tel. H. .0.-8 STO , 101, Widde Oll1be lose, abgra\ e-ono\\e _60 I). \ W tern Area aCJnt. unt} • ergeant- 1aJor Area Commissio ner W. L HA~ COR ,29, Roman Way, outhwlck. r . o. OR\1E, 7, thill ro\e, o\entry. (T I. _297_ (BLI ine ), un t) 1'.1 .0 .. Area Superintendent (A) R. HARTLry, 23, Andrew 10 e, Ru stington. 245 6 (Re ' idence)). Area Superintendent ( ) Mi s R. B . LAKE.R, 14, Glouce ter Place, Lilliehampton. Area Surgeon K. . MAWSO , M.B ., CH.B., D.P.H., omewell Hou e, orth Street, Hor ham. Area ursing Officer Mr . M . 0 (PTO:-', S.R . . , laLlgham Pl ace farm, laugham, u ex. (Training). 'VI T HIR Asst. Area ursing Officer Mr . T . D . PAG1, S.R . . ,29, Monk s venue, anctng. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) L. W. Mawr R, 15, Old Barn Way, outhwick o//II l v O/ftC(': Area Staff Officer ( adets) ( ) Mr . E. M . WILLS, I , Down Mead, Lanclllg. Area Staff Officers. Mr . J. M . B R HILL, 50, Fairfleld ardens, Port lade. 76, I1Llless tred, ali ·bury. Tel. alisbury 4{ 10. Mrs . B. R Y OLDS, Avalon, Malthou e Road , rawley. G. A. WH ATLA 0, " Ii old ", pencer Place, Hor ham. Ollli/)' Prel'ideJlI: E. J. H . GROV! , "Scalene," 26, Pondtail Road, Hor ham. The Lady Ldlth PO\,\\IIL Mrs. G. M . WALDLR, Rapkyns Lodge, 8roadbridge Heath, Horsham. COlIlIll' Vice-Presidellls: A. J. MAXTFO, 136, herry arden Road, Fa tbourne. Mrs. A. . S'I [VL 'S, 37, Ilaynes Road , We. t Worthing. L. F. Moss, q. (A IIIbulollce odeIS). roydon,
R. RU,"I, T\\atic) Man r,
alme ' bur. (Tel. 2347).
Deputy Commi ion r. ount) Superintendent ( ount) urgeon. t. Cty. uperintendent ( Count) ur ing Officer County Staff Officer ( adet) (
T. 101-J
taff Officer (Cadet) ( ). taff Officer
Coun ty ecreta ry
Area rea Area
uperintendent ( ) uperintendent ( ) urgeon
A st.
rea Surgeon
Area Staff Officer ( adel) ( ) rea taff Officer ( adel ) ( )
Mr . D . . r- ',\SHA\ E, Farl ) Farm, Farlcy, r. ali bury. nt) tafT Officer ( adet) ( ). Mr . . H. HI f\l'\tI"G, 10nkton I arleigh Manor, Bradford- nly tafT fficer ( adet) ( ). on- \on . ( .11. .R. - dmln.). nly tafT fficcr . H . He \ [ , 604, Queen Drive, \\ Indon. (Training). Mi R . Y I BB, 422, rickladc Road, ' \\ indon. (Training). Mi M. J . MORT ,,-P"L 1 R, " Haldon," Il arnwood Road all bur}. (Tel. 22742). ' lOl) ecretar) and P. R. \Ye t rn Area nt) crgeant- ajor . J. 'DREW, 9, The 10 c, MelJ...ham acant. . MOlO r), '1.13., II .B., Pro peCI Il ou e, I3radrord-on-'\\,on, J It. Mr . \ . B. D\\ 10.0". M.B., fI.B., The lodge , leeplc A htol1, Tro\.\ brtdge. acant. Mr ·. P. M . \IRCLO Gil , S.R "i., Il aghill Farm, emington, 1 OI1lIllIS loner TrO\\-bridge. upt:llntcndenl ( outh rn
Area Superintendent ( T) rea urgeon . rea ur ing Officer . . rea taff Officer ( adets) ( ) Area tafT Officer ( adets) ( )
orth rn rea Commi ioner Area rea rea rea
01. . r . \ OOl "0 (oIf, The ross, 11ddlc \\ oodford, ali bur). i . DI"10,,",T, 35a, The J. G. RLlD , I.R.C .S., ll'lllcbo\\, aSllc treet, Ludgcr hall. Mr . J. 0(,1, 'l.R."-., I " King. bury quare, Wilton. . 1\,001-;.,40, RO'f ·" Road , ' allsbury.
uperintendent (
Superintendent ( ) Superintendent ( ) Surgeon . _ ur ing Officer
Area taff Officer ( adet) ( ) I Area StafT Officer ( adet) ( ). A rea tafT Officer .
Brigadier G. WORT, C.B.E., Old Rectory, Hiicot, r. Pewsey,m01i ioner Wilt . (Tel. W odb rough 269). TURf\1I R, " Kajha," Bratton, Westbury. (Tel. BrallonPuty ommi sio ner . Mi 305). acan!. unty uperintendenl ( acan!. Mi M. ·\I'ISB RY, .R . . , DeviLe and Di triet Ho pital,unty urgeon De\lze . Lieut.- 01. R. B. ROB I 0, Old Rectory, Beeci1ing toke nty ur'ling Officer Pe~· ey.
Count) COLlnt)
I upertntendenl ( urgt:an ur Ing
f1l t:r ( adet.) ( ) nicer ( adel) ( fficer .
Major . J . T. . B\RILL rr, "Glenl"O)d," Foil) VIC\\ Road, Farlngdon, Berk . . BLAK E, 66, t. Phillip R ad, Mr . . LA"-r, 65, Pl ymouth trecl, ",indon. . R. DI "\fA , I .fC( .S., 17, Roman re cent, \\ Indon. r. H . M . . II WJ..f 'S, S.R . . , 1,1\ ) Lam::, Blundon, r. \\ IIldan. . R. KII\, CJ, 43, Richmond Road , windon. Mi r. L. WII KI S, 77, I mead re cent, Windon. Mrs. L. . A . BROAD, 8 1, ,hrivenham Road , windon
Tel. 24503.
COIlIlI)' Presidelll y:
The ounte· BLA CHAMP, M.B.F. . L. EWTO, Fsq, M.B., CII.S. COllllly Vice-Presidenls: The Rt. Hon. arl BLAUCIIAMP (A IJIblilollce).
Marguerite, Lady LI CIII'vILRI ( IIrsillg). ir BeRWIcK LLCIIMI RI, BAln . (AII//J/I/ance ac/el.l'). Cynthia, The Lady SA DYS; Mrs. F. J . OMER ( IIrsillg adds).
Lieut.- 01. C. P. VAUGHA ,D.S.O., Stanhope H ouse, Pershore, Wore. (Tel. Pershore 456). T. C. LENcH, M ayford, 63, Haleso wen Road , Quinton, Birmingham. Mr . S. E. R u SELL, M.B. , CH.B., Pinfie ld H ouse, Cherry Hill Road, Barnt Green. F. H . VOLLAM, M.B., CII.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Bearhill HOLlse, Alvechurch , r. Birmingham. Mr . E. BROTH RTO , .R . . , 37, Linthurst R oad, Barnt Green , r. Birmingham. K. H. B{LU"<GHAM, 80, ourt Crescent, Kingswin ford, Staffs. Mi H. M. BIDMEAD, " Trafford," 182, Manor Way, Halesowen. H. M. WALTON, Mount Pleasant, Cowleigh Road , Mi Malvern . Mrs. M. . H ODGE, 123, Bi rchfield R oad, Redditch. Mr . D. B. D . W TO, M.B., B.S., "Edgfield," Mearse Lane, Barnt Green. Mr . J . M. RI\IIrNGTo ., I.B .E., outhall Cottage, Hadley, Droitwich . (Tel. Omber ley 402) . . Jr ER, 32, Holly Hall Road, Dudley.
Torth rn Area M . Y I KHA\1, t-I.B., H.B., 4 1, Highfield R oad, Cradley Heath. J . . . BE"iT, 2 ,R emary Cre cent We t, Goldthorn Park, Wol\crhamplon . Mr . K. . H ·sEY,69, hurch Road, etherton, D udley. D. H. TLER, \1.13 ., CII .B., " \ e tfield," 64, Manor Lane, Il aleo\\en. Mr . rE. TER, . R. ., "The Fir,' 2, ummer Hill, ll ale owen B. ROPI:.R, 23, Windmill Il ill, radle, laff. M I-B. M . OlLY, unnlllgdale, Blackberry Lane, Hale owen. i . E. WITCOMBE, Oldfield, 5, Somery Road , Priory Dudley. 1-. II. Hfl'GLE)," lovelly," arrow Lane, Blackheath, Birmingham. ( cretar)). Mr. . M . Y 00011 lL, 6, at on Green R oad, D udle). \ . R\I G R, Fi\e Y ay Inn, Himley Road, Lo\\er Gornal. Ll, "Braecote," Manor Lane, Hale O\\en, Birming-
uperintendent ( ) uperintendcnt ( ) a u rgt:o 11
t. John House, 34, The Tything, Worcester.
outhern Area
a ol11llli
.a urslng fficer .a tafT fllccr ( add) \rea , tafT ~a
T.O., The Old Hou e,
u ex Lodge, Kemp e , Worce ter. 11 .13., " Howard," \enue R oad,
mcet' ( adell ( ). nicer .
Malv rIl. Mr . P. B. H \RRf., .R." ., I , Ic '\andra \enu, D r itwich. J . P. Y E TL KL, " Lort:lla," Bedlc) , r. Redditch . i \\ Tapenhall Lan r. Mrs. B. L. I 130 R L, Abberle) Droit\\ ich . Mi D. W. Jo E , Dal lon, 64, Wor ter Road, Mal ern. Mi J . OLLEY, 23, Timb rdine venue, Bath Road, Worc:e ter. . R. II PM , Lea astl H o pital, oherle), KldderFill
I . . . S.,
1 . . 1.1\.,
Lillie Hill, Br ad\\a).
