O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1969

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tthe <Bran"


tbe most \i)enerable

in the :fSntisb lRealnl of ~rber

of [be 1bospital of

st. 30bn of 3erusalenl

Report of the Chapter-General for the year ended 31st December, 1969


Telegraphic Address : Firstaid, London, B.C.1 .


Telephone: Clerkenwell 6644 (253-6644)
















Grand Prior



Field-Marshal His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, K.G., K.T., K.P., P.C., G.M.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.






Lord Prior The Lord Caccia, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.








The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Donald Coggan, D.D. Archbishop of York.



















Chancellor Sir Gilbert Inglefield, G.B.E., T.D.

Bailiff of Egle The Lord Wakehufst, K.G., K.C.M.G.

As at 31st December 1969





Chancellor Sir Gilbert Inglefield,

G.B. E., T.D.

Assistant Receiver-General Lewis G. Whyte, Esq .,


Vice-Chancellor The Earl St. Aldwyn ,

K.B .E. , P. C., T.D. , D.L.

Deputy Hospitaller S. J. H. Miller, Esq.,

M.D. , F.R.C.S.

Secretary-General N . C. McClintock, Esq.

Assistant Directors of Ceremonies


Commander E. A. Morrison, R.N. Group Captain The Hon. Peter Vanneck, O.B.E., A.F.C., A.D.C. Lieut.-Colonel E. Remington-Hobbs, D.S.O., O.B.E. (Cross Bearer) Captain R. A. Ingham Clark (Sword Bearer)

H . F. Parshall, Esq. ,

T.D. , M.A.

Director-General and Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance Lieut.-General Sir William Pike,

K. C.B. , C.B. E., D .S.O .

Director Association Sir David Wilkinson, Bt. ,


Hospitaller Air Comnlodore T. Keith Lyle,

C.B.E. , M.A., M.D., F.R.C .P. , F.R.C.S.

Deputy Commissioner-in-Chief Rear Admiral R . S. Wellby,

C.B., D.S.O.

Almoner Sir Gerald Creasy,

K.C.M.G. , K.C.V.O. , O.B. E.

Director Overseas Sir Hilton Poynton,


Librarian Professor Lionel Butler, F.R.HIST.S. ,

M.A. , D.PHIL.

Chairman, Medical Board Professor Sir Hedley Atkins,

Registrar C . T. Evans, Esq.,


Genealogist Sir Anthony Wagner,


Director of Ceremonies Colonel P. H. Catt

K.B.E., D.M., M.CH., F.R.C.S.



The Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon . J. W. C. Wand , P.C., K. C.V.O. The Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon. H. C. M ontgomery Campbell, P. C., M.C. , D.D. The Very Rev. A. Nevile D avidson, D.O. The Rt. Rev. G. H . Ellison, Bishop of Chester The Rt. Rev. W . A. Parker, Bishop of Shrewsbury The Rt. Rev. J. D. M cKie The Rt. Rev. W. A. E. Westall, Bishop of Crediton The Rt. Rev. S. A. H. Eley, Bishop of Gibraltar The Most Rev. A. C. MacInnes, C.M.G. The Rt. Rev. C. Easta ugh, M. C., Bishop of Peterborough The Rt. Rev. R. D. Say, Bishop of Rochester The Rev. Canon Christopher Perowne, T.D. The Most Rev. G. Appleton, M. B.E., Archbishop in Jeru salem and Metropolitan Officiating Chaplain The R ev. R. Simpson Representative Clerical Brethren The The The The

Rev. Cyril Cresswell, K.C.V.O. , F.S.A. Rev. Canon F. A . H ood, C.B.E. Rev. W. P. Baddeley Rev. J. M. B. Roberts

Representative Commanders S. J. H . Miller, Esq. G roup Captain Gordon Pirie, C.B.E., D.L. Major-General T he Lord Thurlow, C.B. , C. B.E., D.S.O. Representative Officers Commander Sir John M aitland, D. L., R. N. Major R. Carr-Gomm M ember of Council Admiral Sir David Luce, G.C.B. , D.S.O. O.B .E.

Secretary J. G . Silver, Esq. , B.E.M. Treasurer and Accountant D. B. R . Swinstead, Esq., F.C.A.



Chapter-General has the honour to submit to Members of the Order this report for the year 1969. It was with much sadness that Members attending the meeting of Chapter-General held in July heard Lord Wakehurst announce his wish to resign the office of Lord Prior. In the words of his successor, Lord Caccia, for the 21 years he had held the office, Lord Wakehurst had been in a real sense the Order, and all its Members had been proud to serve under his leadership. The Order had come a long way during this time. The great new Ophthalmic Hospital had been built in Jerusalem; the two Ambulance foundations had been merged into one and brought thoroughly up to date. Much progress had been made in the Priories and other territories overseas; and on the international plane new and fruitful relations had been established with the Sovereign Military Order and with the other North European Orders of St. John. Lord Wakehurst's resignation took effect on 1st October and Lord Caccia was installed as Lord Prior of St. John at a deeply moving ceremony held in the Chapter Hall at St. John's Gate on 19th November. Other high appointments announced during the year include Sir Gilbert Inglefield to the Office of Chancellor; Lord Wakehurst to be Bailiff of Egle; and the Earl St. Aldwyn as Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Keith Lyle as Hospitaller; and Professor Lionel Butler as Librarian. The new title of Chief Commander St. John Ambulance was approved by the Grand Prior and Sir William Pike, who had succeeded to the appointment of Director General on 1st January, 1969, as forecast in last year's Annual Report, assumed this title exactly a year later. Early in the year the Order suffered a most grievous loss in the death of Sir Harry Luke. Sir Harry rendered most distinguished services over many years and by his death the Order lost a most distinguished and an irreplaceable fount of knowledge. Amongst other distinguished Members whose death was reported during the year were the Prior of Scotland, Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey; Mr. C. H. C. Pirie-Gordon, a Bailiff Grand Cross and former Director of Ceremonies; Earl Alexander of Tunis, a former Prior of Canada ; and the Earl of Scarborough. It was with deep sorrow, too, that the news was received in August of the tragic death in a motor accident of the Hon. Lady Gamage. For many years Lady Gamage had been a tower of strength both in her own county of Berkshire and on the national scene. She was intensely interested and she supported alike with unflagging energy both the St. John Ambulance and the Ophthalmic Hospital. The Annual Festival of the Order was celebrated on Saturday, 21st June, the arrangements following those for previous years. The Commemoration Service took place in St. Paul's Cathedral and the preacher was the Prelate of the Order, the Most Reverend and Rt. Hon. Donald Coggan, D.D., Archbishop of York. As before we were glad to welcome to this service representatives of the British Association of the Knights of Malta and of the Alliance Orders of St. John. This year for the first time



the representatives attended in their robe~. They entered the .Cathedral}n procession and were conducted by the DIrector of Ceremomes to speCIal seats reserved for them. On 24th April the Lord Prior travelled to North~rn Ireland and the following day installed Lord Grey of Naunton as Kmght Commander of the Commandery of Ards at an impressive ceremony in the Throne Room in Government House. A great feature of 1969 was the celebration of the Diamond Jubil.ee of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Malta. Many members of the Bngade from England and from overseas countr~es travelled to Malta to atte~d these celebrations which lasted for ten days m early September, and WhICh fully reflected the high regard in which the Brigade in N,1alta is held: The Lord Prior Lord Wakehurst himself attended the opemng ceremomes. Th~ Annual Confere~ce of the Alliance Orders was held this year in the Hague in June at the invitation of the Netherlands Order. The ties between the Orders were further strengthened at this meeting which was followed by a business meeting of Deputies at Geneva in O~tober, the purpose of which was to explore suitable avenues of co-operatIOn between the Orders in practical works of charity. The financial situation is still the cause of grave concern. Both the Headquarters fund of the St. John Ambulance and the Hospital and Research fund have been seriously affected in recent years, the one by the steeply rising costs in England and the <?ther by the effects of the six days' war in the Middle East. Very substantIal new funds are needed and are needed soon. LIFE SAVING AWARDS

The Life Saving Medal in Silver Miss Rita Staines, aged 13 years: For rescuing at great p~rsonal.risk an elderly man who had collapsed in the path of an oncommg tram near Cape Town. The Life Saving Medal in Bronze

Sergeant Donat Duguay, A:1ma, Quebec, Police. Force: For the re~cue with complete disregard for his own safety of a child who had fallen mto the Petite Decharge river. Despite fast swirling currents and very cold, deep water Sergeant Duguay attempted the rescue of a second child which he abandoned only when physically exhausted. Certificate of Honour

Sydney Allyn Nichols; .Randall Milfor~ Nicho.ls; Bryan William Fleming: For attempting, WIth danger to theIr own lives, the rescue of a man overcome by lethal fumes in a liquid manure storage tank at Reed Deer, Alberta. DIO Michael Dene, S.J.A.B.: For the rescue at great personal risk of a boy trapped on a cliff north-east of Petit Bot Bay, Guernsey. Frederick Sydney Francis: For the rescue, at great personal risk, of the occupants trapped in a jeep which had over.turned a~d caught fire after an accident in an isolated part of MocambIque Terntory.



REPORT OF THE HOSPITALLER AND THE HOSPITAL COMMITTEE FOR 1969 The Hospitaller a~d the. Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital have the h~)llour to S.Ubffilt t~eIr 78th report covering the 87th year of the HospItal for the InfOrmatIOn of H.R.H . The Grand Prior and the ChapterGeneral. GENERAL

When I took up t~e duties of Hospitaller after St. John's Day 1969 I was well awa~e of t~e dIfficu~t task ahead of me in succeeding a man of such outstandmg ca.lI~re as SIr. Stewart Duke-Elder. The Hospital of St. John has had the pnvIlege of his valuable services since 1952, first as deputy to the late Lord We~b-Johnson, whom he succeeded as Hospitaller in 1954. It was almost, en~Irely due to Sir Stewart's, e~or~s that the new Hospital and research mstItute was planned and bUIlt m Its present majestic form on the Nabulus road north of the Old City of Jerusalem. This project naturally cost a very large sum of money, the greater part of which was ~oll.e~ted by ~ personal approach on the part of Sir Stewart to various m~Ividuals, 011 companies, business concerns and charitable organisations. ~t IS a!so due to the efforts of Sir Stewart that research was undertaken to Illve~tIgate ,the cause of t~achoma which has led to the development of a va~cIlle. w~Ich we. hope w~ll become a useful form of preventive treatment. I~ IS qUIte ImpOSSIble to gIve adequate expression to the untiring work that SIr Stewart has done for the benefit, not only of countless patients in and around Jerusale~? but also for. the many doctors, sisters and nurses who have had t~e pnv.Ilege of working at the Hospital. .A .portraIt of SIr Stewart is bein~ painted by Mr. Edward Halliday and wIll, I~ due cou!~e, be presented WIth a request that it should be hung in a promInent po.sltIOn in the Hospital. I am also happy to say that Sir Stewart remaInS a member of the hospital. co~mitt,ee and has kindly accept~d the pos~ of Counsellor of the HospItal In which capacity he will be avaIlable to gIve advice and help whenever needed. We have also suffered a severe loss this year by the resignation of our Wa~den, Dr. Arthu~ Boase. ,After 16 years of most devoted work he has deCIded t? seek retIrement III England, but I hear that his services for 10cL!m dutI~s at a nearby hospital in Sussex have been rapidly acquired and he IS working almost as hard as ever! Dr. an~ Mrs. ~oa~e set a high standard of dedicated duty to the ~phthalffilc. Hosp~ta~ In Jerusalem and their determination to stand firm In th.e H,ospItal bUlldlpgs .during the Six Day War of 1967 earned them the adIDlratIOn of .all theIr fnends and the entire Order of St. John. , As a neat, nlI~ble-fingered, quick-witted surgeon, Dr. Boase was almost In a class by hIms~lf. He would get through a long operating list in a remarkably short tIme. He. nev~r g~ ve the impression of hurrying but he ney~r wasted a mo.me~t. LIkeWIse In the Out Patient department after a mInImUm of questIOnIng, but ne:,er faili~g t.o listen to what his patients had to ~ay, he would carr~ ~:)Ut hIS exa.IDlnatIOn with speed and dexterity and rapIdly come to a deCISIOn as to dIagnosis and treatment· and it was no~ long b~fore a large crowd of waiting patients had departed, each dellghted WIth the attention he had received.





The many young ophthalmologists who work.e d at th,e Hospita,l during his time will remember with gratitude both hIS practIcal teachmg and the example which he set. We now extend a very warm welcome to the new Warden, Dr. Keith Batten, and to his wife. They are worthy successors .to the Boases ~nd old friends, for Dr. Batten served as surgeon at the hospItal for a year m 1966. We also regret the retirement of our Deputy Warden, Dr. Kh. Budeiri, who has for many years been a tower of strength in the Out Pati~nt Department and a great help in giving advice in problems concerned ~Ith local matters. His clinical experience based on some 38 years of hosJ?Ital work has been of great service and I am glad to say that we shall contmue to have his help on a part-time basis. The conditions under which the hospital has been working in 1969 have not materially changed. There has been a slight but definite increase ~n the number of patients attending the O~t ~atient .Depart~en,t and also m th.e number undergoing operation. ThIS IS certamly g~a~Ifymg, b~lt wha~ IS more satisfactory is the great increase in the,sight-gammg c;tnd sIght-savmg operations of the more compli.cated type whI~h are n.ow bemg done. I re~er mainly to corneal graft operatIOns for the rehef of blm~ness due to opa,clty of the cornea (usually caused by severe corneal ulceratIOn) aI?-d operatIOns for the replacement of retinal detachment. These operc;ttIOns, demand special instruments and apparatus~ good general aJ?aesthesIa, a hIgh standard of surgical experience and skilled post-operat,Ive care, but the. results make the efforts well worthwhile. Indeed many patIents who were VIrtually blind have, as a result of such operations, been able o~ce more, to lead an independent and useful existence and to return to a ltfe of gamful occupation. , The steady increase in the number of corneal graft operatIOns has been largely due to the help of the eye bank under the direction of Dr. John Reed from the U.S,A. and financed by the American Society of the Ord~r. Thirty five corneal graft operations were done in 1969 as compared WIth only 11 in 1968 and 15 in 1967. Our thanks are due to the doctors in East Jerusalem and on the west bank of the Jordan who refer patients to the Hospital; and especially to Dr. Dibsey of the neighbouring French hospital, of St. J?sep,h, to whom we can always turn for help when a general medI~al opI~IOn IS ,nee~ed or when admission to hospital for general treatment I~ reqU1re~. LIkew~se.we are indebted to Dr. T'Leel of the Augusta VictOrIa HospItal for sI~lar help and to Dr. Tarazi for valuable assist~nce in deali~g with neurologIc~1 and neuro-surgical problems. I should lIke to mentIOn also Dr. DaVId T'Leel, the dental surgeon, who for many years has given his services free of charge to our patients and staff whenever they were needed. Although we shall always contrive to keep our doors .open and to g~v.e free treatment to all who need ophthalmic help, irrespective of race, POlItIcal views or religion, we are always pleased to receive voluntary. do~ations. Some of our patients have become members of the IsraelI Histradut (trades union) and are therefore eligible for financial help. from the K~pat Holim (medical insurance). We have und~rtaken to r~celve such patIents referred to us by the Kupat Holim and WIll thus qualIfy for a small payment for each attendance and for surgical treatment if needed. However, this benefit appears likely to apply to a .very small number of patients and will give little help in solving our finanCIal problems.

Once again we would like to .express our gratitude to Professor Mi~ha~l­ son, Director of the OphthalmIC Department at the Hadassah Hospitalm West Jerusalem, who ever since the Six Day War of J 967 has been a great help to us, both professionally and in a purely humanita~ian ~apacity. He and his department have always been read~ to ~elp us WIth d~ffi~ult cases, in particular when special methods of exammatIOn have been mdicated for which adequate facilities at our Hospital are not available. We have also been pleased to welcome members of his department to visit our Hospital and see the work that is going on. VISITS

In May 1969 Sir Stewart and Lady Duke-Elder accompanied by myself and my wife and Mr. McClintock visited the Hospital for two weeks. Sir Stewart and I took part in the daily work of the Hospital and also discussed plans for the future. Amongst others we met Dr. Gjeben (DirectorGeneral of the Israeli medical services) and Professor Michaelson, at whose invitation I gave a lecture at the Hadassah Hospital the following week. In the autumn the Prelate of the Order paid a very welcome visit to the Hospital and stayed at the Warden's house for one day. COMMITTEE

We welcome Dr. Arthur Boase as a new member of the Committee. His experience in Jerusalem will be of great help. And also Sir John Richardson who succeeds Professor Sir Charles Dodds whom we thank for his services during the past three years. RESEARCH

The Research Campaign is at present in a transitional stage. The field trials in Iran have not fulfilled the hopes which had been held of a quick return and an easy solution of trachoma prevention using relatively simple vaccines consisting of trachoma elementary bodies. The problem lies in the laboratory to locate, purify and concentrate the antigens in the trachoma agent that are responsible for immunity. The field trials in Iran have been rewarding in that they have unequivocally demonstrated some protective and some ameliorating effect from vaccination; but the effect has not been strong enough to offer control of the problem; better vaccines are needed. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that the field trials confirmed earlier laboratory work by Dr. Collier showing protection by vaccination in animals and it is of particular importance that the killed vaccines were not significantly inferior to the live vaccines tested in this trial. The level of effect shown from vaccination in these trials was similar to that being recorded by other groups working in this field in which there is general agreement (with the exception of the Italian workers) that current vaccines will have to be improved before effective control of the disease is attainable by vaccination. We are convinced that it is worth pressing on with this work because the reward from a successful vaccine would be so very great, and there is now sufficient scientific data to indicate that although its production will not be easy, there is the possibility of success. We expect to engage in further field trials in 1970 and 1971.




We are also carrying out research in the control of vernal conjunctivitis and keratitis. This allergic condition is a major cause of ophthalmic disability especially in young people in the Middle East. It commonly coexists with trachoma and appears to aggravate the distress and damage resulting to the eyes. Preliminary testing of a new compound which offers effective control of the evolution of this distressing disease is now in progress in London and it is planned to carry out trials of this preventive treatment in Jerusalem during 1970.

has been let to an official of the Red Cross at £600 p.a. A slight reduction has b~en made in the medical staff paid by the Order and the posts of Catenn~ Officer and Steward haye been merged into one. Rising costs of everythmg needed for the HospItal and constant increase of salaries are ever before us and no increased assets to offset them have yet been found. The problem is urgent and very serious.



Medical: Unfortunately, with the retirement of Dr. Kh. Budeiri and with the difficulty this year of obtaining a secondment from the Royal Navy or the R.A.F., we have been rather short staffed, but Dr. John Reed from the U.S.A. in-charge of the eye bank, Col. Youngson on secondment from the Army and Dr. Banks from Moorfields have worked doubly hard. However, the latter was only able to stay for six months and for the last few months of the year there were only three doctors available. Nursing: We are fortunate in having the services of a first rate Matron and Assistant Matron (Miss Holloway and Miss Reeves) but with a somewhat reduced but hard working staff of Sisters (Miss Kirton, Miss Gallagher and Miss Robson). Our Arab staff of nursing orderlies, some of whom have been in the service of the Hospital for many years, continue to give loyal service. Special mention should be made of our Anaesthetic Technician, Hassan Abu Teen. Administrative: Despite the greater complexity of administration in the last few years our very small office staff under the Superintendent Issa Marogi and his assistant, Nazar Bannayan, have successfully shouldered the burden without help. We are very grateful to them. Maintenance: Mahmoud Nabulsi, our chief maintenance officer, also drives the Hospital car when required and will cheerfully turn his hand to anything. Under his guidance the maintenance staff does valuable work in. carrying out repairs which are continuously required, both major and mmor. HOSPITAL BUILDINGS

The two new boilers which were finally installed at the beginning of the year are now functioning well. There has, however, been trouble with leakage from some of the main water conduits in the building. Ungalvanised pipes were found to have been installed unlagged and buried in damp soil and had thus become rusted. In addition, some of the pipes from the lavatories had become obstructed because they were too narrow. The removal of faulty pipes and their replacement by galvanised pipes, properly lagged and laid, and the replacement wherever necessary of the inadequ~te discharge pipes from the lavatories has been undertaken by our mamtenance staff, but even this has involved us in considerable expense. FINANCES

Our finances are in a very serious state in spite of every possible economy. The guest bungalow has been let to a member of the staff of the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem at a rental of £750 p.a. One of the doctors' fiats


The ~reat generosity and the interest which the Priory of Canada has shown m recent years in the Order's Hospital has perhaps not yet been sufficiently appreciated. Ill: the calendar year for 1969 they have sent us no less than £20,000, a magmficent and unsurpassed record for which we are more ~rateful than we cap sa~. Further c~mtr!butions reached the Hospital early m 197~ :;tnd the Pn~ry IS now looking mto the possibility of helping by the prOVISlOn of surgIcal and nursing staff and material for corneal grafts. This great access of new interest and strength, coming in the year when.the ~ull effects of the 1967 War are being felt in the Treasury for the first tIme, IS tremendously heartening. Our Hospital is the Hospital of the Order of st. J ohn-no~ of the Grand Priory alone; and we unreservedly welcome the greater mterest and participation of the Priories. New Zealand, too, this year has done all it can to help; and for the first time a surgeon has been found and will be financed in Australia. We are al~o grateful to the American Society of the Order. I have alread~ mentlOped the spectacular rise in the number of corneal grafting oper~tlOns . WhICh the eye bank makes possible and this rise has been contmued mto 1970. A very welcome grant of £5,948 was given us this year by the Government. C?f Israel. W~ had not begged for this grant which was entirely unconditlOnal and WIthout any strings attached. We are very grateful to the Government of Israel for this practical expression of their appreciation of the work we are doing. Outstanding amongst personal subscriptions this year was that of £500 from Mr. .H. N. Bream, a Knight of q-race of.the Order and for many xears. Cha~rman of the St. John CounCIl for Lelcestershire. And I would lIke, m thIS my first year as Hospitaller, especially to remember and to record my tJ:!anks for the endowment of a bed by Mrs. Vincent Astor. Two bodIes whose generosity has never failed in recent years are the Masonic .Order of Knights Templar and the Clothworkers' Company. Once agam w~ take pleasure in saying thank you to them. ~he .CommIttee would also like to thank the members of the Ladies' GUIld m England and in the Priories of the Order overseas who year after y~ar do so much for the welfar~ of patients. and staff by providing them WIth extra comfort~ and embellIshments which are so much appreciated. We wou~d also lIke ~o record our thanks to the Ladies of Jerusalem S~b-comIDIttee for theIr help, especially in connection with services to blmd people. Mrs. Batten kindly assumed much of the responsibility of the work as soon as she arrived in Jerusalem. T. KEITH LYLE, Hospitaller.



REPORT OF THE WARDEN This has been a year of changes. Dr. Arthur Boase retired in August after 13 years as Warden. We are fortunate that he is still linked to us as a member of the Hospital Committee and congratulate him on his appointment to Chapter-General. The indefatigable Mrs. Boase is sadly missed in East Jerusalem. At a tea party in the cloisters, Mr. Marogi, the Superintendent presented on behalf of the Hospital staff a gold pilgrims medallion to Mrs. Boase and gold cuff links to Dr. Boase. These were tokens of the high regard and affection in which they were held. We congratulate Mrs. Boase on her elevation to Dame of the Order. Dr. Boase was honoured before his departure by the Armenian Patriarch who presented him with the Golden Medal of the Order of St. James. As the new Warden, I am very conscious of the debt to my predecessor. I should also like to pay tribute to our lay Superintendent, Mr. Issa Marogi, who has helped greatly during my initial period in office. This is not the place to record in detail the great work of Sir Stewart Duke-Elder who relinquished the office of Hospitaller during the year. He will be greatly missed but we continue to enjoy his advice as Counsellor. Air Commodore Keith Lyle who has succeeded Sir Stewart, has been a tower of strength during my early months in office. Dr. Budeiri, the Sub-Warden, retired at the end of June after 34 years of loyal and devoted service to the hospital. In June we learned with regret of the death in Brisbane of Sir Kenneth Fraser, Hospitaller and Almoner of the Priory in Australia. Sir Stewart and Lady Duke-Elder, accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lyle and Mr. N. C. McClintock, the Secretary-General, visited the hospital for two weeks at the end of April. Sir Stewart Duke-Elder presented the prizes to the Nurses and bestowed their insignia upon, amongst others, Mr. Anwar El Khatib, former Governor of Jerusalem, and Dr. David T'Leel, dental surgeon to the Hospital. All members of the staff were delighted to learn of the well deserved award of the M.B.E. to the Matron, Miss Margaret Holloway, in the New Years honour list. It would be pedantic to defer mention of this until next year's report. The boilers were in commission in early January and now appear to be functioning efficiently. There has been heavy expenditure on repairs to drains and water pipes. This work involved, amongst other things, digging up the main corridor and installing inspection manholes. The hard-standing around the hospital has been resurfaced, and the roof, which had never been quite the same following the June 1967 war, was largely resurfaced. Thanks to an improved water supply the gardens around the hospital have been replanned, under the enthusiastic direction of our Deputy Superintendent, Mr. Nazar Bannayan, to provide for easier maintenance. After nine years of use numerous repairs became necessary and our own maintenance team are kept very busy. Had we to depend on outside contractors both our patience and the bank balance would have been exhausted long ago. St John's Day was celebrated in muted fashion. A service of Holy Communion was held at 7 a.m. in St. John's Chapel in the Cathedral.



Later a tea party was held for members of the staff at the Warden's house. Alas, Jerusalem is still a city of tensions and it may be some time before full celebrations can be re-introduced. On November 11th a wreath was laid at the Commonwealth War Cemetery on Mount Scopus on behalf of St. John. There was a short cerem0l!y at which the British Consul-General and representatives of AustralIa and New Zealand also laid wreaths. Christmas was celebrated by a dinner for the staff. Again two sheep proved more acceptable than traditional turkey. O~r problems with customs duties continue, but thanks to the interventIOn of the Israeli Ambassador in Canberra on our behalf the duties on. ~adies' Gu~ld gifts will i!l .certain cir?umstances be paid by the MInIstry of SocIal Wel.fare. ThI~ IS a co.nces~IOn .f~r which we are grateful, but we shall not be satIsfied untJl our histonc pnvIlege of importing goods for the hospital duty free is restored. Th.e rising. cost of living seriously affects the cost of maintaining the hospItal and IS a personal burden to our staff. A salary review for locally employed staff is underway. One of the great changes from the pre-1967 situation and one to which at all levels we have to adapt, is that the Hospital now functions within the frame.work of a ~uropean type bureaucracy and medico-legal environment. This presents ItS 0.w-? pro.blems an~ challenges. In the long-term it must lead .to I?ore admInIstratIve, technIcal and medical staff with the resultant nse In costs. The Visitors' ~ungalow h~s been leased temporarily to a member of the staff of the AnglIcan ArchbIshop in Jerusalem and another fiat continues to be occup~ed by an official of the International Red Cross. T~e polItIcal pro~lems. here feature enough in the daily press and req~llre no m.entIOl! In this report, but they form a continuing difficult enVIronment In whIch the hospi~a~ must fu.nction. Our local staff particularly face many problems and It IS to theIr credit that they continue to serve so cheerfully despite them. T~e need for ~u.r services remains as great as ever but in a sophisticated medIcal .an.d l?oiItIcal atmosphere only the highest standards are acceptable. This IS nght a!ld our patients expect it of us. For example, many of ~he men whose eq~lI:,alen~ ten years ago .wou.l~ have been happy with the Improvement of VISIOn gIven by an optIcal Indectomy enabling them to see around the corneal scar, now expect 100% vision through a clear corneal graft. The Oph.thalmic hospital has always provided care and treatment at a standard higher than otherwise available in the local environment. Our Crusader. predecessors set us the example. If we are to continue to keep ahead thIS can only be, to quote John of Wurzburg, A.D. 1160 "at very ' great expense".


Warden: Sub-Warden: Eye Bank:

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

A. J. Boase, until 8th August 1969' K. L. Bat~e?, from 4th Augu~t, 1969. Kh. BudeIn, until 30th June, 1969 John Reed, from 9th JUly, 1969



Sqd. Ldr. David Amies, until 30th July, 1969 Major James Dowson, until 28th August, 1969 Dr. Neville Banks, from 4th September, Moorfields Eye Hospital: 1969. My predecessor wrote hopefully last year of the reversion to a staff of six doctors. However, this has been a difficult year for staffing and from August we have been managing with a staff of only 3 surgeons, including the Warden. All are agreed that tills is far too few with which to maintain a high standard of service to our patients. But, thanks to the hard work and often very long hours put in by my colleagues a good volume and standard of work has been maintained. From May we were fortunate in obtaining the services of a first class anaesthetist, Dr. Wislicki, for one session per week. She has now become a happily accepted member of our team, complementing the routine anaesthetics of our trained technician, Mr. Hassan Abu Teen. Mr. David Mirza retired after 20 years in charge of the kitchen. Mr. Fouad Dajani retired on health grounds after 17 years as hospital driver. Sisters Valete: January 12th Miss Kay Kitchingham June 1st Miss Jill Matthews July 31st Miss Jean Hardman Sister Salvete: Miss Jean Hardman February 25th Miss Rose Gallagher April 28th Miss Susan Robson November 1st. Miss Jean Kidger, a Sister here from January 1966 until May 1967, and at present studying for the Sister Tutor Diploma, spent one month of her summer vacation working with us. Miss Georgette Martin, Catering Officer here from 1965-67, spent her summer vacation with us.

SCHOOL OF NURSING The following report is supplied by the Matron: First Year Examinations These were held twice this year. The first time in January for the students who entered the School in January 1968. Eight students sat and passed tills examination. Of this group two students left during the year without completing training, one girl to be married and one male student to emigrate to Canada. The second examination was held in December for the students who entered the School in January 1969. Five students sat this examination but only three passed in all subjects. Of the two who failed one will resit the subject which he



failed, while the other is expected to rep~at the whole first year as her difficultIes were due to weak English. Final Examination Six students took the examination and four passed. . Aid Examination of the St . John Ambula nce A SSOCIa( Elementary k First b IOn was ta en y seven students who all passed. . The School started the year with eight second year students of whom SIX completed the course, and seven first year students of whom fi pleted the year, one having been dismissed and the other bein ;e comfrom cla~ses be~ause of limited English. This last student has ~o:~fd~~ the hospItal dunng the year and will re-enter the School on January 1 t 1970, to start the course again. s, EXTRA-MURAL STUDENTS Twenty second year students from the Augusta Victoria Hos ital attended the complete course of Surgeon's lectures given to our sefond year ~tudents. ~welve of these students have each completed one month of practIcal . r' dexpenencekhere-working ' . two weeks on the wards , one week In c IruC, an one wee m the ope~atmg theatre-while another four are at present here and another four WIll come in the New Year. NEWS OF THE GRADUATES (SINCE 1967) OVERSEAS N Th~ee ~re in England, of which two have completed the Ophthalmi . ursmg ourse at Moorfield's Eye Hospital passing both the . c exammatlOns of Moorfields and of the 0 hthalmi~ Nu . Brita~n and Northern Ireland. Bottthese nurses ~~~n~o!oar~ for Great Nursmg Traini~g in England. The third is at Moorfields domg General an~~::~dent m Caldif~rnia, U.S.A., ha~ completed tw~ years in college een accepte lor General Nursmg Training. on~ny~::~~:~~!ssgon~ thO Spain to study medicine and is at present doing o pams . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To attempt to. acknowledge all those who have hel ed us du . year would reqUIre more sp~c~ than is available in a s~ort repor~ng the of 6~~~~!trat~ful fo~u~~cnptlOns to journals, notably the British Journal mo .ogy, h C Ives of Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Literature . 0 nce agam we tank Dr Flemmi A B b . . gift of Collected Ophthalmology Letter~~ . ar our of MIchigan for his h h . A word of thanks to th Library and to Miss A e many w 0 .ave gIven books to the Staff 250 volumes in the librann Batten for covenng them. There are now over ry. Professor Norman Ashto D' t f Ophthalmology contI'nues ton, . Irec or fio Patholo~y, the Institute of .' gIve us a rst class histol . W are partIc.ularly grateful for the beautifully prepared se~rbn~e~~~eh' e reC;IVe WIth the reports. IC we

HaI~t::~o~:dic~i c~~~~:e~on, .Professor of Oo?thalmology at the and always welcomed St.' Jo~n~v~~Jrt~atthproCfeli~sl.onlal enc?uragement e mca meetmgs at the



Hadassah Hospital. I think we can say that St. John's, too, has contributed something to these meetings. Mr. T. Casey, East Grinstead Hospital, England, has most kindly supplied us with the bulk of our donor corneas this year. We also gratefully acknowledge supplies from Mr. Fred Griffith of the Eye Bank of Maryland, U.S.A. LADIES' JERUSALEM COMMIf fEE

As no chairman has been appointed this report has been submitted by Mrs. Batten, the Honorary Secretary. "The Committee met four times during 1969, concerning itself with the School of Nursing, the Sewing Guild and Blind Welfare. Because of the present situation the latter has virtually been restricted to t~e Christ~as Party and Summer Picnic. Both these were very happy occaSIOns caterIng for some 250 blind adults and children. Special thanks are due to the Y.M.C.A. for the use of their premises and to the Bible Lands Society for a very generous gift of £50 towards expenses. Donations from private individuals were very gratefully received. "At the August meeting the Committee bade farewell to Mrs. Boase; as one who had worked so tirelessly for the Committee since its inception her departure is a great loss." VISITORS

In August we had the pleasure of welcoming our Prelate, The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Donald Coggan, D.D., Archbishop of York, and Mrs. Coggan, who, in company with the Archbishop in Jerusalem and Mrs. Appleton, toured the hospital meeting both staff and patients. Chief Judge N. V. Buchanan of Edmonton, Canada, personally presented a cheque for $20,000 from "Miles for Millions". Before the year ended a further $29,000 was raised for the Hospital. The news was brought by Lt.-Col. Leslie J. Calvert, Provincial Surgeo.n, O~tario, another ve~y welcome visitor. We are truly grateful to our frIends III Canada for theIr efforts on our behalf. The Hospitaller of the Priory in New Zealand, Mr. W. A. McAllister, visited us in May. We were also able to welcome many friends from Australia, in particular, the Acting Hospitaller and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson, who were able to stay for three days, and Dr. and Mrs. Gove, respectively Commissioner and Corps Nursing Officer, South Australia. Visitors from South Africa included Mr. Van Der Poel and Mr. James Williams, both Knights of the Order. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt, Israeli Ambassador in Australia, who have proved good friends to the Hospital visited in October. Mayor Teddy Kollek and Mrs. Kollek and other Concillors visited the hospital on the 2nd June. Parts of the visit featured later on Israeli Television. Mr. Kollek has informally agreed that all municipal privileges such as reduced Municipal taxes enjoyed prior to 1967 would be continued provided we can produce satisfactory evidence of our exemption. It is not possible to mention all visitors, but we at the Hospital greatly appreciate the interest shown by those who, often at some personal inconvenience, fit a visit to the Hospital into their crowded schedules.




There is no great change in the pattern of work. The number of corneal grafts is limited solely by the shortage of donor corneas at present. No truly satisfactory solution is likely until a reliable local source of supply can be established. Many have tried to initiate this but so far no scheme has really got off the ground. However the number of donor corneas received from U.K. and the U.S.A. increased towards the end of the year and in one memorable week in December, 17 grafts were performed, when supplies from different sources arrived in the space of three days. If we were seeing only half the number of patients we are, St. John would still be playing a vital role in the ophthalmology of the area. New attendances are running at about two-thirds of the pre-1967 War figures and operations performed and total attendances a little below this. Details are provided in the accompanying tables. K. L. BATTEN, Warden.



















Admissions .






Operations .






Glasses ordered






New Cases . Total attendances


859 255

565 289

265 182

314 205

236 214

9 66

12 54

9 27

14 47

4 73

Strabismus .






Evisceration . Enucleation.

30 90

36 94

19 44

14 37

12 33






54 27

39 32

28 15

46 11

12 32

117 65

82 64

55 39

39 26

22 19

Cataract. Discission

1,641 123

1,454 190

912 80

954 83

933 90












Tarsectomy . Chalazion

Dacryo-cystectomy . D-c-rhinostomy


Corneal tattooing Corneal graft

Opt. iridectomy Iris prolapse

Detachment of retina .



I have much pleasure in presenting the Annual Report of the Ladies' Guild for 1969. H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester, President of the Guild, honoured us with her presence at the July meeting when she was able to hear from Mrs. Boase, the wife of the Warden, an account of the day-to-day life of the Hospital. The members of the Guild are full of admiration and gratitude for the wonderful way Dr. Boase and the staff have carried on under very great difficulties. I am sure that the respect created locally by the courage of Dr. and Mrs. Boase has been an important factor in enabling the Hospital to continue. The confidence felt in the Hospital is shown by the gradual rise in the number of patients coming in from the occupied areas, sometimes despite many difficulties. We are very grateful to Lady Plender for making a generous donation towards the resurfacing of the tennis court- this is used a great deal by our staff and by organisations such as U.N.R.W.A. and the U.N. who pay a subscription towards it. Opportunities for relaxation and recreation are badly needed in view of the constant tensions oflife in Jerusalem today. We are very grateful to Lady Freyberg for approaching the GovernorGeneral of New Zealand and asking him if he could persuade the Israeli Government to allow goods sent from the Ladies ' Guilds to be allowed in without customs duty- I am very glad to say that he was able to make a satisfactory arrangement with the Israeli Government. We have supplied many things during the year. The main expenditure is for linen and uniforms, and we have given £250 for the Christmas Party which was very much appreciated by everyone. We have also contributed to setting up a very attractive library for the nurses. Books have been given by many British ophthalmologists and we supplied book-cases and a cupboard-the library is a very valuable asset. We also supplied books for the student nurses and are very proud of the success they achieved jn their examinations. We are all very sorry to part with Dr. and Mrs. Boase who have both done so much for the Hospital. Dr. Boase with his wonderful skill and knowledge and Mrs. Boase for all the outside work and entertaining she undertook. We are very fortunate in their successors, Dr. and Mrs. Batten, who are carrying on in the same high traditions. We wish them every success. The guild has helped Mrs. Batten to make a number of improvements to their house. The Hospital is needed just as much as ever. It was, and is, doing work of a very high standard for people who would have nowhere else to go. I hope everyone who reads this report will realise the very generous assistance we receive every year from Canada, Australia and New Zealand and how grateful we are for their continued support and encouragement. A never ending flow of very welcome gifts in kind and contributions in cash is received from them. I would like to thank the members of our own Ladies' Guild for their generous support and interest. We would like to say how sad we are to lose Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, the Hospitaller, whose interest and knowledge has been invaluable and to welcome Mr. Keith Lyle in his place. And finally I wish to say how very sad we are to record the death of two of our most devoted members. The Dowager Lady Lloyd was the



Vice-Chairman of the Ladies' Guild from 1951 until the da~ of her d~ath and a tireless friend of the Hospital. The news of the tragI~ death III a motor accident of the Hon. Lady Gamage has deeply gne.ved us all and we extend our very deep sympathy to her husband, SIr LeslIe Gamage, who was himself grievously injured.





INTRODUCTION IT may seem an anachronism for my report on 1969 to be described as that of the Chief Commander St. John Ambulance, since it was not until January 1970 that it was decided the Head of the Foundation should be so styled. By the time the report is published, however, the title will have been in use for some months and to use any other might be confusing. The introduction of this title was part of a slight re-shaping of the senior structure at Headquarters, which now conforms closely to that prescribed for the Counties and is:Chief Commander I I


D i rector-Genera 1


This structure provides flexibility in that it allows one Officer for each of these appointments or the Chief Commander can retain one of the other two under his own hand, as in fact I am myself doing at present since I am both Chief Commander and Commissioner-in-Chief. A future Chief Commander might similarly also be the Director-General. The first responsibilities of the Director-General and the Commissionerin-Chief to the Chief Commander are for Association and Brigade activities respectively. To assist us in discharging our responsibilities are the five executive Branches, the Secretariat and the Registry, all of whose functions have been described in detail in previous reports and apart from Appeals, to which I refer later, have changed little. I would here report with great satisfaction and pleasure that Sir Hugh Stephenson, G.B.E., K.C.M.G., C.LE., C.V.O., has agreed to take over the appointment of Director-General from January 1970. The above is concerned with our progression into the Seventies whereas this report is primarily an account of activities in 1969, and to these I now turn. During the year the merger continued to make headway and the advantages of closer working between the training and uniformed sides are becoming increasingly apparent. At the County level, a greater awareness of what the "others" are doing has benefited co-ordination and cut out much former duplication. In the operational units there have been many instances of resultant benefits and to mention but one, the initiative in forming new Divisions has come directly from several Centres. All this, however, is not to say that the merger is yet complete. A dozen or so Counties are still feeling their way but I expect to see Commanders St. John Ambulance appointed to most of these by St. John's Day. 1969 has been an active year but regrettably has shown a slight downward trend in England in the number of certificates issued and total Brigade strengths. 106,000 new certificates were gained as against 112,000 in 1968 but this drop would seem to be almost entirely due to reduction of establishments in some of the Nationalized Industries. Brigade strengths were just over 94,000 as against 97,000 in the previous year, yet over the



same period the time spent on public duties increased by nearly 96,000 hours or about 5 %. My third and biggest worry is financing the Headquarters; measures to improve the position were taken during the year but it would be wishful thinking not to anticipate further rises in overheads and continuing financial difficulties. All in all, however, I believe we are applying a forward looking attitude at Headquarters both as regards policy and staff duties. In 1970 we hope to introduce a new service to assist those suffering from the misuse of drugs which can perhaps be cited as an example of the former and on the administrative side we shall by January be starting to process the issue of certificates by computer. THE ROYAL FAMILY

St John Ambulance is indeed fortunate in the encouragement it receives over the years from the Royal Family and 1969 was no exception in this respect. During the year we were honoured with the presence of Members of the Royal Family on the following occasions:-

Hertfordshire-H.M. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, hearing that the Commissioner was retiring after long service to st. John, including seventeen years as Commissioner, graciously agreed to review the farewell parade being staged for him. Her Majesty was accompanied by Sir George Burns, the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire. West Riding of Yorkshire-H.R.H. The Princess Margaret held a Cadet Rally on the Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, for four thousand, five hundred Cadets from the West Riding and eleven neighbouring Counties; the event was organised by the West Riding. An innovation this year was a series of demonstrations by Cadets of their work in connection with Cadet Proficiency Subjects. London: Presidents' COfiference-H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester gave up a whole day to us for the biennial Presidents' Conference held at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in Lincoln's Inn Fields. She officially opened the Conference and during the course of the day chatted informally to many of the delegates about their work and service for St. John Ambulance. London: Prince of Wales's District-On 14th December, 1909, No. 1 District (as London District was then called) was given the honour of including "Prince of Wales's" in its designation and of wearing the plume of feathers from his crest as its collar badge. This historical and important date in the annals of London District was celebrated sixty years later to the day by a Service in Westminster Abbey taken by the Dean-the crowning event being the presence of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, himself wearing the London District tie. ASSOCIA TION WORKING PARTY

A Working Party, composed of six Commanders st. John Ambulance and three County Directors as well as several Headquarters Officers, was et up on 6th January, 1969.



Terms of Reference-to examine and report on:(a) the organisation needed to fulfil the Association's tasks at Headquarters, County Headquarters and within Counties. (b) development of work with:Industry, the general pUblic. (c) Measures ~or maintaining and increasing as may be required contacts WIth Industry, the general public and the Brigade. ' (d) Overap training policy, inclu~ing the appointing of Instructors ExamIners and Class Secretanes and training in documentatio~ and class procedure for the latter. (e) Financing Association work. (f) Publicity. h Recomm.endations-T~e.Working Party's Report was submitted to me trough I?Irector ASSO~IatIOn on St. John's Day and its recommendations can be bnefly summanzed as covering the need for:(i) St~engthening the Training Organization by appointing County DIrectors to all C<;)U.nties, ensuring an adequate coverage of active ii) Centres. and prOVIdIng sufficient Regional Development Officers. ( IncreasIng revenue t<? assist further expansion through a National App~a~, fully.recovenng the costs of Classes and Competitions and obtaInIng aSSIstance from Government funds. (iii) Providing day-r~lease c.ourses to satisfy the statutory requirements of Industry-thIs field IS particularly favourable for expansion. The impact of this report has had a considerable effect upon the move-

~e~t at larg~, and ~uch d.etailed work has been undertaken towards the

Imp ementatIOn of ~ts major recommendations. I am most grateful to Mr. ~ook, the ChaI~man, and the members who devoted much thou ht and tIme to I?rodycmg so comprehensive a study which will mak; a valuable contnbutIOn to the future of our training. APPOINTMENTS

Apart from appoin!ments in the Counties, the H.Q. structure has been strengthened by appomtments made during the year as under:~r. K . C. Cook -Assistant Director Association (Development) r. F . G. Thomas (Ed ucatIon .) " " " h On the medi.cal side~ the title ot: the Principal Medical Officer has been c ~nged t? .Chlef MedIcal Offic~r I.n accord with modern practice, and he has been Jomed by Dr. John Bmmng as Assistant Chief Medical Offi Drc C. C. Molloy has also joined Professor Stewart's staff as an Assist~~~' onsequent on the recommendations of the Working Part Dev I . ment Officers were appointed to the North East, North West a~d Lo ~ opnon, and at present these posts are held by:Mr. W. Gebbie-N.E. Mr. J. A. Haydock-N.W. Mr. L. D. Thomson-London



The need for day-release intensive first-aid courses has been met in London by the appointment of a First Aid Education and Training Officer at Headquarters, whose task is to organise and provide instruction for Industrial courses within the Metropolitan area and elsewhere. The holder of this appointment is Mr. C. R. Pilbeam, S.R.N., formerly St. John H.Q. Officer in West Africa and the Caribbean. This appointment has met with considerable success and training courses were conducted throughout the year by Mr. Pilbeam for a variety of Industrial users including many of the independent airline operators, Voluntary Service Overseas and Colleges of Further Education. In addition, Mr. Pilbeam has conducted successfully two training courses organised in conjunction with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents at their Industrial Training Establishment at Acock's Green, Birmingham-others are in prospect. These courses are fully subscribed and the results have been highly encouraging from all aspects. MANUAL REVISION

The Joint Standing Committee of the three Voluntary Aid Societies for the revision of the second edition of the Joint First Aid Manual has met at intervals throughout the year at the Headquarters of each Society in rotation and much detailed drafting has been completed. A medical author has been appointed to co-ordinate drafts and account has been taken throughout of the considerable volume of advice and written representations submitted by the major users of the existing text. The Revised Joint Nursing Manual was released in November and met with immediate and widespread acceptance on account of the lucidity of the text and the freshness and quality of presentation which has in no way detracted from the authoritative nature of the teaching. The book sets a standard for future joint publications, and the thanks of all three Societies are due to the author, Miss Joan Markham, S.R.N., S.C.M., R.N.T., H.V., D.N.(London). Other manuals undergoing revision include:"Hygiene and Public Health" "Preliminary Home Nursing" "Preliminary Child Care". ASSOCIA nON COMMITTEES

The Association Committee, as at present constituted, provides opportunities for consultation with every major user of first-aid services, including Nationalised Industries, the Services and the County structure of the Association Branch. Because of its size, however, it is not particularly well adapted to the detailed examination of important issues. It would be impossible to reduce its size without foregoing points of view which are invaluable and which have contributed so much in the past. Accordingly, it has been decided to set up two Sub-Committees to examine specialised issues; their names and terms of reference are as follows:Occupational First Aid-Chairman, Dr. P. A. B. Raffle. To review and advise the Association Branch on occupational first-aid problems and developments; with special reference to statutory obligations; standards and methods of training, and deployment and status of First Aiders.



Standing Executive-Chairman, Sir David Wilkinson. (a) To re~ei~e and exa~ine issues remitted for further study by the ASSOCIatIOJ? CommIttee or other official body and take such further actIOn as may be required. (b) To keep Associati~:m m~tters under continual review and to bring forward for conSIderatIOn by the Association Committee any developments worthy of further examination. (c) To initi.ate fresh thought in subjects covered by Association RegulatIOns and Foundation directives related to Association Branch matters. (d) To provide guidance on the feasibility of recommended projects and the implementation of proposals recommended. The movement is m~ch indebted to those who have accepted appointmen~s to these CommIttees and whose specialised qualifications are of

partIcular value to us. In addition, a Working P~rty has ~een set up under the chairmanship of M.r. F. G. Thomas, ASSIstant DIrector Association (Education) to ex~mme the whole range of Association publications and to advise upon thIS. Terms of reference are as follows:To r~,,:iew the present range of manuals in detail with the object of determmmg :(i) What the future range should be; (ii) whether any present publication should be discontinued' (iii) timetable for revisions or replacements. ' COMPETITIONS

Nati0n.al First Aid Competitions: Advic.e and guidance is given in

p~ep.ara~lOn of tests and t.h~ stagmg of mnumerable regional and/or

ehm!natmg events. In ~dditIOn to the thirteen National competitions leadmg y) the Grand Pnor's event (the majority of which cover separate competItIOns for men and women), competitions were organised for:Girls' Brigade, Heinz, Port Authorities Association Distillers Ltd., ' B.P. Chemicals, Royal Show-National Efficiency with Safety, -Young Farmers British Oxygen. ' ~ by-product of these competitions, not always realized, is the distributIOn of so~e two hundred Test Marking Sheets for re-use and training on a world-WIde scale.


The number ?f calls for fi~st-aid cover have again increased, not only from the orgamzers of sportmg and other public events but from other



charitable organisations for sponsored walks. The largest public duty of the year was the walk sponsored by Oxfam on an extremely hot Sunday in July. It required seven hundred Mem?er~ who attended over t~n thousand casualties and involved London DIstnct and the !forr:e CountIes in considerable expenditure on medical stores, for whIch III fact the organisers made reimbursement-this is not always the case. Such sponsored events are frequent in all pa~ts of the country and can put a considerable strain on Divisions and thelf finances. The unrest which existed during much of the year in Northern Ireland and culminated in serious and widespread outbursts of violence has made heavy demands on our members there. Working in close. co-operation with the police and hospital authorities and mo~e latterly wIth ~he ~rmy, they have carried out their d~~ies in a most praIseworthy way III dIfficult and at times dangerous condItIons. . . , . Demonstrations have also made theIr demands on the Bngade s serVIces and the Springboks' rugby tour involved ~em~ers throug~out t.he country. This has given many of them expenence m co-oper~tmg w~th police authorities at the type of event normally more a.ssocIated :VIth London. It is of interest to note that much has been saId and wntten about the additional police cover and expense that will be inv?lve~ with the forthcoming South African cricket tour, but the fact that thIS wIll also make heavy demands on St. John Ambulance Members seems to have been overlooked. The influenza epidemic and the heavy load this placed on hospital staffs, many of whom were themselves down w~th it,. led to. Hospital Boards throughout the country appealing for help III th.elf hospItals. As wa~ to be expected, Brigade Members responded Immediately ~nd gave t~elf help in very many hospitals throughout England, much of It over Chnstmas.




Lt.-Col. Olaf von Bornhaupt, who corresponds in the JohanniterUnfall-Hilfe to our Surgeon-in-Chief, and whom we were pleased to see at the Surgeons' and Nursing Officers' Conference, invited our Members to join their German colleagues at a camp in the seaside resort at Hornum on the Island of Sylt last August. The camp was a combination of work and pleasure involving lectures and practical sessions each morning and evening whilst the afternoons were spent on the beaches. On the 12th August an official reception was held at neighbouring Westerland where our Members were presented to Prince Wilhelm-Karl von Preussen, the Head of the Johanniterordern. I would here record my gratitude for the invitation we received to this camp and the magnificent way our Members were looked after. COMBINED DIVISIONS

For some years now the policy has been to encourage Ambulance and Nursing Members to form Combined Divisions; since they work together on duty it seems logical that their training and social life off-parade should be in the same Unit. This policy has been applied to both adult and cadet Divisions and is increasingly becoming the pattern throughout the country. An extension of this concept is to form Divisions made up of Ambulance, Nursing, Ambulance Cadet and Nursing Cadet sections respectively. This organisation is particularly suitable for areas where th~r.e . may. be insuB?-cie~t numbers of one category to form a separate DIvIsIOn; It also aSSIsts III the promotion of cadets to the adult Divisions. SUPERINTENDENT-IN-CHIEF


Over one thousand Members of the Foundation and their families joined with the Brigade in Malta ~uring th~ir .Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of the formation of the first Bngade Umts III the Island and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

In 1969 all Officers, Members and Auxiliaries have again carried out a wide range of duties, and I join the Superintendent-in-Chief in recording our appreciation of the sacrifice of leisure and the sheer hard work which such devotion to duty entails. The following extracts from the Superintendent-in-Chief's report indicate the measure of service being provided.

First Aid, Nursing and Welfare-service has included:BRIGADE FINALS

We were greatly privileged that Professor Sir Hedley Atkins, until recently President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the Chairman of the Foundation Medical Board, attended the finals of the Brigade first-aid and nursing competitions and presented the awards. The winners in each section were:Dewar Shield (Ambulance)-Markham Main (West Riding of Yorkshire) Perrott Shield (Nursing)-Spalding (Lincolnshire) White Knox Cup (Ambulance Cadet)-Cefn Cribbwr (Priory for Wales) Dunbar-Nasmith Cup (Nursing Cadet)-Barnstable (Devon).

The Markham Main Division represented St. John Ambulance in the international first-aid competition at Germert, organised. by the Ora~ge Cross of Holland and showed themselves to be outstandmg. Competmg against eight other teams from six European countries they won the team competition, the Captain's prize and were awarded the Trophy of Honour.

Public duties-notably including protest marches, demonstrations and "pop" weekends, such as that in the Isle of Wight in August. Special tribute should be paid to Nursing Members in Northern Ireland who have worked long hours with the ambulances frequently under fire. Escorts by land, sea and air. Help with Medical Comforts Depots. Practical assistance to the Joint Committee's Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department and the Hospital Library Service. Nursing aid and assistance to District Nurses or as individual "good neighbours". W~lfare c~re of the elder~y, the disabled and the mentally handicapped III hospItals, commumty centres and their own homes.