P. P. SMITH, 11, West Park Avenue, Newby. Scarborough. J. W. RENAHA , 12, Birtley Avenue, Middlesbrough. ~ . PL KETT,51, ormanby Road , Ormesby, Middlesbrough. Mrs. E. U. HA DYSIDE, 2a, Cleveland Avenue, orton-on-Tees. ( .H.S.R.). . F. PEDOIE, Harrowgate Cottage, Harrowgate Lane, ortonon-Tees. (Tel. tockton 67614). (Treasurer). H. . WAT 0 , 1, Derwent Clo e, ewby, Scarborough. W . J. MORGA ,33, Gui borough Street, Eston, South Bank. R. H. WRIGHT, 27, Grantham Road, orton, Stockton-on-Tees. (Tel. 52912).
taff Officers .
COllII!Y Office:
Priory Hou e, 29
ottingham Road, Hull.
Tcl. 4303
COlllltl' Pre idellt:
The Lord HC)THMI, .B.E. D.L. COllntl' Vice-President : D. J. T',) LOR (Ambl/lallce). Lady "\ E TB R\ (\ I/rsing). ALEc- ~UTH, T.D. D.L., J.P. (Alllbulallce Cadets). Mr. . GORDO!'. (YI/I'sillg Cadet).
Colonel R. Commis ioner
Deputy Commissioner. County Superintendent ( County Surgeon Asst. County Superintendent ( ) County Tur ing Officer . . st. County ur ing Officer . County taff Officer ( adet) ( ) County Staff Officer ( adet) ( ) County Staff Officer
County Secretary . Asst. County ecretary.
ecr tary
E. M . DE R", O.B.E., r.!.B., II.B., D.L.O., Holme Lodge, 2l RIDING OF YORKSHIRE WE Ferrib) High Road orth emb). (Tel. Hull 643 141 ). acant. Di tricl Office: Mi M. ICIIOL 0', .R.'.., 6 7. Jame Rcckitt venu< l. John Hall, Lund Lane, KillingbalJ, r. Harrogate. Tel. Ripley 525. Hull . District President: E. O. H LLI\\ ELL, \!.R.C.P., t\1.R.C .. 2 3, Hallgate, oltinghan The ounte s of SCARBROUGH E. York . Districl Vice-Presidents: Mr . M. R EHOLD, The Bungalo\\ , heepman Lane, Hutto The i counte s Mo TGARRET ( lIrsing). ran \\ick, Drlflleld. The Lord AVlLE (Ambulance Cadets). acant. Mr . . RADCLIffE ( ursing Cadets). Mi 01 R. 0 ,S.R . . , 35, laml Road, lIe Ie. Ir IIliam TAYLOR, B RT., C.B.E., D.L., J.P., Bentwood , R. BERR) \1·\ ,2, namtonroYe, Oemnghal11 BanI-.. Hull. 111S loner Mi L. . LI PPI' TO'," ) tona," 8 Bl.:11 ue rc cent, File) av,thorne, r. Barn -Ie). apt. M. G. H T I-U 0 , T.D., Barton Hou e Hollins Lane, . J ""C,," 0"-1, 2 0, llawthorn enllC, Jlull. '} 01111111 I ner . Mr . G. JA K , Lynton Avenul.:, nlaby Park Roa Hamp thwaite. Mr. . W. LODGE, O.B.E., J.P., Castle Garth House, Wetherby. outh, Hull . ( adct ccrctary). ,ct uperintendent ( ) R. R.\H'\\I, 107, \Ve tbourne \l.:nue, I lull . (Tel. Wetberby 2 32). J. PRE 1TICE M.B., CH.B.(EDIN.), J.P., "Mal is Mount," Malsis F. R. HARLTO., 1m ltage, Be\\ holme Lane. caton, Hul let urgeon R . hGR\\.1, '.R.' , II, Thorne)croft L.lnl.:, Thorngulllbald, [ Road, Keighley. Mr . M. A. AYKROYD, The Priory, un Monkton, York. )"ork . (Tnllnlng). Oi l. uperintendcnt ( ) MI . GRIFFITH, .R. '., .C. L 8 , Rede dale Gardens, MI J. B\RK[' R, 3, De La Pole \\~nu~, \nl <lh) Road, Hull,d ur ing mcer ( adets). La\.\ n wood, Leed , 16. A 0", 5, Lynnv, ood Garden, Pudsey, r. Leeds. K. H. Bon \ \llL \, 139. Be\ erie) Ro.ld, I fc, Sk:, (Trca urer). d taff f1lcer ( adct ) ( ) L. U\1\II'G-B LL, I.B.E., Binham Lodge, Edgerton, G. M . HI 11,3. \\tlnd or Road, ount} Road orlh, Hull Ll (aiT Of1icer ( adeh) ( ). Mr . J. Mr . D. . [0\\ ROS, 20, RI\crsldc R ad. I lull. J ludder field. J . W 0 , Lo at Lodge, Mountjoy Road, Hudder fi.eld. Ict. (an" ITker B. R. J R~IAr-" 61, Keighley Road, COy ling, r. Keighley. 10 e, Lund Lane, Killinghall, 1'. R. H. K . OTT, 6, Leven Ict . ccrctary [Iarrogate (Tel. Ripley 525). r. M. P. H T HI" 0', Barton HOLl e, Hollin Lane, Ict P R .O . . Ilamp "th\\aitc. (Tel. Bir -tv, ith 59 ).
Jidland Area ER, F .R.C. . , .. hfield,' Burnley Road, . B CKLE 'H \ 1 0\.\ erb) Bridge. W. H TCHIN ,Martin Bank Chamber, King Cros, Halifa'c Mr . E. M. oppice Way, Leed ,8.
County Office:
ornfield Road, Middle brough, ork. Coullty Presiden t: The Lady SLR[ A lAM E. County Vice-Pre I idell! : The MAR IIIO"JE or ZI1 LA'. D ( 1I1'.lillg Cadell). 11,
Deputy Commissioner . County Superintendent ( County Surgeon . . . . Asst. ounty Superintendent ( & P.R.O. CounlY ursing Omcer County Staff Of1lcer ( adcl) (A). ounty Staff Of1lcer ( adet) ( ).
lIperintendent ( )
UPl.:1 intcndent ( lIrgl.:on . . ur ing f1lcer
olonel ir Leonard Rop. CR, Bt. , I.e., f.D., D.L., Thorp Perrowa tafT mccr ( adet) ( tan' Onkcr ( adet) ( Bed ale, York. (Tel. Bed ale 10) . ta n- Ollicl.:r<; . Vacant. Mr . . . Dy 0,"", o.B.r., 2, pper We tbrook, Darlingtor (Tel. Darlington 5764) . . H. . BOWLS, M.B., S ... , 8, Yarm Road, tocklon-on-Tee! Mr. . M. K. 0 E, 10, St. lIilda' Terrace, Whitby. a COlllll1i ioner (Tel. 474). r M . B ILLBY, S.R . . , S. . M., 27 , t . ermain Lane-a urge n M rs. L. Mar ke-By- ea. T ec,a ursi ng Omcer W. '. DA KS,5, ro venor Road, l~ airfleld, tockton-o n- e 'a uperintcndcnt ( ) . Miss J . W. ADAMS, 17, otter I c Road , orton, tockton-O I\ (aiT mcer ( ade( ) ( Tccs' a (aiT mcer ( adeL) (
L \
) )
) )
.R .. ,
. LB.,
H ..,
Oak Ghyll Ho pital,
tone treet, ticker Lane Bradford 4. acant. Mr . O. M. GLLD RD, The Grange, llkley, ork. W AT 0 Marall 10M orland re cent, Men ton Ilkley. Mr . . Oy' 0 , l12: Be;1t1e Lane, Meanwood, Leed , 6.
THE ST. rea
ta ff Officer
rea Commi ioner rea uperintendent ( ) Area uperintendent ( ) rea Surgeon '\,rea ur ing Officer rea taff Officer (Cadet ) ( ) rea Staff Officer (Cad t ) ( ) rea Staff Officer
Area Commi ioner Area uperinlendent ( ) Area uperintendent (j ) rea urgeon Area ur ing Officer . Area taff Officer (Cadet) ( Area Staff Officer ( adet) ( rea Staff Officer
rea Commi ioner Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent (") Ar 'a Surgeon Area ur ing Officer . . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( Area taff Officer
A. D ucKY\ ORTH, 112, Lady Pit Lane, Lced , II . R. ROl3uns, 25, Park tone \enue, Lceds, 16. A. PI .... , 47, Silk Mill Bank, Leeds, 16.
Northern Area T. BR U liTO ', Braccwcll Lodge, Brace\\ell, r. kipton . T. 1. Mc (II, 96, De\ on hire trcct, Keighley. Mi G . . M'rALL, Ga\\thorpe Hall, BlI1gle), York. J. W.PIC .... ARD, "1.13., (LB.," pnngAeld," Barnold \-,ick, Colnl Mr . I. R. I-h I\IA, .R.'., .C.\I., R.I.,., ' Tarndale," The Grovi Han·oga te. H . HOD ,.0" 10, Icarage Road, Kcllbrook. \Ia Caine. Mr '. F. . PI ALL, 72, Devon hlrc trcct, KClghley. J. M !fA, ,329, We l Lane, KClghle) . Mr. M. BRo ,lifO" J.P., Brace\\cll Lodgc, Braccwell, kipton . F . H. HI:\ ,0 . 5. 10~tjn vcnue. arb), \Ia olne. Lane.
ea ta IT OOleer ( adet) ( )
-ea talT OOlcer ( ade t) ( ) ea talT Omcer .
Vacant. . I D t J HOWA RD J6 Dawood VIilas, Bent ey, oncas er. Nlr Tow~SE D 6 The Villas, Edlington, 11'. Doncaster. BARBER 101 ' Doncaster Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster. D L' T'AGG 67', B~wtry Road, Bessacarr, Nr. Doncaste~. '. F. PA~M ER, "The hestnut," 28, Cantley Lane, Bessacal, Doncaster. (Treasurer). Mr . D. A. WARD, 2, Ennerdale Road, Wheatley Hill, Don-
caster. Dater . WAT ON, 3 I, Green Lane, Scawthorpe, r. onc s . d D aster ( i\ il Defence). D WARD A hlea 'lar hland Road, Mooren s, r· ond~ n d . M'ajor H. Asp!' ALL, Hall Grove, The Park , W 00 C.n s,
Donc~ ;er. 34 , Sl . David's Drive , Bamsley Road, Doncaster. Mrs . . nALL,
North Ea tern Area J. G. Ro HE TLR, outh Wing, Pnc..,t Il dl, \\ ethcrby. J. R. BL'SO ,39, lotherhollllc Road, RIpon . e,\ omml'>5loner MI K. HF'[)[R '0 • Hambleton Lane, \ a..,. 01'1... ea • uJ"lennll.:nd nt ( ) J. M. RITCIiLl', \1.13., C 11.13 .• D.R.r.O.(" I , 'v\ oodland ea . LlJ"lClllltendcnt ( ) Dme. Harrogate. Mr. l. H'''I\s, S.R . . , " arndale," I, The Jro\c, Harrogatc. 'ca ulgcon J. CO\\ARD, 2, liorencc ro\-e, Rawclln'c. 'r ork ' Mr. J . BIIII3', 21. ollege Road. RIJ"lon en lIr ing om cr . . Mr . B. \11TH, The oa h House. DeIghton Road, Wetherby t ,\ rca 1I pcri n lenden t ( ) B. T. ROO .... S. S.R . . , lat 2 12. Rutland Road . Harrogate licer ( adet) ('\) rea talT (Tra1l1I11g) .
ca talT om cr ( adcls) ( ) outhern Area . B. B\LL. \1.13.1 , L \1 S S. \., r'-crn Lod~c. 13 ,Dod\'or!1 v . ea , lafT fllcer' Road, Barn le\. A. EL 0"-, M.B.[~, 14 ,Oak \'e nlle, to<.k 'bndge, heflield, Mi s . I [[S,1.D .. S.R.'., S.C.\I ... t Ilc len.., 11 0 pltal. Barn Ie) . H. MI RR', \1.R .C.S .. l.R.C .P., " Hchcderc," 667. Lecd Road Out\\ood. Wakcfleld . Vacant. P. PRO TOR, 24, High treel, oulh l~ ll11..,all PontefracL MJ ' . MOSB', S.R. ,1, Went\\ollh Tcrracc, 'v\akcflcld. J. H \\. J.P" Thc Becchc , 27. \IIiI Il ill. Pontcfracl. 'C' l ' rgeant MI F . R. fARC,1 r. 59, Kcn forth IIIiI Road. KIng ton. e Barn Ie) . L. Horno , I Mclton TCITaCl., Wor.,brough Dale . Barnlc}. o 1 acant.
R (~~~~~~'ARD, 72, Doncaster Ro ad, . rmthorpe, Don~aster. .. H LLA D , 90 , We t Cnd Lane, Ro II1gton, Donca tel. . outh We tern rca Ll - 01 \ . R. \ I:R Tr, \II .B., CH.B., Manor Clo e, Mlrfield. II : H o~ ,69, Fern Ide \enue, Imondbur), Huddersfield. Mr . L. PI n, 54, Benomle} Crescent Imondbury, Hudd~rsAeld. \ . BRO\\', L.R.C.P.(LO'D.), \1.R.C .. (E IG.), 128, Halifax Old Road, Birkby, Iludder field · Pennine Road Dew bury. Mr \RR TilER, , .R .•. , 6, fi'ld .. Z II LL,I3, edar A\enue, Hudder e " , ~:. 1 ~ t;fa Rial I \RR \FF, haflesbury H ouse, '\ ork Road , 8atley.
')7 \Vc ley Street, 0 sett. Yorks.
Il \30~~RK9'2~ a\1lc'£o~d, avile To\\.n: De\\ bury. ~~a~~~~~ 1'r . D. LE CH, 64, Bradford Road, Blrkensha\\ ford.F. PI CK, \RD, 19 , \ Ll"kefield 11' De\\sbur) .
re cent Wakefield Road ,
h Hun \\orth Lane, Cleck eaton. 'Rll,rIFLD, 89, Ra\'en kno\\le Road. Dalton ,
rs. OLLI . L.GS,M -. H udder ncld. .. J -0 , T ng II. \ DlRSO', \I.B., C1I.B., " HighAeld, Bradford. \ acanl.
Area Sergeant-Major A/Area Commissioner . Area Superintendent (A) Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon . . . . Area StalT Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea Staff Officer Area Commissioner Area Superintendent (A). Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Assistant Area Surgeon Area
ursing Officer .
lIallamshire rea \Var J. G. B '10..10" "Brook. ldc," halton, Bamford, r. henleld. · H KI'- , 356, J ulwood Road , She/held. 10. Mrs. V. D. LrL WOOD, S.R . . , 16a, TaJ"lton Park Road, henleld, 10. J. K. . Bevl RLI Y, r...1.D., B.SC., 6, oo/bank 10 c, henleld, 10. Mr . V. G. BOO1J1, 4, Ranclagh Omc, lcclcsall , ' heffleld . · . Bow( I Y, "'LB., B.S., "1.R .. n.C, , 34, Ilcm pcr Lane, henleld. ommandcry outh Ea tern
r a
Di ,trict Office : Belfa 1cmorial Building, -, Waring trcet, Belfa t, l. Tel. Preside/lt : 01 R ERRI K. Il cr I ,cellency Thc Lad) CR, .... District T'ice-Presi£!cl/t: !\Ir . G. N. W\LLA [, I>1.B.[.
mml. Sioner .
· H LLrY, Broadoak, Warnington DrIve, Be sa' aI', Donca 'ter'Commandcr upenntcndent ( L. A. LARKf, Oaklca, cawthorpe r. Donca tel'. " Mrs. P. . BCLL, "The rove," Illgh treet, Thurnscoe, r.Colllllldndclj urgcon. ROlherha m. A ' I r u rgeon . nicer R . . LMMf rT, M.R.C ... , I .R.C.P ., The rest, Broolllhall Cre cent,c s l. ol~m<lI1c Y Bradford Road, Wakefield. omman cry ur ing J. A. Son, M.B., CI1.B., 14, Middlefield Road, Be acar'COIll. tan' Ilker ( adets) (A) . tafT nkcr ( adct ) ( ..J) . Doncastcr. Mrs. F. M. BRow , S. . 1\1" 26, ),\rdcnia Road, Harnby Dun , Com. r. Donca tcr.
, r.R .. P, . D.PH' .1011_1 R ' (J(" O.B.L., T.D.. [ _ 9 (Tel Belfa t 6660-1-2). 1L D., -10, - Im\\ 0 d \ Clllle, Bel at.. .. ~thk in .. Rea il1e I \V RILV[ \1 B.L, t.R.D .. T.O., ' 'plJ~I~ DlIl~donald, Belfa l. (Tel. DlIndolDlald 6 _-1-5). B' f 'd 0 o\\n. Thc ountess 01 RODI', (jan 0 1 , . I \.ellLle, BelR. II. Ll\ 1',,(;Sl 0" "1.D., I . R. . . 77 , Balmora Q H.P., [\1.0 ..
rast, 9.
J. Mc . T
B. Bmcl ,
LB., B. 11., S.R . . , .. 1'>1.,
D.P.l., I' ·' 'Ho pital, Lond nHnage \,111
dCITV. 1 "Donegall \cnue, Whit head. II. JOIIS10l'.1, J.P .• ·, e~la'L G ' lnahirk Bclfa t. (Tel. \ltRCl r , ITelen ca, I , . M ·I. Bclfa' t 65-1-429).
Com. sst. StaffOfficcr (Cadet) ( ) Mi . I HILL 45, Bloomfield Road, Bangor, o. Down. W. . R) 'I, \1 .B.L, J.P., Glcnanncy, L1lta, o. Down. (Tel rea Commi ioner Holywood 3162). (Public Rclati n ). .J Di trict Staff Officer R . E. M. H \.IPI!RLYS, " Myle tone," hiche tcr Park, Belfast 15 . ' r . J. LOG \ , 39, Ardenlee ,arden, Belfast, 6. (Tel. 56407). ( dmin.) Major J. G. M '\ ' \.1. B., B. ~I., B. . 0., L.R.C. P., LR. c.s., ~ L.R.F.P. ' D.\!.R.D ., 5_, t. Jame s Par!.. , Bclfa t, 12. . BfR'\TE, 36, Mount Merrion 'venue, Bel fa. l. (TralnlOg). i 1. HE 1',41, Onent arden, Belfast. (Training). E. . ) THE, 65, Icil} Park. inagh), Bclfa t, 10. (Trea urer). D i trict Secretary Capt. J. OAf...E., \I.B.E., .- C rn," I ,Donaldson' \enue, , CarricHergu . (Tcl. 2425).
rea rea rea A.rea Area
Commi ioner Superintendent ( ) uperintendent ( I) Surgeons . ursing Officers .
Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (1 ) Area Staff Officers .