Special credit is due to the Auxiliaries, many o~ whom willingly take on the more unspectacular and humdrum tasks whIch are nevertheless an essential element of our service to the community. Hospital duties-While many Divisions still mai~tain a close and happy liaison with their local hospital, in general, hospItals have shown httle enthusiasm for the new N.H.S.R. scheme and it seems County and Area Staff Officers and Divisional Superintendents will have to make more positive contact with hospitals at Regional B?ard and loc~l level re~pec­ tively if our younger Members are to obtam the ~ractlcal exp.enen~e which can be of such value in an emergency. The mfluenza epIdemIC, mentioned earlier, proved the ability of our trained Members to give useful service at short notice. The age at which nursing duties may be unde~tak.en. in h?spit~ls was lowered in July from eighteen to seventeen to bnng It mto hne WIth the N.H.S.R. rules. This change was made at the same time as the removal of the lower age limit for non-nursing duties mentioned under Cadets. State Enrolled Nurses: Status-The higher standard of training now demanded of the State Enrolled Nurse has been recognised by the decision to grant one-star Officer status to all S.E.N.'s in the Brigade who do not already hold an Officer appointment. Such one-star ~urses are held supernumerary to Divisions and have no executive functlOns. Hospital Car Service.-This service continues to be run joit;ltly by the British Red Cross Society, the Women's Royal Volunta~y SerVIce and the Brigade, in conjunction with Local A~thorities. In. ~~nl 1969, the Lo.cal Authority in Bedfordshire took over dIrect responsIbilIty for the HospItal Car Service throughout that county; those still administered by St. John are Cornwall Devon Somerset, Suffolk and the West Riding of Yorkshire. Mileage has ~isen ag~in this year, notably in Cornwall where drivers have exceeded a million miles for the first time. St. John and Red Cross Service Hospitals Welfare and V.A.D. Department.-This Department continues to supply resident Welfare Officers for all Naval Military and R.A.F. hospitals and to arrange training for members 'of the V.A.D. Royal Naval Reserve. During 1969, seventeen new Welfare Officers joined the Service and six V.A.D. members spent two weeks training in Royal Navy Hospitals, Haslar and Plymouth. The total strength of Welfare Officers at the end of 1969 was sixty-four,. thirtyone in the United Kingdom and the remainder overseas. Of thIS total twenty-two are St. John Members, five more than in 1968. Nursing Officers.-The Chief Nursing Officer reports a satisfactory increase in the total strength of Nursing Officers. It is, as she says, remarkable that so many Members of the profession are willing to devote their energy and limited leisure to service with St. John while there is such a general shortage of hospital staff. We owe them an immet;lse de?t. of gratitude for their contribution to the high standard of nursmg trammg in the Brigade-a debt which we can only claim to repay in some measure through the number of Cadets who subsequently decide to train as nurses. Headquarters.-After forty-six years as Secretary to the Superintendentin-Chief Miss Maud Harrison retired at the end of the year. Her devoted service ~nd wonderful knowledge and love of the Brigade has been



described time and again and to quote the Superintendent-in-Chief, "I can only repeat that my three predecessors and lowe her a very real debt of gratitude for the splendid relationship which now exists between Headquarters and the Divisi~ns. Her tact and sympathy were appreciated by all and I must once agam express my unbounded personal gratitude for all her help and support". She has been succeeded by Miss Peggy Downing, a member of the S~perintendent.-in-Chief'~ staff for the past three years and previously DIrector, SerVIces HospIt~1 Welfare Department. Miss Downing, who was awarded the M.B.E. III the New Year's Honours List, is thus no newc~mer to Headquarters-nor is Mrs. Boothman, formerly County Supenntendent (N), Buckinghamshire, who has joined the Headquarters as a Staff Officer; on the debit. side it is reported with regret that Dorothy, Lady Ellenborough, has retIred after twenty-seven years service, the last seven as a Headquarters Staff Officer and likewise Mrs. Huntingdon after twenty-four years at Headquarters. SURGEON-IN-CHIEF

Surgeons.-The number of active Surgeons continues to remain at approximately the sa~e level, notwiths.tanding the fact that during the year there were consIde~ably more retirements than normally. It is of mterest that representatIves from a wide cross-section of the various med~c~l activities .are number~d amongst our Surgeons and many of these specialIst categones have Said they welcome the opportunity St. John offers them of practising their profession on a wider canvas. . Con,tact With. Counties-F~equent visits have been made by the Surgeonm-Chief and hIS staff to vanous parts of the country, including the Priory for Wales, to speak at conferences, watch competitions and attend social events. These meetings have all helped the professionally qualified members of the Brigade to keep touch and provided the opportunity for free and constructive discussions at all levels. . Headqua~ters activities.-M~ch thought has been given and investigatIon made mto a number of Important matters of which the following ' might be mentioned:Competitions for Combined Divisions.-These Divisions, containing as they do members of both sexes, are in a position to enter teams for the Perrot and Dewar competitions. It has, therefore been decided that in future they will be allowed to compete in either or both if they. so wish. A.n alternative proposal to organise a separate competitIOn for rruxed teams was not considered administratively practicable. Re-examinati~n of Brilfade Me~~ers.-T~e re-examination of Brigade ~embers (m ~rs~ aId and Imtial Nursmg only) is, by arrangement wI.th the ~ssoclatIOn, ,undertaken within the Brigade. Two aspect of t~IS reqUIred st~dy, VIZ. how to enhance the quality of the examinations and to relIeve the load on the Surgeons and Nursing Officers who condu~t them: A number of alternative proposal are being fu.rt~er studl~d agamst the back~round of suitability of application wlthm the Bngade and the neceSSIty for meeting Association requirements and prescribed standards.




It has however been agreed that Divisional Surge~ns and Uu.rsiI?g Office;s 'may hen~eforth re-examine ~embers. of ~helr ?~n mts m First Aid and Home Nursing respectI~ely. ThIs. wIll fa.CIl tate greatly the organisation of .Re-exam1natlOns m ~ou.nt1es. It 1S stressed that this conces ion applies solely to Re-exammatlOns.

Surgeons' and Nursing Officers' Conference.-The annu,:l Su~gefns' at~d Nursin Officers' Conference was held in Nottingham Umv~rsity . rom e 18th tog the 20th April. Th~ principal. the~e was t~e relatlOnshI~e~fo~~ Brigade to the social serVIces, especially m the lIght of th~ S . Report. There wa a record attendance and from all aspects t e occaSIOn was a great success. d ·d d t t d the con As re orted under Medical, it has been .ecI e 0 ex en ference fo cover the Foundation as a whole w1th effect from 1970. . I St John Cadets have, as always, shown themselves ~o. ~e a .responslb e and· o-ahead body of young Members whose aCtIVltIe~ mcorpo.rate servic~ to others and training on a~venturous line.s. I~ July It. was decIde~ to abolish the lower age limit of sIxteen for help mg. m hospItals o~ n?~ nursin duties. This change was in a.ccord~nce wIth the genera W?S , althou~h there is a body of opinion whIch thmks that young people mI~f~ 'uffer Ion -term ill effects from chance encounters at too early an ~ge WI seriously ITI patients in hospitals. It is believed that th~ safegua!"ds l~p~~~d will avoid this potential risk but the whole matter w1ll be reVIewe a e end of twelve months. ADETS



Visits by Headquarters OjJicers.-.I vi~i~ed India and Hong. KOI?g I~ February· the Superintendent-in-Chief vISIted West~rn MalaYSla'r1mg~. pore Au~tralia New Zealand, Fiji and Canada dunng .Februa~/ ba~c , the Director, Overseas Branch visited Grenada, St. ~mcent, ~ a Jamaica, British Honduras, Bahamas and. ~ermuda ~n Septem er an October and the Director Association vISIted Jamaica and Bermu~a whilst o~ holiday at the end of 1969 and J.anuary .1970. "Notes on .t e laces visited are included in the next sectIO?, entItled G:e?graphIcal keview". In return we were delighte~ to have s~xty overseas ~lsltors come to see us in London from the followmg count~les :-Australia, Barba~os, Canada, Fiji, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Jam,:lca, Kenya, Malaya, ew Zealand, Rhodesia, Sabah, South Africa, Umted States of Amenca.


Mer g er of Association and Brigade.-This has now com.e into effect in Ken a Anti ua and Gibraltar, and new Council RegulatIO?S have been applo~ed ac;ordingly. In a number of other over.seas countnes th; matter is still being considered. New Council RegulatIOns have also. een .approved for Hong Kong, but a merger has been deferred for the tIme bemg. Brigade Regulations (Overseas).-The 1962 edition has be~o:e.ou\~f date in many respects, and a new edition has been prepare f 'g~ng ~ year. Proofs were printed in ~ong Kong and the approval 0 apter General i being sought early In the new year.



India.-My visit to India was most interesting. For some years the Indian Red Cross Society has been playing the dominant role but I found evidence of a renewed interest in the S1. John Ambulance Foundation, which I think is now soundly and safely based. For this we are much indebted to General Lakshmanan, who was Secretary-General of both organisations. His recent retirement for health reasons will be a great loss. I found that the Association and the Brigade are completely separate from each other; and indeed the Association (or "Training Branch", as it is called in India) is much more closely related to the Indian Red Cross than to the Brigade. I saw something of the needs of Rajasthan, a State which has been particularly badly hit by droughts of anything up to seven years. We have since my return been able to provide an ambulance-cummobile-dispensary to the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Jodhpur, where a retired Judge, Mr. Justice Modi, is Chairman of both the Red Cros and St. John. Pakistan.-Work goes on steadily, and Mr. Justice B. A. Siddiky ha recently been appointed Chief Commissioner of the Brigade. Central African Commandery.- The Knight Commander, Sir Humphrey Gibbs, visited Headquarters in the Autumn and the opportunity was taken to discuss the future of the work in the Commandery. Caribbean and At/antic.-In the four independent countries, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Barbados, work goes ahead and the Director Overseas had the opportunity of meeting the leading representatives of St. John in Jamaica and Barbados and discussing a number of current problems of organisation with them. Guyana has sustained a grievous loss in the death, in London, of the former Governor-General, Sir David Rose, who as President of the St. John Council, took a lively and active interest in the work of St. John there. In Trinidad the Brigade is very active, and has just ordered a number of new ambulances from England, the first three of which will be shipped in early 1970. Grenada has for some time been without a substantive Brigade Commissioner and this seems to be holding up expansion and development. St. Vincent became an Associated State in October, and now ba new Council Regulations giving overall control of St. John activities to the Council. At present, activities are confined to the Police Force, but the Commissioner, Colonel S. A. Anderson, hopes now to be able to expand the work of St. John among the general pUblic. In the north of British Honduras (Corozal and Orange Walk Districts) which the Director Overseas visited in October, there is great keenne ; and for t~e first time a formal appointment of an Area Superintendent, Mr. F. Ono, has been made. In the Bahamas, St. John work is still confined to Freeport but unfortunately, the Divisional Superintendent, Mr. Cronin, who has been doing admirable work, has recently felt obliged to resign owing to the pressure of other duties. He has been succeeded by Mr. Richard Martin, and further consequential appointments are under con ideratio n. In Bermuda a new Commissioner, Lieut. Colonel J. Keeffe, has been appointed. The Director Overseas had full discussion with him and with other senior St. John Officers. Colonel Keeffe has a number of plan in




mind for the consolidation and expansion of work in Bermuda, but it is too early yet to report in detail.

West Aji'ica.-The most significant development during 1969 was the announcement, on St. John's Day, by the Chairman of the St. John Council for Nigeria, Dr. Adetoro (who i also the Federal Commissioner for Health in the Nigerian Government) that the Council wished to expand the scope of St. John Ambulance activities (which at present are virtually confined to governmental and quasi-governmental services such as the Police, Ports, Railways and the like), among the general population and make St. John the Government sponsored voluntary organisation for the whole of Nigeria. In the Autumn 1 received an invitation to visit Nigeria and discuss with them these proposed developments and my visit was fixed for February 1970. This was not connected in any way with the war relief operations; but the programme for my visit was confirmed after the end of the war. Subsequent events will be dealt with in the 1970 report. East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda).-In Kenya, as already mentioned, new Council Regulations have been approved, merging the Association and Brigade. The Chairman of Council, Mr. Mayne, again visited England and various matters were discussed with him. MalalVi.-Mention was made in last year's report that preliminary steps were being taken towards the formation of Brigade Divisions. During 1969 five Ambulance Divisions and one Nursing Division were formed in and around Blantyre. Mr. J. Msonthi was appointed Chief Commissioner and Mr. Gordon Mann, Senior Commissioner. By arrangement between the Malawi Council and the Priory of South Africa an advisory mission from the South African Priory visited Malawi in the late Summer. Considering how recently the Divisions had been formed, the mission's report was very encouraging. There is evidently plenty of good material for first-aid and nursing training. The main difficulties lie in the shortage of funds and of doctors. If these can be overcome there should be good prospects for St. John work in Malawi. The visit of the South African Advisory Mission is a welcome example of St. John cooperation and we are all greatly appreciative of the help given by Confreres in South Africa. Zambia.-In October an account of recent developments was received which shows that more had been going on than was realized. It has now been decided to set up a St. John Council in Zambia, of which President Kaunda has consented to become President, and Mr. S. Kasunga, the Principal of the Evelyn Hone College of Further Education, Chairman. Both Lord Wakehurst and Lady Brecknock will be paying short visits to Zambia early in 1970. Mr. Kasunga was in England recently and called at Grosvenor Crescent. Western Malaysia.-The Superintendent-in-Chief found the Brigade making good progress. In particular, there are many large Cadet Divisions, composed of whole schools. This augurs well for the future if the supply of good Officers can be maintained. Singapore.-The Brigade here, too, is giving valuable service and Lady Brecknock was impressed by the Nursing Divisions, under Miss Ngoi


Soo Mee (District Superintendent (N)). The A sociation is also doing good work and co-operates closely with the Brigade. The S.uperinte~dent~in-<:hief was able during her visit to go to six of the SerVIce HospItals In SIngapore and Western Malaysia and was much struck by the work of the Welfare Officers and the esteem in which they are held.

Hong Kong.-:---l visited Hong Kong last year, and Lady Brecknock will be ther.e ~arly In 1970. 1 found the Brigade in good heart under the new CommISSIOner, <:olonel Botelho, and was much impressed with the Ambulance SerVIce run by the Fire Service-an outstandingly efficient body. On the Association side, 1 found that there was only one Centre and recommended. that there should be at least two- one on the island and one on the mamland. I also offered help in the use of visual aids and have presented them with a gift from Headquarters of two projectors. Fiji and Western.Pc:zcifi.c.-Apart from the separate Priories of Australia and New Zeala~d It IS stIll only in ~iji that St.. John is active. Lady Brecknock was much Impressed by. the hIgh ~steem m which the Brigade is held. Officer~ and Members are domg a fine Job and are relied on to be available at al.l tImes of emergen~y. There is as yet no Council, the Governor being Chalfma~ of a CommI.ttee. ,!,he future organisation and development of St. John IS ~nder COnSI?eratIOn but the whole constitutional position of the Col.ony IS under reVIew ~nd the Governor felt that it would be better to aW~It. the .~utcome of thIS before tackling the question of a St. John CouncIlm FIJI. Tonga.- There has been no sign so far of interest from Tonga though the o.ffe~ to send ~n a~~iser remains open. The New Zealand Pri~ry have also IndIcated theu' wIllIngness to help if anything materialises. M editerranean.- Th.ere is nothing special to report from Gibraltar or so I ~ave dehberat~ly kept to the end the great occasion of the DIamond Jubtlee of the Bngade In Malta, which I was privileged, with !Dany o~ my Con.freres fro~ ~ome and overseas, to attend. It was a most Im~ressive occaSIOn, and InCIdentally a fitting finale to Colonel Abela's penod o~ offic~ as Commissioner. Fro~ St. John .Ambulance, the Superintend~nt-In-Chlef, the Deputy Supenntendent-m-Chief and the Chief Medlc~l Officer from Headquarters and over a thousand Members from Countles shared ~n ~nfo.rgettable experience of historic pageantry and unsurpassed hospltah.ty In .a lovely setting aided by perfect weather. Amongst .the many Items In the programme for the celebrations in chronologIcal order, were:' C~prus,

Reception at St. James Counterguard Services at: Mosta St. John's Cathedral Com~emoration of Victory of Great Siege 1565 InvestIture Regatta in Grand Harbour Numerous social events, including a St. John Ball.




The Board has continued its quarterly meetings under the c~a~rmanship of Sir Hedley Atkins and revie~ed medical matte~s appertam!,ng to .the Foundation as a whole. Twenty Items on such subjects as the orgamsation of first-aid duties at race-courses" and the "content of text books for revision" have been examined in detail and evaluated. . Consideration of the arrangements for the Surgeons' and Nursmg Officers' Conference led to the conclusion that it would be a logical consequence of the merger and in the widest interests of St. ~ ohn AIIl:bulance for this gathering to be extended to cover all FoundatIOn medical and nursing interests. It will, therefore, in future be known as the "St. John Ambulance Medical Conference" and be open to all doctors and nurses who serve St. John Ambulance. The first of the new joint conferences will be held in the Spring of 1970 but in ~he me~ntime much ?~ the preparatory work is already well under way. ThIS has mcluded obtammg approval for the conference to be given official recognition by the Department of Health and Social Security. . . A number of new items of equipment have been submItted to the Board for its opinion on their suitability for adoption by St: John Ambulance as authorized equipment; one example assesse~ as ~U'table was t?e Space Rescue Blanket. This blan~et is made of a tm f~]l type. m~tenal which enables it to be compressed mto a small packet easIly car ned m the pocket; it has the additional advantage of being waterproof. . . The Board's panel of eminent consultants have also from time to tIme O"iven advice on subjects pertaining to their particular field. I would here ~xpress my gratitude to these distinguished specialists for t?e v.e~y valuab~e contribution they so kindly make to our work. ~~e availabilIty of the~r advice puts St. John Ambulance in the strong pOSItIO~ of k?owmg th~t It has recourse to the best possible knowledge and expenence m the medical and nursing professions. VISUAL AIDS

The Visual Aids and Exhibition Sections which come under the aegis of the Medical Branch have, as always, had a busy year. Some examples of their activities are:-

Film Appraisal.-During 1969, in conjunct~on with the British Indust~ial and Scientific Film Association, an Appraisal Panel has been meetmg regularly to review all 16 mm films under the generic Litle of first-aid. This Panel not only reviews medical films newly produced but also films in current circulation to ensure that none is obsolete and that no out-ofdate training methods are publicized. I?urin~ the year .fifty medical filIl!s have been seen. It is anticipated that thIs major task WIll .be co.mpleted m 1970 when a revised Film Catalogue and Explanatory GUIde WIll be made avajlable to users. Flip Charts.-Dr. Molloy is engaged on t~e prepara~ions. of Flip Charts. These are, in essence, a form of Instructor s notes WIth dIa~rams set out on a fairly large scale so as to be easily readable by. the entIre .class .. The Committee is very impressed with this method and mtends to Investigate large-scale production.





Film Library.-The twenty 16 mm films held by the small Visual Aid 16 mm Library are constantly in circulation; so much so that many are becoming worn out and will need to be replaced in the near future. It is very satisfactory that these films are put to such good use but replacement will be expensive. Exhibitions.-The work of the Exhibitions Section has increased, due very largely to the enthusiasm and enterprise of Mr. Clark, the Exhibitions Officer. Suitable exhibitions and visual aids displays have been mounted at the Grand Prior's Trophy Competition, Brigade Finals, the Presidents' Conference and other major Foundation events. In addition, exhibitions centred on the mobile caravan have been staged at many of the larger County events and also at the Royal Show. The latter was a particular success as we were able to combine with the Fire Services in demonstrating to large crowds of spectators joint action at the scene of a car crash. St. John Ambulance Members in Warkwickshire manned a display tent elsewhere in the very extensive showground and alongside gave demonstrations of first-aid after a farm accident involving a tractor. APPEALS

Fund-raising continued to be a far from easy matter and owing to the difficulty in finding sponsors, fewer events were undertaken than we would have liked. A number of exhibition golf matches were staged in conjunction with the Feathers Club and although the results were not spectacular, useful experience was gained from which it is hoped to profit more in 1970. I have already referred in the Introduction to the financial problems facing us at Headquarters and clearly ways to increase income must be found. It is equally important to ensure that the best use is made of our resources and for economies to be introduced where this can be done without detriment to our service. To these end , I shall be setting up in January a Branch with the specific functions of studying all activities and projects against a background of finance so as to help me to relate expenditure to income-Mr. C. Rees Jenkins has agreed to become the first Director of this new Branch which I propose calling "Budgetary Planning". Fund-raising will be an essential component and the former Appeals Branch will, therefore, be incorporated as an integral part of it. CONFERENCES

There has been the usual active participation in the many conference taking place during the year, both within St. John Ambulance and those organized by outside bodies. Two amongst the latter I would particularly like to mention at which the Foundation was represented by Officers of the Nursing side were:Department of Health and Social Security-to provide the opportunity for voluntary organisations to consider and comment on the proposals in the first Green Paper on the re-organisation of the Health Service. National Council of Social Service-a conference to discuss this organisation's role in co-ordinating the efforts of its member organisations.



The Foundation has also been represented by. O~cers from a.l1 Headquarters Branches at many others. The two prIncIpal FoundatIOn conferences were:St. John Ambulance Annual Conference-attended by. Se?ior Office~s from Counties on the Friday before the Order SerVIce III St. Paul s Cathedral. The Conference, the first of its kind, ~rovided the opportunity for discussing centrally the merger in all Its aspects and h?w to take advantage of the new opportunities it provides. In the evemng the delegates attended the Lord Prior's Dinner at the Nav.al and Military Club. The day thus proved both profitable and enjoyable and is to be an annual event. Presidents' Conference-previously for Brigade Presidents onl~ but now a Foundation event covering all St. John Ambulance PreSidents, of whom nearly three hundred attended froI? throughout. the co~ntry. Many lively discussions on the help PresIdents. and VIce-PreSIdents can give their Units took place and the occaSIOn was used as the launching pad for introducing the ways St. John Ambulance can assist those caught up in the misuse of drugs. For the latter, we we,re fortunate in having Father Kenneth Leec~, Cur~te ~f St. Anne s, Soho, with a panel of other speakers experIenced In this work to set the scene for our discussions. As already stated, it was our good fortune to have H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester with us for the whole of the conference. PUBLIC RELATIONS P UBLICITY

The importance of good public relation.s. for publicising. traInIng, encouraging recruiting, helping with fund-~aISIng <l:nd f?r vanous ot.her essential needs, are too well known to reqUITe amplIficatIOn here. W~Il.st , therefore, T am unlikely ever to be satisfied with t~e volume of publICity received I am indeed grateful for the many occaSIOns and the way our Press and Radio friend s have drawn attention to St. John A.~bulance during the year. Much of the credit for this is due to the close halson our small Press D epartment has established with them and also to the work of P.R.O.'s in Counties. THE " REVIEW "

The financial position of the Review gave rise to considerable concern during the year, so it was decided to accep.t ~n adva~tageous offer .to transfer from letterpress to lithograph prIntlI~g. ThIS m~thod , ~Ith modern equipment, provides more scope for plct~res <l:nd .1l1,;!stratIOns together with an up-to-date lay-out and type whIch .wIlI, It IS hoped, attract more subscribers and consequently more advertIsements. Unfortunately the Editor, Mrs. Richards, did. not ~eel she could ca~ry on and a new Editor, Mr. F. Driscoll, was appOInted III October to brIng out the first " new look" Review in January 1970. CONCLUSION

With so much to praise, unsolved problems a~e apt to receive j.nsufficie~t comment. My brief reference to our problems In the IntroductIOn to this


Report does not mean that they have been dismissed as of little consequence. They cannot be buried in 1969 and the "Conclusion" is, therefore, the place to remind us of this harsh fact. Unless the trends at home of declining certificate issues and falling Brigade strengths are reversed our services as a whole will suffer. Restorative action must, therefore, and is being energetically taken as a matter of urgency. Above all, we need an adequate income and with this we could go a long way to solving the other two problems. Fortunately, St. John Ambulance is served by devoted people in whom we have complete trust and on whom we can rely to do everything within their powers to fur ther the interests of St. John. I want, therefore, to end this report by paying my sincere tribute to all of our members wherever and however they serve St. John Ambulance. I w<;mld especially this year like to draw attention to and record my gratItude for the work of the secretarial, clerical and Registry staffs at Headqu~rters and else~here (most of them trained First Aiders) who play an Important role In our work but one which rarely gets its rightful share of th~ li~elight. Finally, I would once again record my admiration a~d appreclatIOn of the work of my colleagues at Headquarters. Their Wise counsel, ever helpful support and friendship make my own duties as Head of the merged Foundation immeasurably easier. WILLIAM PIKE, Chief Commander .





The following summary of expenditure and income i~dicates the extent of the charitable work undertaken by the Joint CommIttee of the Or~er and the Briti h Red Cross Society in the year to the 30th June, 1969.£ Gross expenditure . . . Less: Income received by Depar~ments. . Interest and dividends on Investments and rents Donations, legacies, etc.

£ 343,520

150,740 119,999 242

Balance met out of the General Fund

270,98J £72,539

The pattern of activity has remained very much the.same.as for the ~ast few years. The work for the war disabled, the. Ho.spIt~1 !:lbrary serVIce, and the maintenance and administration .of medIcal. InstItutIOns and homes remain the principal activities of the Jomt CommIttee. The w?rk for the war disabled is, quite naturally, decreasin~ year by year? but stIll accounts for the major spending of the Joint CommIttee. The b~s?c need~ of the war disabled are the responsibility of the State, and tradItIOnally It has been the function of the Committee to suppleme~t such help through general welfare work and by awards in cash and kind to enable ~hem to meet articular need and to cope with the inevitabl~ and. often qUIte unfor.eseen hazards of life. An indication of the scope of t~lS ~el.Ief may be foun~ In the following table, which co:rers the very many mdlvldual acts of aSSIstance during the year under revIew:Cost of Assistance £

Awards made

2,778 2,251 521

395 3,298 1,200 1,229

General Relief. The settlement of debts. The issue of clothIng. Supplernenmentary grants to nurses for maintenance Special help to meet the needs of old age Resettlement GrantsFor the support of businesses of th~ self-employed .. F~r house purchase, repairs and adaptations. For vocatIOnal training and the purchase of tools . . . . Providing Mobility. Help with the purchase of transpo!t fo~ work. The Issue and maintenance of three-wheeled Invalid cars . Assistance to the SickProviding convalescence and holi~ays for the s~ver~ly dISabled. Sickness comforts and eqUlpment. In~alId dl~t. Other forms of help, such as handicrafts, hobbles and diversional occupation. Pay.ment of fun~ral expenses Hospital welfare, recreatIOns and outIngs. .

17,215 10,817

7,020 6,612 6,456 5,785 3,066 56,97]

In addition, relief expenditure administered for other charities amounted to 11,672

8,649 65,620


To enlarge upon just one of the above categories of relief spendingthat of "providing mobility"-there are fewer deprivations more damaging to the morale and well-being of a disabled person than immobility. The inability even to reach a place of work and the lack of opportunity to participate in the many leisure activities which lie outside the home bear with special severity on the war pensioner. The cost of breaking through these barriers lies not only in finding the purchase price of a vehicle but also in the upkeep and running costs of motor transport. For those in the lower income bracket the loan of a mechanically propelled tricycle with its low running costs is often the answer. A fleet of nearly 100 machines, jointly owned with the Department of Health and Social Security, was on issue at the end of the financial year. As can be seen from the summary, 395 pensioners were helped with motor transport at a cost of £6,612. The relief work undertaken by the Ex-Services War Disabled Help Department is complemented by the provision of residential care in eight settlements or establishments assisted or directly administered by the Joint Committee. The four assisted extablishments which are administered by local Committees representative of the Order and of the British Red Cross Society are:For paraplegics-Lyme Green Settlement (Cheshire) and the Kytes Estate (near Watford), and for severely disabled ex-servicemen-Barrowmore Village Settlement (Cheshire) and Norwich Settlement. In all, the settlements accommodate 119 married men and their families. At Lyme Green and Barrowmore, hostels are provided for single men as well as sheltered employment for all settlers. The directly administered establishments are:Ernest Burdon House, Bournemouth, and Queen Alexandra House, Folkestone, in which live 60 elderly nurses, and Brighton Convalescent Hospital and Scio House, Putney, which cater for ex-officers. Expenditure on these two latter institutions continues to rise, the reason being, as reported last year, that the sick and elderly are continuing to lead an independent existence for longer than in the pa t, and as a result, when the time eventually comes for them to seek the shelter of an institution, their nursing and medical requirements are the greater, and this trend involves progressively higher staffing costs.


The cost of the Hospital Library department in the year under review was £14,659, representing in the main the free service given to service men and women in hospital both at home and abroad, to disabled ex-service pensioners, and to St. John and Red Cross and Homes Medical Institutions. The balance is, in the main, an involuntary supplementation towards the cost of libraries in National Health Service Ho pitals. An application for an increased capitation fee from Hospitals receiving the service ha recently been submitted to the Department of Health and Social Security. The capitation fee, which is calculated to cover the Joint Committee" expenditure on libraries in National Health Service Ho pital , does not in any way reflect the value of the work of some 4,000 voluntary librarians and book-binders whose energy and enthusia m enable the department to undertake the work set out below:-



Hospitals and Beds served: National Health Service Armed Forces (including small Medical Units) St. John and Red Cr~ss Homes Hospitals in HoM: Pflson~ Disabled ex-serVlce pensioners in hospital and at home 0








Hospitals Served 1,043

Beds Served 89,668

207 28 16

9,355 646 482



Books Issued to patients: 3,204,909 From Hospital Librarieos 23,784 From Headquarters' Lhbranes 25,170 Books Re-bound and Repaired 138 Aids for Disabled Readers Issued to Patients 0











The Library has acquired from Messrs. Martin Breslauer, at a cost of £325, a fine copy of the first edition, in book form, of G~and ~aster Pierre d'Aubusson's letter, dated 13th September, 1480, III whIch he describes to the German Emperor Frederick III the course and ultimate failure of the Turkish siege of Rhodes from 23rd May to 7th August, 1480. On receiving the letter, Frederick III had it published as a telling piece of crusading propaganda, with its vivid descriptions of Turkish naval and military power and its emphasis on the heroism and resource of the Knights of St. John in their struggle to defend their Aegean island strongholds. The little book is not signed or dated by the printer, but scholars deduce from the evidence of the type that it was printed by Heinrich Knoblochtzer of Strasbourg-probably no later than Christmas 1480. Only eleven copies survive today (none in France, Aubusson's native land, or in Italy). There are ten quarto pages, each of thirty lines printed in Gothic letter. The first letter of the text is the handsomely ornamented "Maiblumen" capital I of "Inuictissime", the complimentary epithet Aubusson applies to the Emperor. The book has been rebound for the Order by the bookseller. The letter is, in fact, a tightly packed and tersely worded little chronicle of the events of the siege, from the arrival of the armada sent by Sultan Mehmed II (the conqueror of Constantinople in 1453), through the investiture and heavy bombardment of Rhodes, to the baffled withdrawal of the Turks after their failure to exploit the breach they had made in the city walls. On all the evidence of the Latin style, the author was the Grand Master's secretary, who was also Vice-Chancellor of the Order, Guillaume Caoursin, who also wrote at this time a fuller account of the siege, widely published in Europe in 1481 (and eventually in an English translation in London in 1496). Caoursin himself copied the text of the letter to Frederick III into the Grand Master's Register, which may still be seen in the Royal Malta Library (Archives of the Order of St. John, MS. 387, Liber Bullarum, 1479- 1481). The story told to the Emperor gives many details of the destruction wrought by the Turks in the Rhodian countryside and the devastation of the city by the curious late fifteenth century mixture of heavy artillery and primitive but effective stone-casting machines. However, at least Aubusson is able to end on a satisfied note: "Sic quoque victi cum ignominia recedunt". The book is without question a most important acquisition by the Library, which already possesses the Rhodes Missal and copies of Caoursin's two books about the Order at Rhodes. At a sale of coins at Glendining & Co., London, in May, the department was able to purchase thirteen Crusader coins and five coins struck by Grand Masters in Rhodes . The total cost, £309, has enabled us to make eighteen very rare additions to the Museum collection. During the year the following papers were placed in the Library: Torphichen Preceptory: A Footnote to the Published Descriptions: The Rev. Po H. R. Mackay ; The Romanesque Church of Karcsa, Hungary: Veronika Gervers; Les rotondes de l'epoque romane dans la Hongrie medieva]e: Veronika Gervers; The 1330 Chapter-General of the Knights Hospitallers at Montpellier: Professor Charles L. Tipton.



I am happy to be able to report the restora~ion of eight ver~ fin.e oil paintings by Gianni, a nineteenth .century artist. whose w?rk IS hI~hly valued in Malta nowadays. These pIctures were dIscovered m the a~tlc at St. John's Gate several months ago, and cleaning has revealed magmficent views, some by moonlight, of the Grand Harbour, Ver?ala Palace and the Palace of San Anton. Painted in the 1880's, they are sIgned and dated by the artist. Two new publications concerning the Order have been added to the library. The first is Sir Hannibal Scicluna's "The Order of St. John of Jerusalem-A brief Account of its Origin, Organisation and History, and a short Description of the historical,,, arch~eol~gical and pict~resque Places of Interest in Malta and Gozo . As ItS title suggests thIS book would be of great :ralue to those vi~iti,~g the Malt~se islands, not necessarily for the first time. The seco?d IS The T';Vo SIeges of R~odes .1~801522", by Eric Brockman. In thIS book the SIeges are descnbed vIVIdly, and set against their background of crusade and c~)Unter-crus~de. . Two thousand, two hundred and eighty-five visItors were gIven gUl~ed tours of St. John's Gate, and the Grand Priory Church and Crypt durm.g 1969; this is the highest annual total f?r the past ten .years. Can thIS increase be attributed to the new portraIt of the Soverelgn Head of the Order, which hangs in the Chapter Hall? . .. The department has received many generous gIftS. The BaIlIff of .E~le has presented a very fine v.:atercolour, depicting. one of the few ~urvIvmg mediaeval round churches m England, that at LIttle Mapleste~d m Ess~x, which belonged to the Order before the Reformation. The artIst was ~ISS Nellie Gooding, several of whose pictures are already to be found hangmg in St. John's Gate. . Also to be recorded, is the splendid set of slides of the Rhodes MIssal, presented to the Order by Mr. E. A. Alliott. It is t~e.r~sul~ of many. months devoted work on his part and in view of the exhIbItIOn m Malta m 1970, during which the Missal will be far away ~rom London for ~our or five months, it is gratifying to know that th~re ~Ill be a photographIc record of one of the Order's most prized possessIOns m the LIbrary. The thanks of Chapter-General have also been conve'y~d to the following donors:-T. McBride, Esq., J. Cuthber~, Esq., H. PIne-Gordon" Esq., Mrs. C. R. Ferrier, Miss P. Beatley, C. NeVIlle Packett, Esq., P. P. ~ She~, Esq., the Blackpool Nursing Divisio~, the St. John Ambulance BrIgade m Cheshire, Commander A. L. Craig-Jeffreys, R.N., and Mrs. E. M. Collister. LIONEL BUTLER, Librarian.



REPORT OF THE PRIORY OF SCOTLAND I write my Report as Chancellor when time has taken us beyond the first month of 1970 and softened the blow received by the death of our Prior. in November 1969. It is not my purpose to write an appreciation of the lIfe and work of our late Prior, Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey of Dinnet, because this has properly been undertaken by those more capable but .1 canno~ refrain from reminding myself and my Confreres of th~ serVIces of SIr Malcolm to the Scottish Priory. Upon the ~ccasion ?f the Reconstit~tion of the Priory in 1947, Sir Malcolm was mstalled m Office as the DIrector of Ceremonies by H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, The Grand Prior. Succeeding Sir Hugh Turnbull as Pri~r of ScotIan? in 1964, he held also the noble Office of Preceptor of To:phichen, to WhIC~ he had been appointed by his Confreres in 1957 as a SIgnal mark of theIr respect. The Priory has lost a wise and well-loved leader, who brought to, his high offi.ce ~n integrity of character, a fidelity and a loyalty, a devotIOn and a kmdlmess that made him outstanding among his fellows . Throughout 1969 the progress of the work of the Order in Scotland has been ~teady, if not spectacular. Our Hospices at Carberry and Lennox R?w In the East of Scotland and at Langside in the West are well maintamed, tastefully furnished and adequately staffed. The constant demand upon acc0II?-modation proves the special need they meet. The Hospice at ~kerr~brae In ~oraJj, desp!te its isol~ted position from centres of populatIOn, .mcreases m populanty and gIves accommodation to both "recuperative" ~nd "long. stay" residents. The St. John Nursing Home in Aberd~en IS un~ergomg a major rehabilitation and plans are maturing for an Increase In selected accommodation. Th~ nee~ for the work of Mountain Rescue, with which the Order is assocIat~d m Aberdeen, increases steadily as more and more of our urban populatIOn takes to the mountains and so many ill-prepared to meet the hazards. One cannot stress too strongly the value of the work undertaken by the Rescue .teams, and tak~ satisfact~on in the knowledge that, despite ~he pe~sonal nsks and financIal costs Involved, nevertheless there is an mcre~smg de~a~d ~or member hip of men, seeking and willing to undergo the VIgorous discIplme and training. I a~ happy to report the .establishment of a Committee of the Priory at Torphl?hen and the/ormatIOn of a St. John Association. It has long been t~e deSIre of the Pnor~ to have ~ rec~uit~ent among young people and, WIth the developments m mountameenng In the North and the interest in th~ history, traditions and work of the Order by young people at Torp~Ich,en an~ Denny, I ha".e reason for confidence that the approval in pn~cIple? gIVen by CounCIl and Chapter to the formation of younger Umts, WIll mature in 1970. ~riory has. been de~ply indebt~d to the. Libra~ian, Dr. Jonathan RileySmIth, for hIS wo:k In catalogul11~ and Increasmg the Library facilities. Confre~es ,are re~lllded that there IS a wealth of information available to them withlI~ the LIbrary at Headquarters. Dr. Riley-Smith has also undertakep to edIt a monthly bulletin on Scottish Priory affairs in the St. John ReVIew. and all Confreres are urged to make a regular purchase of this M~g~zme and to keep themselve in touch with the work of the other Pnone both at home and oversea.




At the time of writing this Report on the work of the Priory in 1969, I have received information that His Royal Highness the Grand Prior has approved the appointment of the Earl of Haddo as our Prior of Scotland. This appointment will give immense and universal satisfaction to all Scottish Confreres. We remember with pride and thankfulness the work for the Order of his uncle, the late Marquis of Aberdeen and Temair, and we know that Lord Haddo will bring to our Priory the same enthusiasm and courtesies of one who was so deeply and affectionately regarded by us all. May I also make mention of the appointment of Sir Thomas Innes of Learney as the Preceptor of Torphichen, upon his resignation as the Lord Lyon King of Arms. Priory has reason to remember with gratitude the services given to the Order since its Reconstitution in 1947 by Sir Thomas, who was our Genealogist. He is succeeded as Genealogist by Sir James Monteith Grant, the Lord Lyon King of Arms. Sir James has been ever helpful to us as a member of the Herald Court and Priory welcomes his agreement to become still more closely identified with us. I would express the thanks of the Priory to all who have contributed to our success and well-being in 1969. The work of our membership in the St. John Associations raising funds to maintain the charitable work of our Order and contributing personal service to those resident in our Hospices cannot be too strongly commended. May I express also my personal thanks to my Confreres on Council and Chapter, to all Secretaries and Treasurers and Office-bearers and to the loyal and efficient Staff at Priory Headquarters.

Glasgow, was attended by approximately two hundred Members and guests and was the highlight of an extremely happy and successful Festival.


The Festival of St. John took place, after a lapse of five years, in Glasgow on Wednesday, 25th June. Members of Priory-Chapter, preceded by Senior Magistrates of the City of Glasgow, processed from Provand's Lordship to Glasgow Cathedral, the locus of the Annual Commemoration Service, which was conducted by The Very Rev. Dr. Nevile Davidson. Holy Communion was celebrated at the conclusion of the Service. Members of Priory Chapter enjoyed a delightful break in the proceedings when they were entertained to luncheon as guests of The Lord Provost and Magistrates of the City of Glasgow. At the General Assembly and Investiture held in the Banqueting Hall of the City Chambers, we were privileged to have as our guests, Mr. A. Gardner Williams, Prior of the Priory of South Africa, and Mrs. Gardner Williams. The Prior of Scotland, Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey of Dinnet, warmly welcomed our distinguished guests and Members of the Order, expressing pleasure at the presence of so large an attendance of Members and guests. Later, in replying to the Prior's welcome, Mr. Gardner Williams conveyed fraternal greetings from the Priory of South Africa. Thereafter, the Prior of Scotland invested those Members recently Promoted in and Admitted to the Order with the Insignia of their various Grades. When the Assembly closed, afternoon tea was served to Members and guests in the Satinwood Salon. The evening culminated in a Reception and Dinner, at which we were honoured by the presence of The Lord and Lady Provost, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Williams, Dr. W. J. Morris (Minister of Glasgow Cathedral) and Mrs. Morris. The Dinner, held within the historic Trades House of



I have pleasur.e in repo~ti?g on the work of the Committee for the year 1969, dunng WhICh negotIatIOns have been carried out for an extension of the Lease of Langside Home, which exp1res in 1972. The new lease has now been drafted for a period of ten years and about to be completed. There was also a proposal to retain the St. John Foundation Hospital, Cla~em.ont Terrace, ~s a Geriatric .Home to be run in conjunction with, or III lteu of, Langslde Home. ThIS was found to be economically imp~acticable and, as explained in the Association Report, efforts have been dIverted to renovations at Langside. Consideration was given to the running costs of the Home and after private discussions with the residents, or their relatives it was aareed that a small increase in charges was preferable to the undes/rable alte~native of a reduction of the standards. At this time several letters were received expressing relatives' approval and acknowledging the comfort of the Home and the kindness of Miss Cumming, Mrs. MacLeod and the Staff. As there has always been a waiting-list for admission of Residents the Committee ~as inspected several other properties which might be suitable f?r, appropnately, a "Second Home". It was resolved "that the long-term vIew.be takeJ?-, ~nd the Committee should aim at a target which would permIt of bUIldmg a Home above that of institutional level". For this purpose, some of the larger donations received by the Committee have been invested iJ?- a Special Fund, and we are deeply grateful to our generous subscnbers. THE EDINBURGH AND SOUTH-EAST COMMITTEE OF THE PRIORY

On my retiral as Chair~an of the. Committee I am pleased to report that the two Homes are operatmg effectIvely and efficiently. Much of the credit must go to the Chairman and Committee Members of both establishments coupled with the excellent efforts of the \Vardens and their wives. My th~nks go to .Mr. Black as Chairman of St. John's Home and Mr. NIcolson, ChaIrman of St. John Hospice, and the Executive Officers, Mr: Falconer, Hon. Secretary, and Mr. Shaw, the Hon. Treasurer, for all theIr good work. I must pay particular tribute to Mr. Shaw who has for many years now managed the financial affairs, not only of the Committee but the Homes also, with outstanding ability, ably assisted by Mr: GreIg. The Balance Sheet t?day sho~s assets at an all time high-over the £10,O~O mark-and WIth the adjustment in charges to residents fully eff~ctIve, the tremendous pressure of the past years to raise funds is not qUIte s<? ?esperate. However, it does not afford to be complacent about fu~d-raIslllg and the excellent efforts of the St. John As ociation towards thIS end have been praiseworthy indeed. To the. many who regul~rly ~onate to the funds, my warmest thank, but espeCIally to ~r.s. S. SIvewnght and Mrs. W. de Vries who carry out an annual fund-raIslllg effort together, raising quite a considerable sum.






Langside Home reflects the enthusiasm with which everyone has contributed in service and generosity, and this is especially shown by the large increase in Life Members of the Association. It was with the greatest regret that we learned in January, Mi s MacFarlane proposed to retire by the end of the year and it became very apparent that she had devoted much of her time voluntarily to the supervision of the Home, not only in her weekly vi its for financial arrangements but as the energetic Secretary of the Ladies' Committee and the House Committee. It was a great relief to learn that Mr. James Brown, B.L., had agreed to continue with the financial transactions and that Mrs. Archibald Barr would undertake all secretarial duties connected with the Home and the Ladies' Committee. Many Fund Raising arrangements have been carried out by the Ladies' Committee including a Coffee Morning and a "Supper-in-the-Country" organised by Mrs. Leggat-Smith. Through these and other efforts by individual members of the Ladies' Committee, support by the generosity of many Members of the Association, sufficient revenue has accrued to enable us to proceed with an internal renovation of the Home, which after seven years was in need of such attention. This has relieved the Glasgow Committee of the Priory of this expenditure and we are now able to carry out essential external maintenance paintwork, as soon as the weather permits.

During 1969 the Aberdeen Committee have taken decisions which, it is hoped, will benefit the Order in the North-East of Scotland in the years to come. As reported last year, it was made clear to the Committee that they had the support of the part-time consultants in the area for continuing the Home which provides ervices for private nursing care and also, outwith the National Health Service Schemes, charitable nursing and terminal care. In order to bring the Nursing Home up to standard, the Committee have completed the installation of a new fire escape at a cost of £3,259 and at the time of going to press have closed the Nursing Home down for four months in order that it be completely modernised with new bathrooms, properly equipped rooms, nursing stations and kitchens. The cost of this modernisation will be in the region of £25,000 and the Committee are able to meet this expenditure with reserves that have been accumulated over the last few years. In conjunction with the modernisation programme, the Committee are investigating the viability of extending the Home with a further ten bedrooms and a new operating theatre with ancillary accommodation. The Committee record with regret the death of Dr. George Swapp, who had been Warden of the Home since its inception and whose life in latter years had been devoted to the Order. Miss Paul, Secretary of the Nursing Home, retired during the year after a lifetime of service to the Home both prior to its acquisition by the Order and since then. The Committee wish her a long and happy retirement. The Aberdeen Mountain Rescue Association have completed the building of their headquarters at Albyn Place, which was opened by Lord Wakehurst on 23rd September, 1969. The Aberdeen Committee have agreed to look after the interests of the Order in Morayshire and, in particular, the hospice at Skerrybrae and it is hoped, in conjunction with the St. John Association, that Skerrybrae will be more fully utilised than perhaps it has been in the past. THE ST. JOHN HOSPlCE, SKERRYBRAE

The occupancy rate of the accommodation at this Hospice continues to increase and a pleasing feature is the number who, having experienced its delightful facilities and surroundings, return annually for rest and recuperation. The Hospice is establishing its own niche, despite its isolation as a result of the cuts and deficiencies in the transport facilities. I am pleased to report that the Aberdeen Committee of the Order, through a pecially appointed Committee, have agreed to take over the supervision and administrative control of the Hospice. This is a welcome and eminently sensible development, whereby the needs for Hospice accommodation, as well as the resources of the north-east of Scotland , can be centred round Skerrybrae. THE ST. JOH ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND (GLASGOW BRANCH)

In reviewing the work of the Committee for 1969 it is very gratifying to observe that the continuou harmony and well-being of the residents at



The Aberdeen Branch of the St. John Association has finished another very satisfactory year. We have raised £1,728 lIs. 3d. during the year ended November 1969, and although we have only subsidised fees of patients in our Nursing Home to the extent of £231 we know that this figure will be far exceeded in the future when we have finished our programme of up-grading the Nursing Home, which starts on 1st March. During 1969 we were approached by a group of disabled people in Aberdeen called the Happy Wanderers, who have formed themselves into a club to help those less fortunate than themselves. Through their savings plan and other activities, they help to give their members holidays at places suited to their disabilities. Some of these people have not been away from home for over ten years. 1 have been pleased to agree to subsidise suitable members at Skerry brae, when necessary. The group arrange their own transport and encourage their members to save and pay as much towards their holiday as they possibly can, and I feel they are doing a wonderful job in bringing happiness to the sick and yet allowing them to feel independent and not just objects of charity. It gives me great pleasure to be able to extend the work of the Order in this way. The work of our Gift Centre continues to grow and prosper and we have an increasing number of friends who support us in our effort. Our sales totalled the handsome sum of £518 for the year. The Ballater Branch under the able chairmanship of Lady Paoet continues to function as profitably as ever and we were most grateful to receive knitted goods to the value of £109 from them during the year. They continue to enjoy the support and encouragement of the Sir Alexander McRobert Memorial Trust and again received £50 for their wool fund from it by courtesy of the Administrator, Major Farrant.




Once again, 1 should like to thank the many people who help to make our efforts so rewarding, especially, I think, the ladies of th~ Gift Centre in Aberdeen, the Ballater Branch, and my ever loyal CommIttee.

Nave of the Church. The sermon was preached by the Lord Bishop of Monmouth, the Right Reverend Eryl S. Thomas, Sub-Prelate of the Order, and the Service was conducted by the Vicar, the Reverend Canon W. E. C. Thomas, Officiating Chaplain of the Priory. Upon returning to the City Hall, the Prior presided at the Annual Meeting of Chapter. The Lord Mayor of Cardiff (Alderman Lincoln Hallinan, J.P.) entertained Members of Chapter with their wives and V.I.P. guests to luncheon at Cardiff Castle. General Assembly in the afternoon opened with prayers, read by the Officiating Chaplain, the Reverend Canon W. E. C. Thomas, and an Investiture was conducted by the Prior. In welcoming the assembly present Lord Aberdare thanked the Lord Mayor for his presence and for so generously following in the tradition of Lord Mayors, past and present, of the City of Cardiff, who year after year have supported us and by honouring us with their presence at the General Assemblies. The Prior referred to the very great loss suffered by the Order of St. John in Wales in the past year with the death of H.R.H. Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, Commandant-in-Chief of Nursing Corps and Divisions for Wales and as a mark of gratitude for her splendid work over so many years it was intended to place a memorial window in the Church of St. John Baptist, Cardiff. The Prior was happy to say that the new Brigade developments he had mentioned last year the Off-shore rescue team at Ferryside, the Life Guards at Barry, the Cardiff Motor Cycle Unit and the Mountain Rescue team were all flourishing and remarked how encouraging it was to know that these initiatives were in the hands of young men. The main challenge to the Brigade would be the Investiture of the Prince of Wales at Caernarvon Castle on 1st July. In conjunction with the British Red Cross Society and civil medical authorities, St. John was responsible for first aid cover at the Investiture and there would be some 300 of our members there, drawn from every county and district in Wales. Lord Aberdare welcomed the Superintendent-in-Chief and invited the Countess of Brecknock to address the Assembly. The Prior invested Members recently promoted in or admitted to the Order on the Roll of the Priory and presented a Vellum Vote of Thanks. The recipients of Priory Votes of Thanks received them at the hands of the Lord Mayor of Cardiff. Twenty-one Cadets of the St. John Ambulance Brigade received their Grand Prior Cadet Badges from the Prior.



The year was unique for the Edinburgh Branch, in that it saw the opening in February of our Association Gift Shop in Deanhaugh Street. The last report mentioned our hope that the year's proceeds f~om the shop might offset those which in the past have accrued ~rom an E~mburgh Flag Day, a fund-raising opportunity which was demed to us In 1969. There is every indication that this hope may be more than fulfilled, as the proceeds from the shop for the first twelve months promise to pass the £1,000 mark. Sincere congratulations and our gratitude are due to Mrs. Wilkie, who has directed the enterprise from the beginning, and to Mr. Reid and Miss Lumsden who have rendered great assistance. During the year, Dr. Tait and others have been good enough to give talks and show films about the work of the Order to a number of different organisations. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Black most kindly stepped III at short notIce to run a Musselburgh Flag Day in April. A house to house collection proved impracticable, for lack of helpers, but a very welcome £66 was collected by a very small number of members on the day. The annual Sale of Work in October was again convened by Mrs. Buchanan-Dunlop, with Miss Graham as Vice-Convener. Thanks to the splendid efforts of the stall-holders and their friends, who contributed to and supported the Sale, the gross takings amounted to o~er £1,3~0. Following the Sale of Work, a very successful SOCIal Evemn~ was organised by the Association, mainly to give members an opportumty to entertain their kind friends who had helped with the Sale of Work. To launch the evening Mr. Reid, assisted by Miss Lumsden, gave a most interesting and instructive display of Georgian silver. The function was very well attended. This report would not be complete without a sincere tribute, on behalf of all our members, to the work of Mr. Coutts, who retired from the appointment of Honorary Secretary to the Association on the l.ast day of the year. His successor is Mr. Hazel, who has our very good WIshes. ANDREW MURRAY, Chancellor.




FOR THE YEAR ENDl G 31ST DECEMBER, 1969 I hav~ the hon<:)U~ to present my fourth report as Principal Secretary and ChIef Commu:;slOner for Wales for the year ending 3]st December ]969. '

The Guest of Honour at the Annual Festival held on Saturday, 14th June was the Superintendent-in-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, Marjorie Countess of Brecknock, D.B.E. ., The Fe tival began with the Chapter members m their robes, preceded by the Civic dignitaries, walk.ing in p~ocession to the Church of, St. John Bapti t for the Commemoration SerVice, where Trumpeters of tne Welsh Guards played a Fanfare as the Prior, the Lord Aberdare, entered the


The Association Statistics for 1969 show a drop of 74 classes examined or re-examined, but despite this, the decrease in the number of candidates




who qualified was 588 which p~t a. halt to the tremend~us decrease exCoal Mmes, the N.C.B . perienced in 1968. With the contm~mg,closure was responsible for more than 50 % <:>[ the los~ m the num1?er of. c~asses, the remainder being shared by the Bng.ade, RaIlways and FIre ServIce. The most noticeable fact, however, IS that the blgges~ o.verall ~ecrea~e was in the number of candidates qualifying for the PrellITI!nary FIrst AId Certificate the lowest since separate details were recorded m 1931. . A slightly encouraging note is the increase in the number of candidates who qualified for the Adult First Aid Certificate, partly due, no doubt, to .. . the 20 completely new classes ~hat were examined. . The Working Party set up m October, 1968, delIvered theu. repOI~ to the Association Committee in September, 1969. Although theIr findmgs were in some ways controversial, it was generally agreed they ~ad all worked extremely hard in attempting to solve the problen;t of puttmg the Association back on its feet in Wales. The recommendatIOns they made have been discussed and action has already been taken on ~ome of the~, and it is to be hoped that in due cou~se some. headway wIl~ be ~ade m encouraging more people to take an mterest m learlllng FIrst Aid and kindred subjects. . ., . . An investigation into the possIbIlIty of trammg Deaf and Dumb people in First Aid is being made this year, and some progress has ~een made by the County Organiser for East Glamorgan, ~rs. R .. Dav~es, who has arranged for a course to commence in Cardiff m Apnl. It IS .very much hoped that this will prove ~u~ces~ful and that further classes wIll be forth..' coming throughout the Pnncipality.. I conclude by welcoming the new DIrector o~ the. AssocIatIOn HIS Honour Sir Owen Temple-Morris, Q.C. Under his gUldance I am confident that the Association will have a new look.

dudno J unction in Caernarvonshire. The existing formations of inshore rescue, lifeguard, motor cycle and mobile first aid units are in greater and increasing demand for their services to the pUblic. The contribution of the Brigade to the welfare of the community was highlighted during the year by the award of the British Empire Medal to Assistant Commissioners Emlyn Phillips of North Monmouthshire and A. W. Holloway of Carmarthenshire who deserve the congratulations of all ranks of the Brigade in Wales.




The crowning event in the calendar of the Brigade in Wales in 1969 was the Investiture of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales . Officers and members from all parts of the Principality converged on Cae~narvon on the first day of July to provide First Aid coverage to t~le multitude of peop~e who congregated from far and wide to celebrate this remote royal occa~IOn. The subsequent Royal Tour by PriJ?-ce ~harles through the hIlls and dales of Wales saw the Brigade much III eVIdence amongst the loyal and enthusiastic crowds: always available in readiness for any emergency that might have arisen: ten.ding to l~un~reds ?f ca~es of a~~Ident an~ .sudden illness: performing theIr humarutanan skil1~ WIth neglIgIble pubh~Ity. a~d meagre recognition: continuing to put serVIce to others as top pnonty m all its endeavours. The changing pattern of the Brigade structure in W.ales .brought about by the abolition of. Corps and. Areas; and a reductIOn. m the t?tal of Districts and CountIes has contmued the trend to establIsh q~adnlater~l divisions throughout the Principality. There has been a yearly mcrease m the number of combined Divisions of men and women; and b~ys and girls; and this further step whereby men, women, b?ys an~ ~IrlS ~re merged into one Unit improves the stand~rd of.officershw, adrrurustratIOn and training, thus creating an overall effiCIency m the Bngade. The introduction of specialised divisions in the Brigad.e .~as been extended by the registration of the first Mountain Rescue dIVISIOn at Llan-


The annual statistics indicate an increase in the work performed by the Brigade in contrast to a decrease in the number of personnel. The gradual downward trend in Brigade membership is matched by an ever increasing commitment to greater service. The introduction of Mobile First Aid Units as a means to adequately meet such a need is an example of the attitude and determination of the Brigade to meet the challenge of a changing and progressi ve society. Listed for the first time for a number of years are the recipients of the Service Medal of the Order of St. John and those awarded subsequent Bars to the Medal for each additional five years service. The total number of awards to date equate a fantastic contribution of 75,265 years voluntary public service illustrating the lifelong devotion to the St. John Ambulance Brigade by a host of men and women in all sections of the community. COMPETITIONS

The standard of first aid and nursing competitions in Wales were emphasised by the resounding success of representative teams from the Principality at the National Competitions in London. The renowned Cefn Cribbwr Ambulance Cadets were again victorious winning the White Knox Cup for gaining highest aggregate marks in all sections; the Jarvis Cup for the winning team in the individual section; and the Barne Cup for the best team in the team test section. Aberpergwm Nursing Cadets, also widely known for their competition prowess won the White Knox Cup for the best team in the individual section; and the Bedmaking Cup. The Tredegar Nursing and Pentremawr Colliery Ambulance teams both came third and secured the Stewart Cup and the Hong Kong Shield. The Welsh Brigade Finals leading up to the national competition were, as usual an excellent event drawing teams from each region in Wales. The continual improvement in efficiency is entirely due to the excellence of the competitors; and to the adjudicators, "casualties" and stewards who mutually combine to work as an united and effective organisation. It is this loyalty and competance that not only ensures the success of Brigade competitions; but all other competitions organised by the Brigade on behalf of the Priory for Wales. The second annual Prior's Trophy Competition attracted large entries of male and female teams from industry, public services and the Brigade, and was held at the City Hall, Cardiff, under the patronage of the Prior, The Lord Aberdare. The Priory was fortunate to have as guest adjudicator Professor H. S. Stewart, Chief Medical Officer of the St. John Ambulance Association. The winning teams repeated their success at the inaugural competition-the men's competition being won by Cefn Cribbwr Am-




bulance Division representing The Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales and the ladies section by Bristol Transport Docks, Cardiff.


The service medals and bars were awarded as follows:

1969 Awards Grand Total

Medals for 15 years 84 3,634

1st 42 1,983

21ld 32 1,115

3rd 32

Bars 4th 17



5th 13 149

6th 7th 8th 412 39 7 2

Diamond Jubilee Certificates were awarded to Barry Dock, Cwmparc, Ffaldau Institute and Garw, Rhymney and Ynyshir Ambulance Divisions; Cardiff Nursing Division, and Six Bells Ambulance and Nursing Division on the completion of 60 years' continuous membership of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Golden Jubilee Certificates were awarded to Tailbach and Port Talbot Ambulance and Pontyclun Nursing Divisions on the completion of 50 years' continuous membership of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Cadet A wards included 29 Grand Prior Badges gained by one Ambulance Member from Barry, one Nursing Member from Blackwood, five Ambulance Cadets from Resolven and Trethomas Ambulance Cadet Divisions; and 21 Nursing Cadets from Barry, Cefn Hengoed, Cwmcarn, Glyneath, Penallta, Resolven, Tredegar and Wrexham Nursing Cadet Divisions. Special Service Shields were awarded to 22 Ambulance and 40 Nursing Cadets. Training Courses. The Annual Training Courses in the Autumn were held at Llandudno and Porthcawl. The subject covered was the "Role of the Brigade in Aid of Civil Power." Both studies were under the leadership of the Deputy Chief Commissioner for Wales, Major General Lewis Pugh. The speakers included Mr. H. Proctor, Birmingham Accident Hospital; Dr. L. Trevor Lewis, Assistant Chief Surgeon for Wales; Mr. W. E. Jones, Chief Fire Officer designate for Wales; and Mr. D. J. Morris, Chief Ambulance Officer, Glamorgan. As a follow on to the Courses the introduction of Mobile First Aid Units were inaugurated, and adopted as Brigade Policy in the 1970's. H. Q. Cadet Training Team,. A Team of Senior Cadet Officers successfully toured Wales displaying new and up-to-date methods of Cadet Training. Among the places visited were Cardiganshire, Breconshire, Glamorgan, Denbighshire and Monmouthshire. Spring Bank Holiday Training Camp. This was held on the Glan Usk Estate by kind permission of Lady De L'Isle to whom the Brigade is much indebted. Several Officers and Members qualified for their Camping Warrant Part I and Quartermaster Certificate Part 1. District/County Training. Many Districts/Counties ran Annual Training Days for different categories of membership in the Brigade. North Glamorgan held an Adult Course in Casualty Faking and Simulation and a Cadet Officers Course in Cadet Activities. Mid Glamorgan District held their Training Day at the Afon Lido, Port Talbot. Breconshire Cadets


~ndertoo~, Orienteeri!lg as their subject. North Monmouthshire took as

Its theme

Road AccIdents."

Casualty .Fa~ing. This subject was pursued more and more, and thanks are due t~ DIstnct Sta~ Offic~r Mrs. Joan Davies and her husband Divisional S~penntendent Enc DavIes for the continued success. Wherever the need arIses the H.Q. Group ~re always at the ready to assist as patients and Casualty Fa~ers. The MId Glamorgan District group under the leadership of Mr: E .. RIchards and Mr. A. Morris undertook the Casualties Union ExammatlOn and the standard of Awards was very high. Annual Camps. The Annual Priory Camp paid a return visit to Guernsey. 160 Officers and Cadets attended and were blessed with glorious weather The Camp Commandant was District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) B. H: Blackman, and the Quartermaster Deputy Commissioner A. R. G. Pocock. Also present was the Brigade Secretary for Wales Mr C J P and the ~hief <?fficer for Cadets, Mrs. 1. D. Smith. . . . arry, The Bngade m Guernsey did everything possible to assist in making the Camp a happy and memorable one. . Ca~rnarvonshire and Flintshire made a return visit to their ever popular sIte I.n St~atford-upon~Av?~. With Divisional Superintendent Alan Mathieson Ill: charge theIr VISIt was a tremendous success. d The Campmg Com~tt~e has been reconstituted by appointment of one e egate fr<?m each DIstnct/County. The object is to extend interest in every locality and encourage Officers and Members to qualify for Warrants. Dynyn. The Outdoor Pursuits Centre at Machynlleth is now fully equipped ~nd ~an acco~modate up to.12 per~ons for sleeping. It has all the necessary .u.t ~orhEqUlpment for LightweIght Camping. Several Divisions have VIsite t. e area. and were give~ tuition by the Army Youth Teams in ~o~ntall~ Walkmg, Map ~~a.dmg, and Lightweight Camping. It is ideal er:Itory lor Outdoor ActIVItIes and an Assessment Area for Duke of Edmburgh Award. ~ng George VI Leadersh~p Course. Thirty-three members attended the S ng G~orge VI Leadership Course held at Plas-yr-Antur, Fairbourne in eptem er. The C.ourse commenced on the Friday evening with an address ~ t~ Deputy ChIef Commissioner for Wales, Major General Lewis Pugh. n ~ e Saturd.ay the Warden of Plas-yr-Antur gave instruction in Orien~eer~ng, and wIth packed ,~unches the course set out on an Expedition. The J~n ay was dev?ted to Met~ods of Teaching" with Dr. Tudor Powell ~es, M.A., as mstructor. ThIs proved very stimulating with candidates t a mg part.


South Wales Cadet N.C.O . . Course. This ever popular Cadet NCO Cours~ was held at the Boy's Village, St. Athan and the theme was "What the Bngade Offers." It wa.s atten~ed by over 100 N.C.O.'s. The 70 Arm Yout~ Tea!ll l!ndertook lll~truct~on in Map Reading and arran ed a~ exerCIse WhIch lll~olved tre~tmg F~rst Aid Casualties on route. The §unda wGas takeI?- up wIth a pnll SeSSIOn, Teaching Methods and Aids an~ rand Pnor Badge Subjects. Conferences. A Conference. of Senior Staff Officers (Cadets) was held at Newtown. There was a faIrly good representation and the discussions



were led by the Chief Officer of Cadets for Wales. The Confer~nce wil.l, in future, supersede the Cadet Advisory which had been held In prevIous . . years in North and South Wales. The Deputy Chief Superinten~ent (N) cOJ?-vened a ~Istnct/County Superintendents Day Conference In Newtown 111 July. This was attended by Senior Officers from North and South Wales. A~?n~st some of the topics discussed were the involvement of st. John AuxllIanes. Investiture Display. The Investiture Display attend~d by over 2,000 youths in the Capital City and visited by H. R.H. The Pnnc~ of Wales,. was ~he highlight for Barry Lifeguard Team. They gave a display of LlfesavI~g using the "Line and Reel" Method an9 afterw~rds wer~ p;,ese~ted to .Hls Royal Highness. "This was the happIest day III my hfe, said Avnl, a member of the team. HOSPITALLERS CLUB OF WALES

The Chairman installed for the 1969/1970 session was Dr. David W. Williamson, District Surgeon, East Glam.orga~ D.istrict. ~r. Rees M?r~ gan, Vice President, South Mo?mou~hshlre Dls~n~t was l1?-vested senIOr Vice Chairman; and Dr. D. Bnan Pnce, CommISSIOner Mld-Glamorgan District was elected junior Vice Chairman. !he o~ce of Treasurer and Secretary were retained by Mr. J. Lee Davies, Pnory Stores Manager and Mr. C. J. Parry, Brigade Secretary for Wales. .. . . The membership of the Club has grown gradually smce mceptlOn III 1965 and its subsequent Branches; and there are now more than thr~e hundred members throughout the Principality with further Branches III process of formation. . ., The Hospitallers Club under the presIden~y of the ~nor contIllues to raise substantial sums in support of chantable proJects. Events have drawn interest from over the English border and the Channel Isles. STORES DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR 1969 In my report for 1968, I forecast that t~e Sales ror the year ending 31st December, 1969, would show a reductIOn; but 111 fact there was an unexpected increase amounting to £263 16s. 8d.; the total sales for 1969 being £15,444 Os. 3d. I am unable to forecast any yearly sales exceeding the. above figure, owing to the lack of suitable accommodation, and also owmg to the fact that our Sales are restricted to Wales only. . The chief reason for the increased sales was the InvestIture at Caernarvon- when so many of the Brigade pers<;>nnel purchased new uniform for the occasion. This was also the case, III almost every town . , which was visited by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales: As stated in my Report for 1968, the firm .whlch had supphed us WIth uniforms for Ambulance, Nursing and Nursmg Cadet Members, ~eased business in December, 1968. I have fortunately been able to obtaIll the services of a firm who now supply us with uniforms for Ambulance Members; but uniforms for Nursing Members and Nursing Cadets now have to be purchased [rom St. John's Gate- and the only profit we make on these items i the 10 % allowed u by "The Gate." The lnve titure, as mentioned above, presented many problems to the



Stores Department; particularly in respect of items of uniform req uired by Officers and Members of the various Nursing Divisions. So much work wa necessary with the large increase of orders, that in addition to the normal working hours at the office, much of the additional work was done at home, and at the office for several week-ends, until the Investiture was over, and the tour by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales through the various towns was completed. At the last meeting of the Priory Finance Committee, which makes all my activities as Principal Secretary possible, I was asked by one prominent member, "How is it all going?" He meant for the last six years that I have been Principal Secretary of the Order how do I account for my stewardship. r took over from a very great man, John Bruce. But he was then dead and I never had the benefit of his advice and the background knowledge of what had and had not succeeded during his long tenure of the office. r had, however, for a short period his secretary, Miss Vera Lovett, and I cannot be more grateful to anyone than her and, now also in retirement, Bernard Brown our Treasurer over 24 years. The benefits of the Lady Curre Bequests were only just beginning to offset the exhaustion of the Post War Fund, so I launched an appeal for £100,000 throughout Wales, run by the Priory. I must pay tribute here to Raymond Jarrett, the Treasury Secretary, on whom fell much of the real hard work? In 1968, a difficult year of Government retrenchment, we gained some £60,000 of our target and this has been a tremendous help in bridging the gap of the expenditure I demanded for the Brigade until the Lady Curre Bequest started to mature. The second priority I adjudged was the increasing age gap between our adult members and our cadets. I foresaw our oldest divisions wasting out like old comrade associations and giving no incentive to the senior cadets to become adults members of the Brigade. It was for this reason that 1 created our Mountain, Beach Rescue, Off Shore and Motor Cycle Divisions and encouraged District and County St. John Councils to organise Mobile Divisions in an age of speed. All this has cost money but the result is to be seen in that at my annual Training Conferences in North and South Wales, the age of those attending has dropped from an average of 50 years to some 30 years. In this way I suggest that the Brigade has a real hope of surviva1. The latest policy which T have adopted, and I must here mention my Deputy Chief Commissioner, General Lewis Pugh, who has given me the greatest of help, is the modernisation of the Brigade to make it an acceptable mobile, efficient voluntary asset to the local County emergency schemes. Counties have little or nothing left of the old Territorial Army and Civil Defence Corps and we in St. John must offer, as far as we can, the backing that the Police, Fire Brigade and County Ambulance Service had in the past. I am confident that we can do so and 1 can say that Mobile St. John columns already exist and are being incorporated in Combined Emergency Schemes. The efficiency which their new role demands will, of itself, keep and draw young men and women into the service of St. John. JOHN TRAHERNE, Princ;pal Secretary.






have been strong indications that the authorities intend strengthening these ties and St. John has been asked to train a large quota of First Aiders, well prepared for civil defence. This training programme will be financially backed by the Department of Defence and negotiations are at present in progres on this S'Ubject and on other aspects of the proposed plan of action.


Brigadier C. M. Hoffe resi&~ed on St. John's Day, 1969~ the day 0.0 which he was invested as Balhff Grand Cross at St. JohI? s qat~. },liS appointment and installation in November, 1961 , were of.hIstonc sign~fi­ cance in that he then became the first Prior o~ the Order III Sout~ Afnca in his own right; his predecessors always havIng been th~ Queen s. r.epresentative in the country. There were noticeable advances III the actIvity of the Order during his period of office, ~hich was ma~ked by deep person~l interest and a high degree of commItment. He .wIll be remembered lD many ways but as the prime mover in the establIshment of the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, at Ba.ragw~nath, he can never be ~o~gotten. On Brigadier Hoffe's resignatIOn ~r. A. G.ar?ner ~Il!Jams, who had been Director of Ambulance and Chief COmmISSIOner Si!1C~ 1961,. became Prior Designate and arrangements were made. for hIS lD~~CtlOn and installation early in 1970 by the former Lord Pnor, now BaIlJff of. Egle, the Lord Wakehurst, K.G., K.C.M.G., mandated by the Grand Pnor to perform this ceremony. ASSOCIATION

The interest in the work of the Association has been .mai?-taine~. As in previous years about 800 classes have been h~ld, resultmg m the Is~ue of over 12,000 certificates. A mark of the enthusiasm eng;endered even III th~ smaller centres is shown in the R4,300 (£2,500) raIsed by the BenoI;ll Sub-Centre of the Witwatersrand and Southern Transvaal Centre. ThIS amount was contributed towards Association funds.


A number of members from South Africa attended the Diamond Jubilee celebrations in September 1969. These members much enjoyed their visit to the many places of historical interest and greatly appreciated the courtesies extended to them during their stay in Valetta. On their return to South Africa they so communicated their enthusiasm that the many to whom they have spoken have benefited by the experience of the few. VISIT TO MALA WI

Following discussions at St. John's Gate in 1968 Brigadier Boffe returned to South Africa with a suggestion that the Order in South Africa should offer to visit Malawi to advise on Brigade activities, particularly those associated with the taging of competitions. As a result of this Priory requested two members to undertake this venture; their report was most heartening in respect of the interest and enthusiasm being shown in the work of the Association and the one-year-old Brigade. It was felt that the potential for progress was considerable providing that this was not restrict~d by financial difficulties. Help, financial and in kind, is being sought and It hoped that South African and other aid will be forthcoming.


South Africa has been fortunate in having had no major catastrophe during 1969. There was, however, the disaster at th~ .Lo.ftus Versfeld Rugby Ground in Pretoria when a stand collapsed lDJuflng abou! 74 persons. Although the St. John Ambulance Brigade was not offic~al1y called upon for assistance there were probably many ~t. John-tramed spectators who went to the aid of the injured. On a ~ess .dIsastrous scal~ a large fire occurred on the Cato Creek Railway premIses m Durban dunng October 1969. St. John members were called upon to t~ke over the Durban Corporation's Ambulance Service and invaluable aid was rendered for over two days at the site of the fire.


T~is hospital,.at Barangwan~th n~ar Johannesburg, is recognised by the

MedIcal CouncIl and the Umversity of the Witwatersrand as a PostGraduate training school. The training of the registrars is under the direct sup.ervis~on of the ~ead of the Department of Ophthalmology in the Umversity of the WItwatersrand and the time spent in the hospital is counte? toward .the ultimate qualification in ophthalmology. M~dI?al appo~n~men~ are made both by St. John and by the Transvaal Prov~ncIal AdmInIstratIOn and, for the first time, all the posts in the hospltal are filled. This, of course, has relieved the considerable strain under which the staff were working. The figures below give some indication of the extent of the hospital's service in the field of ophthalmology:


This was held in Pietermaritzburg, Natal, from 15th to 17th Octobe~, 1969. Apart from resolving matters affecting bri~ades and centres this Conference provided the usual valuable opport~n~ty for the .exchange of ideas between Priory and the Ambulance ASSOCiatIOn and BrIgade. C1VIL DEFENCE AND ST. JOH

For some 20 years there has been close co-operation between the three first-aid organisations in South Africa, St. John, Red Cross and Noodhulplige and the Department of Civil Defence. In recent months there

Out-patient attendances

27,723 8,988 36,711 St. John Eye Barangwanath Eye Unit Tota/ Unit Operations 644 639 1,283 St. John Eye Barangwanath Eye Unit Total Unit The statistics for the current year show an all-round increase over the previous year.

The Provincial Hospital at Barangwanath pays for 60 beds in the St. John Hospital; this helps toward defraying the ever-increasing hospital expenses. Over the past few years the high increase in salaries and the





generally escalating costs have resulted in an increased shortfall in the Hospital's budget. This has occasioned much concern. Fortunately, however, it has been advised that the Transvaal Provincial Administration is to provide a subsidy to assist in meeting these demands. Further negotiations are in progress regarding an increased payment per bed and the general outlook i more promising than it has been for some time. It is hoped that a substantial reduction in the deficit can be expected in the near future. The threatre block at the hospital has been re-designed and airconditioned, and the new theatres are now in use. These were, unfortunately, not operative during the 1st South African International Symposium on Ophthalmology held in September, 1969-had they been the hospital would have had the privilege of having had operations performed there by distinguished ophthalmic surgeons of international repute who visited the hospital during the Symposium.

In industry, and in fact, all places of employment, Management have certain advantages and certain controls. They issue safety directions, and often provide Safety Officers to ensure these being obeyed. These directives can, therefore, to some extent be enforced, and safety built in to any particular operation.


We have heard much news during 1969 of other Priories in other parts of the world but we should like to endorse the view as expressed in the February issue of the St. John Review that the value of the work done by St. John is in direct proportion to the close contact one establishment has with another. W. H. DU PLESSIS, Chancellor. THE PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND At the Annual Assembly of our Most Venerable Order held on Friday, 27th June, it was my privilege to welcome His Excellency, The Prior, Sir Arthur Porritt, Bt., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., C.B.E., who presided. In his address, His Excellency commented on first aid and safety in industry, and said: "Accidents today are the world's worst epidemic-largely owing to the speed motive that has entered into almost every aspect of our lives. They account for more personal loss and suffering, more social upheaval, more economic wastage, than cancer, heart disease or even war. I was interested, therefore, to read recently the comment of Mr. Earl H. Brean, Director, First Aid Service, American Red Cross Headquarters, Washington, who said 'Safety by itself has no content. It is a philosophy, a way of life, a "hope." , Industry, through the National Safety Association of New Zealand, emphasises the importance of safety or accident prevention-which follows a clear pattern of CAUSE-EFFECT-PREVENTION. First Aid training follows the same pattern, but adds an important missing fourth item-CARE. As long as humans perform tasks, accidents will occur. We all recognise the outstanding job-safety programme of the National Safety Association and what it has done in industry. The record speaks for itself, and Management rightly encourages and supports the efforts. HOWEVER-sadly-the off-the-job accident record does not reflect this same high degree of efficiency.

The worker can be fitted with clothing, goggles, masks and other paraphernalia. In fact, the man and his work can be isolated in an accidentproof environment for the six or eight hour period in which he carries out his assigned task. What happens when he leaves his isolated surroundings? The protective devices are no longer there; the restrictions on him that made him safe for this period are often resented because they are misunderstood or the man's co-operation deemed unimportant. We often overlook the ability of the worker to contribute to safety and think safety When a worker becomes a partner in safety, he feels a sense of ownership and a sense of responsibility. Safety takes on a real meaning when the worker contributes. The battery of First Aid skills taught, and above all practised by the individual, personalises safety. When the worker translates 'falls' in terms of fracture and physical pain, and uses hypothetical problems to practise actual treatment on fellow workers and friends, the association becomes a lasting one. It becomes a sharing experience. It becomes a contribution to safety, not passive acceptance of safety. Eqll:ally impo~tant is the .atmosphere of learning, and First Aid training Itself admIrably to thIS atmosphere. In addition, the knowledge and skIlls acquired are 'portable,' the application universal , and the benefits tangible. Improved judgement in evaluating potential hazards are a natural by-product of First Aid training. First Aid training builds better safety attitudes. Eventually improved safety behaviour will follow. There are no 'short cuts'- this takes time . First Aid is more than applying a splint or wrapping a bandage. It is an integral part of safety. It is not a special subject or activity for the few. Se~ere haemorrhag~, stoppage of breathing, oral poisoning, and chemIcal burns-especIally those about the face-can 't wait for medical assistance from a remote part of the plant. If the stricken person is to be helped, that help must be on-the-spot. The best piece of emergency equipment, five hundred or one thousand feet from the accident, is just as ~s~ful as ~n empt{' fire extinguisher at a conflagration. When someone is Injured, eIther senously or slightly, there seems to be a compelling need for those about him to move him 'somewhere.' It doesn't matter where just as long as action is taken. There often isn't a reason for it. Untrained pe.ople just feel that action must be taken and they take it. Again, the Injured person also feels a compulsion. Such purposeless movement either by the injured individual or those near him, is often more detrimental than helpful." .In concluding his address, His Excellency said: "First Aid training is p~la~le, adapt~ble. It can meet specific or general needs for any local, proVInCIal,. o~ natIOnal emergency. First Aid training is 'portable.' It inspires appreciatIO~ for.safety-sharpens the desire for safety. It is good on-the-job a~d. off-the-Job Insurance. Those trained in First Aid have a better appreCIatIOn for the total safety programme throughout the country." le~ds



Marjorie, Countess of Brecknock, D.B.£' At a meeting of Priory Chapter held on Friday, 14th March, I was pleased to welcome our Superintendent-in-Chief (N) of the ~eadquarters of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, Lady Brecknock. ThIs was Lady Brecknock's first visit to New Zealand, and since her arrival, and accompanied by Miss M. H. Paton, of our Brigade st~~ at Priory ~eadq uart~rs, and the Chief Secretary, Lady Brecknock had vIsIted DunedII?- and Chnstchurch, and was to leave the following week for the Walkato/Bay of Plenty, and Auckland. Lady Brecknock, in addressing Priory Chapter, said: "Mr. Chancell~r and members of Priory Chapter-I am greatly honoured to attend thIs meeting of Priory Chapter representing our Most Venerable Order of St. John in New Zealand, and I know that Chapter-General would have wished me to convey to you our cordial greetings. Prior to my arrival in New Zealand, I visited Malaysia, Singapore and Austr~lia." Lady Brecknock said that she was tremendo1:lsly Impressed by the progress being made in New Zealand, the en~husmsm ~~d smartness .of Brigade personnel whom she had seen dunng her VISIt to DunedIn, Oamaru, Timaru, and Christchurch, and she congratulated all members on the magnificent work they were doing throughout the country. Jury Service Following upon representations made to the Honourable Minister of Justice and on behalf of our Director of Association, A. T. Gandell, Esq., C.B.E.: regarding the exemption fromjyry serv~ce. for fu~l time Ambulance Driving Officers, advice has been receIved notIfYIng Pnory.Headquarters that the Juries Amendment Act 1968 had been amended to Include on the list of persons exempt from jury service, those persons employed full time as drivers of ambulances. Civil Defence Fund In April, 1968, Priory Headquarters were advised that in January, 1968, Cabinet authorised the promotion of legislation to the effect that after making appropriate provision for payment of the remaining allowances, the capital funds be distributed equally to. t~e New.Zealand Red ~r?ss Society and the St. John Ambulance ASSOCiatIOn subject to the condItIOn that the sums paid to each organisation are to be placed in a separate account and expended either on supplies and equipment in connection with civil defence planning or for relieving distress in the event of natural disaster or civilian \Var damage occurring within New Zealand. We have now a copy of the legislation authorising payment of surplus money held under the Hawke's Bay Earthquake Relief Fund Act 1931, to charitable organisations on trust. To advise in simple language, the Act states: 1. With the approval of the Secretary for Civil Defen~e, for the purchase of supplies and equipment required to enable the SOCI~ty or the St. John Ambulance Association, under the control of the Pnory, to carry out their respective civil defence measures and functions under any national plan approved under section l3 of the Civil Defence Act, ~962, or ... 2. For the relief of distress in the event of any natural dIsaster or cIVIlIan war damage occurring within New Zealand, whether before or after the passing of this Act.



We have now received from the Public Trustee $51 000 and this will be kept in a separate trust account known as "THE CIVIL DEFENCE TRUST FUND," and Priory Chapter will be kept fully informed on the administration. Honours Confreres and I were delighted to learn in the New Year's Honours List of three membe~s of our Most Venerable Order of St. John being honoured by Her Majesty, The Queen, and we extend our congratulations to: Sir Edwin Bate of Hastings. Sir Edwin has given outstanding service in the Hawke's Bay and East Coast Centre area and as a Barrister and Solicitor, he has rendered every assistance to the Hastings Sub-Centre in their building programme. He is Chairman of the. Hawke's Bay Hospital Board, and President of the New Zealand HospItal Board's Association. Sir Edwin has been a keen supporter for the work of St. John. and in 1960 was admitted to the Order as an Officer (Brother). Mr. Ivan Douglas Whyte of Gore, has been awarded the M.B.E. Member of the St. John Ambulance Brigade 1945. Has Long Service Medal and has be~n most actively e~gaged in both Association and Brigad~ work, lectunng and demonstratIng to the many organisations in a widely scattered area in Eastern Southland. Our Chief Secretaq', Mr. Clarence Meachen, was awarded the M.B.E. for ~om~unity service. He founded the first voluntary blood transfusion servl~e In N~w Zealand in 1928, and was Superintendent of the first WellIngton CIty Rover Scou~ Ambulance Division in the same year. He became ~e~~etary of the WellIngton Centre in 1932, and outside of his St. J.ohn actIVItIes has been closely associated with many kindred organisations. Priory Chapter placed on record: "That the congratulations of Priory Headquarters be extended to these gentlemen." Visit of General Manager, Stores Department, London The brief visit of Mr. John Webb, General Manager of the Stores I?epartme.nt at St. John's .Gate, provide? opportunity for helpful discusSIOn at Pnory level regardIng stores, eqUIpment and accessories. Dedication and Opening of Buildings Although this Priory ;Headquarters Report is for the year ended 31 st DeCem?el~, 1969, I ~ave Included details of the dedication and opening of new bUIldmgs early III 1970. On Sunday, 8th Marc~, 1970, the Director of Association, A. T. Gandell, Esq., C.B.E., preSIded at the official opening and dedication of the new Malvern Headquarters. On . S~turday, 14th March, 1970, accompanied by our Director or As.sOCIatIOn, Mr. A. T. Gandell, Dr. T. Simpson Crawford member of Pnory Chapter, and th~ Commissioner of the Wellington District of the St. John Ambu!ance B~lgade, Dr. C. N. D. Taylor, it was my privilege to atte~d the offiCIal opelllng and dedication of the new headquarters of the Pahmtua Sub-Centre.




I would record appreciation to Confreres who kindly repres~nted His Excellency, The Prior, at these opening and dedication ceremomes, markin o a further milestone in the history of the work of these sub-centres, the re~ult of many months of planning and the raising of fun?s, which prov~de our own local headquarters, which in turn results in contInUOUS expanSIOn and development in the work of our Most Venerable Order.

First Aid in the Bush Industry Our Field Training Officer, Mr. Arthur Kennedy, reports: "Eighteen courses in First Aid were completed during the year. In addition, groups comprising business, professional and members of the general public were addressed on Resuscitation and the Essentials of First Aid. A special feature of the year's activities was a visit to the Chatham Islands to instruct owners and crews of launches engaged in the crayfish industry, where sixty-eight candidates qualified for a First Aid Certificate. There were also instructive talks to the Parent Teacher Associations, School Committees and school children. " ' It is pleasing to report that since Mr. Kennedy's visit, Dr. Holmes, the resident doctor, has advised that some of the trained candidates had conducted themselves well, one of them giving resuscitation for over an hour on a drowning victim, and another group, knowing the fundamentals for the care of an unconscious patient, and stretcher drill, had rescued a victim who had fallen over a cliff face. Mr. Kennedy records thanks to the many members of the medical profession, Association Secretaries, Brigade Officers, the New Zealand W~rkers' Compensation Board, and Priory Headquarters, who have assIsted to make his work really worthwhile.

Conferences During the year the conference of Chairmen and Secretaries of Centres was held at Priory Headquarters on Friday, 26th September, and the conference of St. John Ambulance Operators and Administrators was held on Thursday, 25th September. The St. John Ambulance Brigade conference of Commissioners and District Superintendents (N), was held on Saturday, 4th October. Staff-Brigade Headquarters It is not generally known that the Headquarters staff of the st. J o~n Ambulance Brigade, attached to Priory Headquarters, ~nder the ChIef Commissioner, Brigadier J. M. Mitchell, D.S.O., E.D., gIve many ho~rs of voluntary service to our Order. This staff includes t~e Deputy Chief Commissioner, I. B. Campbell, Esq., M.B.E.; Surgeon-In-ChIef, Mr. A. F. Gordon Anderson; Chief Officer Ambulance Cadets, Dr. D. P. Kennedy; Chief Nursing Officer of Training, Miss M. I:I. Paton,. a~sisted by Miss J. Motley and Miss N. Kinross; Mr. Trevor DIck, DOmInIOn Cadet Competitions Officer; Mr. T. F. O'Brien, First Aid Officer on the Waterfront. DIRECTOR OF ASSOCIATION'S REPORT

Tuition During the year the St. John Ambulance Association conduc~ed 1,2.46 courses of instruction in First Aid, Higher and Advanced FIrst AId, Initial and Advanced Nursing, Hygienic Food Handling, Child Care, Essentials of First Aid, Preliminary Home Nursing, Prelimin.ary C~ld Care. A total of 8,401 adults and 4,989 children were successful In qualIfying. External Cardiac Massage Following a period of negotiation and discussion with the New Z~aland Electricity Department, Priory Headquarters have been asked to aSSIst the Department in the training of supervisory staff and. l.ater to extend the training to all members of the field staff of the ElectncIty Department. Sanitisation of Resuscitation Equipment Used By All Ambulance Operators A study by the National Health Institute of the Department of Healt~, has shown that the use of ambulance resuscitation equipment can result In the tran mission of infection if the equipment is not subjected to an effective sanitising procedure after use. The only disinfectant recommended by the Health Institure is HTH, ("High test" Sodium Hypoch~~r­ ite) which is employed by Hospitals throughout New Zealand for samtIsing the Bird Respirator. These recommendations were made widely known to all St. John Ambulance Operators and Administrators.


First Aid on the Waterfront The Waterfront Industry Commission's First Aid activities under the able leadership of Mr. T. F. O'Brien, reports as follows: "For the twelve months ended 30th June, 1969, 6,080 waterside and other port workers were treated for injuries by waterfront First Aiders, at the twenty-one ports covered by the Commission's First Aid Scheme. It is of interest to record that during the last six years since the introduction of a First Aid Scheme, on the waterfront, 40,619 cases have been treated, and during this period, 549 waterside and other port employees have been trained in First Aid. T~e COmmissi.ot;l co~tinues its policy of providing First Aid Kits, C~bIne~s, and traInIng aIds for waterfront divisions and sections, equipping FIrst Aid Rooms and replenishing supplies on a six monthly basis to all ports. First Aiders at ten ports have taken part in local Civil Defence Search and Rescue Rocket Brigade, and Light Rescue Exercises." ' Priory Headquarters is m.os~ appreciative of the support given by the Waterfront Industry ComffilssIOn and congratulates Mr. O'Brien on the work he has so ably carried out. . Mr. O'~rien, .who has held the position as First Aid Training Officer SInce the InCeptIOn of the Waterfront First Aid Scheme has proved a stalwart in the work of our Most Venerable Order. He' has now been transferred on promotion as Office Manager of the Waterfront Industry Commission Branch at New Plymouth. St. John Ambulance Services The number of ambulances administered by the Order in New Zealand totals 167. During the year these ambulances travelled ] 874 529 mile transporting 186,757 cases. There are 128 salaried full-ti~e ~mbulanc~ driving officers, and 658 volunteer ambulance driving officers.




Ambulance Operators and Administrators Conference There was an attendnace of 18 delegates at this conference. Important items such as Flashing Lights for ambulances at the scene of an accidenta suggested review of the training syllabus for ambu~ance driving officerstransfer of patients into another Centre area-RevIew of the work the Ambulance Transport Advisory Board for the years 1968/69-A natlOnal system for a Free Ambulance Scheme, were discussed . Discussions and recommendations of the conference were most constructIve.

quirements are being carefully considered with a view to retaining a maintenance of standards, and the need for annual re-examination.


Centre Chairmen and Secretaries Conference All Centres were represented. Also present was the Chancellor, the Hospitaller, who is Chairman of the Canterbury and ~est Coast. C~ntre, the Almoner, also Chairman of the Auckland Centre, ChIef ComllllsslOner, and Recei ver General. Conference considered important national matters including all phases of Insurance- National Promotion-Lay Instructors-Vesting of property - Our tutorial role in 1970.


Grand Prior's Awards During the year 139 Grand Prior Badges were awarded. Service Medals A total of 67 Service Medals and 80 Ser~ice Bars were awarded. Brigade Strength There has been an encouraging increase in our Ambulance and Nursing members: Total number of ambulance personnel 3,272 Total number of Nursing personnel 2,353 Total number of Cadet Ambulance members 2,397 Total number of Cadet Nursing members 2,757


Roadside First Aid Posts There are 133 Roadside First Aid Posts throughout the country. During the year they were used on 229 occasions. HOSPITALLER'S REPORT


Conferences During the year a conference of District Superintend~nts (Nursi.ng) w.as held presided over by Miss M. H . Paton, Deputy. S~perIntendent-m-C~Ief (Nursing). This conference expressed appreCiatIOn to the HospItal Matron's Association for the Matron's practical assistance to the Order with voluntary aid training. It was generally agreed that the present sixty hour course was an improvement on former ones. The main business of the meeting was to consider designs for a new indoor uniform. . ' . The annual conference of Officers in Charge of Bngade DIStrIctS, together with District Superintendents of Nursing, dealt with many Brigade matters, including the annual Dominion Cadet C:ompetitions-Overs~as Competition for the New Zealand Army Cup-BrIgade Stores and eqUIpment-Examination and training standards-Status of cadet leadersGood Neighbour Service, and Service Awards. Uniforms (Nursing and Cadet Nursing) Final decisions were made to adopt the new United Kingdom style of uniform with certain modifications. New Zealand Brigade Regulations A revision of the New Zealand Brigade Regulations is well in hand, and it is anticipated that we will be in a position to submit them to Brigade Headquarters, London, for comment in the .near future. It is app~eciated that in view of the organisation of the Order III New Zealand, consIderable changes will have to be made in connection with the raising of funds and the operation of ambulance services. Regulations regarding efficiency re-

Linen Guilds working under the parent body in Wellington continue to supply Linen and clO1hing for patients at the Ophthalmic Hospital. Contributions from retiring collections at St. John's Day Services are forwarded direct to the Hospitaller of our Grand Priory in London. During the year both foundations in New Zealand supported our Ophthalmic Hospital by contributing $1 ,959.31. ALMONER 's SERVICE

The Order in New Zealand provides a worthwhile service to our senior cit.izens, ~specially the Auckland Centre, who conduct the Buckley MemOrIal HolIday House, and our Dunedin Sub-Centre has an excellent Linen Guild and Hospitaller Club, members providing comforts, afternoon tea, and concerts for the elderly and sick in homes and hospitals. Appreciation I record my sincere thanks and appreciation for the advice and cooperati.on given me by members of Priory Chapter, and especially our Executive Officers on Priory Council-The Priory Chaplain, The Right Rev. Alwyn K. Warren, C.M.G., M.C., Director of Association, A. T. GandeU, Esq., C:B.E.; Chief Commissioner, Brigadier J. M. Mitchell, D.S.C?, E.D.; DIrector ~f Ceremonies, Sir William Stevenson, K.B.E.; Hos~Italler, W. A. McAllIster, Esq.; Registrar, Howard M. James, Esq.; R~ceiver Gen~ral, .Alexander S. Paterson, Esq.; Almoner, Horace M. KIrk, Esq.; LIbrarIan, Sir Edward Sayers, C.M.G. The Press and New Zealand Broadcasting ~he New Zeal~nd Pres~ and New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation have

gIven outstandmg serVIce to the Order throughout the country, and from




review of newspaper cuttings received at Priory Headquarters, one is continually aware of the Press assisting in keeping the name of St. John before the public. . ' .. As Chancellor I am kept well informed on the functIOns and activlties of both foundations, and my frequent visits to Priory Headqu~rters en~ble me to acknowledge with appreciation the full support and aSSIstance gIven me by our Chief Secretary and his staff. ALEXANDER KIRKPATRICK, Chancellor·

St. John as Surgeon-in-Chief was significant indeed and he will be sorely missed by all of us. Earlier in the year the death of Dr. Hiltz of Halifax occurred. Both the Nova Scotia Council, of which he was President, and the Priory Executive, of which he was a valued member, were deeply saddened by his passing. In this, my first report since assuming the Chancellorship, I wish to thank the Priory Executive and Headquarters Officers for extending to me the same full co-operation they have given my predecessors in this office. To our Provincial Councils, Special Centres, the Medical and Nursing professions, whose representatives are always so generously helpful in consultation about and guidance in our work, and to the press, radio and television, I wish to extend the Order's sincere thanks.


THE PRIORY OF CANADA In his last year's report, Ian MacLaren, my predecessor in office, made reference to changes being made in our instructional programme to broaden its scope. While much still remains to be done in the development of training materials for teaching advanced skills there are very good indications that the new programme as a whole will be an unqualified success. In London, Ontario, on June 6th, 7th and 8th, 1969, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Brigade in Canada, direct attention focussed on No. 1 Forest Hill Ambulance Division organized in London on May 31st, 1909. In conjunction with the observance the Ann\lal Meeti.ngs of Priory Council, Priory Finance Committe~ and the Ontano C~uncll. were also held. On June 7th His Excellency gracIOusly held an Investlture m the Guild Room of St. Paul's Cathedral. Among the distinguished guests, in addition to Her Excellency Mrs. Michener, were His Honour The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, The Prime Minister of Ontario and Mrs. Ro barts, His Worship the Mayor of the City of London and Mrs. M~Clure, and Dr. D. C. Williams, President, University of Western Ontano, and Mrs. Williams. Other activities during the "St. John Weekend" in London included a Civic Luncheon graciously given by the City of London, a formal Banquet in Honour of No.1 Ambulance Division, a Dinner-Dance and a St. John Divine Service in St. Paul's Cathedral, conducted by The Very Reverend K. B. Keefe, Dean of Huron. In all, this was a memorable occasion, occurring in one of Canada's most hospitable and beautiful cities. At Government House on November 6th and 7th His Excellency The Prior graciously held Investitures at which some 160 members were invested. On three other occasions during the year Investitures were held by the Lieutenant Governors of British Columbia, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia at which members of the Order who had been unable to attend at Rideau Hall were invested with the insignia of their Grade. In September the Order in Canada was represented by the Deputy Chief Commissioner at the International Association for Life Saving and First Aid Congress held at The Hague. His address on "The St. John Ambulance Role in Life Saving and First Aid in Canada" was exceedingly well received by the Congress, attended by representatives from the U.S.A., U.K. and Continental countries from both "sides", a number of whom ha e since requested additional information about our work. Late in the year the Executive were deeply grieved at the untimely passing of Dr. A. C. Hardman in an automobile accident. His work with


REPORT OF THE PRIORY IN AUSTRALIA This year has been one of progress for the Order of St. John in Australia. Increasing interest for the work of St. John is becoming evident in all States and the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. During the year Lord Casey, as Governor-General of Australia and Prior, retired from his offices. We in St. John wish him well and thank him for all his interest and helpful advice. He did much to further our work. Her Majesty the Queen appointed Sir Paul Hasluck to succeed him and we welcomed him as our Prior at the Annual Priory Meetings in Sydney in June this year. He presided at th" Priory Chapter Meeting and attended the Annual Priory Church Service in St. Andrew's Cathedral. In May 1969 the St. John First Aid manual for Australia was launched in Melbourne, Victoria, by the Deputy Prior, Sir Rohan Delacombe, at a~ afternoon function arranged by the Director of the Association, Air V Ice· Marshal E. A. Daley. I~ Sydney the launching took the form of a dinner arranged by the ChaIrman of the N.S.W. St. John Ambulance Association. Both functions were attended by distinguished guests, representatives of Parliamentary Government and local bodies. ' F~llowing the Annual Pri<?ry Meetings, the Priory sustained a heavy loss m the .sudden d~ath of SIr Kenneth Fraser who was the Hospitaller. The Chief Supenntendent, Nursing, on the Chief Commissioner's Brigade Staff, Dr. Frances McKay, also died. App?intment~ to the Priory Executive have been made in the persons of Actmg Hospitaller, Dr. Selwyn Nelson, and Priory Executive Officer for Queensland, Dr. Murray Elliott. The Priory ~ecretary, the Venerable E. A. Pitt, resigned. His place has ?een temporanly fill~d by Mrs. ? ~utterfield at the Priory Headquarters 111 Can.berra, and MISS M. A. Higgms at St. John House in Sydney. I?unng ¥arch, 1969 a visit was received from the Superintendent-inChIef Nursmg, the Countess of Brecknock. She visited all States and mel members of the Brigade and discussed much with them. Her visit was thoroughly enjoyed by all. G. L. STENING, Chancellor.





After the installation, His Excellency invested newly admitted and pr.om.oted .membe~s with the insignia of their grade in the Order. The Dlstnct Vice-Pr~sIdent, Mrs. Gwendol~ne N. Wallace, M.B.E., became our first Dame In the Order; Mr. Derus S. Stephens, B.A., Barrister-atLaw, the District Commissioner, was promoted to the grade of Commander; and Lieut. Colonel Desmond G. C. Whyte, D.S.O., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.F.R., Area ~ornmissioner, to that of an Officer, Area Surgeon; Doctor Jo~eph N. Lewls was promoted to the grade of Associate Officer. Seve~ Servmg Brothers and nine Serving Sisters were also invested on this occaSIOn. H.R.H. the 9rand Prior approved my appointment as Lieutenant of the C?mmandery m succession to Sir Francis Evans, G.B.E., K.C.M.G. , D.L., wIth effect from.24th JUI?-e. Many expressions of appreciation and thanks were made to Slr Francls for the loyal service that he had given to the Commandery during his years of office. A Church Service observing the Festival of St. John was held at Fisherwick Pre,sbyterian. Church on 29th June. It was conducted by the Commandery s Chaplam, the Very Rev. J. H. Withers, B.A., D.D. H.E. the Governor an~ the La~y Grey of Naunton honoured the occasion. The Commandery s Chaplams, The Rt. Rev~rend R. C. H. Elliott, M.A., D.D., H.C.F., and the Very Reverend J. H. Wlthers, B.A., D.D., were appointed Sub-Prelates to the Order. Thanks to the Sout.h Belfast Hospital Management Committee the Annual Ball was held III the Belfast City Hospital on 28th March. This year ~rs. J. B. Johnstone was the chairman of the ladies' organising c?mrruttee. The event was successful financially and provided a conSIderable sum to our needy funds. IAN FRASER, Lieutenant.


In accord with decision of Commandery to emphasise the interdenominational aspect of the Order, the St. John Day Service was held in the St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral on 15th June. The Solemn ~ass which was well attended included an excellent address by Monseignor . ' (now Bishop) Peter Quinn. The new Triennial Period commenced on 23rd June wlth the appoIlltment by the Knight Commander of all new executi~e officers (vid~ s~pra). To welcome these gentlemen and as an expreSSIOn of apprecIatIOn to the retiring executive the Knight Commander held a small social function at Headquarters on 6th October. Since then the Knight Commander has appointed the retiring Lieutenant, Col. Donaldson, to a seat on Cornmandery Council. His Excellency Major-General Sir Douglas Kendr.ew, K.C.~.G., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., Deputy Prior for Western AustralIa and Krught Commandery of the Commandery, held an Investiture at Government House on 20th May, 1970, and invested seventeen members of the Order. At the Annual Priory Meetings in Sydney on 20-22 June, 1969, the Commandery was represented by Brigadier A. L. Dawkins, Dr. 1. O. Thorburn, Dr. L. G. B. Cumpston and Mr. F. J. Patterson. An appeal by the Hospitaller and almoner, Dr. J .. H. Stul?be, to members of Commandery for donations to the Ophthalmlc HospItal produced a sum of $315.00. The St. John Ambulance Board of Administration referred to in the 1968 Report has not yet been constituted. However, Associatio?- Council has increased its Brigade representation to that body as well as ItS sev.eral sub-committees. Thus the merger of Administration is progressing III a . . , satisfactory manner. Commandery is very conscious of the neceSSIty to Improve the Image of the Order in Western Australia and is taking steps to investigate ways and means of doing this. Progress in this direction is fully anticipated in 1970. The St. John Ladies' Auxiliary has been functioning for two years now. It has proved a very active organisation in raising funds which have provided amenities for both foundations. The Commandery financial position is satisfactory. A. L. DAWKINS, Lieutenant.


The outstanding event of the year was the installation as Knight Commander of H.E. the Governor of Northern Ireland, The Lord Grey of Naunton G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., O.B.E. , on 25th April. The in;tallation was conducted with the prescribed ceremonial in the Throne Room at Government House by kind permission of His Excellency. We were honoured with the presence of the Lord Prior of the Order, the Lord Wakehurst, K.G., K.C.M.G., who acted as Mandator. The Secretary General, Mr. N. C. McClintock, accompanied the Lord Prior. Fanfares were sounded by the North Irish Horse.


The Executive Officers for the Triennium commencing 24th June 1969 ' , are as follows:Knight Commander. Lieutenant Chaplain Treas~er '. H~spltaller and Almoner DIrector of Ambulan~e . . C~mID:andery ComnllSslOner LI.branan . '. . DIrector of Ceremorues .

S!r Humphrey Gibbs, G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G., O.B.E. SIr Frederick Crawford, G.C.M.G., O.B.E. Rt. Rev. J. P. Burrough, Bishop of Mashonaland. J. G. Dudley, Esq. Dr. R. M. Morris, C.M.G., O.B.E., M.D. , D.P.H. Prof. W. Fraser Ross, B.Sc. , M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. Dr. A. L. Cairns, M.B., Ch.B., D.I.H. Col. A. S. Hickman, M.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel H. B. Everard, D.S.O., T.D., B.A., A.M.I.C.E., M.Inst.T.

Commandery Council

A Mee.ting ~f the Commandery Council was held at St. John HeadIII SalIsbury on .7th November, 1969. This meeting approved a recon.stItuted CouncIl deSIgned to make that body more representative and effectIve. quarter~

First A id Training in Industry . This programme cont~nued throughout 1969 and fuller details are given III the Report of the DIrector of Ambulance submitted below. With the




resignation of the Commandery Training ~fficer step.s have been taken to continue Training in Industry courses with the assistance of two State Registered Nurses.

been covered and only small firms with perhaps one or two employees can now be drawn upon. This means that the Training Officer had to spend more and more time organising courses. In the Agricultural sector although there is little doubt of the need for First Aid training in view of the rising accident rate, the widely scattered community makes the running of classes exceedingly difficult. The subvention of £1,200 per annum from London ceased on 30th June, 1968, and since then there has been a shortfall of some £600 per annum on the scheme. Employers continued to pay a fee of £2 lOs. Od. per head and the Workmen's Compensation Insurance Fund also paid £2 lOs. Od. per head. In the case of Chibero and Gwebi Agricultural Colleges the Workmen's Compensation Insurance Fund paid the whole £5. The Commandery Council at its November meeting decided that the existing expensive system should be replaced by a more flexible system with instructors engaged ad hoc, and the Centres are presently working on this. Mr. Wright is terminating his appointment with effect 28th February, 1970.


Competitions The usual Commandery First Aid Competitions were a~ain held in 19?9, with Adult Competitions at Gwelo on 24th August With the followmg results:Stanley Cup (First Aid Team Event) . Bebington Trophy (First Aid, Individual) .

Bulawayo Railway Nursing Division. Cpl Rona Pike, 1st Salisbury Nursing Division.

Six teams from both Ambulance and Nursing Divisions competed for the above awards. No Nursing Competitions were held as these are competed for only every second year. The Cadet Competitions were held in Salisbury on 28th June, 1969. Seven teams competed from Salisbury, Bulawayo and Gwelo. Results were:Turner Team Trophy. Turner Individual Trophy Ellis Robins Cup . Jubilee Individual Cup

2nd Bulawayo Cadet Nursing Division. B. Murphy, 2nd Bulawayo Cadet Nursing Division. 1st Salisbury Ambulance Division. F. du Preez, 1st Salisbury Ambulance Division.

Honours and Awards An Investiture was held at Government House, Salisbury, on 15th March at which the Knight Commander invested 23 members admitted to or promoted in the Order. During the year two new members were admitted to the Order, viz.: The Rt. Rev. John Paul Burrough, ~omman­ dery Chaplain, Sub-Prelate, and Prof. W. Fraser Ross, DIrector of Ambulance, Officer (Brother).


A very successful First Aid course was conducted on Salisbury Studios of the Rhodesia Television, on Tele-5 Club, by Sister 1. A. Edmonstone, over a period of 25 weeks from June to November. This programme evinced considerable interest among the younger-and perhaps not so young-people. It is hoped to present a similar programme suitably adapted for sound medium on the radio in the not too distant future, with the possibility of translation for the vernacular programme. CERTIFICATES ISSUED

Certificates issued by Commandery during the year 1969 amounted to a total of 975 of which 729 were for Adult First Aid and Re-exams. THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION

The Director of Ambulance reports:On 24th June, 1969, I was appointed as Director c: f Am~ulance to succeed Brig. M. O. Collins, C.B. E., who reliIl:quished hIS appomtment at that time. I would wish to take this opporturuty of expressmg my thanks to Brig. Collins for all the guidance which he gave so freely to me when I assumed duty. FIRST AID IN INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE

On 21st November, 1966, at the 21st meeting of the Comma~d~ry Council it was reported that Mr. S. A. Wright comme~ced. duty ~s Tra~n~ng Officer on 1st July, 1966. Since that time 18 courses m FIrst Aid Trammg have been conducted and 939 Certificates have been awarded. The annexure shows the detailed breakdown of these courses which have been held in Salisbury, UmtaU, Gatooma/Hartley, Karoi, Gwelo. and Bulawayo. The e courses have covered Industry, Commerce and Agnculture. It should be noted that 12 of the 18 courses were held in Salisbury and there was considerable organisational difficulty in con~u~ting the ~our~es outside Salisbury. Furthermore as time progresses It IS becommg mcreasingly difficult to persuade employers to co:r;ne forward and take part in the cour e . It i fair to say that most of the bIgger employers have now


Pursuant to a Resolution of Commandery Council the two Districts of Mashonaland and Matabeleland have been abolished, and replaced by four autonomous Areas, viz. :-Bulawayo (Area Commissioner, Mr. F. West), Salisbury (Area Commissioner, Mr. L. P. Scandroglio), Gwelo (Area Superintendent, Mr. R. S. Brett), and Umtali (Area Superintendent, Mr. P. R. Roussot). Difficulties of recruiting and retaining personnel in the Brigade continue, and the majority of Public Duties were performed by a comparatively small number of members, to whom every credit is due. ~nvestigations are proceeding towards the rationalisation of Brigade uniforms, both for Ambulance and Nursing Divisions, with a view to better suitability to the local climate and to a reduction in the cost. Investigations are also being made into the acquisition of Mobile First Aid outfits, with a view to their utilisation at more and varied venues. ~adets in the Com~andery were awarded eight Grand Prior's Badges dunng the year, four m Bulawayo and four in Salisbury' five were earned by Nursing Cadets and three by Ambulance Cadets. ' F. CRAWFORD Lieutenant.






·. ·. ·. ·. ·.

·. ·. ·. ·. ·.

·. ·. ·. ·. ·.

2,720,930 18,733,000 2,781,000 20,334,000 12,173,000

12,976 11 ,845 13,390 138,175 43,699




1,502,000 1,488,000

3,352 975

OTHER COUNTRIES/TERRITORIESINDIA . . ·. ·. ·. ·. PAKISTA ·. ·. ·. ·. ANTIGUA ·. ·. ·. ·. BAHAMAS ·. ·. ·. ·. BARBADOS ·. ·. ·. ·. BERMUDA ·. ·. ·. ·. BRITISH HONDURAS .. ·. ·. BRITlSH VIRGIN ISLANDS · . ·. CEYLON ·. ·. ·. ·. CYPRUS ·. ·. ·. ·. DOMINICA ·. ·. ·. ·.

511,298,000 102,876,000 6,100 170,000 253,000 51,000 116,000 9,000 11,964,000 621,000 69,000

t 188,012





FIJI . . ·. ·. ·. GHANA ·. ·. ·. GIBRALTAR - . -GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS GRENADA ·. ·. ·. GUYANA ·. ·. ·. HONG KONG . . ·. ·. IRAQ . . ·. ·. ·. JAMAICA ·. ·. ·. KENYA ·. ·. ·. MALAYSIA ·. ·. ·. MALAWI ·. ·. ·. MALTA ·. ·. ·. MAURITIUS · . ·. ·. MONTSERRAT . . ·. ·. NIG ERIA ·. ·. ·. SABAH .. ·. ·. ·. ST. KITTS, NEVIS ·. ·. ST. LUCIA ·. ·. ·. ST. VINCE T .. ·. ·. SEYCHELLES ·. ·. SIERRA LEOI E ·. ·. SINGAPORE · . ·. ·. SOUTH YEME ·. ·. SUDAN ·. ·. ·. SWAZILAND · . ·. ·. TANZANIA ·. ·. TRINIDAD A 0 TOBAGO ·. TuRKS AND CAICOS . . ·. UGANDA ·. ·. ·. ZAMBIA ·. ·. ·. TOTALS
















11 7 17 7



25,462 3,589 3,644 3,272 5,939 5,1 ]6








1,439 1,494 2,353 2,996 1,912

2,019 965 2,397 1,133 3,674

2,725 1,548 2,757 1,881 3,910

615 449 564 559 704

44,142 206,429 t 108,587 * 85,000 t 233,305

122 42







·. ·. -.

·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·.


·. ·. ·.

·. ·. ·. ·.



·. ·. ·. ·.

·. . ·. ·



·. ·. ·





* * t

1 4


7, 179 90 523 8 47

t t

27 4



1 1


* t

2,118 1,068







366 204

t t

23,581 2,792 80 287 126 11,017 2,661

779 102

t t

4,699 164


837 647 137

t t


484 5,765 ]65 2,865 3,797 6,908 126 349 293


1,523 115



16 130 6,897 180 40 139 454 890 5 907








t t t t t * t *

1 1

4 1



1,657 758 231





23 64

73 52


56 1,778 -

688 -









t t



18 -


25 124

58 329 1,403 132 ] 18 51 -

104 470 1,353

37 91 283 7 34 22 64 19 6






3,072 50 t t - I -




3,388 985 -



It I


57 17







92,684 -

6,621 292 -

117 12 18


6,801 3,943




159 278




48 257

51 2,639 -




2,369 37 -

28 -


16 -



79 17 -

641 340





J 1 J



1,612 102 1 18 3



217 241 2,365 29 119 87 -


3,609 33








345 442

250 191 2,290 1,820

1 2 1



14 24




174 1,091 3,708 ]2,440 * 3,230 421 535 336 4,755 33] 51



t t

] ] ]



],225 103



1 156 75 1,284 161


1 1 1



7,681 340


490,000 I t 8,376,000 t 25,000 t 55,000 102,000 693,000 t 3,878,000 8,440,000 * 1,940,000 10,209,000 9,880,000 * 4,021 ,000 t 318,000 t 795,000 t ]4,500 61,450,000 578,000 t 56,000 110,000 90,000 50,000 t 2,475,000 * 1,988,000 t 1,250,000 * 14,770,000 * 395,000 12,508,000 * 1,010,000 t 6,000 * 7,934,000 t 4, 100,000




347 69

8,143 862 90 5,575 11,116



14,295 7,211 5,324 814 831 565


85 141 20



2 5 17 251

17 320 1,497


3,525 3,157


1 15

14 11 ,073




] ,243, 162

Certificates issued to end of 1969 : -ENGLAND: 5,385,197 ; WALES: 373,860 ; NORTHERN IR ELAND: 37,444 ; OVERSEAS: 7,900,512. GRAND TOTAL: 13,697,013 NOTES:i Population (latest available).figurts taken from Whitakers' Almanack ] 970.

§Not including Re-exa minations. *1967 figures (l a test availa bJe.)

t 1968


-l -l



REPORT OF THE RECEIVER-GENERAL THE ACCOUNTS The Accounts present the financial position of the Grand Priory of the Order at 30 September 1969, together with statements of Income and Expenditure during the year ended on that date. COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS YEAR CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION AND FOUNDATIONS Central Administration 1969 1968 EXPENDITURE.





Hospital 1968 1969 £ £ 97,082 86,294



15,000 5,000 5,257

15,000 5,000 3,313







Ambulance 1969 1968















1969 £

1968 £

50,611 2,481

51,218 10,049








Post-War Fund Income Capital Other .


Charged to Appropriate Fund



Grants to Foundations Other Expenditure


Dividends and Interest


This finances the Order's share of the cost of the welfare work in service hospitals undertaken by the Service Hospitals Welfare and V.A.D. Department, Order of St. John and British Red Cross Society. The cost of this work is met from income from investments and Ministry of Defence grant.