Belfa t rea . RODGlR 0'. II, lenhugh Par!... Belfa t, 14. \ . H. M C:\R"P-.EY,42, regagh Park, Bclfa t 6. acant. J. . LE\\ I , \I.B., 20_, \ e t ircular Road, Bclf, 1. . LOA', \1.B., 146, Gro \enOr Road, Bclfa t, 12 . . H . R'r'A .R.'.,32, tranmilli Par!.. , Bclfast. Mr . M. BLA K, .R . . , .c.\!.,64, bornc Dmc. Bclfast, 9. S. H LL,156 Icd} Par!.., Bclfast. 10. Mr . E. BERR't \1"'. 64, andhur t Dmc, Bt:lfa t, 9. is M . BLAIR, 33, )prus ardcns, Bclfa t. 5. G. H. HERIDA'.41. ric!..le\'.ood Par!... Bclfa'>t. 9. R. . J AC K 0 ,73, t. John' Par!.., Bclfa t, 7.
lIrgcon lIr Ing OrTlcer tafT mccr ( adet'J ( )
Lo ndond err Area Lt.- 01. D. G. . WIIYTL, I .S.O., M.D., M.R.C.P.(LO .), F.R .. P. (r DI .J, r.r.R., J.P., Ballynagard House, Londonderry. R. R. II ARPUR, 3, May Street, Londonderry. Mrs M. CRAWIORD, " Riverbank," 7, Victoria Ro ad, Londondcrry. Dr. M. . Lr SLI, Li nagowan, aw, Londonderry. Mrs. G. W. BROW , S.R.'1., 2, Daphne Gardens, Londonderry. Mrs. . A'J)[RSO', The Rectory, Killaloo, o. Derry.
Ol11mlSSIOner 1I ncrl n tcndcn t (
T ronc rca J. R. MARff'oi, O.B.F., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Summerhill, Mrs . . r. M RTf'oi, . ummerhill, Ciogher.
OIllI11 IS ioner uperintcndent uperintendent
Area Surgeon Area. Tursing Officer Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) Area Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ) rea Staff Officer .
Area Commissioner Area Area Area Area
Superintendent ( ') Surgeon 'ursing Officer . . Staff Officer (Cadet) (
PRIORY FOR W L H eadquarlers
Priory Housc, 4,
\ .
Jo,[ , ~I.B., B. H., B.,,\ .O., "BCL'Lhmollnt,"
<lthcdral Road,
U'll/lu/I/llulll-ill-C/l/ej' oj \ur.l'II/fj
ardifT. Tel. ardiff 32131. orps alld Dil isiol7s for Wale~ :
I I R I r. Princess \ltdl Ina Du hcs of KI 'oi r, G.c.v.o., C.I., G.O.E. J OillI11IS,>1 ncr fOI \vale •1'. upcllI1Lendcnt for" alcs r lIrgeon for Waks . Jly hid 0011111 ioner lor ~alc
A rea Superintendent ( )
ntrim Area Commissioner
'1. JOI[
. . . . up rintcndent for
Road , Ball) mena. Mrs. F. MORTO"", ghna lare, \\0 (llands \cnue, Ball}· lant hId ommi.,sioncrs for mena. Hugh \i ILSO'. f.R .... , "LI namo) Ie," hc Rodden, Larne. ~aks Mr. . Iyf. rr L'l. 106. algorm. Ball) mcna. slan L hid . uperintcnticllts J. M. ROGFR , 15, '-orth Road. arne!- fcrgu,>. r Wale,> r. . HA\1ILTO , 6, Manse Road, c\\lo\,.ndbbc) . RODGERS, 15, onh Road, amd fergu . (Public Dutlt:: J.
Lieut.- loncl J . R. . TRAJlER1\,E, D.L. Lad) R IIFR ' r, J.P . . J. \1 . RI: JG, O.B.r., B. . , LB. , B. H. olone.! R. Iyh OJ)[
LfC) .,
aam I. II. D \\ If~ , \1.B ., (,H.B. I. R. . ROIH R f. () , \LB .,
J.P., D.L.
\!laJor- cnclal LC\"IS P Gil, C.B., (,13.[ .• D.... , J.P., D.L. Brlgadlcr J. . 10RG\ , (.B.E., T.D., J.P., D.L., \1.0. \;lr,> \,: . R. R \\\SI!A\\.. \I.A . \!lr . \ . B. PI 'A T, S.R.'-' . \11 r. . \1 . \ I I 1 1\ IS . r:-. 0 R. B. Mathia,>, .R. . J . P'RR'r'. 115 7. D. DRl In . L T. L[\\ I , B.<; ., LB .• B. II.
•f lIr Ina OITiCl::1 fOI \\alc:atlc . l:cn:tar) for \\ <tiL'S rm agh rca minQ Oll iccr for \\ail: Captain R . J. MIT HELL, T.D .. J.P., The Old Rl.: tor), harle Jql;artLr.., tafT nicer. treet, Lurgan. iss . L 'TTO, ay ide Kdllcomalnc Road, Portado\\n. An~lc ~ F. BELL. LB., D.P .Ii, .. \ oodland," rmagh . ou/7f I PresldC'lIl . acant. Ir RILhard v..1Ll.1 ,\ Is-B LJ.-fLrY, BT., Lord LIl.:utcnanl. Vacant. Do~~n
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( ) Area Surgeon Area ursing Officer . Area Staff Officer (Cadets ( ). Area Secretary .
Area Commissioner Area Superintendent ( ) . Area Staff Officer ( adetsJ ( )
rea D. S. STFVLS, B.A ., Barrl Lcr-at-La\\ , .. nnacrcc\), alnt- l1missioncr field, o. DO\"n . Miss . H. JOH STO f-., 3 , Lanccflcld Road. Belfa t. nty . upt:rintenocnt ( Dr. G . W. Do ALDSO ,5 .. hand on Park, C\H). iss M. H av,thorne, ·. R.' ., 5.('.\.1., Downc 11 0 pllal, 00\\0patrick. Mr . J. E. JOH"'STO , "Mena:' Doncgal \cnuc, Whltchead . iss 1. PA fTY, 104, Hig h trect, I folywood. apt. '" Fermanagh r a acanl. Mrs. G. . IDDLC, In vaJe, hanterhlll Road, -nni killen. rs. A MALO r, B.A., 10, Willoughby Placc, nni killen.
T.D., ,, " enall!,"
unn e Tcrracc, 1 (01) hee d.
r .
Brccon. hir COUll I I' Presidenl J
\R . ()
s- \
11 I I \1 , \1.13 .1..,
J.P., RS., L rd LlcuLenant.
Lach Pre~id(, I1I ' Mr . M. M. P . \ I SO UlI/III
I Ice-Pres'idenl s:
D Jo [S "I.B.I ., 1.\1., T.D. (4/11/)u/once) . aJor . ·Mrs . r' 1. \\I LO'" ( unillf{). Bngadlcr . 't 0 ',JI B\'D ( ·t/llbulance Cadets) .
Deputy Commis ioner . County Surgeon . s t. County urgeon . uperint ndent .. taff OOl er ( adets) (A). taff Officer ( adet) ( ) taft' OOleer
. TIIO\IA , O.B.E., J.P., R.N ., Trcto\.Ver HOll filii uperintendcnt ( nekhowell, Breeon. ur ing Omcer T. G. D~\~EL, J.P., Mae - -Ffynon, Ponl tieill, Merthyr Tydfi 01y G. H. BLCK, LR . . . , L.R.C.P., The range, efn oed, Merlh) T dnl. nly tafT Omcer ( adet) ( G. M. Jo r , \I.R. C.S., L.R .. 1'., Pcndrc, loth Hall Lane Cef . oed, Merthyr Tydfil. ' nty tafT Omeer ( adet) ( MI B. G\\'y ,\l-Ho\\ [Ll, Dol-)-[ f) n, Builth \i ell . Vacant. 1t) urgeon 1i on J \COB 66, H) non De\",i, Llanfai , Brceon. 1ty taft Omeer ( ) Rh) \ 1\ ,26, ough Building, stradg) nlai, ea. Ben D \\ IL, "G!'eenfield," hur h Road, Y tradg)nlai~nl) lalT meer ( ) . \ anse<:1. (Tralnll1g). aernan on hire
~ orth
COli/II \. Pre sidell!
Ir Michael DLrI', Bt., Lord Llcutenant. Lmh PrelidClII!' The Lad. \1cgan Lun 0 [OR ,r., \I.P.
Commi Deputy County County Count) County Count) County
Mr . M. D. CAVE, A.R.R.C., "Brynhafod," Old Road, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire. Mr . S. J. THOMA, S.R.N., C.M.B" 20, Stradley Park Avenue, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire. Lieul.- olonel G. TREHAR E, 69, Queen Victoria Road, LlaneJ1y, Carmarthenshire. Mis A. DAVIES, 80, Coleshill Terrace, Uanelly, Carmarthenhire. acant. 1. RES, 19, Renallt Street, L1anelly. . W. HOLLOWAY, 15, Cowell Street. LJanelly. Mrs. . M. JOES, 37, Hedley Terrace, Liaoelly. Mr . R. DICKE S-JE KI ,J.P., 22, Spowatt Avenue, Lianelly. Mr. . E. OWE;o.., 8, Zammit Crescent, Lianelly.
ol1lmi ioner
Count) Count Count Count)
T. 1011 ~
COl11mi "ioner
armarthen hire County Area J. R. JOi';[ , Chief Constable, Carmarthenshire and Cardiganhire. (Tel. armarthen 6444).