BALANCE SHEET Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund The loan from the General Fund was reduced by £403 during the year. The sum of £3 ,471 remained to be repaid at year end. 2

St. John Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund, Jerusalem The diminution of the current resources of the Fund by £31,692 during the year was occasioned both by a reduction of overall income and by an increase in costs. The final instalment of the sale proceeds of the property at Ramallah was received during the year. 3

St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade The Headquarters Fund was almost extinguished during the year. It is hoped that remedial measures aimed at securing additional revenue introduced since year end will bear fruit. Investments Sales of investments during the year realized a net surplus of £39,985. The shortfall of market value in relation to cost at 30 September 1969 was £297,375. A supplemental Royal Charter authorizing an increase from 25 % to 50 % the proportion of investments which may be held in ordinary shares has recently been granted. 4

CONCLUDING COMMENTS The following figures , which are adjusted by the elimination of certain non-recurring items, show the trend of expenditure: 1964 £ 181,441

1965 £ 201 ,989


£ 214,174

1967 £ 218,154

1968 £ 245,338

1969 £ 250,136

It will be seen that the financial framework approved by ChapterGeneral in July 1968 clearly expresses the financing of the Order's several areas of operations and its impact on the underlying appropriated funds.

H. F. PARSHALL, Receiver-General .19 March 1970


30 September 1969





BALANCE SHEET FUNDS £ GENERAL FUND at at 30 September 1968 Add Net surplus on sale of investments. . Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund Loan repaid Legacies Less Net cost of Central Administration year to date . Donations: Sompting Church, Sussex . . . . Rushden Church, Northamptonshire


1968 £





403 3,104



351,356 21,955


100 100








1,132 £





488,319 38,631 12,049 25,()(){J 38 75,719 - -


Less Hospital net expenditure. . . . . . 71,825 Grant to Institute of Ophthalmology 5,000 (London) 610 Loans repaid .


461,958 203 203

69,317 7,266 4,052 3,648

404 34

404 34






POST-WAR FUND (GENERAL ALLOCATION) Freehold Property St. John Ambulance Brigade Camp .: Bexhill, Sussex . . . . Leasehold Properties 1 and 2 Grosvenor Crescent, SWI .175,013 Less written off to date . . . 3,618 50 Eaton Place, SW 1 . Less written off to date



12,875 175,013 1,818



22,169 4,231

22,169 3,864 18,305 - -


LoANS Branches as at 30 September 1968 . 4r/J Add Advanced during year.





1,394,164 1,453,386 2,000






461,958 forward

69,317 7,266



495,650 891,701



£ 15,578 10,660 2,918 2,000 - -

62,98/ INVESTMENTS Quoted, per schedule attached. 5,OOl Market Value 1969 £1,096,789 61~ 1968 £1,393,782 Unquoted, at cost 68,591 -


94,766 25,449




94,766 25.449




1968 £

£ . 15,578 . 12,660 2,918

1,132 66,850

ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AND REsEARCH FUND, JERUSALEM as at 30 September 1968 Add . 32,819 Subscriptions and Donations . 10,510 Interest . . . . . . . . Surplus on redemption and sale of invest617 ments . . . . . . . Appeal Grant from Post-War Fund Legacy.

ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH FUND, JERUSALEM Freehold Land, Buildings and Equipment, Jerusalem . . . . . . . Freehold Property: Ramallah Less sale proceeds less expenses written off to date . .

1969 £

4,052 3,648

GRAND PRIORY CHuRCH REBUILDING FUND Freehold Property Guard House and Cloister and Church Restoration .



EUROPEAN CAMPAIGN FOR WORLD REFUGEES 1966 Grant for training nurses as at 30 September 1968 Less Expenditure


Freehold site of Guard House and Cloister Muristan Property, Jerusalem Less written off to date


67,253 Less Furnishings . . . . General Fund-Loan repaid

PROPERTIES (at cost less amounts writtm off) GENERAL FUND Freehold property at St. John's Gate and Freehold site of Priory House Less written off to date .


Rights in Kolossi Castle, Cyprus

GRAND PRIORY CHURCH REBUILDING FUND as at 30 September 1968 Add Subscriptions and Donations




49,272 2,061 ,932




891,701 2,061,932


OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL LADlES' GUILD as at 30 September 1968 Add Subscriptions and Donation lnterest



1,864 189

1,710 135





Less Repayable during year

. Hospital Warden. . . Hospital Superintendent's House




Less Net ordinary expenditure year to date Special expenditure year to date.



9,832 893

7,875 2,202 2,500




28,815 5,252 34,067 -

. 42,315 3,790 319

Kr G GEORGE VI LEADERSHIP TRAINING MEMORIAL as at 30 Septem ber 1968 Add Donation Interest

Less Expenditure



24 45

33 199




30,446 1,050 10,000





108,406 6,774 2,306 537 1,3J 3

119,775 7,367 707 370 737









2,250 . 63,422 . 21,789

84,768 5,356 90,124 - -

87,461 236,849



2,813 2,744

STJOH AMBULA CE BRIGADE BE EVOLE TFu D as at 30 September 1968 Add Interest. Less Grants

POST-WAR FUND G E ERAL ALLOCATIO of £2,099,625 as at 30 September 1968 Add Net surplu on sa Ie of investments Less Hospital Maintenance grant. Other Expenditure year to date. Hospital Appeal grant


NET CURRENT AssETS STOCKS Stores Department . Insignia and A wards . St. John Ophthalmic Hospital St. John House Sundry




Less Expenditure

ST. JOH AMBULA CE ASSOCIATIO HEADQUARTERS Fu D as at 30 September J 968 Add Legacies Interest Donation.





9,889 478

9,492 472

10,367 413

9,964 75 9,954










5,000 2,48J 7,481





943,600 forward






forward .




(net. inc.) 2,884

3,274 402


274,045 1,423,345








SPECIAL ALLOCATION of £840,000 for welfare work in Service Hospitals .277,721 as at 30 September 1968 Excess of Expenditure over Income year to date . . . . . Net loss on sale of investments .





33,013 9,459 12,149 1,825


7,903 1,825 56,446



Receiver-General D. B. R. SWlNSTEAD Treasurer and Accountant


1 This Balance Sheet and the annexed Income and Expenditure Accounts present the financial position and transactions of the Headquarters of the Order and of its Foundations. They do not incorporate the assets, liabilities and transactions of any Establishment of the Order, of any St. John Councilor of any local unit of the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade. The Accounts of these bodies are maintained and audited locally under Regulations approved or made by the Order, notwithstanding that none of them has separate corporate. existence or forms an independent chanty and that property utilised for their purposes is normally held for the general purposes of the Order. In addition to property included in this Balance Sheet or held as above stated for the general purposes of the Order, property is vested in the Order or in other trustees for special purposes. Immovable property vested in the Order for its general purposes or in the Order or in other trustees for special purposes cannot be disposed of without the ~onsent of the Charity Commissioners, and In many cases property utilised for local purposes! though he(d for the general purposes, WIll not be dIsposed 0/ without consent of a local Committee of Management. 2 On 30 September 1969 a The Grand Priory Church Rebuilding Fund was indebted to the General Fund in the sum of £3,471 (1968 £3,874). b The St. John Ophthalmic Hospital and Research Fund, Jerusalem was liable to repay interest free l~ans £1 263 (1968 £1,915). ' c The Order was liable to pay pensions in respect of retired employees totalling £4,5~~ per year (1968 £2,921) for which prOVlSlon has not been made in these Accounts. d The Order had guaranteed a sum not exceeding £2,000 in respect of a bank overdraft of a St. John Council.




REPORT OF THE AUDITOR TO THE CHAPTER-GENERAL In our opinion the Balance Sheet and the Income and Expenditure Accounts, on the basis specifie in Note 1 on the Balance Sheet and subject to th d .. f give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Order as at 30 September 1969 and of its income an expenditure for the year ended on that date. e epreclatlOn 0 £297,375 in market value of the investments, 3 Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C.2. 6 May 1970


Chartered Accountants




Foundation Dues . AnnualOblations . Commuted Oblations.

1969 £ 1,181 4,947 230

1968 £ 1,224 4,839 333





Dividends and Interest on Investments Less Other Interest payable, less receivable

13,091 8

16,164 139 (net rec) 16,303

Less ceded to other Funds

13,083 9,394



Salaries, Pensions and Lunch Vouchers National Insurance . . . . Superannuation contributions . Rent, Rates and Insurance. . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning. Repairs and Maintenance Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses . Ad vertising Equipment . . . . . . Computer System: development operation Sundry expenses .


transferred from General Fund

939 650

] 81 455 1,526 34 3,275

289-358 3,247

] 5,518


1,406 17




£ . 28,057 ],494 2,047 4,795 1,156 1,270 1,860 3,383 906 868 290 1,996 2,029 759

Less Share of surplus allocated to St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade 90 % of (£] 7,492 less



351 170

Subscriptions and Donations . . . . . . . Income Tax recoverable under Deeds of Covenant. Library and Museum : Tour fees and donation . . . . Priory House-Ground Rent and Insurance Commission

Gross Surplus

11,482 3,689

Investment Underwriting surplus . Less Tax (including prior years £] 2) .

26,063 1,400










13,283 13,976 - -





Salaries, Pensions and Lunch Vouchers. National Insurance . . . Superannuation contributions Rent, Rates and Insurance Lease-amount written off . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance . Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses . Entertaining expenses. St. John's Day. . . Order Service- Durham Investitures. Homage Roll . Mantles. Insignia. . . . . . Medals and Vellum Votes . Order Flags . . . . . Maplestead Church expenses . Legal charges . . . . . Picture cleaning and hanging. Office Equipment. . . . Grand Prior's Advisory Council . Lord Prior's Portrait, less subscribed Alliance of European Orders levy Sundry expenses . . . . .

2,312 4,673 1,193 119 1,375 rREASUR Y 2,095 Salaries, Pension and Lunch Vouchers 364 National Insurance . . . 3,464 Superannuation contributions 117 Rent, Rates and Insurance 3,259 Lease-amount written off . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning 612 Postage and Telephone . . - - Printing and Stationery Travelling expenses Audit Fee . . Office Equipment Bank Charges . Cheque stamps. Sundry expenses

P urchases . . Salaries, Pension a~d Lun~h Vou~hel:s . . . . . National Insurance and Superannuation'co~trit)Uti~ns' Rates and Insurance . . . Light~ng, Heating and Cleaning RepaIrS and Maintenance. . Burglar Alarm . Sundry expense (to 31/12/67) "St. John Review" UBLIC RELATIO S (t~ 31'/12i67)

1969 £

1968 £


9,377 10,067

327 868 1,923 52 2,750 1,699 1,102 1,937 1,419 510 1,455 385 585 204 176 1,]78 2,862 362 121 349 206 515

359 839 1,821 53 2,916 2,947 1,024

1,745 1,599 590

1,275 562 523 243 456 2,750

57 121

171 149 219 845 147 220




31,329 32,284 9,144 342 809 486 87 318 546 266 86 735 140 433 50 194



£48,713 £52,465


8,745 323 708

479 88 167 515 248 67 735 326 231 66 728 13,636 13,526 - -

348 1,995 187 423 406 25 93 271


1,696 165 401 405


42 61 334 3,224 - 1,808


£48,713 £52,465

ST JOHN OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH FUND, JERUSALEM 1968 1969 INCOME . 1969 1968 EXPENDITURE £ £ HOSPITAL £ £ Salarie and Pen ions: 2,248 4,234 Private Patients' Fee 9,121 9,459 Medical 1,065 1,023 Rents . . . . . . . 18,520 17,758 Nursing 20,000 20,000 GRA T from Po t-War Fund . 5,898 6,517 Aministration 2,072 2,321 Dome tic. 25,257 23,313 1,576 1,432 National Insurance. . . . Superannuation, including adjust71,825 62,981 BALA CE tran fer red from Fund . 4,407 1,567 ment of Provident Fund. . . Provision for Jordanian Staff 3,167 7,490 gratuities . 8,571 9,746 Catering. . . . 3,756 4,431 Cleaning and Laundry 2,455 2,467 Drugs and Dressings . . 1,292 597 Instruments and Equipment 2,874 3,598 Fuel 1,704 1,429 Electricity 1,292 1,688 Water 5,709 6,961 Repairs and Maintenance. . . . 3,024 1,905 Boiler replacement (& 1968 repal rs) 2,817 Water piping replacement . .. 2,499 Road, etc., and Roofresurfacmg 1,968 2,470 Travelling 1,808 1,762 Hospital transport. . 914 952 Postage and Telephone. 343 581 Printing and Stationery. 775 663 Insurance 392 665 Freight 146 143 Lawyer's fee . 99 208 Staff medical treatment. 73 Protective Grilles Kitchen and Laundry Gas conver945 sion 69 Rates. 647 778 Sundry expenses 93,739 82,782 LONDON OFFICE £ Salaries, Pension and Lunch 1,455 Vouchers. 47 National Insurance . 116 Superannuation. 74 Rates and Insurance 85 Lighting, Heating and Cleaning 193 Postage and Telephone . 280 Printing and Stationery. 943 Travelling expenses. 85 Appeal expenses 65 Sundry expenses 3_51 2 1_34 3 ;::,- • JU.tJ:N AMtlULAN ~OClf\nUN AND BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS

Examination Registration Fees Less Rebate to Centres

1969 £ 20,943 2,666

1968 £ 22,530 2,883

Awards (net)

18,277 2,583

19,647 2,475

20,860 6,539 2,013

22,122 6,071 1,900 2,236 679



4,493 35,611

13,283 36,218







Subscriptions and Donations. . . . Department of Education and Science grant National Hospital Service Reserve grant Civil Defence First Aid Services Order ofSt. 10hoStores Department, share of surplus. . Post-War Fund (General), share of income NET EXPE DITURE transferred from Balance Sheet


Salaries, Pensions and Lunch Vouchers. . . Terminal Gratuities and Redundancy Payments National Insurance . . Superannuation contributions Rent, Rates and Insurance Lease-amount written off . Lighting, Heating and Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance. Postage and Telephone Printing and Stationery . Certificates and Holders . Travelling expenses . Entertaining expenses. . Conference a nd Courses (net) Awards . . Equipment . . Public Relations Consultant's fees and expenses 571 Press Secretary . . . . . . . 1,107 Exhibitions and Publicity Vehicle. 891 Sundry expenses 407 Publications . . . . . . Computer System Development . Sundry expenses "St. John Review" Printing and other costs Editor's fees and expenses Sundry expenses

Deduct Sales and Advertising . Headquarters Training Officer (net) Visual Aids (net) . Competitions (net) Cadet Rally . Bexhill Camp . St. John Hou e. £111,831 £111,324



£ 1,640 57 144 71

85 195 272 433 493 122

1969 £ 52,001 1,327 2,609 2,801 9,047 1,623 3,847 498 4,112 5,798 3,880 4,101 266 29 117 47

1968 £ 52,051

2,976 541 2,489 2,500

3,321 158



2,598 2,806 8,860 1,648 3,842 170

3,983 7,371 3,689 3,483 242 363 56 1,748


. 7,879 . 1,321 160 9,360 .4,948 4,412 3,635 359 361 1,126 4,545 5,024 256 244 (Cr) 407 (Cr) 615 1,696 3,087 £111,831 £111,324


POST-WAR FUND GENERAL ALLOCATION INCOME Dividends and Intere ton Tnvestments Other Interest EXPE DITURE transferred to Balance Sheet

1969 £ 42,727 7,884

1968 £ 45,823 5,395

50,6L 1






GRANT St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem BALANCE OF INCOME St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade EXPENDITURE Grants Fiji . . . . Priory of Scotland Gibraltar Rhodesia Overseas Training Officer. Development . . . . . Medical Supplies (India) freight V.A.D. Section Relief Arab/Israeli war St. John Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem, Staff Others

L969 £

1968 £



35,61 t




£ ~ trl "d

0 ::0



'I1 ~

:r: trl 500 1,500 200 900 5,029 n 526 0




908 692 191 190


















677 ~ X 510 "tl 10,049 - - ~


£53,092 £61,267

£53,092 £61,267



..,"'0" C

~ ~











::r: ~

-< ~ > ::0 r-rl


0 ~ t:1 w



en iO

SPECIAL ALLOCATION INCOME Interest and Dividends on Investments. Other Interest. Ministry of Defence grant Handcraft Account share of accumulated surplus.

1969 £ 12,765 2,623

1968 £ 15,393 1,752

15,388 20,000

17,145 20,000


37,145 4,236

£35,388 £41,381


EXPENDITURE Welfare Work in Service Hospitals. . Provision for Welfare Officers' Gratuitie

J969 £ 38,437 225

1968 £ 38,273 224

..,"tl ~



38,497 (Net) 2,884 Inc.

£35,388 £41,381













0\ \0

NET EXPENDITURE transferred to Balance Sheet

t'l1 "d



n ::r: >-

"d ~



6trJ Z

trl ~





\0 ~





30 SEPTEMBER 1968.


Market Value £


Cost £

Market Value £



3,977 84,055 573,563 93,341 54,820 332,704

3,198 67,946 378,819 59,289 45,300 347,741



1,394,164 1,096,789




1,453,386 1,393,782





Cost £




aci ~ ~ ;:l~ ~ '"1 en 0 9- ~ g 0 ~











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::r en (1)





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60,004 21,375

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34,760 351,045 61,190 54,820 169,998








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3,977 30,701 136,729

3,198 27,160 85,725



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St John Ambulance Directory 1969-70 Addresses and Telephone THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION AND BRIGADE Director-General, Commissioner-in-Chief and all branches: 1 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I. 01-235 5231 Out of Office Hours, Registrar: 01-650 4489

Other Departments of THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN Chancery, Library and Museum: St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.I. 01-253 6644 Treasurer and Accountant: 1 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I. 01-235 5231 Press Secretary: 1 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I. 01-235 5231 Out of Office hours, 01-373 5428 Editor, "The Review": 23 Pembroke Gardens, London, W.8. 01-603 5761 Stores Department: Priory House, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.I. 01-253 6644 The Hospitaller, The Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem: St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.I. 01-253 6644 St. John House 50 Eaton Place, London, S.W.I. 01-235 2732

Telegraphic Address All Headquarters and Departments listed above: FIRSTAID, LONDONECI NOTE: Titles or names should not be inserted in telegrams or cables before the telegraphic address, as this can confuse G.P.O. procedures and lead to delay. If it is desired to draw the attention of a particular officer to the message, this should be done at the beginning of the text: For example: FIRSTAID LONDONECI ... For Director-General, followed by message.

Printed by Swindon Press Ltd .. Victoria Road. Swindon. WillS.


The St John Ambulance Association and Brigade Patron: Her Majesty the Queen (Sovereign Head of the Order)

President Field-Marshal H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, KG, KT, KP,PC, GMB, GCMG, GCYO (Grand Prior of the Order)

Commandant-in-Chief of Nursing Corps and Divisions Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (Dame Grand Cross of the Order of st. John. Appointed May 1928) Deputy Commandant-in-Chief of Nursing Corps and Divisions HRH The Duchess of Gloucester (Dame Grand Cross of the Order of st. John. Appointed February 1937) Commandant-in-Chief of Ambulance and Nursing Cadets HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon (Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St. John. Appointed February 1948)

Commandant-in-Chief of Ambulance Corps and Divisions HRH The Prince William of Gloucester (Knight of Justice November 1968)

· Printed in England by Eyre & Spottlswoode Limited Her Majesty's Printers at Grosvenor Press Portsmouth


The Great Officers of the Grand Priory Grand Prior Field-Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, KG, KT, KP, PC, GMB, GCMG, GCVO Lord Prior The Lord Caccia, GCMG, GCVO Prelate The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Donald Coggan, DD, Archbishop of York Chancellor Vacant Bailiff of Egle Vacant

The Executive Officers of the Grand Priory Chancellor Vacant Secretary-General N. C. McClintock Receiver-General H. F. Parshall, TD Director-General and Commissioner-in-Chief, St. John Ambulance Lieut.-General Sir William Pike, KCB, CBE, DSO Hospitaller T. Keith Lyle, CBE, MD, MCH, FRCP, FRCS Almoner Sir Gerald Creasy, KCMG, KCVO, OBE Librarian Professor Lionel Butler, FRIllSTS, MA, DPHIL Registrar C. T. Evans, CMG Genealogist Sir Anthony Wagner, KCVO Director of Ceremonies Colonel P. H. Catt

HEADQUARTERS - ST. JOHN AMBULANCE Director-General Lt.-General Sir William PrICE, KCB, CBE, DSO

BRANCHES ASSOCIATION Director Sir David WILKINSON, Bart, DSC Assistant Directors C. REES JENKINS, K. C. COOK FCA F. G. THOMAS MA Principal Medical Officer Professor H. C. STEWART, DL, MA, MD, PHD, FRCP Deputy Principal Medical Officer J. S. BINNING, TD, MB, CHB Secretary J. F. G. COLES, MBE, QPM Competitions Secretary D. J. HALLARD BRIGADE Commissioner-in-ChiefLt.-Gen. Sir William PIKE, KCB,CBE, DSO Superintendent-in-Chief Marjorie, Countess of BRECKNOCK, DBE Surgeon-in-ChiefDr. M. M. SCOTT, MRCS, LRCP Deputy Commissioner-in-ChiefRear Admiral R. S. WELLBY, CB, DSO Deputy Superintendent-in-ChiefThe Lady Moyra BROWNE, OBE, SEN Assistant Commissioner-in-ChiefLieut.-Colonel Arthur GORING Chief Nursing Officer Dame Barbara COZENS, DBE, RRC Staff Officers to C.-in-C.: Chief Staff Officer Wing Commander T. W. C. FAZA Major I. M. WILLIAMS; W. HICKS; Brigadier C. E. M. HERBERT, CBE Superintendent-in-Chie/'s Department: Principal Administrative Officer (N) Miss SHEILA PuCKLE MBE, TD Secretary to Superintendent-In-Chief Miss M. HARRISON, MBE Staff Officers The Lady Rosula GLYN; Mrs R. CAVENDISH, MBE Miss M. DOWNING, MBE Staff Officer to Chief Nursing Officer Mrs G. M. NICHOLLS, SRN Surgeon-in-Chie/'s Department: Assistant Surgeon-in-ChiefDr. J. C. GRAHAM, MRCS, LRCP, DIH Assistant to Surgeon-in-ChiefDr. R. M. ARCHIBALD, MB, CHB, DIH Staff Officers S. G. KIRKHAM, Captain D. J. LAFFERTY, MBE Chief Officer for Cadets Miss P. N. MORISON

OVERSEAS Director Sir Hilton POYNTON, GCMG Secretary Miss E. WOOLRICH MEDICAL Chairman Medical Board Professor Sir Hedley ATKINS, KBE, DM, MCH, PPRCS of England Secretary P. N. ADAMS APPEALS Chairman (vacant) Organizer Colonel W. L. R. BENYON

The Priors of Priories Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey, KCMG (Scotland) The Lord Aberdare, DL (Wales) A. Gardner-Williams, MA (South Africa) H.E. Sir Arthur Porritt, GCMG, KCVO, CBE (New Zealand) H.E. The Rt. Hon. D. R. Michener, PC, QC, LLD (Canada) H.E. The Rt. Hon. Lord Casey, PC, GCMG, CH, DSO, MC (Australia)


SECRETARIAT Chief Secretary Brigadier Aubrey MILLER, DSO Registrar G. W. WOOD HILL Public Relations Consultant Colonel R. HORNBY Press Secretary Miss M. R. O'CONNOR Editor 'Review' Mrs H. E. D. RICHARDS 5

Brigade Committee

Association Committee



Lieut.-General Sir William PIKE, KCB, CBE, DSO

Lieut.-General Sir William PIKE, KCB, CBE, DSO

Director-General St. John Ambulance

Commissioner-in-Chief, St John Ambulance



Director Association




NOMINATED BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL D. C. BALAAM, General Post Office J. BAR ETT Police Forces Dr L. J. B EY ON, TD British Medical Association R. G. BELLAMY Electricity Council R. L. B ELLWOOD , TO County Director, Northumberland K. BIDE -STEELE, MD, BS, DPH, DPM, DIH Army Department, Civilian Establishments D. M. BOWICK British Railways Board Surgeon Rear-Admiral S. B. BRADBURY, CB, QHP Director-General Medical Services, Royal Navy J. H. CHAMBERS, MB, CHB, CPH, DIH Ministry of Technology J. N. B. CliAMPAIN National Dock Labour Board P. W. DILL-RUSSELL, CBE, MRCS, LRCP, FRSH Ministry of Overseas Development Miss M. GEORGE, MBE Electrical Association for Women Brigadier B. M. Gordon Director of Army Nursing Services and Matron-in-Chief Miss S. E. GRA T Department of Education and Science J. SHARP GRA T, MD, FRCS British Railways Board Air Marshal Sir George GUNN, KBE, CB, QHP, MB, CHB, DPH Director-General Medical Services, Royal Air Force A. F. HATFULL Ministry of Labour G. O. HUGHES, MC, MB, CHB, MRCS, LRCP, DPH, DIH Gas Council S. J. JUDSO l British Railways Board J. H. MITCHELL National Coal Board R. MURRAY, BSC, MB, CHB, DPH, DIH Medical Adviser, Trades Union Congress P. V. MUSTO Ministry of Health Dr P. A. B. RAFFLE London Transport Board Miss K. RAVEN Ministry of Health K. J. JOR so Confederation of British Industry Sir Eric ST. JOHNSTON Police Forces D. TAYLOR, CMG Confederation of British Industry 6

APPOINTED BY COMMISSIONER-IN-CHIEF Lieut.-Colonel R. E. W. JOHNSON, OBE, TO, Commissioner, Northumberland-No.1 R egion Sir William TAYLOR, BART, CBE, DL, JP, Commissioner, West Riding of Yorkshire-No.2

Region LEE, Commissioner, Leicester and Rutland-No.3 Region J. F. WILLSHER, Commissioner, Bedfordshire-No. 4 Region Colonel H. A. LEWIS, MBE, TO, Commissioner, London (Prince of Wales's) District- No.5 Region Brigadier T. E. D. KELLY, CBE, Commissioner, Berkshire-No.6 Region Major T. W. Gracey, Commissioner, Devonshire-No.7 Region Lieut.-Colonel C. P. VAUGHAN, DSO, Commissioner, Worcestershire-No. 9 Region


Colonel R. G.



Commissioner, Duke of Lancaster's District-No. 10 Region Major S. W. BARROW, DFC, TO, Commissioner, Kent-No. 12 Region Mrs A. F. MANLEY, MA, County Superintendent (N), Cambridgeshire Mrs C. B. DUTFIELD, County Superintendent (N), Wiltshire Mrs E. M. HODGES, County Superintendent (N), Sussex C. P. LONG LAND, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), Surrey Miss I. L. ROBINSON, District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), London (Prince of Wales's) District


Superintendent-in-Chief, NlIrsing Corps and



REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Miss M. JACKSO ,SRN, SCM, DN, County Superintendent (N), Northumberland-No.1 Region Mrs G. W. LODGE, OBE, JP, District Superintendent (N), West Riding of Yorkshire-No.2 Region Mrs S. L. M. ARMITAGE, SRN, County Superintendent (N), Leicsetershire and Rutland-No.3 Region Mrs A. F. MANLEY, MA, County Superintendent (N), Cambridgeshire-No.4 Region Mrs D. HOADLEY, District Superintendent (N), London (Prince of Wales's) District-No.5 Region Mrs E. M. WATERS, RSC ,County Superintendent (N), Berkshire-No.6 Region Mrs C. B. DUTFIELD, County Superintendent (N), Wiltshire-No.7 Region Mrs J. V. B. CO GREVE, County Superintendent (N), Herefordshire-No. 9 Region Vacant-No. 10 Region Mrs E. M. HODGES, County Superintendent (N), Sussex-No. 12 Region

Pages 9 to 67 amended to 30th August, 1969


Cadet Advisory Committee CHAIRMAN Miss P. N. MORISON, The Chief Officer for Cadets EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Mrs J. D. SMITH, Chief Officer for Cadets for Wales J. H. JOHNSTONE, Commandery Staff Officer (Cadets (A))-Commandery of Ards (Northern Ireland) * Miss E. GARRETT, Commandery Staff Officer (Cadets (N))-Commandery of Ards (Northern Ireland) * REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Miss J. W. ADAMS, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), North Riding of Yorkshire-No.1 Region B. R. JARMAN, District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), West Riding of Yorkshire-No.2 Region G. C. WILLEY, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), Northampton-No.3 Region Mrs M. BALL, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Bedfordshire-No. 4 Region Miss 1. L. ROBINSON, District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), London (Prince of Wales's) DistrictNo.5 Region Miss D. M. CANDY, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Oxfordshire-No. 6 Region Miss J. ASH, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N), Gloucestershire-No. 7 Region N. PIMBLETT, District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), Duke of Lancaster's District-No. 10 Region C. P. Lo GLAND, County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A), Surrey-No. 12 Region

County Office 1 Kingscroft Avenue, Dunstable (Tel. 63666) County President The Lady Zia Wember, CBE County Vice-Presidents The Lord Luke, TO, OL, JP Mrs. R. V. Phipps, JP (Nursing) The Hon. Pearl Lawson Johnston, OBE (Ambulance and Nursing Cadets) Association Cty. Director Vacant Commissioner J. F. Willsher, 1 Kingscroft Avenue, Dunstable (Tel. 63666) Deputy Commissioner Major-General F. D. Moore, CB, CBE, OL, 'Corn Close,' Felmersham, Bedford (Tel. Sham brook 440) County Superintendent (N) Miss 1. M. Pemberton, 2 Brook Street, Luton (Tel. Luton 30495) County Surgeon J. D. Clark, MB, BS, 87 West Street, Dunstable Asst. County Superintendent (N) Miss D. Archer, 30 Langley Street, Luton County Nursing Officer Mrs M. Ramsay, Hospital Lodge, Potton Road, Biggleswade County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. Jeeves, 19 Finsbury Road, Luton County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. Ball, 118 Oakley Road, Luton County Staff Officers R. Ellison, 370 Old Bedford Road, Luton (Treasurer) W. R. K<mdall, 47 Bancroft Road, Luton (Training) Miss L. M. Grimmer, 3 Station Road, Ampthill Mrs. E. Roberts, 104 Brendon Avenue, Luton County Secretary H. Banks, 26 Bisbopscote Road, Luton (Tel. Luton 52631) County P.R.O. Miss T. W. Whitbread, 64 Heronscroft, Putnoe, Bedford (Tel. 67635) NORTHERN AREA Area Superintendent (A) W. J. Poulter, c/o 4 Faldo Road, Bedford Area Superintendent (N) Miss T. E. Wbitbread, 64 Heronscroft, Putnoe, Bedford Area Surgeon J. F. Hindle, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, 35 Alameda Road, Ampthill Area Nursing Officer E. V. Williams, SRN, RNMS, 3 Berkeley Road, Bedford Area Staff Officers E. A. Millward, 7 The Close, Newton-Blossomville Turvey Beds Valentine, 71 Chestnut Avenue, Bedford "

Mrs L. D.

SOUTHERN AREA Area Superintendent (A) A. G. Noble, 12 Sunridge Avenue, Luton Area Superintendent (N) Mrs S. M. Higgs, 30 Stratford Road, Luton Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Mrs L. M. Cowley, SRN, 41 Filmer Road, Seagrave, Luton Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) 1. F. G. Cole, 256 West Street, Dunstable Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs S. Cato, 37 Kingsdown Avenue, Luton Area Stc:ff Officers Mrs F. J. Bunyan, 3 Wickstead Avenue, Luton F. G. Bowles, c/o St Mary's Hospltal, Luton


* JOi11t 8

Representation having One Vote.

County Office St John House, 101 London Road, Reading (Tel. Reading 54671) County P~esident ~Brigade) General Sir Rodney Moore, GCYO, KCB, CBE, oso County VIce-PreSIdents (Brigade) Mrs C. van Bergen (Nursing) Major H. Tracy Barclay, TD Major J. O. K. Purdey Commander St J. A. Brigadier T. E. D. Kelly, CBE, 'Thomason' Kings Ride Camberley Surrey (Tel. 21518) , , , Association Cty. Director M. Williams, Lukers, 47 Higb Street Theale Reading Dep. Assn. Cty. Director R. W. Luck, Roche Mount, Padwort'b Co~on, Reading 9


Commissioner Brigadier T. E. D. Kelly, CBE Deputy Commissioner W. G. Thomas, 27 Berkeley Avenue, Reading County Superintendent (N) Mrs E. M. Waters, SRCN, Woodpecker Farm, Warren Row, Wargrave (Tel. 06282565) County Surgeon Mrs E. M. Latto, LRCP & S DOBST, RCOG, 4 Derby Road, Caversham, Reading Asst Cty. Surgeon D. F. Rowlands, MB, MS, DOBST, RCOG, 40 Balmore Drive, Caversham, Reading Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) Mrs K. S. Henderson, West Woodhay House, Newbury COl/llty Nursing Officer Miss U. J. Haslam, SRN, 'Jasmine Cottage,' Emmet's Nest, Binfield County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. F. Knott, 15 Hampden Road, Wantage County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. G. H. Marriot, The Folly, Inkpen, Newbury COl/nty Staff Officers Mrs Thomas, 27 Berekeley Avenue, Reading Mrs J. E. Morris, J 06 Kennylands Road, Sonning Common (Admin) (Hospital Libraries) D. M. Lloyd, 32 Shinfield Road, Reading (Treasurer) Major S. E. Fairclough, 2 Webster Close, Tittle Row, Maidenhead (Admin) (Competitions) County Secretary (Association) Mrs G. E. Thomas, 27 Berekeley Avenue, Reading (Tel. 50381) County Secretary (Brigade) Miss D. K. Gibbins, 33 South View Avenue, Caversham (Tel. Reading 73174) P.R.O. Capt. P. B.Murphy, GM, 44 Chandos Road, Newbury (Tel. 2199)


Secretary Mrs Davis, 113 Fernbank Road, Ascot BRIMPTON

Secretary Mrs G. Bowden, 'Redlands,' Brimpton Common, Reading DID COT

President Mrs E. J. Mockler near Didcot

Secretary Mrs Rosser, 'Mooruakers', 31 New Road, East Hagbourne,


President Sir Ambrose Flux-Dundas,


Secretary Mrs G. E. Thomas, 27 Berkeley Avenue, Reading


President Lady Milverton

Secretary Miss M. Fewtrell, 127 Westborough Road, Maidenhead


Secretary Mrs G. E. Thomas, 101 London Road, Reading WINDSOR

President The Mayor Chairman Rev E. Dawson-Walker, 143a St Leonards Road, Windsor


Secretary H. C. W. Hobbs,


Secretary Mrs Rogers, 1 Salisbury Close, off Evendons Lane, Wokingham

BRIGADE AREAS EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner Brigadier D. J. E. O'Flynn, CBE, DSO, High Copse, Pinemount Road, Camberley A/Area Superintendent (N) Mrs J. M. Horlick, Woodlands House, Remenham, Henley-on-Thames Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. L. Blofield, Winsford, 2 Church Road, Old Windsor Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Lady Elizabeth Godsal, Haines Hill, Twyford WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner D. Leigh, BM, BCH, Childrey Manor, Childrey, Wantage Area Superintendent (N) Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. J. Penfold, Mayfield House, Lambourn Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs J. E. L. Nugent, Limes Farm, Upper Lambourn

BffiMINGHAM County Office Nelson Memorial Hall, 100 Lionel Street, Birmingham 3 (Tel. Birmingham Central 6660) County President (Brigade) AJderman E. E. Mole, OBE, JP County Vice-Presidents Lt-Col. R. N. Houston Mrs Doris Rudd (Nursing) Major J. P. Eames, OBE (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs P. Cadbury (Nursing Cadets) Commander St l.A. Vacant Association Cty. Director S. J. Weir, 197 Monyhull Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham 30 (Tel. 021 KIN 4801) Commissioner Lt-Col. G. D. Davis, TD, 27 Peverell Drive, Hall Green, Birmingham 28 (Tel. Springfield 6613 Business Ware (Herts) 3156) Deputy Commissioner R. L. Rhymer, 203 Wheelers Lane, Kings Heath, Birmingham 13 COI/Ilty Superintendent (N) Mrs N. E. Cashmore, 8 Cherry Hill Road, Barnt Green, Nr Birmingham (Tel. 021 445 3000) 10

County Surgeoll W. W. Cashmore, MA, MRCS, LRCP, 8 Cherry Hill Road, Barnt Green, Nr Birmingham County Nursing Officer Miss A. L. Gadd, SRN, 75 Wickets Tower, Priory Road, Birmingham 5 County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. A. Eccleston, 173 Valley Road, Solihull, Warwickshire County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss F. I. Bott, 25 Famdon Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham 8 County Staff Officers A. W. Pate (Auxiliary), 21 AJcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham 14 (Treasurer) I. H. Timms, 154 Nechells Park Road, Birmingham L. J. Rose, 72 Sandhurst Avenue Birmingham 34 G. V. Holbutt, 16 Sandhurst Avenue, Birmingham 34 County Secretary & P.R.O. Mrs G. A. Eccleston, 173 Valley Road, Solihull, Warwickshire (Tel. Sheldon 4017) County Sergeant-Major R. C. N. Day, 297 Gristhorpe Road, Birmingham 29

ASSOCIATION CENTRE President Arthur Lloyd Chairman S. J. Weir, 147 Monyhill Hall Road, King Norton, Birmingham 20 Secretary Vacant BRIGADE AREAS NORTHERN (SUTTON COLD FIELD) AREA Area Commissioner T. S. Hurley, 39 Blackrock Road, Erdington, Birmingham 23 Area Superintendent (A) Vacant Area Superintendent (N) Miss D. E. Meadows, 29 Beeches Drive, Erdington, Birmingham 24 Area Surgeon E. L. Butler, MB, CHB, BSC, MRCS, LRCP, 'Wits End,' Norton Curlieu, Lower Norton, Warwick Area Nursing Officer Miss B. J. Wright, SRN, 60 Sandbourne Road, Birmingham 8 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. A. Budd, 19 The Grove, Little Aston, Sutton Coldfield Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs E. Everill, 51 Lozells Street, Birmingham Area Staff Officers Miss L. K. Jefferson, 85 Hodge Hill Road, Birmingham 34 (Training) Miss M. E. Harborne, 153 Wyrley Road, Witton, Birmingham A. E. R. Pursall, 150 Turfpitts Lane, Birmingham 23 (Public Duties). CENTRAL~~G~)AREA

Area Commissioner Vacant Area Superintendent (A) A. C. Ford, 85 Woodleigh Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham 17 Area Superintendent (N) Mrs W. M. James, 57 Northfield Road, King's Norton, Birmingham Area Surgeon A. L. Lloyd, MB, CHB, MRCS, LRCP, 95 Grange Road, Small Heath, Birmingham Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. C. Miller, 78 Woodford Avenue, Castle Bromwich Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss G. D. Marlow, 43 Midhurst Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham 30 Area Staff Officers Mrs W. M. Ellison, 92 Havelock Road, AJum Rock, Birmingham 8 (Training) G. E. Smith, 7 Osborn Road, Handsworth, Birmingham (public Duties) P. A. Reed, 149 Rotton P~rk .Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham (Treasurer) Mrs B. N. Lewis, 28 Naunton Close, SeUy Oak, BI~mgham (Secretary) B. Thompson, 11 Merepo~l Road, Little Sutton, Sutton Coldfield MISS A. Cooper, Rose Cottage, Habberley Road, Wnbbenhall, Bewdley, Worcestershire Area Sergeant-Major J. J. Ward, Malsborough Road, Small Heath, Birmingham 10

SOUTHERN (SOLUffULL) AREA Area Commissioner Col. E. R. Price, CBE, TO, DL, 31 Lea Green Lane, Wythall, Worcestershire Area Superintendent (A) F. W. Meredeth, 37 Hawkhurst Road, Kingsheath, Birmingham Area Superintendent (N) Miss 1. Kirk, 24 St Gerards Road, SolihulI, Warwickshire Area Surgeon W. H. Dunn, MRCS, LRCP, 14 The Crescent, Solihull, Warwickshire Area Nursing Mrs M. Freeborough, SRN, 249 Alexander Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. O. Booton, 88 Longmoor Road, Hasbury, Halesowen, Birmingham Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss N. A. Hannay, 33 Studland Road, Hall Green, Birmingham 28 Area Staff Officers R. E. Cooper, 154 Nansen Road, Birmingham 8 J. A. Phillips, 30 Cantlow House Ketley Croft, Birmingham 12 Miss F. A. Tovey, 3 Cedar Road, Bourneville, Birmingham 30 (Public Duties) Miss I. G. Sutton, 292 Warwick Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham (Secretary) F. Grant, 136 Castle Lane, Solihull (Treasurer) Area Sergeant-Major A. Morris, 3 Pendennis Close, Birmingham 30

BRISTOL ASSOCIATION Association Cty. Director Dr R. St. J. Buxton, Staddlestones, 21 Southmead Road, Bri tol BSIO 5DL COUNTY CENTRE

President The Dean of Bristol Road, Southville, Bristol 3

Chairman Dr R. St J. Buxton

Secretary K. E. EddolIs, 35 Leighton




BRIGADE County Office Unity Street, St Philip's, Bristol 2 (Tel. 22431) County President His Grace The Duke of Beaufort, KG, PC, GCVO County Vice-Presidents Mrs H. L. Burgess N. Frost, CBE Rev. Canon R. F. Cartwright, MA Mrs E. K. Twist (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner Lt-Col. A. W. Thompson, OBE, MC, TD, 'Trinmore,' Clifton Down, Bristol 8 Deputy Commissioner Vacant Assistant Commissioner (County Secretary) G. J. Creech, MBE, FRSH, MAPHI, 30 Fir Tree Lane, St George, Bristol S (Tel. 674522) County Superintendent (N) Mrs G. A. A. Caple, 'Ferndale', 102 Woodland Way, Kingswood, Bristol County Surgeon J. A. Lanson Roberts, MB, CHB, LRCP, MRCS, 46 Charnhlll Drive, Mangotsfield, Bristol County Nursing Officer Mrs D. M. Buxton, SRN, 21 Southmead Road, Bristol B510-SDL County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. L. Cox, 70 Toronto Road, Horfield, Bristol 7 County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss J. A. Frieze, SRN, 52 St John's Road, Bedminster, Bristol County Staff Officers W. G. Carter, 61 Hamble Close, Thornbury, Bristol (Public Duties) C. Gribble, BEM, 7 Stanley Road, Redland, Bristol 6 (Competitions) E. J. Foley, 2 Highfield

Grove, Horfield, Bristol 7 Mrs M. C. Creech, 30 Fir Tree Lane, St George, Bristol 5 Miss L. G. Gorman, 12 Windmill Hill, Bedminster, Bristol 3 (Cadets) E. M. Bryant, 284 Redcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 Miss D. L. Harris, AIAC, 14 Claverton Road West, Saltford, Bristol (Treasurer) Major A. E. Loker, 46 Whitecross Avenue, Whitchurch, Bristol 4 County Sergeant-Major Vacant County P.R.O. M. Fox, 'Dunmurry,' Goodeve Road, Sneyd Park, Bristol 9 (Tel. 681906)

CENTRAL AREA . Area Commissioner A. G. Goves, MBE, Silver Birch, Green Street, Hazlemere, High Wycombe Area Superintendent (A) Vacant . Area Superintendent (N) Miss M. Sterrett, 27 Clarendon Road, High Wycombe, . Burne W. , MRSC (Eng) , LRCP (London) ' DPH, 'Eden House, ClIfton Lawn, A rea S urgeon M . B. Chesham Bois . A I b Area Nursing Officer Mrs A. M. Carey, SRN, 'Chevry,' Peter's Lane, Monks Rlsborough, yes ury Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F. G. Bignell, 24 Carrington.Road, Southcourt, Aylesbury Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss A. L. Evans, 171 Buckingham Road, Aylesbury . Area Staff Officers D . G. Anstead, 111 Whitelands Road, High Wycombe (Cadet; ) R., G. GI?bs, 17 Norwood Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe (Cadets) Mrs C. J. Rumble, HamIlton, Colville Road, High Wycombe


SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Vacant Area Superintendent (A) P . L. Pendry, BEM, 48 Ryvers Road, Langley, Slough Area Superintendent (N) Mrs P. D. Purdue, SRN, 21 The Normans, Wexbam Court Estate, Slough Area Surgeon R. Piper, MB, BCH, MRCS, LRCP, DPH, 'Hameslin', Bulstrode Way, Gerrards Cross Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. Winfield, Tithe Farm, Park Road, Stoke Poges Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant . Area Staff Officers J. R. Gregory, 'Tothill,' Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges J. A. T . Slffi, 20 Lynwood Avenue, Slough B. Rockell, 6 Glanmor Road, Slough

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE County Office 2 Wendover Road, Aylesbury, Bucks. (Tel. 0296 3886) County President The Earl Howe, CBE, DL, JP County Vice-Presidents Brigadier J. N. Cheney, cvo, OBE, DL (Ambulance) Mrs E. Mobbs (Nursing) Dr R. H. Kipping, MB, CHB (Ambulance Cadets) The Countess Howe (Nursing Cadets) Commander St J.A. S. Bunker, 'Finchale,' Maplefield Lane, Chalfont St Giles (Tel. Little Chalfont

CAMBRIDGESHIRE ASSOCIATION Association Cty. Director Vacant

3512) Association Cty. Director R. H. Kipping, MB, CHB, Broom Cottage, 45 Ledborough Lane, Beaconsfield Commissioner R. F. T. Pope, 'Balnacraig,' Burgess Wood Road, Beaconsfield (Tel. 4015) County Superintendent (N), The Lady Camoys, 'Stonor Park', Henley-on-Thames, Oxon.


President W. Stewart Elgood

Secretary Miss W. E. Boyden, 7 Oakroyd Crescent, Wisbech


(Tel. 0491-63 300) County Surgeon Miss M. F. Gillison, MB, BS, 'The Old Boot,' Dinton, Nr Aylesbury Asst . County Superintendent (N ) Miss B. M. White, 'Hillview,' Loudwater, High Wycombe County Nursing Officer Miss P. S. Rookby, SRN, 'Longleat,' One Pin Lane, Farnham Common, Nr

Slough County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. E. White, 'Cleveland,' Claremont Gardens, Marlow County Staff Officers Miss N. M. Sale, The Croft, Walton Road, Aylesbury (Training) Miss G. M.

rves, Rylmer, Limmer Lane, High Wycombe, Bucks. (Training) A. Kingsbury, Henshaw, Bierton, Ayl~bury (Publicity Advisory) J. R. Brookman, 38 Healey Avenue, High Wycombe (public Duties and Transport) M:s A . ~. Hood, 148 Wellington Street, Slough Mrs G. M. Day, 'Lowgates', 7 Clifford Road, Pnnces Risborough 1. T. Gomm, 'St GOITan,' Green Lane, Chesham Bois, Amersham (Cadets) C. Lambourne, 3 Mill Road, Wingrave D. Orlik, Stratton Cottage, Stratton Road, Beaconsfield Mrs Z. Botsford, 5 Cleveland Road, Aylesbury Mrs S. McL. Johnson, The Red House, Bearswood End, Beaconsfield W. W. Williams, 20 Crow's Road, Epping, Essex J. R . Brookman, 38 Healey Avenue, High Wycombe County Secretary Mrs E. P. Somers, 2 Wendover Road, Aylesbury NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner R . L. Jillett, MB , BS, DPM, 9 Park Road, Grendon Underwood, Aylesbury Area Superintendent (A) B. Stevens, 31 Gloucester Road, Wolverton Area Superintenden (N) Miss M . C. Page, 24 Moreton Road, Buckingham Area Surgeon Dr E. Witheridge, MB, CHB, 1 Calverton Road, Stony Stratford Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs S. J. Gurney, 13 Osborne Street, Wolverton Area Staff Officers W. McGrane, 30 Fox Gate, Newport Pagnell Mrs. J. M. Ranson, 87 Jersey Road, Wolverton E. J. Iron, 126 Church Green Road, Bletchley


County Office Fitzpatrick House, 3 Barton Road, Cambridge (Tel. 55334 ·-r 5"'-.::::) I... I County President Vacant County Vice-President Major G. M. Macfarlane-Grieve Commissioner Vacant . Deputy Commissioner G. Walker, PHD, MSC, 'Kersell', Sedley Taylor Road, Cambndge (Tel. 475~7) County Superintendent (N) Mrs A. F. Manley, MA, Breckfoot, Whitwell Way, Coton (Tel. MadIDgley



County Surgeon C. W. Walker, MB, MRCS, LRCP, 62 High Street, Girton, Cambndge County Nursing Officer Vacant . County Staff Officers A. S. Le Ruez, Lloyd's Bank Ltd, 3 Sidney Street, Cambndge Mrs K. G. Peters,

Baitsbite Lock, Milton c· f'T'I ~~el h f?CS · ''; , "J . ?t6c·,T. ELY AREA Area Superintendent (A) Vacant Area Superintendent (N) Mrs J. M. Vawser, 8 Regent Avenue, March Area Surgeon F. G. A. Beckett, MA, MB, CHB, Bamacrea, 10~ Egremo~t Street, Ely, Cambs Area Nursing Officer L. W. Beazley, SRN, The County Hospital , Doddmgton, M arch Area Staff Officer Mrs M. 1. Holdham, The Stores, Church Road, Elm, Wisbech .C AMBRIDGE AREA Area Commissioner R. T. WoombeIl, 62 Cowper Road, Cambridge Area Superintendent (A) G. Y. Burn~am, 35 Or~bard Street, Camb:idge.J··n$" .... ~0"3 c Area Superintendent (N) Mrs E. J. PIgott, 16 GIlbert Road, Cambr~dge Area Nursing Officer Mrs P. Symonds, SRN, 28 Leys Road, Cambndge Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant . . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss J. M. Howe, 19 Hlghworth Avenue, ~ambndg~ . <Area StaffOflicers -C...A..sa.rgeant,...:cesterfi.~' Coldhams r an.e., er hmton Trammg) I .. Linton, 68 Cavendish Avenue;-Ga·mbridge (Secretar.y).. J. Diggle, 9io..Castle Street


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EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner Lieut.-Col. 1. C. Pedley, TD, Merton Cottage, 60 Ack Lane, East Bramhall Area Superintendent (A) W. B. Harrison, 31 Downham Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport Area Superinte/ldent (N) Mrs J. J. Bomford, 37 Beech:fi~ld Road, Davenport, Stockport Area Surgeon A. G. Hick, MB, CHB, MD, DPH, Fern ClIff, 18 Mauldeth Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport . . Area Nursing Officer Mrs B. B. McFarland, 64 Barrack Htll, Ronuley, Nr, Stockport Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) C. Shiers, MRCS, LRCP, 37 St. Annes Road .. North Cheadle Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. E. McCormick, 15 Ald~r~ Road Dlsley, Nr Stockport Area Staff Officers E. T. Storer, 1 Fence Street, Stockport (Tram In g) ; J. E. Marsden, 239 Stockport Road Timperley Mrs I. C. Bearon, 1 Harleen Grove, Offerton, Stockport A. T. Walmsley, 45 Cherry Tree Lane, Romiley R. A. Fielding, Netherlands, Lawrence Road, Hazelgrove, Stockport (Cadets)

ASSOCIATION Commander St J. A. Lieut.-Col. D. H. S. Pain, MBE, TD County Director H. Watson, FCA Assistant County Director Vacant Secretary D. Bailey Major S. J. Harvey, OBE, Deputy Chief Constable, County Police Headquarters, Castle Esplanade, Chester County Secretary Superintendent D. Bailey, County Police Office, Crewe CENTRES HEADQUARTER CENTRE Chairman H. Watson, FCA Secretary W. J. Saunders, County Police Headquarters, Chester ALTRINCHAM President The Mayor Secretary Vacant BEBINGTON Chairman W. S. Jones Secretary Const. K. J. Foster, 54 Acreville Road, Wirral, Bebington BIRKENHEAD President The Mayor Chairman W. Middleton Secretary Sgt. R. McIndoe, Central Police Office, Chester St., Birkenhead CHESTER President Chairman of R.D.C. ChairlJ1all J. D. Salmon Secretary Inspector W. R. F. Borthwick. County Police Headquarters, Chester. CONGLETON President CHr. J. Alcock Chairman Cllr. F. Heapy, J P Secretary Const. L. P. Hughes, 92 Clayton Ave., Buglawton, Congleton CREWE President The Mayor Chairman Dr J. Carson Secretary D. J. McCaskill, Cheshire Constabulary, Training School, Nantwich, Crewe ELLESMERE PORT President Ald. T. Astbury Chairman Inspector Bowden Secretary Const. J. Royle, 427 Overpool Road, Ellesmere Port, Wirral HYDE President The Mayor Chairman P. G. Wilkes Secretary Sgt. T. H. Hamlett, Albric House, Vicarage Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle MACCLESFIELD President The Mayor Chairman A. F. Cook Secretary Sgt. J. R. Burton, County Police Office, Wilmslow NORTHWICH President J. H. Eaden Chairmall Dr G. L. Love Secretary Chief Inspector D. E. Robertson, County Police Office, Crewe. RUNCORN President Dr. V. G. Cove Chairman G. Dutton Secretary J. Forshaw, 43 Halton Brow, Runcom STOCKPORT President The Mayor Chairman Chief Supt. T. Walker Secretary Insp. H. Stowell-Smith, Police Headquarters, Stockport WALLASEY Chairman W. Marshall Secretary Sgt. D. Chaddock, Central Police Office, Wallasey BRIGADE County Office Woodlea, 13 Albert Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire (Tel. Hulme Hall 2345) County Vice-Presidents Mrs Gladys Lawrence (Nursing) A. C. Bentley (Ambulance Cadets) Commissioner P. Edmonds, MD, LLB, 'Gillyfields,' Gaddum Road, Bowden (Tel. Altrincham 2152) Deputy Commissioner J. Lawrence, BSC, CENG, FRIC, AMICHEM E, Woodlea, 13 Albert Road, Cheadle Hulme County Superintendent (N) Mrs. M. K. Burt Hamilton, Hertford, South Downs Road, Hale (Tel. AItrincham 1541) County Surgeon Mrs Jean E. Millar, MB, BCH, BAO, Dial House, Mile End Lane, Stockport County Nursing Officer Mrs R. L. Allan, SRN, SCM, High Stacks, London Road, Poynton Assistant County Superintendent (N) Miss M. E. Dean, 13 De Quincey Road, Altrincham County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. N. Beckett, 28 Stalbridge Road, Crewe County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant County Staff Officers E. Allen Smith, 5 Claremont Road, Wallasey, Cheshire T. G. Cro s, 40 New Street, Altrincham Sheila G. Maddock, MB, CHB, 52 Wellfield Road, Cu1cueth, Warrington County Secretary Mrs A. Lawrence, 13 Albert Road, Cheadle Hulme (Tel. Hulme Hall 2345) Coullty P.R.O. D. T. Bomford, 37 Beechfield Road, Davenport, Stockport (Auxiliary). (Tel. SteppingHill 4217) Coullty Treasurer R. Owens, National Provincial Bank Ltd., Altrincham


CENTRAL AREA Area Commissioner H. O. Hemming, 4 Cherington Close, Northenden, Manchester 23 Area Superintendent (A) L. J. Evans, 1 Stanway Drive, Hale, AItrincham Area Superintendent (N) Mrs B. Smith, 70 Salisbury Avenue, Crewe . Area Surgeon B. S. Rose, MRCS, LRCP, DRCOG, Dulverton, Mere Heath, Northwlch Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss H. M. Prince, 9 Victoria Road, Stockton Heath Area Staff Officers G. H. Gandy, 32 Green Avenue, Davenham, Nort~wich ~~s B. Smith, 8 Nile Street, Crewe R. Hayes, 1 Emmett Street, Barnton, Northwlch (Trammg) Miss J. Waring, 19 Tynedale Avenue, Crewe (Cadets) WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner Scott Campbell, MB, CHB, Wood Home, Street Hey Lane, Willaston-in-Wirral Area Superintendent (A) A. Blaylock, 10 Oakland Road, Aigburth, Liverpool Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. Thomson, 15 Lynwood Avenue, Wallasey Area Surgeon Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. Harney, 53 Woodyear Road, Bromborough, Wirral Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs G. M. Stimson, 308 Hoole Lane, Hoole, Chester Area Staff Officers H. Storer, 92 Claremount Road, Wallasey R. Lyth, 41 Aldgate, Ellesmere Port Miss M. E. Mason, 4 Lome Road, Oxton, Birkenhead

CORNWALL County Office 18 Dean Street, Liskeard (Tel. Liskeard 2010) County President The Lady Mary Pawle County Vice-Presidents Kingsley Smith, JP (Ambulance) Mrs A. M. Blackwood Mrs H. C. Asher, MBE, JP (Nursing) T. O. Sivell (Ambulance Cadets) The Lady Mary Holborow (Nursing Cadets) Association Cty. Director Vacant Commissioner Rear Admiral L. A. Boutwood, CB, OBE, DL, Golden Cap, Tideford, Saltash (Tel. Landrake 237) Deputy Commissioner W. L. Stewart, MB, CHB, Tremethick, Grampound County Superintendent (N) Princess Chula Chakrabongse, Tredethy, Bodmin (Tel. St. Mabyn 232) County Surgeon Dr E. H. Eastcott, Gwel Marten, Probus, Nr Truro Asst. County Superintendent (N) Miss N. K. Kellard, MBE, Outlands, 18 Northfield Drive, Truro County Nursing Officer Miss N. K. Dean, SRN, 'Innisidgen,' St Ive Cross, Liskeard County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. H. Pascoe, 10 Belle Vue, Redruth County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss K. Govier, 13 Tredydan Road, Launceston County Staff Officers W. H. Maycock, 'Lyndale,' Tresillian, Truro (Transport) F. Polkinghorne, 'Hyland,' Heanton Villas, Redruth (Competitions) P. Pearce, Barc1ays Bank, Falmouth (Treasurer) D. D. Towle, MA, MB, BCH, BAO, Rosehill House, Par. (Training) County Secretary Miss J. V. Yeo, Beech View, St Cleer, Liskeard (Tel. Liskeard 2419) County P.R.O. A. S. Webber, 34 Rhind Street, Bodmin (Tel. 2436) EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner J. J. Pearce, 'Trevithick,' 94 Bonython Road, Ncwquay Area Superintendent (A) S. T. Bunt, 42 Henver Road, Newquay Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. E. Gould, SRN, 2 Glamis Road, Newquay Area Surgeon G. F. Barnes, MB, BS, DRCOG, 55 Henver Road, Newquay Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) E. Herbert, 'Merbilla,' Lodge Hill, Liskeard Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs O. D. Potts, Metheral, Tredethy, Bodmin 15



Area Staff Officers F. A. Cutler, 'Gresham,' 100 Mount Wise, Newquay S. J. Cook, 3 Ulalia Road, Newquay (Appeals) R. J. Bray, 1 Glen Road, Wadebridge Mrs R. Lumley-Smith, Lavethan, Blisland, Bodmin Mrs S. T. Symons, SRN, SCM, Trevathan, St Endellion, Port Isaac (Cadets) R. B. Truscott, 30 Trevanion Park, Wadebridge (Cadets)

County Staff Officers J. H. Smith, 1 Harvey Street, Carlisle (Treasurer) J. W. Crellin, 10 Kirk Bank, Cockermouth Miss A. M. Smith, Goody Raise, Grasmere, Westmorland (Cadets) D. Graham, 460 London Road, Carlisle J. D. W. Rankin, SRN, MRSH, West Cumberland Hospital, Whitehaven (Training) County Sergeant-Major A. Husband, 1 Fairfield Gardens, Wigton Road, Carlisle County Secretary Vacant County P.R.O. H. Robinson, 29 Mallyclose Drive, Harraby, Carlisle (Tel. Carlisle 26587)

WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner E. S. Seymour, 60 Trefusis Road, Redruth Area Superintendent (A) G. R. Rodda, 'Muritai,' Campfield Hill, Truro Area Superintendent (N) Miss F. W. Paul, 4 Park Road, Redruth Area Surgeon H. D. Eddy, MC, BM, B CH, MRCS, LRCP, 27 Lemon Street, Truro Area Nursing Officer Mrs E. Trewren, SRN, 'Trevine,' St Ives Road, Chy-An-Gweal, Carbis Bay, St Ives Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. F. Bunt, 18 Gwavas Street, Penzance Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. 1. Wing, 40 Manor Road, Cambome Area Staff Officers C. C. Pellowe, 3 Tolgus-Wartha, Redruth Mrs B. D. E. Eames, Bridge House, Tolcarne Place, Newlyn, Penzance Miss C. K. Woodgate, 7 Trescobeas Road, Falmouth (Cadets) S. E. Polkinghome, 103 Agar Road, Illogan Highway, Redruth

CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND ASSOCIATION County Director W. T. Cavey County Secretary and Secretary, Headquarters Centre Inspector R. H. Hendrie, Chief Constable's Office, Carleton Hall, Penrith CENTRES APPLEBY & NORTH WESTMORLAND Chairman A. M. Gurden Secretary Const. T. L. Hewitt, County Police Station, Temple Sowerby, Westmorland CARLISLE President The Mayor Chairman H. Robinson Secretary A. J. S. Milligan, The Lodge, Chertsey Hill, London Road, Carlisle CUMBERLAND MINES AND QUARRIES Chairman J. W. Jones Secretary J. Walker, Safety Training Officer, The Beckermet Mining Co Ltd, Beckern1et KENDAL President The Mayor Chairman Dr G. H. Edgecombe Secretary T. Whiteside, 19 White Stiles, Kendal KESWICK President Chairman D.D.C. Chairman W. Seal Secretary H. Pollard, 4 High Hill, Keswick MILLOM President J. Newton Chairman J. Newton Secretary Donald Ross, 21 Londsale Road, Millom PENRITH Chairman Dr D. M. Edington Secretary Const. C. Phillips, Police Station, Hunter Lane, Penrith WHITEHAVEN President The Mayor Chairman Dr V. C. J. Harris Secretary Chief Inspector R. H. Hendrie, Police Headquarters, Carleton Hall, Penrith WORKINGTON Chairman Miss M. Young, SRN Secretary A. Rose, 3 Fell View, Scenery Hill, Bramthwaite, Workington

BRIGADE County Office 32 Aglionby Street, Carlisle, Cumberland (Tel. Carlisle 28684 and Penrith 3280) County Presidents Vacant, Westmorland J. Westoll, OL, JP, Cumberland County Vice-Presidents Mrs M. L. Barraclough (Nursing), Cumberland Mrs F. M. Alexander (Nursing), Westmorland Commissioner Group Captain F. Aikens, AFC, 61 Beach Grove, Stanwix, Carlisle Deputy Commissioner Vacant County Superintendent (A) T. H. Abbott, 10 Scaws Drive, Penrith Coullty Superintendent (N) Mrs I. Carr, East Lodge, Edenhall, Penrith (Tel. 0768 81 239) COl/illy Surgeon N. L. Birkett, MA, MB, CHB, Kendal Wood, New Hutton, Kendal Asst. County Superintendent eN) Vacant COl/llty Nursillg Officer Miss D. I. Whiteley, SRN, Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle Coullty Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. Stephenson, 70 Cumberland Street, Workington Coullty Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. Young, SRN, 38 Mason Street, Workington 16

DERBYSHffiE ASSOCIATION Association Cty. Director Viscount Scarsdale, TO, Kedleston Hall, Kedleston, Derbyshire CENTRES DERBY

President C. Middleton, MA Chairman A. W. Darrell Secretary J. O'Connor, 5 Alport Close (Plot 135), Laund Hook, Belper, Derby GRANBY AND ILKESTON President I. A. A. Macdonald Chairman W. F. Rigley Secretary W. H. Sheldon, 78 Little Hallam Lane, Ilkeston

BRIGADE County Office Ivy House, Ie The Green, Mickleover, Derby (Tel. 53124) County President His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, PC, MC County Vice-Presidents Viscount Scarsdale, TO, (Ambulance) Sir John Crompton-Inglefield, Kt, JP, OL, TO (Ambulance Cadets) Vacant (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner Capt P. J. B. Drury-Lowe, Locko Park, Derby (Tel. Derby 61517) Deputy Commissioner I. Mackenzie, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, 141 Manor Road, Derby County Superintendent (N) Mrs C. L. Maizel, JP, SRN, 'Carmel,' Mill Lane, Whitwell, Nr Worksop County Surgeons R. Latham Brown, MB, CHB, 103 Palmeston Street, Derby Mrs Clara Stewart, MB, CRB, BAO, 74 Macclesfield Road, Buxton County Nursing Officer Miss E. E. Horton, SRN, 46A Newbold Road, Chesterfield County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) E. T. Browning, 91 Boulton Lane, Alvaston County Staff Officer (Cadets) eN) Vacant County Staff Officers W. F. Rigley, 6a Kingsway, llkeston (Training) Mrs G. E. H. Weatherby, 28 Kingston Street, Derby (Welfare) County Secretary Miss E. F. Bell, Ivy House, Mickleover, Derby (Tel. Derby 53124) Asst. County Secretary Miss D. Tranter, 38 Sherwin Street, Derby (Tel. Derby 42180) County P.R.O. Capt R. MeR. Heelis, The Old Rectory, Kedleston DERWENT AREA Area Commissioner Vacant Area Superintendent (A) H. Ellis, 21 Clarkson Avenue, Boy thorpe, Chesterfield Area Superintendent (N) Vacant Area Surgeon J. H. Taaffe, LRCS, LRCP, LMM, 618 Derby Road, Wingerworth, Chesterfield Area Nursing Officer Mrs M. Anderson, SRN, 31 Summerfield Crescent, Birmington, Chesterfield Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. Baxby, 23 Alexandra Road, Dronfield Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs V. M. Dobbs, 2a Littlemoor, Newbold, Chesterfield Area Staff Officers E. C. H. Dowson, 6 Central Terrace, Lordsrnill Street, Chesterfield P. I. E. Greaves, 11 Willow Garth Road, Newbold, Chesterfield Area Sergeant-Major C. Stanley, Gamekeeper's Cottage, Foxstone Wood, Barrow Hill, Chesterfield NORTH DERBYSHIRE eN.C.B.) AREA Area Commissioner H. F. Parker, 12 North Park, Berry Hill, Mansfield Area Superintendent (A) L. E. Fletcher, The Priory, Sutton, Scarsdale, Nr Chesterfield Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. Rigley, 6a Kingsway, Ilkeston Area Surgeon Dr J. W. L. Johnson, LRCP, LRCS, 105 Derby Road, Cromford, Nr Matlock Asst. Area Surgeon A. Harrow, MB, CHB, The Laurels, Creswell, Nr Worksop .Area Nursing Officer Vacant Asst. Area Superintendent (A) S. Hayes, 26 Steam Mill Lane, Ripley Asst. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. Harrow, SRN, The Laurels, Creswell, Nr Worksop Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. T. Smith, 84 Poolsbrook Road, Duckmanton, Chesterfield Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs K. M. Staniland, 'The Cottage,' Inkersall, Staveley, Nr Chesterfield Area Staff Officers G. E. Poulter, 80 Langwith Road, Bolsover. A. Turner, 245 Chesterfield Road, Temple Normanton, Nr Chesterfield Mrs J. Pegg, 36 St Lawrence Avenue, Bolsover, Nr Chesterfield G. Clayton, 15 Oakfield Avenue, Brampton, Chesterfield F. C. Bottom, 26 Wood Street, Ilkeston (Cadets) Area Sergeant-Major A. White, Whitburn, Main Road, Stretton, Derby




SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Colonel S. A. Bower, TO, MB, CHB, LRCP, MRCS, 'Ledmore', 21 Weston Road, Aston-upon-Trent Area Superintendent (A) H. Franks, 79 Borrowash Road, Spondon, Derby Area Superintendent (N) Vacant Area Surgeon J. Collins, MB, CHB, MRCS, LRCP, 'Fontenay,' Old Hall Avenue, Littleover, Derby Area Nursing Officer Mrs A. M. Robin on, ] 54 Boulton Lane, Alvaston, Derby Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. T. Haine, 87 Haydon Road, Chaddesden, Derby A,'ea taflOfficer (Cadets) (N) Mrs S. Clarke ]42 Earsington Crescent, Aile tree, Derby Area StajfOfficers R. Nail, 12 Lawrence Street, Long Eaton Mrs F. L. Probert, ]6 Thornhill Road, Rowditch, Derby S. Knighton, 83 Park Drive, lIkeston (Secretary) W. A. Cockayne, 44 Wood Road, Chaddesden, Derby A. C. Staniforth, 85 Park Drive, Ilkestoll R. Baguley, 'Cleveleys', Harlaxton Drive, Long Eaton F. W. Sault, 18 Grove Avenue, Chilwell, Notts. W. Faulkner, 'Hartlea', Town Street, Sandiacre, Notts. J. A. Brown, 11 Haydn Road, Chaddesden, Derby Area Sergeant-Major E. T. Newton, 10 Gisborne Close, Micklcover

Area Superintendent (N) Mrs B. B. Kelbam, Ferndale, Bloody Corner, Northam, Bideford Area Surgeon B. J. Muir, MB, BCH, FFARCS. DA, Millstile House, Braunton Area Nursing Officer Mrs J. Shaw, SRN Hillcote West, First Ralegh, Bideford Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. J. Brayley, 8 Broadfield Road, Barnstaple Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. D. Lavers, 'Ellwood,' Golf Links Road, Westward Ho, Bideford Area Staff Officers Mrs V. Bowden, 1 St Brannocks, Braunton Miss B. Eades, The Red House, Roundwell, Barnstapie (Admin)

EAST, SOUTH AND NORTH DEVON County Office 5 St. Paul's Road, Newton Abbot (Tel. Newton Abbot 3775) County President Vacant Coullty Vice-Presidents The Lord Clinton (Ambulance) Dorothy, Lady Imbert Terry (Nursing Cadets) Commander, St J. A. Major T. W. Gracey, Melrose, Ashburton, S. Devon (Tel. Ashburton 233) Association Cty. Director Sqn Ldr W. H. Scorer, 5 Sf. Paul's Road, Newton Abbot (Home Tel. Bovey Tracey 2202) Commissioner Major T. W. Gracey Deputy Commissioner Vacant County Superintendent (N) Mrs L. 1. Townsend, Denbury Manor, Denbury, Newton Abbot (Tel. Ipplepen 245) County Surgeon Vacant County Nursing Officer Thomas Hay, SR ,NR ,MRIPHH, Exevale Hospital, Drydon Road, Wonford, Exeter County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. E. F. Quinnell, The Flat, Milk Marketing Board, Clyst Honiton County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. W. Bolt, Little Copse, Newcourt Road, Topsham, Exeter County Staff Officers T. T. Hay, SRN, Won ford House Hospital, Exeter R. Wet-ber, 63 Rivermead Road, Exeter (Training) H. F. Tapp, 39 Salters Road, Exeter Mrs K. M. Michelmore, Little Pines, East Ogwell, Newton Abbot (Admin) County Secretary (Association) Mrs B. Yendole, 5 St Paul's Road, Newton Abbot Coullty Secretary (Brigade) Mrs S. B. Wheeler, 2 Mount Hermon Road, Torquay (Tel. Torquay 22713) County P.R.O. Vacant

EAST DEVON AREA Area Commissioner Major R. A. P. Gray, MB, 23 Southernhay East, Exeter Area Superintendent (A) C. J. Wood, 40 Kingsway, Heavitree, EXeter Area Superintendent (N) Mrs D. R. Cole, Harmony Hill, Ivy Orchard, Wilmington, Nr Honiton Area Surgeon A. T. H. Glanvill, TD, MRCS, LRCP, CPH, MCGP, The Grove, Honiton Area Nursing Officer Miss B. Pearse, SRN, 1 Beagles Row, Shute, Axminster Asst. Area Surgeon R. Mitchelmore, MB, BCH, DCH, Malden, Siclford Road, Sidmouth Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) K. J. Chick, 110 Bonhay Road, Exeter Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs D. P. Hitching, 'Trow Cottage,' Salcombe Regis, Sidmouth Area Staff Officer Miss E. M. Grant, 5 Belvedere Road, Exmouth (Cadets) SOUTH DEVON AREA Area Commissioner Lt-Co1. C. M. Townsend, Denbury Manor, Denbury, Newton Abbot Area Superintendent (A) H. F. Diamond, SRN, 36 Burton Hill, Road, Torquay Area Superintendent (N) Mrs J. C. Cleasby, The Grange, Stoke-in-Teignhead Area Surgeon A. Everard, MB, CHB, 26 Keyberry Park, Newton Abbot Area Nursing Officer Mrs D. Cumming, SRN, Beacon View, 36 Warberry Road, West Torquay Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) M. E. C. Stedham, Lavender Cottage, Coaeh Road, Newton Abbot Area Staff' Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss H. G. Charlesworth, Bartons, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot Area Staff Officers Miss V. E. Smith, SRN, 9 Milton Park, Upper Brixham J. H. Francis, 201 Sherwell Valley Road, Chelston, Torquay R. H. Trevains, 9 Highland Close, Cbelston, Torquay (Caders) Mrs 1. B. Sanders, 9 Five Acres, New Park, Bovey Tracey, Newton Abbot

DORSET County Office North Square, Dorchester (Tel. 4510) Commander St J. A. A. Hambleton, MC, Chief Constable's Office, Dorchester (Tel. 1800) COllnty President General Sir Charles Keightley, GCB, GBE, DSO COl/nty Vice-Presidents The Earl of Shaftesbury (Ambulance) Mrs B. A. Martin (Nursing) The Hon Mrs P. R. Plunkett-Ernle-Drax (Nursing Cadets) Assn. Cty. Director D. Habgood, Dorset & Bournemouth Police HQ, Dorchester Commissioner Major-General R. J. Moberly, CB, OBE, Garston, Sixpenny Handley, Salisbury, Wilts. (Tel. Handley 268) County Superintendent (N) Mrs J. Horsey, Derwent, Canford Magna, Wimborne (Tel. Northbourne 3334) County Surgeon G. J. Romanes, MRCS, LRCP, DOMS, 32 Prince of Wales' Road, Dorchester Asst. County Surgeon Mrs E. P. Wyatt, MB, BCH, 26 Bridport Road, Dorchester COl/llty Nursing Officer Miss D. Sunderland, SRN, Health Centre, Weymouth County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. Hudson, 3 Eame View Close, Dorchester County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs K. Spiers, Wood Lawn, Parkhomer Drive, Colehill, Wimborne County Staff Officers A. E. Cox, Corra Lynn, Goldcroft Avenue, Weymouth E. W. Cuff, 'Sydco,' 67 Prince of Wales' Road, D()fchester J. B. Spencer, 16 Portwey Close, Weymouth F. C. Bryant, 30 Sandecotes Road, Parks tone (Training E) F. H. House, 'Taormina', 8 Wardcliffe Road, Weymouth (Training W) D. L. Coleman, c/o National Provincial Bank, St Thomas Street, Weymouth (Treasurer) Miss F. B. Long, 10 Dorchester Road, Weymouth (Welfare) Mrs E. Handcock, 35 Dales Drive, Canford Bottom, Nr Wimborne E. D. Hunt, 56 Queen Mary's Avenue, Moordown, Bournemouth Mrs A. Swabey, 27 Dorchester Road, Stratton, Dorchester County Secretary Mrs D. R. Booth, 1 Bladen View, Milborne St Andrew, Blandford Forum (Tel. Milborne St Andrew 345) County P.R.O. K. H. M. Aldridge, 58 St Thomas Street, Weymouth


President The Mayor Dorchester

Chairmall D. Habgood


President The Mayor Chairmall Mrs D. R. Galton, 6 Elgin Road, Poole Galton, 6 Elgin Road, Poole


Secretary Mrs D. R.


President Mrs Joyce Sansom Wareham, Dorset

Chairmall G. Beazer

Secretary Mrs M. Bond,


Holme Priory,

DURHAM County Office 2 Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2 (Tel. Newcaslle-upon-Tyne 81-3646)

ASSOCIA TION COUNty Director Vacant


President D. Edgar, Hartlepool

TO, J p

ChairlllOIl D. Edgar,


Secretary E. S. Smith, 34 Tunstall Avenue,


President W. P. Webster

NORTH DEVON AREA Area Commissioner E. D. Lindsay, MB, BCH, Craig-y-Don, Rumsam Road, Barnstaple Area Superintendent (A) R. Braddon, 'St John,' Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

Secretary Mrs S. K. Tidball, 25 Coburg Road,

Chairman T. Barnes

Secretary A. M. Bage, 15 Beach Road, South Shields


President Col H. E. Kitching, MBE, DL, 8 Foxtoil Drive, Billingham, Tee ide


Chairman R. Pickersgill,


Secretary R. J. McDowell,




President W. O. Kirkwood, JP Chairman D. L. Rennison 6 Rhoda Terrace, Grangetown, Sunderland NORTH DURHAM (NCB CENTRE) NCB, Whitburn, Sunderland SOUTH DURHAM (NCB CENTRE) Secretary J. Bell, NCB, South Durham Area H.Q.,

Secretary Mrs Constance Robson,

Secretary J. Clennell,

Green Lane, Spennymoor

BRIGADE County President The Lady Starmer County Vice-President The Lady Barnard (Nursing) Commissioner R. Rutherford, TD, MB, BS, JP, The Firs, Langley Park, Co. Durham (Tel. Langley Park 215) Deputy Commissioner A. Burns, OBE, MC, CHB, Rainton Lodge, West Rainton, Houghton-Ie-Spring County Superintendent (N) Mrs D. Timms, JP, Hesley Garth, Stainton, Barnard Castle County Surgeon W. F. Hall, MB, BS, BHY, DPH, The Old House, Warden Law, Houghton-Ie-Spring County Nursing Officer Mrs F. M. Owens, 11 Verner Close, Hart Station, Hartlepool County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. Cummings, 8 The Avenue, Murton, Seaham County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss W. M. Gray, 25 Raby Gardens, Primrose, Jarrow County Staff Officers G. Mawson, 85 Alston Crescent, Fulwell, Sunderland H. Carr, 88 Barningharn Street, Darlington W. A. Reah, Glengarrick, Lintzford Road, Hamsterly Mill, Rowlands Gill (Treasurer) Miss E. P. Gray, 18 Georgian Court, Sunderland H. R. S. D'Haenens, 32 Claremont Road, Darlington W. McAdam, 11 Lumley Crescent, Ferryhill W. O. Kirkwood, 'Michaelford,' Dipe Lane, Boldon M. G. Spark, MB, BS, DOBST, RCOG, 'Newland 'The Drive Low Fell, Gateshead-on-Tyne (Training) County Secretary Mrs R. Watson, 40 Brandling Place South, Newcas tle-up on-Tyne 2 (Tel. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 81-1515) County P.R.O. Miss M. Aarstad, 22 Oakfield Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Tel. 54973) EAST DURHAM AREA Area Commissioner J. B. Heycock, MRCP, DCH, 1 Belle Vue Drive, Sunderland Area Superintendent (A) P. Blunt, MBE, 27 St Mary's Close, Shincliffe Area Superintendent (N) Miss J. Hutchinson, 43 Bede Street, Roker, Sunderland Area Nursing Officer Mrs M. Martin, SRN, 18 Horatio Street, Roker, Sunderland Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. C. Gemmel, 12 Kent Avenue, Hebburn-on-Tyne Area Staff Officer R. C. C. Reekie, 23 Melrose Avenue, Murton, Seaham (Secretary) SOUTH DURHAM AREA Area Commissioner r. Jones, Stratford House, New Row, Wingate Area Superintendent (A) Vacant Area Superintendent (N) Mrs A. M. Stonehouse, 40 The Grove, Hartlepool Area Nursing Officer P. Smith, 2 Beaumont Crescent, Horden Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. L. Hutton, 32 Jacques Terrace, Chester-Ie-Street Area Staff Officer H. C. H. Francis, 'The Three Tuns,' Durham (Secretary for Cadets) WEST DURHAM AREA Area Commissioner G. H. Hardie, MB, CHB, Denewell House, Denewell Avenue, Low Fell, Gatesheadon-Tyne 8 Area Superintendent (A) J. T. Drummond, 267 Windsor Avenue, Gateshead 8 Area Superintelldent (N) Miss A . Veitch, Park Cottage, Caledonia, Winlaton, Blaydon-on-Tyne Area Surgeon Mrs M. F. St. J. U. Cosgrave, MB, BS, Felling Lodge, Felling-on-Tyne Area Nursing Officer Mrs A. M. Hardie, SRN, Denewell House, Denewell Crescent, Low Fell Gateshead-on-Tyne 8 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. McKie, 35 Byer Moor, Burnopfield, Co. Durham Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs T. Jude, 'TheIlen', 41 Norman Road, Rowlands Gill, Co. Durham

Commissioner Capt R. J. WenIey, TO, JP . Deputy Commissioner Colonel K. W. Nicholls Palmer, ERO, TO, LMSSA, DPHYSMED, 15 Inglis Road, Colchester County Superintendent (N) Mrs B. Train, 'Lindens', 1 Sudbury Road, Halstead (Tel. 07874-2911) County Surgeon M. A. Weller, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, 'Aldboro,' 24 Park Street, Thaxted Asst. County Surgeon N . L. Paros, MB, BS, OOBST, RCOG, 272a Mersea Road, Colchester Asst. County Superintendent (N) Mrs E. M. Benham, 21 Queen's Road, Colc~ester . County Nursing Officer Colonel Phyllis G. Bennett, CBE, RRC, Flat 1, BlenheIm Dnve, Blackheath, Colchester County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) E. A. Poole, 178 Cowdray Avenue, Colchester County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss R. r. Leeks, 37 Melbourne Court, Chelmsford County Staff Officers F. E. Brooks, 144 Moulsham Drive, Chelmsford (Treasurer) Mrs A. M. Spurgeon, 9 Cotman Road, Shrub End, Colchester (Cadets) F. Thorndike, Elm Tre~ House, Fox Street, Ardleigh, Colchester (Cadets) R. Fletcher, 22 Purcell Cole, Ongar Road, Wnttle Mrs r. M. T. Haslam, 'Phaphamau,' 98 Patching Hall Lane, Chelmsford Mrs J. M. Norton, Garden House, Kelvedon (Cadets) L. Pryor, 'Karridale', 13 Heycroft Way, Gt Baddow, Chelmsford C. J. K. Lander, 20 Thames Avenue, Chelmsford B. F. Taylor, 11 Chilton Close, Chelmsford J. R. Peachman, 14 Back Road, Writtle T. M. Lytham, 14 Greenway Gardens, Braintree County Sergeant-Major R. B. Chapman, 23 Challis Road, Braintree County Secretary A. Mayhew, 'St Leonards,' Wash Road, Laindon, Essex (Tel. Basildon 45420)

GLOUCESTERSHIRE County Office 12 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham GL50 3DA (Tel. 0452 53610) Commander St J. A. H. L. St G. Carey, MVO, Hawling Manor, Andoversford, (Tel. Guiting Power 362) County President (Brigade) The Lady Violet Vernon County Vice-Presidents The Lady Violet Vernon (Nursing) The Earl St Aldwyn, PC, KBE, TD, DL, (Ambulance Cadets) Association Cty. Director Lt-Col H. G. Beard, OBE, TO, Little Dean, Cinderford Commissioner H. L. St G. Carey, MVO Deputy Commissioner Lieut.-Colonel F. W. Williamson, OBE, 90 Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham (Tel. 22296) County Superintendent (N) Mrs P. M. J. Riley, SRN, Maps Acre, Woodmancote, Cheltenham, GL52 4QL County Surgeon C. H. Drake, MRCS, LRCP, The Bourne, 54 Parton Road, Gloucester Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) Miss D. M. Trimmer, 3 Charlton Close, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham County Nursing Officer Mrs M. A. Cottee, SRN, 23 Honyatt Road, Gloucester County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. Hudson, 47 Alvin Street, Gloucester County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss J. Ash, 8 Rotunda Terrace, Montpelliar, Cheltenham County Staff Officers Miss M. K. Oswell, 7 Eldorada Road, Cheltenham (Admin-Medical Comforts) G. T. Clark, 83 Falkner Street, Gloucester A. Folca, 17 South Drive, Leckhampton R oad, Cheltenham R. H. Thornbury, 61 Pittville Lawn, Cheltenham Mrs H. M. Lawrence, 'St Leonard's,' Tewkesbury Road, Uckington , Cheltenham County Secretary (Assn.) Lt-Col. F. W. Williamson, OBE, 12 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham County Secretary and P.R.O. (Brigade) Vacant


Chairman P. Boreham, Cheltenham


Secretary D. L. Francis, 5 Treelands Drive, Leckhampton,


President Dr A. Alcock Stroud, Gloucester

Chairman W. E. Knowles

Secretary J. C. Gray, 18 Cedar Close, Ebley,


Secretary Miss M. K. Oswell, 12 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham NORTH COTSWOLD

ESSEX County Office Lancaster House, 140 Mildmay Road, Chelmsford (Tel. Chelmsford 55789)

ASSOCIATION Commander St J. A. Capt R. J. Wenley, TD, JP, 596 Galleywood Road, Chelmsford (Tel. 52704) Association Cty. Director Vacant County Centre Secretary Mrs Batson, Lancaster House, 140 Mildmay Road, Chelmsford BRIGADE County President Colonel Sir John Ruggles-Brise, Bt, CB, OBE, County Vice-Presidents The Lady Joan Newman (Nursing)



Lord Lieutenant

President The Earl of Buchan Chairman Lt-Col H. Middleton Cottage, Guiting Power, Glos.

Secretary Mrs M. Bingley, Moor


President The Lady Violet Vernon

Chairman Lt-Col J. W. T. Wooldridge

BRIGADE AREAS FOREST OF DEAN AREA Area Commissioner Lt-Col H. G. Beard,


Secretary Vacant

Temple House, Littledean, Cinderford

SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Vacant





County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. J. O. Fox, SRN, 7 East View, Ringwood' County Staff Officers Mrs B. V. Sandison, Long View, Roseberry Road, Alresford (Hospital Libraries) Mrs M. C. J. Bond, 'Rosevere,' Watton Road, Holbury D. R. J. Doney, 'Cranford', 27 Church Road, Hayling Island (Admin) Miss J. L. Upward, 91 Elmes Road, Moordown, Bournemouth Mrs J. G. M. Boden, 6 Upper High Street, Winchester (Treasurer) J. R. Bratton, 30 Crawts Road, Overton, Nr Basingstoke (Competitions) Mrs M. W. Ackroyd, 'Moonrakers', Bighton, Alresford Mrs O. R. Davies, SRN, Pinecroft, The Crescent, Romsey County P.R.O. Mrs M. W. Ackroyd, 'Moonrakers', Bighton, Alresford

County Office Headquarters, Rohais, St Peter Port, Guernsey (Tel. Guernsey 25211) Commander St. J. A. Brigadier H. M. Hackett, oso, OBE, Les Villets, Forest, Guernsey ASSOCIATION Bailiwick Director Dr W. R. Cambridge, The Albany, St Peter Port, Guernsey Bailiwick Secretary W. G. Baker, 22 St George's Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey BRIGADE Bailiwick President Sir William Arnold, CBE Bailiwick Vice-Presidents Dr W. B. Fox Lady Mills (Nursing) J. E. L. Martel (Ambulance Cadets) Vacant (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner Brigadier H. M. Hackett, oso, OBE Bailiwick Superintendent (A) R. A. Luff, 'Belize,' Doyle Road, St Peter Port Bailiwick Superintendent (N) Mrs M. M. Loveridge, 'Kinmount,' St Martins, Guernsey Bailiwick Surgeon R. M. F. Fox, MA, MB, BCHlR, Les Longchamps, St Sampson's, Guernsey, c.l. Area Commissioner and P.R.O. R. H. Blanchford, OBE, GM, Le Croute Herivel, Rohais, St Peter Port Bailiwick Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. Touzeau, Tertre des Houmets, Cobo Road, Castel, Guernsey Bailiwick Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs O. H. Gallienne, 'Balmoral,' Geulles Road , St Peter Port Bailiwick Staff Officers F. W. Bush, 'The Leylans,' St Jacques, St Peter Port E. Coli, Colwyshe, Les Mourants, St Martins R. J. Herve, 'Beau Soleil,' Saumarez Lane, Castel (Treasurer) W. G. Baker, 22 St George's Esplanade, St Peter Port (Competitions) C. E. Froome, 'Rosemead,' Les Varioufs, St Martins Miss G. M. De Garis, L'Abri, King's Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey Miss A. E. Le Moignan, Regal Villa, Monument Garden, St Peter Port Mrs J. M. E. Scully, Mount Row, Guernsey (Cad~ts) E. J. Gallez, Padworth, Roote de la Perruque, Castel, Guernsey

HAMPSHIRE County Office Wessex House, 6 Upper High Street, Winchester (Tel. 0962/63366) Commander St. J.A. Commander E. A. Morrison, R N, Old Bridge House, Dogmesfield, Hampshire County Secretary R. S. Boden, 6 Upper High Street, Winchester ASSOCIATION County Director Commander E. A. Morrison, R N Asst. County Directors J. C. Maurice-Williams, MB, BCH, MRCS,


Mrs J. S. Doney

EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner G. H. Waites, 91 Randolph Road, North End, Portsmouth Area Superintedent (A) D. W. Dalton, 16 Cygnet Road, Farlington, Portsmouth Area Superintendent (N) Mrs P. F. Dalton, SRN, 16 Cygnet Road, Farlington, Portsmouth Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Mrs G. M. Peart, SRN, Lane End House, Havant Road, Emsworth Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. E. Riddell, 143 Beauchamp Avenue, Rowner, Gosport Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. M. Rundle, 11 Henderson Road, Eastney, Southsea Area Staff Officers P. J. Fagg, MPS, PHC, 15 Oval Gardens, Alverstoke, Gosport J. Butler, MM, 88 Roundway, Highfield Estate, Waterlooville (Treasurer) CENTRAL AREA Area Commissioner Capt W. Mills, MBE, 'Hilldale,' Station Lane, Chandlers Ford Area Superintendent (A) D. L. C. Johnson, 78 Chessel Avenue, Bitterne, Southampton Area Superintendent (N) Mrs A. E. Alford, MBE, 8 Obelisk Road, Woolston, Southampton Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Mrs J. Thornton, SRN, 40 Bedford Avenue, Woolston, Southampton Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. F. Dymond, 55 Ollen Road, Hedge End, Southampton Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant Area Staff Officers J. F. Reypert, 'Fairvale,' Church Lane, Colden Common, Winchester (Training) T. E. Campbell-Best, 30 Christchurch Road, Winchester (P.R.O. and Admin) R. K. Knott, 26 Northdene Road, Chandlers Ford


President Councillor F. Samuels Chairman Commander E. E. Swan, RN, (Retd) Secretary Mrs W. A. Wilson, Little Goddards, Hatherden, Andover BASINGSTOKE

President The Mayor Chairman N. R. Turnbull, Green Lane, Ellisfield, Basingstoke


Secretary R. G. Ehlen, 'High Meadows,'


President The Mayor Chairman A. C. Harwood Secretary A. R. G. Martin, 28 Palmerston Road, Boscombe, Bournemou th GOSPORT & FAREHAM President E. J. Crossland Chairman G. Albray Secretary H. Cooley, 7 Marks Road, Alverstoke, Gosport NORTH EAST HA TS.

President Ald. J. Drew, JP Chairman Lt-Col H. N. Cole, 89 Hamesmoor Road, Mytchett, Camberley, Surrey


Secretary G. J. Bates,


President W. N. Wilson, Portchester


R. W. Bray,


Secretary D. E. Gautrey, 37 Castle Grove,


President Dr H. C. Maurice-Williams, OBE Chairman D. C. L. Johnson Alford, MBE, 8 Obelisk Road, Woolston, Southampton

Secretary Mrs A. E.

BRIGADE County President The llon. Mr S. R. Cubitt, OBE County Vice-Presidents Marjorie, Countess of Brecknock (Nursing) Mrs P. N. A. Clifton (Nursillg Cadets) Comrnissioller Captain M. P. R. Boyle, A he Park, Overton, Basingstoke Deputy Commissioner R. W. Harris, 131 Greenhill Road, Winchester County Superintendent ( ) Lady Power, Lime Cottage, Brambridge Park, Eastleigh Coullty SurgeOl~ A. O. John MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, DCH, 2 Chessel Avenue, Bitterne, Southampton Asst Cty Superuztel1dent ( ) Mrs G. E. Bryant, SRN, 'Tresco', Hollyhill Lane, Sarisbury Green County Nursing Officer Mrs E. A. Purkess, JP, SRN, 'Glenleigh,' Avenue Road, Brockenhurst


NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner L. P. Botting, MBE, 3 Lower Chestnut Drive, Basingstoke Area Superintendent (A) R. G. Ehlen, 'High Meadows,' Green Lane, Ellisfield, Nr Basingstoke Area Superintendent (N) Mrs G . E. Evans, Mynster, Church Avenue, Farnborough Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. H. Bourden, 51 Paddock Road, Basingstoke Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs L. 1. Page, 'Rookwood,' 6 Priory Street, Farnborough Area Staff Officers H. N. Short, 62 Netley Road, Farnborough (Training) H. A. Young, 'Grathorne, 36 Boxall's Lane, Aldershot C. H. Newstead, 20 All Saints' Crescent, Farnborough (Cadets) G. J. Bates, 89 Hamesmoor Road, Mytchett, Camberley, Surrey WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner A. Maybury, 'Vecta,' St George's Road, Fordingbridge Area Superintendent (A) Vacant Area Superintendent (N) Mrs N. W. Rowlands, 102 Tuckton Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth Area Surgeon F. A. Heimann, MD, LRCP, Flat 2, 1 Oban Road, Bournemouth Area Nursing Officer Miss M. McGovern, SRN, 9 Vicarage Road, Moordown, Bournemouth Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. B. Kendall, 42 Naseby Road, Moordown, Bournemouth Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant Area Staff Officer A. J. Avery, 47 Wordsworth Avenue, Strouden Park, Bournemouth

HEREFORD SHIRE County Office St John Headquarters, Widemarsh Street, Hereford (Tel. Hereford 2837) County President Mrs H. T. H. Foley County Vice-Presidents C. A. Blossett (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs Greville Phillips (Nursing Cadets)




Commander St J. A. Lieut-Colonel Sir Terence Falkiner, Bt, Kingsthorne House, Nr Hereford (Tel. Wormelow 343) Association Cty Director S. J. Mayall, Willow Croft, Hampton Bishop, Hereford Commissioner Brig. D. D. Zvegintzov, CBE, Park Gwynne, Glasbury, Hereford (Tel. Glasbury 289) County Superintendent (N) Mrs J. V. B. Congreve, Mill Bank Cottage, Whitney-on-Wye (Tel. Clifford 333) County Surgeon G. M. Lloyd, MRCS, LRCP, The New House, Ross-on-Wye County Nursing Officer Mrs S. J. Jones, SRN, 'Chelstone', 16 Hazel Grove, St Martin's, Hereford County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) c. T. Morgan, 63 Prospect Walk, Tupsley, Hereford County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs A. L. Groves, The Priory, Ledbury County Staff Officers R. T. Morris, Stokesay, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford C. H. Price, 7 Farr Close, Hereford R. W. Colwell, 46 Moor Street, Hereford L. G. Barrington, 50 Belmont Avenue, Belmont Estate, Hereford F. R. Shaw, 2 St Guthlac Street, Hereford J. D. Price, 2 Bute Avenue, Hereford County Secretary Mrs r. c. Lochhead, 40 Alexandra Avenue, Hereford County Sergeant Major Vacant County P.R.O. L. C. Green, 93 Quarry Road, Tupsley, Hereford

Area Area Area Area


Secretary S. J. Webb, 3 Burden Road, Tupsley, Hereford HEREFORD NORTH

Secretary Vacant HEREFORD SOUTH

Secretary A. C. J. Miller, Peterstow Court, Peterstow, Ross-on-Wye

HERTFORDSHIRE County Office 7 Marlborough Road, St Albans, Herts. (Tel. L.N. 54333) County President Major-General Sir W. A. George Burns, KCVO, CB, DSO, OBE, MC, Lord Lieutenant County Vice-Presidents Mrs B. H. McCorquodale (Nursing) Lt-Colonel Sir Martin Gilliat, KCVO, MBE, DL, (Ambulance Cadets) The Hon Lady Bowes-Lyon, JP, (Nursing Cadets) Association Cty. Director F. G. Holmes, 42 London Road, Stevenage Commissioner C. J. N. Longmore, Green Tye Farm, Much Hadham Deputy Commissioner F. G. Holmes, 42 London Road, Stevenage County Superintendent (N) Mrs E. Bilk, BSC, Friars Mead, St Stephens Avenue, St Albans County Surgeon G. W. May, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, Denham Lodge, 83 New Road, Ware County Nursing Officer Miss O. M. Davies, SRN, St Albans City Hospital, Normandy Road, St Albans Asst. Cty. Superintendent (N) Miss r. Davies, 190 Drake's Drive, St Albans County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. V. Hackett, SRN, 15 Shenleybury Cottages, ShenJey, St Albans County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs R. B. Tarling, 29 Mount Drive, Park Street, St Albans County Staff Officers Mrs A. C. Sherriff, 'Redclyffe,' 23 Salisbury Avenue, Harpenden K. C. Warner, 92 Bursland, Letchworth (Training) Mrs V. J. Percey, 'Heath Brow,' Welwyn (Admin) County Treasurer G. W. Leaper, FCA, 15 Roundwood Drive, Welwyn Garden City County Secretary Mrs E. M. Wieck, 18 Warren Road, St. Albans County P.R.O. S. G. Douglas King, c/o J. W. King Ltd, Argyle Works, Stevenage

EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner W. Appleton, 'Lyndhurst,' Puckeridge, Nr Ware (Tel. Puckeridge 457) Area Superintendent (A) S. F. Porcher, 'Colville,' 44 St John's Avenue, Harlow Area Superintendent (N) Vacant Area Surgeon F. J. L. Lang, MBE, TD, MRCS, LRCP, 47 St Michael's Road, Broxbourne Area Nursing Officer Mrs B. D. Craddock, SRN, 68 Woodstock Road South, St Albans Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. G. Pike, 34 Clement Street, Ware Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (N) Mrs D. E. Brooker, 29 Briscoe Clo e, Hoddcsdon Area Staff Officer F. H. Stapleton, 31 Priory Avenue, Old Harlow WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner G. Henderson Smith, 97 Haymeads, Digswell Hill, Welwyn Garden City Area Superil/tendent (A) Major J. Scholdfield, TD, 47 Berry Avenue, North Watford Area Superil/tecinel/t ( ) Mr D. M. Pichowski, 8 Little Road, Hemel Hempstead Area Surgeon J . Munro Sherriff, BSC, LRCP(ED), LRCS(ED), LRFPS,(GLAS), 23 Salisbury Avenue, Harpenden 24

Nursing Officer Mrs A. V. Snowsdon, SRN, 147 Broadwater Crescent, Stevenage Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. Player, 130 Minespdngs Way, Hitchin Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant Staff Officer Mrs H. M. Bennett, 49 Fordwich Road, Welwyn Garden City

ISLE OF MAN County Office Chief Constable's Office, Douglas, Isle of Man (Tel. Douglas 4616) Commander St. J. A. C. C. Beaty-Pownall, Chief Constable's Office, Douglas

ASSOCIATION President Sir Peter Hyla Gawne Stallard, KCMG, cvo, MBE Deputy Director A. C. Underhill, Chief Constable's Office, Douglas Chairman G. J. Bryan, CMG, CVO, OBE, MC Secretary Sgt. J. L. Condra, Chief Constable's Office, Douglas BRIGADE County President Lady Stallard County Vice-Presidents Rev. F. M. Cubbon, HON CF, DC, (Ambulance) Lady Cowley (Nursing) Vacant (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs D. E. M. Beaty-Pownall (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner C. C. Beaty-Pownall Deputy Commissioner Capt. T. H. Hall, JP, Eskham, Devonshire Road, Douglas County Superintendellt (N) Mrs E. A. Green, 'Carnane,' Bay View Road, Onchan County Surgeon A. R. McPherson, M B, CRB, Creg Beg, Marown County Nursing Officer Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs B. V. Keggin, Railway Terrace, Douglas County Staff Officer (Training and P.R.O.) E. R. G. Cain, FlAC, 109 Ballabrooie Way, Douglas (Tel. 4646 Day, 2665 Evening) County Secretary L. G. Templeton, 28 Albany Street, Douglas

ISLE OF WIGHT County Office Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight (Tel. Ryde 2955) County President His Excellency The Governor of the Isle of Wight, Admiral of the Fleet, The Rt Hon The Earl Mountbatten of Burma, KG, PC, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO, DSO County Vice-Presidents Major General P. T. Tower, CB, DSO, MBE (Ambulance) Mrs P. V. Mackinnon (Nursing) Major General R. A. Pigot, CB, OBE (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs C. S. Blackham (Nursing Cadets) Association Cty. Director Vacant Commissioner F. R. B. H. Kennedy, MBE, LRCS, LRCP, LRFPS, JP, Wootton Lodge, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight County Surgeon T. Hambly, MRCS, LRCP, Westbrook Cottage, Pondwell, Nr Ryde County Nursing Officer A. A. Exell, SRN, RMN, 17 Ashey Road, Ryde County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. P. Compton, 93 High Street, Sandown County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs B. K. Jacobs, Shoreside, Shanklin County Staff Officers G. M. Homan, MRCP, MRCS, 'Monkspath,' Limerstone, NT Newport Ci/c Ambulance Divisions, West Wight) Mrs C. J. Wallis, JP, Wistaria House, Bembridge (Hospital Libraries) E. H. Richardson, FCA, Regal Chambers, Shanklin (Treasurer-Admin) S. G. Barton, 'Waverley,' Gravel Pit Road, Wootton Bridge L. P. Rider, The Range, Spencer Road, Ryde (Public Duties) R. F. J. Tewkesbury, 2 Argyll Place, Ryde (Competitions) County Secretary Miss E. M. E. Caws, 'Seacroft,' Queen's Road, Ryde (Tel. 2261) County P.R.O. G. W. D. Brown, 12 Castle Street, Ryde (Auxiliary) (Tel. Ryde 3325)

JERSEY County Office Midvale Road, St Helier, Jersey (Tel. Cent. 24163) County President (Association) Sir Robert Le Masurier, DSC, Bailiff of Jersey County President (Brigade) Major R. L. Woods County Vice-Presidents The Countess of Jersey (Nursing) Lady Trent (Nursing Cadets ) Commal/der St J. A. (Joint) Capt A. E. W. McFadyen, ERD, Brigadier R. Lempriere-Robin, County Director Capt. A. E. W. McFayden, ER D, La Turbie, Claremont Road, St Helier Commissioner Brigadier R. Lempriere-Robin, OBE, Rosel Manor, St Martin, Jersey Deputy Director, Association Vacant Deputy Commissioner R. L. Osmont, MRCS, LRCP, Dunderave, First Tower, Jersey County Superintendent (N) Mrs U. Malet De Carteret, St Ouen's Manor, St Ouen, Jersey (Tel. Western 28) County Surgeon D. N. Scott-Warren, MRCS, LRCP, 41 David Place, St Helier





Assistant County Superintendent (N) Mrs G. Dawson, La Ruette, Victoria Village, Jersey County Nursing Officer Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) and P.R.O. Mrs D. McFadyen, La Turbie, Claremont Road, St Helier, Jersey County Staff Officers Miss B. Le Huquet, Le Chalet, Bagatelle Road, St Saviour, Jersey (Cadets) H. T. Rice, 21 Hautbois Gardens, Bellozane Road, St Helier (Public Duties) Cel/tre Secretary (Association) W. F. Gale, 9 Windsor Villas, Val Plaisant, St Helier Coullty Secretary and Treasllrer (Brigade) Miss L. Du Feu, No.4 Douro Court, Mont Pinel, St Saviour, Jersey


KENT County Office Violet Astor House, 41 Church Street, Maidstone (Tel. Maidstone 55924) County President The Countess of Guildford County Vice-Presidents Lady Denning, OBE (Nursing) R. W. Houchin, Esq (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs 1. G. Houchin (Nursing Cadets) Association Cty. Director H. J. Harris, MBE Commissioner Major S. W. Barrow, DFC, TD, 'High Trees,' Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone (Tel. 53523) Deputy Commissioner Vacant County Superintendent (N) Lady Cumberbatch, 'Great Butts,' Cousley Wood, Wadhurst, Sussex (Tel. 09288-2052) County Surgeon R. H. Percival, MA, MCH(OXON), FRCS(ENG), DCH, 74 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone, Asst. County Surgeon J. A. Carman, MD, BS, The Corner Cottage, Manor Avenue, Deal Asst. County Superintendent (N) Vacant County Nursing Officer Miss A. C. Emerton, SRN, SCM, RNT, 19 Garden Street, Tunbridge Wells County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) C. G. D. Smith, 67 Sidney Street, Folkes tone County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs B. M. Ford, 31 Wear Bay Road, Folkestone County Staff Officers H. N. Harvey, BarcIays Bank Ltd, Maidstone (Treasurer) Miss J . M. Falwasser Rutland House, West Malling (Library) Mrs 1. M. Hoby, SRN, SCM, DN, Fortgate, 4 Horsted Way, Rochester Mrs J. V. Flanagan, SRN, OND, RNT, 145 Pump Lane, Rainham (Training) J. G. Perry, 18 Castweazle, Tenterden Mrs E. M. Smith, 67 Sidney Street, Folkestone D. C. Hubbard, MB, CHB, DOBST, RCOG, The Pines, 7 Shaws Way, Rochester L. J. Robus, 55 Allington Way, Maidstone County Secretary G. J. Burgess, Violet Astor House, 41 Church Street, Maidstone NO.1 AREA Area Commissioner H. E. Chaplin, 6 Tintern Road, Allington Park Estate, Maidstone Area Superintendent (A) J. W. Pope, 10 Mereworth Road, Tunbridge Wells Area Superintendent (N) Mrs D. L. Dowling, 31 Victoria Road, Chatham Area Surgeon J. W. Piper, MRCS, LRCP, Greenmount, Stoney Corner, Meopham Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) L. V. Rose, 46 Midhurst Court, Mote Road, Maidstonc Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs V. A. Winter, 44 Meadow Road, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells Area Nursing Officer Miss M. Loveless, SRN, 65 The Quarries, Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstonc NO.2 AREA Area Commissioner Alex Chalmers, MB, CHB, 8 London Road, Sittingbourne Area Superintendent (A) F. C. Rolfe, 11 King's Road, Birchington Area Superintendent (N) Mrs C. J. Eyers, SRN, 84 Zealand Road, Canterbury Area Surgeon R. E. Lloyd-Roberts MB, BSC(LOND), MRCS, LRCP, 8 Loneport, Canterbury Area Nursing Officer Miss H. Morgan, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. G. T. Young, 1 Waterloo Road, Sittingbourne Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs J. M. Blain, Dornford Abbey, View Drive, Minster, Sheppey NO.3 AREA Area Commissioner L. W. A. hman, 2 The Avenue, Hythe Area Superilltendent (N) Mrs J. M. Mercer, St Crispin, 16 Westwell Court, Tenterden Area Surgeon Dr Gertrude Nicholson, MRCS, LRCP, 2 Dunedin Court, Cheriton Gardens, Folkestone Asst. Area Superintendent (N) Vacant Area Nursing Officer Mrs A. J. Pressley, SRN, 'Glenavy,' 9 London Road, River, Dover Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs D. M. Bailey, 'Maywood,' New Road, Saltwood, Hythe Area Staff Officer W. J. Carden, 32 Heath Road, Barming, Maidstone


District Office 15-17 Mount Street, Preston (Tel. 52239) Commander St. J. A. Lord Cozens Hardy

ASSOCIATION County Director Col H. J. Darlington, OBE, DL, The Manor HOllse, Halton, Nr. Lanca tel' Deputy County Director Lt-Colonel D. H. S. Pain, MBE, TD, 10 James Street, Liverpool 2 Asst. County Directors Greater Manchester W. J. Richards, Central Police Office, South Street, Manchester Soutlz West J. Houghton, Chief Constable's Office, Liverpool North East R. R. Bibby, Chief Constable's Office, Blackburn, Lancs. Preston Stanley Parr, County Police H.Q., Hutton, Nr Preston South Fylde T. H. Thomason, JP, 180 Breck Road, Poulton-Ie-Fylde, Lancs. County Secretary Major T. E. Spencer, MBE, TD, St John H.Q., 15/17 Mount Street, Preston CENTRES ACCRINGTON President Col G. G. H. Bolton, CBE, MC, DL, JP, Chairman A. Brown, JP Secretary Harold A. D. Johnson, 25 Whitecroft View, Baxenden, Accrington ASHTON-UNDER-L YNE President The Mayor Chairman W. R. Morris Secretary Miss E. Fletcher, 29 Hope Street, Audenshaw, Manchester BACUP Chairman S. Kay Secretary Miss J. Antrobus, 182 New Line, Bacup BARROW-IN-FURNESS President W. D. Opher, CBE Chairman J. Holgate Secretary G. A. Ashton, 107 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness BLACKBURN President The Mayor Chairman D. O. Hartley, MA Secretary D. G. Lund, Queen Elizabeth Granunar School, Blackburn BLACKPOOL President I. Gibrail Chairman S. Parr Secretary R. Garrett, 76 Bispham Road, Blackpool, FY20NR BOLTON President J. Moody Secretary Supt H. Sankey, Central Police Office, Bolton BOOTLE Chairman H. E. Legg Secretary Insp. J. T. Baldwin, 7 Sefton Close, Kirkby, Liverpool BRIERFIELD President Chairman of V.D.C. Chairman James C. Romanis Secretary R. Ormerod, 36 Walter Street, Brierfield BURNLEY President The Mayor Secretary L. Jakeway, 10 Rosehill Mount, Manchester Road, Burnley BURY Chairman F. Tomlinson Secretary L. Perkins, 4 Manchester Road, Bury CHORLEY Chairman T. Jackson Secretary V. S. Helmore, MBE, AMTech In (Fire), FICD, MISM Chief Fire Brigade Officer, M.O. Defence, 5 Laurel Avenue, Euxton, Chorley COLNE President A. Exley Chairman J. E. Driver, JP Secretary Victor Burrell, 130 Harrison Drive, Colne CROSBY Chairman W. W. Mensforth Secretary Miss N. C. Dove, 29 Moorside Road, Great Crosby, Liverpool, 23 DARWEN President J. Westwell Chairman P. D. Catlow Secretary Mrs M. M. Meggitt, 10 Bryers Croft Wilpshire, Nr Blackburn ' FLEETWOOD Chairman T. H. Thomason Secretary J. C. Cross, 73 Bramley Avenue, Fleetwood GRANGE-OVER-SANDS Chairman E. J. Cunningham Secretary A. Marsden, Abbington, Fell Drive, Grange-over-Sands GREAT HARWOOD President Mrs J. Cunliffe Chairman J. Shackleton Secretary N. Hetherington, 13 Cannon Street, Accrington KIRKBY Chairman L. H. Russell, JP Secretary J. Williams, 49 Sugar Lane, Knowsley, Prescot LANCASTER President The Earl Peel Chairman C. B. Mann Secretary B. J. Hopkins, 18 Castle Park, Lancaster




President A. Higham, Atherton, Lancs.