COIiIlfI' r'iCCl-Prcw/ell! outh armarthen hire ounty rea Mr . G. \\) ",\1 1 I CH (VlIr.\ llIg). D. B. LE\vELLy,\-MoRG .... , I.D., B.. , M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., 1 Pare ioner . . , oel ROBrln'i. I .\1.5.'i. \., \1. \., 37, <htle qu,\I~. aernanor Oml11l"SIOnel Ilo\\ard A enue, Uanelly. (Tel. Lianelly 2794). Commi ioner. Lieut.- olonel \\. J. \\ILLI\\I, (IB.r., Ll.B., n.'; ., Chle on table, aernan on. Superintendent (A) aeanl. 'a t Denbigh hire uperimendent ( ) rs. E. A. Jo .... rs. S.R ...... , "Tcgfan," 14, Tcri'yn Tcrr<lec, Port Olll1t.l' PresideJlt: dinon\ ie, Cacrnal\ on hlrc. 'I .... '" -I I"" H, C.B.E., \I.C., J.P., Lord Lieutenant. urgeon . "IL-JO LS, \I.B., B.CII., 131') 11, Penlll.tenma\\ r. olonel J. 'ur iog omcer 1r . 1 r. J. Ro\\ L \ OS, .. R,'-., PI3 C\\ \ dd Pcnmaenmawl Lad) PresideJlt : C2ernan on hlle. • ' Lady Lo\\ TIILR. taff Officer (Cadet) (A) . D\\,\RDS, "RedcltlTc," 5', Rhuddlan \\enuc, L1amJlIdno aptatn R. . V\'S, \I.B.E., J.P., Fernyfield, Uay, Wrexham taff OOleer H. [\ Il LI, \1.P.S., 3, 10 l) n Ir~d, L1.tndudno, acrnanon n1ls,>lOncr Denbigh hire. (Tel. Gre ford 292). hire. \\. . JOM, "Wc lholme," We ton Rhyn, r. Oswe try. T. O. P\RRY, 22, . treet, C ,1ern,H\'on ul) omml'>'>loner. M. T. I LWY'I JO'\ES, \1.0., D.P.H., 16, Gro venor Road, R. I. THo~L\ ,11, 13r\,l1l~ron Park , 011\\<1", (eeretarj). tnt Wrc,<ham, Denbigh ' hire. . R. P. PArr.\lA , 34, ~fordd ocd anon. acrnanonsllll'e ) urgeon RI[TITlI, 45, Wan\ iek venue HlghlOV'.:n, Wrexham. D. J. (Training). Illccr ( adct ) ( ). '11~ tafr L. K. ROGI:.R , 2., hurch Vie\\, Chirk.. mcer'> ( ) . nl~ . tafT Til Lord TR[\OR J.P., Brynkinallt, Chirk. ardigan hire J. . U\\ I , Plot 36, Lodge Road, G\\ynville E tate Rhosddu, em111 I I Pre sldell! \ rc,<ham. ( adet). apt. J. HrXTLE\\ r , O.B.I , R '.(rnD.). L I'd icll ten.1 n t. \. T. KL\lP TER. 6, Pia ' bar, Rho) medre, Wre.\ ham. (Cadet ).
l .ad)' Presidell!
Commi sioner
L. D. Ilrrord Jo LS, 1..'\1 S.S. \.," reenhills," Penylainc Road berysl\\) tho Deputy Commi sioner Rees E <Ins D\\lr,>, "King Iyn," PenDar au Road, Aber· olonel .I. y t",yth. County Superintendent (A) J . BLAYI'I, mbulancc ralion, Queens Road Aberystwyth. County uperintendent ( ) Mrs. l . D . hurehtll. County Staff OOlcer H. DAvIE'i, 12, Baker 'treet, Abcry,>tw\lth. nll1llSSIOne r County Surgeon . Hugh IlrRBfRl , 1.\1.S ... \., Tan)fron , bcraHon. County Staff Officer Peter DAvlfS, orlan, L1angeltho, Tregaron. ( raining). 1l1ty ommisioner. tnty , uperinl ndent ( Carmarlhen hire unt) ,u rgeon 011ll!1 Pre SIc/eli! Lieut.- olonel II' Grismond P. PilI[ IPI'S, (.V 0., Lord Lieutenant. lunty ursing meer Lac/) Presidel/l : Ju nty tarT Oillcer ( adets) ( The Hon. Mi·s. f ISIII R HOCIf, T.n . lunty tarr Orlker ( ) . COllllt)l Vice-Presidellt: lu nly , tarr OiTIcer ( ) . Mis r. P, THYI n-lnNLs. M 1\ •• II .B. ( IIrsillK Cm/ell' ) lunly . tall' [lH.:er ( adcts) ommissioner D. ceil WILLIAMS, J.P., "Lisvane," ['c llnl'ol:1 Road, Llancll y armarthen hire. (Tel. Llanclly 255).
t Denbi 'h hire
COIlI1!Y Prcsidell! :
I - ~ INCH,
I. ., J.P., Lord Lieutenant.
Lmh' PresidClII! :
Lad) Lo\\ n If R. E. . M\R H \LL-IILGHL" 36, tation Road, Uann\st, Dcnbioh hire. (Tel. L1anr\\' t 277). LLI-~ 97, Parc-. -Ore, Ruthin, Denbigh hire. . Dr. hila REID, Thc Old Re tory, L1any han, RuthlIl, Denbigh hirc. ~. L. Jo"[, 1.13., B.S.(LO D.), \I.R.C . . , L.R.C.P., IItwen, L1an[\\ rog, Ruthin. :.lcant. b' h ·t · M. D\ IE ,16, t. David' - Road, Old ol\\' n, Den 19 me. 1. H. R YDl:. ,Mark.le ilia, Dundonald Road, olw n Bay. . ROBnns, "Delamare," adwgan Road, Id T. I. 0 LKlS, 69, Park.-y-Dre, Ruthin. L • R. \\1 DLlL ,6-+, or) n enue, Tan-) -Lan, Old ol\\') n. D. P. ROBf'RI ., ~O, ,roe Road, Colw)n B3,.
Flint hire
COllnty Pre idellt: Brigadier H. S. K . M \I WARI a, .B., e.B.E., D .. 0., T.D., Lord Lieutenant. Lad)' President : COllllt l' Vice-President: The Lady 0 ( IIrsillg Cadet ).
Kc ')
County Staff Officer (A) County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A)
R. T. J\IITII, F.e.A., " ra'(ton," Gronant Road, Prestatyr FJintshire. H . B. FREE tA , J.P., "Over tone," Wepre Park, Connah' Quay, Flint hire. Mr . . I. BAILLY, 19, PendyfTr}n Road, Rh yl. -ea OLLlLR, I.R.C.S., L.R . . 1'., " hr.ndon," Brunswie G . H. Road, Buckley, Flint hire. C. H . SHE TO ," a tlemere," King venue, lint. G. MA ELL, 4, Sandy Lane, Qu ee n ferry, lint hire.
Area Commissioner
L1antri ant ounty Area J. A. DAVID, J.P., 21, Bridgend Road, Llanharan.
Deputy Commis ioner County Superintendent ( County Surgeon
ommis ioner
omml ioner
omml ioner
Neath County Area leazer REES, 37, Heol Penderyn, Longford,
eath Abbey.
Pontardawe County Area . POWELL, J.P., F.e.A., Brierley H ouse, 102, Derwen Fawr Road , Sketty, Swansea. Pontypridd County Area B. T. Jo ES, 59, Pant ygraigwen Road, Pontypridd, Glamorgao .
Merionethshire COllnty President : W ILLIAMS- W Y E, 0 . .0. . J.P. , Lo rd Lieutenant. olonel J . Lady President: Glamorgan Lady GLADY Ru SO . ollnfl ' Pres/(/C'II/' P. LLOYD, Penrhyndeudraeth. 101 111 is i ner Colonel Ir enn) dd TRAHER<E, T.D., J.P., B RR., Lord Lieutl!nant. J. L. Jo ES, J.P., "Manteg," berdovey. put) mm!. ioner J . D. Jo E, 6, H aulfryn Terrace, Oakley Square, Blaenau Ladl' PresidC'II( : He tiniog. . Mr . L. M . TRAilER l. Mr . Kerri OWE, Police tation, Llandrtl.lo. . uperintendenl ( ) lu nt) . P. ROBERTS, "Bryn Erw" 3, Bowydd View, Blaenau Ffestllu nty tafT OrAcer ( adet) ( ) Commi sioner M. THO\IA, hlef on lab Ie, P lice II.Q ., Bmlgend. niog. Deputy Commissioner acant. acant. tafT Alcer ( ad ts) ( ). County Superintendent ( 'li nt) Mr . . M. IUGC,. Dr. Richard W. EDWARDS, Caerffynnon, Dolgelley. (A) . County Surgeon. . D . RlrnTH, L.\1... f.R .C.S., R.'.\ .R.(RL TO.), I, Kings Inly tafT Officer land . County u rsing Officer 1onmouth hire Mi P. D. J OM , S.R. '. , .C.\1., Q.. , Wei h H ospital Board ardirr. Co 1I11 t )' Presidell(: Asst. CommiSSioner R. W . 0\\ ARD. , 9, Wcstward RI \;, BaiT) . I nel . R. HILL, D. '.0., J.P ., Lord Lieutenant. As t. County Surgeon . . . D . Milne D 'BAR, \1.B ., B.S., I, anh lew \ enue, Bcddau Lad\' Presidell( : County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J . P. J IARRIL, 49, ait Reid Road, Bndgcnd , lamorgan Tbe :Lady RAaLA . County Staff Officer (Cadet) ( ). acant. COLIlltl' Vice-President: A t. County uperintendent ( ). Mr . M . C. TIIO\IAS, lal1\\enn), f\\cnl1) . Mr . . J ~ H STO ( lIrsing) . . D V[E, 13, Brynlirion, Bedwas, ~on . 0 lml11l'>sloner bera\on ount r ::I W F RLE'l, I.., hief Con table, Poltce H.Q. , Aberoa enny. :put) 01111111 loner Mi . Kr EY, E adene Park Row, Tredegar, Mon. (Tel. Area Commissioner .1.:> 1. , Pl ot -y-lJr}n, Pentyla, Pori unty uperintendent ( ) POI t T albo t 670). Tredegar 3_6 ). .. d R d R . . HEPHERD, I.B ., B. H., " Red Cedar, Woodlan oa , lli nty urgeon roe yceilog, wmbrah . "GI h " Barr ounty r a T. R. BRY "T, O.B.E., B. C., LB., B. R., J.P., an owy, urge n t. ount y Park Place Tredegar. Area Commissioner L. M on, 21, Ro ad, 1.<1 . 1 Barry, lal11organ. (Tel Mr. . M . WIL\\OT, .R . . , 58, Tredegar Ro ad, Ebbw Vale. Barry 5934). ursing rAcer . . ounty PHILLIP 19 mold Place, Tredegar, Mon . Ju nty taff Officer ( adet) ( ) Mr . B. M. 'PIIILLIP ,19, rnold Place, Tredegar. DUnl) ta fT Officer ( add) ( ). W . PREE " 6_, H igh 1'0. Road, Roger tone ewport. Bridgend ount rea l unly ta fT onlccr~ ( ) . B . toke, 3, Standard dla, Trethoma . Area Commis ioner D. B. PRle [, B.S ., ~I.B., H.CII., I).R.( .O.C., The roft, Park Street, Brldgcnd , lamorgan. Bedwellty ounty Area W. M. YEI\II\\, liS, Markham re cent, Oakdale Blackwood rea orn 111 1 . ioner aerphilly ounty rea went ounty Area Area Commissioner Idri JO"JLS, 20, tation Terrace , Brithdl' , cw Tredegar, Mon. a nor House Pennant Street, Ebbw . WOOD ARD, T. rea omml ioner ale, Mon. ower ount Area ilurian ount Area Area Commissioner Major J. D. MORTO N, M.l.M.E., Tyle Tcg, Terrace Road , R ees MORa , "Lynmore," The Garden, Hereford Road, Swan ea. mml ioner Irea Monmouth. (Tel. Monmouth 316).
o 11"\ m I ioner
Trcvethin ounty Area II. Tllo I , 12, W::Iinfelin Road Pontypool.