Chairman C. S. Gregory,


Secretary R. Lowe, 16 Hunt Street,


President The Earl of Derby, MC, DL 49a Rodney Street, Liverpool, 1

Chairman W. J. Clements,


Secretary R. L. Ball,


President Sir W. Mansfield Cooper, LLM Chairman H. Lomas Board, Gay thorn Works, Medlock Street, Manche ter

Secretary H. Parsons, N.W. Gas


President H. N. Roberts, Nelson


Secretary W. H. Morgan, 39 Beaufort Street,

Chairman W. Fryer


Chairman Dr B. Gilbert

Secretary Miss E. M. Bailey, 11 Ainsdale Crescent, Roy ton, Oldham


President Frank Richardson Ashton, Preston

Chairman J. W. Taylor,


Secretary E. G. Wilson, 22 Aldwych Drive,


President R. L. Smith Chairman Mrs E. Eastwood Rawtenstall , Rossendale

Secretary Mrs M. Grey, 137 Hardman Avenue,


President A. M. McMaster Wardle Road, Rochdale

Chairman A. Tweedale

Secretary J . E. Thornhill, 3 Queen's Avenue,


President The Lord Cozens-Hardy, Road, Toll Bar, St Helens


Chairman A. Downes

Secretary H. Latus, 20 Freckleton

District Superintendent (N) The Lady Mary Hesketh, JP, Meols Hall, Southport, (Tel. Southport 88171) District Surgeoll .T. D. Cameron, MS, CHB, FRCS(CO), 13 Albany Avenue, Eccleston Park, Prescot Asst. District Superintelldent (N) M. M. Reekie, MB, CHB, 7 Rowsley Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester District Nursing Officer Mrs J. McD. Stevens, SRN, 38 Newlands Drive, Lowton, Warrington District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs N. Smith, ] 9 The Avenue, Seedfield, Bury District Staff Officers Miss J. B. M. Louden, 2a Lord Street West, Southport (Competitions) N. O. Crossley, 'Green Rigg,' 2] Fir Trees Avenue, Lostock Hall, Nr Preston (Competitions and Surgeon's Dept.) Mrs J. Webster, 68 Devonshire Road, Atherton (Training) Mrs E. Gaskill, 50 Turnbull Road, Longsight, Manchester 13 Mrs E. Charlesworth, 1473 Ashton Old Road, Higher Openshaw, Manchester 11 O. C. Hankins, 432 Argyll Road, Blackpool (Treasurer, Auxiliary) J. E. Helme, 'Greeba,' 34 Fairhope Avenue, The Vale, Lancaster J. E. Capes, SRN, 'Glencoe', 235 Walmersley Road, Seedfield, Bury N. Pimblett, 251 Marshalls Cross Road, St Helens (Cadets) Major J. Kilshaw, MBE, TD, II Derwent Street, Leigh (Admin.) Lt.-Col. R. Price, MB CHB, 12 Old Crofts Bank, Urmston, Manchester (Training) Miss M. Venables, ]37 Blantyre Street, Swinton, Manchester (Cadets) J. L. Corbett, 116 Hazel Avenue, Bury Major R. L. S. Raffles, TD, Dene House, Dene Road, Manchester 20 F. Sharrock, 55 Selous Road, Blackburn Mrs M. Swinnerton, 19 Sherwood Avenue, Radcliffe, Manchester District Secretary Major T. E. Spencer, MBE, TD, ]5-17 Mount Street, Preston (Emergency only: 'Marwyn,' 224 Preston Road, Grimsargh, Nr Preston) District P.R .O. W. Pilkington, 8 Oakdale Road, Liverpool, 18


Chairman J. E. Cotton

President S. Goldstone Manchester 1

Secretary J. Young, 59 Clifton Road , Prestwich,


President The Mayor St Anne's-on-Sea

Chairman Councillor Nuttall

Secretary Mrs T. Yates, 17 Elswick Place,


President Lieut-Col R. Fleetwood Hesketh, 72 Hall Street, Southport


Chairman W. J. Grace

Secretary R. Marsden,


President The Mayor Chairman Dr 1. McIntyre Urmston, Manchester

Secretary A. Taylor, 3 Reigate Road, Flixton,


President The Mayor

Secretary H. MacRae, 1 Pleasant View, Longfield Road, Todmorden


Presi.dent W. D. Cooper Chairman Dr F. L. E. Wood MJlnthorpe, Westmorland

Secretary A. C. Collins, 'Byfield,' Storth,


President The Mayor Chairman E. B. Marston Orford, Warrington

Secretary J. J. Johnson, 90 Newhaven Road,


Chairman Ald. J. Guy

Secretary G. E. Moss, 7 Midland Street, Widnes


President D. Aitken

No.2 AREA Area Commissioner E. Mason, 15 Wood Road North, Manche ter 16 Area Superintendent (A) Vacant Area Superintendent (N) Miss A. Rigby, 60 Cemetery Road, Swinton Area Surgeon J. R. A. Luckas, MB, 'Ingleside', Tyldesley, Manchester Area Nursing Officer Mrs B. Watson, SRN, ]0 Hampton Road, Cadishead, Manchester Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F. Fowler, 13 Doodson Avenue, Irlam, Manchester Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs L. Hodcroft, 319 Manchester Road, Tyldesley Area Staff Officers Miss E. N. Fulton, 272 New Brook Road, Atherton, Nr Manchester F. Speakman, 59 Barton Road , Worsley, Manchester W. Grime, 41 Mealhouse Lane, At11erton, Manchester

Chairman W . Henshall Secretary Miss 1. Redford , 92 Swan Meadow Road, Wigan


Secretary Sgt Speakman, County Constabulary, Hutton, Preston

BRIGADE (DUKE OF LANCASTER'S DISTRICT) District Office 15-17 Mount Street, Preston (Tel. Preston 52239) District President The Earl of Derby, MC, DL District Vice-Presidents The Countess of Sefton (Nursing) The Lord Shuttleworth MC (Ambulance Cadets) The Countess Peel (Nursing Cadets) , COI11.rnissioner Colonel R. Ollerenshaw, ERD, TD, QHS, DL, MA, BM, MRCS, DMRD, 2 Pine Road DJdsbury, Manchester 20 ' Deputy Com~nissioners J. Hall, 41 Windermere Road, South Shore, Blackpool Major W. H. Walker, 35 Brookside Avenue, Liverpool, 14 Assistant to Commissioner C. J. Eastwood, 43 Lune Street, Preston


No.1 AREA Area Commissioner H. Smalley, SRN, 17 Ramsey Road, Longshaw, Blackburn Area Superintendent (A) Vacant Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. M. Meggitt, BEM, 10 Bryerscroft, Wilpshire, Blackburn Area Surgeon A. R. Harbinson, MB, CHB, Walden Place, Blackburn Road, Accrington Area Nursing Officer R. Clarke, SRN, 27 Bridge Terrace, Mitton Road, Whalley, Nr Blackburn Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. Rushworth, 'Lynroyd,' 21 Sudell Close, Darwen Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs o. Dawes, 'Belgrave,' 475 Revidge Road, Blackburn Area Staff Officers G. Wootton, 38 Westbourne Avenue, Burnley Mrs M. Heap, 148 Brunswick Street, Nelson Miss C. Totty, 1 South View, Whims Lane, Simonstone, Nr Burnley

No.3 AREA Area Commissioner G. Spencer, 40 Sunfield Lane, Diggle, Dobcross, Oldham Area Superint p l1dent (A) T. K. J. Leese, MB, BCH, 'Stickford', Manche ter Road, Bury Area Superintendent (N) Miss J. Higgs, 3 Pendleton Street, Werneth, Oldham Area Surgeon V. H. Wheble, BM, FRCS, 'Greeba,' 169 Buxton Road, Mile End, Stockport, Area Nursing Officer Mrs J. M. Leese, SRN, 174 Manchester Road, Bury Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. D. Adams, 2a Lacrosse Avenue, Werneth, Oldham Area Staf], Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant Area Staff Officers J. Staley, 590 Oldham Road, Waterloo, Ashton-under-Lyne Major F. Winder, 50 Beaufort Road , Ashton-under-Lyne (Secretary, Admin.) G. A King 15 Gigg Lane, Bury (P.R.O.) Miss M. G. Owen, 55 Welbeck House, Ashton-under-Lyne B. A. Flynn, 20 Upper Conran Street, Harpurhey, Manchester 9 No.4 AREA Area Commissioner Col. G. A. Steele, Nr Wigan


The Beeches, Tabbys Nook, Newburgh,




Area Superintendent (A) D. Macdonald-Walker, Conveyancer Fork Trucks Ltd, Liverpool Road, Warrington Area Superintendent (N) Mrs E. Millington, SRN, 43 Yarmouth Road, Great Sankey, Warrington Area Surgeon Vacant Asst. Area Surgeon Major R. O. Choudhury, MRCS, LRCP, DIH, 115 Chorley New Road, Horwich Area Nursing Officer Mrs E. M. Fitzmaurice, SRN, 53 St Helens Road, Rainford Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. W. Banks, 94 Meeting Lane, Penketh, Warrington Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs A. R. Williamson, 112 Chester Road, Grappenhall, Warrington Area Staff Officers W. Clough, 184 Wellfield Street, Warrington 1. M. Bryant, 1 Poplars Place, Orford, Warrington


No.5 AREA Area Commissioner J. A. Lucas, 26 Zig-Zag Road, Liverpool, 12 Area Superintendent (A) 1. E. Crook, 31 Renville Road, Liverpool, 14 Area Superintendent (N) Mrs 1. H. Dewhurst, 2 Phillips Close, Formby Area Surgeon W. D. Gray, MB, CHB, 28 Farth Drive, Allerton Asst. Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Miss P. Whittaker, SR ,3 Haymans Close, West Derby, Liverpool 12 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. Spencer, 81 Greenwich Road, Liverpool, 9 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss A. Seddon, 46 Parkside Drive, Liverpool, 12 Area Staff Officers J. Holmes, 23 Bampton Road, Liverpool, 16 Miss E. 1. Wellock, 38 Marshall Close, Lydiate, Nr Liverpool Miss C. M. Hutcheon, 7 Radstock Road, Elm Park, Liverpool, 6 H. 1. Dowell, 27 Wandsworth Road, Liverpool, 11 (Treasurer) F. Pugh, 87 Elm Hall Drive, Liverpool, 18 A Smith, 17 Kingsland Crescent, Liverpool, 11 1. A. Clague, 39 Brookside Avenue, Liverpool, 14 1. A. Ferguson, 115 Scargreen Avenue, Liverpool 11 Miss E. Mason, 7 College Avenue, Freshfield, Liverpool L37 3 lL B. St G. Hewitt, 33 Caris brooke Road, Liverpool 4. Mrs E. D. Bird, 7 Lancaster Close, Maghull L31 3ES (Cadets) No.6 AREA Area Commissioner Major 1. D. Cameron, MBE, TO, 'Kings Fold," Pope Lane, Penwortham, Preston Area Superintendent (A) R. V. Rogerson, 30 Devonshire Road, Chorley Area Superintendent (N) Mrs 1. Haigh, 37 Blenheim Avenue, Blackpool Area Surgeon Surgeon Lt.-Commander P. J. J. Wren, Monks Gate, Hardacre Lane, Whittle-Ie-Woods, Area NurSing Officer W. Gulliford, SRN, 301 Fleetwood Road, Anchorsholme Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. Needham, 34 Bent Lane, Leyland, Preston Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss C. Banks, 207 Cunliffe Road, South Shore, Blackpool Area Staff Officers Mrs E. Wright, 212 Poulton Road, Fleetwood Miss A. B. Kirkham, 157 Garstang Road, Fulwood, Preston K. Eaves, 56 Westgate, Leyland No.7 AREA Area Commissioner Col. D. B. Long, MC, TO, Ruskinville Hotel, Sandylands Promenade, Morecambe and Heysham Area Superintendent (A) W. H. Burns, 48 Provincial Street, Barrow-in-Furness Area Superintendent (N) Miss M. Rogers, 48 Brunswick Road, Morecambe Area Surgeon Sgn Lt. Commander J. F. M. Milner, MO, MB, BS, Spring Wood, Thwaite Brow Lane, Bol ton-Le-Sands, Carnforth Area Nursing Officer Miss E. McGm, SRN, 6 Greystoke Gardens, Hawcoat, Barrow-in-Furness District Staff Officer W. G. Southern, MB, Sandyfield, Grange-over-Sands Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. Dixon, 12 Prospect Road, Barrow-in-Furness Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. Gawne, 17 Roose Road, Barrow-in-Furness Area Staff Officers R. E. Pratt, 7 Dundee Street, Barrow-in-Furness W. J. E. Dickinson, 8 Hutton Crescent, Morecambe (Training) No.8 AREA Area Commissioner Major N. E. Shaw, MB, CRM, FRCS, LRCP, 4 Broad Walk, Pownall Park, Wilmslow, Cheshire Area Superintendent (A) S. E. MaJlalieu, SEN, Balmoral Avenue, Gorton, Manachester M18 7BJ Area Superintendent (N) Miss R. Clarke, 18 Dilworth Street, Manchester, 15 Area Surgeon B. L. Alexander, MB, CRB, MRCGP, 272 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cLlm-Hardy, Manchester, 16 Asst. Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Miss M. Garner, 10 Richmond Street, Newton Heath, Manchester Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. Barker, 202 Brooklands Road, Sale Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs A. Butler, 25 Whitecar Avenue, Manchester, 10 Area Staff Officers F. M. Baker, 10 Waverly Road, Sale, Manchester J. H. Brown, 47 Buckingham Road West, Heaton Moor, Stockport (Training) J. K. Vance, 17 Fairfield Road, Middleton, Manchester


County Office 112 Regent Road, Leicester (Tel. 58345) County President The Viscountess Kemsley County Vice-Presidents Miss M. 1. Partridge (Nursing) E. J. L. Cotton (Ambulance Cadets) Commander St J.A. L. Lee, 10 Charles Drive, Anstey, Nr Leicester (Tel. Anstey 2126) . Association Cty. Director N. T. Nicol, TO, MB, CRB, FFR, OMR T, 103 Spencefield Lane, LeIcester . Commissioner L. Lee Deputy Commissioner A. R. Bradley, MB, BS, ~RCP, LRCP, 335 Hurnberstone .Road, LeIcester County Superintendent (N) Mrs S. L. M. Arrrutage, SRN 116 Regent Road, LeIcester (Tel. 0533 20946) County Surgeon T. M. Gibson, MB, CHB, 176 Leicester Road, Mountsorrel . County Nursing Officer Miss P. Goodall, SRN, SCM, The Royal Infirmary, LeIcester County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. Crewe, 54 Yorkshire Road, Leicester County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant . . County Staff Officers Miss V. M. V. Luscombe, OBE, SRN, SCM, 87 Humberstone ~nve, LeIcester Miss A. Gabriel, 53 Peter's Drive, Leicester W. Langton, 10 West Avenue, Leices.ter J. M. Jones, 48 St Michaels Avenue, Leicester M. A. Johnson, 114 Hollycroft, Hmckley Mrs V. M. Bradley, 341 Uppingham Road, Leicester N. T. Nicol, TO, MB, CHB, FFR, OMR T, 103 Spencefield Lane, Leicester . County Secretary Miss M. J. Freer, 103 Narborough Road South, LeIcester (Tel. 823708) County P.R.O. P. W. Jackson, 53 Myrtle Road, Leicester (Tel. 28744) County Sergeant-Major K. Lee, 4 Stanley Drive, Leicester ASSOCIATION COUNTY CENTRE President The Lord Mayor Chairman H. N. Bream Secretary Miss M. J. Freer, 112 Regent Road, Leicester BRIGADE AREAS EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner Vacant Area Superintendent (A) C. R. Towell, Palel House, Gladstone Avenue, Melton Mowbray Area Superintendent (N) Miss D. O. Jones, 2 Hastings Road, Woodhouse Eaves Area Surgeon J. A. Ward, MRCS, LRCP, 'Sunnydene,' Melton Road, Syston Area Staff Officer F. H. Brown, 13 Melton Road, Asfordy Hill, Melton Mowbray CITY OF LEICESTER AREA Area Commissioner Vacant Area Superintendent (A) E. E. Hudson, 77 Hazel Street, Leicester Area Superintendent (N) Miss C. Shooter, 9 Oakthorpe Avenue, Leicester Area Surgeon G. H. Sullivan, MB, BS, LRCP, 421 London Road, Leicester Area Nursing Officer Mrs M. Fletcher, SRN, 28 Wavertree Drive, Leicester Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) L. W. Ward, 9 Evington Close, Evington Drive, Leicester Area Staff Officers G. K. Shaw, 73 Repton Road, Wigston Miss D. G. Hampson, 90 Upperton Road, Leicester T. Graham, 108 Parker Drive, Leicester Miss M. A. Hales, 11 Bonnington Road, Leicester F. R. Barton, 11 Edith Avenue, Narborough Road South, Leicester G. H. O'Dell, SR , 6 Ferndale Road, Thurmaston, Leicester Area P.R.O. D. M. Jones, 48 St Michael's Avenue, Leicester A. P. Oldham, '79 Jean Drive, Leicester Area Segt Major E. J. England, ABSI, AMBIM, 'Brandon', 7 Frinton Avenue, Evington, Leicester WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner Vacant Area Superintendent (A) H. A. Johnston, 114 Hollycroft, Hinckley Area Superintendent (N) Vacant Area Surgeon A. Hamilton, MB, eRB, OPH, 48 London Road, Coalville Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. H. F. Ward, 9 Oakley Road, Shepshed Area Staff Officers J. T. Kenny, 73 Fairfield Road, Hugglescote, Coalville M. L. Dickinson, SRN, SRFN, BT A, 67 Stokes Drive, Leicester Area P.R.O. P. P. Davies, 41 Spa Drive, Sapcote, Leics. NATIONAL COAL BOARD AREA Area Superintendent (A) A. H. M. Campbell, MRCS, LRCP, Green Hedges, Moira Road, Ashbyde-Ia-Zouch Area Surgeon A. J. A. Robertson, MB, CHB, Linden House, Church Street, Swadlincote, Burton-on-Trent Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. A. Belcher, 239 Melbourne Road, Ibstock Area Staff Officers J. N. Adey, 74 Common Road, Church Gresley, Burton-on-Trent Mrs C. G. D. Faulkner, 5 New Street, Donisthorpe, Burton-on-Trent G. Jackson, 344 Ashby Road, Coalville, Leicester (Training) Area Sergeant-Major T. Wilkinson, 210 High Street, Woodville, Burton-on-Trent






ASSOCIATION AND BRIGADE Coullty Office The Cardinal's Hat, 268 High Street, Lincoln (Tel. 23829) County President The Earl of Ancaster, TD, JP COllnty Vice-Presidents Lady Cracroft Amcotts (Nursing) Mrs M. E. Pledger (Nursillg Cadets) Commander St J. A. Captain P. H. E. Welby-Everard, DSC, DL, RN, Frieston Old Place, Cay thorpe, Grantham (Tel. Fulbeck 459) County Director O. G. L. Holmes, Little Witham, Syston, Grantham (Tel. Honington 359) Commissioner Captain P. H. E. Welby-Everard, DSC, DL, RN Deputy Commissioner M. C. Lavin, JP, MB, BS, LRCP, MRCS, 111 Oxford Street, Cleethorpes (Tel. Cleethorpes 61328) County Superintendent (N) Mrs V. F. M. Hedges, 34 Swallowbeck Avenue, Lincoln (Tel. 26823) County Surgeon L. K. Cordeaux, MRCS, LRCP, Gonerby House, Scotter, Gainsborough County Nursing Officer Mrs G. Fijalkowski, SRN, Normanby Hall, Scunthorpe, Lincs. County Training Officer A. Kay, SR ,17 Greystones Road, Gainsborough County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. A. Sullivan, 18 Rufford Road, Cleethorpes County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs P. I. C. Storrer, 388, Heneage Road, Grimsby County Staff Officers T. Cunnane, 16 Brandon Road, Scunthorpe (Public Duties) R. Wilson, 56 High Street, Blyton, Gainsborough (Training Aids) Coullty Secretary H. A. Brown, Flat 16, Church Lane, Sleaford. Centre Secretary (FA Classes) Mrs J. Mosey, Gonerby HOllse, Scotter, Gainsborough County P.R.O. Vacant

Headquarters 29 Weymouth Street, London WIN 4DR (Tel. 01-580 6762) Commallder St J. A. Group Captain G. H. Pirie, CBE, DL, JP, 7 Carysfort House, West Halkin Street, S.W.l. (Tel. 01-235 1561)

ASSOCIATION Deputy Director Lt-Colonel R. A. Payne, JP, 4 Wentworth Park, Church End, Finchley, N.3 Area Director (Western Area) Lt-Colonel John Coates, 3 Darby Crescent, Sunbury-on-Thames Area Director (South Western Area) Brigadier H. L. Lewis, CBE, Longford Lodge, Hampton, Middlesex Area Director (South Eastern Area) Major L. J. Harper, MBE, 12 Palace Gardens, Bromley, Kent


President The Lord Mayor Chairman Lt-CoJ. W. R. Hornby-Steer, Faris, 2 Onslow Court, Drayton Gardens, S.W.lO


Secretary Mrs D. W. G.


President The Mayor Road, W.8

Chairman D. G. A. Screen

Secretary J. A. A. Grant, c/o lOa Earls Court


President The Mayor Chairman Rear-Admiral J. H. Walwyn, MBE, 55 Ravenscourt Road, W.6


Secretary L. D. Thomson,


NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner L. M. Gerlis, MB, BS, LRCP, MRCS, 175 Scathoe Road, Grimsby Area Superintendent (A) c. B. North, 38 Cumberland Avenue, Grimsby Area Superintendent (N) Vacant Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. N. Colebrook, 549 Laceby Road, Grimsby Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant Area Staff Officers F. Bromfield, 6 High Street, Barton-on-Humber Mrs A. Bromfield, 6 High Street, Barton-on-Humber Area Sergeant-Major S. Anderson, 68 Fairmont Crescent, Scunthorpe

President The Mayor Chairman A. M. Mason Burlington Lane, W.4 LONDON BOROUGH OF EALING

President The Mayor Chairman H. L. Sparrow, 50 King Street, Southall, Middlesex


Secretary G. S. Chamberlain,

SOUTH WESTERN AREA President The Mayor Norwood, S.E.27

Chairman J. E. Dane

Secretary E. B. Hamley, 59 Eylewood Road, West


Chairman Cr H. W. Payne

Secretary Mrs L. Ahern, 33 Staunton Road,


President The Mayor Wimbledon S.W.19

Chairman A. French,


Secretary Mrs D. Danby, 139 Copse Hill,


President The Mayor Chairman Dr D. A. Buxton Hopkin Hill, Wimbledon, S.W.19

Secretary Mrs D. Danby, 139 Copse


President The Mayor Chairmall Dr B. Lloyd Bisley Twickenham, Middlesex

Secretary J. Dennett, Room 207 Regal House,


President The Mayor

SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner C. R. Morgan, LMSSA, MRCS, LRCP, Glebe House, Muston, Bottesford, Nottingham Area Superintendent (A) Vacant Area Superintendent ( ) Mr R. Vers-Kennedy, SRN, 125 Horncastle Road, Boston Area Surgeon G. S. Smith, MRCS, LRCP, DOBST, RCOG, Chevington House, Bourne, Lines. Arpa ursing Officer Mis M. P. Davies, SR ,3 Sunningdale Drive, Boston Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadet) (N) Miss J. A. Bingham, 6 St Marys Street, Stamford Area Staff Officers Mi M. Lawton, BEM, 129 London Road, Spalding (Training) G. Hillier, 11 London Road, Spalding (Training) F. G. Elliott, 1 Poplar Court, Pennygate, Spalding



President The Mayor Kingston, Surrey

CENTRAL AREA Area Commissioner Sqdn Ldr M. Griffith, 6 Church Lane, Cay thorpe, Grantham Area Superintendent (A) H. E. Dickens, 18 Uffington Avenue, Lincoln Area Superintendent (N) Miss M. Eassom, Vine Cottage, High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln Area Surgeon B. W. Wood, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, DRCOG, 35 St Catherine's, Lincoln Area Nursing Officer Mrs M. Rawdon, SRN, 19 Cranwell Street, Lincoln Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. R. Foster, 62 Mount Lane, Kirby, Lathorpe, Sleaford Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs J. M. Parker, 12 Willingham Avenue, Lincoln Area Staff Officer W. E. Scott, 83 Doddington Road, Lincoln

Secretary J. L. Danahay, c/o Chiswick Products Ltd,

Chairman Cr E. Harding

Secretary Vacant


President The Mayor

Chairman Lt-Col. C. E. B. Sutton,


Secretary Vacant


President V. Pereira-Mendoza Chairman A. T. Corless Dept, Polytechnic, Borough Road, S.E.1

Secretary Mrs G. D. G. Jack on, Phy ic


President The Lord Mayor Chairman Sir Irving Gane, Flat 8 16-17 Pall Mall, S.W.1


Secretary Alan S. Lamboll,





BRIGADE (pRINCE OF WALES'S DISTRICT) District Headquarters 29 Weymouth Street, W.l (Tel. 01-580 6762) District President Colonel Sir Thomas Butler, Bt, DSO, OBE, JP District Vice-Presidents Doreen, Lady Brabourne, CI Edwin Bayliss, OBE, DL, JP Lady Pamela Hicks (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner Col H. A. Lewis, MBE, TD, 19 Kylestrome House, Cundy Street, S.W.l (Tel. 01-730 7913) Deputy Commissioners C. E. Bower, OBE, 74 Roslyn Gardens, Gidea Park, Essex (Tel. 01-70 43317) D. R. Fenton, 54 Hillside Road, Southall, Middlesex (Tel. 01-578 2565) Lieut Colonel R. A. Payne, JP, 4 Wentworth Park, Church End, Finchley N.3 District Superintendent (N) Mrs D. Hoadley, 38 Heatherset Gardens, S.W.16 District Surgeon N. M. O. Hewett, MA, MRCS, LRCP, DOBST, RCOG, 1 Belvedere Drive, S.W.l9 Deputy District Surgeon W. N. Whiteside, MD, CHB, 3 Park Farm Road, Bromley, Kent District Nursing Officer Miss D. M. Lee, SRN, 28 Mount Park Road, W.5 Asst District Nursing Officer Mrs Sears, 109 Strawberry Vale, Twickenham District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Capt R. Parks, 33 Pangbourne Drive, Stanmore, Middlesex District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss 1. L. Robinson, 125 Singleton Crescent, Goring-by-Sea District Staff Officers Mrs D . Butanowich, 11 Manor Gardens, Merton Park, S.W.20 Miss M. D. Groom, 11 Manor Gardens, S.W.20 (Tel. 01-542 5082) S. W. Broom, 18 Fairlop Road, Leytonstone, E.ll C. W. M. Hobday, 2 Chancellor Grove, West Dulwich, S.E.21 (Stores) J. Nutt, 46 Fairway, Raynes Park, S.W.20 (District Camp Adviser) F. Raine-Allen, MBE, 9 Radnor Avenue, Harrow (Competitions) S. L. Fordham, 11 Shelbury Road, Dulwich, S.E.22 (Asst Treasurer) M. W. Searle, 3 West Walk, E. Barnet, Herts. (Training) Miss A. M. King, 368 Hale End Road, Highams Park, E.4 (Training) A. Gilston, 21 St John's Park Mansions, N.19 (Treasurer) F. H. Halls, 14 Lavers Road, N.16 (public Duties) S. Smith, 4 Heslop Road, Balham, S.W.12 (Stores) G . F. Tidy, 37 Aintree Road, Furness Green, Crawley, Sussex L. G. Love, 17 Queen's Gardens, Ealing, W.5 A. G. R. Bone, 12 Abercorn Gardens, Barley Lane, Romford, Essex (Training) Miss D. A. G. Watts, 32 Bede House, Manorfields, S.W.15 S. F. Pateman, 43 Guy Road, Wallington, Surrey A. A. W. Weston, BEM, 39 St George's Road, Hanworth, Feltham A. F. Bareham, 47 Elthorne Park Road, Hanwell, W.7 Miss M. H. T. Shaw, The Lodge, Ashmead Lane, Denham, Bucks. Miss M. M. Telfer, 125 Singleton Crescent, Goring-by-Sea (Cadets) R. H. A. Pickersgill, 16 Rye House, Ebury Bridge Road, S.W.1 (Public Duties) Mrs E. M. Jolly, 69 Whyteleafe Hill, Whyteleafe, Surrey L. S. Evans, 8 Worple Close, Harrow J. Bedells, 21 Cheriton Avenue, Bromley, Kent M. W. Young, 65 Kendall Avenue, N.18 E. B. Hamley, 59 Eylewood Road, West Norwood, S.E.27 (Public Duties) Miss N. L. Moore, MBE, 105 South Park Drive, Seven Kings, Essex C. W. Bowyer, 69 Natal Road, New Southgate, N.ll C. Cutler, 149 Penrose House, Penrose Street, S.E.17 C. W. Kirk, 123 Park Road, Enfield, Middlesex W. W. Packe, 14 Pembroke Road, Palmers Green, N .13 A. C. Davenport, 28a Prince of Wales Mansions, Battersea Park, S.W.l1 District Sergeant-Major Vacant District Secretary L. A. Harris, 16 Sylvan Close, Selsdon, Surrey

NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner H. F. Mulligan, Holly House, 5 Herbert Road, Emerson Park, Hornchurch, Essex Area Su.perintendent (A) F. D . Keefe, 1 Lawn Close, Edmonton, N.9 Area Superintendents (N) Mrs D. J. Mulligan, Holly House,S Herbert Road, Emerson Park, Hornchurch Mrs K . J. Styles, 98 Margaret Road, New Barnet, Herts. Area Surgeon R. M. Burton, MA, FRCS, MRCOG, MB, CllB, MMSA, Hallam, Cherry Tree Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks. Area Nursing Officers Mi s K. M. Pfister, SR ,12 Ridgmont Gardens, W.e.l Miss B. Ferguson, SRN 42 Queen Annes Gardens, Bush Hill Park, Enfield Asst Area ursing Officers Miss M. Jenkinson, SR , 27 Braxted Park, S.W.16 Mrs J. M. Higes, SR , 71 Meadway, Freezywater, Enfield Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. W. Seabridge, 21 Mansfield Road, N.W.3 Area Staff Officers (Cadets) (N) Miss 1. S. Burley, St Francis Cottage, 49 Asmuns Place, N.W.ll Mrs A. E. Calvert, 14 Oaklands, Winchmore Hill, N.21 34

Area Staff Officers P. Stacey, 23 New River Crescent, Palmers Green, N.13 (Competitions) C. F. Woodward, 58 Parliament Hill, N.W.3 (Cadets) S. R. Miller, 97 Mandeville Road, Enfield Miss D. Cleary, 111 Burgandy House, Bedale Road, Enfield, Middlesex The Rev. W. B. Gornall, SRN, 44 Hillview Gardens, Cheshunt, Herts. Miss D. R. Wain, 88 Sydney Road, N.8 W. Golding 16 Daneland, East Barnet, Herts. E. R. Lock, 148 Fillebrook Road, E.ll S. G. Matthews, 71 Kings Hill Drive, Kenton, Middlesex, Mrs W. Newman, 33 Dulverton Mansions, Gray's Inn Road, W.C.l (Cadets) J. R. Fox, 84 Frankland Road, Croxley Green, Herts. Mrs J. Outram, 72 Hollickwood Avenue N.12 Area Sergeant-Major L. Adler, 15 Oakley Drive, Harold Hill, Rornford, Essex Area P.R.O. T. W. West, 93 Pembury Road, Tottenham, N.17 (Tel. 01-808 5340)

EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner R. T. Bax, LDS, RCS(ENG), 5 Queens Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex Area Superintendent (A) W. T. Rosier, 47 Selwyn Avenue, Newbury Park, IIford Area Superintendent (N) Miss A. R. North, 100 Inglehurst Gardens, Redbridge, liford, Essex Area Surgeon Dr A. F. McDonald, 76 Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex Area Nursing Officer Mrs M. G. Goddard, SRN, White Lodge, 37 Wallenger Avenue, Gidea Park, Essex Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. P. Merrifield, 3 Sandringham Road, Barking Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss V. V. Malyan, 7 Tawney Avenue, Upminster, Essex Area Staff Officers G. F. Atkins, 72 Hillside Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex L. F. Dick, 15 Alma Avenue, Highams Park, E.4 (Competitions) Mrs M. Laver, BA, 444d Havering Road, Rornford, Essex F. C. Marden, 20a Wadley Road, Ley tons tone, E.11 Mrs P. M. Sanderson, 12 Kale Road, Benfieet, Essex (Cadets) E. Fisher, 17 Wilson Road, E.6 (Cadets) T. L. Hurst, 60 Lansdowne Road, Walthamstow, E. 17 Mrs F. A. Robinson, 120 Eastern Avenue, Wanstead, E.11 J. Stephenson, 41 Brian Road, Chadwell Heath, Essex (Cadets) Mrs E. M. Harris, 95 Hobleythick Lane, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex (Cadets) Area Sergeant-Major L. Goodrum, 221 Westrow Drive, Barking, Essex Area P.R.O. Mrs E. M. Holland, 21 Mashiters Walk, Romford, Essex SOUTH EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner E. A. Wheble, 18 Silecroft Road, Bexleyheath, Kent (Tel. 01-303 5451) Area Superintendent (A) L. J. Field, 31 Tiverton Drive, New EItham, S.E.9 Area Superintendent (N) Mrs J. M . Good, 54 Overhill Road, East Dulwich, S.E.22 Area Surgeon E. C. Dawson, MB, BS, 109 Crofton Road, Orpington, Kent Asst Area Surgeon H. G. Jeffs, MB, BS, 68 Daneby Road, S.E.6 Area Nursing Officer H. Bugg, SRN, 76 Maxwell Gardens, Orpington, Kent Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. R. Willis, 27 Worsley Bridge Road, S.E.26 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs K. D. Traer, 9 Broughton Road, Orpington, Kent Asst Area Nursing Officer Mrs C. Stretton, SRN, 3 Tudor Road, Beckenham Area Staff Officers H. G. H. Farrow, 8 Spa Close, South Norwood Hill, S.E. 25 (Treasurer) E. Mitchell, 'Portalet', 17 Avalon Close, Orpington, Kent Miss M. R. Crosdale, 161 Copers Cope Road, Beckenham, Kent (N.H.S.R.) Miss W. E. Willis, 179 Hazlebank Road, Catford, S.E.6 (Competitions) W. T. A. Higgett, 35 Ardoch Road, S.E.6 W. G. Ayling, 18 Crebor Street, East Dulwich, S.E.22 (Cadets) R. F. Giles, 27 Leathwell Road, S.E.8 (Cadets) Area Sergeant-Major D. J. Murfitt, 27 Cole Street, Borough, S.E.l Area P.R.O. Vacant SOUTH WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner Surgeon Lt-Commander P. J. Roylance, MB, CHB, RNR, 'Clovelly,' Drive Spur, Forest Drive, Kingswood, Surrey Area Superintendent (A) L. M. Croton, Kesdon, The Hatches, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey Area Superintendent (N) Mrs O. K. Russell, 39 Thornlaw Road, W. Norwood, S.E.27 Area Surgeon R. C. Ingrey Senn, MB, CHB, Norfolk House, Poynders Road, S.W.4 Asst Area Surgeon M. Barnforth, MB, CHB, Halidon House, Claremont Lane, Esher, Surrey Area Nursing Officer Miss D. M. White, 7 Maurice Avenue, Caterham, Surrey Asst Area Nursing Officer J. D. Horne, SRN, 84 Kingsmead Avenue, Worcester Park Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) L. J. Kibble, 40a Coome Road, Kingston-upon-Thames Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss D. E. Barker, 82 Sherwood Avenue, S.W.16 Area Staff Officers F. R. Frewin, 84 Toynbee Road, S.W.20 (Publicity) Miss C. Frampton, 'De~nington,' 13 St Martin's Avenue, Epsom, Surrey Miss M. A . Neville-Kaye, 104 Clyde Road, Addlscombe, Croydon G. T. Pickard, 84 Melrose Avenue, Wimbledon Park, S.W.20 A. R. Harris, 42 Edward Road, East Croydon, Surrey (Cadets) F. Wheadon , 243 Woodmansterne Road, Streatham, S.W.16 D. J. Lafferty, MBE, 'Emery Down,' BoIters Lane, Banstead, Surrey Mrs M. E. Stronach, 34 Tattenham Grove, Epsom Downs Mrs B. J. Broadbent, 65 Fairmount Road, Brixton, S.W.2 (Cadets) Mrs J. F. Laffety, 'Emerydown,' Bolters Lane, Banstead E. J. Mitchell, 42 Nelson Road, Wimbledon, S.W.19 Mrs E. D avis, 8 Grove Road, Mitcham, Surrey (Cadets) 35

Area Sergeant-Major P. Fawcett, Weston Acres, Woodman sterne Lane, Banstead, Surrey Area P.R.O. Vacant

WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner C. J. P. Seccombe, MRCS, LRCP, 20 Western Road, Southall Area Superintendent (A) J. Bowen, 3 Framfield Road, Mitcham, Surrey Area Superintendent (N) Miss F. M. Dean, MBE, 22 Chandos Road, Harrow Area Surgeon C. A. Osborn, MRCS, LRCP, 596 Whitton Avenue West, Greenford Asst Area Surgeon Col F. J. W. Hooper, MB, CHB, DPH, c/o Glyn Mills & Co, Kirkland House, Whitehall, S.W.1 Area Nursing Officer Mrs J. M. Noble, SRN, High Trees, Hamhaugh Island, Shepperton Lock Asst Area Nursing Officer Miss M. M. Young, SRN, 14 Honeypot Close, Honeypot Lane, Kingsbury, N.W.9 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. H. Lane, 11 Vale Croft, Pinner Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs V. C. Davies, 109 Barmouth Avenue, Perivale, Greenford Area Staff Officers J. Boss, 77 Salisbury Road, Ealing, W.13 J. G. Warner, 21 Holden Avenue, Kingsbury, N.W.9 Miss K. Barrie, 56 Cardington Square, Hounslow Heath A. E. Hill, 2 Cardinal Road, Eastcote, Ruislip, Middlesex G. H. Connell, 'Kingsland,' 20 Chatsworth Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex Miss E. M. Neasmith, 27 Wingate Road, Hammersmith, W.6 (Cadets) Miss V. W. Henderson, MBE, 57 Dorset Road, Ealing, W.5 W. E. Classey, 14 The Upland, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks. Mrs H. Dillon, 131 Ashley Gardens, S.W.1 A. H. Bines, 3 Gale Drive, Mount Pleasant, Lightwater, Surrey G. E. Hosking, 77 Dabbs Hill Lane, Northolt A. W. Bines, 56 Wadham Gardens, Greenford E. R. Gibbs, 31 Oakwood Crescent, Greenford, Middlesex (Cadets) C. W. Parr, 2 Gayfere Road, liford, Essex Area P.R.O. Vacant Area Sergeant-Major F. A. Brown, 22 Pyrmont Road, Chiswick, W.4

NORFOLK County Office 20 Castle Meadow, Norwich (Tel. 0603 21649) County Presidents Lt-Col Sir Richard Barrett-Lennard, Bt, IP Lady Cook (Nursing) County Vice-President Vacant (Ambulance) Association Cty. Director Vacant Commissioner Brig. F. P. Barclay, DSO, MC, DL, Little Dunham Lodge, King's Lynn (Tel. Holme Hale 365) Deputy Commissioners Col. F. C. Atkinson, The Old Manse, Guestwick, East Dereham (Tel. Foul ham 381) Lt-Col H. Blount, MC, TD, DL, Cley Old Hall, Holt Coullty Superintendent (N) Mrs G. R. D. Shaw, MBE, The Hall, Scottow, Norwich (Tel. Swanton Abbott 226) County Surgeon G. S. Joss, MB, CRB, LMCC, FRCS, 432 Unthank Road, Norwich COLinty NurSing Officer Miss M. Rennoldson, SRN, 20 Stafford Road, New Costessey, Norwich NOR 46J County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs A. A. Ettridge, 24 Meadowbrook Close, Norwich County Staff Officers Lt-Col, D. G. Buxton, Hoveton Hall, Wroxham, Norwich Lieut-Col C. B. Grant, MC, TD, The Old Vicarage, St Faiths, Norwich Brigadier V. L. M. Wainwright, OBE, MC, The Lime House, East Rudham, King's Lynn Major P. W. Raywood, TD, Manor Farm House, North Barningham, Norwich Mrs J. M. Hewitt, Bracken Hill, 10 Western Avenue, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich (Hospital Library) P. F. G. Wright, Whiteacre, Framlingham Earl, Norwich NOR44W Coullty Secretary Mrs Ettridge, 24 Meadowbrook Close, Norwich (Tel. 27703)

NORWICH AREA Area Commissioner F. J. Harvey, 8 Brian Avenue, Norwich NOR 28C Area Superintendent (A) Mrs M. E. Hammond, 4 Pine Road, Norwich NOR 86T Area Surgeon N. T. D. Brewis, MB, CRB, Catton Court, Old Catton, Norwich NOR69N Area Nursing Officer Mrs P. Green, SRN, SCM, The Vicarage, Rider Haggard Road, Norwich NOR 09R Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Major W. J. Rawkins, 5 Blickering Court, Recorder Road, Norwich Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs D. M. Harrold, 197 North Walsham Road, Sprowston, Norwich Area Staff Officers R. Shackleton, 14 Valleyside Road, Norwich (Training) Miss E. K. Matthews, 23 Clabon Road, Norwich Major E. L. Thompson, 1 Pinewood Close, Hellesdon, Norwich (Treasurer) K. W. Cutting, 1 Truman Close, Norwich NOR 42H

NORTH EAST (Cromer) AREA Area Commissioner Wing Commander B. B. W. Hallows, OBE, DFC, The White House, High Kelling, Holt Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. B. Jacobs, 15 St Mary's Road, Cromer Area Nursing Officer Miss J. V. Hughes, Kelling Hospital Holt Area Staff Officer A. J. Pink, 'Journey's End', ltteringham SOUTH EAST (Wymondham) AREA Area Commissioner Major T. B. Ellis, Mendham Mill, Harleston Area Superintendent (A) A. E. Sheldrake, Springfield, Lopham Road, East Harling Area Superintendent (N) Mrs L. M. Roper, Ellesmere House, Wortham Diss CENTRAL NORTH (Fakenham) AREA A/Area Commissioner Lt-Col P. Turner, 'Longacre', Stiffkey, Wells Next Sea Area Superintendent eN) The Hon Mrs R. Coke, 10 Knight Street, Walsingham Area Nursing Officer Mrs J. V. Highet, SR , The Hospital, East Dereham Area Staff Officer R. W. Simpson, 98 Wells Road, Hindringham, Fakenham CENTRAL SOUTH (Thetford) AREA A/Area Commissioner H. V. Buscall, Carbrooke Hall, Watton Area Superintendent (N) Miss V. M. Leather, MBE, The Old Laundry, Didlington, Thetford Area Surgeon Dr R. D. R. Shanks, Harvey House, Watton Area Nursing Officer Mrs V. M. Bewers, SRN, Fern House, Thetford WEST (King's Lynn) AREA Area Commissioner R. P. Errington, CMG, 'Whitecliff', Wodehouse Road, Hunstanton Area Superintendent (A) B. W. Meek, 4 St Valerey Lane, King's Lynn Area Nursing Officer Miss K. Allison, SR ,West Norfolk Hospital, King's Lynn Area Staff Officer H. G. E. Ellis, 56 Cresswell Street, King's Lynn

NORTHAMPTON County Office 21 York Road, Northampton (Tel. Northampton 33711) County President The Hon. Lady Macdonald-Buchanan County Vice-President The Marchioness of Northampton (Nursillg) Commander St J. A. W. J. G. Drake-Lee, MA, MB, BCH, MRCS, LRCP, Thorpe House, Headlands, Kettering Association Cty. Director F. C. Gibbs, 18 Birchfield Road, Northampton, NM J 4RE Commissioner W. J. G. Drake-Lee, MA, MB, BCR, MRCS, LRCP Deputy Commissioner H. R. Townshend, pychley Grange, Kettering County Superintendent (N) Miss M. Hull, 9 Billing Road, Northampton County Surgeon J. R. S. Sharp, MRCS, LRCP, 241 Abington Avenue, Northampton County Nursing Officer Miss M. A. Batchelor, SR , 22 Lynton Avenue, Harborough Road North, Northampton County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. C. Willey, 'Clare House,' Abbey Way, Rushden County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. L. Day, The Grange, Great Brington, Northampton County Staff Officers Miss G. Gainsford, 107 Park Avenue North, Northampton Mrs N. R. Billings, 2 Queens Gardens, Peterborough (Cadets) T. Sewell, 253 Park Road, Peterborough J. H. Sutton, 'Beverley', 41 St Albans Road, Northampton (Treasurer) F. C. Gibbs, 18 Birchfield Road, Northampton B. E. Billington, 76 Ashburnham Road, Northampton Mrs J. E. Halford, 'The Coombes,' Sibbertoft Mrs C. M. Borwick, Haselbech Hill, Northampton Mrs A. Wilkin, The Old Rectory, Cottesbrooke, Northampton P. W. P. Smith, 94 Kingsthorpe Grove, Northampton J. W. Chapman, 100 St Peter's Avenue, Kettering. R. Ingram, SR N, Huntingdon County Hospital, Huntingdon R. C. Manning, 29 Millers Park, Wellingborough . County Secretary Mrs M. White, 5 Forfar Street, St James, Northampton County Sergeant-Major A. E. Plowman, 23 The Ridge, Great Dodrington, Nr Wellingborough County P.R.O. W. J. L. Gotch, 50 Elsden Road, Wellingborough (Tel. 2833)


EAST (Yarmouth) AREA Area Commissioner R. C. Crighton, North Sand, 59 Blake Road, Newtown, Great Yarmouth Area Staff Officer Mrs R. C. Crighton, North Sand, 59 Blake Road, Newtown, Great Yarmouth


Secretary F. C. Gibbs, 18 Birchfield Road, Northampton WELLINGBOROUGR

Secretary W. J. L. Gotch, 50 Elsden Road, Wellingborough





No.3 (NORTHERN) AREA Area Commissioner W. D. Allison, 14 Wansbeck Road, Ashington Area Superintendent (A) W. Lamb, 124 Maple Street, Ashington Area Surgeon J. R. McPherson, MB, CHB, EnglefieJd, West View, Ashington Asst. Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Miss S. McMahon, SRN, District Nurses Home, Woodhorn Road, Ashington Area Staff Officers T. T. Corner, 40 River Bank East, Stakeford, Choppington (Training) A. V. Wilkinson, 199 Arundel Square, Ashington J. Wealleans, 23 Portia Street, Ashington J. T. Gibson,49 Chillingham Crescent, Ashington W. Graham, 69 Chillingham Crescent, Ashington

County Office St John House, Grainger Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 4 (Tel. Newcastle-uponTyne 37938) ASSO CIATION County Director R. L. Bellwood, TD, 42 Mosley Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1


President Dr J. Dobson Chairman W. D. Allison Crescent, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea

Secretary L. T. Wedderburn, 29 Westfield


President Dr C. F. Fairlie, Avenue, Blyth


Chairman Dr A. S. Urquhart

Secretary F. S. Parsons, 21 Hunter

HALTWHlSTLE AND WEST NORTHUMBERLAND Chairman Lt-Col. J. Clark, TD Secretary Alan Adamson, 9 Capel Avenue, Haltwhistle MORPETH Presidellt Brig. P. H. M. May, DSO, OBE, MC Chairman Miss C. E. Beeli Secretary Chief


W. Cresswell, Training Dept, County Police H.Q., Morpeth NEWCASTLE-UPO -TYNE

President Prof. H. Harvey Evers, MS, FRCS, FRCOG 2 Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Chairman C. Laws

Secretary J. Donkin,


President The Mayor Chairman Dr C. MacAlister Dowson Secretary R. Nessworthy, 6 South Preston Grove, North Shields BRIGADE County President Colonel E. G. Angus, CBE, MC . County Vice-President The Hon. Mrs C. E. Taylor (Nursing) Mrs M. C. Baker (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner Lieut.-Colonel R. E. W. Johnson, OBE, TO, Old Darras Hall, Edgehill, Ponteland (Tel. Ponteland 2368) Deputy Commissioner G. H. Crowther, 6 Garth Seven, Killingworth, Newcastle upon Tyne 12 (Tel. 665366) County Superintendent (N) Miss M. Jackson, SRN, SCM, DN, 40 Mayfield Avenue, Cramlington (Tel. 3722) County Surgeon J. Brown, MB, BS, Hill Crest, Horton Road, Bebside, Blyth (Tel. Bedlington 2149) County Nursing Officer Miss A. Emens, 23 Holystone Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne N"E33HN County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. B. Watkins, BSC, 2 Valley Gardens, Monkseaton, Whitley Bay County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant County Staff Officers J. D. Dunn, 20 Walker Terrace, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne 6 Miss J. Fearnside, 15 Vicars Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne 7 (Training) C. A. Higgins, 3 Mitford Gardens, Howden (Training) G. A. Rafferty, 29 Melrose Avenue, Bedlington (Competitions) Miss E. Baggott, SRN, 23 Holystone Avenue, Newcastle upon Tyne NE33HN County Secretary E. B. Downey, 12 Ridgewood Crescent, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne 3 (Tel. Gosforth 58886) No.1 (SOUTHERN) AREA Area Commissioner A. S. Veeder, MRCS, LRCP, 3 Carlton Close, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne 3 Area Superintendent (A) G. W. Brooks, 36 Wilton Drive, West Monkseaton, Whitley Bay Area Superintendent (N) Miss F. Scorer, 3 Industrial Terrace, Wallsend-on-Tyne Area Surgeon D. W. B. Hogg, MB, BS, 727 West Road, Newcastle upon Tyne 5 Area Nursing Officer Miss F. E. M. Newton, SRN, SCM, 11 Manor Place, Longbenton, Newcastleupon-Tyne Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs C. E. Jones, 16 Lesbury Avenue, Rosehill, Wallsend-on-Tyne Area Staff Officers T. S. Woodhouse, 3 Ebor Street, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne 6 (Public Duty) F. C. Bell, 4 Bexley Avenue, Newcastle upon Tyne 5 R. Walker, 55 Newton Avenue, Cullercoats S. Gilmore, 112 Campbell Park Road, Hebburn on Tyne D. Colley, 57 Shortridge Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne No. 2 (MIDLAND) AREA Area Commissioner Vacant Area Superilltendent (A) A. R. Hancock, 29 Sixth Avenue, Blyth Area Superintendent (N) Mrs W. Yellowley, 8 Burns Avenue, Blyth Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. Aldus, 9 Hortendale Grove, Cowpen Estate, Blyth Area Staff Officers J. Rutter, 34 Melrose Avenue, Bedlington (Training) A. Gregg, 5 Bells Place, Bedlington (Public Duties) S. Krysiak, 1 Wembley Terrace, Cambois, Blyth


NOTTINGHAMSHIRE County Office 3 Weekday Cross, Nottingham (Tel. Nottingham 50437) County President His Grace The Duke of Portland, KG County Vice-Presidents F. G. Glossop, OBE (Ambulance Cadets) The Countess Manvers (Nursing Cadels) Commander St J. H. L. Bosworth, OBE, Westfield House, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. (Tel. Sutton-in-Ashfield 3605) Association Cty Director J. A. Swanwick, 222 Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham Commissioner C. Cumberland, 17 Blake Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham Deputy Commissioner E. R. F. Pogmore, 'Hill Side,' Crowhill Drive, Mansfield, Notts. County Superintendent (N) Mrs M. L. Johnstone, SRN, SCM, 'Southfields,' Church Street, Pinxton County Surgeon G. E. Johnstone, MB, CHB. 'Southfields,' Church Street, Pinxton, Nottingham Asst. County Superintendent (N) Vacant County Nursing Officer Miss H. B. Edwards, SRN, SCM, 'Maranatha,' Nuncagate Road, Kirby-inAshfield, Notts. Asst. County Nursing Officer Mrs E. Bennett, SRN, 108 Common Side, Selston County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. Bradbury, 17 Little John Drive, Rainworth, Nr Mansfield County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant County Staff Officers L. Hockin, 9 Farndon Green, Wollaton Park, Nottingham L. H. Biddulph, Lea Hurst, Southwell Road, East Rainworth, Notts. W. L. Ashmore, 21 Fenton Drive, Bulwell, Nottingham (Training) County Secretary Mrs J. Ledger, 10 Mappedey Hall Drive, Nottingham (Tel. 64349) Asst. County Secretary W. W. Key, 107 Musters Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham County P.R.O. P. D. Binns, 26 Milton Drive, Ravenshead, Blidworth, Nr Mansfield (Tel. Blidworth 2949 (Business) Langley Mill 2124)

NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner R. Scott, 9 The Links, Oak Tree Lane, Mansfield Asst. Area Commissioner O. T. Storrs, MBE, Garden House, Perlethorpe, Nr Ollerton Area Superintendent (A) G. H. Keverne, Oakengate, 49 Blyth Road, Worksop, Notts. Area Superintendent (N) Mrs D. W. Nash, SRN, 6 Elkesley Road, Welbeck Colliery Village, Mansfield Area Surgeon D. S. Kerr, MA, MB, BCH, MRCS, LRCP, Main Road, Farnsfield, Newark Area Nursing Officer Mrs A. Henson, 7 Rutland Avenue, Bolsover Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. Stubbs, 61 Rufford Road, Edwinstowe, Mansfield Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs E. Major, 275 Sandy Lane, Worksop Area Staff Officers W. H. Insley, 13 The Crescent, Blidworth, Nr Mansfield F. C. Rose, 'Derwent,' 30 Rufford Road, Edwinstowe, Notts. J. Haslegrave, 84 Yew Tree Road, New Ollerton, Newark (Training) Mrs K. Townsend, School House, Bilsthorpe, Newark (Cadets) Area Sergeant-Major V. S. Dean, 14 Erring Road, Bilsthorpe, Newark SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner J. E. Wood, The Grange, Trowell, Notts. Area Superintendent (A) W. Morrell, 296 Wollaton Road, Nottingham Area Superintendent (N) Miss S. J. Bishop, SRN, SCM, The Medical Centre, Gedling Colliery, Gedling, Notts. Area Surgeon J. F. D. Boyd, MB, CHB, 97 Derby Road, Stapleford, Notts. Asst. Area Surgeon R. H. Vartan, MB, CHB, Rannoch Lodge, Watnall Road, Hucknall, Notts. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. Jennings, 26 Ellesmere Road, Forest Town, Mansfield Area Staff Officers L. C. Hogg, 13 Esher Grove, Mapperley Park, Nottingham G. Pepperday, 6 Tudor Avenue, Forest Town, Mansfield (Cadets) J. Blackham, 8 Bulwer Road, Kirkby-inAshfield E. Higham, 107 Long Hill Rise, Hucknall F. Moreley, 43 Bonser Gardens, Suttonin-Ashfield K. Bower, 75 Brookfield Avenue, Hucknall, Nottingham G. Cook, 158 Moorgreen, Newthorpe, Nottingham C. W. Allen, 27 St. John's Road, Smalley, Derbyshire Area Sergeant-Major E. Selby, Bagnall Lodge, Bagnall Road, Cinderhill, Nottingham




CITY OF NOTTINGHAM AREA Area Commissioner A. J. Mascari, MD, LMCC, 'The Brownberries,' Loughborough Road, Ruddington, Nottingham Area Superintendent (A) H. F. Foulstone, 23 Brora Road, Bulwell, Nottingham Area Superintendent (N) Miss G. E. Clow, 24 Firs Road, Edwalton, Nottingham Area Surgeon Dr M. Sherrard, 321 Apsley Lane, Apsley, Nottingham Area Nursing Officer Miss E. Jew, SRN, SCM, 91 Mildenhall Crescent, Bestwood Park Estate, Nottingham Asst. Area Nursing Officer Mis F. Pinder, SR I , Flat 1, Capitol COllrt, Oldchurch Road, Nottingham NG8 lEX Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) E. A. Rainbow, 7 Ainsdale Crescent, Cinderhill, Nottingham Area Staff Officer (Cadets) ( ) Miss R. M. Sheppard, SR N, Nur es Home, City Hospital , Nottingham Area Staff Officers F. Carrier, 10 Grover Avenue, Mapperley, Nottingham C. A. Towle, 2 Ernest Road, Standhill Road, Nottingham (Transport) Miss M. M. Knowles, 24 Firs Road, Edwalton, Nottingham W. F. Shaw, 40 Furlong Avenue, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 Area Sergeant-Major L. Bailey, 45 Colchester Road , Srrelly, Nottingham

OXFORDSHIRE County Office Paradise Street, St Ebbes, Oxford (Tel. Oxford 42061) County President Colonel A. V. G. Dower, TD, DL, MFH County Vice-Presidents T. F. Briggs, OBE, TO, MRCS, LRCP (Ambulance) The Lady Bicester (Nursing) J. P. B. Brooke-Little (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs Gardiner-Hill (Nursing Cadets) Commander St J. A. Colonel A. V. G. Dower, TO, DL, MFH, Newington House, Warborough, Oxford Association Cty. Director The Hon. Ralph Mansfield, East End House, Watlington, Oxford Commissioner Wing Commander M. M. Kane, MBE, RAF (RETD), Brimpton Cottage, Milton Common, Oxford Deputy Commissioner J. F. G. Coles, MBE, QPM, 1 Eton Villas , Broad Street, Bampton County Superintendent (N) Mrs D. F. Coles, MB, CHB, 1 Eton Villas, Broad Street, Bampton (Tel. Bampton Castle 383) Asst. County Superintendent (N) Mrs S. Healey, 'Molyneux', Common Road, North Leigh County Surgeon Vacant County Nursing Officer Miss R. K. Ware, SR ,SCM, 2 Cooper Place, Headington Quarry, Oxford County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. Bee, 75 Benchfield Road, Banbury County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss D. M. Candy,S Burdell Avenue, Headington, Oxford County Staff Officers A. E. Hayward, 34 Cope Close, North Hinksey, Oxford (Stores) Miss C. Waldock, 7 Arran Grove, Banbury E. F. Bazley, 116 Rowner Road, Rowner, Gosport, Hants. A. J. Dowdy, 105 Campbell Road, Cowley, Oxford (Training) M. Maclagan, MA, Trinity College, Oxford (Treasurer) E. W. Allen, West End House, Witney County Secretary Mrs F. P. Hayward, 34 Cope Close, North Hinksey, Oxford County P.R.O. Vacant

ASSOCIATION COUNTY CENTRE President and Chairman Col A. V. G. Dower, 50 Common Road, North Leigh, Witney


Secretary Mrs S. Healey, 'Molyneux',

BRIGADE AREAS NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner R. A. K. Trinder, Asquith House, 124 Middleton Road, Banbury Area Surgeon P. P. Pigott, MB, BS, Horley Manor, Banbury Area Nursing Officer Mrs M . S. A. Haddon, SRN, College Farm House, Bodicote, Banbury SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner C. R. Lawrence, Ambulance House, Churchill Drive, Old Road, Headington, Oxford Area Surgeon T. J. Ryan, MA, BM, BCH, MRCP, 8 Newlands Close, Eynsham Area Nursing Officer W. E. Haynes, SRN, 2 Cottage, Slade Hospital, Headington, Oxford

PLYMOUTH, SOUTH-WEST DEVON AND EAST CORNWALL Commallder St. J. A. Squadron Leader J. E. G. Hancock, DFC, 2 Bedford Terrace, Plymouth (Tel. 65802) Coullty Director R . J. Lawrence, St. John House, 5 Bedford Terrace, Plymouth County Office St John House, 2 Bedford Terrace, Plymouth (Tel. Plymouth 65802)