:\Iontgomc r~
In ty Jn ty Jnty jOty Jn ly
COllntl' Pre' \idell!.
01. J. L. CORBETT~\\ I DER, O.B.E., Lalli Pn s dell! The Lad) D \\IE . COUIII I
Vice-Pr( \ldell/ L'
Jnty The Earl of PO\\ I , C'-D.E., T.O. (rllllhulance Cadels). r . RIFFlTH (\'ursillg Cadels). Commi loner T. . Jo C\ rn \ lila, acr \\5, !ontgomcr)- hIre. (Tel. aer \\ 277). County uperintendent ( \\. _. l\L. 35, Pentrerhed)n treet. achynlleth. Mont-JOty gomer hIre. urgeon Count~ D. R. B. 1\1 "". I.R.C.S .. L.R C.P, Park Lane. 'v\ el hpool, \ 10ntgomery hIre. l. Count~ urgeon B. L DFLRr. \t~Il .. B. H .. O.P.H .. 3. aerhO\\cl Hall, O'ltgomery Count) "",ur mg Officer \acant. Cou nt~ laff Officer (Cadet ) ( ) . \ aean£. County taff Officer ( adet) ( :'lr . K . IL\ ER. .R... tone J-l u e, \\ (.1 hrool. '\'loJ1lgomer) hlrc. ount) taff Offi er (AI . C\\lO\\n. \1 0ntgomeryD . \\. RI:-l . " \\\ndaf." Kern Road hI rc -' . \ . DA\ II- . The Pollcc l<1110n. L1anldl c R. H \an , . The \ngel Iiolel, L1anidloL:s P em broke hir CUlln/1 PI e~/llent·
The Hon. RI hard H . PHILIPP ,
l.B [ ..
ord Lieutenant.
Lad)' Pre.\idcJI{ I
1r . BICJ(cR10
r Ice-Pre!,ident Commi Deput) County County Countv Count)-
The Lord i\ll:Rlln R, J.P., D.L. Lady .1arion PHILIPPS (\'/[I HlI"). lOner OOD-O . LL.B. hll..f on lable. ount y Poll e Headquartcr..,. Ha\l..rford\\c l. Pcmb . ( l..1 Il a\crford\\e.,l n. Commi - ioner . M. . ROBI IU..,. e 0 hler onstable' fTj e. HU\l:rford\\e I Superintendent C tvlr. . 11. WI, J.I' .. 8ryn-y-~or, r i hgllard Pemb . urgeon D. J . D \\ les, 1 H.E., 1.0., B.S .. DI'.H., B.. C., "Rol ke Drifl," John ton. Pl..mb . Slaff Officer ( adet) CA) . .\.10RRI, . D<Ull1101llh an1en. \1ilford Henen. Pcmbs. Staff Officer ( A) • . \1 0RG,\ . f (.1 ... r.H.\, I, Gro\e ardcn. Ha\erford\\cst, Pemb . Rad nor hir OUl1l.l Pre,\ldclI{'
Brigadier SIr Michael DILLW) -\ E \BLl5-Lu.\\[l...... , Bt, \LV.O., J.P., Lord lieutenant. Commissioner . John D\\IE , \1.B., lUll., Brync:ocd, Rhayader, Radnor hire. County Surgeon D. \lKrR, \f.R .. S., L.R.( .P., t. Da\ Id' , Pre telgne RadnorhIre. County ur Ing Ofllcer acanl J
upertnlendent ( ) . urgeon ur ing Officer laff O fllcer ( adet) (A) taff O fllcer (Cadet) ( ) taff Officers ( ).
fficer ( adet)
Mr . R . M. PROTHEROE, 9 Tudor Terrace, Gadl ys, Aberdare. Dr. J. F. SCALES, The Laurels, Penrhiwceiber. Mr . D . STEEN, Ardnalee, Aberdare. A. PARFlTT, 8, R ock Street, Mountain Ash Aberdare. Mr . P. H ARRISO R ODERICK, Harrisonvil le, Cwmdare, Aberdare. G. P HILLIPS, 7, ilton Street, Cwmaman, Aberdare. D . D AVIE, 72, Jubilee R oad, Godreamao, Aberdare. AGE, 3 D avies Street, Aberaman, Aberdare. T. D . EVA'iS, 7, Bronie tyn Terrace, Trecynon, Aberdare. R . R OBERTS, 79, Herbert Street, Abercynon. L. REES, 74, Regent Street, Aberaman, Aberdare.
ardiff County ountl President ·
The Rl. Hon. The LORD
Ladl President :
The Dowager M'!>'RCHIO E . OF B
~ ice-Presidents: H lJ ER (AmbulaIlCL).
A. \II r..,. D. LLLlOTT EAGER. \I.B.E., J.P. (Vursing). rs. . LLF\\ ELLY , J.P. ('\ ur ing). Mr. . H ER (\urJing). R. D \IF ," i1gerran," ' II, Of)ton R i e, \Vhitchurch. 111ll1.., loner \II ajor . D. H. LKIGTO . The Cottage, Llan annor Co un, "ul) Ol11ml. loncr . 0\\ brIdge. \\1. J . THO\I -6. Fore 1 Road. Canton. Cardiff. 01111111 I )ncr 11 . J. D. \11TH, Ibley H ou e. 1 - C) ncoed Road Cardiff. nl) lI!1enntcndent ( . BE L \!.R.C. ., L.R.C.P., "Oakland ,. Rumne) Hill. Jnly lIrgeon ardlfT. \11 P. . JO'.E, ,R ... 19a, Conv,ay R oad. Canton, Cardiff. nt)- lIr II1g fhccr D. \\ . \\ IlLlA I 0 • \I.B., H.B., O.R.C.O.G .. 37, Lomond Ollnt~ urgeon ( \ ) re em. Lake ide. ardlff. orr, L.R.C.P., \I.R.C. .. '7, Gabalfa \enue. ardiff. urgeon ( ) l. '. 72, Heol-y -Deri, Rhi\\ bina, Cardiff. flicer ( adct) ( -\) . K . J . \ unt y \1 1 \1. D. H. Jo'.~ ,12, efn Coed \enue. )ncoed, Cardiff. (Ticer ( adel..,)C"' )· nl, J . B RT, 4. BarringtOn Road. \\ hirchurch. Cardiff. un!\ lllcer ( \ ) . \ . H. DA\\, 52. Pem Ian Road, Cardiff. . \\ . T. 0\\ '\RD , 49~. CO\\ brtdge Road, Ely, Cardiff. . J . OODE:, 66. GellIgaer treet. Cardiff. J . -\ . lark. 22. E.dinburgh Flat. Canton. Cardiff. \I r. . L. Timberlake. 24. Field Park Road. CardIff ( e ,' )' fllcers (. I . Jnl} \II r . . .A\.\GE, -I. \\ aun-\-Groe A\enu . Rhi\\bina. CardIff.
~ dill
COLIn! \. Pres/dc'JI{ :
\ I count ']( [\1 llY, G.B.E. ount~
Lad" Presiden( :
CUUlll. Pi'( sidelll.
acanl. La(h Pre ident:
Lady \VII I I \\1,),
ommissioner Deputy ommi lOner. . County Superintendent (A)
ST .
Vice-Prelident s': Dr. J. M. WIL 0 (Amblllance adels). Lady frangcon ILU<\'IS, J.P. (\unillfj). Dr. 11. B. PIER r, Bryn erdll1. Mountain acant. L. D\ IfS, 115, Ty fry. bcn.lare.
Thc Hon -ir. nthon) B RR ..... 01. Reginald REED\!\', D.L.\J..-\., " Hartland :' The Gro\'e, millIS I ner 1erth\r T\dfil. R. . Rr G : I, I)n oed Terra. e, fenh)r T~dfil. o III III I iOller. D. W. Jo E, 3, \\ ind or P Ia , The Walk, rthH T'l dfil. upcrintendcnt ( ) \ acanl. • upennlcn lent ( ) If. TIIO\l ,\I.B., B. , t. laire, Garth Villa erthyrTydfil. • lIrgeon . D. \\'. LE!GII, 6, Br) nteg Terrace, Trcharri : G lamorgan. talT fficer ( add) ( ) . J RD\ , 4, Thoma treel, Treham, ,]amorgan. taff fficer ( adct ) C"' ) F. 0\\ \RD., 12, The H ut, Treharri , Glum. taff fll er ( ) . T. J . L ..... c., 2, Waller Terra e, Tw)n)-r d)n, 1erth y r Tydfil.
COllntl' Pre ident: The Wor hipful The M YOR OF
Lad!' President : D. M . BMLEY. Vice-Pre iden!:
R. . Rl H\RD B.\., 1'-I.R.C .. , L.R .. P., B. ., 174, ommerlafT Officer (.A). cial Road, ewporl, on. (Tel. ewport 62270). A. 1. RE WELL, 5, H a\\ lhorn enue, ewporl, Mon. Mr . W. M . H RB R 25. Icvedon R oad. ewport M on \ . G. \11 Til , 1'-1.0., "Gre n Gate ," Ie edon R oad, ~wport: Mon . M. E. D A JE , L.:-'!. . . . , 15 , hak peare re cenl, ewport, M on. PRIORIES Mr. R . -" 1\1 ', .R.1\,., .c."I., 30 R oberl ue, e\\ port. . R . G. Poc K, 27, L}ndhur t cnue, ewport, Mon. Mi O. . Jo [ ,-+, o 11\\/a) Pl ace, \\ mbran on mouth- 'oI1l111i" iuner hire. ~upermten(knt ( 1 1. G. PROGER, c/o 235, hri tchurch R ad e\\ port. 1. ENABLE "Greenfi Id," t. M ellon, ~n. )urgcon . F. ,n E, 37, Pen ) Ian R ad, e\\port. W. R . \\ TO"-, "I.R.E., Tre\o e, e\\ p rt R oad, lantarnam, on. J . OTLEY, A . . . ,22, i Id' Par~ R oad. e\\porl. 0111 111 IS. i ner T. G. ALTLR, 1-+, lice lrcel, C\\P rt.
Deputy Commi ioner. Countv Superintendent ( ) County urgeon County Surgeon ( adet ) . Count)
ur ing Officer
County Staff Officer ( adel ) ( County Staff Officer ( adet) ( County Staff Officer County
( ).
taff Officer ( adet).
omml'>Sllliler .
A D COl\1l\IA DERIES OVERSEAS Priory in Australia htJ .-Gen. Sir Kmg ley ORRI, K.B.E., C.B., D.. 0., E.D., 194, Liltle on dale Street, l elboLirne, ictoria. MI<; F. . B. Mcl \), M.B., CH."1. Dr.
l Ol11l11i '>Ioner
The Wo r hipful The M \) OR m RII • DO \. [OC(I '
Mr . E.
President· ORR IS-TII O\I S, J.P.
Vice- President \'.
1. Commi Deputy County County County
ioner . . Commis ioner . Superintendent ( Surgeon . . . . Staff Officer (Cadets) (
County Staff Officer ( adel) (
h lef OI11I11IS,>loncr 'l-in- hid ltenLlenl-ln- hier ( )
LLD\Y mIen)
W\ 1\ (
W. R . KI' G, "LB .• B.CII .. '1 Bt:rlldn, Idergro\c ourl, Porth '\)1111111"'> loncr acant. hier I11I11IS.' loner . acant 'llendenl-Inhief ( IE, \1.13., 11.8., " Penfro," acrd), Rh ondda. W . B. D 'n-Inhler W. H . E\ 8 R), 21 H ughe lreel, Pcn gmlg, Rh ondda, )Illcel mbulance adet. lam . M r . M. C. R r., 76, Bule lreel. Trcherbcrt. Commi sioner
wan ea
County Pre 'ident Ir Willi am
. Jr KINS, J.P.
Lad\' Presiden!: Lady JI ommissioner Deputy COl11missioner . County uperintendent ( ounty Surgeon . County ursi ng Officer
) Priory
. \ . BLRTO" \I.B., B..
'o mmand ery in \\'e tern u tralia Dr. L. G. B. I\IP TO ,\I.B., B.S., r.F.A.R.C.S., D.A., (R.C.P. & .), 298-30 . Wellington lreet, Perth. Dr. . J. KI C.
Call/If I ' PreslCleJ/(
Vacant. Mi A. PHELPS, .R . . , 20, T eilo Crescent, Mayhi ll, Swansea. Vacant. Mis M. D AV IFS, S.R . ., Park Beck, Sketty, Swansea. Mr . G. M. WILLIAMS, 32, Blaenymaes Drive, Blaenymaes, Swansea. Mrs. M. PRJ. G, The Chalet, Brynaeron Court, Dunvant, wan sea Mr. . A. HOPKIS, 67, B apti t Well Street, Swansea. H . G. D IE, C 0 15, Hafod treet, H afod, Swansea (Training). 1. RECS, 46, Cardigan rescenl, Bonymaen, Swansea. . J. PHELPS, 20, Teilo Cre sent Mayhill, Swansea .
tan' Officer (Cadet) (A) tafT Officer (Cadet) ( ). tafT Officer (A) . 'ounty ursing Officer. StafT Ol1icer ( ) .
Mr .
Ol11ml'> ion'r
1tcnc.!ent-ln- hler ( ) hi 'f . . upl.-I11- hler ( ).
. Lc'BATf H AVARD, " len jew," L. on Towy, kellY, wan ea. (Tel. wansea 32754). A. . GII3HI s, The Bungalow, orth Qu een's D ock, wan ea. Commissioner Vacant. ccrclary)n-in- hier and Vacant. . . . ur es' ~eral M iss D. . D Av l rs, S.R . . , R.r. . , wanea IIo pltal Inlendcnl-in- hief ( ) Home, Pare Beck, Skelly, wan ea.
Prior) in anada 01. J. RED\IO,D ROCII!:., O.B.E., E.D., Q.c., t. 10h n Hou e 321. hapel treet, Ottawa, Ontario. I3rigadH:!r T. . JO!!',<STO" O.B.I:., £.0., .0. Brigadier 1. . B. R\WrORD, I.B.E., E.D., 1.0. rs. Peler L. ROBl, 0,. PriOr} in 1 ~ew Zealand Brigadier 1. M. MITCHELL. D .. 0 .. E.D., 99, The Terrace Wellington , . 1r,\CHL, J . P. ( hler ecrelar)). T\11 ·sB.P.001\.. Gr )UP aplain H. M.\R H. C.B.E., Q.H.P. Dr. D. P. KE 1'1, DY.
Prior. in outhcrn Africa . G \RD ER-W ILLT t-I , Glen hiel, W ool Ion R oad, We tcliff, Johanne burg. .1. P. L LRE" . J. G. It ",c. Mi . L . PAY' . Dr. . R \BI'O\\ IT?, "J.D., L.R .. P.(EDI~.) \J.R .C. .( 1'-G.). 11" . . A. W \LI\.LR.
Dr. (Mi ) Road,
India ushila X\ .\R, C\V Delhi, 1.
.J.I\.B. Headquarlers, 1, Red
Major-General . K. L \K. ' H M 1'1 T. K. DR \ \\" \ L \.
A .
ro -
G ha na
Pa ki ta n Chief Commi
t. John Ambulance Brigade H Q~ll1lis ioner . . . Duly om III I Sloner .Iricl uperintendent ( Iricl u rgeon . . . . !an l ing Sec. & Training Orficer
Syed Wajid Ii H H,II.Q.A ., Frere Street, Karachi 4. Mr. Safdar Ii Khan, .K. Brigadier M. harif.
sst. Commis ioner Surgeon-in-Chief
Vacant. Vacant. Mi D. A. . KISSEIH, S.R . . Dr. E. W. Q. BA NERMA . . . ADDO-ABEDI, c/ o Ghana Police College, P.O. Box 740, ccra.
Co mma nd er, in Rhode ia Commander), Commandery COlllmander)
uperintendent urgeon.
G ibra lta r
Brigadier M. O. Oll! .B.E., P.O. Bo'X 536, ali bUr!11mi Rhode ia. uty Mr. . \on KUMPERER. tric l Dr. . L. IRl\" M.B., 11 .13. (, T. 'DRI w, ), D.I.II. (LO"ID.). ,Incl
0 , M.B.!:.., Police H.Q., Gibraltar. apt. W. H. 1(. . HOARE. Mrs. D. ELLICOTT. Dr. . M. Mo TEGRlFFO.
ommis ioner . upcrintendent ( ) urgeon
G ilbert a nd E lliee I Lmd ~lllli
G renada
Ba ha ma Area Co III III is ion r
. G. MORRIS, (
J . H. HOLLEY, "1.V.O., M.B.E., Office of the Chief of Police, Police H .Q., t. George' , Grenada. P. M LEI II. Mr . B. MA COLL, 1.B.E. Dr. B. A. RAPIER, M.B., CH.B.(EDI .).
'llI11I· ioner
Police Headquarter,
nut) tncl tric t
a au.
ornmi . ioner . upcrlntendent ( u rgeon
Ba rba do Comllli sioner Deputy Commi ioner. District Superintendent ( ) Di trict Surgeon
G u a na
olonel J. o ' I L1 . , O.B.L.., Barbado . Major . BR DroRD. Mr. II. LR. Dr. L.
Ll.D . ,
Di trict Superintendent ( Di trict Surgeon
\ Ingmmander L. J . way Hue, 59, Front Mr . B. B \R ro'J. Vacant.
D.I .
Ire I, Ilulllilton .
Deputy Commi
. MOK .
Ja ma ica "lor
Hong Kong J, 2, MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong.
ric HOT'
loner oillmi SI ncr upl:rintendcnt ( rlct LI rge n
Bermud a Commi
J. DUREY, M.B.E., P.O. Box 407, Georgetown. F. A. D . LEARE. Mr. . TEELE. Dr. L. H . WHARTO , M.B.E.
. Bo\ 2 6, Bndgetov.n.mmi si ner pU I oll1llli ioner. tnct u pl:ri n lenden t (
Briti h H on d ura D . G. WAk[ L1", B.A., colt 0\\ ing and 5, ork treet, Belize ily. B. II. TAYLOR, n.B.r.
Dr. R. D. K. L E Y, 2e,
Olllmi ' I ner
J amaica hipping
o. Ltd.,
mllllSSloner .puty ommi ioner . Itri t uperintendcnl (
R. H .
olombo 3.
mmis')io ncr LOWl:i' Lake stnc t urgeon . slrict uperinlendent (
Dr. O. TOMLl 0 . Dr. L. J 013. Mr . K. HHHERI orth-W c t
ncr mmi . ionl:r uperintendcnt ( urgeon
ypr u Dr. Z. . PA os. Dr. F. RASSIM . Mi Yl GIlIAYAN, 1711, ICO ia.
l. John
Illbulance Brigade, P.O. Box
. omml ioner llstrict urgeon
Fij i Commissioner Deputy ommrSSlOner District Superintendent ( Di trict Surgeon
IlLiA I . . ROTIlERY .