President The Lord Roborough, JP, Lord Lieutenant of Devon Chairman G. L. Bunker Secretary P. M. Cole, 121 Wolseley Road, Ford, Plymouth

BRIGADE County President The Lord Roborough, JP , Lord Lieutenant of Devon . . COUllty Vice-Presidents Sir Henry Studholme, Bart, evo (Amblllallc~) Mrs C. M . Rodd (NtIl S/JIg) G. S. Thompson (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs J. H. M. Keys (NIlt'stl1g Cadets) Commissioner Squadron Leader J. E. G. Hancock, D F C County Superintendent (N) Mrs V. A. Trebilcock, 41 Kingswood Park Avenue, Peverell, Plymouth (Tel. 0752-72615) " County Surgeon R. St J. Harold, LRCP, LRCSI, OPH, ~B~Yher, Manadon HIli, Plymouth County Nursing Officer Miss S. L. Luxton, SRN, 11 HIllSIde Av.enue, Saltash . Asst. County Surgeon J. E. Owen, MRCS, LRCP, 294 Fort Aus.tm Avenue, Crownhlll, Plymouth Asst. County Superintendent (N) Mrs E. M. Wood, Combe .Rlse, Noss Mayo, Nr Plymouth County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. H. Strang, 80 Ladysnuth Road, Plymouth County Sta/fOfficer (Cadets) (N) Miss J. L. Ovens, 53 Compton Park Avenue, Mannamead, Plymouth County Staff Officers G . J. R. Pearce, 95 Torr Lane, Plymouth A. D. Johns, 10 Allendale Road , Mutley, Plymouth (Cadets) W. C. Vincent, Wren Sto:es, .Wren Close, Larkh~~ Lane, Plympton, Plymouth (Stores) S. Rickard, 12a Hotham Place, MIllbndge, Plymouth (Trammg) E. C. Wood, 46 Jedburgh Crescent, Plymouth (Transport and Public Duties) F. Blatcher, 2 Bedford Terrace, Plymouth Mrs M. Peterson, SRN, 47 Dunstone View, Plymstock, Plymouth E. H: Hay, 24 Cott Hill, Plympton, Plymouth (Asst. P.R.O.) K. R. Eacott, 52 St Leonard 's Road , Pnnce Rock, Plymouth (Cadets) County Secretary Mrs G. M. Bascombe, 29 Lopes Road, Plymouth (Tel. 51281) County P.R.O. R. E . Stanton, 76 West Down Road , Beacon Park, Plymouth (Tel. 51775)

SHROPSHffiE COllnty Office St John House, Priory Road, Shrewsbury (Tel. Shrewsbury 2391) County Presidents Viscount Boyne, JP, DL The Lady Forester (Nursing) . County Vice-Presidents Mrs K. M. West (Nursing) Colonel The Earl.of POWIS, CBE (Ambulance Cadets ) Commander St J. A . Viscount Boyne, JP, OL, Burwarton House, Bndgnorth, Salop. Association Cty. Director D. A. Ireland, MA, BM, B CH, Council House Court, Shrewsbury Commissioner Colonel W. P. Careless, oso, OL, JP, 3 Russell Ridge, Shrewsbury Deputy Commissioner D . F. Hewat-Jaboor, MB, CHB, Yorton House, Harmer Hill , ~r Shrewsbury Coullty Superintendent (N) Mrs A. P. Hewat-Jaboor, SRN, YortoD House, Harmer HIli, Nr Shrewsbury (Tel. Clive 372) County Surgeon D. A. Ireland, MA, BM, BCR, Council House Court, Shrewsbu~y County Nursing Officer Mrs M. E. Mallett, SRN, Ivy House, Kennedy Road, Kmgsland, Shrewsbury County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F. Brown, 176 Crowmere Road, Shrewsbury . County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs A. L. Whittles, SRN, The Cottage~ Tern, Wellmgt?n County Staff Officers J. Phipps, 8 Quarry Lane, Red Lake, Ketley,. Welh~gton, ShropshIre R. F. D. Pawley, 11 Stokesay Road, Wellington Mrs U. M. FIdler, SIlverton, ~adbrook Road, Shrewsbury E. J. Williams, 13 Grinshill Drive, Crowmoor, Shrewsbury. H. Davls, 66 Gran.ge Road, Shrewsbury (Training) Mrs J. E. Davidson, SRN, Crescent House, WhItchurch Road, WellIngton County Sergeant-Major W. Thomas, BEM, 3 Newhall Gardens, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury County Secretary W. D. Wickens, 16 Dounton Close, Harlescott, Shrewsbury County P.R.O. L. Thomas, High Street Chambers, Shrewsbury

ASSOCIATION COUNTY CENTRE Chairman D. A. Ireland, MA, BM, BCH, Council House Court, Shrewsbury 262 Crowmere Road, Shrewsbury

Secretary L. H. Trentham,

BRIGADE AREAS EASTERN AREA Area Surgeon W. G. Liggett, MB, nCR, BAO, 3 Stafford Road, Oakengates Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. R. Poole, 15 Haybridge Road, Wellington WESTERN AREA Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. W. M. Wood, 7 Whitehouse Gardens, Ditherington, Shrewsbury Area Staff Officer J. E. W. Felton,S Dale Road, Glenburn Gardens, Monkmoor, Shrew bury






County Office St John House, 60 Staplegrove Road, Taunton (Tel. Taunton 7285) County President Mrs H. W. Faulkner Commander St J A Lieut.-Gen. Sir Brian Kimmins, KBE, CB, Rodwell House, West Lambrook, Sou th Petherton (Tel. 509) Dep. Assn. Cty. Director Capt. John Lloyd, MC, Langford Court, Langford Budville, Wellington, Somerset (Tel. Milverton 430) A/Commissioner Lieut.-Colonel S. C. F. De Salis, OSO, OL, The Old Court House, Drayton, Nr Langport (Tel. Curry Rivel 400) County Superintendent (N) Miss E. M. Bruce-Steer, Glenmore Lodge, Minehead (Tel. 0643 2492) County Surgeon J. Ll. Temple, MB, BS, FRCS, 23 Cecil Road, Weston-super-Mare Asst. County Superintendent (N) Vacant County Nursing Officer Miss M. D. Baker, SRN, SCM, BTA(HONS .), Isolation and Chest Hospital, Cheddon Road, Taunton Asst. County Surgeon R. H. P. Fernandez, MD, CHB, DIH, 'Carabine,' Cross, Nr Axbridge County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. J. Moran, MA, 33 Holcombe Close, Bathampton, Nr Bath County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss V. Yandle, Farmer's Rest, Sampford Brett, Taunton County Staff Officers Mrs D. I. Rowlands, Windsor Lodge, Haines Hill, Taunton (Cadets) F. W. Murkin, SRN, BT A, 29 Holway Hill, Taunton (Training) C. T. H. Howe, 'Waycot,' Uphill Way, Weston-super-Mare (Transport) Mrs V. E. L. Husbands, 'Wilminstone,' Overleigh Street, Somerset L. E. Bawden, 9 Holms Road, Weston-super-Mare (Camping) D. A . Rogers, 23 The Mead. Clutton, Bristol (Camping) W. Huish, 30 Woodbury Road, Bridgwater County Sergeant-Major G. D. Butcher, MM, Orchard Close, East Brent County Secretary and Treasurer Lieut.-Colonel S. G. Rogers, Obridge House, Taunton (Tel. 84898) County P.R.O. Mrs D. Bingham-Hall, 1 Glebe House, Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare (Tel. 1883)

County Office St John House, 49 Wolverhampton Road, Stafford (Tel. 0785 51657) County President Sir Alfred G. B. Owen, CBE Association County Director A. G . Walker, MB, CHB, 'Tree Tops', Stafford Road, Coven Heath,

NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner D. O. Clark, MBE, MB, BS, FRCS, Mendip Croft, Bleadon Hill, Weston-super-Mare (Tel. Bleadon 389) Area Superintendent (A) R. V. Criddle, Sundorne, Oldmixon Road, Hutton, Nr Weston-super-Mare Area Superintendent (N) Mrs E. L. Perryman, 53 Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare Area Surgeon C. D. Drew, MB, BCH, MRCS, DRCOG, 12 Brean Down Avenue, Weston-super-Mare Area Nursing Officer Mrs D. Lucas, SRN, 18 Charlton Road, Weston-super-Mare Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) V. P. Weids, 'Sherwood,' 13 Coleridge Vale Road, Clevedon Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs O. Bawden, 9 Holms Road, Weston-super-Mare Area Staff Officer Mrs P. Birch, BA, DIPEO, 17 Nithsdale Road, Weston-super-Mare (Training) EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner Vacant Area Superintendent (A) G. W. Nailor, 20 St Mary's Road, Frome Area Superintendent (N) Vacant Area Surgeon A. R. Williams, MB, CHB, 'Cranfield,' Corsley, Warminster, Wilts. Area Nursing Officer Miss M. R. Gascoyne, SRN, c/o The Victoria Hospital, Park Road, Frome Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) K. Collier, 21 Butts Hill, Frome Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. K. Tiley, SRN, Yew Tree House, Clutton, Nr Bristol Area Staff Officer R. A. L. Belben, Bath and County Club, 21 Queen Square, Bath SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Major W. K. B. Crawford, Weston Bampfylde Manor, Yeovil Area Superintendent (A) H. C. Pender, 8 Western Retreat, Wells Area Superintendent (N) Mrs L. C. Best, Coombe House, Wookey Hole, Wells Area Surgeon D . T. H. Randell, MB, CHB, DRCOG, 22 Church Road, West Huntspill, Highbridge Area Nursing Officer Miss M. E. Day, SRN, 15 Millgreen Place, West Huntspill, Highbridge Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) M . G. Treloggen, Sharpham Park, Walton, Street Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. A. Cox, 'Meadowcroft,' Kingsway, Mark, Highbridge Area Sergeant-Major L. C. Betty, Mount Villa, Mount Street, Bridgwater WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner Colonel D. I. L. Beath, CBE, TD, Lapswater Marsh, Yarcombe, Honiton Area Superintendent (A) L. W. John, 11 Greenway Road, Taunton Area Superintendent (N) Mrs E. M. Morrison, 1 Staplegrove Manor, Taunton Area Surgeon A. R. Jordan, MB, BS, DRCOG, Dunkery Lodge, Townsend Road, Minehead Area Nursing Officer Miss J. E. Brown, SRN The Flat, 47 Irnham Road, Minehead Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. E. Powell, 7 Galmington Drive, Taunton Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs N. E. Ledger, SRN, Orchard Lodge, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Taunton Area Staff Officers Mrs F. B. Bailey, 'Elmbridge,' 88 South Road, Taunton (Welfare Officer)


Stafford . C Wid Commissioner C. G . Edwards, MB, CHB, MRCS, LRCP, DMR(O), 27 Tavistock rescent, est an s, Newcastle-under-Lyme Deputy Commissioner M. A. Simmons, 12 Mount Court, Mount Road, Tettenhall Wood, Wolverhampton County Superintendent (N) Miss P. Lawton, SRN, 2 Littleworth Avenue, Woodsetton, Nr Dudley, Worcs. (Tel. 0907-3-3321) County Surgeon P. M . James, MB, CHB, 'Highcross,' 154 Hednesford Road, Rugeley, Stafford Asst. County Superintendent (N) Vacant County Nursing Officer Mrs M. Rosier, SRN, 9 Millcroft Road, StreetIy, Sutton Coldfield County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F. E. S. Jones, 71 Cocknage Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent County Staff Officer (Cadets) eN) Vacant County Staff Officer Mrs L. Rushton, 196 St John's Road, Cannock County Secretary R. Lee, 1 Windsor Road, Queensville, Stafford (Tel. 52638) County Sergeant-Major G . Watterson , 74 Hart Roa~, Wednesfield . County P.R .O. D . L. Williams, 4 Suffolk Grove, Lelghswood, Aldndge, Walsall (Tel. Sueetly 1079) ASSOCIATION CENTRE Chairman T. K. Elliott, MB,


Secretary Mrs D. Chancellor, County Office

BRIGADE AREAS NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Major T. R . Turner, TD, Meadowcroft, Meadow Drive, Blurton, Stoke-on-Trent Area Superintendent (A) W. Gwilt, 62 Queen's Road, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent Area Superintendent (N) Mrs P . K. D. Harris, 14 Kings Avenue, Wolstanton Area Surgeon L. K. Levens, MB , BCH, Acton Hill Farm, Acton, .Newcastle-under-Lyme Area Nursing Officer Mrs D . J. Henderson, SRN, 3 Meadow Dnve, Cheadle Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) E . J. Bailey, 25 Portland Drive, Forsbrook, Stoke-on-Trent Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs N. Swallow, Waterfall Cottage, Offiey Brook, Ecc1eshall, Stafford Area Staff Office rs J. H. Kenny, The Croft, Bramshall Road, Uttoxeter Mrs W. Bailey, 25 Portland Drive, Forsbrook, Stoke-on-Trent J. Tansey, 4 Braemore Road, Abbey Hulton, Stoke-on-Trent

SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Colonel G. Higgs, ERD , 253 Broadway North, Walsall Area Superintendent (A) G. Moseley, 5 Charles Foster Street, Darlaston Area Superintendent (N) Miss B. Farnell, SRN, 88 Burland Avenue, Tettenhall Area Surgeon H. A. O'Leary, LRCP, LRCS, LM, 6 Westbourne Road, ~alsall Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) V. J. Mitchell, 'Tall Pines,' Valehead Dnve, Tettenhall Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss B. Spencer, 1 Wingfoot Avenue, Low Hill.' Wolver~ampton Area Staff Officers G. A. Mossop, 33 Hall Road, Smethwick C. Madeley-Smlth, 22 Skidmore Avenue, Dosthill, Tamworth E. S. Pugh, 1 Hampton Place, Darlaston (Cadets)

SUFFOLK County Office 1 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich (Tel. 54005) . ' Commander St J. A. Major R . S. Schreiber, Campsea Ashe House, Woodbndge (Tel. WIckham Market 426)

ASSOCIATION County Director The Rev. H. G . Eade, The Rectory, Bucklesham, Ipswich Deputy County Director W. C. New CENTRES IPSWICH

President Col M. MacEwan, DSO, OBE, DFC, Handscomb, Manderly, Copdock, Ipswich


Chairman W. Mayhew

S ecretary Mrs C. J.


President Sir Gervaise Blois, Bt Crescent, Lowestoft

Chairman C. Craig,


Secretary J. W. Wilson, 9 Greenacre


President W. T. Aitken Chairman Dr D. A. McCracken Westbury Avenue, Bury St Edmunds

Secretary Dr D. A . McCracken, 32





BRIGADE County President Lady Blanche Cobbold, County Vice-President Miss M. H. Miller, MBE, SRN (NursiJ/g) Commissioner Major C. W. Schreiber Deputy Commissioner C. W. Leverett, OBE, 'Woodlands,' Debach, Woodbridge County Superintendent (N)Mrs M. C. E. Harwood, SRN, SCM, Redmay, Walberswick, Southwold Suffolk

(Tel. 0502 72 3274)


County Surgeon S. T. G. Gray, MB, CHB, DPH, The Hollies, Holbrook, Ipswich Asst. County Superintendent (N) Mrs R. V. Schreiber, Campsea Ashe House, Woodbridge Counly Nursing Officer Vacant Coullly Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Walter C. Mayhew, 82 Severn Road, Ipswich County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss M. Corston, 31 Heath Road, Ipswich County Staff Officer Dr D. W. Ryder Richardson, The Beeches, Saxmundham A. J. English,

5 .Croxton Close, Kirton, Nr Ipswich (Training) F. W. Rufford, 18 Geneva Road, Ipswich Mrs A. RIchardson, SRN, 11 Garfield Road, Felixstowe Rev. H. G. Eade, The Rectory, Bucklesham B. D. Pric~, 2 Epsom Drive, Ipswich (Admin) (Treasurer) R. F. Dyer, 302 Normanston Drive, Oulton Dnve, Nr Lowestoft V. E. Mayhew, 48 Tasmania Road, Ipswich (Transport) County Secretary Miss V. D. Gee, 471 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich (Tel. 78769) WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner D. A. McCracken, MD, DPH, 32 Westbury Avenue, Bury St Edmunds Area Surgeoll Mrs Martin, MRCS, LRCP, Button Close, Ixworth, Bury St Edmunds Area Staff Officer G. H. Burdon, 7a College Lane, Bury St Edmunds (Treasurer)

SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Lt-Col P. St G. H. Maxwell, MC, Pettis tree Grange, Woodbridge Area Surgeon P. E. J. Cutting, MD, MRCP, 37 Berners Street, Ipswich Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. G. Jenner, 6 Barrack Lane, Lower Ufford Area ~taff Officers H. Baxter, 55 Kensington Road, Ipswich M. W. Hood, 7 Chester Road, Fehxstowe W. W. Peck, 31 Shafto Road, Ipswich Mrs D. Flaye, 187 Clapgate Lane, Ipswich Mrs M. K. Durham, 29 Lacey Street, Ipswich NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner D. H. Kinmont,


24 Nicholas Drive, Reydon, Nr Southwold


Chairman Dr F. Caldecott

Secretary Miss W. M. Ariss, 1 Longley Road, Farnham

BRIGADE AREAS WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner J. M. Ball, 88 New Haw Road, Addlestone Area Superintendent (A) K. J. Marks, 170 Buckingham Road, Hampton, Middlesex Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. V. Watts, SRN, 6 The Close, West Byfieet Area Surgeons (N. W.) R. J. J. Bennett, MB, BS, DOBST, RCO G, 9 Clarence Close, Walton-on-Thames (S. w.) J. M. Norman, MRCP, MRCS, LRCP, DRCOG, 6 Mavins Road, Farnham . Area Nursing Officers (N.W.) Miss U. Harrison, SRN, Orchard Croft, 68 Broad Street, Gutldford (S. w.) Mrs M. L. D. Matthew, SRN, Sandways, Middlebourne Lane, Lower Bourne, Farnaham Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. Worthy, 42 Tennyson Road, Addlestone, Surrey Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. W. Webb, Pypers, Springfarm Road, Camelsdale, Haslemere Area Staff Officers G. H. Hatfield, 4 Guildford Road, Farnham H. L. D. Coughlin, 93 Church Road, Addlestone D. E. Henderson, 58 Lindsay Road, Newhaw, Weybridge Miss G. S. Patrick, 27 Ashenden Road, Guildford Miss G. V. Dodson, Springvale, 22 Leigh Road, Cobham Mrs E. M. Gravestock, Westering, Barton Road, Bramley W. T. Stedman, 27 Pembroke Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames Area Sergeallt-Major F. Jamieson, 4 Hammer Hill, Haslemere EASTERN AREA Area Comll1issioner O. H. Ashdown, 48 Staplehurst Road, Reigate Area Superintendellt (A) R. B. Adams, 65 Fairhaven Road, Redhill Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. Belfield, Tangmere, Povey Cross Road, Gatwick Area Surgeon A. R. H. Hicks, BA, MB, BCH, MRCS, LRCP, 'Pippins,' 106 Balcombe Road, Horley Area Nursing Officer Vacant Asst. Area Nursing Officer Mrs J. C. Mackenzie, SR ,Navua House, London Road, Crawley, Sussex Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. C. Baylis, 6 Benhams Drive, Horley Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss B. M. Hunt, 32 The Crescent, Horley Area Staff Officers Mrs D. Covell, Cherry Wood, Baldwins Hill, East Grinstead A. G. Gumbrell,

'Haydens,' Fordbridge, South Merstham R. A. Lockett, 8 Station Road, Earlswood, Redhill J. E. Smith, 104 Middle Street, Brockham (Cadets) A. C. Holman, 18 Potters Way, Reigate (Training) T. T. Dumaresq, 18 Orchard Way, Reigate Miss G. M. Buckland, 33 Grove Hill Road, Redhill L. V. Kemp, 86 Somerset Road, Meadvale, Redhill B. H. Hawkins, 5 Welcome Cottages, Slines Oak Road, Woldingham Mrs R. J. Robinson, 33 Ridgeway Road, Redhill (Cadets) L. H. Christopher, 33 Coul don Road, Caterham (Cadets) G. F. Tidy, 37 Aintree Road, Furnace Green, Crawley Miss M. A. Willett, 8 Common Road, Earlswood, Redhill

SURREY County Office St John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford (Tel. 0483 67163) County President Alderman P. M. Studd County Vice-Presidents Lt-Col H. J. Wells, CBE, MC, DL, JP (Ambulance) Lady Osborn (Nursing Cadets) Brigadier L. H. Spicer (Cadets) Commander St J. A. Capt F. J. Cartwright, CVO, OBE, RN(RETD), Castle Hill House, Farnham Association Cty. Director Sir George Scott, CBE, St John HOLi e, Woodbridge Road Guildford Commissioner Captain F. J. Cartwright, CVO, OBE, R (RETD) , Deputy Commissioner Barry Robinson, BEM, JP, The Forge, The Street, Charlwood, Horley

(Tel. Norwood Hill 666) County Surgeon R. G. W. Southern, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, Sedgley House, East Horsley County Superintendent (A) R. J. Gristock, Alverstoke, 13 Hillcrest Avenue, Chertsey County Superintendent (N) Lady Heald, OBE, Chilworth Manor, Nr Guildford (Tel. Guildford 61414) Asst. County Superintendent (N) Miss U. Morrish, 'Meadland', Three Gates Lane, Haslemere Cowlty Nursing Officer Mrs M. D. Southern, SRN, Sedgley House, East Horsley County Staff. Officer (Cadets) (A) C. P. Longland, 32 Green Lane, Addlestone, Weybridge County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs E. M. Gurteen, Sunnyside, Copthorne Bank, Nr Crawley CO({llty Staff Officers A. Greenhough, OBE, Wyke Cottage, Stonebridge, Shalford (Treasurer) (Auxiliary) H. C. Hygate, 'Culver,' New North Road, Reigate (Training) T. L. Isaac, Daneshill, Frensham, Farnham Lt Col R. B. Readhead, DSO, MA, Gurdons House, Wormley, Godalming Miss M. Gray, SRN 31 Dorset Avenue, East Grinstead (Welfare Services) County Secretary (Association) Mr J. E. Croft, St John House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford Coullty Secretary (Brigade) Miss P. Smith, 'Galloway, Glaziers Lane, Normandy, Nr Guildford (Tel. Normandy 2200) Coullty Sergeant-Major . R. Carter, BEM, 1 Cherryfields Fullers Road, Farnham Coullty P.R.O. Vacant


SUSSEX COlllmander St J. A. Lord Rupert Nevill

ASSOCIATION Coullty Director Major P. W. M. Lancaster County Secretary S. T. Denning, ACIS, 8 Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton


President The Mayor of Brighton

Chairman W. F. Friend 8 Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton

Secretary Mrs F. H. Denning,


President Air Vice-Marshal T. A. Langford-Sainsbury, CB, OBE, DFC, AfC Chairmall Lt-Cdr A. E. Inglefield, RN Secretary Mrs M. F. Spackman, 1 St Mary' Close, Bersted

Street, Bognor Regis, Sussex CRAWLEY

President Dr R. Innes Muir,


a, as

C/wirmall W. S. Bevan

Secretary E. R. Strange. 66 Dcerswood



Secretary W. H. Sharpe, 10 Wharf Road, Eastbourne

Presidellt The Earl De La Warr MPS, 218 Holtye Road, East HAST[NGS AND ST LEONARDS

President The Mayor

Chairman Sir H. C. Sinderson Pasha, Grinstead

Chairman D. L. Brown


Secretary E. D. Ascroft,

Secretary H. A. Veness, 111 Clive Avenue, Hastiogs



President Dr T. L. Scott Avenue, Horsham

Chairman F G. Holmes,


Secretary Miss W. M. Barker, 10 Hurst


President Burton Cornwall Chairman Police Supt. W. Kilborn 8 Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton

Area Staff Officers Mrs B. Reynolds, Avalon, Malthouse Road, Crawley G. A. Wheatland, 'Clissolds" Spencers Place, Horsham Mrs A. E. G. Stevens, 37 Haynes Road, West Worthing L. W. Mower, J 5 Old Barn Way, Southwick, Brighton Area Sergeant-Major F. E. Rhodes, 14 Talbot Road, Littlehamplon

Secretary Mrs F. H. Denning,


President The Earl of Middleton Avenue, Worthing

Chairman A. J. Hayes

Secretary Mrs E. S. Praill, 190 Terringes

BRIGADE Coul1ty Office 19 North Street, Horsham, Sussex (Tel. 0403 4556) County President The Lord Rupert Nevill County Vice-Presidents Major-General J. M. L. Renton, CB, DSO, OBE, JP (Ambulance) Mrs Gerald Askew (Nursing) The Lord Monk Bretton (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs W. Stewart-Roberts (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner H.R.H. Prince Tomislav of Jugoslavia, Redlands Farm, Kirdford, Nr Billingshurst (Tel. 0403 88) Deputy Commissioner Major P. W. M. Lancaster, Wapsbourne, Sheffield Park County Superintendent (A) W. E. Jupp, 15 Barttelot Road, Horsham County Superintendent (N) Mrs E. M. Hodges, 'Chatfields,' Colwood Lane, Bolney (Tel. Warninglid 219) County Surgeon Vacant Asst. Commissioner W. L. Hancorn, 29 Roman Way, Southwick, Brighton County Nursing Officer T. Jeffery, SRN, 16 Holly Drive, Toddington, Nr Littlehampton County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. L. Waters, Timber Yard Lane, South Street, Lewes County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) H.R.H. Princess Tomislav of Jugoslavia, Redlands Farm, Kirdford, Nr Billingshurst Asst. County Nursing Officer Mrs M. A. Smith, SRN, Pilgrim's Cottage, 408a The Ridge, Hastings County Staff Officers Miss W. M. Barker, 10 Hurst Avenue, Horsham T. Paul, 96 Rodmell Avenue, Saltdean (Cadets) A. J. Maxted, 'Lanac,' 136 Cherry Garden Road, Eastboume (Training) Mrs G. M. Walder, Rapkyns Lodge, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham S. T. Denning, 8 Arlington Gardens, Saltdean, Brighton Miss A. G. Lawson, 117 Portland Road, Hove (Hospital Library Service) B. R. T. Sharp, 30 Fitzjohns Road, Lewes ,r County Secretary A. F. NUDD, 8 St~fford Road, Seaford ./ County P.R.O. W. A. Benkel, 51 MIllfield, Southwater, Nr Horsham (Tel. Southwater 604) EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner J. W. Limb, Lustrells House, 53 Lustrells Crescent, Saltdean, Brighton Area Superintendent (A) R. A. Walker, Odd Corner, 8a Cad borough Cliff, Rye Area Superintendent (N) Mrs K. D. B. Buss, 88 Stonefield Road, Hastings Area Surgeon T. A. Copp, MRCS, LRCP, DA, FFA, RCS, 115 Surrenden Road, Withdean, Brighton Area Nursing Officer R. G. Buckland, SRN, 35 George Street, Hove Asst. Area Nursing Officer Mrs M. A. Smith, SRN, Pilgrim's Cottage, 408a The Ridge, Hastings Area Staff Officers Mrs A. M. Sharpe, 10 Wharf Road, Eastbourne Mrs N. J. Hartley, Holloway House, High Street, Rye E. H. J. Hobby, 24 East Way, Lewes (Cadets) G. Plummer, 9 Battle Crescent, St Leonards-on-Sea A. J. Burnage, 6 Willingdon Close, Willingdon, Eastbourne CENTRAL AREA Area Commissioner D. H. F. Burchell, 50 Fairfield Gardens, Portslade Area Superintendent (A) M. W. Harris, 80 Poplar Avenue, Hove Area Superintendent (N) Mrs J. M. Burchell, 50 Fairfield Gardens, Portslade Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Mrs E. Hock, SRN, 50 Ridgeside, Three Bridges, Crawley Asst. Area Nursing Officer Mrs T. D. Page, SRN, 29 Monks Avenue, Lancing Area Staff Officers E. R. Strange, 66 Deerswood Road, West Green, Crawley Mrs E. E. Wells, 1 Downs Mead, Lancing Miss R. J. Stenning, 7 Hurst Gardens, Hurstpierpoint WESTERN AREA Area Commissioner R. Hartley, 23 Andrew Close, Rustington Area Superintendent (A) E. J. H. Groves, 'Scalene,' 26 Pondtail Road, Horsham Area Superintendent (N) Miss R. B. Laker, 14 Gloucester Place, Littlehampton Area Surgeon Miss E. L. M. Perkins, MB, BSLOND, DOBST, RCOG, DA, Thorpe Lee, Dene Park, Horsham Area Nursing Officer Mrs P. M. Granger, SR N, 39 London Road, Pulborough


WARWICKSHIRE ASSOCIATION County Director Brigadier R. A. Phayre, DSO, St John Headquarters, 9 The Butts, Warwick Deputy County Director Major R. C. Warlow-Harry, M C, J P, D L, Westfield Farm, Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire County Secretary Mrs K. W. Miles, St John Headquarters, 25 High Street, Warwick CENTRES COVENTRY

President The Lord Mayor Chairman E. W. Cowpe-Pendleton Close, Longford, Coventry KINETON

Chairman J. H. McGhee

Secretary S. J. J. Beasley, 3 Dillam

Secretary Mrs B. M. Swift, Norton School, Litlle Kineton, Kineton


President The Mayor of Leamington Spa Chairman P. Varley 4 Woodcote Drive, Leek, Wootton, Warwick

Secretary Insp. B. R. Hillen,


President The Mayor Chairman W. G. Hart, 381 Camp Hill Road, Nuneaton Secretary R. E. Pagett, 11 Lancing Road, Bulldngton, Nr Nuneaton RUGBY

President The Mayor Street, Rugby

Chairman C. B. Bedford

Secretary A. J. Burton, Ambulance D epot, Temple


Secretary E. W. Robbins, 2 Station Road, Bishop Itchington, Nr Leamington Spa STRATFORD-ON-AVON

Chairman Dr J. B. Bramwell, MA Secretary Dr J. B. Bramwell, c/o Health Dept, County Area Office, Alcester Road, Stratford-on-Avon

BRIGADE County Office 101 Widdecombe Close, Coventry County President The Hon. Mrs L. C. S. FitzRoy Newdigate, OBE County Vice-President The Hon Mrs J. Smith-Ryland (Nursing) Commissioner Brigadier B. A. G. Jones, DSO, The Rose Cottage, Icknield Street, Beoley, Redditch, Worcs. (Tel. Redditch 4430) County Superintendent (N) Miss C. M. Orton, BEM, Silver Birches, Willington, Shipston-on-Stour (Tel. Ships ton 372) County Surgeon D. W. Hendry, BSC, MD, MRCOG, 'Greenacres,' 307 Lutterworth Road, Nuneaton County Nursing Officer Mrs L. R. Mitchell, 185 Solihull Road, Shirley, Solihull County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) A. F. Hipwell, 70 St George's Road, Coventry County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs V. M. Crosby, 10 Orchard Crescent, Coventry County Staff Officers T. A. Atherton, BEM, 154 Westmorland Road, Wyken, Coventry (Transport) A. J. Burton, 4 Lawford Lane, Bilton, Rugby (Competitions) S. J. J. Beasley, 3 Dillam Close, Longford, Coventry E. o. Crosby, 10 Orchard Crescent, Coventry H. Ward, 22 Romford Road, Holbrooks, Coventry W. B. M. Wy1ey, Watchbury House, Barford, Nr Warwick (Finance) Miss M. L. Bailey, 7 Armorial Road, Styvechale, Coventry Mr C. B. Wright, 7 Haselor Road, Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield (For Cadets) P. H. James, 80 Norman Place Road, Coventry R. T. Hall, 8 Belmont Road, Rugby G. V. Taplin, 22 Overdale Road, Whoberley Hall, Coventry R. F. White, 12 West Green Drive, Stratford-on-Avon S. Abbey, 182 Longfellow Road, Coventry Mrs I. J. Wheatley, 16 Troughton Crescent, Coundon, Coventry Mrs F. Kemp, 4 Alexander Road, Bedworth, Nuneaton Miss M. Milner, 4 South Avenue, Stoke Park, Coventry Miss D. Williscroft, 137 Hall Green Road, Bell Green, Coventry Mrs A. M. Pagett, 11 Lancing Road, Bulkington, Nr Nuneaton (Cadets) Mrs D. J. Clifford, 19 South Green Drive, Stratford-on-Avon (Cadets) County Secretary H. G. D. Buston, 101 Widdecombe Close, Coventry (Tel. Walsgrave-on-Sowe 2601) County P.R.O. E. O. Orme, 7 Asthill Grove, Coventry (Tel. 22972 (Business), 24586 (Residence)






Coul/ty Office 76 Endle s Street, Salisbury (Tel. Sali bury 4810) County Presidel/t Vacant County Vice-Presidel/t L. F. Moss (Ambulance Cadets) Commal/der St J. A. Captain D . F. Chilton, DSC, R ,East Marsh Farm, Bratton, Westbury

(Tel. Bratton 288) Association Cty Director Vacant Commissioner Captain D. F. Chilton, DSC, R N Deputy Commissioner Brigadier S. P. M. Kent, CI3E, College Farm HOllse, Upavon (Tel. Upavon 238) County Superintendellt (N) Mrs C. B. Dutfield, Wingfleld Court, Trowbridge (Tel. Trowbridge 2025) Asst. County Superintendent (N) Vacant Asst. County Superintendent (N) Mrs J. Christie, SR ,'Pippins', Bratton, Westbury County Surgeon Vacant County Nursing Officer Miss M. S. Sainsbury, SRN, Devizes and District Hospital, Devizes County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Lieut-Col R. B. Robinson, Old Rectory, Beechingstoke, Pewsey County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant County Staff Officers N. H. Heavens, 604 Queens Drive, Swindon (Training) Mi s R. Webb, 422 Cricklade Road , Swindon (Training) Mrs 1. L. Wilkins, 77 Tismead Crescent, Swindon (Events

Organiser) Coullty Secretary and P.R.O. Miss M. J. Morton-Palmer, 'Haldon,' Harnwood Road, Salisbury

(private Tel. 22742) Superintendent (A) Lt Col G. B. Thatcher, (Rtd), DSO, 195 Boreham Road, Warminster Superintendent (N) Mrs E. L. Noble, Innisfree, Studley, CaIne Surgeon E. Moloney, MB, CHB, Prospect House, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts. Area Surgeoll Mrs W. B. Davidson, MB, CHB, The Lodge, Steeple Ashton, Trowbridge Nursing Officer Vacant Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. W. Primmer, 76 Oldfield Park, Westbury Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. R. Weston, 48 Lowboume, Melksham

SOUTHERN AREA Area Area Area Area Area Area

Chairmall Dr J. I-I. Taylor

Secretary T. W. Bainbridge, 143 Parkfield Road.

Stombridge WORCESTER

Presidellt J . B. Cavanagh,


Chairman Dr C. T. Mills

Secretary Mrs M. A. Rumney, 62 Linksview

Crescent, Worcester BRIGADE County Office St John House, 34 The Tything, Worcester (Tel. 24503) County President The Countess Beauchamp, M B E County Vice-Presidents The Earl Beauchamp (Ambulance) Marguerite, Lady Lechmere (Nursing) F. J. Somers (Ambulance Cadets) Cynthia, Lady Sandys Mrs F. J. Somers (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner Lieut-Col C. P. Vaughan, DSO Deputy Commissioner T. C. Lench, Mayford, 63 Halesowen Road, Quinton, Birmingham County Superintendent (N) Mrs R. Villiers, The Stone House, Kidderminster Coullty Surgeon F. H. Vollam, MR, CHB, MRCS, LRCP, Manorcott, Evenlode, Moreton-in-Marsh, Olos. County Nursing Officer Mrs E. Brotherton, SRN, Halfway, Upper Gambolds, Bromsgrove Asst. County Superintendent (N) Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) K. H. Billingham, 80 Court Crescent, Kingswinsford, Staffs. County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant County Staff Officer Miss H. M. Walton, Mount Pleasant, Cowleigh Road, Malvern County Secretary and P.R.O. Mrs J. M. Rimington, MBE, Southall Cottage, Hadley, Droirwich

(Tel. Ombersley 402)

WESTERN AREA Area Area Area Asst. Area Area Area

Presidel1t J. Westwood

Superintendent (A) Lt-Col G. F. Woolnough, The Cross, Middle Woodford, Salisbury Superintendent (N) Mrs J. Edge, SR , 18 Kingsbury Square, Wilton Surgeon Vacant Nursing Officer Vacant Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. A. Snook, 40 Roman Road, Salisbury SfaffOfficer (Cadets) (N) Mrs H. M. Riggs, 15 Canadian Avenue, Salisbury

NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Major L. J. T. G. Bartlett, 'Glenroyd,' Folly View Road, Faringdon, Berks. Area Superintendent (A) E. H. Smith, 114 Bessemer Road East, Swindon Area Superintendent (N) Mrs D. M. Scott, 17 Sutton Park, Blunsdon, Swindon Area Surgeon D. W. Hoddy, MB, CHB, DRCOG, 68 Chestnut Springs, Lydiard Millicent, Swindon Area Nursing Officer Mrs H. M. A. Hawkins, SRN, 1 Ivy Lane, Blunsdon, Nr Swindon Area Staff Officers (Cadets) (A) A. R. King, 43 Richmond Road, Swindon Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs B. D. Smith, 114 Bessemer Road East, Swindon Area Staff Officer Mrs L. E. A. Broad, 81 Shrivenham Road, Swindon (Welfare) Area P.R.O. J. Allen, 69 Noredown Way, Wootton Bassett

WORCESTERSHIRE Commander St J. A. Lieut-Col C. P. Vaughan,


Showborough House, Twyning, Nr Tewkesbury,

County Sergeant-Major G. Jenner, 32 Holly Hall Road, Dudley

NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner M. Wickham, MB, CHB, 41 Highfield Road, Halesowen Area Superintendent (A) J. F. E. Bent, 23 Rosemary Crescent West, Ooldthorn Park, Wolverhampton Area Superintendent (N) Mrs K. N. Hussey, 69 Church Road, Netherton, DudJey Area Surgeon Vacant Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) B. Roper, 24 Brierly Road, Halesowen Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss B. M. Coley, Sunningdale, Blackberry Lane, Halesowen Area Staff Officers Miss A. E. Witcombe, Oldfield, 5 Somery Road, Priory Dudley F. H. Hingley 'Clovelly,' Narrow Lane, Halesowen (Secretary) Mrs E. M. Woodhall, 86 Watson Green Road , Dudley C. H. M. West, SRN, 67 Holly Road, Oldbury, Warley, Wores. (Training) T. E. Davis, 78 Brickhouse Road, Rowley Regis, Warley, Worcs. S. Edwards, 8 School Drive, Sledmere Estate, Dudley Mrs M. Thomson, 54 Longmore Road, Halesowen Mrs P. Wi Ice, 2 The OrchardsFranche, Kidderrninster SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner Sir Berwick Lechmere, Dt, Severn End, Hanley Castle, Worcester Area Superilltendent (A) Major P. S. Field, FCCS, FAIA, Little Hill, Broadway Area Superintendent (N) Miss M. Knowles, Sussex Lodge, Kempsey, Worcester Area Surgeon S. A. Sinclair, MB, CHB, 'Howards,' Avenue Road, Malvern Area Nursing Officer Mrs P. B. Harris, SRN, 1 Alexandra Avenue, Droitwich Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. P. Westlake, 'Loretto,' Bedley, Nr Redditch Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs B. L. Seabourne, Abberley View, TapenhaJl Lane, Nr Droitwich Area Staff Officers Miss D. W. Jones, Dalston, 64 Worcester Road, Malvern G. G. C. Batson, 22 The Fearnings, Crabbs Cross, Redditch (Training) Miss A. J. Allard, 'Wychewood,' Pickersleigh Road, Malvern J. P. Weston, The Bungalow, 22 Marlbrook Lane, Upper Marlbrook, Bromsgrove W. T. Rosser, 63 Sycamore Road, Worcester Major S. J. Dear, 47 Pitcher's Hill, Wickhamford, Evesham Mrs E. M. Hubbard, 12 Windmill Lane, Kempsey, Worcester R. Porter, 23 Horsebridge A venue, Badsey, Nr Evesham Area Sergeant-Major Vacant

Glos (Tel. 3583) ASSOCIATION County Director J. A. WilIison, OBE, Chief Constable, Hindip Hall, Worcester COI/Ilty Secretary Miss A. E. Dingley, 6 Lower Wilton Road, Malvern

YORKSHIRE - EAST RIDING Commander Sf J. A. The Lord Westbury

Secretary Sgt W. R. Chidley, Halesowen Police Station, Halesowen


President K. H. Wilson,


Barton Cottage, Malton (Tel. 2293)



Chairman F. R. Hodge



Chairman K. W. Marchant

Secretary Vacant

Association County Director Dr Brian Reffold, Parkholme, Lelley, Preston, Hull HULL AND EAST RIDING COUNTY CENTRE

President Edward Chapman

Chairman C. M. Hinch

Secretary F. R. Charlton, Elm Cottage,

BewhoIme Lane, Seaton, Hull






Coullty Office Priory House, 29 Cottingham Road, Hull (Tel. 43038) County President The Earl of Halifax COL/n~y Vice-Presidents D. J. Taylor, JP (Ambulance) Lady Westbury (Nursing) Colonel R. A. AlecSmith, TO, DL, JP (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs S. Gordon, (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner The Lord Westbury, MC Deputy Commissioller H. M. Gentry, 76 South Marine Drive, Bridlington (Tel. 2291) COUllly Superintendent (N) Miss M. A. Nicholson, SRN, 657 James Reckitt Avenue Hull County Surgeon E. O. Halliwell, MRCP, IRCS, 233 Hallgate, Cottingham, E. York~. Asst. County Superintendent (N) Mrs M. Reffold, The Bungalow Sheepman Lane Hutton CranswI'ck " . , Driffield County Nursing Officer Miss F. Anderson, SRN, 35 Glamis Road, Hessle County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. Berryman, 2 Snainton Grove, Derringham Bank, Hull County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss J. Barker, 3 De La Pole Avenue, Anlaby Road, Hull County Staff Officers R. E. Graham, 40 ~all Road, Hull K. H. Bottamley, 139 Beverley Road, Res Ie (Treasurer) Mrs D. M. Edwards, 20 Riverdale Road, Hull G. M. Hinch, 38 Windsor Road County Road North, Hull ' County Secretary C. Jackson, 230 Hawthorn Avenue, Hull

President W. Thomas, Bradford

Chairman F. Parker



Secretary Harold L. Summers,

President N. Hulley Chairmall W. T. Davis 'St George's,' Thorn Road, Doncaster GOOLE

President The Mayor

Secretary D. Wood, 141 Highfield Road, Idle,

Chairman Supt. H. Hayton


President The Mayor End, Halifax

Chairman A. Gelder,


Doncaster Area,

Secretary T. J. Daniels, 5 Jacksonville, Goole

Secretary G. J. Green, 16 Eversley Mount, West



President Dr E. C. Fear Chairmall C. J. Simpson Hampsthwaite, Harrogate

Secretary F. Griffin, 22 Hollins Close,


President Dr J. Walker Chairman Dr J. Walker Secretary A. Dudding, 11 Moor End Lane, Dewsbury HEBDEN BRIDGE

President E. Moss Bridge, Yorks.

Chairmall K. Greenwood

Secretary F. Mitchell, 27 Hollins Lane, Sowerby-


Chairman Dr W. Brown

YORKSHIRE - NORTH RIDING ASSOCIATION Association Cty. Director J. Hughes, Eastgate, The Grove, Marton-In-Cleveland, Yorks. COUNTY CENTRE

President The Marquess of Zetland, Court, Marske-by-the-Sea


Chairman J. Hughes

Secretary H. Greenfield, 89 Ravensknowle Road, Dalton, Huddersfield


Secretary T. L. Strirzaker, 8 Lavender

President Miss A Scatterty Street, Keighley

Chairman Dr J. Prentice,


President Dr J. W. Silversides, Leeds 14


Chairman J. Angus

President H. P. A. Johnson Parklands, Castleford

Chairman J. Shaw,

YORKSHIRE - WEST RIDING District Office St John Hall, Lund Lane, Killinghall, Nr Harrogate (Tel. 0423/78 571) Commander Sf J. A. Sir William Taylor, BART, CBE, DL, JP, Bentwood, Cawthorne, Nr Barnsley

ASSOCIATION 'Willow Green', Grain Beck Lane, Killinghall, Harrogate


President K. Berry Barnoldswick

Chairman J. Martin

Secretary Miss Ivy Wareing, 11 Corn Mill Terrace,


President The Mayor Barnsley


Secretary F. Willshaw, 3 Ringwood Avenue,

Chairman W. Brown

Secretary G. Hardcastle, 74 Barnsley Road Wombwell , ,


Secretary C. E. Lazenby, 9 Magnolia Hou c,


Chairman H. Hudson

Secretary J. W. Thomas, 2 Granville Mount, Otley, Yorks.


President S. W. Morris Broom Valley

Chairman C. T. Gregory

Secretary B. Crosswaite, 6 Oakwood Road West,


President S. Brierley

Secretary J. Dronsfield, 56 Beech Avenue, Greenficlds, Oldham, Lanes.


Presi~el1t and Chairman H. B. Powell

County Surgeon C. H. G. Bowes, MB, BS, 8 Yarm Road, Stockton-on-Tees County Nursing Officer Mrs E. M. Bielby, SRN, SGM, RNT, 27 St Germains Lane, Marske-By-Sea County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. D. Morley, 169 Scalby Road, Scarborough County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss J. W. Adams, 3 Muker Grove, Green Vale Estate, Fairfield Stockton-on-Tees ' County. Staff Officers P. P. Smith, 11 West Park Avenue, Newby, Scarborough J. W. Renahan, 12 Blrtley Avenue, Middlesbrough E. Plunkett, 51 Normanby Road, Ormesby, Middlesbrough Mrs E. V. Handyside, 2a Cleveland Avenue, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees (p.R.O.) C. F. Peddie, M B E, Harrowgate Cot~age, Harrowgate Lane, Stockton-on-Tees (Tel. Stockton 67614) (Treasurer) W. J. Morgan, 33 GUlsborough Street, Eston, Middlesbrough County Secretary R. H. Wright, 27 Grantham Road, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees (Tel. 52912)


Secretary T. 1. McNish, 96 Devonshire


BRIGADE County Office 11 Cornfield Road, Middlesbrough, Yorks. County President The Lady Serena James, JP County ~ice-Presidents C?lonel Sir Leonard Ropner, Bt, MC, TD, DL (Ambulance) Viscountess Downe (Nursmg) The MarchIOness of Zetland (Nursillg Cadets) Commissioner Brigadier C. C. Fairweather, CB, CBE, TD, DL, JP, White Lodge, Hutton Rudby Yarm-on-Tees Deputy Commissioner Vacant cO;~i;) Superintendent (N) Mrs F. C. Dyson, OBE, 2 Upper Westbrook, Darlington (Tel. Darlington

County Director E. C. Fear,


Secretary W. Milbourne, 1 Orchard Way, Thorpe

WIlloughby, Selby SHEFFIELD

President J. G. Buxton Sheffield 5

Chairman G. W. Ashton

Secretary J. W. Webb,


23 Nesfield Way,


Chairman A. Watson

Secretary E. E. Bishop, 23 Valley Drive, TIkley


President W. F. Seed Huddersfield

Chairman W. F. Seed

Secretary D. Law, 63 Briarlyn Road, BirchencJifTe,

Chairman W. Wright

Secretary C. H. Brears, 8 Newlon Lane, Oulwood,


President The Mayor Wakefield YORK.

Secretary J. Coward, 2 Florence Grove, Rawc1iff, York Y03 6UR

BRIGADE District Presidellt Vacant . Distri:t Vice-Presidents Mrs E. M. Ingham (Nursing) C. D. Gill, CBE (Ambulance) The Lord Savlle (Ambulance Cadets) Miss E. M. Asquith (Nursing Cadets) Commander St J. A. Sir William Taylor, BART, CBE, DL, JP D:pu~y Commissioner Capt. M. G. Hutchinson, TD, Barton House, Hollins Lane, Hamp thv.aite Dlstrlct Superintendent (N) Mrs G. W. Lodge, OBE, JP, Castle Garth House, Wetherby (Tel. Wetherby 2832) D~str~ct Surgeon J. Prentice, MB, CHB(EDIN.), JP, 'Malsis Mount,' Malsis Road, Keighley Dlstnet Nursing Officer Vacant D~str~ct Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) B. R. Jarman, 61 Keighley Road, Cowling, Keighley Dlstnct Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. K. Mitton, 27 Wesley Street, Ossett, Yorks.