Mr .
Jama ica No rth-Ea J leaJquancrs,
Commis ioner . Deputy Commi sioner . H.Q. Officer for ypru
a ant.
c, lon Commissioner Deputy Commissioner. Di trict Superintendent ( District Surgeon
amp Road King lon,S.
W. DONOVAN, 0.11.1., 1. 5.0., K.S G., W. P. RACe.. Mrs. -. M. B ECKflT, S.R . . K . J. GIL IIRISI, M.fl., B.S., L.R.C.P.(LO
.P.O. Bo
r .R.
L1va .
ommi lepLity llstrict llslrict
ommi ion r. uperintendent ( urge n
1\ "
O.I3.E., R. . (Retd.).
1.13 . , B. . (lO D.) .
Kcnya ir harle M RKIIA I, Bt., P.O. Bo'X 1469, airobi. Vacanl. Mr . . . . - \ ER RD, .R.N. Dr. L. R., l.R . . . , L.R.C.P., B. 1-1., D. l.R.D.
T. JOll
Leeward 1 land E. BERRIDGE, I.B.E., P.O. Bo\. 25,
Area Superintendent ( ntigua) Area Superintendent (Briti h Virgin I land)
In pector T.
Commissioner District Superinlendent C'\ ) District urgeon
;\ lalta Lieut.· oloncl J. . BfL\, O.B [., C,.P .O. MIS B. M. GRII-Il", O.B.£.. S.R."., s . . \1. Dr. \S.' \R.
oolidge, Antigua.
'omrni ioner
. J R\ I , Police Headquarter, Tortola, IDistrict Surgeon . . . . .J.Q. Officer for Sierra Leone. I land. rea Superintendent (Mont errat) In pector J. B) RO , c/o Police H.Q., Mont errat. rea Superintendent ( t. Kittomml ioner e\ i - nguilln) . \ \1 I::L, Q.P.\I., CP.\I., .J . . B. II.Q., P.O. Box )eputy ommi ioner Ba etcrre, t. Ki II . )1 trict uperintendent ( )1 trict urgeon Ialaya Brigade Natiullal Headquarters : 41, hclJey Road, Kuala Lumpur. ommi ioner Commi ioner Dato (Dr.) Haji Megat KHAS, D.P.\I.P., J.P., P.T.K., \I.P. )1 trict urgeon Di trict Superintendent ( Puan ri adiah RDO", 1-llaJjah. Di trict urgeon Vacant. \ Commi ioner
Commi ioner Deputy Commi ioner Di trict uperintendent ( Di trict urgeon
enior Commi ioner
Commi ioner Deputy Commi loner District Surgeon
Commi sioner
District Surgeon
Commissioner Deputy Commi ioner. District Surgeon Headqu arters Officer for t. John Advi er
Commissioner . . . Di trict Superintendent ( District Surgeon . H .Q. Officer for Sabah
ommissioner District Surgeon
560, Malta
)epUl) ommi ioner. tri t uperintendent ( tnct urgeon -{ Q. Officer for Caribbean and rth tlantic rea )1 )1
Sierra Leone L. W. LEIGH, O.B.E., M.V.O., c/ o P olice H .Q., George Street, Freetown. Dr. D. E. BOYE-J OIf so J. A. Fr EY, c/ o Police H.Q., George Street, Freetown . Singapore Dr. K. L. LOH, 420, Beach Road, Singapore, 7. Tan Bian KIM. Mis GOT Soo MEE. Dr. SEAR CHE G fA G. Tanzania L. K. Bakuname. P.O. Box 468, D ar-es-SaJaam. Dr. C. . Ec LES, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Trinidad and Tobago J . D'ARCY, St. John Headquarters, P.O. Box 657, Port of Spain, Trinidad, We t Indies. Vacant. Mr . B. RCHBOLD-CRICHLOW. Dr. V. 1. MASSIAH.
Mr . F. M. DAVIE- \IITH. j\ lauritiu Turk and Caico J land G. B. Me ·\1 fER), Q.P.\I., .P.\I., Police Ilcadquarlcr , [\rca uperintendent . P. HOLDE". Police H.Q., Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos LOUIS. T land We t Indies . P. M. . L1LLL \1/". ga nda acanl ORYEM , co P.O. Box 16014, Wandegeya, K ampa la. . W. o III III I ioner Dr. R. de ['\;E\'ILLE. . P. H . MILNER. PH.C., ~f.P.S. )eput) omll1J loner Vacant. )1 tnct upcnnlendent ( igcria J. KI 'TU, c/ o P.O . Box 16014, Wandegeya, Kampala . lQ. mcer for ganda Mr. Ju lice . D. 0 't (.,\ 1\, uprcl1le oun. Lago'i. "ind" ard J land J . M uLLIGA", Police Headquarter, Ro eau, D ominica. \rca upcnntendent (Dominica) F. CA '\0'\, ~I.V.O., M.B.E., C. P.M., Police Headquarters, St. Lucia Irea upenntendent ( l. LUCia) ,\igerian Police District "DER ON, t\I.V.O., I.B.E., Q.P. I., Police H.Q. , L. O. 1 Ol T, u.r .R., (.13.1 , Force l/catiquartcrs. The :t'-.Ig\\rca upcnntendent ( t . Inc nl) . Lt.- 01. King lown, t. incent. POIICC, Obalendc, Lago . Kam lLi \1. Zambia Dr. OR 1.\ - ILLI \\1S. 01. . F. G"URO ,\1.B.E., P.O . Box 91, Lu aka. 0111 III I '. loner 'igerian Railwa ' Oi triet Dr. D. 0 "-\\ E, Igenan Rall\\ays Mella, Lago . Dr. "W,\.
orporatlOn. [b
Headquarters: Lumden lIou e, l' 'gerian Ports uthorit~ Di trict Prol'illces: (I) J. O. M. BOL\"LI, igcnan Port ' uthoril), Pm<1te Mall 1 (2) 12588,2628, Manna, Lagos. (3) J . MIOLEY- COTTo (4) Dr. B. A. JOJlN~O"i, \I.B., (II B ((JL\s.), D.T.\!. & 1f .( L'pooL)ouncil Pre idenl Igeria . O. . T('8£:, Prlvale Mall Bag 220-+, Innna Posl Oll1ce, Lag\rea Pre ident R. PILBI \1.
abah Dr. R. DI"(,LI .Y, P.O. Bo'{ 432, Jessclt n. Mr. stller MAIl. Dr. K. II . BLAAUW. Mr . M . hin.
ommi ioner )eputy omml loner. 'hief uperintendent ( ). Is i [ant ommi ioner
eychclle R. D. Il oOK, Police II.Q ., P.O. Bo\ 46, Victoria, Mn~istrict Seychclles. 3rigade Dr. II. M. SHVI .0N- DruloMMf, C.B.f".
urgeon ecretary
outhern Ireland) treet, Dublin, 4. Tel. Du blin 65757. 29, ork. Mc urtain Limerick. Glen[, orth John treet, Mullingar. Mrs. eton PRI GLE. The Lady REW. Mr . Beatri e RO VEl OR, C.B.E. Lady THOMP 0, . Dougla W. Mo TGO\lERY LA., ~I.D. F.R.C .. 1., 4 , Fitz\ illiam . quare, Dublin, 2. Jo eph P. M C A I R ,1, 10r~vood Park, R anelagh, Dubl~n. Mis Letitia 0 crcnd, LL.D., lrfield, D undrum Co. Dubhn . Daniel J. O'BRIE , 19, Pimlico, Dublin, 8. Frederick . WHITE, 34, Gardiner'S Hill, Cork. D rek L. ROB 0', I.B. , F.R .. .1., 83, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2. bl' 2 Dr. Brian PRI GLE, F.R.C.P.I., 10, Merrion Square Du lD, . Mi M. M. FOG RTY, Lum den Hou e, 29, Upper Lee on treet, Dublin, 4.
THE ST. JOHN AMBULA CE BRIGADE Commi ioner-in-Chief 8 Gro \en r re cent, and London, . W.I.
Belgravia 5231 Ollf of Office HOllr , Brigade ecre/ary: Becl\ enhal7l -1489. Press Liaison Officer BishojJ {or/ford 39/3 Belgravia 5231 "-
all Deparfmenf except 0 \'er eas
Over ea Department
THE ORDER OF T. J OH BRIGADE Chancer, Library and Mu eum Trea urer and ccountant P.R.O. and "The Re\'ie\\" Office
9 Gr \en r Cre c nL L ndon. . .1.
t. John'" Gate, Clerl--.el1\\ell, . .1. 10 Gro. \enor Cre~cent. Lond n, .1. 10 Gr \ nor re'>cent, L nd n, . \ .1.
66-l4 Bclgr<'l\ ia
Ouf oj Office hours, P.R .O . Dnpres 576 I
Store Department
Prior H LI,>e, t. John\ Gatc, .1. Clerl-.cIl\\cll, The Ophthalmic Ho pital H ~pitaller, t. John' Gate, ClerkemvclI, .1. The t. John mbulance Director General and S ociation all Departmcnt , 10 Gro \enor re cent, London . W. I.
6644 Icrl-. Il\\ell
TELEGRAPHIC ADDRE All Headquarter and Department Ii tcd above: I R TA I D, L
OTE: Titles or names should no/ he in erred in telegrams or cables before the telegraphic address , as this cal1 corfu e C.P.O . procedures (lml lead /0 delay. If it is desired to drall' the affentiol1 of a particular officer to the message, this should be done at the beginning of (he text: J
For example: FIR TAID LONDO E / For ommissioner-in- hief followed by message.