District Staff Officers J. Woods, Lovat Lodge, Mountjoy Road, Huddersfield Miss G. E. Myall, Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorks. Di trict Secretary R. H. Knott, 6 Levens Close, Lund Lane, KilJinghall, Nr Harrogate (Tel. Ripley 525) District P.R.O. Mrs M. P. Hutchinson, Barton House, Hollins Lane, Hampsthwaite (Tel. Birstwith 598)

Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) P. Proctor, 24 High Street, South Elmsall, Pontefract Area Staff Officers (Cadet s) (N) Miss E. Mosby, SRN, 3 Wentworth Terra~e, Wakefield Area Staff Officers J. Shaw, J P, The Beeches, 27 Mill Hill, Pontefract MISS F. R. Seargent, , 59 Kerisforth Hill Road, Kingston, Barnsley L. Horton, 1 Melton Terrace, Worsbrough Dale, Barnsley H. Gillis 17 Brooklands Road, Walton, Wakefield

MIDLAND AREA Area Commissioner A. Buckley Hamer, FRCS, 'Ashfield,' Burnley Road, Sowerby Bridge Area Superintendent (A) W. Hutchinson, Martins Bank Chambers, Kings Cross, Halifax Area Superintendent (N) Mrs E. M. Seward, 6 Coppice Way, Leeds 8 Area Surgeon R. F. Heys, MB, CHB, MRCOG, Oakes House, HoJywell Green, Halifax Area Nursing Officer Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. Branson, 1 Parkland Drive, Idle, Bradford Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant Area Staff Officers A. Watson, Marall, 10 Moorland Crescent, Menston, Ilkley Mrs F. Dyson, 112 Bentley Lane, Meanwood, Leeds 6

SOUTH EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner W. H. R. Waters, M B, CH B, Ash Hill Lodge, Hatfield, Nr Doncaster Area Superintendent (A) L. A . Clarke, Oaklea, Scawthorpe, Nr Doncaster Area Superintendent (N) Mrs P. F. Bell, 'The Grove,' High Street, Thurnscoe, ~r Rotherham Area Surgeon W. H. Oldershaw, MB, CHB, 'Reach Far,' Mill Lane, Westwood side, Doncaster Area Nursing Officer Mrs E. M . Brown, SCM, 26 Gardenia Road, Barnby Dun, Nr Doncaster Area Stafl Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs Townsend, 6 The Villas, Edlington, Nr Doncaster . Area Staff Officers D. G. Barber, 104 Doncaster Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster Mrs D. A . Wald, 2 Ennerdale Road, Wheatley Hill, Doncaster C. Watson, 31 Green Lane, Scawthorpe, Nr Doncaster D. Ward, Ashlea, Marshland Road, Moorends, Nr Doncaster Mrs G. Hall , 34 St David's Drive, Barnsley Road, Doncaster (Cadets) R. Woodward, 72 Doncastel: Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster N. Holland, 90 West End Lane, Rossington, Doncaster J. Nicholson, 4 Bristol Grove, Wheatley Parr, Doncaster. Mrs D. A. Egley, 83 Alexandra Road , Balby, Doncaster (Cadets) F. J. Rockcliffe, 8 Birchen Close, Bessacar, Doncaster J . Westwood, Highgate Colliery House, Goldthorpe, Rotherham A. Chambers, Scawthorpe House. Scawthorpe, Doncaster Area P.R.O. J. F. Marshall, 14 King Edward Crescent, Thorne, Doncaster

EAST MIDLAND AREA Area Commissioner Colonel Donald Macmillan, TD, MB, CHB, FS A(SCOT), 510 Otley Road, AdcJ, Leeds 16 Area Surgeon M. Dunsby, MB, CHB, 30 Rockwood Road, Calverley, Pudsey Area Nursing Officer Miss M. Duckworth, SRN, 9 Ring Road, Middleton, Leeds 10 LSlO 3LT Area Superintendent (A) R. Roberts, 25 Parkstone Avenue, Leeds 16 Area Superintendent (N) Miss G. Speight, 178 Street Lane, Leeds 8 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) B. J. Cooke, SRN, 7 Kingswear Crescent, Leeds 15 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. Cooke, SRN, 7 Kingswear Crescent, Leeds 15 Area Staff Officers A. Duckworth, 9 Ring Road, Middleton, Leeds 10 A. Spink, 47 Silk Mill Bank, Leeds 16 J. Fullerton, 36 Corporation Street, Morley, Leeds (Secretary) Mrs M. E. Willshaw, 3 Ringwood Avenue, Leeds LS14 lAJ NORTHERN AREA Area Commissioner T. Broughton, Bracewell Lodge, Bracewell, Nr Skipton Area Superintendent (A) T. r. McNish, 96 Devonshire Street, Keighley Area Superintendent (N) Mrs D. Ayrton, 61 Rainhall Road, BamoJdswick, via Colne Area Surgeon J. W. Pickard, MB, CHB, 'Springfield,' Barnoldswick, Colne Area Nursing Officer Miss M. W. Eeles, SRN, SCM, 3 Springwells, Exley Head, Keighley Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) H. Hodgson, 10 Vicarage Road, Kellbrook, via CoIne Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs F. Aspinall, 72 Devonshire Street, Keighley Area Staff Officers J. McManus, 329 West Lane, Keighley F. H. Hewson, 5 Mostyn Avenue, Earby, via Colne, Lanes. J. L. Pinch, 20 Heathfield Close, Bingley HALLAMSIllRE AREA Area Commissioner J. G. Buxton , 'Brookside,' Shatton, Bamford, Nr Sheffield Area Superintendent (A) E. Hukin, 356 Fulwood Road, Sheffield 10 Area Superintendent (N) Mrs V. G. Booth, 4 Ranelagh Drive, Ecc1esall, Sheffield Area Surgeon J. K. A. Beverley, MD, BSC, 6 Moorbank Close, Sheffield 10 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) K. P. Birds, 92 Housted Road, Sheffield 9 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs D. M. Broomhead, 83 Brookhouse Hill, Fulwood, Sheffield 10 Area Staff Officers C. C. Bowley, MB, BS, MRCOG, 34 Hemper Lane, Sheffield H. C. Reid, MB, CHB, 'Dunure,' Upper Wortley Road, Thorpe Hesley, Rotherham (Training) NORTH EASTERN AREA Area Commissioner Maj-Gen Sir Charles J. G. Dalton, CB , CBE, The Hutts, Grewelthorpe, Kirby Malzeard, Ripon Area Superintendent (A) J. R. Benson, 39 Clotherholme Road, Ripon Area Superintendent (N) Miss K. Henderson, Hambleton Lane, Wass, York Area Surgeon J. M. A. Critchley, MB, CHB, DRCOG, 15 Woodlands Drive, Harrogate Area Nursing Officer Mrs r. Hymas, SRN, Halston Lodge, 88 Cornwall Road, Harrogate Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. Coward, 2 Florence Grove, Rawcliffe, Yorks. Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs J . Beilby, 21 College Road, Ripon Area Staff Officer Mrs B. Smith, The Coach House, Deighton Road, Wetherby SOUTHERN AREA Area Commissioner G. H . Powell , 'Broxbourne', Salisbury Street, Barnsley Area Superintendent (A) R. S. Wilson, Briar Main, Grimethorpe, Barnsley Area Superintendelll ( ) Vaca nt Area Surgeon C. H . Merry, MRCS, LRCP, 'Belvedere,' 667 Leeds Road, Outwood, Wakefield Area Nursillg Officer Vacant


SOUTH WESTERN AREA . Area COlllmissioner Lt-Col W. R. Everatt, MB, CHB, Manor House, Mlrfield Area Superintedent (A) C. Chappell, 9 Wyvern Avenue, Marsh, Huddersfield Area Superintendent (N ) Mrs L. ~Peace, 54 BenomJey Crescent, Almondbury, J:Iuddersfield Area Surgeon W. Brown, LRCP(LOND), MRCS(ENG), 1~ Halifax Old Road, BIrkby, Huddersfield Area Nursing Officer Mrs E. Carruthers, SRN, 6 Pennme Road , Dewsbury Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Dr Mustafa Rial EI Sarraff, Shaftesb~ry House, York Road, Batley Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N ) Mrs D . Leach, 864 Bradford Road , Blrkenshaw, Nr Bradford Area Staff Officers Miss F . Pickard , 19 Wakefield Crescent, Wakefield Ro ad, Dewsbur~ ~rs A. ,E. M. Greenfield , 89 Ravensknowle Road, Dalton, Huddersfield H. Sanderson, MI3 , CHB, Highfield , 150 Tong Street, Bradford J. F . Lorrimer, 55 Halifax Road, Dewsbury

Special Centres of the Association BRITISH RAILWAYS Eastern Region Presidellt D. S. M. Barrie, MB E Chairman S. J. Judson Secretary H. Coleman, . The British Railways (Eastern Region), Chief Establishment and Staff Office, Toft Green Chamber s, Toft Green, York London Midland Region President R. L. E. Lawrence, OBE, ERD C~LOi,.mall. P. rms ~rong Secretary J. M. Park, The British Railways (London Midland RegIOn) Chief Establishment and Staff Office, Melton House, 65/67 Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts . Southern Region President L. W. Ibbotson Chairman G. H. Luck Secretary F. E . Barnes, The British Railways (Southern Region), Chief Establishment and Staff Office, 39 Craven Street, WC2 Western Region President J. Bonham-Carter, DSO, OBE Chairma.n A . C. ~arke~ Secretary J. W. A. Beattie, The British R ailways (Western Region), Arnval Side Office Block, Paddington Station, W2 . LONDON TRANSPORT AMBULANCE President Maurice Holmes Chairman K . G. Sh ave Secretary S. W. H arden, Lond on Transport Ambulance Centre, Griffith House, 280 Marylebone Road, NWI POST OFFICE AMBULANCE (1902) President Dr M. C. W. Long, CB E, TD Chairman D . C. Balaam Secretary L. T . Holman CPD/WHSD, Armour House, St Martin's-Ie-Grand , London EC1 DEPARTME T OF NATIO AL SAVINGS Secretary R. T. Rowland, Chief Welfa re Officer, Department of Na tional Savings, Blythe Road, W.l4




THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AMBULA CE (1949) (England and Wales) President The Rt. Hon. Lord Citrine, PC, GBE, LLD Chairman R. D. V. Roberts Secretary P. A. Crouch, Electricity Supply Ambulance Centre, Electricity Council, 30 Millbank, SWI

Area Staff Officers (Cadets) (N) Miss E. Berryman, 64 Sandhurst Drive, Belfast 9 Miss M. Blair, 33 Cyprus Gardens, Belfast 5 Area Staff Officers Miss G. Patton, 22 Ramore Park, Belfast 10 T. Patterson, 87 Joanmount Gardens, Belfast 14

MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY (1960) President Sir Richard Clarke, KCB, OBE Chairmall G. Wheeler, CB Secretary Miss W. M. Higgins, Room 145, Ministry of Technology, Shell-Mex House, Strand, WC2 NATIONAL DOCK LABOUR BOARD (1953) President T. O'Leary, OBE Chairman J. N. B. Champain Labour Board, 22-26 Albert Embankment, SEt

Secretary A. J. Cratchley, National Dock

ARMY DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE (1961) President Lt.-General Sir Robert Drew, KCB, CBE, QHP Chairman Dr K. Biden-Steele Secretary C. L. C. Cooper, Civilian Medical Services (AD), Ministry of Defence, Lansdown House, Berkeley Square, WI R.A.F. POLICE (1965) President Air Commodore W. r. c. Inness, CB, OBE Chairman Wing-Commander D. R. ProsserHigson Secretary Squadron Leader B. C. Stannard, WRAF, Norman Shaw Building, South Victoria Embankment, SWI SOUTH WESTER GAS BOARD (1969) Secretary Mrs Pat Axford, Medical Dept., South Western Gas Board, 9a Quiet Street, Bath, Somerset

COMMANDERY OF ARDS (NORTHERN IRELAND) District Office War Memorial Buildings, 5 Waring Street, Belfast 1 (Tel. Belfast 23970) DIRECTOR OF ASSOCIATION Colonel B. D. Cotton, OBE, TD, 5 Waring Street, Belfast 1 COMMANDERY SECRETARY Major G. Mellor, 5 Waring Street, Belfast 1 BRIGADE President Her Excellency The Lady Erskine of Rerrick Vice-Presidents Mrs G. N. Wallace, MBE Colonel G. Gregg, OBE, TD, QHP, MD, FRCP, DPHYSMED Commandery Commissioner D. S. Stephens, BA, Barrister-at-Iaw, Annacreevy, Saintfield, Co. Down Commandery Dty. Commissioner Major W. S. Grieve, MBE, ERD, TD, 'Cathkin,' Reaville Park, Dundonald, Belfast (Tel. Dundonald 68245) Commandery Superintendent (N) The Countess of Roden, BI-yansford, Co. Down Commandery Surgeon Vacant Asst. Commandery Surgeon Vacant Commandery Nursing Officer Miss B. Boyce, SRN, SCM, Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry. Asst. Commandery Nursing Officer Miss B. J. Miller, SRN, SCM, Laganvalley Hospital, Lisburn Com. Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. H. Jolmstone, JP, 'Mena,' Donegall Avenue, Whitehead Com. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss E. Garrett, Helen's Lea, Gilnahirk, Belfast (Tel. Belfast 654429) Com. Asst. Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss V. K. HilI, 45 Bloomfield Road, Bangor, Co. Down Area Commissioner W. A. Ryan, MBE, JP, Glenartney, Culta, Co. Down (Tel. Holywood 3162) (Public Relations) District Staff Officers Major J. G. McCavana, MB, BCH, BAO, LRCP, LRCS, LRFP AND DMRD, 52, St James's Park, Belfast 12 N. Birnie, 36 Mount Merrion Avenue, Belfast (Training) J. B. Bridges, MD, BSC, Queen's Elms, Malone Road, Belfast 9 Miss M. Hessin, 41 Orient Gardens, Belfast (Training) E. W. Sythes, 65 Sicily Park, Finagby, Belfast 10 (Treasurer) Miss M. J. L. Frazer, MBE, 1D, FRCP, FRCSI, 48 Wellington Park, Belfast 9 C. Murray, 92 Orangefield Crescent, Belfast 6 District Secretary Capt. J. Oakes, MBE, 'Acorn,' 15 Donaldson's Avenue, Carrickfergus (Tel. 2425) BELFAST AREA Area Commissioner Col. J. Hughes, OBE, TD, BA, BED, 28 Beech Grove Drive, Belfast 6 Area Superintelldent (A) N. Birnie, 36 Mount Merrion Avenue, Belfast Area Superifltendent (N) Miss J. Kernaghan, 3a Rathmoyne House, Dunmurray Area Surgeons J. N. Lewis, MB, 202 West Circular Road, Belfast S. Sloan, MB, 146 Grosvenor Road, Belfa t 12 Area Nursing Officers W. H. Ryan, SRN, 32 Stranmills Park, Belfast Mrs M. Black, SRN, SCM, 64 0 borne Drive, Belfast 9 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. Hall, 156 Sicily Park, Belfast 10 54



ANTRIM AREA . " Area Commissioner W. N. Jones, MB, BCH, BAO, Beechmount, Galgorm Road, Ballymena Area Superintendent (N) Mrs F. A. Morton, Aghnaclare, Woodlands Avenue, Ballymena Area Surgeon W. H. C. Hill, MB, BCH, Dunereggan, Portrush Area Nursing Officer Mrs C. M. Neely, 106 Galgorm, Ballym~na Area Staff Officer (N) Mrs E. Golding, Mi1chester Lodge, Whltehe~d Area Stoff Officer (Cadets) (A) J. M. Rogers, 15 North Road, Carnckfergus . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs J. E. Johnston, 'M~na,' Donegall ~venu~, Whitehead Area Staff Officer J. M. Rodgers, 15 North Road, Carnckfergus (Public DutIes) ARMAGH AREA Area Commissioner Vacant . . Area Superintendellt (A) G. Hanthorn, JP, 73 Corcram Dnve, Portadown Area Surgeon F. Bell, MB, DPH, 'Woodlands,' Armagh DOWN AREA Area Commissioner G. W. Donaldson, MB, BCH, DRCOG, Glencar, Asbgrove, Newry Area Superintendent (A) W. J. S. Whyte, 46 Fairfield Road, Bangor Area Superintendent (N) Miss S. H. Johnstone, 38 Lancefield Road, Belfast Area Surgeon D. Duffin, MB, BCH, 15 Abbeyhill Drive, Bangor,.Co ..Down . Area Nursing Officer Miss D. McCullough, SCM, SRN, Royal Vlctona Hospital, Belfast Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. F. Ellis, 10 Seascape Parade, Belfast 15 Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant Area Se~retQ/'y Miss I. Patty, 104 Higb Street, Holywood FERMANAGH AREA Area Commissioner D. T. Archdale, Castle Archdale, Irvinestown. . . Area Superintendent (N) Mrs B. M. Creighton, Ard-Na-Grena, Chanterhtll Ro~d,. Enl1lskillen Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs A. Malone, BA, 10 Willoughby Place, EnDlskillen LONDONDERRY AREA Area Commissioner Lt-Col. D. G. C. Whyte, DSO, MD, MRCP(LON), FRCP(EDI .), [fR, JP, Ballynagard House, Londonderry Area Superintendent (A) R. R. Harpur, Gleneen Park, Londonderry Area Superintendent (N) Mrs M. Crawford, 'R.iverban~,' 7 Victoria R.oad, Londondefl-Y Area Surgeon D. St C. Baird, FRCS, Altnagelvm HospItal, Londonderry Area Nursing Officer Miss E. Grabam, SRN, SCM, HV, 39 ~t James Street, Londonden-y Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) T. A. Smallwood, Scout-Aid, 65 Woodburn Park, Londonderry Area Staff Officer Mrs M. J. Elder, 8 Bond's Hill, Londonderry . Area Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs A. Anderson, The Rectory, Killaloo, Co. Derry Area Staff Officer Mrs A. B. Ball, 16 Ross Bay, Londonderry TYRONE AREA Area Commissioner J. H. Johnston, MB, BCH, 30 Northlands Row, Dungannon Area Superintendellt (N) Miss M. E. M. Bruce, South Tyrone Hospital, Dungannon

PRIORY FOR WALES Headquarters Priol-Y House, 4 Cathedral Road, Cardiff (Tel. Cardiff 32131) ASSOCIATION Director of Association P. Alwyn-Smith, MB, BS Assistant Director of Association County Alderman The Lord Heycock, CBE, JI', DL, LLD Principal Medical Officer of Associatioll Provost A. Trevor Jones, MD, FRCP Deputy Principal Medical Officer W. E. Thomas, BSC, MD, DCR, MRCS, LRCP Assistant Secretary (Associatioll), Priory/or Wales Capt. J. C. Pearson, OBE, R . . Association Secretary Priory H.Q. Staff Mrs S. James, 4 Cathedral Road, Cardiff (Tel. Cardiff 32131) Association Advisor Mrs R. Davies




BRIGADE Chief Commissioner for Wales Lt-Col. J. R. L. Traherne DL Chief Superintendent for Wales Lady Traherne, OBE, IP Chief Surgeon for Wales T. J. M. Gregg, OBE, BA, MB, BCH Deputy Chief Commissioner for Wales Major-General Lewis Pugh, CB, CBE, DSO, JP, VL Deputy Chief Superintendent for Wales Mrs W. R. Crawshay, MA, JP Deputy Chief Surgeons for Wales 1. H. Davies, OBE, MB, CHB 1. R. S. Robertson, MB, BS Assistant Chief Commissioners for Wales Col D. K. W. Picken, TD, BSC, MB, BCH, FFARCS, DA, Lt Col E. R. Nanney-Wynn, DL Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Mrs S. E. Mathias, SRN Assistant Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Miss P. D. Jones, SRN, SCM, QS Chief Staff Officer and Brigade Secretary for Wales C. J. Parry Chief Officer of Cadets for Wales Mrs J. D. Smith, IP Asst. Chief Superintendents for Wales Mrs A. Pennant, SRN Mrs G. M. Williams Assistant Chief Surgeons for Wales L. Trevor Lewis, BSC, MB, BCH C. W. L. Jones, MB, BS,

Commissioner E. D. Clifford-Jones, LMSSA, Brendon, Llan?adam Road, Aberystwyth Deputy Commissioner S. H. Willmett, Harddfan, Rhyd!,felm, Abe?,stwyth Assistant Commissioner J. C. Blayney, Ambulance StatIOn, Queen s Road, Aberystwyth County Superintendent (A) J. C. Blayney, Ambulance Station, Queen's Road, Aberystwyth County Superintendent (N) Mrs E. D. Churchill, Ffynon Cadno, Pontweryd County Surgeon H. Herbert, MB, BS, Tanyfron, Aberayron County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) P. Davies, Gorlan, Llangeitho, Tregaron IP

CARMARTHENSlllRE President Lt-Col. C. W. Nevill, OBE, IP Lady President The Hon. Mrs N. D. Fisher Hoch, TD . Commissioner J. R. Jones, Chief Constable, Police Headquarters, Fnar's Park, Carmart~en Deputy Commissioner Dr D. B. Llewellyn-Morgan, MD, 1 Pare Howard Avenue, LlanellI County Superilltendents Miss A. R. Kemp, MRCS, LRCP, MB, BS, MRCOG, DPM, Arden Cottage, Pontantwn, Kidwelly County Surgeon A. Morgan, MRCS, LRCP, Lluest, 5 Brynmawr Avenue, Ammanford Assistant Commissioners T. H. James, 130 High Street, Ammanford A. W. Holloway, 15 Cowell Street, Llanelli . Assistant County Superintendents Mrs E. M. Jones, 37 Hedley Terrace, LlanellI Mrs E. M. Davies, . ' 23a Wind Street, Arnmanford Assistant County Surgeons G. Morgan, MRCS, LRCP, 30 Llandello Road, Llandyble W. Cledwyn Thomas, MRCS, LRCP, The Graig, Ty-Isha Road, Llanelli County Nursing Officer Mrs D. E. Murray, SRN, SCM, HV, 18 Waterloo Terrace, Carmarthen County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) 1. Gwyn, 56 Heol-y-Garreglas, Llandeilo County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant


Training Officer for Wales J. P. Harries Headquarters Staff Officers Lt-Col W. C. Hunt

Mrs J. R. L. Traherne

Major R. L. Spurrell

INSPECTORATE OF THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER FOR WALES Commissioner Melbourne Thomas, Chief Constable, Police Headquarters, Bridgend, Glam. Commissioner G. E. Davies, 13 Bryntirion, Bedwas, Mon. Commissioner R. Davies, Cilgerran, 11 Coryton Rise, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF4 7ES Commissioner W. R. King, MB, BCH, BSC, Tall Trees, Caemawr Road, Porth, Rhondda, Glam. County Superintendent Mrs C. M . Gregg, Birr Lodge, Walston Close, Wenvoe, Glam. County Surgeons A. D. Griffith, LMSSA, FRGS, RNR, (REID), 64 South Road, Sully, Glam. D. R . B. Mathias, MRCS, LRCP, la High Street, Welshpool Staff Officer L. E. Richards, MM, The Firs, Jerry's Lane, Pandy Road, Bedwas, Mon. ANGLESEY President Sir Richard Williams-Bulkeley, BT, Lord Lieutenant Lady President Lady Williams-Bulkeley Vice-Presidents Rt. Hon. Cledwyn Hughes, MP (Ambulance) Mrs L. Marshall (Nursing Cadet) Commissioner Major M. L. Isherwood, TD, 'Wenallt,' Sandy Lane, Rbosneigr, Anglesey County Superintednent (N) Vacant County Surgeon E. Ap. Cynan, MRCS, LRCP, Pen Pare, New Park Road, Holyhead County Nursing Officer Mrs B. Hughes, SR N, 'Cefn,' Llangristiolus, Bodorgan County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs M. Archer, 'Dromara,' 6 New Park Road, Holyhead BRECONSHIRE President Capt. N. G. Garnons-Williams, MBE, IP, RN, Lord Lieutenant Commissioner Lt-Col. L. F. Q MacLaine, MB, CHB, RAMC, HQ Wales District, The Barracks, Brecon Deputy Commissioner W. P. Pryce, Police House, Coedwaungar, Sennybridge County Superintendent Miss B Gwynne-Howell, Dol-y-Ffyn, Builth Wells County Surgeon R. G. Evans, MB, BCH, DPH, Uplands, Cradoc Road, Brecon Asst. County Surgeon D. Wilson, MB, BS, DRCOG, West Cwrn, Cusop, Hay-on-Wye Asst. County Surgeon G. M. Jones, MRCS, LRCP, Pendre, Cloth Hall Lane, Cefn Coed Merthyr Tydfil County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant CAERNARVONSHIRE President Sir Michael Duff, BT, Lord Lieutenant Lady President Mrs O. Caradoc-Evans Vice-Presidents J Halstead-Smith, MB, FRCS (Ambulance) K Hughes Jones, LRCP, LRCS, LRFP & (Ambulance) Lady G Wynne Finch (Nursing) Miss M Lloyd Williams, SRN (Nursing) Commissioner Noel Roberts, MA, LMSSA, 37 Castle Square, Caernarvon Deputy Commissioner Lieut.-Colonel W J Williams, OBE, LLB, BSC, Chief Constable, Caemarvon County Superintendent (N) Mrs E A Jones, SRN, 'Tegfan', 14 Terfyn Terrace, Portdinorwic County Surgeon E Wynne-Jones, MB, BCH, Bryn, Penmaenmawr Asst. County Surgeon 1. W. Jones, MB, BS, Rhandirmyn, Bryn Dymchwel, Llandegai, Bangor County Nursing Officer Mrs J. H. Rowlands, SRN, Plas Newydd, Penmaenmawr, Caernarvonshire County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) G. Edwards, 'Redc1iffe,' 58 Rhuddlan Avenue, Llandudno County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs H. J. Rowlands, SRN, PI as Newydd, Penmaenrnawr CARDIGANSHIRE President Capt. J. Hext Lewes, OBE, Lady President Mrs E. D. Churchill



Lord Lieutenant


DENBIGHSlllRE President Col Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, BT, CBE, IP, Lord Lieutenant Lady President Lady Lowther Vice-President Vacant Commissioner Lt-Col. Sir William G. Lowther, BT, OBE, Erbistock Hall, Wrexbam Deputy Commissioner E. Ellis, Parc-y-Dre, Ruthin . County Superintendent (N) Mrs S. Reid, MB, CHB, The Old Rectory, Llanychan, Ruthlll County Surgeon M. T. Islwyn Jones, MD, DPH, 16 Grosvenor Road, Wrexham Assistant Commissioner D. J. Griffith, 64 Hay tor Road, Croeseneurys, Wrexham County Nursing Officer Miss D. E. Bridger, SRN, Maelor General Hospital, Wrexham Assistant Nursing Officer Miss M. Mitchell, SRN, Maelor General Hospital, Wrexham County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) R. B. Jones, 22 Tan-Y-Clawdd, Johnstown, Wrexham M. Davies, 16 St David's Road, Old Colwyn County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Vacant FL1NT President Brig. H. S. K. Mainwaring, CB, CBE, DSO, TD, Lord Lieutenant Commissioner H. J. Bradley, MRCS, LRCP, Cambria, Penyffordd, Nr Chester Deputy Commissioner R. H. Guy, 24 High Park, Hawarden, Deeside District Superintendent (N) Mrs N. 1. Bailey, 19 Pendyffryn Road, Rhyl District Surgeon G. H. Collier, MRCS, LRCP, Shandon, Brunswick Road, Buckley District Nursing Officer Vacant . District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F. Rogers, 5 Marine Drive, Chester Close, Shotton, Deeslde EAST GLAMORGAN President J. S. A. Hodge Lady President Mrs E. Withers Vice-Presidents J. D. Smith (Ambulance) Mrs M. Hodge (Nursing) C. T. Holmes, JP (Ambulance Cadets) Mrs D. E. Seager, MBE, JP (Nursing Cadets) Commissioner T. G. Morris, Breezeways, 179 Cyncoed Road, Cardiff Deputy Commissioner R. W. Edwards, 89 Westward Rise, Barry District Superintendent Mrs M. E. Morris, SRN, Breezeways, 179 Cyncoed Road, C~rdiff . District Surgeon D. W. Williamson, MB, CHB, DRCOG, 37 Lomond Crescent, Lakeside, Cardiff Assistant Commissioners 1. H. Jones, 51 Usk Road, Bargoed R. R. Pickering, l8 Winston Road, Barry W. J. Thomas, MBE, 56 Forest Road, Canton, Cardiff Assistant District Surgeons Dr S. Copp, MRCS, LRCP, 37 Gabalfa Avenue, Cardiff Dr J. S. Turner, MRCS, LRCP, 'Eastleigh', Heol Fargoed, Bargoed



Assistant District Superintendent Mrs G. F. Bruton, SRN, 54 Maesygraig Street, Gilfach, Bargoed District Nursing Officer Miss J. C. Evans, SRN, SCM , 47 Gilfach Street, Bargoed District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) K. J. Evans, SR ,72 Heol-Y-Deri, Rhiwbina, Cardiff District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) (Vacant) MID-GLAMORGAN President G. M. Williams, MC Commissioner D. B. Price, MB, BCH, DRCOG, The Croft, 81 Park Street, Bridgend Deputy Commissioners E Ree , 49 Heol Penderyn, Longfod, Neath Abbey W. C. Hole 19 Llewellyn, Street, Nantymoel, Bridgend District Superintendent Mrs C. A. Watts, SRN, Cot Farm, Cefn Cribbwr, Bridgend District Surgeon D. J. Thomas, BSC, MB, BCE, National Coal Board, Tondu Office, Aberkenfig, Bridgend Assistant Commissioner T. G. Churchill, 45 Philadelphia Road, Porthcawl Assistallt District Superil1tendents Mrs A. V. F. Parker, 18 Parkfields Road, Bridgend Mrs 1. M. Jenkins, 12 Edward Street, Glynneath Assistant District Surgeons J. N. Thomas, MRCS, LRCP, The Surgery, Aberdulais, Neath A. N. Pearson, MA, MB, BCH, 38 Victoria Avenue, Porthcawl L. Saville, LRCPS, LRFP&S, The Surgery, Ogmore Vale, Bridgend District Nursing Officer Mrs 1. E. Groom, SRN, SCM, Kahloke Trgoes, Nr Bridgend District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) D. T. Davies, Bryn Cerdd, Cefn Cribbwr, Bridgend District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs E. M. Wakefield, 44 Oaklands Road, Bridgend Assistant District Nursing Officer Mrs D . H . Thomas, SRN, 34 Lewis Place, Porthcawl NORTH GLAMORGAN Lady President Lady G. Ffrangcon Williams, JP Commissioner R . O. Riggs, 1 Glyncoed Terrace, Merthyr Tydfll Deputy Commissioner L. Davies, 115 Ty Fry, Aberdare Assistant Commissioner T. Long, 2 Walters Terrace, Twynyrodyn, Merthyl' Tydfll District Superintendent Mrs R. M. Protheroe, 9 Tudor Terrace, Gadlys, Aberdare District Surgeon J. F. Scales, LRCP, The Laurels, Penrhiwceiber District Nursing Officer Vacant District Staff Officer (Cadets)(A) A. Parfitt, 8 Rock Street, Mountain Ash District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs P. Harrison Roderick, Harrisonville, Cwmdare, Aberdare WEST GLAMORGAN President Vacant Lady President Mrs Methuen Campbell Vice-President Mrs M. A. Crouch Commissioner H. C. L. Havard, Glen View, 6 Lon Towy, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 OXX Deputy Commissioner C. Ll. Powell, JP, FCA, Brierley House, Derwen Fawr Road, Sketty, Swansea District Superintendent Miss Mair Davies, SRN, Hill House Hospital, Sketty, Swansea District Surgeon Col B. Brendon Hickey, TD, QHS, MA, MCH, FRCS, Fielding, Kittle, Bishoptol1, Swansea A ssistant Commissioner J. D. Morton, MIME Tyle Teg, Terrace Road, Swansea Assistant District Superintendent Miss M. H. Sykes, 2 Grove Road, Clydach, Swansea Assistant District Surgeon Lindsay Morgan, MB, BS, DIH, Medical Department, International Nickel Ltd, Clydach, Swansea District Nursing Officer Miss D. E. Davies, SRN, RFN, 7 Kingston Road, Sketty, Swansea Assistant District Nursing Officer Mrs M. Beddoe, SRN, RSCN, 55 Lon Masarn, Ty Coch, Swansea District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) W. Phelps, Bordesley, Teilo Crescent, Mayhill, Swansea District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Miss S. E. Howe, 23 Waunscil Avenue, Bridgend RHONDDA AND PONTYPRIDD Lady President Mrs E. R. S. Morris-Thomas, JP Commissioner W. B. Davies, MB CHB, Penfro, Maerdy, Rhondda Deputy Commissiollers B. T. Jones, 59 Pantygraigwen Road, Pontypridd W. H. Newbury, 21 llughes Street, Penygraig, Rhondda District Superintendent Mr W. R. King, SRN, Tall Trees, Caemawr Road, Porth, Rhondda District Surgeon G. J. Moses, BSC, MB , BCR, Garth House, Pontyclun, Glam. Assistant Commissioners H. Lloyd, 12 Richard Street, Cilfynydd, Pontypridd J. A. David, J P, 21 Bridgend Road, L1anharan A si tallt District Superilltendents Mrs J. Williams , 10 Taff Street, Porth, Rhondda Mrs M. Williams, 3 Underwood Terrace, Pantygraigwen, Pontypridd As isfant District Surgeoll E. J. A. B. James, MB, BCR, The Field, Morgan Street, Pontypridd



District Nursing Officer Mrs S. M. James, SRN, 57 North Road, Porth, ~hondda .' District Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) F. E. Ford, 35 Telelkebir R~acl, H?pkmstown, PontYPlldd District Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs V. Davies, Rescue StatIon, DJl1as, Porth, Rhondda MERiONETHSHIRE President Col J. F . Williams-Wynne, DSO, JP Lady President Lady (Gladys) Russon . Commissioner 1. W. Griffith, MB, CHB, Swn-y-Gwynt, Penrhyndeudraeth . . Deputy Commissioners J. L. Jones, JP, 4 Gwelfor Terrace, Aberdovey (Trammg) J. D. Jones, 6 Haulfryn Terrace, Oakley Square, BJaen au . . County Superintendent (N) Mrs K. Owen, Police StatIon, Llandl'lllo Coullty Surgeon Vacant County Nursing Officer C. Hartley, SRN d d h Assistant County Nursing Officer Mrs J. P. Griffith, SRN, RSCN, Swn y <?wynt, Penrhyn eu. r~et County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) C. P. Roberts, Bryn Erw, 3.Bowyd.d VIew, BI~enau, Ffestll110g County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) (Acting) Mrs K. Owen, Police StatIon, Llandnllo



County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) Vacant County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs L. J. Thompson, Fistral Red Bank, Welshpool

PRIORY OF CANADA 321 Chapel Street, Ottawa, Canada Director of Association Brig-General C. J. Laurin, OB E Surgeon-in-Chief A. C. Hardman, CD , MD, DPH Chief Commissioner Colonel J. Redmond Roche, OBE, ED, QC, FRSA, Superintendent-in-Chief (N) Mrs Peter L. Robinson Priory Secretary Brig-General T. A. Johnston, OB E, ED , CD, P.O. Box 88, Terminal 'A', Ottawa 2, Ontario

PEMBROKESHIRE President The Hon Richard H. Philipps, MBE, IP, Lord Lieutenant Lady President Lady Marion Philipps Vice-Presidents H. Owen . ) .. MThe S Lord Merthyr, PC ' TD , VL, JP , (Ambulance) Mrs E. , IP , ()\T l vursmg CommlSSlOner . . Roberts, County Police H.Q., Haverfordwest County Superintendent (N) Mrs M. J. Bowling, 'Old Chimneys,' St Florence, Tenby County Surgeon D .. J. Davies, MBE, MD, BS, DPH, BSC, 'Rorkes Drift,' Johnston Asst County Supenntendent (N) Mrs M. C. Munt, 29 Hill Lane, Haverfordwest County Staff Officer (Cadets) (N) Mrs S. E. Francis, Clydfan, Slade, Haverfordwest County Staff Officer (Cadets) (A) S. Morris, 8 Dartmouth Gardens, Milford Haven RADNORSHIRE Preside.nt.Brigadier Sir. Michael. Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, BT, MVO, IP, Lord Lieutenant CommISSIOner H. E. Llchtenstem, MB, BCH, Brynteg, Llandrindon Wells

PRIORY IN AUSTRALIA Order of St John, Box 275, Act 2603, Munuka, Canberra Brigade 194 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria Director of Association Air Vice-Marshal E. A. Daley, CBE Chief Commissioner Col D. Donald, ED Chief Superintendent (N) Miss F. C. B. McKay, CHM, MB Chief Surgeon Lt-Col Sir Geoffrey Newman Morris, ED Priory Secretary The Ven E. A. Pitt, MA COMMANDERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 298 Wellington Street, Perth, W. Australia Director of Association and Commandery Commissioner J. M. Lavan, Esq. Commissioner Dr A. J. King Commandery Secretary Dr L. G. B. Cumpston

COMMANDERY IN CENTRAL AFRICA P.O. Box 536, Salisbury, Rhodesia Director of Ambulance Professor W. Fraser Ross, BSC, MB, CHB, DPH Commandery Commissioner A. L. Cairns, MB, CHB, DIH Deputy Commandery Commissioner Col D. H. Grainger, OBE, ED, FROS, Commandery Superintendent (1 -) Mrs Daphne R. Fyfe Commandery Surgeon Vacant Commandery Secretary L. P. Scandroglio, ACIS


INDIA AND PAKISTAN INDIA 1 Red Cross Road, New Delhi 1 ASSOCIATION President Dr Zahir Husain, President of India Chiarman Shri K. K. Shah, Minister of Health Secretary-General Shri Brij M . Jolly BRIGADE Commissioner-ill-Chief Dr Gurbax Singh Superintendent-in-Chief Mrs A. Cherian Surgeon-in-Chief Dr P. K. Duraiswani Chief Nursing Officer Miss T . K. Adranwala Deputy C-in-C Lt-Col P. Bhatia


PRIORIES AND COMMANDERIES OVERSEAS PRIORY FOR SOUTH AFRICA P.~. Box 7137, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa Dlrect.or of Am~ulance and Chief Commissioner J. P. Laurens, Esq. Supermtendent-tn-Chief (N) Mrs C. A. Walker Su:geon-in-Chief A. Rabinowitz, MD, LRCP, MRCS PrIOry Secretary J. S. Viljoen PRIORY IN NEW ZEALAND P.? Box 10-043, Wellington, New Zealand Director of Association A. T. Gandell, CBE Chief Commissioner Brig. J. M. Mitchell DSO ED Superintendent-in-Chief(N) Miss B. P. CoOk ' Surgeon-in-Chief A. F. Gordon Anderson PRCS Priory Secretary C. Meachen, MBE, JP ,


National Headquarters, Frere Street, Karachi 4 ASSOCIATION President Field Marshal Mohammed Ayub Khan, President of Pakistan Chairman Syed Wajid Ali Shah, HQA Secretary Safdar Ali Khan, SK BRIGADE Chief Commissioner Syed Wajid Ali Shah, HQA Surgeon-in-ChiefBrigadier M. Sharif Asst Comm Mr Safdar Ali Khan


Chairman Vacant

Secretary Sergeant Earl Alleyne, Police H.Q.,

BRIGADE Area Commissioner Vacant






ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor Police H.Q., Bridgetown

Chairll1an Captain W. A. Farmer

Secretary Sergeant D. C. Mason,

ASSOCIATION Preside1lt H.E. The Governor Headquarters, Gibraltar

Chairman Dr J. C. Cassaglia

Secretary Francis Felice, Police

BRIGADE Commissioller Colonel J. Connell, OBE, ED, P.O. Box 236, Bridgetown, Barbados Deputy Commissioner Major L. E. Banfield, MRE, ED District SlIperintendent (N) Mr H. Ch~lloner District Surgeoll Dr A. L. Stuart

BRIGADE Commissioller Capt W. H. K. C. Hoare, Fire Brigade H.Q., Gibraltar Mrs D. Ellicott, MBE District Surgeon Dr C. M. Montegriffo


BRIGADE Commissioner Vacant

District Superilltendent (N)

GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor Chairman Wing Commander L. J. Fountain, OBE, DFC Secretary D. F. Fetigan, c/o Bermuda Electric Light Co. Ltd, Pembroke, Bermuda

GUYANA ASSOCIATION Presidellt H.E. The Governor-General Chairman Sir Donald Jackson P.O. Box 236, Georgetown, Guyana

BRIGADE Commissioner Lt Col J. Keeffe, Bermuda Fire & Insurance Co, Hamilton, Bermuda District Superintendent (N) Mrs B. Barton District SlIrgeon Dr Morley Nash

Secretary E. C. P. Von Eeden

BRIGADE Commissioner The Rev. J. A. Phoenix, Christ the King Vicarage, Mackenzie, Demerara River, Guyana Deputy Commissioner L. F. Watkins, QFSM, CPM District Superintendent (N) Mrs S. Steele District Surgeon Dr L. H. Wharton, MBE




ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor Chairman The Hon K. Fung Ping Fan, Walker, St John Headquarters, 2 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong

ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor-General Chairman The Honourable Minister of Health Secretary C. 1. Edwards, St John H.Q., Baladaksha Mawatha, Galle Face, Colombo 3 BRIGADE Commissioner Col. D. N. Rockwood, ED, JP, St John Ambulance H.Q., Baladaksha Mawatha, Galle Face, Colombo 3 Deputy Commissioner Professor Milroy Paul District Superintendent (N) Miss G. Fernando District Surgeon Dr N. F. Gunasekera


Secretary Mrs Mary

BRIGADE Commissioller Colonel H. A. de B. Botelho, OBE, ED, 2 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong Deputy Commissioller Vacant District Superintendent (N) Miss A. A. Unthank District Surgeoll Dr Raymond W. C. Mok

JAMAICA CYPRUS ASSOCIATION President President of Cyprus, His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios Secretary Miss S. Yeghiayan, P.O. Box 1711, Nicosia, Cyprus

ASSOCIATION Director E. G. Groves, 2e Camp Road, Kingston 5 Chairman Dr Zenon G. Panos BRIGADE Senior Commissioller Dr R. D. K. Levy, St John H.Q., 2e Camp Road, Kingston 5

BRIGADE Commissioner Dr Z. G. Panos

Deputy Commissioner Dr F. Rassim H. Q. Officer for Cyprus Miss S. Yeghiayan, P.O. Box 1711, Nicosia

FIJI ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor

Chairman W. E. Donovan,



Organising Secretary and Training Officer S. C. Addo-Abedi,

BRIGADE Commissioner B. A. Yakubu, Police Headquarters Accra Deputy Commissioner Vacant District Superilltendellt (N) Miss D. A. N. Kisseih, SRN District Surgeon Dr E. W. Q. Bannerman


Chairman Lady Mitchell


Secretary Lady

District Surgeon Dr L. Jacobs


Jamaica North-West MS,


ASSOCIATION Director Miss D. A. N. Kisseih, P.O. Box, M117, Accra

ASSOCIATION President Margerita, Lady Howard-de-Walden, Henley, P.O. Box 146, Ocho Rios

BRIGADE Commissioner Vacant, 2e Camp Road, Kingston 5 Superintendent (N) Mrs K. Hetherington

Secretary Vacant

BRIGADE Commissioner W. E. Donovan, OBE, ISO, KSG, G.P.O. Box 18, Suva Deputy Commissioner "V. P. Ragg District SlIperintendent (N) Mrs E. M. Beckett, SRN District Surgeon G. Rutledge, DCH,

Jamaica North-East

ASSOCIATION President H. C. Cahusac, CBE, JP Chairman A. Dale Ltd, Frome P.O., Westmoreland, Jamaica

Secretary A. Dale, West Indies Sugar Co.

BRIGADE Commissioner H. Cahusac, CBE, J P, 2e Camp Road, Kingston 5 Deputy Commissioller Vacant District Sllperintendent (N) Vacant District Surgeon H. A. A. Brown, LRCS, LRCP, LM

Jamaica South-East ASSOCIATION Chairman Vacant

Secretary Mrs G. Delapenha, 2e Camp Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica




BRIGADE Commissioner R. H. Williams, 2e Camp Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica District Superintendent (N) Mrs V. Rothery

Deputy Commissioner Vacant

Jamaica South-West ASSOCIATION Chairman Dr CarlO. Lyons, 2e Camp Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica

Secretary Vacant

BRIGADE Commissioner Commander C. W. Hillman, OBE, RN(Retd), 2e Camp Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica District Surgeon M. D. Judd, MB, BS

Jamaica Police ASSOCIATION Chairman Deputy Commissioner of Police Secretary Corporal R. F. Headley, c/o Police Traffic Dept, 16 Lower Elletson Road, Kingston, Jamaica

Jamaica Prisons ASSOCIATION Chairman E. Williams Jamaica

Secretary George Davis, c/o The General Penitentiary, Tower Street, Kingston

ASSOCIATION Secretary The Association Secretary, Kenya Centre, S.J.A.A., P.O. Box 1469, Nairobi, Kenya BRIGADE Commissioner Sir Charles Markham, BT, P.O. Box 1469, Nairobi Deputy Commissioner Vacant District Superintendent (N) Mrs C. A. A. Everard, SRN District Surgeon L. R. Whittaker, MRCS, LRCP, BCH, DMRD

LEEWARD ISLANDS Antigua Chairman Vacant

Secretary Mrs J. Challenger, P.O. Box 52,

BRIGADE Chief Commissioner The Hon J. Msonthi, P.O. Box 500, Limbe, Malawi Staff Officer S. W. Rollings, P.O. Box 500, Limbe, Malawi

MALAYSIA ASSOCIATION President The Hon'ble Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussain, SIMP, OKIS, SMN, SPMJ, SPMP, LLD Chairman Tan Sri Abdul Kadir bin Shamsuddin, PMN Secretary Enche Zainal Abidin Bin Endot, S.J.A.A. & S.J.A.B. National H.Q., 41 Shelley Road, Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia BRIGADE Commissioner Y. B. Dato (Dr) Haji Megat Khas, DPMP, JP, PJK, 41 Shelley Road, Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia District Superintendent (N) Puan Sri Datin Sadiah Sardon Al-Hajjah District Surgeon Dr T. Visvanathan


Secretary Mrs McRetney

BRIGADE Area Superintendent J. Bailey, Police Headquarters, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Montserrat ASSOCIATION President H.H. The Administrator Chairman Vacant Secretary c/o Police Headquarters, Montserrat BRIGADE Area Superintendent H . H. Bissett, Police Headquarters, Plymouth, Montserrat

BRIGADE Area Superintendent A. T. Joseph, P.O. Box 260, Basseterre

BRIGADE Commissioner Lieut.-Colonel J. V. Abela, OBE, G.P.O. Box 560, Malta Vacant District Surgeon Dr C. G. Cassar

Secretary E. H. W. Borg,

District Superintendent (N)

MAURITIUS ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor-General Chairman Vacant Secretary Mr Nethyarnanden Rangesamy, St John Headquarters, Abercrombie Road, Vacoas, Mauritius BRIGADE Commissioner J. G. Ohis District Superintendent (N) Vacant District Surgeon Dr R. Pilot, MBE District Secretary St John H.Q., Abercrombie Road, Vacoas

Secretary E. J. Scanlon, Personal Manager,

Nigerian Police ASSOCIATION Secretary Office of the Inspector General, The Nigeria Police, Obalende, Lagos BRIGADE Commissioner Kam Selem, NPM, QPM Deputy Commissioner T. A. Fagbola

District Surgeon Dr Norman Williams

Nigerian Railways ASSOCIATION Secretary Chief Medical Officer, Medical Department, Nigerian Railway Corporation, Ebute Metta, Nigeria BRIGADE Commissioner Dr D. O. Ndukwe, Nigerian Railways Corporation, Ebute Metta, Lagos District Surgeon Vacant

St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor Chairman Dr C. M. Sebastian P.O. Box 192, Basseterre, St Kitts

Chairman Lt-Col J. V. Abela, OBE

ASSOCIATION President G. C. E. Onoh Chairman E. P. Nwasike Nigerian Coal Corporation, Enugu, Nigeria

British Virgin Islands ASSOCIATION President H.H. The Administrator Chairman H. H. J. S. Thomson, MBE c/o Administrator's Office, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Senior Commissioner G. Mann

NIGERIA Coal Corporation

BRIGADE Area Superintendent J. Byron, MVO, 9a Redcliffe Street, St John's, Antigua


ASSOCIATION Secretary W. I. Banda, P.O. Box 532, Limbe, Malawi

ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor-General 109 Main Street, St Julian's, Malta


ASSOCIATION President H.E. The Governor St John's, Antigua


Secretary Miss G. Sebastian,

Nigerian Ports Authority ASSOCIATION Chairman J. O. M. Bolanle, AM INSTT Secretary W. Z. Coker-Dickens, Establishment Officer, Nigerian Ports Authority, H.Q., Lagos




BRIGADE Commissioner 1. O. M. Bolanle, Nigerian Ports Authority, Private Mail Bag 12588,26/28, Marin a, Lagos Deputy Commissioner J. Midley-Scott District Surgeon Dr B. A. 10hnson M B, CH B(GLAS .) DTM & H(L'POOL)


. . . . . Secretary O. E. Ohvler, 4 Terry Street, St James, Tnrudad , West lndle

~~~!ner J. D'Arcy, St John H.Q., P.O. Box 657, Port of Spain, Trin.idad, W.1. .

SABAH ASSOCIATION Clzairmall Chow Shee Seng Secretary Miss Amy Li, P.O. Box 432, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah BRIGADE Commissioner Dr E. R. Dingley, P.O. Box 432, Kota Kinabalu District Superilltendent (N) Miss B. E. Gibbs, SR ,SCM District Surgeon Dr K. H. Blaauw H.Q. Officer for Sabah Mrs M. Chin

Commissioner Vacant Dr V. 1. Massiah

District Superintendent (N) Mrs B. Archbold-Cnchlow

n,epllty Dlstnct Surgeon

TURKS AND CAlC OS ISLANDS BRIGADE Area Superintendent Police H .Q ., Grand Turk, Turk and Caicos Islands

SEYCHELLES ASSOCIATION Secretary Force Training Officer, Police Training School, P.O. Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles BRIGADE Commissioner F. O. Marrablc, Police H .Q., PO Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles District Surgeon Dr H. M. Stevenson-Delhomme, CBE

Chairman R . Muwanga

BRIGADE Commissioner E . W. Oryem a, c/o St John H .Q., 29 Buganda Road, Kampala or P .O. Box 464 Deputy Commissioner Dr J. W. W. Kasirye District Superintendent (N) Vacant

SIERRA LEONE Police Force ASSOCIATION Secretary The Commandant, Police Training School, Hastings, Sierra Leone BRIGADE Commissioner M. S. Parker, The Commissioner of Police, c/o Police H.Q. , George Street, Freetown Deputy Commissioner J. N. E. G. Smith District Surgeon Dr D. E. Boye-Johnson, OBE H.Q. Officer for Sierra Leone J. A. Finney, c/o Police H.Q., George Street, Freetown

WINDWARD ISLANDS Dominica ASSOCIATION President H. E. The Governor

Ch airman Vacant

Secretary V. 1. Winston, Dominica

BRIGADE Commissioner Major L. E. Johnson , 17 Murphy's Lane, Goodwill , Dominica

Prison Service ASSOCIATION President O. G. Hughes, MBE Chairman M. L. Fadika Training School, New England, Freetown

Secretary Frank M. Kobi, Prison Officer's

ASSOCIATION President H. E. Inche Yusof Bin Ishak Chairman Dr P. C. Kwan, Lum, S. J. A. A. Headquarters, 420 Beach Road, Singapore, 7

Grenada ASSOCIATION President H. E. The Governor St George's, Grenada


Secretary Mr Leong Pui

BRIGADE Commissioner Dr K. L. Loh, 420 Beach Road, Singapore 7 Deputy Commissioner Tan Bian Kim District Superintelldent (N) Miss Ngoi Soo Mee District Surgeon Dr S. R. Sayampanathan, MB, BS, DPH

Chairman Leslie Pierre

Secretary Miss L. Comissiong, P.O. Box 46,

BRIGADE Commissioner Lt-Colonel C. M. Roberts, MBE, Marine Villa, St. George's, Grenada Deputy Commissioner P. McLeish District Superintendent (N) Mrs B. Mascoll , MBE District Surgeon B. A. Rapier, MB, CHB, DTHM, DCH

St. Lucia ASSOCIATION President H . E . The Governor

SOUTH YEMEN ASSOCIAnON President Sheikh Ali Attef AI-Kaladi Chairman S. M. A. Ghanem Police Training School, Crater, Aden

Secretary The Commandant,

SUDAN ASSOCIATION Secretary Abdel Moneim Ramadan, General Manager's Office (personnel), Sudan Railways, Atbara

SWAZILAND Brigade Commissioller V. T. Smithyman, Swaziland

UGANDA ASSOCIATION President H. E. The President, The Hon. Dr A. Milton Obote Secretary Miss H . L. M. Few, P.O. Box 464, K ampala


Swaziland Police Headquarters, P.O. Box 49, Mba bane,


BRIGADE Commissioner S. H . Brookes,

Chairman The Hon W. St Clair D aniel


Secretary Vacant

Police H.Q., St Lucia

St. Vincent ASSOCIATION President H. E. The Administrator Chairman Lt.-Col. S. A. Anderson, MYO, MBE, QPM Secretary Inspector H. Phipps, Police Headquarters , Kingstown, St Vincent, West Indies BRIGADE Area Superintendent Lt-Col. S. A. Anderson , St. Vincent


Police Headquarters, Kingstown,

ASSOCIATION Chairman Hamsa Aziz, Commissioner of Police Secretary Mrs H. Ball, PO Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania BRIGADE Commissioller Vacanl PO Box 468, Dar-es-Salaam District Surgeoll Dr M. B. Ngirwamungu









Total Nwnber of Populationt Certi/icates Gained During the Yeart

Association Centres



Ambulance Cadet

Nursing Cadet


Cases Treated








3,580 3,776 3,169 4,998 4,938

1,404 1,601 2,350 3,299 1,777

2,286 1,034 2,350 1,087 3,346

3,069 1,645 2,705 1,946 3,150

635 500 583 552 676

45,455 144,682 108,587 *85,000 233,305

448 204

801 102

454 69

1,267 103

122 42

9,472 3,943

23,581 3,503

4,699 144

7,681 340

3,609 33

1,612 98



141 42


14 21

20 8

3,300 177

11,017 *2,539 1,657 758 *151

1,284 *174 227

*113 2,369

23 *75 1,250



73 *55 117 12 *7

6,621 *780 8,143 862 *117

156 1,225

178 395


93 278

18 116

915 10,372

3,361 11 ,704 170 *3,230

254 173 19 *2,365


115 453 25 *1 ,353

40 108 8 *283

12,655 6,854 93 *5,324

251 428 10,303 217 340 2,235 2,261

110 27

132 99

75 48




410 1,064 1,264 167

60 1,720

67 1,991


36 19 64 18 5 17 224






4,367 40



Wales ................................................................................ . 2,709,930 South Africa .............................................................. . 18,298,000 New Zealand ............................................................... 2,781,000 Canada ............................................................................. . 20,334,000 Australia........................................................................... 11,929,000

7,980 12,351 *12,153 127,882 *40,377

17 7

1,485,000 2.900,000

3,594 997


India .................................................................................... 511,298,000 Pakistan ........................................................................... 102,876,000 Bahamas........................................................................... 145,896 Barbados ........................................................................ 251 ,000 Bermuda ........................................................................ 50,000 British Honduras...................................................... 114,000

188,012 5,776 *90 399 *138 *47

27 4 1 1 1

Ceylon ............................................................................. . 10,582,000 614,000 Cyprus ............................................................................. . 477,000 Fiji .......................................................................................... Ghana ............................................................................. . 7,945,000 25,000 Gibraltar ........................................................................ 52,000 Gilbert and Ellis Islands ................................ . 692,000 Guyana .......................................................................... . Hong Kong .................................................................. 3,527,000 Iraq ................................................................................... . 8,262,000 Jamaica .............................................................................. 1,893,000 Kenya .............................................................................. 9,104,000 76,808 Leeward Islands ..................................................... . Malaysia (W) ............................................................ 9,880,000 Malawi ............................................................................. . 4,042,000 318,000 Malta ............................................................................. . 803,000 Mauritius ....................................................................... . Nigeria ............................................................................. . 55,000,000 578,000 Sabah ............................................................................. . 48,700 Seychelles ........................................................................ Sierra Leone.................................................................. 2,183,000 Singapore ........................................................................ 1,956,000 900,000 South Yemen ........................................................... . Sudan .............................................................................. 1,354,000 389,000 Swaziland .................................................................. Tanzania ....................................................................... . 12,231,000 828,000 Trinidad and Tobago ................................... . 6,000 Turks and Caicos ............................................... . Uganda ....................................................................... . 7,740,000 410,534 Windward Isles .................................................... " Zambia ............................................................................. . 3,894,000

2,118 712 837 647 137


ENGLAND ........................................................................



11 7


Ards (Northern Ireland) ................................ . Central Africa ........................................................... .



TOTALS ........................................................................

484 5,877 *165 740 2,625 23 *6,908 126 349 293 2,385 115 16 *130 6,897 *180 *40 *45 *454 890 *5 907 *150




1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6 1 4 1 1 1

1 4 1 1

2 1 1 1

178 62 283

340 1 4 1

816 507











11 ,106

865 1,838


NOTES : t Population figures taken from Whitaker's Almanack 1968


Not including Re-examinations

*1967 figures

(latest available).





No. of Classes


Basic F.A.

Occ. F.A. 57

6 56 6




9 20 49 29

January February March April May June July August September October November December

539 665 1,150 1,053 1,095 599 608 185 237 352 606 1,221

3,172 3,311 6,389 5,207 4,246 2,843 2,383 720 804 1, 103 3,268 7,804

180 263 551 576 564 260 62 84 75 108 340 236

2 13 63 25

706 1,026 2,202 3,489 1,759 1,380 1,982 307 505 716 1,264 1,572







289 324 541 508 433 302 401 113 147 144 400 583

1,632 1,509 2,650 1,830 1,813 1,109 1,136 476 517 319 1,942 3, 168

187 101 200 137 132 79 56

21 4 105 22 4 10 32 6 4 19 14

263 627 1, 153 1,109 1,260 840 1,312 241 263 293 754 1,216

15 27

4, 185


1, 115




Grand Total 1968






Grand Total 1967


63 ,185




55 11 54 32 34 15

17 16 6 24

Lay In s.

C.D. 171 41 161


Pre. Nsg.


141 167 542 474 476 362 268

21 11 20 25

37 15

61 96 160 508

4 ,794 5,346 10,571 10,950 7,927 5,679 5,646 1,406 1,828 2,725 6,891 11,957


RE-EXAM Passed Failed

282 349 603 517 439 351 388 38 73 112 344 599

2,786 3,595 4 ,734 5,452 4,654 1,648 982 450 590 1,218 2,896 4 ,456

57 78 32 76 73 38 34 12 26 27 61 129

75 ,720 4 ,095



192 168 342 265 242 184 207 28 51 93 242 372

1,042 1, 125 2,001 1,608 1,056 522 307 200 48 146 1,408 1,480

44 52 57 45 27

8 9 1 14 29 52


93 91 336 490

272 327 735

14 9 23 19

17 68 93 63 64 68 49 26 10 122 130 119

433 3,527

4, 119





1~ ~

55 173 234 165

10 4

5 35 23 7 45 23

14 13 8 13

50 188 91 93 197 124 220


36 23 87 136 79 28 152 8 31 92 71 57


19 10

56 57 146 162





\ ,384

36,185 2,386


345 988


20 9 50 96 5 23 21

Total Passed

155 323 360 396 430 392 473 79

22 27 14 40 48 22 16 26 40 47 97 34


Pre. i're. Hyg. H.F.H CFH C .W . C .W.

37 40 65 41


39 46 7


39 6

199 302 87 78 199 250 364






DETACHED CLASSES January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals

32 27 47 118


2 14 31

3~ 2~ 1~ I~ ~

8 7


2,467 2,762 4,841 3,885 3,948 2,659 3,471 892 1, 118 1,072 3,496 5,574



34 22

172 337

251 351 61 75 190 273 410










194 1,616





111 ,905 6,481







370 1,974





124,490 7,648

51 ,488 1,267










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(excluding Priory of Wales)

ADULT DISTRICT/ CO UNTY Bedfordshire Berkshire Birmingham Bristol Buckinghamshire Cambridge Cheshire Cornwall Cumberland and Westmorland Derbyshire East, South and North Devon Dorset Durham Essex Gloucestershire Guernsey Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Isle of Man Isle of Wight Jersey Kent Duke of Lancaster's District Leicestershire and Rutland Lincolnshire London (prince of Wales's) District Norfolk Northampton Northumberland Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Plymouth, South-West Devon and East Cornwall Shropshire Somerset Stafford Suffolk Surrey Sussex Warwick Wiltshire Worcestershire East Riding of Yorkshire North Riding of Yorkshire West Riding of Yorkshire Commandery in Northern Ireland








219 307 534 431 391 114 495 469 135 1,499 499 143 1,120 291 286 68 532 80 331 46 110 24 684 3,057 883 398 2,959 555 613 618 1,436 217

121 239 301 178 285 76 355 335 117 539 433 152 320 286 179 54 370 81 296 55 33 59 459 1,613 400 212 2,107 538 404 176 457 110

137 304 244 262 556 51 386 473 214 1,335 476 101 433 282 151 70 791 53 447 92 170 96 587 2,012 366 432 2,627 288 419 169 1,209 195

256 584 391 247 785 263 637 884 245 1,272 1,016 275 473 445 342 142 1,082 208 811 134 58 226 1,102 3,023 624 648 3,700 625 683 244 1,330 344

733 1,434 1,470 1,118 2,017 504 1,873 2,1 61 711 4, 645 2,424 671 2,346 1,304 958 334 2,775 422 1,885 327 371 405 2,832 9,705 2,273 1,690 11,393 2,006 2,11 9 1,207 4,432 866

180 190 403 839 489 474 542 691 201 311 408 291 2,125 448

183 171 305 441 195 420 457 329 139 248 292 314 1,395 801

222 204 356 576 362 498 681 474 283 301 141 184 1,757 454

482 349 756 838 466 836 970 799 403 577 534 294 3,005 1,267

1,067 914 1,820 2,694 1,512 2,228 2,650 2,293 1,026 1,437 1,375 1,083 8,282 2,970






Public Duties Transport Escort Hospital Nursing Aid Other Duties

On Public Duty Off Public Duty

England DUTIES (Hours) 1,939,473 479,101 47,820 160,737 106,909 773,095

CASES TREATED 211,782 145,395

Northern Ireland


28,929 17,001 113 6,662 6,911 17,041


6,625 2,847

218,407 148,242

6 22

7,349 10,537 252,913

496,102 47,933 167,399 113,820 790,136

TRANSPORT Accidents Attended Road Other Invalids Removed

7,343 10,515 241,438




COMPETITION RESULTS IN U.K., 1968 AND 1969 Winning Teams in the Finals of Association and Brigade Competitions 1968 ASSOCIATION Police Electricity Supply

Men Lancashire Constabulary London (Battersea)

National Coal Board National Dock Labour Board U.K. Atomic Energy Authority British Railways, London Transport (Railways) and British Transport Docks

Grimethorpe Colliery Hull Risley Fire Brigade

Western (Newport Ebbw Junction) do. Police Southern (Southampton Docks - No.1) Ministry of Technology R.O.F., Burghfield C.D.E.E., Porton Army Department Gas Industry North Eastern Gas Board National Road Passenger Transport Aberdeen London Telecomm. RegionGeneral Post Office East Region Fire Brigade City & County of Bristol "Daily Express" Industrial N.C.B. Duckmanton Workshops Grand Prior's Trophy Bolsover Colliery Ambulance Division (S.J.A.B.)

Women Cheshire Constabulary Merseyside & North Wales (Chester)

Aldermaston Scottish (Glasgow)

DD/ Acs. 1 Liverpool R.O.F., Glascoed North Eastern Gas Board Liverpool City London Telecomm. RegionSouth Region Palmers Green Nursing Division (S.J.A.B.)

BRIGADE Dewar Shield (Ambulance) Perrott Shield (Nursing) White Knox Cup (Ambulance Cadets) Dunbar-Nasmith Cup (Nursing Cadets)

Bolsover Colliery, Derbyshire Palmers Green, London (Prince of Wales 's) District Norwich Lads Club, Norfolk Royston, Hertfordshire

BRIGADE Dewar Shield (Ambulance) Perrott Shield (Nursing) White Knox Cup (Ambulance Cadets) Dunbar-Nasmith Cup (Nursing Cadets)

Markham Main, West Riding Yorkshire Spalding, Lincolnshire Cefn Cribbwr, Wales Barnstable E. S. & N., Devon

Note: Dates of Competitions not held at time of going to Press: (a) 25th Sept; (b) 5th Oct; (c) 16th Oct; (d) 29th Oct; (e) 20th Nov.


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